STACK (Earttrgte IGtbranj WITHDRAWN School Room Gymnastic Lessons GRADES II-VIII Story Plays and Rhythm Exercises FOR GRADE I AND WiLLlAM SKARSTROM, - M. DEPARTMENT OF HYGIENE 'WEM-SLEY COLLEGE Copyright 1919 Elizabsth Halgey W K Vi ? m SkafstFpm . 6/3.77 ^ 5 59314 GENERAL DIRECTIONS FOR TEACHING Presentation of Exercises This must be clear and adequate, but as brief as possible. The "cue" method is the simplest and briefest. In this method the class remains at "at- tention" thruout. The teacher does the exercise correctly and vigorously once or twice while naming it, i. e.,: while giving the preparatory descriptive part of the command. During the pause and when giving the final signal, he holds the fundamental position strongly, being careful to avoid responding to his final command (unless he is starting a rhythmic movement). This cue method can be used for all simple or familiar exercises. The demonstration method is a performance of the exercise by the teacher (with explanation and descriptive coaching), while the class is "at ease," making it necessary to call the class to attention before starting the exercise. This method is used for more difficult exercises when first presented. In the lessons the words "demonstrate, later use cue method" mean that when the lesson is given the second or third time the cue will suffice. For very simple or very familiar exercises the verbal description of the preparatory command is sufficient, neither cue nor demonstration being nec- essary. -J-- In the imitation method the teacher does the exercise either without or in response to the final command, and the pupils follow as soon as they can until, by the second or third round, the rhythm and unison have been established. This method is to be used only for the indefinite movements in story plays, and for some mimetic exercises, chiefly in the lower grades. Starting and Stopping Exercises Exercises are started, except when the imitation method is used, by signals usually called commands. These consist of three parts: 1) preparatory; 2) pause; 3) final. The first part is usually descriptive, and is spoken clearly, at moderate pitch, usually with falling inflection. The pause should be of con- siderable length, to insure unison and speed in the response. The final signal is given in a way to indicate the character of the movement: sharply and explosively if the movement is to be quick; or slowly, with a suggestion of effort, if the movement is to be slow and restrained. The former will usually have a rising, the latter a falling 1 , inflection. The tone of the signals should be varied, and at all times as interesting and inspiring as possible. When start- ing a rhythmic movement the teacher responds to his signal " begin!" and does the exercise vigorously for one or two rounds while at the same time "marking time" for at least the first round. When stopping a rhythmic movement the signals are "stop!", "and stop!", or "class halt!" The last is used to stop marching and free standing gymnastic exercises of a non-definite character in which no positions are held, such as alternate knee-upward bendings and toe-jumps. The movement stops on the second count after "halt!" "Stop!" should be given as the class arrives at an intermediate or final position, and implies immediate cessation of movement. It is used for exercises in which positions are held and recoil is reduced to a minimum. All movements are begun to the left, except such mimetic exercises as are distinctly "righthanded" in performance. These should be done several times on the right side, then about an equal number of times on the left. In halting a class from toe jumps (e. g., jumping on toes with foot placing sideways, etc.), it may be well in the upper grades (7th, 8th, and possibly 6th), to have the class halt on the toes, holding the toe-standing position until the signal "heels "sink!" is given. 2051253 Conducting Exercises During the exercise the teacher watches the class carefully and tries to get more vigorous and finished execution by every means in his power. In rhythmic exercises much can be done, aside from direct coaching methods, by marking time in a brisk, stimulating manner, or by doing the exercise with the class a round or two whenever slackness threatens. The exercise should be re- peated until the class feels (and shows) some physiological reaction, but not beyond the point where fatigue makes for poor execution. The rhythm should vary with the character of the exercise. When "slow rhythm, quick movements" is specified, the class holds each new position a few seconds and then moves at top speed to the next. Holding the positions makes the rhythm slow, and favors speed and precision of movement. Uneven rhythms must be kept so thruout, however difficult it may be. The use of double counts or music with these two types of rhythms lessens the effectiveness of the movement. Rhythmic side bendings and twistings are always done alternately to the left and right in two counts, unless all the way in one count is specified Formations in Marching, Running, etc. 1) Marching in a circle. All rows face front. The first row on the left leads around the room counter-clockwise, the others follow in turn. In the upper grades the circle may be formed more quickly as shown in diagram 2. Rows 1, 2, and 3, (counting from the left), face front; the others face rear. Rows 3 and 4 lead out at the same time; rows 2 and 1 follow 3 and 5, and 6 follow 4. On the playground or gymnasium the leader follows a circular line of march. 2) Two rows around one row of desks diagram 2. Used chiefly in story- plays. 3) Zig-zag diagram 3. Every other faces the rear. All start marching at once. The first row comes forward, across the front of the room, up the (inside or outside) aisle of the last row, then down and up the other aisles until back to place. The other rows start up and down the aisles, across the front of the room, and back into the aisles. The first row must go up the inside aisle of the last row if there are an even number of rows (as in the diagram), and up the outside aisle if there are an odd number of rows. This zig-zag formation is slightly complicated, but it is so much the most efficient use of limited schoolroom space that it is given in the early lessons of the First Grade, in the Story Plays, and should be used as much as possible thruout. Progression in Facings The class faces the front of the room (column formation) in almost all exercises, but at times faces the side of the room (line formation), and at other times faces obliquely. The line formation is used in all exercises where it is advantageous for the teacher to see the class from the side, e. g.: forward and forward-downward bending, backward mdving of head, etc. It is also used in the schoolroom when the pupils need room for foot placing sideways, side- steps, etc. In the schoolroom the oblique formation is advisable when tha arms are in the side-horizontal position. The necessary changes from column to line formation are not always indicated in the lessons, and so the teacher will have to consider them in preparing the lesson. In the first two grades and the greater part of the third the facings are informal. When they are taught formally, they are given in this progression. 1) Two movements, each done in response to a different command: "Left face!" (turn sharply 90 to the left, pivoting on the left heel and right toe) Two!" (bring the right foot to the left quickly). There is an interval of several seconds between the two commands. 2) The same movements done in rhythm in response to one command: "Left face!" (Slow rhythm, quick movements). 3) One movement done in response to the same command. In progressing from 2) to 3), increase the rhythm in two or three repetitions, and then try both movements, simultaneously. In the first lessons of each year the progression should be reviewed, and whenever the one-count or the two-count rhythmic facing is poorly done, it will be well to go back to the first form. GRADE I. Physical Education in the first grade is of primary importance. It is one of the most effective factors in making for continuity of experience in the child's first two years of school life the Kindergarten and the first grade. Too often the freedom of movement, the rhythmic ability, and dramatic expression trained so carefully in the Kindergarten, are lost in the first grade, because there is inadequate time allowance, space, music and special teaching training to carry out a satisfactory program of physical education. Moreover, the abrupt change to desk life, the premium on quiet, the repression of natural movements, and the emphasis on difficult accessory coordination too often result in habitual fidgeting or automatisms, in extreme cases, chorea. Frequently oppor- tunities for moving about as freely as possible in the school room go a long way toward relieving the situation. There should be short "relief" periods of two or three minutes after every half hour of work. The aims of the program in the First Grade, stated definitely, are: 14 To develop the sense of rhythm, which is essential not only to motor ef- ficiency, but to the understanding and appreciation of the child's environ- ment. 2. To provide opportunity for the elemental training of the fundamental neuro- muscular centers controlling such general activities as walking, running, skipping, throwing, and the like. 3. To secure the beneficial physiological effects of exercise, such as increased activity of respiratory, circulatory, and digestive organs. 4. To afford relief from the unaccustomed confinement of the school desk, and to develop the power of erect carriage. 5. To provide, thru story plays and singing games, a medium of expression for the dramatic instinct, and to widen the child's experience by imitation of the experience of others. Each lesson consists of rhythm training, story plays, and a game. The rhythm training is fundamental, and should be given each day. It is essential that the children be able to do well one lesson before going on to the next. If the progression outlined in the lessons is too rapid, go more slowly, but get what is done, done well. This applies to dances and singing games as well, which should be done in good unison, and with some attention to detail. Story plays, however, are not so formal. The chief things to aim at here are vigorous exercise, and reality of the make-believe. Get impersonation rather than imitation by encouraging freedom in interpretation. Beware of making the activities too stereotyped let the children do things in their own way, and watch their own activities rather than what the teacher is doing. Story Plays should not be . given every day, and not repeated more than once, except at long intervals GRADE I. Lesson 1. ~ RHYTHM TRAINING 1 Walking around the school-room, hall, or playground in a circle to march music. This is very informal marching; most of the children will get the rhythm of the music and fall in with it. Music Hofer Music for the Child World, Vol. II,p. 20. If there is no piano, all sing "Yankee Doodle." 2. The Kewpies Moses. Rhythmic Action Plays and Dances, p. 23. STORY PLAYS 1. The Ice Man (D. Wardner, Wellesley D. H., 1919) Story Description 1. The ice man drives his wagon to Running three times around circle hold- the ice-house. ing hands as if driving. 2. Several men load the wagon with cakes of ice, using tongs. 3. Drive to the house to deliver. 4. Chop ice to the right size with pick. 5. Carry a block up to the house. 6. Up the stairs and into the ice chest. Run down stairs and out to street to catch team, which has start- ed to run away. All stop to get breath. II. Haying. Bending forward and downward and straightening up as if lifting ice and swinging it up into wagon. As in 1 a little more slowly. Vigorous downward sweep of arms, both hands gripping pick. Walking slowly once around circle bend- ing way over on one side, other hand held high; change sides. Be careful to keep position of 5 while going up stairs. Quick running twice around circle. Dramatize as completely as seems ad- visable. Deep breathing. (A. Mosscrop, Wellesley D. H., 1919) Read Robert Louis Stevenson's "The Hay Loft" aloud to the class before starting the play. 1. Drive the empty wagons out to the hayfield. First we go over a stony road, the horses' hoofs clatter; soon we turn into the grassy road to the meadow, and you can scarcely hear them. 2. Get out the scythes and cut down the hay. 3. Rake the hay into piles. 4. Pitch it onto wagon. 5. Drive back to the barn. 6. Wagons are emptied by a big claw-like machine, that comes down from the ceiling, takes up hay, and is pulled up to the loft by a rope. 7. Climb up the ladder and play in the hay.. GAME Fox and Rabbit Running three times around the circle, driving. The first round get a good, vigorous trot with the knees up; second and third round very soft running. Stand with one foot forward, and both hands grasping handles of scythe. Swing from side to side with vigorous sweep of the arms and body twisting, stepping forward with each stroke. Raking movement; children move about the room both sides. Pitching movement, sweeping arms down, sideways and up, with vigorous trunk twisting. Dramatize action of horses pulling heavy load. Pulling on the rope. Stand with feet apart and arms stretched over head, grasping rope. Pull down with arms and bend knees. Repeat several times. Climbing, running and jumping. GRADE I. Lesson 2. RHYTHM TRAINING 1. Walking in the circle as before. At a chord turn, and walk the other way. If singing "Yankee Doodle" clap hands after "macaroni," turn, and walk in the opposite direction during the chorus. 2. "Shadows" Music Hofer, Vol. II., p. 5, "On Tip-toe." Shadows, shadows on the grass, We can never hear you pass. We'll be shadows for today, On our tip-toes dance and play. Softly, softly stealing by While the sun rides in the sky. 3. Little Miss Muffet. Tip-toe very lightly around circle. Stop on the word "by." Turn, face in, and make a circle with the arms to represent the sun. Moses, p. 26. STORY PLAYS I. Wind in the Woods 1. North Wind is fast asleep in cave of the Winds. Autumn comes along and tells him to hurry out into the woods to blow down the leaves. 2. North Wind blows hard and the leaves all fall to the ground. 3. All play in the leaves after they have fallen. 4. Rake the leaves into piles. 5. Walk around over piles of leaves. 6. Light the fire and dance around it. Put fire out by pouring a pail of water on it. 7. Smell the smoke. Children sit in circle, fast asleep, with eyes covered. One child (Autumn), runs quickly about, touching each on the shoulder. All jump up, face line of direction, and run twice around circle. Deep breathing, blowing out hard, then stretch arms way up over head and bring hands slowly down, fluttering motion. (Alternate 2 movements.) Bend the knees and lean forward, pick up armfuls of leaves and throw them over head. Twist body to the limit sideways, reach forward with arms and bend forward knee, then pull hard, left and right. Face line of direction, walk around circle on tiptoe with high knee bending at first slowly enough to be a balance ex- ercise, then quickly. Each child lights a match, touches off leaves in front of him, then all join hands and run around in a circle. Dramatize putting out fire. Deep breathing. II. Columbus Discovers America D. Wardner. 1. The three small boats sail across the rough ocean. 2. The forward watch is looking hard at the horizon. Suddenly he sees land and shouts aloud, "Land ho!" The sailors dance a jig for joy. 3 Climb down the rope ladders to the small boats in which we land. 4 Row to the shore. With arms stretched straight sideways, run two times around circle, bending from side to side as wind tosses sails. One child is forward watch, comes out in front of class and peers with hand shading eyes. Then shouts. Whole class fold arms high and do running in place. Climbing down distinguish from climb- ing up in the previous lesson by putting hand down to start, and using a slower rhythm. If in school room do the exercise sitting on desks; if not, stand with one foot forward and forward knee bent. Bend forward from the hips and reach forward with the hands, keeping the back flat. Swing the body and move the arms back vigorously, bending the arms and bring- ing hands to the chest. 5. The Indians see Columbus coming, hide in the bushes and steal around. 6. Columbus' men, land, look about a bit, and then decide to put up a flag, so they chop down a tree for the flagpole. 7. Row back to ship. GAME Cat and Rat Walking slowly around circle with knees bent. Chopping nail the flag to the top of the tree, and then lift tree. (The chopping movement is a vigorous oblique down- ward swing of the arms with twisting and forward bending of the body.) Rowing as in 4. GRADE I. Lesson 3. RHYTHM TRAINING 1. The Crooked Man. M. p. 24 2. Running. If indoors, one row at a time runs around the room to music (Hofer, Vol. II, p. 3). If out doors have 4 to 8 children run outside the circle, twice around, while the teacher claps the rhythm. 3. Playing Train. M. p. 36. STORY PLAYS I. Hallowe'en 1. First we'll drive to the field for pumpkins. 2. Pick up the pumpkins and put them in the cart. The small ones go in quickly, but the big ones are hard to lift. 3 Drive home. 4. Make the Jack o' Lantern and light the candles. Now we'll take them and go about to frighten people. Some one is coming out to catch us. Run like everything. We are glad we didn't get caught. Stop and get our breath. Running twice around room or circle, hand in front as if holding reins. Stoop down bending knees, bring up the pumpkins quickly at first, then slowly. Repeat 1. Children sit down. Each carves his own all should be intent and busy. Three or four steps on tiptoe, then jump up; repeat several times. Running quickly twice around the room. Deep breathing. II. How the Animals Get Ready for Winter The squirrels gather nuts and bury them in the garden and in the lawn. 2. The birds fly south. Old bear in the woods wanders around looking for a hollow tree or a cave into which he crawls, to sleep there thruout the winter. Jumping on toes in place, moving both hands down (to represent fore paws of squirrel as he climbs the tre'es). Stuff nuts in cheek, jump in place jump for- ward as he runs to bury it, sit down on heels and dig hole. Repeat several times. Running twice around room (or circle), with very light step, arms horizontal and moving as wings. Walk around heavily, two rows around one row of desks, with swaying motion of trunk, crawl into own seat when get back to it. 4. The pony is at the blacksmith's being sharp shod. He prances on his new shoes. 5. Mr. Snake can wiggle and twist quite fast in warm weather, but when winter comes he moves more slowly, and finally crawls into a mud hole to stay all winter. What keeps him warm? 6. In the North woods the deer make many runways thru the deep snow, so they can fly more swiftly from the wolves. All make some horseshoes, hammering them very hard. Then every other child is blacksmith, and takes one of the pony's hoofs between his knees the child in front raising one foot and standing on the other. The blacksmiths hammer, and then the ponies run in place with high knee upward bending. Sit up on desks (or stand, if out of doors) with hands clasped behind body, and feet fixed. Twist and sway from side to side quickly, then move slowly; slide around into seat, using hands if necessary. Slide down as far as possi- ble and stay very still for an instant. Zig-zag running twice around the rooms. GRADE I. Lesson 4. RHYTHM TRAINING 1. Skating Children slide forward alternately left and right, bending forward a little, in time to the music. (Hofer, p. 122). 2. The Turkey. Slow march time. The Turkey's very proud and tall, He has a funny little call (Gobble, gobble, gobble) His tail is spread, his steps are slow, See the line of turkeys go. First two lines Slow balance march about room, with head and chest very high. Third line Stop and move arms thru a large circle, to show spread of tail. At words, "his steps are slow," begin march again, holding arms out at side. 3. Marching to music in zig-zag formation. (Hofer, p. 21.) STORY PLAYS I. Indian Braves 5. Braves start out on a hunting trip; they run from their tepees thru the 'forest to the river, where they have canoes. Get in canoes and paddle down stream. Find tracks on the bank get out and trail thru the forest stop and listen, get up and look all around. Sight deer take out arrows and shoot two or three times. Have killed a big buck, go and carry him back to the canoe. Run very lightly twice around room. Kneeling, paddle hard on right side, watch ahead for snags; then change po- sition of feet and paddle hard on left side. Walking with knees flexed, eyes glued to ground; listen with ear to ground; look by stretching up as far as possible. Aim, draw, and shoot, say s-s-s softly as arrow flies. Let the children interpret show how big the buck is by the way they carry it. 8 Dance the Dance of Good Hunting about the fire after they have come home. Medicine man beats tom-tom and braves shout "Hi! Hi!" Skipping with high knee upward bending about circle or nearest approach to that motion that children are capable of get lots of action; medicine man stands in center and calls bom-bom braves shout "Hi! Hi!" II. Indian Squaws Explain and bring out by questions that women did work differently from that of men. Compare with modern times. In the spring the squaws dig up the ground with a sharp stick (what do we use now?) and plant corn. Grind corn, pounding it between stones. Carry water home on head from spring. Chop wood for fire. Stir up corn bread. 6. Dance of Good Harvest. GAME I Saw Forward downward bending of trunk, digging motion. Walk about from hill to hill planting corn. Stooping, bending knees and keeping back flat, touching floor with hands, arms between, knees. Slow balance steps with heads held high. Chopping, as in lesson 2. Stirring movement, using both hands and getting in trunk twisting. Like 6 of Indian braves, except not so vigorous. GRADE I. Lesson 5. RHYTHM TRAINING 1. Review all steps. If possible have children respond to rhythm of music without suggestion from teacher. 2. Here we go on a Merry -Go-Round Moses, p. 38. or Mulberry Bush. Bancroft. 3. Peter Pan. Moses, p. 45. STORY PLAYS The Pilgrim's Thanksgiving (Emphasize the story thruout. There should be some historical value in this lesson.) 1. The Pilgrims decide to give a fes- tival of thanks for all of their good fortune in their new home in America. They decide to in- vite the friendly Indians to their feast, and send swift mes- sengers to their tepees in the forest. 2. The messengers wish to get their breath before giving the In- dians their message. They sig- nal to the Indians to come out of their tepees. 3. At home, meanwhile, the rest of the Pilgrim Fathers go hunting for wild turkeys, which are very shy game. All run quickly three times around the circle. Deep breathing with arm raising for- ward upward. Crouching start (sprinters) with head up and back flat. Move forward on hands and feet in that position; at in- tervals take half kneeling position and shoot at command. 9 4. The Pilgrim Mothers are making ready. They sweep the meet- ing house, and stir up pud- dings of all kinds. 5. The children do their share, run out and get firewood. (What makes good kindling?) and put it in baskets. 6. Indians come running to the feast. 7. They stop and smell all the good (a) Sweeping motion, trunk twisting. (b) Vigorous stirring motion, with both hands. Motion of picking up sticks and filling baskets. Run three times around circle. Deep breathing. GAME The Magpies and the Cuckoo GRADE I. Lesson 6. RHYTHM TRAINING 1 Running as in lesson III. Running in place, all of the class at once. Com- mand: "Running in place, go! All halt!" The children stop informally, as soon after the command as they can. 2. To Market Moses, p. 43. 3. Rooster. Music 4-4 time, played staccatto. Red comb, feathers white, Steps so high, steps so light; He cocks his head, flaps his wings, Old rooster crows, and thinks he sings! First two lines balance march with high knee upward bending; hands on hips. Third line stand still with head on one side; then move elbows up and down as if flapping wings. Fourth line throw head back and crow; then shake head two or three times. STORY PLAYS I. Jack Frost 1. December calls Jack Frost to come to make the world beautiful, and all the fairies dance with joy. 2. He runs out and blows frosty breaths into the air. 3. He paints the windows and ground with frost, then climbs up and paints the roof. 4. When Jack Frost taps the tight chestnut burrs they fly open and the chestnuts pop out. 5. Jack Frost has made the air so cold that we want a fire on our hearth, so we must get the wood. 6. The little brook running thru the meadow freezes when Jack Frost touches it. II. The Night 1. Santa Glaus catches reindeer. 2. Load sleigh with toys. 3. Fly over the house top. Jumping on toes, clapping hands. Running once around the Deep breathing. Vigorous painting motion, then climbing, then more painting. Cross the arms, and sit down on the heels; at a signal jump up and fling the arms sideways. Chopping. Running around room stopping very still at signal. Before Christmas Running once around room. Lifting movement. Running once around room. 10 4. Slide down chimney. 5. Children wake up and steal down to watch Santa. 6. Santa sees them, climbs up chim- ney without filling stockings. 7. Santa jumps into his sleigh and whirls away. 8. Reindeer, tired, hang heads, and take deep breaths. GAME Ten Little Indians Sit on top of desks, slide down into seats and from seats to the floor. Walking on tiptoe. Climbing. Quick running. Let heads drop forward, raise them with deep breathing. GRADE I. Lesson 7. RHYTHM TRAINING 1. Diddle, diddle dumpling Moses, p. 55. 2. Fire horses. Music, galop time. Clang! clang! get out of the way, We're coming, we're coming, is what the bells say; They are galloping, galloping, speeding along, Fire horses are big, fire horses are strong. After the class has learned the song and has practiced the galloping step in place, the teacher gives each row a number (from one on) and then before playing the song, strikes a chord on the piano to represent the fire bell. If she strikes it once, row number one gallops around the room and back to place, and so on. As soon as each row starts, the rest of the children sing the song. Put emphasis on quick response to the signal, 'as that is most valuable training. 3. Clap 2-4 time. If the children have learned to clap rhythm in their music, use the same method. If not, use the clap and point method, i. e. : clap the accented notes and point the finger to the side on the others. STORY PLAYS I. Play in the Snow Story 1. A big snowstorm has left drifts in all the yarda. Let's run outdoors thru them. 2. Get the shovel and clear the walks. 3. Sweep off the steps. 4. Make a snow man by rolling big snow balls and piling them up. 5. Throw snowballs at snow man and knock him over. Description Run twice around circle with high knee bending. Shovelling motion, left and right. Sweeping (trunk twisting). Forward-downward bending of trunk, pushing motion. Lift snow balls up. One child is snow man; stands with arms outstretched; as children throw, drops arms or ducks head to show that they have been knocked off. Finally falls down. Same as 1. Stretch standing, arms sinking sideways, downward with fluttering motion of fingers. II. Traveling (Helen Robinson Wellesley D. H., 1919) People used to have very few ways of traveling, but now there are many different ways. What are some of the old ways'? Some of the new? We'll do some of both. 11 6. Run home thru the drifts. 7. Show how snow falls and wind blows. 1. Riding horses mount and trot away. Trot faster and gallop. 2. The modern horse is the auto- mobile. Before we can ride we have to pump up the tires, and then crank it. Now climb in and steer carefully. 3. When we go long distances we are drawn by the iron horse, the big engine of a train. When this horse starts, the rod be- tween the wheels goes forward and back, at first slowly and then more rapidly, while the engine puffs. 4. When we travel by water, how do we go? How did the Indians travel? How do the fishermen travel? 5. There are big steam boats that have wheels at the side, and the beams of those wheels are very straight and move from side to side slowly and in even time. 6. The newest kind of a boat can go under the water or on top. What kind of a boat is it? How do they see out of it? 7. The most wonderful machine we have now is the one that flies. What is it like? How does the propeller go? How does the whole machine fly? GAME Looby Loo Go thru the motions of mounting. In zig-zag formation trot once around; then gallop. (a) Forward downward bending of trunk as if pumping. (b) Cranking motion with each hand. (c) Climb on top of desks and hold wheel. Double up fists and bend arms. As train starts, do alternate arm stretching forward with opposite knee upward bending, and say "chuff, chuff" in time. Start very slowly and increase the rhythm to a fairly quick one. Sit on the desks and paddle, first on right side, then on left. Then row, sitting on desks. Stand with feet apart, holding the arms sideways, shoulder level. Bend slowly from side to side, keeping the arms straight and stiff, and the knee straight. Zig-zag formation, run quietly once around room. When teacher says "sink," run more slowly, with bent knees; when she says "come up," run as usual. Hold the hight hand by the head with one finger pointing up for a periscope. Big arm circles to represent propeller. Run twice around room in a circle with arms stretched sideways. If any cor- ners are turned lean in toward the cen- ter to represent "banking." GRADE I. Lesson 8. RHYTHM TRAINING 1. Skipping one row at a time around the room to music (Hofer, Vol. II, p. 54). 2. Old King Cole. M. p. 71. 3. Clap 2-4 time. STORY PLAYS Story (in as complete form as possi- ble). 1. Jack drives the cow to town to sell, because he and his mother are so poor they must have money. He meets a man who offers him colored beans in payment; Jack takes them be- cause they are so pretty, and dances with joy. Jack and the Beanstalk Description Walk slowly around the circle; once as Jack would walk, and once as the cow. Dance with joy; jump on the toes, clap- ping hands (in rhythm). 12 2. Jack runs home to show the beans to his mother. 3. His mother is very angry and throws the beans out of the window. 4. All night, while Jack is sleeping, the beanstalk grows and grows. 5. In the morning Jack is amazed to see the beanstalk towering into the clouds. He is determined to climb it. 6. The beanstalk reaches above the cloud to a beautiful land, at which Jack finally arrives. He skips along the road until he conies to a big house. 7. He stops and takes a deep breath before going into the house. Next time he'll go in. Run twice around circle. Throwing movement. Crouched position, slow stretching up- ward. Climb on seat, and stretch arms over head. Climbing movement. Skipping twice around circle. Deep breathing. II. Jack and the Beanstalk (Part II.) 1. Tell how wife of giant took Jack in and hid him when giant came home. Giant stalks thru house, saying: Fee! Fi! Fo! Fum! I smell the blood of an Eng- lishman, Be he alive or be he dead I'll use his bones to season my bread. 2. Giant hunts for Jack. 3. Tell how the Giant has money, harp, and little hen brought out goes to sleep. While Giant sleeps, Jack goes softly away, taking harp, etc., with him. 4. Jack runs out of the door. As he goes out harp sings, hen cackles and money rattles. Giant wakes up and gives chase. 5. Jack gets to the beanstalk first and climbs down. 6. He then gets his hatchet and chops it down. 7. Giant falls down on his head and is killed. Jack and his mother breathe deep sighs of relief. GAME The Farmer in the Dell Stalk around circle, taking big steps and repeating the verse. Children scatter over room looking in all possible places. Steal on tiptoe once around circle. Run very quickly twice around circle. Climbing motion. Chopping motion. Deep breathing. 13 GRADE I. Lesson 9. RHYTHM TRAINING 1. Skipping, two rows at a time around room and back to place. The first row starts, and skips once around alone. On its second round the second row falls in behind in the same rhythm. 2. Review all steps. 3. Hand drill to "Fire-horses," lesson VII. Children sit in seats, and hit top of desks with open palms, in galloping rhythm: two light taps with right hand in quick succession, then heavier tap with the left, and a pause. It can be counted: "one and two, one and two!" etc. STORY PLAYS I. How Our Houses Are Made Story 1. What part of the house do we make first? Let's dig the cel- lar. 2. 3. 4. 5. 1. 3. 4. Make cement for the floor, using a hoe and sand box sand and lime. Smooth out the cement on the floor. Now we are going to put up the framework and lift heavy beams slowly; all together, 1, 2, 3 and up. The framework and sides are all up; we must shingle the roof; first we'll climb the ladder. Now we'll put down the shin- gles. We didn't have enough shingles, so we must drive to the mill and get more. Deep breath- ing. Description Spading and shovelling motions. Movement something like raking. Lifting motion (absolute unison and hard work). Climbing movement, then sit on the desks and pound shingles. Run, three times around room. II. Abraham Lincoln's Boyhood Abraham Lincoln's family were very poor. During most of his childhood they lived on a small farm. He had to work very hard in the garden. He did not have much time to go to school, but was very fond of reading. After working all day he would often run to a neigh- bors' to borrow books. One book that he borrowed was spoiled by the rain, and to make it good the boy worked two days cutting corn. When he grew older he made trips down the Mississippi, on a "flat boat" a big raft, which they built out of logs. Get suggestions from the children about garden activities, such as spading, hoe- ing, raking, etc. Let them dramatize. Running three times around the room. Cutting with a sickle. Get vigorous body bending and twisting along with the arm movement. Chopping down trees, together. Hammering logs 14 5. They used long poles to steer these rafts. Sometimes they got stuck in the mud and had to push very hard to get away. 6. Lincoln became known all about for his honesty. He was called "Honest Abe." One time, when he was working in a store, he gave a woman a few cents less than he should in change, and went miles into the country that same night to repay it. GAME Did You Ever See a Lassie? Take hold of desks (in lieu of poles) and push. Use desks on both sides of aisle. Jog trot four times around room. GRADE I. Lesson 10. RHYTHM TRAINING 1. Twinkle, Twinkle Moses, p. 78. 2. Marking time with music and halting to chord. 3. Clap 3-4 time. STORY PLAYS I. George Washington's Boyhood (Compare the circumstances of Washington's early life with Lincoln's. Em- phasize fact that, altho one was fairly rich and the other very poor, both were very large, strong men, because they had a great deal of vigorous out- door exercise when they were boys.) 1. In colonial days, every Virginian boy learned to ride horseback. We'll mount our horses and make them show their gaits. 2. They also learned their way about the woods, how to use a bow and arrows, and, later on, the old-fashioned flint-lock rifles. 3. When George was only sixteen he became a surveyor, a man who goes thru the wilderness and makes maps of the land. Sur- 'veyors have to chop down trees to make roads. -i. They have to build bridges out of logs. 5. When they came to iakes, they make boats of canoes, which they row or paddle. 6. Sometimes they come to a small stream, which they can cross by swimming. Go thru motions of mounting, then go around room three times, walking, trot- ting, and galloping. Motions of drawing a bow, and rifle shooting. Hunting, as in the Indian Braves Story Play. Chopping down a tree. Lifting movement, as if lifting heavy logs. Bend down, and lift up together on command. Sitting on desks; first rowing, then pad- dling. Breast stroke swimming 1 movement. II. The Farmers Where does our food come from? (Guide discussion to kinds produced on farm.) What does the farmer do to make food for us? 15 1. He grows things. What things? How does he grow them? Plowing big horses draw the heavy plow, and they lift their feet high, but the ground is so soft that you can't hear them come down. 2. Planting. Farmers used to plant grain by sowing it broadcast. Now they work a machine, driv- ing with one hand, and shoving an iron rod with the other. 3. Butter and milk come from the farm. How do we make milk into butter? 4. Eggs come from the farm. a. Climb up into the hay mow to hunt for them. b. Hunt all around the ground for nests. c. Put eggs in safe place, and jump down from hay mow onto pile of hay. Can't hear us land. Once around the room, high knee bend- ing, very light step. Sowing motion. Thrusting motion sev- eral times with each hand. (Other hand holds rein.) Churning (combine stooping with pound- ing motion of hands). (a) Climbing motion. (b) Walk around softly, looking all over room. (c) Get up on seats and jump down, land- ing very lightly. GRADE I. Lesson 11. RHYTHM TRAINING 1. Hippity Hop to the Barber Shop. Moses, p. 65. 2. Marking time without music and halting to command: "Mark time, march! Class halt!" Halt is made in two counts after the command. Be careful to keep the steps very light and not allow the halt to be stamped. 3. Clap 3-4 time. STORY PLAYS The Grocer Make plain his relation to the farmer. Could we go out to the farm to buy eggs? 1. When the grocer comes down in the morning he makes the store clean. 2. Climbs up his stepladder to get goods on the top shelf, and climbs down carefully with load. 3. He has to weigh out the sugar and other food before he puts it in packages. We are all scales. 4. All the parcels are wrapped up, ready to put on wagon there are some heavy barrels to go on, too. 5. We are ready to deliver the gro- ceries, so we'll drive around to the houses. 6. Deep breathing. Sweeping motion. Dusting motion. Climbing up quickly. Climbing down. (Same motion, but slowly and softly.) Arms held sideways, shoulder-level, trunk bending sideways. Bend forward and downward touching the floor, then lifting motion sometimes slow and resistant. Trot twice around the room. (Can vary by having one child, the grocer, call on one row to deliver different packages and see who gets back first.) 16 II. Robin Red Breast (H. Robinson, D. H., Wellesley College, 1919) Up in their nest in the tree-top Bend knees so as to sit on heels and some little baby robins are try- bend arms with hands on shoulders, ing to use their wings. Stretch the knees slowly and flap the arms up and down. 2. Father robin hops about on the lawn, looking for worms for his hungry babies. 3. Cocking his head to one side he sees a worm, puts his bill into the earth to get it, and tugs at it for a long time. 4. Pussy, crouched down, creeps to- ward the robins. 5. Some one cries out: "Little bird fly to the tree There a little nest I see." Robin drops the worm and flies swiftly to his nest, chirping. 6. The wind sways the branch of the tree from side to side. 7. The birds go to sleep as the nest rocks to and fro like a cradle. GAME Cat and Mice RHYTHM TRAINING Two or three little running steps, fol- lowed by as many small hops. Each row moves forward and then turns and goes back to place. Bend the trunk forward and downward as far as possible. Raise it slowly, as if pulling hard. Children get down "on all fours," and creep forward slowly, stretching one leg at a time. Two rows creep in this man- ner around the row of seats. One child is chosen to give the warning and cries it out just as the pussies have returned to their places. The children jump up, run swiftly on toes, with arms moving at sides as if flying. Zig-zag formation twice around room. With hands on hips and feet apart, bend the body from side to side as far as possible. Children make a cradle with arms and twist body from one side to the other in slow rhythm. GRADE I. Lesson 12. 1. Fireflies Dance. Moses, p. 2. Marching and halting to command, with and without music. At first have music played as they march, stopping just before the command "Class halt!" All start together, with left foot, in zig-zag formation. Work constantly for light step never let step get heavy. A^ soon as it begins to drag, use the music, with almost staccato accent, or give the command "On tiptoe, march!" and see that the children march without touching heels. In say- ing "left, right" to mark the time, the teacher must never use a heavy, emphatic tone, but cut off the vowel sounds to shorten the word, and use rising inflection to give a light staccato effect, which will lift the step instead of pulling it down. 3. Running two rows at a time, twice around the room (music). STORY PLAYS I. The Storm (D. Wardner, Wellesley, D. H., 1919) 1. We see storm clouds coming up, so we run home. 2. Close the windows before it rains in. 3. Run up-stairs to close the win- dows. 4. The wind is blowing in and blow- ing the curtains. Running twice around room or circle. Stretch the hands up and pull them down, bending the body downward at the same time. Running in place with high knee upward bending. Represent curtains with arms and body. Let arms swing freely back and forth, and fall to sides with a bang. 17 5. The curtains knock a button box off the table; we must pick them up. 6. "The rain is raining all around." And it makes a funny patter- ing noise. 7. The sun soon comes out, and we skip out doors to play. 8. See the rainbow, and smell the freshly-washed air. Stoop down and pick up buttons, putting them on desk. Walk around room (zig-zag formation), tapping lightly on desks, black boards, etc., with fingers. Skipping twice around (zig-zag forma- tion). Make a circle of arms to represent rain- bow. As they are raised, breathe in deeply. III. Peter Rabbit and the Easter Eggs (Edith Haight, Wellesley, D. H., 1919) Hopping two rows around one row of desks, once around. Balance march once around room, zig- aag formation. When get back to desk, place basket there. Stoop down hiding eggs, alternating with reaching up on rock for them. Children jump in place, then make pad- dling motion with hands, like animals swimming, and run forward a few steps. Then each takes hold* of child in front of him and pulls him back to place. Shaking motion of whole body. Step along very quietly with bent knees (zig-zag formation), and when about half way round the room each hides behind whatever desk is near. Hop until reach own desk. 1. Very early on Easter morning Peter Rabbit's friends come hopping to his house to get him to go out with them to hide Easter eggs before people are up. 2. Each takes a basket of eggs very carefully, stands up on his hind feet, and starts out for the big meadow. When they get there, they put the baskets on a big rock. 3. Now, Peter Rabbit and his friends hide the eggs. Some make nests of grass for the eggs; some tuck them under fallen leaves; others hide them around the roots of trees. 4. Peter Rabbit finds a splendid hole on the very edge of the brook, and is just putting an egg there when he slips and splash! he is struggling in the water. His friends all jump in, swim to him and pull each other out. 5. They all shake themselves very hard to get the water off their fur. . 6. They hear a dog barking very fiercely not far away, and know they'd better hide, so steal off behind trees and rocks. 7. The dog goes by, and the rabbits hop home very quickly, because he may come back. GAME Review Fox and Rabbit, calling one of bean bags Peter Rabbit, and the other the big dog. 18 GRADE I. Lesson 13. RHYTHM TRAINING 1. The Fairy Shoes Tune of The Muffin Man. Oh, have you seen a fairy's shoe? Oh, have you seen a fairy's shoe? We'll slide and slide and step, step, step To show the fairy's shoes to you. Two slides to the right and three steps beginning right. Repeat left and right. Last line two slides to left, step back and bow, pointing right foot forward. 2. Marching accenting every third step. (Be careful not to stamp.) STORY PLAYS I. The Chicken's School (D. Wardner) 1. Mrs. Hen calls the chickens to school. 2. She asks them how well they can flap their wings. 3. They practice drinking. 4. See if they can strut around like Mr. Rooster. 5. Hopping over puddles. 6. See the farmer coming with grain, and run to the fence where he is. 7. See how much grain we can pick up. Running quickly twice around room. Bend the arms, and then raise the elbows to shoulder level, several times. Bend the body forward and downward (with hands on hips). Raise the body and tip the head back, as chickens do when they are drinking. Rooster walk as in lesson 6. Two or three short running steps, fol- lowed by a jump up. Running twice around room, zig-zag for- mation. Make a beak with the arms, held stiffly down, with the hands meeting in front of the body. Pick up grain by stooping, i. e., deep knee bending, hands touching floor, arms between the knees, and back straight. Repeat rapidly several times. II. Paul Revere's Ride (Read the poem first) 1. The English soldiers come march- ing, and the lookout sees them. 2. Look-out climbs the tower. 3. He swings the lantern. 4. Paul Revere sees the light, jumps on his horse, and rides off. 5. The people rush to the windows, throw them up and look out. Yawn and stretch. 6. The men dress hastily, take their muskets, and come running to the common. 7. Shoot at the British from fences and stone walls. GAME Pop Corn All march in best military manner once around room (zig-zag). Climbing (alternate arm stretching up- ward, with opposite knee upward bend- ing). Large arm circles several with left arm, then several with right. Gallop twice around room, zig-zag. IT Free interpretation, getting in some vig- orous arm movements. Hurried movements putting on shoes, etc. Run quickly around the room. Kneel behind desks, and go thru motions of aiming and firing muskets. 19 GRADE I. Lesson 14. RHYTHM TRAINING 1. ^winging in the Swing clap the rhythm first. 2. Review all steps. 3. Yankee Doodle. "Yankee Doodle came to town" "Riding on a pony" "He stuck a feather in his cap" "And called it macaroni" Chorus Tra-la-la, etc., 16 counts. Very military position, mark time four steps. Holding reins, skip four steps forward. Stand at salute. Turn and skip four steps back to place. Two rows join hands around a row of seats. Eight slides left and eight right. Finish facing front, standing at salute. 4. March, accenting every 3rd step, every 4th, and every 5th. STORY PLAYS I. At the Sea Side (Hazel Furchgott, Wellesley, D. H., 1917) When I was down beside the sea, A wooden spade they gave to me, To dig the sandy shore. My holes were empty like a cup, In every hole the sea came up, Till it could come no more. R. L. Stevenson. 1. Run out to seashore, carrying pail and wooden\ shovel. 2. Go up to the very edge of the sea and smell the fresh, salt air. 3. Take pail up and find nice place to dig in the sand. Digging holes. 4. "My holes were empty like a cup, In every hole the sea came up, Till it could come no more." 5. Making forts of sand. 6. Inspecting fortresses to see that they are well built. 7. Each person, now back to his own place, see that sand crabs about to attack fortresses. Run after sand crabs in effort to catch them, but they escape to their holes. 8. Pick up pail and one last breath of the pure salt air before we go. Run in circle. Rather fast time. Deep breathing 1 , as if smelling the sea air. Stand with feet apart, pail by right foot. Stoop over and dig sand at side of left foot and put sand in pail. Change pail to right side and repeat. Take hold of hands sideways, six steps backward and hold. Six steps forward and hold. Repeat. Take the pail full of sand that we dug and empty it into little pile right in front of feet. Scoop up pails full of sand and throw them on this pile of sand. Each time throw higher until build fortress just high enough to step over. High balance step over forts of sand, be- ing careful not to knock them over. Very animated running, more of a scamp- er, as would be the case in catching sand crabs. Deep breathing. II. Circus. 1. First we stop outside of the big tents and watch different ani- mals. Feed the elephants. Then we go to the big tent, just in time for the parade. The bare-back riders come in, they jump on and off their horses and vault over them. Then we see the wonderful tight- rope walkers. The strong men lift heavy weights and do exercises with them. We all watch the funny clowns. Last of all is the chariot race. Children imitate animals by rows, and rest guess. One row are elephants, opposite row children. Former clasp hands and swing arms for trunks; latter throw peanuts to them. Best row is the hand others can be any- thing (within reason). Sit sideways on desks, jump down, run in place and jump up again vault thru seat. Exaggerated balance walk, toes down first. Resisted arm bendings and stretchings. Leave this to children's imagination. Each driver has two horses, who clasp hands; he drives them in big circle around room, at full speed. GRADE II. Lesson 1. Marching to music (Hofer Music for the Child World, Vol. II., p. 26), in a circle around the room. Stimulate light, spirited step. (See Grade I., lesson 12.) Fire horses Grade I., lesson 7. Clap 4-4 and 3-4 time. Animals' Activities Use Pictures 1. The dog can trot or run slowly or quickly. 2. The bear has a very funny gait when he walks on his hind feet. 3. Pussy slips along so quietly that the mice never hear her, and that's how she catches them. 4. In India large strong elephants do a great deal of work. They can handle heavy timbers with their trunks. 5. The rooster. 6. Mr. Toad and Mr. Frog hop along, but Mr. Frog can go much further because he is thin and Mr. Toad is fat. Run in a circle about the room, all rows at once. At first slowly "dog-trot." Then more quickly. Walk a few yards, swaying from side to side, using arms for balance. Run quickly on tiptoe with bent knees, very quietly. Clasp hands in front of body, swing arms (with straight elbows) from side to side. Get body twisting. See Grade I., lesson 6. Hands on floor, between feet, knees bent short and long hops about the circle. GRADE II. Lesson 2. 1. Old King Cole. Moses, p. 71. 2. Hand drill to "Fire Horses." See Grade I., lesson 9. Children's Activities Start with Autumn and get children to name and dramatize their favorite ac- tivities thruout the seasons. 21 GRADE II. Lesson 3. 1. Marching zig-zag formation. See introductory notes. Grown-ups' Activities Ask children to tell what they are going to he when they grow up, and dramatize, if practicable. Suggestions: Sailor rowing, hoisting sail, pulling up anchor. Blacksmith using heavy hammer. Aviator large arm circles to represent propeller, running with arms horizontal. Forester chopping. Fireman climbing. GRADE II. Lesson 4. 1. Running. One row ,at a time, once around the room. Emphasize light step, head high, arms swinging free. Try for uniform rhythm. "1st row, ready go!" Stop informally at own desks. 2. Blowing up balloons. "Breathe in! breathe out!" "Again one! Two!" (Hands may be placed on side of chest to feel the expansion.) 3. Hand clapping behind knee and Place the left foot forward and clap in front of face. hands behind slightly bent knee of the advanced foot, straighten up and clap hands in front of face. (Imitation meth- od; "down, up" until the rhythm is es- tablished). Same with right foot forward. 4. Swaying from side to side. With feet apart bend from left to right, letting the hand slide down on one side and up on the other. 5. Walking on tip toe. With hands on hips, walk forward slowly on toes 4 steps, turn around and walk back 8 steps, turn and walk back to place. 6. Bouncing ball up and down. Jump up and down in place 3 (or 4) times on signal given by teacher, simu- lating bouncing ball on floor. Repeat 5 or 6 times. 7. Arm raising sideways with deep Imitation jnethod : Raise the arms side- breathing, ways and" breathe "in! Out! Again one! Two!" GRADE II. Lesson 5. 1. Marching. Zig-zag marching as before. "Class for- ward march!" Class halt!" 2. Stone crusher. With feet apart and hands clenched (like a hammer), quick knee bending with downward stroke of hands, moderately fast rhythm. Imitation method. 3. Blowing of wind. Deep breathing in slow rhythm. Imita- tion method. 22 4. Chopping down a tree. 5. Bicycle. 6. Windmill. 7. Sewing machine. With feet apart and hands on right shoulder, swing arms down toward left knee, with vigorous trunk twisting and bending of knees. Moderately fast rhythm, ten twelve times. Repeat on other side. Demonstration, followed by signal "Ready begin! And stop!" With hands slightly raised as if grasping bars, alternate knee upward bending. Demonstration: "Ready go! And stop!" With fists clenched and elbows straight, alternate arm circles, starting forward- upward. Imitation method, increasing speed gradually. Running in place. Demonstration, then: "Ready go! And stop!" Deep breathing hands. with turning of Imitation method. GRADE II. Lesson 6. 1. Running. 2. Blowing soap bubbles upward. 3. Scooping 1 leaves or snow. 4. Weather vane. 5. Pulling taffy. 6 Walking on rails. 7. Bounding ball forward. 8. Deep breathing. Two rows at a time, twice around room. One row starts and is followed at the beginning of its second round by the next row. Stop informally at desks after second round. Breathe in with backward moving of head. Exhale slowly. Imitation method. With feet apart, stoop and bend forward, touching the floor; then straighten up and throw arms over head. Imitation method. With feet apart and arms horizontal, turn slowly from one side to the other, keeping feet firmly on floor and knees rigidly straight. Demonstation, then: "Ready begin! Stop! Position!" Hands in front of chest; bring arms down approximately to arm bend stand- ing position (see p. ). Imitation. Short steps, one foot placed directly in front of the other. Slow rhythm. Imi- tation. Jump forward three or four times on signal given by teacher, simulating toss- ing ball up and forward. "Breathe in! Out! Again one! two!" GRADE II. Lesson 7. 1. Skipping. 2. Chest raising with backward mov- ing of head. One hand placed on chest. 3. Driving stakes. 4. Rooster flapping wings. 5. Treading water (with feet only). 6. Crow hop. 7. Deep breathing with turning of hands. One row at a time once around room. Later twice around. Emphasize lightness and rhythm. Hand placed on chest to feel it move up and down with deep breathing "One! Two!" Feet apart and hands in front of one shoulder. Bend and turn to one side, as if swinging sledge hammer behind the back. Swing overhead and straight down vigorously, with slight bending of knees. Imitation. With hands on shoulders and elbows at sides: raising of elbows to shoulder level with heel raising and backward moving of head. Imitation. With hands placed on hips: alternate knee upward bending. Demonstration, then: "Ready go!" With arms raised sideways and knees slightly bent: short jumps forward, mov- ing arms like wings. On: "One! Two!" Or "In! Out!" GRADE Lesson 8. 1. Fundamental and relaxed gymnas- tic standing positions. Use in later lessons before marching and the more formal exercises. 2. Jack-in-the-box (with feet apart, fairly deep knee bending, hands on knees, and quick return). 3. Arm raising sideways with back- ward moving of head and chest raising. 4. Rolling big snowballs. 5. Swaying of trees. 6. Jump over brook. 7. Deep breathing with hands on chest. "Class attention!" Class assumes best standing position, standing tall and still "like soldiers." "At ease!" Right foot is moved directly sideways about one foot length, weight equally on both feet. Body slightly re- laxed, but not slouching. Describe and demonstate, if necessary. Straighten up on signal (clap hands to open box). Repeat 6-8 times. Demonstration. Then: "Arm raising side- ways with backward moving of head one! Two!" Give signals approximately in slow breathing rhythm. With feet apart, stoop and bend forward with hands in front, straighten up and move forward slightly. Imitation. With feet apart and arms over head, slow bending from side to side. Imitation. One row at a time faces back of room and runs around to the front, jumping over two chalk lines representing stream (running leap from one foot, landing on the other), then runs back to place. Demonstrate. Then: one! Two!" "Deep breathing 24 GRADE Lesson 9. 1. Marching. 2. Elevator. 3. Hip grasp standing "stretching. 4. Climbing. 5. Rowing, sitting on desks. 6. Skipping stones (on water). 7. Deep breathing with moving of head. backward After standing up, the class is given "at ease." Alternate rows are then turned, informally, for marching (in the usual way). Then: "Class attention! For- ward march! Class halt!" With feet slightly apart and hands on hips: Knee bending and stretching in moderately slow rhythm. Imitation. With hands pressing strongly downward on hips, straighten whole back to the ut- most and hold for a few seconds. Then drop hands to sides slowly while retain- ing "stretched" position. Repeat three or four times. Description and imitation. Alternate knee upward bending with op- posite arm raising in moderately fast rythm. Demonstrate, then: "Ready go! Class halt!" Sitting on desks, facing back of room, feet fixed if possible: Reach and lean forward, with flat back and head erect. Then swing body back and bend arms. Imitation. With 'hands on hips, jump forward three or four times in accelerating rhythm. Describe and demonstrate. Start on sig- nal, such as underhand throwing motion. "Deep breathing one! Two!" With backward moving of head one! Two!" GRADE II. Lesson 10. 1. Running. 2. Arm flinging sideways with heel raising. 3. Head grasp standing "stretching." 4. Stooping. (Deep knee bending, touching floor, arms between knees, back straight, but in- clined forward). 5. Railroad semaphores (alternate arm raising sideways upward). 6. Shoveling snow (or sand). As in lesson 6. Demonstrate. Then "Class attention! Ready begin!" Fairly fast rhythm, "and stop!" Place hands on top of head. "Stretcrh" as described in lesson 9. Description and imitation the first time. For repe- titions use numerals, "one!" Two!" Three!" for the respective parts. Demonstration. Then: "Stoop down and touch the floor one! Return (striking sides) two!" Repeat in slow rhythm, starting on "Begin!" discontinuing on "und stop!" Description and demonstration. Then start exercise by imitation. Movements quick, positions distinct. Rhythm slow. With feet apart and hands held as if grasping shovel: bend forward and to left, with slight knee bending; straighten arms and lean to left, as if throwing' snow far away. Imitation. Same to right. 25 59311 7. Jump for apple on low branch. 8. Sitting deep breathing. 1. Skipping. 2 Hoisting sail. 3. "Stretching with turning of hands. Running jump, trying to touch pointer held at reasonable height. One row at a time, .as in "jumping over brook." Best sitting position, grasping corners of desk, "Deep breathing one! Two!" GRADE II. Lesson 11. 4. Picking up stones and tossing to pile on left and right side. 5. Locomotive. 6. Balancing basket on head. Hip grasp standing jumping on toes 10 times. Deep breathing with hands on side of chest. Each row twice around room. Successive rows follow on 2nd round of preceding row. With feet apart and one hand raised, bring hand down quickly with knee bend- ing; straighten knees and raise other hand. Demonstration, then: "Ready-- pull! Stop!" "Stretching" as before, with simulta- neous arm movement. Retain "stretched" position during return arm movement. Then relax slightly. Imitation, then re- peat on three counts, in slow rhythm. Stoop down and touch floor. Straighten up and make tossing motion 6 8 times to left; repeat to right. Imitation. Raise left knee, stretch right arm for- ward, bend left arm and draw it back- ward. Change position of arms and feet in gradually accelerating rhythm. Imi- tation. Hands placed on hips, left foot forward: rise well up on toes, keeping as steady as possible, so that basket will not fall. Demonstration, then: "One! Two!" Re- peat 3 or 4 times with each foot in front. Demonstrate. Then: "Ready go!" (Class counts aloud at first, later silently.) Demonstrate. Then: "One! Two!" GRADE II. Lesson 12. 1. Flying. 2. Looking over fence. 3. Arm raising sideways, palms up, with backward moving of head. Running very lightly with small steps, arms moving like wings. Each row twice around the room, successive rows following as previously described. With hands at height of head, rise high on toes, mpving arms down a little, as if pulling up to look over the fence. Imi- tation. Demonstration, then: "One! Two!" at intervals approaching slow breathing rhythm, but without allowing movement to become rhythmic. 26 4. Pumping up automobile tire. 5. Steamboat. 6. Hip grasp standing position. (See P. )- 7. Jump over low railing. 8. Deep breathing. Vigorous forward-downward bending with slight knee bending and arm stretching downward. Imitation. With feet apart and arms raised side- ways to shoulder level, bend from side to side at waist, at first without, later with, alternate knee bending, keep arms straight to resemble walking beam on side-wheel steamboat. Demonstrate, calling attention to details and emphasizing quickness and unison of response to the signal. Then: "Hands on hips place! Po-sition!" Repeat two or three times. One row at time jump over pointer held at reasonable height. On: "One! Two!" GRADE II. Lesson 13. 1. Marching. 2 See-saw. 3. Rockets. 4. Furling sail. 5. Neck grasp standing position. (See P. )- High stepping, trotting and gallop- ing horses. 7. Deep breathing with low arm cir- cling. Zig-zag marching, step. Accent every third With hands on hips and feet slightly apart and half the class facing the other half: knee bending, one-half of the class going down as the other goes up. Moder- ately fast rhythm. Demonstrate and ex- plain. Then: "Ready go!" Quick arm bending and stretching up- ward, followed by slow arm sinking side- ways-downward. Demonstration, then start by imitation, counting "One, two," for quick arm bending and stretching up- ward, and then "three, four, five, six, seven, eight" for the slow arm sinking sideways-downward. With feet apart bend down and grasp sail between the feet with one hand (clenching fist). Straighten up, bringing that hand to the hip and keeping it there while reaching down with the other hand. Continue alternating left and right. Imi- tation. Demonstrate, calling attention to details and emphasizing unison, and, later, speed of response. Then: "Hands on neck place! Po-sition!" Repeat two or three times. Each row twice around the room, second row beginning on second round of first row, etc. "Ready go!" Sweeping forward-sideways movement of the arms on "one!" Slow downward movement on "two!" Imitation. 27 GRADE II. Lesson 14. 1. Running. 2. Corn-stalk growing up. 3. Mowing grass with a scythe. 4. Arm bending and stretching side- ways. (See p. .) 5. Skating 1 . 6. Hip grasp stride standing side bending. All the way from one side to the other. (See p. .) 7. Duck walk. 8. Deep breathing with hands on side of chest. Try zig-zag running. If rhythm is lost, review methods previously used. Start from deep knee bend standing po- sition, straighten knees slowly while gradually raising arms over head and stretching up as high as possible. De- scription, then give on count. Repeat five or six times. With feet apart and arms raised slightly forward, knees bent a little, swing from side to side, advancing by short step. "Ready begin! Stop!" Demonstrate. Then: "Ready begin! And stop! Po-sition!" Fairly fast rhythm, vigorous movements. Slide diagonally forward with one foot, knee slightly bent, raising the other leg diagonally backward on "one!" Hold po- sition on "two!" Repeat on other side. Demonstration (imitation if necessary). "Hands on hips place!" "With a jump, feet sideways place!" Bend as far as possible in waist, keeping knees straight and feet on the floor. Demonstration, then: "Ready begin! Stop! Position!" Slow rhythm. "Hands on hips place!" Bend the knees until sitting on heels anl walk forward keeping the knees bent. "Ready go!" GRADE III. Lesson 1. 1. Standing and sitting two counts. Review marching in place and halt. Marching, one row at a time, around the room, marking time on return to desks. Power hammer. 4. Arm raising sideways with back- ward moving of head. 5. Chopping up a log. "Class stand! Two!" "Class sit! Two!" See explanations, p. . "Mark time march! Class halt! At ease!" "First row attention! Forward march! Row halt! At ease! Second row attention!" etc. With feet apart and clenched hands in front of chest, quick knee bending with downward stroke of hands (without lean- ing forward), moderately slow return. Demonstration, then: "Ready begin!" "Stop!" "Arm raising sideways with backward moving of head one! Two!" With feet apart, hands on right shoulder, right knee slightly bent, and body turned to the right, swing the arms diagonally, then straight downward between the feet. On the recoil, straighten up and bring the hands over the left shoulder. Con- tinue in even rhythm. Imitation (later cue, or simply naming exercise, then: "Ready begin!") 28 6. Hip gr. standing jumping on toes. 7. Deep breathing. 1. Flying. "Hands on hips place! Jumping on toes (cue). See explanations, p. . Ready begin! Class halt!" "Deep breathing one! Two!" GRADE III. Lesson 2. 2. Turning of hands with backward moving of head and chest rais- ing. 3, Building a stone wall. 4. Steering automobile. 5. Arm bending and stretching down- ward. 6. Facing left and right, in two movements, each on separate signal. 7. Running leap over' brook. 8. Deep breathing with hands on side of chest. Running with arms raised sideways and moving like wings. Two rows at a time, the second row starting on the second round of the first, etc. "Turning of hands, etc. one! Two!" With feet apart stoop and bend down, touching the floor. Then straighten up and thrust the hands forward. (Imita- tion). Sitting erect on desks, hands grasping wheel. Turn vigorously three or four times left and forward, then right and forward. Description, then: "Ready begin! Stop! Same to right begin!" "Arm bending and stretching downward (cue) begin! And stop!" Demonstrate. Then: "Class attention! Left face! (See that weight is on left foot and shoulders facing squarely in the new direction. Spin on heel and "tap toe") Two!" (See that the right foot is lifted clear off the floor. Click heels together. Avoid stamping). "Right face! Two!" See Grade II., lesson 8. Exercise 6, p. 24. "Place hands on sides of chest. Deep breathing one! Two!" GRADE III. Lesson 3. 1. Marching. (Also review left and right facings.) 2. Arm flinging sideways with knee bending (heels leaving floor). 3. Hip grasp st. "stretching." 4. Rowing, sitting on desks. Each row twice around the room. Suc- cessive rows follow on second round of preceding row. "Arm flinging sideways, with knee bend- ing, heels leaving floor (cue) begin! and stop!" With hands pressing strongly downward on hips, straighten whole back to the ut- most and hold for a few seconds. Then drop hands to sides slowly while retain- ing "stretched" position. Repeat 2 or 3 times, using numerals. Description and imitation. Sitting erect on desks, facing back of room, feet fixed if possible: reach and lean forward, with flat back and head erect. Then swing body back and bend arms. Imitation. 29 5. Weathervane (sitting). 6. Arm bending and stretching side- ways. (Oblique formation.) 7. Hip grasp st. jumping on toes with foot placing sideways. 8. Deep breathing. Sitting erect on desks, facing back of room, feet fixed if possible, hands clasped behind neck. Turn sharply to left and right. Imitation. Later demonstration, then! "Ready begin! Stop!" "Arm bending and stretching sideways (cue) begin! Stop! Position!" "Hands on hips place! Jump on toes with foot placing sideways one! (Imi- tation) together two! (Imitation). Keep it up (cue), ready begin! Class halt!" (on two counts). Let class count aloud at first. " one! Two!" GRADE III. Lesson 4. 1. Running. 2. Arm raising sideways with back- ward moving of head and chest raising. 3. Scooping leaves. 4. Hip grasp stride standing bend- ing from side to side. 5. Neck grasp standing position. 6. Climbing. 7. Jumping for apple. 8. Deep breathing with turning of hands. Two rows at a time twice around the room. One row starts and is followed at the beginning of its second round by the next row. "Class attention! First row ready go!" Stop informally at desks after second round. "Arm raising sideways, etc. one! Two!" (Hands shoulder height and well back. Shoulders low. Keep lower back straight by drawing in at the waist.) With feet apart stoop and bend forward touching the floor. Then straighten up and throw hands over head with straight arms. Imitation. (At end of exercise leave class in stride standing position for the next exercise.) "Hands on hips place! Bending from side to side (cue), starting left begin! Stop! Position!" "Hands on neck place!" (Head and el- bows well back, chin in, lower back straight). "Position!" (Repeat two or three times, using the same signals.) Alternate knee upward bending with op- posite arm raising in moderately fast rhythm. Demonstrate, then: "Ready go! Class halt!" Jump in place, reaching for imaginary apple on low branch with left, then right, hand. "Ready jump! Again jump!" Repeat two or three times with each hand. Emphasize light landing (on toes). "Deep breathing with turning of hands (cue) one! Two!" 30 GRADE III. Lesson 5. 1. Hip grasp standing heel raising. 2. Head grasp standing stretching. 3. Narrow stride standing stooping (Deep knee bending, touching floor, arms between knees, back straight, but inclined forward). 4. Mowing with scythe. 5. Arm bending and stretching ob- liquely upward. 6. Running in place. 2. 3. "Hands on hips place! Heel raising (cue) ready begin! Stop! Position!" (Rhythm fairly fast, movements quick and sharp.) With hands pressing strongly downward on top of head, straighten whole back to the utmost and hold for a few seconds. Then drop hands to sides slowly while retained "stretched" position. Repeat two or three times, using numerals. De- scription and imitation. "With a little jump feet sideways place!" Demonstrate, then: "Stoop down and touch the floor one! Return (strik- ing sides) two!" "Repeat in slow rhythm begin! Stop!" With feet apart, swing arms from side to side in front of body, as if using scythe, shifting weight with slight alter- nate knee bending, advancing by short steps. Demonstration and imitation. "Arm bending and stretching diagonally upward (cue) begin! Stop! Position!" See that arms are well back. Try for 90 angle between them. Demonstrate, emphasizing lightness and high knee action. (Avoid throwing feet up behind.) "Ready go! Class halt!" (Stopping on second count.) 7. Deep breathing, one hand on chest. "Place left (right) hand on chest, breathing one! Two!" Deep GRADE III. Lesson 6. 1. Marching, zig-zag. (See p. .) Every other row faces back of room on signal: "Turn for marching." Then: "Class forward march! Class halt!" Demonstration, class at ease. Then: "Class attention! Hand on hips place! Ready begin! Stop! Position!" "Hands on neck and (with a jump) feet sideways place! Chest expansion one! Two!" Repeat on signal two or three times. Then: "With a jump position!" Facing side of room. "(With a wide Jump) feet sideways place! Hand clap- ping behind knee and in front of face (cue), starting to left begin! Stop! Po- sition!" *Review facings whenever the character of the exercise requires that the class face the side of the room. Hip grasp standing knee bending, heels off. Neck grasp stride standing chest expansion (with head well back). Review left and right facings.* 4. (Wide) Stride standing hand clap- ping behind knee and in front of face. 31 5. Arm forward bend standing posi- tion. 6. Duck walk. Arm raising sideways with deep breathing. Demonstrate, then "Class attention! Arms forward bend! (Hands and el- bows at shoulder level, palms down and elbows well back. Shoulders low.) Po- sition!" Repeat two or three times, us- ing, the same signals. With hands on hips and knees bent all the way, walk forward with short steps (either around the room, or up and down the aisles). "Arm raising, etc. one! Two!" GRADE III. Lesson 7. 1. Skipping. 2. Heel raising with placing hands on hips. 3. Arm bend standing "stretching." 4. Hip grasp stride standing stoop- ing, touching opposite foot al- ternately with left and right hand. 5. Arm bending and stretching up- ward. 6. Hip grasp st. toe jumps forward ten times and return. 7. Deep breathing. Each row twice around the room. Suc- cessive rows follow the preceding (on second round). Emphasize lightness and unison. Heel raising with hands on hips (cue) begin! And stop! "Arms bend! Stretch up tall! Bring hands down slowly! Again one! Two! Three! (First movement quick, the others slow.) "Hands on hips and feet sideways place! Stoop down and touch the right foot with the left hand (cue) one! Re- turn two! Left foot with right hand three! Four! Keep it up begin! Stop! Position!" (A demonstration may be necessary the first time.) "Arm bending and stretching upward (cue) begin! Stop! Position!" (See that the arms are in line with the body, shoulder distance apart, palms facing in.) Demonstration, then: "Hands on hips place! Ready go! (Children count aloud at first.) Turn around! Ready go!" etc. "Deep breathing one! Two! Outl") (Or "In! GRADE III. Lesson 8. 1. Marching and halts. 2. Hip grasp stride standing knee bending. As in lesson 6. "Hands dn hips and (with a jump) feet sideways place! Slow knee bending one! Two! (Body erect, lower back straight, knees well out.) Again, quick- ly one! Two! Keep it up in slow time, quick movements, ready begin! Stop! Position!" 32 3. Arm raising sideways, palms up, with backward moving of head. (Oblique formation.) 4. Knee-upward bending left and right with hand clapping be- hind knee and in front of face. 5. Hip grasp stride standing forward bending of trunk (45). 6. Jumping over a ditch. 7. Deep breathing with hands sides of chest. "Arm raising sideways, palms up, with backward moving of head (cue) one! Two!" Repeat three or four times on (numeral) signal. Demonstrate. Then: "Class attention! With the left begin! Stop! Right be- gin! Stop! Position!" "Hands on hips and feet sideways place! With a straight back, looking up, slow forward bending of trunk (cue) one! Two!" Repeat two or three times on signal. "Position!" Each row runs around the room twice, and jumps (across fairly wide space marked by chalk lines), on the second round, later on each round. Successive rows follow on second round of preced- ing row. Jump from left, then right foot, landing lightly on both feet. 2. 3. 4. GRADE III. Lesson 9. 1 Running. Rooster. Arm bend standing el- bo wraising with heel raising and backward moving of head. Hip grasp (narrow) stride stand- ing stooping and return. (See description in lesson 5.) Screw driver (Arm bend stride standing trunk twisting). Arm bending and stretching side ways and downward. Hip grasp standing jumping on toes. Deep breathing with turning of hands. As in lesson 4; emphasize lightness and rhythm. "Arms bend! Rooster flapping wings (cue), ready begin! And stop! Posi- tion!" "Hands on hips and (with a little jump) feet sideways place! Stoop down and touch the floor (cue) one! Return two! Keep it up begin! Stop! Posi- tion!" Demonstration, then: "Arms bend and feet sideways place! Turn the screw to the right begin! Stop! To the left- begin! Stop! Position!" This should be a vigorous trunk twisting all the way from one side to the other, emphasizing first the right, and then the left turn. The knees should be kept rigid and the hips squarely to the front. "Arm bending and stretching sideways and downward (cue) begin! Stop!" "Hands on hips place! Jumping on toes (cue) begin! Class halt!" "Deep breathing with turning of hands (cue) one! Two!" GRADE III. Lesson 10. 1. Skipping. 2. Arm flinging sideways with knee bending, heels off (oblique for- mation). As in lesson 7. "Arm flinging sideways with knee bend- ing (cue) begin! Stop!" 33 3. Neck grasp standing "stretching. 4. Driving stakes. 5. Knee upward bending left and right, grasping knee. 6. Arm forward bend standing arm flinging sideways. (See lesson 6.) 7. Hip grasp standing toe jumps side- ways ten times and return. 8. Deep breathing, with one hand on chest. "Hands on neck place! Stretch up tall. Bring hands down slowly. Again, one! Two! Three!" (First movement quick, the others slow.) Demonstration: With feet apart and hands in front of one shoulder, bend and turn to one side as if swinging sledge hammer behind back. Swing over head and straight down vigorously with bend- ing of knees. "Hands on right shoulder and feet sideways place! Driving stakes, ready begin! Stop! Hands on left shoul- der! Again begin! Stop! Position!" At the end of the upstroke grasp knee and pull it up toward chest. Upstroke is swift, down stroke moderate speed, set- ting foot down lightly, toe first on floor. Demonstrate, then: "With the left be- gin! Stop! Right begin! Stop!" "Arms forward bend! Arm flinging side- ways one! Two! (Repeat only on sig- nal, not more than three times.) Po- sition!" Demonstration, then: "Hands on hips place! To left, ready go! (Children count aloud at first.) To right, ready- go! Position!" "Place left (right) hand on chest, breathing one! Two!" Deep GRADE III. Lesson 11. 1. Marching and halts. 2. Arm bending with heel raising. 3. Arm raising sideways-upward with chest expansion. 4. Paddling, sitting on desks. 5. Stride standing alternate side bending of trunk with opposite arm raising to the vertical. As in lesson 6. Emphasize lightness and a free, swinging stride. "Arm bending with heel raising (cue) begin! Stop!" Arm raising sideways-upward (cue) one! Two! (Emphasize stretching up tall on one. Turn hands as arms pass shoulder level, without stopping. Sitting on desks, facing back of room, feet fixed if possible. With hands about three feet apart, as if grasping paddle, turn and bend forward, with a downward- backward sweep of the arms. Demon- strate: then, "To right begin! Stop! To left begin! Stop!" With feet apart, bend directly sideways keeping head and shoulders squarely to the front. At the same time let the arm on the same side slide downward, and the other arm swing up to the vertical. Demonstration, then: "To the left be- gin! Stop!" 34 Hip grasp forward walk toe stand- ing position. 7. Jumping over pointer. Arm raising sideways, palms up, with deep breathing. "Hands on hips and left foot forward place! Heel raising one! Two! (Hold "one" a long time. Repeat once or twice.) With a jump, feet change! Heel raising one! Two!" Two rows at a time, running twice around the room, jumping each round. Jump from one foot, land on the other, and continue running. One row starts and is followed at the beginning of its second round by the next row. "Deep breathing, etc. one! Two!" GRADE III. Lesson 12. Running. Stride standing arm bending with knee bending. Arm forward bend standing chest expansion. Jack-knife bend. Arm bending and stretching up- ward and downward. Cross cut sawing. Hip grasp standing jumping on toes with foot placing sideways. Deep breathing with hands on sides of chest. As in lesson 4. Emphasize high, springy step and free swing of the arms. "Feet sideways place! Arm bending with quick knee bending one! Two! Keep it up in slow time, quick move- ments begin! Stop! Position!" "Arms forward bend! Chest expansion one! Two! Position!" With feet widely apart bend down quick- ly and touch the floor, keeping the upper back and knees straight, head up. Re- turn immediately to starting position, striking thighs with hands. Demonstra- tion, then: "Feet sideways place! Ready begin! Stop! Position!" "Arm bending and stretching upward and downward (cue) begin! Stop!" Every two rows face each other. Oppo- site children work together. Arms are raised and one foot is placed forward (long step). The sawing movement is a body swing and twist with arm stretch- ing and alternate knee bending; one row starts backward and the opposite row forward. Demonstration, then: "Arms forward fling and left foot forward place! Ready begin! Stop! With a jump, feet change! Again begin! Stop! With facing to the front position!" "Hands on hips place! Jump on toes, etc. (cue) Begin! Class halt!" "Place hands on sides of chest. Deep breathing one! Two!" GRADE III. Lesson 13. 1. Marching. Toe marching. Arm flinging sideways with heel raising (oblique formation). Zig-zag marching, as in lesson 6. "Class forward 'march! On toes march! Com- mon step march! Class halt!" "Arm flinging sideways with heel raising (cue) begin! Stop!" 35 3. Head grasp standing "stretching." 4. Hip grasp standing stooping. (See lesson 5.) 5. Neck grasp stride standing quick trunk twisting all the way from one side to the other. 6. Arm bend standing (slow) for- ward bending of trunk (45 only). 7. Boy Scout pace. (March 8 steps, run 8 steps.) 8. Arm bend standing slow arm stretching sideways with deep breathing. "Hands on top of head place! Stretch up tall, pressing head against hands. Bring hands down slowly. Again one! Two! Three! (First movement quick, the others slow.) "Hands on hips place! Stooping, touch- ing floor (cue) one! Return two! Keep it up begin! Stop! Position!" Demonstrate, then: "Hands on neck and feet sideways place! To the left be- gin! (Mark time vigorously by crisp, sharp inflection.) Stop! Position!" "Arms (cue) bend! Forward bending of trunk (cue) one! Two!" Repeat three or four times on (numeral)* signal. Then: "Position!" Two rows at a time, twice around room. Demonstrate, then: "Boy Scout pace, for- ward march!" "Arms (cue) bend! Slow arm stretch- ing, etc., one! Two! Position!" GRADE III. Lesson 14. 1. Marching, accenting every third step. (Zig-zag.) 2. Stride standing arm flinging side- ways with quick knee bending. (Oblique formation.) 3. Neck grasp stride standing chest expansion with backward mov- ing of head. 4. Hip grasp standing knee upward bending left and right. 5. Chopping a log. (See lesson 1.) 6. Arm bending and stretching up- ward and sideways. 7. Hip grasp standing hopping four times alternately left and right. Halt in two counts. S. Low arm circling with deep breath- ing. Demonstrate before the rows turn for marching. Then: "Accenting every third step, class forward march! Class halt!" "Feet sideways place! Arm flinging side- ways with knee bending (cue) begin! Stop!" (Retain stride standing position for next exercise.) "Hands on neck place! Chest expansion, etc. one! Two!" (Emphasize pressing elbows and head back as far as possible.) Up stroke is swift, down stroke moder- ate speed, setting foot down lightly, toe first on floor. Demonstrate, then: "Hands on hips place! With the left begin! Stop! Right begin! Stop! Position!" Demonstrate, then: "Hands over the right shoulder and feet sideways place! Ready begin! Stop! Position!" "Arm bending, etc. (cue) begin! Stop! Position!" Demonstrate, then: "Hands on hips place! On left, ready go! Class halt! Position!" Arms move forward-sideways on one, downward on two. "Low arm circling, etc. (cue) one! Two!" 36 GRADE IV. Lesson 1. (Review standing and sitting on two counts.) 1. Marking time and marching. 2 Rooster. (Arm bend st. raising of elbows with heel raising and backward moving of head. See Grade II., lesson 7.) 3 Arm flinging sideways, palms up, with backward moving of head. 4. Picking up stones and tossing to one side. 5. Climbing ladder. (See Grade III., lesson 4.) 6. Hip grasp st. jumping on toes 10 times. 7 Deep breathing. "Class stand! Two!" "Class sit! Two!" Each row twice around room, successive rows following on 2nd round of preced- ing row. "Mark time march! Class halt! First row, forward march! Next row, forward march! Class halt!" "Arms bend!" Name exercise, with cue, then, after a pause: "Begin!" or "Ready begin! Stop! Position!" Name exercise, with cue, then: "Begin! Stop! At ease!" Demonstrate (with feet slightly apart, stoop down and touch floor, bending knees and keeping back straight. Re- turn to erect position with a twist to one side with a tossing movement of both arms). Then: "Class attention! Feet sideways place! Tossing stones to left begin! Now to right! Stop! Position!" Name exercise, with cue, then: "With right hand and left foot begin! Class halt!" Name the exercise, with cue, then: "Hands on hips place! Ready begin! Stop! (on 10th count). Position!" "Deep breathing one! Two!" GRADE IV. Lesson 2. 1. Running in place. Halt on 2nd count. 2. Stone crusher. (See Grade II., lesson 5.) 3. Rockets (oblique formation). (See Grade II., lesson 13.) 4. Wide stride st. hand clapping al- ternately behind left and right knee and in front of face. 5. Arm bending and stretching down- ward. G. Stride standing alternate side- bending (sliding hand down the leg). 7. Standing jump for apple on low branch. 8 Deep breathing with turning of hands. "Running in place, ready go!" "Class halt! At ease!" Demonstrate (see fig.). Then: "Class attention! Hands in front of chest and feet sideways place! Ready begin! Stop! Position! At ease!" Demonstrate (later use cue method), then, after calling class to attention: "Ready begin! Stop!" "With a wide jump, feet sideways place! Name the exercise, with cue, then: "To left begin! Stop! Position!" Name the exeriise, with cue, then; "be- gin! Stop!" "Feet sideways place!" Name the ex- ercise, with cue, then: "To left begin! Stop! (As the erect position is reached) At ease!" Demonstrate, call class to attention, then: "Ready jump! Again jump! Again one! Two!" Name exercise, with cue, then: " one! Two!" 37 GRADE IV. Lesson 3. 1. Marching, zig-zag (see p. ). 2. Hip grasp standing knee bending, heels off. 3. Scooping leaves. (See Grade II., lesson 6.) 4. Review left and right facings on two counts, stopping on 1st. Also half left and right facings. 5 Arm flinging sideways, palms up. 6 Sawing log with cross-cut saw. (See fig. . Also Grade III., lesson 12.) 7. Running leap over brook (jump from one foot, land lightly on the other). 8. Grasp sitting deep 1 breathing. Every other row faces back of room on signal: "Turn for marching! Class for- ward march! Class halt!" "Hands on hips place! Knee bending, heels leaving the floor (cue) begin! Stop! Position! At ease!" Demonstrate. Then: "Class attention! Feet sideways place! Ready begin! Stop! Position!" "Spin on left heel and push with right toe (cue), stopping on the first count with tapping of toe (cue), class left face! Lift right foot and bring it to the left sharply two!" Same reminders for right facing. Name the exercise, with cue, then: " one! Two! Again one! Two! Continue in slow time, quick movements begin! Stop! At ease!" Demonstrate, then face alternate rows and have them take starting positions informally, then: "Ready begin! Stop!" Change positions informally, then: "Ready begin! Stop! Position! At ease!" Each row runs around twice, jumping at the beginning of each round. Successive rows follow on 2nd round of preceding row. The last one or two rows jump at the end instead, of the beginning of the round: "First row attention! Ready go! Next row, ready go!" "Grasp corners of desks firmly! Deep breathing with backward moving of head one! Two!" GRADE IV. Lesson 4. 1 Skipping. 2. Arm flinging sideways with heel raising (fairly fast rhythm). 3. Head grasp standing "stretching." (See Grade III., lesson 5.) 4. Driving stakes. (See fig. and Grade II., lesson 7.) Hip grasp stride st. slow forward bending of trunk (45). Each row twice around the room. Suc- cessive rows start at end of 1st round of preceding row. "First row, ready go!" Name the exercise, with cue, then: " begin! Stop!" Imitation once or twice. Repeat three or four times on: "One! Two! Three!" First count quick, second and third very slow. With class at ease demonstrate. Then: "Class attention! Hands on right shoul- der and feet sideways place! Ready begin! Stop! Position!" "Hands on hips and feet sideways place! Forward bending of trunk one! Two!" Repeat three or four times on (numeral) signals. Then: "With a jump, facing front of room Position!" 3S 6. Arm bending and stretching side- Name the exercise, with cue, then: " ways. begin! Stop! Position!" 7. Locomotive. (See Grade II., les- With class at ease, demonstrate (later son 11.) name the exercise, with cue), then: "With right hand and left foot begin! Class halt!" Rhythm slow at first, in- creasing gradually; halt on second count, in fundamental position. 8. Arm raising sideways with deep Name the exercise, with cue, then: breathing. "One! Two!" GRADE IV. Lesson 5. Marching (zig-zag) with accenting every 3rd step. Hoisting flag (see fig. and Grade II., lesson 11, exercise 2). Arm raising sideways, palms up, with backward moving of head. Jack knife bend. (See Grade III., lesson 12.) Steering automobile (turning around) sitting on desk [or in cross-legged sitting position, if in gymnasium]. With hands in front, quick trunk twisting from left to right, return movement a little slower. Hip grasp knee upward bend standing position. Stride standing alternate side bending with opposite arm rais- ing to vertical. Hip grasp st. jumping on toes, halting on two counts. Deep breathing. See lesson 3. "Class forward march! Accenting every third step begin! Class halt!" First time demonstrate with class at ease (later name the exercise, with cue). Then: "Feet sideways place! Ready begin! Stop! Position!" Name the exercise, with cue. Then: " one! Two!" Repeat four or five times on (numeral) signal. With class at ease, demonstrate (later use cue method). Then: "Class atten- tion! Feet sideways place! Ready begin! Stop! Position!" Pupils take position on desks informally. Demonstrate, then: "To the right be- gin! Stop! To the left begin! Stop!" Step down from desks informally. "Hands on hips place! Left knee up- ward bend! Foot replace! Same with the right one! Two!" Repeat two or three times, holding the position several seconds each time. Then: "Position!" "Feet sideways place!" Name the ex- ercise, with cue, then: "To left begin! Stop! (as erect position is reached) Po- sition!" Slow rhythm, slow movements. "Hands on hips place! Jumping on toes (cue) begin! Class halt! Posi- tion! Deep breathing one! Two!" GRADE IV. Lesson 6. 1. Running. Each row twice around the room, sec- ond row starting on the 2nd round of first row. "First row, ready go! Next row, ready go!" 39 2. Placing hands on hips with heel raising. 3. Neck grasp standing "stretching." (See Grade III., lesson 10.) 4. Hip grasp narrow stride st. stoop- ing. 5. Mowing with scythe. (See fig. and Grade II., lesson 14.) 6. About facing. 7. Arm bending and stretching side- ways and downward. 8. Standing broad jump (over ditch). Name the exercise, with cue; then: " begin! Stop!" Imitation once or twice. Then repeat three or four times on "One! Two! Three!" First count quick, the others very slow. "Hands on hips, and, with a little jump, feet sideways place! Stooping down, touching the floor one! (Sit on heels, with hack straight, but inclined forward. Look up.) Two! (Return to starting po- sition.) Keep it up begin! Stop! Po- sition!" With class at ease, demonstrate (later use cue method). Then: "Feet sideways place! To left begin! Stop! To right begin! Stop! Position!" With class at ease demonstrate, calling attention to details: first movement, right toe half a foot length behind and a little to left of left heel; second movement, turn to right, spinning on left heel and right toe. Then: "Class attention! About face ! Two ! " Name the exercise, with cue, then: " begin! Stop!" Successive rows follow each other as quickly as possible. (Two pupils may jump at once.) After jumping, run around room back to desks. GRADE IV. Lesson 7. One march step forward. One 'step backward. Two march steps forward. Two steps backward. 2. Hip grasp stride st. knee bending. 3. Low arm circling, palms up, with backward moving of head. (First part quick, second part slow.) 4. Furling sail. (See fig. and Grade II., lesson 13.) 5. Arm forward bend st. pos. "One step forward (cue) march! One step backward (cue) march! Two steps forward (cue) march! Two steps back- ward (cue) march!" On repetitions vary the number and direction of the steps. "Hands on hips and feet sideways place! Quick knee bending (cue) be- gin! Stop! Position!" Name the exercise, with cue, then: " one! Two!" Repeat three or four times holding the first position while giving admonitions about head and arms. With class at ease, demonstrate (later use cue method). Then: "Feet sideways place! Ready begin! Stop! Position!" "Arms forward (cue) bend! Position! Again one! Two!" Repeat two or three times. See that elbows are well back (hands as far apart as possible), head high, hands and elbows at shoulder level, wrists straight. 40 Hip grasp stride st. slow side bending all the way from one side to the other. Running (hurdle) jump over point- er. (Jump from one foot, land lightly on the other and keep on running around room back to place.) Grasp sitting deep breathing. "Hands on hips and feet sideways place! Bending from side to side (cue), to left begin! Stop! (As erect position is reached) Position!" See lesson 3, exercise 7. See lesson 3, exercise 8. GRADE IV. Lesson 8. 1. Skipping with knee upward bend- ing. 2. Hip grasp st. heel raising with turning out of heels. 3. Arm bend st. "stretching." 4. Building stone wall. (See Grade III., lesson 2.) 5. Screw driver (neck grasp stride st. trunk twisting all the way in one movement, accentuation first to right, then to left.) 6. Hip grasp st. alternate foot plac- ing sideways. 7. Arm bending and stretching up- ward. 8. Hip grasp st. jumping on toes with foot placing sideways. 9. Deep breathing with hands on sides of chest. Each row twice around the room as pre- viously. "Hands on hips place! Heel raising with turning out of heels (cue) begin! Stop! Position!" "Arms (cue) bend! Stretch up tall! Bring hands down slowly, keeping "stretched." Again one! Two! Three!" First movement quick, the others slow. With class at ease, demonstrate (later merely name the exercise). Then: "Class attention! Feet sideways place! Ready begin! Stop! Position!" Demonstrate (later merely name the ex- ercise), call class tp attention, then: "Hands on neck and feet sideways place! Driving the screw in (quick twist to right, followed by a little slower return to left) begin! Stop! Unscrewing' (turn- ing sharply to left, a little slower to right) begin! Stop! Position!" "Hands on hips place! Left foot placing sideways (cue) one! Two! Right three! Four! Keep it up in slow time, holding each position at least a second, then moving quickly (cue), to left be- gin! Stop! Position!" Name the exercise, with cue, then: "be- gin! Stop! Position!" "Hands on hips place! Jumping on toes, etc. begin! Class halt! (stopping on 2nd count) Position!" "Put hands on sides of chest!" (inform- ally, then:) Deep breathing one! Two!" 41 GRADE IV. Lesson 9. 1. Boy scout pace (zig-zag). 2. Arm flinging 1 sideways with knee bending, heels off. 3. Neck grasp stride st. backward moving of head with chest rais- ing. Hip grasp (narrow) stride st. stooping, touching opposite foot alternately on left and right hand. 5. Arm forward bend st. arm fling- ing 1 sideways. 6. Knee upward bending (several times) left, then right, grasp- ing knee. 7. Neck grasp stride st. bending from side to side. Slow rhythm. 8. Hip grasp st. hopping four times alternately on left and right foot. Halt on 2 counts. 9. 1. Deep breathing with turning of hands. "Boy Scout pace. (8 walking steps, al- ternating with 8 running steps), class forward march! Class halt!" Name the exercise, with cue, then: " begin! Stop!" "Hands on neck and feet sideways place! Backward moving of head with chest raising one! Two! Again one! Two!" Repeat two or three times more. Then: "Position!" With class at ease, demonstrate (later use cue method). Then: "Hands on hips and (with a little jump) feet sideways place! Touching right foot with left hand begin! Stop! Position!" "Arms forward (cue) bend! Arm fling- ing sideways (cue) one! Two!" Repeat three or four times, inspecting and cor- recting positions each time. Then: Po- sition!" "Left knee upward bending, grasping knee (cue) begin! Stop! Now right begin! Stop!" "Hands on neck and feet sideways place! Side bending, all the way from one side to the other, to left begin! Stop! (At erect position) Position!" Demonstrate exercise, including the halt. Then: "Hands on hips place! On left begin! Class halt!" "Turning of hands with deep breathing one! Two!" GRADE IV. Lesson 10. 3. Running (short steps) with knee upward bending. High arm circling, two counts, with backward moving of head. Paddling, sitting on desk (or from stride st. pos.) (See Grade III., lesson 11.) 4. Hip grasp st. heel raising and knee bending. 5. Arm bending and stretching, up- ward and downward. Each row twice around the room as pre- viously. Name the exercise, with cue, then: " one! (quick) Two!" (slow). Repeat three or Jour times, holding the first position several seconds and urging pupils to vig- orous effort. Pupils take position on desks informally. After demonstration, call class to atten- tion, then: "On left side, ready go! Stop! Now on right side go! Stop! Step down and face front of room!" "Hands on hips place! Heel raising and knee bending (cue), four counts, even time begin! Stop! Position!" Name the exercise, with cue, then: " begin! Stop!" 42 Hip grasp st. alternate foot plac- ing forward. 7. Arms side-horizontal st. toe jumps sideways, 4 jumps each way. Mutual support. Deep breathing with hand on chest. "Hands on hips place! Left foot for- ward (cue) place! Foot replace! Same with right one! Two! Again, left one! Two! Right three! Four! Keep it up in slow time (quick movements, holding positions), with left begin! Stop! Positions!" "Left (or right) face! Two! Arms side- ways raise! Grasp hands! Four toe jumps to left, then four to right, then to left, etc., ready go! Class halt! Po- sition!" "Put right hand on chest! Deep breath- ing one! Two!" GRADE IV. Lesson 11. 1. One and two march steps side- ways. 2. Arm bending with heel raising. 3. Arms side-horizontal st. turning of hands with backward mov- ing of head. 4. Hip grasp st.~ stooping (touching floor), alternating with arm stretching downward. Neck. grasp stride st. quick trunk twisting from one side to the other (rhythmic). 6. Hip grasp st. position on one foot, the other raised sideways; change in one movement (with a jump). 7. Arm bending and stretching side- ways and downward. 8. Running broad jump (over brook). Spring from one foot, land light- ly on both feet. 9. Grasp sitting deep breathing. Demonstrate while class is seated. Then, when class has taken the fundamental standing position: "Class left (or right) face! One step to left march! Two steps to right march! etc. Right face! Two!" Later try one step alternately to left and right as a rhythmic movement, on signal: "Go!" "Arm bending with (quick) heel raising (cue) begin! Stop!" "Arms sideways (cue) raise! Turning of hands with backward moving of head one! Two!" Repeat three or four times. Then: "Position!" "Hands on hips place! Stoop down and touch floor (cue) one! Two! Arm stretching downward (cue) three! Four! Keep it up in even time, fairly fast begin! Stop! Position!" "Hands on neck and feet sideways place! (quick) twisting from one side to the other (cue), to left begin! Stop! Position!" "Hands on hips place! Left foot side- ways raise! Change feet with a jump (cue) one! Two!" Repeat two or three times on each foot, holding each position several seconds. Name the exercise, with cue, then: " begin! Stop!" Each row runs around room twice, as in lesson 3. See lesson 3. 43 GRADE IV. Lesson 12. 1. Toe touching sideways with plac- ing hands, on hips. 2. Arm bending with knee bending, heels off. 3. Head grasp st. "stretching." Hip grasp st. knee upward bend- ing left and right. (Stopping at the change.) Hip grasp stride st. alternate side bending (on two counts to each side. Then try rhythmic). Forward bending of arms, then sideways and downward fling- ing. 7. Hip grasp st. jumping on toes with foot placing forward- backward (feet passing each other). 8. High (slow) arm circling with deep breathing. Name the exercise, with cue, then: "To left begin! Stop!" Name the exercise, with cue, then: " begin! Stop!" "Hands on head place! Stretch up tall, pushing head against the hands! Bring hands down slowly while remaining "stretched." Again one! Two! Three!" Repeat once or twice more. "Hands on hips place! Left knee up- ward bending (cue) begin! Stop! Same with right begin! Stop! Position!" "Hands on hips and feet sideways place! Side bending, to left one! Two! To right three! Four! Continue in slow time (two counts each side) begin! Stop! Position!" "Forward bending of arms (cue) one! Arm flinging sideways (cue) two! And downward three! Again one! Two! Three! (Hold each position a few sec- onds, inspect and correct.) Keep it up in slow, even time, quick movements begin! Stop!" Demonstrate (later use cue method). Then: "Class attention! Hands on hips place! Ready begin! Class halt!" (Stop on second count, with feet togeth- er.) Name the exercise, with cue, then: " one! Two!" GRADE IV. Lesson 13. 1. Marching with accenting every 3rd and 5th step. Toe marching (zig-zag). 2. Stride st. placing hands on hips with (quick) knee bending. 3. Arm bend st. slow arm stretch- ing 1 sideways, palms up, with backward moving of head. 4. Horizontal rope pulling (pulling up anchor). See lesson 5. "Feet sideways place!" Name the exer- cise, with cue, then: " begin! Stop! Po- sition!" "Arms (cue) bend! Slow arm stretch- ing, etc. one! Two!" Repeat three or four times. Then: "Position!" Demonstate (With one foot advanced, 1. reach forward with both hands, bending the forward knee; 2. pull back with the arms, bending the other knee and twist- ing at the waist.) Take starting position (informally). Then: "Ready begin! Stop!" Same with right foot advanced. Then: "Position!" 44 5. Standing jump down (from chair) from left and right foot. 6. Arm bending and stretching di- agonally upward and downward. 7. Neck grasp stride st. rhythmic alternate side bending, all the way in one movement. 8. Hip grasp st. hopping twice on each foot. 9. Deep breathing with hands on sides of chest. Demonstrate, raising left foot on "One!" jumping from right foot on "Two!" land- ing lightly on toes with knee bending. On "Three!" straighten knees. On "Four!" lower heels. Then: "Up! Jump- ing from right foot one! Two! Three! Four!" Same from left foot. Name the exercise, with cue, then: " begin! Stop!" "Hands on neck and feet sideways place! Bending all the way from one side to the other, to left begin! Stop!" (as erect position is reached) "Posi- tion!" "Hands oh hips place! Hopping 1 twice on each foot (cue), on left begin! Class halt! Position!" See lesson 8. GRADE IV. Lesson 14. 1. Turning of hands with (quick) heel raising. 2. Hip grasp (wide) stride st. alter- nate knee bending. Two counts each side. 3. Arm raising sideways-upward with backward moving of head (turn- ing the hands as the horizontal position is passed, v.'ithout stopping). 4. (Wide) stride st. downward bend- ing, touching floor (with a slight sweeping movement of arms, striking thighs on the return at first). 5. Neck grasp stride st. alternate (quick) rhythmic trunk twist- ing all the way in one move- ment. 6. Hip grasp st. knee upward bending left and right (several times on each side). Change without stopping. 7. Arm bending and stretching up- ward and downward. 8. Running high jump (over point- er). Jump from one foot, land lightly on both feet. 9. Grasp sitting deep breathing. Name exercise, with cue, then: " be- gin! Stop!" "Hands on hips and with a wide jump feet sideways place! Left knee bend- ing (cue) one! Two! Right three! Four! Again one! Two! Three! Four! Keep it up in slow time, slow movements, to left begin! Stop! Position!" Name the exercise, with cue, then: " one! Two!" Repeat three or four times, urging class to move arms well back and to "stretch up tall." "With a wide jump, feet sideways place!" Name the exercise, with cue, then: "Ready begin! Stop! Position!" Urge pupils to look up and try to keep upper back straight. Face side of room. "Hands on neck and feet sideways place! Trunk twisting, etc. (cue), to left begin! Stop! Position!" "Hands on hips place! Left knee up- ward bending (cue) begin! Now right! Left! Right! Stop! Position!" Name the exercise, with cue, then: " begin! Stop!" See lesson 3, exercise 7. See lesson 3, exercise 8. 45 GRADE V. Lesson 1. Marching. 2. Placing hands on hips with heel raising. 3. Turning of hands with backward moving of head and chest rais- ing. 4. Driving stakes. (See Grade II., les- son 7.) 5. Knee upward bending left and right, grasping knee. (See Grade III., lesson 10.) 6. Arm bending and stretching side- ways. 7. Hip grasp standing jumping on toes. Deep breathing. 1. Running. Each row twice around the room. Suc- cessive rows follow on second round of preceding row. "First row, forward march! Next row, forward march!" Name the exercise, with cue, then: " begin! Stop!" Name the exercise, with cue, then: " one! Two!" Demonstrate (later use cue method), call class to attention, then: "Hands on right shoulder and feet sideways place! Ready begin! Stop! Hand on right shoulder! Begin! Stop! Position!" Left knee upward bending, etc. (cue) begin! Stop! Right begin! Stop!" Name the exercise, with cue, then: " begin! Stop! Position!" Hands on hips place! Name the move- ments with cue, then: "Ready begin! Class halt! Position!" "Deep breathing one! Two!" GRADE V. Lesson 2. 2. Hip grasp st. knee bending, heels off. 3. Arm raising sideways, palms 'up, with backward moving of head (oblique formation). 4. Jack knife bend. (See Grade III., lesson 12.) 5. Hip grasp stride st. (rhythmic) side bending all the way in one movement. Arm forward bend st. position. (See Grade IV., lesson 7.) Hip grasp st. hopping twice on each foot. Deep breathing with turning of hands. Each row twice around the room, as in marching. "First row, ready go! Next row, ready go!" "Hands on hips place! Knee bending (cue) begin! Stop! Position!" Name the exercise, with cue, then: " one! Two!" Repeat three or four times on (numeral) signal. Demonstrate, call class to attention, then: "Feet sideways place! Ready begin! Stop! Position!" "Hands on hips and feet sideways place! Slow side bending (all the way in one movement), to left begin! Stop! (as vertical position is reached) Po- sition!" "Arms forward (cue) bend! Position! Again one! Two!" Repeat two or three times on (numeral) signal, holding the position several seconds while inspecting and calling 1 attention to details. "Hands on hips place!" Name the ex- ercise, with cue, then: " on left be- gin! Class halt! Position!" Name exercise, then: " one! Two!" 46 GRADE V. Lesson 3. 4. 1. Review left and right facings on two counts, stopping on first. Hip grasp st. heel raising with turning out of heels. Arm bend st. backward moving of head with chest raising. Hip grasp narrow stride st. stoop- ing (deep knee bending, touch- ing floor). Screw driver (from neck grasp -stride st. pos.). (See Grade III., lesson 8.) Alternate foot placing sideways with placing of hands on hips. Running leap (over two lines) from left and right foot. (See Grade IV., lesson 3.) Grasp sitting deep breathing. Remind class about details, with dem- onstration, while seated. Then, after class has stood up: "Right face! Two! Left face! Two!" "Hands on hips place!" Name the ex- ercise, with cue, then: " begin! Stop! Position!" Arms (cue) bend! Backward moving of head with chest raising one! Two!" Repeat three or four times on (numeral) signal. Then: "Position!" "Hands on hips and, with short jump, feet sideways place! Stooping (touch- ing the floor) and return one! Two! Continue begin! Stop! Position!" Demonstrate, then: "Class attention! Hands on neck and feet sideways place! Turning the screw in (to right) begin! Stop! Turning it out (to left) begin! Stop! Position!" "Hands on hips and left foot sideways place! Position! Same to right one! Two! Again to left one! Two! To right three! Four! Keep it up in slow time (but quick movements, holding po- sitions long) begin! Stop!" "First row, ready go! Next row go!" etc. See Grade IV., lesson 3. GRADE V. Lesson 4. Marching with accenting every 3rd step. (Zig-zag.) 2. Hip grasp stride st. knee bending. Low arm circling (quick), palms up, with backward moving of head (oblique formation). 4. Rowing, sitting on desk. 5. Weather vane (hands on neck), sitting on desk. (See Grade III., lesson 3.) See Grade IV., lesson 5. "Hands on hips and feet sideways place! Quick knee bending (cue) be- gin! Stop! Position!" While the move- ments are quick, positions should be well marked, making the rhythm fairly slow. Name the exercise, with cue, then: " one! Two!" Repeat three or four times, holding the position while inspecting and urging class to get head and arms well back and keep hands at shoulder level. Later make repetitions in slow rhythm. Face class so that each pupil stands in front of his chair. Then: "To sitting po- sitions on desks up! Rowing, ready (pu- pils reach forward) row! Stop!" "Hands on neck place! Weather vane, to left begin! Stop! Position! Down!" 47 6. About facing (also practice left and right facing, two counts, without stopping on first). 7. Hip grasp st. jumping on toes with foot placing sideways. Deep breathing with hands on sides of chest. Demonstrate, reminding class about de- tails. Then: "Class attention! About face! Two!" Repeat two or three times. Then demonstrate left and right facing in slow rhythm, but with quick move- ments. Have class count aloud at first. "Hands on hips place!" Name the exer- cise, with cue, then: " begin! Class halt! Position!" "Put hands on sides of chest! Deep breathing one! Two!" GRADE V. Lesson 5. 1. Marking time and running in place, halting on 2 counts. 2. Arm flinging sideways with heel raising. 3. Head grasp st. "stretching." Hip grasp st. stooping (deep knee bending, touching floor), alter- nating with arm stretching downward. 5. Stride st. (rhythmic) side bending (all the way in one movement) with opposite arm raising side- ways to vertical. 6. Alternate foot placing forward with placing of hands on hips. 7. Arm bending and stretching side- ways and downward (even ' rhythm). "Mark time march! Double time march! Class halt!" Name the exercise, with cue, then: " begin! Stop!" "Hands on head place! Stretch up tall, pushing the head against the hands! Keep "stretched" while bringing the hands down slowly! Again one! Two! Three! Repeat two or three times. "Hands on hips place! Stooping and return (cue) one! Two! Arm stretch- ing downward (cue) three! Four! Con- tinue in fairly fast time begin! Stop! Position!" "Feet sideways place!" Name the ex- ercise, with cue, then: "To left begin! Stop!" (as erect position' is reached). "Hands on hips and left foot forward (cue) place! Position! Same with right foot one! Two! Again, left one! Two! Right three! Four! Keep it up, in slow time (but with quick movements) be- gin! Stop!" Name the exercise, with cue, then: " begin! Stop!" 8. Standing broad jump (over 2 See Grade IV., lesson 6. lines). 9. Deep breathing with turning of " one! Two!" hands. GRADE V. Lesson 6. Marching and toe marching (zig- zag). "Class forward march! On toes march! Common step march! Class halt!" 48 2. Stride st. knee bending with plac- ing of hands on hips. 3. Arms side-horizontal st. turning of hands with backward mov- ing of head. 4. Paddling, sitting on desk (or from stride st. pos.). See Grade III., lesson 2.) 5. Hip grasp st. knee upward bend- ing left and right (at first stop- ping at the change, later change without stopping). 6. Forward bending of arms, then sideways and downward fling- ing. 7. Hip grasp stride st. slow forward bending of trunk. 8. Hip grasp st. toe jumps sideways, four jumps each way. 9. Deep breathing, one hand on chest. Feet sideways place! Name the exer- cise, with cue, then: " begin! Stop! Position!" "Arms sideways raise! Turning of hands with backward moving of head one! Two!" Repeat three times, holding positions several seconds while inspect- ing and correcting details. "Left (right) face! Up! Demonstrate, then: "On left side begin! Stop! On right begin! Stop! Position! Down!" Demonstrate (later use cue method). Then: "Hands on hips place! With left begin! Stop! Right begin! Stop! Position!" "Forward bending of arms one! Arm flinging sideways two! And downward three! Keep it up in slow, even time (quick movements) begin! Stop!" "Hands on hips and feet sideways place! Forward bending of trunk one! Two!" Repeat three or four times on signal, holding position while inspecting and correcting details. Demonstrate. Then: "Hands on hips place! To left begin! Class halt! Po- sition!" "Put right hand on chest! Deep breath- ing one! Two!" GRADE V. Lesson 7. 1. Arm bending with heel raising. 2. Neck grasp stride st. backward moving of head (and elbows) with chest raising. 3. Arm bend st. stooping. 5. Arm bending and stretching up- ward. 6. Hip grasp toe st. march steps for- ward, each step on (numeral) signal. Name the exercise, with cue, then: " begin! Stop!" (Rhythm moderate, move- ments quick, positions well marked by being held an instant.) "Hands on neck and feet sideways place! Backward moving of head with chest raising one! Two!" Repeat three or four times on signal. Then: "Posi- tion!" "Arms (cue) bend! Stooping and re- turn (cue) one! Two! Continue in fair- ly fast time begin! Stop! Position!" Name the exercise, with cue, then: " begin! Stop! Position!" "Hands on hips place! Heels raise! March steps forward, left one! Right two!" Repeat eight or ten times, hold- ing each position a few seconds. "Heels sink! (Rear foot to foot) Position!" 49 7. Chopping a log. (See fig. .) 8. Running broad jump (over two lines, jump from one foot, land lightly on both). 9. Grasp sitting deep breathing. Demonstrate (Lean well over and turn to one side with the knee on that side bent. Swing arms toward opposite foot, with bending of knee of that side. The down- ward swing ends between the feet. At first practice 8 or 10 times on right side, then on left. Later alternate). Then: "Hands on right shoulder and feet side- ways place! Ready begin! Stop! Hands on left shoulder! Begin! Stop! Position!" The change may also (later) be made without stopping, giving signal: "Now left!" as hands swing between feet. Each row runs around room twice, jump- ing at beginning of each round. The last one or two rows jump at the end of each round. See Grade IV., lesson 3. See Grade IV., lesson 3. GRADE V. Lesson 8. 1. Toe marching with knee upward bending. (Zig-zag.) 2. Forward bending, sideways fling- ing and slow sinking arms with backward moving head on sec- ond count. (Try repetitions in uneven rhythm.) Hip grasp stride st. forward-down- ward bending of trunk. 4. Arm bend stride st. quick trunk twisting all the way in one movement. 5. Alternate foot placing sideways with hands on neck. 6. Hip grasp st. heel raising and knee bending. "Class, forward march! On toes march! Knee upward bending (cue) begin! Common step march! Class halt!" "Forward bending of arms (cue) one! Arm flinging sideways two! Slow sink- ing three! Repeat one! With back- ward moving of head two! (Keep head well back) three! Continue in uneven time (1st and 2nd counts quick, 3rd slow) begin! Stop!" "Hands on hips and feet sideways place! Forward bending of trunk (45) one! Two! Now forward-downward bending (go as far as possible with straight upper back) one! Two!" Re- peat two or three times on signal. Then: "Position!" "Arms bent and feet sideways place! Quick trunk twisting, etc. (cue), to left begin! Stop! Position!" "Hands on neck and left foot sideways place! Position! Same to right one! Two! Again to left one! Two! To right three! Four! Continue in slow time, quick movements begin! Stop!" "Hands on hips place! Slow heel rais- ing and knee bending one! Two! Three! Four! Again, quick movements one! Two! etc. Keep it up in slow, even time, all movements quick begin! Stop! Po- sition!" 50 7. Hip grasp stride st. alternate side bending, alternating with arm stretching downward. 8. Jumping Jack. 9. Deep breathing. "Hands on hips and feet sideways place! (Slow) side bending, to left one! Two! Quick arm stretching down- ward three! Four! Same to right one! Two! Three! Four! Keep it up in un- even time (first two counts slow, last two quick) begin! Stop! Position!" "Jumping Jack (cue) begin! Class halt!" "Deep breathing one! Two!" GRADE V. Lesson 9. 1. One and two march steps forward; one and two march steps side- ways. 2. Arm flinging sideways with knee bending, heels off. 3. Neck grasp st. "stretching." 4. Mowing with scythe. (See fig. ). 5. Hip grasp knee upward bend st. change on one count, with a jump. Arin bend close st. forward bend- ing of trunk (45). 7. Hip grasp sitting (on desk) rhyth- mic side bending all the way in one movement. (Or from stride st. pos., as in lesson 2.) 8 Hip grasp st. jumping on toes with foot placing forward-backward. 9. Low arm circling with breathing. "One step forward (cue) march! Two steps forward (cue) march! Left (right) face! One step to left (cue) march! One step to right march! Two steps to left (cue) march!" etc Name the exercise, with cue, then: " begin! Stop!" As in lesson 5, except that hands are be- hind neck, instead of top of head. Demonstrate (with arms raised forward about 45 and feet apart, swing arms from right to left with a slight forward bending from the hips, an easy twist of the body to right and quick return twist to left, and with slight bending of right, then left knee, advancing by short steps). Then: "Arms raise and feet sideways place! Ready begin! Stop!" Try using an imaginary left-handed scythe (the slow movements would then be to left, the quick to right.) Then: "Position!" "Hands on hips place! Left knee up- ward bend! Change feet with a jump one! Two!" Repeat 4 6 times, hold- ing each position several seconds. Stim- ulate class to show steadiness and good position. "Arm bend and feet (cue) close! For- ward bending of trunk one! Two!" Re- peat three or four times on signal, hold- ing the forward bend position a few seconds each time while inspecting and correcting details. Then, with a cue for foot movement (or with verbal reminder about "tapping the toes"): "Position!" "To position on desks up! Hands on hips place! Side bending, etc., to left begin! Stop! Position! Down!" "Hands on hips place! Jump on toes, etc. (cue) begin! Stop! Position!" Name the exercise, with cue, then: " one! Two!" 51 GRADE V. Lesson 10. 1. Placing hands on neck with heel raising. 2. Arm bend st. slow arm stretch- ing sideways, palms up, with backward moving of head. 3. Hip grasp narrow stride st. stoop- ing, touching opposite foot al- ternately with left and right hand. 4. Arm bending and stretching up- ward and downward (even rhythm). 5. Hip grasp st. position on one foot, the other raised sideways; change on one count with a quick jump. 6. Hip grasp st. knee upward bend ing left and right. Unexpected changes. 7. Breast stroke swimming (8 counts on each side). Hurdle jump over pointer. (Run- ning jump from one foot, land- ing on the other and continuing running.) 9. Grasp sitting deep breathing. "Name the exercise, with cue, then: " begin! Stop!" "Arms (cue) bend! Slow arm stretch- ing, etc. one! Two!" Repeat three or four times on (numeral) signal. Then: "Position!" "Hands on hips place! Stoop down and touch right toe with left hand one! Re- turn two! Now left toe with right hand one! Two! Keep it up begin! Stop! Position!" Name the exercise, with cue, then: " begin! Stop!" "Hands on hips place! Left foot side- ways raise! Change feet with a quick jump one! Two!" Repeat 4 6 times, holding each position several seconds. Then: "Position!" "Hands on hips place! Knee upward bending, left begin! (After 8 10 move- ments:) Now right! Left! Right! Stop!" Demonstrate (on "one" thrust the arms forward with left forward charge; on "two" move the arms sideways with turning of palms backward, at the same time bending the right knee and straight- ening the left; on "three" repeat "one," drawing the arms in close to the body before thrusting them forward; on 8th count finish in fundamental position. Re- peat with right foot advanced). Then: "Left begin!" (or "go!") See lesson 3. See Grade IV., lesson 3. GRADE V. Lesson 11. Left and right facings followed by one march step sideways or forward. Stride st. arm flinging sideways with knee bending. "Left face and one step to left march! Right fiace and one step forward march! Right face and one step to right march! Left face and one step for- ward march!" Vary direction of facing and side step. (First time demonstrate while class is seated.) "Feet sideways place! Arm flinging sideways with quick knee bending be- gin! Stop! Position!" 52 3. High arm circling with backward moving of head. 4. Hip grasp stride st. forward- downward bending of trunk, al- ternating with arm stretching downward. 5. Neck grasp stride st. quick twist- ing all the way in one move- ment. 6. Arm bending with alternate foot placing forward. Stride st. alternate side bending with opposite arm raising side- ways to vertical. Two counts each side. Hip grasp st. four (quick) toe jumps forward and backward. 9. Arm side-horizontal st. turning of hands with deep breathing. "Name the, exercise, with cue, then: " one! Two!" Repeat four or five times on signal. Have the first movements fairly quick, the second slow, turning hands as the horizontal position is passed (without stopping there). "Hands on hips and feet sideways place! Forward-downward bending one! Two! Arm stretching downward (cue) three! Four! Continue in even time begin! Stop! Position!" "Hands on neck and feet sideways place! Name the movement, with cue, then: " begin! Stop! Position!" "Arms bend and left foot forward place! Position! Same with right foot one! Two! Keep it up in slow time (quick movements, hold positions) begin! Stop!" "Feet sideways place!" Name move- ment, with cue, then: "To left, with right arm up begin! Stop! Position!" Demonstrate (later merely name the ex- ercise). Then: "Hands on hips place! Ready go! Class halt! (Give class halt on 1st and 2nd count as class jumps for- ward. Class halts on 4th count). Po- sition!" "Arms sideways raise! Turning of hands, etc. one! Two! Position!" GRADE V. Lesson 12. 1. 2. Marking time and running in place, changing from double to quick time on four counts. Hip grasp wide stride st. alternate knee bending, at first 2 counts each side, later all the way from one side to the other in one movement. Demonstrate change from running to marking time while class is seated. The fourth count is accented. Ask class to count aloud at first (beginning on the first step after the word "march!"): "Mark time march! Double time march! (preferably as the right foot comes down). Quick time march! (as the left foot strikes the floor). Class halt!" "Hands on hips and with a wide jump feet sideways place! Left knee bend! Stretch! Right knee bend! Stretch! Again, left one! Two! (Right) Three! Four! Keep it up in slow time begin! Stop! Position!" Later: "Left knee bend! Alternate knee bending all the way in one movement (cue) one! Re- turn two! Keep it up in slow time, slow movements begin! Stop! Knee stretch! Position!" 53 3. Arm bending and stretching side- ways and slow sinking, with backward moving of head on second count. Repetitions in uneven rhythm, 1st and 2nd count quick, 3rd slow. 4. Pulling up anchor. (See fig. and Grade IV., lesson 13.) 5. Hip grasp st. position on one foot, the other raised forward: quick change on one count, with a jump. 6. Arm bending and stretching up- ward and sideways. 7. Neck grasp stride st. rhythmic side bending all the way in one movement. 8. Running high jump over pointer (spring from one foot, land lightly on both feet). 9. Deep breathing with turning of hands. "Arm bending (cue if necessary) one! Quick arm stretching sideways with backward moving of head two! Slow sinking three! Again one; Two! Three! Keep it up in uneven time be- gin! Stop!" Demonstrate, call class to attention, then: "Left foot forward place! Ready pull! (or begin!) Stop! With a jump, feet change! Ready pull! Stop! Position!" "Hands on hips place! Left foot for- ward raise! Change feet (with a jump) one! Two! Again one! Two!" Repeat three or four times. Then: "Position!" Name the exercise, with cue, then: " begin! Stop! Position!" "Hands on neck and feet sideways place! Side bending, etc., to left be- gin! Stop! Position!" See lesson 3. Name the exercise, then: " one! Two!" GRADE V. Lesson 13. 1. Left and right facings followed by one or two march steps side- ways or backward. (After the first time, teach right and left facings on one count, then try one count facings with above march steps. Also use tlvem whenever necessary to turn the class.) 2. Arm bend st. arm stretching side- ways with heel raising. 3 Neck grasp stride st. backward moving of head (and elbows) with chest raising. 4. Arm bend st'. stooping (and re- turn), alternating with arm stretching downward. Neck grasp sitting (on desk) trunk twisting (to left and forward, then to right and forward) first slow, then quick. Repetitions in slow rhythm, but quick move- ments, positions will be sus- tained. "Left (right) face and one step to right (left) march! Right (left) face and two steps backward march!" etc. Use cue method do the movements while naming them (the first time) to indicate rhythm and character. "Arms (cue) bend! Arm stretching sideways with heel raising (cue) begin! Stop! Position!" "Hands on neck and feet sideways place! Backward moving of head, etc. one! Twol" Repeat three or four times on signal, then: "Position!" "Arms bend! Stoop down (touching floor one! Return with arm bending two! Arm stretching downward (cue) three! Four! Keep it up in even, fairly fast time begin! Stop! Position!" "Up! Hands on neck place! Trunk twisting, to left one! Forward two! To right three! Four! Again, quick movements one! Two! Three! Four! Keep it up in slow time, quick move- ments begin! Stop! Position! Down!" 54 6. Arm bending and stretching side- ways, followed by arm flinging downward. Repetitions in slow, even rhythm, quick movements. 7. Hip grasp st. jumping on toes al- ternately to left and right (feet together). 8. Running in place with knee up- ward bending. Change to mark- ing time on four counts. 9. Deep breathing. Arm bending and stretching sideways (cue) one! Two! Arm flinging down- ward three! Keep it up in slow, even time, quick movements begin! Stop!" "Hands on hips place!" Name the jump, with cue, then: "To left begin! Class halt! Position!" "Run in place with knee-upward bending begin! Mark time march! Class halt!" "Deep breathing one! Two!" GRADE V. Lesson 14. 1. Marching (zig-zag) with long and short (half) steps. 2. Hip grasp st. heel raising and knee bending (four counts). Arm bending and stretching up- ward and sinking sideways- downward with backward mov- ing of head on 2nd count. Re- peat in uneven rhythm, 1st and 2nd count quick, 3rd count slow. 4. Arm bend stride st. forward- downward bending of trunk, al- ternating with arm stretching downward. 5. Alternate foot placing forward with hands on neck. 6. Hip grasp st. alternate knee-up- ward bending. 7. Catching ball overhead and throw- ing to 1st base. (1) Quick heel raising with arm flinging over head; (2) followed by throw, stepping forward with opposite foot; (3) return to fund. pos. by bringing rear foot to the ad- vanced foot. Right and left.) "Class forward march! Long steps march! Half step march! Common step march! Class halt!" "Hands on hips place! Heel raising and knee bending (cue) begin! Stop! (Slow rhythm, but quick movements) Position!" "Arm bending and stretching upward (cue) one! Two! Slow sinking sideways- downward (cue) three! Again one! With backward moving of head two! Three! Keep it up in uneven time be- gin! Stop!" Try to keep head back all the time, with special effort on 2nd count. Arms well back during 2nd and 3rd movements. Hands turn as arms pass horizontal (without stopping). "Arms bend and feet sideways place! Forward-downward bending one! Two! Arm stretching downward (cue) three! Four! Keep it up in even, moderate time begin! Stop! Position!" "Hands on neck and left foot forward '(cue) place! Position! Same with right one! Two! Again, left one! Two! Right three Four! Continue in slow time, quick movements (hold positions long) begin! Stop!" "Hands on hips place! Alternate knee upward bending (cue) begin! Class halt! Position!" Demonstrate. Then: " one! Two! Three! Keep it up begin! Stop! Now left hand throw one! Two! Three! Con- tinue begin Stop!" 55 Hip grasp st. pos. on one foot, the other raised sideways : cut step sideways. 9. Low arm circling, palms up, with breathing. "Hands on hips place! Left foot side- ways raise! Cut step sideways (cue) begin! Class halt! (on second count, with feet together). Heels sink! Po- sition!" Name the exercise, with cue, then: " one! Two!" GRADE VI. Lesson 1. 1. Marching (zig-zag). Halts. Toe marching. 2. Hip grasp stride st. knee bending. (Review left and right facings on two counts, stopping on 1st. Later complete in slow rhythm, quick movements.) 3. Arm raising sideways, palms up, with backward moving of head. Wide stride st. hand clapping be- hind knee and in front of face. 5. Hip grasp st. knee upward bend- ing left and right, stopping at the change. 6. Arm bending with heel raising. 7. Steamboat (arms side horizontal stride st. side-and-knee bend- ing). 8. Running leap (over two lines). Spring from one foot, land on the other and continue running several steps. "Class forward march! On toes march! Common step march! Class halt!" "Hands on hips place! Quick knee bend- ing begin! Stop! Position! Name the exercise, with cue, then: " one! Two! Repeat four or five times on signal. "Hands on hips and with a wide jump feet sideways place!" Name the exer- cise, with cue, then: " begin! Stop! Position!" "Hands on hips place! Left knee up- ward bending (cue) begin! Stop! Right begin! Stop! Position! Name the exercise, with cue, then: " begin! Stop!" "Arms sideways fling and, with a wide jump, feet sideways place! Steamboat (cue) begin! Stop! (as erect position is approached). "Position!" See Gnade IV., lesson 3. GRADE VI. Lesson 2. 1. Running. (Review about facing, stopping in 1st position, also half facings left and right, stop- ping in 1st position.) 2. Raising the flag, lesson 11.) (See Grade II., 3. Head grasp st. "stretching." One row at the time twice around the room. Successive rows follow at end of first round of preceding row. "First row attention! Ready go! Next row, ready go!" "Feet sideways place! Raising the flag (cue) begin! (or "pull!") Stop! Posi- tion!" See Grade II., lesson 5. 56 7. Hip grasp stride st. forward-down- ward bending, alternating with arm stretching downward. Arm bend stride st. quick trunk twisting all the way from one side to the other. Hip grasp st. position on one foot, the other raised sideways; change feet with a jump. Arm bending and stretching side- ways, even rhythm. 8. Hip grasp st. jumping on first without, then with placing sideways. 9. Deep breathing. toes, foot "Hands on hips and feet sideways place! Forward-downward bending one! Two! Arm stretching down (cue) three! Four! Continue in even time begin! Stop! Arms (cue) bend!" (This gives starting position for next exercise.) "Quick trunk twisting to left one! To right two! Keep it up in slow time, quick movements begin! Stop! Posi- tion!" "Hands on hips place! Left foot side- ways raise! Change feet with a jump one! Two! Repeat 3 5 times, holding positions varying lengths of time, thus making the changes unexpected. Name the exercise, with cue, then: " begin! Stop! Position!" "Hands on hips place! Jumping on toes (cue) begin! Class halt! Same with foot placing sideways (cue) begin! Class halt! Position!" " one! Two!" GRADE VI. Lesson 3. 1. Placing of hands on hips with heel raising. (Half left and right facings complete in slow Rhythm, quick movement.) 2. Low arm circling, palms up, with backward moving of head and chest raising. Driving stakes, lesson 10.) (See Grade III., 4. Forward bending and side flinging of arms. 5. Hip grasp st. heel raising and knee bending in even rhythm. Arm bend st. slow forward bend- ing of trunk (45). Name the exercise, with cue, then: " begin! Stop!" Name exercise, with cue, then: " one! Two! Repeat four or five times on sig- nal. First movement quick, second slow. Hold position a few seconds, urging class to "stretch." Arms well back and at shoulder level. Shoulders low. "Hands on left shoulder and feet side ways (cue) " place!" Driving stakes (cue) " begin!" After six or eight rep- etitions: "Now right! (at the end of stroke). And stop! Position!" "Arms forward (cue) " bend! Arm flinging sideways one! Two! Position! Again (on four counts) one! Two! Three! Four! Keep it up in slow, even time, quick movements begin! Stop!" "Hands on hips place! Heel raising and knee bending, etc. begin! Stop! Posi- tion!" Quick movements, each position well sustained. "Arms bend! Forward bending of trunk one! Two!" Repeat three or four times on signal. Hold position while inspect- ing and correcting details. 57 7. Hip grasp stride st. alternate side bending (2 counts each side). On signal once or twice, fol- lowed by rhythmic repetitions. "Hands on hips and feet sideways place! Side bending, to left one! Two! To right three! Four! Again one! Two! etc. Keep it up in slow time, slow movements begin! Stop! Position!" 8. Running jump, touching pointer. See Grade IV., lesson 3. 9. Turning of hands with deep breathing. Name exercise, with cue, then: " one! Two!" GRADE VI. Lesson 4. 1. Marching (zig-zag) with accent- ing of every 3rd step. Also toe marching. 2. Hip grasp st. knee bending, heels off. 3. Neck grasp st. backward moving of head with chest raising. (Left, right and half facings in one movement. To be used in that form whenever needed.) 4. Arm bend stride st. forward-down- ward bending, alternating with arm stretching sideways. 5. Neck grasp stride st. quick trunk twist all the way from one side to the other. 6. Hip grasp st. knee upward bend- ing left and right. Change without stopping. 7. Arm bending with alternate foot placing sideways. 8. Jumping Jack. 9. Deep breathing with hands on sides of chest. "Class forward march! Accenting every 3rd step begin! On toes march! Class halt!" "Hands on hips place! Knee bending (cue) begin! Stop! Position!" "Hands on neck place! Backward mov- ing of head (land elbows) with chest rais- ing one! Two!" Repeat three or four times on signal. "Arms bend and feet sideways place! Forward-downward bending one! Two! Arm stretching sideways (cue) three! Four! Keep it up in even time begin! Stop! With facing 1 to front Position!" "Hands on neck and feet sideways place! Trunk twisting to left one! To right two! Keep it up in slow time, quick movements begin! Stop! Posi- tion!" "Hands on hips place! Left knee up- ward bending (cue) begin!" After 6 8 repetitions: "Now right! Stop! Position!" "Arms bend and left foot sideways place! Position! Same to right one! Two! Agiain to left one! Two! To right three! Four! Keep it up in slow time, quick movements begin! Stop! Position!" "Jumping Jack (cue) begin! Class halt!" " one! ' Two!' GRADE VI. Lesson 5. 1. Marking time and running in place. Change to quick time on four counts. "Mark time march! Double time march! Quick time march! (Say "march" as left foot strikes the floor. Class begins to count on next step.) Class halt!" 58 2. Arm bending with heel raising. 3. Forward bending, sideways fling- ing and slow sinking of arms with backward moving of head. Try repetitions in uneven rhythm. Furling sail, son 13.) (See Grade II., les- 5. Review about facings in slow rhythm, but quick movements. 6. Stride st. arm flinging sideways with quick knee bending. 7. Arm) bend stride st. alternate side bending (2 counts each side). On signal once or twice fol- lowed by repetitions in slow rhythm. 8. Running broad jump (over 2 lines). Spring from one foot, land light- ly on both feet. 9. Grasp sitting deep breathing. Name the exercise, with cue, then: " begin! Stop!" "Forward bending of arms (cue) one! Arm flinging sideways with backward moving of head two! Slow sinking three! Again one! Two! Three!" Re- peat two or three times more, or try in rhythm. "Feet sideways place! Furling sail (cue) begin! Stop!" (Use demonstration method if necessary.) About face! Let class count aloud at first, speaking the numerals in a sharp, crisp manner. Say the word "hold" be- tween the "one" and "two" a few times. "Feet sideways place! Arm flinging, etc, begin! Stop! Position!" "Arms bend and feet sideways place! Side bending, to left one! Two! To right three! Four! Keep it up. in slow time, slow movements begin! Stop! Po- sition!" See Grade IV., lesson 3. See Grade IV., lesson 3. GRADE VI. Lesson 6. 1. Right and left facings followed by one or two march steps side- ways or forward. 2. Hip grasp st. heel raising and knee bending in even rhythm. 3. Neck grasp st. "stretching." 4. Chopping a log. (See Grade III., lesson 1, or Grade V., lesson 7.) Arm flinging sideways with alter- nate foot placing forward. "Left face and one step to right (cue) march! Right face and one step for- ward (cue) march! Right face and two steps to right (cue) march!" etc. "Hands on hips place!" Name move- ment, with cue, then: " begin! Stop! Position!" "Hands on neck place! Stretch up as tall as possible! Bring hands down slow- ly while trying to stay "stretched." (Use imitation more or less for 2nd and 3rd part). Again one! Two! Three!" Re- peat once or twice more. "Hands on right shoulder and feet side- ways place! Chopping a log (cue) begin! Stop! Position!" Lean well over to each side on the back swing. Make downstroke as diagonal as possible, changing the direction to straight down- ward only at the last moment. Alter- nate left and right at once, if class is able to do so. Use demonstration meth- od if necessary. "Arms sideways fling and left foot for- ward place! Position! Same with right foot one! Two! Again left one! Two! Right three! Four! Continue in slow time, quick movements begin! .Stop!" 59 6. Hip grasp st. position on one foot, the other raised forward. Change feet with a jump. 7. Arm bending and stretching up- ward. 8. Hip grasp st. jumping on toes with foot placing forward-back- ward. 9. Deep breathing. "Hands on hips place! Left foot for- ward raise! Change feet with a jump one! Two!" Repeat 4 6 times on sig- nal, holding positions varying lengths of time. Then: "Position!" "Arm bending, etc. begin! Stop! Posi- tion!" "Hands on hips place!" Name the movement, with cue, then: " begin! Class halt! Position!" " one! Two!" GRADE VI. Lesson 7. 1. Arm bend st. arm stretching side- ways with heel raising. 2. Alternate foot placing sideways with hands on hips, and knee bending. 3. High arm circling (2 counts) with backward moving of head. 4. Arm bend st. stooping, alternating with arm stretching downward. 5. Hip grasp stride st. alternate heel raising (2 counts each side the first time, later all the way in one movement). 6. Paddling, sitting on desks, or from kneeling position on one knee or both. (See Grade III., lesson 11.) 7. Arm bending and stretching side- ways and downward. 8. Running high jump (over pointer). 9. Turning of hands with deep breathing. "Arms (cue) bend! Arm stretching sideways, etc. begin! Stop! Position!" "Hands on hips and left foot sideways place! Knee bending one! Two! Left foot to the right Position! Same to right on four counts one! Two! Three! Four! Keep it up in slow, even time, quick movements, holding positions begin! Stop!" Name the exercise, with cue, then: " one! Two! Repeat 3 5 times on sig- nal. Quick upward movement, slow downward movement, turning the hands as shoulder level is passed, without stop- ping. "Arms bend! Stooping (and return) one! Two! Arm stretching downward (cue) three! Four! Continue in even, fairly fast time begin! Stop! Position!" "Hands on hips and feet sideways place! Alternate heel raising, left one! Two! Right three! Four! Keep it up in slow time, fairly quick move- ments begin! Stop! With a jump po- sition!" (Later' "Left heel raise! Al- ternate heel raising, all the way over to right one! To left two! Keep it up in slow time, slow movements be- gin! Stop! Position!" "Right (left) face! Up! Paddling (cue) on left go! Stop! On right go! Stop! Position! Down!" Name exercise, with cue, then: gin! Stop!" See Grade IV., lesson 3. " one! Two!" " be- 60 GRADE VI. Lesson 8. 1. Hip grasp standing alternate toe raising. 2. Arm flinging sideways with knee bending, heels off. 3. Arm forward bend (close) stand- ing backward moving of head. 4. Hip grasp (wide) stride standing downward bending, touching floor alternately with left and right hand. (Keeping knees and upper back straight. ) 5. Arm bending and stretching up- ward and downward. 6. Hip grasp standing alternate knee upward bending. (As one foot strikes floor the other leaves it. Knee is raised as high as pos- sible, foot well forward.) 7. Neck grasp stride standing alter- nate side bending (2 counts each side). On signal once or twice, then repeat in slow rhythm. Slow movements. 8. Hip grasp standing jumping on toes with foot placing sideways and crossing of feet. 9. Arm raising sideways, palms up, with deep breathing. "Hands on hips place! Alternate toe raising (cue) begin! Class halt! Po- sition!" Name exercise, with cue, then: " b- gin! Stop!" "Arms forward (cue) bend! (or "arms forward bend and feet (cue) close!") Backward moving 1 of head with chest raising one! Two!" Repeat three or four times. "Hands on hips arid, with ia wide jump, feet sideways place! Downward bend- ing, touching the floor first with left, then with right hand begin! Stop! Po- sition!" Name exercise, with cue, then: " be- gin! Stop!" "Hands pn hips place! Alternate knee upward bending (cue) begin! Class halt!" Class stops on second count, with feet together. During the movement urge high knee action, foot well forward, directly under the knee. Ask for light- ness of step. "Hands on neck and feet sideways place! Side bending to left one! Two! To right three! Four! Continue in slow time, slow movements begin! Stop! Po- sition!" "Hands on hips place!" Name move- ment, with cue, then: " begin! Class halt!" Class stops on 2nd count, with feet together.) If necessary give one round on signal. Name exercise, with cue, then: " one! Two!" GRADE VI. Lesson 9. About facing and one march step forward. Left and right facing and two steps sideways. Hip grasp stride standing alter- nate heel raising (all the way in one movement). Arm bend standing slow arm stretching upward with back- ward moving of head. "About face and one step forward march! Left (right) face and one step to right (left) march!" etc. "Hands on hips and feet sideways place! Left heel raise! Alternate heel raising 1 , all the way to right one! To left two! Continue in slow time, slow movements begin! Stop! Heel sink! Position!" "Arms (cue) bend! Slow arm stretch- ing upward with backward moving of head one! Two!" Repeat 3 5 times on signal, then: "Position!" 61 4. Hip .grasp standing stooping, al- ternating with placing hands on neck. Arm bend stride standing alter- nate trunk twisting (2 counts each side). On signal once or twice, first slow, then quick movements. Repeat in slow rhythm, quick movements. Rowing, sitting on desks (see Grade III., lesson 3), followed by jumping down, first from left, then from right foot, land- ing lightly. 7. Arm bending and stretching side- ways, followed by arm flinging downward. Slow, even rhythm, quick movements. 8. Hip grasp standing position on one foot, the other raised sideways; cut step sideways. 9. Deep breathing with moving of head. backward "Hands on hips place! Stooping (touching floor) and return one! Two! Placing hands on neck and return three! Four! Keep it up even, fairly fast time begin! Stop! Position!" "Arms bend and feet sideways place! Trunk twisting to left (slow, later quick) one! Two! To right three! Four! Keep it up in slow time, but quick movements begin! Stop! Posi- tion!" "Up!" Rowing, ready (pupils reach forward) row! Stop! Position! Stand up, facing side of room! Jump from right foot, raising left down! (Light landing on toes, bending knees half way.) About face! Up! Now from left foot, raising right down!" Name exercise, with cue, then: " be- gin! Stop!" "Hands on hips place! Left foot side- ways raise! Cut step sideways (cue) begin! Class halt! (On second count, with feet together.) " one! Two!" GRADE VI. Lesson 10. 1. Arm bending with alternate foot placing sideways. 2. Arm flinging forward with knee bending; heels off. 3. Head grasp st. "stretching." (See Grade III., lesson 5.) 4. Hip grasp st. alternate knee up- ward bending. 5. Arm bend stride st. trunk twist- ing all the way, alternating with arm stretching downward. "Arms bend and left foot sideways place! Position! Same to right one! Two! Again to left one! Two! To right three! Four! Keep it up in slow time, quick movements, holding positions begin! Stop!" Name exercise, with cue, then: " be- gin! Stop!" "Hands on head place! Stretch up as strongly as possible! Let hands drop slowly to sides while keeping back and head "stretched." Again one! Two! Three! Repeat once or twice more. "Hands on hips place! Alternate knee upward bending (cue) begin! Class halt! Position!" Urge high knee action, foot well forward. Not too fast rhythm. "Arms bend and, with a jump, feet side- ways place! Trunk twisting, to left one! Quick arm stretching downward (cue) two! (Arm bending) three! Quick twisting to right one! Arm stretching downward two! Three! Con- tinue in slow, even time, quick move- ments begin! Stop! Position!" 62 6. Neck grasp st. position on one foot, the other raised sideways. Change feet with a jump. 7. Arm forward bend close st. for- ward bending of trunk. 8. Jump in place with arm flinging forward-upward. 9. Deep breathing with hands on sides of chest, "Hands on neck place! Left foot side- ways raise! Change feet with a jump one! Two! Again one! Two!" Repeat 2 4 times more, holding positions vary- ing lengths of time, making changes un- expected. "Arms forward bend and feet (cue) close! Forward bending of trunk one! Two! Again one! Two!" Repeat once or twice more, urging 1 class to keep back straight. "Position!" Demonstrate (on "one!" rise on toes and raise arms forward; on "two!" swing arms quickly down and overhead, at the same time jumping straight up- ward as high as possible, landing with hands at sides, on toes, and with knee bending to about 90 angle; on "three!" straighten knees; on "four!" lower heels). "Ready one! Two! Three! Four!" " one! Two!" GRADE VI. Lesson 11. 1. Marching on toes, change to skip- ping with knee upward bend- ing. 2. Hip grasp (wide) stride standing alternate knee bending all the way from one side to the other in one movement. 3. Arm bending and stretching up- ward and slow sinking side- ways-downward with backward moving of head (on second count). Repeat in uneven rhythm, first and second counts quick, third count slow. 4. Alternate foot placing sideways with hands on hips, and for- ward-downward bending (to and if possible beyond horizon- tal, but always with straight upper back). 5. Neck grasp sitting alternate trunk twisting (to left and forward, then to right and forward). Re- peat in slow rhythm, quick movements. (Jump from seat, springing from both feet.) "Forward march! On toes march! Skipping begin! Common step march! Class halt!" "Hands on hips and with a wide jump, feet sideways place! Left knee bend! Alternate knee bending, all the way over to the right one! To left two! Con- tinue in slow time, slow movements begin! Stop! Position!" "Arm bending one! Quick arm stretch- ing upward, with backward moving of head two! Slow arm sinking sideways- downward, turning hands at shoulder level, without stopping (cue) three! Again one! Two! Three!" Repeat two to four times more. "Hands on hips and left foot sideways place! Forward-downward bending one! Two! Position! Same to the right on four counts one! Two! Three! Four! Keep it up in even time begin! Stop!" "Up! Hands on neck place! Trunk twisting, to left one! (Forward) two! To right three! Four! Again, quick movements one! Two! Three! Four! Keep it up in slow time, quick move- ments begin! Stop! Position! Stand on edge of chair! Jumping from both feet down!" 63 b. Hip grasp toe standing knee bend- ing. First slow, then quick movements on signal. Then in rhythm, quick movements. 7. Arm bend stride standing alter- nate side bending, alternating with arm stretching downward. Repetitions in uneven time, first and second count slow, third and fourth quick. 8. Hip grasp standing jumping on toes with foot placing forward- backward and together. Arm raising sideways with deep breathing. "Hands on hips place! Heels raise! Knee bending one! Two! Again, quick movements one! Two! Keep it up in slow, even time, quick movements be- gin! Stop! Heels sink! Position!" "Arms bend and feet sideways place! Slow side bending, to the left one! Two! Quick arm stretching downward (cue) three! Four! To right one! Two! (Arm stretching) three! Four! Keep it up in uneven time begin! Stop! Position!" "Hands on hips place!" Name ..the movement, with cue, then: " left for- ward, right backward one! Together two! Right forward, left backward three! Four! Keep it up begin! Class halt! Position!" Name the exercise, with cue, then: " one! Two!" 1. GRADE VI, Lesson 12. Arm bending with knee bending, heels off. Alternate foot placing with hands on neck. forward 3. Arm flinging forward, sideways (palms up) and downward. Repeat in slow even rhythm, quick movements. 4. Neck grasp stride standing for- ward-downward bending (on sig- nal only). 5. Catching wide throw at first base and throwing to catcher at plate. Right and left. 6. Hip (or neck) grasp standing po- sition on one foot, the other raised forward. Change feet with a jump. Name exercise, with cue, then: " be- gin! Stop!" "Hands on neck and left foot forward place! Position! Same with the right foot one! Two! Again, left one! Two! Right three! Four! Keep it up in slow time, quick movements begin! Stop!" "Arm flinging forward (cue) one! Side- ways, palms up, with backward moving of head two! Downward (without strik- ing) three! Again one! Two! Three! Keep it up in slow, even time, quick movements begin! Stop!" "Hands on neck and feet sideways place! Forward-downward bending (as far as possible with straight upper back) one! Two!" Repeat three or four times. Demonstrate (Facing side of room. 1) Take wide step to right with a sharp twist, a slight forward and side-bending of trunk and with the arms stretched in that direction slightly below shoulder level, hands cupped to receive ball. 2) follow immediately by a throwing move- ment diagonally to left, transferring body weight to left foot. 3) Return to fundamental position, bringing right foot to the left) then: "Ready one! Two! Three! Keep it up in uneven time be- gin! Stop!" Repeat on other side. "Hands on hips (neck) place! Left foot forward raise! Change feet with a jump one! Two!" Repeat three to five times, making changes as unexpected as possi- ble. 64 7. Arm bending and stretching up- ward and flinging sideways- downward. Even rhythm, quick movements. 8. Standing jump over pointer. 9. Grasp sitting deep breathing. "Arm bending (cue) one! Arm stretch- ing upward two! And flinging sideways- downward (cue) three! Again one! Two! Three! Keep it up in slow, even time, quick movements begin! Stop!" Successive rows follow each other as quickly as possible. After jumping, pu- pils run around back to desks. (If feas- ible two may jump/ at the same time.) "one! Two!" GRADE VI. Lesson 13. Hip grasp standing (quick) side stepping alternately to left and right. 2. Arm forward bend stride stand- ing arm flinging sideways with quick knee bending. 3. Arms overhead standing stretch- ing. 4. Catching grounder and throwing to first base. One hand on hip, one hand neck stride standing side bending, al- ternating with change of arms. At first on signal only. Later repeat in uneven rhythm. 6. Hip grasp toe touch balance step. Arm bending and stretching up- ward and sideways. "Left (right) face! Hands on hips place! Quick side step to left (cue) march! Continue, alternately to left and right go! Stop! Position!" (Rise on toes as the step is taken. Count "one-two" for each step. Hold the final position a moment.) "Arms forward bend (cue) and, with a jump, feet sideways place! Arm fling- ing sideways with quick, knee bending (cue) one! Two! (Again one! Two!) Keep it up in slow time begin! Stop! Position!" "Arms overhead place! Stretch up as high as possible (and hold a few sec- onds) ! Let hands drop slowly to sides, keeping stretched. Again one! Two! Three! Repeat once or twice more. Demonstrate (1. Stoop down and catch ball between feet. 2) Straighten up, throw, and step forwtard with left foot. 3) Return to fundamental position, bring- ing right foot to the left). Then: "Ready begin! Stop!" Repeat on other side. "Left hand on hip, right hand on neck (cue) and with a jump feet sideways place! Side bending, to left one! Two! Change position of hands three! Same to right one! Two! Three! Continue in uneven time (first two counts slow, third quick begin! Stop! Position!" "Hands on hips place! Toe touch bal- ance step (cue) left one! (Toe touch) two! (Transfer of weight to advanced foot.) Right three! Four! Again, left one! Two! Right three! Four! Try rhythmic repetitions in slow, uneven time, holding the second position a sec- ond or two. Name the exercise, with cue, then: " bgin! Stop! Position!" 65 Standing jump forward. (See les- son 10, exercise 8.) 9. Low arm circling, palms up, with breathing. As in standing jump in place, for height, except that the direction of the jump is forward. But try to go up fairly high at the same time. Demonstrate, then: "Jump forward one! Two! Three! Four!" Name the exercise, with cue, then: " one! Two!" GRADE VI. Lesson 14. Arm bend st. arm stretching up- ward with heel raising. Alternate foot placing sideways with hands on neck, and knee bending. Arm bend forward walk st. back- ward moving of head. Hip grasp stride st. forward-down- ward bending 1 , alternating with placing hands on neck. 5. Arm bend oblique walk twist st. arm stretching sideways. , 6. Catching low, wide ball at first base and throwing to catcher at plate. Right and left. 7. Vaulting over seat. (Hands touch desks only a moment, giving a quick push.) 8. Hip grasp st. pos. on one foot, the other raised forward. Cut step backward-forward. 9. High arm circling with breathing. "Arms (cue) bend! (Quick) Arm stretching upward with heel raising (cue) begin! Stop! Position!" "Hands on neck and left foot sideways place! Knee bending one! Two! Posi- tion! Same to right on four counts one! (Quick knee bending) two! Three! Four! Keep it up in slow, even time, all movements quick begin! Stop!" "Arms bend and left foot forward place! Backward moving of head with chest raising one! Two! Again one! Two!" Repeat once more. Then: "With a jump, feet change! Backward moving of head one! Two! One! Two! etc. Right foot to the left position!" "Hand on hips and feet sideways place! Forward-downward bending (as far as possible with straight upper back) one! Two! Placing hands on neck and return three! Four! Keep it up in even time begin! Stop! Position!" "Arms bend and left foot diagonally outward place! Trunk to left twist! Arm stretching sideways (cue) begin! Stop! Forward twist! Position! Arms bend and right foot outward place! To right twist! Arm stretching, etc." Same as exercise 5, lesson 15, except that the ball is caught in front of right foot instead of at shoulder level. "Left face! Vaulting 1 over seats, ready go! Two! Three!" Avoid resting heav- ily on arms. On landing, stop in the knee bend st. pos. "Hands on hips place! Left foot forward raise! Cut step backward (cue) be- gin! Class halt! (On second count, with feet together) Right foot forward raise! Ready begin! Class halt! Position!" Name exercise, with cue, then: " one! Two!" Upstroke a little quicker than downward movement. Turn hands at shoulder level, without stopping. 66 GRADE VII. Lesson 1. Note: Review standing and sitting, on 2 counts. Later complete on one count. 1. Marking time, marching (zig-zag) and halts. 2. Arm bending with heel raising. (Review facings on 2 counts, stopping on 1st. Later complete in slow rhythm, quick move- ments.) 3. Arm flinging sideways, palms up, with backward moving of head. 4. Hip grasp st. stooping, alternating with arm stretching downward. 5. Arm bending and stretching side- ways. 6. Cutting down tree. (See Grade III., lesson 5.) 7. Hip grasp st. jumping on toes with foot placing sideways. 3. 6. "Mark time march! Forward march! (Mark time march!) Class halt!" Name exercise, with cue, then: " be- gin! Stop! Left (right) face! Two! About face! Two! Half left (right) face! Two!") Name exercise, with cue, then: " one! Two! Keep it up in slow time, quick movements begin! Stop!" "Hands on hips place! Stooping (and return) one! Two! Arm stretching downward (cue) three! Four! Keep it up in even, fairly fast time begin! Stop!" Name exercise, with cue, then: " be- gin! Stop! Position!" "Hands on right shoulder and feet side- ways place! Chopping down a tree (cue) begin! Now left! (said at end of downward swing) Stop! Position!" "Hands on hips place! Jumping on toes, etc. begin! Class halt! Position!" 8. Turning of hands with breathing. " one! Two!' GRADE VII. Lesson 2. 1. Stride st. knee bending with (placing of) hands on hips. Review left and right and half facings in one movement. To be used in that form whenever needed. Arm . bend st. slow arm stretch- ing sideways with backward moving of head and chest rais- ing. Furling sail. (See Grade II., les- son 13.) Hip grasp st. knee upward bend- ing left and right. Change with- out stopping. Arm bending and stretching ward. up- 7. Hip grasp stride st. side bending all the way in slow rhythm. "Feet sideways place! Quick knee bend- ing with (placing of) hands on hips (cue) begin! Stop! Position!" "Left (right) face! Half left (right) face!" "Arms (cue) bend!" Name the move- ment, with cue, then' " one! Two! Re- peat 3 5 times on signal. Then: "Po- sition!" "Feet sideways place! Furling sail (cue) begin! Stop! Position!" "Hands on hips place! Left knee up- ward bending begin! Now right! Left! Right! Stop!" Name exercise, with cue, then: " be- gin! Stop! Position!" "Hands on hips and feet sideways place! Side bending, all the way from one side to the other, to left bgin! Stop! (said as vertical position is approached) Po- sition!" 67 Marking time and running in place, halting on 2nd count. Change to marking time on 4 counts. "Mark time march! Double time march! Class halt!" Demonstrate change from running to marking time. Then: "Run in place go! Quick time (or mark time) march!" (Said as left foot strikes the floor.) Arm raising sideways with breath- " one! Two!" ing. GRADE VII. Lesson 3. 1. Marching with accenting of every 3rd step. Toe marching. 2. Hip grasp st. heel raising and knee bending. (Slow rhythm, quick movements.) 3. Head grasp st. "stretching." Rowing sitting on desk. (See Grade III., lesson 3.) [Rowing, starting from posi- tion with arms bent and one foot advanced.] Arm bend stride st. (quick) trunk twisting all the way from one side to the other. Hip grasp st. position on one foot, the other knee raised. Change feet with a jump. Arm bending and stretching side- ways and downward. Jump in place with arm flinging forward-upward. (See Grade VI., lesson 10.) Deep breathing. "Class forward march! Accenting every third step march! On toes march! Common step march! Class halt!" "Hands on hips place! Heel raising and knee bending (cue) begin! Stop! Po- sition!" "Hands on head place! Stretch as high as possible. Hold that position while dropping hands slowly to sides. Again one! Two! Three!" Repeat once or twice more. "Up! Rowing, ready (pupils reach for- ward) row! Stop! Stand on chair, fac- ing side of room! Jump! Demonstrate (1) Reach forward (down- ward), bending forward knee at the same time. (2) Bend arms and straight- en up shifting the weight to the rear foot and bending that knee). Then: "Arms bend and left foot forward place! Ready begin! Stop! Position!" Repeat with right foot advanced. "Arms bend and feet sideways place!" Name the movement, with cue, then: " begin! Stop! Position!" Slow rhythm, quick movements. "Hands on hips place! Left knee up- ward bend! Change feet with a jump one! Two!" Repeat 4 6 times, holding positions varying lengths of time, mak- ing changes unexpected. Name the exercise, with cue, then: " begin! Stop!" Name the exercise, with cue (demon- strate if necessary), then: " one! Two! Three! Four!" " one! Two! GRADE VII. Lesson 4. Facings, followed by one or two march steps sideways and for- ward. "Left face and one step to right (cue) march! Right face and one step for- ward march! Left face and two steps to left (cue) march!" etc. 68 2. Alternate foot placing sideways with hands on hips, and quick knee bending. 3. Forward bending, sideways fling- ing and slow sinking of arms, with backward moving of head. Repeat in uneven rhythm. 4. Hip grasp stride st. downward bending, touching floor alter- nately with right hand, turn- ing head and shoulders to op- posite side. 5. Arm bending and stretching up- ward and downward. 6. Hip grasp toe st. march steps for- ward and backward. 7. Stride st. side bending all the way with opposite arm raising side- ways (to vertical position). 8. Running broad jump over 2 lines. Land lightly on both feet. 9. Grasp sitting backward moving of head with breathing. "Hands on hips and left foot sideways place! Quick knee bending one! Two! Position! Same to right on four counts one! Two! Three! Four! Keep it up in slow, even time, quick movements begin! Stop!" "Forward bending of arms one! Arm flinging sideways with backward moving of head two! Slow sinking three! Keep it up in uneven time (1st and 2nd counts quick, 3rd slow) begin! Stop! "Hands on hips and with a wide jump, feet sideways place!" Name movement, with cue, then: "with left begin! Stop! Position!" Name exercise, with cue, then: " be- gin! Stop!" "Hands on hips place! Heels raise! March steps forward, left one! Right two! One! Two! etc. Now backward one! Two! etc. Heels sink! Advanced foot to the rear Position!" "Feet sideways place!" Name exercise, with cue, then: "To left begin! Stop! Position!" See Grade IV., lesson 3. "one! Two!" GRADE VII. Lesson 5. 1. Marching and running. Change from double to quick time on 4 counts. 2. Raising flag. (See Grade II., les- son 2.) 3. Low arm circling, palms up, with backward moving of head. 4. Arm bend st. stooping, alternat- ing with arm stretching side- ways. 5. Neck grasp stride st. quick trunk twisting all the way. "Class forward march! Double time march! Quick time march! (Said as left foot strikes floor. Class begins to count on next step.) Class halt!" "Left arm movement and feet sideways place! Raising flag (cue) begin! (or pull!) Stop! Position!" Name exercise, with cue, then: " one! Two!" Repeat 3 5 times. "Arms (cue) bend! Stooping (and re- turn) one! Two! Arm stretching side- ways (cue) three! Four! Continue in even, fairly fast time begin! Stop! Po- sition!" "Hands on neck and feet sideways place! Quick trunk twisting, to left one! To right two! Keep it up in slow time, quick movements begin! Stop! Position!" 69 Hip grasp st. position on one foot, the other raised forward. Change feet with a jump. 7. Arm bending and stretching up- ward, uneven rhythm (holding the stretched position longer than the bent position). 8. Hip grasp st. toe jumping (with feet together) alternately to left and right. 9. Deep breathing (with one hand on chest). "Hands on hips place! Left foot forward raise! Change feet with a jump one! Two! One! Two! Repeat 2 4 times more. Hold positions varying lengths of time. Name the exercise, with cue, (even rhythm), then: " begin! Stop! Again, in uneven time (cue) begin! Stop! Po- sition!" "Hands on hips place! Jumping on toes alternately to left and right (cue) go! Class halt! Position!" " one! Two!" GRADE VII. Lesson 6. 1. Arm flinging sideways with heel raising. 2. Hip grasp (wide) stride st. alter- nate knee bending 1 (all the way from one side to the other). Repetitions in slow rhythm, slow movements. 3. Arm bending and stretching up- ward and (slow) sinking side- ways-downward. Repetitions in uneven rhythm. 4. Hip grasp stride st. forward-down- ward bending, alternating with arm stretching downward. 5. Arm bending with alternate foot placing forward. Driving stakes, lesson 7.) (See Grade II., [Hip grasp st. leg flinging side- ways left and right. Stop at change.] 7. Arm forward bend toe st. arm flinging sideways. Running high jump (over point- er). Jump from one foot, land on both feet. Grasp sitting backward moving of head with breathing. Name the exercise, with cue, then: " begin! Stop!" "Hands on hips and with a wide jump, feet sideways place! Alternate knee bending, all the way (cue) begin! Stop! Position!" "Arm bending one! Quick arm stretch- ing upward with backward moving of head two! Slow sinking sideways-down- ward three! Again one! Two! Three! Keep it up in uneven time begin! Stop!" "Hands on hips and feet sideways place! Forward-downward bending one! Two! Quick arm stretching downward (cue) three! Four! Keep it up in even time begin! Stop! Position!" "Arms bend and left foot forward place! Position! Same right one! Two! Again, left one! Two! Right three! Four! Keep it up in slow time, quick movements begin! Stop!" "Hands on right shoulder and feet side- ways place! Driving stakes (cue) be- gin! Stop! Position!" "Hands on hips place! Left leg fling- ing sideways begin! Stop! Right be- gin! Stop! Position!" "Arms forward bend! Heels raise! Arm flinging sideways one! Two! Again one! Two!" Repeat once or twice more, holding each position a few sec- onds while ( inspecting 1 and correcting de- tails. Then: "Heels sink! Position!" See Grade IV., lesson 3. 'One! Two!" 70 GRADE VII. Lesson 7. 1. Arm bending with alternate foot placing sideways. 2 Arm flinging sideways with knee bending, heels off. 3. Neck grasp stride st. backward moving of head with chest rais- ing. 4. Hip grasp st. alternate knee up- ward bending. (See Grade VI., lesson 10.) 5. Arm bend stride st. trunk twisting all the way, alternating with arm stretching downward. 6. Neck grasp close st. forward bend- ing of trunk (45, straight back) 7. Arm bending and stretching up- ward, sideways and downward, even rhythm. 8. Hip grasp st. position on one foot, the other raised sideways. Cut step sideways. 9. Low arm circling, palms up, with breathing. "Arms bend and left foot sideways place! Position! Same to right one! Two! Keep it up in slow time, quick movements begin! Stop!" Name the exercise, with cue, then: " begin! Stop!" "Hands on neck and feet sideways place! Backward moving of head (and elbows) with chest raising one! Two! Repeat 3 5 times on signal, then: "Po- sition!" "Hands on hips place! Alternate knee upward bending (cue) begin! Class halt! Position!" "Arms bend and feet sideways place! Trunk twisting to left one! Arm stretch- ing downward two! (Return arm bend- ing) three! Quick twisting to right one! arm stretching two! Three! Keep it up in slow, even time, quick move- ments begin! Stop! Position!" "Hands on neck and feet (cue) close! Forward bending of trunk one! Two!" Repeat 3 5 times on signal, then: "Po- sition!" Name exercise, with cue, then: " be- gin! Stop!" "Hands on hips place! Left foot side- ways raise! Cut step sideways (cue) begin! Class halt!" (on 2nd count, with feet together). Name exercise, with cue, then: " one! Two!" GRADE VII. Lesson 8. 1 Marching with knee upward bend- "Class forward march! Knee upward ing. Running, change to quick bending begin! Common step march! Double time on 4 counts. (See Grade V., lesson 12.) time march! march! Class halt!" Quick time ward moving of head. 2. Arm bend st. slow arm stretching "Arms (cue) bend! Slow arm stretch- sideways, palms up, with back- ing sideways, palms up, with backwlard moving 1 of head one !Two! Again one! Two!" Repeat 2 4 times more, then: "Position!" 3. Alternate foot placing sideways "Hands on hips and left foot sideways with hands on hips, and for- place! Forward-downward bending (as ward-downward bending. far as possible with straight upper back) one! Two! (Left foot to the right) Position! Same to right on 4 counts one! Two! Three! Four! Keep it up in even time begin! Stop!" 71 4. Neck grasp stride st. alternate trunk twisting, 2 counts each side. Hip grasp st. heel raising and deep knee bending, uneven time (2nd and 3rd count slower than 1st and 4th). Arm bending and stretching up- ward and downward, uneven rhythm (the stretched position held a little longer than the bent arm position). Hip grasp stride st. alternate side bending (2 counts each side), alternating with arm stretching downward. Repetitions in slow, uneven rhythm. 8. Standing jump forward with arm flinging. (See Grade VI., les- son 13.) 9. Deep breathing. "Hands on neck and feet sideways place! Trunk twisting to left one! (Re- turn) two! To right three! Four! Keep it up in slow time, quick move- ments begin! Stop! Position!" "Hands on hips place! Heel raising and knee bending (half way), even time begin! Stop! All the way, uneven time begin! Stop! Position! Name the exercise, with cue, then: "in even time begin! Stop! Repeat in un- even time begin! Stop! "Hands on hipg and feet sideways place! Side bending to left one! Two! Arm stretching downward (cue) three! Four! Same to right one! Two! Three! Four! Keep it up in uneven time (1st and 2nd count slow, 3rd and 4th quick) begin! Stop! Position! Demonstrate (later use cue method). Then: "One! Two! Three! Four!" " one! Two!" GRADE VII. Lesson 9. 1. Alternate foot placing sideways with hands on hips, and heel raising. 2. Arm flinging forward with knee bending, heels off. " / run overhead st. "stretching." Arm bend stride st. forward- downward bending, alternating with arm stretching downward. Neck grasp st. position on one foot, the other raised sideways. Change feet with a jump. Arm bending and stretching side- ways and downward, uneven rhythm. "Hands on hips and left foot sideways place! Quick heel raising one! Two! (Left foot to the right ) Position! Same to right on four counts one! Two! Three! Four! Keep it up in slow time, quick movements begin! Stop!" Name the exercise, with cue, then: " begin! Stop!" "Arms overhead place! Stretch up as high as possible! Drop hands to sides slowly while remaining "stretched". Re- peat one! Two! Three!" Repeat once or twice more. "Arms bend and feet sideways place! Forward-downward bending one! Two! Arm stretching downward (cue) three! Four! Keep it up in even time begin! Stop Position!" "Hands on neck place! Left foot side- ways raise! Change feet with a jump one! Two! Again one! Two!" Repeat 2 4 times more, making unexpected changes. Then: "Position!" Name the exercise, with cue, then: " begin! Stop!" Give a few rounds in even time first, then in uneven time. 72 Vaulting over seat (hands touch only a moment, giving a quick push. Avoid resting heavily on arms). Hip grasp st. jumping on toes with foot placing sideways and cross- ing of feet. High arm circling with backward moving of head and breathing. "Left (right) face! Vaulting over seat ready go! Two! Three! (Later finish landing without waiting for "Two!" and "Three!") Demonstrate. (Later use cue method.) Then: "Hands on hips place! Ready go! (or begin!) Class halt! Position!" Name exercise, with cue, then: " one! Two!" The first movement should be a little quicker than the second. GRADE VII. Lesson 10. 1. Placing hands on neck with heel raising. 2. Side lunge with hands on hips. Arms side-horizontal (palms up) st. arm raising with backward moving of head. Hip grasp narrow stride st. stoop- ing, touching floor alternately with left and right hand behind heel of same side. Arm bend forward walk st. (slow) forward bending of trunk (45). Hip grasp st. alternate knee up- ward and stretching forward. Neck grasp stride st. alternate side bending, 2 counts each side. Jumping on toes with arm fling- ing sideways-upward and foot placing sideways. Turning of hands with backward moving of head and breathing. Name the exercise, with cue, then: " begin! Stop!" Demonstrate. (Later use cue method.) Then: "To left one! Two! To right- three! Four! Continue in slow time, movements as quick as possible begin! Stop!" "With palms up, arms sideways fling! Arm raising with backward moving of head one! Two! Again one! Two!" Repeat 2 4 times more. Urge pupils to get head land arms well back and to keep "drawn in at the waist." "Hands on hips and with a short jump, feet sideways place! Stoop down and touch floor with left hand behind left heel one! Two! With right hand behind right heel three! Four! Keep it up in moderate time begin! Stop! Position!" "Arms bend and left foot forward place! Forward bending of trunk one! Two!" Repeat two or three times, then: "Arms bend and feet change! (Stop in fund, po- sition. Later complete in slow rythm) two! Forward bending one! etc. Po- sition! "Hands on hips place! Alternate knee upward bending and stretching forward (cue), left one! Two! Three! Four! Right one! Two! etc. Keep it up in slow time, quick movements begin! Stop! Position!" "Hands on neck and feet sideways place! Side bending, to left one! Two! To right three! Four! Continue in slow time, slow movements begin! Stop! Po- sition!" Name exercise, with cue, then: " begin! Class halt!" (Use demonstration method if necessary.) "one! Two!" 73 GRADE VII. Lesson 11. Marching to the rear, stopping on 1st count (with shortened step, left foot slightly crossed over right, weight on right foot). Hip grasp st. heel raising and deep knee bending. Arm bend st. slow arm stretching upward with backward moving of head. Hip grasp toe st. alternate knee upward bending. Arm bend stride st. trunk twisting all the way, alternating with arm stretching sideways. Wide stride st. downward bending, touching floor. (Hands shoulder distance apart, upper back straight, head high.) Forward bending of arms, then sideways and downward fling- ing. Even rhythm. Hurdle jump over pointer (spring from one foot, land on the other and continue running). Grasp sitting backward moving of head. Demonstrate while class is seated. Then: "Class forwtard march! To the rear march! (The words "rear" and "march" are spoken as right foot strikes the floor) Two!" The class responds by turning sharply on the toes, and stepping out with left foot, counting "two, three" at the same time (aloud at first). "Hands on hips place! Heel raising and knee bending (cue) begin! Stop! Now all the way down, second and third count ia little slower begin! Stop! Position!" "Arms (cue) bend! Slow arm stretching upward with backward moving of head one! Two! Again one! Two!" Repeat 2 4 times more. Then: "Position!" "Hands on hips place! Heels raise! Alternate knee upward bending (cue) begin! Class halt! (on second count, on toes). Heels sink! Position!" "Arms bend and feet sideways place! Trunk twisting to left one! Arm stretch- ing sideways two! Three! Twisting to right one! Arm stretching two! Three! Keep it up in slow time, quick move- ments begin! Stop! Position!" "With a wide jump, feet sideways place! Bend down and touch floor (keeping the knees and upper back straight) one! Two! Keep it up in moderate time be- gin! Stop! Position!" Name exercise, with cue, then: " begin! Stop!" It may be advisable to do each part on (numeral) signal one round or two before rhythmic repetitions. See Grade IV., lesson 3. -one! Two!" GRADE VII. Lesson 12. Arm bend st. arm stretching side- "Arms (cue) bend! Arm stretching ways with heel raising. sideways 'with quick heel raising begin! Stop! Position!" Neck grasp (wide) stride st. alter- nate knee bending (all the way in one movement). "Hands on hips and with a wide jump, feet sideways place! Alternate knee bending Call the way), slow time, slow movements, to left begin! Stop! Posi- tion!" 74 3. Hip grasp forward walk st. back- ward moving of head with chest raising. Arm bend st. stooping, alternating with arm stretching upward. Arm forward bend stride st. alter- nate side bending (2 counts each side). Slow rhythm. Balance march on counts for each step. (Weight transferred com- pletely to each foot and a very erect position held.) Ann bending and stretching up- ward, sideways and downward, uneven rhythm. Hip grasp st. position on one foot, the other raised forward. Cut step backward-forward. Deep breathing with moving of head. backward "Hands on hips and left foot forward place! Backward moving of head, etc. one! Two!" Repeat once or twice more. Then: "Hands on hips and feet (cue) change! Two! (Later complete in slow rhythm.) Backward moving of head, etc. Position!" "Arms (cue) bend! Stooping (and re- turn) one! Two! Arm stretching up- ward three! Four! Keep it up in fairly fast, even time begin! Stop! Position!" "Arms forward bend and feet sideways (cue) place! Side bending, to left one! Two! To right three! Four! Continue in slow time, slow movements begin! Stop! Position!" Demonstrate. Then: "Left (foot forward) one! Right two! One! Two! etc. (Rear foot to the advanced foot) Po- sition!" Name exercise, with cue, then: " begin! Stop! In uneven time, the same (cue) begin! Stop!" "Hands on hips place! Left foot forward raise! Cut step backward begin! Class halt!" (On second count, with feet to- gether.) Right foot raise! Begin! Class halt! Position!" "one! Two!" GRADE VII. Lesson 13. 1. Marching to the rear. Review stopping on first count, then try complete on 3 counts. 2. Hip grasp st. knee bending, heels off. 3. High arm circling, 3 counts, with backward moving of head (1st and 2nd count quick, 3rd slow). Arm bend stride st. forward-down- ' ward "bending, alternating with arm stretching sideways. "Class forward march! (Stopping on 1st count.) To the rear march!" Remind about shortened step, feet crossed and weight on the rear (right) foot. Then: "Two!" Class counts "two, three" while turning (on toes) and stepping out in new direction. Demonstrate the com- plete movement in marching rhythm and ask class to count aloud "one, two, three." Then: "Class forward march! To the rear march! Class halt!" "Hands on hips place! Knee bending (cue) begin! Stop! Position!" Name exercise, with cue, then: "one! Two! Three! Again one! Two! Three! Keep it up in slow, uneven time, 1st and 2nd movements quick, 3rd slow begin! Stop!" "Arms bend and feet sideways place! Forward-downward bending one! Two! Arm stretching sideways three! Four! Continue in even time begin! Stop! Po- sition!" 75 5. Batting pitched ball. 6. Hip grasp toe st. knee upward bending left and right. 7. Neck grasp stride st. side bending, alternating with arm stretching downward. Hip grasp st. jumping on toes with foot placing sideways, alternat- ing with foot placing forward- backward. Demonstrate. (With hands clenched in front of chest: 1) A moderate prepara- tory swing to right and return. 2) Swing quickly behind right shoulder at the same time turning shoulder to right. This is followed immediately by a sharp hori- zontal return swing of partly straight- ened arms, at the same time stepping out with left foot. 3) Step back with left foot and place hands in front of chest). "Ready begin! Stop!" Repeat on left side. "Hands on hips place! Heels raise! Left knee upward bending begin! Now right! Stop! Heels sink! Position!" "Hands on neck and feet sideways place! Side bending to left one! Two! Arm stretching downward (cue) three! Four! Same to right one! Two! Three! Four! Continue in uneven time (first two counts slow, last two quick) begin! Stop! Position!" "Hands on hips place! Jumping on toes with foot placing sideways one! To- gether two! Left forward, right back- ward three! Together four! Again, sideways one! Two! Right forward, left backward three! Four! Keep it up (making a cross) begin! Class halt! (Said as feet go sideways and together.) Position!" 9. Arm raising sideways, palms up, with backward moving of head. Name exercise, with cue, then: Two!" Sl one! GRADE VII. Lesson 14. 1. Forward bending of arms with al- ternate foot placing forward. 2. Arm bend stride st. arm stretch- ing sideways with (quick) knee bending. 3. Neck grasp forward walk st. back- ward moving of head with chest raising. "Arms forward bend and left foot for- ward (cue) place! Position! Same right one! Two! Again, left one! Two! Right three! Four! Keep it up in slow time, quick movements begin! Stop!" "Arms bend and feet sideways place! Arm stretching sideways with quick knee bending (cue) begin! Stop! Position!" "Hands on neck and left foot forward place! Backward moving of head (and elbows) with chest raising one! Two!" Repeat two or three times, then: "Hands on neck and feet change! (Done as a two-count rhythmic movement.) Back- ward moving of head, etc. Position!" 76 4. Hip grasp (wide) stride st. down- ward bending, touching floor, alternating with arm. stretch- ing downward. 5. Arm bending with alternate foot placing sideways, and trunk twisting. 6. Pitching (overhead) ball. Arm bending and stretching up- ward, sideways and downward, uneven rhythm. (Hip grasp st.) Running in place with knee upward bending. Halt on 2 counts. High arm circling (2 counts) with breathing. "Hands on hips and with a wide jump, feet sideways place! Downward bend- ing, touching floor (knees and upper back straight) one! Two! Arm stretch- ing downward (cue) three! Four! Con- tinue in even time begin! Stop! Posi- tion!" "Arms bend and left foot sideways place! Quick trunk twisting to left one! Two! (Left foot to the right) Po- sition! Same to right on four counts one! Two! Three! Four! Keep it up in slow, even time, quick movements be- gin! Stop! Position!" Demonstrate. (Facing side of room: 1) Raise closed hands to right shoulder. 2) Make overhand throwing motion with right hand, at the same time stepping sideways with left foot and turning to left. 3) Bring right foot up to the left). Then: "Right hand throw begin! Stop! Left hand begin! Stop!" Name exercise, with cue, then (first in even rhythm): " begin! Stop! Same in uneven rhythm begin! Stop!" "Run in place with knee upward bending, ready go! Class halt!" Name exercise, with cue, then: " one! Two!" On the down movement hands turn at shoulder level, without stopping. GRADE VIII. Lesson 1. Standing and sitting complete in one movement. 1. Marking time, marching, toe marching. Facings on 2 counts, stopping on 1st. 2. Hand clapping overhead with knee bending, heels off. 3. Arm bend st. backward moving of head with chest raising. 4. Hip grasp stride st. downward bending, touching floor alter- nately with left and right hand (turning head and shoulders to opposite side). 5. Arm bending and stretching side- ways and downward, even rhythm. 6. Neck grasp st. slow forward bend- ing of trunk (45). "Mark time march! Forward march! On toes march! Common step march! Class halt! Left (right) face! Two!" Name the exercise, with cue, then: " begin! Stop!" "Arms (cue) bend! Backward moving of head with chest raising one! Two!" Repeat 2 4 times, then: "Position!" "Hands on hips and feet sideways place! Bend down and touch floor alter- nately with left and right hand begin! Stop! Position!" Name exercise, with cue, then: " begin I Stop!" "Hands on neck place! Forward bend- ing of trunk one! Two! Again one! Two!" Repeat 2 4 times more. Then: "Position!" 77 7. Hip grasp st. jumping on toes without and with foot placing sideways. "Hands on hips place! Jumping on toes begin! With foot placing sideways begin! Class halt! Position!" Turning of hands with backward " one! Two!" moving of head and deep breath- ing. GRADE VIII. Lesson 2. 1, Alternate foot placing forward with hands on hips. 2. Stride st. arm bending with knee bending. 3. Arm flinging forward-sideways, palms up, and downward (2 counts, quick movements, slow rhythm). 4. Hip grasp stride st. forward-down- ward bending. 5. Forward bending of arms with heel raising. Hip grasp st. knee upward bend- ing left and right. Change with- out stopping. (Review 2 count rhythmic fac- ings.) "Hands on hips and left foot forward place! Position! Same right one! Two! Keep it up in slow time, quick move- ments begin! Stop!" "Feet sideways place! Arm bending, with quick knee bending (cue) begin! Stop! Position!" "Arm flinging forward-sideways, palms up, with backward moving of head (cue) one! Downward two! Keep it up in slow time, quick movements begin! Stop!" "Hands on hips and feet sideways place! Forward-downward bending one! Two! Again one! Two!" Repeat 2 4 times more, then: "Position!" "Arms forward bend! Position! Same with quick heel raising one! Two! Con- tinue in slow time, quick movements begin! Stop!" "Hands on hips place! Left knee up- ward bending begin! Now right! Stop! Position!" "Left (right) face!.. Half left (right) face! About face!" 7. Stride st. side bending all the way "Feet sideways place!" Name move- in one movement with opposite ment, with cue, then: " begin! Stop! arm raising sideways (to verti- (as erect position is approached) Po- cal). sition!" 8. Crouching start. Running in place, then around the room, then in place. Halt on 2 counts. 9. Deep breathing with backward moving of head. Demonstrate, then: "On the marks! Get set! Go! Class halt!" " one! Two! 1 GRADE VIII. Lesson 3. 1. Marching with accenting every 3rd and 5th step. Left and right and half facings on 1 count. "Forward march! Accenting every 3rd step begin! Now every 3rd and 5th step begin! Class halt! Half left (right) face!" 2. Arm flinging sideways (quick) heel raising. with Name exercise, with cue, then: " begin! Stop!" 78 3. Neck grasp stride st. backward "Hands on neck and feet sideways moving of head with chest rais- place! Backward moving of head, etc. ing. one! Two!" Repeat 3 4 times. Then: "Position!" 4. Arm bend st. stooping (touching floor), alternating with arm stretching downward. 5. Stride st. paddling. (See Grade III., lesson 2.) 6. Hip grasp st. position on one foot, the other raised forward; change feet with a jump. 7. Arm bending and stretching up- ward, uneven rhythm. 8. Hip grasp st. jumping on toes with foot placing forward-back- ward. 9. Arm raising sideways with back- ward moving of head and deep breathing. "Arms (cue) bend! Stooping (and re- turn) one! Two! Arm stretching down- ward (cue) three! Four! Keep it up in even, fairly fast time begin! Stop! Po- sition!" "Arms forward fling and feet side- ways place! Paddling (cue), on left side begin! Stop! On right side be- gin! Stop! Position!" "Hands on hips place! Left foot for- ward raise! Change feet with a jump one! Two!" Repeat 4 6 times, mak- ing changes unexpected. Then: "Posi- tion!" Niame the exercise, with cue, then: " begin! Stop! Again in uneven time begin! Stop! Position!" "Hands on hips place!" Name move- ment, with cue, then: " begin! Class halt! Position!" " one! Two!" GRADE VIII. Lesson 4. 1. Marking time and running in place. Change to quick time on 4 counts. 2. Hip grasp st. heel raising and knee bending (4 counts). 3. Arm bend st. slow arm stretching upward with backward moving of head. 4. Hip grasp st. forward-downward bending, alternating with arm stretching downward. 5. Neck grasp stride st. quick trunk twisting all the way from one side to the other. 6. Forward bending of arms, then sideways and downward fling- ing. Slow rhythm, quick move- ments. "Mark time march! Double time march! Quick time march! (The word "march" is said as left foot strikes. Class begins to count on next step.) Class halt!" "Hands on hips place! Heel raising and knee bending, even time, quick move- ments begin! Stop! Position!" "Arms (cue) bend! Slow arm stretch- ing upward with backward moving of head one! Two! Again one! Two!" Repeat 2 4 times more. Then: "Posi- tion!" "Hands on hips place! Forward down- ward bending (upper back straight) one! Two! Arm stretching downward (cue) three! Four! Continue in even time begin! Stop! Position!" "Hands on neck and feet sideways place! Trunk twisting 1 , to left one! To right two!) Keep it up in slow time, quick movements begin! Stop! Posi- tion!" "Forward bending of arms (cue) one! Arm flinging sideways two! And down- wiard three! Keep it up begin! Stop!" 79 7. Hip grasp stride st. alternate side bending (2 counts each side). Repetitions in slow rhythm. 8. Standing jump forward (with arm flinging forward-downward) . (See Grade VI., lesson 13.) 9. Low arm circling, palms up, with breathing. "Hands on hips and feet sideways place! Side bending to left one! Two! To right three! Four! Continue in slow time, slow movements begin! Stop! Po- sition!" Demonstrate the first time. (Later mere- ly name exercise, with cue for each part as needed.) Then: " one !Two! Three! Four!" Repeat 4 6 times. Name the exercise, with cue, then: " one! Two!" GRADE VIII. Lesson 5. 1. Alternate foot placing sideways with hands on hips, and heel raising. 3. Arm flinging sideways with knee bending, heels off. Head grasp st. "stretching." 4. Chopping a log. lesson 1.) (See Grade II., 5. Arm bending and stretching up- ward and downward, uneVen rhythm. 6. Hip grasp st. alternate knee up- ward bending. 7. Arm bend forward walk st. slow forward bending of trunk (45). 8. Hip grasp st. jumping on toes with foot placing sideways and crossing of feet. 9. Arm bend st. slow arm stretching sideways with deep breathing. "Hands on hips and left foot sideways place! Quick heel raising one! Two! (Left foot to right) Position! Same to right on four counts one! Two! Three! Four! Keep it up in slow time, quick movements begin! Stop!" Name exercise, with cue, then: " begin! Stop!" "Hands on head place! Stretch up as strongly as possible! Drop hands to sides slowly while retaining "stretched" posi- tion. Again one! Two! Three!" Repeat 1 3 times more. "Hands on right shoulder and feet side- ways place! Chopping a log (cue) be- gin! Stop! Position!" At first repeat 10 12 times on one side, then on the other. Later alternate. Name the exercise, with cue, then: " begin! Stop! Repeat in uneven time begin! Stop!" "Hands on hips place! Alternate knee upward bending (cue) begin! Class halt! Position!" "Arms bend and left foot forward (cue) place! Forward bending of trunk one! Two!" Repeat 2 3 times. Then: "Arms bend and feet (cue) change! Forward bending one! Two! Position!" "Hands on hips place!" Name move- ment, with cue, then: " begin! Class halt! Position!" "Arms (cue) bend! Slow arm stretch- ing, etc. one! Two! Position!" 80 GRADE VIM. Lesson 6. 1. Marching to the rear, stopping on 1st count. (See Grade VII., les- sons 11 and 13.) 2. Arm bend stride st. arm stretching sideways with (quick) knee bending. 3. High arm circling (2 counts) with backward moving of head. 4. Alternate foot placing sideways with hands on hips, and for- ward-downward bending. 5. Arm bend stride st. trunk twisting all the way, alternating with arm stretching downward. 6. Neck grasp toe st. march steps forward and backward (on counts for each step). "Class forward march! To the rear march! Two!" "Arms (cue) bend! Arm stretching sideways with quick knee bending (cue) begin! Stop! Position!" Name exercise, with cue, then: " one I Two!" Repeat 4 6 times on signal. "Hands on hips and left foot sideways place! Forward-downward bending one! Two! Position! Same to right on four counts one! Two! Three! Four! Con- tinue in even time begin! Stop!" "Arms bend and feet sideways place! Trunk twisting to left one! Arm stretch- ing downward (cut) two! (Return arm bending) three! Twisting all the way to the right one! Arm stretching two! Three! Keep it up in slow time, quick movements begin! Stop! Position!" "Hands on neck place! Heels raise! March steps forward, left one! Right two! One! Two! etc. Now backward one! Two! etc. (Forward foot to the rear one! Position!" 7. Stride st. alternate side bending "Feet sideways place!" Name move- (2 counts each side) with oppo- ment, with cue, then: " begin! Stop! Position!" (If necessary give a round or two on numeral signals before start- site arm flinging sideways-up- ward. ing rhythmic repetition.) 8. Hip grasp st. jumping on toes al- "Hands on hips place!" Name move- ternately forward and backward ment, with cue, then: " begin! Class (feet together). halt! Position!" 9. Turning of hands with backward " one! Two!" moving of head and deep breathing. GRADE VIII. Lesson 7. 1. Facing (on 1 count) followed by "Left (right) face and one step to right one or two march steps side- (left) march! Right (left) face and one ways or forward. step forward march! Left face and two steps to left march!" etc. 2. Arm bend st. arm stretching side- "Arms (cue) bend! Arm stretching side- ways with heel raising. ways with quick heel raising 1 (cue) be- gin! Stop! Position!" 3. Arms overhead st. "stretching." "Arms overhead place! Stretch up as strongly as possible. Drop hands slowly to sides while retaining "stretched" po- sition of head and back. Again one! Two! Three!" Repeat once or twice more. 81 4. Hip grasp st. stooping, touching floor alternately with left and right hand, turning head and shoulders toward opposite side. Arm bending and stretching for- ward (on signal once or twice, then in even rhythm). 6. Necki grasp close st. slow forward bending of trunk (45). 7. Arm bend stride st. alternate trunk twisting (2 counts each side), alternating with arm stretching sideways. Hip grasp st. toe jumping (with feet together) alternately to left and right. Deep breathing with moving of head. backward "Hands on hips place! Stooping, touch- ing floor with left hand (between feet) one! Two! With right hand three! Four! Keep it up begin! Stop! Po- sition!" "Arm bending one! Arm stretching for- ward two! Again one! Two! Keep it up in even time begin! Stop! Position!" (See that chest is well out "between the arms" and hands at least shoulder dis- tance apart, shoulders low.) "Hands on neck and feet (cue) close! Forward bending of trunk one! Two!" Repeat 3 5 times on (numeral) signal. "Arms bend and feet sidewiays place! Trunk twisting to left one! (Return) two! Arm stretching sideways three! Four! Same to right one! Two! Three! Four! Keep it up in even time, all move- ments quick begin! Stop! Position!" "Hands on hips place! Jumping on toes alternately to left and right (cue) be- gin! Class halt! Position!" " one! Two!" GRADE VIII. Lesson 8. 1. Placing hands on neck with heel raising. 2 Side lunge with hands, on hips. Arm bending and stretching up- ward and- (slow) sinking side- ways and downward with back- ward moving of head (on 2nd count). Repetitions in uneven ' rhythm, 1st and 2nd count quick, 3rd slow. Hip grasp stride st. forward-down- ward bending, alternating with placing hands on neck. Arm bending with alternate foot placing sideways, and trunk twisting. Name the exercise, with cue, then: " begin! Stop!" Demonstrate the first time. Later use cue method. "Side lunge to left with hands on hips one! Two! To right three! Four! Continue in slow time, quick movements begin! Stop!" "Arm bending one! Arm stretching up- ward with backward moving of head two! Slow sinking sideways-downwkrd (cue) three! Again one! Two! Three! Continue in uneven time begin! Stop!" "Hands on hips and feet sideways place! Forward-downward bending one! Two! Placing hands on neck( and re- turn) three! Four! Keep it up in even time begin! Stop! Position!" "Arms bend and left foot sideways place! Trunk twisting to left one! Two! (Left foot to the right) Position! Same to right on four counts one! Two! Three! Four! Keep it up in even time, all movements quick begin! Stop! Po- sition!" 82 Hip grasp st. touch step balance march (at first on 2 counts for each step, later in slow rhythm, 1st count quick, 2nd slow). Arm bending and stretching for- ward and downward, even rhythm. Hip grasp st. position on one foot, the other raised sideways; cut step sideways. High arm circling with deep breathing. "Hands on hips place! Toe touch bal- ance step (cue), left one! Two! Right three! Four! Aglain one! etc. Con- tinue in uneven time go! Stop! (Rear foot to advanced foot) Position!" Name the exercise, with cue, then: " begin! Stop!" "Hands on hips place! Left foot side- ways raise! Cut step sideways (cue) begin! Class halt! Position!" Name the exercise, with cue, then: " one! Two!" GRADE VIII. Lesson 9. Marching to the rear, stopping on 1st count. Try complete. (See Grade VII., lessons 11 and 13.) Arm bend st. arm stretching side- ways with knee bending, heels off. Neck grasp forward walk st. backward moving of head with chest raising. Hip grasp toe st. alternate knee upward bending. Arm bend stride st. side alternate bending, alternating with arm stretching sideways. Repeti- tions in uneven rhythm. Forward bending of arms with al- ternate foot placing forward. Pulling up anchor (horizontal rope pull). (See Grade IV., les- son 13.) Jump in place with arm flinging overhead and turning 90. (See Grade VI., lesson 10.) Arm raising sideways, palms up, with deep breathing. "Forward march! To the rear march! Two! Class halt!" Demonstrate the turn without stopping on 1st count and ask cMss to count "one, two, three" aloud when making the turn. "Arms (cue) bend! Arm stretching side- ways with knee bending (cue) begin! Stop! Position!" "Hands on neck and left foot forward place! Backward moving of head (and elbows) with chest raising one! Two! One! Two! One! Two! Hands on neck and feet (cue) change! (done as a 2- count rhythmic movement). Backward moving of head, etc. Position!" "Hands on hips place! Alternate knee upward bending (cue) begin! Class halt! Heels sink! Position!" "Arms bend and feet sideways place! Side bending, to left one! Two! Arm stretching sideways three! Four! Same to right one! Two! Three! Four! Keep it up in uneven time (1st and 2nd counts slow. 3rd and 4th quick) begin! Stop! Position!" "Arms forward bend and left foot for- ward (cue) place! Position! Same with right foot one! Two! Keep it up in slow time, quick movements begin! Stop!" "Left foot forward place! Pulling up anchor (cue) begin! Stop! With a jump, feet (cue) change! Ready begin! (or Pull!) Stop! Position!" Demonstrate. Then: " one! Turning to left two! Three! Four! Again one! To right two! Three! Four!" Name exercise, with cue, then: " one! Two!" 83 GRADE VIII. Lesson 10. 1. Arm bend st. arm stretching up- ward with heel raising. 2. Hip grasp st. alternate toe touch- ing sideways with opposite knee bending. 3. Arm raising sideways-upward with backward moving of head and chest raising. 4. Hip grasp (wide) stride st. down- ward bending, touching floor, alternating with arm stretch- ing downward. 5.' Alternate foot placing sideways with hands on neck and trunk twisting. 6. Hip grasp st. balance march with knee upward bending and stretching forward - downward (on 3 counts for each step, 1st and 2nd quick, 3rd slow. Re- peat in uneven rhythm). 7. Arm bending and stretching for- ward and upward, even rhythm. 8. Standing jump sideways (with arm flinging to same side as jump). 9. Turning of hands with backward moving of head and breathing. "Arms (cue) bend! Arm stretching up- ward with heel raising (cue) begin! Stop! Position!" "Hands on hips place! Left toe touch sideways with bending of right knee one! Two! Right toe touch with left knee bending three! Four! Keep it up in slow time, quick movements begin! Stop! Position!" Name exercise, with cue, then: " one! Two!" Repeat 3 5 times. Hands turn as arms pass shoulder level, without stopping. "Hands on hips and with a wide jump, feet sideways place! Downward bend- ing, touching floor (cue) one! Two! Arm stretching downward (cue)three! Four! Keep it up in even time begin! Stop! Position!" "Hands on neck and left foot sideways place! Trunk twisting to left one! Two! Position! Same to right on four counts one! Two! Three! Four! Keep it up in slow, even time, all the movements quick begin! Stop!" "Hands on hips place! Balance step with knee upward bending and stretch- ing downward (cue), left one! Two! Three! Right one! Two! Three! Again one! etc. Keep it up in uneven time begin! Stop! Rear foot to advanced Po- sition!" Name exercise, with cue, then: " begin! Stop!" Demonstrate. (1. Rise on toes and raise arms to right. 2. Jump to left, with arm flinging to left, landing with knee bend- ing and arms at sides. 3. Straighten knees. 4. Lower heels). Then: "Jump to left (arms to right) one! Two! Three! Four!" Repeat 3 4 times to each side. " one! Two!" GRADE VIII. Lesson 11. If time allows, drill on marching to the rear, necessary. Omit exercise 2 (or 1) if 1. Neck grasp (wide) stride st. al- ternate knee bending. "Hands on neck and with a wide jump, feet sideways place! Alternate knee bending all the way one! Two! Con- tinue in slow time, slow movements begin! Stop! Position!" 84 2. Hip grasp close st. heel raising with turning out of heels. Arms side-horizontal forward walk st. turning of hands with back- ward moving of head and chest raising 1 . Arm bend st. stooping (touching floor), alternating with arm stretching upward. 5. One hand on hip, the other on neck stride st. side bending (on signal 3 times to each side. Later, alternate side bending and change of arms as a 3 count movement in uneven rhythm). 6. Arms side-horizontal toe st. quick head twisting (on signal only). 7. Running, change to quick time on 4 counts. (See lesson 4.) Grasp sitting backward moving of head with deep breathing. "Hands on hips and feet (cue) close! Heel raising with turning out of heels (cue) begin! Stop! Position!" "Arm sideways fling and left foot forward place! Turning of hands with back- ward moving of head, etc. one! Two! One! Two! One! Two! Arms sideways fling and feet (cue) change! Turning of hands, etc. Position!" "Arms (cue) bend! Stoop down and touch floor one! (Return Two! Arm stretching upward three! Four! Contin- ue in fairly fast time begin! Stop! Po- sition!" "Left hand on hip, right hand on neck (cue) and feet sideways place! Side bending to left one! Two! Again one! Two! etc. Hands change! Side bending to right one! Two! etc. Position!" (Lat- er, after taking starting position: "Side bending to left one! Two! Change posi- tion of hands three! Same to right one! Two! Three! Keep it up in uneven time (1st and 2nd count slow, 3rd quick) begin! Stop! Position!") "Arms sideways and heels raise! Head twisting, to left one! To right two! Again one! Two!" Repeat 2 or 3 times more, making changes as unexpected as possible. Then: "Head forward twist! Heels sink! Position!" "Forward march! Double time march! Quick time march! Class halt!" (It may be well to practice the change once or twice while running in place.) one! Two!" GRADE VIII. Lesson 12. Facing, followed by 2 march steps forward, backward or sideways. 2. Side lunge with hands on neck. 3 Arm flinging forward - upward, sideways (palms up), and downward, withi backward mov- ing of head. "Left (right) face and two steps to left (right) march! Right face and two steps forward march! Right face and two steps to left march! Left face and two steps backward march!" Etc. "Side lunge with hands on neck (cue) left one! Two! Right three! Four! Keep it up in slow time, quick movements begin! Stop!" "Arm flinging forward-upward with back- ward moving of head (cue) one! Side- ways, palms up two! And downward three! Again one! Two! Three! Keep it up in slow, even time, quick movements begin! Stop!" 85 4. Neck grasp st. forward-downward bending, alternating with plac- ing hands on hips. 5. Hip grasp st. alternate knee up- ward bending and stretching forward. 6. Arm bend forward walk twist st. arm stretching sideways. 7. Alternate foot placing sideways with hands on hips, and side bending. 8. Hip grasp st. pos. on right foot, the left raised forward: back- ward cut step 6 counts, on 7th foot placing sideways, on 8th jump to pos. on left foot, right raised forward, then continue cut step. 9. Arm bend st. slow arm stretching upward with backward moving of head and breathing. "Hands on neck place! Forward-down- ward bending one! Two! Placing hands on hips (and return) three! Four! Keep it up in even time begin! Stop! Po- sition!" "Hands on hips place! Left knee upward bending and stretching forward (cue) one! Two! Three! Four! Same right one! Two! Three! Four! Continue in slow time, quick movements begin! Stop! Po- sition!" "Arms bend and left foot forward place! Trunk to left twist! Arm stretching side- ways (cue) begin! Stop! Forward twist! Arms bend and feet change! To right twist! Arm stretching begin! Stop! Position!" "Hands on hips and left foot sideways Place! Side bending to left one! Two! Position! Same to right on four counts one! Two! Three! Four! Continue in un- even time, 1st and 4th counts quick, 2nd and 3rd slow begin! Stop!" Demonstrate. Then: "Hands on hips place! Left foot forward raise! Stop- ping on the 6th count begin! Class stops on 6th count with left foot raised.) Feet apart seven! Right foot forward eight! Begin! Class halt! (said on 5th and 6th counts) Position!" "Arms (cue) bend! Slow arm stretch- ing upward, etc. one! Two! Again one! etc. Position!" GRADE VIII. Lesson 13. 1. Arm flinging sideways with alter- nate foot placing forward. 2. Hip grasp standing heel raising and deep knee bending, even and uneven rhythm. Arm bend forward walk standing slow arm stretching sideways, palms up, with backward mov- ing of head and chest raising. 4. Catching low pitched ball throwing to 2nd base. and "Arm sideways fling and left foot for- ward (cue) place! Position! Same right one! Two! Keep it up in slow time, quick movements begin! Stop!" "Hands on hips place! Heel raising and knee bending, half way down at first begin! Now, deeper! All the way! Stop I Positio'nl" Rhythm becomes uneven as the knee bending goes further. "Arms bend and left foot forward place! Arm stretching sideways, etc. one! Two!" Repeat 2 or 3 times. Then: "Arms bend and feet change! Arm stretching, etc. one! Two! etc. Posi- tion!" Demonstrate (1. Stoop down. 2. Right hand throw in direction faced, stepping forward with left foot. 3. Return to fundamental position by bringing right foot to left. Then: Ready begin! Stop!" Repeat on other side. 86 Neck grasp st. position on one foot, the other raised sideways; change with a jump. Arm bending and stretching up- ward, sideways and downward, uneven rhythm. Alternate foot placing sideways with hands on hips, and forward bending of trunk (45). 8. Hurdle jump (from one foot, land on the other and continue running). Try two "hurdles" (pointers) as far apart as feasible. 9. Grasp sitting backward moving of head. "Hands on neck place! Left foot side- ways raise! Change feet with a jump one! Two!" Repeat 4 6 times. Make changes unexpected. Then: "Position!" Name exercise, with cue, then start it in even rhythm for a few rounds. Stop, and start in uneven rhythm. "Hands on hips and left foot sideways place! Forward bending of trunk (45 only) one! Two! Position! Same to right one! Two! Three! Four! Keep it up in uneven time, 1st and 4th quick, 2nd and 3rd slow begin Stop!" See Grade IV., lesson 3. -one! Two!' GRADE VIII. Lesson 14. 3. I. r,. I. Marching to the rear, complete. Try to the rear halt (on signal "Class to the rear halt!"). Toe touching sideways with op- posite knee bending and placing hands on hips (or neck). Arms overhead st. arm parting (to side-horizontal, palms up) with backward moving of head. Alternate foot (wide step) neck, and bending. placing sideways with hands on forward-downward Shortstop catching high liner and throwing to 1st or 3rd. Hip grasp standing heel raising and deep knee bending, uneven rhythm (2nd and 3rd held longer than 1st and 4th). Demonstrate and remind about details. Ask class to count aloud "one, two, three" while making the turn. Give the two parts of the signal "To the rear" and "march!" as the right foot strikes the floor. Left toe touching with right knee bend- ing and hands on hips (cue) begin! Stop! Same on other side begin! Stop!" Later do as an alternate movement. "Arms overhead place! Arm parting (cue) with backward moving of head one! Two! One! Two!" Repeat 2 4 times more. Then: "Position!" "Hands on neck and with a wide step, left foot sideways place! Forward- downward bending one! Two! (Left foot to right) Position! Same to right on four counts one! Two! Three! Four! Continue in even time begin! Stop!" Demonstrate (1. Thow arms over head -and rise on toes. 2. Right hand throw to left, stepping to left with left foot. 3. Return to fundamental position, bringing right foot to left). Then: "Ready be- gin! Stop!" Same on other side. "Hands on hips place! Heel raising and knee bending all the way down, uneven time begin! Stop! Position!" 87 7. Neck grasp stride standing side bending, alternating with arm stretching downward. Hip grasp standing jumping on toes with foot placing side- ways, alternating with knee up- ward bending left and right. 9. High arm circling with backward moving of head and deep breathing. "Hands on neck and feet sideways place! Side bending to left one! Two! Arm stretching downward three! Four! Same to the right one! Two! Three! Four! Continue in. uneven time, 1st two counts slow, last two quick begin! Stop! Position!" Demonstrate (Later use cue method). Then: "Hands on hips place! With left knee upward bending begin! (Prompt "left up!" as 2nd count is being finished.) Class halt! Same with right "knee upward bending begin! Class halt! Position!" Later alternate. Name exercise, with cue, then: Two!" ' one! 88 UC SOUTHERN REGIONAL LIBRARY FACILITY A 000 031 247 o