o tit!p://\AAAAA/:archTO.org/details/cour^ 1 NAVY DEPARTMENT BUREAU OF NAVIGATION COURSE IN HISTORY, GEOGRAPHY ARITHMETIC. ETC. FOR THE USE OF ENLISTED MEN WASHINGTON GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE 1915 NAVY DEPARTMENT 1^-^ BUREAU OF NAVIGATION COURSE IN HISTORY. GEOGRAPHY ARITHMETIC, ETC. FOR THE USE OF ENLISTED MEN WASHINGTON GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFHCE 1915 SUMMARY. First grade: Reading, writing, spelling. General information: Bluejacket's Manual, Part I. Geography: Questions 1 to 55, inclusive. United States History: Questions 1 to 81, inclusive. Arithmetic: Milne's Standard, pages 1 to 37, inclusive. Second grade: Reading, writing, spelling. General information: Bluejacket's Manual, Part I. Geography: Questions 56 to 110, inclusive. United States History: Questions 82 to 162, in- clusive. Arithmetic: Milne's Standard, pages 38 to 66, inclusive. Third grade: Reading, writing, spelling. General information: Bluejacket's Manual, Part I. Geography: Questions 111 to 165, inclusive United States History: Questions 163 to 245, inclusive. Arithmetic: Milne's Standard, pages 67 to 98, inclusive. Fourth grade: Reading, writing, spelling. Generalinformation: Bluejacket's Manual, Part I. Geography: Questions 166 to 189, inclusive. United States History: Questions 246 to 257, inclusive. Arithmetic: Milne's Standard, pages 99 to 169, inclusive. (3) 366835 Fifth grade: Reading, writing, spelling. Generaflnformation: Bluejacket's Manual, Part I. Geography: Questions 190 to 313, inclusive. United States History: Questions 258 to 269, inclusive. Arithmetic: Milne's Standard, pages 170 to 261, inclusive. Sixth grade : Reading, writing, spelling. Generafinf ormation : Bluejacket's Manual, Part I. Geography: Questions 214 to 237, inclusive. United States History: Questions 270 to 281, inclusive. Arithmetic: Milne's Standard, pages 262 to 342, inclusive. Seventh grade : Reading, writing, spelling. General information: Bluejacket's Manual, Part I. Geography: Questions 238 to 261, inclusive. United States History: Questions 282 to 293, inclusive. Arithmetic: Milne's Standard, pages 343 to 417, inclusive. INSTRUCTIONS TO INSTRUCTORS. 1. Always be on time. 2. Alwaj^s know which companies are to be present at each period. 3. Be careful of your own actions, taking care to set a good example to the scholars in language and deport- ment. 4. Men working at the blackboards will, when they finish, ^' About face," and come to '^ Parade rest." 5. When called upon to recite, the men will come to ''Attention." 6. When giving orders or talking, be sure that you are understood, then go ahead. 7. Take great care to speak correctly, pronouncing each syllable distinctly. 8. Always repeat carefully and cheerfully when requested to do so. 9. Muster the class whenever convenient, but the main thing is to get started on the lesson as soon as possible. 10. All classes will be dismissed promptly on time. No one will be kept after class except by special permission. 1 1 . The orders for dismissal will be : ' ' Rise, " " March out." 12. All orders in the classrooms will be given in a military manner, and prompt obedience must be insisted upon. 13. If during the recitation, some one cheats, call the offender up before the class and inform him that he has a zero for the recitation. If he cheats again at any time, put him on the report. (5) 6 14. Unless the conditions are very unusual, no one will be given permission to leave a classroom during recitation. 15. Careful musters of each class must be made. 16. Instructors will ascertain each period that only the men regularly assigned to the grade are present. 17. The names of absentees for each period will be turned over to the company commanders, who will check them up and report to the head of the department. 18. At the end of each term each instructor will turn in with his final mark the number of hours that each man under him has attended during the past term. 19. Men coming in late will be reported along with the absentees, givmg the nmnber of minutes late. If they have no excuse, they wiU be put on the report by the head of the department. 20. Absentees from the ship's company, seaman guard, or band will bo reported to the head of the department each day after the last period. If unac- counted for, they will be put on the report by the head of the department. 21. Keep in mind that you have not much time; that you must keep the men busy and interested ; that you should cover tne lessons assigned to you. 22. See that eveiyone present recites and receives a mark. 23. Do not, however, make the mistake of putting the daily mark before eveiy thing. The mark on the examination really shows what the man has learned. 24. Keep your mark book neatly and economically, using the following scheme: 50 and below, very poor; 60 and below, poor; 70, passing; 80, good; 90, very good; 100, excellent. 25. When a company goes to sea, their final marks in percentage will be transferred to the enlistment records on the basis of 5. 26. During a day all companies in a grade wiU have the same lesson. 27. The lesson to be copied down one day wiU always be put on the board the evening before, or at such a time that morning that it will be on the board before the first class arrives. 28. The examinations will be kept on the board for two days after the examination day. 29. Always have your day's work finished before you leave in the evening. 30. Keep your room locked when you are away, as you are responsible for the equipment in it. 31. Turn in your key, when you leave, to the office of the head of the department. 32. Be as economical as you can in the use of paper, pencils, etc. Use both sides of paper. Do not take new paper, pencils, etc., without notifying the head of the department. 33. See that no one injures or disfigures the school equipment in any way. Remember that all the school equipment is Government property, and see that the men understand that fact. 34. Make a careful inventory of your equipment whenever required. 35. Keep your mark book in such a fashion that the weekly averages are easily obtained by a stranger. 36. Have your mark books with the weekly average made up in the office by 9 a. m. each Saturday, except the one at the end of the term. 37. On the Friday at the end of the term there will be an examination covering the term's work. The first, second, and third grades will receive their examinations from the office. The instructors in the fourth, fifth, sixth, and seventh grades will for the present make up their own examinations. Average the term examination mark with the average of the weekly averages, the examination to count 1, and the average of the weekly^ averages to count 2. The result or final term mark, will be turned in to the head of the department by noon the following Saturday. Each man's attendance wiU also be turned in at the same time. 38. On the Saturdav morning following the end of the term aU the men will be regraded according to their final mark, 70 being passing. 8 39. At the beginninff of the new term, all the men will proceed to their old classrooms. Each instructor will then send the men promoted to their new grade, with a list of the men promoted for the new instructor. 40. Instructors will make themselves familiar with the text in the books covering the questions in each day's lesson. 41. The large maps in the schoolrooms will be used all the time in both geography and history. 42. Allow no smoking in or near the classroom. 43. The classrooms must be well ventilated at all times. 44. The school term will be three weeks. 45. Some of the companies will have two periods a day; others one. In both cases the first period that a company attends will be the recitation period. The second period will be the study and instruction period. 46. The following scheme of recitation will be car- ried out for companies having one period a day: In the first three grades. — The instructor will first muster the class, write down the absentees on a piece of paper for the company commander, and ask the class whether there is anybody there whose name has not been called. During this interval the class will have furnished themselves with paper and pencil. The instructor will then have 5 or 10 minutes of arithmetic, preferably oral. With the exception of 5 or 10 minutes at the end of the hour, the rest of the period wiU be devoted to recitation and copying down the next day's lesson. During this period the instructor will, as far as practi- cable, call on each man present to recite, giving him a couple of questions in both geography and history, and requiring him to spell several words in the lesson. The last 5 or 10 minutes wiU be devoted to the Bluejacket's Manual. While the recitation is going on, aU men not reciting will copy from the blackboard the lesson for the next day. In the last four grades. — The first 10 or 15 minutes wiU be devoted to muster and explanation of the arithmetic lesson. The scholars will study the lesson during this interval. The scholars will next be given paper and pencil or be sent to the board, and required to work certain problems on the day's work. The last 10 or 15 minutes will be devoted to geog- raphy or history and the Bluejacket's Manual. In the fifth, sixth, and seventh grades the enlisted men of the engineer branch will study the Handy Book for Enlisted ^Nlen of the Engineer Department instead of theBluejacket's Manual. 47. The following scheme of recitation will be carried out for companies having two periods a day: In the first three grades. — First period: The instructor will first muster the class, write down the absentees on a piece of paper for the company commander, and ask the class whether there is anybody present whose name has not been called . During this interval the class will have furnished themselves with paper and pencil. The instructor will then have 15 or 20 minutes of arithmetic, both written and oral. The rest of the hour will be given to recitation in the same manner as companies having one hour a day. Second period: Muster as before. Class take pencil and paper and copy down next day's lesson. Instruc- tor explain and enlarge on the questions and answers. As soon as a majority have finished copying the instruc- tor will take up the next day's lesson in arithmetic and explain it carefully. The last part of the hour w^ill be taken up by a spelling match or reading history. In the latter case, the instructor will first read a paragraph and then have a scholar read it after him. In the last four grades. — Muster as before. More work on the day's lesson. 48. The men in the first three grades who copy down their day's lesson will be earnestly encouraged to keep the papers they write, so that they will be able to go over them at the end of the term and thus properly prepare for the examination. 49. All instructors, unless unavoidably detained, will be ready for duty at 9 a. m. 10 50. If it so happens that instructors are unable to be present for a school period, they must notify the head of the department as soon as possible, so that he may make arrangements to take over their grade. Classrooms will be open by 9 a. m. Men will be allowed to enter classrooms and go ahead with their work any time after 9 a. m. Men will be encouraged to enter the classrooms early at all periods. The loitering of men outside of classrooms is forbidden. 51. The instruction period for chief petty officers and petty officers and enlisted men of the ship's company will be from 3.30 p. m. to 4.30 p. m. daily. An instruc- tor will be detailed. 52. No one, except the officer in charge of the educa- tion department will issue schoolbooks for outside use. 53. Any of the ship's company or seaman guard attending school may take an examination for promo- tion any time, in case the officer in charge of the grade approves, but they must take the regular examination at the end of the term. 54. If the instructor approves, any of the apprentice seamen may take an examination for promotion any time, but the result of said examination must be re- ported to the head of the department for final action. 55. Apprentice seamen in detention who have com- pleted tne school of the squad, wiU be examined for school every Thursday. Tnose so examined will not come to school until the following Monday. 56. The head of the department will grade all new men coming in to the school. The entrance examina- tion will be approximately as follows: (1) Who is President of the United States, and where does he live? (2) Bound the United States. (3) In what day, month, and year was the Declara- tion of Independence signed ? (4) What State are you from ? What is the capital of your State ? (5) What is the largest city in the United States? In the world ? (6) Write a proper fraction. An improper fraction. 11 (7) Who was President of the United States during the Civil War? (8) What two large groups of islands in the Pacific Ocean does the United States own ? (9) (a) ixiX4x|-= ? (h) Add: 334i 281 (10) A farmer put his grain into four bins. Into the first, he put three-eighths of it, into the second one- fourth, into the third one-fifth, and into the fourth 56 bushels. How many bushels of grain had he? SpelUng and writing will count plus or minus 10 per cent. Assign to grades as follows: First grade, 60 per cent or below; second grade, 61 per cent to 75 per cent; third grade, 76 per cent to 90 per cent; fourth grade, 91 per cent to 99 per cent; fifth grade, 100 per cent. 57. The final term examination will be repeated on the Monday and Tuesday following the end of the term for the benefit of those who were absent. Those pro- moted will be sent to their new grade with a note signed by the instructor of their old grade. Men not havmg taken the term examination by Tuesday fol- lowmg will be detained, except in exceptional cases, another term in their grade. 58. All men attending school must have a mark turned m by the Friday following the end of the term. 59. When a company leaves school before the end of a term, the final mark for the men of that company will be the average of their daily recitations. 60. When a company leaves school at the end of a term, and some of the men do not take the final exami- nation, the final term mark for those men will be the average of their daily recitations. 61. During instruction on the Bluejacket's Manual, the attention of the men will be called especially to the seriousness of the following offenses: (1) Drunkenness; (2) theft; (3) disobedience, or slow in obejdng; (4) falsehood; (5) overstaying leave or liberty; (6) sitting down on post, sleeping on post, leaving post without being regularly reheved; (7) absence without leave. 12 62. The men will also be informed how to obtain release or discharge. 63. The band will attend school during the period between 9.15 a. m. and 10.15 a. m. 64. The mark books of the various grades will be kept as follows: On the first page will be an index giv- ing each company, ship's company, band and seaman guard, and the page of the booK on which each may be found. On the successive pages will be kept the records of the various companies, band, ship's company and seaman guard. These records will follow each other as closely as practicable. On the beginning of a new term a new list will be made out. One week from the end of a term, the old record pages will be removed and kept in the desk of the classroom. In cutting out pages, care must be taken not to loosen the remaming leaves. 65. Copies of all examinations not issued from the office will be filed in the office. 66. Instructors will take care to report the band absentees after the morning period, and the seaman guard absentees after the last period of the day. 67. Instructors wiU not leave classrooms while stu- dents are present, except when absolutely necessary. They will m the latter case report their absence and the reason therefor to the head of the department. 68. Men who report that they are sick will be sent to the sick bay and a report made to the head of the department. Otherwise it is not believed necessary to excuse men from classes. 69. No man wiU be excused from class except by the permission of the commanding officer, executive officer, or head of the department. 70. In case of a holiday the lesson for that day will be divided up into the five following lessons. 13 Lessons for each day. FIRST GRADE. Geography, questions— History, questions— Arithmetic, articles— Bluejacket's Manual, Part I, paragraphs— First Monday First Tuesday First Wednesday... Regrading; late 1-5 inc 6-10 inc 11-15 inc 16-20 inc 21-25 inc 26-30 inc 31-35 inc 36-40 inc 41-45 inc 46-50 inc 51-55 inc Review do Examination.. > examinations. 1-8 inc 9-16 inc 17-24 inc 25-31 inc 32-39 inc 40-46 inc 47-53 inc 54-60 inc 61-67 inc 68-74 inc 75-81 inc Review do Examination. . 1-14 inc 15-19 inc 20 inc Regrading; late exami- nations. A. B. First Thursday First Friday Second Monday Second Tuesday 21-26 inc 30-39 inc 40-41 inc 42 inc C. D. E. F. Second Wednesday. 43 inc G, n. Second Thursday. . . Second Friday Third Monday Third Tuesday Third Wednesday.. Third Thursday:... Third Friday 44 to p. 32 44 top. 34 44, p. 34 44, p. 35-36. . . . 44, p. 37 Review Examination. . I. J. K. L, M. N. Review. Ex semina- tion. SECOND GRADE. First Monday. First Tuesday First Wednesday. First Thursday. . . First Friday Second Monday Second Tuesday Second Wednesday. Second Thursday.'.. Second Friday Third Monday Third Tuesday.... Third Wednesday. Third Thursday... Third Friday Regrading; late examinations 56-60 inc. 61-65 inc. 66-70 inc. 71-75 inc. 76-80 inc... 81-85 inc... 86-90 inc... 91-95 inc... 96-100 inc . . 101-105 inc... 106-110 inc... Review ....do Examination. 82-89 inc., 90-97 inc . . . 98-105 inc.. 106-113 inc. 114-121 inc... 122-128 inc... 129-135 inc... 136-142 inc... 143-149 inc... 150- 156 inc... 157-162 inc... Review ....do Examination. 45-52 inc . 53-54 inc. 55 inc 56 inc 57-66 inc. 67-68 inc. 69 inc 70 inc 71-72, p. ( 72, p. 64.. 72, p. 65 72, p. 66 Review ....do Examination. Regra ding; late exami- nations. A. B. C. D. E. F. C=,H. J. K. L, M. N. Review. Examina- tion. THIRD GRADE. First Monday... First Tuesday... First Wednesday First Thursday. . First Friday Regrading; late examinations. 111-115 inc. 116-120 inc. 121-125 inc. 126-130 inc., 163-170 inc.. 171-178 inc.. 179-186 inc.. 187-194 inc.. 73-81 inc. 82 inc 83-86 inc 87-89 inc 90-92, p. 80.., Regrading; late exami- nations. A. B. C. D. 14 Lessons for each day — Continued. THIRD GRADE— Continued. Geography, questions— History, questions— Arithmetic, articles— Bluejacket's Manual, Part I, paragraphs— Second Monday Second Tuesday.... Second Wednpsdav- Second Thursday... Second Friday 131- 135 inc.... 136-140 inc.... 141-145 inc.... 146-150 inc.... 151-155 inc.... 195-202 inc.... 203-21C inc. . . . 211-217 inc.... 218-224 inc.... 225-231 inc... 92(p. 81)-93... 94-96 inc 97,p.88 97 (p. 89) inc.. 98-107 inc E. F. G,H. I. J. Third Monday Third Tuesday Third Wednesday.. 156-160 inc.... 161-165 inc.... Review 232-238 inc.... 239-245 inc.... Review 108-112 inc.... 113, ex. 25, p. 97 Ex.26,p.97-p. 99. Review Examination.. E. Third Thursday Third Friday do Examination. . do Examinaticm.. Review. Examina- tion. FOURTH GRADE. First Monday First Tuesday First Wednesday. . First Thursday First Friday Second Monday . . . Second Tuesday... Second Wednesday Second Thursday. . Second Friday. .". . . Third Monday Third Tuesday.... Third Wednesday. Third Thursday... Third Friday...... Regrading; late examinations. 116-138 Inc 166-167 inc ! 246 139-149 Inc ... , 168-169 inc.... 247 150-154 Inc.. ., 170-171 inc 248 j 155-156 Inc. . .. 172-173inc 249 157-160 inc.. ., 174-175 inc.. 17f>-177inc.. 178-179 inc.. 180-181 inc.. 182-183 inc.. 250 161-162 inc.... 251 163, p. 141 252 1 163 (p. 142)-172 253 173-177 inc.... 254 178-183 inc.... 184-185 inc.... 255. 186-187 inc.... 256. 188-189 inc ! 257. Review Review . Examination.. Examination..! Examination.. 184-188 inc.... 189-196 inc.... 197 Review Regradine; late exami- nations. A. B. C. D. F. G.H. I. J. K. 1., M. N. Review. Examino- tion. FIFTH GRADE. First Monday First Tuesday First Wednesday . . . First Thursday First Friday Second Monday Second Tuesday Second Wednesday. Second Thursday. . . Second Friday Regrading; late examinations 190-191inc I 258 192-193 inc 259 194-195 inc 260 196-197 inc I 261 198-199 inc ! 262 200-201 inc ' 263 202-203 inc 264 204-205 inc 265 206-207 inc 1 266 Regrading; late examinations. 198-214 inc. . . 215-227 inc. . . 228-234 inc. . . 235-236 inc. . . 237-253 inc. . . 254-265 inc. . . 266-271 inc. . . 272 inc 273-287 inc. . . A. B. C. D. E. F. G,H. I. J. 16 Lessons for each day — Continued. FIRST GRADE— Continued. Third Monday Tiiird Tuesday... Third Wednesday Third Thursday.. Third Friday Geography, 208-209 inc. . . 210-211 inc. . . 212-213 inc. . . Review Examination History, 267 268 269 Review Examination . Arithmetic, articles— 288-290 inc 291-301 inc 302-329 inc Review Examination . Bluejacket's Manual, Part I, paragraphs — K. L,M. N. Review. Examin! tion. SIXTH GRADE. First Monday First Tuesday First Wednesday. First Thursday. . . First Friday Second Monday Second Tuesday Second Wednesday. Second Thursday.'. . Second Friday Regrading and delayed examinations. Third Monday... Third Tuesday i Third Wednesday Third Thursday.. Third Friday 214-215 inc 21fr-217 inc. . 218-219 mc 220-221 inc. . . 222-223 inc. . . 224-225 inc. . . 226-227 inc. . . 228-229 inc. . . 230-231 inc. . . 232-233 inc. . . 234-235 inc. . . 236-237 inc. . . Review Examination. 270 271 272 273 274 275 ;." 276 277 .;■ 278 279 280 281 Review Exammation 330-341 inc 342-357 inc.... 358-367 inc 368-381 inc.... 382-397 inc 398-405 inc 406-416 inc 417-434 inc 435-449 inc 450-461 inc 462-465 inc 466-467 inc.... Review Examination . A. B. C. D. E. F. G,H. I. J. K. L,M. N. Review. Examinj tion. SEVENTH GRADE. First Monday First Tuesday First Wednesday.. First Thursday... First Friday Second Monday Second Tuesday... Second Wednesday Second Thursday.. Second Friday Third Monday.. Third Tuesday. . Third Wednesday. . Third Thursday.. Third Friday. . . ooQ o^n^^^^^^.^S,^ delayed examinations. 238-239 inc 282. . . i 46s 240-241 inc. .. . 283 242-243 inc 244-245 inc. . . 246-247 inc. . . 248-249 inc. . . 250-251 inc. . . 252-253 inc... 254-255 inc. . . 256-257 inc. . . 258-259 inc. . . 260-261 inc. . . Review Examination 284... 285... 286. 287. 290. 291 292 293 Review Examination 469, p. 355... P.356-P.361. P.362-P.367... 470-477 inc 478-490 inc. . . . 491-505 inc.... 506-518 inc. . . . 519-535 inc.... 536-551 inc 552-571 inc 572-587 inc Review Examination . A. B. C. D. E. F. G,H. I. J. K. L,M. N. Review. Exami n; tion. 77842°— 15- GEOGRAPHY. 1. Q. What is a desert? A. A desert is a part of the land where there is no water or vegetation. 2. Q. What and where is the largest desert in the world « A. The Sahara Desert in northern Africa. 3. Q. What are oases ? ^' ^^SL^^^ fertile or green spots in a desert. 4. Q. What is a plain ? '^' ^ ^^^ ^^. ^ ^^^^^ ^^ ^^^^^^y ^Gvel part of the land. 5. y. What IS a swamp ? A. A swamp is low ground filled with water 6. Q. What is a hill ? A. A hill is a mass of earth rising above the level of the surroundmg country. 7. Q. What is a mountain ? ^ A. A mountain is a large mass of earth and rock rising above the level of the surrounding country 8. Q. What IS the difference between hills and mountains ? A. Hills are only a few hundred feet high while mountains are thousands of feet high. 9. Q. What is a mountain peak ? in ^^^^^^^^-^ P^^^ ^^ ^^® ^^P ^^ «- mountain. 10. y. What is a mountain range? A. A mountain range is a long narrow belt of moun- tains. V " /8* ^^^^ ^^ ^ mountain chain ? 1 o 7^"^^*?^-^ ^^^^^'^ ^^ ^ ^^^^P ^^ mountain ranges. A \ * ^^^^^ ^^ ^ mountain system? A. A mountain system is a group of mountain en ams . 13. Q. What is a valley? (17) 18 A. A valley is a low piece of land between higher land. 14. Q. What is a divide? A. A divide is a high ridge of land so that the rivers on one side flow in one direction and those on the other side flow in the other direction. 15. Q. What is a precipice? A. A precipice is a steep, abrupt cUfF. 16. Q. What is an avalanche? A. An avalanche is a mass of snow, ice, or rock sliding down a mountain side. 17. Q. What is the timber line? A. Tne timber line is the line above which no trees grow. 18. Q. Wliat is the snow line ? A. The snow line is the line above which snow remains all the year round. 19. Q. Wliat is a mountain pass ? A. A mountain pass is a gap, usually a valley, across the crest of mountainous country. 20. Q. What is a river source ? A. A river source is the place where the river starts. 21*. Q. WTiat is a spring? A. A spring is water flowing from the ground. 22. Q. What is a river bank ? A. A river bank is the land that borders a river. 23. Q. How manv banks has a river? A. Two. 24. Q. What is a river channel ? A. A river channel is the part of the valley that the river flows in. 25. Q. What is a river bed ? A. A river bed is the bottom of the river. 26. Q. What is a rapid ? A. A rapid is the place where the river bed falls very rapidly and causes the water to run verj^ swiftly. 27. Q. What is a waterfall? A. A waterfall is the place in the river where the slope of the bed is so steep that the water falls nearly straight down. 28. Q. What is a tributaiy to a river ? 19 A. A tributary to a river is a smaller stream flowing into it. 29. Q. What is a river system ? A. A river system is a river with all its tributaries. 30. Q. What is a river basin ? A. A river basin is the land drained by a river system. 31. Q. What forms the boundary of a river basin? A. Divides. 32. Q. What is the mouth of a river ? A. The mouth of a river is the place where it empties into a larger body of water. 33. Q. What is a flood plain? A. A flood plain is the land along the banks of a river built up by dirt which settles during a flood. 34. Q. What is a delta? A. A delta is the land formed at the mouth of a river by sediment that the river carries. 35. Q. What is a pond or lake? A. A pond or lake is a body of water entirely sur- roimded by land. 36. Q. What is a stream that flows into a pond or lake called ? A. The inlet. 37. Q. What is a stream that flows out of a pond or lake called ? A. The outlet. 38. Q. What happens to the pond or lake in case it has no outlet? A. It will become salty. 39. Q. What is a bay? A. A bay is a body of water partly surrounded by land. 40. Q. What is a breakwater? A. A breakwater is a wall of stone or concrete built to inclose and protect a body of water. 41. Q. What is geography ? A. Geography is the study of the earth ? 42. Q. What is the earth? A. The earth is a planet. 43. Q. What is a planet? 20 A. A planet is a heavenly body revolving around the sun. 44. Q. What is the shape of the earth? A. It is round like a ball, but slightly flat at the north and south ends. 45. Q. Why does the earth appear flat ? A. Because the earth being so large, we see only a small part of it at a time. 46. Q. What is the earth made of? A. Land and water. 47. Q. What part of the earth is land and what part is water ? A. One-fourth is land and three-fourths water. 48. Q. For convenience of study, how is the earth divided ? A. Into half spheres, or hemispheres. 49. Q. What is a diameter of the earth ? A. An imaginary line drawn through the earth. 50. Q. How many miles is the diameter of the earth? A. About 8,000 miles. 51. Q. What is a circumference of the earth? A. An imaginary line around the earth. 52. Q. How many miles is the circumference of the earth ? A. About 25,000 miles. 53. Q. What is the east and west circumference of the earth called ? A. The Equator. 54. Q. What is the north and south diameter of the earth called ? A. Its axis. 55. Q. What are the north and south ends of the earth's axis called ? A. The North and South Poles. 56. Q. How many motions has the earth? A. Two. 57. Q. What are the two motions of the earth? A. It rotates on its axis once every 24 hours and revolves around the sun once a year. 58. Q. What causes night and day? A. The rotation of the earth on its axis. 21 59. Q. Which direction does the earth rotate on its axis? A. Eastward. 60. Q. What causes spring, summer, autumn, and winter? A. The revolution of the earth around the sun. 61. Q. What causes the difference of cHmate at various places on the earth's surface ? A. The direct or slanting rays of the sim. 62. Q. Where are the rays of the sun most direct? A. At the Equator. 63. Q. Where do the rays of the sun slant the most ? A. At the poles. 64. Q. How is the earth divided as to climate ? A. Into five zones. 65. Q. Name the five zones in their order, begin- ning at the north. A. North Frigid, North Temperate, Torrid, South Temperate, and South Frigid. 66. Q. What imaginary line runs through the Tor- rid Zone ? A. The Equator. 67. Q. What is a continent ? A. A large subdivision of land. 68. Q. Name the continents of the earth. A. North America, South America, Asia, Europe, Africa, and Australia. 69. Q. What is the smallest continent ? A. Australia. 70. Q. What is an island ? A. A small body of land entirely surrounded by water. 71. Q. Wliat is a peninsula ? A. A body of land nearly surrounded by water, and connected with a larger body by an isthmus. 72. Q. What is an isthmus ? A. An isthmus is a narrow body of land connecting two larger bodies of land. 73. Q. What isthmus connects North and South America ? A. The Isthmus of Panama. 22 74. Q. What isthmus connects Asia and Africa ? A. The Isthmus of Suez. 75. Q. What great work of man is there on each isthmus ? A. A ship canal. 76. Q. What is a cape ? A. A cape is a point of land projecting into water. 77. Q. Name a famous cape and tell where it is. A. Cape Horn, southern point of South America. 78. Q. Name the various divisions of water. A. Ocean, sea, lake, giilf, bay, river, and strait. 79. Q. Name the oceans in the world. A. Atlantic, Pacific, Arctic, Antarctic, and Indian Oceans. 80. O. Where are they ? A. The Atlantic Ocean is between North America and Europe; the Pacific Ocean is between North America and Asia ; the Arctic Ocean is around the North Pole ; the Antarctic Ocean is around the South Pole; and the Indian Ocean is between Africa, Asia, and Aus- tralia. 81. Q. Name a large gulf and tell where it is. A. Gulf of Mexico, south of the United States. 82. Q. Name a large sea and tell where it is. A. Mediterranean Sea, north of Africa and south of Europe. 83. Q. Name a large bay and tell where it is. A. Chesapeake Bay, in Virginia and Maryland. 84. Q. Name a famous strait and tell where it is. A. Strait of Magellan, southern extremity of South America. 85. O. Begin at the north and name the countries of North America. A. Alaska, Canada, United States, Mexico, and Cen- tral America. 86. Q. What and where is Newfoundland ? A. It is a large island in the Atlantic Ocean, east of Canada. 87. Q. What nation owns Newfoundland ? A. England. 88. Q. What and where is Greenland ? 23 A. It is a large body of land northeast of North America. 89. Q. What nation owns Greenland ? A. Denmark. 90. Q. What is the boundary of a countr}^ ? A. Where the country begins or ends. 91. Q. Bound the United States. A. Canada on the north, Atlantic Ocean on the east, Mexico and the Gulf of Mexico on the south, and Pacific Ocean on the west. 92. Q. Name 10 of the important rivers in North America. A. Yukon, St. Lawrence, Mackenzie, Mississippi, Columbia, Rio Grande, Missouri, Arkansas, Ohio, and Delaware. 93. Q. How wide is the United States, east to west? A. AJbout 2,800 miles. 94. Q. How long is the United States, north to south ? A. About 1,500 miles. 95. Q. What is the smallest State in the Union? A. Rhode Island. 96. Q. What is the largest State in the Union ? A. Texas. 97. Q. What State contains more people than any other State ? A. New York. 98. Q. Why are there so many people in the North- eastern States ? A. Because there is so much manufacturing there. 99. Q. What is the capital of New York State ? A. Albany. 100. Q. What is the largest city in New York State ? A. New York City. 101. Q. How does the city of New York compare in size with the other cities in the United States and in the world ? A. It is the largest city in the United States and the second largest city in the world. 102. Q. Wliat is the capital of Pennsylvania? A. Harrisburg. 24 103. Q. What is the largest city in Pennsylvania? A. Philadelphia. 104. Q. What is the capital of New Jersey? A. Trenton. 105. Q. What is the largest city in New Jersey? A. Newark. 106. Q. What is Pittsburgh, Pa., noted for? A. Its iron and steel manufactures. 107. Q. What three things is Philadelphia, Pa., noted for ? A. (1) It is a large seaport; (2) it has a large navy yard; and (3) there are several large shipbuilding firms nearby. 108. Q. What are the principal products of the New England States ? A. Dairy products, lumber, building stone, fish, and manufactured articles. 109. Q. What is the capital and largest city of Massachusetts ? A. Boston. 110. Q. What two large islands lie to the south of Massachusetts ? A. Marthas Vineyard Island and Nantucket Island. 111. Q. What large island lies to the south of New York and Connecticut ? A. Long Island. 112. Q. What is the large body of water lying be- tween Long Island and the mainland called ? A. Long Island Sound. 113. Q. What is the northeast point of Long Island called ? A. Montauk Point. 114. Q. What prominent cape is there in Massa- chusetts ? A. Cape Cod. 115. Q- What ship canal is there in Massachusetts ? A. Cape Cod Canal. 116. Q. What is the capital And largest city in Ver- mont? A. Montpelier. 117. Q. Wliat is the capital of New Hampshire? A. Concord. 25 118. Q. What is the largest city in New Hampshire ? A. Manchester. 119. Q. What is the capital of Maine? A. Augusta. 120. Q. What is the largest city in Maine? A. Portland. 121. Q. Name a good harbor in Maine, New Hamp- shire, and Massachusetts. A. Portland, Me.; Portsmouth, N. H.; Boston, Mass. 122. Q. Name a good harbor in Rhode Island; in Connecticut. A. Newport, R. I.; Connecticut has no good har- bors for large vessels, New London and New Haven being available for small craft. 123. Q. What are the principal products of the Mid- dle Atlantic States ? A. Farm products, iron, steel, coal, salt, oil, and manufactured articles. 124. Q. Name good harbors in New York, New Jersey, and Pennsylvania. A. New York, N. Y.; Camden, N. J.; and Delaware River, Pa. 125. Q. What and where is the largest city and capi- tal of Rhode Island ? A. Providence, on upper Narragansett Bay. 126. Q. How can merchandise be shipped from New York City to the Great Lakes by water ? A. By way of the Hudson River and the Erie Canal. 127. Q. Where is the Erie Canal? A. In central New York, extending from Albany to Buffalo. 128. Q. Name the Southern States and their capi- tals. A. Delaware, Dover; Maryland, Annapolis; West Virginia, Charleston; Virginia, Richmond; Kentucky, Frankfort; Temiessee, Nashville; North Carolina, Raleigh; South Carolina, Columbia; Georgia, Atlanta; Florida, Tallahassee; Alabama, Montgomery; Missis- sippi, Jackson; Louisiana, Baton Rouge; Arkansas, Little Rock; Texas, Austin; Oklahoma, Oklahoma City. 26 129. Q. Which of the Southern States is the largest State in the Union ? A. Texas. 130. Q. What are the special crops of the Southern States? A. Cotton, sugar cane, rice, and tobacco. 131. Q. Bound Georgia. A. Georgia is bounded on the north by North Caro- hna and Tennessee; on the south by Florida; on the east by South Carohna and the Atlantic Ocean; on the west by Alabama and Florida. 132. Q. Bound Louisiana. A. Louisiana is bounded on the north by Mississippi and Arkansas ; on the south by the Gulf of Mexico ; on the east by Mississippi and the Gulf of Mexico ; on the west by Texas. 133. Q. What great bay is found in Maryland and Virginia? A. Chesapeake Bay. 134. Q. What four important cities are situated on Chesapeake Bay ? A. Baltimore, Md.; Annapohs, Md.; Norfolk, Va. ; Newport News, Va. 135. Q. What two large rivers flow mto Chesapeake Bay? A. Susquehanna and Potomac Rivers. 136. Q. What large city do we find situated on the Potomac Ri^;^er? A. Washington, the Capital of the United States. 137. Q. In what division of the tjountry is Washing- ton situated ? A. In the District of Columbia, which is not a State but is governed by Congress. 138. Q. What cape, famous for its bad weather, ex- tends from North Carolina ? A. Cape Hatteras. 139. Q. What large body of water in North Carolina hes inside Cape Hatteras ? A. Pamhco Sound. 140. Q. What is the port of South Carohna? A. Charleston. 141. Q. What is the port of Georgia? 27 A. Savannah. 142. Q. Name four ports of Florida. A. Tampa, Pensacola, Jacksonville, and Miami. 143. Q. Name an important port of Alabama. A. Mobile. 144. Q. Name an important port of Louisiana. A. New Orleans. 145. Q. What is a delta? A. A delta is land at the mouth of a river built up from sediment that the river carries. 146. Q. What river in the United States has a very large delta ? A. The Mississippi Kiver. 147. Q. What other pecuHarity distinguishes the Mississippi Kiver from other rivers. A. In many places along its length its water level is so much higher than that of the surrounding country that great banks of earth and stone have to be built to hold the water back. 148. Q. What name is applied to the banks built along the Mississippi Kiver to hold the water back ? A. Levees. 149. O. Name a very important port in Texas. A. Galveston. 150. Q. What river separates Texas from Mexico ? A. The Kio Grande. 151. Q. What important sea food is the Chesapeake Bay noted for? A. Oysters. 152. Q. What large city of Alabama is called the Pittsburgh of the South? A. Birmingham. 153. O. What is the largest city in Maryland? A. Baltimore. 154. Q. Name four of the principal cities in Texas. A. Houston, Dallas, San Antonio, El Paso. 155. Q. Name a large city in each of the following States: Alabama, Tennessee, Oklahoma, and Kentucky. A. Birmingham, Ala. ; Chattanooga, Tenn. ; Guthrie, Okla.; LouisviUe, Ky. 156. Q. What two Southern States supply iron ? A. Alabama and Tennessee. 28 157. Q. What three Southern States produce oil ? A. Texas, Oklahoma, and West Virginia. 158. Q. Which are the principal Southern States engaged in the manufacture of cotton ? A. North and South Carolina. 159. Q. Name seven rivers in Texas which flow into the Gulf of Mexico. A. Sabine, Trinity, Brazos, San Antonio, Colorado, and Rio Grande. 160. Q. What large river flows through Louisiana to join the Mississippi Kiver ? A. The Red River. 161. Q. What is Key West and where is it located ? A. It IS a city located on one of the Florida Keys. 162. What is a key? A. A small island of coral origin. 163. Q. Name the Central States with their capitals. A. Ohio, Columbus; Illinois, Springfield; Indiana, Indianapolis; Wisconsin, Madison; Michigan, Lansing; Missouri, Jefferson City; Kansas, Tot^eka; Iowa, Des Moines; Minnesota, St. Paul; North Dakota, Bismark; South Dakota, Pierre; Nebraska, Lincoln. 164. Q. Name the Great Lakes. A. Superior, Michigan, Huron, Erie, and Ontario. 165. Q. Which of the Great Lakes is whoUy in the United States ? A. Lake Michigan. 166. Q. Which of the Great Lakes is the largest? The smallest ? A. Superior is the largest and Ontario is the smallest. 167. Q. Bound the State of Iowa. A. Iowa is bounded on the north by Minnesota and South Dakota; on the south by Missouri; on the east by Wisconsin and Illinois; on the west by Nebraska and South Dakota. 168. Q. Bound the State of Indiana. A. Indiana is bounded on the north by Lake Michi- gan and the State of Michigan; on the south by Ken- tucky; on the east by Ohio; on the west by Illinois. 169. Q. Name two large cities in Indiana. A. Fort Wayne and Terre Haute. 170. Q. Name three large cities in Ohio. A. Cleveland, Cincinnati, and Dayton. 171. Q. Name two lar^ cities in Michigan. A. Detroit and Grand Kap ids. 172. Q. What cities in Minnesota are called the Twin Cities ? A. Minneapolis and St. Paul. 173. Q. Wnere is the city of Duluth? A. In Minnesota on Lake Superior. 174. Q. Name a large city in Wisconsin. A. Milwaukee on Lake ^fichigan. 175. Q. Where is St. Louis ? Where is Omaha ? A. St. Louis is in Missouri on the Mississippi River. Omaha is in northeastern Nebraska. 176. Q. Where are the Ozark Mountains ? Wliere is Wichita ? Where is Terre Haute ? A. The Ozark Mountains are in southwestern Mis- souri. Wichita is a city in the southeastern part of Kansas on the Arkansas River. Terre Haute is a city in the west central part of Indiana. 177. Q. Where m the Central States is copper found ? A. Near the western end of Lake Superior in Michi- gan, Wisconsin, and Minnesota. 178. Q. What is the city of Chicago famous for? A. It IS the leading meat market of the world. 179. Q. What city in the Central States is the lead- ing flour-producing center of the world ? A. Minneapolis, Minn. 180. Q. What States have the Ohio River as a part of their boundary ? A. Illinois, Indiana, Kentucky, Ohio, and West Virginia. 181. O. What States have the Missouri River as a part of their boundary ? A. Missouri, Kansas, Nebraska, Iowa, and South Dakota. 182 . Q. In what State does the Mississippi River rise ? A. Minnesota. 183. Q. Why do we find so many lakes in the north- ern part of the United States ? 30 A. Because centuries ago a hu^e ice pack covered this part of the country. When it melted it left the lakes behind. 184. Q. Name all the States of whose boundaries the Mississippi forms a part. A. Louisiana, Mississippi, Arkansas, Tennessee, Ken- tucky, Missouri, Iowa, Wisconsin, Illinois, and Minne- sota. 185. Q. Name the Western States with their capitals. A. New Mexico, Santa Fe; Colorado, Denver; Wyo- ming, Cheyenne; Montana, Helena; Arizona, Phoenix; Utah, Salt Lake City; Idaho, Boise; Nevada, Carson City; California, Sacramento; Oregon, Salem; Wash- ington, Olympia. 186. Q. Why are the Western States so thinly set- tled compared to the Eastern States ? A. Because (1) the Eastern States were settled first; (2) the country is very mountainous; (3) there is a con- siderable lack of water in a great part of the country. 187. Q. How are we overcoming the lack of water in a great part of western United States ? A. By irrigation. 188. Q. What is irrigation? A. It is the causing of water to flow over the land. 189. Q. Where is the Great Salt Lake? A. In northwest Utah. 190. Q. Why is it salt? A. Because having no outlet the water that evapo- rates leaves the salt behind. 191. Q. What products is Cahfornia noted for? A. Lumber, fruit, and gold. 192. Q. What is Colorado noted for? A. Gold, silver, and lead. 193. Q. What three of the Western States produce the most gold in the Union ? A. Colorado, California, and Nevada. 194. Q. What part of the United States is called the land of the big trees. A. The Pacific coast. 195. Q. What river in the Western States is famous for salmon fishing ? 31 A. The Columbia River, which is in Washington and Oregon. 196. Q. What and where is Pikes Peak ? A. It is a very high mountain in central Colorado. 197. Q. Where does the Rio Grande River rise? A. In southwestern Colorado. 198. Q. Where is the Yellowstone National Park? A. In northwest Wyoming. 199. Q. What great river rises in Montana ? A. The Missouri River. 200. Q. Where is the city of Butte ? A. In southwest Montana. 201. Q. What States does the Colorado River partlv bound? ^ ^ A. Nevada, California, and Arizona. 202. Q. What and where is the canyon of the Col- orado River ? A. It is a gorge over a mile deep cut into the rock by the Colorado River in the State of Arizona. 203. Q. Into what does the Colorado River emntv^ A. The Gulf of Cahfornia. ' 204. Q. What is the largest city in Oregon ? A. Portland. 205. Q. What and where is Puget Sound? A. It is a large body of water in northwest Wash- ington. 206. Q. What and where is the largest city in Washington ? A. Seattle, on Puget Sound. 207. Q. What United States navy yard is on Puo-et Sound? '^ A. The navy yard at Bremerton, Wash. 208. Q. Name some large towns in California. A. San Francisco, Oakland, and Los Angeles. 209. Q. How does the west coast luie of the United States compare with that of the east ? A. The west coast line is very regular and contains very few good harbors, while the east is very irreguhir and contains many good harbors. 210. Q. What national park is there in California ? A. Yosemite National Park. 77842°— 15 3 32 211. Q. Name a high mountain peak in California, Oregon, and Washington. A. Mount Shasta, Cal.; Mount Hood, Oreg.; Mount Rainier, Wash. 212. Q. Where is Spokane ? A. Spokane is in Washington. 213. Q. Where is Cape Mendocino? A. In northwest CaUfornia. 214. Q. Where is the city of Ogden? A. In northwest Utah. 215. Q. Where are the Black Hills? A. In South Dakota and eastern Wyoming. 216. Q. Where is (1) Albuquerque, (2) San Diego, (3) the Mojave Desert ? A. (1) Central New Mexico; (2) southwest Cali- fornia; (3) southern California. 217. Q. Where is the city of Tucson? A. In southern Arizona. 218. Q. How many States in the United States? A. Forty-eight. 219. Q. What is the most important occupation of the United States ? A. Agriculture. 220. Q. Where in the United States is the most wheat raised ? A. North and South Dakota and Minnesota. 221. Q. Name, in order of their importance, the seven principal ocean ports of the United States. A. New York, Boston, Philadelphia, New Orleans, Baltimore, San Francisco, and Galveston. 222. Q. What are the Puget Sound ports ? A. Seattle and Tacoma. 223. Q. Which river of the United States is of most importance for navigation ? A. The combined Mississippi and Missouri. 224. Q. About how long is this combined river? A. About 4,300 miles long. 225. Q. What large cities are located on the Missis- sippi and its tributaries ? A. New Orleans, Memphis, Baton Rouge, Nashville, Cairo, Cincinnati, St. Louis, Kansas City, Omaha, Des Moines, and Pittsburgh. 33 226. Q. Name in order the 10 largest cities, in the United States. A. New York, Chicago, Philadelphia, St. Louis, Boston, Cleveland, Baltimore, Pittsburgh, Detroit, and Buffalo. 227. Q. Where is Alaska ? A. In the northwestern part of North America. 228. Q. How and when was Alaska added to the teiTitory of the United States ? A. By purchase from Russia in 1867. 229. Q. Bound Alaska. A. Alaska is bounded on the north by the Arctic Ocean; on the south by the Pacific Ocean; on the east by Canada, and on the west by Bering Sea and Bering Strait. 230. Q. What large river rises in Alaska ? A. The Yukon River. 231. Q. What city in Alaska is now the capital? What city used so be the caj)ital ? A. Juneau is now the capital; Sitka used to be the capital. 232. Q. What do we export from Alaska? A. Gold, sahnon, and furs. 233. Q. What and where is Porto Rico? A. Porto Rico is an island belonging to the United States in the West Indies, lying east of the island of Haiti. 234. Q. How did the United States acquire Porto Rico? A. As a result of the Spanish-American War. 235. Q. What is the capital of Porto Rico? A. San Juan. 236. Q. What is the largest island of the West Indies ? A. Cuba. 237. Q. What government has Cuba ? A. Cuba is a Repubhc and is under the protection of the United States. 238. Q. What is the east cape of Cuba ? A. Cape Maisi. 239. Q. What is the western cape of Cuba? 34 A. Cape San Antonio. 240. Q. Name some of the principal cities of Cuba. A. Habana (capital), Mantanzas, and Santiago. 241. Q. Where in Cuba has the United States a large naval station ? A. Guantanamo Bay in southeastern Cuba. 242. Q. What island lying south of Cuba is under the care of the United States ? A. The Isle of Pines. 243. Q. Wliat and where are the Hawaiian Islands? A. The Hawaiian Islands are a ^roup of islands be- longing to the United States, lying ni the Pacific Ocean about midway between North America and Asia. 244. Q. How did the Hawaiian Islands become a part of the United States ? A. They originally formed a Kingdom, but in 1893 rebelled and formed a Republic. Tney then asked to be taken into the United States, and in 1898 this was done. 245. Q. Name some of the principal Hawaiian Islands. A. Hawaii, Maui, Oahu, and Kauai. 246. Q. What and where is the chief city and capital of the Hawaiian Islands ? A. Honolulu, on the island of Oahu. 247. Q. Where is the United States naval station in the Hawaiian Islands ? A. At Pearl Harbor, just west of Honolulu. 248. Q. Name a large volcano in the Hawaiian Islands. A. Mauna Loa, on the island of Hawaii. 249. Q. WTiat is the chief industry of the Hawaiian Islands ? A. Raising sugar cane. 250. Q. AVhere and what are the Philippine Islands ? A. The Philippine Islands are a group of islands southeast of China belonghig to the United States. 251. Q. How did the United States obtain the Phil- ippine Islands ? A. From Spain, as a result of the Spanish-American War. 35 252. How many islands are there in the Philippines ? A. More than 3,000. 253. Q. Name some of the largest islands of the Philippine Islands. A. Luzon, Mindoro, Samar, Panay, and Mindanao. 254. Q. What and where is the capital of the Philip- pine Islands ? A. Manila, on the island of Luzon. 255. Q. What archipelago is included in the Philip- pine Islands ? A. The Sulu Archipelago. 256. Q. What waters surround the Philippine Islands ? A. Pacific Ocean on the east; China Sea on the west; Pacific Ocean on the north ; Sulu and Celebes Seas on the south. 257. Q. What river runs into Manila Bay at the city of Manila ? A. The Pasig River. 258. Q. Name some other islands in the Pacific Ocean owned by the United States. A. Wake Island, Guam, and Tutuila. 259. Q. Name one town on Guam and one on Tutuila. A. Agana (Guam) and Pago Pago (Tutuila). 260. Q. What land do we own m Central America ? A We own a strip of land 5 miles on each side of the Panama Canal. 261. Q. How did the United States get this strip of land ? A. By an agreement with the Republic of Panama. HISTORY. 1. Q. Who was Christopher Columbus ? A. He was an Itahan sailor. 2. Q. When was Christopher Columbus born ? A. In the year 1450. 3. Q. What became the great desire of Columbus ? A. To discover a western route to India. 4. Q. What did Columbus do in August, 1492? A. He sailed westward from Spain with three ships. 5. Q. What happened to Columbus in October, 1492 ? A. He discovered the islands of the West Indies. 6. Q. How many voyages did Columbus make to the new-found land ? A. Four in all. 7. Q. What land did Columbus see on his third voyage westward ? A. The coast of South America. 8. Q. What did Columbus think that the coast of South America was ? A. India. 9. Q. Why was the new land discovered by Columbus called America ? A. An Italian, Americus Vespucius, visited Brazil about three years after Columbus, and from the sug- gestion of a German professor of geography the new land was gradually called America. 10. Q. Who was Balboa? A. A Spanish soldier. 11. Q. What did Balboa discover? A. The Pacific Ocean. 12. Q. How did Balboa reach the Pacific Ocean ? A. By crossing the Isthmus of Panama. 13. Q. Who made the first voyage around the world ? (37) 38 A. An expedition which started under the command of a Spaniard named Magellan. 14. Q. What happened to Magellan? A. He was killed m the Pliihppine Islands. 15. Q. Who was Sir Francis Drake ? A. He was a British sailor. 16. Q. Who was the first Englishman to sail around the world ? A. Sir Francis Drake. 17. Q. Who were Indians? A. They were wild tribes of copper-colored people hving in America. 18. Q. What did the Indians live in? A. In wigwams made of skins. 19. Q. How did the Indians spend their time ? A. They hunted with bows and arrows and fished. 20. Q. "Were the Indians friendly to the white people ? A. No; they were not, except in a very few places. 21. Q. What and where was the first English settle- ment in America? A. Jamestown, on the James River. 22. Q. Who was Capt. John Smith ? A. He was one of the EngUshmen who founded Jamestown. 23. Q. How did Capt. John Smith save Jamestown ? A. He made the colonists work and protected them by making peace with the Indians. 24. Q. Who discovered New York Harbor and the Hudson River ? A. Henry Hudson. 25. Q. Wlio was Henry Hudson? A. An EngUshman. 26. Q, Under whose flag was he sailing ? A. The Dutch. 27. Q. What nation settled New York Harbor? A. The Dutch. 28. Q. What was the fii'st Dutch settlement called ? A. New Amsterdam. 29. Q. What country finally captured New Amster- dam ? A. England. 39 30. Q. What did the British rename the Dutch settle- ment of New Amsterdam ? A. New York. 31. Q. Who were the Pilgrims? A. They were people in England who were not allowed to worship the way they wanted to. 32. Q. What did the Pilgrims finally do ? A. They left Holland in 1620 and came to America. 33. Q. What sliip did the Pilgrims sail to America in ? A. The Mayflower. 34. Q. Where did the Pilgi-ims settle in America ? A. At Plymouth^ Mass. 35. Q. What was the Pequot War ? A. It was a war between the Indians and the colon- ists in Connecticut. 36. Q. What was Bacon's Rebellion ? A. The colonists of Virginia under Bacon rose against thegovernor. 37. Q. What was the result of Bacon's Rebellion? A. The Indians were taught to behave themselves and Virginia got rid of a bad governor. 38. Q. What was King Philip's War? A. It was a war between the Indians and the people of New England. 39. Q. What was the result of Kmg Philip's War? A. After great destruction the Indians were defeated. 40. Q. What was King William's War in America ? A. It was the first clash in America between England and France. 41. Q. What was the result in America of King William's War? A. Many colonists were murdered and Port Royal, Nova Scotia, was captured by the English. 42. Q. What happened in America during Queen Anne's War ? A. Nova Scotia was taken from the French by the English. 43. Q. What happened in America during King George's War ? A. The French and English colonists fought each other with no important result. 40 44. Q. What soon brought on trouble between the French and English colonists in America? A. The French and English both desired the Mississippi Valley. 45. Q. What did the French do to control the Mississippi Basin ? A. Tneybuilt a strmg of forts. 46. Q. When the English heard that the French had built Forts in the Mississippi Basin, what did the English do ? A. They tried to capture the forts. 47. Q. Were the English successful in their first attempt to capture the French forts ? A. No; Gen. Braddock was disastrously defeated. 48. Q. What famous American was with Gen. Brad- dock? A. Geo^e Washington. 49. Q. When was George Washington bom? A. He was bom Febmary 22, 1732, in Virginia. 50. Q. Tell about Washington's early life ? A. Washington was taken out of school at 16 and made to earn his living as a surveyor. He was with Braddock and saved a great many men by his calm and self-possessed actions. 51. Q. What war did Braddock's defeat start? A. The French and Indian War. 52. Q. What was the result of the French and Indian War ? A. France lost every foot of land she had in North America except two small islands. 53. Q. What was the cause of the first quarrel between England and the colonists ? A. England decided to make the Colonies help pay the cost of the war with France by taxing them heavily. 54. Q. Why did the Colonies object to being taxed by England ? A. They objected to being taxed to help the English Government when they were not represented in that Government. 55. Q. What did the colonists do when England insisted that the taxes be paid ? 41 A. They objected greatly and in many cases abso- lutely refused to pay. 56. Q. What was the Boston Massacre ? A. Some British soldiers at Boston got into a quarrel with some of the colonists and finally killed four of them. 57. Q. What happened in London the same day as the Boston Massacre ? A. Parliament decided to keep the American tax on tea. 58. Q. How did the American colonists treat the order to pay taxes on tea ? A. They refused to pay it in most places, and in Boston they threw the tea overboard. 59. Q. What did the British Parliament do when they heard that the people of Boston had thrown the tea overboard ? A. ParHament passed laws (1) forbidding any ship to enter or leave the harbor of Boston until the tea was paid for; (2) deprivmg Massachusetts of free govern- ment; (3) sent troops to Boston. 60. Q. What was the result of these laws passed to starve and beat Massachusetts into submission to the British? A. War between England and her colonies called the Revolutionary War. 61. Q. Where was the first fight of the Revolutionary War? A. At Lexington. 62. Q. What was the Battle of Lexington ? A. Eight hundred British soldiers marching from Boston to Concord to destroy some American ammuni- tion met and dispersed 50 Americans at Lexington. 63. Q. What was the Battle of Concord? A. The British marching from Boston to Concord were met at Concord by 400 Americans and obliged to retreat to Boston. 64. Q. Where is Bunker Hill. A. Across from the city of Boston. 65. Q. When did the Americans fortify it? A. In the night. 42 66. Q. What happened when the British saw the Americans the next morning ? A. The British at once attacked and after a hard fight captured the hill. 67. Q. Why were the Americans defeated at Bunker Hill ? A. They ran out of ammunition. 68. Q. Who was selected by the Second Continental Congress to command the American Army ? A. George Washington. 69. Q. What was the Declaration of Independence ? A. It was an announcement that the United Colonies were independent States free from England. 70. Q. When was the Declaration of Independence adopted ? A. July 4, 1776. 71. Q. About how long after the Revolutionary War had started was the Declaration of Independence adopted ? A. About' one year. 72. Q. Who were Tories ? A. They were Americans who did not want the Col- onies free from England. 73. Q. What did the Tories do in the Revolutionary War? A. They fought with the British. 74. Q. Sow did England plan to conquer the Col- onies? A. She planned to cut off the New England Colonies from the othei's and capture them first. 75. Q. How did the British plan to cut off the New England Colonies from the others ? A. An army under Gen. Burgoyne was to come down from Canada and meet an army under Gen. Howe, which was to start at New York and go north. 76. Q. What was the Battle of Trenton? A. Washington crossed the Delaware River on Christmas night, 1776, surprised the British and took a thousand prisoners. 77. Q. What was the Battle of Princeton ? 43 A. A few days after Trenton Washington met the British under CornwalUs at Princeton and defeated them. 78. Q. What was the capital of the United States in 1777? A. Philadelphia. 79. Q. Describe the capture of Philadelphia ? A. September, 1777, the British landed on the north shore of Chesapeake Bay, marched overland and cap- tured Philadelphia. 80. Q. What was the first big American victory of the Revolutionary War? A. The Battle of Saratoga. 81. Q. What happened at Saratoga ? A. The British from Canada under Burgoyne were captured by the Americans under Gates. 82. Q. What was the result of the Battle of Saratoga ? A. The plan of the British to cut off New England from the rest of the States was upset. 83. Q. Why did not the British Army from New York under Howe carry out its part of the plan and meet Burgoyne ? A. Washington kept it so busy that it did not have time until it was too late. 84. Q. What foreign nation decided to help the Americans after the Battle of Saratoga ? A. France. 85. Q. Where did the British spend the winter of 1777? A. At Philadelphia. 86. Q. Where did Washington's army spend the winter of 1777? A. At Valley Forge near Philadelphia. 87. Q. Did the Americans enjoy themselves at Valley Forge ? A. No ; they suffered greatly. 88. Q. Who was the leading American naval officer of the Revolutionary War ? A. John Paul Jones. 89. Q. What did John Paul Jones do ? A. He sailed along the coast of England and Scotland and captured many British vessels. 44 90. Q. What was the most famous victory of John Paul Jones ? A. The victory of his ship Bon Homme Richard over the British ship Serapis. 91. O. What was the Battle of Camden? A. The Americans under Gates were badly defeated at Camden, S. C, by the British under ComwaUis. 92. Q. What American general turned traitor and tried to hand West Point over to the British? A. Benedict Arnold. 93. Q. What was the result of Arnold's turning traitor? A. He escaped to the British, but Maj. Andr6, the British go-between, was hanged. 94. Q. Where is Yorktown ? A. In Virginia on the York River. 95. Q. Who were the opposing generak at York- town? A. Washington and ComwaUis. 96. Q. What great event happened at Yorktown in October, 1781? A. Washington compelled ComwaUis to surrender. 97. Q. Who was the principal French officer in the American Army ? A. Gen. Lafayette. 98. Q. What foreign nation helped greatly in the surrender at Yorktown? A. France. 99. Q. Why was the surrender of ComwaUis im- portant ? A. It ended the Revolutionary War, thus giving independence to the United States. 100. Q. What did the treaty of peace in 1783 acknowledge ? A. It acknowledged the independence of the United States. 101. Q. What were the boundaries of the United States decided upon in 1783? A. North, Canada; east, Atlantic Ocean; south, Florida; west, Mississippi River. 102. Q. What were the Articles of Confederation ? 45 A. A set of rules drawn up and adopted by the States providing for a Central National Government. 103. Q. Why were the Articles of Confederation of little value ? A. Because under them the National Government could make laws but could not enforce them. 104. Q. What took the place of the Articles of Con- federation ? A. The Constitution of the United States. 105. Q. What is the Constitution of the United States? A. It is a set of laws which forms a Central Govern- ment and gives it the power to make laws and to make the States obey the laws. 106. Q. Who was the first President of the United States ? A. George Washington. 107. Q. Who first settled Kentucky? A. Daniel Boone, a hunter from South Carolina. 108. Q. What was the Northwest Territory? A. It was a tract of land at present occupied by the States of Illinois, Wisconsin, Michigan, Indiana, and Ohio. 109. Q. Wnat was the Louisiana Territory? A. A tremendous body of land lying west of the Mississippi River. 110. Q. When did the United States buy the North- west Territory from France ? A. In 1803. 111. Q. What caused the war between the United Stat,es and Tripoli in 1803 ? A. Pirates from Tripoli persisted in capturing American vessels and demanding tribute. 112. Q. What American man-of-war was captured by the pirates during the war with Tripoli? A. The Philadelphia. 113. Q. What did Decatur do to the captured Philadelphiaf A. He entered the harbor of Tripoli with a few men and burned her. 114. Q. What was the result of the war with Tripoli? 46 A. A treaty of peace was finally made in 1804 which relieved American vessels from paying tribute to the pirates. 115. Q. What trouble did the United States have with England after the Revolutionary War? A. England was capturing United States ships and claiming deserters from her navy. 116. Q. What did this trouble lead to? A. A second war with England, called the War of 1812. 117. Q. What did the Americans try to do in the War of 1812? A. They tried to^capture .Canada but failed. 118. Q. What was the most famous naval battle of the War of 1812? A. The battle between the American Constitution and the British Guerriere. 119. Q. What American naval officer became famous on the Great Lakes? A. Perry. 120. Q. What made Perry famous? A. He had five ships built and with these five ships he captured the British fleet. 121. Q. Describe the capture of Washington, D. C, by the British. A. In 1814 the British easily captured Washington and set fire to the Capitol Building. 122. Q. Where did the British Army go then? A. They advanced to Baltimore. 123. Q. What was the result of the battle at Balti- more? A. The British were defeated. 124. Q. Where did the next prominent battle take place ? A. At New Orleans. 125. Q. What did the British do at New Orleans? A. Near the end of the war the British attacked New Orleans with nearly three times as many men as the Americans had. 126. Q. Wliat was the result of the battle at New Orleans ? A. The British were defeated with great loss. 47 127. Q. What treaty ended the War of 1812? A. The treaty of Ghent. 128. Q. What did this treaty settle? A. Nothing of importance. 129. Q. Was the War of 1812 a good thing for the United States? A. Yes; because no nation ever attempted again to treat our commerce on the seas as if we were too weak to defend it. 130. Q. What great question came up in 1818? A. The question of slavery. 131. Q. What was the Missouri Compromise? A. It admitted Missouri as a slave State but did not aUow slavery in any other territory north of the southern boundary of Missouri. 132. Q. Why was the Missouri Compromise impor- tant ? A. Because it marked the beginning of the quarrel between the North and the South on the subject of slavery. 133. Q. What was the Monroe doctrine? A. It was a declaration by President Monroe stating (1) that no European settlements could be made in North or South America; (2) that the United States would not meddle in European affairs (3) and that European nations must not meddle in American affairs. 134. Q. What was Texas originally? A. A part of Mexico. 135. Q. How did Texas become independent? A. In 1836 Texas gained its independence by defeat- ing the Mexican Army. 136. Q. How did Texas become a part of the United States ? A. The Texans asked Congress to admit Texas into the Union and this was finally done. 137. Q. What was the adding of Texas to the United States caUed ? A. Annexation. 138. Q. What caused the War with Mexico in 1846? A. California, Nevada, Utah, Arizona, and New Mexico were claimed by both the United States and Mexico. 77842°— lo 4 48 139. Q. Who were the two American generals of this war? A. Gens. Taylor and Scott. 140. Q. What did Gen. Taylor do? A. He captured Monterey and defeated the Mexicans at Buena Vista. 141. Q. What did Gen. Scott do? A. He landed troops at Vera Cniz, Mexico, and cap- tured Mexico City. 142. Q. What were the results of the Mexican War? A. The United States gained possession of all the dis- puted territory. 143. Q. When was gold discovered in California? A. In 1848. 144. Q. What was the result of this discovery? A. Thousands of people rushed there and California became quickly settled. 145. Q. What great question was again before the people 01 the United States in 1850 ? A. The question of slavery. 146. Q. How many free and how many slave States were there at this time ? A. Fifteen of each. 147. Q. How many slaves were there in the United States ? A. About 0,000,000. 148. Q. When did California become a State? A. In 1850. 149. Q. Why was the admission of California as a free State opposed by the South ? A. Because it would give the free States a majority in the Senate. 150. Q. What was the Compromise of 1850? A. It admitted California as a free State, but in- cluded an act very displeasing to the North called the fugitive-slave law. 151. Q. What was the fugitive-slave law? A. It provided that any negro claimed as a runaway slave must be returned to nis master and that all citizens must help to capture runaway slaves. 152. Q. What were aoohtionists ? 49 A. People who did not believe in slavery and wanted it abolished. 153. Q. Who was leader of the abolitionists? A. William Lloyd Garrison. 154. Q. What was the underground railroad? A. A secret organization that hid runaway slaves and helped them to escape to Canada. 155. Q. What was the Kansas-Nebraska Bill? A. A bill permitting the Territories of Kansas, Ne- braska,' the Dakotas, and Montana to become either free or slave States, according to the vote of the people in them. 156. Q. When was the Repubhcan Party organized ? A. In 1854. 157. Q. What was its great principle ? A. It declared absolutely against the further spread of slavery. 158. Q. Who was elected President in 1856? A. James Buchanan, a Democrat. 159. Q. What were the Lincoln-Douglas debates? A. Debates between Lincoln and Douglas on the subject of slavery. 160. Q. What was the result of these debates? A. The people of the North began to look upon Lincoln as their leader. 161. Q. What was John Brown's raid ? A. It was an attempt by John Brown to stir up the Virginia slaves and cause them to revolt against their masters. 162. Q. How did Brown attempt to do this? A. He seized the armory at Harpers Ferry, Va., in- tending to arm the negroes. 163. Q. How did the John Brown raid end ? A. Brown was captured and hanged. 164. Q. What effect did this raid have on the North and the South ? A. It increased the bitter feeling between them. 165. Q. What effect did the question of slavery have on the election of 1860 ? A. It caused the Democratic Party to split and the Republican Party to win. 50 166. Q. Whom did the RepubUcan Party elect as President in I860? A. Abraham Lincoln. 167. Q. Give a short history of Lincoln's life up to the time he became President. A. He was a poor boy born on a farm in Kentucky, where he worked until he was 22 years of age. He had very little schooling. He was elected to the Illinois Legislature, and there became noted as a great speaker. In 1846 he was sent to Congress. 168. Q. Why did the election of Lincohi frighten and anger the South? A. The southerners were afraid he would aboHsh slavery. 169. Q. In I860, what did the people of the North and South think of each other ? A. The North hated slavery and they distrusted each other. 170. Q. Was any attempt made to stop the growing hatred between the North and the South ? A. Yes; several compromises were proposed, but none was accepted. 171. Q. What was the final result of the quarrels between the North and the South on the subject of slavery ? A. Seven Southern States, in 1861, withdrew from the Union, and formed a Government of their own. 172. Q. What was this new Government called? A. The Confederate States of America. 173. Q. Whom did they elect as their first President ? A. Jefferson Davis. 174. Q. How did President Buchanan treat the seceding States ? A. ite did nothing, but allowed them to go ahead with their plans, seizing the L^nited States property within their limits. 175. Q. When Lincoln was inaugurated President what did he say about secession ? Q. He said that no States had the right to leave the Union and that he would do all in his power to prevent them from doing so. 61 176. Q. Where was Fort Sumter? A. In the harbor of Charleston, S. C. 177. Q. What did Lincoln do about a month after he became President? A. He ordered men and supplies sent to Fort Sumter. 178. Q. What was the result of this order? A. The Confederates attacked the fort and com- pelled it to surrender on April 14, 1861. 179. Q. Why was the attack on Fort Sumter im- portant ? A. Because it was the real beginning of the war between the Northern and Southern States, caUed the Civil War. 180. Q. What did Lincobi do after the fall of Fort Sumter? A. He called for 75,000 volunteers. 181. Q. How many did he get? A. Three hundred thousand. 182. Q. How did the North and South compare in regard to population and wealth ? A. The North was far ahead of the South. 183. Q. How did the Navy stand? A. Most of the Navy remained true to the North. 184. Q. What was the Battle of Bull Run? A. A battle between the Union and Confederate forces about 30 miles from Washington, D. C. 185. Q. What was the result ? A. The larger Union Army was defeated with great loss. 186. Q. What did Lincoln do to prevent the South from getting supplies by sea ? A. He declared the coast from Vii-ginia to Texas blockaded. 187. Q. What is meant by blockade? A. It means that no ship can enter or leave a port of a blockaded country. 188. Q. How did Lincoln enforce this blockade? A. He stationed naval vessels all along the coast blockaded. 189. Q. What was the result of this blockade ? 52 A. It prevented the South from selling her tobacco and cotton and getting arms, ammunition, and supplies. 190. Q. What three things did the North want to do at the beginning of 1862? A. (1) Capture Kichmond, the capital of the Con- federate States; (2) get full possession of the Mississippi River; and (3) make the blockade effective. 191. Q. Why did the North want possession of the Mississippi River? A. Because that would cut the Confederacy in two. 192. Q. Who captured Fort Henry? A. Commodore Foot-e. 193. Q. Why was the capture of Fort Henry im- portant ? A. Because it guarded the Tennessee River, which led into the Confederacy. 194. Q. Who captured Fort Donelson? A. Gen. Grant. 195. Q. Why was the capture of Fort Donelson important? A. Because it brought all of Kentucky and most of Tennessee under control of the Union forces. 196. Q. What was Grant's early hfe? A. He graduated from the United States Military Academy and served in the Army during the Mexican War, but later resigned. 197. Q. Wliat was Grant's later hfe ? A. He reentered the United States Army as a captain during the Civil War; later, became a general, and then President. 198. Q. Describe the Battle of Shiloh. A. Gens. Grant and Buell defeated the Confederates under Beauregard and A. S. Johnston in a desperate battle which lasted two days. 199. Q. Wlio opened up the upper Mississippi River to the Union forces ? A. Commodore Foote and Gen. Pope. 200. Q. How was this done ? A. Foote by means of his gunboats and Pope with a land force drove the Confederates as far south as Vicksburg. 5e3 201. Q. Who opened up the lower Mississippi River to the Union forces ? A. Admiral Farragut. 202. Q. What did he do ? A. He took a large fleet and in spite of forts, gun- boats, and chains stretched across the river, fought his way up the river and captured New Orleans and Baton Kouge. 203. Q. What was the Battle of Murfreesboro ? A. The Union general, Rosecrans, defeated the Con- federates under Bragg in a fierce battle. 204. Q. What was the Merrimacf A. An ironclad ram, which the Confederates fitted out to destroy the Union ships in Hampton Roads. 205. Q. What was the result of the encounter be- tween tne Merrimac and the wooden ships of the Union fleet ? A. She rammed the Cumberland and set fire to the Congress, thereby destroying both, while their heaviest shot did her no damage. 206. Q. What Union ship did the Merrimac encoun- ter the next day when she set out to sink the rest of the enemy's fleet ? A. The Monitor, a low-decked, ironclad vessel with a revolving turret carrying two heavy guns. 207. Q. What was the result of the fight? A. Neither vessel had a decided victory, but the Merrimac had to put back to Norfolk, and she did no further damage to the Union Navy. 208. Q. Why was the battle between the Merrimac and the Monitor important ? A. Because it showed the world that the days of wooden ships for fighting were over and that in the future war vessels would have to be made of steel or heavily armored. 209. Q. Who was Robert E. Lee? A. He was the greatest general of the Confederacy. 210. Q. What was he before the Civil W^ar? A. He graduated from West Point and served as an officer in the United States Army. 211. Q. What did McClellan do after he had or- ganized and drilled his army in Washington ? 54 A. He took his army by water to Hampton Roads, and then slowly advanced up the peninsula between the York and James Rivers until he was within 7 miles of Richmond. 212. Q. Who was sent to help McClellan take Richmond ? A. McDowell, with 40,000 men. 213. Q. Did McClellan receive this help? A. No. 214. Q. Why? A. Because McDoweU was recalled to help protect Washington from the Confederates under Stonewall Jackson. 215. Q. Did McClellan capture Richmond? A. He failed to do so, and was relieved from com- mand by Gen. Pope. 216. Q. What happened to Pope ? A. He was defeated by Lee at Manassas, and McClel- lan was again given command. 217. Q. What did Lee do after the Battle of Ma- nassas ? A. He invaded Maryland. 218. Q. What did Lincoln vow when Lee invaded Maryland ? A. He vowed that if the Confederates were driven back he would issue a proclamation freeing all the slaves held by them. 219. Q. Was Lee driven back? A. Yes. 220. Q. What was the proclamation freeing slaves called? A. The Emancipation Proclamation. 221. Q. What did McClellan fail to do ? A. He failed to pursue Lee. 222. Q. Who again reheved McClellan? A. Gen. Burnside. 223. Q. What did he do? A. He was badly defeated at Fredericksburg. 224. Q. Who now reheved Burnside ? A. Gen. Hooker. 225. Q. What did Hooker then do ? A. He was badly defeated at Chancellors ville. 65 226. Q. What was the blockade ? A. One thousand nine hundred miles of southern coast line was guarded to prevent the south from carry- ing on sea trade. 227. Q. Was this blockade a success ? A. Yes. There was considerable blockade running, but the trade of the South was ruined. 228. Q. How did the South injure the trade of the North ? A. They purchased a few armed cruisers abroad and sent them out to capture northern merchant ships. 229. Q. Name the two most famous of the cruisei's of the South. A. The Shenandoah and the Alabama. 230. Q. What became of the Alabama f A. She was sunk off the French coast near the close of the war by the Union man-of-war Kearsarge. 231. Q. What did Lee do after his victory at Chan- cellorsviUe ? A. He led his army through Maryland into Pennsyl- vania, hoping to be able to capture Philadelphia and New York. 232. Q. Where was Lee's march checked ? A. At Gettysburg, Pa. 233. Q. Describe the battle of Gettysburg. A. Gen. Meade, who relieved Hooker in command of the Union forces, met Lee and a fierce battle followed, which lasted three days with terrible losses on both sides. 234. Q. Give the result of the battle of Gettysburg. A. The Confederates retreated into Virginia. 235. Q. Why is the battle of Gettysburg important ? A. It was the greatest battle of the Civil War and one of the greatest decisive battles in the history of the world. 236. Q. What happened on the Mississippi River about the time of the battle of Gettysburg? A. Gen. Grant captured Vicksburg and Port Hudson, thereby gaining control of the whole of the Mississippi River. 237. Q. What was important about the control of the Mississippi River ? 66 A. It cut the Confederacy in two parts. 238. Q. What was the battle of (Jhickamauga ? A. The Confederates under Bragg defeated the Union Army under Rosecrans and forced it to retreat to Chattanooga. 239. Q. What happened at Chattanooga ? A. Grant, who relieved Rosecrans, defeated Bragg and drove him into Georgia. 240. Q. After Sherman had captured the remaining territory around Chattanooga, what did he do ? A. He fought his way to Atlanta, Ga., and then marched to Savannah. 241. Q. What is this famous march of Sherman's called « A. Sherman's march to the sea. 242. Q. Who was now given charge of all the Union forces ? A. Gen. Grant. 243. Q. What did Grant plan to do? A. To capture Richmond. 244. What was the result of the campaign against Richmond ? A. Grant and Lee fought a series of battles in which the loss on both sides was enormous and iBnally Grant captured Richmond April 3, 1865. 245. Q. When did Lee surrender ? A. Six days after the capture of Richmond. 246. Q. What became of President Davis after the fall of the Confederacy ? A. He fled to North Carolina and from there to Georgia, w^here he was finally captured. He was held a prisoner at Fortress Monroe until 1867, when he was released on bail. 247. Q. What was the cost of the Civil War? A. It cost the North 360,000 men and over $3,000,000,000. The South suffered as heavily. 248. Q. When was the present system of national banks established ? A. In 1863. 249. Q. Immediately following I^ee's surrender what awful tragedy happened in Washington, D. C. ? 57 A. Lincoln was shot and killed during a theatrical performance by an actor named Booth. 250. Q. Who became President after Lincoln's death ? A. Andrew Johnson. 251. Q. What punishment did the Government decide to give to the people of the South who had been fighting against the North ? A. They were all pardoned if they would take an oath to henceforth support and defend the Constitu- tion. 252. Q. What was the Freedmen's Bureau ? A. It was a bureau established by Congress to look after the interests of the freed slaves. 253. Q. What was the fourteenth amendment to the Constitution ? A. It abolished slavery entirely from the United States. 254. Q. Before a State which had seceded could again gain full rights, what three things did it have to do? A. It must agree to the complete abolition of slav- ery; (2) it must ratify the fourteenth amendment, and (3) it must agree not to pay off any of the debts con- tracted by the Confederates. 255. Q. What was the result of President Johnson's quarrel with Congress ? A. He was impeached and nearly convicted. 256. Q. What did the French do in Mexico during the CivH War ? A. They seized Mexico and set up a government of their own. 257. Q. What did President Johnson do about this ? A. He sent Gen. Sheridan with a large army to the Mexican border. 258. Q. What did France then do ? A. France then promptly withdrew. 259. Q. When and from whom was Alaska pur- chased ? A. From Russia in 1867. 260. Q. Who were the Carpet Baggers ? 58 A. They were adventurers from the North who went South and gained control of the State governments by persuading the negroes to vote for them. 261. Q. What did they do when in power? A. They spent the money of the State for their own personal use. 262. Q. What was the Ku-Klux Klan ? A. It was a secret society of southerners organized to protect themselves from the rule of the negroes and Carpet Baggers. 263. Q. What did this society do ? A. The members did all in their power to prevent the negroes from voting and the Carpet Baggers from hold- ing office. 264. Q. In what year was the great Chicago fire ? A. In October, 1871. 265. Q. What was the Electoral Commission of 1876 ? A. It was a commission appointed by Congress to de- cide the presidential election of 1876. 266. Q. When were the United States troops with- drawn from the South ? A. In 1877. 267. Q. What was the homestead act ? A. It was an act passed by Congress allowing settlers on Government land to buy the land at $1.25 an acre. 268. Q. Wliy was the homestead act important ? A. Because it helped greatly to settle the western part of the United States. 269. Q. Who was the second American President to be assassinated ? A. James A. Garfield. 270. Q. What is the Civil Service Commission ? A. It is a commission appointed by Congress to hold examinations to find out which applicants are best fitted to hold public office. 271. Q. What is the Interstate Commerce Commis- sion? A. It is a commission established in 1887 by Con- gress to regulate trade between States. 272. Q. What caused the Venezuela boundary dis- pute? 59 A. In 1895, Great Britain tried to extend the terri- tory of British Guiana over territory claimed by Venezuela. 273. Q. How did this action cause trouble? A. It was contrary to the Monroe doctrine and con- sequently the United States objected so strongly that Great Britain withdrew her claim. 274. Q. What led to the war between the United States and Spain ? A. The objection of the United States to the cruel treatment of the Cubans by Spain. 275. Q. What actually caused the war with Spain? A. The blowing up of the United States battleship Maine in the harbor of Havana in February, 1898. 276. Q. How did this cause war ? A. The people of the United States, whether justly or unjustly, blamed the Spaniards and Congress declared war on April 24, 1898. 277. Q. What was the first battle of the war? A. On May 1, 1898, Commodore Dewey attacked the Spanish fleet in Manila Bay and sunk or destroyed it without the loss of a man. 278. Q. Where was most of the fighting in Cuba? A. Around the city of Santiago. 279. Q. What became of the Spanish fleet under Ad- miral Cervera when war was declared ? A. It hid in the harbor of Santiago. 280. Q. What did the United States Navy do when they discovered that Cervera was in Santiago Harbor ? A. It blockaded the harbor. 281. Q. What finally happened ? A. The American Army carried El Caney and San Juan Hill, thus forcing the Spanish fleet out of the harbor. 282. Q. What happened to the Spanish fleet when it was forced out of the harbor of Santiago ? A. It was met by the American fleet under Sampson and Schley, and all the Spanish ships were sunk. 283. Q. What island to the eastward of Cuba was captured by the Americans ? A. Porto Rico. 60 284. Q. What new territory did we gain by the Spanish War ? A. Porto Rico and the Philippine Islands. 285. Q. What islands were annexed to the United States during the Spanish War? A. The Hawaiian Islands. 286. Q. Who was the third President of the United States to be assassinated ? A. WiUiam McKinley. 287. Q. Who became President when McKinley died? A. Theodore Roosevelt. 288. Q. Where did the United States Government desire to build a ship canal ? A. Across the Isthmus of Panama. 289. Q. What trouble did the United States have with Colombia over the canal? A. Colombia would not give the United States the right to build it. 290. Q. What then happened ? A. Panama seceded from Colombia and the United States recognized her as a Republic. The right to build the canal was obtained from the new Republic of Panama. 291. O. When did the United States start work on the canal ? A. In 1904. 292. Q. What catastrophe occurred on the Pacific coast of the United States in 1906? A. A terrible earthquake nearly destroyed the city of San Francisco, Cal. 293. Q. When and by whom was the North Pole discovered ? A. In 1909, by Robert E. Peary, an American naval officer. EXAMINATIONS. FIRST GRADE. (First Period.) GEOGRAPHY. 1 . Q. What is a desert ? A. A desert is a part of the land where, owing to lack of rain, nothing grows. 2. Q. What is a mountain peak ? A. A mountain peak is a high part of a mountain. 3. Q. What is a spring? A. A spring is water flowing from the ground. 4. Q. What is a flood plain ? A. A flood plain is the plain along the banks of a river that has been built up by the sediment that settles during a flood. 5. 5. What is the earth? A. The earth is a planet. 6. Q. Wliat is the circumference of the earth? A. The distance around the earth. 7. Q. What is a mountain system? A. A maun tain system is an even larger group of mountains, often including two or more mountain chains. 8. O. What is a river bed ? A. A river bed is the bottom over which the river flows. 9. Q. What is a stream that flows into a lake called ? A. The stream that flows into a lake is called the inlet. 10. Q. Why does the earth appear flat as was gen- erally believed before Columbus ? A. Because, the earth being large, we see but a small part of it at a time. (61) 62 HISTORY. 1. Q. Who was Christopher Columbus? A. Christopher Columbus was an Italian sailor. 2. Q. How did Balboa discover the Pacific Ocean ? A. He crossed the Isthmus of Panama. 3. Q. How did Capt. John Smith help the colony of Jamestown ? A. He made the colonists work and then protected them by making peace with the Indians. 4. Q. Who was William Penn ? A. He was a young English Quaker. 5. Q. What happened in London the same day as the Boston Massacre ? A. Parliament decided to keep the tax on tea. (). Q. Why were the Americans defeated at Bunker Hill? A. Because they ran out of ammunition. 7. Q. What was the Battle of Trenton ? A. Washington crossed the Delaware on Christmas ni^ht, surprised the British and took a thousand prisoners. 8. O. Wliere did the British spend the winter of 1777 ? A. At Philadelphia. 9. Q. Wliat foreign nation helped greatly in the surrender of the British ? A. France. 10. Q. What did Boone do? A. He led a party across the mountains and settled Kentucky. ARITHMETIC. 1. Write in figures: Fifteen thousand, four hundred seven. Four thousand, seven. Twenty thousand, two hundred. 2. Write in figures: Thirty-seven thousand, nine hundred. Thirty thousand, thirty. One hundred thousand, eight hundred five. 3. Write tne following : Fifteen dollars, twelve cents. Eighteen dollars, eight cents. Twenty-four dollars, eight cents. 4. Harry paid 5 cents for a pencil and 10 cents for a writing book. How much did he pay for both ? 5. Copy and add from the bottom upward, and then from the top downward: 7, 4, 9, 3, 8, 6, 5. 6. A certain school had 30 boys and 40 girls in attend- ance. How many pupils w^ere there in the school ? 7. A cotton merchant bought 30 bales on Monday, 25 bales on Tuesday, and 33 bales on Wednesday. How many did he buy in all ? S.'^Copy, add,'and prove: 3,857, 5,879, 389, 1,089, 83, 1,396, 3,859, 518. 9. Add: 5 million, 816 thousand, 4; 291 million, 215 thousand, 86; 87 million, 16 thousand, 214; 93 million, 18 thousand, 57; 246 million, 9 thousand, 456. 10. The Missouri River, to its junction with the Mississippi, is 2,908 miles long; the Mississipjii proper is 2,616 miles long; the St. Lawrence is 2,120 miles long; the Amazon 3,596 miles long. What is the combined length of these rivers ? (Second Period.) GEOGRAPHY. 1 . Q. Where is the greatest desert in the world ? • A. The Sahara Desert, in northern Africa, is the greatest desert. 2. Q. What is a mountain range ? A. A mountain range is a long narrow belt of moun- tain country. 3. Q. What is a river bank? A. A river bank is the land that borders the river. 4. Q. What is a delta? A. A delta is the plain formed at the mouth of a river by sediment that the current can carry no farther. 5. Q. What is a planet? A. A planet is an opaque body revolving around the sun as a center. 6. Q. What is the east and west diameter called? A. The Equator. 7. Q. What is a valley? A. A valley is the low part of the land between the higher part, as between the hills or mountains. 8. Q. What is a river system? 77842°— 15 5 64 A. A river system is a main stream with all its tribu- taries. 9. Q. What is the timber line ? A. The timber line is the line above which no trees grow. 10. Q. Besides the fact that it supplies us with food, why is the ocean so very important to the people of this earth ? A. Because ^vithout it there would be very little rain. The moisture evaporated from the ocean is carried until a cold change causes it to fall as rain, snow, or hail. HISTORY. 1 . Q. When was Christopher Columbus bom ? A. In the year 1450. 2. Q. Who made the first voyage around the world? A. A Spaniard by the name of Magellan. 3. Q. Who discovered New York Harbor and the Hudson River ? A. An Englishman named Henry Hudson. 4. Q. What did William Penn do in America? A. He brought a hundred Quakers from England and founded the colony of Philadelphia. 5. Q. How did the American colonists treat the order to pay taxes on tea ? A. They refused to pay it in most places, and in Boston they threw the tea overboard. 6. Q. What was the loss of life in the Battle of Bunker HiU? A. The British lost three times as many men as the Americans. 7. Q. What was the Battle of Princeton? A. A few days after the Battle of Trenton Washing- ton met the British under Cornwallis and defeated them. 8. Q. Did the Americans enjoy themselves at Valley Forge? A. No • they suffered greatly, but in spite of this they were well drilled and organized when the spring came. 9. Q. Why was the surrender at Yorktown im- portant ? 65 A. Because it ended the Revolution and gave inde- pendence to the United States. 10. Q. What was the JSTorthwest Territory? A. It was a tract of land at present occupied by the States of Illinois, Wisconsin, Michigan, Indiana, and Ohio. ARITHMETIC. 1 . Write in figures : Fifty-five thousand, five hundred five. Five thousand, five. Thirty thousand, nine hun- dred nine. 2. Write in figures: Forty-eight thousand, fifty-five. Forty thousand, eight. Seventeen thousand, seven hundred three. 3. Write the following: Thirty-four dollais, thirty cents. Fift;y^-five dollars, twenty cents. Nineteen dol- lars, thirty-eight cents. 4. Mary learned 8 new words on Monday and 9 on Tuesday. How many did she learn on both days ? 5. Copy and add from the bottom upward, and then from the top downward, the following: 4, 5, 3, 4, 6, 8, 3. 6. A boy paid 25 cents for a reading book and 55 cents for an arithmetic. How much did he pay for both ? 7. A lad sold 30 morning papers, 40 evening papers, and 21 illustrated papers. How many papers did he sell? «. Add: 4,168, 3,925, 4,095, 5,683, 7,925, 84, 8, 385. 9. Find the sum of three million, eight hundred twenty-four thousand, five hundred twenty-six; forty million, nineteen thousand, eight hundred twenty-five; eighty-six million, two hundred fifty-four thousand, two hundred; five million, five thousand, five. 10. New York is 1,405 miles east of Omaha and San Francisco is 1,864 miles west of Omaha. How far is it from New York to San Francisco ? (Third Period.) GEOGRAPHY. 1. Q. What is a plain ? A. A plain is a nearly level or gently roUing part of the land. 2. Q. What is a mountain system ? 66 A. A mountain system is a group of mountains lai^er than a mountain chain, often including two or more mountain chains. 3. Q. What is a river bed ? A. A river bed is the bottom over which the river flows. 4. Q. What is a stream that flows out of a lake called ? A. An outlet. 5. Q. Why does the earth appear flat, as was gener- ally believed before the time or Columbus? A. Because the earth is so large that we see but a small part of it. 6. Q. What causes change of night and day ? A. The rotation of the earth eastward on its axis. 7. q. Wliatisavalley? A. A valley is the low part of the land between the higher parts, as between hills or mountains. 8. Q. Wli at is the snow line ? A. The snow line is the line above which snow re- mains all the year round. 9. Q. \Miat is a river basin ? A. A river basin is the land drained by the river. 10. Q. Wliatisabay? A. A bay is a body of water surrounded partly by land. HISTORY. 1. Q. What did Christopher Columbus do ? A. With three ships he sailed westward from Spain across the Atlantic Ocean and discovered the islands of the West Indies. 2. Q. Who was the first Englishman to sail aroimd the world ? A. Sir Francis Drake. 3. Q. Who settled New York? A. The Dutch. 4. Q. Did the colony of WiUiam Penn get along well ? A. Yes; it became very prosperous. 5. Q. What was the result of the laws passed to starve and beat Massachusetts into submission ? A. The entire country rose to help Massachusetts. 6T 6. Q. Who was selected to command the American Army? A. George Washington. 7. Q. Describe the capture of Philadelphia, A. The British landed men on the north shore of Chesapeake Bay, marched overland, and captured Philadelphia. 8. Q. What did John Paul Jones do ? A. He sailed along the coast of England and Scot- land and captured many British vessels. 9. Q. What were the boundaries of the United States decided upon ? A. On the north by Canada; on the west by the Mis- sissippi Eiver; on the south by Florida. 10. Q. What caused the war between the United States and Tripoli? A. About 1800, pirates persisted in capturing Ameri- can vessels and demanding tribute. ARITHMETIC. 1. Write in figures: Four hundred thirty- three thou- sand six hundred fifty-five. Five thousand eight hundred nine. 2. Write in figures: Five hundred forty-three thou- sand eight hundred seventy-six. Three hundred ten thousand. 3. Write the following: Four hundred dollars eight cents. Seven hundred dollai-s. Seventeen dollars eight cents eight mills. 4. I gave 5 apples to my sister, 6 to my brother, and then had 7 for myself. How many had 1 at first ? 5. Add 4, 9, 1, 8, 2, 9, 3. 6. A boy who is now 12 years of age is 35 years younger than his father. How old is his father ? 7. In an intermediate school I counted 25 pupils who read in the third reader, 35 who read in the fourth reader, and 36 who read in the fifth reader. If these were all the pupils, how many were there in the school ? 8. Add and prove: 32.54, 16.87, 8.34, .58, 13.24, 24.48, 72.16, 8.43. 9. What is the sum of six hundred seven thousand two hundred eight; eight hundred twenty-eight thou- sand nine hundred; five hundred thousand fifteen. 10. From the nail works at Pittsburgh there were shipped 7,050 kegs of nails on Monday, 8,640 kegs on Tuesday, 300 kegs more on Wednesday than on Tues- day, 9,850 kegs on Thursday, and 10,000 kegs on each of the remaining two daj^s of the week. How many kegs were shipped during the week ? SECOND GRADE. (First Period.) GEOGRAPHY. 1 . Q. What causes the difference of cUmate at various places on the earth's surface ? A. The direct or oblique rays of the sun. 2. O. What is the smallest continent? A. Australia. 3. Q. Name two noted groups of islands. A. West Indies, southeast of North America, and East Indies, southeast of Asia. 4. Q. What and where is Greenland? A. Greenland is a large body of land lying north- east of North America, belonging to Denmark. The extent of the northward part of Greenland is unknown because of the ice that covers it. 5. Q. Name the six New England States. A. Maine, New Hampshire, Vermont, Massachus- setts, Rhode Island, and Connecticut. 6. Q. Why is it that there are so many people in the Northeastern States ? A. Because there is so nmch manufacturing there. 7. Q. Begin at the north and name in order the five zones. A. North Frigid, North Temperate, Torrid, South Temperate, and South Frigid. 8. Q. Name a large sea. A. Mediterranean. 9. Q. What isthmus connects North and South America ? 69 A. The Isthmus of Panama. 10. Q. What different ranges of mountains do we find in the northern part of the Appalachain high- land? A. Green, White, Adirondack, and Catskill Moun- tains. HISTORY. 1 . Q. Did the Americans have any more trouhle with England after the Revolutionary War ? A. Yes. 2. Q. What did the British do at New Orleans in the War of 1812? A. Near the end of the war the British attacked New Orleans with nearly three times as many men as the Americans had. 3. Q. How did Texas become a part of the United States? A. The Texans asked Congress to admit Tex:as into the Union, and this was finally done. 4. Q. About how many slaves were there in the United States about 1S50? A. About 3,000,000. 5. Q. What was the result of the inrush of settlers from the North and South into the Territories of Kansas, Nebraska, the Dakotas, and Montana? A. Bad feeling broke out between the two parties and finally fighting. 6. Q. What was the result of the Lincoln-Douglas debates ? A. The people of the North began to look upon Lincoln as then- leader. 7. Q. Who was the President elected by the Re- pubUcan Party m 1860 ? A. Abraham Lincoln. 8. Where w^as Fort Sumter ? A. In the harbor of Charleston, S. C. 9. Q. What part of Virginia remained loyal to the Union ? A. The part west of the mountains. 70 10. Q. How did Lincoln enforce the blockade at the beginning of the Civil War ? A. He stationed vessels of the Navy all along the part of the coast in blockade. ARITHMETIC. 1. Henry found that his toy bank contained 14 cents, but 8 cents of the money belonged to his brother. How much belonged to Henry ? A. Six cents. 2. A park had 19 elm trees in it, of which 9 were small and the rest large. How many were large ? A. Ten. 3. Subtract $54.08 from $85.39. A. $31.31. 4. A man's income for one vear was $2,568.48 and his expenses were $1,445.23. llow much did he save? A. $1,123.25. 5. 9 + 7-3+2-5 + 4-5 + 7-4-2-5=? A. 5. 6. 39,456-31,567=? A 7 889 7.* 39,600.85-1,915.68=? A. 37,685.17. 8. A borrowed of B $6,450 and paid back $3,740. How much does he stiU owe ? A. $2,710. 9. A man left $3,450 to his son, $2 J65 to his daughter, and the remainder to his wife. How much did his wife receive if the fortune was $20,000 ? A. $13,785. 10. A gentleman gave $13,465 for a house and some land. The house alone was worth $8,978. What was the value of the land ? A. $4,487. Subjects will count as follows: Geography, 25 per cent; history, 25 per cent; arithmetic, 25 per cent; spelling and writing, 25 per cent. 71 (Second Period.) GEOGRAPHY. 1. Q. How is the earth divided as to climate? A. Into &ye zones. 2. Q. What is a peninsula? A. A peninsula is a body of land nearly surrounded by water, and connected with a larger body by an isthmus. 3. Q. Name the oceans in the world. A. Atlantic, Pacific, Indian, Arctic, and Antarctic. 4. Q. Name some of the great rivers of North America. A. Mississippi, St. Lawrence, Mackenzie, and Yukon Rivers. 5. Q. Which of the Northeastern States is the largest ? A. New York. 6. Q. What is the capital of Pennsylvania? A. Harrisburg. 7. Q. What imaginary line runs through the Torrid Zone? A. The Equator. 8. Q. How are islands made? A. Some are tops of mountain chains; some are peaks of volcanoes, and some are built up by the little coral animals. 9. Q. Name a famous strait. A. The Strait of Magellan. 10. Q. What is Pittsburgh, Pa., noted for? A. Iron and steel manufactures. HISTORY. 1. Q. Was the United States prepared for the War of 1812? A. No. 2. Q. What treaty ended the War of 1812? A. The treaty of Ghent. 3. Q. Who were the two American generals in the War with Mexico in 1846 ? A. Gens. Taylor and Scott. 4. Q. What was the underground railroad? 72 A. It was a secret organization that hid escaped slaves and helped them escape to Canada. 5. Q. Who became President in 1856? A. James Buchanan, a Democrat. 6. O. Who was elected President m 1860? A. Abraham Lincoln, a Republican. 7. Q. In 1860, what did most of the people in the North think of slavery ? A. They hated slavery. 8. Q. What was the result of Lincoln's order to send men and supplies to Fort Sumter? A. The Confederates attacked the fort and com- pelled it to surrender on April 14, 1861. 9. Q. Whatwastheresultof the Battle of Bull Run? A. The smaller Confederate force defeated the Union Army with great loss. 10. Q. Why did the North want to get possession of the Mississippi River ? A. Because if they could do that it would cut the Confederacy in two. ARITHMETIC. 1. Homer was away from home 2 weeks. He spent 5 days with his uncle, and the rest of the time with his grandfather. How many days was he with his grandfather ? 2. Harry had 14 cents given him by two boys. One gave him 6 cents. How much did the other give ? 3. Subtract $31.61 from $63.73. 4. A jeweler bought a watch for $18 and sold it for $25. How much did he gain ? 5. 5 + 6 + 2-5 + 4-6 + 9-3-2 + 4-2=? 6. 81,364-68,537= ? 7. $50,000.00-$l,830.05= ? 8. The year 1911 was 419 years after the discovery of America by Columbus. In what year did that event take place ? 9. B had $12,000; but after paying his debts andgiv- ing away $3,105 he had remaining only $7,000. What was the amount of his debts ? 73 10. A man is worth $16,425, of which $3,750 is invested in bank stock, $2,746 in morta^es, and the rest in land. How much has he invested m land ? (Third Period.) GEOGRAPHY. 1. Q. What imaginary line runs through the Torrid Zone? A. The Equator. 2. Q. What isthmus connects North and South America ? A. The Isthmus of Panama. 3. Q. Name a large bay. A. Chesapeake Bay. 4. Q. Name the principal rivers in the United States, beginning in the West. A. Columbia, Rio Grande, Missouri, Arkansas, Mis- sissippi, Ohio, Potomac, Susquehanna, Delaware, and Hudson Rivers. 5. Q. Which State contains the largest city in the United States ? A. New York. 6. Q. Wliat city is second in size in New York State ? A. Buffalo. 7. Q. What is a peninsula ? A. A peninsula is a body of land nearly surrounded by water, and connected with a larger body by an isthmus. 8. Q. Name a famous strait. A. The Strait of Magellan. 9. Q. Which of the Northeastern States is the smallest ? A. Rhode Island. 10. Q. Bound the United States. A. Canada on the north; Atlantic Ocean on the east; Pacific Ocean on the west; Gulf of Mexico and Mexico on the south. HISTORY. 1. Q. What name was given to the Constitution "i A. Old Ironsides. 2. Q. What was the Missouri Compromise ? 74 A. The Missouri Compromise admitted Missouri as a slave State, but did not allow slavery in any other terri- tory north of the southern boundary of Missouri. 3. Q. What were the results of me Mexican War in 1846? A. The United States gained possession of all the territory in dispute. 4. Q. Wliat was the Compromise of 1850? A. It admitted California as a free State, but also included an act very displeasing to the North, called the fugitive-slave law. 5. Q. How did John Brown attempt his raid ? A. He seized the armory at Harpers Feny, Va., in- tending to arm the negroes. 6. Q. What did Dred Scott claim ? A. He claimed that as he had been in the free States of Illinois and Minnesota he was no longer a slave. 7. Q. The new Government formed by the seceding States was called what? A. The Confederate States of America. 8. Q. How many volunteers did Lincoln get ? A. Three hundred thousand. 9. Q. What did McClellan do with the Army? A. He drilled them until by November, 1861, he had a well-drilled and well-equipped army of 150,000 men. 10. Q. Who captured Fort Henry? A. Commodore Foote with a flotilla of gunboats. ARITHMETIC. 1 . By an accident a boy had 2 fingers cut from his right hand, and 3 from his left hand. How many fingei-s has he left ? 2. If I have 1 3 cents and spend 6 cents for a ball and 3 cents for a top, how much will I have left ? 3. Subtract $73,210 from $86,431. 4. A grocer purchased tea for $32 and sold it for $40. How much did he gain ? 5. 7-3-h7 + 3 + 5-6 + 9-3 + 5-6-4= ? 6. 98,375-45,792= ? 7. $70,410.00 - $45,200.18 = ? 8. A merchant deposited in a bank on Monday $584 ; on Tuesday, $759; and on Wednesday, $327. During 75 this time he drew out $987. How much did his deposits exceed what he drew out ? 9. An estate of $12,350 was divided among a widow and two children. The widow's share was $6,175, the son's $2,390 less than the widow's, and the rest fell to the daughter. What was the daughter's share ? 10. A man left $3,450 to his son, $2,765 to his daugh- ter, and the remainder to his wife. How much did nis wife receive if the fortune was $20,000 ? TfflRD GRADE. (First Period.) GEOGRAPHY. 1. Q. What is the capital and largest city in Massa- chusetts? A. Boston. 2. Q. What is the largest city in Maine? A. Portland. 3. Q. Bound Georgia. A. Georgia is bounded on the north by North Caro- lina and Tennessee; on the south by Florida; on the east by the Atlantic Ocean; on the west by Alabama and Florida. 4. Q. What is the port of Georgia ? A. Savannah. 5. Q. Wliat sea food is the Chesapeake Bay noted for? A. Oysters. 6. Q.* Where is Key West? A. It is a town oii one of the Florida Kevs which extend in a half moon to the south of Florida. 7. Q. Name some large cities in Michigan. A. Detroit and Grand Kapids. 8. Q. What is the capital of Maine? A. Augusta. 9. Q. What are the special crops of the Southern States? A. Cotton, sugar cane, rice, and tobacco. 10. Q. What is the port of South Carolina? A. Charleston. 76 HISTORY. 1. Q. What was Grant's 'early life? A. H( - A. He was in the Army and served during the Mexi- can War but did very little after that. 2. Q. What was the result of the fight between the Merrimac and the Monitor ? A. Neither vessel had a decided victor\^, but the Merrimac had to put back to Norfolk and she did no further damage to the Union Navy. 3. Q. What did Lee do after the Battle of Manassas ? A. He invaded Maryland. 4. Q. Name the two most famous of the cruisers of the South ? A. The Shenandoah and the Alabama. 5. Q. Who became President after Lincoln's death ? A. Andrew Johnson. 6. Q. Who was put in charge of all the Union forces after Sherman's march to the sea ? A. Gen. Grant. 7. Q. From whom was Alaska purchased? A. Russia. 8. Q. Why was the homestead act important ? A. Because it helped greatly to settle the western part of the United States. 9. Q. What became of the Spanish Fleet under Admiral Cervera when war was declared ? A. It hid in the Harbor of Santiago. 10. Q. What trouble did the United States have with Colombia over the canal ? A. Colombia would not give the United States the right to build it. ARITHMETIC. 1. A girl attended school every school day for 9 weeks. How many days was she at school ? 2. There are 8 quarts in a peck. How many quarts are there in 4 pecks ? 3. Find the product of 7x39,125. 4. At a public sale 8 tons of hay were sold for $7.85 per ton. How much was paid for the hay? 5. What is the product of 393X20? 77 6. Multiply 3,567 by 58. 7. Multiply 3,426 by 69. 8. Multiply 38,492 by 341. 9. Multiply S304.37 by 9,007. 10. A has $65, B has three times as much as A, and C has as much as both, lacking $25. How much have they all ? (Second Period.) GEOGRAPHY. 1. Q. What large island lies to the south of Connec- ticut and New York ? A. Long Island. 2. Q. Name a good harbor in Rhode Island; in Connecticut. A. Newport, R. I.; Connecticut has no good har- bors for large ships. New London and New Haven are available for small craft. 3. Q. What great bay is found in Maryland and Virginia ? A. Chesapeake Bay. 4. Q. Name an important port of Alabama. A. Mobile. 5. Q. W^^^^ is the largest city in Maryland ? A. Baltimore. 6. Q. Name the Great Lakes. A. Superior, Michigan, Huron, Erie, and Ontario. 7. Q. What two large islands lie to the south of Massachusetts ? A. Marthas Vineyard Island and Nantucket Island. 8. Q. Name a good harbor in Maine, New Hampshire and Massachusetts. ' A. Portland, Me.; Portsmouth, N. H.; Boston Mass. ' 9. Q. Bound Louisiana. A. Louisiana is bounded on the north by Mississippi and Arkansas; on the south by the Gulf of Mexico; on the east by Mississippi and the Gulf of Mexico; on the west by Texas. 10. Q. Name some of the ports of Florida. A. Tampa, Pensacola, Jacksonville, and Miami. 78 HISTORY. 1. Q. Who opened up the upper Mississippi River to the Union forces ? A. Commodore Foote. 2. Q. Who was Robert E. Lee? A. He was the greatest general of the Confederacy. 3. Q. Was Lee driven back from Maryland? A. Yes. 4. Q. What did Lee do after his victory at Chan- cellorsville ? A. He led his army into Pennsylvania, hoping to be able to capture Philadelphia and New York. 5. Q. Who was put in charge of all the Union forces ? A. Gen. Grant. 6. Q. What was done to the people who had been fighting against the Government ? A. They were all pardoned if thev would take the oath to henceforth support and defend the Constitution. 7. Q. How did the Carpet Baggers gain control of the State governments ? A. By persuading the negroes to vote for them. 8. Q. What caused the Venezuela boundary dispute ? A. In 1895 England tried to extend the territory of Guiana over territory claimed by Venezuela. 9. Q. W^at was the result of the battle off Santiago Harbor ? A. The Spanish fleet was totally destroyed. 10. Q. When did the United States start work on the Panama Canal ? A. In 1904. ARITHMETIC. 1 . How far can a man walk in 9 hours, if he walks 4 miles an hour ? 2. If a boy writes 5 words in a minute, how many words can he write in 9 minutes ? 3. Find the product of 8 X 85,367. 4. What will 7 tons of railroad iron cost at S64.25 a ton? 5. Multiply 402 by 10. 79 6. Multiply 3,985 by 71. 7. Multiply 3,426 by 67. 8. Multiply 58,197 by 206. 9. Multiply $513.64 by 5,073. 10. It requires 1,972 pickets to fence one side of a square lot. How many pickets will be required to fence 17 lots of the same size and shape ? (Third Period.) GEOGRAPHY. 1. Q. What is the northeast point of Long Island called? A. Montauk Point. 2. Q. Name a good harbor in Maine. A. Portland. 3. Q. What and where is the capital and largest city of Rhode Island ? A. Providence, on upper Narragansett Bay. 4. Q. Name two large rivers that flow into Chesa- peake Bay ? A. Susquehanna and Potomac Rivers. 5. O. What is a delta? A. A delta is land at the mouth of a river built up from sediment that a river carries. 6. Q. Which of the Great Lakes is wholly within the United States ? A. Lake Michigan. 7. Q. What is the large body of water between the mainland and Long Island ? A. Long Island Sound. 8. Q. Name good harbors in New York, New Jersey, and Pennsylvania. A. New York, N. Y.; Camden, N. J.; Delaware River, Pa. 9. Q. What important cities are situated on the Chesapeake Bay ? A. Baltimore, Md.; Annapolis, Md.; Norfolk, Va.; and Newport News, Va. 10. Q. Name an important port of Louisiana. A. New Orleans. 77842°— 15 6 80 HISTORY. 1. Q. What did Admiral Fairagut do? A. H( A. He took a large fleet and fought his way up the Mississippi River and captured New Orleans and Baton Rouge. 2. Q. Who was sent to help McClellan take Rich- mond ? A. McDowell, with 40,000 men. 3. Q. What did Burnside do? A. He was badly defeated at Fredericksburg. 4. Q. Why is the battle of Gettysburg important? A. It was the greatest battle of the Civil War and one of the greatest battles in the history of the world. 5. Q. Who opposed Grant at Richmond ? A. Lee. 6. Q. What was the fourteenth amendment to the Constitution ? A. AboUshing slavery entirely from the United States. 7. O. Why was the Ku-Klux-Klan society oi^anized ? A. As a protection against the rule of the negroes and Carpet Baggers. 8. Q. What actually caused the war with Spain ? A. The blowing up of the U. S. S. Maine in the Harbor of Habana in February, 1898. 9. Q. What did we gain by the Spanish War? A. rorto Rico and the Philippine Islands. 10. Q. Who discovered the North Pole? A. Robert E. Peary, an American naval officer. ARITHMETIC. 1. At 8 cents each, what will 5 pencils cost? 2. A window composed of small panes of glass had 10 rows containing 7 in each row. How many panes were there in the window ? 3. Find the product of 4 X 36,895. 4. If a firkin of butter costs $13.85, what must be paid for 5 firkins ? 5. Find the product of 375 X 10. 81 6. Multiply 5,493 by 27. 7. Multiply 7,346 by 84. 8. Multiply 61,004 by 372. 9. Multiply $416.32 by 3,707. 10. A freight train consists of 26 cars; each car con- tains 82 barrels of flour, and each barrel of flour weighs 196 pounds. How many pounds of flour in the entire freight train ? FOURTH GRADE. (First Period.) ARITHMETIC. 1. Q. Divide 38,125 bv 1,000. 2. Q. Divide 38,765,893 by 717. 3. Q. Findthevalueof(532-40)-(315-116-^7)-^35. 4. Q. Find by inspection the exact divisors of 142,254. 5. Q. Give the prime factors of 124,416; use expo- nents. 6. Q. Divide by cancellation 75 by 125 X 33 X 28 by 14 X 16 X 150. 7. Q. Change to similar fraction and add f , ^, |-|, •8. Q. Same, 7|, 9f, 8§, 4^. 9. Q. Same, 43if, 19^, 21^- 10. Q. Find the value of 8i, 3f , 2|, 2^, 5. 11. Q. Multiply If X 3^ X f. 12. Q. Multiply 39|^ by 27. 13. Q. Divide 14 by |. 14. Q. Divide § of | of | of | by -| oi % oi ^ of 4. 15. Q. Simplify ^^. 16. Q. Find the number of which 609 is |i of. 17. Q. Change to similar decimals and add 146.9, .000412, 31.416, 125.001, 231.8. 18. Q. Multiply 14.136 by .00045. 19. Q. Divide .00255 by 51. 20. Q. Multiply (short process) 864,254 by 996. GEOGRAPHY. 1. Q. Bound Alaska. 2. Q. What is the capital of Alaska ? 3. Q. Name some of the principal cities in Cuba. 82 4. Q. Where has the United States a navai station in Cuba ? 5. Q. What and where are the principal Philippine Islands ? (Second Period.) ARITHMETIC. 1. Q. Divide 786,948 by 586. 2. Q. Divide 9,865,836 by 800. 3. Q. Find by inspection the exact divisors of 765,432. 4. Q. Give the prime factors (use exponents) of 373,248. 5. Q. Solve by cancellation — 176 X 17 X 288 X 1024 X 1152 X 52 X 22 11X88X119X128X117X144X72X512' 6. Q. Change the following: H to 84ths, f| to 108ths, ^ to 355ths. 7. Q. Reduce to lowest terms : |i, M > Hi- 8. Q. Reduce to improper fractions: 399|^, 815-i^, 73^. 9. Q. Reduce to mixed numbers: ^, -W, HF- 10. Q. Reduce to similar fractions and add §, i, J, A, if. 11. Q. Find the value of H, ^, J, ^, 4538^. 12. Q. Multiply J XII X -M- X tWj- 13. Q. Divide 7i X 8| X § of 16§ by 2 J X 49| X 11^. 14. Q. Simplify ^-^^^-^---^^ . 15. Q. Reduce to similar decimals: 4.00785, .0000039846, .0079, 387, .5896787. 16. Q. Add the above after changing to similar decimals. 17. Q. Multiply 278,948.789567 by .0098. 18. Q. Divide 8.0000895861 by .0000009. 19. Q. Multiply by short process 999 by 999 by 99. 20. Q. Multiply by short process 867,321 by 33^. 21. Q. 619,381 divided by 9 equals 68,820^. 22. Q. 61,735 divided by 10,000 equals O^V oV o 23. Q. 75,143,920 divided by 950 equals 79,09811^. 24. Q. (3+4) X5- (5 + 4)^3 equals 32. 25. Q. Find the prime factors of 64,384 equals 2, 503. 26. Q. 6X9X12X35X20-V-3X3X4X5X30 equals 36. 27. Q. Reduce to its lowest terms: f|f equals ^. 28. Q. fH-f+^+x\ equals 2f|. 29. Q. 41^f + 23H + 36i| equals 1 01 ff-J. 30. Q. H-fi equals A. 31. Q. f + l-A+l equals Iff. S2. q. ^X-i^X t\ equals -f-. 33. Q. 24|4X 48 equals 1,1 74i. 34. Q. ^--> equals IJ. 35. Q. i| X ^VX A -^81 equals ^V 36. Q. SUl^'l''^^^^**^- 37. Q. Change to decimals J, ^ equals .333, 1.5. 38. Q. 37 + 5.4 + 62.5 + .44 + 3.845 equals 109.185 39. Q. 3.5872 -1.2834 equals 2.2215. 40. Q. 7.8125-^31.25 equals .25. GEOGRAPHY. 21. Q. What land does the United States own in Central America? 22. Q. What is the chief industry of the Hawaiian Islands ? 23. Q. Name the east cape of Cuba? 24. Q. What and where is Porto Rico ? 25. Q. What large river arises in Alaska ? FIFTH GRADE. (First Period.) ARITHMETIC. 1. If 67i tons of hay cost $7.50, what will 6.75 tons cost? 2. Reduce to higher denominations: 76,840 feet. 3. Reduce to fraction of a rod: 375 inches. 4. Reduce to units of lower denomination: .545 square rod. 5. Reduce to units of higher denomination: 25,600 giUs. 6. Reduce to pence: £2 10s. 6d. 7. 35 per cent of a regiment being sick, only 637 men were ready for duty. What was the strength of the regiment ? 84 8. A merchant gained in one year $3,650 on goods sold at 20 per cent ^ain. What did they cost ? 9. A merchant paid his agent a commission of 2 J per cent on goods bought for $3,365.85. What was the total cost to the merchant ? 10. Find net amount of $350, discounts 30 per cent and 15 per cent. GEOGRAPHY. 1. Where is Cape Mendocino? 2. Where is Mount Shasta? Mount Rainier? 3. Name a large city in Cahfornia. In Utah. 4. What is the home port of the First Division? 5. What is the home port of the Second Division? (Second Period.) ARITHMETIC. 1. A man sold .26 of his wheat to one man and .39 of it to another. He kept 70 bushels. How much did he have before selling ? 2. Reduce f cubic foot to cubic inches. 3. What part of a pound avoirdupois is a pound troy ? 4. A train running from Philadelphia to New York, a distance of 90 miles, makes it in 1 hour 35 minutes. What is its rate per hour ? 5. If I burn a pint of kerosene every night, what will three weeks' supply cost me at 15 cents a gallon? 6. The difference in time between two cities is 43 minutes 32 seconds. What is their difference in longi- tude? 7. A and B bought a horse for $100, of which A^aid $30 and B $70. They sold it and gained $40. What was each one's share of the gain ? 8. Out of 350 words a student spelled 329 correctly. What per cent was spelled correctly? 9. A merchant gained in one year $3,650 on goods sold at a profit of 20 per cent. What was the cost of the goods ? 10. What will it cost to insure a building worth $9,840 for § of its value at J per cent ? 85 GEOGRAPHY. 1. Where is the Yellowstone Park? 2. What is the largest city in Oregon? 3. Where is Spokane? 4. How many States in the United States? 5. Wliere is Tucson ? (TWrd Period.)! ARITHMETIC. 41. 1. Keduce to a decimal Y^ X (f + J). 2. Change .635 foot to fraction of a rod. 3. Reduce 5 tons 10 hundredweight 24 pounds 8 ounces to ounces. 4. Change to higher denominations 34.856d. (Eng- lish money). 5. How much fertilizer will be required for 5 acres 96 square rods of land, allowing 3 bushels 1 peck 3 quarts to an acre? 6. A traveler found on arriving at his destination that his watch was 1 hour 35 minutes slow. Which direc- tion had he traveled, and how far? 7. How many double rolls of paper will be required for the walls of a hall 6 feet by 28 feet and 10 feet high, the baseboard being 9 inches high and 9 strips being deducted for openings? 8. Two men hire a pasture for $75. One put in 26 sheep for 9 weeks and the other 37 sheep for 11 weeks. How much ought each to pay? 9. A clerk's salary was raised 15 per cent. He then received $ 1 ,050 per year. What was his salary before ? 10. A commission merchant sold a consignment of cotton for $2,560. He retained $100 to pay his own commission and freight charges, amounting to $10.40. What per cent was his commission ? GEOGRAPHY. 1. Name 6 large seaports of the United States? 2. How did the United States obtain Alaska? 86 3. Where are United States naval guns made? 4. What is the Grand Canyon of the Colorado ? 5. Where is Cape Mendocino ? SIXTH GRADE. (First Period.) ARITHMETIC. 1. Find simple interest of $250.50 for 4 years at 6 per cent. 2. Find the amount of $1,976 for 3 years 6 months 12 days with annual interest at 6 per cent. 3. Find compound interest of $430.75 for 3 years 4 months at 5 per cent. 4. A note dated January 2, 1907, for $1,800 was in- dorsed as follows: January 4, 1908, $200; January 4, 1909, $100; June 5, 1909, $500. What was due Janu- ary 3, 1910, with interest at 8 per cent? 5. How much must be paid for 120 shares of CCD. C. stock at 33 J, brokerage J per cent? 6. A piece of work can be done by 25 men in 40 days. At the end of 18 days 13 men quit work. How long will it take the rest to finish it ? 7. If 3 men dig a ditch 20 rods long and 3 feet wide in 10 days, how long will it take 5 men to dig one 40 rods long by 4 feet wide ? 8. Divide 750 into parts proportional as 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5. 9. Extract the square root of 97.8121. 10. A cubical box contains 54,872 cubic inches. What is its height ? GEOGRAPHY. 1 . How did the United States obtain Alaska ? 2. What is the Canal Zone ? 3 . Where are naval guns made and where tested ? 4. What is the Southern Drill Grounds ? 5. Where is Guantanamo Bay? (Second Period.) ARITHMETIC. 1. Find the interest of $3,000 from February 2, 1912, to September 8, 1912, at 6 per cent. 87 2. What sum of money will produce $95.35 interest in 4 years 7 months at 7 per cent ? 3. What will be the cost in Denver of a sight draft on Cleveland for $800 when exchange is at f per cent premium ? 4. A, B, and C engage in business. A furnishes $9,000 of the capital; B, $5,000; and C $6,000. If they gain $6,000, what is each one's share of the gain ? 5. If a garrison of 150 men consume 26 barrels of floiu* in 9 weeks, how much will it consume in 22^ weeks ? 6. If a railway train runs 444 miles in 8 hours 40 minutes, in what time can it run 1,060 miles at the same rate of speed ? 7. If 11 men build 45 rods of wall in 6 days of 10 hours each, how many men will build 81 rods of wall in 12 days of 11 hours each? 8. Raise to the power indicated (3.05)^; (7^)^. 9. How far apart are the opposite corners of a square farm which contains 360 acres ? 10. How deep is a cubical cistern containing 2,744 cubic feet ? GEOGRAPHY. 1. What is the capital of Alaska ? 2. What government has Cuba ? 3. How and when did we obtain Alaska? 4. What is the capital of Porto Rico ? (Third Period.) ARITHMETIC. 1. Find simple interest on $564,80 for 8 years 5 months at 8 per cent. 2. Find compound interest on $420.80 for 4 years 6 months at 6 per cent. 3. A note of $1,000 dated April 2, 1905, was indorsed as follows: June 1, 1905, $200; September 10, 1905, $350. How much was due April 2, 1906, at 7 per cent ? 4. What is the present worth and discount of $760.85 payable in 10 months when money is worth 5 per cent? 5. If a garrison of 200 men have provisions for 8 months, how many of them must be detached at the end of 5 months in order that the remaining provisions may last the rest 8 months lono^er ? 6. If 18 men can perform a piece of work in 12 days, how many men will it take to do 4 times as much work in J the time ? 7. Divide 420 into 3 parts which shall be to each other as 2, 5, and 7. 8. How far apart are the opposite corners of a square 3 60- acre farm ? 9. A cubical cistern contains 400 barrels of water. How deep is it ? 10. If a ball 3 inches in diameter weighs 7 pounds, how much will one weigh whose diameter is 5 inches ? GEOGRAPHY. 1. What islands does the United States own in the Pacific Ocean ? 2. Wliat is the Canal Zone ? 3. Where is Pearl Harbor? 4. Where is Guantanamo Bay ? 5. Where is Culebra Island ? SEVENTH GRADE. (First Peaiod.) ARITHMETIC. 1. What wiU it cost to lay a pavement 40 feet long and 9 feet 6 inches wide at $0.35 per square yard? 2. A house is 38 feet from the ground to the eaves. How long must a ladder be to reach the eaves if its feet is placed 25 feet from the house ? 3. A man sold 2 farms for $4,800 each. On one he gained 20 per cent, and on the other he lost 20 per cent. Did he gam or lose on the sale and how much ? 4. A boy agreed to work for 50 days at 25 cents the first day and an increase of 3 cents per day. What were his wages the last day ? 5. Find the sum of an arithmetical series of which the first term is 2, the common difference 3, and the number of terms 7. 89 6. The first term of a geometrical progression is 10 and the ratio is 3. What is the sixth term? 7. What is the lateral surface of a cylinder whose diameter is 2 feet and whose base is 5 feet ? 8. What is the lateral surface of a cone whose di- ameter at the base is 12 feet and whose slant height is 20 feet? 9. What is the volume of a cylinder whose diameter is 1^ feet and whose length is 4 feet? 10. The diameter of a sphere is 5 feet. How many cubic feet does it contain ? GEOGRAPHY. 1. How did the United States acquire the Hawaiian Islands ? 2. What is the capital of Hawaii? 3. What is the capital of the Phihppine Islands? 4. What river runs into Manila Bay at the city of Manila ? (Second Period.) ARITHMETIC. 1. Find compound interest on $535 for 3 years 5 months at 7 per cent. 2. A note of $1,800, dated August 2, 1907, was in- dorsed as follows: January 4, 1908, $200; June 5, 1909, $500. What was due January 3, 1910, at 8 per cent? 3. What is the present worth of $576.75 payable in 9 months when money is worth 6 jyer cent ? 4. What sum must be invested in United States 4's at 121 J, brokerage J per cent, to secure an annual in- come of $900 ? 5. If 5 horses eat as much as 6 cattle and 8 horses and 12 cattle eat 12 tons of hay in 40 days, how much hay will be needed for 7 horses and 15 cattle for 65 days ? 6. What is the distance from a lower corner to the upper opposite corner of a room 24 feet by 18 feet and 12 feet high? 7. A bushel measure is in the form of a cylinder 18^ inches in diameter and 8 inches deep. What will be the dimensions of a peck measure of similar shape ? 90 8. A man walked 15 miles the first day and increased his rate 3 miles per day for 10 days. How far did he walk in the 11 days? 9. The extremes of a geometrical progression are ^ and -f-JI and the ratio is 2 J. What is the sum of the series ? 10. What is the volume of the pyramid the lower base of which is 20 feet square and the upper base 10 feet square and the altitude 20 feet ? GEOGRAPHY. 1. How did the United States* obtain Hawaii? 2. How did the United States obtain the Phihppine Islands ? 3. What is Ihe government of Cuba? 4. How much territory is contained in the Canal Zone? 5. How did the United States obtain the Canal Zone ? (Third Period.) ARITHMETIC. 1. What will it cost to lay a pavement 40 feet long and 9 feet 6 inches wide at $0.35 per square yard ? 2. A house is 38 feet from the ground to the eaves. How long must a ladder be to reach the eaves if its foot is placed 25 feet from the house ? 3. A man sold 2 farms for $4,800. On one he gained 20 per cent, and on the other he lost 20 per cent. Did he gain or lose on the sale and how much ? 4. A boy agreed to work for 50 days at 25 cents the first day and an increase of 3 cents per day. What were his wages the last day ? 5. Find the sum of an arithmetical series of which the first term is 2, the common difference 3, and the number of terms 7. 6. The first term of a geometrical progression is 10 and the ratio is 3. WTiat is the sixth term? 7. What is the lateral surface of a cylinder whose diameter is 2 feet and whose base is 5 feet ? 91 8. What is the lateral surface of a cone whose diam- eter at the base is 12 feet and whose slant height is 20 feet? 9. What is the volume of a cylinder whose diameter is li feet and whose length is 4 feet ? 10. The diameter of a sphere is 5 feet. How many cubic feet does it contain ? GEOGRAPHY. 1. How did the United States acquire the Hawaiian Islands ? 2. What is the capital of Hawaii? 3. What is the capital of the Philippine Islands? 4. What river runs into Manila Bay at the city of Manila ? o ^ m