UC NRLF QB T A BL ES V E N T u s, THK AMERICAN El'HKMERIS AND iNAUTICAL ALMANAC. BY GEORGE W. HILL. BUREAU OK NAVIGATION, \V A s il | N <; To X. 18 \ -'University of California. . HFT OF TABLES OK VENUS, I'RKPARKJ) I'T>R Till. HSK. Ol' THE AMERICAN EPHEMERIS AND NAUTICAL ALMANAC BV GEORGE W. El ILL. I'unusur.n BV AUTHORITY OK THE SECRETARY OK THK NAVY. BUREAU OF NAVIGATION, WASHINGTON. 1872, PBEFACE. Tin: following tallies of Venus have liccn prepared to take the place of the unsatisfactory elements and tallies heretofore used in the preparation of tho Antrrirtni I''/>l/rn/"i-ix cri(il tie I'tirix, Tome \'l., have heen corrected by the discussion of au extended series of observations; Lr. VKUUIKU'S e.\]iressions for the perturbations have been modified by changes in the adopted values of the planetary masses; and the tables have been carefully arranged so as to facilitate the computation either of particular places, or of an Kphemeris, of the planet. The work has been performed by .Mr. (ii:oi;cK W. HILL, who has long been one of I he most elh'cient Assistants in the preparation of tho works published by this office. J. H. C. COFFIN, Prof. Mat}/. ('. .V. A r ., Superintendent nf Xtiufira/ Alnmnnr. WASIIIXCTOX, May, S T E \ T S . IxTKoprcTio*. C+mjtrmctum fmJ j tf tkt TmUf* . t EI*iDDUofU:Ocbltof\>B,l?oOjO . I Preceio of the iqmimmti . * Have* of the pbaeto t Varriag elt rf the ettit mfVcmm* ... . . . 1 3 . ....... 4 . Arptaentt oflht tabl** .6 OWMjoitr of Ux- rrlipuc id ngtiUon ...... C of a fixed 4ate . . 1 to XV ....... 9 XVI to XXV . . ! XXVI : XXXV - _ .... .11 XXXVI to XL . li XLI t, XLVI 13 Dmrtim*ftr Ik' mtt if tJki TfUtt 14 Euapie . . ... . . W TrauitofVN*iB 1761 ......... VI ' 1769 . . *i CWratiw ) tin rlrmtmtt ^ (ftc fr*it *f I'tmm* ... *1 L<-\rmrr" rlffmt f tfce ortm of Vrnn* ....... 21 1769 - .... 2J r part * the orfcit . . 34 rpartof theorfcii * itbel 31 Sonul nnatiau 34 Ooroltabon ei MeicwT by Ve TABLE& Tblr 14 IT - I? i CONTENTS. Page. Table- . \.\VI. l.ii^arillllll iil'llic elliptic radius vector . . ...... 4<> X.NVII. iii \\.\VI. Perturbation* of log r .... 51 XXXVII., XX Will. Perturbations of the latitude Oi XXXIX. Values <>t'A" x , A'j, &c., iind Arg.s. XV. :ind XVI for tliu beginning of each year ..... ?'J ,\l.. Corrections of T Z , f y , &c., due to lunar Natation .......... 7(i XLI. " " " " due to sular -Nnlation 77 XLII. Kai tors lor finiling corrections of x, y, z, due to perturbations of the latitude 7tj XI, HI. 1'arallax and semidiiiiuetcrs ............... "8 XI. IV. Motions of the Argumentg for centuriei ............ 79 XLV. A trnn of lung p'-riod in the perturbation of the longitude ......... 80 Xl.VJ. Reduction to tlie Ecliptic .... 80 'UNIVERSITY! INTRODUCTION. CONSTRUCTION AND USE OF THE TABLES. THE Tables arc based on ihe following Epoch, 1850, Jan. 0.0, Washington Mean Time. L' = 244 18 18.32 -' = 129 27 42.86 &' = 75 19 53.10 V = 3 23 35.01 c' = 0.006843113 n' = 2106611".35447 Those elements have heen derived from a discussion of the data furnished by the transits of Venus in 1761 and 1769, and by observations made at Greenwich in the interval 1836-1870, at Paris in the interval 1S38-1866, and at Washington in the interval 1863-1867. In this discussion the Solar Theory of HANSEN and OLUFSKN was used.* Consequently these Tables should be used in conjunction with the Tables du Soleil of these authors.! The value of the Precession of the Equinoxes, according to PETERS,^ is 50".2411 1 + 0".0001134< 2 , where the unit of t is the tropical year, and it is counted from 1800. If we make the unit the Julian year, and count t from 1850, the formula will be 50".25351 t + 0".0001134 t 2 . The formulae which define the motion of the plane of the ecliptic are, according to HANSEN and OLUFSEN, sin i" sin Q" = + 0".053916 t + 0".00001887 < 2 , sin i" cos Q" = 0".467839 t + 0".00000562 f. In order to obtain the tropical motion of the planet, it is necessary to add, to the sidereal motion, the preces- sion, and the small term, sin i' sin i" sin ( Q' Q"), the numerical value of which is + 0".01382 t. This it is also necessary to add to the longitude of the perihelion. * Tallies du Solril, riiruttis il'ii/irls les ordres dc la SociM Royalc tics Sciences de Copenhafrue, par MM. I' .1. llnnsrn et C. F. R. Olufsen. Co/Hiili(i:5. I Tlic Pulkowa constant of aliorration 20".44.">1 should however be employed instead of 20" i">."i. t Peters' JVumerus Cunsluns A'ututionis, p. 71 Tables du Soleil, p. 21. 1 INTRODUCTION. The values of the planetary masses, adopted, are Mercury = i^;.---,), Mars ;'" = {.)()()()()()' Venus m' = Jupiter t lv = inr.ri ' 'iUOl'Vl \7JU The Earth and Moon w" = .j;,.,^/,,, , Saturn Tlic mass of Mercury is that of ENCKE,* the mass of the Earth and Moon is that found hy Prof. S. NEWCOMB,! and which corresponds to the value 8". 848 of the mean horizontal parallax of the Sun ; the values of the other masses arc those adopted by HANSEN and OLUFSEN. On these values of the disturbing masses depend the expres- sions of the secular and periodic perturbations used, with the single exception, that, since the discussion of the observations inc!>c.it< d 32". 515 as ihe value of the annual tropical motion of the node, this value has been preferred to the value 32 // .2!).il. given by theory. If \ve suppose that the modification of the values of the masses, necessary <> |>i"j.liiot: the li'-:-i number, should be applied to Venus alone, the mass of this planet would be reduced to 1 421240 ' Thus the following are the expressions of the varying elements, the longitudes being referred to the mean equinox and eeliplie of date, and / reckoned from 1850, Jan. 0.0, Washington Mean Time: L' = 241 18 18.32 + 2 10669 L62 180 t + o!'o001134 t 2 , -' = 129 27 42.86 + 50.0494 t - 0.000592 t\ &' = 75 19 53.10 + 32.5150 t + 0.000151 t*, i> = 3 23 35.01 + 0.03814 t 0.0000016 /, 2 , e' = 0.006843113 0.00000050009 / + 0.0000000000128 < 2 , = 1411".494 - 0".10315 t + 0".00000265 t?. The value of the semi-axis major of the planet's orbit is given by the equation a , = rlj2L. *"l // LI + m" n'-J To be consisient, \ve must employ the same linear unit for the radius vector of Venus as that which HANSEN and OUTFSKN have used for the radius vector of the Earth. From an examination of their formula-, it appears that they have taken as unity, not n", but, in the notation of LAPLACE, the quantity I denoting summation with respect to all the masses which produce sensible perturbations in the motion of the Earth. Hence their value of a" is , v , /2 d A^ | -* 1 "-*I5 ' And, the numerical values being substituted, we obtain log a" = 9.9999998786. The tropical motion of the Sun, in a Julian year, is, according to the Tables du Soldi, equal to 360 22".56009 0".380853 X 0.01677 + 50".23414. If from this is subtracted 50".25351, our value of the precession, the value of ", we adopt, is obtained, n" = 1295977".41415. And consequently, log a' = 9.8593376699. * .l.tlriiiiiiniisr/ii- .Viirliririttrn, J\"o. 443. t Astronomical and XMiarologtcal Observations made at the United States Naval Observatory during the year 1865 Appendix u., p. ao. 2 I INTRODUCTION. Tin; expression of the equation of the ccntn-, for llir epoch 1S5P.O, is + 2822".971 sin .V + 12".071 sin 2 M + 0".072 sin :; M. Tin- expression of the logarithm of the elliptic radius vc-rlor for llie same time is 9.8593127 is - 0.00-2971871 cos ji/ - o.ooooi5253 cos -2 M - 0.000000099 cos 3 ,u. The elliptic heliocentric latitude referred to tin; ecliptic of date may be found from the formula log sin 1,-it. = 8.7722149 + 13.51 / + log sin [orh. Ion-. + (360' - Q')]. The secular perturbation of the orbit longitude is given In the formula, ( - 0". 12691 sin ,17 - 0".0()1()S sin -I M) in. IU ilciiotini; the number of anomalistic revolutions of llic planet from the epoch. The secular perturbation of the logarithm of the radius vector is -riven by the formula, (in units of llic eighth decimal), ( 0.016 + 13.360 cos M + 0.137 ens > .\f ) in. The following are the expressions lor the periodic perturbations of Venus; /. /' iVc. denoting (he mean longi- tudes of the several planets in their order, referred to the mean equinox of 1850.0. They have been obtained bv multiplying the expressions given in Li: YKKKIKK'S, ' Aiuiuli '* ilc /' (ilwn-uluii-c l/ii/in-in/ i/r i'tirix" Tonic VI, by the pmper faciors. Perturbation* n/' // (>/-/:ii \.:\imli-. ACTION or MI.KCURY. + 0.011 sin (/ - /') 0.010 sin -2 (I - /') - 0.005 sin :i (/ - /') 4- 0.0:21 sin (2 I I 1 + 281) 4- 0.328 sin (/ 2 /' + 251.8) 4- 0.015 sin (2 / - 3 /' 4- 7 I ) 4- 0.047 sin (3 /' - / + 35) 4- 0.139 sin (-Z I 4 /' 4- .'WH".3) 4- 0.453 sin (2 / 5 /' 4- 35. 1). ACTION OF THE EAISTII. 4.!)81 sin (/' - /") - 11,189 sin -Z (/' - /") 4- 7.-260 sin (3 /' - 3 /" 4- 7'.6) 4- 1.050 sin (4 /' - 4 /" 4- D 10') 4- 0.3:!5 sin (5 /' - 5 /" 4- 1.5) 4- 0.143 sin 6 (/' - /") 4- 0.0(57 sin 7 (/' - /") 4- 0.035 sin 8 (/' /") 4- 0.0 19 sin <)(/'-/") + 0.013 sin 10 (/' /") 4- 0.007 sin 11 (/' - /") + 0.004 sin 12 (/' - /") 4- 0.003 sin 13 (/' - /") 4- 0.059 sin (4 /' - 3 /" 4- 227.7) 4- 0.099 sin (3 /' 2 /" 4- 53V2) 4- 0.019 sin (-2 /' /" 4- 51) 4- 0.070 sin (/" 4- 109.2) 4- 0.093 sin (-2 /" - /' 4- 18.2) 4- 3.515 sin (-2 /' - 3 /" 4- 208 7'.f>) 4- 0.687 sin (3 /' - 4 /" + 268. 1) 4- 1.620 sin (4 /' 5 /" 4- '268 24'.5) 4- 0.210 sin (5 /' 6 /" 4- 89.5) 4- 0.055 sin (6 /' 7 /" 4- 89) 4- 0.0-24 sin (7 /' 8 /" 4- 88) 4- 0.013 sin (8 /' 9 /" 4- 90) 4- 0.0-2-2 sin (-2 /" 4- 210) 4- 0.044 sin (3 /' /' 4- 53) 4- 1.495 sin (5 /" - 3 /' 4- 198 21') 4- 0.188 sin (4 /' fi /" 4- 340.7) 4- 0.096 sin (5 /' - 7 /" 4- 337.. r >) 4- 0.155 sin (6 /' 8 /" 4- 163.l) 4- 0.015 sin (7 f - 9 /" 4- 160) 4- 0.013 sin (5 /" 2 /' + 77) 4- 0.218 sin (5 /' - 8 /" 4- 66.5) 4- 0.013 sin (7 /' 10 /" 4- 67) 4- 0.067 sin (9 /' 13 /" + 346".2) + 2.820 sin (8 /' 13 /" 4- 227 ' 5S') 4- 0.026 sin (13 /" - 7 /' 4- 198). INTRODUCTION. ACTION OF MAI:S. 0.0 IS sin (/' I 1 " + 0.0.-)!) sin 2 (/' /"') 4- 0.019 sin (/' 2 I 1 " + 155) + 0.657 sin (2 /' - 3 /"' 4- 332 sin (/' - /'-' + 31') + 0.8SO sin 2 (/' - / iv ) + 0.0-11 sin 3 (/' / iv ) + 0.007 sin 4 (/' - / iv ) 4- 0.0-26 sin (2/' - /' v 4- 113) + 1.557 sin (/ iv + 169 50 7 ) 0.178 sin (/' - / v ) .f- 0.050 sin '2 (/'- /"] 4- 0.009 sin + 1.168 sin 4- 0.019 sin 4- 0.021 sin + 0.08-2 sin (3 // _ 4 P" + 333) (// _ 3 /"' 4- 1 17 56') (2 /' _ 4 /"' + 1^6) (3 /' - 6 /'" + 281) (o // _ fi //// + 740.8). ACTION OF Jui'lTER. + 0.477 sin + 0.167 sin + 0.019 sin 4- 0.094 sin + 0.055 sin + 0.046 sin + 0.027 sin ACTION OF SATURN. + 0.205 sin 4- 0.025 sin + 0.010 sin (/' _ 2 / iv + 155.6) (2/' - 3/ iv + 12. 1) (3 // _ 4 / + 12) (// 4. /iv 4. o.3) (2 / iv + 143) (// _ 3 /* 4- 164) (2 /' - 4 /iv 4. 2-\). (/ v + 190) (2 /' - 3 r + 90). of I In: aeronil onlrr, depending on the product of t lie musses of Ike Earth and Mars. + 0".282 sin (4 /'" 4. 3 /' - 7 /" + 147. 1). ]'i-rturbation.i of tin' Common Logarithm of the Radius Vector, in units of the eighth decimal. ACTION OF MERCURY. + 4.3 4- 8. 1 cos (/ /') 4- 1.1 cos 2 (/- /') 4- 6.1 cos (2/- /' + 285) 4- 4.3 cos (/' + 105) 4- 15.3 cos (2 / 4 /' 4- 150.7) + 22.2 cos (/ 2 /' 4- 75. 1) + 1.9 cos (2 / - 3 /' 4- 75) + 3.5 cos (3 /' - / 4- -207) 4- 7.5 cos (2 / - 5 /' + 226). ACTION OF THE EARTH. - 18.6 4- 228.2 cos (/' /") 4; 998.6 cos 2 (/' /") - si 1.8 cos (3 /' - 3/" + 8') 145.2 cos 1 (/' - /") - 52.2 cos (5 /' - 5 /" 4- 20') 23.0 cos 6 (/' /") 11.5 cos 7 (/' /") - 6.4 cos 8 (/' /") 3.5 <-os 9 (/' - /") 2.6 cos 10 (/' - /") 4- 7.2 cos (4 /' - 3 /" + 45) + 11.7 cos (3 /' 2 /" + 230.5) + 6.6 cos (2 /' /" + 230) + 3.1 cos (/' 4- 105) + 4.7 cos (/" 4- 286) 4- 3.2 cos (2 /" /' 4- 114) 4- 76.8 cos (2 /' - 3 /" 4- 89.8) 4- 46.1 cos (3 /' - 4 /" + 88.9) 4- 162.2 cos (4 /' - 5 /" + 88 52') 4- 25.6 cos (5 /' - 6 I" + 268.7) 4- 7.7 cos (6 /' 7 /" 4- 268) 4- 4.2 cos (7 /' - 8 I" 4. ^70) 4- 3.7 cos (2 /" + 30) + 4.5 cos (3 /" /' 4- 249) + 17.2 cos (5 /" 3 /' 4- 21.8) + 7.2 cos ( 1 /' _ 6 /" + 159) + 7.1 cos (5 /' 7 /" 4- 172) 4- 17.2 cos (6 /' - 8 /" + 338.2) 4- 6.9 cos (9 /' 13 /" + 158) + 2.4 cos (13 /" 7 /' 4. 25). INTRODUCTION. + 3.5 cos (/' /'") 7.9 cos 2 /' I" 1 ) 19.-2 4- 299.2 cos (/' I* 4- 'JO') - I33.it cos -.' (/' / iv ) 7.0 coa 3 (/' f lv ) + 1.1 cos (:>/* / iv 4-237) 4- is.7 coa (/' /' ) 4.3 cos 2 (/' / v ) [OH oi- MA IIS. 4- (is.i coa (*>!' 3 i'" + i.vr.ii). ACTION OF JUI-ITKR. -f- N.8 cos (/ iv 4- 352) + 10. 9 cos (/' 2 /"' 4- 335.0) 4- -2 l.s coa (-2 /' 3 / lv 4- 192". l) 4- !).(! cos (/'-)- /"' 4- 1N2 ) _(_ i.i ,,, s (/' 3/ lv + 3 ACTION oi- SATIIKN. of /In- Latitude. ACTION OF THE EARTH. + O.Ol'-i sin (',' /' \i I" + 175) + O.OK! sin (3 /' 3 /" + 356) -f 0.013 sin (4 /' 3 /" + - 4- 0.0-2G sin (3 /' -^ /" 4- -. 4- 0.07S sin (-J /' /" 4- '285) 4- 0.1-J1 sin (/' + 104.5) 4- 0.09-2 sin ( -2 /" /' 4- 10 I .5 4- 0.075 sin (-2 /' 3 i" 4- 75.r,) 4- 0.081 sin (3 V 4 /" 4- 75.5) 4- 0.308 sin (4 f 5 I" 4- 75.3) 4- 0.050 sin (5 /' 6 /" 4- 2r ( (; ') 4- 0.014 sin (6 /' 7 I" -\- -2-58 ) 4- 0.020 sin (3 /" /' 4- '20) 4- 0-28 sin (6 /' 8 /" 4- 343) 4- .015 sin (9 V 13 I" 4- 143 11 ). ACTION OF JUPITER. 4- 0.0-20 sin V I" 4- 153) 4- 0.159 sin (/' '2 / lv 4- Cl.8) 4- 0.023 sin (V 4- I 4- 284) 4- 0.018 sin (/' 3 / iv + 74). ACTION OF SATURN. 4- 0".017 sin (V 2 / v 4- 28). The tropical motion of Venus in diflbrc-nt intervals of time, for the epoch 1850.0, is, in one mean solar day in 3(i5 " " days in 366 " " days in 100 Julian years 1 36 7.807315, 224 47 29.669971, 2'26 23 37.477286, 199 12 42.180000, in 100 Julian years less one day 197 36 34.372685. Denoting by d the number of days elapsed from the epoch (1850, Jan. 0.0, Washington mean time), the values of/, /', . in parts .if GO to a circumference. ' XIII is the value of / iv , when last /' == 129 27' 14".5, in parts of 60 to a circumference. " XIV is the value of ? v , when last /' = 129 27' 14".5, in parts of 36 to a circumference. ' . XV is Arg. XI -{- Arg. XIII -j- 0.22 -|- day of the year, of Hanscn and Olufsen. " XVI is Arg. I -j- 22052 -f- 0.01791 -f- day of the year, of Hanscn and Olufseii. Arguments X XIV remain constant during a period of Argument I, and are augmented, in each case, by a certain fixed quantity, when Venus passes through its perihelion and m is increased by a unit. From the data previously given, are readily obtained the following expressions for the value of the different ari;iiinents; i denoting an integer, in general so taken that the Argument may be less than its period: I = 71' 1 .G81535 + d -j- 0''.0000001224 t 2 22 I' 1 . 700777864 ul ,t II = 167 V .9 + / 238-V.92 i, III = 11H01'.26 + d 11987'V25?, IV = ir/T'Ua? -f d 2959 a .209 i. V = 762 d .072 + d 1454 d .9358 i, VI = 234 d .0375 -\- d 583 rt .92137 i, VII = 80 d .466 -j- rf 243 d . 16487 i, VIII = 186 d .467 + d 220 d .56628 i, IX = 55 d .526 -f- d 236 d .99191 i, X= 5.1 167 + 33.25863 MI 60 ,, XI = 19.5741 + 147.64477 m 240 i XII = 7.6168 + 19.62509 m 60 i, XIII = 25.6671 + 3.11178 m 60 i, XIV = 1.2122 + 0.75181 m 36 i, XV = 4037 d .4 -f d 6798 d .262 i, XVI = l d .64 + d 365' 1 .24219 i. The values of the obliquity of the ecliptic and of the nutation, employed ill thoso Tables, arc those given in the Tables du So/ciV, e = 23 27' 31".42 0".46784 t 0".000001405 * 2 , J <; = 17".332 sin Q ( + 0".208 sin 2 Q -- 1''.254 sin 2 Q, J i -f- 9".271 cos S ^ 0".089 cos 2 Q ^ + 0".551 cos 2 Q, Q, being the longitude of the Moon's ascending node, and Q the Sun's true longitude. Tliis is tlic value of tliu longitude of the perihelion ut the epoch 1850.0, which was employed in computing llie tables of the perturbations to double entry. t Rigorously, the Argument which should be employed as the horizontal Argument of tlie tables of perturbations to double entry, lias this expression, 7 I'UMMI +tl 224'1.7<>080I100 m, But Argument I may safely be used in Its stead, as thr emir, iu llic interval from 850 A. I), to 2850 A. D. cannot exceed 0".()05' 6 INTRODUCTION. The reetaiiL'ular coordinates of a planet, referred to the equinox and equator, are most readily computed by means of the formula* X = /.\ /' sin (/. 4~ h\) 4~ /' " i''i y = A\ /' sin (/. 4" ^"y 1 + 1>. z = k, r sin (/. 4- A',.) 4- p f n ,1, uhere /. is ihe orbit longitude, and <" ,i the perturbation of the latitude, expressed in parts of the radius The quantities A\, A",, iVc.. are obtained from the following formula): Find /i, //, if. x = r sin ,5 cos /.', ]> y = r sin ft cos s sin // r cos /9 sin e, ;; = / sin 'J sin ; sin /.' 4~ r cos ft cos e. These formula; avail for obtaining .1-, (/, and : relV'rred to any equinox and equator, provided that the longitudes /!, 8 al ' ( ' I'l'ferred to the same equinox, and the proper values are assigned to the inclinations i and e. Rut when the values of /t x , JT X , &c., have been computed for mean equinox of date, the effect of nutation on these quantities will be most easily computed by the aid of these differential coefficients, d. log A-j _ ft = _ . cos (Kj _ K ^ y = , sn (r _ Ky fty COB *- *X ,., - ^ = _ 2 sin 2 .j sin ( JT S + 2 Q ), 48*. cos . gin ^j?y = 1 fa sin 2 1 cose cos (K s 4-2 a) 4- sin t sin e cos (A r v 4- 8)1, d Q k,f L 2 J * gin (^ _|_ 2 Q ) _ sin f cos s in ( AT Z 4- 8 A ' z L ^ z = - f'2sin z y sine cos (A' z 4-2 8) sin i cos cos (K z rf 8 k z L where 3f denotes the modulus of common logarithms. In computing the variations of log i x , log k y , and log A- z , J ; and J ft or J < must be expressed in parts of the radius. In computing the aberration, the constant of Struve should be used. The aberration time is then given by the formula, J being the distance of the planet from the Earth. log. aberration time in days - 7.76052 4~ 'g- J- 7 INTRODUCTION. The parallax is given hy the formula and the semi-diameter by the formula 8".848, parallax = . ,. 8". 516. semi-diameter = A In the: computation of the perturbations produced by Venus on other planetary bodies, the values of the incli- nation of the orbit and the longitude of the ascending node referred to the ecliptic and equinox of some fixed date are needed; also the reduction of the longitude to this ecliptic and equinox is wanted. If the current time be 1850 -f- /, and the fixed date 1850 -f- *, and c'' denote the general precession from 1850 to 1850 -)- <, and /. denote the nrbit longitude, and -4- 89 58' 32"), y o = [9.99995] r sin (/>. -f 1' 29") z o = [8.7722] r sin (;. + 284 35' 18" + 0".027 d). Epoch = 2405000 th day of the Julian Period == 1872, July 25. /! o = /. 0". 13764 d, ic o = [9.99929] r sin (;. + 89 58' 32"), y a = [9.99995] r sin (A -f 1' 28"), z = [8.7722] r sin (/>. -f- 284 27' 53" + 0".027 d). Epoch = 2410000 th day of the Julian Period = 1886, Apr. 3. ;. o =/ 0". 13765 d, x = [9.99928] r sin (i + 89 58' 33"), ?/ = [9.99995] r sin (/> + 1' 27") 2o = [8.7723] r sin (;. + 284 20' 28" -f 0".027 d). Epoch = 2415000 th day of the Julian Period = 1899, Dec. 11. ;. o = ;. 0". 13766 d, x = [9.99928] r sin (/> o + 89 58' 34"), y = [9.99995] r sin (A + 1' 26") z = [8.7723] r sin (* + 284 13' 3" + 0".027 d). Epoch = 2420000 th day of the Julian Period = 1913, Aug. 20. / o = /I 0". 13766 d, x = [9.99928] r sin (x o -f 89 58' 34"), y a = [9.99995] r sin (/ -f 1' 24"), s = [8.7723] r sin (/, -4- 284 5' 37" -f- 0".027 d). 8 INTRODUCTION. In the above expressions nf the rectangular coordinates, (lie logarithms of the constant factors, inclosed in [I, li:i\e been given, instead of tlie constants themseU es ; and the pertnrl>::tioiis of tin- latitude liave lieen neglected. Table I. contains the longitudes of tlie principal Observatories from Washington, as given by Dr. GOULD in the American Epheineris for 1.S70. West longiludes arc' considered as positive. Tables II., III., and IV. are tables of Astronomical Date's in mean solar days, from which any date, given in the usual form of reference to the Christian era. may be reduced to its value in days and decimals of a day of the Julian period. They are taken from lYna i.'s Lunar Tables. l}\ adding the days given for the current century to the days of the previous centennial date, we obtain the number of days elapsed ot the Julian Period for Jun. 0"' Mean Noon in common years and for Jan. I' 1 in bissextile years. To this should be added the days and decimals of a day for fractional parts of a year given in Tables 111. and IV. Table V. contains ihe periods of the various argu nts, and multiplies of them, which it is sometimes neces- sary to subtract, to render the arguments less than their periods. Table VI. contains for Washington Mean Noon of Jan. O' 1 in common years, Jan. I' 1 in bissextile years, of each year from 1750 to 1950, the following quantities : L = -211 IS' 1N".:W O n 17' HV'.OO 4- 2106691".6218 / + 0".0001l:il /- 4- 0".282 sin (1 /" 4- 3 /' 7 /" 4- 147.l), the hteger i!>. the Arguments I. XIV., the logarithm of the sine of the inclination, and the supplement to 360 of the mean longitude of the ascending node. The term 47' 40".00 in L is equivalent to the sum of all the constants which have been added to the quantities in the tables of the equation of the centre, and of the periodic perturbations of the orbit longitude, in order to render them always positive. Table VII. contains for every day of the year, the motion of the mean longitude, and the motion of the sup- plement of the node, and the fraction of the year from the beginning of the year. Table VIII. contains the motion of L for hours, minutes and seconds; also for tenths, hundrcdths and thous- undihs of a dav. Table IX. contains the factor of a small correction to be applied to L, on account of the inequality of its motion. The quantity taken from this table must be multiplied by the fraction of the year obtained from the preceding table, and the product added to L. Table X. contains the lunation of the Centre for every tenth of a day of Argument I. Its secular variation, corresponding to the fractional part of the anomalistic period, is included in the numbers of the table. The con- stant added, to render all the numbers positive, is 47' 3".50. Tables XI. XXV. contain the perturbations of the Orbit Longitude. They are given in units of hundredths of a second -of arc. And particularly, Table XI. contains the factor of the secular perturbation for each day of Argument I. The quantity taken from this table must be multiplied by the integer ill. The logarithm of the factor is also given, as some may prefer making the multiplication by the aid of logarithms. Table XII. contains the factor of that part of the secular perturbation which varies as the square of the time. It is given at intervals of 4 days of the Argument I. The quantity taken from this uible, must be multiplied by ( i* 1 */ 'l' ne lg ar ithm of the factor is also given. The formula for the numbers of this table is 4- 2.01 sin M. Table XIII. contains the long period term, due to the action of the Earth, 4- 2".820 sin (8 P 13 I" -f 227 58'). It is given at intervals of 2 years of the Argument II. The constant added to render all the numbers positive is 2".82. Table XIV. contains the terms + 1".168 sin (/ 3 /'" 4- 117 56') + 0".082 sin (2 V 6 V" + 74.8) due to the action of Mars. They are given at intervals of 200 days of the Argument III. The constant added is 1". 15. Table XV. contains the term 4- 1".495 sin (5 I" 3 f 4- 198 24'), due to the action of the Earth. It is given at intervals of 40 days of the Argument IV. The constant added is 1".50 2 V '> INTRODUCTION. Fable XVI. contains the terms 4- 3".515 sin (2 /' 3 1" + 268 7'. 5) 4- 0".188 sin (4 /' 6 /" + 340.7), due to the action of the Earth. They are given at intervals of 16 days in the Argument V. The constant added is 3".GO. Table XVII. contains the terms 4.984 sin (I' /") - 11.489 sin (2/' 2 /") 4- 7.260 sin (3 I' 3 I" + 7'.6) + 1.050 sin (4 /' 4 /" 4- 0.10') -|- 0.335 sin (5 /' 5 /" + 1.5) 4- 0.143 sin (61' G I") ilur in the: action of the Earth. is 16".G. r ). Table XVIII contains the term + a067 sin ( 7 /' 7 I") 4- 0.035 sin (8 /' 8 /") 4- 0.019 sin (9 V 9 /") 4- 0.013 sin ( 10 V 10 I") -\- 0.007 sin (11 /' 11 I") 4- 0.004 sin (12 V 12 /") 4- 0.003 sin (13d' 13/"), They arc given at intervals of 2 days in the Argument VI. The constant added 4- 1".620 sin (4 I' 5 I" + 268 24'.5), due to the action of the Earth. It is given at intervals of 4 days in the Argument VII. The constant added is 1".62. Table XIX. contains the term 4- 0".657 sin (2 /' 3 I'" + 332 44'), due: to the action of Mars. It is given at intervals of 4 days in the Argument VIII. The constant added is 0".6fi. Table XX. contains the terms 2".959 sin (/' / iv 4- 31') 4- 0".041 sin (3 /' 3 Z iT ) 4- 0".880 sin (2 V 2 I") 4- 0".007 sin (4 /' 4 I"), due to the action of Jupiter. They are given at intervals of 2 days in the Argument IX. The constant added is 3". 35. Table XXI. contains the perturbations due to the action of Mercury. The formula has already been given at page 3. The tabulation is to double entry, the horizontal argument being L, and the vertical argument X., which remains constant during a period of Argument I. When Argument I. surpasses the limit of the table, 224 (1 .7 should be subtracted from it, and 33.26 should be added to Argument X.; and if this last surpasses 60, 60 may be subtracted from it. The constant added to the numbers, to render them positive, is 0".85. Table XXII. contains the residual perturbations due to the action of the Earth. The analytical expression is that given on page 3 with the omission of the terms which have been tabulated in Tables XIIL, XV., XVI., XVII., and XVIII. The tabulation is to double entry, the horizontal argument being L, and the vertical argument XL, which remains constant during a period of Argument I. When 224 d .7 is subtracted from Argument L, 147. (il should be added to Argument XL; and if this last exceeds 240, 240 may be subtracted from it. The constant added to the numbers of this table is 1".40. Table XXIII. contains the residual perturbations due to the action of Mars. The analytical expression is that given at page 4, with the omission of the terms which have been tabulated in Tables XIV. and XIX. The tabula- tion is to double entry, the horizontal argument being L, and the vertical argument XII., which remains constant during a period of Argument L When 224 d .7 is subtracted from Argument L, 19.6 must be added to Argument XII.; and if this last exceeds 60, 60 may be subtracted from it. The constant added to the numbers of this table is Table XXIV. contains the residual perturbations due to the action of Jupiter. The analytical expression is tint given at page 4, with the omission of the terms which have been tabulated in Table XX. The tabulation is to double entry, the horizontal argument being L, and the vertical argument XIIL, which remains constant during a period of Argument I. When 224 d .7 is subtracted from Argument L, 3.11 must be added to Argument XIIL; and if this last exceeds 60, 60 may be subtracted from it. The constant added to the numbers of this table is 2".35. Table XXV. contains the perturbations due to the action of Saturn. The analytical expression is given on page 4. The tabulation is to double entry, the horizontal argument being L, and the vertical argument XIV., which 10 I NTIIODUCTION. remains constant during a period of Argument I. When 22 I' 1 . 7 is subtracted (V7 is equivalent to the sum of all the constants, which have been added in the tables of the peri- odic perturbations, in order to render the numbers al\va\s positive. Tahles XXVII. X\XV. contain the perturbations of log. r; they are given uniformly in units of the eighth decimal ; and specially : Table XXVII. contains (lie factor of the secular perturbations for each day of Argument I. The quaniity taken from this table must be multiplied by the integer 111. The logarithm of the factor is also given. Table XXVIII contains the factor of that part of the secular perturbation which varies as the square of the time. It is given for intervals of 1 days in the Argument I. The quantity taken from this table must be multi- by ( The formula for the numbers of this table is 2.1 cos M. Table XXIX. contains the terms - 1N.6 23.0 cos (6 I' G I") + 22S.2 eat (/' - /") - 11.5 cos (7 /' - 7 /") + 998.6 cos (2 /' - 2 /") 6.4 cos (8 /' 8 /") _ H 11.8 cos (li /' 3 /" + 8') 3.5 cos (9 /' - 9 /") - 145.2 cos ( 1 /' - 4 /") 2.6 cos (10 /' - 10 /"), - 52.2 cos (5 I' - 5 /" + 20') due to the action of the Earth. The constant added is 1594. Table XXX. contains the term + 162.2 cos {4 f 5 /" + 88 52'), due to the action of the Earth. The constant added is 162. Table XXXI. contains the terms 19.2 133.0 cos (2 f 2 / iv ) + 299.2 cos (/' - /* + 20') - 7.0 cos (3 /' - 3 /"), due to the action of Jupiter. The constant added is 445. Table XXXII. contains the perturbations due to the action of Mercury. The formula has already been given on page 4. The constant added is 34. The tabulation is to double entry, and the remarks which have been made with regard to Table XXI. also apply here. Table XXXIII. contains the residual perturbations due to the action of the Earth. The formula is that given at page' 1 with the omission of the terms which have been tabulated in Tables XXIX. and XXX. The constant added is 150. The tabulation is to double entry, and the remarks made with regard to Table XXII. apply here. Table XXXIV. contains the perturbations due to the action of Mars. The formula has been given at page 5. The constant added is 80. The tabulation is to double entry, and the remarks made with regard to Table XXIII apply here. Table XXXV. contains the residual perturbations due to the action of Jupiter. The formula is that given on page 5, when the terms tabulated in Table XXXI. are omitted. The constant added is 80. The tabulation is to double entry, and the remarks made with regard to Table XXIV. apply here. Table XXXVI. contains the perturbations due to the action of Saturn. The formula has been given at pa-e .">. 11 INTRODUCTION. The constant added is 25. The tabulation is to double entry, and the remarks made with regard to Table XXV apply here. These tables (XX VI. XXX VI.) sutlicc tor finding the logarithm of the radius vector. Tables \X\VII. and XXXVIII. contain the perturbations of the latitude expressed in units of hundredths of a second o!' an-. Table XXXVII. contains the perturbations due to the action of the Earth. The formula has been given at page 5. The constant added is 0".62. The tabulation is to double entry, and the remarks made with regard to Table XXII. apply here. Table XXXVIII. contains the perturbations due to the action of Jupiter. The formula has been given at page 5. The constant added is 0".21. The tabulation is to double entry, and the remarks made with regard to Table XXIV. apply here. The latitude of Venus is then obtained in the following way. The elliptic latitude is obtained from the formula log sin (elliptic hit.) = log sin i + log sin [orbit long. + (360 ft)], in which the orbit longitude is corrected for perturbations. Then the true latitude is given by the formula True Latitude = Elliptic Latitude + the sum of the quantities derived from Tables XXXVII. and XXXVIII. 0"83.* Table XXXIX. contains, for the beginning of each year between 1750 1950, the values of the quantities K It K y , K 2 , log /t x , log /.-,., log k.,. and the Arguments XV. and XVI. on which depend respectively the lunar and solar nutation. The beginning of the year for Arguments XV. and XVI. must be understood as being the Washington mean noon of Jan. 0, (Jan. 1 in bissextile years,). But the other six quantities of this Table are given for this time of the beginning of the year only for 1850, and backwards and forwards from this epoch they proceed by intervals of a tropical year. This modification has been made, in order that the motion of these quantities for the fractional part of the year might be included in Table XLI. From each of the quantities /(T x , K y , and K%, there has brrn subtracted the constant 20".00, and from log y the constant 0.0000089, and from log k t the constant 0.0000560. These constants are equivalent, in each case, to the sum of the constants which have been added to the quantities in Tables XL. and XLI. to render them positive. Moreover to K^ has been added the small correction, due to lunar nutation, over and above the lunar nutation itself; and to log fc x has been added the small correction due to lunar nutation. Table XL. contains the variations of the quantities K^, K y , K z , log fc y , and log k 7l which are produced by lunar nutation. The two last arc expressed in units of the seventh decimal place. These quantities have all been com- puted for the epoch 1850, and are subject to small secular changes, which, except in the case of the correction of K x , arc barely sensible in the course of a century. The variation of A K 2 in a century has therefore been given in the adjacent column. The constants which have been added to render the numbers positive, are 18".00 to A K, 18". 00 to A K y , 17".00 to A K z , 88 units to J log i y , 430 units to J log k,.. The lunar nutation of the equinox can be obtained from the value of A K% by subtracting 18".00. The formulae for the quantities tabulated arc A K K = 18".00 + A , A K y = 18".00 + 1.0044 A { + 0.0690 A E, A K, = 17".00 + 0.9498 A <,' + 0.3323 A e, sec. var. of A K,, = + 0.0030 A 3, A log k y = 88 + 0.5469 A f - 9.480 A e, J log k t = 430 2.534 A + 45.71 J E, when for A $ and J E are substituted those parts of the values of these quantities given on page 6 which depend on 1 ([ . The part of A K^ which has been applied to K^ in Table XXXIX is + 0.0015 J v\ untl tne value of J log fc x which has been added to i- x in the same Table is - 0.0181 J .">(>. The secular variation J A',, becoming sensible ill the course of a eentur\ , is given in the adjacent column. The last column contains the solar nutation of the equinox. The constants which have been added are 2".00 to J A., ^".00 to J A" v , ;}".00to J A',., 1 unit to J log t,, and 130 units to J log /.-,. The formula 1 lor the quantities tabulated are, J A' v = 2".00 + 0".05 r + J v \ j A', = ->".(>(> 4- 0".12G r + J ,,' 4- 0".03N sin (2 O + 98.2), J K 7 . = 3".00 - l".H(il r 4- J v'> 4- 0". lift sili (2 O + 71.0), sec. var. J A' 2 = + 0".049 -, J log /t v = 1 4- 22.145 r 4- 5.3 sin (2 O + 263.5), J log /.-, = 130 - 103.110 - 4- 25. 1 sin (> O + N3 3 .8), r denoting tlie fraction of the year, and the value of J <,' being - 1".254 sin 2 Q. The proper values of A' x , A' y &c., needed for computing the values of .r, //, anil z referred to the true equinox and equator of date, are therefore obtained, by adding the quantities obtained from Tables XL. and XLI. to the quantities given in Table XXXIX. for th<;,beiiinin< subtracted from it. The corrections of' A . /v" . &c., arc obtained from Tables X I,, and XLI., with the respective Arguments XV. and XVI. In the ease of K, in carl. Table, the variation in 100 years, given in the adjacent column, must be taken into account; we multiply it by the fractional part of the eentur\ elapsed since L850, and add the product to the quantity obtained from the preceding column. T nations being added to the- values of A".. A"., &C., obtained iritlwut iiitff illation from Table XXXIX., we have the proper values of these' quantities for computing the rectangular coordinates of the planet referred to the true equinox and equator of date. It' r denote the radius vector, and / the orbit longitude of the planet, these coordinates are obtained by the formula' x = i'x r sin (). + K^), y = k,. r sin (/. -f- A" y ), ; = /,', / sill (/ + K, ). The values of the coordinates thus found need correction for the effect of perturbations in latitude. To obtain these corrections we multiply the perturbations of the latitude, expressed in hundredlhs of a second of arc, respectively by the three factors obtained from Table XI, 11. with the argument /., and the products are the respec- tive corrections of the coordinates expressed in units of the seventh decimal. If A", V'and Z denote the coordinates of the Sun referred to the same system of planes as j , i/ and z, the- atric right ascension a, declination , and distance from the Earth J, of the planet, are obtained from the equations, J cos a. cos <5 = x + -Y, A sin a. cos ft = y + Y, J sin = 2 + Z. The '/ and I +406 + 328 +282 + 121 + 10 Table. XIII . . . 188 187 187 187 187 187 187 187 186 Table XIV . . . . 157 157 157 158 158 159 156 159 160 XV .... 128 126 128 181 134 136 188 141 144 Table XVI .... 847 834 821 308 Jill 281 266 255 242 Table XVII . . . 1793 1708 1665 1656 1667 1679 1672 1631 1548 Table XV11I . . . 2GO 231 200 167 134 101 72 46 25 Table XIX .... 1 5 12 22 34 48 62 77 Table XX .... 431 519 591 642 668 670 650 612 563 Table XXI . . . . 22 28 25 27 29 31 31 39 44 Table XXI I . . . 189 138 139 141 113 145 145 141 135 Table XXIII . . . 34 23 22 20 18 16 18 12 10 Table XX IV . . . 2:> i 244 234 225 219 216 216 218 222 Table XXV . . . 36 33 82 82 :u 36 40 45 51 Sums .... 1205 4231 4204 4170 4113 4019 3875 3672 3417 \>ii. Tlie inequality from Table XII. is insensible at tins epoch, as is also the corresponding one of Log. r in Table -\\VII1 Perturbations of Log r, in units of the eighth decimal. Arg. I. 160 168 176 184 192 200 208 216 224 Table XXVII . . . -133 -15 + 104 +219 +323 +411 +478 + 522 + 538 Table XX IX . . . 2146 1989 1850 1753 1716 1748 1841 1978 2136 Table XXX . . . 292 309 320 321 321 311 295 274 248 Table XXXI . . . 17 66 141 236 339 440 528 594 636 Table XXXII . . . 50 46 36 24 13 9 9 12 11 Table XXXIII . . 231 221 214 210 211 216 224 235 245 Table XXXIV . . 85 70 57 46 36 29 23 20 19 Table XXXV . . . 140 184 125 112 99 85 73 65 60 Table XXXVI . . 36 32 27 22 17 11 6 3 Sums .... 2864 2852 2874 2946 3075 3260 3177 3703 3893 Perturbations of the Latitude, in hundrcdths of a second. Arg. I. 160 168 176 184 192 200 208 216 224 Table XXXVII . Table XXX VI 11 . . Constant 39 34 83 43 35 S3 46 36 83 53 36 83 59 35 83 65 34 83 71 82 83 76 30 83 80 27 83 Sums .... -10 5 - 1 + 6 + 11 + 16 +20 +23 +24 17 INTRODUCTION. Interpolating the perturbations of the longitude and log r to intervals of 4 days, we have, Arg. I. I'm. of the Long. uiir. Pert of Log r. Diff. Arg. Pert, of the Long. Diff. Pert, of Log,. Diff. d d it 160 164 168 172 176 180 184 188 192 42.65 12. 17 42.31 42.18 42.04 41.89 41.70 41.45 41.18 18 1C 13 14 15 19 95 :V2 2864 2855 2852 2858 2874 2903 2946 3003 3075 9 3 + G 16 89 43 57 + 72 192 196 200 204 208 212 216 220 221 41.13 40.72 40.19 39.51 38.75 37.80 36.72 35.50 34.17 41 53 05 79 95 108 139 133 3075 3162 3260 3365 3477 3592 3703 3804 3893 + 87 98 105 112 115 111 101 + 89 The Orbit Loin'Jludc and Log. r. Washington Mean Noon. Date. Sloan Longitude Eqtia. of the Pert, of Log. Elliptic r Pert, of Arg. I. from Tablrs Centre from the Long. Orbit Long. from Table Log. r. Log. /. 1-71. VI.-VIII. Table X. XXVI. Dec. 3 d 337 186'.6505 1 II 68 3 8.37 5 45J20 it 41.54 a i a 68 9 35.11 9.8578827 298 9.8579125 5 339 188.6505 71 15 23.98 7 5.00 41.40 71 23 10.38 9.8577382 301 9.85776H3 7 341 190.6505 74 27 39.59 8 32.38 41.24 74 36 53.21 9.8575986 305 9.8576291 9 313 192.6505 77 39 55.21 10 7.11 41.07 77 50 43.39 9.8574644 309 9.8574953 11 345 194.6505 80 52 10.82 11 48.87 40.87 81 4 40.56 9.8573358 313 9.8573671 13 347 196.6505 84 4 26.44 13 37.36 40.64 84 18 44.44 9.8572135 318 9.8572 153 Inequalities of 7t x , K y , fyc. 4E*. AK,. 4Jk A log k r I):iv of Year. Table Table Sum. Table Table Sum. Table Table Sum. Table Table Sum. XL. XLI. XL. XLI. XL. XLI. XL. XLI. d 310 KX68 it 0.78 // 11.46 // 11.23 if 0.83 12!o6 // 12.81 a 0.24 13!05 5 19 24 320 10.82 0.85 11.67 11.37 0.90 12.27 12.96 0.19 13.15 5 21 26 330 10.96 1.07 12.03 11.52 1.11 12.63 13.11 0.28 13.39 5 23 28 310 11.11 1.39 12.50 11.66 1.42 13.08 13.26 0.49 13.75 4 25 29 350 11.25 1.80 13.05 11.81 1.83 18.64 13.10 0.80 14.20 4 27 31 360 11.40 2.26 13.66 11.95 2.30 14.25 13.55 1.19 14.74 4 28 32 370 11.54 2.68 14.22 12.10 2.72 14.82 13.70 1.57 15.27 3 28 31 J log Ar z . Day of Year ^x- E r K* Log x . Log k y . Log i- z . Table Table Sum. XL. XLI. <1 310 828 46 874 89 58 23.90 o / // 1 27 22.22 352 44' 25.01 9.9992854 9.9598380 9.6179435 320 829 34 863 24.11 22.43 25.11 4 82 424 3.'5() 830 23 853 24.47 22.79 25.35 4 84 414 310 831 14 845 24.94 23.24 25.71 4 85 406 350 833 7 840 25.49 23.80 26.16 4 87 401 360 834 3 837 26.10 24.41 26.70 4 88 398 370 835 2 837 26.66 24.98 27.23 4 87 398 18 INTRODUCTION. <\>mjilii:'iiin !' /lie Ri-r/fiiiHiilnr Co'i'irili Dai.-, 1-71 /. + K, a + / v . t. -f /> (- A, i. f- A A Q 1 It o / // / // IN-.-. : \:^ 7 5!uio n:> 3ii :.s.-2<> 60 51 0.70 9.5708516 :>.!>:u7:>n !).55!)3398 5 K;I -21 3.V27 72 50 33..V, ni 7 : ;.(>:> 9.5039252 9.9400684 9.5720679 r- K;I :i:> 1N.-20 71; I 16.50 (17 -^i is.'ii; !). |-j:!7(ill 9.9468769 9.5880998 9 1(>7 1!) S. l!l 7!) IN (5.79 70 :5."> il.'J-.' y.:w:{. r )(is l 9.9522237 9.59-25170 ll 171 3 r>.7(i :i'2 1.07 73 W (i. IN 9.1911412 9,9561415 9.6003850 13 171 17 9.75 s.-i Hi M.Oli 77 3 10.15 8.9973798 9.958(5533 !).(i()(i7. r .li:) Dal.-, 1-71 log I. log y. log :. X. y- i Dec. 3 9.4282640 9.7896669 9.4173623 + 0.26S0798 + 0.6161-2-23 + 0.'2613i;si) 5 9.36 16935 9.7978367 9.4998362 0.2-299818 0.6-27N-2-23 0.-2(i!)05-20 7 9.-2H 1390-2 9.8045060 9,1 107-^89 0.1911570 0.6375879 0.2758855 9 9.1810(537 !).K097190 9.4500123 0.1517273 0.645-2366 0.2818463 11 9.0 185083 9.8185086 9.4577521 0.1118171 0.6508!) 15 0.-2N(i!)l 1-2 IS 8.851(5-251 9.8188986 !),!<) 100 18 +0.07155-25 +0.6511833 + 0.-29107-2!> TABLE XI.ll. I):iti:,l874. Factors (or Pert, of the Lat. A * Ay- AZ. A i- A y. A z- llr,-. 3 13 +0.001 0.000 -0.147 -0.141 + 0.323 + 0.3-21 + 7 + 14 j -2 +2 + 4 Dal.-, 1-71 X. jr. s. Date, 1874. a;. y- z. l>rr. 3 5 7 +0.2680798 0.2299818 +0.1911570 + 0.6161222 ().(i-27s-2-2-2 +0.6375377 +0.2613682 0.2690523 +0.2758858 Dec. 9 11 13 +0.1517273 0.1118171 +0.07155-25 + 0.6452364 0.6508913 +0.6544831 + 0.2818167 0.28(59146 + 0.2910733 "2. Required the heliocentric longitude and latitude and the logarithm of the radius vector of Venus for 1769, June 3' 1 10 1 ' 10 Paris mean time. This is equivalent to June 3 d 4 b 52 m 26 8 .98 Washington mean time = 154 d .20309 from the beginning of the year. Preparation of the Arguments. m I. 11. 111. IV. V. VI. VII VIII. IX Table VI., 1769 . 1 ):i\ .if Yoiir Table V., Periods . Arguments for date -132 1 148.1850 154.2031 -224.7008 86.9 0.4 6195 154 a 465 151 276,8 154.2 430.08 154.20 583.92 162.6 151.2 -243.2 d 158.4 154.2 -220.6 95.51 151. -20 236.99 -131 77.6873 87.3 6349 619 431.0 0.31 73.6 92.0 12.72 X. XI. XII. XIII. XIV. log sin i. 3600 - a . XV. XVI. Tables VI., XXXIX, 1769 . ... 54.98 33.26 -60.00 210.46 147.64 -240.00 57.1 19.6 -60.0 34.91 3.11 10.0 0.8 8.7721047 5 285 23 59^5 -13.7 1646.5 154.2 ,1 2.3 154.2 Tables V., VII. . . Args., &c., for date . 28.24 118.10 16.7 38.02 10.N 8.7721052 285 23 45.8 1800.7 156.5 19 INTRODUCTION. Mean Longitude. L. Table VI., 1769 Table VII., June 3 Table IX. 4 1 ' tt tt 52m " " 26 S .98 VIII., 1769, (-0" Table Mean Longitude, 4 57 7.69 246 44 2.33 16 1.301 3 28.282 1.801 .015 X 0.4) = -0.006 252 41.40 Longitude. Logarithm Radius Vector. Mean Longitude 252 6 4L40 Log. Elliptic r, Table XXVI., 9.8610042 Equation of tbe Centre 1 25 39.70 Table XXVII., - 7.66 X (- 131) + 1003 Table XI., - 10.363 X (- 131) -f 13.57 Table XXV1IL, + 1.2 X (-.1.31) 2 + 2 Table XII., + 1.66 X (- 1.31) 2 + 0.03 Table XXIX., 1716 Table XIII., 4.66 Table XXX., 6 Table XIV., 0.32 Table XXXI., 600 Table XV., 1.12 Table XVI., 4.45 Arg. I. 72 80 Table XVII., 16.68 Table XVIII., 2.05 Table XXXII., 48 49 Table XIX., 1.21 Table XXXIII., 39 36 Table XX., 2.93 Table XXXIV., 40 51 Table XXXV., 82 77 Arg. L, 72 80 Table XXXVI., 14 10 Table XXI., 82 80 Sums, 223 223 Table XXII., 145 150 Interpolated, 223 Table XXIII., 10 8 Table XXIV., 310 308 Log. r, 9.8610377 Table XXV., 15 17 Sums 562 563 Latitude. Interpolated, 5.63 O / // Orbit Longitude, 253 27 13.75 Orbit Longitude, 253 27 13.75 360 - Q, 285 23 45.8 Red. to Ecliptic, Table XLVL, +7.26 Lunar Nutation, Table XL., + 17.29 Arg. of Latitude, 178 50 59.5 Solar Nutation, Table XLL, - 0.68 Log sin Arg. of Latitude, 8.3025984 Heliocentric Longitude, 253 27 37.62 Log sin i 8.7721052 Log sin Latitude 7.0747036 Elliptic Latitude o / // + 04 4.98 Arg. I. 72 SO Table XXXVII., 65 57 Table XXXVIII., 17 15 Sums 82 72 Interpolated 0.75 Constant - 0.83 Latitude + 04 4.90 20 INTRODUCTION. Kncke's reduction of tho observations of the Transit of Venus in 17(!i) gives 253* 27' 13". 17 and +0" 4' 4".5fi as the orbit longitude and latitude.* I'.ut according to the Tnhlrx tin So/ril of Hansen and Olufsen, the longitude and latitude of tin- Sun, adopted b) Kncke, must be eorreeteil, respectively, by + 0".G4 and + 0".01. Thus we ina\ adopt 2.~i3 27' 13".81 and +0 4' 4".52 as the values given by observation, ;uid the residuals, ( )hs. Cal., are respectively + 0".06 and 0".38. If Enekc's reduction of the Transit of 1761 is compared with the Tables, in the same way, the residuals will DC found to be 0".33 and + 0".40. 3. Required the heliocentric position of Venus for 1639, Dec. I' 1 3 h ll m 55" Paris mean time. This time is equivalent to Dec. 3 tl 22 h '27'" 21 S .9H Washington mean time = 337' 1 .93567 from the beginning of the year. Preparation of the Arguments. lit 1. u. III. IV. V. VI. VII. VIII. IX. Table VI.. 1KJ9 . Table XI, IV, 1600. Terms X (f 50), Dav of Year, Periods, .... - 18 -326 + 2 96.2956 204.4585 +0.0005 337.9357 -449.4016 i.-)6:9 38.9 0.9 7786 10863 338 -11987 2358 932 338 -2959 1108 d 9 1153.7 337.9 -1454.9 303.49 526.09 337.94 -583.92 196.3 144.6 337.9 -486.3 138.7 180.0 337.9 -440.1 66.39 182.50 337.94 -473.98 Arguments for date, -342 191.2887 196.7 7000 669 1145.6 583.60 192.5 216.5 112.85 X XI. XII. XIII. XIV. log sin i. *-Q. XV. XVI. Tab^s VI., X.XXIX. 1839 ' 6.46 1.97 14.4 29.66 237 87721999 a 1 II 284 46 46 d 194 a 1 3 Table XUV., 1600 . Terms X (>' - 50), . 1 Li \ of Year, or Periods Periods 17.69 6.52 107.80 55.29 22.2 39.3 600 5.56 6.22 6.9 1.5 -0.0002732 -24 + 12 + 1 48 17.0 0.6 30.1 1732.9 337.9 +0.4 337.9 Arguments for date, . 30.67 165.06 15.9 41.44 32.1 8.7719255 286 33 50.9 2090.2 339.6 Mean Longitude. L. O / // Table VI., 1839 285 59 48.72 Table XLIV., 1600, 324 46 55.79 Term X ('' - 50), + 0.458 Table VII., Dec. 3, 179 55 51.07 Table IX., 22 1 ', 1 28 7.157 " " 27 1 ", 1 48.146 " " 21 9 .98, 1.466 Table XLV., 1839.9 with opp. sign, 0.176 " " 1942.3 = 1639.9 + 302.4, 0.279 Mean Longitude, 72 12 32.35 * Der Venns-clurolignng von 17GO, p. 1(17. 21 INTRODUCTION. Longituilr. Mi -:ni Longitude, Kipmtion of the Outre, Table XI., + lO.JJO!) X (- 3 12), Table XII., - 1.61 X (3.12)', Table XIII., Table XIV., Table XV.. Table XVI., Table XVII., Table XVIII., Table XIX., Table XX., Arg. I. 184 102 Table XXI., 107 109 Table XXII., 140 142 Table XXIII, 25 25 Table XXIV., 428 436 Table XXV., 35 34 Sums 735 746 Interpolated Orbit Longitude, Red. to Ecliptic, Table XLVI., Lunar Nutation, Table XL., Solar Nutation, XLI., Heliocentric Longitude, 72 12 32.35 9 1.83 -35.26 -0.19 1.60 0.59 1.27 2.87 16.67 1.30 0.01 2.69 7.45 72 21 33.18 +6.79 + 16.34 - 0.73 72 21 55.58 Logarithm Radius Vector. Log. Elliptic r, Tnbl.> XXVI, Table XXVIL, + 7.86 X (- 342), Table XXVIII., Table XXIX., Table XXX., Table XXXI., Arg. I. 184 192 Table XXXII., 24 28 Table XXXIII., 210 212 Table XXXIV., 108 96 Table XXXV., 35 52 Table XXXVI., 26 20 Sums 403 Interpolated Log. r, 408 Latitude. Orbit Longitude, 360- Q, Arg. of Latitude, Log sin Arg. of Lat. Log sin i, Log sin Latitude, Elliptic Latitude, Arg. I. 184 Table XXXVII., 54 Table XXXVIII., Sums Interpolated, Constant Latitude, 9 63 192 61 12 73 9.8575552 -2697 15 1716 321 9 408 9.8575527 72 21 33.18 286 33 50.9 358 55 24.1 n 8.2739219 8.7719255 n 7.0 158 17 I o / // -0 3 49.23 0.72 -0.83 -0 3 49.34 If Enckc's reduction of Horrox's observations of (be Transit at this time be corrected to conform with the position of the Sun as derived from Hanson and Olufscn's Tables, the residuals of the orbit longitude and helio- centric latitude arc found to be respectively + 1 1".4 and 18". 9. 22 INTRODUCTION. CORRECTION OF THE ELEMENTS OF THE ORBIT OF VENUS. Tin' Elements adopted tor comparison with oh.-ervation, arc. in the main, those on which LKVKIUUKR \\;\-~ \\i-i Tables. They arc Epoch, IViO, Jan. 1.0, Paris Mean Time. -' = 129 27 1 1.5 Q' = 75 19 52.3 /' = 3 23 31.83 c' = 0.00(581331 ' = 21 06(51 1 The value of ' has iii-cn changed in order to make the adopted tropical motion coincide with LKVKKRIKK'S value. The values ot the disturbing masses, and, in fuel, of all the constants needed in the theory, are, with two exceptions, those i;iven ill the Introduction. But the annual tropical motion of the node at the epoch 1850 employed is 32".2!)31 as it results from the adopted values of the planetry masses : and the true longitude of tho Sim is derived from the apparent longitude of I IAX.SKX'S and OLUFSEN'S Tables du Soleil by subtracting the effect of aherration Corresponding to the constant 20".2.">5. All the elements, except the mean motion, are ' determined, with nearly all the precision possible by tho modern observations; that is to say, those comprehended in the interval from 1686 up to toe present time. The addition of the observations made previously to 183(5 to the discussion, would scarcely increase this precision. For the mean motion we must employ ancient observations ; anil for this purpose it seems better to depend on the data furnished by the Transits of 17(il and 17(5!), than on the somewhat uncertain observations of Bradley. Encke's reduction of these Transits, corrected to conform with the positions of the Sun derived from the Tiililm dn Soli'H, will be adopted. All the longitudes mentioned hero are referred to the mean equinox of date. For the Transit of 17(51 Encke gives Paris Moan Time = 1761, June 5 d 17 h 30'". Q f II True Longitude of the Sun = 75 35 49.6, Latitude of the Sun + 0.6, Orbit Longitude of Venus = 2553534.45, Heliocentric Latitude of Venus = 3 45.91, Hut the Tnbli-x ilit So/i' it give 75 35' 52".05 and -f 0".53 as the longitude and latitude of the Sun. Consequently the adopted position of Venus is o / // Orbit Longitude = 255 35 36.90, Heliocentric Latitude = 3 45.84. For the Transit of 1769, Enckc gives Paris Mean Time = 17(59, June 3' 1 10 1 ' 10'". a I II True Longitude of the Sun = 73 27 13.8, Latitude of the Sun = 0.0, Orbit Longitude of Venus = 2532713.17, Heliocentric Latitude of Venus = +4 4.56. The Tn/>li'n /In N/a/ give 73 27' 14".25 and -f-0".04 as the longitude and latitude of the Sun. Consequently the adopted position of Venus is O I II Orbit Longitude of Venus = 253 27 13.62, Heliocentric Latitude of Venus = +4 4.52. 23 INTRODUCTION. The meridian observations have been corrected to conform with the constant 8".848 of solar parallax, anil to the following expression for the semi-diameter : 8^516 Q// - ; A In other respects Leverricr's reduction has been adopted. With regard to the Greenwich and Paris observations which have accumulated since Levcrricr made his investigation, that is, from 1858 forward, as, on comparing the places, given in the several annual volumes, for the fundamental time-stars, with Dr. GOULD'S Standard Places, SfC., no sensible average difference in the right ascensions could be discovered, no correction for difference of equinoxes has been applied to them. To the Washington observations in declination in the years LS66, 1867, has been applied the correction +0".7f>. (Sec Washington Observations for 1867, Appendix III., pp. 20, 21.) In forming the following normals, Paris observations have been combined with Greenwich; but Washington observations have been kept separate. The normals, formed from them, are those given for Washington Mean Noon. The Paris Observations used are not in great number, and belong to the years 1838 and 1856 1866. The com- parisons arc Obs. Cal. Normals in the inferior part of the Orbit. No. Greenwich M. T. App. K. A. App. Dec. No. Obs. A A, d h in H all' 8 n 1 1836, June 9.0 8 16 6.380 --21 53 40.12 4 + 0.082 + 0.62 2 July 2.0 8 52 43.140 -- 16 16 11.35 5 0.057 + 0.63 3 July K5.0 8 43 59.799 --14 17 35.12 4 0.054 0.32 4 Aug. 7.0 7 47 48.091 --13 41 44.35 3 + 0.228 0.60 5 Aug. 30.0 7 56 5.580 -- 15 11 1.98 4 + 0.083 1.71 6 1838, Jan. 12.0 22 36 4.483 - 8 23 42.65 ' + 0.079 + 0.48 7 Feb. 2.0 23 19 4.936 5 1.83 5 -0.163 + 5.07 8 Feb. 22.0 23 11 48.498 + 3 26 16.93 3 + 0.050 + 2.00 9 March 12.0 22 33 39.400 1 38.66 3 + 0.178 + 1.75 10 March 24.0 22 23 12.226 - 3 12 55.39 10 + 0.111 1.18 11 April 7.0 22 37 31.008 - 4 49 5.56 13 + 0.096 1.02 12 1839, Sept. 21.0 12 58 21.552 14 51 58.87 4 0.147 0.66 13 Oct. 12.0 12 19 41.626 9 44 43.41 9 + 0.047 + O.S2 14 1841, May 1.0 3 50 40.864 + 25 34 44.55 6 + 0.009 + 0.39 15 May 27.0 2 59 23.728 + 17 13 40.10 5 f 0.254 + 1.95 16 June 12.0 2 59 45.783 + 14 23 34.07 4 -0.021 0.92 17 1842, Dec. 15.0 17 56 8.706 22 32 23.92 5 -0.140 + 2.34 18 1843, Jan. 10.0 17 15 35.705 17 35 57.26 2 - 0.042 + 0.29 19 1844, May 31.0 7 46 25.585 + 23 55 35.09 6 0.047 + 1.23 20 July 30.0 7 49 49.182 + 13 59 37.34 6 0.046 0.68 21 1846, Jan. 16.0 22 44 36.217 6 45 4.41 3 0.074 + 0.13 22 Feb. 8.0 23 14 37.585 + 1 8 50.95 4 0.092 + 0.20 23 March 18.0 22 15 8.390 3 5 52.55 2 + 0.210 3.17 24 1847, Aug. 15.0 12 16 12.840 4 47 4.42 4 + 0.052 + 0.69 25 Sept. 23.0 12 43 32.402 13 41 51.42 4 0.203 + 0.64 26 Nov. 15.0 12 36 33.246 3 37 36.16 5 + 0.206 - 0.82 27 1849, May 2.0 3 36 3.678 + 24 41 22.91 5 + 0.187 + 0.09 28 June 8.0 2 49 10.035 + 14 4 37.76 10 - 0.087 + 3.60 29 1850, Nov. 23.0 18 8 47.037 26 55 13.20 3 -0.159 2.65 30 Dec. 17.0 17 33 52.085 21 38 46.95 2 0.033 0,17 31 1851, Jan. 20.0 17 20 48.740 17 41 28.31 4 + 0.296 0.76 32 1852, July 10.0 8 24 23.066 + 15 40 33.60 9 + 0.040 + 0.44 33 Aug. 16.0 7 25 42.850 + 15 24 38.50 4 + 0.182 0.78 34 Sept. 5.0 8 4 29.218 + 15 58 35.33 4 + 0.126 1.14 35 1854, Jan. 20.0 22 50 6.361 5 16 4.06 6 + 0.061 -0.04 36 Feb. 3.0 23 6 4.528 34 39.68 3 + 0.012 + 1.67 37 Feb. 20.0 22 49 33.074 + 1 19 46.87 5 + 0.221 + 0,45 38 1855, Aug. 18.0 12 20 36.824 - 5 57 52.34 7 + 0.007 + 0.32 39 Sept. 20.0 12 35 48.073 - 12 52 25.49 5 -- 0.120 + 2.32 40 Oct. 12.0 11 55 6.943 6 28 37.38 4 - - 0.076 1.62 41 Nov. 16.0 12 36 57.050 - 3 23 38.44 5 -- 0.148 0.90 42 1857, Feb. 16.0 49 21.025 + 6 27 10.65 13 - - 0.063 + 0.46 43 March 18.0 2 36 3.575 + 19 31 12.35 5 0.058 0.37 44 April 16.0 3 35 55.521 + 25 33 57.52 7 + 0.027 0.85 45 May 21.0 24250.763 +165935.65 8 +0.118 + 0.56 46 June 13.0 2 50 20.725 + 13 31 18.27 13 + 0.020 + 0.81 24 INTRODUCTION. No. GrciMiwii-li M. T. App. K. A. App. 1 > .V, 01,, An A-i .1 ll III fl off/ | // 17 1*57. June 26.0 3 20 19.536 + 11 46 16.18 12 + 0.08 1 + 1.07 18 1858, AMU. 17.0 12 21 4.321 - 2 10 32.51 !) -0.139 + 1.03 I!) Sept. 18.0 11 31 :>7.:>11 - 17 21 17.16 4 0.05*. 1.56 50 ( tet 10.0 16 2 1.666 -24 12 17.26 10 O.ON6 - 0.62 51 Nov. 7.0 17 37 19.017 28 1 51.96 11 + 0.050 3.2 1 V,v. 29.0 17 55 !).<;:>! 25 :>i 3i.n 3 + 0.311 -4.70 53 !)-. 21.0 17 7 52.155 20 4 43.16 4 + 0.203 2.23 54 IS.')!), .Ian. 10.0 16 5S 27.618 17 21 53.14 7 + 0.051 + 3.60 55 .l:ill. 29.0 17 10 25.353 is 26 821 8 + 0.138 + 0.17 56 I860. M ;IV ;{.() 5 53 lts.561 +26 36 37.27 4 + 0.03 1 + 1.13 57 .M:iv 23.0 7 16 2.x 13 + 25 23 36.95 5 + 0.0)2 + 1.53 58 June lit!) s 23 55.S23 - 19 58 30. 1 1 5 f 0.103 + 2. 13 59 July 10.0 8 11 15.899 - 16 8 22.57 6 + 0.103 + 2.50 60 An;,'. 31.0 7 4N 10.699 - 16 21 11.53 7 + 0.203 + 0.18 61 Sept. 22.0 !) 1 57.720 - 14 11 21.01 11 + 0.174 -0.67 89 1861, Doc. 10.0 20 31 32.S10 21 9 42.31 4 0.020 - 1.11 68 Dec. 26 21 37 51.N53 -15 29 11.52 7 + 0.036 - 1.41 (it 1862, Jan. 16.0 22 38 21.3S1 - 6 59 2.66 9 + 0.063 0.43 66 Feb. 12.0 22 50 59.987 + 17 57.58 2 + 0.201 2.41 66 March 11.0 21 58 59.897 - 3 59 31.67 5 + 0.211 + 3.72 67 April 23.0 23 14 6.685 4 20 27.06 9 f 0.061 + 0.09 68 .May 13.0 26 3. 17!) + 1 19 59.00 4 - 0.069 + 2.83 69 1863, July 11.0 10 21 37.937 + 10 53 34.89 7 - 0.014 + 0.74 70 An"},'. 1.0 11 35 5.196 + 1 22 1.05 6 - 0.004 2.34 71 lug. 12.0 12 1 25.882 - 3 26 49.57 7 + 0.106 4.25 n Sept. i.o 12 35 55.785 - 10 23 46.78 6 -0.108 + 0.38 73 Sept. !!).() 12 21 5 1.20C - 11 49 46.67 6 + 0.117 + 1.85 ' 1 Oct 2s.o 11 50 36.106 1 43 20.76 2 + 0.117 3.63 75 NOT. 20.0 12 47 33.27 1 3 53 37.08 5 + 0.202 -2.15 76 1865, Feb. 13.0 38 41.720 -58 4.61 4 0.012 - 1.17 77 March 25.0 2 51 9.362 -21 44 33.17 7 0.008 + 0.69 78 April 9.0 3 23 1.559 -21 16 29.99 10 + 0.057 + 0.96 78 April 25.0 3 20 45.JJ53 -21 31 33.5!) 11 + 0.102 0.08 NO May 7.0 2 56 28.201 + 21 8 3.49 7 + 0.201 + 1.48 81 May 21.0 2 28 59.092 - 14 58 17.96 9 + 0.233 + 1.59 83 June 11.0 2 12 18.317 - 13 4 19.64 8 + 0.208 + 0.26 83 June 22.0 3 7 28.235 - 14 5 20.47 7 + 0.139 0.07 84 July 11.0 4 9 16.618 -17 22 1.01 9 + 106 + 0.31 85 1866, Sept. 25.0 15 1 14.407 20 15 30.52 3 + 0.066 + 0.55 86 Oct. 16.0 16 24 17.041 26 5 30.30 7 + 0.017 1.53 87 Oct. 27.0 17 2 22.875 27 36 58.50 3 0.002 + 0.46 88 Nov. 15.0 17 44 28.584 27 42 20.26 9 - - 0.208 -0.31 86 Nov. 30.0 17 39 2,104 25 25 42.81 4 -- 0.417 + 0.05 90 Dec. 28.0 16 44 36.668 - 18 5 53.53 2 -. 0.359 +0.19 91 1867, Feb. 7.0 18 9 47.537 19 2 58.09 6 -- 0.174 +1.04 99 March 30.0 21 52 48.772 12 51 21.47 2 --0.015 0.29 93 1868, May 6.0 6 7 11.8:51 -26 42 54.56 6 0. 1 1 1 + 0.76 94 May 19.0 7 21.501 -25 57 6.61 3 + 0.05 1 + 0.95 95 May 29.0 7 31 52.111) -21 29 40.91 4 + 0.103 +0.71 96 June 12.0 8 8 50.822 -21 11 50.55 9 + 0.05!) + 0.79 97 June 29.0 8 16 30.999 + 18 13 10.72 7 + 0.203 0.09 98 July 14.0 7 47 9.381 - 16 9 52.23 6 + 0. 177 + 1.23 99 July 28.0 7 14 21.065 - 15 34 15.57 4 + 0.173 1.35 100 Aug. 15.0 7 11 41.426 -16 13 52.9!) 1 + 0.050 0.96 101 Aug. 26.0 7 32 23.633 - 16 38 18.77 4 + 0.104 + 0.03 102 Sept. 4.0 7 57 43.509 - 16 35 5.21 4 0.069 0.37 103 Sept. 18.0 8 46 43.419 - 15 25 27.66 6 + 0.00 1 0.63 104 1869, Doc. 1.0 19 55 0.713 23 33 19.35 2 + 0.033 + 0.09 105 Dec. 23.0 21 26 28.614 16 37 52.39 1 + 0.038 + 0.94 106 1870, Jan. 3.0 22 2 46.591 -12 18 0.76 1 + 0.092 + 1.72 107 Jan. 27.0 22 48 13.855 - 3 24 26.46 4 + 0.339 + 2.6 1 108 Feb. 21.0 22 19 12.992 1 14 10.51 3 + 0.257 + 2.49 109 March 19.0 21 49 6.160 - 6 42 37.21 2 + 0.196 +1.21 110 April 5.0 22 18 31.S56 - 7 18 36.33 2 + 0.087 + 2.55 111 April 12.0 22 37 59.072 6 36 2.61 3 + 0.266 + 2.67 119 April 22.0 23 10 0.139 1 16 21.21 3 +0.060 +2.31 4 V 25 INTRODUCTION. No. Greenwich .M. T. .\pp. R. A. AI>]>. D'-c. . No.Obs. A A. 1!. A. App. Dei'. No.Obs. An A'i .1 li in s / // B // 1 25 1863, Aug. 19.0 12 19 46.295 6 19 30.41 13 + 0.078 + 1.33 126 Sept. 1-2.0 12 34 6.510 - 12 5 24.23 9 4-0.071 + 1.08 127 Oct. 19.0 11 42 32.127 - 2 57 57.34 10 -|- 0.236 -0.94 128 Nov. 15.0 12 32 43.563 2 56 9.17 11 4-0.071 + 0.35 1-.") 1865, Feb. 7.0 16 19.073 + 2 10 43.90 6 4- 0.034 + 0.11 130 Feb. -23.0 1 16 59.279 -|- 10 9 15.R1 4 - 0.039 --0.44 131 March 11.0 2 13 1.700 -j- 17 6 32.28 o + 0.037 - - 1.02 132 March 28.0 3 2 8.034 + 22 35 31.27 o 0.113 -- 1.20 133 April 18.0 3 26 40.672 4-25 11 16.40 6 + 0.010 -- 1.81 J.-J1 May 2.0 3 7 27.361 -j-22 47 40.20 4 + 0.240 4-0.61 135 May 18.0 2 34 22.761 + 16 46 48.36 7 + 0.091 + 1.46 136 .limr 4.0 2 32 28.520 4-13 9 9.64 8 + 0.095 j-0.42 137 June 26.0 3 19 28.164 4- 14 43 23.83 9 + 0.079 0.00 138 July '20.0 4 45 13.373 4- 18 57 33.95 8 + 0.080 + 1.11 139 1866, Sept. 1-2.0 14 9 6.234 - 15 7 32.81 5 0.062 - 0.62 110 Oct. 6.0 15 46 27.321 -23 49 35.82 4 - 0.031 - 0.75 111 Oct. 19.0 16 36 2.1)52 -26 39 2.71 8 + 0.061 -2.11 142 Nov. 9.0 17 36 3.668 -28 1 18.33 7 + 0.134 - 1.56 143 Nov. 28.0 17 42 2.599 -25 52 0.26 6 + 0.385 - 1.88 111 Dec. 19.0 16 55 50.052 -20 53.68 2 + 0.570 + 2.20 145 1867, Jan. 22.0 17 17 25.170 17 59 43.41 10 + 0.222 0.14 Normals in the superior part of the Orbit. No. Greenwich M. T. App. a. A. App. Dec. No.Obs. A At! ,1 li m s / // g // 146 1858, Jan. 23.0 19 46 16.637 21 53 48.46 3 + 0.022 2.26 117 April 23.0 2 56 59.252 + 16 35 27.79 5 0.005 -0.10 us June 14.0 7 27 55.977 + 23 33 18.26 13 + 0.078 -0.13 119 July 19.0 10 17 52.788 + 12 10 47.22 5 0.035 + 0.11 150 1859, Feb. 23.0 19 14 56.589 - 19 15 37.66 7 + 0.022 -0.82 151 March 18.0 20 57 4.220 - 16 1 1 30.29 6 + 0.188 + 2.39 152 June 17.0 3 46 35.988 + 18 29 1.65 4 + 0.033 - 0.40 158 July 19.0 6 31 41.515 + 23 6 57.50 11 - 0.021 - 0.31 164 Aug. 23.0 9 32 0.652 4- 15 49 11.42 8 -0.016 -0.44 155 Nov. 13.0 16 1 34.918 -20 45 38.42 5 + 0.0 14 - 1.75 158 Dec. 17.0 19 5 56.987 23 55 27.75 4 + 0.043 - 3.39 157 1860, Jan. 17.0 21 46 14.280 15 10 47.89 5 + 0.016 2.66 158 Feb. 29.0 1 24.170 + 6 15 55.78 3 - 062 0.77 159 April 19.0 4 48 31.013 -j-25 10 19.92 4 -0.014 - 0.04 160 Oct. 24.0 11 13 17.826 + 5 r>l 46.41 5 + 0.086 - 0.82 161 Dec. 10.0 14 42 35.914 - 13 40 52.46 5 - 0.060 0.81 162 1867, May 14.0 1 11 9.973 + 5 34 41.60 6 + 0.113 + 0.44 163 June 17.0 3 49 8.762 + 18 38 58.87 5 + 0.050 + 1.11 16 i Aug. 18.0 9 10 1.066 + 17 23 4 1.04 6 0.059 + 0.60 165 Oct. 15.0 13 11 6.075 - 9 28 37.18 4 + 0.009 1.01 26 I INTRODUCTION. jYii;'w/.v in I In- sii/irrinr /iiir/ /' // Orlil. No. Gri'cnwirli M. T. A|i|>. ft. A. A ji|i. n No. Ob*. Aa A.! 166 |si;-. Nov. 19.0 h in a 16 36 3.11s / // 22 2."> 31.:.1 5 0*001 - a:> i 167 1868, Oct. 16.0 10 10 13.171 + 8 3s :J!I.S2 9 + 0.100 + 0.01 168 Dec. 17.0 15 IS Hi.5l.Vi - 16 23 36.5)5 6 + 0.083 f 0.83 169 Is<;<), .Ian. 12.0 17 32 57.506 22 22 25.57 5 + o.ino 1.18 170 \:K : | 20.0 1 36 7.1!).") + 8 13 5!).!)5 6 - 0.070 + 0.55 171 .lime 17.0 (i 29 55.7s 1 + 2! 7 55.16 5 - 0.020 + 0.32 172 Jnlv Ki.O 9 1 6.0!)0 + 18 33 2,s7 1 - 0.208 + 0.78 173 An-. 2(i.O 12 10 o.t;si - 7 31.79 5 -0.010 f 0.29 174 Sep,. 21.0 1 1 : 2C. --:;:! -13 7 17.72 1 0.183 + 1.02 178 Oct. 13.0 15 11) 16.3li8 -21 12 11.S7 5 0.026 + 1.13 In order to have as few unknown quantities. in the ci|ii;itioiis of condition, ;i^ possible, the dillrrciiccs J n and Jo |i,-i\i. I ice n i-liiiiiircd into cos r r J II and J i, ; W di -noting th<' ^cciccnlric lon^ilndc of Venus ivl'm-rd in a plane dmwii tlirongli the e.-utre of the Kartli parallel to the plane of the orhil of Venus, and T, denoting the corresponding latitude. The forniuhr used are given in WATSON'S T/ii-off/irnl .\xlrnnomii. pp. 153 159. In the following eipiations, \vc have put l ' a; = J L'o- 2 sin j ',' J Q', y = 100 J ', c' ( J -' - 2 t J all expressed in seconds of arc; and .r', //',;' and u' denote the similar quantities in reference to the solar ele- ments. In the computation of the coefficients of the last, roughly approximate formula; have heen used. A mean of the Transits of 17G1 and 17G9 gives + 0.992 j' - 0.839 y + 1.61 : + 1.17 u + 1.00 x> - 0.84 y + 0.83 z' - \.82u' = + 1".745. The indeterminate correction of the Sim's semi-diameter nearly disappears from this mean. The following equations of condition are numbered with the same number ;>s the normals, from which they are derived. The last column contains tin; residuals which remain after the elements have been corrected as shown in the sequel. No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Equations of condition. Residuals. - 0.40 *+ O.OSy 0.36: 1.44+ 1.4&/ 0.19/ 0.21 z' 3.06u' = + L01 + 0.97 -1.37 +0.180.872.97+2.41 -0.32 -1.45 -4.69 =0.95 1.02 -2.05 +0.280.874.16+3.08 -0.41 -2.17 -5.74 = -0.69 0.71 -2.07 + -0.41 -2.65 -5.57 =+3.37 +3.37 -0.80 +0.11+0.312.15+1.80 -0.24 -2.22 3.16 =+1,11 +1,13 -0.31 +0.040.12+1,11+1.30 -0.16 +1.86 +2.32 =+1.27 +0.68 -0.98 +0.12 0.93 +2.31 + 1.98 -0.21 +3.56 +2.59 =0.23 1.25 -2.27 +0.272.31+4.06+3.27 -0.39 +5.84 +3.12 =+1.48 0.38 _--j. U +0.293.04+3.85+3.10 -0,10 +6.26 +2.85 =+3.13 +1.22 -1.70 +0.202.53+2.69+2.70 -0.32 +5.18 +2.00 =+1.13 0.27 -0.90 +0.111.76+1.56+1.91 -0.22 +3.95 +1.01 =+0.96 +0.08 -2.06 +0.21+3.532.38+3.08 -0.32 -6.12 -0.14 =1.66 2.07 -2.51 +0.26+4.642.02+3.51 -0.36 -7.01 +0.39 =+0.29 0.34 -2.00 + -0.26 +4.57 3.99 =+0.22 0.91 -2.09 + -0.27 +4.28 -4.47 =+4.08 +3.09 -1.12 +0.102.391.18+2.12 -0.14 +2.72 -3.49 =0.59 1.11 -2.69 +0.19+3.71+3.87+3.69 -0.26 -1.82 +7.26 =2.09 120 1.58 +0.11 + 1.80 +2.98 +2. 5s -0.18 -0.65 +5.38 = O.(i3 -2.10 0.07 +0.21 -2.76 = -0.81 (i.id 0.18 2.17 +6.18 =0.57 1.14 - 0.27 - 2.40 + 0.01 0.63 1.18 + 1.27 - + 0.13 0.41 1.N2 +3.10 27 INTRODUCTION. No. Equations of condition. Residuals. 21 - 0.47.T + 0.02.y 0.17-. + 1.64+ 1.47^ 0.06y' + 2.19;' + 2.48w' 0.98 1.79 22 - 1.51 + 0.06 1.31 + 3.16 + 2.54 0.10 + 1.37 + 3.00 - 1.19 -2.93 23 - 1.95 + 0.07 -2.61 + 3.15 + 2.95 0.11 + 5.79 + 2.51 = + 1.84 - 0.20 21 -0.40 + 0.01 + 1.03 - 1.15 + 1.40 -0.03 2.79 -1.18 = +0.42 + 0.24 25 2.29 + 0.05 + 8.87 2.60 + 3.28 -0.07 6.58 0.29 = 2.95 3.92 26 0.55 + 0.01 + 1.78 0.38 + 1.55 0.03 3.33 + 1.04 = +3.15 + 2.75 27 2.22 + 0.02 -4.51 -0.53 + 3.22 0.02 + 4.94 -4.09 = +2.47 + 0.72 28 1.22 + 0.01 2.59 1.14 + 2.22 0.01 + 3.02 -3.46 = +0.04 0.85 29 1.55 -0.01 + 2.84 + 1.97 + 2.55 + 0.02 2.07 + 4.94 = 2.24 -3.81 30 2.73 0.03 + 3.75 + 3.93 + 3.72 + 0.04 2.06 + 7.28 = 0.41 3.18 31 0.88 0.01 + 1.17 + 2.02 + 1.88 + 0.02 1.96 + 4.10 = +4.28 + 3.11 32 2.18 -0.05 1.24 4.31 + 3.18 + 0.08 -L77 6.06 = 0.38 - 1.61 33 1.26 -0.03 + 0.04 2.92 + 2.26 + 0.06 2.00 -4.22 = +2.07 + 1.48 34 -0.44 0.01 + 0.19 -1.60 + 1.44 + 0.04 1.92 2.50 = + 1.59 + 1.39 35 0.68 0.03 -0.51 + 1.96 + 1.68 + 0.07 + 2.58 + 2.70 = +0.46 -0.68 36 - 1.37 0.06 - 1.02 + 2.96 + 2.37 + 0.10 + 3.95 + 3.09 = +0.71 - 1.20 37 -2.43 0.10 -2.15 + 4.44 + 3.42 + 0.14 + 5.83 + 3.70 = +2.52 0.59 38 -0.51 0.03 + 1.14 -1.33 + 1.51 + 0.09 -3.10 - 1.20 = 0.19 0.52 39 -2.27 -0.13 + 3.71 2.77 + 3.27 + 0.19 -6.49 -0.59 = +0.25 -1.20 40 -2.32 -0.13 + 4.26 2.04 + 3.27 + 0.19 6.59 -0.07 = + 1.31 -0.27 41 0.46 -0.03 + 1.64 0.39 + 1.46 + 0.09 -3.12 + 0.99 = +2.17 + 1.73 42 + 0.13 + 0.01 0.89 + 0.28 + 0.87 + 0.06 + 1.91 + 0.52 = + 1.01 + 0.85 43 0.25 -0.02 -1.34 + 0.16 + 1.21 + 0.09 + 2.71 0.68 = 0.68 1.18 44 1.37 0.10 3.10 + 0.07 + 2.37 + 0.17 + 4.12 2.66 = +0.01 1.57 45 -2.17 0.16 -4.30 - 1.15 + 3.17 + 0.23 + 4.76 -4.18 = + 1.79 -0.31 46 0.86 0.06 2.06 -0.91 + 1.86 + 0.14 + 2.50 3.03 = +0.55 -0.31 47 0.41 0.03 1.38 -0.72 + 1.41 + 0.11 + 1.57 -2.63 = + 1.49 + 1.01 48 + 0.28 + 0.02 + 0.81 0.23 + 0.72 + 0.06 1.45 -0.59 = 2.32 -2.18 49 + 0.13 + 0.01 + 0.92 + 0.17 + 0.87 + 0.08 - 1.91 + 0,13 = 0.21 - 0.26 50 0.05 0.00 + 1,06 + 0.48 + 1.01 + 0.09 1.96 + 1.41 = 0.98 1.26 51 0.80 0.07 + 1.95 + 1.01 + 1.79 + 0.16 2.15 + 3.30 = +0.98 -0.08 52 -2.13 -0.19 + 3.57 + 2.60 + 3.10 + 0.28 2.37 + 5.96 = +4.52 + 1.97 53 2.58 -0.23 + 3.49 + 3.83 + 3.54 + 0.32 2.09 + 6.93 = +3.16 -0.06 54 1.28 -0.12 + 1.70 + 2.46 + 2.26 + 0.20 0.80 + 4.79 = +0.13 - 1.67 55 0.48 -0.04 + 0,81 + 1.49 + 1.47 + 0.13 + 0.19 + 3.29 = + 1.94 + 1.03 56 + 0.09 + 0.01 0.55 0.78 + 0,92 + 0.09 + 1.02 -1.78 = +0.55 + 0.58 57 -0.17 0.02 0.62 1.07 + 1.18 + 0.12 + 0.55 2.81 = +0.44 + 0.27 58 1.03 0.11 1.08 2.31 + 2.05 + 0.21 0.57 -4.25 = +0.95 + 0.14 59 2.27 0.24 - 1.37 4.41 + 3.29 + 0.35 -1.62 6.32 = + 1.02 0.62 60 0.52 0.05 + 0.10 - 1.72 + 1.52 + 0.16 -1.83 2.76 = +2.87 + 2,49 61 0.06 0.01 + 0.16 1.09 + 1.07 + 0.11 - 1.89 1.47 = +2.61 + 2.58 62 + 0.07 + 0.01 0.02 + 1.02 + 0.92 + 0.11 + 0.26 + 2.12 = 0.58 0,88 63 -0.12 0.01 0.16 + 1.21 + 1.11 + 0.13 + 1.00 + 2.37 = +0.07 -0,48 61 0.62 0.07 0.36 + 1.89 + 1.61 + 0.19 + 2.35 + 2.74 = +0.72 0.48 65 2.12 - 0.26 1.60 + 4.07 + 3.07 + 0.37 + 5.13 + 3.73 = + 1.87 - 1,35 28 [NTRODUOTION. No. Equation* <>l cui/di/ion. 66 2.11. , _ 0.26// 2.45*+ 3.60u+ 3.07-t' + 0.37./ + 5. 11-.' + 3. 15' = + 4.21 + 1.01 67 o.2:t 0.03 0.97 + 0.86 + 1.22 + 0.15 + 2.71 + 0.18 = + 0.87 + 0.23 86 + 0.03 0.00 - O.SO + 0.55 + 0.96 + 0.12 + 2.05 0.56 = + 0.23 -0.06 69 + 0.09 + 0.01 + 0.47 - O.S2 + 0.92 + 0.12 - 1.17 - 1.65 = - 0. 15 -0.51 70 -0.17 - 0.02 + 0.73 1.00 + 1.18 + 0.16 2.14 - 1.1!) = + 0.89 + 0.73 71 0.11 - ().().-, + 0.98 1.22 + l.ll + 0.19 2.7!) 1.31 = + 3.22 + 2.87 72 - 1.19 -0.16 + 1.98 2.02 + 2.20 + 0.30 - 4. 19 - 1.05 = - 1.61 2.63 73 - 2.2!) -O81 + 3.67 - 2.8!) + 3.29 + 0. 15 6.57 0.78 = + 0.77 -1.19 71 - 1.13 0.16 + 2.56 0.97 + 2.11 + 0.29 - 1.55 + 0.11 = + 3.09 + 1.95 75 -0.31 0.01 + 1.11 0.36 + 1.31 + 0.18 2.7? + 1.06 = + 3.6 1 + 3.21 74 + 0.13 + 0.02 0.88 + 0.33 + 0.97 + 0.15 + 1.93 + 0.85 = - 1.08 - 1.21 77 0.48 0.07 - 1.66 + 0.23 + 1.61 + 0.25 + 3.39 0.81 = + 0.13 - 0.74 78 - 1.09 -0.17 2.6 1 + 0.21 + 2.25 + 0.3 1 + 1.25 1.90 = + 1.03 0.58 79 2.05 0.32 - 1.2 1 0.17 + 3.16 + 0. IS + 5.41 3.27 = + 1.30 - 1.37 80 -2.51 0.39 -4.99 0.6 1 + 3.50 + 0.54 + 5.80 3.80 = + 3.15 + 0.05 81 - 1.81 0.28 3.75 1.02 + 2.67 + 0.11 + 4.11 3.2 t + 3.72 + 1.53 82 -0.78 -0.1 2 2.03 -0.71 + 1.61 + 0.25 + 2.66 2. 17 = + 2.94 + 1.95 83 0.45 0.07 - 1.47 0.65 + 1.27 + 0.20 + 1.89 2.22 = + 1.89 + 1.30 81 -0.07 0.01 0.98 0.51 + 0.94 + 0.15 + 0.91 -2.01 = + 1.51 + 1.32 85 + 0.01 + 0.01 + 1.02 + 0.20 + 1.08 + 0.18 2.25 + 0.55 = + 0.69 + 0.53 86 0.2 1 - 0.0 1 + 1.28 + 0.45 + 1.39 + 0.23 2. 1!) + 1.68 = + 0.95 + 0.41 87 ().:>! 0.09 + 1.62 + 0.66 + 1.67 + 0.28 2.61 + 2. 17 = 0.10 - 1.00 88 1.36 0.23 + 2.76 + 1.48 + 2.52 + 0,43 2.92 + 4.38 = + 2.78 + 0.78 89 2.36 -0.10 + 3.97 + 2.75 + 3. 15 + 0.58 3.24 + 6.23 = + 5.62 + 2.27 90 1.95 -0.33 + 2.75 + 3.06 + 2.73 + 0,46 -2.12 + 5.43 = + 4.99 + 2.07 91 0.20 -0.03 + 0.64 + 1.14 + 1.02 + 0.17 + 0.16 + 2.49 = + 2.58 + 2.00 92 + 0.24 + 0.04 -0.01 + 0.86 + 0.66 + 0.11 + 1.23 + 0.92 = + 0.53 + 0.47 93 + 0.04 + 0.01 0.58 0.82 + 0.97 + 0.18 + 0.98 1.93 = -1.45 -1.45 94 -0.11 0.02 0.64 1.01 + 1.15 + 0.21 + 0.65 2.46 = + 0.68 + 0.49 95 0.35 0.06 0.76 1.27 + 1.36 + 0.25 + 0.34 2.95 = + 1.31 + 0.90 96 0.81 -0.15 1.05 -1.93 + 1.83 + 0.34 0.20 3.87 = + 0.68 -0.18 97 -1.75 0.32 1.47 3.45 + 2.78 + 0.51 -1.00 5.52 = + 2.86 + 1.13 98 -2.47 0.46 -1.39 -4.75 + 3.49 + 0.65 -1.61 6.68 = + 2.36 + 0.02 99 -2.10 -0.39 0.73 4.28 + 3.12 + 0.58 - 1.72 5.98 = + 2.60 + 0.64 100 1.05 -0.20 -0.11 2.57 + 2.06 + 0.38 - 1.67 3.99 = + 0.79 0.19 101 0.60 -0.11 + 0.02 -1.85 + 1.61 + 0.30 -1.70 3.02 = + 1.48 + 0.92 102 0.35 0.06 + 0.06 - 1,47 + 1.35 + 0.25 -1.75 -2.40 = -0.92 -1.26 103 - 0.0!) 0.02 + 0.11 -1.13 + 1.09 + 0.20 -1.82 - 1.62 = + 0.20 + 0.12 101 + 0.12 + 0.02 + 0.09 + 0.96 + 0.87 + 0.17 0.09 + 2.01 = + 0.46 + 0.23 105 0.09 0.02 -0.10 + 1.21 + 1.10 + 0.22 + 0.87 + 2.40 = + 0.79 + 0.26 106 0.32 0.06 0.20 + 1.48 + 1.31 + 0.26 + 1.49 + 2.60 + 1.84 + 0.95 107 1.21 0.25 0.70 + 2.84 + 2.22 + 0.44 + 3.45 + 3.30 = + 5.70 + 3.37 108 2.63 0.53 -2.15 + 4.76 + 3.5S + 0.72 + 5.86 + 4.25 = + 4.49 -0.01 109 - 1.44 0.29 -1.91 + 2.58 + 2.42 + 0.49 + 1,11 + 2.42 = + 3.11 + 0.51 110 0.63 0.13 1.27 + 1.40 + 1.62 + 0.33 + 3.34 + 1.13 = + 2.10 + 0.78 29 INTRODUCTION. Equations of condition. j^ o Residuals. Ill __ 0.42.r 0.09.I/ 1.09;+ 1.13+ 1.4Lr' + 0.29/ + 3.02;' + 0.72 ' = + 4.67 + 3.68 112 - 0.20 -0.04 - 0.92 + 0.87 + 1.20 + 0.2 1 + 2.65 + 0.23 = + 1.74 + 1.08 113 + 0.11 + 0.03 0.76 + 0.10 + O.SG + 0.17 + 1.70 - 0.82 = + 0.76 + 0.63 111 + 0.2 4 + 0.05 0.80 + 0.21 + 0.75 + 0.15 + 1.09 1.20 = + 1.98 + 2.03 115 + 0.39 + 0.08 -0.49 0.22 + 0.08 + 0.14 + 0.2 4 1.39 = + 0.96 + 1.27 116 + 0.37 + 0.08 0.55 -0.61 + 0.01 + 0.13 0,12 1.24 = 0.50 0.12 117 + 0.3S + 0.08 - 0.29 0.77 + 0.62 + 0.13 0.77 1.00 = - 1.55 - 1.11 118 + 0.40 + 0.08 + 0.15 0.82 + 0.60 + 0.12 -1.07 0.59 = - '.13 0.63 119 + 0,41 + 0.08 + 0.33 0.77 + 0.60 + 0.12 -1.16 0.34 = -0.66 -0.17 120 + 0,11 + 0.09 + 0.60 -0.59 + 0.59 + 0.12 1.19 + 0.28 = -2.75 xJ.27 121 + 0.42 + 0.09 + 0.81 -0.23 + 0.58 + 0. 12 1.08 + 0.48 = 2.23 -1.81 122 + 0.42 + 0.09 + 0.84 + 0.12 + 0.58 + 0.12 0.85 + 0.80 = -0.45 0.09 123 + 0.42 + 0.09 + 0.43 + 0.73 + 0.57 + 0.12 0.12 + 1.10 = -0.44 0.21 124 + 0.42 + 0.09 + 0.22 + 0.82 + 0.57 + 0. 12 + 0.14 + 1.16 = 0.25 0.05 125 0.62 0.08 + 1.24 -1.44 + 1.63 + 0.22 3.30 -1.23 = + 0.50 0.03 126 1.88 -0.26 + 2.98 3.12 + 2.88 + 0.39 -5.80 0.87 = + 0.49 -1.02 127 1.65 - 0.24 + 3.29 -1.47 + 2.65 + 0.37 5.52 + 0.04 = + 3.61 + 2.02 128 -0.43 -0.06 + 1.57 0.43 + 1.43 + 0.20 -3.07 + 0.93 = + 0.82 + 0.31 12!) + 0.18 + 0.0& -0.85 + 0.36 + 0.81 + 0.12 + 1.70 + 0.76 = + 0.51 + 0.43 130 + 0.06 + 0.01 -1.00 + 0.24 + 0.96 + 0.14 + 2.18 + 0.27 = 0.35 - 0.56 131 -0.15 0.02 -1.22 + 0.19 + 1.15 + 0.17 + 2.58 0.38 = + 0.88 + 0.42 132 -0.57 -0.09 -1.81 + 0.19 + 1.56 + 0.24 + 3.19 1.29 = - 1.10 - 2.05 133 - 1.62 -0.25 -3.52 + 0.03 + 2.67 + 0,41 + 4.51 2.92 = + 0.68 - 1.50 134 -2,41 -0.37 -4.84 -0.46 + 3.57 + 0.55 + 5.46 -4.03 = + 3.34 + 0.29 135 -2.21 -0.34 -4.40 -1.02 + 3.22 + 0.49 + 4.97 -4.07 = + 1.74 -0.93 136 1.18 -0.18 2.60 0.95 + 2.18 + 0.34 + 3.20 -3.21 = + 1.44 0.00 137 -0.35 0.05 - 1.32 0.03 + 1.36 + 0.21 + 1.51 -2.54 = + 1.09 + 0.56 138 + 0.02 0.00 -0.83 + 0.52 + 0.97 + 0.15 + 0.35 -2.12 = + 1.32 + 1.23 139 + 0.15 + 0.03 + 0.92 + 0.09 + 0.84 + 0.14 - 1.89 + 0.22 = -0.60 -0.59 140 -0.07 0.01 + 1.10 + 0.35 + 1.07 + 0.18 2.09 + 1.26 = - 0.20 - 0.50 141 -0.30 0.05 + 1.35 + 0.52 + 1.29 + 0.22 -2.13 + 1.99 = + 1.23 + 0.64 142 -1.01 -0.17 + 2.28 + 1.15 + 2.00 + 034 -2.30 + 3.70 = + 2.00 + 0.49 143 -2.22 - 0.38 + 3.80 + 2.57 + 3.21 + 0.54 2.68 + 6.05 = + 5.49 + 2.34 144 -2.54 -0.43 + 3.0(5 + 3.57 + 3.51 + 0.00 -2.36 + 6.78 = + 7.55 + 3.84 145 -0.61 0.10 + 1.02 + 1.61 + 1.60 + 0.27 -1.65 + 3.56 = + 3.16 + 1.98 146 + 0.42 + 0.03 + 0.30 + 0.80 + 0.58 + 0.05 + 0.38 + 1.13 = 0.00 0.06 147 + 0.41 + 0.03 0.80 - 0.24 + 0.59 + 0.05 + 1.02 -0.58 = -0.11 + 0.11 148 + 0.39 + 0.03 -0.04 -0.83 + 0.62 + 0.05 + 0.06 - 1.26 = + 1.08 + 1.40 149 + 0.34 + 0.03 + 0.56 -0.61 + 0.60 + 0.06 -0.81 - 1.12 = -0.51 - 0.25 150 0.02 0.00 + 0.38 + 1.00 + 1.04 + 0.10 + 1.03 + 2.11 = + 0.79 + 0.40 151 + 0.16 + 0.01 + 0.12 + 0.89 + 0.83 + 0.08 + 1,43 + 1.18 = + 3.21 + 3.00 152 + 0.38 + 0.04 0.83 -0.03 + 0.62 + 0.06 + 0.61 - 1.11 = + 0.34 + 0.49 153 + 0,40 + 0.04 - 0.58 - 0.59 + 0.00 + 0.0!) -0.13 - 1.19 = -0.29 0.00 151 + 0.42 + 0.04 + 0.06 + 0.83 + 0.59 + 0.08 -0.83 - 0.83 = -0.08 -0.03 155 + 0,42 + 0.0 I + 0.72 + 0,13 + 0.58 + 0.06 -0.81 + 0.85 = + 1.01 + 1.21 30 INTRODUCTION. No. Tin' equations derived from ihc latitudes ; contain two more unknown quantities, v = J ?' , to = sin t'. -I Q', lint in them tlic variation ol'tlic solar elements will be neglected. Tlio mean oflhe Transits of 17(il and 17(59 gives -0.059 x + 0.050 // 0.095: 0.069 u + 0.00 v + 1.000 w = I". 165. From tins mean the indeterminate correction of the Sun's semi-diameter is nearly eliminated. Equations of condition. No. H 1 - 0.01* + 0.000 - 0.0 Iz + 0.00 + 0.6 lv + 1.24w = + 0.82 2 -0.10 + 0.01 -0.21 -0.08 0.36 + 1.95 = + 0.41 3 - 0.12 + 0.02 -0.31 -0.11 1.09 + 2.04 = 0.49 4 + 0.17 -0.02 -0.41 + 0.25 2.13 + 0.88 = 0.14 5 + 0.20 -0.03 -0.37 + 0.17 .1.60 - 0.40 = 1.51 6 + 0.09 - 0.01 - 0.14 0.10 + 0.12 - 1.35 = + 0.02 7 + 0.20 - 0.02 - 0.23 - 0.35 + 1.17 - 1,12 = + 5.62 8 + 0.19 - 0.02 -0.30 -0.49 + 2.32 -0.77 = + 1.51 9 -0.14 + 0.02 - 0.51 -0.16 + 2.12 + 0.46 = + 0.64 10 -0.23 + 0.03 -0.54 - 0.07 + 1.88 + 1.10 = 1.70 11 - 0.18 + 0.02 -0.36 -0.10 + 1.05 + 1.38 1.48 12 - 0.22 + 0.02 - 0.01 - 0.58 2.3 1 -0.09 = 1.49 13 + 0.11 -0.01 - 0.33 - 0.36 2.06 - 1.55 = + 1.04 14 + 0.12 -0.01 + 0.21 -0.24 + 1.57 + 1.68 = + 0.31 15 - 0.03 0.00 - 0.02 - 0.0!) + 0.06 + 2.31 = + 0.63 31 156 4-0. i\.i 4- 0.0 [it 0.25* 0.814-0.69a > 4- 0.064 ,/_o.ioy 4- i.2iH'= 4- 0.38 4-0.75 157 4-0.3!) 4- o.o i 0,11 4- 0.72 4- 0.60 4-0.06 4- 0.65 4- i.os = 0.61 0.57 158 4- 0.35 4-0.01 - 0,s:, 4-0.01 4- 0.65 4-0.07 4- 1.38 4- 0.2 1 = 1.16 - 1.04 159 4-0.1!) 4- 0.02 -0.61 - O.(i5 4-0.81 4- o.08 4- 1.26 - 1.29 = 0.19 - 0.07 160 4-0.21 4- 0.02 -)- 0.35 0.80 4-0.77 4- 0.08 - 1.76 -0.15 = 4- i..-,o 4- 1.69 161 4- 0.3 1 4-0.01 4-o.Ni 0.21 4- 0.66 4-0.07 -O.iM 4- 1.06 = 0.53 0.30 162 4-o.:ii 4- 0.06 0.63 4- 0.52 4- 0.66 4-0.11 4- 1.25 0.55 1 1.72 4- 1.80 163 4- 0.3S 4- 0.07 - 0.82 - 0.05 4- 0.62 4- o. 1 1 4-0.60 - 1.10 = + 0.98 4- 1.22 161 4- o. 12 4- 0.07 - 0.02 0.85 4- 0.59 4-0.10 - O.7.") - 0.90 = 0.97 - 0.50 165 4- o. 12 4-0.07 4- O.S3 0.13 4- 0.5S 4-0.10 - 1.13 4- 0.28 = 4- 0.52 4- 0.89 166 4- o. 1 1 4-0.07 4- 0.6 1 4- 0.55 4- 0.58 4-0.10 -0.70 4- 0.!)5 = 4-0.01 4-0.24 167 4-0.17 4- 0.03 4- 0.2!) - O.N5 4- O.S3 4-0.16 - 1.81 - 0. 13 = 4- 1.38 4- 1.57 168 4- 0.35 4- 0.07 4- 0.82 - 0. 10 4- 0.65 4-0.12 - 1.16 -f-0.75 = 4- 0.61 4-0.90 16!) 4- 0.38 4- 0.07 4- 0.75 4- 0.38 4-0.61 4-0.12 0.07 4- 1.29 = + 0.85 4- 1.09 170 4- 0. 12 4- 0.08 - 0.7!) 4- 0.24 4-0.58 4-0.11 4- 1.10 0.35 = 0.73 -0.48 m 4- o. 12 4-0.08 0.35 -0.76 4- 0.5!) 4-o.li 4-0.18 - 1.15 = 0.27 4- 0.20 17--' 4- o. 12 4-0.08 4-0.27 -0.81 4- 0.58 4- o. 1 1 -0.50 - 1.05 = 3.06 2.55 173 4- 0.3S 4-0.07 4-0.79 - 0.27 4- 0.62 4-0.12 - 1.27 -0.50 = 0.26 4-0.10 11 1 4-0.31 4-0.06 4-0.81 4 0.20 4- 0.6 I 4-0.13 - 1.35 4-0.18 = 2.86 2.65 L75 4- 0.32 4- o.oe 4- 0.65 4- 0.55 4-0.68 4-0.13 1.25 4-0.80 = 0.73 0.60 No. INTRODUCTION. Equations of condition. // 16 + 0.02x O.OOy + 0.01% + O.OSw - 0.75i. + 1.69w = -0.77 17 + 0.01 0.00 - 0.07 + 0.04 + 0.27 -2.68 = + 2.21 18 -0.15 + 0.01 -0.12 + 0.32 + 1.60 1.45 = + 0.21 19 + 0.01 0.00 + 0.02 0.00 + 0.78 + 0.97 = + 1.13 20 + 0.10 0.00 0.38 + 0.18 -2.05 + 1.36 = - 0.77 21 + 0.11 0.00 -0.17 - 0.11 + 0.33 - 1.45 = + 0.53 22 + 0.23 -0.01 0.28 -0.45 + 1.G3 - 1.35 = + 0.73 23 - 0.23 + 0.01 - 0.57 0.06 + 2.13 + 0.86 - 1.07 24 - 0.13 0.00 0.12 0.25 - 0.86 + 1.09 = + 0.95 25 0.17 0.00 0.07 -0.56 - 2.43 - 0.35 = - 0.67 26 + 0.07 0.00 - 0.09 - 0.11 + 0.09 1.54 = + 0.53 27 + 0.10 0.00 + 0.18 - 0.2 1 + 1.52 + 1.83 = - 0.65 1 28 + 0.01 0.00 0.00 + 0.02 - 0.62 + 1.79 = + 3.82 29 -0.06 0.00 + 0.14 -0.05 - 1.03 - 1.91 = 2.56 30 0.00 0.00 -0.07 + 0.07 + 0.49 - 2.67 = - 0.52 31 0.15 0.00 - 0.15 + 0.29 + 1.60 - 0.73 = - 0.13 32 - 0.10 0.00 0.30 -0.06 - 1.04 + 2.13 == + 0.55 33 + 0.21 + 0.01 -0.38 + 0.27 - 1.92 + 0.18 = - 0.52 34 + 0.16 0.00 -0.30 + 0.10 - 1.27 - 0.63 = - 0.79 35 + 0.14 + 0.01 - 0.21 - 0.20 + 0.59 - 1.51 = - 0.38 36 + 0.22 + 0.01 -0.27 -0.39 + 1.41 - 1.47 = + 1.29 37 + 0.16 + 0.01 -0.37 - 0.44 + 2.39 -0.81 = - 0.72 38 -0.16 -0.01 - 0.12 -0.30 -0.98 + 1.12 = + 0.33 39 - 0.18 0.01 -0.09 - 0.56 -2.43 - 0.21 = + 2.84 40 + 0.17 + 0.01 -0.42 0.29 - 1.88 - 1.59 = - 1.00 41 + 0.06 0.00 -0.08 - 0.10 + 0.20 - 1.44 = + 0.10 42 + 0.06 0.00 -0.06 - 0.11 + 031 - 0.86 = + 0.03 43 + 0.13 + 0.01 + 0.04 -0.25 + 1.18 - 0.46 = + 0.64 44 + 0.18 + 0.01 + 0.22 - 0.32 + 1.78 + 0.86 = - 0.92 45 -0.05 0.00 - 0.03 -0.14 + 0.33 + 2.36 = - 0.04 46 + 0.02 0.00 + 0.01 + 0.05 0.80 + 1.48 = + 0.66 47 + 0.05 0.00 0.01 + 0.10 - 1.04 + 0.90 = + 0.64 48 0.03 0.00 -0.05 0.05 + 0.03 + 0.70 = + 0.07 49 - 0.07 -0.01 -0.02 -0.13 - 0.68 + 0.61 = - 1.75 50 -0.09 0.01 + 0.09 - 0.16 1.15 + 0.14 = - 0.90 51 0.11 -0.01 + 0.19 - 0.12 - 1.37 1.06 = - 3.16 52 -0.03 0.00 + 0.09 - 0.03 0.71 - 2.35 - 4.41 53 - 0.03 0.00 -0.07 + 0.13 + 0.84 2.49 = 1.78 51 - 0.14 - 0.01 - 0.10 + 0.29 + 1.54 1.26 = + 3.67 55 - 0.12 -0.01 - 0.14 + 0.19 + 1.45 - 0.21 = + 0.35 56 + 0.04 0.00 + 0.06 -0.05 + 0.93 + 0.14 = + 1.39 57 + 0.03 0.00 + 0.05 - 0.02 + 0.90 + 0.79 = + 1.57 58 -0.05 0.00 0.10 - 0.02 + 0.18 + 1.80 = +2.67 59 -0.08 0.01 - 0.30 0.03 - 1.11 + 2.13 = + 2.72 60 + 0.16 + 0.02 0.31 + 0.13 1.37 0.50 = + 0.58 32 No. INTRODUCTION. iif riin/liliiin. 61 4- O.I Or 4- 0.01// -0.19; - 0.01 it 0.63r - O.'IOrc = - 0.01 69 0.00 0.00 0.01 0.00 0.70 - 0.73 = - 1.35 63 4- 0.0 1 D.OD -0.07 0.02 0.37 4- 1.15 = - 1.50 61 4- 0.13 4- 0.01 - 0.20 0.17 4 0.11 - 1.54 = - 0.74 65 4- 0.22 4- 0.03 - 0.3 1 0.17 + 2.01 - 1.19 = - 3.3S 66 0.-2 I 0.03 0.59 0.02 4- 2.26 + 0.54 = 4- 2,16 67 0.0s 0.01 - 0.14 0.09 f 0.1(1 f. 1.2.') mm -0.29 6S 0.03 0.00 -0.03 ().().-, 0. 10 + 0.89 = 4- 3.00 69 -0.01 0.00 0.07 0.03 + 0.2(i f 0.90 = 4- 0.62 70 0.07 -0.01 0.09 0.11 0.36 4 1.15 = -2.16 71 -0.11 0.02 - 0.13 0.2.-. 0.80 4- 1.15 - 3.21 72 - 0.23 0.03 - 0.07 0.49 1.74 4- 0.76 = 0.32 73 -0.17 0.02 - 0.12 o..-.( ; 2.41 0.21 = 4- 2. 10 71 4- 0.16 4- 0.02 0.2s 0.18 0.74 1.75 = - 2.59 75 4-0.04 4- 0.01 0.05 0.07 + 0.33 1.30 = -0.70 76 4-0.06 4-0.01 -0.07 0.10 + 0.26 0.86 = -0.80 77 4- 0.16 4- 0.02 4-0.09 0.30 4- 1.13 0.21 = 4-0.69 78 4-0.19 4- 0.03 4- 0.21 0.31 4- 1.75 4- 0.50 = 4- 0.68 79 4- 0.13 4- 0.02 + 0.20 0.30 4- 1.72 + 1.54 = -0.50 80 4- 0.01 0.00 4- 0.03 0.17 4- 1.22 4- 2.20 = 4- 0,45 81 -0.01 0.01 - 0.03 0.09 4- 0.07 4. 2.22 4- 0.26 82 4- 0.02 0.00 4-0.01 4- 0.01 0.76 4- 1.50 = 0.82 83 4- 0.04 4- 0.01 0.00 4- o.os 0.99 + 1.02 = -0.72 SI 4- O.or. 4- 0.01 - 0.01 4- 0.10 1.06 + 0.30 = -0.07 85 - O.OS -0.01 4- 0.01 0.16 0.88 + 0.49 = 4- O.H3 86 -0.11 - 0.02 4- 0.12 0.17 1.29 0.09 - 1.35 87 - 0.12 -0.02 4- 0.17 0.16 1.41 0.56 = 4- 0,15 88 0.10 0.02 4- 0.20 0.09 1.26 1.63 = -0.07 89 - 0.03 0.00 4-0.07 0.04 0.61 2.49 = 4- 0.5S 90 -0.09 0.02 -0.05 4- 0.23 4- 1.23 2.00 = 4- 1.11 91 0.11 0.02 -0.17 4- 0.15 4- 1.24 4- 0.17 = 4- 0.70 92 -0.01 -0.01 0.07 0.03 4- 0.01 + 0.75 - O.I!) 93 4-0.01 4-0.01 4-0.06 0.05 4- 0.96 4- 0.26 = 4- O.N3 94 4- 0.03 4- 0.01 4- 0.06 0.02 + 0.95 4- 0.6!) = 4- 0.99 95 4-0.02 0.00 4- 0.0 1 0.01 + 0.82 4- 1.06 = 4- 0.89 96 -0.02 0.00 0.04 0.00 4- 0.44 4- 1.61 4- 0.92 97 -0.09 - 0.02 -0.21 0.05 on -f 2.14 ^ 4- 0.44 98 - 0.03 0.00 -0.31 4- 0.05 i.ii | 2.02 = 4- 1.56 99 4- 0.14 4-0.03 0.33 + 0.27 1.96 4- 1.25 = - 1.15 100 4- 0.20 4- 0.01 - 0.3 1 4- 0.26 1.79 4- 0.12 = -0.91 101 4- 0.17 4- 0.03 0.31 4- 0.17 1.48 0.35 = 4- 0.19 102 4-0.14 4- 0.03 - 0.27 4- 0.09 1.18 0.62 = 0.52 103 4-0.10 4- 0.02 - 0.20 0.00 0.72 O.S6 = -0.60 104 Q.01 0.00 4- 0.01 0.00 0.79 0.52 = + 0.02 105 4- 0.03 4-0.01 0.06 0.01 0. 13 1.12 = 4- 0.74 5V 33 No. INTRODUCTION Iniiulionfs of condition. 106 + 0.07* + 0.01/y 0.13; 0.06 - O.OSy - 1.38(0 = + 1.18 107 + 0.20 + 0.04 0.28 -0.33 + 1.14 1.61 = + 0.54 108 + 0.05 + 0.01 0.46 0.30 + 2.47 - 0.62 = + 0.96 109 - 0.24 0.05 0.53 0.00 + 1.77 + 0.94 = + 0.22 110 0.16 0.03 - 0.31 0.07 + 0.88 + 1.27 = + 1.94 111 -0.12 0.02 0.23 0.09 + 0.56 + 1.28 = + 1.03 112 0.08 0.02 0.14 -0.09 + 0.16 + 1.20 = + 1.81 113 -0.01 0.00 0.01 0.03 0.57 + 0.65 = ;- 0.34 125 0.17 0.02 0.12 -0.33 - 1.12 -f 1.08 = + 1.69 126 - 0.23 0.03 - 0.07 - 0.49 - 2.24 + 0.23 = + 1.42 127 + 0.19 + 0.03 - 0.39 0.22 - 1.30 - 1.73 = + 0.59 128 + 0.06 + 0.01 0.08 0.10 + 0.16 1.43 = + 0.76 J29 + 0.05 + 0.01 -0.07 -0.08 + 0.11 -0.85 = - 0.11 130 + 0.08 + 0.01 -0.05 0.16 + 0.56 0.85 = + 0.64 131 + 0.12 + 0.02 + 0.01 0.2 1 + 1.03 0.61 = + 0.74 132 + 0.17 + 0.02 + 0.12 0.31 + 1.51 0.08 = + 1.60 133 + 0.18 + 0.03 + 0.24 - 0.33 + 1.81 + 1.08 = + 1.68 134 + 0.07 + 0.01 + 0.13 - 0.29 + 1.47 + 1.98 = -0.50 135 -0.06 0.01 -0.05 0.18 + 0.46 + 2.34 = + 0.90 136 -0.01 0.00 0.00 0.01 - 0.51 + 1.80 = 0.11 137 + 0.05 + 0.01 - 0.01 + 0.09 - 1.03 + 0.84 = - 0.35 138 + 0.05 + 0.01 -0.06 + 0.09 - 0.99 + 0.03 = + 0.88 139 -0.06 -0.01 0.02 -0.12 -0.56 + 0.66 = -0.91 140 -0.09 0.02 + 0.07 -0.17 - 1.13 + 0.23 = -0.84 141 -0.11 - 0.02 + 0.14 -0.17 - 1.34 0.22 - 1.90 142 -0.11 - 0.02 + 0.21 -0.11 - 1.37 - 1.26 = 1.37 143 -0.04 0.01 + 0.11 -0.05 -0.77 2.38 = -0.65 144 -0.03 -0.01 -0.05 + 0.12 + 0.77 -2.51 = + 3.52 145 0.14 - 0.02 0.14 + 0.24 + 1.48 - 0.50 = + 0.28 To apply to these equations the rigorous method of least squares would be very laborious: hence a method of " Equivalent Factors" has been used; the equations have been multiplied either by. whole numbers or by frac- tions which are ready multipliers. In this way, the following Normal Equations were derived from tho equations of condition which have cos ij. A for their absolute terms, // + 195.841- 44.809y + 127.71z + 73.19;t 251.90^ + 43.027/ 85.48;' + 119.25u' =- 8.77 _ 44.78 +47.099 - 83.68 62.84 + 41.04 48.460 + 41.17 - 96.06 = 113.43 + 120.94 83.889 +427.28 +133.17 -136.59 +82.936 -410.76 +400-15 = +162.30 + 70.03 62.965 +135.64 +365.81 - 73.13 +63.350 +114.76 +508.04 = +197.06 255.15 +42.172 -138.12 - 80.06 +125.64 27.182 + 91.22 132.67 = + 92.63 + 40.68 -48.373 + 82.84 + 61.99 - 26.27 +51.815 - 41.45 + 94.13 = +121.18 - 83.42 +41.537 -422.53 +119.76 +102.83 40.091 +644.06 -111.82 = 23.87 + 112.81 95.792 +406.68 +505.65 -126.69 +94.621 120.34 +902.21 = +264.18 34 I NTKODUCTION. It' ii is eliminated IVoin these equations, tin' result is + L81.8& -32.2130 +100.57: -237. 27.' + 30.352//' 108 .11-.' + 17.60' = - IS.'-JO + 36.\!s 1 - 6().:{s + 28. |s -37.577 + 60. ss 8.78 = + 95. 15 -60.971 +377.!)0 109.H7 | 59. si 1 -452.54 + 215.20 = + 90.5:; 281 + 28.391 ION. 13 + 109.63 -13.317 + 116.31 - 21. 18 - + 135.K; + 28.81 -37.705 4- 59.N5 - 13.ss + 11. Os() - 60.90 + 8.04 = 4- 106.35 ! 1 17 466.91 + 126.77 60.831 + 606. 111 278.15 = 88.88 + 16.01 _ s.770 +219. IS - 25.60 + 7.0r>3 -27S.91 + 199.94 = And if from tip liminated. the result is + 156.13.C -15.9S7// 20S.OO.C' +14 .US,/' + 11.99.:' -39.67"' // = - 72.30 17 .50 +26.512 + 1091 28 .055 -11.42 +25.60 = G5 .11 212,13 +10.900 +378.0S + 3 .863 -13.51 + 10.27 = + 161 .74 + 13 .6!) -28.019 + 3.51 +31 .598 + 10.77 -26.01 = + 73. 15 + U .59 -13.190 9.11 +13 .151 +47.33 12.25 = i- 23 .52 - 39 .35 +26.593 + 38.18 -27.674 -16.50 +75.13 = 61 .46 It is evident now, that since the principal co-efficients of:' and u' have fallen from <> 1 1.06 and 902.21 to i7.33 and 75.13, no very reliable values of these quantities can he obtained from these equations. The elimination ol // gives + 145.89J' 201.13.1' - 2.1SO//' + 5.112' 24.25w' = 111.52 -205.2 1 + 373.60 + 15.384 - 8.82 +29.76 = +188.48 - 4.80 - 15.07 + 1.950 - 1.30 - 1.01 = + 4.64 + 2.89 - 3.69 - 0.791 +41.65 + 0.47 = - 8.84 - 21.82 + 27.25 + 0.435 - 5.06 +49.48 = + 3.78 The elimination of # from these gives + 90.23^ +11.895)/' 1.63;' + 8.11 + 1.868 1.13 + 0.30 - 0.742 +41.55 2.88 + O.Ofil 4.30 - 4.35' + 0.21 + 0.95 +45.85 = +31.63 = + 0.97 = - G.63 = -12.89 The elimination of x' from these gives +0.755//' - 0.98.Z' + 0.62w' = - 1.99 0.782 +41.56 + 0.96 = 6.74 +0.444 - 4.35 +45.71 = -11.88 The only condition, relative to the solar elements, which can be obtained with any weight, from these equa- tions, is x 1 + 0.132 \f + 0".335. That is, the mean longitude of the Sun of HANSEN and OLUFSEN'S Tables ought to be increased by a third of a second at the epoch 1863. As, however, these Tables will, probably, be used, for a long time to come, in rom- puting the solar eo<'irdinatfs of the Amrricitu l:'ji/n'mi'ria, i/', ~J and it' will be put severally equal to zero; and as it lias been decided to use the 1'ulkova constant of aberration, ,r' will he put equal to + 0".19. With these assumptions, the values of x, y, z and are - 0".502, // = - 2".N63, z = - 0".040, u = + 0".195. The equation of condition derived from the Transits of 1761 and 1769 being excluded, the normal equations, determining the corrections of the inclination and the longitude of the ascending node, are + 2.51 x + 0.390 y + 1.84 s - 0.67 u + 163.26 v - 0,42 w = + 26".(>2 -1,16 -0.105 -(V) -1.06 - 5.86 +188.58 = + 24.11 35 INTRODUCTION. From these arc obtained tlie following values of o and w. v = + 0".18 Z w = + 0".12 or J Q' == + 2".0. But from the equation furnished by the Transits in 1761 and 17(59, J 8' = - 17".84. If the first result is suppose,! to belong to 1855.0, and the second to 1765.4, the proper value of the correction is J Q' = + 0".9 + W2-J2 I. The origin of the pretty large correction 0".02863, of the mean motion of Venus, is easily shown. In his investigation, LEVEKKIKK (Ainin/m, Vol. VI., p. 72) found the following value of J ', J n' = + 0".00085 + 0".0689 v + 0".0959 >' + 0".1207 /'; but the value of this quantity used in forming his Tables is the first term only. If the values of v, v 1 and /' cor- responding to the change from LEVERRIER'S values of the masses to those here adopted, be substituted in this expression, the correction of LEVERRIER'S mean motion, from this cause, is found to be J .' = 0".01588. Moreover, a comparison of the values of the Sun's mean longitude in the Tables of HANSEN and OLUFSEN and of LEVERRIER, gives Han. - Lev. = - 0".93 - 0".01074 t. From the way in which J n' and J n" are involved in the equations of condition, it may be concluded, that if J n" were left indeterminate in the solution, the value of A n', obtained, would be roughly, J' = (J') + 1.2 J ", (J n') denoting the value of J n' on the supposition of J n" = 0. Thus on making J n" = 0".01074, the cor- rection of the mean motion of Venus, from this cause is J ' = 0".01289. The sum of these two corrections is J n' = 0".02877 which is almost identical with that derived from the equations of condition. The increment of the motion of the node, 0".222, requires that the mass of Venus should be reduced from 408134 to 4-J7-MO' '^' 1 ' s a l ' ees w * t ' 1 LEVERRIER'S result: setting out with the mass 0.0000024885, he found that it should be multiplex! by the factor 0.948, which would make the mass ij The corrections to be added to the elements, with which we set out, to obtain the elements, from which the Tables are constructed, are J L' = 0".502, A -' = + 28".46, A Q' = + 0".90 +0".222, A V = + 0".18, A e' = - 0.000000196, J n' = 0".02863. The Tables have been compared with the occultation of Mercury by Venus, observed at Greenwich May 28, 1737. The observations made are Greenwich M. T. h m 6 9 40 3.9. Mercury distant from Venus not more than a tenth part of the diameter of Venus. 9 48 10.2. Mercury wholly occulted by Venus. 36 I XTRODUCTION. The position of Mercury heiut; derived from 1'rof. WINLOCK'S '1'ables, the apparent position of the two planets, as seen from (Irecnwich, and in longitude and latitude, are <;r-,.,,wirh M.T. /. I. /'. //. I' I. b'l,' d ll Q I It O I f Q I II Q I It II II Ma> 2S H Mi 21 2:U>:> +2 !) 12.90 89 :M -19.97 4-210 9.98 4-11(5.92 + 5'/.OS 10 M) :U :).:!."> 4-2 8 r.s.r.i M :i<) :w.<;:! 4-29 l l.2s 50.72 4-15.85 And interpolating (ii. -i-iiw ii-li .M. T. /' /. // li. Out. of Centres. ll III 8 // // // 9 10 :{.> 4- :n.T.1 + 22.(il :w.97 for irradiation, the semi-diameters of Mercury and Venus are respectively .'{".98 and 2(i".97 : hence at the first observation, the distance of the limbs of the planet is IS". 01, 2".G more than a lenth part of the diameter of Venus: at the second observation, the distance of the centres is less than the dill'ereiice of semi-diameters; hence the Tables are verified by the statement of the observer. Venus beinjr, at the time, a thin Crescent, and about half of Mercury's disc being illuminated, it is plain that it would be difficult for the obsever .o estimate- the distance in fractional parts of the apparent diameter of Venus. LEVKKKIEH'S remarks on this occultatton are impaired by a mistake made in the last line of his computatk n. 37 TABLES OF VENUS. TABLE 1. LONGITUDE OF THE PRINCIPAL OBSERVATORIES FROM WASHINGTON. West Longitudes are marked + Place. Longitude from VVashingtoi in Time. In Decimals of a Day. Place. Longitude from Washington in Time. In Decimals of a Day. Abo, h m s 6 37 20.32 0.2759296 Lcipsic, h m s 5 57 46.87 o!2484592 Albany,* 13 12.87 0.0091767 Leyden, - 5 26 8.57 0.2264881 Allegheny,* -fO 11 50.20 +0.0082199 Liverpool, 4 56 ]-.'.;{ 1 0.2056984 Altona, 5 47 58.54 0.2416498 Madras, 10 29 9.67 0.1369175 Ann Arbor, +0 26 42.67 +0.0185494 Madrid, 4 53 27.00 0.2037847 Armagh, 4 41 36.92 0.1955662 Mannheim, - 5 42 3.06 0.2375354 Athens, 6 43 7.58 0.2799488 Markree, - 4 34 24.00 0.1905556 Berlin, 6 1 47.77 0.2512473 Marseilles, - 5 29 40.55 0.2289415 Bilk, 5 35 17.77 0.2328445 Melbourne, 14 48 7.17 0.6167496 Bonn, 5 36 36.02 0.2337502 Milan, - 5 44 58.20 0.2395625 Breslau, 6 16 22.19 0.2613679 Modena, - 5 51 55.53 0.2443927 Brussels, 5 25 41.29 0.2261723 Moscow, 7 38 29.29 0.3183946 Cambridge, (Eng.) 5 8 35.08 0.2)42949 Munich, 5 54 38.00 0.2462731 Cambridge, (Mass.) 23 41.54 0.0164530 Naples, - 6 5 10.95 0.2535990 Cape of Good Hope, 6 22 8.09 0.2653711 New York,* - 12 15.47 0.0085124 Chicago, +0 42 14.26 +0.0293317 Nicolajcw, 7 16 6.53 0.3028534 Cincinnati,* +0 29 46.94 +0.0206822 Olmiitz, 6 17 15.43 0.2519841 Christiania, 5 51 6.69 0.2438274 Oxford, 5 3 9.79 0.2105300 Clinton, 6 35.08 0.0015727 Padua, - 5 55 41.17 0.2470013 Copenhagen, 5 58 31.05 0.2489703 Palermo, 6 1 37.00 0.2511227 Cracow, 6 28 2.80 0.2694768 Paramatta, 15 12 18.64 0.6335491 Dorpat, 6 55 6.02 0.2882641 Paris, - 5 17 33.02 0.2205211 Dublin, 4 42 50.39 0.1964165 Philadelphia,* 7 33.61 0.005250.5 Durham, 5 1 52.64 0.2096370 Prague, 6 5 53.52 0.2540917 Edinburgh, -4 55 29.34 0.2052007 Pulkowa, 7 9 31.06 0.2982757 Florence, 5 53 15.12 0.2453139 Rome, 5 58 8.53 0.2487098 Geneva, 5 32 49.24 0.2311344 San Fernando, - 4 43 22.42 0. 1967873 Georgetown,* +0 6.20 +0.0000718 Santiago, 25 30.00 0.0177083 Gottingen, 5 47 58.49 0.241G492 Senftenberg, 6 14 3.00 0.2597570 Gotha, 5 51 3.39 0.2437892 Spcyer, 5 41 58.00 0.2374769 Greenwich, 5 8 12.39 0.2140323 Stockholm, 6 20 2!i.::r> 0.2641939 Hamburg, 5 48 5.95 0.2417355 St. Petersburg, 7 9 25.87 0.2982161 Hclsingfors, 6 48 1.32 0.2833486 Sydney, 15 13 12.77 0.63-11758 Hudson,* +0 17 32.06 +0.0121766 Upsala, - 6 18 42.70 0.2629942 Kasan, 8 24 41.14 0.3504761 Utrecht, 5 28 43.67 0.2282832 Konigsberg, 30 11.87 0.2709707 Vienna, 6 13 44.09 0.2595381 Krcmsmunstcr, 6 4 45.03 0.2532990 Wilna, 6 49 23.33 0.2842978 NIITK. Tlicsc Longitudes, except of pi;,,.,.* ,,,;,,-kr = O'l .0000053. TABLE II. 3 Ninnbrr tif Days i-liijixnl xiiirr Ike "Beginning < if tin- .1 ill inn I'ir/nil, at the Dnli: .Tun. in Common Years, tntil .Inn. 1 IH liixacjlilr Yi'iirx. vi: \i: i\ \ i: AH iv Date IE 1 >:iy. V.ar. U:tt'- i: Solar Tin; CI:N i ri:v. plx", : ( Ylirrmiiill TIII: <'!:. vi rnv. DMVS from previous ( Yn trmiiul Date. I f N . It" I'oMtive. Data ir N, L'.iti>.- If Positive 4718B. 1000 1356173 100 1 50 51 18262 -1712 .-{(15 - !)()() 1392698 99 2 865 49B. 52 B. 18628 ^1711 730 - sOO 1 129223 98 3 730 48 53 18993 -4710 1095 700 14657 IS 97B. 4B. 1096 47 54 19358 4709B. 1461 - 600 1502273 96 5 1461 46 55 19723 470S 1826 500 1538798 95 6 1826 45B. 56 B. 20089 4707 2191 400 157 5323 ill 7 2191 44 57 20454 470(1 2556 300 1611848 93 B. 8B. 2557 43 58 20819 4705 B. 2922 200 1648378 92 9 2922 42 59 21184 4701 8287 100 1684898 91 10 8287 41 B. GOB. 21550 4703 8652 1 1721123 90 11 3652 40 61 21915 - 1702 4017 101 1757!) is 89 B. 12 B. 4018 39 62 22280 1701B. 4383 201 171)1173 88 13 4383 38 63 22645 4700 4748 301 1830998 87 14 4748 37B. 64B. 23011 4600 41273 401 1867523 86 15 5113 36 65 23376 1500 777!>s 501 1904048 85.B. 16B. 5479 35 66 23741 1100 1 1 13-23 601 1910573 84 17 5844 34 67 24106 4300 150s IS 701 1977098 83 18 6209 33 B. 68B. 24472 1-200 187373 801 2013623 82 19 6574 32 69 24837 1100 223898 901 2050148 81 B. 20/J. 6910 31 70 25202 1000 260423 1001 2086673 80 21 7305 30 71 25567 8900 296!) IS 1101 2123198 79 22 7670 29 B. 72J5. 25933 3800 883473 1201 2159723 78 23 8035 28 73 26298 3700 869998 1301 2 1962 IS 77 B. 24B. 8401 27 74 26663 3600 406523 1401 2232773 76 25 8766 26 75 27028 3500 1 13048 1501 2269298 75 26 9131 25 B. 76B. 27394 3400 179573 1583 2299238 74 27 9496 24 71 27759 3300 516098 1584B. 2299604 73B. 28 B. 9862 23 78 28124 3200 552628 1585 2299969 72 29 10227 22 79 28489 3100 589148 1586 2300334 71 30 10592 2 IB. SOB. 28855 . 3000 625673 1587 2300699 70 31 10957 20 81 29220 2900 662198 15885. 2301065 69B. 32 B. 11323 19 82 29585 2800 698723 1589 2301430 68 33 11688 18 83 29950 2700 7352 IS 1590 2301795 67 31 12053 17jB. 84B. 30316 2600 771773 1591 2302160 66 35 12418 16 85 30681 2500 808298 1592/J. 2302526 65B. 36 B. 12784 15 86 31046 2100 S 1 1823 1593 2302891 61 37 13149 14 87 31411 2300 8813 IS 1594 230325(5 63 38 13511 13B. 88B. 31777 2200 917873 1595 2303621 62 39 13879 12 89 32142 2100 954398 1596/J. 2303987 61B. 40B. 11215 11 90 32507 2000 990923 1597 2301352 60 41 14610 10 * 91 32872 1900 1027 lis 1598 2301717 59 42 14975 9B. 92 B. 33238 1800 1063973 1599 2305082 58 43 15310 8 93 33603 1700 1 100 498 1600B. 2305448 57B. 44B. 15706 7 94 33968 1600 1137023 1601 2305813 56 45 16071 6 95 34333 1500 11735 IS 1701 '23 12337 55 46 16436 5B. 96B. 34699 1100 1210073 1801 2378861 51 47 16801 4 97 35064 1300 1246598 1901 2415385 58, 48B. 17167 3 98 35429 1-200 1283123 2001 2151910 52 49 17532 2 99 35794 1100 1319648 2101 51 50 17897 IB. 100B. ! 36160 1000 1 356 173 2201 2524958 50 51 18262 100 36159 I G V TABLE III. 1 Number of Days from Jan. in Common Years, and Jan. 1 in Bissextile Years. jANfAi:v. IT:I;UCAKY. ! 1583. ^ ;r t ^ | pi a gj K c IN -, ^' H ca a A M H a s I *c o y. i H u " A t K b 'J2 P H o N S '? X '- p o E O B 5 3 p^ 336 275 296 326 c 2 34 33 62 92 123 154 184 215 246 276 307 337 276 297 327 1 4 3 35 34 63 94 124 155 185 216 247 277 308 338 277 298 328 r R 4 36 35 64 95 125 15C 186 217 248 278 309 339 299 329 ! 6 6 5 37 36 65 96 126 157 187 218 249 279 310 340 300 330 7 7 (1 38 37 66 97 127 158 188 219 250 280 311 341 301 334 8 N 7 39 38 67 98 128 159 189 220 251 281 312 312 302 332 9 9 8 40 39 68 99 129 160 190 221 252 282 313 343 303 333 10 10 9 41 40 69 100 130 161 191 222 253 283 314 344 304 334 11 11 10 42 41 70 101 131 162 192 223 254 284 315 345 305 335 12 12 11 43 42 71 102 132 163 193 224 255 285 316 346 306 336 13 13 12 44 43 72 103 133 164 194 225 256 286 317 317 307 337 11 14 13 45 44 73 104 134 165 195 226 257 287 318 348 308 338 15 15 14 46 45 74 105 135 166 196 227 258 288 319 349 278 309 339 16 16 15 47 46 75 106 136 167 197 228 259 289 320 350 279 310 340 17 17 16 48 47 76 107 137 168 198 229 260 290 321 351 280 311 341 18 18 17 49 48 77 108 138 169 199 230 261 291 322 352 281 312 342 19 19 18 50 49 78 109 139 170 200 231 262 292 323 353 282 313 343 20 20 19 51 50 79 110 140 171 201 232 263 293 324 354 283 314 344 21 21 20 52 51 80 111 141 172 202 233 264 294 325 355 284 315 345 22 22 21 53 52 81 112 142 173 203 234 265 295 326 356 285 316 346 23 23 22 54 53 82 113 143 174 204 235 266 296 327 357 286 317 347 24 24 23 55 54 83 114 144 175 205 236 267 297 328 358 287 318 348 25 25 24 56 55 84 115 145 176 206 237 268 298 329 359 288 319 349 26 27 28 29 30 26 27 28 29 80 25 26 27 28 29 57 58 59 56 57 58 59 85 86 87 88 89 116 117 118 119 120 146 147 148 149 150 177 178 179 180 181 207 208 209 210 211 238 239 240 241 242 269 270 271 272 273 299 300 301 302 303 330 331 332 333 334 360 361 362 363 364 289 290 291 292 293 320 321 322 323 324 350 351 352 353 354 31 31 30 90 151 212 243 304 365 294 355 1 TABLE IV. r> /,' i! ill-linn nf lluiirx. Miiiu/i-x, i'i'iiiu//.t nf u ])ni/. Prrimal ol'a Pay. Min. Pecimal ofa Pay. If in. Drrilllill lifa Pay. Decimal of a See. Pi-riina! ol'a Day. 1 0.0116667 1 0.000(1!) 11 31 0.0215278 1 0.0000116 31 o.oQpas 2 0.0833333 2 0.0013889 32 0.0222222 2 0.0000231 32 0.000370 1 :{ 0.1250000 :{ 0.0020S33 33 0.022!) 167 3 0.0000347 33 0.000381!) 4 0.166 ;i(i67 i 0.0027778 31 0.0236111 1 0.0000 163 31 0.00039:!.-) 5 0.20N3333 5 0.003 1722 35 0.0243056 5 0.0000579 35 0.0001051 6 0.2500000 6 0.0011667 36 0.0250000 6 0.000069 1 36 0.0004167 7 0.21U6667 7 0.0018611 37 0.02569 1 I 7 0.0000810 37 0.000 12S2 8 0.3333333 8 0.0055556 38 0.0263889 8 0.0000926 :is 0.000 i:i: B 0.375 0000 9 0.0062500 39 0.0270833 9 v 0.0001012 39 0.000151 1 10 0.110 6667 10 0.00694 1 1 40 0.0277778 10 0.0001157 40 0.0001630 11 0. 15S3333 11 0.0076389 41 0.028 1722 11 0.0001273 41 0.0004715 12 0.5000000 12 0.0083333 12 0.0291667 12 0.0001389 12 0.000 iMil 13 0.5116667 13 0.0090278 43 0.0298611 13 0.0001505 13 0.0004977 14 0.5833333 11 0.0097222 44 0.0305556 14 0.0001620 11 0.0005093 rs 0.6250000 15 0.0104167 45 0.0312500 15 0.0001736 45 0.0005208 16 0.6666667 16 0.0111111 46 0.0319414 16 0.0001852 46 0.0005324 17 0.70S3333 17 0.0118056 47 0.0326389 17 0.0001968 47 0.0005110 18 0.7500000 18 0.0125000 48 0.0333333 18 0.0002083 48 0.0005556 19 0.7916667 1!) 0.0131!) 11 49 . 0.0340278 19 0.0002199 49 O.ooo:.!i7 1 20 O.S333333 20 0.0138889 50 0.0317222 20 0.0002315 50 0.0005787 21 O.S750000 21 0.0115833 51 0.0354167 21 0.0002431 51 0.0005903 22 0.9 If 6667 22 0.0152778 52 0.0361111 22 0.0002546 52 0.0006019 23 0.95N3333 23 0.0159722 53 0.0368056 23 0.0002662 53 0.00061:!! 21 1.0000000 24 0.0166667 51 0.0375000 24 0.0002778 51 0.0006250 25 0.0173611 55 0.0381944 25 0.0002894 55 0.0006366 26 0.0180556 56 0.0388889 26 0.0003009 56 0.0006481 27 0.0187500 57 0.0395833 27 0.0003125 57 0.0006597 28 0.0191111 58 0.0402778 28 0.0003241 58 0.0006713 29 0.0201389 59 0.0409722 29 0.0003356 59 0.0006829 30 0.0208333 60 0.0416667 30 0.0003472 60 0.00069 1 I TABLE V. Periods of the Arguments with their multiples. Increments of Arguments X-XIVfnr an incri'tiai- of 1,2 and 3 in the integer ill. 1 Period. 2 Periods. 3 Periods. Argument I 22 1''.7008 419'UOH! 674 d .1023 Increment Increment Increment II 23S\9 477-v.S 716J-.8 /. .. f , .1 01 nl == *i ol HI ^= d. III 11967*. 23974 d . 35962' 1 . IV 2969*. 5918*. 8878 d . V 1454 d .9 2909-'.9 4364 d .8 Argument X 33.26 6.52 39.78 VI 583''.92 1167".84 175 K76 XI " XII 147.64 19.6 55.29 202.93 39.3 58.9 VII 213''.16 486''.33 729''.49 " XIII 3.11 6.22 9.34 " VIII 220''.6 440'.1 661*.7 " XIV 0.8 1.5 2.3 IX 236' 1 .99 473''.98 710".98 X 60 units 120 units 180 units - XI 240 units 480 units 720 units XII 60 units 120 units !>() units XIII 60 units 120 units 180 units " XIV 36 units 72 units 108 units \v 8796*3 13596''.5 2039 l-'.M XVI 365''.2 730''.5 1095''.7 TABLE VI. Mean Longitude, Arguments, tyc., for Wa^hin^lon Mean Noon of Jan. in common years, Jan. 1 in bissextile, years. \ Year. L in- I. II. III. IV. V. VI. VII. 1750 o / // 45 54 5.24 -163 173.9096 67:9 d 1 12 42 2403 d 611.5 497.08 31.2 1751 270 41 31.89 161 89.5080 68.9 11607 2768 976.5 278.16 153.0 17525. 137 5 12.35 159 6.1064 69.9 11973 175 1342.5 60.24 32.7 1753 1 52 42.00 158 146.4056 70.9 351 540 252.5 425.24 154.5 1754 226 40 11.66 156 62.0040 71.9 716 905 617.5 206.32 33.2 1755 91 27 41.31 155 202.3032 72.9 1081 1270 982.5 571.32 155.0 175GB. 317 51 18.77 153 118.9016 73.9 1447 1636 1348.5 353.40 34.7 1757 182 38 48.42 151 34.5000 74.9 1812 2001 258.6 134.48 156.5 1758 47 26 18.08 150 174.7993 75.9 2177 2366 623.6 499.48 35.2 1759 272 13 47.73 148 90.3977 76.9 2542 2731 988.6 280.56 157.1 17(507?. 138 37 25.19 146 6.9961 77.9 2908 137 1354.6 62.63 36.7 1761 3 24 54.84 145 147.2953 78.9 3273 502 264.7 427.63 158.6 1702 228 12 24.50 143 62.8937 79.9 3638 867 629.7 208.71 37.2 1763 92 59 51.15 142 203.1929 80.9 4003 1232 994.7 573.71 15^.1 17645. 319 23 31.61 140 119.7913 81.9 4369 1598 1360.7 355.79 38.7 1765 184 11 1.27 138 35.3898 82.9 4734 1963 270.7 136.87 160.6 1766 48 58 30.92 137 175.6890 83.9 5099 2328 635.7 501.87 39.2 1767 273 46 0.58 135 91.2874 84.9 5464 2693 1000.7 282.95 161.1 17685. 140 9 38.04 133 7.8858 85.9 5830 100 1366.7 65.03 40.7 1769 4 57 7.69 132 148.1850 86.9 6195 465 276.8 430.03 162.6 1770 229 44 37.35 130 63.7834 87.9 6560 830 641.8 211.11 41.3 1771 94 32 7.00 129 204,0826 88.9 6925 1195 1006.8 576.11 163.1 17725. 320 55 44.47 127 120.6811 89.9 7291 1561 1372.8 358.18 42.8 1773 185 43 14.12 125 36.2795 90.9 7656 1926 282.9 139.26 164.6 1774 50 30 43.78 124 176.5787 91.9 8021 2291 647.9 504.26 43.3 1775 275 18 13.43 122 92.1771 92.9 8386 2656 1012.9 285.34 165.1 1776B. 141 41 50.89 120 8.7755 93.9 8752 63 1378.9 67.42 44.8 1777 6 29 20.55 119 149.0748 94.9 9117 428 288.9 432.42 166.6 1778 231 16 50.21 117 64.6732 95.9 9482 793 653.9 213.50 45.3 1779 96 4 19.86 116 204.9724 96.9 9847 1158 1018.9 578.50 167.1 17801?. 322 27 57.32 114 121.5708 97.9 10213 1524 1384.9 360.58 46.8 1781 187 15 26.98 112 37.1692 98.9 10578 1889 295.0 141.66 168.6 1782 52 2 56.64 111 177.4684 99.9 10943 2254 660.0 506.66 47.3 1783 276 50 26.29 109 93.0669 100.9 11308 2619 1025.0 287.74 169.1 17845. 143 14 3.76 107 9.6653 101.9 11674 26 1391.0 69.81 48.8 1785 8 1 33.41 106 149.9645 102.9 52 391 301.0 434.81 170.6 1786 232 49 3.07 104 65.5629 103.9 417 756 666.0 215.89 49.3 1787 97 36 32.73 103 205.8621 104.9 782 1121 1031.0 580.89 171.1 17885. 324 10.19 101 122.4605 105.9 1148 1487 1397.0 362.97 50.8 1789 188 47 39.85 99 38.0590 106.9 1513 1852 307.1 144.05 172.6 1790 53 35 9.51 98 178.3582 107.9 1878 2217 672.1 509.05 51.3 1791 278 22 39.16 96 93.9566 108.9 2243 2582 1037.1 290.13 173.1 17927?. 144 46 16.63 94 10.5551 109.9 2609 2948 ' 1403.1 72.21 52.8 1793 9 33 46.28 93 150.8543 110.9 2974 354 313.2 437.21 174.6 1794 234 21 15.94 91 66.4527 111.9 3339 719 678.2 218.29 53.3 1795 99 8 45.60 90 206.7519 112.9 3704 1084 1043.2 583.29 175.2 17965. 325 32 23.07 88 123.3503 113.9 4070 1450 1409.2 365.36 54.8 1797 190 19 52.72" 86 88.9488 114.9 4435 1815 319.2 146.44 176.7 1798 55 7 22.38 85 179.2480 115.9 4800 2180 684.2 511.44 55.3 1799 279 54 52.04 83 94.8464 116.9 5165 2545 1049.2 292.52 177.2 Constant subtracted from L = 47' 4li". TABL.E VI. Minn Ltnin'iliidf, Arguments, cV''., /<>/' M'n.-i/iiinffiiti Menu J\"ixxi'.ili/i- i/i-firx. Fear. VIII. IX. X. M. XII. Xlil. XIV. Log. sin i. :wo- Q. 1760 a 55.9 2858 43.96 193. IS 4N.7 58.45 22.7 S.77207SS / // 2s.) 31 16.8 I?.') 1 200.3 156.29 50. IS 8.71 28.0 4.67 2 1.2 0802 33 1 1.3 1752JB. 125.2 56.99 64.06 7.2 10.89 25.7 OS 15 33 11.8 1753 49.1 176.31 30.25 211.70 26.9 14.01 26.6 0829 32 39.3 1754 193.5 67.33 86.77 26.99 6.1 20.23 28.0 OS 12 32 6.9 1755 117.1 195.31 10.03 17 1.63 25.7 23.3 I 28.7 N.7720856 285 31 31,1 ii MI:. 42.2 87.85 16.55 229. 92 5.0 29.5!! 30.2 OS70 31 l.s 1757 186.7 215.36 23.06 15.21 44,2 35.79 31.7 0883 30 29,1 1758 110.5 10(i.3S 56.33 192. Mi 8.9 38.90 32.5 0897 2!) 5li.9 1759 34.4 231.3S 2.S 1 8.15 43. 1 45.12 34.0 0911 29 21.1 1760B. 179.8 12(5.10 9.36 63. 1 1 22. 1 51.35 35.5 8.7720924 285 28 51.9 1761 103.7 17.12 42.62 211.08 12.0 54.46 0.2 0938 2S 19.1 1763 27.6 1 15. 13 49.13 26.37 21.2 0.68 1.7 0951 27 47.0 1763 172.0 3(i. 1 1 22.39 n 1.02 40.9 3.79 2.5 0965 27 14.5 1764B. 9G.9 165.45 28.91 229.31 20.1 10.02 4.0 0979 26 41.9 1765 20.7 56.47 35,13 44.60 59.4 16.24 5.5 8.7720992 285 26 9.5 1766 1655 IS 1.17 8.68 192.2 1 19.0 19.35 6.2 1006 25 37.0 1767 89.0 75. lit 15.20 7.5:! 5S.2 25.58 7.7 1020 25 4.5 17685. 13.9 201.50 21.72 62.82 37.5 31.80 9.2 1033 24 32.0 1769 ir>s. i 95.51 51.98 210,16 57.1 34.91 10.0 1047 23 59.5 1770 82.2 823.53 1.49 25.75 36,1 41.14 11.5 8.7721060 285 23 27.0 1771 6.1 1 1 1.5 1 8475 173.40 56.0 44.25 12.3 1071 22 51.6 1772B. 151.5 6.55 41.27 228.69 35.2 50.47 13.8 loss 22 22.0 1773 7.'.. 1 134.56 47.7!) 48.98 14.5 56.69 15.3 1101 21 49.5 1771 219.8 85.58 21.05 191.62 31.1 59.81 16.0 1115 21 17.1 1775 1 13.7 153.59 27.5(5 6.91 13.4 6.03 17.5 8.7721128 285 20 44.6 1776J5. 68.6 45.60 31.08 62.20 52.6 12.25 19.0 1142 20 12.1 1777 . 213.0 173.61 7.31 209.85 12.2 15.37 19.8 1156 19 39.6 1778 136.9 64.63 13.86 25.14 51.5 21.59 21.3 1169 19 7.1 1779 60.7 192.64 47.12 172.78 11.1 24.70 22.0 1183 18 31.6 1780.B. 206.2 84.65 53.63 228.07 50.4 30.92 23.5 8.7721197 285 18 2.1 1781 130.0 212.66 0.15 43.?6 29.6 37.15 25.0 1210 17 29.6 178-2 53.9 103.68 33.11 191.00 49.2 40.26 25.8 1224 16 57.1 1783 198.3 231.68 39.93 6.29 28.5 46.48 27.3 1237 16 24.7 17845. 123.2 123.70 46.44 61.58 7.7 52.71 28.8 1251 15 52.1 1785 47.1 1 1.72 19.70 209.23 27.4 55.82 29.5 8.7721265 285 15 19.6 1786 191.5 142.72 26.22 21.52 6.6 2.04 31.1 127S 14 47.1 1787 115.1 33.7 1 59.48 172.16 26.2 5.15 31.8 1292 14 14.7 17885. 40.2 102.75 6.00 227.45 5.5 11.38 33.3 1306 13 42.1 1789 184.7 53.76 12.51 42.74 41.7 17.60 34.8 1319 13 9.6 1700 108.5 181.77 15.77 190.39 4.4 20.71 35.6 8.7721333 285 12 37.2 1791 32.4 72.71) 52.29 5.68 43.6 26.94 1.1 1346 12 4.7 17925. 177.8 201.80 58.81 60.97 22.9 33.16 2.6 1360 11 32.1 17!):! 101.7 92.81 32.06 208.61 42.5 36.27 3.3 1374 10 59.7 1794 25.6 220.82 38.58 23.90 21.7 42.50 4.8 1387 10 27.2 1795 170.0 111.84 11.84 171.51 11.1 15.61 5.6 8.7721401 285 9 51.7 17965. 91.9 3.85 18.36 226.83 20.6 51.83 7.1 - 1415 9 22.1 1797 18.7 131.86 24.87 12.12 59.9 58.05 8.6 112S 8 49.7 1798 163.2 22.88 58.13 189.77 19.5 1.17 9.3 1442 8 17.2 1799 87.0 150.89 4.65 5.06 58.7 7.39 10.8 8.7721456 285 7 41.7 TABLE VI. 3[ca Luiii/i/iiili', Ariinmnitx, n of Jnn. o in cvtomm years, .run. 1 in lii.-inr.i-lilc unit's. Year. L. HI- I. II. III. IV. V. VI. VII. 1800 / // 144 42 21.70 81 10,1118 117!9 553o' 29 lo" llli!2 73JGO ;_'. *'" ' 360 - Q. .1 1 / // 1800 10.9 11.90 11.17 60.85 38.0 13.61 12.:! 8.7721469 285 7 12.2 1801 155.3 169.91 44.43 207.99 57.11 16.72 18.1 UN;! 6 39.8 1802 79.2 60.98 50.94 23.28 86.9 22.95 14.6 i !!><; 6 7.3 1803 8.1 188.93 2 1.20 170.93 56.5 26.06 15.4 1510 5 31. s IMII/;. 1 is.;, 30.72 226.22 35.7 82.3 16.9 1523 5 2.2 7-.'. 1 206.96 87.24 41.51 15.0 3S.51 18.4 8.7721537 285 4 29.8 1806 -,'l 99.98 10.50 189.15 84.6 41.62 19.1 1550 3 57.3 1807 1 10.7 221 17.01 1.11 13.9 17.84 20.6 1564 3 21.8 1808B. 65.5 120.00 2;!..-):( 59.73 53.1 51.07 22.1 I :.', . 2 52.2 1809 210.0 11.02 56.79 207.37 12.7 57.18 22.9 1591 2 19.7 1810 183.8 1:59.02 8.81 22.66 52.0 3.10 21.1 8.7721605 285 1 47.3 1811 57.7 30.04 86.! 170.31 11.6 6.51 25.1 1618 1 ll.H 1812B. 203. 1 159.05 48.08 225.60 50.9 12.71 26.6 1632 42.2 1813 127.0 50.06 49.60 40.8!) 30.1 18.96 28.1 1646 2*5 9.7 1814 50.9 i: <.o? 22.86 1S8.53 49.7 22.07 28.9 1659 281 59 37.2 1815 195.3 69,09 29.37 8.82 29.0 28.30 30.4 8.7721673 284 59 4.U ; .;/;. 120.2 198.10 35.89 59. 1 1 84.52 31.9 1686 58 32.2 1817 44.0 89.11 9.15 206.76 27.9 87.63 32.6 1700 57 59.7 217.12 15.66 22.05 7.1 48.85 31.1 1713 57 -2'i:'. 1819 112.3 108.14 48.93 169.69 26.7 48.97 31.9 1727 56 51.7 18302?. 37.2 0.15 55. 1 1 221.98 6.0 58.19 0.4 8.7721741 281 56 22.2 1821 181.6 128.16 1.96 10.27 45.2 59.11 1.9 1751 55 49.T 1823 105.5 19.18 35.22 187.91 4.9 2.53 2.7 1768 55 17.2 1823 J!>. 1 117.19 11.71 3.20 44.1 8.75 4.2 1781 54 44.7 1824B. 174.8 39.20 4H.25 58.49 23. 1 14.97 5.7 1795 51 12.2 1829 98.7 167.21 21.51 206.14 43.0 18.08 6.4 8.7721808 284 53 39.7 1826 22.6 58.23 28.03 21.43 22.2 21.31 7.9 1S22 53 7.2 1827 107.0 186.23 1.29 169.07 41.9 27.42 8.7 1836 52 34.7 10289. 91.9 78.25 7.81 22 1.36 21.1 33.64 10.2 1849 52 2.1 1829 15.7 206.26 14.82 39.65 0.4 39.87 11.7 1863 51 29.6 1830 160.2 97.27 47.58 187.30 20.0 12.98 12.1 8.7721876 284 50 57.1 1831 84.0 22558 51.10 2.59 59.2 49.20 13.9 1890 50 24.7 1882.8. 8,9 117.30 0.62 57.88 38.5 55.43 15.4 1901 49 52.1 1S33 153.3 8.82 33.88 205.52 58.1 58.54 16.2 1917 49 19.6 1834 77.2 186.32 40.39 20.81 37.4 4.76 17.7 1931 48 47.1 1--:;:, 1.1 27,84 13.65 168.45 57.0 7.87 18.4 8.7721911 284 48 11.6 18865. 1 16.5 156.85 20.17 223.74 86.2 14.10 19.9 1958 47 42.0 1887 70.1 17.86 26,69 39.03 15.5 20.32 21.5 1971 47 9.6 1838 211.S 175.37 59.94 186.68 35.1 23. 13 22.2 1985 46 37.1 1839 188.7 66.39 6.46 1.97 14.4 29.66 23.7 1999 46 1.6 is i()/;. 63.5 195.40 12.98 57.26 53.6 35.88 25.2 8.7722012 284 45 32.0 1841 208.0 86.41 46.24 20 1.90 13.2 38.99 26.0 2026 44 59.5 1842 131.8 21442 52.75 20.19 52.5 15.21 27.5 2039 44 27.0 1813 55.7 105.44 26.01 167.84 12.1 18.33 23.2 2053 13 51.5 1844B. 201.1 234.44 82.53 223. 13 51.4 54.55 29.7 2067 43 21.9 1845 12f>.0 125. 1(5 39.05 3S. 12 30.6 0.77 31.2 8.7722080 284 42 49.5 IM ; 4K.9 16.48 12.31 186.06 50.2 3.88 32.0 209 1 12 17.0 1847 193.3 144.49 18.82 1.35 29.5 10.11 33.5 2107 11 11.5 IMS/;. ii 86.50 25.3 1 56.64 8.7 16.33 35.0 2121 41 11.9 1849 12.0 Hi 1.51 58.60 201.28 28.4 19. 1 1 35.7 8.7722131 284 40 3!). 1 1 10 TABLE VI. Mean Longitude, Arguments, $c., for Washington Mean Xoon of Jan. in common years, Jan. I in bissextile i/ears. Year. L HI- I. 11. III. IV. V. VI. VII. 1850 243 30 38.45 71.6815 167?9 11804 a 457 d 702.1 284.04 SO'!5 1851 108 18 8.11 1 211.9808 168.9 182 822 1127.1 15.12 202.3 1862J9. 334 41 45.58 3 128.5792 169.9 548 1188 38.1 381.12 82.0 1853 199 29 15.25 5 44.1776 170.9 913 1553 403.1 102.19 202.8 1851 64 16 44.92 6 184.4769 171.9 1278 1918 768.1 527.19 82.5 1859 289 4 11.58 8 100.0753 172.9 1643 2283 1133.1 308.27 204.3 185GB. 155 27 52.05 . 10 16.6738 173.9 2009 2649 44.2 90.35 84.0 1867 20 15 21.72 11 156.9730 174.9 231 I 55 409.2 455.35 205.8 1858 245 2 51.39 13 72.5715 175.9 2739 420 774.2 236.43 84.5 1859 109 50 21.05 14 212.8707 176.9 3104 785 1139.2 17.51 206.3 18605. 330 13 58.53 16 129.4691 177.9 3470 1151 50.3 383.51 86.0 1861 201 1 28.19 18 45.0675 178.9 3835 1516 415.3 164.59 207.8 1864 65 48 57.86 19 185.3668 179.9 4200 1881 780.3 529.59 86.5 1868 290 36 27.53 21 100.9052 180.9 4665 2210 1 145.3 310.67 208.3 18645. 157 5.00 23 17-5637 181.9 4931 2612 56.3 92.75 88.0 1865 21 47 31.67 24 157.8629 182.9 5296 18 421.3 457.75 209.8 1866 246 35 4.31 26 73.4613 183.9 5661 383 786.3 238.82 88.5 1807 111 22 31.00 27 213.7606 184.9 6026 748 1151.3 19.90 210.3 18685. 337 46 11.48 29 130.3590 185.9 6392 1114 62.4 385.90 90.0 1869 202 33 41.15 31 45.9575 186.9. 6757 1479 427.4 166.98 211.8 1870 67 21 10.82 82 186.2567 187.9 7122 1844 792.4 531.98 90.5 1871 292 8 40.49 31 101.8551 188.9 7487 2209 1157.4 313.06 212,1 18725. 158 32 17.96 36 18.4536 189.9 7853 2575 68.5 95.14 92.0 1873 23 19 47.63 37 158.7528 190.9 8218 2940 433.5 460.14 213.9 1874 248 7 17.30 39 74.3513 191.9 8583 346 798.5 241.22 92.5 1875 112 54 46.97 40 214.6505 192.9 8948 711 1163.5 22.30 214.4 1876 B. 339 18 24.45 42 131.2189 193.9 9314 1077 71.5 388.30 94.0 1877 201 5 54.12 44 46.8474 194.9 9679 1442 439.5 169.37 215.9 1878 68 53 23.79 45 187.1466 195.9 10044 1807 804.5 534.37 94.5 1879 293 40 53.46 47 102.7451 196.9 10409 2172 1169.5 315,15 210,1 1880 //. 160 4 30.94 49 19.3435 197.9 10775 2538 80.6 97.53 96.0 1881 24 52 0.61 50 159.6428 198.9 11140 2903 445.6 462.53 217.9 1882 249 39 30.28 53 75.2412 199.9 11505 308 810.6 243.01 90.6 1883 114 26 59.95 53 215.5404 200.9 11870 673 1 175.6 24.69 218,4 18845. 340 50 37.43 55 132.1389 201.9 249 1039 86.6 390.69 98.1 1885 205 38 7.10 57 47.7373 202.9 615 1404 451.6 171.77 219.9 1886 70 25 36.77 58 188.0366 203.9 980 1769 816.6 536.77 98.6 1887 295 13 6.45 60 103.6350 204.9 1315 2134 1181.6 317.85 220.4 1888 B. 161 36 43.93 62 20.2335 205.9 1711 2500 92.7 99.92 100.1 1889 26 24 13.60 63 160.5327 206.9 2076 2865 457.7 464.92 221.9 1890 251 11 43.27 65 76.1312 207.9 2111 271 822.7 246.00 100.6 1S91 115 59 12.95 66 216.1:!()1 208.9 2808 636 1187.7 27.08 222,1 18922?. 342 22 50.43 68 133.0289 209.9 3172 1002 98.8 393.08 102.1 1893 207 10 20.10 70 48.6273 210.9 3537 1367 463.8 174.16 223.9 1894 71 57 49.78 71 188.9265 211.9 3902 1732 828.8 539.16 102.6 1895 296 45 19.45 73 101.5250 212.9 4267 2097 1193.8 320.24 224.4 18965. 163 8 56.!)3 75 21.12:55 213.9 4033 2463 104.8 102.32 104.1 1897 27 50 26.61 76 161.4227 214.9 4998 2828 409.8 467.32 225.9 1898 252 43 56.29 78 77.0211 215.9 5303 234 834.8 248.40 104.6 1899 117 31 25.96 79 217.3201 216.9 5728 599 1199.8 29,18 226.4 Constant subtracted from L = !?' -10". TABLE VI. 11 M' dit Lunijitiiilr, Ar^uinnilx, <$-r., fur Wiixlihiatoti Mruii Xnon of Jan. /;/ I-IIHIIIKHI i/rrs, Jan. 1 in hixxi-j-ti/r years. JTear. VIII. IX. \. \l. XII. Mil. XIV. Log. sin i. 360 - Q. 1850 186.5 .1 6.12 19.57 7.6 25.<57 1.2 8.772211!) / // 284 40 6.9 1851 ll().:i 183 38.37 167.22 27.2 28.78 2.0 2163 39 31.1 IN.VJ/;. 85.2 76.55 44.89 222.51 6.5 35.00 3.5 2176 39 1.8 IN:.:; 179.6 203.56 51.41 87.80 45.7 41.23 5.0 2190 38 29.3 1854 103.5 94.57 2 1.67 1N5.44 5.1 44.34 5.8 2203 37 56.8 IN;,;, 87.4 222.58 31.19 0.73 11. li 50.56 7.3 8.7722217 284 37 21.3 IS56B. 172.8 114.60 37.70 66.02 28.9 56.78 s.s 2230 36 51.8 1857 96.7 6.61 10.96 203.67 18.5 59.90 9.5 22 1 1 36 19.3 1858 20.5 133.62 17.ls 18.96 22.7 6.12 11.0 2257 35 16. s 1 s.v.i 165.0 24.64 50.74 166.60 42.4 9.23 11.8 2271 35 14.3 1860Z?. 89.8 168.65 57.25 221.89 21.6 15.45 13.3 8.77222s 1 284 34 41.7 1861 13.7 (4.66 :i.77 37.18 e.9 21.68 14.8 2298 31 9.2 186-2 158.1 172.67 37.03 IS 1.82 20.5 21.79 15.5 2311 33 36.7 1863 82.0 63.69 43.55 0.11 59.7 31.01 17.0 2325 33 4.2 1861U. 6.9 192.70 50.07 55.40 39.0 37.23 18.5 2339 32 31.6 1866 151.3 88.71 23.32 203.05 58.6 40.35 19.3 8.7722352 284 31 59.1 1866 75.2 211.72 29.84 18.34 37.9 46.57 20.8 2366 31 26.6 1S67 219.6 102.74 3.10 165.98 57.5 49.69 21.5 2379 30 54.1 1868J5. 111.5 231.74 9.62 22 1.27 36.7 55.91 23.0 2893 30 21.5 1869 68.3 122.76 16.13 36.56 16.0 2.13 21.5 2406 29 49.0 1870 212.8 13.78 1!).39 181.21 35.6 5.24 25.3 8.7722 120 284 29 16.5 1871 136.6 111.7s 55.91 239.49 14.9 11.47 26.8 2 133 28 44.0 18725. 61.5 83.80 2.43 5 1.7!) 64.1 17.69 28.3 2117 28 11.5 1873 20:>.!> 161.81 35.69 202.43 13.7 20.80 29.1 2460 27 39.0 1S71 129.8 52.83 12.20 17.72 53.0 27.03 30.6 2474 27 6.5 1875 53.7 180.83 16.46 165.36 12.6 30.14 31.3 8.7722487 284 26 34.0 1876Z?. !!)!).! 72.85 21.98 220.65 51.9 36.36 32.8 2501 26 1.4 1871 123.0 200.86 28.:.() 35.94 31.1 42.59 34.3 2515 25 28.9 1878 46.9 91.87 1.76 183.59 50.7 45.70 35.1 2528 24 56.4 1879 191.3 219.88 8.27 238.88 30.0 51.92 0.6 25 12 24 23.9 18805. 116.2 111.90 14.79 54.17 9.2 58.14 2.1 8.7722555 284 23 51.3 1881 40.0 2.91 48.05 201.81 28.9 1.26 2.8 256!) 23 18.8 1882 1M.:. 130.92 54.57 17.10 8.1 7,18 4.3 2682 22 46.3 1883 108.3 21.94 27.82 161.75 27.7 10.59 5.1 2596 22 13.8 188 1 /;. 8&2 150.95 31.31 220.04 7.0 16.81 6.6 2609 21 41.2 1885 177.6 41.96 40.86 35.33 462 23.01 8.1 8.7722623 284 21 8.7 1886 101.5 169.97 11.12 182.97 5.9 26.15 8.8 2636 20 36.2 1881 2:1. 1 69.99 20.63 238.26 45.1 82.87 10.4 2650 20 3.7 18885. 170.8 189.99 27.15 63.55 24.4 38.60 11.9 2664 19 31.1 1889 '.) 1.7 SI. 01 0.41 201.19 44.0 41.71 12.6 2677 18 58.6 1N!)0 is.r, 209.02 6.98 16.48 23.2 47.93 11.1 8.7722691 284 18 26.1 1891 163.0 100.01 40.19 164.13 42.9 51.04 14.9 270 1 17 53.6 18925 s7.s 229.0 1 46.70 219.42 22. 1 57.27 16.1 2718 17 21.0 1899 11.7 120.06 63.22 31.71 1.4 3. If) 17.9 2731 16 48.5 1894 156.1 11.08 2H. is 1 S2.35 21.0 6.60 18.6 2745 16 15.9 1895 80.0 139.08 33.00 237.64 0.2 12.83 20.1 8.7722758 284 15 43.4 18965 1.9 31.10 89.51 52 93 39.5 19.05 21.6 2772 15 10.8 1897 1 19.3 159.11 12.77 200.5* nit. i 22.16 22.1 1 1 ;;s,-{ ISDN 7:1.2 50.12 19.29 16.87 18.4 28.39 23.!) 27!)!) 1 1 6.8 1899 217.6 178.13 52.68 163.51 58.0 81.60 2 1.6 (2812 284 13 33.3 7 \ TABLE VI. Menu Loiit/i/ittk, Arguments, dec., for Washington Mean Koon of Jan. in common years, Jan. 1 in bissextile years. Year. I. in- I. II. III. IV. V. VI. VII. 1900 / // ,'M2 IN 55.61 81 132.9188 217.9 6093 a 964 109.'9 394.48 105'! 1 1901 207 6 25.31 83 48.5173 218.9 6158 1329 474.9 175.55 226.9 1902 71 53 54.99 84 188.8165 219.9 6823 1691 839.9 540.55 105.6 1903 296 11 21.67 86 104.4150 220.9 7188 2059 1201.9 321.63 227.4 19042. 163 5 2.15 88 21.0131 221.9 7554 2425 116.0 103.71 107.1 1905 27 52 31.83 89 161.3127 222.9 7919 2790 481.0 468.71 228.9 1900 25-2 10 1.51 91 76.9111 223.9 8284 196 846.0 2 19.79 107.6 1907 117 27 31.19 92 217.2104 ' 221.9 8649 561 1211.0 30.87 229.5 19085. 343 51 8.67 91 133.8088 225.9 9015 927 122.0 396.87 109.1 1909 208 38 38.35 96 49.4073 226.9 9380 1292 487.0 177.95 231.0 1910 73 26 8.03 97 189.7065 227.9 9745 1657 852.0 542.95 109.6 1911 298 13 37.71 99 105.3050 228.9 10110 2022 1217.0 324.03 231.5 19127?. 164 37 15.20 101 21.9034 229.9 10476 2388 128.1 106.10 111.1 1913 29 2 t 1 1.N8 102 162.2027 230.9 10841 2753 493.1 471.10 233.0 1914 2.">l 12 14.56 104 77.8011 231.9 11206 158 858.1 252.18 111.6 1915 11H 59 11.21 105 218.1004 232.9 11571 523 1223.1 33.26 233.5 19165. 315 23 21.23 107 134.6988 233.9 11937 889 131.2 399.26 113.1 1917 210 10 51.11 109 50.2973 234.9 315 1251 499.2 180.34 235.0 1918 174 58 21.09 110 190.5965 235.9 680 1619 861.2 515.31 113.6 1919 299 15 50.77 112 106.1950 236.9 1045 1984 1229.2 326.42 235.5 19205. 166 9 28.26 114 22.7935 237.9 1411 2350 110.2 108.50 115.2 1921 30 56 57.95 115 163.0927 238.9 1776 2715 505.2 473.50 237.0 1922 255 44 27.63 117 78.6912 1.0 2141 121 870.2 25 1.58 115.7 1923 120 31 57.31 118 218.9904 2.0 2506 486 1235.2 35.65 237.5 19B4B. 346 55 34.80 120 135.5889 3.0 2872 852 146.3 401.65 117.2 1925 211 43 4.49 122 51.1873 4.0 3237 1217 511.3 182.73 239.0 1926 76 30 34.17 123 191.4866 5.0 3602 1582 876.3 547.73 117.7 1927 301 18 3.86 125 107.0850 6.0 3967 1917 1241.3 328.81 239.5 11)287?. 167 41 41.35 127 23.6835 7.0 4333 2313 152.4 110.89 119.2 1929 32 29 11.04 128 163.9827 8.0 4698 2678 517.4 475.89 2H.O 1930 257 16 40.72 130 79.5812 9.0 5063 84 882.4 256.97 119.7 1931 122 4 10.41 131 219.8804 10.0 5428 449 1247.4 38.05 241.5 19325. 348 27 47.90 133 136.4789 11.0 5794 815 158.4 404.05 121.2 1933 213 15 17.59 135 52.0774 12.0 6159 1180 523.4 185.13 243.0 1931 78 2 47.27 136 192.3766 13.0 6524 15-15 888.4 550.13 121.7 1935 302 50 16.96 133 107.9751 14.0 6889 1910 1253.4 331.20 0.4 19365. 169 13 54.46 140 24.5735 15.0 7255 2276 164.5 113.28 123.2 1937 34 1 24.15 141 164.8728 16.0 7620 2641 529.5 478.28 1.9 1938 258 48 53.83 143 80.4712 17.0 7985 47 894.5 259.36 123.7 1939 123 36 23.52 144 220.7705 18.0 8350 412 1259.5 40.44 2.4 19405. 350 1.02 146 137.3690 19.0 8716 778 170.5 406.44 125.2 1941 214 47 30.71 148 52.9671 20.0 9081 1143 535.5 187.52 3.9 1942 79 35 0.40 149 193.2667 21.0 9446 1508 900.5 552.52 125.7 1943 304 22 30.09 151 108.8651 22.0 9811 1873 1265.5 333.60 4.4 19445. 170 46 7.59 153 25.4636 23.0 10177 2239 176.6 115.68 127.2 1915 35 33 37.28 154 165.7628 24.0 10542 2604 541.6 480.68 5.9 1946 260 21 6.97 156 81.3613 25.0 10907 10 906.6 261.76 127.7 1947 125 8 36.66 157 221.6606 26.0 11272 375 1271.6 42.83 6.4 19485. 351 32 14.16 159 138.2590 27.0 11638 741 182.7 408.83 129.2 1949 216 19 43.85 161 53.8575 28.0 15 1106 517.7 189.91 7.9 Constant subtracted from L = 47' 40". TABLE VI. M i-ii it I.niKjitiiilf, Ari/iinii ills. i(-c.,/(//- ]\'xli!/it//un Mrmi \nnit <,/ Jan. in common yriim, -lini. 1 in Itinsi-.rtilf i/i'Urx. iTeor. VIII. IX. Y XI. XII. XIII. XIV. Log. sin /. 360- Q. 11100 a 111.5 69*15 59.07 318.80 37.2 87.72 26. 1 8.772282 1 / // 281 13 O.N 1901 65.3 197.16 31.09 16.5 48.94 27.6 2837 12 2s.:( 1903 209.8 88.n 88.84 IN 1.73 36. 1 17.0(1 2s. 1 2S5 1 11 55.N 1903 183.6 216.18 15.36 237.02 15.4 53 29.9 2N6 1 11 23.3 19017;. .-)S.;, ios.20 51.88 62.81 54.6 59.50 31.1 281 10 50.7 1905 JO'.'.il 236.2 l .'.-..13 199.96 11.3 2.62 32.2 8.7722891 2S| 10 is.-.; 1906 126.8 127.22 31.65 15.25 53.5 8.84 33.7 2905 9 15.7 1901 50.7 18.24 i.!n 162.89 13.1 11.95 3 1. 1 2918 1) 13.2 1908B. 196.1 li7.-j:> 11.48 2 IS. 18 52. 1 18.17 85.9 2932 N 10.6 1909 120.0 38J26 17.95 33. 17 81.6 21.10 1.5 2!) 15 S s. 1 1910 B.8 166.27 51.20 lsl.12 51.3 27.51 2.2 8.7722959 MM 7 35.6 11)11 18&8 5759 67.72 236. 1 1 30.5 88.78 3.7 21)72 7 3.0 1912/;. 113.1 1SJ.29 4.24 61.70 9.8 39.96 5.2 2986 (i 30.4 1913 37.0 77.31 37. 50 199.3 1 29. 1 43.07 5.9 2999 5 57.!) 19 It 181.4 205.32 11.01 1 1.63 8.6 49.29 7.1 3012 5 -J.Y 1 1915 105.3 96.33 n.27 162.27 558.3 52.40 8.2 8.7723026 284 4 52.9 1916B. 80.2 225.3 1 23.79 217.56 7.5 58.63 9.7 303!) 4 20.3 1917 174.6 116.36 30.3 1 32. N5 46.8 4.85 11.2 3053 3 -17.H 1918 98.5 7.3S 3.57 1N0.50 (i. 1 7.96 11.9 8066 3 15.3 1919 2&3 135.:;s 10.08 235.79 45.6 14.19 13.4 3080 2 42.8 I90DB. 1G7.H 27.40 16.60 51.08 24.9 20.41 15.0 8.7723093 284 2 10.2 1921 91. (i 155.11 49.86 198.72 1 1.5 23.52 15.7 3107 1 37.6 1922 15.5 16.42 56.38 11.01 23.S 29.75 17.2 3120 1 5.1 1 923 159.9 17-1.13 29.63 161.66 43.4 32.86 18.0 3134 32.6 19217;. 848 66. 15 36.15 216.95 22.6 39.08 19.5 3147 284 0.0 [925 8.7 191.16 42.67 32.2 1 1.9 45.30 21.0 8.7723160 283 59 27.5 1926 153.1 S5. 17 15.93 179.88 21.5 48.42 21.7 3174 58 55.0 11CJ7 77.0 213. is 22. 15 235.17 0.8 54.64 23.2 31K7 58 22.5 1928Z?. 1.9 105.50 28.96 50.46 40.0 0.86 24.7 3201 57 49.9 11)29 116.3 233.50 2.22 198.10 59.6 3.97 25.5 3211 57 17.3 1930 70.2 124.52 8.74 13.39 38.9 10.20 27.0 8.7723228 283 56 41.8 1931 211. (i 15.51 42.00 161.04 58.5 13.31 27.7 32 1 1 56 12.3 I932J3. 139.5 111.55 48.51 216.33 37.8 19.53 29.2 3255 55 39.7 19:5:t 63.3 35.56 55.03 31.62 17.0 25.76 30.7 3268 55 7.2 1934 207.8 163.57 js.29 179.26 36.6 28.87 31.5 3282 51 34.7 1936 131.6 51.59 31.81 231.55 15.9 35.09 33.0 8.77232!!.") 283 51 2.1 193GB. 56.5 183.59 4-1.32 49.84 55.1 11.32 31.5 3309 53 29.5 19:57 200.9 74.61 i i..vs 197.49 14.8 44.43 85.8 3322 52 57.0 1938 12 1.8 202.62 21.10 12.78 51.0 50.65 0.8 3335 52 2-1.5 1939 48.7 93.63 54.36 160.42 13.6 53.76 1.5 3349 51 52.0 19405. 191.1 222.6 1 0.88 215.71 52.9 59.99 3.0 8.7723362 283 51 19.4 1911 118.0 113.66 7.39 31.00 32. 1 6.21 4.5 3376 50 46.9 1942 41.8 4.67 40.65 178.64 51.8 9.32 5.3 3389 50 11.3 1913 186.3 132.68 47.17 233.93 31.0 15.55 6.8 3403 49 41.8 19445. 111.1 21.70 53.69 19.22 10.3 21.77 8.3 3416 49 9.2 1945 35.0 152.71 26.95 196.67 29.9 24.88 9.0 8.7723430 283 48 36.7 1946 179.4 43.72 33. 16 12.16 9.1 31.10 10.5 8448 48 1.2 1917 103.3 171.73 6.72 159.80 28.8 31.22 11.3 31 :.7 47 31.6 \'.n-^/:. 28.2 63.75 13.21 215.09 8.0 40.44 12.8 3 no 46 511.0 1!)19 172.6 191.76 19.76 30.38 47.3 46.66 14.3 B.7723484 2N3 16 26.5 TABLE VII. Motion of mean Longitude and of Q, ; and Fraction of Year. Common Bissextile Motion of Mran .Motion of Fract. Year. Motion of Mran Motion of Frart. Year. Year. Longitude. 3600- Q of Year. Longitude. 3600- Q, of Year. o / /' n / II n Jan. Jan. 1 0.00 0.0 0.000 Mar. 1 90 7 48.44 5.3 0.164 1 2 1 3(j 7.-I O.I 0.003 2 97 43 50.25 5.4 0.107 2 3 3 12 i.-).i;i 0.2 0.005 3 99 20 4.05 5.5 0.170 3 1 4 48 23.42 0.3 0.008 4 100 50 11. 8G 5.6 0.173 4 5 6 24 3I.'.>3 0.4 0.011 5 102 32 19.07 5.7 0.175 5 6 8 39.04 0.4 0.014 6 104 8 27.48 5.8 0.178 6 7 9 36 4G.K4 0.5 0.016 7 105 44 35.28 5.9 0.181 7 8 11 12 54.05 0.6 0.019 8 107 20 43.09 C.O 0.183 8 9 12 49 2.40 0.7 0.022 9 108 50 50.90 6.1 0.18C g 10 14 25 10.27 0.8 0.025 10 110 32 58.70 6.1 0.189 ID 11 1C 1 18.07 0.9 0.027 11 112 9 0.51 6.2 0.192 11 12 17 37 25.88 1.0 0.030 12 113 45 14.32 6.3 0.194 12 13 19 13 33.69 1.1 0.033 13 115 21 22.13 6.4 0.197 13 14 20 49 41.50 1.3 0.030 14 11G 57 29.93 0.5 0.200 14 15 22 25 49.30 1.2 0.038 15 118 33 37.74 0.0 0.203 15 16 24 1 57.11 1.3 0.041 1C 120 9 45.55 6.7 0.205 16 17 25 38 4.92 1.4 0.044 17 121 45 53.36 6.8 0.20C 17 18 27 14 12.72 1.5 0.047 18 123 22 1.16 0.9 0.211 18 19 28 50 20.53 1.6 0.04!) 19 124 58 8.97 C.9 0.214 19 20 30 26 28.34 1.7 0.052 20 126 34 16.78 7.0 0.216 20 21 32 2 30.15 1.8 0.055 21 128 10 24.59 7.1 0.219 21 22 33 38 43.95 1.9 0.057 22 129 40 32.39 7.2 0.222 22 23 35 14 51.70 2.0 0.000 23 131 22 40.20 7.3 0.225 23 24 30 50 59.57 2.0 O.OC3 24 132 58 48.01 7.4 0.227 24 25 38 27 7.38 2.1 0.000 25 134 34 55.81 7.5 0.230 25 26 40 3 15.18 2.2 0.068 20 130 11 3.02 7.6 0.233 26 27 41 39 22.99 2.3 0.071 27 137 47 11.43 7.7 0.230 27 28 43 15 30.80 2.4 0.074 28 139 23 19.24 7.7 0.238 28 29 44 51 38.00 2.5 0.077 29 140 59 27.04 7.8 0.241 29 30 46 27 46.41 2.6 0.079 30 142 35 34.85 7.9 0.244 30 31 48 3 54.22 2.7 Q.082 31 144 11 42.06 8.0 0.240 31 Feb. 1 49 40 2.03 2.8 0.085 Apr. 1 145 47 50.47 8.1 0.249 Feb. 1 2 51 10 9.83 2.8 0.088 2 147 23 58.27 8.2 0.252 2 3 52 52 17.04 2.9 0.090 3 149 C.08 8.3 0.255 3 4 54 28 25.45 3.0 0.093 4 150 30 13.89 8.4 0.257 4 5 56 4 33.20 3.1 0.096 5 152 12 21.C9 8.5 0.200 5 6 57 40 41.06 3.2 0.099 6 153 48 29.50 8.5 0.203 6 7 59 10 48.87 3.3 0.101 7 155 24 37.31 8.6 0.266 7 8 60 52 56.68 3.4 0.104 8 157 45.12 8.7 0.2C8 8 9 62 29 4.49 3.5 0.107 9 158 30 52.92 8.8 0271 9 10 64 5 12.29 - 3.0 0.110 10 160 13 0.73 8.9 0.274 10 11 05 41 20.10 3.6 0.112 11 101 49 8.54 9.0 0.277 11 12 67 17 27.91 3.7 0.115 12 163 25 10.:!."> 9.1 0.278 12 13 68 53 35.71 3.8 0.118 13 105 1 24.15 9.2 0.282 13 14 70 29 43.52 3.9 0.120 14 106 37 31.96 93 0.285 14 15 72 5 51.33 4.0 0.123 15 168 13 39.77 9.3 0.288 15 10 73 41 59.14 4.1 0.126 1C 109 49 47.58 9.4 0.890 16 17 75 18 6.94 4.2 0.129 17 171 25 55.38 9.5 0.293 17 18 76 54 14.75 4.3 0.131 18 173 2 3.19 9.G 0.29G 18 19 78 30 22.56 4.4 0.134 19 174 38 11.00 9.7 0.298 19 20 80 6 30.37 4.5 0.137 20 170 14 18.80 9.8 0.301 20 21 81 42 38.17 4.5 0.140 21 177 50 26.61 8.9 0.304 21 22 83 18 45.98 4.6 0.142 22 179 26 34.42 10.0 0.307 22 23 84 54 53.79 4.7 0.145 23 181 2 42.23 10.1 0.309 23 24 86 31 1.60 4.8 0.148 24 182 38 50.03 10.1 0.312 24 25 88 7 9.40 4.9 0.151 25 184 14 57.84 10.2 0.315 25 96 89 43 17.21 5.0 0.153 26 185 51 5.65 10.3 0.318 26 27 91 19 25.02 5.1 0.150 27 187 27 13.46 10.4 0.320 27 28 28 29 92 55 32.82 94 31 40.63 5.2 5.3 0.159 0.161 28 29 189 3 21.26 190 39 29.07 10.5 10.0 0.323 0.326 TABLE VII. Mnl inn nf M, ,1,1 Lnimiluili' unit of Q; mill 1'rurlinn ,,f \'i;ir. .M, ,11011 of Uotii l-'r.-irtion of * .Motion of .Motion of -.,n of Mran Longitude. - 8 > i-.-ir. i-ar. .Mean Lnngiiinlf. - Q / ') n o / // II April 30 1. - 10.7 Jlllu- 29 2- 23 y 16.0 0.403 .May 1 103 51 41.60 0.331 30 50 33.12 16.1 n r. 6 2 195 27 52.4'J 10.0 0.334 July 1 291 35 10.: 3 16.9 (i i- - 3 197 4 0.30 10.9 0.337 2 293 11 1-71 16.3 0.501 4 19" 40 - II 11 II 0.340 3 291 17 56.55 16 1 0.504 ."> 200 Hi 15.91 11. 1 0.312 4 21 4.35 li,., 0.507 6 201 52 23.72 11 2 0.315 5 12.16 16.6 7 203 2- 31.53 11.3 11.31- 6 299 36 19.97 16.7 0.512 8 205 1 : 11,1 7 16.7 0.515 !) - in 17.14 1 1 .5 0.353 8 H, - 11.51" Ill 116 0.356 ! 21 43.30 169 OJMO 11 2,10 53 2.76 11.7 (1.359 10 51.20 17.1) (1.523 12 211 29 1 11.8 0.361 11 307 36 50.00 17.1 0.526 13 213 5 1 11.8 (1.361 12 300 13 (i.-l 172 14 214 -II 26.1" 11.9 0.367 13 310 40 1 1.62 17.3 0.531 15 216 17 33.90 12.0 0.370 14 312 25 22.43 17.1 0.534 16 217 53 41.70 12.1 D.372 15 314 1 30.23 -17 1 0.537 17 210 20 49.60 12.2 11.3,75 16 315 37 38.04 17.5 0.539 18 221 5 57.41 12.3 0.37" 17 317 13 1 17 6 0.5 12 10 222 42 5.22 121 0.381 18 318 49 53.66 17.7 0.545 20 221 1- 13.02 125 0583 19 320 26 1.46 17.8 0.548 91 225 51 2.I.-3 126 0.386 20 :22 2 0.27 17.0 0.550 22 227 30 2".6I 126 0.389 21 323 38 17.08 18.0 n,-,:,:', 23 229 6 36,15 12.7 0.392 22 325 14 24.88 l-i 0.556 24 230 42 41.25 12.8 0.394 23 326 50 32.69 18.2 0.550 25 232 1" 52.1.6 12.9 0.307 24 328 26 40.50 1-2 0.561 26 233 54 59.87 13.0 0.400 25 330 2 4".31 1 3 0.564 27 235 31 7.68 13.1 0.403 26 331 38 56.11 I M 0.567 28 237 7 15.48 -13.2 0.405 27 333 15 3.92 18.5 0.570 20 13 23.20 13.3 0.408 28 334 51 11.73 18.6 0.572 30 240 10 31.10 13,1 0.411 29 336 27 19.54 18.7 0.678 31 241 55 38.90 134 0.413 30 338 3 27.34 18.8 0.578 June 1 243 31 46.71 13,5 0.416 31 339 39 35.15 18.9 0.580 2 245 7 54.52 13.6 0.419 Aug. 1 341 15 42.06 19.0 0.583 3 246 44 2.33 13.7 122 2 342 51 50.77 10.1 0.686 4 248 20 10.13 13.8 0.424 3 344 27 58.57 19.1 0.589 5 240 56 17.04 13.9 0.427 4 346 4 6.38 19.2 0.591 6 251 32 25.75 14.0 0.430 5 347 40 14.10 193 0.594 7 253 s 33.56 14.1 0.433 6 340 Hi 21.00 191 0.597 8 254 44 41.36 14.2 0.435 7 350 52 20.80 19.5 0.600 9 256 20 49.17 14.2 0.438 8 352 2-i 37.61 19.6 0.602 10 257 56 56.9- 14.3 0.411 9 351 -I 45.12 19.7 0.605 11 259 33 4.79 II 1 0,111 10 355 -III 5322 I - 0.6:)8 12 261 9 12.50 11.-, 0,1 16 11 357 17 1.03 19.9 0.611 13 262 45 20,10 14.6 0.119 12 358 53 8.84 19.9 0.613 14 261 21 2851 14.7 0.452 13 29 1665 2 1.0 0.616 15 265 57 36.01 14.8 0.455 14 2 5 24,15 BO 1 0.610 16 267 33 43.82 1 1.9 0.457 15 3 41 32.26 2,1.2 0.022 17 260 9 51.63 15.0 0.460 16 5 17 40.07 20.3 0.624 18 15 5!>,I4 15.0 0.463 17 6 53 47.88 20.4 0.627 19 272 22 721 16.1 11,165 18 8 589 556" 20.5 0.630 20 273 58 15.05 15.2 0.468 19 10 6 3.49 20.6 0.632 21 275 34 22-1, -15.3 0.471 21) 11 42 11.30 20.7 0.635 99 277 10 30.67 15.4 0.474 21 13 18 10.10 20.7 0.638 23 27" 46 38.47 15.5 0.476 22 1 1 51 26.91 20.8 0.641 24 280 22 46.28 15.6 0.479 23 16 30 34.72 20.9 0.643 25 281 58 54.00 15.7 0.482 24 18 6 42.53 21.0 0.646 26 283 35 1 - ' 15.8 n.!-.-, 25 19 42 50.33 21.1 0.649 27 2-5 II 0.70 15.8 0.487 26 21 IS 5H.I4 21.2 0.652 28 2^6 47 17.51 15.9 0.490 27 22 55 5.95 21 .3 0.6.-, 1 TABLE VII. Mii/inn nf Mi-mi LoinfiliuJi' unil of Q; and Fraction of Yc.nr. Vear. Motion (if Moan Longiliido. Motion ni' 360 Q Fraction of Year. Year. Motion of Mean Longitude. Motion of 360 Q, Fraction of Year. Aug. 28 a! 31' IH'.'TO -2l"4 0.657 Nov. 4 o / // 133 28 4.05 27.4 0.843 " -J!t Jli 7 21. .HO 21 J3 0.660 5 135 4 12.40 27.5 0.846 30 27 43 29.37 21.5 0.663 130 40 20.27 27.0 0.849 31 2!) li) 37.18 21.6 0.665 7 138 16 28.07 27.7 0.852 Sept. 1 30 55 44.98 21.7 0.668 8 139 52 35.88 27.8 0.854 2 32 31 52.79 21.8 0.071 9 141 28 43.69 27.9 0.857 3 34 8 0.00 21.9 0.074 10 143 4 51.50 28.0 0.860 4 35 44 8.41 22.0 0.076 11 144 40 59.30 28.0 0.862 5 37 20 10.21 22.1 0.079 12 146 17 7.11 J8.1 0565 G 38 50 24.02 82,2 0.682 13 147 53 14.92 28.2 0.868 7 40 32 31.83 22.3 0.685 14 149 29 22.73 28.3 0.871 8 42 8 311.04 22.3 0.687 15 151 5 30.53 28.4 0.873 n 43 44 47.44 22.4 0.690 10 152 41 38.34 28.5 0.876 10 45 20 55.25 22.5 0.693 17 154 17 46.15 28.6 0.879 n 40 57 3.CG 22.0 0.695 18 155 53 53.90 28.7 0.882 12 48 33 10.87 22.7 0.098 19 157 30 1.70 28.8 0.884 13 50 9 18.07 22.8 0.701 20 159 9.57 28.8 0.887 14 51 45 26.48 22.9 0.704 21 100 42 17.38 28.9 0.890 15 53 21 34.2!) S3.0 0.700 22 102 18 25.18 29.0 0.893 16 54 57 42.09 23.1 0.709 23 103 54 32.99 29.1 0.895 17 56 33 49.90 23.1 0.712 24 165 30 40.80 29.2 0.898 18 58 9 57.71 23.2 0.715 25 107 6 48.61 29.3 0.901 19 59 46 5.52 23.3 0.717 26 108 42 56.41 29.4 0.904 20 01 22 13.32 23.4 0.720 27 170 19 4.22 29.5 0.906 21 02 58 21.13 23.5 0.723 28 171 55 1203 29.0 0.91)9 22 64 34 28.94 23.0 0.720 29 173 31 19.84 29.0 0.912 23 66 10 30.75 23.7 0.728 30 175 7 27.04 29.7 0.914 24 07 40 44.55 23.8 0.731 Dec. 1 176 43 35.45 29.8 0.917 25 69 22 52.36 23.9 0.734 a 178 19 43.26 29.9 0.920 20 70 59 0.17 23.9 0.737 3 179 55 51.07 30.0 0923 27 72 35 7.98 24.0 0.739 4 181 31 58.87 30.1 0.925 128 74 11 15.78 24.1 0.742 5 183 8 6.68 30.2 0.928 89 75 47 23.59 24.2 0.745 6 184 44 14.49 30.3 0.931 30 77 23 31.40 24.3 0.747 7 186 20 22.29 30.4 0.934 Oct. 1 78 59 39.20 24.4 0.750 8 187 56 30.10 30.4 0.936 2 80 35 47.01 24.5 0.753 9 189 32 37.91 30.5 0.939 3 82 11 54.82 24.0 0.756 10 191 8 45.72 30.6 0.942 4 83 48 2.03 24.7 0.758 11 192 44 53.52 30.7 0.946 5 85 24 10.43 24.7 0.761 19 194 21 1.33 30.8 0.947 6 87 18.24 24.8 0.704 13 195 57 9.14 30.9 0.950 7 88 30 20.05 24.9 0.707 14 197 33 16.95 31.0 0.953 8 90 12 33.80 25.0 0.709 15 199 9 24.75 31.1 0.950 9 . 91 48 41.00 25.1 0.772 16 200 45 32.56 31.2 0.958 10 93 24 49.47 25.2 0.775 17 202 21 40.37 31.9 0.901 11 95 57.28 25.3 0.773 18 203 57 48.17 31.3 0.964 12 90 37 5.08 25.4 0.780 13 205 33 55.98 31.4 0.967 13 98 13 12.69 25.5 0.783 20 207 10 3.79 31.5 0.969 14 99 49 20.70 25.6 0.786 21 208 46 11.60 31.0 0.972 15 101 25 28.51 25.0 0.789 22 210 22 19.40 31.7 0.975 10 103 1 3031 25.7 0.791 23 211 58 27.21 31.8 0.977 17 104 37 44.12 25.8 0.794 24 213 34 35.02 31.9 0.980 18 100 13 51.93 25.9 0.797 25 215 10 42.83 32.0 0.983 1!) 107 49 59.74 26.0 0.800 20 216 46 50.63 32.0 0.986 20 109 26 7.54 20.1 0.802 27 218 22 58.44 32. 1 0.988 21 111 2 15.35 20.2 0805 28 219 59 6.25 32.2 0.991 22 112 38 23.16 26.3 0.808 29 221 35 14.06 32.3 0.994 33 114 14 30.97 26.4 0.810 30 223 11 21.86 32.4 0.997 24 1 1 5 50 38.77 20.4 0.813 31 224 47 29-6? 32.5 0.999 25 117 26 40.58 26.5 0.816 32 226 23 37.48 32.0 1 .002 20 119 2 54.39 20.0 0.819 33 227 59 45.28 32.7 1.005 27 120 39 2.19 -20.7 0.821 34 229 35 53.09 32.8 1 .008 28 122 15 10.00 20.8 0.824 35 231 12 0.90 32.8 1.010 30 123 51 17.81 20.9 0.827 30 232 48 8.71 32.0 1.013 30 125 27 25.62 27.0 0.830 37 234 24 16.51 33.0 1.010 SI 127 3 33.42 27.1 0.832 Nov. 1 128 39 41.23 27.2 0.835 2 130 15 49.04 27.2 0.838 3 131 51 W^, 27.3 0.84 1 TABLE VIII. 17 Mi'liiHI <>/' Mrilll I. n II -ri hi, If. Hours. For Hours. .Minn Hecondi. For .Mimitrs. Ollcls. .Mi nut .inU. For Jliinr For Si'i'oinls. 1 o / // l 0.325 1 / // 1.005 0.067 31 / // 2 1.168 8,'o69 1 8 0.651 g (1 S.OH 0.134 32 2 S.I 73 2.136 3 12 O.!l7(i 3 12.016 0.200 33 2 12.17!) -.'203 1 Hi l.:i()l I 16.022 0.2(17 31 2 16. 1M 2.270 :. 20 1.627 5 20.027 0.331 35 2 20.11)0 2.336 6 21 1.952 .->.-> 3.138 18 12 5.856 18 12.098 .202 IS 3 12.260 3.204 1!) lii (J.181 19 16.103 .268 49 3 16.266 3.27 1 JO 20 6.50(i 20 20.108 .388 50 3 20.271 3.3 21 21 6.831 21 24.114 .102 51 3 21.277 3. 105 22 28 7.157 22 1 28.119 .469 52 3 2N.282 3.171 23 :!2 7.182 23 1 32.125 .536 63 3 32.287 3.5 !' i 21 36 7.N07 21 1 36.130 .602 51 3 36.293 3.605 25 1 40.136 1.869 55 3 10.21)8 3.672 26 1 44.141 1.736 56 3 11.301 3.738 27 1 IN. 116 1.802 57 3 18.309 3.N05 28 1 52.152 1.869 58 3 52.314 3.872 29 1 56.157 1.936 59 3 56.320 8488 30 2 0.163 2.003 60 4 0.325 4.005 Days. Motion of M. L. Days. Motion of M. 1.. Days. Motion of M. L. 0.1 09 36"781 0.01 . o' 5T678 0.001 5^768 0.2 19 13.561 0.02 1 55.356 0.002 11.536 0.3 '28 50.312 0.03 2 53.034 0.003 17.303 0.4 38 27.123 0.04 3 50.712 0.004 23.071 0.5 48 :i.!)()l 0.05 4 48.390 0.005 88.889 0.6 57 40.(i> 1 0.06 5 46.068 0.006 31.607 0.7 1 7 17.465 0.07 6 43.746 0.007 40.375 0.8 1 16 51.216 0.08 7 41.125 0.008 46.112 0.9 1 26 31.027 0.09 H 31). 103 0.009 51.910 1.0 1 36 7.807 0.10 9 36.781 0.010 57.678 TABLE IX. Factor of a small Correction to be multiplied by the fraction of the year and then added to L. Vfiir. Factor. rr. Factor. Year. Factor. Year. Fin tor. 1750 -O'blS 1800 -o'bn 1850 O'OOS 1900 +o'.007 1760 0.016 1810 0.010 l.s:;o 0.003 1910 0.010 1770 0.015 1820 0.009 1870 -0.001 1920 0.013 17sO 0.014 1830 0.007 JNMI +0.001 1930 0.016 17!)0 0.012 1840 0.006 1890 0.001 1940 0.020 1800 -0.011 1850 -0.005 1900 +0.007 1950 +0.088 18 TABLE X. EQUATION OF THE CENTRE, FOR 111 = 0. d Constant added 47' 3".5. Period = 224.7008. d Diff. d Diff. d Diff. d Diff. d Diff. Arg. I. ! O.O for 0.35 n +7.96 1 | 48 2*1 1 7.96 48 31.07 7.96 48 39.03 7.96 48 40.98 7.96 48 54.! 14 7.95 2 i 04!) 42.05 7.95 49 50.00 7.95 4!) 58.55 7.95 50 0.50 7.94 50 14.44 7.94 3 51 2.07 7.93 51 10.00 7.93 51 17.93 7.93 51 25.86 7.93 51 33.79 7.92 4 52 21.30 7.91 52 29.21 7.91 52 37.11 7.91 52 45.02 7.00 52 52.92 7.90 5 53 40.27 7.88 53 48.15 7.88 53 50.02 7.88 54 3.90 7.87 54 11.77 7.87 (i 54 58.92 7.85 55 0.77 7.84 55 14.61 7.84 55 22.44 7.1 1 55 30.28 7.83 7 50 17.19 7.81 50 25.00 7.80 50 32.79 7.80 56 40.59 7.79 50 48.38 7.79 8 57 35.02 7.76 57 42.78 7.75 57 50.53 7.75 57 58.27 7.74 58 0.01 7.74 58-52.34 7.70 59 0.04 7.70 59 7.74 7.69 59 15.43 7.69 59 23.11 7.68 10 1 9.09 7.li 1 10.74 7.64 24.37 7.63 32.00 7.63 39.02 7.88 11 1 1 25.22 7.08 1 32.79 7.57 1 40.30 7.56 1 47.92 7.56 1 55.48 7.55 12 1 2 40.05 7.01 2 48.15 7.50 2 55.05 7.49 3 3.14 7.48 3 10.02 7.48 13 1 3 55.33 7.43 4 2.70 7.42 4 10.17 7.41 4 17.58 7.40 4 24.98 7.40 14 1 5 9.20 7.31 5 10.54 7.34 5 23.88 7.33 5 31.20 7.32 5 38.51 7.31 15 1 22.21 7.20 6 29.40 7.24 30.70 7.24 6 43.93 7.23 6 51.15 7.22 16 1 7 34.28 7.16 1 41.44 7.15 7 48.58 7.14 7 55.71 7.13 8 2.84 7.12 17 1 8 45.37 7.l)(i 8 52.43 7.05 8 59.47 7.04 9 0.50 7.03 9 13.52 7.01 18 1 9 55.12 MB 10 2.37 6.94 10 9.30 6.93 10 10.22 6.92 10 23.14 6.1)1 19 1 11 4.37 O.bl 11 11.20 6.63 11 1S.03 C.82 11 24.83 6.80 11 31.03 6.79 20 1 12 12.17 6.72 12 18.89 6.71 12 25.59 6.70 12 32.28 6.68 12 38.9( i 6.67 21 1 13 18.77 6.60 13 25.36 6.58 13 31.94 6.57 13 38.50 6.56 13 45.0( i 6.55 22 1 14 24.10 6.47 14 30.57 6.46 14 37.02 6.44 14 43.45 6.43 14 49.87 6.42 23 1 15 28.13 6.34 15 34.46 6.32 15 40.78 6.31 15 47.08 6.29 15 53.36 6.28 24 1 10 30.80 6.20 16 36.99 6.19 16 43.10 6.17 16 4! 1.32 6.10 16 55.47 6.14 25 1 17 32.05 6.05 17 38.10 6.04 17 44.13 6.02 17 50.15 6.01 17 50.15 6.00 20 1 18 31.85 5.90 18 37.75 5.89 18 43.03 5.87 18 49.50 5.86 18 55.35 5.84 27 1 19 30.15 0.70 19 35.89 5.74 19 41.02 5.72 19 47.33 5.71 19 53.03 5.69 28 1 20 20.89 5.59 20 32.47 0.58 20 38.05 5.56 20 43.60 0.00 20 49.14 5.53 29 1 21 22.04 5.4:1 21 27.46 5.'I2 21 32.87 5.40 21 38.20 5.38 21 43.04 5.37 30 1 22 15.55 5.27 22 20.81 5.25 22 20.05 5.23 22 31.27 5.21 22 36.48 5.20 31 1 23 7.38 5.10 23 12.47 5.08 23 17.54 5.06 23 22.59 0.00 23 27.63 5.03 32 1 23 57.49 4.92 24 2.40 4.90 24 7.30 4.89 24 12.18 4.87 24 17.04 4.83 33 1 24 45.84 4.75 24 50.58 4.73 21 55.29 4.71 25 0.00 4.09 25 4.08 4.07 34 1 25 32.39 4.56 25 30.95 4.05 25 41.49 4.03 25 40.00 4.01 25 50.50 4.49 35 1 26 17.12 4.38 20 21.49 4.36 20 25.84 4.34 26 30.17 4.32 20 34.49 4.30 30 1 20 59.97 4.19 27 4.15 4.17 27 8.32 4.15 27 12.40 4.13 27 16.59 4.11 37 1 27 40.93 4.00 27 44.92 3.98 27 48.89 3.96 27 52.84 3.94 27 50.77 3.92 38 1 28 19.90 3.80 28 23.75 3.78 28 27.53 3.77 28 31.28 3.75 28 35.02 3.73 39 1 28 57.02 3.61 29 0.02 3.59 29 4.20 3.57 29 7.70 3.55 29 11.29 3.53 40 1 29 32.10 3.41 29 35.50 3.39 29 38.87 3.37 29 42.23 3.35 29 45.57 3.33 41 1 30 5.10 3.20 30 8.30 3.18 30 11.53 3.16 30 14.09 3.14 30 17.82 3.12 49 1 30 30.19 3.00 30 39.18 2.98 30 42.14 2.90 30 45.09 2.94 30 48.02 2.92 43 1 31 5.15 2.79 31 7.93 2.77 31 10.09 2.70 31 13.43 2.73 Jl 10.15 2.71 44 1 31 32.02 2.58 31 31.59 2.56 31 37.15 2.04 31 39.08 aja 31 42.18 2.00 45 1 31 50.80 2.37 31 59.10 2.35 32 1.50 2.33 32 3.81 2.31 32 6.11 2.29 46 1 32 19.45 2.16 32 21.59 2.14 32 23.72 2.12 32 25.83 2.09 32 27.91 2.07 47 1 32 39.90 l.ill 32 41.89 1.92 32 43.80 1.90 32 45.09 1.87 32 47.50 1.85 48 1 32 58.32 1.73 33 0.04 1.71 33 1.73 1.68 33 3.40 1.66 33 5.00 1.04 49 1 33 14.51 1.51 33 10.01 1.49 33 17.19 1.47 33 18.95 1.44 33 20.38 1.42 50 1 33 28.53 1.29 33 29.81 1.27 33 31.07 1.25 33 32.30 1.23 33 33.52 1.20 51 1 33 40.30 1.08 33 41.42 1.05 33 42.40 1.03 33 43.48 1.01 33 44.47 0.99 52 1 33 49.99 0.85 33 50.83 0.83 33 51.05 0.81 33 52.45 0.79 33 53.23 0.76 59 1 33 57.13 0.63 33 58.or, O.lil 33 58.05 0.09 33 59.23 0.06 33 59.78 0.54 54 1 34 2.00 0.11 34 3.00 (1.39 34 3.11 0.37 31 3.80 0.35 31 4.13 0.32 55 I 34 5.08 +0.19 3 1 5.80 +0.17 31 0.02 +:i.io 34 0.15 +0.13 34 0.27 +0.10 TABLE X. EQUATION OF TIIF. (TATKF.. FOU 111=0. .1 (..nstimt ;!,!. ,! IT' :;" .:,. IVrio.l WM 221 : d Diff. ,1 Diff. .1 Diff. .1 Diir. d Diff. Arg.I. 0.5 fur I*' 1 . 1 0.8 0.7 f..r U.I.I 0.8 f.,r (I'M <>.! furll'i.l d 17 43.31 II IT- 51.27 n 47 5:i23 ii +7.96 48 1 7'.'l9 n +7.% 4^ 15'J5 n 1 19 2.-H lit in..-:, 7.95 49 l-.-ll 49 20.75 TJt 49 31.70 7.95 a :,(i 22.38 50 : 10.32 7.94 50 3-.20 50 40.20 7Jt 50 51.1 1 7.1i:i 3 :.l 11.71 51 19.03 51 57.55 52 5.17 52 I3.3S 7.DI 4 53 o.s-> 7.90 53 -.7 1 7.89 53 10.01 7.89 53 21.50 7.89 53 32.38 7.88 :. 51 19.01 7.86 51 27.50 7.86 51 35.30 51 43.22 54 51.07 us o 55 :l-.l 1 . 55 15.! '3 55 53.75 50 1.57 50 9.3* ',.-1 7 50 50.10 7.78 57 3.95 7.78 57 11.72 7.77 57 lit. lit 7.77 57 27.20 tM 8 n 5-i 13.75 7.73 5< 21.1- 7.73 ' '.20 7.7-_> ")"* *{l t ' t"' 7.72 58 44.1.1 7.71 9 n 59 30.79 7.67 59 3>. 10 7.117 59 40.13 59 53.79 7.66 00 1.44 1M 10 1 47.21 7.1! 1 51.S5 7.01 1 2. 15 7.60 1 10.H5 . 1 17.01 7- r ,8 11 1 2 3.02 ; .. > i 2 10.50 2 is. |0 7.53 2 25.02 2 It!. II 7.51 12 1 3 IS.Oil 7,17 3 25.55 7.16 3 .33.01 7,1.-, 3 40.46 7.44 3 47.90 7.44 13 1 4 32.37 7.39 4 39.71 i 7.38 1 17J3 7.37 I 51.50 7.36 5 I,-?, 7 JO 14 5 45.S2 7.30 5 53.11 7.-3D 0,10 7.28 7.08 7.27 11.95 7.26 15 5S.30 7JM 7 5.57 7.20 7 12.70 7.19 7 lit.! 14 7.18 7 27.12 7.17 10 8 it.! 15 7.11 8 17.06 7.10 8 24.15 7.09 8 31.24 7.08 8 38.31 7.07 17 it 20.53 7.00 9 27.53 6.99 it 31.52 6.98 it 41.50 6.97 9 IS. 17 6.96 18 10 30.04 6.90 10 30.! 13 6.88 10 43.- 1 6.87 10 50.07 6.86 10 57.53 6.85 19 11 3-. 12 6.78 11 45.19 6.77 11 51.96 6.76 11 58.71 6.74 12 5,15 6.73 20 1 12 45.H3 6.66 12 52.28 tM 12 :>-'.: >2 6.63 13 5.55 6.63 13 12.17 6.61 21 1 13 51.00 m 13 5s. 12 6.53 II I.OI 6.51 11 11.14 6.50 14 17.03 6.48 2-.' 1 14 50.2s 6.40 15 2.0S 6.39 15 9.00 6.38 15 15.43 6.36 15 21.79 6.35 23 1 15 59.01 6.37 16 5.90 10 12.11 tM 16 18.38 6.23 10 24.59 6.21 21 1 17 1.00 6.13 17 7.72 6.11 17 13.S3 6.10 17 19.92 6.08 17 25.! til 6.07 25 1 IS 2.11 5.98 18 s.ll 5.96 18 14.07 5.95 18 20.01 5.93 18 25.91 Ml 26 1 19 1.19 5.83 19 7.01 5.81 lit 12.-2 5.80 19 IS.OI 5.78 lit 24.39 5.77 27 1 lit r,-.7 1 5.67 20 4.38 5.66 20 10.03 5.64 20 15.07 5.63 20 21.29 5.01 28 1 20 51.00 5.52 21 0.17 5.50 21 5.00 5.48 21 11.14 5.47 21 16.60 .-,. I. 1 . 29 1 21 49.00 5.35 21 51.31 5.33 21 59.07 U| 22 4.! is 5.30 22 10.27 5.38 30 1 22 41.07 5.18 22 40.85 5.16 22 52.01 5.15 22 57.15 5.13 23 2.27 5.11 31 1 23 32.05 5.01 23 37.65 4.1111 23 42.64 4.98 23 47.60 4.96 23 52.55 4.94 32 1 21 21.88 4.83 24 20.71 4.83 24 31.52 4.80 21 30.31 4.78 24 41.08 4.76 33 1 25 9.34 4.66 25 13.rut 4.64 25 1S.02 4.63 25 23.23 4.60 25 27.82 4.58 31 1 25 51.99 4.47 25 59,15 4.45 20 3.S9 4.43 20 S.32 4.42 26 12.73 4 .XI 35 1 20 38.78 4.38 20 43.00 4.27 26 47.31 4.a:i 26 51.55 4.23 26 55.77 4.31 36 1 27 20.0! i 4.09 27 24.78 4.08 27 28.84 4.06 27 32.S9 4.04 27 36.92 4.03 1 28 0.09 3.90 28 4.5s 3.88 28 8.45 3.86 28 12.31 3.84 28 10.14 3.82 38 1 2- 3S.7I 3.71 28 42.43 3.69 28 40.11 3.67 28 49.77 3.65 28 .53,10 3.63 39 1 29 14.81 3.51 29 18.31 3.49 29 21.79 3.47 29 25.25 3.45 29 28.68 3.43 40 1 29.48.88 3.31 29 52.18 3.29 29 55. Hi 3.37 29 5S.71 3.35 30 1.95 3.32 41 30 20.93 3.10 30 24.02 3.08 30 27.0! t 3.06 30 30.15 3.04 30 :t3.I8 3.02 49 30 5! 1.93 2.90 30 53.S1 3.88 30 50.0S 30 59.52 3.83 31 2.31 3.81 43 31 18.85 2.69 31 21.52 2.67 31 24.18 MB 31 26.81 Ml 31 29.43 3.60 44 31 41.07 2.48 31 47.14 2.46 31 49.5! 1 2.44 31 52.01 3.41 31 51.11 2.39 10 32 S.39 2.27 32 lo.oi 3.34 32 12.88 32 15.09 2.20 32 I7.2S 2.18 46 32 29.97 2.05 32 32.01 2.03 32 34.03 3.01 32 30.03 1.99 32 38.00 1.97 47 32 49.11 1.83 32 51.23 1.81 32 53.04 1.79 32 54.82 1.77 32 56.58 1.75 48 33 0.09 1.63 : S.29 1.60 33 9.88 1.58 33 11.45 1.55 33 12.99 1.53 49 3-3 21.79 1.40 33 23. IS 1.38 33 24.55 1.36 33 25.90 1.34 33 27.22 1.31 50 : 34.71 1.18 33 35.S9 1.16 33 37.04 1.14 a3 38.16 1.13 33 8! 1.27 1.10 51 33 45.15 0.96 :(3 40.40 0.94 33 47.:i3 0.93 S3 4s.21 0.90 33 49.13 0.88 52 33 53.9S 0.74 33 51.72 0.72 33 55.13 0.70 33 50.11 0.67 33 50.7 s Ml 53 34 0.32 0.52 34 (),-"{ O..V) 31 1.32 0.48 31 1.79 0.46 31 2.23 0.43 ' 51 31 l.ll 0.30 31 1.73 0.28 31 5.00 0.26 31 5.25 0.34 31 5. IS +0.-J1 55 31 0.36 40.08 34 0.13 31 0.48 . i."l 34 0.50 +0.01 34 6.51 -0.01 8 V TABLE X. EQUATION OF THE CENTRE, FOR in = 0. d Constant added 47' 3".5. Period = 224.7008. d Diff. d Diff. d Dim d Diff d Dim Arg. I. o.o for 0U o.a for O''.l 0.3 forO'U 0.4 for IK 1 56 1 II 1 31 6.49 -0.03 34 o!-!5 -0.05 31 0.39 II -0.07 34 6.31 -0.09 34 0.20 ii -0.12 57 1 34 5.10 0.25 34 4. si II.-J7 34 4.50 0.39 34 4.25 0.32 34 3.92 o.:i i 58 1 31 1.50 0.47 34 1.02 0.19 34 0.52 0.51 33 59.99 0.54 33 59.45 0.56 59 J 33 55.71 0.69 33 55.01 0.71 33 54.28 0.73 33 53.54 0.75 33 52.77 0.78 60 1 33 47.72 0.91 33 46.80 0.93 33 45,-; i 0.95 33 44.89 0.97 33 43.91 1.00 lil 1 33 37.54 1.13 33 30.10 1.15 33 35.24 1.17 33 34.06 1.10 33 32.86 1.21 02 1 33 25.19 1.34 33 23.83 1.37 33 22.45 1.39 33 21.06 1.41 33 19.64 1.43 03 1 33 10.67 1.56 33 9.10 1.5S 33 7.51 1.60 33 5.89 1.62 33 4.26 1.65 01 I 32 54.00 1.77 32 52.21 1.80 32 50.41 1.82 32 48.58 1.84 32 40.73 1.86 05 1 32 35.19 1.99 32 33.19 2.01 32 31.17 2.03 32 29.13 2.05 32 27.07 2.07 ot; 1 32 1 1.26 2.20 32 12.05 8.99 32 9.82 2.24 32 7.57 2.26 32 5.29 2.28 07 1 31 51.22 J.tl 31 48.80 3.43 31 40.37 2.45 31 43.91 2.47 31 41.42 2.49 08 1 31 26.10 2.63 31 23.48 - 2.64 31 20.83 2.66 31 18.16 2.68 31 15.47 2.70 69 1 30 58.92 2.83 30 50.09 2.84 30 53.23 2.86 30 50.36 2.88 30 47.47 SUM 70 1 30 29.09 3.03 30 20.06 3.04 30 23.00 3.06 30 20.53 3.08 30 17.43 3.10 71 1 29 58.15 3.33 29 55.21 3.24 29 51.90 3.20 29 4S.OS 3.28 29 45.39 3.30 72 i 29 >.->.: i 3.43 29 21.78 3.44 29 18.33 3.46 29 14.86 3.48 29 11.37 s.r.o 73 1 28 50.01 3.62 28 46.38 3.64 28 42.74 3.66 28 39.07 3.68 28 35.39 3.69 74 1 28 12.87 3.81 28 9.05 3.83 28 5.22 3,85 28 1.36 3.87 27 57.18 3.89 75 1 27 3: (..-.( 4.00 27 29.82 4.02 27 25.79 4.04 27 21.75 4.05 27 17.68 4.07 76 1 20 52.91 4.18 26 48.71 4.30 26 44.50 4.32 20 40.27 4.24 26 36.02 4.26 77 1 26 10.14 4.37 26 5.77 4.38 26 1.37 4.40 25 50.96 4.42 25 52.53 5.44 78 1 25 25.57 4.55 25 21.02 4.56 25 16.44 4.58 25 11.85 4.60 25 7.24 4.62 79 1 24 39.23 4.72 24 31.50 4.74 24 29.75 4.76 24 24.98 4.77 24 20.20 4.79 80 1 23 51.14 4.89 23 46.24 4.91 23 41.32 4.93 23 30.39 4.94 23 31.43 4.96 81 1 23 1.36 5.06 22 50.29 5.08 22 51.21 5.09 22 46.10 5.11 22 40.98 5.13 82 1 22 9.92 5.23 22 4.0!) 5.34 21 59.44 5.26 21 54.17 5.27 21 48.89 SM 83 1 21 10.86 5.39 21 11.47 5.40 21 6.06 5.42 21 O.(i3 5.43 20 55.19 5.45 84 1 20 22.23 5.54 20 10.08 5.56 20 11.12 5.57 20 5.54 5.59 19 59.94 5.60 85 1 19 20.00 5.69 19 20.36 5.71 19 14.64 5.72 19 8.91 5.74 19. 3.17 5.75 86 1 18 28.39 5.84 18 22.55 5.85 IS 10.69 5.87 18 10.81 5.88 18 4.92 5.90 87 1 17 29.29 5.98 17 23.30 5.99 17 17.30 6.01 17 11.28 6.03 17 5.25 6.04 88 1 10 28.78 6.12 16 22.65 6.13 1C 10.51 6.15 16 10.36 6.16 16 4.19 ' 6.18 89 1 15 20.92 6.25 15 20.06 6.26 15 14.39 6.28 15 8.10 6.29 15 1.81 6.30 90 1 14 23.75 6.38 14 17.37 6.39 14 10.97 6.40 14 4.50 6.42 13 58.13 6.43 91 1 13 19.33 6.50 13 12.82 6.51 13 0.30 6.53 12 59.77 6.54 12 53.22 6.55 92 1 12 13.70 6.62 12 7.08 6.63 12 0.44 6.64 11 53.79 6.66 11 47.13 6.67 93 1 11 6.92 6.73 11 0.18 6.75 10 53.43 6.76 10 40.07 6.77 10 39.89 6.78 94 1 9 59.03 6.84 9 52.19 6.85 9 45.33 6.86 9 38.40 6.87 9 31.58 6.88 95 1 8 50.09 6.94 8 43.14 6.95 8 30.18 6.96 8 29.22 6.97 8 22.24 6.98 96 1 7 40.16 7.04 7 33.11 7.05 7 20.05 7.06 7 18.99 7.07 7.11.91 7.08 97 1 6 29.27 7.13 6 22.14 7.14 6 14.99 7.15 6 7.83 7.16 6 0.07 7.17 98 1 5 17.50 7.22 5 10.28 7.23 5 3.05 7.24 4 55.80 7.24 4 48.56 7.25 99 I 4 4.89 7.30 3 57.59 7.31 3 50.28 7.32 3 42.96 7.33 3 35.63 7.33 100 1 2 51.51 7.38 2 44.13 7.38 2 30.71 7.39 2 29.35 7.40 2 21.94 7.40 101 1 1 37.39 7.45 1 29.95 7.45 1 22.49 7.46 1 15.03 7.46 1 7.56 7.47 102 60 22.02 7.51 00 15.11 7.51 00 7.59 7.52 60 0.00 7.53 59 52.53 7.53 103 59 7.23 7.57 58 59.00 7.07 58 52.08 7.58 58 44.50 7.58 58 36.91 7.59 104 57 51.29 7.62 57 43.07 7.62 57 30.04 7.63 57 28.41 7.63 57 20.77 7.64 105 50 34.80 7.67 50 27.19 7.67 56 19.52 7.67 50 11.84 7.68 56 4.16 7.68 106 55 17.99 7.71 55 10.28 7.71 55 2.56 7.71 54 51.85 7.73 54 47.13 7.72 107 54 0.74 7.74 53 53.00 7.74 53 45.25 7.75 53 37.50 7.75 53 29.75 7.75 108 52 43.18 .. 7.77 52 35.40 7.77 52 27.63 7*77 52 19.85 7.78 52 12.07 7.78 109 51 25.35 7.79 - 51 17.50 7.79 51 9.70 7.80 51 1.90 7.80 50 54.16 7.80 110 50 7.33 7.81 49 59.52 7.81 49 51.71 7.81 49 43.89 7.81 49 36.08 7.82 111 48 49.17 -7.82 48 41.34 -7.82 48 33.52 -7.82 48 25.70 -7.82 48 17.87 -7.82 TARIFF X. K(,H VHON OF TIIK (TATIiK. Foil ill =0. r..ii,.fmt :nlil.-ii 17' ::':.. ivn..,l .'.' i : d Dili'. .1 Diff. ,1 Dill'. d Diir. d Diff. Arg 1 )..-> tnrlM.I o.e fbrO l 0.7 o.s fiirli'M <).!) lurlH.l 1 56 / // ::i (U)7 ft -> n -0.16 31 n 31 n -Ml :( 5-u II -4M 57 :tl 3.5s :il 3.21 3 1 '.- 1 0.40 31 >.!() (1.1:1 31 I.JKi IP. i:. 56 33 ' 33 5S.29 0.60 :{.-( 57.68 :tt 57.CI :{-( 50.3S SB :!-( 51. '.19 o.H> 33 51. is :u 50.31 .- 1 .'ft 49.49 :ct is.oi 00 : 42.90 :t II.-; l.lll 33 10.S-> 1.06 : :i.7."> \M :KI 3s.t;o 1.10 01 :{3 31.03 \M 33 3(t.: i.-.i; 33 ->!M-.' \M :tt -J7.-3 :ti 20.52 IJ 02 33 is.2ti 1 . i."> :{{ 10.73 1.47 :t !5.-.>5 i.n : 13.71 :i3 i -.'.>-.' I...I 63 :n 2.00 It) (i.!f 3-.' S i /. i ::. 57.50 i.;.i 32 55.70 1.78 01 : ll.s:; 1.88 3-J !-.>.! "7 1.90 :w 41.05 1.99 32 39.12 l.:u 32 37.17 isn 05 : 21.99 : 9 Ul 3-i ->0.70 J.ll 32 IS.OI 32 10.15 06 32 2.30 :!-.' o.i! tM 31 5S.35 31 50.00 31 53.02 (17 :il 3s/>2 ;n 3i;.in 31 :',:{>;; 2.55 31 31.29 31 21.71 31 K'.77 31 HUH a.74 31 -.-*> 2.76 31 4.52 ' 31 1.73 2.80 69 30 41.50 30 ll.ltt J.'.ll 30 3S.07 tM 30 35.70 30 32.7 1 3.00 70 30 14.32 Ul 30 11.1!) :i.n 30 s.o: 3.16 30 4 .SO 3.18 30 1.00 3.90 71 29 12.(.- :).: -.71 :t.:u 2!t 35.:J!i 3.3G 29 32.1.2 29 2S.03 3.40 7'.' 29 :t..v_> 2!) 4.:n 3..-1 1 99 0.7S Ul 28 57.21 3M 53.69 3.IM 7:t 2S 31.IM 3.71 > -.;.! 10 3.73 98 -i\.-f> S.7B > 20.10 3.77 28 1 O.I IS 71 .'7 53.59 3.90 >: 4! 1.07 A.-.i-l 27 45.7 t 3.UI -.'7 41.79 Ul 27 37.^2 3.98 75 -.'7 13.00 4.09 27 !>..".() 4.11 27 5.3- 4.13 27 l.-.'l tM JO 57.08 4.17 7(i 20 31.75 4.98 2fi 27. 17 4.99 2fi 2:1.10 4.31 20 l-.-l 4.33 -.'0 11.50 4..15 77 25 4.46 -.'.-. 43.0-.' 4.47 -.'5 3!M3 4.19 25 3l.li3 i.:.l 25 30.11 4. r k) 78 r> 2.02 4.63 21 57.! is 4.65 24 Si.3l 4.67 24 4.-.01 4.fi9 -'I 43.91 4.70 re 21 15.40 4.81 24 10.58 4.83 24 5.75 4.84 24 0.90 4.86 23 5(5.03 4.88 HO 23 20.10 4.98 23 21. is 4.99 23 10.17 5.01 23 11.15 5.03 23 0.12 tM 81 22 35.S5 5.14 >> 30.70 5.16 -,"2 -.'5.5.3 5.18 22 20.31 5.19 22 15.11 :..! 1 83 21 43.5H Ul >( a&aa :..:;.' 21 :W.!I5 tM 21 27.00 Ul 21 22/.' 1 5J7 ta JO 4!i.7l 5.17 .M !l/>7 5.48 20 3S.7- 5.50 20 33.-.'s 5.51 20 27.70 5Ji3 i-l 19 5l.:t3 5.G1 10 4,-.7 1 5.63 19 43.07 5.64 19 37.41 5.66 19 31.74 5.n7 85 is 57.11 S.77 18 51.03 5.78 IS 15.S5 5.80 18 40.04 5.81 18 34.23 5.H-2 86 1 17 59.02 5.91 17 SI. 10 5.93 17 47.17 5.94 17 41.22 5.95 17 35.20 5.97 87 1 10 r>:i.-.>0 6.06 1(5 53.15 6.06 16 47.07 6.08 16 40.99 6.09 10 34.8!) 6.10 ss i 15 saoi 6.19 15 51.82 6.00 15 45.62 6.21 15 39.40 6.23 15 33.10 6.24 BO 1 11 55.50 6.-.1-1 14 4!i.l7 6.33 14 42.SI 6.34 14 30.19 6.35 14 30.13 6T7 !K) 1 13 51.70 6.44 13 4.V>5 6.45 13 3S.7!i 6.46 13 32.31 6.48 13 25.S3 6.49 !>1. 1 12 40.00 6.J6 12 40.10 6J7 12 33.52 6.:>9 12 20.92 6.60 12 20.32 6X1 09 1 11 40.15 6.68 11 33.77 6.69 11 27.07 6.70 11 20.37 6.71 11 13.05 6.79 98 1 10 33.11 6.79 10 20.3-2 6.80 10 19.51 6.82 10 12.70 6.83 10 5.-7 6.84 M i 9 21.09 6.89 ! 17.7H 6.90 9 10.88 6.91 9 3.97 6.99 - 57.04 6.93 05 1 8 15.25 6.99 8 8.25 7.00 8 1.21 7.01 7 54.22 7.02 7 47.19 7.03 96 1 7 4.83 7.09 57.71 7.10 50.01 7.11 13.52 7.13 30.40 7.19 !I7 1 5 53.50 7.18 5 40.31 7.19 5 39.1--' 7.19 5 31.93 7.20 5 24.72 JM 96 1 4 41.30 7.26 4 3I.(,3 7.27 4 20.70 7.28 4 19.IS 7.29 4 12.19 7.29 'M 1 3 28.30 7.34 3 20.1 5 7.33 3 13.00 7.3J 3 0.24 7.36 2 58.88 7.37 100 1 2 14.51 7.41 2 7.12 7.42 1 59.70 7.42 1 52.'.'7 7.43 1 44.84 7.44 101 1 1 0.01) 7.48 52.150 7.48 45.12 7.49 37.02 7.50 30.12 7JO 102 50 4 !.!>!> 7..M 5!l 37.15 7.54 59 29.91 7..V .V.i 22.35 7.56 59 14.79 7J6 103 58 7.59 .58 21.73 7.60 58 14.12 7.60 58 6.52 7.61 57 58.91 7.61 101 57 13.13 7.01 57 5.49 7.65 50 57^3 7.65 50 50.18 7.66 50 ]>.:,> 7.66 lor. 55 50.47 7.69 55* 48.78 7.69 55 41.09 7.69 55 33.39 7.70 55 25.09 7.70 106 51 39.41 -.;> 51 31. (X 7.73 51 '.'3.95 7.73 51 10.22 7.73 54 H.is 7.71 107 53 21.99 7.76 53 14.23 7.76 53 0.17 7.76 52 58.71 7.76 52 50.94 7.77 H - 52 4.2!) 7.78 51 50.51 7.78 51 4S.7-.' 7.79 51 40.93 7.79 51 33.11 7.79 lOit r>() |(i.:!ii 7.80 50 .'K50 7.80 50 30.75 7.81 50 2--'.! "5 50 15.14 ,.-1 110 ii 19 -.'s.-jo 7.89 49 20.45 7.89 49 12.03 7.89 19 l.sl 7.89 48 5'i.99 7.W 111 48 10.05 -7.83 48 2.21 -7.8S 47 54.40 -7.83 47 46.57 -7.83 47 3S.75 --..:! TABLE X. EQUATION OF THE CENTRE, FOR in = 0. Const;, nt ud.ln! .17' 3".5. Period = 224.7008. Arg. 1. d O.O Ditr. for (Kl d O.I Diff. for OJ.l d O.i2 Diir. forlKl (i 0.3 Diir. forOJ.l d O.4 Diff. for (K 1 112 61 II 47 30.!>2 ii -7.83 / // 47 23.10 ii -7.83 / // 47 15.27 II -7.83 47 7V14 ii -7.83 40 5I.M32 ii -7.83 li:5 46 12.66 7.S2 46 4.a3 7.83 45 57.01 7.82 45 49.19 7.82 45 41.36 7.88 114 44 54.43 7.89 4! 46.61 7.82 44 38.80 7.83 44 30.98 7.81 44 23.17 7.81 115 43 36.31 7.81 43 28.50 7.80 43 20.70 7.80 43 12.90 7.80 43 5.10 7.80 in; 42 18.34 7.79 42 10.55 7.78 42 2.77 7.78 41 54.99 7.78 41 47.21 7.78 117 41 0.5!) 7.70 40 52.82 7.76 40 45.07 7.76 40 37.31 7.75 40 29.56 7.75 118 39 43.1 1 7.73 39 35.38 7.73 39 27.05 7.72 39 19.93 7.72 39 12.21 7.72 1H> 38 25.97 7.09 38 18.28 7.09 38 10.59 7.69 38 2.90 7.08 37 55.22 7.68 120 37 9.23 7.C5 37 1.58 7.C5 30 53.93 7.64 36 40.29 7.04 36 38.65 7.63 121 35 52.93 7.00 35 45.33 7.00 35 37.74 7.59 35 30.14 7.59 35 22.56 7.58 139 34 37.15 7.55 34 29.01 7.54 34 22.06 7.54 34 14.53 7.53 34 7.00 7.53 123 33 21.91 7.49 33 14.46 7.48 33 6.97 7.48 32 59.50 7.17 32 52.03 7.46 1-24 32 7.36 7.42 31 59.94 7.42 31 52.52 7.41 31 45.12 7.40 31 37.71 7.40 12.-) 30 53.46 7.33 30 46.11 7.35 30 38.77 7.34 30 31,13 7.33 30 24.1 1 7.32 1% 29 40.30 7.98 29 33.03 7.27 2!) 25.76 7.26 29 18.51 7.25 29 11.26 7.24 127 28 27.94 7.19 28 20.75 7.19 28 13.57 7.18 28 6.39 7.17 27 59.23 7.16 128 27 16.43 7.11 27 9.32 7.10 27 2.23 7.09 26 55.15 7.08 26 48.07 7.07 12!) 26 5.82 7.01 25 58.81 7.00 25 51.81 6.99 25 44.83 6.98 25 37.85 6.97 130 24 56.18 0.91 24 49.27 0.90 24 42.37 6,89 24 35.48 6.88 24 28.60 6.87 131 23 47.55 6.81 23 40.75 6.80 23 33.95 6.79 23 27.17 0.78 23 20.39 0.77 i:32 22 39.99 6.70 22 33.29 0.09 22 26.61 6.68 22 19.94 0.67 22 13.27 0.06 133 21 33.55 6.59 21 26.97 0.57 21 20.40 6.56 21 13.64 6.55 21 7.30 0.54 134 20 28.28 6.47 20 21.82 6.43 20 15.37 6.44 20 8.93 6.43 20 2.51 6.42 135 19 24.23 6.34 19 17.8!) 6.33 19 11.57 6.32 19 5.26 6.30 18 58,96 6.29 136 18 21.45 6.31 18 15.24 6.20 18 9.05 6.19 18 2.87 6.17 17 50.70 6.16 137 17 19.99 6.08 17 13.92 0.00 17 7.86 6.05 17 1.82 6.04 16 55.79 6.113 1138 16 19.90 5.94 16 13.96 5.92 16 8.05 5.91 16 2.14 5.90 15 56.25 5.88 13'J 15 21.22 5.80 15 15.43 5.78 15 9.06 5.77 15 3.90 5.75 14 58.15 5.74 140 14 24.00 "i.lj.") 14 18.36 5.03 14 12.73 5.62 14 7.12 C.61 14 1.53 5.59 141 13 28.28 5.49 13 22.79 5.48 13 17.32 5.40 13 11.87 5.45 13 6.43 5.43 112 12 34.12 5.34 12 28.79 5.32 12 23.17 5.31 12 18.17 5.29 12 12.89 5.27 143 11 41.54 5.18 11 36.37 5.17 11 31.22 5.15 11 26.08 5.13 11.20.96 5.11 144 10 50.59 5.01 10 45.59 5.00 10 40.60 4.98 10 35.03 4.96 10 30.68 4.94 145 10 1.32 4.84 9 56.48 4.83 9 51.00 4.81 9 46.86 4.79 9 42.08 4.77 140 !) 13.75 4.67 9 9.09 4. 65 !) 4.45 4.03 8 59.82 4.62 8 55.21 4.60 147 8 27. 3 4.49 8 23.45 4.47 8 18.98 4.46 8 14.54 4.44 8 10.11 4.42 148 7 43.90 4.31 7 39.00 4.29 7 35.31 4.28 7 31.04 4.26 7 26.80 4.24 14!) 7 1.69 4.13 57.57 4.11 6 53.17 4.09 6 49.38 4.07 6 45.32 4.05 150 6 21.33 3.94 17.39 3.92 6 13.48 3.90 6 9.59 3.89 6 5.71 3.87 151 5 42.85 3.75 5 39.11 3.73 5 35.38 3.71 5 31.68 3.69 5 28.00 3.03 152 5 6.29 3.56 5 2,74 3.54 4 59.21 3.53 4 55.70 3.50 4 52.21 3.48 153 4 31.08 3.30 4 28.32 3.34 4 24.99 3.32 4 21. 68 3.30 4 18.38 :u'8 154 3 59.04 3.16 3 55.88 3.14 3 52.75 3.13 3 4! MM 3.10 3 46.54 3.08 155 3 28.40 2.96 3 25.44 2.94 3 22.51 2.98 3 19.60 2.90 3 10.70 2.b8 156 2 59.78 8.78 2 57.03 2.74 2 54.30 2.73. 2 51.59 2.70 2 48.90 2.08 157 2 33.21 2.55 2 30.67 2.53 2 28.14 2.51 2 25.64 2.49 2 23.10 2.47 158 2 8.71 2.35 2 6.38 2.32 2 4.06 2.30 2 1.77 2.28 1 59.50 2.26 159 1 46.31 2.13 1 44.18 2.11 1 42.08 2.09 1 40.00 2.07 1 37.94 2.05 160 1 26.01 1.93 1 21.10 1.90 1 22.21 1.88 1 20.34 1.86 1 18,19 1.84 161 1 7.84 1.71 1 0.14 1.69 1 4.47 1.67 1 2.81 1.05 1 1.17 1.62 102 51.81 1.49 50.33 1.47 48.87 1.45 47.43 1.43 46,01 1.41 163 37.94 J.28 36.68 1.26 35.43 1.23 34.21 1.21 33.00 1.19 164 26.24 i.no 25.19 1.04 24.16 1.03 23.10 1.00 22.17 0.97 165 16.72 0.84 15.89 0.83 15.08 0.80 14.29 0.78 13.53 0.76 100 9.39 0.03 8.77 0.00 8.18 0.58 7.01 0.56 7.07 0.54 167 4.25 -11.10 3.86 -0.38 3.49 -0.36 3,14 -0.34 2.81 -0.32 TABLE X. FETATION (IK TIIK (T.NTlii:, F< >U III = 0. Coiislant add.-il -17' T'.5. IVriml = 22 1 : d Diff. ,1 Diff. .1 Diff. d .1 Diff. ()..-, CorO*.l O.6 0.7 O.S lurlH.I ().:) ,1 119 o / /; 40 51.79 -7.83 lii 4:i!!Hi 40 30.' 1 1 -7.*! / // lii 2S.3I lii 20.' 19 113 45 :t.54 45 25.72 45 17.90 45 10.07 45 2.25 111 Oil 15.: {5 1 1 7.5 1 43 5! 1.73 7.-I 13 51.92 :.-\ 43 11.11 7. s| 115 42 57.30 42 19.50 12 41.71 12 :!3.92 42 20.13 7.7'J 110 41 39.13 7.77 II 31.00 7.77 41 2. - "7 41 10.12 1 1 s.:J5 7.76 117 40 2I.M 7.7:. 40 11.00 7.71 40 0.32 7.71 :t:i 5S.58 7.71 :? - -I 7.71 us 39 1.50 7.71 3" 50.7S 7.71 3s : 7.71 11.37 7.7U :;8 :t;.. ,7 7.70 119 37 17.55 7.li7 37 :i9,-7 7.67 37 32.21 37 01.51 37 Ji>.88 7.CJ 120 30 31.02 3 i 23.39 30 15.77 30 8.15 7.11. 30 0.51 7. lii 121 35 11.9," 35 7.10 31 59,-! 7.57 31 52.27 31 41.; 1 199 : 59.47 :Ci 51. 'Hi 7..M 33 41.11 ", . . , 1 .33 30.91 33 29. ! 1 123 32 1 1.57 7. Ill 32 37.11 7,1.-, 32 29.07 7. i;, 32 7.11 32 14.79 7.IJ 121 31 30.32 7.39 31 22.! i| 31 15.50 7.38 31 8.18 7_'I7 31 0.8-7 7.36 125 30 10.79 Ml 30 9.17 7.;:i 30 2.17 7.30 99 5I,"7 2:l 47.58 IM 120 29 1.02 7.-J1 2- 50.7," 7. Ml 2" 19.50 7. _'.! 2- 12.31 7.-.M 15.14 IM 127 27 52.07 7.15 27 44.92 7.11 27 37.79 7.13 27 30.00 7.1- 27 23.51 7.13 HB 20 41.01 7.C6 2i i 33.! 15 26 26.91 7.04 26 19X7 7 .11.1 20 12. -I 7.02 199 o 25 :tn.,"s 6.96 25 23.! 12 tM 25 10.97 6.94 25 10.03 6.93 25 3.10 130 021 21.73 6.86 24 II, i;.-:, 21 8.03 6.84 21 1.19 6.83 23 51.37 6.SJ 131 23 13.03 6.76 23 0.,-s C.73 23 0.14 6.73 22 53.11 G.72 22 10.09 C.71 132 22 0.02 6.64 21 5! P.! 19 6.63 21 53.30 21 40.71 6.61 21 40.14 6.60 133 21 0.70 &:,:i 20 51.21 li..M 20 47.73 6.50 20 41.21 6.19 20 31.75 134 19 50.10 6.40 19 49.70 6.39 19 43.31 6.38 19 30.91 6.37 19 30.58 li.X, 135 18 52.08 6.28 18 40,10 6.37 18 40.14 6.35 18 33.!>0 6.24 18 27.(,7 6.93 136 17 50.55 6.15 17 44.11 6.13 17 38.28 6.13 17 .32.17 6.11 17 20.07 tM 137 10 19.77 6.01 10 43.77 Hi 37.78 5.98 10 31.80 5.97 16 25,- 1 5.95 138 15 50.3," 5.87 15 11.52 5.89 15 38.07 5.84 15 32," 1 5.83 15 27.02 '5.M1 130 14 52.12 5.73 14 40.71 5.71 1 1 41.01 5.69 14 35.32 5.68 14 29.65 5.66 140 13 55.95 tM 13 50.38 13 ll.sl 5.54 13 39.30 5.13 13 33.78 5.51 111 13 1.00 .'i. !> 12 55.5! 1 5.40 12 50.20 5.38 12 1 1,"2 5.37 12 39.10 5-'G 142 12 7.03 5.96 12 2.:t8 :,._' I 11 57.14 5.33 11 51.92 5.21 II 40.72 5.19 143 11 15.,"0 5.09 11 10.77 5.08 1 1 5.70 5.06 11 0.05 5.04 10 55.01 5.03 144 10 25.74 4.93 10 20.82 4.91 10 15.92 4.89 10 11.04 4.88 10 6.17 4.86 145 9 37.32 4.76 9 32.57 4.74 9 27.," 1 4.72 9 23.12 4.70 9 18.43 4.69 110 8 50.02 4.58 8 40.05 4.56 8 41.49 4.M 8 30.96 4_M 8 32. 1 1 4.51 147 8 5.69 4.40 8 1.30 4.39 7 56.92 4.37 7 52.56 4.35 7 48.22 4J3 148 7 22.56 4.32 7 18.35 4.90 7 14.10 4.18 7 9.9," 4.17 7 5.83 I.I.-. 149 6 41.27 l.lll 37.25 4. 33.24 4.00 6 29.25 3.98 6 25.2" 3.9S 150 6 1.85 3.85 5 58.01 3.83 5 54.20 3.81 5 50.40 3.79 5 10.01 3.77 151 5 24.33 3.66 5 20.08 3.C4 5 17.06 3.62 5 13.45 3.60 5 9.SO 3.58 152 4 4s.7 1 3.46 1 15.29 :i.n 4 41>5 :i. i-j 4 38. 1 1 3.40 4 a>.o.-> X18 153 4 15.11 3.26 1 11.,"5 tM 4 8.02 3.23 4 5.41 3.30 4 2.21 :t.iH 154 3 43.46 3.06 3 40.11 3.04 3 37.38 3.02 3 31.37 3.00 3 31.37 3J8 155 3 13.83 2.86 3 10.98 2.84 3 8.15 2.82 3 5.31 2.80 3 2.55 2.78 156 2 40.21 2.66 2 43.59 2.64 2 40.97 2.69 2 .38.30 2.59 2 35.78 9i7 157 2 20.70 2.45 2 18.20 2.43 2 15.H1 2.41 2 13.15 2.39 2 11.07 2J7 158 1 57.25 2.-J 1 1 55.02 tM 1 52.82 3.20 1 50.02 9.18 1 I".I5 2.16 159 1 35.! 2.03 1 33.88 2.01 1 31.88 1.99 1 29.90 1.97 1 27.95 1.94 160 1 10.00 1.82 1 14.&5 1.80 1 13.07 1.77 1 11.30 1.7.-, 1 9.50 1.73 161 59.5i i 1.60 57.! >7 1.58 50,10 1.56 54, "5 1.54 53.32 1.59 162 41.01 1.39 43.23 IJ7 41.-- IM 40.51 IM 3.>.23 IM ni3 31.82 1.17 30.00 1.15 29.53 1.13 28.41 1.10. 27.32 IMS 101 21.21 0.95 20.27 0.93 19.35 0.91 18.15 0.89 17.57 0.86 165 12.78 0.73 12.00 0.71 11.30 0.09 10.. i" ojtn 10.02 tM [66 0.51 0.-)I 6.01 0.49 5.50 0.47 5.10 tM 4.00 0.43 107 2.51 -0.39 2.22 -0.37 1.90 -0.35 1.73 -OJO 1.51 -0.91 TABLE X. EQUATION OF THE CENTRE, FOR 111 = 0. d Constant suUK-il 47' :{.o. Period = 224. 7008. Arg. L. d o.o Diff. forO'l.l cl 0.1 DilK. lor [)'".! <1 0.2 Diff. for (>0 2.71 2 53.02 2.73 18'2 3 10.37 2.85 3 13.24 2.87 3 16.12 2.90 3 19.03 2.92 3 21.90 8.94 183 3 39.95 3.0G 3 43.02 3.08 3 46.12 3.10 3 49.23 3.12 3 52.30 3.14 184 4 11.59 3.27 4 14.87 3.29 4 18.16 3.31 4 21.48 3.33 4 24.82 3.35 189 4 45.2(5 3.47 4 48.74 3.49 4 52.23 3.51 4 55.75 :i.r,:i 4 59.29 3.55 181) 5 20.93 3.07 5 24.01 3.69 5 28.31 3.71 5 32.02 3.73 5 35.70 3.75 187 5 58.59 3.86 6 2.46 3.88 (5 0.36 3.90 6 10.27 3.92 14.20 3.94 188 6 38.20 4.06 6 42.26 4.08 6 40.35 4.10 50.46 4.11 6 54.58 4.13 189 7 19.73 4.25 7 23.98 4.27 7 28.26 4.29 7 32.55 4.30 7 3(5.87 4.32 1!IO 8 3.14 4.43 8 7.59 4.45 8 12.05 4.47 8 10.53 4.49 8 21.03 4.51 191 8 48.42 4.C2 8 53.05 4.64 8 57.0!) 4.65 9 2.36 4.67 9 7.04 4.69 199 f9 35.51 4.80 9 40.32 4.82 9 45.15 4.83 9 49.99 4.85 9 54.85 4.87 199 10 24.40 4.98 10 29.38 4.99 10 34.38 5.01 10 39.40 5.03 10 44.44 5.01 ID! 11 15.02 5.15 11 20.18 5.17 11 25.35 5.18 11 30.55 5.90 11 35.75 5.92 1!>5 12 7.313 5.32 12 12.68 5.33 12 18.03 5.35 12 23.39 5.37 12 28.7(5 5.38 196 13 1.36 5.48 13 6.85 5.50 13 12.36 5.51 13 17.88 5.53 13 23.42 5.55 197 13 5(5.!)!) 5.04 14 2.64 5.66 14 8.31 5.67 14 13.99 5.69 14 19.09 5.71 198 14 54.20 5.80 15 0.01 5.81 15 5.a3 5.83 15 11.07 5.84 15 17.52 5.86 190 15 52.95 5.95 15 58.91 5.96 10 4.88 5.97 16 10.87 5.99 16 16.87 6.01 200 10 53.19 6.10 16 59.29 C.ll 17 5.41 6.13 17 11.54 6.14 17 17.69 6.15 301 17 54.87 6.84 18 1.12 6.25 18 7.38 6.27 18 13.155 6.28 18 19.94 6.89 202 18 57.95 0.38 19 4.*) 6.39 19 10.72 6.40 19 17.13 6.42 19 23.50 6.43 20:5 20 2.37 6.51 20 8.88 6.52 20 15.41 6.53 20 21.95 6.55 20 28.50 0.56 204 21 8.09 6.03 21 14.73 6.65 21 21.38 0.00 21 28.05 6.07 21 34.72 6.68 '205 22 15.04 6.7C 22 21.81 6.77 22 28.58 6.78 22 35.37 6.79 22 42.10 6.60 906 23 23.1!) 6.87 23 30.07 6.88 23 30.9(5 6.89 23 43.80 6.91 23 50.77 6.92 207 24 32.48 6.98 24 39.47 6.99 24 46.40 7.00 24 53.47 7.02 25 0.50 7.03 208 25 42.84 7.09 25 49.! )3 7.10 25 57.04 7.11 26 4.15 7.12 2G 11.28 7.13 209 2(5 54.23 7.19 27 1.42 7.20 27 8.62 7.21 27 15.84 7.29 27 23.00 7.83 210 28 (5.5!) 7.98 28 13.87 7.29 28 21.17 7.30 28 28.47 7.31 28 35.79 7.39 211 29 19.85 7.37 29 27.23 7.38 29 34.01 7.39 29 42.00 7.40 29 49.40 7.40 212 30 33.!)7 7.45 30 41.43 7.46 30 48.89 7.47 30 56.30 7.48 31 3.84 7.48 213 31 48.88 7.5!) 31 5(5.41 7.54 32 3.95 7.54 32 11.50 7.55 32 19.05 7.56 214 33 4.52 7.60 33 12.13 7.61 33 19.74 7.61 33 27.35 7.62 33 34.! )7 7.63 215 34 20.84 7.06 34 28.51 7.67 34 36.18 7.67 34 43.86 7.08 34 51.54 7.69 2Hi 35 .37.77 7.72 35 45.49 7.73 35 53.22 7.73 30 0.95 7.74 30 8.69 7.74 217 3(5 55.24 7.77 37 3.02 7.78 37 10.80 7.78 37 18.58 7.79 37 20.37 7.79 218 38 13.21 7.82 38 21.03 7.82 38 28.85 7.83 38 30.08 7.83 38 44.51 7.83 219 39 31.00 7.86 39 39.46 7.86 39 47.32 7.87 39 55.19 7.87 40 3.00 7.87 220 40 50.35 7.89 40 58.24 7.89 41 0.13 7.90 41 14.03 7.90 41 21.93 7.90 221 42 9.10 7.92 42 17.32 7.92 42 25.24 7.92 42 .33.10 7.92 42 41.09 7.93 :> 43 28.158 7.!)4 43 30.02 7.94 43 41.50 7.94 43 52.51 7.94 44 0.45 7.94 an 44 48.14 TJH II 50.10 7.95 45 4.05 7.95 45 12.00 7.96 45 19.90 7.96 J2-1 4(5 7.71 +7.90 46 15.07 +7.96 4(5 23.63 +7.96 40 31.59 +7.96 4(3 39.55 +7.90 TABLE X. I:QI ATION OF TIII-: CKNTUK, FOII m=o. .! > .: ,uiii.-,i IT' :!".:>. ivn.ui -= 221 ; \rg 1 d <)..-. Dill'. f.irO'U .1 0. Diff. r.,r(l''.I ,i Ki8 ti (i o.or n -<>.l>7 d (Mil // d i ii 1 1 1 1.:,:, // HM)I 6 fa, II +3 I, -..-2 n.!io 17:! (1 21.00 l.iti (1 25.01 !.:. 28.70 1.117 27.711 '.'- tM 171 35.! i! i 37.25 i .;; 3S..VI 3:.K{ l.:il o II. Hi l.::l 17.-, (I (I 1 '.:,7 i.r, (1 51.05 i.i'j 52.55 I..M 51.07 55.01 tM 170 1 5.:t3 IM 1 7.02 1.71 1 S.7 1 1.73 1 10. Is 1 I".'.') U71 177 1 23.25 1 25.|ii 1 27.10 IM 1 2! 1.05 1 3I.C3 UK 178 1 13..33 J. 1 -J 1 45.|ii .'.i i 1 !7.';i L'.lli I 4H.78 ua 1 51.! 17 3.30 1711 ii _> 5.50 2 7.: HI UB 2 I0.2(i i:i7 2 12.01 -' 15.01 -Ml 180 (1 '.' 2!>.! l| J.:. I 2 32. l(i 2 35.0-3 2 37.02 2 Kl.-.'l |S| 2 r>ii.:{ii 2 5:i.l2 J.77 3 l.!i| 3 4.71 3 7.r>:{ 183 o :i 2i.:n 3 27.S7 3 30 :i.oo 3 :t.!.-; tM 3 30.! 10 :i.i>4 183 o ; 55.52 3 SSJSS 3.18 1 1.88 ;i.-jii 1 5.10 tM 1 s.:n 181 1 :I.:IT 1 31.55 :i.:w 1 31.! 15 :i.n 1 3S.30 Ml !.80 .'!. I.', 185 d 5 . -, :i.:,r 5 O.l> 5 1 5 13.01 UK 5 17.28 :i.K, I . d r, 3.1.5.! 3.77 5 |:i. i 5 17.0!) n.-i 5 50.! KI 5 51.71 :i. -I 187 d d is.15 :i.:i(i (i 22. U :i.9s ii :.;.!! 4.00 (i :U12 31.15 -l.nl I ; ; (i i.i.i 7 a. 1.17 7 7.' , 1.1!) 7 11.27 4.31 7 15.1!) 189 o 7 -11.20 r.:n 7 15.55 436 7 4!t.!i2 ua 7 51.31 4.40 7 58.72 I.I.' 190 8 25.55 4J3 s 30.09 4.54 s :U.(it ut 8 3:i.2l I..V- e i3.8i \M 191 !> 11.71 4.71 i) Ki.lii 4.73 it 21.20 i.: , ! 2.V. 15 4.76 !" 30.72 4.78 109 !) 5! i.73 4.89 10 4.03 4.91 10 !.."> 4.IKJ 10 14.48 4.94 10 I!U3 4.96 193 10 4!>.l!) 5.06 10 51.57 5.08 10 5!Mi5 5.10 11 4.70 ut 11 9JBS IIM 11 40.!)8 ua II 4(i.22 II 51. IS 5.27 11 50.70 5.2S 12 2.05 :,.:m 195 d 12 31.15 5.40 12 3 :.. i 12 -1 >.!>! 5.43 12 50.43 5.45 12 S&89 196 1:1 2s.: is 13 31.55 538 13 10.13 5.59 13 45.74 :..6l 13 51.30 5^1 197 14 -C-.K) 11 31.13 .-..-, 1 1 1 3(i.8.-l :..;:, 14 42.04 5.77 1 1 48.4 1 198 15 2: .3:i 15 2D.27 5.89 15 35.17 5.90 15 41.08 5.93 15 47.01 \'M 10 ' 6.03 10 2s.: 12 6.04 Ki 34.90 6.05 Ki 41.02 6.07 Ki 47.10 Bjoa 200 I/ 23.85 6.17 17 30.03 6.18 17 :j!i.22 6.00 17 42.42 Mi 17 is.iii 301 (1 IS 20.24 6.31 is :!2.55 i;.:w 18 3S.-- 6.33 18 45.22 ex- IS 51..,- 202 111 2!>.!>!) Ml III 30.11 6.46 l:i 12.! H) 6.47 1'J 4!i.:tS 6.48 1!) 55,-7 ii. r.i 203 20 :15.07 6.57 20 41. (15 B.58 20 is.-j| 6.60 20 54.84 6.61 21 1-10 6.UJ 304 21 41.41 6.70 21 48.12 6.71 21 54.83 6.72 22 1.50 6.73 22 8.'J! i;.;i 205 22 -IS.! 17 ut 22 55.71 > 6.83 23 2.7 32 41.70 7^8 32 4!.3J 32 50.! 13 ^30 "1 1 o 33 I2.oo 7.63 : 50.24 7*1 3.) 57.88 7.64 31 5.53 7.65 31 13.18 7.G6 215 34 5! i.23 7.69 35 (i.!l3 7.70 35 14.03 7.70 35 22.31 7.71 ;r> 30.05 7.71 210 3() 10.44 7.75 3(i 21. lit 7.r:> 36 31.! 15 7.76 30 3! ".71 7.76 ::; 17.17 7.77 217 37 31.17 7.K) 37 41.! 17 7.80 37 l!>.77 7.81 37 57.58 -.xi :..3!) 7.81 218 38 52.35 '..-I 3't O.lit 7^4 ;) s.oi 7.85 311 15.811 7.85 80 23.71 7^5 21!) 40 IO.H3 40 is.-i 7.88 40 20.0. > 7.68 40 34.57 7.88 40 42.10 7.89 220 41 29.84 7.01 II 37.71 7.91 41 45.05 7.9i 41 53.57 7.91 !! 1.18 7.93 221 42 4!'.02 7.33 42 5l ;.!>5 7.93 43 1,-s 7.93 43 I2.-I 7.93 13 20.75 KM 222 11 S. 10 7.!>:> 11 l(i.31 7.95 44 2l.2:i UB II 32.21 7JB II 10.l!> 223 15 '.'7 .!>> 7.% -15 35.S7 7.96 15 4:!.S3 7.96 15 5 1.7! > 7.!>6 15 5H.75 224 4(5 47.52 +7.S6 4(i 55.18 +7.W 47 3.44 +7.96 47 11.40 ; +7.96 47 1 +7.96 TABLE XI. TABLE XII. Perturbations /' the Longitude. Factor to be multiplied l)y the integer m ; and its Logarithm. Pert, of the Long. Fact, to be X f.) 2 * LOU' Arg.I Factor. Log.Fac Arg.I Factor. Log. Fin- Arg.I Factor L igl-'iic Arg.I Factor. Log.Fac. Arg.I Fact L. Fac. d 0.000 n CO d 63 12.596 al .1002 d 120 + 2.049 0.4231 d 180 +12.109 1.0831 d +0.00 CO 1 <>.:!<; r 9.5575 61 1 2.547 1.0985 121 2.990 0.1757 181 11.996 1 .0790 4 0.22 9.349 a 0.721 9.8579 62 12.488 1.0905 122 3.328 0.5222 182 1 1 .875 1 .0746 8 0,14 9.043 3 1.081 0.0338 63 12.421 1.0942 123 3.063 0.5638 183 11.744 1 .0698 12 0.06 9.820 4 1.441 j/0.1587 64 12.343 7(1.0914 124 + 3.997 0.6017 184 +1 1 .604 1.0040 16 +0.87 9.933 5 1.7IH) 0.2550 65 1 2.256 1.0883 125 4.320 0.0301 185 11.454 1 .0590 80 1.06 0.027 6 2.156 0.3331 66 12.159 1.0849 126 4.052 0.6670 136 11.295 1 .0529 24 1 .25 0.096 7 2.509 0.3i)95 67 12.053 1.0811 127 4.976 0.0969 187 11.128 1.0404 28 1.42 0.151 8 I 2.S62 ;i0.4567 68 11.938 nl.076!) 128 -f- 5.295 0.7239 1S8 +10.952 1.0395 32 +1.56 0.194 !) 3.212 0.51)68 69 11.813 1 .0724 129 5.6II 1 0.7490 189 10.706 1.0321 30 1 .69 0.22!) Ill 3.563 0.5514 70 11.680 1 .0074 130 5.922 0.7725 190 10.571 1.0241 49 1.80 0.250 11 3.1)04 0.5915 71 11.536 1.0621 131 6.230 0.7945 191 10.36!) 1.0157 44 1.89 0.277 19 4.210 ((9.02.-<9 72 11.385 n 1.0563 132 + 6.532 0.8150 192 +10.158 1.0068 48 +1.95 0.291 13 4.584 0.6612 73 1 1 .220 1 .0502 133 6.829 0,834 1 193 i 9.939 0.9973 52 1.99 0.299 14 4.918 0.6918 74 1 1 .056 1.0436 134 7.121 0.8525 194 9.712 0.9-73 50 2.01 0.302 15 5.250 0.7202 75 10.S79 1.0366 135 7.408 0.8697 195 9.478 0.9767 6J 1.9!) 0.300 Hi 5.."7."> ?i0.746a 76 10.694 n 1.0291 136 + 7.089 0.8859 196 + 9.235 0.0654 61 + 1.96 0.292 17 5.8116 0.7706 77 10.591 1.0212 137 7.! 165 0.9012 197 8.985 0.9535 68 1.90 0.273 18 6513 0.7933 78 10.29!) 1.0128 138 8.235 0.9157 198 8.727 0.9409 72 1.81 0.253 1!) 6.524 . 0.8145 7!) 10.090 1.0039 139 8.498 0.9293 199 8.463 0.9275 70 1.71 0.232 30 6.839 nO.8344 8!) 9.873 nO.!)944 140 -f- 8.756 0.9423 200 + 8.191 0.91 "S3 80 +1.58 0.1 98 21 7.131 0.85:! 1 81 9.048 0.9844 141 9.006 0.9545 201 7.914 0.8984 84 1.43 0.155 22 7.42G 0.8707 82 9.417 0.973!) 142 9.219 0.9601 202 7.62!) 0.8825 88 , 1.26 0.101 23 7.715 0.8873 83 9.177 0.9627 143 9.486 0.9771 203 7.338 0.8656 92 1.03 0.034 24 7.997 rtO.9029 84 8.932 nO.9509 144 -f 9.710 0.9875 204 + 7.042 0.8477 96 +9.88 9.947 as 8.273 0.9177 85 8.079 0.9385 145 9.939 0.9973 205 6.739 0.8286 100 0.68 ! 1.832 26 8.542 0.9316 86 8.421 0.9254 146 10.153 1.0066 206 6.431 0.8083 104 0.46 9.687 27 8.805 0.9417 87 8.155 0.9114 147 10.300 1.0154 2J7 0.118 0.7860 108 0.24 9.380 28 9.060 H0.9571 88 7.883 7(0.8967 148 + 111.559 1 .0236 208 + 5.801 0.7635 112 +0.02 i(8.293 2!) 9.308 0.9689 89 7.006 0.8812 149 10.750 1.0314 209 5.478 0.7386 116 -0.207t9.3IO 30 9.548 0.9799 90 7.323 0.8047 1 50 10.933 1.0337 210 5.150 0.7118 120 0.42 9.029 :u 9.781 04)904 91 7.035 0.8473 151 11.108 1.0456 211 4.819 0.6830 124 0.04 9.807 32 10.00.". n 1.0002 92 6.741 nO.8287 152 + 11.274 1.0521 212 + 4.484 0.6517 128 0.85 ! 1.929 33 10.22:) 1.0096 93 6.442 0.8090 153 1 1 .432 1.0581 213 4.145 0.6175 132 1 .05 0.020 34 lo.4:ii 1.0183 94 6.138 0.788 i 154 11.581 1 .0037 214 3.802 0.5800 136 1 .23 0.091 35 10.031 1.0266 95 5.S30 0.7657 155 11.721 1 .0690 215 3.457 0.5387 140 1.40 0.140 . 36 10*03 >il. 0343 96 5.517 nO.7417 156 fll.851 1 .0738 216 + 3.108 0,1925 144 1 .55 .0.19I 37 11.005 1.0416 97 5.200 0.710!) 157 1 1 .972 1 .0782 217 2.757 1) 1ID1 148 1.68 0.226 38 11.179 1.0484 98 \~7 : .< 0.6883 158 12.085 1.0S22 218 2.404 0.3800 152 1.80 0.254 39 11.344 1 .05 18 99 4.555 0.0585 159 18.189 1.0800 219 2.049 OJB115 156 1.89 0.275 40 11.500 nl.0607 100 4.227 7(0.0260 160 +12.283 1 .0893 220 + 1.091 0.2281 160 1.95 nO.290 41 M.(il7 1 .0662 101 3.897 0.5!!., 7 161 12.367 1.0923 221 1 .333 0.1248 161 1.99 0.2! 19 42 1 1 .784 . .0713 102 3.563 0.55 H 162 12.442 1.0949 222 0.974 9.9886 168 2.01 0.302 43 11.91:! 1 .0760 103 3.227 0.5088 163 12.507 1.0972 223 0.613 9.7875 172 2.00 0.300 44 12.031 1.0803 104 2.^8 7(0.4606 164 +12.563 1 .0991 224 + 0.253 7/1.4031 176 1.96 ((0.293 45 12.140 1.0842 105 2.547 0.406') 165 12.60!) 1.1007 225 0.198 7(9.0334 180 1.90 0.280 46 12.839 1 .0877 106 2.205 0.3434 166 12.015 1.1019 226 0,109 9.6712 184 1.82 0.209 47 12.329 1.0909 107 1.860 0.2095 167 12071 1.1028 227 0.829 9.9185 183 1.72 0.234 48 12.408 7(1.0937 108 1.514 1(0.1^01 168 +12.087 1.1034 228 1.189 nO.0752 192 1.59 nO.201 4!) 12.47!) 1 .0962 109 1.167 0.0071 169 12.693 1.1036 229 1 .548 0.1898 196 1.44 0.159 50 12.540 1.0983 110 0.819 9.91 33 170 12.690 1.1935 230 1.9D6 0.280 1 200 1 .2.8 0.100 51 12.5! 10 1.1000 111 0.471 9.0730 171 12.676 1.1030 231 2.202 0.3545 204 1.10 0.040 52 12.630 7(1.101 1 112 0.122 H.9.0804 172 +12.653 1.1022 232 2.615 wO.4175 208 0.90 B9.9S6 53 12.660 .1024 113 + 0.227 p9.3560 173 12.61!) 1.1010 333 2.967 0,1723 212 0.70 9.843 54 12.681 .1032 114 0.575 9.7597 174 12.576 1.0995 234 3.317 0.5207 216 0.48 9.684 55 12.602 .1035 115 0.983 9.9052 175 12.522 1.0977 235 3.664 0.5640 220 0.26 9.420 56 12.692 7( .K;:!.-. 116 + 1.271 0.1011 170 + 12,159 1 .0955 236 4.007 0j6028 224 0.04 H.59I 57 12.683 .1032 117 1.617 0.2087 177 12.386 1.0929 237 4.348 0.6383 228 +0.18 p9.267 08 13.664 .1026 118 U>63 0.2:12.1 178 12.3)1 1.0900 233 4.685 0.6707 232 0.11 9.(i09 09 12.635 .1016 119 2:307 0.3630 17!) 12.211 1.086U 239 5.018 0.7.105 236 0.02 9.795 60 12.5! 6 .10(12 120 + 2.649 0.4231 IS;) + 12.109 1.0831 219 5.319 7(0.7283 21:) +0.83 9.920 The perturbations arc expressed in limulrcdllis of a second of arc. TAHLKS. TABLE XIII. r vui.i: xiv. TAIILK XV. TAIU.I: xvi. I'trt. tif thr 1. illicit Hill I'll Ilir I'.iirth. I'rrt. of llit /.' /./,, /;/ M I'irlurlialiiiH (if III r l.,inyilinlr, by t/ir I-'.:, rill. /' rt nrl'iifnut tif' flit l.int^tlittl', />i/ t!i<- ' Larth. Arg II ,:, Arg II. Arg. Ill Ar IV. t\ Eqan. Ar" V. ,:, ,1 ,1 ,i ,i d Jlo n II 2960 2 736 707 9 900 10 I 2920 16 .-, 758 708 4 i 836 400 913 m 3 88 |) 768 708 6 3 234 600 804 190 .-, 2-10 i- 15 7-1 707 8 "' 839 194 n.i 9 64 23 -;IO 703 10 9 230 ten I.-3 2 HI il 9760 -0 89 816 I-J 13 228 1800 171 840 in 9780 96 43 6UI 14 17 886 1 100 158 880 96 21,- I 118 55 848 683 Hi 23 ._,., | 10:10 145 32 1 34 186 864 678 18 -".1 889 1- 131 12 1 11 880 663 90 86 990 20IKI 117 400 .->! 9660 Kill M (i!7 29 n 918 22, M I 103 110 61 2-VJ.l 176 II., 918 639 84 68 816 9400 90 480 71 2480 199 l:;2 988 615 26 (il 214 9600 7(i :,2 1 83 211 I 151 944 507 28 70 819 9800 64 560 94 22 1 170 960 .',77 30 80 910 3000 89 GOO 106 9960 Jill 190 976 566 32 91 206 3800 41 640 118 8320 956 210 998 534 34 109 3400 89 680 131 22-0 272 231 loos 511 36 II 1 804 3600 93 790 1 II 2210 888 259 1084 4-i, 38 126 808 3800 16 TOO 156 , 304 273 1040 461 40 199 j i, i 4000 10 BOO 169 9160 890 1056 4:w; 42 I :,2 198 4800 5 -n 181 2120 336 317 1072 411) II 165 106 1100 2 880 mi 8080 369 339 1088 383 46 179 194 4600 (1 090 206 8040 86S 360 1104 856 48 193 199 HMO '.Kill 217 884 389 1120 880 50 190 5000 1000 998 I960 400 404 1136 303 69 221 188 2 loin 239 1980 416 12", 1168 271 i 64 2:!6 l-t, 5400 :, lu-il 949 1880 438 i Hi 116--! 2-">0 66 950 1-1. 5QOO I) 1120 1840 4 is 467 11-1 286 58 265 Id2 5800 14 1160 266 1800 464 487 1200 200 GO 280 180 6000 20 1200 271 1760 480 507 1216 177 62 995 178 6200 26 1240 J-n 1720 496 .-,27 1232 164 64 310 176 6400 34 1980 986 1680 619 54.') 121- 133 66 32 1 171 6600 42 1390 891 1640 598 563 1864 113 i,s 339 172 6800 50 1360 898 1600 644 581 1280 94 70 3.-.3 170 7000 89 1400 297 1560 560 597 12!Ki 77 72 368 168 (in 1 110 909 1590 676 613 1312 61 74 889 166 7400 78 1480 299 1480 099 628 1388 47 76 395 164 7600 88 1,11 IS44 3.-> 78 409 169 7800 00 624 694 1360 2T> 80 422 160 8000 1IMI (ill) 666 1876 17 82 434 1 .- 8200 120 656 (>7(> 1399 10 84 447 156 8400 131 672 1 Ins .', 86 450 164 8600 141 (, : 693 1 121 3 88 470 188 8800 189 7.11 699 1110 2 90 481 160 9000 Ki2 720 703 1 i:.6 3 92 491 148 9200 172 736 707 1472 5 M .Mil 146 9400 189 96 r.io ill 0600 1 : i-' 98 518 149 9800 200 n 100 526 140 1 0000 Constant added in Table XIII. 2-2 102 633 138 10200 2lli " XIV. Li:.. 104 539 136 10400 299 < 11 XV. l.:,o. 106 645 134 10600 227 " 11 XVI. 3.60. 108 550 132 10800 231 110 554 130 11000 234 y 558 128 11200 286 Period of Argument II. 238.92. 114 660 1 26 11400 935 "ii III. 11987'!. 116 562 124 11600 233 " " IV. 29.W 118 564 122 11800 230 u it n v. 1454<>9. 120 564 120 12000 916 9V The perturbations arc expressed in liuiiilri- ol'n nerond of arc. TABLE XVII. Perturbation of I lie Longitude l>y I lie Earth. Constant ;:ililoil 16".65. Period of Argument VI., 583''.92. Arg. VI. Equa. Arg. VI. Equa. Arg. VI. Equa. Arg. VI. Eqlia; Arg. VI. Equa. Arg. VI. Equa. d d d d d d 166-i 104 47 208 8720 312 912 416 2093 520 2456 2 1671 106 31 210 2772 314 846 413 2172 522 2405 4 1675 108 18 212 2821 316 783 420 224!) 524 2354 6 1677 110 8 214 2366 318 722 422 2326 526 2303 8 1670 112 3 216 2908 320 664 424 2400 528 2254 10 1680 114 218 2946 322 609 426 2473 530 2205 19 1678 116 2 220 2979 324 557 428 2544 533 > 1 5s 14 1676 118 7 222 3009 326 509 430 2613 534 2112 16 1671 120 16 224 3035 328 464 432 2680 536 2068 18 1664 122 28 226 3057 33!) 423 434 2744 538 2025 20 1655 ISM 4") 228 3074 332 385 436 2805 540 1985 o-> 1043 126 65 230 3087 334 352 438 2863 542 1946 24 1623 128 90 232 3095 3.36 322 440 2918 544 1910 26 1611 130 118 234 3099 338 296 442 2! 171 546 1875 as 1591 139 149 236 3099 340 275 444 3020 548 1843 30 1569 134 185 238 3095 342 258 446 3065 550 1813 32 1544 136 824 240 3086 344 245 448 3108 552 1786 34 1517 138 266 242 3073 346 237 450 3147 554 1762 36 1486 140 312 244 3055 348 233 452 3188 556 1740 38 1454 142 361 246 3033 350 233 454 3214 558 1721 40 141!) 144 414 248 3007 352 237 456 3241 560 1704 42 1382 146 470 250 2977 354 246 458 3265 569 1690 44 1343 148 523 252 2943 356 259 460 3285 564 167!) 46 1302 150 590 254 2905 358 277 462 3302 566 1670 48 1250 152 654 256 2864 360 299 464 3314 568 1663 50 1314 154 720 258 2818 362 325 466 3323 570 1659 52 1168 156 789 260 2770 364 355 468 3328 572 1656 54 1120 158 860 262 2717 366 389 470 3329 574 1655 56 107! 160 933 264 2662 368 426 472 3327 576 1656 58 10x22 162 1008 266 2604 370 468 474 3320 578 1638 60 971 164 1084 263 2542 372 514 476 331 1 580 1661 62 920 166 1162 270 2479 374 563 478 3297 582 1664 64 863 168 1241 272 2412 376 615 480 3280 584 1668 66 816 170 1321 274 2344 378 671 482 3260 586 1671 68 764 172 1409 876 2273 380 729 484 3237 588 1675 70 712 174 14o3 278 2201 382 791 486 3211 590 1677" 72 6GO 176 1564 280 2127 384 855 488 3189 592 1679 74 60!) 178 1646 282 2051 386 929 490 3150 594 1630 76 559 180 1727 284 1975 388 091 492 3116 596 1678 78 510 182 1808 286 1897 390 1063 494 3079 598 1676 80 462 184 1888 288 1819 392 1137 4% 3039 600 1671 82 415 186 1967 290 1740 394 1212 498 2998 602 1664 84 370 188 21146 292 1661 396 128!) 500 9054 604 1655 86 327 ]'.)() 2123 294 1582 398 1367 502 290!) 606 1642 88 285 192 2198 296 1504 400 1446 504 2862 608 1627 90 246 194 2272 298 1426 402 1527 506 2814 610 1610 99 210 196 2343 300 1348 404 1607 508 2764 612 1590 !)4 175 198 2413 302 1272 406 1689 510 2714 614 1568 '.16 144 200 2479 304 1197 408 1770 512 2663 616 1543 98 115 202 2544 306 1193 410 1851 514 2612 618 1516 100 89 204 2605 3(18 1051 412 1932 516 2560 620 1485 102 67 206 266-1 310 980 414 2013 518 2508 622 1 153 104 47 208 2720 312 912 416 2093 520 2156 624 1418 The perturbations are expressed in liimdrcdtlis of a second of arc. TAI1L.KS. E 1155.1 XVIII. TAKM-: XIX. >^*cT0^E^3 Till l,i: XX. / J N J W T3 i l'i rt. of tin- Litnaitinli- liy lli<- F.nrlli. 1'i-rt. n! Hi,- Lnin;i/iifli- l'i/ Mnrx. Perturbation /' the Lon^innli- Ay jionVfrX & il \ c ^ 7PAT3- Arg. VII Equa. Art; VII. Ar- \ III ,,,, Ar| \ III Arg. IX. ,,,,,. Arg. IX. Equa. "t Arg. IX. d il 948 d .1 934 d 339 d -H 7 Kill' 1,71 4 '.Ml 4 ._,._,, , 2 :iv!7 -J 19 169 672 8 8 940 8 1 916 4 :i-M -1 P.I 161 1,7'.' 19 "' 936 19 :l 212 6 316 96 98 166 67(1 Hi 10 939 16 6 8 300 as 168 667 80 16 22* 90 B _'. ' 1 HI 303 '.Ml 10 170 663 24 96 22 1 94 13 21 Ml 19 996 09 69 179 98 34 mo 88 l- 106 1 1 J-:' 04 77 171 6T.1 38 46 916 39 93 199 16 981 06 83 176 643 36 57 919 36 99 I-- 18 27:1 no 17- 634 in 71 jn- III 1-1 -'n 2(il mo 198 1- i 694 II * 804 II 49 i- 1 99 856 109 1 i- 189 613 18 100 200 |8 50 176 94 845 104 168 l-l 59 116 196 59 57 172 26 935 106 100 186 600 56 1 32 199 56 (il 168 28 -.'-.' 1 in- 919 ]-- 577 60 149 188 Gil 72 164 30 213 lli) 936 100 164 64 163 1 1 64 70 160 32 901 119 950 199 RBI 6d i-j ISO &s 96 156 34 188 III 883 1:14 .->:'.- 79 108 176 7-.' 08 159 36 171, 116 807 196 76 915 172 76 ion 1 1- 38 163 118 332 198 511 930 168 80 106 III HI 150 PJI 356 800 I - 84 946 164 84 119 140 49 137 122 :;-i 909 ! , 88 950 160 88 117 1 .:i > 44 123 124 405 204 472 09 979 [56 !I2 121 139 46 110 196 428 206 |i,i IK; 963 152 % 125 198 48 08 198 159 908 448 100 804 1 1- 100 198 124 50 96 130 471 210 436 104 303 1 II Illl 130 120 59 73 189 486 919 496 108 310 140 108 131 116 54 62 134 517 21 1 415 119 316 136 119 132 112 56 51 136 537 216 405 116 321 138 58 41 138 556 918 386 190 323 12- <>0 38 140 r,7:l 990 ::-- 194 894 194 62 23 142 BOO 222 64 6G 16 10 1 II i it; GII:> 618 224 996 372 365 se 6 148 630 998 350 70 2 150 611 230 88i 72 169 850 232 346 74 154 658 234 311 76 156 664 836 335 78 3 158 668 330 80 7 160 671 240 394 " t Constant added in Table XVIII. 1.62. Period of Argument VII. 213.16. Constant added in Table XIX. IMJ6. Period of Argument VIII. 220.57. Constant added in Table XX. 3.35. Period of Argument IX. a36.!>!i. The perturbations are expressed in liundredths of a second of arc. 3O TABLE XXI. Perturbation of the Longitude by Mercury. Horizontal Argument = I. Constant added 0''.85. Period of Argument 1., 224'' .7. tl d d cl d rt <] d d rt d d d d d Arg. X 16 24 32 40 48 56 64 72 80 88 96 104 112 139 131 131 132 135 137 138 138 138 141 146 152 158 162 162 J I'M 127 128 129 138 134 134 135 136 139 144 151 156 158 158 2 123 122 122 124 127 139 130 131 138 136 142 148 158 153 152 3 116 lir> 116 118 121 121 125 125 128 132 138 143 147 116 143 4 1(17 107 100 112 115 117 118 120 122 127 133 138 139 138 134 6 99 99 102 105 108 111 112 113 117 122 127 131 131 128 123 6 90 91 EM 98 102 104 105 107 III 116 121 123 122 118 112 7 81 84 87 92 95 97 99 llll 105 110 114 115 112 107 100 8 74 77 81 86 89 92 93 96 100 104 107 107 102 96 89 9 67 72 76 81 86 87 88 91 95 99 100 99 93 85 78 in 63 68 73 78 81 83 85 87 ill 94 94 91 84 76 68 M 60 60 71 75 79 80 82 85 88 90 89 .-'1 76 67 60 13 59 65 70 ?" 77 79 81 83 86 86 84 78 69 6U 53 13 60 (ili 72 76 78 i 79 80 83 S4 84 80 73 63 55 48 14 61 70 75 78 80 81 82 83 6M 82 77 69 59 51 45 IS 68 75 79 8 83 83 84 85 85 81 75 66 57 49 43 Hi 75 81 85 86 87 87 87 87 86 81 74 65 56 49 44 17 84 88. 91 92 92 91 91 91 88 82 74 65 56 50 46 18 !)3 97 9!) 98 97 96 96 94 90 84 75 (ir. 57 52 58 19 102 106 106 105 103 102 100 98 93 85 76 67 60 56 55 20 na ill 113 111 109 107 105 101 95 87 78 69 64 61 60 21 181 122 120 117 114 112 108 104 98 89 80 72 68 66 66 22 130 129 126 122 119 115 112 107 99 90 81 75 72 71 72 23 137 135 131 126 122 118 114 108 100 91 83 78 76 77 78 24 143 139 134 129 124 120 115 108 100 91 84 80 .80 81 83 25 147 143 136 130 125 120 114 108 99 91 85 82 83 85 88 26 148 142 135 129 123 118 113 105 97 89 84 83 85 88 91 27 147 140 133 126 120 115 109 101 93 87 83 83 87 90 93 28 ' 144 136 128 121 111, 110 104 96 89 83 81 83 87 90 93 29 138 130 122 115 109 104 97 90 83 79 78 81 86 89 92 30 130 122 113 107 101 96 89 82 77 74 75 78 83 87 89 31 120 112 101 98 92 87 80 74 69 68 70 ! 75 80 83 85 ' 32 109 1011 93 87 82 77 71 65 62 62 65 70 75 78 80 33 96 88 81 75 71 66 61 56 54 56 60 65 70 73 74 34 82 74 68 64 60 55 51 47 46 49 54 60 64 66 68 35 68 61 56 68 49 45 41 39 39 43 49 54 58 60 61 36 54 48 41 41 38 35 33 31 33 38 44 49 52 53 54 37 41 36 33 31 29 26 24 25 28 33 39 44 46 47 47 38 29 26 24 22 21 19 18 19 24 30 36 39 41 41 42 39 19 17 16 13 14 13 13 16 21 27 33 36 37 37 37 40 11 10 10 10 10 10 11 14 20 26 31 34 34 34 34 41 5 5 6 7 8 8 10 15 21 27 31 33 32 32 32 42 2 3 5 7 8 9 12 17 23 29 32 33 32 32 33 43 2 4 6 9 10 12 15 21 27 32 35 35 34 34 35 44 4 7 10 12 14 17 21 27 33 37 39 39 37 37 39 45 8 12 16 19 21 24 29 35 40 44 44 43 42 43 45 46 16 20 24 27 89 33 38 43 48 51 51 50 49 50 53 47 25 30 34 36 39 43 48 53 58 59 59 57 57 58 62 48 36 41 45 47 50 54 59 64 68 68 67 66 66 68 72 49 48 53 57 59 62 66 71 75 78 78 77 75 76 79 84 50 61 65 69 71 74 78 82 86 88 88 86 85 87 91 96 51 74 78 81 83 86 91) 94 97 98 97 96 96 98 103 108 52 87 91 93 95 97 101 105 107 JOS 106 1(15 106 109 115 120 53 99 11)2 104 105 108 III 114 116 116 115 114 116 120 126 138 54 110 112 113 114 117 120 123 124 124 122 122 125 130 136 142 55 119 j\ 121 122 124 27 130 131 130 129 130 133 139 145 150 56 126 27 127 128 130 33 135 135 135 134 136 140 146 153 157 57 I3J 31 131 139 134 37 138 139 138 138 141 145 1 .vj 158 162 58 134 34 133 134 136" 39 140 140 139 140 144 149 156 161 164 59 134 33 133 134 137 30 140 140 140 141 146 152 158 163 Kit GO 132 31 131 132 135 137 138 138 138 141 M6 158 168 162 162 The perturbation! are expressed in hundredllis of a second of arc TABLE XXI. 31 Perturbation <>f tin- Longitude l>n Mercury. Constant iidili-d , ! ,,f Argument X , 60. d ,l d d d d d d .1 d ,1 d ,1 d 120 12W 136 111 1.12 160 16* 176 1!>2 200 20* 216 221 2!I2 169 160 159 1 .- 166 181 146 138 130 194 110 III 108 '.ill H 1 156 154 159 ISO II? 111 134 195 1 1* ill 106 '.i? BO 79 :'. 2 1 l:i IK, 143 Mil 136 190 190 112 Ml ;i? HI 71 59 3 1 10 136 1:1:1 199 193 115 Ml, 97 90 76 60 .M Ii, 4 190 12.-> 121 116 100 100 !l| -J 7.') 69 62 54 46 3!) 34 5 II- 113 108 102 ,,;, 76 (il :,:, 1- 41 :u 27 M 6 i- 6 10| 90 80 71 54 1- 19 36 99 98 18 16 7 94 88 89 75 G7 .",? II ;t| in 14 10 9 8 82 76 70 G:I r,l 16 91 II, 11 7 5 5 9 71 66 59 :,i 41! 84 27 M 18 11 in 6 3 2 3 10 62 56 4! > rj 33 86 19 16 19 hi 6 3 2 9 4 11 61 48 41 34 21 i 19 II 19 ID 8 6 3 3 5 8 12 47 42 86 98 JI Hi 12 II hi 8 7 6 7 10 14 13 42 87 31 95 1- 11 12 19 12 12 II 11 13 16 99 11 40 m 30 24 l!l Ii, 16 Hi 17 17 17 19 a 27 89 15 39 35 30 95 21 M 20 22 21 95 26 29 33 38 43 16 40 37 32 26 M 31 33 ;; | 36 40 45 50 55 17 43 40 37 84 89 34 ft? 40 43 46 48 52 57 63 68 18 48 45 42 41 41 43 47 57 60 6.'. 71 71, 81 19 53 49 49 50 54 58 G:! 66 G'.l 73 78 84 89 93 20 59 58 57 57 60 65 70 74 78 81 85 91 96 101 104 21 65 66 (M 66 70 76 81 86 89 99 97 109 107 112 114 99 72 72 7.-, -.1 86 91 in; 99 lo:t 107 119 117 190 122 79 711 81 84 09 96 101 106 III 116 190 196 127 128 21 84 85 88 97 103 108 112 116 118 122 127 130 132 189 2."> 89 90 93 98 104 110 114 118 120 121! 127 131 183 184 134 26 92 94 98 108 109 III 118 191 193 126 129 139 134 134 133 27 94 96 100 106 119 117 120 199 12:! 196 199 131 139 132- 131 96 97 101 107 119 117 119 120 122 194 196 198 199 127 126 .;,, !tl 96 101 106 ill 114 116 117 118 190 122 193 193 121 120 80 91 94 98 103 108 110 111 III 119 114 116 116 115 114 113 31 87 90 94 99 103 104 106 104 in:. 106 1H7 108 107 105 105 39 B9 85 98 96 H7 97 96 97 98 !l!l 99 98 97 97 76 79 83 86 88 88 83 87 88 89 89 8!) 89 88 34 69 72 76 7!l 80 79 78 78 78 80 80 80 80 80 81 36 62 66 63 70 71 70 69 68 70 71 72 79 71 72 7.-, 3G 58 61 63 63 61 60 60 Gl 63 1,1 64 6.". 66 70 49 51 54 6fi 56 53 52 5.1 55 56 .",7 58 59 62 66 38 43 46 48 49 48 46 46 47 49 53 54 56 50 64 39 39 41 43 43 43 42 42 43 46 4!) 50 69 55 59 64 40 36 38 40 40 39 38 3!) 42 46 48 50 69 56 61 66 41 34 37 3D 38 38 38 89 42 46 50 59 55 69 lil 70 49 35 37 39 39 38 39 42 46 50 .-,4 56 (II 70 7.') 4:t 37 40 41 42 42 43 47 51 56 60 63 66 71 77 '-' 44 42 44 46 46 47 50 54 64 68 71 75 79 85 90 45 48 61 52 53 55 58 63 69 73 77 80 84 89 BO 00 46 47 56 66 -,'.i 6!l 61 71 62 73 64 75 68 80 71 86 - 1 09 -1 06 88 99 91 102 96 106 100 110 106 III 107 116 48 49 77 88 80 92 82 94 84 97 88 101 93 106 9!) 112 104 117 190 111 193 114 198 117 128 191 130 194 1 :.' 194 131 50 101 104 116 106 II!) 110 199 114 127 11!) 139 125 137 12!) 140 139 112 133 149 135 137 14.') 139 146 139 III 137 111 52 53 54 195 146 128 138 148 130 III 1.-.0 134 146 138 1 l'i 167 I II I :,:t 161 1 1- 156 ISO 157 163 150 157 1GI 160 166 I.V.I ISO 155 197 150 164 158 150 158 189 148 148 147 143 143 140 55 56 to to 60 154 160 11)1 16.-. 162 156 161 164 166 164 160 158 169 166 166 164 159 161 166 167 1G7 164 188 li>l 168 169 167 I56 166 169 160 163 Ilil 151 167 162 I5S 148 165 166 169 156 1 1- 161 |50 141 130 180 159 148 136 194 1.-.7 154 II- 1 M 1 10 II- 154 150 143 134 193 111 i ii 187 197 116 103 113 137 r.- II- 98 136 190 190 ion Add 33.26 to Arg. X wln-n 224''.7 is lubtracted from Arg. I. TABLE XXII. Perturbations of the Longitude by the Earth. Horizontal Argument = I. Constant added 1".40. Period of Argument I. 224 (1 .7. a d d d d d d d d d d a d d d Arg.XI 8 16 21 32 40 48 56 61 72 96 IO1 112 71 80 88 94 98 100 102 105 110 117 127 140 153 165 177 1 63 71 79 85 88 90 08 95 99 105 115 126 139 152 164 2 55 63 71 76 79 81 82 85 88 94 102 113 126 138 151 3 49 56 63 6S 71 72 ::i 75 77 82 91 101 113 126 138 4 44 50 56 60 63 64 65 66 68 72 80 90 101 114 126 5 40 45 50 54 56 57 57 56 59 63 70 79 90 102 115 6 39 42 47 50 51 52 51 51 53 55 61 70 -1 92 105 7 39 42 45 47 48 48 47 47 47 49 54 62 72 84 95 8 42 43 46 47 47 47 45 44 43 45 49 56 65 76 87 9 47 47 48 49 49 48 45 43 42 42 45 51 60 70 81 10 54 53 53 54 53 51 48 45 43 42 44 49 56 65 75 11 63 61 01 60 59 57 53 49 46 44 45 48 54 62 71 13 73 71 70 69 67 64 61 56 51 49 47 49 53 61) 67 13 84 83 81 80 77 74 70 64 59 55 52 52 55 59 66 14 95 94 92 91 89 85 80 74 68 62 58 57 58 61 65 15 107 106 104 103 101 97 92 85 78 72 66 63 62 63 66 16 118 117 116 115 114 10!) 104 97 89 82 75 70 68 67 69 17 12!) IsM 128 127 125 121 116 108 100 92 84 78 71 73 73 18 13d 13d 133 137 136 132 127 119 111 102 94 87 82 79 78 19 146 146 146 146 145 141 136 129 121 112 103 95 90 86 83 20 153 1.-.:? 153 153 152 148 144 137 129 120 111 103 97 93 90 21 158 158 158 158 157 154 150 144 136 127 118 110 104 100 97 22 163 162 162 162 161 158 154 148 140 133 124 116 HI 106 103 23 1G6 165 164 163 162 100 156 150 143 136 128 121 115 112 109 24 168 166 165 164 163 160 156 151 145 138 130 124 119 116 114 25 170 167 165 161 162 160 156 151 144 138 131 125 121 119 117 26 172 168 165 163 161 158 154 149 143 136 130 124 121 119 119 27 174 169 166 163 160 157 152 147 140 134 128 123 120 119 119 28 ' 176 171 167 164 160 156 151 144 138 131 125 120 117 116 117 2'J 179 174 169 165 161 156 150 143 136 128 122 116 113 112 114 30 183 177 172 167 162 157 150 143 135 126 118 112 109 107 109 31 187 181 176 171 166 159 152 144 134 125 116 109 104 102 103 32 190 185 181 176 170 163 155 146 1 35 125 114 106 100 97 97 33 194 190 186 182 176 169 160 150 138 126 114 104 96 92 91 34 198 195 192 188 183 176 166 156 143 12!i 115 104 94 88 86 35 201 200 198 195 190 183 174 1G2 149 134 119 1 05 94 86 82 36 204 204 203 2H2 197 191 182 170 156 140 124 108 95 86 80 37 205 208 208 207 204 199 191 179 164 148 131 114 99 87 80 38 205 208 211 212 211 206 199 188 174 157 139 121 105 92 83 39 204 209 213 216 216 213 207 198 184 167 149 130 113 98 88 40 201 208 214 218 220 219 215 206 194 178 160 141 "123 107 95 41 197 205 213 219 223 224 221 215 203 189 171 153 134 118 105 42 192 202 211 219 225 228 226 222 213 200 183 165 147 130 116 43 186 197 208 217 225 230 231 229 221 211 196 178 161 143 12!) 44 179 192 203 214 224 231 235 234 | 229 221 207 191 175 158 143 45 172 185 198 210 222 231 237 239 236 230 219 204 188 172 157 46 165 178 192 206 218 230 238 242 242 238 229 216 201 186 171 47 157 171 186 200 214 227 238 245 247 245 238 227 213 199 184 48 150 163 178 194 209 224 236 246 250 250 246 237 224 211. 196 49 142 156 171 187 204 220 234 245 252 254 252 245 234 222 208 50 134 147 162 179 197 214 230 243 252 257 256 251 242 231 218 51 136 Kill 154 170 189 207 225 239 250 257 259 255 248 238 226 52 117 129 144 161 180 19!) 218 234 246 25<) 259 258 252 243 232 53 108 119 133 150 169 189 209 226 241 252 257 258 254 247 237 54 99 109 122 138 157 178 198 217 233 245 253 256 254 249 240 55 90 98 110 125 144 164 185 205 223 237 247 251 252 248 242 56 81 87 97 111 129 149 170 191 210 226 238 245 248 246 241 57 72 76 84 96 113 133 154 175 196 213 227 236 241 242 239 58 63 64 70. 81 96 115 136 158 179 198 214 225 233 236 835 59 55 54 57 66 79 97 117 139 161 181 199 212 222 228 230 60 4!) 45 4S 51 63 79 98 119 141 163 182 198 210 218 223 The perturbations are expressed in hundredths of a second of arc. TAIILK XXII. :*:* Perturbations of the Ln->ititili- / 166 171 171 ITS l-l i-:, 101 107 '1 211 216 -.'l:i -'is 4 I3B nr 156 li,i 164 I6t) 17'J 177 183 u-o 190 Jl 1 818 810 5 197 136 1 II ISO 155 158 163 168 17:, I-:: 199 Jin 816 810 6 III, 197 134 141 145 140 154 ISO 166 176 186 1% 211 ji- 7 Iu7 117 1 25 139 137 1 M 145 151 158 ton 170 I'.HI '.Ml -.'II 91? - BO 100 117 I-JI 138 139 137 1 1-J 150 ISO 171 is: l!Xi 816 D 99 101 100 116 120 184 188 134 Ml 161 164 177 191 J 1 1 814 in BE 96 108 108 119 116 180 1 25 i:i:l 149 156 17(1 186 813 ii 80 06 101 106 100 113 117 194 135 1 1- 164 i- i IIKJ Jll 19 7(i -1 00 96 90 109 106 no 117 19} 1 II 157 175 109 830 13 73 BO 91 93 95 109 100 11!) 134 150 160 188 14 71 77 81 85 87 89 u 05 109 118 126 149 163 184 -.' 'l 15 71 7.'. 78 81 83 84 86 89 M lor, Illl 136 157 17'J .'ii 16 7',> 75 77 79 80 80 -. -1 89 W Ill 180 150 171 I!i7 17 71 76 77 78 n 77 78 7!l 83 99 106 1 22 143 167 108 1- 78 78 7!) 711 78 7li 76 76 7!) 96 11. -> 136 160 l-:, 10 83 83 82 81 79 77 7:, 74 76 82 92 108 128 161 177 90 HO 88 86 85 82 79 71 i 73 74 78 87 101 119 1 1-.' 168 81 96 94 ga 90 87 78 71 7:! 7:. -J 94 HI 189 157 89 109 101 OB 96 99 87 82 77 74 71 78 103 189 146 23 108 107 105 103 !> 93 87 81 7.-, 73 75 83 95 119 134 M 114 113 112 110 105 100 99 78 74 73 78 87 102 EU 85 118 118 117 116 111 106 98 90 82 76 79 71 HI 98 no 96 190 121 as QU 117 119 104 06 86 78 73 78 71, 99 B7 131 123 i-.v, ce rag 117 110 101 90 -l 71 71 79 78 90 86 1-J.i 183 BK 127 1 25 121 115 106 06 -1 76 71 (in 73 m as 117 121 125 127 127 IM 118 110 99 88 78 72 68 0:1 7li 30 113 nr 122 126 127 126 121 113 IIKI 92 81 74 69 87 71 M 107 112 II- 1X3 MS 185 121 115 106 96 77 70 67 69 SB 100 KKi 112 118 122 183 191 117 108 09 88 72 68 68 33 94 BO 106 113 118 121 190 117 no 101 98 83 7(i 71 (ill 34 88 99 00 107 113 117 118 117 in 104 M 87 79 74 71 35 83 86 93 101 108 113 116 116 112 106 98 91 83 77 74 M 7!) 82 88 96 103 no 114 115 113 108 109 !)5 87 B8 78 37 78 7!) 85 99 100 107 112 II 1 113 110 106 90 99 86 82 38 78 70 83 90 98 106 111 114 116 119 In- 103 06 01 86 3! 82 81 84 90 98 III.', 111 115 117 115 Ill 107 100 06 91 40 88 85 87 93 100 107 113 118 no 118 115 111 111.-, 100 B6 41 96 08 93 97 104 110 117 121 193 199 II!) 116 100 104 90 49 106 101 101 103 109 lir, 121 126 127 127 124 180 114 109 104 43 118 III 110 112 116 122 187 131 133 133 rag 196 II!) 114 10!) 44 131 123 120 mi MS 130 135 rae 139 139 136 131 186 11:1 114 45 144 136 132 132 134 138 142 145 146 146 142 137 131 125 120 4(3 158 14!) 144 142 144 147 151 153 154 163 140 144 138 138 196 47 171 llil 156 153 153 156 ISO 169 161 160 156 151 146 13!) 133 48 184 173 166 163 163 164 167 168 169 167 163 158 159 146 140 49 186 184 176 172 171 172 174 17.', 176 174 170 res 160 i:,3 148 50 2(T> 104 185 181 179 179 180 181 182 180 177 ITS 166 160 155 51 21:1 202 103 188 1-:, 1 86 186 '187 187 186 itg 178 179 167 169 59 883 800 wo 194 191 190 191 192 192 191 i I-l 178 173 168 53 226 215 206 200 196 1!).-, 1 >:. 1% 196 196 109 188' 183 178 173 :,i 230 221) 211 201 1W l!l 19!) 800 180 106 192 187 189 177 55 833 224 215 20!) 205 202 202 m 202 201 I!'- roe no l-l 179 56 234 226 818 213 208 206 204 805 805 203 800 107 1!H IS, l-l 57 234 227 221 215 211 1 ' 807 808 207 805 809 i e 199 186 180 :,- 232 227 222 Jl- 214 212 210 210 800 80S 108 199 185 17!) BO B86 223 219 216 214 213 212 211 -"l 198 191 1-1 177 GO 224 884 222 220 218 216 815 215 819 210 198 r.M 1-:; 171 Add 147.64 to Arg. XI. when 224'".7 is subtra. t. ,1 iVuni Arg. I. TABLE XXII. Perturbations of tin- Longitude bij the Earth. Horizontal Argument = I. Constant added 1 ; '.40. Period of Argument 1., 224 J .7. d d did d d d d d d d rt d d d Arg.XI | 16 ! 24 33 4O 48 56 01 72 80 96 104 112 | 60 49 45 45 51 63 .79 98 119 141 163 182 198 210 218 223 61 44 37 85 38 47 62 79 99 122 143 164 182 196 207 214 ea 41 31 26 27 33 41 60 80 102 121 146 164 181 194 203 G3 41 28 21 18 21 30 44 62 83 105 127 147 164 179 191 64 43 .28 18 12 12 18 30 45 65 86 108 128 147 164 177 65 47 31 18 10 7 10 18 32 49 69 90 111 130 147 162 66 54 36 21 11 5 4 10 21 36 54 74 94 113 131 147 67 63 44 28 15 6 3 6 14 26 42 60 79 97 U5 131 68 73 54 37 23 12 6 5 10 20 33 48 66 83 99 115 60 85 67 49 33 21 12 9 10 16 27 40 55 70 85 100 70 97 80 63 46 32 21 15 13 16 24 34 46 60 73 87 71 110 94 78 61 45 33 24 20 20 24 31 41 52 63 75 72 13 109 93 76 60 47 36 29 26 27 31 38 46 55 65 73 134 123 1(18 92 76 62 49 40 35 33 34 38 44 51 58 74 144 135 122 107 92 77 64 53 45 41 40 41 44 48 54 75 153 145 135 122 107 92 78 66 57 51 47 46 47 49 52 76 160 155 146 134 121 107 93 80 69 62 56 53 52 52 53 77 165 162 155 145 133 120 106 93 82 73 66 62 59 57 56 78 169 167 162 153 144 131 118 106 94 85 77 71 67 64 61 79 171 170 167 160 152 141 129 117 106 96 88 81 76 71 67 80 172 172 170 165 158 149 138 127 116 107 99 91 85 80 75 81 172 172 171 168 163 155 146 136 126 117 108 101 95 89 83 82 171 172 171 169 166 160 152 144 134 126 118 110 104 97 90 83 170 171 171 170 167 163 157 150 142 134 126 119 112 105 98 84 169 169 169 169 168 165 161 155 148 141 134 126 120 112 105 85 168 168 168 168 168 166 163 158 153 147 140 133 126 119 111 86 108 166 166 167 167 167 165 161 157 152 145 139 132 124 116 87 167 165 164 166 166 167 166 163 160 156 150 143 136 12!) 120 88 167 164 163 165 164 166 166 165 163 159 153 147 140 133 123 8!) 167 163 161 162 163 165 166 166 164 161 156 151 144 136 126 90 167 162 160 i 160 162 163 165 166 165 163 159 154 147 139 129 !H 168 162 159 I 158 159 161 164 165 165 164 161 156 150 142 132 9SJ 168 161 157 156 157 159 162 164 165 165 162 158 153 145 136 93 168 160 156 153 154 156 159 162 164 165 163 161 156 148 139 94 168 16i) 154 151 151 152 156 159 162 164 164 163 158 152 144 95 169 159 153 149 148 149 152 156 160 163 165 164 162 157 149 96 169 159 152 147 145 146 149 153 158 162 165 166 165 161 154 97 170 159 151 145 143 143 145 150 155 161 165 168 168 166 160 08 171 160 151 145 141 140 143 147 153 159 165 169 171 171 167 9!) 172 162 152 145 140 139 140 145 151 158 164 171 174 175 174 100 171 164 154 146 141 138 139 143 150 157 165 172 177 180 180 101 176 167 158 149 143 140 140 143 149 157 165 173 180 184 186 102 179 171 162 163 146 142 141 144 149 157 166 175 183 189 191 103 182 175 166 158 151 146 144 146 151 158 167 176 185 192 196 104 184 179 171 163 156 151 149 149 153 160 169 178 187 195 200 105 187 183 177 170 163 157 154 154 157 163 171 180 189 198 203 106 188 186 181 176 16!) 164 160 159 161 166 173 182 191 200 236 107 188 188 185 181 176 170 167 165 166 16!) 175 184 193 201 208 108 186 18!) 188 185 181 176 173 170 170 173 178 186 194 203 210 109 182 187 189 188 185 181 178 175 175 176 180 187 195 203 211 110 177 184 188 188 187 | 184 181 179 178 179 182 188 195 204 212 111 170 178 183 186 186 185 183 181 180 180 183 189 195 203 211 112 161 171 177 182 183 184 182 181 180 181 183 188 194 202 210 113 150 161 168 171 177 179 179 17!) 179 179 181 186 192 201 209 114 138 149 157 164 169 172. 174 175 175 176 178 183 189 198 206 115 125 136 145 153 158 163 166 168 169 171 174 179 185 193 203 116 112 122 131 140 146 152 156 159 162 164 168 173 179 188 198 117 99 108 117 125 132 ! 139 144 149 158 156 160. 165 172 181 192 118 87 95 102 110 118 125 132 137 142 146 151 157 164 174 184 119 76 82 89 96 104 111 11!) 125 131 136 Ml 148 155 164 175 120 67 71 77 83 90 98 106 113 119 125 131 138 145 154 165 The perturbations arc expressed in Imndredths of a second of arc, TABLE XXII. /' rturbiilinnx .//"// Lmigituih- Inj tlir Kartli. Horizontal Argument = I. r.m-t:nit aild..,l 1" 1 > IVn-d of Argument XI ,2-10 units. d d d d .) ,1 ,1 ,l d d d d d ,1 .1 Arg. XI iaa i:tO 111 i.ia 160 1CN 176 INI aoo aoM a 10 aai a.ta 60 994 221 999 99 ' 918 216 215 916 913 210 205 198 191 183 174 til 21 a 910 21!' 21!) 21- 21- 217 917 215 211 109 100 l-l 171 69 900 913 2 Hi 217 818 818 918 918 217 213 2, i7 100 ISO 170 63 199 2 .0 210 211 816 818 819 918 915 2H1 1!H l-o KJ8 01 188 106 803 813 816 21- 990 819 916 211 903 193 180 168 05 175 1-5 194 201 212 216 220 220 918 213 205 100 183 169 66 KM 172 l-:i 109 200 813 918 22 ' 919 215 2os 108 186 172 67 115 158 181 191 200 215 918 219 217 211 202 100 177 68' 130 1 i:: 156 168 180 101 901 210 210 9111 217 21 1 106 1-2 69 115 12- 1 12 155 168 l-l IBS 904 919 217 919 217 210 Jil 1-:' 70 100 114 127 1 II 1 56 16!) l-l 106 215 219 21:1 214 206 1! '5 71 -7 100 113 127 1 12 157 173 188 2 H 211 21- 22 I 918 911 909 72 76 87 100 III 189 115 l',2 17- 194 215 980 890 916 20!) 73 67 77 88 101 116 133 151 1 .- 1-5 200 211 910 221 220 214 74 61 68 78 90 121 |:l ' 1 - 170 193 207 216 221 222 218 75 57 63 71 81 90 110 12- 1 1- 107 185 201 212 219 222 220 76 55 59 65 74 86 101 118 137 157 177 II 207 216 2-20 221 77 56 58 63 69 7!) 93 100 138 148 107 185 200 211 217 919 7- 60 60 62 67 75 87 109 1 i'.i 138 158 177 109 904 212 215 n 65 63 63 66 72 81 111 129 14!) 167 tea 1% 205 210 80 70 67 65 66 70 77 103 120 139 157 17:t 1-7 197 203 81 77 73 69 67 (i!) 75 84 112 189 147 163 177 l-s 194 82 84 78 73 69 BO 72 7!) 90 104 180 137 152 166 177 1^5 83 90 -1 77 72 09 70 75 -1 . HI 126 III 156 107 175 84 97 89 81 74 70 68 71 77 88 101 116 130 1 15 156 104 83 102 93 84 76 70 66 07 72 80 92 106 119 134 115 154 H6 106 97 86 77 70 64 03 Mi 73 'Kj 100 123 134 1 13 >7 110 100 H8 78 (i'.i 62 59 60 65 71 86 119 123 133 88 113 102 90 78 K 60 55 51 58 05 71 i 88 Ml 113 122 89 116 104 79 67 58 52 49 51 57 67 78 01 102 112 90 118 106 93 80 67 56 49 45 45 50 58 68 81 92 102 121 100 05 81 67 56 46 42 40 43 51 60 71 82 92 124 112 98 83 69 56 45 39 30 38 44 52 03 73 03 128 110 102 87 71 58 46 38 34 33 38 45 55 00 71 M 133 121 107 91 76 61 48 38 33 31 34 39 48 S3 (>0 95 13!) 127 113 97 81 66 52 41 33 30 31 35 12 50 58 96 146 134 121 105 -i 73 45 36 31 30 32 88 15 11 97 153 142 129 114 97 81 65 51 41 34 31 31 35 40 46 98 161 151 139 121 107 91 74 59 47 89 34 32 35 38 43 99 16!) 160 14!) 134 118 101 84 68 55 15 3!) 35 36 38 42 100 177 169 159 145 129 113 00 78 64 53 45 40 40 40 42 101 184 178 169 156 141 124 90 75 61 51 47 45 44 45 102 191 187 178 100 159 136 11!) 101 B6 73 63 55 52 50 11 103 197 104 187 176 163 117 130 113 97 84 73 05 01 58 .,.- 104 203 201 1 :'5 185 173 158 141 185 109 90 84 70 71 68 67 105 207 206 202 193 l-l 107 152 136 120 106 96 87 -2 7!) 7- 106 210 211 207 200 189 176 102 115 131 118 107 90 !'l 91 80 107 108 109 214 216 217 215 218 993 819 217 220 206 211 216 107 203 209 184 192 198 171 186 155 164 173 Ml 151 160 I3U 148 11- 12!) 139 111 122 132 106 117 12- too 114 125 113 121 110 III 112 113 114 218 218 218 217 815 222 223 994 824 223 223 225 227 888 889 220 223 226 899 231 214 218 223 227 230 205 210 815 2-20 225 193 200 206 212 217 180 188 195 201 207 168 176 183 I'.H) 1% 157 165 173 1 96 148 1.56 164 170 176 112 150 157 103 169 137 146 153 159 164 136 I II 151 157 11,1 M 143 151 116 161 115 116 117 118 119 190 213 213 1% 188 178 221 218 214 2.)0 101 22H 227 824 21!) 212 204 232 232 230 227 222 215 232 934 234 838 22:) 224 22!) 833 233 834 232 22- 222 226 22!) 231 831 230 212 217 221 294 226 227 202 212 216 219 990 ini UK 809 212 1-2 1-7 101 105 191) 202 171 17- I-J 1-5 1-:' 109 168 172 175 177 180 183 166 170 172 171 171, 163 169 107 IW 160 I7o 10 V Add 147.64 to Arg. XI. when 224''.7 is subtracted from Arg. I. TABLE XX11. Perturbations oft/if Longitude by the Earth. Horizontal Argument = I. Constant added 1''.40. Period of Argument I., 224'' .7. d d d d d d d : d d d d d d d d Arg.XI 8 1G 24 32 40 48 56 61 72 80 88 96 1O4 112 120 67 71 77 83 00 98 106 113 119 125 131 138 145 154 165 181 50 62 66 71 78 86 93 101 108 111 121 127 134 143 154 122 53 55 57 62 67 75 83 90 98 " 104 110 117 124 132 142 123 53 51 51 54 59 65 73 80 88 94 101 107 113 121 131 124 48 47 47 49 53 58 65 72 80 86 92 99 104 111 119 135 48 46 45 46 48 53 59 66 73 79 85 91 96 101 108 186 49 46 45 44 46 49 55 61 68 74 80 84 89 93 99 127 52 49 46 45 4r> 48 52 58 65 70 76 80 83 87 91 128 56 52 49 46 46 47 51 57 62 68 73 77 80 82 86 129 60 56 52 49 47 48 51 56 62 67 72 76 78 80 82 ISO 05 61 56 52 50 49 52 56 61 67 72 76 79 80 81 181 70 66 61 56 53 51 53 57 62 68 74 78 80 82 83 132 76 71 65 60 56 54 55 58 63 69 75 80 83 85 86 133 82 76 70 64 59 56 56 59 64 70 77 83 87 90 91 134 89 82 75 68 62 58 58 60 65 72 79 86 92 95 97 135 96 88 80 73 66 61 60 62 66 73 81 90 96 101 104 136 103. !I5 86 77 70 64 62 63 67 75 83 92 101 107 111 137 112 || :! 93 83 74 68 65 65 69 76 85 95 104 112 117 138 121 Ill 100 90 80 72 68 67 70 77 86 97 107 116 123 139 131 12! 109 97 86 77 72 70 72 78 87 98 109 119 127 140 111 m 118 106 94 84 76 73 74 79 87 98 110 121 130 141 152 141 128 115 102 91 82 78 76 80 87 98 109 121 131 142 163 151 138 125 111 99 89 83 80 81 87 97 108 119 130 143 173 162 149 136 12,1 108 96 88 84 83 88 96 106 117 I2H 144 183 173 161 147 132 117 104 94 88 86 88 94 103 114 125 145 193 183 171 158 142 127 113 101 93 88 89 93 100 110 121 146 201 193 181 168 153 137 122 109 98 92 90 92 98 106 116 147 208 201 190 178 163 147 130 117 104 95 91 91 95 102 111 148 213 207 198 186 172 156 139 124 110 100 94 92 93 99 107 14!) 217 212 205 194 181) 164 147 131 116 105 97 92 93 96 103 150 219 216 210 200 187 172 155 138 123 110 100 94 92 94 100 151 219 218 214 205 194 179 162 146 130 115 104 97 94 94 98 153 218 219 216 209 199 185 169 1 53 136 121 109 100 96 94 97 153 217 219 218 213 204 191 176 159 143 128 115 105 99 96 97 154 214 218 219 216 208 197 183 166 151 135 122 111 103 99 99 155 211 217 220 218 212 202 189 174 158 143 129 118 109 103 102 156 208 215 220 228 217 898 196 182 167 152 138 125 116 109 106 157 204 214 221 223 221 215 2114 I'll 177 161 147 134 124 116 111 158 200 212 221 226 226 221 212 200 187 172 158 144 133 123 117 159 197 211 222 229 231 228 221 210 198 183 16!) 155 143 132 125 160 193 209 222 232 236 236 230 221 209 196 182 167 154 142 133 161 189 207 223 235 242 243 240 232 221 208 194 180 166 153 143 162 185 204 223 237 246 250 249 242 233 221 207 193 179 165 154 163 179 201 221 238 250 256 257 253 245 234 221 206 192 178 165 164 17:i 197 219 238 252 261 264 262 255 245 233 219 205 191 178 165 167 191 215 236 252 263 269 269 264 256 245 232 219 204 191 166 159 184 209 232 250 264 272 274 271 265 256 244 231 218 204 167 150 176 201 225 246 261 271 276 276 272 264 254 243 230 217 168 141 166 192 217 239 256 269 276 278 276 270 263 953 242 230 169 131 155 181 206 229 249 263 272 277 277 274 269 261 252 242 170 120 144 168 194 217 238 254 266 272 276 275 272 267 260 252 171 110 132 155 180 204 B25 243 256 265 271 273 272 270 266 260 172 100 119 141 165 189 210 229 244 255 263 267 270 270 968 265 173 1)1 108 128 150 173 194 213 230 242 252 259 264 267 268 268 174 84 97 115 135 1ST 1 178 197 214 228 239 248 255 261 265 267 175 77 88 103 121 141 161 180 197 212 224 235 244 S53 258 263 176 72 80 93 109 127 145 163 180 195 208 220 230 239 248 256 177 69 75 84 98 114 130 147 163 177 191 203 214 225 235 245 178 67 71 78 89 103 117 132 147 169 173 185 197 2J9 220 231 179 68 69 74 82 94 106 119 132 144 156 167 179 191 203 215 180 69 68 71 78 87 97 108 119 129 140 150 161 172 185 fee The perturbations are expressed in hundredths of a second of arc. TABLE XXII. Perturbations of the L ,-th. lli'i'i/uiitul Ar^iiiiii-iit = I. r,,u..i;,i>t addi-d I'.ll IVriud ..fArf-iim-m XI , 210 units. Ar^.M <\ 120 ,l a i ;<; 111 192 100 ,1 10M ,1 ,1 INI ,1 200 cl 20* 210 22 i' .' 190 17- 191 904 215 22 1 898 212 199 1-:; I76 170 121 167 180 103 916 893 221 213 106 l-i, 1 7'. I 173 122 155 168 189 105 916 991 22 1 910 21 1 198 1 89 176 193 1 12 155 160 1-:: 913 916 217 913 2 17 193 Mi l-n 121 12:1 111 166 169 l-:i 196 210 212 211 196 I no l-l 195 117 198 1 II 156 170 I-:; I'.il 207 2i- 2.17 lOt) I'H tan I2li 106 116 198 1 12 156 170 189 199 199 2iil 901 IU8 in 127 '.17 105 III, 190 112 17 170 1-2 IU1 1 'i7 2 13 2 '1 r.ni I2S 96 105 117 130 Ml 158 171 1-2 191 197 201 903 2 13 12!) * 90 :i7 107 119 133 Mi, 11,1 173 l-l 199 108 109 205 2 Hi i:; i 83 96 99 100 110 193 137 151 164 17(i 186 194 200 2 I5 2i- 131 -:> 85 99 95 |0| 115 12- 1 12 i.-,-, l<, - 179 L-.i l'.<7 2 'I 909 132 -7 89 93 100 no 191 134 117 li,l 173 l-l 193 903 133 !U 91 !i| !I4 99 106 116 127 1 |:l 153 166 177 I-- ION 906 134 117 (17 96 97 100 105 113 122 134 in, 159 171 1-2 193 903 135 105 104 103 101 103 106 ill 11!) 199 i r> 159 164 176 188 199 136 112 112 110 108 107 108 112 117 125 134 145 157 169 l-l IDS 137 121 190 118 115 113 119 113 116 122 130 139 150 169 175 187 138 196 127 196 12:1 119 116 116 111 121 121, 133 1 II 155 Ki7 1- , 139 133 134 133 130 125 121 119 117 118 122 198 137 117 160 173 Mi 136 139 139 135 131 126 122 118 117 119 193 131 140 152 166 141 138 142 113 140 135 130 124 119 116 116 119 125 133 144 168 112 138 144 145 143 139 133 126 120 116 ill 115 119 196 136 ii' 143 137 143 146 145 141 134 12- 12:1 11.-, ill III! 111 in 128 Ml III 134 141 145 145 112 138 128 121 Ill lll'.l 106 108 111 190 132 145 130 137 142 143 141 138 12- 120 113 1' ,, 109 102 104 111 122 III, 195 133 13!) 141 13!) 135 12- 119 111 |0| 08 96 97 103 112 147 190 198 136 137 137 133 127 118 no 101 94 91 89 93 101 1 1- 115 193 130 134 134 131 126 117 109 DO in 96 99 84 91 14!) 110 118 125 130 132 130 124 117 108 97 88 81 75 75 79 150 106 111 121 126 129 128 123 116 107 96 a-> 76 (i:i 67 68 51 103 no 117 123 126 126 123 116 107 84 73 61 59 57 52 101 107 114 190 121 125 122 117 108 96 83 71 50 59 1- 53 too 106 112 118 193 194 199 117 109 97 83 70 57 47 40 54 101 105 111 117 121 194 123 118 110 99 85 71 56 43 34 55 102 105 110 116 121 12:i 123 120 113 102 88 73 56 42 30 105 107 111 115 120 123 121 121 115 106 99 76 59 43 99 57 109 109 112 116 120 123 121 123 11- 100 96 81 64 46 31 58 113 112 113 117 190 123 125 1 25 121 114 102 -7 70 59 35 159 119 116 116 118 120 123 126 126 121 118 108 95 78 i, i 42 160 126 122 119 119 121 194 126 128 126 199 lit 103 88 70 52 161 134 198 124 122 193 125 127 I2!l 12!) 127 121 111 98 -2 III 169 14 I 135 130 126 125 196 12- 130 132 131 127 190 108 :n 77 163 154 144 136 131 12!) 12- 130 132 134 135 133 12- 1 l!l 107 91 164 165 154 145 138 133 132 139 134 137 139 130 136 12!) 119 in:, 165 178 165 155 146 140 137 136 137 140 142 Ml 143 138 131 119 166 100 178 166 155 148 143 Ml Ml 113 146 148 149 117 141 131 167 204 101 17- 167 158 151 147 145 147 14!) 159 155 154 150 1 12 168 218 205 192 179 169 160 154 151 151 153 166 I.V.I 159 157 169 231 218 206 192 181 171 163 158 166 157 159 162 163 163 15!) 170 242 939 220 206 194 183 173 166 162 161 162 166 166 Ki7 165 171 252 944 233 220 2,17 r 5 184 175 Hi!) 166 166 11,7 !(,- 170 160 172 969 254 244 233 220 207 196 184 176 171 16!) 169 170 171 171 173 966 260 254 244 839 919 206 194 l-l 176 172 171 170 171 172 174 268 266 261 253 243 230 216 203 191 1-2 175 172 171 171 172 175 267 267 265 260 251 226 212 roe 187 I7'i 171 171 170 171 176 969 966 266 263 257 246 233 21!) 1 ". 1-2 175 171 17'l Mil 177 254 260 264 263 25!) 951 939 226 211 106 l-i, 177 171 li, ' 168 949 251 257 260 258 253 213 230 216 189 179 172 168 11,7 t!7 ' i 998 939 248 254 255 252 211 233 219 906 l-l 173 I6H 165 189 211 2-21 2;t6 244 248 21- 213 233 207 196 1-3 171 167 H, 1 Add 147.64 to Arg. XI. wln'ii 22I''.7 in nublracted from Arg. I. TABLE XXII. Perturbations of the Longitude by the Earth. Horizontal Argument = I. Constant added 1".40. Period of Argument I. 224' ] .7. Arg. XI d o ii 8 i 16 | 24 32 40 d 48 5 ,1 <1 tl 72 d SO d 88 d 96 a 1O4 t 112 180 CO 68 71 78 87 97 108 110 129 140 150 161 172 185 198 181 72 70 71 75 82 00 09 107 116 125 133 143 154 166 170 182 75 72 72 74 70 85 91 08 105 111 118 126 136 147 160 183 70 75 74 75 78 82 86 90 95 09 104 110 119 129 141 184 83 70 77 77 78 80 82 85 87 89 93 06 103 112 123 is:; 87 83 80 70 79 80 80 81 81 82 83 85 89 07 107 186 92 87 84 82 81 80 80 78 77 76 75 /o 78 83 93 187 96 92 88 86 84 82 80 77 75 72 69 63 69 73 81 188 101 06 03 89 87 85 82 78 74 70 66 63 62 64 71 180 105 100 97 94 01 88 85 80 75 6!) 64 60 57 58 63 100 110 105 101 08 05 02 88 83 77 71 64 58 55 54 58 191 115 no 106 103 100 06 02 87 81 74 66 50 54 52 54 102 121 116 112 108 .105 102 97 92 85 78 70 62 56 52 52 193 127 122 117 114 111 108 104 98 01 83- 74 66 58 54 52 194 133 129 124 121 118 114 111 105 08 90 81 71 62 56 53 105 140 136 131 123 125 122 118 113 106 98 83 77 67 60 55 106 147 143 138 136 133 130 127 121 115 106 96 84 73 64 58 197 154 150 146 143 140 138 135 131 124 115 104 02 80 60 61 1!)8 161 157 153 150 148 146 144 140 134 124 113 100 87 75 65 199 168 164 160 157 156 154 .152 149 143 134 122 100 94 81 60 200 173 170 166 164 163 161 160 157 151 143 131 117 102 87 74 201 178 174 171 169 168 167 167 164 159 151 139 125 109 04 70 202 182 178 174 172 172 172 72 70 166 158 147 133 117 100 84 203 184 180 176 174 174 174 75 74 171 1G4 154 140 124 107 00 204 185 180 176 174 174 175 76 76 174 168 159 146 130 113 06 905 184 180 175 173 173 173 75 76 175 171 162 151 136 119 101 206 184 178 173 170 169 170 72 74 174 171 165 155 141 124 107 207 182 175 170 165 164 165 167 70 171 170 165 157 144 129 112 208 181 173 166 160 158 160 162 165 167 167 164 157 147 133 117 209 170 170 162 156 153 153 155 159 162 164 162 157 148 136 120 210 178 168 150 152 148 147 149 153 156 150 159 156 143 137 124 211 170 167 157 149 144 142 142 146 150 154 155 153 148 138 126 212 180 167 156 146 140 137 137 141 145 148 151 150 146 138 127 213 182 169 157 146 130 135 134 136 140 143 147 148 144 133 128 214 186 172 IG;) 148 130 134 132 133 137 141 144 145 143 137 123 215 190 177 164 152 M2 136 133 133 135 139 142 143 141 136 123 216 106 183 170 157 147 130 135 134 136 138 141 142 141 136 120 217 202 190 177 164 153 145 140 138 138 140 142 143 141 137 129 218 207 107 185 172 161 152 146 143 143 143 145 145 143 139 131 210 213 204 193 181 170 163 151 150 14!) 148 149 149 146 '142 135 220 217 210 20!) 180 179 169 162 158 156 155 155 154 151 147 139 2-31 220 215 207 197 187 178 171 166 164 162 162 161 158 153 146 222 222 210 212 21)4 105 186 180 175 172 171 170 160 166 161 154 223 221 220 216 209 201 193 187 183 181 179. 179 178 175 171 163 224 219 220 217 212 205 109 194 190 188 187 187 187 185 181 174 225 215 218 217 213 208 202 198 195 104 104 105 106 105 192 186 226 210 214 214 211 238 204 201 1 00 109 200 202 204 204 232 103 227 202 208 209 208 206 203 201 201 202 205 238 211 213 213 200 228 104 2(10 203 203 202 200 200 201 204 208 313 217 221 222 220 999 184 192 195 107 107 196 197 100 203 208 215 Ml 226 230 22!) 230 174 182 187 189 190 190 192 105 200 207 216 223 230 235 237 231 163 172 177 181 182 183 186 100 196 234 214 223 231 238 241 232 153 161 167 172 173 175 178 183 100 100 210 220 230 839 243 233 142 151 157 162 164 167 170 175 183 102 204 215 227 236 213 234 131 140 147 152 155 158 161 167 174 184 196 209 221 232 240 235 120 130 137 142 145 148 152 157 165 175 187 200 213 225 231 236 110 119 127 132 136 130 142 147 155 165 177 190 203 215 225 237 99 109 117 123- 126 120 132 137 114 153 165 178 102 234 215 238 80 09 107 113 117 110 122 127 133 1-12 153 166 179 192 203 230 80 89 97 103 107 110 112 lib 122 130 140 153 166 179 101 . HMO 71 80 88 94 98 100 102 104 110 117 127 140 153 1 65 177 i The perturbations are expressed in hundrudtlis of a second of arc. TABL.E XXII. /'< rlurtiiiliuii.-: iift/i*' l.ninjititilf lnj the Eurtli. lliiri/iuiiiil Aiguiiiriit = I. lit milled I" i i I 1 , riod Of U] .-lit XI , -JIH units. ,i ,i ,i ,i ,i .1 t ii .1 ,1 .1 d ,1 .1 Arg.Xl 120 law i:tM 170 INI l2 200 20* 210 UN 232 ISO 211 j-ji 936 Jll 848 948 943 833 999 807 195 183 171 167 Hi) 181 193 208 J-JI 23d 339 849 831) 939 899 900 l!>7 1-5 17.-. L67 IG3 1-.' IT:. 190 805 918 898 933 834 'J'J! 1 829 910 198 186 I7(i 168 163 183 IG6 ITS I-- 903 816 J'J 1 ,'.'7 22:. 880 Jin 109 1-7 71, 168 169 l-l 13d IM 171 188 809 213 910 817 Jll!) 199 188 77 168 169 186 121 137 155 179 I-- 801 810 Jl 1 913 908 111!) 188 7- 168 nil l-i, 106 131 139 107 175 100 801 809 805 198 180 7!l 169 n,i 187 n 101 195 III 169 179 199 801 804 : a 197 189 7!) 169 Mil 188 81 96 119 131 160 168 183 194 800 j i i 11)6 189 1711 169 160 160 72 >:, mi 130 140 169 17.-. 187 195 197 196 189 180 170 160 180 65 77 99 111 131 ISO 167 181 190 104 194 i m l-l 171 li,l 1!H Gl) 71 1(13 199 149 160 17.-, I-:. 191 199 188 189 I7'J 162 1'.i2 57 66 79 96 115 135 153 Ill:' 181 188 190 188 183 171 n.l 193 G6 63 7:. mi 10- 198 117 !(.:< 17G 185 18!) 188 l-l 17G 166 1U4 55 60 71 85 102 121 140 157 171 181 187 188 185 179 169 I!).") Gfi 60 G7 80 96 115 133 151 166 177 I-:, 188 l-(i l-l 171 106 66 :.- 64 76 90 108 137 144 160 17)1 I^'J 186 1-7 l-l 178 1(17 67 67 69 72 -:. 101 11!) 137 153 167 178 185 187 186 189 108 69 57 60 68 79 95 119 139 146 nil 173 189 187 188 185 100 Gl 58 58 64 74 88 104 121 139 154 168 178 185 188 188 200 lit 58 57 60 69 81 97 113 130 146 161 17:! 182 187 189 Ml G7 68 66 57 (il 7r, 89 105 139 138 153 166 177 184 I-- 909 71 61 56 .-,:, 60 69 82 '.17 113 139 145 159 170 I7!l 1-:. 903 76 G4 57 54 67 (il 75 89 104 130 135 150 162 172 180 904 80 67 58 54 55 61 6!) 82 96 111 196 140 153 164 173 205 85 71 61 66 .'I 58 65 75 88 101 116 129 1 t-j 154 164 106 90 76 G4 57 54 56 61 70 81 99 105 118 131 142 159 207 95 80 68 60 56 56 51) 66 74 -1 96 107 II!) 139 110 208 Kid 85 72 61 57 56 :,7 69 69 77 87 96 107 116 136 20!) 105 90 77 67 60 57 56 60 65 71 78 -ii !)5 103 112 210 10!) 94 81 70 62 58 56 58 61 66 71 .77 84 91 98 211 119 97 84 73 65 60 57 57 60 62 65 (ill 71 7!) 86 Bit! 114 100 87 7G 67 61 58 57 57 59 61 -62 66 69 74 913 115 102 JO 79 69 63 59 57 56 66 57 57 59 61 65 214 116 104 91 80 71 64 60 57 56 60 55 54 55 55 57 215 117 105 93 81 72 65 60 58 56 55 54 69 52 :.i 61 9H> 118 106 94 82 73 66 61 58 57 66 .-,1 51 50 4!) 48 217 11!) 107 KS 84 75 67 62 69 58 :.7 .-,:, 69 50 48 46 918 121 109 97 86 76 69 64 Gl 69 58 57 54 52 49 46 21!) 194 113 100 89 79 71 66 63 61 61 59 57 55 52 48 990 129 117 104 93 83 75 6!) 66 64 63 69 60 58 55 61 981 1 35 123 111 99 88 71) 74 70 68 68 67 (.1 62 60 .-,:, 993 143 131 118 106 96 86 80 7.-) 73 7'J 79 69 67 (il (in 33 1 53 141 128 116 104 94 87 82 80 7') 77 75 73 69 Gl 994 164 153 140 127 115 105 97 91 87 85 84 81 7!) 7:. 6!) 225 177 166 153 140 128 117 108 101 97 95 !)2 88 85 81 7.-. 226 190 180 167 K,4 142 130 120 113 107 103 100 96 92 87 80 9S7 203 193 189 16!) 156 III 134 125 11!) 114 110 105 100 94 86 228 2 1 5 21)7 1!Ki Iri4 171 159 148 139 131 195 120 114 108 mi IK! 999 226 21!) 209 198 186 173 162 152 144 137 131 194 117 108 100 930 231 232 233 234 234 241 245 24G 244 230 238 244 246 246 221 231 338 242 244 211 222 231 2:56 239 19!) 211 221 228 232 187 900 210 218 224 176 189 200 209 216 166 178 190 200 207 157 169 181 191 200 149 161 172 183 192 142 153 165 17.-, 185 134 145 156 167 177 127 137 148 158 169 118 ISti 138 149 159 109 117 187 137 148 235 236 987 sea 939 240 240 233 224 213 201 188 243 237 229 219 207 196 242 238 231 222 211 201 239 936 230 223 214 204 233 232 938 222 214 901 227 227 224 220 213 206 220 221 220 217 212 206 913 216 217 216 919 207 206 211 Jll Jll Jll 209 200 206 211 212 'JI3 911 1114 201 907 911 213 213 187 196 203 208 819 814 179 189 1*17 Jill 210 214 170 180 190 196 908 211 ISO 170 180 I'.M) 1 - Add 147.64 to Are. XI. when 224'>.7 is subtracted from Arg. I. 40 TABLE XX1I1. Perturbations of the Longitude by Mars. Horizontal Argument = I. Constant added 0'M3. Period of Argument 1., 224<1.7. Aif. XII. 4 d i d 16 cl 24 d 32 d 40 i 48 d 158 d 61 d 72 d 80 d 88 d 96 104 d 112 3 4 6 9 12 15 17 20 23 24 26 26 26 26 24 1 1 2 3 5 8 11 14 17 20 22 24 26 26 26 26 2 1 1 1 3 5 8 10 14 17 19 22 24 25 26 26 3 2 1 1 1 3 5 7 10 13 16 19 21 23 24 25 4 4 2 1 1 2 3 5 8 10 13 16 18 20 22 23 5 6 4 3 2 2 2 4 6 8 11 13 16 18 20 21 6 8 6 4 3 3 2 3 5 7 9 11 14 16 18 20 7 1! 8 6 5 4 3 4 6 6 8 10 13 15 16 18 8 12 10 8 6 5 4 4 5 6 7 9 12 14 16 18 9 14 12 10 7 6 5 5 5 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 10 15 13 11 9 7 6 5 5 5 6 8 10 12 15 17 11 17 15 13 11 8 7 5 6 5 5 7 9 II 14 16 12 18 17 15 12 10 8 6 5 5 5 6 7 9 13 15 13 20 19 17 15 12 10 8 6 6 5 5 6 8 10 13 11 21 21 19 17 15 13 10 8 6 5 5 5 6 8 10 15 22 22 21 19 17 16 13 10 8 7 6 5 6 7 9 16 21 22 22 21 19 18 15 13 11 9 7 (i 6 6 8 17 20 21 21 21 20 19 J8 15 13 11 9 8 7 7 7 18 17 19 20 20 20 20 19 17 15 13 11 10 9 8 8 19 15 16 18 19 19 19 19 17 16 15 13 11 10 9 9 20 13 15 15 16 17 18 18 17 16 15 14 12 11 10 10 21 12 13 14 15 15 16 16 16 15 14 13 12 11 11 10 22 12 13 13 14 14 15 15 14 14 14 13 12 11 10 10 23 13 13 14 14 14 14 14 14 13 13 12 11 10 9 9 24 15 15 15 15 15 15 14 14 13 12 12 10 9 8 8 25 10 16 16 16 16 16 16 15 14 13 12 11 9 8 7 26 16 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 16 15 13 12 10 9 7 27 16 16 17 ifl 18 19 19 18 18 17 15 14 12 10 8 28 14 15 16 17 18 19 19 19 19 19 18 16 14 13 11 29 12 13 14 15 16 18 19 20 20 20 19 18 17 15 13 30 10 11 11 13 14 16 17 19 20 20 20 20 19 17 15 31 9 9 10 12 13 15 17 18 19 20 20 19 18 17 32 !) 9 8 9 9 11 12 14 16 17 18 19 19 19 18 33 11 9 8 8 8 9 10 12 13 15 16 17 18 18 18 34 13 11 9 8 8 8 9 10 11 12 14 15 16 16 17 35 15 13 11 10 9 8 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 15 36 18 16 13 11 10 9 9 9 10 10 11 12 13 14 14 37 20 18 16 14 12 10 10 10 10 10 11 12 13 14 14 38 22 20 18 15 14 12 11 11 10 11 11 12 13 14 14 39 23 21 19 17 15 13 12 11 11 11 12 13 13 14 15 40 24 23 21 18 17 15 13 12 11 11 12 13 13 14 15 41 25 24 22 20 18 16 14 13 12 11 18 12 13 14 15 42 26 25 24 22 20 18 15 14 12 12 11 12 13 14 15 43 28 27 26 24 22 23 17 15 13 12 11 12 12 13 14 44 28 28 28 26 24 22 23 17 15 13 12 11 11 12 13 45 28 29 29 28 27 25 23 20 17 15 13 12 11 11 12 46 27 28 29 29 28 27 25 23 20 18 16 14 13 12 12 47 24 26 28 29 2!) 28 27 25 23 20 18 16 14 13 12 48 21 24 26 27 28 28 28 26 25 23 21 19 16 15 14 49 18 20 23 25 26 27 27 27 26 24 22 20 19 17 15 50 16 17 20 22 24 25 26 26 25 25 23 22 2!) 18 17 51 13 15 17 19 21 23 24 24 24 24 23 22 21 19 18 52 12 14 16 17 If) 21 22 23 21! 23 22 21 20 19 18 53 12 13 15 17 18 20 21 21 22 22 21 21 20 19 17 54 12 14 15 17 18 19 20 21 21 21 21 20 19 18 17 55 12 14 15 17 18 23 21 21 21 21 20 20 19 18 16 56 12 14 15 17 19 2;) 21 22 22 22 22 21 20 18 17 57 10 12 14 17 19 20 22 2-3 23 24 23 22 21 20 18 58 8 10 12 \:> 17 20 21 23 24 25 25 24 23 22 20 59 5 7 9 12 15 17 23 22 24 25 26 26 25 24 22 6) 3 4 6 9 12 15 17 21 23 24 26 26 26 26 24 The perturbation! are expressed in hundredth* of a second of tin: TABLE \\III. 41 Partarfaffow /'// Lin>ituii. IVnoil ot'Argiiinriit XII., GO unite. Arg. XII lio a 1* .1 136 ,1 111 .1 1-52 160 IN 176 ll INI -I 192 too SON .1 216 J-JI M 23 81 10 17 16 13 19 11 10 10 10 II 19 14 16 1 85 2:1 81 1!) i; 16 14 19 11 11 11 II ii 19 13 *i K5 M 83 89 80 Iti 16 16 13 18 19 II 19 19 13 :t 85 M 83 21 80 18 17 15 14 13 13 13 13 1:1 4 M -,'l 21 83 89 21 19 18 17 16 16 II 14 II 11 B 22 ,':i 83 88 J-' 20 I'.i IS 17 17 16 16 16 M K 6 21 21 81 .'i M 80 1!) 18 17 16 Hi H, Hi 16 16 7 80 20 ."i 80 19 18 17 16 Hi 18 16 16 16 16 8 19 Ji 80 80 19 18 17 16 16 14 II 14 14 M K y 19 80 80 20 1!) 18 17 16 15 14 13 la I'J in 14 10 19 20 21 21 21 20 18 17 16 13 12 n II il II n 18 20 21 89 2-2 81 80 18 16 II 13 n 10 !l 10 13 17 19 21 89 23 j:t 89 JI 111 Hi 14 12 11 . !> :P 13 iii 18 JI J:t M M .'I 2:! 21 10 17 n N 10 9 14 13 16 19 21 23 24 r. M 2:1 21 N 17 14 M 111 15 11 M 17 80 22 24 86 86 25 23 22 20 17 HS 12 ii; 10 19 IS 18 20 89 M -.'.-, 86 86 24 22 80 17 H 17 !) 11 13 16 Iti 21 23 94 86 96 96 M 22 111 17 Iti !) in 12 14 17 W .'1 83 86 25 85 86 98 HI n 1!) !) 10 11 111 re 18 20 ,"-' M M jr, 25 24 23 ll M 10 10 n i:t K 17 1!) 21 B 25 86 26 m 24 sti 1 I Id 11 N n 16 19 81 23 M 86 26 96 2r, j; 99 !i 10 n 12 13 15 18 20 81 Ji 2:> 27 27 26 9) 83 9 !t 9 HI 12 14 16 1- 22 23 25 27 27 27 27 24 7 7 8 9 10 N 15 17 20 22 at 26 28 28 28 15 6 6 6 6 8 10 12 14 17 20 22 25 27 28 29 % 6 .', 5 5 5 7 9 11 14 17 20 23 2T> 27 88 27 7 5 5 4 4 5 6 8 11 14 16 20 2-2 25 27 J- 8 7 5 4 4 4 4 6 8 10 18 16 l!l 2-2 24 29 11 7 5 4 4 4 5 6 8 10 13 16 I'.I 21 30 13 11 9 8 6 5 4 5 5 6 8 10 13 Hi 18 31 i:. 14 12 10 8 7 6 5 r. 6 7 9 11 13 16 n 17 15 1:1 12 10 9 8 7 7 7 7 8 10 12 II 33 17 16 14 13 12 10 9 8 8 8 8 9 10 12 13 34 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 9 9 9 10 II 12 13 35 15 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 9 9 9 10 11 12 14 86 14 14 13 12 11 10 9 9 8 8, 9 9 10 19 14 37 14 13 IB 12 11 9 8 8 7 7 7 8 i 11 13 38 14 14 13 12 11 9 8 7 6 5 5 6 7 !l II 39 15 15 14 13 11 10 8 6 5 4 4 4 5 6 8 40 16 16 15 14 13 11 9 7 5 4 3 2 3 3 ."> II 16 17 17 16 15 13 11 9 7 5 3 2 1 2 3 42 16 17. 17 17 17 15 14 12 9 7 5 3 2 1 1 43 16 17 18 18 18 17 16 14 12 !l 7 5 3 1 1 44 14 16 17 18 19 18 18 17 15 12 10 7 5 It 9 45 13 14 16 17 18 19 19 18 17 15 12 10 7 5 3 46 12 19 16 16 17 n 19 18 18 16 M 12 10 8 :. 47 13 13 14 15 16 18 18 18 18 17 Hi 14 12 10 8 48 13 13 14 15 16 17 18 18 18 18 17 16 14 I-J 10 49 15 14 14 15 16 17 17 18 18 18 18 17 16 13 II 50 16 15 15 15 16 17 17 18 19 19 19 18 17 I.', 13 51 17 16 16 16 16 17 18 18 19 l!l 111 19 1- 17 14 52 17 16 16 16 16 17 18 19 19 20 20 20 1!) 18 16 5:1 17 16 16 IB 16 17 17 18 20 20 21 91 21 88 Iri 54 16 15 15 15 15 16 17 17 19 20 21 21 89 21 20 55 If! 14 16 13 13 14 15 1(i 17 19 20 21 22 88 21 56 16 14 19 12 n l-> 13 14 16 17 1- 20 21 81 2-2 57 l(> 14 i:i 12 n 11 11 n 13 15 w 1- l!l ji 21 58 18 16 II M n 11 10 10 11 a 14 18 17 18 19 n 20 18 16 14 13 11 10 10 10 n 11 1:1 14 H, 17 6o 23 21 19 17 15 i:t 12 11 10 HI HI 11 u II IT. M 19.6 to Arg. XII. when 224 d .7 is subtracted from Arg. I. TABLE XXIV. Perturbations of the Longitude li Jupiter. Horizontal Argument = I. Constant added 2".35. 1'eriod of Argument I. 224 ll .7. * ,. d a d d d d d d d d d d d d d Aig. XIII. 16 24 32 40 48 56 64 72 8 06 1O4 112 205 209 216 226 237 248 259 268 275 278 280 279 276 271 268 1 1 85 184 188 194 204 214 226 236 245 253 257 25!) 258 256 254 a 169 164 163 166 173 182 193 204 215 221 231 237 239 240 238 3 158 147 142 111 144 151 160 171 183 194 204 212 218 221 222 4 150 136 126 121 120 123 130 140 151 163 175 186 195 201 204 5 145 12S 115 105 100 100 104 111 121 133 146 158 1,0 17!) 185 6 143 125 108 95 86 82 82 86 04 1 04 117 131 144 156 164 7 143 123 1(15 89 77 68 64 65 70 79 90 104 118 132 143 8 143 124 105 87 72 61 53 50 52 57 67 7!) 93 108 121 9 143 126 108 89 72 58 47 40 38 40 47 58 71 85 100 10 142 128 111 93 75 59 46 36 30 29 32 40 51 65 79 11 140 129 115 99 81 65 4!) 37 28 23 23 27 36 47 61 IS 136 . 129 11!) 105 89 73 57 42 31 23 19 20 25 34 45 13 130 128 121 111 98 83 67 52 38 28 21 18 1!) 25 34 14 124 125 122 116 106 94 79 61 50 37 27 21 19 21 27 15 116 120 122 120 114 105 92 73 64 50 38 29 24 22 24 16 109 115 12!) 122 120 115 1C6 94 80 66 53 42 34 28 27 17 103 111) 117 123 125 124 119 109 98 85 71 58 48 40 35 13 96 105 114 122 129 131 130 124 116 104 91 78 65 55 47 H 92 101 111 122 131 137 140 138 133 124 112 99 85 73 63 20 ni 99 10) 121 132 142 149 151 149 142 133 121 108 94 82 21 92 99 108 120 133 146 166 161 163 160 153 143 131 117 104 22 95 101 10!) 121 135 149 161 170 176 177 173 165 154 141 128 23 100 105 112 123 136 151 166 178 187 191 190 186 177 165 152 24 108 111 118 127 139 154 170 184 196 204 206 205 199 189 177 117 120 125 133 144 168 174 190 203 214 220 222 219 211 201 26 128 130 131 141 ISO 163 178 194 210 223 232 237 237 2i!2 224 27 139 142 1 45 151 159 170 184 199 215 230 241 24!) 95S 251 245 28 151 1 55 158 163 169 178 190 205 220 236 219 260 266 267 264 29 164 168 171 175 180 188 198 211 226 241 255 268 277 281 281 30 177 181 165 189 194 199 207 218 231 246 261 274 285 292 906 31 190 196 200 204 208 212 218 227 238 251 265 279 991 301 307 32 204 210 215 21!) 222 226 230 237 245 256 269 283 296 307 316 33 21!) 224 229 234 237 240 243 248 254 963 273 286 299 311 322 34 235 239 241 2-1!! 252 255 257 260 264 270 278 289 301 314 326 35 251 254 259 263 267 26!) 271 273 275 278 284 292 303 315 327 36 268 270 274 278 281 284 286 286 287 988 291 297 305 315 327 37 287 287 289 292 296 298 300 300 299 299 999 302 307 316 396 38 306 304 305 306 309 311 313 313 312 310 308 308 311 316 325 39 326 322 321 aai 322 324 325 325 324 321 318 316 316 318 324 40 346 341 337 325 335 336 337 337 336 333 328 324 321 321 324 41 366 359 354 350 348 347 348 348 346 343 339 333 32!) 325 325 42 386 378 37.) B65 361 358 B68 357 356 353 348 343 336 331 327 43 405 3% 387 379 373 369 867 366 364 362 357 351 '344 337 331 44 422 413 403 394 386 380 375 373 371 369 365 359 352 344 336 45 436 428 418 408 398 390 383 379 376 374 371 366 359 351 341 m 447 440 431 420 409 399 391 384 381 373 375 371 365 357 347 47 4. 14 450 441 4:il 419 408 398 390 381 381 378 374 369 362 353 48 ' 457 455 44!) 43!l 428 415 404 394 367 332 378 375 371 365 357 49 455 456 452 414 433 421 409 398 388 382 378 371 371 367 860 50 448 452 451 446 436 425 412 400 38!) 381 376 372 369 366 861 51 436 443 445 442 435 426 413 401 889 380 373 363 365 363 359 52 419 429 434 434 430 423 412 4(10 388 377 36!) 363 360 358 355 53 897 410 413 421 421 416 407 396 384 373 364 357 353 350 349 54 372 386 397 404 406 404 398 389 378 363 358 350 345 342 341 55 344 35!) 372 381 386 388 385 379 370 360 351 342 336 332 331 56 315 32!) 343 354 362 367 368 365 358 350 341 333 326 322 320 57 385 298 312 :'.2 1 335 342 346 346 343 337 330 333 315 310 307 68 2:.6 967 279 202 304 313 380 324 324 321 316 310 304 298 905 59 2','!) 2:',7 217 850 271 281 991 2! 17 301 301 299 296 990 2-5 282 ft 205 209 216 326 237 248 25!) 26s 275 278 960 279 276 271 263 The perturbations are expressed in liundreilllis of a seeond of arc. TABLE XXIV. 43 Perturbations <>/' tin- Longitude In/ Jii/ii/cr. Horizontal Arguinanl = 1. Constant added I lVri.,.l nCAr^mn. -ul Mil . (i ' units. Arg. XIII 120 12N i:j ail ,i 160 ION 176 1*1 .1 00 20* ,i 216 221 22 965 964 966 949 189 172 157 117 1 251 250 251 959 861 946 1-7 168 150 136 2 936 935 935 936 937 817 1-5 11,0 146 190 3 891 .... , 910 919 .j.j , -Ml 999 991 2I-* 910 198 I-:; 11,1 146 196 4 905 206 801 199 17:' 163 146 195 5 188 1- i 180 188 188 188 190 191 191 i- i l-l 175 161 115 196 6 171 171 171 171 173 171 175 176 I7li 171 168 158 1 II 198 7 169 157 nit 160 160 150 168 I.V.I n,i 169 169 159 153 143 190 8 139 140 146 1 17 117 146 1 15 1 15 i I,, 148 1 i II!' 147 140 130 11 113 193 134 134 139 139 139 134 I: - 138 136 ISO 10 83 105 115 191 193 193 I'-!'.' 190 190 191 193 I-J7 190 130 !'.'- II 75 100 106 1 12 II 1 113 III IM 110 119 115 i-.'o 193 194 12 69 73 - 96 Ml 104 M", 103 109 mi 109 M5 no 115 11!) 13 46 69 79 88 01 96 98 97 94 94 97 101 M7 114 14 36 48 60 72 81 -- 99 91 89 89 101 109 15 31 40 51 69 73 81 86 88 88 87 85 86 89 96 104 16 80 36 45 66 66 75 39 85 86 96 -1 84 87 92 101) 17 34 37 43 52 61 71 78 86 86 85 85 87 !)() 1- 43 42 15 51 69 68 76 82 88 88 86 89 98 1!) 16 89 52 :,:, 60 68 75 89 -7 91 09 93 93 06 100 20 73 66 69 62 65 70 77 84 90 95 97 98 II!) 101 105 21 93 77 7:! 7:! 76 81 87 94 99 103 105 107 109 119 115 103 94 88 85 88 93 106 110 113 IHi 118 181 98 189 196 115 106 100 98 Ml UK; 119 M8 122 126 12!) 181 84 163 150 137 127 118 113 111 112 116 101 127 132 136 140 143 25 188 175 162 150 139 132 127 126 198 132 137 142 148 152 156 M 213 900 1-7 171 169 153 146 ! 13 1 12 1 II i ri 164 169 16.5 16!) 9? 986 996 819 199 1-7 176 167 162 169 l.v.i IfiSI 166 179 178 1*3 98 968 248 237 -"J 1 212 900 190 183 178 17(1 177 1-1 186 191 P. 17 277 270 260 949 987 095 214 206 100 196 104 196 200 905 211 3D 986 290 282 273 262 250 240 230 222 216 .'i:i 213 216 220 226 31 309 807 302 996 286 275 965 255 946 939 934 232 2:i:i 236 240 32 321 899 390 815 308 899 989 96 > 270 969 252 861 253 256 330 834 335 333 898 321 313 304 996 286 870 J7I 271 970 872 84 336 349 347 348 346 341 335 398 31!) 311 303 991 289 86 339 848 355 359 361 359 866 350 849 834 887 819 313 308 886 36 340 351 360 368 379 371 373 360 864 857 350 849 034 32!) :!.' l 37 338 351 362 372 380 886 887 386 883 37fl 372 864 866 349 343 336 849 361 374 384 399 398 400 1 807 399 886 370 369 ::;i 333 315 358 372 385 396 410 413 413 110 405 898 889 :;-! 40 330 340 353 368 889 396 407 416 422 425 486 422 416 408 399 41 328 336 361 376 899 406 4IH 1-7 434 436 435 431 494 416 40 397 839 340 363 368 384 101 416 498 437 443 445 III 130 43 898 389 3:!4 345 358 375 3!>2 409 494 437 446 451 469 449 443 44 380 32-i 329 337 348 363 3SO 899 416 431 443 452 466 455 151 43 :!:!:! 888 326 330 338 351 367 I 1 421 436 II- 466 46 330 393 394 329 352 870 388 407 421 439 449 455 47 343 333 885 321 897 838 353 371 390 408 us 447 |5| 48 347 887 887 !il!) 315 317 324 336 359 370 407 422 184 441 49 351 341 329 319 312 309 312 320 889 848 367 385 1 .' 416 496 50 353 344 332 :!-'! 311 304 302 305 314 397 843 36 > 37- 804 406 51 52 863 346 345 886 836 323 32 1 311 312 801 909 2! 15 2!H) 293 984 306 319 835 300 361 :> 1 868 840 889 355 53 'illi 342 335 3-.'5 313 987 277 271 275 :ilo 325 54 339 337 332 884 313 889 285 273 989 100 269 980 908 55 57 58 60 60 330 819 306 903 '-'Ii5 329 819 307 294 879 964 326 318 307 295 280 265 320 311 305 996 381 266 311 -'-I 967 297 903 987 978 266 284 2-1 277 J7I 262 270 368 266 264 254 257 948 . 1 -. 949 247 999 998 241 229 2.' ' 914 2ID 240 910 193 l- i 944 999 804 i- i I7'J 179 252 895 I6tl 157 96)1 233 1-.' ii,-.: 147 Add 3.11 to Arg. XIII. when 224< l .7 is subtract.;,! Inmi Arg. 1. 1 1 IT 44 TABLE XXV. Perturbations of the Longitude by Satiini. Horizontal Argument = I. Constant added 0".40. Period of Argument I., 224i'.7. Ar. XIV. a o d 9 a 16 d 24 d 32 d 40 d 4 (1 56 d 64 d 72 d 80 d S d 96 d 104 d 112 39 43 47 54 GO 66 72 77 80 81 81 80 78 75 72 1 37 39 43 48 54 01 67 72 77 79 80 80 79 76 74 a 36 36 39 43 48 54 61 67 72 76 78 79 78 77 74 3 36 Oft 35 fj/t 35 OO 38 0,1 42 da 47 Jn 54 AC 60 66 Rn 71 fid 75 an 77 77 76 74 5 OO 37 O4 34 OO 31 O** 30 ou 31 <*u 34 4o 39 52 44 ov 51 0*1 57 Ut/ 63 67 70 71 71 c 38 34 31 28 28 2!) 32 37 42 49 55 60 C5 67 68 7 38 34 31 27 25 25 27 30 34 40 46 52 58 62 64 8 38 34 31 27 24 22 22 24 27 33 38 44 50 55 59 9 37 34 31 27 23 21 19 19 21 25 30 35 42 47 52 10 35 33 30 26 23 19 17 16 1C 18 22 27 33 39 45 11 33 31 29 26 22 19 16 14 13 14 16 20 25 31 37 12 30 29 27 25 22 19 15 12 11 10 11 14 18 24 29 13 27 do 25 23 21 18 15 12 9 8 8 9 12 17 22 14 25 24 23 22 20 18 15 12 9 7 6 G 8 11 16 15 2:1 22 21 20 19 17 15 12 9 7 5 4 5 7 11 1C a:i 21 20 19 18 16 15 13 10 8 5 4 3 4 7 17 24 21 19 18 17 1G 15 13 11 8 6 4 3 3 4 18 26 23 20 19 17 16 15 13 12 10 7 5 4 3 3 19 29 26 23 20 19 17 16 15 13 11 9 7 5 4 3 20 33 30 26 23 21 19 18 16 15 13 11 9 7 5 4 21 38 34 31 27 25 22 20 19 17 16 14 12 10 8 6 22 42 39 36 32 29 26 24 22 20 19 17 15 13 11 9 23 46 44 42 38 35 32 29 27 24 22 21 19 17 15 13 24 50 50 47 44 41 38 34 32 29 27 25 23 21 19 17 25 54 54 53 50 47 44 41 38 35 32 30 28 26 24 22 26 56 58 57 56 54 51 47 44 41 38 36 34 31 29 27 27 . 58 60 61 61 59 57 54 51 48 44 42 39 37 35 32 28 58 62 64 65 65 63 60 57 54 51 48 45 43 41 36 29 58 63 66 68 69 68 66 63 60 57 54 51 49 47 44 30 57 62 67 70 72 72 71 69 66 63 60 57 55 52 50 31 54 61 66 70 73 75 75 74 71 69 66 63 60 57 55 32 52 58 64 69 74 76 77 77 76 73 71 68 65 62 60 33 48 55 61 67 72 76 79 79 79 77 75 72 69 67 64 34 45 51 57 64 69 74 78 80 81 80 78 76 73 70 68 35 42 47 52 59 65 71 76 79 81 81 80 78 76 73 70 36 39 43 47 54 60 66 72 77 80 81 81 80 78 75 72 The perturbations are expressed in hundredths of a second of arc. TAIILI-: xxv. /' rtitrliiilitiH.-i nfl/if /,.>'/<>("/< />;/ Kilurn. linn, audit = I CiHisluiit iiddvd II". lil. IViind i.C . \rgmi i.-nl XIV., M units. \ r** .1 d d .1 d d d .1 d ,! d d d d XIV. i*o I3M 186 III 154 100 ION 170 ISI 200 SON 310 9JM 33 70 G8 60 83 61 68 69 18 4r. 41 37 87 40 1 71 00 67 88 63 0] 5! 47 44 40 88 80 37 g 72 60 87 03 61 57 64 46 43 80 86 3 79 (i'.p 87 64 83 61 60 67 55 69 1- 44 40 8fl 34 4 71 00 in; 64 09 60 68 49 45 41 37 34 5 70 88 68 69 60 68 56 06 83 69 40 40 19 34 6 68 86 in 01 56 54 61 50 48 M 42 SB 36 7 88 64 69 60 67 :.| 59 60 48 47 41) 44 49 38 86 8 00 61 GO 68 59 49 47 40 44 43 1-' 40 34 9 56 57 57 66 63 50 47 46 43 41 40 30 86 34 10 49 69 53 53 51 49 M 43 40 88 37 36 :i.i 34 39 11 49 46 4'.) 60 49 47 45 49 38 36 34 33 31 31 29 19 I!.-, 40 41 46 47 46 44 41 38 86 32 30 28 27 13 18 83 38 42 43 44 43 40 37 34 31 29 27 26 94 14 91 27 32 37 40 41 41 40 37 34 31 28 96 Jl 93 16 18 21 27 32 36 39 40 39 38 35 32 28 96 23 21 16 11 16 21 27 32 86 33 80 36 33 30 27 24 M 17 7 11 10 99 28 89 36 38 89 38 86 89 29 96 93 18 5 8 13 1- 93 29 83 37 38 39 37 35 39 29 to 4 6 10 15 20 25 31 35 33 40 40 38 36 39 20 4 6 8 12 17 23 28 33 33 40 41 41 40 37 33 91 6 6 8 11 15 20 26 3C 37 40 43 44 43 41 38 99 8 8 9 11 14 19 24 30 86 40 44 46 47 48 43 93 11 10 10 12 14 18 23 23 84 39 44 47 49 4!) 43 Jl 16 13 13 13 15 18 99 27 33 39 44 48 51 53 63 96 19 17 16 16 16 18 22 2G 32 38 43 49 53 .-,:, 50 90 24 22 20 19 19 20 22 26 31 36 43 48 53 57 5'J 27 30 27 25 23 99 22 23 26 30 35 41 47 53 61 28 35 33 30 28 26 25 25 27 30 34 40 46 52 58 02 29 41 39 3G 33 30 29 28 28 30 34 38 44 50 57 69 30 47 44 41 38 35 33 31 30 31 33 37 42 48 68 60 31 53 60 47 44 41 38 35 33 33 34 36 40 46 69 32 57 55 52 49 46 42 39 36 86 34 86 39 43 49 66 :i:i 63 GO 57 54 51 47 44 40 38 36 36 37 41 45 51 34 65 63 61 58 55 52 48 45 41 39 37 37 39 42 47 35 68 66 64 61 59' 56 53 49 48 41 39 37 38 39 43 36 8j 70 63 66 63 61 59 " 52 48 45 41 38 37 37 40 Add 0.8 to Arg. XIV. when 224-'.7 ia subtracted from Arg. I. TABLE XXVI. Lntrarillim of the Elliptic Radius Vector for BBS = 0. Constant subtracted 0.0000257. Period of Argument I. 'J'JI'1.7008. Arg. I. a O.O a 0.1 a O.2 d 0.3 a 0.4 a O.5 ii O.G a 0.7 d 0.8 a O.9 UilT. for 0-1.1. a 9.8563298 63298 63298 63299 63300 63301 63302 63304 63305 63307 + 1 1 63310 63312 63315 63318 63321 63324 63328 63332 63336 63341 4 2 63345 63350 ^3355 63360 63366 63372 63378 63384 63391 63397 6 3 63404 63412 63419 63427 63435 63443 63451 63460 63469 63478 8 4 63487 63497 63507 63517 63527 63538 635 18 63559 63571 63582 11 5 63594 63606 63618 63630 63643 63656 C3669 63682 63696 63710 13 6 63724 63738 63752 63767 63782 63797 63813 63828 63844 63860 15 7 63877 63893 63910 63927 63945 63962 63980 63998 64016 64035 18 8 64053 64072 64092 64111 64131 64150 64171 64191 64211 64232 20 9 64253 64274 64296 64317 64339 64362 64384 64407 64429 64452 22 10 64476 64499 64523 64547 64571 64595 64620 64645 64670 64695 25 11 64721 64747 64773 64799 64825 64852 64879 64906 64933 64961 27 12 64989 65017 65045 65073 65102 65131 65160 65189 65219 65249 29 13 65279 65309 65340 65370 65401 65432 65464 65495 65527 65559 31 14 65591 65624 65656 65689 65722 65756 65789 65823 65857 65891 33 15 65925 65960 65995 66030 66065 66100 66136 66172 66208 66244 36 16 66281 66318 66354 66392 66429 66467 66504 66542 66581 66619 38 17 66658 66697 66736 66775 66814 66854 66894 66934 66974 67015 40 18 67055 67096 67137 67179 67220 67262 67304 67346 67388 67431 42 19 67474 67517 67560 67603 67647 67691 67734 67779 67823 67868 44 20 67912 67957 68002 68048 68093 68139 68185 68231 68278 68324 46 21 68371 68418 68465 68512 68560 68609 68656 68704 68752 68800 48 22 68849 68898 68947 68996 69046 69095 69145 69195 69245 69296 50 23 69346 69397 69448 69499 69550 69602 69654 69706 69758 69810 52 24 69862 69915 69968 70021 70074 70127 70181 70234 70288 70342 53 25 70396 70451 70505 70560 70615 70670 70726 70781 70837 70893 55 . 26 70949 71005 71061 71118 71174 71231 71288 71345 71403 71460 57 27 71518 71576 71031 71692 71751 71809 71868 71927 71986 72045 59 28 72105 72164 72224 72284 72344 72404 72464 72525 72586 72646 60 29 72707 72769 72830 72891 72953 73015 .73077 73139 73201 73264 62 30 73326 73389 73452 73515 73578 73642 73705 73769 73833 73897 63 31 73961 74025 74089 74154 74219 74284 74319 74414 74479 74544 65 1 32 74610 74676 74742 74808 74874 74940 75007 75073 75140 75207 66 33 75274 75341 75408 75476 75543 75611 75679 75747 75815 75883 88 34 75951 76020 76089 76157 76226 76295 76364 76434 76503 76573 69 35 76642 76712 76782 76852 76922 76993 77063 77134 77204 77275 70 36 77346 77417 77488 77560 77631 77703 77774 77846 77918 77990 72 37 78062 78134 78207 78279 78352 78425 78497 78570 78643 78716 7?i 38 78790 78863 78937 79010 79084 79158 79232 79306 79380 79454 74 39 79528 79603 79677 79752 79827 79902 79977 80052 80127 80202 75 40 80277 80352 80428 80504 80580 80656 80732 80808 80884 80960 76 41 81036 81113 81189 81266 81343 81419 81496 81573 81650 81727 77 42 81805 81882 81959 82037 82114 82192 82270 82348 82425 82503 78 43 82582 82660 82738 82816 82895 82973 83052 83130 83209 83288 78 44 83366 83445 83524 83603 83682 83762 83841 83920 84000 84079 79 45 84159 84238 84318 84398 84477 84557 84637 84717 84797 84877 80 46 84958 85038 85118 85199 85279 85359 85410 85521 85601 85682 81 47 9.8585763 85844 85924 86005 86086 86167 86249 86330 86411 86492 + 81 TABLE XXVI. 47 i-ithiH of 1 In- Klliptir ]{u,liu* V, <;,,,- !.,,- tjj = 0. C.,ii!.t:iiit ,.|i!itr:;rtril (I.IIIMI Ar-. I. .1 0.0 ,1 O.I .1 cl .1 0.1 0..5 .1 .1 o.r .1 O.8 j O.3 for ii .1 ' is 9.8586573 86655 86736 Mis 17 86899 86980 870(12 v, 1 1 1 49 > N7171 87552 87716 s77!is 87880 87962 88!) I] 88126 82 50 51 88208 89031 S8290 89111 SS373 89196 89279 89362 88613 8!) 1 1 1 89527 89609 88861 89692 88!) Ill 81(775 82 83 52 89857 s!)9 10 90023 90106 90189 90354 ill) 137 90520 90608 S3 53 90686 90769 908.V.' 90934 91017 91100 91183 !H 266 91349 91432 83 51 91516 91599 ill 68-_> 91765 91848 91931 9201 1 92097 92263 55 92316 92 129 92513 92596 92679 92762 92845 ! 12928 98011 930!) 1 83 56 93177 93260 93311 93 127 93510 93593 98676 9375!) 938 12 93925 57 94008 91091 94174 1)1257 91310 !) 1 123 91506 915V!) 94672 91755 83 58 94838 91921 95001 ! 15086 95169 95252 95335 95118 95500 95583 59 95666 957 1!) ! 1583 1 95911 95996 96079 96162 962 1 1 96327 96109 83 60 96493 9657 1 96656 96821 96903 96986 97068 97150 97232 82 61 97311 97396 97478 97560 976 12 9772 1 97806 !)7sss 97970 98052 62 98134 98215 98297 98 160 98542 98623 98705 98786 !IS8li7 82 63 98949 99030 99111 9!) If 12 99273 99351 99 135 !)!).-> 16 99597 99678 81 61 9.6599759 99839 99920 tooooi 00081 00162 00212 00323 00103 00183 80 65 9.86005(13 006 13 00721 (HIS01 00684 00963 01013 01123 01203 01282 80 66 01362 01112 01 521 01600 01680 0175!) 01838 011)17 0191)6 02075 71) 67 02151 02233 02311 023!IO 02469 02517 02626 02701 02782 02860 78 68 02938 03016 030!) 1 03172 03250 03328 03105 03483 03560 03638 7s 69 03715 03792 03*69 03!) 16 01023 01100 01177 125 1 01330 01107 77 70 04483 01560 01636 01712 01788 Ols6 I 04940 05016 050!) 1 05167 7(1 71 052 12 05:; is 05393 05168 05513 05(518 05693 95768 05843 05917 75 72 05992 06066 06110 06215 06289 06363 06136 06510 0658 1 06657 71 73 06731 06801 06877 06950 07023 07096 07169 072 12 07311 07387 73 74 0715!) 07531 07(i()3 07675 07717 0781!) 07891 07962 08031 08105 75 08176 082 17 08318 08389 08460 O.s530 08601 08671 08711 08811 71 76 08881 08951 09021 09090 09160 09229 09298 09367 09136 09505 69 77 0957 1 096 12 09711 09779 098 17 09915 09983 10051 Kills 10186 68 78 10253 10321 10388 10155 10522 10588 10655 1(1721 10788 10854 67 79 10920 10986 11051 11117 11182 1 12 is 11818 1 137s 11113 11507 65 80 11572 11636 11701 1 17(15 11829 11893 11956 12020 12116 64 81 12210 12273 12335 12398 12161 12523 12585 12617 1270!! 12771 62 82 12832 12894 12955 13016 13077 13138 13199 13259 13319 13380 61 83 13110 13500 13619 13678 13797 13856 13!ll 1 13973 5!) 81 1 1031 11090 1 11 is 11206 1 1263 14321 14878 11136 14499 1 1550 85 14606 1 1663 1 1720 1 1776 1 1832 1 ISSN 14943 1 1!)!)!) 15051 15110 56 86 15165 15220 15275 15329 15384 15438 15499 15546 1551111 15653 54 87 15706 1575!) 15812 15865 15918 15970 16023 16075 16127 16178 52 88 16286 16281 16333 16384 16131 Kits;, 16536 16586 16636 16686 51 89 16736 16785 16835 16933 16982 17031 17079 17127 17175 1!) 90 17223 17271 17319 17366 17113 17160 17. --07 17553 17600 17646 17 91 17692 17738 17783 17829 17874 17919 17964 18009 18053 180! IS 45 K 18142 | 18186 18229 18273 18316 I.s35!l Is |(I2 is 115 18488 18530 43 93 18572 18614 18656 1S697 18739 18780 18862 Is! 102 181113 11 18983 19023 19063 19102 19112 19181 19250 19258 19297 19335 39 95 9.8619373 19411 19449 19487 19521 19561 1115! is 19635 19671 19708 +37 1 TABL.E XXVI. Logarithm of 'tin- Elliptic E/i'/ina Vector for IS1 = 0. Constant subtracted 0.000(;:2.")7. Period of Argument I. a24<>.7008. Ar B . I. ,1 O.O a 0.1 war, H.I. a 111 9.8612030 1 l!)5(i 1 1893 11829 11765 11701 11636 11573 11507 1 1 1 13 -61 146 1 137S 11313 112 IS 111N2 11117 11051 I09S6 10920 10854 107.ss 86 146 10721 10655 [0588 10522 10455 10388 10321 10251 10186 10119 67 It? 10051 099s:f 09916 09s IN 09779 09711 09648 0957 1 09505 09 137 1 is 09968 0!)299 09229 09160 09091 09021 08951 08812 OS7 11 70 11!) (Hi;: i (is(ioi 08531 ()s 160 os:is9 08318 08248 Osl7ii 08105 71 . 150 07963 07S9I 07819 077 is 07676 07601 07532 07 159 07387 07315 72 151 07 2 12 071ti!) 07097 07034 06951 06s 06781 06858 06584 78 [83 06511 OCI37 063! is 95335 95253 1)5170 95087 9500 1 91921 9 1S3S 94756 91673 98 167 94590 91507 9 1 12 1 91311 9I2.YS 91175 9 1092 91009 93926 98848 S3 188 93760 93(577 9359 1 93510 93127 93344 98361 98111 98098 93012 169 92999 92si6 92768 92679 92591 i 92513 92 130 923 17 9226 1 921S1 S3 170 92098 92()i:> 91932 91848 91765 91689 91599 91516 91133 91350 171 91267 911H1 91101 91018 90935 90852 90769 90686 90603 90521 83 172 90 i:is 90355 90272 90189 90106 90021 89941 89858 S9775 S9S93 17:} 89610 89527 S9115 S9362 89280 89197 89115 WMI32 88950 88867 N3 171 887s:> 88702 88620 sv;,:;s 88456 88373 88291 88209 88127 SS015 N2 175 87963 S7ssi 87798 87717 N7635 87558 87471 87308 87226 82 176 87111 87063 86981 86900 86818 86737 86698 86574 86498 SCI 12 81 177 86330 N62 1!) 86168 86087 86006 85925 S5S I 1 85768 85602 si 178 85521 S5 1 1 1 85360 S52SO 85199 85119 85039 si: 159 84878 84798 SO 179 84718 N163S S155S 84478 S1399 81319 8 1239 si 159 84080 81000 NO 180 83921 s:;^ i-j 88769 83683 83601 88538 S3 116 83367 88988 H32K) 79 181 83131 83052 8297 1 82895 S2S17 82739 S2661 82589 N250 1 N2 126 7s 182 823 is 82271 82193 82115 82038 81960 81883 81806 81728 81651 77 183 81574 81497 81121 81844 81267 81190 BUM 81038 80961 suss;, 77 184 80809 S0733 80657 80581 80505 SO 130 80894 80378 80968 80128 76 185 80053 79978 79903 79S2S 79788 79878 79601 79529 7!) 155 79381 75 186 79307 79233 79159 7!)S5 79011 78938 7ssii| 7S791 78717 7S6 1 1 71 187 78571 78496 78426 78868 78280 78208 78188 78083 77991 77919 72 iss 778 17 77775 7770 1 77689 77561 77489 77418 77317 77276 77908 71 189 771:55 "Oil 7699 1 76923 76853 76718 76843 7657 1 76501 70 190 76135 7i;::ii5 76296 76227 76158 76090 76021 75952 75884 758HJ 89 191 9.85757 is 756sO 75312 75511 75 177 75 109 75312 75278 76308 75111 67 TABLE XXVI. Logarithm of the Elliptic Radius Vector for SBI = 0. Constant subtracted 0.0000257. Period of Argument I. 224'' .7008. a (i d ii a d d d a d Arg. I. 0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 O.6 0.7 0.8 O.9 L)iff. for Od.1. a 102 9.8575074 75008 74941 74875 74809 7 17 13 ' 74677 74611 74545 74480 -66 193 74115 74350 74285 74220 74155 74090 74026 73962 73898 73834 64 194 73770 73706 73643 73579 73516 73 153 73390 73327 73265 73202 63 195 73140 73078 73016 72951 72893 72831" 72770 72709 72648 72587 61 196 72526 72465 72405 72315 72285 72225 72165 72103 72046 71987 60 197 71928 718G9 71810 71752 71693 71635 71577 71519 71462 71101 58 198 71317 71289 71232 71175 71119 71062 71006 70950 70894 70838 56 199 70782 70727 70671 70316 70561 70507 70152 70398 70343 70289 55 200 70236 70182 70128 70075 70022 69969 69916 69863 69811 69759 53 201 C9707 69655 69603 69552 69500 69449 69398 69317 69297 69246 51 202 69196 69116 69096 69047 69899 68948 68899 68850 68801 68753 49 203 68705 68657 68609 68561 68514 68166 68419 68372 68326 68279 47 204 68233 68186 68140 68095 68049 68004 67959 67914 67869 67824 45 205 67780 67736 67692 67648 67605 67561 67518 67475 67432 67390 43 206 67317 67305 67263 67222 67180 67139 67098 67057 67016 66975 41 207 66935 66895 66855 66815 66776 66737 66698 66659 66620 66582 39. 208 685 1 1 63506 66468 66130 66393 66356 66319 66282 66246 66209 37 209 66173 66137 66102 66066 66031 65996 65961 65927 65892 65858 35 210 65824 65790 65757 6572 1 65690 65658 65625 65592 65560 65528 33 211 65496 65465 65434 65403 65372 65341 65310 65280 G5250 65220 31 212 65191 65162 65133 65101 65075 65016 65018 64990 64962 64935 28 213 64907 64880 64853 61827 64800 61771 61718 61722 64697 64672 26 214 64646 64622 64597 64573 64548 64524 64501 61477 64454 64431 24 215 64408 64385 64363 64311 64319 64297 61276 61255 64234 64213 22 216 61192 64172 64152 64132 64112 64093 64074 64055 64036 64018 19 217 63999 63981 63964 63946 63929 63912 63895 63878 63862 63846 17 218 63830 63814 63799 6378 I 63769 63754 63739 63725 63711 63697 15 219 63684 63670 63657 63611 63632 63619 63607 63595 63584 63572 12 220 63561 63550 63539 63528 63518 63508 63498 63489 63179 63170 10 221 63161 63 153 63 1 i I 63136 63428 63420 63113 63406 63399 63392 8 222 63386 63379 63373 63367 63362 63357 63351 63317 63312 63338 5 223 63333 63330 63326 63322 63319 63316 63314 63311 63309 63307 3 224 9.8563305 63303 63302 63301 63300 63300 63299 63299 63299 63300 - o TABLE XXVII. 51 TAII1YE X\VIII. *,,,// of Lo g . r.. Prrt. of lag. r. F:irtor tn lie multiplied by 111, and its lun.-irithm. I'.-riuil i.l" Ar<-iiiin-iit 1. = I Fact, to be X ( ) 2 Arg.I Fartiir. In;;, I'll- Ar^.l F.-irti.r. i Factor. 1 Arg.I . Factor ,o g .fac Arg.I. Factor. d + 13 15 1 12- d (il - Mil d -1946 .,1 II 3-. l-i + 4.06 06I-: d -2.1 1 13.45 1.12* 1,1 1.07 121 12.90 I.I IOC l-l 1 II iii.ll: 4 2.1 8 1343 1.1961 62 2:11 0.36.K 122 12-1 1 1071 1-2 477 0.67- i 8 2.0 3 I:: |.i 1.1272 63 271 0.4395 123 1271 1 |o| 1-.: .'. 12 0.709: 12 20 4 +13.36 1.1960 1,1 - 3.07 n'l 1-71 121 -125!) 1.1009 l-l + 5.17 07377 16 -l.il ."> 1 3.32 1 . 1 2 1 1 3.13 i 1 25 12 1* 1 H9(,l 165 ."> -1 n 7i,l2 1 - 6 13.26 1 . 1 22 1 66 0.57-1 196 12:15 1.0015 l-t, 1, 15 0.7868 24 1.6 7 i:: 10 1. 12.11 SI 4.14 H.6I72 127 1221 1-7 ' 1- o.-n- 1 --, 8 + 13.10 1 1171 6- - 1 19 12* -12 fi 14818 186 04333 32 -1.3 13.01 1.1144 i, ' l-l n (.-17 1 2: i ll.oo ; 169 7.13 36 I.I 10 19.91 linn 7 i 5.1* o.7l II 130 1171 1 litiOl, 100 7 15 n -723 lo 0.9 11 12-0 1.1072 71 "7110 131 1 1 .56 1.0630 101 7.77 II 0.7 12 + 12.6-1 1.1030 72 - 5 -.-> 9.7674 138 II '- ,,1.0561 199 4*. - 0.5 13 12.54 1.0984 73 6.1* 0.7012 133 11.10 l.til-7 103 0.9229 Da -0.2 14 12 ID 1.0935 74 651 0.8134 134 1.0408 194 0.937!) 56 0.0 10 12.25 14880 75 6.83 04348 135 10.77 L4394 196 8.95 84390 60 + 0.2 16 + 120* 1 H-22 76 - 7.14 136 -1056 14836 196 + 0.23 0.9653 64 + 0.5 17 II .01 1.0760 77 7 15 04790 137 10.33 1 y .///(//. ronMaiitail.k.l Hi-.'. Period oflrg. \ II. -.M ('uiiMaiil a:!!' .99. Arg. \ 1 1 1 tit Ml l'.c|ll;i. Arp IX. l'.<|iia. Lq l\ Ki|ila Arg l\ I)||1KI. 1 .1 d .1 d II 171 198 I'D 80 8n H, 1 368 4 154 139 l!>7 1 585 -J 169 380 - IS7 196 SI3 4 586 -1 n>i III Ii I-JI 140 -.".'- (i 588 .'n 166 16 106 III M3 8 691 88 919 H.- Ii, -J -'IP m 146 J .7 III 594 BO 194 170 l-l Jl 7."i in '.'TO 19 09 171 179 U (il 158 tea 14 603 M II- 171 586 39 1!' 160 893 III 06 187 176 546 36 :t7 nil 3M ia 613 08 106 178 663 in Iff 168 310 90 618 100 -- 180 570 14 in 179 316 99 683 189 71 189 598 48 19 176 390 690 104 55 l-l 606 N 6 180 393 96 6:t:t 106 41 l-i, 617 66 9 184 394 28 638 108 2!l 188 627 GO 188 80 (,!.' 110 111 198 686 M 199 891 645 112 12 199 641 (:- 1 1IMi 646 96 56 224 247 48 628 128 96 208 642 100 89 2-.W 989 .-,(1 61!) 130 36 910 IM 83 999 216 52 188 I'.i 919 683 in- 98 236 200 54 596 134 64 914 628 112 111 240 184 56 583 136 81 216 693 116 130 914 11,7 58 567 138 90 218 617 istt 146 Ji- 151 60 561 140 118 990 619 124 161 252 134 89 889 142 13!) 891 6U7 1W 180 256 118 64 513 144 169 224 > ,i 602 R4V9 66 68 4!)2 470 146 148 i ~ > 2ll!l o 998 .>.'/ 508 70 447 150 234 230 590 72 423 152 958 989 588 74 398 164 285 234 586 76 373 168 :m 936 :,-:, 78 347 158 337 938 588 80 321 160 363 Jin 586 'I'!.'- perturbationi) are in units oflhc eighth decimal place. TABLE XXXII. Pcrturliitionn of Lu<;. /, Inj M-n-ury. Horizontal Argument = I. Consluiit added 34. IVnotI > 57 66 74 13 23 30 31 2!) 27 30 37 45 50 52 51 54 59 68 75 14 25 30 31 29 28 33 41 49 53 53 53 56 61 69 75 15 26 31 31 29 30 36 45 52 55 55 54 58 69 69 73 16 28 32 32 31 33 40 49 55 57 56 55 59 64 69 71 17 31 34 34 33 37 44 53 58 59 57 56 59 65 68 6^ J8 34 36 36 x 36 41 49 57 61 61 58 56 60 65 67 65 1!) 38 39 38 40 45 54 61 63 62 58 57 6J 64 65 61 20 42 42 42 44 50 59 64 65 62 58 57 63 63 62 56 21 46 46 45 48 55 63 68 66 62 57 57 59 61 59 51 22 50 50 50 53 60 67 70 67 62 57 56 59 59 55 47 23 55 53 54 58 65 71 71 67 61 56 55 58 57 51 42 24 59 57 58 63 69 73 72 66 59 55 54 56 54 47 38 25 63 61 62 67 73 75 72 64 57 54 53 54 51 43 35 26 67 65 66 71 75 76 71 62 55 52 52 51 47 39 32 27 70 68 70 74 77 76 69 60 53 50 51 49 44 36 30 28 73 71 73 76 78 75 66 57 51 48 49 47 41 34 28 29 75 73 75 78 78 72 63 54 48 46 47 45 38 32 27 30 76 75 76 78 76 69 59 50 45 44 45 42 36 30 27 31 77 75 77 77 74 65 55 46 42 42 44 40 34 29 28 32 77 75 76 75 70 60 50 42 40 41 42 38 33 29 29 33 75 74 71 72 66 55 45 38 38 39 41 36 32 29 31 34 73 72 72 69 63 49 40 35 36 38 39 35 31 30 33 35 71 69 68 64 54 44 35 32 34 37 38 35 31 31 35 36 67 66 64 58 48 38 31 30 33 36 37 34 31 32 38" 37 63 62 59 52 42 32 26 28 32 36 36 34 32 34 40 sa 58 57 53 46 35 27 23 26 31 35 35 33 33 36 43 39 53 52 47 39 M 22 21 25 31 34 34 33 34 38 45 40 48 46 41 32 23 18 19 25 31 34 34 33 35 40 46 41 42 40 35 26 18 15 18 25 32 34 34 34 36 41 46 42 37 35 29 2!) 14 13 17 25 33 35 34 35 38 42 46 43 32 2!) 23 15 10 11 18 26 33 35 34 35 39 43 45 44 27 24 18 11 .8 11 19 28 34 35 34 36 40 43 44 45 23 19 13 7 6 12 21 30 35 36 35 36 40 42 42 46 19 15 9 5 6 13 23 32 36 36 35 37 41 42 40 47 15 19 6 4 7 15 25 34 37 36 35 37 41 41 37 48 13 9 4 3 8 18 28 39 38 37 35 38 41 40 34 49 11 7 3 4 11 21 31 37 38 37 36 38 40 38 31 50 9 5 3 5 14 25 34 39 39 37 36 38 39 35 27 51 8 5 4 8 17 29 37 40 39 37 36 38 38 32 24 52 8 5 5 II 21 32 39 41 39 37 36 38 37 30 21 53 9 6 7 II 25 36 41 41 39 37 36 37 36 28 18 54 9 7 10 18 39 39 43 41 38 36 36 37 34 26 16 55 10 9 13 22 33 41 44 40 38 36 36 36 32 24 15 56 12 12 17 26 37 43 44 40 37 35 36 35 31 83 15 57 13 14 20 30 40 45 44 39 30 35 36 35 30 21 16 58 15 10 24 34 42 45 43 38 35 35 36 34 29 21 17 59 16 19 27 37 44 45 42 37 34 35 36 34 28 22 1!) 60 18 21 30 39 45 44 40 36 3-1 35 36 34 28 23 93 The perturbations an.' in units of the eighth decimal plncu. TAKLK XXXII. r<-rliirl>iiti/' /(>,'. r, /',) units. Arg. X. 120 ,i 1!IN .1 i:t<> 111 .1 1 ->.> K.;> .1 1M 17 .1 IW1 ia aoo t aow an .1 aai ,\ a:w 87 37 i- 68 60 65 7:, 03 04 88 -i 7.-. 71 1 33 II 55 60 63 (,-, 71 81 :M 06 03 79 73 79 a 30 51 61 65 67 7 i 76 1)3 06 09 7.-, 70 60 3 45 57 66 60 71 7:1 7J 88 05 06 7:' 71 66 (,:, 4 69 63 71 73 71 76 -J DO 06 03 85 71 66 69 61 B 58 71 7.-, 71 i 78 -1 91 03 HO 61 57 56 6 til 7:s 77 77 77 78 00 90 -l 73 69 55 59 7 68 76 78 78 77 70 B6 88 7- 66 10 47 44 - 79 78 7:i 77 76 70 83 85 80 711 48 43 41 :!'.i ! 78 79 7!l 7.-, 74 77 80 80 73 69 r,n 41 37 :i as Ill 77 79 77 73 72 74 76 71 66 54 19 34 31 31 -- II 78 78 74 7(1 611 71 72 68 45 34 j- 96 83 19 7- 7.-. 70 66 65 67 67 61 50 :c 97 22 23 89 19 13 77 79 66 69 61 69 61 53 49 89 .'I 17 18 18 15 14 74 68 61 57 57 57 55 46 34 22 15 13 IB 16 11 16 70 63 57 53 53 52 49 39 27 16 10 10 13 19 9 16 66 58 69 48 49 l- 42 39 20 10 7 8 11 10 7 17 61 63 47 44 45 43 36 26 14 6 5 7 10 10 6 18 66 48 42 40 41 38 31 80 9 3 4 7 10 9 5 19 61 43 38 37 37 34 96 15 5 2 3 8 10 9 6 20 46 38 34 34 34 30 21 11 3 1 4 9 11 9 7 Bl 41 :M 39 39 32 87 17 8 2 1 6 11 19 10 8 89 37 31 30 31 30 24 15 6 2 3 ! 13 13 11 10 93 33 28 99 30 28 99 13 6 3 6 19 15 14 19 19 24 30 26 28 21) 27 21 12 6 5 9 14 17 16 14 14 to 98 26 28 30 27 20 12 7 7 12 17 10 17 16 16 26 26 26 29 30 27 19 12 8 10 16 21 19 17 19 87 25 87 30 31 27 19 13 10 13 1!) 83 99 19 18 21 98 25 28 32 97 20 14 13 17 89 25 83 20 lil 94 89 26 30 34 33 28 20 16 15 20 25 26 23 20 20 86 an 28 32 36 34 28 21 17 18 23 27 27 23 80 21 27 31 30 35 38 35 28 21 19 20 86 28 27 89 19 21 28 32 33 38 39 85 28 22 .20 23 97 28 26 21 18 21 29 33 35 40 40 36 27 22 21 24 28 28 24 19 17 21 29 34 33 42 41 35 27 22 22 25 28 27 22 17 16 21 89 35 40 44 41 34 26 21 22 25 27 25 19 14 IB 81 29 36 43 45 41 33 86 21 99 25 25 22 16 12 14 21 29 37 4.-, 45 40 31 2:! 20 22 24 23 19 13 10 13 21 80 38 46 46 38 28 21 19 21 22 90 16 9 8 13 21 ',':> 39 46 43 36 25 19 18 19 20 17 11 6 7 14 89 29 40 46 41 32 99 17 16 17 18 14 8 4 6 14 23 29 41 4.') 38 9t) 19 14 14 15 15 10 5 3 6 in 24 30 42 44 39 24 15 19 19 14 12 7 2 2 7 17 26 31 43 41 31 90 19 10 10 19 9 5 1 2 B 90 28 33 44 38 27 16 B 8 9 10 7 3 3 12 23 31 86 45 34 23 12 6 (i 9 9 6 2 5 16 27 36 37 46 30 18 !l 4 5 8 8 5 2 2 9 21 M 39 40 47 26 14 6 3 5 8 8 5 3 5 14 27 37 43 43 48 89 11 4 3 6 8 8 5 5 8 20 33 42 47 47 49 18 8 3 3 7 9 9 7 8 14 27 39 48 51 51 50 15 5 2 4 9 12 11 10 13 21 34 46 54 56 55 51 12 4 3 6 19 15 14 14 18 28 42 53 60 60 ED E9I 10 4 5 10 IB 18 18 19 85 36 50 60 65 64 62 53 9 B 7 14 1!) 89 23 96 33 44 58 67 70 68 66 54 8 7 11 19 24 27 28 32 41 53 66 73 74 71 li'.i 55 n 10 16 24 29 32 34 39 49 62 73 78 77 74 79 56 11 14 22 30 35 38 40 46 :.7 70 80 83 80 76 74 57 14 ]!> 28 36 41 43 47 63 6B 77 86 86 82 77 75 58 17 24 35 43 47 49 53 61 73 84 90 88 -.1 77 7."> 69 22 30 42 4!) 69 .-,:, 59 68 80 89 09 89 82 76 75 60 27 37 48 55 58 60 86 78 85 93 94 88 rtl 75 71 \\li.Tt 224-" .7 is nulitractccl from Arg. I., add 33.26 to Arg. X. TABL.E XXXIII. Perturbations of Log. r, by l/ic Earth. Horizontal Argument = I. Constant added 15(1. Period of Argument I., 224''.7. Arg. XI. d o d 8 A 16 d M d 32 d 40 d 48 d 50 d 64 d 72 d 8O d 88 d 96 d 1O4 d 112 206 207 211 216 220 224 225 223 219 214 809 204 202 202 205 2 210 210 213 217 222 225 887 226 >>>> 218 212 207 204 202 204 4 213 213 214 218 221 224 226 225 822 217 212 206 202 200 200 6 216 214 214 217 219 222 223 222 218 214 209 203 198 195 194 8 214 212 212 214 216 218 219 218 215 210 205 198 193 190 188 in 209 207 207 209 211 213 214 214 211 207 201 195 190 185 184 12 199 196 197 200 203 206 209 210 208 205 200 194 188 183 181 14 184 182 183 187 192 197 202 204 204 202 199 193 189 184 180 Hi 167 1G6 i<;~ 172 178 1 rC> 192 196 199 198 197 193 188 183 180 18 151 150 151 156 162 170 179 185 189 191 191 188 184 181 178 90 140 137 137 141 147 165 164 171 176 180 180 179 176 173 171 22 i:i:i 129 127 130 134 141 14!> 156 161 165 167 165 163 160 159 24 130 126 123 123 126 131 137 143 147 150 153 150 148 145 144 26 139 125 121 131 122 126 130 134 137 139 139 136 133 129 127 28 127 125 123 I'" 183 125 128 131 133 134 132 128 123 118 114 30 121 122 122 123 125 128 131 134 135 135 133 128 120 113 106 32 109 114 118 189 126 131 136 140 142 143 140 134 126 115 105 34 92 101 108 116 124 132 140 146 151 153 152 146 137 125 112 36 74 84 95 1(16 117 128 140 150 157 162 163 159 150 138 123 38 55 66 79 92 106 120 134 147 158 167 170 169 162 150 136 40 41 51 62 76 90 106 123 138 152 164 171 172 169 160 147 42 33 39 48 60 74 90 107 124 140 IK 165 170 170 164 154 44 31 33 38 47 58 72 89 107 124 140 153 162 166 164 157 46 36 32 33 37 45 56 72 88 106 124 138 150 158 160 156 48 45 36 32 31 35 44 56 71 8!) 107 124 138 148 153 153 r>o 58 45 35 30 30 35 44 57 73 91 109 125 137 145 149 r>2 75 58 44 35 29 30 36 47 61 77 95 111 126 1 35 142 54 90 76 58 44 34 31 32 39 50 65 81 98 113 124 132 56 121 100 79 61 46 36 33 34 42 53 68 83 98 110 120 58 150 128 106 83 64 49 39 35 37 44 55 68 81 94 104 60 181 160 137 112 89 69 53 42 38 39 46 55 66 77 87 62 211 193 171 145 120 95 74 58 47 42 43 47 55 64 72 64 236 223 203 180 154 127 102 82 65 54 49 48 51 57 63 66 253 245 231 212 188 163 136 113 93 77 67 61 59 60 63 68 261 259 251 238 219 197 173 149 127 109 94 84 78 75 73 70 259 263 263 256 244 228 207 186 165 146 129 116 106 100 94 72 251 260 265 265 261 251 236 219 201 183 166 152 141 131 122 74 241 252 261 267 269 265 257 245 231 216 201 187 175 164 154 76 233 244 254 263 269 271 268 262 253 242 23! 1 217 206 196 186 78 228 237 247 257 264 270 271 270 265 258 249 240 231 223 214 80 228 233 241 249 257 264 268 270 270 266 261 255 250 243 237 82 231 232 236 242 249 2r,6 262 267 269 26!) 268 265 262 259 255 84 236 233 233 237 242 248 254 261 265 268 270 271 271 270 269 86 236 232 231 232 ,234 240 246 253 259 265 270 273 276 278 279 88 235 230 227 226 227 231 237 244 252 260 267 273 279 283 287 90 229 225 221 219 219 222 226 233 242 251 260 269 277 284 290 02 220 218 214 211 209 210 214 220 228 237 248 259 269 278 286 94 210 209 206 203 199 198 19!l 203 210 218 229 241 253 265 276 96 198 199 197 194 189 185 184 is:, 189 195 205 217 229 243 257 98 183 188 188 184 179 173 169 166 167 170 178 188 201 216 231 100 167 174 176 174 169 162 155 150 147 147 152 159 171 185 202 102 147 156 161 162 158 151 143 136 130 127 129 133 142 155 171 104 122 135 143 146 145 140 133 126 118 113 111 112 118 128 143 106 95 no 121 128 130 128 123 117 109 103 98 97 99 106 118 108 68 84 97 106 112 114 112 107 101 94 88 85 85 89 97 110 45 60 73 84 92 . 97 98 96 92 86 80 75 73 74 79 112 28 40 52 63 72 79 83 83 80 76 70 65 61 63 62 114 21 29 37 46 54 61 65 67 66 64 59 53 49 46 46 116 23 26 30 36 41 46 50 52 52 51 47 42 37 33 31 118 32 30 31 32 34 37 39 41 41 39 36 32 27 22 1!) ISO 45 41 38 35 33 33 33 34 34 33 30 27 22 17 12 1 The perturbations are in units of the eighth decimal place.. TABLE XXXIII. 1'i'rliirtiti/iiiiia of Lin;. /-, tit/ llir i'.iirlli. llun/tint;;! Argument = I. ("iui>l;ml lidded I.Mi. r.Timl i>f Argument XI., 210 units. d .1 ,, d .1 d ,1 d d d d d d d Arg XI 120 12* 136 111 142 160 16N ire 184 192 200 20N 216 *2 310 217 224 931 935 939 2:58 937 236 936 939 -Ml 959 21,2 3 JiT 919 918 923 237 .'-'.i 997 326 997 930 936 945 956 4 909 906 211 915 918 22', i 221 219 -'17 316 916 910 995 934 2H> 6 106 199 Jl)-' J '. 910 -'ID Jill 906 911 990 939 8 189 11)1 194 107 199 199 199 100 193 1:1.1 188 10(1 194 203 916 10 is:! l-l l-i, 188 189 188 186 183 178 171 171 171 173 181 193 19 170 180 l- i l-l 1- i 178 171 169 169 156 150 1 1- 1 l:> [56 166 1 1 17- 177 I7(> 176 174 170 Mil 156 1 17 138 130 125 194 [98 138 Hi 177 176 17.') 173 170 ! ( ).') 167 148 136 194 113 106 III! 109 100 IS 17.') 171 173 172 169 164 166 145 131 117 102 01 83 81 -1 30 170 169 170 170 His 164 158 117 134 118 101 87 75 68 67 99 ISO 160 163 165 167 166 H, -J 153 1 I-J 196 109 99 76 (i"i 60 -'1 1 II 147 151 157 162 165 166 161 1 .-,-' 139 122 105 87 7-.' 62 36 I'Js 130 136 144 153 160 1 65 165 161 151 137 I-JI 103 B6 73 98 113 114 190 198 138 1 1 168 163 164 160 150 137 120 103 88 30 109 loo 104 111 121 133 145 ,.-,, H,i 161 156 147 184 119 111) '.is 09 01 06 104 115 [98 139 149 154 156 I.MI 149 130 118 34 Hill n i 85 84 89 98 100 199 133 149 147 147 143 136 198 36 lu- 95 79 79 -1 03 104 Hi, 197 135 130 140 137 I.!! ll!) 103 90 80 75 76 82 01 109 114 123 130 134 135 134 1 1 131 113 98 86 78 7.-, 77 84 93 1 ! III 122 128 131 133 4-.' 11) 134 108 94 84 78 78 89 89 98 107 III, 193 127 I'.'i ) 44 146 132 117 103 02 85 82 84 89 96 104 119 118 193 1J7 46 1 in 137 I'.'l 111 Hill 99 88 87 90 95 109 108 114 119 122 48 149 141 [99 118 HI7 99 93 91 92 95 100 105 HO 113 116 50 147 141 133 123 113 104 98 94 94 05 98 101 105 107 100 59 143 140 133 135 116 KM 101 97 06 96 96 101 109 103 54 136 135 131 195 117 111 105 100 98 98 98 99 100 09 137 125 122 117 112 108 105 103 103 103 103 102 101 99 58 119 116 116 116 113 HI 110 109 109 110 111 111 111 108 HIl 60 96 101 105 107 108 108 110 112 115 118 121 123 123 120 115 62 81 87 02 96 99 102 107 112 II!) I-J.-, 131 135 136 135 139 64 70 75 80 84 89 94 100 108 117 127 136 144 148 149 146 66 66 70 73 76 70 84 91 100 111 123 135 146 155 I.V.I i .,- 68 73 72 72 73 74 76 81 98 100 114 129 142 [55 163 166 70 89 85 81 77 74 73 75 81 90 103 118 133 148 161 H,- 72 114 107 99 91 84 78 76 77 83 93 107 123 140 155 11,1, 74 144 134 193 112 101 99 84 82 83 90 101 115 132 148 162 76 176 16.1 153 140 126 114 103 96 03 95 ID--' 114 128 144 I.V.I 78 205 195 183 170 156 142 129 118 111 109 112 J20 131 146 169 /SO 230 232 212 200 187 172 158 145 136 130 no 133 141 l.-.l 169 82 250 244 237 J->7 215 202 1 174 163 154 150 150 155 161 171) 84 366 263 958 950 240 228 214 200 188 178 171 168 169 173 179 86 279 278 274 268 260 24!) 236 222 208 107 189 l-l 183 l-l 180 88 289 288 287 282 274 264 252 238 225 212 909 196 193 194 197 90 293 295 295 291 285 275 263 250 236 224 213 205 201 200 203 02 293 297 298 296 291 283 272 259 945 232 91 212 2.16 905 94 285 292 2!Ki 297 204 287 277 265 252 23! 227 218 919 909 210 96 269 279 288 291 291 2 : 280 270 258 MS 233 223 916 213 919 98 246 260 272 280 284 283 279 271 261 949 237 228 220 215 313 100 219 236 251 262 270 273 272 267 259 248 238 228 220 916 919 1 AO 189 207 240 251 258 959 257 251 949 933 224 2 Hi 210 -' '7 m 104 106 108 160 133 109 178 150 125 197 169 142 214 186 159 227 201 174 237 913 1-7 241 219 196 2 12 222 -Jin 938 3:>o 231 214 196 999 207 189 214 199 182 206 192 175 201 1-7 170 10.1 185 MO 110 112 114 116 118 120 83 50 32 18 10 101 79 58 39 22 11 116 99 7.) 4!) 30 16 133 -1 62 42 24 149 121 101 78 57 37 162 139 117 96 71 53 173 151 131 112 92 71 179 169 142 195 107 87 i- > 16 1 149 135 121 103 17s Hi:: 151 140 199 116 173 150 150 149 135 194 166 153 146 140 136 128 150 117 1:1:1 135 133 199 166 142 134 130 199 127 153 139 130 196 193 183 \Vlicn 2-,M''.7 is subtracted from Arg. 1., add 147.61 to Arg. XI. TABLE XXXIII. Perturbations of Log. ?-, l>y the Earth. Horizontal Argument = I. Constant added 150. Period of Argument 1., 224 164 145 128 115 106 102 103 108 142 847 24!) 251 247 240 22!) 213 195 175 157 13!) 127 11!) 116 117 144 255 260 264 963 263 255 213 227 218 188 16!) 153 141 134 131 146 256 264 271 277 27!) 277 268 256 240 221 2i)l 132 167 156 149 14H 252 262 273 282 288 2!)] 288 279 266 350 230 211 193 179 163 ir,n 244 256 268 281 291 297 299 295 286 272 255 237 218 201 187 152 233 245 35'J 273 286 297 302 3D3 298 233 274 257 239 222 2.16 1 54 21!) 231 246 261 276 239 2!)3 303 303 297 236 272 255 239 222 156 201 213 228 244 261 276 23!) 21)8 301 300 293 283 26!) 254 j:!3 158 178 too 205 222 240 25!) 275 237 295 298 296 290 230 267 253 16!) 152 163 173 E96 216 236 255 272 284 292 296 294 233 27!) 267 162 124 133 148 166 187 210 232 252 269 231 289 993 292 287 27!) Ki4 D8 1(15 118 135 156 ISO 204 227 217 263 276 235 289 289 286 166 77 81 91 106 125 148 173 197 219 239 256 26!) 277 989 984 HH 66 65 70 81 98 118 141 164 183 208 227 243 256 265 272 170 65 59 59 65 77 93 112 133 154 174 193 211 225 238 250 172 74 63 58 58 64 75 89 106 124 141 tss 175 190 204 219 174 88 75 65 61 61 66 75 87 100 114 127 141 155 16!) 184 176 105 90 78 71 67 63 71 78 87 96 105 114 125 136 14!) 178 120 1C6 94 85 79 77 77 80 84 89 93 98 104 111 120 180 131 120 109 100 94 90 89 90 91 92 92 93 93 94 98 182 136 123 120 114 109 106 104 104 103 102 100 96 92 88 86 184 137 133 128 124 121 119 11!) 119 118 116 112 105 97 88 81 186 135 134 132 131 129 12!) 130 130 131 129 124 116 106 94 81 m 131 133 133 133 134 135 137 138 139 138 134 126 114 101 85 100 127 S30 132 133 135 137 139 142 144 143 140 133 122 108 91 199 123 126 129 131 133 135 138 142 145 146 144 13!) 129 115 98 1!)4 118 122 124 126 129 131 135 140 144 147 147 143 135 122 106 196 113 115 118 12:) 123 126 131 136 142 146 148 147 141 130 115 196 106 108 1JO 112 115 119 124 131 138 144 149 150 147 139 126 200 101 102 103 104 106 111 117 124 133 141 147 152 151 146 136 202 i)8 98 97 97 !)!) 102 108 115 124 134 1 12 149 152 150 142 204 102 99 96 94 93 94 !)3 104 113 123 133 142 147 148 144 206 11)9 105 1 00 95 91 8!) 90 94 101 111 120 130 138 142 141 208 122 117 no 102 95 89 86 86 91 98 107 117 125 132 134 210 137 132 124 114 104 94 87 84 84 89 96 105 114 121 125 919 151 148 140 130 118 106 95 88 85 86 90 93 106 113 11!) 214 161) 160 155 146 134 121 109 99 93 92 93 98 105 112 118 216 163 167 166 160 150 138 126 116 108 104 104 107 112 118 123 218 160 169 171 170 164 154 144 134 126 121 120 122 126 131 135 220 154 166 173 176 173 167 159 151 144 139 137 139 143 147 152 222 148 162 172 173 17!) 176 171 164 153 154 153 154 153 164 168 224 145 159 171 173 182 181 178 173 168 164 164 166 170 177 183 226 147 160 171 17!) 184 184 182 177 173 170 169 172 177 185 193 228 154 165 175 182 187 137 185 181 177 173 172 174 180 188 198 230 164 173 181 137 191 192 189 185 180 175 174 175 180 189 2!)0 232 176 182 189 194 198 198 194 191 185 180 177 178 182 189 aw 234 186 191 196 201 205 805 203 199 193 188 184 183 185 191 200 236 195 198 203 203 212 213 212 2!)8 2)3 197 193 190 190 194 809 238 eoi 204 2: is 213 217 22;) 22D 217 212 207 202 198 197 199 2.)4 240 206 207 211 216 220 224 225 223 21!) 214 21)!) 204 202 202 205 The perturbations are in units of the eighth decimal pla.cc. TABLE XXXIII. I'l-rliir/iii/iniix nf /.n:,'. r, lij tin- I-'.arlh. II i \ _ .iini'iii = 1. ('"ii-t.-int inlili-il 150 IVrhid oi'Ar^ii nt XI., ','10 unit*. Arg.X a 1 20 .1 12* .1 i::<; ,i 191 .1 152 .1 160 !<; d 17 111 l 200 20W i 210 .1 221 ,\ 232 190 10 II n> 94 37 71 -7 ID: ue 194 r.'- I3H 127 196 199 - 6 6 12 91 34 1! 66 8* 06 IH- 116 191 122 199 194 II 6 6 ID 19 31 11 71 -7 97 100 111 115 !.'(> 27 90 i:< 9 8 11 17 86 51 64 76 86 06 11)3 hid II 87 J- 21) 14 11 11 10 93 39 43 54 66 71, 86 130 63 66 47 37 28 21 16 IB iii 21 86 36 47 57 69 139 80 7(i 69 60 4!) 40 31 -.':> 21 90 88 37 34 42 52 134 09 D9 33 71 64 63 44 36 39 87 26 86 33 40 136 109 105 i 6 104 96 DO 7!) 69 58 1- 40 34 31 30 33 138 109 115 190 191 110 114 106 96 83 71 49 40 35 38 140 tie 193 130 13:> 137 |36 199 121 109 06 81 67 54 44 35 149 193 130 139 145 ISO 159 14!) 149 139 119 IDI 87 71 56 44 1 II 139 139 146 154 hi) 164 161 161 153 141 196 111!) Dl 73 67 i ni 147 14!) 164 Hi:) 167 17:1 176 17.-. 171 nil II- 132 113 !H 75 148 162 100 162 167 174 1- i 186 188 187 181 171 156 ISO II- 97 160 17- 173 172 174 180 187 194 1!'!) 801 190 193 182 166 147 196 IS9 193 l-:, 181 189 186 199 200 208 213 915 914 906 I9S 178 157 154 208 196 101 189 199 197 2Dr> 213 888 998 831 228 221 207 189 166 894 212 202 tee 197 200 207 216 996 935 241 244 849 233 219 158 239 226 916 207 204 204 208 916 224 2:15 -'II 251 854 251 843 tfiO 968 242 229 21!) 212 90fj 208 212 'Jill 229 240 250 958 260 867 169 96U 957 ^'11 2!!2 888 214 210 210 314 221 931 841 253 850 863 164 979 969 258 246 934 983 915 911 .'in _'l 1 881 930 94S 858 261 166 989 976 969 -.'17 225 217 911 211 214 991 231 949 833 103 973 27.-, 271! 267 356 248 837 228 819 914 213 216 884 233 811 170 258 964 268 268 265 258 350 .' 1 1 232 n i 220 218 222 889 237 17'.' 232 943 963 960 963 963 260 254 246 231 896 885 896 833 174 199 JI4 930 242 953 930 969 261 257 850 243 236 2:12 830 232 176 164 l-l 1!)!) 216 939 845 954 260 257 252 245 830 935 232 178 189 147 165 184 .' > 1 929 236 248 954 8.V, 253 248 818 837 833 180 106 117 132 150 171 I!M 210 226 238 245 247 245 241 236 231 t9 87 99 103 117 136 157 178 19S 914 896 233 16 934 831 227 l-l 76 75 79 89 105 193 144 166 186 21)2 814 221 883 983 890 146 71 64 63 67 78 :>:t 113 135 156 176 192 203 909 212 211 188 71 6!) 52 51 57 68 85 106 128 150 16!! 184 1!I4 200 201 190 74 Be 47 41 42 49 63 81 102 124 11.-, 161 177 186 190 199 80 62 47 37 33 35 44 59 78 100 199 142 158 I6B 176 194 88 69 61 37 28 26 2!) 40 r,7 76 B7 118 136 II!) 15! t l:ni W 78 58 41 28 21 20 85 36 58 71 !)l 110 196 ISO l!H 109 88 69 49 32 20 14 14 20 :'.! 47 65 83 M 114 200 121 101 81 60 40 85 13 H 9 15 26 40 56 7'.' 87 909 130 113 94 73 r>8 34 19 9 4 5 11 21 34 48 63 904 135 199 105 86 65 46 30 17 9 5 6 11 19 80 42 906 136 126 113 97 7!) 61 44 31 80 13 10 11 14 21 29 208 133 127 118 105 91 76 61 48 37 23 83 20 19 21 25 210 127 196 119 .110 100 88 76 (-, .-,.-, 46 40 35 31 30 29 212 122 139 190 114 106 98 88 80 72 64 58 63 47 43 38 914 121 193 191 117 111 105 !I7 01 96 79 74 69 63 58 58 916 127 I9t! 197 122 117 111 104 BO 05 90 87 83 78 72 <;o 218 138 IJO 136 132 126 119 113 107 103 100 97 M M 86 80 220 154 l.->4 152 147 139 132 124 118 113 no 107 106 103 100 06 ygjll 172 I7:i 170 165 158 149 140 133 127 123 121 190 118 116 119 994 188 I!IO KM) 186 17!) 171 161 163 147 142 130 138 136 136 131 996 800 205 207 206 201 194 l-i, 177 170 165 161 M,i 160 157 I.M 998 21)7 216 221 993 221 216 209 202 l!Ki 190 186 185 184 182 17!l 230 211 222 230 9M 236 234 230 224 218 213 210 209 208 207 gD6 232 Iil2 224 234 949 246 246 944 240 2:16 232 890 838 889 889 8H 831 212 883 2:15 243 940 951 951 249 2 15 949 941 241 243 846 -'17 936 211 222 939 941 217 951 -:> 1 350 -'17 946 345 946 349 884 -'.-,1 938 Jll 00 22!> J37 949 -M<; 247 246 '.'11 943 949 945 340 85f i 864 940 210 217 994 231 939 2:t8 239 238 937 236 236 8*4 252 869 13V When 224'' .7 is subtracted from Arg. I., add 147.61 to Arg. XI. 410 TABLE XXXI V. Perturbations nf Log. r, by Mars. Horizontal Argument = I. .Constant added 80. Period of Argument I., 224 14<> 140 129 115 99 82 65 49 35 24 15 10 ( 11 17 3 153 14!) 142 132 118 103 87 71 r,r, 40 as 1! 14 11 12 4 150 152 150 144 134 122 108 92 76 61 46 33 24 17 13 5 140 147 150 148 143 135 125 113 97 82 67 52 39 29 21 6 125 J36 143 147 147 114 138 128 115 102 88 73 58 45 34 7 106 120 131 140 145 146 144 139 131 121 107 93 78 64 50 8 85 101 115 126 133 142 145 144 139 132 123 112 DO 84 71 9 64 79 94 108 120 130 138 142 143 140 134 120 116 104 91 10 45 59 73 88 102 115 126 134 139 141 140 136 129 120 109 11 30 41 54 68 82 97 110 120 129 135 139 139 137 132 1 24 12 19 27 37 49 61 75 DO 103 115 1 25 132 137 139 137 133 13 16 1!) 25 33 44 56 69 83 96 108 119 J27 133 i:i~ 137 14 18 17 18 22 30 40 51 64 77 90 102 114 123 130 135 15 28 sa 19 19 22 27 35 45 57 70 83 96 108 118 126 16 43 :!:! 26 21 19 21 25 31 40 51 63 76 89 101 112 17 :>:> 47 37 29 23 20 20 23 28 36 46 58 70 84 96 18 80 07 54 43 33 26 21 20 21 25 31 40 51 62 75 19 101 87 74 60 48 38 30 24 21 20 22 27 35 45 56 20 II!) 106 92 79 66 53 43 33 26 21 19 21) 24 31 40 21 133 iaa 111 99 86 73 59 47 37 29 23 19 18 2!) K 22 142 136 128 118 105 92 79 65 53 42 32 24 19 17 18 23 144 143 139 132 ^'>> 111 99 86 72 58 46 35 26 20 16 24 141 144 144 141 135 127 117 105 N 78 63 51 39 29 21 25 132 139 143 144 143 138 131 122 111 98 85 70 56 43 31 26 117 127 135 141 144 144 142 136 127 117 105 91 76 61 47 27 98 111 122 132 139 143 145 143 139 132 122 110 96 82 66 28 78 93 106 118 128 137 143 146 145 142 137 128 117 103 88 2t) 58 71 86 99 112 124 134 142 146 147 146 141 133 122 109 30 41 52 65 79 93 107 120 130 139 145 148 148 144 137 127 31 29 37 47 60 73 88 102 115 127 137 145 149 150 148 141 32 20 24 31 42 53 67 82 96 110 123 134 144 150 152 151 33 19 18 21 26 36 47 60 75 90 105 119 131 141 149 159 34 25 20 17 18 23 32 42 55 69 85 100 115 128 139 148 35 35 27 20 16 16 20 27 37 49 63 79 95 111 125 136 36 51 39 29 21 16 15 17 23 31 43 57 73 89 105 12U 37 69 55 43 32 22 16 13 15 19 27 38 52 67 84 100 38 90 76 61 48 34 24 16 13 12 16 23 33 46 61 78 39 110 97 82 66 51 38 27 18 13 11 13 19 29 41 56 40 128 116 102 87 72 56 42 29 19 13 10 11 16 25 36 41 140 131 121 108 93 78 61 46 32 22 14 10 10 13 21 42 148 144 137 128 114 99 83 66 50 36 24 15 10 8 11 43 148 150 148 142 132 119 105 89 71 54 39 27 17 11 8 44 141 148 150 150 145 136 124 110 94 77 59 44 31 20 12 45 130 140 148 152 152 147 140 130 116 99 82 64 49 35 23 46 112 127 138 147 153 154 151 144 133 120 104 87 69 53 38 47 90 108 123 136 146 152 155 153 147 138 125 109 92 75 58 48 68 88 104 119 133 145 152 155 154 149 141 129 114 97 81 49 46 62 81 98 115 130 142 151 156 156 152 144 133 119 103 50 27 41 57 76 93 111 127 133 149 155 156 154 147 136 123 51 13 23 36 53 70 89 107 122 136 146 154 156 155 150 140 52 3 9 19 39 48 65 84 102 118 133 144 J52 ]5G 156 150 53 1 2 7 15 28 44 60 79 97 114 129 141 149 154 155 54 6 2 1 4 12 24 39 55 73 92 109 125 137 146 153 55 18 9 3 1 3 10 21 35 50 68 87 104 120 133 143 56 35 21 11 4 1 3 9 18 31 46 63 82 99 115 128 57 54 39 25 14 6 2 2 i? 16 27 42 59 76 94 110 58 79 61 44 30 18 9 4 3 6 13 24 38 54 70 87 60 102 84 67 49 33 21 12 6 4 6 12 22 35 49 65 ' 60 122 106 88 71 54 38 25 15 8 5 6 11 20 32 46 The perturbations arc in units of the eighth decimal place. Tilt Li: XXXIV. Perturbations f Lu<^. /, A.-/ Mar*. rii>riziil;il i = 1. ('n-liiut ;icMi IVri"d ,f Argiiinrnl XII., (ill units. . j ,j ,i d .1 .1 d .1 d xff 120 i:ti 111 152 100 I l? IM 19 200 20* 210 22 1 2*2 1,1 7,, 09 107 121 131 i:i:> 1 i:, 11- 117 149 131 195 113 100 1 49 56 71 109 III, 127 136 III li:, 1 H, 143 137 Itti 118 2 96 :',7 51 63 8(1 05 109 121 131 13- 113 li:, 143 IM 133 3 17 94 31 47 GO 71 - i 109 115 196 136 Ill 111 1 II 149 4 12 IS 91 31 49 :,:, 89 -' 97 llll 191 131 138 143 144 - 16 16 16 21 99 38 r,ii a 7i ; 103 116 196 131 140 G 95 2 ' 17 17 99 96 34 IS ",7 69 06 no 122 131 4 38 30 23 1!) 18 1!) 21 31 41 59 (il 77 91 106 117 8 57 4.-, 3D 27 99 J i 90 99 9B 36 16 ."7 70 84 9 7- Gl 59 II 39 96 99 90 21 95 32 40 51 G3 7- ID 06 s:( 7n 57 4G 37 23 90 20 93 3G H, ;,, 11 114 109 !NI 78 (>"> 63 43 31 27 99 90 21 32 41 12 127 118 108 '.'7 -1 71 50 47 37 90 93 2,1 2 i 99 98 13 135 130 123 II 1 103 90 78 65 63 42 33 21 1!) 21 14 137 136 133 127 11!) 108 !I7 85 71 58 47 37 89 1!) 15 139 136 137 136 130 194 116 104 99 7- 66 53 41 31 23 Hi 199 129 135 137 136 133 198 120 no 88 85 71 58 45 31 17 108 118 196 133 137 137 13G 132 1 2~> 115 104 91 77 63 59 18 88 101 113 193 131 137 139 138 136 130 122 111 !H 84 60 1!) 6!) 82 90 108 120 198 136 140 141 140 135 127 117 105 1)1 90 51 63 76 89 103 11.-, 125 134 140 112 142 138 132 122 no 34 4.-, 56 69 84 111 199 139 140 III 144 142 137 198 99 99 99 38 50 G3 77 09 106 119 CIO 13!) 144 146 145 in 98 1G 18 24 33 44 57 71 86 101 115 127 137 144 148 149 94 16 13 14 19 27 38 51 65 81 96 111 195 136 144 14!) 86 99 1G 13 13 16 23 33 44 59 7.'. 91 106 121 133 143 96 34 24 16 11 10 19 18 27 39 63 G!) 85 109 118 131 27 59 3!) 27 18 12 9 11) 15 93 34 48 63 80 08 114 88 71 55 42 29 18 11 7 7 11 18 99 42 7.-, 93 98 94 77 61 46 32 20 12 6 :, 7 14 24 37 52 70 30 114 99 83 66 50 36 23 13 7 4 5 11 20 32 47 31 131 119 105 89 71 56 40 26 16 7 3 3 8 16 27 32 145 136 1 2 ."> no 04 7G 59 43 28 16 7 3 2 5 13 33 169 148 141 131) 115 80 82 64 47 32 1:1 9 3 1 4 34 153 153 151 145 134 120 104 87 6:1 51 35 21 11 4 1 85 14G 152 155 154 147 137 125 no 93 74 57 40 26 14 6 3G 134 144 159 155 154 149 141 198 114 '.,7 79 61 44 2.1 16 37 116 130 141 150 155 155 169 144 133 119 109 85 66 49 34 38 94 III 126 13!) 149 155 156 153 146 137 121 107 00 72 54 39 72 90 107 123 137 147 I.I 156 154 148 140 127 111 95 77 40 50 66 84 101 118 132 143 152 156 156 151 142 131 116 100 41 32 46 G2 79 97 114 128 140 14!) 155 155 161 144 134 121) 42 18 28 41 57 74 92 109 194 137 146 159 154 151 146 137 43 10 15 24 37 69 68 86 103 119 133 113 150 153 159 148 44 9 8 12 21 33 48 G4 81 98 114 128 140 147 161 161 45 14 9 8 12 19 90 43 58 75 93 109 123 136 143 14)1 46 25 16 10 8 10 16 26 39 54 7,1 87 103 118 1311 141) 47 43 30 19 12 9 9 15 24 36 50 81 08 113 196 48 63 47 34 23 14 10 10 13 21 31 45 60 76 106 49 86 69 53 38 26 17 12 10 13 19 29 41 55 70 86 50 107 91 74 57 42 30 20 13 11 12 17 26 37 50 (i.-, 51 127 112 07 80 63 48 35 24 17 13 13 16 24 34 46 59 142 131) 117 102 85 68 53 39 28 20 16 15 17 31 53 161 144 134 122 106 90 74 58 44 33 23 17 18 16 91 54 155 152 147 138 126 111 96 80 64 49 37 27 21 17 17 56 150 i:,:i 152 148 140 199 117 102 86 70 56 43 33 9J 90 140 147 151 161 147 III 139 120 106 !>l 76 61 1- 37 2- C7 101 ! II 150 151 148 113 131 124 111 97 82 G7 54 43 Dtf 58 i - , 103 118 131 140 146 1 )'' 149 145 138 129 117 1113 - ' 75 80 Rfll --j 98 113 126 137 143 148 148 146 140 132 121 06 81 Jt' 69 61 76 92 107 121 131 13!) 145 148 147 142 134 198 113 UN) When 2->4 d .7 is subtracted from Arg. I., add 19.6 to Arg XII. TABLE XXXV. Perturbations of Log. /, liy Jupiter. Horizontal Argument = I. Constant added 30. Period of Argument 1., 224<;. r, />// .lii/n'/i r. llri/'Mital Ar^iiiiifiit = 1. < ',,n-i. -int :nlilt ,1 - 1 Period of Arfumnt XIII., 60 unit*. An MM 120 I2N .1 130 .1 111 ,,, A 100 .1 ION 170 1*1 192 200 ,:>, 210 l .1 I) 87 86 Hi 105 116 190 III 150 166 156 15 1 ISO 193 1 -_' 89 -1 80 vt 191 135 117 166 11,1 160 152 130 2 78 7!) 7H BO -1 100 II-.' 196 140 l.vj n, i 103 Ilil 169 3 73 75 75 77 7:i -1 09 103 116 130 ill 150 163 11,5 Mil 4 07 70 72 73 75 70 :u 106 r." 134 1 1- 160 165 105 5 60 05 (;:i 71 7'.' 71 7!l 86 96 rae 193 137 150 100 105 (i 63 0'! 05 i>- 70 71 71 70 87 96 111 125 139 151 II, I 7 4(i 51 05 07 60 71 71 - i -- 09 II-.' 196 1 I'l 151 B 10 48 56 (,'J 05 i,- 69 71 71 - i 88 00 112 196 130 9 35 43 51 58 63 66 i,- 69 70 73 711 87 '.'- ill 125 10 31 38 46 51 61 65 67 66 68 60 71 77 90 109 11 :!n 35 43 M 58 63 66 07 66 66 66 74 82 93 19 30 34 40 47 55 61 05 07 66 ti.'i 03 63 68 70 79 13 34 34 38 45 52 50 1,1 66 66 01 69 58 1,1 65 14 41 38 39 43 50 57 02 06 66 05 i.-.' 57 54 53 55 15 50 II 42 44 48 56 61 05 66 60 62 57 52 48 47 iii 62 52 47 46 48 53 50 63 66 66 63 52 46 42 17 75 03 64 50 50 59 57 61 05 66 01 60 53 46 40 18 89 75 64 57 53 53 56 00 (>:! 65 61 55 47 40 19 103 Ml 76 66 59 56 66 61 64 01 69 57 50 41 20 117 103 BB 76 67 61 68 68 60 02 62 62 52 44 21 1 -.'- 116 102 88 76 67 61 5'.) 50 01 01 69 60 55 47 99 137 127 115 101 87 75 07 61 59 60 61 60 56 50 23 II-.' 137 l-.il i 113 99 85 74 66 6D 59 .VI 69 59 57 53 24 144 143 136 194 110 96 83 7-J 64 6!) 58 58 58 58 55 96 142 145 142 134 121 107 B9 7!) 69 62 58 57 57 57 55 26 136 144 115 141 131 li- 103 88 75 66 i,i 57 66 .51 i 57 27 127 138 III 111 138 127 113 oe 84 7'.' 63 5- 56 56 66 98 114 130 Ml) 144 142 134 122 KM 93 80 68 61 57 5( i 56 29 100 118 132 140 142 1J9 130 117 102 88 75 65 60 57 56 30 84 103 120 132 139 140 131 194 111 98 84 72 64 59 58 31 69 88 106 121 132 137 136 130 119 106 92 80 70 63 60 54 72 90 J07 122 131 134 139 124 114 101 89 77 O'.l 64 33 41 57 71 92 108 121 128 130 127 120 109 97 86 76 69 34 43 59 75 , !>3 108 119 126 127 123 110 106 Hi BB 76 35 25 32 41 59 86 92 107 117 123 123 120 113 103 93 84 30 22 24 39 44 59 76 92 105 115 120 Ml 117 110 102 93 37 22 20 24 31 44 59 75 !U 104 113 119 119 116 111! 102 38 26 20 18 22 30 43 58 75 90 103 113 118 118 116 110 39 33 23 17 16 20 29 42 58 75 90 104 113 118 119 116 40 43 30 20 14 13 17 27 42 58 75 91 105 114 119 120 41 54 39 26 15 10 10 16 27 42 59 77 03 106 116 121 42 66 50 86 21 11 6 7 15 27 43 61 80 96 no 119 43 78 62 46 30 Hi 7 3 6 15 28 45 01 83 100 113 44 75 59 41 25 12 1 1 6 16 31 49 69 88 mi 45 99 87 72 54 37 21 9 2 1 6 18 34 53 74 93 46 107 97 84 68 50 33 17 6 1 1 8 21 99 59 7:1 47 113 106 82 65 47 2!) 18 5 3 12 20 44 65 1- 117 113 100 94 79 62 44 27 14 5 9 6 16 31 50 49 118 117 113 105 93 78 60 42 26 13 6 4 9 21 37 50 118 120 11!) 114 105 go 77 59 42 26 14 8 8 14 27 51 117 120 121 120 115 106 93 76 .V.I 42 26 16 11 I-,' 1!) 5',' 114 118 121 123 122 116 107 93 77 59 41 28 18 M 16 63 111 115 119 123 196 124 119 109 115 78 61 44 30 21 18 54 108 111 116 122 126 129 128 122 111 H7 80 62 45 32 24 55 104 107 112 118 125 130 133 131 125 114 9!) 82 64 47 34 66 100 102 106 113 121 129 135 137 136 129 117 101 83 65 49 57 97 98 101 107 116 125 134 140 113 140 132 119 103 84 66 58 94 94 101 109 119 130 139 14(i 148 III 136 191 lot 88 59 90 90 91 96 102 112 194 136 1 Hi 151 159 148 138 1 -.'-' mi 60 87 86 86 89 96 105 no 199 III 150 156 156 150 139 193 When 224* .7 in subtracted from Arg. I., add 3.11 to Arg. XIII. TABLE XXXVI. Perturbations of Log. r, by Saturn. Horizontal Argument = I. Constant added 25. Period of Argument I., 224< 1 .7. Aif. XIV. t Lna. r, lnj Saturn. Iliiri/unt.-i! Ar;;il ill = 1 Cmi-i.-uit a.l.lrd ,'.">. IVriuil nf Argument XIV., 'M units. XIV ivto 1 I4N 136 lit 1 >. IOO d Hi* I7 40 11 41 4-> 41 41 :!'. :I7 93 28 23 17 II 1 SI 40 II II M a II 40 3B 36 n H 17 2 35 37 40 n 41 41 41 11 40 38 36 91 27 n 3 3d :!.-, :!7 90 :!'.i 40 41 41 41 41 40 99 35 31 26 4 29 33 35 40 40 41 41 40 39 37 34 31 :. ,>fi 30 33 :r, :!7 38 40 M 40 40 40 39 37 34 (i a 97 n n 36 :i7 38 n 18 40 40 40 40 38 96 7 in a 28 n M 86 97 9B n 39 40 40 88 M 8 i:, 20 .*.) 31 36 37 98 39 39 89 3D 9 tt 17 It 26 n M 36 97 97 38 38 98 38 30 10 !t 13 18 ti .'7 u 33 35 36 37 37 37 ae :ts 36 11 7 10 16 19 24 IB :ii M 35 M 37 91 37 38 38 M 5 8 12 16 21 29 M 36 36 37 37 :(7 37 13 I G 9 13 18 ,'-> 30 99 98 M 36 37 37 97 11 4 5 7 10 14 19 23 28 31 34 35 36 37 37 37 15 5 4 f> 8 11 16 20 -T. 29 :;.' 34 3(i 37 37 :t? 1(1 ~ 7 B 4 I) 9 12 17 .'1 M 30 93 35 37 91 : 33 29 25 20 1") 10 6 3 1 1 3 6 11 16 27 37 :!.-> Si 89 24 19 14 9 1 2 1 1 3 7 U 28 39 37 35 32 28 23 18 13 8 4 I 1 3 1 29 40 39 37 35 32 27 23 17 12 7 3 1 1 4 30 41 40 N 37 3T, 31 27 22 16 11 G 2 1 31 42 41 40 39 37 35 31 36 21 16 10 5 2 32 42 42 41 41 39 37 34 30 26 20 15 9 5 1 ft 42 42 1-' 41 41 H n 34 30 A"> 20 14 !) 4 1 34 41 42 42 41 41 39 37 34 30 24 19 13 8 4 35 40 41 42 42 42 41 41 39 37 33 29 24 18 13 7 36 39 40 41 41 42 42 41 41 39 37 33 28 23 17 12 When 224- 1 .? i nubtracted from Arg. I. add 0.8 to Arg. XIV. TABL.E XXXVII. Perturbations of the Latitude, by the Earth. Horizontal Argument = 1. Constant added 0".6->. Period of Argument I., 224-1.7. Arg. XI. A rl 8 rt 16 24 ii 32 ,i 40 a 48 d 56 d 61 d 72 d 8O d 88 d 96 d 101 d 112 48 43 39 36 34 35 37 41 45 51 58 65 71 77 81 2 .V, 48 42 38 35 34 34 36 40 45 50 57 64 70 75 4 62 55 48 42 38 34 33 34 36 39 44 50 56 62 68 6 70 62 55 48 43 38 3.-> 34 34 36 39 44 49 55 61 8 78 70 63 55 49 43 38 36 34 34 36 40 44 49 54 10 84 77 70 62 55 4!l 43 39 36 35 35 37 40 44 48 12 89 83 77 69 62 55 49 44 40 37 36 36 38 40 43 14 94 89 83 76 69 62 55 49 44 40 37 36 37 38 40 16 97 93 88 82 76 69 62 55 40 44 40 38 37 36 37 18 98 96 1(3 88 82 76 68 62 55 49 44 41 38 36 36 20 98 97 96 92 87 82 75 69 62 G6 50 45 41 38 36 22 96 97 97 95 92 88 82 76 69 63 56 51 45 41 38 24 92 95 96 96 95 92 88 83 77 70 64 58 51 46 41 26 86 90 93 94 95 94 92 88 84 78 72 66 59 53 47 28 78 82 87 90 92 94 93 92 89 85 80 74 68 61 55 30 69 73 78 83 87 90 91 92 91 89 86 81 76 70 64 32 60 64 69 73 78 83 87 89 91 91 89 87 83 77 73 34 52 55 59 63 68 74 79 83 87 89 90 90 88 84 80 36 47 47 50 53 58 64 69 75 80 84 87 89 90 89 86 38 44 43 43 45 48 53 59 65 71 77 81 85 88 90 89 40 4r> 41 :i!) 38 40 43 48 54 61 67 73 79 84 88 90 42 4S 41 37 34 34 35 39 44 51 57 64 71 78 84 88 44 W 44 38 33 30 30 32 35 41 47 55 62 70 77 83 46 59 49 41 34 29 26 26 28 32 38 45 53 61 70 77 48 67 55 45 36 29 24 22 22 25 30 36 44 52 61 70 50 75 63 51 41 32 y.-> 21 18 19 22 27 35 43 52 61 52 83 71 59 47 36 27 21 17 16 17 20 26 34 42 52 54 92 80 67 55 43 32 24 18 14 13 15 19 25 33 42 56 100 88 76 63 50 39 29 21 15 12 12 14 19 25 33 58 106 96 84 72 59 47 36 27 19 14 12 12 15 19 26 60 111 102 92 81 68 56 44 34 26 19 15 13 13 16 20 62 112 106 97 87 76 65 53 43 34 26 20 16 15 15 18 64 111 107 100 92 82 72 62 52 42 35 28 23 19 18 18 66 107 104 100 94 86 77 68 60 51 43 36 30 26 24 22 68 100 100 97 93 87 80 73 65 58 51 45 39 34 32 28 71) 93 93 92 89 85 80 75 69 63 57 52 47 42 39 35 72 84 86 86 84 82 79 75 70 66 62 58 54 50 46 43 74 76 78 7il 79 77 75 73 70 67 64 62 59 56 53 50 76 67 70 71 72 72 71 69 68 66 65 64 62 61 59 57 78 58 62 64 66 66 66 65 65 64 65 65 64 63 63 62 80 50 54 56 59 60 61 61 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 67 82 41 45 48 51 53 55 55 57 58 60 63 65 68 69 71 84 32 36 40 43 46 48 49 51 54 57 60 64 67 71 73 86 23 28 32 35 38 40 42 45 48 52 56 61 66 70 75 88 16 20 24 28 30 33 35 38 41 45 50 56 62 67 74 00 11 15 18 21 23 26 28 30 34 38 43 50 57 64 72 !)2 8 11 13 16 18 19 21 23 26 30 36 43 50 59 67 94 7 9 11 13 14 15 16 17 20 23 28 35 42 51 60 96 9 10 II 12 12 12 13 13 14 17 21 27 34 43 53 98 13 13 13 13 13 12 11 11 11 13 15 21 27 35 45 100 19 18 17 17 16 14 12 11 10 10 12 15 21 28 37 102 25 24 23 21 20 17 15 12 10 9 10 12 16 22 31 104 33 111 30 28 25 22 19 15 13 10 9 10 13 18 25 106 42 40 38 35 32 28 25 20 16 13 10 10 11 15 21 108 51 49 47 44 40 36 32 26 21 17 13 12 11 14 18 no 61 59 57 54 50 45 40 34 28 23 18 15 13 13 16 112 70 60 67 64 61 56 50 44 37 30 24 20 16 15 16 114 78 78 76 75 72 67 62 ,->:> 48 40 33 27 22 19 18 116 84 85 85 85 83 Til 74 67 6:1 52 44 36 30 25 23 118 86 90 92 93 92 911 86 80 72 64 66 48 40 34 30 130 85 91 95 98 99 BO 96 91 85 77 69 60 52 45 39 The perturbations are expressed in luiiidredtlis of a second of arc. TABLE XXXVII. /'. rliir/xiliini.-i iifi/ir Lntilitili\ liii l/i-' I'.m-ih. lli.riy.tmul Argument = 1. nit . -nl, l-'tl \' :i.,il ot'Ar;;iiiii.'iil M., 210 in. Arg.XI. .1 a 14N .1 130 .1 111 .1 .1 ION 170 INI 194 400 40N 9 , 221 2*4 85 87 -1 Bl 76 70 (il 51 46 II 37 36 > BO ,-i, 86 M! 80 71 i 71 86 60 to 44 II 4 73 7fl Bl 84 1 81 71 (i7 66 48 G 66 71 7". -l - 7' 68 lil 00 66 8 I.I 7-J X 79 80 80 78 7G 74 71 67 63 10 83 57 89 66 7 l 7:! 76 7!) 7 ' 77 75 73 70 I-J 47 61 63 1,7 71 74 76 77 71) 7:1 78 77 re 1 1 43 li. 88 r,7 I.I 79 7.-) 7- 79 80 81 80 16 89 41 II 61 1,1 71 75 81 38 18 86 37 40 HI l . 49 58 BB 67 ~- 76 80 20 34 86 36 37 43 47 51 86 (il 67 73 78 BB 86 99 86 34 BB BB 86 37 40 II 49 lil 68 71 80 86 94 37 86 n 31 81 3'J 34 :t7 49 47 54 lil 88 7li 83 JO 49 84 81 :ti 86 n 46 5:t iii 70 IB 23 4!) 43 N 88 29 - 7 Jii J7 23 89 38 M 52 61 71 30 87 51 44 38 33 99 26 Jl 94 27 31 86 43 52 (i-J 89 GG 60 53 4G 3!) 33 s, 83 98 86 88 84 43 89 34 75 68 (i-J 48 II 84 29 LT, 93 98 B6 86 86 44 86 83 78 79 66 r>7 60 42 It:, 26 94 88 J.-, 31) 36 BH 88 85 80 74 G7 "'' 52 44 37 III J7 25 Jl 26 31 40 90 BB 87 82 n (i!) 62 54 46 33 29 26 26 23 49 BO U9 Bl -- - 1 73 71 63 .'.;, 1- 41 35 31 -.'- 44 83 Bl 89 92 85 80 73 66 .-,7 50 49 1(7 83 30 46 -1 89 B9 B4 B3 91 87 81 74 B7 60 51 44 89 86 43 78 84 90 94 95 B6 88 83 76 63 46 41 50 70 78 86 !>l B6 87 87 94 90 84 77 70 62 BB 48 69 Gl 71 80 B9 B7 DO 93 86 89 86 7'.) 7J Gl 57 52 62 79 81 88 "i B8 100 100 1 '7 88 87 81 7:1 66 r.(i 43 .'.:) 63 71! 82 BE BB Ml Ml B4 89 --.' 75 34 43 63 73 82 90 96 BO Ml 101 08 86 90 84 GO J7 35 44 84 G4 73 82 90 86 99 101 101 II!) 96 III 88 :i7 45 M lil 73 -1 94 97 Mil 101) B8 86 G! 21 86 ::' 38 46 66 (il 7-.' 80 83 89 BB BH 98 66 j;{ 25 2!) 34 40 47 66 63 71 78 84 -:i 93 :i5 96 63 27 27 39 32 3G I-J 43 66 69 69 75 81 86 89 70 83 32 32 33 36 39 44 60 55 61 67 73 78 82 86 7'J 40 33 87 37 37 88 42 46 68 60 BB 70 76 7H 74 47 45 43 41 41 41 4'J 44 47 50 63 67 71 76 Efl 49 47 46 44 44 44 18 47 60 53 67 61 65 78 61 58 56 53 51 48 47 46 45 46 47 49 52 55 59 80 66 G5 62 59 57 64 51 48 47 46 46 46 48 80 53 83 71 70 69 66 63 56 52 49 47 45 45 45 4G 48 84 7.-, 7:, 79 70 66 69 57 68 49 46 45 43 43 44 86 73 - ' 80 7!) 77 73 68 64 54 l i 46 43 41 41 88 79 84 85 83 80 76 71 68 59 54 49 45 41 39 BO 7- 83 gj 89 89 87 83 7!) 73 66 60 54 43 44 40 89 7.-, 88 87 89 92 90 81 74 67 lil 54 48 i-J '.il 71) 7- 88 Bl 94 96 95 '.J -- B8 7:, 61 64 47 72 81 88 94 93 !I7 '.'I 89 83 77 69 Gl .", 1 98 55 65 75 84 91 96 99 99 BB 90 84 77 68 62 100 47 53 78 86 93 97 100 100 B8 90 84 77 69 1 1 i-J 40 61 71 81 83 94 93 100 HID W B6 80 84 77 104 43 54 64 71 83 90 88 100 iao 98 H4 89 -'. 106 37 47 57 68 77 84 91 II! 1 108 100 B7 B4 " 103 24 89 41 51 Gl 70 7'.) 86 96 99 100 99 97 '.'3 1 10 21 2s* 36 45 54 64 7-J 80 96 99 99 H 96 1 12 19 25 31 BB 1- 57 66 71 -1 87 in) 1 14 J i 23 28 86 43 61 60 G7 71 Bl Dl BB !>7 116 1 1 . 22 24 28 J7 ::-J 37 46 42 63 43 (, > 67 li) 71 66 7-J P3 87 98 M 1 I O 190 34 33 35 37 11 45 lil G!) 74 79 84 Wlicu 22-l''.7 li subtracted trom Arg. I., ;ulel 1 l/.UI lo Ary. XI. 11 V TABLE XXX VJ I. Perturbations of the Latitude, l>y the Earth. Horizontal Argument = I. Constant added 0".62. Period of Argument I., 224J.7. Arg. XI. d o d % d 16 d 24 A 32 d 40 d 48 d 56 d 61 d 72 d 80 d 8 96 d 104 Perturbation* uf // Liiti/mli-, /// ///< /,'// A. lloriy.unt.il Argument = I. Constant added 0-.62. Peri f Ar,,,,,,,,,, XI , -10 ,,.. Arg. .1 .1 12N .1 .1 1 II 152 100 .1 10* 170 INI .* 4 200 .1 20* .1 210 221 .1 120 36 14 S3 35 37 41 16 10 54 (it 60 74 7:' 199 4G 43 41 41 41 43 46 47 :,,i 54 61 $6 70 75 194 54 50 48 47 47 47 48 49 51 57 Gl 65 196 69 65 61 58 66 54 53 59 51 51 :,u 50 51 66 !.>- -1 76 T - 69 67 1,1 69 56 54 51 49 <8 1- 40 130 00 86 83 77 74 71 (It 60 56 51 47 45 it 139 98 95 99 HO ^7 84 -1 77 7:s 68 61 55 ia 45 49 134 104 101 90 98 96 93 '.'1 87 82 76 68 69 54 47 49 136 108 107 105 101 lo:t 101 !>9 96 91 70 61 59 15 138 111 109 IW 109 108 108 lor- 104 100 94 87 78 Gil 59 111 140 111 111 ill 112 112 112 114 111 108 103 96 87 77 67 55 149 lio 111) 112 113 11 1 116 Il- IK; lit no mi 96 75 63 144 107 108 lio 113 115 117 ll!) 190 11!) in; in 103 0! 71 146 109 lot 107 Illl 113 116 119 122 1 ->-,' 191 117 IK) 109 91 7!) 148 96 99 102 105 109 113 117 121 123 183 121 116 109 90 150 89 91 95 98 103 108 113 118 191 123 199 119 114 106 96 169 "1 83 86 90 95 100 ! I. 112 117 190 121 120 117 110 102 151 79 74 77 81 86 91 97 l"l 110 III 117 II- 116 112 106 156 65 66 68 71 76 81 87 94 101 106 III 113 114 111 107 158 59 59 GO 63 66 71 77 84 90 97 102 106 108 108 105 160 51 53 53 54 57 61 .66 73 80 86 99 97 100 101 101 169 50 48 47 48 4!) 53 57 63 60 7G 98 87 91 94 94 164 47 44 49 41 42 44 48 53 59 66 7-j 77 B9 -7 166 45 41 38 36 36 37 40 44 50 56 <)'.! 68 7:t 77 7!) 168 44 38 34 31 30 30 32 36 41 46 53 51) 64 68 71 170 45 37 32 27 24 23 24 27 32 37 43 49 55 59 G:! 172 47 38 31 86 SO 18 18 19 23 28 34 40 46 51 55 171 59 41 32 24 18 14 12 12 15 1!) 25 30 36 1- 46 176 58 47 36 26 19 12 9 7 8 11 16 22 27 :',:! ::- 178 67 54 42 31 22 14 8 5 4 6 9 14 19 -it ' 89 180 75 63 50 38 27 17 10 5 2 2 4 8 12 17 21 182 84 72 59 47 35 24 15 8 3 2 2 4 7 11 15 184 91 80 G7 56 44 32 21 13 7 5 2 3 5 7 11 186 96 87 7G 64 52 40 99 20 13 9 5 5 5 7 99 99 83 72 61 49 38 28 21 14 11 8 8 8 10 190 99 94 87 78 63 58 47 37 29 22 17 14 13 12 19 199 96 94 89 82 74 65 55 45 37 30 96 21 19 17 16 194 92 99 89 84 78 71 69 53 4G 39 33 2!) 26 24 89 1% 86 88 87 85 81 75 68 60 54 48 42 38 34 it,' 30 198 79 82 83 83 81 77 72 67 61 56 51 47 43 40 38 200 70 74 77 79 79 78 75 71 67 G:! 59 55 ,VJ 50 47 202 69 65 69 72 74 75 75 73 71 69 66 64 G'J 69 57 204 50 60 64 68 70 72 73 73 73 72 71 70 68 67 206 40- 45 50 54 59 63 67 70 7'J 74 75 76 76 7? 7(i 208 33 36 40 45 50 54 59 64 68 72 75 78 80 83 -1 210 28 30 32 36 40 45 50 56 61 67 7-> 77 81 a". 89 212 27 26 26 29 32 36 41 47 53 60 66 73 79 90 214 28 26 24 24 85 29 33 38 44 51 59 66 74 82 216 33 28 25 23 22 83 27 31 36 43 50 58 67 76 85 218 40 34 29 25 22 21 23 25 29 35 42 51 59 69 7:) 220 48 41 34 29 24 22 21 22 85 29 35 43 51 61 71 56 47 41 34 28 24 22 21 22 25 30 36 45 54 ' 1 994 63 66 48 41 34 29 25 22 22 23 86 31 38 47 57 226 70 63 55 48 40 34 29 25 23 22 24 28 33 41 50 228 76 70 63 55 47 40 34 29 25 23 23 25 30 36 44 230 81 76 69 G'J 54 47 40 34 29 98 24 98 27 39 939 86 81 7G 69 69 ."! 47 40 34 29 26 25 26 29 34 88 86 61 76 69 62 55 47 41 34 30 28 27 88 2:16 89 88 86 81 76 69 69 66 48 41 3G 39 80 :;i 938 -- 89 88 86 81 76 70 63 56 49 43 38 84 240 85 87 88 87 84 81 70 70 64 57 51 46 41 37 \Vhun 2-J4 J .7 is subtracted from Arg. I., add 147.64 to Arg. XI. 70 TABLE XXXVIII. Perturbations of the Latitude, by Jupiter. Horizontal Argument = 1. Constant added 0".'J1. Period of Argument I., 234-1.7. Arg. Xlll. d d 8 d 10 d 21 d a a d 40 d 48 d 56 d d 61 73 d d 8 96 101 d 113 17 14 11 9 7 6 5 5 6 G 8 10 12 IS 18 1 21 18 15 12 9 7 6 5 4 5 5 7 9 12 15 2 25 22 18 15 12 9 7 5 4 4 4 5 6 9 11 3 29 2G 22 11) 15 12 9 7 5 4 . 3 3 4 6 8 4 32 29 2G 22 19 15 12 9 G 5 3 3 3 4 6 5 35 32 29 26 22 19 15 12 9 6 4 3 3 3 4 (i 37 35 32 29 26 22 18 15 11 8 G 4 3 3 3 7 38 37 35 39 89 20 22 18 15 11 8 G 4 3 3 8 39 38 37 34 39 29 25 22 18 11 11 9 6 6 4 9 39 38 38 36 34 31 28 25 21 18 15 12 9 7 5 10 37 38 38 37 35 33 31 28 24 21 18 15 12 10 8 11 3G 37 37 37 36 34 32 30 27 24 21 18 15 13 11 13 33 35 36 36 36 35 34 32 30 27 24 22 19 16 14 13 30 32 34 35 35 35 34 33 31 29 27 25 22 20 17 14 27 29 31 32 33 34 34 34 33 31 29 27 25 23 21 15 23 26 28 30 31 32 33 33 33 32 31 30 28 26 24 16 20 22 25 27 28 30 31 32 33 33 32 31 30 2!) 27 17 17 19 21 23 25 27 29 31 32 32 33 33 32 31 30 18 14 16 18 20 22 24 27 29 30 32 33 33 33 33 32 19 11 13 15 17 19 21 24 26 28 30 32 33 34 34 34 20 9 10 12 14 1C 18 21 23 26 28 30 32 34 34 35 21 8 8 9 11 13 is 18 20 23 26 as 31 33 34 35 22 7. 7 7 '.) 10 12 15 18 20 23 26 29 32 34 35 23 7 6 6 7 8 10 12 15 18 21 24 27 30 89 34 24 7 " 6 5 6 6 8 10 12 15 18 21 25 28 31 33 25 8 6 5 5 5 6 8 10 13 15 19 22 25 28 31 26 9 7 6 5 5 5 6 8 10 13 16 10 23 26 29 27 11 9 7 6 5 5 5 6 & 11 14 17 20 24 27 28 14 11 8 7 5 5 5 6 i i) 12 15 18 21 24 29 16 13 10 8 6 5 5 5 6 8 10 12 15 18 22 30 19 16 13 10 8 6 6 5 6 7 8 10 13 16 19 31 21 18 16 12 10 8 7 6 6 6 7 9 11 14 16 32 24 21 18 15 12 10 8 7 7 6 7 8 10 12 14 33 27 24 21 18 15 13 11 9 8 7 7 7 9 10 12 34 29 26 24 21 18 15 13 11 9 8 7 7 8 9 10 35 31 29 26 24 21 18 16 14 11 10 9 8 8 8 9 36 33 31 29 27 24 22 19 16 14 12 10 9 8 7 7 37 34 33 31 30 27 25 22 19 17 14 12 10 9 8 7 38 35 34 33 32 30 28 25 23 20 17 15 12 10 8 7 39 35 35 35 34 33 31 29 26 23 20 18 15 12 10 8 40 35 36 36 36 35 34 32 29 27 24 21 17 15 12 9 41 34 35 36 37 37 36 34 32 30 27 24 20 17 14 11 42 32 34 36 37 38 38 37 35 33 30 27 24 20 17 13 43 30 33 35 37 38 39 39 37 36 33 31 27 24 20 16 44 28 31 34 36 38 39 40 39 38 36 34 30 27 23 19 45 25 28 32 35 37 39 40 40 No 39 36 34 30 26 22 46 22 25 29 33 36 38 40 41 41 40 39 36 33 30 26 47 18 22 26 30 34 37 39 41 41 41 40 38 36 33 29 48 15 19 23 27 31 35 37 40 41 41 41 40 38 35 32 49 12 16 20 24 23 32 35 38 40 41 41 41 39 37 35 50 9 12 16 20 25 28 32 35 38 40 41 41 40 39 37 5! 6 9 13 17 21 25 29 32 35 38 39 40 40 39 38 52 5 7 10 14 17 21 25 29 32 35 37 38 39 39 39 53 4 5 8 11 11 17 21 25 28 31 34 36 38 38 38 54 3 4 6 8 11 14 17 21 24 27 30 33 35 37 38 55 4 4 5 6 8 11 14 17 20 23 27 30 32 34 36 56 5 4 4 5 7 8 11 13 16 1!) 23 26 28 . 31 33 57 7 6 5 5 5 7 8 10 13 15 18 21 21 27 30 58 10 8 G 6 5 5 6 8 1) 12 14 17 20 23 26 59 13 II !) 7 6 5 5 6 7 9 11 14 16 19 22 GO 17 14 11 9 7 6 5 5 5 G 8 10 12 15 18 'Die perturbations are expressed in hundredtlis of a second of arc. TA1IL.E XXXVIII. Perturbations / 'the La/Huilf, Inj ./l.iMl aildi'd II". -'I. IV rind i>r Ariinii-iil M II., l>i> units. * r,. .1 .1 .1 .1 .1 .1 .1 .1 .1 AFC. XIII. 129 131 13.J 100 16* 170 1*1 192 200 20* 210 1 89 89 81 83 35 87 36 37 36 38 39 98 98 i IS 81 83 31 34 36 37 38 37 35 33 80 9 II ia Jl 93 88 31 34 36 30 37 38 33 3 II II 17 Jl 85 31 34 36 .: i 30 30 37 35 4 - II 14 17 81 j:, 98 37 38 30 38 37 5 6 a II 1 1 18 21 95 90 39 34 37 30 39 38 (i 1 6 8 II II 18 89 96 39 84 36 38 36 30 7 :! 5 (i g 19 15 Id J.-. j i 32 34 36 37 38 8 I 1 5 7 9 19 IS 10 89 96 88 31 33 36 36 5 1 8 (i 8 10 13 16 10 99 95 M 30 88 34 10 6 6 6 6 7 !) 11 19 16 19 99 21 27 39 II 9 7 7 7 7 8 9 11 13 16 18 Jl 24 26 19 19 10 B 8 8 8 8 10 U 13 18 18 90 93 85 13 15 13 11 10 g 8 8 9 10 11 13 IS 17 10 99 14 U 16 11 19 n 10 9 9 9 10 11 12 14 16 18 16 99 19 17 15 13 19 10 16 8 9 10 10 13 13 16 Hi 96 83 91 18 16 n 19 11 10 B a 9 10 11 19 17 88 86 94 19 17 16 13 11 M 9 8 8 9 H) Id 31 90 27 85 99 '-' i 17 18 13 11 9 8 8 7 8 1!) 89 39 30 38 26 93 20 Id 15 13 11 9 7 7 7 20 36 34 39 31 89 96 23 30 17 IS 13 10 8 7 (i Jl 36 35 :H 33 31 89 26 8) 90 17 II 11 8 7 6 99 36 36 36 35 83 81 39 26 23 30 16 13 II 8 7 96 86 36 37 86 36 88 31 88 36 99 H 16 13 10 H 94 35 36 37 37 37 35 33 31 38 95 * 33 18 18 12 9 25 34 36 37 37 37 36 35 33 30 97 94 Jl 17 14 11 26 32 34 36 37 37 37 36 34 33 39 27 2:i 90 17 14 27 30 39 34 36 37 37 37 36 34 31 80 98 23 19 Hi 96 97 30 33 88 36 37 37 36 88 89 31 98 33 10 25 38 30 33 35 36 36 36 36 34 32 30 37 35 21 30 22 25 38 30 33 34 35 36 36 35 34 32 30 37 Jl 31 19 22 96 30 32 34 35 35 88 34 89 31 90 27 tt 17 I'.l 99 85 99 31) 33 33 34 35 35 84 88 31 29 33 14 17 W 89 96 27 39 31 33 34 38 34 34 i!:i 31 34 M 14 16 19 33 24 37 30 31 33 34 34 34 M 33 35 10 11 13 16 18 21 34 36 39 31 32 34 34 86 34 36 8 9 11 13 15 18 31 33 36 38 31 39 34 86 35 37 7 8 9 10 19 15 17 30 93 35 38 31 83 84 88 38 6 6 7 8 ID 11 14 17 30 98 36 28 31 33 86 39 6 6 6 6 7 9 11 13 16 19 33 26 29 33 34 40 7 6 6 4 5 6 8 10 13 16 30 23 36 30 33 41 8 6 6 4 3 4 6 7 10 13 Hi 90 98 37 81 4',' ID 7 5 3 3 3 3 5 7 10 13 16 80 94 98 4:) 19 9 6 4 3 2 3 3 4 7 10 13 17 21 25 44 15 11 8 5 3 2 1 1 3 4 7 10 14 18 99 45 18 14 10 7 4 2 I 1 1 2 4 7 11 14 18 46 89 17 13 10 6 4 3 1 1 3 5 8 II 15 47 95 21 17 13 9 6 3 9 1 1 ' 1 3 5 8 19 48 88 24 30 16 19 9 6 3 3 1 I 2 4 6 11 49 31 28 34 19 15 19 8 .6 4 2 1 2 3 4 7 10 31 31 27 98 19 M 13 9 6 4 3 2 3 3 5 51 38 30 27 93 1!) 16 19 9 7 5 4 3 3 4 69 37 SB 33 30 26 23 19 Hi 13 10 8 6 4 4 4 63 38 37 85 33 30 27 33 20 17 II 11 9 7 6 5 38 37 36 35 33 30 37 24 31 18 15 12 10 8 6 86 37 37 37 36 88 33 3') 28 96 19 16 13 11 8 ' 56 35 36 37 37 36 95 33 31 90 26 23 30 17 14 11 57 :i'J 34 36 36 37 M 35 34 89 80 37 34 21 1- 15 53 89 84 35 36 37 37 36 98 31 38 J.-, 99 19 60 96 29 31 34 35 37 37 :tr 37 86 84 89 91 36 28 31 33 96 37 38 38 37 36 35 39 98 When 234 J .7 U subtracted from Arg. I., add 3.11 to Arg. Mil. TABL.E XXXIX. Values, for tin' li-^lnninif of l!n- year, of Ji\, A' v , iV' 1 ., ":nl of tlic Arguments of Nutation, for Washington Mi'ttii J\ovn .'.-u : ;ul>tr;irt.'il ; uiiil from log A- y tlie constant 0.0000089, and from log k, tliu constant U.UOOOuUi) TA11L.K X\\I\. \'nliii:i,fiir the l- <> hi n in* of tin- iii-fir. /' A',. A",. A-'-., ami of tin- An;iiiiiciii.t of I\'iilii!i,ni,f,ir U'tmhiiigloH : .\nnii iif'.ltiii. /;/ Cniii/iion \Vii;'.v mill .Inn. 1 I/I Iiit.-n.iti/,- i'lvirv. Year. A\. K,. A'. Log A\. Log Ay Log i-,. XV. XVI. / // / '/ / II d il 1800 89 5N N.NV! 1 27 0.71 K.VJ i<; :t(t.:57 !t.:i!l!l2!)01 !>.!l.-96717 9.61861S.-J 6170.2 l.s 1801 0.84 2S. IS 2900 6739 6080 6:>35.2 1.5 1802 8.98 0.98 ^(i.r.ii 2900 6761 5978 102.0 l.:( 1803 8.98 .11 24.70 2899 6783 6876 467.0 1.0 1804J3. !U)1 .24 32.81 2898 6806 5778 S33.0 1.8 1805 9.09 .:!7 20.93 2897 6828 5670 llit.N.O 1.6 1S06 9.16 .51 19.04 2897 6850 5667 1563.0 1.3 1807 9.80 .64 17.16 2896 6872 5 16 1 lifJN.O 1.1 isos/;. 9.2 1 .77 15^7 2896 UN!) 1 . r .:!(W 2-J!M.<) 1.8 1S01) 9.2!) .90 18.89 2895 6916 6259 j<;:.!).o 1.6 1H10 9.88 t>.():t 11.50 2894 6889 5156 30v! 1.0 1.1 1H11 9.31 2. Hi 9.ea 2894 6961 5053 33N9.0 1.1 isiae. !>. 1 1 ..'.:{<> 7.71 2898 6983 4950 3755.0 1.9 1813 :>. ir> iU3 :>:. 2898 7015 4848 4120.0 1.6 1814 9.19 8.56 3.97 2892 7037 4745 1 1S.-..0 1.1 1818 !t.;>3 2.69 2.09 2892 7059 4642 4850.0 1.1 18 Hi/;. 9.58 2.82 .i.'.-J -16 0.21 2891 7082 4539 5216.0 1.!) 1817 9.63 ZJ95 :i.vj i.-) rs.:j3 2890 7101 4436 5581.0 1.7 9.69 :{.os 56.45 2890 7 rj 7899 3099 3530.7 1.5 1881 10.33 4.76 32.06 Jssi 7414 2996 3805.7 1.3 18335. K).:i7 4.89 30.19 2881 713G 2893 1281.7 2.0 1833 10.42 5.02 28.31 2880 7 i:.s 2790 4626.7 1.8 1834 10.16 . 5.15 26.44 2879 7480 MB? 4991.7 1.5 1835 lO.r. 1 5.28 J 1.57 2879 7503 2584 5356.7 1.3 1836 B. 10.57 5.40 22.70 2878 7525 2481 5722.7 2.0 1837 10.62 5.53 20.83 2877 784S 2878 lids-;.-; l.N 1838 10.68 5.66 18.96 2877 7569 2275 (i 152.7 1.6 1839 10.73 5.79 17.09 2876 7591 2172 19.4 1.3 1840B. 10.78 5.91 15.22 2875 7613 2069 385.4 2.1 1M1 10.84 6.04 18,86 2875 7636 1966 750.4 1.8 1842 10.90 6.17 11.48 2874 7668 1863 1115.4 1.6 IN 13 10.95 6.30 9.62 2873 7 CM) 1760 1480.4 1.3 18442?. 11.01 6.42 7.75 2872 7702 1657 1846.4 2.1 1845 11.06 6.55 5.88 2872 7784 I.V.I 2211.4 1.9 is Hi 11.10 6.67 4.01 2871 7746 lir.i 2576.4 1.6 1847 11.14 6.80 2.15 2871 7769 1848 2911.4 1.4 18482?. 11.18 6.93 :i.vj 15 0.28 2870 7791 1245 3307.4 2.1 1849 89 58 11.22 1 27 7.05 3.VJ -14 58.42 9.9992870 9.9597 M3 9.6181112 36V..!. 1 1.9 From each of the quantities K x , h\ anil A'z, <<"' i.nslant ','H" no !,;,< I,,-. sirlnr.-i.-tnl ; ami IVum log /.,. the cunslant O.OOOOOS'J, ami from lug /., the constant 0.0000560. 74 TABLE XXXIX. Values, for the beginning of ///< i/nir, of K^ 7i v , <^c., and of the Arguments of Nutation, for Washington Mean Noon of Jan. in Common Years and Jan. 1 in Bissextile Years. Year. AV A',. K v Log k*. Log k s . Log k z . XV. XVI. o / II / // a 1 II a a 1850 89 58 11.27 1 27 7.18 352 44 56.55 9.9992869 9.9597825 9.6181039 4037.4 1.6 1851 11.31 7.31 i 54.69 2869 7847 0936 4402.4 1.4 18525. 11.35 7.13 52.83 2868 7869 0833 4768.4 2.2 1858 11.40 7.56 50.96 2867 7891 0729 5133.4 1.9 1854 11.44 7.68 49.10 2867 7914 0626 5198,4 1.7 1855 11.50 7.81 47.24 2866 7936 0523 5863,4 1.4 18565. 11.56 7.93 45.38 2865 7958 0420 6229,1 2.2 1857 11.63 8.08 43.52 2865 7980 0317 6591.4 1.9 1858 11.67 8.18 41.66 2864 8002 0213 161.2 1.7 185!) 11.73 8.31 39.80 2863 8021 0110 526.2 1.5 18(501?. 11.79 8.43 37.94 2863 8046 9.6180007 892.2 2.2 1801 11.81 8.5(5 36.08 2862 8069 9.6179904 1257.2 2.0 1862 11.89 8.68 3 1.22 2861 8091 9801 1622.2 1.7 1863 11.91 8.80 32.37 2861 8113 9697 1987.2 1.5 18645. 11.99 8.93- 30.51 2860 8135 9594 2353.2 2.2 18(55 12.03 9.05 28.65 2859 8157 9491 2718.2 2.0 1866 12.07 9.18 26.79 2859 8179 9388 3083.2 1.8 18(57 12.11 9.30 24.94 2858 8201 9285 3448.2 1.5 18685. 12.15 9.42 23.08 2858 8224 9181 3814.2 2.3 1869 12.19 9.55 21.23 2857 8246 9078 4179.2 2.0 1870 12.24 9.67 19.37 2857 8268 8975 4544.2 1.8 1871 12.28 9.79 17.52 2856 8290 8872 4909.2 1.5 18725. 12.33 9.92 15.67 2856 8312 8768 5275.2 2.3 1873 12.39 10.04 13.81 2855 8334 8665 56 10.2 2.1 1874 12.44 10.16 11.96 2854 8356 8561 6005.2 1.8 1875 12.50 10.28 10.11 2854 8378 8458 6370.2 1.6 187(55. 12.56 10.40 8.26 2853 8401 8355 6736.2 2.3 1877 12.62 10.53 6.41 2852 8423 8251 302.9 2.1 1878 12.67 10.65 4.56 2851 8445 8148 667.9 1.8 1879 12.73 10.77 2.71 2851 8467 8044 1032.9 1.6 18805. 12.78 10.89 352 44 0.86 2850 8489 7941 1398.9 2.4 1881 12.83 11.01 352 43 59.01 2849 8511 7838 1763.9 2.1 1882 12.88 11.14 57.16 2849 8533 7734 2128.9 1.9 1883 12.93 11.26 55.32 2848 8556 7631 2493.9 1.6 18845. 12.97 11.38 53.47 2848 8578 . 7528 2859.9 2.4 1885 13.01 11.50 51.62 .2847 8600 7121 3224.9 2.1 1886 13.05 11.62 49.77 2847 8622 7321 3589.9 1.9 1887 13.09 11.71 47.93 2846 8644 7217 395 1.9 1.7 18885. 13.13 11.86 46.08 2846 8666 7114 4330.9 2.4 1889 13.18 11.98 44.24 2815 8688 7010 4685.9 2.2 1890 13.22 12.10 42.39 2844 8711 6907 5050.9 1.9 1891 13.27 12.22 40.55 2844 8733 6S01 5115.9 1.7 . 189-25. 13.33 12.84 38.71 28 13 8755. 6700 5781.9 2.4 1893 13.39 12,16 36.86 2812 8777 6597 6146.9 2.2 1894 13.45 12.58 35.02 2842 8799 6493 6511.9 2.0 1895 13.50 12.70 33.18 2811 8821 6390 78.6 1.7 18965. 13.56 12.82 31.34 2840 8843 6286 111.6 2.5 1897 13.62 12.!) 1 29.50 2840 8866 61 S3 809.6 2.2 1898 13.07 13.06 27.66 8888 6079 111 1.6 2.0 1899 89 58 13.73 1 27 13.18 352 13 25.82 9.9992838 9.9598910 9.6175976 1539.6 1.7 1'ruin each oftlic quantities /vV, /v' y ami k", tin; constant 'i I".')!) h.i . been laliirarti.'cl ; and from lo h y thu constant 0.0000089, and from lu;_' /.'., the constant 0.0000500 TABLE \V\I\. 75 Vn/iir.f, fur III'' tii-iji luting nl l/i:' i/i-iir. i'/' A" . A",. iVr., mi'.' nU /' \i 13.99 13.89 1 1.79 2835 9048 535 1 3730.6 1.3 1906 1 1.03 14.01 12.96 2835 9065 5250 4095.6 1.0 1907 1 1.08 14.13 11.12 JS3 1 9081 5117 4460.6 O.s 1908B. 1 1.12 1 I.-J5 9.28 9109 5013 4826.6 1.6 1909 11.17 14.36 7. 15 2838 9131 1940 5191.6 1.3 1910 14J22 11. is 5.61 2832 9154 4886 5556.6 1.1 1911 1 l.'JS 14.60 3.78 2832 9176 4732 5921.6 O.S 1912#. 14.3 1 1 1.7-4 1.95 2831 9198 4629 6287.6 1.6 1913 11.10 1 IX! 352 43 0.11 2830 9220 1525 6652.6 1.3 1914 1 1. 15 14.95 352 42 58.28 2829 9',' 1;.' 1 l-j-.' 219.4 1.1 1915 14.50 15.07 66.40 2829 9-ji; i 4318 584.4 0.9 19167A 14.56 15.18 54.62 2828 9287 4214 950. 1 l.li 1917 14.62 15.30 52.79 2827 9309 4110 1815.4 1.4 1!)1H 14.67 15.48 50.96 2827 9331 4007 1680.4 1.1 1919 1 1.72 15.53 49.13 289i 9353 8908 2045.4 0.9 1920//. 14.76 15.65 47.30 2826 9375 3799 2411.4 1.6 19-J1 14.80 15.76 45.47 2825 9397 3695 277(i. t 1.4 l!fJ-^ 1 1.8 1 15.88 43.64 2825 9420 3591 8141.4 1.2 1923 14.88 16.00 41.82 _>vj 1 9442 8488 8506.4 0.9 jtSMB. 14.93 16.11 39.99 2824 9464 3384 3872. 1 1.7 1 !>-,'.-> 14.97 16.28 38.16 2823 9486 3280 4237. 1 1.1 1926 16.03 16.34 36.33 2823 9508 3176 4602.4 1.2 19:27 15.06 16.46 34.51 2822 9530 3072 4967.4 0.9 19283. 15.11 16.57 32.68 2821 9552 2969 5333. 1 1.7 1929 15.17 16.69 30.86 2821 9575 2865 5698.4 1.5 1930 15.22 16.80 29.03 2820 9597 2761 6063. 1 U2 1931 15.28 16.92 27.21 2819 9619 2657 6428.4 1.0 19325. 15.31 17.03 25.38 2819 9611 2553 6794.4 1.7 l!t:t:i 15,10 17.14 23.56 2818 9663 2450 361.1 1.5 1934 15.46 17.26 21.73 2817 9685 23 Hi 726.1 1.3 1935 15.51 17.37 19.91 2817 9708 2-J I'J 1091.1 1.0 1986JB. 15.57 17.49 18.09 2816 9730 2188 1457.1 1.8 1937 15.62 17.60 16.27 2815 9752 203 1 1822.1 us 1938 15.66 17.71 14.45 2815 9774 1930 2187.1 1.3 1939 15.71 17.83 12.63 2814 9796 1826 2552. 1 1.0 1940B. 15.75 17.94 10.81 2814 9818 1722 2918.1 1.8 1911 15.79 18.05 8.99 2813 9841 1618 3v>s3. 1 1.6 194-2 15.83 18.17 7.17 2813 9863 1514 3648.1 1.3 1943 15.88 18.28 5.36 2812 9885 1410 4013.1 1.1 19445. 15.92 18.39 3.54 2812 9907 1306 1379.1 1.8 1915 15.97 18.50 352 42 1.72 2811 9929 1202 1711.1 1.6 1946 16.02 18.62 352 41 59.91 2811 9951 1098 5109.1 1.3 1947 16.07 18.73 58.09 2810 9974 0994 5474.1 1.1 1948#. 16.12 18.84 56.26 2809 !l.959i)ii!ii; 6899 5s 10. 1 1.9 1949 89 58 16.18 1 27 18.95 352 41 54.46 9.9992M19 9.9600018 9.61707 s<; 6205.1 1.6 earli of the quantities K',, AT, and k,, l\\<- rmigtant U0".00 has been subtracted; and from log k y tlic coiistaiii and from log A, the cnn.staiit 0.00005CO. 15 V TABLE XL,. Corrections of K^ 7f v , ($-r., ilur lo Lunar Nutation, for 1850. Period of Argument XV., iiTilt-'i.'J. Arg- XV. A A*. A Ay. A A;. V;ir. in , , , 100 yrs. Alogiy.Alog.iz Are. XV. A K*. A Ay. A A',, V:ir. ill , lOOyre. Al s/ *> Alog.i,. d // // -/, // a // // // // 18.00 18.63 20.05 +0.03 1 850 2400 32.02 81.70 28.47 -0.02 148 140 50 18.78 19.42 20.79 0.03 1 847 2450 31.53 31.18 27.89 0.02 151 125 100 19.56 20.20 21.52 0.03 2 844 2500 31.00 30.63 27.28 0.02 154 111 150 20.34 20.98 22.25 0.03 3 840 2550 30.45 30.05 26.64 0.02 157 98 200 21.11 21.75 22.95 0.03 4 835 2600 29.87 29.45 25.99 0.03 160 86 250 21.87 22.50 23.65 +0.02 5 829 2650 29.26 28.82 25.32 -0.03 162 74 300 22.63 23.25 24.33 0.02 7 822 2700 28.63 ' 28.17 24.63 0.03 164 63 850 23.38 24.00 25.00 0.02 8 814 2750 27.97 27,19 23.92 0.03 166 53 400 24.12 21.71 25.66 0.02 10 806 2800 27.29 26.78 23.19 0.03 168 44 450 24.85 25.46 96.30 0.02 12 797 2850 26.59 26.06 22.45 0.03 170 36 500 25.57 26.17 26.93 +0.02 14 787 2900 25.87 25.33 21.70 -0.03 172 28 550 26.27 26.86 27.53 0.02 16 777 2950 ; 25.13 24.58 20.94 0.03 173 21 GOO 26.94 27.52 28.10 0.02 19 766 3000 24.38 23.81 20.17 0.03 174 16 650 27.60 28.17 28.65 0.02 21 754 3050 23.61 23.03 19.39 0.03 175 11 700 28.25 28.80 29.19 0.02 24 741 3100 22.83 22.23 18.60 0.03 176 7 750 28.87 29.41 29.69 +0.02 27 727 3150 22.04 21.43 17.81 -0.03 176 4 800 29.47 29.99 30.17 0.02 29 713 3200 21.24 20.62 17.02 0.03 177 2 850 30.05 30.55 30.62 0.01 32 699 3250 20.43 19.80 16.23 0.03 177 1 900 30.60 31.09 31.05 0.01 36 684 3300 19.62 18.99 15.45 0.03 177 950 31.13 31.60 31.45 0.01 39 668 3350 18.80 18.16 14.66 0.03 177 1 1000 31.63 32.08 31.81 +0.01 42 652 3400 17.98 17.34 13.88 -0.03 177 3 1050 32.10 32.53 32.14 0.01 46 635 3450 17.16 16.51 13.10 0.03 176 5 1100 32.55 32.95 32.45 0.01 49 618 3500 16.35 15.70 12.31 0.03 175 9 1150 32.97 33.34 32.73 0.01 53 600 3550 15.54 14.89 11.59 0.03 174 13 1200 33.35 33.70 32.97 +0.01 57 582 3600 14.73 14.09 10.84 0.03 173 18 1250 33.70 34.03 33.18 0.00 61 564 3650 13.93 13.29 10.11 -0.03 172 24 1300 34.02 34.32 33.35 0.00 64 545 3700 13.14 12.50 9.40 0.02 171 31 1350 34.31 34.58 33. 19 0.00 68 526 3750 12.36 11.72 8.70 0.02 169 39 1400 34.56 34.81 33.60 0.00 72 507 3800 11.59 10.96 8.02 0.02 167 48 1450 34.78 35.00 33.67 0.00 76 488 3850 10.84 10.22 7.36 0.02 165 58 1500 34.96 35.16 33.70 0.00 80 469 3900 10.10 9.49 6.72 -0.02 163 68 1550 35.10 35.27 33.70 0.00 84 449 3950 9.38 8.78 6.11 0.02 160 80 1600 35.21 35.35 33.66 0.00 88 429 4000 8.68 8.10 5.52 0.02 158 92 1G50 35.28 35.39 33.58 -0.01 93 410 4050 8.00 7.43 4.95 0.02 155 104 1700 35.32 35.40 33.48 0.01 97 390 4100 7.35 6.79 4.42 0.02 152 118 1750 35.32 35.37 33.34 -0.01 101 370 4150 6.72 6.18 3.91 -0.02 150 132 1800 35.29 35.31 33.17 0.01 105 351 4200 6.11 5.59 3.43 0.02 146 146 1850 35.21 35.20 32.96 0.01 109 332 4250 5.53 5.02 2.98 0.01 143 162 1900 35.10 35.06 32.71 0.01 113 313 4300 4.98 4.49 2.56 0.01 140 178 1950 34.95 34.88 32.42 0.01 117 294 4350 4.46 3.99 2.18 0.01 137 194 2000 34.77 34.67 32.11 -0.01 120 275 4400 3.96 3.52 1.82 -0.01 133 211 2050 34.55 34.42 31.76 0.02 124 257 4450 3.50 3.08 1.50 0.01 129 22!) 2100 34.29 34.14 31.3S 0.02 128 239 4500 3.07 2.67 1.21 0.01 126 247 2150 34.00 33.82 30.97 0.02 132 221 4550 2.68 2.30 0.97 0.01 122 265 2200 33.67 33.46 30.53 0.02 135 204 4600 2.32 1.97 0.75 -0.01 118 284 2250 33.31 33.07 30.06 -0.02 139 187 4650 1.99 1.67 0.57 0.00 114 303 2300 32.91 32.64 29.55 0.02 142 171 4700 1.70 1.40 0.43 0.00 110 322 2350 32,18 32.18 29.02 0.02 145 155 4750 1,44 1.17 0.32 0.00 106 841 2400 32.02 31.70 28.47 -0.02 148 140 4800 1.22 0.98 0.25 0.00 102 360 A log ky al > A log l; y , and 430 to A log k z . TABLE XL TABLE XL.I. Cum ' unnr .\utalinn, / / .\ntnlitin, fur 1 IVrioil ufArsum.'iit XV., 1 , m \ VI . 966 '-'I Ar S . XV. AAV AAV Var.in IDOyn. log*, \\ 1 AAV AAV AAV Vnr. ill lililyrs. Alg* y .I,,./., BolM iNilIal'll ll // // n // .1 II // // n // 4800 1.22 0.25 ().()() 102 2.36 2.33 3-17 0.00 6 105 +0.3(i 1850 1.04 0.83 0.22 ().()() 98 880 5 2.57 2.5 1 3.36 0.00 (i 105 0.57 4900 0.89 0.71 0.22 o.oo 94 100 10 2.7(1 2.7 I 8.53 0.00 6 106 0.76 4950 0.78 0.68 0.25 0.00 90 120 15 2.92 2.9 1 3.6N 0.00 (i 107 0.92 0.71 0.58 0.83 +0.01 Mi 139 20 3.06 8.05 3.81 0.00 5 109 1.06 5050 0.68 0.58 0.11 +0.01 81 159 25 8.16 8.16 8.91 0.00 5 111 + 1.16 5100 0.68 0.61 0.01 T 1 ) 479 30 3.22 3.23 3.9N 0.00 4 114 1.22 5150 0.72 0.68 0.76 0.01 73 498 85 3.25 3.26 1.01 0.00 1 117 1 .25 5200 0.79 0.7s 0.91 0.01 69 :. i ; 40 3 25 8.26 101 40.01 3 120 1.21 5250 0.90 0.92 1.2'J 0.01 lit; 586 (5 3.20 3.22 8.97 0.01 2 123 1.19 5300 .().-, 1.10 1.50 +0.01 62 ">5.") 50 3. 1 1 3.11 3.89 +0.01 2 126 + 1.10 5350 .23 1 .3 1 1.81 0.01 55 3.02 3.77 0.01 1 128 0.98 5 100 .45 1.56 2. 1 .'. 0.02 54 60 2.8 1 3.63 0.01 1 131 0.88 5 1:.0 .70 1.84 2.52 0.09 50 609 65 2.66 2.7 1 3.46 0.01 1 132 0.65 5500 .99 2.16 2.93 0.02 47 627 70 2. 17 2.52 3.26 0.01 133 0.46 5550 2.31 2.51 3.36 +0.02 13 (ill 7.') 2.26 2.31 3.0 1 +0.01 133 +0.25 5600 2.67 2.89 0.02 40 660 80 2.05 2.10 2.82 0.01 133 *(>.OI 5650 3.06 8.3] 1.33 0.02 37 676 85 1.83 1.88 2.59 0.01 1 132 -0.18 5700 3. 17 8.75 I.M 0.02 33 692 90 1.62 1.67 2.35 0.01 1 130 0.39 5750 8.91 L22 5.37 0.02 30 707 05 1.12 1.47 2.12 0.01 2 127 0.59 5800 L39 4.72 5.98 +0.02 27 721 100 1.21 1.29 1.91 +0.01 2 121 -0.77 5850 L89 5.2 1 6.52 0.02 21 735 105 1.01) 1.13 .72 0.01 3 120 0.92 5900 5. 12 5.80 7.18 0.02 22 ' is 110 0.97 1.00 .55 0.0 1 4 115 1.05 5950 5.9* 6.38 7.76 0.02 19 760 115 0.87 0.90 .10 0.02 5 110 1.15 6000 6.56 6.98 8.11 0.03 17 772 120 0.81 0.83 .29 0.02 6 lor, 1.21 6050 7.16 7.60 9.07 +0.03 14 783 125 0.78 0.80 .20 +0.02 ' 8 99 -1.24 6100 7.78 S.2 I 9.74 0.03 12 793 130 0.78 0.80 .15 0.02 9 91 1.21 6150 N. 12 8.90 10.13 0.03 10 803 135 0.82 0.83 .13 0.02 10 88 1.20 6200 9.09 9.59 11.11 0.03 9 811 110 O.S9 0.90 .14 0.02 11 N;{ 1.13 6250 9.77 10.89 11.86 0.03 7 819 115 1.00 1.00 .19 0.02 12 77 1.02 6800 10,17 11.01 12.59 +0.03 6 826 150 1.13 1.13 .27 +0.02 13 72 -6.89 6350 11.18 11.73 13.32 0.03 4 832 155 1.29 1 .29 .88 0.02 11 68 0.73 6400 11.91 12.47 1 1.07 0.03 3 838 160 1,17 1.17 .51 0.02 15 til 0.55 6 150 12.65 13.23 1 1.N2 0.03 Q 842 165 1.67 1.67 .66 0.02 16 60 0.35 6500 13. 10 13.99 15.57 0.03 2 846 170 1.87 1.87 .89 0.02 16 58 -0.15 6550 11. 1C 14.76 10.33 +0.03 1 848 176 2.08 2.0s 1.99 +0.02 17 56 +0.06 6600 1 !.!)-,> 15.53 17.08 0.03 1 850 180 2.28 2J28 2.16 0.02 17 54 0.26 6650 15.69 l(i.31 17. S3 0.03 851 IK.') 2. is 2. 1!) 2.33 0.03 17 r.l 0.46 6700 16,17 17.0!) 18.58 0.03 852 190 2.67 2. (IS 2. 19 0.03 17 51 0.64 6750 17.25 17.88 19.33 0.03 1 851 195 2.84 2.85 2.6 1 0.03 16 56 0.81 6800 1 8.0:5 18.66 20.0S +0.03 1 849 200 2.99 3.01 2.78 .0.03 16 56 + 0.96 685D 18.81 19. 15 20.82 0.03 1 847 205 3.11 3.11 2.89 0.03 16 57 1 .08 6900 19.59 20.23 21.55 0.03 2 Ml 210 3.19 8.23 2.91 0.03 16 60 1.16 6950 20.37 21.01 22.27 0.03 3 840 215 3.25 3.29 3.03 0.03 15 62 1.22 7000 21.11 81.78 22.! is 0.03 4 N35 290 3.27 8.39 8.06 0.03 15 65 1.21 7050 21.90 22.5 1 23.68 +0.02 :. 829 225 8.26 3.32 3.05 +0.03 14 68 + 1.23 7100 22.66 23.29 2J.36 0.02 7 822 230 3.22 3.29 3.02 0.03 ll 71 1.19 7150 23. : i 2 1.03 25.03 0.02 s Nil 235 3.11 3.22 2.95 0.03 13 73 1.11 7200 22. 1 1 24.76 25.68 +0.02 10 806 2 10 8.09 3.11 2. si +0.03 13 76 + 1.00 A l>g '"> n ml /' ' 'li'i-imal. TABLE XI. 1. r..nstants ad.l.'.l re, -J'Mi i L. A K*, S'MKI to A AT y , 3' to A log t. TABL.E XL.I. TABLE XL1II. (' rri'ctions of K*, Ky, 4" f -i lluc l " Solar Nutation, for 1850. Parcillti.r end Semi-diameter. Period of Argument ,\VI.. 3G.j <1 .'.>4. Arg. XVI. A K x . A Ky. A K,, Var. in lOOyrs. A.og, y . A'og/.-,, Solar Niitat'n Log. diet. from Parallax Semi- diam. Log. ditit.from i Parallax Semi- (liam. fl 11 to n n Earth. Earth. 9,lfl Q A'! Q 1 1 2.84 +0.03 13 76 +1.00 ^ iw 2 15 250 255 260 L> \J*J 2.89 2.72 2.5 1 2.35 f J. 1 A 2.97 2.S1 '2.63 2.44 2.71 2.54 2.36 2.16 0.03 0.03 0.08 0.04 12 12 12 12 78 79 80 81 0.86 0.69 0.51 0.31 9.40 9.41 9.42 9.43 35.22 34.42 38.6 1 32.87 31.02 33.25 32,19 31.75 9.85 9.86 9.87 9.88 12'.50 12.21 11.94 11.66 ii 12.07 11.80 11.53 11.27 205 2 11 2.23 1.93 +0.04 12 81 +0.10 9.44 32.13 81.03 9.89 11.40 11.01 270 1 92 2.01 1.70 0.01 12 80 -0.12 275 1 71 1.80 1.47 0.04 12 78 0.33 9,45 81.39 30.32 9.90 11.14 10.76 2SO 1 51 1.60 1.24 0.04 13 76 0.53 9.46 30.68 29.63 9.91 10.89 10.51 285 1 82 1.41 1.02 0.04 13 72 0.72 9.47 29.98 28.96 9.92 10.64 10.27 290 29.0 1 1 15 00 1.23 1.08 0.81 0.62 +0.04 0.04 14 15 69 64 -0.89 1.04 9.48 9.49 29.30 28.63 28.30 27.65 9.93 9.94 10.40 10.16 10.04 9.81 300 805 310 0.89 O.S2 0.78 0.96 0.88 0.84 0.46 0.34 0.25 0.01 0.04 0.04 16 17 19 59 54 48 1.15 1.22 1.26 9.50 9.51 9.52 27.98 27.34 26.72 27.02 26-40 25.81 9.95 9.96 9.97 9.93 9.70 9.48 9.59 9.87 9.16 815 79 0.84 0.20 +0.04 20 42 -1.25 9.53 26.11 25.22 9.98 9.26 8.95 820 0.18 0.04 21 36 1.21 9.54 25.52 24.65 9.99 9.05 8.74 825 Dl Q.i 6 0.20 0.04 22 31 1.13 330 1 02 1.07 0.25 0.04 23 25 1.02 9.55 24.94 24.09 0.00 8.85 8.55 8:35 1 17 1.20 0.33 0.05 24 20 0.88 9.56 21.37 23.51 0.01 8.65 8.35 310 8 15 350 1 1 1 33 51 72 1.36 1.54 1.75 0.44 0.57 0.73 +0.05 0.05 0.05 25 26 27 15 11 8 -0.72 0.54 0.33 9.57 9.58 9.59 23.81 23.27 22.74 23.00 22.48 21.97 0.02 0.03 0.04 8.45 8.26 8.07 8.16 7.98 7.79 855 360 1 2 95 18 1.98 2.22 0.92 1.11 0.05 0.05 27 28 5 3 -0.10 +0.13 9.60 9.61 22.23 21.72 21.47 20.98 0.05 0.06 7.89 7.71 7.62 7.44 365 2 40 2.44 1.30 +0.05 28 2 +0.35 9.62 21.22 20.50 0.07 7.53 7.27 870 2 61 2.65 1.49 +0.05 28 2 +0.56 9.63 20.74 20.03 0.08 7.36 7.11 9.64 20.27 19.58 0.09 7.19 6.95 A lo" li, and A log ^z are ' n "''* of the seventh decimal. Constants added are, 2'_'.0 7 3.60 0.4536 3251 14.7184 0.000100 150.: { 731 437 13 11.7 581.51 2-2-2. 1 27.5 -100 101 10 Mil O.I300 3089 138.1447 0.000165 II. 1207 1451 II. 1 310.51 20,-. 150.1 33 :!l I.NI 0.4082 2020 36.8726 0.1)001 II 111. 1061 2166 103.0 57,1( 70.S 70.1 100 232 13 l.:r. 03856 2761 1 60.30: W 0.000116 211. 2121 521 311.6 370.31 130.1 201.6 200 71 55 0.11 -03639 -2601 50.0366 -0.000302 72. 1 1535 106.2 117.20 ISO.:) 112.6 300 271 7 16.14 0.3102 8439 1-2.1726 0.000367 172,1 3550 2550 6I7.S 430.17 230.6 23.6 K 100 III) 10 25.13 0.3175 2276 SI. 2 103 0.0003 13 33.5 4111 605 700.1 i;;. 2 37.7 155.2 d 500 300 31 3ti 0.2: 'is 3114 201.6513 0.0003 IS 133.5 1677 1620 951.0 400.00 --.o 6i;.2 a t (WO 148 43 50.82 0.2722 1851 103.3030 0.000-201 2:i3.5 5210 3634 1102.6 236.05 l:!S.:{ 187.8 L. c - 700 347 50 6.1 r> -0.210.-, -1788 2.1389 -0.000269 94.0 5809 no 12.-, 1.2 558.83 I--.:, 3 soo 1-7 S -.'5.20 0.2268 1626 I25.5S72 0.0002 15 lOl.t 6: )67 1704 1 I05.S 200.78 23S.S IO.S ^ 000 26 20 I.--.02 0.2011 1463 21.3372 0.000-220 55.7 6! 130 27 is 102.5 31.73 45.0 151.3 225 33 0.1814 1301 117.7003 0.000 l!Mi 155.7 7403 771 854.1 356.1 il !Ni.2 62,3 1100 61 45 33.00 0.1586 1 i:(S 4 6.5 152 0.000171 16.S 8056 1788 405.7 94.56 116.1 103.0 1200 203 58 1.13 -0.1361 - 076 170.0033 -0.000 1 17 110.8 2803 557.3 116.11 106.7 101.0 131X1 103 10 31.1 1 O.I 131 813 08.7030 0600189 2I6.S 9183 858 70S.ii 154.30 3.H 15.0 1400 30-2 23 :!.!! 0.0007 651 102.2200 0.0000! 8 77.8 0716 IS72 860.5 476.20 51.1 147.4 1500 141 :{.-. 3; 0.0680 488 90.0006 0.000073 177.8 10300 2887 1012.1 211.22 104.4 >.l S 1500 125 31 I0.2S -0.0680 . 1" 8<).!>900 -0.000073 177.8 10-200 2877 1002.1 204.22 01. 1 1 1600 :{.'! Hi 55.70 0.0454 326 204.4585 0.000010 3S.O 10863 032 lisa? 526.00 11 1.6 ' 1/vO 162 23 26.76 -0.0227 - 163 102.2280 -0.000024 13S.O 1 1425 1016 1301.3 263.05 103.0 90.' 1 C : 000 0.0000 0.000000 0.0 0.0 0.00 0.0 C..I a a 1000 107 36 35.51 +0.0-227 + 162 1-22.4752 +0.000024 100.0 502 1013 150.6 320.88 10.3 130.6 o jc 2000 36 40 21.09 0.0454 335 21.2521 0.000040 200.0 1125 8688 302.2 5s.s:l ilO.5 41.6 2100 234 26 1.13 40.0680 + 487 1 13.73-2-2 +0.000073 61.1 I6SS 89 I52.S 370.70 1 l-.s 172.1 (9 ,2200 72 2 43.41 +0.0007 + 650 41.5140 +0.000098 101.1 2250 1090 603.4 116.116 198.1 S2. 1 Century IX. X. XI. XII. XIII. XIV. log sin t. t' 50. 363 -Q. ' 50. XV. \V1 -300 129*81 35.01 1S0.76 10.0 56.38 25.2 -0.0031028 +21.61 i 11 +18 46 55.6 +<>.'63I 1190*0 d -1.4 -200 15S.06 56.10 t J."'.~i ^IS.S 23.00 3.8 0.00294$! 23.11 17 53 46.0 0.601 3721.3 3.6 -100 18630 44.00 165.31 3S.1 47.71 17.0 0.0027850 22.27 17 33.4 0.574 625S.O 2.H 211.:,.-, 5.25 831.40 57.0 11.03 32.1 0.0020270 21.10 Hi 7 I7.S 0.544 1003.4 2.1 100 5.80 53.15 149.80 56.3 39.04 93 0.0024719 10.92 15 13 50.1 0.513 1527.1 1.3 200 34.05 14.30 215.05 15.1 6.26 24.5 -0.0023171 +1S.75 +14 20 37.4 +O.I.-3 262,-. -0.5 300 62.30 2.20 134.41 14.4 30.37 2.3 0.002 K !35 17.58 13 27 12.7 0.453 2700.2 +0.3 fe 400 90.54 200.50 33.3 57.50 10.S 0.0020111 16.11 12 :{:{ 45.0 0.423 5329.9 1.1 c 500 II -.7:1 1 l.-'li 118.00 32.6 21.70 30.0 0.0018508 15.24 11 40 1 1.3 0.303 1065.3 L8 B - , 000 147.03 32!l 1 1S5.05 51.4 48.92 93 0.0017097 14.00 10 40 40.0 0.362 35! 10.0 2.6 C 700 175.28 53.57 11.15 10.3 16.14 23.7 -0.0015008 +12.89 + 53 3.8 +0.332 6132.7 +3.1 IS 800 203.53 41,17 16; 1.60 9.0 10.2.-, 1.5 0.0014130 11.72 S 50 21.0 0309 1868.1 1.2 * 000 231.77 2.62 235.70 28.5 7.47 16.1 0.0012665 10.55 8 5 41.2 0.272 4401.8 ."..I) 1000 23.03 5052 151.15 27.8 31.57 29.9 0.0011211 938 7 11 55.4 0.212 137.3 .">.- 1100 51.27 11.68 220.25 40.0 58.79 8.4 0.000076- 8.20 18 0.5 0.211 2071.0 6.5 1200 79.52 59.58 138.70 45.9 22.90 22.2 -0.0008338 + 7.03 + 5 24 14.0 +0.181 5204.0 +7.3 1300 107.70 20.73 204.SO 4.8 50.12 0.8 0.0000010 5.80 4 30 10.7 0.151 010.1 S.I 1400 136.01 8.63 123.25 4.1 1 1.23 14.6 0.000.-,.-, 12 4.(iO 3 36 21.8 0.121 3173.x S.ll J500 161.25 29.79 189.35 23.0 41.45 29.1 0.0004110 3.52 2 42 20.0 0.0!) 1 0007.5 +9.7 ij 1500 154.25 29.79 180.35 23.0 41.45 29.1 -0.0004116 + 3.52 + 2 42 20.0 +0.001 5007.5 -0.3 fl I6IUI 1. -2.50 17.60 I07.SO 22.2 -, ;, ; 6.9 0.0002732 2.31 1 48 17.0 0.060 17: f2.! 40.1 1700 209.75 173.00 II. 1 33.78 21.4 -0.000 1 3! k) + 1.17 + o :>l 10.0 +0.030 4205.6 +0.2 cS 1800 0.00 'o!oo 0.00 0.0 0.00 0.0 0.0000000 0.00 0.0 0.000 0.0 0.0 c .2 1000 27.25 47.00 158,15 :,'; 24.11 13.8 +0.0001310 - 1.17 - 51 13.0 -0.030 2532.7 -0.2 c B 2000 55.49 0.05 22l,->5 18/2 5133 883 0.00026-5 2.34 1 48 20.0 0.060 5000.1 +0.0 2100 82.74 56.! 15 113.00 17.1 15.11 ai 0.000401 1 3.52 2 12 Kl 0.001 0.3 2200 109.98 18.11 36.3 12.68 ' 20.7 +0.0005324 - 1.6.1 - 3 37 10.2 -0.121 1 .{.ecu +0.1 8O TABLE XL.VI. TAIIL1J XI.V. Reduction to the Ecliptic for 1850. Values of /he Equation Argument = Orbit Longitude -f- (360 Q), or this angle diminished by 180. + 147.!.) Arg. 0' 10' 20' 30' 40' 5O' Diff. for 10 Var. in 100 yrs. Equa. Din", for o / // H n u ii n n n o Year. III yrs. -0 0.00 1.05 2.10 3.15 4.21 5.26 1.05 0.00 179' 1 6.31 7.36 8 41 i) ||j 10 r il H<)6 1 O^i o on 17SJ /, 2 12.61 13.66 O.T: 1 14.71 15.76 J.\/.iJ 1 16.80 ,*J\J 17.85 1.05 \j \\j\j -0.01 J. //////! /'in- 1S.">(). Ar;;ii in = Orliit Longitude -f- (:!UO Q), or this angle diminished l>v 1 Aff. 0' 10' 20' 3O' 10' 50' Diff. for III'. V.-,r. in ion 16 -3 0.95 o'-'i i 0.93 // 0.91 II 0.88 0.09 -o'l i o 184 Hi 3 O.S5 0.81 0.77 0.72 0.66 0.59 0.05 0.11 133 47 3 0.;2 0.11 0.36 0.27 0.18 0.08 0.09 0.11 139 48 2 59.9N 59.8T] 68.75 59.63 59.50 5!). 36 0.13 0.11 131 19 2 59.21 59.06 5S.90 58.74 58.67 68.40 0.1G 0.11 130 50 -2 5N.23 68.05 57.86 57.66 57. Ml 57.26 0.-20 -0.11 189 51 2 57.03 56.80 56.57 56.3 1 56.10 55.S6 0.94 0.11 128 52 2 55.61 55.35 55.09 54.82 51.51 64.96 0.87 0.11 127 58 2 53.9N 58.69 58.88 53.09 52.78 52. 16 0.31 0.11 126 54 2 52.11 5 LSI 51.48 51.14 50.80 50. 15 o.:ti 0.11 126 65 -2 50.09 19.73 49.36 48.99 48.61 48.22 0.38 -0.10 194 56 . } \~r QO 47.48 47.03 46.62 46.2 1 45.79 0.41 0.10 123 57 2 45.37 11.91 44.51 44.07 43.62 13.16 0.44 O.JO 122 58 2 42.70 12.23 41.76 41.28 40.80 40.32 0.48 0.10 181 59 2 39.84 39.35 38.85 38.35 37.84 37.32 0.51 0.10 120 60 -2 36.78 36.25 35.72 35.18 34.64 31.09 0.54 0.10 119 61 2 33.53 32.97 88.41 31.81 31.27 30.69 0.57 0.09 118 62 2 30.09 29.50 2N.91 28.31 27.71 27.10 0.00 0.09 117 68 2 26. 17 25.85 25.22 24.59 23.95 23.31 O.G3 0.09 116 64 2 22.67 22.02 21.37 20.71 20.05 19.38 O.G6 0.09 115 65 -2 18.69 18.01 17.33 16.64 15.95 15.25 O.G9 -0.08 lit 66 2 11.55 13.84 13.13 12,41 11.69 10.97 0.72 0.08 113 87 2 10.21 9.51 8.77 8.03 7.29 6.54 0.71 0.08 112 68 2 5.78 5.02 4.26 3.49 2.72 1.94 0.77 0.07 111 69 1 61.16 60.38 59.59 58.80 58.01 57.21 0.79 0.07 110 70 -1 56.39 55.58 54.77 53.95 53.13 52.30 0.83 -0.07 109 71 1 51.48 50.65 49.82 48.98 48.14 47.29 0.84 0.07 108 72 1 46.44 45.59 44.74 43.88 43.01 42.14 0.8G 0.07 107 73 I 41.26 40.39 39.51 38.63- 37.74 36.85 0.88 0.06 106 74 1 35.96 35.07 34.17 33.27 32.36 31.45 0.90 0.06 105 75 -1 30.54 29.63 28.71 27.79 26.87 25.95 0.92 -0.06 101 76 1 25.02 24.09 23.16 22.22 21.28 20.34 0.94 0.05 103 77 1 19.39 18.44 17.49 16.54 15.58 14.62 0.95 0.05 102 " 78 1 13.66 12.70 11.73 10.76 9.79 8.82 0.97 0.05 101 79 1 7.84 6.86 5.88 4.90 3.92 2.93 0.98 0.04 100 80 -0 61.94 60.95 59.96 58.96 57.96 56.96 .00 -0.04 99 81 55.96 5 1.96 53.95 52.9 1 51.91 50.93 .01 0.03 98 82 49.92 48.91 47.90 46.86 45.86 II. si M 0.03 97 N3 43.H1 42.79 41.76 40.71 40.71 39.68 M 0.03 96 M 37.65 36.62 35.58 34.55 33.52 32.48 .03 0.02 95 85 31.45 30.42 29.38 28.34 27.30 26.26 .04 -0.02 91 86 25.21 24.17 23.13 22.08 21.03 19.98 .or, 0.02 93 87 18.93 17.88 16.83 15.78 14.73 13.68 M 0.01 92 88 12.63 11.58 10.53 9.48 8.42 7.37 .05 -0.01 91 89 -0 6.32 5.27 4.21 3.16 2. 1 1 1.05 .05 0.00 90 60' 50' 40' 30' 90* 10' Arg. NOTE. When the degrees of the Argument are rend from the right hand side of the Table, the tens of minutes must be read from the bottom; and the Reduction and its Secular Variation arc affected with ihe sign -f- instead of . UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY BERKELEY Return to desk from which borrowed. This book is DUE on the last date stamped below. 1952 LD 21-95m-ll,'5Q {2877816)476 Hinder i.)l.irJ H">- I'"' Mk*n Slucklnn. Calil ,188 -Lo.uj.as or v or.uo . -/ ; U C BERKELEY LIBRARIES i' inn innilin Mil illillllli III lllli Illlil CD37M7bDas 1937 UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY