GLOSSARY OF TERMS USED IN COAL MINING. BY WILLIAM STUKELBY GRESLEY, ASSOC. MEM. INST. CIVIL ENGINEERS, F.G.S., MEM. NORTH OF ENGLAND INSTITUTE OF MINING AND MECHANICAL ENGINEERS, ETC. ETC. ETC. ILLUSTRATED WITH NUMEROUS WOODCUTS AND DIAGRAMS. LONDON: E. & F. N. SPON, 16, CHARING CROSS. NEW YORK: 35, MURRAY STREET. 1883. B&uate* WITH SINCERE AFFECTION AND RESPECT TO THE MEMORY- OF THE LATE JOHN THOMAS WOODHOUSE, ESQ., H.INST.C.E., F.G.S., M.N.E.I.M.E., M.I.. AND 8.I., M.S.E., A.I.N.A., ETC. PEEFACE. THE Compiler of the following Glossary of Terms used in connection with the mining of coal and other minerals had at first no intention of publishing his work. He merely collected, arranged, and classified the various local and provincial mining terms and phrases as they came under his notice, for his own personal curiosity and use. At the request of several friends, however, he has decided to go more minutely and carefully into the subject, and has made an attempt to give to the mining community, and others interested in the science of coal mining, the result of a much closer investigation into the study of the provincialisms and technicalities of the mining districts of this country ; and although conscious of its many defects, he now ventures to offer to the scientific public the accom- panying compendium of the terms employed in the mining of coal and other stratified minerals. It is also hoped that many of the terms have been explained in such a manner as not only to give a meaning, as clear and concise as is possible under the circumstances, but also to convey to students and others VI PREFACE. engaged in the mining profession some information, in detail, as to the several methods, operations, systems, appliances, statistics, &c., used in connection with the winning, working, and disposal of Coal, which has so often been described as the " Mainspring of Civilisation," and which, owing to the bountiful munificence of the Creator and Giver of all good things, has made Great Britain what she is, viz. by far the largest producer, hitherto, of that mineral in the world. OVEBSEAL, ASHBT DE LA ZOTJCH, December, 1882. INTRODUCTION. IN introducing the reader to the contents of this little work, it may be well in the first place to give some ex- planation of the method adopted in compiling it, and to mention some of the sources from whence many of the words and phrases have been obtained. As many of the terms treated of have been gathered from journals, reports, and transactions of mining insti- tutes, &c.. it is not improbable that several inaccuracies may be met with, the meaning given not being in all cases so explicit as the Compiler could have wished ; but by the exercise of much care and considerable labour, he believes that they have been reduced to a very few. Any one who will be good enough to favour the Compiler with terms, &c., omitted or hitherto unknown to him, or with corrected and more accurate information, will be greatly assisting to improve, complete, and enhance the value of a subsequent edition, should it be called for. It has been thought well to insert many terms which now are or are rapidly becoming obsolete, because it seemed unnecessary and impossible to draw a hard and Vlll INTRODUCTION. fast line between them obsolete words being interest- ing if not instructive to many. To some terms a historical fact or addition has been included, by way of imparting information to the uninitiated. As to words made use of in great number and variety in reference to Strata, or the names given to various beds of rock met with in the course of mining, these are so intimately mixed up with many of the terms used underground, that to exclude them would have been unfair. With reference to the fact that very many terms have more than one, in some instances eight or ten, separate meanings, and that a single article, &c., may have as many as twelve or fourteen different names by which it is called, it must be understood that the numbers (1, 2, 3, &c.) placed immediately after a word refer to corresponding numbers under the head of which the explanation of the particular term will be found, e. g. " The box at the head (1) end has only one garland (2) upon it." By looking out the word head under No. 1 ex- planation, and garland under No. 2 meaning, will at once give the reader an idea of the system upon which the whole book is drawn up. Again, with regard to machinery and mechanical appliances generally, it has been thought proper to exclude all technical terms applied to the various parts of such things as do not refer especially to mining, for instance : the words pump, boiler, donkey, fly- INTRODUCTION. IX wheel, points, spann&r, cotter, &c., are none of them included. A number of terms have been obtained from the coal districts of Pennsylvania and elsewhere in America, but some of them are clearly traceable to the north of England, whence doubtless they originally came. Many Belgian, French, Prussian, German, Italian, &c., terms have been inserted, it being thought the better plan to leave out nothing that might in any way contribute to the usefulness of the work. Turning to the sources of information of which the compiler has been so far able to avail himself, he hereby desires to acknowledge his thanks to various authors for giving many technical and local terms, in their various papers, addresses, books, and so forth, which he has ventured to make use of. The figures accompanying the text have, with only one or two exceptions, been drawn up by the writer expressly for the work, and he only regrets that this portion of his labours has been so imperfectly performed. The following are the principal works and authors con- sulted: The Transactions of the North of England Institute of Mining and Mechanical Engineers ; the Proceedings of the South Wales Institute of Engi- neers ; the Transactions of the Chesterfield and Derby- shire Institute of Engineers; the Transactions of the Mining Institute of Scotland ; the Transactions of the Manchester Geological Society ; the Transactions of the Midland Institute of Mining, Civil, and Mechanical I X INTRODUCTION. Engineers; the Annual Keports of H. M. Inspectors of Mines; the Colliery Guardian newspaper ; Mine Engi- neering, by G. 0. Greenwell; Mine Engineering, by G. E. Andre; the Journal of the British Society of Mining Students ; as well as numerous smaller works chiefly relating to coal mining. It should, however, be remarked that the compiler has himself, in the course of his professional duties, visited nearly all the coal-fields of Great Britain, thus enabling him to acquaint himself pretty well with many of the terms commonly made use of. To compile a complete glossary of such terms would, it is believed, occupy many years, even if it were possible to do it at all. In conclusion it should be said, that besides the terms and phrases used in coal mining, those used in connection with the working of ironstone, shale, fireclay, rock-salt, stone, &c. in short, stratified mines, have been freely dealt with. ABBREVIATIONS. B. Bristol Coal-field. Belg. Belgium. C. Cumberland Coal-field. Ch. Cheshire Salt Districts. 01. Cleveland Iron Districts. D. Derbyshire Coal-field. F. France. F. D. Forest of Dean Coal-field. G. Gloucestershire Coal-field. I. Ireland. In. India. It. Italy. L. Lancashire Coal-field. Lei. Leicestershire Coal-field. M. Midland Coal-field. N. North of England (Northumberland and Durham). N. S. North Staifordshire. N. S. W. New South Wales. N. W. North Wales. Pa. Pennsylvania, U. S. A. Pr. Prussia. S. Scotland. Sh. Shropshire. Som. Somersetshire. S. S. South Staffordshire. S. W. South Wales. Sw. Sweden. U. S. A. United States of North America. W. Warwickshire. Y. Yorkshire. GLOSSARY OP TERMS USED IN COAL MINING, Ac. A. ABATTIS (Lei.). Walls or ranges of branch or rough wood (cord- wood) placed cross ways to keep the under- ground roads open for ventilation, &c. ABTHEILUNG (Pr.). A fixed part or district of a mine assigned to the care of a fire-man or deputy. ACREAGE KENT. Eoyalty or rent paid by the lessee for working and disposing of minerals at the rate of so much per acre. Very frequently this rent is calculated at so much per foot thick of the seam or mine per acre, the measurements being taken on the slope or plane of the coal, &c., and at right angles to the dip. ADAMANT (N. W.). ADDLE (N.). To earn. ADDLINGS (N.). Earnings or wages. ADIT. An underground level to the surface from the level of the mine workings, or from part of the way B 2 A GLOSSAKY OF TEEMS down the shaft (Fig. 1), generally used for drainage purposes. Fig. 1. ADVENTURERS. The original promoters or specu- lators in a search for coal, &c. AEROMETERS. The air pistons of a Struve ventilator. AEROPHORE. The name given to an apparatus which will enable a man to enter places in mines filled with explosive or other deadly gases, work there with freedom, take with him a light, and remain for an indefinite time. AFTER-DAMP. The deadly gases resulting from an explosion of fire-damp. Chiefly composed of carbonic acid gas. C0 2 or carbon 27 per cent. + oxygen 73 per cent. AGENT. One to whom the general laying out and supervision of the workings is entrusted by the owner or lessee. He may have a number of separate collieries under his care. The wages and contractor's prices are regulated by him. Any addition or alteration in the various departments connected both with the under- ground and surface works, machinery, &c., must generally be sanctioned by him. He is responsible to the owner as well as under the Coal Mines Regulation Act for the appointment of competent managers, engineivrigJits, deputies, surveyors, &c. See Viewer. USED IN COAL MINING, ETC. 3 AIR. 1. The current of atmospheric air circulating through and ventilating the workings of a mine. 2. To ventilate any portion of the workings. AIR-BOX. A rectangular wooden pipe or tube made in lengths of say 9 to 15 feet for ventilating a heading or a sinking pit. AIR-COURSE. Any underground roadway used for the special purpose of ventilation. AIR-CROSSING. A bridge which carries one air-course over another. In collieries liable to heavy explosions, in order to prevent as far as possible the Hast from destroying these air-crossings and deranging the venti- lation, it is better to avoid the use of the ordinary Fig. 2. timber or even masonry bridge, and to make an entirely isolated air-course several yards above the underneath road, and if a seam of coal be conveniently situated in which to construct it, it will not be an expensive plan. See Fig. 2. (The dotted lines show the position of an ordinary crossing.) AIR-END WAY. Headways or levels driven in the coal seam parallel with a main level, chiefly for the purpose of ventilation or for the return air. They are connected with the main level by openings or thirls. B 2 4 A GLOSSARY OF TERMS AIR-GATES (M.). Underground roadways used prin- cipally for ventilative purposes. AIR-HEAD. See Air-way. AIRLESS END. The extremity of a stall in long-wall workings in which there is no current of air, or circula- tion of ventilation, but which is kept sweet by diffusion, and by the ingress and egress of tubs, men, &c. AIR-LEVEL. A level or air-way (return air-way) of former workings, made use of in subsequent deeper mining operations for ventilating purposes. AIR-PIT. A pit-shaft used expressly for ventilation. AIR-SLIT (Y.). A short head (1) driven more or less at right angles to, and between other F . 3 two heads or levels for ventilation purposes. AIR-SOLLAR. A Irattiee carried beneath the tram-rails in a heading, a, Fig. 3. AIR -WAY. Any underground gallery or passage through which a portion of the venti- lation travels or passes. ALLOWANCE. 1. Kefreshment in the shape of bread and cheese and beer supplied by the lessees or owners of a mine to surveyors who dial the workings periodically. 2. Ale sometimes given to workmen on having to perform work under unusual conditions, e. g. when they are wet through. ALLOWANCE COAL. See Colliers coals. ALL-UPS (Lei.). A mixture of every quality of coal, excepting fine slack, raised from one seam, and sold as such. USED IN COAL MINING, ETC. 5 ALL WORK (D.). Term formerly used for Long- wall, which see. ALTOGETHER-COAL. Large and small mixed. ALUM SHALE. Earth containing the mineral alum, beds of which occasionally occur in the coal measures, sometimes as an underday. ANEMOMETER. An instrument for measuring the velocity of the ventilating current in mines. ANTHRACITE. A hard, clean, bright, smokeless, and very pure variety of coal, having a conchoidal fracture, and burning with little or no flame, but containing very great local heating properties. It is much esteemed for malting and steam raising. It frequently contains over 90 per cent, of carbon ; some of the anthracites of Pembrokeshire contain as much as 9-i per cent. This coal weighs from 85 to 99 5 Ibs. per cubic foot. APPARATUS (N.). The screening appliances upon the pit bank. ARCHING. Brickwork or stonework forming the roof of any underground roadway. ARLES OR EARLES (N.). Earnest money formerly allowed to colliers at the time of hiring them. ASCENSIONAL VENTILATION. The arrangement of the ventilating currents in such-wise that the heated air shall continuously rise until reaching the bottom of the upcast shaft. Particularly applicable to steep seams or rearers. ASH-BALL (Sh.). Mixed small fragments of greenish clay, quartz, &c. 6 A GLOSSAEY OF TERMS *~ ATTLE (N.). To arrange or settle. AUGER-NOSE SHELL. A clearing tool used in boring for coal, &c., having an auger-shaped end. AVERAGE CLAUSE. One which, in granting leases of minerals (coal, ironstone, and clay in particular), pro- vides that lessees may, during (say) every year of the term, make up any deficiency in the quantity of coal, &c., stipulated to be worked, so as to balance the dead or minimum rent. AWARD (F. D.). A grant or lease of certain mine- rals. See Gale. B. BACK. 1. A plane of cleavage in coal, &c., having frequently a smooth parting and some sooty coal in- cluded in it. 2. The inner end of a heading where work is going forward or is stopped. 3. (Lei.) "To throw back into the gob or waste, the small slack, dirt, &c., made in holing. 4. (Lei.) To roll large coals out of a waste for loading into trams. BACK-BOARD (Y.). A thirl communicating with the return air-course often fitted with a regulator. BACK-BYE (N.). Work performed underground by the deputies after examining their districts in the pit, in drawing timbers in abandoned or worked-out places, repairing brattices, doors, &c., and attending and keep- ing in order the roadways, &c. BACK-CASING. A wall or lining of dry bricks used in sinking through drift deposits, the permanent walling USED IN COAL MINING, ETC. 7 being built up within it. In the north of England the use of timber cribs and planking serves the same purpose. BACK-COMING (S.). Working away the pillars left in, when getting coal inbye. BACKEN (S. S.). See Back (4). BACK-END (K). A portion of a jud. BACKING-DEALS. Deal boards or planking placed at the back of curbs for supporting the sides of a shaft liable to run (7). BACK-LASH. The return or counter blast (1) ; recoil or backward suction of the air-current produced after an explosion of fire- damp. BACK-LYE (S.). A siding or shunt on an under- ground tramway. BACK-OVERMAN (N.). A man whose duty it is to see to the safety of a district of underground workings, and of the men working in it daring the back-shift. BACK-SHIFT (N.). A second shift or relay of hewers in each day, usually commencing work a few hours after the drawing (3) of coals begins. BACK-SPLINTING (S.). A system of working a seam of coal over the goaf and across the packs of a lower one got in advance upon the long-wall method. Sack- splinting consists in taking out the upper bed of coal on either side of a gate road in short faces of say three or four yards, leaving stoops to protect the roof and roads. BACK-STAY (Y.). A wrought-iron forked bar attached to the back of trams when ascending an inclined plane, A GLOSSARY OF TERMS for throwing the trams off the rails in the event of a rope or coupling giving way* See Fig. 4. Fig. 4. BAFF-ENDS. Long wooden wedges for adjusting tubbing plates or cribs in sinking pits during the opera- tion of fixing the tubbing. BAFFLE (M.). To brush out or mix fire-damp with air in order to render it non-explosive; a dangerous practice, and not now allowed. BAFFLER (N. S.). The lever with which the throttle- valve of a winding engine is worked. BAFF-WEEK (N.). The week next after the pay week, if wages are paid fortnightly. BAG (S. S.). A quantity of fire-damp suddenly given off from the coal. BAG COAL. Coal put into coarse canvas bags and sold in small quantities. BAG OF FOULNESS (N.). A cavity in a coal seam filled with fire-damp under a high pressure, which, USED IN COAL MINING, ETC. 9 Fig. 5. when cut into, is given off with much force, and danger of causing an explosion. BAILIFF. Name formerly used for manager of a mine. BAIT (N.). Food taken by a collier during his shift. BAIT-POKE (N.). A bag for lait. BALANCE. The counterpoise or weights attached to the drum of a winding engine, to assist the engine in lifting the load out of the pit bottom, and in helping it to slacken speed when the cage reaches the sur- face. It consists often of a bunch of heavy chains suspended in a shallow shaft, the chains resting upon the pit bottom as unwound off the balance- drum attached to the main shaft of the engine. BALANCE-BOB. A large beam or lever attached to the main rods of a Cornish pumping engine, carrying, on its outer end, a counterpoise. See Fig. 5, a. BALANCE-BROW (N. S.). A self- acting inclined plane in steep seams, which is driven on the full rise of the mine, and down which the tubs of coal are lowered and the empties elevated upon a kind of carriage or platform on wheels actuated by a rope or chain from above. See Fig. 6. -/TV 10 A GLOSSAKY OF TEEMS BALANCE-PIT. The pit or shaft in which a lalance rises and falls. BALK. 1. A more or less sudden thinning out of a seam of coal, not unfre- Fig. 7. quently 100 yards in width. See diagram, Fig. 7. 2. A bar of timber for supporting the roof of the mine, or for carrying any heavy load. BALL IRONSTONE (S. S.). Strata containing argilla- ceous ironstone in the form of nodules, which range in weight up to 15 or 20 cwt. BALLSTONES (N. S.) Ancient term for ironstone. BALNSTONE (N.). Stone or rock forming the roof. BAND (S. S.). 1. A winding rope or chain. 2. A seam or thin stratum of stone, &c., often inter- stratified with coal. 3. (C.) A bed or seam of coal. BANDFUL (S. S.). A cage or strictly speaking a rope load, e.g. a handful of men, by colliers com- monly pronounced ~bontle. BANDSMAN (S. S.). A loader or filler of coal, &c., underground. BANGING-PIECES. See Catches. BANK. 1. The top of the pit, or out of the pit. 2. The surface around the mouth of a shaft. 3. To manipulate coals, &c., on the bank. 4. The whole or sometimes only one side or one end of a stall or working place underground. 5. (C.) A large heap or stack of mineral on surface. USED IN COAL MINING, ETC. 11 BANK-HEAD. The upper end of an inclined plane next to the engine or drum (2), made nearly level. See Fig. 8. Fig. 8. BANK-HOOK (M.). An iron hook with which the banksman pulls the full tubs off the eagres. BANKING. 1. (M.) Sorting and loading of coals at lank (2). 2. (C.) Heaping up minerals on surface for future sale. BANK LEVEL (Y.). The level heading out of which banks (4) are worked. BANK OUT (N.). To stack or stock coals at surface when short of wagons, &c., to load into. BANK PLATES. Cast-iron sheets with which a heap- stead or pit bank is laid or floored for the more expedi- tious manipulation of the tubs. BANK-WORK (Y.). A system of working coal in South Yorkshire (shown in plan in Fig. 9). Fig. 9. BANKSMAN. The man in attendance at the pit top for superintending the work of banking. 12 .A GLOSS AKY OF TERMS BANKSWOMAN (S. & N. W., S., L.). A female employed at lank (1) to pick the stones from and to clean the coals for the market. BANK TO BANK. A period occupied by a collier between leaving the lank (1) and returning to same. A shift. BANNOCK (Sh.). Brownish grey clay suitable for making into firebricks. BANNOCK (S. S.). To hole on the top of a seam. BANT (U.). A certain number of men, usually three or four, who in former times, prior to the introduction of cages and conductors, used to ride up and down in a pit-shaft, sitting in short loose pieces of chain attached to a hemp rope in a cluster, with their knees pointing inwards toward the centre of the shaft. There were usually two "bants, the lower or "bottom lant which was composed of men, and the upper or foaley "bant which was made up of a cluster of lads fastened a few feet above the heads of the men. There was only one rope used for raising and lowering men ; the second was a chain, which was sent up empty, or without anything attached to it, when men were descending, and vice versa. When the lant was used, at some collieries the winding-ropes or rather chains were pulled close up to the sides of the shaft, and the man-rope drum (1) was put in gear, the lant working over a third pulley in the pit frame. See Hold out! and Tucklers. BAK. A length of timber placed horizontally for supporting the roof. In some cases bars of wrought iron, about 3" X 1" X 5', are used. BAEE. To strip or cut by the side of a fault, boundary hollows, &c. USED IN COAL MINING, ETC. 13 BAEFE SATURDAY (N.) The word larfe = off. The Saturday upon which wages are not paid. BARGAIN-WORK (N.). Underground work done by contract, e. g. heading, road laying, &c. BARING. 1. The surface soil and useless strata over- lying a seam of coal, clay, ironstone, &c., which is being worked by open-hole, which has to be removed or bared preparatory to. working the mineral. 2. (Y.) Holing, which see. 3. (Y.) Using a stout iron bar to get the Cleveland ironstone down, after blasting. BARITELS (F.). See Horse-grin. BAROMETER HOLIDAY (D.). Any day on which, owing to the very low state of the barometer (for instance, when it sinks below say 29 inches), much fire- damp may naturally be expected to be given off in the mine, causing risk of explosion, no work is carried on underground. BARREN GROUND. Strata unproductive of seams of coal, &c., of a workable thickness. BARRIER. A solid block or rib of coal, &c., left un- worked between two collieries or mines for security against accidents arising from the influx of water from one to another; in width often as much as 100 yards. BARRIER SYSTEM (N.). The most modern and ap- proved method of working a colliery by pillar and stall, where solid ribs or "barriers of coal are left in between a set or series of working places ; the width of such barriers being from 40 to 50 yards. See plan, Fig. 10. BARRING. 1. The timbers in the workings for keep- ing up the roof. 2. (S.) The timber walling or casing of pit-shafts. 14 A GLOSSARY OF TERMS BARROW-MAN. One who, in former times, used to convey coals underground in a wheelbarrow from the working places to the rolley-ways. Fig. 10. BARROW- WAY (N.). The underground roads along which the barrow-men worked. BASH (S. W.). To fill with rubbish the spaces from which the coal has been worked away. Fig. 11. a, Coal Measures. b, Millstone Grit. c, Carbonaceous Limestone. BASIN. A coal-field having some resemblance in form to that of a basin. The Forest of Dean coal- USED IN COAL MINING, ETC. 15 field is perhaps the most perfectly basin-shaped one in Great Britain. See diagram, Fig. 11. BASKET (L.). A measure of weight = 2 cwt. occa- sionally used in East Lancashire. BASKETS (S. S.). Shallow pans into which small is raked by fillers for loading into tubs. BASS. Black carbonaceous shale. BASSET. 1. Outcrop, which see. 2. Shallow or rise side of a working. BASSET-EDGE. The actual outcrop or boundary of a seam, where it appears at the surface. BAT (L., S. S.). See Baffle. Batting out gas was formerly a regular though unsafe thing to do. BATE (S. S.). To excavate or cut away the floor of a mine. BATE BARREL (Lei.). After drawing a number of barrels of water out of a sump, the first barrel that there is not sufficient water to fill is called the late barrel. BATE-WORK (N.). Short work. BATT. See Bass. BAUM-POTS (Y.). Calcareous nodules found in the shale forming the roof of the "Halifax Hard" coal seam. BAY. 1. An open space for a goblin or waste between two packs in a long-wall working. 2. (L.) A loard, which see. BAYSHON (Som.). An air stopping, which see. 16 A GLOSSARY OF TERMS BEANS (N.). All coal which will pass say a half- inch screen or mesh. BEARERS (S.). Women formerly employed to bear or carry coals out of the mines upon their backs in creels, for which they were paid from Is. to Is. 2d. per day, finding their own creels and candles. BEARING DOOR. A door placed for the purpose of directing and regulating the amount of ventilation passing through an entire district of the mine. BEARING IN (S.). The depth or distance under, of the holing or kirving. BEARING-UP PULLEY. A pulley wheel fixed in a frame and arranged to tighten up or take up the slack rope in endless rope haulage. BEARING SYSTEM. The employment in former times of females to carry out upon their backs the produce of the mine. BEARS (D.). Calcareous clay-ironstone in nodules. BEATER. 1. (N.) An iron rod for stemming the hole preparatory to firing a shot. 2. (M.) A wooden mallet for consolidating, or making air-tight, the clay, when building wax walls or dams. Fig. 12. BECHE or BITCH (N. E.). A hollow conical-headed iron rod for extricating boring rods from lore holes (1). See Fig. 12. USED IN COAL MINING, ETC. 17 BED. 1. The level surface of rock upon which a curb or crib is laid. 2. A stratum of coal, ironstone, clay, &c. BELL. 1. To signal by ringing a bell. 2. (F. D.) See Sell-mould. BELLED. The widened out portion of a pit shaft at the inset in order to give plenty of room for running the trams past the shaft, and for changing them in the cages. BELL-MOULDS, BELL-MOUTHS (Som.). Conical-shaped patches of the roof, being probably the bases of the fossils called sigillaria, or the roots of trees. BELL-PIT (D.). Pits working argillaceous ironstone by the system called Bell-work, which see. BELL-SCREW or SCREW BELL. An internally threaded bell-shaped iron bar, for recovering broken or lost rods, &c , in a deep lore hole (1). See Beche. BELL WORK (D.). A system of working ironstone rake measures by underground excavations, around the pits or shafts in the form p . 13 of a bell or cone. Pits are sunk about 20 to 40 yards apart, the iron- stone is then worked away between the pits and lastly taken from the sides of the shafts, thus forming them into bells. See diagram, Fig. 13. BENCH (Pa.). 1. A small tram or car of about 7 cubic feet capacity used in the breasts for carrying coal from the face of the workings to the shoot or chute down c 18 A GLOSSAEY OF TEEMS Fig. 14. which it is dumped to the gangway platform for reload- ing into larger cars. 2. (Lei.) To wedge the bottoms up below the holing. 3. A stratum of coal forming portion of a seam ; some seams are made up of a number of benches separated by strata of shale, &c. BENCHERS (S.). Men who are employed at the bottom of inclined planes in the mine. BENCHING. 1. See Eoling. Also to break up with wedges the bottom coals when the holing is done in the middle of the seam. See Fig. 14. 2. (Ch.) The lower por- tion of the rock-salt bed worked in one operation (up to 12 feet in thickness). BENCH WORKING. The system of working one or more seams or beds of mineral by open working in stages or steps as shown in diagram, Fig. 15. Fig. 15. " BEND AWAY " or " AWAY ! " (N.) Raise the cage in the shaft. BENK (D.). See Sank (4). BENT (S.). Subsidence of roof having taken place to rear of working face, e.g. a bent roof. USED IN COAL MINING, ETC. 19 BERGMEISTEE (Pr.). An Inspector of mines. BETRIEBSFUHRER (Pr.). The mining engineer or Manager of a coal mine, who is personally responsible for the safety of the workings. He sometimes acts as an Obersteiger. BETRIEBSPLAN (Pr.). A sketch or rough plan of underground workings, proposed to be executed during the next 12 months, submitted for approval to the Bevierbeamt. BIAT or BYAT. A timber stay or beam in a pit shaft BIBBLEY KOCK (S.S.). Conglomerate or pebbly rock, BIGGIN (N.). A built-up pillar of stone or other debris in a working place or heading for a support to the roof, e.g. ligging the gob means, building a pack in a worked-out place in a pit. BILL DAY (N".). That on which viewers examine the colliery accounts, &c. BILLET (Som.). A short prop or tree of timber. BILLY. 1. (F. D.) A box for holding ironstone, carried by a boy in the mine. 2. See Billy Play/air. BILLY BOY (S. W.). A lad who attends to the work- ing of a Billy Playfair. BILLY PLAYFAIR or FAIR-PLAY (S. W.). A man's name given to a mechanical contrivance for weighing coal, consisting of an iron trough with a sort of hopper bottom, into which all the small passing through the screen is conducted and weighed off and emptied from time to time. c 2 20 A GLOSSARY OF TERMS BINCHING. 1. (Som.) The stone upon which a vein of coal rests. 2. See Benching, also Undercutting. BIND or BINDS. 1. Indurated argillaceous shale or clay, very commonly forming the roof of a coal seam and frequently containing clay ironstone. 2. (N.) To hire. BINDER. See Bind (1). BINDING (N.). Hiring of men for pit work. BING. 1. (S.) A place where coals, &c., are stocked, or debris tipped at surface. 2. (S.) To put coals on one side in wagons or in stacks at surface. BIT. A piece of steel placed in the cutting edge of a drill. BITUMINOUS COAL. A clear and free-burning variety of coal, or a flaming coal of a fuliginous character. BLACKBAND. Carbonaceous Ironstone in beds, mingled with coaly matter sufficient for its own calcination. BLACK-BATT. Black carbonaceous shale. BLACK COTTON (In.). Soil from 6 to 10 feet in thickness overlying the coal measures, which in dry weather opens and cracks up like fissures. BLACK-DAMP. Carbonic acid gas, much the same as after-damp. It will not support combustion, and is very deadly. BLACK DIAMONDS. A term frequently applied to signify coal. BLACK-JACK (D.). A kind of cannel coal. USED IN COAL MINING, ETC. 21 BLACK MUCK or BLACK MOULD (L.). A dark-brown powdery substance, consisting of silica, alumina, and iron ; found in iron mines. BLACK-RING (S. S.). In a sinking-pit, it means a thin bed or shed of coal as seen running round the shaft sides, having the appearance of a black circle or ring. BLACKS (Som.). Soft dark-coloured shale. BLACKSTONE (N.). Highly carbonaceous shale. BLAST. 1. The sudden rush of fire and gas and dust of an explosion through the underground workings and roadways of a colliery. 2. To cut or bring down coal, rocks, &c., by the explosion of gunpowder, dynamite, &c. BLAES or BLAIZE (S.). A hard-bedded sandstone, free from joints ; also a kind of under clay with balls of ironstone ; also ordinary bind. BLECK (N.). Pitch or tar upon ropes. BLEED. A coal or other stratum is said to Heed when it gives off water or gas. BLIND. 1. (F. D.) See After-damp. 2. (S.) To erect a stopping in a bolt-hole or other underground roadway. BLIND COAL. Coal altered by the heat of a trap dyke into something resembling anthracite. BLIND-PIT (L.). See Drop-staple. BLIND-ROAD or BLIND- WAY (M.). Any underground roadway not in use either for drawing coals, &c., ven- tilation, or for travelling along, having stoppings placed across it. 22 A GLOSSARY OF TERMS BLOCK COAL. Coal in large lumps. BLOCKY (B.). See Block Coal. BLOW. 1. To blast with gunpowder, &c. 2. A dam or stopping is said to How when gas escapes through it. 3. (Y.) A roof is said to Now when it commences to break in or weight. BLOWER. 1. A sudden emission or outburst of fire- damp in a mine, the gas generally coming out of the coal. They frequently continue to How (2) for many days or weeks. The pressure of the gas is at first not unfrequently as high as 300 or 400 Ib. per sq. in., but gradually decreases. The quantity of gas given off is sometimes of enormous volume, filling a great portion of the workings of an extensive colliery in a few seconds only, and extinguishing nearly every lamp in the mine. 2. A man who blasts or fires shots in a pit, or who drills the holes and charges them, ready for firing. BLOW-GEORGE. A small centrifugal fan worked by hand, for airing or ventilating a heading or pit. BLOWING KOAD (S. S.). Intake or fresh-air road in a mine. BLOWN-OUT SHOT. In blasting, when it occurs that the coal or rock bears the strain of the ignited explo- sive longer than the stemming in the hole, the result is called a Uown-out shot, or one that has gone off but not done its work. BLOWS (L.). Frequent and sudden risings of quick- sand in sinking through watery ground. BLOW-UP. 1. An explosion of fire-damp in a mine. USED IN COAL MINING, ETC. 23 2. To allow atmospheric air to get access to certain places in coal mines, so as to generate heat, and ulti- mately to cause gob fires. This is to How up a fire (4). BLUE BIND. See Bind (I). BLUE CAP. The blue or brownish-coloured halo of ignited gas (fire-damp and air) on the top of the flame of a safety lamp. To carry on work in an atmosphere which shows a cap is unsafe. BLUE GROUND (S. S.). Strata of the coal measures, consisting principally of beds of bind (1). BLUE METAL (N.). See Bind (I). BLUFT (Lei.). To extinguish or put out of sight a candle or other light. BLUE STONE (S. W.). In Caermarthenshire it is a name for "bind (1). BOARD or BORD. 1. (N.) A wide heading, usually from 3 to 5 yards. 2. ( Y.) When a seam of coal is worked parallel to the natural joints or faces intersecting it, it is said to be worked loard. 3. A plane of cleavage in coal, the line of which is generally more or less north and south. 4. A piece of board with the word Fire or Danger, or some other notice in reference to gas, safety lamps, shot-firing, dangerous roof, &c., painted upon it, to warn the men and boys in the workings. It is hung by a nail to a prop, or fixed in some other con- spicuous position, beyond or behind which the danger lurks. 24 A GLOSSAEY OF TEEMS Fig. 16. BOAED AND PILLAE. A system of working coal where the first stage of exca- vation is accomplished with the roof sustained by coal. The coal is worked out to the extent of from say 30 to 60 per cent, of the whole seam. Of course, this system is capable of very great modifi- cation, and the size of pillars is determined by the circum- stances under which the system is carried out. Fig. 16 is a sketch plan, showing an arrangement of the workings. BOAED COAL. Coal having a fibrous or woody appearance. Of the Secondary and Tertiary eras. BOAED GATES (Y.). Head- ings driven in pairs generally to the rise, out of which banks (4) or stalls are opened and worked. See plan, Fig. 17. BOAED AND WALL. See Board and Pillar. BOAED-EOOM (S.). A head- ing driven board (2). BOAED-WAY'S COUESE (N.). planes of cleavage of the coal. BOAT COAL (Pa.). Coal which is loaded into boats on canals, rivers, &c. Fig. 17. At right angles to the See Face on. USED IN COAL MINING, ETC. 25 BOB. An oscillating bell-crank or lever, through which the motion of an engine is transmitted to the pump-rods in an engine or pumping-pit. (See elevation of L ' bob/ % 18. J? g ' 18 * There are J_ bobs, L bobs, and V bobs. BOGIE. 1. (Y.) A small truck or trolly upon which a kibble is carried from a sinking pit top to the spoil "bank. 2. A weighted truck run foremost or next to the rope in a set or train. BOLL (N.). An ancient measure for coal, containing 9676 * 8 cubic inches, or -^ part of a Ten. BOLT or BOLT-HOLE (S. S.). A short narrow heading, connecting two others. BOND. 1. (N.) Agreement for hiring workmen. 2. (F. D.) A wind (5) made by a winding engine. 3. (N. S.) A bed, band, or seam of ironstone. BONE (Pa.). Hard slaty carbonaceous beds of rock. BONNET. 1. The overhead cover of a cage or Swing- ing lont usually constructed in the form of a ridge tile /\ so as to ward off the blows from anything acci- dentally falling down the shaft. 2. (S.) See Sett-mould. BONNET ROLLER, BONNET PULLEY, BONNET SHEAF. See Eat Boiler. BONT or BOND. The cage and winding rope with attachments. BONTLE (M.). A cage-full of men. BOOBEY (Som.). A kind of box holding 6 to 8 cwt. of coal in which dirt or rubbish is sent to lank (1). 26 A GLOSSARY OF TEEMS BOOLIES (N.). A collier's term for brothers. BOOT LEG (L.). A short pipe of leather through which the water is drawn from a pot-hole into a pump of a sinking set (1). BORD (Y.). A road or heading in a pit in loard and pillar workings. BORDS AND LONGWORK (Y.). A system of working coal in the manner shown in Fig. 17. The modus operandi is briefly as follows : Firstly, the main levels are started on both sides of the shafts and carried towards the boundary. Secondly, the loardgates are set away in pairs to the rise and continued as far as the boundary, or to within a short distance of a range of upper levels and other "boardgates. Lastly, the whole of the pillars and remaining coal are worked out downhill to within a few yards of the levels, and ultimately the coal between the levels is worked away. BORE. 1. To prove, by boring vertical holes, the character and thickness of strata. 2. The proportion of the sectional area of a pipe filled with running water. When a pipe is discharging water to its greatest capacity, i.e. when the pipe is quite full, it is said to be running full lore. 3. A Borehole (1), (2), (3). BORE-HOLE. 1. A hole made with a drill, auger or other tools, from 1 in. to as much as 30 ins. diameter, and to a depth of several thousand feet (5500 feet having been attained at Potsdam in America), for ex- USED IN COAL MINING, ETC. 27 ploring strata in search of minerals, for water supply, and other purposes. 2. A hole bored into the face of a coal Fi s- wall or stone drift, &c., for blasting purposes. 3. Holes bored in ribs and pillars for prov- ing the position of old workings, proving faults, letting off accumulations of gas or of water. BORE MEAL. Mud or finely chopped-up debris out of a lore-hole. BORIXG-HEAD. The group of chisels or cutters by which the strata are cut through in boring. See Bore (1), Fig. 19. BORING EODS. Square iron rods of Swedish iron of the toughest quality, made in lengths of 4 or 5 yards, having male and female screws at the extremities for con- necting them together in a bore-hole. See Fig. 20. BOSH (Water Bosh) (S.W.). A tank or tub out of which horses drink. Fig. 20. BOTTLE-JACK. An appliance for raising heavy weights in a pit. BOTTOM. The bottom of the shafts and roadways, &c., near the shafts. BOTTOMER. The person who loads the cages at the pit bottom, and gives the signals to bank (1). 28 A. GLOSSARY OF TERMS BOTTOM PILLARS. Large blocks of solid coal or mine (1), left un worked round about the pit shaft. See Shaft Pillar. BOTTOM STEWARDS (Y.). Underground officials. BOTTOMS (M.). The lowermost portion or natural division of a seam of coal, &c. The holing is sometimes done above the bottoms, and then they are benched (2), up. BOTJLEUR (Belg.). Small girls who collect the coals into heaps in the working places underground to be filled into trams by older girls. BOUTONS (S.). Masses of roof stone or shale. BOUT. 1. (M.) A coil of rope upon a drum. 2. (Lei.) A dinner or other jollification given by the owners or lessees of a colliery to their colliers and other workmen in honour of some special event, e. g. finding of coal, a coming-of-age, &c. Bow. The bent iron bar or handle suspending the body of a kibble. BOWK. An iron barrel or tub in which the debris from a sinking pit is raised. See Fig. 21. It is attached to the rope by three short Fi? 21 chains with hooks, and holds about half a ton of stuff. Box. The vehicle in which coals, &c., are conveyed from the working places along the underground roadways up the shaft and to the unloading places at bank (1). It has a capacity of from 8 to 20 cwt., varying according to the thickness of the seam worked, and the height and width of the roads ; and weighs from 3 to USED IN COAL MINING, ETC. 29 6 cwt. The wheels are from 10 to 15 inches in diameter and made of cast steel, the framework and bodies are of ash and elm strengthened with iron ribs and plates. Fig. 22. Fig. 23. Fig. 24. Figs. 22 and 23 show a side and an end elevation of a box as commonly constructed. Box BELL. See Bell-screw. Box BOTTOMS (Lei.). The small coal or slack which falls to the bottom of the loxes or tubs. It is produced by breakage in transit underground, and by sorting on the lank (1). BOXED OFF. Enclosed or protected by a wooden pipe or partition. BOXES (Pa.). "Wooden parti- tions for conducting the ventila- tion from place to place. BRACEHEAD. Wooden handles or bars for raising and rotating the rods when boring deep holes. (See Fig. 24.) The handles are firmly set in an iron socket, forming the uppermost end of the top rod, a short chain being attached to the ring on the top by which the rods are suspended from the Irake staff. Sometimes four handles are employed set cross- ways. 30 A GLOSSARY OF TERMS BRAKE. 1. A stout wooden lever to which boring rods are attached, and is worked by one or more men. 2. (N. S.) To lower trams down dips (4) by means of a wheel and rope. BRAKESMAN (N.). The man who works the winding engine. BRAKE-STAFF. See Brake (I). It has an up-and- down motion, imparted to it either by machinery or by hand. BRAKING (N.). Working a winding engine. BRANCH. 1. (Som.) An underground road or head- ing driven in measures. See diagram, Fig. 25. 2. A roadway under- ground branched off from a level, &c. BRA SHY. Short and ten- der, as Irashy bind, &c. BRASS. Iron pyrites in coaL Occurs generally in lenticular patches, small veins, and scaley partings. BRAT (N.). A thin bed or band of coal mixed with lime and iron pyrites. * BRATTICE. 1. A division or partition in a shaft, heading, or other underground working place, for pro- viding for ventilation, &c. It divides the place into two parts, one for the ingress of the fresh air, and one for the egress of the vitiated air. A brattice may be constructed of brick or stone work, of coarse clothing USED IN COAL MINING, ETC. 31 nailed to timbers, or of sheet-iron tubes about 18 inches in diameter, or of boarding. Figs. 26 and 27 show Fig. 27. cross sections of four ways of making a brattice in a heading. Strictly speaking the iron pipe system is not a brattice. 2. (M.) A built-up pillar of cordwood something like a large chock (which see), and serving a similar purpose. Called also brettice and brittice. BRATTICE-ROAD. A gateroad through the goaf sup- ported by brattices (2) or timber packs. Fig. 28 gives a cross section of a roadway of this description. Fig. 28. BRATTICE WALL. The bratticed side of an aircourse or other road. BRAZZIL (M.). See Brass. BREAK. 1. A crack or small natural cavity or fracture in the coal seam. 32 A GLOSSARY OF TERMS 2. A crack, often several inches in width, proceeding from old workings or hollows. BREAK IN (S.). To commence to hole. BREAKAGE CLAUSE. A clause inserted in some mining leases providing for an abatement of royalty or allowance on weight for a certain weight of small coal or breakage sent out in every ton of large coal, e.g. 120 Ibs. in every 2640 Ibs. or collier's ton. BREAKER. 1. (N.) A large crack formed in the roof next to the goaf. See Break (1). 2. (Som.) A coal getter or "hewer." 3. (I.) A collier who wedges down coal and fills it into tubs. BREAKER BOY (Pa.). A lad who attends to a coal- breaking machine. BREAKING BAND (S.). A method of setting or fixing props in the workings, in lines running diagonally to the line of the face or wall. BREAKING-DOWN MACHINES. Mechanical appliances, such as wedges, &c., worked by compressed air or by hydraulic power, for bringing down the coals after they are holed. BREAKING UP (CL). A system under which a skilled miner engages an unskilled man, the former paying the latter a mere labourer's wages until he becomes able to demand the wage that experience has made him worth. BREAK OFF. To drive a thirl or bolt-hole, &c., out of a gate-road, level, &c. BREAK UP (M.). To cut away and remove the floor. USED IN COAL MINING, ETC. 33 BREAST. 1. (Pa.) A stall 10 yards in width. 2. (I.) A stall in a steep seam from 12 to 18 yards wide. They are carried one above another from the lowest level to the rise. Fig. 29 shows a section of three Breasts Fi s- 29 - with the unworked coal between them. 3. (Lei.) To take down or get a buttock of coal end on [i.e. working it off in a direction at a right angle with the line of the Face (1)] in a long-wall stall when the roof has fallen in close up to the working face, thus preventing work going on in the ordinary way. BREAST AND PILLAR (Pa.). A system of working anthracite coal by boards 10 yards in width, with narrow pillars 5 yards wide between them, holed through at certain intervals. See Board and Pillar. The breasts are worked from the dip to the rise. BREAST-BORE (S.). A borehole (3) put in parallel with the seam, made and kept in advance of a working- place, for the purpose of ascertaining the position of old works, tapping water, letting off gas, &c. BREAST-EYES (L.). See Day, Day-hole. BREAST-HEADS. Natural joints in rock, coal, &c. BREASTING. 1. (N. S.) A short leading stall, worked at right angles to, and forming the face (1), of the main levels. 2. Wide heading or level. BREATHER. An apparatus brought out by a Mr. Fleuss for use in impure atmospheres, enabling a man D A GLOSSARY OF TERMS Fig. 30. to enter and explore underground workings filled with noxious gases. It consists of a mask or mouthpiece, a knapsack, and an elastic air-reservoir or bag, and is charged with oxygen gas, which the wearer inhales, and, by an ingenious arrangement, breathes over and over again ; and consequently can remain in gas for several hours at a time (Fig. 30). A special form of safety-lamp is used with the breather, constructed upon the same principle. BREECHING (M.). Drawing loaded trams down hill underground. BREEDING FIRES (S. S.). Spon- taneous combustion in a mine. See Gob Fire. BREESE (S.). Fine slack. BRICK COAL. Small and rough quality of coal suitable for brick kilns and similar purposes. BRICK FUEL (S. W.). Patent Fuel. BRICKING. The walling or casing of a pit-shaft. BRIDAL (S.). A contrivance for preventing tubs from overturning upon steep inclined planes (1 in 3 or 4). BRIDGE. 1. See Air Grossing. 2. A platform on wheels running upon rails, for covering the mouth of a pit-shaft when landing coal, debris, or men at surface. BRIDLE CHAINS. Short chains by which a cage is attached to a winding rope. Either four or six are used. BRIERS (N.). Beams or girders fixed across a shaft top. USED IN COAL MINING, ETC. 35 BRIGHT-HEADS (Y.). Backs (1) or slines. BRING-BACK. To work away the pillars of coal or the Iroken from the boundary towards the pit bottom. BRIQUETTES (Belg.). See Brick Fuel. BRITCHING (S.). Horse's tackle used when the tub precedes the horse upon a steep incline. BRITISH (S.). A kind of pack or luilding. BROADSTONE BIND, &c. Bind (1) which breaks up into large blocks or slabs. BROADWALL (N.). See Longwall. BROBS (M.). Short thick timber props or sprags for supporting the coal whilst it is being holed. They are set about half way under the Ming. See Fig. 31. BROKEN. That part of a mine where the mineral has already been partially worked away, and where the remainder is in course of being extracted. See Fig. 10. BROKEN GROUND. Faulty or unproductive measures. BROKEN JUD (N.). A jud in course of being worked off from the whole. BROW. 1. (L.) An underground roadway leading to a working-place, driven either to the rise or to the dip. 2. A low place in the roof of the mine, giving insufficient head-room. BROW-BAR (M.). A massive curl or beam of timber fixed in the walling of the shaft across the top of the insit. 36 A GLOSSARY OF TERMS BROWN COAL. Woody or peaty-looking coal of a brown or black colour found in the Secondary and Tertiary rocks. BROW UP (L.). An inclined roadway driven to the rise. See Brow (1) and Upbrow. BRUSH. 1. (M.) To mix gas with air in the mine by buffetting it with a jacket, &c. This is done to render it inexplosive. It is a very dangerous practice, and not now allowed. 2. (F. D.) A rich brown haematite iron ore. 3. (Som.) See Altogether Coal. 4. (S.) To take down or rip the roof. BRUSHERS (S.). Men who brush (4) the roof, build packs and stoppings, which work is called Crushing. BRUSHING-BED (S.). The stratum Irushed or ripped. BRUSKINS {M.). Small coal in lumps about a pound in weight each. BUCKET. The top valve or clack of a lifting set (1) of pumps. It is attached to the lower end of the rods, Fig. 32. and works within a long pipe or barrel. Fig. 32 is a plan and side view of an ordinary pump bucket. BUCKETING. The operation of taking out a worn-out pump bucket or clack, and replacing it with a new one, in connection with pumps fixed in an engine-pit, or belonging to the Cornish system of pump- ing. BUCKET SWORD. A wrought-iron rod to which a pump bucket is attached, having at its upper end a knock ing-off joint. USED IN COAL MINING, ETC. 37 BUCKET-TREE. The pipe between the working barrel and the windbore. BUCK WHEAT (Pa.). Anthracite which will pass a screen varying in width between -J and J of an inch. BUGGIED (Pa). Trammed or put, which see. BUGGY (Pa.). A small car or tram of about 7 cubic feet capacity, used in the breasts for conveying the coal from the faces to a shoot, or chute, down which it is dumped to the gangway platform for reloading into larger cars. BUILDERS-UP. Men who make packs, set timber, &c., in some ironstone mines. BUILDING (S.). A built up block, or pillar of stone or coal to carry the roof. BUILDING-STONE (S.). Sandstone or bind (1) suit- able for pack building. BULK. 1. (B.) See Dip. 2. Coal in large and small lumps in large quantities. BULKHEADS. See Chock. BULL (N.). 1. An iron rod for preparing a shot-hole in watery ground, and when the hole has to be lined with clay. Using a bull is called bulling. 2. See Backstays. BULL ENGINE. A single-acting pumping engine constructed upon the direct-acting principle, that is to say, it has no beam or toothed gearing, the cylinder being inverted and fixed directly over the pit-shaft, the pump-rods forming a continuation of the piston-rod. 38 A GLOSSARY OF TERMS BULLER SHOT (S.). A second one put in close to and to do the work not done by a llown-out shot, loose powder being used. BULLIONS (L.). Nodules of clay ironstone, iron pyrites, shales, &c., which generally enclose a fossil. BULL- WHEEL (Pa.). A wheel upon which the rope carrying the boring rods is coiled when boring by steam machinery. BUMP. A very sudden breaking, sometimes accom- panied by a settling down, or upheaval of, the strata, during the working away of the mineral, accompanied by a loud report or bumping noise heard in the mine. BUMPERS (M.). See Catches (3). BUNKERS (S.W.). Steam coal consumed on board ship. BUNTON, or BUNTEN. See Biat. BURDEN (Pa.). A charge of gunpowder, dynamite, &c., used in blasting coal or rock. BURE (F., Belg.). A coal-pit. BURGT (L.). Slack, or small coal. BURNT-STUFF (M.). The contents of a spoil lank which has been thoroughly burned by spontaneous combustion. [A good material, when broken up and riddled, for stowing into the sites of gob-fires, and for packing in solid behind clay dams or stoppings.'] BURR (L.). Yery compact siliceo-ferruginous sand- stone. BUSTER (really BURSTER). A machine for breaking down coals, &c., without the employment of blasting powder. USED IN COAL MINING, ETC. 39 BUSTLE (Y.). Hurry in getting or working coal, or in performing other colliery work. BUSTY (N.). BUTTERFLY VALVE or CLACK. Pump valves con- structed to open as shewn by dotted lines in Fig. 32. See Bucket. BUTTOCK. That portion of a working face of coal, &c., next to be taken down. BUTTOCKERS. Men who work at the buttock, or break out the coal ready for the filers. BUTTY. 1. (M.) A man who works a stall. He is a contractor, and performs or pays for the whole of the work done in getting and sending out the coal, &c., and keeping the stall in proper and safe working order. He sets the timber, rips the gates, holes, packs, fills coal into tubs, and is responsible to the manager for every- thing connected with his place (1), including the quality of the coal sent out. Sometimes as many as ten butties work a stall; they divide the money which is left over after paying the holers, fillers, and boys. They also pay for their own candles, smith's and carpenter's work, and find their own picks and other tools. Often termed a "Butty Collier." See First Man, Joey. 2. (M.) A man who sorts and fills into trucks, boats, &c., the coals upon the lank (1), for which he is paid by the ton. Known as a " Butty Banksman." 3. (M.) A mate, partner, friend, or fellow- workman. BUTTYMAN (Y.). Contractors for getting coal, &c. See Butty. BUTTYSHIP (S. S.). The prevailing mode of raising 40 A GLOSSARY OF TERMS the Ten- Yard coal seam. The contractor gets, fills in pit, and delivers coals to place of sale (masters finding timber, engine-power, and loaders into boats, &c.), finding all tools, horses, skips, corn, candles, powder, pit-beer, &c. BUTTY SYSTEM (S. S., N. S., M.). When a pit is worked by contract, it is said to be worked upon the butty system. BYARD. See Biat. BYE CHAINS (S. W.). Hauling ropes (?) for dip in- clined planes. BYE-WORK (M.). Odd work, or that which is paid for by the day, in connection with the underground roads, &c. The men who perform it are called Bye- workmen. c. CABIN. A small room fitted with wooden benches, a table, &c., in which the Manager, and other under- ground officials meet for consultation, writing reports on the state of the mine workings, having their bait, &c. In many large collieries there are several cabins, viz. underviewer's cabin, men's cabin, lamp cabin, &c. Also on the pit bank there is always a banksman s cabin. CAGE. The apparatus in which the tubs of coal, the men, horses, and materials are raised and lowered in the shaft. Cages are constructed to carry from one to eight tubs or from 10 to 90 cwt. of coal, and are generally USED IN COAL MINING, ETC. 41 made of steel, and run up to 3J tons in weight. A cage for holding four tubs is shown in Fig. 33. Fig. 33. Fig. 34. CAGE CACi Guidf CAGE GUIDES. Vertical rods of pine, rails or rods of steel or iron fixed to luntons in pit-shafts ; or wire cables fixed or suspended and weighted at pit bottom to prevent oscillation, between which the cages run, and whereby they are prevented from striking one another or against any portion of the shaft and the fittings con- tained therein. Fig. 31 is a plan showing a good arrangement of such guide when wire rope ones are used. CAGE SEAT. Scaffolding, sometimes fitted with strong springs or with indiarubber blocks, to take off the shock, upon which the cage drops on reaching the pit bottom. CAGING (N. S.). The operation of changing the tubs on a cage. 42 A GLOSSARY OF TERMS CAGE SHUTS (S.). Short props or catches upon which cages stand during caging. Fig. 35. CAKING COAL. Coal Fig. 35. of a bituminous nature, and has the property of agglomerating. It is not a free or open burning coal, and requires much poking on the fire. CALE (M.). A specified number of tubs taken into a working place during the shift. CALING (M.). Conveying tubs into the stalls out of turn irregularly so that each is not supplied with an equal number during the day from each train or set. CALLER (N.). A miner who goes round the villages two hours or so before work commences, to call up the men who first descend the pit to examine it in a morning. CALLEY-STONE (Y.). A kind of gannister, which see. CALLIARD or GALLIARD (N.). A hard, smooth, flinty grit-stone. CALLOW. The "baring or cover of open workings. CALMSTONE (S.). CANCH or CAUNCH (N.). That part of the roof of an underground roadway, which has to be taken down, or of the floor to be broken up, in order to equalize the gradient of such roadway. Fig. 36 is a diagram show- ing the bottom canch I, and the top one a, which are USED IN COAL MINING, ETC. 43 produced in consequence of the fault slip throwing the level of one roadway above the other. Fig. 36. CANK or CANKSTONE (D. Lei.). See Burr. CANKER. The ochreous sediment in coal-pit waters, being bicarbonate of iron precipitated by the action of the air upon that mineral. CANNEL. A coal rich in hydrogen, produces much gas, and has a hard, dense structure. This word is derived from Canwyl, meaning a candle, from the readiness with which it lights and gives off a steady flame. CANNON-SHOT, See Blown-out Shot. CANNONIER (F.). See Fireman. CANT. To slip or heel over to one side. CANTEEN (N.). A small wooden barrel in which a collier takes his tea, &c., for refreshment during his skiff. CAP. 1. See Blue Cap. 2. See Bar. Fig. 37. 3. An attachment between a rope end and a chain, &c. : it te riveted on to the rope. See Fig. 37. CAPPING. See Cap (3). 44 A GLOSSARY OP TERMS CAB. I. (N. S.) See Canter. 2. (Pa.) A box or tram (holds 75 to 140 cubic feet of coal). CARBONATES. Black imperfectly crystallised form of diamond used for rock boring ; the abrasion of the diamond removes the rock in an annular form, pro- ducing cores, which see. CARRIAGE. See Cage. CARROT. A solid cylindrical specimen or core cut in a lorehole (1). CART (Som., S. W.). A tram with or without wheels for conveying coals underground in thin seams. CARTING (Som.). Hauling coals underground in thin seams. CART TRADE (Som.). See Land Sale. CARTRIDGES. 1. Paper or water-proof cylindrical cases filled with gunpowder, forming the charge for blasting. They are usually about 1 inches in diameter, and contain a quarter, half, and three-quarters of a pound of powder. 2. Short cylinders (about 4 inches long and 2 J inches in diameter) of highly compressed caustic lime made with a groove along the side, used in breaking down coal. See Lime Cartridge. CARVING. 1. (Lei.) A wedge-shaped vertical cut or cutting at the fast end of a stall. 2. (Lei.) The air-way formed along the side of the goaf between the solid coal and a pack wall. See Cutting, Fig. 50. CASE BOOK (N.). A book kept at a colliery in which the name and description of every horse or pony USED IN COAL MINING, ETC. 45 which is off work for 24 hours or longer, and the driver's name, is entered. It is examined periodically by the viewer, the reason and cause of every animal being off work being fully enquired into. CASH (S.). Soft shale or Und. CAT, or CATCH-EARTH (S. S.). A clunchy rock. CATCHER. 1. A safety or disengaging hook for over- winding. 2. (L.) See Cage Shuts. 3. Very strong beams in pit-shafts (of oak or wrought iron) to catch the rods, &e., of pumps in case of a break down, to prevent them falling downwards. CATCHES. 1. Iron levers or props at the top and bottom of a pit shaft. See Cage Shuts. 2. Iron stops fitted on a cage to keep trams from running off. 3. Projecting blocks of wood attached to pump spears for preventing damage in case of a break down. CATCH SCAFFOLD. A platform or cradle in a pit- shqft, placed a few feet beneath a working scaffold in case of accident. CATHEADS (N.). Nodular or ball ironstone. CATRAKES. Cataracts of a Cornish pumping engine, first introduced by Boulton and Watt. CAVILLING KULES (N.). Kules or bye-laws in reference to cavils and wages. CAVILS (N.). Lots, drawn for quarterly by hewers for every working place in the pit : in the broken or in splitting pillars, one pillar equals a cavil. CAULDRONS (S. W.). See Bed Moulds. 46 A GLOSSARY OF TEEMS GAUM (CuM.). CERTAIN BENT. See Dead Eent. CHAIN-BROW WAY. An underground inclined plane worked by an endless chain. CHAIN KOAD. An underground wagon-way worked upon the endless chain system of haulage. CHAIR. See Cage. CHALK and PIPE-CLAY (N.). An expression used by sinkers and borers for gypsum. CHAMBER AND PILLAR (Pa.). See Breast and Pillar. CHALDER WAGON (N.). A railway truck holding 53 cwt. of coals. CHALDRON (N.). An ancient measure (Ghalder) equal to 2000 Ibs., but 53 cwt. is now customary, though seldom used. CHALKING-ON (N.). Keeping an account of the number of tubs sent out of a stall, &c. CERTIFICATED MANAGER. See Manager. CHANCE MEASURE. Any seam or bed of coal or other rock occupying an unusual or foreign position in the strata. CHANGER AND GRATHER (N.). A man whose duty it is to keep the pump buckets and clacks in working order about a colliery. CHAP. 1. (S.) A customary and rough mode of judging from the sound, of the thickness of solid coal existing between two places near to each other. The sound is produced by knocking with a hammer on the solid coal. 2. (S.) To examine the face of the coal, &c., for the sake of safety, by knocking on it lightly. USED IN COAL MINING, ETC. 47 CHARGEMAN (M.). A man specially appointed by the manager to fire shots and to look after the blowers (2). CHARGEUE (Belg.). A woman or girl who loads coal into trams in the mine. CHARTER (M.). A price per ton paid to butties. CHARTER MASTER. Head butty or contractor. CHECK. A. fault, which see. CHECK-WEIGHMAN. A man appointed and paid by the colliers (1) to weigh the coals on reaching the surface. He must have been employed in the mine, and must not interfere with the ordinary weighman. CHEEK. A projecting mass of coal, &c. CHEESES (D.). Clay ironstone in cheese-shaped no- dules. CHEMIST'S COAL (S.). An ancient term given to a particular kind of hard splint coal which used to be carried by women in their shifts or chemises out of the mines. The word chemise became changed into chemists. CHERKERS (F. D.). See Catheads. CHERRY COAL. A soft, velvet-black, caking, bright resinous coal. CHEST (S.). A tank or barrel in which water is drawn from the sump. CHIMNEY. A spout or pit in the goaf of vertical coal-seams. CHIMNEY WORK (M.). A system of working a great thickness of beds, or pins of clay ironstone, in patches or areas of from 10 to 30 yards square, and 18 or 20 feet in thickness. The bottom beds are first worked out, and then the higher ones, by the miners standing 48 A GLOSSARY OF TERMS upon the fallen debris; and so on upwards in lifts (3). See Bake. See Fig. 38. Fig. 38. CHINGLE (S.). Portion of the coal-seam used for stowing purposes. CHINKS (S.). Holes in Irattices. CHITTER. 1. (L.) A seam of coal overlying another one at a short distance. 2. (D.) A thin band or pin of clay ironstone. CHOCK. A square pillar constructed of short rec- tangular blocks of hard wood, for supporting the roof. They are generally built upon a few inches of slack, or rubbish. See Fig. 39. USED IN COAL MINING, ETC. 49 CHOGS (Y.). Blocks of wood for keeping pump-trees or other vertical pipes plumb. See Fig. 40. CHOKE DAMP. See Black Damp. CHOP (Som.). See Fault. CHUMP. To drill a sliot-hole by hand. CHURNS (F. D.). Ironstone workings in cavern- shaped excavations. A kind of rough chamber and pillar system of working. CHUTE (Pa.). A lolt or thirl connecting a gangway with a heading. CINDER COAL. Coal near to a trap or whin dyke, of altered nature, due to the heat of the lava. CIRCLES (Ch.). Wavy, undulating lines of various colours frequently seen in the sides of shafts, on the pillars, faces, and roof of rock-salt mines. They vary from a few feet to a few yards across, and are caused by the form of the stratification of the rock salt, which is usually spheroidal, or wavy and undulating, being cut through or dressed to a plane. CIRCLE SPOUTS. See Garland (1). CLACK. The lower valve of a lifting or forcing set (1) of pumps, made something like a bucket, without the central rod. CLACK-DOOR PIECE. A cast-iron pipe, having a door- way made in the side of it for giving access to the clack. The clack-door is an iron plate bolted to the door-piece. CLAGGY. Sticky. 50 A GLOSSARY OF TERMS CLAMS or CLAMMS. Strong iron clamps for firmly holding pipes, ropes, &c., in shafts, or on inclined planes. CLANNY. A safety-lamp, the invention of one Dr. Clanny. First exhibited in Sunderland in the year 1813. The lower part of the lamp- top around the flame is constructed of a thick glass ring, above which is the wire gauze chimney. It is a lamp which gives a good light, aDd indicates freely the presence of fire- damp, but is not so safe a lamp as some others. CLAY. In mining language usually means tender shale, or indurated clay. CLAY BAND (S. W.). Argillaceous ironstone in thin beds, very numerous in the lower coal measures. CLAY DAM. 1. (M.) A stopping made of puddled and well-beaten clay, from 12 in. to 36 in. thick, and well rammed into the roof, floor, and sides of the excavation made to receive it. 2. A stopping consisting of two walls of stout planks placed 18 to 24 inches apart, and supported on the outsides by upright props ; good strong clay well beaten and puddled into the space between the walls of planks forms a tolerably strong barrier against water pressure. CLAY-HOG (M.). Kind of wash faults, or lows. See Fig. 70 (No. 2). CLAYING. Lining a borehole (2) with clay, to keep the powder dry. CLAYING IRON. See Butt (1). USED IN COAL MINING, ETC. 51 CLAY-IRONSTONE. A dull brown or black compact form of siderite, with a variable mixture of clay, and usually also organic matter. Occurs in the carbo- niferous and other formations in the form of either nodules, where it has usually been deposited round some organic centre, or of beds interstratified with shales and coals. CLEADING. Deal boarding for Itratticing or lagging. CLEAN. 1. (N.) Free from firedamp or other noxious gases. 2. A coal-seam is said to be clean when it is free from dirt partings. CLEANSER, or CLANSER. An iron tube or shell, with which the lore-meal is extracted from a bore-hole (1). CLEAR. See Clean. CLEARERS (I.). Colliers who hole the coal, working at distances of say three or four yards apart along the face. CLEAT. 1. Natural jointing of coal seams, with generally a north and south direction, irrespective of dip or strike. 2. (M.) A wooden wedge four or five inches square placed between the head of a puncheon and the under- side of a lar or cap. CLEATS (N.). A system of natural joints or fissures running through the great northern coal-field of Dur- ham, &c., ranging N.N.W. CLEAVINGS. Horizontal divisions of beds of ccal, &c., or in the direction of the laminae. E 2 52 A GLOSSAEY OF TEEMS CLEEK. 1. (S.) To load cages at the pit-bottom, or at mid-workings. 2. (S.) A haulage clip. CLIFF or CLIFT (S. W.). Shale which is laminated, splitting easily along the planes of deposition. See Bind. CLINKER. See Cinder Coal. CLIP. See Haulage Clip. CLIP PULLEY. A wheel containing clips in the groove for gripping a wire rope. CLIVVEY. A Q-shaped iron ring, by which a chain is attached to a rope cap (3). CLOD (D. Lei.). Indurated clay, not flaky. CLOD-TOPS (F. D.). Overclays, or clayey beds over- lying seams of coal. CLOG-PACK (Y.). See Chock. CLOGS (M.). Short pieces of timber about 24" x 6" X 3" fixed between the roof and a prop. CLOSE WORK. 1. Driving a tunnel, or drifting be- tween two coal-seams. 2. (S.) See Narrow Work CLOSING APPARATUS. Sliding-doors or other me- chanical arrangement at the top of an upcast shaft for allowing the cages, &c., to pass up and down without disturbing the ventilation of the mine. Fig. 41 shows a side elevation of a self-acting arrangement, in which horizontal iron doors or slides are actuated by long levers or arms worked to and fro by the cages. USED IN COAL MINING, ETC. Fig. 41. 53 CLOT. See Clod. CLOTHING. Brattice constructed of a coarse canvas specially prepared. CLUMPEB (F. D.). A large mass of fallen stone in the mine. CLUNCH (M.). A kind of hard earthy Fireclay. COAL. 1. All vegetable matter which has been changed under the influence of ages of time, and which is capable of undergoing combustion in contact with oxygen. It is fossil fuel fuel produced and stored up in bygone ages, which by chemical and physical agencies, with and without the presence of heat and moisture, has been modified or resolved into the various forms which bear this name. It is a compact black 54 A GLOSSARY OF TERMS rock or mass, having a fracture usually of resinous lustre, usually friable, inflammable, burning with flame, smoke, and smell. The substance of coal is principally carbon, viz., 74 to 97 per cent. The sp. gr. varies between 1 3 and 1 * 5. The weight of a cubic foot of solid coal equals 74 to 82 Ibs. ; heaped coal from 45 to 55 Ibs. It occupies from 40 to 50 cubic feet per ton in the heaped or broken state. It occurs in beds or seams intercalated between strata of shale clay, sand- stone, &c., in geological formations of Palaeozoic, Secondary, and Tertiary age. The thickness of coal- seams ranges from mere sheds (3) to between 100 and 200 feet. 2. Coal in large lumps, as distinguished from slack or small. COAL BEARING (S.). The ancient custom of em- ploying women to carry out on their backs the produce of the mine. COAL BED. A formation in which there are one or more strata of coal : the stratum or strata of coal them- selves. COAL BRASSES (S. W.). Iron pyrites in coal seams. COAL BREAKER (Pa.). Machinery consisting of iron rolls, shoots, and screening apparatus for preparing anthracite for the market. COAL-CUTTING MACHINE. An engine with mechanism combined, generally worked by compressed air, for holing or undercutting a seam of coal. COAL-DRAWING. The operation of raising or winding (1) coals at a colliery. USED IN COAL MINING, ETC. 55 COAL-DROP. Broad shallow inclined trough, down which coals are discharged from waggons into the holds of colliers (2) and other vessels. COAL DUNS (F. D.). Coal measure shales, &c. COAL DUST. Very finely-powdered dust suspended in the air-currents in mines, composed of coal and other finely-divided substances. It is capable of extending and aggravating an explosion of fire-damp. When mixed with even less than 1 per cent, of this gas, an explosive mixture is obtained under certain conditions. COAL FACE. The working face or wall of a stall, composed wholly of coal. COAL-FIELD. A district containing workable mines of coal ; generally applied to areas composed chiefly of the coal measures, though rocks of more recent date may overlie them, or they may be partially submarine. The thickness of some coal-fields is very great, that of Saarbrucken in Germany being 20,000 feet, South Wales, 14,000 feet. The number of separate coal-fields in England is sixteen, Scotland six, Ireland five, covering an aggregate area of something like 5000 square miles. The following figures represent the total thickness of coal measures and of the various coal beds contained therein, in some of the principal dis- tricts : Coalfield. Feet. Feet. North of England . . . . 2 , 100 of measures, 50 of Goal Midland 3,000 45 Scotland 4,344 95 Lancashire and Cheshire .. 7,000 70 N.Staffordshire 5,000 140 S- 1,800 50 Warwickshire 3,000 26 56 A GLOSSARY OF TEEMS Coalfield. Feet. Feet. Leicestershire 1 , 800 of measures, 45 of Coal. 5,000 81 2,300 27 10,000 179 1,800 17 7,218 294 2,750 70 Bristol and Somerset . . Forest of Dean . . South Wales Ireland Prussia Pennsylvania India 12,000 350 China (10, 000 sq. miles) .. 40 Although Great Britain has during the last thirteen or fourteen years been producing over 100,000,000 tons of coal annually (156,500,000 during 1882) from about 3,800 collieries, it has been estimated that there remains something like 135,000,000,000 tons still available, which includes all coal seams above 2 feet in thickness to a depth of 4000 feet, after deducting 40 per cent, for loss and other contingencies. COAL-GETTEK. One who cuts, holes, hews, or lloivs coal in the mine. COAL HAGGER (N.). One who is employed in cutting or hewing coal in the pit. COAL HEUGHS (S.). Mounds of refuse about old pits. They date as far back as 1545. COALING (M.). Engaged in cutting [see Cut (2)] and getting coal. COAL-MASTEE. The owner or lessee of a coal-field or colliery, who works it and disposes of its produce. COAL MEASURES. The upper division or series oi. the carboniferous system of rocks, containing almost exclu- sively the whole of the coal of the earth. COAL PIPE. 1. The carbonised annular coating or bark of a fossil plant. USED IN COAL MINING, ETC. 57 2. A very thin seam of shed of coal. COAL PRINTS (N.). Thin films or patches of coal- like matter interbedded with shale, &c. COAL-RAKE (D.). A seam or bed of coal. COAL EOAD. An underground roadway or heading, made or driven entirely within the seam, or one having a coal roof and floor as well as coal sides. COAL SALAD (S. W.). A mixture of various sorts of coal. COAL SEAM. See Coal Bed. COAL SHALE (F. D.). See Coal Measures. COAL SHED. A bed of coaly matter only a few inches in thickness, and therefore unworkable. COAL SMITS (Y.). Worthless, earthy coal. See Coal Smut. COAL SMUT. A black, earthy coaly stratum at or near the surface. The outcrop of a coal seam. COAL-STONE. A kind of cannel. COAL WARRANT (N. W.). A kind of elunch or fire- clay forming the floor of a coal seam. COAL WASHING. See Washing Apparatus. COAL WORK (N.). Headings, &o., driven in a seam of coal. COB (D.). A small solid pillar of coal left in a waste as a support for the roof. COBBLES. Mound coal in smallish lumps. COBBLING. Cleaning the roads in the pit of coals which have fallen off the trams during the turn (I). 58 A GLOSSAEY OF TERMS COCKERMEGS. Timber props fixed in the manner shown in Fig. 42, to support the coal during holing. Fig. 42. COCKERPOLE. A piece of timber placed horizontally between two inclined pieces which abut against the roof &&& floor. See Fig. 42, Cockermegs. COCKERS. See Cockermegs. COCKERSPRAGGS. See Cockermegs. COCKHEAD (D.). A description of pack or support to the roof of a waste, consisting of a goblin of slack or rubbish about 12 feet in width, surmounted by a few lumps of coal. COFFEKING. Watertight casing or walling of a shaft without the employment of metal tubbing. It consists in lining the shaft to stop the influx of feeders of water where the head of water is not great by means of brick- work set in hydraulic mortar backed with puddled clay or with soil ; the water being allowed to escape down a wooden pipe called a plug-box during the putting in of the coffering. COG. 1. See Chock. 2. (S. S.) A pack, which see. COG AND KUNG-GIN. One of the earliest appliances USED IN COAL MINING, ETC. 59 for raising the coals and water from coal pits.- It was a kind of windlass fitted with a cog-wheel and pinion arrangement, and worked by a horse in much the same way as our nineteenth century horse-gins are worked. COGGER. One who builds up cogs (I) (2). COGGING (S. S.). The propping up of the roof in longivall stalls. COKE-COAL (N.). Carbonised or partially burnt coal found on the sides of whin dykes. COKING COAL. A coal having the property of being converted into large and hard cokes, free from sulphur, &c. COLD FURNACE (N.). A drift driven up into an upcast shaft to convey the return air into it instead of passing it over the furnace fire. This is done to guard against any gas in the return air firing (3) from the heat of the furnace. COLD PIT (Lei.). A downcast pit. Called cold because the fresh or cold air comes down it. COLLAR (N.). The mouth of a pit-shaft. COLLAR-CRIB (N.). A strong oak polygonal frame fixed in a shaft, upon which the wooden wedying crib of solid wood tubbing is bedded. COLLARING. Timber framing for steadying and sup- porting pump trees in a shaft. See Chogs, Fig. 40. COLLIER. 1. Strictly speaking, a man who cuts or hews coal with a pick, though commonly applied to any one who works in or about a colliery. 60 A GLOSSAEY OF TEEMS 2. A steam or sailing vessel carrying a cargo of coals from staithes and drops (2) coastwise. COLLIEK'S COALS. A certain weight of coals allowed periodically (once in a month or six weeks) by the owners to the cottiers (1) and other men employed on the works, who are in most cases householders, as a perquisite. The colliers, however, are not as a rule paid for cutting and hauling these coals. COLLIEK'S (1) TON. A weight of often several cwt. in addition to the standard ton or 2240 Ibs. In former times as much as 28 cwt. was reckoned as one ton. COLLIERY. A place where coal is mined, with its machinery and plant. COLLIERY CONSUMPTION. The amount of fuel con- sumed in generating steam and for other purposes in and about a colliery establishment. COLLIEEY WARNINGS. Telegraphic messages de- spatched from the Government meteorological stations to the principal colliery centres to warn the managers of mines when any sudden fall of the barometer is taking place, in order that extra vigilance and care may be taken in guarding against the effects of possible sudden outbursts of fire-damp, or of unusually large quantities of that gas being given off from old workings, &c., as a consequence of a reduced atmospheric pressure. COLUMN. 1. The rising main (either fixed vertically or inclined) or length of pump-trees or pipes conveying the water from the mine to the surface. 2. Ventilating column, which see. USED IN COAL MINING, ETC. 61 3. See Carrot. COMB COAL. COME (Come Water). The constant or regular flow of water in a mine proceeding from old workings or from watery rocks. COMET (S. W.). An open-burning hand lamp with a long torch-like flame. COMING UP TO GRASS or COMING UP TO DAY. A common term used by miners for the word Basset. COMPANY. A number of butty colliers who work and carry on a stall, &c. COMPOUND VENTILATION (N.). The system, first practised by Buddie, of dividing up or splitting the air, and of ventilating the workings of a coal mine by giving to each district or panel a separate quantum of fresh air, and conveying away the return air to a main return direct from each panel. CONDUCTORS. See Cage Guides. CONE-IN-CONE COAL. Steam or anthracite coal exhibiting a peculiar fibrous structure passing into a singular toothed arrangement of the particles called cone-in-cone coal or crystallised coal. CONICAL DRUM. The rope roll or drum of a winding engine constructed in the form of two truncated cones placed back to back, the outer ends or sides being usually the smallest in diameter. See Fig. 43. The winding ropes are wound and unwound in a spiral form, and rest in channels or grooves of iron riveted upon the 62 A GLOSSARY OP TEEMS Fig. 43. lagging. Drums of this description are in use chiefly at deep pits where a large output is required and a high speed of winding is a necessity. They range from say 12 feet to 32 feet in diameter, and, together with the main shaft, weigh as much as 60 tons. The object of ^ the spiral or scroll form is to equalise the load upon the engines at all points during the lift or run, without the employment of any special balancing arrangements, such as chains, &c. CONSEY (S.). A branch underground road in stoop and room workings. CONVERTING COAL (M.). A local name given to a coal suitable for steel-making purposes at Sheffield, &c. COOMING (S.). CORES. The cylindrical-shaped samples of strata produced by the Diamond system of boring (1). They vary in diameter from 1 to 18 inches, and are obtained whole in lengths of many feet under favourable cir- cumstances. CORF-BATTER or CORF-BITTER (N.). A lad who cleans the dirt or mud off corves. CORF, CORFLE, or CORVE (N.) (from the Dutch Korf, a basket). See Sox. But when used for bringing up the debris from a sinking pit they are made without wheels, and are more like a basket. In bygone days corves were wicker baskets, having wooden lows or handles : they held about 4J cwt. of coal. USED IN COAL MINING, ETC. 63 CORNERS (S. W.). Bands of clay ironstone. CORNISH PUMPS. Pumps arranged and worked upon a system very common in Cornwall, and very frequently applied to colliery drainage. The system consists in having a lifting pump at the bottom of the pit to raise the water out of the sump, and a series of force pumps, placed one above another, to drive it up by stages to the surface or adit, the whole of the pumps being worked simultaneously from the main rod. CORPORAL (M.). An overlooker of the pony boys and others upon the underground ways in a district. CORROIS (F.). Clay or wax dams and walls built up to isolate the place of a gob-fire. CORVERS (N.). Carpenters who make corves. A corver was formerly paid ^d. per score of corves brought up out of the pit, being bound to find the pit in corves and keep all in repair. COUNTER CHUTE (Pa.). An empty, or worked out breast, down which coals are dumped to a lower level, or gangway. COUNTER COAL (Pa.). Coal worked from breasts or boards to the rise of a counter gangway. COUNTER GANGWAY (Pa.). A level or gangway driven at a higher level than the bottom of the shafts, or foot of the slope. COUNTER HEAD (M.). An underground heading driven parallel to another, and used as the return air course. 64 A GLOSSARY OF TERMS COUNTRY PITS (F. D.). COUP (N.). To exchange cavils with the consent of the overman. COUPLE (M.). To conduct water which runs down the sides of shafts into water curbs or garlands (1). COUPLING (Y.). The cap (3) of a rope. COUPLINGS. See Double Timber. COURSE. 1. To conduct the ventilation of the col- liery backwards and forwards through the workings, by means of properly arranged stoppings and regulators. Fig. 44. JUULJULJ In Fig. 44, which gives a plan of two panels, or blocks of board and pillar workings, that set marked A shows the system of coursing known as two and two, whilst in B, the workings are coursed three and three] that is to say, the ventilation is conducted up and down two and three boards respectively, as indicated by the darts. 2. (Som.) A seam of coal. COURSING THE WASTE. Threading the ventilation up certain workings and down others. USED IN COAL MINING, ETC. 65 COVER (N.). The total thickness of strata overlying the workings of a seam of coal, &c. If a mine is 1800 ft. deep at the shafts, the cover will be 1800 ft., but if the workings are level and extend underneath rising or falling ground at the surface, then the cover will be greater or less as the case may be. COVERING BOARDS (Y.). A series of boards and thirls formed on the side of a shaft pillar, out of which long-wall working is commenced on No. 1 method. See Fig. 92, Long-wall. Cow (N.). See Backstay. COWLS (N.). Wrought-iron water-barrels, or tanks, attached to the winding ropes, and emptied at the surface, used when the engines are not winding (I) coals. CRACKS (S.). Vertical planes of cleavage in coal, &c., running at right angles to backs. CRACKET (N.). A tool used by colliers in getting coal. CRADLE. 1. A moveable platform or scaffold sus- pended by a rope from the surface, upon which repairs or other work is performed in a shaft. 2. (M.) A loop made of a chain in which a man is lowered and raised in a shaft not fitted with a cage. CRANE BOARD (N.). A return air course connected directly with the furnace. CRANK (N. W.). Small coal. CREASE (F. D.). - Mountain limestone of ironstone workings. CREEL (S.). A kind of basket in which coals and 66 A GLOSSARY OF TERMS debris were conveyed from the pit. They were carried on the backs of bearers, being steadied by a strap round the forehead. CREEP. 1. The gradual Fi s- 45 - upheaval of the floor of a mine towards the roof, due to the weight of the cover and a tender floor. The working away of a seam of coal will often produce creep in an underlying seam, as well as a cor- responding subsidence or creep in one overlying it at no great distance. See Fig. 45. 2. A very slow movement of a winding engine, when the brake is not sufficiently applied to hold it quite fast. CREEPING. The settling down, or natural subsidence, of the surface and buildings, &c., thereon, caused by the extraction of mines to such an extent as to produce such settlement. Workings shown in Fig. 16 will not create any creeping of the surface, but as soon as the posts or pillars are worked away a subsidence may be expected, the extent of which will depend upon the depth to the coal worked, its thickness, dip, the nature of the overlying measures, and the way in which the building or stowing is done. CREESHY (^GREASY) BLEAS (S.). Nodules of bitu- minous shale met with in the soft roofs of some of the Scotch collieries. So called from the sort of unctuous smoothness, which causes them to fall out when the coal is worked away from beneath them. USED IN COAL MINING, ETC. 67 CREPT-BOARDS. Boards more or less filled up from the effects of creep. See Fig. 45, a a' a". CRESSET. Afire-lamp, which see. CRIB. 1. A cast-iron ring in a shaft upon which tubbing is built up. See Wedging Crib. 2. A wood ring upon which the brick lining or walling of a shaft is built. It is Fig. 46. constructed in segments (six or eight to the circle) which are bolted together as shown in Fig. 46, which gives a plan and elevation of one segment with joint blocks and bolts complete. CRIBBING (N. E.). See Tubbing. CROOK (B.). A self-acting apparatus for running the liudges on inclines in steep seam workings. CROP. 1. See Outcrop, Bassett. 2. The roof coal or stone which has to be taken down in order to secure a safe roof in the workings. CROPPER. A shot placed at the edge or rise side in a sinking pit bottom. CROSS (S. W.). See Cross-cut (2). CROSS-CUT. 1. A drift or heading driven through or across the measures from one coal seam to another. See Branch. 2. A headway which is driven at an angle to the vertical planes of cleavage. CROSS GATES (Y.). Short headings driven on the strike right and left out of and at right angles to the main gates. F 2 68 A GLOSSAEY OF TERMS CROSS-HOLE (S. W.). A short lolt hole or cut through communicating with two headings, for ventilation pur- poses. CROSSING. 1. See Air crossing. 2. (N. W.) A Cross-cut. CROSS-MEASURES. A line drawn horizontally or nearly so, through or across inclined strata: e.g. a branch or crutt is a cross-measures drift or heading. CROSS OFF (CL). See Stack out. CROW COAL. See Anthracite. CROWN IN (Ch.). The surface or cover of a rock salt mine is said to crown in when it falls in or pro- duces creep. CROWN or CROWN-TREE (K). See Bar. CROWNINGS IN (S. S.). The strata forming the roof or cover. CROW'S FOOT. An iron claw or fork, forming part of the boring tackle for deep boreholes, to which a rope is attached, and by which the rods are lowered and raised when changing the cutting tools, &c. See Fig. 47, which is called an open runner (3). CROW-STONE (D. Y.). See Gannister. CROZLE (D.). To cake or harden. CROZZLING. Aggregation of coal when burning. CRUSH. The breaking up or weighting of pillars of coal due to the pressure of the overlying rocks and to the hardness of the floor. USED IN COAL MINING, ETC. 69 Fig. 48. CRUST (Sh.). Whitish fine sandstone. CEUTT (N. S.). See Branch. CRTS GROUND (F. D.). Carboniferous limestone strata containing beds of iron-ore. CUBE (S.). See Furnace. CUBE COAL. Coal broken up into cubes of about one foot square to suit the trade. CUFF AT (F.). A vessel in which coals are sometimes raised in the shaft, consisting of a kind of shallow tub fitted with 4 wheels and attached to chains at the sides, the coals being piled up in a conical form and kept from falling off by iron rings placed round them one above another. See Fig. 48. Some Cuffats are made as much as 9 feet deep and more like the English Boivk. CUILLER (F.). A long wrought-iron cylindrical bucket in which the debris made by the boring in the kind-chandron system of shaft sinking, is brought to the surface. Whilst the larger of the two cutting tools employed in boring out the shaft is at work, the cuiUer remains in the bottom of the small bore in the centre of the shaft, which it nearly fits, and catches the stuff as it falls from the upper or fully bored out portion of the pit. Are made up to 12 tons capacity. CULBUTEURS (Belg.). Tippers which turn com- pletely over or round. 70 A GLOSSARY OF TERMS CULM (S. W.). Inferior anthracite, and the small or slack of smokeless coal. The Kilkenny coal of Ireland. CUNDIE (S.). The spaces from which coal has been worked out, partially filled with dirt and rubbish between the buildings or packs. See Waste. CUPOLA. 1. The offtake for smoke and return air erected at or near to the top of the upcast shaft. 2. See Furnace. CURB. See Crib. CURB TUBBING. Solid wood tubbing. CURBING. See Back-casing. CURP (Som.). The floor of an underground way which is being taken or broken up. See Caunch. CURLEY CANNEL. Cannel coal which breaks with a conchoidal or curly fracture. It is often used for oil manufacture. CURL-STONE (Sh.). Ironstone exhibiting cone-in- cone formation, CURRY-PIT (Lei.). A hole or very shallow pit sunk from an upper to a lower portion of a thick seam of coal through which the return air passes from the stalls to the air way, which is carried alongside and parallel to the side of the stalls, and sometimes underneath the goaf. See plan, Fig. 49. beneath/Goaf USED IN COAL MINING, ETC. 71 CUT. 1. (Som.) A staple or drop-pit, which see. 2. To hew or hack coal, &c., with a pick. 3. (S.) See Buttock. 4. The depth to which a drill hole is put in for blasting. CUT-CHAIN (S.). A system of working underground self-acting inclined planes from several different levels communicating with such incline, by means of chains of various lengths which are regulated according to the level from which it is intended to lower the coals. CUT-OUT. 1. (F. D.) See Crutt or Branch. 2. When a fault which dislocates a seam of coal more than its entire thickness, the seam is then said to be cut-out. CUT-OVER (M.). To cut or nick the seam of coal in a long-wall working, over or beyond the first joint or cleat, running more or less parallel with the face line. This is done in order to extract the coal in as large lumps as possible without the use of powder and with a minimum of labour in getting. CUT-THROUGH (N. S.). Bolt-holes put through be- tween headings every 18 to 20 yards in mines having a steep inclination. See Dip (4). Fig. 54. CUTTER. 1. (S.) A fissure or natural crack in strata. 2. (Pa.) Joints at right angles to backs. CUTTING-OFF ROAD. A slant road in long-wall work- 72 A GLOSSAEY OF TERMS Fig. 50. ings, out of which the stall-gates are branched parallel to the main road, and which at certain distances cut off a range of stalls to the rear. See Long-wall, Fig. 92. CUTS (S.). Strips of coal worked off the sides of pillars. CUTTING. The end or side of a stall next to the solid coal, where the coal is cut with a pick in a vertical line to facilitate breaking down. See plan of a cutting, Fig. 50. CUT-UP (S.). The break- ing down of the roof to a considerable height. CUVELAGE (F.). Tubbing, which see. D. D. C. Down cast (1), which see. D LINK. A flat iron bar attached to chains, and suspended from a hemp rope to a windlass at surface. It is a loop in which one man is lowered and raised in an engine-pit. He sits upon the flat bar, the chains passing up in front of him, and the leather strap or belt is fastened round the back under the arms. See Fig. 51. He is free to move his legs and arms, and to turn himself about in any direction, and to perform work with a spanner or hammer, &c. Fig. 52 is a USED IN COAL MINING, ETC. 73 sketch of a form of hook commonly used for suspending the D link to the rope. Fig. 51. Fig. 52. Spring. DADDING (N.). Mixing firedamp with atmospheric air to render it incapable of ignition. See Brwh (1). DAM. 1. An underground stopping or wall constructed of masonry or of clay, by means of which gas or damp, and spontaneous combustion, are prevented from es- caping and breaking out. 2. A solid brick or timber stopping for keeping back accumulations of water. DAMP. (From the German, Dampf.) Carbonic acid gas, or a mixture of gas (fire-damp) and air, incapable of supporting combustion, and therefore unfit for respiration. DAMPED. Suffocated by gas or foul air in a mine. DAMPY (M.). A pit is said to be dampy when the air in it is mixed with so much carbonic acid gas as to cause the lights to burn badly or to go out. 74: A GLOSSARY OF TERMS DAN. 1. (M.) A tub or barrel, sometimes with and sometimes without wheels, in which mine water is con- veyed along underground roadways to be discharged into the sump or lodge, or raised in the cage to the surface. 2. A small "box or sledge for carrying coal or debris in a mine. DANGER-BOARD. See Fire-board. DANES (S.). See Sat. DANT (N.). Sooty, worthless coal. DANTY (N.). Disintegrated coal. DARG (N.). A specified quantity or weight of mi- neral agreed by masters and men to be worked during a shift for a certain sum of money. DASH (N.). See Dadding. DATALLING. Blowing down roof in a mine. DATLERS (L.). Men who work underground, not being contractors, and are paid by the day. DAUGH (S.). Underclay, or holing dirt. DAVY. A safety lamp, invented by the late Sir Humphrey Davy in 1815. It will indicate the presence of fire-damp in a mine, which, when mixed with certain proportions of atmospheric air, becomes ignited within the gauze cylinder forming the "top," or upper part of the lamp. The flame, however, cannot pass through the wire gauze and set fire to the gas outside. There is no glass used in the construction of this lamp; it consists simply of a brass cistern for the oil, with wick, &c., surmounted by a chimney or cap of iron, or copper wire gauze, having not less than 784 (28 x 28) aper- USED IN COAL MINING, ETC. 75 tures to the square inch. Diameter of gauze is about 1^ inch, and about 8 ins. in height. The Davy is not a safe lamp to work with under certain conditions. DAY (Pa.). The entrance to a mine on a hill-side. DAY-EYES (N. W.). Inclined planes driven from the surface to win and get the mines. DAY-HOLE. Any heading or level from the surface communicating with the mine. DAY-MEN (Y.). Men employed in building packs, and performing other work in the mine, for which they are paid by the day, or by time. DAY-SHIFT. When a colliery is worked by two shifts, or relays of men, that which works during the daytime is called the day-shift. D. C. Downcast Shaft. See Downcast. DEAD. 1. An unventilated or airless heading or working. 2. The creep after subsidence or upheaval has taken place to the full extent. DEAD GROUND. A faulty or barren piece or area of coal strata. DEADING (G., Som.). See Deadwork. DEAD KENT. A certain, fixed, or minimum rent paid at specified times by a lessee of a mine, whether minerals are worked and sold or not. DEAD-SMALL (N.). The smallest coal which passes through the screening or separating apparatus, being almost as fine as dust. DEAD- WORK. The work of driving out into a mine 76 A GLOSSARY OF TERMS for the purpose of proving and preparing to work it, or work which at the time produces little or no profit. DECK. The platform or level upon which the tubs and men ride on a cage. Cages are occasionally made with as many as four decks. DECKING. The operation of changing the tubs on a cage at top and bottom of a shaft There are several very ingenious contrivances for performing this by mechanical means. One is Fowler's hydraulic load- ing and unloading apparatus, whereby each deck is operated upon simultaneously. The loaded tubs are at some collieries withdrawn from the cages by steam power, whilst the empties run into them by gravity. See Onsetting Machine. DEEDS (N.). Debris of pit refuse tipped upon the spoilbarik. DEEP. Workings below the level of the pit bottom or main levels extending therefrom. DEEP COAL. Coal seams lying at a depth below the surface of over, say, 600 or 700 yards. DEEP PIT. A pit-shaft exceeding 400 or 500 yards in depth. DELF (F.D., L.). A vein, seam, mine, or bed of coal or ironstone. DEPUTY. 1. (N.) A man who fixes and withdraws the timber supporting the roof of a mine, and who attends to the safety of the roof and sides, builds stoppings, puts up bratticing, and looks after the safety of the hewers, &c., generally one deputy to every 12 workmen. 2. (M.) An underground official who sees to the USED IN COAL MINING, ETC. 77 general safety of a certain number of stalls or of a district, but who does not set the timber himself although he has to see that it is properly and suffi- ciently done. He will often have the overlooking of as many as 100 men and boys. DEPUTY SYSTEM (K). The plan of having all the timbering or propping of the working places performed by deputies (1) specially appointed. DERRICK. A high frame or head gear constructed of timber poles, placed over a, lore-hole (1), upon which is Fig. 53. fixed or hung a pulley or sheaf for carrying the rope by which the rods (2) are lifted. DETACHING HOOK. A self-acting mechanical contrivance for setting free a winding rope from a cage, &c., when the latter is raised beyond a certain point in the head gear; the rope being released, the cage re- mains suspended in the frame. There have been a number invented, and a variety of them are in use. Fig. 53 is a sketch showing the action of one which has been much used. DEVIL. A lack-stay, also a kind of jockey. DIAGONAL STAPLE (N.). A shallow pit or shaft sunk in a sloping or diagonal direction at the back end of the main beam of a pumping engine in which the lever-beam works, so that the work of pumping may be divided between the two ends of the main beam. Walker's Hook. 78 A GLOSSARY OP TERMS DIAL. 1. A circumferentor or compass fitted with sights, spirit levels, and vernier, for making under- ground surveys. 2. To survey with a dial (1) and chain. See Dialling. DIALLING. The operation of making a survey with the dial. There are two ways of using the instrument known as loose needle and fast needle dialling. The former is practised when all the angles or bearings of the different roads are taken (when such roads are free from iron tram-rails, &c., which attract the needle of the dial and give erroneous readings), by " reading the needle" as it is called. In the latter method the needle is only consulted in the first sight or at the commencement of the survey (all iron being removed from near the instrument), all subsequent angles being read off from the vernier, so that the presence of iron has no effect upon the work. See Latch. DIAMOND CHISEL. A cutting chisel used in boring for coal, &c., having a diamond or V shaped point. DIAMOND SYSTEM. Boring for coal, &c., with diamonds or carbonates, which are stones of a coarse quality and of a black colour. In this system the rock is cut or removed by abrasion, the boring rods or rather tubes, for they are hollow, are caused to revolve or rotate very rapidly (there being no percussive action whatever) up to 250 revolutions per minute. Entire cores are secured whereby the precise character of the various beds bored through are determined. The debris or bore meal is rein-oved from the hole, as fast as it is made, by the constant flow of a stream of water USED IN COAL MINING> ETC. 79 forced down inside the rods and carrying up the stuff to the surface. The work is performed by steam machinery, and a very rapid progress is often made, say 10 feet per day as an average for a hole 1000 feet deep; but of course everything depends upon the nature of the strata bored through and the care be- stowed upon the working of the machinery. DIBHOLE (L.). The lowest part of a pit shaft below the scaffold on which the cages drop. It forms a water lodge for the drainage of the mine, out of which it is raised to the surface. See Sump. DICE (Lei.). The layers in a coal seam of a glossy bituminous nature which naturally break or split up into small square pieces resembling dice in shape. DlFFEHENTIAL PUMPING ENGINE. A Compound direct-acting pumping-engine, generally of the hori- zontal class, and usually fixed at the pit bottom for forcing the water direct to surface. So called, because it is fitted with differential valve gear of a very effec- tive and ingenious type, the invention of a Mr. Davey of Leeds. DILLY (N.). A counter-balance mounted upon two pairs of tram wheels by means of which the empty tubs are carried up an underground incline of a greater inclination than 1 in 3. DILSH (S. W.). Inferior culm in the shape of a thin stratum. DIP. 1. To slope downwards from the surface. 2. A heading or other underground way driven to the deep. 3. Inclination of strata when viewed in the direction SO A GLOSSABY OF TERMS of the fall The amount of dip is said to be 1 in so much, a g. 1 in 4. Or, so many inches in the yard (9" in the yard), or, in degrees (14). 4. (N. S.) A heading driven to the full rise in steep mines. It is usual to drive a pair of dips about 10 yards apart every 180 yards or so, out of the levels which run at right angles to the crvts, and out of these dips are driven cross headings right and left on the strike, about 10 yards apart, commencing at the upper end first and working downwards (see Drifting Back) Fig. 54. Kg. 54. a, Shafts. 6, Crnt. c, Levels in coal, d, Dips (pair of) rising 1 in 1. e, Cross headings. /, Face of drifting back, g, Return airway. A, Goaf. DIP JOISTS (Pa.). See Backs. DIPPER (N.). A downthrow, fault, which see. DIPPING (S. W.). A dip (2). DIPPLE. See Dip (2). DIP SPLIT. A current of intake air directed into or down a dip or deep district of a mine. DINT (M.)- See Bate. DIET. 1. day, bind, or other useless rubbish pro- duced in mining, and which accidentally is sent out of the pit mixed with the coal. USED IN COAL MINING, ETC. 81 2. (N.) Foul air or fire damp. DIET BED or BAND. A thin stratum of soft earthy refuse interbedded with coal seams. DISH (N.). The length or portion of an underground engine plane nearest to the pit bottom, upon which the empty set stands before being drawn inbye. DISLOCATION. A fault of fracture of the strata as shown in Fig. 60. DISTANCE BLOCKS. Pitch pine blocks placed in between the main spears and the side pump-rods by which the proper distance between them is adjusted. See Fig. 55. DISTRICT. A limited area of underground workings. Collieries are usually divided into several dis- tricts. As far as is possible each should be provided with a separate split of fresh air and a distinct return air- way leading to the upcast shaft. There is generally a deputy (2) or overman for every district. DITCH (Lei.). To go stiff. To clog. To impede. DITCHED TOP (Lei.). A coal-seam which has a hard unyielding top, and is with difficulty separated from the roof, is said to have a ditched top. DOB BY WAGON (Y.). A cart into which dirt out of the mine is tipped. Do (doo) (Lei. D.). See Bout. DOCK (X.). G 82 A GLOSSARY OF TEEMS DOG. An iron bar, spiked at the ends, with which timbers are held together or steadied. DOG AND CHAIN. An iron lever with a chain attached by which props are with- drawn from the goaf. Fig. 56. Fig. 56 is a sketch show- ing the way in which a dog and chain is used. DOG-BELT (M.). A strong broad piece of leather buckled round / the waist, to which a short piece of chain is attached, passing between the legs of the man or boy drawing a dan (2) in the workings. DOGGEE (01.). A bed of inferior ironstone overlying the main seam. DOGGY (S. S., N.). An overlooker of a certain number of boys and men in a pit. See Corporal. DOGS (Som.). See Cage Shutes, but generally made longer than in Fig. 35. DOLLY (S. S.). A cast-iron weight suspended over the men when riding in the shaft, to act as a counter- balance to the winding engine. DOMED. Dipping away in all directions from a centre. DOOK (S.). An underground inclined plane to the deep. DOORS. Wooden doors, either single or double, fixed in underground roads of all descriptions to serve as stoppings. They are always fixed so as only to open USED IN COAL MINING, ETC. 83 towards the intake air. Every door in a pit should be so hung and otherwise adjusted that it will close of itself. DOUBLE-BANK CAGES (S. W.). Cages having two decks, or a multiple of two, so that decking may be per- formed at two levels or banks. DOUBLE CRIB. Two wedging cribs placed one on the top of another. DOUBLES (Som.). The repeated folds or overlaps of the coal strata in the Kadstock district. Fig. 57 is a section of a coal seam exhibiting doubles in a very marked manner. Fig. 57. DOUBLE SHIFT. A colliery is said to be working double shift when there are two shifts of colliers (1) employed in getting coal. DOUBLE STALL (S. W.). A system of working coal Fig. 58. F ofS^ SOLID COAL 1 ^ , COAf \ ^^ fact 62 . DRESSER (M.). A tool used by colliers and banksmen for splitting up large lumps of coal, and for dressing off dirt or brasses when cleaning coals for the market. See Fig. 62. DRESSING (M.). Trimming and cleaning up a stall face after the loaders have left off work, and before the holers commence work. This work is performed at night. 88 A GLOSSAEY OF TEEMS DRIFT. 1. An underground gallery driven across or obliquely to the planes of stratification. See Branch. 2. An inclined plane driven entirely in a coal seam. The work of making a drift is known in mining language as drifting. 3. (F. D.) A hard shale. 4. (N.) A head (1) driven on the strike of the coal seam. DRIFT AND PILLAR (N. S.). A system of working coal not unlike the bankwork of Yorkshire. DRIFTING BACK (N. S.). The operation of working away the pillars towards the pit bottom in rearers. Drifting lack commences as soon as the cross headings are driven out. DRIFTING CURB. An oak curb forced downwards through quicksand, having a circle of planks driven down all round at the back of it to keep out the sand and water. DRILLING (U. S. A.). Boring deep holes in search of coal. EEIVE. To excavate horizontally, or at an inclination, places not more than a few yards in width under- ground. DRIVERS (M.). Men who break down the coal in the stalls with hammers and wedges, after the holing is finished. DRIVING. 1. A long narrow underground excavation or heading (1). 2. (B.) A stone head (1) driven through a fault, &c. DRIVING BY LINES. Keeping the axis of the heading being driven exactly true to a certain bearing or degree USED IN COAL MINING, ETC. 89 of the dial. Two lines, or strings, steadied by weights are suspended from stomps fixed in the roof from three to six feet apart ; the prolongation of the line drawn between them being the bearing or proper direc- tion, or point as it is commonly called, of the heading. DROP. 1. To lower coals down from a higher to a lower level on the pit bank, or at pit bottom, when the decking is performed in one operation, or when the cage is only moved once during decking. 2. (N.) A shoot down which coals are run into keels or boats. 3. To allow the upper lift of a seam of coal, &c., being worked, to fall or drop down, when the lower portion is first gotten. See Fig. 63. Fig. 63. 4. A general reduction of wages in the coal trade. DROP PIT. A shallow pit shaft in a mine, in which coals are lowered in tubs upon cages by means of a clip pulley, or brake-wheel, from one seam to another, or, where & fault exists, from the higher to the lower level. The principle upon which it is worked is similar to that of a self-acting inclined plane, viz. the weight of the coals dropped being greater than that of the rope, and friction of the empty tub and appliances. 90 A GLOSSARY OF TERMS DROP SHEETS (N.). Doors made of canvas, by which the ventilating current is directed and regulated through the workings. DROSS (S.). Very small coal-dust, or slack. DROSSY COAL (D.). Coal with iron pyrites. DROWNED-OUT. Flooded. Mines under water. DROWNED WASTE. Old workings full of water. DRUB (Y.). DRUM. 1. That part of the winding engines upon which the winding-ropes are coiled or wound. They are constructed in various forms (see end views or plans, Fig." 64), of diameters ranging from 5 to 32 feet, ac- cording to depth of shafts and size of ropes, &c. See Fig. 64. EH H 9 TV r> J.flat,llcp& Internal, <5. Serm> ComcaL Conical Drum. The usual number of revolutions made per run is from 20 to 30. 2. The barrel or roll upon which a self-acting incline USED IN COAL MINING, ETC. 91 rope is coiled, generally made in the form of No. 1, Fig. 64 3. (L.) A brick, iron, or wooden cylinder, with which beds of sand are sunk through. See Running the Drum. DRUM-HEAD (N.). A short heading formed to the rise of a level, or bank-head, in which the drum of a self- acting inclined plane is fixed. DRUM-HORNS. Wrought-iron arms or spokes pro- jecting beyond the surface or periphery of flat-rope drums, between which the ropes coil or lap, the tips being often connected by a ring of iron riveted on. DRUM-PULLEY. A pulley-wheel used in place of a drum (1). See Koepe System, Fig. 89. DRUM-RINGS. Cast iron wheels, with projections, to which are bolted the staves or laggings forming the surface for the ropes to lap upon. The outside rings are shrouded, to prevent the ropes from slipping off the sides of the drum. DRY (S.). A joint in the roof of a coal-seam, which cannot usually be discovered until the roof falls. They frequently exist in connection with lypes. DRY COAL. That which contains but little hydro- gen. For instance, the "Aberdare 4 Feet" seam of Glamorganshire, a first-class steam coal. DRY SEPARATION. The systems upon which coal is screened and further separated by taking out the small pieces of shale, pyrites, &c. (dirt, 1), by what is called the wind method, i. e. the force of a blast of air is di- rected upon the screened coal, and thereby separates it into various sizes due to their specific gravity. See Wind Method. 92 A GLOSSAKY OF TEEMS DUAL-ROPE (Y.). A hemp capstan rope upon which men ride in an engine-pit. DUFF. See Dross. DUKEY (Som.). 1. A large carriage or platform running upon wheels on rails working on a dip inclined plane underground, upon which a number of small trams of coal are raised by engine-power at one opera- tion. So named alter the double coach called the " Duke of Beaufort." 2. (S. W.) An inclined plane worked by engine- power. DUKE-WAY (Som.). The plan of drawing coals up a dip incline to the pit-bottom by a .rope worked by the winding -engine at surface, the other rope working the cage in the shaft simultaneously, i. e. whilst the cage is going up, the empty trams are running down the incline, and vice versa. DUKEY-RIDER (S. W.). A boy who accompanies the train of trams running upon a dukey (2). DULL (B.). Slack ventilation. Insufficient air in a pit. DUMB DRIFT. A short tunnel or passage connecting the main return airways of a mine with the bottom of the up-cast shaft, in order to prevent the return air from passing through and over the ventilating furnace. DUMB FURNACE. See Dumb Drift and Cold Furnace. DUMP (Pa.). To throw coals, &c., by tilting up the car into, or shooting them down a dip road in a pit, or upon the inclined plane of a breaker to a loading stage. DUMMY (N. S.). A low truck on four wheels running USED IN COAL MINING, ETC. 93 upon rails, and loaded with pig iron or some other heavy material ; employed in steep seams or rearers as a balance-weight to bring up an empty tub (1) on an inclined plane or a dip (4) ; the weight of the coals, (fee., in the tub being sufficient to overcome the resist- ance of the dummy when being braked down, DUNN BASS (L.). A description of Bass. DUNS (G-.). Argillaceous shale. See Cliff. DUNSTONE. 1. (D.) Ironstone in beds or seams. 2. (S. W.) Hard kind oi fire-clay, or under-day. DUN- WHIN (N.). A rock commonly met with in the coal measures. DUST. 1. Fine black powdery substance adhering to the timbers, &c., in a coal mine. See Coal Dust. 2. See Dross. DUSTERS (S. W.). Men employed in cleaning trams of dust and dirt in and about mines. DUST EXPLOSION. An explosion of coal-dust mixed with a small percentage of fire-damp. DUTY (of a Cornish pumping engine). The number of pounds weight of water raised one foot high with a consumption of 112 Ibs. of coal. DYKE or DIKE. An intrusive band or vein of hard rock, usually of igneous origin. In the north of Eng- land a fault is often called a dyke. They are not always accompanied by a dislocation of the strata probably have their origin in some deep-seated con- nection with the molten interior of the earth, out of which they have doubtless been ejected in the shape of lava, at a period subsequent to the deposition of the 94 A GLOSSARY OP TEEMS coal measures extend in almost straight lines through the country, in one case upwards of 70 miles. Though generally taking a vertical line, like a wall, frequently are discovered lying at different angles, and even inter- bedded with seams of coal, &c., and in almost all cases when in proximity to a trap dyke, the coal and other rocks are partially coked and calcined from the heat of the lava when first injected into the fissures it occupies. E. EARS (D.). Small iron loops or rings fixed on the sides of tubs, &c., to which side-chains are attached. EARTH. A term used for soft shaly or clayey ground met with in sinking through the coal measures. EARTH COAL. A name sometimes given to Lignite earthy brown coal. EAT OUT (N.). To turn a heading or "holing to one side in order to win the coal on the other side of a fault without altering the level course of the heading. In Fig. 65 is given a plan and section showing two cases of eating out a fault. The side to which the heading must be driven on meeting with the fault a b depends entirely upon two things the nature of the fault (whether an up-throw or a down-throw), and the dip of the coal on the far side of it. In No. 1 case the fault is a down-throw, coal dipping to the right ; and in No. 2 the fault is up, and the dip to the left ; and so, in order to win the coal beyond a b, the eating -out must be done in both cases on the left. Had, however, the USED IN COAL MINING, ETC. 95 dip in No. 2 been reversed, the eating -out heading must have been on the right at or about C. The fault being of 4 yards throw, and the dip 1 in 4, it follows that the Fig. 65. Sectuon, 2a distance to be followed alongside the fault before meeting with the coal again, or from d to e, will be 16 yards. EDGE COALS, EDGE METALS, EDGE SEAMS .(S.). Highly inclined seams of coal, or those having Fi s- 66> a dip greater than say 30 degrees. See Fig. 66. EGG COAL (Pa.). An- thracite which passes over a 2J inch screen. EMPTIES. Empty trams. EMPTY EOPE. Any winding or hauling rope from which the load upon it has been remove pnriVEESITY] \AJ f_-rtv 96 A GLOSSARY OF TERMS END. The inner extremity of a head (1) or stall. END or END-ON. Working a seam of coal, &c., at right angles to the cleat, or natural planes of cleavage. ENDING (M.). See Bolthole. ENDLESS CHAIN. A system of underground haulage, (used also on the surface) in which the trams are drawn along the ways by a chain worked by an engine from and to the shafts to the branch roads or gates leading to the working places. They are attached separately to the main chain at intervals of from 10 to 30 yards ; the speed of the chain being about three miles an hour. Applicable to mines not having much inclination. ENDLESS HOPE. 1. A system of haulage carried out* and arranged in much the same way as the endless chain, and especially applicable to seams having a moderate inclination. The trams are attached to the rope either singly, in pairs, or in sets of 30 or 40, and the speed is slow. For different ways of attaching trams to endless chains and ropes see Haulage Clip. Fig. 67 is a plan showing the endless rope system as applied Fig. 67. to moving the trams about in the vicinity of a shaft bottom. 2. A new system of winding, in which the rope USED IN COAL MINING, ETC. 97 passes through the cages being secured beneath them by wrought iron clamps, by shifting which the distance between each cage can be altered at will, thus making it possible to hoist at different times from different levels without losing the advantage and economy of balanced cages. The endless rope runs in a deeply grooved pulley driven by a pair of engines. ENDS (Y.). Headings which are driven on the end or end-on. ENGINE. A collier's term for engine-house or build- ing, arching, &c., within which a steam-engine is fixed. ENGINEER. 1. (N.) The person at a colliery having charge of the whole of the machinery both on surface and underground, and of the workshops. 2. (S. W.) The "brakesman or engine-man. 3. (M.) The mining engineer or viewer. ENGINE PIT. A shaft used entirely for pumping purposes. ENGINE-KEEPER (S.). See Brakesman. ENGINE-MAN. One who works a winding, hauling, fan, pumping or other engine. ENGINE PLANE. An underground ivay either level or dipping iribye or outlye or both (undulating) along which the tubs are conveyed to and from the workings to the pit bottom by engine power. See Endless Chain, Endless Rope, Main Eope, Tail Eope. ENGINE TENTER (N. S.). See Brakesman. ENGINEWRIGHT (M.). A thoroughly practical man, whose duty about a colliery is to daily inspect the external parts of the machinery, ropes, and other 98 A GLOSSARY OF TERMS appliances, and to see that the same are kept in efficient working order who has the control of the smiths, and other surface workmen, and takes the leading part in superintending the erection or fitting up of most of the machinery and other matters connected with the mechanical engineering of collieries. ESCAPE. A second or additional shaft by which the men are got out of the mine in case of accident to the other shafts. Also an upcast. STAGES (F.). See Face, Mouthing, Level ETTLE (N.). See Attle. EVERLASTING LAMPS (N.). Natural jets of fire-damp or small blowers set fire to and continuing to burn as long as gas was given off. One of these lamps is said to have been burning for 19 years in the Newcastle coal field. The gas was conveyed to the surface in pipes and there set fire to. EXPLOSION. The sudden ignition of a body of fire- damp in a mine (often aggravated by an admixture of coal dust), so often carrying death and destruction all before it. The^fearful blowing up of the Oaks Colliery in South Yorkshire, on the 12th December, 1866, when 371 men and lads were lost, is the most disastrous one which has ever taken place. There appear also to be two other causes of explosions in coal mines, though fortunately probably seldom taking place, viz. 1. The ignition of inflammable gases evolved from a standing fire or burning or mouldering coal. 2. The sudden ignition of bisulphuret of carbon, which is given off by coal and explodes at a very low temperature, even in the absence of flame. USED IN COAL MINING, ETC. 99 EXTINCTEUR (F.). A machine of rather recent inven- tion which discharges on to a burning mass of coal, water charged with carbonic acid under a very high pressure a sort of soda-water. A man carries the apparatus on his back and projects the gaseous water by means of a hose like that of a fire-engine. EYE (Y.). The mouth or top of a, pit-shaft. R FACE. 1. The place at which the coal is actually being worked away either in a stall or in a heading. 2. A cleat or lack. 3. (L.) To place a full tub in position for being lowered down a brow or jig. FACE AIKING (N.). That system of ventilating the workings which excludes the airing of the goaves ; that is to say, nearly the whole of the air is made to sweep through the pit, ventilating the working faces and main roads only. FACE ON. The reverse of end on, or working a mine parallel to the cleat or face (2). In order to extract the coal in the largest possible lumps it will generally be found advisable to keep the face line of the stall neither fully face on nor end on, but say half-and-half, or any other convenient angle. See Horn Coal. FACING. See Cleat. FAHRKUNST (Belg.). An apparatus for lowering and raising the colliers, &c., in a shaft. See Man Engine. FAIRS (N. and S.). Shaley and slatey strata more or less gritty. H 2 100 A GLOSSAEY OF TEEMS FAIRING (C.). Kindly treating pit ponies by boys. FAKE. See Faiks. FALL. 1. A mass of roof or side which has fallen in in any subterranean working or gallery, resulting from any cause whatever. Immense falls take place gene- rally immediately after a heavy explosion of fire-damp. 2. To blast or wedge down coal, &c., in the process of working it. 3. A length of face undergoing holing or breaking down for loading up. 4. To crumble or break up small from exposure to the weather ; clays, shales, &c., fall. FALLEES (L.). See Cage Shuts. FALLING (N.). Thin shaley beds of stone, &c., taken down with the coal, above which a good roof may be met with. FALLS (F.). Working by Falls. A system of working a thick seam of coal by falling or breaking down the upper part after the lower portion has been gotten. FAN. A centrifugal mechanical ventilator driven by steam power. They are made up to about 46 feet in diameter. Several kinds are in use, the Guibal, Eammel, Waddle, Schiele, and others ; some of them being able to produce a ventilation, under favourable conditions, of between 200,000 and 300,000 cubic feet per minute. The principle of the fan is that exhaustion or suction of the air out of the mine is produced by the rapid revolution of the blades of the machine, whereby a partial vacuum is created, and the air from the mine rushes in to fill it. Sometimes two USED IN COAL MINING, ETC. 101 fans are placed side by side and both kept running, or one in reserve in case of accident. The engine also to drive a fan is generally in duplicate. See Ventilator. FAN DRIFT. A short tunnel leading from a short distance from the top of the upcast shaft to the fan chamber or casing in which the /aft runs, along which the whole of the return air is drawn by the fan. In it, opening upwards, are occasionally fixed some wooden doors, intended to blow open in the event of a serious explosion taking place, and so save the fan from becoming seriously damaged. FANGING (M.). Bratticing much the same in form as trumpeting, which see. FANNERS (S.). A kind of rude form of Uow-george, FANS, and sometimes FANGS (S. W.). See Cage Shuts. FAN-SHAFT. 1. A shallow pit-shaft sunk beneath a fan connecting it with the fan drift. 2. The iipcast shaft where a fan is in use. FARE (S.W.). Standing coal, or coal unholed or uncut FAREWELL ROCK. The Millstone Grit, embracing a series of strata unproductive in coal, and in which con- glomerate and coarse siliceous grits often preponderate. FAR-SET (M,). To timber up and spray the far end of a stall, preparatory to holing. FAST. 1. (L.) The first hard bed of rock met with after sinking through running sand or quick ground, upon which a wedging crib is generally laid. 2. When a heading or board end is not in com- munication with another one by a bolt or thirl, but has only one open end, it is said to be fast or called a fast place. 102 A GLOSSABY OF TERMS Fig. 68. FAST BAT (L.). FAST END. The limit of a stall in one direction, or \\here the face line of the adjoining stall is not up or level with, nor in advance of it. See Fig. 68. Three stalls are here shown ; the face of the middle one is represented by the line a I ; the end a is a fast end ; that at b is called the loose end. FAST NEEDLE. See Dialling. FAST SHOT. A heavy or miss-shot. See Shooting Fast. Fig. 69. FAT COALS. Those which contain volatile oily matters; for ex- ample, the celebrated Cannel of Wigan. FAULDING or FOLD- ING-BOARDS (S.). Cage- catches or shuts in mid- workings. Fig. 69 is a side elevation, showing the action of the catches. FAULT. Generally means a fracture or dis- turbance of the strata breaking the continuity of the beds. There are several kinds of faults, e. g. Faults of Dislocation, Fig. 70 (1) ; of Denudation (2) ; Upheaval (3) ; Trough USED IN COAL MINING, ETC. 103 Fault (4) ; Keverse or Overlap Fault (5) ; Step Fault (6) ; Thinning out (7). Faults of displacement (1) are sometimes of many hundred yards throw, and run through the country for many miles. Those of type (2) (1) are frequently of great extent, being several hundred yards in width, and running through miles of country ; (3), (4), and (5) are not of common occurrence ; but (6) and (7) are types of faults met with in most coal- fields. FAULT-SLIP. The smooth surface of the fractured rocks at a fault of No. (1), (4), and (6) types, always to be found in the lines a &. FEATHERS. Two long wedge-shaped pieces of steel or iron which are inserted at the back of a drill hole in coal, between which a long wedge is driven up, forcing the feathers apart, and thereby breaking down or loosening the coal. FEE (M.). To load up the coal, &c., in a heading into tubs. 104 A GLOSSARY OF TEEMS FEED. Forward motion imparted to the cutters or drills of rock-drilling or coal-cutting machinery, either hand or automatic. FEEDER. 1. An underground spring or regular flow of water proceeding from the strata or from old coal or other workings. 2. A small blower. FEER (M.). One who fees. FEEL (S. S.). To examine the roof of a thick seam of coal with a long stick or rod by poking and knocking upon it. FEIGH. Kefuse coal or waste slack. FENCE-GUARDS (S. S.). Kails fixed round the mouth of a pit-shaft, or across the shaft at an inset or at mid- workings to keep people and things from falling in. FEND OFF BOB. A beam hinged at one end and Fig. 71. having a free reciprocating motion, fixed at a bend in a shaft or upon an inclined plane, to regulate the motion USED IN COAL MINING, ETC. 105 of and to guide the pump rods passing round the bend. See Fig. 71. FETTLING (N.). Cleaning up and putting tidy any underground roadway, &c. FIEG (S. W.). A crack in the roof, often letting in water. FIELD. 1. A term used to signify a large tract or area of many square miles of coal. See Coalfield. 2. A colliery, or firm of colliery proprietors. 3. The immediate locality and surroundings of an explosion. FIELD Box (S. S.). A colliery accident club. FIELD CLUB. A sick or accident club or society supported and managed by the Owners or Lessees of a colliery. FIERY. Containing the explosive gas called fire- damp, which see. FIERY MINE. A colliery in which the seam or seams of coal being worked give off considerable quantities of light carburetted hydrogen gas. Mines subject to blowers are specially fiery. In England the mines of Lancashire, South Wales, Durham, and Yorkshire, are the most fiery. FIGHTING. When the weight or pressure of the ventilating current of air in a mine becomes equal or nearly so in both the downcast and upcast shafts, and no appreciable movement is caused in the air, that is to say, when the motion of the air is first in one direction and then in another, the pit is said to be fighting. 106 A GLOSSARY OF TERMS FILL. To load trams in the mine. FILLER. One who fills at a working place or in a stall FILLING. The places where trams are loaded in the FILTY (Som.). A local term for fire-damp. FIND. A sinking or driving for coal, &c., attended with success. FINGER GRIP. A tool used in boring for gripping the upper end of the rods. FIRE. 1. A collier's term for the explosive gas met with in mines. 2. To blast with gunpowder. 3. To explode or blow up. The expression " the pit has fired " signifies that an explosion of fire-damp has taken place. 4. A gob fire. 5. A word painted upon a piece of board and fixed in the workings to indicate the presence of gas or other danger beyond it. 6. A word shouted out by colliers to warn one another when a shot is fired. FIRE BANK (M.). A spoil-bank which takes fire spontaneously. FIRE-BOSSES (U. S. A.). Underground officials who examine the mine for gas, and inspect every safety lamp taken into the colliery by the men. FIRE-BOARD. A piece of board with the word fire painted upon it, and suspended to a prop, &c., in the workings, to caution men and lads not to take a naked USED IN COAL MINING, ETC. 107 light beyond it, or to pass it, without consent of the underviewer or his deputies. FIRE BREEDING (S. S.). Any place underground showing indications of a gob-fire. FIRE-CLAY. Any clay that will withstand a great heat without vitrifying. They contain from 60 per cent, to 95 per cent, of silica, and 2 per cent, to 30 per cent, alumina; lime or alkalies which act as a flux, being entirely absent. FIEE-CUBE (S.). A rude kind of furnace, about 2 feet by 3 feet. FIRE-DAMP. The explosive gas of coal mines. Light carburetted hydrogen. The chemical formula is C 2 H 4 . In every 100 parts of this gas there are generally 96 of fire-damp, 3 5 of nitrogen, and 5 of carbonic acid gas. Being of very light specific gravity (air being 1 fire- damp = *562 only), it is naturally- always to be found in the highest points in the workings, that is to say, in the cavities of the roof in the goaves, &c. Unless mixed with four or five times its volume of air it will not take fire but extinguishes a light. It sometimes exists in the coal under the enormous pressure of 300 to 400 Ibs. per square inch. FIRE-ENGINE. A pump worked by hand for playing upon gob-fires. " FIRE HEAVY." Words marked upon the scale of a mercurial barometer to indicate when much fire-damp may be expected to be given off in the mine, and to show that extra vigilance is required to keep the venti- lation up to its full power. 108 A GLOSSARY OP TERMS FIRE-LAMP. 1. A rough description of iron basket on three legs or hung by chains from posts, in which coals are burnt to give light to banksmen where gas is not used. Fig. 72. Fig. 72. 2. An iron bucket or basket of fire suspended in a pit-shaft (shallow mine) to create a draught or ventila- tion through the workings. FIRE-MAN. A man whose duty it is to examine with a safety lamp the underground workings and ways, to ascertain if gas exist, to see to doors, bratticing, stop- pings, &c., being in good order, and generally to ascer- tain that the ventilation of the mine is efficient. FIRE-PAN (Y.). A kind of fire-lamp (2). FIRE KIB (S. S.). A solid rib or wall of coal left un worked between sides of work to keep off gob fires. FIRE-STINK. Smell, indicating spontaneous combus- tion in a coal pit. FIRE-STONE (Som.). Synonymous with Fire-day. FIRE-TRIER (M.). See Fireman. FIRING A MINE. Maliciously setting fire to a coal pit. FIRING-LINE. A lighted candle attached to a string and drawn up over a long pole stuck in loose rubbish on the floor of the mine, until it came in contact with USED IN COAL MINING, ETC. 109 fire-damp, which was thereby exploded or fired in order to get rid of it. [A very objectionable way of clearing the workings of gas commonly practised in former days.] FIRING-POINT. That at which fire-damp mixed with atmospheric air ignites or explodes. When there is four times as much air as gas the explosion is very feeble indeed, but increases in force as more air is added. 9 of air and 1 of gas causes the most violent explosion. When the proportion is 14 of air to 1 of gas the mixture ceases to ignite. FIRST MAN (Lei.). The head butty or coal getter in a stall, who is appointed by the manager and is respon- sible for the safety of the men working under him, and for the proper working of the coal, which includes holing, getting, filling, pack building, timbering, &c. He maintains order and regularity amongst his fellow- workmen and in carrying on the work of stalling. FIRST-WEIGHT. The first weight (2) which takes place after commencing to excavate any large area of coal, &c., without leaving pillars. FIRST WORKING. Winning and proving a seam of coal, &c., by heading out into it and preparing to work the coal out by longwall, banks, stalls, broken, &c. First working is chiefly paid for by measurement, an allow- ance or charter being added, upon the tonnage. See Second Working, Yardage. FISH-HEAD. An apparatus for withdrawing the clacks of pumps through the column (1). FISSLE or FISTLE (N.). To make a faint crackling 110 A GLOSSARY OF TEEMS noise, which takes place when creep begins in the workings. FITTING (S.). The shafts and plant of a colliery. FLAG (Ch.). A bed of hard marl stone overlying the rock head in salt mines. FLAIKES (S.). Shaly or fissile sandstone. FLAMPER (D.). Clay ironstone in beds or seams. FLANCH (N.). The flange or broad ends of pump trees or other iron pipes where joined to one another. FLANK HOLES. Holes bored into the sides of head- ings or other underground workings, to test the thick- ness of a rib or barrier, or the position of old workings likely or known to contain water or gas, or both. FLANNELS. Suits of stout white flannel clothes pro- vided by the masters for the enginewright and his assistant for wearing in an engine-pit or other wet place when doing repairs, &c. ; also a flannel coat is often allowed to a lottomer, a night watch, &c. FLAPPER-TOPPED AIR CROSSING. An air crossing fitted with a double door or valve giving direct com- munication between the two air currents when forced open by the blast of an explosion. The flappers or doors being so arranged that they should fall to or close of themselves immediately the blast is passed, and so restore the ventilation to its ordinary course. The object of the doors is to preserve the overcast from damage in the event of the pit firing. FLAPS. Eectangular wooden valves about 24 inches X 18 inches x 1J inch thick, hung vertically to the USED IN COAL MINING, ETC. Ill framework of the air chambers of the Nixon Ventilator. See Ventilator. FLASH (Ch.). A subsidence of the surface due to the working of rock salt and pumping of brine. FLAT. 1. (N.) A place underground at which corves are put upon the volleys, or where tubs are run off and on into cages. 2. (D.) A district or set of stalls separated by faults, old workings, or barriers of solid coal. FLAT COALS (S.). Seams of coal lying horizontal or at a low angle. FLATMAN (N.). One who links the tubs together at the flats (1) or levels. FLAT -NOSE SHELL. See Cleanser. FLATS. 1. Subterraneous beds or sheets of trap rock or whin. 2. (N. S.) Tracts of coal-seams which lie at a mode- rate inclination in districts containing rearers. FLAT SHEETS. Iron plates laid as a floor of the pit bank (2), upon which the coal tubs are easily moved about. FLAT SHUTS (Y.). Heavy iron plates forming part of the Jieapstead. FLATTING (D.). Drawing or leading coals under- ground with horses and lads. FLEEK (M.). Coal or other rock is said to fleek off when humps or masses of it fall off from a slip or fault in the workings without giving warning, or without . much labour in cutting, &c. 112 A GLOSSARY OF TERMS FLINT (Sh.). Fine grained sandstone suitable for building purposes. FLITCHING (N. S.). Widening the sides of a heading. FLOAT. A clean rent or fissure in strata unaccom- panied by dislocation. FLOOR. 1. The stratum of rock, &c., upon which a seam of coal, &c., immediately lies. 2. That part of any subterraneous gallery upon which you walk or upon which a tramway is laid. FLOTZ. The German for seam or led. FLUE (S. W.). A furnace, which see. FLUSH (M.). A small quantity of ignited fire-damp. FLY-DOORS (N.). Doors in working roadways, opening either way. FLYING KEED (S. S). The thinning out or splitting up in a northerly direction of the " Thick coal " seam. FOAL (N.). A small boy who assists a putter. FOALEY BANT (D.). A cluster of three or four boys sitting in chain loops attached to a hemp rope a few feet above the heads of a bunch of several men (also riding in chains attached to the same rope) in which position they used formerly to ride up and down a pit shaft. FOLLOWING DIRT (L.). Loose shale, &c., in a thin bed forming the roof of a coal seam, which has to be taken down in the workings in order to prevent it falling and thereby causing accidents. FOLLOWING-IN. A shift arriving at a working place before the previous one has finished work. USED IN COAL MINING, ETC. 113 FOLLOWING-UP BANK (Y.). A breadth of about 6 yards of coal taken off on either side of a leading lank. FOOT. That part of the face of a heading next the floor. FOOTRILL, FUTTERIL, and FOOTRAIL. The entrance to a mine by means of a level driven into a hill-side, or a dip road, up which coal is brought. FOTHER (N.). A measure of coals, 17f cwt., being an ordinary cartload for one horse. FORCER. A pump by which the water is raised with a ram or plunger ; in short, a force-pump. FOUDROYAGE (F.). See Falls. FOUL. A condition of the atmosphere of a mine, so mixed by any gases as to be unfit for respiration or working in. FOUL COAL. Faulty, or otherwise unmarketable coal. FOULS. Where seams of coal disappear for a certain space and are replaced by some foreign matter. FOUND. When sinking or driving to find or prove a mine of coal, &c., as soon as it is met with it is said to have been found, or ascertained to lie and be. FOUNDATION (M.). The shafts, machinery, build- ings, railways, workshops, &c., of a colliery, commonly called a plant. FOSSE (F. and Belg.). A colliery or coal pit. FOSSIL (M.). A local term formerly used for a par- ticular kind of rock bed met with in sinking. Cank, lignite, &c., were called by this name. FRAME-DAM. A solid stopping or dam in a mine i 114: A GLOSSARY OF TERMS constructed of timber balks in a watertight manner so as to entirely keep back and resist the pressure of a heavy head of water. FRAME TUBBING. Solid wood tubbing, entirely com- posed of rings or curls of wood about 8" X 6" square built up in segments and wedged to keep it water- tight FREE-DRAINAGE LEVEL. See Adit. FREE MINER (F. D.). A man born within the hundred of St. Briavel*, in the county of Gloucester, who has worked a year and a day in a mine. FREE SHARE (Som.). A certain proportion of a royalty on coal, &c., paid to lessor by lessee. FRENZIED (S. S.). Crushed by the creep or subsi- dence of the cover. FUR. A deposit of lime and other minerals upon the sides of pumps, boilers, &c. FURNACE. A large coal fire at or near to the bottom of an upcast shaft for producing a current of air for ventilating the mine. The power of a furnace where the shafts are 600 yards deep and over, is probably greater than that of a fan as ordinarily constructed. As much as 400,000 cubic feet of air per minute have been passed up a single shaft by furnace ventilation. It has its disadvantages, however, viz. the chief being, the liability of sparks fcom it to ignite an explosive mixture in the upcast r and thereby cause an explosion in the mine attended with terrible consequences. The excessive heat in the shaft, rendering it in many cases unlit for winding in, or for any other than ventilating purposes. The liability of the tires to get low through the negli- USED IN COAL MINING, ETC. 115 gence of the fumaceman. Of the heat of the furnace to set fire to the coal, &c., in the locality ; of the shaft- fittings to take fire; the tubbing, &c., to become dangerously weak from the effects of heat, wet, &c. FURNACEMAN. One whose sole occupation is to keep the furnace going. FURTHERANCE (N.). An additional sum of money paid per score to hewers, putters, &c., as an allowance in respect of inferior coal, a bad roof, & fault, &c. FUSE or FUZE. A small train of gunpowder en- closed in a hollow cord of hemp, &c., for firing off shots. & GAD. An iron wedge used for breaking down coals, &c. GAGING (8. S.). A small embankment or heap of slack or rubbish, made at the entrance to a heading, &c., as a nv,-ans of foncmg it off. GAGS. Chips of wood in a sinking pit bottom, or sump. GAILLETINS (Belg.). Bound coal GAIN (M,). A transverse channel or cutting made in the sides of a roadway underground for the insertion of a dam or close permanent stopping, the object being to prevent any gas escaping or any air entering, and to retain the dam in a firm position. GALE (F. D.). A specified tract of mineral property granted by the Crown to a colliery proprietor or com- pany for working the mines. I 2 116 A GLOSSARY OF TERMS GALEE (F. D.). The owner of a Gale. GALLOWS (N.). A crown tree with a prop placed underneath each end of it. See Fig. 59. GANG. 1. (M.) To go ; to move along. 2. A train or set of pit tubs or trams. GANGER (M.). One who is employed at conveying minerals along the gangways in or about a mine, which employment is known as ganging. GANG-RIDER. A lad who rides with or upon the trams upon underground engine planes, to give signals when necessary, and to work any clips, &c. See Haulage Clip. GANGWAY (Pa.). The main haulage road or level, which is driven on the strike of the mine. GANNEN (N.). A "board down which coals are con- veyed in tubs running upon rails. GANNISTER. A very hard and compact, extremely siliceous fire-clay, being the floor of some of the lower coal seams of the Midland coalfield. It is often crowded with the fossil Stigmaria, and is largely made use of for lining the interiors of steel furnaces, converters, &c. GARLAND. 1. A wooden or cast-iron curb set in the walling of a pitshaft to catch and conduct away into a pipe or lodge, any water which runs down the shaft sides. See cross section of a garland or water curb, Fig. 73. 2. A wooden frame, rectangular in form, and strengthened with iron corner-plates, for Fig. 73. a. small blocks of wood placed at intervals round the curb to support the upper ring 6. USED IN COAL MINING, ETC. 117 Fig. 74. keeping the coals together upon the top of a tram, &c., when heavy loading is practised in a mine. Some- times two, and even three are used upon one load. See end view, Fig. 74. GAS. See Fire-damp. Generally any mixture of this gas and air in an ex- plosive condition is called gas. GAS COAL. That which yields a large quantity of illuminating gas on distillation, together with freedom from sulphur and other impurities. Cannel coal is generally a good sort for gas-making purposes. GAS DRAIN. A heading driven in a mine for the special purpose of carrying off or draining away^re- damp from a goaf or other working. Sometimes a bore-hole put down from an upper to a lower seam of coal with a similar object, or a bore-hole put into the floor to liberate gas, which is known in some places to exist in coal under the enormous pressure of over 300 Ibs. to the square inch. GAS-MAN (U. S. A.). See Fireman, Fire-losses. GAS-PIPE (M.). A short wooden pipe about 4" x 4" inside, having its upper end open to the roof in the cavity to which it is applied, and the lower end opening into the bratticing (see Fig. 75), so that any gas given off in the roof is, by the Fig. 75. 118 A GLOSSAKY OF TERMS air drawn up the pipe, diffused and carried away as formed, and no fall of roof at that point can suddenly force out gas previously accumulated, upon naked lights. GATE (from the Saxon verb Gangum, to go). An underground road connecting a stall with a main road or inclined plane, worked either by horses and ponies or by self-acting incline ropes or chains. GATE-END. The inbye end of a gate. GATE-END PLATE (M.). A large iron plate or sheet about 4' 6" square and J" thick, upon which trams are turned round upon coming out of the stall face to be taken along the gate. Smaller plates are sometimes used, one laid between the tram-rails and one on either side of it. GATE-ROAD (M.). See Gate. GATE-WAY (M.). See Gate. GATHER (D.). To drive a heading through disturbed or faulty ground in such a way as to meet with the seam of coal, &c., sought, at a convenient level or point on the opposite side. See Eat-out. GAUGE-DOOR. A "wooden door fixed in a mine in an airway for regulating the supply of ventilation neces- sary for a certain district, or number of men, &c. Its opening is adjusted by various means, and is solely con- trolled by the underviewer or manager. GAD TON (S.). A narrow channel or ricket, cut in the floor of an underground roadway. GAUZE LAMP (S.). A (so-called) safety-lamp, for- merly commonly used in the Scotch coal-pits. It is USED IN COAL MINING, ETC. 119 a kind of Davy lamp, with a gauze top about 3 inches in diameter, and has no brass frame to strengthen it, and no glass. GAVELLER (F. D.). The Crown agent, or gale giver , who has power to grant gales to free miners. GAWL (L.). An unevenness in a coal wall. GAYETTE (Belg.). Large picked coals. GAYLETTEBIE (Belg.). Second quality coals. GEAR (N.). A collier's tools, consisting of picks, drills, wedges, hammer, shovel, &c. GEARS. 1. (N.) See Double Timber. 2. (N.) Staging and rails erected at quays over coal drops. GEODES (Lei.). Large nodules of ironstone, hollow in the centre. GEORDIE. A safety-lamp invented by "the father of the railway system " (George Stephenson) in 1815. He, although quite independently of Sir H. Davy (who also invented a safety-lamp, the Davy), is said to have been the first to produce a lamp which would indicate an explosive mixture of gas and air in a mine without causing an explosion. The Geordie lamp is extinguished by the presence of firedamp. The flame of this lamp is surrounded by a glass cylinder fitted with a per- forated metal cap, a wire gauze cylinder forming the outer or essential part of the arrangement. The gas enters the lamp through a number of small holes in the base of the lamp-top, takes fire at the flame, and the aft&r-damp (the products of combustion) puts out the light. It, however, gives a miserable light, and is un- 120 A GLOSSARY OF TERMS safe when exposed to a high velocity in an air-current charged with much gas. GERMAN. A straw filled with gunpowder to act as a fuze in blasting operations. GET. 1. To work away or excavate by mining either under or above ground. 2. The produce or output, in tons, of a colliery or mine during a certain period, e. g. 125,000 tons in six months. GETTING. Cutting, falling, and loading up of the coals, &c., in a mine. GETTING BOCK (S. S.). Clay ironstone in the roof of a coal-seam, which is worked in conjunction with the coal GHOST (S. S.). A Hue cap on a candle or lamp. GIB. A short prop of timber by which the coal is supported whilst being holed, or undermined. See Sprag. GIN or HORSE GIN. A drum and framework carry- ing small pulleys, &c., by which the minerals and dirt are raised from a shallow pit, not exceeding say 35 yards, or from a dip incline from surface, or one in the workings. A gin is also used for raising the materials, &c., in building tall chimneys, &c. GIN-BEAM (S. S.). A timber cross-bar carrying the pulley- wheels over the top of a gin-pit. GINGING (D.). The walling or lining of a pit-shaft. GINNEY. See Jinney. GIN-PIT. A shallow mine or a pit-shaft, say from 10 to 35 yards deep, worked by a gin. The coal is USED IN COAL MINING, ETC. 121 hoisted in small wooden tubs or boxes without wheels, carrying about 3 cwt. each, and swinging loose in the pit-shaft, one up and one down. GIN-RACE or GIN-RING. A wide excavation near the top of an underground inclined plane to the dip in which a gin is fixed. When on the surface it means the circular space occupied by the gin, &c. GIRDLES (N.). Thin beds of sandstone, &c., exposed in a sinking-pit or in a lore-hole. GLANCE COAL. Another term for Anthracite, which see. GLASS. A collier's word for a dial. GOAF, or GOAVE. That part of a mine from which the coal, &c., has been worked away and the space more or less filled up. See Double Stall, Fig. 58 ; also Head (8), Fig. 80. GOB. 1. Another word for Goaf. 2. To leave behind in the mine coal and other minerals which are not marketable. 3. To stow or pack full of rubbish any useless under- ground roadway. GOBBIN or GOBBING (Lei.). See Goaf. GOB-FIRE. Spontaneous combustion underground. It would seem in a great measure to be due to the action of iron pyrites becoming oxidized by the co- operation of moisture. During the decomposition the coal becomes split up, and exposes a larger surface to the air ; the ferrous salt is then oxidized into the ferric salt, which gives up its oxygen to the coal. In order to prevent gob-fires it would appear necessary to exclude 122 A GLOSSAEY OF TEEMS all currents of air, unless passed through the place from the commencement in a strong current, so as to act as a cooling agent. GOB ROAD. A gallery or way in the mine carried through a goaf. Many seams of coal, &c., are worked by what is known as the gob-road system that is to say, all the main and branch roadways are made and maintained through the exhausted portions of the mine, the regular workings in which are opened out and carried forward from the sides of the shaft-pillar. Mines worked upon the long wall system are generally worked gol-road, particularly in the Midland counties of England, where the mines are very flat. GOB-WALL (S. W.). A rough kind of wall constructed of the stone from the roof, &c., built up and carried on along either side of a gob road in order to keep up the roof and maintain a good roadway through the pit. GOING. Being worked forward or advanced in any direction, e.g. headings in course of being worked or cut are said to be going. GOING BOAKD (N.). A board down which coals are trammed, or one along which the stuff from several working places is conveyed into the main wagon-way. GOOSE (F. D.). A water-barrel or tub. GOSKINS. GOT-ON-KNOBS (S. S.). A system formerly practised of working the Thick coal, being a kind of board and pillar plan, the main roadways being first driven up to the boundary. GOTTEN (M.). Worked out or exhausted mine (1 and 2). USED IN COAL MINING, ETC. 123 GOUTWATEK (F. D.). Mine water containing sul- phuretted hydrogen. GOWL (D.). Roof and sides are said to gowl or gowl- out when they break down and cause trouble. GRABS (Pa.). A tool for extricating broken boring tools out of a borehole (1), consisting of two iron side- rods fitted at the lower ends with half arrow-headed points facing inwards. GRAFTING SPADE. A long narrow-plated spade for digging clay. GRAITH (S.). Tools used by a collier (1). GRAPIN (F.). A tool used in the Kind-Chandron system of sinking shafts. It is in form like a gigantic pair of scissors, the points of which cut away and trim up the edges of the shaft in preparing a seat or bed for the moss-box to rest upon. GRAPPEL. A cutting tool for obtaining a solid specimen of the rock bored into. See Carrot. GRASS. The surface. The pit bank (1). The ex- pression " gone to grass " means gone up the pit or gone to bank (1). GRATHE (N.). To replace, repair, dress, or put in order. GRATHELY (N.). Tidy, orderly. GRATHER (N.). See Changer. GRAVEL WALL (W.). The junction of a coal-seam with overlapping or unconformable Permian, &c., rocks. GREEN KOOF. A miner's term for a roof which has not broken down or weighted at all. GREYS (Som.). Hard siliceous sandstone. 124 A GLOSSARY OF TERMS GRIDAW (S. W.). Pulley Frames or Head Gear, which see. GRIMES (S. W.). See Bell-mould. GRIST (S. W.). A black coaly stratum indicating a probable vein of coal not far off. GRISOU (F.). See Fire-damp. GRIZZLE. Inferior coal with an admixture of specks and patches of iron pyrites, and often sooty. GROS MORCEAUX (Belg.). Coal in very large lumps. GROUND. Strata or measures. When strata do not contain coal or other mines of sufficient thickness or value to make them workable at a profit, they are said to be barren or unproductive ground. The terms hard ground, soft ground, faulty ground, broken ground, &c., are very commonly made use of. GROUND BAILIFF (M.). Old term for Manager. His duties were to look after the getting and sending to bank (1) of the coal, keep the ventilation right, &c. ; but had generally nothing to do with the machinery or mechanical department of the colliery. GROUND BLOCKS. Pulley blocks to which the ground spears are hung. GROUND CRAB. A species of capstan used for lowering the sinking set of pumps as the shafts get deeper. GROUND KENT. Bent paid for surface occupied by the plant, &c., of a colliery ; generally double the usual agricultural or surface-rent. GROUND BOPES. Hemp ropes for passing through the ground blocks to the ground crabs. USED IN COAL MINING, ETC. 125 GROUND SPEARS. Wooden pump-rods (one on each side of the set or pump trees), to which the pumps in a sinking-pit are suspended. GROWL (M.). Coal pillars, &c., are said to growl when they are undergoing a crushing weight. GUELL (I.). CoaL GUG (Som.). A self-acting inclined plane under- ground ; sometimes a dip incline. GUIDES. 1. See Cage Guides. 2. A boring-rod having an enlargement or wings fitted to it to suit the size of the borehole (1) for steadying the rods when a considerable depth has been attained. GUIDING BED. A thin band or seam of coal, &c., in a nip leading to the regular seam on either side of it. See Fig. 70 (2). GULCHING (N. S.). The moving and crackling noise made by a weight coming on underground. GUM (S.). Free-burning small slack or duff. GUNBOAT (Pa.). A car or wagon holding from 5 to 8 tons of coal, used upon inclined planes or slopes. They are filled by emptying the trams into them at the foot of the slope, and empty themselves on reaching the surface, when the coal runs down on to screens for sepa- ration and cleaning. Guss (B.). A short piece of rope by which a boy draws a tram or sled in a pit. GUTTER. 1. (F. D.) An air-way through a goaf. 2. Candles or dips, when subjected to the warm air of a mine, waste away very rapidly, and are said to gutter or sweal. 126 A GLOSSARY OF TEEMS GUTTERING (Pa.). A channel or pipe cut along the side of a pit shaft to conduct the water not tubbed lack into a lodge or sump. GUTTER-UP (M.). See Cut-up. GUYS. Strong wire ropes or cables attached near the top of headstocks, and anchored at the ground to keep them steady. GWYTHYEN (S. W.). A vein or seam. H. H-PiECE. A strong pipe cast in the form of a letter H containing the Fj ?6 bottom clack of a forcing sett (1) of pumps. One side communicates with the plunger, the other with the suction and delivery, and has a clack door on it. See Fig. 76. HACK (N.). A. pick or tool with which colliers cut or hew the coal, and use in Fig. 77. sinking and stone drifting. It weighs about 7 Ibs. HADE. The dip, incli- nation, or underlie of a fault, measured by the angle between a vertical plane and the plane of the fault. In Fig. 77 the dotted line a b represents the hade as distinguished from the USED IN COAL MINING, ETC. 127 throw or amount of displacement which is the length of the line a c. HAGGED (S.). Hewn or cut. HALF-CO UESE. Half on the level and half on the dip. HALF- END. See Horn Coal. HALF-END AND BOARD (Y.). See Horn Coal. HALF-MARROW (N.). A butty or partner. HALF-MOON. A scaffold nearly filling up one half the sectional area of a pit-shaft, or in plan the form of a half-moon, upon which repairs are done. HAND DOG. A kind of spanner or wrench for screwing up and disconnecting the joints of loring rods at the surface. HANDFUL (B. and Som.). A length of four inches. HAND or HANDLE. To work a winding, pumping, hauling, or other engine. HANDLING (M.). Reloading coals underground from one tub to another. HANG (B.). The He or hade of o, fault. HANGER ON. The man who runs the full trams upon the cages and gives the signals to lank (1). HANGING ON. The pit bottom, level, or inset, at which the cages are loaded. HANGING SPEAR-RODS. Wooden pump-rods adjustable by screws, &c., by which a sinking sett of pumps is suspended in a shaft. HARD-HEADING. A heading, tunnel, or drift, driven in stone or measures. HARDS (M.). Coals of a hard and close-grained character. 128 A GLOSSAKY OF TEEMS HARP (S.) To fill a hutch with coal at the face. HATCH (B.). See Door. HATCHING (B.). An underground way or self-acting inclined plane, in a thin seam of coal, carried up from 60 to 80 yards to the rise. HAT KOLLERS. Cast iron or steel rollers, shaped like a hat, revolving upon a vertical pin, for FIG. 78. guiding incline hauling ropes round curves. See Fig 78, HAULAGE or HAULING. The drawing or convey- ing of the produce of the mine from the working places to the bottom of the winding pit. This work may be performed in the following ways : By pushing the trams by hand, as is done in very small pits ; by horses or ponies drawing several trams at a time ; by self-acting inclined planes driven of course to the rise ; by stationary engines worked by steam, compressed air, or hydraulic power working wire ropes, or chains, and by locomotives working with compressed air. In most mines some kind of mechanical haulage is to be found, but horses are invariably used as well, to convey the trams from the stalls, &c., on to the main roads. Hauling coals a distance of about three miles is occasionally performed. Horses to the number of 80 are sometimes to be found assisting in hauling in one colliery, and over 2000 tons of mineral are sometimes conveyed to the pit bottom in one day. USED IN COAL MINING, ETC. 129 HAULAGE CLIP. Levers, jaws, wedges, &c., by which trams, singly or in trains, are connected to the hauling ropes. There are several ingenious and simple arrange- ments in use, some of which are given in Fig. 79. Fig. 79. HAULIEE. A boy or man who goes with a pony or horse in the pit, or who attends the trains upon engine planes, &c. HAUNT (Som.). See Landsale. HAZLE (N.). A tough mixture of sandstone and shale. HEAD. 1. Any road, level, or other subterraneous passage driven or formed in the solid coal, &c., for the 130 A GLOSSARY OF TERMS purpose of proving and working the mine. A common size for an ordinary head is 6 feet by 6 feet, though the sectional area depends entirely upon circumstances, some being as much as 70 to 80 square feet, the smallest about 8 or 10 square feet. 2. That part of a face nearest to the roof. 3. (Som.) Any length of working faces. 4. (S. S.) A shift or day's work by the stint in heading (2) out, or driving of deadwork. 5. The top end of the "boring rods above the surface. 6. Pressure of water in pounds per square inch, or, of so many feet. 7. To cut or otherwise form a narrow passage or head (1). 8. A lift (3). See Fig 80, showing a seam being worked in three "heads. Fig. 80. 9. See Motive Column. HEAD-COAL (S.). The upper portion of a thick seam of coal which is worked in two or more lifts (3). HEADER (M.). A collier or coal cutter who drives a head (1) ; he is paid by the yard and also receives so much per ton upon the large coals sent out. HEAD-GEAR. The pulley-frame erected over a wind- ing shaft constructed of iron or timber or both, and USED IN COAL MINING, ETC. 131 sometimes reaching to 72 feet in height. For boring work it is generally from 30 to 40 feet high, though as much as 80 feet are occasionally employed, Norway fir being the kind of timber used. HEADING. 1. See Head (1). 2. The operation of driving a head (1). 3. (Pa.) A level driven parallel to a gangway and usually the return airway of the mine. 4. (S.) The top portion above the tub sides of the load carried. HEAD-ROOM. Height as between the floor and the roof anything above 6 feet is considered good head-room in a pit. HEAD-SIDE (N. S.). The rise side of a heading (1) driven on the strike. HEADSMAN (N.). A putter or haulier, which see. HEADSTOCKS. See Headgear. HEAD-TREE (N.). A portion of a crown-tree about .12 inches in length. HEADWAYS (N.). The direction of the cleat or a place (1) driven parallel with the cleat, that is, end-on. HEADWAYS COURSE (N.). When a set of headings or walls extend from side to side of a set of boards they are said to be driven headways course. HEAP (S.). To load up a tub above the top of the sides. HEAP-KEEPER (N.). The head lariksman who looks after the sorting and cleaning of the coals, and keeps order about the pit top, &c. K 2 132 A GLOSSARY OF TERMS HEAP -STEAD. The entire surface works about a colliery shaft; includes the headgear, loading and screening- arrangements, winding and pumping engines, &c., with their respective houses. The workshops, stores, &c., being sometimes built into the same block surrounding the pit top. Fig. 81 is a plan of a neap- stead of a large colliery. HEAT. The elevated temperature produced by spon- taneous combustion. HEATH or YERTH (S. S.). Earth. HEAVE. 1. See Creep. 2. A fault of dislocation. HEAVY. The hollow sound produced when knocking on a roof, &c., which is giving way. An unsound or dangerous roof is said to knock heavy. HEAVY^FIRE (N.). An extensive and severe explo- sion. HEIVER. A coal cutter or hewer. HELVE or HELVER. The handle of a pick or maun- drill HESS (S. S.). Clinker from furnaces of boilers. HEUGHS or HEUCHS (S.). Ancient term for coal seams or coal workings. HEWER. A collier who cuts coal. HIGH PILLAR. See Shaft Pillar. HILL (N. M.). An underground inclined plane. HINGING (Y.). See Cap, re Ropes. HIT. To find, prove, or cut into a coal seam, fault, &c. USED IN COAL MINING, ETC. 133 134 A GLOSSARY OF TERMS HITCH. 1. (S.) A. fault of dislocation of less throw than the thickness of the seam in which it occurs. 2. (S. W.) To attach trams to hauling ropes by short chains, &c. HITCH AND STEP (S. W.). A system of regulating the distance between the faces of stalls in long-wall work. See Fig. 82. HITCHER. The man who runs trams into or out of the cages, gives the signals at lank (1), and attends at the shaft when men are riding in it. HOD (F. D.). A cart or sled for conveying coals in the stalls of thin seams. HOG-BACK. Sharply rising of the floor of a coal seam. HOGGER. 1. (N.) Stockings without feet, chiefly worn by hauliers. 2. The uppermost pipe of a pumping sett, through the side of which water is discharged through a wide leather pipe. HOIST. An elevator or lift, either single or double acting, worked by steam or hydraulic power, for raising the tubs of coal on to the screening stage from the lank (1) level. HOLD OUT ! (D.) This was shouted by the "banksman down a pit-shaft to the bottomer when a bant of men were about to descend the shaft, to let him know that he was not to send up a load of coals USED IN COAL MINING, ETC. 135 against the bant, but merely the empty rope or chain, in order to avoid accident by collision known as a wedding, which see. HOLE. 1. To undercut a seam of coal, &c., -by chipping away the coal, &c., with a pick, or by the employment of a machine worked by compressed air to do the same work. 2. A borehole, which see. 3. To make a communication from one part of a mine to another. HOLES (N.). The different fiats (1) or stages from which the cages are loaded at the pit bottom. HOLES OF SAWYER (S. S.). Blocks of the Thick or Ten-yard coal-seam formed by holing, and then cutting the sides upwards by forming vertical grooves between the mass to be brought down and the sides of the pillars to be left unwrought to support the roof. [The term sawyer refers to a particular band or layer forming portion of the Thick coal.] HOI-ING. 1. The wedge-shaped portion of a seam or floor removed from beneath the coal before it is broken down. Sometimes the holing is made in the top of the seam, sometimes in or about the middle. It is only in hard or moderately hard coals that holing to any considerable depth or distance under is necessary ; but in order to produce coals in the best possible shape or size deep holing is indispensable. A hard seam should be holed to a depth of not much less than the thickness of the seam, e. g. a six feet seam holed five to six feet under. See Bannocking. 2. A short passage connecting two roads. 136 A GLOSSARY OF TEEMS HOLLOW KEAMEE (Pa.). A tool for straightening a crooked borehole (1). HOLLOWS. Old abandoned workings. HOME (N.). In the direction of the shafts. When a certain quantity of air has circulated through a sufficient length of workings it is sent home or direct to the upcast. Hoo CANNEL. Impure earthy cannel coal. HOOKEE ON. See Hanger on. HOPES (N.). Valleys formed by denudation in the coal measures of the County of Durham. HOPPITT. See Bowk. HOEN COAL. Coal worked partly end-on and partly face-on. This is the proper way to work a hard seam to the best advantage. " HOEN-SOCKET (Pa.). See Bellscrew. HOESE. See D-Link. HORSE-BEANS (Ch.). A stratum of a granular struc- ture immediately overlying the rock salt beds, in which the rock-head brine runs. HOESE-FETTLEE (S. S.). A man who looks after the underground horses and ponies. HOESE GIN. See Gin. HOESE-HEIGHT (M.). Distance between the floor and the roof, for a horse to travel without knocking his head, &c. HOESE-LOAD (L.). A measure of weight used in some parts of East Lancashire. 1 horse load = 4 cwt or 5 horse loads to a ton. USED IN COAL MINING, ETC. 137 HORSE-ROAD. An underground way worked by horsing. HORSES or HORSEBACKS. Natural channels cut, or washed away by water, in a coal seam, and filled up with shale and sandstone. Sometimes a bank or ridge of foreign matter in a coal seam. HORSE -TREE. A strong timber beam to carry pumps, &c. HORSING. Drawing trams underground by horses and ponies. HOUSE, HOUSE-FIRE, HOUSEHOLD COAL. Has a hard fracture and in burning leaves little ash, and that of a reddish-brown colour. HOWDIE HORSE (N.). A pit horse kept on the surface for use in cases of emergency. How WAY ! (N.) Lower the cage down. HUDDOCK (N.). The cabin of a Jceel, which see. HUDGE (Som.). See Bcnvk. Also a small lox or tram without wheels running on timber slides, drawn by a boy in thin and steep seams. HUGGER (N.). A Back or Cleat. HUNCH (D.). HUND (Pr.), meaning dog. A rectangular iron tram or wagon on four small wheels with a projecting pin beneath it to run between the rails (wooden), and thus guide the movement. Used as long ago as 1550. HUNDRED. Hundredweight (cwt). HUNKER (In.). Yellowish clay containing concre- tionary nodules. 138 A GLOSSARY OF TEEMS HUNTING COAL (T.). Eils and posts of coal left for second working. , HURDLE SCREEN (S.). A temporary screen or curtain for clearing gas out of a pit. HURLEY (S.). A Hutch. HURRIER. See Haulier. Generally small boys. HURRY. To haul, pull, or push trams of coal, &c., in a mine. HUTCH (S.). See Box. HUTCH KUNNER (S.). Boy who draws hutches. HYDRAULIC PUMPING ENGINE. An apparatus using water as its motive power, for draining such portions of the underground workings as are below the level, or to the dip of the shafts ; for pumping water up a shaft to the surface pumping engine, or to a steam engine placed part way down the shaft. The principle of its action is that of employing water at a given head (6) to raise a larger quantity against less head. I. IN. When a stall or other working place in a mine is blocked up with fallen roof, &c., it is said to be in, or to have come in. INBYE. Going into the interior of a mine, away from the shafts or other openings. Fresh air and empty tubs go iribye. INCLINE. 1. Short for Inclined Plane. Any under- ground roadway which is driven at an angle to the horizon. If to the rise it is worked by a self-acting arrangement, if to the deep by a steam or other engine. USED IN COAL MINING, ETC. 139 2. To dip sufficiently to form a self-acting incline (1). INCLINE EOPE HAULAGE. A system of haulage in which, a single rope is used, or where the inclination of the plane is such as to allow of the empty tiibs drawing the rope in after them. INCLINE DRAW-ENGINE. A stationary surface in- clined-plane engine. INDICATOR. 1. A mechanical contrivance attached to winding, hauling, or other machinery which shows the position of the cages in the shaft or the trams upon an incline during its journey or run. 2. An apparatus for showing the presence of fire- damp in mines. The temperature of goaves. The speed of a ventilator, &c. And also for calculating the power of an engine. IN-DOOR CATCHES. Strong beams in Cornish pump- ing engine-houses, to catch the beam in case of a smash, and prevent damage to the engine itself. IN-DOOR STROKE. That stroke of a Cornish pump- ing engine which lifts the water in the bottom or drawing lift. IN FORK. When pumps are working with the water having receded below some of the holes of the wind- lore, they are said to be in fork INGATE (N.). See Inset. IN-GOING. That which is going iribye. IN-OVER. See Iribye. INSET. The entrance to a mine at the bottom or part way down a shaft where the cages are loaded. See Fig. 69. 140 A GLOSSARY OF TERMS INSPECTOR. 1. (N.) A man appointed to overlook the 'banking and screening department. 2. Her Majesty's Inspector of Mines, of whom, there are several. INTAKE. 1. The fresh air airway or road going iribye, commencing at the bottom of the downcast. 2. The fresh air descending into a colliery. INTERBEDDED. When patches or layers of strata or of trap (having no true relation to the coal measures) lie between two beds, the rocks are said to be inter- bedded, e.g. the sheet of intrusive dolerite in the Leicestershire coal-field. IRON MAN. A collier's term for a coal-cutting machine. IRONSTONE. A term usually applied to argillaceous or clay ironstone, containing from 20 per cent, to 40 per cent, of iron. It is very commonly met with in the coal measures, and takes the form of thin beds or layers and of nodules or balls of various sizes and shapes is interstratified with the shales and clays throughout the entire series of the measures. Sp. gr. about 3. A cubic foot weighs from 170 to 190 Ibs. The ironstones or ores of the Lias and Oolite series of rocks are found in beds as much as from 10 or 20 feet thick, these ironstones are of less specific gravity than the clay or llackland varieties. Great Britain produces annually something like 15,000,000 tons of ironstones of various kinds. IXOLITE. A mineral found in certain bituminous coals. USED IN COAL MINING, ETC. 141 J. JACK 1. (N.) A lantern-shaped case made of tin in which safety lamps are carried in strong currents of ventilation. 2. (S.) One who works underground at odd work. JACKANAPES. The small guide pulleys of a whim. JACK ENGINE (N.). The engine for raising men, debris, &c., in a sinking pit. JACK HOLES (N. S.). See Cut through. JACK LAMP. A Davy lamp with the addition of a glass cylinder outside the gauze. JACK PIT (N.). A shallow pit-shaft in a mine com- municating with an overcast, or at a fault. JACK-ROLL. A windlass worked by hand. JACKS. 1. (N.) Large fissures or cracks in the roof. 2. (Lei.) Wood wedges 6" x 4" tapered at one broad edge, so that when driven up they cannot start again. JACKY PIT. See Jack Pit. JAD (Som.). A long and deep holing, cutting, or jud, made for the purpose of detaching large blocks of stone from their natural beds at the Bath-stone (Oolitic) quarries, or rather underground workings, at Box. 142 A GLOSSARY OF TEEMS JADDING. The operation of forming &jad. JADDING PICK. The tool employed to cut a jad. They are made in sets of about three or four, with helves ranging from three to six feet in length, to enable thejads to be cut to a great depth. JAILER (Som.). A small tub or box in which water is carried in a mine. JAM OUT (S. S.). To cut or knock away the spurns in "holing. JARS (Pa.). A sliding joint in "boring rods for deep holes, consisting of two long loops of iron or steel, sliding one within the other. JAY (D.). Koof coal. JENKIN (N.). An opening cut into or a slice taken off a pillar from six to eight feet in width, in the board and pillar system of working coal. JET. A compact, black, lustrous, resinous variety of lignite, susceptible of a high polish. It occurs chiefly in the Upper Lias clays of Yorkshire, &c., in lenticular patches or beds, nodules, and irregularly shaped masses. Is believed to be formed of the fossilized stems of coni- ferous trees. The Romans used it. Some 1500 hands are employed in the jet trade (mining, cutting, polish- ing, &c.), and the value in 1872 is stated to have been 88,OOOZ. Jet is mined by driving levels and systema- tically exploring the strata by a kind of stoping or overhead excavating. English jet is worth from 300Z. to 1300?. per ton. JIDDY (L., N. S.). See Eunner (1). USED IN COAL MINING, ETC. 143 JIG. A self-acting incline worked by a drum (2) or by wheels, with hemp or steel wire ropes. Fig. 83 shows a useful and in- expensive arrangement 7/MM for lisrht loads and short Fig. 83. runs. See Floor- Fig. 84. JIGBROW (L.). Jig. JIGGER. 1. (S.) A kind of coupling hook for connecting trams, upon an incline. 2. (Lei.) See Onsetter. JIG RUNNER (T.). The man who works JINNEY. See Jig. JINNEY TENTER. See Jig Runner. JITTY (Lei.). A short slit along which empties, horses, or workmen travel. JOCKEY (M.). A self-acting apparatus carried on the front tub of a set, for releasing it from the hauling rope at a certain point. See Fig. 84. JOEY (M.). A man specially appointed to set timber in a stall during the turn (1). He is a "butty, and is not paid for doing this work, but takes his turn at it with the other butties in his stall 144 A GLOSSAKT OF TERMS JOINTS. Natural divisions, cracks, or partings in strata. JOURNAL. A carefully kept diary, schedule, or statistical account of the various operations connected with the putting down of a borehole (1) in search of coal, &c. The following arrangement of the page for such a book may be taken as a guide in preparing the journal ; it is taken from the work on ' Mine Engineer- ing ' by G. G. Andre. Descrip- tion of Strata. No. of Speci- men in Case. Thick- ness. Depth from Sur- face. Angle of Dip. Diam. of Hole. Descrip- tion of Tool em- ployed. Time actually occupied in passing through. Quantity of Water met with. X io ,l mains. | r JOURNEY (S. W.). A train or set of trams all coupled together running upon an engine plane: as many as forty sometimes. JOWL or JOWELL (N.). See Chap. JUD. 1. (N.) A block of coal about four yards square kirved and nicked ready for breaking down. 2. (Som.). See Jad. JUDGE. A staff used for gauging the depth of the holing. Formerly a boy who proved the holing. Fig. 85. JUDGE-RAPPER. The upper end of the ver- tical arm of a judge. See Fig. 85. JUMP (Jump-up, Jump-down). 1. An up-throw or a down-throw, fault. Fig. 85. USED IN COAL MINING, ETC. 145 2. To raise boring-rods in a bore-hole (1) and allow them to fall of their own weight. JUMPER. A hand drill used in blasting, having at each end a chisel edge and a swell or bead in the middle to give it more weight. JUNKING (N.). A passage through a pillar of coal. JUSTICE-MAN (S.). See Check-weighman. K. KANK (M.). A twist or snick-snarl in a rope. KEEKER (N.). An inspector over hewers or other workmen underground. KEEL (N.). (A Saxon word for a long ship). An oval shaped strong and clumsy flat-bottomed vessel for carrying coals from staithes or drops to ships; about 20 tons capacity. KEEL-BULLIES (N.). Men who navigate and ply the puys of keels. KEEL DEETERS or KEEL DOCTORS (N.). Women and girls who sweep out keels and have the sweepings as a perquisite. KEELERS (N.). See Keel-bullies. KEEPER. (Engine-keeper, Horse-keeper, &c.) See Brakesman. KEEPS or KEPS. See Cage Shuts. KELF (D., Lei.). The vertical height of the back cutting of the holing at any time during the operation of holing a stint. L 146 A GLOSSARY OF TERMS KELVE (I.). See Bat. KENNEL (M.). A collier's term for cannel, which see. KENNER ! (N.) An expression meaning time to leave off working, conveyed into the workings by shouting, rapping, &c. KEP. See Kip. KEROSENE SHALE (N. S. W.). Oil-producing shale. KETCHES (S. W.). See Backstays. KETTLE (S.). A barrel in which men ride in a shaft. KEVILS (N.). The weights of coals sent out by the various hewers during a certain period. KEY. A kind of spanner used in boring by hand. Two kinds of keys are employed, one for taking the weight off the rods (2), at the top of the lorehole (1), when Fig. 86. taking them off or putting them on; it fits the rods, which are lowered back until a box (screw joint enlargement) rests upon it ; p it usually has an arm on each side to assist in screwing off the j, rods. The other is an ordinary key which is used for screwing and unscrewing the rods as well. See Fig. 86. KIBBLE. See Bowk, but often made with a bow or handle and carrying over a ton of debris. ETC. 147 KIBBLES (S. S.). See Crank. KICKER. A liberating catch made in the form of a bell crank lever rocking on a horizontal axis. Used in Kind's system of deep boring. KICK-UP (N.). See Tipper. KIDING (N.). See Holing. KILKENNY COAL (L). See Anthracite. This Irish coal weighs 99 Ibs. per cubic foot. KILL. To mix atmospheric air with fire-damp or other gases so as to make them harmless. KIND. Generally signifies tender, soft, or easy to work, e. g. a parting is said to be "kind when it allows of an easy separation. Blue bind is called kind Hue bind when it is soft and jointy and easy to sink through. KIND-CHAUDRON (Belg.). A system of sinking pit- shafts through water-bearing strata. It consists in boring out the shaft from the surface by means of apparatus very similar in kind to that used for pro- spective borings. Not only is the pit bored out but it is lined with metal tubbing, and pumped dry without a man ever going down the shaft after the water is met with until it is passed through. The modus operandi is somewhat as follows. By means of a very large boring tool a shaft about 5 feet in diameter is first bored out to a certain depth which forms the centre of tire pit when fully enlarged. The second operation is to bore out the shaft to the full size with a still larger cutting tool (see Trepan) which follows the central L 2 148 A GLOSSAKY OF TEEMS hole 10 or 20 yards behind. The debris is cleared by means of a large sheet iron sludger called a cuiller. The boring head is actuated through a lever by steam power, making from eight to ten strokes per minute, and the rate of advance averages about 8 feet per day in ordinary ground. When a suitable stratum has been found upon which to rest the tubbing, a watertight ring packed with moss is lowered into position and upon this are built up the rings of tubbing placed one upon another at surface, and gradually lowered into the shaft, until the whole of it (in some cases 800 tons) presses and squeezes down upon the moss, forcing it against the sides in such wise as to form a thoroughly water- tight joint. The annular space between the rings and side of the pit is filled by means of huge spoons dis- charged by pistons, with beton or concrete, which when set the water is drawn out of the interior of the pit, and ordinary, or open-bottom sinking commenced. KIND'S PLUG. An ovoid-shaped block of oak fixed to a boring rod for jamming into a lining tube of a bore- hole (I) in order to withdraw it. KINK. See Kanh KIP (N.). A level or gently sloping roadway going cuibye at the extremity of an engine plane, upon which the full tubs stand ready for being sent up the shaft. KIEVE (N.). To hole. Kirving is the same as holing. KIST (N.). A workman's tool box. A cabin in a pit. USED IN COAL MINING, ETC. 149 KITCHENS. Coal prepared and sold expressly for cooking purposes in ranges, stoves, &c. KITTY (N.). A length of about 4 inches of straw filled with gunpowder by which flame is communicated to the blasting charge for firing it off in a drill hole. KNOCK. See Chap. KNOCKINGS (S. W.). Signals made underground by knocking oijowling on the coal. KNOCK OFF. (1.) The point upon an engine plane at which the set is disconnected from the rope, or where a jockey comes into play. 2. A joint for disconnecting the bucket sword from the pump rods. See Fig. 87. 3. To do away with. 4. See Kenner. Fig. 87. Hoep to Icupjoint. tight* KNEELER. A quadrant by which the direction of pump rods is re- versed. KOEPE SYSTEM. Winding coals in shafts without drums, a pulley being fixed upon the main shaft instead. The main winding rope has a cage at each end, and merely passes half round this drum pulley. Under the cages ordinary balance or tail ropes (2) are suspended. Two additional, or safety ropes, are used, of about one- half the length of the main rope the cages being attached to each end and small pulleys placed in the 150 A GLOSSARY OF TERMS head stocks carrying them. Fig. 88 is a rough diagram of this system. Fig. 88. L. LACING. 1. (N. S.) Timbers placed across the tops of lars or caps to secure the roof between the gears. 2. Strips or light bars of wrought iron bent over at the ends and wedged in tight between the lars and the USED IN COAL MINING, ETC. 151 roof, as shown in the sketch Fig. 89. Great elasticity is in this way given to the iron rods, enabling a roof to be very efficiently and economically secured. In Fig. 89. place of wooden bars or head pieces, wrought-iron rail- way rails are sometimes employed. LADDERS (Som.). Wooden slides with cross bars placed between them to give steadiness, on which hudges run in steep seams. LADE-HOLE (Lei.). A shallow hole cut in the floor to receive the drainage, out of which it is laded in buckets. LAGGING. See Lacing (1). LAGS. Long pieces of timber closely fitted together and fastened to oak curbs or rings forming part of a drum (3) used in sinking through quick (1) ground. LAID OFF. When operations at a pit are entirely suspended by reason of accident or trade exigencies, the pit is said to be laid off. LAM or LAMB (W.). A kind of fire-clay. LAMB-SKIN (S. W.). See Culm. It is sold as such at Swansea. LAME (F.). The bar to which the cutting teeth of a trepan are attached. 152 A GLOSSARY OF TERMS LAMESKIRTING (N.). Widening or cutting off coal, &c., from the sides of underground roads in order to give more room. LAMINGS (N.). Collier's word for accidents of almost every description to men and lads working in or about the mines. LAMP MEN. Cleaners, repairers, and those who have charge of the safety lamps at a colliery. LAMPS. Signifies Safety-lamps, which see. LAMP STATIONS. Certain fixed places in a mine at which safety lamps are allowed to be opened and re- lighted by men appointed for that purpose, or beyond which on no pretence is a naked light allowed to be taken. LAND (F. D.). Kising in the direction of the surface or outcropping. Workings to the rise of a drainage level. LANDER. The man who receives the loaded lowJc or trunk at the mouth of the shaft. LANDING. A level stage for loading or unloading coals upon. LANDINGS (S. W.). Coals, &c., sent to lank the output, which see. LANDING SHAFT (S. W.). A pit shaft in which coals, &c., are raised. LANDRY Box (N.). A wooden spout at the top of a pumping sett (1) for carrying off the water delivered by the pumps. LAND-SALE. The sale of coal, &c., loaded into carts or wagons at the pit's mouth_for local consumption. USED IN COAL MINING, ETC. 153 LAND-SALE COLLIERIES (N.). Those situated in out-of-the-way districts, being unconnected with rail, canal, or sea, and generally working thin or inferior seams. LAND-WEIGHT (L.). The pressure exerted by the subsidence of the cover. LAP. One coil of rope upon a drum or pulley. LARGE. The largest lumps of coal sent to lank (1), or all coal which is hand-picked or does not pass over screens, also the largest coals which do pass over screens. Lumps weighing upwards of a ton are occasionally sent out at some of the hard or house-coal collieries of Leicestershire. LAST LIFT (N.). The last rib or jud to come off a piUar. LATCH. To make an underground survey with a dial and chain ; or to mark out upon the surface with the same instruments, the position of the workings under- neath. LATCHTNGS. Diallings or surveys made at a mine. LAT u E ! or LATTH ! (M.). " Lower the cage down ! " or, " Lower down more rope ! " LATHS. See Lacing (1). LAUNDER or LAUNDRY. A wooden or iron cistern or channel in which mine-water is pumped or tipped and conducted away from the pit-top to a water-course or sough. LAYERED (X.). Choked up with sediment or mud. LAY Our (X.). To set out, or put on one side, trams of coals, &?., which have been improperly filled and for 154 A GLOSSARY OF TERMS which the coal-getters are fined, and the coals in them are forfeited. LEAD. 1. To haul or draw coals, &c., either by animal or engine power. 2. (Pa.) A stage worked by a mule or by a loco- motive engine, of a maximum distance of say three- quarters of a mile. LEADER. 1. A cast or wrought-iron ring or shoe, bolted to the bottom (often round the outside) of a brick cylinder, a wooden drum, or a wrought-iron cylinder when used for sinking through quicksand or gravel. It enables the drum or cylinder to force its way through the ground. 2. (Som.) The slip of a, fault. 3. Any particular or constant bed or band of coal, ironstone, &c., in connection with certain workable beds, serving as a kind of datum line, so to speak, in a mine. 4. (N.) A BACK (1) or fissure in a coal seam. LEADING BANK (Y.). A breadth of about 18 yards of coal taken out between pairs of loardgates to the rise commencing from the lank level. See Fig. 9 [Bank- work]. LEADING MAN. See First Man. LEAN (D.). Thin, poor ; of inferior quality. LEAP. A fault of dislocation or throw. There are Leap-ups and Leap-downs. See Down-leap and Up-leap. LEA-STONE (L.). Laminated sandstone. USED IN COAL MINING, ETC. 155 LEATHER-BED (M.). A tough leather-like clayey substance running in a fault slip, composed of the ground-up and squeezed fractured ends of the coal measures. Seldom more than a few inches in thick- ness. LED (N.). A led tub means a spare one, or one which is being loaded whilst another is being emptied. LEG. 1. (S.) A wooden prop supporting one end of a bar. 2. (Y.) (Cleveland.) A stone which has to be wedged out from beneath a larger one. LEVEL. A road or way running parallel or nearly so with the strike of the seam, and often used as a water- level for drainage purposes. LEVEL-FREE (W.) Old coal or ironstone workings at the outcrop, worked by means of a day level driven into the hillside. LEVEL TONS. Weight of mineral wrought in tons, any odd cwts. not being taken into account. LEYS or BLUE-LEYS (L.). See Bind. LTD. 1. A short piece of timber about 2 feet long placed atop of a prop to support the roof. 2. (F. D.) The roof of an Ironstone working. LIDSTONE (F. D.). The roof-stone of an iron mine. LIE. Having reference to the dip of the strata. LIE-TIME (S). A period of rest or cessation from work during a shift or turn (1). LIFE. When in cutting or getting coal it makes a 156 A GLOSSABY OF TEEMS crackling or bursting noise and works easily, it is said to have life in it, or to be alive. LIFT. 1. The vertical height travelled by the cage in a pit-shaft. 2. A column or sett (1) of pumps. 3. A certain thickness of coal worked in one opera- tion. 4. (N.) To clear gas out of a working place. 5. To creep, as when the floor rises up towards the roof or lifts. 6. A broken jud (1 ). 7. (Pa.) A block of coal measuring three-quarters of a mile on the strike by 1000 yards to the rise. 8. (F. D.) A rise in the price of coal or in miners' wages. 9. To break up, "bench (2), or blast coals from the bottom of the seam upwards. 10. A certain vertical thickness of coal seams and measures, having considerable inclination, between or in which the workings are being carried on to the rise, all the coals being raised from one pit "bottom. A colliery may be composed of several lifts. See Eelevee, Fig. 110. LIFTING (S.). Drawing hutches out of the working places into the main roads. LIFTING DOGS. See Crow's foot. LIFTING GUAKDS. Fencing placed round the mouth of a pit-shaft, which is lifted out of the way for decking, by the cages as they reach the surface. USED IN COAL MINING, ETC. 157 LIFTING WICKET (S. W.). See Lifting guards. LIG (N.). To lie down. LIGNITE. A coal of a woody character, containing about 66 per cent, of carbon, found in the Secondary and Tertiary rocks. LIGHTNING EXPLOSION. An explosion of firedamp caused by an electric current during a thunderstorm going into a mine and igniting the gas. LILLYCOCK (M.). See Kenner. LIME CARTRIDGE. A charge or measured quantity of compressed dry caustic lime made up into a cartridge (2), and used instead of gunpowder and in a somewhat similar manner for breaking down coal. The cartridge is first placed in the lore-hole and stemmed, and then water is injected into the hole and on to the lime. Heat or steam is immediately produced, and, expansion taking place, the coal is thereby broken down in a very safe manner, as there is no flame to cause an explosion of gas, and in a less shattered condition than with the use of powder. LIME COAL. Small coal suitable for lime burning. LIME PROCESS. The method of getting coal by the use of the lime cartridge. LIMMERS or LIMBERS. Light wooden or iron shafts for attaching pit ponies to the trams, especially useful in seams having a considerable inclination. LINER (Lei.). A bar put up between two other bars to assist in carrying the roof. 158 A GLOSSARY OF TERMS LINES. Pieces of twine about two or three feet in length weighted at the bottom end with a small lump of clay or with a bit of iron, &c., to steady them, and suspended from hooks driven into wooden plugs called stomps (which see). Not less than two (called a pair of lines) are put up, their object being to keep the head- ing, &c., in which they may be placed in the proper course or point. A line drawn between the centres of these two strings represents the bearing or point of the compass to be driven by, which is determined by the dial. LINING (D.). Clay Ironstone in beds or bands. LINN and WOOL (L.). Streaky grey sandstone. LINSEED EARTH (Sh.). Blackish grey clay suitable for making into firebricks. LINSEY (L.). Strong Bind, also streaky sand- stone. LIP. 1. (M.) The low part of the roof of a gate-road near to the face ; taken down or ripped, as it is called, as the face advances. 2. The edge of & fault slip. IJIPEY BLAES (S.). Lumpy Bind or shales. LIPPEN (N.). To calculate, guess, reckon upon, &c. LIST. Mine Inspector's term for the schedule of particulars of accidents enumerated in his annual Keport to the Government. LOADER. One who fills the trams in the working places. USED IN COAL MINING, ETC. 159 LOADER OFF. A man who regulates the sending out of the full tubs from a long-wall stall, gate end. LOADINGS. Pillars of masonry carrying a drum or pulley. LOAM. Any mixture of sand and clay which is neither distinctly sandy nor clayey. LOCKER (M,). A short iron or wooden bar for scotching tram wheels on inclined roads. LODE (S. S.). A seam or mine. LODGE. A subterraneous reservoir for the drainage of the mine, made at the pit bottom, in the interior of the workings, or at different levels in the shaft. LODGMENT (S.). See Sump and Lodge. LOFTHEAD (N. S.). A cavity or vacant space in the roof produced by a/oZZ. LOFTING. 1. (S. W.) An old or disused heading over the top of another one. 2. (N.) See Lacing. LOG (N. S.). See Dolly. LOGGED up. Supported by trees, props, or puncheons. LOOKING (N.S.). Examining the strata which is not walled up in a sinking-pit. LONG PAY (S. W.) A system of paying wages. LOLLEY (M.). See Locker. LONG PILLAR WORK. A system of working coal seams in three separate operations. First, large pillars, one of which is represented by the square a, &, c t d, Fig. 90, are formed. Secondly, a number of parallel headings are driven through the block ; and, lastly, the 160 A GLOSSARY OF TEEMS ribs or narrow pillars are worked away, commencing in the middle at e and working both ways. Fig. 90. LONG-SHIFT (S.). From say 6 A.M. on Sunday till 6 A.M. on Monday, the time during which the furnaceman and horse-tender has to be underground under certain circumstances. LONG-TON. A weight of more than 20 cwt. In canal trade sometimes 25 or more cwt. of coals are allowed to the ton. LONGUES TAILLES (F.). See Long-wall. LONG-WALL. A system of working coal and ironstone in which the whole of the seam is gotten or worked away, and no pillars left in excepting the shaft pillars, and sometimes main road pillars, the goaves being more or less filled up to prevent large accumulations of fire- damp. There are two modes of working under the long- USED IN COAL MINING, ETC. 161 wall plan. No. 1, to work outwards, commencing near the shafts and taking out all the coal, carrying the roads in the goaf* by pack walls ; or, secondly (No. 2), Fig. 91. by driving out the main roads to the boundary and then Iringing lack the faces and leaving all the goaf behind.* See plan, Fig. 91. * In the Long-wall system the weight assists greatly in extracting the coal, an advantage lost by other systems of working. See Fig. 92, Fig. 92. showing how the subsidence of the roof helps to break down the coal at the face. 162 A GLOSSARY OF TEEMS LONG-WEIGHT. See Long-ton. LONG-WORK. 1. (Y.) A system of working coal some- what in the manner shown in Fig. 17.* 2. (Lei.) Ancient plan of working the Main coal of Moira. Each stall or long-work was about 150 yards in length (usually two in a pit), and was worked by about twenty butties, the coal being got on the gob-road system. LOOKING (N. S.). Examining the un walled sides of a sinking pit. LOOPS. See D links. LOOSE ! or LOOSE ALL ! (N.) See Kenner. LOOSE END. The limit of a stall next to the goaf, or where the adjoining stall is in advance. LOOSE NEEDLE. See Dialling. LOOSING (S. S.). Lowering a cage, &c., into or down a shaft or pit. LORDSHIP (S.). Royalty or acreage rent. LORRY (Y.). A running bridge over a sinking pit top upon which the bowk is placed after it is brought up for emptying. LOSE. 1. To work a seam of coal, &c., up to where it dies out or is faulted out of sight. This is called losing the coal. 2. To be unable to work out a pillar on account of thrust, creep, gob-fire, &c. 3. A pit-shaft is said to be lost when it has run in or collapsed beyond recovery. LOUGHS (L.). Irregular cavities in iron mines. Low. 1. (N.) A candle or other naked light carried by a miner. USED IN COAL MINING, ETC. 163 2. (F. D.) Minor channels communicating with horses, are termed lows. Low ROPE (N.). A piece of rope used as a torch. LUM. 1. (N.). A chimney placed on the top of an upcast shaft to carry off the smoke, &c., and to increase the ventilating current. 2. (D.) A basin or natural swamp in a coal seam s often running several hundred yards in length. LUMBEKINGS (D.). Bumps over old workings. LUMPS (S. S.). Coal of largest size by one. LURRY. 1. (Y.) A tram to which an endless rope is attached, fixed at the iribye end of the plane, forming part of an appliance for taking up the slack rope. See Fig. 93. Fig. as. 2. A movable platform on wheels, the top of which is made on a level with the lank (1) or surface. It is run over the mouth of a pit-shaft for a bowk to be lowered down upon when reaching the pit top. LYE (S.). A siding for tubs in a mine. LYPES (S.). Irregularities in the roof indicating danger from falls. M 2 164 A GLOSSARY OF TEEMS M. MACHINE. A weighbridge or weighing machine upon which wagons, trams, carts, &c., are weighed, either with or without their loads of coals, &c. MACHINE-MAN. One who weighs coals, &c., and keeps an account of the number of tubs sent to "bank (1). MACHINE WALL. The face at which a coal-cutting machine works. MAIDEN FIELD or GROUND. A coalfield, &c., which has not been tapped. MAIN DOOR. See Bearing Door. MAIN BOARD-GATE (Y.). The heading which is driven to the rise of the shaft. It is usual to make it larger in sectional area than an ordinary board-gate. See a, Fig. 9 [Bank-work]. MAIN ENGINE (N.). The surface pumping engine, usually of the Cornish type. MAIN KOAD. The principal underground way in a district along which the produce of the mine is conveyed to the shafts, generally forming the main intake air course of each district. MAIN HOPE. A system of underground haulage in which the weight of the empty tubs is sufficient to draw the rope inbye. MAIN SUIT (B.). A heavy spring or feeder of water. MAINTENAGE (F.). The face of workings in rearing or vertical seams, consisting of a series of little steps USED IN COAL MINING, ETC. 165 each about six feet in height, and forming the working place of one man. MAIN SEPARATION DOOR. See Bearing Door. MAKE GAS (M.). A seam of coal which gives off fire- damp is said to make gas. MAKINGS (N.). The slack and dirt made in holing. MALM (Som.). Loam. MANAGER. An official who has the daily control and supervision of a colliery or mine, both under and above ground. He usually has the appointment of all the sub-officials employed underground ; has the setting out and superintendence of all new works ; is responsible to the Owner or Agent for carrying out the requirements of the Act of Parliament, &c.; for keeping up an adequate amount of ventilation ; for having the plans, books, &c., made and kept up from time to time ; and for the general maintenance of order, regularity, and efficiency of every- thing connected with the getting and output of the coal, &c. He must hold a Certificate of Competency or of Service from the Government. MAN HOLE. A refuge hole constructed in the side of an underground engine plane or horse road, placed 20 yards apart on engine planes and 50 yards on horse- ways. MAN HUDGE (G.). A kind of barrel or box in which men ride in a pit-shaft. MAN-O'-WAR (S. S.). A small auxiliary pillar of coal left un worked in the Thick coal-seam workings, as an additional support, or having some special service in regard to faulty coal, &c. 166 A GLOSSARY OF TEEMS MAN EOPE. A winding rope used exclusively for lowering and raising men and animals at the time when tucklers and swinging lont were used and cages unknown. When used, the coal-drawing ropes were drawn out of the way up against the shaft sides, and the man rope was then swung into the centre of the pit, having its own pulley in the head gear fixed between the other two. A separate drum (1) was employed for this rope, put into gear when required. MAN WAY (Pa.). A lolthole between two chutes. MARCH (S.). The boundary of the coal or colliery. MARCHING (S.). Boundary workings. MARCH PLACE (S.). A heading working up to or alongside the march. MARK. Word applied to a band of hemp, &c., wrapped round a winding rope to indicate to the engine- man the position of the load in the shaft. MARL. Indurated clay or shale, sometimes fire-clay. MARROW (N.). A mate, lutty, or partner. MARSH GAS. In mining language synonymous with fire-damp. MASSIFS LONGS (F.). Pillars in long-wall workings. MASTER CHARGEMAN. The head sinker of a shift. He prepares and fires (2) the shots, and looks after the work being properly done, and the safety of the pit and men under him. MASTERS. Colliers' term for the owners of the works. A pit is said to be worked by the masters when the butty system is not in vogue. Coals cut by men who are paid by the time and not by the ton or score are called USED IN COAL MINING, ETC. 167 masters 9 coals, and are marked or chalked in a particular way in the pit to distinguish them. MATCH. Gunpowder put into a piece of paper several inches long, and used as effuse. MATHER AND PLATT'S SYSTEM. Boring or pro- specting for coal, &c., by steam machinery with a flat hemp rope instead of rigid rods. The cutters or boring- head and rope are raised by a vertical steam cylinder, and have a free fall, varying in height from 2 feet 6 inches upwards. The weight of the cutting tools with guide bar and mechanism for rotating the same is about a ton, but heavier for larger holes. Solid cores, showing the dip and character of the strata bored through, can be brought to surface, and holes up to 2 and 3 feet in diameter bored to a great depth. MAUL (N.). A drivers hammer. MAUNDKIL. A pick with two shanks and points used in getting coal, &c. MAVIES (N.). Possibly, perhaps. MEASURE (Sh. S. S.). A bed or pin of ironstone. MEASURES. Strata. See Ground. MEASURES HEAD. A heading or drift made in various strata. See Grut. MEEND or MEAND (F. D.). Old ironstone workings at the outcrop, some of which were worked by the Komans. MEET. To keep pace with : e. g. to keep up the supply of coals at the pit bottom as fast as the winding engine can raise them, which is commonly called meeting the turn. 168 A GLOSSARY OF TEEMS MEETING. 1. A siding or pass-by on underground roads. 2. The point in the shaft at which the cages pass one another or meet. MEND. To load or reload trams at the gate-ends out of smaller trams used only in the working faces in thin seams. MENDITS (F.). See Putters. MENU (Belg.). Slack. METAL (N.). Indurated clay or shale. See Bind. METAL DBIFT (L.). A heading driven in stone. See Crut. METAL MAN (L.). One who repairs underground roads. METAL EIDGES (N.). Pillars forming themselves into supports to the roof, formed by the creep in the boards. See Fig. 94. METALS. 1. (Ch.) Marl beds more or less indurated. 2. (S.) Coal seams, or mines -^^ of coal, &c. METAL STONE (N.). Sandstone and shale mixed. METAL TUBBING. See Tubbing. MIDDLING (L.). MIDGES (N.). Lamps (not safety) carried by putters &c. MID-WORKINGS (S.). Workings with other workings above and below in the same mine (3) or colliery. USED IN COAL MINING, ETC. 169 MINE. 1. Ironstone, either in thin bands, or in one bed several inches in thickness. 2. A seam of coal. 3. A coal-pit or colliery, or a pit or place where iron- stone, clay, shale, rock-salt, stone, &c., are worked or mined. 4. (S.) A cross-measures drift or incline communi- cating with two or more seams of coal, &c. 5. (S.) A trial heading to prove minerals, &c. MINE EAETH (N. S.). Synonymous with ironstone in beds : a term used as much as 200 years ago. MINE GROUND. Strata containing ironstone in layers. MINE MEASURES (F. D.). See Mine ground. MINERS' COAL TON. In Wales, 21 cwts. of 120 Ibs. each. MINE WORK. An ironstone mine (3) or workings. MINGE or MINGY COAL. Coal of a tender nature. MINGLES (S.). The vertical timbers of the upper part of a pulley frame, on the top of which the pulleys are fixed. MINIMUM KENT. The certain, dead, or fixed rent payable by the Lessee of a colliery, &c., each half-year, whether he shall have worked or disposed of any minerals or not during that period. The amount pay- able during the sinking of the shafts and opening out the underground workings is usually less than when the mine has become fully developed. MISTRESS (N.). A wooden or tin box, having the front open, in which a candle is carried in a pit. 170 A GLOSSAEY OF TERMS MIZEB. The chief tool used in certain systems of sinking the cylinders of small shafts through water- bearing strata, to remove the ground from beneath them. It consists of an iron cylinder, varying in diameter from 1 foot 6 inches to 6 feet, with an opening on the side and a cutting lip, and which is attached by a box-joint to a set of boring rods, and turned from above. HOBBIES (S. S.). MONITOR (U. S. A.). See Gunboat. MONKEY (Lei.). An iron catch or scotch (1) fixed in the floor of a way. MONKEY GANGWAY (Pa.). An air course driven parallel with a gangway and heading at a higher level, and generally in the top-rock or roof, and connected with them by cross cuts. MORTS TERRAINS (F.). Barren or dead ground. The water-bearing strata overlying the coal measures. MOSH (Lei.). Synonymous with smash. Coal which is very nesh or tender is liable to mosTi down, or break up into slack, if roughly handled, conveyed long distances, or allowed to stand exposed to the weather for a considerable time. A collier's term only. Moss Box. A cast iron annular open-topped box or ring, placed in watertight ground for making a water- tight seat or bed for the tubbing of a Kind-Chaudron system sinking pit. The box is filled with dry moss and is lowered into the pit with, or suspended from, the tubbing, the pressure of which, as it settles down, causes compression of the moss to the perfect exclusion of USED IN COAL MINING, ETC. 171 water from behind. It is practically an enormous stuffing-box, and serves the purpose of a wedging crib. MOTE or MOAT. A straw filled with gunpowder for igniting a shot. MOTHEK OF COAL. Sooty coal. MOTHERGATE (N.). A road in the workings to be eventually converted into a main road. MOTIVE COLUMN. The length of column of air in the downcast shaft which would be equal in weight to the difference of the weight of the air in downcast and upcast shafts. The power obtained by furnace ventila- tion is measured by the difference between the weight of the air in the two shafts. To find the motive column the following formula is given : M = Motive column. T= Temperature of upcast. t= Temperature of downcast. D = Depth of downcast. MOTTY (Y.). See Tally. MOUTH. The top of a pit-shaft at the surface. MOUTHING (S. S.). See Inset. MOVE (N. W.). A roof which is just about to fall or weight. MUCK (Y.). See Dirt. MUESELER LAMP. A safety lamp brought out and exclusively used in the collieries of Belgium. It is considered the safest lamp of all the many different forms hitherto constructed. Its chief features consist 172 *A GLOSSARY OP TERMS in the horizontal gauze and conical metallic chimney with which it is fitted, making it very sensitive to fire- damp, self-extinguishing in an explosive mixture or when not placed perfectly upright, and is a lamp which will withstand a con- siderable current of air or explosive mixture without going out or causing the flame to pass through the gauze and thereby cause an explosion. MULNIELLO (It.). A kind of quarry or place in a coal mine where stone and debris are obtained for the purpose of stowing or filling up goaves. MUSH [rhyming with push] (Lei.). Soft, sooty, dirty, earthy coal, &c. MUSHY COAL (Lei.). Where a sooty substance pervades coal, or where it is crushed. MUSSEL BAND. A bed of clay ironstone containing fossil bivalve shells, anthraeosia, &c. MUTHUNG (Pr.). A concession of mines from the State, generally about 612 acres, described in plan by straight lines and in depth by vertical planes. N. NAGER (B.). A drill for boring holes for shots. NAKED LIGHT. A candle or any form of lamp which is not a safety lamp. USED IN COAL MINING, ETC. 173 NANNIES (Y.). Natural joints, cracks, or slips (2) in the coal measures. See Cleat (1). NAPPES (Belg.). Water-bearing strata. NARROWS (N.). Galleries or roadways driven at right angles to drifts (4), and not quite so large in area. NARROW WORK. 1. (Pa.) Headings, chutes, cross-cuts, gangways, &c., or the workings previous to the removal of the pillars. 2. A working-place in coal only a few yards in width. 3. See Deadwork. 4. A system of working coal in Yorkshire. See plan, Fig. 96. Fig. 96. NATTLE (N.). See Fissle. NATURAL VENTILATION. Ventilating a mine without either furnace or other artificial means ; the heat im- parted to the air by the strata, men, animals, and lights in the mine, causing it to flow in one direction, or towards the deepest shaft. NEEDLE. A sharp-pointed copper or brass rod with 174: A GLOSSARY OF TERMS which a small hole is made through the stemming to the cartridge in blasting operations. NESH. Friable, soft, crumbly, powdery, dusty. NEST-WEISE (F. D.). Iron ore which occurs in pockets is said to lie Nest-weise. NETHER COAL (M.). The lower division of a thick seam of coal. NICK (N.). To cut or shear coal after holing. NIGHT SHIFT. The set of men who work during the night. NIGHT WATCH (Lei.). A trusty old collier who keeps guard on the surface during the night. NIP. 1. (S. W.) A kind of fault, the roof and floor coming nearly together. 2. To cut grooves at the ends of "bars, to make them fit more evenly. NIPPING-FORK. A tool formed something like a spanner, for supporting or hanging boring-rods at the surface during the screwing on and off of the rods. See Key. NIPPLE (M.). See Fissle. A word used to express the crepitant noises made by the settling down or weighting of the roof. NITCH WHEELS (S. S.). Drums or pirns upon which the wood-chain winding bands coil. NOG. See Cog and Chock. NON-SEAT (M.). See D Link NOOK (N.). A corner of a pillar of coal. NOOPER (Lei.). A Dresser, which see. USED IN COAL MINING, ETC. 175 NORTH END (Y.). The rise side of the coal in North Yorkshire. NOSE IN. A stratum is said to nose in when it dtps beneath the ground or into a hill-side in a V or nose form. NOSE OUT. A nose-shape stratum cropping out. NOTCH STICKS (F. D.). Short pieces of stick notched or nicked, used by miners as records of the number of tubs of coal, &c., they send out of the pit during the day. NUBBER (M.). A block of wood about twelve inches square, for throwing tubs off the road in case the couplings or ropes break. A boy places it between the rails as soon as the full train has passed oufbye. NUTS. Small lumps of coal which will pass through a screen the bars of which vary in width apart between J inch and 2J inches. o. OBERBERGAMT (Pr.). A board or council consisting of six or seven members, which sanctions colliery rules, prescribes as to the duties of inspectors, fiery mines, safety lamps, &c. The State has appointed five mining boards, or Olerbergdmter. OBERSTEIGER (Pr.). An underground overman, who acts under the guidance of the Betriebsfuhrer, or manager. OCEAN COAL (C.). Coal-seams lying beneath the sea. OCHRE. See Canker. ODD-KNOBBING (S. S.). Breaking off the coal from the sides in the Thick-coal workings. 176 A GLOSSAET OF TERMS ODD MAN. One who works by time at sundry jobs in the mine. ODD WORK. Work other than that done by con- tract, such as repairing roads, constructing stoppings, dams, &c. OFF (N.). Worked out, gotten, wrought. OFF-GATES (N.). Goaf roadways in long-wall work- ings about 120 yards apart. OFF-TAKE. 1. The raised portion of an upcast shaft above the surface, for carrying off smoke and steam, &c., produced by the furnaces and engines underground. 2. The length of boring-rods unscrewed and taken off at the top of the lore-hole (1), depending upon the height of the head-gear and depth of the staple, or well. OFF-TAKE KODS. Auxiliary wooden rods at the top and bottom of a winding-shaft, by means of which the cages are guided and steadied during decking. OIL-SHALE. Shale containing such a proportion of hydrocarbons as to be capable of yielding mineral oil on slow distillation. Occurs in layers or seams inter- stratified with other aqueous deposits, as in the Scottish coal-fields. It consists of fissile argillaceous layers, highly impregnated with bituminous matter, passing on one side into common shale, on the other into cannel or parrot coal. The richer varieties yield from 30 to 40 gallons of crude oil to the ton of shale. OLD MEN. The former workers of a mine. The workings left by them are called old men's workings, or, as in Derbyshire, The old man. ON-COST (S.). Dead work expenses, being costs in- curred at a mine, whether minerals are raised or not. USED IN COAL MINING, ETC. 177 ONE WAY (S. S.). A particular class of house coaL ON-SETTEB. See Bottomer. Also the man who changes the tubs in the cages at bank (2). ON-SETTING MACHINE. A mechanical apparatus fixed at the top and at the bottom (or only at the surface) of a pit-shaft, on a level with the cages, for loading them with the full tubs, and discharging the empties, or vice versa, at one operation, thus effecting a great saving of time and manual labour. There are several machines for performing this important operation, viz., Fowler's hydraulic apparatus, by which cages having three or four decks can be loaded and unloaded in a few seconds without moving the winding -engine or decking, as it is called, in the ordinary sense of the word. Another machine takes the form of an inclined framework, carrying the tubs, which the cage actuates on being lowered on to the props or keeps. A third is worked by a small steam cylinder, which tilts a platform carrying the trams, thus causing them to run forward on to the caqe. A fourth consists in withdrawing the full trams V O from the cages by means of a light rod and a chain worked by a small steam-engine fixed near the top of the screens, which are directly opposite the pit-top, thereby avoiding almost all the heavy work of pushing heavily loaded trams about on surface, which occasion- ally carry 25 cwt. of coals, the tram being 9 cwt. ON THE KUN (Pa.). The ability to work a seam of coal which has sufficient inclination to cause the coal, as worked away towards the rise, to fall by gravity to the gangways for loading up into cars, is called working coal on the run. N 178 A GLOSSAEY OF TERMS OPEN BOTTOM. The bottom of a sinking-pit open directly to the atmosphere or surface. OPEN-CAST WORKING (S.). A coal-working having no roof. See Open Hole. OPEN HOLE. Coal or other mine workings at the surface or outcrop, sometimes carried to a depth of 50 or 60 feet, forming a kind of quarry. See Bench Work- ing (Fig. 15). OPENINGS. 1. Short "heads (1) driven at certain in- tervals between two or more parallel heads or levels for ventilation. As each opening is cut, the last one is built up with bricks and mortar, to drive the air-current forward to the face (1) of working. 2. (N.) Backs (1). OPEN LIGHT. See Naked Light. OPEN OFF. To commence the working away of a seam of coal, &c., upon the long-wall system from the shaft pillar, or it may be the far end of the royalty (1), or from any headings previously driven out for the purpose of commencing such system, or a modification thereof. OPEN OUT. To drive headings out, or commence working in the coal, &c., after sinking the shafts. OPEN EOCK. Any stratum capable of holding much water, or conveying it along its bed by virtue of its porous or open character. OPEN SHELL-AUGER. A coal-boring tool for extract- ing clay and other debris from the hole : it has no valve at the lower end. USED IN COAL MINING, ETC. 179 OPEN-TOP TUBBING. A length of tubbing having no wedging-crib oil the top of it. OPEN WORKINGS. Workings carried on by open hole. OUTBREAK COAL. An old term for outcrop of a coal seam. OUTBURST. 1. (N.) A Slower. 2. See Crop. OUTBYE. In the direction of the pit bottom. OUT-CROP. 1. The surface-edge of any inclined stratum. 2. To incline upwards, so as to appear at the surface. OUT-DOOK STROKE. That stroke of a Cornish pump- ing-engine by which the water is forced upwards by the weight of the descending pump-rods, &c. OUT-FALL. A seam cropping out at a lower level. OUT-OVER. See Outbye. OUT-PUT. The quantity of coal, &c., raised during a certain period for instance, 6000 tons per week. OUT-SET. 1. (N.) The walling of shafts built up above the original ground-level. 2. A brick or stone shaft walling built up within tubbing. OUT-STROKE. The privilege of breaking a barrier, and working and conveying underground the coal from an adjoining royalty. OUTSTROKE BENT. Payment made for the privilege of working through a barrier, &c., and conveying the produce of the mine from an adjoining property. OVERBURDEN. Cover in open workings. See Baring. N 2 180 A GLOSSARY OF TERMS OVERCAST. See Air-crossing. OVER-CROSSING. See Air-crossing. OVERGATE. See Air-crossing. OVERGETTINGS. Minerals worked and sold from a royalty in excess of the certain quantity upon which a rent or royalty at per acre is paid. OVERHAND STOPING. A system of working thick seams of coal in Germany. The upper divisions are wrought first and then the lower. The word stoping is one having special reference to metalliferous mining, and not to coal. OVERLAP FAULT. A peculiar kind of fault where a seam is reversed or doubled back over itself. See Fig. 70 (5). OVERLIE (Sorn.). The Triassic or other later for- mation of strata overlying the coal measures. OVERLYING. Eock beds having no true connection with the coal measures, but which have been deposited at a subsequent date : e. g., some of the traps of the South Staffordshire and Shropshire coal-fields. OVERMAN, also OVERSMAN. One who has charge of the workings whilst the men are in the pit. He gets his orders from the underviewer. OVER-ROPE. The winding rope which passes from the pulley over the top of the drum (1). OVERTHROW. 1. (Pa.) Wooden air pipes for con- necting headings for ventilation. 2. (Y.) See Air-crossing. OVER-VENTILATION. Too much air in the workings. USED IN COAL MINING, ETC. 181 OVER- WIND. To draw ^a cage or bowk up into the deadstocks. OXTER (S.). P. PACK. A rough wall or block of coal or stone built up to support the roof. Fig. 97. PACK BUILDER. One who builds packs. PACKER. A man who builds or constructs packs. Fig. 97. JtoacL PACK WALL. A wall of stone or rubbish built on either side a gate road, to carry the roof and keep the sides up. See Fig. 97. PADDY (Y.). An open or non-safety lamp carried by men and lads in the mines. PADDY PAN (Lei.). Skeps formerly used in swinging lont. PAIR OF GEARS (N.). See Gears. PAIR OF TIMBERS (S. W.). See Gears. PAIRS (S. S.). Two pit-shafts sunk to the Thick coal seam about 100 yards apart. PAN. 1. (Som.) Fire or underclay of the Kadstock coal seams. 182 A GLOSSAKY OF TERMS Fig. 98. fULJLJUUUUI banaaanL 2. (M.) Sheet-iron vessels holding, say, J-cwt., into which fillers rake the small. PANE (S. S.). A lift (3) or stint of coal measuring 2 feet 6 inches high, 6 feet in width, and 6 feet under or forward. PANEL. A large rectangular block or pillar of coal, measuring, say, 130 by 100 yards. PANEL WORKING. A system of working coal seams which came into use about 1810 in the North of England. See Fig. 98. The colliery is divided up into large squares or panels, isolated or sur- rounded by solid ribs of coal, in each of which a separate set of boards and pillars is worked, and the ventilation is kept dis- tinct that is, every panel nnnnnnrii has its own intake and return, the air of one not passing into the adjoining one, but being carried direct to the upcast shaft. PAPER COAL. Finely laminated coal of the Tertiary era, resembling highly compressed leaves. PARACHUTE. 1. K thin leather washer placed between two stops on the lower end of boring-rods, to break the fall of the rods in case they are acciden- tally dropped or break, by preventing the water in the borehole getting past it beyond a certain velocity. It acts as a kind of cushion or brake. USED IN COAL MINING, ETC. 183 2. (F.) A safety cage fitted up with an ingenious arrangement by which, on the breaking of the winding- rope, a wedge is, by the action of springs, inserted between the wooden guides and a part of the cage, so as to bring the latter immediately to a standstill. PARCEL (S. S.). An old term for a ton ; really 27 cwts. PARROT COAL (S., N.). A description of cannel coal, so called because when on the fire it splits and cracks up with a chattering noise, like a parrot talking. PART CANDLES. The use of candles as well as safety lamps in a mine. PARTING. 1. (S. W.) The double roads (2) laid in an inset or pit-bottom arching. 2. Any thin interstratified bed of earthy material. PASS-BY. A siding in which tubs pass one another underground. In Fig. 99 is shown a plan of a pass- by as sometimes constructed upon a self-acting inclined plane. Fig. 99. ^ PASS-PIPE. An iron pipe connecting the water at the back of one set of tubbing with that of another, or a pipe only in communication with one tub, and open to the interior of the shaft. PATCHING (S. W.). Workings carried on at the outcrop or by open hole, their depth and extent being limited by the quantity of water met with and the amount of baring required. 181 A GLOSSARY OF TEEMS PATCHWORK (D.). Synonymous with Patching. PATENT FUEL. Small coal, with an admixture of from 8 to 10 per cent, of pitch or tar, compressed by machinery into bricks or blocks of a convenient size for use in the furnaces of boilers, &c. PAVEMENT. 1. (S.) The floor of a mine. 2. (S.) A kind of fireclay, cluncli, &c. PAY. The day upon which, or the place where, wages are made up or paid. Going to draw wages is called " going to the pay.' 9 - PEACOCK COAL (L.). Iridescent coal. PEAT COAL. A soft earthy variety of coal, of Secondary or Tertiary era. PEAS. Small coals about J-inch or f-inch cube. PECK. See Pick PECKING UP (S. S.). Elevating or propping up with rough stones, bricks, rubbish, &c. PEGGY (Y.). Synonymous with pick, which see. PEGS (F. D.). See Notchsticks. PELDON (S. S.). Hard and compact siliceous rock. See Cank. PELDRIN (N. S.). PENITENT (F.). A fireman who, in early coal mining days, was employed to explode (purposely, in order to get rid of it) the fire-damp. So called on account of the resemblance of his dress to that of certain religious orders in the Roman Catholic Church. PENNYSTONES. Bands of clay ironstone. USED IN COAL MINING, ETC. 185 PENTHOUSE or PENTHUS. A wooden hut or covering for the protection of sinkers in a pit bottom. PFEILERBAU (Pr.). See Board and Pillar. PICK. 1. A tool for cutting and holing coal, gene- rally weighing about 5 Ibs. Fig. 100 shows several kinds. Fig. 100. 2. To dress with a pick the sides of a shaft or other excavation. 3. To remove shale, dirt, &c., from coals. PICK AWAY (M.). To dip rapidly. PICKED BEAT (D.). PICKEE. 1. A sharp-pointed cutting tool used as an accessory to a mizer. It is fixed upon the same rods and above the mizer, and indicates the exact position of the latter when in operation. 2. (S.) See Pricker (3). PICKMAN (S. S.). See Hewer. 188 A GLOSSAKY OF TERMS Fig. 101. PICK-UP (M.). To reduce the stock, which see. PICK-UPS (M.). See Tipper. PICKWORK. Cutting coal with a pick Heading is chiefly done by it. PIECE (S.). See Bait. PIER-STONE (S.). A very hard variety of freestone. PIKE. See Pick (1). PIKEMAN. See Hewer. PILING. Driving down into quick ground iron-shod 3-inch battens of 12 feet or 14 feet in length, supported by curbs, and forming a circle larger than the ulti mate size of the shaft when Q uick ground, walled up within. Fig. 101. PILLAR. A solid block of coal, &c., varying in area from a few square yards to several acres. PILLAR AND STALL. A system of working coal and other minerals where the first stage of excavation is accomplished with the roof sustained by coal, &c. Fig. 102 shows in plan one of the many various modes of working in this manner. PILLARING BACK (N. S.). See Drifting Sack. PILLAR MAN (I.). A man who builds stone packs in the workings. Solid Fig. 102. USED IN COAL MINING, ETC. 187 PILLAR KOADS. Working-roads or inclines in pillars having a range of long-wall faces on either side. PILLAR WORKING. Working coal on much the same plans as Long-pillar and Pillar and Stall systems. PIMPLEY (Sh.). Bind (1) containing ironstone nodules. PINCH. A kind of crowbar used for breaking down coal, &c. PIN-CRACKS (Lei.). Small fissures in coal seams filled with water and gas. PINDY (I.). See Kelve. A term used in the South of Ireland. PINNINGS (N. S.). Bratticing in headings. PINS. Thin beds of ironstone of the coal measures. PIPED AIR. Ventilation carried into the working places in pipes. See Brattice. PIPER (L.). A feeder of gas. PIPES. See Coal Pipes. PIRNS (S.). Flat-rope winding (1) drums (1). PIT. 1. A colliery, a pit-shaft, a shallow hole, &c. 2. The workings, inclusive of all roads, &c., situated underground. PIT BANK. The raised ground or platforms upon which the coals are sorted and screened at surface. PIT BARRING (S.). Timbers supporting the sides of a shaft. PIT BOTTOM. The inset and underground roads, &c., in the immediate vicinity of the shafts. PIT-BOTTOM STOOP (S.). A large solid block or 188 A GLOSSARY OF TERMS pillar of mines left ungotten around and in support of the pit-shafts. PIT BROW (L.). See Pit Bank PITCH. Dip or rise of a seam. PITCHER BRASSES (Sh.). Indurated schistose clay. PITCHERS (N.). Loaders in the pit (2), and men who take up and relay the rails in the workings and long-wall faces. PIT COAL. Generally signifies the bituminous varieties of coal. PIT-EYE. Pit bottom, or the entrance into a shaft. PIT-GATE (Y.). Any place in the immediate neighbourhood of a colliery at which colliers hold meetings of their own in reference to wages, &c. PIT-HEAD MAN. The banksman who has charge of the pit-top. PIT HEAP. See Heapstead. PIT HILL. See Pit Bank. PIT Loa (S. S.). PITMAN. A collier (1) ; also one who looks after pumps, &c. PIT-PROP. A piece of fir timber, being part of the stem of a tree, varying in length according to the height of the workings, and about one inch in diameter for every foot in length : used as a temporary support for the roof. PIT BAILS. Iron or steel railway rails upon which trams or tubs ran in a mine. USED IN COAL MINING, ETC. 189 PIT-ROOM. The extent of the underground workings in use or available for use. PIT KOPE. Winding rope. PITS (S. W.). Long open-air fires for converting coal into rude coke for blast-furnace purposes. PIT-SHAFT. See Shaft. PITTER. A horse or pony suitable for underground work. PIT-TIP. A bank or heap upon which rubbish out of the mine is tipped. PIT-TOP. The mouth of a pit-shaft. PIT WOOD. The timber used for propping the roof, &c. PIT WORK. The whole system of pumps and pump- rods, &c., in a pumping or engine-pit. PLACE. 1. A working place, or a point at which the cutting of coal, &c., is being carried on. 2. A kind of cabin in which tools, &c., are kept in the mine, and in which a deputy gets his bait or snap. PLAX. 1. The system upon which a mine is worked, e. g. long-wall 2. A map or plan of the underground workings, which in Great Britain must be drawn to a scale of not less than 44 yards to an inch, and must show the whole of the workings, accurately marked thereon, at least every six months. The term plan also includes a section of the mines and of the underground works. PLANE. A main road, either level or inclined, along which coals, &c., are conveyed by engine-power or by gravity. 190 A GLOSSAEY OF TERMS PLANE BACKS (S.). See Back (1). PLANK (S. W.). Strata drained of gas. PLANK DAM. A watertight stopping fixed in a head- ing, constructed of balks of fir placed across the passage, one upon another, sideways, and tightly wedged. PLANK TUBBING. Shaft lining of wooden planks driven down vertically behind wooden cribs all round the shaft, all joints being tightly wedged to keep back the water. See Fig. 101. PLANT. The shafts, engine-houses, railways, ma- chinery, workshops, &c., of a colliery or other mine. PLASTER (D., N.S., &c.). Gypsum. A fine granular to compact, sometimes fibrous or sparry aggregate of the mineral gypsum. Normally white, but may be coloured grey, brown, yellow, or red. It occurs in beds, lenticular intercalations and strings usually associated with beds of red marl or clay. PLASTER-PIT (D., &c.). A mine in which gypsum is worked. The system of working is usually a rough kind of pillar working, the pillars be ing left sufficiently large to keep the surface from falling in. Plaster is often worked by open hole. PLATE. See Bind (1). PLAY. 1. Signifies not at work or standing. 2. (N.) To work a steel mill. 3. Idle not at work on account of idleness, or for some other particular cause. PLAY DAY. A day on which, on account of shortness of trade, from accident, or from other causes, minerals are not worked and raised. USED IN COAL MINING, ETC. 191 Fig. 103. PLAYER. A man who used to work a steel mill. PLAY-IN (Lei.). To commence holing and getting a face of coal out of the side of a heading. PLENUM. A mode of ventilating a mine or a heading by forcing fresh air into it. PLIES (S.). Layers of coal or other rocks. PLUG Box. A wooden water- pipe used in coffering. See Fig. 103. PLUGGED Cms (Y.). A walling crib carried by iron plugs (two to each segment) fixed in the rock two or three feet in depth. PLUGGING. Supporting a crib upon iron bars fixed in a shaft a> Shaft side> 6j Watcr . Side. bearing ground, c, Solid ground, d, Walling of shaft. PLUGMAN. An old term for , Plug box. /, Water crib engineman. or garland (i). PLUM-BULKING (S.). The full dip of the coal seam. PLUM HATCHING (S.). The lull rise of a coal bed. PLUM PITCH (B.). The full rise or full dip of the strata. PLUMB END (Y.). See End. PLUMP FAIR (S. S.). PLUNGER CASE. The barrel or cylinder in which a solid piston or plunger works in a forcing sett (1) of pumps. PLUNGER POLE. The solid ram working up and down within a plunger case. PLY (S. S.). A thin bed or band of shale, &c., lying immediately over a coal seam. OF THE 'TJHIVBBSITY; 192 A GLOSSARY OP TERMS POCKET. 1. See Bag. 2. See Swelly. POINT. The bearing or direction, in reference to the magnetic meridian, in which an underground road is driven. See Driving ~by Lines. POLE CASE. See ^Plunger Case. POLL (S. W.). To clean the shale, &c., off ironstone, ready for weighing into stock. PONY-PUTTER (N.). A boy who drives a pony in the workings. He is paid at per score, put 200 yards. POPPET-HEAD. A shallow pit pulley-frame. toRCH (Y.). The arching at the pit bottom inset. PORTEUR (F.). See Hurrier. POST. 1. (N.) A solid block or pillar of coal. 2. (N.) Sandstone (fine grained). POST AND STALL (Y.). A system of working a coal seam much the same as pillar and stall. POSTING (Y.). Extracting the posts (1) or working the broken. See Fig. 104. Fig. 104. POSTING-HOLE (Y.). See Bolt. POST-STONE. Sandstone rather fine grained. USED IN COAL MINING, ETC. 193 POT-BOTTOMS (S.). See Bell-moulds. POT HOLE (L.). A small temporary lodge in a sinking-pit. POT HOLES. See Pot-bottoms. POT MIZER. A boring tool occasionally used in clays mixed with pebbles. It is made in the form of a spiral cone, which is open at the top to receive the pebbles carried up by the worm on the outside and falling over the edge into the cone. POUND. 1. An underground reservoir of water. See Lodge. 2. A large natural fissure or cavity in the strata. POUNDSTONE (Sh.). A kind of underday. POUNSON (N. W.). Dense soft clay under- lying coal beds. POUT (N.). A tool used by deputies for knock- ing out or drawing timbers in the workings. POXON KOCK (Lei.). A red gravelly stratum (Permian ?) overlying coal measures. PRICKER. 1. A thin brass rod for making a hole in the stemming when blasting, for the insertion of a fuze or touch, and through which aperture the flame obtains access to the car- tridge. 2. (S. S.) A long iron rod or poker used for loosening and bringing down the coals from overhead in the Thick coal workings. See Fig. 105. 3. A piece of bent wire by which the size of the flame of a safety lamp is regulated, without removing o 194 A GLOSSARY OP TERMS the top of the lamp. It passes up into the lamp through the oil reservoir in a tube. PRICKING (Lei.). Soft coal or earth for holing in. PRIZE (Lei.). To lift or loosen with a lever . . 7 Fig. 106. or a pick. PROP. A wooden or cast-iron temporary support for the roof, reaching from the floor. When of timber they are generally used of as many inches in diameter as they are feet in length. Fig. 106 shows a cast-iron prop. They are not much used. PROPPING. The timbering of a mine. PROPS. See Keeps. PROP-WOOD. Timber suitable for cutting, or already cut into props. See Prop. PROSPECTING. Examining (by boring, sink- ing trial pits, &c., and geologically surveying) a tract of country in search of minerals. PROTECTOR LAMP. A safety lamp the flame of which it is impossible to expose to the outward atmosphere, as the fact of unlocking or rather unscrewing it extin- guishes the light. (A Mr. Teale of Manchester was the inventor of this self-extinguishing appliance.) PROUD COAL (S.). That which naturally splits off in flakes or slabs when worked in a particular manner, producing waste and deterioration. PROVE. 1. To ascertain by boring, driving, &c., the position and character of a coal seam, a fault, &c. 2. (S.) To examine a mine in search of fire-damp, &c., known as proving the pit. USED IN COAL MINING, ETC. 195 FUCKING or PUCKS (S. W.). See Creep. PUDDING BOCK (Y.). Conglomerate or breccia. PUDLOCKS. Cross timbers resting upon horse-trees against which rubbing-boards work. PUISAKD (F.). See Sump. PUITS (F.). Shafts or pits. PULL. 1. To subside or settle down. See Creep. 2. The drag in ventilation of mines. PULLER-OFF (M.). A man who takes the loaded trams off the cages, or who withdraws the empties from them at the bottom. PULLEY. The wheel over which a winding rope passes at the top of the head-gear. PULLEY FRAME. See Head-gear. PULLEYING. Overwinding or drawing up a cage or kibble into the pulley-frame. PULLING BACK. See Posting. PULLING-OVER HOPE. A short light hemp rope for drawing the ends of winding ropes over the pulleys off the drum (1). PUMP FIST. The lower end of a plunger case. PUMPING. The operation of filling a sludge pump by an up-and-down motion of the rods or rope, called pumping the sludger. PUMP-STOCKS (L.). See Pump-trees. PUMP-TREES. Cast (wrought iron were formerly often used) iron pipes, generally nine feet in length, of which o 2 196 A GLOSSARY OF TERMS the column or sett (1) is formed, conveying the water from the pump up the shaft. They run up to say thirty inches in diameter, and are bolted together and steadied by chogs. Fig. 40. PUNCH (N.). See Pout. PUNCH AND THIRL (S. S.). A kind of pillar and stall system of coal-getting. PUNCHEON (M.). See Prop. PUNCH PROP (N.). A short timber prop set on the top of a crowntree or used in holing as a sprag. PUT. 1. To haul coal, &c., underground. 2. (Som.) A box of a capacity of from 3 to 6 cwt. of coal, used in thin seams. PUTTER. See Haulier. Age from 15 to 20 years ; paid by the score of tubs, put, say 100 yards. Putters 9 places are cavilled for. PUTTING. See Haulage. PUTS (N.). Great oars by which keels are pulled and steered about. PUT TO STAND (S. S.). Stoppage of coal drawing on account of firestink. QUAR or CLIFF QUAR (F. D.). A kind of Bind (1). QUARLS (N.). Fire-bricks. QUARRY. An underground excavation formed in the roof stone or shale or in a fault, for the purpose of USED IN COAL MINING, ETC. 197 obtaining material for stowage or pack-watts. A plan only followed when it is less costly than to leave coal in the mine, or to bring material from surface for Fi s- 107< such purposes. Fig. 107 is a vertical section. QUARTER COAL (Y.), See Colliers' Coals. QUAKTEEING-IN (L.). A plan of building or putting together tubbing plates from the top downwards, the rings and segments being bolted together as the work of excavation proceeds QUICK. 1. Soft watery strata, such as running sand. 2. (S. S.) Solid or ungotten coal forming the roof of a roadway in a Thick coal colliery. 3. Blasting powder is said to be quick when it burns or goes off very rapidly. QUOICENECK (Sh.). Greyish black clay with shining surfaces, and streaked. R RACE. 1. (S.) See Journey. 2. The space in which a drum (1) revolves. RADDLE (Y.). Earthy Hematite occurring in the coal measures. RAFF- YARD (N.). A walled-in yard on the surface, in which the smiths, wrights, carpenters, &c., work. RAG AND CHAIN PUMP. One of the earliest contri- vances for draining coal pits, consisting of a tube or pipe 198 A GLOSSAKY OF TEEMS in which a chain, to which bunches of rags were at intervals attached, was caused by manual labour to carry up water in much the same way as our nineteenth century chain pumps do. These pumps were in use 250 years ago. KAILS. The iron or steel portion of the permanent or temporary way (2). They weigh from 15 to 35 Ibs. per yard run; are usually from 6 to 15 feet in length; are either ot 9 9 f% or _ section; are laid with a gauge of from 1 foot 8 inches to 2 feet 6 inches. Main engine plane rails are generally fished. Angle iron sJ rails are still in use, but are rapidly disappearing. BAIN (M.). An underground place is said to rain when water drops freely from the roof. KAISE. To wind (3) coals, &c., to the surface. KAISINGS (F. D.). (See Get (2). BAIT or BATE (M.). To split off. Coal roads, &c., are said to rait themselves when the sides keep splitting or peeling off. Boads driven on the end are more liable to rait than when driven face on. BAKE (D.). A series of pins of clay ironstone lying within a few feet or yards of one another in a seam of bind, making a workable ironstone. BAKE. 1. (M.) To smother a ventilating furnace with fuel, so that it smoulders for many hours, and allows the upcast shaft to cool, for the purpose of doing repairs therein, or for other special purposes. USED IN COAL MINING, ETC. 199 2. (M.) An iron rake with a short handle, with which fillers fill baskets or pans. BAKERS. Shots placed round sumpers. BAKING-COAL. A large lump of hard coal placed upon a fire or ventilating furnace, for the purpose of just keeping it burning, or rather smouldering, when a larger fire is not required. BAKING PROPS. Short wooden props used in sinking for supporting the curbs during the excavation of the sides of the shaft. BAM. See Plunger Pole. BAMBLE. See Falling. BAMMELLY (M.). Mixed argillaceous and sandy rocks. BANCE (S.). A pillar of coal a rarge stoop. See Room and Ranee. BANDID STONE (C.). BAP(S.W.). SeeJtomp. BAP IN (Som.). To wedge down blocks of stone in underground quarries. BAPPER. 1. A lever with a hammer attached at one end, fixed at the pit top or top of an inclined plane, by Fig. 108. \ \ \\ Bade \ which signals are given to and from banksman or engineinan.- See Fig. 108. 200 A GLOSSARY OF TEEMS 2. (M.) The upper end of the vertical arm of a judge. RASH (M.). Synonymous with rait. BASHINGS (S. W.). Loose dirt or shaley beds of rock. BATCHES (L.). Lifts (3) of 5 yards in length along a working face. BATTLE (Lei.). To work (drive into or sink through) with great vigour and energy. BATTLE-JACK (M.). Carbonaceous shale; also Eoo Cannel. BATTLER (C.). BATTLERS (Y.). Cannel coal. BEARER (N. S.). See Edge Coals. BECEIVING BODS. Auxiliary cage guides at insets and at pit tops. BECK (L.). Chips of wood and other debris. BED MEASURES. Generally refers to the strata of Permian or Triassic age. KEDD. 1. (S.) To scour through, take down, or to rip. 2. To clear out pillars of coal. 3. Pit rubbish or debris. BEDD BING (S.). A spoil heap on the surface. BEDDSMAN (S.). One who redds (1), or works at night in cleaning up and repairing roadways, &c. BEED (S.). See Cleat (1). BEFUGE HOLE. A place formed in the side of an underground plane or horse road, about three feet square and five or six feet high, in which men can take refuge USED IN COAL MINING, ETC. 201 during the passing of a train, or when firing shots. They may not be put in more than 20 yards apart on engine planes, or 50 yards where horses are employed. KEGULATOR. A door in the mine, the opening or closing of which regulates the supply of ventilation to a district. KELEVEE (Pr.). A certain thickness of coal beds and intervening measures (varying between 88 and 160 yards) in inclined strata, which forms a lift (10) or series of workings being prosecuted to the rise at one time. They are carried on on both sides of the shafts and there are generally three in course of being worked one above another simultaneously, viz. the uppermost which is nearly worked out, the middle one in full swing, and a lower one in course of being formed to take the place of the upper one. See Fig. 109. 202 A GLOSSARY OF TEEMS REMBLAIS. 1. (F.) A system of working a very thick (sometimes 80 ft.) seam in Central France. A horizontal slice is first taken out 6 feet 6 inches in height across the seam, and the space filled up with stone, &c., brought from the surface. A second lift (3) is then extracted, and so on. 2. (F.) Synonymous with long-wall. 3. (F.) Synonymous with goaf. RENK or KANK (N.). A standard measurement of length employed underground, being 60 to 80 yards, measured off periodically by an overman. KENT (S.). See Back (1). REPAIRER. A man who works in the mine, generally at night, setting timbers, jpae&-building, road (2) laying, &c. RETURN. The air-course along which the vitiated air of the mine is returned or conducted back to the upcast shaft. RETURN AIR. The air or ventilation which has been passed through the workings. REVERSE FAULT. See Overlap. See Fault, Fig. 70 (5). REVIERBEAMT (Pr.). ^The chief Inspector of a dis- trict who gives actual decisions, subject to appeal, in reference to mining questions, rules, &c. He receives every year from the coal master a plan of the workings proposed to be carried out during the following year, to which he may object within 15 days. He acts under the authority of the Oberlergamt. USED IN COAL MINING, ETC. 203 KHONE (S.). A trow or gutter, generally 12 feet in length. EIB. 1. A narrow strip or block of solid coal. 2. (S.) A seam or stratum. KIB AND PILLAR (S. S). A system upon which the Thick coal seam was formerly extensively mined, being a kind of pillar and stall plan. KIBAND -STONE. Sandstone in thin layers alternating in colour, generally light and dark grey. RIBBING. 1. (L.) A strip of coal three yards in width. 2. Enlarging a heading or drift. EIBS (Pa.). The sides of a rectangular pit-shaft. EICE (B.). See Lacing and Lagging. EICING (N. S.). See Lacing. EICKET or EICKETING. 1. (M.) A narrow brattice for ventilation. See Fig. 27 (right-hand side of). 2. (M.) A channel formed along the floor of a mine for drainage purposes. EIDDING. 1. (N.) See Redd. 2. (N.) Separating ironstone from coal shale. EIDDING PUCKING (S. W.). Cutting up a crept floor. EIDE. To be in a cage or bowk whilst descending or ascending a pit-shaft, or to ride in trams on planes or ways. EIDER. 1. A guide-frame for steading a bowk in a sinking pit. 2. (S. W.) Lads who ride upon the trams on engine planes. 3. A name commonly given to a thin seam of coal overlying a thicker one. 204 A GLOSSARY OF TERMS RIFLING (S. S.). Working the upper portion of a coal seam over a waste or goaf. RING. 1. A complete circle of tubbing plates placed round a pit-shaft. 2. (N.) See Garland (1). KING-CRIB. A wedging crib upon which tubbing is placed, having a gutter or ring cast round the inner edge, to collect any water that may run down the walls of the shaft. RINGER (D.). A hammer for driving wedges. KINGER AND CHAIN (M.). See Dog and Chain. BINGES (N.). See Cowls. KIP (M.). To cut or blast down the roof or top. RIPPER. A man who rips. KISE. 1. The inclination of strata when viewed in the direction opposite to the dip. 2. An increase of wages paid to colliers, &c. RISER (K). An upthrow fault. KISE SPLIT. A proportion of the ventilative current sent into a rise district of a mine. KISE WORKINGS. Underground workings carried on to the rise or high side of the shafts. RISING MAIN. See Column in re water. RIVELAINE (Belg.). A pick much used by colliers (1). RIVES IN. Cracks open, or produces fissures. ROAD. 1. Any underground passage, way, or gal- lery. See Main Road. 2. The iron rails, &c., or Permanent Way of under- ground roads (1). USED IN COAL MINING, ETC. 205 EOAD-HEAD (S.). See Gate-end. KOADING. Eepairing and maintaining roads. ROB. To cut away or reduce the size of pillars of coal, &c. BOBBED OUT (C.). Worked away. See Hollows. EOBBLE. A fault. See Horses. ROCK. Generally means sandstone. ROCK AND RIG (S. S.). A sandstone full of little patches and shreds of coal, sometimes mixed up in a very singular way. ROCK BIND or ROCK BINDEKS. Sandy shale. ROCK DRILL. A rock-boring machine worked by hand or by compressed air or by steam. Very exten- sively employed in tunnelling, sinking, and driving stone- drifts in mines. ROCK FAULT. A replacement of a coal seam over a greater or less area, by some other rock, usually sand- stone. They may be regarded as ancient stream courses. Are narrow as compared with their length, and turn and wind about as do rivers. See Fig. 70 (2), which is a rock fault in cross section. ROCK HEAD (Ch.). The uppermost stratum of the rock-salt beds. ROCKING LEVER. See BraJcestaff. RODDING. The operation of fixing or repairing wooden cage guides in shafts. RODS. 1. Vertical or inclined timbers for actuating pumps. 2. Long iron bars of Swedish iron of the toughest quality, for boring through rocks, &c. 206 A GLOSSARY OF TEEMS 3. See Cage Guides. KOLL. 1. An inequality in the roof or floor of a mine. 2. (S. W.) The drum of a winding engine. 3. See Bump. ROLLER. Small steel, iron, or wood wheel, upon which a hauling rope is carried just above the floor. They are placed every 8 or 10 yards along an engine plane. They are from 4 inches to 12 inches in diameter, and in length or width from 1 inch to 24 inches. ROLLEY (N.). A kind of truck running upon wheels for carrying tubs or corves, drawn by horses along under- ground ways. ROLLEY-WAY (N.). The underground road along which rolleys are conveyed. ROOF. The top of any subterraneous passage or working. ROOFING (Ch.). The upper 5 or 6 feet of the rock-salt beds. ROOM. 1. (S.) A heading or short stall. 2. A weight of 7 tons of coal, or 5J- chaldrons by measure. ROOM AND RANGE (S.). A system of working coal somewhat similar to double stall, which see. ROOVE. To rub or knock against the roof. ROPE-ROLL. The drum of a winding engine. ROSH (Lei.). See Rait. ROTCHE or ROCHE (S. S.). A softish and moderately friable sandstone. USED IN COAL MINING, ETC. 207 KOUND COAL. Coal in large lumps, either hand- picked or after passing over screens to take out the small. Kow (N. S.). A seam or bed (2), e. g. the " Bow- hurst " and " Two Kow " coals. KOTALTY. 1. The mineral estate or area of a colliery, or a portion of such property. A field of mining operations, 2. A rent payable on coal, &c., worked from a Royalty (1). See Acreage Rent. BUBBING SURFACE. An expression used in reference to ventilation, meaning the total area of a given length of airway, i. e. areas of sides, top, and bottom, all added together. KUBBISH. Fallen stone from the roof, holing dirt and debris made in sinking, dinting, &c. BUBBLE. A coarse gravelly loose stone or bed of rock. BUBBLES. 1. (F. D.) See Kibbles and Nuts. 2. (S.W.) Slack or small. BUCK (L.). The stock of coals on the bank (1). BUDDING (N.). See Redd. BUN. 1. See Journey. 2. To brake orjig. 3. A breakaway upon an inclined-plane. 4. (Pa.) The sliding and crushing of pillars of coal, producing falls of roof. 5. A word commonly made use of to express the degree of leverage or breaking-down power of a shot. When a considerable length of wall face is brought down 208 A GLOSSARY OF TERMS by the action of a single shot, the shot is said to run well. 6. To work a winding or hauling engine. 7. Soft ground is said to run when it becomes mud and will not hold together or stand. RUN COAL. Soft bituminous coal. RUNNER. 1. A movable bridge or platform over the mouth of a sinking pit. 2. A fault slip. 3. A Crow's-foot, which see. 4. (Y.). A flat piece of timber placed above bars, and connecting them. 5. (Lei.) The piece of timber placed in a horizontal position between the two inclined sprags in cocJcermegs. See Fig. 42. It is cut from two to four feet in length, and assists greatly in steadying the sprags and to keep up the coal wall. RUNNER ON. See Bottomer. RUNNING AMAIN (S.). The breaking and running of a winding rope down into the pit-shaft. RUNNING A MINE (S.). Forming a drift (2). RUNNING GUG (Som.). A self-acting jig. RUNNING LIFT. A sinking sett (1) of pumps con- structed to lengthen or shorten at will, by means of a sliding or telescopic windbore. RUNNING MEASURES. Sands and gravels containing much water. RUNNING THE DRUM. The lowering or sinking of a cylinder or drum through quick ground, to secure the upper part of a coal shaft. USED IN COAL MINING, ETC. 209 RUN RIDER. A. lad who goes with a train on an engine plane. RUN THE Tow (S.). Sliding down the pit-shaft on the winding rope. Running the tow is a common practice in shallow mines. RUSH (S.). The sudden weighting of the roof when robbing the pillars begins, and the roof is a strong one. RUSKS (NV). Small slack, or that next larger than dust or dead small. BUTTLES (Y.). Shattered and faulty ground running roughly parallel to the plane of & fault. s. SADDLEBACK. A depression or valley in strata. See Eoll SAFETY CAGE. A cage fitted with an apparatus for arresting its motion in the shaft in case the winding rope breaks. SAFETY DOOR. A strongly-constructed door hinged to the roof of the mine, and always kept open and hung near to a main door, for immediate use in case of damage by explosion or otherwise to the main door. SAFETY LAMP. A miner's lamp which reveals the presence of fire-damp when the proportion of this gas in the atmosphere of the mine is such that the mixture is already very dangerous, and the moment of explosion is near at hand. The flame is generally surrounded by p 210 A GLOSSAEY OF TEEMS Fig. 110. a cylindrical covering of wire gauze, which protects the surrounding atmosphere from being fired, even though the gases within the lamp have reached the explosive proportions. See Clanny, Davy, Geordie, Mueseler (Fig. 110). SAFETY TOOLS. Consist of Catching Hooks, Grappling Tongs, Fish-heads, Bell- screws, and the like, for recovering broken boring tools, picking up material, &c., at the bottom of boreholes (1) and Kind- Chaudron sinking pits. SAGGER or SEGGER. A kind of fireclay. SALTING. Sprinkling salt upon the floors of underground ways in very dry mines, in order to lay the dust. See Coal Dust. SAMPSON POST (Pa.). A stout wooden .post carrying the working beam of a boring apparatus. SAW. A tool for removing irregularities from the sides of boreholes (1). SAWNEY (M.). To lower full trams down a road or face that dips, with a rope or a chain for a brake, or drag, passing round a prop, &c. SCALE. A small portion of the ventilative current in a mine passing through a certain-sized aperture. SCALE DOOE. See Regulator. SCALLOP. To cut or break off the sides of a heading without holing them, or using powder. SCAMMED (N.). Sooty. USED IN COAL MINING, ETC. 211 SCAMY-POST (N.). Soft, short, jointy freestone, thinly laminated and much mixed with mica. SCAEES (N.). Thin laminae of iron pyrites or spar in coal. SCATTER (Y.). A rumbling or falling noise in a pit- shaft. SCISSORS FAULT. A fault of dislocation in which the beds are thrown somewhat as shown in Fig. 111. Fig. 111. SCOOP (Y.). A barrel or box used in a gin pit. SCORE. 1. (N.) A standard number of tubs of coal upon which hewers 1 and putters prices for working are paid. The score generally varies between 20 to 26 2. A bill run up by a collier (1) in " bad times " for the necessaries of life. SCOTCH. 1. A wooden stop-block or iron catch placed across or between the rails of underground road- ways, to keep the tubs from running loose, or to hold them when standing upon an inclined plane. 2. (Lei.) The lower lift (3) of coal which is wedged up in driving a heading a few yards from the lack (2). By having a scotch formed, it enables four hewers to work together in driving a heading, say 7 feet by 6 feet. SCOTCH GAUZE LAMP. See Gauze Lamp, p 2 212 A GLOSSARY OF TERMS SCOUR (M.). To excavate or brush a roadway through a goaf. SCOVENS (S. S.). Forks (?) for filling coal into tubs. SCOWL A BROW (F. D.). To drive a heading or level by guesswork. SCOWLES or SCOULES (F. D.). See Meend. SCRAPER. A light wooden rod for clearing boremeal out of a drill hole. SCRATCHER. A boring tool for scraping or scratching np the debris, to be afterwards removed by a mizer. SCREEN. 1. A mechanical apparatus (a sort of grid- iron) for separating small from large coals. It is erected on the surface. 2. A cloth brattice or curtain hung across a road in a mine to direct the ventilation. SCRIN (D.). Ironstone in irregular-shaped nodules. SCROLL DRUM. See Conical Drum. SCRONGE (S. W.). The loosened or broken strata overlying and produced by workings underneath. SCUD. 1. (Lei.) Very thin layers of soft matter, such as clay, sooty coal, &c. 2. (M.) Iron pyrites embedded in coal seams. SEA COAL. That which is conveyed away from the collieries by sea ; be it house, steam, or manufacturing coal. SEALING. Shutting off a pit or part of a mine after a fire or an explosion by means of stoppings. SEAM. Synonymous with bed, mine, vein, row, band, USED IN COAL MINING, ETC. 213 &c. Some seams are made up of a number of beds in- terstratified with shale, &c. SEAT (Y.). The bottom or floor of a mine. SEAT EARTH (Y.). Generally a kind of hard fire- day forming the floor. SEATING. The masonry in which a steam boiler is set. SEAT STONE. See Seat Earth. SECOND WORKING. The operation of getting or working out the pillars of coal formed by the first working; e. g. long-wall, working home, working the broken, drifting back, &c. Second working is paid for by the ton or by the score (1). SECTION. 1. A term usually applied to a vertical exposure of strata. 2. A drawing or diagram of the strata sunk through in a pit-shaft or inclined plane, or proved by boring. SEED BAG (Pa.). A stout leather tube passed with the tubing or lining of a borehole (1) into water-bearing ground. The annular space between the tube and the leather is filled with flax seed, which, becoming moist with the water, expands, and thus effectually stops out the water. SEG (N.). To bend down in the middle. SELF-ACTING INCLINED-PLANE. An inclined-plane upon which the weight or force of gravity acting upon the full tubs is sufficient to overcome the resistance of the empties ; in other words, the full set (1) draws the empty set up the hill. See Incline. SELF-DETACHING HOOK. See Detaching Hook 214 A GLOSSARY OF TEEMS SEPAEATION COAL. Coals of various sizes loaded separately into wagons, &c. See Dry Separation and Wet Separation. SEPARATION BOOKS. Doors fixed underground (generally two, sometimes three), between the intake and the return, near the pit bottom. SEPARATION VALVE. A massive cast-iron plate sus- pended from the roof of a return air war/, through which all the return air of a separate district flows, allowing the air to always flow past or underneath it ; but in the event of an explosion of gas the force of the Uast closes it against its frame or seating, and pre- vents a communication with other districts. The Uast being over, the weight of the valve causes it to return to its normal position, aud allows the district to breathe again. SEBVE (N.). Gas is said to serve when it issues more or less regularly from a fault slip, a break (1), &c. SET. 1. (N.) See Journey. 2. (S. S.) To get the sides off and trim up a heading. 3. (N.) To load a tub unfairly by placing the greater part of the coals on the top of it and leaving the bottom part comparatively empty. 4. (N.) The natural giving way of the roof for want of support. 5. To fix in place a prop or sprag. 6. Timbers fixed in a heading, &c., as in Double Timber, which see. 7. To set or make an agreement with miners to do certain work by the bargain : e.g. to set a stall. USED IN COAL MINING, ETC. 215 SET COAL (Lei.). Coal near to hollows having a hard dead nature. SET OUT (K). See Lay Out. SETT. 1. A column of pump trees, with buckets or ram, &c., complete. 2. The area of mines worked (4) by a separate colliery or firm. 3. (M.) A measure of length along the face of a stall, usually from say 6 to 10 feet, by which holers and drivers work aud are paid. A certain number of setts comprise a day's work. 4. Setting up a dial for taking a bearing or sight (2). SETTERS (N.). Large lumps of coal placed round the sides of coal dealers' carts, for the purpose of piling up a good load in the centre. SETTINGS (S. S.). Timbers set as shown in Fig. 59. See Double Timber. SETTLE BOARDS. 1. (N.) Iron plates or sheets form- ing the floor of a heapstead, to admit of the tubs being pushed and turned about with facility. 2. (N.) See Cage Shuts. SETTS OFF. See Distance Blocks. SHAB (Som.). Friable shaley rock. SHAFT. 1. A vertical pit or hole made through strata through which the produce of the mine is brought to the surface, and through which the ventilation is passed into and out of the workings. It is generally the only outlet from the mine to the surface. Shafts are usually constructed in a circular form, though oval and rectangular ones are not uncommon. They vary 216 A GLOSSAEY OF TERMS iu diameter from say 7 to 20 feet. The deepest shaft in Great Britain is 2817 feet, and 16 feet in diameter within. 2. A wooden handle of a pick, &c. 3. (S. W.) To pull or draw at a tub. SHAFT FOOT (S.). See Pit Bottom. SHAFT KIP. See Kip. SHAFT LAMP. See Comet. SHAFT PILLAR. Solid coal left unworked beneath colliery buildings and around the shafts, to support them against subsidence and creep. The size and form of shaft pillars are regulated by the depth to, and thick- ness and inclination of, the seam of coal to be worked. SHAFT BENT. 1. Eent paid for the use of a shaft (1) for raising the minerals from another royalty by outstroke. 2. Interest on capital invested in sinking a shaft (1). SHAFT-TUNNEL (N. S.). Crutts or levels driven across the measures from shafts (1) to intersect rearers. SHAGGY METAL (Ch.). See Horse Beans. SHALE. Strictly speaking, all argillaceous strata that split up or peel off in thin laminae. In mining language it is generally indurated clay or bind (1). SHAM DOOR. A check or regulator door. SHANK (S.). A shallow shaft (1) underground. SHARP (M.). Hard and compact in re rock or sand- stone. SHARP GAS. Fire-damp which explodes suddenly within a safety lamp without showing any perceptible cap (1). USED IN COAL ^MINING, ETC. 217 SHEAKEK. See Saw. SHEARING. Cutting a vertical groove in coal similar to holing at the bottom of the seam. SHEAR LEGS. A high wooden frame placed over an engine or pumping shaft (1), fitted with small pulleys and rope for lifting heavy weights in the pit. SHEARS (S.). A haulage clip, which see. SHED. 1. (Pa.) A kind of long car or trolley. 2. A thin smooth parting in rocks, having both sides polished. 3. A very thin layer of coal. SHEETS. Coarse cloth curtains or screens (2) for directing the ventilative current underground. SHELL BAND. See Mussel Band. SHELL DOOR. A temporary door. SHETH. 1. (N.) To course the air in the workings. 2. A set or panel of boards (1). SHETH DOOR (N.). A door fixed in a working going headway course, for temporary purposes only. SHETHING THE AIR (N.). Ventilating the goaves in a systematic way. SHETHS (N.). The ribs of a chaldron wagon. SHE'S FIRED ! An explosion of fire-damp has taken place in the pit ! See Squat Lads ! SHEUGH or COAL-SHEUGH (S.). A shaft (1) or coal pit. SHIDES (B. S.). Pumps for draining mines. SHIFT. 1. A certain number of hours of work; a 218 A GLOSSAKY OF TERMS certain proportion or change of workmen. See Double Shift. 2. A fault of dislocation. SHIFTER. 1. See Runner on. 2. (N.) One who repairs roadways in a mine. SHIFTWORK. Work performed underground : e.g. timbering, way (1) cleaning, &c. SHIVER. See Bind (1). SHIVERED. Knocked to small by blasting. SHIVERY. Short and tender; easily broken up or worked (5). SHOE-NOSE SHELL. A cleanser specially constructed for working in hard ground. SHOES. Steel or iron guides fixed to the ends and sides of cages, to fit and run upon the conductors. SHOE SHELL. A tool used in deep boring for cleans- ing out the boremeal. It has a valve at the bottom, opening upwards. SHOOTING. Blasting in a mine. SHOOTING FAST (L.). Blasting without previously holing or shearing the coal. y / SHOOTING THE GOB (N. S.). Working the coal in the pillars of rearers by blasting. SHORN. Cut with a pick. SHORT (N. S.). Coal is short when of a very friable or tender nature. SHORTS. 1. The contents of trams filled with coal, or coal and dirt mixed, otherwise than in accordance with the colliery regulations. USED IN COAL MINING, ETC. 219 2. Deficiency of mineral worked under a lease during any year or other period agreed upon. In granting a lease of coal, &c., it is customary to insert a clause which provides that if the quantity of coal raised from the estate during any year at an acreage or tentale rent does not amount to the certain or minimum rent, the lessee may in any subsequent year get and raise such quantity of minerals as shall make up the deficiency without paying any more rent than the minimum. Exercising this right is commonly known as making up shorts. SHOUT STALL (M.). See Single-road Stall (Fig. 113). SHORT- WORKINGS. See Shorts (2). SHOT. The firing off of a cartridge of gunpowder, dynamite, &c., in blasting. SHOT FAST. Coal which is worked by blasting, and has had a fast shot in it. SHOT HOLE. The borehole (2) in which the explo- sive substance is placed for blasting. It is usually from 18 inches to 3 feet in depth, according to the nature of the rock (including coal) being operated upon and from 1 inch to If inches in diameter. These holes are put in either by hand or by machinery. There are hand-power rock perforating machines, both percussive and rotary in action, also similarly acting machines worked by steam and compressed air. Hand-made holes with the ordinary drill or jumper are always more or less three-cornered in shape. SHOT LIGHTER or SHOT FIBER. A man specially appointed by the manager of a mine to fire off every 220 A GLOSSARY OF TERMS phot in a certain number of stalls or heads during the shift He shall not fire until he has examined the immediate neighbourhood of the shot and found it free from gas and otherwise safe. SHOULDER CUTTING (S. S.). Cutting the sides of the upper lift of a working place in a Thick-coal colliery next the rib, preparatory to falling the coal. SHOW. When the flame of a safety lamp becomes elongated or unsteady, owing to the presence of fire- damp in the air, it is said to show. SHUT or SHUTT. 1. (S. S.) The crushed and broken- down roof or overlying rock of a seam of coal. 2. Old workings. See Goaf. SHUTERS (S. S.). Slue Bind. SHUTTER. 1. A movable sliding door having balance weights attached, fitted within the outer casing of the Guibal fan, for regulating the size of the opening from the fan, to suit the ventilation and economical working of the machine. 2. The vibrating arm or door of the Cooke Ventilator. See Ventilator. SHUTS (S.). See Keps. SHUTTLES (L.). Natural cracks running at right angles to the dip of the strata. SHUTTING. See Shooting. SIDDLE (N.). The inclination or dip of a bed of coal, &c. SIDE. 1. The more or less vertical face or wall of USED IN COAL MINING, ETC. 221 coal or goaf forming one side of an underground working place. 2. (L.) A district. SIDE CHAIN (M.). A chain hooked on to the sides of tubs when running upon an engine-plane or jig, to keep all the tubs together in case a coupling breaks. SIDE OF WORK (S. S.). A kind of chamber or panel in the Thick-coal workings containing from two to twenty pillars. Fig. 112 shows a plan of a side of work. Fig. 112. SIDE-OVER (N.), To cut or drive in a line with the cleat through a pillar of coal when working the broken, SIDE-WAFER or SIDE-WAVER (N.). 1. Overhanging stones or roof in underground roads liable to drop. 2. A fall of sagger, &c. SIDING-UP (N.). Width of a tub and room for gears (1). SIGHT (Eye-sight). 1. On reaching a pit bottom, the eyes require to be allowed time to adjust themselves to the darkness. This period is known as taking time to get your sight. 222 A GLOSSAEY OF TERMS 2. A bearing or angle taken with a dial when making an underground survey. SIGNS (employed upon colliery working plans) : Air crc&iFuup. sh&vn, OVUA Coal worked/ . J}ips of move Direction, cftiieJlir current. [Wooden, ( ( Doers ... ....... Downcast shaft .... shewn thus Faults ............ Furnace Regulators Staple or Drop-pit Stoppings Upcast shaft r ,*->. SILL. 1. (N.) A face of hard rock: e. g. the Great Whin Sill. 2. (C. Y.) Much the same as Clunch, Spavin, Warrant &c. USED IN COAL MINING, ETC.* 223 SlNG. When a freshly cut-into seam of coal gives off gas and water with a hissing noise resembling the boiling of a tea-kettle, it is said to sing. SINGING COAL. A bed of coal from which gas is ordinarily issuing from the partly-exposed face in the mine, producing a hissing sound, particularly if the surface be wet. This is the usual manner in which gas is given off in mines. SINGING LAMP. A safety lamp which, when placed in an atmosphere of explosive gas, gives out a peculiar sound or note, the strength of the note varying in pro- portion to the percentage of fire-damp present, SINGLE-ROAD STALL (S. W.). A system of working coal as shown in plan, Fig. 113. Fig. 113. SINGLE-KOPE HAULAGE. That system of under- ground haulage in which a single rope is used, the empty set (1) running iribye by gravity. SINK. 1. To excavate strata downwards in a vertical line, for the purpose of winning and working minerals. 2. To lore (1) or put down a borehole (1). 224 A GLOSSARY OF TERMS SINKER. A man who works at the bottom of a shaft in course of being sunk. He bores the shot-holes, charges them and fires them off, sends the debris to bank, and assists in putting in tubbing, walling, pumps, &c. SINKING. A pit-shaft or shafts (1) being put down in order to work coal, &c. SINKING PIT. A shaft in course of being sunk. See Sink. SINKS (L.). Natural cavities met with in iron mines. SIT (M.). A coal face (1) or buttock is said to sit when, after the sprags have been drawn, it will not fall over and break up, but merely cracks off and rests in that position until pulled over. SITS. 1. (S.) Creeps or subsidences of cover. 2. A fall of roof. SIZE. In reference to a fault ; this word means the extent of the displacement or the throw, which see. SKEEL (Som.). A kind of cage in which coals are lowered down the cuts or staples. SKEP. A bucket or tub a pit-horse drinks out of. SKERRIES (W.). Greenish-white micaceous sand- stone. SKERRYSTONE (M.). Hard, thin-bedded sandstone. SKEWS (S.). See Lypes. SKID (B.). See Eudge. SKIDS. Slides or slippers upon which certain coal- cutting machines travel along the faces (1) whilst at work. SKIP, sometimes SKEP. 1. (S. S.) Acoaltfraw or box. USED IN COAL MINING, ETC. 225 2. See Cu/at. 3. (S.W.) SLABS. Lagging placed over bars. SLACK. Small coal which will pass through a screen (1). There is no standard size distinguishing coal (2) from slack. SLAG (N.). See Brat. SLANT. An underground roadway driven more or less on the rise or dip of the mine. SLAP (Som.). See Slack. SLATCH (Som.). See Lathe. SLATE COAL. A hard, dull variety of coal, not unlike Cannel. SLED, properly SLEDGE. See Cart. SLEEK (B.). Soft and troublesome, as applied to the state of the floor in steep seams. SLEW (D.). See Lum. SLICKENSIDES. The smooth striated surface of joints on opposite walls of a fault or fissure. SLICKS. Smooth partings or mere planes of division in strata. SLIDE. A fault. SLIDES. See Cage Guides. Made either of wood or rolled iron. SLIDING JOINT. A boring rod made in two portions, one sliding within the other, to allow of the concussion or shock produced by the weight of the falling rods being modified or taken off the cutting tool in very deep boreholes (1). Q 226 A GLOSSARY OF TERMS SLIDING SCALE. A mode of regulating the amount of wages in mining districts by taking as a basis for calculation the market value of coal or iron, the amount rising and falling with the state of the trade. For example, when pig-iron sells for (say) 60s. per ton, the wages of underground men to be (say) 5s. a day ; but when pigs are at 70s., miners' wages shall be (say) 5s. Qd. a day, or rising Qd. a day for each rise of 10s. in the price of iron. SLIDING WINDBORE. The bottom pipe or suction- piece of a sinking sett of pumps (pumps used in a sinking pit), having a lining made to slide or telescope within it, to give length without altering the adjustment of the whole column of pumps. SLIG or SLIGGEN (I.). Shale. SLINE or SLYNE. 1. A facing or smooth parting or joint in coal, &c. 2. (M.) Potholes in the roof. SLIP. 1. A fault. See Fig. 70 (1). 2. A smooth joint or crack in strata. SLIP CLEAVAGE (S. W.). The cleat of the coal run- ning in planes parallel with slips (1). See Fig. 114. SLIP-DYKE (N.). See Slip and Fault. SLIPE (S. S.). A skip without wheels, a sledge. USED IN COAL MINING, ETC. 227 SLIPPERS. See Shoes. SLIP& (M.). Full of slips (2). SLIPPY BACKS (N.). Vertical planes of cleavage occurring every four or five inches in the seam of coal. SLIP SPEAR (Pa.). A tool for extracting tubing from a borehole (1). SLIP-THINGS (S. S.). The more or less vertical planes of cleavage in coal, &c. SLIP-TROUBLE (S.). See .Slip (1). SLIT. A short heading put through to connect two other headings. SLITTER. See Pick SLIVERS. Strips of wood or iron fitted in between the edges of boards in wooden bratticing, to make the joints air-tight. SLOOM (M.). A softish earthy clay or shale often underlying a bed of coal. SLOPE. 1. See Slant. 2. (Pa.) The main engine-plane or inclined road- way driven in the seam of coal worked from the surface outcrop, up which the whole of the produce of the mine is raised by the winding engine. SLOT (Y.). To Me (1). SLOTTINGS (Y.). Coal cut away in the process of holing. SLUDGE PUMP. A short iron pipe or tube fitted with a valve at the lower end, with which the boremeal is extracted from a borehole (I). SLUDGER. See Sludge Pump. Q 2 228 A GLOSSAKT OF TEEMS SLUM, SLUMS, SLUMBS. 1. (N. S.) A blackish, slippery, indurated clay. 2. A soft clayey or shaley bed of coal. SLYPE (S.). See Sawney. SMALL. See Slack. SMART FIRE (N.). A severe though small explosion. SMART MONEY (N.). A weekly allowance of money given by employers to workmen who get injured whilst at work. SMELL. The early indication of a fire-stink percep- tible to the nose. SMIFT. A bit of touch-paper, touch-wood, greased candlewick, or paper or cotton dipped in molten sulphur, attached by a bit of clay or grease to the outside end of the train of gunpowder when blasting. Its object is to ignite the shot after giving the miner sufficient time to retire to a place of safety. SMITHEM or SMYTHAM. 1. (M.) Fine slack. 2. Clay or shale between two beds of coal. SMITH ORE (F. D.). See Brush (2). SMOKY PIT (M.). An upcast shaft with a furnace at the bottom of it. SMOOTH (S.W.). The line of face (1) of a stall SMOOTH-HEADS (Y.). See Bright-heads. SMOOTHS (S. W.). Planes of cleavage more or less vertical. SMUDGE. See Smithem (1). SMUT. See Coal Smut. SMUTH or MUCKS. Very inferior coal. USED IN COAL MINING, ETC. 229 SNAP (M.). See Bait. SNAPPING TIME (M.). A short period of rest during a shift in which a collier takes his snap. SNAPS (M.). A haulage clip. See Fig. 79 for tail rope clip. SNECK Y. A carving (2) ? SNECKS (S,). Appliances for diverting wagons from the main line into a siding. SNIBBLE (N.). See Locker. SNOREHOLES. The holes at the bottom of a snore- piece through which the water enters to the pump. SNOREPIECE. The lowest end of a pump sett (I) through which the water passes. SNUFF. See Smift. SOAPSTONE (Y., N.W.). A variety of fireclay, some- times applied to Bind (1). SOAMS (N.). A pair of cords about three feet in length, by which foals and half marrows pull tubs along the roads. SOCKET. The innermost end of a shot hole not blown away after firing. SOCKET BAR. See Beche. SODS (Lei.). Clay beneath coal seams. SOFT. Tender, full of slips and joints, friable. SOFTS (M.). Coals which easily break up. SOLE. A piece of timber set underneath a prop. SORTING (M.). Turning over by hand and examin- ing the round coal as it comes from the mine ; dividing it up according to size and quality into various sorts to 230 A GLOSSARY OF TERMS suit the trade, carefully throwing aside all inferior or stony coal. Sos (S. S.). To sink into the floor under great pressure from overlying strata. SOUFFLARD (F.). See Blower. SOUNDING. Knocking on the roof, &c., to ascertain if it is sound or safe to work under. SOUTENEMENT (F.). Propping and packing the roof. SPAN-BEAM. A long wooden beam supporting the head pivot of the drum axle of a gin, and resting at the extremities upon inclined legs. SPARE (N.). A deal wedge from 6 to 8 inches long, for driving behind tubbing plates when adjusting them to the circle of the shaft. SPAVIN (Y.). Clunch, or ordinary bottom or under- day. SPEAKING-FLAME LAMP. See Singing Lamp. SPEAR PLATES. Wrought-iron plates bolted to the sides of spears where joined together. See Fig. 115. Fig. 115. SPEARS. Wooden pump-rods of Memel or pitch pine timber cut into lengths of about 40 feet, and, for heavy work, often measuring 16 inches square. Wrought-iron pears are also used. SPIDERS (U. S. A.). See Drum Rings. SPIKING CURBS. Light rings of wood to which USED IN COAL MINING, ETC. 231 planks are spiked, bevelled to suit the sweep of the shaft, when plank tubbing is used in sinking through water-bearing ground. SPILES. 1. Narrow-pointed tubbing wedges. 2. See Lacing. SPILING (N.). See Spiles (1). SPIRAL DRUM. See Conical Drum. SPIRES (Lei.). Coal of a hard, dull, slaty nature, and difficult to break up. SPIRAL WORM. A tool for extricating broken boring rods. Fig. 116. Fig. 116. SPLINT or SPLENT (S.). A laminated, coarse, inferior, dull-looking, hard coal, producing much white ash ; intermediate between eannel and common pit coal. SPLIT. 1. A division of the air-current underground. Each separate district should have its own split of fresh air. 2. To divide the ventilative current after it reaches the pit bottom. 3. To divide a pillar or post (1) by driving through it one or more roads. SPLITTINGS (L.). Two horizontal level headings driven through a pillar in pillar workings, in order to work away the coal in the pillar. SPOIL. Debris [stone, shale, bad coal, dirt, and all rubbish] raised from the mine and thrown on one side. 232 A GLOSSARY OF TERMS 2. A stratum of coal and dirt (1) mixed. SPOIL-BANK or SPOIL-HEAP. The place on the sur- face where spoil (1) is deposited. SPOUT (S. S.). A short underground passage in the Thick-coal workings connecting a main road with an air-head. SPOUT-HOLE (S. W.). 1. A short siding upon which trams are loaded in the pit. 2. See Bolt. SPRAG. A short wooden prop set in a slanting position for keeping up the coal during the operation of holing. It is a general rule that sprags shall be set not more than 6 feet apart. SPRING BEAMS. Two stout parallel timber beams built into a Cornish pumping-engine-house, nearly on a level with the engine beam, for catching the beam, &c., and preventing a smash in case of a break down in the pit work SPRING DART. An arrow or fish-headed boring tool for extricating a lost implement, or for withdrawing lining tubes. Fig. 117. Fig. 117. SPRING HOOK. An iron hook attached to the end of a winding, capstan, or crab rope, fitted with a spring for closing the opening, and thus preventing the kibble, &c., from falling off. USED IN COAL MINING, ETC. 233 SPRING POLE. A fir pole having considerable elasticity, to which the boring rods are suspended when boring for coal, &c. Also sometimes employed for shallow pumping, when it is actuated by cams or cranks from an engine. SPUNNEY (L.). See Jinney. SPUKNS (S. S.). Narrow pillars or webs of coal between each holing, not cut away until the last thing before withdrawing the sprags. SPUE KOAD (S.). A branch way leading from a main level. SPURT (F. D.). A peculiar kind of stone, much disintegrated and mixed with colouring matter. SQUANDER (Y.). To beat or kill (extinguish) an underground fire. SQUARE WORK. 1. (S. S.) An old system of working the Thick coal by getting the upper beds first and then the lower ones. 2. A system of working a seam of coal by cutting it up into square blocks or pillars. See Stoop and Room. SQUAT, LADS ! " Fall flat down on the floor I " In the early days of coal mining, before safety lamps were much used and ventilating was little understood, setting fire to gas was a very common thing ; so, when- ever an explosion took place, the colliers shouted to one another, " Squat, lads I " so that by lying close to the floor they were often able to escape the fire and Hast in a great measure, as it passed over them. See She's fired! 234 A GLOSSARY OF TEEMS SQUEEZE. 1. See Creep. 2. See Nip. SQUIB. A straw, rush, paper, or quill tube filled with a priming of gunpowder, which is passed through the touch-hole into the cartridge or charge in blasting, and ignited by means of a smift. S-ROPE. The winding (2) rope which passes round the under side of the drum (1) from or to the pulley ; so called because it takes the form of the letter S. STACK. To build up coals, ironstone, &c., into heaps on the surface for winter or other use STACKER. 1. One who stacks coals, &c. 2. (Lei.) A butty out of the pit who looked after the unloading of the boxes on the bank (on behalf of the coal-getters) in the earlier days of mining. STACK OUT (M.). To dam off or shut up the entrance to a goaf by building a wall of stone or coal in front of it. ST ADDLE (M.). The foundation of a pack in iron- stone workings. STAGE. 1. A platform upon which trams stand. 2. The pit bank. 3. A certain length of underground roadway worked by one horse. STAGE PUMPING. Draining a mine by means of two or more pumps placed at different levels in the shafts or workings in such wise that each intermediate pump receives its water from the pump next below it, and raises it to the next above ; and so on to the surface or adit. USED IN COAL MINING, ETC. 235 STAGE WORKING. A system of working minerals by open hole in which the various beds are removed in steps or stages in manner shown in section, Fig. 118. Fig. 118. STAIR PIT (S.). A shallow shaft or staple in a mine fitted with a ladder or steps. STAITHES (N.). Depots in which coals are placed when they come from collieries by wagons, to be ready to be loaded into keels. They date from 1709. Timber forms the chief material of construction of statthes, and they are fitted up with an arrangement of shoots or spouts, down which the coals run into the vessels. See cross-section, Fig. 119. In South Wales hydraulic drops and hydraulic shoots are employed at the staithes. When the former are used, the coals, in boxes, are jibbed out, lowered over the vessel's hatchway, and withdrawn again when empty : sometimes a counter- balance weight is employed alone for raising the empty boxes. With the hydraulic shoots, a full wagon is run on to a stage at the top of the shoot, the rear end of the stage is raised or the front end lowered, as the case may be, so as to incline the wagon and cause the coal to fall out at the end door (with which the wagons are all fitted) on to the shoot. Counterbalance shoots also are commonly employed upon staithes, wherein all the 236 A GLOSS AEY OF TERMS movements are regulated by counterbalance weights, the action being very similar to that of the hydraulic apparatus above referred to. The coals are sometimes Fig. 119. lowered from the mouth of the shoots into the bottoms of the vessels by means of an endless band or chain carrying iron buckets, which are fed from a hopper and descend into the hold. STAKE (Lei.). To fasten back or prop open with a piece of chain or otherwise the valves or clacks of a water barrel (1), in order that the water may run out of it back into the sump when necessary. USED IN COAL MINING, ETC. 237 STALACTITES (Y.). Icicle-shaped formations upon the roof, produced by droppings of water of a saline nature. STALL. A working place in a mine, varying in length from a few feet to 80 yards or more, according to the thickness of the seam and system of working adopted. STALL AND EOOM WORK. Working the coal in compartments, or in isolated chambers or pillars. STALL GATE. A gate road along which the mineral worked in a stall is conveyed to the main road. STALLING. Working in a stall, in the capacity of a butty or contractor. STALLMAN. See Butty. STALL WORK. Working coal, &c., in stalls. STAMPING MAUNDRIL (Lei.). A heavy pick STANCH AIR (Som.). See Choke-damp. STANCHION. See Puncheon. STAND. Does not break down or require timbering. A rock or coal roof generally stands better than one composed of shale or clay. STANDAGE. An underground lodge or reservoir for water on its way to the sump or pumps. STANDARD. The fixed rate by which colliers' wages are from time to time regulated. See Sliding Scale. STANDARD AIR-COURSES (N.). The various quan- tities or supplies of fresh air allowed to pass through each district or split. STANDING. Not at work, not going forward, idle, at play (1, 2), laid off. 238 A GLOSSARY OF TERMS STANDING BOBBY (N".). An exploded shot which rips the coal but does not blow the stemming out, and expends itself in lacks (1) without doing its wo,rk. STANDING FIRE. A fire in a mine continuing to smoulder for a long time ; often many years. STANDING GAS. A body of fire-damp known to exist in a mine, though fenced off. STANDING SET. A fixed lift of pumps in a sinking pit. STANK (M.). A water-tight stopping ; generally a well built brick wall. STANKING (Ch.). See Stank. STAPLE or STAPLE PIT. A shallow shaft within a mine. STAR REAMER (Pa.). A tool for regulating the diameter of or straightening a borehole (1), made star- shaped at the base. START (N.). A lever for working a gin to which the horse is attached. STATION. 1. Any fixed point underground beyond which naked lights may not be carried. 2. Any fixed point in a mine where deputies meet to report upon the condition of their respective districts and to consult together. 3. An opening into a level heading out of the side of an inclined plane. STEAM COAL. A hard, free-burning, non-caking, white ash variety of coal. The finest steam coals of South Wales are moderately hard and almost smoke- USED IN COAL MINING, ETC. 239 Fig. 120. STEAM JET. A system of ventilating a mine by means of a number of jets of steam at high pressure kept constantly blowing off from a series of pipes in the bottom of the upcast shaft. Ventilating by this system gives only about 30 per cent, at most of the useful effect produced by a fan or furnace. STEEL MILL. An apparatus for obtaining light in the workings of a mine where naked lights were considered un- safe. It was brought out by one Spedding, of Whitehaven, in 1760, and used up to 1815, when the safety lamp was invented. Its object was to produce a shower of sparks by holding a piece of flint against the rapidly-revolving periphery of a wheel about six inches in diameter, the rim of which was steel. See Fig. 120. STEEP SEAMS. See Edge Coals and Bearers. STEER (Lei.). Steep, highly inclined, dips fast. STEIGER (Pr.). See Fireman. He has the super- vision of only one fixed part or district of a mine. STEINING. The brick or stone lining of a pit shaft, Fig. 121. to prevent the loose strata of the sides from falling in. Three methods of steining are shown in Fig. 121. 240 A GLOSSARY OF TERMS STEMMER. A copper rod used for stemming (2). STEMMING 1. Fine shale or dirt put into a shot-hole after the powder, and rammed hard. 2. Ramming or beating the stemming (1) solid. STENTING (N.). See Stenton. STENTON (N.). A short heading at right angles to a cross cut (2). STEP BANKS (S. W.). Working places having re- gular distances along the carvings or cuttings between the ends of the stalls in the long -wall system. STEPPING (N.). The system of working faces of coal one in advance of the next to it. See Fig. 91 (upper range of workings). STEPS. See Step Banks. STERIL COAL. Black shale or clay on top of a coal seam. STEWARD (Y.). See Underviewer. STIFFENER (S. W.). A door for regulating the ventilation. STILLING (N.). The walling of a shaft within the tubbing above the stone head (2). STIMPLES (S. W.). Small timbers. See Lacing. STINT. 1. (M.) A . measure of length by which colliers hole and cut coal. A stall face is usually measured off into a number of stints or holing setts (3), varying between 4 feet and 6 feet, and each collier holes a certain proportion of them for his day's work, according to the length and depth of the stint, and hardness of the seam. USED IN COAL MINING, ETC. 241 2. (GK) A certain number of trams filled per man per day. 3. (S. S.) A collier's day's work. 4. (B.) To fix upon, or agree to, a certain number of trams being filled per stall per day. STIRRUPS. A screw joint suspended from the brake- staff or spring -pole, by which the boring rods are adjusted to the depth of the borehole (1). STOBB. A long steel wedge used in bringing down coal after it has been holed. See Feathers. STOQK. 1. Coals laid down at surface during slack trade, or in reserve for an extra demand at any time. 2. The average tonnage sent out of a working place in one day. STOCKING END. 1. (L.) The inner end of a heading at a short distance from which there is a depression or lum in the seam, which has become more or less filled with water, causing the ventilation to be cut off from the lack (2). 2. (Lei.) A Geordie. STOMP. 1. (M.) To set a prop or sprag with one end let into a slight hole cut out of the floor or roof to receive it. 2. A short wooden plug fixed in the roof, to which lines are hung, or to serve as a bench-mark for surveys. STONE. 1. A term commonly used for sandstone, post (2), or almost any rock of a stony character. E 242 A GLOSSAET OF TEEMS 2. Ironstone, which see. STONE COAL. Anthracite, in lumps. Also certain other very hard varieties of coal. STONEHEAD. 1. A heading driven in stone, bind, measures, &c. 2. (N.) The first hard stratum met with underlying quicksand. STONEMAN (N.). *0ne who is employed in driving a stonehead, or who rips, timbers, and repairs roads. STONE MINE (S.). An ironstone pit or working. STONE TUBBING. Water-tight stone wallitig of a shaft, jointed and fastened at the back with cement. STONE WOKK (S.). Driving of drifts or galleries in measures. See Stonehead (1). STOOK (N.). A pillar of coal about four yards square, being the last portion of a full-sized pillar to be worked away in board and pillar workings. STOOK AND FEATHEK. A wedge for breaking down coal, worked by hydraulic power, the pressure being applied at the extreme inner end of the drilled hole. STOOL (D.). To sit, which see. STOOLS (F. D.). Sigillarise, viz. the fossil form of the stem of a tree, which grew during the Coal period, occasionally met with (probably in situ) in mines. STOOP. 1. (S.) See Ranee. 2. (M.) A prop or puncheon. USED IN COAL MINING, ETC. 243 STOOP AND EOOM (S.). A system of working coal very similar to pillar and stall (Fig. 122). Fig. 122. i_n_ nnan STOOPING (S.). Working away the stoops (1). STOOP KOADS (S.). Koads driven in the solid or whole coal on the stoop and room system. STOPPAGES. Deductions from miners' wages, such as rent, candles, blacksmith's work, field club, &c. STOPPER (S. S.). See Stopping. STOPPING. A solid stone, brick, or clay wall built right across a thirl or any other description of road or entrance to a worked-out place. They prevent the access of air to goaves, and cause it to circulate through and further into the mine; are often plastered with lime on the intake side and packed at the back with sand, slack, 'burnt stuff, or rubbish. See Dam, Signs. STOP TRUCKS (S. W.). Scotches. STOW. To pack away rubbish into goaves, old roads, &c. STOW-BOARD (N.). A "board or heading in which debris is stowed. STOWSES (N.). A windlass or wallow. R 2 244 A GLOSSAKY OF TEEMS STRAIGHT BIT. A flat or ordinary chisel for "boring. STRAIGHT COAL (S. S.). An excavation made in the Thick coal, having the solid coal left on three sides of it. STRAIGHT ENDS AND WALLS (N. W.). A system of working coal somewhat similar to, board and pillar. Straight ends are drifts or headings from 4 feet 6 inches to 6 feet in width. Walls are pillars 30 feet wide. STRAIGHT WORK or STRAIT WORK. The system of getting coal by headings or narrow work. See Course, Fig. 44. STRAPS (M.). Old iron way rails put up between the coal face and the front rank of props, in long-wall stalls, for supporting a tender roof. STRAW. A fine straw filled with gunpowder, and used as a fuse. STREBBAU (Pr.). The long-wall system, which see. STRET. 1. (N. S.) See Straight Work 2. (M.) Solid, close, compact: e. g. gobbed stret, packed stret, &c. STRETCHER (Y.). A prop or spray. STRIKE. 1. The line at right angles to the dip (3) ; a level course. 2. To meet with, or hit a fault, hollows, &c. STRIKE JOINTS (U. S. A). Joints in strata parallel to the strike (1). STRIKING DEALS. Planks fixed in a sloping direc- tion just within the mouth of a shaft, to guide the bowk to the surface. STRIP (M.) To get coal, &c., alongside a fault, barrier, hollows, &c. USED IN COAL MINING, ETC. 245 STEIPPING (Y.). A web of coal worked off all along the face of a stall. STRONG. A word having reference to the character of a bind or metal, meaning that the argillaceous is largely mixed with the arenaceous or siliceous material. STRUCK (N.). Level full; strickle measure. STRUM (N.). A kind of iron sieve placed round the suction pipe of a pump, for preventing stones or other rubbish passing into the pump. STRUVE VENTILATOR. A pneumatic apparatus in- vented by a Mr. Struve, consisting of two vessels, something like gas-holders, which are moved up and down in water. By this means the air is sucked out of the mine as required. See Ventilator. STUFF. 1. Coals and slack, the produce of the mine. 2. (Sh.) See Bind. STUMP (Pa.). The block of solid coal at the entrance to a breast, having a narrow roadway on either side. STUMPING (L.). A kind of pillar and stall plan of getting coal. STYTHE. Carbonic acid gas. A gas commonly given off from old workings, and one found to result from the breathing of men and horses, the burning of candles and lamp?, and from the explosion of gunpowder used in blasting. Shallow and badly ventilated mines pro- duce stytlie. See After-damp and Slack-damp. SUB (M.). Meaning subsist ; money or wages paid on account. SUCK. See Back-lash. SULPHUR (S. S.). Old term for fire-damp, which see. 246 A GLOSSARY OF TERMS SUMP or SUMPH. 1. The bottom of shaft below the lowest inset. 2. A portion of the shaft bottom of a sinking pit sunk down lower than the other, forming a kind of dish into which the water collects, and which is always allowed to be the deepest part. 3. (N.) A portion of a length of a broken working, or of a jud. BUMPER. A shot placed in or very near to the centre of the bottom of a sinking pit. SUMPT (S. S.). See Sump. SURFEIT (N.). Choke-damp. SURGE. To slip accidentally. SWABSTICK. A short wooden rod bruised into a kind of stumpy brush at one end, for cleaning out a drilled hole. SWAD. See Dant. SWAG (L.). Subsidence or weighting of the roof. SWALLOW HOLES (L.). See Sinks. SWAMP. A depression or natural hollow in a seam. See Lum. SWAPE (N.). A great oar by which keels are steered. SWAYING OF A BANK (Y.). An expression commonly made use of in South Yorkshire, which means that a lank (4) is undergoing disturbance in the roof, due to weight (1, 2). SWEAL. 1. See Gutter. 2. A candle is said to sweal when the grease runs down, owing to its burning in a strong current of air or being improperly carried or fixed. USED IN COAL MINING, ETC. 247 SWEAT (M.). The roof of a mine is said to sweat when drops of water are formed upon it, due to the heating of the waste or goaf. Sweating is generally the first indication of & fire-stink. SWEEP-HEAD PICK A pick the form of the head of which is made curved instead of elbowed or anchored, as other kinds are termed. SWEET. Free from fire-damp or other gases, or from fire-stink. SWELL. A kind of fault. See Horses. S WELLY, also SWALLY, also SW^LLY (N.). A thick- ening out of a seam of coal over a limited area. SWILLIES (Y.). Detached portions of coal strata forming small basins, say not more than one mile in diameter. SWINE-BACK (S. W.). See Horses. SWING. The arc or curve described by the point of a pick or maundril when being used by a holer or in cutting coal ; called the swing of the pick. SWINGING BONT or BANT (M.). Before the intro- duction of cages and conductors, the skips of coal, &c., and men were raised and lowered swinging loose in the shafts. Very shallow mines are still worked in this manner. The word bont -means land, a rope or chain. SWOM STUFF. An old term for certain alluvial deposits met with in coal measures. SIPHON or SIPHON-PIPE. A simple, very effective, and economical mode of conveying water in a mine over a hill, or from one lodge to another, from a higher 248 A GLOSSARY OF TERMS to a lower level. It takes the form of an iron pipe (w. i. tubes are perhaps the most suitable), the vertical height of which must not exceed 28 or 30 feet between the water to be run off and the summit of the hill, and the length of the discharge end must exceed in height that of the suction end, or the siphon will not work. T. TACK. 1. (N.) See Spurns. 2. (Som.) A wooden scaffold put into a pit-shaft for temporary purposes. TACKLE. The ropes, chains, detaching hooks, cages or kibbles, and other apparatus for raising coal, &c., in pit-shafts. TACKLERS or TUCKLERS (Lei.). Small chains put round loaded corves, to keep the coal from falling off. TACKLER SKIP (S. S.). A kind of box in which men used to ride in a shaft, used also for carrying minerals. See Paddy Pan. TACKS (N.). The rock walls or sides surrounding a number of boreholes (2) which in driving stone heading (1) in fiery mines are drilled in the head-end or face, and the tacks between them are forced out or cut away without resorting to blasting. TACKSMAN (S.). The lessee of a colliery. TAGUE. An iron plate fitted on one side with a semicircular projection or rib, and two other short USED IN COAL MINING, ETC. 249 curved pieces, suited to the gauge of the tram rails, by which the wheels of the trams are guided from the plate on to the rails. See Fig. 123. Fig ' 123 - TAIL BACK. When fire- damp ignites at a furnace or by other means, and the flame is elongated or creeps backwards against the cur- rent of air, and possibly causes an explosion of a large body of gas, it is said to tail lack into the workings. TAIL CRAB. A crab for overhauling and belaying the tail rope (3) in pumping gear. TAIL IN (M.). To run out or terminate a length of holing stints at a buttock or other particular point along the stall face, or (if commencing to open-off stalls) from the side of a heading. TAILLES CHANSANTES (F.). Coal workings where the strata lie horizontal or nearly so. TAILLES MONTANTES (F.). Workings to the rise or in steep seams. TAIL-PIPE. The suction of a pump. TAIL HOPE. 1. A round steel or iron wire rope working in conjunction with, and being an appendage to, a main rope in the system of underground haulage, where the inclination of the ways is only slight. By the tail rope the empty set is drawn inbye'. They are much used in branch dip-ways or slants, in which system they are drawn inbye by the weight of the empties or by horses, engine-power of course being applied to bring the full set back, or outbye. 250 A GLOSSAKY OF TEEMS 2. A round wire rope attached to cages as a balance. See Koepe System. 3. A round hemp rope used for moving pumps in TAIL-ROPE SYSTEM OF HAULAGE. This is worked with a single road or line of rails, and generally applied under the following circumstances. When the average gradient of the wagon-way is not sufficient to cause the empty set to draw a single rope in after it ; when the gradient dipping outbye is not sufficient to establish a self-acting inclined-plane system ; or when the gradient for the full tubs is insufficient to enable the train to draw a single rope after it. The full set is drawn out- bye with a main rope, and the empty set is hauled inbye with a tail rope, both ends of the set being attached to a rope. The engine has two drums, one for each rope, one always running loose whilst the other is in gear. The tail rope is carried upon small sheaves or rollers, either on the floor or towards the roof. The speed of the set does not usually exceed 8 or 10 miles per hour. TAKE. 1. The extent or area of a lease of mineral property often several thousand acres. 2. (L.) To show or reveal gas. TAKE OUT (C.). To crop out. TAKEE-OFF (Y.). See Puller-o/. TAKE THE AIR. To make experiments with the anemometer, or by other means to ascertain the amount of ventilation passing through a mine. See Water Gauge. TAKING. A Take. USED IN COAL MINING, ETC. 251 TAKING OF PROPS (L.). Drawing the timber in the wastes of workings. TALE (Som.). A day's work or a day's output of coal. TALLY. A mark or number placed by a collier (1) upon every tub of coals loaded and sent out of his working place. They are usually little bits of tin having a number stamped upon them, and hung upon the tub by a short piece of string. By counting the number of these tallies when taken off the tubs at surface, and ascertaining the average weight of coal in each tub, the quantity of coals sent out of each stall is arrived at. TALLY-SHOUTEE. One who shouts out the numbers on the tallies to the weigher. TAMP. To fill up a borehole (2) above the charge with some strongly-resistant substance, such as shale or dirt pounded up small, and rammed hard upon the powder before firing off the shot. TAMPING. The stuff used to tamp with. " See Stemming. TANGERS (S. W.). Timbers fixed in a particular manner for supporting the sides of headings in shifting or very soft ground. TAP. 1. To cut or bore into old workings for the purpose of liberating accumulations of gas or water. 2. To win coal in a new district. TAPPING THE HOLLOWS. A common expression, meaning allowing water or gas or both to flow out of disused ivorkings (often under a great pressure) ; an 252 A GLOSS AEY OP TERMS operation requiring great caution, and occasionally attended with risk. T CHISEL. A boring tool with its cutting edge made in the form of the letter T, but a little curved, T. TEEM, sometimes TEM. To tib rubbish, &c., down a spoil-bank. See Dump. TEEMING TROUGH (L.). A cistern into which the water is pumped from a mine. TEETH-WORK (S.). Signifies working coal end on, which see. TELEGRAPHS (Pa.). Shoots which convey coal from screens (1) to pockets at breakers. TEMPER SCREW (Pa.). See Stirrup. TEN (N.). A certain weight of coal agreed upon between lessor and lessee, upon which a royalty is paid at so much per ten of round and so much per ten of small. A ten varies between 48 and 50 tons, or 18J Newcastle chaldrons of 53 cwts. TENTAIL KENT (K) A rent or royalty paid by a lessee upon every ten of coals which are worked in excess of the minimum or certain rent. TENTER. A man who has the control or working of an engine or jig, or who looks after the horses in a pit. THICK COALS or THICK SEAMS. Coal seams of greater thickness than (say) 8 or 10 feet (sometimes met with as much as 130 feet), or those which are worked in two or more stages or lifts (3). The Thick coal of South Staffordshire is about 28 or 30 feet thick. USED IN COAL MINING, ETC. 253 THICKNESS (of a fault). It is measured by the line a & (Fig. 77). See Hade. THILL (N.). See Floor. THIN OUT. A coal or other seam of mineral is said to thin out when it decreases in thickness so as to become unworkable at a profit. THING. 1. (N. S.) A straight facing from floor to roof, and often many yards in length. 2. (M.) A fault slip. THIN SEAMS, THIN COAL. Coal seams (say) less than 3 feet in thickness. THIRL or THIRLING. Sometimes Thol&nd Ihurl. 1. See Cross-hole. 2. (Lei.) To cut away the last web of coals, &c., separating two headings or other workings. THREAD. 1. (M.) See Cleat. 2. (M.) A more or less straight line of stall faces, having no cuttings, loose ends, or fast ends or steps. THROUGH AND THROUGH (S. W.). The system of getting or cutting bituminous coals without regard to the size of the lumps. THROUGH COAL (S. W.). See Altogether Coal. THROUGHER (S.). A thirl (1) put through between two headings which are up-stoop. THROW. 1. (Y.) A fault of dislocation. 2. The vertical distance between the two fractured ends of a bed of coal, &c., at a fault. See Hade. THROWN. Faulted, broken up by & fault. THRUST. Creep due to weight. When the floor is 254 A GLOSSAKY OF TEEMS harder than the roof, the subsidence of the latter causes a crushing down of pillars. THWARTING (Som.). A short branch (1) driven between two or more veins where they are nearly vertical. TIE-BACK. A beam serving a similar purpose as a fend-off beam, but fixed at the opposite side of the shaft or inclined road. TIGER. See Nipping Fork. TIGES DE BONDAGE (F.). Soring rods. TILL (I.). Shale. TILLER. See Bracehead, but made in a rather different form, and usually of iron. TIMBER. 1. Pitwood, e. g. Props, bars, sprays, lagging, &c. 2. To set, fix, or place timber (1) in a mine. TIMBERER. One who sets (5) and draws props, puts up bars and lacing in the roadways and workings. TIME. Hours of work performed by day men, la- bourers, &c. TIN CAN SAFETY LAMP. A Davy lamp placed inside a tin can or cylinder having a glass in front, air-holes near the bottom, and open-topped; thus transforming an instrument of great danger in a rapid current of air into one of great security. TINKER (D.). Laminated carbonaceous shale. TIP. A platform upon which a pair of iron tram rails, fixed upon an axle and attached to a lever, are USED IN COAL MINING, ETC. 255 bolted down, for emptying tubs into wagons, boats, &c. See Fig. 124. Fig. 124. TIPPER or TIPPLER. An apparatus for emptying tubs of coal on to screens (1). The tub is placed in the tippler, turned upside down, and brought back empty to its original position, with a minimum of manual labour. It is constructed principally of wrought iron, and usually fitted with a brake. See Fig. 125. Fig. 125. TIRR. See Overburden. TOE. See Spurn. TOKEX. 1. (S. W.) A thin bed of coal, &c., indi- cating a thicker seam at no great distance. 2. See Tatty. 256 A GLOSSARY OF TERMS TOLL (Ch.). Eoyalty on rock salt. TOOM (N.). Empty. TOP. 1. See Eoof. 2. See Cap (I) or Blue Cap. TOP HEADS (S. S.). Passages driven in the upper part of the Thick coal for draining off the gas ; first adopted by one James Eyan about the year 1808. TOPIT. A kind of bracehead, but much smaller, which is screwed on to the top of boring rods when withdrawing them from the hole (2). It is attached to a rope worked from & jack-roll. TOPPLE (S. W.) from TOP-HOLE. A working place driven to the rise of the main levels. TOPPLY (S.). The uppermost layers of a bed of coal left for a roof. TOPS. See Top. TORRENTS. Beds of quicksand met with below the chalk marl in the Anzin coal-field, in France. TOT (N.). A measure of gunpowder used in blasting. TOUCH. See Fuze. TOUGH (Sh.). Grey, plastic clay. TOUT VENANT (Belg.). Coal as landed on lank (1), previous to screening (1) and sorting. Tow. 1. (Lei.) Dark, tough, earthy clay or shale. 2. (S.) A winding rope of hemp. TRACK (Pa.). Underground railways or tramways. TRAILER (N.). See Putter. TRAIN. See Journey. USED IN COAL MINING, ETC. 257 TRAIN BOATS (T.) A number of compartments hinged together in a simple manner admitting of free articulation, in which coals are carried on canals or rivers from the mines to the shipping ports. The train may either be propelled or towed. When towed, as many as 30 compartments are linked together, but when propelled the train consists of 10 compartments steered by means of wire ropes along the sides, these ropes being actuated by steam power. Each compart- ment has a capacity of from 35 to 40 tons. TRAIN BOY. A lad who rides upon the train, to attend to the rope attachments, signal in case of de- railment of tubs, &c. TRAM. 1. See Box, Corf, Tub, Sleep. In South Wales trams constructed wholly of wrought iron or steel are much used in the steam-coal collieries. They weigh about 9 cwt. empty, and have a carrying capacity of 25 cwt See Fig. 126. Fig. 126. 2. To haul or push trams (1) about in a mine. TRAMMER. See Haulier, Putter. TRAMMING. See Haulage. TRAM-PLATE. Cast-iron plates of [_ section, weighing about 12 Ibs. to the yard, upon which wagons and trams run. See Tram-road. 258 A GLOSSARY OF TEEMS TEAM-ROAD. A road laid with tram rails or plates. So called after one Benjamin Outram, of Little Eton, in Derbyshire, who in 1800 used stones for carrying the ends of the metal plates or edge rails. The name Outram was subsequently contracted into Tram, hence tramway, trams, &c. TRAM-ROPE. A hauling-rope to which the trams are attached by a clip or chain, either singly or in sets. Bound steel ropes are always used. TRAP. 1. (S.) A steep heading along which men travel. 2. (B.) See Lid. 3. (Som.) A fault of dislocation. 4. See Grappel. 5. See Whin. TRAP DOOR. A small door, kept locked, fixed in a stopping or holt, for giving access to firemen and certain others to the return air-ways, dams, or other disused places in a mine. TRAP-DOWN (B.). A fault which is a down-throw one. TRAP DYKE. A fault (not necessarily accompanied by a displacement of the strata) in which the spaces between the fractured edges of the beds are filled up by a thick wall of igneous rock called trap (5) or whin. Frequently met with in the collieries of the North of England and Scotland. The word Trap is derived from the Swedish Trappa, a stair. TRAPPER (N.). A small boy employed underground USED IN COAL MINING, ETC. 259 in opening and shutting doors during the passage of tubs and horses. TRAPS (S.). Travelling roads for miners in Edge Coals driven on the slope of the seam. TRAP-UP (B.). A fault which is an up-throw one. TRAUNTER (M.). A sprag. See Tront. TRAVAIL A COL TORDU. (F.). See Holing. TRAVELLING KOAD. An underground passage or way used expressly, though not always exclusively, for men to travel along to and from their working places. TREE. 1. See Leg (1), Puncheon. 2. A pump-tree, which see. TREE UP (S.). To set up props or trees (1) in the workings. TREPAN. 1. (F.) A boring chisel of the ordinary form. 2. The boring head or tool used in the Kind-Chaudron system of sinking shafts. It consists essentially of a horizontal wrought-iron bar, to the underside of which are attached steeled teeth, so placed, that as the bar is rotated round the central axis of the pit, each tooth in falling with the bar through the requisite length of the stroke, which is from 10 to 20 inches, cuts for itself an annular portion of the bottom of the shaft. A large and a small trepan are used : the smaller one first bores out a hole from 4 to 6 feet in diameter, according to the required size of the shaft, in advance of the full size of the pit, into which the debris falls. The trepans are suspended by long wooden rods, and for a shaft of a diameter of say 15 feet, the larger one will weigh s 2 260 A GLOSSAEY OP TEEMS Fig. 127. about 20 tons, and the smaller say 11 tons. In ordinary strata the average daily advance of the boring will be about 3 feet. Fig. 127 is a large trepan. TRIG. A sprag used for stopping or putting the brake on trams, wagons, &c. TRIMMER. See Pricker (3). TRIMMERS (N., S. W.). Men who fill up the holds of vessels (colliers (2) ) with the coals discharged into them from staithes. TRIP. See Kick -up or Tipper. TRIPLET (N.). See Tipper. TROLLEY. 1. A Tram. 2. (B.) A kind of Lum, or basin-shaped depression in strata. TROMMEL. To separate coal into various sizes by discharging them with the least possible breakage. TROMPE. AVater-blast apparatus for producing ven- tilation by the fall of water down a pit-shaft. It con- sisted of a pipe, which the water enters in a funnel- shaped stream, and regulates the discharge of water; the air enters chiefly through holes just below ; the water breaking on a block is forced through the air-pipe or trunk. TRONT (M.). A long sprag fixed diagonally to the face of the coal wall. USED IN COAL MINING, ETC. 261 TROUBLE. A Fault. TROW (Lei.). A rectangular wooden pipe made in lengths of 12 or 14 feet, and from 3 to 12 inches square inside, for conveying the water feeders down the side of a shaft to the garlands (1). Used also occasionally for ventilating a trial heading, staple, or other nook-and- corner in the workings. TROUSSE COLLETEE (F.). A narrow wedging crib placed beneath an ordinary one. TROUSSE PICOTEE. An ordinary wedging crib. TROUGH FAULT. A wedge- shaped fault, or, more correctly, a mass of rock, coal, &c., let down in between two faults, which faults, however, are not necessarily of equal throw (2). See Fig. 128. TRUCK. See Tram. TRUMPET LAMP (N.). Miner's term for a Muesder or Belgian safety-lamp. TRUMPETING (S. S.). See Brattice. Fig. 27 brick. TRUNCHEON (Som.). A sleeper for underground railways. TRUNK. 1. (M.) A wooden box or sledge or sled in which the debris is conveyed from a heading of very small sectional area, or up a staple. 2. (B.) A wooden pipe or box for conveying air in the workings. 3. (Y.) See Kibble. TRUNK PUMPING-ENGINE. One which commands the 262 A GLOSSARY OF TERMS drainage of underground waters over a considerable area of mines, being a substitute for a number of smaller and independent pumps. TRUNT (N. S.). A heeding driven on a level. TRYING THE LAMP. The examination of the flame of a safety lamp for the purpose of forming a judgment as to the quantity of fire-damp mixed with the air. When fire-damp forms 1 part out of 13 of air, the mixture becomes explosive ; when 9 to 10 parts of air to 1 of gas, the explosive force is greatest : 5 parts of air to 1 of gas causes the most feeble explosion. TUB. 1. See Box, Corf, Tram. 2. A complete length of metal or timber tubbing from and including the wedging crib upwards. TUBBED BACK. Springs or feeders of water met with in sinking pit-shafts are said to be tubbed lack when tubbing has been put in to keep the water from getting into the mine. TUBBING. Cast-iron and sometimes timber lining or ivalling of a pit-shaft to keep back springs of water from flowing into a mine. See Plank tubbing. Of metal tubbing there are three kinds employed, viz. 1. Ordinary outside-flanged tubbing, put in in seg- ments and wedged up water-tight. 2. Inside screwed tubbing put in in rings (1) and segments bolted together and wedged, either built up from a wedging crib or lowered from the surface as a cylinder through water-bearing strata to the stone-head (2). 3. Complete rings or cylinders built up one above USED IN COAL MINING, ETC. 263 another at surface as they are lowered into the pit, bolted together at the joints, which have inside flanges. See Fig. 129, showing the three systems in plan as well as in section. Cast-iron tubbing first used in 1792, at Wallsend. Fig. 129. a- TUBBING PLATES. Cast-iron segments forming por- tion of a ring of tubbing. See Fig. 129, 1 and 2, a a ; also enlarged views, Fig. 130. Generally from 10 to 12 Fig. 130. Frcnb plates form a ring (1). Thickness of the metal from 1 to 2 inches, according to the pressure of water. TUBBING WEDGES. Small wooden wedges of pitch pine about 4 inches in length, 1^ inches in width, and i inch in thickness at the thick end. They are 264 A GLOSS AEY OF TEEMS hammered in between the joints of lulling plates until no more can be made to enter, thus stopping back every drop of water from the shaft. TUBING. The lining of boreholes (1) with wrought- iron tubes to keep the sides from running in. TUB WAGON (L.). TUB-WAY (N.). Tram-rails, sleepers, &c. TUCKLEES (Lei.). Short chains formerly used for raising and lowering men in a shaft. Three men gene- rally sat in them at one time. See Bant, Tacklers. TUGGEB (B.). A short chain by which boys draw tubs along. TUGGEE BOY (B.). One who draws small tubs (1) or sleds about underground by means of a tugger. Called Tugger-work. TUMBLEE. 1. (N.) A stop, scotch, or catch, affixed to each deck of a cage for keeping the tubs in place. 2. (S.) See Tipper. 3. (Som.) See Kneeler. TUMBLING TOMS. Tippers that turn completely over. TUNNA (Sw.). See Bowh, Kibble. TUNNEL (L.). See Crut. TUEN. 1. The hours during which coals, &c., are being raised from the mine. 2. See Shift. 3. To draw or wind (3) coals up a shaft or up an inclined plane to the surface. 4. Curved tram rails laid round a corner or turn, often made of cast iron. USED IN COAL MINING, ETC. 265 5. (S.) To drive headings to form stoops. TUKN AGAIN (N. S.). A change in the direction of the dip of the strata. TURN BARREL (M.). See Jack-roll TURNING. Drilling a shot-hole by hand. TURNING OUT (S. S.). Bringing coals to the skips (1). TURN OUT. A siding or pass-by upon an under- ground rolley-way. TURN PULLEY (M.). A pulley wheel fixed at the inbye end of an endless or tail-rope hauling plane, round which the rope returns. It may be fixed either verti- cally or horizontally, and is usually from 4 to 6 feet in diameter. See Lurry (1), Fig. 94. TURN-STAKES. See Stowses. TURNTABLE. A cast-iron disc or small horizontal platform revolving on a vertical axis, and supported upon small wheels, upon which tubs or trams are turned round upon the pit lank. TWIBILL. A strong pick used for stone-work, with an eye generally rectangular. TWIN BOY (B.). A small boy employed underground to push trams along a twin- way. TWIN -WAY (B.). Two branch roads set away, one on either side, out of a main road to the face of the stalls, through which trams are pushed by twin boys. See plan, Fig. 131. Fig. 131. 266 A GLOSS AEY OF TEEMS Two (S.). A cage-i\\\. of men. TWO-THROWS. When in sinking, a depth of about 12 feet has been reached, and the debris has to be raised to surface by two lifts or throws with the shovel (one man working above another). At this point the em- ployment of a hand windlass becomes necessary. TYMP. See Cap (2), Lid. Usually about 12 or 15 inches in length. TYPES (S.). See Lypes. U. U. C. Upcast shaft. UDGED (D.). Loose, weak, liable to fall, sounding hollow, or unsound. A roof or a piece of side is said to knock udged when it produces a dead, hollow, unsafe sound, upon being knocked upon with a hammer, &c. UMBRELLA. See Bonnet. UNDERCAST. An air course or wind road carried underneath a wagon way or other road by constructing a kind of bridge made airtight, or by driving a heading Fig. 132. in solid coal, &c., beneath the floor, sinking or sloping down at either end. See Fig. 132. UNDERCLAY. A bed of fireclay, clunch, or other USED IN COAL MINING, ETC. 267 more or less clayey stratum lying immediately beneath a seam of coal, and met with as forming the floor of almost every bed of coal. Many geologists consider underclays to have been the soil or surface upon which the vegetation, now converted into coal, grew, flourished, and died, as they contain the fossil remains of great numbers of what are thought to have been the roots of plants, &c. UNDERCLIFF (S. W.). Argillaceous shale forming the^oor of many coal seams in this coal-field. UNDERCUT. To hole (1) or Jcirve. UNDEREARTH (F. D.). A hard bastard fireclay forming the floor of a seam of coal. UNDEREDGE STONE (F. D.). The floor of an iron- stone mine. UNDER-GETTINGS. See Shorts (2). UNDERGOING. See Holing, Kirving. UNDER-LEVEL (01.). Winning (1) the ironstone by driving drifts into the hill-sides, &c., instead of sinking shafts. UNDERLOOKER (L.). One who has the care and superintendence of the colliers or miners and of the workings, who receives his orders from the manager, and to whom the overmen and deputies report upon the state of the mine. UNDERPINNING. Building up the walling of a 'pit- shaft to join that above it*. UNDERPLY (S.). A band or division of the upper portion of a thick seam of coal. UNDER-ROPE. See S-rope. 268 A GLOSSARY OF TERMS UNDER-SEAMS (S.). Lower or deeper coal seams. UNDER VENTILATION. Too little air circulating in a mine or working-place therein. UNDERVIEWER (N.). See Underlooker. UNGOTTEN. See Unwrought. UNHOLED (Y.). Boardgates or other headings which are not driven through or thirled into the adjoining roadway. UNWATER. To pump mines, or districts in mines, dry. UNWROUGHT or UNWORKED. Coal or other mineral which has not been mined or worked away. UP. 1. A stall or heading is said to be up when it is driven or worked up to a certain line (a fault, hollows, boundary, &c.), beyond which nothing further is to be worked. 2. On the lank (1) or on the surface. UP-BROW (L.). An inclined plane worked to the rise. UPCAST. The pit-shaft through which the return air ascends and is got rid of. See Signs. UP-HILL. A hoard or wicket. UP-LEAP (M.). A fault which appears as an up- throw. See Fault, Fig. 70 (1). From c to d is an up- leap. UP-OVER CRIB. A wedging crib placed on the top of a length of tubbing, to tub (3) off the water in a certain stratum. UPSET (S.). A holt hole or thirl (1) put through between two levels in edge coals. USED IN COAL MINING, ETC. 269 UP-STANDING (N.). The condition of a goaf when such portions of the pillars are worked away as still to leave the roof supported. UP-STOOP (S.). When a heading is driven to a point at which another should be put in or meet it at right angles out of a parallel heading so as to form a stoop, the first-named heading is called up-stoop. The headings or rooms marked with the letter a in Fig. 122 (see Stoop and Room) are up-stoop. UP-THROW. See Up-leap. Y. VACUUM. The method of producing ventilation by exhausting the air from the mine. See Fan. VEAL (S.). A tank or water-barrel placed upon a cage for emptying the sump. VEE (M.). The junction of two underground road- ways meeting in the form of a V. VEERER (Som.). An old word for Banksman. VEES, VEEZ, and VIESE (S.). A kind of soft earth in a fissure or upon the sides of a dyke. See also Leather-led. VEIN (S. W.). A seam of coal. VEISES (S.). Joints in the coal strata. VENT or VENT HOLE. A small passage made with a needle through the tamping, which is used for ad- mitting a squib, to enable the charge to be ignited. VENTILATING COLUMN. See Motive Column. VENTILATING PRESSURE. The power or force re- 270 A GLOSSARY OF TEEMS quired to overcome the friction of the air in mines. This is found to increase and decrease in exactly the same proportion that the area or extent of the rubbing surface exposed to the air increases or decreases. The rubbing surface depends upon the perimeter of the air- ways and their length. See Drag (1). VENTILATION. 1. The atmospheric air circulating in a mine. 2. The art or method of producing, distributing, maintaining, conducting, and regulating a constant cur- rent or flow of atmospheric air in the shafts, levels, inclines, staples, engine- and boiler-houses, stables, returns, flues, edges of goaves, of old workings, &c., so as to dilute, and as far as possible render harmless, the noxious gases given off in the mine, and in that state to convey them into the atmosphere at the surface. See Natural Ventilation, Furnace, Steam Jet, Fan. VENTILATOR. A mechanical apparatus for producing a current of air underground. There are about ten different types at work, all of them being on the exhausting principle. They may be divided into two clearly and radically distinct classes, the first consisting of the Guibal, Kammel, Waddle, and Schiele Ventilators, which are centrifugal fans, and act by reason of the partial vacuum they are able to produce; and the second consisting of machines known as varying-capacity ventilators, and which act in a similar manner to an air-pump. They are known as the Nixon, Struve, Lemielle, Cooke, Hoot, and Goffint Ventilators (see Fig. 133, which gives all the above- mentioned ventilators in side elevation, with the excep- USED IN COAL MINING, ETC. Fig. 133. 271 Guibal. Waddle. Rammel. Struve. Goffint. 272 A GLOSSARY OF TERMS tions of the Lemielle and the Goffint, which are in plan. The centrifugal ventilators are chiefly con- structed of wrought iron or of steel, with cast metal central bosses, and are made up to 46 feet in diameter (Schiele up to 14 feet 6 inches). Lemielle's machine consists of a vertical cylinder, within which revolves a second cylinder or drum, also vertical, the axis of which is placed eccentrically to the outer one. Upon this cylinder are hinged doors, which act upon the air in a somewhat similar manner to what the feathering float-boards adopted in steamer paddle-wheels do upon the water. Cooke's Ventilator consists of two horizontal drums mounted eccentrically upon a shaft : each drum as it revolves moves almost in contact with a cylindrical casing. A vibrating arm or shutter is hung by the upper edge, and the lower edge is kept closely in contact with the surface of the revolving eccentric cylinder. Boot's Ventilator is a rotary displacement machine, discharging the air in four distinct volumes during each revolution. It consists of two rotary pistons revolving in a casing. They are constructed of wrought iron and timber, and adjustable packing blocks are pro- vided at each end of the ventilator chamber to prevent slipping of the air. The Nixon Ventilator consists of an enormous horizontal double-acting air-pump, fitted with rect- angular pistons running to and fro upon rails. Upon the fronts and backs of the chambers are hung a number of rectangular valves or flaps, through which ingress and egress is given to the air. USED IN COAL MINING, ETC. 273 Struve's Machine consists of two vertical air- pistons called aerometers, constructed of wrought iron, which reciprocate vertically in annular tanks filled with water. The inlet and outlet of the air is regulated by rectangular valves in much the same way as in the Nixon Ventilator. The Goffint Ventilator (at Liege, Belgium) consists of a horizontal double-acting piston-pump like that of Nixon, but differing in construction from that machine. VIEWER or COAL VIEWER. The general manager or mining engineer of one or more collieries, who has control of the whole of the underground works, and also generally of those upon the surface. Underground surveys and plans are generally made and kept up by him, and the Manager acts under his authority and directions. A word not much used now, and is giving place to Mining Engineer and Agent. VISETTE (R). See Slope or Incline. VORHAUER (Pr.). This word means "Old man of the stall." He corresponds to the first man or ~butty collier of English mines. VUGHY ROCK. A stratum of cellular structure, or one containing many cavities. w. WAD COIL. A tool for readily extracting a pebble or a broken tool from the bottom of a lore-hole (2), con- sisting of two spiral steel blades arranged something like a corkscrew. See Spiral Worm. WAD-HOOK. See Wad Coil, Spiral Worm. T 274 A GLOSSAEY OP TEEMS WAFF (S.). See Brush (1), Dadding. WAFTING (M.). See Brush (1). WAGEMAN (Lei.). A collier who is paid by the day for performing a fixed amount of work, e. g. blowing. See Blow (1). WAGON, sometimes WAGGON. See Box, Corf, Hutch, Skip (1), Tram, Tub (1). WAGONER (N. S.). A man or boy who goes with a horse hauling tubs underground. WAGON- WAY (N.). An underground engine-plane or horse-road. WALLERS (N.). Boys who pick out the bats and other rubbish from coal wagons that have fallen through the screens (1) unobserved. WAITERS-ON. Men employed at the top of a sinking pit to work the running platform and steady the kibbles, &c. WALL. 1. The face (1) of a long-wall working or stall, commonly called the coal-wall. 2. (N.) A rib of solid coal between two boards. WALL ["To the Wall"] (N.). A term signifying breadth, in reference to the size of pillars in the system of working known as Pillar and Stall. WALL BARS. Prop Wood usually cut flat to fix against the roof, close up to the working face, where the roof is liable to break along the line of face (1). WALL CUTTING. Cutting, shearing, and blasting oif the sides of a sinking pit, preparatory to putting in tubbing, coffering, or walling. USED IN COAL MINING, ETC. 275 WALLING. 1. The brick or stone lining of pit-shafts. See Steining, 2. (D.) Stacking or setting up ironstone, &c., in heaps, preparatory to its being measured or weighed off. WALLING CRIB. Oak cribs or curbs upon which walling (1) is built. They are put in every 6 to 10 yards, according to the nature of the measures being sunk through. WALLING STAGE. A movable wooden scaffold sus- pended from a crab on the surface, upon which the workmen stand when walling (1) and tubbing are being put in, in a shaft. WALLOW (M.). See Stowses. WALL PLATE (Pa.). Strong timbers or buntons wedged firmly back against the strata, and forming a kind of walling (1) of a pit-snaft. WALLS (S.). Short working faces or stalls (also headings 6ft. in width) from 12 to 20 yards wide. WALLSENDS or WALLSEND COALS (N., Y.). Strictly speaking, an excellent description of household coal originally produced at a colliery near Newcastle-upon- Tyne, near to the eastern termination of the great Koinan wall, and near the sea. Many first-class house coals are now termed Wallsends, though they have no connection with the place of that name. WANT (S.). A clean rent or fissure in strata unac- companied by dislocation. WAPPING (Lei.). A roughly-made rope or band of hemp or spun yarn. WAEGUES (F.). See Horse-gin and Gin. T 2 276 A GLOSSARY OF TEEMS WARK-BATCH (Som.). See Spoil-lank. WARNERS. Apparatus consisting of a variety of delicately-constructed machines actuated by chemical, physical, electrical, and mechanical properties, for in- dicating the presence of small quantities of fire-damp, heat, &c., in mines; At present most of these ingenious contrivances are more suited to the laboratory than for practical application underground. WARNING LAMP. A safety lamp fitted with certain delicate apparatus for indicating very small proportions of fire-damp in the atmosphere of a mine. As small a quantity as 0'03 per cent, can be by this means determined. WARP (Y.). Blueish-brown, finely-laminated tough clay with pebbles. WARRANT (L.). Synonymous with Glunch, Pounson, &c. WARREN or WARREN EARTH (L.). See Bind, Glunch, &G. WASH (N.). Drift, clay, stones, &c. Probably ancient river courses or glacier grooves which have furrowed and scooped out the surface in past ages. See Hopes. WASH FAULT. A portion of a seam of coal replaced by shale or sandstone. See Fault, Fig. 70 (2) ; also see Low (2). WASHING APPARATUS OR MACHINE. Machinery and appliances erected on the surface at a colliery, generally in connection with coke ovens, for extracting, by washing with water, the impurities mixed with the USED IN COAL MINING, ETC. 277 coal-dust or small slack. The principle upon which the process is performed is that of gravitation or pre- cipitation. A common form of washing apparatus consists of a series of long, gently-sloping wooden troughs or open- topped, flat-bottomed pipes, with appliances for col- lecting the washed coal v Streams of water are caused to flow along these troughs, carrying with them the coal-dust, which parts with its impurities (stone, shale, Fig. 134. &c.), as they soon fall by reason of their greater specific gravity, and the coal passes off into settling-tanks, the water if necessary being pumped back and used over and over again. Another form of machine, which is much more com- pact, consists of a brick hopper, constructed below the surface level, into which wagons discharge the coal to be washed. An endless chain of buckets, actuated by 278 A GLOSSARY OP TERMS an engine, raises the stuff and empties it into iron tanks, wherein the process of cleaning is performed. Out of these a second endless chain of buckets raises the washed and semi-dried coal and tips it over and down a shoot into wagons for removal to coke ovens, a third series of buckets disposing of the washed-out rubbish from the base of the thanks into trams or tubs for removal to spoil-bank. (See Fig. 134). See Wet Separation. WASTE. 1. A more or less empty space between two packs. See Goaf. 2. (N.) Very small coal or slack. 3. (N.) A Return Air-way. WASTE COAL. Coal obtained from out of a waste (1). WASTEMAN (M.). One who looks after and keeps clean the airways of a mine, and keeps the wax dams in proper condition. He is generally an oldish collier who has had much experience. WATCHERS (Lei.). Experienced colliers butties who take it in turns to go down the pit and examine the whole of the workings along with a deputy every Sunday. WATER. Next to fire-damp, this is the most trouble- some and dangerous element met with in mines. It may, nevertheless, under favourable conditions, be turned to great use in assisting to drain those portions of the workings which are situated to the dip of the shafts or adits, through the medium. of the hydraulic pumping-engine and the siphon. Below a depth of from (say) 900 to 1200 feet it is USED IN COAL MINING, ETC. 279 seldom found in any quantity, but salt water has been met with at 2790 feet below the surface in a coal-pit. The largest and strongest springs and feeders occur within a few hundred feet of the surface, and as many as 12,000 gallons per minute have had to be contended with in sinking shafts in the county of Durham. Brine is occasionally present in coal seams : e. g. at Moira, in Leicestershire, the water pumped from 730 feet in depth out of the " main " coal seam contains no less than 3700 grains of chloride of sodium per gallon. In order to keep water out of pit-shafts, several methods of lining them are adopted, viz. Tubbing, Coffering, Kind-Chaudron system of sinking, and pumping ; and to exclude it from the underground workings and passages a system of Pillar and Stall working (which allows a portion of the coal to be extracted, and preserves the roof intact, and gives rise to no weighting or subsidence of the cover containing the water) must either be fol- lowed, or it must be raised by pumps or in tanks, or passed off by adits. WATER-BALANCE MACHINE (S.W.). An antiquated method of raising minerals in a pit-shaft by water power. The principle of the apparatus consists in a bucket of water, which was filled at the surface, and by its descent raised a tram of 20 cwt. or so of coal, the water being run off at the pit bottom each run or wind (3). WATER BARREL. 1. A wrought-iron tank or cistern in which the water is raised from the sump or from a lodge in the side of the shaft by the winding engine. 2. An iron or wooden tank or box mounted upon 280 A GLOSSAKY OF TEEMS four wheels, running on the underground tramways, and hauled either by engine power or by horses to the shaft bottom, where the water is discharged into the sump. WATER BLAST. The sudden escape of pent-up air in rise workings under considerable pressure from a head of water which has accumulated in the lower workings. WATER CARTRIDGE. Cartridges of explosive sub- stances for blasting down coal in the workings. The case containing the powder, tonite, &c., is surrounded by an outer one of water, which is employed to destroy the flame produced when the shot is fired, thereby les- sening the chance of an explosion should gas be present in the place (I). WATER CURB. See Garland (1). WATERED. Containing much water full of springs or feeders : e. g. heavily watered mines, heavily watered measures, &c. WATER ENGINE (D.). A pumping-engine. WATER GAUGE. An instrument for measuring the draff or friction of air in mines. It generally consists of a glass tube, bent into the form of the letter U, with a scale of inches and parts, by which the difference between the height of the water in one tube and that in the other is measured, this difference being due to the difference of pressure of the air in the intake and return. WATER HAMMER. The hammering noise caused by the intermittent escape of gas through water in mines. USED IN COAL MINING, ETC. 281 WATER LEAF (S.). See Top ply. WATER LEVEL. An underground passage or head (1) driven very nearly dead-level or on the strike (1), for the purpose of draining off the water. WATER LOAD (S. W.). The head, or pressure per square inch, of a column of water in pumps, &c. WATER LODGE. See Lodge. WATER-PACKER (Pa.). A kind of cup-leather ar- rangement fitted to the tubing of a borehole (1) in watery ground, to keep back the water. WAX (Lei.). Soft or puddled clay used for dams (I) or stoppings, and in which the colliers stick and carry about their candles in the mine. WAX DAM (Lei.). A wall or dam (1) of clay. WAXING (Lei.). The operation of plastering a waste stack with wax. See Stack out. WAX WALL (Lei.). A clay wall about ten inches in thickness built up from floor to roof alongside a gob road a few feet within the goaf, to keep back or prevent fire-stinks, &c. WAY. 1. (N. M.) Any underground passage or heading driven more or less on the level of the coal, along which the produce of the mine is conveyed either by horses or by engine power. See Gate, Road (1), Wagon-way. 2. The rails, sleepers, chairs, keys, &c., upon which tubs or corves run. WAY DIRT (Lei.). The slack, dust (2), and odd lumps of coal which fall from the tubs upon the roads on their journey from the working places to the shafts. 282 A GLOSSARY OF TERMS It is collected during the night and sent to lank (1), and consumed under the boilers. WAY END. See' Gate End. In long-wall workings the colliers generally keep a supply of prop-wood, a tool and candle box, and other requisites for carrying on their work, and generally take their bait or snap just within the way end. WAY GATE. See Gate. WAY HEAD (M.). The end of a way or gate next to the face. WAY LEAVE. 1. A rent or royalty paid by the owner or lessee of a mine for conveying minerals belong- ing to one person through the property of another person. It is usually fixed at so much per ton, but sometimes, though rarely, depending upon distance conveyed underground and up the shafts. 2. (N.) The right of making and maintaining colliery railways through private property which may intervene between collieries and staithes. WEATHER. To fall or crumble down by exposure to the atmosphere. Certain rocks of the coal measures, such as fireclay, bind, &c., weather very rapidly. Fi - 135< WEB (M.). The face (1) or wall of a long -wall stall in course of being holed and broken down : for removal. The web varies in thickness (ac- cording to the height of the seam) from 2 or 3 to 7 feet. Fig. 135 shows a cross-section of a long- USED IN COAT. MINING, ETC. 283 wall stall with a web of coals after drawing (2) the timber. WEDDING (D.). The accidental meeting or collision between a loaded and an empty corf in a pit-shaft working swinging bont. Formerly it was not an un- common thing for the full corf or skip to come up to surface with the empty corf entangled with it. WEDGING CRIB. A curb or crib of cast iron upon which tubbing is built up and wedged tightly to, in order to stop back all water. Wedging cribs are usually about 6 inches thick (though cast hollow), and from 14 to 24 inches broad. More than one are sometimes put in, one on the top of another. See Fig. 136. Fig. 136. TiMing . . Wedging Crib . , Wedging Crib . . Walling .. ., WEDGIN T G DOWN. Breaking down the coal at the face (1) with hammers and wedges instead of by blasting. WEDGING OUT. Cropping or thinning out. See Fig. 70 (7). WEDGE KING. See Wedging Crib. WEELDBONS (F. D.). Ancient ironstone workings. WEEP. See Bleed. WEIGH (S. W.). A weight of 10 tons of coal, &c. WEIGHER. A man who takes account of the weight 284 A GLOSSARY OF TEEMS of the contents of every tub, or of a certain proportion of the tubs of coal, &c., as they leave the cage at lank (1), or who weighs the coal, &c., in railway wagons, carts, boats, &c. WEIGHING. The crushing or falling in of the roof more or less rapidly. WEIGHMAN. See Weigher. WEIGHT. 1. A settling or subsidence of the roof, due to the working away of the coal seam. Weights are commonly of very heavy nature, and make great havoc with the pit-props and with the stalls. 2. The gradual and regular settlement of the roof and cover, taking place as the excavation of the seam of coal, &c., goes forward, which by proper management in the working of the coal, and attention to the goaf, may generally be utilised in assisting in breaking down the coal in long-wall faces ; in other words, the weight enables the coal when holed, to get itself. When, in the course of clearing out a considerable area of a seam of coal, &c., and leaving no posts or pillars of solid coal to support the roof, in commencing to open off workings, a weight (1) takes place. Such weight is called the first weight, because it is the first crushing down of the roof, &c., of any magnitude that has occurred since begin- ning to form a goaf. With first-weights generally comes much firedamp, as well as much difficulty in keeping the working places safe to work in, owing to falls. See Web, Fig. 135, showing the serviceable action of weight upon a long -wall working face. 3. The number of hundredweights (cwts.) which are reckoned as one ton, as between coal-masters and USED IN COAL MINING, ETC. 285 workmen (hewers, trammers, lanksmen, &c.). In days gone by, as many as 25 to 30 cwt. were allowed to the ton, to compensate for dirt, &c., sent out of the pit along with the coal. This was called a long ton. WEIGHTING. Undergoing disturbance due to weight (1). Commonly known as being on the weight. WEIZE. A band or ring of spun yarn, rope, gutta- percha, lead, &c., put in between the flanges of pipes before bolting them together, in order to make a water- tight joint. WET SEPARATION. The various systems of cleaning coal at surface by washing, the principle of them con- sisting in that the various fragments of shale or dirt (1) are, by reason of their specific gravity, effectually separated from the coal. WETTERAUFSEHER (Pr.). A man set aside for the special purpose of attending to the ventilation. He carefully examines the mine before the other workmen enter, and reports himself to the steiger. WETTERMAN (Pr.). A trustworthy collier (1), who is head man in a stall or other working place. WETTER SOHLE (Pr.). See Air Level. WEY. A certain weight of coals upon which a royalty is paid : e. g. 10 tons at Is. per ton. WHEEL BRAE (S.). A flat or landing on the top of a & WHEEL-HOUSE (B.). A shed for protecting the horse- gin on the surface. WHIM. A winding (1) drum, &c., worked by a horse. 286 A GLOSSARY OP TERMS WHIMS EY. An old word for the hoisting apparatus at a mine, now known as the winding engine, which see. WHIN. 1. A very hard, compact, dark-coloured, intrusive, igneous rock, composed of about 50 per cent, of silica, and having a sp. gr. of about 3, with a dull conchoidal fracture. 2. (S. N.) Any very hard resisting rock coming in the way of miners. WHIN DYKE. A fault or fissure filled with whin and the debris of other rocks, sometimes accompanied by a dislocation of the strata. The Cockfield Fell Whin Dyke is probably the largest in Great Britain. It runs in almost a straight line, from near Carlisle on the west, to the east coas.t a few miles south of Whitby in Yorkshire. Whin dykes attain a thickness of as much as 200 feet in some places. See also Dyke, Trap. WHIN-FLOAT (S.). A kind of greenstone, basalt, or trap, occurring in coal measures. WHIN GAW (S.). Synonymous with Whin Dyke. WHINSTONE (N.). See Whin (1 and 2). WHIPSY-DERRY. See Derrick. WHITE-DAMP. Carbonic oxide (0. 57 C. 43). A gas occasionally met with in coal-mines, which, although it will support combustion and is inflammable, quickly destroys life. WHITE EOCK (S. S.). Intrusive dykes of Doleritic rocks in the coal measures : in external appearance it closely resembles sandstone. USED IN COAL MINING, ETC. 287 WHOLE or WHOLE MINE (N.). That portion of a coal seam being worked by driving headings into it only, or the state of the mine before bringing lack the pillars, or what is called working the broken, com- mences. See Barrier System (Fig. 10) ; also see First Working. WHOLE CRADLE (N.). A platform or scaffold of nearly the same diameter as the pit-shaft, and hung upon chains attached to a crab-rope from the surface. WHOLE FLAT (N.). A panel or district of whole. WHOLE STALLS (S. W.). Two or more stalls having their faces in line or on a thread with one another. WHURR. The buzzing noise made by the vanes of a fan. WICHET (N. W.). A working place in the shape of a wide heading or board (1), sometimes 60 or 70 feet in width. WICKET (N. W.). See Wichet. WICKET WORK (N. W.). A kind of pillar and stall system of working a seam of coal, with pillars up to 15 yards and stalls up to 24 yards wide. A plan (2) of this description of workings would much resemble Fig. 113 (see Single Eoad Stall), the chief difference" being that two roadways are generally carried up each wicket. WIDE WORK (Y.). A South Yorkshire system (now nearly obsolete) of working coal. Sets of short stalls or banks (4), 7 or 8 yards in width, forming a line of faces about 60 yards, were carried to the rise, about 3 or 4 288 A GLOSSAEY OF TERMS feet of coal being left between each lank, the main road pillars being subsequently extracted. See Plan, Fig. 137. Fig. 137. WILD-FIRE. An old term used by colliers for fire- damp. WILD GROUND, WILD MEASURES, WILD STUFF (S.S., SL). WIMBLE (N.). A kind of auger and scoop combined, for extracting the debris from lore-holes (1). WIN. 1. To sink a shaft or drive a drift to a work- able seam of coal, ironstone, &c., in such a manner as to enable you to effectually prosecute the working of it ; or for the purpose of opening out a district in a mine, which, previously to winning the mineral, was cut off by a fault or by some other barrier. 2. (S.) Won, found, proved, (I) tapped, (2) sunk to, &c. WINCH. A kind of windlass or crab for coiling ropes upon. WIND. 1. A hand- windlass or jack-roll. 2. The atmospheric air circulating in a mine. 3. To raise coals, &c., by means of a winding-engine. USED IN COAL MINING, ETC. 289 4. A steam-engine used purposely for lowering and raising men in an engine pit or pumping-shaft. 5. A single journey of a cage from top to bottom of a shaft, or vice versa. WINDBORE. See Sliding Windbore, but made with- out the inner telescopic arrangement. WIND-GAUGE. An anemometer for testing the velocity of the wind (2) in mines. WINDING. 1. The operation of raising by means of a steam-engine, with ropes and cages, the produce of the mine. 2. (M.) Any underground road used expressly for ventilating purposes. WINDING ENGINE. The apparatus fixed within a few yards of the mouth of a shaft for raising the minerals from the bottom, or from various levels, to pit top. It usually takes the form of a steam-engine, which first came into use for this purpose about the year 1763 at Hartley Colliery. The modern winding engine consists of a pair of steam cylinders of equal diameter and stroke, placed either vertically or horizontal, the connecting rods being coupled direct through cranks at right angles to the main shaft, upon which the drum (1) is constructed, and which also carries the brake rim. The following table gives the principal dimensions, particulars of work performed by, and other statistics in connection with a few of the most powerful winding appliances in the world : 290 A GLOSSARY OF TERMS w Is d % o o lO CO O OQ fi W & t> t> OS CD *o ^ P K * ir J8 cv. r> . x. I'" ^ CO CO 7 CM * c^ B 11 If 1 + 8 c* + o o ^ 5 ( 5 CO CO 05 CO 1 ^fl 1 li 1 { 0. 10 (M T-4 CO CO 00 o li >> SI a 0^> I *> CO > CO OS t*' r*< CD 9M S 1 o o goo o CM t>. CO CO Oi CM S || 11 Pt ^ "S ^ jjj s p . CO s 1 ^ "" Tjl 1O O X HN X i Mta = r 1$ Si CO OS 00 o (N i 1 : s, : & g : e S * 1 8 2 03 O 2 2' | CO ^ d o a 1 %- d ^3 3 S i ' . CM *i i 5 1 M .2 > t- CO xo CO ^ * i ">> =5 g <* (M CO 00 CO TH _ s m . < f) "^ CO * CO * 00 2 O ^ p., ^ ^ & t! 5 o % o5 3 o y a! 3 fl 1 N 3 hn 's 2 cj d 1 1 3 G> O !! H 3 i I- w b^ o w 1 11 1 S S.S o 2 il S * '~ A T'^ V T 73 . * ^.-~*~ >^-^_ s '"*"? -*-> ^ o 3 cc 5 8 g ! ' c3 ^2 S -S .s s 1 tf s : ^ 0) If! e I i O S aT S II CO S w" S S s s ^ s ^ Tl ^ ?. > S 5"= c ' 5 s me and i i IK II ^ II |l JQ Id ^ 'bic eg ^*fe li 2^ ^c p | zL-ZL-- _q co x ~-v 5^_, CO ^v ' i * +- M- ^= * -J ^ i t~t n CO ^ CO l> oo USED IN COAL MINING, ETC. 291 Most large winding engines are fitted with steam brakes, some also with steam or hydraulic reversing gear, and with automatic cut-off or steam regulating gear. See Water Balance, Koepe System, Drum (1), Conical Drum. WINDING ROPES. The ropes by which a cage, chair, bowk, kibble, trunk (3), &c., are raised and lowered in a pit-shaft. They are constructed of three different materials, viz. steel, iron, and hemp or manilla, and in two forms round and flat. The former are sometimes made taper when of great length, the thicker end being of course that nearest or fastened to the drum (1). The best quality of steel-wire rope, known as plough quality, costs about 5?. per cwt. Referring to the table of winding engine^ above, it will be seen that in Nos. 4 and 7 instances the weight of the winding rope is in excess of the load (cage, tubs, and mineral) raised. WINDING SHAFT OR PIT. The pit-shaft used chiefly for winding (1) purposes. WIND METHOD. That system of separating coal into various sizes, and extracting the dirt (1) from it, which in principle depends upon the specific gravity or size of the coal, &c., and the strength of the current of air directed upon it, which is employed to effect such separation. WIND ROAD. See Winding (2). WIND WAY. See Winding (2). WING-BORE (S.). A side or flank lore-hole (3). WINNING. A sinking pit, a new coal, ironstone, clay, shale, or other mine of stratified minerals. 292 A GLOSSAKY OF TEEMS WINNING HEADWAYS (N.). Heads (1) driven in the coal seam at right angles to drifts (4). WIKE (W.). A hauling rope. WISKET (L.). A light basket, weighing about 25 Ibs., used for carrying coals, &c., up a shaft. WITCHET (N. W.). See Wichet. WON. In mining language means proved, sunk to, and tested. Coal is won when it is proved and a position attained so that it can be worked and conveyed to bank (1). Coal may be won either by levels, by drifts, by headings to the rise, or by headings to the deep. WOOD. Signifies pit-props, bars, sprags, chocks, lagging, &c., which are all used in various ways for supporting the roof and sides of underground workings and ways. The cost of wooding or timbering in a col- liery ranges from say 2d. to I0d. or Is. per ton, according as the roof is a good or a bad one. The most suitable kinds of wood for mining purposes are : For props, yellow or Norway pine. bars, larch, ash, elm, and fir. sprags, ash and fir. chocks, any hard and tough wood. lagging, any tough and durable odds and ends. WOOD CHAIN (S. S.). A chain used for raising the minerals up the pit-shaft, composed of five links of iron in width, with small blocks of wood filling up the spaces in the links. See sketch, Fig. 138. WOOD COAL. See Board Coal. Fig. 138. USED IN COAL MINING, ETC. 293 WOODERS (Y.). See Timber ers. WOOD EINGER. See Einger and Dog and Chain. WORK (3L). 1. A stall or working place. 2. Meaning get (2), in the sense of whether a coal gets or works easily or with difficulty. 3. When during the operation of holing or cutting coal a crackling or bursting sound is caused, the coal is said to work Also when the roof shows signs of giving way, and cracks with a noise, it is said to work. 4. To carry on the various operations connected with the mining of coal, &c. 5. To get, cut away, or excavate and remove any bed or seam, or part thereof, of coal, ironstone, or other mine, whether underground or in open work. 6. (S. S.) A side of work. WORKABLE. 1. A seam of coal is generally called a workable coal when (if of good quality) its thickness exceeds 18 or 20 inches. It may perhaps also be said that all mines of coal, &c., to a depth of 4000 feet, are workable. 2. Any seam or rake of ironstone that can be profit- ably mined. WORK Box (Lei.). See Box. WORKED OUT. A bed of coal, &c., a pit, or a lift (10), is called worked out when all the available mineral has been extracted. WORKING BARREL. The pump tree or cylinder in which the 'bucket moves up and down. It is usual to make it a little less in diameter than the ordinary pipes or trees (1). It is bored out in a lathe, and if the water 294 A GLOSSARY OF TERMS to be pumped is very corrosive or ochrey, is lined with brass. WORKING BEAM. See Brake-staff. WORKING COST. The cost per ton of producing coal, &c., and loading it into wagons, boats, &c. It includes all expenses in getting, haulage, "banking, sur- face labour, management, sales, timber, stores, royalties, way leaves, rates and taxes, insurance, colliery consump- tion, bad debts, loss in wagons and stocks, repairs, &c., interest on capital, replacement of machinery, &e. WORKING FACE. See Face (1). WORKING FURNACE. A furnace supplied with fresh air from the downcast pit. WORKING HOME. Getting or working out a seam of coal, &c., from the boundary or far end of the pit (2) towards the pit bottom, thus leaving behind all goaves, fire-stinks, &c. WORKING ON AIR. When the holes in a snore-piece are not completely covered with water, and air is sucked up with the water, the pumps are said to be working on air. WORKING PLACE. The actual place in a mine at which the working of the coal, &c. [either by driving headings or by stall work], is going on : viz. a head end or at a working face. WORKING OUT. Getting coal, &c., from the shafts outwards, or in the direction of the boundaiy of the colliery. The opposite to working home. WORKINGS. 1. The portions of a seam of coal, &c. worked away, which, of course, includes all roads, ways, USED IN COAL MINING, ETC. 295 levels, dips, airways, &c., whether in use or not, together with the stalls, headings, goaves, staples, &c. The deepest coal workings in existence are said to be 3511 feet at Gilly Colliery, in Belgium. 2. The quantity, tonnage, or output of minerals during a certain period from a certain lease, or a district in a pit. See Get (2). WORM or WORM COIL. A tool, something similar to a wad hook, used for loosening tough clays at the bottom of lore-holes (2). See Wad Coil . WREATHS (Lei). Four short pieces of hemp rope placed round the legs of a horse or pony and fastened together above its back, by which it was formerly lowered into or brought up out of a pit-shaft. WRECK. See Bore-meal. WRENCH. See Key. WROUGHT. Coal, &c., worked or gotten. WYE (C.). The beam-end connection above the pump-rods of a winding and pumping engine. Y. YARDAGE. Cutting coal, &c., by the yard or fathom. In many districts a price per ton on the coals is paid, in addition to so much per yard. YARD-STICK. An ash walking-stick, 3 feet in length (having a notch or other mark put upon it at every foot), which a manager or underviewer carries with him in the pit, with which he roughly measures any lengths of work done and other distances whenever 296 TERMS USED IN COAL MINING, ETC. occasion arises, and with which he chastises unruly lads. YARD WORK (F. D.). Synonymous with yardage. YARK (D.). To jerk a rope or other appliance used for lifting or drawing. YED (Lei.). See Head (1). YIELD. 1. Pillars of coal are said to yield when they commence to give way or crush. 2. The proportion of a coal seam, &c., actually sent to lank (1). ' YOKES. Short sawn timbers placed across Hats for steadying pump trees. See Chogs, Fig. 40. Z. ZONE. In coal-mining phraseology, this word signifies a certain series of coal seams, with their accom- panying shales, &c., which contain, for example, much fire-damp, called a fiery zone, or, if much water, a watery zone. 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