IRLF SYLVA TELLIIRIANA MANTISSA SYNOPTICA. TREES AND SHRUBS OF NORTH AMERICA, AND OTHER PARTS, Including about 800 Genera and 1000 species new or rectified, improved and classified, BY C. SJRAFINESQUE A. M. Ph. D. Prof, of Botany, the Natural and Histo- rical Sciences, member of many learned Societies PHILADELPHIA 1838. PRICE FIVE DOLLARS WITH THE SUPPLEMENT 3 COPIES FOR 9 10 8 COPIES FOR & 20. Arnold Arboretum January 1943 SYLVA TELLURIANA. MANTIS- SYNOPT. NEW GENERA. AND SPECIES OF TREES AND SHRUBS OF NORTH AMERICA, AND OTHER REGIONS OF THE EARTH, Omitted or mistaken by the Botanical Au- thors and Compilers, or not properly classified, now reduced by their natural affinities to the proper natural orders and tribes. BY C. S. RAFINESQUE, A. M. PH, D. Professor of Botany, the Natural and Histo- rical Sciences, member of many learned Socie- ties in Paris, Bordeaux, Brussels, Bonn, Vienna, Zurich, Naples, &c. Philadelphia, New York, Lexington, Cincinnati, &c., ttuthor of many works. BEING A SUPPLEMENT TO THE FLORA TELLURIANA. ( Trees and Shrubs are the Ornaments of the Earth.) PHILADELPHIA : PRINTED FOR THE AUTHOR AND PUBLISHER. 1838. MAIN UfftAftV NOTICE. This Synoptical Mantissa being a Supple- ment to all the works on Dendrology and Xylo- gy, as well as to my own : those New G. and Sp. of Trees and Shrubs already described by my- self in my various works and Floras, above all my two late FLORA TELLURIAN A and FLORA OF NORTH AMERICA, as well as my MEDICAL FLORA of the United States, will seldom be no- ticed or repeated here. The whole of the New Genera of such Trees; will be duly reduced to their natural orders, and a Table formed of them : so as to present at once a view of the generic additions to these natural groups, and a proper classification of such additional Discoveries or Revisions. But few Genera of which only the flowers are known and not the fruit, or viccversa, will be introduced ; but some may, as did Gaertner and others when they only obtained imperfect materials or figures. INTRODUCTION. I promised in my FLORA TELLUKIANA 1836 concluded in 4 parts and 1225 articles, to add soon after some others separately; the Trees and Shrubs being the most important and striking vegetable bodies, deserve to be foremost. They are the most valuable also by their fruits, tim- ber, bark, medical productions, &c: yet have often been neglected by the Botanists not able to distinguish objects accurately. It is a fact that Trees have been the last to be well ascertained and described every where: it is only lately that the Elms, Willows, Oaks and 20 other Genera of Trees have been pro- perly distinguished even in Europe, and in North America our Oaks, Willows, Poplars, Ash trees, Grape Vines and 40 other Genera of Trees or Shrubs have been described only within a few years. Our common fruit trees were not even distinguished till Decandole attempted it, and the Plumb trees, Cherry trees, Wortle berries of N. America are yet in utter confusion with ma- ny other fruits. And still we meet with Botanists who pretend that every thing is known, and that all our vege- table forms are ascertained and described . . f In tropical climates where these w r oody forms abound, there remains still more to be achieved or even discovered. The old Botanists Rheede, Rumphius, Piso, Plumier, and many others have figured a crowd of Trees, from the East and West Indies, Polynesia and South America, that are yet deemed doubtful because not so well described as required by modern refine- ment, and not met bv late travellers in their WT743836 INTRODUCTION. rapid excursions ; but they are often sufficiently designed to be known and classed. When they have been neglected by our scrupulous Compi- lers, I shall make it a point to restore them, and admit them by proper names, pointing out their affinities and natural analogies. Within this Century a crowd of travellers or explorers have partly made known the treasures of a luxuriant vegetation in South America, Af- rica, India, Madagascar, Japan, Polynesia, Aus- tralia, &c. but only a part of their discoveries have been published, and even that part is some- times neglected by the Botanists that do not travel. Even now there are some Regions of the Earth, of which we know little or nothing, as to their Trees, Shrubs and Plants. Such are for instance Western China, Thibet, Central Tar- tary, Eastern Africa, North Australia, Papua, Borneo, and in America, Western Brazil, Boli- via, Nicaragua and Guatimala, &c. Therefore we have yet an ample field before us, in attempting to complete the knowledge of the woodv Bodies of our Globe, both as to as- certaining them all and naming, describing, fi- guring and classifying them properly. In this little work nothing else will be attempt- ed but to collect and restore the chief Genera omitted or mistaken, adding some new ones, rec- tifying their names, sometimes their species, classifying those deemed doubtful, and tracing their botanical affinities. I have already done so for many in my former works, and above all in my FLORA TELLTJRIANA, also NEW SYLVA and POMONA of North America. Here I mean to give additions thereto, and in fact to all the Bo- tanical works, where the labors of Adanson and INTRODUCTION. 5 Necker, Rumphius and Rheede. with a host of similar worthy authors, are neglected and omit- ted or not properly fixed. In doing this, I shall again adopt the desul- tory order of arrangement, with alphabetical Index, and for the reasons often stated, that I cannot stoop to follow the erroneous sexual sys- tem, nor the imperfect serial method of any modern Author. A perfect serial order is yet a desideratum in Botany, none has hit upon it, nor begun it by the ROSE as 1 did. I have given my own view of this Serial Order in first part of Flora Telluriana, and altho' apparently the best or least imperfect, if I was to follow it here, I might certainly be as much blamed as I may be for my Desultory Order ; which is how- ever that of Hooker and Lindley in their perio- dical publications, that of Lamark, Poiret, with many other writers, and the Centuries of Bivona and ten others. Altho' we have several works on Fruit trees, Forest Trees, Ornamental Shrubs, of some Re- gions, no work has ever been attempted upon all those of our Globe; and altho' usually intro- duced in general works, yet they appear there drowned and blended with the whole of vegeta- tion : while they hold such a rank by size and importance, as to deserve to stand alone. We lack thus a complete view of Arborescent and Frutescent forms all over the Earth, and their natural groups. A very common distinction, but not always accurate is their division into Trees, Palms, Shrubs, Under Shrubs, Thorns, Bushes and Vines. Except Palms all the others are unna- tural blending forms of woody Vegetables. The Cactes or Cactoid forms, the Smilax or Shrub- G INTRODUCTION. by climbing Monocotyles, arid the Stelmians or Crowned Monocotyles, akin to Palms, are ad- ditional and more natural. For these forms, my remarks on habit, classi- fication and other details, I refer to the first part of my FLORA TKLLURIANA, and to the Introduc- tion to my New Sylva of North America for the geographical range of Trees : which I as- sert to form the principal feature in the botani-* cal regions of the Earth. To explain th% ; s fact would require many il- lustrations and details, more suitable for a Ge- neral Sylva Tdluriana, (when it shall be under- taken) than a simple Mantissa or Supplement like this. Then it will be easy to show how some peculiar Genera of Trees prevail or are peculiar to each Region, just like the Oaks in North America and Mexico, the Willows and Roses in Northern Regions, the Palms in tro- pical Regions, &e. It has lately been proposed to distinguish and denominate these Regions by the prevailing Genera of Plants ; but I should think the prevailing Trees ought to obtain the preference. There are woody forms either Generic or Specific in almost all the Natural Orders and Families, and even among the Ferns, Fungi, &c. However the perennial Stem of all the Cellular Plants are quite peculiar and not proper wood : those of Monocotyles assume also a peculiar texture and extraordinary forms, as in Ferns, Lycopodes, Equisetides; while the Mosses and Hepatites, are totally herbaceous even when perennial. Lilies, Orchides, Aroides, Grasses, &c., when assuming a frutescent form, have al- ways some peculiar structure, quite different from the real Trees and Shrubs of the Dicotyle Series. INTRODUCTION. 7 In these by far more numerous on Earth, we find whole families altogether frutescent as the Palms are among Monocotyles. Such are the true Rosaceous, Prunides, Pomides, Mag- nolides, Annonides, Coniferes, Amentaceous, Cupuliferes, Laurines, Meliaceous, Ericoides, Vaccinides, Jasminides, Sarmentose, and many others: while there are but few families that are totally destitute of the arborescent or frutescent forms. Among the obsolete and incongruous Genera that Jussieu and others could not reduce to his natural families, because unwilling to see that they were types of new ones, nearly all were frutescent and have since been properly distri- buted or framed into peculiar families, even when 1 or 2 Genera only may have been the original types. I shall do the same with some others, that have been neglected, because the Botanists were puzzled where to place them. Lastly the object of this Mantissa is both to correct generic errors and omissions, and to add at least all the Trees and Shrubs already known and described or figured, to our actual mass of botanical improved knowledge, upon the plan proposed and pursued in my FLORA TELLUHIANA, for many other branches of Botany. Philadelphia, October, 1838. 8 SYI.VA TELLURIANA. CENTURIA I. Article 1. OLEA Auct. Many Sp. have been improperly united to this Genus, and many real Sp. blended as varieties, the common Olive is the type, all others must be again examined. The nat. family OLEINA of R. Brown of which it is the type, hardly differs from JASMINEA ex- cept by a rnonosperm drupe. The real Olea nas Cor. infundib. stigma bifi do, stylo clongato and the real Olea europea has ramis levis, fol, ovato lane, mucrcnulatis, margine revoluto, subtus albidis, fructo obi. nigro. Native of regions around the Medi- terranean: it has produced 25 varieties now cultivated, distinguished by slight differences of size, season, value of fruits; but some presumed varieties with different shaped. leaves or fruits, are real species, whether primordial or devia- ted, and many botanists have hinted as much. All seen alive. 2. Olea europea Var. Semper florcns Raf. O. caiefcana Petagni, Vitm. deemed a sp. by them, but no essential difference given, it only differs by having flowers and fruits at all seasons ; the olives are small ovatoblong blackish, oil good, leaves ovate lanceolate. South Italy. 3. Olea verrucosa Raf. ramis verrucosis, fol. lanceol. planis acutis subtus albidis. South of Europe, the only variety in Perst>on, but a real species probably. 4. Olea bifcra Raf. ramis levissimis, fol. major obi. lanceol. subtus argenteis, fruct. pri- CENT. I. 9 niordialis elongatis acuminatis purpureis, sero- tinis parvis globosis South Italy, called olwa sanctana near Rome, the foliage is globular not spreading, very remarkable by bearing twice a year and different shaped fruits, the last not larger than peas are like a bjadder of excellent oil. 5. Olea cay ana Raf. ramis levis, fol. ellip- ticis obtusis subtus pallidis South of Europe, called, Cayan Olive. 6. Olea angustifolia Raf. ramis levis, foK angustis lanceolatis Sonth of Europe. 7. Olea bremfolia Raf. ramis levis, fol, ova- tis brevis South of Europe. We lack accounts of the olives of Asia. 8. ENAJMON Raf. (nom. grec.) diff. Ofea, cal, minutus sub4dent. cor. rotata, 4partita, lobis re- curvis. stam. 2 opp. in sin. ovar. globoso. stylo teres, stigma globoso umbilicato thus totally unlike the real Olive, nearer to Phyllirea only one type, unless Olea capensis should also be- long thereto. 9. Enaimon undulata Raf, Olea do Jaq. Lod. 379, bot. mag. 3089. O. laurifolia Lam. ramis verrucosis, fol. petiolatis obi. utrinque acum. subtus pallidis, paniculis trichotoniis South Africa where called Fzerhout or Iron wood. 10. PAUSIA Raf. diff. Olea, dioica, cor. tubu losa, 4fida, lobis reflexis, stigma subsessile emar- ginato, nux striata basi perforata. Racemis panic, bracteis connatis all the real Olives arc of the old continent, this is American and a genuine Genus, the type being Pausia anieri^ cana (or odorata) Olea do L. auct. but as it is stated the leaves vary being lanceolate, elliptic or obovate, it may include also several species, 10 SYLVA TELLUR. seen dry. Pausia was an ancient latin name of the Olive. 11. POGENDA Raf. (beard inside) diff. Olea f cor, tubulosa teres 4fida, intus barbata, stam. 4 IProbably not even of same family, since 2 stamens are essential thereto, and rather akin to Mayepea, with 4 stamens also. 12. Pogenda cernua R. Olea do Vahl, auet. foL obi. lane, obtusis, racemis axil. fl. cer- nuis Madagascar. 13. NESTEGIS Raf. (not covered) diff. Olea, corolla nulla, stam. 2 hypog. How can an ape- talous shrub, with stamens not on a corolla be united to Olea ! Type N. elliptica Raf. Olea do Vahl &c foL ellipt. fl. racemosis New Zeal- and. Probably of FRAXINIDES tribe, and akin to Forrestiera, Nudilus &c, see my New flora. 14. NOTELEA Vent. To this G. Smith pro- posed to unite Rhizosperma of Gaertner, and even Phyllirea ! Chionanthus\ what an incon- gruity ! while it even includes at least 2 distinct Gr. the real Notelea has cal. tubul. 5fid. eq. persist, petalis 4, basi pari coalitis cum stam. 2 filif. stylo filif, stig. integro, drupo monosp. Many types N. punctata, ovata, ligustrina, microcarpa &c. Near to Chionanthus but different calix, style, petals &c. 15. POSTUERA Raf. (nymph) diff. Notelea, calix 5fido inequalis, stylo bifido, stigma 2 Type P. longifolia R. Notelea do Ait. foL lan- ceol, reticulatis. All the above Genera are frutescent, for many others akin see my New Flora 706 to 734, where the G. Chionanthus, Forestiera. Carpoxis, Nudilus, Fraxinus, Leptalix, Or- nanthes, Samarpses &c are properly desig- nated. Also my N. G. Faulia fl. tell. 314, once CENT. I. IT blended with Ligustrum ; and Linociera, May- epea wrongly united to Chionanthus ; Lino- ciera belongs to Jasminea having a berry 21oc, 4sperm, the petals are as in Notelea. 16. PATTARA Ad. Basal, Rh. Lam. Bosc. cal. 5part. petalis 5, stam, 5, ovar. globoso, stylo brevis, stigma, simplex drupis globosis monosp. Frut. sempermrens^fol. alt. racemis axil. ftor. odoratis put by Adanson among the CISTIDES but akin to Ximenia and Cansi- era all probably belonging to my family of CEL- TIDES, though differing from Celtis by petals and single style, 2 types omitted by nearly all Authors, 17. Pattara basal Raf. petalis subrotundis. Rheed 6. t. 11. 18. Pattara acuta Raf. petalis ovatis acutis Rh. 6. t. 12. Both in Malabar, the fruits are vermifuge. 19. BEDUSIA Rh. Raf. cal. 6part. petalis 6. stam. plurimis,ovar. ovato, stylo simplex, drupis ovatis uniloc. Spyrenis, sem. globosis. Frutex, foL alt. simpl. fl* axillaris near to Banara and Grewia in family TILIACEA, monotype. 20. Bedusia aromatica Raf. fol. ovatis in- tegris coriaceis fl. fascic. Malabar, figured by Rheed. 5. t. 50. leaves with aromatic taste and smell, flowers very small scentless. 21. MABOLA Raf. cal. rotato 4part. calicu- lato, cor. urceolata 4fida, stam. 24 hypogyna non epicorolis, filam. 12 distinctis filiformis apice furcatis biantheriferis, antheris anticis et posticis bilocul. cetera ut Diospyros singular G. by the extraordinary number and position of anthers not lateral to each other, same family as Diospyros however. 22. Mabola edulis Raf. Diospyros mabola [% 3YLVA TELLUR* lioxb. bot. reg. 1139. fol. obi. acutis, fl. term* fasciculatis a fine fruit tree of the Philipines> fruit like a Quince, rosy flesh of ^ fine flavor, flowers yellow odorous : wood like Ebony. 23. CALSIAMA Raf. Calesiam Rh. Ad. cal. 4ph. decid. petalis 4 ovatis acutis,stam.8,ovar* ovat, stylo simplex, drupis obi. compr. monosp. F07. oppos. pinnatis fl. term, racemosis very near to Amyris, same family my AMYRI- DES, chief difference in calix. Monotype. 24. Calsiama malabarica Raf. foliolis ova* tis integris, petalis acutis, drupis viridis Rheed. 4 t, 32. A tree, the bark is medical, used against spasms, gout, ulcers and dyssen- tery, 25. BEMSETIA Raf. Rubiacea cal. adh, 4dent, basi globoso, cor. tubo elongato, limbo 4part. rotato et reflexo, faux barbata, aritheris 4 sessilis in sinub. exertis subulatis, stylo clavato bifido. Bacca 21oc. 2sperma- habit of Ixora to which it was wrongly united. Monotype. 26. Bemsetut panlculata Raf. (Bemscheti Rh. 2. t. 14. Ixora barbata Roxb. bot. mag. 2505) fol. petiol. ovatoblongis. panicula term. Schotoma laxa Shrub of South India, flowers white. 27. CLADERIA Raf. (vvooly twigs) cal. parvus 5fidus, petalis 5ianceol. stam. 10 liberis pet. eq. stylo filif. stig. capit. Baccis globosis monosp, Arbor fol. pinnatis, fl. term, panic. Another G. of the family AMYRIDES, not at all a Melia as supposed by some. 28. (jladeria parviftora Raf. ramis lanatis, foliolis ovatis, paniculis multifloris fine tree of South India, called Carabou by Lam. Bosc, a Melia by others. Leaves and flowers with a CENT. I. 13 strong smell, leaves bitter, flowers small blos- soming twice a year, seeds affording an oil. 29. APAMA Rh, Raf. (n. ind.) calix trifidus, petalis nullis, stam. plura triadelphis, pisU minut. fruct, theca siliquosa intus pulposa polysp* Frutex scmporv.fol. alt. fl. axil N. farn. of HESPERIDES near to Triphasia of Loureiro, also akin to Androsemutn of Hypericines, but is the fruit unilocular ? 30. Apama laurifolia Raf. (Alpan Bosc) fol. oblongis pereimis, fl. axil. 2-4 fasciculatis East Indies, flowering twice a year, medical* juice used with oil for ulcers, and with Cala- mus against bites of Snakes. 31. BNTECA Rh. Ad. cal. 5dent. corolla 5fida, stam. 5, pist. libero, stylo recto, stig. glo- boso. Baccis siccis obi. 21ocul. polysp. Arbor semperv* fol. alt. fl. panicul put by Adan- son next to Sty rax, but more akin to Solanum, unless the stamens be opposed to corolla when it may rank in the SAPOTIDES. The seeds are ovoid hard in two rows in each cell, partition membranose. 32. Benteca odorata Raf. fol perennis ovatis subtus viliosis, racemis terrain, panicula- tis tall tree of Malabar figured by Rheed 4. t. SO, the flowers are small greenish white, but numerous and fragrant ; the leaves are sudo- rific. 33. BESSIA Ra (n. ind.) Leguminose. caL 5dent. petalis 5ineq. 4 subrot. uno obi, obt. stam. 10 liberis ineq. 3 multo longior, ovarium coni- cum, stylo filif. legum. compressis 4-6spermis, Arbor fol. alt. part pinnatis, fl. term, race- mosis another G. of the Lomentaceous Le- guminose, near Senna, Sophora &,c. 34. Bessia sanguinolenta Raf. (Bessi 14 SYLVA TELLUR. Rumph. 3 1 10. Lam. Bosc.) foliolis 4-6 ovatis integris, racemis terminalibus large useful tree of Molucas, excellent timber, flowers yellow, pods one foot long ; sap red like blood, staining permanently. This and other Indian names above, are certainly as good as Piper, Cassia, Caffea, and 50 similar Indian or Arabic names of Linneus, If Bessia is not good enough or too near Bassia I Dendrema or bloody tree is suggested instead. 35. GOSSYPIUM L. auct. Cotton is a fine natural G. most of the sp. being frutescent ; but they are as yet little understood, and the Afri- can and Asiatic kinds not well described. Wildenow, Lamark, Smith and Decandole have but few sp. not well distinguished : Decandole's account of this G, as well as Vitis and some others is very imperfect, having neglected the monograph of American Cottons by Rohr and Bosc, which I have chiefly used in my own mo- nograph. Rohr had noticed (but not well named) nearly 40 years ago 34 species and va- rieties, taking his characters from the seeds rather than the variable leaves and glands. I shall give here a synoptical view of his labor and mine, having reduced them to 26 botanical sp. under 3 subgenera, adding the average pro- duce of Cotton by each tree. 36. Subg. KARPAS Raf. semina scabra, avena, nuda non villosa nee tomentosa, sepe nigra. 37. Subg. LEIOFAIUM R. (smooth brown) semina levis venosa fuscata, vel viridis. 38. Subg. LANIGERUM R. semina villosa vel tomentosa, 39. Gossypium (Karpas) mrgatum Raf. sp. 1 Rohr, Bosc. ramis virgatis, sem. magna ovata CENT. I. 15 sc abra nuda Shrub 9 feet high, worthless pro- ducing hardly any cotton, Antilles. 40. Gossypium (Karpas) niveum Raf. sp. 2 R. B. sem. apex subfibrosis ad utrinquelatere Cotton very white, of Antilles, not productive. 41. Gossypium (Karpas) virens Raf. sp. 3 R. B. sem, villis viridis coronata et maculata, apex brevis small Shrub, but fine cotton, pro- duce 2 ounces. Martinico &c. 42. Gossypium (Karpas) decurrens Raf. sp. 4, 5, 9 R. B. sem, ovata scabra, corona tomen- tosa ad angulo decurrens sorrel cotton, 4 va- rieties 1. viridis producing only 4 ounces of cotton, 2 rubrum, with stem, petiols, nerves and calix red, valuable, producing 7J ounces of fine clean cotton on each Shrub 5 feet high. 3floco- sum, seeds with flocose spots, shrub 6 feet high, producing 4 ounces of cotton. 4 paiulum, like last, but loftier, much spreading, producing one pound of cotton. 43. Gossypium (Karpas) macrospermum Raf. sp. 6 R. B. sem. obionga scabra longe acu- minata, corona tomentosa vix decurrens Shrub 7 feet high, produce 3 ounces. Antilles. 44. Gossypium (Karpas) herbaccum L. sp. 7, 8 R. B. sem. ovata scabra nigra, angulo un- cinato barbato this is the common cotton na- tive of Asia, the black seed C, of North Amer. akin to the green seed C. or G. hirsutum not mentioned by Rohr: several varieties 1. barba- tum, end of seed smooth, perennial, 6 feet high, producing 5 ounces of cotton. 2. megacarpum, end of seeds hairy crowned, large capsules, an- nual, very fine cotton. 3 vulgaris, end of seeds hairy crowned, smaller capsules, annual, 3 or 4 feet high, producing 7 ounces of coarser cotton* 16 SYLVA TfcXLUR. 4. perennc, like last but perennial stem, Italy, Sicily, Spain, Persia, &c, 45. Gossypium (Karpas) guyanense Raf. 10, 11 R. B. sem. ovata scabra nigra, 7-11 coalitis in loculis, byssus elongatus small tree 8 to 12 feet high, producing two crops yearly and each tree 12 to 24 ounces of finest cotton, one of the long staples, native of Guyana and Brazil, 2 var. 1. verum, Surinam Cotton, seeds 9 to 11 in each cell forming a narrow pyramid, 2 braziliensis, Brazil Cotton, seeds 7 to 9 form- ing a broad pyramid. 46. Gossypium (Leiophaium) convexum Raf. 12 R. B. Foliis convexis, sem. levis fusca- ta venosa, postice apice barbata, angulo antice ad apice longior, bys^sus laxus in S. .Marta, 8 feet high, gives two yearly crops of line snowy cotton easily plucked, 47. Gossypium (Leiof.) tenax Raf, 14 R. B. sem. levis fuscata venosa, apice coronata penicellata, angulo uncinato,byssus tenax An- tilles, 10 to 12 feet high, producing 4 ounces of fine long cotton, but very difficult to pluck. 48. Gossypium (Leiof.) fuscum Raf. 13 R. P. sem. levis fuscata venosa, apice postice vil- losa, angulo uncinato, ad apex brevior, byssus fuscatus tree 12 to 15 feet high,native of Asia, cotton dirty redish brown difficult to pick. 49. Gossypitim (Leiof.) pollens Raf. 1 6 R. B. sem. levis fuse, venosa, apice tomentosa, an- gulo uncinato, byssus rubescens from Asia also, 6 faet high, cotton paler than last, redish, 3 ounces. 50. Gossypium (Leiof.) asiaticum Raf. 19 R. B. sem. brevis vix ovata levis fuse, venosa, apice barbata villosa, byssus albus Asiatic, akin to last, same size, leaves, glands, flowers, CENT. I. 17 but fruits, seeds and cotton different, producing 6 ounces each tree of fine white cotton. 51. Gossypium (LeiofyamblospermumRaf. 15 R. B. sem. levis fuse, venosa, angulo obtuso, apex villoso, byssus laxo Antilles, 10 feet high, producing only 2J ounces of cotton. 52. Gossypium (Leiof.) trichospermum R. 17, 18 R. B. sem. levis fuse. ven. angulo acuto, corona villosa et capillaris, byssus elongato of South America, New Grenada, Peru &c, tree 12 to 20 feet high, the longest known staple 7 or 8 inches long, a var. has a shorter staple, both difficult to spin. 53. Gossypium (Lanigerum) rupestre Raft 20 R. B. sern. subglobosa parva subvillosa, pilis adpressis found wild in Curazaoon rocks,cap- sules and seeds very small, but cotton silky snowy and strong. Leaves variable. 54. Gossypium (Lanigy) divaricatum Raf. 21 R. B. Ramis patulis, sem. oblonga villosa coronata pilosa, angulo uncinato Hayli, 7 feet high branches divergent spreading, gives two yearly crops. 55. Gossypium (Lanig.) sarmentosum Raf. 22 R. B. ramis procumbens sarmentosis, sem. oblonga, villosa, corona pilosa, antice plana, postice gibbosa very peculiar African sp branches drooping or prostrate 5 feet long. Leaves like the last says Rohr, cotton very white. 56. Gossypium (Lanig.) teleium Raf. 23 R a B. sem. fulvo tomentosa, sulcata tuberculata, macula glabra ad basi antice, byssus colorato native place unknown, very peculiar seeds with several obtuse angles and furrows, cotton fine of a yellowish brown. 57. Gossypium (Lanig.) cinereum Raf, 24 3 18 iYLVJu TELLUR. R. B. sem. cinereo tomentosa teretiuscula, byssus elongato albo South America, 7 feet high, giving only one yearly crop of 2i ounces of cotton similar to that of the Guyana Cotton. 58. Gossypium (Lanig.) isabelum Raf. sem. rubrofusca tomentosa,teretiuecula, corona pilosa, byssus flaveolus Asiatic, cotton very fine of Isabella yellow, but not very productive. 59. Gossypium (Lanig.) albescens Raf. 26 R. B. sem. ovata tota tomentosa non apiculata, byssus albescens tenax several varieties 1. megaspermum, large seeds, cotton of a dirty white, 4 ounces per tree, 2. rubescens, cotton of a redish white color. 3 cayenense small seeds, cotton worthless of a dirty white, very hard to pick, wild at Cayenne. 60. Gossypium (Lanig.) bicolor Raf. sem. tomentosis ovatis nonnulis cinereis, nonnulis viridis, byssus albo tenax Trinidad, a singular sp. by two kinds of seeds in the same pods, grey and dark green, wrongly deemed a var. of last by Rohr. cotton fine and white. 61. Gossypium (Lanig) purpureum Raf. 27 R. B. sem. ovatis tomentosis pilosisque apicula- tis, fol. calicibusq, purpureis byssus albo tenax Antilles and S. Amer. 7 feet high, only 1J ounce of cotton, petiols, nerves and twigs red. 62. Gossypium (Lanig,) speciosum Raf. fol. lobis acutis, uniglandulosis, petalis rubro notatis, sem, globosa tomentosa canescens, bysso tenax from India, small shrub, but with fine citron flowers with a large red spot at base of petals, capsules small, cotton very short whitish. Is it the G. microcarpon ? 63. Gossypium (Lanig.) cambayense Raf. G. religiosus var. 28 Rohr. B. fol. lobis subrotundis, glandula sepe carens, petalis et sem. ut in 62. CENT. I. 19 Blended by Rohr. with the last as varieties of G, religiosum, which however appears different from both, taller shrub with larger capsules and and seeds than last, but same fine flowers. 64. Gossypium (Lanig.) rohrianum Raf. 29 Rohr. sem. tomentosa, glomerata, byssus tenax. Portorico, similar to G. guyanensis in every respect except the wooly seeds and shorter sta- ple hard to pick. There are besides many other kinds of cotton slightly indicated by various writers, but not described; two of them deserve to be acquired and studied. 65. Gossypium aureum Raf. Golden Cotton of Dahomey in Africa, of a fine yellow color, 66. Gossypium nankin Raf, the fine pale nankin Cotton of China different from all others. The silky Cotton of Asia and America is pro- duced by several sp. of Bombax, it has a short brittle down, like that of the Gsnus Asclepias. 67. KAMBALA Raf. (n. ind.) cal. camp. 4fid. crassus persisteus, cor. o, stam. plura multiseri- atis basi monadelphis, antheris cordatis, ov. turb. stylo tereto flexuoso, stigma maximum, pileiforme subtus concavo. Pomum Slocul. sem. plura in pulpa. Arbor, fol. oppos. ft. pedic. articuL axil, et term fam. HESPERIDES near Sonneratia and Citrus. If Kambala is too bar- barous, I propose Mycostylis applying to the style like a Fungus. 68. Kambala pendula Raf. (Sonneratia ape- tala Buch. ic. auct.) Ramis pendulis, ramulis brachiatis, fol. petiol. ovatolanceol. integris car- nosis avenis, pedunc, cernuis fine tree of Ava, with habit of weeping willow. Sonneratia dif- fers by cal. urceolate 6fid, 6petals, different style &c. 20 SYLVA TEIXtJR. 69. EPISTEIRA Raf. (on sterile) raonoica, fl. tnasc. cal. Gpart. obi. obt. 3 reflexis alt. cor. o, antheris pluris lin. adnatis ad pistillo sterilis. obi. vel. monadelphis instar. fl. fern. cal. Gpart. su- bul. persistens, ov, magnum orbicul. depres. stylo unico breve, stigma cavum Gdent. caps, sulcata 9-121ocul, 9-12 valvis septiferis, loculis 2-3 sp. sem. serialis centralis. Frutex,fol. alt. stipulatis, fl. axil quite unlike Agyneia with m. fl. Sparted, 8 stam. 3 styles, caps. Scocous, hardly of same family Euphorbides, type of a tribe with valves septiferous and united stamens, or akin to my MEBORIDES see fl, tel. 1117. Me- borea chiefly differs by 3 anthers inserted on 3 styles. 70. Episteira coccinea Raf. (Agyneia do Buch. ic. auct.) ramulis angulatis, fol. petiol, lanceol. obtusis, stipulis subul. ft. fascic. axil, masc. pedic. fern, sessilis mixtis Birman em- pire, singular shrub, fl. yellow, fruits scarlet.. 71. YANGAPA Raf. (n. ind.)diff. Gardenia, cal. 5gonus, cor. hypocrat. limbo 5-6part. Antheris 5-Gtubo adnata, stylo apice dilatato compresso, stigma adnatum sulcatum. Drupa obi. 5cari- nata umbilic. nux subbiloc. sem. plura in pulpa nidulans Gardenia differs by cor. infund. and a berry, stigma bilobe &c. yet both same family. 72. Yangapa fiava Raf. (Gardenia corona- ria Buch. ic. auct) fol. petiol. ovatis acum. fl. axill. sessilis selit. corollis venosis flavis Bir- man Empire, small tree. The G. Gardenia was formed by many anomalous sp. this and the 3 next G. must be separated. 73. ROTHMANNIA Th. Raf. diff. Gard. cal. lac. teretis acutis, cor. campanulata lac. acutis &c. Type R. capensis Thunb. Gardenia roth- tuannia L. auct,. CENT. I. 74. PLEIMERIS Raf, or Thunbergia Mont. 1773, Sonnerat &c, (not of Lin. what date?) diff. Gardenia, cal, limbo 4-6part. lac, unguic. appen- dic. cuculatis, cor. 7-10fida hypocr. tubo longo, antheris 7-10, stigma obliq. sulcatum. Arbor* foL vertic. fl. term. 75. Pleimeris capensis Raf. Thunb. do M. S. Gard. thunbergia L. auct. fol.ovatobl. acum. undul. &/c see authors, how could this fine tree be united to Qardenia ! is the Thunbergia of L. anterior or posterior to this ? 76. XEROMPHIS Raf. (dry omb.) diff. Garde- nia, cor. hypocr. hirsuta limbo 5part. lac. rotun- dis. bacca exsuca umbilicata Slocul. sub Svalvis Frutex spinos. the berry totally unlike Gar- denia, yet still of sanne natural order. 77. Xeromphis retzi Raf. (Gardenia dume- torum Retz. Vitm.) fol. obov. integris. spiriis axil, oppos. fl. solit. brevi ped, East Indies, a small bushy shrub, flowers small and white. 78. CURNILIA Raf. cal. 5phyl. petaloideis, stam. 5. ov. lib. subrot. stigma sessile. Drupa ovatobl. Isperma. Frutex sarmentfol. oppos. fl. axil, corymbosis rather tloubtful affinities, probably of my fam. Rimnidia or Amy rides. 79. CurnUia sarmentosa Raf, (Curinil Rh. 7. 25. Bosc) Fol, petiol. ovatis acutis integris, corymbis ramosis axil Malabar, flowers yel- lowish white, drupes green, inside whitish bit* terish as well as the white seed in the kernel. 80. LASIPANA Raf. (hairy quite) Echinus Lour, non L. diff. Aker, dioic. fl. m. cal. monoph, squamosus villosus ineq. cor. o. stam. 30. fl. fern, cal. vill. ineq. 5-6part. ovar. bilobo, stylis 2 vil- losis. caps. 1-2 coalitis globosis Isp. villosis Arbor fol. spar sis simpl. fl. ped. later very near Aker and Fotherglla, family of AKERIDES 22 8YLVA TELLUK. the name of Loureiro was same as a G. of an- imals and besides did not apply. 81. Lasipdna tricuspis Raf. fol. pet. ovat, acutis integris tricuspidisque subtus villosis, pe- dunculis ramosis Anam or Cochinchina. 82. RETAMA Raf. (n, arab) Lygos Ad. Apar- tium Neck, Leguminosa diff, Spartium cal. bi- lab. camp, lab. sup. 2fida, inf. 3dent. stam. basi monadelphis ineq. coalitis, antheris eq. obi. pe- talis subeq. vexiL cucul. stig. obt, glabro, leg. subinflatis brevis monosp. This fine distinct G. has been by turns put in Spartium, Cytisus and Genista! several types. 83. Retama albiflora Raf. Spartium monosp. L, auct. b. mag, 683, Genista monosp. Dec. Lind. b. reg. 1918 &>c ramis virg. ter. striatis mid is, juniorib. fol. lin. sericeis, racemis ovatis Sicily, Spain, Africa, Arabia, beautiful shrub seen alive, fl. white fragrant : main type of G, 84. Retama lutea Raf, Spartium spherocar- pon L. auct. and perhaps other sp. Necker adds to his Apartium, the Sp. contaminatum,aphy- lum, scorpiaS) purgans, sepiarium, junceum &,c, belonging to other groups. All these akin Genera are yet in utter confusion, authors blend- ing them, and refering sp. by habit only ! with- out attending to different calix, petals, stamens, stigma, pods, .... according to Adanson his Lygos (sp. spherosp.) has cal, urceol. 5dentate, and seed flat. 85. LUGAION Raf. (Apartium sp. N,) diff. Spartium, cal. tubul. 5dent. vexillum reflexo ob- cord. stigma villosum, leg. ovatis vel obi. com- pressis, sepe 2-3sp. This will include many sp. aphylum, etnense (Sp. trisp. Sm,) umbellatum, angulatum, multiflorum* linifolium, &c, ' all Spartium of authors. Besides Sp. radiatum CENT. 1. 23 with pods ovate polysperm, and Sp. ferox with pods linear falcate polysperm, probably 2 other subgeriera. 87. NUBIGENA Raf. diff. Retama, cal. lab. sup. truncato, leg. compr. curvo undul. glabro polysp. nearer to last by pods but type very near Retama. 88. Nubigena tenerifa Raf. Spartiurn and Cytisus nubigenus auct. flowers white and fra- grant as in Retama, but axillary fasciculate. 89. VERZINUM Raf. (n. lat.) diff. Spartium, cal. 5partitus patens ineq. bilab. petalis magnis rotundis. Leg. tomentoso compr. undul. polysp. Types V. patens and arboreum Raf. Spar- tium do auct. 90. Spartium L. Ad. Necker, &c. cal. camp, ventricoso 21ab. lab. dilat. sup. 2dent. inf. 3dent. vexil. refl. obcord. stam. monad, stig. glabro Leg. planum polysp. sem. planis this G. is thus reduced for type to Sp* scoparium and such others as may be found to agree thereto, Sp. fti- fiorum probably &,c. 91. LYGOPLIS Raf. (armed spark) diff. cal. tubulosus membranosus sub. 21ab. vel. subinte- gro, stig. villoso, Leg. ovato vel obi. compr. 2-4sp.. This perhaps includes many or most of the spinose kinds, altho' there are yet some ano- malies, such are Lyg. spinosum, villosumjior- ridum, ferox ? They are as akin to Vlex as to Spartium. 3 others Sp. contaminatum, sepia- rium and cytisoides are now forming the G. Lebeckia. Some of the spinose Genistas .may also belong to Lygoplis; Genista of L. and co- pists hardly differs from their Spartium except by oblong narrow incumbent vexillum : their Cytisus by diadelphous stamens and pedicellate 24 SYLVA TELLUR. pod ; but it is not always so, and a crowd of de- viating sp. must all be examined. 92. GENISTA Raf. Corniola Ad. cal. urceol. ineq. 5dent. vex. angust. obi. incumbens. stain, monad. Leg. planum polysp. Type G. tincto* ria, and all the sp. agreeing with it. Decan- dole in his flora Gallica united all the Spar- tiums to Genista ! even the monosperm kinds. 93. AVORXELA Raf. Chama-spartium Ad. Ge- nistella Tourndiff. Genista, cal. bilab, tripart, lab. sup. bifido, inf. 3dent. This as a G. or subg. must contain many sp. of Genista and Cy- tisus, such as (r. canariensis, candicans, lint- folia .fol. oppos* ped. axil very singular G. united to Ilex and Myginda, although quite unlike, nearer to Evonymus and Polycardia, same family of Celastrides different from Rhamnides by alternate stamens. My- ginda differs by 4 styles and a monosperm drupe, Rhacoma wrongly united thereto is nearer, but a real Ilexides by corolla 4parted, The singular connection of the calix and ovary at top by the disk, is an anomaly found in some Melastomes and perhaps in Lithoplis 145* I cannot well ascertain the fact in my dry speci- mens; but suspect these 2 G. may indicate a small natural group, to be called SYNODISCOIDS. 202. Paxistima myrsinites Raf. 1817, Ilex do Pursh, Myginda myrtifolia, Hook. fl. t. 41, fol. opp. ellipt. serratis, ped. axil. 3floris Ori- gon, habit of Evonymus. 203. BOURRERIA Br. Jaq. Ad. Kunth, &c, diff. Ehretia, cor. hypocrat tubo elong. limbo piano, lac. dilatatis vel obcord, drtipis 4gonis, isulcat. nucibus 2 utrinque 2sp. fl. corymbosis. To this belong, B* baccata (E. hour. L.) and B. exsuca Jaq. perhaps some others, more like some Cordias than Ehretias. 204. TRAXILUM Raf. diff. Ehretia, cal. 5part. stylus dichot. stig. 4, fl. corymb, is stated that thisG. has the stigmas of the Cor- dias, the flowers of Tournefortia, fruit of JS/i- retia^ and a peculiar calix. 205. Traxilnm asperum Raf, Ehr. do W ENT. III. 43 Roxb. cor. 55 &c, fol. ovatis scaberimis, fl, sc- cundis Coromandel. 206. PILOISIA Raf, (head hairy) Dasicephala sp. Kurith. diff. Varronia, cal. inflat. cor, infund. lac. emarg, stig. 4 obtusis, fl. capitaiis Kunth has united to Cordia the capitate Varronias forming this G. but they probably contain also several blended G. the Varr. humilis is stated to have a single nut 21ocular in the drupe. The types of my G. are Pil. globosa* curassamca, &,c. The real type of Varronia should seem to be V. alba, with fl. cymose, limb of corolla campanulate, nut striate &c, with akin cymose species. 207. TOPIARIS Raf. diff. Varronia, cor. hypocr. tubo longo, limbo piano lato lobato, fl. racemo- sis. Thus corolla as in Bourreria, but habit peculiar, put in 2 Genera by authors. 208. Topiaris geniculata Raf. Var. do Pers. mirabiloides Sw. W. Jaq. Vitm. &c Tournefor- tia serrata L. Lam. &c fol. ovatis rugosis ser- ratis, fl. racem. secundis, ped. genie Hayti. 209. SUBKISIA Com. Raf, diff. Ehretia, ' cor. campanul. (non tubul) fl. panicul. internodalis corolla and habit different, G. proposed by Commerson long ago, why not adopted? 210. Subrisia petiolaris Raf. Ehr. do Larn. Ehr. internodis Lher. Wild. Vitm. Pers.^ Ra- mis retictil. rimosis, fol. ovat. integris glabris, petiolis scabris. panic, laxis extraxillaris Mau- ritius, flowers white fragrant. 211. DESMOPHYLA Raf. diff. Ehretia, stylis 2, stig. 2 capitatis,./W. fasciculatis TyP e J ^- aliena Raf, Ehr. fasciculata Kunth, his E. to- mentosa and ternif. appear true Ehretias,altho' the leaves are. opposite and corymbs axillary, having one style &c. 44 SYLVA TELLUil. 21*2, AQUIFOLIUM T. Ad. Ilex L. auct. name posterior, and of an Oak. The Ilex of the Au- thors hardly differs from Prinos, the numbers of parts and stigmas not being uniform, but re- quiring the formation of many G. to be accurate. The rotate and deeply lobed corolla distinguish this group of G. from the group of Cordias. I propose now to revise it, and thus fix the true AQUIFOLIUM Raf. cal. rotato 4-5dent. cor. rota- ta 4-5partita, stam. 4-5 epicorolis alt. stig. 4-5 Hessilib. obtusis, drupis baccatis 4-5sp. nucib. Isp. Arboresc. fol. alt. sepe perennans spino- sisque,fl. axil, poly g. This. wi\\ include pro- tern as in Rhamnus the sp. that are riot well known ; but all must be verified : meantime the types will be Aq*crocea,japonica? and other Japanese sp. if with 4 stigmas, with the various sp. blended in Ilex aquifolium of Authors, which are 5 at least, all seen alive. 213. Aquifolium undulatnm Raf. fol. ovatis undulatis, margine sinuatis spinosis, supra niti- dis, fl. glomeratis, fr. rubris Mts. of Europe, the most common sp. becoming a tree and less spinose in old age. 214. Aquif. fer ox Miller, Raf. fol. ovatis su- bundul. supra margineque echinatis, fl. fascic. fr. flavis distinct species remarkable by the very prickly leaves. 215. Aquif. heteroplnjlum Raf. fol. ellipt. vix undul. integris acuminatis, nonnulis subspinosis, basi acutis Europe. 216. Aquif. planifolhirn Raf. fol. ovatis sub- rotundis planis subdentato spinosis in Spain, very near /. opaca Ait. see 234. 217. Aquif. lanceolatnm Raf. fol, lanceol. subdent. recurvis, vix spinosis, fl. subumbel. fr. albescens Germany &c. All these were deem- CENT. III. 45 ed var. by botanists, but sp. by Gardeners; they are real specific deviations. The flowers of the Asiatic sp. not being des- cribed, it is not yet possible to ascertain if they belong to this Genus or the next or to Agcria. 218. ILEX Raf. Cassine L. auct. et Ilex sp. Maurocenia Miller, diff. Aquifolium, stig. 3, drupis 3!oc. 3sp. 3umbilicatis, ff. hermaphr. sepe Sandris. The main distinction is in the ternary numbers of pistil and fruit ; but proba- bly this includes several subg. that may be G. when well described, Cassine of L. (a bad name out of Cassia} is deemed 5 petaious, but Jussieu states otherwise, my 5 subg. are 219. CASSINE R. 5andris, fr. globosis, fol. oppos. jl. panic, vel corymb. axiL such are my Ilex (Cassine) capensis, barbara, oleifolia. 220. COLPUNIA R. 4andris, fruct . . . Evony- mus and Cassine colpun of Authors is the type, a doubtful plant. 221. MAUROCENIA Miller, 5andris, fruct. 3go- nis, fol. opp. alt. Type Ilex (m.) fr. angularis, concava, lemgata &c Cassine of Authors, 222. OSTEORAX Raf. 5andris, drupis non bac- catis duris osseis, fol. alt. ped. dichot. Type. 223. Ilex (Osteorax) xylocarpa Raf. Cassine do Vent. Pers &c fol. petiol. ovatis^ Antilles, American like the next all the others are African. 224. EMETILA R. 5andris, stig. 3 reflexis, fol. alt. fi. fasc. deemed 5petalous by Robin. 225. Ilex (Emetild) ramulosa Raf. Cassine do Raf. fl. lud. 363 fol. lanceol. lucidis sem- perv. crassis subserratis Florida, Louisiana. Shrub thickly branching 12 feet high, berries round? with 3 umbilics. One of the Shrubs 46 SYLVA TELLUR. used as emetic by the-Indians; it cannot be the Cassine peragua L. described with oppo- site elliptic obtuse leaves, and as yet a doubtful plant, although now referred to Hex cassena^ my Ageria 235. 220. AGERIA Raf. (this name was used by Adanson for the G. Prinos and My r sine unit- ed, but I now apply it to a G. medial between Ilex and Prinos of authors) Macoucoua Aubl. Ilex sp. auct diff. Aquifolium, cal. 4 fid persis- tens, cor. 41oba, stam. 4, stigma unicum sessile simplex, fl. sepe dioicis. It will include nearly all the American sp. of Authors, which have a single stigrna ; but it varies in shape, and may serve to form subg. 227. Subg. MACUCUA, stig. glob, obtusum. fl. 41obis sepe dioicis. 228. Subg. DAHUNIA R. stig. bilobo. fl. dioicis, 4partitis. 229. Subg. PALTORIA R. P. stig. magno 4gono integro. fl, herm. It is not always easy to discriminate between the 2 first, as the sp. are referred to Ilex at ran- dom, without attending to the flowers. We have no good monograph of ?he North Ameri- can sp. whose synonymy is quite perplexing : I shall however give some types. 230. Ageria (mac) acumhmta Raf. Ilex do W. macucua Pers &c, mac. guianensis AuM. Lam. Arborea fol. ovatis integris, apex acum. emarg. pedunc. cymosis fl. herm. Guyana, large tree, white fl. as in all akin. 231. Ageria (mac) retus'a Raf. frutescens, ramis cinereis, fol. petiol. obovat. crenatis obtu- sis retusis, fl. dioicis, fasc. petiolis eq. West Kentucky, in swamps, shrub 3 to 5 feet high, CENT. III. 47 leaves sometimes subfasciculate, discovered 1818, long deemed a doubtful Ilex. 232. Ageria (mac) uniftora Raf. frut. ramu- lis cinereis uniH. fol, ovatis oblongisve utririque acutis petiol. remote serrulatis, subtus et petio- lis pubesc. fl. dioicis, cal. ciliolatis Shrub of Alabama, branchlets terete with 1 to 3 leaves and a terminal flower, berries pisiform, stig. glo- bose depressed, calix almost square. 233. Ageria (mac) mucronata Raf. frutesc. ramis albo punctatis, fol, subfascic. obi, vel el- lipt. subobliquis integris, basi acutis, apice mu- cronatis, tenuis glabris, pedunc. axil. 3-7fl. sub verticillatis^ pet. longior fl. dioicis Apalachian Mts* shrub 4 feet. 234. Ageria (mac ?) opaca Raf. Ilex do Ait. auct. This sp. and laxiflora, with the habit of AquifoUuin, have the stigma simple, and 4 ste- rile filaments in the female flowers; wherefore perhaps a peculiar subg. NOTHOLEX Raf. Robin was mistaken to state the stamens op- posed to corolla, else it would be removed from the family. Corolla 4parted as in Dahunia, ca- lix not persistent as in Ageria, thus a peculiar G. perhaps, 235. Ageria (Dah) cassena R. Ilex do and Vomitoria auct. This ought to be the type of Dakunia, along with the akin sp. to which El- liot asejibes 2 stigmas, realy one bilobe or bifid, and often only 2 seeds. But /. prinoides, li- gustrina, angiistif. myrtifolia with more than 4 stamens and seeds: the berry 7 50 8YLVA TELLITR. also is different from Aquifolium and Sgnsti- ma. Types. 248. Prinos reticuldtus Raf. Ramis suban- gul. purpureis albo punctatis, fol. glabris ellipt. acum. basi acutis, argute serrulatis, subtus re- ticul. pallidis, axil. 2-3fl. pet. brevior Shrub of Alabama, leaves 2 or 3 inches long, fl. white small, calix stellate 5-6fid, corolla with 5 or 6 lobes oval obtuse. 249. Prinos rugosus Raf. ramis subanguL fol. lato ellipt. utrinque acutis serrulatis, supra rugosis, subtus reticul.nervispubesc. axilis l-3fL pe:. brevior baccis globosis in Kentucky, very near the last perhaps a var. or the female, 3 to 5 feet high, berries globular subsessile. 250. Prinos piinctatus Raf. ramis rugosis albo punctatis, fol. obovatis acum. ineq. serrati* subtus pubescens, axilis l-3fl. pet* brevior, bac- cis ovatis Mts. Alieghany, large leaves, berries globose ovate, stigma capitate, entire, female calix 6-7dentate often pubescent. Var.angustif. fol. cuneatis obi. nervis lutescens,cal. pubescens* 251. Prinos vcrrucosus Raf. ramis angul. verrucosis, fol. obi. utrinque acutis, mucronato serratis, subtus retic. nervis pubesc. axilis unifl. petiolo eq. baccis ovalib. Mts. Alieghany, 3 to 4 feet high, calix colorate, berries red as in all but ovate, warts commonly white on fuscate branches. 252. Prinos parmfolius Raf. ramis levis sub- angul. fol. parvis ovatis obovatisque utrinque acutis, apice serratis, subtus glabris, axilis unifl. pet. brevior, calicib. obtusis Apalachian Mts. small shrub bipedal, branches whitish, young shoots yellowish, leaves hardly uncial, calix not acute as in the others. 233. Prints lonjipc^ Raf, ramis angul. sub* CENT. 111. 51 verruc. fol. obi. acutis, apice remote serratis, subtus glabris, axilis unifl. elongatis pet. longior Virginia &c, akin to the Pr. integrifolius of Elliot but with flowers polygamous 6androus. All the above may have been overlooked or blended with Ilex prinoides, and Prinos am- biguus of Authors. 254. Prinos verticillatus L, differs from all these by flowers umbellate agregate almost ver- ticillate, and is a larger Shrub. Pr, integrifo- lia by entire mucronate leaves, long pedicels, flowers 6-7androus &c, 225. NEMOPANTHES Raf. 1817. Dec. Hook.&c. This G. of mine one of the few now generaly adopted was based on the Ilex canadensis of MX. but I think it includes 2 sp, the essential character of the G. is in the calix of male fl. very minute entire, corolla 3-5parted not rotate, stamens 3-5, stig. 3-51obed sessile, but the qua- ternary number chiefly prevails. 256. Nemop. canadensis Raf. Ilex do MX. t. 49 auct, fol, obi. lanceol. utrinque acutis subin- tegris, fl. masc. gerninatis, fruct. sub4gono Canada, Hudson bay, and boreal regions. 257. Nemop. fascicidaris Raf. fol, subfasc. ovalis ellipt. ovatisque integris acutis, vel ohtu- sis, fl. masc. fasciculatis, fruct. subgloboso. Mts. and hills of. New England and New York : this was my original sp. of the Catskill Mts. perhaps only a variable deviation ; seot me also from the plains of Ohio and near Lake Erie. 258. BRAXYLIS Raf. diff. Aquifolium, Indis fl, stam. 4, stylo brevis, stigma unicuni obtus. dni- pa uniloc. l-2sperma Here begins to appear a short style as in next, lacking in all others. 259. Brajrylis obcordata Raf. Ilex do S\v. 52 8YLVA TELLUK. auct. fol. sparsis obcord. coriaceis avenis, ped. brvi>; 3fl. -j\Its. of Jamaica. 250. ENNEPTA Raf. (9-7) infectbria, granatum $c* Sections may be formed by fruit smooth or rough or villose or tuberculate. Leiosuke, TrcixisuJcc, SuJcoisia and Tulosuke. 304. Subg. KENKRAMIS R. (n. gr.) diff. cali- culo diphyllo, lac. reflexis types F. palmata, pertusa, prinoides, umbellata tyc. 305. Subg. COTTANA R. (n. lat.) diff. caliculo 4fido. Type F. lutea &c. 306. Subg. TEREGA R. (n. ind.) diff. ombil. aperto, squamis pluribus imbricatis Type F, ampelas &,c. 307. Subg. SUKEON R. diff. Per. ovato vel ellipt. Types F. glomerata* citrifoita, &c. 308. GONOSUKE R, (ang. fig) diff. periantho angulato villoso vel. hirto, calic. nullus, ombil. multisquamato, FoL oppositis. The habit in- dicates a Gr. as in next, probably 3 or 4 types with opposite leaves, Gon* scabra, liispida, de- monum &c, Ficus do of authors, blended by Smith in F. oppositifolia of Roxburg. 309. VARINGA Rumf. Raf, diff. Sukambros ? per. pyrif. durum, extus scrobiculat. iritus fun- gosum, calic. Sphylus. Scandens, ramis arti- cid. foL alt. Type V. rcpens or F. pumilus L. and probably all the scandent kinds, 310. NECALISTIS Raf. diff. 30*1, caliculus nul- lus, fruct. nudo Types Nee. turbinata, aspera &c, and probably many other sp. of Ficus. 311. OLUNTOS Raf. (n. lat,) diff. 302 per. glo- bosis, caliculus inequalis multifidus obliq, ombi- licus non squamoso trigono marginato vel trilo- bo Type O. trigono Raf. and probably O. le- nigata with trilobe orifice, but calicule less un- equal. 312. FERULA Raf. (n, ind.) diff. 302, caliculus polyphylus magnus ad periantho sepe equalis. tfcNT. IY. ft* Types P. benghalensis, rubiginosa, retusa &c, perianthe of '2 forms, whence 2 subg. 313. REPHESIS R. (covering) diff. periantho duplex, extus caliculans carnosus, deinde calyp- trans vel. dehiscens certainly a very distinct and singular G. with 2 types R. ovata, and ca- lyptrata* 314. TREMOTIS Raf, (hole ear) diff. 302, per turbinato ad apicem umbilicis 5, lateralis 4 per- tusis apendice cartilagineo munitis very curi- ous G probably with many other characters, be- sides the 4 holes and ears around the central. 315. Tremotis cor data Raf. Ficus auriculata Lour. M. Sm. fol. cord, subserratis tomentosis, fruct, glomeratis biuncialis rubris. In Anam or Cochinchina. 316. MASTOSUKE Raf. diff, Periantho monoico tuberc. mamillaris, umbil. Sfido, caliculo 3part, distans, intus fl. masc. stam. 1, anthera stipitata renif. uniloc. fl. fern. ovar. pedicel, stylo latera- lis Genus akin to Oluntos, one type. 317. Mastosiike rubiginosa R^f. Ficus do Desf. hot, mag. 2939. F. australis W. &c fol. petiol. ellipt. subcord. obt. subtus rubiginosis, fr. axil, sepe geminatis pedunc. Australian tree. 318. ELEOCARPUS L. another G. blending many, Dicer a and Valeria have been removed, but many others must also. The real types are E, serrata and oblonga Gaertn. 1, t. 43, which had been blended in E, monogynus or mono- ceros of authors: these having 5 multifid petals, anthers equaly 'bivalve, one hairy style, drupe with rough nut, leaves alternate &c. 319. GANITRTJM Raf. diff. cal. 4ph. petalis 4 trifidis 4*c. Type G. obtusum R. Eleoc, inte- grif. Lam. P. (Rumf. 3, 192) fol. ovatobl. obtu- sis integris. Tree of Molucas and Mauritius, 60 fYLVA TKLLUR. that of Loureiro is different and perhaps a Va- teria. 320. PERINKA Raf. (n. ind.) diff. 316, antheris ineq. bivalvis, valva una aristata. Types P. reticulata and grandiflora Raf. or Eleoc. do of Smith monograph. 321. MISIPUS Raf. (n, myth) diff. 316, petalis trilobis non multif. styhs 4, antheris villosis, bac- ca 4 loc. 8sp. F0/, oppos. 322. Mislpus scrratas R. Dicera do Forst. Eleoc. dicera L. auct, fol. ovatis dupl. serratis Polynesian tree. 323. SKIJIAJVTHERA R. (split anth) Dicera Forst. non Lour. nee. aptum din . 316, petalis 31obis non multif. antheris bifidis, stylis 2, capsula bi- locul, poly sperm a fol. oppos. By the capsular fruit not even of GUTTIFERES family, nearer to the HITERICINES. Dicera meaning 2 horns is hardly a fit name. 324. Skidantk. dcntata R. Dicera do Forst. Eleoc. dentata Vahl. &c. 325. GANDOLA Raf. (n. ind.) cal. colorato cal- iculato, extus Ssquamis, tuboinftato. limbo 6fido, stam. 6, ovar. 41obo, stylis 4, bacca41oba 4sper- ma. Frutex vohtb. fol. alt. fl< spictftis quite unlike Basella to "which united although of same family. 326. Gandola nigra Raf. Basella do Lour, fol. ovat.subrot. spicis lateralib. Anam, G. alba Rumf. is a second sp. probably and different from Basella alba of Linneus. 327. SILADINUS Raf. (myth) Efioic. fl. fern, ca- pit. ut Cephalanthus sed corolla 5fida libera stylo filif. stig. acut. ovar. liber, akena nuda ovata compr. monosp. fol. alternis not a Nau- dea, not even same family, rather of VERPE- NIDES. CENT. IV. 01 328. Silamnus procumbes R. Cephalauthus do Lour. auct. f'ol. ovato lanceol. petiolatis to- mentosis Shrub of Anam. 329. AXOLUS R. (myth) cliff Cephal. phorantho villoso, cal. subul. villosis, fruct, baccatus, acinis 2loc. 2sp. foL oppos.Tiris is of family NAU- CLIDKS. 330. Axolus angastif. R. Cephalanthus do Lour. auct. Arboreus, fol. lineari lanceolatis Anam. 331. GILIPUS R. (Hero) diff. Ceph. Dioic. fl. fern, adherens 4fidus, cor. nulla, akena compres. subpapposa. foL alter nis. The lacking corolla is strange, but perhaps it exists in male fl. and is stain iuiferous, by alterne leaves &c. akin to 327. 332. Gilt pus montanus R. Cephal. do Lour, auct. Arboresc. fol. alt. petiol. ovat. crenat. acum. subtus tomentosis. Anam. 333. EKESIMUS R. (hero) cliff. Ceph. cal. libero 4fid subul, cor. adherens 4fida reflexa, antheris 4 sessilib. stylo elong, akena monosp. fol* ver- ticil. Habit of NAUCLIDES, but the corolla is probably a calix calculate. 334. Eresimus stellatus R. Cephal. do Lour, auct. arboreus, fol. ternis lin. lane, glabris. Anam. 335. CHOTON L, &c. This G. now vastly in- creased in sp. Kunth alone having 50 American contains trees, shrubs and plants, quite unlike and not connected by any precise character, of which Adanson made 2 G. and Necker 6, while I must propose over a dozen of them, having nearly the same fruit like EUPHORBIDES, but va- riable perigone and stamens: my Cretan and of Necker is monoical and has, cal. teres 5dent. persistens, corolla decidua 5petala, stam. 10 63 8YLVA TELLUR. basi connexa, stig. C, caps. Svalv. Ssperma. Types all the sp. that are such or yet doubtful, and must be revised. Among the trees are Cr. alnifolinm, bcttdinum,gossypif, balsaniif. 336. KURKAS Ad. Raf. diff. Crbton, stam., pin- rima 15-30, liberis SYLVA TELLUR. CENTURIA VI. 501 . Cissus L. only 6 sp. in Lihneus, now over 100 by uniting thereto a medley of plants with totaly different habit and -even flowers, leaves simple, ternate, digitate, pinnate &c indicating peculiar G. which I shall partly settle; but as the flowers of all are not described, they must be verified. My Cissus R. will have cal. 4dent. petalis 4 liberis, disco piano, stain. 4 liberis epi- tlisco, stylo tereto, stig. obt. bacca globosa mo- nosp. ticandens, foL simplicib* alt. such are most of the sp. probably. 502. IRSIOLA Brown, Raf. diff. calix planus 4gonus,pet. 4 reflexis epicalix. stain. 4 monadel- phis urceol. 4part. antheris in sinub. ovar. 4gon. stylus, stig, acut. drupo monosp. urnbilicato. Frut. scand. jol. simpl. fl, umbeL Type Irs. sicy aides Raf. C. do L. 503. KEMOXIS Raf. (sour Ivy) diff. cal. ur- ceol. obt. 4dent. persistens, pet. 4 refl. basi coal- itis, disco marginatus. FoL trifolialis, Jl. um- bellatis Type K. acida R. Cis, do L. 501. GONOLOMA Raf. (ang. edge) diff. cal. piano marginans integro 4gono, pet. 4,stylo 4sfono. FoL trifol. fl. umbel Type G, alata Raf^ Cis- sus trifoliata L, and probably several other tri- foliate sp. 505. ITUTEIUON Raf. (n. gr. Hedera) diff. cal. urceol. 4fidus persiscens, pet. 4 revolutis basi coalitis marcescens persistens. Arbor foL. oppos. simpl. jt. panic. Is it of same family ? 506. Ituterion arborea R. Cissus do Forsk, auct. fol. petiol. obi. crassis integris, fl. sessil large tree of Arabia with very peculiar habit, berries pisiform yellow or black. 507. SCF.LANTIIUS Forsk, united to Cissus by CENT. VI. Vahl. is yet a peculiar G. several sp rotundif. 4gonus, (fee. 503. RINXOSTYLIS Raf. (beak st) diff. bacca pyriformis stylo persistens rostrata. fl. timbel. Types R. rcpanda Raf. Cissus do Vahl. auct. 509. PEDASTIS Raf. diif. 501, bacca41ocul. 4sperma. fol. pedatis. Type P. indica Raf. Cissus pedata auct, 510. CAUSONIA Raf. med. ft. 1830 diff. 501. petalis 4 erectis cuculatis, disco 41obo, stam 4 fertiles, 4 steriles lobis alt. fol. subpinnatis Type C. japonica Raf. Vitis do Thunb. Cissus do W. P. 511. QumARiARaf. med. fl. 1830 Psedera Necker, diff. 501. cal. 4-5lobus, pet. 4-5 cucula- tis erectis, stain. 4-5, disco piano, bacca 4-51oc. 4-5sperma. fol. digit, fl. panic. Types nearly all the sp. with digitate leaves, particularly Q. hederacea Raf. or Hedera, Vitis and Cissus 5fo- lia of Authors ! also Q. hirsuta R. of North America often deemed a var. of it, and 3. Q. japonica R. the Vitis pentaphyla of Thunberg. 512. NEKEMIAS Raf. (not Ivy) diff'. 501, cal. marginans, integro undulato, petalis 5 basi coal- itis patens pubescens, stam. 5, disco membran- oso undulato sublOlobus, stylo brevis, stig. obt. bacca 21ocul. 2-4sperma. Scaridens jol. bi- pinn. fl. corymbosis very peculiar G. wrongly united to 4 others. Several pinnate leaved Cis- sus may belong to it, but the type is 513. Nekcmias bipinnata Raf. Ampelopsis do MX ! Cissus do Elliot, Vitis arborea L ! He- dera do Walt ! Cissus stans Pers. Pursh ra- mis viminalis subang. fol. bipinn. decomp. folio- lis ovato lanceol. dentatis iucisis lobatis, corym- bis dichotomis Carolina to Louisiana, seen alive like the last and next. 88 SVLVA TELLUR. 514. AMPELOPSIS MX. This G. must be re- stricted to A. cordifolia, having realy the ap- pearance of a Grape Vine, and only differing by petals not hooded nor coherent, disk cup like lobed persistent. 515. ALLOSAMPELA Raf. med fl. 1830. cal. 5dent. superus, pet. 5 ovatis cone, acum, stam. monadelphis 5, disco urceol. truncato persistens, bacca uniloc. 2-4sp. cal. et disco coronata. Hab. Vitis Not even of family SARMENTACEA ; but of HEDERACEA that, differs by ovary inferior and stamens alternate, akin to Araliacea differ- ing by several styles. 516. Allosampela heterophyla Raf. Vitis do Thunb. auct. fol. simpl. inciso serratis lobatis- que nudis, paniculis axil Vine of Japan, 517. PIOCTONON R. (n. gr.) diff. ad Heliotro- pium, cal. Sfidus, cor. hypocr. limbo piano 5go- no, faux clausa sq, 5 angulis oppos. stig. capit. capsula subrot. disperma vel akenis 2 globosis coaiitis Frutic. Jl. spicatis The G. Heliotro- pium is yet one of the most anomalous of Borra- gines, although once deemed a very natural Genus, many G. must be separated from it. This has 3 types at least. 518. Pioctonon antillanum Raf. Hel. fruti- cosum L. Tournefortia humilis L fol. alt. lin. lane, hirsuta, marg. revol. subt. incanis, spicis nudis solit. fl. secundis Antilles, shrub 2 feet high, fl. white. 519. Pioctonon per sicum Raf. Hel. do Vitm, H. frutic, var. Pers. Burm. t. 19 fol. alt. lin. lane, villosis recurvis, spicis term, foliosis Persia. 520. Pioctonon ternatum R. Hel. do Vahl &c. fol. alt. ternisque lanceol, subt. incanis, spi- cis conjugatis Antilles. CENT. VI. 89 521. DIALION R. (n. gr.) diff. Heliotrop. cor, villosis, tubo conico, limbus plicis dentif. inter lac. sem. 4 villosa,^. spicatis. 522. Dialion undulatum Raf. Heliotr. do Vahl &c. Lithosp. hispidum Forsk Dicho- tome shrub of Egypt. 523. SCORPIANTHES Raf. diff. Heliotr. cor. in- fundib. faux pervia, dentis inter lobis, sem. vil- losa,^. spic. 425. Scorpianthes lineatum Raf. Hel. do Vahl &c. Lithosp. heliotropoides Forsk dicho- tome shrub of Arabia. 525. PERISTIMA Raf. (around stig.) diff. He- liotr. cor. faux nuda, limbo piano, stylus medio incrassato, annulo lato circumdatus sub stigma quod bifidus est, sem. baccatis coalitis inter bac- ca 4ang, 4sp. hardly of same family, very near Ehretia. 526. Peristima bicolor Raf. Heliotr. bacca- tum Forsk. Vitm. caule frutescens prostrato, fol. obi. hispidis Arabia, small low shrub, flowers tube yellow, limb white. 527. Besides these frutescent N. G. there are others herbaceous included in Heliotr opium, whereof Tiaridium of Lehman is one including many sp. blended in Hel. indicum or akin there- to, with fruit bifid formed of 2 coalescent seeds, our American sp. is quite distinct even in Ge- nus! see 531. 528. SYNZISTACHITJM Raf. diff. Heliotr. cor. tubo clavato longissimo, limbus 5fidus, fruct. 2partibilis 2sp. akin to Messersmidia, type S. peruvianum R. Hel. synzist. R, P. auct. H. microstachium has the same fruit, but how is co- rolla ? several other Peruvian sp. have very pe- culiar habit by flowers corymbose and will pro- bably form other Genera. The H. pinnatum 12 f)0 SVLVA TELI.UR. is so different from all that it must also be a pe- culiar Genus. The Schobera of Scopoli and Necker was separated also from Heliotropium by capsule didyme umbilicate 41oc. 4sp. but 1 clont know which is the type, unless some Tiari- dium or the next G. 529. ELIOPIA Raf. (n. gr.) diff. Heliotr. cal. tubuL 5dent. cor. hypocr. faux clausa Sradiata, stig. capit. planum, sem. 4 eq. ovatis This al- though based on the H. indicum, is very differ- ent from Tiaridium by calix and seeds, '2 types. 530. Eliopia serrata Raf. fol. ovatis subcord. subserratis rugosis hirtis, spicis term, solit. fl. se- cundis biserialis Antilles and tropical America, the Heliotr. indicumofSwtirtz &c, H. americ. of Sabati 4*c, fl pale blue. 531. FJiopia riparia Raf. fol. ovatis subre- pandis rugosis hirtis, spicis term, solit. fl. secun- dis uniserialis banks of streams in N. Amer. the Heliotr. indicum of all the N. Amer. bo- tanists. Elliot calls the calix 5parted and 4 seeds angular. 532. HIIIZAERIS R. (air root) [diff. Conocar- pus, cal. cone. 5dent. petalis 5, stam. 10, alt. 5 brevior. ovar. cord. lOstriatum, akenis corona- tis obov. sulc. indehisc. aptcris. fi. racemosis. bracteatis very diff. from Conocarpus with ca- pitate naked fl. cal. Sparted, no petals, 5fertile stam. 5 sterile, nuts in cones winged &c. The name derives from the seeds germinating in the air as in Rhizophora. 533. Rhizaeris alba Raf. Conoc. racemosa L. auct. The white Mangrove of Antilles. 534. ZAMZELA R. (hot) diff, ad Hirtella, stam. 3 (nee 5) types Z. racemosa Raf. Hirt. trian- dra auct, and 2 Z. rugosa R. Hirt. do auct. 535. SPIIENISTA R. ' (wedged) diff. Hirtella fruct drupa (nee bacca) cuneat. incurvat. stylo, CENT. VI. 91 basi germ, nee ad latere Type Sph. pcruma- na Raf. Hirt. do Pers. H. racemosaR. P. Cos- mibuena R P, bad name. 536. THEVETIA Ad. Scop. Neck. diff. ad Cer- bera cal. 5phyl. cor. clavata infund. nect. Sdent. stellato. stig. capit. 5gon, emarg. drupa, nux 21oc. Types Th. linearis Raf. Cerb. thevetia L. auct. 2 Th. ahuaL and probably some others. 537. PHYLLANTHUS L. from 7 linnean sp. in- creased to over 60 by a strange medley, even Xylophyla, Kirganelia and Conarnia being thrown into it ; whereby it is become as absurd as Croton ! and more difficult to rectify by the few good descriptions of flowers. However I had long ago attempted it and shall now give a sketch of my labor, which must be deemed very imperfect. See till 552, mostly shrubs. 538. PHYLLANTHUS Raf. monoic. cal. Gpart. pet. nullis, stam. 3 monadelphis, fl. fern, stylis 3', bifidis caps. Scocca, foL florifens most of the species. 539. EMBLICA Gaertn. Raf. diff. antheris 3 coalitis ad apex filam. unicum, fruct. baccatus, fol. pinnatis Types 1 Embl. arborea Raf. Ph. emblica L. 2 E. annua R, Ph. bacciformis L. 3 E. racemosa R. and probably some others. 540. NIRURIS Raf. diff. cal. Gfido vel 6dent. caps. Giocularis. Several sp. blended in Ph. niruri, some even of different Genera ! such as Kirganelia and Mceroris. Type 541. Niruris indica Raf. fruticul. pinnulis petiol. fl. axil, solit. pedunc. India, a 2d sp. is N. annua. 542. MCERORIS Raf. diff. cal. 5phyl. glandulis 5 ad basis, caps. 31oc, 6valv. 543. Matrons stipulata Raf. Phyll. niruri, Swartz. Herbacea, foliolis obi. Baucis subsess. 92 SYLVA TELLUR. stipulis 2 geminatis coloratis, fl, axil. ped. nu- tantib. Mts." of Jamaica. 544. NELLICA Raf. (n. ind.) diff. cal. 5dent. petalis 5, stam. 5 monadelphis Type N. made- raspatana R. Phyl. do L. 545. XVLOPHYLA auct. dift*. stylis 2, caps. 2sper- mis, fol. simpl. margine floriferis most of the sp. but all must be verified. 516. LOMANTHES Raf. (marg. fl.) diff. stam. 6 liberis, stylus Spart. stig. 3, caps 31oc. Gvalv. 6sp. fl. marginalis polyg. Type L. latifolia Raf. Phyl. and Xyloph. do auct. Genesiphyla of Lher. 547. HEXADENA Raf. diff. stam. 3 liberis, glandulis 6 ad basis, stylo 3fido, stig. 6. caps, 31oc. Gvalv. 6sp. fl. marginalis polygamis Type H. angustif. R. Phyl. and Xyloph. do auct, 548. KIRGANELIA Juss. very good G. wrongly made a subg. by Persoor^type K. virginea,b\ei\- ded in Ph. niruri by L. 546. GENESIPIIYLA Lher. diff. 547. stam. 3 monadelphis, glandulis 6, cal. fern. 3gono 3d, stig. 9 Type G. apeciosa Raf. Phyl. do Sw.P. 550. CONAMIA Aubl. Raf, diff. 538, ovar. Gstriat. stylis 3, stig. 6 villosis, caps. Glocul. 6sp. foL simpL fl. axil. 551. Conamia brasiliensis Aubl, R. fol. su- brot. acut. ineq. integr. fl. agregatis Guyana &/ Brazil, shrub 6 feet high, fl. greenish. 552. SYNEXEMIA Raf. 1825. Mascalanthus Nuttal 1834. See my Neog. 10, Flora Tellur. 1191, New Flora 995 diff. 538, stam, 6 apice liberis, caps, Gvalv. Gsp. fol. distichis fl. axil, gemin Types 8. obovata R, Phyl. do and ca- rolinianus, 2 S. cuneifolia Raf. n. fl. 995, and other small annual plants of N. America. 553. BELLUCIA Neck. 833. cal. superus sim- CENT. VI. 93 plex 3-5fidus coriaceus, petalis 7-9 epiealix un- guic, fimbriata, stam. 12-18, filarn. conniv. an- theris liberis, stylo incurvo clavato, bacca plu- riloc. polysp. very different from Blakea with double calix, outer inferior, both Gfid, 6pet. 12 stam. anthers coalescent, caps. Oloc. &c. Both of MELASTOMIDES family. 554. Belinda nervosaHzf. Blakea tripliner- via L. auct. 5nervia Aubl. a tree of Guyana 18 feet high. 555. MELASTOMA L. this beautiful G. has been increased from 15 linnean sp. to 114 in Persoon, and now over 150, Kunth alone has 34 of S. America. As usual in such large groups a med- ley of G. has been blended, requiring revision. They are chiefly shrubs and plants seldom trees, which I divide in 38 good Genera types of family MELASTOMIDES ; except those with free ovary that are like Rhexia of family LYTHRIDIA subfamily Rhexides. 556. MELASTOMA Raf. cal. camp. 5dent. pet. 5, stam, 10, stig. obt. vel capit. bacca coronata 51oc. polysp. &c. Subg. may be formed by the shapes of stigma, anthers 4' c - Most of the sp, belong here, such as M. aspera, strigosa, re- pens, trinermS) parviflora, agrestis, grossa, granularis,nervosa, ciliata,cymosa, rigida Sm. cuprea Sm. and many others. 557. DANCERA Raf. (hot) diff. 556, cal. 5-6fi- dus, pilis sanguineis hirtis, lac. ovatis, postice aucta lac. linearib. stylo crasso, stig. concav. pet. 5-6, stam. 10-12, antheris bifidis. Frutex, fol. 5nerv. fl. axiL Type D. hirta Raf. Mi do L. Sw. auct. but many blended sp. under that name of other genera ? 558. SERICOLA Raf. diff. 556, cal. obi. tubul. 91 SYLVA TELLUlt. 5fid. antheris longissimis falcatis, ovar. obi. stylo longus curvus, stig. clavat. Frutex. fl. raccm. Type S. brachiata Raf. Mel. holosericea L. auct. Brazil shrub, M. amygdalina, Lam. with terete calix is perhaps a 2d sp. 559. Ziegera Raf. (hot) diff. 55G. cal. brevis dentes 5 obt. petalis 5 infra dentes, stam. 10, filam. genicul. antheris erectis apice perforatis, stig. truncat. concav. Frutex,fl. raeem. panic. Type Z. lemgata Raf. Mel. do L. auct. an- tillian Shrub, 560 ACINODENDRON L. 1st. ed. since blended in Melastoma, but diff. by calix turbinate, arbores- cent and probably other characters in anthers and stigma. Probably several blended sp. and types, at least three, and some other trees may belong here. 561. Acinod. aurea Raf. (Sp. of Smith) fol, ovat acum. serratis Snervis aureo-hirtis, panic, term, trichotomis, ped. 2-3fl. fl. sessilib. bractea- tis tree of Guyana. 562. Acinod. laxiflora Raf. fol, lato ellipt. denticul. Snerv. subt. canis racemis axil, laxis S. Amer. tree 20 feet high flowers white, the genuine linnean sp. 563. Acinod. cymosa Raf. M. acinbd. W. P. fol. ovatis acum. dentic. Snervis, fl. axil, cy- mosis. Antilles. 564. OXISMA Raf. (split claw) diff. 556, peta- lis basi fissis ut 2 unguic. vel pet. 10, per paria apice coalitis, bacca umbilic. Arbor, fl. co- rymb Types Oar. arbor escensH&f. Melast. do Aubl. large tree of Guyana 60 feet high. fl. white and 2 Ox. flavescens (M. aubL) another tree 10 feet high. 565. ACINOLIS R. (scaly berry) diff. 556, cal. turbinato 5-6angul. dentato, 10-12 costato, extus M*, vi. 95 squamosus, pet. 5-Cparvis, stani. 10-12. bacca squamosa, Frutex, Jl. panic. Type. 566. Acinolis elliptica Raf. Melast. squamu- losa Sm. fol. ellipt. obt. integris Snervis subtus canis Shrub of New Grenada disc, by JVIutis. Perhaps M. staminea Lam. is a 2d sp. 567. AULIPHAS Raf. (sulc. cup) diff. 556, cal. cupularis hemisphenco sulcato 5dent. stig. con- cavo cupularis. Frutex, ft. panic. 568. Auliphas tigustrina Raf. MelasU do Sm. fol, ovatis obt, integris another shrub of Bogota, 569. SYNODON Raf. diff. 556, cal. 5-6dent. coalitis calyptrans sepe deciduis vel latere fi'sso, pet. 5-6. stam. 10-12. ovar. annulo coronata Types S. calyptrata and montana Raf, Me- last do auct. 570. EUSTEGIA Raf. diff. 569. cal. indiviso in- tegro calyptrato deciduo, pet. 5-6, stam. polyan- dris, bacca non coronata, concreta, 5-6locul G. near to last, also to Eucalyptus and Calyptran- t/ies , probably of MYRTIDES family by many sta- mens like them. Also akin to Thylacium of Loureiro but with free berry, 3 types. 571. Eustcgia mutisi Raf, Melast. do Kunth. Arborea, fol. cordatis hirtis tree of Andes. 572. Eustegia pulverulenta Raf Melast. ex- tinctoria Kunth. Arborea, fol. ovatobl, acum. pulverulentis tree of Bogota. 573. Eustegia tomentosa Raf. Melast. jala- pense Kunth. Fjruticosa, fol. lanceol. subtus to- mentosis Shrub of Mexico. 574. OCTONUM Raf. diff. 556. cal. Sdent. pe- talis 8, stam. 16 Type Oct. humboldi Raf. Melast. octonum Kunth. 575. ANTHERYTA Raf. (anth, rug) diff. 556, 96 SVLVA TKLLUR. cal.'5iidus, pet. 5, stam. 10 ineq. declinatis, fi- lam. supra lanatis, antheris linearib. flexuosis rugosis. Frutex fi. panic. 576. Ant fiery ta granulosa Raf. Melast. do Lam. Pers. b* reg. 671, b. mag. 2431. Rhexia fontainesia H. B. t. 36, ramis 4gonis alatis, fol. ovat. lanceol. integris 5nervis, supra granulosis, panic, termin Shrub of Brazil, fl. purple. 577. ARTIIROSTEMA Grab. diff. 556,cal.4dent. pet. 8. retusis, stam. 8 ineq. antheris porosis bi- auricul. caps. 41ocul by capsule nearer to Rhexia? is it free/ 578. Arthrostema nitida Gr. b. mag. 3142. frutic. pilosa fol. ovat. 5nervis serrul, Shrub of Buenos Ayres. 579. ALOSEMIS Raf. (half diff.) diff. 556, cal. 4-5dent, pet. 4-5, stam 8-10, ineq. alternis bre- vior sepe sterilis vel castratis 3 Types 1 Al. zeylanica Raf. Meiast. octandra L. auct. 2 Al. grandifiora, Melast. do auct. and next. 580. Aloseris mllosa Uaf. Melast. do Lod. 853 (non Aublet) b. mag. 2630 Frutic. fol. ova- tis villosis integris 5nervis, fl. term. 1-4. South America. 581. GONEMA Raf. (gen. fil) diff, 556. cal. ur- ceolatus 4fidus, pet. 4 parvis acutis, stam, 8 fi- lam. genicul. antheris linearis acutis, styl. crasso stig. obt. Frutex, JL axil. Types G, scabrosa Raf. Melast. do L. auct. 2 Gr. divaricata,W . P. 582. LOMANTIJERA Raf. diff. 556, cal. 4d. pet. 4 unguic. stam. 8, antheris utrinque latere mem- brana marginatis, stylus elong. bacca 4loc. Type L. glandulosa Raf. Melast. do auct. 583. OCTELLA Raf. diff. 556, cal. 4d. pet. 4, stam. 8, filam. abreviatis, antheris curvis, bacca 4Ioc. Types, several octandrous sp. but must all be examined again, such are Melast. angus- CENT. VI. 97 tif. microphyla, capillaris, umbrosa, coccinea, vaccinoides, fasciciriaris, hispida.axillaris, alpina, verticillata, lateriflora, virgata, glabrata, repens. 584. ANTISOLA Raf. diff. 583 stam. 4. Fyutex fl. racem. certainly a very striking G. the sta- mens being equalised to petals. 485. Antisola racemosa Raf. Mel. tetrandra Sw, auct. fol, obi. glabr. integr. Snervis, racemo erecto term Shrub of Jamaica &,c. 580: LOMANODIA (Raf. (edge entire) diff 556, calix integro truncato . . 2 types L. glabra, and miicronata Raf. Melast. do auct. 587. MALABATHRIS Raf. diff. 556, cal. squa- mis fimbriatis vestitus imbricatis ut in Cyanus this may be only a subg. unless other characters exist, it was the original Melastoma, two types 1 Mt. nigra R. (Mel. malabathrica Lj and M. cyanoides Raf. Mel. do Smith, both Indian shrubs, Smith quotes for the last Kadali Rh. 4, t. 43 and Rumf. 4 t. 71. 588. FOLOMFIS Raf. vel Pholomphis (scaly umb) diff. 556, bacca duplice umbilicata, squa- mis fl. umb. centralis clauso. Probably other characters also. Type Mel. fragilis, Shrub of Guyana, compare Gynomphis, 597. 589. ZULATIA Neck. 791. Raf. emend, diff. 556, petalis 5 ineq. 4 eq. minor, 1 major, anthe- ris bifidis, bacca 31oc. 6sp. 3 types Z.lemgata, alata, grandiftora Ref. all Melastomas do Au- blet, Shrubs of Guyana. His lemgata is differ- ent from Synoptera 596. Is his grandiflora the same as Alosemis grandiflora ? 590. EXODICLIS Raf. (out 2v) diff. 556, petalis ineq. 4 minima, cal. caliculato, bracteis 2 bival- vis, ovar. libero, capsula libera 2-5valvis, cal. et valvis obsita. Annuls cinereis,fl. corymb* < c 13 $8 VJAA TELL1R. 2 types. EJC. latifoL and angustif. Raf. Mc- last. bivalvis and trivalvis Aublet,Rhexia do W. P. &c family RHKXIDES. 591. XEKACINA Raf. (dry berry) diff. 550, cal. turbinato libero, bacca cxsuca &c 3 types X. mllosa, aquatica, scandens Raf. Melast. do Aublet. Is M. staminea Lam. with cal. turb. striate a 4th ? 592. JARAVEA Neck. 792, diff. 566, cal. libero, antheris bifidis, capsula libera Slocul several sp. of Aublet belong here, and in Necker it in- cluded Exodiclis. 593. BENKAKA Ad. diff. 556, stam. 5, bacca 4locul. polysp. Spinosis, spiels axil is it of this family? Adanson quotes as type Benkara Rh. 5. t. 35. B. galia Raf. 594. NAREGA Raf. Catunaregam Ad diff.556, cal. 4-5fid. pet- 4-5, stam. 8-10, bacca 21ocul./. corymb Type N. coduva Raf. Rheed. 4 1. 13. Malabar. 595. SOTULARIA H. (n. iud.) Catuadamboe Ad. diff. 556, cal, 5-7fid. pet. 5-7, stam. 5-7, bac- ca 5-71ocul. sem. planis fl. panicul Type & malabarica Raf. Rh. 4 t. 22. 590. SYNOPTERA Raf. (union by wings) diff. 556, cal. tubul. 5dent. pet. 5ineq. contortis,stam. 10 ineq. genicul, ovario ad cal. coalito alis 10 membr. stig. concavum very strange and pe- culiar union of calix by membranose wings. Type S. levigata Raf. Mel. do L. auct. and per- haps other sp. may offer this singularity of struc- ture, compare Zulatia 589. 597. GYNOMPHIS R, (fern, umb) diff. 556. cal. tubul. Sfidus, pet 5 obcord. fil. et antheris incur- vis ovar. 5dent. capsula umbil. apice 5valvis 51oc. fl. panic Type G. argentea Raf. Mel. do Lam. Rhexia holosericea H. B, t. 12. b. reg, 323, se- SENT. ri. ricea, fol. ov. cord. int. panic, term plant of Brazil, flowers dark blue. 598. ABROPHAES Raf. (elegant aspect) Foth- ergilla Aubl. non alis diff. 556, cal. turb. 5dent. bibract. pet. 5 eq. unguic. antheris incurvis, sty- lus longus pilosus, stig. capit. planum. bacca ex- suca striata coronata 31ocul. Frnt. Jl. racem* 599. Abropkaes mirabilis R. Foth. do Aubl. Vitm. Melast. tamonea Sw. W. P. auct. fol. pet. ovatobl. acute integris 5nervis subt. toment. ra- cemis term, Shrub of Guyana 4-5feet high, flowers white. 600. CLASTILIX Raf, (broken calix) diff. 556. cal. tubuloso obi. vel ovato inequaliter disrum- pentes Types Cl. mcxicana, tunicata, Raf, Melast of Kunth. Such was the medley of Melastomas, united by no characters, except leaves opposite ner- vose ! ! ! not satisfied with this, the Linnean Bot- anists and even Kunth have thrown into it the good G. Maieta. Tococa, Topobea of Aublet, and even Tristema of Jussieu! also Tibuchina since put in Rhexia with all the capsular sp. see next Centuria. It appears that all the sp. with inferior berries form this family, to which ought to be united the baccate EriLOBions, such as Fuchsia, Muriria, Cacucia, Dorvallia &c and the MYRTIDES with definite stamens. \(X) SYLVA TELLUR. CENTURIA VII. 601. MAIETA Aubl. Jus, Vitm. diflf. 555, cal. obi. 5gonus, antheris bicornis, ovar. 5gon. stylo brevis, stig. cap. rut. fl. axil Type M. gida- nensis Aubl, (fee. Mel. maieta W. P. &c. 602. TOCOCA Aubl. Jus. Vitm. cliff. 556. cal. turb. 5d. pet. 5 cone, invol. stam. 10 inserta ad disco annularis supra cal. anther, obi. acut. bac- ca Slocul. Frut. fl. spic. vertic. Type T. guinensis Aubl. &c. Mel. physiphora V. W. P. Is, M. verticillata a 2d sp ? 603. TOPOBEA Aubl. J. V. Drepanandrum Neck 793, diff. 556, cal. camp. 6cuspid. ad basi calic. involucro 4partito, pet. 6 ineq, stam. 12 incurva connivens, stylus declinatus, stig. capit. 6sulc. bacca spongiosa 61oc. involucro obvol. cal. deciduo non coronata. Sarment. Jl. axiL Type T. parasitica Aubl. t. 189. Mel. do auct. M. involucrata is peiTiaps a 2cl sp. and all the doubtful dodecandrous sp. may be refered to it till better known, such as M. patens Sw, nivea and setinoda Kunth &,c. 604. SAVASTANA Necker 795, Tibouchina Aubl. J. V. (n. barb) diff. 556, cal, 5fid.,basi squamis calicul. pet. ineq. 1 major, filam. incur- vis, anth. bicornis, stylo 5gon. stig. acutum,caps. olocul. ovalvis libera. Frut.fl. axil of family RHKXIDES, Type Sav. aspera Raf. Tib. do Aubl, 177. V. Melast. aromatica Vahl, P. Rhexia as- pera W. Pers. put in 2 Genera by Persoon ! 605. RHEXIA L, this G. has been greatly in- creased also by throwing into it all the capsular Melastomas and even Osbeckia, Kunth has 27 sp. those of N. America and akin form a natural genus by calix like a bottle 4toothed, 8 stamens &c ? all the others must be removed, CEXT. VII. 101 606. EmvNEs Raf. (n, myth) diff. Rhexia, cal. tubulosus tereto ident Type E. bonplandi Raf. Rh. do K. 607. A LI KAN A (Ad) diff. Rhcxia, cal. campan. ut Melast. 5dent. starn. 10, caps. Svalvis, pet. 5eq. Types all the decandrous Rhexias or A, canescens, striata, lutescens, rnontana Raf, (Rhex. polypetala R. P.) &c chiefly shrubs. Very near to Acisanthera. All the G. Rhexia was called Alifanus by Adanson. 608. BOLINA Raf. (nymph) Bertolonia Radi non Raf, 1814, diff. Rhexia, cal. angular 5gonus, stam. 10. B. divaricata, excelsa, conferta &/c put in Rhexia by Kunth, trees and shrubs. 609. OSBECKIA L, this G. lately deemed doubt- ful has been well settled by Smith, the main dif- ference from Rhexia being the small doubl^alt. teeth of calix, but it has also 8 or 10 stam. and calix of several shapes, which must be subg. at least until increased. Real Osbeckia, cal. in- fund. 8dent, 1 minor, pet. 4, stam. 8 Types O. chinensis, zeylanica, and perhaps ornata, but this called Rh. inconstans by others has perhaps ovary free ? how is the calix ? see 4 next G. or subgeneuar 610. KADALIA Raf. diff. Osb. cal. lOd. 5 sq. pet. 5, stam. 10. Types Osb. antennina, TO- tundif. Smith, African plants like 3 next. *Ka- dali was Osbeckia in Adanson. 611. DEROSIPHIA R. (neck tuGe) diff. Osb. cal. basi ventric. apice tubuloso elongato lOd. pet. 5, stam. 10 Tvpe Osb. tubulosa Sm. 612. HEDUSA Raf, (nymph.) diff. 611. cal. to- to tubul. tereto Type Osb. grandiflora Sm. 613. DUPINETA Raf. (boO diff. 611. cal. toto campan. ut in Melastoma sed lOd. 4c. Type Osb. multrflora Sm. 102 1YLVA TELLUR. 614. QUIRINA R- (nymph) diff. Cuphea, caps. 21oc. petalis minutissimis. rut. /Z. supraxil one of the G. blended in Cuphea with caps, uni- loc. petals unequal. 615,' Quirina microphyla R. Cuph. do Kunth, frut. scabra, fol. obi. lane, acutis, fl. su- prax. secundis albis Shrub of Mexico. 610. BERGENIA Raf. diff. Cuphea petalis ineq. Type C. siphilitica K. plant. Bergenia was Necker's name for G. Cuphea. 617. ENDECARIA Raf diff. Cuphea, cal. tubul. calcarato vel basi gibboso, Gdent. petalis 2 un- dulatis superis, inferis nullis, stam. 11. foL op- positis, fl. axil. 618. Endecaria coccinea Raf. Cuphea Lla- vea b. reg. 1386 fol. ovato lane. acum. ped. axil. l-3fl. nutans, pet. obov. coccineis Mexico. 619. MELVILLA Anderson, diff. Cuphea, cal. arcuato infundib. ringens ineq, 6dent. petalis nullis, stam. 12 declinatis ineq. caps. Hoc, pla- centis 2 centralis. fol. alt. fl. racemosis. 620. Melmlla speciosa And. R. Cuphea mel- villa b. reg. 852. fol. ov. lane, scabris subsess. racemis term Guyana, red flowers. 621. WOODFORDIA Sal. diff. Grislea and Ly- thrum, cal, clavato tubul. arcuato 6-12dent. pet. 6-12 extus glandulis 6-12 oppos. intus basi cal. nectario 6-12fidus staminif. stam. 6-18, antheris peltatis. Frut. fol. oppos. fl. term. very dis- tinct G. one of the dozen shuffled in Lythrurn by Linneus. 622. Woodf. floribunda Sal. par. 42, Ly- thrum fruticos. L. Grislea toment. W. auct. b. reg. 30. fol. sess. lanceol. integris subt. toment, China &C* shrub with torn bark, fl. scarlet. 623. LYTHRUM L. the herbaceous, sp. form many G. such as Decodon, Parsonsia, Pemphif, CENT. VII. 103 Ododeca Raf. Hexarina Ra and I will add 2 here. The incongruity was glaring, L. salica- via is the type of the Genus. 624. MELTON A R. (nymph) diff. cal. tubul. in- fund. strictus 6-10dent. petalis 6-10, stam. 6-10 ineq. stig. acut. caps, uniloc. oligosp. ad cal. erumpens, fl. alt. axil. Type M. purpurea Raf, Lythr. mclanium L. auct. 625. EDITELES R. (is 2 perf,) -cliff. Lythr. cal. 4dent. basi 2bract. calic. petalis 4, stam. 2. caps 2ioc. fol. aft, Type E. thymifolia Raf. Lythr, do L. 626. DIPETALON Raf. diff, Lythr. petalis 2 erectis, stam. 12. <$*c G, akin to Endecaria617, Type D. speciosum Raf. Lythr. dipetal. L. auct. frut. fol. opp. ternisque sess. ovatis visco- sis scabris Fine shrub of S, Amer. fl. violaceous. 627. NESAEA Jus. diff, Lythr. cal. ventric. 4-6d. pet. 4-6, stam. 8-12, caps. 41oc. Type N. triflora K. Lythr. do L. and the two next shrubs, but Decodon united by Kunth has caps. 31oc. 628. Nesaea speciosa K. frut. fol. sess. ovat. acutis, ped. ifl. fl. 12andris Brazil shrub. 629. Nesaea salicifolia K. frut. fol. pet. lane, acutis ped. Ifl. 12andris Mexican shrub. 630. BECKEA Osb. Sm. this G. has also been deformed by forcing N. G. into it, the original Gr. had cal. 5fid, pet. 5, stam. 8-10 ineq. caps, coro- natis 3-41oc. 3-4sp. but the 3 next G. are not such, all are shrubs and belong to the Myrtoi- des. Types B. chinensis nnd densifolia. 631. GOMPHOTIS R. (club ear) diff. Beckea, cal. Slobus coloratus, pet. 5, stam. 10 eq. orar. concretum, stig. capit. caps. 5loc. 632. Gomphotis saxicola R. Beckea do Hook. b. m. 3160, fol. oppos. imbric. obov. acu- tis. fl. axil, and term. Australian shrub. JOJ SVLVA TKLLI:R. 633. TRIPLAHINA Rat*, cliff. Ironi last, stamens 15. Type Tr. camphorata 11. Keck, do Hook. b. m. 2694, fol. 4far. imbric. cuneatis punctatis, fl 1-2 axil, albis Australian shrub, Leptosper- mum differs by 20 stam. fol. alt. 634. ALLOSTIS Raf. cliff. Beckia, stam. 5, caps, 21oc. Type .... 934. MURRINEA Raf. diff. B. cal. 4fid. pet 4, stam. 8. caps. 41oc. near next G. 635. CujACENARaf. (n. lat.) ditf. Myrtus, cal, adherens 4part. pet. 4, stam. 8, bacca 21oc polysp. Types Cl. vacchwidcs and Myrsinoi- des Raf. Myrtus do Kunth, shrubs of S. Amer- ica quite different from Myrtles, Plinius callet Myrtle Cluacena. 636. MYRTUS L. although apparently a natu- ral G. it has been found also anomalous, and to make the matter worse the G. Eugenia, Caryo- phylus, Zizygium, Jambolifera are proposed to increase it and make it absurd ; they must al be restored and some G. yet divided like the last : the anatomy of the seeds although so mucl thought of by some botanists, is here totally in- adequate, since variable forms are offered- by these Genera. The 31. communis has also many presumed varieties that are deviated species, 1 will give 5. 637. Myrtus italica Raf. ramis reotis, fol ovatolanc. acutis sess. baccis ovatis purp. Italy Spain . auct. with yellow fl. and perhaps Cl. guianensis with same habit, but petals de- flexed, 6 fertile stamens, pod declinate incurved swelled : is it another G. rather ? ONCUFIS Raf. 708. ENDOISILA Raf. (int. vill) diff. Euphor- bia, periantho 4 dent, intus villosus, 4 alt. peta- lif. crassa subrot. antheris 2 subsessilib. stig. 3 acutis. Frut. fol. oppos. fl. axil. very dis- tinct G. omitted (with a few 7 other here added) in my total reform of Euphorbias in Flora Tel- luriana 1167 to 1190, besides Lacanthis 356 r and in New Flora N. Am. Zalitea 999 and Apla- rina 992. 709. Endoisilamyrsinites Raf. Euph. do Sw. &e frut. rarnosiss. fol. orbic. obov. et obi. fl. axil, solit. ped Shrub of Antilles. 710. PECC ANA Haf. (hot.) diff. Euphorbia Pe- riantho JOfidus, 5 alt. subrot. crenatis, 5 alt. mi- nora tirrbin. truncata, stam. 8-10, stylis 3 bifidis CENT. VIII. 115 stig, 6 acutis. Prut, fol. oppos. fl. dichot. 711. Peccana glauca Raf. Euph. graminea Sw. non L. ramis trichot. fol. pet. ovat. integr, subt. glaucis, ped. axil, et term, dichot. paucifl. shrub of Jamaica 3 to 5 feet high, flowers small white. 712. DITRITRA Raf. (2-3-4) diff. Euphorbia, periantho ventricoso, 4dent. et 4 alt. petalif. crassa turbin. trunc. stam. 2-3-4, antheris gemi- natis, stylis 3 bif. stig. 6 obt. Herb, annua foL opp. fl. axil. Of this G. Swartz describes 3 sp. under names belonging toother sp. and Genera! 713. Ditritra obliqua Raf. E. hypericif. Sw. non alis, diffusa, fol. pet. ovat. obt.obliq.subserr. ped. alt. dich. multiff. Jamaica, fl. green. 714. Ditritra hirta Raf. E. do Sw. and L ? Hirsuta, fol. pet, ovat. acum. obliq. serratis, ped. oppos. rnultifl. confertis Jamaica, fl. red. 715. Ditritra rotundif. Raf. Euph. chame- syce Sw. non alis. procumbens, fol. pet. subrot. serrul. non obliq. fl. subsess. confertis Jamaica, fl. white. 716. MUNCHUSIA Raf. diff. Hibiscus, cal. ext. lOfidus eq. reflexis, cal. int. ineq. 5fid. 3 longiora nervosa, petalis 5 ineq. 3 erectis, 2 deflexis ex- tus toment. stylo 5fido, stig. 5 capit. akin to my G. Diplanoma herb of Florida, the name is borrowed of Heister, meaning unknown. 717. Munchusia tomentosa Raf. Hibisc. cly- peatus L. Sw. &c, frutic. ramis torn. fl. pet. cord, angul. dentic. acum. subt. toment, ped. axil, lon- gis unifl. Sea Shores of Antilles, shrub 6 to 8 feet high, fl. pale yellowish. 718. RESUPINARIA Raf. cal. ventric. 5crenato, cor. papil. resupinata, vex; reflex, basi subcord. undul. alae falc. adpr. carina falcata carinata, stam. diad. Leg. lin. compr. 2valv. sem. subrot. SYLVA TELLUR. ad membr. divisis. Arbor, fol. part pinn. fl. ax il shuffled into 3 G. distinct from all, types probably many of the fruticose Sesbanias, but the main. 710. Resup. grandifl. Raf. Sesbania, ^Es- chyn. et Coronilla do auct ! fine Indian tree, fl, white. 720. Ascyrum montanum Raf. A. hyperic. Sw. frutic. ramis dichot. compr. anceps unifl. fol. subs. lane. obt. glandulosis small shrub of Mts. Jamaica, fl. autumnal, totaly different from the N. American sp. of same name. 721. FORNICARIA Raf. Periantho conico im- bricato, sq. muticis, nxultifl. floscul. phorantho paleis fornicatis flosc. includens, dorso carinatis, sem, cuneif. 2aristata. Frut. scandens, fol, oppos. simpl. fl. term. very distinct G. put with Bidens by Swartz. 722. Fornicaria scandens Raf. Bidens do Sw. auct Vine of Mexico and Jamaica. 723. FLUSTULA Raf. periantho imbric. ovato, sq. adpressis, fl. 12 flosculosis hermaphr. ad ra- dio paulo altior, phorantho nudo, sem. obi. pappo piloso. Frutex. fol. alt, fl. racem. almost akin to last except in phoranthe and down, yet put in Conyza. 724. Flustula tomentosa Raf. Conyza arbo- rescens L. auct. ramis divar. villosis, fol. pet. lane. subt. torn, fl.secundis large shrub of Mts, Jamaica, fl. pale purple. 725. MONTANOA Llave. per. 5phyl. ineq. rad. 4-5obl. sterilis, flosc. 12-14 filif. 5fidis, paleis hir- sutis, sem. ovat. compr. nudis. Frut. fol. opp. fl. panic One of the good G. of Llave well named after a botanist, akin to Heliopsis, He- lepta &,c. 726. Montanoa tomentosa LI. villosa, fol, CENT. VIII. 117 cord, deltoideis, acutis toment. petiolis alatis pinnatif. panic, corymbosis pretty shrub of Mexico, fl. vyhite fragrant, upper leaves often alt. lanceolate. 727. ZEXMENIA LI. Per. 10-12part. phorantho piano, paleis carinatis, rad. 10-12 ov. emarg. flosc. pluris 5dent. sem, compr. arista 2-3 et co- ronula paleacea. Frut. sarm. fol. oppos. akin to Forbesina (miscalled Verbesina) but habit very unlike; name anagram of Ximenez. 728. Zexrn. serrata LI. fol. lane, serrat. pe- tiol. fl. corymb, racemosis Shrubby Vine of Mexico. 729. ISMARIA Raf. (hot.) Rosalesia LI. per. 8-10part. tereto striatis, caliculus foliosus, phor. nudo, flosc. tubul. 5d. stig. 2 clavatis, pappus pi- losus, sem, teresstriata villosa. Frut.foL opp* fl. corymb. akin to Cacalia, very bad name of Llave formed of Rosa and Halesia. 730. Ismaria glandulosa Raf. Ros. do L. ra- mis virgatis, fol, petiol. ovat. subcord. supra as- pera subt. toment. crenatis, corymbis ax. et term, ped. 2-5fl. Shrub of Mexico. 731. CALOSTIMA Raf. fl. tel. 589. Dioica, fl. masc. basi convexus, limbo patens 5fid. stam. 5 periginis, antheris 31oc. nect. centralis cyathif. fl. fern. cal. 4lob. ineq. ov. compr. stig. sess. mul- tif. colorato, Fruct. cal. baccans 41ob. sem. 1 ni- grum. Arbor, acul. fol. alt. fl. spicatis very distinct G. from Urtica, now better described, of family BASELLIDES. 732. Calostima aculcata Raf. Urtica baccata L. auct. fol. pet. cord, ovatis serratis glabris, aculeatis, spicis multifidis tree 20 feet high of S. Amer. and Antilles. 733. STREPSILOBUS Raf, (twisted pod) cal. 5dent petalis 5, stam. plura 20-24 libera, stylus 118 SYLVA TKLLUR. filiformis contortus, Leg. maximum longissim. compr. varie contorto et spiralis 2valv. plurisp, sem. orbic. dura, Scandens arborea, foL con jug. cirrhosis fl. spicatis one of the many G. blended in Mimosa of L. but with habit quite peculiar. 734. Strepsilobus scandens Raf. Mimosa do Sw. non L. altissime scandens, ramis ciavatjs striatis, foliol. 4jug. obi. obt. emarg. spicis axil, longiss very singular Vine of Antilles &c, climbing over 100 feet high, ft. greenish, pods from 6 to 8 feet long ! Many other G. must be established among the Mimosas, the labors of Wildenow and Decan- dole not being perfect yet, but a complete revisal would be arduous, I shall merely indicate about 20 additional Genera very concisely, see till 756. 735. PERIMA Raf. (n. ind) diff. Strepsiloba, stam. 10, leg. rectum, carinatum P. odorata Raf. Mimosa scandens L. Pers. et auct. ind. Rheed 8 t. 32, Rumf. 5 t 4. Scandens debilis, ramis teres. foliolis 2jugis ovatobl. acut India, smaller Vine, fl. yellow fragrant, pods also very long 3 to 7 feet. 736. POPONAX Raf. cal, tubul. 5dent. cor. 5dent. stam. monad. leg. teres, rostrato extus carnosus, intus mellifluos, sem. obov. &c, types P, tortuosa Raf, Mirn. do L. auct. Acakia do W. D. and probably P. farnesiana <$*c. 737. LOMOPLIS Raf. diff. Acakia, leg. ellipt. obtuso membranaceo, margine aculeato. Ar- busc. fol. bipinn* fl. capit. panic, albis, types L. ceratonia and acantholoba R. Acakias do of Authors. 738. GUMIFERA Raf. diff. Acakia, leg. compr. monilif. segm. orbic. compr. Isp. Types A. vera, arabica. nilotica and several other sp. CENT. VIII. 119 139. SPIROLOBA Raf k diff. Ingaria {Inga) by pods compressed and twisted as in Strepsiloba Types T. fastuosa Raf. Jnga do W. 2 T. un- guis R. Mimosa unguiscati L. 3 71 bigemina M. do L. and others, circinalis, cinerea, tortilis. 740. SENSITIVA Raf, diff. Mimosa, cal. infund. 3-4dent, petalis nullis, stam. 3-41iberis leg. artic. many sp. blended in M. pudica^ sentitiva &c, 741. HEMIDESMAS Raf. diff* Desmantbus W, stam. 5 non 10 Types D. plenus, diffusus &c. 74$. ENTADA Rail diff. Acakia fl, apetalis de- candris foL cirrhosis, fl. racem. Type E. cirrkosaR.Mim. entada L. 743. SENEGALIA Raf. diff. Acakia,'leg. stipiU brevis ellipt. membr. compr. 2-3sperm. S. tria- cantha Raf. Mim. senega! L. 2 retusa &c. 744. PANTHOCARPA Raf. neog. 8. cal. ineq. 5d. pet. 5 ineq. stam. plura, leg. tereto recto- multiloc. polysp. sem. obi. AcuL fl. capitatis. 745. Panthocarpa chionacantha Raf. Mim. do fl. lud, 331. Frutex, spinis gernin. niveisdi- vergens capitulis globosis, leg. glutinosis Flo- rida and Louisiana, fl. yellow Mimosa eburnea is perhaps a 2d sp. or a subg. Eburnax spi- nalbn 21 af. 746. SERICANDRA Raf. diff. Acakia, stam* plura 2-300 monadelphis, leg. piano recto corru- gato sinuato &c 3 types S. julibrisin, lophan- tha,pennatal&af. Akakia doW. auet. Julibrisin was a Turkish name meaning silky flower com- pared to a tassel of silk, owing to the long eilky stamens. 747. N^LTUMA Rafl diff. Akakia, cal. 4-5 fertiles 6 ineq. 4 major, 2 inf. deflexa, anthe- ris biporosis, stylus subul. recurvus. Leg. tereto augulat. curvum Herba, fl. axil Types E. or C, obtusifolia. 138 SYLVA TELLtm, CENTURIA IX. 801. DIALLOBUS R. (2 diff. pod) diff. Senna, cal. eq. nervosis, pet. ineq. nervosis eraarg. stain* 6-9, omnis fert. ineq. 2-3brevior antheris 4gonis birostratis biporosis, stylo brevis, Leg. biforinia teres and compr, sinuato vel falcato vel recto./?* axil singular G. by the cbange of pods on the same plant, including perhaps several G. I des- cribe the flowers on our American Cassia to* raides, the shrubby C. bicapsularis may be dif- ferent, nay some mention bilocular pods. Types C. thora,a.nd bicapsul,\\\\\\ several sp. blended with them, 3 of which I now give. 802. Diallabus uniflorus R. Cas. bicaps. Miller &c. diff.annua, fl. solit. parvis, leg. tenuia \ntilles, Madera. A 2d sp. is D. sunsub. R% Cas. do Porsk, Vitm, Arabia. 803. Diallobus falcatus R. Cas. toroides R med. fl. Cas. thora of Am. bot. fol. Sjugis obov, ciliatis, glandula pedic. ped paucifl. leg. falcatis compr. Carol. Kentucky &c, large annual, 804. NICTITELLA Raf. diff. Senna, pet. inf. major,stam. 5-9 ineq. 3 major, omnis fertiles,leg. compr. membr. recto non alato several types N. amena (C. nictitans,) N* aspera, N. mimo- soides? &,r. 805. SCOLODIA R. (sp. dent) diff. Senna, cal. Sphyl. subeq. pet. 5ineq. 4 ung. minor, 1 infer* major concav. stam. 10 ineq. 3 post, sterilia, 7 fertilia, 6 minora 1 deflexa, antheris rostratis, ovar, stipit. deflex. recurv. styl. brevis, stig. obt* Leg. breve planum 2valv. uniloc. Frut. scan- dens, fol. part pinn. fl. ax. racem. Type Sc. viminea Raf. Cassia do L. auct. 800. PANISIA R. (quite uneq) diff. Cassia, cal. eq. petalis omnis ineq. unguic. stain. 10, sterilis CKNt. IX. 3 inf. spatulatis, fertiles 7 ineq. 3 sup. major aft- theris longis apex mucrone linguiforme, 4 media brevior antheris muticis, ovar arcuato, stig. ses- sile acut. Leg. compr. falcato multiloc. subartic\ sem. obliqua renif. Arborea fl. axil Type P. biflora Raf. Cassia do L. auct. Lind. b. reg, 1310 S. Amer. tree. 807. ADIPERA R. (not 2 def.) cal. 4part. ineq* 2 major interna alt. pet. 5 ung. eq. stam. 1 pef- fecta declinata, cetera effosta sterilia, ovar. un- cinat./7. axil calix quite different from others* 808. Adipera herberli Raf. Cassia do Lind, b. reg. 1422. fol. subbijug. lane. subt. pubese* ped. multifi. Antilles- 809. OPHIOGAULON Raf. diff. Senna, cal. eq, pet. ineq. cone, stani. brevis 5 steriles, 5 fertilea quorum 3 major deflexa, anth. lin. stig. villoso marginaturn. Herba^ fL extraxil Type O, serpens Raf. Cassia do L. auct. 810. TAGERA R. subg. of Senna, diff. by pod elongate, compressed not winged, such are T< fiii for mis Raf Cas. tagera L. auct. shrub of In- dia, and also Cas. absus, 4phyla, glauca, and other sp. But there are othsr subg. to frame, the sp. with terete pods must be subg, TERELE- GtiSj such are C. corymbosa, crassifolia, linearis &c, the sp. with torulose pods must be TRANS- VERSULA, such are C. chinensis, torula &c-~ while C. ruscifolia with pod rostrate pulpose, must be ROSTELLA. 811. DIPLOTAX R. this G. differs from all by long terete slender pods with seeds in a double row, but 1 lack the other characters Type D. arborescens R. Cas. do and frutescens auct. 812. OCTKLISIA R. (8 perf.) diff. Senna, pet, ineq. stam. 8 fertil. 4 longior, 2 slerilia brevis, leg. falc. compr. race mis axil. 17 130 SYLVA TELLtTR. 813. Octet. aureaRaf. Cassia purpurea Edw. b. reg. 850. fol. 8-9jugis lane, pilosis Bengal, golden flowers. 814. TIIYRSOSMA Raf. diff. Viburnum, cal. campanul. 5lobus, cor. rotata subhypocrat, disco glanduloso conico stigma 3gono ferens. fl. thyr- soideisa, fine distinct G. even if Viburnum should not be divided in Opulus, Lentago and other subgenera proposed by me in 1820, by flowers radiate or uniform, stigma simple or trilobe. 815. Thyrsosma chinensis Raf. Viburnum odoratissimum Edw. b. reg, 456 fol, ellipt, co- riaceis perennis, margine reffexo vix dentato, thyrso brachiato trichotomo evergreen shrub of China, flowers uniform white, fragrant like Olea fragrans. 816. PnYLLiREA,Wildenow had only 3 sp, as Linneus, yet in a subsequent work Enumer. plant, he has ascertained that all the presumed varieties were specific deviations, and called them Ph. virgata, levis, obliqua,pmdula, olei- folia, ilicifolia. All shrubs of South Europe. 817. BENTHAMIA Lindl. non Rich, ad Cynox- ylon vel Corrnts florida differt, drupis concre- tis, fructus globoso intus carnoso ut Morus ? very singular G, uniting the CORNIDES with NAU- CLIDES, very near to my subg. Cynoxylon of med. fl. 1828, and Lindley even asks if the type C. florida has not the same fruit, no such thing. The Benthamia of Richard is Herminium of others. 818. Benthamia fraglf era L. b. reg. 1579. Cornus do Wall, t 214, fol. fol, opp. lanceol. in- vol. 4 ovatis acutis lutescens, fruct. roseo basi umbil. Tree of Ava, fruits like strawberries. 819. Amphione splendens Raf. Ipomea do CENT. IX. 131 Sims b. m. 20*28, Letsoma Hortis Fol. ovat. in- tegris subtus argent, ped. axil, nmltifl. shrub of East Indies to be added to my Gr. Amphione fl, tel. 1031 by flowers tubular 4* c > incarnate. 920. ACUSTON Raf. (n. grec.) diff. Lunaria and Farsetia, cal. adpr. vix sacato, pet. unguic. integris patulis, stam. brevis basi dent, stylo teres, stig. capit. silic. ellipt. toment. planis, sem. paucis, rotundo-cord. alatis nearer to Adyse- ton Ad. based on Alyssum alpestre, than to the G. united to. Farsetia has bisacate calix and -orbic. silicle. 821. Acuston lunar oides Raf. Alyssum do W. P. Farsetia do Br. Dec, b. mag. 3087. Lu- naria greca Wild. En. Sufrutic. fol. incanis obi. spat, undul. fl. subspic. sulfureis Shrub of Greece. 822. Acuston ? clypeatum Raf. Alys. do L. &/C, Lunaria canescens W. en. oriental plant, perhaps a subg. by petals linear acurn. silicles obliqual, Plagidon Raf. Lunaria suffrutic. Vent. &c is perhaps a 3d sp. with obovate silicles. The G-. Ganblum, Adyseton, Aubrieta &c of Adanson are akin and not well refered by De- candole. 823. CISTUS L. one of the most prolific Gr. di- vided in 2 G. 3 subg. and 9 sections in Decandole not always well named ; but many good G, are yet hidden in it and Helianthemum ! some of which will now be indicated but of a labor of mine on them as early as 1812 the real CISTUS Raf. has cal. 5part. subeq. caps. 5 loc. 5v, a style &/c, Trees and Shrubs, C, salvif. creticus and akin. 824. LADANUM Raf. diff. Cistus, caps. lOloc. lOvalv. stig. sessile Type L. verum Raf. C. ladanifera L, &c. and the akin species. SYLVA TKLLUR. 825. STROBON Raf. (n. gr.) diff. Cistus, cal, ineq. vel. duplex, ext, min. 2ph. intern. 3phyl. maus. Thus calix of Anthelis, but fruit of Cis- maus. tus, types 1 Str. or C. halimifoliumft. Str. ragi- natum Raf. Cistus do Jaq. vel symphitif. Lam. 826. LIBANOTIS Raf. diff. Cistus, cal. 3phy- lus eq. Types L, umbellata Raf. C. libanotis auct. 2 L, C. popiilifolius &c. 827. ANTIIELIS Raf. 1813 Chloris Etnensis. Helianthemum T. J. auct. Psistus Necker, diff, Cistus cal. ineq. caps, uniloc. many sp. and sec- tions, the C. helianthemum L. is the main type. I have shown since 1813 that this name quite identic with Helianthus ! could not be generic. 828. STEGITRIS Raf. diff. Anthelis, cal. 3phyl. equalis thus as Libanotis from Cistus, types St. or C. calicinus, algarmense, lasianthus, atripliclf. &c. 829. FUMANA Raf. diff. Anthelis, caps. Slocul. Types 1 F. minor Raf. C. H. fumana auct. besides F. levipes, ftrruginea, polifolia^ cana- riensis , maritima liaf. Laurus ca- tesbei Mx.'auct. fl. white, berries black, small shrub. 865. TAMAI.A Raf. (n. ind) diflT. Laurus fl. polyg. cal. ineq. 6part. lac. alt. internis duplo major, stain. G fert? 6 steriles, fruct. basi cal. persistens baccans. Yol. peren. (tit. umnervis, pedttnc. multifl several types onco blended in L. horbonia. 866. Tarnala borbonia Raf. arbor ea, fol. amplis lanceol. subt. pubesc. ped. coryrnbosis, drupis aureis Antilles. 867. Tamala carolinensis Raf. arborea, fol. ovato lanceol. supra lucidis, subtus glaucis gla- briusc. coriaceis, drupis ceruleis Carol. Flori- CENT. IX, 137 da, fifty feet high, flowers pale yellow. 868. Tamala palustris Raf. frutesc. fol. lan- ceol. subtus pallidis pubescens, pedunc. paucifl. fascicul. drupis ceruleis Shrub 8 to 10 feet high, with the last, but in swamps. 859, Tamala acuminata Raf. Arborea, ra- mulis, ped. pet, et nervis rufis pubescens, fol. longe lane, basi acutis, apice acum. obt Lou- isiana and Texas, tree 30 feet high, leaves 5 to 8 inches, fl. whitish, seen dry. 870. LINDERA Th. auct. cal. Gpart. stam. 6 epigynis ! ovar libero, stylo, stig. 2 refl. caps. 21oc. fol. alt. fl. umb. Altho' akin to Laurels, this G. belongs to my MEBORIDES by stamens and fruit, it is also akin e to Lerchea L. by pistil, but this has a corolla not staminif. as Ericoides and united stamens. 871. Lindera umbellata Th. ramis flex, fol. pet.^ovatobl. integris subtus villosis, umb. term. Shrub of Japan. 872. KNEMA Lour, dioica, fl. m. cal, col. 3fid. fllam. unico, antheris 10-12ferenS, fl, fern. cal. trunc. pers. stig. sessile dent, bacca mollis mo- nosp. arillata, fol. alt. fl. panic probably of LAURINES family, although akin to some mo- nosperm Euphorbides. 873. Knema bicolor Raf. fol. pet. lane, gra- bris integris large tree of Anam, flowers brown outside, orange inside, berries red. 874. LINOCIERA Schr. diff. Chionanthus,stam. 2 basi coalitis, bacca 21oc. 4sp. Type L. ligus- trina Raf. Thouinia do Sw. Pers.&c, fol. lane, panic, term Shrub of Jamaica, 875. TETRAPILUS Lour. cal. camp. 4fid. cor. camp. 4sulc. 4fida lac. concavis, stam. 2 brevis, stig. bif. bacca biloc. polysp. fol. opp. fl. spic. dioicis akin to last and Ligustrum. 18 138 iYLVA TELXUR, 876. Tetrap. axillaris Raf. fol. ovatolanc, subdent. spicis axil Shrub of Anam. 877. IREON Burm. Bosc. cal. 5part. pers. pe- talis 5, stam. 5, antheris gibb.osis, stylo tereto, stig. 3fido, caps. 3gona 31oc. 3valv. Fol. subvert, fl. term. akin to Clethra? habit unlike. 878. Ireon ciliatum Raf. arbusc. fol. subul. ciliatis glandul, fl. term. 3-6 small shrub of South Africa. 879. KANDENA Rh. Bosc. Raf. cal. 4fid. stam. 4 inclusis, stylo, stig. capit, bacca uniloc. nucib. 2. Fol. opp. ternisque, fl. racemosis. Of doubtful affinities, perhaps akin to the RHAM- NIDES or CELASTRIDES. 880. Kandena spinosa Raf. (Rheed 5. t. 36) fol. petioL ovatis iritegris acutis, spinis axil, rec- tis, racemis axil, fol brevior evergreen tree of Malabar. 881. NEVRILIS Raf. Millingtonia L. fil. Sou non Don Br. diff. Bignonia and Hieranthes, cor, tubul. gracilis bilab. galea bifida, labio 3part. lo- bis eq. reflexis trinervis. Siliq. recta compressa, sem. alatis. fol. opp. tripinnatis, fl. panic very near Hierauthes by corolla, perhaps same G. if stamens similar. Millingtonia has been applied since to a G. near Indigo tera. 882. Nevrilis suberosa Raf, Bign. do Roxb. cor. t. 214. Millingt. hortensis L. fil. Sm. folioL ovatis acutis glabris, panic, trichot. Fine tree of India, 30 feet high, bark suberose, fl. white fragrant 2 inches long, pods acute one foot long. 883. THEAPIIYLA Raf. 1830, Thea L. auct. lately uuited toCamelia ! Thea meaning Godess in Greek is included in Alt/tea and other G. my name meaning divine leaf was formed since 1815 and published 1830 in rned. fl. It differs from Kemelia (wrongly spelt Camelia) by cal, CENT. IX. 13JL 3-6part. non imbric. petalis 5-9 ineq. basi coali- tis,stam, 200 liberis, stylis 2-3fid. caps. 2-3cocca sp. not yet well settled, 884. Theaphyla laxa Raf. Thea chinensis Dec. ramis laxis, fol. ellipt. acutis rugosis serra- tis, pet. sepe 6 China, 885. Theaphyla lanceolata Raf. bohea L. ra- mis strictis, fol. lanceol. levis acut. serratis, fl. axil. 1-2 pet. 6 China. 886. Theaph. viridis R. fol. lato lanceol. levis ac. subferr petalis 8-9 China, Japan &c. 887. Theaph. euryoides 11. Camelia do bot. reg. 983. ramis debilis pilosis, fol. ovatolanc. acum. subserrat. subtus sericeis, fl. solit. ped. squam, cal, 5p. pet. 5 China. 888. Theaph. cantoniensis R, Lour. fol. lan- ceol. fl. term, solit. cal. 5-6p. pet. 7-9 Suchong Tea of South China, 889. Theaph. anamensis Raf. fl. term, solit. cal. Spart. pet. 5 Anam, perhaps a subg. 890. Theaph. oleifera R. Lour. ped. Sfloris, axil. cal. Gpart. pet. 6 Oil-tea of South of China, compare with 898. Fruit yellow baccate akin to 900. 891. KEMELIA Raf. Camelia L. auct. ut Ca- melina and Camelus ! ad bot. Kernel dedic. diff, Theaphyla, cal. 5part, ineq. imbric. petalis plu- ris imbricatis, stam. plura 50 basi monadelphis, styl. ineq. 5fid single type, but 3 G. have been blended. 892. Kemelia japonica Raf. auct. fol. obi. Ian. acum. serratis, fl, solit. cal. ovatis, petalis concavis Japan, Luzon &c, many floral var. in gardens. 893. DESMITUS Raf. difF. last, cal. colorato, stam. polyadelphis 4-5fasciculis, ovario sericeo. 894. Desmitus reticulata Raf. Camel, do 140 1YLTA TELLVR. hot. reg. 1978, b. mag. 2784, fol, obi, acum, re- ticul. planis. petalis undul. obovatis China, fine sp. rose flowers. 895. SASANQUA Raf. (n. chin) diff. Thea- phyla and Kemelia. cal. polyphylus imbricatus, petalis pluris fissis, stam. submonadelphis. 896. Sasanqua odorata Raf. Camelia susan- 'qua L, auct. iol. ovatobl. crenatis fl. term, sub- solit. cal. cone, petalis obcord. China &c, small fragrant flowers. 897. Sasanqua malliflora Raf. Cam. do Curtis 547. fol. obi. emarg. crenatis, pet. cone, ernarg. China, much larger flowers. 898. Sasanqua oleifera Abel. b. reg. 942. fol. ellipt. acutis serrat. cal. deciduis, petalis an- gustis bilobis China, deviating by the calix not persistent although imbricate. 899. Sasanqua ochroleuca Raf. Cam, axilla- ris Roxb. b. reg. 349. fol. cuneatis serrul. acutis crassis coriaceis, fl. axil, solit. ped. cal. 5-6ph. sericeo, petalis obov. bilobis, Tree of the Sun- da Ids, fl. ochroleucous. 900. DRUPIFERA Raf. diff. Kemelia stylo 4fi- do, fruct. drupaceo nux 41ocul. How are flow- ers ? Type Dr. olcosa Raf. Camellia drupifera Lour. auct. fol. ovatobl. subcren. fl. term. 2-3 Anam. The 3 Oil Seed Tea Shrubs must be compared. CENT. X. 141 CENTURIA X. 901. CITRUS L. this appears a natural G. if C. trifoliata be excluded ; but the sp. and var. are numerous, not well distinguished and like so many domestic trees in great perplexity, Du- tour, Risso, Buchanan, Loureiro &c have men- tioned over 100 varieties, several so striking as to be specific deviations : having seen many alive I mean to indicate some of these real new species. 902. Citrus heterophyla Raf. petiolis alatis, fol. biformis, inf obovatis, superis lanceol. om- nis acutis integris sepe albo marginatis, fruct. levis subrot. dulcis Native of Tartary, often called Turkish Orange, 903. Citrus salicifolla Raf. pet. alatis, fol. omnis angusto lanceolatis acutis Is it a var. of the last ? or of C. sinensis ? 904. Citrus myrtifolia Raf. pet. alatis, fol. imbric. ovatis acutis subserratis the Myrtle Orange has small bitter fruits and short strong thorns. China. 905. Citrus rotundifolia Raf. ramulis albis, pet. alatis, fol. subrot. integris, nonulis undulatis, fr. globoso called Poncire in French, all Orange trees have green twigs except this, sev- eral var. undulata, molaceo &c. 906. Citrus cedratus Raf. pet. vix alatis, fol. lanceol. acutis subdenticulatis, fr. ovoideis ver- rucosis cortice crassa pulpa insipida. The Ced- rats (or Citrons) are quite different from Oran- ges, nearer to Shadocks, fruits large with yellow thick rough rind, pulp sweetish without flavor. Several var. inermis, melarosa,syriaca, italica. 907. Citrus bergamota Raf. pet, subalatis, fol. ellipt. acutis, fr. globosis levis odoratis pulpa 142 SYLVA TKIJJ7K. insipida The Bergamots are quite different from Cedrats yet trees nearly alike, leaves and fruits smaller, these with a thin fragrant rind, several varieties. 908. Citrus Kama Raf. pet. lato alatis fol. cuneatis obovatisque acutis, fruct. pyriformis scaberrimis, utrinque acutis, pulpa acida very peculiar kind of India, called Kama, the acid juice has fine flavor. Buchanan deems it near the Limo taurinus of Rumph. 909. Citrus costata Raf. pet. subulatis, fol. ovatis retusis emarg. fruct. turbinatis basi acu- tis, apice mamillaris, cortice crassa costata, pul- pa acida Kalarnba or Kolombok of India, wrongly blended with C, decumanus, very thick ribbed rind and fine acid juice. Authors men- tion costate Bergamots and Oranges which may be yar of this. 910. Citrus gongra Raf. pet. alatis, fol, ova- tis dentatis, fruct, globosis scabris, pulpa acida India, fruit like an apple with thin rind, called Gongra in Bengal. 911. Citrus combara Raf. pet. dilatato ala- tis, fol. subrot. crenatis, ad pet. subequalis sin- gular sp. with strong thorns and petiols nearly similar to leaves in size and shape, called Com- bara in India. 912. Citrus fusca Lour, petiolis alatis obcor- datis, fol. lato lanceol. fr. glob, scabris 8-91oc. pulpa amara large tree of Anam with long thorns, fruits fuscate. 913. Citrus fusiformis Raf. pet. linearis, fol. lanceol. utrinque acum. fruct. fusiformis, pulpa acida this begins the series of Lemons with unwinged petiols. Several var, parva, challi, perretta &c. 914. Citrus obovata Raf, pet. linearis, fol. CENT. X. 143 obovatis obtusis, fr. subglob. pulpa dulcis the sweet Lemon, with several varieties. 915. Citrus granulata Raf, pet. lin. fol. ova- tis granulatis acum. fruct. granulate granular Lemon. India like all Lemons. 916. Citrus Lima Raf. pet. liri. fol. ovat. gla- bris acum. fruct. subrot. cortice levis tenuis, pul- pa acida the Limes or small round Lemons have many varieties, undulata, palustris, lon- gi folia, magna tyc. but some striking var. must be examined well and may be sp. such as undu- lata, costata, cucurbita, mamillaris &/c, com- pare the Pati of India with fruits like an Apple, but with a nipple like Lemons, also Kaki of In- dia with fruit like an egg ; but if with winged petiols akin to C. gongra. 917. Citrus nobilis Lour. pet. lin. fol. lane, fl. racemosis, fruct. glob, tuberc. dulcis China, branches erect thornless, fruits red, rind thick, excellent fruit, 918. Citrus madurcnsis Lour, frutex. ramis patulis angul, inermis, pet. lin. fol. lane. fr. glob, pulpa amara small shrub of China, A.nam, Ma- dura, flowers and fruits very small. 919. Citrus margarita Lour, frutex, ramis rectis spinosis, pet. lin, fol. lanceol, fr, ovalis 51o- cul. pulpa dulcis Shrub of China, small fruit, thin rind orange color. 920. PONCIRUS Raf. cliff. Citrus, stam. liberis, fr. 71ocul. fol. trifoliatis Type P. trifoliata R. Citrus do L. auct. 921. MALNEREGA Ad. Raf. diff. Citrus, cal. 4dent. pet. 4, bacca uniloc. monosp. Type M. malabarica Raf. fig. in Rheed 4 t. 12, habit quite like Citrus. 922. ZONABLEPHIS Raf. (ring cil) cal. 4part. ineq. variabilis, cor. tubo urceol. intus annulus 144 SYLVA TELLUR. fimbriato stain, ferens, limbo unilab. 5lobo, stam. 4 didyn. arcuatis, antheris connexis, ovario vil- loso, stylo apice glabro furcato, caps, ut Acan- thus ? Frutic* fol. opp.ji. spicatis very unlike Acanthus to which united. 923. Zonablepkis polistachya Raf. Acan- thus do Del, Cailt. 72 f. 2. Ramulis teretis, fol, sess. ovatolanc. acut, dentato undul. spicis term, imbric. 4gonis, bract, ternis ciliatis, 2 subul, in- fera Snervia shrub of Nubia, leaves 6-12 inches pubescent beneath, fl. rosate, calix very unequal in shape and size of segments. This and the following till 934 are new trees and shrubs dis- covered with 100 rare plants by Caillaud in Nu- bia and Central Africa, near the Western Nile, described and figured by Delile, in his travels, but squeezed in akin Genera. 924. KERINGA Raf. (n. afr.) diff. Vernonia, per, duplex, imbric. ext. brevier, phorantho nudo poroso, akenis 15-20 turb. arcuatis lOnervis, apice apiculatis, pappus 20-30 setis denticulatis Arborea, fol. alt. ft. sub panic certainly not congeneric to our American herbaceous Verno- nias. 925. Keringa amygdalina Raf. Vernonia do Del. Cail. Ramulis gracilis fol. subpet. lanceol. subintegris, panic dichotomis, perianth, ext. lin- earib. ext. subrot tree of Central Africa, called Kering, leaves 5 or 6 inches, flowers white. 926. PLEUROMENES R. (side lun) diff. Acakia, Leg. spongiosis evalvis variabilis, ineq. obi. gib- bosis vel strictis, vel arcuatis, vel globosis, vel pyriformis, sem ovoideis lucidis, utrinque latere macula lunulata. FoZ, bipin. Ji. spicatis this G. must be added to my Series of Acakia after 756, the flowers must be described, but the pods are quite peculiar and strangely multiform. CEM 1 . X. 145 927. Pleuromcncs heterocarpa Raf. Acakia do Del. ramulis pubcsc. acul. fol. pinnis 5jugis, foliolis 12-15jugis ovalib, dimidiatis subt. pubesc. spicis teretis axil Syria, Egypt, Nubia, called Gilgil by Arabs. 928. ELAYUNA Raf. (n. arab^diff, Bauhinia, leg. obi. evalvis, muJtiloc. locuhs polysp. extus cortice dura nervosa, intus midula fibrosa. fol. bilobis, very peculiar pod, leaves not binate, flowers undescribed but long account of seeds, certainly not a Bauhinia. 929. Elayuna biloba Raf. Bauhinia tamarin- dacea Del. pi. C. 13. fol. orbic, basi cord, apice bilobis sinus cuspid, petiolis glandulosis shrub of Mt Aqaro in Central Africa, called Elayun and Magal. 930. TRIDERMIA Raf. (3 skins) cliff, Grewia, Drup. basi umbil. apice 41obo, nucibus 4, trans- verse 31oc. 3sp. sem, obov. compr. triplice tuni- cis vestitis very peculiar fruit, see the long des- cription, but flowers omitted, yet certainly dis- tinct Genus. 931. Tridermia papillosa Raf. Grewia echi- nulata Del. pi. C. 70. Arboreus, fel. orbic, cord, erosis 5nervis retic. ff. extrax. umbellulatis, dru- pis glob, depr, papillosis tree of Nubia, twigs glandular, hairs lasciculate on them, petiols and leaves &c. 932. XEROPETALON Del. cal. duplex persistens ext. 5fid. int, 5part. rotato petaloideus, stam. 20 basi monad. 5filam. longior sterilis, ovar. glob, torn. styl. brevis, stig. 2-3spiralis, caps ? 2-31oc. 2-3valvis scptiferis 2-6sp. racemis ramosi G. based on flowers alone, without leaves ! akin to last, singular by persistent petals ! thus rather internal perigone. Type X. 5setum Del. pi. C, 19 146 SYLVA TELLUR. 71. Shrub of Nubia, flowers in racemose umbI- lules. Hardly of Tiliacea tribe. 933. SEMARILLA Raf. diff. Celastrus, cal. mi- nimus pers. 5dent. caps, turbin, sub4gona, 2Ioc. 2valv. septif. 4sp. sem. arillatis, arillo cupularis carnoso sinuosovestita apparently a distinct G. also by cells not equalized to calix, probably 5 petals and 5 stamens. 934. Semarilla bicolor Raf. Celastrus do Del. pi. C. 94. fol. obov. serrul. fl. axil, subum- bel Shrub of Nubia. 935. TRIXANTHERA Raf. diff. Ruellia, starou exertis, antheris pilosis, caps. 4sperma. Arbo- rea fl. panic at least a subgenus. 936. Trixanth. angularis Raf. Ruellia? gi- gantea Kunth. Ramis 4gonis, fol. subrot. ovat. acum. nervis hirtis tree of S. America, 937. PENTELESIA Raf. diff. JBignonia, stam. 5 fertiles . . . fruct . . .fratex recto, fol. tern. fl. panic another G. to be added to the Bignonias^ out of Kunth, who has 24 sp. undescribed as to flowers and fruits altho' mostly new and involv- ing many G, or referable to mine : this has a very peculiar habit also. 938. Pentelesia discolor Raf. Bignonia ca- ricachensis Kunth. Recta glabra, foliolis 3 obi. obt. subtus albis, panic, sessilib Oronoco shrub. 939. ARAGOA Kunth. cal, 4-5ph. cor. hypocr. 4fida, stam. 4, stig. glob. caps. 21oc. 4valv. 8sp, Ramis opp. fol. imbric. Sfaris, fl. axil united to SESAMIDES by K. 2 types A. cupressina> dbie- tina. 940. JURGENSIA Raf. (hot) diff. Spermacoce, cal. infund. 4fido, cor, infundib, 4fida, stam. 4, Frutic. fl. capit Decandole and Kunth have blended Diodia and Spermacoce by promiscu- ously mixing the sp, with bifid or 4fid calix, cor. CENT. X. 147 hypocr, camp, or infund. These G. require a new revision ; most of those with infund. calix and corolla will belong here, 941. Jurgensia psyllioides Raf. Spermac. do Kunth, caule suffrut. 4gono,fol. lin. lanceol, ser- rulatis, fl. capit Mexico. 942. PLEUUEIA Raf. diff. PsyChotria, cal. spa- thaceo cuculato latere fisso, Flor. corymb. Psychotria and Calicoca contain also a crowd of anomalous sp. requiring revision, with 4 or 5 stamens, various calix, corolla, fruit &c, and to make the matter worse some propose to join thereto Cephaelis, Evea, Patabea, Tapogamea, Sjnirus &/c. 943. Pleureia compressa Raf. Psychotria calycina Kunth, frutic. ramis compr, fol. obi. lane acum. corymbis ped. Sfloris S. America. 944. IPECACUANA Raf. cal. 5dent. cor. tubul. intus villosa, limbus 5fid. revol. stylo ad basi an- nulato, stig. 2, bacca coronata uniloc. 2sp. flo- rib. comp. periantkis 4phyl. ineq Type the real officinal root Ipec. fusca Raf. Calicoca ipec. Brotero, auct, Cephaelis and Psychotria emetica auct. 945. TAPOGAMEA Aubl Vitm. &c diff. cor. faux ventric. limb, patens, disco ovar. bigland. perianth* 5ph. phorantJto paleaceo Aublet had 5 sp,. 2 were shrubs T. tomentosa and gla- bra, 8 plants T. violacea, purpurea, alba. Many more are mixt in Cephaelis. 946. CARAPICHEA Aubl. Vitm. &/c diff, cal. turb, cor. infund. 5fid. acuta, stam. exertis,disco supra ovar. styl. bifidus, capsula 2Ioc. 2parti^. 2sp. Perianth. 4ph. 2 major ext very distinct by fruit : name rather too barbarous, I propose Nettlera instead. Type 947. Carap. or Nettlera guianensin A. V. 148 SYLVA TELLUR. R. Cephaelis 1 involucrata auct. shrub of Guy- ana, flowers white. 948. SIMIRA Aubl. Vit,