INDIA CLUB SWING WITHDRAWN ' ','"/'; FRANK E. MILLER INDIAN CLUB-SWINGING One, Two, and Three Club Juggling FRANK 'E MILLER 1900 THE SAALFIELD PUBLISHING CO NEW YORK AKRON, O. CHICAGO ..";. ':' "*... ; *. . ' \ t :-' t V pofcsigji^.igoo (ol3.1l DEDICATED TO MY PUPILS (< Nor love, nor honor, wealth nor power Can give the heart a cheerful hour When health is lost. Be timely wise With health all taste of pleasure flies. , w 2052714 PREFACE THE object of this book is, first, to introduce a simple nomenclature for club-swinging and club juggling; second, to present the work in such a way that it can be given on the gymna- sium floor; third, to provide exercises for those that care to practice advanced club-swinging and juggling. The physical director will find a basis for drills in class-work in the 5th, 4th, 3d, 2d, and ist grades. Club-swinging as a part of calis- thenics has not the place in our regular class-work that it should have. This is probably due to the fact that there has been no simple and compre- hensive nomenclature for club-swinging, and that it is considered by many to be too complicated and difficult for ordinary class-work. For class- work, do not limit yourself to exercises for arms and chest only, but use the clubs, as you would a pair of dumb-bells, and exercise lower limbs and trunk. I do not insist that this arrangement of the subject of club-swinging is absolutely correct, but 4 PREFA CE I believe that I am near the truth, and hope that the book will at least serve as a basis and starting point for a better treatise of the subject in the future. I have tried to explain and ar- range the work so that a novice might take up club-swinging and juggling from the very begin- ning. This book contains exercises which I have taught to my pupils and practiced myself. It can be relied upon as practicable. I have as far as possible followed the terms set forth in the reg- ular "Gymnastic Nomenclature" of the Young Men's Christian Associations of North America. I am indebted to Dr. D. M. F. Krogh, phys- ical director of the Southwark Turnverein, Phila- delphia, Pa., for valuable assistance in the practical work of club-swinging. Also to Dr. H. L. Chad- wick, physical director of the Young Men's Chris- tian Association, Philadelphia, Pa., for reviewing the manuscript, and to Dr. H. F. Hallenberg, physical director Secretarial Institute and Train- ing School of Young Men's Christian Associations, Chicago, 111., for valuable suggestions as to the arrangement and nomenclature. FRANK E. MILLER, Physical Director Young Men's Christian Association, Dallas, Texas. INTRODUCTION THE mistake is often made of using clubs that are too heavy. My experience has convinced me that clubs weighing one pound and a half each are heavy enough for the best results in class-work, and those weighing one pound each are heavy enough for solo swinging. A pair of hollow clubs 18 inches long, with round knobs 4^ inches in circumference, and with body 12^ inches in circumference at the thickest part, and 6 inches in circumference at the ends, make very finely shaped clubs which are nicely balanced for club-swinging. The weight of each club should be from one to one and a half pounds (See Fig. 9 for illustra- tion of clubs.) German silver, light copper, brass, or tin, cut in the shape of diamonds, stars, or bands around the clubs, adds greatly to their appearance. No exercise is prettier than club- (5) 6 INTRODUC TION swinging, and none is more interesting. For old and young its value needs no comment. By giving one hour each day for two years to the practice of club-swinging and juggling one can become quite an expert, and, as there is no limit to the number of movements and com- binations that can be made, one may make up original movements and combinations. If, after practicing for ten or fifteen minutes you feel fatigued, practice breathing exercises for from two to four minutes, also exercises for lower limbs and trunk. At first the effect of the exercises will be to strengthen and enlarge all the muscles of the body; but with one who is very fleshy, after practicing three or four weeks, the muscles will become smaller in vol- ume, but wiry and sinewy in texture with no superabundant fat among their fibers. Time given to exercise is never lost. People are be- ginning to awake to the idea that the health of the body is most influential upon the mind. When the body is indisposed the mind cannot act properly and the intellectual powers lose their grasp. There seems now to be a general INTRODUCTION 7 feeling that the mind and body ought to be developed to the utmost, for they are both gifts to us, for the proper use of which we are re- sponsible. I have for years been much impressed with the great value of club-swinging exercises in educating the co-ordinating powers of old and young, for " when we endeavor, for the first time, to perform a hitherto unknown movement, it seems at first that our muscles, so docile in ordi- nary actions, have become rebellious to the orders of the will. When the muscles finally obey, the long levers in turn seem to refuse to move in the desired direction, and the body, notwithstand- ing our violent efforts, will not assume the atti- tude we wish. But the faculty of co-ordination, like all physiological faculties, rapidly improves with practice. The man who exercises his body every day becomes able to use his organs, and gets more work out of them by making them serve him better. It must be remembered too, that a man need not possess very large muscles to be a strong man." La Grange. DRESS The best costume for club work is a pair of Spalding's Y. M. C. A. trousers 8 INTRODUC TTON No. 3, quarter sleeve shirt No. iF, belt, and shoes or slippers. The foot-gear should be quite light, and made of soft cloth, canvas, or leather. They can be bought of A. G. Spalding.& Bro., New York, Philadelphia, or Chicago. BATHING. The gymnast will be much bene- fited by sponging with tepid water immediately after he has finished his exercises. If practicable, a shower bath is even better, finishing with cold water. After drying with an ordinary towel, spend five minutes massaging the body, and especially the upper and lower limbs. GRADING. The ist, 2d, 3d, and 4th sections are in grade 5. The 5th and 6th sections are in grade 4. The yth and 8th sections are in grade 3. The 9th and loth sections are in grade 2. The nth and I2th sections are in grade i. One-Club Juggling, section 13. Two-Club Juggling, section 14. Three-Club Juggling, section 15. APPENDIX Dual Club Juggling. Electric Light Club-swinging. CONTENTS PAGE SECTION i. Single Swings Lateral Plane 28 SECTION 2. Single Hand Swings and Plain Swings Lateral Plane 30 SECTION 3. Single Circles with Combination of Swings Lateral Plane 35 SECTION 4. Single Hand Circles with Combinations of Plain and Hand Swings Lateral Plane. 38 SECTION 5. Double Swings, Hand Swings, Circles, etc., Lateral Plane 42 SECTION 6. Double Swings and Hand Circles Lat- eral Plane 53 SECTION 7. Combinations of Circles in the Lateral Plane, with Hand Circles in the Hori- zontal Plane 64 SECTION 8. Swings, Full Arm Circles, Hand Circles, etc., Antero-Posterior Plane 75 SECTION 9. Full Arm and Hand Circles, Swings, etc., in Lateral, Horizontal, and Antero-Pos- terior Planes 86 SECTION 10. "Snake Movements," Swings, Hand Cir- cles, etc., Lateral and Horizontal Planes. 109 (9) io CONTENTS PAGE SECTION n. " Snake Movements," Hand Circles, etc., Antero-Posterior Plane 124 SECTION 12. Combinations of Movements Between the Legs Lateral Plane 129 SECTION 13. One-Club Juggling 136 SECTION 14. Two-Club Juggling ... 154 SECTION 15. Three-Club Juggling 166 APPENDIX Dual Club Juggling 174 Electric Light Club-swinging 181 THE following definitions will give the beginner a basis from which to work out the movements. NOMENCLATURE 1. PLAIN SWING. All plain swings should be with the long axis of the club in line with the forearm. A swing is any part of a circle less than 360 degrees. 2. PLAIN CIRCLE. In all plain circles the long axis of the club should be in line with the forearm, executing 360 degrees. 3. FULL ARM CIRCLE. Fixed point, shoulder. 4. FOREARM CIRCLE. -Fixed point, elbow. 5. HAND CIRCLE. Fixed point, wrist. 6. HAND SWING. Fixed point, wrist. 7. SINGLE SWING OR CIRCLE. One arm of any swing or circle. 8. DOUBLE LEFT OR RIGHT. Both arms of any swing or circle in the same direction. 9. ALTERNATE. First left complete, and then right. 12 NOMENCLA TURE 10. COUNTER LIKE. The same for opposite side, or with other arm. 11. CONTINUOUS ALTERNATION. First with left, then with right, before either movement has been completed. 12. "SNAKE MOVEMENT." See section 10. DIRECTION OF CIRCLES IN LATERAL PLANE, they are taken from the motion of the clock hands placed in front of and facing the body; right circles with the hands ; left circles against the hands. IN HORIZONTAL PLANE, the clock is regarded as on the floor, face up, right circles with the hands, left circles against the hands. In ANTERO-POSTERIOR PLANE the clock, is re- garded as placed at the left side, facing the body. Circles in the direction of the motion of the clock hands are forward circles, those in the opposite direction are backward circles. SWINGS, fraction of a circle. To make it as simple as possible to get start- ing position, fraction of circles, etc., see illus- tration, Fig. i. (13) DIRECTION OF CIRCLES 270. START double left or right, at left or right horizontal. To make a double right swing 180 degrees, start at double left and make a half circle; to make a double left swing 180 degrees, start at right horizontal. To execute double right full arm circles, start at 180 degrees, as in Fig. i, go through an arc of 360 degrees, taking 135, 90, 45, 1.360, 315, 270, 225. ABBREVIATIONS . 15 If executing a double left full arm circle, start from double right horizontal 180 degrees, going to 225, 270, 315, 360, i, 45, 90, 135, back to 1 80 degrees, executing a full circle, as in Fig. i, lateral plane. ABBREVIATIONS THE arm will always be designated first, the direction second, as L. L. full arm circle would be with left arm a full arm circle to the left. R. R. swing 315 degrees, from left hori- zontal, right arm a swing to the right, 45 degrees less than a circle and return to starting position at left horizontal. R. right. L. left. Do not fail to study the Nomenclature and get it clear in your mind before you take up the ex- ercises. A little study will soon master it, and you will have no trouble in reading any of the movements. AXES AND PLANES T IIREE axes and three planes are considered Fig. 2 (16) NOTE 17 A. THE VERTICAL Axis corresponds to the spinal column in whatever position. B. THE ANTERO-POSTERIOR Axis corresponds with, or is parallel to, a line drawn from front to back at right angles to the vertical and hori- zontal axes. C. THE HORIZONTAL Axis corresponds with, or is parallel to, a line drawn through the shoul- ders at right angles to the vertical axis. A. Lateral Plane. B. Antero-Posterior Plane. C. Horizontal Plane. NOTE THE pupil should imagine himself between two board partitions, which are about two feet apart, with his face toward one and his back toward the other. Do not watch the clubs, but look straight ahead as much as possible. It is well to practice before a mirror, to see if you are getting the movements correct. POSITION OF THE BODY SHOULDERS back, head erect, chin in, heels together. All swaying of the body, either forward or backward, or from side to side, or turning to the R. or L. should be avoided unless absolutely necessary. All the elementary swings and circles should be from the shoulders or wrists, as the case may be. If the chest is thrown well forward and the hips slightly backward, in a slightly stooping position, there is less danger of the clubs striking the shins. There is a great tendency for the beginner to shorten the swings and circles. This should be guarded against. (18) METHODS OF HOLDING CLUBS FOR all plain swings and circles, the fingers are so placed that they can manipulate the club and guide it in the various planes. The hand should grasp the club as in Fig. 3, Fif (19) 20 METHODS OF HOLDING CLUBS the knob touching the wrist, first finger straight, so the club will be in a straight line with fore- arm. The heaviest part of the club will be brought near the hand. Fig. 4 The grasp is used only for elementary swings. In executing circles remove the finger to side next the third finger then place it on the club as before, after executing the circle, as it helps METHODS OF HOLDING CLUBS 21 to keep the club in a straight line with the forearm. METHOD OF HOLDING CLUB for the more advanced movements: Let the club slide from the grasp of elementary position, holding the knob 22 METHODS OF HOLDING CLUBS loosely with the ends of the fingers, so the club will swing freely. See Fig. 4. The thumb, second, and third fingers do most all the holding ; try to revolve the club in the hand while making circles, as it helps in making them smooth and rounded. For those who have had practice with Indian clubs, and can do the following movements well, it would be best if they took up the exercises at Section 5, as Sections i, 2, 3, and 4 are with one club, for beginners. For start- ing position in Section 5 see Fig. 5. LATERAL PLANE 1. Position, double L. swing double R. 180 degrees. 2. From position double L., Fig. 5, swing R. a R. R. 180 degrees. 3. L. R. and R. L. swing 180 degrees from position as in Fig. 6. Fig. 6 (23) 2 4 LATERAL PLANE 4. Hold L. arm at L. horizontal, while R. arm makes a R. L. swing, see Fig. 5. ~J*^.- 5. From double L. make full arm circles L 6. At R. horizontal make full arm circles R 7. Hold R. arm at R. horizontal, while L. LATERAL PLANE arm makes a L. L. swing 180 degrees, see Fig. 6. Fig. 8 8. Full arm circles L. L. and R. R. Fig. 7. 9. From arms at side horizontal, as Fig. 6, L. R. and R. L. full arm circles. 26 L A TERA L PL A NE 10. L. R. and R. L. full arm circles, and hand circles back of head, see Fig. 8. Fig. 9 To make the work as simple as possible we have only three starting positions in the lateral plane, Fig. 5, double L. double R., same as LATERAL PLANE 27 Fig. 5 at the R. side of body and Fig. 6, arms at side horizontal. All exercises in the lateral or horizontal planes will begin at one or the other of these starting positions as may be designated. It is well to get this set of exercises correct, as all the others are based on this as a founda- tion. 'Tis physical exercise that gives health and vigor to the mind. SINGLE SWINGS SECTION i LATERAL PLANE 1. From L. horizontal, L. R. swing 180 degrees. 2. Counter like. 3. L. R. forearm swing back of body 180 degrees. 4. Counter like. 5. L. R. swing front of body, L. R. swing back of body. 6. Counter like. 7. L. R. swing 180 degrees, at L. horizontal a hand swing on top of forearm. 8. Counter like. 9. L. R. swing back of body 180 degrees, hand swing on top of forearm at L. horizontal. 10. Counter like. 11. L. R. swing 180 degrees, as club is at 180 degrees a hand swing on top of forearm. 12. Counter like. 13. L. R. swing 180 degrees at L. horizontal a hand swing on top of forearm, as you swing 180 degrees to the R. a hand swing on top of forearm. (28) SINGLE SWINGS 29 14. Counter like. 15. L. R. forearm swing back of body 180 degrees at L. horizontal a hand swing on top of forearm. L. R. swing front of body 180 degrees; as L. arm is at 180 de- grees to the R. a hand swing on top of forearm. 16. Counter like. 17. L. R. swing 270 degrees. 18. Counter like. 19. L. R. swing 270 degrees; as you return to starting position, let club swing on top of forearm, flexing the forearm, keeping the club on the forearm until it reaches front of chest 20. Counter like. 21. L. R. forearm swing back of body 180 degrees at L. horizontal a hand swing on top of forearm, L. R. swing front of body 270 degrees; as you return to starting position, let the club swing on top of forearm, flexing the forearm, keeping the club on forearm until it reaches front of chest. 22. Counter like. Application is the price to be paid for physical powers. To have physical powers we must spend time in physical exercises.* SINGLE HAND SWINGS AND PLAIN SWINGS SECTION 2 LATERAL PLANE 1. L. R. hand swing back of head, see Fig. 10, from L. horizontal ; grasp club by the thumb and second fin- ger, knuckles forward, rotate arm backward; from this position flex forearm letting club swing back of L. shoulder. Raise elbow to vertical with forearm over head, right angles to upper arm, club in line with fore- arm ; after forearm reaches front of chest, swing back to starting position L. horizontal. 2. Counter like. 3. L. R. hand swing back of head, L. R. forearm swing back of body 180 degrees, hand swing on top of forearm at L. horizontal. 4. Counter like. 5. L. R. hand swing front of head, 225 degrees, see Fig. n. 6. Counter like. 7- L R. hand swing back of head, see Fig. 10. L. L. hand swing front of head, see Fig. n. (30) SINGLE HAND AND PLAIN SWINGS 31 8. Counter like. 9. L. R. swing front of body 225 degrees, L. L. hand swing front of face. Fig. 10 10. Counter like. 11. L. R. hand swing front of head 225 degrees, L. L. hand swing back of head, see Fig. 12. 12. Counter like. 32 INDIAN CLUB-SWINGING 13. L. R. hand swing back of head, hand swing on top of forearm at L. horizontal. 14. Counter like. Fig. ii 15. L. R. hand swing front of head 225 degrees, L. L. hand swing back of head, hand swing on top of fore- arm at L. horizontal. SINGLE HAND AND PLAIN SWINGS 33 16. Counter like. 17. L. R. forearm swing back of body 180 degrees, L. R. hand swing back of head. Fig. 12 18. Counter like. 19. L. R. forearm swing back of body 180 degrees, L. R. swing front of body 180 degrees, hand swing on 3 34 INDIAN CLUB-SWINGING top of forearm at R. horizontal 180 degrees, L. L. hand swing front of body. 20. Counter like. 21. L. R. hand swing front of head 225 degrees, L. L. hand swing back of head, L. R. swing back of body 180 degrees. 22. Counter like. 23. L. R. hand swing back of head 225 degrees, L. L. hand swing front of head, at L. horizontal a hand swing on top of forearm. 24. Counter like. 25. L. R. hand swing back of head 225 degrees, L. L. hand swing front of head, at L. horizontal a hand swing on top of forearm, L. R. swing back of body 180 degrees. 26. Counter like. 27. L. R. hand swing back of head, L. R. forearm swing back of body 180 degrees, at L. horizontal a hand swing on top of forearm, L. R. swing front of body 180 degrees, as arm is at R. horizontal 180 degrees a hand swing on top of forearm. 28. Counter like. Try to get up combinations that are original, from the start, as it will help you in getting up new combi- nations of movements when we start on advanced club- swinging. " He who loseth wealth loseth much ; he who loseth a friend loseth more; but he who loseth his health and strength loseth all." SINGLE CIRCLES AND SWINGS SECTION 3 LATERAL PLANE 1. L. L. full arm circle. 2. Counter like. 3. L. L. forearm circle. 4. Counter like. 5. L. R. full arm circle. 6.' Counter like. 7. L. R. forearm circle. 8. Counter like. 9. L. L. full arm circle, L R. swing 180 degrees. 10. Counter like. 11. Iv. R. full arm circle, L. R. swing 180 degrees. 12. Counter like. 13. L. L. full arm circle, L. R. swing 180 degrees at L. horizontal a hand swing on top of forearm. 14. Counter like. 15. L. L. full arm circle, L. R. forearm swing back of body. 16. Counter like. (35) 36 INDIAN CLUB-SWINGING 17. L. L. full arm circle, L. R. hand swing back of head. 18. Counter like. 19. L. L. full arm circle, L. R. hand swing back of head 225 degrees, L. L. hand swing front of head. 20. Counter like. 21. L. R. full arm circle, L. R. hand swing back of head 225 degrees, L. L. hand swing front of head, at L. horizontal hand swing on top of forearm. 22. Counter like. 23. L. L. full arm circle, L. R. hand swing back of body 180 degrees, at L. horizontal hand swing on top of forearm, L. R. swing front of body 180 degrees, as arm is at L. horizontal 180 degrees a hand swing on top of forearm. 24. Counter like. 25. L. R. full arm circle, L. R. swing 225 degrees, L. L. hand swing front of head. 26. Counter like. 27. L. L. full arm circle, L. R. swing 225 degrees. L. L. hand swing front of head. L. R. swing back of body. 28. Counter like. 29. L. L. full arm circle, L. R. swing 270 degrees, as you return to starting position, hand swing on top of forearm, keeping club on forearm until it is in front of chest. 30. Counter like. SINGLE CIRCLES AND SWINGS 37 31. L. R. full arm circle, L. R. swing back of body 180 degrees, L. L. full arm circle. 32. Counter like. 33. L. R. hand swing back of head 225 degrees. L. L. swing front of head. L. R. full arm circle. 34. Counter like. 35. L. R. hand swing back of head 225 degrees. L. L. hand swing front of head. L. L. full arm circle. L. R. swing 225 degrees. 36. Counter like. 37. L. R. hand swing back of head. L. R. full arm circle, hand swing on top of forearm at L. horizontal, L. R. swing 225 degrees, L. L. hand swing front of head. 38. Counter like. 39. L. R. hand swing front of head 225 degrees. L. L. hand swing front of head. L. R. hand swing back of head 225 degrees. L. L. hand swing back of head. 40. Counter like. " He that swings Indian clubs Strengthens nerves, and sharpens skill, And stores up power." SINGLE HAND CIRCLES, AND FULL ARM CIRCLES HAND SWINGS SECTION 4 LATERAL PLANE IT WOULD be well to keep in mind in starting this section, that a hand circle is just a continuation of a hand swing executing a movement through a radius of 360 degrees. 1. L. L. hand circle back of L. shoulder, Fig. 13, flex forearm, letting elbow drop at side of body. 2. Counter like. 3. L. L. full arm circle, L. L. hand circle back of L. shoulder. 4. Counter like. 5. L. R. hand circle back of L. shoulder. 6. Counter like. 7. L. R. swing 180 degrees. L. R. swing back of body 180 degrees. L. L. hand circle back of L. shoulder. 8. Counter like. 9. L. R. swing 225 degrees. L. L. hand swing front of head. L. L. hand circle back of L. shoulder. (38) CIR CL ES S WINGS 39 10. Counter like. 11. L. L. hand circle front of L. shoulder. 12. Counter like. -mm j & 13. L. L. hand circle back and front of L. shoulder. 14. Counter like. 15. L. L. full arm circle, L. L. hand circle back of L. shoulder, L. L. forearm circle. 40 INDIAN CLUB-SWINGING 16. Counter like. 17. L. L. full arm circle, L. L. hand circle front of L. shoulder, L. R. swing 180 degrees, at L. horizontal a hand swing on top of forearm. 18. Counter like. 19. L. R. forearm swing 180 degrees, L. R. fore- arm circle front of body, L. R. forearm swing back of body. 20. Counter like. 21. L. R. hand swing back of head. L. R. hand cir- cle back of head. 22. Counter like. 23. L. R. hand circle back and front of L. shoulder, L. R. full arm circle. 24. Counter like. 25. L. R. hand swing back of head 225 degrees. L. L. hand swing front of head. L. R. full arm circle. 26. Counter like. 27. L. R. swing 225 degrees. L. L. hand swing in front of head. At L. horizontal hand swing on top of forearm. L. L. hand circle back of L. shoulder. 28. Counter like. 29. L. R. swing 180 degrees, as arm is at 180 degrees R. horizontal a hand swing on top of forearm, L. R. hand circle back and front of L. shoulder. 30. Counter like. 31. L. R. forearm swing back of body 180 degrees, at L. horizontal hand swing on top of forearm, L. R. swing CIR CLES S WINGS 41 225 degrees. L. L. hand swing in front of head. L. L hand circle front and back of L. shoulder. 32. Counter like. 33. L. R. hand swing back of head 225 degrees. L. L. hand swing front of head. L. L. full arm circle. L. L. hand circle back and front of L. shoulder. 34. Counter like. Practice each movement with one club about 16 times before practicing with the other arm. "The noblest thing in the world is to have good health." DOUBLE SWINGS, HAND SWINGS, CIRCLES SECTION 5 LATERAL PLANE 1. From double L,., Fig. 5, double R. swing 180 de- grees. 2. Counter like. 3. Double R. swing, L. R. swing back of body 180 degrees. 4. Counter like. 5. Double R. swing, L. R. hand swing back of head 180 degrees. 6. Counter like. 7. Alternate. 8. Double R. swing 180 degrees, hand swing on top of forearms at R. horizontal 180 degrees. 9. Counter like. 10. Alternate. jr. Double R. swing 225 degrees. Double L. hand v/?(ie',\)3k of head. ' *2. r /Counter like. ,23. '-Alternate. ' f ' SW/JVGS, CIKCLZS 43 14. Double R. hand swing back of head. 15. Counter like. 16. Alternate. 17. Double R. swing 225 degrees. Double L. hand swing front of head. 18. Counter like. 19. Alternate. 20. Double R. swing 225 degrees. L. L. hand swing front of head. R. L. hand swing back of head. 21. Counter like. 22. Alternate. 23. Double R. swing 225 degrees. L. L. hand sw r ing back of head, R. L. hand swing front of head. 24. Counter like. 25. Alternate. 26. Double R. swing 180 degrees. Double R. hand circles at R. side of body dropping elbows at side of body as you execute hand circles. Fig. 14. 27. Counter like. 28. Alternate. 29. Double R. swing 180 degrees. Double L. hand circles at R. side of body. 30. Counter like. 31. Alternate. 32. Double R. full arm circles, double R. hand cir- cles at R. side of body. 33. Counter like. 34. Alternate. 44 INDIAN CLUB-SWINGING 35. Double L. hand circles at L. side of body. Double R. swing 180 degrees. L. L. hand swing back of head. R. L. swing 1 80 degrees front of body. Fig. 14 36. Counter like. 37. Alternate. 38. Double L. hand circles at L. side of body. Double R. swing 225 degrees. Double L. hand swing back of head. SWINGS, CIRCLES 45 39. Counter like. 40. Alternate. 41. Double L. full arm circles. Double L. hand cir- cles at R. side of body. 42. Counter like. 43. Alternate. 44. Double L. hand circles at L. and R. sides of body. 45. Counter like. 46. Alternate. 47. Double L. full arm circles. Double L. hand cir- cles at L. side of body. Double R. swing 225 degrees. Double L. hand swing back of head. 48. Counter like. 49. Alternate. 50. Double L. full arm circles. L. R. swing back of body 180 degrees. R. R. swing 180 degrees front of body. 51. Counter like. 52. Alternate. 53. Double L. full arm circles, L. R. hand swing back of head, R. R. swing 180 degrees front of body. 54. Counter like. 55. Alternate. 56. Double R. hand swing front of head 225 degrees. Double R. hand circles at R. side of body. 57. Counter like. 58. Alternate. 46 INDIAN CLUB-SWINGING 59. Double R. hand swing front of head 225 degrees. Double L. hand swing back of head. Double L. hand circles at L. side of body. 60. Counter like. 61. Alternate. 62. Double L. full arm circles. Double R. swing 225 degrees. Double L. hand swing back of head. 63. Counter like. 64. Alternate. 65. Double L. full arm circles. R. R. hand swing front of head 225 degrees. L. R. hand swing back of head. Double L. hand swing front of head. 66. Counter like. 67. Alternate. 68. Double R. hand swing front of head 225 degrees. Double R. hand circles at R. side of body. 69. Counter like. 70. Alternate. 71. Double R. hand swing front of head 225 degrees. Double L. hand swing back of head. Double L. hand circles at L. side of body. 72. Counter like. 73. Alternate. 74. Double R. hand swing front of head 225 degrees. Double L. hand swing back of head. Double L. full arm circles. Double L. hand circles at L. side of body. 75. Counter like. 76. Alternate. CIRCLES 47 77. Double R. swing 180 degrees. Double R. hand circles at R. side of body. Double R. full arm circle. Double L. hand swing back of head. 78. Counter like. 79. Alternate. 80. Double R. swing 180 degrees. Double R. hand circles at R. side of body. Double R. full arm circle. L. L. hand swing front of head. R. L. hand swing back of head. Si. Counter like. 82. Alternate. 83. Double L. full arm circle. Double L. hand cir- cle back of shoulders. Fig. 15. 84. Counter like. 85. Alternate. 86. Double L. full arm circle. Double L. hand cir- cles back of shoulders. Double L. hand circles at L. side of body. 87. Counter like. 88. Alternate. 89. Double L. full arm circle. Double L. hand cir- cles back of shoulders. Double L. hand circles at L. and R. sides of body. 90. Counter like. 91. Alternate. 92. Double L. hand circles inside and outside of arms at L. side of body. Double L. hand circles back of shoulders. 48 INDIAN CLUB-SWINGING 93. Counter like. 94. Alternate. 95. Double L. hand circles inside and outside of arms at L. and R. sides of body. Double L. hand cir- cles back and front of shoulders. Fig- 96. Counter like. 97. Alternate. SWINGS, CIRCLES 49 98. L. L. full arm circles. R. L. hand circle back of R. shoulder. 99. Counter like. 100. Alternate. 101. Double L. hand circles at L. side of body. L. L. full arm circle. R. L. hand circles back of R. shoulder. 102. Counter like. 103. Alternate. 104. Double L. full arm circles. Double L. hand cir- cles in front of thighs. Fig. 16. 105. Counter like. 106. Alternate. 107. Double L. hand circles at L. side of body. Double L. hand circles in front of thighs. Double L. hand cir- cles back of shoulders. 108 Counter like. 109. Alternate. no. Double L. hand circles at L. side of body. Double L. hand circles in front of thighs. Double L. hand cir- cles at R. side of body. in. Counter like. 112. Alternate. 113. Double L. hand circles inside and outside of arms at L. side of body. Double L. hand circles inside and outside of arms at R. side of body. Double L. hand circles in front of thighs. Double L. hand circles front and back of shoulders 114. Counter like. 4 50 INDIAN CLUB-SWINGING 115. Alternate. 116. Double L. hand circles at L. side of body. Double L. hand circles back of thighs. Fig. 17. Fig. 16 117. Counter like. nS. Alternate. 119. Double L. hand circles at L. side of body. Double L. hand circles front and back of thighs. Double L. hand circles at R. side of body. SWINGS, CIRCLES 120. Counter like. 121. Alternate. Fig. 17 122. Double L. hand circle at L. side of body. Double R. hand swing back of head 180 degrees. Double R. hand circles front and back of thighs. 123. Counter like. 124. Alternate. 52 INDIAN CLUB-SWINGING 125. L. L. hand circle front of L. thigh. R. L. hand circle front of R. shoulder. 126. Counter like. 127. Alternate. 128. Double R. swing front of body 225 degrees. Double R. hand circle back of shoulders. Double L. hand swing back of head. 129. Counter like. 130. Alternate. Dost thou love health and strength? If so, do not squander time, But take time to exercise." SWINGS CIRCLES SECTION 6 LATERAL PLANE FOR starting position see Fig. 6, arms at side hori- zontal. 1. L. R. and R. L. swing 180 degrees. Fig. 7. 2. L. R. forearm swing back of body 180 degrees. R. L. swing front of body. 3. Counter like. 4. Alternate. 5. L. R. and R. L. forearm swing back of body 180 degrees. L. R. and R. L. swing front of body. 6. L. L. and R. R. full arm circles. 7. L. R. and R. L. full arm circles. 8. L. R. and R. L. hand swing back of head. 9. L. R. and R. L. swing 225 degrees. L. L. and R. R. hand swing back of head. 10. L. L. and R. R. hand circles back of shoulders, n. L. R. and R. L. hand circles back of shoulders. 12. L. L. and R. R. full arm circles. L. L. and R. R. hand circles front of thighs. (53) 54 INDIAN CLUB-SWINGING 13. L. R. and R. L. full arm circles. L. R. and R. L. hand circles back of head. Fig. 8. 14. L. R. and R. L. swing 225 degrees. L. L. and R. R. hand swing back of head. L. L. and R. R. hand circles front of shoulders. 15. L. R. and R. L. swing 225 degrees. L. L. and R. R. hand swing back of head. L. L. and R. R. hand circles front and back of shoulders. 16. L. R. and R. L. hand swing back of head. L. R. and R. L. hand circles front and back of thighs. 17. L. R. and R. L. full arm circle. L. R. and R. L. swing 225 degrees. L. L. and R. R. hand swing back of head. 18. L. R. and R. L. swing 225 degrees. L. L. and R. R. hand swing back of head. Hand swing on top of forearms at side horizontal. 19. L. L. and R. R. full arm circles. L. L. and R. R. hand circles, back and front of arms, at side hori- zontal. 20. L. R. and R. L. full arm circles. L. R. and R. L. hand circles, front and back of arms, at side hori- zontal. 21. L. L. and R. R. full arm circles. L. L. and R. R. hand circles back of head. Fig. 8. 22. L. L. and R. R. full arm circles. L. L. and R. R. hand circles back of shoulders. 23. L. L. and R. R. full arm circles. L. L. and R. R. hand circles front of thighs and back of shoulders. 5 ll'llVGS CIRCLES 55 24. L. R. and R. L. full arm circle. L. R. and R. L. hand circle back of thighs. Fig. 18. Fig. 18. 25. L. R. and R. L. full arm circles. L. R. and R. L. hand circles back of head, and back of thighs. 26. L. L. and R. R. full arm circles. L. L. and R. R. hand circles back of head, and back of thighs. 56 INDIAN CLUB-SWINGING 27. L. L. and R. R. hand circles back and front of head. 28. L. R. and R. L. hand circles back and front of head. 29. L. L. and R. R. hand circles back of thighs and back of head. 30. L. L. and R. R. hand circles front and back of thighs. 31. L. L. and R. R. hand circles front of thighs, and front of head. 32. L. L. and R. R. hand circles back of thighs, and back of head, front of head, and front of thighs. 33. L. R. and R. L. hand swing on top of forearms. Flex forearms, with hands in front of chest. L. L. and R. R. full arm circle. 34. L. R. and R. L. hand swing on top of forearms. Flex forearms, with hand in front of chest. L. R. and R. L. hand circles back of thighs. 35. L. R. and R. L. hand swing on top of forearms. L. L. and R. R. full arm circle. L. L. and R. R. hand circle back of thighs, and back and front of head. 36. L. R. full arm circle. R. L. hand circle back of head. 37. Counter like. 38. Alternate. 39. L. L. full arm circle. R. R. hand circle back of head. 40. Counter like. S WINGS CIR CLES 57 41. Alternate. 42. L. R. full arm circle, and hand circle back of L. shoulder. R. L. hand circle back of R. shoulder. 43. Counter like. 44. Alternate. 45. L. L. full arm circle and hand circle back of L. shoulder. R. R. hand circle back of head. 46. Counter like. 47. Alternate. 48. L. R. hand circle back of L. shoulder. R. L. hand circle front of R. thigh. 49. Counter like. 50. Alternate. 51. L. L. hand circle back of L. shoulder. R. R. hand circle front of R. thigh. 52. Counter like. 53. Alternate 54. L. R. hand circle front of head. R. L. hand cir- cle back of head. 55. Counter like. 56. Alternate. 57. L. L. hand circle front of head. R. R. hand cir cle back of head. 58. Counter like. 59. Alternate. 60. L. R. hand circle front of L. thigh. R. L. hand circle back of R. thigh. 61. Counter like. 58 INDIAN CLUB-SWINGING 62. Alternate. 63. L. L. hand circle front of L. thigh. R. R. hand circle back of R. thigh. 64. Counter like. 65. Alternate. 66. L. R. hand circle back of head. R. L. hand cir- cle back of R. thigh. 67. Counter like. 68. Alternate. 69. L. L. hand circle back of head. R. R. hand cir- cle back of R. thigh. 70. Counter like. 71. Alternate. 72. L. R. hand circles front and back of L shoulder. R. L. hand circle back and front of R. thigh. 73. Counter like. 74. Alternate. 75. L. L. hand circles front and back of head. R. R. hand circles front and back of R. thigh. 76. Counter like. 77. Alternate. 78. L. R. and R. L. hand circles front and back of head. L. R. and R. L. hand circles back of thighs. 79. L. L. hand circles back and front of head. R. R. hand circles front and back of thigh. 80. , Counter like. 81. Alternate. 5 WINGS CIR CLES 59 82. L. L. and R. R. full arm circles, continuous alter- nation. 83. L. R. and R. L. full arm circles, continuous alter- nation. 84. L. L. and R. R. full arm, forearm, and hand cir- cles, continuous alternation. 85. L. L. and R. R. hand circles back of thighs, con- tinuous alternation. 86. L. L. and R. R. hand circles front of thighs, con- tinuous alternation. 87. L. L. and R. R. hand circles front and back of thighs, continuous alternation. 88. L. R. and R. L. hand circles back of thighs, con- tinuous alternation. 89. L. R. and R. L. hand circles front of thighs, con- tinuous alternation. 90. L. R. and R. L. hand circles back and front of thighs, continuous alternation. 91. L. L. and R. R. full arm circles, forearm circles front of body, hand circles back and front of thighs, con- tinuous alternation. 92. L. R. and R. L. full arm circles, forearm circles, and hand circles in front of thighs, continuous alter- nation. 93. L. L. and R. R. hand circles front of thighs, and front of head, continuous alternation. 94. L. L. and R. R. hand circles back of thighs, and back of head, continuous alternation. 60 INDIAN CLUB-SWINGING 95. L. L. and R. R. hand circles front and back of thighs, and back and front of head, continuous alter- nation. 96. L. R. hand swing back of head. R. L. full arm circle. 97. Counter like. 98. Alternate. 99. L. R. hand swing back of head. R. L. hand circle back of head. 100. Counter like. 101. Alternate. 102. L. R. hand swing back of head. R. L. hand Circle back of R. thigh. 103. Counter like. 104. Alternate. 105. L. R. and R. L. hand swing back of head. L. R. and R. L. hand circles back of thighs. 106. Continuous alternation. 107. L. R. and R. L. hand swing front of body 225 degrees. L. L. and R. R. hand swing back of head. L. L. and R. R. hand circles back and front of thighs. 108. Continuous alternation. 109. L. R. and R. L. hand circles front and back of head. L. R. and R. L. hand circles front and back of thighs, continuous alternation. no. L. R. and R. L. hand swing back of head. L. L. and R. R. hand circles back of shoulders, continuous alternation. 5 WINGS CIR CLES 61 in. L. R. and R. L. hand swing back of head. L. L. and R. R. hand circles front and back of shoulders, continuous alternation. Fig. 19 112. L. L. and R. R. hand circles, arms to vertical, side horizontal, and front of thighs, continuous alter- nation. 62 INDIAN CLUB-SWINGING 113. L. R. hand swing back of head. R. R. hand circle front and back of R. thigh, continuous alterna- tion. 114. Counter like. 115. Alternate. 116. L. L. and R. R. full arm circle, L. R. and R. L. hand swing on top of forearms; as arms are at sides of thighs flex forearms with hands over shoulders, letting clubs slide back of shoulders. L. L. and R. R. hand circles back of shoulders. 117. Continuous alternation. Fig. 19. 118. L. R. and R. L. hand circles front and back of head. L. R. and R. L. hand circles front and back of thighs, continuous alternation. 119. L. R. and R. L. hand swing back of head. L. L. and R. R. hand circles back of shoulders, continuous alternation. 120. L. L. and R. R. hand circles back and front of arms, arms at vertical, side horizontal, hand circles front and back of thighs, continuous alternation. 121. L. L. and R. R. hand swing on top of forearms; as arms are at sides of thighs flex forearms with hands over shoulders, letting clubs slide back of shoulders. L. L. and R. R. hand circles front and back of shoulders. 122. Continuous alternation. 123. L. L. and R. R. hand swing on top of forearms; as arms are at the sides of thighs, flex forearms, with hands over shoulders, letting clubs slide back of shoulders. 5 WINGS CIR CLES 63 L. L. and R. R. hand circles front and back of shoulders, and front and back of thighs. 124. Continuous alternation. 125. L. R. and R. L. hand swing back of head. L. R. and R. L. hand circles back of thighs, and back of head. 126. L. R. and R. L. hand swing front of head 225 degrees. L. L. and R. R. hand swing back of head. L. L. and R. R. hand circles back and front of thighs, and back and front of head. 127. Continuous alternation. 128. L. R. and R. L. hand swing front of head 225 degrees. L. L. and R. R. hand swing back of head, L. R. and R. L. full arm circle, and hand circles back of head. 129. Continuous alternation. 130. L. R. and R. L. hand swing back of head. L. L. and R. R. hand circles at side horizontal front and back of arms, front and back of thighs and head. 131. Continuous alternation. 132. L. L. and R. R. full arm circles, forearm circles and hand circles front and back of thighs, L. R. and R. L. hand swing front of head 225 degrees. L. L. and R. R. hand swing back of head. 133. Continuous alternation. * Exercise with a merry heart, For it doeth good And is better than a medicine." SWINGS CIRCLES SECTION 7 LATERAL AND HORIZONTAL PLANES POSITION for starting, Fig. 6. For the part of the exercise in horizontal planes, for brevity, will use h. p., for the part of the exercise in lateral plane, 1. p. 1. L. L. and R. R. hand circles, h. p. Fig. 6. L. L. and R. R. full arm circles, 1. p. 2. L. R. and R. L. hand circles, h. p. Fig. 6. L. R. and R. L. full arm circles. 3. From starting position, Fig. 5, double R. hand circles, swinging clubs to R. horizontal, h. p. Double L. swing 180 degrees, 1. p. 4. Counter like. 5. Alternate. 6. Double R. hand circles in h. p. to R. 180 degrees. Double R. full arm circle, 1. p. 7. Counter like. 8. Alternate. (64) 5 WINGS CIRCLES 65 9. Double R. hand circles, h. p. Double R. full arm circles, and hand circles back of shoulders, 1. p. 10. Counter like, n. Alternate. 12. Double R. hand circles, h. p. Double R. hand circles front of thighs, 1. p. Fig. 16. 13. Counter like. 14. Alternate. 15. L. L. and R. R. hand circles in h. p. and 1. p., position for starting Fig. 6. 16. Double R. hand circles, h. p. Double R. hand circles back of thighs, 1. p. Fig. 17. 17. Counter like. 18. Alternate. 19. Double L. hand circles at L. side of body, 1. p. Double R. hand circles, h. p. 20. Counter like. 21. Alternate. 22. Double R. hand circles at L. side of body, 1. p. Double R. hand circles, h. p. 23. Counter like. 24. Alternate. 25. L. R. and R. L. hand swing back of head, 1. p. from clubs in front of chest, Fig. 7. L. L. and R. R. hand circle, h. p. 26. Double R. hand swing back of head, 1. p. Double L. hand circles to L. horizontal, h. p. 27. Counter like. 5 66 INDIAN CLUB-SWINGING 28. Alternate. 29. Double R. hand swing front of head, 225 degrees. Double L. hand swing back of head, 1. p. Double R. hand circle to R. horizontal, h. p. 30. Counter like. 31 Alternate. 32. Arms at side horizontal, L. L. and R. R. hand circles on top and under arms, h. p. 33. L. R. and R. L. hand circles on top and under arms, h. p. arms at side horizontal. 34. L. L. and R. R. hand circles, front and back of shoulders, 1. p. L. L. and R. R. hand circles on top and under arms at side horizontal, h. p. 35. L. R. and R. L. hand circles front and back of shoulders, 1. p. L. R. and R. L. hand circles on top and under arms at side horizontal, h. p. 36. L. L. and R. R. hand circles front and back of thighs, 1. p. L. L. and R. R. hand circles on top and under arms at side horizontal, h. p. 37. L. R. and R. L. hand circles front and back of thighs, 1. p. L. R. and R. L. hand circles on top and under arms at side horizontal, h. p. 38. L. R. and R. L. swing 225 degrees front of head. L. L. and R. R. hand swing back of head, 1. p. L. R. and R. L. hand circles on top and under arms at side horizontal, h. p. 39. L. L. and R. R. hand circles on top of arms, at side horizontal, h. p., continuous alternation. 5 WINGS CIR CLES 67 40. L. R. and R. L. hand circles on top of arms, at side horizontal, h. p., continuous alternation. 41. L. L. and R. R. hand circles under arms, at side horizontal, h. p., continuous alternation. 42. L. R. and R. L. hand circles under arms, at side horizontal, h. p., continuous alternation. 43. L. L. and R. R. hand circles on top and under arms, at side horizontal, h. p., continnous alternation. 44. L. R. and R. L. hand circles on top and under arms, at side horizontal, h. p., continuous alternation. 45. L. R. and R. L. hand swing back of head, 1. p. L. L. and R. R. hand circle on top and under arms, h. p., continuous alternation. 46. L. L. and R. R. hand circles back of head, 1. p. L. L. and R. R. hand circles, h. p., continuous alternation. 47. L. L. and R. R. hand circles back of head, 1. p. L. L. and R. R. hand circles on top and under arms, at side horizontal, h. p., continuous alternation. 48. L. R. and R. L. hand swing front of body 225 de- grees. L. L. and R. R. hand swing back of head, 1. p. L. R. and R. L. hand circles on top and under arms, at side horizontal, h. p., continuous alternation. 49. L. L. and R. R. full arm circles, and hand circles front and back of head, 1. p. L. L. and R. R. hand circles on top and under arms, at side horizontal, h. p. 50. L. R. and R. L. full arm circles, and hand circles front and back of head, 1. p. L. R. and R. L. hand circles on top and under arms, at side horizontal, h. p. 68 INDIAN CLUB-SWINGING 51. Double L. hand circles at L. side of body. Double L hand circles at R. side of body, 1. p. Double L. hand circles in h. p. 52. Counter like. 53. Alternate. 54. Double L. hand circles at L. side of body. Double L. hand circles in front of thighs. Double L. hand circles at R. side of body, 1. p. Double L. hand circles in h. p. 55. Counter like. 56. Alternate. 57. Double L. hand circles at L. side of body. Double L. hand circles front and back of thighs. Double L. hand circles at R. side of body, 1. p. Double L. hand circles in h. p. 58. Counter like. 59. Alternate. 60. Double L. hand circles at L. side of body, inside and outside of arms. Double L. hand circles back and front of thighs. Double L. hand circles at R. side of body, inside and outside of arms, 1. p. Double L. hand circles in h. p. 6r. Counter like. 62. Alternate. 63. Double L. hand circles at L. side of body, inside and outside of arms. Double L. hand circles back and front of thighs. Double L. hand circles at R. side of body, inside and outside of arms, 1. p. Double L. hand circles in h. p. Double L. hand circles back of head, 1. p. 5 WINGS CIR CLES 69 64. Counter like. 65. Alternate. 66. Double L. hand circles at L. side of body. Double R. hand swing back of head 180 degrees, 1. p. Double L. hand circle h. p. 67. Counter like. 6S. Alternate. 69. Double L. hand circles at L. side of body, inside aud outside of arms. Double L. hand circles front and back of thighs. Double L. hand circles at R. side of body, inside and outside of arms. Double L. hand circles in h. p. Double L. hand circles back and front of shoul- ders, 1. p. 70. Counter like. 71. Alternate. 72. L. L. and R. R. hand circles front of thighs, and back of head, 1. p. L. L. and R. R. hand circles from Fig. 7, h. p. 73. L. R. and R. L. hand circles front of thighs, and back of head, 1. p. L. R. and R. L. hand circles from Fig. 6, h. p. 74. L. J>. and R. R. hand circles back of thighs, and back of head, 1. p. L. L. and R. R. hand circle from Fig. 7, h. p. 75. L. R. and R. L. hand circles front of thighs, and back of head, 1. p. L. R. and R. L. hand circles on top and under arms, at side horizontal, h. p. L. R. and R. L. hand swing on top of forearms. INDIA N CL UB-S WINGING 76. Alternate 72 and 74. 77. Alternate 73 and 75. Fig. 20 78. Begin double R continuous alternation, Fig. 20. L. L. and R. L. hand circle in h. p. begin with one-half circle with R. club before you start the L. club. As you make the circle to the L. first have R. club over 5 WINGS CIRCLES 71 L. then change with the L. club over R. as clubs are making a L. L. and R. L. hand circle in h. p. 79. Counter like. 80. Alternate. 81. L. L. and R. L. hand circles at L. side of body, 1. p. L. L. and R. L. hand circles, from R. horizontal, h. p., continuous alternation. 82. Counter like. 83. Alternate. 84. L. L. and R. L. hand circles at R. side of body, 1. p. L. L. and R. L. hand circles, from R. horizontal, h. p., continuous alternation. 85. Counter like. 86. Alternate. 87. L. L. and R. L. hand circles at L. and R. sides of body, 1. p. L. L. and R. L. hand circles in h. p., continuous alternation. 88. Counter like. 89. Alternate. 90. L. L. and R. L. hand circles back of head, and at L. side of body. L. L. and R. L. hand circles, at R. side of body, 1. p. L. R. and R. L. hand circles in h. p., continuous alternation. 91. Counter like. 92. Alternate. 93. L. L. and R. L. hand circles, back and front of head, and at L. side of body inside and outside of arms, 1. p. L. L. and R. L. hand circles in h. p., continuous alternation. 72 INDIAN CLUB-SWINGING 94. Counter like. 95. Alternate. Fig. 21 96. L. L. and R. L. hand circles on top and under arms, h. p., Fig. 21, continuous alternation. 97. Counter like. 98. Alternate. 5 WINGS CIR CLES 73 99. L. L. and R. L. hand circles back of shoulders, 1. p. L. L. and R. L. hand circles on top and under arm, h. p., continuous alternation. 100. Counter like. 101. Alternate. 102. L. L. and R. L. hand circles front and back of head, 1. p. L. L. and R. L. hand circles on top and under arms, in h. p., continuous alternation. 103. Counter like. 104. Alternate. 105. L. L. and R. L. hand circles at L. and R. sides of body, 1. p. L. L. and R. L. hand circles in h. p., on top and under arms, continuous alternation. 106. Counter like. 107. Alternate. 108. L. L. and R. L. hand circles at L. and R. sides of body, 1. p. L. L. and R. L. hand circles on top and under arms, in h. p. L. L. and R. L. hand circles front and back of head, 1. p., continuous alternation. 109. Counter like, no. Alternate. in. L. L. hand circle on top of arm. R. L. hand circle under arm, h. p., hands close together, continu- ous alternation. 112. Counter like. 113. Alternate. 114. L. L. and R. L. hand circles front and back of head, 1. p. L. L. hand circle on top of arm. R. L. hand 74 INDIAN CLUB-SWINGING circle under arm, h. p., hands close together, continu- ous alternation. 115. Counter like. 116. Alternate. 117. Start at side horizontal, L. L. hand circle on top of arm, R. L. hand circle under arm, move arms to front of body slowly until L. hand is over R., h. p., continu- ous alternation. 118. Counter like. 119. Alternate. 120. L. R. and R. L. hand circles, L. hand on top of R., h. p., continuous alternation. 121. Counter like. 122. Alternate. 123. L. L. and R. R. hand circles L. hand on top of R. hand, h. p., continuous alternation. 124. Counter like. 125. Alternate. 126. L. L. and R. R. hand circles back of shoulders and head, 1. p. L. L. and R. R. hand circles. L. hand on top of R. hand, h. p., continuous alternation. 127. Counter like. 128 Alternate. " I wear my trusty sword when I do exercise." SWINGS CIRCLES SECTION 8 ANTERO-POSTERIOR PLANE OTAKTING position for movements in antero-posterior ^-J plane, front horizontal. 1. Double swing backward 150 degrees. 2. Forward and backward swing 180 degrees, Fig. 22. Alternating L. forward while R. is backward. 3. Full arm circles forward, continuous alternation. 4. Full arm circles backward, continuous alternation. 5. L. full arm circles forward. R. full arm circles backward, continuous alternation. 6. Counter like. 7. Alternate. 8. Forward hand circles, with elbows at sides of body, continuous alternation. 9. Backward hand circles, with elbows at sides of body, continuous alternation. 10. Backward full arm circles, hand circles backward, elbows at sides of body, continuous alternation. ri. Forward full arm circles, hand circles forward, elbows at sides of body, continuous alternation. (75) 7 6 INDIA N CL UB- S WINGING 12. Forward full arm circles, hand circles forward front horizontal, and sides of thighs, continuous alternation. 13. Backward full arm circles, hand circles back- ward front horizontal, and sides of thighs, continuous alternation. L Fig. 22 14. Forward full arm circles, hand circles forward inside of arms at front horizontal, and sides of thighs, continuous alternation. 15. Alternate 12 and 14 5 WINGS CIRCLES 77 16. Backward full arm circles, hand circles backward, inside of arms at front horizontal, and sides of thighs, continuous alternation. 17. Alternate 13 and 16. 18. Forward and backward swing 180 degrees. Forward hand circles at front horizontal, continuous alternation. 19. Forward hand circles, inside and outside of arms, front horizontal, continuous alternation. 20. Backward hand circles, inside and outside of arms, front horizontal, continuous alternation. 21 Forward full arm circles, hand circles inside and outside of arms, continuous alternation. 22. Backward full arm circles, hand circles inside and outside of arms, continuous alternation. 23. Forward full arm circles, hand circles inside and outside of arms, and at sides of thighs, continuous alternation. 24. Forward hand circles, arms at vertical, forward horizontal, and sides of thighs, continuous alternation. 25. Backward hand circles, arms at vertical, forward horizontal, and sides of thighs, continuous alternation. 26. L. forward hand circles, R. backward hand circles, front horizontal, continuous alternation. 27. Counter like. 28. Alternate. 29. L. forward hand circles, inside and outside of arms, R. backward hand circles, inside and outside of arms, front horizontal, continuous alternation. 78 INDIAN CLUB-SWINGING 30. Counter like. 31. Alternate. Fig. 23 32. Forward full arm circles, R. forward forearm and hand circle over L. upper arm. L. forward forearm and hand circle under R. upper arm, Fig. 23, continuous alter- nation. SWINGS CIRCLES 79 33. Counter like. 34. Alternate. 35. Backward full arm circles, R. backward forearm and hand circle over L. upper arm. L. backward forearm and hand circle under R. upper arm, continuous alternation. 36. Counter like. 37. Alternate. 38. Backward full arm circles, R. backward forearm and hand circle over L. upper- arm, L,. backward forearm and hand circle under R. upper arm, backward hand circles front horizontal, continuous alternation. 39. Counter like. 40. Alternate. 41. Forward full arm circles, R. forward forearm and hand circles over L. upper arm, L. forward fore- arm and hand circle under R. upper arm, hand circles forward at sides of thighs, continuous alternation. 42. Counter like. 43. Alternate. 44. Backward full arm circles, R. backward forearm and hand circle over L. upper arm, L. backward forearm and hand circle under R. upper arm, backward hand circles inside and outside of arms and at sides of thighs, continuous alternation. 45. Counter like. 46. Alternate. 80 INDIAN CLUB-SWINGING 47. Forward full arm circles, hand circles forward, inside and outside of arms, at sides of thighs, and front horizontal, continuous alternation. 48. Backward full arm circle, hand circles backward, inside and outside of arms, at sides of thighs, and front horizontal, continuous alternation. 49. Forward L. full arm circle, forward R. hand circle at R. side of body, continuous alternation. 50. Counter like. 51. Alternate. 52. Forward L. full arm circle, backward R. hand circle at R. side of body, continuous alternation. 53. Counter like. 54. Alternate. 55. Forward hand circles, inside and outside of arms at thighs, front horizontal, and outside of arms at vertical, continuous alternation. 56. Backward hand circles, inside and outside of arms at thighs, front horizontal, and outside of arms at vertical, continuous alternation. SAMPLE COMBINATIONS FULL ARM CIRCLES, HAND SWING AND CIRCLES WITH COMBINATIONS TO CHANGE FROM ONE MOVEMENT TO ANOTHER WITHOUT STOPPING LAT- ERAL PLANE 1. Double L. and R. swing 180 degrees. 2. Change at double L. L. L. hand circle back of L. shoulder, while R. makes a R. R. swing 180 degrees. L. L. and R. R. hand circle back of shoulders. 3. L. R. and R. L. swing 180 degrees, hand swing on top of arms at side horizontal. 4. Alternate a L. R. and R. L. swing front of body and back of body 180 degrees. 5. Alternate 3 and 4. 6. Change at L. horizontal, L. L. hand circle back of shoulder, while R. makes a R. L. swing 180 degrees. Double L. hand circles at L. side of body. 7. Double L. full arm circles. 6 (81) 82 INDIAN CLUB-SWINGING 8. Change at double R., make double R. hand circles at R. side of body. 9. Double R. full arm circles. 10. Change from double R. full arm circles at 270 degrees. L. L. and R. R. hand circles back of shoulders. 11. L. L. and R. R. full arm circles. 12. L. L. and R. R. full arm circles, continuous al- ternation. 13. Change at double L. horizontal, with double L. hand circles. 14. L. R. hand swing back of head, R. R. swing front of body 180 degrees. 15. Counter like. 16. Alternate. 17. Change at double L. horizontal, double L. hand circle, double R. swing 180 degrees. 18. Counter like, change with a L. R. hand swing back of head, R. R. swing front of body 180 degrees. 19. Alternate. 20. Double L. hand circles, L. side of body, L. R. hand swing back of head. R. R. swing front of body 180 degrees. 21. Counter like. 22. Alternate. 23. Change at double L. L. L. hand circle back of L. shoulder, while R. makes a R. R. swing 180 degrees front of body. L. L. and R. R. hand circles back of shoulders. 24. L. R. and R. L. hand swing back of head. SAMPLE COMBINATIONS 83 25. From forearms front of chest, Fig. 7, from L. R. and R. L. hand swing back of head. L. L. and R. R. hand circles in horizontal plane. 26. Change at side horizontal, L. R. and R. L. hand circle back of shoulders. 27. L. R. and R. L. full arm circles. 28. L. R. and R. L. full arm circles, continuous al- ternation. 29. Change with a R. L. hand circle back of R. shoul- der, while L. makes a L. L. swing 180 degrees. Double L. hand circles at L. side of body. 30. Double L. full arm circles and hand circles back of shoulders. Fig. 15. 31. Counter like, double L. hand swing back of head, double R. hand circles at R. side of body. 32. Alternate, with hand circles, at R. side of body after double L. hand circles back of shoulders, at L. side of body after double R. hand circles back of shoul- ders. 33. From double L. hand circles at L. side of body, double L. hand circles back of thighs and shoulders. 34. Counter like, with hand circles double R. at R. side of body, as you change. 35. Alternate with hand circles double L. and R. at L. and R. sides of body. 36. From double L. hand circles at L. side of body. L. R. and R. L. full arm circles and hand circles back of head. Fig. S. 84 INDIAN CLUB-SWINGING 37. L. R. full arm circle, R. L. hand circle back of R. shoulder. R. L. full arm circle. 38. Counter like. 39. Alternate. 40. L. R. full arm circle. R. L. hand circle back of R. shoulder. 41. Counter like. 42. Alternate. 43. L. R. hand circle back of L. shoulder. R. L. hand circle back of R. shoulder. R. L. full arm circle. 44. Counter like. 45. Alternate. 46. Change, with L. R. and R. L. full arm circle. 47. At side horizontal, L. R. and R. L. hand circle in horizontal plane. 48. From side horizontal L. L. and R. R. hand cir- cles back of thighs, shoulders, and head. 49. From L. L. and R. R. hand circles back of shoulders. L. L. and R. L. full arm circles, and hand circles back of head, continuous alternation. 50. Counter like, with hand circles, I>. R. and R. R. at R. side of body, as you change. 51. Alternate, with hand circles at L. and R. sides of body. 52. From L. L. and R. L. hand circles at L. side of body, continuous alternation, full arm circles forward, antero-posterior plane, R. forward forearm and hand cir- SAMPLE COMBINATIONS 85 cle over L. upper arm, L. forward forearm and hand circle under R. upper arm, Fig. 23, continuous alterna- tion. 53. Counter like. 54. Alternate, with hand circles inside and outside of arms, at front horizontal. Strength of character consists of two things power of will and power of endurance." SWINGS CIRCLES SECTION 9 LATERAL AND HORIZONTAL PLANES 1. Double R. full arm circles, double R. hand cir- cles back of R. shoulder. Fig. 24. 2. Counter like. 3. Alternate. 4. Double L. full arm circles, double L. hand cir- cles back of R. shoulder. Fig. 24. 5. Counter like. 6. Alternate. 7. Double R. full arm circles, double R. hand cir- cles back of R. shoulder with L. hand under R. upper arm. Fig. 25. 8. Counter like. 9. Alternate. 10. Double L. full arm circles, double L. hand circles back of R. shoulder with L. hand under R. upper arm. 11. Counter like. 12. Alternate. (86) S WINGS CIR CL ES 87 13. Double L. full arm circles, double L. hand cir- cles back of L. and R. shoulders. 14. Counter like. Fig. 24 15. Alternate. 16. Double L. full arm circles, double L. hand circles back of L. shoulder, then change double L. hand circle back of L. shoulder with R. hand under L. upper arm. 17. Counter like. 88 INDIAN CLUB-SWINGING 18. Alternate. 19. Double L. full arm circles, double L. hand cir- cles back of R. shoulder, then change double L. hand circles back of R. shoulder with L. hand under R. upper arm. 20. Counter like. 21. Alternate. 22. Combine 16 and 17. 5 WINGS CIR CLES 89 23. Double L. full arm circles, double L. hand cir- cles back of shoulders, double L. hand circles back of L. shoulder. 24. Counter like. 25. Alternate. 26. Double L. full arm circles, double L. hand cir_ cles back of shoulders, double L. hand circles back of R. shoulder. 27. Counter like. 28. Alternate. 29. Combine 23 and 26. 30. Double L. full arm circles, double L. hand circles back of shoulders, double L. hand circles back of L. shoulder R. hand under L. upper arm. 31. Counter like. 32. Alternate. 33. Double L. full arm circles, double L. hand circles back of shoulders, double L. hand circles back of R. shoulder L. hand under R. upper arm. 34. Counter like. 35. Alternate. 36. Double L. full arm circles, double L. hand circles back of shoulders, double L. hand circles at L. side of body, double L. hand circles back of L. shoulder R. hand under L. upper arm. 37. Counter like. 38. Alternate. 39. Double L. full arm circles, double L. hand circles back of shoulders, double L. hand circles at L. 90 INDIAN CLUB-SWINGING side of body, double L. hand circles back of R. shoulder L. hand under R. upper arm, double L. hand circles at R. side of body. 40. Counter like. 41. Alternate. 42. Double L. hand circles back of shoulders, double L. hand circles back of L. shoulder, double L. hand circles back of L. shoulder R. hand under L. upper arm, double L. hand circles back of R. shoulder L. hand under R. upper arm, double L. hand circles back of R. shoulder. 43. Counter like. 44. Alternate. 45. Double L. hand circles outside and inside of arms at L. side of body, double L. hand circles front and back of thighs, double L. hand circles back of R. shoulder. 46. Counter like. 47. Alternate. 48. Double L. hand circles front and back of shoulders, double L. hand circles inside and outside of arms at L. side of body, double L. hand circles front and back of thighs, double L. hand circles inside and outside of arms at R. side of body, double L. hand circles back of R. shoulder. 49. Counter like. 50. Alternate. 51. L. L. and R. L. hand circles back of R. shoulder. L. L. and R. L. full arm circles, continuous alternation. 5 1 WINGS CIR CLES 91 52. Counter like. 53. Alternate. 54. L. L. and R. L. hand circles back of R. shoulder. L. L. and R. L. hand circles at L. side of body, continu- ous alternation. 55. Counter like. 56. Alternate. 57. L. L. and R. L. hand circles back of R. shoulder. L. L. and R. L. hand circles front and back of head, con- tinuous alternation. 58. Counter like. 59. Alternate. 60. Alternate 54 and 57. 61. Counter like. 62. Alternate. 63. L. R. hand swing back of head, R. L. hand circle back of R. shoulder, and full arm circle, L. L. and R. L. hand circle back of R. shoulder, continuous alternation. 64. Counter like. 65. Alternate. 66. L. L. and R. L. hand circles back of L. shoulder, L. L. and R. L. hand circles front and back of head, continuous alternation. 67. Counter like. 68. Alternate. 69. L. L. and R. L. hand circles back of L. shoulder, L. L. and R. L. hand circles back of R. shoulder, contin- uous alternation. 70. Counter like. 92 INDIAN CLUB-SWINGING 71. Alternate. 72. L. L. and R. L. hand circles back of L. shoulder, L. L. and R. L. hand circles front and back of head, L. L. and R. L. hand circles back of R. shoulder, con- tinuous alternation. 73. Counter like. 74. Alternate. 75. L. L. and R. L. hand circles at L. side of body, L. L. and R. L. hand circles back of L. shoulder, L. L. and R. I., hand circles back and front of head, L. L. and R. L. hand circles back of R. shoulder, continuous alternation. 76. Counter like. 77. Alternate. 78. L. L. and R. L. hand circles inside and outside of arms at L. side of body, L. L. and R. L. hand circles back of L. shoulder, L. L. and R. L. hand circles front and back of head, L. L. and R. L. hand circles back of R. shoulder, L. L. and R. L. hand circles inside and out- side of arms at R. side of body, continuous alternation. 79. Counter like. 80. Alternate. 81. Alternate 78 and 75. 82. Counter like. 83. Alternate. 84. L. L. and R. L. hand circles inside and outside of arms at L. side of body, L. L. and R. L. hand circles back of L. shoulder, L. L. and R. L. hand circles front and back of head, L. L. and R. L. hand circles back of R. 5 IV INGS CIR CLES 93 shoulder, L. L. and R. L. hand circles inside and outside of arms at R. side of body, L. L. and R. L. hand circles on top and under arms in h. p., Fig. 21, continuous al- ternation. 85. Counter like. 86. Alternate. 87. L. L. and R. L. hand circles front and back of head, L. L. and R. L. hand circles on top and under arms in h. p., continuous alternation. 88. Counter like. 89. Alternate. 90. L. L. and R. L. hand circles front and back of thighs, and front and back of head, L. L. and R. L. hand circles on top and under arms in h. p., continuous alternation. 91. Counter like. 92. Alternate. 93. L. L. and R. L. hand circles inside and outside of arms at L. side of body, L. R. hand swing back of head, R. R. hand swing front of body 180 degrees, L. L. and R. L. hand circles inside and outside of arms at R. side of body, continuous alternation. 94. Counter like. 95. Alternate. 96. L. L. and R. L. hand circles inside and outside of arms at L. side of body, L. L. and R. L. hand circles back and front of thighs, L. L. and R. L. hand circles inside and outside of arms at R. side of body, L. L. and R. L. hand circles front and back of head, continuous al- ternation. 94 INDIAN CLUB-SWINGING 97. Counter like. 98. Alternate. 99. L. L. and R. L. full arm circles, L. L. forearm and hand circle over L. upper arm, L. L. forearm and hand circle under R. upper arm, L. L. and R. L. hand circle back and front of head, continuous alternation. 100. Counter like. 101. Alternate. 102. L. L. and R. L. hand circles at L. side of body, R. L. forearm and hand circle over L. upper arm, L. L. forearm and hand circle under R. upper arm, L. L. and R. L. hand circles on top and under arms, h. p., continu- ous alternation. 103. Counter like. 104. Alternate. 105. Alternate 93 and 96. 106. Counter like. 107. Alternate. 108. Alternate 99 and 102. 109. Counter like, no. Alternate. in. L. L. and R. L. hand circles at L. side of body, R. L. forearm and hand circle over L. upper arm, L. L. fore- arm and hand circle under R. upper arm, L. L,. and R. L. hand circles back and front of head, continuous alternation. 112. Counter like. 113. Alternate. 114. L. L. and R. L. hand circles inside and outside of arms at L. side of body, R. L. forearm and hand circle 5 WINGS CIR CLES 95 over L. upper arm, L. L. forearm and hand circle under R. upper arm, L. L. and R. L. hand circles inside and outside of arms at R. side of body, continuous alternation. H5'. Counter like. 116. Alternate. 117. Alternate in and 114. 118. Counter like. 119. Alternate. 120. L. L. and R. L. full arm circles, and hand circles back of shoulders, R. L. forearm and hand circles over L. upper arm, L. L. forearm and hand circle under R. upper arm, continuous alternation. 121. Counter like. 122. Alternate. 123. L. L. and R. L. full arm circles, and hand cir- cles back of shoulders, R. L. forearm and hand circle over L. upper arm, L. L. forearm and hand circle under R. upper arm, L. L. hand circle hack of R. shoulder, R. L. full arm circle, continuous alternation. 124. Counter like. 125. Alternate. 126. L. L. and R. L. full arm circles, and hand circles back of shoulders, L. L. and R. L. hand circle back of R. shoulder, L. L. and R. L. hand circles front and back of head, L. L. and R. L. hand circle on top and under arms, h. p., continuous alternation. 127. Counter like. 128. Alternate. 129. Alternate 123 and 126. 96 INDIAN CLUB-SWINGING 130. Counter like. 131. Alternate. 132. L. L. and R. L. full arm circles and hand circles back of shoulders, L,. L. and R. L. hand circles back of R. shoulder, L. L. and R. L. full arm circles and hand circles back of R. shoulder L. hand under R. upper arm, continuous alternation. 133. Counter like. 134 Alternate. 135. L. L. and R. L. full arm circles, and hand circle back of shoulders, L. L. and R. L. hand circles back of R. shoulder L. hand under R. upper arm, L. L. and R. L. hand circles front and back of head, continuous alter- nation. 136. Counter like. 137. Alternate. 138. L. L. and R. L. hand circles at L. side of body, R. L. forearm and hand circle over L. upper arm, L. L. forearm and hand circle under R. upper arm, L. L. and R. L. hand circle back of R. shoulder L. hand under R. upper arm, continuous alternation. 139. Counter like. 140. Alternate. 141. Alternate 135 and 138. 142. Counter like. 143. Alternate. 144. L. L. and R. L. hand circles at L. side of body, L. L. and R. L. hand circles front and back of thighs, L. L. and R. L. hand circles at R. side of body, L. L. SWINGS CrRCLES 97 and R. L. hand circles front and back of head, L. L. and R. L. hand circles on top and under arms, h. p., con- tinuous alternation. 145. Counter like. 146. Alternate. 147. L. L. and R. L. hand circles inside and outside of arms at L. side of body, L. L. and R. L. hand circles front and back of thighs, L. L. and R. L. hand circles inside and outside of arms at R. side of body, L. L. and R. L. hand circles front and back of head, L. L. hand circle on top of arm, h. p., L. R. hand cir- cle under arm, h. p., continuous alternation. 148. Counter like. 149. Alternate. 150. Alternate 144 and 147. 151. Counter like. 152. Alternate. 153. L. L. and R. L. hand circles back of R. shoulder, L. L. and R. L. hand circles front and back of L. thigh, R. arm across small of back, Fig. 26, continuous alterna- tion. 154. Counter like. 155. Alternate. 156. L. L. and R. L. hand circles front and back of L. thigh, R. arm across small of back, continuous alter- nation. 157. Counter like. 158. Alternate. 7 INDIA N CLUB-S WINGING 159. Alternate 153 and 156. 160. Counter like. 161. Alternate. Fig. 26 162. L. L. and R. L. hand circles at L. side of body, L: L. and R. L. hand circles front and back of L. thigh, Fig. 26, continuous alternation. 5 WINGS CIR CLES 99 163. Counter like. 164. Alternate. 165. L. L. and R. L. hand circles front and back of head, L. L. and R. L. hand circles front and back of L. thigh, Fig. 26, continuous alternation. 166. Counter like. 167. Alternate. 168. L. L. and R. L. hand circles at L. side of body, L. L. and R. L. hand circles front and back of head, L. L. and R. L. hand circles front and back of L. thigh, Fig. 26, continuous alternation. 169. Counter like. 170. Alternate. 171. L. L. and R. L. hand circles back of L. shoulder, L. L. and R. L. hand circles front and back of L. thigh, Fig. 26, continuous alternation. 172. Counter like. 173. Alternate. 174. L. L. and R. L. hand circles back of L. and R. shoulders, L. L. and R. L. hand circles front and back of L. thigh, Fig. 26, continuous alternation. 175. Counter like. 176. Alternate. 177. Alternate 168 and 174. 178. Counter like. 179. Alternate. 180. Double L. hand circles back of shoulders. Double L. hand circles back of L. thigh. ioo INDIAN CLUB-SWINGING 181. Counter like. 182. Alternate. 183. Double L. hand circles back and front of shoul- ders. Double L. hand circles back of L. thigh. 184. Counter like. 185. Alternate. 186. Double L. hand circles back of L. shoulder. Double L. hand circles back of L. thigh. 187. Counter like. 1 88. Alternate. 189. Double L. hand circles back of L. shoulder. Double L. hand circles back of L. thigh. Double L. hand circles back of R. shoulder. 190. Counter like. 191. Alternate. 192. Double L. hand circles back of L. shoulder. Double L. hand circles front and back of shoulders. Double L. hand circles back of R. shoulder. 193. Counter like. 194. Alternate. 195. Double L. hand circles back of L. shoulder. Double L. hand circles under L. upper arm. Fig. 27. 196. Counter like. 197. Alternate. 198. Double L. hand circles back of L. shoulder. Double L. hand circle under L. upper arm. Fig. 27. Double L. hand circles back of R. shoulder. 199. Counter like. SWINGS CIRCLES 101 200. Alternate. 201. Double L. hand circles back of shoulders. Double L. hand circles back of L. shoulder. Double L. Fig. 27 hand circles under L. upper arm. Fig. 27. Double L. hand circles back of R. shoulder. 202. Counter like. 102 INDIAN CLUB-SWINGING 203. Alternate. 204. Double L. hand circles back of R. shoulder. Double L. hand circles under R. upper arm. 205. Counter like. 206. Alternate. 207. Double L. hand circles back of L. shoulder. Double L. hand circles back of R. shoulder. Double L. hand circle under R. upper arm. 208. Counter like. 209. Alternate. 210. Double L. hand circles back and front of thighs. Double L. hand circles back of R. shoulder. Double L. hand circle under R. upper arm. 211. Counter like. 212. Alternate. 213. Double L. hand circles at L. side of body. Double L. hand circles under L. upper arm. Double L. hand circle under R. upper arm. 214. Counter like. 215. Alternate. 216. Double L. hand circles at L. side of body. Double L. hand circle back of L. shoulder. Double L. hand circles front and back of thighs. Double L. hand circles at R. side of body. 217. Counter like. 218. Alternate. 219. Double L. hand circles back of L. shoulder. Double L. hand circles under L. upper arm. Double L. 5 WINGS CIRCL ES 103 hand circles under R. upper arm. Double Lr. hand circles back of R. shoulder. 220. Counter like. 221. Alternate. 222. Double L. hand circles back of L. shoulder. Double L. hand circles under L. upper arm. Double L. hand circles under R. upper arm. Double L. hand circles back of R. shoulder. Double L. hand circles front and back of shoulders. 223. Counter like. 224. Alternate. 225. Double L. hand circles inside and outside of arms at L. side of body. Double L. hand circles back of L. shoulder. Double L. hand circles under L. upper arm. Double L. hand circles back of R. shoulder. 226. Counter like. 227. Alternate. 228. Double L. hand circles inside and outside of arms at L. side of body. Double L. hand circles back of L. shoulder. Double L. hand circles back and front of thighs. Double L. hand circles inside and outside of arms at R. side of body. 229. Counter like. 230. Alternate. 231. Double L. hand circles inside and outside of arms at L. side of body. Double L. hand circles back of L. shoulder. Double L. hand circles under L. upper arm. Double L. hand circles back and front of thighs. Double L. hand circles in h. p. 104 INDIAN CLUB-SWINGING 232. Counter like. 233. Alternate. 234. Double L. hand circles back of thighs. Double L. hand circles front of shoulders. Double L. hand circles back of L. shoulder. 235. Counter like. 236. Alternate. 237. Double L. hand circles front and back of shoulders. Starting L. L. hand circles front of L. shoulder, R. L. in back of R. shoulder. Double L. hand circles front and back of thighs. Starting L. L. hand circles in back of L. thigh, R. L. in front of R. thigh. 238. Counter like. 239. Alternate. 240. Alternate 231 and 237. 241. Counter like. 242. Alternate. 243. L. R. and R. L. hand swing front of head 225 degrees. L. L. and R. R. hand swing back of head. L. L. and R. R. hand circles back of thighs. L. L. and R. R. hand circles back of head. 244. Double L. hand circles front and back of L. shoulder. Double L. hand circles front of R. thigh, L. arm back of body. 245. Counter like. 246. Alternate. 247. Double L. hand circles inside and outside of arm at L. side of body. Double L. hand circles front of R. thigh, L. arm back of body. Double L. hand circles 5 WINGS CIR CLES 105 inside and outside of arms at R. side of body. Double L. hand circles front and back of shoulders. 248. Counter like. 249. Alternate. 250. Double L. hand circles at L. side of body. L. L. hand circle inside of arm. R. L. hand circle out- side of arm. Double L. hand circles at R. side of body. R. L. hand circle inside of arm. L. L. hand circle out- side of arm. 251. Counter like. 252. Alternate. 253. Double L. hand circle at L. side of body. L. L. hand circle inside of arm, R. L. outside of arm. Double L. hand circles front and back of thighs. Double L. hand circles at R. side of body. L. L. hand circle out- side of arm, R. L. inside of arm. Double L. hand cir- cles back and front of shoulders. 254. Counter like. 255. Alternate. 256. L. R. hand circle back and front of L. shoulder. R. L. hand circle front and back of L. thigh, R. arm back of body. 257. Counter like. 258. Alternate. 259. L. R. and R. L. hand circles front and back of head. Double L. hand circles at L. side of body, R. hand over L. upper arm, L. hand under R. upper arm. 260. Counter like. 106 INDIAN CLUB-SWINGING 261. Alternate. 262. L. L. and R. R. hand circles front and back of head. Double L. hand circles at L. side of body, R. hand over L. upper arm, L. hand under R. upper arm. 263. Counter like. 264. Alternate. 265. Double L. hand circles at L. side of body. Double L. hand swing back of head. Double R. hand circles under R. upper arm. 266. Counter like. 267. Alternate. 268. Double L. hand circles at L. side of body. Double L. hand circles back of L. shoulder. Double R. hand swing back of head. Double L. hand circles back of R. shoulder. 269. Counter like. 270. Alternate. 271. Double L. hand circles back of L. shoulder. Double L. hand circles under L. upper arm. Double R. hand swing back of head. Double L. hand circle under R. upper arm. 272. Counter like. 273. Alternate. 274. Double L. hand circles back of L. shoulder. Double. L,. hand circle under L. upper arm. Double R. hand swing back of head. Double L. hand swing front of head. 5 U T INGS CIR CLES 107 275. Counter like. 276. Alternate. 277. Double L. hand circles at L. side of body. L. R. hand swing back of head. R. R. hand swing front of head. Double L. hand circle back of R. shoulder. 278. Counter like. 279. Alternate. 280. Double L. hand circles inside and outside of arms at L. side of body. L. R. hand swing back of head. R. R. hand swing front of head. Double L. hand circles under R. upper arm. Donble L. hand circles back of shoulders. 281. Counter like. 282. Alternate. 283. Double L. hand circles back of L. shoulder. Double L. hand circles L. side of body. L. R. hand swing back of head. R. R. hand swing front of head. Double L. hand circles inside and outside of arms at R. side of body. Double L. hand circles back and front of shoulders. 284. Counter like. 285. Alternate. 286. Alternate 277 and 280. 287. Counter like. 288. Alternate. 289. Double L. hand circles back of L. shoulder. Double L. hand circle under L. upper arm. L. R. hand swing back of head. R. R. hand swing front of head. io8 INDIAN CLUB-SWINGING Double L. hand circles under R. upper arm. Double L. hand circles back of R. shoulder. 290. Counter like. 291. Alternate. 292. Double L. hand circles front and back of L. shoulder. Double L. hand circles under L. upper arm. Double R. hand swing back of head. Double L. hand circles back of R. shoulder. Double L. hand circles under R. upper arm. Double L. hand circles back and front of shoulders. 293. Counter like. 294. Alternate. 295. Alternate 289 and 292. 296. Counter like. 297. Alternate. 298. Double L. hand circles back of L. shoulder. Double L. hand circles front of R. thigh, L. arm back of body. Double L. hand circles under R. upper arm. Double L. hand circles back of R. shoulder. Double L. hand circles back and front of shoulders. Start L. L. hand circle back of L. shoulder, R. L. hand circle front cf R. shoulder. 299. Counter like. 300. Alternate. "It is not luck, bat pluck, with mental and physical powers which weaves the web of life, and gives to him sound health "SNAKE MOVEMENTS" SWINGS- CIRCLES SECTION 10 LATERAL AND HORIZONTAL PLANES 1. "SNAKE MOVEMENT" with one club: L. L. From front horizontal grasp club by the knob, swing it on back of L. forearm, about 225 degrees, with the neck lying over the outside of wrist; at the same time rotating the fore- arm to the R. knuckles turned well to the R., see Fig. 28. Flex forearm, with L. hand under L. armpit, flexing the wrist well ; keep the club as close to the wrist as you can, see Fig. 29. L. R. swing club under L. forearm, at the same time extending arm to side horizontal, flexing wrist well, see Fig. 30. Flex forearm, hand front of chest. Fig. 31. L. L. hand circle on top of arm. After exe- cuting movement in sections, as illustrated, make the movement continuous L. L. hand circles as described. Familiarly known as " Snake Movement," or " Snake Circles.'' 2. Counter like 3. Alternate. 4. "Snake Movement," L. L. and R. R., h. p. (109) no INDIAN CLUB-SWINGING 5. "Snake Movement," L. L. and R. R. with hand circles L. L. and R. R. on top of arms, h. p. 6. L. R. and R. L. hand swing back of head, 1. p. "Snake Movement" L. L. and R. R., h. p. 7. L. R. and R. L. hand swing back of head, "Snake Movement" L. L. and R. R. , 1. p. 5 WINGS CIR CLES 1 1 1 8. L. L. and R. R. full arm circles, "Snake Move- ment" L. L. and R. R at side horizontal, 1. p. Fig. 29 9. L. R. and R. L. swing front of body 180 degrees. L. L. and R. R. hand circles, h. p. "Snake Movement" L. L. and R. R., 1. p. ii2 INDIAN CLUB-SWINGING 10. L. L. and R. R. full arm circles, and hand circles back of head. "Snake Movement" L. L. and R. R. at side horizontal. Fig. 30 II. L. R. and R. L. hand circles h. p. "Snake Move- ment" L. L. and R. R. at side horizontal. 5 WINGS CIR CLES 113 12. L. R. and R. L. full arm circles. "Snake Move- ment" L. L. and R. R. at side horizontal. 13. L. L. and R. R. hand circles back of thighs. "Snake Movement" L. L. and R. R. at side horizontal. 14. L. L. and R. R. hand circles front of thighs. "Snake Movement" L. L. and R. R. at side horizontal. ii4 INDIAN CLUB-SWINGING 15. L. L. and R. R. hand circles front of thighs and back of head. "Snake Movement" L. L. and R. R. at side horizontal. 16. L. L. and R. R. hand circles back and front of thighs and back of shoulders. "Snake Movement" L. L. and R. R. at side horizontal. 17. L. L. and R. R. hand circles back and front of thighs, back and front of shoulders. "Snake Movement" L. L. and R. R. at side horizontal. 18. L. L. and R. R. hand circles back of shoulders. L. R. and R. L. hand swing back of head. "Snake Move- ment" L. L. and R. R. at side horizontal. 19. L. R. and R. L. hand swing front of head 225 degrees. L. L. and R. R. hand swing back of head. L. L. and R. R. hand circles back of shoulders. "Snake Movement" L. L. and R. R. at side horizontal. 20. Double L. full arm circles. "Snake Movement" double L. at L. side of body. 21. Counter like. 22. Alternate. 23. Double L. full arm circles, and hand circles back of shoulders. "Snake Movement" double L. at L. side of body. 24. Counter like. 25. Alternate. 26. Double L. full arm circles, and hand circles front of thighs. "Snake Movement" double L. at L. side of body. 5 WINGS CIRCLES 115 27. Counter like. 28. Alternate. 29. Double L. hand circles front and back of thighs. "Snake Movement" double L. at L. side of body. 30. Counter like. 31. Alternate. 32. Double L. hand circles back of shoulders. "Snake Movement " double L. at L. side of body. Double L. hand circles back and front of thighs. 33. Counter like. 34. Alternate. 35. Double L. hand circles front and back of thighs. "Snake Movement" double R. at R. side of body. 36. Counter like. 37. Alternate. 38. Double L. hand circles back of shoulders, front and back of thighs. " Snake Movement " double R. at R. side of body. 39. Counter like. 40. Alternate. 41. Double L. hand circles front and back of shoul- ders, front and back of thighs. "Snake Movement" double R. at R. side of body. 42. Counter like. 43. Alternate. 44. Double L. hand circles inside and outside of arms at L. side of body. "Snake Monement" double L. at L. side of body. Double L. hand circles front and back of n6 INDIAN CLUB-SWINGING thighs. Double L. hand circles inside and outside of arms at R. side of body. 45. Counter like. 46. Alternate. 47. Alternate 44 and 41. 48. Counter like. 49. Alternate. 50. "Snake Movement" double L. at L. side of body. Double L. hand circles front and back of thighs, starting L. L. back of L. thigh, R. L. in front of R. thigh. 51. Counter like. 52. Alternate. 53. "Snake Movement" double L. at L. side of body. Double L. hand circles front and back of thighs, starting L. L. back of L. thigh, R. L. in front of R. thigh. Double L. hand circles front and back of head, starting L. L. back of L. shoulder, R. L. in front of R. shoulder. 54. Counter like. 55. Alternate. 56. Alternate 50 and 53. 57. Counter like. 58. Alternate. 59. L. L. "Snake Movement" at L. side of body. R. L. hand circle in front of R. thigh. 60. Counter like. 61. Alternate. 62. L. L. "Snake Movement" at L. side of body. R. L. hand circles back of R. thigh and back of R. shoulder. S 1 WINGS CIRCLES 117 63. Counter like. 64. Alternate. 65. L. L. "Snake Movement" at L. side of body. R. L. hand circle front and back of R. shoulder. 66. Counter like. 67. Alternate. 68. L. L. "Snake Movement" at L. side of body. R. L. hand circles back and front of R. thigh. 69. Counter like. 70. Alternate. 71. L. L. "Snake Movement" at L. side of body. R. R. hand circles back and front of R. thigh, and back and front of R. shoulder. 72. Counter like. 73. Alternate. 74. L. L. "Snake Movement" at L. side of body. R. L. hand swing back of head. 75. Counter like. 76. Alternate. 77. "Snake Movement" double L. at L. side of body. Double R. hand swing back of head. " Snake Move- ment " double R. at R. side of body. 78. Counter like. 79. Alternate. 80. "Snake Movement" double L. at L. side of body. L. R. hand swing back of head. R. R. hand swing front of head. Double L. hand circles at R. side of body. n8 INDIAN CLUB-SWINGING 81. Counter like. 82. Alternate. 83. "Snake Movement" double L. at L. side of body. L. R. hand swing back of head. R. R. hand swing front of head. Double L. hand circles front and back of shoulders. 84. Counter like. 85. Alternate. 86. "Snake Movement" double L. at L. side of body. Double L. hand circles back of shoulders. " Snake Movement " double L. back of shoulders. 87. Counter like. 88. Alternate. 89. L. L. hand circle and "Snake Movement" at L. side of body. R. L. hand circle front and back of R. shoulder. 90. Counter like. 91. Alternate. 92. "Snake Movement" L. L. and R. R. h. p., con- tinuous alternation. Fig. 32. 93. "Snake Movement" L. L. and R. R. 1. p., con- tinuous alternation. 94. "Snake Movement" L. L. and R. R. Full arm circles L. L. and R. R. 1. p., continuous alternation. 95. Double L. hand circles back of R. shoulder. "Snake Movement" and hand circles double L. at L. side of body. 96. Counter like. SWINGS CIRCLES "9 97. Alternate. 98. Double L. hand circles back of R. shoulder and under R. upper arm. Double L. hand circles back of Fig. 32 shoulders, double L. "Snake Movement" at L. side of body. 99. Counter like. 120 INDIAN CLUB-SWINGING 100. Alternate. 101. "Snake Movement" double L. at L. side of body. Double L. hand circles back of shoulders and under L. upper arm. Double L. hand circles back of shoulders. 102. Counter like. 103. Alternate. 104. Double L. hand circles at L. side of body. "Snake Movement" double L. finishing the first part of the movement at sides of thighs, the last part of the cir- cle between arms and thighs. Double R. hand swing back of head. 105. Counter like. 106. Alternate. 107. "Snake Movement" L. L. and R. R. at side horizontal and back of thighs. L. L. and R. R. hand circles back of shoulders and front of thighs. 108. "Snake Movement" L. L. and R. L. at L.. side of body, continuous alternation. 109. Counter like. no. Alternate. in. L. L. and R. L. hand circles front and back of head. " Snake Movement " L. L. and R. L. front and back of head, continuous alternation. 112. Counter like. 113. Alternate. 114. L. L. and R. L. hand circles front and back of head. "Snake Movement" L. L. and R. L. at L. side of body, continuous alternation. SWINGS CIRCLES 121 115. Counter like. 116. Alternate. 117. "Snake Movement" and hand circles L. L. and R. L. h. p. L. L. and R. L. hand circles at L. side of body, 1. p., continuous al'ternation. 1 18. Counter like, ng. Alternate. 120. L. L. and R. L. hand circles on top and under arms. " Snake Movement" L. L. and R. L. h. p. L. L. and R. L. hand circles back and front of head, 1. p., con- tinuous alternation. 121. Counter like. 122. Alternate. 123. L. L. and R. L. hand circles back of R. shoulder. "Snake Movement" L. L. and R. L. at L. side of body, continuous alternation. 124. Counter like. 125. Alternate. 126. "Snake Movement" L. R. and R. L. in h. p., con- tinuous alternation. 127. "Snake Movement" L. R. and R. L. h. p. L. R. and R. L. hand circles back of shoulders, continuous al- ternation. 128. Double R. hand circles at L. side of body. "Snake Movement" double R. at L. side of body. 129. Counter like. 130. Alternate. 131. "Snake Movement" double L. at L. side of body. 122 INDIAN CLUB-SWINGING " Snake Movement" double L. at R. side of body. Double L. hand circles back and front of shoulders. 132. Counter like. 133. Alternate. 134. "Snake Movement" double R. at L. side of body. Double R. hand circles front and back of thighs. Double R. hand circles front and back of shoulders. 135. Counter like. 136. Alternate. 137. L. R. and R. R. hand circles at L. side of body. "Snake Movement" L. R. and R. R. at L. side of body, continuous alternation. 138. Counter like. 139. Alternate. 140. "Snake Movement" L. R. and R. R. at L. side of body. L. R. and R. R. hand circles back and front of head, continuous alternation. 141. Counter like. 142. Alternate. 143. "Snake Movement" L. R. and R. R. at L. side of body. L. R. and R. R. hand circles back and front of thighs, hand circles at R. side of body. 144. Counter like. 145. Alternate. 146. "Snake Movement" L. L. and R. R. at L. side of body. L. L. and R. R. hand circles at L. side of body, continuous alternation. 147. Counter like. S WINGS CIR CLES 123 148. Alternate. 149. "Snake Movement" L. L. and R. R. h. p. L. L. and R. R. hand circles on top and under arms, h. p. 150. Counter like. 151. Alternate. 152. L. R. and R. R. hand circles back of L. shoulder. "Snake Movement" L. R. and R. R. at L. side of body. L. R. and R. R. hand circles back of R. shoulder, con- tinuous alternation. 153. Counter like. 154. Alternate. "The wise for cure on exercise depend." CIRCLES "SNAKE MOVEMENTS" SECTION ii ANTERO-POSTERIOR PLANE STARTING position arms front horizontal. 1. Double forward hand circles, "Snake Movement" double forward at front horizontal. Double forward hand circles at sides of thighs. 2. L. forward full arm circle, "Snake Movement" R. forward at front horizontal. 3. Counter like. 4. Alternate. 5. L. full arm circle forward, R. hand circle for- ward. L. hand circles forward at front horizontal, "Snake Movement" R. forward at front horizontal. 6. Counter like. 7. Alternate. 8. Forward hand circles, L. hand at R. shoulder, R. hand at L. shoulder. "Snake Movement" forward at front horizontal. 9. Counter like. L. forearm on top of R. 10. Alternate. (124) CIRCLES 125 II. "Snake Movement" L. forward at front horizon- tal. R. forward hand circles at R. thigh, continuous al- ternation. Fig. 33 12. Counter like. 13. Alternate. 14. L. forward full arm circles, R. backward full arm circles, L. forward hand circle, and "Snake Movement" 126 INDIAN CLUB-SWINGING front horizontal, R. backward hand circles inside and out- side of arms, front horizontal, continuous alternation. 15. Counter like. Fig. 34 16. Alternate. 17. Forward full arm circles. R. forward forearm and hand circle over L. upper arm. L. forward forearm and hand circle under R. upper arm. "Snake Move- CIRCLES 127 ment" forward at front horizontal, see Figs. 33 and 34, continuous alternation. 18. Counter like. 19. Alternate. 20. Double forward hand circles at sides of thighs, "Snake Movement" double forward at front horizontal and vertical. 21. L. forward hand circles, R. backward hand cir- cles and -''Snake Movement" front horizontal, continuous alternation. 22. Counter like. 23. Alternate. 24. R. backward full arm circle and "Snake Move- ment" at front horizontal. L. backward full arm circles, continuous alternation. 25. Counter like. 26. Alternate. 27. Backward full arm circles, R. backward forearm and hand circle over L. upper arm. L. backward fore- arm and hand circle under R. upper arm. "Snake Movement" backward at front horizontal, same as Figs. 33 and 34 backward, continuous alternation. 28. Counter like. 29. Alternate. 30. L. backward hand circles, arm at vertical, R. back- ward hand circles at R. thigh, backward "Snake Move- ment" at front horizontal, continuous alternation. 128 INDIAN CLUB-SWINGING 31. Counter like. 32. Alternate. 33. Alternate 27 and 30. 34. Counter like 35. Alternate. Indian club-swinging makes a man strong, both mentally and physically. "SNAKE MOVEMENTS" CIRCLES BETWEEN THE LEGS SECTION 12 LATERAL PLANE POSITION, stride stand, heels are two lengths of the foot apart laterally, legs extended and supporting body equally, feet at angle of 90 degrees. 1. Double L. hand circles at L. side of body. Double L. hand circle, L. L. back of L. thigh, R. L. between the legs. Double L. hand circles back of shoulders. 2. Counter like. 3. Alternate. 4. L. L. and R. R. full arm circles, L. L. hand circle back of L. thigh. R. R. hand circle between the legs. 5. Counter like. 6. Alternate. 7. Double L. hand circles at L. thigh, L. L. hand circle back of L. thigh, R. L. hand circle between the legs. Double L. hand circles back of R. shoulder. 8. Counter like. 9. Alternate. 9 ( I2 9) i 3 o INDIAN CLUB-SWINGING 10. Double L. hand circles at L. side of body. L. L. hand circle back of L. thigh. R. L. hand circle between the legs. Double L. hand circles back and front of R. shoulder. 11. Counter like. 12. Alternate. 13. Double L. hand circles back of L. shoulder. Double L. hand circles under L. upper arm. Double L. hand circle, L. L. back of L. thigh, R. L. between the legs. Double L. hand circles back of shoulders. 14. Counter like. 15. Alternate. 16. Double L. hand circles back and front of L. shoul- der. Double L. hand circles under L. upper arm. Double L. hand circle, L. L. back of L. thigh, R. L. between the legs. Double L. hand circles back and front of shoulders. 17. Counter like. 18. Alternate. 19. Alternate 10 and 13 with hand circles front and back of thighs. 20. Counter like. 21. Alternate. 22. Double L. hand circles back of L. shoulder. Double L. hand circle under L. upper arm. Double L. hand circle, L. L. back of L. thigh, R. L. between legs. Double L. hand circles back of R. shoulder. Double L. hand circles front and back of shoulders, and front and back of thighs. "SNAKE MOVEMENTS" 131 23. Counter like. 24. Alternate. 25. L. L. hand circles front and back of L. thigh. R. R. hand circles front and back between legs. L. L. and R. R. full arm circles. 26. Counter like. 27. Alternate. 28. L. L. hand circles front and back of L. thigh. R. R. hand circles front and back between legs. L. L. and R. R. hand circles back of head. 29. Counter like. 30. Alternate. 31. L. L. and R. R. hand circles back and front of shoulders. L. L. and R. R. hand circles between legs. 32. "Snake Movement" L. L. and R. R. at side horizontal. L. L. and R. R. hand circles between legs. 33. Alternate 31 and 32. 34. L. R. and R. L. full arm circles. L. R. and R. L. hand circles between legs. 35. L. R. and R. L. hand circles back of head, and full arm circles. L. R. hand circles back of L. thigh. R. L. hand circles between legs 36. Counter like. 37. Alternate. 38. Double L. hand circles under L. upper arm. L. L. hand circle back of R. thigh. R. L. hand circle be- tween legs R. forearm crossing L. 39. Counter like. 132 INDIAN CLUB-SWINGING 40. Alternate. 41. Double L. hand circles under L. upper arm. L. L. hand circle between legs. R. L. hand circle back of L. thigh. Double L. hand circles back of R. shoulder. 42. Counter like. 43. Alternate. 44. Double L. hand circles at L. side of body. L. L. hand circles back of L. thigh. R. L. hand circle between legs. L. L. hand circle between legs. R. L. hand circle back of R. thigh. Double L. hand circles front and back of shoulders. 45. Counter like 46. Alternate. 47. L. L. and R. L. hand circles at L. side of body. L. L. hand circle back of L. thigh. R. L. hand circle between legs. L. L. hand circle between legs. R. L. hand circle back of R. thigh. L. L. and R. L. hand circles front and back of head, continuous alternation. 48. Counter like. 49. Alternate. 50. L. L. and R. L. hand circles at L. side of body. L. L. hand circle back of L. thigh, R. L. hand circle between legs. L. L. hand circle between legs. R. L. hand circle back of R. thigh. L. L. and R. L. hand circles at R. side of body, and back and front of head, continnous alternation. 51. Counter like. 52. Alternate. "SNAKE MOVEMENTS" 133 53. Alternate 50 and "Snake Movement." 54. Counter like. 55. Alternate. 56. Alternate 53 with "Snake Movement" at L. side of body. 57. Counter like. 58. Alternate. 59. Alternate 56 with "Snake Movement" at front horizontal, h. p. 60. Counter like. 61. Alternate. 62. Alternate 59 with "Snake Movement" at R. side of body. 63. Counter like. 64. Alternate. 65. L. L. forearm and hand circle under R. upper arm. R. L. forearm and hand circle over L. upper arm. L. L. hand circle between legs. R. L. hand circle back of L. thigh. L. L. hand circle back of R. thigh. R. L. hand circle between legs. L. L. and R. L. hand circles front and back of head, continuous alternation. 66. Counter like. 67. Alternate. 68. Alternate 65, with hand circles on top and under arms, h. p. 69. Counter like. 70. Alternate. 71. "Snake Movement" L. L. and R. R. at side horizontal. L. R. and R. L. hand swing back of head. i 3 4 INDIAN CLUB-SWINGING L. L. hand circle hack of L. thigh. R. R. hand circle between legs. 72. Counter like. 73. Alternate. 74. "Snake Movement" double L. at L. side of body. L. L. hand circle back of L. thigh. R. L. hand circle between legs. L. L. hand circle between legs. R. L. hand circle back of R. thigh. Double L. hand circles back of shoulders. "Snake Movement" double L. back of shoulders. 75. Counter like. 76. Alternate. 77. "Snake Movement" L. L. at L. side of body. R. L. hand circle back of R. shoulder, and R. L. hand circle between legs. 78. Counter like . 79. Alternate. 80. Alternate 77 with "Snake Movement" double L. at R. side of body. 81. Counter like. 82. Alternate. 83. Alternate 74 with "Snake Movement," double L. at R. side of body. 84. Counter like. 85. Alternate. 86. L. L. forearm and hand circle under R. upper arm. R. L. forearm and hand circle over L. upper arm. L. L. forearm and hand circle over R. upper arm. R. L. forearm and hand circle under J-. "SNAKE MOVEMENTS" 135 upper arm. L. L. and R. L. "Snake Movement" at L. side of body. R. L. hand circle back of L. thigh. L. L. hand circle between legs. L. L. and R. L. hand circles back of R. shoulder. L. L. and R. L. hand circles back and front of head, continuous alternation. 87. Counter like. 88. Alternate. 89. L. L. forearm and hand circle under R. upper arm. R. L. hand circle over L. upper arm. L. L. hand circle between legs. R. L. hand circle back of L. thigh. L. L. hand circle back of R. thigh. R. L. hand circle between legs. L. L. hand circle back of R. shoulder. R. L. hand circle under L. upper arm. L. L. and R. L. hand circles front and back of head, continuous alterna- tion. 90. Counter like. 91. Alternate. 92. Alternate 86 and 89. 93. Counter like. 94. Alternate. 95. Alternate 92 with " Snake Movement " front and back of head. 96. Alternate 95 with "Snake Movement" at R. side of body. 97. Alternate 96 with hand circles on top and under arms, and " Snake Movement," h. p. 98. Counter like. 99. Alternate. ONE-CLUB SWINGING, JUGGLING, SLIDING, AND BALANCING SECTION 13 LATERAL PLANE IN one-club juggling it is best to have a large sized club. (See Fig. 9 for illustration of different sized .clubs.) I use, in my own work, a club 28 inches long, body at thickest part 28 inches in circumference, weight 4 to 6 pounds. Decorations add to the appearance. It is best not to paint the handle. Take one movement and perfect it before you begin the next one. After practicing all the exercises in one- club juggling in stride-stand position, practice the same exercises running three or four steps before catching club. NOMENCLATURE FOR ONE-CLUB JUGGLING 1. Right to left. L. club throw to L. hand. 2. Left to right. L. club throw to R. hand. 3. Single circle in the air. Throwing the club and catching, after making one revolution in the air. 4- Double or triple circles in the air. Two or three revolutions of the club before catching it. 5. Direction of the club. Will be designated by the hands of a clock as for swinging. 6. Starting- position. L. or R. horizontal as may be designated. (137) ONE-CLUBJUGGLING AND SWINGING STRIDE STAND 1. L. L. full arm circle, L. R. swing 180 degrees. L. L. to L. single circle in the air. 2. R. R. full arm circle, R. L. swing 180 degrees R. R. to L. single circle in the air. 3. L. L. hand circle back of L. shoulder. L. R. swing 135 degrees under R. leg, flexing R. leg and thigh, see Fig. 35. L. L. to R. single circle in the air at R. side of body. 4. R. R. full arm circle. R. R. hand circle back of R. shoulder. R. L. swing 135 degrees under L. leg, flexing L. leg and thigh. R. R. to L. single circle in the air at L. side of body. 5. L. R. swing front of body 225 degrees. L. L. to L. single circle in the air, catching club back of R. hip, L. arm back of body. 6. L. R. single circle in the air to L. at L. side of body. 7. L. R. swing 180 degrees in front of body. L. L. single circle in the air to R. at R. side of body. (138) ONE-CLUB JUGGLING 139 8. R. L. swing front of body 225 degrees. R. R. to R. single circle in the air, catching club back of L. hip, R. arm back of body. Fig. 36. Fig. 35 9. R. L. single circle in the air to R. at R. side of body. 10. R. L. swing 180 degrees in front of body, place 140 INDIAN CLUB-SWINGING L. hand under body of the club, and make a R. R. single circle in the air to L. at L. side of body. 11. L. R. swing 180 degrees front of body, place R. hand under body of the club, and make a L. L. single circle in the air to R. at R. side of body. 12. R. R. full arm circle. R L. swing 135 degrees under R. leg, flexing R. leg and thigh. R. R. double circle in the air to L. at L. side of body. 13. L. L. full arm circle. L. R. swing 135 degrees under L. leg, flexing L. leg and thigh. L. L. double circle in the air to R. at R. side of body. 14. R. R. full arm circle. R. L. swing 225 degrees front of body. R. R. double circle in the air to R. catch- ing club back of L. hip R. arm back of body. 15. R. L. single circle in the air to R. at R. side of body. 16. R. L. swing front of body 180 degrees. R. R. single circle in the air to L. at L. side of body. 17. L. L. full arm circle. L. R. swing 225 degrees front of body. L. L. double circle in the air to L. catching club back of R. hip L. arm back of body. 18. L. R. double circles in the air to L. at L. side of body. 19. L. R. swing 180 degrees back of body. L. L. single circle in the air to R. at R. side of body. 20. R. L. swing 180 degrees back of body. R. R. single circle in the air to R. catching club with R. arm under L. leg, flexing L. leg and thigh. ONE-CLUB JUGGLING 141 21. R. L. single circle in the air to R. at R. side of body. 22. R. L. swing front of body 180 degrees. R. R. single circle in the air to L. at L. side of body. 23. L. R. swing 180 degrees back of body. L. L. circle in the air to L. catching club with L. arm under R. leg, flexing R. leg and thigh. 24. L. R. single circle in the air to L. at L. side of body. 25. L. L. double circle in the air to R. at R. side of body. 26. R. L. double circle in the air to L. catching club back of R. thigh, L. arm back of body. 27. L. R. double circle in the air to R. catching club back of body, R. arm back of body. 28. R. L. single circle in the air to L. catching club with L. arm under R. leg, flexing R. leg and thigh. 29. L. R. single circle in the air to R. catching club with R. arm under L. leg, flexing L. leg and thigh. 30. R. L. single circle in the air to L. catching club at R. thigh, L. arm back of body. 31. L. R. single circle in the air to R. catching club under L. leg, flexing L. leg and thigh. 32. R. L. single circle in the air to L. catching club under R. leg, flexing R. leg and thigh. 33. L. L. swing 180 degrees. One-half R. circle in the air to L. One-half L. circle in the air to L. at L. side of body. 142 INDIAN CLUB-SWINGING 34. One-half R. circle in the air to L. One and one- half L. circles in the air to L. at L. side of body. 35. L. R. swing 180 degrees front of body. L. L. single circle in the air to R. at R. side of body. 36. One-half L. circle in the air to R. One-half R. circle in the air to R. 37. One-half L. circle in the air to R. One and one- half R. circles in the air to R. 38. R. L. swing 180 degrees, grasp butt of club with L. hand, and make one-half R. circle in the air to L. 39. L. R. swing 180 degrees, grasp butt of club with R. hand, and make one-half L. circle in the air to R. 40. R. L. swing 180 degrees, grasp butt of club with L. hand, and make one and one-half R. circles in the air to L. 41. L. R. swing 180 degrees, grasp butt of club with R. hand, and make one and one half L. circles in the air to R. 42. R. R. double circle in the air to R. catching club back of L hip, R. arm back of body. 43. R. L. single circle in the air to R. catching club at R. side of body. 44. R. L. double circle in the air to L. catching club back of R. hip, L. arm back of body. 45. L. R. single circle in the air to L. catching club at L. side of body. 46. L. L. single circle in the air to L. throw the club from under L. leg, flexing I,, leg and thigh, and catch with L. hand under R. leg, flexing R. thigh and leg. ONE-CLUB JUGGLING 143 47. L. R. double circle in the air to L. catching club at L. side of body. 48. L. R. single circle in the air to R. catching club at back of L. thigh, R. arm back of body. Fig. 36 49. R. R. single circle in the air to R. throw the club from under R. leg and thigh, and catch with R. hand under L. leg, flexing L. thigh and leg. 144 INDIAN CLUB-SWINGfNG 50. R. L. single circle in the air to R. catching club at R. side of body. 51. R. L. triple circles in the air to R. at R. side of body. 52. R. R. single circle in the air to L. 53. L. R. triple circles in the air to L. at L. side of body. 54. Make one-third turn L. L. L. single circle in the air to L. , flexing L. forearm letting the club come from behind L. shoulder. 55. L. L. single circle in the air to R. catching club at R. side of body. 56. Make one-third turn R. R. R. single circle in the air to R. flexing R. forearm letting the club come from behind R. shoulder. 57. R. R. one-half circle in the air to a balance on L. forearm, drop the arm slightly as club strikes the forearm, see Fig. 37. 58. Drop L. arm to the side of body about 45 de- grees while the club is in a balance, Fig. 37, let the club fall knob first, with the L. hand assisting in making a L. L. one-half circle in the air to L. 159. L. L. one-half circle in the air to a balance on R. forearm same as 37 on R. forearm. 60. Drop R. arm to the side of body about 45 de- grees while the club is in a balance, let the club fall knob first, with the R. hand assisting in making a R. R. one-half circle in the air to R. ONE-CLUB JUGGLING 145 61. R. R. one-half circle in the air to a balance on back of L. hand, at side horizontal. 62. L. L. one-half circle in the air to L. Fig. 37 63. L. L. one-half circle in the air to a balance on back of R. hand at side horizontal. 64. R. R one-half circle in the air to R. 146 INDIA N CL UB- S WINGING 65. R. R. single circle in the air to a balance on palm of L. hand. Fig. 38. Fig- 38 66. L. L. single circle in the air to a balance on palm of L. hand. Fig. 38. 67. L. L. single circle in the air to L. catch club at L. side of body. ONE-CLUB JUGGLING 147 68. L. L. single circle in the air to a balance on palm of R. hand. 69. R. R. single circle in the air to a balance on palm of R. hand. 70. R. R. single circle in the air to R. catch club at R. side of body. 71. R. R. forearm circle, R. R. "Snake Movement" finish last part of the "Snake Movement" with R. hand over L. shoulder. R. forearm front of neck. Fig. 39. Place L. forearm on neck of club, at the same-time removing R. arm to R. side of body. Fig. 40. Straighten L. arm obliquely downward letting the club slide over back of L. wrist, catching club with L. hand as it is falling. Fig. 41. 72. L. R. single circle in the air to L. at L. side of body. 73. L. L. forearm circle, L. L. " Snake Movement," finish last part of "Snake Movement" with L. hand over R. shoulder, L. forearm front of neck. Fig. 39. Place R. forearm on neck of club at the same time removing L. arm to side of body, Fig. 40. Straighten R. arm ob- liquely downward, letting the club slide over back of R. wrist, catching club with R. hand as it is falling, Fig. 41. 74. R. L. single circle in the air to R. at R. side of body. 75. R. R. "Snake Movement," R. L. swing 180 degrees back of body, place L. forearm on neck of club at the same time removing R. arm to side of body. i 4 8 INDIAN CLUB-SWINGING Fig. 41. Straighten L. arm obliquely downward letting club slide over back of L. wrist, catching club with L. hand as it is falling. Fig. 39 76. L. L. double circles in the air to L. at L. side of body. 77. L. L. "Snake Movement," L. R. swing 180 degrees back of body, place R. forearm on neck of club ONE-CLUB JUGGLING 149 at the same time removing L. arm to side of body. Fig. 41. Straighten R. arm obliquely .downward letting Fig. 40 club slide over back of R. wrist, catching club with R. hand as it is falling. Fig. 41. 78. R. R. double circle in the air to R. at R. side of body. ISO INDIAN CLUB-SWINGING 79. R. R. forearm circle, R. R. "Snake Movement," R. L. swing 180 degress under L. leg, flexing L. leg and thigh, place L. forearm on neck of club, at the same time removing R. arm to side of body. Straighten R. arm obliquely downward letting club slide over back of L. wrist, catching club with L. hand as it is falling. Fig. 41. ONE-CLUB JUGGLING 151 80. L. R. single circle in the air to L. at L. side of body. 81. L. L. triple circles in the air to R. 82. R. R. triple circles in the air to L. 83. L. L. forearm circle, L. L. "Snake Movement," L. R. swing 180 degrees under R. leg, flexing R. leg and thigh, place R. forearm on neck of club at the same time removing L. arm to side of body. Straighten R. arm obliquely downward letting club slide over back of R. wrist, catching club with R. hand as it is falling. Fig. 41. 84. R. L. single circle in the air to R. at R. side of body. 85. R. R. double circles in the air to L. while the club is in the air, make a full R. turn with body, turn- ing on the ball of the R. foot. 86. L. R. triple circles in the air to L. 87. L. L. double circles in the air to R. While the club is in the air make a full L. turn with body, turn- ing on the ball of the L. foot. 88. R. L. triple circles in the air to R. 89. R. R. single circle in the air to R., catching club back of body, R. arm back of body. 90. R. L. single circle in the air to L., catching club back of body, L. arm back of body. 91. L. R. double circle in the air back of body to R., catching club back of body, R. arm back of body. 152 INDIAN CLUB-SWINGING 92. R. L. double circles in the air back of body to L., catching club back of body, L. arm back of body. 93. L. R. single circle in the air to R. catching club under R. leg, flexing L. leg and thigh. R. L. single circle in the air to L. catching club under R. leg, flex- ing R. leg and thigh. 94. L. R. double circles in the air to R., catching club back of body, R. arm back of body. 95. R. L. single circle in the air to L., catching club under R. leg, flexing R. leg and thigh. L. R. single circle in the air to R., catching club under L. leg, flexing L. leg and thigh. 96. R. L. double circles in the air to L., catching club back of body, L. arm back of body. 97. L. R. one and one-half circles in the air to a balance on the L. forearm. 98. One-half R. circle in the air to a balance on palm of L. hand. 99. L. L. single circle in the air to R., catching club at L. side of body. 100. R. L. one and one-half circles in the air to a balance on R. forearm. 101. One-half L. circle in the air to a balance on palm of R. hand. 102. R. R. single circle in the air to L., catching club at R. side of body. 103. L. R. triple circles in the air to R., catching club back of body, R. arm back of body. ONE- CLUB JUGGLING 153 104. R. L. triple circles in the air to L., catching club back of body, L. arm back of body. 105. L. R. triple circles in the air to R., catching club under L. leg, flexing L. leg and thigh. 106. R. L. triple circles in the air to L., catching club under R. leg, flexing R. leg and thigh. TWO-CLUB JUGGLING, SWINGING, SLIDING, AND BALANCING SECTION 14 LATERAL AND ANTERO- POSTER1OR PLANES NOMENCLATURE for two-club juggling is the same as for one-club juggling and swinging. In two-club juggling clubs should be 18 inches long, 12 inches in circumference at the thickest part, each weighing from one to two pounds. (See Fig. 9 for illustration of clubs.) Note suggestions for one-club juggling, for nomencla- ture, etc. TWO-CLUB JUGGLING LATERAL PLANE 1. Starting position double L. Double R. single circle in the air to hands. 2. Swing double R. 180 degrees. Double L. single circle in the air to hands. 3. Swing double L. 180 degrees. Double L. single circle in the air to hands. (154) TWO-CLUB JUGGLING 155 4. Swing double R. 180 degrees. Double R. single circle in the air to hands. 5. Double R. hand circles back of thighs, swing to double L. Double R. circles in the air to hands. 6. Double L. hand circles back of thighs, swing to double R. Double L. circles in the air to hands. 7. Double L. hand circles at R. side of body. Double L. single circle in the air to hands. 8. Double L. swing 180 degrees. Double R. hand circles at L. side of body. Double R. single circle in the air to hands. 9. Double R. swing 180 degrees. Double L. double circles in the air to hands. 10. Double L. swing 180 degrees. Double R. double circles in the air to hands. 11. Double R. swing 180 degrees. L. L. and R. R. single circle in the air to hands. 12. Double L. swing 180 degrees. L. L. and R. R. single circle in the air to hands. 13. Double R. swing 180 degrees. L. L. and R. R. double circles in the air to hands. 14. Double L. swing 180 degrees. L. L. and R. R. double circles in the air to hands. 15. Double R. swing 180 degrees. Double L. single circle in the air, catch L. club in R. hand near body, catch R. club back of body, with L. arm back of body. 16. Double L. swing 180 degrees. Double R. single circle in the air, catch R. club in L. hand near body, 156 INDIAN CLUB-SWINGING catch L. club back of body, with R. arm back of body. 17. 15, with double circles in the air. 18. 16, with double circles in the air. 19. Double R. swing 180 degrees. L. L. single circle in the air to L. R. L. hand circle. 20. Double L. swing 180 degrees. R. R. single circle in the air to R. L. R. hand circle. 21. Double R. swing 180 degrees. L. L. hand cir- cles. R. L. double circles in the air to R. 22. Double L. swing 180 degrees. R. R. hand circles. L. R. double circles in the air to L. 23. Double R. full arm circle. L. R. single circle in the air to L. R. R. full arm circle. 24. Double R. swing 180 degrees. Double L. full arm circle. R. L. single circle in the air to R. L. L. full arm circle. 25. Double L. swing 180 degrees. R. R. single cir- cle in the air to R. L. R. full arm circle. 26. Double R. swing 180 degrees. L. L. single circle in the air to L. R. L. full arm circle. 27. Double L. swing 180 degrees. Double R. double circles in the air to hands. 28. Double R. swing 180 degrees. Double L. double circles in the air to hands. 29. Double L. swing 180 degrees. Double L. hand circles inside and outside of arms. Double L. double circles in the air to hands. TWO- CLUB JUGGLING 157 30. Double R. swing 180 degrees. Double R. hand circles inside and outside of arms. Double R. double circles in the air to hands. 31. Double L. swing 180 degrees. Double R. hand circles inside and outside of arms. Double R. double circles in the air to hands. 32. Double R. swing 180 degrees. Double L. hand circles inside and outside of arms. Double L. double circles in the air to hands. 33. 31, with hand circles back of shoulders. 34. 32, with hand circles back of shoulders. 35. Double L. swing 180 degrees. Double R. single circles in the air to hands, catching R. club under L. leg, flexing L. leg and thigh, with L. hand catching L. club at L. side of body. 36. Double R. swing 180 degrees. Double L. single circles in the air to hands, catching L. club under R. leg, flexing R. leg and thigh, with R. hand catching R. club at R. side of body. 37. Double L. swing 180 degrees. R. L. back of body. L. L. front of body. Double R. single circle in the air to hands, catching R. club with R. hand under L. leg, flexing L. leg and thigh, catching L. club at L. side of body. 38. Double R. swing 180 degrees. L. R. back of body. R. R. front of body. Double L. single circle in the air to 'hands, catching L. club with L. hand under R. leg, flexing R. leg and thigh. Catching R. club at R. side of body. 158 INDIAN CLUB-SWINGING 39. L. L.. and R. R. hand circles back of shoulders. L. L. and R. R. full arm circles and hand circles front of shoulders. L. L. and R. R. single circles in the air to hands, at side horizontal. 40. L. R. and R. L. full arm circles. L. R. and R. L. single circles in the air to hands, at side horizontal. 41. L. R. and R. L. full arm circles and hand circles back of thighs, L. R. and R. L. double circles in the air to hands, side horizontal. STARTING position for movements in antero-posterior plane, front horizontal, continuous alternation. 42. L. and R. backward single circles in the air to hands. 43. L. and R. backward double circles in the air to hands. 44. L. and R. forward single circles in the air to hands. 415. L. and R. forward double circles in the air to hands. 46. L. and R. forward single circles in the air to hands. Throwing clubs from under upper arms, clubs coming over shoulders. Fig. 42. 47. L. and R. forward double circles in the air to hands. Throwing clubs from under upper arms. Fig. 42. 48. L. forward single circle in the air to L., R. back- ward single circle in the air to R. 49. L. backward single circle in the air to L., R. forward single circle in the air to R. T WO- CL UB J UGGLING 159 50. One-half backward circle in the air to L., one- half forward circle in the air to L., one-half backward circle in the air to R., one-half forward circle in the air Fig. 42 to R. Make the forward and backward one-half circles as one continuous movement. 51. Same as 50 with one and one-half forward cir- cles in the air to hands. 160 INDIAN CLUB-SWINGING 52. L. and R. forward triple circles in the air to hands. 53. L. backward single circle in the air to R., R. backward single circle in the air to L. Do not throw R. club until L. makes one-half circle in the air 54. L. backward single circle in the air to R., R. forward single circle in the air to L. 55. L. forward single circle in the air to R.. R. back- ward single circle in the air to L. 56- 53 54> an d 55 with double circles in the air to hands. LATERAL PLANE 57. L. L. and R. R. "Snake Movement" at side hor- izontal. At last part of "Snake Movement" place clubs between upper arms and forearms. Fig. 43. Straighten arms obliquely downward, letting clubs slide over back of wrist, catching them with hands as they are falling. Fig. 44. 58. L. L. and R. R. hand circles back of shoulders and back of thighs. L. L. and R. R. "Snake Movement," and slide same as 57. 59- 57 continuous alternation. 60. 58, continuous alternation. 61. L. L. and R. R. hand circles back of thighs. L. L. and R. R. hand circles back of shoulders. 3 L. L. hand circles back of shoulder. R. R. single circle in TWO-CLUB JUGGLING 161 the air to R., throwing clubs from behind body, catching clubs in front of body. 62. L. L. and R. R. hand circles back of thighs. L. L. and R. R. hand circles back of shoulders. 3 R. R. Fi g- 43 hand circles back of shoulder. L. L. single circle in the air to L. throwing clubs from behind body, catching clubs in front of body. 162 INDIAN CLUB-SWINGING 63. 61, with double and triple circles in the air. 64. 62, with double and triple circles in the air. Fig. 44 65. L. R. and R. L,. swing back of body 180 degrees. L. L. single circle in the air to R. R. R. single circle in the air to L. (Catch club at side horizontal.) 66. 65, with double circles in the air. TWO- CLUB JUGGLING 163 67. L. L. and R. R. hand circles back of shoulders and back of thighs. L. R. and R. L. swing back of body 180 degrees. L. L. double circle in the air to R. R. R. double circle in the air to L. (Catch club at side horizontal.) 68. L. L,. and R. R. hand circles back of shoulders. L. L. and R. R. triple circles in the air to hands. (Catch club at side horizontal.) 69. L. L. and R. L. full arm and hand circles back of shoulders. At L. side of body, L. L. single circle in the air to L. R. L. single circle in the air to R., continuous alternation. 70. R. R. and L. R. full arm and hand circles back of shoulders. At R. side of body, R. R. single circle in the air to R. L. R. single circle in the air to L., con- tinuous alternation. 71. 69, with double circles in the air. 72. 70, with double circles in the air. 73. L. R. and R. L. full arm circles. One-half L. R. circle in the air to L. One-half R. L. circle in the air to R. One and one-half L. L. circle in the air to L. One and one-half R. R. circle in the air to R. 74. L. club at side horizontal, R. R. one-half circle in the air to a balance on L. club. Balancing club on long axis of club. Fig. 45. (For balancing club glue a piece of felt on the end of clubs.) 75. R. club at side horizontal, L. L. one-half circle in the air to a balance on R. club. (Same as 74 R.) 164 INDIAN CLUB-SWINGING 76. L. club at side horizontal, R. R. one and one- half circles in the air to a balance on L. club. 77. R. club at side horizontal, L. L. one and one- half circle in the air to a balance on R. club. Fi 78. L. club at side horizontal, with club in vertical position, R. R. one-half circle in the air to a balance on the end of L. club. Fig. 46. TWO- CLUB JUGGLING 165 79. R. club at side horizontal, with club in vertical position, L. L. one-half circle in the air to a balance on the end of R. club. Fig. 46 80. 78 and 79 with one and one-half circle in the air to a balance on the end of club. THREE-CLUB JUGGLING AND BALANCING SECTION 15 ANTERO-POSTERIOR PLANE NOMENCLATURE for three-club juggling is the same as for one-club and two club- juggling. For three- club juggling the clubs should be light, not more than one and one-half pounds in weight, length 18 inches, and 12 inches in circumference at the thickest part of the body. (See Fig. 9 for illustration of clubs.) Starting position two clubs in R. and one in L. hand, grasping them about two inches from the ends. Fig. 47. i. Starting position, Fig. 47, with heels together, or stride-stand position. R. backward single circle in the air to L. L. backward single circle in the air to R., R. backward single circle in the air to L. (Do not (166) THREE- C L UB J UG CL ING 167 throw L. club to R. until R. makes one-half circle in the air.) Always have one club in the air. See Fig. 48. 47 2. R. backward circle in the air to L., L. backward single circle in the air to R. R. backward single circle in the air to L. throwing R. club over L., L. backward single circle in the air to R. throwing L. club over R. i68 INDIA N CL UB-S WINGING 3. i, with double circles in the air. 4. 2, with double circles in the air. Fig. 48 5. Same as I. L. backward single circle in the air to L., L. backward single circle in the air to R. R. backward single circle in the air to R., R. backward single circle in the air to L. THREE-CLUB JUGGLING 169 6. Same as i. Throw R. backward single circle in the air to L. from under L. forearm. L. backward sin- gle circle in the air to R., L. backward single circle in the air to R. from under R. forearm. 7. Same as 5, with double circles in the air. L. to L. and R. to R. 8. Same as 6, with double circles in the air. L. to R. under R. forearm, and R. to L. under L. forearm. 9. Same as i, with backward double circles in the air. L. to R., R. to L. backward single circles in the air. L. to R. backward single circles in the air. R. to L. backward double circles in the air. 10. Same as i, with L. backward hand circles. R. to R. backward single circles in the air. Juggling two clubs with R. hand with L. backward hand circles. 11. Counter like. 12. Alternate. 13. Same as i. Throwing R. to L. backward circle in the air from under R. leg, flexing R. leg and thigh. After throwing club from under leg replace foot on floor. Fig 49. 14. Counter like. 15. Alternate. 16. Same as 15, walking forward. 17. Same as 15, walking backward. 18. Same as 13, keeping R. leg and thigh flexed, while throwing three backward single circles in the air R. to L. 170 INDIAN CLUB-SWINGING 19. Counter like. 20. Alternate. 21. Same as 13, with double circles in the air. Fig 49 22. Same as 10, with "Snake Movement" L. forward. 23. Counter like. 24. Alternate. THREE-CLUB JUGGLING 171 25. Same as i, with R. backward single circle in the air to L. Throwing R. club from back of body. 26. Counter like. 27. Alternate. 28. Same as 2^, with L. backward single circle in the air to R. Throwing L. club from under L. leg, flexing L. leg and thigh. 29. Counter like. 30. Alternate. 31. Same as 25. Throwing backward double circles in the air L. to R. 32. Same as 28. Throwing backward double circles in the air R. to L. 33. Same as i. From standing position place L. knee on the floor. Strike the ends of clubs lightly on the floor. 34. From position 33 sit on the floor while juggling and rise to standing position. 35. Same as 33, with backward double circles in the air. 36. Same as i, with forward circles in the air R. to L. Throwing R. club from under R. upper arm. See Fig. 42 with two clubs. 37. Counter like. 38. Alternate. 39. Same as 36, with forward double circles in the air R. to L. 40. Counter like. 41. Alternate. 172 INDIAN CLUB-SWINGING 42. Same as i, with R. backward single circle in the air to L., L. forward single circle in the air to R. 43. Counter like. 44. Alternate. 45. Same as 42, with R. backward double circles in the air to L. 46. Counter like. 47. Alternate. 48. Same as 45, with L. forward double circles in the air to R. 49. Counter like. 50. Alternate. 51. Same as i, with L. forward single circle in the air to R., R. forward single circle in the air to L. L,. forward single circle in the air to R. 52. Same as i. While juggling three clubs, throw a R. backward one-half circle in the air to a balance on L. club. See Fig. 45 with two clubs. 53. Counter like. 54. Alteruate. 55. Same as 52, with one and one-half R. backward circles in the air to a balance on L. club. 56. Counter like. 57. Alternate. 58. Same as I. While juggling three clubs, throw a R. backward one-half circle in the air to a balance on the end of L. club. L. club in vertical position. See Fig. 46 with two clubs. THREE-CLUB JUGGLING 173 59. Counter like. 60. Alternate. 61. Same as 58, with one and one-half R backward circles in the air to a balance on the end of L. club. 62. Counter like. 63. Alternate. 64. Same as i, with tripple backward circles in the air to hands. 65. Same as 64, catching club under legs, flexing legs and thighs. APPENDIX DUAL CLUB JUGGLING Two club-jugglers that can get their time of jug- gling to correspond with one another, can, in a short time, do some very pretty juggling together with 3 and 6 clubs. 1. One of the men, A., juggling three clubs, the other man, B., stepping to the L. side of A. from the rear A makes a R. backward single circle in the air to B.'s L. While A. is throwing the second club (when it is one-half backward single circle in the air), B. makes a L. backward single circle in the air to A.'s R. A. con- tinues to make a R. backward single circle in the air to B.'s L. B. continues to make a L. backward single circle in the air to A.'s R. After B. receives the first club, A. only uses his R. hand, and B. uses his L. hand. Fig. 50. 2. A. receives the three clubs from B., and walks forward, continuing juggling three clubs. 3. B. walks to the L. of the room, A. turns and faces B. (A. and B. stand about six feet apart facing one another.) A. continues to juggle three clubs. A. throws (174) APPENDIX 175 a R. backward single circle in the air to B.'s R., B. throws a R. backward single circle in the air to A.'s L. While B. is throwing a R. backward single circle in the air to Fig- 50 A.'s L., A. throws a L. backward single circle in the air to B.'s L. , B. throws a L. backward circle in the air to A.'s R. Fig. 51. A continues to make R. and L. back- 176 INDIA N CL UB- S WINGING ward single circles in the air to B.'s R. and L. B. continues to make L. and R. backward circles in the air to A.'s L. and R. 4. Same as 3, with double circles in the air. 5. A. receives clubs from B. and takes position as in i and repeats i with double circles in the air. Fig- 51 6. B. receives clubs from A. after executing 5, and after juggling three clubs for a few minutes stops juggling until A. picks up three clubs. A. places three clubs in L. hand. After A. and B. place clubs In hands, B. mounts on A.'s shoulders, see Fig 52. B. places R. hand in A.'s R. hand while mounting Fig- 53 APPENDIX 179 shoulders. When in position on shoulders, A. and B. each juggle three clubs. At a signal from A. or B. each start and stop at the same time. See Fig. 53 for posi- tion on shoulders. (Execute the same with single and double circles in the air.) 7. Same as 3 with forward, single, and double circles in the air, throwing clubs from under L. and R. upper arms, clubs coming from over shoulders. The same as in Fig. 42. 8. A. and B. facing one another, about 10 feet apart with three clubs in their hands, at a signal both start at the same time to juggle three clubs; at the next signal A. and B. exchange clubs as in 3, by single back- ward circles in the air. As soon as club is received on ex- changing, continue to juggle as before, always having a signal when to throw, such as two clubs coming to R. hand, and exchanging on the third one, the next time two clubs coming to L. hand, and exchanging on the third one. If A. exchanges R. to B.'s R., B. will ex- change R. to A.'s L. , and when A. exchanges L. to B.'s L, B. will exchange L. to A.'s R. Both must throw the clubs at the same time on the exchange. 9. The same as 8 with double circles in the air, standing about 15 feet apart. Fig. 54. 10 Combine 8 and 9 throwing single and double cir- cles in the air. NOTE. A. throw single circles in the air to B. B. throw double circles in the air to A., etc. 8 is also APPENDIX 181 done with forward single and double circles in the air, throwing from under upper arms, as in 7. With study and practice many more combinations can be made from the suggestions given. ELECTRIC LIGHT CLUB-SWINGING NEARLY all the movements that are executed with ordi- nary swinging clubs can be done with electric light swinging clubs. There are several different systems used for electric club-swinging. The most elaborate and ex- pensive clubs and fixtures are arranged thus : Get a pair of clubs about 20 inches long with very small incan- descent lamps of different colors (red, blue, and green) attached to them in rows with the wire running to the ends of the clubs. From the ends the wires are arranged so as to turn off and on any set of the colored lamps. For a less expensive pair of electric clubs, get a pair of handles of any ordinary clubs about 7 inches long, with a hole bored through the center for an electric wire. (See Fig. 9 for illustration of clubs.) Attach an electric in- candescent lamp to the ends of the handles, cover the lamps with a wire frame, over which put different colors of transparent celluloid. The effect will be very pretty and fantastic. Have the wire frame the same length as any ordinary swinging club. The ends of wire from the ends of the clubs are arranged to run up the sleeves of 182 INDIAN CLUB-SWINGING a shirt or sweater, down the back, and down each trouser leg to plates of zinc on a pair of rubber soled shoes or slippers. From a wire attached to the power wire for any incandescent lamp, you can get current to run to a pair of small plates of zinc. (Do not let one touch the other while the current is on.) The latter system can be made for less than $5.00 if one puts the different pieces together himself. 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