IC-NRLF SB 533 ITfl No. 403 America & The East 34 & 35, CONDUIT ST New Bond St., London, W Foreword. /* tt A HE GREATEST EVENT WHICH HAS HAPPENED SINCE THE CREATION OF THE WORLD (LEAVING ASIDE THE INCAR NATION AND DEATH OF HIM WHO CREATED IT) IS THE DISCOVERY OF THE INDIES/ so wrote FRANCISCO LOPEZ DE GO MAR A in the dedication to Charles V. of his " Historia General de las Indias" and if we include with this the Invention of Printing, the Twentieth Century can fully endorse Gomara s words. The Original Printed Records left us by the early discoverers and conquerors of America are of such excessive rarity that some of them are as entirely lost as many of the Ancient Classical Authors; others have only survived to the present, in one or two copies, such as the letters of Columbus, and the Relations of Cortes. The items in this Catalogue are in Chronological order according to the date of publication, and an Alphabetical Index is given at the end. The reader will therefore be able to see at a glance the wealth of interesting and unusual items that are described; we believe that no other Catalogue of recent times has con tained so many books of such excessive rarity dealing with the Discovery of and Early Travels in America. We may mention such books as Carvajal s Oratio, 1493 (which is the First Official Announcement of the Discovery 1 of America); Columbus Second Letter of 1494; Mela s Cosmographia Salamanca, 1498 (which contains the First Spanish Map of the World); Waldseemuller s Cosmo graphy, 1 507 (in which the suggestion was first made of calling the New World after Americus Vespucius); The Famous Map by Ruysch, 1508 (The First Printed Map showing any part of America); The Ptolemy of 1511 (with the First Printed Map of the North American Continent); Peter Martyr s Opera, 1511 (with the Map of Columbus discoveries); The Ptolemy of 1513 (containing the famous Map supposed to have been made by Columbus); Peter Martyr s De Orbe Novo, 1516 (which is the First Edition of the Three Decades concerning the New World, and the Earliest Printed Account of Cabot s Discoveries); Enciso s Surna de geographia, 1519 (The First book printed in Spanish relating to America); The Third and Fourth Relations of Cortes (rarer than the Letters of Columbus). (Continued on page 3 of Cover). IEATRO AMERICANO VILLA SENOR. TEATRO AMERICANO. 1748. See Item No. 157. No. 403 1921 AMERICA AND THE EAST Early Geographies Selected from the Stock CK lytAGGS BROS. (B. D. MAGGS, C. A. MAGGS, E. U. MAGGS), DEALERS IN FINE & RARE BOOKS, PRINTS 8 AUTOGRAPHS 34 &- 35, Conduit Street New Bond Street, London, W. Telegraphic or 5 Cable Address: "Bibliolite, London." Tel.: "Mayfair, 5831." Books can be sent on Approval, if desired, subject to all expenses of carriage being paid and decision made within two days of receipt. SPECIAL ARRANGEMENTS CAN BE MADE FOR SENDING BOOKS ON APPROVAL TO AMERICA AND ABROAD. Commissions undertaken at any of the principal Auctions. (All prices are nett, and do not include carriage.) All books and Manuscripts in this Catalogue enter the United States of America free of Duty. PART I. AMERICA. 1493 A.D. THE FIRST OFFICIAL ANNOUNCEMENT OF THE DISCOVERY OF AMERICA. [i] CARVAJAL (Bernardinus). Oratio ad Alexandram VII. nomine regirni Hispaniae habita super praestanda solenni obedientia. Roman Letter, 28 lines to a page. Small 4to, full morocco, inside double t g. e (Rome, Ste-phan Plannck, 1493). 175 Hain *4545. Proctor 3715. Harrisse II. PtflLechet 3326. The Spanish Cardinal and Statesman Bernardin de Carvajal went to Rome about tiie middle of the year 1493 in order to assure the Pope of the submission of the King of fc paJn which he did with the above peech (one of tho earliest printed diplomatic speeches) on the 19th of June, 1493. The speech refers to all. the political and social events which had ta-ken place till 1492 under Ferdinand II. and Isabella, specially referring to the Union of tho Spanish Monarchy and the final destruction of the ascendancy of the Moors under JSoabdil through the fall of Granada in 1492. On page 6 verso, lines 16 and following, we read the following lines referring to the discovery of America which is the first mention of the Discovery of America in print (with the exception of the Columbus letter of May, 1493). " Subegit quoque sub eis xps fortunatas insulas, qua-rum fertilitatem mirabilem ease conatat. Ondit et nuper alias incognitas versus. Indos quaei maxime ac plene oib 9 inundi preciosis existirnantur, et xpor per regios internuntios brevi pariturae creduntur." (Translation). And Christ placed under their rule the Fortunate Islands, the fer tility of which has been ascertained to be wonderful. And he has lately disclosed some other unknown ones towards the Indies which may be considered among the most precious things on earth; and it is believed that they will be gained over to Christ by the emissaries of the Kiivg. This mention was printed a bare four months after Columbus return from his first voyage of discovery. He had landed on 4th of March, 1493, at Lisbon. Harrisse in his " Notes on Columbus " (Cambridge, 1865). p. 136, writing- of the above book, says : " Another (allusion) of a very eo.rly date which may have preceded even Leander de Cosco s very poor Latin translation of the Admiral s letter, einee it is dated June 19th, 1493, is to be found in a small quarto of 8 leaves, dssued without date or name of printer." The Times Literary Supplement of September 5, 1918, has an article on this raire little volume, and concludes as follows: " When dt is recollected that the famous letter of Columbus announcing his discoveries was dated 3 Kal., May, 1493 (really April 29), and that it is certain that a longer time separated the writing and printing of ihat letter than would intervene between the delivery and printing of CarvajaFs oration, it becomes doubtful whether more than a very few days intervened between the publication of the first printed document relating to America, the letter of Columbu", and the oration of Carvajal, in which that discovery was officially announced to the Church and the world." Only 8 copies are known of this book, nearly all of which aire in Public Libraries. M596333 2 MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. 1493 A.D. THE HONOUR OF THE DISCOVERY OF THE NEW WORLD CLAIMED FOR MARTIN BEHAIM. [2] SCHEDEL (Dr. Hartmann). Liber Chronicarufn. With i, 800 superb woodcuts by Wohlgemuth and Pleydenwurff. Black Letter, 64 long lines to a page, with illuminated initials. Large folio, calf (rebacked). Nuremberg, Anton Koberger, 12th July, 1493. 75 (Harrisse No. 13.) * * * The First Edition of this Famous Chronicle of the Middle Age*, giving a pic torial description of the World. It was published thre<* or four months after Columbus had returned and made known his discovery, but in this Chronicle, MARTIN BEHAIM IS GIVEN THE HONOUR OF BEING THE ACTUAL DISCOVERER, AS A COUNTERCLAIM SET UP IN CONSEQUENCE OF THE NEWS OF COLUMBUS RETURN. The description occurs on Leaf CCXC., and is as follows -. ANNIS UO POSTER10RIBUS V T ANNO DNI. 1483 IOHANES SCD S PORTUGALIE REX ALTISSIMI VIR CORD IS CERT AS GALEAS GIBUS ID V1CTU NECESSARIIS IN- STRUXIT EASQ ULTRA COLUNAS HERCULIS AD MERIDIH VERSUS ETHIOPIA IN- VESTIGATUROS MISIT. PREFECIT AUT HIS PATBONOS DUOS JACOBU CANU PORTUGALENSEM Y MARTINU BOHEMU HOM1NE GERMANU EX NURMBERGA SUPIORIS GERMAN IE DE BONA BOHEMORU FA Ml LI A NATU. HOIEM INQ IN COG- NOSCENDO SITU TERRE PERITISSIMU MARTSQ PACIENTISSIMU. QUIQ PTOLOMEI LOGITUDINES Y LATITUDINES IN OCCIDENTS AD UNGUE EXPERIMETO. LOGEUAQ NAVIGATIONS NOUIT. HIJ DUO BONO DEORTT AUSPICO MARE MERIDIONALE SULTANTES A LITTORE NO LONGE EVAGANTES SUPATO CIRCUIT) EQNOXIALI IN ALTERU ORBEM EXCEPTI SUNT. UBI IP IS STANTIBUS ORIENTE VERSUS UMBRA AD MERIDIE Y DEXTRA PROICIEBAT. 4PERUERE IGIT SUA INDUSTRIA ALIU ORBEM HACTENUS NOBIS INCOGNITU Y MULTIS ANNIS A NTJLLTS QZ JANUENS1BUS LICET FRUSTRA TEMPTATU. PERACTA AUT HMOI NAVIGATIONS VICEiSIMO SEXTO MENSE REUERSI SUNT PORTUGAIJIA PLURIBU8 OB CALIDISSIMI AERIS PATENTIA MORTUIS. This passage states that the King of Portugal, Juan II., sent, in 1483, James Canus, a native of Portugal, and Martin Behairn of Nuremberg, with some galleys to Ethiopia; that they went to the Southern Sea, nea/r the coast, and, after crossing the line, reached the New World, where, when they happened to look towards the East, their shadow, at noon, appeared on the right; that in that region they discovered lands, heretofore unknown, which had not been searched a.fter by any people for many years, except the Genoese, and that in vain; finally, that after a navigation of twenty-six months they returned to Portugal ; and in proof of their discovery brought pepper and grana iparadisi. 1493 A.D. [3] SCHEDEL (Dr. Hartmann). Buch cfer Croniken. The Nuremberg Chronicle with German text. With 1,800 coloured wood cuts. Black Letter. Large folio, sixteenth century binding, oak boards covered with stamped pigskin, dated 1594. Nuremberg, Anton Koberger, 2$rd December, 1493. 52 10s (Harrisse No. 14.) The passage relating to Behaiin s discovery of America occurs on leaf CCLXXXV. MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. 3 1494 A.D. COLUMBUS LETTER WITH THE Six WOODCUTS. [4] COLUMBUS (Christopher) and Carolus VERARDUS. Epistola. (Folio i A title) In laudem Serenissimi Ferdinandi Hispaniarum regis, Bethicae & regni Granatae, obsidio, victoria, & triumphus. ET DE INSULIS IN MARI INDICO NUPER INVENTIS. Roman Letter. With six fine full-page woodcuts. 4to, vellum gilt. Basle, Johannes Bergmann de Olpe, 2ist April, 1494. (SEE ILLUSTRATIONS, PLATES Nos. I. AND II.). 500 Hain *15942. Proctor 7770. Schreiber 5419. Harrisse No. 15. * * * The first thirty pages in dialogue form is a drama on the siege and capture of Granada from the Moors by Ferdinand. It was written by Verardus and acted at Rome in 1492. The letter of Columbus begins as follows : " De insulis nuper inventia. Epistala Christoferi Coiom (cui etas nostra multum debet; de insulis in Mari Indico nuper inventis ad quas perquirendas octavo antea mense auspiciig et aere invictissimi Fernandi Hispaniarum Regis missus fuerat) ad magnincum dominum Raphaeleiii Sanxis ejusdem Regis Thesaurar- ium missa quam nobilis ac litteratus vir Aliander de Cosoo ab Hispano ideomate in latinum convertit/ As is well known two copies of the original epistle were written by Columbus in Spanish, one addressed to Luis de Santangel, a secretary to King Ferdinand, and the other to Gabriel (misprinted Raphael) Sanxis, treasurer of Aragon; "both practically identical in ether respects. The Sanxis copy was translated into Latin in Naples 29 April, 1493, by Aliander de Cosco, and this is the version now being described, and which was the only original one known prior to the discovery in recent years of the original Spanish text. This is the famous " Second Letter of Columbus/ and is the second edition of the Columbus Letter with a colophon and a definite date, but the first edition of Verardus with the Columbus letter containing the account of the Admiral s first voyage. The woodcuts are as follows : (1) On title-page full length portrait of King Ferdinand of Spain, crowned, dressed in full armour holding the Escutcheon of Castile and Leon in his right hand, and that of Granada in his left, and the words " Fernandus. Rex Hyspanie." (2) Columbus and another European in a boat landing on the shores on the New World offering a goblet to the timid unclothed natives, some of whom are advancing, while others are running away; at top of the woodcut the words " Insula Hyspana." A caravel in the foreground. (3) A caravel approaching 1 the islands of Ferdinand, Isabella, Hispania, S. Salvator and Conception (so inscribed). A kind of bird s eye view map. (4) A town, and fort in process of construction, by the seaside on Hispania, anxl the won-ds " Insulla Hyspana " (San Domingo) (5) Single Escutcheon of Castile and Leon. (6) A, fine full-page woodcut of Columbus Admiral s ship, showing Columbus cabin 011 the stern, in full sail, the words above being " Oceanica Classis/ The reason of these two distinct works bein? issued together is obvious from the title-page. By them is commemorated the memorable year 1492, iii which happened two events of the greatest iirmortance to Spain, viz., the destruction of the Moorish power and the discover?- of the New World. The letter begins (translation) : "Having row accomplished the undertaking upon which I set out, I know that it will be agreeable to you to .be informed of all I have discovered in my voyage. On the 33^d day after 1 left Cadiz I reached the Indian Ocean, where I found many islands peopled bv mmimaraible inhabitants; of all -which I took possession without resistance. The islands abound in the finest variety of trees, so lofty that they eeern to rea-ch the stars. Thee people are of a verv timid disposition, an uncommonly simple, honest people, liberal in bestowing what they possess." Etc. - MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. 1494 A.D. THE FIRST PORTUGUESE REFERENCE TO AMERICA. [5] YALASCUS (Ferdinand) [Orator of the King of Portugal] Oratio ad Irmocentium VIII. de oboedientia habita. Black Letter, 33 long lines to a full page. 4to, boards. (Rome, Stepkan Plannck, about 1494). 75 Hain-Copinger 15760. Proctor 3647. Voullieme, Berlin, 3436. Harrisse (Bibliotheca Vetustissima Americana) p. 45. Only one copy in the U.S. of America (according to the Census), viz., in the (library of the late Henry Walters of Baltimore. " Non desunt alia in ceclesiam nierita : primum quod cepta navigari Ethiopia es-t. Alterum quod in eodem tempore in oceano athlantico 10 insule vix ipsis orbis descriptoribus cognite a oiostris invente sunt et in omnes Lusitanie colonie deducte, in quib. Christiana fides colitur. Ita ut mihi vere Alfonsus rex ad thrist, relig 1 . colendarn non contentus ma jorum suor. finibus videatur : nisi etiami novas provincias, nova Tegna, novas insulas et quasi novos et incognitos orbes Christi nomini et Rom. ecclesie addiceret." (English translation) : " He (the King) has merited well of the Church in other ways. Firstly, he sent expeditions to Ethiopia: Secondly, at that same tiuie ten islands in the Atlantic Ocean which were hardly even known to Geographers wore found by our countrymen and in all of them Portuguese colonies were founded to promote the Christian faith. It seems to me that King Alfonsus was not satisfied with -promoting the Christian religion i& his own domanicxns. He had to add new iprovinoes, new kingdoms, new islands, and may I say it NEW A1STD UNKNOWN WORLDS to the name of Christ and the Church of Rome/ Pope Innocent VIII. died in July, 1492, eight months before it was known in Europe that Columbus had discovered the New World, consequently the paragraph in question could not have been in the Oration as first delivered by Valascus, but must have been an interpolation when printed in 1494, which wtas only a few months after Columbus^ return, and when all Europe wa.s excited over his great discovery. At that time the rival claims of Spain and Portugal was causing a great controversy as to whether the honour was due to Columbus or to the Portuguese Navigator Behaim, and both countries were consequently claiming from the Pope the possession of the New World, and which the Poipe eventually divided between Spain and Portugal. It is therefore likely that this paragraph was pur posely inserted into the printed ORATION to claim for Portugal, the discoveries in contra/ distinction to Spain. PLATE I. ceantca Illustration of the AdmiraFs Ship with Columbus s Cabin on the stern, from CouiJTBUS LETTTER, Avith the Six Woodcuts. Bnsle, 14-94. See Item No. i. PLATE II. Jnfulienuperin marijiidtcoreperae Columbus landing on the shores of the New World, from COLUMBUS LKTTER, with the Six Woodcuts. Basle, 1191. See Item No. 4. MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. 14&8 A.D. THE FIRST SPANISH MAP OF THE WORLD. - ONE OF THE EARLIEST BOOKS REFERRING TO THE NEWLY-DISCOVERED WORLD. [6] MELA (Pomponius). Cosmcgraphia cum Figuris sive de situ orbis, [edited by Nunez de la Yerva.] Roman Letters, 27 lines to a full page. With a woodcut graduated planisphere extending over two whole pages, and the famous world map and fine woodcut initial letters. 4 to, original calf, gilt back. Salamanca (Printer of Ant. Nebrissensis), 1498. (SEE ILLUSTRATION, PLATE No. III.). 375 Hain 11021. Proctor 9569. Haebler 5.53. Haebler, Early Printers of Spain, plates XI. and XII. Harrrisse, Bibliotheca Americana Vetustissima, Additions 8. Sea on the fi rst page of the preface the passage " Extra istas duas extremas plurima inveniuntur. Nam versus occidena serenissimus Hispaniarum Hex Ferdinandus et Helisabeth terram liabitatam dis- tantem ab occidenti per xlv Qradus invenerunt." (" IN ADDITION TO THOSE TWO FURTHEST LANDS, MANY MORE HAVE BEEN FOUND. FOR TOWARDS THE WEST, THE KING OF SPAIN FERDINAND AND ELISA BETH HAVE FOUND INHABITED LAND 45 DEGREES AWAY FROM THE WEST.") The only copies of this scarce book in the U.S. of America are in the Hispanic Society Library and New York Public Library (according to Census). MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. 1498 A.D. PLINY A FOOL FOR STATING THAT THERE WERE NOT ANY NEW LANDS TO BE DISCOVERED. [7] BRANDT (Sebastian). Stultlfera Navis. Woodcut on title, and 114 large woodcuts (should be 118) caricaturing all classes of people. Small 4to, original calf y g. e. Basle , per Johann Bergman de Olpe, 1498. 10 10s (See Harristso additions No. 6.) * * * This is of especial interest to an American Collection, as Brandt here repudiates the errors of Pliny and Ptolemy for stating that there -was no land beyond the sea* to the West; in the following passage: Prestita cosmographi lustrat documents Stra-bonis Intactu tota nil sinit orbe quidem. Quid geometer enini tantas in pectore curas Concipis : inoassum cirrmlus ista terit. Plinius erravit : quamvis Fipectabilis auctor : Errores varios & Ptolomeus habet. Jnvanum siquide multorum corda laborant : Rebus in incertis quos ita eudor agit. Aiitea que f uerat priscis incognita telius : Exposita est oculis & manifesta patet. Hesperie occidue rex Ferdinandus in alto Aequore mine gentes Tepperit innumeras. and gives a full page engraving of Pliny as a " Fool." 1500 A.D. THE HONOUR OF THE DISCOVERY OF THE NEW WORLD CLAIMED FOR MARTIN BEHAIM. [8] SGHEDEL (Dr. Hartmann). Buch der Croniken unnd Ceschichten mit Figuren und Pildnussen von Anbeginn der Welt biss auff dise unsere Zeyt. Black Letter, double columns, 52 lines and headline. With folding map, full-page woodcut of the Deity, and numerous fine large and small woodcuts in the text (a few stains). Thick small folio, stamped russia, g. e. (in case). Augsburg, Johann Schonsperger, 1500. 21 In this Chronicle, MAETIN BEHAIM IS GIVEN THE HONOUR OF BEING TKE ACTUAL DISCOVERER, AS A COUNTER CLAIM SET UP IN CONSEQUENCE OF THE NEWS OF COLUMBUS RETURN. In the volume it is stated that the King of Portugal, Juan II., sent, in 1483, James Canus, a native of Portugal, and Martin Behaim of Nuremberg, with some galleys to Ethiopia; that they went to the Southern Sea, near the coast, and, after crossing the line, reached the New Workl, where, when they happened to look towards the East, their shadow, at noon, appeared on the right; that in that region they discovered lands, heretofore un known, which had not been searched after by any people for many years, except the Genoese, and that in vain; finally, that after a navigation of twenty-six months they returned to Portugal; and in proof of their discovery brought pepper and grana paradisi. MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. 1504 A.D. WITH THE FIRST WORLD MAP UPON WHICH is MENTIONED THE DISCOVERY OF THE NEW WORLD. [9] REISCH (Gregory). Margarita Philosophica. With the large folding World Map, folding plate of Music, curious full- page woodcut engravings, and many smaller ones. 4to, old binding. Strasburg, Griininger, 1504. (SEE ILLUSTRATION, PLATE No. IV.). 25 (Not noted by Harrisse.) *** The large World Ma.p first appeared in this edition. On this map mention is made of the newly discovered lands : " His non terr"a sed ma re est in quo mgf. magnitudiuis insulae Ptolemaei fuerunt incognitae." (Here is not land, but sea in which are islands of the greatest size, that were unknown to Ptolemy.) This is the first World Map upon which mention is made of the discovery of America. MARGARITA PHILOSOPHICA was the first printed Encyclopaedia the Author was Confessor to Maximilian the First. 1506 A.D. [10] BE ROOM AS (Jac. Phil). Supptementum Chronicarum usque in MGCGGCVI. Woodcut Coat of Arms on title, woodcut border to first page ofi text with large wood engraving. Four full-page wood engravings, and numerous views of cities. Thick folio, old oak boards covered with leather. Venice, 1506. 10 10s (Harrisse 42.) *** This volume contains a chapter relating to Columbus and his voyages, occupying a page and a half : " De quatuor permaximis. insulis in India extra orbem nuper inventis." A reference to the invention of printing is made under the year 1458 (verso of page 402). Several of the pictures of citias are authentic views 8 MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. 1507 A.D. THE BOOK IN WHICH WAS FIRST SUGGESTED THE NAME OF AMERICA FOR THE NEW FOUND WORLD. [ii] COSMOGRAPHIAE Introduotio. . . Insuper Quattuor Americi Vespucii Navigationes. Woodcut diagrams of spheres, and the large folding woodcut map. Small 4to, morocco , g. e. y by Riviere. Saint Die, 1507. (SEE ILLUSTRATION, PLATE No. V.). 350 (Harrisse 47.) * * * This Excessively Rare volume is one of the most important Works for the History of the New World. It is the first book in which America is designated by the name of " Anierici terra, sive America." It is also the first book printed at Saint Di6 in Lorraine. On verso of A. 5 occurs the passage in question : Nunc vcro &C he pattes font tatius luftrafce/ 8 alia quarta pars per America Ve(putium( vt in fe* cjuentibus audietutOinuenta efbqua non video cur quts iure vetet ab America inuentore fagaa s inge nrj viro Amerigen quafi Amend terram/fiue Airae ricam dicendamtcum &C Europa 8c Afia a mulieri* bus foa fortita fint nomin&Eius fitii & gentis mo* res ex bis binis Americi nauigationibus quj fequu ur Hquide int elligi datun Translation: " Now however those parts are more widely investigated, and another quarter has been discovered by Ameiicus Vespucius (as will be heard in the sequel), and I do not see how any one can lawfully forbid that it should be named, after its sagacious and ingenious discoverer, Amerigo (as it were Americo s land), or America." On the Obverse of B.III. it is said that " the greatest part of the still unknown land lately discovered by Americus Vespucius is inhabitable," and on the obverse of C.I. " the fourth part of the world, which since Americus discovered it, may be called Amerige (as it were the land of Amerious) or America, is in the sixth climate." WALDESEEMULLER S COSMOGRAPHIA forms the first rp<art of the book. The second hialf contains an Account of the four Voynares of Aineirigo Vespucci. "But for this little work the Western Hemisphere might have been called "The Land of the Holy Cross," or " Atlantis," or " He=perides," or " Iberica," or " Columbia," or " New India,," or " The Indies," as it is designated officially irj Spain to this day. The idea of calling the newly discovered world America originated with the compiler of the work before ue, one Martin Waltzmiiller or Waldseemuller, a native of Freiburg, who held a professorship in the gymnasium of St. Die, in Lorraine (and not in Lower Hungary, aa Navarrete supposed). Following the custom of the scho lairs of those days, he grecized his name into Hylacomylus, under which he is generally known. The popularity of Hylacomy- lus Cosmographia was such in Central Europe that his proposition was immediately acte<4 upon. As a consequence, we find in Ganltier Ludd s Speculum O rbis, written in the same year, the credit of havinar discovered the Western Hemisphere ascribed solely to Vespuccius, while an anonymous " Glob us mundi," published by the .same printer in 1509 boldly calls the new World " America," which figures under this name for the first time in maps eight or ten years after Vespuccius had been in his then honoured grave. Well may we say with Humboldt that; " c est mi homme obscur, qui allait manger du raisin en Lorraine, qui ft invent^ le nora d Am^rique." " MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. g 1508 A.D. FIRST PRINTED MAP SHOWING ANY PART OF AMERICA. [12] RUYSCH (Johann). Urciversalior Cogoitt Orfois Tabula. A LARGE DOUBLE-PAGE MAP OF THE WORLD, measuring 21 by 15$ inches. Preserved in a buckram case. Rotne t 1508. (SEE ILLUSTRATION, PLATE No. VI.). 75 * This famous Map of the World was issued in the PTOLEMY of 1508, it was also published separately, and is the first printed map showing any part of America. Johann Jiuysch, a German geographer, had himself visited the Northern part oi Newfoundland on board an English vessel Tho Map forms an epoch in the development of cartography, for hi addition to its .American features, it is: (1) The first printed map of the world on which the discoveries of the Portuguese along the Coasts of Africa are laid down. (2) First map published in print on -which India is drawn as a triangular peninsula projecting from the south coast of Asia. (3) First printed map on which the delineation of the interior and eastern parts of Asia is no longer based exclusively on the material collected by Mar in us of Tyre and Ptolemy more than, a millenium previously. (4) First printed map on which, in conformity with the drawings on the porto- tanos, a tolerably correct direction is given to the Northern Coast of Africa. (5) First map published in print, which, following a correction made in the portolanos since the beginning of tha 14th century, leaves out that excessive projection toward the East, which characterizes Ptolemy s map of the northern part of Scotland. (6) Greenland is here for the first time drawn without being connected with Europe by a vast polar continent. The legends on the map are . . . of a very high interest and form a more important contribution to the history of geography than many a ibulky volume. Harrisse, in the " Discovery of North America," gives a very long description of tba map, and gives a reproduction of the " New World " from sa-nm 1510 A.D. [13] ALBERTINI (Franc, de). Opuscuiutti cfd Mirabilibus Novas & Veteris Urbis Romae, THE FIRST EDITION. Small 4to, original vellum binding. Rome, 1510. 10 10s (Harrisse 64.) * * * Francesco Albertini s book, published only two years after the death of Columbus, mnits any references to him, and only mentions Vespucoius. After writing of the Antiquities of Rome in a manner which stamps him as the firfet archaeologist of his times, he writes of " DE NOVA UKBE/ and by a slight digression ends the book with a section De laudibus ciuitatum Florentine ci Sauoensis, in which, after enumerating the famous orators, writers, painters and others of Florence, he thus writes of Vespuccius (in translation) : In the new world, A Iberians Vespulciuff of Florence, sent by the most Christian King of Portugal, but lastly by the Catholic King of Spain, first discovered new islands and unknown countries, as is graphically set forth in this book, where he describes the stars, and the new islands, aa is also seen in his letter upon the now world, addressed to Lorenzo de Medicis, the younger. io MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. 1511 A.D. WITH THE FIRST PRINTED MAP OF ANY PORTION OF THE NORTH AMERICAN CONTINENT. [14] PTOLEMAEUS (Claudius). Liber Ceographiae cum tabuiss et universal! figura et cum additione locorum quae a recentioribus reperti sunk Roman Letter, double columns, 60 lines to a full column. Printed in red and black. With 28 maps on 30 leaves. Folio. Very fixe tall copy in vellum binding. Venice, ]ac. Pentius de Leucho, 2Oth March, 1511. (SEE ILLUSTRATION, PLATE No. VII.). 105 Harrisse 68. Eames-Sabin No. 66477. Latin version of Jacobus Angelus, edited with many corrections by Bernardu.s Sylvanus of Eboli, the principles of which a>ro developed in the introduction. Sylvanus was the first to break with the blind confidence that almost every scholar in the beginning: of the 16th century had in the atlas of the old Alexandrian geographer. In this edition .... the usual addenda is omitted FOR THE FIRST TIME WE HERE MEET WITH MAPS HAVING THE LETTERPRESS PRINTED IN RED AND BLACK, and contrary to what generally was and yet is the custom, both sides of the paper are used for the map print; excepting, for the new map of the new world, where the reverse is left blank. The maps are from woodcuts, for which the legends are produced by types fitted into blocks. . . The greatest importance of this edition to the history of cartography, consists in the cordiform map of the world . . . the first on this projection. THIS IS THE SECOND PRINTED MAP OF THE WORLD, in the delineation of which some attention has been paid to the great geographical discoveries of the preceding years. (This map) " CONTAINS THE FIRST PRINTED DELINEATION OF ANY PORTION OF THE NORTH AMERICAN CONTINENT, under the names of " Regalis Domus "..._. and " Terra Laboratorus." (Labrador.) It represents the New World in an extremely curious way. Brazil, a large tract, is called Terra. Sanctae Crucis, and the cartographer evinces acquaintance with the results of Columbus third voyage, and Vespucci s second and third voyages. The continuity is broken by the margin in consequence of the peculiar plan of the map, so that Cuba and Hispaniola appear next above, near their proper places; and far beyond them, at the same degree of latitude as Ireland, an unfinished shore bearing the words " Regalis Domus," indicates the northern continent, while Labrador (Terra La.bora torus) is represented as an island off the coast. THIS IS THE FIRST GRAPHIC RECORD OF THE DISCOVERIES (in 1500) OF CORTE REAL. Greenland (Engronelat) is drawn as a peninsula of north-west Europe. Coming nearer home, it is remarkable that in this book, Scotland is properly drawn for the first time as forming a northern extension of England. It is also remarkable for the manner in which the names are printed on the map, this having been done by types after the woodcut had bepn worked off. This is the first instance in which such a method of operation was ever adopted. MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. u 1511 A.D. WITH THE EXCESSIVELY RARE MAP OF THE DISCOVERIES OF CHRISTOPHER COLUMBUS IN AMERICA. [15] MARTYR (Peter), of Anghiera. Opera, scilicet legationis baby- lonicae libri tres; Oceani decas; Carmina, Janus, Inachus, Pluto furens, et reliqua poemata, hymni et epigrammata; cura /Elii Ant. Nebrissensis. WITH THE EXTRAORDINARILY RARE MAP OF THE DISCOVERIES OF CHRISTOPHER COLUMBUS IN AMERICA. Folio, Spanish calf, ivith the Arms of the Marquis de Caracena, Governor of the Netherlands and Captain General. Sevilla, Jacobus Cromberger, 1511. FIRST EDITION. (SEE ILLUSTRATION, PLATE No. VIII.). 35 Harrisse 66. THE " NEWLY DISCOVERED WOULD " COVERS THE ENTiRK MAP. AND ON TUB VERSO, AN EP1STLK ADDRESSED TO CARDINAL XlMENEZ AND . AN EXTRA PAOB OF TEXT. ONLY A FEW COPIES CONTAIN THESU TWO ADDITIONAL LEAVES. The estimation in which Peter Martyr was held as an historian U shown by the tact that in a period of a hundred years his works were published in Spain, "aly, Ira and England. An Italian by birth, he went in 1487 to the Court of Ferdinand and Isabella lie served in their armies during two campaigns, was oraamed a priest alter wards, and became tutor to their children. He waa at one time an ambassador, and later on a Privy Counsellor. Few men have had a wider range of occupation and experience, bold schoolmaster, ambassador, statesman, priest, historian, and a gossiping man < he touched humanity at nearly every point. He delighted in the society of great .men and was on the most frank and intimate terras with them. To use an expression own, he fed with his learning the studious youth of Spain. He was the contemporary of Columbus and Vespucius, and was the first to publish a popular account of e results of their voyages and of the peculiarities of the natives of the INew World. This, the firs of his historical writings, contains only the first decade, which was republished together with the second and third at Alcala, in 1516. Its importance is equalled by rarity. w e ec , . Harrisse cites but one copy in U.S. of America. It is deserving, m ^V**>.** regard of scholars and bibiophiles. As the colophon states it was printed ith the -reatest care." It contains the chart which is usually wanting, and which is remarkably correct for the period. Nothing equal to it appeared for a Ions time after. 12 MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. 1512 A.D. [16] EUSEBIU9. Eusebii Caesariensls Episoopi Chfomocn: quod Hieronymus presbyter divine eats ingenio Latimim facers curavit, Title in red and black within woodcut border, text printed in red and black. Small 4to, calf. Paris, Henry Estienne, 1512. 15 15s * * * A volume of such excessive rarity that Harriase (No. 71) stated he could find only one copy (that in the British Museum) which was imperfect, whilst in his " Addition* " at No. 43 he was only able to quote, as found since, the copy in the Arsenal Library, Paris. Under the year 1500, we find a notice of the Voyages of Cadamosto, and under the year 1509 a long notice about seven savages from the New World brought to France (from Canada by a Dieppe pilot named Aubert) and mentioning that their country is situated under the same meridian as Prance : " Septem hoies syluestres ex ea. isula (qua* terra noua dicit) Kothomagu adducti sunt cu cymba vestimetis & armis eoru. Fuliginei sut coloris, grossis labrie, stigmata in facie gerentes ab aure ad mediu mentu, instar liuide venule per maxillas deducta. Crine nigro & grosso vt equa iuba. Barba p toto vita nulla, neq pubes neq xillus in toto corpe pill praeter oapillos & snpcillia. Baltheu gerut in quo est buisula qda ad tgeda vereda, idioma labris format, religio nulla: cymba eoru corticea, qua homo vna manu euehat IB humerog, Arma eoru : arcus lati, chordae ex itestinis aut neruis aialiu, Bagitte : canae saxo, aut osse piscis acuminate. Gibus eoru: carnes toste. Potus: aqua. Panis & vini & pecu- niaru. nollus oino usus. Nudi icdut : aut vestiti pellibus aialiu, ursoru, ceruoru, vitulo marine & similiu. Regia eoru paralellus septimi climatifi plus sub occidente q Gallca regio snpra occidentem. This volume ia also famous for the celebrated statement (under year 1457) whiofc ia so often quoted, claiming Gutenberg as the inventor of printing. PLATE III. PLATE [V. MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. 13 1513 A.D. WITH THE FAMOUS MAP OF THE WORLD KNOWN AS THE " ADMIRAL S MAP." [17] PTOIEMAEUS (Claudius). Ceographia per octo libros partita ad antiquitate suam integre & sine ulla corruptione. Thick folio. Fine copy in original binding of oak boards covered with leather. Strassburgt 1513. (SEE ILLUSTRATIONS, PLATES Nos. IX. AND X.). 225 Harrisse 74. Bames-Sabin 66478. This Atlas may be regarded as the Opening Chapter of the modern literature of Atlases. It contains the famous Map of the World known as " THE ADMIRAL S MAP, .supposed >by some to have been made by CHRISTOPHER COLUMBUS and by other* by AMERICVS VESPVCCIUS. This Map first appeared in this edition and is entitled " ORBIS TYPUS UNIVERSALIS." Two other Ma-pa of great American interest also appear here for the first time, TIZ: "TABULA TERRE NOVA/ 1 which is ONE OF THE EARLIEST PRINTED MAPS DEVOTED ENTIRELY TO THK NEW WORLD. "TABULA MODERN A NORBEGIE ET GOTTIE/ which shows " Engronelandt " and " Engronolad." In addition to these American, features, this contains: (1) The earliest attempts at Colour-printing as applied to Maps, having THK MAP OF LORRAINE printed in red, green, and black, and THE MAP OF ENGLAND printed in brown and black. (2) The First Map of Switzerland. (3) 48 Maps finely coloured, of which two, aa aforestatcd are printed in colours. (4) The Map of England in duplicate (on* printed in two colaurg, the other finely coloured by hand). THE FIRST OF THESE TWO ENGLISH MAPS IS SUPPOSED TO BE UNIQUE. Twenty of the Maps are here given for the first time. On five of these new Maps the discoveries of the Spaniards and Portuguese during the preceding century are represented. Harrisse writes as follows regarding this volume : " The merit of this edition of Ptolemy s Geogra-phia is great, for it not only corrects Angelo s translation by means of a Greek manuscript until then unknown, but it contains twenty new maps; among which the reader will notice the first, bearing the title of: ORBIS TYPUS UNIVERSAIilS IUXTA HYDROGRAPHC-RUM TRADITIONEM, and pre senting- on the left of the reader a promotory, with live inscriptions, and two islands (viz: " Isabella and Spagnolla "); and the second map, which is headed: TABULA TERRE NOVE. The latter is very full, considering the times, as it shows a prolongation of the coasi from a certain " Rio de canaor " to a cape " del mar usiano/ 1 There are not less than sixty name* aJong the coast, "besides the inscription afterwards so frequently reprinted : HEC TERR ARUM ADIACENTTBUS INSULIS INUENTA EST PER COLUMBUM IANUENSEM EX MANDATO REGIS CASTELLE. This inscription is on the section which corresponds to what we now call Yucatan, and ia followed by the words TERRA INCOGNITA. These two maps acquire importance from the following lines, which we extract from the preface on the verso of the second title-page: CHART A AUTEM MARINA QUAM HYDROGRAPHIAM VOCANT PER ADMIRALEM QUONDAM SEKENISSIMI, POiKTUGAIJE REGIS FERDI/NANTJI CETEROS DENIQUE LUSTRATORES VERISSIM-1S PAGRATIOIBUS LUSTRATA. This passage has doubtless prompted the opinion that the first of the two map* described had been depicted by Columbus himself. 14 MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. 1513 A.D. [18] BERCOMAS (Jac. Phil). Supplementum Chronicarum usque ad MCCCCCX. Title printed in red within elaborate woodcut border, and with a large woodcut in centre of St. George and the Dragon. Woodcut border to first page of text, and numerous fine woodcuts and initial letters. Folio, original vellum binding. *\ 7 enice t 1513. 10 108 (Harrisse 73.) * * * This Chronicle contains a chapter, commencing on verso of page 329, relating to the discovery of America " De quatuor permaximis insulis in India extra orbern nuper inventis." The Author, Jacobus Philippi Borgomensis, was born at Solto near Bergamo in 1434, became an Augustinian in 1451, and was subsequently Prior of Imola (1494) and of Forli (1496). The woodcut on title of St. George and Ike Dragon is signed F.V. (Florio Vavassore). The opening leaf of text has a beautiful woodcut -border, and the leaf facing is entirely occupied with a large woodcut " The Creation of Adam and Eve." The book is illustrated with a very large number of woodcut Views of Cities. 1515 A.D. [19] ALBERTINI (Franc, de). Opusoulum de Mirabiiibus Novae & Veteris Urbis Romae. Woodcut border to title. Small 4to, vellum binding. Rome, 1515. 10 108 (Harrisse No. 79). * * * On page 103 the Author speaks of " De nova Urbe " and refers to Vespuccius iag follows: na in novo mundo Albericus Vespuccius Flo. missus a fidelissimo Roge Portugal. Postremo uero a Catholico Hyspaniaru Rege primus adiuenit novas insulas & loca incognita: ut in eius libello Graphice apparet in Epistola eius de novo mundo ad Lauren tium Juniorem de medecis/ (Translation) : In the New World, Albericus Vespucci is of Florence, sent by the most Christian King of Portugail, but lastly by the Catholic Kin? of Spain, first discovered new inlands and unknown countries, as is graphically set forth in this book, where he describes the stars, and the new islands, as is also seen in his letter upon the new world, addressed, to Lorenzo de Medecis, the younger." MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. 15 THE FIRST EDITION OF THE THREE DECADES AND THE EARLIEST PRINTED ACCOUNT OF THE DISCOVERY OF NORTH AMERICA BY SEBASTIAN CABOT. 1516 A.D. [20] MARTYR (Peter). De Orbe Nouo Decades. Accipe non noti praeclara uolumina mundi Oceani: & magnas noscito lector opes. Oceani magnas terras : vasta aequora : linguas hactenus ignotas : atq aurea saecula nosces : Et gentes nudas expertes f eminis atri : Mortiferi nummi : gemmisque auroque seracem Torrentem zonam: parcat vene- randa vetustas. Folio. Fine copy in full morocco, g. e., by Riviere. Alcala, Arnold Guillelmiis, 1516. 250 N0> 8 . 8 -- A V XCep - i(>llally fin < and perfect copy of this Historically BABll The edition of the first decade of Peter Martyr, printed at Seville ia 1511 hud been published, as it seems, contrary to his wishes, and contained only th .firs n^e boofs that ho^eadlt t 1 k T ^ P , Pe 1 LeC> X W ^ S& charmed with ^ter Martyrs Decade Stfety tmtil late in 1S th S1 ;r hi^ ^ cardinala " afte r s ^P yr s ^ena fronte, and to satiety until late in the night, and are not surprised, therefore, to learn that thi enlightened Pope instructed Bottrigari, his Ambassador to the Court of Spain to reauest the interesting annalist to continue his Oceanics. It is in consequence of this reoues^ ^ that the second decade was written, December 14th, 15U, and the third in March 1515 Th present copy this edition: the earliest that contains the first three decade^ The title page is very interesting, translated it reads: the new ^/ U A U , 8 f f F fT lij ArcllWsh P * Cosenza, apostolic legate, to the reader, touching le new world. Accept these exquisite volumes concerning the new world and learn O reader! of the great treasures of the Ocean. The greatest gratitude Ts .due to th? Slot " And the Colophon : called Acala. 16 MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. 1519 A.D. THE FIRST BOOK PRINTED IN SPANISH RELATING TO AMERICA. [21] ENCISO (M. F*. de)., Siima de geographia q trata de totfas las par- tidas y pravincias del mundo: en especial de las Irtdias y trata largamente del arte del marear: Jimtamente con la esphera en romance: con el regimiento de! Sol y del Norte: nueuamente hecha. (Verso of the title-page) Preuilegio real. El rey. For quanto por parte de vos el bachiller Martin Fernandez de Enciso, alquazil mayor de castilla del oro, me fue fecha relacio deziendno q vos aueys hecho vn libro de cosmographia. . . . . Fecha en la ciudad de Zaragoza a cinco dias del mes de setiebre derail y quinietos y deziocho anos. Yo el rey. Por mandado del rey. Castaneda. (Colophon} Fue impressa en la nobilissima y muy leal ciudad de Seuilla por Jacobo Croberger en el ano de la encarnacion de Nuestro Senor. de mil y quinientos y diez y nueve. Woodcut border to first leaf, the top half of which is occupied with a large wood engraving of a Sphere held by a hand, the title occupies the lower half. Folio. Fine copy in old Spanish calf with Arms of Marquis of Caracena> Spanish Governor -General of the Netherlands. Seville, 1519. 150 * * * Harrisse 97. In English the Title, etc., reads : " Compendium of Geography, -which treats of all the parts and regions of the world, and especially of the Indies; also at length of the art of navigation and of the sphere in the Spanish language, together with the regulation of the Sun and North. Newly composed. . . . Done in the city of Saragossa, Sept. 5th, 1518. By order of the king. Was printed in the very noble and loyal city of Seville, by James Crouberger, a German, A.D. 1519. "The first book printed in Spanish relating to America; unknown to Kobertsor.. Enciso having- gained a considerable sum in St. Domingo by practicing law, was induced by Ojeda to join him in an expedition of discovery and conquest to the continent of America. After suffering great hardships and hairbreadth escapes, which are related by Herrera, he returned to Spain, and published this work for the instruction of Charles V. The account of America is principally from his own observations." "We must add that Martin Fernandez de Enciso first came to the New World with Kodrigee de Bastidas, was Alguazil Mayor of the Golden Castil, and the owner of the vessel as well as the planner of the expedition in which Vasco Nunez de Balboa acquired f>o much fame. A great hydrographer and explorer, his work is invaluable for the early pwgraphical history of this continent." MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W 17 THE LETTERS OF FERNANDO CORTES. Mr. Tiokrtor, in speaking of the adventurers who after Columbus wrote narratives of their discoveries, says: " In the foreground of this picturesque group stands, as the most brilliant of its figures, FernaiMto Cartes Of his works, the most remarkable were, no doubt, five long and detailed reports to the Emperor on the affairs of Mexico, the first of which, printed in 1519, seems to be lost, and the last, belonging probably to 1527, exists only in manuscript." The FIRST EDITIONS of the Third and Fourth Reports are hereinafter described. Their rarity is such that only one copy of each has ever been offered for sale by Public Auction. They are far rarer than the printed letters of Columbus. 18 MAGGS BROS., 34 35, Conduit Street, London, W. 1523 A.D. THE THIRD LETTER. [22] CORTES THIRD LETTER. Carta tercera cfe relaclo: embiada por Fernando Cortes capifan y justicia mayor del Yucatan, llamado la Nueua Espana del mar Oceano : al muy alto y potent issimo Cesar y invictissimo senor don Carlos Emperador semper augusto y Rey de Espana nuestro senor, de las cosas sucedidas y muy dignas de admiracion en la conquista y recuperacion de. la muy grande y maravillosa ciudad de Temixtitan : y de las otras provinciaa a ella subjetas que se rebelaron (Colophon] La prcsente carta d relacio fue impressa en la muy noble y muy leal ciudad d Seuilla por Jacobo Cronberger : acabo se a.xxx. dias de marco : a no d mill y quinietos y xxiij. (1523). Large woodcut portrait of Charles V. on title. Folio, Spanish binding oj old stamped calf . Seville. (1523). (SEE ILLUSTRATION, PLATE No. XL). 750 Harrisse 121. Only t\vo other copies known. ** FIRST EDITION of the Third Letter, giving an .account of affair-, in Mexico from October 30, 1520, to May 15, 1522. The translation of the title is as follows: " Third Epistolary Relation sent by Fernando Cortes. Captain and Chief Justice of Yucatan, called New Spam of the Oceanic Sea, to the most high and mighty Caesar and invincible Lord Don Charles, Ermperor ever august, and King- of Spain our Lord, concerning the things which have happened and are worthy of admiration in the conquest and recovery of the very great and wondrous city of Temixtitan ; and of the other provinces subjected to it which had revolted. In which city iand said provinces the said captain and Spaniards obtained great and signal victories worthy of perpetual remembrance." (There is also an account how he discovered the South Sea, and many other and large provinces, very rich, in gold mines, tpearls and precious stones; and contains also a notice- to tho effect that there are spices). Seville " The pres-ent .Epistolary Account was printed in the very noble and loyal city of . by Jacob Cronberger. Finished, March 30th, 1523." MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. ig THE FIRST EDITION OF NICOLO LIBURNIO S ITALIAN TRANSLATION OF THE SECOND AND THIRD LETTERS. 1524 A.D. [23] CORTEZ (F.). La Preclara Narrations di Ferdinando Cortese ^clella nuova Hispagna del Mare Oceano. Al Sacratissimo et Invictissimo Carlo di Romani Imperatore sempre Augusto Re d Hispagna, et cio che siegne nellanno del Signore MDXX trasmessa . . . . Voi Candidissimi lettori leggerete con dilettatione et piacere grandissimo la prefata Narratione di Ferdinando Cortese dalla Facodia latina al splendore della lingua volgare per Messer Nicolo Liburnio con fidelta & dili- geza tradotta al commodo, &c. Fine woodcut border round title. Small 4to, boards. Venice, Bernardino de Viano de Lexona-Vercellese, 1524. 31 10s (Harrisse 129). *** THE FIRST EDITION of Nicolo Liburnio s Italian translation of Cortes Second and Third Letters, based on th.e Latin version of Savorgnanus. The woodcut -plan of Mexico (which sometimes is found in this book), and the leaf with Pointer s device are not in this copy. It is stated that only one or two copies with the Plan of Mexico are known to exist. This Italian version of the second account differs materially f-rom that which was given by Ramusio. The Title-page in English reads : " The famous Relation of Fernando Cortes, concerning New Spain of the Oceanic Sea, transmitted in the year A.D. 1520, to the most Sacred and Invincible Charles, Emperor ever August of the Romans, King of Spain, etc., containing many things worthy of being known, and admired, concerning the remarkable cities of those provinces, customs of the inhabitants, sacrifices of children, and religious persons, and especially of the celebrated city of Temixtitan, and various wonderful things in the same, which will delight th reader in a wonderful manner; translated from the Spanish into Latin by Dr. Peter Savorgnano of Forli, Secretary to the Rev. Master John de Eevellos, Bishop of Vienna, March, 154: Ye most candid readers will peruse with the greatest delight and pleasure the aforesaid narrative of Fernando Cortes, translated faithfully and with diligence from the eloquent Lathi to the splendid vulgar tongue, by Master Thomas Liburnio, for the convenience and satisfaction of honest and appreciative minds." 20 MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. THE FOURTH LETTER. 1525 A.D. [24] CORTES FOURTH LETTER. La qisarta relaokm que Femamic Cortes gousmador y capital* genera! por su Majestad en la Nueva Espana cFI mar Oceano embio a! rraiy alto y muy potentissimo invictfssimo senor don Carlos Emperador semper augusto y Rey de Espana ntiestro senor: en la qua! estan otras cartas y relaciones que los capitanes Pedro da Ahrarado y Diego Godoy embiaron a! dioho oapltatt Fernando Cortes. (Colophon) Fue impressa la presente carta de relacion en la ymperial ciudad de Toledo por Caspar de Avila, Acabo se a veynte dias del mes de Octubre, Ano del nascimiento de iiuestro salua- dor Jesu Christo de mil y quinien tos y veynte y cinco anos . . . (1525)- Woodcut of Coat-of-Arms of Charles V. on title. Folio, Spanish binding of old stamped calf. Toledo (1525). (SEE ILLUSTRATION, PLATE No. XII.). 850: Harrifiso 135. Only one other copy knovn. * * * The First Edition of the Fourth Letter, relating the affairs in Mexico from May 15, 1522, to October 15, 1524. The last sixteen, pages contain. Alvarado s and Godoy e reports to Cortes. In English the title and colophon read : "The fourth relation which Fernando Cortes, Governor and Ca/ptain-General for His Majesty in New Spain of the Oceanic Sea, sent to the very high and mighty Lord Carlo** Emperor and King of Spain our Lord; in -which are other letters and relations which Captains Peter de Alvarado and Diego Godoy sent to the said Captain Fernando Corte. The present Epistolary Eolation was printed in the Imperial City of Toledo by Gaspm- d- Arila. Finished October 20th, A.D . 1535. PLATE V. NAVIGATIO exriterantQ.uo fuperbiamodo iuftus omniuceri* for deus copenfat* Et ita mine apud Lifbona ipfam fubfifto/ignoras qd de me fereniffimus ipfe rex dc ineepsefficerecogitet/qui atantis laboribusmeis iam exnunc requiefcere plurimu pcroptarem/hunc nunciu maieftari veftrg plurimu quoep interdu co^ mendans, Amerieus Vefputius in Lifbonsu RniriLiiiJ,kRSepte bris Anno (uprafef ^g COSMOGRAPHTA. 1507. The Book in which was first .suggested the name of America for the New World. See Item Xo. 11. PLATE VI. THE " Xi;\v WOULD" FHOJI KUYSCH S MAI- OF THE WOKI.D, 1o()S (great ly reilueetl). See Item Xo 12. MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. ar 1525 A.D. [25] SALiCNAC (Barth. de). Itireerarium Term Sanote, PRINTED IN GOTHIC LETTER, with woodcut Coat-of-Arms of John of Guise, Cardinal of Lorraine, on title; fine full-page woodcut of the Crucifixion, and ten smaller woodcuts, also woodcut initial-letters. Small Svo, old calf. Lyons, 1525. 25 The First Edition of a famous book of Travels. At folio 5B is found a reference to " Novitar terre invente " (Tho Newly found land). The translation of the reference is as follows : " It is pleasant to see America, India, Africa, in -which curious things aore found, in addition to horrible faces, inhuman customs, obscene rites, rare monsters, and heaps erf gold and silver. 1527 A.D. [26] LA 8ALLE (Antoine de). La Salade, Ncuveltemeat imprfmoe a Paris, laquelle fait mention de tous les pays du monde et du pays de la belle Sibille. Avec la figure pour aller au Mont de la dicte Sibille. Et aussi la figure de la mer y de la terre avec plusieurs belles remonstrances. GOTHIC LETTER. Title in red and black within a wide woodcut border, the reverse of title entirely occupied by a very large woodcut in two compart ments, numerous woodcuts in the text, and three large folding plates: (i) World Map. (2) Le Mont de la Sibille. (3) Genealogy of Kings of Aragon. Woodcut initial-letters throughout. Printer s device at end. The plate " Mont de la Sibille " repaired. Folio, vellum. Paris, Philippe le Noir (1527). 52 10S Harrisse 140. (Harrisse could only locate one copy, that in tho St. Genevieve Library, Paris). *** Its American importance lies in the chapter on Geography. La Salle mention* Greenland on two occasions, and refers to certain rumours about this Northern, land which, caused him to pre-suppose a semi-civilisation in these American lands. The chapter alluded to contains (verso of leaf xxviii), th* following passage: " iNorweghe est une grande region assise dewsoubs tie pol Antarotiqu-e. Aulouii* astrologues ont vne partio de ceste Eegion mise hors des climatz acause des tres &pres et longues froidures qui y sont. En icelle Region sont diuerses mers. La ost la mer congelieV que on diet Maire congellatum. 11 y a une isle nomme e Islant ou sont les pays nomine Gronellont et Unimarch ou a grant quantity de OUTS qui sont tous blancs." " LA SALADE " derives its Title, as the Author states in the preface, foecause ia the book are found " plusieurs bonnes herbes." It was written between 1438 and 1447. The Author gives an account of his visit to the Mountain of the Sibyl and do^i-ibe* the surroundings 1 of the Cave of the Sibyl and its curious legend. The narrative is a variaoit of the story of Tannhauser. A German knight and his esquire enter the cave and ar welcomed by " la royne " and her companions and are prevailed upon by various induce ments to remain, .but they may not leave before eight days are passed. If on tho 9th day they wish to stay longer they cannot leave before the 30th day, if not on the 80th, they remain till the 330th, if not gone by then they stay for ever. The knight repents in time and leaves the subterranean abode on the 330th day. Like Tannhauser he cannot -rest until he obtains absolution from the Pope. Absolution refused, he is prevailed upon by hi* squire to return to the Mount of Venus, on. the pretext that the Pope fra.s seeking- thei? death. 22 MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. 1529 A.D. [27] APIAN (Peter). Cosmographicus . . . Studios Correctus ac Error! bus Vindicatus per Gem mam Phrysium. Woodcut of Sphere on title, three revolving diagrams, and many fine Geographical and Astronomical Maps. Printer s mark at end. Small 4to, fine copy in the original vellum binding. Antwerp, 1529. 12 12s (Harrisse 148). *** This vis the earliest edition of AP1ANUS with, the valuable additions *>t <1EMMA FRISIUS. GEMMA FKISftUS was the pupil of Apianus, and teacher of the celebrated cosmo- Rrapher Juan de Rojas. America figures on the woodcut Globe on Folio 2. 1533 A.D. [28] MARTYR (Peter). De rebus Oceanicis & Orbs Novo decades ires: .... Legationis Babylonicae Libri Tress Folio (blank margin of title repaired}, half morocco, g. e. Basle, Joannes Bebelius, 1533. 35 (Harrisse No. 176.) * * * This contains the first three Decades a.nd the abridgment of the fourth, contair-ing the discoveries of Columbus, Yespucius and Cabot, and new discoveries by Cortes. 1534 A.D. [29] MARTYR (Peter). Libro Prime Delia Historia cfe L Sndie osciifcR- tali. Libro second tfeile indie occidental}. Libro ultimo del summario delle Indie occidental!. The three parts in one volume. Small 4to, original vellum. Venice, 1534. 6 6s (Harrisse 190). * With the large folding map of " Jsola Spagnnuola " and 3 large woodcuts. As usual it has not the " Carta Universalis." An interesting copy having- many contemporary MS. notes in the margins. (The title and last leaves a little wormed). MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. 2$ 1537 A.D. [30] HUTTSCH-CRYNAEUa. Novus Orbis Regionum ao Insuiamra Veteribus Incognitarum una cum Tabula Cosmographica. Engraved title. Folio, old calf. Basel, Hervagius, 1537. 18 (Harrisse 223). * * * In, some copies (but not in. this) ia found a World Map. This important work comprises the following interesting pieces: The First three Voyages of Columbus. Vincente Yanez Pinion s Voyage. The relation of Vespuccius third Voyage. The four Voyages of Vespuccius. Maximilian Transylvanus l)e Moluccis Insulin. Peter Martyr s famous Treatise on America, " De Insulis nn-per reperti.*." 1537 A.D. [31] BORDONE (B.). I solar so ne! qual sa Ragiorca di tutte le fisote cfe! con li lor norni Antichi & Moderni, historic, favole, & modi del 1 loro vivere, & in qual parte del mare stanno, & in qual parallelo & cfcrna giaciono. Engraved border to title, three double page Maps, one a World Map, and a very large number of smaller Maps, all engraved on wood. Folio, original vellum. Venice, Francesco di Leno (1537). &W 10* (Harrisse 221). The text of this edition is augmented: "Con la gionta del Monto del Oro iiovaiuent ritrovato" this was the news of the entry of Pizarro into Peru. * * * A very scarce and interesting book. On the " World Map," the American Continent is shown, upon which we read " Terra del laboratore (Labrador) ponete rnodo uouo. M On. Folio VI. there* is a small map upon which is shown " Engronelant," and on the reverse of this leaf there is anoiher small map upon which appear mountains and pictures of houses, and beneath " Terra de Lavoratore " (Labrador), also three islands ASMAIDE and BRASIL. On the recto of Folio X. is a large view of " La gran citta di Temistitan " (Mexico), and the text underneath begins : " Terra di sancto Croce oer Mondo Nouo, f u la piima di tutte que>ste isole, che trovata fusse, etc." On the verso of Folio XI". is a small map, showing on the N.W. JAMAICA. On the verso of Folio XII. is an island marked " SPAGNOLA," and N.E. is the representation of a city, under which is printed " Isabella. " On the recto of Folio XIII., is the map of another island, with a lofty mountain in tht- N., under which is written " Jamaiqua." On the verso of the same folio we have another island, subscribed within the interio-r of the island, Cuba. On Folio XIV. we have another map of a group of the West Indian Islands. On the verso are two maps, the one at the top of the page shows an island designated Guadalupe; underneath other islands are laid down, among others, part of one marked Dominica. The bottom map is marked " Martinina." The- account of these various islands finishes on the recto of Folio XV. All these maps are on the eame ecale, or rather the same size, viz. : 5 by 3 inches. 34 MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W 1640A.D. [32] GUAZZO (Marco). Histon e &1 tiittl le cose cfegm ds memorie qua! <tei aiwio 1524 sino a questo presente sono oocorso nella Italia, nella Provenza, Tiella Franza, nella Piccardia, nella Inghilterra . . . ed altri luoglii. Woodcut portrait. Small 4to, original Italian binding of full morocco, the sides covered with an interlaced design in gold, enclosing the title of the book, the edges gaufres. Venet. 1540. 25 (Harrisse Additions 124.) This contains the chapter Isola de Oro, which is a history of Francisco Pizzaro in Peru. WITH REFERENCE TO COLUMBUS AND HIS DISCOVERY OF AMERICA/ 1541 A.D. [33] GOES (Damianus a). Fktes, Religio, Moresque Aethicpum sub im- pr&ciosi Joannes (quern vulgo Presbyterum Joanne m vocant) de gentium. Svo, half morocco, gilt back. Paris, 1541. 15 15$ Harrisse. Biblioteca Americana, Vetustissirna, Additions No. 135. On page 8 is the following: .notice relating: to " Christopher Columbus and his discovery of America " : " Quo Rege viuente, Columbus Genuemeis vir nautico artis peritus, ab ipso Rege, cui occidentaliiun India rum nauigationes astendere pollictfbatur, repulsas ac inauditua, cii missusque auxilio auspicioq, Ferdinandi, & Elizabet Regum Castellae, illud iter feliciter t^ntavit, ac prouincias illas amplissimae, & magni emolumenti primus repperit, & qua nauibus r,diri poterant, commonstrauit/ 1541 A.D. [34] PTOLEMAEUS (Claudius). Ceographieae Enarrationls iibti VUL Prisca exemplaria a Michaele Villanovo (Serveto) secundo recogniti & locis .innumeris denuo castigati. With 50 fine double woodcut maps (including America) and numerous ornamental woodcut initials, device on title. Folio, half vellum. Vienne (en Dauphine} Gaspard Trechsel for Hugo & Porta at Lyonf t 1541. 31 10s LAUGH COPY OP A VKB* SCAKOZ EDITION OF PTOLEMY S FIKB MAPS OP THB WORLD, MANY COPIES OF WHICH WBBH SDPPRZSSBD BECAUSE OF THB EDITORSHIP CP MlCHAKL SfcRVBTUS. Harriftse 233. " A new edition of the Ptolemy of Servetus, with most of the interesting, although often offensive legends to the new maps." Tho Maps which relate to America are as follows: (37) Typus Orbis descrip-tione Ptolemaei. (28) Tabula Terra Nova. The World Map showing the New Islands. Similar to that in the 1513 edition (which is one of the earliest printed maps devoted entirely to the New World) with s light changes and the addition of inscriptions. (49) Tabula nova totiue orbit*. (50) Te-bul orbia cum description* ventorum. MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. 25 1542 A.D. [35] (MAXIMILIANUS TRANSYLVANUS). BOEMUS (Johannes), Omniimt Gentium Mores Leges, & Ritus, accessit libellus de regionibus septentrionalibus ex Jacobo Zieglero preterea epistola Maximiliani Transylvant ad R. Cardinalem Saltzburgensem de Moluccis Insulis et aliis pluribus mirandis. With woodcut device on last page and woodcut initials. 8vo, contemporary brown calf , with fine Plaque, showing a figure of Faith on a monument ard the following words . " Quoniam in me S-piravit liberabo ium protegam turn quo, etc., Psal. 90," in a panel round the Plaque* Round the figure itself are the following words . " Spes caritas Fides. In te Domine S-peravi non confundar in Eternum in Justitia tua libera me et eripe me. Psal. 70." The design is signed I. P. The same Plaque is on both sides (joints mended). Antwerp, Joannis Steelsius, 1542. 25 Hainrisse Additions. 136 ***This work was first published in 1520 and frequently reprinted, BL T IT IS ONLY THE PRESENT EDITION THAT CONTAINS THE EPISTLE OF MAXIMILIANUS TRANSYLVANUS which describes the famous voyage of Magellan. Maximilian of Transylvania was Secretary to Charles V., and his description is in the form of an Epistle addressed to the Archbishop of Salzburg 1 . THE FIRST CATECHISM FOR THE AMERICAN INDIANS. ONE OF THE EARLIEST SPECIMENS OF MEXICAN TYPOGRAPHY, 1544. 1544 A.D. [36] CORDOVA (Pedro de). Doctrina Christiana pa instruokm y infON ma-do dslos Indies: por manura tfs hystoria. Cpmpuesta por el muy reuerendo padre fray Pedro de Cordoua : de buena memoria : primero f undador dla orden delos Predicadores elas yslas del mar Oceano : y por otros religiosos doctos dla misma orden. La qual doctrina fue vista y examinada yap uada por el muy. R. S. el licecia do Tello de Sadoual Inquisitador. en esta Nueua Espana por su Magestad. La qual fue empressa en Mexico por mandado del muy. R. S. do fray Juan Zumarraga pmer obispo desta ciudad : del con seio de su Magestad. Ano de M. d. xliiii. (Colophon} .... Impressa en la grande y mas leal ciudad de Mexico: en casa de Juan Cromberger: que sancta gloria aya a cost a del dicho senor obispo. . . . Acabose de imprimir. Ano de M. d. xliiii. Title within a woodcut border. GOTHIC LETTER. Small 4to, morocco gilt. Mexico, 1544. (SEE ILLUSTRATION, PLATE No. XIII.). 210 (Harrisse 251, wto could only locate two copies, one in Providence, the other in Mexico). * * * Of exceptional rarity and one of the earliest specimens of Mexican Typography. The Author, Petrus Cordova, was a Spanish dominican, who in 1510 went as a missionary to the American Indians, and was known as " The Apostle to the Indians." This work was composed by him for teaching the natives the Christian Faith. As it was a school reading book, almost all copies were destroyed through constant use. 26 MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. 1545 A.D. [37] APIAN (P.) Cosmographia . . acfditis eiuscfem arguments Sibef- iis ipsius Gemmae FrisH. Woodcut of a Sphere on title, three revolving diagrams, A LARGE FOLDING WORLD MAP, and many fine geographical and astronomical Maps. Printer s, mark at end. 4to, fine copy in the original vellum binding. Antwerp, 1545. 14 14s (Harrisse 262). * * * The large Map of the World shows North and South America, the Southern $art carrying the word " America " ; and the Northern, which i only a verr elong-ated prolongation, " BACCALEARUM." 1546 A.D. [38] BIONDO (M. A.). De Navigatione . . in quo Navigations utilis- aima continetur doctrina cum pixide nouo, & diligenti examine uentorum, el tempestatum. Cum accurantissima descriptione distantiae locorum interni Maris, & Oceani, a Gadibus ad Novum Orbem. Small 4to, new cloth. Venice, 1546. 6 6s (Harrisse 274). * * * Chapter XXV. is " De navigatione ad Novum Orbem. " The book has historiated initial letter. 1 ?, and there are several diagrams showing the cardinal points. 1547 A.D. [40] VI EDO (G. de). Coronica Delas Indias. La Hysteria General de las Indias agora nueuamente impressa corregida y emandada. Title printed in red and black, with woodcut border, and with large woodcut Coat-of-Arms of the Emperor Charles V. The whole enclosed by woodcut border. ON FOLIO X. IS A VERY LARGE? WOODCUT OF COLUMBUS COAT-OF-ARMS. Other woodcuts of American interest and of natural history. Folio, -fine copy bound by Bedford in full crushed levant morocco, g. e. Salamanca, 1547. (SEE ILLUSTRATION, PLATE No. XIV.). 85 (Harriase 278). *** In this edition is found for the first time the large Cruvt of Arms of Columbus. The copy is complete with the additional book at end by XEEEvS, " Conquista del Peru ; Verdadera relacion " which is Harrisse No. 277. Th Authtor, GONZALO HERNANDEZ DE OVIEDO, lived for a long time in America. He gives here curious notices concerning Religion, Rites, Manners, and Customs, of the natives in America. He explains the virtues of the trees and plants, which were unknown hitherto. He also gives picturesque descriptions of the Lakes, Rivers, and Mountain^. This volume also contains the earliest treatise on TOBACCO " Libro quinto, Capit ^egundo. De los tabocos o ahumadas que los Indos acostumbran en esta ysla Espanola," and is the first book mentioned in Bragged "Bibliotheca Nicotiana." Book XX. is devoted to Shipwrecks. MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. af 1548 A.D. [41] PTOLEMY. La Ceografia di Claudio Ptolemeo Alessandrino, Con alcuni comenti & aggiunte fatteui da Sebastiano Munstero. Thick I2mo, old limp boards. Venice, 1548. 16 16& (Harrisso 285). * * * The first edition of Ptolemy s Geography in. Italian. The translation was made by Pietro Andrea Mattioli, a learned, physician of Siena, and the maps were designed and added by Jacobo Gastaldo, who also wrote the dedication, which is dated Di Vinetia a due di Otiennaio MDXLV1II. A whole series of 34 new maps are here found, for the first time, and some of them are of no slight interest to the history of geography. Among these maps are seven of America, via: Terra Nuova (South America), Nova Hispania (Central America), Terra Nova de Bacalaos, Isola Cuba, Spagnola, Universale nuovo, Carta marina universale. EXCEEDINGLY RARE. The copy described in the Catalogue of the Library of Congress wants the last named map " Carta marina univexsale." 1552 A.D. [42] PTOLEMAEUS (Claudius). Ceographiae libri VIII. Double columns, 50 lines to a full page, with 54 double maps and wood cut figure of Ptolemy on back of title. Folio, pigskin. Basel, 1552. 2S Eames-Sabin No. 66488. This is the fourth edition of Miinster s Ptolemy, with an additional treatise " on the use of maps," and enlarged indexes by Conradus Lyeosthenes. Descriptive text on the reverse of maps, generally within woodcut borders after Hans Holbein, Munster was the first to give maps for the four pairts of the world, and he mentions his sources for these modern maps 1 . There are two remarkable world-maps (one of which shows America, " seu insula Brasilii, Terra Florida," and in the North the interesting inscription " Per hoc fretum item patet ad Molucas "). The maps of American interest are as follows: No. 1. Typus Universalis, altered from that in the 1545 edition. No. 46. Septentriona es Region.es XVI II., Nova Tabula. No. 54. Novae Insulae XXVI., Nova Tabula. 1552 A.D. [43] MUNSTER (Sebastian). La Cosmographte Uni verse! le. Illustrated with 14 double woodcut maps, double woodcut views of cities, and some hundreds of other woodcut Views, Figures, etc. Thick folio, original calf. Basle, 1552. 10 IDs A Fine Copy, but lacking the title page. The Maips include: The World Map showing America, with Brazil, Florida, Magellan Straits, and Cuba, also one of North find South America entitled " Des Isles neuvues, lesquelles on appelle isles d occident & Indie." Pages 1357 to 1374 give a description of the New World headed : " DES NOUVET^IiBS ISLES, comment, quand & par qui elles ant estces trouvees," illustrated with 12 curious cuts. 28 MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. A COMPLETE SET OF THE FIRST EDITIONS. 1552-3 A.D. [44] LAS CASAS (Bartholome de). Complete Set of hfis Rare American Tracts, namely: (I.) Breuissima relacion de la destruycion de las Indias: colegida por el Obispo don fray Bartolome de las Casas. (Colophon} Impressa ... en Seuilla en casa de Sebastian Trugillo .. . . Ano de M. D. Lij. (II.) Lo que se sigue es un Pedaco dd una carta y relacion que escrivo cierto hombre, etc. (Sevilla: Sebastian Trugillo, 1552.) (III.) Entre los remedios que don fray Bartolome de las Casas .... referio por mandado del Emperador ... en los avuntamietos q mado hazer su magestad ... en Valladolid . . . para reformacio de las Indias . . . Seuilla: J. Cronberger, 1552. (IV.) Aqui se cotiene treynta proposiciones muy juridicas . . . al de- recho q la yglesia y los principes christianos tienen o puede tener sobre los in- fieles, etc. Seuilla: Trugillo (1552). (V.) Aqui se contiene yna disputa . . . entre el obispo don fray Bartholome de la Casas ; . . . y el doctor Gines le Sepulveda sobre q el doctor contendia: q las conquistas de las Indias contra los Indies eran licitas, etc. Seuilla: Trugillo, X dias del mes de Setiembre, 1552. (VI.) Estes es un tratado q ell obispo de la ciudad Real de Chiapa don iray Bartholome de la Casas . . . compuso por comission del Consejo Real de las Indias. Seuilla: Trugillo, 1552. (VII.) Aqui se cotiene unos auisos y reglas para los confessores q oyeren en confessiones de los Espanolos que son o han sido en cargo a los Indios de Las Indias. Seuilla: Trugillo, 1552. (VIII.) Principia queda ex quibus procedendum est in disputatione ad rnanifestandam et defendendam iusticiam Yndorum. Hispali (Seville) : Trugillo, a.d. (IX.) Tratado coprobatorio del Imperio soberano y principado uniuersal que los Reyes de Castilla y Leontienen sobre las Indias. Seuilla : Trugillo, 1 553. 4to, russia. Seville, 1552-3. 105 * * * The Duke of Grafton s Copy, with hi* name and elate 1783 on first title. EXCESSIVELY RARE. A Complete Set of these original treatises, containing the nine parts as issued. ALL FIRST EDITIONS. With Title Pages nearly all printed in red and black with woodcut borders. Parts 3 and 5 each with the final blank leaf and genuine printed cancel slips of two lines each. The slips appear in but a, few other copies, among which are those in the British Museum, Rothschild, and Lenox Libraries. Bibliographers have observed no uniform order in arranging- these tracts. The titles are here given as observed by Field and Winsor, but are bound in the following order in -thte copy : Tracts I., II., V., III., IV., VI., VIII., IX., VJI. NV. TIIK " NEW WOELD " FROM PTOLEMY, 1511 (greatly reduced). See Item Xo, U. PLATE VIII. c? ***, R1STO Oper II H *< MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. 29 Casas (Bartholome de) continued. The Tracts in English are ad follows : (I.) A brief account of the Destruction of the Indies: Collected by the Bishop Don BARTHOLOMEW DE LAS CASAS, Friar of the Order of Saint Dominio. (II.) Epitome of a letter on the same subject. (III.) Among the remedies which Friar Don Bartholomew de Las Casas Bishop of the Royal City of CMaipa reported by order of the Emperor, the King, our Lord, in the meetings which his Majesty ordered to be held by the prelates and learned men and grandees of Valladolid, in the year one thousand five hundred and forty two, for the refor mation of the Indies; the eighth in order is the following, wherein twenty reasons are assigned, ,by which it is proved that the Indians should not be given to the Spaniards, neither in commission, nor in fief, nor in vassalage, nor in any other way whatsoever, if His Majesty according to his desire would free them from the tyranny and perdition which they suffer; as from the mouth of the dragons, and that they may not totally consume and kill them, and devastate that world of its o infinite natural inhabitants, with whom it was, and we saw it, peopled. (IV.) Here are contained thirty most lawful propositions, in which are summarily and succinctly treated many things appertaining to the right which the church and the Christian princes have, or may have, over the infidels of whatever kind they may be. Chiefly the true and strongest foundation is assigned on which is ba^ed and supported the title and supreme and universal lordship which the kings of Castile and Leon hold over the world of what we call the West Indies. By the which they are constituted universal lords and emperors in them, over many kings. Other most remarkable things are also pointed out relative to the transaction which nn,<* taken p>lace in that world, and worthy to foe seen and known. (V.) Here is contained a dispute or controversy between the Bishop Friar Bartholomew de Las Casas, formerly Bishop of the royal city of Chiapa, which is in the Indies, a part of New Spain, and the Doctor Gine=? de Sepulveda, Chronicler to the Emperor our Lord, in which the Doctor contended that the conquests of the Indies against the Indians were lawful, and the Bishop on the contrary defended and affirmed them to have l>een and ^o be impossible to be so, but tyrannical, unjust, and iniquitous. Which question wa examined and disputed in the presence of many learned theologians and jurists in a meeting which his Majesty ordered to be heldi in the year one thousand five hundred and fifty in the City of Valladolid. (VI.) This is a treatise, which the Bishop of the Royal City of Chiapa, Friar Don Bartholomew de Las Casas composed by commission of the Royal Council of the Indies concerning the enslaving of the natives. (VII.) Here are contained some devices and rules for the confessors who have heard the confessions of the Spaniards who have or have had the charge of the Indiana of the Indies of the Ocean Sea. (VIII.) Certain principles from which we are to proceed in disputation to the mani festation and defence of the jurisdiction of the Indians. (IX.) Treatise shewing the rights of the Kings of Spain over fehe Indies. 30 MAGGS BROS., 54 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. 1553 A.D. THE FIRST EDITION, WITH THE RARE AMERICAN MAP. [45] GOMARA (Francisco Lopez de). Historia General cie Las Indian con todo el descubrimento y cosas notables que nan acaecido dencte que se ganaron ata el ano de 1551. Printed in Black Letter, double columns. Title in red and black, with the Arms of Spain nearly filling the page, on reverse a list of the historians of the Indies, with ornamental border. With the two EXCESSIVELY RARE full-page woodcut Maps, one of which contains America, also large woodcut of a Bison (on reverse of folio 1 16, Vol. I.) p and another large woodcut of a Coat of Arms (in the second part). The Two Parts in one volume. Folio, old Spanish calf, r. e. Saragossa , A ugustin Millan, 1553. (SEE ILLUSTRATION, PLATE No. XV.). 195 * The First Edition and Extremely Rare. With the very rare Maps, which urv> generally lacking. The First Pa.rt relates to the subjugation of Peru. The second pa<rt gives an account of the Conquest of Mexico. This is a great historical work, indispensable to the student of Spanish affairs in America after the Conquest. The dedication to Charles V. begins with, these remarkable words : " The greatest event which has happened since the creation of the world (leaving aside the incarnation and death of Him who- created it) is the discovery of the Indies." It affords us the most authentic views of the primitive condition of the Indian* before tyranny had crushed, or civilization had corrupted them. GOMARA prefixes a curious address to intending translators, warning them to b& accurate and to measure the full significance of the pregnant Spanish phrases, also to pay special attention to proper names. He further declares that he is writing the book in Latin, so that the translators may take no trouble in that language. His Latin version never appeared. THE TWO WOODCUT LEAVES, CONTAINING MAPS, ONE OF THE WESTERN AND THE OTHER OF THE EASTERN HEMISPHERE, \SEEM TO HAVE SURVIVED ONLY IN ONE OR TWO COPIES. The Author in his address, "a los Impresores," by whom he meant future repr inters of his work, begged them to omit nothing which he had taken care to insert in this original edition, maioTmente las tablas de la tierra. It was this warning which induced Bellero in Antwerp to issue a small Traca de la Tierra with his edition of 1554. The difference between Bellero s map and Gomara/s proves that the Spanish. Government had effectually suppressed the latter, and that the Antwerp publisher was obliged to have a new design prepared which is in some respects decidedly inferior to the original in geographical accuracy. (See No. 47.) ;t; A fine copy, with only one or two slight defects, namely : The top blank margin of title and outer margin of three leaves restored. Some verv slight facsimiling to the extreme bottom of the two maps, and their outer margins extended. MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W 31 1554-5 A.D. THE FIRST ILLUSTRATED EDITION. [46] GOMARA (Francisco Lopez de). La historia general d fas Intiras y Nueuo Mundo, con mas la conquista del Peru y de Mexico. Cronica de la Nueua Espana con la conquista de 1 Mexico y otias cosas notables: hechas por el valeroso Hernando Cortes. Printed in GOTHIC LETTER. On title page to each volume is a large woodcut Coat of Arms of the Emperor Charles V., text printed in red and black. The first volume of " Historia 1 contains 32 large engravings on wood, illustrating the Voyages of the Conquistadores and Battles with the American natives. 2 vols., folio, original vellum binding. Saragassa, 1554-5. (SEE ILLUSTRATION, PLATE No. XVI.). 95 *** EXTREMELY RARE. THE FIRST ILLUSTRATED EDITION. Francisco I/opez de Goraara was the Secretary of CORTES. He was the oldest of the regular historians of the New World. His early life, spent in the great mart of the American adventurers, seems to have given him an intwet in them and a knowledge of their affaire which led him to write their history. The works he produced, besides one or two of less consequence, were, first, his " History of the Indies/ which, after the Spanish fashion, begins with the creation of the world, and ends with the glories of Sipain, though it is chiefly devoted to Columbus and the discovery and conquest of Peru; and, second, hi* " Chronicle of New Spain," which is the History and Life oft Cortes. As the earliest records that were published concerning affairs which already stirred the whole of Christendom, these works had, at once, a great success. 1554 A.D. {47] GOMARA (Lopez de). Historia de Mexico, con el Descubrimiento de la Nueva Espana, Conquistado por el muy illustre y valeroso Principe Don Fernando Cortes. . . Anadiose de la nuevo descripcion y traca de todas las Indias, con una Tabla Alphabetica de las materias, y hazanas memorables enella contenidas. Illustrated with folding map of South America. Mexico, and the Southern portion of North America : " Brevis Exactaq. Totius Novi Orbis Eiusq Insularum Descriptio Recens A. Joan Bellero Edita." Thick small 8vo, full morocco. Antwerp, Por Juan Bellero, al Salmon, 1554. 12 12s * * * The interesting Maip appears for the first time in this edition. 32 MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. 1555 A.D. THE LAWS OF SPANISH AMERICA. PRINTED ON VELLUM. [48] SPANISH LAW. Las Stete Partidas del Sabfo Hey Dem Alonso e* Mono, Nuevamente Glosados por el Licenciado Gregorio Lopez del Consejo Real de Indias. The Seven Parts and Two Indices complete. The First Title printed in Red and Black, the large Arms of Spain on each title. Adorned with! many hundred Historiated Woodcut Initial Letters. Bound in 4 vols., thick folio, old Spanish calf. Salamanca, Andrea de Portonaris, 1555. (SEE ILLUSTRATION, PLATE No. XVIL). 458 * * * Printed entirely on thick vellum. Probably the only copy so issued. * * * This is the great Spanish Code of Law, its preponderant elements were the Canoa law and Roman law. In i act the general character of the PARTIDAS is that of an encyclopaedia or systematic compendium of these two legal systems. The work is divided into seven general headings, as followa; (1.) The Catholic Faith. (2.) Emperors, Kings. (3.) Justice. (4.) Marriage. (5.) Contracts. (6.) Will. (7.) Criminal Law. Lopez s edition is still the best for practical purposes, and the one used by the La^ Courts of Spain. FOR AMERICA IT IS OF THE UTMOST IMPORTANCE, for it is the basis of the law of South America, and of the parts of North America which were once ui*der the Rule of Spain, viz., California, Texas, Florida, etc. Lopez, as stated on the title page, was a member of the Royal Council of the Indies, and in his glosses are some interesting essays and, notes on the New World, as: " Indis Maris Oceani an juste bellum moveatur " (whether it is right to make war on the Indians, of the Oceanic sea). " Indi traseuntes ad calidas regiones moriutur cet plurimu." (Indians crossing from 1 cold to h>>t regions generally die). The first of the^e extends to 20 full columns, and he writes, that it is in the interest of the Pope and the Catholic Church, the King of Spain and the American Indians them selves that Spain should send Missionaries accompanied with large armed forces to occupy their territories. The Ancient Law of Spain, the New Testament, Thomas Aquinas, Cardinal Thomas De Vio, and all the Scholastic Philosopher*, are cited to support this contention. NO COPY IN THE ROYAL LIBRARY OF THE KINGS OF SPAIN, AT THE ESCURIAL, NOR IN THE ROYAL ARCHIVES AT SIMANCAS. MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. 33 1554 A.D* [49] MEDINA (Pietro da). L Arte del navegar. Tradotta de lingua Spagnola in volgar Italiano. Roman Letter, long lines to a full page. With large woodcut on title and many fine woodcut diagrams and large map of the world. 4to, vellum. Venice, 1554. 25 Medina s book was the first to treat of Navigation. This first Italian edition pub lished in the same year as the first French is noteworthy for the full page map, the left half of which is devoted to the New World (Florida, Labrador, Newfoundland, New Spain, Cuba, Jamaica, Mexico, Peru, Yucatan, etc.). 1555 A.D. [50] MEDINA (Pietro da). L Arte del Navegar. Another Edition. On title page is a large woodcut of a fleet of ships, numerous woodcuts and diagrams throughout the book, and on Folio 33 a full-page map of the New World. Small 4to, vellum. Venice, 1555. 25 * * * The full-page map of the New World represents the results of Spanish discovery in 1540. It is interesting as showing the mouth of the Spirito Santo (the Mississippi), and the lands around the Kiver and Gulf of St. Laurence. Newfoundland has not yet become an island, the straits of Belle-isle being still unknown, and only a deep inlet divides it from Labiador. The River Saguenay is shown at, its entry into the St. Laurence, which is <\ remarkable feature in so early a map. 1557 A.D. [51] OVIEDO Y VALDES. Libre XX. de la Segunda Parte de la General Historia de las Indias, Escripta por el Capitan Goncalo Fernandez de Oviedo y VaJdes. Large woodcut Arms on title. Folio, half morocco, gilt. Valladolid, 1557. (SEE ILLUSTRATION, PLATE No. XVIIL). 63 * * * EXCESSIVELY BARE. This XXth Book, which was published separately, was intended to form the first part of Volume II., but in consequence of the author s- death no more was issued. Gonzalo Fernandez de Oviedo y Values was born in Madrid about 1478. He was of a noble family, and as a, youth served as Page to the King. He was with the Court at Granada when the King received Columbus on his return in 1493. la 1512 he was appointed Secretary to Gorealus de Cordovo, but soon after determined to travel to the New Lands and joined e expedition of Pedrarias d Avila. In America he occupied several important offices, and was successively Governor of the Province of Cartagena and of Darien, Inspector of the Gold Mines, and finally was named Chronicler General of the Indies, in 1532. He resided in America nearly 34 yea>rs, during 1 which time he traversed the Atlantic 12 times, chiefly on missions to lay the grievances of the colonies before the Spanish Court. He returned to Spain for the last time in, 1556, and died at Valladolid in 1557. His intimate personal knowledge of men and events makes his history interesting and of the greatest importance. 34 MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. 1562 A.D. [52] FRANCK (Sebastian). Dat Wereltboeck spiegel ende Beettenisse ties gheheelen Aertbcdems van Sebastiaen Franck van Wcerden in vier Boecken te weten in Asiam, Aphricam, Europam ende Americam. pock wat van Nieiigevoncfen Werelden ende Eylanden niet wt Beroso, Joanne de Monte Villa, S Brandono historic, ende dier ghelijche Fabulen; maer wt aengenomene gheloofweerdighe ervarene Werelt-beschryvers, met grooter moeyte tesameri gedragen, in een hantboeck ingelyft. Title printed in red and black, with large woodcut of " Adam and Eve, ! also printed in red and black. Folio, old binding of wooden boards covered with contemporary stamps of Justitia, Prudentia, Lucretia, Vanitas, etc. Holland, 1562. 12 10s * * * America occupies the last portion of the book and extends to 46 pages. The heading of this .section is: "America dat vierde Bocck deser Geographye, van Nieuwe onbekende Werelden Eylanden ende Aerdtrycken." The famous "Mirror of the World," the Title-Page in English, reads as follows: "Workbook: mirror and likeness of the whole globe, set forth and arranged by Sebastian Franck of Woerden (in Holland), in four books, namely, in Asia, Africa, Europe, and America. Also of all the lands, nations, provinces, and islands comprised therein; situation, size, plants, properties, and of the people and inhabitants thereof, names, shapes, mode of life, morals, religion, creeds, ceremonies, laws, government, policy, manners, cus toms, war, industry, fruits, animals, clothing and fashions, properly represented to the eye. Also something about the newly found world and islands, not from such like fables as those of Berosus, John of Monte Villa (Mandeville) and S. Brandon s history, but from accredited, trustworthy, experienced geographers, brought together with great pains from widely diffused books, and embodied and published in a single volume, the like of which in Dutch was never ibefore published. " Come and behold the work of the Lord, so wonderful among the children of men/ 1562 A.D. [52a] PTOLEMY. Ceographia Ptotemaei Atexandrlnl olim a Bilibaldc Pirckheimherio translata, et nunc multis codicibus grascis collata, pluribusque IE locis ad pristinam veritatem redacta. A losepho Moletio Mathematico. New Edition, revised and annotated by Josephus Moletius. With 64 double-page maps. 4to, half leather. Venice, 1562. 10104 * * * Of the 64 maps, ten relate to America, as follows : Sohonladia Nueva. Tierra Nueva. Orbis Descriptio. Isota Spagnola Nova. Tierra Nova. IsoLi Cuba Nova. Brasil Nuova Tavola. Septeritrionalium Partium Nova Tabula. Nueva Hispania Tabula. Carta Marina Tavola. MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. 35 1563 A.D. [53] ZARATE (Augustin de). Le Historie Dello Scoprimento e Con- quista del Peru . . . nella quali si ha piena & particolar relatione delle cose successe in quelle bande, dal principio sino alia pacificatione delle Pro- vincie, si in quel che tocca allo scoprimento, come al suocesso, delle guerre civili occorse fra gli Spagnuoli & Capitani, che lo conquistarono. Nuovametlte di Lingua Castigliana tradctte dal S. Alfonso Ulloa. Small 4to, original vellum. Vinegia, 1563. 12 12s THE FIRST EDITION IN ITALIAN. * * * Auguste Zarate was sent to Peru in 1543 with Blasco Nufies Vela. He took a very important part in the Civil Wars of that country, where he remained many years. " Zarate was a man of rank and education. His history, whether we attend to its matter or composition, is a book of considerable merit/ (Robertson.) 1564 A.D. [54] PTOLEMAEUS (C.). La Ceografia, Nuouamente tradotta di Greco in Italiano da leronimo Ruscelli. Et con nuoue & bellissime figure. Roman Letter. With 64 maps. 4to, original vellum, g. e. Venice, 1564. 10 10s The following- 10 Maips relate to America : Schonladia Nueva Isola Cuba Nova. Tierira. Nova. Isiola Spagnola Nova. Brasil Nuova Tavola. Septentrionalium Partium Nova Tabula. Nueva Hispania Tabula. Carta Marina Tavola. Tierra Nueva. Orbis Description 1573 A.D. SPECIALLY COLOURED PRESENTATION COPY TO COMTE DE LALAING, GOVERNOR OF BELGIUM. [55] ORTELIUS (Abraham). Theatrum orbis terrarum. With 70 beautiful contemporary coloured maps and a frontispiece in gold and colours. Folio, half calf. Antwer-p, 15/3. 35 In this Edition are 17 Maps which apipear here for the first time. A copy of extraordinary interest, having a special title in gold and colours and tiwo dedicatory leaves with a MS, inscription : " Illustrissimo domino D. Philippe Comiti de Lalain, Hannoniae praefecto ac Praetori sum mo exercitus generalium Statuum Belgii supremo Duci Patriae libertatis propugnatori acerrimo. Johannes Schil geographus dedicabat Anno 1578 " Also two pages of print dedicated to the Comte de Lalaing by Daniel Cellarius Ferimon- lanus, dated Flushing, 1578. The following maps relate to America: 1. Typus orbis terrarum. 60. Seiptentrionalium regionum descriptio. 2. Americae sive novi orbis, nova descriptio. 62. Tartariae sive Magni Chami regni typus 4. Afrioae tabula nova. . . . 1570. 63. Indiae Orientalis, insularumque 5. Ewropae. adjacentium typus. 36 MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. 1574 A.D. [56] MARTYR (Peter). De Rebus Ooeanicis et Novo Orbe, decades tres, Eiusdem, De Babylonica legatione, libri III. De Rebus . Ethiopicis, Indicis, Lusitanicis & Hispanicis, opuscula quedam Historica doctissima, quae hodi& non facile alibi reperiuntur, Damiani A Goes Equitis Lusitani. 8vo, original binding of stamped pigskin. Cologne, Gervinus Calexius, 1574. 5 5s *** This Edition contains the Three Becades, and in addition the " 1>B INSULJS PsTUPER INVENTIS ET DE MORIBUS INCOLARUM EAttUNDEM." (About the newly <Ji^- covered Islands, and Customs of their Inhabitants.) 1574 A.D. [57] APIAN (Peter). Cosmographia ... per Cemmam Fri sium, Woodcut of Sphere on title. LARGE FOLDING WOODCUT " CHARTA COS- MOGRAPHICA " showing the Continent of AMERICA, and a number of woodcut diagrams in the text, some with movable discs and pointers. Small 4to, original vellum. Antwerp, 1574. 12 12s * * * One of the) woodcuts with a movable disc also shows America. 1575 A.D. [58] APIAN (Pedro). La Cosmographia de Pedro Apiano, corregida \ anadida por Gemma Frisio, Medico y Mathematico. La rnanera de descriuir y situar los Lugares, con el uso del Anillo Astronomico, del rnismo Auctor Gemma Frisio. . . El Sitio y Descripcion de las Indias y Mundo Nuevo, sacada de la Historia de Francisco Lopez de Gomara, y de la Cosmographia de Jeronymo Girava Tarragonez. Illustrated with large Folding Map of the World, showing America. Four plates with movable discs, upon one of which America is mentioned, and numerous astronomical figures. Small 4to, half leather. Antwerp, 1575. 10 10s * In this edition the Chapter relating to America occupies the tvso pages folio 84. followed by the large map of the world. The description of the Indies by Gomara, and Cosmographia of Girava, occupy 23 pp. PLATE IX. THE NEW WORLD FROM " THE ADMIRAL S MAP." (Greatly Reduced), in PTOLEMY, 1513. Se Item No. 17. PLATE X. . ^ ft g. :-.y ? g * > $ " _ T-luLllll . . ill IIIII M W x S K X. 11" e -5 K & tf w (5 5 MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. 37 WITH THE ADDITIONAL FOUR LEAVES. A WELCOME HOME TO MASTER MARTIN FROBISHER (AFTER HIS NORTH AMERICAN VOYAGE). 1579 A.D. [59] CHURCHYARDS (Thomas). A Discourse of the Queenes Majesties Entertainemettt in Suffolk and Norffolk: With a description of many things then presently seene. Whereunto is adjoyned a commendation of Sir Humfrey Gilbert s ven- trous journey. In Verse. Woodcut device in centre of title, and woodcut border round. Small 4to. A REMARKABLY FINE COPY, bound by Lewis in full morocco, gold borders on sides , gilt back> g. e. London : Imprinted by Henrie Bynnetnan, servante to the Right Honour able Sir Christopher Hatton (1579). 350 *** A FINE AND PERFECT COPY OF THIS EXCESSIVELY RAKE BOOK, WITH THE FOUR LEAVES OF VERSE AT END, WHICH ALMOST EVERY COPY LACKS, NAMELY :- " A Welcome home to Master Martin Frobusher, and all those Gentlemen and Souldiers, that have bene with him this last journey, in the Countrey called (Mela incognita) whichc welcome was written since this Eooke was put to the Printing, and joyned to the same Booke, for a true testimony of Churchyardes good will, for the furtherance of Mayster Frobusher s fame." This is a most important book, both on account of it being an excessively rare Elizabethan volume of Poetry, and also on account of the tour leaves at end welcoming home Frobisher from his Famous Voyage to the Northern Parts of America, when he discovered Frobisher Bay and the Straits which now carry Hudson s name. " Frobisher sailed from Harwich on 31 May with a fleet of fifteen vessels, in three divi sions, headed by the Aid, Judith, and Thomas Allen, for the North-West parts/ and the fancied treasures of Meta Incognita. Taking a new route, he sailed down the Channel and along the Southern coast of England and Ireland, and sighted Cape Clear on 6 June. Hence he sailed north-west until the 20th, when he reached the south of Greenland, where he landed, and named it West England, giving the name Charing Cross to the last Cliff of which he had sight as he sailed past two days later. On> 2 July the fleet sighted the islands oS Meta Incognita, but could not proceed on account of the ice. After losing himself in the Mistaken Streight (i.e., Hudson s) through no want of being warned by the more experienced Christopher Hall, master of the Aid, Frobisher anchored in the Countess of Warwick s Sound 31 July, where he found Fenton in the Judith, who arrived there ten days before him. Meanwhile Hall in the Thomas Allen was beating up in the open two or three of the other vessels which had lost their bearings in the storms and mist. After wasting nearly two months in finding the rendezvous and repairing damages there, the only results were the acci dental discovery of a new strait by Frobisher, afterwards explored by Hudson, the further discovery of the upper part of Frobisher Bay by Best, and the loading of the soundest vessels with mineral that turned out to be worthless. The fleet sailed for England early in September, and arrived at various ports near the beginning of October. " One curious fact of geographical interest in this voyage of 1578 remains to be noted. The Emmanuel Buss of Bridgwater, as she came homeward, to the south-east of Friesland ft.c., Green-land), discovered an island in lat. 57.} north, and sailed along the coast three days, the land seeming to be fruitful, full of woods, and a champaign country/ This island has been a source of perplexity to map-makers and navigators down to our day. It was doubtless an island, now submerged, a phenomenon by no means unknown in these regions, if we are to believe Ruysch, in his map of the 1507 Ptolemy/ D.N.B. 38 MAGGS BROS., 34 Si 35, Conduit Street, London, W. 1580 A.D. [sga] CHAYES (Jerome). Chronographia o reportorio delos tiempos, cl mas copioso y precisso que hasta ahora ha salido a luz. Portrait of the Author on title page, two woodcut maps, and a series of wood engravings of the Signs of the Zodiac, Phases of the Moon, etc. Small 4to, vellum. Seville, 1580. 4 4s * * * Page 94 and verso of 95 are on the Xe\v World, and the discoveries of Christopher Columbus " De la Quarta Parte del Muiido, llamada Mundo Nuevo. Titulo nuevo " with n woodcut map showing the New Lands ; and on page 99 reverse is a woodcut map entirely devoted to the New World. 1585 A.D. [5Qb] BOEMUS (J.). I Costumi. Le Leggi et L Usanze Di Tutte Le Genti, Divisi in tre Libri ." . . et Tradotti per Lucio Fauno .... Aggiuntovi di nuovo il quarto libro nel qua se narra I Costumi, et L Usanze Dell Indie Occidentals, Overo Monde Novo: Da M. Pre. Cieronimo Ciglio. Small 8vo, original vellum. Venice, 1585. 3 10s *** GTiGLIO S "De Costumi delle genti del Mondo Nuovo" occupies the last 48pp. 1585 A.D. [60] FAVOLIUS (Hugo). Theatri Orbis Ten-arum Enchiridion, Minori- bus Tabulis per Philippum Gallaeum Exaratum : et Carmine Heroico, ex Variis Geographis & Poe tis Collecto. Small 4to, original vellum. Antwerp, 1585. 8 10s * * * This curious! volume written in hexameter verse is adorned with numerous maps engraved on copper, of -which five are large double plates, one being the Map of the World, " Tiipus or bis terra rum," dated 1574, upon which is described America and " Terra Australia nondurn cognitae." At page 4 is a .small map entitled " Amerioae sive novi orbis nova descriptio." All the mapsi are very finely engraved, and were done by the Celebrated Engraver, Philippe Galle. MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. 39 PRINTED AT LIMA, 1594. WITH ORIGINAL MANUSCRIPT DOCUMENT RELATING TO THE INDIANS SIGNED BY THE VICEROY S SECRETARY. 1594 A.D. [61] PERU. Ordenancas que el Sencr Marquis de Canete, Visorey de estos Reynos del Peru mando hazer, para el remedio de los excesses, que los eorregidores de Naturales hazen en tratar, y contrater con los Indies, y danos, y agravios que de esto reciven. Con otras cosas enderecades al bien y conser- vacion de los Indies, (at end) For mandado del Virrey. Alvaro Ruyz de Nabamuel. /pp., folio, original vellum. Inifiresso en la Ciudad de los Reyes -por Antonio Ricardo de Turin (Lima), 1594. 35 * * * At end axe 4 pp. of Manuscript, "being a series of further Ordinances concerning the Indians. Signed by Alvaro Ruyz, by order of the Viceroy. This is, we believe, the earliest book printed at Lima. Unknown to Harrisse, " Im- prenta en America/ 1595 A.D. [6ia] CONZALES DE MENDOZA (Joan). Historia de las cosas mas notables, ritos, costumbres del gran Reyno de la China. . . Con un liine- rario del Nuevo Mundo (por Martin Ignacio). Thick small 8vo, contemporary calf. Medina del Campo, 1595. 25 * * * Ttiis was the product of three missions. The notes of Martin de Rada, or de Herrada, in the first expedition (along with Pedro Sarmiento) in 1575, and those of Gonzalez de Mendoza on his mission of 1578, enabled the latter to write the Historia. A third journey in 1581, by Martin Ignacio de Loyola, furnished the Itinerario, which includes Mexico and the Philippines. This Itinerario is very interesting. Fr. Ignacio on his Voyage to China went via the Canaries and St. Domingo, from there he passed to Vera Cruz, across Mexico, between Mexico and Acapulco, and re-embarked from this port for the Philippines and China. Although brief, the account of the Voyage is extremely interesting. He speaks of the Discovery of New Mexico by Ant. d Espejo. 40 MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. THE FIRST SPECIAL ATLAS OF THE NEW WORLD. 1597 A.D. [62] WYTFLIET (Cornelius). (Descriptions Ptoiemaicae Augmentum.) THE COMPLETE SET OF NINETEEN MAPS OF AMERICA EACH OCCUPYING TWO PAGES, but without the general title and letterpress description. 4to, old calf. Lonvain, 1597. (SEE ILLUSTRATION, PLATE No. XIX.). 42 * * * This is the EARLIEST DISTINCTLY AMERICAN ATLAS. It is as important iii the history of the early cartography of the New World as Ptolemy s Maps are in the *-tudy of the old. Nordenskiold states that the author has described a part of the globe entirely un known to the ancients, in a manner completely different from the style of the Alexandrian geographer, and that the work does not contain a map or a single line* of Ptolemy. Map No. 1, " Orbis terrai um," is a copy of Mercator s map of the world of 1584. The western hemisphere outlines the northern and southern continents. North America is culled " America sive India nova." The unknown, northwest coast is defined and is separated from Asia by " El streto do Anian." A small inland sea, " mar dulce/ is. probably Hudson s bay. " No. Francia " is LabradoT, north of which is " Estotilant/ " Gro&nlant " is an Arctic island with " G roc-la nit " to the west and " Islant " on the east. The outline of the southern continent is less accurate than that of the northern, and it has no general name. Terra del Fuego is represented as part of an indefinite Antarctic region, and is entirely separated from the continent. Maps of special interest and value are: No. 2, "Chica sive Patagonica et Australis terra," which Nordenskiold describes as a "beautiful " map; No. 10, an early map of Cuba; No. 13, "California," represented as a peninsula; No. 17, " Norum- bega et Virginia"; and No. 19, " Estotilandia et Laboratoris terra," which is also a most interesting maip of the Arctic isla.nd,s. cf Groenlandiae ipar-V " Island iae pairs, " and " Frislant " appear to have Ibeen much better known than the mainland. The entire map the author s knowledge of the Zeno chart and the discoveries of the 7eno brothers. Contents : No. 1. Utriusque Hemispherii ]3elineatio. 2. Chica sive Patagonica et Australia Terra. 3. Chili. 4. Plata American Provincia. 5. Peru. 6. Brazil. 7. Castilla Aurifera. 8. Residuum Continentis cum Adiacenllbus Insulis. 9. Hispaniola. 10. Cuba & Jamaica. 11. Yucatana Regio et Fondura. 12. Hispania Nova. 13. Granata Nova et California. 14. Anian & Quiuira 15. Conibas .Regio. 16. Florida. 17. Virginia. 18. Nova Francia et Canada 19. Estotilandia et La.boTatorU Terra. MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. 41 1598 A.D. [63] JESUIT RELATIONS. Compendia de Alguas Cartas Quo Este AlUtO de 97. vierao dos Padres da Companhia de Jesu, que residem na India, & carte do grao Mogor, & nos Reinos da China, & Japao, & no Brazil, em que se contem varias cousas. . . Collegidas por o padre Amador Rebello da mesma companhia. I2mo, vellum. Lisbon, 1598. 18 18s *** Letters from the Portuguese Missionaries in China, Japan, and Brazil. The Letter* fronij Brazil occupy pp. 213 to 240. DE BRY S VOYAGES. 1599 A.D. [6sa] AMERICA. PART VII. Verissima et luncundissrma desoriptio praecipvarum qifarundam Indiae regionum & Insularunrt, quae quidem nullis ante haec tempora visae cognitaeque, iam primum ab Ulrico Fabro Straubin- gensi, multo cum periculo inventae & ab eodem summo diligentia consignatae fuerunt, ex germanico in latinum sermonem con versa autore M. Gotardo Artus Dantiscano. Illustrata vero pulcherrimis imaginibus, & in lucem emissa, studio & opera Theodorici de Bry piae memoriae, relictae viduae & nliorum. Elaborately engraved title page, and large engraving on page 7. Folio, half morocco. 1599. 12 10s 1601 A.D. [6_3b] GUZMAN (Louis de). Historia de las Missicnes que haw hccho los religicsos de la Compania de Jesus, en la India Oriental, y en Jos Reynos de la China y Jap on. 2 vols., folio, -fine copy in full morocco g. e. Alcala, 1601. 12 12s * * * A VERY INTERESTING WORK, giving the history not only of the Missions to Japan, China, and India, buii also a long account of the Missions in Brazil. This Brazilian section occupies nearly 40 pp. 1603 A.D. [64] SAN ROMAN (Antonio). Historia General de la India Oriental los Descubrimientos y Conquistas que han hecho las armas de Portugal en el Brasil y en partes de Africa y Asia; y de la Dilatacion del Santo Evangelic por aquellas grandes Provincias, desde sus principias hasta 1557. With engraved title. Folio, fine copy in full calf gilt, r. e. copy H , 1603- Valladolid, 1603. 18 18s * * * A very rare and important record chiefly concerning Brazil. The Author was a native of Valencia, and a .priest of the Order of St. Benedict. " Cet ouvrage est un des plus importants qui aient ete publies sur les conquetes faites par lesi Portugais. II est rare d en rencontrer un exemplaire complet." Saliva. This "was Salva s copy. 42 MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. 1604 A.D. [65] ACOSTA (Joseph de). The Natural! and Mora 1 1 Historie of the East and West Indies. Intreating of the remarkeable things of Heaven, of the Elements, Mettalls, Plants and Beasts which are proper to that Country : Together with the Manners, Ceremonies, Lawes, Governments, and Warres of the Indians. Written in Spanish by the R. F. Joseph Acosta, and translated into English by E. G. Small 4to, fine copy in full calf gilt, ni. e. London, 1604. 14 14s The very rare First English Edition *** Acosta coniiposed [part of his work in Peru, and the remainder on his return to Europe. Edwin Orimeston is said to ba the translator. A most important work, the best evidence being that it has been translated into almost every language in Europe. The work is replete with details of the Aborigines, before their peculiar customs had Tbeen modified by contact with the whites. Although Acosta was one of the earliest, yet he was one of the most curious and accurate observers of the customs and peculiarities of the Aborigines i 1605 A.D. [65 a] GUERREIRO (Fr. Fernam). Relacam annal das cousas que fezeram oa padres da companhia de Jesus nas partes da India Oriental, & no Brazil, Angola, Cabo Verde, Guine, nos annos 1602 & 1603, & do processo da conversam, & christandade daquellas partes, tirada das cartas dos mesmos padres que de la vieram. Small 4to, original vellum. Lisbon, 1605. 18 18s * * * Divided into four Books : (1) Japan. (2) China and Malacca. (3) India, (4) Brazil, Angola, and Guinea. MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. 43 1605 A.D. [650] SMITH (Sir Thomas). Sir Thomas Smithes Voiage and Enter tainment in Rushia. With the tragicall ends of two Emperors, and one Empresse, within one Moneth during his being there: And the miraculous preservation of the now raigning EMPEROR, esteemed dead for 18 yeares. Small 4to, handsomely bound by Bedford in full crushed levant morocco extra, g. e. Printed at London for Nathanyell Butter, 1605. 42 * * * A Magnificent Copy, with large margins, of this exceedingly rare book. The Author, Sir Thomas Smith, was born about 1558, and in June, 1(50 i, he was appointed to be special ambassador to the Czar of Russia. " When the East India Company was formed in October, 1600, he was elected the first governor, and was so appointed by the charter dated 31st Dec. In 1004 he was appointed one of the receivers for the Duchy of Cornwall, and, in June, to be special ambassador to the Tsar of Russia. His grandfather, Sir Andrew Judd, was one of the founders of the Muscovy Company, and he himself would seem to have been largely interested in the Muscovy tra-de. Sailing from Gravesend on 13th June, he, with his party, arrived at Archangel on 22nd July, and was conducted by way of Kholmogori and Vologhda to Jaroslav, where the Emperor then was-. In the course of the winter he obtained a grant of new privileges for the company, and in the spring went on to Moscow, whence he returned to Archangel and sailed for England on 28th May. " In 1603 Smith was re-elected governor of the East India Company, and with one break, 1606-7, continued to hold the office till July, 1621, during which time the company s trade was developed and established. In January 1618-19 he was appointed one of the com missioners for the settlement of the differences with the Dutch, which, however, after some years of discussion, remained for the time, unsettled. His connection with the East India Company and the Muscovy Company led him to promote and support voyages for the discovery of the North-West Passage, and his name, as given by William Baffin to Smith s Sound, stands as a memorial to all time of his enlightened and liberal energy. In 1609 he obtained the charter for the Virginia Company, of which he was the treasurer, an office which he held till 1620, when, on being charged with enriching himself at the expense of the company, and on a demand for inquiry, he resigned. The charges against him, which were urged with great virulence, were formally pronounced to be false and slanderous, though Smith was not held to be alto gether free from blame; and the renewed inquiry was still going on, when he died at Sutton- at-Hone in Kent on Sept. 1625. He was buried at Sutton, where, in the church, there is an. elaborate monument to his memory. The charges against him had met with no acceptance from the king; to the last he was consulted on all important matters relating to shipping and to eastern trade, and for several years was one of the chief commissioners of the Navy, as also governor of the French and Somer Islands companies." (D. N. B.) 44 MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. 1608-14 A.D. [66] DU JARRIC (Pierre). Histoire des choses plus memorables advenues tant ez Intfes Orientates que autres Pais de la descouuerie des Portu- gaiS. En Festablissement & progrez de la foy Chrestierme et Catholique : et Principalement de ce que les Religieux des la compagnie de Jesus y ont faict et endure pour la mesme fin. Le tout recueilly des lettres et outres histories qui en ont este escrites cy devant et mis en ordre par le Pierre du Jarric. 3 vols. , 4to, contemporary calf neat. Bordeaux, 1608-1614. 35 *** A very rare work, the three volumes of v.hich are seldom found together. Vol. 2, pp. 256 to 360 are devoted to Brazil. The volumes, otherwise, relate chiefly to India, and China. 1610 A.D. [67] OLIVIER DU KORT. Description du penible voyage fait en tour de I univers ou Globe Terrestre, par Sr Olivier Du Nort D Utrecht, General de Quatre Navires . . . pour traversant le Destroict de Magellanes, descouvrir les Costes de Cica, Chili & Peru, & y trafiquer, & puis passant les Molucques, & circomnavigant le Globe du Monde . . . translate du Flamand en Francois. Engraving on title and 25 in text. Folio, half calf. Amsterdam, 1610. 27 10S 1610 A.D. [68] BRANT S SHIP OF FOOLS. Aff-ghebeelde Namn Speel-sctatyt, verciert met meer als hondert schoone Figuren. With descriptions in Dutch prose and verse. Copperplate vignette on title, and upwards of 100 very curious and interesting wood engravings. Small 4to, full dark green morocco, g. c. Ley den, 1610. 5 5S With the wood engraving of Pliny as a Fool for staling- that no more new lands wore to found and the referent* in the text concerning the New World. PLATE XL so coites capitan i juftida mapos oelpucatara Uamaoo la nueua efpaija oelmaroceano:al mup altoppotenriflimocefariiiuictKTimq fenozoo Carlos emperaoo* Temper augufto y rep oe efpana nueftro/erioj: cofasfuceDioasimup Di^iiaeoeaomiradonenlaconquijla radon DelamurgranoeTmarauillofa duoao oe^emijrtlta otras piouindas a ella fubjetae que fe rebelaron. (Ehla qual duoao ^ of cbae pzouindas el Dicbo capitan y efpanolee configuieron granoee pfe nalaoae pictonas oigas oe perpetua memozia*tHfTi mcHno ba3erela? don como ba oefcubierto el mar Del Bur: -j otrae mucbae i graoe0 pzo uindae mup ricae oe minas oe ozo :pp0rlae:p pieoias pzedofte: tienen noricia queap efpeceria. CORTES THIRD LETTER, 1523, See Item No. 22. PLATE XII. ffl [,Za quartareladon q |f emado cotf eegouer [mdo^capitangcneralpotfuniaieftadetila tiueua6fpana81njar oceano cnibioal inup [altoTmuppotentilfimo inutcttfliitio fenoj oon Carlos cnipcradoi feniper angufto p rep De fpana nucftrofenOKenla qua! eftati otrascartaswIacionesqueloscapitaHes |||Si>edrooc aluamdo T^iego godo? ciwbia ron al Dicbo capitan |f ernardo co:te0 CORTES i- orrrrn LKTTKR. See Item No. 21. MAGGS BROS., 34 35, Conduit Street, London, W. 45 1612 A.D, THE FIRST PRINTED ACCOUNT OF HUDSON S DISCOVERIES IN NORTH AMERICA, AND THE SECOND PUBLISHED ACCOUNT OF THE DISCOVERY OF THE NORTHERN COASTS OF AUSTRALIA. BY DE QUIROS. [69] HUDSON (Henry). Desoriptio ao delineatio Ceographica Detec ts onis Freti, sive, Transitus ad Occasum, supra terras Americanas, in Chlnam atq; Japonem duoturi, Recens investigati ab M. Hen rice Hudsono Anglo. Nar ratio . . super tractum, in quinta Orbis terrarum parte, cui Austrialiae Incognitae nomen est, recens detecto, Per Capitanem Petrum Ferdinandez de Quir. Woodcut of a Ship on reverse of title, large woodcut of Esquimaux, and 3 large folding maps. Small 4to. Fine copy in) contemporary Spanish calf , with Arms of Mar quis of Caracena, Spanish Governor-General of the Netherlands. Amsterdam, Gerard, 1612. (SEE ILLUSTRATION, PLATE No. XX.). 150 * * * THE FIRST EDITION of the most remarkable Collection of Voyages of Dis covery of this .period. The Editor has collected together in this ibook a relation of the three most marvellous discoveries of the previous years in the most unknown parts of the world, viz : (1) The Discovery of the North West passage to America, by Henry Hudson; including the Hudson River, and Hudson Bay, etc. (2) The Discovery of the Northern Coasts of Australia, by Fernandez de Quiros. (3) The voyage of Isaac Massa to Siberia. For the Discovery of Hudson this is the first news printed concerning 1 the voyage. For De Qniros it is the Fir&t Edition in Latin of his report to the King of Spain, wherti he gives particulars of the countries of Terre Australe; and for Isaac Massa it is also the First Edition of his Relation of Siberia. The volume is accompanied by 3 large Maps, namely : (1) Map* of the two Hemispheres, showing the discoveries of Hudson in America, und of De Quiros in Australia, also of Massa in Siberia. (2) Chart of the discoveries of Hudson in North America, designed by Hudson himself, (3) Chart of the Northern Coast of Asia. In this, the FIRST EDITION, at the end of Massa s Treatise, is added a little di*- pprtation on the possibility of a passage between Asia and America. This portion is omitted in the Second Edition. " Una cum descriptione terrae Samoiedarum et Tingoesiorurn, in Tartaria ad Ortum Freti Waygats satae, nuperq. Imperio Muscovita;rum subactae/ 46 MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. 1614 A.D. [70] COLOMBO (Fernando). Historie del Sig Don Fernando Colombo. Relatione della Vita, & de fatti dell Ammiraglio Don ChristofOfO Colombo suo Padre. Et dello scoprimento, dell Indie Occidentale, dette Mondo Nuovo, tradotte di lingua Spagnuola nell Italiana. Con aggiunta di Lettere, & Testa- mento dell Ammiraglio. 1 2 mo, boards. Milan, 1614. 3 3s * * * The Spanish, original is no longer in existence. This Italian Version holds consequently a place of great importance in the literature of American history, "being the only source of information for many years of the life of Columbus. 1615 A.D. [71] HERNANDEZ (Doctor Francisco). Quatro libros de la naturaleza, y virtudes de las plantas, y animales que estan recevidos en el uso dei medccina en la Nueva E span a, y la methodo, y correcion, y preparacion, que para admin- istrallas se requiere . . . aumentados por Francisco Ximenez. Small 4to, original vellum. Mexico, en casa de la Viuda de Diego Lo-pez Davalos, 1615. 25 The First Edition translated by XIMEiNEZ into Spanish from the Manuscript of Hernandez, which the latter sent home to the King. * * * The additions of Ximenez have greatly improved the original MSS. of Her nandez; and the Mexican names appear in it in a more correct form. Hernandez was the royal physician and a famous Naturalist. Philip II. sent him to Mexico to make observations, and to describe its natural history. He was the first to open up to European Naturalists the treasures of the New WoHd. 1617 A.D. [7 1 a] STIC LI AN (Thomas). Del Mondo Nuovo (in verse). Thick small I2mo, original vellum. Piacenza, 1617. 4 4s * * * The First Edition of this curious poem on the Ne^V World. On the title is a small Map of America, engraved on copper. MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. 47 1618 A.D. [72] RALEIGH (Sir Walter). A Declaration of the Demeanor and Cariage of Sir Walter Raleigh, Knight, as well in his Voyage, as in and sithence his Returne; And of the true motiues and inducements which occasioned His Maiestie to Proceed in doing Justice vpon him, as it hath bene done. Small 4to, original limp vellum. A fine copy of the FIRST EDITION with the blank leaf marked " A " and the Royal Arms on reverse of title. London, 1618. 10 10s * * * This is the official statement of the circumstances attending Raleigh s fall and death, issued to appease the public who felt that the sentence pronounced in 1603 was unjust, and that the carrying of it into execution in 1618 was base. This pamphlet deals with Raleigh s last Expedition to America, and gives in full the cause of its failure, etc. 1620 A.D. [73] PORCACCHI (Thomas). L lsole Piu Famcse Del Mondo. Engraved title, and 48 engraved maps, with letterpress descriptions. LARGE PAPER COPY. Folio, original vellum. Padua, 1620. 6 6s * * * The American Maps, each with a long description, included in this volume are : Temistitan. Isola, Cuba. Mexico. Jamaica. Mondo Nuovo.. Isola de St. Giovanni. Isola Spagnuola. World Map. 1621 A.D. PICTORIAL ACCOUNT OF COLUMBUS s SECOND VOYAGE. [74] PHILOPONUS (Honorius). Nova Typis transacta Navigatio. Novi Orbis Indiae Occidentalis admodum Buelli Cataloni in Universam American! , sive Novum Orbem. With engraved title, very large folding plate of Christopher Columbus arriving in the New World and the arrival of the Missionaries, portrait of St. Brandan and of P. Buell, and 17 other full-page plates showing the Cruelties of the Indians, etc. Folio, half morocco. Munich, 1621. (SEE ILLUSTRATION, PLATE No. XXL). 105 On of the most curious and interesting pictorial volumes of Americana, and of high rarity. * * * Father Buell was sent out by the King of Spain to Christianise the New World. Pope Alexander VI. named him Vicar-General of the Indes Occidentales, of which he is regarded as the first patriarch. He was accompanied by twelve monks, and they embarked with (Christopher Columbus in .1493, upon his) -second voyage. Upon [Bueirs arrival in America, he had many differences with Columbus, and was one of those who spoke most spitefully against him. Buell returned to Spain with the Admiral in order to justify his conduct. The plates are very interesting and include full length portraits of Columbus and Father Buell, Indian to^tuires, battle scenes, the tobaco plant, Indian King smoking, a naval battle, etc., etc. They were engraved by W. Kilian. 48 MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. 1622 A.D. [75] HAWKINS (Sir Richard). The Observations of Sir Richard Hawkins, Knight, in His Voyage into the South Sea, Anno Domini i 593. FIRST EDITION. Folio, original calf. London , Printed by I . D. for John Jaggard, and\ arc to be soldi at his shop at the Hand and Starr e in Fleete-streete, neere the Temple Gate, 1622. 25 * * * Six Richard Hawkins* conception was not only a voyage round the world, arriving at " the islands of Japan, of the Philippines, and Moluccas, the kingdoms of China and East Indies, by the way of the Straits of Magellan and the South Sea," but he designed principally, he tells us, " to make a perfect discovery of all those parts where he should arrive, as well known as unknown, with their Longitudes and latitudes, the lying of theii coasts, their head-lands, their .ports and bays, their cities!, towns and .peqplings, their manner of government, with the commodities which the countries yielded, and of which they have want and are in necessity. The account of the early part of the voyage, written by Hawkyns himself, is interesting from the intelligent descriptions of sea life and of the places at which the ships touched. On 5 November they anchored between the Santa Anna Islands, to the North of Cape Frio. There they put the sick on shore, and refreshed them with sea-fowl and such fruits as the islands afforded. Afterwards they watered at Isla Grande, to the, West of Eio Janeiro: and on 18 December shaped their course for the Straits of Magellan At Santa Anna they had emptied out and burnt the victualler; off the mouth of the River Plate the .pinnace deserted and made her way home again. The Dainty thus camo alone to the Straits; passed through, not without danger; and on 19 April, 1594, anchored at the island of Mocha, where fresh provisions were procured. " I have not tasted bettor mutton anywhere/ Hawkins noted. And so on to Valparaiso, where they plundered tho town and ransomed the ships in the bay; thence going north, making a few prizes, they anchored on 18 June in the bay of San Matea. where on tha 19th they were found by two large Spanish ships, well armed and commanded by Don Beltran de Castro, brother-in-law of the viceroy, who had fitted them out expressly to look for and capture or destroy the-<w English pirates. The crew of the Dainty had been reduced by deaths to about seventy-five; the vSpianiards are said to have numbered ten times as many, which is pro bable enough. Another estimate, making them " thirteen hundred men and boys," may be pronounced a gross exaggeration. The Dainty was stoutly defended, and she might possibly have beaten off her assailants and made good her escape, but for the extreme carelessness with which she had been prepared for action. Hawkyns had left all the supervision as well as tha preparation to the gunner, in whom he had perfect confidence, but who, in the hour of need, proved ignorant and incapable. There were no cartridges, much of the ammunition had been spoiled by damp, few of the guns were clear when they were wanted, and some of them had been loaded with the powder on top of tha shot. Hawkyns s own account off the .action tells of such gross neglect and mismanagement, as to give rise to a Ptispiciou that, whatever the gunner s faults, Hawkyns was not the " complete seaman " and sikilfnl commander that he would wish his renders to suppose. Of his stubborn courage, however, there is no doubt. The fiorht lasted through three days, till Hawkyns, was carried belovr -ieverely wounded. The ship was then almost knocked to pieces, with fourteen shot under water, seven or eight feet of water in the hold, and the pumps smashed; many of the men killed, many more wounded, and the rest mad drunk. Haiwkyns therefore surrendered or capitulation, Don Beltran solemnly plpdeiiu? himself " that he would give ns our lives with good entreaty, and send us as speedily as he could into o".ir own country." (D. N. B..") MAGGS BROS., 34 35, Conduit Street, London, W. 49 1622 A.D. [76] FLORIDA AND CUBA. Relation de Ic Sucedido en los Caleones y Flota de Tierra Firme. iopp., folio, wrappers. (Madrid, 1622.) 105 * * * The Original Spanish Issue of this excessively rare tract. On the 22nd of August, 1022, the whole fleet of Tierra Firme assembled in the Port; of Havanna. On Sunday, the 4th of Septeinber, they weighed anchor and sailed. There were 28 ships with their Admiral, eight galleons, three pinnaces and other attendants upon the fleet. A tempest arose on Monday and continued until Tuesday. Those that were able put back to Havanna. Nine vessels were lost, two ships being wrecked on the Floridia Coast. The tract gives the full (list of the Officers, (Sailors and Passengers who were drowned. This naval disaster was received with such interest in England, that the tract was translated into English, with the following title : " A true relation of that which lately happened to the great Spanish Fleet, and <<alleons of Terra Firma in America, with many strange deliveries of captives and souldiers in Ihe tempest and other remarkable accidents, 1623." Of this English Edition only 3 copies are known. The late Mr. G. D. Smith catalogued one of these for $300,00. This Spanish Original i Q even rarer, as we cannot trace the pale of another copy. THE FAMOUS SERMON TO THE VIRGINIAN COMPANY. 1622 A.D. [77] DONNE (John, Dean of St. Paul s). A Sermon upon the VIII. verse of the I. Chapter of the Acts, preached to the Honourable Company of the Virginian Plantation, I3th November, 1622. Small 4to. A very fine copy in full polished calf , g. / ., by Riviere. London, 1622. 35 * * * The First Edition of Donne s famous sermon before the early adventurers in the Virginia Company. It may truly be described as the first missionary sermon printed in the English language. 50 MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. 1622 A.D. THE FIEST EDITION OF LE MAIRE S VOYAGE. [78] HERRERA (Antonio de). Novus OrbiS. Metaphraste C. Barlaeo, Accesserunt & aliorum Indiae Occidentalis Descriptiones, & Navigations nuperae Australis Jacobi le Maire Historia. Illustrated with 17 Double Maps, COPPERPLATE PORTRAIT OF LE MAIRE, and several woodcuts in the text. Folio, full calf (title margined}. Amsterdam, Michael Colin, 1622. 18 18s * * * The portrait of LE MAI1JE is very rare, and it is not mentioned in Brunet, Graesse, Leclerc, or in the " Nuggets." The last four pages of the second part contain a Vocabulary of the language of the Solomon Isles. " It is erroneously stated in the " American Nuggets " that Barcia, in the preface to his edition of Herrera, (repudiates the edition by Colin as full of errors. The fact is, that Barcia makes nowhere any remark prejudicial to the above publication of 1622, which certainly contains a faithful translation of the " Description," of Herrera, and an equally faithful reproduction of the fourteen authentic maps. Barcia s remark had reference only to the Amsterdam edition of 1721. The volume is highly valuable as containing the first edition of the genuine Voyage of Le .Maire (also issued in Latin and Dutch in the same year) as distinguished from that which had been, through the Dutch India Company s 1 jealousy of Le Maire, published by Blaeu under the name of Cornelius Schouten, who had. commanded one of Le Maire s vessels. It concludes with the Spanish and English voyages to Magellanr s Straits and the description of America given by Ordonez de Cevallos and Bertius." 1622 A.D. [79] WHITBOURNE (Captain Richard). A Discourse containing a Loving Invitation both Honourable, and profitable to all such as shall be Adventurers, either in person, or purse, for the advancement of his Majesties most hopefull Plantation in the New- Found- Land, lately undertaken. Written by Captaine Richard Whitbourne of Exmouth, in the County of Devon. FIRST EDITION. 46 pp., small 4to, half calf. Imprinted at London by Felix Kyngston, 1622. 15 15S *** This is the "Discourse" alone, which was separately published. It is dedicated to Henry Lord Cary, Viscount Falkland. Whitbourne gives a general description of Newfoundland, and invites settlers to the country Whitbourne was a Devonshire man, and served against the Armada in 1588, in a ship of his own. He had already made a voyage to Newfoundland about 1580. He met Sir Humphrey Gilbert at St. John s a few years later, and frequently returned to the same shores afterwards. MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. 51 1625-26 A.D. [So] PURGHAS (Samuel). Hakluytus Posthiimus, or Purchase his Pil- grimes. Contayning a History of the World in Sea Voyages and Lande Travails by Englishmen, and others: of all the Circum-navigations of the Globe, all Voyages to the Cape, India, China, Japan, the Malay Archipelago, and of Travels by land in Asia, America, and elsewhere. Wherein Gods Wonders in Nature, and Providence, The Acts, Arts, Varie ties and Vanities of Men, with a world of the Worlds Rarities, are by a world of Eywitnesse Authors, related to the World . . . All examined, abbre viated, illustrated with notes, enlarged with discourses, adorned with pictures and expressed in Mapps. 4 vols. , folio. London, 1625-6. Plirchas His Pilgrimage, or Relations of the World and the Religions observed in all ages and places discovered from the Creation unto this Present. Thq Fourth (and best) Edition, much inlarged with Additions, and illus trated with Mappes (engraved title and one map in facsimile, a few leaves of vol. i stained). Together 5 vols., folio, calf (rebackecT). 25 The contents of the vols. are as follows: Vol. I. Voyages and Travels of Ancient Kings, Patriarchs, Apostles and Philosophers; Voyages of Circumnavigation of the Globe; and Voyages along the Coasts of Africa to the East Indies, Japan, China, the Philippine Islands, and the Persian and Arabian Gulfs. Vol. II. Voyages and Relations of Africa, Ethiopia, Palestine, Arabia, Persia, and other pa*rts of Asia. Vol. III. Voyages to Tartary, China, Russia, North-West America, and the Polaa- Regions. Vol. IV. Voyages to< America, and the West Indies. Vol. V. (The Pilgrimage), contains a Theological and Geographical History of Asia, Africa, and America. " We owe to the zeal and vast erudition of this laborious man, one of the most celebrated collections of voyages which have ever appeared; valuable alike for the abundance of its materials and its importance in the history of its early discoveries, especially those of the English/ Biographic Universelle. 1627 A.D. [81] SIMON (P. Fray Pedro). Primera Parte de fas Notiaias historiales de las Conquistas de Tierra Firm, en las Indias Occidentales. \ Small folio, original vellum. Cuenca, Domingo de la Yglesia, 1627. 12 12s ***AN IMPORTANT WORK, containing the history of the Provinces of Cumana and Venezuela. Part I. is all that was published. $2 MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, \V. 1628 A.D. [82] BRAZIL. TOMAIO DE VARGAS (Thomas). Restauracion de la cilitfad del Salvador, I Baia de Todos-Sanctos, en la provincia del Brasil. Por ias Armas De Don Philippe IV. el Grande Rei Catholico de las Espanas. . . . Small 4to, original vellum. Madrid, 1628. 12 12s 1630 A.D. [83] LEON [PINELO] (Antonio de). Tratado de confirmaciones reales de encomiandas, officios I Casos, en que se requieren para las Indias Occi- dentales. Engraved title showing emblematic figures of Peru and Nova Hispania. Small 4to, calf., Madrid, 1630. 8 10s * * * A Very Important Work, composed i roiu Original Documents. Antonio de Xaon was born in Peru, he was educated at Lima, and was names! Chronicler of the Indies/ Ho wrote many important works which, tor the most part, only exist in manuscript. 1631 A.D. [84] BRAZIL. Relation de la Jornada que la Armada de su Magested a hecho al socorro del Brasil, y batalla que entre ella, y la de los estados de Olanda se dieron en doze de Septiembre deste ano de 1631 , en diez y ocho grados de altura a la bada del sur de la Equinocial, y paraje de los Abrojos. 4 pages, folio, half morocco. Seville, 1631. 12 12s 1632 A.D. [85] DIAZ DEL CASTILLO (Bernal). Hlstoria Verdadera de la Con- quista de la Nueva Espana. With engraved title. Folio, vellum. Madrid (1632). 18 18s * * * The First Edition of this rare Chronicle written by one of the Conquistadores. and containing the two additional leaves numbered Chapter CCXXII. (for CCXII.) " Estv (>apitulo que as e>l ultimo del original . . ." which were added after the completion of the hook. 1632 A.D. [86] DIAZ DEL CASTILLO (Bernal;. Histofia Verdadera de la Con- qtn sta de la Nueva Espana. ANOTHER COPY, a variation of the First Edition, having a printed title; instead of the engraved title, and before the additional two leaves were issued. Folio, original half calf. Madrid, 1632. 18 18s inftrucion -ztofozmacto oelosiftdi 0:po:maneraoel?yft02ia+ Com* pueftapo:el muv reuerendo padre fray *edro t>e Cozdoua : t>e buena memou a :p:tmerofunt>at>o:t$Iao: M A. * JQt IglO ifmao2t>c3laql t>omnafue vifla f erammaoaf a,p uada po i el mur* TR, SB . el Itcecia^ oo 2Tellooe Sadoual ^nquifiooi fBtfitaoozen efta nueua lEfpana Xaqualfueem^ CORDOVA DOCTRINA CHRISTIANA, 1544. (Indian Catechism). One of the First Books p rintecl in Mexico. See Item No. 30. PLATE XIV THK Amis OF CHRISTOPHER COLUMBUS. From OVIKDO Y V ALDKS CORONTCA DK LAS IXDIAS. 1-")17. See Item No 40. MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. 53 1635 A.D. [87] WOOD (William). New England s Prospect. A true, lively, and experimental description of that part of America, commonly called New England : discovering the state of that Countrie, both as it stands to our new- come English Planters; and to the old Native Inhabitants. Laying downe that which may both enrich the knowledge of the mind -travel ling Reader, or benefit the future Voyager. Folding woodcut map " The South part of New-England, as it is Planted this yeare, 1635. Small 4to, bound by Riviere in full levant morocco extra, g. c. Printed at London by Tho. Cotes for John Bellamic, 1635. (SEE ILLUSTRATION, PLATE No. XXII.). 175 ***A VERY BEAUTIFUL AND TALL COPY WITH THE VERY {RARE MAP. This is one of the most interesting of tho early New England books. The wonk details the natural features of the country, tell* of the habits and customs of the Indians, etc. An Indian vocabulary is placed at the end and takes precedence of the linguistic labors of Roger Williams, John Elliot, and others. It is possible that the author may ha.ve had the co-operation of both Williams find Elliot, who came to New England in 1631. The map, which is dated in each edition to correspond with its imprint, is more correct and fuller in its details than in the previous issue. The majority of the few known copies of this- work are in public institution*. 1639 A.D. [88] WEIGEL (Johannes). Habitus praecipuorum popuforum tarn Virorum quam Foeminarum, olim singular! Johannis Weigelii Proplastis Norimbergensis arte depicti & excusi, nunc vero debita diligentia denuo recusi Black Letter and Roman Letter. With fine figured woodcut title in compartments and magnificent final page and 220 full-page, full-length woodcut costume figures by John Weigei after the original drawings of Jobst Amman. Folio, crushed crimson morocco extra t g. c., by F. Bedford. Ului, Johann Gocrlin, 1639. (SEE ILLUSTRATION, PLATE No. XX1IL). 65 This book is excessively rare m a complete state. Copies like the above in which impressions of tho plates are absolutely magnificent are almost unknown. This 1 copy ap- peara to be printed on specially thick paper. " Each cut ha its title at top in Latin (Roman letter), at foot in German (C-Jothic letter), with verses in the latter language. The sories embraces ail grades of society, different nationalities, and both sexes, from the Em peror downwards, illustrating perhaps better than any book, the ccvstume of the period, which was very rich and costly, in the case of the more wealthy people." The dresses appropriate to festivals, balls, marriages, are. shewn, sometimes with 2 or 3 figures on the page. Two of these beautiful cuts show the Natives of Brazil. 54 MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. 1639 A.D. [88a] PIZARRO (Don Fernando). Varones illustres dej Nuevo Mundo. Descubridores, conquistadores, y pacificadores del opulento, dilatado, y pode- roso imperio de las Indias Occidentals. Folio, calf. Madrid, 1639. 12 12s * * * This book was written by one of the descendants of Pizarro, who here brings together the lives of Christopher Columbus, de Alonso de Ojeda, Fernand Cortess, Franc. Pizarro, Juan Pizarro, Diego de Almagro, Hern. Pizarro, Gonzalo Pizarro, & Diego Garcia cle Paredes Under the title of " Discurso legal y politico" Pizarro asks of King Philip IV. lo extend to him the promise made by Charles V. to Don Francisco Pizarro to reward him for his Conquest of Peru by creating him Marquis and giving him twenty thousand vases vis. 1642 A.D. [89] MEXICO. Relacion de tcdo lo sucedido en estas Provinces de Pa Nueva Espana, desde la formacion de la Armada Real de Barlovento, despacho de flota, y successo della, hasta la salida deste primer Aviso del ano de 1642. 4 pp., folio, boards. 1642. 10 tSs 1643 A.D. [90] CORDOVA (Diego de). Vida, Virtudes, y milagros del apostol del Peru el venerable pe Fray Francisco Solano de la serafica orden de los menores de la regular observancia, patron de la Ciudad De Lima. . . segunda edk jcn anadida por el P. Fray Alonso de Mendieta provincial de la S ta Provincia de los 12 Apostoles del Peru, y Procurador General de la Ciudad de los Reyes. With engraved title, in which is introduced a portrait of SOLANO, also engraved full-length portrait of the same. Thick small 4to, full calf. Madrid, 1643. 6 Father SOLANO, born at Montilla, in 1549, entered the Franciscan Onlfcr at the age of 20, went to Peru with the Viceroy Garcia Hurtado de Mendoza, Marquis- de Canete in 1589. A few days after his arrival at Lima he went to the provinces of Tucuman and of Rio de la Plata for the conversion of the Indians. His Biographer Diego de Cordova y Salinas, was Chronicler of the Province of P^ru. 1644 A.D. [goal BRAZIL. Collection of 17 Documents in Portuguese relating to the administration of Antonio Telles da Sylva, Governor General of Brazil, and his difficulties with the Chamber at Bahia. The letters are signed by Antonio Telles da Sylva, and by Manoel Pereira Franco, etc., and certified with ihe signature of the Bishop of Brazil. 1644. 6 6s MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. 55 1644 A.D. [91] COTTON (Rev. John, Teacher of the Church at Boston in New- England). The Keyed of the Kingdom of Heaven, and Power thereof, accord ing to the Word of God. Tending] to reconcile some present differences about Discipline. The Second time Imprinted. Published by Tho. Goodwin and Philip Nye. Small 4to, new boards. London, 1644. 3 3s 1644-50 A.D. [91 a] BAHIA in BRAZIL. 1644-1650. Collection of 14 Original Docu ments in Portuguese relating to Antonio Macedo, a Soldier who fought in the Battles for this State, dated 1644-1650, containing the signatures of Antonio Telles da Sylva, and Conde Castello Melhor, and Joao Rodrigues de Vascon- celios e Sousa, Governors of Brazil. 3 3s 1645 A.D. [92] RIBAS (Rev. Andres Perez de). Historia de los triumphos de nuestra santa fee entre gentes las mas Barbaras, del Nuevo Orbe: conse- guidos por los Soldados de la Milicia de la Compania de Jesus en las Missiones de la Provincia de Nueva-Espana. . . . Small folio, morocco. Madrid, Por Alonso dc Paredcs, 1645. 24 * * Eibas was born in Cordova, in Andalucia, in 1576. Becoming n member of the Society of Jesus, he went in 1604 to Mexico, and spent sixteen years in untiring exertion for the conversion of the Indians. This rare work contains many particulars relating to the Indian tribes of Cinaloa, in North Mexico and of California, not to be found elsewhere. 1648 A.D. [93] BOOTHBY (Richard; Merchant). A briefe Discovery or Descrip tion of the most famous Island of Madagascar or St. Laurence in Asia neare unto East India; also the Trading from Port to Port all India and Asia over, and the great profit gained thereby. Small 4to, fine copy in full russia gilt, uncut edges. London, printed by E. G. for John Hardesty, 1646. 9 9s A fine and interesting copy of a very rare little book. This copy Las on the blank margins some valuable contemporary manuscript notes referring to statements in the text. Chapter XV. (p. 62) commences with " The valour of the English Nation against the Savages in Virginia and New England. 1648 A.D. [93 a] BRAZIL. Autograph Letter in Portuguese Signed by Antonio Teiies da Sylva, Governor General of Brazil, dated 1646 from Bahia in Brazil, in which he complains to the King of Portugal about the irregular proceedings of Paulo Barbosa, Captain Major of Porto Seguro, where he committed terrible crimes. 1 10s 56 MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. 1648 A.D. [94] SOLORZANO PEREIRA (D. Jean de). Politica Indiana Sacada en Lengua Castellana de Ics dcs Tomes Del Derecho, I Covierno Municipal de las Indias Occidentales, en Ics quales se trata tcdo So tccante al ctessubri- mien to, description, adquisicion i retention de las Indias. Thick folio, calf. Madrid, 1648. 12 12a * * * This is the. first Spanish translation of the " Disqnisitiones de Indiarnin Jure. J 1649 A.D. [95] BRAZIL. Relation de la Victoria quo Ics Portugueses de Pemam- buco alcangaron de los de la Compania del Brasil en los Garerapes a 19 de Febrero de 1649. Traducida del Aleman, Publicada en Viena de Austria. 12 pp., small 4 to, boards. (Madrid^, 1649. 10 10s 1649-55 A.D. [96] GONZALEZ DA VI LA (Gil). Teatro Eclesiastice de la Prirmtiva Iglesia de las Indias Occidentales, vidas de sus Arzobispos, Obispos y cosas memorables de sus sedes. With the rare Map of Mechoacan. 2 vols., small folio, vellum binding. Madrid, Diego Diaz de la Carrera, 1649-55. 24 * * * EXTREMELY HARE. It is a very curious work, containing- an account of the first Church Establishments in Spanish America, and! other important matters relating to its early history, as the introduction of arts and letters, printing, etc. The accounts of thn various races of Indians, their creeds and manners, etc., are also highly valuable. At p. 23 of the first volume, Davila notices the introduction of printing into Mexico in 1522, mentions the first printer, Juan Pa.blos, and states that the first "book printed was the well-known Scala Paradisi of Joannes riimacus. 1650 A.D. ORIGINAL MANUSCRIPT. [97] TERRARUM ORBIS DESCRIPTIO. Coloured drawing of Bacchus astride a cask. 222 pp., small folio, vellum binding. 1650. 10 10s * * * An interesting- manuscript containing an epitome of (jieography, written in Latin in 1650 at Breda, by some scholar who studied under Prof. Joh. Philemon. The latter part of this Manuscript relates to Africa, and America; the first part with Tartary, Syria, Japan, China, Mongolia, India Orientalis, Jerusalem, Tiirkey, Hohemia, Hungary, etc. The Author writes of Columbus, Vespucci, Magellan, and Cortes, etc. * * # rp}ri 8 Manuscript begins with Spain and ends with America. The manners, and customs of the various countries are detailed. . The last entry gives an account of Magellan s ship Victory, which, after his death, returned from the Moluccas to Spain. MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. 57 1652 A.D. [98] HORNIUS (G.). De Originibus Americanis. Libri Quatuor. Hagae Comitis. Sumptibus Adrian! Vlacq. 1652. Bound with BERK ELI US (A.). Cenuina Stcphant Byzantini de Urbilius et Pcpuiis F ragmen ta. Latinam interpretationem & animadversiones adjecit. Accedit Hannonis Carthaginensium Regis Periplus. Graece & Latine. Lugduni in Batavi, Apud Danielem a Gaesbeeck, 1674. Two works in I volume. Small thick 8vo, vellum. 1 185 * * * The First Work was written by request of Jean de Laet, who had already refuted the opinion of Grotius on the subject. 1652 A.D. [g8a] BRAZIL. Letter Patent in Portuguese signed by the Conde de Castello Melhor, Joao Roiz de Vasconcellos e Sousa, Governor General of Brazil, dated Bahia 1652, confirming Manoel da Costa in his post as Adjutant of the Sergeant Major in the Province of Bahia. The Seal contains the Arms of the Governor. 1 10s 1654 A.D. [99] BRAZIL. BARRETO (Francisco;. Relacam Diaria do Sitio, e Lomada da forte praca do Recife, recuperacao das Capitanias de Itamaraca : Paraiba, Rio grande, Ciara, & Ilha de Fernao de Noronha, por Francisco Barreto Mestre de campo general do Estado do Brasil, & Gouernador de Pernambuco. 31 pp., small 4 to, new boards. Lisbon, 1654. 5 5s 1655-1656 A.D. [99a] BRAZIL. Collection Of 6 Letters dated from Bahia in the years 1655 and 1656, each comprising many pages, from the Conde de Athouguia, Governor and Captain General of Brazil, and written to King Joao IV. of Portugal, in which he alludes to the proceedings of the Desembargador Fernando de Maia Furtado. In another one he complains of the barbarous treatment of the Tapuya Indians. He includes the Petition from the poor of Bahia. In another one he objects to the Orders which he has received to make the licentiate, Hieronymo de Burgos, Judge of Orfaos, embark for Rio de Janeiro, and he adds a petition received from this functionary. The other letters refer to his administration in general. 6 6s 5 8 MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street. London, W. 1658 A.D. [100] PISON (G.) De Indiae Utriusque re Natural! et Medica. Engraved title page and many hundred woodcuts of plants, birds, fish, and animals. Thick folio, calf. Amsterdam, Elzevir, 1658. 3 11 Os Comprises : Pison-Historia naturalis et medica Indiae Occidentalis, libri V. Marcgravius-Tractatus topographicus et meteor ologic us Brasiliae, cum Eclipsi Soihiri, etc. Bontius-Historiae naturalis et medica Indiae Orientalis, etc. 1659-1663 A.D. [looa] BRAZIL. A Series of 15 Letters in Portuguese Signed toy Francisco Barreto de Menezes, Governor General of Bahia, all addressed from Bahia to the King of Portugal, and dated as follows : (1) 8th January, 1659. Representing the great loss which the Royal Treasury had under gone owing to the recent orders that no ships were to leave the country. (2) 1 9th September, 1659. Relating to the nomination of Joao Leitao de Fana as Captain, and of the Quarter Master Nicolao Aranha Pacheco. (3 & 4). Ditto. In the same year, and on the same subject. (5) 3rd May, 1661. Asking for power to supply the Fort of Bahia with sufficient powder for its defence, seeing that Peace had been broken between the Portuguese Crown and the United Provinces of Holland. (6) 25th May, 1661. Asking permission to resign, saying that he had governed that State sufficiently long, and asking the King to name a successor; and to allow him permission to choose the ships in which he can travel in safety. (7) nth June, 1 66 1. Asking for power to proceed to Bahia with regard to Salvador Correia de Sa e Benevides. (8) 1 4th May, 1662. Concerning economic administration. (9) 1 4th May, 1662. With reference to a report which appeared to be unfounded, arid asking that Caspar Malheiros Reymao should be punished because he had not behaved in the manner he ought to have. (10) 24th May, 1662. Referring to Doctor Jorge Secco de Macedo, Chancellor of the State of Bahia about the advice received. (11) I4th May, 1662. Concerning a form which was necessary to be given to the Cover- nors, declaring that they would allow boats to come from the Indies to the Ports of Bahia. MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. SQ Brazil continued. (12) 1 4th May, 1662. Treating of the barbarous war, and mentioning the Province of Parahiba, etc. With many interesting remarks. (13) 1 5th May, 1662. Protesting against injustice that had been done in the cases of Andre Vidal de Negreiros and Francisco de Bryto Freire. (14) 26th October, 1662. Regarding his opinions about the wars of the barbarous Indians. (15) 1 5th February, 1663. Treating of the Reforms that were to be made in the Capital of Pernambuco and Rio de Janeiro. Original Documents of great importance to the Province of Bahia. 18 18s 1662 A.D. [101] CUADALUPE (Andres de), Histcria de la Santa Provincia de los Angeles de la regular Observancia, y orden de nuestro serafko padre San Francisco. With the fine frontispiece. Folio. Fine copy in full Spanish calf. Madrid, For Mateo Fernandez, 1662. 6 10s * * * The author was Commissary General of the Indies, and the Franciscan Order of which he writes, laboured extensively in America, and ha>s given its name to San Francisco, Los Angeles, etc. His first notice of the New World is contained in his account of the letter of Martin de Valencia from Yucatan in 1531. 1663 A.D. NORTH EAST PASSAGE TO CHINA. [102] DE VEER (Gerrit). Verhael van de vier eerste Schip-Vaerden Der Hollandtsche en Zeeuwsche Scheppen, Naar Nova Zembla, By Noorden Noorwegen Moscovien ende Tartarien omna de Coninckrijcken Cathay en China, etc. Woodcut of Ships on title page, and numerous curious cuts of the Arctic Regions. 52 pp., small 4to, boards. Amsterdam, 1663. 10 10s *** This comprises the Voyages of Gerrit de Vere in 1594, 1595, and 1596; and the * Journal of Henry Hudson " being his last voyage of 1609. 1671 A.D. [103] [CLODORE (J. de).] Relation de ce qui s est passe, dans les Isles & Terre-Ferme de 1 Amerique, pendant la derniere Guerre avec 1 Angleterre, & clepuis en execution du Traitte de Breda. AvEC UN JOURNAL du dernier Voyage du S r de la Barre en la Terre-Ferme, & Isle de Cayenne, accompagne d une exacte description du Pays, moeurs & naturel des Habitans. Le tout reciieilly des Memoires des principaux Omciers qui ont commande en ces Pays. Par I.C.S.D.V. 2 vols., I2mo, original calf . Paris, 16/1. 7 10s * * * This work is very important as a history of the Colonies, and for the war between England and France in the West Indies 1666-1667. Le sieur Clodore, the supposed author of the book, was Governor of Martinique; he took a very active part in the hostilities. 60 MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. 1672 A.D. [104] JOSSELYN (John). New-England s Rarities discovered in Birds, Beasts, Fishes, Serpents and Plants of that Country, together with the physical and chyrurgical remedies wherewith the Natives constantly use to cure their distempers, wounds and sores, also a perfect description of an Indian Squa, in all her bravery; with a poem not improperly conferr d upon her, lastly a Chrono logical Table of the most remarkable passages in that Country amongst the English. Illustrated with cuts. FIRST EDITION. i6mo, handsomely bound by Riviere in full levant morocco extra, g.* e. London, Printed for G. Widdowes, 1672. 42 * * * Complete with the folded plato, usually missing, the Catalogue of Books 2 pp. ot end, and the final leaf containing a remarkable device of Widdowes, th*e printer. This is the earliest work on the Natural History of New England. 1674 A.D. [105] LIGON R. . Recueil de Divers Voyages fails en Afrique et en TAmerique, qui n ont point este encore publiez. Contenant rOrigine, les Moeurs, les Coutumes et le Commerce des habitans avec les traitez curieux touchant la Haute Ethyopie, la mer Rouge & le Pretre-Jean. Enrichi de Figures, et des Cartes Geographiques. 4to, original calf. Paris, 1674. && 18s 1676 A.D. [106] COLUMBUS (Christopher). Historic del Signer D. Fernando Colombo: relatione della vita, e de fatti dell Ammiraglio D. Christoforo Colombo, suo padre: E dello scoprimento, ch egli fece dell Indie Occidental!, dette Mondo Nuovo. Nuouamente di lingua Spagnuola tradotte nell Italian a dal Signor Alfonso Ulloa. I2mo, original vellum. Venice, 1676. 1 10s *** A VERY RAKE EDITION. On the title is a little view of Venice. 1680 A.D. PRINTED IN LIMA. [107] ARGENTINE. Relacion de lo que los Espanotes y Indies de Buertcs Ay res executaron en defensa de la possession, que los Islas, y tierra nrme de S. Gabriel tiene el Rey : y del desalojamiento del la gente del Brasil, que passo a poblur en dichas Islas por parte de la Corona de Portugal, con orden, e instrucciones de su Principe Regente. Royal Arms on title. 8 pp., folio, boards. Impressa en Lima, -por Diego de Lyra, 1680. 10 10s PLATE XV. touageneral oelae^ndtascontodoeloefcubziniientopcofasnota blesqudpanacaccidoDendcquefcganaronaraclafiooc r 5 51. Conlacdqufllaoc fclfecricoy ocla nucuafpan.i. dEn Carago^a, J ^ 5 3* <L a cofta &c ZPisuel aptla mcrcsdcr &c Iib:o0 rejtno oe (Ciirjsoa 4 ^^ UlSTOIUA CiEXERAL DE LAS IXDIAS, 1553, See Item No. 45. PLATE XVI. II i o <*>.. AH J2 o rs a * w -S o O- < - a MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. 61 1680 A.D. [io;a] TOBACCO. DCENAS (Francisco de). Declaration de ta visita del Tobaco del estanco, por comision del Counsejo a el Senor Doni Aluaro Queypo de Llano y Valdes. 4 pp., folio, boards. (1680.) 3 3s *** An interesting dissertation on the History of Tobacco, its Medicinal uses, etc., and principally concerning the herb s found in America. 1680 A.D. [108] PORTULANO. Maritime Chart of the Western World, showing NewFoundland, South America (Brazilian portion), Africa (from Cape of Good Hope, the Gold Coast to the Mediterranean), Spain, France and England. Drawn in colours on a large sheet of vellum (size 21 by 12 inches), unbound. " Feita pot Mel Ferra" about 1680. 25 * * * A very interesting- Chart by a Portuguese Hydrographer, the various parts of the -world are ornamented with flags of the Nations who were in possession. Brazil flies the Flag of Portugal; Cape of Good Hope, that of Holland. 1680 A.D. [io8a] NORTH AMERICA divided into its PrincipaJI Parts, where are distinguished the Severall States which belong to the English, Spanish and French. Dedicated to Charles II., and sold by Wm. Berry. C. 1680. With the boundaries in colour, large map, size 224 by 35 inches. 5 5s MANUSCRIPT. 1680-82 A.D. [109] PENNINGTON. A Brief Account of some of My Exercises from My Childhood Left with my Dear Daughter Gulielma Maria Penn. By Mary Pennington. Written by Edward Pennington. 1680. PENN (William). Counsel and Advice to his Dear Wife and Children. Worminghurst, 1682. HANSON (Elizabeth). An Account of the Taking into Captivity by the Indians, Elizabeth Hanson, wife of J. Hanson, of Knpx, in Dover Township in New England, with four children, a servant maid, with their preservation and redemption, etc., taken from her own mouth and put in as good order as the nature of the relation will permit, etc. Taken this Account by Sam 1 Bonus in 1728, who came from his journey it being the last in America in y e 9 MO 1728. A Copy of a Letter from Thorn 3 Savage of Clifton to Richard Partridge of London concerning the Rebels, etc., at the fore mention d place. Together in one volume, Manuscript, w r ritten in a clear hand. Small 4to, vellum. 25 (Continued over) 62 MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. Pennington <:<? ntinued. * * * This is probably the manuscript from which was printed " Some Account of Circumstances in the Life of Mary Pennington/ from her Manuscript left for her family. The first 97 pages give an account of the early life of Mary Pennington, forinerly Mary Springet, the Mother of Gulielma Maria, the wife of William Penn. Waiting to her Grandson, Mary Pennington gives an account of her first husband S. Springet, -and the part he took in the Battle of Edgehill, and an account of his death during the siege of Arundel. Perm s advice to his wife and children \vas written when he left England for Pennsyl vania in 1682. In this letter he commends them to God, and bids his wife and children live in the love of Truth, to be diligent in meetings of worship and business, and let meetings be kept once a day in the family. To the children he gives adMce concerning their education, their love and respect for their Mother, and writes : " .... as for you that are like to be concern d in the Government of Pennsyl vania and my part of East Jersey, especially the first .... live therefore on the lines yourselves you would have the people live, then you have Right and Boldness to punish the Transgressors." 1684 A.D. [no] RODRIQUEZ (Father Manuel). El Maranon y Amazonas. His- toria de Los Descubrimientos, Entradas, y Reduccion de Naciones. Trabajos Malogrados de Algunos, Conquistadores, y Dichosos de Otros, assi Temporales, como Espirituales, en las Dilatadas Montanas y Mayores Rios de la America. Folio, boards. Madrid^ en la hnprenta de Antonio Goncalez de Reyes, 1684. 10 10$ * * * Father Hodriquez was a Jesuit and Procurador General of the Indies at Madrid. Nearly the whole of Father Aciina s " Descubrimiento del gran Rio de las Amazones " reprinted in this work. (See paiges 93-149). At end of the volume is; appended " Compendio Historial e Indice Chironologico Peruano y del Nuevo Eeyno de Granada " (which Pinelo gives as a distinct work). 1685 A.D. [iioa] BRAZIL. Letter in Portuguese to The King from Francisco de Sa de Menezes, Governor of Para, dated from Belem 1685, giving an account of the discovery of a silver mine. 1 Is MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. 63 1684-5 A.D. [in] ESQUEMELINC (John). Bucamers of America: or, a True Account of the Most Remarkable Assaults Committed of late Years upon the Coasts of THE WEST INDIES, By the BUCANIERS of Jamaica and Tortuga, Both ENGLISH AND FRENCH. Wherein are contained more especially, The unparallel d Exploits of Sir Henry Morgan, our English Jamaican Hero, who sack d Puerto Velo, burnt Panama, &c. Written originally in Dutch, by, John Esquemeling, one of the Bucaniers, who was present at those Tragedies. The Second Edition, Corrected, and Inlarged with two Additional Rela tions, viz. the one of Captain Cook, and the other of Captain Sharp. Now faithfully rendred into English. The Four Parts Complete. Illustrated with maps, portraits of the Buccaneers, and Scenes of their Exploits. 4to, original calf. London, 1684-5. (SEE ILLUSTRATION, PLATE No. XXIV.). 68 * * * The first three parts were written in Dutch, by the Buccaneer Esquemeling. The translator s name is not known. The fourth part was written by the English Buccaneer Basil Ringrose. The publisher, William Crook, was sued fo>r Libel by Sir Henry Morgan, on account of the description of him as a pirate in the London Gazette, June 8, 1685, the Publisher mode his public Apology. " Westminster, June 1. There have been lately Printed and Published two Booiks, one "by Will. Crook, the other by Tho. Malthus, both Intitled The History of the Bucaniers : both which Books contained many False, Scandalous and Malitious Reflections on the Life and Actions of Sir Henry Morgan of Jamaica Kt. The said Sir Henry Morgan hath by Judgment had in the Kingsbench-Court, recovered against the said Libel SOOL. Damages. And on the humble Solicitation and Request of William Crook, hath been pleased to withdraw his Action against the said Crook, and accept of his Submission and Acknowledgement in Print." 1686 A.D. [112] TREATY OF PEACE. Good Correspondence and Neutrality in America, between King James II. and King Louis XIV. Concluded the y^th Day of November, 1686. Small 4to, full new polished calf extra, gilt edges , by RIVIERE. London, Thomas Newcomb, 1686. 3 3s * * * The " Articles " of the Treaty include agreements concerning the FISHERIES, treat ment of PIRATES, Shipping, etc. 64 MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street. London, W 16S7 A.D. [113] PERU. Valdes (P. Rodrigo de, de la Compania de Jesus). Poema Heroyco Hispano- Latino Panegyrico de la Fundacion, y Grandezas de la muy Noble, y Leal Ciudad de Lima. Small 4to, full morocco, g. e. Madrid, Antonio Roman, 1687. 12 12s * * * A VERY RAKE BOOK, unknown to Antonio. The Father Rodrigo de Valdes was born at Lima in 1609, entered the Society of Jesus at the age of 19, and was employed in Missions to the Indians in the province of Guaruchuri. He was afterwards Professor in the College of San Pablo till the year 1662. This work affords a remarkable instance of the affinity between the Latin and Spanish language, for although written in Latin it is only necessary to change or add a letter to certain words and the Poem is in Spanish. WILLIAM PENN S OWN COPY, PRESENTED TO HIM BY THE TRANSLATOR. 1687 A.D. [114] PENN (William). (NO CROSS, NO CROWN, TRANSLATED INTO DUTCH) Zonder Kruys Ceen Krcon, door William Penn, Gouverneur en Eygenvar van Pensylvania, en t nederdytsch gebracht door Wm. Sewel. Thick small 8vo, original calf, ivith (t W. P." in gold on side. Amsterdam, 1687. 25 William Penn s copy, with his initials on the front cover, and the following long presentation inscription on fly-leaf by Wm. Scwel, the translator: " Amico suo Charissimo Guiljelmo Penn hujus Tractatus Author i ipsum hunc libellum Belgico Idiomate a se donatum, sincerissime Amoris specimen quidem exiguum Aiiimo tamen benevolo. " Guiljelmus Sevelius. Amstelodamo 1687." 1689 A.D. [115] CLEMENT (P. Claude). Tablas Chronologicas, en que se con- tienen los sucessos eclesiasticos, y seculares d Espana, Africa, Indias, Orient- ales y Occident ales, desde su prmcipio, hasta el ano 1642. . . . Ilustradas, y anadidas desde el ano 1642 hasta el presente de 1689 por V. JOSEPH MIGUEL. Woodcut on title. Small 4to, vellum. Valencia, 1689. 4 10S * * * In this Chronological Table, pages 164-261 deal exclusively with events in the New World from the year 1492 to 1688. 1690 A.D. [116] SEIXAS Y LOVERA (Francisco). Description Ceographtaa, y Derrotero de la Region Austral Magallanica. Small 4to, old calf (title\ mounted and repaired}. Madrid, 1690. 10 10s * * * The author accompanied Tavernier on his Embassy to the Mogul, and returned to Spain by way of China, and the Straits of Magellan. He gives a good account of former writers and discoverers. MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. 65 1692 A.D. [117] WELDE (T.). A Short Story of the Rise, Reign, and) Ruin of the Antfnomians, Familists, and Libertines That infected the CHURCHES OF NEW- ENGLAND : And how they were Confuted by THE ASSEMBLY OF MINISTERS THERE : As also of the MAGISTRATES proceedings in Court Against them. Together with God s strange Remarkable Judgments from Heaven upon some of the Chief Fomenters of these Opinions; and the Lamentable Death of Mrs. Hutchison. Very fit for these Times; here being the same Errors amongst us, ancl Acted by the same Spirit, etc. Small 4to, bound by Riviere in full -polished calf , g. e. London, 1692. 18 18s * * * "A very rare and curious volume. The sweetness of Christian love is manifest in the .sentences in which Mr. Welde gloats over Anne Hutchinson s banishment from Boston, and the massacre of herself and her family by the Indians. He considered that the Almighty had himself interposed to bring this punishment on her, for the gratification of the Saints of Boston." SUGGESTIONS FOR THE CAPTURE OF QUEBEC IN 1692. 1692 A.D. [i i /a] Q U EB EC. Ebauche d uii Projet pour Enlever Kebec at Pfaisance avec une Brieve Description de ces dciix Places et le recensemicnt des habitans de Car.ada, comme aussi celuy des Sauvages qui demeurent aux environs des trois villes Frangoises. A most interesting Manuscript of the highest Historical Importance, written in French, on 25 pp., folio, original binding. 1692. 31 10$ * * * This Manuscript was evidently made by a French Canadian, most likely at the request of William Blathwayt, Secretary for War, in whose possession it was originally. Tt is endersed by Blathwayt " Pour Quebec et Plaisance," and commences : " Pour se rendre Maitre de la Nouvelle France il faut premierement se saisir de Quebec," etc. 1692 A.D. [u;b] SOILS (Antoine de). Histoire de la Gcnquete du Mexique, ou de la Nouvelle Espagne, par Fernand Cortez. Folding maps and plates. 2 vols., i2mo, original calf. The Hague, 1692. 1 53" 1698 A.D. [11 8] LAS CASAS (Bartolome, Eveque de Chiapa). Relation Des Voyages et Des Deccuvertes que Les Espagne Is ont fait dans les Indes Occi- dentales; Avec la Relation curieuse des Voyages du Sieur de Montauban, Capitaine des Filbustiers, en Guinee Tan 1695. Frontispiece. I2mo, original calf. Amsterdam, 1698. 1 5s 66 MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. 1698 A.D. [119] BRAZIL. Giuseppe (Giovanni de S. Teresa Carmelitano Scalzo). Istoria Delle Guerre del Regno de Brasile. Accadute tra la Corona di Port.o- galle e la Republica di Olando. 2 parts in I vol, engraved title, 2 portraits and 23 large folding maps. Small folio, old red morocco, gilt lines, y. e. Roma, 1698. 10 103 A well written book by an author thoroughly acquainted with the subject. FROM THE LIBRARY OF CHARLES STUART (THE l< OLD PRETENDER.") 1698 A.D. [120] GIUSEPPE DI S. TERESA. Istoria delle Guerre del Regno del Brasile. Another Copy. With map and many fine engravings, many folding. 2 parts in I volume, folio, mottled calf , ivith two-line gold fillets on, sides and ornaments at inner angles, and the large Arms on sides of Charles Stuart (the Old Pretender} and of Clementina S obi e ski. Rome, 1698. 42 From the Library of " The Old Pretender/ afterwards in the Library of Horace Walpole, and carries his book plate. 1698 A.D. [i2oa] BRAZIL. Letter Patent In Portuguese signed by Arthur de Saae e Menezes, Governor of Rio de Janeiro, dated Rio de Janeiro 1698, and nominating Martin Correa Captain of the Infantry in the garrison of Nau Luzi- tana, for the protection of the new colony of Sacramento do Rio da Prata. The Seal contains the Arms of the Governor. 1 10S 1699 A.D. [121] HAGKE (Capt. Wm.). A Collection Of Original Voyages. Con taining: I. Capt. Cowley s Voyage round the Globe. II. Capt. Sharp s Journey over the Isthmus of Darien. III. Capt. Wood s Voyage thro the Streights of Magellan, IV. Mr. Robert s adventures among the Corsairs of the Levant. Illustrated with several Maps and Draughts. 8vo, calf. London, 1699. ^ ^ s MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. 67 1699 A.D. [122] WAFER (Lionel). A New Voyage and Description of the Isthmus of America, Giving an Account of the Author s Abode there, The Form, and Make of the Country, the Coasts, Hills, Rivers, &c., Woods, Soil, Weather, &c. Trees, Fruit, Beasts, Birds, Fish, &c. The Indian Inhabitants, their Features, Complexion, &c. , their Manners, Customs, Employments, Marriages, Feasts, Hunting, Computation, Language, &c. With Remarkable Occurrences in the South Sea, and elsewhere. Illustrated with a Map and three Copperplates. Small 8vo, original calf. London, 1699. 7 15s 1700 A.D. [123] THE LORD S PRAYER, In Above a Hundred Languages, Ver sions, and Characters. 70 pp., small 4to, boards (hole in last leaf). London, 1700. 10S 6d * * Includes the " Lord s Prayer " in Old Mexican, Virginian, and the Poconchi languages. 1700 A.D. [124] BRAY (Rev. Thomas). The Acts of Dr. Bray s Visitation held at Annapolis in Maryland, May 23, 24, 25, Anno 1700. Folio, 17 pp. Bound by Riviere in full polished calf, t. e. g. London, 1700. 21 * * * Dr. Bray was appointed Commissary of the Bishop of London, in Maryland, and left England for America in December, 1699, arriving in Maryland in March, 1700; he at once set about repairing the breach made in the settlement of the parochial clergy. It was felt on, all sides that Bray would do better service to the Church in Maryland, by returning home and endeavouring to get the law, which had been twice rejected there, re-enacted with the royal assent. He returned to England and found that the Quakers had raised prejudices- against the establishment of the Church in Maryland. Bray refuted these and the bill was at last approved. In these " Acts " one section is " Proposals for the Propagation of the Christian Religion, and for the reduction of the Quakers thereunto, in the Province of Pennsylvania/ 1700 A.D. [125] BRAY (Rev. Thomas). A Memorial representing the Present State Of Religion, on the Continent of North America. Folio, 15 pp., full -polished calf, g. e., by Riviere. London, 1700. 21 * * * With the final leaf " Proposals for the Propagation of the Christian Religion in the- several Provinces on the Continent of North America/ 08 MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. 1703 A.D. [126] SOLORZANO PEREIRA (Don Juan de). Politico Indiana. Obra de sumo trabajo, y de igual importancia, y utilidad, no solo para los de; las Provincias de la Indias, sino de las de Espana. Folio, original vellum. Amber es, 1703. 6 T03 * * * This is the Spanish translation of the " Disquisitiones de Indiarum Jure." 1704 A.D. FIRST PICTURE OF NIAGARA FALLS. [127] HENNEPIN (Father Louis). Voyage ou Nouvelie Decouverte D uti T res-Grand Pays, Dans L Amerique, Entre le Nouveau Mexique et la Met* Clad ale. Avec toutes les particularitez de ce Pais, & de celui connu sous le) nom de LA LOUISIANE; les avantages qu on en peut tirer par Petablissement des Colonies, enrichie de Cartes Geographiques, augmente de quelques figures en taille-douce. Avec UN VOYAGE Qui contient une Relation exacte de 1 Origine, Moeurs, Coutumes, Religion, Guerres & Voyages des CARAIBES, Sauva ges des Isles An tilles de L Amerique, Faite par le Sieur DE LA BORDE, Tiree du Cabinet de Monsr. Blondel. Engraved frontispiece, folding maps, and copperplate illustrations. Thick small 8vo, original calf, rebacked. Amsterdam, 1704. 9 9s Hennepin lived for eleven years in North America and penetrated further into the th&n Unknown Interior than anyone before him. He give an account of the "building of a New Fort on the River of the Illinois named by the Savages Chicago. 1704 A.D. [128] LAWSON (Rev. Deodat). Christ s Fidelity the only Shield against Satan s Malignity. Asserted in a Sermon Deliver d at Salem-Village the 24th of March, 1692. Being Lecture-day there, and a time of Publick Examination, of some Suspected for Witchcraft. The Second Edition. Small 8vo, full calf, g. e. Printed at Boston in New-England , and Reprinted in London, 1704. 5 5s 1705 A.D. [129] JAMAICA. Hickeringill (Capt.). Jamaica Viewed, with all the Ports, Harbours, and their several Soundings, Towns, and Settlements there unto belonging, together with the nature of its climate, with several other collateral observations and reflections upon the Island. Portrait. Small 4to, full mottled calf gilt, g. e. London, 1705, 6 6s MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. <5g 1707 A.D. [130] JAMAICA. Sloane (Hans). A Voyage to the Islands of Madeira, Barbados, Nieves, S. Christophers and Jamaica, with the Natural History of the Herbs and Trees, Four-footed Beasts, Fishes, Birds, Insects, Reptiles, etc., of the last of those Islands. To which is prefix d an Introduction, wherein is an Account of the Inhabitants, Air, Waters, Diseases, Trade, etc., of that Place. Folding map, and upwards of 270 folding and double-page plates illus trative of the Natural History of Jamaica. 2 vols., thick royal 4to, full russia gilt (joints repaired). London, 1707. 8 8s 1708 A.D. [131] DIEREYILLE M. . Relation du Voyage du Port Royal de I Acadie (HI d0 la Nouvelle France. Dans laquelle on voit un detail des divers mou- vemens de la Mer dans une Trayersee de long cours; la description du pais, les Occupations, les manieres des differentes Nations Sauvages, etc. Small 8vo, vellum. Rouen, 1708. 4 10s Most interesting relation. Interspersed with Poetry. 1711 A.D. [132] BRAZIL. Relaeam de Vitoria que cs Portuguezes alcancarao no Rio de Janeyro contra os Frarscezes, em 19, de Setemforo de 1710. 12 pp., small 4to, new boards. Lisbon, 1711. 7 10s 1711-17 A.D. SPECIAL COPY WITH CONTEMPORARY VIEWS INSERTED. [133] ATLAS GEOGRAPHUS; or A Compleat System of Geography, Ancient and Modern. 5 vols., 4to, original calf. London, 1711-17. 21 * * * Special Copy, having, in addition to the Maps issued with the Atlas, a large number of contemporary Views of Cities, etc., including the following American ones : New York, a City in N. America, inhabited by English and Dutch, subject to the K. of England (5 x 4). View of Town and Castle of St. Augustine and the English Camps before it, June 20, 1740, by Thos. Silver. Boston, a Town in -,N. America, in N. England, and ye Capital of ye Plantation. Mexico, a Great City in N. America. Havanna, a famous Seaport in the Isle of Cuba. Porto Rico, a City in N. America. Chagre, a Town in the W. Indies. Porto Bello, a City and Seaport in N. America. Cartagena, a famous City in N. America. 70 MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. 1715 A.D. [134] PARAQUAY. RICO (Padre Juan Joseph Rico Procurador General de la Compania de Jesus). Reparcs, que se han hecho centre la buena con- ducta, y Govierno Civil de los Treinta Pueblos de Indies Guaranios, que estan a Cargo de la Compania de Jesus del Paraguay. 36 pp., small 4to, mottled calf. 1715. 5 5s A defence of the Jesuits treatment of the Native Indians in Paraquay. 1715 A.D. [135] NORTH AMERICA (Map of). Containing Newfoundland, New Scotland, New York, New Jersey, New England, Pensylvania, Maryland, Virginia, and Carolina, with an engraving of a view or the Industry of the Beavers in Canada in making dams across rivers, etc., also inset maps of Carolina, Charlestown, Louisiana, etc. Large and interesting map by H. Moll. Size 25 by 40 inches. 1715. 2 2s 1716 A.D. [136] ROGERS (Woodes). Voyage Autour du Monde, commence en 1708 et nni en 1711. Ou Ton a joint quelques Pieces curieuses touchant la Riviere des Amazones et la Guiane. Large folding maps. 2 vols. , I2mo, calf. Amsterdam, 1716. 18s * * * In this book is found an account of the Scotch Sailor named Selkirk and his life oni the Island of Juan Fernandez, which furnished Defoe with the subject of his famous- book Robinson Crusoe. 1717 A.D. [137] RUMBO SEGURO y unico para Traer las Indias a Espana y para Espana, y medios ciertos para, que aya en ella brevemente una Armada formid able que guarle en seguiridad sus Costas y las de la, America y para que se mantenga siempre sinningun gravamen de suo Pueblos, ni costo del Real Erario. 70 pp. , folio, boards. (Madrid, 1717.) 10 10s * * * Concerning the formation of a Spanish Company of Merchant Adventurers to trade with America and to guard its coast without cost to the State. 1713 A.D. [138] MAP OF LOUISIANA and! the Course of the Mississippi. With inset map of the Mouths of the River St. Louis and the Mobile River. Size igi by 25f inches. 1718. 1 10S: MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, VV. 71 1719 A.D. VIRGINIA. A new map of Virginia, Maryland, and the Improved Parts of Pennsylvania, New Jersey. With the boundaries in colours, revised by J. Senex. Size 19^ by 22 J inches. 1719. 15S 1720 A.D. [139] NEAL (Daniel). The History of New-England, containing an Im partial Account of the Civil and Ecclesiastical Affairs of the Country to the Year of our Lord, 1700. To which is added The Present State of New-England. With a New and Accurate Map of the Country. And an Appendix Containing their Present Charter, their Ecclesiastical Discipline, and their Municipal-Laws. Large Folding Map of New-England. 2 vols. , Svo, calf, gilt back. London, 1720. 3 15s 1720 A.D. [i39a] BRADFORD (Samuel; Lord Bishop of Carlile). A Sermon Preached before the Incorporated Society for the Propagation of the Gospel in Foreign Parts; On Friday the I9th of February, 1719. 40 pp., small 4to, new boards. London, 1720. 1 Is * * * " I might have farther re-minded you, that some yearsi since, ,some of the chief lof the Clans, of thjase, with! wham we have to do in America, came amongst us, to invite and encourage us to assist them in this work; in which, although the Society has not yet been able to make that progress which it desired, in converting the Heathen, yet it has not failed to make good attempt towards it, and tis to be hoped, not without some good success. And it isi an encouragement to hope, that there is some good inclination in those poor natives to embrace the Gospel/ 1721 A.D. [1390] WADDINGTON (Rev. Edward). A Sermon Preached before the Incorporated Society for the Propagation of the Gospel in Foreign Parts; on Friday the I7th of February, 1720. 40 pp., small 4to, new boards. London, 1721. 1 Is ***" Whether the American Worldl (for which we are now more immediateily concerned) had these glad Tydings brought to them in those Days, either by the Apostles themselves, or any of their immediate Successors, is a Matter about which we have no certain Guide left to direct us, how to judge. " As therefore our Civil Acquaintance, by Trade and Commeirce, with the American World, became more intimate and exten.-iva, Providence seemed thereby to call upon us with a very loud and audible Voice, to begin a Spiritual Friendship and Commerce with them too; and to do all we could to make them Sharers with our selves in the Means of Grace here, in order to their being so in the Enjoyment of Glory hereafter." 72 MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. 1722 A.D. [140] CANADA. BACQUEVILLE DE LA POTHERIE (Mr de). His- tcire de I Amerique Septentrionale. Enrichie de Figures. 4 vols., post 8vo, original calf. Paris, 1722. 3 10s " A History of the Indian nations of Canada, being entirely devoted to that subject and the relations of the French with, the natives. Much of his work is written from his own observation, and the remainder seems to have been derived from authentic sources. "- Field. 1722 A.D. [141] BEVERLEY (R.). The History of Virginia, in Four Parts. (I.) The History of the First Settlement of Virginia to 1706. (II.) The natural Productions and Conveniences of the Country suited to Trade and Improvement. (III.) The Native Indians, their Religion, Laws, and Customs, in War and Peace. (IV.) The present State of the Country, as to the Polity of the Govern ment, and the Improvements of the Land, the loth of June 1720. The Second Edition revis d and enlarg d by the AUTHOR. Frontispiece, and copperplate engravings of the Natives, etc. Svo, original calf. London, 1722. 9 9s * * * "Robert Beverley, died 1716, a native of Virginia, was clerk of the Council about 1697, when Andros was governor." Allibone. te A work of considerable merit, particularly relative to the numerous Indian tribes." Pinkerton. 1722-3 A.D. [142] CARGILASSO DE LA VEGA. Primera Parte de los Commen taries reales de el Origen de los Incas, su idolatria, leies, y govierno, vidas y conquistas. Historia general del Peru, guerras entre Pizarros y Almagros. 2 vols. in i, folio, calf. Madrid, 1722-23. 4 105 1724 A.D. [143] DE SOLIS (Antonio). The History of the Conquest of Mexico by the Spaniards. Done into English from the Original Spanish, by Thomas Townsend. Portrait of Cortes, and other plates. Folio, original calf (re backed). London, 1724. 2 10s PLATE XVII. L A S S I E T E PARTIDAS D E L S A B I O R EY don Alonfo el nono , nueuamente Glofadas por elLicen- ciado Gregorio Lopez del Gonfejo Real de Indias defuMageftad. Con (LI reportorio muy Copiofb,, afsi del Tefto como de la Glofa. Impreflo en Salamanca Por Andrea de Portonaris, ImprcCfor de fu Magellad. Ano. M. D. L. V. Con priuilegio Imperial. lEfta tafTado el pliego a cinco marauedis , LAS SIETE PARTIDAS 1555 PRINTED ON VELLUM,* 4 VOLS. (The foundation of Spanish Law). See Item No. 48. PLATE XVIII. .&da fegunda pane oela general caydeoela foztale5a y puertooe S>ictoj0omin go^la ifla fpanola .Cronifta dfuzi&ageflad, 0ue trata Del eflrecbooefl&agallane. CCu BalladoU d. if>o: francifco f emafide3 DC Cozdoua OVIEDO Y YALDES LIBKO XX. DE LA GEXERAL HISTORIA DE LAS INDIAS, 1557, See Item No. 51. MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. 73 1724 A.D. [144] LA BAT (J. B. . Ncuveau Voyage aux Isles de I Ameriqiie. Con- tenant L Histoire Naturelle de ce Pays, 1 Origine, les Moeurs, la Religion 1 et le Gouvernement des Habitans anciens et modernes, Les Guerres, Commerce et Manufactures qui y sont etablies, avec une Description de toutes ces isles. Numerous plates of Natural History, maps and plans. 2 vols., 4to, full contemporary calf gilt, gilt leaves. FINE COPY. La Haye, 1724. 3 3s 1725 A.D. [i44a] WYNNE (Rev. John, Lord Bishop of St. Asaph). A Sermon Preached before the Incorporated Society for the Propagation o<f the Gospel in Foreign Parts; at their Anniversary Meeting on Friday the igth of Feb., 1724. 31 pp., small 4to, new boards. London, 1725. 1 1s * * * << \y e have, long had a great Door opened to us, and very inviting- Opportunities, to make some Attempts at least, to propagate the Gospel among Infidels, by our general Commerce in all parts of the World; but more especially by our many Colonies and Settle ments in America." 1726 A.D. [145] KER (John). The Memoirs of John Ker of Kersland in North Britain, Esq. With an account of the Rise and Progress of the Ostend Company in the Austrian Netherlands. With the scarce folding map of Louisiana and the Mississippi. 2 vols., 8vo, calf. London, 1726. 2 2s John Ker, a Government spy, in the pay both of the Government and the Jacobites, was in 1713, according- to his own testimony, sent 011 a private mission to the Emperor of Austria in connection with a scheme for employing bucaneers to harass the trade of France and Spain. Volume II. deals with " the easy access the French have to all our Colonies, on the Continent in America, from Canada to Louisiana, by Land and Water, and that without the aid of our! neighbourly Indians it will not be in our power to prevent their Irruptions/ Great importance seems to be attached to the possibility of the French settling in Louisiana, and that they would be in a position to ruin the trade with Jamaica, and become the masters of the Gulf of Mexico. 1726 A.D. [146] DEFOE (Daniel). The Four Years Voyages of Capt. George Roberts; being a series of Uncommon Events, which befell him in a Voyage to the Islands of the Canaries, Cape de Verde and Barbadoes, from whence he was bound to the Coast of Guiney, the manner of his being taken by Three Pyrate Ships, the Hardships he endur d for about 20 days, etc. Maps and Plates. FIRST EDITION. 8vo, calf. London, 1726. 2 10S 74 MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. 1728 A.D. [i46a] REYNOLDS (Rev. Richard, Lord Bishop of Lincoln). A Sermon Preached before the Incorporated Society for the Propagation of the Gospel in Foreign Parts; at their Anniversary Meeting in the Parish-Church of St. Mary- le-Bow; On Friday the i6th of February, 1727. 32 pp., small 4to, new boards. London, 1728. 1 1s 1729 A.D. [147] GARCIA (Gregorio). Origen de los Indies del Nuevo Mundo, e Indias Occidentals. . . . Segunda impresion, enmendada, y Anadida cle Algunas Opiniones 6 cosas notables. . . . Copperplate engraving on title of the Indians, and engraving of St. Thomas Aquinas. Folio, original vellurn binding. Madrid, 1729. 7 10s * * *= Garcia s opinion, as opposed to the special theories of other writers, was that the American Indians drew their origin from various races of the old world, including Chinese and Tartars. But all his learning on this subject is of less value than the positive facts concerning 1 the native tribes, -which he drew partly from his own experiences in tlio New World, and partly from a MS. work by Juan de Vetanzos (one of the companioaw of Pizarro), and a man sipocially skilled in the native languages), which was in the possession of Garcia, and which hasi never been published. The libro ultimo of Garcia s work contains the native Indian accounts of their origin, and is divided into sections which treat separately of the various distinct tribes of Mexico and Peru. 1732 A.D. [i47a] BERKELEY (Rev. George, Dean of Londonderry). A Sermon Preached before the Incorporated Society for the Propagation of the Gospel in Foreign Parts; at their Anniversary Meeting in the Parish-Church of St. Mary-le- Bow, on; Friday, February 18, 1731. 34 pp., small 4to, new boards. London, 1732. 1 1S * * * f{ The Native Indians, who are said to have been formerly many Thousands, within the compass o<f this Colony, do not at present amount to one Thousand, including every Age and vSex." " The NEGROES in the Government of Pthode Island are about half as many more than the Indians; and both together scarce amount to a seventh Part of the whole Colony." MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. 75 1734 A.D. [148] JOHNSON (Captain Charles). A General History of the Lives and Adventures of the Most Famous Highwaymen, Murderers, Street Robbers, &c. To which is added, A Genuine Account of the Voyages and Plunders of the most Notorious Pyrates. Interspersed with several diverting Tales, and pleasant Songs, and adorned with the Heads of the Most Remarkable Villains, curiously Engraven. Illustrated with 26 full-page plates. A COMPLETE COPY OF THE BEST EDITION. Folio, original calf. London, 1/34. 24 THE LIVES OF THE PYRATES, include : Captain Avery (with large plate). Captaiii Martel. Captain Teach, alias Black Beard (with large plate). - Captain Edward England (with laTge plate). Captain Bartholomew Eoiberts (with large plate). [" Captain George Lowther (with large plate). Ca>ptain Edward Low (with large plate). Captain Henry Morgan (with large plate), and others so famous for their exploits on the American coast. PAPAL BULLS. 1735 A.D. [149] PERU. URBAN VIII. (Pope). Bulla de la Santa Cruzada, con eedida por la Santidad de Urbano VIII, para todos los Fiele_s Christianos, veci- nos, estantes y habitantes en las Provincias del Peru, Tieira Firme, y SUS PartidOS, sujetas al Rey Felipe V, con grandes indulgencias, para socorro de la guerra contra Inneles como las heregias son trayciones formadas contra la Fe. Broadside, crudely printed on one side of a single large folio leaf. Wood cut of SS. Peter and Paul and Papal Arms at top, and Cardinal s Arms and woodcut seal below. Madrid, 1/35. 10 10s 1735 A.D. [150] PERU. URBAN VIM. (Pope). Bulla de Composition sobre los brettes mal havidOS, y adquiridos, de Cuyos Proprios Duenos no Consta. Con- cedida por la Santidad de Urbano Octavo, en favor de los que ayudaren a los gastos de el Rey Don Felipe Quinto, en las guerras contra Inneles, y Hereges, enemigos de nuestra Santa Fe Catholica, en las Provincias del Peru, Tierre Firme. Broadside, crudely printed on one side only of a single large folio leaf. Woodcut of SS. Peter and Paul and Papal Arms at top, and Cardinal s Arm? and woodcut seal below. Madrid, 1/35. 10 10S 76 MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. PAPAL BULL. 1735 A.D. [151] PERU. CLEMENT X. (Pope). Bulla conoedida por la santidad de el Papa Clement X, prorrogada por la santidad del Papa Clemente XI, y mandada publicer por N.M.S.P. Clemente XII, para los Patriarcas, Primados, Arzobispps, Obispos, Clerigos Presbyteros Seculares del Peru, Tierra Firme y sus Partidos, a quien estava prohibido el comer huevos, y cosas de leche en tiempo de Quaresma, lo puidan comer durante la Predicacion de la Bulla de la Santa Cruzada. Broadside, printed on one side of a large 4to leaf. Woodcut of SS. Peter and Paul and Papal Arms at top, and Cardinal s Arms and woodcut seal below. Madrid, 1735. (SEE ILLUSTRATION, PLATE No. XXV.). 10 10s By tlii si Bull the Clergy of Peru, to whom it was forbidden to eat eggs and Pood pre pared with milk during Lent, were allowed to eat such during the Crusade against the Indians. 1735 A.D. [i 5 1 a] BRAZIL. Letter in Portuguese to the King of Portugal signed by Andre de Mello e Castro, Viceroy of Brazil, dated Bahia 1735, narrating the peril of the Colony of Sacramento on account of the Spaniards besieging that place, and the difficulties in sending the help for which the Governor of Sacramento asked. Together with a memorial of the deposition made by order of His Excellency the Viceroy of that State, which could be used in case of revolt. Together with copies of two letters of the Relation of the Governor of Sacramento. A Remarkable Collection of Documents and Letters illustrating the difficulties of the Portuguese in the 18th Century. Extending in all to 1 1 pp., folio. 6 6s 1738 A.D. [152] KEITH (Sir William, Bart.). The History of the British Plantations in America. With a Chronological Account of the most remarkable Things* which happen d to the first Adventurers in their several Discoveries of that New World. PART I. (all published). Containing the History of Virginia; with Remarks on the Trade and Commerce of that Colony. 4to, 187 pp., new half calf , g. c. London, 1738. 7 7s ***With the VERY LARGE FOLDING MAP of America containing interesting view of Fish Curing at Newfoundland; and the smaller folding map of Virginia. 1739 A.D. [153] MEXICO, TEXAS, etc. LADROU DE GUEVARA (Antonio, Vecino del Nuevo Reyno de Leon). Noticias de los Poblados, y tratos de que se componen el Nueva Reyno de Leon, provincia de Coaguila, Nueva Estrema- dura, y Provincia de las Texas, Nuevas Philipinas, y la causa de sus pocos, 6 ningunos aumentos. Folio, 32 pp., boards. 1739. 15 15s MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. 77 1740 A.D. [i53a] BENSON (Rev. Martin, Lord Bishop of Glocester). A Sermon Preached before the Incorporated Society for the Propagation of the Gospel in Foreign Parts; at their Anniversary Meeting in the Parish-Church of St. Mary- le-Bow, On Friday, February 15, 1739-40. 32 pp., small 4to, new boards. London, 1740. 1 1s * * * " Besides the general Obligations which we of this Nation are under to pro pagate the Gospel, we are obliged to it particularly with lespect to our Colonies in America, both on account of the great Benefits we receive from them, and the great Opportunities ve have of making- this Kecompence/ " Besides many Islands, we have a large Continent, extending from North to Souith above 1,600 miles, including our New Settlement in Georgia, on all which Continent Indian Nations are bordering. The harvest is undoubtedly great, and the labourers as certainly are few." 1744 A.D. [154] MALCOLM E (Rev. Dr.). Letters, Essays, and Other Tracts Illustrating the Antiquities of Great Britain and Ireland. Together with many- Curious Discoveries of the Affinity betwixt the Language of the Americans and the ancient Britons to the Greek and Latin, &c. Also Specimens of the Celtic, Welsh, Irish, Saxon and American Languages. 8vo, original calf. London, 1744. 3 3s 1745 A.D. [155] VESPUCI US (Amerigo). Vita e letter* di Amerigo Vespucci Cen- tiluomo Florentine Raccolte e illustrate dall abate Angelo Maria Banditti. Medallion on title, and folding pedigree plate. Small 4to, original calf. Florence, 1745. 1 16s ORIGINAL MANUSCRIPT. 1746 A.D. [156] DA.NTINY (Don Marcello). Dialogos Familiares de la Agriculture YneJiana entre un Yrlandes Catholico y un Escoces Protestante donde se en- cuentra la piedra filosophal, y medicina unibersal de el contagio o enfermedad que los Espanoles padecen en su comercio> de las Yndias, etc. Written in two parts on 622 pp. . Folio, original calf. 1746. 10 10s The (first .portion of tlii^ manuscript gi\esi an account of the .suffering s of the Spaniards during- their comn-ercial intercourse with the Indians The second part \vith the Exchequer and the revenues from the various sources, such as Tobacco, Minerals, Wool, etc., etc. 78 MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. 1746 A.D. [157] VILLA-SENOR Y SANCHEZ (J. A. de). Theatre Americano, descripcion General de los Reynos, y provincias de la Nueva Espana, y sus jurisdicciones. Title printed in red and black within woodcut border. In each volume is a full-page engraving representing the King of Spain, standing on a Globe of the New World; kneeling before him is the Author presenting his book, and a native presenting precious jewels. 2 vols., folio, vellum. Mexico, 174.6. (SEE ILLUSTRATION, FRONTISPIECE.) 21 * * * One of the most important books printed in Mexico. The Author was Cosnio- grapher for New Spain. By his (position no one -was better able to write the history of the country, and his work is therefore consulted with the greatest confidence. The part which treats of the position of the Mexican population was written from the official .reports to the Magistrates in the district, and also from personal notices by the Author in the different voyages that he made in this part of the New World. 1746 A.D. [158] BOTURINI BENADUCI (Lorenzo). Idea de una nu&va historia General de la America Septentrional. Fundada sobre material copioso de figuras, symbolos, caracters, y geroglincos, cantares, y manuseritos de autores Indies, ultimamente descubiertos. Catalogo del Museo Historico Indiano de Benaduci. Frontispiece. 2 parts in I vol. , small 4to, original calf. Madrid, 1746. 7 10s * * * Written during" ant eight years residence in Mexico, and as the -result of a considerable acquaintance with the manners and customs of the Indians; ancient manuscripts and pictures preserved in the Monasteries, etc. It contains much important information not before published. There has been no worthier workman in the field of Mexican Antiquities than, Boturini : even Lord Kiiigsborough s name can scarcely be placed so high. Without the indefatigable and wisely-directed researches of the Hispano-Italian, a great portion of the native contributions to Mexican history would certainly have perished. 1747 A.D. [159] GOLDEN (Hon. Cadwallader). The History of the Five Indian Nations Of Canada, Which are dependent on the Province of New- York in America, and are the Barrier between the English and French in that Part of the World, &c. With folding map. 8vo, original calf. London, 1747. 5 5s ***This is the First Complete Edition, containing additions and alterations. It originally appeared in. New York in 1747. It is the First General History of the Iroquois Indians, and was written to thwart the efforts of the French to monopolize the Fur Trade. MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. 79 1747 A.D. [160] STITH (William). The History of the First Discovery and Settle ment Of Virginia, being an Essay towards a General History of this Colony. FIRST EDITION. 8vo, original calf. Williams burg, Printed by William Parks, 1747. 12 12s *** With the "Appendix to the First Part of the History of Virginia. Williams- burg, 1747." The very scarce First Edition of the First American Printed History of Virginia. The early Charters in the Appendix are of considerable value and importance. 1748 A.D. [161] BICKHAM (George). The British Monarchy; or, a New Chrotio- graphical Description of all the Dominions subject to the King of Great Britain. Comprehending the British Isles, The American Colonies, The Electoral States, the African and Indian Settlements. To which are added Alphabets in all the hands made use of iru this book. Illustrated with suitable Maps and Tables; likewise adorned with head pieces and other embellishments. Folio, full calf. London, 1748. 4 4s 1749 A.D. [162] JUAN (Don Jorge) and ULLOA (Antonio de). Dissertation HIs- tojfca, y geographica sobre el meridiano de Demarcacion entre los Domimps de Espana, y Portugal, y los parages por donde passa en la America Meridional, conforme a los Tratados, y derechos de 1 cada Estada, y las mas seguras, y modernas observaciones. Small 8vo, original vellum. Madrid, 1749. 2 10S PAPAL BULL. 1750 A.D. [163] PERU. URBAN VIII. (Pope). Bulla de Composition sobre los Bierves ntaf HavidOS, y adquiridos, de Cuyos proprios duenos no consta. Con- cedida por la Santidad de Urbano Octova, en favor de los que ayudaren a los gastps de el Rey Fernando Serto, en las guerras contra Inneles, y Hereges, enmigos de nuestra Santa Fe en las Provincias del Peru, Tierra Fimte, y las Partidos. Broadside, crudely printed on one side of a single large folio leaf. Wood cut of SS. Peter and Paul and Papal Arms at top, and Cardinal^ Arms and woodcut seal below. Madrid, 1750. 10 10s So MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. PAPAL BULL. 1750 A.D. [164] PERU. URBAN VIII. (Pope). Bulla de plenissima induJgettcia, concedida por la Santidad de Urbano VIII, en favor, y ayuda de las Animas de los Fieles difuntos, para todas las tierras de Peru, Tierra Firme y sus Partidcs. Broadside, printed on one side of a large 4to leaf. Woodcut of St. Peter and Papal Arms at top, and Cardinal s Arms and woodcut seal below. 1750. 10 10s PAPAL BULL. 1750 A.D. [165] PERU. URBAN VIII. (Pope). Bulla de la Santa Cruzada, con cedida por la Santidad de Urbano VIII, para todos los fieles Christianos, vecinos, estantes y habitantes en las provincias del Peru, Tierra Firme, y sus PartidOS, sujetas al Rey Fernando Sexto con grandes Indulgencias, para socorro de la guerra contre Irineles. Como las heregias son trayciones formados contra la Fe. Broadside, crudely printed on one side of a single large folio leaf. Wood cut of S. Peter and Papal Arms at top, and Cardinal s Arms and woodcut seal below. Madrid, 1750. 10 10s PAPAL BULL. 1750 A.D. [i 66] PERU. INNOCENT XI. Bulla concedida por la santidad de el Papa Innocencio Undecimc, y mandada publicar por N.M.S.P. Benedicto Decimo Quarto, para los Patriarcas, Primacies, Arzobispos, Obispos, Clerigos Presbyteros Seculares del Peru, Tierra Firme, y sus Partidcs, a quien estava prohibido el comer huevos, y cosas de leche en tiempo de Quarelma. Broadside, printed on one side of! a large 4to leaf. Woodcut of SS. Peter and Paul and Papal Arms at top, and Cardinal s Arms and woodcut seal at foot. 1750. 10 10s By this Bull the Clergy of Peru, to whom it was forbidden to eat eggs and Food pre pared with milk during Lent, were allowed to eat such during the Crusade against the Indians. PAPAL BULL. 1750 A.D. [167] MEXICO AND PHILIPPINES. URBAN VIII. (Pope). fiuila de la Santa Cruzada, concedida por la santidad de Urbano VIII, para todos los Fieles Christianos, vezinos, estantes, y habitantes en las Provincia de Nueva Espana, y Filipinas sujetas al Rey Fernando VI, con grandes indulgencias para socorro de la guerra contra Inneles. Broadside, printed on one side of a large folio sheet. Woodcut of SS. Peter and Paul and Papal Arms at top, and Cardinal s Arms and woodcut seal at foot. 1750. 10 10S 1750 A.D. MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. 81 PAPAL BULL. [168] MEXICO AND PHILIPPINES. URBAN VIII. (Pope) Bulla de cGmpcsicicn sobre los bienes mal havidos, y adquiridos, de Cuyos proprios duenos no consta. Concedida por la santidad de Urbano VIII, en favor de los que ayudaren a los gastos del Rey Fernando VI, en las guerras contra In- neles, y Hereges, enemigos de nuestra Santa Fe Catholica, en las Provincias de Nueva-Espana, y Filipinas, y sus Partidcs. Broadside, printed on one side of a single large folio leaf. Woodcut of SS. Peter and Paul and Papal Arms at top, and Cardinal s Arms and woodcut seal below. 1750. 10 10s 1752 A.D. [169] CHARTS OF THE SOUTH AMERICAN COAST. A Series of 14 finely drawn coloured plans or charts by B. Agaera, aver age size, 17 by 20. July 22nd, 1752. 10 10s Pianos de los Puertos de : Canal y Puerto tie Bristol. Nueva Vera Cm/. Camarinas en la Costa de Galicia. Gallao de Lima. Copiapo en Chile. La Concepcion cle Chile. Bazona. San Francisco de Ysla de Porto Rico Matanzas em Cuba. Corcubion. Nueva Descripcion del Rio de la Plata. Acapulco. Yslas de Bastimentos. Cavello en la costa de Caracas. MANUSCRIPT. 1753 A.D. [170] PARAGUAY INDIANS. BARREDA (P. Joseph, de la O de Jesus). Memorial que el P. Provincial del Paraguay, presento al S? Comisano Marques de Valdelirios, en que le Suplica que Suspenda las disposi- ciones de Guerra, contra los Indios de las Misiones. Manuscript, clearly written on 44 pp., folio, original vellum. Cordova de Tucuman, 19 de Julio, 1753. 10 10s * This Memorial is very important for the history of the Missions to Paraguay. Bound up in the same volume are other Manuscript Reports concerning the Jesuits. 1753 A.D. [171] BRAZIL. Relacam curioza do Sitio do Crao Para, terras de Mato-Grosso bondade do clima, e fertilidade daquellos terras, escrita por hum curiozo experienti daquelle Paez Primeira parte. 8 pp., sm. 4to, wrappers. 1753. 4 15s 82 MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. 1755 A,D, [172] GOLDEN (Hon. (". .. History of the Five Indian Nations of Canada, which are dependent on the Province of New York, and are the Barrier between Hie English and French in that part of the World; to which are added accounts of the several other Nations of Indians in; North America. 2 vols., I2mo, original calf. London, 1755. 3 10s The first general history of the Iroquois Indians. It was written to tluwart the efforts of the French to monopolize the Fur Trade 1756 A.D. [173] PARAQUAY. CHARLEVOIX (P. Francois Xavier de). Histoire du Paraguay. Illustrated with folding maps and a " Plan de la Ville de Buenos-Ayres. Original edition. 3 vols., 4to, original calf. Paris, 1756. 3 15S THE FIRST EDITION. 1757 A.D. [174] CALIFORNIA. Venegas (Miguel) Noticia de la California, y de su Conquista Temporal, y Espiritual Hasta el Tiempo Presente. Sacada de la Historia Manuscrita, formada en Mexico ano de 1739, por el Padre Miguel Venegas, de la Campania de Jesus; y de otras Noticias, y Relaciones antiguas, y modernas. . . ANADIDA DE ALGUNOS MAPAS PARTICULARES , y uno general de la America Septentrional, Asia Oriental, y Mar del Sur intermedio, formados sobre las Memorias mas recientes, y exactas, que se publican juntamente. Illustrated with 4 large folding Maps. 3 vols., small 4to, original vellum binding. Madrid, 1757. 15 15s THE- FIRST EDITION. *** The first map is one of California, only; but as that jiaine was used in a more limited sense than at present, the second niiap, which is general, supplies the deficiencies. This isecond map is a very curious one, showing the entire Pacific shores of Asia and America, with records of the latest explorations toy the Spaniards, Russians, and English, especially on the upper Californian shores, and Columbia. 1759 A.D. [175] NEW ENGLAND. The Charter Granted by their Majesties King William and Queen Mary to the Inhabitants of the Province of the Massa chusetts Bay in New England. Acts and Laws of His Majesty s Province of the Massachusetts Bay in New England. Together in I vol., folio, original calf (rebacked). Boston in New England, 1759. 10 10s MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. 83 1760 A. D. [176] JEFFERYS (T.). The Natural and Civil History of the French Dominions in North and South America. Giving a particular Account of the Climate, Manufactures, Soil, Trade, Miner alSj Commerce, Animals, and Vegetables, Languages, Together with the Religion, Government, Genius, Character, Manners and -Customs of the Indians and other Inhabitants. Illustrated by maps and plans of the principal places, collected from the best Authorities, and engraved by T. Jefferys, Geographer to his Royal High ness the Prince of Wales. Two parts in one volume. Part I. A Description of Canada and Louisiana. Part II. Part of the Islands of St. Domingo and St. Martin, The Islands of St. Bartholomew, Guadaloupe, Martinico, La Grenade, and The Island and ^Colony of Cayenne. Folio, original calf. London, 1760. 16 16s The Maps and Plans (nearly all of which are folding) include: Map of Canada and the North Part of Louisiana. Plan of the City of Quebec. Plan of the Town and Fortifications of Montreal A New Map of Nova Scotia, and Cape Britain. Plan of the City and Harbour of Louisburg. Authentic Plan of the Eiver St. Laurence, etc. North America from the French of Mr. D Anville. Plan O f New Orleans, the Capital of Louisiana The West Indies. The Island of Hispaniola. An Authentic Plan of the Town and Harbour of Cap-Francois. Guadaloupe one of the Caribbee Islands Plan of the Town of Basse Terre. Martinico, one of the Caribbee Islands. Plan of the Town and Citadel of Fort Royal. Plan of the Town and Fort of Grenada The Island and Colony of Cayenne. Plan of the Town of Gavenne. 84 MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. 1760 A. D. [177] MAPS. A Series of 18 large folding Maps published by Thos. Jefferys. Folio volume, old calf. 1760. 5 10s COMPRISES : Map of Canada and North Part of Louisiana Plan, of City of Quebec. Plan of Town of Montreal. New Map of Nova Scotia and Cape Britain. Plan of City and Harbour of Louisburg. Authentic Plan of Eiver St. Lawrence, with the Operations of the Siege of Quebec. North America, from the French of Mr. D Anville, engraved with the bank Settlements of Virginia and Cou-rse of Ohio Plan of New Orleans. We-t Indies exhibiting the English, French, Spanish, Dutch, and Danish Settle*- ments. Island of Hispaniola (St. Domingo). Town and Harbour of Cap Francois, etc. PRINTED IN MEXICO. 1760 A.O. [178] GARCIA (P. Fr. Bartholome, of San Antonio ini the Province of Texas). Manual para admintstrar los Santos Sacramentos de Pemtenoia, Euchanstia, Extrema-Uncion, y Matrimonio : Dar Gracias despues de Comulgar, y Ayudar a Bien Morir a los Indios de las Naciones : Pajalates, Orejones, Pacaos, Pacoas, Tilijayas, Alasapas, Pausanes y otras muchas diferentes, que se iiallan en las Missiones del Rio de San Antonio, y Rio Grande, pertenecientes a el Colegio de la Santissima Cruz de la Ciudad de Queretaro, como son : Los Pacuaches, Mescales, Pampopas, Tacames, Chayopines, Venados, Pamaques, y toda la. Juventud de Pihuiques Borrados, Sanipaos, y Manos de Perm. Small 4to, original vellum. (Mexico] en la Im-prenta de los Herederos de Dona Maria de Rivera, 1760. 2T ** EXTREMELY HARE. Not known to Brunet. Salva, or Bra.sseur de Bourbourg. nor i.H the author mentioned by Beristain, and there was no copy in the Andrade collection. Leclerc in his Bibl. Amcr. believed that M. Maisonneuve s copy was the only one in Europe. The author wa a missionary a.mong the Apache Indians of the Rio Grande del Nortc. The book is the Manual for the Communion and Marriage Services. It is printed in double columns, on the one side the Spanish version, and on the other the Apache. 1761 A.D, [179] CANADA. Charievoix (P. de). Journal of a Voyage to North America, undertaken by Order of the French King, containing the Geographi cal Description and Natural History of that Country, particularly Canada. In a Series of Letters, translated from the French. Folding map. 2 vols. , 8vo, full tree calf. London, 1761. 5 10s One of the best work* on Canada. MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. 85 1761 A.D. [i 80] CANADA. Sentiments Relating to the Late Negotiation. 4to, boards, uncut. London, 1761. 3 153 * * Relating 1 to the negotiations between France and England, concerning Canada, etc., with discussions on the mertits and uses of the country gained by England, and what advantages the French should still retain as their rights, etc., etc. 1762 A.D. [182] OCDEN (James). The British Lion Rotis cf, or Acts of the British Worthies, a Poem in Nine Books. FIRST EDITION. Royal 8vo, handsomely bound\ m full crushed levant morocco, t. e. g., other edges entirely uncut. Manchester, 1762. 10 10s ***Thia poem deals with France disturbing the Peace of British Settlements in America Character of Amherst and Wolfe Wolfe marches and embarks for Louisbour^ with. Boscawen Flleet at Halifax Siege of Louisbourg- Townsend sails to serve at Quebec under Walfe Niagara reduced by Sir William Johnson Fleet before Quebec Battle before Quebec Wolfe and Mon kton wounded, etc. 1763 A.D. [183] ENTICK (J.). General History of the late War. Containing its Rise, Progress, and Extent in Europe, Asia, Africa, and America, and Exhibit ing the State of the Belligerent Powers, Remarks on the Measures which led Great Britain to Victory, Characters of the Statesmen, Description of the Seat of War, etc. Folding maps, plans, and charts, portraits of Naval and Military Officers, etc. 5 vols., 8vo, new half calf gilt. London, 1763. 2 15s Numerous references to operations ir> America, Capture of Quebec, Treaties with the Indians, Lonisburg Expedition, etc. 1763 A.D. [184] JAMAICA. Map of the Island of Jamaica (laid down from the Papers and under the direction of Henry Moore, Esq., His Majesty s Lieutenant Governor and Commander in Chief of that Island), in the years 1756-7-8-9-60 and i from a great number of actual Surveys by Thos. Craskell, Engineer, and Jas. Simpson, Surveyor. Map Of County Of Cornwall in Island of Jamaica. Map of County of Middlesex in Jamaica. The three Maps, each about 4 feet by 3 feet, mounted on linen and folded folio size, contemporary calf binding. London, 1763. 10 10s S6 MAGGS BROS , 34 35, Conduit Street, London, W. 1763 A.D. [185] WEST INDIES. Candid and Impartial Considerations on the Nature Of the Sugar Trade; the Comparative Importance of the British and French Islands in the West Indies : With The Value and Consequence of St. Lucia and Granada, truly stated. Illustrated with 3 very fine large folding maps. 8vo, calf. London, 1763. 1 10s 1765 A.D. [i 86] ROGERS (Robert). A Concise Account of North America: Con taining A Description of the several British Colonies on that Continent, includ ing the Islands of Newfoundland, Cape Breton, &c. As to Their Situation, Extent, Climate, Soil, Produce, Rise, Government, Religion, Present Boundaries, and the Number of Inhabitants supposed to be in each. Also of The! Interior, or Westerly Parts of the Country, upon the Rivers St. Laurence, the Mississippi, Christino, and the Great Lakes. To which is subjoined, An Account of the several Nations and Tribes of Indians residing in those Parts, as to their Customs, Manners, Government, Numbers, &c. Containing many Useful and Entertaining Facts, never before treated of. 8vo. Fine co-py in the original calf. London, Printed for the Author, 1765. 7 10s 1766 A.D. [187] [ROGERS (Major Robert).] Ponteach: or, The Savages of America. A Tragedy. 8vo. Bound by Riviere in full crushed levant morocco, g. e. London, Printed for the Author , and Sold by ] . Millan, 1766. 28 * * * The Author, Major Rogers, was born in New Hampshire He gained great cele brity as Commander of " Rogers Rangers " in the wa,r with the French in North America, 1756-60, and a precipice near Lake George is -named " Rogers Slide " after his esoapei down the precipice from the Indians. In 1759 he was sent by Sir Jeffery Amherst from Crown Point to destroy the Indian Village of St. Francis, near St. Lawrence River, and in 1760 he was ordered to take possession of Detroit and other western posts ceded by the French at the Fall of Quebec. This Tragedy of Ponteach is founded upon the English Conquest of Canada, in which he took such an important pairt. 1768 A.D. [i8;a] SARMIENTO DE GAMBOA (Capt. Pedro) Viage al Estrecho de Magal lanes, 1 579-80, y noticia de la expedicion que despues hizo para poblarle. Illustrated with 3 folding plates. Small 4to, vellum. Madrid, 1768. 5 5s *** The Journal of the Voyage of Sarmiento Avas printed from the original Manu script in the Royal Library at Madrid, and edited by Don Bernardo Yria-rte. MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. 87 THE OUTBREAK OF THE AMERICAN STRUGGLE FOR INDEPENDENCE AS RELATED BY THOMAS HULTON, HEAD OF THE COMMISSION FROM ENGLAND TO ENFORCE THE STAMP ACT. THE ORIGINAL MANUSCRIPTS. 1768-80 A.D. [188] AMERICAN WAR OF INDEPENDENCE. "Some Account of the Proceedings of the People in New England from the Establishment of a Board of Customs in America, to the breaking out of the Rebellion in 1775." The Original Manuscript Account, written by Thomas Hulton, the head of the Commission from England to enforce the Stamp Act. Extending to 397 pages, written in a most legible! hand and forming a 4to v r olume, original half binding. 250 I * * * This most interesting Record by one who had to administer the Stamp Act which w& s>o odious to the American people, is divided into chapters as follows : (1). Progress of American Revenue from the Act of" the 6th Geo. 2nd to the Establishment of a Board of Customs in America. (2). Obstructions to the Collection of a Revenue in America from the extent of the Coast and the Nature of the Trades and! Commerce. (3). Obstructions to the Revenue Laws from the temper of the People at the time of the Establishment of the Board of Customs. (4). Insufficiency of former measures adopted for Security of the Revenue i America. (5). Modes of resistance to the operation of the Revenue Laws in America, 1767, 1768. | (6) Exertions of Government in support of its authority in America, 1768. (7). Internal difficulties the Board of Customs had to combat with on its Establishment. (8). Heads of the Faction at Boston on the Establishment of the Board of Customs, r (9). Governor Bernard and Governor Hutchinson. (10). Opposition to the Revenue Laws at Boston 1769 and 1770. (11). Mr. Temple and Dr. Franklin. (12). Opposition by the Town of Boston and the Province of Massachusetts Bay in 1772, 3 and 4, to the Revenue Laws. (13). Proceedings on the departure of Governor Hutchinson, June, 1774. (14). Proceedings of the People in the Province of Massachusetts Bay after tlie arrival of Genl. Gage as Governor, to the close of 1774. (15). Proceedings of the Provincial Congress of Massachusetts Bay, and the Con tinental Congress at Philadelphia, 1774. (16). Instances of Persecution in New England, whilst the Country was in a state of Anarchy, 1774. (17). Proceedings in the Province of Massachusetts Bay, whilst the Country was in a State of Anarchy and Rebellion, 1775. A Summary of the Persecutions and distresses undergone by the Commissioners of the Customs in America. Bulton, in the Summary of the Persecutions, relates that the day, he, with, the other Commissioners landed, they were "exhibited in Effigy round the Town along with the Effigies of the Pope, Pretender and Devil, all which were cast into the bonfire at night also that the Bostonians proposed to assassinate them on their first coming on shore. The Revenue Officers were tarred and feathered. The population became more and more violent, rioting the Military firing upon them. The Commissioners were accused as Enemies of the Province and abbettors of Murder, and it was resolved to prosecute them in the provisional Courts of Justice. The Commissioners retire to Brooklyn. Hulton was there assaulted by a mob from Boston, who broke all the windows of his house and swore they would have him dead or alive. The Bostonians raid the Easb India Company vessels and destroy the Cargoes of Tea by throwing them into the water. The fighting at Bunkers Hill. The battle with the rebels at Roxbury. The evacuation of Boston by the British Troops and flight of the Corcniissioners. 88 MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. ORIGINAL MANUSCRIPTS. 1768-80 A.D. [i88a] HULTON (Thomas). Two Letter Books. The first commencing (Boston) Aug. 23rd, 1768, and ending Quebec, 1776. The second commencing Halifax, June i8th, 1776, and ending September ist, 1780. The two volumes extend to 320 pages, 4to. 52 10s * * * These Letter Book^ give most vivid and realistic descriptions of his experiences, and the terrible events in America of which he> was one of the leading causes. He concludes the first volume with his opinions on the troubles : " I am persuaded that the present war on the part of Great Britain was unavoid able, without relinquishing her authority, and to anyone who lived in America, it was very apparent, that anarchy and ruin must be the consequence of the general principles and practices. It was obvious that the great grievances the people laboured under, was the popular Constitution of their Charter Government, and it had long been a reproach to Great Britain that she neglected to reform them." Etc. ORIGINAL MANUSCRIPT. [i88b] HULTON (Thomas). A Biographical Account of his various Travels, from his early days to the end of his service with the Government. The Original Manuscript, written by Thomas Hulton. 31 10S " It falls to the lot of few men to be called forth to such scenes of public action as to irake the world desirous they should transmit any record of their lives/ His travels were to Hamburg and Brunswick 1751, Antigu a 1756-60, Germany 1761-3. On his return from Germany in 1763 he was appointed, to an office under the Board of Com missioners of the Customs in London to take the management of the Correspondence with the American Officers under the Board of Customs" to receive all letters and Accounts from the American Officers and to prepare all the despatches to bei sent to them to note all the errors that appear, and propose all the remedies, and in short the whole management of this business to go through his hands." From this post he was appointed the head of the commissioners to put the Stamp Act into active movement and left England in 1767 for Boston and returned to England in 1776. Hulton remained in England from/ 1776 to 1783, and during most of this period he was endeavouring to obtain from the British Government his arrears of pay and pension, and also compensation for loss of house, land, furniture, and money which he had to leave in America. ORIGINAL MANUSCRIPT. [i88c] HULTON (Thomas). Observations in the course of Sundry Tours and Voyages, including his European Tours, Voyage to Antigua, Ber muda, St. Kitts, Trade of West Indies, Boston to Quebec. The Original Manuscript, extending to 230 pages, 4to, written by Thomas Hulton. 15 15S * * * THESE MANUSCRIPT VOLUMES ARE APPARENTLY UNPUBLISHED. THEY ARE PROBABLY THE FINEST DESCRIPTIVE ACCOUNT EVER WRITTEN, BY AN EYE-WITNESS, OF THE TROUBLES LEADING UP TO THE AMERICAN WAR FOR INDEPENDENCE. PLATE XIX. PLATE XX. MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. 89 1769 A.D. [189] NODAL (Bartholome Garcia de). Relation del Yiage al descubri- miento del Estrecho rtuevo de San Vlncente etc, las Derrotas de laj America Occidental por Manuel de Echavelar. With folding map of the Straits of St. Vincent and Magellan. 2 vols. in I, small 1 4to, original vellum. Cadiz (1769). 8 10s *** "The strait of San Vincento had. been traversed by Le Mai re shortly before the brothers Nodal, and his name has remained to designate it. But the Spanish map has a special value, and is more detailed than Le Maire s." This was one of the most important expeditions of the 17th Century, and was made by order of King Philip III. to explore the strait newly discovered by Le Mai re and Schouteii. The expedition left Lisbon 27 Sept., 1618, and returned 9 July, 1619. 1770 A,D. [190] PARAGUAY. Regno gesuitico del Paraguay dimostrato co dcct: ritenti piu classics de medesimi padri della compagnia, i quali confessano e mostrano ad evidenza la regia sovranita del R. P. generale con independenza, e con odio verso la Spagna. Anno 1760. Engraved frontispiece. Small 4to, boards. Lisbon, 1770. 1 5s 1770 A.D. [191] PITTMAN (Captain Philip). The Present State of the European Settlements on the Mississippi; With a Geographical Description of that River. Illustrated with 7 large folding maps and plans, and one smaller plan. 4to, contemporary calf . London, 1770. 21 1770 A.D. [192] WYNNE (John H.). A General History of the British Empire in America. Containing an Historical, Political, and Commercial View of the English Settlements, including all the Countries in North America and the West Indies. Large folding map. 2 vols., 8vo, calf. London, 1770. 3 15s 1770-1773 A.D. [iQ2a] BRAZIL. Collection of 13 Official Documents in Portuguese, dated from 1770 to 1773, addressed to the head of the Administration of the Captaincy of Pernambuco, eight being signed by the Marquez de Pombal, and five being signed by -Conde de Oeyras. 5 5s go MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. 1771 A.D. [193] BOSSU ;>!.;. Travels through that part of North America for merly called Louisiana, translated from the French by J. R. Forster. Illus trated with Notes relative chiefly to Natural History, to which is added a Systematic Catalogue of all the known Plants of English North America, etc. 2 vols., Svo. Fine copy in the original calf. London, 1771. 6 6s 1772 A.D. [194] KALM (Peter). Travels into North America; Containing its Natural History, and a circumstantial Account of its Plantations and Agricul ture in general, with the Civil, Ecclesiastical and Commercial State of the Coun try, the Manners of the Inhabitants, and several curious and Important Remarks on various subjects. Translated into English by John Reinhold Forster, F.A.S. Enriched with a Map, several Cuts for the illustration of Natural History, and some additional Notes. Second Edition. 2 vols., Svo, original calf. London, 1772. 5 10s 1775 A.D. [195] CANADA. Quebec. An Account of the Proceedings of the British, And other Protestant Inhabitants, of the Province of Quebeck, In North- America, In order to, obtain An House of Assembly in that Province. Svo, original calf. London, 1775. 1 ISs 1775 A.D. [196] BURKE (Edmund). The Speech of Edmund Burke, Esq.; on moving his resolutions for conciliation with the Colonies, March 22, 1775. 4to. Very fine uncut copy in the original paper ivrappers. London, Printed for ] . Dodsley, 1775. 6 6s MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. gr 1775 A.D. PROBABLY UNIQUE BROADSIDE. [197] INTELLIGENCE Extraordinary from Boston. Folio broadside, printed on both sides, preserved in buckram case. Printed by Charles Brown, 1775. 25 * * * A very curious folio sheet, giving an account of Buttle at Roxborough July 19 r 1775. " I am. now to give an account of the complete and most glorious victory gained over the Mercenaries by the gallant Provincials on the 19th of July, on. which day Heaven gave up our enemies into our hands, and made us entire (masters of this count rj-, purchased by our ancestors. I shall endeavour to be as particular as the tumult of my joy will permit. July 18, our whole army, consisting, with the reinforcements from Virginia, Philadelphia, ! New-York, and Albany, of 80,000 foot, and 10,000 horse, having been reviewed by Genera 1 . Washington, and the Major Generals Lee, Ward, and Schuyler, it ^as agreed in Council, to drive the Enemy from their post on the Neck, and oblige them to evacuate Boston. " The defeat was entire; we pursued them into Boston itself, took 2,000 prisoners, and destroyed their whole army, excepting a few Marines, who* escaped with the Sailors on board the ships. Three of their Generals are among 1 the dead, Gage, Howe, Clinton, and Burgoyne ; Lord Percy was taken prisoner by the hands of the resistless Ward, as he was running through the streets of Boston. " We only lost two of our Generals, Lee and Putnam. With sorrow I must say, the former fell by the hands of Gen. Washington. Confident of his military abilities, he dis puted the propriety of some orders, and said, he had seen service ; on which the General shot him immediately through the head." 1775 A.D. [198] VIRGINIA. FRY (Joshua) and JEFFERSON (Peter) A Map of the most inhabited part Of Virginia, maintaining the wholei of Maryland, with parts of Pennsylvania, New Jersey, and North Carolina, measuring 47 by 32 inches, mounted on canvas and folded to small 4to size, and dedicated to the Right Honourable George, Earl of Halifax, First Lord Commissioner, and to the Rest of the) Right Honourable and Honourable Commissioners, for Trade and Plantations, by Thomas Jefferys. Printed for R. Sayer. London (17/5). 4 4s With vignette engraving of Virginian Merchants exporting their products. 1775 A.D. [199] MISSISSIPPI. Course of the River. From the Balise to Fort Chartres, taken on an Expedition to the Illinois, in the latter end of the year 1765, by Lieut. Ross, of the 34th Regiment, im proved from the surveys of that River made by the French. Size 45 J by 14 inches, with margins. 1775. 1 10s Q2 MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. 1775 A.D. [200] PENNSYLVANIA. Map of Pennsylvania. Exhibiting not only the Improved Parts of that Province, but also its extensive frontiers, laid down from actual surveys, and chiefly from the late map of W. Scull, published in 1/70, and humbly ascribed to) the Honourable Thomas Penn and Richard Penn, Esqs., true and absolute Proprietaries and Governors of the Province of Pennsylvania and the Territories thereunto belong ing. Engraved on two sheets. Size together 28 by 54 inches. 1775. 1 5s 1775 A.D. [201] CAROLINA. An accurate Map of North and South Carolina, with their Indian Frontiers. Showing in a distinct manner all the mountains, rivers, swamps, marches, bays, creeks, harbours, sand banks, and soundings on the coasts, with the roads and Indian paths, as well as the boundary of provincial lines, the several town- ships and other divisions of the land in both the provinces, the whole from actual surveys by Henry Mouzon and others. With boundaries in colour. Size 36 by 56 inches. 1775. 1 10s 1775 A.D. [202] PENNSYLVANIA. Map Of Pennsylvania exhibiting not only the improved parts of the Province, but also its extensive frontiers : laid down from actual surveys, and chiefly from the late Map of W. Scull published in 17/0; and humbly inscribed To The Honourable Thomas Penn and Richard Penn Esquires True and Absolute Proprietors and Governors of the Province of Pennsylvania and the Territories thereunto belonging. Size about 5 feet by 2j, mounted on canvas. London, Published as the Act directs, 10 June, 1775. 3 106 1775 A.D. [202a] BRAZIL. Document in Portuguese signed by Antonio de Noronha, Captain General, dated from Villa Rica in July, 1775, and addressed to the Marquez de Pombal, giving the history of the foundation; of the City of Cuyate in Villa Rica, and mentioning that companies of Colonial infantry should be exchanged for auxiliary unpaid troops. Together with copy of an Order prohibiting the establishment of new factories. 2 2s MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. 93 1775 A.D. [202b] BRAZIL. 1775. Official Document in Portuguese signet! by Don Antonio cte Noronha, Captain General, and dated from Villa Rica 251*1 July, 1/75, to the Marquez de Pombal, giving an account of the establishment of his auxiliary troops in Villa Rica and Rio dos Montes, and answering the letter of the Marquez do Lavradio to hold in readiness the greater number of his auxiliary troops in the event of a march on Rio de Janeiro. Folio. 10 leaves. 3 10s 1775 A.D. [203] BOSTON. A Plan of the Battle on Bunker s Hill. Fought on the 1 7th of June, 1775. By an Officer on the spot. Showing the position of the American Forces and Line of Retreat. Also the position of the British Troops, with the Men-of-war, Transports, etc. Letterpress under. " The following Description of the Action near Boston, on the I7th of June is taken from a letter written by General Burgoyne to his nephew, Lord Stanley." On I sheet, size 19 by 13! inches. 1775. 8 8s [204] VIRGINIA. A Map of the most inhabited part of Virginia, con taining the whole Province of Maryland, with part of Pennsylvania, New Jersey, and North Carolina, drawn by Joshua Fry and Peter Jefferson in 1775. With title in finely engraved vignette, showing merchants seated and standing on the quay surrounded by casks of tobacco. The names of the sur veyors of different parts of the country are given. Size 20 by 48 J inches. Circa 1776. 1 10S 1775 A.D. [205] ST. LAWRENCE. A Chart of the Gulf of St. Lawrence. Composed from a great number of actual surveys and other materials regulated and connected by Astronomical Observations. Size 25 by 20 inches, with margins. 1775. 1103 1776 A.D. [206] NEW YORK. Map of the Province of New York. Reduced from the large drawing of that Province, compiled from actual surveys by order of His Excellency William Try on, Esq. , Captain General and Governor of the same, by Claude Joseph Sauthier, to which is added New Jersey, from the Topographical Observations of C. J. Sauthier and B. Ratzer. Large map showing part of Canada on the North, Lake Ontario, and country of the Six Nations on the West and on the South Delaware Bay. Engraved by W. Faden. Size 28J by 23! inches. 1776. 4 4s 94 MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35; Conduit Street, London, W. 1776 A.D. [207] PHILADELPHIA. A Plan of the City of Philadelphia, the capital of Pennsylvania, from the Actual Survey of Benjamin Easburn, Surveyor- General, 1776. The town is viewed from across the Delaware River, with part of the shore of New Jersey and " Windmill Island " in foreground. Inset is a " Chart of Delaware Bay and River." Engraved by P. Andre. Size 20 J by 21 inches. 1776. 12 12s 1778 A.D. [207a] JEFFERYS (Thomas). The American Atlas, or a Geographical Description of the whole Continent of America, wherein are delineated at large, its several regions, countries, states and islands; and chiefly the BRITISH COLONIES, composed from numerous surveys, several of which were made by order of Government by Major Holland, Lewis Evans, William Scull, and others . . . engraved on 49 Copper plates. Atlas folio, half calf. London, 1776. 16 16s * * * The Complete Set of 30 Maps (many very large) on 49 sheets : Nos 1 9 3 North and South America. 15 and 16. New England. 4 Russian Discoveries to 1763. 17. New York and New Jersey. 5 and 6 North America according to 18. Lake Champlain. Treaty of Peace, 1763. 19- Province Quebec. 7. Continent of America. 20. Pennsylvania. 8 British Empire in America. 21 and 22. Virginia and Maryland. 9 River St. Lawrence. 23 and 24. North and South Carolina. 10. Gulf St. Lawrence. 25. Florida. 11. Island St. John. 26 Missisippi. 12. Newfoundland. 27. Honduras 13. Banks of Newfoundland. 28 and 29. South America, 14. Nova Scotia and Cape Briton. 30. Straits of Magellan. 1776 A.D. [208] PAINE (Thomas). Common Sense; Addressed to the Inhabitants of America, &c. A NEW EDITION, with several Additions in the Body of the Work. To which is added an APPENDIX; together with an Address to the People calie QUAKERS. 99 pp., small 8vo<, unbound. Philadelphia, Printed and Sold by W. & T. Bradford, 1776. 3 3s MAGGS BROS., 34 35, Conduit Street, London, W. gS 1776 A.D. RATZER PLAN AND VIEW OF NEW YORK. [209] NEW YORK. Plan of the City of New York and its Environs, Surveyed and laid down. Published Jan. 12, 1/76. Engraved on two large sheets. The lower half of the second sheet occupied by a magnificent large oblong panoramic view of New York City, with title as follows: " S.W. View of the City of New York taken from the Gover- nours Island. . . ." 110 TMs view is " dedicated by His Excellency s most Obedient Servant B. llatzer, Lieut, in His Majesty s 60th or Royal American Regiment, to His Excellency Sir Henry Moore, Bart., Captain General and Governor in. Chief in and over His Majesty s Province of New York and the Territories depending thereon in America, Chancellor and Vice-Admiral of the Sama The two sheets have never been joined, a decorative border line runs round three sides of both sheets. 1776 A.D. [210] PAINE (Thomas). Common Sense; Addressed to the Inhabitants of America, On the following interesting Subjects: I. Of the Origin and Design of Government in general, with Concise Remarks on the English Constitution. II. Of Monarchy and Hereditary Succession. III. Thoughts on the present State of American Affairs. IV. Of the present Ability of America, with some miscellaneous Reflec tions. Written by an Englishman. 76 pp., small 8vo, calf. Philadelphia, Printed and Sold by R. Bell, 1776. 3 3s 1776 A.D. [211] A PLAN of the Attack of Fort Sullivan, the Key of Chartestown, in South Carolina, on the 28th of June, 1776, by His Majesty s Squadron, Commanded by Sir Peter Parker. With Letterpress under. " The following Description of the; Attack on Fort Sullivan was received in a Letter from Sir Peter Parker to Mr. Stephens, Secretary of the Admiralty. Size 20 by 15! inches. 1776. 7 7s Shows the positions of the " Provincial Army," the British Forces under General Clinton, also the positions and names of the Vessels engsaged. g6 MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. 1776 A.D. [212] A PLAN of New York Island, with part of Long island, Staten Island, and East New Jersey. With a particular description of the engagement on the Woody Heights of Long Island, between Flatbush and 1 Brooklyn, and on 2/ th of August, 1/76, between his Majesty s Forces commanded by General Howe and the Americans under Major General Putnam, showing also the landing of the British Army on New York Island, and the taking of the City of New York, etc., on the I5th September following, with the subsequent disposition of both the Armies. Names of the various British ships are given and references to the Battle of Long Island. Very finely engraved by W. Fad en. Size 2of by 17 inches. 1776. 12 12s 1776 A.D. [213] THE SEAT OF ACTION between the British and American Forces, or, An Authentic Plan of the Western Part of Long Island, with the Engagement of the 27th August, 1776, between the King s Forces and the Americans; containing also Staten Island and the) Environs of Amboy and New York, with the Course of Hudson River from Courtland, the Great Magazine of the American Army, to Sandy Hook. From the surveys of Major Holland. Size i/f.by 15! inches. 1776. 7 7s 1776-9 A.D. [214] WAR FOR INDEPENDENCE. A Series of 6 Pamphlets. Paine (Thomas). Common Sense; addressed to the Inhabitants of America ... A new Edition, with several additions ... to which is added an Appendix, together with an address to the People called Quakers. Philadelphia, printed , London re-printed, 1776. Plain Truth; addressed to the Inhabitants of America, containing Re marks on a late Pamphlet, entitled COMMON SENSE, written by Candidus. Philadelphia, printed; London* reprinted, 1776. Additions to Common Sense; addressed to the Inhabitants of America. Philadelphia, printed , London reprinted, 1776. Considerations on the Measures carrying on with respect to the British Colonies in North America, the Second Edition with Additions, and an Appen dix relative to the present State of Affairs on that Continent. London (1776). Smith (William). Am Oration in memory of General Montgomery, and of the Officers and Soldiers who fell with him December 31, 1775, before Quebec. Second Edition. Philadelphia, printed; London reprinted, 1776. Galloway (Earl of). Letters to a Nobleman, on the Conduct of thei War in the Middle Colonies, with folding map " A plan off the Operations of the British Rebel Army in the Campaign, 1777." London, 1779. Together in I vol., 8vo, original calf. 10 10s MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. 07 1777 A.D. [215] TRATADO PREIIMINAR DE PAZ, e de limites na America meridional, relative aos estados, que nella possuem as coroas de Portugal, e de Hespanha. Small 4to, 31 pp., ivrap-perz. Lisbon, 1777. 2 10s * This Peace Treaty settling tlio Boundaries of the American Colonies of Spain and Portugal was signed at Madrid 1st Oct., 1777. 1778 A.D. [216] THE ATLANTIC NEPTUNE. Published for the use of the Royal Navy of Great Britain by Joseph F. W. Des Barres . . . Under the direction of the Rt. Hon. the Lords Com missioners of the Admiralty. Eight plates from the above, i.e. : Five Coloured Views of the Isle of Sable (East End, etc.). View from the Camp at the East End of the Naked Sand Hills. (Coloured View) . Coloured View of : Entrance of the Pond, West End of the Isle of Sable, Wrecker s Den, North Shore, (etc.). Isle of Sable. (Double Map). 1778. 8 8s 1778 A.D. [217] CARVER (J.). Travels through the Interior Parts of North America, in the Years 1766, 1767, and 1768. Illustrated with Folding Maps, and copperplate engravings. FIRST EDITION. 8vo, original calf. London, Printed for the Author, 1778. 4 18s * * * Pages 420440 contain a Vocabulary of the Chipeway Language. 1778 A.D. [218] ALVAREZ (Don Francisco). Ncticia del establecimiento y pobla- cion de las cclonias Inglesas en la America septentrional; Religion, orden de gobierno, leyes y costumbres de sus naturales y habitantes; calidades de su clima, terreno, frutos, plantas y animales; y estado de su industria, artes, comercio y navegacion : Sacada de Varios Au tores. Small 4to, original calf. Madrid, 1778. 1 5s g8 MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. 1780 A.D. [219] AN IMPARTIAL HISTORY OF THE WAR FN AMERICA, between Great Britain and Her Colonies. From its Commencement to the End of the Year I/7Q. Exhibiting a Circumstantial, Connected, and Complete Account of the Real Causes, Rise, and Progress of the War, etc. With 12 portraits. 8vo, original calf. London, 1780. 14 14s Imperfect Copy. Wanting the Lower Half of Title, Ma.p and 1 Portrait. The Portraits include: Sir William Howe, John Hancock, Samuel Adams, George Washington, Robert Hopkins, Charles Lee, Lord Howe, General Putman, Benjamin Franklin. David Wooster, Horatio Gates, " A Real American Kifle Man." The Portrait of Major-General Arnold is wanting. 1780 A.D. [2iga] BRAZIL. Autograph Letter in Portuguese of Francisco Joao RosciOj dated 1780, to Martinho de Mello e Castro, informing him as to the manner in which a demarcation or gift of one hundred leagues of land might be made on the coast of Brazil to the North of Cape Frio. This Original Document is very curious for the minute and detailed in formation it gives, and especially for the valuable large coloured Folding Map of Parts of the Coast of Brazil, showing the Provinces of San Paulo, Minas Geraes, amd Spirito Santo. 3 10S 1780 A.D. [220] CHALMERS (George). Political Annals of the Present United Colonies from their Settlement to the Peace of 1 7Q3. Compiled chiefly from records, and authorised often by the insertion of State Papers. Thick 4to, original calf. London, 1780. * 4s 1780 A.D. [221] PLAN of the Encampment and Position of the Army under His Excellency Lieut. -General Burgoyne at Swords House on Hudson s River near Stillwater on September i;th with the Positions of that part of the Army en-, gaged on the igth September, 1777. Drawn by W. C. Wilkinson, Lt. 62d Regt. Asst. Engr. Engraved by Wm. Faden. 1780. 9 9 MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. 99 1780 A.D. [222] GALLOWAY (Earl of). Historical and Political Reflections on the Rise and Progress of the American Rebellion, In which the Causes of that Rebellion are pointed out, and the Policy and Necessity of offering to the Americans a System of Government founded in the Principles of the Britisii Constitution, are clearly demonstrated. By the AUTHOR OF LETTERS TO A NOBLEMAN, on the Conduct of the American War. 8vo. Fine uncut copy in the original wrappers. London, 1780. 2 12s 6d 1780-81 A.D. [223] GALLOWAY (Earl of). A Collection of 7 Pamphlets. Letters to a Nobleman on the Conduct of the War in the Middle Colonies. With folding map, " A Plan of the Operations of the British and Rebel Army in the Campaign 1777." London, 1780. A Reply to the Observations of Lieut. Gen. Sir William Howe. London, 1780. A Letter to the Right Honourable Lord Viscount H e on his Navai Conduct in the American War. 1781, Cool Thoughts on the Consequences to Great Britain of American) In dependence. 1780. Plain Truths: or a Letter to the Author of Dispassionate Thoughts on the American War. 1780. A Candid Examination of the Mutual Claims of Great Britain) and the Colonies. 1780. Historical and Political Reflections on the Rise and Progress of the American Rebellion. 1780. Together, bound in I vol., 8vo, half morocco gilt, g. e. 10 10S THE KING OF SPAIN S COPY. 1782 A.D. [224] NUIX (Don Juan). Reflexiones imparciales sobre la humanidad de los Espanoles en las Indias* Contra los Pretendidos Filosofos y Politicos Para ilustrar las historias de MM. Raynal y Robertson. Escritas en Italiano POR EX ABATE DON JUAN NUIX, y Traducidas con, Algunas Notas Por D. Pedro Varela y Ulloa. LARGE PAPER COPY. 4to, a very handsome copy in contemporary crim son morocco, the Royal Arms, of Spain on sides, gilt back, silk ends and -fly leaves, g. e. Madrid, 1782. 9 9s * * * From the Library of King Philip of Spain. ioo MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. 1783 A.D. [225] CLINTON (Lieutenant-General Sir Henry, K.B.). The Narrative of Lieutenant-General Sir Henry Clinton, K.B., relative to his Conduct during part of his Command of the King s Troops in North America; Particularly to that which respects the unfortunate Issue of the Campaign of 1781. With an Appendix containing Copies and Extracts of those Parts of his Correspondence with Lord George Germain, Earl Cornwallis, Rear Admiral Graves, &e. Sixth Edition. London, 1783. CORNWALLIS (Earl). Am Answer to that Part of the Narrative of Lieutenant-General Sir Henry Clinton, K.B., which relates to the Conduct of Lieutenant-General Earl Cornwallis, during the Campaign in North- America, in the Year 1781. London, 1783. CLINTON (Lieutenant-General Sir Henry, K.B.). Observations on Some Parts of the Answer of Earl Cornwallis to Sir Henry Clinton s Narrative. To which is added an Appendix; containing Extracts of Letters and other papers to which reference is necessary. London, 1783. The three Works in I volume, 8vo, half bound, and entirely uncut. London, 1783. 2 18s 1783 A.D. [226] STRICTURES ON THE PEACE, with America, France, and Addressed to the Public at large. With a large Coloured Folding Map of America and the West Indies. 1 8 pp., 8vo, boards. London, 1783. 2 5s 1783-4 A.D. [226a] SOUS (Antonio de). Historia cte la Conquista cte Mexico, poblacion y progresos de la America Septentrional conocida por el nombre de Nueva Espana. With maps, fine portraits, and many fine plates by Moreno and others. 2 volumes, 4to, modern marbled calf, icstoon borders on sides, inside dent dies, g. e. Madrid, 1783-4. 8 15s Fine clean copy of this the Best Edition which is now uncommon. MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. 101 1783 A.D. [227] JACKSON (Rev. William). The Constitutions of tKe Several Independent States Of America; The Declaration of Independence; and the Articles of Confederation between the said States. To which are now added, The Declaration of Rights; The Non-Importa tion Agreement; and the Petition of Congress to the King delivered by Mr. Penn. With an Appendix, containing the Treaties between His Most Christian Majesty and the United States of America; the Provisional Treaty with America And (Never before published) An Authentic Copy of the Treaty concluded between their High Mightinesses the States-General, and the United States of America. 8vo, fine copy in half calf, uncut, t. e. g. London, Printed for /. Stockdale, 1783. 3 15s * * * With tKe very -rare portrait of Washington., engraved by Sharp, known as the " DON T TREAD ON ME " portrait. 1786 A.D. [228] TRUXILLO (Fr. Manuer Maria). Exhortation Pastoral, avisos importantes, y Reglamentos utiles, Que para la mejor observancia de la Disci- plina Regular, e ilustracion de la Literatura en todas las Provincias y Colegios Apostolicos de America y Filipinas. Folding plate listing the Franciscan Missions in America. LARGE PAPER COPY. 4to, bound in contemporary red morocco, g. e. Madrid, 1786. 3 108 1786 A.D. [229] A NEW MAP of North America with the West India Islands, divided according to the Preliminary Articles of Peace, signed at Versailles, 2Oth January, 1783. Wherein are particularly Distinguished the United States. . . . Laid down from the original materials of Gov. Pownall, 1783. With inset maps " The Passage of Land to California, Discovered by Father Eusebius Francis Kino, a Jesuit, between 1698-1701," and " A Particular Map of Baffin and Hudson s Bay." Engraved on two sheets. Pub. by R. Sayer, 1786. 1 10s 102 MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. 1787 A.D. [230] CALIFORNIA. PALOU (R. P. L. Fr. . Francisco). Relacion historica de la vida y apostoiica tareas del venerable Padre Fray Junipero Serra, y de las Misiones que fundo en la California Septentrional, y nuevos establecimientos de Monterey. Portrait of Father Junipero Serra, and a Folding Map of California. Small 4to, half calf. Impresa en Mexico, en la Imprenta de Don Felipe de Zuniga y Ontiveros, calle del Espiritu Santo, 1787. 18 18s ** The Missionary, Father Junipero Serra, spent, thirty-six years in California. The work is very important for the history of California, and is exceedingly rare with the large folding Map. It is not merely a religious biography, but a most interesting account of the Travels of this zealous Missionary and his companions in Mexico and California. Serra was born on the Isle of Mallorca, in 1713. After visiting Mexico he went to California and founded several missions there, dying in 178J. Palou succeeded Serra in the Presidency of the Californian Missions. 1788 A.D. [231] GORDON (W.). History of the Rise, Progress, and Establish ment Of the Independence of the United States of America, including an Account of the Late War and of the Thirteen Colonies from their Origin to that period. With 6 folding maps. 4 vols., 8vo, half calf. London, 1788. 2 2s 1788-93 A.D. [232] JOSE DE VARGAS Y PONCE (Captain). Relacion del ultimo viage al Estrecho de MagaJlanes de la Fragata de S. M. Santa Maria de la Cabeza en los Anos de 1 785 y 1 786. Extracto de todos los anteriores desde su Descubrimiento Impresos y MSS. y Noticia de los Habitantes, Suelo, Clima y Producciones del Estrecho. Apendice a la relacion del viage al Magallanes de la Fragata, de Cuerra Santa Maria de la Cabeza, que contiene el, de los paquebotes Santa Casilda y Santa Eulalia para completar el reconocimiento del Estrecho en los anos de 1788 y 1789. . . Trabajado de Orden Superior. Portrait and numerous large folding plates. 2 vols., 4to, original calf. Madrid, 1788-93. 4 4s * * * Besides the Voyage of Captain Jose de Vargas Y Ponce, the previous expeditions to the Straits of Magellan are here described. MAGGS BROS, 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. 105 1789 A.D. [233] CANADA. RICHARDSON (Prof. Wm.) The Cacique of Ontario. An Indian Tale. Vignette on title. 19 pp., small 4to, half morocco uncut. London, Printed for John Fielding. N.D. (1789). 3 7s 6d 1790 A.D. [234] BARTOLACHI (J. I.), Opusculo Cuacfalupano. Annunciado en la Gazeta de Mexico (Tom. I. No. 53). ; Frontispiece and two illustrations. 4to, full calf gilt, ivith the Coat of Arms of John W. de Kay, Sire of Coucy, on front in gold. i Mexico, 1790. 5 5s An account of the -wonderful apparition of the image of the Virgin. 1791 A.D. [235] LONG (J.). Voyages and Travels of an Indian Interpreter and Trader. Describing the Manners and Customs of the North American Indians, with an Account of the Posts situated on the River Saint Lawrence, Lake Ontario, etc., to which is added a Vocabulary of the Chippeway Language, Names of Furs and Skins, in English and French, a List of Words in the Iroquois, Mohe- gan, Shawanee and Esquimeaux Tongues, and a Table shewing the Analogy between the Algonkin and Chippeway Languages. Folding map. 4to, calf. London, 1791. 6 18s 1791-2 A.D. [236] MANEIRO (Joannes Aloysius). De vitis aliquot Mexicanorum aliorumque qui sive virtute, sive litteris Mexici imprimis floruerunt. 3 vols., 8vo, -fine copy in full calf, uncut, t. e. g. \ Bononiae, 1791-92. 6 6S * * * This very rare work contains 35 biographies of Jesuits born in America. Joannes Aloysius Maneiro was born at Vera-Cruz in 1722. By the Edict of Charles III. he was obliged to become an Exile, he came with several of his companions as refugees to Italy, but happier than most of them he returned to Mexico in 1799, where he died in 1802. Vol. i. contains biographies of: Juan de Villaviencio Antonio Corro NicoJ. Calatayud Franc. Perez Aug. Ma.rquez Franc. Zevailo-s Juan Rodriguez D. Perez. Vol. II. biographies of: Nic. Arriola Nic. Paez J. Campos P. Roth S. Davila J. Melendez J. Salgados J. Fr. Lopez J. Urbiola J. Irragorri J. Bellidos Xav. Gomez M. Motnejanos. Vol. III. biographies of: Xav. Riveri X. Clavigero V. Arnesi J. Vallardi A. Castro (Appendix) : Ped Real Jos. Ce-pe^a M. Castillo Aug. Palomino Mich. JSabelli Jos. Olavarrieta P. Ce&ati Manuel Aroos Ben. Velasco. 104 MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. 1782 A.D. [237] IMLAY (G.). A Topographical Description of the Western Territory of North America; Containing a Succinct Account of its Climate, Natural History, Population, Agriculture, Manners and Customs, with an ample description of the several divisions into which that country is partitioned. And an accurate Statement of the various Tribes of Indians that inhabit the Frontier Country. To which is annexed, A Delineation of the Laws and Government of the State Of Kentucky. Tending to! shew the probable rise and grandeur of the American Empire. In a Series of Letters to a Friend in England. FIRST EDITION. 8vo, original wrappers, uncut. London, 1792. 2 18s 1794 A.D. [238] CLAD ERA (Christobal). InvesUgaciones Historicas Sobre los Principals Descubrimientos de los Espanoles en el Mar Oceano en el Siglo XV. y Principios del XVI. en Respuesta a la Memoria de Mr. Otto sobre el verda- dero Descubridor de America. With the large folding Map of part of the Globe of Martin Behaim, and 5 engraved portraits, including Columbus and Magellan. Small 4to, original calf. Madrid, 1794. 5 5s 1794 A.D. [239] [STEUBEN (Baron)]. Regulations for the Order and Discipline Of the Troops Of the United States, to which is prefixed the Articles of War, the Militia Law of the UNITED STATES and the Militia Law of SOUTH CAROLINA, also the Manual Exercise and Evolutions of the Cavalry. Folding plates. 8vo, calf. Charleston, 1/94. 3 3s A very scarce -and interesting- work on the Militia of the United States. 1794 A.D. [240] STEDMAN (C.). The History of the Origin, Progress and Ter mination of the American War. Folding maps (as listed in the following number). 2 vols., 4to, half calf. London, 1/94. &* 18S PLATE XXI. PLATE XXII The South part of New-England, as it is Plantedthisyeare, 1655. WOOD S NEW ENGLAND S PRospEci^-1635. See Item No. 87. MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. 105 UNCUT COPY. 1794 A.D. [241] STEDMAN C. . The History of the Origin, Progress and Ter mination Of the American War, by C. Stedman, who served under Sir W. Howe, Sir H. Clinton, and the Marquis Cornwallis. 2 vols., 4to, original boards, uncut edges. London, 1/94. 7 18s * * * Illustrated with 15 Maps (many large folding ones), viz. : Plan of Action at Bunkers Hill. Sketch of General Grant s Position on Long Island. Map of North Part of New York Island. Plan of Operations under Sir W. Howe in New York and East NCAV Jersey. * Plan of Position which the Army under/ Lt.-Gen. Burgoyne took at Saratoga. Plan of thei Attack of Forts Clinton and Montgomery upon Huclsons River. Siketch of Fayette s (position at Burres Hill. Plan of Siege of Chariest own. Plan of Battle near Camden. Sketch of Catawba River. Battle of Guildford. Sketch of Battle of Hobkirks Hill. Position of English and 1 rench Fleets, 3 Sept., 1781. Plan of Siege of York Town. Plan of Siege of Savanna If. 1794 A.D. [242] WILLIAMS (S.). Natural and Civil History of Vermont. Folding map. 8vo, original calf. Walpole, Neivham-p shire, 1/94. 2 10s COLOURED COPY. 1796 A.D. [243] GUIANA. Stedman (Capt. J. G.). Narrative of a Five Years Expedition against the Revolted Negros of Surinam, in Guiana, on the Wild Coast of South America: from the year 1772 to 1777. Illustrated with 80 coloured plates designed from nature by the Author. 2 vols., 4to, newly bound in half calf. London, 1796. 12 12s * * * Very scarce witli the plates in colours. 1796 A.D. [244] WILL YAMS (Rev. C.). An Account of the Campaign in the West Indies in 1794, under the command of Sir C. Grey and Vice-Admiral Sir 1 J. Jervis, with the reduction of the Islands of Martinique, St. Lucia, Guadaloupc, Marigalante, Desiada, etc. With map and plan. 4to, original boards, uncut. London, 1796. 5 10s io6 MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. 1797 A.D. [245] BRAZIL. Madre de Deos (Fr. Caspar da). Memorias Para a Historia da Capitania de S. Vicente, Hoje Chamada de S. Paulo, do Estado do Brazil. Small 4to, original wrappers, uncut. Lisbon, 1797. 1 10s *** An important work for the history of the province of S. Paulo, Brazil, published by order of the Academy of Science, and composed from authentic documents. Thd Editor, Fray CASPAR DA MADRE DE DEOS, was born at Sanctos, province of S. Paul, in 1730, and became abbe general of his order in Brazil. 1798 A.D. [246] WANSEY (H.). The Journal of an Excursion to the United States of North America, in the Summer of 1794. I2mo, contemporary half russia gilt, g. c. Salisbury , 1798 (with 2w\d State of Portrait of George Washington}. 1 14s * * * From the library of Wm. Beckford with his MS. notes. 1799 A.D. [247] LIANCOURT (Duke de La Rochefoucault). Travels through the United States Of North America, the Country of the Iroquois, and Upper Canada, in the years 1795, 1796 and 1797. with an authentic account of Lower Canada. Three folding maps. 2 vols., 4to, original calf. London, 1799. 5 5s 1802 A.D. [248] CALIFORNIA. Galiano (Don). Relacion del Viage Hecho por las Goletas Sutil y Mexicana en el ano de 1 792 para Reconocer el Estreeho de Fuca; con una Introduccion en que se da noticia de las Expediciones Executadas Anteriormente por los Espanoles en Busca. del Paso del Noroeste de la America. Text I volume, 4to, and the Atlas of Plates small folio. 2 vols. , full calf. Madrid, 1 802. 21 * * * One of the most important; voyages made to the Calif orriian and Western Coasts of North America,, especially valuable on account of the series of nine large maps, viz. : (1) The Coast of California from Acapoilco to Cape Perpetua. (2) Continuation of the Californian Coast from Capo, Perpetua to Goletas. (3) Continuation of the Californian Coast to the Bay of Bristol. (4) Pla.n of the Exploration along the Coast of California by Captain Vizcaino. (5) Plan of Port of San Diego. (6) Port and Bay of Monterey. (7) Plan of Los Amigos, at the Entrance of Nutka Sound. (8j Plan of Port of Mulgrave. (9) Plan of the Port of IJesengano. Besides these maps, there is a series "of eight other plates (views, natives, etc.). MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. 107 1804 A.D. [249] WASHINGTON (George). Marshall (John). Life of George Washington, Commander-in-Chief of the American Forces, during the war which established the Independence of his Country and First President of the United States, to which is prefixed, an introduction containing a compendious view of the Colonies planted by the English on the Continent of North America. Illustrated with portrait of Washington, View O f Mount Vernon, and two maps. Best Edition. 5 vols., 4to, original boards, wttcut. London, 1804. 4 4s 1807 A.D. [250] JANSON (Charles William). The Stranger in America: Contain ing Observations made during a long residence in that country, on the Genius, Manners and Customs of the people of the United States; with Biographical Particulars of Public Characters; Hints and Facts relative to the Arts, Sciences, Commerce, Agriculture, Manufactures, Emigration, and Th Slave Trade. Engraved title, and 8 important plates. 4to, original calf. Albion Press, London, 1807. 4 15s * * * The plates include : View of the City and Port of Philadelphia. View of Boston from the Bay. Plan of the City of Philadelphia. Philadelphia Theatre. Etc., etc. Drawn under the direction of the Author and engraved by M. Marigot. ADMIRAL COCKBURN S COPY. 1807-3 A.D. [251] ARGENTINE. Buenos Ayres. An Authentic Narrative of the Proceedings of the Expedition under the Command of Brigadier-General Crau- furd until its arrival at Monte Video; with an Account of the Operation, against Buenos Ayres under the Command of Lieut. Gen. Whitelocke, by an Officer of the Expedition. Four folding maps. London, Printed for the Author, 1808. A Narrative of the Expedition to, and the Storming 1 of Buenos Ayres by the British Army. By an Officer attached to the Expedition. 38 pp. 1807. In i vol., 8vo, calf. 9 9s * w * Prom the library of Admiral George Cock burn, with his Arms on sides, and Bookplate inside cover. Bound up with the above is Captain Foote s Vindication of his Conduct when Captain of H.M.S. Sea Horse, 1807. loS MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W 1807 A.D. [252] ARGENTINE. Buenos Ayres. A Narrative of The Expedition to, and the Storming of Buenos Ay res, by The British Army, commanded by Lieutenant-General Whitelocke. By An Officer, attached to the Expedition. With engraved plate. 38 pp., 8vo, half morocco. Bath, 1807 4 4s 1808 A.D. [253] [ANDRE] SMITH (Joshua Hett). An Authentic Narrative of the Causes which led to the death of Major Andre. To which is added a Monody on the Death of Major Andre, by Miss Seward. Fine impression of the portrait of Andre, by Hop wood, and plate of the tomb, together with map. 8vo, original boards, uncut. London, 1808. 5 5s 1809 A.D. [254] LAMB (R.). An Original and Authentic Journal of Occurrences during the late American War, from its commencement to the year 1783. 8vo, original boards, uncut. Dublin, 1809. 2 15S 1809-11 A.D. [255] LAMB (R.). An Original and Authentic Journal of Occurrences during the late American War, from its Commencement to the Year 1783. Dublin, 1809. Memoir of His Own Life. Dublin, 1 8 1. 1. Together 2 vols., Svo, half morocco gilt, g. e. Dublin, 1809-11. 5 10s 1809 A.D. [256] LEWIS AND CLARKE. Travels from St. Louis, by way of the Missouri and Columbia Rivers, to the Pacific Ocean; performed in the years 1804-6. Containing delineations of the Manners, Customs, Religion, &c., of the Indians, and a summary of the statistical view of the Indian Nations, from the official communication of Meriwether Lewis. Illustrated with a map of the country. Svo, full original calf. London, 1809. 3 18s MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. 109 1809 A.D. [257] SOUS. Historia de la Conquista de Mexico, Poblacion y pro gresses de la America Septentriant. Nueva edicion Coregida por Don Agus- tine Lucis Josse. 3 vols., 8vo, calf. London, 1809. 1811 A.D. [258] WILLIAMS (Rev. John). The Captivity and Deliverance of Mr. John Williams, Pastor of the Church in Deerfield, and Mrs. Mary Rowlandson, of Lancaster, who were taken, together with their Families and Neighbors, by the French and Indians, and carried into Canada. Written by themselves. Small 8vo, original calf. Brook field, 1811. 2 TOS 1811 A.D. [259] HUMBOLDT (A. de). Essai Politique sur le Royaume de La Nouvelle-Espagne. Avec un Atlas, Physique et Geographique. 3 volumes (2 volumes 4(0, and atlas folio, containing tiventy -plates], half morocco. Paris, 1811. 3 10S 1815 A.D. [260] BRAZIL. De Beauchamp (M. Alphonse). Histoire du Bresii, depuis sa decouverte; en 1500 jusqu en 1810. With large folding map, and two fine French engraved plates. 3 vols., 8vo, full calf, newly rebacked, gilt, mottled edges. Paris, 1815. 2 10s *** Containing : Origin of the Portuguese Monarchy. Portuguese Conquests in India and Africa. Discovery and Description of Brazil. Manners and Customs of the People. Origin and Progress of the Portuguese Establishments. Wars with the Natives and with other European Nations over Brazil. Its Civil, Political, and Commercial History, its Revolutions and present State. 1816 A.D. [261] CALIFORNIA. FERNANDEZ DE SAN SALVADOR (Dr. Agus tin Pomposa). Los Jesuitas quitados y restituidcs al Mundo. Historia de la Antigua California. 213 pp., small 8vo, half morocco. Mexico, 1816. 21 *** An excessively rare little book, printed for Subscribers only. A History of Old California and the work done there by the Jesuit Missionaries ; partly translated from the posthumous work of Father Clavigero and partly taken from the History of the Province of New Spain, which vras written by Father Alegre and never before published. no MAGGS BROS., 34 35, Conduit Street, London, W. 1816 A.D. [262] BRAZIL. KOSTER (H.) Travels in Brazil. Illustrated with map, plan, and finely coloured plates. 4to, half morocco gilt. London, 1816. 1 15s 1816 A.D. [263] BARBE-MARBOIS (M.) Ccmplot if Arnold et efe Sir Henry Clinton centre les Etats-unis d Amerique et centre le General Washington. Portrait of Washington and of General Arnold, dessine d apre s Nature par Du Simitier a Philadelphie, grave par Adam, also Plan of West roint, 1780. 8vo, half calf. Paris, 1816. 3 3s 1816 A.D. [264] PARAQUAY. FUNES (Dr. Gregory). Ensayo de la Historia CivN del Paraguay, Buenos-Ayres y Tucuman. Portrait. 3 vols., small 4to, original calf. Buenos-Ayres (1816). 5 10s * * * With the Autograph on title of each volume, of John Parish Robertson of Paraguay. A very important work, and the best history of Paraquay composed from Original Documents. It also refers to the celebrated revolution in 1780, at the head of which was the renowned JOSE GABRIEL TUPAC-AMARU. 1817 A.D. [265] BRADBURY (John). Travels in the Interior of America, in the Years 1809, 1810, and 1811; including A Description of Upper Louisiana, together with the States of Ohio, Kentucky, Indiana, and Tennessee, with the Illinois an4 Western Territories, and containing Remarks and Observations useful to Persons emigrating to those Countries. 8vo, half calf gilt, g. e. Liverpool, Printed for the Author, 1817. 3 18s 1817 A.D. [266] JAMES (William). A Full and Correct Account of the Chief Naval Occurrences of the late War between Great Britain and the United States of America, preceded by a Cursory Examination of the American Accounts of their Naval Actions fought previous to that period. With illustrations. Thick 8vo, cloth, uncut. London, 1817. 2 53 MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. in 1818 A.D. [267] CUBA. Instruction para el govierno economico y administrative cfe la Real Factoria de Tabacos de la Isla de Cuba, conforme al soberano decreto de 23 de Juneo de 1817, impresa de prden del Sr D. Alexandro Ramirez, Cjese superior e inspector de la Real Factoria de Tabacos. 21 pp., folio, boards. Habana, 1818. 3 10s DUCHESS DE BERRY S COFY. 1819 A.D. [268] TEXAS. L Heroine du Texas, ou Voyage de Madame . . Aux Etats-Unis et au Mexique. Orne d une Gravure representant le Champ d Asile et le Camp retranche des Francais. Get Ouvrage est termine par une Romance. Par Mr. G . . . n F . . . n. With engraved frontispiece of " Le Champ D Asile." 8vo. Fine copy from the Library of the Duchess de Berry, calf, Arms in gold on sides, and her book-plate inside cover. Paris, 1819. 6 6s 1820 A.D. [269] MEXICO. MONTEZUMA. Arbcl Cemalogico cfe Montezuma, Emperador di Mejico. A manuscript genealogical tree, drawn by a native, in crude colours from the original in the Museo Niegico, on a roll 18 ft. by I ft. 10 ins. Circa 1820. 5 5s THIS EXTRAORDINARY GENEALOGICAL TREE OF TttB FAMOUS MoNTEZUMA, EMPEROR OF MEXICO, IS ILLUSTRATED THROUGHOUT WITH UPWARDS OF 100 QUAINT PORTRAITS OF TH3 MOST RENOWNED KINGS AND PERSONS) IN EARLY MEXICAN HISTORY, DRESSED IN THE STRANGE COSTUMES OF THE TIME, WITH COATS OF ARMS, ETC. At the head of the roll are drawings of Don Melchoi a, Dn. Augustin, Da. tl uana Batista de Mendoza, and others, below which are the arms of Spain. 1820 A.D. [269a] RALFE (J.). The Naval Chronology of Great Britain: or, an Historical Account of Naval and Maritime Events, from the Commencement of the War in 1803, to the end of the year 1816, also particulars of the most im portant Courts-Martial, Votes of Parliament, Lists of Flag-Officers in Commis sion, and of Promotions for each year : the whole forming a complete Naval History of the above period. Portrait of George IV. printed in colours, and 59 very finely coloured plates of Naval Scenes, Battles, etc. 3 vols., royal 8vo. FINE COPY IN THE ORIGINAL! BOARDS, UNCUT. London, 1820. 130 *** A very fine copy of this rare Work, in coloured state, including; the "Capture of the Chesapeake," " Capture of the Argus, 1813," &c., &c. 112 MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. 1823 A.D. ,:J,;\ [270] SLAVE TRADE. CLARKSON (T.). Thoughts on the Necessity of Improving the Condition of The Slaves in the British Colonies, with a view to their ultimate Emancipation; and on the practicability, the safety, and the advantages of the latter measure. 60 pp., 8vo, boards. ., . .; London, 1823. , . : , : . : ; ,\ 103 6d 1823 A.D. [271] SLAVE TRADE. HODGSON (Adam) A Letter to M. Jean- Baptiste Say, on the Comparative Expense of Free and Slave Labour. Second Edition. 60 pp., 8vo, boards. Liverpool, Printed by James Smith, 1823. 10s 6d 1823 A.D. [272] SLAVE TRADE. Negro Slavery; or, A View of some of the more prominent features of that state of society, as it exists in the United States of America and in the Colonies of the West Indies, especially in Jamaica. 92 pp., Svo, boards. London, 1823. 10s 6d 1823 A.D. [273] SLAVE TRADE. WILBERFORCE (Wm .). An Appeal to the Religion, Justice, and Humanity of the inhabitants of the British! Empire, on behalf of the Negro Slaves in the West Indies. A New Edition. 56 pp., Svo, boards. London, 1823. 10s 6d 1824 A.D. [274] SLAVE TRADE. COOPER (Thomas). Correspondence between George Hibbert, Esq., and the Rev. T. Cooper, relative to the condition of the Negro Slaves in Jamaica, extracted from the Morning Chronicle: Also, A Libel on the Character of Mr. and Mrs. Cooper, Published, in! 1823, in several of the Jamaica Journals; With Notes and Remarks. 67 pp., Svo, boards. London, 1824. 10s 6d 1824 A.D. [275] SLAVE TRADE. COOPER (Thomas) Facts Illustrative of the Condition of the Negro Slaves in Jamaica: With Notes and an Appendix. 64 pp. , 8vo, boards. London, 1824. 10s 6d MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. 113 1824 A.D. [276] SLAVE TRADE. COOPER (Thomas). A Letter to Robert Hibbert, Jun., Esq., in Reply to His Pamphlet, entitled " Facts Verified upon Oath, in Contradiction of the Report of the Rev. Thomas Cooper, concerning the general condition of the Slaves in Jamaica," &c., &c. To which are added, A Letter from Mrs. Cooper to R. Hibbert, Jun., Esq., and; an Appendix, Con taining An Exposure of the Falsehoods and Calumnies of that gentleman. 90 pp., 8vo, boards. London, 1824. ; fOs 6d 1824 A.D. [277] SLAVE TRADE. Debate in the House of Commons, on the i6th Day of March, 1824, on the Measures adopted by His Majesty s Government, for the amelioration of the condition of the slave population in His Majesty s Dominions in the West Indies. 71 pp., 8vo, boards. London, 1824. ^ : 1.0S 6d 1824 A.D. [278] SLAVE TRADE. East India Sugar, or an Inquiry respecting the Means of Improving the Quality and Reducing the Cost of Sugar raised by Free Labour in the East Indies. With an Appendix containing Proofs and Illustrations. 41 pp., 8vo, boards. London, 1824. 10$ 0d 1824 A.D. [279] SLAVE TRADE. An Impartial Appeal to the Reason, Justice, and Patriotism of the People of Illinois on the Injurious Effects of Slave Labour. 1 8 pp., Svo, boards. Philadelphia, Printed. London, Reprinted for the Society for the Miti gation and Gradual Abolition of Slavery throughout the British Dominions 1824. 10s 6d 1824 A.D. [280] SLAVE TRADE. Substance of a Speech delivered by John Joseph Curney, Esq., at a Public Meeting of the Inhabitants of Norwich on the 28th January, 1824, on the subject of British Colonial Slavery. 16 pp., 8vo, boards. London (1824). 10s Q$ 1 14 MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. 1324 A.D. [281] SLAVE TRADE. West- Indian Pretensions Refuted; Being an Abstract from the Preface of a Work, entitled The Slavery of the British West- India Colonies Delineated, as it Exists in Law and Practice, and compared with the Slavery of other Countries, Ancient and Modern. 24 pp., 8vo, boards. London, 1824. 10S 6d 1824 A.D. [282] SLAVE TRADE. WINN (T. S) Emancipation; or Practical Advice to British Slave-Holders : With Suggestions for the General Improve ment of West India Affairs. in pp., 8vo, boards. London, 1824. 10s 6d 1825 A.D. [283] SLAVE TRADE. Account of a Shooting Excursion on the Moun tains near DromiJIy Estate, in the Parish of Trelawny, and Island of Jamaica, in the Month of October, 1824. 164 pp., 8vo, boards. London, 1825. 10s 6d 1825 A.D. [284] SLAVE TRADE. The Slave Colonies of Great Britain; or a Pic ture of Negro Slavery drawn By the Colonists themselves: Being an Abstract of the Various Papers recently laid before Parliament on that subject. 164 pp., 8vo, boards. London, 1825. 10s 6ii 1825 A.D. [285] BRAZIL. GONCALES DOS SANCTOS (P. Luiz) Memorsas para servir a historia de Reino do Brazil, diyididas em tres epocas da felici- dade, honra, e gloria; escriptas na corte do Rio de Janeiro no Anno de 1821. Illustrated with 4 folding maps. 2 vols., small 4to, half morocco. Lisbon, 1825. 3 10s 1825 A.D. [286] KEATING (William H.). Narrative of an Expedition to the Source of St Peter s River, Lake Winnepeek, Lake of the Woods, &c., Performed in the Year 1823, By Order of the Hon. J. C. Calhoun. Illustrated with folding map, portrait, and other plates. 2 vols., 8vo, original boards, uncut. London, 1825. 2 15s MAGGS BROS., 34 35, Conduit Street, London, W. 115 1826 A.D. [287] SLAVE TRADE. STEPHEN (James) England enslaved by her own Slave Colonies. An Address to the Electors and People of the United Kingdom. 92pp., 8vo, boards. London, 1826. 10s 6d 1826 A.D. [288] JUAN (Jorge) and ULLOA (Antonio de). Nottoias secretas cte America. . . . Presentadas en informe secreto a Fernando VI. Sacadas a Luz. Por Don David Barry. Illustrated with two portraits. 2 vols. in i, small folio, full calf. London, 1826. 15 15s *** A. most interesting report on the behaviour of the Spanish officials and priest- in Peru, with details frequently of an extraordinary nature. Hence the secret character of the work, which was published in London, as it was not allowed to be printed in Spain. 1829 A.D. [289] MEXICO. HARDY (Lieut. R W. H .). Travels in the Interior Of Mexico, in 1825, 1826, 1827 and 1828. Folding map, 7 plates, and 3 vignettes. 8vo, original boards, cut. London, 1829. 1 10s *** From the Library of WILLIAM BECKFOKD, Author of " Vathek." with four pages filled with interesting notes in his autograph. 1834-6 A.D. [290] MEXICO. DUPAIX (Capt .). Antiquites Mexicaines, Relation de Trois Expeditions ordonnee par Charles IV, pour la recherche des Antiquites du Pays, notamment celles de Mitea et de Palerque, suivie d un parallele de ces monuments avec ceux de I Egypte, de Tlndostan, et du reste de Pancien monde, par Lenoir, dissertations sur 1 origine de Tancienne population des* Deux Ameri- ques et les diverses Antiquites par Warden, etc. With 167 beautiful plates on India Paper. 2 vols., folio, half morocco, gilt backs and gilt tops, uncut. Paris, Irnprimerie Did of, 1834-6. 5 10s u6 MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. 1835-55 A.O. [291] BRAZIL. COLES (Capt. Cowper). A Series of Original Water- Drawings and Pencil Sketches, executed between 1835 and 1855, taken during his service in South America, Portugal, Greece, and the Crimea. Containing Views of Rio de Janeiro, Entrance to Rio de Janeiro, The Ball given on board the Hercule, at Rio, by the Prince de Joinville, to the Emperor of Brazil, 1837, Constantinople, Cricket Match between the Lisbon Cricket Club and the British Squadron, 1850, a great number of Drawings taken during the Crimean War. Mounted in an oblong folio scrap book, half morocco. 20 Captain C. Coles was the inventor o: the turret which was the first step towards the can version from Wooden to Iron construction. 1836 A.O, [292] TRUMBULL (Henry). History of the Discovery of America, of the Landing of our Forefathers, at Plymouth, and of their most remarkable Engagements with the Indians in New-England, from their first landing in 1620, until the final subjugation of the Natives in 1679. T.o which is annexed the Particulars of almost every important Engage ment with the Savages at the Westward to the Present Day. Including the Defeat of Generals Braddock, Harmer and St. Clair, By the Indians at the West ward; The Creek and Seminole War, &c. Large Folding Frontispiece of " Colonel Johnson s Engagement with the Savages, Oct. 5th, 1812," and two other engravings. 8vo, original boards. Boston, Published by George Clark, 1836. 1 10s 1837 A,D. [293] ANTIQUITATES AMERICANAE sive scriptores septentrionales rerum Ante-Columbianarurrt in America. Samling af de i Nordens Olds Krif- ter in deholdte Efterretninger om de Jamie Nordboers opdagelsesreiser til America fra 10 til 14 Aarhundredc eel. Societas Regia Antiquariorum Septen- trionalium. With many reproductions of ancient MSS. and other facsimiles. Thick 4to, original ivra-ppers. Copenhagen, 183;. 3 3s Very interesting collection of facts, referring to the Discovery of America by the Norsemen before Columbus 1838 A.D. [294] CANADA. BENTHAM Jeremy). Canada, Emancipate your Colonies! An Unpublished Argument." : 1.8 pp., 8vo, boards. London, 1838. 7S 6d MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. n; 183$ A.D. [295] HINMAN R R The Blue Laws of New Haven Colony, usually called Blue Laws of Connecticut; Quaker Laws of Plymouth and Massachusetts; Blue Laws of New York, Maryland, Virginia, and South Carolina. First Record of Connecticut : interesting extracts from Connecticut Records : Cases of Salem Witchcraft: Charges and Banishment of Rev. Roger Williams, &c.; and other Interesting and Instructive Antiquities. Compiled by An Antiquarian. Small 8vo, half calf, g. e. Hartford, 1838. 1 5s 1838 A.D. [296] YUCATAN. WALDECK (F. de). Voyage Pittoresque et Archeo- Iqgjque dans la Province D f Yucatan les annees 1834 et l8 36. Map and 22 plates, coloured and plain. , Large paper copy. Atlas folio, half morocco. Paris, 1838. 3 10s 1839 A.D. [297] MEXICO. BLANCHARD (P.) and DAUZATS (A .). San Juan de Ulua ou relation de ( Expedition Francaise au Mexique. Suivi de Notes et documents, et d un apercu general sur 1 etat actuei du Texas Par M. E. Maissin. Illustrated with a large number of plates, and engravings in the text. Imperial 8vo, cloth. Paris, 1839. 1 5S 1839 A.D. [298] CUBA. TAG ON (Don Miguel, Marques de la Union de Cuba). JuiGJQ de Residencia del Escelentisimo Senor Don Miguel Tacon, Gobernador y Capitan General que fue de la Isla de Cuba. Coleccion de varios escritos presentados po? su apoderado y defensor el Senor Don Jose Antonio; de Olaneta, fiscal electo de la audiencia pretorial man- dada establecer en la ciudad de la Habana, y dados a luz por el comercio, con un apendice que contiene las respectivas sentencias. Royal 8vo, original calf. , . Philadelphia, 1839. 1 16s nS MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. 1840 A.D. [299] CANADA. BEAUCLERK (Lord Charles). Lithographic Views of Military Operations In Canada. Under His Excellency Sir John Colborne, during the late insurrection. 7 Fine Coloured Lithographic Plates, accompanied by Notes Historical and Descriptive. 4to, half calf. London, 1840. 18 18s 1841 A.D. [300] GUIANA. BENTLEY (C ) Twelve Views in the Interior of Guiana after sketches taken during! the Expedition carried on in the years I835-39. Map and 12 fine large coloured lithographic plates, with descriptive text by R. H. Schomburgh. Large folio, half green morocco. London, 1841. 7 15s Atarapu or Devil s Rook. Esmeralda on the Oiinoco. Pirara and Lake Amncu. Brazilian Fort St. Gabriel. Pure-Piapa. Christmas Cataract. Roraima. Watu Ticaba, Purumama. Caribi Village Anal. Junction of the Kundanama with the Frontispiece. Pa-rarnu. 1845 A.D. [301] DARTNELL (G. R.). A Brief Narrative of the Shipwreck of the Transport " Premier," near the Mouth of the River St. Lawrence, I&43, having on board the Head Quarter Wing of the 2nd Battalion of the) 1st or Royal" Regiment, proceeding from North America to the West Indies. Illustrated with several engravings. 4to, cloth. London, 1845. &* 5s 1847 A.D. [302] GILLIAM (Albert M.). Travels ill Mexico, during the Years 1843 and 44; Including A Description of California, the Principal Cities and Mining Districts of that Republic; the Oregon Territory, etc. A New and Complete Edition. Small 8vo, new half morocco. Aberdeen, 1847. 2 2s MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. 119 TRAVELS IN THE OREGON AND ROCKY MOUNTAINS, 1845-6. 1848 A.D* [303] OREGON. SMET (Rev. P. J. de). Missions de I Oregom et Voyages aux Montagnes Rocheuses, aux sources de la Colombia, de r Atha basca et du Sascatshawin, en 1845-46. With 1 6 Engravings and 3 Maps. Thick I2mo, fine copy in Original Printed Wrappers. Gand., 1848. 3 3s * * * " A handsome volume, of over 400 pages, illustrated by engravings, and dedi cated to Bishop Hughes, from the distant solitudes of the Rocky Mountains, by a pious Catholic prie-st, who devoted his life to the conversion of the Children of the Forest to Christianity. The book might properly enough be called a history of the religious occupa tion of Oregon, for it gives a minute account of all the missions that have been established, or attempted, in that vast and wonderful region to which the red men have been compelled to fly before the rising tide of civilization. " We have been more deeply interested in the contents of this well-written volume, than, in any similar work that we have ever read. The Author seems to spread the great wilderness out before uis like a map, and \vhile kindling in our minds a sense of the infinite grandeur and beauty of Nature, inspires us at the time with something of the spirit of his own holy mission. The very names of the solitary places from which he dates his letters, not only startle us by their strangeness, but are linked with the most affecting associations. Foot of the CTOSSI of Peace Village of the Sacred Heart of Jesus such are the names with which the Catholic Fathers christen the wilderness which is made glad by their labours." (New York Evening Mirror.) 1852 A.D. [304] COKE (Hon. Henry J.). A Ride over the Rooky Mountains to Oregon antf California. With a glance at some of the Tropical Islands, in cluding the West Indies and the Sandwich Isles. 8vo, original cloth, uncut. London, 1852. 2 10s 1852 A.D. [305] PANAMA CANAL. WILLIAMS (J. J .). El istmo Tehuantepec resulto del reconocimiento que para la constnicion de un ferro-carril de com- nrumicacion entre les Oceancs Atlantico y Pacifico. Illustrado con varios grabados y mapas. 8vo, full calf gilt. Mexico, 1852. 2 10s 1853 A.D. [306] CANADA. DUNKIN (Christopher). Address at the Bar of the Legislative Assembly Of Canada, delivered on the i ith and I4th March, 1853, on behalf of certain Proprietors of Seigniories in Lower Canada, against the Second Reading of the Bill, intituled : " An Act to define Seigniorial rights in Lower Canada. Large folding map of the Champlain and St. Lawrence Railroad. 8vo, wrappers. Quebec, 1853. 12s 6d ,120 MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. 1855 A.D. [307] PETIT-THOUARS (A. Du). Voyage Autoiir du Monde Sitr h Fregate La Venus, 1836-39; Zoologie, Mammiferes, Oiseaux, Reptiles et Pois- sons. With the Atlas of 77 large and beautifully coloured plates of Animals Birds, Reptiles, Fish, Molluscs, Zoophytes, etc. Royal Svo, and large folio, 2 vols., new half maroon morocco gilt, uncut, t. e. g. Paris, 1855. 5 155 Partly relating- to the Natural History of America. 1860 A.D. [3o;a] AMERICA. Map cf the World published in China c, 1860. Comprising the two hemispheres, the one showing North and South America and the Southern Islands; the other Europe, Asia, Africa, and Australia. The names all printed in Chinese characters. Folio size. Circa 1860. tOS 6d 1862 A.D. [308] CANADA. CARMIGHAEL-SMYTH (Ma j. -Gen. Sir James). Precis cf The Wars in Canada, from 1755 to the Treaty of Ghent in 1814. With Military and Political Reflections. By the late Maj.-Gen. Sir James Carmichael-Smyth, Bart. Edited by his son, Sir James Carmichael, Bart. Svo, original cloth. London, 1862. 1 *** Inserted is an Autograph letter from Sir James Carmichael to Earl Grey, pre senting- the book, in which he writes : " .... I take the liberty of forwarding to Your Lordship a copy of the Precis of the Wars in Canada which was written by my father, the late M. General Sir James < armicliael-Smyth, on his return from a military inspection of our North American Provinces. " This work was originally printed for pirivate circulation among: official people only, by- the desire of His Grace the Duke of Wellington, and but few copies were consequently distributed. "Recent events in the United States have however directed the attention of both H.M. Govt. and the British public so strongly towards the defences of Canada, that it ap peared to me, that all persons, interested in preserving its union with the Mother Country, might derive both information and advantage from the perusel of the opinions of an En gineer Officer of great experience and high professional reputation." 1865 A.D. [309] BRAZIL. VASCONCELLOS (Padre Simao de). Chronica da Companhia de Jesu do Estado do Brasil e do que Obraram seus filhos n esta parte de Ncvo Mundo em que se trata da Entrada da Companhia de Jesu rtas Partes do Brasil. 2 yols. in I, small 4*0, half calf. Lisbon, 1865. 1 16s ; - : * A very important chronicle for the years 1549-1570. PLATE XXIII. BRASILIENSIOM VEL HOMINUM in Peru habitus. CLXXXI, roiHcii/ From WEIGBL HABITUS POPULORUM 1639. See Item No. 88. PLATE XXIV. HEN: MOE G From S BUCCAN EERS - -1081. See Item No. 111. MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35> Conduit Street, London, W. 121, 1885 A,D. [310] CILLMORE (Q. A.) Engineer and Artillery Operations against (the Defences of Charleston Harbor in 1863. Illustrated by Seventy-six plates (chiefly tinted) and engraved views. Thick royal 8vo, original doth. New York, 1865. 2 5s 11365 A.D. [311] NOVIA SCOTIA. MURDOCK (B ) A History of Nova Scotia or Acadie. 3 vols., Svo, half morocco. Halifax, N.S., 1865. 3 3s Including chapters on New France, Acadi*, Fontrincourt, Jesuit Missions, Fishery land Trade, Government, etc. 11872 A.D. [312] COUTO (Don Bernardo). Dialogo Sobre !a Historia de la Pin- itura en Mexico. Small 4to, full calf. Mexico, 1872. 2 2S 122 MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. PART II. THE FAR EAST. India, China, Japan, and The Philippines. THE FIRST BOOK TO MENTION CEYLON. 1506 A.D. [313] INDIA. Cesta proxime per Pcrtisgailercses in India, Ethiopia et aliis orientalibus terris. Black Letter, FIRST EDITION. 410, vellum. Rome, ] ohann Besicken, Jth November, 1506. 52 10s Copies of this the first edition are of extreme rarity. In this most interesting work the most notable feats of arms" are summarily related which were accomplished by the Portuguese in Mombaza, Canano, Cochin, etc., in the year 1505. Thi? is apparently also the first work to bear mention of Ceylon (under the name of " Taprobana "). These events toot place under the Vicerovalty of Francis d Almeida, Count of Abrantes, who became Viceroy of Portuguese India in 1505. During his administration, the Portuguese discovered Ceylon, the Maldive Islands, and Madagascar, to which the name of St. Larrence was given. He intended subduing the whole of the Malabar Coast, but before he could put his project into execution, he quarrelled with Albuquerque and resigned. He was kiTed by an arrow, near the Cape of Good Hope, in a quarrel with the Kaffirs, on 1st March, 1509, on his retu ra journey to Europe. Only one other copy appears to be known, and that in the Bibliotheque Nationaie, Paris, from which in the year 1906 a privately printed reproduction of 60 copies was made. 1523 A.D. [314] INDIA AND PERSIA. VARTHEMA (Ludovico de). Itmerarlo nela Egypto, rcela Suria, nela Arabia, Desort et Felice, nela Persia, nela India & nela Ethiopia. La fede, el vivere & costumi de tutte le prefate provincie. Roman Letter, long lines. With large woodcut on title of the author inscribing his discoveries on a terrestrial globe, above a fine ship with sail full set before the wind; numerous woodcut capitals. 4to, i8M century calf gilt, Arms of Prince Eugene of Savoy on sides (" Padeloup relieur" in an old hand on fly-leaf}. Milan, Joanne Angelo Scinzenzeler , ^oth April, 1523. (SEE ILLUSTRATION ON COVER.) 25 ** A FINE COPY OF AN EXCEEDINGLY KA.RE BOOK. As usual, the two leaves of Table at end are missing. "The Travels of Lndo\ico de Varthem? mre amon? the most important for the earrj description of the Ea^t. Bryr>t, Arabia, Persia, India, the Islands of the Orient, the Moluccas, and the Cape of Good Hop." MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. 123 The Far East continued. 1553 A.D. [315] INDIA. PERONDINUS (Petrus). Magni Tamerlanis Scytharutn Imperatoris Vita a Retro Perondinus Pretense Consciipta. Small 8vo, vellum. Florence, 1553. 1 10s THE FIRST EUROPEAN BOOK TO CONTAIN CHINESE AND JAPANESE CHARACTERS. 1575 A.D. [316] JAPAN. Missionary Letters. Cartas que ios Padres Hermanos de la Campania de Jesus, que andan en Ios Reynos de Japon escrivieron a Ios de la misma Compania desde el ano de 1549 hasta el de 1571 . . . en las quales se da noticia de las varias costumbres y Idolatrias de aquella Gentili- dad : y se cuenta el principio y successo y bondad de Ios Christianos de aquellas partes. Small 4to, cloth. Alcala, 1575. 35 *** An exceedingly rare collection of Letters from eighty-eight Missionaries in Japan and China, duiringi the yeans 1519 to 1571, written by the Jesuits, Francois 1 Xavier, de Almeida, J. Fernandez, de Acosta, de Figueredo, G. Vilela, L. Eroes, etc. This is the first European "book in which Chinese and Japanese characters appear, being nine years prior to the Ortelius Atlas, which has hitherto been thought to be the first to contain those characters. 1579 A.D. [317] JAPAN. Letters Diverse Dalle Indie Oriental! di nuovo Venute: Le quali narrano molte cose notabili del gran Regno del Giappone, negli Anni. I 574, 1 S7S & I 57&- Scritte dalli Reverend! Padri della Compagnia di Giesti; & di Portughese tradotte nel Volgare Italiano. I2mo, vellum. Turin, 1579. 10 10s * * * Comprises letters from the Celebrated Missionaries Cabral and Carnero. 1586 A.D. [318] CHINA AND THE PHILIPPINES. CONSALES DE MENDOZA .(P. Maestro Giovanni). Histcria della China, Descritta nella lingua Spag- nuola. Et tradotta nell Italiana, dal M. Francesco Avanzo. I2mo, vellum. Venetia, 1586. 12 12s * * * This was the product of three missions. The notes of Martin do Rada, or de Herradia, in the first expedition (along- with Pedro de Sarmiento) in 1575, and those of Gonzalez die Mendoza on his mission of 1578, enabled the latter to write the Historia. A third journey in 15B1, by Martin Ignacio d& Loyola, furnished the Itinerario. which includes Mexico and the Philippines. This Itinerario is* very interesting. Fr. Tgnacio on his voyage to China went via the Canaries and St. Dominique, from there he passed to Vera Cruz, across Mexico, between Mexico amd Acapulco, and re-embarked from this port for the Philippines and China. Al though brief, the account of the Voyage is extremely interesting. ITe speaks of the Discovery of New Mexico by Ant. d Espejo. i24 MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. The Far East continued. 1587 A.D. [319] INDIA. GOULART (Simon). Histoire cfe Portugal, conteriant des entreprises, navigations, & gestes memorables des Portugallois, tant en- la cer&queste cfe I rides Orientates par ewx tfescouvertes, qu es guerres d Afrique & autres exploits, depuis Tan mil quatre cens nonante six. . . . Comprinse en vingt Livres, dont les douze premiers sont traduits dt Latin de Jerosme Osorius, Evesque de Sylves en Algarve, les huit suyvans prim de Lopez Castagnede & d autres Historiens. Nouvellement mise en Francois, par S. G. S. avec un discours du fruid qu on peut recueillir de la lecture de ceste histoire, & ample Indice des matieres principales y contenues. Thick small 8vo, original calf. Paris, 1587. &% 15* 1588 A.D. [320] INDIA, CHINA AND JAPAN. REBELLO (Fr. Amador). Alguw Gapituics tirades das cartas que vieram esta anno de 1588. dos Padres da Companhia de Jesu que andam nas partes da India, China, Japao & Reino df Angola, impresses pera se poderem con mais facilidade comunicar a rnuitas pessoas que os pedem. Collegidos por o Padre Amador Rebello da jnesma Companhia, procurador general das provincias da India, & Brasil, &c. Woodcut device on last leaf. Small 8vo. Fine copy m full morocco extra. Lisbon, 1588. 21 * * * Exceedingly Bare. India comprises folios 1 to 15; China, " De Carlas dos Padres que andam na China," folios 15 to 30; Japan, 30 to 58; Angola and Congo, folios 59 to 64. 1595 A.D. [321] CHINA. CENTENO (Amaro). Histaria de cosas dtel Oriente. primer y segunda parte. Contiene una descripcion general de los Reynos d Assia con las cosas mas notables dellos. La Historia de los Tartaros y su Origen y principio. Las cosas del Reyno de Egipto. La Historia y sucesos del Reyno de Hierusalem. Two parts in I vol., small 4to. Fine co-py in full morocco, g. e. Cordova, 1595. ^"15 ^^ * * This work is divided into two parts, the first of which contains a tratn,slatk*n of the Oriental chronicle of Hayton, the Armenian, and the second is a history of tli Crusades. Hayton s history never appeared in any other Spanish, form. It is a record of the Mongolian dynasty established by Chingiz Khan. MAGGS BROS., 34 35, Conduit Street, London, W. 125 The Far East continued. 1596 A.D. [322] CHINA AND PHILIPPINES. CONZALES de MENDOZA (Fr. Joan). Historia de las oosas mas notables, ritos y costumbres, Del gran Reyno de la China, sabidas assi por lios libros de los mesmos Chinas, como por relacioii de Religiosos y otras personas que an estado en el dicho Reyno. Con im Itinerario del Nuevo Mundo. I2mo, half calf. Antwerp, 1596. 10 103 * * * This -was the product of three missions. The notes of Martin d& Jtada, or do Herrada, in the first expedition (along with Pedro de Sarmiento) in 1575, and those of Gonzalez de Mendoza on his mission of 1578, enabled the latter to write the Historia. A third journey in 1581, by Martin Ignacio de Loyola, furnished the Itinerario, which includes Mexico and the Philippines. This Itinerario is very interesting. Fr. Ignacio on his voyage to China went via ilia Canaries and S. Dominique, from there he passed to Vera Cruz, across Mexico, between Mexico and Acapulco, and ire-em barked from this Port for the Philippines and China. Al though brief, the account of the Voyage is extremely interesting. He speaks of the Discovery of New Mexico by Ant. d Espejo. 1598 A.D. [323] INDIA. PERUSCHI (J. B.). Historica relatio de potenttesimr regis Magor, a Magna Tamerlane oriundi, vita moribus, et summa in Chris- tianam religionem propensione. De omnium Japoniae regnorum. 8vo, -polished calf, two-line fillet border on sides, gilt back, inside den- tdles, g. e. Mayence, 1598. 7 7s 1601 A.D. [324] JAPAN. RIBADENEIRA (Marcelo de). Historia de las Islas dtel Archipielago, y Reyno de la Gran China, Tartaria, Cochinchina, Malaca, Siam, Camboxa y Japon, y de lo sucedido en ellos a los Religiosos Descalcos de la Orden del Seraphico Padre San Francisco, de la Provincia de San Gregorio de las Philippinas. . . . Arms of the Franciscans on title. Thick small 4to. Very fine copy bound in full levant morocco extra, T. e. Barcelona, 1601. 31 10s *** EXCESSIVELY BARE. The Author, a Franciscan Missionary, worked chiefly in Japan, and was present at tl.-e martyrdom there of six of his companions. 126 MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. The Far East continued. 1601-4 A.D. [325] INDIA. DE BRY. VOYAGES TO THE EAST. Quinta pars Indiae Orientalis: Qua continetur descriptio navigation^ quam Hollandi cum octonis navibus in terras Orientales, in lavanas & Moluc canas Insulas, Bantam, Bandam & Ternatem, &c. susceperunt : qui 159$ Amstelredamo solventes, partim 1599, partim 1600. . . . Icones in aes in- cisae & editae a Jo. Theod. & Jo. Israele de Bry. Frankfort, 1601. Indiae Orientalis Pars VI. Descriptionem auriferi regni Guineae. Illus- trata iconibus, a J. T. & J. I. de Bry. Frankfort , 1604. The two parts in one vol., half morocco. 16 16s 1604 A.D. [326] INDIA AND JAPAN. GUERRERO (Fernan). Relation anual de las cosas qite han hecho los padres de la Compania de Jesus en la Indfo Oriental y Japon, en los ahos de I 600. y i 60 1. y del progresso de la conver sion y Christiandad de aquellas partes. Sacada de las cartas generales que har venido de alia, por el Padre Fernan Guerrero de la Compania de Jesus, natural de Almodovar de Portugal. . . . Traduzida de Portugues en Castellano por el Padre Antonio Colaco. Small 4to, original calf. Vattadolid, 1604. 15 15s * * * An important book, dealing with the Missionary work of the Jesuits in India. Japan, the Philippines, etc 1605 A.D. [327] CHINA. DIEGO DE PANTOJA. Relacion tie la entratfa cfe algunos Padres da la Compania de Jesus en la China, y particulares successes quieron, y de cosas muy notables que vieron el mismo Reyno. FIRST EDITION. I2mo, original vellum. Seville, 1605. 10 1606-7 A.D. [328] INDIA. DE BRY. VOYAGES TO THE EAST. Indiae Orientalis Pars Septima; Navigationes duas, Primam, a Georgic Spilbergio, trium navium praefecto, Ann. 1601. ex Selandia in Indiam Orien- talem : Alteram, a Casparo Balby, Anno 1579. ex Alepo Babyloniam versus, ad regnum Pegu usque continuatam continens. . . . Auctore M. Gotardc Arthusio iconibus illustrata, a J. T. et J. I. de Bry. Frankfort, 1606. MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. 127 The Far East continued. De Bry continued. Indiae Oriental is Pars Octava: Navigationes quinque, Primam, a jacobo Neccio, ab 1600. usque ad 1603. Secundam, a Johanne Hermanno de Bree, ab 1602. usq ad 1604. Tertiam, a Cornelio Nicolai. Quartam, a Cornelio de Vena. Quintain, sub Stephano de Hagen in Indiana Orientalem susceptas, etc. Auc- tore M. Gotardo Arthusio icon i bus per J. T. & J. I. de Bry. Frankfort, 1607. The two parts in I vol. , small folio, half morocco. Frankfort, 1606-1607. 10 10S 1608-14 A.D. [329] INDIA. JARRIG (Pierre Du). Histoire ctes ohoses plus memor- ables adyenves tant ez hides Orientates quo autres pais de la cfescouuerte des Portugais. En Pestablissement et Catholique, et Principalement de ce que les Religieux de la compagnie de Jesus y ont frict et endure pour la mesme fin. Le tout recueilly des lettres et outres histoires qui en ont este escrites cy devant et mis en ordre par Pierre du Jarric. 3 vols., 4to, contemporary calf neat. Bourdeaux, 1608-1614. (SEE ILLUSTRATION, PLATE No. XXVL). 35 Only two other complete copies of this interesting and valuable work appear to have occurred for sale. 1609 A.D. [330! INDIA. ARCENSOLA (Bartolorne Leonardo de). Conqiiista de fas Islas Malucas. Beautifully engraved title page. Folio, original vellum. Madrid, 1609. 12 12s * * * This important work for the history of Spanish and Portuguese exploration. %n the Indies includes some interesting details relative to the voyages of Drake and Magellan. 1610 A.D. [331] INDIA AND PERSIA. TEIXEIRA (Pedro). Relaciortes de Pedro Teixeira d el origen doscendencia y succession etei los Reyes de Persia, y de> Ha>rnuz, y de un viage hacho por el misnto ay tor detide la India Oriental hasta Italia por tierra. Thick small Svo. Fine copy bound in full levant morocco, g. e, Antwerp, 1610. 10 10S * * * A very curious and interesting book. The Indian section occupies 115 pp. 128 MAGGS BROS., 34 35, Conduit Street, London, W. The Far East continued. 1612 A,D. [332] INDIA. COVERTE (Capt. Robert). A True and almost Incred ible report Of an Englishman, that (being cast away in the good Ship called, the Assention iri Cambaya the farthest part of the East Indies) Travelled by Land through many unknowne Kingdomes and great Cities; with a Discovery of a Great Emperour called the Great Mogoll, a Prince not till now knowne to our English Nation. Small 4to, half morocco. London, 1612. 9 9s 1613 A.D. [333] PERSIA. SHERLEY (Sir Antony). His Relation of his Travels into Persia, the Dangers and Distresses which befell him in his passage, both by Sea and Land, and his strange and unexpected deliverances. His Magnificent entertainement in Persia, his Honourable imployment there-hence, as Embassadour to the Princes of Christendome, the cause of his. disappointment there-in, with his advice to his brother, Sir Robert Sherley. Also, a True Relation of the great Magnificence, Valour, Prudence, Justice, Temper ance, and other manifold Vertues of Abas, now King of Persia, with his great Conquests whereby he hath enlarged his Dominions. Penned by Sr Anthony Sherley, and recommended to his brother Sir Robert Sherley being now in possession of the like Honourable employment. Small 4to, fane copy in crimson morocco, g. c. London, 1613. 12 12s * ** Excessively Rare. An Abstract of this Voyage will be found in Purchas* Pilgrims] vol. 2. A> is invariably the case, this co py does not contain the portrait. 1614 A,D. [334] INDIA, JAPAN, etc. SUAREZ DE FIGUEROA (C HistoHa y Anal Relation de las cosas que Hizieron las Padres de la Compania He Jesus por las Partes da Oriente y Otras. Small 4to, vellum. Madrid, 1614. 14 14s * * * The Jesuit Missionaries Relations concerning their experiences in Japan, India, Cochin China, Malabar Coast, and Africa. 1614 A.D. [335] CHINA. MENDEZ PINTO (Fernando). Peregrinacam em que da conta de muytas e muyto estranhas ccusas que vio & ouuio no reyno cfcl China, no da Tartaria, no do Sornau, que vulgarmente se chama Siao>, no do Calaminhan, no de Pegu, etc. Small folio, old calf. Lisbon, 1614. 18 18s * * * FIRST EDITION OF THIS FAMOUS WORK. Pinto returned to Lisbon in 1558 having been absent since 1537. He was in Japan in 1546-7, and was the first European tc familiarise the Christian world with that rediscovered (1542) country. MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. 129 The Far East continued. 1615 A.D. [336] INDIA AND CHINA. MONFART (Mons.) An Exact and Curious Survey of all the East Indies, even to Canton, the chief e Cittie of China: All duly performed by land, by Monsieur de Monfart, the like whereof was never hitherto, brought to an end. Wherein also are described the huge Dominions of the great! Mogor, to whom that honorable Knight, Sir Thomas Roe, was lately sent Ambassador from the King. Newly translated out of the Travailers Manuscript. 40 pp., small 4to, half calf gilt. London, Printed by Thomas Dawson, 1615. 14 14S 1616 A.D. [337] CEYLON. Relacion Verdadsra del Espantcsc Terrentoto que el Ano passado de 1615, sevio en la Isla de Ceilao en las Indias Orientales. Dase cuenta de los edificios q arruyno 1 , y muerte de muchas personae; y assi mismo de los presasios, y senales que antes del se vieron por muchos dias, assi en el cielo, como en la tierra con otrasi muchas cosas del mismo proposito. 4 pp., folio, neiv boards. Lisbon, 1616. 4 4s 1617 A.D. [338] JAPAN. PINHEYRO (Fr. Louis). Relacion del Sucesso que tuuo nuestra Santa Fe en los Reynos del Japon, des de el ano de seyscientos y doze hasta el de seyscientos y quinze, Imperando Cubosama. Dirigida A La Magestad Catolica del Rey Filippo Tercero nuestro Senor. Arms of Spain on title. Small folio, original vellum. Madrid, 1617. 15 15S * * * A VERY RARE RELATION OF THE JESUITS IN JAPAN, with an account of their persecutions and martyrdom, and of those of the Japanese converts, from 16l2 to 1615. ORIGINAL MANUSCRIPT OF THE ANNUAL LETTER. 1618 A.D. [338a] JAPAN. Missionary Letter. Annua de Japan do Anno de 1618. The Original Manuscript letter sent by the Jesuit Missionary to his Superior, relating to the events in Japan for the year 1618, including persecution and martyrdom of the Missionaries and Native Christians. Small folio, written on 76 -pages of Native paper , some leaves damaged in the text through the corroding effects of the ink on the Native -paper. Original binding. 52 10s * * * Actual Manuscript Letters sent by the early Missionaries are of excessive rarity. 130 MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. The Far East continued. ORIGINAL MANUSCRIPT OF THE ANNUAL LETTER. 1622 A.D. [3380] JAPAN. Missionary Letter. Annua de Japan do Amto de 1622 Pera. . . . Reverendo in Christo Padre Mutio Vitelleschi, Preposito Genera da Comp a . de Jesus. 4to, original binding;. 52 10; * * * The Original Manuscript Relation sent home by this celebrated Missionary, am written and signed by his Secretary : " October 4, 1622. Jeronimo Dios Junior." The letter extends to one hundred closely written 4to pages, and is probably the moe important Missionary record that was sent home by this famous Priest. 1624 A.D. [339] JAPAN. Relacion Breve de los Crarrdes y Rigurosos Martyrio que el ano passado de 1622. dieron en le Japon, 118 illustrissimos Martyres sacada principalmente de ]as cartas de los Padres de la Compania de Jesu que alii residen : y de lo cue ban referido muchas personas de aquel Reyno, qu en dos Navios llegaron a la Ciudad de Malina a 12. de Agosto de 1623. 8 pp., small 4to. Fine copy in full calf. Barcelona, 1624. 10 10J 1625 A.D. [340] JAPAN. CARCES (Fr. Garda). Relation de la Persecution qu Huvo en la Iptesia d9 Japon. y de los Ins: gries Martires que gloriosament dieron sus vidas en defensa de nuestra Santa Fe, el ano de 1622. Small 4to, full morocco . g. e. Madrid, -por Luis Sanchez, 1625. 13 13 1 * * * Fr. Garcia Garces was born at Molina about 1560, he died at Macao in 1628. 1627 A.D. [341] THIBET, ANDRADE (Padre Antonio: de la Compania de Jesu; Portugues). Nuavo descuforimiento del gran Cathayo, o Reynos de Tibet e el ano 1624. FIRST EDITION. 24 pp., small 4to, boards. Madrid, 1627. 15 15 Father Andrade was the first European, after Marco Polo, to penetrate into Thibe This is his first account sent home, dated from Agra, 8th November, 1624. 1628 A.D. [^42] TIBET. ANDHADE (Padre Antonio). SegUttda Carta. Pros que el descubrimiento del gran Catayo; o Reynos de gran Thibet, por el Pad^i Antonio de Andrada, de la Compania de Jesus, Portugues, escrita a su Genera y embiada del Virrev de la I^dia a su Magestad en este ano de 1627. 12 pp., folio, half morocco. Segovia, 1628. 15 1! Andrade s relation of his second visit to Thibet, dated at end from ChaparangT Court of the King of Grand Thibet, 15th August, 1626. MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. 131 The Far East continued. 1628 A.D. [343] INDIA. VEICA (Manoel da). Relacam General do Estado da Christandacte de Ethiopia; Reducam dos Scismaticos; Entrada. & Recebimento do Patriarcha Dom Affonso Mendes; Obediencia dada polo Emperador Selta segued com toda sua Corte a Igreja Roraana; & do que de novo socedeo no descobrimeto do Thybet, a que chamam, gram Catayo. Composta, e Copiada Das Cartas que os Padres da Companhia de Jesu, escreuram da India Oriental dos Annos de 1624**. 1625. 1626. Small 4to, calf . Lisbon, 1628. 6 6s *** Book III. is entirely devoted to Thibet and Cathay. 1629 A.D. [344] JAPAN. MANCANO DE HARO (Fr. Melchor). Historia del martyrio que 1 7 religioscs de la provincia del 1 Santo Rosaric de Filipinas, de la orden de Santo Domingo, padecieron en el populoso Imperio de Japan. Colegida de relaciones fi.de dignas embiadas del dicho Imperio de Japon, y de testigos oculares que assistieron al dicho martyrio. Small 4to, original vellum. Madrid, 1629. 12 12s * * * Fr. Melohor Ma.ncano de Haro was Vica-r General of the Jesuits in Japan and the Philippines. 1631 A.D. [346] JAPAN. Martyrio que con su Provincial y otros siete Religiosos ide la CompanJa de JesuSj padecio el P. Baltasar de Torres en el Japon, sacado ifielmente de cartas autenticas que de alii ban venido. 4 pp., small 4to, new boards. Barcelona, 1631. 5 5S 1633 A.D. [347] CHINA. BARRI (Christopher). Cochin-China: Containing many admirable Rarities and Singularities of that Countrey. Extracted out of an Italian Relation, lately presented toi the Pope, by Christophoro Barri, that lived certaine yeeres there. And published by Robert Ashley. Small 4to, half calf gilt. London, Printed by Robert Raworth, 1633. 15 15s 1^2 MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. The Far East continued. 1638 A.D. [348] JAPAN. ACOSTA (Father Nicolas de). Breve RefecEoit del Mar- tirio del Padre Francisco Marcelo Mastrillo de la Ccmpania de Jesus, Martiriz ado en Nangasaqui, Ciudad del Japon en 17 de Octubre de 1637. 16 pp., small 4to, boards (1638). 5 5s 1639 A.D. [349] JAPAN. BATISTA DE LANUZA (Don Miguel). Estado de la persegltida iglesia del Xapcn, Prodigioso Milagro del Apostol de las Indias S. Francisco Xavier de la Compania de Jesus, e ilustre Muerte del Venerable Padre Marcelo Mastrilo. Small 4to, calf. Saraossa, i63Q. 16166 * * * EXCESSIVELY RARE. 1642 A.D. [350] CHINA. SEMMEDO (Fr. Alvaro). Imperio d la China, y cul tura evangelica en el, por los Religiosos de la Compania de Jesus. Compuestp por el Padre Alvaro Semmedo, Procurador General de la pro vincia de la China, Ano de 1640. Publicado por Manuel de Faria Sousa Cavallero de la Orden de Christo, y de la Casa Real. FIRST EDITION. Small 4to, half morocco. Madrid, 1642. 5 5s * * * Fr. Alvaro Semmedo was Jesuit Procurador General for China, to which country he went in 1640. 1642 A.D. [3S i] INDIA. MINOR (Capt. Wm.\ A most Execrable and Barbarous Murder done by an East Indian Devil, or, a Native of Java Major in the Road of Bantam, aboard an English ship called the Coster on the 22 of October last, 1641. Wherein is shewed how the wicked Villain came to the said Ship, and hid himself till it was very dark, and then he murdered all the men that were aboard, except the Cooke and three boys; and lastly how the murderer himself was justly requited. Wy curious woodcut of the murderer, a krees in each hand, killing the sailors. Small 4to, old silk binding. London, 164.2. 14 14s TERCERA PREDICACION DI LA DECIMA CONCESSION. BVLLA CONCEDIDA POR LA SANTIDAD DE EL PAPA CLEMENTE DECIMO ! prorrogada por la Santidad del Papa Clcmcntc Vndecimo , y mandada publicar por N. M. S. P Clrmente Duodecimo que al prefente rige , y govierna la Santa Scdc Apoftolica,para Jo ;Patriarcas,Primados .Arzobifpos^Obifpos, Clerigos Presbyteros Scculares del Peru, Tie r Firmly fus Partido<, a quien eftava prohibido el comer huevos , y cofas de lechc en tic mpo d Quarefma , lo puedan comer durante la tercera Predicacion dc la dccima Concefsion, que fe ha de hazer al mifmo ticmpo que la tcr< era Predicacion de la dccima quarra Coaccfsioa dcla Bulla de la Santa Cruzada dc Vivos, Diftmtos, y Compoficion. VNO DE LOS MEDIOS MAS EFICAZES de que fe valid la Mageftad de Dios paia mo ver , y alcntar afu Pueblo, a que facudictfedc fi cuello cl pefado yugo de la efclavitud de Faraon, y emprendiefle con valor , y esfacrco la conquift;< de la Tierra dc Promifsion , tue proponcrles , qut era tan pi odigiofa fu rertilidad, que corrian por clla arroyos de mid, y lechc: In tcrram , qua? fluit la<fte, etmelle. Alsi fcrcficrc en el capitulo tercerodeJ Exodo , y en otros higarcs , para que con las efpc- rancas dc gozar de tan fuavc alimcnto, vcncicflcn las dificulwdes, y peligros , que fe les huvieran de ofrccer en las batallas , que avian de dar a | tancos, y tan valicntes enemigos,y llegaffen a la poflcfsion dc la tierra promctida con f elicidad ; EfteexcmplopareceimitalaCabezadelalglclia Catholica, concedkndo a fus hi ios puedan ! vfar de ladicimos, templando el rigor, y dilpcnfando en la auittridad dc la Quarefma para que rccreados enpartcconcftealimcnto^conmasfacilidad fe cxcrciten en Ios ayunosdcaquelfa- grado tiempo, venciendo Ios enemigos invisibles , que pretcnden cftorvarnos Jacntrada dcla ticrra de promifsion celeftial i y Ios vifibles , que con continuas guerras procuran moleftar la Iglefia Catholica, focorriendo a Ios Exercitos dc la Mageftad Catholica , que con tan crecidas 1 cxpenfas fe efta empleando fiemprc en dcfcndcrla, y ampararla. Con cite intento concedid efta Bulla nueltro muy Santo P. Vrbano O&avo > y la prorrogd nueftro muy Santo Padre Clemente i Dccimo, de Felice rccordacion, por fu Breve de Ccte dc Junio dc mil fcifcientos y fetenta para j que pucda el Clero vfar de huevos, yhfticinios enaqucl fanto tiempo, dando de limofna por efta Bulla lo que fenalaremos Nos D.Fi .Gafpar de Molina y Ovicdo,por la gracia de Dios/de | la Sta,Stde,Obifpo de Malaga, del Confcjo de fu Mageftad, Go vcmador dJ Real de Caftilla Comiflano Apoltolico General de la Santa Cruzada , y demas gracias , en todos Ios Reynos v* ScnonosdefuMag. Y por quanto vos diftcis un pefo de plata enfayada, para efta fanta expedicion , y cmprefta, os damos licencia para que en el clicho tiempo, durante la dicha predicacion de la Bulla de la Santa Cruzada,podais comer huevos, , - colas de leche, Dada en Madrid ft de mil fetecicntos y trcinta y cinco anos. "& Hi LL OF CLEMENT X. FOR PERU 1735 See Item Xo. 151. SECONDE PARTIE DELH1STOIREJ 3D E S CHOSES PLVS MEMORABLES ADVENVES . tanf ez Indes Orientales quc autres pals dc la defcouuerts des Portugais, En Vcftabhjfement & progrez. de la f&y Clweflifnntt & CataoKijttti Ez princlpaleraenc de cc quc Ics Religieux It la Comuagnie <ie I E s v s y ont fiuta ^4 endure pour la mcfme fio 2>^T 9 *:is y-pnt far* rt.de Purrv AV ^HOY T^B ES-CHRESTt EM cle France- & de Nauarrc L o v i s XIII. A BOVRDEAVS, Pat SIMOM ordinaire du Eoy, JARBIC HISTOIRE DES CIIOSES PLUS ^IEMOKABLLS ADVEXVES. Sin- Mom No. 32!). MAGGS BROS., 34 & 3.5, Conduit Street, London, W. 133 The Far East continued. 1643 A.D. [352] CHINA. SEMEDO (P. Alvaro). Relation* tiella Grande Monar- ohia delta Cina. With engraved title and portrait. Small 4to, original vellum. Fine copy. Rome, 1643. 4 4s 1645 A.D. [353] CHINA. MENDEZ PINTO (Fernando). Historia Oriental de las peregnnaciones en tos rteynos de la China, Tartaria, Sornao, (Siam), Peguu, Martavan, y otros, traduzida de Portuguese en Castellano por Herrera Mal- donado. Woodcut Arms on title. Small folio, Spanish calf. Valencia, 1645. 6 10s 1646 A.D. EARLY DUTCH VOYAGES TO THE EAST INDIES. [354] INDIA. COMMELINS (Isaac). Collection of Voyages. The Complete Set of 21 Voyages to the East Indies made by the Early Dutch Navigators. Profusely illustrated with copperplate engravings and maps. Bound in 2 vols., thick oblong 4to. 1646. (SEE ILLUSTRATION, PLATE No. XXVII.)- 63 A most remarkable and interesting collection. It comprises : I. De Voyagien ghedaen naer Nova Zeiubla, Noorwegen, Moscovien ende Tartarien om, nae de Coningrijcken van Cathay ende China; 71 pp. with 31 plates. II. Eerste Voyagie der Hollanderen naer de Oost-Indien, onder het beleydt van Cornelis Houtman; 112 pp. with 44 plates. III. Voyagie gedaen naer de Oost-Indien, onder den Admiral Jacob van Neck, ende Vice-Admiral Wybrant van Waerwijck; 56 pp. with 26 plates. TV. Voyagie naer de Oost-Indien gedestineert, door de Strate Magalanes, gedaen by Capiteyn Sibaldt de Weert; 31 pp. with 8 plates. V. Voyagie gedaen naer de Oost-Indien door de Straete Magalanes, door den Admiral Olivier van Noort; 56 pp. with 25 plates. VI. Voyagie onder het Admira r schap, van Pieter Both, ghedaen by den Capiteyn Paulus van Caerden; 20 pp. VII. De tweede Voyagie van Jacob van Neck naer de Oost-Indien; 51 pp. with 4 plates. VTII. Dry Voyagien. (1) Onder den Admirael Steven vander Vagen; (2) Naet Achin in Sumatra door Cornelis Pieterszende Guil. Senecal; (3) Extract uyt her Journael van der Admiral Jacob van Heemskerck; 31 pp. IX. Twee Voyagien naer de Oost-Tndien. (1) Onder den Adinirael Wolfart Hai- mansz. (2) Onder Cornelis van Veen; 27 pp. (Continued orer) 134 MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. The Far East continued. Commelins Voyages continued. X. Yoyagie onder den Admirael Juris van Spilbergen, A. D/ 1601-1604; 62 pp. with f> plates (should be 10). XI. Voyagie gedaen naer de Oost-Indien, onder den Admirael Wybrant van Warwijck elide Vice-Admirael Sebaldt de Waerdt; 88 pp. with 6 plates. XII. Der tweede Voyagie onder Steven vander Hagen. Item de reyse van t Schip Delft naer de Custe van Choromaiidel ; 91 pp. with 13 plates. XIII. Voyagie onder Cornells Mateliefi de Jonge; 191 pp. with 11 plates. XIV. Loffelijcke Voyagie op Oost-Indien met 8 Schepen int jaer 1606 onder Admiral Paulns van Caerden; 48 pp. XV. Voyagie gedaen naer de Oost-Indian, China, Philipines, ende bgleggende K ijckeni in der jare 1607; 214 pp. XVI. De Reysen van Pieter van den Broeck (Aden, Mocha, Ormus, Batavia, &c.) ; 110 pp. with 12 plates. XVII. Beschrijvinge van t Coninckrijcke Gu/aratta, ende Deccan; 112 pp. XVUl. Voyagie van Cornells Schouten ende Jacob le Maire; 118 pp. with 25 plates. XIX. De Voyagie door de Straete Le Mayre naer de Oost-Indien onder Jacques FHermite; 79 pp. with 5 plates. XX. Journael ende Verhael van de Oost-Indisclie Reyse, gedaen by der Admirael Wybrant Schram; met den See-Slach met den vermaerden See-roover Claes Compaen, &c. : 94 pp. with 3 plates. XXI. Voyagie naer de Oost-Indien gedaen door Hendrick Hagenaer; 217 pp. 1651-3 A.D. [355] CHINA. RHODES (Alexandre de, de la Compagnie de Jesus). With folding map. Lyon, 1651. Divers Voyages et Missions du P. Alexandre de Rhodes en la Chine, & autres Royaumes de 1 Orient, Avec son retour en Europe par la Perse & TArmenie. Le tout divise en trois parties. With large folding map. Paris, 1653. Together, in I vol., thick small 4to, original calf. 1651-1653. 10 10s 1652 A.D. [356] INDIA. DARELL (John). Strange Newes from th Indies: or, East-India Passages further discovered; partly discovering the Manner and Tenour of East-India Trade hitherto, to gether with part of the wofull and sad sufferings of William Courten .... pointing at a foundation and regulation of that hitherto much abused East- India Trade, so vast, spacious, necessary, and of extraordinary high concern ment to enrich and advance Commonwealths, being the Trade of trades, the Magazen of Merchandizers, the honour of Nations, and the glory of this world. Small 4to, full calf neat. London, 1652. 17 17S- MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. 135 The Far task continued. 1661 A.D. [357] INDIA, CHINA, JAPAN AND PHILIPPINES. CERARDO VAS (Fr.). Custosa relation y Alegres Nwavas Para Toda la Chrfstiartdad, de los successes fehcissimos que tiene al presente nuestra santa Fe, y Religion Cato- lica, comumcando sus luzes en las mas remotas partes de la tierra y Indias en las dilatadissimas Provincias Gentiles de China, y Islas de Jappn; con algunas glonosas muertes, y Christianos triunfos, nuevamente sucedidos en aquellas partes. 8 pp., small 4to, morocco. Valencia (1661). 10 1Qs 1663 A.D. [358] INDIA, CHINA, JAPAN, ETC. PINTO (Fernand Mendez) The Voyages and Adventures of: During his travels for the space of one and twenty years in the Kingdoms of r.thiopia, China, Tartaria, Cauchin-chma, Lalammnam, biam, Pegu, Japan and a great part of the East Indies. With a relation and description of most of the places thereof; their reli gion, laws, riches, customs, and government in time of war. The Second Edition Corrected and Amended. Folio, original calf. London, 1663. g QQ 1663 A.D. [359] CHINA. TISSANIER (Joseph). Relation du voyage dw P. Joseph Com P a S^3 <** Jesus, depuis la France, iusqu au royaume de Avec ce qui s est passe de plus memorable dans cette Mission, durant les annees 1658, 1659 & 1660. I2mo, calf. Paris, 1663. 6 10s 1663 A.D. fen. With a very large folding map of the Malabar Coast. Small 4to, original vellum. Rome, 1666. 3 lffll, * V ^ he A i! lth ^ r WaS Sent by Pope Alexand er VII. to evangelize the Kingdom of Malabar, he describes his journey out and back, the customs and manners of the native etc 136 MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. The Far East continued. THE ORIGINAL ISSUE. 1667 A.D. [361] PHILIPPINES. COMBES (Rev. Francisco). Historia de las Islas de Mindanao, lolo y sus adyacentes. Madrid, por los herederos de Pablo Val. 1667. THE EXCESSIVELY RARE ORIGINAL ISSUE. Folio, vellum. Madrid, 1667. 42 * * * " This history . . . lias always been considered one of the most valuable pearl s of Philippine literature, for Combes was an uncommonly intelligent observer who personally visited most of the localities which he describes, while occupying himself a high position in his order, so that he not only wrote but made history. His book and that of Forrest . . . were up to the time of Semper s travels the authorities followed b|y all geographers, although it is improbable that more than a few ever saw Combes original, of which in all Middle Europe only one example is to be found (Chamisso s copy given to the Prussian State Library in Berlin). . . . Especially interesting are the aiotes on the Negritos, showing that two hundred years ago they were comparatively common in localities in Mindanao where they have now entirely disappeared. The zoologist too will be interested in P. Combes statement that wild elephants were to be found then in the islands/ Trans lated from Blfumentritt. 1667 A.D. [362] PHILIPPINES. COMBES (Rev Francisco) Historia de las Islas d Mindanao, lolo y sus adyacentes. Madrid, por los herederos de Pablo Val. 1667. The Re-issue, with long introduction of 144 columns and Notes of 138 columns, by W. E. RETANA. Folio, full Spanish calf. Madrid, 1897. 6 6s * Only 500 Copies Privately Printed of this Ee-issue of the Excessively Rare Original Edition edited by Retana. " The commentary is especially valuable in giving information on the history of those islands, derived from imprinted sources. The preface contains Combes biography, the history of Mindanao, and ethnographical, linguistic, and bibliographical notices. As Retana is an excellent bibliographer, he is at his best here, while in history his point of view is very partisan. In the linguistic portions we find traces of the pen of P. Pastells, long a missionary in Mindanao and superior of the Jesuit missions, province of Mindanao. . . . In this portion twenty-nine Ave Marias in different Mindanao and Philippine languages are printed/ Translated from Blumentritt. 1667 A.D. [363] CHINA. KIRCHER (A.). China Monumentis Necnon Variis Naturae et Artis Spectaculis Aliarumque Rerum Memorabilium Argumentis Illustrata. Engraved frontispiece, portrait, large folding map, and numerous other plates. Folio, vellum. Amstelodami t 1667. 4 4s MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. 137 The Far East continued. 1670 A.D. [364] JAPAN. MONTANUS (A). Atlas Japannensis, being Remark able Addresses by Way of Embassy from the East-India Company of the United Provinces to the Emperor of Japan, containing a Description of their several Territories, Cities, Temples, Fortresses, Religions, Laws, Customs, Soil, Plants, Beasts, Hills, the Character of the Ancient and Modern Japanners, etc. English d by John Ogilby. Illustrated with upwards of 100 folding and full-page plates, and en gravings in the text. Folio, calf (reb ached}. London, 1670. 4 15s 1670 A.D. [365] CHINA. PALAFOIX (M. de). Histcire de la ecnqueste de la Chine par les Tartares. Contenant rlusieurs Choses Remarquables, touchant la Religion, les Moeurs, & les Coutumes de ces deux Nations, principalement de la derniere. Et traduite en Francois par le Sicur Colic, cledie a 1 Monseigneur le Dauphin. Small Svo, calf. Paris, 1670. 3 10s 1671 A.D. [365a] CHINA. GOUYEA (Antonio de). limocentia Victrix sive Sen- tentia Comitiorum Imperii Sinici pro Innocentia Christianae Religionis Lata juridice per Annum 1669. . . . Sinico-Latine exposita. Small folio, original binding. In Quamcheu metropoli provinciae Quamtum in Regno Sinarum. 1671 (SEE ILLUSTRATION, PLATE No. XXVIIL). 52 10s * * * One of the rarest of the Books printed by the Jesuit Missionaries in China. It is printed in the Chinese manner the characters being cut on wooden blocks, ami on Chinese native paper. It contains 90 printed pages, the first containing a remarkable frontis piece consisting of a black ground with the design and letters of the title in white cut from a wooden block, representing a circle of light, in the centre of which are the letters T.H.8. with the Cross and instruments of the Passion. The book is printed throughout in Clihmse and Latin (one or two leaves a little wormed). Only three other copies appear to he known (two of these in the Bibliotheqne Xationale, Paris, and one in the British Museum). 1672 A.D. [366! CHINA. ROUGEMONT (P. Francisco). Relacam do Estado Politico e Espiritual do Imperio da China, pellos -annos de 1659 ateo de 1666. Escritaem Latim pello P. Francisco Rogemont da Copanhia de Jesus, Flamengo, Missionario no mesmo Imperio da China. Tra duzida por hum Religiose da jmesma Companhia de Jesus. Small 4to, 229 pp., half sheepskin. Lisbon, 1672. 7 10S 1^8 MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. The Far East continued. 1673 A.D. [367] JAPAN. VARENIUS (Bernard) Descriptio regni Japoniae et Siatn. Small 8vo, original calf. Cantabrigiae, 1673. 3 15s * * * With interesting inanuscript notes on the margins of several leaves. 1673 A.D. [368] PERSIA. DESLANDES (A. I)... Les beautez de la Perse, ou la Description de ce qu il y a de plus curieux dans ce royaume. Avec une relation de quelques avantures maritimes de L[ouis M[arat], (Pilote Real des Galeres de France). With frontispiece, large map and many fine plates drawn on the spot. 4to, original calf. Paris, 1673. 3 10s " Volume rocherehe a cause des figure dont on a reconnu Inexactitude" 1674 A.D. ORIGINAL MANUSCRIPT. [369] INDIA. A Journal or Narrative of the Proceedings betweene the Commissioners appointed by His Majestic and the Commissioners Deputed by the States Genera II, pursuant to the Treaty of Peace made at Westminster Y 9 g- February 167! concerning a Treaty Marine to be observed throughout all the World. And also an Article particularly relating to the English and Dutch East India Companyes, Concluded in the Year 1674. Manuscript written in a contemporary hand. 268 pp., folio, old calf gilL 1674. 31 10s * * * This Manuscript is of great interest and importance for the History of the East India Trade, as at this time the Dutch maritime power was supreme, and they owned a great number ot islands and ports in the East Indies. The Journal starts with a copy of the Royal appointment of the Commissioners by King Charles Ti. to meet witli the Commissioners deputed by the States General of the United Provinces, to draw up the terms of a new Marine Treaty, including trade with the East Indies. Full particulars are given with the Minutes of the Meetings of the Commissioners at Fishmonger s Hall, London, between JuJy, 1674, and February, 1675. At the first meeting of the Commissioners it was decided that they should " first proceed upon the Treaty Marine and then upon the business of the East Indies and deliver a project of Instructions and alterations to be made in the treaty Marine In regard to the present Treaty Marine, with the United Provinces, is to determine in or about the month of November next, that in the first place consideration be had of frameing a new one, and in the doeing thereof to avoid those things which are found in the present Treaty to be unequal!, inconvenient and impracticable " Following these preliminary instructions is a letter from the King appointing Mr. Bedford to be Secretary, and giving a brief outline of what is desired of the Commissioners, after which is a. copy of the preliminary terms in Dutch and English, with each article separately discussed. MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. 139 The Far East continued. 1676 A.D. [370] CHINA. NAVARRETE (Domingo Fernandez). TratadWS His- toricos, Politicoes, ethicos y religiosos de la monarchia de China. Descripcion breve de aquel imperio, y exemplos raros de emperadores y magistrates. Folio, original vellum. Madrid, 1676. 10 10s * * * A very rare and early work on the history of China, its Government, its Litera ture, its Eeligion, etc. A large section (pp. 289 450) relates to the voyages of the Author in Mexico, the Philippines, China, Malaca, India & Madagascar. The final section of the book (pp. 451 528) is " Decretos, y Proposioion.es CaJificadas en Roma, For Or den de la Sacra Congro- gacion del Santo Oficio. Quaesita Missionariornm Chinae, sen Sinaruni." 1676 A.D. [371] INDIA. TAYERNIER (J. B .). Les Six Voyages qu il a fait en Turquie, en Perse, et aux Indes, pendant 1 espace de quarante ans, & par toutes les routes que Ton peut tenir. Illustrated with numerous plates (chiefly large folding ones). 3 vols., thick small 4to, original calf. Paris, 1676. 4 4s 1681 A.D. [372] INDIA. MARTINEZ DE LA PUENTE (Joseph; Compendio de los descubriroientOS, conquistas, y guerras de la India Oriental, y sus Islas, introduccion del comercio Portugues en las Malucas, desrripdon de la India, de sus Islas, etc. Title printed in red and black. Small 4to, original vellum. Madrid, 1681. 5 5s *** A history of Portuguese and Spanish discoveries- in tin- Kast- from the time of Vasco do Gama to that of Philip III. 1681 A.D. [373] CEYLON. KNOX (Robert). An Historical Relation of the Island Ceylon, in the East-Indies: Together With an Account of the Detaining in Captivity the Author, and divers other Englishmen now living there, and of the Author s Miraculous Escape. Illustrated with Figures, and a Map of the Island. FIRST EDITION. Folio. Fine copy in old full calf. London, 1681. 11 11s 140 MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. The Far East continued. 1683 A.D. PRINTED IN MEXICO. [374] JAPAN. BALTHASSAR DE MEDINA (Fr.) Vida, Martyrio, beat ificadon del invicto proto-martyr del Japon San Felipe de Jesus. Patron do Mexico su Patria, Imperial Corte de Nueva Espana en el Nuevo Mundo. Title printed in red and black. Small 4to, original vellum. Mexico, par Juan de Ribcra, 1683. 15 15s *** EXCEEDINGLY RARE. St. Philip de Jesus was a Mexican Indian, who entered a Religious Order and was sent as a. Missionary to< the Philippines; and afterwards to Japan, where he was one of the twenty-six Proto-Martyrs. Balthassar de Medina, his Biographer, was historian of Mexico. 1683 A.D. [375] PHILIPPINES. GARCIA (Francisco). Vida y martyrlo de el venerable Padre Diego Luis de Sanvitores, de la Compania de Jesus, primer apostol de las Islas Marianas, y suoessos de estas Islas, desde el Ano 1668, asta 1 68 1. For el Padre Francisco Garcia, de la Compania de Jesus. Engraved portrait. Small 410, original vellum. Madrid, 1683. 8 10S * * * Book V., being pages 379 to 597, is devoted to the Life of Father Diego Luis de San- vitores, and his Mission in the Philippines, till his martyrdom in the year 1681. This is not only a biography of Father Diego Luis de Sanvitores. but it. is also a history of the Philippines. Sanvitores was born in Burgos in 1627 and went to the Philippines in 1662, where he learned Tagalo, entered into the country of Taytay, and later on devoted himself to preach ing in Mindanao. In 1667 he left for Acapuh n, and from that Port he went to the Mariana Islands. 1687 A.D. [376] INDIA, etc. TACHARD (Guy). Voyage de Siarn des Peres Jesuites, Envoyes par le Roy, aux Indes & a la Chine. Avec lenrs observations Astronomiques, & leurs Remarques dc Physique, de Geographic, d Hydro- graphie, et d Histoire. With engraved frontispiece, and 30 curious and interesting engraved plates, many folding. I2mo, calf , rebackcd. Amsterdam, 1687. 2 10s 1690 A.D. [377] SIAM. A Full and True Relation of the Great and Wonderfiri Revolution that hapned lately in the Kingdom of Siam in the East Indies. Also of the Expulsion of the Jesuits, Missionary, Priests, Officers and Soldiers of the French Nation out of that Kingdom. Small 4to, half morocco gilt. London, 1690. 6 18s PLATE XXVTl. PLATE XXVIII. v\XTOXY DE GOUVBA TxXOCENTIA VlCTKIX. Canton, China, 1671. See Item No. 365\. MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. 141 The Far East continued. 1694 A.D. [378] FRIKIUS (Christopher), HESSE (Elias) and SCHWEITZER (C.) Aanmerklyke reysen na en door Oost-lndien: Gedaen van Christophorus Fnkius, Chirurgijn: Elias Hesse Berge, Schrijver: Christophorus Schweitzer, Boekhoudert : Yeder bysonder, van t Jaer 1675. tot 1686 (translated into Dutch by S. de Vries). Engraved frontispiece and plates. Small 4to, vellum. Utrecht, 1694. 7 10s 1699 A.D. [379] INDIA. A Dialogue between a Director of the New East-India Company, and one of the Committee for preparing By-Laws for the said Com pany. In which those for a Rotation of Directors, and the preventing of Bribes are particularly debated. 29 pp., small 4to, new boards. London, Printed for Andrew Bell, 1699. 1 1s 1700 A.D. [379a] CHINA. CASTNER (Caspar). Relatio Sepulturae Magno Ortentis Apostoio S. Francisco Xaveric c/ectae in Insula Sanciano Anno 1700. Small folio, Native binding. (Peking) China, 1700. (SEE ILLUSTRATION, PLATE No. XXIX.). 52 10s * * * Printed in the Chinese manner from characters cut on wooden blocks, and consisting of 32 leaves of native paper, the last three pages occupied with engravings on Avood, namely : (1) <f Ichnographia Sepulturae S. Francisci Xaverii in Sanciano Sinarum Insula recens erectae Anno 1700." (A plan of the grave of S. Francis Xavier). (2) Plan of Saurian. (3) The China Sea near Saurian. Excessively Rare. The only copies known are in the Royal Library at Brussels. * One of the most interesting books issued from the Missionary Press in China. It is an account of the Magnificent Sepulchre erected that same year in the Island of Sancian. where the famous Apostle to India and Japan died in 1552. 1704 A.D. [380] CHINA. Repcnse a la lettre de Messieurs des Missions Etran geres, au pape, sur les ceremonies Chinoises . . . lettre de Messieurs des Missions Etrangeres au Pape, sur les idolatries et les superstitions Chinoises. The two parts in one vol., small 4to, original calf. C . 1704. 6 6s * Bound up at end is a manuscript document of 8 pp. : " Ordonnance du Legate a latere qui coiidamne les ceremonies chinoises sur uh decret du St. Siege <lu 20 novembre 1704 et par la les Jesuites perdent leur proces contre Messieurs des missions etrang-eres." 14.2 MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W, The Far East continued. 1709 A.D. [381] INDIA. CATROU (F. P.). The General History of the Mogol Empire, From its Foundation by Tamerlane, to the late Emperor Orangzeb. Extracted from the Memoirs of M. Manouchi, A Venetian, and Chief Physitian to Orangzeb for above Forty Years. Small 8vo, calf. London, 1709. 1 10s 1712 A.D. [382] CHINA. Copia de carta del rey de la China, escnta a la santidad del Papa Clemente Undezimo, Traducida por el Padre Secretario de Indias de la Compania de Jesus. 3 pp., small 4to, neiv boards. Murcia, 1712. 4 4s PRINTED AT THE TOWN OF HANG-TCHEOU-FOU. 1712 A.D. [383] CHINA. LEAL DE CASTRO (Felix). Relation sincera, y ver dadera de la justa defension de las Regalias, y privilegios de la Corona de Portugal en la Ciudad de Macao. 8vo, original covers. Imfiressa en Hiang Xan con las Licencias necessanas^ 1712. (SEE ILLUSTRATION, PLATE No. XXX.). 25 An exceedingly rare relation printed at a Missionary Press on Chinese Paper in native style from wooden blocks cut in the Chinese manner and printed in the Chinese way on one side of the paper only. This is the first, and probably the only book, printed ut. the town of Hiang-Xan (Hau- Tcheou-Foii) in the province of Tche-Kiang, China. It is "A. Defence of ihe privileges of the Crown of Portugal within the city of Macao, 1712." 1712 A.D. [384] KAEMPFER (Engelb). Amoemtatum excticarum politico- physico-mecHcarum fasciculi v. quibus cent, relationes, observationes et de- scriptiones rerum Persicarum et ulterioris Asiae. With numerous fine folding and other plates. Thick 4to, original vellum. Lemgo, 1712. 5 5s Fasc. 1 and 2 refer especially to Persia; 3 to India and Japan; 4. to the Palm-Tree; 5 to Japanese Plants with their names in Chinese. " Fort recherch et peu eommun/ Brnnet; 1714 A.D. [385] CHINA. GONZALES DE 8. PIERRE (Rev Francois, Religieux de 1 Ordre de S. Dominique, & Missionnaire Apostolique). Relation de) la nouvelle persecution de la Chine, jusqu a la mort du Cardinal de Tournon. I2mo, calf. 1/14: 7 10s MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. 143 The Far East continued. 1715 A.D. [386] INDIA. CATROU (Fr. Francois). Histoire Generate de PEmpire du Mogol depuis sa Foundation jusqu a present. Sur les Memoires Portugais de M, Manouchi. 4to, original calf. Paris, 1715. 1 16s 1722 A.D. [387] INDIA. MANDEVILE (Sir John). The Voyages and Travels of; Wherein is set down the Way to the Holy Land, and to Hierusalem : As also to the Lands of the Great Caan, and of Prestor John; to India, and divers other Countries: Together with many and strange Marvels therein. Illustrated with a great number of crude woodcuts. Small 4to, calf, gilt. I London, 1722. 8 8s 1717 A.D. [38/a] CHINA. JESUIT MISSION. Informatio Pro Veritate Contra iniquiorem famam sparsam per Sinas cum calumnia in PP. Soc. Jesu, & Detri- mento Missionis. Communicata Missionariis in Imperio Sinensi. Folio, Native binding. (Canton, China) t 1717. (SEE ILLUSTRATION, PLATE No. XXXL). 31 10s * * * Printed in the Chinese manner, the letters being* cut on wooden blocks, and con sisting of 94 leaves numbered on the margins in Chinese numerals. EXCESSIVELY RARE. Only two other copies appear to be known, namely, in the British Museum and the Bibliotheca Nazionale of Palermo. This book was forbidden by the Inquisition in a decree of t,he 24fch January, 1720. 1725 A.D. [388] INDIA. MANDEVILE (Sir John) The Travels anrf Voyages of: Containing An Exact Description of the Way to Hierusalem, Great Caan, India, the Country of Prestor John, and many other Eastern) Countries : With an Account of many strange Monsters, and whatever is curious and Remarkable therein. With curious woodcut illustrations. I2mo> old calf. London, circa 1725. 3 3s 144 MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. The Far East continued. 1726 A.D. [389] INDIA. LUILLIER (Le Sr.) Nouveau Voyage aux Crandes lncJ82, avec une instruction pour le commerces des Indes Orientales. Et la description de plusieurs Isles, Villes, & Rivieres; 1 Histoire des Plantes & des animaux qu on y trouve. Avec un Traite des Maladies particulieres aux Pays Orientaux. Frontispiece. I2mo. Rotterdam, 1726. 2 2s 1731 A.D. [390] CHINA. FARIA Y SQUSA (Manuel de). Imperto de k* China, y cultura evangelica en el por los religiosos de la Compania de Jesus, Sacaclo de las noticias del Padre Alvaro Semmedo. Folio, Spanish calf. Lisbon, 1731. 5 5s * * * A valuable and important work on the history of China. 1734 A.D. PRINTED IN MEXICO. [391] CHINA. FELIPE DE TOLEDO (Fr.) Relacion de los Atlmir- ables Progressa De Notra Santa Fe Catholica en los Reynos de Cochiirchina, y Camboxa, por la Predicacion de los Religiosos Franciscos Descalzos Espanoles, Hijos de la Santa Provincia de San Gregorio cle Philipinas. 22 pp., small 4to, full leather. hnpressa en Mexico: por Joseph Bernardo de Ho gat, 1734. 10 10s 1735 A.D. [392] PHILIPPINES. Exacta, y puntual relation: de las memorable s hazanas de los Espanoles de las Mas Filipinas en las Indiaa Orientales; y como despues de aver derrotado al rebelde Malinog, y a muchos Reyes Moros, corona - ton por Rey de Mindanao al hijo del Sultan de aquel Reyno, que es amigo de los Espanoles, haziendole tributario, y sacando otras ventajas a favor dc Espana, y de nuestra Santa Fe Catholica. 12 pp., small 4to, wrappers. Impressa en Manila, 1734. Reimpressa en Valencia, i/35- 6 ^Os 1738-41 A.D. [393] CHINA. DU HALDE (J. B.). A Description of the Empire of China and Chinese-Tartary, Together with the Kingdoms of Korea, and Tibet : Containing the Geography and History (Natural as well as Civil) of those Countries. With Notes by the Translator. Illustrated with 42 Maps (many large folding ones) and 22 plates. 2 vols. , folio, original calf. London, 1738-41. 4 4s MAGGS BROS., 34 35, Conduit Street, London, W. 145 The Far East continued. 1748 A.D. [394] CHINA. Copia de Cart a, del Emperador de la China, escrita a nuestro santissimo Padre Benedicto XIV. Pidiendo a su santidad una Prin- cesa de Europa en Matrimonio, con la solemne Promessa (entre otras) de estab- lecer una mutua correspondencia con su Santidad. Traducida DEL miOMA CHINE AL CASTELLANO, por el Padre Secretario de Indias de la Compania de Jesus, residente en la Corte Romana, este ano de 1748. 4 pp., small 4to, new boards. Madrid, 1748. 4 4s The Letter of the Chinese Emperor to the Pope asking- for a European Princess in 1748 A.D. [395] CHINA. KIENLONC (Emperor of China) Khan i arakha Meuk* den t fchf chcuroun bitkhe. The original Manchu text of the poem composed by the Emperor Kien- long in praise of the town of Mukden in Manchuria. The) magnificent first and imperial edition. Royal 8vo, yellow silk binding. Pekin, 1/48. Accompanying the above is the French translation issued in 1770: ElGge de la viile de Moukden et de ses environs, poeme compost par Kienlong, Empereur de la Chine et da la Tartarie. Traduit en Frangois par le P. Amiot, missionnaire a Peking, et public pa,i< Monsieur Deguignes. 8vo, calf. Paris, 1770. Together 2 vols. 10 10s 1751 A.D. [396] CHINA. Relapao summaria da Prizam, Tormentes, e glorioso Martyno dos veneraveis padres Antonio Joseph, Portuguez, e Tristram de Attimis, Italiano, Ambos da Companhia de Jesus, da Vice-Provincia da China. 38 pp., small 4to, wrappers. Lisbon, 1751. 2 10s 1756 A.D. MISSIONS TO THE PHILIPPINES, CHINA AND JAPAN. [397] MARTINEZ (Rev. Domingo). Compendio historico, de la Apos- tolica provincia de San Gregorio de Philipinas de religiosos menores descalzos de N. P. San Francisco, en que se declaran sus heroycas empressas, por varies reynos, y provincias del Assia : con las) vidas, martyrios, y hechos, y en par ticular de sus Venerablesi Hijos, y Mission es, desde su Fundacion, hasta 1708 dividese, en tres libros. El 1 primero compendia todo lo que toca a esta pro vincia, e Islas Philipinas . . . el segundo a la Gran China, Cochinchina, y otros Reynos ... y el tercero de To perteneciente a el Japon. Folio. Fine copy in half levant morocco , /. e. g. Madrid, 1756. 7 10s 146 MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. The Far East continued. 1778 A.D. [398] CHINA. Persecution contra la religion Christiana, y martirio que padecieron en la provincia de Fokien en la China cinco religiosos dominicos. Frontispiece with portraits of the five Martyrs. Small 4to, original vellum. Valencia, 17/8. 4 4s * The five Missionary Martyrs were: Pedro San/, (1747); Francisco Serrano; Francisco Diaz; Fr. Juan Alcober; Fr. Joaquin Royo. 1782-3 A.D. [399] INDIA. Report from the Select Committee, appointed to take into Consideration the State of the Administration of Justice in the Provinces of Bengal, Bahar, and Orissa. Comprising First Report, Second Report, Supplement to Second Report, and 6th, /th, 8th, gth and loth Reports. 4 vols., folio, half calf. 1782-3. 3 3s 1796 A.D. L4oo] INDIA. CAMPBELL (Capt. D.). A Narrative of the Extra ordinary Adventures and Sufferings by Shipwreck and Imprisonment, of Donald Campbell of Barbreck; with the singular humours of his Tartar Guide Hassan Artaz : comprising The Occurrences of Four Years and Five Days in an Overland Journey to India. I2mo, half calf, in. e. -London, 1796. 12S 6d 1799 A.D. [401] CHINA. Eastern Anecdotes of Exemplary Characters, with Sketches of the Chinese History. Designed for Youth. 8vo, calf. London, 1799. 12S 6d 1801 A.D. THE OLDEST ENCYCLOPEDIA ORIGINALLY COMPOSED IN CHINESE iioo B.C. [402] CHINA. Eul Ya Van Thou. The Eul ya, collection of Chinese Characters according to subjects with explanation and appearance of the items described and a commentary edited by Kwo-Po (who lived in the third century ). With numerous woodcuts. 3 vols., folio, Chinese binding. 1801. 14 14s Magnificent edition on white paper, of the most ancient encyclopedia of Chinese characters with the meaning explained and reproduced in the shape which they have at the present time. According to the authorities quoted in Kienlong s great catalogue the author of this book was Tchew Kong, brother of the Emperor Wen-Wang (1100 B.C.)- Afterwards the book was added to by Confucius and his disciples. The edition we offer for sale was made after the edition which appeared in the time of the Song Dynasty (2nd century A.D.). It is divided into 19 sections and contains numerous woodcuts of the objects described. MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. 1:47 The Far East continued, WITH THE PAINTED ARMS OF NAPOLEON S MARSHALL, JOACHIM MURAT, AS GRAND ADMIRAL OF FRANCE. 1801 A.D. [403} INDIA. TAYLOR. Lettres Pclitiques, Commerciales et litter- aires sur I lnde. Ou vues et interets de 1 Angleterre relativement a la Russie a 1 Hindustan et a 1 Egypt, dediees a M. Dundas, Ministre de la Guerre a Londres. 8vo, contemporary French calf, fully gilt back, festooned borders on sides, inside dentelles, with the -painted Arms on sides heightened in gold artd colours of Joachim Murat, Grand Admiral of France and Marshal of Napoleon. Paris, 1801. 52 10s Painted Arms of the Epoch of Napoleon, are almost unknown. The Arms of Joachim Murat, who became at a later date Grand Duke of Cleves and Berg, King of the two Sicilie* and King of Naples, are reproduced in the Armorial du Premier Empire, published by tht j Viscount Reverend and the Comte Villeroy. Books with the Arms of Joachim Murat as Grand Admiral of France are of exceeding rarity. [404] PHILIPPINES. MARTINEZ DE ZUNICA (Fr Joaquin). His- to Ha de las I si as Phi lip in as. Small 4to, vellum. hnpreso en Sampaloc (Philippines}, 1803. 7 10s * * " This is a book of pleasant reading, and it is a pity that no new edition has been made of it, because it is so appreciated and so studied in Manilla that it is absolutely impo*- sibte to find even one copy of it." Retana. 1824 A.D. [405] INDIA. FORREST (Lieut Col ). A Picturesque Tour altmg the Rivers Ganges and Jumna, in India. Consisting of twenty-four highly finished and coloured views, a map, and vignettes, from original drawings made on the spot; with illustrations, his torical and descriptive. Large 4to, new half calf. London, Ackermann, 1824. 11 11s 1827 A.D. [406] INDIA. KEPPEL (Captain the Hon. George). Personal Narra- tive of a Journey from India to England, By Bussorah, Bagdad, The Ruins of Babylon, Curdistan, The Court of Persia, The Western Shore of the Caspian Sea, Astrakhan, Nishney Novogorod, Moscow, and St. Petersburgh : In the Year 1824. Illustrated with folding map, 3 coloured plates, and 8 illustrations in the text. 4to, full calf. London, 1827. 14s 148 MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. The Far East continued. 1827 A.D. [407] INDIA. KEPPEL (Captain the Hon. George). Personal Narra tive of a Journey front India to England, by Bussorah, Bagdad, The Ruins of Babylon, Curdistan, The Court of Persia, The Western Shore of the Caspian Sea, Astrakhan, i\ishney Novogorod, Moscow, and St. Petersburgh, in the Year 1824. Folding map and three coloured plates. 2 vols., 8vo, half calf. London, 1827. 14s 1833 A.D. [408] PHILIPPINES. VILLACORTA (Francisco). Administraoioii espiritual tfe los Padres Agustinos Calzadcs de la Prcvincia del Dulce N ombre de Jesus de las Islas Filipinas con la especiftcacion de todos los Religiosos in- dividuos de ella, niimero de almas que estan a su cargo, conventos que tienen en ei dia, Misiones y Curatos que administran, anos de la fundacion de unos y otros y Estadistica de ellos. Small 4to, original calf . Valladolid, 1833. 3 15s 1833 A.D. [409] PHILIPPINES. VILLACORTA (Francisco). Ditto. Another Copy, to which has been added a series of 1 1 Maps of the Philippines, by Emanuel Blanco, 1832. Small 4to, half calf. Valladotid, 1833. 5 5s 1836 A.D. [410] CHINA. CONSALVES (J. A .). Vocabirianim Latino-Sinicum. Pronuntiatione Mandarin a Latinis Literis Expressa. I2mo, original morocco Macao, 1836. 6 6s 1837 A.D. [411] CHINA. JULIEN (Stanilas). Resume des Principaux Traites Chinois sur la Culture des Muriers, et ( Education des vers a Soie. Numerous plates illustrating the culture of the Silkworm. 8vo, half calf. Paris, 1837. 1 6s Presentation copy, with Autograph Inscription : " A M. Le Ministre de Flnstruction Pvi blrque, TTom-ag > e clu Tradueteur. Sta.s. Juftien." PLATE XXIX. G\SP\R CVSTXER KKLATIO SEPULTURAE, S. FRANCISCO XA VERIO, China, 1700. See Item No. 379A. PLATE XXX. vtrdadera- (a iuM dtfinsioru* J ffcbriw Corona a* en Jiuinti con wJtccndoj See rtem No. 383, n bufic MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. 140, The Far East continued. PRINTED AT MANILLA. 1840 A.D. [412] CHINA AND PHILIPPINES. MARTI (Domingo). Carta en que se refieren varies martirios y persecucion de la Mission, que la provincia del aantissimo rosario del orden da predicadores de estas islas tiene en el Reyno de Tonkin; y es prosecucion esta de la que se imprimio en el ano pasado. Small 4to, morocco. Imprcsa, en Sto. Thomas de Manila, 1840. 5 5s 1848 A.D. ORIGINAL MANUSCRIPT, WITH DRAWINGS. [413] INDIA, ETC. SIDDONS (George R.)- The Private Journal of the Wanderings of an Old Trooper in 1846-1848, being his Adventures in India, China and South Africa. The Original Manuscript neatly written on 230 pages and illustrated with portrait of the Author and 6 clever original drawings in water colour. 8vo, original binding. 1848. 5 5s *** Siddons \vas an officer in the Bengal Light Cavalry, and after the Proclamation of Peace with the Sikhs, obtained leave of absence and proceeded to Calcutta, Madras, Ceylon, thence to China (Hong Kong, Canton, etc.), and back to Calcutta, from thence to Cape Town. 1850 A.D. [414] PHILIPPINES. BUZETA (Manuel) Dicoionario Ceografico, estadistico, historico, de las Islas Filipmas. Engraved title, folding plan of Manilla, and numerous folding tables. 2 vols., royal Svo, original morocco. Madrid, 1850. 1 10s 1855 A.D, PRINTED AT MANILLA. [415] PHILIPPINES. HEURTA (Felix de) Estado geograhco, topo orafico, estadistico, historico-religioso de la provincia de S. Gregorio Magno, de religiosos menores descalzos de la regular y mas estrecha observancia de N. S. P. S. Francisco en las Islas Filipinas: Comprende el numero de Religiosos Conventos, Pueblos, situacion de estos, anos de su fundacion, Tributes, Almas, producciones, industria, cosas, y casos especiales de su administracion espiritual, en le Archipielago Filipino, desde su fundacion en 1577 hasta 1853. FIRST EDITION. Small 4to, original wrappers, uncut. Manila, 1855. Imprenta de los Amigos del Pats. 3 3s * * * A very important book for the history of the Philippines, containing indispensable details concerning the administration of the Franciscans. At the end ot fhe volume is a large folding sheet, entitled:" Estado de los religiosos y religiosas de la P.rovincia de S. Gregorio Magno, de Padres Franciscos Desealzos en la* diversae cas/as que tiene, en las islas Fiiipiiias y Espafia, con espresion de CUT as Parrwjos y ministerios que ocupan en el ano de 1855." 150 MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. The Far East continued. 1357 A.D. [416] CHINA. ALVAREZ Y TEJERO (D. Luis Prudencio). Resem histcrica del Gran Imperio) cfe China. Noticias y detalles sobre este antiguc imperio. 8vo, cloth. Madrid, 1857. 2 105 * * * This gives a detailed account of the Antiquity and Population of China, its Laws Customs of the inhabitants, language, religion, agriculture and industries. 1858 A.D. [417] INDIA. PRINSEP (James). Essays an Indian Antiquities, His toric, Numismatic and Palaeographic. To which are added his Useful Tables illustrative of Indian History, Chronology, Modern Coinages, Weights Measures, etc. Edited, with Notes and additional matter, by Edward Thomas With numerous illustrations. 2 vols., 8vo, original cloth, uncut. London, 1858. 5 5&> 1860 A.D. [418] CHINA. Ultimas Noticias de las Misiones Espanolas del Tunkin, extractadas de la corresppndencia recibida de los SS Vicarios Apostolicos, Vicarios Provinciales y Misioneros Dominicos, de or den del M. R. P. Provincial Fr. Rafael de Castro por el R. P. Fr. Francisco Guinza. 76pp., 8vo, unbound. Manila, 1860. 12s 6d; 1860 A.D. [419] INDIA. BASTOS (Antonio). Descobrimento da India. Descripcao dos factos heroicos realisados pelos portuguezes com assombro do mundo Noevo, desde a partida de Vasco da Gama em busca da India ate as pazes celebradas com Nizamoxa depois das victorias de Goa e Chaul. I2mo, red morocco. Lisbon (1860). 15s 1860 A.D. [420] INDIA. DURHAM (W. T.; Ensign 76th Regiment). A Sub altern s Life in Madras, being the Adventures of Ensign Blobbs " of Ours," by W. T. D. 20 large lithographic plates, filled with humourous engravings of Indian Life of the period. Oblong folio, handsomely bound in half red morocco gilt, top edges gilt. Madras, circa 1860. 5 5S MAGGS BROS , 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. 151 % The Far East continued. 1864 A.D. [421] PHILIPPINES. Resumen Historico de las Misiones que la pro- vincia del santisimo Rosario de Filipanas de la orden de predicadores tuvo en la Isla Formosa : de su nueva Instalacion en nuestros dias y principales sucesos ocurridos en ellas hasta el presente. Estado actual de las Misiones que la provincia tiene en el Imperio de la China, principales sucesos ocurridos desde 1862 hasta el presente. Ultimas noticias de las Misiones que la Dicha Provincia tiene en el Reino de Tunquin. Small 4to, roan. Manila, 1864. 2 15s *** At the end of Dedication are the autograph, signature.* of Domingo Treserra, Prior Provincial de esta Provincia del Santisimo Rosario de Filipinas del Orden de Pre- dicadore.s "; and Gonsales, the Secretary. 1885 A.D. [42 1 a] CHINA. HIRTH (F.). China and the Roman Orient: Researches into Their Ancient and Mediaeval Relations as represented in Old Chinese Records. Illustrated with Folding Map and plates. 8vo, half leather. Shanghai, 1885. 10 10s * A very rare book 01 which only a few copies were printed. "The mystery connected with that country in the Far West, described by ancient Chinese authors under the name of Ta^-ts in, has occupied the sinologicaL world at intervals since the beginning of the last century. The task which I thought had still to be performed in connection wdth this interesting subject was: 1. The collection of all Chinese texts embodying information, on tho subject; 2. The translation of these texts as far as they "were new to the public, and the retranslation of portions already known but hitherto imperfectly rendered; 3. The identification of facts contained in these Chinese texts. My interpretation of these records leads to the conclusion that the ancient country of Ta-ts in, called Fu-lin during the middle ages, -was not the Roman Empire with Rome as its capital, but merely its oriental part, viz., Syria, Ejgypt, and Asia Minor; and Synia in the first instance. If applied to the Roman Orient the greater part of the facts mentioned by the Chinese dan be traced, and a reasonable explanation may be found for them without resorting to improbabilities; while, if applied to the whole empire, or to Italy, or to any other part of ancient Rome, the matter contained, in the Chinese tradition does not agree with reality. As I read the Chinese notices they contain tolerably exact statements regarding the contemporaneous geography of western Asia: they would indeed be " puerile nonsense "- a" I believe Colonel Yule calls them somewhere in his Cathay it applied to anv other part of the. world/ (Author s Preface.) 152 MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. The Far East continued. PRESENTATION COPIES FROM THE AUTHOR. 1877-84 A.D. [422] INDIA. TAGORE (Rajah Sir Sourindro Mohun, Mus.Doc., C.O.I.E., etc.). Collection Of 24 Of his works, all bound in full native morocco, gilt tooling on back and sides, g. e. With a Royal monogram on title of each volume, and many with Tagore s stamp at beginning or end. Each! volume also has a gilt stamp on front cover which appears to be that of Tagore. Together, 24 vols. 25 The Works comprise : Taravati, a Tale. 8vo. Stanhope Press, Calcutta, N. D. {circa 1880). Dramatic Sentiments of the Aryas. A brief view of Hindu Drama. Slightly water stained. 8vo. Stanhope Press. Published by-, the Author. Calcutta, 1 88 1. Roma-Kavya, or a Short Sketch of Roman History, from the earliest days of Antiquity to the Present Time, in Sanskrit Verse. With Tagore s English Translation facing the Sanskrit. 8vo. Stanhope Press, Calcutta, 1880. Roma-Poema. Being an Italian! translation by Comm. Pietro Bernabo Silorata from Tagore s English version of his Roma-Kavya, with the English and Italian translations facing. 8vo. Rome, 1880. The Caste System Of the Hindus. Svo. Catholic Orphan Press. Cal cutta, 1884. Bharatiya Natya Rahasya, or a Treatise on Hindu Drama. In Bengali. Square i6mo. New Bengal Press, Calcutta, 1878. Short Notices of Hindu Musical Instruments. 241110. Calcutta, 1877. Haratattva-Didhitih, or a Commentary on the Religious Vyavasthas of the Hindus quoted from various Tantras, Puranas and other ancient authori ties by the Illustrious Harakumara Tagore. Published by Sourindra Mohan Tagore. Thick Svo. Girisa-Vidydratna Press, Calcutta, 1877. * * * In Bengali, with the Introduction and List of 337 authorities in English. Veni-San-hara Nataka, or The Binding of the Braid, a Sanskrit Drama, by Bhatta-Narayana. Done into English by S. M. ; Tagore. Svo. Stanhope Press, Calcutta, 1880. * * * With a folding ancestral table of the Tagore family. MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. 153 The Far East continued. India: Tagore continued. A Few Specimens of Indian Songs. 8vo. Calcutta, 1879. The Orders of Knighthood, British and Foreign, with a brief review of the Titles of Rank and Merit in Ancient Hindusthan. In 3 parts. Ato. Cal cutta, 1884. * * With a portrait and 3 coloured plates. Theory Of Sanskrit Music, compiled from the Ancient Authorities. 8vo. Calcutta, 1875. Musical Scales Of the Hindus: with Remarks on the Applicability of Harmony to Hindu Music. 8vo. Calcutta, 1884. Hindu Music from Various Authors. Plates. Thick 8\o. Second Edition. Calcutta, 1882. Mani-Mala, or a Treatise on Gems. Portrait, plates and other illustra tions. 2 vols., thick 8vo. Calcutta, 1879. The Twenty-two Musical Srutis of the Hindus. i6mo. Calcutta, 1886. Sangita-Sastra-Pravesika, or a Resume in Bengali of the Principles of Hindu Music as laid down in the Sanskrit Authorities. Post 8vo. Calcutta, 1884. Sangita-Darpana, or The Mirror of Music, by Damodara Misra. Edited with notes by Tagore. 8vo. Calcutta, 1881. Kavi-Rahasyam, or a Root-Lexicon within a Poem by Bhatta Halayu- dha. Edited with Notes by Tagore. 8vo. Roy Press, Calcutta, Fifty Tunes, Composed and Set to Music, by S. M. Tagore. 8vo, Calcutta, 1878. [ (Cover slightly wormed.) Six Principal Ragas of the Hindus, with a brief view of Hindu Music. Third Edition. Large 4to . Calcutta, 1884. The Twenty Principal Kavyakaras of the Hindus, or Extracts from the Works of twenty of the most renowned Literati of India. An Offering to the Sixth International Congress of Orientalists. Frontispiece. Large 4to. Cal cutta, 1883. The Eight Principal Rasas of the Hindus, with Murtti and Vrindaka, or Tableaux and Dramatic Pieces illustrating their Character. With g plates. Large 4to. Calcutta, 1880. The Ten Principal Avataras of the Hindus, with a short history of each Incarnation and Directions for the Representation of the Murttis as Tableaux Vivants. With 12 plates. Large 4to. Calcutta, 1880. 154 MAGGS BROS , 34 35, Conduit Street, London, W. The Far East continued. 1892 A.D. [423] PHILIPPINES. HUERTA (Francisco de Santa Ines). Biblioteca Historic a Filipina. Cronica de la provincia de San Gregorio Magno de religio- sos descalzos de N. S. P. San Francisco en las Islas Filipans, China, Japon, etc. 2 vols., small 4to, half morocco. Manila, 1892. 2 10s * * * A Very Important Chronicle, published for the first time from Original Manu scripts. The Author writes especially fro r n the point of view of the geographical, historical, and general notices, and not of the purely religious part referring to the history of the Order. It is therefore a specially important Chronicle. Fr. Huerta, the Author, was born in Pefiaranda, and after becoming a Monk went to the Philippines, where he arrived in 1674. In 1676 he was nominated Chronicler of the Province, and in carrying out his charge he wrote the work described above, and which contains the history of the Order from 1576 to 1627. lie died in 1713. 1906 A.D. [424] INDIA. ETTINCHAUSEN (Maurice L.). Harsa Yardhana. Em pereur et Poete de 1 Inde Septentrionale (606-648 A.D.). Etude sur sa vie et son temps. Royal 8vo, original wrappers, uncut. Louvain ) 1906. Ss The only monograph on the life and times of India s greatest native Ernp-eror, with chapters on the Social and Religious Conditions of India in the 7th Century. MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. 155 The Far East continued. ALEXANDER WYLIE (1815-1887), THE CELEBRATED MISSIONARY AND CHINESE SCHOLAR. ALEXANDER WYLIE, Celebrated Missionary and Chinese Scholar, was born in London on 6th April, 1815, and was the youngest son of an oil and colour merchant in Drury Lane. His father came frojn Scotland about ijqi . When a year old Alexander was sent to Scotland and -placed under the care of a relative who lived on the Grampians. He was educated in a grammar school at Drumlithie in Kincardine shire, and after his re turn to London in a school at Chelsea. On leaving school he was apprenticed to a cabinet-maker. Having -picked up at a bookstall a copy of Joseph Henri de Premare s V Notitia Linguae Sinicae" he learned sufficient Latin to read it, and its perusal led him to study the Chinese language. Procuring from the British and Foreign Bible Society a copy of the New Testament in Chinese, he began to read it, com piling a dictionary of symbols as he proceeded. W hen James Legge returned to England in 184.6 he required a superintendent for the London Missionary** s Society s printing establishment at Shanghai. W ylie visited Legge, ivho found with surprise that he had so far mastered Chinese without assistance as to be able to read the gospels ivith tolerable accuracy. The\ London Missionary Society engaged him and sent him to the offices of (Sir) Charles Reed for six months to study printing, while Legge instructed him in\ Chinese. On 26th August, 1847, he arrived at Shanghai, his salary being paid by the Bible Society. While in charge of the printing press he learned the French, German, Russian, Manchu, and Mongol languages, besides acquiring some knowledge of Greek, Uigur, and Sanskrit. He was deeply read in the history, geography, religion, philosophy, arts, and sciences of Eastern Asia, and had a wide acquain tance with Chinese literature. His knowledge of Chinese mathematics ivas unique. He made frequent expeditions with other missionaries into the interior of the country , and more than once encountered grave perils. In 1858 he accom panied Lord Elgin in his expedition up the Yang-tsze as a. temporary agent of the Bible Society. He left Shanghai for England in 1860, and returning in 1863 as a permanent agent of the society , travelled through St. Petersburg and Siberia to Peking. He continued in\ charge of the agency until 1877 . In 1868 he accompanied Griffith John, the W esleyan missionary , on a journey of two thousand five hundred miles, proceeding up the Yang-tsze to the capital of Sze- chuan, thence to the source of the Han, and then to Hankow and Shanghai. In this tour he visited many places hitherto unknown to Europeans. In ten years he dispersed among the people over a million copies of portions of the Bible. In /<?//, owing to the failure of his eyesight from incessant proof-reading, he returned to England. Although a pro test ant, W ylie was on good terms with many of the Jesuit and Dominican priests in China, and the Greek archimandrite was his personal friend. His translations and publications were of great service to Chinese scholars, and Henri Cordier states that Wylie s library was the foundation of his " Bibliotheca Sinica." 10 MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Con duit Street, London, W. The Far East continued. ALEXANDER WYLIE S MANUSCRIPT. A Collection of Important Manuscripts in his Autograph, as follows :- ALEXANDER WYLIE S LETTER BOOKS. [425] The Original Letter Books of this famous Missionary and Chinese Scholar, being copies in full in his own hand of all the more important letters written by him from 1864 to 1882, comprising many hundreds of letters, some of considerable length, dealing with current events of the time in China, and covering the period of his journey with Griffith John of 2,500 miles up the Yang-tsze to the course of the Han, and then to Hankow and Shanghai. 5 vols., 4to and folio, half calf and vellum 31 10S 1 * * * These Letter Books form a biography of the famous Missionary from 1864 to 1882, and diaily detailed account of his experiences, both in his literary labours and in his wort for Christianity. i [426] Notes on the Journey to Hankow, starting in June, 1864; and other Diaries and Journals. Comprised in 6 Memorandum Books. Small 4to. In the Autograph of Alexander Wylie. 10 10s [427] Original Manuscript Note Book in English and Chinese, contain- ing-many entries by Wylie dated from 1866 to 1870. (Notes of Letters received and sent : various matters connected with the sale of the Bible in Chinese, &c.). I2mo, vellum. 1 5s [428] Twelve small Memorandum Books containing a large number of entries by Wylie (some of considerable interest 1 ), including the account of a Journey through the province of Swatow. 12 vols., I2mo. 1863-72. 4 4s [429] Mr. Littledale s pedestrian journey to Echang and back to Hankow. Manuscript in the Autograph of Alexander Wylie. 27 pp., small 4to, boards. 1863. 2 10$ r INF ORMAT I O PRO VEB.ITATE C ontra. miquiorem famam fparfara per Sinas PP, SOC.JISU , & ONIS- COMVNICATA MlSSTONAllTIS In Imperio Sinenfi. Anno 1717. See Item No. 387.*. PLATE XXXII. MAGGS BROS., 34 35, Conduit Street, London, W. 157 The Far East continued. Alexander Wylie s Manuscripts continued. [430] Journal of H. E. Koto Sung-taon, Ambassador from China to ENGLAND; translated from the Chinese by Alexander Wylie, with a long intro duction. The ORIGINAL MANUSCRIPT in the Autograph of the Translator. 64 leaves, folio, half morocco. Circa 1^77. 10 10s *** A MOST INTERESTING JOURNAL. WyMe s "Introductory Chapter" extend- to 15 pp., in which he gives a synopsis of other Chinese narratives of travels. Koh Sung-taon s embassy to England was on account of the massacre of the interprets attached to the British Expedition of 1875 which crossed China from Burmah to Bhamo. Wy ie writes : " The intelligent appreciation of European institutions shewn by his Excellency., hi* ready adaptation to the novel circumstances in which he is placed, and the general suavity and good feeling that have marked his intercom se with all who have been brought inttv contact with him, have gained for him the esteem of Englishmen, and form a guarantee of the power for good that his influence will exert in his own country. " We venture to think that such will be the estimate of those who read this first instal ment of his journal since leaving China. The variety of topics touched upon, and the candour with which he compares the progress of the West, with the stagnant institutions of hi own country, are apt to take us by surprise, as coming from an Oriental, and a native of one of the most conservative of Empires. f " The geography, the politics, the manners and customs, of a most every country on the way, come in for cursory remarks; and scarcely a day passes of what appears to navi> been a voyage of much suffering that he does not introduce some topic of interest; taking up by turns most of the great questions that have been recently occupying the attention of the public. " The subject of the religions of the World come in for a share of attention also. but on this head, his ideas are but hazy. The concha si on he comes to is that the country of Confucius will compare favourably among the kingdoms of the Globe, in its universal toleiation of creeds of every caste." [431] Euclid s Elements of Geometry (Ke ho yuen pun). Translated into Chinese by Alexander Wylie, with many geometrical diagrams. The Original Manuscript of this Famous Translation of the great Mathe matical Classic, written on about 560 pp. in Chinese characters. Thick 4to, half morocco. 1857. 21 * * * This was one of Wylie s most famous literary works, and H consists of Boot** 7 to 15 of Euclid. Apparently he had the help of Native Scholars. " The accompanying trans* 1 ation of the last nine Books of Euclid, was undertaken in accordance with the earnest desire of the native scholar, whose name (Le Shen-lan) i appended as the writer. His peculiar qualifications for the work were --m inducement to proceed with it, and tended very materially to lighten the brr^p-n. w^ v wo^M ^ other circumstances falll on the foreign translator, while his name may be looked upon as a guarantee for accuracy in detail. The first draught was little moro +^i -^alf done. wh^j application was made by Han Ying-pe, a Keu-jin of Sung-keang, for pernvss on to print it at his own expense. The finished manuscript was committed to h^ s care, and during the process of cutting the blocks, the work had the benefit of V-eing revise^ ^y TCoo Kwan-kwang and Chang Wan-hoo, two talented scho ars in the neighbourhood. "To accompany this issue with an apology would almost seem o^t of place. .Trvth is one, and while we seek to promote its advancement in science. W Q are ^ t preparing *he way for its development in that loftier knowledge, which as Christian mpi ^r>d Missionaries. it is our chief desire to see consummated." A. Wylie. 158 MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. The Far East continued. Alexander Wylie s Manuscripts continued. [432] The Religious Beliefs of the Chinese and Introduction of Christianity by Europeans. The ORIGINAL Manuscript in the Autograph of Alexander Wylie. 150 pp., 4to, half morocco. Circa 1860. 15 15s * * * A very important Manuscript treating of the religion of the Chinese from earliest times. [433] Chinese Researches. A Volume with some 175 pages of Manuscript by Alexander Wylie, comprising many of his important contribu tions to the History and Literature of China. Folio, vellum. 10 10s * Comprises : An Essay on the Chinese Language as compared with the English The Literature of China Essay on China Notes contributed by him for Sir Henry Yule s " Cathay and the Way Thither " Relics of Buddha; a long article on the Observatory at Peking Synopsis of paper on the Mongol Instruments History of Corea On KowortVs History of the Mongols etc. [434] Buddhist Classics, etc. Original Manuscript in the Autograph of Alexander Wylie. 40 pp., 4to. Circa 1860. 2 10s [435] To calculate the period elapsed since the Moon s Perigee at any given time. Original Manuscript in the autograph of Alexander Wylie, written partly in Chinese characters, and partly in English. 35 pp., small 4to, wrappers. Circa 1860. 2 10s [436] Chinese Chronology. Original Manuscript in the Autograph of Alexander Wylie. 41 pp., 4to, wrappers. Circa 1860. 2 10s [437] The Chow Ritual. (Book I.). Manuscript in the Autograph of Alexander Wylie. 37 pp., small 4to, wrapper. Circa 1860. 1 5s [438] Course of the River Yang-Tsze Keang from Hankow. Manuscript in the Autograph of Alexander Wylie. 26pp.,4to, boards. Circa 1860. 2 10s [439] The Famous Archway in the Hamlet of Kew-Yung Kwan, and a record of the inscriptions which it carries. Original Manuscript in the Autograph of Alexander Wylie. 26 pp., 4to, wrappers. Circa 1860. 2 10s MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. i5g The Far East continued. Alexander Wylie s Manuscripts continued. [ [440] Filial Piety Classic. Manuscript in the Autograph of Alexander Wylie. 33 pp., small 4to, wrapper. Circa 1860. 1 1s * This Manuscript gives the Sayings of Confucius on Filial Piety. [441] The Keen-E " Parallactta Instrument." Original Manuscript in the Autograph of Alexander Wylie. 22 pp., 4to, boards. Circa 1860. 1 5$ [442] Mancho-0 Words and Rules for their transliteration into English. Original Manuscript in the Autograph of Alexander Wylie. 27 pp., small 4to, wrappers. Circa 1860. 2 10s [443] Names of Persons in the Han-shoo (in Chinese and English). Original Manuscript by Alexander Wylie. Eolio, vellum. Circa i86c. 1 5s [444] Nestorian Tablet of Se-Can-Foo. The Original Manuscript of this important Essay, in the Autograph of Alexander Wylie. 1 8 pp., folio, boards. 5 5s I * * rj,| le Manuscript commences: " Among the lapidary memorials of mediaeval China few monuments have attained a greater celebrity both in Europe and within the Empire than the so-called Nestorian tablet of Se-gan-foo." [445] Notes on Chinese Astronomy from the Native Annals. Manuscript in the Autograph of Alexander Wylie. 38 pp., small 4to, wrapper. Circa 1860. 2 10s [446] On Chinese Literary Works, etc. Original Manuscript in the Autograph of Alexander Wylie. f 27 pp., 4to, wrappers. Circa 1860. 2 10$ [447] On th3 Existence of a Christian Sabbath in China. j Original Manuscript in the Autograph of Alexander Wylie. 38 pp., small 4to, wrappers. Circa 1860. 2 10S 160 MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. The Far East continued. Alexander Wylie s Manuscripts continued. [448] Titles of Office, Dignity, &c., in the Han-shoo. The ORIGINAL MANUSCRIPT in Chinese and English by Alexander Wylie. Folio, half calf. Circa 1865. , 1 10s [449] Six Memorandum Books containing a quantity of interesting Notes on Chinese matters, in the Autograph of Alexander Wylie. Circa 1860. 3 10s [450] Statement of the Case of Tseang Yung-Che. Alexander Wylie s Draft Report to the British Authorities concerning the arrest and execution of this Native. 9 pp., 4to, boards. 1 10s * * * Tseang Yung-Che left Shanghai on the 23rd April, 1858, to procure information regarding public events for publication in the North China Herald. He was however cap tured as a spy and condemned to death. [451] The Tae-Ping Insurgents in China. Original Manuscript 32 pp. in the Autograph of Alexander Wylie. 4to, boards. Circa 1860. 2 10s [452] The Ritual of the Chinese Mohammedans in Chinese and Arabic Characters on blue paper. Manuscript in the Autograph of Alexander Wylie. 145 pp., small 4to. Native Chinese binding. Circa 1860. 15 15S [453] Translation of a Hebrew Letter. Peace upon Israel. " To the holy congregation dwelling Kae-fung-foo in the province of Ho-nan, peace, from men in the great islands of BRITAIN, which are very far from your country," etc. Manuscript in the autograph of Alexander Wylie. 14 pp., small 4to, wrap-pars. Circa 1850. 4 4s Contemporary translation of the letter that was senf in 1850 to the long lost Chinese Tews of Kaifungfoo, together with a list of the questions that were asked of them. [454] Aishin Gurun ni Suduri. Ceschichte des Coldenen Reiches (in Manchu and German). Manuscript in the Autograph of Alexander Wylie. 39 pp., small 4*0. C. 1860. 1 10s MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. 161 The Far East continued. Alexander Wylie s Manuscripts continued. [455] Auf Kaiserlichen Befehl verfasster und vermehrter Spiegel der Mandshusprache. (Essay on the Imperial Manchu Grammar in German). Manuscript in the Autograph of Alexander Wylie. 40 pp., small 4to. Circa 1860. 1 10s [456] A Parcel Of Manuscript Material in Wylie s Autograph on matters of Chinese interest. Folio and quarto size. 2 10s * * * Mainly material for his " Chinese Researches," etc. [457] Japanese) Grammar. Manuscript in the Autograph of Alexander Wylie. 32 pp., 4to. Circa 1860. 4 108 [458] List of Tracts and Books Printed at Batavia. Manuscript in the Autograph of Alexander Wylie, giving the number of pages, copies printed and the years of issue. 26 pp., 4-to. Circa 1860. . IDS 6d 162 MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. PART III. THE NEAR EAST. I Turkey and Palestine. 1495 A.D. [459] JOANNES DE HEES. Itinerarius Johannis de Hese presbyteria Jherusalem describens dispositipnes terrarum insularum, montium, & aquarum, ac etiam quedam mirabilia et pericula per diversas partes mundi con- tingentia lucidissime enarrans. Tractatus de decem nationibus et sectis Chris- tianorum. Epistola Johannis Soldani ad Pium Paparn secundum. Epistola responsoria ejusdem Pii Pape ad Soldanum. Joannis Presbyteri maximi In- dorum et Ethiopum Christianorum Imperatoris et Patriarche Epistola. ad Eman- uelem Rhome gubernatorem de ritu et mpribus Indorum deque ejus potentia, divitiis et excellentia. Tractatus pulcherrimus de situ et dispositione regionum et insularum totius Indie necnon de rerum mirabilium ac gentium diversitate. Black Letter, long lines, 36 to a full page, 22 leaves (last blank) with signatures, text rubricated. 4to, half calf. Absque nota (" Expliciunt duo tractatuli de mirabilibus rerum & statu totius Indiae ac Principe eorum Presbytero Johanne "). (Coloniae, C. de Zieriksee, circa 1495?). 10 10s Hain *8535. British Museum Catalogue I. A. 2500. An extremely rare edition of which it is said only one other copy is in existence. 1501 A.D. [460] DE ADEPTIONE Ccnstantincplitane Urbis a Creole. De acquisi- tione urbis Hierusalem ac Terre Sancte. De extirpatione cunctorum Thurcorum ac Sarracenorum. Quedam pauce sacre scripture auctoritates de pestilentia et hujusmodi. Black Letter, 31 long lines to a full page. With signatures. With wood cut of infant Jesus with orb and oak twig. 4to, vellum. Atigsburg, Johann Frosckauer, 2$th December, 1501. 12 125 Not in Proctor. Not in British Museum or Bodleian Library. MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. 163 The Near East continued. 1513 A.D. [461] GAOURSIN. Wisteria von Rhcdis Wie ntterlich sie sich gehalten mit dem Tyrannischen Reiser Machomet uss Turckye, lustig zu lesen (ubersetzt von Johann Adelphus). Printed in Black Letter, double columns. Large cut on title, and 33 large spirited woodcuts. Folio, straight- grained green morocco extra, g. e., by Ramage. Strassburg, Martin Flack, 1513. 18 18s Proctor, 10147. 1516 A.D. [462] METHODIUS (Sanctus). Methodius Primus Olimpiade et postea Tyri civitatum Episcopus sub Diocleciano Imperatore in Calcide civitate (que Nigropontum appelatur ut divus scnbit Hieronimus Martyrios) coronatur : qui cum eruditissimus esset vir multa edidit documenta et presertim de Mundi Crea- tione eidem in carcere revelata . passus fuit quartadecima Kalendas Octobris. GOTHIC LETTER, with 61 quaint and curious woodcuts. Small 4to, fidl vellum. Basilee, 1516. 14 14s * * * This collection of Prophecies enjoyed an immense popularity in the fifteenth and fifteenth centuries. They were wrongly ascribed to St. Methodius, Bishop of Patara, who died in the 4th century. It is considered that the more probable author was Methodius, Patriarch of Constantinople in 1240. The woodcuts illustrate the various events mentioned in the prophecies. On the title- page occurs a large woodcut of the author, in prison, receiving the revelations from an angel; other events illustrated include: Conflicts between Christians, and Turks, Gog and Magog, Necromancers, Turks and Saracens, the Recovery of Jerusalem, the Seven-Headed and Ton-Horned Monster, the Taking of Constantinople by the Turks, etc., etc. 1522 A.D. [463] BREYDENBAGH (Bernard de). Le grant voyage de Hierusalerr divise en deux parties. En la premiere est traicte des peregrinations de la saincte cite de Hierusalem. Du Mont Saincte Katherine de Sinay et autres lieux sainctz avec les a, b, c, des lettres Grecques, Caldees, Hebraiques. et Arabicques, avec aucuns langaiges des Turcz translatez en frangois. En la seconde partie est traicte des Croisees et Elntreprinses faictes par les Roys et Princes Chrestiens pour la Recouvrance de la Terre Saincte et aug mentation de la Foy comme Charles Martel, Pep in, Charlemagne, le Roy Saincte Loys, Godefroy de Buillon et autres qui ont conqueste la cite de Hierusalem. Des guerres des Turcz et Tartarins, La prinse de Constantinople, du siege de Rhodes, la prinse de Grenade, avec 1 hystoire de Sophie, les guerres et batailles entre le grant Turq et le grant Souldan faictes depuis nagueres. Le Chemin et Voyage de Romme avec les stations des eglises ou sont les grands Pardons. (Continued over) 164 MAGGS BROS., 34 35, Conduit Street, London, W. The Near East continued. Breyctenbach (Bernard de) continued. Black Letter, title in red and black. With two very large folding wood cuts, one being a large panoramic view of Jerusalem and its surroundings, and numerous woodcuts in the text. Two parts in I volume. 4to, calf gilt. Paris, pour Francois Regnault, 20 mars, 1522. (SEE ILLUSTRATION, PLATE No. XXXII.). 55 THIS EDITION IN FRENCH BY NICOLE LE HUEN is NOT A LITERAL TRANSLATION OF BuKyDENBACH s VOYAGRS BECAUSE, ALTHOUGH THE FRENCH AUTHOR JUS FOLLOWED BREYDENBACH CHAPTER BY CHAPTER AND HAS REPRODUCED HIS PLATES WHILE PRESERVING THE MAIN BODY OF THE ORIGINAL. HE HAS OF2 EX ADDED MUCH OF HIS OWN. IN THIS VERY RARE EDITION PART II. CONTAINS AN " ACCOUNT OF THE WARS THAT TOOK PLACE RECHNTLY IN THE YEARS 1516-1517 BETWEEN THE GRAND TURK AND THE SOLDAN," AND MANY LATEK ADDITIONS WHICH DEAL CHIEFLY WITH THE PORTUGESE CONQUEST OF INDIA. Title and 601116 preliminary leaves wormed. In this work are given the two letters from Pietro Pasquaglio giving an account of Caspar Cortereal s exploration of the coasts of Labrador. (Harrisse Additions No. 71). 1529 A.D. [464] HAYTHON. Liber Historianim partius Orierttis, she passagmm Terrae Sanctae, Haythono, Ordinis Praemonstratensis Authore, scriptus anno Redemptoris nostri M.CCC. Title with ornamental woodcut border. Small 4to, crushed brown morocco gilt, g. <?., by F. Bedford, Haganoae -per lohann Sec. (erium), 1529. 12 12s *** First Edition of the Latin version of the travels of this early voyager, and exces sively rare. "The travels of Hayton into the Holy Land and his history of Asia. " is one of the most valuable accounts of the East. 1533 A.D. [465] KOECK (Peter). Description de la Court du Grand Turc, Soli- mans faisant son seiour en Constantinople, avec la maniere des Vestemens de ceux de sa Suite. A series of engravings on wood by Peter Koeck, joined together and forming one long panorama (measuring 6J feet by 15 inches) with descriptions in French. Folded to folio, and preserved in a buckram lettered portfolio. 0533-) (SEE ILLUSTRATION^ PLATE No. XXXIII.). 42 The Artist Peter Koeck was born at Aalst in 1502. He settled at Constantinople, where he painted scenes of Turkish Life. He died in Brussels in 1550. MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. 165 The Near East continued. 1533 A.D. PANORAMA OF CONSTANTINOPLE, 1533. [466] KOECK (Peter). Journey to Constantinople. A series of engravings on wood by Peter Koeck, joined together and forming one long panorama (measuring 15 feet by 12 inches) of a caravan traversing the country outside Constantinople and its arrival into that City. f Folded to oblong folio, and preserved in a buckram lettered portfolio. V J 3J " x (SEE ILLUSTRATION, PLATE No. XXXIV.). 42 1539 A.D. [467] RAMBERTI (Benedetto). Libri tre delte COSE DE TURCHI. Nel primo si descrme il viaggio da Venetia a Costantinopoli : Nel secondo, la Porta, cioe la corte de Soltan Soleymano: Nel terzo il modo del reggere il stato & imperio suo. Venice, Aldus, 1539. FIRST EDITION. DIALOCI di AMORE, compost! per Leone medico, di Natione Hebreo, et dipoi fatto chnstiano. SECOND EDITION. Venice, Aldus, 1541. Together in one .volume, post 8vo, original vellum. 3 3s 1550 A.D. [468] MAHOMED. Machumutis eiusque successorurn vitae doctrina ac ipse Alooran, quo velut authenico legum divinarum codice Agareni et Turcae, alnsque Christo adversantes populi reguntur. Ex Arabica lingua in Latinan transferri curavit, etc., studio T. Bibliandri. Folio, original vellum, two-line -fillet border on sides, with the Arms on sides of J. A. de Thou (first Arms}, g. e. Zurich, 1550. 15 15$ THE WORK CONTAINS IN ADDITION TO A TRANST ATION OP THE KORAN , CONFUTATIONS BY MlLANCTHOK, A PREFACE BY MARTIN LCTHER, A HISTORY OF THE TURKS, ETC 1551 A.D. [469] MENAIRNO (D. A.). I Costumi, et la Vite de Turchi. Tradottc per M. Lodovico Domenichi. Post Svo, vellum. Florence, 1551. 2 2s i66 MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. The Near East continued. 1555 A.D. [470] ROCCA (Vicente) Cavallere Valenciano. Hystoria en la qua! se trata de la origen y guerras que hen tenido los Turns, desde su 1 comienco hasta nuestros tiempos; con muy notables successes que cdn diversas gentes y nacionest les han acontescido; y de las costumbres y vida de ellos. With large woodcut of the Arms of Don Carlos de Borja, Duque de Gandia on the title-page, title-page printed in reel and black. Black Letter, double columns. Folio, old calf. Valencia, 1555. 10 10S Salva No. 3388. " Estc bella y rara edicion." The work is divided into three books; i\ large part of the first book treats of the Crusades to the Holy Land by Conrad, Frederick Barbarossa, Philip of France, King Richard Coeur de Lion of England, etc. The second book deals chiefly with the various victories and conquests of Charles V. and the Venetian Republic in their constant fights w.ith the Moors on the African Coasts. The third book i& entirely devoted to the customs and mode of life of the Turks. 1556 A.D. [471] ROCCA (Vicente). Hystoria en la qua! se trata de la origen y gueiras que han tenido lOS Turccs, desde su comienco hasta nuestros tiempos. Title printed in red and black, with ver,y large woodcut of the Arms of Spam. GOTHIC LETTER. Small folio, old calf. Valencia, 1556. 10 10s 1560 A.D. [472] CEORCIEVITZ (Bartholemaeus). De origine Imperil Turcorum eorumque administrations &. disciplina, brevia quaedem capita notationis loco ccliccta. Cui Libellus de Turcorum moribus adjectus est cum praefatione D. Philippi Melanthonis. With numerous woodcut heads of Turkish Emperors and soldiers. Svo, modern vellum. Wittemberg, 1560. 10 10s BRUNET DOES NOT MENTION THIS LITTLE BOOK BY A HUNGARIAN OR CROAT AUTHOR ox THB " MANNERS OP THE TURKS AND THE ORIGIN AND ADMINISTRATION OP THE TURKISH EMPIRE," WHICH i* ADORNED WITH A LARGE NUMBER OF QUAINT LITTLi WOODCUTS. MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. 16; The Near East continued. 1562 A.D. [474] NICETAS. Hsstoria degli imperatori Greci^ descritta da Nicetas Accominato Da Chone; di quali seguono dove lascia il Zonara dal 1117 fi.no al 1203. a questi sono aggiunti gli Annali degli Imperatori di Constantinopoli con 1 Historia delli parti dell Oriente scritta da Haithone parente del Re d Armenia. Tradotti in lingua Italiana da Joseppe Horologgi. 4to, calf. Venice, 1562. 10s 6d 1568 A.D. [475] GEORGIEVIZ (Earth.). De Turcarum moribus Epitome. Ex variis aeditionibus adauctum opus, et linguae Turcicae principiis locupletatum. With many charming half-page woodcuts. I2mo, original vellum. Paris, Jerome Marnef, 1568. 5 10s This work is divided as follows : De Turcarum ritu et Caeremoniis. De militia. De agricultura. A Turkish Grammar (20 pages). De afflictione tarn captivorum qnam sub tribute viventium Christianorum, etc. 1575 A.D. [476] POSTEL (Guillaume). Des Histoires Orien tales et principalement des Turkes ou Turchikes et Schitiques on Tartaresques et aultres qui en sont descendues. Oeuvre pour la tierce fois augmente. i6mo, green levant morocco extra, g. e. t by Pratt t Miller Arms in gold on sides. Paris, H. de Marnef, 1575. 6 6S THE ABOVE CONTAINS MUCH ADDITIONAL MATTER AND INCLUDES AN INTERESTING TURKISH VOCABULARY AND GRAMMAR. 1576 A.D. [477] NICOLAY (Nicolo de) Le navigation] et viaggi nella Turchia; . . . Nouamente tradotto di Francese in volgare, de Francesco Flori da Lilla, Arithmetico. Illustrated with 60 full-page wood engravings of Turkish Costume. Small 4to, original vellum. Antwerp, 1576. 10 19s iG8 MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. The Near East continued. 1578 A.D. [478] LONICER (Nicolas). Erste (und Amfer) Theil cfes Hoffhaitung Des TiirckiSGhen Keysers und Othomanischen Reichsbeschreibung, darinn nicht allein der Tiircken Empter, Beuelchs und Kriegsleuthen, Gewalt Dienst Besoldung und Nammen, so in detn Turckischen hoff sein, biszher unbekannt angezeigt, etc. Numerous fine woodcuts. Folio, original vellum. Basel, Sebastian Henrichpetri, 1578. 5 5s 1578 A.D. [479] CHRONICORUM TURCICORUM, in quibus Turcorum Origo, Principes, Imperatores , Bella, Praelia, Caedes, Victoriae, et Mahometicae reli- gionis Instituta, &c. ace. Narratio de Bajazethis filiorum Seditionibus, &c. &c. Woodcuts. Folio, original calf , with Arms on sides. Francfort, 1578. 4 10s Contains Lonicer s Account of the Origin and Emperors of the Turk;s, and of the Laws and Religion of the Mahomedans, as well as an Epitome of Turkish History. M. Barletus. Life and History of Scanderberg. I. M. Stella. On the Devastation of Hungary. Leonard of Chios. On the Capture of Constantinople. Sabellicus. The Battle on the Soncis between Turks and Venetians. And a number of other historians on the Turks and their wars in Europe. 1579 A.D. [480] TORRES Y AGUILERA (Hieronymo de). Chronica, y recopila- cion de varios successes de guerrai que ha acontescido en Italia y partes de Levante y Berberia, desde la Isla de Chipre ano de M.D.LXX. hasta que se perdio la^Goleta y fuerte de Tunez en el de M.D.LXXIIII. Small 4to. Fine copy in full Spanish morocco. Saragossa, 1579. 5 5s 1585 A.D. [481] NICHOLAY (Nicholas). The Navigations, peregrinations and voyages, made into Turkie by Nicholas Nicholay Daulphinois, Lord of Arfeuile, Chamberlaine and Geographer ordinarie to the King of Fraunce: conteining sundry singularities which the Author hath there scene and observed : Devided into four Bookes. Illustrated with 60 full-length Costume plates of the Men and Women of Turkey. Small 4to. Fine copy in full calf, g. e. London, 1585. 15 15& MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. 3 6g The Near task continued. 1586 A.D. Avecplusieurs belles & memorables Histoires, advenues en nostre temps. Plus les figures au naturel, tant d hommes que de Femmes selon la diver Illustrated with 61 wood engravings. t^l, 4 I\c^ handsome c ty in fU ****** morocco extra, g. e . 15 15s 1595 A.D. Containing the description of all such matters, as pertame to the Religion to the Forces, to the Government, and to the Countries of the Kingdom of The Persians, translated by Abraham Hartwell. With the rare folding copperplate map. Small 4to (500 pp.). A fine copy in original vellum. Imprinted at London by John Wolfe, 1595. t9 19s 1599 A.D. [484] DOUSA (George). ItEnere suo Constantinopoitanc epistola. Accesserunt veteres Inscriptiones Byzantio & ex reliqua Graecia nunc primum in lucem editae, cum quibusdam doctorum virorum epistolis. Small 8vo, boards. Antwerp, 1599. 1 5g 1603 A.D. - [485] A TRUE AND STRANGE DISCOURSE of the Travailes of Two tngiisn Hilgnmes; What admirable accidents befell them in their Tourney to Jerusalem, Gaza, Grand Cayro, Alexandria, and other Places; also what rare Antiquities, Monuments, and Notable Memories (concording with the ancient remembrances in the Holy Scriptures), they sawe in Terra Sancta, with a perfect description of the Old and New Jerusalem, and scituation of the Countries about them. Black Letter, woodcut border round title. Small 4to, full calf gilt, g. e. Imprinted at London, for Thomas Archer, 1603. 6 63 i;o MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. The Near task continued. 1606 A.D. [486] PALERNE FORESIEN (Jean). Peregrinations, ou il est traicte de plusieurs singularites et antiquites, remarciuees es provinces d Egypte, Arabic deserte et pierreuse, Terre Sainte, Syrie, Natolie, Grece et plusieurs isles etc. avec la maniere de vivre des Mores et Turcs . . plus est adjoute un petit dictionnaire en langage frangois, italien, grec vulgaire, turc, mores- que on arabe, et esclavon, necessaire a ceux qui desirent faire le voyage. 2 vols., I2mo, contemporary French citron morocco, back gilt, g. c. Lyon, Jean Pillehatte, 1606. 5 5s Brimet : " Cette relation .... devenue rare." 1612 A.D. [487] LAVENDER (T.). The Travels of Foure English Men and a preacher into Africa, Asia, Troy, Bythinia, Thracia, and to the Blacke Sea; and into Syria, Cilicia, Pisidia, Mesopotamia, Damascus, Canaan, Galilee, Samaria, Judea, Palestine, Jerusalem, Jericho, and to the Red Sea. Begum in the Yeere of Jubile 1600, and by some of them finished in the yeere 1611, and others not yet returned. Small 4to. Black Letter, very fine copy in full leva\rtf morocco gilt, g, c. London, 1612. 12 12s 1613 A.D. [488] A TRUE DECLARATION of the Arrivall of Cornelius Haga (with others that accompanied him) Ambassadour for the generall States of the United Netherlands, at the great Citie of Constantinople. Together with the Entertainement unto them given, by the Turke, when they came to his Palace, and what Priviledges were by him granted unto the said united Provinces. And also, The Copie of certaine Letters, sent unto the said Slates of the Netherlands, from Constantinople. Faithfully translated out of the Dutch Copie. 29 pp., small, 4to, half calf gilt. London, Printed for Thomas Archer, 1613. 10 10s 1614 A.D. [489] RADZIVILL (N. C.). Jerosolymitana Peregrinatio. Engraved Frontispiece. Folio, boards. Antwerp, 1614. 2 18s MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. 171 The Near East continued. 1617 A.D. [490] MORYSON (Fynes). An Itinerary, containing his Ten Veered Travell through the Twelve Dominions of Germany, Bohmerlandj Switzerland, Netherland, Denmarke, Poland, Italy, Turkey, France, England, Scotland, and Ireland FIRST EDITION. Folio. Fine copy in original calf. London, 1617. 7 18s * * * The first part supplies a journal of his travels through Europe, Scotland, and Ireland, with plans of the chief cities, full descriptions of their monuments, "as also the rates of hiring coaches and horses from place to place with each day s expenses for diet, horse- meat, and the like." The second part is a history of Tyrone s rebellion, replete with invalu able documents of state, and authentic details respecting the English forces engaged. The third part consists of essays on the advantages of travel, on the geography of various countries of Europe, and on their differences in national costume, character, religion, and constitutional practice. Moryson is a sober and truthful writer. He delights in statistics respecting the mileage of his daily journeys and the varieties in the values of the coins he encountered. His descrip tions of the inns in which he lodged, of the costume and the food of the countries visited, render his work invaluable to the social historian. 1619 A.D. [491] BEAUVAU (Baron Henry). Relation Joumaliere du Voyage du Levant faict et deer it par haut et puissant Seigneur Henry de Beauvau, reveu, augmentee et enrichy par 1 autheur de pourtraicts des lieux les plus remar- quables. With many engravings. 4to, vellum. Nancy, -par Jacob, Garnich, 1619. 10 ICs Brunet : " Edition la plus recherchee de cet.te relation." Beauvau travelled to Datonatia, Albania. Greece, Cyprus, Palestine, and Egypt. Fine copy. 1628 A.D. [492] ROBSON (Charles). Newes from Aleppo. A Letter written to T. V. B. of D. Vicar of Cockfield in Southsex. Containing many remarkable occurrences observed by him in his journey thither. 19 pp., small 4to, half calf. London, Printed for M. S., 1628. 5 5s 1633 A.D. [493] BUSBECK (A. G.) Omnia quae extant. I2mo, original calf. Ley den, ex officina Elzeviriana, 1633. 10S 6d Willems 380. First collective edition of the letters of the celebrated diplomat and traveller, referring entirely to Turkey. 172 MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. The Near task continued. 1635 A,D. [494] CRIMESTON (Edward). The History of the Serrail, and of the Court of the Grand Seigneur, Emperour of the Turkes. Wherein is seene the Image of the Othoman Greatnesse, A Table of humane passions, and the Examples of the inconstant prosperities of the Court : followed by The His tory of the Court of the King of China. Written in French, by the Seigneur Michael Baudier of Languedoc. Translated by E. G. 248 pp., small 4to, morocco, g. e. London, 1635. 1Qi 10S 1640-68 A.D. MANUSCRIPTS. [495] RELAZIONE del Bailaggio di Constantinople del Cavalier Aloise Contarmi dal 1636 sin 1 anno 1640. Guerra fra Turchi e Persiani 1587 di Gio Micheli. Diario del N. H. Aloise Molin, Gentilhomme invitto a Constantinople 1668. CLEARLY WRITTEN MANUSCRIPT in 6 vols., 4to, boards. 1640-1668. 10 10s COLLECTION or THK WRITINGS OF VARIOUS ITALIAN HISTORIANS, RELATING TO CONSTANTINOPLE AND THE OTTOMAN EMPIRK. 1654 A.D. [496] CUSPINIAN (Joannes). De Turcarum origine, religione, ac immanissima eorum in Christianos tyrannide; deque viis per quas Christian i Principes Turcas profligarei et invadere facile possent. Ley den, Jo. Mairc t 1654. VOET (Paul). De Duellis licitis et illicitis. Utrecht, 1646 The two works bound in one volume. I2mo, original calf. 18s 1664 A.D. [49/1 QUICLET. Les voyages de M. Quiclet a Constantinople par terre, enrichis d Annotations par le Sieur P.M.L. I2mo, calf. Paris, 1664. 1 10s First Edition. The author started, from Venice in 1657 and travelled via Kagusa, Bosija Serai, Belgrad, Adrianople to Constantinople. 1674 A.D. [498] SMITH (Thomas). Epistola de mortbus ac institutis Turcarum oui annectitur brevis Constantinopoleos notitia. 2 vols. in i, 8vo, original calf. Oxford, 1674. 16s PLATE XXXIII. S3 7 v^/3^10^ -1 PLATE XXXIV. cc w tz O P i-5 C t-H MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35 , Conduit Street, London, W. 173 The Near East continued. 1675 A.D. [499] MAIMBOURG. Histoire des Croisades pour la Delivrance de la Terre Sainte. With numerous vignettes and the engraved frontispiece. 4to, calf. Presentation copy with the author s signed inscription to Joachim de Dreux de Breze, Abbe du Folgoet, and ivith his Arms on the sides Paris, 1675. 1 5 S 1680 A.D, [500] FOX (G.). To the Great Turk, and his King at Argiers. To gether with A Postcript of George Pattison s taking the Turks, and setting them on their own Shoar. Small 4to, boards. London , 1680. 2 10s 1684 A.D, [501] NUOVA, e yerissima relations del la gran scorreria, Che hanno fatto nel Paese del Turco i due Principi, Giosafat, et il principe Steffano Ting- hil, Con la presa di tre gran Fortezze di Habeleh, Zerbit, & Gezan de Bure. Con la morte di cento milla Turchi tagliant a pezzi. 4 pp., small 4to, wrappers. Livorno, 1684. 2 2s 1685 A.D. [502] DISTINTA relazione delfa Presa delta citta di Cassovia all armi Imperiali Comandate dal Sig. Marescial Caprara, Seuita li 25. Ottobre 1685. Ed acquisto di Zolnoch, et altri Luoghi di la dal Tibisco, Colla prigionia del Ribelle Tekeli seguita in Varadino, e trasmesso incatenato da quel Bassa in C ost ant inop ol i . 4pp., small 4to, vellum. Bologna, 1685. 2 2S 1803-4 A.D. [503] MAYER (Luigi). Views in Palestine, from Original Drawings. With an Historical and Descriptive Account of the Country, and its Remarkable Places. Views in the Ottoman Empire. With some curious selections from The Islands of Rhodes and Cyprus, and the Celebrated Cities of Corinth, Carthage, and Tripoli : from the Original Drawings in the possession of Sir R. Ainslie, taken during his Embassy to Constantinople. With historical Observations a.nd incidental Illustrations of the Manners and Customs of the Natives of the Country. Illustrated with 48 magnificent aquatint plates in colour. Together iin i vol., folio, half calf. London, 1803-4. 4 10s :/4 MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. PART IV. EARLY GEOGRAPHICAL WORKS. 1472 A.D. WITH THE FAMOUS " WORLD MAP " OF 1472. PRINTED BY THE FIRST PRINTER AT AUGSBURG. [504] ISIDORUS HISPALENSIS, Etymologiarum libri XX. Roman Letter, 38 long lines to a full page. Capital spaces, with guide- letters, spaces also for Greek words in text. Capitals supplied in red. With 3 full-page woodcuts, one in the shape of a spider (folded), and the famous " World Map " and other woodcut diagrams. Folio, old oak boards covered with stamped pigskin. (Augsburg), Giinther Zainer , igth Novzmber, 1472. 75 Haiti *9273. Procter 1532. Schreiber 4266. British Museum Catalogue, Vol. II., p. 317. This is said by Hain to) be the first book printed in Roman letters in Germany with a date. An extremely interesting book not only for its scientific encyclopedic contents and its famous World-Map, but also for its typographical peculiarities. " Some of the pages of this book have uneven line-endings, and many are set crookedly. Apparently two pages were printed at a time. In the new monograph of Dr. Schramm (192<>> entirely devoted to the woodcuts of Giinther Zainer of Augsburg, there are exact reproductions of the four woodcuts, namely of the " Stemma stirpis humaime/ " Arbor consanguinitatis." " the Arbor Affinitatis " and " the World-Map." ONLY 4 COPIES OF THIS IMPORTANT SCIENTIFIC BOOK IN U.S.A. (ACCORDING TO CENSUS). 1475 A.D. A MAGNfFICENT COPY OF THE FIRST EDITION OF PTOLOMY, 1475. [505] PTOLEMAEUS (Claudius). Ccsmographia. (Translated into Latin by Jacobus Angelus of Scarparia, and edited by Angelus Vadius and Barnabas Picardus of Vicenza.) Roman Letter. Red and blue initial letters painted. Woodcut diagrams Small folio, original vellum. Vicenza, Hermann Lichtenstein, i$th September, 1475. 135 Hain *13536. Proctor 7139. Eames-Sabin No. 6646!!. This is the! famous first edition of Ptolemy s Geography. A book that was so popular that more than a score of editions were published in the hundred years following its first appearance. No maps were issued with this the First Edition. This is the first book printed by Hermann Lichtenstein, and is one of the earliest book* printed at Vicenza, where printing commenced in Spring 1474. A magnificent copy with thei widest possible margins. ONLY 7 LIBRARIES IN U.S.A. POSSESS COPIES (ACCORDING TO CENSUS). MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35 , Conduit Street, London, W. 175 Early Geographical Works continued. 1475 A.D. FIRST EDITION OF PTOLOMY, 1475. [506] PTOLEMAEUS (Claudius). Cosmographia. (In Latin.) Another Copy. Small folio, original vellum (text stained}. Vicenza, Hermann Lichtensteir. , i^th September, 1475. 95 Hain *13536. Proctor 7139. 1475 A.D. COMPENDIUM OF GEOGRAPHICAL KNOWLEDGE OF THE GREEKS AND ROMANS. [507] SOLINUS (Caius Julius). De mirabilibus mundi. Roman Letter, 26 long lines to a full page. Capital spaces. 4to, vellum (title remargined]. (Rome, Johannes Schurener, dc Bopardia about 1475.) 21 EDITIO PRINCEPS. Hain *14874. Proctor 3490. British Museum Catalogue, VoJ. IV., p. 59. This work is better known under the name Polyhistor, it is divided into 50 chapters and is a Compendium of the Geographical knowledge of the Greeks and Romans. ONLY 2 COPIES TX U.S.A. (ACCORDING TO CENSUS). 1477-85 A.D. THE EARLIEST ATLAS OF THE MEDITERRANEAN. [508] BARTOLOMMEO DA LI SONETTI (Zamberto) Isolario. FIRST EDITION, Black Letter, 56 leaves, long lines, containing 49 remarkable full and double-page woodcut maps of the Islands of the Mediter ranean, coloured by a contemporary hand. 4to, crimson morocco, t. e. g,, s. n. (Venice, Gulielmus of Piarcterreto, called Amtna mia, not before 1477 nor after 1485). (SEE ILLUSTRATION, PLATE No. XXXV.). 25 Hain 2538 and 14890. Proctor 5107. Small worm holes in a few leaves, first leaves -stained and several maps shaved at head, a few leaves repaired. An exceedingly rare and valuable book, both on account of its being an early specimen of poetry in Italian and as the earliest Atlas of the Mediterranean. The date should be before 1485, as the elaborate crypto gram at the beginning gives the name of the then reigning Doge (Giovanne Mocenigo) whose period was from 1447 to 1485 according to Di^bdin (Aedes Althorp II., No. 1305), the book was published, about 1477. Panizzi (BiblLotheea Grenvilliana) thought it appeared from 1478 to 1485. Both may be correct according to the cryptogram. Brunet emphasises the excessive rority of the book. ONLY 2 COPIES IN U.S.A. 1 76 MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. Early Geographical Works continued. 1478 A.D. [509] plONYSIUS AFER (Alexandrinus). Cosmographia; de situ orbis habitabilis Antonii Bechariae traductio. Roman Letter, 26 long lines to a full page. Printed in red and black, with handsome woodcut initial letters. 4to, vellum. Venice, 1478. 18 18s Hain *6227. Proctor 4137. Pellechet 4294. Fine Copy. 1478 A.D. ON ASTROLOGY AND COSMOGRAPHY. [510] SACROBUSTO [(Johannes de); John Holywood of Halifax.] Opus sphaericum. Accedit Gerardi Cremonensis Theorica Planetarum. Roman Letter, 25 lo ng lines to a full page. With numerous astronomical woodcuts (coloured) and very pretty floreate ornamental capitals. Venice, Franz Renner , 1478. 14 14s Hain *14103. Proctor 4175. 1480 A.D. FIRST BOOK PRINTED AT TREVISO BY JOHANNES RUBEUS. [511] STRABO (Gnosius). Ceographiae lifori XVII. Roman Letter, 39 long lines to a full page. Folio, old vellum. (Treviso], Johannes Rubeus, 2&th August, 1480. 52 10s Hain-Copinger *15089. Voullieme (Berlin) 3612. Proctor 6493. 1482 A.D. [512] POMPONIUS MELA. Cosmographia sive De situ Orbis. Una cum Pnsciani ex Dionysio Thessalonicensi de situ Orbis interpretatione. Black Letter, long lines, 30 to a full page. Rubric on first leaf of text printed in red. With very interesting woodcut map of the World on first leaf verso, with 2 large and 5 smaller woodcut ornamental capitals. 4to, half morocco, g. e. Venice, Erhard Ratdolt, \Wi July, 1482. (SEE ILLUSTRATION, PLATE No. XXXVI.). 52 IOs Hain *11019. Proctor 4385. Essling 274. A FINE COPY OF A WORK VALUABLE FOR THE EARLY HISTORY OF GEOGRAPHY. " In thlS edition by the use of smaller gothic types and broader type-page, Ratdolt was able to add the treatise of Dionysius to that of Mela within the same number of leaves as he had used for the" Mela alone in 1478. The text is preceded by a woodcut map of the world, displayed as if hung on the wall of a room of which four of the ornamental pillars and part of the ceiling are shown. Above the map is a blank shield, and above this, touching the ceiling, floral festoons. Along the wall, divided by the shield, is the inscription: Novellae etati acl geographic umiculatos oalles humano viro necessarios flores aspirati votu beneinoreti ponit. " MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. 177 Early Geographical Works continued. 1488 A.D. WITH WOODCUTS PRINTED IN COLOURS. [513] SACROBUSTO [(Johannes de), or John Holy wood.] Sphera Muntfi. Roman Letter, printed in red and black. 3 5 long lines to a page, with two fine full-page woodcuts, and numerous wooodcutdiagrams and printer s device. 4to, vellum. Venice, Hieronymus de Sanctis, with Johann Lucilius Santritter y %ist March, 1488. 25 Main *1 4112. Proctor 5183. Essling 260 Fine Copy. " With a fine frontispiece representing Astronomia enthroned between Vrania musa ooelestis and Ptoleniaeus princeps astroiiomor (praised by Dr. Lippmann as not unworthy to have been executed after some design of the elder Bellini ) and numerous diagrams, some of them printed in black, yellow, and red, some pictorial, e.g., those illustrating the Radius visualis and Vmbra perpendicularis. As was pointed out by the Prince d Essling the verses in praise of the printers distinctly assert that the invention of the designs was Santritter s, and the cutting by Hieronymus de Sanctis. Whether Santritter may be credited on this evidence with the design of the frontispiece is perhaps doubtful. The identification of his temporary partner as a woodcutter is the more interesting since besides, this he issued other illustrated books, a Fiore di virtu with a frontispiece of a rather grim-looking Friar in a GaTrden, the important edition of the Meditatione sopra la passione di Cristo, in which some of the blocks of the early Venetian blockbook reappear slightly cut doAvn (this with a certain Cornelius ), and in this same year 1488, and also with Santritter, the De ente et essentiis of Thomas Aquinas, with a fine cut of a boy and a burning-glass." A. W. Pollard. Catalogue of Early Italian Books in the Library of C. W. Dyson Perrins. In addition to the diagrams printed in red, black, and yellow, a few are coloured by hand. ONLY 3 COPIKS IN* U.S.A. (ACCORDING TO CENSUS). 1490 A.D. WITH SCIENTIFIC WOODCUTS, SOME PRINTED IN COLOURS. [514] SACROBUSTO [(Joannes de); John Holywood, of Halifax.] Sphaera mundi. Roman Letter, 41 long lines to a full page. With publisher s device printed in red. With full-page Venetian woodcut of Astronomia, Urania and Ptolemy, and numerous diagrams printed in red, black and yellow. 4to, vellum. Venice (Bonetus Locatellus [for Octavianus Scotus\ ^th October , 1490). 25 Hain *14113. Proctor 5023. Essling 261. ONLY 9 LIBRARIES IN* U.S.A. POSSESS COPIES (ACCORDING TO CENSUS). i;8 MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. Eariy Geographical Works continued. 1490 A.D. THE ROME PTOLEMY OF 1490 WITH METAL ENGRAVED MAPS. [515] PTOLEMAEUS. Cosmographia iatine interprete Jaccbo Angelo ex emend, Domitii Calderim. 53 lines to a page. Roman Letter, double columns, with 27 beautifully engraved copperplate maps. A few pages stained by the damp and some pages repaired. 2 vols. in I, folio, sealskin, g. e. Rome, Petrus de Turre, tfh November > 1490. 52 Hain-Copinger *13541. Proctor 3966. This is the Second Issue of the First Edition with Maps (the first issue with maps appeared in 1478). The finely engraved maps are the work of Oonrad Svveynheym and Arnold Buckinck. They include a World Map, 10 maps of Europe, 4 of Africa, and 12 of Asia. The text of this rare edition which contains the metal engraved maps of the 1478 edition begins with the Kegistrum Alphbeticum and ends with " De locis ae iniraMUibus niimdi." Only 10 libraries in U.S.A. possess copies of this fine book. 1491 A.D. [516] AENEAS SYLVIUS, Piccolommi; Pope Pius II. In Europam. Black Letter, 33 long lines to a full page. Capital spaces. 4 to, vellum. (Memmmgen, Albrecht Kunne, not after March, 1491.) 12 12s Haiii *258. British Museum Catalogue, Vol. III., p. 605. Pellechet 179. Proctor 2781. Vmillieme (Berlin) 1616. "Bishop Otto oi Coivstan.cc. to whom the book is dedicated, died on 19th or 21st March. 1491." 1494 A.D. [517] STRABO (Gnosius). De situ orbis libri XVII e graeco traducti Crag* typhernale ac Cuarino Veronense interpretibus. Roman Letter, 6r long lines to a full page. Venice, Johannes Rubens, 2th January, 1494. Not in Hain. Copmger 5661. No copy in British Museum or in Bodleian Library. ONLY 1 COPY IN U.S. A (ACCORDING TO CENSUS). Bound up with : JUST1NUS (Marcus Junianus) and FLORUS. Gestorum Romanorum Epithoma. Roman Letter, 59 long lines to a full page. With signatures. (Venice, Johannes Rubens, 1494-95). Both books bound in one vol. Folio. Old Monastic binding of oak boards half covered with white pigskin. From the Monastery at Waiblmgen. 14 14s H;un *0654. Proctor 5139. MAGGS BROS., 34 35, Conduit Street, London, W. .179 Early Geographical Works continued. 1494 A.D. [518] STRABO (Gnosius). De situ orbis libri XVII e graeco tracfucti Greg. Typhernale ao Guarino Veronense interpretibus. Roman Letter, 61 long lines to a full page. Marginalia. Capital spaces. Folio, vellum. (Venice], Johannes (Rubens], 24/7? April, 1494. 1010s Haiii 15090. Proctor 5135. 1495 A.D. [519] MELA (Pomponius). Cosmographia sou de situ, orbis. Roman Letter, 27 long lines to a full page. Woodcut initial letters. 4to, vellum. (Venice, Christopher us de Pensis, about 1495). 12 12s Hain *11013. Proctor 5259. 1498 A.D. [520] SO LIN US. De memoralibus mundi. Black Letter, 40 lines to a full page. Capital spaces, with guide-letters. I 4to, vellum. Venice, Johannes Rubeus, loth March, 1498. 10 10s Ha in ;:; U-885. Proctor 5146. No copy in Ihe Bodleian Library. 1498 A.D. [521] PAUSANIAS HISTORICUS. Atticae description Auctores Vctus- tissirni (Myrsilius Lesbius, de origine Italiae et Turrenorum. M. Porcius Cato, de origine gentium et urbium Italicarum. Archilochus, de temporibus. Metas- thenes, de Judicio Temporum et Annalium Persarum. Philonis, Breviarum de Temporibus. Antoninus Pius. Itinerarium. Berosus. Manethon, etc.). Roman Letter, 29 long lines to a full page. Venice, Bernardinus de Vitalibus, 1498. Hain 12527. Copmger 724. Proctor 5527. Bound up with: PAUSANIAS HISTORICUS. Domitius Calderinus e Graeco traduxit. Roman Letter, 3 1 long lines to a full page. Hain 12526. Proctor 5613. Bound up with: POMPONIUS LACTUS. Romanae Historiae. Roman Letter, 28 long lines to a full page. Venice, Bernardinus de Vitalibus, iith December, 1500. Hain *9831. Proctor 5537. Bound up with: SOUNDS. De memoralibus mundi. Roman Letter. Venice, 1493. The four works in I volume, 4to, russia gilt. 14 148 Hain *14881. Proctor 5116. i So MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. Early Geographical Works continued. 1499 A.D. [522] DIONYSIUS AFER, SEU PERIEGETA. Cosmographia, sen de situ orbis. Roman Letter, 40 long lines to a full page. Printed marginalia. Fine printer s device of J. Petit on title. 4to, boards. Paris, Georg Wolf and Thielmann Kerver, for Jean Petit, 22nd June, 1499. 5 5S Hain *6230. Pellechet 4296. Proctor 8384. ONLY 3 COPIES IN U.S.A. (ACCORDING TO CENSUS). 1500 A.D. WITH THE CURIOUS WORLD-MAP. [523] MACROBIUS (Aurelius Theodosius). In Somnium Scipionis ex- positionis et Saturnalia. Roman Letter, 45 long lines to a full page. With a fine ornamental wood cut, a curious large map of the world and mathematical diagrams. Capital spaces, with guide-letters. Folio, vellum. Venice, Philippus Pincius, 2Qth October, 1500. 10 10s Hain *10430. Proctor 5326. No copy in the British Museum. ONLY 3 COPIES IN U.S.A. (ACCORDING TO CENSUS). 1503 A.D. [524] SOLINUS. De memorabiiibus Mundi. Diligenter annotatus & indici alphabetico prenotatis. With Jean Petit s fine woodcut device on title. 8vo, half bound. Paris, Jean Petit (1503). 3 3s 1512 A.D. [525] HYCINUS. De Mundi et Sphere ao Utriusque Partium Dedara- tione cum Planetis et Variis Ssgnis Histcriatis. With fine large woodcut on title page, numerous woodcuts of the signs of the zodiac and the planets, etc. 4to, half vellum. Venice, Sessa, 1512. 4 10s PLATE XXXV. From BAETOLOMMEO UAI.LI SOXETTI ISOLAKIO Circa. 1477. (The First Atlas of the Mediterranean). See Item "No. 508. MAGGS BIOS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. 181 Eariy Geographical Works continued. 1526 A.D. [526] JOANNES DE SACROBUSTO [(John Holy wood), an Englishman.] Opusculum de Sphera Mundi Joannis de Sacrobusto; cum additionibus; et familiarissimo commcntario Petri Cirueli Darocensis; nunc recenter correctis a suo autore; intersertis etiam egregiis questionibus domini Petri de Aliaco. Black and Roman Letter, double columns, title within fine woodcut border, fine woodcut of the "Sphere" on reverse of title within woodcut border, repeated on last leaf, numerous woodcut diagrams and initial letters. Folio, calf. Alcala de Hettarcs, Michaelis de Eguia, 1526. 10 10s Salva 3812. Magnificent copy of the first Spanish edition of the Englishman, John Holy wood s famous treatise on the Sphere. Salva calls it " Hermosa eclicion." 1538 A.D. [527] SO LIN US. Rerum toto Orbe Memorabilium thesaurus. Pomponii Melae de situ orbis. With the famous folding woodcut map. Folio, original vellum. Basel, 1538. 3 3s 1556 A.D. [528] FRIZON (Gemma). Los Principes d Astronomic et Cosmograpliie, avec 1 usage du Globe; plus est adjouste 1 usage de 1 anneau Astronomic, et 1 exposition de la Mappemonde; mis en langue Francois par Claude de Boissiere. Numerous woodcuts and diagrams. Small 8vo, original vellum. Paris, 1556. 1 IDS 1565 A.D. [529] MAGNUS (Olaus). Historia dalle genti et della natura delle cose settentrionali. Novamente tradotta in lingua Toscana. With numerous woodcuts, and the famous copperplate engraving of the Map of Scandinavia and Northern Europe. Folio, half vellum. Venice, Giunti, 1565. 21 Excellent copy of a fine book. THE FIRST ITALIAN TRANSLATION OF OLAUS MAGNUS. 182 MAGGS BROS., 34 & 35, Conduit Street, London, W. Early Geographical Works continued. 1567 A.D. [530] MAGNUS (Glaus). Historia de gentium Septentrionafium, de morum rituum, superstitionum, exercitiorum, diver sitate etc. With numerous woodcuts and fine large folding map of Scandinavia and Northern Europe. Small thick folio, old calf. Basel, 1567. 10 10s 1664 A.D. [531] VARENIUS (Bernhard). Cecgraphica generalis, in qua affec- tiones generates tellures explicantur. With frontispiece and maps. 8vo, crimson morocco extra, with elegant gilt line scrolls, gilt and gauffered edges painted with flowers, by Bardef and Boy Ian. Amsterdam, Elzevir, 1664. 5 5s Will ems 1330. 1690 A.D. [532] INTRODUCTIO AD CEOCRAPHIAM; De Sphaera, etc. Original manuscript clearly written, 103 pp. Small 8vo, original calf. (At end " Finis Geographia, datae anno Domini 1690.") 10s 6d INDICES. (I.) Authors and Titles. Account of the Proceedings of Inhabitants of Quebec, 1775 No. 195 Aoosta (Joseph de) East and West Indies, 1604 65 Acosta (Nicholas de) Breve Relacioii del Martiro del F. M. Mastrillo, 1638 ... 348 Aeneas Sylvius, In Europam, 1491 516 Albertini (F. de) Mirabilibus Nova & Veteris Urbis Romae, 1510 13 ditto, 1515 19 Alvarez (F.) Noticia de las Colonias Ingleses en la America, 1778 218 Alvarez y Tejero (L. P.) Resena historica de China, 1857 416 America (North) Map, 1786 229 Andrade (Antonio) Nuevo descubrimiento del Gran Cathayo, 1627 341 - Segunda Carta, 1628 343 Andre (Major) see Smith (J. H.) Annua de Japon de anno 1618 (Manuscript) 338 \ - ditto, 1622 (Manuscript) 338B Antiquitatee Americanae, 1837 293 Apian (Peter) Cosmographicus, 1529, 1545, 1574, 1575 27, 37, 57, 58 Argensola (B. L. de) Conquista de las Isdas Malucas, 1609 330 Authentic Narrative of Expedition under Generals Crawfurd and Whitelocke, 1808, 251 Atlantic Neptune (plates from), 1778 216 Atlas Geographus, 1711-17 133 Bacqueville de la Potherie, Historie de PAmerique Septentrionale, 1722 140 Balthassar de Medina (Fr.) Vida, Martyrio, y beatificacion de San Felipe de Jesus, 1683 374 Baltasar de Torres (Fr.) Martyrio en Japon, 1631 346 Barbe-Marbois (M.) Corn-plot d f Arnold, 1816 263 Barreda (Joseph) Memorial que &l P. Pro vincial de Paraguay preseiito, 1753 ... 170 Barreto (F.) Relacam da Brasil 99 Barri (C.) Cochin-China, 1633 347 Bartolachi (J. J.) Opusculo Guadalupano, 1790 234 Bartolommeo (J.) Tsolario, 1485 508 Ba&tos (A.) Descobrimento da India, 1860 ... 419 Batista de Lanuxa (M.) Estado de la per- seguida Iglesia del Xapon, 1639 349 Beauclerk (Lord C.) Views of Military Oper ations in Canada, 1840 209 Beauvau (Henry) Relation du Voyage du Levant, 1619 491 Benson (Rev. M., Bp. Gloucester) Mission ary Sermon, 1740 153 A Boutham (J.) Canada, Emancipate your Colonies, 1838 294 Bentley (C.) Views in Guiana, 1841 300 Bergomas (J. P.) Chronicarum, 1506, 1513 ... 10, 18 Berkeley (Rev. G.) Missionary Sermon, 1732 147 \ Beverley (R.) Virginia, 1722 141 Bicldiam (G.) British Monarchy, 1748 ... 161 Biondo (M. A.) De Navigatione, 1546 38 Blan chard (P.) and Dauzats (A.) San Juan de Ulua, 1839 297 Boemus (J.) Omnium Gentium Mores, 1542 35 - I Costumi, 1585 59u Bootliby (R.) Discovery of Madagascar, 1646 93 Bordone (B.) Isolario, 1537 31 Bossu (M.) Travels through N. America, 1771 193 Boston, Plan of Battle of Bunker s Hill. 1775 203 Boturini Benaduci (L.) Nueva Historia de la America Septentrional, 1746 158" INDICES Continued. (I.) AUTHORS AND - TITLES Continued. Bradbury (J.) Travels in Interior of America, 1817 265 Bradford (Rev. S. Bp. of Carlisle) Mission ary Sermon, 1720 139.* Brandt (S.) Stultifera Navis, 1498 7 - (in Dutch), 1610 68 Bray (Rev. T.) Acts of Dr. Bray s Visita tion, 1700 121 - Memorial of State of Religion, 1700 ... 125 Brazil; Various MS. Documents and Letters, 1644 to 1780 90A, 9lA, 93A, 98A, 99A, 100A, 110A, 120A, 151A, 192A, 202A, 202s, 219A Breydenbach (Bde.) Grant Voyage de Hieru- ealem, 1522 463 Burke (E.) Speech for Conciliation with Colonies, 1775 196 Busbeck (A. G.) Omnia quae extant, 1633 .. 493 Buzeta (M.) De las Filipinas, 1850 414 Campbell (Capt. D.) Narrative of Ship wreck, 1796 400 Caoursin, Historia von Rhodis, 1513 46 1 . Carinichael-Smith (Sir J.) Precis of Wars in Canada 308 Carolina, Map, 1775 201 Attack 011 Fort Sullivan, 1776 211 Cartas que los Padres Hermanos escrivieron de Japon, 1575 316 Carvajal (B.) Oratio ad Alexandrum VII., 1493 1 Carver (J.) Travels through N. America, 1778 217 Castner (G.) Relatio Sepulturae S. Francisco Xaverio, 1700 379A Catrou (F. F.) Mogol Empire, 1709, 1715 381, 386 Centeno (A.) Historia del Oriente, 1595... 321 Chalmers (G.) Political Annals of United Colonies, 1780 220 Cbarlevoix (F. Xavier cle) Paraguay. 1756... 173 (P. de) Voyage to N. America, 1761... 179 Charts of South American Coast, 1752... 169 Chaves (J.) Chronographia, 1580 59A Chronicorum Turcicorum, 1578 479 Churchyarde (T.) Discourse of Queenes Entertainment, 1579 59 Claclera (C.) Investigaciones Historicas, 1794 : 238 Clarkson (T.) Improving Condition of Slaves, 1823 270 Clement X. (Pope) Bulla . . . del Peru, 1735 151 Clement (Claude) Tablas Chronologicas 11") Clinton (Sir H.) Narrative, 1783 225 | Clodore (J. de) Relation de la Guerre avec TAng-leterre, 1671 103 : Coke (H. J.) Ride over Rocky Mountains. 1852 804 Coldeii (C.) Five Indian Nations, 1747, 1755... 159, 172 Coles (Capt. C.) Drawings of Brazil, etc. 391 Columbus (Christopher) Epistola (Tho Second Letter of Columbus), 1494 4 Second Voyage 74 Columbus (Fernando) Historie . . Rela- tione della Vita de Christoforo Colombo. 1614, 1676 70, 106 Combes (Rev. F.) Historia de las Isles de Mindanao, 1667 361 - Re-issue by Retana, 1897 862 Commelins (I.) Collection of Voyages, 1646... 854 Compendio de alguas Cartes .... China. Japan and Brazil, 1598 6;} Contarini (A.) Relazione del Barlaggio de Constantinople, 1640 495 Cooper (T.) Correspondence re Slaves. 1824... 274 - Facts re Slaves. 1824 275 Letter to Hibbert, 1824 8f76 Copia de Carta del Rev de la China, 1712. 1748 382, 39i Cordova (D. de) Vida de Francisco Solano. 1643 90 - (Pedro de) Doctrina Cristiano para Instrucion de lo,s Indios, Memco, 1544 36 Comwallis (Earl) Answer to Sir Henry Clinton, 1783 S2 Cortes (Fernando) Carta tercera, 1523 22 La quarta relacion, 1525 24 La Preclara Narratione, 1524 23 Cosmographiae Introductio, 1507 11 Cotton (Rev. J.) Keyes of Heaven, 1644 ... 91 Coubo (B.) Dialogo de la Pmtura en Mexico 1872 812 Coverte (Capt. R.) True . . . Report of an Englishman, 1612 332 Cuspinian (J.) De Turcarum Orig me, 165*,.. 496 Dantiny (M.) Dialogos, Agricultura In diana, 1746 15P, Darell (J.) Strange Newes from Indies. 1652 956 Dartnell (G. R.) Shipwreck of " Premier/ 1845 301 De Adeptione Constantinopolitane, 1501... 4(10 Debate in H. of Commons on Slaves, 1824 277 S Continued. (I.) AUTHORS AND TITLES Continued. De Beauohainp (A.) Histoire tlu Bresil, 1815 260 De Bry s Voyages America, pars vii., 1599 63A - Indiae, pars v. et vi., 1601-4 325 - pars vii, et viii, 160(5-7 328 Defoe (D.) Voyages of Capt. Roberts, 1726... 146 Deslandes (A. D.) Beautez de la Perse, 1673 368 De Soils (A.) Conquest of Mexico, 1724... 143 De Veer (G.) Vier eerste Schip-Vaerden, 1663 102 Dialogue, Director of New East-India Co., 1699 379 Diaz del Castillo (B.) Coiiquista de la Nueva Eepana, 1632 85, 86 Diego de Pantoja, Relaciim dos Padres en la China, 1605 327 Diereville (M.) Voyage de la Nouvelle France, 1708 131 Dionysius Afer (A.) Cosinographia, 1478. 1499 v 509, 522 Distinta relazione, 1685 502 Doenas (F. de) Declaration de la Visit a del Tobacco, 1680 107A Donne (John) Sermon to Virginia Company, 1622 77 Dousa (G.) Itinere suo Constantinopolitano, 1599 484 Du Halde (J. B.) Empire of China, 1738-41... 393 Du Jarric (J.) Indes Orientales, 1608-14 66, 329 Dunkin (C.) Address to Legislative of Canada, 1853 306 Dupaix (Capt.) Antiquities Mexicaines, 1834-6 290 Durham (W. T.) Subaltern s Life in Madras, I860 420 East India Sugar, 1824 278 Eastern Anecdotes, 1799 401 Enciso (M. F. de) Suma de Geographia, 1519 ....... 21 Eiitinck (J.) Late War, 1763 .... l83 Esquemeling (J.) Bucaniers of America, 1684-5 H, Ettinghausen (M. L.) Harsa Vardhana 1906 421 Euclid in Chinese, 1857 431 Eul Ya Yan Thou (Chinese Encyclopedia). 1801 ; 402 Eusebius Chronicon, 1512 16 Exacta relacion de los Espanoles de las Islas Filipinas, 1735 392 Faria y Sousa (M. de) Imperio de la China, 1731 390 Favolius (H.) Theatri Orbis Ten-arum, 1585 M Felipe de Jesus, Vida y Martyrio. See Balthassar cle Medina. Felipe de Toledo (Fr.) Relacion de Fe Catholica en Cochin-China, 1734 391 Fernandez de San Salvador (A. P.) Lo Jesuitas quitados y restituidos al Mundo, 1816 216 Forrest (Lieut.-Col.) Picturesque Tour of Ganges, 1824 405 Fox (G.) To the Great Turk, 1680 500 Fraiick (S.) Dat Wereltboeck, 1562 52 Frikius (C.) Hesse (E.) and Schweitzer (C) Cost Indien, 1694 373 Frizon (G.) Cosmographie, 1556 528 Frobisher (Martin) A Welcome Home. See Churchyarde. Funes (G.) Historia del Paraguay, 1816... 264 Galiano (Don) Relacion del Viage para Reconocer el Estrecho de Fuca, 1802... 248 Galloway (Earl) Pamphlets on War for In dependence, 1777-81 214, 222, 923 Garces (Fr. G.) Relacion de la Persecucion en la Iglesia de Japon, 1625 340 Garcia (BarthoJome) Manual los Santos Sacrameiitos a los Indios, 1760... 178 Garcia (F.) Vida y martyrio de Diego Luis de Sanvitores, 1683 37r> Garcia (G.) Origen de los Indies del Nuevo Mundo, 1729 147 Garcilasso de la Vega, Origen de los fncas, 1722-3 U2 Georgievitz (B.) Origine Turcorum, 1560.. 472 - De Turcorum Moribus, 1568 475 Gerardo Vas (Fr.) Gustosa Relacion .... para Christiandad en Indias, China, y Japon, 1661 357 Gesta proxime per PortugaUenses in India , 1506 313 Gilliam (A. M.) Travels in Mexico, 1847... 302 Gillmore (Q. A.) Operations against Charles ton, 1865 310 Giuseppe (P.) Istoria delle guerre del Segno de Brasile, 1698 H9 5 120 Giuseppe di Santa Maria (Fr.) Prima Speditione .all Indie Orientali, 1666... 360 Goes (Damianus a) Imperio Preciosi Joannes, 1541 33 Gomara (Francisco Lopez de) Historia General de las Indias y Nuevo Mundo 1553 45 ditto, 1554 47 ditto, 1554-5 ^ INDICES Continued. (I.) AUTHORS AND TITLES Continued. Goneales dos Sanctos (Luiz) Memorias de Reino do Brazil, 1825 ?85 Gonsales de Mendoza (G.) Historia della China, 1586, 1595, 1596 6lA, 318, 322 Gonsalyes (J. A.) Vocabularum Latino- Sinicum, 1836 410 Gonzales de S. Pierre (Rev. F.) Relation de la nouvelle persecution de la Chine, 1714 385 Gonzalez Davila (G.) Teatro Eclesiastico de la Iglesia de los Indias, 1649-55 96 Gordon (W.) Independence of U.S.A., 1788... 231 Goulart (S.) Histoire de Portugal, 1587... P19 Goirvea (A. de) Innocentia Victrix, 1671 365A Grimeston (E.) East and West Indies, 1604 65 History of the Serrail, 1635 494 Guadarupe (A. de) Historia de la Santa Provincia de los Angelas, 1662 101 Gnazzo (M.) Histoire di tutti le chose degne de memorie, 1540 32 Guerrero (F.) Relacion Annual de India v Japon, 1604 3^6 - ditto, 1605 65\ Guinza (F.) Ultimas Noticia* de Has Misiones del Tunkin, 1860 418 Gurney (Joseph) Speech on Slaves, 1824... 280 Guzman (L. de) Historia de las Missiones en India, y China, y Japon, 1601 63B Hacke (:Wm.) Collection of Voyages, 1699 121 Hanson (E.) Captivity among Indians... 109 Hardy (Lieut. R. W. H.) Travels in Mexico, 1829 289 Hawkins (Sir Richard) Observations in h s Voyage, South Seas, 1622 75 Haython, Historiarum Orientis, 1529 ... 464 Hennepin (Louis) Voyage, 1704 127 Hernandez (F.) Quatro libros de los plantes uso de medecina en la Nueva Espana, 1615 71 Herrera (A. de) Novus Orbis, 1622 78 Heurta (F. de) Estado geografico . . . Islas Filipinas, 1855 415 Hickeringill (Capt.) Jamaica Viewed, 1705... 129 Hinman (R. R.) Blue Laws, 1838 ^5 Hirth (F.) China and Roman Orient, 1885 422A Hodgson (A.) Letter to Jean Baptiste Say, 1823 271 Hornius (G.) De Originibus Americanis, 1652 98 Hudson (Henry) Descriptio ac delineatis Geographica, 1612 60 Hudson s River, Plan of Army under Bur- goyne, 1780 22J Hulton (Thomas) Account of Proceedings of People of New England, MSS., 1768-75 188 Observations, MSS 188c Travels, MSS 188u Two Letter Books, MSS 138A Humboldt (A. de) Essai sur Nouvelle Espagne, 1.811 259 Huttich-Grynaeus, No\us Orbis. 1537 ...... 30 Hyginus, De Mundi et Sphere, 1512...... 525 Imlay (G.) Western Territory of N. America, 1792 237 Impartial! Appeal to People of Illinois, 1824... 279 Impartial History of War in America, 1780 210 Informatio pro Veritate, Canton, 1717... ?87A Innocent XI. (Pope) Bulla ... del Peru, 17,50 16f Introductio ad Geographiam, 1690 ......... 532 Iiifctruccion . . . govierno . . . de la Real Fae- toria de Tabaccos de Cuba, 1818...... ^67 Intelligence extraordinary from Boston, 1775 1W Isidorus Hispalensis, Etyniologiaruin, 1472... 504 Jackson (Rev. W.) Constitutions of In^e- pendent States of A., 1783 227 tlo.ma.ica, Account of Shooting Excursion., 1825 283 - Map of Island, 1763 184 James (W.) Chief Naval Occurrences of late War, 1817 266 Janson (C. W.) Stranger in America, 1807... ?*0 Japanese Grammar, MS. of Wylie, 1860... 457 Jarric (P. du) Histoire Indes Orientales, 1608-14 66. "9 Jefferys (T.) American Atlas, 1776 207* French Dominions in North and So uth America, 1760 176 Joannes de Hees, Itinerarius . . . Jherusa- lem, 1495 451) Johnson (Capt. C.) Highwaymen, 1734 ... 148 Jose de Vargas y Ponce (Capt.) Relacion . . . viage al Estrecho de Magallanes, 1788-93 fc Josselyn (J.) New England s Rarities, 1672... 104 INDICES Continued. (I.) AUTHORS AND TITLES Continued. rournal of Proceedings . . . Commissioners of - England and Holland relating to East India, 1674, MS 369 Tuan (J.) and Ullna (A. do) Dissertacioii Historiea, 1749 162 - Noticias secretas de America, 1826... 288 Tulien (S.) Resume des priiu-ipaux traites Chinois, 1837 411 Evaempfer (E.) Amoeiiitatum exoticarum, 1712 384 Kalm (P.) Travels into North America, 1772 m Keating (W. H.) Expedition to Source of St. Peter s River, 1825 2815 Keith (Sir W.) British Plantations in America, 1738 152 Keppel (G.) Journey from India, 1827 406, 407 Ker (John) Memoirs, 1726 14.-) Kienlong (Emperor) Khan i arakha Monk- den. 1748 39;, Kircher (A.) China Monunientis, 1667... 363 Knox (R.) Ceylon, 1681 373 Koeck (P.) Description de la Court du Grand Turc, 1533 465 Journey to Constantinople, 1533... 466 Kali Sung-taon, Journal translated fov Wylie, 1877 430 Koster (H.) Travels in Brazil, 1816 262 Labat (J. B.) Nouveau Voyage, 1724 141 Liidrou de Guevara (A.) Noticias . . . Pro- vincia de las Texas, Nuevas Philipinas. 1739 J5 3 Lamb (R.) Occurrences during American War, 180 J 254, 255 - Memoir of Life, 1811 255 La Salle (A. de) La Salade, 1527 2)5 Las Casas (B. de) American tracts, 1552-3... 41 - Relation des Voyages, 1698 118 Lavender (T.) Travels of Foure English men. 1612 487 Lawson (Rev. D.) Christ s Fidelity, 1704... 128 Leal de Castro (F.) Relacion Sincera ... do la justa defension de la Corona de Portu gal en Macao, 1712 383 Leon [Pinelo] (A. de) Tratato) . . . para las Indias Occidentals, 1630 83 Lettere diverse dalle Indie, 1579 .. ..317 Lewis and Clarke, Travels, 1809 ............ 256 Liancourt (Duke de la Rochefoucault) Travels, 1799 ................................... 2 47 Ligon (R.) Recueil de divers Voyages, 1674... 105 Long (J.) Voyages of Indian Interpreter, 1791 .................................................. 235 Long Island, Seat of Action, 1776 ............ 213 Loniwr (N.) Des Tiirckisdien Keysers, 1578 ......................................... ."......478 Lord s Prayer in a hundred languages, 1700 ................................................ 12S Louisiana, Map, 1718 ........................... i3,s Luillier (Le Sr.) Nmiveau Voyage aux Gran des Indes, 1726 ............. . .......... 389 (A. T.) In Somnium Scipionis, 1500 Madre de Dios ( G. da) Memorias . . . S. Paulo, Brazil, 1797 ........................... 245 Mahomed. Vitae. etc., 1550 ..................... 4(js Magnus tOlaus) Uistoria, 1565, 1567.. .529, 530 Alaimboung, Histoire des Craisades, 1675... 499 (Rev. Dr.) Letters . . . Affinity lan guage of Americans and ancient Britons 1744 ........... .................. 154 Mancano de Haro (M.) Marty rio 17 re- ligiosos en Japon, 1629 .................... . 344 Mandeville (Sir John) Voyages, 1722. 1725... 387, 388 Maneiro (J. A.) Do vitis aliquot Mexi- canorum, 1791-2 .............................. 236 Map of World in Chinese, 18iH) ............ 307.A Maps, Series of 18, 1760 ........................ 177 Marti (D.) Carta . . . Marterios y persecn- cion de la Mission, 1840 .................. 412 Martinez de la Puente (J.) Compendio de- los descubrimientos . . . India Oriental, 1681 .................................................. 372 Martinez (Rev. D.) Compendio Historico Missiones en Islas Philipines, 1756... 397 Martinez de Zuniga (J.) Historia de las Islas Philipinas, 1803 ..................... 404. Martyr (Peter) De Orbe Novo Decades 1511 1516, 1533, 1534, 1574 ...... 15, 20, 28, 29, 5^ Mayer (L.) Views in Palestine, 1803 ...... 503 Maximilianus Transylvanus, Epistle, 1542.. 3. . Medina (P. da) L Arte del Navegar, 1554, 155 r > ............................................. 49, 5(V INDICES Continued. (I.) AUTHORS AND TITLES Continued. Mela (P.) Cosmographia, 1482, 1495, 1498... 6, 512, 518 Menairno (D. A.) 1 Costumi . . . Turchi, 1551 469 Meiidez Pinto (F.) Peregrinacam . . . China, 1614, 1645 335, 353 Methodius (Saiietus) Primus Olimpiade, 1516 ^ Minadoi (J. T.) Warres between Turkes and Persians, 1595 483 Minor (Capt. W.) Execrable Murder, 164 ... 351 Mississippi, Course of Elver, 1775 1W Monfart (Mons.) Survey of East Indies, 1615 ? ?fi Montanus (A.) Atlas Japannensis, 1670... 34 Momtezmna, Arbol Genealigioo, 1820 ... 269 Moryson (F.) Itinerary, 1617 490 Munster (S.) Cosmographie, 1552 43 Murdoch (B.) Nova Scotia, 1865 311 Narrative of Expedition to Buenos Ayres under White 1 ocke, 1807 2*1. 9"> Navarrete (D. F.) Tratados Historicoe de China, 1676 3^0 Neal (D.) History of New England, 1720... 139 Negro Slavery, 1823 272 New England Charter, 1759 175 New York, Map of Province, 1776 206 Plan of City by Ratzer, 1776 209 Plan of New York Island, 1776... ?1 Nicetas. Historia degli Imperatori Greci, 1562 * 7t Nicolay (N. de 1 ) Navigations en Tnrquie, 1576, 1585, 1586 477. 41. 49 Nodal (B. G. de 1 ) Viage al descubrimiento del Estrecho de San Vincente, 1769... 1PO North America divided into its principal 1 Parts, 1680 l8A Nuix (Juan) Rpflexiones . . . de los Espanol^s en las Indias, 1782 ?* Nuova relatione . . . Turco, 1684 501 Ogden (J.) British Lion Rous d, 176" 182 Olivier du Nort, Voyage entour de 1 univers, 1610 67 Ordenancas que Marquis de Canete, Visorey de Peru, 1594 61 Ortelius (A.) Theatrum Orbis terrarum. 1573 .................................................... 55 Oviedo y Valdes (Gonzalo H. de) Coronica delas Tndias, 1547 ........................... ft - T,i>>ro V X. dp la JWnnrta Parte de la General Historia de las Indias, 1557... 61 Paine (Thomas) Common Sense. 1776 ......... 208, 210, 214 Palafox (M. de) Histoire de la Conqueste fie la Chine par les Tartares, 1670 ...... 3*55 Pa 7 erne Foresien (J.) Peregrinations. 160R... 486 Polou (F.) Relacion de la vida Fray .Tum- pero Serra, 1787 .............................. ?^ft Penn ^W.) No Cross, No Crown (in Dutch), 1687 .................................................. 11 4 Counsel and Advice to Wife and Chil dren Pennington (M.) Brief Account of Child hood ................................................ 109 Pennsylvania, Map, 1775 ................ 200, 202 Perondinus (P.) Magni Tamerlanis, 1553.. 315 p er s e oricion contra la religion Christiana en China, 1778 ...................................... 308 Pemschi (J. B.) Historica . . . regis Mogor, 1598 .................................................. rm Petit-Thouars (A. du) Voyage autour dn Monde, 1855 .................................... 307 Philadplphia, Plan of City, 1776 ............ 207 Philononns (H.) Nova Typis transacla Navigatio. 1621 ................................. 74 Pinheyro (Louis) Relacion del Sucesso Santa Fe en Japon, 1617 .................. 338 Pinto (Fernand Mendez) Voyages, 1663... 358 Pison (G.) De Indiae utri usque re Natural. 1658 .................................................. 10.0 Pittman (Cant. P.) European Settlements on Mississippi, 1770 ........................ 19.1 Pizarro (F.) Varones iFustres del Nuevo Mundo, 1639 ........................................ 88A Pomponius Mela. See Mela. Porcacchi (T.) L Isole piu famose del Mondu. 1620 .................................................... 73 Poitulano, 1680 .................................... 108 Postel (G.) Histoires Orientales, 1575 ... 47JB Prinsep (J.) Indian Antiquities, 1858 ... 417 INDICES Continued. (T.) AUTHORS AND TITLES Continued. Ptolemy, 1475, 1490, 1511, 1513, 1541, 1548, 1552 1562,1 564 14, 17, 34, 41, 42, 52A, 54, 505. 506, 515 Purchas (S.) Hakluytus Posthumus, 1625-6 80 Quebec, Projet pour enlever Kebec, 1692 11 7A Quiclet, Voyages, 1664 497 Radzivi (N. C.) Jerosolymitana Peregri- natio, 1614 439 Raleigh (Sir W.) Declaration of Demeanor, 1618 72 Ralfe (J.) Nava.l Chronology, 1820 269\ Ramberti (B.) Cose de Turchi, 1539 467 Rebello (A.) Alguns Capitulos tirades das cartas, 1588 320 Regno Gesuitico del Paraguay, 1770 190 Reisch (G.) Margarita Philosophica, 1504... 9 Relacam de Vitoria contra os Francezes 1711 132 -Relacam do sitio do Grano Para, 1753... 171 Relaeao summaria . . . Martyrio en China, 1751 396 Relacion breve . . . Martyrios en Japon, 1624 339 Relacion de la Armada al socorro del Brasil 1631 84 Relacion de la Victoria quo los Portugueses aJancaron de los de la Compania del Brasil, 1649 95 Relacion de lo Sucedido en los Galeones y Flota de Tierra Firme, 1622 76 Relacion de todo lo sucedido en Nueva Espana, 1642 89 Relacion verdadera de Anno 1615 337 Re"ponse a la lettre sur les ceremonies Chinoises, 1704 380 Report from select Committee re Bengal, 1782-3 309 Resumen Historico de las Misiones, 1864... 421 Reynolds (Rev. R. Bp. Lincoln) Missionary Sermon, 1727 146* Rhodes (Alex de) Histoire de Turquia, 16P1... 355 Voyages et Missions en Chine, 1653 355 Ribadeneira (M. de) Historia de la China y Japon, 1601 324 Ribas (Rev. A. Percy de) Historia de los triumphos de Santa Fee, 1645 92 Richardson (W.) Cacique of Ontario, 1789... 333 Rico (J. J.) Reparos . . de Indios Gu&ranSof? 1715 13 ; Robson (C.) Newes from Aleppo, 1628 492 Rocca (V.) Hystoria . . . Turcos, 1555 155; 470, 471 Rodriquet (M.) El Maranon y Amazones, 1684 110 Rogers (R.) North America, 1765 .......... 186 - Ponteach, 1766 ........................... 137 - (Woodes) Voyage. 1716 ............... I3fi Rougemont (F.) Relacam ... da China 1672 Rumbo seguro y unico para traer las Tnd^ as 1717 .................................................. !3 7 Ruysch (J.) Map of the World, 1508 ......... 12 Sacrabusto (J. de) Opus Sphaer?cnm, 1478 1488, 1490, 1526 ................. 510, 513, 514. *26 St Lawrence, Chart of Gulf, 1775 ......... 205 Salignac (B. de) Itinerarium Terre Sancte 1525 ................................................... 25 Santa Innes (F. de) Biblidteca Historica Filipina, 1892 ........................... ........ 423 San Roman (A.) Historia General de la India, 1603 ........................................ 64 Sarmiento de Gamboa (Capt. P.) Via^e, 1768 ......... . ................. ; ..................... 1 87A Schodel (H.) Liber Chronicarum, 1493, 1POO... 2. 3, 8 Seiras y Lovera (F.) Descripcion de Ta Austral MagaManica, 1690 .............. ne Semmedo (A.) Tmperio de la China, 164? SfiO - Relatione della Cina, 1643 ......... 8!i2 Sentiments relating tn late Negotiation 1761 ................................................... 180 Sherley (Sir A.) Travels into Pprsia, 1H3... 33fi Siam, Great and Wonderful Revolution, 1690 .................................................. 377 Siddons (G. R.) Journal, 1848 ................ 413 Simon (P.) Noticias H storiales de la Con- quistas de Tierra T^irme, 1627 ............ 81 Slave Colonies of Great Britain, 1825.... n ^4 Sl&ane (H.) Voyage, 1707 ........................ 130 Smet (Rev. P. J. de) Missions de FOre>on, 1848 .................................................. 303 INDICES Co nlinued. (I.) AUTHORS AND TITLES Contlmu-J. Smith, J. H.) Authentic Narrative of Major Andre, 1808 253 - (Sir T.) Voiage, 1605 65 - (Thomas) Turcarum, 1674 498 Solinus (C. J.) De Mirabi libus Mundi, 1475, 1493, 1498, 1503, 1538.. .507, 520, 521, 524, 527 Sol is (A. de) Conquista do Mexico, 1692, 1783-4, 1809 117u 226A 257 Solorzano Pereira (J. de) Politica Indiana, 1648, 1703 94, 12(> 8pon ish Law, Las Seite Partidas, Printed on Vellum, 1555 48 Stedman (C.) American War, 1794... 240, 241 Stedinan (Capt. J. G.) Expedition in Guiana, 1796 243 Stephen (J.) England enslaved, 1826 287 Steuben (Baron) .Regulations . . . Troop of U.S.A., 1794 239 Stiglian (T.) Del Mondo Nuovo, 1617 ... 71.\ Stith (W.) Virginia, 1747 IfiO St rabo (G.) Geographia, 1480, 1494. ...511, 517, 518 Strictures on Peace, 1783 226 Si.arez de Figueroa (C.) Historia y Anal Relacion, 1614 331 Tacon (M.) Juicio de Residencia . . . Cuba, 1839 298 Tagore (Rajah Sir S. M.) Works, 1877-81 422 Tavernier (J. B.) Six Voyages, 1676 371 Taylor, Lettres Politiques sur PInde, 1801 403 Teixeira (P.) Relaciones . . Reyes de Persia, 1610 . 331 Ttrrarum Orbis Descriptio, 1650 97 Texas, L Heroine du Texas, 1819 268 Tissanier (J.) Voyage, 1663 350 Tomaio de Varcas (T.) Restauracion de la Ciudad del Salvador, 1628 82 Torres y Aguilera (H. de) Chronica, 1579 480 Tratado de Paz, Portugal e de Hespanha, 1777 215 Tieaty of Peace, 1686 112 True and Strange discourse of Travailes of Two English Pilgrimes, 1603 485 True declaration of arrival! of Cornelius Haga, 1613 48S Trumbull (H.) History of Discovery or America, 1836 292 Truxillo (M. M.) Exhortacion Pastoral. 1788 . 22S Urban VIII. (Pope) Bulla . . . Peru, 1735, 1750 149, 150, 163, 164, 165 - Bulla . . . Ni^ a Espaiia y Filipinas, 1750 167, 168 Valascus (F.) Oratio ad Innocentium VIII., 1494 5 Valdes (R. de) Poema . . . de la Fundacion de Ciudad de Lima, 1687 113 Varenius (B.) Regni Japoniae, 1673 367 Geographica, 1664 531 Varthema (L.) Itinerario, 1523 314 Vasconcellos (S. de) Chronica . . . Brasil. 1865 , 309 Veiga (M. da) Relacam do Estado da Chris- tandade, 1628 342 Venegas (M.) California, 1757 174 Vespuccius (A.) See Albertini. - Vita, 1745 155 Villacorta (F.) Admiiiistracion . . . de la Islas Filipinas, 1833 408, 409 Villa-Senor y Sanchez (J. A. de) Theatre Americano, 1746 157 Virginia, Map by Fry and Jefferson. 1775 ". 19S - Map of most inhabited part, 1776... 204 - New Map, 1719 138A Vitelleschi (Rev. M.) Annua de Japon, 1622 338it Wuddington (Rev. E.) Missionary Sermon. 1721 139i: Wafer (L.) Isthmus of America, 1699 122 Waldeck (F. de) Voyage . . . Yucatan, 1838. 296 Waldeseemuller (M.) Cosmographia, 1507 11 Wansey (H.) Excursion to U.S.A., 1798... 24(5 Washington (Gearge) Life, by Marshall, 1804 .,. 249 Weigeli (J.) Habitus, 1639 88 INDICES Continued. Q.) AUTHORS AND TITLES Carittnued. Welde (T.) Short Story of Rise of Anti- nomians that infected Churches of New England, 1692 1 17 West Indian Pretensions refuted, 1824... 281 West Indies, Candid Considerations re Sugar Trade, 1763 185 Whitbourne (Capt. R.) Loving Invitation Newfoundland, 1622 79 Whitelocke (General) Expedition to Buenos Ayres, 1807 2ol, 252 Wilbejrforce (W.) Appeal to Justice, 1823 273 Williams (Rev. John) Captivity of, 1811 258 - (J. J.) El Istmo Tehuantepee, 1852... 305 Williams (S.) History of Vermont, 1794.,. 242 Willyams (Rev. C.) Campaign in W. Indies. 1796 ............................................ ......... 211 Winn( T. S.) Emancipation, 1824 ......... 282 Wood (W.) New England s Prospect4635... 87 Wylie (Alexander) Manuscripts ....... 425-458 Wynne (J. H.) General History of British Empire in America, 1770 ............... 392 Wynne (Rev. J., Bp. St. Asaph) Missionary Sermon, 1725 .............................. _ i^ Wytfliet (C.) Description}* Ptolemaieae, 1597 - Zarate (A. de) Historic . Peru, 1563 Conquisfa del 53 (II.) Subject Index, AMERICA ............... 1 to 312, 318, 322, 330, 374 ARGBNTIKE ................................. 10 7, 2 51, 252 ATLAS. (See Maps.) ...... 63, 64, 66, 82, 84, 88, 90.4, 9U, 93 A , 95, 98A, 99, 99 A , 100A, 107, 110 A , 119, 120 1204 132, 15lA, 171, 192A, 202A, 202 B , 219A 245 260, 262, 285, 291, 309 HULLS. See PapaJ Bulls. CALIFORNIA .................. 174, 230, 248, 261, 304 CANADA ...... 69, 79, 117A, 131, 140, 159, 172, 179 186, 187, 195, 205, 233. 247, 258, 286 294 299, 301, 306, 308, 311, 359 CAROLINA .............................. 201, 211, 239, 310 CATECHISM FOB MEXICAN INDIANS .................. 36 CHINA ...... 6lA, 63, 63u, 66, 80, 102, 180, 318 320, 321, 322, 324, 327, 334, 335, 342, 347, 350 352, 353, 354, 355, 357, 358, 363, 365 ?R5 A 366, 370, 379A, 380, 382, 383, 384, 385, 387.*, 390, 391, 393, 394, 395, 396, 397, 398 401 *02, 410, 411, 412, 416, 421, 422.4, 431 COSMOGRAPHY ...... 6, 11, 27, 37, 43 ; 57, 5H, 5*M. 418, 509, 528 CuBA ............................................. 76, 267, 2! FLORIDA .............................................. 7^ 2 43 GUIANA ..................................................... 300 I .LINOIS ............................................. 265, 27:> INDIA ..... 63, 63u, 64, 65A. 66. 80. 93, 115, 278 313 314, 315, 317, 319, 320, 321, 3?3, 325, 326, 328. 329, 330, 331, 332, 334. 336, 337, 342, 351 354 356, 357, 358, 360, 369, 371, 372, 373, 378, 379 381, 384, 386, 389, 399, 400. 403, 405, 406, 407 417, 418, 419, 420, 422, 424, 463 INDIANA JAMAICA ... 129, 130, 184, 272. 274, 275, 276, 283 JAPAN ...... 63, 63s, 65.4, 80, 316, 317, 320, 323 324, 326, 334, 338, 338 A , 338s, 339, 340, 344. 346, 348, 349, 357, 358, 364, 367, 374, 379,1. 384, 397, 457 INDICES Continued. (II.). SUBJECT INDEX Continue J. JKSUIT MISSIONS 6lA, 63, 63e, 65A, 74, 92, 101, 134, 170, 190, 230, 236, 261, 316, 318, 320, 322. 326, 327, 334, 338. 338A, 338B, 339, 340, 341, 342, 343, 344, 346, 348, 349, 350, 352, 355, 357, 359, 365A, 374, 385, 387A, 396, 397, 398, 408, 412, 418, 421 KENTUCKY 237, 265 LOUISIANA 138, 145, 193, 265 MADAGASCAR ^3 MAPS .. .. 12, 14, 17, 31, 34, 41, 42, 43, 52A, 54, 55, 62, 108, 108A, 133, 135, 138, 138A, 169, 177, 198, 199, 201, 202, 203, 204, 205, 206, 207, 207A, 209, 211, 212, 213, 216, 221, 229, 307A, 364, 505, 506, 508, 515 MARYLAND 124, 125 MEXICO 22, 23, 24, 45, 46, 47, 85, 86, 89, 92, 96, 117B, 143, 153, 158, 167, 168, 226\, 236, 257, 261, 269, 290, 297, 302,, 312 MEXICO (Books printed in) 36, 71, 157, 178, 234, 289, 305, 374, 391 MISSIONS (See Jesuit). OHIO 265 OREGON 303, 304 PALESTINE 25, 80, 321, 387, 388, 459, 460, 462, 463, 464, 470, 471, 485, 486, 487, 489, 491, 499, 503 PAPAL BULLS 149, 150, 151, 163, 164, 165, 166, 167, 168 PARAGUAY 134, 170, 173, 190, 26 1 PERSIA 314, 331, 333, 368, 384, 483, 495 PERU 32, 40, 45, 46, 47, 53, 61, 67, 83, 90, 113, 142, 149, 150, 151, 163, 164, 165, 166 PHILIPPINES 6U, 80, 153, 167, 168, 228, 318, 322, 326, 354, 357, 361, 362, 375, 392, 404, 408, 409, 412, 414, 415, 421, 423 SLAVES 270, 271, 272, 273, 274, 275, 276. 277, 278, 279, 280, 281, 282, 283, 284, 287 TENNESSEE , 265 TEXAS 153, 268 THIBET 341, 342, 343 TOBACCO 40, 107A, 267 TURKEY 460, 461, 462, 463, 465, 466, 467, 468, 469, 470, 471, 472, 473, 474, 475, 476, 477, 478, 479, 481. 482, 483, 484, 488, 490, 492, 493, 494, 495, 496, 497, 498, 500, 501, 502 VIRGINIA 77, 138A, 152, 160, 198, 204 WEST INDIES 65, 103, 111, 129, 130, 146, 184, 185, 244, 272, 273, 274, 275, 276, 277, 281, 282, 283 Foreword continued. Equally interesting are the following: Cordova s Doctrina, Mexico, 1544 (the First Catechism for the American Indians, and at the same time one of the Earliest Specimens of Mexican Topography); Oviedo s Coronica de las Indias, 1547; Las Casas Tracts on America, 1552-3; Gomara s Historia de las Indias, 1551 and 1554-5; The Spanish Laws of 1555 (printed on Vellum); Churchyarde s Discourse, 1579 (with the extra leaves welcoming Frobisher home); Wytfliet s Descriptions Ptolomaei Augmentum, 1597 (the First Special Atlas of the New World); Henry Hudson s Descriptio, 1612 (containing for the first time a record of Hudson s Discoveries and the First Edition in Latin of De Quiros s report of his discovery of Australia); Philoponus Nova Navigatio, 1621 (being a Pictorial Account of Columbus Second Voyage, and the landing of the first band of Missionaries in the New World); A Series of Papal Bulls dealing with Peru; Venegas California, in Spanish, Original Edition of 1757; Hulton s Manuscript Accounts of the Outbreak of the War of Independence, etc., etc. Among the books dealing with the Far East, there is : The First Edition of GESTA PROXIME PER PORTUGALLENSES IN INDIA, 1506 (of which only one other copy is known, and which is one of the earliest authentic books on India, and the first to mention the Discovery of Ceylon). Not less remark able is the Series of the Writings of the Jesuit Missionaries to Japan, China, and India, several of them being printed in China and the Philippines. This Catalogue forms a companion to our Catalogue No. 401, which is devoted to z^utograph Letters of Celebrities connected with America, and of Documents and Manuscripts concerning American History. No. 403 America & The East MAGGS BROS. 34& * CONDUIT New Bond St., London, W, UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY BERKELEY Return to desk from which borrowed. This book is DUE on the last date stamped below. AN 4 1957 LD 21-100m-ll, 49(B7146sl6)476