■^r-- '^.-^m ^^m 'm ^ IS ^ P ^ s Z3 n 1 .' 7A^ ^ A^v 5:. . ^ \ • • CATALOGUE OF A COLLECTION OF the Lar(/est ever submitted to the Public ; COMPRISING NEARLY TWENTY THOUSAND PORTRAITS OP PERSONS CONNECTED WITH THE HISTORY AND LITERATURE OF THIS COUNTRY, FROM THE EARLIEST PERIOD TO THE PRESENT TIME. WITH AN ENUMERATION OF THE CIRCUMSTANCES CONNECTING THE MOST EMINENT PERSONS WITH THE VARIOUS COUNTIES OF GREAT BRITAIN, PREFERMENTS OF THE CLERGY, &c. WITH THE NAMES OF THE PAINTER AND ENGRAVER, AND THE SIZE OF EACH PLATE. *' Let a man read a character in Clarendon, and he will find it improved by seeing tlie Portrait of the Person." J. RICHARDSON. NOW ON SALE AT THE REASONABLE PRICE AFFIXED TO EACH PRINT BY EDWARD EVANS, BOOK AND PRINT SELLER, GREAT QUEEN STREET, LINCOLN'S INN FIELDS E. EVANS, Printer, Great Queen Street, Lincoln's Inn Fields. . . • •• •♦■•'■'■,!•• '» • ' ,>.'-,■- .♦ • • •,•• '. ...... ....... .. • >, 3$ -a CATALOGUE OF PRINTS, PART IV. \ FORMING THE FIRST PART OF A CATALOGUE OF PORTRAITS, ON SALE BY >-- E. EVAWS, Great Queen Street, LincolrCs Inn Fields. Q *^* The names of the Artists, where known, are placed after the print, &-* and, except in the few instances wliere two prints are described, at "^ the end of the line; the Designer is distinguished by being printed j^-; in Italic. 1 Aarox, Rev. Mr. Eastern preacher, 1733, w. 1. fol. 2s, 2 Abbot, Mordecai, rec. gen. of customs, 1(399, 8vo. Is. White 3 Abbot, Rt. Hon. Chas. formerly Speaker, 8vo. 6d. Proof, Is 4 Abbott, George, nat. Guildford, 1563; dean of Winchester 5 J^ vice chanc. Oxf. Univ. ; bp. Lichfield, Coventry, and Lon- 2 don ; abp, Canterbury ; ob. 1633 ; 8vo. 6d. various. 5 — with eight Latin verses, the orig. plate, 4to. Is. S. Pass "•I 6 — in title-page to his Descript. of the World, Svo. 2s. Marshall c^ 7 — with arms, 4to. Is. CO 8 ^ — ditto and the borders, royal 4to. Is. 6d. Vertue, del. et sc. 9 — from Boissard, Svo. 2s. — fol. 2s. 6d. Houbraken 10 — from Clarendon, Svo. Is. . - Gucht 11 — from the Heroologia, 4to. 2s. 6d. - S. Pass 12 Abbott, Rob. his bro. nat. Guildford, 1560 ; rect. All Saints, Wore, and Bingham, Nott. ; master Balliol Coll. ; bp. Salis- bury ; ob. 1617 ; six verses, the orig. plate, 4to. Is. Delaram 13 — from Boissard, Svo. 2s. 14 — from Heroologia, 4to. 2s. 6d. - S. Pass 15 Abbott, L. F. painter, holding his popular portrait of Lord (/^' Nelson, sheet, 3s. Proof before letters,^?,. Ipse — Greeu 16 — ditto, the plate cut and reduced, 4to. Is, Ibid. — Ibid. 17 Abbott, Charles, late Chief Justice Tenterden, 4to. 2s. India proof, 3s. - - - Penny — Meyer 18 — in robes on the bench, 4to. 3.s. Proof 5s, Sinolky — Cooper 19 — ditto, with fac-siinile of writinuj, Svo. Is. IVr'is-ht — lloll 20 — ^\\Xo, India proof 1?,. - - Ibid. — Ibid, 21 Abdul Hamet, Emperor of Turkey, 1789, fine proof] 4to. 3s. ... ro;»V/i— Fittler" 22 Abel, Chas. Fred, musician and composer, w, ir. pl^y'"g ''^ ^^^^ on the viol de gamba, his favourite instrument, ob. 1787, 4to. Is, ~ . . J. i\7,r(Wj— Gardner 23 Abelard, celeb, and unfortunate lover, 4to. Is. Gardner — Watson 24 — ditto, brilliant proof before the letters, 5s. Ibid. — Ibid Part L Price 6d. b 3 Evans's catalogue of portraits. 25 Abell, Alderman, and Richard Kilvert, wine moBopolizers, 1641, 8vo. 6d. 26 Abercorn, James Hamilton, Earl, ob. 1734, Svo. 6d. 4to. Is, 27 Abercorn, Jas, Hamilton, Earl, ob. 1789, Svo. 6d. 4to. Is. 28 Abercrombie, Gen, Sir Ralph, Svo. 6d. 20 — with fac-simile of his writing, Svo. Is. Hoppner — Cook 30 — ditto, India proof, 2s, - - Ibid.-—\h\A. 31 . — fi-oiu same picture, fol.Ss, Proof, 5s. Ibid. — Bartolozzi 82 Abercromby, Hon. Alex, jurisc. Edinb, sheet, 5s. Dawe 33 Aberdeen, Geo. present Earl, io\,proof, 7s. Lawrence — Turner 34 Abernethy, John, dissenting rain, in Ireland, ob. 1740, set. 60, Svo. 6d. 35 • — fol. 2s. Latham — Faber. — fol. 2s. - Brooks 36 Abernethy, John, celeb, phys. Svo. 6d. Tliomson, del. et sc. 37 Abington, Mrs, variety of, in character, &c. Svo. 6d. 38 — as Charlotte, in Hypocrite, Svo. 6y. Proof, Is. Ri/ lei/ — Hall 39 — as Comic Muse, Svo. 6d. - - Walker 40 — drawing a curtain, Svo. 6d. - Sir J. Reynolds^ 41 Aboo Taleb Kawn, Svo. 6d. 42 Aceum, Frederick, chemist, Svo. 6d. Proof Is. 43 Acerbi, Jos.trav. in North of Europe, 4to. 2s. Violet — Tomkins 44 — ^xticr, fine proof before any letters, 4to. 3s. Ibid. — Ibid, 45 Ackland, Lady Harriet, 1800, Svo. 6d. - Ridley 46 Adair, Jas. Record, of Lond. 1789, 1. fol. 3s. Romney — Hodges 47' — ^\\Xo, fine proof, ^s. - - Ibid. — Ibid, 48 Adam, Wm. legal adviser to the late Duke of York, Svo. 6d. 49 Adarai, Andrea, da Bolsena, musician, Svo. 6d. Grignion 50 Adams, Eliz. convicted of robbery, 1737, Svo. 6d. Hogarth 51 Adams, Rev. John, Svo. Is. - - Kitchia 52 Adams, Jack, astrological professor of Clerkenwell, copied from a rare print, Svo. 6d. - Thane, exc. 53 Adams, John, Vice Pres. United States, Svo. 6d. 54 • — fol. 2s, Houston, del. et sc. ■ — 4to. Is. - HalF ,55 Adams, John, mathem. at Ponder's End, 4to. Is. J. T. Smith tQ Adams, Samuel, of United States, fol. 2s. - Okey 57 Adams, Rev. Thos. Svo. 6d. - JenJiin — Kitchia 58 Adams, Rev. W. fine original coloured drawing, Svo. 5s. 59 Addington, Stephen, D.D, nat, Northampton, 1729 ; pastor of Market Harborough, Leic, and Miles's-lane, London j. ob. 1796 J Svo. (5d. 60 Addison, Rev. L. father of Joseph, w. L Svo. 2s. 61 Addison, Joseph, celeb, literat. Svo. 6d. Knelter — Cardor* 62 • — from a picture at Knole, Svo, Is. J^eryftA-— Rhodes 63 — ditto, French paper proof, 4to. Is, 6d. Ibid, — Ibid. 64 — ditto, ^ne proof on India paper, royal 4to, 2s. Ibid. — Ibid, 65 — 4to. Is. 6d. Kneller — Vertue. • — fol. 2s. Kneller — Faber 66 — Svo. Is. Gucht. — India proof, Svo, Is. Thompson 67 — from picture at Stowe, 4to. Is. Richardson — Picart 68 — fol. 2s. Dahl — Simon. — Svo. Is. - Schiavonetti 69 Addy, Wm. ahort-hand writer, 1695, Svo. 25. - Sturt EVANS S CATALOGUE OF PORTRAITS. 3 70 Adkin, Thomas, fol. 3s. India proof , 5s. Opie — E. Reynolds 71 Adolphus, John, historian and lawyer, 8vo. 6d. Ridley 13 — large fol. 3s. Proof, 5s. - JFalker~\. Green 73 Affleck, Philip, Admiral, 1809, 8vo. 6d. . Cook 74 Aga, Ismael, icw pedlar in London, 1780, 4to. Is. 75 Agar, Charles, Earl of Normanton and Archbishop of Dublin, profile, 4to. Is. 6d. - - Dance — Daniell 76 Ageno, Sign. Genoese consul in England, proof before the letters, 8vo. Is. 6d. - Gainsborough — -Bartolozzi 77 Agnesa, Gaetana, singer, 4to. Is. - Longhi — Bisi 78 Agostino, Pablo, da Vallerano, musical composer, 8vo, 6d. - - - - Caldvvall 79 Agrippa, Henry Cornelius, ' master of all arts,' 8vo. 6d. 80 Aguilar, Baron, of Starvation Farm, Islington, w. 1. 8vo. 6d. 81 Aikin, Arthur, Sec, to Society of Artb, &c. 8vo. 6d, Thomson 82 Aikin, F. actor, as Bolingbroke, 8vo. 6d. 83 Aikin, J. actor, variety of, in character, 8vo. 6d. each. Proofs, Is. 84 — 4to. Is. 6(1. Fine proof , 2s. 6d. Dcvis — Heath 85 Aikin, John, M.D. 8vo. proof, Is. - Thompson 86 — 8vo. verjf fine, '2s. - - . Engleheart 81 Ailesbury, Caroline Campbell, Countess, from a bust by her dau. Hon. Mrs, Damer, 1789, 4to. Is. 6d. - Jones 88 Ailesbury, Robert Bruce, Earl, (and Eliiin,) Lord Lieut. CO. Bedf. and Lord Chamberlain, ob, 1685, 3-qrs. in his robes, fol. 2s. R. White. • — 4to. Is. - Dunkarton 89 Airay, Rev. Hen. Prov. Queen's Coll. Oxf. ob. 1616, an im- pression from his monumental brass, sheet, 5s. 90 — reduced copy of the same, 8vo. 6d. - Berry 91 Aitken, John, M.D. 8vo, 6d. - Donaldson — Knight 93 Akenside, Mark, the eminent poet, from Lord Heathfield's picture, 8vo. Ls, - - - Pond — Rhodes 93 — ■ ditto, French paper proof , 4to, Is. 6d. Ibid. — Ibid. 94 — ditto. ^«e proof on India paper, royal 4to. 2s. Ibid. — Ibid. 95 — 4to. mez. Is. 6d. Pond — Fisher. — 8vo. 6d. Angus 96 Akoo, Enkum Sang, from Macao, 1793, fol. 3s. Grozer, del. etsc. 97 Alabaster, Wm. Preb. St. Paul's, ob. 1640, copy from Payne, 8vo. 6d. 98 Alasco, John, pastor of the Dutch church, London, obiit 1560, 8vo. 6d. 99 ■ — ■ from Strype's Memorials, 4to. 3s. - Savage 100 — from Lives of the Reformers, 4to. 2s. - Hondius 101 Alban's (St.) Ulrick de Burgh, Earl of, and Marquis of Clan- rickarde, w. 1. in armour, 4to. Is. — on horseback, 8vo. Is. 102 Alban's (St.) Henry Jermyn, Earl, K.G. of St. Edmunds- bury, Suff. ; husband of Henrietta, widow of Charles L ; ob. 1683 ; 4to. Is. - - //e/y— Godfrey 103 Alban's (St.) Charles Reauclerc, Duke, when Lord Beau- clerc, aetat. 56, ob. 1726, with his brother James, 4to. 2s. . ^ . . - R. White b2 4 EVANS S CATALOGUE OF PORTRAITS. 104 Albaii's (St.) Diana Vere, Duchess, ob, 1742, from picture at Hampton Court, fol. 3s. - Kneller — Faber 105 — fol. 3s. Smitli. — 3-qrs. fol. 3s. //>i(/.— Smith 106 Alban's (St.j Cath. Poiisoiiby, Duchess, oh. 1789, apt. 47, when L. B2auclerk,4to. 2s. /'roo/j 3s. Cotes — Bartolozzi 107 Albans (St.) Duchess of, 18U7, 8vo. 6d. 108 Albans (St.) Harriett, present Duchess, with mask and thyrsis, 4to. '2s. - - Stump, del. et sc, 109 — d'Mo, fine proof, 3s. — ditto, coloured, os. Jdid.—lhid. 110 Albany, Jolm Duke of,, liusb. of M. Tud r, 4to. Is. Gardiner 111 — with Queen Margaret and Will Summers, from Marquis of Bute's picture, 4to. Is. 6d. - - Birrell 112 Albemarle, Geo. Monk, Duke of, the Restorer of Monarchy, ob. 1670, 8vo. 6d. vario-'.is. 113 — 3-qrs. in armour, holding a truncheon, 4to. 2s. G. le Davis 114 — ' Gen. Monk,' 8vo. Is. — from Clar. Svo. Is. Gucht 115 — ' Reijjubl. Anglicauae prcefectus maris,' 8vo. 23. 6d. 116 — 8vo. scarce, 5s. Gaywood. — the copy, 8vo. Is. 117 — oval, ' Geuerall,'.4to. 3s. 6d. — the copy, 8vo. Is. 118 — from the print by Shepherd, 4to. Is. 119 — h. 1. in armour, ' Commander in Chiefe,' fol. 5s. Gammon 120 — from a miniature by Cooper, at StrawLerry Hill, 4to. Is. 121 - — from Moaarchy Revived, Svo. 6d, JLoggan — Cooper 122 — on horseback, etching, 4to. Is. — fol. Is. B. Audran 123 Albemarle, Ann Clarges, Duchess, ob. 1670, 8vo. 6d. Thane 124 • — copy of rare print by Gammon, Svo. 6d. Richardson 125 ■ — from Mr. Donne's miniature, 4to. Is. Dunkarton 126 — fine India ink drawing, from rare print, 4to. 5s. 127 Albemarle, Christopher, Duke of, ob. 1658, 8vo. 6d. Murray 128 — copy of rare print by Beckett, 4to.''ls. 129 — 3-cp-s. with truncheon, from Marquis of Lansdowne's picture, 4to. Is. 6d. - - Cooper J30 Albemarle, Elizabeth, his Duchess, daughter of Lord Ogle, remarr. Ralph Duke of Montagu, ob. 1738 at Clerlienwell. Copy of rare print by Sherwin, 8vo. 6d. - Thane 131 Albemarle, Arnold Joost, Earl, ob. 1718, 4to. 2s. Schenck 132 — in armour, fol. 3s. - - Kneller — Sniitli 133 Albemarle, William Anne Keppel, Earl, ob. 1754, set. 52, 3-qrs. fol. 3s. - - Fourn'ier — Faber 134 — when Lord Bury, child on cushion, fol. 3s. Smith 135 Albemarle, George Keppel, Earl, ob. 1772, Svo. 6d. 136 ■ — metz.Svo. Is. Sir J. Reynolds. ■ — from ditto, 3s. Spooner 137 Albemarle, W. C. K. present Earl, Svo. Is. Lawrence — Fieeraan 138 — Axito, India proof, %?,. - - . Ibid. — Ibid. 139 Albert, Mons. of King's Theatre, 1824, Svo. 6d. Read 140 Albiness, the beautiful, exhibited in Lond. 1806, 8vo.,6d. 141 Albius (White), Rev. T. ob. 1630, cet. 92, S\o.Jine, Is. Vertue 142 Alcock, John, ]3ishop of Ely, with view of Jiis foundation of Jesus College, Svo. 6d. - - Gardiner 143 —7 from the set of the Founders, 4to. Is. 6d. - Faber EVANS a CATALOGUE OP PORTKAITB. 9 144 Alcock, John, xMu^j. D. Oxf. born 1715, 8vo. 6fl. W. Newman 145 Aldis, Charles, surgeon, vv-ith autograph, 8vo. 6d. Wageman 146 — ditto, India proof, Is. ■ — privute pi. 2s. Bull — Freeman 147 Aldrich, Henry, Dean Ch. Ch. Oxf. ob. 1718, Svo. Is. 148 — fol. '4i. — ■ ditto, verij iine, 3s. Kneller — Smith 149 Aldrich, W. Lord Mayor' of DHi)!in, 1743, fol. 3s. Brooks 150 x^ldridge, a?t. 112, of Eddingtoi!, tried twice for assaulting a young lady, Svo. 6d. 4to. proof, Is. 151 Aldridge, Rev. Wm. of Jewry-st. Svo. 6d. 4to. Is. Grainger J52 Aldrovandus, U. eminent naturalist, (vide Walton), Svo. 6d, 153 — fine proof , 4to. Is. — India proof, 4to. Is. 6d. Gosden 154 Alexander the Great, A'arious portraits of on one plate, from authentic. busts and coins, Svo. Is. - Tomlinson 155 Alexander, Patie, tavern-keeper, 1739, fol. 5s. Faber 156 Alexander, Eliz. nat. Oxf. 1702, li.v. ISOS, 4to. Is. . 157 — cet. 104, w. 1. sitting, 1806, 4io. 23. - D. M. fee. 158 Alexander, late Wm. artist, and keeper of prints at British Museum, ob. 181G, private plate, 4to. 5.s. Edridge — Picart 159 Alexander, Mons. eminent ventriloquist, 4to. 23. 160 — (\\t\o, fine proof Ss. 161 Alexander, late Emp. of Russia, Svo. 6d. Proof, Is. 162 Alexievvna, his Empress, Svo. 6d. Mon'ier — Bourlier 163 — dXiio, India proof ,\^. . - Ibid. — Ibid, 164 Alexandrina Victoria, Princess, daughter of late Duke of Kent, Svo. 6d. 165 Alfieri, Vittorio, celeb. Italian poet, .Svo. 6d. Bettoni — Cooper 166 — ^\t\o, proof Is. - - - Ibid. — Ibid. 107 Alfred, the patriot king of England, Svo, 6d. various. 168 — - in Set of Founders, 4to. Is. 6d. — large fol. 2s. G. King 169 — from an ancient bust, fol. Is. .- .Ferine, del.et sc. 170 Alfred, Prince, son of Geo. III. ob. 1782, Svo. Od. 4to. Is. 171 Alison, Arch. Preb. Sarum ; rect. Roddington, Sal.; author of Inquiry into Taste ; fol. fine, 5s. Raebtirn — W. Walker 112 Allan, Ann, of Darlington, ob. 1785, oval, sitting, and fac- simile of Geo. A"'s writing, p. p. 4to. 3s. . Hay — Collyer 173 Allen, Card, founder of Coll. Douay, Svo. 6d. 174 — from Lodge, 4to. 2s. Dean. — 4to. 23. Boulonois 175 Allen, John, i\L D. ob. 1742, Svo. 2s. . -. Gucht 176 Allen, Rev. John, and M. D. ob. 1744, Svo. 6d. . Hopwood 177 Allen, John Carter, Adm. Svo. 6d. - - Cook 178 Allen, Ralph, of Prior Park, the original of Fielding's All- worthy, and patron of Bp. Warburton, ob. 176^, eet. 73, 3-qrs. sitting, fol. 3s. . Hudson — Faber 179 — drawing in crayons from the same, 4to. 2s. Contenein 180 Allen, Sir^Thos. Adm. and Master of Trin. House, ob. 1695, sheet, rare, 10s. 6il. - Kneller — V. Banc 181 — reduced copy of ditto, 4to. Is. India proof , 3^. Reading 182 Allen, Captain Win. of the Bonadventure, . killed 1698, Svo. Is. - - - Car. Watson 183 AUegranti, Signora, ©f Opera-house, 4to. Is. 6d. Bartolozzi 6 Evans's catalogue of portraits. 184 Allegris, Gregorio, mus. 1629, 8vo. 6d. ^yMi7a— Caldwall 185 Allestry, R. D. D. Prov. of Eton, ob. 1688, fol. 3s. Loggan 186 Allington, Mr. Giles, of Herts, and Ireland, 1631, 4to. 2s. 187 Allington, Hildebrand, 3d and last Earl, 4to. Is. 6d. 188 Alley, Peter, celebrated Counsel, 8vo. Is. Proof, 2s. Cribb 189 AUeyn, Edward, actor, proprietor of Fortune Theatre and Bear Garden, founder of Dulwich Col. ob. 1626. From the picture at Dulwich, w. 1, 4to, Is. - Nugent 190 Allinghani, John Till, dramatist, 8vo. 6d. - Ridley 191 Almeida, Joseph d', stock-broker, 1788, fol. 2s, Jones 192 Alsop, Rev. Vincent ; nat. Northampton ; minister at Wilby, same co. and ejected for non -conformity 5 succeeded Caw- ton ; minister in Lond. 5 ob. 1703 ; 8vo. 6d. Branwhite 193 Ambassadors, portraits of 18 various, 1608, including Sir R. Winwood and R. Spencer, on one sheet, 10s. Hondius 194 Ambrose, ReT. Isaac, popular min. of Lancashire, ejected for non-conformity, ob. 1664, front, to his Works, 4to. 2s. 6d. 195 Amelia, Princ. dau. G. 11. ob. I786, fol. 2s. Hysing — Faber 196 ■ — 3-qrs. sitting, fol. 2s. - - - Amiconi 197 Amelia, Princess, dau. Geo. III. ob. 1810, 8vo. 6d. various. 198 — apotheosis of, and view of Windsor, fol. 3s. Byatn — Minasi 199 — 4to. Is. Freeman — 4to. Is. Sir fV. Beechey — Cheesman 200 • — with a rose, 4to. Is. 6d. - Lawrence— ~^?ixio\ozz\ 201 — 4to. fine, 2s. — India proof, 3s. - 3/(?e— Agar 203 Ames, Joseph, Sec. Antiq. Society 5 typographical historian and collector j nat. Yarmouth j res. at Wapping ; ob. 1759 5 8vo. 6d. 203 — front, to Typographical Antiquities, 4to. 2s. 6d. Laurie 204 — the plate from Dibdin's Decameron, 8vo. Is. 205 Ames, Wm. D.D. eminent controversialist ; nat. co. Norf. ; divinity professor at Franeker ; ob. 1633. Copy of rare print by Marshall, 8vo. 6d. 206 — the original print, 4to. 3s. — ditto, very fine, 5s. Marshall 207 Amherst, Jeffery, Lord, military commander, ob. at Montreal, Kent, 1797, variety of, 8vo. 6d. each. 208 — 8vo. proof, Is. • — when General, 4to. Is. Miller 209 — ■ fol. mez. fi-om same, large pi. 5s. Sir J .Reynolds — Watson 210 Amherst, Wm. Pitt, Ld. ambassador to China, w. 1. as Col. of St. James's Volunteers, sheet, 5s. Devis — Dunkarton 211 — children of, 4to. mez. p. p. 5s. 212 Amherst, W. Pitt, present Earl, 8vo. Is. Lawrence — Freeman 213 — ditto, India proof 2s. - - Ibid. — Ibid. 214 Amory, Thos. D.D. eminent dissenting minister of Taunton, Old Jewry, and Newington, ob. 1774, 8vo. 6d. Hopwood 215 Ancaster, Mary, Duchess, ob. 1793, 8vo. 6d. Sir J. Reynolds 216 — leaning on her arm, fol. 3s. - Reynolds — Spooner 217 Ancram, Elizabeth, Countess (aftei'wards Lothian), ob. 1781, fol, 2s. . . . Falconet — Green 218 — Aiito, fine proof before letters, ^s. - Ibid. — Ibid. 219 — half length, 3s, — Fine proof, 5s. Reynolds — Spilsbury EVANS S CATALOGUE OF PORTRAITS. 7 220 Ancram, Sir Robert Kerr, Earl of, 4to. Is. Roberts 221 Andeison, Sir Edmund, eminent lawyer, and Chief Justice of Common Pleas, ob. 16U5, bur. at Eyworth, co. Bedf. 4t0- 2s. 6d. - - • Faithome 222 — set. 76, front, to his Reports, brll. 4to. 6s. Ibid. — Ibid. 223 Anderson, James, eminent agricultural writer, ob. 1808, 8vo. Gd. - - - - Ridley 224 Anderson, John, nat. phil. prof. Glasgow, 8vo. 6d, Evans 225 Anderson, James, phys. gen, Madras, 4to. Is. 6d. Schiavonetti 226 Anderson, AV. bookseller, Stirling, fol. 5s. Geddes — Ward 227 Andover, iMary Finch, Cts. 1739, foL 3s. ^«rf*oM— Faber 228 Andover, Jane Eliz. Vise. 8vo. 6d. Proof, Is- Hoppner 229 — from same picture, 4to. 2s. Proof, 3s. Wilkin 230 Andre, Major, various, 8vo. 6d, and Is, each, Sherwin 231 — mon. in VVestmin. Abbey, Svo. 6d. ■ — fol. Is. Ravenhill 232 Andre, Philip H. polyautographic printer, Svo, Is. Basire 233 Andrewes, Cerard, Dean of Cant, rector of St, James's, /- &c, fol. 3s, - - - Pocock — Basire 234 — ditto, /;;-of^i fol. 5s. - Given — Dunkarton 235 Andrews, Jas. Pettit, nat. Newbury, 1737 ; historian and miscellaneous wiiter, and comniiss. of police, Westm. ; ob. 1797 ; bur, at Hampstead ; Svo, 6d, - Chapman 236 Andrews, Henry, astron, author of Moore's Almanack ; nat. Line. 5 ob. at Royston, Herts, 1820 ; 8va is. Blood 237 Andrews, Bishop, Abp. Laud, Bishop Ken, Messrs. Hickes, Spinckes, and Kettlewell, on one plate, Svo. 6d. 238 Andrews, Lancelot, Dean of Westm. ; Bp. of Chich. Ely, and Winchester ; nat. 1555, in city of Lond. ; ob. 1626 ; bur. at St. Saviour's ; 8vo. 6d. 239 — 8vo. Is. Loggan, • — oval, 12mo. 2s. 6d. Hollar 240 — copy from Hollar, 8vo. 6d. 241 — 4ta Is. 6d, India proof, 2s. . Tuck 242 ^ 16 verses, 4to. 3s. ' sold by R. Badger, Stat. Hall.' Payne 243 — his mon, at Lichfield, fol. 2s. - Hollar 244 — 8 verses, fine and rare, 4to. 5s. - - S. Pass 245 Andrews, Miles Peter, literat. and proprietor of gunpowder works at Dartford, &c. Svo, Gd. 246 Andrews, Mr. surgeon, 1807, fol. 3s. /S/iee— Easling 247 — ditto, proof before the letters, 5s. - Ibid, — Ibid. 248 Angelo, Mich, the celeb, artist, 4to. Is. — • 8va 6d. 249 . — frontispiece to Dnppa's Life, 4to. Is. 6d. Bartolozzi 250 — ditto, /i>2>'V 8 EVAXS'S CATALOGUE OF PORTRAITS. 250 Anglesey, H. W. P. pres. Marq. with facsimile of his writing, 8vo. Is'. — India proof, 2s. Lawrence— Freeman 260 Anjou, Rei^nier, Duke, father of Margaret, queen of Henry VI. 8vo. is. 261 Ankarstrom, J. assassin of K. of Sweden, 8vo. Gd. 262 Anne, queen of Richard III, 8vo. Is. - Harding 263 Anne of Britanny, 3-qrs. praying, from Dibdin's Tour, 4to. proof before letters, 5s. - - - Cooper 264 Ann of Cleves, queen of Henry VIII. various, from Hoi- bein, 8vo. Gd. 265 — tinted, from the original, fol./«e, 3s. //o/^^w—Bartolozzi 2C6 Anne of Denmark, queen of James I. 8vo. various, 6d. each. 267 from picture at Som. House, fol. 2s. C. Jansen — Houbraken 268 — copy of a very rare print by Lambertus Corneli, oval, 8vo. Is, - - - - Peake 269 — large flowered collar, 4to. 2s. - P. de Jode 270 r— in hooped petticoat, holding a fan, 4to. 3s. Meyssens 271 Anne, Princess, dau. of Charles I. ob. 1640, at the Isle of Wight, set. 4, whole length, 8vo. 6d. 272 Anne, Queen of England, 8vo. various, 6d. each. 273 _ 4to. mez. Is. - - A'weZ/er— Smith 274 4to. oval, 2s. Gucht. — fol. 2s. Kneller — Gucht 275 — in title to Ciuverius, 4to. Is. - - Sturt 276 — w. 1. sitting on her throne in robes, fol. 3s. Vanlo—YimL 277 _ holding a globe, fol. 3s. - A'Kf//er— Schenck 278 — when Princess, 4to. Is. — ditto, /«e, fol. 3s. Smith 279 — fol. 3,s. - - - Kneller— \e\t\xe 280 — when Princess Anne, with flowers, fol. .5s. • Tompson 281 — ditto, fol. scarce, 5s. - //^mk^— Williams 282 — fol. 2s. - - - - - Visscher 2S3 Anne, Princess of Orange, grand-daughter of George I. ob. 1759, fol. 23. Merciei-Fahew — fol. 2s. Hi/smg-—lbiA. 284 — when young, holding a chaplet, fol. 2s. Kneller— IhkL 285 Annesley, Lady Catherine, 1808, Svo. 6d. I)evis—CooY>er 286 — ditto,' India proof, Is. - - Ibid.— \b\d. 287 Annesley, James, claimant to earldom of Anglesea, ob. 1760, 8vo. Is". — mez. with 8 verses, 5s. - G. Smith 288 Annesley, Samuel, D. D. non-conf. 8vo. 6d. - Fogg 289 Anspach, late Margrav. of, Svo. 6d. Si?- J. Rey)iolds—R\d]ey 290 Anson, George, Ld. celebrated admiral 5 nat. Shugborough, Staff. ; M. P. for . Heydon, Ebor. ; ob. Moor-park, Herts, 1762, 8 vo. 6d. variety of. , 291 8vo. Is. - - Sir J. Reynolds — Ridley 292 — with autograph. 8vo. Is. — fol. 2s. . - Johnson 293 fol. 3s. - - Sir J. Reynolds — M'Ardell .294 — 3 heads on one plate, from Lavater, 4to. Is. 295 — oval, with ornamental trophies, fol. 3s. A. /"owrf— Grignion 296 Anthony, John, M. D. vender of the Aurum Potabile, and author of the Gospel Physician; ob. 1655; bur. St. Bar- tholomew's, Lond. ; very scarce, Svo. 1/. Is. Cross EVANS S CATALOGUR OF PORTRAITS. U 297 Anthony, John, accurate fac-siinlle copy of the preceding, 8vo. 2s. - - - - Berry 298 Anstey, Christoplier, poet, author of New Bath Guide ; educated at Bury and Eton ; ob. at Batli, 1S05, set. 81 ; Svo. Is. - - - Hunter- — Englelicart 290 — ■ ditto, French paper proof , 4to. Is. 6d. Ibid. — Il)id. 300 — ditto. India paper, royal 4to. 2s. - I/nd. — Ibid. 301 Anstis, John, of St. Neot's, garter king-at-arms, ob. at Mort- kke, 4to. Is. 6d. . _ _ Milton 802 Atistruther, Sir John, hart, chief justice of Bengal, 4to. Is. 6d. - - - Dance — Daniell 30.3 Antonio, a Venetian sailor, robbed in Dublin, fol, 23. Power 304 Apollina, containing medallion portraits of 27 eminent mu- sical composers, fol. os. - Lontherbourg — Landseer 305 Apsley, the Lords, afterwards Earls Bathurst, whole-lengths, fol. 5s. _ _ - Dance— W -dlson 3nr> Aquinas, Thomas, lenrncd literat. Svo. 6d. 307 Aram, Eugene, convicted of murder at York, 1759, Svo. 6d. 308 Arhuthnot, J. celeb, wit and phys. ; one of the authors of Martinns Scriblerus ; o!). 1734 ; in cap, Svo. Is. Prescott 309 Arbuthnot, jNIrs. 1805, Svo. 6d. — fol, 3s. 310 Arbuthnot, Marriott, admiral, Svo. 6d. - Cook 311 Archer, John, M. D. 1073, oval, Svo. 2s. 6d. 312 Archer, Lady, 1781, Svo. Is. - - Brethcrton 313 Archer, James, chapl. to Bavarian minister, 1791, Svo. 6d. 314 — large 4to. 2s. - - Murphy, del. et sc. 315 Archer, Edw. 42 years phys. to Small Pox Hosp. 4to. 2s. 316 Ardell, M', James, celel). mez. scraper, fol. 3s. Ipse — Earlom 317 — ditto,7?»eji9roo/| fol. 5s. - Ibid. — Ibid. 318 Ardenne, Mademoiselle, lady of honour to Countess of Arun- del, 1646, circle, Svo. 2s. -- - Hollar 319 Argyle, Arch. Campbell, Marq. exec. 1661, Svo, 6d. 320 — in Clarendon, Svo. Is. - - - Gucht 321 Argyle, Arcli. Campbell, Earl, exec. 1685, Svo. 6d. 322 — li. 1. with S coats of arms, fol. scarce, lOs. 6d. V. Banc 323 — with view of his execution, Dutch print, 4to. Is. 6d, 324 — fol. scarce, 7s. 6d. - - - Loggan 325 — copy of ditto, 4to. Is. — fol. 5s. - Haelwcgh 320 Argyle, Arch. D. ob. 1761, jet. 79, fol. 2s. Ramsnj/—Fnber 327 - — standing in his library, 3-qrs. fol. 2s. Ibid. — Ibid. 328 Argyle, Arch. Campbell, 7tli Ear], distinguished himself at battle of Glenlivet, 1594, ob. 1638. From a drawing of Mr. Sutherland's, Svo. Is. Proof, 4to. Is. 6d. Rodd 329 Argyle, Anne, his first Countess, dau. of Wm. Earl of Mor- ton, literat. In anticpie dress, from Noble Authors, Svo. 6d. 330 "Argyle, Jolm Campbell, Duke of, ob. 1770, Svo. 6d. 331 — when Col. Campbell, 4to. Is. - Heath 332 — w. 1. sitting, drawing, with the bust of Apoll. Tyancus, fol. p. p. lOs. - - Richardson — Basire 333 — \v. 1. in his robes, sheet, 5s. Gainsborough — \Vatson 10 Evans's catai^oguk of poktkaitk. 334 Ar keeper of the records, ob. 1803, Svo. 6d. Ridley 429 — ditto, proof, Is. - - - - Ibid. 430 — frontispiece to his History of Writing, 4to. 2s. 431 Astley, Sir Bernard, of Hill Morton, Warwicksh. ob. 164.), fine etching, 4to. Is. - - Worlidge 432 Astley, Sir Jacob, afterw. Lord A. ob. 1641, 4to. Is. Ibid. 433 Astley, Sir Edmond, virtuoso, ob. 1760, whole-length, reading, 4to. Is. 434 — from same design, ^/26? etching, 4to. 2s. 6d. - Ibid. 435 Astley, Pliilip, propr. of Ampitheatre, and builder of the Olympic; nat. 1742; ob. 1S24 ; profile, frontispiece to his Horsemanship, 4 verses, 8vo. 6d. - Smith 436 Astley, SirEdw. M.P. for Norf. in a chair. From a painting of the Gregorians, 1771, fol. p.p. 10s. 6d. fp^est — Earlom 437 Aston, Lord, from . Lodge's Portraits, India proof before letters, fol. 7s. - - - - Cooper .438 Athawes, Edw. merch. Lond. ob. 1767, fol. p. p. 5s. Smith 439 Athawes, Sam. 1805, w. 1. .sheet, 7s. 6d. J. R.\Smith, del. et sc. 440 Athlone, Godart de Reede, Earl, ob. 1703, 8\o. 6d. 441 — when Gen. Ginkel, Svo. Is. — fol. 3s. Kncller — Smith 442 — Svo. /ine, 2s. - - Schouman — Houbraken 443 — fol. 5s. R. fVhite, del. et sc. 1691. — 4to. 23. Picart 444 Atkins, Mrs^ singer, as Selima, Svo. 6l1. Proof, Is. Cooper Evans's catalogue of portraits. 13 445 Atltins, John, alderman and lord mayor of London, Svo. 6d. Proof, Is. - - Drummond — Thompson 446 Atkins, William, celeb, gout doctor, Svo. 6d. 4to. Is, 447 — the original frontispiece to his book, Svo. 2s.. 44S Atkinson, Fred, of York, etched by himself, from Hcniiam, Svo. ]s. 449 Atkinson, Miles, vicar of Kippax, I'ol. 3s. Russell — ^Holl 450 Atkinson, Paul, Franciscan, ob. in Hurst castle, 1739, set. 74, Svo. 6d. Proof, Is. 451 Atkinson, Christopher, corn-factor, con v. of fraud 17S5, pilloried in Mark-lane, vv. 1. 4to. Is. - AV. Brown 452 Atkyns, Sir Robert, historian of Glouc. ob. 1711, 4to. Is. Proof. Is. 6d. . - - Richardson 453 Atvvood, Rev. Thos. Stcph. ; roct. Bucknorth and Morborne, Hunt. ; vie. Hammersmith, 1S25; fol. 3s. Cragan — Knight 454 Aubert, Alex. F.R.S. of Highbury. Svo. 6d. Chapumn 455 Aubrey, John, eminent antiqinuy and literat. ; nat. Lviston Priory, Wilts, 1625 ; held estates in Surrey, Hereford, Monmouth, and Wales ; ob. 1700 ; 4to. Is. From a draw- irg by - - - Loo-gan 456 Aubrey, Marv, midwife, murdered her husband, Svo. 6d. 457 Aubrey, Wm. LL.D, eminent civilian; master in chancery j master of recpiests ; ob. 1595. In a high cap, holding a book, arms, &c. 4to. Is. 458 — bust from his monument in old St. Pauls, 4to. 2s. Hollar 459 Aubyn (St.) Sir John, of Clowance, Cornw. 1809, 3.(jrs. sitting, large fol. ]). p. 5s. Proof, 10s. 6J. Opie — Barney 46;) Auckland, Wm. Lord, 1796, Svo.'Cd. 461 — from Cadell's Contemp. Port. 4to. 3s. Edridge—ViCiJiVt 462 — 3-qrs. sitting, sheet, proof, 5s. 463 Auchmuty, Sir Samuel, Svo. 6d. - - Cardon 464 Audley, Thos. Lord, lord chanc. and restorer of i\!agd. Coll, Camb. ob. 1544, p. p. 4to. 2s. 6,1. Holbein — Tomkins 465 Audley, Lady, wife ot the above, 4to. Is. li'id. — Daltou 466 — from royal collection, 4to. tinted, 2s. 6d. Ibid. — Chcesman 467 Andley, Anne Jane, Lady, 1826, Svo.- Is. S^«;«/)— Thomson 468 Augusta, Princess of \Vales, consort of Frederic, and mother of Geo. III. ob. 1772, Svo. 6d. 469 — from picture at Stow, 4to. Is. . - Z/«e/i— Picart 470 — fol. mctz. 2s. - - i/«f/.TO«— Faiier .471 — when a child, w. 1. on a cushion, 4to. 2s. Pltilips—lWiA. 472 Augustine, St. apostle in England, 600, 4to. rare, 5s. Lommelin 473 Augustus Duke of Saxony, (are to be sold by John Sudbury and George Humble, in Pope's Head-alley), 4.io. fine and scarce, lOs. 6d. - - - Elstracke 474 Aumcrlc, Duke of, son of Duke of York, temp. Rich. II. Svo. 6d. 475 Auretti, Madem. dancer, \\. 1. large fol. 4s. Scotin 476 Austin, Rev. Abr. Svo. 6d. — Fine proof , 4to. 23. 477 Austin, John, catholic priest, Dublin, fol. 3s. Petrie — Brocas l4 ISVANs'b CATALOGUK OF PORTRAITS. 477*Austin, Wm. front, to his Meditations, 1635, fol. 2s. Glover 478 Austin, Wm. protegee of the late queen, 8vo. 6d. 479 Austin, Wm. artist of Brighton, 1809, 4to. 3s. Godby 480 Austria, Leopold W. archduke, ' governour of y'e Low Coun- tries,' 1656, 4to.Jine, 2s. . . Gaywood 481 Auverquerque, Henry, Count Nassau, father of Earl Grant- ham, ob. I7O8, 8vo. 6d. Proof, Is. 482 — in armour, fol. 3s. - - Knelter — Smith 483 Avery, Rev. Benjamin, ob. 1764, 8vo. 6d. Hopvvood 484 Axtel, Daniel, executed 1660, 4to. Is. - Cooper 485 Aylett, Robert, master in chancery and poet, set. 52, 1635, 8vo. 6d. Copy of a rare print by Cross. 486 Aylraer, John, Bp. of London ; active reformer ; of Aylmer- hall, Norf. ; tutor to Lady Jane Grey 5 ob. 1394, 8vo. 6d. 487 Ayres, John, writing master, ob. 1705, 4to. Is Wiiite 488 — laced ruffles, holding a roll, fol. 3s. - Sturt 489 Ayscough, ^dm. Sir G. 1666. Copy of rare print, 8vo. Is. 490 — the original, but cut down, veri/ rare, 5s. 491 — Dutch print, 4to. vcrij rare, lOs. 6d. 492 Ayscough, Capt. Geo. Edw. literat. 4to. Is. Dance — Harding 493 Ayscough, Rev. Sam. ; nat. co. Notts 3 curate of Normauton, Northampt.; St. Giles's, and Culham, Kentj librarian of Brit. Mus. 5 ob. there 1804 ; 8vo. Is. - Basire 494 Ayton, Sir John, from mon. in Westm. Abbey, 4to. Is. 495 Babington, Gervase, nat. co. Nott. ; treas. Llandaffj preb. of Heref. ; bishop of Exeter and Worcester 5 ob. 1610, 8v^o. 2s. ... Boissard 496 — ' vera effigies, set. 59,' four verses, 4to. 3s. Elstracke 497 — fac-simile pen and ink drawing of ditto, 4to. 3s. 498 — from the Heroologia, 4to. 2s. 6d. - S. Pass 499 Babington, Dr. late eminent physic, p. p. 4to. 5s. Fry 500 Babington, Mr. his son, p. t^. fine proof, 4to. 5s. Ibid. 501 Babington, J. in title to his Pyrotechnica, fol. 5s. Droeshout 502 Baccone, Joannes de, ' Anglus, doctor Parisjensis, cogno- mente Doctor Resolutus,' flourished 1345, fol. scarce, lOs. 6d. - - Paccinus — Westerhout 503 Bacelli, G. dancer, w. 1. fol. brill. 5s. Gainsborough — Jones 504 Bach, John Christian, celeb, mus. ob. Lond. 1782. Bust, with figures, fol. 2s. Fine proof 3s. Carlini — Bartolczzi 505 Backwell, Edw. aid. Lond. ob. 1679, 8vo. 6d. 506 — in a flowered gown, the original print, large sheet, p. p. very fine and scarce, 25s. 507 — from the same, with his arms, &c. 4to. Is, 508 Bacon, Roger, from print by Sadeler, 8vo. 6d. 4to. Is. 509 Bacon, Sir Nicholas, celebrated lord keeper ; father of Lord Bacon ; nat. Chislehurst, Kent ; had grant of manors in Suffolk ; treas. Gray's Inn 5 res. at Gorhambury j ob. 1579 j bur. St. Paul's 5 Bvo. 6d. various. 510 ' — fol. Is.^Gunst. — from Heroologia, 4to. 2s. 6d. S. Pass 511 — fol. 3s. Do. hril. large paper, 5s. Zucchero — Houbraken 513 — 4to. Jinc, 3s. - - , - - 'Veitue Evans's catalogue of portkaits. 15 513 Bacon, Lady Anne, his wife, and mother of Lord B. a learned lady, and governess to Edvv. VL nat. at Gidea-liall, Essex, 1528, ob. Gorhambury, 8vo. Is. - H. R. Cooke 514 Bacon, Francis, Lord, Vise. St. Alban's, lord keeper and chancellor, the illustrious philosopher, ob. 1626, 8vo. 6d. various. 515 — in hat, 3-qrs. sitting, writing, sm. fol. fine, 5s. Marshall 616 — w. 1. sitting, from monument, fol. 3s. Fine, 5s. Hollar 517 • — from the same fol. 3s. - - Vertue 518 — front, to his Remains, 4to. 2s. ■ — 4to. 2s. Hollar 519' — fol. 2s. YAttQ, fine, large paper, '^f'. Houbraken 520 — in his robes, 3.qrs. hand on table, fol. fne, 5s. V^ertue 521 — from Earl Verulam's picture, 4to. 2s. P^. Sorrier — Cochran 522 — ditto, India proof, 3s. - - Ibid. — Ibid. 523 Bacon, Sir Nathaniel, K.B. painter, half-brother to Francis Lord B. ; nat. Gorhambury ; res. Culford, Suff. where is his mon. , one also at Stiflfkey, Norf. ; 4to. Is. Ipse — Chambars 524 Bacon, John, sculptor, nat. Soulluvark, 1740, ob. 1799, Svo. 6d. Proof, Is. 525 Bacon, John, jun. sculptor, Svo. Gd. Vroof Is. 526 Bacon, Miss, 1785, Svo. Is. - Russell— Meyer 527 Baddeley, Mr. as Peter, in Henrv VI. 6d. 528 — in character of Canton, 8vo. 6d. Proof, Is. J. H. 1794 529 Baddeley, Mrs. in character, various, 6d. each. 580 — with King, in Clandestine Marriage, whole lengths, sheet, fine, 5s. - _ - Zo^am/—Ear]oin 631 — bust, with head-dress, fol. 3s. - Ibid. — Laurie 532 Bagot, Miss Eliz. temp. Chas. II. Svo. 6d. 4to. Is. 533 Bagwell, Wm. merchant of London, author of Mystery of Astronomy, &c. ob. 1659- Copy of a scarce print by Faithorne, 4to. Is. 534 Bailey, Michael, the original of Barker's Woodman, tal;en when aged lOS, 4to. 2s. 6d. - Ca/msac—F\ov\o 535 Baillie, Capt. Thos. governor of Greenwich Hospital, 1779, fol. 3s. - - - - Watson 636 Baillie, Capt. VV. celeb, amatenr artist, 4to. 2s. Ipse, de/.et sc. 537 — ditto, proof, 3s. - - Ibid.— Ih'id. 538 Baillie, Major-gen. Charles, Colonel at Ceylon, w. 1. fol. p. p. 5s. - - . Daniell — Bennett 539 Baillie, Col. J. M.R 1823, Indiapr. 4to. 2s. IFivell— Cochran 540 Baillie, M. late eminent med. ob. 1825, with fac-simile of his writing, Svo. 6d. - jflopwood— Thomson 541 — ditto, India proof , 4to. Is. - Ibid. — Ibid. 542 Baily, Dr. conspirator against Cromwell, 4to. Is. Earlom 543 Bainbridge, Wm. capt. IJnited States navy, 8vo. 6d. 544 Baird, Lieut.-gen. Sir David, 8vo. 6d. ->*' 545 — with autograph, 8vo. Is. Indiapr. 2s. Eddes — Thomson 546 Baird, Rev. G. H. princ. Edin. univ. ; sheet, 5s. Geddes — Ward 547 Baker, Mrs. actress, Svo. 6d. India proof , Is. IFageman 548 Baker, Mrs. fine proof, 4to. 26. - Co8tvay—Boy\ 16 Evans's catalogue of portraits. 549 Baker, Henry, author of Microscope made Easy, 8vo. Is, 550 Baker, David Erskine, his son, poet, and compiler of Bioij, Dram. ; studied drawing in Ordnance Office, Tower ; silk throwster at Spitalfields ; ob. at Edinburgh, 1779, 8vo. Is. - - - - H. R. Cooke 551 Baker, Sir Richard, historian ; nat. Sissinghurst, 1568 3 sheriff Oxf. 1620 ; marr. Marg. Mainwaring, co. Salop, and impri- soned for debts of the family ; ob. in Fleet prison 1645. Portrait enlarged from title to his Chronicle, 8vo. Is. R6dd 552 — ditto, India proof, 4to. 2s, - - Ibid, 553 — with Chas. I. in the title-page, the original, fol. 2s. 6d. 554 Baker, Rev. Thomas, of St. Johns, Cambridge, ob. 1745, fol. 3s. .... Simon — Bridges 555 Baker, V^ M.P. for Hertf. 3-qrs. 4to. p.p. 12s. Dance —Bov'i 556 Baker, Sir Frederick, bart. killed at Hastings 1830, 4to. p. p. 3s. - - - Hnppner — Heath 557 Baldy, Robert, cit. Lond. ob. 1774, fol. 3s. Fisher— WW^ovl 558 Baldwin, Miss, fol. mez. 33. - Kettle — Pott 559 Baldwyn, Richard, treas. of Bartholomew Hospital, fol. 3s. Proof, 5s. - - - Brown — Branwhite 560 Bale, John, nat. Cove, Suff. 1495 ; Carmelite at Norwich ; dean of Cant. ; bishop of Ossory 5 biographer and reformer ; ob. 1563; Svo. 6d. 561 — from Heroologia, 4to. 2s. 6d. — from Boissard, 8vo. Is. 6d. 562 — copy of print in Heroologia, 4to. Is. Proof, 2s. Berry 563 ■ — in Lives of ths Reformers, 4to. 2s. - . Hondius 564 Balfore, Sir Wm. Lieut, of Tower, 1631, Svo. 6d. 565 ■ — in armour, with battle-axe, on horseback, copy of Earl Spencer's unique print, 4to. Is. 566 Balfour, Rob. D.D. of Glasgow, Svo. 6d. 567 Baliol, John, Kinj, of Scotland, from rare print, Svo. 6d. 568 — in Set of Founders, Ito. Is. 6d. 569 Ball, John, serj.-at-law, Irel. 4to. Is. 6d. Comerford — Heath 570 Bahne, late Re' E. collector, 4to. p.p. 5s. Jachmn — Facius 571 Balmerino, A.tlrar Elphinstone, Lord, exec. 1746, Svo. Is. 572 — view from the Tower Ditch of his execution, oblong 4to. curious, 2s. 6:1. - - ./. H. del. et sc. 573 Balsham, Hugh de, bishop of Ely, with view of Peter's Coll. Camb. founded by him, Svo. 6d. - . . Gardiner 574 — in Set of tlie Founders, 4to. Is. 6d. 575 'Baltimore, G orge Calvert, Lord, nat. Kipling, York ; ob- tained grant of Mar nd ^0. 6 2 ; Svo 6d. .576 — CecifCalvert, Lord, k 51, 1^57, 4to. 2s. Blooteling 577 — Fred. Calvert, Lord, and literat. ; tried at Kingston for felonious assault, 1768 ; ob. Naples, 1771 ; Svo. 6d. various 578 Banbury, Wm. Knolles, Earl, Baron of Grays, master of Court of Wards, and K. G. ob. 1632 (when Vise. Wal- lingford), 4to. Is. . 579 Bancks, Charles, Swedish miniature painter, with verses by his friend Decaeeaux, 1748, 4to. Is. 6d. Ipse— WArdeil EVANS S CATALOGUE Of PORrRAIf». 17 580 Bancroft, Richard, nat. Farnworth, Lane. 1544 ; rector of Teversham, Canibr., Andrew's Holborn, and Cottingham, Northampt, ; bp. London ; abp. Canterbury ; ob. at Lam- beth, 1610 ; 8vo. 6d. 581 — with arms, 4to. Is. - - Vertue 582 — ditto, with the border, 4to. Is. 6d. - Ibid. 583 Bandettini, Teresa, singer, 4to. Is. Conte, del. ct sc. 584 Banfi, Jolm, ob. 1646. Copy from Hollar, 8vo. 6d. 585 Banks, Sir Joseph, celeb, nat. &c. 8vo. 6d. Proof, Is. 586 — proof, 8vo. Is. - - - Russell 587 — 3-qrs. as Pres. Royal Soc. fol. 3s. Lawrence — Cardoii 588 — as P. K. S. la. fol. very fine, 10s. P/^i//"/;*— Schiavonctti 589 — ditto, /^roo/, 15s. . - Ibid. — Ibid. 590 — ditto, with autograph, 8vo. Is. Proof, 2^. //;«/.— Holl 591 • — from Sir T. Lawrence, bust, 8vo. 6d. 592 — w. 1. in Otaheitan dress, sh. 3s. Proof, 5s. TP''est — Smith 593 — India proof, Svo. Is. 6d. - - Philips — Fry 594 Banks, Lady, sister of Sir Joseph, 4to. Is. 595 Banks, T. celeb, sculpt. R.A. ob. 1805, 8vo. 6d. Proof Is. 596 Bankes, Mr. and his horse, Avith a quintain, Svo. 6d. 597 Banning, Wm. gate-keeper at Bank, ob. 1780, 4to. Is, 598 Bannister, John, musician, ob. 1725, fol. 5s, Smith 599 Bannister, Charles, actor and singer, 8vo. 6d. 600 — fol. niez. 3s. - - Broum — Smith 601 Bannister, John, his son, celeb, comedian, Svo. 6d. various. 602 — in Apprentice, 8vo. 6d. Proof Is. - De JVllde 603 — as Ben, vv. \. fine proof , 4to. 2s. 6d, - Cardon 604 — as Whiskerandos, w. I. 8vo. 6d. Proof, Is. De JVilde 605 — from a miniature by Russell, 4to. 2s. Proof 3s. Heatii 606 Bannister, Mrs. his wife, 8vo. 6d. 607 Barbauld, Mrs. literat. Svo. 6d. various. 608 — profile, ad vivum, 4to. 2s. Proof 3s. Meyer, del. et sc. 609 Barber, John, lord mayor 1733, ob. 1741, Svo" 6d. 610 — large fol. with the chain of office, 4s. Dandrldge — Gucht 611 — with his speech, 4to. Is. — 4 verses, 4to. Is. 612 Barber, Rev. Joseph, Svo. 6d. 613 Barclay, Capt. w. I. walking the lOOO miles, Svo. 6d. 614 Barclay, Lieut.-col. 1811, Svo. 6d. - />i//oM— Blood 615 Barclay, John, author of Argenis, &c. ob. at Rome, 1621, Svo. Is, - . -• Mellan 616 — 4Xo.fine, 5^. Mellan, del. et^c. — 4to. Is.Gd. Larmessin 617 — with verses by Grotius, Svo. 2.3. 618 — from L. Bat. 8vo. Is. 619 Barclay of Ury, set. 63, Svo. 6d. - Raehtirn — Beugo 620 Barebone, Praise God, fanatic, temp. Cromwell, Svo. 6d. 621 Baretti Joseph, author of Italian Dictionary, Travels, &c. ob. 1789, Svo. 6d. - - Reynolds — Bromley 622 — from same picture, fol. 38. - - Hardy 623 —from ditto, large fol. /we, 10s. 6d, - Watts C24 Barham, Col. 1820, Svo. 6d. - - Cooke Part II. Price 6d. c 18 BVANS'S CATALOGUE OF POBTKAITS. 625 Barham, Cliarles Middleton, Lord, admiral 5 first lord of ad- miralty 1805 ; of Barham Court, Kent ; ob. I'^IS 5 4to. 3s. Proof, 5s. - - . Downman — Bourlier 626 Barker, Harricus, preb. of WestminJeter ; ob. 1740 ; fol. 2s. 6d. - - • G. fFhite—Gibson 627 Barker, Rev. J. T. of Deptford, iol.proof,Ss. Rentoh — Young 628 Barker, Mr. the inventor and painter of the Panorama, fol. 3s. - - - Allingham — Flight 629 Barkley, the Lady, finely tinted in imitation of the original by Holbein, fol. 5s. - - Bartolozzi 630 Barkstead, Col. John, goldsmith in the Strand ; gov. Reading and Tower 3 exec. Tyburn, 1662 3 oval, 8vo. 6d. 631 Barlow Thomas, learned divine ; nat. co. Westm. 1607 ; bishop Lincoln ; keeper of Bodleian library 5 ob. at Bug- den, 1696 ; 6 Latin verses, 4to. 2s. Loggan, ad vivum 632 Barlow (alias Waters) Lucy, mistress of Charles II. mother of Duke of Monmouth, ob. 1670. From a miniature at Straw- berry Hill, 8vo. Is. - Cooper — Harding 633 — from Grammont's Memoirs, Svo. 6d. - Scriven 634 Barlow, Joel, American poet, &c. Svo. 6d. 635 Barnard, Sir John, popular opponent of Walpole ; nat. Read- ing j M. P. Lond. and lord mayor 5 ob. at Clapham, 1764 ; Svo. various, 6d. each. 636 — w. 1, with allegorical figures, 4to. 2s. 6d. TVale — Muller 637 — 3-qrs. in his robes, fol. 3s. - Ramsay— Y'sAs&r 638 Barnard, Thos. Bp. of Derry and Limerick, and member of Dr. Johnson's club ; the ' good dean' in Goldsmith's Reta- liation ; ob. Wimbledon, 1806 ; 4to, Is. 6d. Dance — Daniell 639 Barnardiston, Sir Nath. of Ketton, SufF-j ob. 1653. Copy of a rare print by Van Hove, Svo. is. - Berry 640 Barnardiston, Sir 'Samuel, bart. of Brightwell, Sufi. ob. 1707, ioX.Jine and rare, 15s. R. JFh'ite, ad viv. del, et sc. 641 Barnardiston, Thos. Serjeant at law, ob. 1752, Svo. 6d. 642 — fol. scarce, 5s. . . G. Bickham, ad viv. 643 Barnes, Sir G. lord mayor Lond. temp. Edw.VL Svo. 6d. Thane 644 Barnes, Joshua, learned divine, and Greek prof. Carab, j nat. London, 1654; ob. 1712; bur. at Hemingford, Hunt.; fol. 2s. - ' R. JVhite, ad vivmn, del. et sc. 645 — Svo. Is. G. White. — Svo. Is. - - Kraus 646 Barnes, Dr. Francis, of Peter-house, Carab. 4to. Is. Dighton 647 — profile, 4to. 2s. Proof, 3s. - Mason — Swaine 648 Barnes, Mrs. actress, as Anne Bullen, Svo. 6d. 649 Barnett, James, M.P. for Rochester, 1818, fol. 3s. Knight 650 — ditto, proof, 5s. - - - Ibid. 651 Baron, Robert, poet, set. 19, 1647. Copy from rare print by Marshall, Svo. 6d. - - Richardson 652 Barre, Col. Isaac, 1785, Svo. 6d. 653 — fol. very fine, 3s. - - Sttiart—Yi^W 654 — in Cadell's Contemporary Portraits, 4to. 3s. Ibid. — Fry 655 — ditto, proof, 4s. - - - Ibid.—WAA. Evans's catai-.oguk of portraits. 19 656 Barre, Madame de, mistress of Lewis XV. fol. 3s. Watson 657 — 8vo. 6d. Finely coloured, Is. 658 Barrett, Fras. chemist and astrolog, 4to. Is. Orme, del. et sc. 659 Barrett, Thomas, of Manchester, antiquary, ob. 1820, 3-qrs. sitting, hand resting on a helmet on his knee, 4to. private plate, 5s. - - - C. Py.e, del. et sc. 660 Barrett, William, surgeon, and historian of Bristol, 4to. 4s. 6d. Proof, 6s. 6d. - liytnsdyck — Walker 661 Barriffe, Wm. front, to his Military Discipline, 4 verses, 4to. 3s. Very jine, 5s. _ _ - Glover 663 Barrington, John Shute, Vise, learned nobleman ; nat. Theo- balds, 1678 ; M. P. for Berwick ; ob. at Becket, Berks, 1734. From Noble Authors, 8vo. 6d. 663 Barrington, Hon. Daines, learned lawyer and author ; re- corder of Bristol 5 justice of Wales and Chester ; ob. in Temple, 1800 ; Svo. 6d. 4to. Is. Slater— Y^\\\^\t 664 Barrington, Sam. Admiral, ob. at Bath, 1800, 8vo. 6d. various 665 — from Cadell's Contemp. Ports, 4to. 3s. Stuart — Bartolozzi 666 • — ditto, proof, 4s. - - Ibid. — Ibid. 667 ■ — Svo. 6d. Proof, Is. Copley — Ridley. — Svo. Is. Wedgwood 668 — ship at sea, fol. mez. 2s. - B. JVilson — Earlom 669 Barrington, Shute, late Bp. of Durham, Svo, 6d. various. 670 — profile, when Bishop of Salisbury, Svo. 6d. 671 — 4to. 3s. Edr'idge — Picart. — fol. 3s. Romney — Jones 672 — with cathed. in Gothic border, 4to. Is. Brooke—^. Hall 673 — with autograph, Svo. Is. Ind. proof, 2s. Behnes — Cochran 674 Barrington, Wm. Vise, set, 75, J 800, Svo. 6d. 675 ■ — fine proof before letters, 4to. 2s. 6d. Lawrence — Knight 676 Barrington, Hon. Mrs, E. 1758, fol. 3s. Reynolds — Houston 677 Barrington, George, notorious pickpocket, Svo. 6d. 678 Barrow, Isaac, celeb, raathemat. and divine, Svo. 6d. various. 679 — ad vivum, 4to. Is. - Loggan — Bernigeroth 680 — front, to his Works, in English, fol. 2s. Loggan, del. et sc. 681 Barrow, Wm. ob. 1753, fol. 3s. - Tucker— Y&hev 682 Barrowby, Wm. M. D. ob. 1758, fol. 3s. Hayinan-MnWev 683 Barry, Anne, (aftw. Crawford) actress, fol. 3s. Kettle — Paul 684 Barry, Eliz. celebr. actress, ob. 1713, bur. at Acton, various, Svo. 6d. each. 685 — from j)icture at Strawberry Hill, Svo. Is. Kneller — Knight 686 — various in character, Svo. 6d. each. 687 Barry, Edw. chaplain to Earl of Kildare, 4to. Is. Jones 688 Barry, Spranger, popular actor, nat. Dublin, 1719, ob. 1777, variety of, in character, Svo, 6d. each. ; Oi'T 690 — 4to. Is. - - Sir J. Reynolds — Harding 691 Barry, James, celeb, artist and professor of painting to R.A. nat. Cork 1740, ob. 1806, various, 6d. each, 692 • — 4to. profile, Is. 6d. - - Dance — Daniell 693 — from a cast, 4to. 3s. Proof, 4s. Evans — Picart 694 Barrymore, late Mr. actor, 4to. Is. Hardy — B. Smith 695 — 6\iio, fine proof, 2s. - - Ibid. — Ibi,d. c2 JhjMi' 20 EVAKS's CATALOGUE OF PORTRAITS, 696' B'artas, Du, poet, ob. 1590, wood-cut, rare, 5s. ' ' ' 697 Bartlain, Rev. John, fol. 3s. India proof , 5s. Dawe—G.o^'f 698 Bartlett, John, and Thomas Phelps, astronomers, with inte-' rioy of the Observatory at Sherborn Castle, fol. 3s. JVatson 699 Bartley, Mr. vv,l. in Gil Bias, 4to. Is. Proof, Is. 6d, Cooper 700 Bartley, Mrs. (when Miss Smith) actress, 8vo. 6d. Cardoa 701 Bartolozzi, Francis, celeb, engraver, w. 1. with autograph,' Svo. 6d. /p5^— Romney. — fol. 3s. . Marcuard 703 — sitting at table, fol. 3s. Proof, 5s. Artaud — Tomkins 70S — profile, with tablet, fol. 3s. Proof, 5s. Violet — Bouilliard. 704 — in furred coat, fol. proof 5s. Reynolds — VVatsoif 705 — with Cipriani and Carlini, sheet, 5s. Rigaud — Smith 706 — ditto, proof, 7s. 6d. - - Ibid. — Ibid. 707 Barton, Bernard, the Quaker poet, Svo. 61. Cooped 708 Barton, J. viear Sunning, lierks, ajt. 21, fol. 3s. JV. Reynolds 709 Barwick, John, loyal divine, nat. co. Westm. 16]2 ; educated Sedl>erg, York 5 of John's Coll. Canib. ; com. to Tower ; rector Houghton, Durham ; and Thcrfield, Herts 5 dean St. Paul's ; ob. 1664 3 Svo. Is. - Vertue 710 Barwick, Peter, his brother, nat. same place; eminent physic cian in the City ; of John's coll. ; ob. 1694 5 Svo. Is. Vertue 711 Bas, Charles le, master ceremonies, Margate, Svo. 6d. 712 Baskerville, J. of Plymouth, Svo. 6d. Proof Is. Barlow 71S Baskerville, Thomas, enthusiast, of Bayvvorth, co. Berks, ob. 1705, get. 90. In a large hat, aet. 70 ; 16 verses ; rare and curious, fol. 5s. 714 — copy of do. Svo. 6d. 4to. proof. Is. 715 Basset, John Prideaux, ob. 1756, set. 12, fol. 2s. Faber 716 Basset, Frances, dau. of Sir Francis B. w. 1. 4to. 2s. Austin 717 Bassompierre, F. de, ambass. to England, 4to. 2s. Moncornet 718 — Svo. fine, 2s. - - Desrochera 719 — ditto, with border. Is. 6d. - T. D. 720 Bastard, John PoUexfen and Edmund, M. P.'s for Devon, sheet, 5s. - - Northcote — Revnolds 721 Bastwick, John, physician, nat. at Writtle, Essex, 1593 ; of Emanuel coll.; pilloried, and imprisoned at Launceston, for his writings ; ob. about 1654 ; Svo. 6d. Copy from Hollaf 723 — the original print, small oval, 2s. 6d. - Ibid. 723 — w, 1, in armour, 4 verses, scarce, 4to. 10s. Cros^ 724 Bateman, Wm. Bishop of Norwich, with view of his founda- tion of Trinity Hall, Camb. Svo. 6d. - Gardiner 725 — in Set of Founders, 4to. Is. 6d. 726 Bateman, Mrs. 4to, Is. - Guttenbrun — Mrs. Bovi 727 Bates, Joah, director of Handel's commemoration, &c. ; nat. Halifax, 1741 ; ob. 1799 ; 4to. Is. 6d. i>«race— Daniell 728 Bates, Mrs. singer, his wife, Svo. Is, - Pether 729 — when Miss Harrop, fol. 2s. Kauffmann — Delatre 730 Bates, Thomas, exec, for Gunpowder Plot, 1606, Svo. 6d. ' 731 Bates, Jacob, horse-rider, Svo, 6d. - From Ridinger 733 — ditto, 4to.7>?-oq/j Is. - -. - Ibid. KVANS'S CATALOGUK OF POHrRAlTi. 21 ■533 Bates, Wm. eminent nonconformist divine ; nat. 1625 ; of Emanuel coll. ; curate 8t. Dunstan's iu the ^W,st ; ob. at Hackney, 1699 ; Svo. 6d. various. 734 — 4to. Is. 6(1. Faithorne, del. et sc. — fol, 3s. R. White 335 Bath, Wui. Pulteney, Earl, celeb, min. ; nat. co. Leic ; of Christ Church, Oxf. ; M.P. for Heydon, Yorkshire ; oh. 1764 ; Svo. 6d. 736 — fol. 3s. - - A Ramsay — D, Martin "737 — in Kit Kat Club, when Mr. P, fol. 3s. KneUer—Fab&c 738 Bath, Lady Rachel Fane, Countess, marr. 1. H. Bourchier, Earl of Bath ; 2. Lionel Cranfield Earl of Middlesex ; ob. 1680 ; bur. Tavistock, Devon ; 4to. Is. Vandyke — Berry 739 Bathurst, Henry Earl, Lord Chanc. ob. 1794, 8vo. 6d. 740 — w. 1. in his robes as chanc. large fol. 5s. Martin — Watson 741 Bathurst, Henry, present Bp. of Norwich, with autograph, Svo. 6d. India 'proof, 4to. Is. - Sharp — Thomson 743 Battel!, Ralph, preb. Wore. ob. 1712, fol. 5s. i>«/^/— Simon 743 Battishull, Jonathan, musician and composer 5 nat. London, 1738 5 organist Christchurch, Lond. 5 ob. Islington, 1801 5 4to. Is. - - - - Sullivan 744 Batty, Robert, M.D. nat. Kirkby Lonsdale, Westmorland, 4to.' Is. 6d. - . " Dance, 1799— Daniell 745 Baxter, Richard, eminent dissenting divine; nat. Rowton, Salop, 1615 ) master of free-school, Dudley 3 min. at Kid- derminster, Gloucester, and Coventry 3 ob. 1691 ; 8va various, 6d. each. — 8 lines, Svo. Is. - Gucht 746 — 4to. 8 verses, ' Farewell vaine world,' 3s, R- White 747 — 8vo. Is. Sturt. — fol. 2s. 6d. - R. White 748 Baxter, AV^n. his nephew, grammarian and critic ; nat, Lan- lugan, Salop ; educ. Harrow ; res. Tottenham ; nmster of Mercers' school 3 ob. 1723 ; bur. Islington 3 Svo. 1 s. Vertue 749 Bayes, Joshua, dissenting divine 3 nat. Manchester, 1671 j mill. Southwark and Leather-Jane 3 ob. 1746 3 Svo. 6d. 750 Bayfield, Robert, M.D. 1662, Svo. 3s. - Faithorne 751 Bayley, John, Baron of Excheq. large 4to. 2s. Russell— '^oW 752 Bayly, Hopton Haines, poet, India proof before letters, 4to. 3s. - - - - Lover — Cooper 753 Bazelv, John, admiral, 1805, 8vo. 6d. - Ridley 754 Bealei Mrs. port, painter, nat. SutT. 1632, ob. 1697, Svo. 6d. 755 — with her son Chas. from Walpole,4to. Is. Ipse — Chambars 756 Beard, John, singer, ob. 1791, set. 75, fol. mez. 3s. Barrow 757 — in embroidered waistcoat, fol. 3s. JVilliams — Faber 758 Beard, Thomas, schoolmaster at Huntingdon, educated O. Cromwell, w. 1. with rod and boys, Svo. 6d. 759 Beard, Wm. of Went-hill, near the Banwell caves, Som. half length, with geol. remains before him, India proof , 4to. Is. 760 Beardmore, Arthur, cit. of I^ondon, teaching his son Magna Charta, 1765, fol. 3s. - - Pine — Watson 761 Beaton, David, Card. 3 abp. St. Andrew's ; lord chanc. Scot- land ; assas. 1546. From picture at Holyrood, 4to- Is. 763 — from Lodge's Portraits, 4to. 2s, India Uroof, 3s. Wright 23 Evans's cataloguk of portraits. 703 Beatson, Miss, of co. Salop, sitting drawing, fol. Ss. Saver 764 Beattie, James, with figures, from the fine picture by Sir J. Ret/no Ids, 8vo. various, 6d. each. 765 — 4to. 2s. 6d. - - - - Gaugain 766 — ^ne proof, 8vo. Is. 6d. Sir J. Reynolds — Cooper 767 — in Set of Poets, 8vo. Is. . /i5/V.— Bromley 768 — ditto, French paper proof, 4to. Is. 6d. Ibid. — Ibid. 769 — ditto, fine proof on India paper, royal 4to. 2s. Ibid. — Ibid. 770 Beattie, James Hay, his son, 8vo.Jine, Is. - Heath 771 Beaucharap, Margaret, grandmother to Henry VII. From stained window at Battersea, 4to. Is. Finely coloured, 2s. 772 Beauclerc, Lord James, son of Nell Gwynne, ob. 1680, 4to. 2s. 6d. i . . . . Blooteling 773 Beauclerc, Aubrey, Lord, slain at Carthagena 1741, set. 31, six English verses, fol. 3s. - - Vertue 774 Beauclerc, Lady Cath. fol. 2s. Proof, 3s. Cotes — Bartolozzi 775 Beauclerc, Lady Diana's children. From a drawing by her- self, fol. 2s. etched by . - . Ibid. 776 Beaufort, Henry Cardinal ; dean of Wells j bp. Lincoln and Winchester ; lord chancellor ; ob. 1447 ; 4to. Is. 777 Beaufort, Henry Somerset, Duke, Marq. Wore, lord lieut. Wales, and CO. Glouc. and Hereford, and city of Bristol j K. G. ob. 1699. When Marquis of Worcester. Copy from Stent, 4to. Is. 778 — 3.qrs. from Guillim's Heraldry, 4to. 2s. - White 779 Beaufort, Henry Charles, present Duke, in his robes, w. 1. with autograph, 8vo. Is. India proof, 2s. Phillips — Dean 780 Beaufort, Charlotte Sophia, present Duchess, dau. of first Marq. of Stafford, ioX.fine India proof , 7s. Mee — Cardon. 781 Beaufoy, Henry, M. P. eminent vinegar distiller in Surrey, w. 1. sheet, 5s. - - Gainsborough — Ward 782 Beaumont, Francis, dramatic poet, nat. Grace Dieu, Leic. 1586, ob. 1616, 8vo. 6d. — fol. 3s. - Vertue 783 — from Earl Harcourt's picture, 8vo. Is. Tlmrston — Pye 784 — ditto, French paper proof , 4to. Is. 6d. Ibid. — Ibid. 785 — ditto, fine proof 071 India paper, royal 4to. 2s. Ibid. — Ibid. 786 Beaumont, Sir Richard, bart. of Whitley-hall, co. York, ob. 1631, 4to. 2s. Proof 3s. . - Basire 787 Beaumont, Sir Thos. of Whitley-hall, ob. 1668, 4to. 2s. Ibid. 788 Beaumont, John, reg. and sec. Royal Humane Society, 8vo. Is. Proof before letters, 2%. - Gerard — Ibid. 789 Beaumont, Joseph, divine and poet ; master of Peter-house, Camb. ; res. Hadleigh j rector Kelshall, Herts j preb. Ely; ob. 1699 J 4to. 3s. - - - R. White 790 Beaumont, Mary Willes, Lady, wife of Sir George, fol. 3s. . . - Sir J. Reynolds 791 • — French paper proof 4to. 2s. 6d. Ibid. — ^^S. W, Reynolds 792 Beaumont, Sir Geo. bart, and artist, fol. 3s. Hoppner — Say 793 — ditto, proof 5s. - - /Airf.— Ibid. 794 — in Cadells Portraits, 4to. 3s. Proof 4s. Ibid.— Ag^r EVANS's CATALOGUE OF PORTRAITS. 23 795 Beaumont, J. T. Barber, of County Fire Office, 8vo. ©d. 796 Beckett, Thomas a, nat, Lond. 1119; educ. Merton, Surrey, and Oxford ; provost Beverley ; lord chancellor 5 abp. Can- terbury, and assas. there 1170. Copy of rare print by L. Vorsterman, 8vo. 6d. 797 — w. 1. Bword in scull. Fine copy of a curious plate, 4to. Is. 798 — small oval. Copy of a rare print by Hollar, 8vo. Is. 799 - — with Henry II. rare, 4to. 5s. Fischer — Wolfgang 800 Beckett, Lady Anne, dau. Lord Lonsdale, wife Sir J. Beckett, of Somerby, I^inc. late judge adv. gen. 8vo. Is. Mee — Wright 801 Beckett, Isaac, celebr. mez. engraver, 8vo. 6d. Barrett 802 Beckett, Wm. chirur. and F.R.S. ob. 1738, 8vo. Is. Parr 803 Beckford, Julian, of Jamaica, w. 1. sitting, masquerade dress on the table, fol. p. p. 5s. - Dance^Houston 804 Beckford, Wm. celeb, lord mayor, ob. 1770, 8vo. 6d. various 805 — portrait of, w. 1. in view of his monument, 8vo. 6d. 806 ■ — 3-qrs. leaning on Magna Charta, fol. 2s. DLvon, del. et fee. 807 — ■ sitting, with Townsend and Sawbridge, fol. 3s. Houston 808 Beckford, Wm. his nephew, historian ; nat. Jamaica, 1744 j 'Q ^i of Soraerley-hall, Suffolk ; ob. 1799 ; profile, 8vo. 6d. ^^'i/' 809 Beckford, William, of Fonthill and Bath, author of Vathek, '' 8vo. 6d. - - _ Singleton 810 Beckley, Col. temp. Chas. I. From drawing by Bullfinch, 4to. Is. 811 Beckwith, Thos. painter and antiq. of York. In a gothic frame, aet. 41, large 4to. scarce, 5s. Burrow — Doughty 812 Beckwith, Gen. Sir Geo. governor of Barbadoes, &c. w. 1. sheet, 5s. ... Eckstein — Reynolds 813 Becon, Thomas, reformer ; rector St. Stephen's, Walbrook, and Buckland, Herts ; preb. Canterbury, and ob. there 1570; 8vo. 6d. 814 — wood-cut from his Works, 1563, with Day's monogram, 4to. rare, 5s. 815 — in Heroologia, 4to. 3s, 816 • — back of title-page to Sick Man's Salve, wood-cut, 1553, 12mo. rare, 3s. 817 Bede, the Venerable, historian ; nat. co. Durham, 673 ; priest CO. Northumb. ; ob. 735 ; 8vo. 6d. 818 Bedford, John, Duke, Regent of France, ob. 1435, 8vo. 6d. 819 — from min. in Bedford Missal, fol. Is. 6d. Vertue, del et so. 820 Bedford, John Russell, 1st Earl ; nat. co. Dorset ; lord ad- miral ; res. Chiswick ; ob. 1554; 8vo. 6d. Holbein 821 — ' Lord Privy Seale,' with one eye, fol. 2s. Ibid. — Dalton 822 — fol. 2s. 6d. Large paper, fine, A?,. Ibid. — Houbraken 823 Bedford, Fras. Russell, 2nd Earl, K. B. ; ambass. to France and Scotland ; founded two scholarships at Oxford univ. ; warden of Devon and Cornw. stannaries ; ob. 1585 ; bur. Cheneys, Bucks ; 8vo. 6d. - - Holbein 824 — fol. 3s. Fjarge paper, fine, 4s. Ibid. — Houbrakeo 835 — 4to. Is. 6d. — fol. 3s. - /iif/.— Bartolozzi 24 KVANs's CATALOGUK OF PORTRAITS. 836 Bedford, Lucy Harrington, patroness of poets, wife of Edw..' Earl, ob. 1628. Copy of extreme rare print by S. Pass,,' six verses, 8vo. Is. 837 — 3-(p-s. leaning on her hard, 4to. 2s. Honthorst — Freeman 828 Bedford, Francis Riissell, Earl, chief undertaker of draining the fens, ob. 164], 8vo. 6d. 829 : — in Illustrious Heads, fol. 3s. Vandyke — Houbraken 830 Bedford, Wm. Earl, pari, general ; created Duke, 1694 ; ob. ' . 1700, a)t. 87 J 8vo. 6d. 8^1 — on horseback, in armour, ' Lord General for Pari.' Copy of Earl Spencer's unique print, 4l0. Is. 832 — fine and scarce, fol. 10s. 6d. Luttrell — Williams 833 — fol. 2s. 6d. Large paper, fine, 4s,. Vandyke — Houbraken 834 — and Francis, Earl, two ovals on one plate. Copy of rare print by Glover, 4to. Is. 835 Bedford, Anne Carr, his Countess, ob. 1680, fol. 2s. Vandyke — Lombart 836 — from the same, proof, 4to. 2s. - Cooper 837 Bedford, F. late Duke, ob. 1802, 8vo. 6d. 4to. 2s. Tomkins 838 — w. 1. in his robes, large fol. 5s. Hoppner — J. T. Smith 839 — the same plate, cut and reduced to 4to. Is. Ibid. — Ibid.' 840 — from a bust by Nollekens, India proof, 4to. 5s. A. Smith 841 — with his brothers and Miss Vernon, as St. George, sheet,: IDs. - - Sir J. Reynolds—Green 842 — ditto, fine proof, very scarce, 18s. - Ibid. — Ibid.: 843 Bedford, Georgiana, present Duchess, 8vo. 6d. Proof, Is. 844 — 3-qrs. 8vo. Is. 6d. - A'. Landseer — C. Heath 845 Bedloe, Capt. AV. discoverer of Popish Plot, ob. 1680, 8vo. Is. 4to. Is. 6d. - - - White: 846 — with Steph. Dugdale, and exec, of the Jesuits, 8vo. 2s. 6d. 847 Beechey, Sir Wm. artist, 8vo. 6d. . Ridley 848 Begnis, Mad. Ronzi, w. 1. as Fatima, 4to. 2s. Chalon — Lane: 849 Behn, Mrs. Aphra, dramatist and poet, ob. 1689, 8vo. various, 6d. each : 850 — from a picture at Stowe, 8vo. Is. Mrs. Beale — Fittler: 851 — ditto, French paper proof , 4to. Is. 6d. Ibid. — Ibid. 852 — ditto, yke proof on India paper, royal 4to. 2s. Ibid, — Ibid.: 853 ■ — 4to. etching. Is. — 8vo. Is. Riley — R. White 854 Belchier, Jonathan, governor of New England, ob. 1757, fol. 5s, . - - Phillips — Faber 855 Belcher, John, nat. Kingston, Surrey, 1706 ; educ. Eton ;: surgeon and governor of Guy's and St. Thomas's hospi- tals 5 ob. 1785 ; 8vo. 6d. 856 Belgrade, female sutler, with her dog Clumsy, 1743, w. 1. in a soldier's dress, fol. 2s. - fVinder, ad viv, 857 — copy of ditto, 8vo. 6d. Proof, 4to. Is. 858 Belgrave, right hon. Lady Elizabeth, 1825, Svo. Is. India proof, 4to. 2s. 6d. - - Lawrence — Thomson 659 Belhaven, Sir Robert Douglas, Vise. w. 1. in armour, Svo. is. 860 Belhaven, John Hamilton, 3nd Lord, ob..l708, 8vo^ Is. ^- j Evans's catalogue of portraits. 3'5' S61 Bell, Rev. Arch, of Wellingborough, Northampt. and Ches- hunt, Herts, 4to. Is. - 3Iedlei/—Fm-6on, 1801 862 Bell, Archibald, 4to./i«e, 3s. - .7//e«— Robinson 863 Bell, Benjamin, surgeon, 8vo. 6d. Raebiirn — Beugo 864 Bell, Charles Win. fol. 3s. Sir T. L aw retice— Barney, 1805 ' 865 Bell, Francis, Franciscan, nat. Hanbury, Wore, executed 1643, 8vo. 6(1. 866 Bell, J. nat. U'orc. ; of Balliol coll. Oxf. ; preb. St. Paul's ; archd. Glouc. ; bp. Wore. ; ob. Clerkenwell, 1556. From his monuiucntal effigies, 4to. Is. 867 — in the Oxford Ahnanac, 1742, sheet, 3s. 868 Bell, Sir Thomas, sheriff of London, ob. 1824, sheet, 5s. Lnr/j/ Bell — Dickenson 869 Bellamy, Daniel, minister of Kew and Petersham, ob. 1788, 4to. Is. Proof, 2s. - /oZ/AS^OMe— Baldrey 870 Bellamy, George Ann, actress, ob. 1788, 8vo. 6d. Ridley 871 Bellamy, Mr. as Dr. Pangloss, 4to. Is. Jean — Cook 872 Bellasyse, John Lord ; lieut. co. York, Notts, Line, and" Derby; gov. Tangier; ob. 1689 ; fol. 2s. Vandyke — White 873 Bellchambers, Miss, actress, 8vo. Is. /We?-— Ilopvvood 874 Bcllingham, J. nat. St. Neot's, Hunt. ; merchant at Liver- pool ; res. at Hull ; shot Mr. Perceval ; executed 1812 ; 8vo. 6d. 4to. Is. 875 Belsham, Rev. Thos. of Essex-street, fol. fine proof, 5s. 876 Belward, Richard Fisher, of Caius coll. fol. 3s. Opie — Facius 877 Belzoni, Gio. eminent trav. with signature, 8vo. 6d. Thomson 878 — oval, 4to. ^ne, 2s. - Bettoni — Conte 879 — 4to. Is. 6d. Proof, 2s. 6d. - W. Mason 880 — profile, large 4to. 2s. - Brockedon — Lewis 881 Belzunce, Xavier, ' Marseilles' good Bishop' of Pope, 4to. Is. - - - - Prescott 882 Bemetzrieder, Dr. musician, 4to. 2s. Orine, del. et sc. 883 Benbow, John, brave admiral, nat. Shrewsbury, 1650 ; ob. 1702 ; 8vo. 6(1. - - - Cooke 884 — from picture of Corporation of Shrews. 8vo. Is. Wedgewood 885 Benedict, (St.) with Saints Dunstan, Gregory, Augustin, and Cuthbert, w. l.'s, from Dugdale's Monasticon, fol. 3s. Hollar 886 Benger, Eliz. nat. Somerset ; ob. 1827 ; biographer of Tobin, Mary Queen of Scots, &c. ; 8vo. 6d. Proof, Is. Meyer 887 Benlowes, Edward, poet, &c. of John's coll. Cambridge, ob. 1686, 8vo. 6d. - - Richardson 888 Benn, A\'illiam, aid. and lord mayor of London, ob. 1755, fol. 3s. - - - Hridson—W AvAtW 889 — ' a Citizen of London in his Livery gown,' fol. 3s. Faber 890 — with his friends, drinking the IVetender's health at the Isle of Wight, sheet, 5s. - - Ibid. 891 Bennett, Mrs. novelist, 8vo. 6(1. /?rfl?je— Ridley 892 Bennet, Rev. Ben. dissenting divine, author of Christian Ora- tory ; nat. Willsborough, co. Leic. ; minister Newcastle on Tyne ; ob. 1726 ; 8vo. Is. - - Walker 26 Evans's catalogue of portbaitr. 893 Bennet, the Misses Nelly and Jenny, fol. 2s. Marchi — Nixon 694 Bennet, Christopher, eminent physician ; of Raynton, Soin. ; of Lincoln coll. Oxf. ; ob. 1655 ; bur. St. Gregory's, Lon- don ; Svo. 2s. - - - - Lombart 895 Bennet, Heiiry Grey, M. P. Shrewsbury, India proof, 4to. 2s. . . - PFivell~Wo\\ 896 Bennet, Mr. G. tragedian, as Cassius, 4to. India proof, 2s. Stroehling — Sharp 897 Bennett, Mr. of Haymarket Theatre, Svo. 6d. Proof, Is. 898 — as Ezekiel Homespun, 4to. Is. - Jean — Cooke 899 Bensley, Mr. actor, various, in character, Svo. 6d. each. 900 • — ditto, proofs, Is. each. 901 Benson, Mr. actor, asTimurkan, Svo. 6d. Proof, Is. Reading 902 Benson, Rev, Geo. dissenting teaclier ; nat. Salkeld, Cumb. 1699 ; educ. Whitehaven and Glasgow ; inin. Chertsey, Abingdon, Southwark, and Crutched Friars ; ob. 1762, set. 64 ; 4to. mez. 2s. 6d. 903 Benson, Joseph, of Edmund hall, Oxf. ; editor of the Me- thodist's Magazine and active preacher j ob. 1820 ; Svo. 6d. 904 — 4to. fine, 2s. - - - HoUoway 905 Bentliam, Jeremy, late eminent literat. with autograph, Svo. 6d. - - - Derby — Thomson 906 Bentham, James, historian of Ely, of Trin. coll. ; vicar of AVymondham, Norf. ; rector Bow-brickhill, Bucks ; ob. 1794, £et. 86 ; 4to. Is, bidia proof, Is. 6d. - Cook 907 — fol. 3s. - - Kerrich — Facius 908 Bentinck, Eliz. Lady, 1782, when Miss Cumberland, fol. 3s. Romney — Smith 909 Bentinck, Baron, Dutch adm. killed 1781, 4to. 2s. Vinkeles 910 Bentinck, Lord Wm. C. gov, general of India, Svo, 6d. India proof Is. - - Lawrence — H. R. Cook 911 Bentiey, Rich, eminent critic ; nat. Oulton, Yorks. 1661 ; master Trin. coll. Camb, ; of Wadham, Oxf. ; schoolmaster at Spalding ; preb. AVorc, ; librarian St. James's ; ob. 1742 ; 4to, Is. 6d, . . Thornhill — Vertue 913 Bentiey, Rich, his son, artist, &c, ; of Trin, coll. ; res. Jer- sey and Teddington ; ob. in Abingdon-street, 1782 ; 4to. Is, - - - Eccardt — Heath 913 Bentiey, Mr. of Bank of England, 4to. p. p. 5s. Fry 914 Benucci, Signor, mus, comp, 4to, 2s. - F. John 915 Benwell. Mrs. h. 1. in a hat, fol. proof 3s. Hoppner — Ward 9L6 Berdmore, Samuel, master of Charter-house, 1788, 4to. Is. 6d, _ _ . . Shelley — Nutter 917 Beresford, J.commiss. of revenue, Irel. fol.3s. Stuart — Hodges 918 ■— ditto, proof 5s. - - - Ibid.~\h\A. 919 Beresford, present V^iscount, 4to, Is. Amatucci — Freeman 920 • — with autograph, Svo. Is. India proof ,2%. Bcenhey — 'Tomkins 921 Bergavenny, Lady Joanna, dau. Thos. Earl Rutland, wife of Henry Lord B. In antique dress. From a picture at Straw- berry Hill, Svo. 6d. EVAN'S'S CATALOOHE OF PORTRAITS. 2T D23 Berkeley, Sir Rob. of Spetchley, Wore. ; nat. 1584; justice of King's Bench ; fined by pari, and sent to the Tower for deciding in favour of Ship Money ; ob, 1656 ; small oval, 8vo, 2s. 6d. - . - Hollar 923 — copy of ditto, Svo. 6d. 924 Berkeley, Geo. Earl, and Vise. Dursley, loyalist and literat. ; bequeathed to Sion coll. Sir R. Coke's library ; ob. 1698, ast. 71 5 bur. Cranford ; Svo. 6d. various 925 — copy of rare print in Bindley Collection, 4to. Is. Gardiner 926 — from picture at Sion college, 4to. Is. 937 Berkeley, Lady Henrietta, his misguided dau. ob. 1710. From a picture at Strawberry hill, Svo. Is. Kneller — Cook 928 Berkeley, L. Lenox, Countess, ob. 1707, fol. 3s. lb. — Faber 929 Berkeley, James Earl, ob. 1736. In Kit Kat Club, fol. 3s. Kneller — Faber 930 Berkeley, George, learned prelate ; nat. Kilerin, Irel. 1684 j bp. of Cloyne ; ob. at Oxford 1753 ; Svo. 6d. various 931 — 3 qrs. sitting in his canonicals, obi. 4to. 3s. Fine proof, 5s. - - - J^. Banc — Skelton 932 — from the same picture, Svo. Is. 4to. 2s. Cooke 933 — fol. 3s. - - y>ff/r//«/n— Brooks 93jl Berkeley, Eliz. Drax, Countess (aftvv. Nugent) ob. 1793, Svo. 6d. 935 Berkeley, Lord, 1801, w. 1. coloured, 4to. Is. Dighton 936 Berkenliout, John, M.D. and literat. ; nat. Leeds, 1730 ; res. Isleworth ; commiss. to America, and imprisoned at Phila- delphia ; ob. 1791 ; Svo. 6d. - - Holloway 937 Bernal, Ralph, M.P. for Rochester, chairman of committee House of Commons, 4to. India proof, 2s. fVivell — Thomson 938 Bernard, St. distinguished monk, and founder of the order, opponent of Abelard, ob. 1153, Svo. 6d. 939 Bernard, Rich, author of Thesaurus Biblicus ; rector of Bat- combe, Som. ; ob. 1641. Svo. 6fl. 940 — aetat. 74, 4to. 2s, 6d. Very fine, 5s. - Hollar 941 Bernard, late Mr. actor, as Jack Meggot, Svo. 6d. Corner 942 Bernard, Sir Thos. 3-qrs. large fol. proof p. p. 5s. 943 — in Cadell's Contenip. Portraits, fol. 3s. JVright — Picart 944 Bernardi, Major John, nat. Evesham, 1654; impris. for 40 years on suspicion; ob. 1736; Svo. 6d. 945 — the orig. print, six Lat. lines, Svo. Is. 6d. Cooper — Gucht 946 Berners, Lady Juliana, authoress on Hawking, &c. nat. at Roding, Essex. As prioress of Sopewell, Herts, in a frame, witii sportiirg trophies, 4to. Is. Brooke — P. Roberts 947 — ditto, proof, Is. 6d. - - Jbid. — Ibid. 948 Bernier, Nicholas, eminent French musician, ob. 1734, Svo. Is. 6d. - . - . Ficquet 949 Berri, Caroline Ferdinand, present duchess, Svo. 6d. various. 950 — in a cap with feathers, Svo. Is. Lawrence — Thomson 951 Berridge, John, vicar of Everton, Svo. 6d. Proo/) Is. various. 952 — preaching, 4to. Is. Proof, Is. 6d. Ogbornc, del. ct sc. 38 EVAXS'S CATALOGUE OF PORTRAITS; 953 Bcrriman, John, nat.;i6S9, of Edmund's hall, Oxf. ; rector of Wood -street, ike. ; ob. at Islington, 1768 } 8vo. Is. 954 Berriman, Wm. D.D. ob. 1749, '8vo. Is. Philips—Rmenet 955 Berry, W. emin. seal-engraver, nat. Scot. ob. 1783, 8vo. Is. 956 Berry, Edw. actor, as Dominic, fol. 3s. fForlids^e — Houston 957 Berry, Sir Edw. capt. R. N. ob, at Bath, 1631, 8vo. 6d. 958 ■ — with vignette of the battle of the Nile, 4to. Is. 959 Bertholdc, of Bertagnona, deformed and ugly dwarf, 8vo. 6d. 960 Bertie, Thomas, rear-adm, oval, 8\'o. 6d. - Page 961 Berulle, Peter de, cardinal, (Granger) 8vo. Is. 962 — 4to. 2s. Lubin. — 8vo. fine, Is. 6d, Desrochers 963 Berwick, Jas. Duke, son of James II. by A. Churchill ; dist. com. in foreign service, killed at Philipsburgh 1734 ; 8vo. 6d. 964 — from Coxe's Memoirs, in armour, with autograph, 4to. Is. 6d. - - - . Harding 965 Bessborough, Fred. Ponsonby, Earl of, 3-qrs. sitting, books before him, large fol. mez. proof, 5s. 966 Best, Judge, in his robes, fol. unfinished plate, 4s. Meyer 967 Bethell, Slingsby, sheriff Lond. 1680, w. 1. Copy of very rare print by Sherwin, 4to. Is. ■ 968 Bethman, Madame, ' Eliza,' w. 1. with urn, p. p. 4to. 2s. 6d." Ehrman — Ryder 969 Betterton, Thomas, celebr. actor, and proprietor of Lincoln's Inn I'ields theatre j nat. Tothill-street, 1635 ; ob. 1710 j bur. Westm. abbey ; 8vo. 6d. 970 Betty, Master, celebr. juvenile actor, variety, Svo. 6d. each. 971 — as Norval, 4to. Is. . . . Hellyer 972 — as Hamlet, 4to. Is. - . - TomkinS 973 — as Capt. Flash, w. 1. Svo. %^. Fine proof. Is. IFilde—Coo^av 974 — bust, very fine drawing in pencil, 4to. 2s. 975 — fol. mez. bust, 3s . . Reynolds 976 — fol mez, 3s. - . Btirch—WarA 977 Beveridge, Wm. learned divine ; nat. Barrow, Leic. 1638 ; of John> coll. Camb, ; vicar Ealing ; rector Peter's, Corn- hill ; archd, Colchester 5 preb. Cant. ; bp. St. Asaph ; ob. Westm. cloisters, 1708 ; bur. St. Paul's ; Svo. 6d. various. 978 — Svo. Is, Farrer—Gncht. — fol. 3s. - Gucht 979 Beverland, Adrian, licentious writer, ob. in England, 1712, w. 1. sitting, with pyramids, &c. fol. 3s. - Beckc-tt 980 Bewick, Thomas, celeb, engraver on wood, Svo. 6d. Kidd 981 — wood-cut, by a pupil, excellent likeness, 4to. Is. 982 Bexley, Nicholas Vansittart, Lord, Svo.,6d. 983 — w. 1. in his robes, as 'Chancellor of the Exchequer,' large fol. coloured, 5s. ' - . Stephanoff—'&cv'w&n 984 — - as ditto, 3-qrs. sitting, large fol. p. p. 7s. Owen — Ward 985 Bianchi, Angiola, of Opera-house, 4to. Is, A^rtwA— Facius 986 Bianchi, Signior, mus. conjp, 4to. Is. 6d. Clunnery—V>\)iVl 987 Bick, James, the mimic trumpeter, Svo. 6d, Proof, Is, 988 Bickerton, Sir Richard, afimiral, 1805, Svo, 6d. 9S9 Bickerstcth, Edward, proof, p. p. 4to. 65. - Meyer Evans's catalogue of portraits; 29 990 Bickley, Thos. nat. Stowe, Bucks ; arclid. Stafibrd ; preb. Lichfield ; bp. Chichester ; warden of Merton coll. ; ob. Aldingbourne, Sussex, 1596, set. 90. From an original picture, 8vo. Is. India proof, 4to. 2s. 991 Bidder, George, of Devonshire, extraordinary calculator, set. 13, 1819, 4to. 2s. Miss Haijter—}. H. Robinson 992 ■ — ditto, yi«a/i/— Vertue. — fol, 3s, Geo, Bickhara, 1040 Blackburne, John, M,P, fol. p. p. 3s. Beechey—rTomlims 1041 — ditto, proof 5s, - - Ibid.— -Ibid. 1042 Blackburne, Lancelot, of Christ-ch. Oxf, ; ^rchd. Corn- wall ; bishop Exeter ; abp. York ; ob, 1743, set. 85 ; fol, 3s. ... Zeeman — Vertue 1043 — fol. mez. scarce, 5s. Taylor. — fol, 3s. Bakewell 1044 Blackett, Joseph, shoemaker and poet ; nat. Tunstall, York, 1786 ; res. Hampstead and Richmond, and Seaham, Dur- ham j ob. 1810 ; Svo. Is. - Masqucrier — Cook 1045 Blackett, Sir Walter, ob. 1777, From a picture in the In- firmary, Newcastle, 4to, 2s, Sir J. Reynolds — Fittler 1046 Blackmore, Sir Ricliard, physician, poet, and literat. ; of Edmund's-hall, Oxf. ; physic, to Wm. III. and Q. Anne ; res. Cheapside ; ob, 1729 ; Svo, 6d. Closterman — Cook 1047 — fol. rare and fine, 11. Is. - Ibid. — Williams 1048 — fol. 3s. - - r. Banc—G. White 1049 Blackstone, Sir Wm. eminent lawyer ; nat. Cheapside, 1723 ; educ. Charter-house ; Vinerian prof, Oxf. ; recor- der Wallingford, Berks ; M.P. Hindon, Wilts j ob. 1780; Svo. 6d. various. 1050 — Syo. fine, Is, 6d. - Gainsborough — Hall Evans's catalogue of portraits. 31 1051 Blackwell, Sir Ralph, ' true Effigies of that valiant Knight and Marchant Taylor,' founder of Blackwell-hall, 4to. Is. 1052 Blackwood, Adam, Scotch civilian at Poitiers, ob, 1613, 4to. 5s. - - Picart, del. et so. 1053 Blackwood, Henry, nat. Scot. M.D. at Paris, eight Latin verses, 8vo. 2s. 6d. - - Mellan 1051 Blair, Hugh, eminent divine and popular writer, nat. Edinb. 1718, ob. 1800, 8vo. 6d. Proofs, Is. various. 1055 — fol. 2s. Fine proof, Ss. Raehurn — Bartolozzi 1056 — from Cadell's Contemp. Ports. 4to. 3s. Ibid. — Bestland 1057 • — ditto, proof, 5s. - - Ihid. — -Ibid. 1058 Blake, Robert, celebrated republican admiral 5 nat. Bridg- water, 1599 •, of Wadliam coll. Oxf. 5 ob. at Plymouth, 1657 ; 8vo. 6d, various. 1059 Blake, Rev. Wm. 4to. 3s. JVebh—M. Haughton 1060 Blake, Wm. the late celebr. artist, proof, 3s. Schiavonetti 1061 Blake, Mr. solicitor, sitting, large ioX. proof , .5s. 1062 Blakeney, Wm. Lord j gov. Minorca j ob. 1761, set. 91 5 8vo. 6d. various. 1063 — fol. 3s. 7/«rf9o»— Faber. — fol. 2s. - Ryley 1064 — when General, w. 1. fol. Is. 6d. Chalmers — M'Ardcll 1065 Blanca, Count Florida, 8vo. 6d. [ 1066 Blanchard, Mr. sen. actor, as Ralph, 8vo. 6d. 4to. Is. 6d. 1067 Blanchard, Wm. present comedian, 8vo. 6d. Proof Is. 1068 — as Sir Simon Rochdale, 8vo. 6d. De //-^i/f/e— Ridley 1069 Blanchard, Miss E. W. his dau. actress, 8vo. 6d. Drummona 1070 Blanchard, John Peter, aeronaut, 4to. Is. 8vo. 6d. 1071 Bland, Mrs. celebrated singer and actress, 8vo. 6d. Proofs, Is. 1073 — w. 1. in Marbleu, 4to. Is. Coloured, 2s. Cooper 1073 Blandford, John Churchill, Marquis, son of the celeb. Duke of Marlb. ob. 1703, aet. 16, w. 1. fol. 2s. A'we//sr— Smith 1074 Blandy, Mary, executed at Oxford, 1751, for poisoning her father, fol. mez. 2s, - - Ryley 1075 Blasii, Le Manfre, vvater-si)Outer, aet. 72, 1651, 8vo. 6d. 1076 Blayney, Arthur, esq. fol. 3s. - Beechey — Hardy 1077 Blayney, Cadvvallader, Lord ; lord-lieut. Monaghan, and grand master of Masons j ob. 1775 ; 3.qrs. in masonic dress, fol. mez. 2s. 1078 Bleamire, William, justice of peace, co. Middlesex, 1893, fol. 3s. Proof 5s. . Sir T. Laivrence — Young 1079 Blee, Thomas, thief-taker, 8vo. 6d. Proof, Is. 1080 Bleeck, Master van, 4to. 2s. Proof 3s. Blecck—V. B. 1081 Blencowe, Sir John ; M.P. Brackley, Northampt. ; baron of Exchequer ; chief justice of C. P. and K. B. ; ob. 1726 ; large io\,Jine, 5s. . - Russell — Vertue 1082 — fol. scarce, 7s. 6d, - Closterman — Sherwin 1083 Bletsoe, Rev. J. M. of Loughborough, 8vo. Is. Barlow 1084 Bligh, Wm. Capt. of the Bounty, 4to. Is. Pimcll—Conde 1085 — India 2)roof, 4ito. 2s. - ' - - Linnell 32 Evans's cataloguk of portraits. 10S6 Bligli, Richard Rodney, admiral, 1803, 8vo. 6d. Proof, U. 1087 Blight, Mrs. widow of Mr. B. of Rotherhithe, who was mur- dered by Patch, 1806, 8vo. 6d, - Simpson 1088 Bliss, Miss, of Oxford-road, 8vo. Is. Nutter, 1788 1089 Blomefield, Francis, historian of Norfolk, 4to. Is. Dawe 1090 Blomfield, Charles James, present bishop of London, 4to. 2s. India proof, 3s. - - Penny — Taylor 1091 Blon, Michel le, agent for Christina of Sweden in Great Britain, io\.fine and rare, 5s. l^anujjke — Matham 1092 Blond, Mons. le, eminent dancer, w. 1. 4to. Is. Cooper 1093 Blood, Col. the notorious, 4to. mez. 2s. 6d. 1094 — fine drawing in India ink, 4to. 3s. 1095 Bloomfield, Robert, celebr. rustic poet, 8vo. 6d. various. 1096 — fol. mez. 3s. Ditto, proof before letters, 5s. Young 1097 Bloomfield, Mrs. his mother, 4to. Is. Fine proof 2s. 1098 Blossett, Sir Robert Henry ; barrister of Norfolk circuit ; lord chief justice Calcutta 3 ob. 1823 5 fol. p.p. proof, 7s. 6d. - - - - Jackson — Ward 1099 Blount, Sir Henry, traveller; nat. Tittenhanger, Herts ; of Trin. coll. Oxf. 3 of Blount-hall, Stafi*. ; ob. 1682, eet. 80. Copy of scarce print by Loggan, 4to. Is. 1100 Blount, Miss Martha, friend of Pope. From M. Blount's picture at Maple Durham, 4to. Is. Gardner — Picart 1101 — her sister Teresa, from ditto, 4to. Is. Ibid. — Evans 1102 Blow, J. mus. ; nat. co. Notts, 1648 ; ob. 1708 3 8vo. 6d. 1103 — fol. 3s. fVhite, del. qi sc. — his monument, 4to. Is. "' 1104 Bluck, Wm. ' true effigies of,' 4to. 2s, - Van Hove 1105 — 4to. fine and rare, 7s. 6d. - Kneller — White 1106 Blyth, Samuel, Com. R. N. 8vo. 6d. - Blood 1107 Boaden, James, literat. 8vo, 6d. - Opie — Ridley 1108 — large fol. 3s. - - /^if/.— Bell 1109 Boadicea, Queen of the Britons, addressing her countrymen from her war-chariot, 4to. Is. - Singleton — Bond 1110 — the same subject, beautifully engraved by W. Sharp, from a highly-finished drawing by Stothard, obi. fol. IDs. 6d. 1111 — d\iio, proof, 15s. 1112 Bobart, Jacob, founder of physic garden, Oxf, ; ob. 1679, set. 81 3 with long beard, verses. Copy of rare print by Loggan and Burghers, 4to, Is, 1113 Bobbin, Tim, eccentric literat. 4to. Is. - Orme 1114 Boccaccio, Giovanni, illust. literat. 8vo. 6d. Titian — Sievier 1115 Bochart, Rev. Samuel 3 studied at Oxf. 3 tutor to Earl Ros- common 3 ob. 1667 3 8vo. fine, 2s, - Desrochers 1116 Bodley, Sir Thomas, founder of the library 3 nat, Exeter, 1544 3 res. Parson' s-green, Midd, ; ob, London, 1612 5 3-qrs, with cloak and sword. From orig, picture, 4to. Is. 1117 — with Pembroke, Laud, Digby, and Selden, fol. 5s. Burghers 1118 — from Lodge's Portraits, 4to. 2s. Jansen — Mote 1119 Boerhaave, Herman, physician and chemist, F.R.S. 8vo. 6d. 1120 — half-length, fol. mez, 2s. - - . G. White Evans's catalogue of portkaits. 33 1121 Bogue, David, D.D. of Gosport, ob. 1825, 8vo. 6d. Freeman 1122 Bohme, Ant. Wm. min. of German chapel, St. James 5 nat. 1673 ; ob. 1722, bur. Greenwich ; 4to. 2s. 6(1. Grundler 1123 Boissard, J. Jacob, antiquary, ob. 1602, 4to. Jine, 5s. S. Pass 1124 Boit, Charles, with Baker, painters, 4to. Is. Bannermau 1125 Boleyn, Anne, Queen of Henry VIII. Svo. 6d. various. 1126 — 4to. 2s. Holbein — White. — circle, Svo. 3s. /(4«/.— Hollar 1127 Bolingbroke, Henry St. John, Vise, eminent writer and statesman; nat. Battcrsea, 1672 3 educ. Eton and Christ- - , . ^ ch. Oxf. ; M.P. Wotton Bassett, co. Wilts ; sec. state O^^^ ^ to Queen Anne; M.P. co. Berks; lord lieut. Essex'; at- i tainted 1715 ; res. Dawley, Midd. ; ob. 1751, and bur. at Battersea, with a mon. ; Svo. 6d. 1128 — in his robes, 3-qrs. fine highly finished coloured drawing by Harding, I83. 1129 — from the same, India proof before any letters, 4to.'^5s. Fry 1130 Bolingbroke, Mary Clr.ra, his 2nd Countess, niece of Mad. Maintenon ; nat. France ; ob. and bur. at Battersea, 1750, O with mon. by Roubiliac. From a uiin. by Lady Maiden -'^^'^ from the original, Svo. Is. - - Harding 1131 Bolivar, S. Chief of Rep. of Grenada, Svo. 6d. — fol. 3s. 1132 Bolland, James, conv. of forgery, 1773, Svo. 6d. 1133 Bolton, Duchess of, 18U8, Svo. 6d. 1134 Bolton, Charles Paulet, Duke of. Earl of Wilts, Baron St. John of Basing, ob. 1699, AVhen Marquis of Winchester, 3-qrs. in robes, 4to. 2s. - - R. White 1135 Bolton, Miss E. singer, Svo. 6d. — w. 1. as Julia, 4to. Is. 1136 Bolton, Miss (now Lady Thurlow), variety of, Svo. 6d. each. 1137 — 4to. proo/; Is. 6d. - - IFilde— Cook 1138 Bolton, Henrietta Crofts, Duchess, ob. 1730. From the pic- ture at Hampton Court, fol. 3s, Kncller — Smith 1139 Bolton, Robert, puritan, nat. Blackburn, 1572; of Brazen- nose-coll. ; min. Broughton, Northampton, and ob. there, 1631 ; 4to. with 4 Latin verses. Is. - Payne 1140 — ditto, brilliant, 3s. - - Ibid. 1141 Bolton, S. min, St, Martin's, Ludgate ; ob. 1654 ; Svo, Is. 1142 — with 4 Latin verses, 4to, scarce, 5s. Faithorne 1143 Bomfoy, Mrs. 4to. Is. - Reynolds-~Co\h\\\t 1144 Bonaventure, P, Fr. * baro. Hibcrnus Clonmeliensis ;' nat, Ireland ; ob. at Rome, 1696 ; {ol. fine and rare, lOs. 6d. Schraman — W. Kiliau 1145 Bond, Mary, of Wood-end, co. Warvv. ; wife of John Eyrick mayor of Leic. ; ob, 1611, eet. 97 ; 4to. Is. Basire 1146 Bond, Tom, actor, from picture at Dulwich, Svo. 6d. 1147 Bone, Henry, R.A. bust, with autograph, Svo. 6d. Thomson 1148 — from picture by Harlow, 4to. 2s. Proof 3s. Lewis 1149 Bonham, Major-gen.gov. Surinam, 1814, 4to. 2s, Lupton 1150 Bonnell, James, ace. gen. Irel. nat. Genoa, 1653; of Cath, Hall, Camb. ; ob, 1699 ; Svo. Is. - Nutting 1151 — bust on a tablet, 4to. Is. Paut III. Price 6d. . d 34 KVANS'S CATALOGUE OF PORTRAITS. 1153 Bonner, Edmund, cruel papist, nat. Hanley, Wore. ; living's, CO. Ebor. and Norf. ; arclid. Leic. ; bp. Hereford and Lon- don ; res. Essex ; ob. in iVlarshalsea, 1569. From a wood- cut in Fox, Svo, 6d. . - - Thane [On this cut being shown to Bonner, he exclaimed, * Vengeance on the fool ! how could he get my picture drawn so right ?'] 1153 — from the same, 4to, Is. - - Stow 1154 Bonnet, Charles, eminent naturalist, ob, 1793, 8vo. 6d. 1155 — surrounded by the chain of Nature, fol. 2s. Caklwall 1156 Boiiney, John Aug. of Corresponding Society, Svo. 6d. 1157 — h. 1. witli view of the Tower, 4to. 2.-!. JVh'ite — Tomkins 1158 — ditto, froof, 3... - - - IUd.—Vo\A. 1159 Booker, John, astrologer, nat. Manchester 1601 ; tutor at Hadley, Midd. ; clerk at Guildhall j ob. 1667. From rare print, Svo. Is. 1160 Booth, Abr. dissenter, nat. Blackwell, Derby, 1734 ; min. I iu Prescot-street ; ob. 1806 ; Svo. 6d. 4to. Is. Collyer 1161 Booth, Barton, tragedian and poet, nat. co. Lane. 1681 ; educated at ^Vestm. j ob. 1733 ; Svo. 6d. 1162 — from a picture in Mr. Matthews's Gallery, Svo. Is. Cl'int — E. Smith 1163 — ditto, French paper fronf, 4to. Is. 6d. Ibid. — Ibid. 1164 — ditto, Ji'ne proof on India paper, rl. 4to. 2s. Ibid. — Ibid. 1165 — profile from liis mon. in AV'estminster abbey, Svo. 6d. 1166 B oth, Lucius Junius, actor, 1817, 4to. 2^. Stepkafio^' — Bond 1167 ■ — w. 1. as Sir Giles Overreaclt, coloured, 4to. 3s. Meyer 1168 — as Rich. \\\. fine India proof, 4to. 23. Slioosmith — Cooper 1169 Booth, Miss Sarali, actress, variety, 6d. each. 1170 — 3-qrs. sitting, 7?rte, 4to. Is. - - Bell 1171 — do. fol. 3s. Proof, 5s. - Pickersg ill—Meyer 1172 Boothby, Sir Brooke, bart. ob. at Boulogne, 1834, fol. 3s. Reynolds — Smith 1173 Boothby, Sir W. bt. lieut.-gen. ob. 1787, fol. 3s. Ilud.~\h\A. 1174 Boots, Old, of Rippon, co. York, vv. 1. with boot-jack, slip- pers, and money between his nose and chin, Svo. 6d. 1175 Borbonius, Niciiolas, poeta, finely tinted from the original by Holbein, fol. 3s. . - - Bartoiozzi 1176 Borcht, Henry Vander, painter in England, Svo. 6d. 4to. Is. 1177 Borde, Andrew, nat. Pevensey ; educ. Oxf. ; physician at Winchester 3 estates Norf. ; ob. in Fleet, 1549. w. 1. 3s. 1178 — copy of the preceding rare wood-cut, Svo. 6d. 1179 Boringdon, H. Villier Parker, Vise. ob. 1819, at Paris, from swallowing an ear of barley, 4to. p. p. 3s. Croizier — Roger 1180 Borough, Lady Cath. dau. Edw. Clinton, 1st. Earl of Lin- coln, wife ^^'m. Lord B. 4to. tinted, 2s. 6d. Holbein — Cardon 1181 — ditto, the large plate, tinted, fol. 4s. Bartoiozzi 1182 Boruwlaski, J. dwarf, vvith wife and child, Svo. 6d. Proof, Is. 1183 Boscawen, Hon. Edw. brave seaman; SDn Lord Falmouth j M.P. Truro ; ob. at Hatchland-parkj Suirey, 1761 ; Svo. 6d. various. Evans's catalogue of portraits. S5 1184 Boscawen, cont. w. 1. la, fol. 5s, Sir J. Reynolds — M'Aiciell 1185 — from the same, 6vo. 6cl, Proof, Is, IblcL — Ridley 1186 — 3-qrs, ship in distance, fol. 2s. 1187 — w. 1, hat in hand, fol. 3s. — leaning on cannon, fol. 3s. 1188 Boswell, James, literat. and biog. of Dr. .Johnson, 8vo, 6d. 1189 — finely engraved from the orig. 4to.ls, Retinoids — Grainger 1190 Bothmer, John Caspar, Count, ambassador to England, fol. 3s. - - Falier, ad vivum, del. etsc. nn 1191 Botley, Samuel, short-hand writer, 6 English verses by T. R. 1674, 8v'o. 2s. . - Dolie 1192 Bouchette, Jos, surveyor-gen. Canada, 4to. 2s. Engleheart 1193 Bouillon, Prince of, capt. royal navy, 8vo. 6d, 1194 Boulter, Hugh, nat. Lond. 1671 ; of Merchant Taylors' and Christ-ch. Oxf. ; rector St. Olave ; bp. Bristol ; archbp. Armagh ; ob. 1742 ; bur, Westra. abbey ; 8vo, 6d. 1195 — ditto, fol. 3s. - - - Beard 1196 — w. 1. with poor people, sheet, 5s, B'lndon — Brooks 1197 Bonlton, Matthew, of Soho, 8vo. 6d, 1198 — 3-qrs. sitting, fol. 3s. Pi oof, 5s. Breda — Reynolds 1199 Bourgeois, Sir Francis, painter, and liberal founder of Dul- wich picture gall. 8vo. 6d. 4to. 2s. 6d. Northcote — Reynolds 1200 Bourignon, Antoinette, devotee, visited Scotland, temp. Chas. II. 1680, 8vo. Is. 1201 Bourke, Joseph Deane, Archbp, Tuam, 1782, large fol. 53. Sir J. Reynolds — Smith 12(12 — from the same, proof on French paper, 4to. 2s. 6d, Ibid. — S. Reynolds 1203 Bourne, Rev. Mr. 4to. Is, /. R. Smith — Jane Thompson 1204 Bouverie, Hon. Mrs. E. (afterwards Countess Radnor) fol. coloured, 5s. - - Uoppiier—Snntli 1205 — w, X.fine, large 4to. 3s. Cosway — Conde 1206 Bouverie, Jacob, nat. 1750, w. 1. eetat, 7, fol. private plate, 5s. - - Reynolds — M'Ardell 1207 — from the same picture, proof on French paper, 4to. 2s. 6d. Ibid. — S. Reynolds 1208 Bouverie, Harriet, and Mrs. Crewe, sh, 5s. Reynolds — Marchi 12l)9 Bover, Miss, of Warrington, 4to. 2s. 6d. Hoppner — Watson 1210 Bowdich, T, E. traveller in Africa, ob. 1823, with auto- graph, 8vo. 6d, - - Derby — Tliomson 1211 Bowen, Richard, Capt. R. N. 8vo. 6d, - Cook 1212 Bower, Arch, voluminous writer, nat. Scot. ; turned Jesuit, and recanted ; ob. 1766, aet, 8J ; bur. Marylebone, 8vo. 6d. 1213 - — 3-qrs, sitting at a table, fol, 33, Kncipton — M'Ardell 1214 Bowes, Sir Robert, master of rolls to Edvv, Yl. From the picture by Holbein of granting the Bridewell charter, 8vo. 6d. - - - Thane 1215 Bowes, John, lord chancellor of Ireland, ob. 1769, fol. 3s. - . . . Brooks 1216 Bowes, Andrew Robinson, as he appeared in Court King's Bench, 1786, to answer his wife's charges, obi. fol. Is. d3 36 Evans's catalogue of portraits. 1217 Bovvyer, Win. learned printer, nat. "White-frlars, 1699; edu- cated Headley, Surrey ; of John's coll. Camb. ; ob. 1777 ; bur. Low Leyton ; 8vo. 6d. 1218 — large 4to. 2s. 6d. Bafilre, ad v'wum, del. et sc. 1219 Boyce, Miss, actress, of Drury-lane, Svo. 6d. 1220 Boyce, Win. eminent musician, nat. Joiner's-hall, 1710 ; organist to Geo. II. and [II. ; ob. 1779 ; bur. St. Paul's ; 3-(|is. sittiner at a table, large 4to. 2s. Sherivbi, del. et sc. 1221 Boyd, Lady, 1744, as Diana, fol. 3s. Ramsaij—W AxAeW 1222 Boyd, H. literat. supposed author of Junius, Svo. 6d. Ridlev 1223 Boyd, Rev. R. of Trochrig, Scot!, ob. 1627, Svo. 6d. Rivers 1224 Boyd, Rev. Zachariah, of Glasgow, Svo. 6d. 1225 Boyd, Sir Robert, governor of Gibraltar, 1790, Svo. 6d. 1226 — {o\.fine, 3s. Proof, 5s. - Poo;^i— Hall 1227 Boydeil, John, artist, and eminent encourager of art, nat. Stanton, Salop. 1719 ; aid. and lord mayor of Lond. j ob. 1SJ4; Svo. 6d. various. 1228 ■ — 3.qrs. sitting, holding a print, la fol. 4s. Jos. B. — Green 1229 — 4to. 2s. Burc/i'hardt — Smith. — 4:to. 2s. Stuart — Facius 1229*Boyer, Abel, literat. nat. France 1667 ; ob. Chelsea, 1729 ; 4to. Is. - - - Basire 1230 — in title-page, 4to. Is. — fol. 23. Hifs'ing — Chereau 1231 Boyle, Henry," Speaker H. of C. Ireland, 1753, fol. 3s. 1232 — from same picture, w. 1. in robes, large fol. 5s Brooks 1233 Boyle, Mich. Abp. Armagh, ob. 1702, 4to. Is. Dunkartou 1234 Boyle, Hon. C. Capt. R. N. Commis. of Transport board, 8v-o. 6d. ... Blood 1235 Boyle, Hon. Robert, eminent philosopher, nat. Irel. 1626 j educ. at Eton ; res. Stal bridge. Dorset, and Oxford ; ob. St. Martin's in the Fields, 1661 ; Svo. various, 6d. each. 1236 — fol. 2s. 6d. Kersehooin—VextxiQ. — 4to. 2s. Ihid.— ^miih. 1237 — in collection of Philosophers at Richmond, fol. 2s. Faber 123S Boynton, Mary Heblethwaite, Lady, wife of Sir Griffith B. 1768, fol. 3s. - - Cotes— \Y\\son 1239 — ditto, large sheet, 5s. - Ilnd. — \\^atson 1240 Boys, Edw. rector of Mautby, Norf. chaplain to Charles II. Front, to his Sermons, ast. 66, 4to. 7s. Faithorne 1241 Boys, John, dean of Canterbury ; of Corpus Christi coll. ; had several livings in Kent ; ob. 1625. w. 1. from the fine monument in the cathedral, Svo. 6d. - Swaine 1242 — in title to his AVorks, 1622, 4 ports, fol. 3s. Payne 1243 Bracegirdle, Mrs. Anne, eminent actress. From a minia- ture, Svo. Is. - - - Stow 1244 Bradbury, Rev. Thos. a facetious dissenter, nat. Wakefield, 1677 ; min. Newcastle on Tyne and Stepney j ob. War- wick-court, 1759 ; Svo. 6d. 1245 - 3-qrs.fol. 2s. Grace— Faber. — fol. 3s. Gibson— G.\Y\i\tQ 1246 Bradford, Sam. nat. Blackfriars ; educ. Paul's school. Char- ter-house, and Benet coll. Cambr. ; dean of Westm. ; bp. Carlisle and Rochester ; ob. 17315 4to. Is. 6d. Grave EVANSS CATALOGUE OF PORTKAITS. 37 1247 Bradford, Jolin, protestant martyr, nat. Manchester 5 of Cath-hall, Camb. and Temple; preb. St. Paul's ; burned- at Smithtield, 1555 ; 8vo. 6d. 1248 — the original print, in Heroologia, 4to. 3s. S, Pass 1249 — at the stake in Smithfield, with J. Leafe, 4to. cut, Is, 1250 Bradley, alias Count Dip, an oddity in Shoe-lane, w. 1. 4to etching, Is. 1251 Bradley, Rev, James, Savilian prof, of Astronomyv; nat. Shireborn, Glouc, 1692 ; vicar Bridstovv, Heref. ; ob. 1762 ; 4to. Is. • - Hudson — Cooke 1252 — fol. [)rivate plate, 3s. . . Ibid. — Faber 1253 Bradshaigh, Lady, dau. Sir .T, Guise, of Rencombe, Glouc. wife of Sir Roger B. of Haigh, co. Lane, and correspondent of Sam. Richardson, fol. 3s. - Kne/ter— Faber 1254 Bradshaw, Lieut.-col. Newark volunteers, 1807, fol. 3s. Clint 1255 Bradshaw, James, merchant London, ob. 1783, fol. 2s, Smith 1256 Brady, Rev, H. of Louvain, nat. Ireland, Copy of rare print by Boel, 8vo, 6d. 1257 Brag!,', Dr. picture collector, 1787, w. 1. 8vo. Is. 1258 Bragge, Robert, D.D, ob. 1738, fol. 2s. Ipse— Faher 1259 Braliam, j\lr.»celebr. composer and singer, 8vo. 6d. various. 1260 — as Koyan, 8vo. 6d. Fine proof', Is. - Page 1261 — fol, fine, first state, 5s. - JVood — Cardon 1262^ — -ioA.^xXXo, second state, ^%^ - Ibid. — Ibid. 12G3 Braithwaite, Richard, author of Druniien Barnaby, &c. nat. \V'^arcop, Westm. ; ob. at Appleton, Yorks. 1673. Copy of front, to his Nursery for Gentry, 8vo. 6d. Reading 1264 — fine copv of front, to his English Gentleman, 8vo. Is. Clint— Pye 1265 — ditto, French 'pa'per proof , 4to. Is. 6d. Ih'id. — Ibid. 1266 — ditto, /???(? India paper proof , YO\r\\ 4ito. 2s. Ibid. — Ibid. 1267 Bramhall, John, nat. Pontefract, 1593 ; abp. of Armagh ; speaker of H. of Lords, 1661 ; ob. 1663. From a picture in Sidney Sussex coll. 4to. Is. - - Harding 1268 Brand, Rev. J. collector and antiquary, av. 1. sitting, 4to. Is. 6d. ---.._ Coram 1269 Brandon, Dorothy Mason, Viscountess, 1686. When Mrs. Mason, fol. 5s. - - IFissmg-—^m\t\i 1270 Brant, Joseph Tayadancega, Captain of the Six Nations, fol. 3s. Fine proof, 5s. . Ilomney — Smith 1271 Bray, Sir Reginald, chanc. of Lane. ; high steward Oxf. Univ. ; const. Okehani castle ; had grant of Isle of VV^ight and Cranley, Surrey ; superintender of the building of Henry VII.'s chapel, &c. ; ob. 1503. From a painting in Malvern church, 8vo. Is. - - Thane 1272 — w. 1. kneeling, in herald's coat, 4to, 2s, Strutt, fecit 1273 Brencldey, John, of Maidstone, brewer, sheet, private plate, 5s. Proof, lOs. 6d - - Grimaldi — Jones 1274 Brentford, General Kuthven, created Earl of, 1642, From a drawing in the King's Clarendon^ 4to. Is. 2.?59;38 88 Evans's catai-oguk of poktbaits. 1275 Brereton, Owen Salusbury, vice pres. Society of Arts, nat. 1715 ; recorder of Liverpool ; M.P. Ilchester ; constable Flint castle ; ob. 1798 ; bur. Windsor ; 8vo. 2s. Evans 1276 Brereton, Sir Wm. ' baro. de Lauglilin, Eliz. serviens,' aet. 28, 1579. In a curious antique dress, half length, private plate, royal 4to. 3s. - Lucas de Heere — Basire 1277 Brereton, Sir VV'ui. pari. Major-gen. for Cheshire, Stafford- shire, and Lane. ; captured Ripon. From Ricraft, 8vo. 6d. 1278 Brereton, late Major, of Bristol, ob. 1832, 8vo. 6fl. Huston, del. et so. 1279 Brereton, Wm. actor, variety, in character, Svo. 6d. each. 128(J Brereton, Wm. master of ceremonies, Bath, 8vo. Is. Collyer 1281 Breton, Sir Thomas le, bailly and president of Jersey, with autograph, Svo. Is. India proof, 2s. Latvrence — Holl 1282 Brett, Sir Piercy, knt. Svo. 6d. Proof, Is. Miller 1^83 Brett, Thorn as,_divine and controversialist j lecturer of Is- IY^ lington ; rector of Belleshanger, Kent ; ob. 1743 ; fol. 8s. . - C.de la Fontaine — M'Ardell 1284 Brettell, Dame, ob. 1821, set. 103, 4to. proof, 2s. Walker 1285 Bretterg, Catherine, of Bretterghold, Lane, sister of John Bruen, ob. 1601, Svo. Is. 1286 Brewer, Rev. Samuel, of Stepney, Svo. 6d, 1287 Brice, Andrew, of Exeter, printer, and author of the Topo- graphic Dictionarv, Svo. 6d. various. — set. 83, 4to. Is. 6d. '- - Thorn, exc. 1774 1288 Bride, Mac, David, M.D. fol. 4s. Proof, 6s. J. R. Smith 1289 Bridge, Wm. of Emanuel coll. Camb. ; non-comf. divine in Essex, Norw. and Yarmouth; ob. 1670; Svo. 6d. Roffe 1290 Bridgeman, John, nat. Exeter ; of Magdalen coll. Camb. ; chaplain to James \. ; rector Wigan, Lane. ; bp. Chester j ob. at Moreton, Salop, 1657 ; bur. Kinnesley ch. with a monument, 4to. Is. - - Trotter 1291 Bridgeman, Sir Orlando, his son ; lord chanc. ; baron Exch.; ch. justice C. P. ; and lord keeper ; ob. 1674 ; fol. 2s. 1292 — ditto, /«e, 3s. - - R. White 1293 Bridges, F, Fowler, Lady, wife of Sir G. B. 1768, leaning on a pedestal, sheet, 3s. . Cotes — Watson 1294 Bridges, John, esq. of Lincoln's Inn, collector, ob. 1724, aet. 58, fol. 5s. ... Kneller — Vertue 1295 Bridges, George, lord mayor 1819, Svo. 6d. Proof, Is. 1296 Bridges, Mr. fol. proof before any letters, 3s. Ward 1297 Bridgewater, John Egerton, Earl, K.B. Vise. Brackley and Baron Ellesmere ; commis. Adm. ; lord-lieut. Bucks ; gov. Sutton and (iireenw. hosp. ; ob. 1701 ; res. Bridgewater- house. Barbican, where his .house and his two sons were burned, 1687 ; fol. 3s. - - Kneller — Smith 1298 Bridgewater, Eliz. Churchill, Countess, ob. 1714, oval mez. ) fol. 3s. - - - Dahl — Simon 1299 Bridgewater, F. Egerton, 3d Duke of, fol. 3s. Craig — Picart 1300 ' — with autograph, Svo. Is, India proof , 2s. Ibid. — Scriven ETANS's fATALOGUK OF PORTKAITS. 99 1301 Briflpoit, Alexander Lord, admiral, K.B. 8vo. 6d. 1302 — from Lodge's portraits. 4to. 2s. BeipioUls — Robinson 1303 Brie, Theodore de, geograplier, ob. 15i)8, 4to. scarce, 5s. 1304 Brien, Miss Nelly <)', celel)rated courtezan, sitting, with dog, 4to. Is. Reynolds — Spooner. — fol. 3s. Okey J305 — 4to. Is. - Sir J. Rcijnokh — \A'alson 13( 6 — sitting, arm resting on pedestal, fol. 3s. Ib'xL — S[)ooner 1807 — ditto, tlie large plate, slieet, 5s. IL'id. — Watson 1308 Brien, \Vm. O', actor, fol. 3s. - Cotes — Watson 1309 Brien, Lady Susan O', dau. Earl Ilcliester, fol. 5s. Watson 1310 — in tlie print with Charles Fox and Lady Lenox, sheet, 7s. 6d. - i^'ir J. Reyjiolds — J. AVatson 1311 Briggs, Wm. physician to Wm. III. and St. Thomas's hosp. ; of Sale, Norf. ; of Benet coll. ; ob. at Town Mailing, Kent, 1704 ; fol. 3.S. - - irhite—Y'Amv 1312 Briggs, Henry, his son, rector of Hoit, Norfolk, ob. 1748, fol. 5s. - - . Faber 1313 Briglit, Edward, of Maldon, butcher, weighed 609 Ib^. ob. 1750, ;et. 29. vv*. 1. sitting in his chair, 8vo. 6d. . 'Y 1314 — fol. 2s. - - Ogborne—WAviMX 1315 — w. 1. standing, 4to. Is. 6d. - Bowles 1310 — 4to. sitting, scarce, 2s. 6d. - Bodenehr 1317 Brightman, Thos. nat. Nottingham, 1557 ; rector Havvnes, Bedf. ; ob. 1807 ; 4 verses, 4to. 4s, 1318 Brindley, James, eminent engineer and mechanic, nat. Tun- sted, Derby, 1716 ; appr. at Macclesfield ; constructed canals, &c. in numerous counties ; ob. Turnhurst, Staff. 1772 ; 8vo. 6d. various. 1319 — with autograph, 8vo. Is. India proof, 2s. Parsons — Cook 1320 — from the same picture, large fol. 4s. R:id. — Dunkarton 1321 Brisbane, Sir Cliarles, Capt. R. N. 8vo. 6d. 1322 Briscoe, Gabriel, ' vera ethgies,' 4to. 5s. Sherwin, 1709 >. 1323 Bristol, John Digby, Earl of. Baron Sherburne, Dorset; nat. Coleshill, A\'aru. 1580; of Magd. coll. Oxf. ; ambas. sador to S[)ain ; com. to Tower, and exiled; ob. at Paris, 1653 ; 8vo. Is. - - - Cooper 1324 — in hat and feather. Fine copy of a rare print, ' to be sould t>y Wm. Peake,' 4to. Is. 6d. 1325 Bristol, Ceorge Digby, Earl, his son, nat. Madrid, 1612 ; of Magd. coll. Oxford ; sec. state to Chas. L ; K. G. ; ob. at Chelsea, 1676 ; 8vo. 6d. 1326 — from Lodge's Portraits, 4to. 2s. Vandyke — Wright 1327 — when Lord D. 4to. 2s. Stent. — 4to. Is. Clamp 1328 — fol. 3s. Jjnr<>-e paper, 4s. Vandijke — Houbraken 1329 Bristol, Eliz. Fclton, Countess, ob. 1741. ' When Ladj H. fol. 3s. Fine, 5s. - - Dahl — Simon 1330 Bristol, AusT. Hervey, Earl, Capt. R.N. ob. 1779, 3-qrs.in uniform, fol. 3s. - Reynolds — Fisher 1331 Bristowe, Jack, ob. 1770, fol. 3s. Shac/dcton'^Fahct 1332 Britten, Rev. James, 1812, fel. 3s. //as^iw^^—Turuer 40 Evans's catalogue of portraits. 1333 Biitton, John, author of Architectural and Cathedral Anti- quities, &c. 8vo. Is. - Uwins— Thomson 1334 Britton, Thomas, dealer in small coals, and celebrated mu- sician ; nat. Highara Ferrars, Northampt. ; ob. 1714 ; 8vo. 6d. 4to. proof, Is. 1335 Brockctt, Sir John, Spanish merchant ; M.P. for Oxford, 4to. Is. - Sir A. More, 1568 — Barrett 1336 with vignette view of Brockett-hall, Herts, fol. 2s. Ibid. 1337 Brockett, Lady, of ditto, sitting, fol. 5s. Gerard Dow— T\\^yi 1338 Brocklesby, Richard, M. D. nat, Minchead, Som. 1722 ; educ. Bal'lytore, Irel. ; ob.l797 ; 8vo. 6d. 6'ojo/e?/— Ridley 1339 — profile, taken 1795, 4to. Is. 6d. Z)a?2t>e— Daniell 1340 Biodie, Alex, iron-master, Broseley, 8vo. 6d. Proof, Is. 1341 Rrodius, Alex. Scotch poet, 8vo. 6cl. - Herbert 1342 Brodrick,- Thomas, front, to his Historia Sacra, 1704, 4to. fine and scarce, 5s. - - Sherwin 1343 Brog, Sir Wm. col. Scotch troops in Holland, 1635. Copy of rare print by Queboren, 4to. Is. 1344 Broke, Capt. Sir P. V. Captain of the Shannon, 8vo. 6d. 1345 Brome, Alexander, poet and loyalist, ob. 1666. From a rare print, 8vo. Is. - Loggan — Engleheart 1346 — ditto, French paper proof , 4to. Is. 6d. Ibid. — Ibid. 1347 — ditto, fine India paper proof royal 4to. 2s. Ibid. — Ibid. 134S — ' vera effigies,' 8vo. 6d. Copy from Loggan 1349 — laurel over his head, 6 Eng. verses, 8vo. scarce, 5s. Cross 1350 Bromfield, Wm. eminent surgeon, ob. at Chelsea, 1792, 4to. 2s. - - - Cosioay—OwxiQ - 1351 — sitting, with a book on his lap, fol. 8s. V. Gwc/i^f— Smith 1352 Bromley, Henry, [alias Anth. Wilson] compiler of Catalogue of Engraved British Portraits, nat. Wigan, Lane. 1750. Oval, on a scroll, with ports, of Vandyke, Leiy, Faithorne, and Hollar, at the corners, 4to. very rare, 2l. 2s. Barret 1353 Bromley, Wm. Speaker H. of C. ob. 1732, fol. 3s. J. Smith 1354 Brooke, Fulk Greville Lord, eminent poet, and friend of Sir P.Sidney ; nat. Beauchamp, Warvv. 1554 ; educ. Shrewsb.; of Trinity coll. Oxf. ; sec. for Wales to Q. Eliz. ; K. B, j chanc. excheq, to James I. ; murdered by his servant in Brooke-house, Holborn, 1628. From Lord W. de Brooke's picture, 8vo. Is. - - C/i«f— Smith 1355 — ditto, French paper proof , 4to. Is. 6d. Ibid.—\h\A. 1356 — ditto, /mc India paper proof , royal 4to. 2s. Ibid. — Ibid. 1357 — in Lodge's portraits, fol. 5s. - Cooper 1358 Brooke, Robert Lord, baron of Beauchamp-court ; pari. gen. 5 reduced Warwickshire ; killed at Lichfield, 1643. In Ricraft, 8vo. 6d. 1359 — on horseback, arms under an arch, ten English verses. Copy of Earl Spencer's unique print, 4to. Is. 13G0 Brooke, Eliz. Colepeper, Lady, nat. Wigsale, Sussex ; wife Sir R. B. of Cockfield-hall, Suff. ; ob. 1683, get. 82. Copy of front, to her Funeral Sermon, 8vo. 6d. Evans's catalogue of portraits. 41 1361 BroolvC, Henry, antlior of Fool of Quality, (tustavus Vasa, &c. iiat. !rel. oh. 17S3. In Set of Poets, from a ])ainting by his nephew, 8vo. Is. ~ Brooke — Pye ]3fi2 — ditto, French paper proof, 4to. Is. 6d. Ih'id. — Ibid, 1363 — {XiiX.0, fine India paper proof, royal 4to. 2s. Ibid. — Ibid. 1364 — from the same picture, 4to. Is. - Clamp 1365 Brooke, Joliii Charles, of Fieldhead, Yorks. Somerset Herald, killed at Havmarket Theatre, 1794, 4to. niez. 2s. 6d. - '- - Maijnard—'QeW 1366 — moil, of, in church of St. Bennet, Paul's Wharf, 4to. Is. 1367 Brooke, Andrew, crier at Ramsgate, w. 1. Svo. 6d. 1368 Brooke, Sir Bazill, commander of liasing-house. Copy of rare print, Svo. 6d. 1369 Brooke, Mrs. litcrat. Svo. 6d. Hopwood. — 4to. Is. 6cl. Bovi 1370 Brookes, Ceorge, of Tu ickenham, fol. p. p. 5s. Heath 1371 Brookes, Joshua, anatomist, nat. 1761, ol). 1833, in Great Portland-street, with autograph, Svo. Is. India proof, 2s. ... Phillips — Cooke 1372 Brooking, Capt. Sam. R.N. Svo. 6d. 1373 Brooks, Mrs. actress, in character, Svo. various, 6d. each. 1374 Brooks, Mrs. wife of the engraver, holding a miniature, fol. 2s. - - . JVorlidge — Spooner 1375 — from the same Ipicture, fol, 3s. Ibid. — Huston 1376 Brooks, Wm. writing-mastjr, ob. 1749, a?t. 53. Oval, sur- rounded with flourishes, 4to. 2s. Tomlinson — Bickham 1377 Brooksbank, Anne, when Miss Gataker, 1772, fol. 3s. Smith 137S Brooksbank, Rev. Jose])h, 4to. 2s. - Branvvhite 1379 Broome, Rev. Wm. poet and translator j educ. at Eton; of .Tohn's coll. ; rector Sturston, Suff. and Pulham, Norf. ; ob. at Bath 1745 ; Svo. various, 6d. — Ditto, Is. Vertue 1380 Broster, John, bookseller of Chester, and iNI.D. of Edinb. and London, &c. 4to. India nroof, 3s. Hodgetts 1381 Brothers, Richard, pretended prophet, ob. 1826, Svo, 6d. 1382 Broughton, John, pugilist, ob. 1789, jet. 85, 4to. niez. 2s. 1383 — and Slack, engaged in combat, numerous spectators, 12 verses, 4to. 2s. ... Griffin 13S4 Broui^hton, Rev. Hugh, Hebrew prof. Oxf. ; nat. Oldbury, Salop, 1549 3 educated at Houghton and Christ coll. Camb. ob. Tottenham, 1612 ; the, original plate, 6 Latin verses, 4to. Is. - _ . . Pavne ISSSJ^Broughton, Mary Hill, Lady, 1760, afterw. Mrs. Erring- ton, fol. 4s. Fine proof , Ts. Qd. Cotes — Finlayson 1386 — w. 1. very fine, sheet, lOs. 6d. Reijnolds — ^\^atsoa 1387 — 3-(|rs. holding a book of dra\vings, fol. 2s. Ibid. — Wilson 1388 Brounker, Wm. Vise, literat. and first Pres. Royal Soc. ; nat. 1628 ; master of St. Kathcrine's, Tower ; ob. iu Jatnes-strect, 1684, From Sir P. Lely, Svo. 6d, 1.389 — with Lord Bacon, he. 4to, 3s, Evelyn~[^o\\^r 1390 Brown, Charles, admiral, ob, 1753, fol. 35. Faber 1391 Brown, Rev. Christopher, jun. Svo. Is. 43 Evans's catalogue or portraits. v 1393 Brown, Anthony, K. G. master of horse to Henry VIII. and standard-bearer of England ; lieut. Isle of Man ; had ^"iA,*-^ grant of Neyte, Clielsea ; comni. of array for Hants, Wilts, ■ bxon, and Berks j ob. Byfleet, Surrey, 1548 j bur. at Battle ; 4to. Is. - - - Stow 1393 — in his monuinetit, 4to. Is. — on horseback, 4to. Is. 1394 Brown, Daniel, cornet, 8vo. Is. 6d. Capt.Baiilie, ad viv. 1395 Brown, Rev. George, nonjuror, ob. 1730, set, 80. Front, to his Arithmetica Infinita, 1718, 8vo. Is. /Fright — Vertue 1396 Brown, Sir Geo. ' Sir Plume' of Pope. From Mr.Fermor s picture, by Sir P. Lely, 4to. Is. - Picart 1397 Brown, .Tames Baldwin, barrister and literat. 8vo. Gd. 1398 Brown, .John, artist, 4to. Is. - Ipse — Claussin 1399 Brown, Rev. John, of Haddington, ob. 1787, 8vo. 6d. 4to. Is. 1400 Brown, .Toiin, mathemat. whole length, holding a square, 8vo. Is. 6d. - - - Gaywood 14ni Brown, .Tohn, M.D. 4to. Is. 6d. 7)o?2a/(/sow— Blake 14( 2 Brown, Miss, as ' Lucinda,' fol. 3s. Proof, 5s. Green, 1765 1403 Blown, Mrs. actress, as 'Lucy,' 8vo. 6d. Stothard — Scott 1404 — ditto, proof. Is. - - ^ //;if/.— Ibid. I'^ilS Brown, Rev. Moses, 8vo. 6d. 1416 Brown, Sir Richard, father of Mrs. Evelyn, pari, general ; stormed Arundel castle ; became loyalist ; lord mayor, 1660; M.P. for London.; commander in chief over Ox- ford, Bucks, and Berks ; ob. 1682. From a scarce print, 8vo. Is. _ . . Harding 1407 — copy of rare print in Ricraft, 8vo. 6d. 14u8 Brown, Thomas, brave soldier, distinguished himself at Det- tingen, nat. Kirkleatham, Yorks. Svo. 6d. — 4to. proof Is. 14i'9 Brown, Sir Thomas, pres. coll. phys. and antiq. ; nat. Lond. 1605; of Upton, Cheshire ; educated at Broadgate hall, Oxf. ; ob. at Norwich, 1682 ; 4to. 2s. 6d. Van Hove 1410 — 8vo. Is. 6d. V. Banc. — 4:io.fne, 3s. Cross 1411 — Svo. Is. ^to. proof Is. 6d. - Trotter 1412 Brown, Edward, his son, pres. coll. phys. ; and phys. to Chas. II. ; ob. at Northfleet, 1708 ; 4to. Is. 6d. Harding 1413 Brown, Timothy, of Golden-lane brewery, 4to. 2s. 6d. Branwhite 1414 Brown, Tom, celebrated wit, nat. Shifnal, Salop ; school- master Kingston, Surrey; ob. 1704 ; bur. Westm. clois- ters. Front, to his Works, 8vo. 2s. - E. K. inv. 1415 — from the same, enlarged, 4to. Is. - Rodd 1416 Brown, W. R. H. solicitor 1820, 4to. India proof 2s. fViveU—^Nv\g\\t 1417 Browne, Alexander, painter and engraver. Front, to his ' Ars Pictoria,' 1684, fol. 33. - Hui/smans—^ ode 1418 Browne, Dr. w. 1. 4to. etching 2s. 6d. Lord Bolton, fecit 1419 Browne, John, Norvicencis, Recius Chirurgus Ordinarius to Charles IL Svo. Is. — fol.'2s. - White 1420 — with other figures, bust, 4to. Dutch etching, 3s. KVAXs's CATALOOUK OF PORTRAITS. 43 1421 Browne, Isaac Hawkins, poet, nat. Burton on Trent, 1705 ; educated at Jjiclifield, Westm. and Trinity coll. Cumb. ; M P. Wenlock, Salop ; ob. Great Russell-street, Bloomsb. 1761) ; 8vo. Is. - N/ghmore—EdwiirAs 1422 ditto, French paper proof, 4to. Is. 6d. Jhid. — Ibid. 1423 — ditto Jitie India paper proof, royal 4to. 2s. Ih'id.- — Ibid. 1424 Browne, Isaac Hawkins, nat. 1745, ob. 1813, 3-qrs. fol. /;"«e, private plate, 10s. - - P'ittler 1425 Browne, Josepli, ' Norvicensis Ruralium Prospectuni Pictor,' 4to. Is. - - /iVmcZt — Facius 1426 Browne, Jos. M.D. 1708, pilloried for libel, 8vo. Is. Slierwiu 1427 Browne, Launcelot, landscape gardener. Fine drawing from an original, 4to. 3s. - - Cohtcncin 1428 Browne, N. ])aiiiter, lioldirig a print, 4to. etching. Is. 1429 Browne, Robert, clerk to the Tylers' company, ob. 1791, large fol p. p lOs. 6d. - ChamherUn — Fisher 1430 Browne, Sir William, president Med. Coll ob. 1774, fol. 3s. - - - Htidson — Dixon 1431 Brownloe, the Lady Eliz. of Belton, marr. John Cecil Earl of Exeter, ob. 1723. w. 1. with dog, fol. very fine and rare, lOs. 6d. - - - Smith 1432 Brownlow, Richard, prothon. of King's Bench, founder of the Tvrconnel family. Front, to his ' Brevia Judicialia,* aet. 86, 4to. 2s. Gd. ' - - Cross 1433 Brownlow, AVilliam, i\I.P. Armagh, 1792, fol. 3s. Hodges 1434 — ditto, proof 5s. - - - - Il)id. 1435 Brownrig, Ralph, nat. Ipswich, 1592 ; rector Barley, Herts ; preb. Ely, and Lichfield ; archd. Coventry ; master Cath. hall, Camb. ; preb. Durham; b]). of Exeter; ob. 1659; bur. Temple ch. ; Svo. 6d. — 8vo. Is. Schonemann 1436 — 4to. 4 verses, 5s. f^erij fine, lOs. 6d. Faithorne 1437 Brovvnrigg, Sir Robert, bart. Svo. 6d. ./rtcZ'AYw— Tliomson 1438 Bruce, David, of St. Andrew's, Scotland, w. 1. sitting against a rock, sheet, with account of his preservation, rare, lOs. 6d. - - Berchet- — \ertue 1439 Bruce, Edward, of Kinloss, 1st Lord, ob. 1610. From his monument in the Rolls' chapel, w. 1. recumbent, 8vo. Is. 1440 Bruce, James, celebrated traveller, 8vo. various, 6d. 1441 Bruce, Robert, heroic king of Scotland, 8vo. 6d. 1442 — with pedigree, 4to. 2s. — fol. 2s. Boitard, fecit 1443 — wilh battle-axe, from picture at Taymouth, 4to. Is. 1444 Bruce, Robert, of Kituiaird, ob. 1631, Svo. 6d. Stewart 1445 Brudenell, Mr. proof on French paper, 4to. 2s. 6d. H'lr J. Reynolds — S. Heynolds 1446 Bruen, John, of Stapleford, Cheshire ; of Alban hall, Oxf. ; ob. 1625, aet. 65 ; 8vo. 6d. - Richardson 1447 Bruges, \\\ Garter King of Arms, 1420, 4to. Is. 6d. Tovey 144S Brugis, Thomas, M.D. 1070, 8vo. 2s. - Cross 1449 Brun, Louisa Kliz. Mgee le, French portrait painter, 4to. Is. — Svo. 6d. 44 Evans's catalogue of portraits. 1450 Brunswick, Duchess of, mother of late Queen, 8vo. 6d. 1451 Brunswick, Cliristinn Duke (Granger) large fol. 5s. Delflf 14o2 Brunswick, Augusta, Princess, sister of Geo. III. 8vo. 6d. 1453 — from same picture, by Sir J. Reynolds, fol. 3s. Corbutt 1454 Brunton, Miss, actress, variety of, in character, 8vo, 6d. 1455 — and Holman, as Palmira and Zaplina, 8vo. 6d. Proof, ]s. ... Stothard — Heath 1456 — as Monimia, 8vo. 6d. Fine proof , Is. Stothard — Sharp 1457 Brunton, Louisa, actress, now Countess Craven, 8vo. 6d. 1458 — ditto, /«!?, Is. 1459 Brunton, Mary, author of * Discipline,' ' Self Controul,' &c. 8vo. Is. 1460 Bruyere, John de la, French literat. ob. 1696, 8vo. 6d. St. Jean — -Baker 1461 Bruyn, Cornelius, painter and traveller, ob. 1719, fol. 2s. Kn ellrr — Val ck 1462 Bryan, Benj. alias Big Ben, the pugilist, nat. Bristol, 1753 ; conquered at Knavestock, Essex ; Banbury, Oxf. ; and Wrotham, Kent ; ob- Gray's-inn-lane, 1794 ; 8vo. 6d, 1463 Bryan, Mrs. Marg. astron. teacher, 8vo. 6d. Shelleij — Ridley 1464 — *and her children, 4to./?«^, 2s. Proof, Ss. Ibid. — Nutter 1465 Bryant, .Tacob, literat. and controversnlist, nat. Plymouth, 1715 ; educated at Eton and King's coll. Camb. ; ob. at Cypenham, 1804 ; 8vo. 6d - - Ridley 1466 Bryant, John Frederic, bookseller and poet of Bristol, 8vo. Is. 1467 Brydges, Isabella Anne Lady, of Wootton, Kent, 8vo. Is. Mee — Tho rn son 1468 Brydone, Patrick, the traveller, w. 1. on a sofa, p. p. large sheet, proof 10s. 6d. - - Ward 1469 Bryer, John, India merchant, ob. 1770, fol. proof 3s. Green 1470 Bryson, Thos. min. George's in the East, 8vo. 6d. Proof Is. 1471 Buccleugh, Eliz. Brudeuell, Duchess, when Lady Monta- gue, 8vo. Is. - - Reynolds — Brookshaw 1472 - — 3-qrs. length, 8vo. Is. - - » Ibid. — Anon, 1473 — fol. 3s. - - Ibid.— M'AxAqW 1474 — in dedication to Pergolesi's Ornaments, 1792, fol. 2s. 1475 Buccleugh, C. W. H. Duke of, ob. 1819. 3-qrs. with dog, la. io\. fine proof before the letters, 5s. Gainsborough — Dixon 1476 — fol. 3s. - - Danloux — Audinet 1477 Bucer, Martin, reformer, teacher of theology at Cambridge, ob. 1551, Kt. 61, 8vo. Gd. — fol. Is. F. fFerff—YaXck 1478 — in Boissard's Collection of Portraits, 8vo. 6d. 1479 ~4to. Is. 6d. . - - Houston 1480 Buchan, John Stuart Earl of, constable of France, 8vo. 6d. 1481 Buchan, James Erskine, Earl, loyalist, ob. 1664, 4to. India proof Is. - - - Trotter 1482 Buchan, David E. Earl, 1767, fol. 3s. Reynolds— Y'n^\^.^'so\i. 1483 Buchan, right hon. Earl, 1783. From Tassie, 8vo. 6d. 1484 Buchan, Countess, 4to, Is. Proof ,1s. 6d. Oliver — Harding EVANS.'S CATALOGUE OF PORTRAITS. 45 1485 Boclian, Wm. M.D. author of the popular work on ' Do- mestic Medicine,' 8vo. Gd. 1486 Buchanan, George, Scotch historian, 8vo. various, 6d. 1487 — 8vo. 6 Latin verses, 2,s. P. v. S. f. — 4to. 2s. R. Wliite 1488 — from a picture by Titian, 4.to.Jine, Is. Woolnoth 1489 — fol. 2s. Fine, 3s. - Pourbus — Houbraken 1490 — 4to. Is. Boulonois. ■ — 8\o. 2s. - Granthomme 1491 Buchanan, Claudius, D.D. ob. 18 — 8vo. 6d. Freeman 1492 Buchanan, John, M.P. proof, 4to. 2s. //7i'e//— HoU 1493 Buck, Nathaniel, artist and engraver, fol. 3s. M'Ardell 1494 Buckeridge, late Theophilus, h. 1. sitting, private plate, 4to. 5s. - - - JVlvcll — Heading 1495 Buckhorse, alias John Smith, a noted pugilist, 8vo. 6d. 1496 — ditto, 4to. proof, Is. 1497 — w. 1. witli view of Covent Garden, 8 Eng. verses, 4to. 2s. 1498 Buckinger, Matthew, born at Nuremberg, without hands, feet, legs, or thighs, ob. 1722, 8vo. 6d. From drawing by himself. 1499 Buckingham, Edward Stafford Duke of, last lord high con. stable J fav. Hen. Vlll. ; attended him at Cloth of Gold ; exec. Tower-hill, 1521. With view of Magd. coll. 8vo. 6d. 1500 — fol. inscribed by mistake, ' Richard,' 3s. Houbraken 15Ul — copy of the above, with the same error, 8vo. 6d, Baker 1502 Buckingham, Mary Beaumont, Countess, 2tid wife of Sir G. Villiers, and mother of celebrated Duke ; marr. 2. Sir W. Raynerj 3. Sir Thos. Compton'; ob. 1632, at Gate-house, Whitehall j bur. A^'estm. abbey. From a miniature at Strawberry-hill, 8vo. Is. - - Stow 1503 — from her monument in Westm. abbey, printed by mis- take ' Eliz,' 4to. Is. - - Harding 1504 Buckingham, George Villiers, celeb. Duke, Earl of Coven- try, baron of Waddon, admiral of the Cinque Ports ; con- stable of Windsor ; K.G. ; chanc. Camb. univ. &c. ; killed 1628 ; 8vo. 6cl. 1505 — fol. Is. 6d. /'. //"ifr^— Simonncau. — 4to. 3s. Moncornet 1506 — fol. 3s. Very fine, 5s. C. Janscn — Houbraken 1507 — w. 1. ^vith his staff, titles, &c. Copy of an extreme rare print by Drocshout, 4to. Is. 1508 — his assassination by Felton. Copy of print by De Hooghe, 4to. Is. 1509 Buckingham, Catherine Manners, his Duchess, marr. 2. Earl of Antrim. AVith a fan, 8vo. Is. - Magdalen Pass 1510 Buckinsxham, George Villiers, 2ud Duke, wit and literat. ob. 1687, 8vo. 6d. 1511 — 4to. 2s. — in Clarendon, 8vo. Is. C. Jansen — Gucht 1512 Buckingham, Mary, his Duchess, ob. 1705, set. 66. From Grammont's Memoirs, 8vo. 6d. - Scriven 1513 Buckingham, J. Sheffield, Duke, and poet, ob. 1721, 8vo. 6d. 1514 — 8vo.ls. Clark. — 8vo. Is. - Xe/^— Scriven 1515 — in Bells Poets, 8vo. 6d. - Kncller— Cook 46 Evans's catalogue of poRtRAiTS. 1516 Bucl4>inghfim, J. Sheffield, Duke, contd. 4to. Is. V, Biirghe 1517 — from orig. picture in Bodleian, 8vo. Is. Thurston — Finden 1518 — ditto, French paper pronj, 4to. Is. 6d. Ibid. — Ibid. 1519 — ditto, p'ne India paper proof, royal 4to. 2s. Ibid. — loid. 1520 Buckingham, Geo. Marq. of, when Lord Lieut, (rel. ob. 1813. In his robes, la. io\. fine proof , 5^. Gahishorough — Slierwin 1521 Buckingham, Richard Temple, present Duke, India proof before any letters, 4to. private plate, 21s. Cooper 1522 Buckinghaui, A. Eliz. fiis Duchess, 8vo. 6J. Hoppner — Cardon 1523 Buckingliamshire, John Hobart, Earl, ob. 1756. In his robes, w. 1. la. fol. 5s. - Hudson — Faber 1524 — from the same picture, h. 1. 3-qrs. fol. 3s, Ibid. — Faber 1525 Buckle, Francis, the celeb, jockey, 8vo, 6d. 4to. proof, Is. 1526 — ditto, neatly mounted and coloured, 23. 1527 Bucknell, Lady, of Oxey, Herts, 3-ip§. sitting, fol. rare, 7s. - - - Knellcr — Smith 1528 Buckner, John, educated at Charter-house ; of Clare-hall, Camb. ; rector St. Giles s in the Fields j bp. Chichester; ob. 1824, set. 90 ; fol. 5s. Proof 7s. 6d. Abbott^Tarnev 1529 Budd, Richard, treas. Coll. Phys. and phys. Christ's Hosp. iiat. Newbury, 1746; ob. 1821; 4to. U.QA.Dance — Diniell 1530 Bugg, Fras. of Mildenhall, of Soc. of Friends, recanted, and pnb. several works against them, 1698, 8vo. 2s. Van Hova 1531 Ruling, Hans, with monkey (v. Granger) 4to, 23. Tempesta 1532 Biilkeley, Eliz. Countess, w. 1. with cornucopia and l)asket of rtowers, 1785, fol. very fine, 2s. 6d. CoAVi'«j/— Bartolozzi 1533 — ditto, proo/; 3s. 6d. - - Ibid. — Ibid. 1534 Bulkeley, Madame Sophia, wife of master of household to Chas. n. Copy of rare print, 4to. Is. Gascar — Dunkarton 1535 — orig. print, />ror>/" but damaged, 3s. 1536 Bull, Frederick, aid. London, ob. 1780, 8vo. Is. Gucht 1537 Bull, George, nat. Wells, Som. 1634 ; educated at Tiver- ton and Exeter coll. Oxf. ; rector Suddington, Glouc. ; bp. of St. David's ^ ob. 1710 ; fol. 3s. - Gucht 1538 — verses, and character of a good clergyman, 4to. 2s. 6d. 1539 Bull, Rev. W. of Newport Pagnell, 8vo,'6d. Proof Is. 1540 Bullakei', J. Franciscan, nat. Chichester, exec. 1642, 8vo. 6d. 1541 — the oriiiinal print, in Cert. Seraph, oysA, fine, 10 j. 6d. 1542 Bullen, Margaret, sister to Anne 13. queen of Henry VHL h. 1. in antique dress, 1534, From Sir M, Tunstali's pic- ture, 4to. Is. - . - Ogborne 1543 Buller, Sir Francis, of Morval, Cornvv. ; Judge of Cliester circ. and King's Bench 3 ob. Bedford-sq. 1800 ; 8vo. 6d. 1544 — 3-qrs. sitting in his robes, foi. 3s. Proof 5s. Bartolozzi 1545 Buller, Lady Agnes, 1831, 8vo. Is, Chalon — Dean J546 Buller, Sir Edward, bart. vice-admiral, M,P. and recorder of East Looe, ob. 1824, ^t. 60, 8vo. 6d. 1547 Bulleyn, Wm. M.D. and botanist, nat. Ely ; rect. Blaxhall, Suff. 5 res. Durham ; ob. 1576. Copy of rare cut, 8vo. 6d. 1548 — 4 versesj w. L leaning on his stick, 4to. Is. Evans's catalogue of portraits. 47 1549 Biillingbrook, Oliver St. John, Earl of, ob. 1646, pari. gen. 8vo. 2s. 6d. ... Hollar 1550 — copy of dittO; small oval, 6(1. - Richardson 1551 Bullinger, H. eminent reformer, ob. 1575, Svo. 6d. 4to. Is. 1552 BuUman, E. M.D. and niusician, 1789, Is. Bromley 1553 Bulstrode, Whitlocke, literat. ob. 1724, Svo. 2s. Cole 1554 Bulwer, John, IM.D. of London, temp. Charles I. author of The Artificial Chaniieling, lG5i), &.c. Fine copy of the print by Fait home, 4to. Is. India proof, 2s. Berry 1555 — the original print, yJ«e and scarce, l')s. 6;l. Faithorne 1556 Runbury, xMrs. 1777. In Court Beauties, Svo. Is 1557 Bunbury, Cath. wife of Henry B. the caricaturist, Svo. 6d. 1558 — fol. 3s. Reytwlds — Watson. — fol.3s. Hoppner — Young 1559 Bunbury, Lady Sarah, Svo. 6d. - Bretherton 1560 — sacriticine to the Graces, w. I. sheet, 5s. Bcxjuokh — Fisher 1561 Bunburv, Sir Thomas Charles, iM.P. for Siifl'olk, ob. 1821. From Sir J. Reynolds, aet 27. 1768, Svo. Is. 1562 — the original print, p. p. 7s. Reynolds — Watson 1563 — fol. 3s. - - Lane—C. Turner 1564 Bunbury, Henry William, his brother, nat. 1750, foi. 3s. Beijyiolds— lilackmore 1565 Bunn, Mrs. actress, as Elvira, Svo. 6d. Proof, Is. 1566 — as Hermione, in statue scene, Svo. Is. Sharpe — Cooper 1567 Bunting, Eihv. mus. Irel. w. 1. 4to. Is. 6d. Brocns, del. et sc. 1568 Bunvan, John, author of Pilgrim's Prouress, nat. Elstow, Bedf. 1628 ; ob. 1688 ; bur. Bunhill-fields ; Svo. 6d. var. 1569 — 4to. Is. — from Mr. Pliillij)s's picture, 4to. 3s. Sharp 157U Buonaparte, Josepli Na])oleoii, and Julia Maria, as King and Queen of Spain, Svo. 6d. - - Bourlier 1571 Buonaparte, Lucien, front, to Charlemagne, 4to. Is. Heath 1572 Buononcini, Ciov. mus. conip. Svo. Is. - Caldwall 1573 Burchett, Josirdi, M.P. for Sandwich ; sec. to admiralty 50 years ; ob. 1746 ; fol. 3s. - - Vertue 1574 — fol. rare, lOs. 6d. - - Maubert — Simons 1575 Burder, Rev. Ceorgc, Svo. 6d. 1576 Burder, Rev. Samuel, Svo. 6d. - Freeman 1577 Burdett, Sir Francis, of Foremark, Derby, and M.P. for Bo- roughbridge, for iViidd. and for Westminster, Svo. 6d. 1518 — 4to. 2s. 6d. - Sir T. Lawre7ice~\\i\\keT 1579 — 4to. Is. 6d. - - Rlchter, del. et sc. 1580 — from picture painted in Tower, large fol. very fine, 10s. Beautijul proof , lo^. Nortkcote — Siiarp 1581 — 4to. 2s. Cosway—C-Ai&on. — fol. 3s. - Turner 1582 Burgess, Daniel, dissenting divine, nat. Staines ; educated Westm. and Magd. hall, Oxf. ; res. Marlborough ; min, Ireland, and Carey-street ; ob. 1713 ; Svo. 6d. 1583 — Svo. Is. 6d. Drapenticr. — (ol. 5s. Faber, ad vivnm 1584 — curious old India ink drawing, 4to. 5s. 1585 Burgess, Thos. Bp. of St. David's and Salisbury, with auto- graph, Svo. 6d. Fine India paper proof, 4to. Is. Thomson 48 EVANS S CATALOGUE OF PORTRAITS. 1586 Bnreess, Sir James Bland, under sec. state ; M.P, ; ob 1824 ; 8vo. 6d. - - Mosnier— Ridley 1587 — 4to. flue, 2s. Proof, 3s. - P. W. Tomkins ]5S8 Bu)^h, Win. L.C.D. ol). 1808, ^t. 67. fol. 3s Smith, del. et so. 1589 Burgh, the Right Hon. A\'a]ter Hussey, Chief Baron of Ex- chequer, Ireland, ob. 1783, Svo. Is. Hamilton — Knight 1590 — fol. 3s. /^if/.— Barnard. — 4to. Is. 6d. Ibid.—Yie'dHi 1591 Burghersh, Lord, a child, w. 1. 4to. 3s. Reynolds — Bartolozzi 1592 — d'Mo, fine proof before the letters, 5s. - Ibid. 1593 Burgoyne, General, and literat. 8vo. 6d. 4to. Is. Pine 1594 Burke, Edmund, statesman, orator, and literat. nat. Irel. j M.P. for Wendover, Bristol, and Malton } ob. at Beacons- field, 1797 ; profile, Svo. 6d. - - Smith 1595 ■ — ditto, fol. 3s. 6d. - Sir J. Reynolds — Benedetti 1596 — ' Cincinnatus in Retirement,' 4to. Is. - D'Ache 1597 -— bust, by Hickey, fol. 3s. Proof, 5s. - Ward 1598 — fol. 3s. Reynolds — Hardy. — from do. fol. 3s. Watson 1599 — with autograph, 8vo. Is. India proof 2s. Ibid. — Robinson 1600 Burke, Richard, ob. 1794, fol. 3s. Reynolds— Ward 1601 Burke, Lady, wife of Sir J. B. of Marble-liill, Galway, 8vo. Is. . . _ l^'est — Dean 1602 Burkitt, Rev. W. nat. Hitchin, Northampt. 1650 ; of Pem- broke hall ; min. Milden, Suffolk ; vicar Dedhani, Essex ; ob. 1703 ; 8vo. 6d. 4to. Is. — 4to. 2s. AVhite 1603 Burleigh, Capt. J. exec, at Winchester, 1648, for attempting Charles I.'s escape from the Lsle of Wight, 8vo. Is. 1604 Burleigh, Wm. Cecil, Lord, celeb, min. to Eliz. nat. Bourn, Line. ; res. at Wimbledon, Theobalds, and Chelsea ; ob. 1598 ; 8vo. 6d. 1605 — riding on a mule. From the curious picture in ^he Bod. leian Gallery, 4to. 2s. - - Stow 1606 — 4to. 2s. Simms. — in Birch, fol. 3s. 1. p. 5s. Houbraken 1607 — in Heroologia, 4to. 2s. 6d. - - S. Pass 1608 Burlington, Richard Boyle, 1st Earl. From a drawing of Mrs. Sutherland's, 4to. Is. - - Rodd 1609 Burlington, Richard Boyle, 3d Earl, patron of the arts ; nat. 1695; K. G. ; treas. Ireland; res. Chisvvick, Lons- borough, Yorks. and Burlington-house, ob, 1753, Svo. 6d. 4to. Is. - - - Chambars 1610 — when Lord Clifford, w. 1. with his sister, fol. 3s. 1611 Burn, Richard, chanc. Carlisle, vicar of Orton, Westm, and author of Law Dictionary, Svo. Is. 6d. - Trotter 1612 Burn, Major-general Andrew, R.M. Svo. 6d. 1613 Burn, Rev. Edward, popular min, Birmingham, 1807, 4to. Is. - - - - Hancock — Cardon 1614 Burnet, Gilbert, eminent divine and historian, nat. Edinb. 1643 ; lecturer at St. Clement's, Lond. ; preacher at the Rolls ; bp. of Salisbury ; ob, 1714 ; bur. Clerkenwell j Svo. 6d. various. 1615 — one leg in pulpit, the other in tub, 6 verses, 4to. Is. Evans's cataloguk of portraits. 49 1614*Burnet, G. contd.fine and scarce, 4to. mez. 7s. 6rl, Smith 1615* — copy of the precedinsj, in Woodburn's Gallery, 4to. Isi 1616 Burnet, Eliz. dau. Sh' R. Blake ; marr. 1. R. Berkeley, of CO. Wore. ; 3. Gilbert B. ; ob. 1709 ; 8vo. 6d. 1617 Burnet, John, eminent living artist, proof on India paper before tlie letters, fol. 7s. 6d. - Dcnninf;; — Fox 1618 Burnett, Thos. author of Sacred Theory of the Kartli, nat. Croft, Yorkshire, 1635 5 of Clare-hall, Camb. ; master of Charter-house, and oh. there, 1715 ; 8vo. Is. Vertuc 1619 — front, to Theory of the Earth, fol. 2s. A'«e?'is— Basire 1636 Burton, Hezekiah, preb. Norw. rector St. George's, Southw. and of Barnes, and ob. there 1681, 8vo. Is. White 1637 Burton, Henry, nat. Birsall, Yorks. 1579 ; of John's coll. Camb. ; min. Friday-street; fined, and impr. in Lane, and Guernsey ; ob. 1648; 8vo. Is. Gucht. — 4to. Is. Cooper 1638 Burton, Mr. India proof before letters, 2s, IFivell — Cochran 1639 Burton, Robert, author of Anatomy of Melancholy, nat. Lindley, 1576 ; vicar St. Thomas's, Oxf. ; rector Scgrave, Leic. ; ob. at Christ church, 1639 ; 8vo. 6d. Prescott 1640 Burton, AVm. (Conynghara,) teller of Excheq. fol. 3s. Green 1641 Burton, Wm. of Falda, Staff, historian for Leic. nat. 1575 ; educated Nuneaton, \Yar\v. ; ob. 1645 ; 8vo. 6d. 1612 Burton, Wm. antiq. of Atcham, Salop. ; nat. Austin Friar's ; of Queen's coll. Oxf. ; schoolmaster Kingston ; ob. 1657 ; bur. St. Clement Danes. Front, to his Comment, on An- toninus' Itiu. 4to. 5s. - - Hollar 1643 Bury, Lady Charlotte, literat. 8vo. Is. Lawrence — Wright 1644 — when Lady C. Campbell, 8vo. 6d. Iloppner — Burke 1645 Bury, Sir Thomas, Ch. B. of Exchequer, ob. 1722, fol. 3s. Richardson— ^n\\i\\. Part IV. Price 6d. e 50 KVANs'ij CATALOGUE OF PORTRAITS, 1640 Busl»y, Richard, celebr. master of Westminster School, nat. Lutton, Line. 1606 ; rector Cud worth, Wilts ; oh. 1695. From a drawing taken after his death, fol. 3s. R.White 1647 — with a pupil, large fol. 5s. RUey — J. Watson 1648 Bush, Charles Kendal, sol. gen. Ireland, 4to. Is. 6d. Heath 1649 Rutchell, Martin van, celebrated fistula curer, &c. w. 1. with long beard, on his spotted horse, 8vo. 6d. 1650 Butcher, Richard, town clerk of Stamford, audits historian, 1646. From picture in St. John's coll. Camb. 4to. Is, Clamp 1651 Bute, John Stuart, Earl, celebr. minister"; nat. Scotland ; ranger Richmond Park ; ch. Aberdeen univ. ; gov. Char- ter-house ; K.G. ; res. Chislehnrst, Hants ; Luton, Bedf. ; and Cardiff, Wales ; ob. South Audley-street, 1793, aetat. 79. 8vo. 6d. various. 1652 — inscribed ' Maecenas of Botany,' 4to. 1 s. Ramsay — Watson 1653 — the same plate, with vignette of England's prosperity, fol. 2s. 1654 — from the same picture, 8vo. Is. - Graham 1655 — w. 1. in his robes, large fol. 5s, Ramsay — Ryland 1656 — from the same picture, 3-qrs. in his robes, fol. 2s. 1657 — when Lord Cardiff, fol. 3s. Sir J. Reynolds — Fisher 1658 Bute, John Stuart Earl, his successor ; Viscount Mountjoy, Isle of Wight ; Earl of Windsor ; ob. at Geneva. When Lord Mount Stuart, 1779. 4to. 3s. Hone — Captain Baillie 1659 — ditto, w. 1. in his robes, 4to. 3s, Romney — Bartolozzi 1660 Bute, Frances, his Marchioness, dau, T, Coutts, 4to. proof, 2s, - - - Mee — C, Watson 1661 Bute, John Crichton Stuart, the present Marquis ; Bai'on Mount Stuart, of Yorks. ; Vise, Mountjoy ; Earl Wind- sor, &c. Lord Lieut, co, Glamorgan, &c. 8vo, India proof, 2s. 6d. 1662 — in a highland cloak, w. 1. sheet, private plate, 10s. 6d. Raeburn — Ward 1663 Butler, Vv^m. celebrated eccentric physician, of Cambridge, nat, Ipswich 1535, ob. 1618, 8vo. 6d. 1664 — from picture at Clare-hall, 4to. Is. - Clamp 1665 — eight English verses, the orig. plate, 4to. Is. S. Pass 1666 • — in Boissard, Qvo.Jine, 2s. 3667 Butler, Samuel, poet, and author of Hudibras, nat. Strens- ham. Wore. 1612 ; res. co. Bedford ; steward of Ludlow castle ; ob. 1680 ; bur. Covent Garden ; 8vo. 6d. various. 1668 — from Earl of Kinnoul's picture, 8vo. Is, Lely — Rhodes 1669 — ditto, French paper proof , 4to, Is. 6d. Ibid. — Ibid. 1670 — ditto, /?«(? India paper proof , royal 4to. 2s. Ibid. — Ibid. 1671 ■ — in the Set of British Poets, fol. 3s. Zoest — Vertue 1672 — 8vo. Is. — ditto, proof, 2s, - Ibid.- — Thomson 1673 — 3-qrs. fol. mez. 3s. Lely. — • from do. 8vo, Is. Ibid. 1674 Butler, Jacob, of Barnwell, 4to. Is, 1675 Butler, Joseph, Bp, of Bristol and Durham, ob. 1752, 4to. /ine proof 2s. Gd. - - - Cooper Evans's catalogue of portraits, 51 1G70 Butlor, John, divine, and political writer, nat. Hambiirgh» 1717 ; living of Everley, Wilts ; preb. Winchester ; archd. Surrey ; bishop of Oxford and Hereford ; ob. 1802 ; 8vo. private plate, 2s. 6d. - - Hull — Sinioii 1677 Butler, Lady Charlotte, 3-qrs. sitting, Svo. Is. Morton — Dean 1078 Butt, Rev. G. dean of VV'estm. ; rector of Kidderminster ; chaplain to Geo. III. 4to. p. p. 2s. 6d. M. Kean — Nugent 1679 Butts, Wm. phys. to Henry VIII. nat. co. Norf. ; ob. 1545 ; l)ur. Fulham. From picture by Holbein, in Barbers'-hall, Svo. 6d. _ _ _ Thane 1680 — from the same, Svo. Is. - - Gardiner 1681 — from drawing in the royal collection, fol. 4s. Holbein 1682 Butts, Mrs. wife of the phys. Svo. Is. Holhc'in — Hollar 1683 — large ioX. fine, 5s. - //^«/.— Bartolozzi 1684 Buxton, Jedediah, celeb, natural calculator, nat. Elmton, co. Derby, Svo. 6d. 1685 — fol. 3s. Proof before letters, 5s. Kill'ingbeeh — S[)ilsbury 1686 Buxton, Thomas'powell, M.P. Weymouth, India proof, 4to. 2s. - - - ' JVivell — Thonisou 1687 Byfield, Adoniram, windmill on his head, 4to. Is. From rare print. - - - Cooper 1688 Byng, J. admiral, son of Lord Torrington, shot 1757, Svo. 6d. 1689 — S.qrs. sitting, fol. 3s. - Hudwn — Houston 1690 Byng, George, M.P. for Middlesex, ob. 1789, fol. 3s. Grozcr 1691 Byng, G. Fred. Finch, page to Prince of Wales, 1795, 4to. Is. 6d. - - Humphreys— ^m^Xeton 1692 Byrne, Miss, actress, Svo. 6d. Druminond — Ho])wood 1693 Byrne, Mrs. [Rosa Matilda,] wife of Edit. Morn. Post, ol>. 1825, Svo. 6d. - - ^Mc/i— Kenzie 1694 Byrne, Wm. engraver, ob. 1805, 4to. Is. Edwards, fee. 1695 Byrom, J. poet, and short-hand writer, nat. Kersgll, Lane. 1691 ; educ. Merchant Taylors' ; of Trin. coll. Camb. ; ob. 1763. From an orig. drawing, Svo. Is. Clmt — Duncan 1696 — ditto, French paper proof , 4to. Is. 6d. Ilnd. — Ibid. 1697 — ditto, fine India paper proof royal 4to. 2s. Ibid. — Ibid. 1698 Byron, Frances, Lady, ob. 1757, fol. 5s. Hoamd\ 1843 — w. 1. fol. scarce, 7s. 6d. - Reynolds — Spilsbury 1S44 — 3-qrs. sitting, 4to. p. p. 10s. 6d. IFestall—'RydiCT 1845 Carlisle, Christopher, navig. ob. 1593. From Heroologia, 4to. 3s. ... S. Pass 1&46 Carlisle, Margaret, Countess, with her child, 1650, fol. 2s. Vandyke — Lombart 1847 Carlisle, Lucy Percy, Countess, wife of James Hay, Earl, [vide Waller's poems,] ob. 1660, bur. at Petworth, fol, 2s. ... Fandyke — Baillue 1848 — fol. 2s. Vandxjhe — Lombart. — w. 1. large fol. 3s. Gunst 1849 Carlisle, Charles, Earl of. Vise. Morpeth ; vice admiral of Northumb. and Durham ; ambass. to Russia, &c. 5 gov. Jamaica 5 ob. 1684, eet. 56 5 bur. York cathed. 5 3-qrs. in armour, 4to. 2s. . . Blooteling 1850 — Svo. 3s. — ditto, very fine, Svo. Ss. Faithorne 1851 Carlisle, Charles Howard, 3rd Earl, lord-lieut. co. Westm. and Cumb. ; gov. AVindsor castle 5 cust. rot. co. Camb. ; constable of Tower ; ob. at Bath, 1738 3 bur. at Castle Howard j Svo. 6d. 1852 — with a wand, in Kit-Kat Club, fol. 2s. Kneller — Faber 1853 Carlisle, Aune, Countess, ob. 1752, a.^t, 78 3 bur. Watford Evans's cataloguk of portraits. 57 ch. Herts ; dau. of Arthur Capcl, Earl of Essex. From picture at Petworth, 4to. Is. - V. Bera;he 1S54 Carlisle, Frederick, Earl of, uncle to Lord Byron, ob. 1825, Svo. 6d. 1855 — when Ld. Morpeth, aet. 13, 1786, fol. 3s. Rei/nolds— Trotter 1856 — w. 1, fol. scarce, 7s. 6d. - Reynolds — Spilsbury 1857 — 3-qrs. sitting, 4to. p. p. 10s. 6d. //'t'.s'^fl//— Ryder 1858 Carlisle, Geo. Howard, present Earl, Svo. with autograph. Is. India proof, 2s, - Jackson — Dean 1859 Carlton, Mary, impostor, and pretended German princess, ji / m •nat. Cant. 1642, exec, for robbery 1674, octagon, 8vo. Is. HX'W^" 1860 Carmarthen, Louisa Catherine, present Marchioness, Svo. Is. - - - - il/(? — apotheosis of, numerous figures, la. fol. 5s. I)e vis —'Ynrnav 2137 — 3-qrs. sitting, with portfolio, sheet, 5s. Dawe — Hodgetts 213S — 3.qrs. 8vo. Is. Lawrence. — India proof, 2s. 2139 — ditto, before any letters, 33. 2140 — holding a rose, fol. 2s. India proof , 3s. [f'^r/o-ht— Cooper 2141 Cliarnock, J. author of Marine Architecture, &c. ob. 1807, setat. 51, p. p. 4to. 10s. 6d. 3Iaria Singleton — E. Shirt 2142 Charnock, Rev. Stephen, nonconformist divine, of Lane, fa- mily ; nat. Lond. 1628; of Eman. coll. Camb. and New coll. Oxf. ; preacher in Irel. ; ob. 1680 ; 8vo. 6d. Hopwood 2143 — front, to his Works, fol. 2s. - R. White 2144 Charrier, Rev. P. S. of Lancaster, 8vo. 6d. 2145 Chatelain, Rev. Henry, ordained at St. Martin's, ob. 1728, 8vo. 2s. - '- - - Tanj6 2146 — ven/ fine and scarce, fol. 5s. Endlinch, ad viv. del. et sc. 2147 Cliateiet, Madame dn, Fr. iiterat. 8vo. 6d. - Angus 2148 Chatelheraut, — Duke of, 4to. Is. - Harding 2149 Chatham, John, Earl of, lord pres. of council, and commander of expedition to Walcheren, fol. 3s. Hoppner — Green 2150 Cliatham, Wm. Pitt, Earl, the celebrated minister. Vise. co. Som. ; nat. Westm. 1708 ; educ. Eton and Trin. coll. Oxf. ; M.P. Sarum ; vice-treas. Irel. ; ob. 1778 ; bur. Westm. abbey ; variety of, 8\'o. 6d. 2151 — 8vo. ;)roo/. Is. . - - - Rhodes 2152 — from Noble Authors, 8vo. Is. - Freeman 2153 — with inscription to his memory, fine etching, 8vo. Is. Spilsbury 2154 — with printed letter by him on his resignation, 4to. sh. Is. 2155 — sitting, 14 verses byV.N. 4to. 2s. - . Bickham 2156 — 3-rp-s. sitting, fol. 3s. - 7/ortre— llouston 2157 — in his robes, fine line engraving, fol. 5s. Sherwin 2158 — ditto, 8vo. 6d. etched by George Spencer. 2159 Chatterlev, Mrs. actress, 8vo. 6d. - - Bell 2160 Chattertoii, Thomas, poet, nat. Bristol, 1752 ; res. Shore- ditdi ; ob. Brooke-street, Holl)orn, 1770; l)ur. Shoe. lane work-liouse ground. From a picture belonging to his sis- ter, Svo. 6d. Proof, Is. Part V^ Price 6d. -^ f 66 EVANs's CATALOGt^B OF PORTRAITS. 2161 Chaucer, Geoffrey, the poet, nat. 1328 ; educ. Camb. ; res. Woodstock, and Donnington castle j ob. 1400 j bur. Westm. abbey ; 8vo. various, 6d, each. 2162 — in set of Poets, fol. 3s. Vertue. — fol. 2s. Houbraken 2163 — from limning in Harl. Lib. 8vo. Is. Thurston — Finden 2164 — ditto, French paper proof, 4to. Is. 6d. Ibid. — Ibid. 2165 — ditto, yirtc India -paper proof, royal 4to. 2s. Ibid. — Ibid, 2166 — 3-qrs. length, verses, 8vo, Is. - Vertue 2167 — ' the true portraiture of,* w. 1. with pedigree, coats of arms, and monument, fol. 2s. 2168 — copy of the preceding, w. 1. Svo. 6cl. Bright— Tiomnty 1 2169 Chauncy, Sir Henry, historian co. Herts ; nat. 1632 ; of y Caius coll. Camb. ; knighted at Windsor ; treas. Middle P' Temple; justice for South Wales 3 ob. 1719; 4to. Is, Proof, 2s. • - - Richardson 2170 Chauncy, Nathaniel, 1785, Ind. proof before letters, p. p. 5s. 2171 Chaworth, Patrick, Vise, vv- 1. fol. 3s. Dyke — Gunst 2172 Cheke, Sir John, learned writer, nat. Camb. 1514; Greek prof. Camb. univ. ; of King's coll. Oxf. ; tutor to Edward VI, and Sec. State ; had grant of lands, co. Suff. Line, and Essex ; com. to Tower for adhering to Jane Grey ; turned Catholic, and received lands, co. Devon and Somerset ; ob. Wood-street, 1557. In the Heroologia, 4to. 3s. S. Pass 2173 — accuratecopy of preceding, 4to. Is. /wc/.proo/, 2s, Berry 2174 Chenevix, Richard, chaplain to Earl of Chesterfield ; bishop of Killaloe, &c. ; ob. 1777 ; Svo. 6d. - Hall 2175 Cheron, Louis, painter, nat. Paris, ob. 1713, bur. Cbvent Garden, Svo. 6d. 2176 Cherry, Andrew, actor and dramatist, nat. Limerick, 1762 ; ob. Monmouth, 1812 ; Svo. various, 6d. each. 2177 — w. 1. as Lazarillo, Svo. 6d. Proof, Is. De fFilde 2178 Cherry, Miss, his daughter, w. 1. as Rosalind, 4to. Is. King 2179 Cheselden, W. celebrated surgeon, nat. Burrow, Leic. 1688 ; head surgeon St. Thomas's and Chelsea hosp. ; gov. Found- ling ; ob. Bath, 1752 ; Svo. 6d. Richardson — Cook 2180 Chester, Hugh Lupus, Earl, sitting in Parliament with his Barons and Earls, fol. slightly stained, rare, IDs. Hollar 2181 Chester, Miss, late of Covent Garden theatre, Svo. 6d. 2182 Chesterfield, Philip Stanhope, Earl, educ. with Wm. III. in Holland ; lord chamb. to Queen of Chas. II. [vide Gram- mont] ; ob. 1713, get. SO ; Svo. 6d. 4to. Is. 2183 Chesterfield, Ann, Countess, daughter of Thos. Lord Wot- ton, wife of Henry, heir apparent of house of Chesterfield, w. 1. fol. 4s. - - Vandyke — Gunst 2184 Chesterfield, Philip Dormer, 4th Earl, literat. and statesman, nat. 1694 ; of Trinity-hall, Camb. ; M.P. Germains ; ara- bass. to Holland ; K.G. ; lord-lieut. Irel. ; sec. of state j ob. 1773 ; author of Letters to his Son ; Svo. 6d. variety. 2165 — profile, Svo. 6d. Proof, 4to. Is. - Bartolozzi 2186 — Diogenes showing him as an honest man, 4to. Is. Ryall Evans's catalogue of portraits. 67 2187 Chesterfield, Elizabeth Butler, Countess, 2nd wife of P. S. [v. Graramont], 1669, 8vo. 6d. — fol. 5s. Tye/^/^Eeckett 2188 Chetham, Humphrey, founder of the hospital, Manchester, ob. 1653, 4to. Is. India proof ,2s. - Holl 2189 Chetwynd, Vise. Richard, as col. of Duke of Gloucester's Volunteers, ob. 1821, fol. 3s. India proof, 5s. Beeckey 2190 Chevreuse, Claude de Lorraine, Duke, married Henrietta, Queen of Charles I. by proxy, 4to. 2s. 2191 Chevreuse, Marie de Rohan, his Duchess [Granger], 4to. 2s. — 8vo. 2s. - Ferdi7iand — Balechou 2192 Chevreuse, Marie de, Duchess, their daughter, nat. Rich- mond, 1679, 8vo. Is. Harding. — 4to. 2s. Moncornet. — the original print, 4to. oval, 3s. - Daret 2193 Chew, Benjamin, Esq. profile silhouette, 8vo. 6d. 2194 Cheyne, George, eminent physician, nat. Scot. ; ob. Bath, 1743 ; 4to. Is. - •• P\ Diest—'Tookcy 2195 — from the same picture, fol. 3s. - Faber 2196 Chicheley, Henry, founder All Souls coll. ; nat. Higham Fcr- rars, Northampt. 1362 ; Bishop St. David's ; Abp. Canter- bury ; built Lollard's Tower ; ob. 1443 ; 8vo. 6d. 2197 — in set of Founders, 4to. Is. 6d. 2198 — from picture at Lambeth, 4to. Is. — do. coloured, 2s. 2199 Chicheley, Sir John, adm. ob. 1690, 4to. mez. Is. Dunkarton 2200 — reverse imp. of rare original, fol. 10.5. 6d. Lely — Browne 2201 Chicheley, Sarah, 1704, 3-(jrs. fol. 2s. KneUer—^m\t\v 2202 Chiffinch, Wm. page of bed-chamber to Cliarles H. [vide Peveril of the Peak] and introduced Hudlestone to give him absolution. From picture at Gorhambury, 4to. Is. Clam]> 2203 Child, Sir Josiah, Bart, merchant of London, author of Discourse on Trade, ob. 1699, bur. Wanstead, 8vo. 6d." 2204 — fine India ink drawing by Mr. Brand, from the ori- ginal, 4to. 5s. 2205 Chisenhale, Edward, of co. Lane, loyalist and literat. 1653, whole length, kneeling, verses, rare, 8vo. 10s. 6d. 2206 — copy of the above, 8vo. 6(1. - Richardson 2207 Chivers, Mr. modern dancing master, 4to. Is. 6d. Proof, 2s. 2208 Chiverton, Sir Rich, lord mayor, 1657, 4to. Is. Dunkarton 2209 Chocke, Alex, of the Excise, ob. 1737, w. 1. fol. 5s. Faber 2210 Cholmondeley, Miss, w. 1. carrying a dog, fol. mez. 3s. 2211 Cholmondeley, Mrs. of Housham, Yorkshire, ob. 1769, fol. 3s. - - - Reynolds 2212 Cholmondeley, George James, commissioner of Excise, 1790, large fol. 5s. - - /i/W.— Jones 2213 Cholmondeley, Lady Wm. Henry, 8vo. Is. jRo*s— Thomson 2214 — fine proof on hidia paper, (ol. Ss. - Ibid. — Ibid. 2215 Christian, Sir Hugh Cloberry, admiral, 8vo. 6d. 2216 Christian, Duke of Brunswick [Granger] , 8vo. Is. 2217 — in armour, 4to. 2s. Moncornet. — 4to. 3s. Elstracke 2218 — ditto, with sash, 4to. 2s. Proof, 5s. Fandyke—Vocrst 2219 — large fol. 5s. - - Mireveldt—I>c\S w2 ♦58 Evans's catalog uk of portraits. ' 22S0 Christian IV. of Denmaik [Granger], 4to. 3-:. Moncornet 2221 — with liis son Frederick, vv. 1. s from rare print bv Pass, fol. 3s. 2222 Cliristie, Captain, 8v'o. 6d. Proof, Is. 2223 Christie, Robert, of Lloyd's, nat. Scotland, 1744 ; ob. i« Broad-street, 1824 ; 8vo. 6d. - Taylor 2234 Christie, Mr. eminent auctioneer, 4to. Is. Dighton 2225 Chubb, Thos. deistical writer, nat. East Harnham,Wilts ; ob. Salisb. 1747 ; 8vo. 6d. Bealc— Cook. — fol. 3s. Bockman 222G Churchill, Arabella, sister to Dnke of Marlborough.; mistress to James II. and mother of Dnke of Berwick, &c. ; marr. Colonel Godfrey ; nat. 1648 ; ob. 1730. From picture at Strawberry-hill, 4to. Is. - Sherlock 2227 — from Lord Falmouth's picture, 4to. Is. - Berghe 2228 Churchill, C-harles, celelirated poet, nat. Vine-street, Westm. 1731 ; of Trinity coll. Camb. ; res. Sunderland ; min. at Cadbury, Som. ; and Rainham, Essex ; lecturer St. John's, Westm. ; ob. Boulogne, 1764 ; bur. Mary's, Dover ; va- rious, 8vo. 6d each. 2229 • — from Sir R. Phillips's picture, Svo. Is. Clhit — Smith 2230 — ditto, French paper proof , 4to. Is. 6d. Ibid. — Ibid. 2231 — ditto, fine India paper proof, royal 4to. 2s. Ibid. — Ibid. 2232 —fol. 3s. . Pooley, Warwick, 1683. Bust encir- cled with laurel, 8vo. Is. - - Clamp 2372 Cockburn, Rev. A. rector St. Christopher's, 8vo. Is. Gucht 2373 Cockburn, Catherine, distinguished literary lady, res. at Ockliam, Surrey ; wife of Abr. C. of Nayland, Suff. and curate of Saint Dunstan's, London ; minister of Long- Horseley, Northumb, She died, 1749 ; 8vo. 6d. 2374 Cockburn, W. M.D. ob. 1739, 8vo. Is. R. fFhlte, del. et sc. 2375 Cockburn, John, of Ormiston, 1804, 8vo. 6d. 2376 Cocker, Edward, vvritin>f master and arithmetician, 8v'o. Is. 2377 Cockin, Rev. Josej)h, of Kipping, Yorks. 8vo. 6d. 2378 Cockings, George, Reg, to Soc. A. M. and C. 8vo. private plate, 3s. _ _ . Evans 2379 Cockman, Rev. Thomas, master of Univ. coll. Oxford, ob. .1745,8vo. Is. 2380 Cockshutt, John, of the Temple, ob. 1669, yfr*; state, with the word ' Generosus,' fol. 5s. - Logman 2381 Codrington, Christopher, poet, and governor of the Caribbee Islands ; nat. Barl)adoes, 1668 ; benefactor to All Souls Oxf. ; ol). 1710 J 4to. Is, Sir J. Thomhill—C\a.u\^ 2382 Codrington, Sir Edward, admiral, 8vo. with autograph. Is. India proof, 2s. - Lawrence — Cochran 2383 Coffin, Sir Isaac, rear admiral, 8vo. 6d. Proof, Is. 2384 Cogan, Thomas, of Humane Soc. 8vo. Is, Gerard — Basire 2385 Coghlan, Miss, of Bath, fol. 3s. Gainsborough — Smith 2386 Coke, Sir ?]dward, eminent lawyer, of Trin. coll. Cambr. Clifford's-inn, and Temple; reader of Lyon's-inn ; recorder of Coventry and Norwich ; solicitor and attorney-general j com. to Tower ; ob. at Stoke, Bucks, 1634 j various. 8vo. 6d. each. — in his robes 4to. Is. - Gutch 2387 — front, to his Institutes, 1629, 4to. Is. - Payne 2388 — ditto, in cap and robes, 4to. Is. - R. White 2389 — small oval, 8vo. Is. — 8\o. fine, Is. 6d. Jansen — Trotter 2390 — in Birch, fol. 3s, Jirllllant, larg-e paper, 5s. Houbraken 2391 — from Grig. Juridicalcs, fol.5s. Loggan. — 4to. Is. Ryder 2392 Coke, Sir Jolni, sec. of state, ob. 1644, 8vo. Is. Sturt 2393 — from an orig. 4to. Is. Duukurtou. — fol. 3s. 6d. White 14 EVANS's CATALOGUE OF PORTRAITS. 2394 Coke, Elizabeth, of Melbourne, co. Derby, ob. 1739, »t. 63 ; bur. at Hadley ; 4to. Is. Proof, royal 4to. Is. 6d. 2395 Coke, Ladv Mary, 4to. Is. - Harding, del. et sc, 2396 Coke, T. W. agric. and M.P. for Norfolk, 4to. priv, pi. 5s. Etching by Mrs. D. Turner. 2397 Coke, family of, \v. l.'s fol. rare, 10s. 6d. Huysman — Smith 2398 Colbert, John Baptist, Marquis de Seignelay, [Granger] 8vo. Is. 6d. Desrochers. — fol. 2s. - Edelinck 2399 — fol. 2s. - - - Chasteau 2400 Colburn, Zerah, set. 8, celebrated calculator, w. 1. with bat- tledore, 4to. 2s. - - M^er 2401 Colchester, Charles Abbot, Earl, nat. Abingdon ; educated at Westm. and Christ ch. Oxf. ; M.P. Helstou ; speaker of House of Commons ; pub. Practice of the Chester Cir- cuit ; res. Kidbrook, Sussex ; ob. 1829, set. 72 ; bur. at Westminster abbey ; 8vo. 6d. Proof, Is. 2403 — in his robes, large fol. 5s. - Northcote — Picart 2403 Cole, Abdiah, med. 8vo. Is. - - Cross 2404 Cole, Lieut.-gen. Sir G. Lowry, 4to. 3s. Lawrence — Picart 2405 Cole, Sir Ralph, with Talman and Marco Ricci, painters. In Walpole, 4to. Is. - - Bannerman 2406 Cole, Wm. antiquary, nat. Abingdon, Camb. ; educated at |,^ -^ Eton and Clare-hall ; deacon Westm. ; curate Weathers- "^ i field, Suff. ; rector Hornsey, and Bletchley, Bucks ; ob. at Milton, 1782 ; 8vo. Is. Richardson, From orig. drawing, 2407 — 4to. 2s. 6d. - - Kerrich — Facius 2408 Cole, Wm. med. front, to his treatise on Apoplexies, 1689, 8vo, Is. - - - R. White 2409 Coleraine, Henry Hare, Lord, ob. 1708, set. 72. In Noble Authors, 8vo. Is. 2410 — standing at a table, holding a coronet, fol. 2s. Vertue 2411 — from the same picture, 4to. mez. 2s. W. Faithorne 2412 Coleraine, Constantia Lucy, his lady, of Broxbourne, Herts, ob. 16S0. From rare print by Collins, after a design by Lord C. 4to. Is. 2413 Coleraine, George, Lord, nat. 1750, ob. 1823. When Col. Hanger, on horseback, boy behind him, 4to. Is. 6d. Reinagle — Springsgoth 2414 Coleridge, S. T. literat. 8vo. 6d. variety. 2415 Colet, John, nat. London, 1466 ; of Magdalen coll. Oxford ; rector Donnington, Suffolk, and Thyrning, Hunts ; preb. York ; preb. Durnesford, Sarum j dean St. Paul's ; founded St. Paul's school ; res. Richmond ; ob. 1519 ; 8vo, 6d. var. 2416 — in his monument, 8vo. 6d, — 4to. Is. - Grigniou 2417 — in Heroologia, 4to. 3s. - -r Pass 2418 — in the set of Founders, 4to. Is. 6d. 2419 Coley, Henry, astrologer, nat. Oxf. 1633, Svo. Is. R. White 2420 — with his nativity, ^io.Jine, 2s. 6d. - Ibid, 2421 Collard, John, logician, fol. 3s. Lonsdale — Clint, 1804 2423 Collett, E. John, M.P. 4to. India proof, 3s. /Fivell—EoW u EVANs's CATALOGUK OF PORTRAITS. 75 3423 College, Stephen, ' Protestant joiner,' executed at Oxford, 1681, for pretended conspiracy against Charles II. Copy of rare print, 4 verses, 8vo. 6d. 2434 Collier, Rev. Jeremiah, celebrated opponent of the drama, nat. Stow Qui, Cainb. 1650 ; educated Caius coll. Carab. ; ,' rector Ampton, Suff. ; lecturer of Gray's-inn ; ob. 1726 ; -^^ "'^ bur. at St, Pancras ; fol. 3s. - R. White 2425 — 4to. very fine and scarce, 10s. 6d. Lely — Faithorne, 2426 — copy of the print by Faithorne, 4to.^«roo/', 5s. Coventry — Young 3450 Colman, Geo. senior, literat. and dramatist, nat. Florence, 1773 ; educated Westminster, and Christ ch. Oxf. ; of Line. -inn ; ob. Paddington,'1794 j 8vo. l?,.Zoffany — Smith 2451 — ditto, French paper proof, 4to. Is. 6d. Ibid. — Ibid. 3452 — ditto, ^«e India paper proof , royal 4to. 2s. Ibid. — Ibid, 2453 — in Cadell's Portraits, fol.3s, ISir J. Reynolds — Scriven 2454 — ditto, fine proof, 5s. - - Ibid. — Ibid, 2455 Colman, George, junior, literat. various, 8vo. 6d. each. 76 . Evans's catalogue of pouTRAixsi 2456 Colpoys, Adin. Sir John, gov. Greenw. hosp. ; suppressed^ mutiny at Portsmouth ; ob. 1821 ; 8vo. 6(J. Proof, Is. 2457 Colquhoun, Patrick, the magistrate and literat. ob. 1820, 8vo. 6d. Proof, Is. - - Meyer.' 2458 — fol. 3s. Proof, 5s. - Medlei/—Dunk&Tton 2459 Colston, Edward, nat. of, and liberal benefactor to, Bristol ; also to Bartholomew's, Christ's Hospital, Bethlehem, and "Vl'^ Bishopsgate, Loudon j Manchester, and Tiverton, &c. ;• built alms-house at Shene, Surrey j ob. Mortlake, 1721, ■ set. 84 ; 4to. Is. - Richardson — Tookey 2460 — from same picture, fol. 5s. . I/ud. — Vertue 2461 Colwal, Daniel, Mus. Reg. Soc. Fundator ; of Guildford, Surrey, collector of nat. curiosities, ob. 1690, fol. Is. 6d. 2462 — fol. 2s. - R. JVh'ile, ad vivum, del. et sc. 2463 Combe, Harvey Christian, aid. M.P. and lord mayor, 8vo. 6d.' 2464 — in his livery gown, 4to. 2s. - ^Jwrwe//— Evans 2465 Combe, John, [vide Shakspeare,] from his tomb at Stratford,- 4to. Is. . - . _ Ireland 2466 Comber, Thos. dean of Durham, nat. at Westqrham, Kent, 1644 ; rector Stonegrave, Yorks. ; ob. 1699 ; fol. scarce, 5s. - - - - Place; 2467 Comber, Wm. 54 years vicar of Kirkby Moorside, Yorks ; , ob. 1810, aetat. 84 ; 4to. Is. 6d. Jackson — Meyer 2468 Comber mere. Gen. Stapleton Cotton, Viscount, 8vo, with autograph, Is. India proof 2s. Pearson — Jenkins 2469 Comenius, John Amos, Moravian divine ; visited England by desire of Parliament, 1641, on subject of education ; ob. 1671 ; 8vo. Is. 6d. Balzer. — fol. 5,s. Noual 2470 Comines, Philip de, historian, [Granger,] from Bullart, 8vo. 6d. 2471 — in a pilgrim's coat, orig. print, 4to. Is. 6d. Larmessia 2472 — profile, 8vo. Is. 2473 Compton, Sir Henry, K.B. bro. Earl Northampt. 4to. Is. , 2474 Compton, Henry, Bp. of London, nat. Compton, 1632 ; of Queen's coll. Oxf. ; rector of Cottenham, Camb. ; master St. Cross, Hants ; bishop of Oxford and London ; tutor to Queens Mary and Anne, when Princesses ; governor of Charter-house ; ob. Fulham, 1713 ; 8vo. Is. 2475 — set. 78, holding a medal of Chas, L fol. scarce, 5s. Simon 2476 — fol. 5s. Loggan, 1686. — fol. 2s. /?i%— Beckett 2477 — fol. rare, 12s. Loggan, ad vivum, del. et sc. 1679 2478 — 4to. mez. rare, 5s. - - Beckett 2479 Comyns, Sir John, Baron of Exchequer, ob. 1740, 8vo. Is. 4to. proof, 2s. - - - Neagle 2480 — fol. 38. — ditto, fine prooj, 5s. - Houbraken 2481 — front, to his Reports, fol. 23. - Vertue 24^2 Concauen, — Esq. sheet, 5s. - Hoppner — Murphy 2483 Concert at Cambridge, with portraits of P. Hcllandaal and others, 4to. 2s. - - Orde — Brethertou ^84 Conde, Henry, of Bourbon, celebrated Prince of, 8vo. 6d. „ Evans's catalogue of portraits. 11 3485 Conder, John, dissenting divine, nat. Wimple, Camb, 1714; /* , min. Mile-end, Pinner's-hall, and Moorfields ; ob. 1781 ; '^-It^^iL'^t , fol. 3s. - - fVehster — AVatson 2486 Conjrreve, Wm. eminent poet, nat. Bardsey Grange, Yoiks. 1670 ; educated at Kilkenny ; res. co. Staff. ,- of Middle- Temple ; ob. Surrey-street, 172i) ■■, bur. VVestm. abbey j various, 8vo. 6d. eacli. 2487 — seated in a chair, from Mr. Walker's picture, 8ro. Is. Thurston — Fittler 2i88 — ditto, Prench paper proof , 4to. Is. 6d. Ibid. — Ibid. 2489 ■ — ditto, fine Lidia paper proof, royal 4to. 2s. Ibid. — Ibid. 2490 ConoUy, Right Hon. Thos. 8vo. Is. R. Bull~i. Collier 2491 Conspirators of the Popish Plot, with portraits of ^Fawkes, Percy, Bates, Catesby, &c. Copy of rare print, 4to. Is. 2492 Contareno, Aloysius, Venetian [Granger], 4to. Is. 2493 Conway, General Henry Seymour, soldier and statesman, ^^>^ nat. 1720 ; M. P. Antrim, Higham Ferrars, and Bury, Suff. ; ob. Park-place, 1795 ; 8vo. 6d. 4to. Is. 2494 Cony, Robert, M.D. ob. 1722, fol. 3s. Hagen—Y^hcr ^ 2495 Conyers, Miss, of Copthall, w. 1. playing on guitar, fol. 5s. W-i,*,^ Dev'is — Cham bars ' 2496 Conyers, Richard, rector of Deptford, 8vo. 6(1. 2497 Cook, Capt. James, celebrated navigator, nat. at Marston, Yorks. 1738 ; killed at Ovvhyhee, 1779 ; 8vo. 6d. various. 2498 — apotheosis of, 4to. Is. - Loutherbourg 2499 — from the picture at Greenwich, 3.qrs. sitting, fol. 3,s. Vv^L. Dance — Sherwia 2500 — from same, 8vo. Is. 6d. - Holloway, del. et sc. 2501 — from ditto, 4to. 2s. India proof 3s. - Holl 2502 — front, to his Voyages, fol. 3s. //or/»-(?*— Basire 2503 Cook, John, regicide, executed 1660, 4to. Is. 2")04 Cook, Thomas, and liis sister, of Pentonville, w. l.'sSvo. U. 2505 Cooke, Edward, of Dublin, fol. 3s. Cumin g-~\\?iid. 250() Cooke, G. Fred, eminent actor, ob. 1S20, 8vo. 6(1. great van 2.^)07 — 4to. Is. 6d. Proof, 2s. 6d. irhensell—i. Corbett ,2508 — in Richard III. 4to. Is. 6d. Scriven—}. Bullock 2509 — monument of, erected at New York, by E. Kean, 4to. Is. Proof, Is. 6d. - - Durand 2510 — as Sir Archy MacSarcasm, fol. proof, fine plate, and the most esteemed likeness, 5s fFilde — Cardon 2511 Cooke, Henry, painter to William III. ; employed at Chel- sea coll. New coll. chapel Oxford, Ranelagh-house, and great room of water-works, Islington ; killed his rival, and fled to Italy ; returned, and ob. 1700 ; bur. St. Giles's. In the print with Dubois, 4to. Is. 2') 12 Cooke, Jacob, M.D. 8vo. Is. - R- White 2513 Cooke, Capt. John, R.N. 8vo.6d. - Fittler 25:4 Cooke, Sir Samuel, lord mayor of Dublin, 1741, fob 5s. Latham — Fabcr 2515 Cooke, Wm. author of Conversation, &c. 8vo. 6d. Pope 78 Evans's catalogue of portraits. 2516 Cooke, Wm. D,D. dean of Ely, and provost of King's coll. Canab. ; rector of Stoke Newington ; ob. 1797 } 8vo. Is. J. Mills 2517 • — 3-qrs. sitting in his chair, 4to. 2s. - Harding 2518 Cooke, Miss, (now Mrs. W. West) actress, 8vo. 6d. various. 2519 Cookes, Sir Thomas, founder of Worcester coll. 4to. Is. 6d. 2520 Cooper, Sir Astley, celebrated surgeon, nat. at Brooke, co. l{ Norfolk, 1768 5 res. Gadesbridge, Herts 3 8vo. 6d. ' 2521 - — fol. India proof, 5s. - Rubidge — Alais 2522 Cooper, Edward, printseller, of Bedford-street, fol. scarce, 5s. - - - Pelhain, 1724 2523 Cooper, Joseph, painter, aet. 51, 1733. In a cap, etching, * Given May 20, 1766, by Mr. Joseph Cooper, to Mr. Tho- mas C private plate, rare, 8vo. 1/. Is. 2524 Cooper, Priscilla, h. 1. holding a vase, 4to. 2s. 6d. Smith 2525 — with black boy offering print, fol 3s. Z/e/y^W.Faithorne 2526 Cooper, R, engraver and painter, 8vo. Is. Robinson — Cooper 2527 — in oval frame, cap and gown, fol. mez. 3s. G. Schroider 2528 Cooper, Samuel, painter, termed 'Vandyke in Little,' ne- phew and pupil of Hoskins, ob. 1672, aet. 62, 4to. Is. Ipse — Chambars 2529 Cooper, T. American Novelist, fol. 3s. Proof, 5s. Meyer 2530 Cooper, Mr. modern actor, various, 8vo. 6d. Proof Is. 2531 — w. 1. as Cleveland, 4to. Is. 6d. Col. 2s. Sharpe — Cooper 2532 Cooper, Rev. Wm. aet. 20, 4to. Is. 6d. Marshali—'^cotX. 2533 — 4to. 2s. 6d. - - JT^swc-oc/^— Heath 2534 Coote, Lieut. -gen. Sir Eyre, ob. 1780, 8vo. 6d. variety. 2535 Coote, Sir E. jun. his son, Lieut. -gen. 1827, 8vo. 6d. 2536 Cope, Henry, M.D. of Ireland, 8vo. Is. 2537 Cope, Rev. J. of Bridport, Dorsetshire, 8vo. Is. Woodman 2538 Copeland, Miss, (now Mrs. Fitzwilliam) actress, Svo. 6d. Rroof Is. — 4to. Is. 6d. Col. 2s. JValdeck — Cooper 2539 Copland, Robert, printer, from the rare wood-cut to The Bye-waye to the Spittell-house, 8vo. 6d. 2540 Copley, Catherine Purcell, Lady, wife of Sir G. fol. 3s. /JTwe/Zer— Smith, 1697 2541 Copley, Elinor, her dau. 1707, fol. 3s. Ibid.—\\i\A. 3542 Coram, Capt. Thomas, founder of the Foundling, ob. 1751, Svo. 6d. various. S543 — w. 1. pointing to a child in a basket, Svo. with autograph. Is. - - - Nebott — Prescott 2544 — w. 1. sitting, from picture there, sh. 5s. Hogarth — Nutter 2545 — from the same, h. 1. fol. 3s. - M'Ardell 2546 — ditto, with vignette of the hospital, Svo. 6d, 4to. Is. 2547 Corbet, Miles, pari. -col. ; of Lincoln's-inn ; M.P. Yarmouth ; clerk of court of wards ; commissary in Ireland, and prin- cipal sequestrator ; basely betrayed in Holland 5 executed at Tyburn, 1662 ; his quarters placed on the city gates, and his head on London bridge. From Col. Dowdeswell's rare print, Svo. 6d, Evans's catalogue op portraits. 79 2548 Corl)ett, Richard, poet, &c. nat. Ewell, 1583 j educated Westm. and Broadgate-hall, Oxf. ; estates at Wliitton, Midd. ; preb. Bedminster, Wilts ; bishop of Oxford and Norwich ; ob. 1635. From picture in Christ church coll^ Oxf. 4to. Is. . • C. Jansen — Harding 2549 — from the same picture, 8vo. Is. Ibid. — Romney 2550 — ditto, French paper proof , 4to, Is. 6d. Ibid. — Ibid. 2551 — ditto, fiiie India paper proof , royal 4to. 2s. Ibid. — Ibid. 2552 Corbett, AVm. musician, ob. 1748, 4to. 2s. Vanloo 2553 Corbetta, Francesco, celebrated guitar player, [vide Gram- mont] 4to. Is. 2554 Corbyn, Mrs. ob. 1790, 4to. Is. - Reading 2555 Corder, Wm. murderer, of co. Suffolk, w. 1. as he appeared in Bury gaol, 4to. Is. Coloured, Is. 6d. 2556 Corelli, Arcangelo, celebrated performer and composer, va- rious, 8vo. 6d. each. — S\o.Jine,ls.QA. Desrochers 2557 — 4to. 2s. Howard — Gucht. — fol. mez. 3s. 2558 — ditto, very fine, 5s. - H. Howard— Smith 2559 Cork, Richard Bovle, 1st Earl, lord high treasurer of Irel. .• J nat. Canterbury,'l566 ; of Bennet coll. Camb. ; of Middle /(> tl-^**" Temple ; estates co. Sussex ; ob. 1643. From picture at Chatsvvorth, in a rich dress, liat with jewels, 4to. Is. 2560 Cork and Orrery, John Boyle, Earl, and eminent literat. j nat. 1706; educated Westminster and Christ church, Ox- ford ; res, Britwell, Berks, and Marston, Som. j ob. 1762 ; 8vo. Is. 2561 Cork and Orrery, Anne Courtenay, Countess, wife of Edm^ Earl, of Marston, Som, ob. 1785,*fo, Ss.Hartiilton — Watson 2563 Cornaro Family, containing 9 persons kneeling at an altar, from the Duke of Northumberland's celebrated picture by Titian, 4to. 2s. - - Slierlock 2563 Cornish, Henry, alderman and sheriff, executed 1685, for conspiring with Lord Russell, against Charles H, 8vo. 6d. 2564 Cornwall, Right hon. Cliarles Wolfran, speaker, 8vo. 6d. 2565 Cornwall, Sir George, of Bennington, Hereford, fol. Is. 6d. Holbein — Dallon 2566 — from the same, fol. 4s. - - Bartoloz/i 2567 Cornwallis, Charles, Lord, M.P. Eye, Suff. and lieut, of co. ; joint post. master ; pay-master of forces ; ob. 1722. In Kit-Kat Club, fol. 2s. - Kneller—Faher 2568 Cornwallis, Chas. Marquis, nat. 1738 ; of Eton and John's coll. Camb. ; M. P. Eye ; governor of Tower ; gov. gen. of India ; K. G. ; lord-l'ieut. Ireland ; ob. 1805 ; variety of, 8vo. 6d. each. — 8vo. Is. Hamilton—B^rtohzzi 2569 — 4to, profile, Is. Stow. — fol. 3s. Proof 5s. Copley- Smith. — large 4to. 2s. Proof, 3s. i>eviA'— Bartolozzi 2570 — from same, with autograph, 8vo. Is. India proof ,2s. Free-' man. — w. 1. in uniform, sheet, 5s, Gardner— ioiies 2571 Cornwallis, Jemima Jones, his Countess, ob, 1779, 8vo. Is. 2572 —sitting, fol. 3s. - Itepiolds— Watson 70 Evans's catalogue of portraits. / 2573 Cornwallis, Frederick, Abp. of Canterbury, 8vo. 6d. 2574 — 3-qrs, sitting, fol. 5s. - Dance — Fisher 2575 Cornwallis, Jas. Bishop of Lichfield and Coventry, 8vo. 6d. 2576 Cornwallis, Louisa Gordon, Marchioness, 1807, 8vo. 6d. Proof, Is. - - . - Bell 2577 Cornwallis, Hon. W. adm. 8vo. 6d. Proof, 4to. Is. Ridley 2578 Corrie, Rev. Daniel, sketched from life, 1816, Svo. 6d. 2579 Coryate, Tiiomas, eccentric traveller and literat. nat. Od- combe, Soin. 1577 ; educated at Westminster and Glouc- hall, Oxf. ; ob. Surat, 1617. Oval, from title to his Cru- dities, 8vo. 6d. - - Richardson 2560 — w. 1. with a Venetian courtezan, 8vo. la. 2581 Cosimo, N. musician in Engl. 1703, fol. 3s. Kneller — Smith ^ 2583 Cosin, John, Bp. of Durham ; nat. Norw. 1594 ; of Caius coll. Camb. ; arch-deacon of York ; dean Peterborough ; sequestrated by H. of Commons ; ob. 1672 ; Svo. 2s. DoUe 2583 Cosmo IIL Prince of Tuscany, vis. England, 1669, fol. 3s. 2584 Costard, George, philosophical divine, nat. at Shrewsbury, 1710 J of Wadliam coll. Oxf.; curate of Islip ; vicar of Whitchurch, Dorset ; vicar Twickenham ; ob. 1782 ; Svo. Is. - - - - Barnet 2585 Coster, De, Buonaparte's guide at Waterloo, Svo. 6d. 2586 Cosway, Richard, late eminent artist, Svo. 6d. various. 2587 — in cloak, with hat and feathers, w.l, 4to. 2s. 6d. //;* —.d:\iio, finely coloured, Z%. - Ibid.— Ih'iA. BVANS'S CATALOGUE OF PORTRAITS. 81 2604 Cotton, Sir Charles, bait admiral, 8vo. 6cl. . Page 2605 — in uniform, large fol. 5s. - Ramsay — Meyer 2606 Cotton, Sir John Hynde, M.P. co. Camb. ; head of the To- ries ; recorder of Chester ; ob. 1752. From picture at Madingley, 4to. Is. 2607 Cotton, Nathaniel, INI. D. and poet, nat. 1707 ; kept asylum at Alban'sj ob. 1788. From Captain Cotton's drawing, 8vo. Is. . - . Worthingtou 2608 — ditto, French paper proof , 4to. Is. 6d. Ibid. — Ibid. 2600 — ditto, fine India paper proof, royal 4to. 2s. Ibid. — Ibid. 2610 Cotton-Bruce, Sir Robert, founder of the Cottonian Library, nat. Dinton, Hunts, 1570 ; of Trinity coll. Carab. ; res. Halley, Camb. ; ob. Westminster, 1631. Fol. front, to Bibl. Cott. 3s. - C. Johnson— R. White 2611 — h. 1. hand on a Greek MS. M.fine, 4s. Vertue 2612 — from same picture, 8vo. Is. 2613 Cotton, Sir Robert, of Combermere, co. Cheshire, ob. 1712, y^'^y-^ aet. 77. Fol. fme proof, rare, 11. Is. Gibson — Smith * 2614 Cotton, Sir Robert Salusbury, of Combermere, CO. Cheshire, ^ /, ^ *'^^'' ob. 1748, fol. vert/ scarce, but stained, 5s. Murrai/ — ^Vliite 2615 Cotton, Rev. Thomas, nat. Workley, Yorks. 1653 ; educ. Rotherham, Manchester, and Natland, co. ^\'estm. ; chapl. to Lady Houghton ; minister Liverpool ; Hoxton, Midd. ; Ware, Herts ; and Giles's in the Fields j ob. Hampstead, 1730; 8vo. 6d. - - . Roffe 2616 Coulson, Thomas, M.P. Totness, ob. 1613, ^tat. 68, foL 7-;. 6d. - - - Kneller — Smith 2617 Coulthurst, Henry Wm. vicar of Halifax, India proof, fol. 3s. - _ - - JVestobrj, 1817— Fry 2618 Couplet, Francis, Chinese missionary and Jesuit. From the picture at Windsor, vv. 1. fol. 3s. Ditto, proof. 5s. Kneller, 1687— Faber 2619 Conrayer, Peter Francis, D.D. of Oxford univ. nat. Rouen, 16^1 ; res. Ealing ; ob. Westm. 1776 ; bur Al)bey clois- ters ; 8vo. Is. - Hamilton — Mrs. Gulston 2620 Courcy, R. de, chapl. to Lord Kinsale, 1770, fol. 3s. Spilsbury 2621 Courtenay, John, jun. mus. comp. Svo. Is, Tonelli — Chapman 2622 Courtney, Abp. of Canterbury, in his monument, 4to. Is. 2623 Courtup, Geo. singer and mus. 4to. Js. Allison — Scott 2624 Constos, John, imprisoned for Free Masonrv in inquisition, 1745, 8vo. 6d. Proof Is. 2625 Couts, John, prov. Edinb. ob. 1761, fol. 3s. Ramsay — Ardell 2626 Coutts, Thomas, eminent banker, 4to. Ss.^Beechei/ — Scriven 2627 Coverdale, M. bj). Exeter, 8vo. Is. - Trotter 2626 Coventry, Thos. Lord, just. Cora. Pleas, and lord-keeper, nat. Croome, co. Wore. 1578 ; of Balliol coll. Oxf. and Inner Temple ; recorder of city ; attorney and sol. gen. to Charles L ; ob. at Durham. house, 1639 ; 8^o. 6d. 2629 — in Noble Authors, 8vo. Is. — 4to. scarce, 10s. Droeshout 2630 — fol. 2s. Do. large paper, 3.«(. - Houbraken PartVL Price 6d. « 93 KVAXS'S CATALOGUE «)F PORTRAITS. 2631 Coventry, Henry, loyalist, of All Souls' coll. Oxf. ; grorom' of bed-chamber to Charles II. ; ambassador to Sweden and Breda ; secretary of state ; ob. in Haymarket, 1686, aet. 68. From picture at Longleate, 4to. Is. Harding 2632 Coventry, Sir Wm. his brother, secretary to Duke of York I , and Admiralty; M.P, for Yarmouth ; com. of treasury ; fM^\^ *^^ retired to Minster Lovel, Oxford; on. Somer-hill, 16S0, aetat. 60. From picture at Longleate, 4to. Is. Harding 2633 Coventry, Sir John, whose treatment caused ' The Coventry act ;' iVI.P. in Long Parliament for Weymouth ; endowed an hospital at Wiveliscombe,- Somerset. From the collec- tion at Longleate, 4to. Is. - Harding 2634 Coventry, Maria Gunning, Countess, of Croome, Wore. ob. 17G0, 8vo. 6d. various. ' — fol. from Bcynolds, 3s. 263.5 — as Hibernia, SVo. 6d. — fol. 3s. 'Uolard-—Homion 2636 — fol. 2-^. Cote.i~SN-A\d. — holding a rose, 3-qrs. fol. 2s. 2637 —fol. 2s. Houston. — 4to. Is, - Cotes 2635 Coventry, Birbara St. John, Countess, 1764, Svo. 6d. 2039 Couasjee, with an account of the mode of forming a new nose from the skin of his forehead, bv Carpue, fol. 2s. 2640 Cowley, Abraliam, poet, nat. Fleet-street, 1618 ; educated Westminster and Trin. coll. Camb. ; res. Deptford, Barn- Ehns, and Chertsey ; ob. 1667 ; Svo. various, 6d. 2G41 — Svo. Is. -' - Mary ^P«/e— Godfrey 2642 — front, to his Works, fol. 2s. 6i. - Faithorne 2643 — in the set of Poets, fol. 2s. - Vertue 2644 — w. 1. sitting, in his pastoral character, 4to. Is. Sir P. Le/y— Sherlock 2645 -^ from picture of R. Clarke's, set. 20, fol. proof, 5s. Basire 2646 ~ from picture in Trinity coUege-liall, Cambridge, 8\o. Is. Tllurston~-^Y orih.msXon 2647 — ditto, French paper proof, 4to. Is. 6d. /Aiof.— Ibid. 2648 — ditto, y?rte India paper proof , royal 4to. 2-!. Ibid. — Ibid. 2649 Cowley, Anna, dramatist, Svo. 6d.' Ridley and HoU 2650 — ditto, in large hat, Svo. 6d. 2651 — ditto, Comedy unveiling to, from Stothard, Svo. 6d. 2652 Cowley, Miss, daughter of canvas merchant, h. 1. 4to. p. p. 2s. ' - - - - Tomkins 2653 Cowper, AVm. Earl, MP. Hertford ; vise. C. of Fordwich, Kent ; recorder of Chichester ; lord chancellor and high- steward for trial of rebel lords ; ob. 1723 ; Svo. 6d. 2654 — large fol. 5s. — fol. mez. 3s. - Kneller—^m\i\\ 2655 — 4to. mez. scarce, Ss. 2656 Cowper, George Nassau Clavering, Earl, ob. 1789, Svo. scarce 5s. - _ . Mansfeld 2657 Cowper, P.L. F. C. Earl, vise. Fordwich, h. 1. in his robes, Svo. 6d. . - - Blood 2658 Cowper, Amelia, his Countess, daughter \^isc. Melbourne, Svo. 6d. KVANS'S CATALOGUE OF PORTRAITS. 8tt 2659 Cowper, Wm. poet, nat. Berkliainstead, Herts, 1731 ; ediic. Westminster- of Temple 3 in i)r. Cottons asylum at St. Albans ; res, Huntingdon, and Olney, Bucks ; ob. 1800 ; bur. at Dereham church, Norfolk, various, Bvo. 6d. 2660 — from picture of Earl Cowper's, 8vo. Is. Jackson — Raddon 2661 — ■ A'liio, French paper proof, ^iio. Is. 6d. - Ifjid. — Il)id, 2662 — (Wiio, fine India paper proof, roval 4to. Is. Jbld. — -Ibid. 2663 — 4to. 2s, Sir T. Lau:rence~W^xto\oz7X — 4to. 2s. Ronineij — Blake 2664 — tomb of, in East Dereham church, 4to. Is. Ibid. 2665 Cowper, Mrs. his mother, 4to. 2s. - Hems — Ibid. 2666 Cowper, AVm. celebr. surgeon, ob. 1710, M. fine, 5s. Smith 2667 Cox, Lieut.-col. Bloomsbury and Inns of Court volunteers, fol. 3s. Proof, 5s, - Hounsou — Bartolozzi 2668 Cox, Billy, juvenile depredator, hung at Tyburn, 1773, for burglarv in Oxford-street, 8vo. 6d. 2669 Cox,^Miss, fol, mez, 3s. - Sayer, 1772 2670 Cox, Richard, nat, VVhaddon, Bucks, 1499 ; educ, at King's coll, Camb. and Cardinal coll, Oxf. 3 master of Eton coll. ; preb. Sutton, Line. ; dean of Oxney ; canon of Windsor ; dean of Westminster ; com. to Marshalsea ; nominated bishop of Southwell and Norwich ; bishop Ely ; contested with Lord North for Somersham, Hunts, and Dovvnham- park, and retained them to his see ; ob. 1581. From the picture at Trinity-hall, 4to. Is. - Clamp 2671 Coxe, Peter, auctioneer, front, to Social Day, 8vo. Is. 6d. Robertson — Scriveu 2672 Coxe, Rev. AVm. traveller and literat. 8vo. 6d. 2673 Coyte, AVm. rector of Burgholt, Suffolk, 8vo. p. p. 2s. 6d. 2674 Crab, Roger, of Chesham, and Ickenham, Midd. lived on three farthings a week, ob. 1C80 ; bur. at Stepney 5 w. 1. Svo. Is. 2675 Crabbe, late Rev. Geo. poet, rat. Aldborough, Suff. Svo. 6d. 2676 Cracherode, Clayton Mordaunt, the collector, Svo. 2s. Cooper 2677 Cradock, Samuel, nonconformist, of Emanuel coll. Camb. ; living of Cadbury, co. Som. ; ejected ; pastor at Bishop Stortford, Herts ; ob. 1706, set. 85 ; bur. \A^ickham Brook, Suff. ; Svo. 6d. — 4to. 2s. 6d. - R.White 2678 Cradock, Lieut.-gen. Sir John, [now Lord Howden,] Svo. 6d. . - . . Nicholls 2679 — 4to. Is. Proof, Is. 6d. Sir T. Lawrence—GoAhy 2680 Cradock, Theod. his lady, w. 1. fol.2s.6d. Gmv/'a//— Frcsclii 2681 Craggs, Jas. post-master general, of Holbeck, co. Durham ; M.P. for Grampound ; com. to Tower by House of Com- mons ; ob. 1721 3 bur, Charlton 3 4to. is. Zi«c/^ — Knight 2683 — fol. 3s. - - - Kne/ier—Vevtue 2683 Craggs, Jas. his son, secretary of state, educated Chelsea ; envoy to Hanover and Turin 5 ob. 1721 3 bur. Westminster abbey 5 4to. Is. - - KncUer — Knight 2684 — fol.' 3s. - - - /ii(/.— Vertue r. 2 84 KVAXk's CATALOGUS of P0RTHAIT8. 2635 Craig, Sir Thos. of Ricaitoun, jurisc. ob. 1625, fol. scarce, fine impressinn, 10s, 6fl - . Vertue 2686 Craig, Hon.W. comm. of justiciary, fol. 4s. Skirv'mg — Dawe 2687 Cramer, Francois, mus. fol. proof, 5s. fVat ts— -G'lhhon 2688 Cramer, J, B. muslciaH, 4to. Is. 6d. India proof, 2s. 6d. W. Sharp, ad vivum, lithog. 2689 Cramer, Wm. music composer, 4to. Is, 6d. Proof, 2s, 6d. Hardy, del. et sc. 2690 Cranch, John, painter and literal, of Bath, nat. 1751, ob. 1821, 4to. Is. Proof, 2s, J. T. Smith, del. et sc 2691 Crane, Sir Franc, of Stoke park, Northampt. chanc. of Gar- ter, commenced tapestry manufacture at Alortlake, 4to. 2s. 2692 Cranmer, Charles, porter and model to the Royal Academy, 8vo. 6d. 2693 Cranmer, Thomas, nat. at Aslacton, Notts. 1489 ; of Jesus coll. Camb. ; archd. of Taunton; abp. of Canterbury} pronounced Henry's divorce at Dunstable ; committed to Tower ; burned at Oxford, 1555 ; 8vo. 6d. variety. 2694 — front, to Strype's Memorials, 4to. 2s. 6d. R. White 2695 ■ — from the same picture, 4to. 2s. 6d. - Vertue 2696 - — from the same, 4to. Is. Cartwright. — 4to. Is. Hondius 2697 — from Roll's Reformers, 4to. Is. 6d. - Houston 2698 — in Heroologia, 4to. 3s. Pass. — fol. Is. /-'': IFerf—Gximt 2699 Crathern, Rev. W. B. of Dedham, Essex, India proof, 8vo. Is. - - - - - Freeman 2700 Craven, Wm. Earl, lieut. co. Midd. and Soulhwark ; cust. rot. Berks ; steward Cambr. univ. ; governor of Charter- house ; marr. Eliz. Queen of Bohemia ; ob. 1697. jet. 88 j bur. Binley, Warw. In armour, 4to. 2s. 2701 ■ — an impression from the orig, very rare equestrian por- trait, 8 verses, large 4to. 2s. 2702 — in Lodge, 4to. 2s. India proof, 3s. Honthorst — Cooper 2703 - — ditto, India proof before any letters, 5s. /^if/.— Ibid, 2704 Craven, Wm. Lord, Baron of Hampslead Marshall, Berks, ob. 1739, fol. 2s. - - Z>«A/— Faber 2705 Craven, Louisa, Countess of, (form. Miss Brnnlon of Covent Garden theatre,) of Coomb, Warw. and Ashdown, Berks, 8vo. Is. Stump — Bourlier. — ditto, 8vo. 6d. Kenzie 2706 Crawford, John, of Sunderland, sailor, who nailed the flag to the mast head of the Venerable, 1797, 4to. Is. Orme 2707 Crawford, Mrs. actress, as Mariamne, 8vo. 6d. Proof Is. 2108 Crawford, Sally, actress, of Sadler's Wells, fol. scarce, 5s. 2709 Crawfurd, John Lindsey, Earl, ob. 1749, 4to. 3s. Worlidge 2710 Creech, Rev. Thomas, poet and translator, nat. co. Dorset, 1659 ; of Wadham coll. Oxf. ; living of Welwyn, Herts ; ob. by suicide, 1700 ; 8vo. Is. 2711 Creighton, Jack, the fool of Althorpe, 4lo. 2s. Harding, 1799 2712 Creniorne, Thomas Dawson, Lord, res. Chelsea and Ireland, ob. 1813, 4lo. Is. - Sir T. Laivrence—C. Knight 3713 — d\lio, proof before letters , 2s,. • - /W(/.— Ibid, Evans's catalogue of roBTRAirs. 85 2714 Crespigny, Mrs. 1S04, 8vo. 6d. - Smith—mdley 2715 Creswell,' Mad. procuress, temp. C. II. 4to. 2s. Tenipesta 2716 Crew, Sir Randolph, J. K. B. ob. 1642, fol. 10.. 6(1. Hollar 2717 Crew, Nathaniel, nat. Stean, Northampt. 1633 ; of Line. coll. Oxf. ; dean of Chichester ; bp. Oxford and Durham } ob. 1721 ; 4to. Is. Proof, 2s. 2718 — holding a coronet, as Baron C. fol. 3s. Kneller — Faber 27 J9 Crewe, tlie Misses, Svo. 6d. Sir J. /^ey«o/67 Davis, John, keeper of Baguigge-wells, 1792, 4to. p. p. 4s. A^ C/fJ^c 1^ Scouler~~^Q.Q\X 2968 Davis, Mary, w. 1. a child, 4to. p. p. 2s. - Plater 2969 Davis, Mrs. Mary, of Laughall, Cheshire, 1668. Profile, with horns growing on her head, 8vo. 6d. 2970 Davis, Miss, from Grammont, 8vo. 6d. - Scriven 2971 - — from Marquis of Buckingham's min. 8vo. Is. Bocqnet 2972 Davis, Morgan, of Beaufort Arms, Petty France, Giouc. •^^■^ 1790, 4to. p. p. 5s. - JF. 7/fly— Chapman 2973 Davis, Rev. Richard, of Devonport, 8vo. India proof , Is. 2974 Davis, Richard, celeb, jockey, 1826, 8vo. Is. - Roberts 2975 Davison, Alexander, Esq. of Swarland-park, Nortlmnib. and St. James's-square ; ob. at Brighton, 1829, aet. 79 ; sheet, 5s, _ . . Abbott — Barnard 2976 Davison, Mrs. eminent actress, when Miss Duncan, various, 8\o. 6d. 2977 — as Letitia Hardy, 4to. Is. Proof, .2s. Barber — Cardon 2978 — as Juliana, 4to 2s. 6d. - Rnmans—^\Q?,c\\i 2979 — as Maria,in Citizen, w.l.8vo 6d. Pr. Is. //^i/f/e— Cardon 2980^ — fol. 3s. Ditto,y?«e;;rt>9/; 5s. Harlow — Turner 2f!81 Davy, Sir Humphrev, late eminent philosopher, 8vo. 6d. var. 2982 — ■ 4to. Is. Ditto, 7w(/mproo/, Is. 6d. PKiU'ips—Yxs 2983 — sitting at a table, large fol. 5s. Hoicard — Reynolds 2984 — w ith autograph, 8vo. Is. Ind. pr. 2s. Lonsdale — Thomson 2965 Dawes, Sir VV'm. nat. Lyons, Essex, 1671 ; educ. Merchant / Taylors', and John's coll. Oxf. ; master of Catherine hall, >-i-^W Camb. ; annexed preb. of Norwich to it ; preb. Wore. ; dean of Bocking j bp. Chester 5 abp. of York ; ob. 1724 ; 8vo. Is. 6d. - - Cl.ostertnan — Grihelin 2986 — fol. 3s. Murray — Vertue. — 3-qrs. sifting, fol. 3s, Gucht 2987 — 8vo. Is. Vertue. — wood-cut, 8vo 6d. 2988 Dawkins, Lieut.-gen. Henry, of Coldstream Guards, Svo. 6d. Proof, Is. - - - Hep wood 2989 Dawkins, Miss Salethea, fol. niez. 8s. - Toer— Stee 2960 Dawson, Daniel, poisoner of horses, Cambridge, 4to Is. 2991 Dawson, Nancy, dancer, ob. 1767, 4to. Is. Watson 2992 — ditto, vv. 1. fol. mez. 2s. . 2993 Day, John, eminent early printer, nat. at Dunwich, Snff. ob. 1584, 8vo. 6d. — wood-cut, in old title page, 4to. 2s. 2994 Day, Thomas, author of Sandford and Merton, &c. nat. at "Wfllclose square, 1748 ; cduc. Stoke Newington, Charter- house, and Corpus coll. Oxf. ; of Middle Temple ; selected a female at Shrewsbury Foundling hospital ; res. with her at Lichfield ; killed at Anningsley, Surrey, 1789 ; bur. Wargrave, Berks, ; 810. 6d. Proof Is. - J. Conde 2995 — fine India proof from //'rig/it oi Derby, 4to. 2s. 6d. Meyer 2996 Day, Mr. at Brighton, 4to. Is. • Dighton ^ Evans's catalogue of portraits. 2997 Dav, Sir John, advocate gen. in Bengal, 1780, 4to. 2s. 6d. P timer — Card on 2998 Dayes, Edward, artist, and draughtsman to the Duchess of York, published Excursions in Derbyshire and Yorkshire, ob. bv suicide in Francis-street, Bedford-square, 1804, 4to. Is. - - - - . .Holl 2999 Dean, S. Member of Amer. Congress, 8vo. 6d. DuSimitiere 3000 Death, Mr. T. comedian, 1788, 8vo. 6(1. S lierratt—Covwev 3001 De Begnis, Signor, w. 1. in character, 4to. Is. Cooper 30!!2 De Camp, Miss, (now Mrs. C. Kemble), var. 8\o. 6d. each. 3003 — 4to. fine. Is. Proof, 2s. Do. col. 3s. Paye—W. Paye 3004 — as Urania, 4to. Is. - /eaw— Vendramini 3005 — ditto, proof, 2s. F'mefi/ cototired, 3s. Ibid. — Ibid. 3006 as Foible, w. 1. 8vo. 6d. Proof Is. Roherts~'V\\om%o\\ 3007 — as Catherine, w. 1. 8vo. 6i). Proof Is. /^i/(/>^/«t''/;om— Bradel .3054 — as a man, in railitai-y uniform, the companion, fol. Is. 6d. 98 Evans's catalogue of portbaits. 3055 Derby, Thomas, 1st Earl, of Derby, co. Lane. ; justice of Chester ; captured Berwick ; com. to Tower by Richard HI. ; constable of England, and K. G. ; joined Richmond at Bosworth, and crowned him on the field; marr. Margaret, mother of Henry VII. ; ob. 1504; bur. Burscough priory. Lane. From picture at Knowsley, 4to. Is. H. R. Cooke 3056 Derby, George Stanley, Lord, his son, detained as hostage bv Richard III. [vide Shakspeare] commanded at Stoke, Notts. 1487 ; K. G. ; ob. 1497, at Derby-house, London, now College of Arms ; bur, at Garlick-hithe. From the picture at Knowsley, 4to. Is. - H. R. Cooke 3057 Derby, Edw.3rd Earl, his son, nat. 1486; attended Henry Vlll. at Boulogne, and conducted A. Boleyn from Green- wich ; K. G. at the Tower ; exchanged Derby-house, for Knowsley estate ; lord-lieut. Lane. ; chamb. of Chester ; ob. Latham-house, 1574. From the picture at Knowsley, 4to. Is. - - - H. R. Cooke 3058 — from an original drawing, 4to. Is. 6d. Holbehi 305U Derby, Henry Stanley, 4th Earl, K. G. 1574 ; lord high steward of England ; ob. 1592 ; bur. at Ormskirk. From the picture at Knowsley, 4to. Is. - H. R. Cooke 3060 Derby, Ferdinando Stanley, Earl, poet, &c. ob. 1594, bur. Ormskirk. From picture at Knowsley, 4to. Is. Stow 3061 Derby, Jas. Stanley, Earl, eminent loyalist, exec, at Bolton, 1651, 8vo. 6d. various. 3062 — from Clarendon, 8vo. Is. - - Gucht 3063 — in set of Loyalists, 8vo. Is. - Vertue 3084 Derby, Charlotte Tremouille, his Countess, defended Latham- house against Fairfax ; retired to Isle of Man, [v, Peveril of the Peak,] ob. 1663. From picture at Strawberry-hill, 4to. Is. - - - Nugent 3065 — from Earl of Derby's picture, 4to. 2s. India proof, 3s. Vandiihe — Dean 3066 Derby, Charles Stanley, Earl, ob. 1672. In Noble Authors, 4to. Is. 3067 — in armour, large oval, with his titles, fine and rare, lOs. 6d. - - - Blooteling 3088 — in his robes, fol. scarce, lOs. 6d. - Lely — Ibid. 3069 Derby, James, Earl of, ob. 1736. With his titles, viz. Lord Strange. Baron Weston, vise. Kinton, Lord Mohun, lord- lieut. Lane, chamb. Chester, Lord of Isle of Man, &c. fol. etching, 3s. - - Winstanley — Gucht 3070 — in robes, lace neckcloth, fol. 2s. 6d. /6iW.— Pelham 3071 Derby, E. S. S. present Earl, 8vo. 6d. H. R. Cooke 3072 — large fol. 3.qrs. 5s. - Gainsborough — Keating 3073 Derby, Eliz. Hamilton, Countess, 1780, 4to. Is. 6d. Stubbs 3074 Derby, Eliz. Farren, his 2nd Countess, 8vo. Is. Lawrence 3075 — w. I.' from the same, sheet, 5s. 3076 — ditto, from a drawing by Downman, for the scenery at Richmond-house, 4to. Is. 6d. - Collyer KVAN8 S CATALOGUE OF POHTBAITS. 97 3077 Derham, Rev. Win. celebrated naturalist, nat. Sloughton, Wore. 1657 ; of Trinity coll. Oxf. ; vicar of Wargrave, Berks ; rect. Upminster, Essex ; ob. 1735 ; 8vo. 6d. Baker 3078 Dermodv, Thomas, the poet, nat. Ireland, 1775 5 ob. Sy- denham, 1803 ; 8vo. 6d. Proof, Is. 3079 Derrick, Samuel, master of ceremonies Bath and Tunbiidge, nat. Irehmd, 1724 ; ob. 1769 ; 8vo. Is. 3080 Dervorgilla, Lady Balliol, in Set of Founders, 4to. Is. 6d. 3081 Derwentwater, James, Earl, exec. 1716, 4to. Is. 3083 Desaguliers, J. T. de, F.R.S. experimental philosopher, nat. Rochelle, 1683 ; of Christ coll. Oxf. ; living of Stanmore, Midd. and one in Norfolk ; exchanged for one in Essex ; ob. Bedford coffee-house, 1744, set. 66 ; bur. Savoy ; fol. fine, 3s. - - Hysing—VeW^^va. 3083 — from the same picture, 8vo. 6d. Proof, Is. Tookey 3084 Desborough, John, pari, general, brother in law to Cromwell ; major-general co. Glouc. Wilts, Dorset, Somerset, Devon, and Cornwall ; chancellor of Irel. On horseback, copy of rare print by Stent, 8vo. Is. - Claussin 3085 Descartes, R. philos. vis. England temp. Charles I.ob.l650, 8vo. 6d. 4to. Is. 3086 Descazeaux, Chevalier Michael de, the French poet, 8vo. 6d. 3087 — from drawing taken in Fleet prison, 1747, iii a Tur- kish dress, arms, 6 verses, 4to. rare and curious, 2s. C. Bancks — Beauvais 3088 Desenfans, Noel, collector of the pictures at Dulwich, ob. 1807. From picture at Dulwich, by Northcote, 8vo. 6d. 3089 Deshaves, and D'Egville, in ballet, \v. l.'s fol. 3«. Cardon 3090 Desmond, Cath. Fitzgerald, Countess of, ob. 1626, set. 163, having lived in 10 reigns. 4to. Is. - Aliamet 3091 — from family picture at Kerry, fol. 2s. Grogau 3093 Despencer, Francis, Lord, of Wycombe, Bucks, ob. 1781. Wlien Sir F. D. fol. p. p. 4s. " Carpenter— '^?^\>^x 3093 — w. 1. as a monk at devotions, wine, fruit, and a Venus before him, from the curious picture by Hogarth, fol. 5s. 3094 Dethick, John, of West Newton, Norfolk, nat. 1567 ; ob. 1651 ; 4to. 3s. 6d. - - Lombart 3095 — copy of ditto, 4to. Is. . - W. Poole 3096 De Valangin, Dr. 8vo. 6(1. - - Abbott 3097 De Veil, Sir Thos. Justice for Midd. Essex, Sussex, Herts, Westm. &c. ob. 1746, fol. 3s. De la Co«r— Kyley 3098 Devereux, Gen. Ind. proof 4to. 2s. 6d. Hargrcavcs — Smith 3099 Devis, Anthony, proof before any letters, p. p. 4to. 3s. 3100 Devon, Edward Courtney, Earl of, nat. 1526 ; impris. in Tower 16 years, and at Fotheringhay ; supposed favourite of Queen Mary ; ob. Padua, 1556; 8vo. 6d. 3101 — 3qr8. 4 verses, from the picture at Woburn, 4to. Is. Sir A. More — Cham bars 3103 — from the same, 4to. 3s. India proof 'Us. Freeman 3103 — in Ijcti, 8vo. Is. — in Lodge, fol. 5s. - Ibid. Part VII. Price 6d. h 99 Evans's catalogue of portraits. 3104 Devon, Chas. Blount, Earl of, and Baron Mountjoy ; lieut. Ireland ; K.G. ; married Penelope, widow of Robert, Lord Ricli, at Wanstead, 1605 ; ob. 1606. Oval, ' are to be sold by Henry Balam, in Lombard-street,' 4to. Is. 3105 Devonshire, Wni. Cavendish, 1st Earl, M.P. for Newport, Cornwall ; sheriff co. Derby, 1597 ; baron of Cavendish ; K. B. ; ob. 1625. From picture at Hardwick, 4to.ls. India proof, 2s. - - Reading 8106 Devonshire, Wm. Cavendish, 3rd Earl. From a'drawing of Edward Stanley's, Esq. 4to. Is. Proof, 2s. Reading 3107 Devonshire, Mary, 1st Duchess, from picture at Hardwick, 4to. 4s. - - - Wagstaff 3108 Devon, Eliz. Cecily Countess, ob. 1689, fol. 3-qrs. holding a flower, 2s. - - Vandyke — Lombart 3109 — from the same, 4to. 23. India proof, 3s. Ibid. — Wright 3110 Devonshire, Wm. Cavendish, Duke, and Marquis Harlington, one of the noblemen who planned the Revolution at Whit- tington ; M.P. for Derby j K.G. 5 lord high steward ; ob. 1707 ; 4to. scarce, 5s. . - Gribelin 3111 — 3-qrs. in armour, fol. scarce, 10s. 6d, Kneller — Beckett 3112 — in Noble Authors, from the same, 8vo. Is. 3113 Devonshire, Wm. Duke of, ob. 1729, at. 67, 8vo. Is. 3114 Devonshire, Rachel Russell, Duchess, sister Lord Russell, wife of W. C. 2nd Duke, nat, 1674; ob. 1725. From the picture at Petvvorth, 4to. Is. - E. Harding 3115 Devonshire, \\'m. Cavendish, Duke of, ob. 1755. In Kit Kat Clul), fol. 23. - - A'«e//^r— Faber 3116 — w. 1. in his robes, sheet, 5s. JVorsdale — Brooks 3117 Devonshire, Georgiana, the celebrated Duchess, ob. ISOd, 8vo. 6d. A'arious. — 3-qrs. sitting, 4to. Is. Watson 3118 — larjie 4to. 3s. hid'ia proof Z%. Gainsborough — Meyer 3119 — holding a letter, 4to. Is. - - Sherwin 3120 — from picture at Althorp, 4to. 5s. Reynolds — Freeman 3J21 — in a large hat, holding a flower, 4to. Is. Sherwin 3122 — with her dau. Lady Cavendish, fol. 2s. Reynolds — Paul 3123 • — w. 1. as Cynthia, sheet, 6s. - Cosway — Ward 3124 — \v. 1. large fol. 5s. - Gainsborough — Barney 3125 Devonshire, Wra. Cavendish, Duke, ob. 1811, 8vo. Is. Reynolds — Scriven 3126 — with his Duchess, 1775, 2 ovals on one plate, 8vo. Is. 3127 Devonshire, Eliz. Foster, Duchess, dau. of Earl of Bristol, ob. at Rome, 1824, aet. 70. When Lady Eliz. F. 4to. 2s. Downman — C. W^atson 3128 Devoto, John, ' Historicus Scenicusq. Pictor.' Holding an archit. drawing, fol. 3s. - Daynini — Faber, 173S 3129 Dewell, W. hung 1740, and recovered, 8vo. 6d. Proof 4to. Is. 3130 Dibdin, Cliarles, senior, literat. nat. Southampton, 1748 j of Sans Souci, Leic. -square ; and music seller. Strand ; ob. Camden-town 5 Svo. 6d. . - Ridley 3131 — 4to. Is. Proof 2s. • A'e«w%— Smith Evans's catalogub op portraits. 99 3133 DIbdin, Charles, his son, 6vo. 6d. ProoJ, Is. Thomson 3133 — fol. 3s. ProoJ, 5s. - Phillips— Yonng 3134 Dibdin, Thos. lit. 8vo. 6d. Proof, Is. Drummnnd — Meyer 3135 —fol. 3s. Proof, 6s. - - Ow^ra— Young 3136 Dibdin, Mrs. 4to. Is. Proof, 23. Kcarsleij~-^m\\.\\ 3137 Dick, Sir John, bart. w. 1. p. p. fol. 5s. - 'ioinkins 3138 Dickinson, Dicky, of Scarborough Spaw, 8vo. 6d. Proof, Is. 3139 — vv. 1. sitting, with monkey, &c. 4to. mez. 23. 3140 Dickinson, J. member of Amer. Congress, and lit. 8vo. 6d. 3141 Dickinson, Wm. of Jesus coll. Camb. ; ob. 1832. Front, to his History of Southwell, 4to. Is. Sherlock — Holl 3142 Dickons, Mrs. the celebrated singer, 8vo. 6d. various. 3143 Dickson, Wm. nat. 1745 ; educ. Eton ; bishop of Down ; friend of l^ox, andob. at his house, Arlington-street, 1804 ; 4to. Is. Heath. — 4to. Is. 6d. - Dance — Daniell 8144 Didelot, Madame Rose, French actress, vv. 1, sheet, 43. 3145 Diep, Count, [alias Bradley], an eccentric character of Slioe- lane, w. 1. 4to. Is. 3146 Diepenbeke, Abraham, painter, much employed by Marq. of Newcastle at Wei beck, 4to. Is, 3147 Diest, Adrian Van, painter, employed by Earl of Bath ; ob. 1704 ; bur. Martin's in the Fields. In the plate with Le Pipre, 4to. Is. - - Bannerman 3148 Digby, Sir Kenelm, nat. Gothurst, Bucks, 1603 ; of Glouc- hall,' Oxf. } knighted at Hinchinbroke ,- governor of Trin.- house ; res. at Covent Garden ; ob. 1665 ; bur. at Christ church, Newgate-street ; 8vo. 6d. 3149 — 4to. Is, India proof, 2s. Vandyke — Reading 3150 — large 4to. 2s. 6d. - - randyke 3151 — fol. 2s. Ditto, large paper, 3s. Vandyke — Houbraken 3152 — from picture at Althorp, 4to. 5s. C. Junscn — Fittler 3153 — from a picture in Bodleian Gallery, 4to.^ 2s. Prof, 3s. Tuindyke — Cooper 3154 Digby, Lady \'enetia, his wife, nat, 1600 ; of Tonge, Salop ; celebrated for her charms, and her husband's cares to pre- serve them ; found dead in her bed, 1633. From a beau- tiful min, by /. Oliver, at Strawberry-hill, 4to. Is. Birrell 3155 — bust, from her mon. in Christ church, 4to. Is. Basire 3156 Digby, Wm. Lord, Baron of Geashill, Ireland, ob. 1752, set. 92, fol. scarce, 5s. - - Taylor — Faber 3157 Digges, Sir Dudley, master of the Rolls ; M.P. for Kent ; ob. 1639 ; bur. at Chilham, Kent, where he founded an annual foot-race ; 4to. Is. - C. Jansen—CA^mp 8138 — ditto, 8v'o, Is. - - Harding— Cooke 3159 Dighton, R, portrait painter and drawing master, Svo, 6d. 3160 Dignam, David Brown, and Geo. Barrington, w, 1. in fetters, Svo, Is, 3161 Dignum, Charles, late popular singer and actor, Svo, 6d. 8162 — as Tom Tug, Svo, 6d. Proof, Is, PVilde— Bond 3163 Dilkes, Maj.-gen. W, J. Svo. 6d. Pr. Is, fVoodford— Cook H 2 100 KVANs'b CATALOGUE OF PORTRAITS. 3164 Dillenius, John James, eminent naturalist ; bot. professor t/Vv"^ ■' of Oxf. univ. ; res. Elthani, and Barking-alley ; ob. 1747. From picture at Oxford, Svo, Is. - James Heath 3165 Dillon, Henrietta, Viscountess, widow of H. 13th vise. Svo. Is. - - Mce — Thomson 3166 — A\iio, fine India paper proof, ioX.^s. Ibid. — Ibid. 3167 Dillon, Jtev. R. C. 4to. 2>. 6d. - Taylor, 1827 3168 Dihvortli, Thomas, eminent schoolmaster, Svo. 6d. 3169 Dimond, \Vm. of Bath, comedian and literal. Svo. 6d. 3170 Dimond, W. Wyatt.'dramatist, Svo. 6d. 7i?Q\^ 3206*— from Forster's Gallery, fol. 5s. Proof, 7s. 6d, 3207 Donaldson, Humphry, 1804, fol. irroof, 5s. 3208 Donaldson, John, idiot, attender of funerals at Edinburgh, [see Guy Mannering], whole length, Svo. 6d. 3209 Donne, John, nat. Lond. 1573 ; of Trinity coll. Camb. ; res. Mitcham and Drury-house ; lecturer Lincoln's inn; dean of St. Paul's ; ob. 1631. From Rev. Dr. Barrett's })icture, Svo. Is. - - - Ciint — Duncan 3210 — ditto, French paper 'proof 4to. Is. 6d. lbid.—\\i\A. 3211 — ditto fine India paper proof yo\-d\ 4to. 2s. Ibid. — Ibid. 3212 — in title-page to his Sermons, fol. 3s. Mcrian,inv. 3213 — his monument in old St. Paul's, fol, 2s. 6d. Hollar 103 Evans's catalogue of portraits. 8214 Donegal, the Dowager Marchioness of, 8vo. 6d. 8215 Donegal, the Marquis, 1808, Bvo. 6d. Proof, Is. 8216 Donlvin, Genera), whole length. 4to. Is. - Dighton 3317 Donlittle, Rev. Thomas, nat. Kidderminster, Wore. 1630; of Pembroke-Iiall, Camb. ; res. at Woodford, Wimbledon, and Battersea ; kept academy at Islington ; minister of Alphage, Lend. ; expelled 1663 ; pastor of Monkwell-st. ; ob. 1707 ; 8vo. 6d. — ditto, verses, 8vo. Is. White 3218 Dorchester, Dudley Carleton, Viscount, ob. 1632, 8vo. 6d. 8219 — in Clarend.Svo. Is. — in Noble Authors, 8vo. Is. Rivers 3220 — ' constanter et patienter,' 4to. 5s. Mireveldt — Delff 3221 Dorchester, Henry Pierpoint, Marquis of, 8vo. Is, 8233 Dorchester. Catherine Sedley, Countess, ob. at Bath, 1717. When Mrs. S. 4to. 2s. ' . fFiss'ing — Williams 3323 — 3 qrs. fol. scarce, 10s. 6d. - Xe/^—Tompson 3234' — 3-qrs. sitting, fol. very fine, 7s. 6d. Kneller — Smith 3235 — copv of the preceding rare print, 4to. Is. 3326 Dore, Peter, Richmond herald, ob. 1781, fol. rare, 5?. G. N. 8227 Dorigny, Sir Nicholas, artist, employed by Queen Anne, to engrave the Cartoons, 8vo. 6d. — ditto, with Winstanley, 4to. Is, 3238 Dorislaus, Isaac, nat, Holland ; L.L.D. of Oxford univ. ; and prof. ; judge advocate of pari, army, and their envoy to the Hague, where he was assass. 1649 ; 6vo. 6d. 3329 Dormer, John, Gen. wounded at attack on Preston, 1715, ob. 1741. In Kit Kat Club, fol. 8s. KneUer—Y^h^t 8230 Dorrington, Theoph. rector of Wittersham, Kent, ob. 1716, 8vo. Is. 6d. - - - Bouttats 8231 Dorset, the Lady Marchioness, temp. Henry VIII. fol. beau- tifully tinted after the orig. by Holbein, fol, 5s. Bartolozzi 3232 Dorset, T. Sackville, Lord Buckhurst, and Earl, statesman and poet, lord liigh treas, ; chanc. Oxf. univ. ; K.G. ; ob. 1608. From picture at Knole, 8vo. Is. Thurston — Warren 3233 — ditto, French paper proof, 4.\.o. ls,"6d. Ibid. — Ibid. 3234 — A\X,x.o,fine India paper proof, royal 4to. 3s. Ibid. — Ibid. 3335 — from the same, fol. 2s. Vertuc. — ditto, 8vo. 6d. 3336 — from ditto, 4to. 3s. India proof, 3s. - 'Wright 8237 Dorset, Richard Sackville, Earl of, ob. 1634. When Lord Buckhurst. Copy of rare print, 6 verses, ' Sould by John Hind,' 4to. Is. 3338 Dorset, Edward Sackville, Earl, com. in Bohemia ; ambas- sador to France ; lord chamberlain to Charles I. ; com. at Edgehill, and recovered the royal standard ; ob. 1653 ; 8vo. 6d. 3339 — 4to.ls. Dunkarton. — in Noble Authors, 8\o. Is. Bocquet 8240 — in Birch's Lives, fol. 3s, L. p. Ss, Fundyke — Vertue 8341 — in Clarendon, 8vo. Is. Gucht. — small oval by Hollar, 3s. Copy, 6d. S242 — with Ph'iiip Earl of Pembroke, 2 ovals from Faithorne, 4to. Is. EVANS'SJ CATALOGUK OF PORTRAITS. 103 8243 Dorset, Charles Sackville, Earl of, statesman and poet, &c. " finest gentleman of the Court," [Orford] ; lord.lieut. of Sussex ; Earl of Middlesex, and Baron Cranfield ; K.G. ; conducted Princess Anne to Derbyshire, 16S8 ; ob. 1707 j 8vo. 6d. 8344 — from the picture at Knole, 8vo. Is. Kneller — Rhodes 3245 — ditto, French paper proof , 4to. Is. 6d. Ih'id. — Ibid. 3246 — 6iiio,Jine India paper proof, royal 4to. 23. Ibid. — Ibid. 8247 — 4to. Is. Kneller — Clamp. — in Noble Authors, Svo. Is. 3248 — in Grammont, Svo. Is. Scriven. — Svo. l';. GucKt 3249 — in Kit Kat Club, fol. 2s. . Kneller— V&btx 8250 — fol. 3s. Simon. ~ fol. oval, 3s. - Smith 3251 Dorset, Mary Compton, his 2tid Countess, daughter Earl of Northampt. ; lady of berl-chamber to Queen Mary ; ob. 1691 ; whole length", fo'. 2<. - /v'«e//er— Williams 3252 — 3 qrs. in her robes, fol. 3s. • Ihid. — Faber 8253 Dorset, Lionel Sackville, Duke of. Earl of Midd. ; Baron of Buckhurst ; constable of Dover ; warden of the Cinque Ports } steward of Stratford, Warwick ; cust. rot. co. Kent ; K.G. ; lord-lieut. Ireland ; ob. 1763 ; Svo. 6d. 8254 — nearly whole length, in his robes of the Garter, fol. 4s. Kneller — Vertue 3255 — ditto, with collar of the Garter, and white wand, fol.yfwe, 5s. _ _ - _ Jbid. — Ibid. 3256 — when Lord Buckhurst, w. 1. with his sister Mary, aftw. Duchess of Beaufort, fol. 3s. - Kneller~^m\l\i 3257 — in Kit Kat Club, fol. 2s. . Ibid.— F&her 3258 —fol. oval, 3s. - - /^if/.— M'Ardell 3259 Dorset, Geo. S. F. Dukeof,ambas3. to Paris, ob. 1799, Svo. Is. - . Ozlas Humphrey— fiwv^Xtion 3260 — fol. 3s. - - Reynolds—^. Reynolds 3261 Douall, Mc. Alex. Lord of Court of Session, ob. 1760, 4to. 3s. - - - - - Worlidge 3262 Douce, Francis, M.D. ob. 1760, oval, fol. 3s. M'Ardell 3263 Douglas, Sir Andrew Snape, It.N. Svo. 6d. 3264 Douglas, Sir Charles, admiral, w. 1. sheet, 5s. .Tones, 1791 3265 Douglas, Hon. Georjje, Capt. R.N. w. 1. sitting on deck, with a spear, sheet, 5s. - - Say, 1810 3266 Douglas, Jas. 'prince d'Ecosse,' from his tomb. fol. Is. 6d. Scotin 3267 Douglas, John, nat. Scotland, 1721 ; of Balliol coll. Oxf. ; curate of Tilehurst, Berks ; and Dunstan, Oxf. ; held do- native of Uppington, Salop ; canon of Windsor and St. Paul's ; bishop Carlisle and Salisb. ; ob. 1807 ; Svo. 6d. 3268 — as registrar of the Garter, fol. 5s. Beecheif — Ward 3269 Douglas, Sir John, 1800, Svo. Is. Pollock—OvmQ 3270 Douglas, Lady, from mon. in Savoy, Svo. 6d. Adam 3271 Douglas, Lady Margaret, Countess, mother of Lord Darnley, from Lord Carteret's picture at Hawties, 4to. Is. Rivers 3272 Douthwaite, T. poet, of Holborn, 1775, Svo. Is. Record, tt^c. X |04 iVANS's CATALOGUE OF PORTRAITS. 3273 Dove, J. chairman of Master Taylors', and Hebrew scholar, ob. 1112, fol. 3s. - - £/mes— Watson 3274 Dovor, G. J. W. Agar Ellis, Baron, M.P. Heytesbury ; res. Rochampton, and Mendip, co. Soin. j ob. 1833 j 8vo, Is. India proof, 2s. - - Hayter — Scriven 3275 Dovor, Georgiana, Baroness, 8vo. Is. Jackson — Tliomson 8376 Dovvars, Rev. Wm. V.D.M. 1777, 8vo. Is. Humphrey, From a drawing by Harding. 3277 Downe, Henry Pleydell, Viscount, ob. 1760, of wound re- ceived at battle of Campen, 8vo. 6d, 3278 — in uniform, fol. 3s. • Rei/nokk— Fisher 3279 Downie, Sir John, in Spanish service, 1812, 8vo. 6d. 32 >0 Downing, G. barrist. at law, nat. Lond. 1762 ; educ. Paul's school ; and Stanmore ; articled at Nayland, Suff. ; 8vo. 6d. Proo/,ls 3281 Downman, Captain Hugh, R.N. 8vo. 6d. 32S2 Downman, Hugh, M.D. and literat. nat. near Exeter, 1740; of Ballioi coll. Oxf.; ob. 1809 ; 4to. profile etching, Is. 3283 — Jine India proof, 4to. 3s. . Downman — Fittler 3284 Dowton, Wni. comedian, nat. Exeter, 8vo. 6d. Proof, Is. 8285 — as Dr. Cantwell, 4to. Is. Fr. Is. 6d. Col. 2s. Cooper 3286 Doyle, Lieut. -general Sir John, 3-qrs. in uniform, sheet, fine proof, 6s. - - - Ramsay — Say 8287 Doyle, Don Carlos, in Spanish service, 1812, 8vo. 6d. 8288 Doyle, Major-general, Sir Cliarles William, Svo. with auto- graph. Is. India proof, 2s. - Carpenter — Meyer 8289 D'Oyly, John, Esq. large fol. 5s. Abbott— Green 3290 Drake, Sir Francis, the celebrated navigator and admiral, nat. CO. Devon, 1545 ; ob. in West Indies, 1596 ; 8vo. 6d. great variety. 8291 ■ — in Heroologia, 4to. 3s. Pass. — 8vo. Is. Romney 3292 - — from Marquis Lothian's picture, 4to. 2s. India proof, 3s. Freeman. — fol. 2s. - R. White 8293 — 4 Latin verses, arms, 4to. 2s. 6d. — 4to. 2s. De Leu 8294 — fol. 23. Ditto, Large, paper, 3s. - Honbraken 3295 — 3-qrs. globe at window, large M.fine and rare, 7s. 6d. 8296 Drake, Francis, M.D. hist, of York, ob. 1770, 4to. 2s. Stow 3297 — York cath. in back ground, fol. 3s. N. Drake — Green 8298 — in Richardson's Topographers, 4to. Is. Pr. 2s. Rothwell 3299 Drake, James, M.D. and political writer, nat. Camb. 1667; of Caius college ; ob. Westminster, 1707 ; Svo. Is. Gucht 8300 Drake, Nathan, M.D. literat. Svo. 6d. 3301 Drake, Samuel, preb. of York and Southwell, of .John's coll. Camb. ; at siege of Pontefract ; ob. 1673 ; 4to. Is. Birrell 8302 Drake, Wm. vicar of Isleworth, ob. 1801, 4to. 2s. Proof, 3s. - ■= - - Bromley 3303 Drakenberg, Christian Jacobsen, Norwegian seaman, eetat. 139, 1765. With long beard, 8vo. 6d. 3304 Draper, Sir Wm. of Eton, and King's coll. Camb. ; opponent of Junius, ob. at Bath, 178T, 8v'o. 6d. Evans's catalogue of portraits. 105 3306 Draper, \Vm. of Besvvick, co. of York, fox-hunter, Svo. Is. C. Fkii/ips—Fiiher 3306 — from the same, fol. 5s. - Ibid. — Ibid. 3307 Draper, Miss, from Court Beauties, 1776, Svo. 6d. 3308 Drawwater, John, Gr. M. of Constitutional Sols, fol. 3s. Poo/e—Vyoit 8309 Drayton, Michael, the chorographical poet of En<>land, nat. Harshall, Warwick ; of Oxford univ. j ob. 1631 j bur. at Westminster al)bey ; Svo. 6d. 3310 — from a picture at Dulwich college, 4to. Is. Clamp 3311 — from the same, Svo. Is. . - Green — Robinson 3312 — ditto, French paper proof , 4to. Is. 6d. Ibid. — Ibid. 3313 — ditto,/}«e India paper proof, royal 4to. 23. Ibid. — Ibid. 3314 — crowned with laurel, 4 Latin lines, 4to. Is. 8315 — ditto, the original print, 4to. 4s. Hole 8316 — copy of the preceding, Svo. Is. Proof, Is. 6d. 8317 Drelincourt, Rev. Charles. Svo. Is. 831S Drummond, A. consul Aleppo, ob. 1769, fol. 3s. MUller 3319 Drummond, Annabella, Queen of Robert III. Scotl. 4to. Is. 3320 Drummond, George, lord provost of Edinb. Svo. 6d. Kenzie 3321 Drummond, James, ob. 1799, set. 8, 4to. Is. Orme, 1806 3322 Drummond, Robert, nat. London, 1711 ; educated at West- minster, and Christ ch. Oxf. ; rector Bothall, Northumb. ; preb. Westminster ; bishop Asaph, and Salisbury ; abp. York y ob. 1766. In his robes, as chanc. Garter, fol. 3s. Reynolds — Watson 3323 Drummond, Robert and Thomas, sons of Abp. York, w. l.'s sheet, 5s. - - - JVest, 1768— Green 3324 Drummond, Wm. of Hawthornden, poet, ob. 1649, 4to. Is. 3325 — from Capt. Drummond's min. Svo. Is. Uwins — Smith 3326 — ditto, French paper proof , 4to. Is. 6d. //if/.— Ibid, 3327 — (^\tio, fine India paper proof, royal 4to. 2s. Ibid. — Ibid, 3328 — fol. 3s. Proof, 5s. - ' C. /ow.9ew— Finlayson 3329 Drury, Miss Eliz. ob. 1610, aet. 15, w. 1. lying down, 4to. Is. - - - Ralph — Basire 3330 Dryander, J. botanist, 4to. Is. 6d. Dance — Daniell 3331 — "profile, sitting, crayon drawing, 4to. 3s. Contencin 3332 Dryden, John, the eminent poet, nat. Aldwincle, Northampt. 1631 ; educated at Westminster, and King's coll. Camb. ; poet laureat, and historiograplier to Chas. II. ; ob. 1700 j bur. at Westminster abbey ; Svo. 6d. variety. 3333 — from Sir Walter Scott's picture, Svo. Is. 'Utvins — Smith 3334 — ditto, French paper proof , 4to. Is. 6d. Ibid.— \hu\. 3335 — ditto, /i«e India paper proof, royal 4to. 2s. Ibid. — Ibid. 8336 — fol. 3s. - - - A'«('//<'r— Chereau 3337 — copy of Chereau's print, 4to. Is. - Yates 3338 — from the same, fol. 3s. - - Edelinck 3339 — ditto, fol. 3s. - - - Coignard 3340 — in Set of Poets, fol. 3s. Vertue. — fol. 23. G. White 3341 — Svo. Is. Vertue. — Svo. Is. Sievier 106 Evans's catalogue of portraits. 3342 Diybiirgh, H. Lord of, from Earl Buchan's picture, 4to. Is. 3343 Diil)ois, Edward, esq, private plate, 4to. proof, 5s. 3344 Dn Bois, Simon, portrait painter, ob. 1708 ; bur. Giles's in tiie Fii Ids. In tlie |)late witli H. Cooke, 4to. Is. Bannerman 334 > f)nl)ordieu, Jolm Arniand, minister of Savoy, fol. 5s. Pelham 3346 D'lcarel, Andrew Coltee, nat. Normandy, 1713; educated Eton, and Jolm's coll Oxf. ; ollicial of Katherine's, Tower, and Crinterbnrv ; sub. dean Terring, Sussex ; librarian at LanibetU; ob. 1785 ; 4to. Is. Proo/, 2s. So/(/i—Rothwell 3347 — 4!:o. Is, Soldi — l^rescott. — from sauie, 4to. 2s, Perry 3348 Dncbc, J. cliaplain to the Asylum, 8vo. 6d. Proof, Is. Pelham — Clarke 3349 Diicie. Frances, Lady, of Woodchestor, Glouc. 8vo. Is. In- dia proof, fo!. 2s. - K'lrkbij — Thomson, 1825 3350 Duck, Stej)hen, tliiesher and poet, had living of Bylleet, Snneyj drowned near Reading, 1756 3 Svo. 6d. Pr>of, 4t,o. Is, 3351 — sitting, writing, 4to. 2>. 6d. - Bickhara 3352 Duckworth, Sir John Thomas, vice admiral, Svo. 6d. 3353 Da Cios, Marianne, actress, nat. 1665, Svo.^ne, Is. Pinssio 3334 Dudley, J. ob. 1580, [v. Lysons' Tottenham], 4to. Is. Miles 3355 Duff. Captain George, R.N. 8vo. 6d. 3356 Diigdale, Kich. impostor, of Surey, Lane, 1697, Svo. 6d. 3357 Dugdale, Sir Wm. antiquary, nat, Shustoke, Warw, 1605; ot Seawall, Staff.; purchased Blythe-hall ; Rougecroix j at battle of Edgehijl ; surrendered at Oxford ; Chester he- rald, and Garter king at arms ; ob. 1686, From a picture "in tiie Bodleian Gallery, 4to. Is, - Birrell 3358 — 3-qrs. sitting in la. hat, arms, &c. 4to. 3s. Hollar, del.etsc, 3359 — copy of print by Hollar, 4to. Is. Proof, Is. 6d. Rothwell 3360 Dumesnil, Miss, celebrated Frencli actress, Svo. 6d. 3361 Duncan, A. M.D. 1778, Svo. 6d, Ditto, Is. //4>,y^— Trotter 3362 Duncan, Adam, Lord Viscount, admiral, ob. 1804, variety of, Svo. 6d. each. 3363 — 4to. Is. . - Co/)%— Ridley 3364 — w. 1. sitting on a gun, sheet, 5s, Danlou,v — Smith 3365 — vv. 1. in uniform, sheet, 5s. - Orme — Turner 3386 — w, 1. in uniform, sheet, 4s. Proof, 6s. Hoppner — Ibid. 3367 — 3qrs. hand on cannon, large fol. 5s. Copley — Earlora 3368 — from same, with autograph, Svo. Is, Andrews 3369 — d\tto, India proof , 2s. - - Ibid, 3370 Duncan, Governor, fol. p. p. 5s. Masquerier — Ward 3371 Duncan, John, min. of Scotch ch. Peter-street, Svo. Is. 3372 Duncannon, Henrietta Frances Spencer, Viscountess, [aftw. Countess Bessborough], ob. 1S21, Svo. 6d. 3373 — w. 1. sitting, fol. 2s. Proof 3s. Css. Spencer — Bartolozzi 3374 — from Scenery at Richm. -house, 4to. 2s. Downman — Ibid. ,3375 Dunch, Edmund, master of the household to Anne and Geo, 1.3 M.P. for Cricklade, Boroughbridge, and Wallingford ; ob. 1719. In Kit Kat Club, fol, 2s. /r«l. Proof, 4to. Is. 3396 Dunstan, St. nat. Glastonbury, 925 ; bishop of Wore, and Lond. ; abp. Cant. ; ob. 988. From picture in Lambeth Palace, 4to. Is. 3397 Dunster, Samuel, nat. co. Som. ; preb. of Sarum ; translator of Horace, 1719 ; 8vo. Is. - - Gucht 3398 Dunton, J. min. of Aston Clinton, ob. 1676, 5s. V. Hove 3399 Dn Pan, Jas. Mallet, polit. writer, fol. 3s. i^ioawrf— Heath 3400 Dupin, Mons. pres. Cliamber of Deputies, vis. England, 8vo. 6d. India proof 4to. 2s. 3401 Duppa, Brian, learned prelate, nat. Lewisham, 1590; educ. Westm. and Christ church, Oxford ; bishop of Chichester, Salisbury, and Winchester ; founded alms-house at Rich. mond, and endowed it with lands at Shepperton ; founded one at Pembridge, Herts ; ob. 1662 ; 8vo. 2s. R. White 3402 ■ — enlarged copy of i)receding, 4to. Is. Proof 2s. Reading 3403 Duppa, Rev. J, W. 3-qrs. sitting, 4to. private plate, 5s fVag eman — Woolnoth 3404 Dupuis, Mus. D. O.xon, organist to George III. 4to. 2s.' Itusscll—C. Turner 3405 Durcll, Capt. ' who took the Princesi ship of war,' 4to. 2s. 108 EVAN«*» CATAI.OGUB OF POBTHAITS. 8406 Durer, Albert, the father of, 4to. 5s. A. Durer—WoWax 3407 Durfey, Thomas, poet, nat. Exeter ; res. Kiiole ; fought a duel at Epsom ; ob. 1723 5 bur. James's, Westm. From the picture at Knoie, 8vo. Is. - Thurston — Pye 3408 — ditto, French paper proof , 4to. Is. 6d. Jbld. — Ibid. 3409 — ditto,y?«i<7~— Bannerman 3754 Fakonar, Maria and Mairiet, 4to. Is. (Josicai/ — Scott 3755 Falcoubcrg, I'hos. Belasyse, Vise. ob. 1053^ '^lo. 3s. Mascal Evans's catalogue of portraits. Il9 3756 Falconberg, Thomas Belasyse, Vise. lord-Heut. of co. Ebor, and Durham ; ambass. to Italy for Charles II. ; com. to Tower ; ob. 1700 ; 4to. 2s. " - R. White 8757 Falconberc;, Mary, his Countess, dau. of O. Cromwell ; ob. 1712 3 SVo. 6d. . - - King 3758 Falconet, Mrs. as Lucinda, fol. 3s. Falconet — Watson 3759 Falkland, Lucius Cary, Vise. nat. Burford, Oxf. 1610 ; of Trinity coll. Dublin, and .John's coll. Camb. ; M.P. foi- Newport, Isle of Wight ; sec. to Charles I. > at siege of Glouc. 3 killed at Newbury, 1643; various, 8vo. 6d. each. 3760 — in Noble Authors, 8vo. Is. — 4to. Is. Janscn — Turner 3761 — in Clarendon, 8vo. Is. - - Gucht 3762 — in Loyalists, Svo. Is, - Vertue 3763 Falkland, Lettice, his lady, of co. Leic. ob. 1646 setat. 36. Copy of rare print by Marshall, Gvo. 6d. 3764 — 4to. Is, - ' - Jansen — C. Turner 3765 — the original print, ]3mo. 5s. - Marshall 3766 Falkland, Henry Cary, Viscount, nat. Aldenhara, Herts ; of Exeter coll. Oxf. ; lord deputy, Ireland j held Great Tew j ob. 1633 ; Svo. Is. 3767 Falkner, Wm. divine and literal, of Lynn, Norfolk, 1684, 4to. 2s. 6d, . - . Sturt 3768 Falmouth, Hugh, Vise. nat. 1678 ; M.P. Truro ; warden of Stannaries ; vice-treas. Ireland ; ob. 1734, From picture at Badminton, 4to. Is. 3769 Fanning, Edmund, Lieut, governor of Nova Scotia, 8vo. 6d. Proof, Is. - - Goddnrd — Reading 3770 Fanshavv, Sir Richard, statesman and poet, nat. AVare-park, Herts, 1607 ; of Jesus coll. Cambr. ; taken prisoner at Worcester; M.P. Cambr, univ. ; ambassador to Madrid, and ob. there, 1666 ; 4to. Is. Sir P. Lcly — E. Harding 3771 — front, to his Funeral Sermon, 4to. scarce, 5s, Faithorne 3772 — copy of the preceding, Svo. Is. - Clint — Pye 3773 — ditto, French paper proof, 4to. Is. 6d. - Ibid. — Ibid. 3774 — ditto, /?««Hce— Daniell 3793 Fastolfe, Sir John, brave soldier under Henry V. ; nat. Yar- mouth, 1377 j defeated Dunois at Orleans j benefactor to Camb. and Oxf. univ. ; estates co. Norfolk, Suffolk, York. shire, Wiltshire, and Southwark ; ob. 1459, set. 82. From Oxford Almanack, 4to. Is. - - Clamp 3794 Faucit, Mrs, actress, various, Svo. 6d. each. Proof, Is. 3795 Faulkner, Robert, Captain R.N. Svo. 6d. 3796 Faulkner, Thomas, historian of Chelsea, Kensington, and Fulham ; nat. Fulham ; res. at Chelsea, ; 4to. 2s. India proof, 3s. - Holmes, ad vivum, lithog. 8797 Faulkner, W. E. chaplain to Lord Falkland, and lecturer of St. Giles's ; min. ofEly cliapel 5 4to. 2s. fVilthew — Fittler 3798 Faustina, S. celeb. Ital. singer, Svo. Is. Grignion. Do. 6d. 3799 Fawcett, John, D.D. of co. Ebor. Svo. 6d. Freeman 3^00 — 4to. 3s. 6d. - - //«rtfer— Godby 3801 Fawcett, John, actor, variety, Svo. 6d. each. Proof Is. 3802 — in character, viz. Thornberry, Roughhead, Whimsiculo, Touchstone, &c. Svo. 6d. Proof, Is. each. 3803 Fau'cett, Gen. Sir \\\ nat. Shipdcnhall, Yorks. 1728 ; cduc. CO. Lane. ; K.B. ; governor of Chelsea hospital 3 ob. 1804 ; large fol. 5s. - Sir J. Reynolds — Ward 3804 Fawkes, Walter, of Farnley-hall, Ebor. 5 ob. 1825; with autograph, 4to.3.qrs. sitting, p. p. 5s. JVugeman — Woolnoth 3805 Fearon, Mr. actor, as Captain Driver, 4to Is. Gardiner 3806 Featherstone, Cuthbert, ob. 1651, ffit. 78, From his mon. in St. Dunstan's church, Fleet-strcet, Svo. Is. Rodd 8807 Featley, D. chapl. to Chas. \. nat. Charlton, Oxf. 1583 ; of Corpus Christi 5 rect. Northill, Cornw. Lambeth, Allhal- lows, and Acton ; prov. Chelsea coll. ; ob. 1645 ; 4to. ls.6d. 3808 — holding a book, 6 verses, 4to. 3s, . Marshall 3609 — lying in his shroud, 4to. 2s. 6d, - Hollar 3810 Featley, John, chaplain to Charles I. small head, in title to his Fountain of Tears, 1646, scarce, 3s. 3811 Fector, Wm. Esq. of Dover, 1789, Svo, 6d. 3812 ■ — ditto, small oval, proof, 4to. private plate, 2s. 6d. Heath 3813 Feinagle, Gregory, author of System of Memory, Svo. 6d. 3814 Fell, John, divine and literat. nat. Longworth, Berks ; dean of Christ church ; vice chancellor of Oxf. univ. ;' preb. of Chichester ; master of Oswald's hosp. Wore. ; bishop of Oxf, ; ob. 1686, get. QL From picture by Lcly, Svo. la. Evans's catalogue of portraits. 121 3815 Fellowes, Rev. RoI)eit, chaplain to late Queen, 8vo. Is. 3816 Fenhoulet, Ann J>ay, Lady, 1762. When Miss D. white bonnet, hands in muff, Svo. Is. Sh- J. Reynokh — Purcell 3817 — from the same picture, fol. 3s. - Ibid. — Ibid. (. 3818 Fenncr, W. puritan divine, of Sedgelev, Staff, and rector of ■-, v^i . w Rochford, Essex ; jet. 40, 1640 ; 12rno. Is. 6d. ^ ^^'"' ^ 3819 — with verses, 4to. 5s. Hollar. ■ — 8vo. 2s. - Ibid. 3820 Fenton, Elijah, poet, nat. Shelton, Staff. ; of Jesus coll. ,^ Cambr. ; usher at Headley, Surrey ; schoolmaster at Se- venoaks ; ob. Easthauipsted, Berks, 1730. From an orig. ^ff^'ir. picture of Thomas Fenton's, Esq. 8vo. Is. JVarren — Cooke 3821 — ditto, French paper proof , 4to. Is. 6d. Ibid. — Ibid. 3822 — ditto, fine India paper proof , royal 4to. 2s. Ibid. — Ibid. 3823 — from Earl of Uxbridgc's picture, 4to. Is. Cooke 3821 Fenton, Lavinia, actress, afterwards Duchess of Bolton, fol. 3s. - - - . Faber 3825 — as a shepherdess, with crook, 3-qrs. fol. 3s. Tinney 3826 — 4to. Is. - - //o^'-«/-M— Apostool 3827 Fenton, Richard, historian of Pembrokeshire, ol). 1821, 4to. Is. 6d. - - /Foor//tfrrf— VVoolnoth 3828 Fentum, Jonathan, mus. 8vo. Is. Proof, Is. 6d. From a miniature by Shelley. CoUyer 3829 Fenwick, Sir J. exec, for treason, 1697, Svo. 6d. Proof Is. 3830 Fenwick, and Pack, Captains, w. 1. 4to. Is. Dighton 3831 Ferdinand, Duke of Brunswick Lunenl)urg, Svo. 6ti. Pine — Dickinson 3832 Ferdinand I. Emperor of Cermany, successor to Charles V. K.G. ; ob. 1564. Solemn obsc(piy for him at St. Paul's, 4to. Is. — Svo. Is. - Soutman — Sornique 3833 — large fol. 5s. . - - Soutmau 3834 Ferdinand H. Grand Duke of Tuscany, vis. England, ob. 1670, 4to. Is. 3835 Ferdinand VII. King of Spain and Maria Isidore, Svo. 6d. 3836 Fergus, Kings of Scotland, various. 3837 Ferguson, Adam, 4to. Is. Sir J. Reynolds — Beugo 3838 — from the same, Svo. 6d. — 4to. 3s. - Lane 3839 Ferguson, James, astronomer, ob. 1776, Svo. Is. 3840 — in a cap, fol. 3s. Proof 5s. Northcote — Hayward 3841 — hand on a globe, fol. 3s. Fine proof , 5s. Stewart 3842 Ferguson, James, Esq. M.P. for Aberdeen, fol. private plate, 5s. - - Bcechey~VJM(\, 1818 3843 Ferguson, J. wine-merchant, &c. at Bath, Svo. p. p. 2s. 6d. 3844 Ferguson, Sir Ronald, general, Svo. 6d. Proof, Is. ,3845 — fol. me/. 3s. Proof, 5s. - . Ward 384() Fergusson, Robert, poet, Svo. 6d. - Birrell 3847 Fermor, Arabella, [vide Rape of the Lock.] From Mr. Fermor's ])icturc at Tusmore, Oxford, 4to. Is, C. Knight 3845 Forrar, Nicholas, ob. 1637, 4to. Is. Johnson — Tomkins 3849 F.'rrers, Laurence Shirley, Earl, Viscount Tamworth ; of Clhartlcy, Staff, and Stanton, Leic. ; exec. 1760, Svo. 6d. 123 Evans's catalogue of portraits. 3850 Ferrers, Earl, continued: — view of his execution at Ty- burn, oblong 4to. etching, rare and curious, 2s. 6cl. 3851 — with view of his execution, 8vo. Is. A. Walker 3852 Feversliani, Lewis Duras, Earl, comm. at Sedgeraoor ; con- fined at \\'indsor ; ob. 1710. From Beckett, Svo, Is. 3853 — the orig. print, ioi.Jine and rare, lOs. 6d. Riley — Beckett 3854 Fevre, Claude le, painter, vis. England. In the print with John Hayles, who ob. 1679, 4to. Is. Chambars 3855 Fiddes, Richard, nat. Hunmanby, Yorks. 1671 ; educated at AVickham, and Corpus Christi ; rector of Halsham ; ob. at Putney, J 725 3 fol. 3s. Vertue. — 4to. 2:s. Pigne 3856 Fidel 1, Thomas, of * Furni vails Inn, attorney of Court of Com'on Bench,' aged 56, 4to. 3s. - Cross 3857 Field, Nathaniel, actor, temp. Shakspeare, Svo. Is. Gardiner 3858 Fielder, Thomas, fruit broker, set. 66, fol. 3s. V. Green 3859 Fielding, Commodore Chas. R.N. 1780, Svo. 6d. ProoJ, Is. 3860 Fielding, Lady Emily, wife of Rev. H. Hardinge, Svo. Is. Kir by — Thorn son 3861 Fielding, Henry, novelist, nat. Sharpham, Soni. 1707 ; educ. Eton ; estates co. Dorset ; justice of peace co. Midd. ; ob, Lisbon, 1754 ; Svo. from Hogarth, Is. 3862 Fielding, Sir J. justice of peace, and brother to the novelist, nat. CO. Som. ; promoter of Magdalen, Asylum, and Marine Societies ; ob. Brompton, 1780 ; Svo. 6d. 3863 — holding a plan, fol. 3s. i/owe— Ardell. — fol. 3s. J. R. 3864 — as chairman of Quarter Sess. sh. 5s. Peters — Dickinson 3865 Fielding, Right Hon. Mary, daughter of Lord Carlingford, fol. mez. 3s. - , Lely — Beckett 3866 Fielding, Col. Robert, 'the Beau ;' of co. Warw. 5 marr. 1. daughter of Lord Carlingford ; 2. Mary Wadsworth ; 3. Barbara, Duchess of Cleveland ; tried for bigamy, and pardoned by Queen Anne 5 ob. 1712 3 Svo. Is, 3867 — 3-(p's. in armour, fol. 3s. - Kneller — Beckett 3868 — ',o\a.\, flowing wig, lace dress, fol. 7s. 6d, fFissing- — Ibid. 3869 -— 3-qrs, with dog, fol. 10s. 6d. - Ihid.—lhul 8870 — hand on helmet, 3-qrs. in armour, io\. proof, 7s. 6d. ibid. 3871 Fiennes, Nath. son of Lord Say, col. for pari, army ; nat, Broughton, Oxf. 1608 ; educated at Winchester, and New coll. Oxf. ; condemned for surrendering Bristol ; ob. New, ton Tony, Wilts, 1669 ; Svo. 6d. . Gucht 3872 — fine copy of the rare original print, 4to. Is, Hollar 3873 Fife, James Dulf, Earl of, with autograph, Svo. Is. India proof, 2s. - - - Rochard — Holl 3874 Figg, Jas. prize fighter, nat. Thame, Oxf. j of Marylebone j ob. 1734. From Hogarth, 4to. Is. 8875 — 6 verses, fol. 3s. - - Fllys—Fahev 3876 Filoccus, Rogerus, Jesuit, exec. 1601, knife in breast, holding the palm of martyrdom, Svo. 6d. 3877 Finch, Margaret, Queen of the Gypsies, Norwood, Svo. 6d, 3878 — w, 1. crouching on the ground, 4to. 2s. iStracke — Roberts Evans's catalogue of portraits. 123 3879 Finch, Edward, vicar of Christ church, London ; depr. by Parliament, and ob. 1G43. AV. 1. with a coach, ' away for hamersmith !' Copy of front, to Charges exliibited against him, 6vo. Is. 3880 Finch, John, Lord, of Ford wick ; chief justice C. P.} lord- keeper, &c. ; ob. 1600 ; 8vo. 6d. 3881 — in Clarendon, 8vo. Is. 3882 Finch, Lady Charlotte, 1807, 8vo. 6d. 3883 Finlater, James Ogilvie, Ear],chanc. Scotland j K. T. ; ob. 1733. When Eail Seafield, fol. lOs. Od. Ifndlcr— Smith 3884 Fish, Charlotte, fol. 2s. Sir J. Ile>/nolds~\V atson 3885 Fisher, Clara, juvenile actress, 8vo. 6d. Proof, Is. 3886 Fisher, , 4to. Is.Gd. - Batice—BAincM 3887 Fisher, John, bishop of Rochester, nat. Beverley, 1459 ; chancellor of Camb. univ. ; res. Lambeth ; com. to Tower, and beheaded for denying Henry VIIL's supremacy ; Svo. 6d. 3888 — in Boissard, Svo. Is. 6d. — 4to. Is. Larmessin 3889 — fol. 3s. Bouttats. — 4to. 3s. Corvus — Vertuc 3890 — fol. 2s. Do. large paper, 3s. Holbein — Houbraken 38D1 — fol.- Is. Valck. — ioljiiie, 4s. /(5«/.— Bartolozzi 3893 Fisher, Jolin, eminent divine, educated at Peterborough, and St. Paul's school ; of Peter-liouse, Camb. ; tutor to Duke of Kent, and Princess Cliarlottc 5 chancellor of Garter ; bishop Exeter and Salisbury ; ob, 1825, ^t. 77 5 8vo. 6d. 3893 — 3-(irs. sitting, as prelate of the Order of the Garter, large fol. 5s. - - Northcote — Dunkartou 3694 — from same, with vignette of Salisbury cathedral, 4to. Is. 3895 — head and shoulders only, from the same, 4to. 3s. Proof, 5s. - - - - Scriveu 3896 Fisher, Kitty, afterwards Mrs. Norris, of co. Kent. As Cleopatra dissolving the pearl, Svo. Is, Reynolds — AVatsou 3M97 — leaning with her hands across, fol. 3s. Ibid. — Houston 3898 — whole length, music in her hand, fol. 2s. 6d. 3899 Fittock, VVm, mayor of St, Mavve's 1741, fol. 2s. Tucker 3900 Fitzalwine, Henry, 1st lord mayor of Loudon. From the picture in Drapers'-hall, 8vo. Is. - Grignion 3901 Fitzgerald, Lord Edward, ob. 1798, from wounds received on his apprehension, 4to. Is. - Singleton 3903 Fitzgerald, Mrs. of W^aterford, and Pendleton, Lane. ; wife of her cousin John F. of Naseby, Northampt. Svo. Is. Chalon — AA'^right 3903 — fine proof on India paper, fol. 3s. - Ibid. — Ibid. 3904 Fitzgerald, late Lieut.-col. Richard, 2nd Life Guards, Svo. 6d. 3905 Fitzgerald, Wm. Thomas, literat. educ. Greenwich ; of the Inner I'cmplc ; of Navy pay-oflice ; ob. Paddington, Ktat. 70 ; Svo. 6d. - - . Ridley 3906 Fitzhcrbert, Sir William, bart. of Scssingtou, Derby, Svo. 3s. - . - - Fittlcr n 124 EVANs'b CATAI.OGUK OF PORTRAITS. 3907 Fitzherbert, Mrs. favourite of George JV. nat. Davenport- Iiouse, Salop ; relict of Thomas F. of Swiiinerton, Staff, j 8vo, 6d. 3908 — profile, caricature, 4to. Is. - - J. A, 3909 — whole length, with book and dog, fol. 7s, Proof, 10s. 6d, Cos way — Conde 3910 Fitzpatrick, Sir Jeremy, M.D. inspector of health to his Majesty's forces, ob. 1833, w. 1. with plan of a County prison, sheet, 5s. - Drummond — Barnard 3911 Fitzpatrick, Gen. the Right Hon. Richard, 8vo. Is. Cook 3913 Fitzpatrick, Susan, fol. 3s. Vroof, 5s. Soldi, 1750— Ardell 3913 Fitzwilliam, Wm. late Earl, lieut. Ireland, of co. Northainpt. f-- and Ebor ; 8vo. 6d. 4to. Ss. . Wriglit 3914 — fol. 3s. - - 8ir J. Reynolds — Grozer 3915 — with autograph, Svo. Is. India proof ,2'i. Owct— Hicks 3916 — when Viscount Milton, as col. Dorsetshire volunteers, fol. 53. - - - Beach — Jones 3917 Fitzwilliam, Mr. actor, various, Svo. 6d. Proof, Is. 3918 — as Looney Mactwolter 4to. Is. Pr. or col. 3s. Cooper 3919 Fitzwilliam, Mrs. fol. mez. 3s. - Smith, 1777 3930 Flamstead, John, astronomer, nat. co. Derby, 1646 ; of Jesus coll. Camb. ; rector Burstow, Surrey ; of Flamstead. house ; ob. 1719 ; 8vo. 6d, - T. Gibson — Baker 3931 __ 4to. Is. Dawe. — fol. 3s. - /6/rf.— Vertue 3933 Flatman, Thomas, painter and poet, nat, Aldersgate.street, 1633 ; educated at Winchester school, and New coll. Oxf. ; of the Inner Temple ; ob. in Fleet-street, 1688 ; 8vo. Is. R.White. — 4to. Is. . - Walker 3933 — from an original drawing, 8v0. Is. Leiy — Wedgwood 3924 — ditto, French paper proof , 4to. Is. 6d. Ibid. — Ibid. 3935 — i\\ito,finc India paper proof royal 4to. 3s. Ibid. — Ibid, 8930 — from a miniature by himself, 4to. Is. Ipse — Godefroy 3937 — holding a drawing, fol. very scarce, 13s. Faithorne 3938 Flavel, Rev. John, nonconformist, nat. co. Wore. 1637 ,• of Univ. coll, Oxf. ; minister at Dartmouth ; ob. at Exeter, 1691 ; 8vo. 6d. various. 3939 — M.fine, 3s. (iucht. — 4to. 3s. . R. White 3930 Flaxman, John, sculptor, nat. York, 1755, profile, 4to. Is. 6d. - - - Dance — Dan i ell 3931 — etching, 4:\.o. priv. plate, 3s. Humphrey — Mrs. D.Turner 3933 — with autograph, 8vo. 6d. Proof Is. Derby— T\ioms,on 3933 Fleet, H. set. 104, 1761, 4to. 3s. - Dickinson 3934 Fleetwood, Charles, pari, general, son in law of O. Cromwell, receiver of court of wards ; governor of Bristol ; M.P. Bucks; lord deputy Ireland; steward of Hereford} ob Stoke Newington, 1669 ; Svo. 6d. 3935 — fol. 3s. Ditto, large paper, 3s, IValker — Houbraken 3936 Fleming, Caleb, nat. Nottingham, 1698 ; educated at War- rington ; minister of Bartholomew Close, and Pinners-hall ; ob. 1779, Svo. 6d. - - Hopwood Evans's catalogue of portraits. 125 3937 Fleming, Sir Geo. Bishop of Carlisle, and Bart. ; of Rydal, CO. Westm. ; ob. 1747, set. 81 ; fol. 3s. /'. Bmc~F:iher 3938 Fleming, John, of Craig, minister of Colliiigton, fol. 5s. George fVatson, 1814 — Young 3939 Fleming, Richard, nat. Croyston, Ebor ; bishop Lincoln ; founder of Lincoln coll. Oxf. 5 ob. 1430. In the Set of Founders, 4to. Is. 6d. 3940 Fletcher, Andrew, of Saltoun, Scotch patriot, nat. 1653 ; keeper of signet to AVm. IIL ; ob. London, 17J6; Svo. Is. 3941 Fletclier, Sir Henry, director of East India Company ; of Ashley-park, Surrey; M.P. Cunib. 40 years,; ob. 1807 ; sheet, 5s. 3942 Fletcher, Jack, idiot, of Wargrave, Berks. Sitting with mug in hand, 1735, in kitchen of Rev. Henry Frensham, 4to. Is. 6d. 3943 Fletcher, Rev. J. celebrated preacher, of Madelev, Salop, 8vo. 6d. I'roof, Is. 3944 — fol. 3s. Spilsburi/, del. et sc. — 4to. Is. 3945 — ditto, with his hand on a scull, and autograph, India prooj, 4to. Is. 6d. 3946 Fletcher, John, dramatist, coadj. of Beaumont, nat. Nor- thampton ; ob. of the plague, London, 1635 3 bur. at St. Saviour's; 8vo. 6d. 4to. Is. - Aadinet 3947 — in Set of Poets, fol. 2s. - . \'ertue 3948 — from Earl Clarendon's pict. Svo. Is. Thurston — Robinson 3949 — ditto, French paper JJroof, 4to. Is. 6d. ]fnd. — Ibid. 3950 — ditto. ^« J. front, to his Ital. Dictionary, 1611, 4to. 5s. Hole 3962 Flower, Benjamin, literat. and orator, 4to. Is. Birrell 3963 Flower, Mrs. of the Academy, Islington, ' engraved for the gentlemen educated there,' 4to. 2s. P^'jlf'^ — H- (-ook 3964 Fludd, Robert, M.D. and philosopher, nat. Milgate, Kent, 1574; of John's coll. Oxf. ; ob. Coleman- street, 1637; 4to. 2s. 6(1. - - - Moncornet 3965 — in Boissard, Svo. 2s. — copy of ditto, Svo. Is. Cooper 3966 Foley, Lady Harriot, 1777. In Court Beauties, 8vo. 6d, 126 Evans's catalogue of portraits. 3967 Foley, Tliomas, of Wliitley Court, founder of Stourbridge hospital, oh. 1677, w. 1. sitting, 4to. 3s. W. Trabule 3968 Folkes, Martin, M.D. and eminent collector, nat. Queen- street, Lincoln's Inn Fields, 1690 ; of Clare hall, Camh. ; president R. S. and A. S. j ob. 1754, aet. 64 ; bur. at Hil- lington ; 8vo. 6d. 3969 — in a cap, with bust of Newton, fol. 2s. - Faber 3970 — in a cap, fol. scarce, 7s. 6d. Richardson — Smith 3971 — 3-qrs. sitting, fol. 3s. . //m^-sow— M'Ardell 3972 — fol. 2s. 6d. Hogarth— Fnher. — ditto, fol. 3s. Cook 3973 Fontaine, John, author of popular tales and fables, visited England, ob. 1695, jet. 74, 8vo. 6d. 3974 Fontenelle, John, author of Plurality of Worlds, &c. 8vo. 6d. - - _ Savart — Cook 3975 Foot, Jess6, surgeon, and biographer of A. Murphy, 8vo. Is. Op'ie — Freeman. — 4to. Is. 6d. Dance — Daniell 3976 — large fol. 5s. Proof, 7s. 6d. - 0/jie— Ward 3977 Foote, Miss Maria, actress, various, 8vo. 6d. each. 3978 — w. 1. as Maria Darlington, fol. 6s. - Clint — Lupton 3979 Foote, Samuel, celebrated comedian and dramatist, nat. at Truro, 1730 ; of W^orc. coll. Oxf. and Middle Temple ; ob. Dover, 1777 J bur. Westminster abbey ; variety, as Fon. dlewife, Mrs. Cole, &c. 8vo. 6d. each. Proof, Is. 3980 — and Weston, as President and Dr. Last, sh. 5s. Zoffamj 3981 — from miniature by Colson, 1769, 8vo. Is, Car. Watson 3982 — as Maj. Sturgeon, sheet, fine proof 7s. 6(1. Zoffany — Haid 3983 Forbes, Captain, bust, with plaid, 1796, fol. private plate, 3s. Proof, 5s. - - Northcote — Reynolds 3984 Forbes, Duncan, of Cullodcn, pres. of Court of Session, ob. 1747, 8vo. 6d. Proof, 4to. 2s. 6d. - Cooper 3985 — set. 62, 3-qrs. fol. 3s. - Davison— Yaher 3986 Forbes, James, literat. nat. London, 1749 ; res. Stanmore- hill, Middlesex ; 8vo. 6d. Proof Is. - Blood 3987 — the large plate, 4to. 2s. - Murphy— YSatQ 3988 Forbes, John, son of Lord Forbes, ' Rev. Pater Arehangelus a Pembrok,' Scotch Capuchin, ob. 1606. Copy of rare print by Picart, 8vo. 6d. - - Richardson 3989 Forbes, Patrick, Bishop of Aberdeen, ob. 1635, setat. 71, 4 Latin verses. Copy of rare print, 8vo. 6d. 3990 Ford, Rev. Mr. of Magdalen-hall, Oxf. and canon of Here- ford, 4to. Is. . - - Dighton 3991 Ford, Richard, of Chertsey, 3-qrs. sitting, fol. rare, 10s. 6d. E. W. A. 1774 3992 Forde, Miss, of Drury-lane, 8vo. 6d. Proof Is. Alais 3993 Fordyce, George, M.D. nat. Aberdeen, 1736 ; educated at Uppingham, Northampt. ; physician to Thomas' hosp. ; ob. Essex-street, 1802 ; 4to. 2s. - Phillips 8994 Fordyce, Miss, with guitar, 8vo. Is. Sir J. Reynolds— H^xx'is 3995 — from the same picture, fol. 3s. - //>«/.— Watson 3996 Fordyce, Mrs. sitting under trees, fol. 3s. IFillison — Ibid. Evans's catalogue of portraits. 127 3997 Fordyce, Rev. James, D.D, literat. author of Sermons to Young Women, &c. nat. Aberdeen, 1730 ; minister at Alloa, and Monkwell-strect, London ; retired to co. Hants ; ob. Bath, 1796 ; 8\ o. 6d. - - M'Kcnzie 3998 Forest, John, priest, executed 1538, w. 1. tied between two posts, and the fire kindled under him, 4to. 5s. 3999 Forester, Katharine Mary, Lady, of Willey, co. Salop, 8vo. Is. - - - Kcndr'ick — Dean 4000 — fine proof on India paper, fol. 3s. - Und, — Ibid. 4001 Forman, Helen, 2ik1 wife of Rnbens, 8vo. 6d. 4002 — conducted to Temple of Hymen, fol. 2s. Ruhenn — Cosway 4003 Forman, Simon, physician, and astrologer, nat. Quiddam, Wilts, 1552 ; of Magdalen coll. Oxf. ; res. Philpot-lane^ and Lambeth ; ob. 1611 ; 8vo. 6d. Ditto, Is. Godfrey 4004 Forrest, Arthur, Captain R.N. Svo. 6d. - Page 4005 Forrest, Captain Thomas, 8vo. 6d. Proof Is. 4006 — 4to. 2s. 6d. - 67/^r? - Moncornet 4062 Francis II. King of France, [Granger], 8vo. Is. 4to.2s. Ibid. 4063 Francis, Sir Philip, nat. Dublin, 1740 ; M.P. Yarmouth ; ambassador to Lisbon; supposed author of Junius ; K.B. 8vo. Is. - - Lonsdale — Freeman 4064 — from the same picture, fol. 5s. Ibid. — Lupton 4065 — from bust by Lochee, 4to. Is. Ditto, col. Is. 6d. Assen 4066 Franck, Rev. Mark, master Pemb. coll. 1662, 4to. 3s. DoUe 4067 Frank, Professor A. H. late of Hale, 8vo. 6d. 4068 Franklin, Benj. American philosopher, 8vo. 6d. ProoJ, Is. 4069 Franklin, Sir John, commander of expedition of discovery, nat. Spilsby, Line. 1786 ; h. 1. holding a drawing, 8vo. 6d. Proof, Is. - - JVngcman — Fry 4070 — with autograph, 8vo. Is. Jnd. pr. 2s. Derby — Thomson 4071 Fraser, Alexander, of Fraserburg, 4to. Is. Harding 4072 Fraser, Miss, with Miss Phillips, p. p. 4to. 3s. Mrs. Turner 4073 Fraser, James, book-binder, act. 67, 1807, w. 1. sitting in a chair, fol. proof, 5s. - Di<>hton — Poole 4074 Fraser, Brig.-gen. Simon, killed at Saratoga, 1777, 8vo. Is. Worlidge. — fol. 3s. - Scouter — Watson 4075 Fraser, Sir Wm. Bart. Capt. R. N. F.R.S. ofAVoodford, . ,, Essex, and one of the Elder Brethren of Trinity-house, fol. -'* ^/ private plate, proof, 10s. 6d. Roimiey, 1792~B. Smith 4076 Frazer, Alexander, admiral R.N. 8vo. 6d. Blood 4077 Frazer, late lieut.-gen. Alex. Mackenzie, 8vo. 6d. 4to. Is. Cosway — H. R. Cook 4078 Freake, John, surgeon, ob. 1717, 4to. 2s. Bylcy — Vertue 4079 Frederick, Miss, 4to. proof, 2s. J. R. Smith, del. et sc. 4080 Frederick I H.King of Denmark, ob. 1670 [Granger], 4to. Is. 4081 Frederick, titular King of Bohemia, grandfather to (ieorge L ob. 1632, 4to. Is. - - Elstracke 4082 — eight Latin verses, 4to. Is. — fol. Is. IFerff—Gm\^t 4083 — horseback, copy of rare print, fol. 3s. Proof 5s. Turner 4084 — la. fol. 5s. Mirevcldt—\)c\^. — from do. fol. 3s. Faber 4085 — with his Queen, Eliz. daughter James I. 2 ovals on one plate, (yopy of rare print, 4to. Is. 4086 — with his father (Christian IV. of Denmark, w. l.'s. From a rare print by Pass, fol. 3s. Proof 5s. Dunkarton Part IX. Price 6d. k 130 Evans's catalogue of portraits. 4087 Fredericlf, Prince of Wales^ father Geo. III. various, 8vo. 6d. 4088 — 4to. mez. Is. Smith. — 4to. Is. Nlvon, del. et sc. 4089 — fol. 2s. Fountain — Smith. — 4to. 3s. Boit — Houbraken 4090 — from Duke of Gloucester's miniature, by 7Anck, 4to. Is. 4091 — from picture at Stow, 4to. Is, - Hudson — Picart 4092 — family of, 6 portraits, w. l.'s, sheet, 3s. Pan — Faber 4093 — whole length, in his robes, sheet, 5s. Vanloo — Baron 4094 — with Princess Ann, whole lengths, fol. mez. 2s. 4095 Freeman, Eliz. afterwards Mrs. Marshall, of Cambridge. 8vo. Is. ... Townley 4096 Freemantle, Col. aid de camp to Duke of Wellington, 4to. Is. 6d. - - - JVr'ight — Maile 4097 Freind, John, M.D. nat. Croton, Northampt. 1675 ; educ. Westminster, and Christ church, Oxf. ; M.P. Launceston j com. to Tower for Atterbury's plot j ob. 1728 ; bur. at Hitcham, Bucks ; 8vo. 6d. 4098 — 3-qrs. sitting at a table, fol. 3s. - /)«A/-.Vertue 4099 Fremantle, Sir T. F. admiral, of Swanburne, Bucks, 8vo. Is. - - - - Picart 4100 Fremantle, Right Hon. W. H. India proof, 4to. 2s. 6d. TFivell — Scriven 4101 French, Wm. hand on book, 4to, p. p. Ss. Lonsdale — Cai'don 4102 French, Humphrey, ' the Good Lord Mayor,' of Dublin, ob. 1736, fol. mez. 3-qrs. sitting, rare, 7s. 6d. 4103 Frend, Wm. of Jesus coll. Camb. actuary of Rock office, 8vo. Is. - - . - Birrell 4104 Frey, J. S. C. F. Hebrew professor, 8vo. 6d. Proof, Is. 4105 Friend, Wm, dean of Canterbury, ob. 1766, oval, Svo. Is. Worlidge 4108 Frobenius, J. -^xmier, fine proof, 4X.o. 2s. Holbein — Audinet 4107 — from ditto, a drawling, 4to. 2s. — 4to. 2s. Ibid. — Visscher 4108 Frobisher, Sir Martin, navigator, nat. Doncaster, Yorks. ; ob. Plymouth, 1594 ; Svo. 6d. Gucht. — 4lo. 3s. S. Pass 4109 — with Sir T. Cavendish, 2 ports, on one plate, 4to. Is. 6d. 4110 Frodsham, Mr. actor, ob. 1768, ast. 34, 4to scarce, 3s. Halfpenny 4111 Froissart, John, Chronicler, nat. Valenciennes, 1337 • clerk to Pliilippa and Edward III. ; Svo. 6d. Thane. From the print in Bullart. 4112 — as a monk, holding a book, Svo. 6d. R. Scott. From a drawing by Mr. Johnes. 4113 — in Academic des Sciences, 4to. Is. 6d. Larmessin 4114 Fry, Mr. type-founder, with Brand Hollis, on one plate, Svo. 6d. 4115 Fry, Mrs. w. 1. sitting in prison, fol. Is. 6d. Dighton 4116 — profile, India proof Svo. Is. 6d. - Fry 4117 Frye, Thos. painter and engraver, la. fol. 5s. Ipse, et sc. 4118 Fryer, John, M.D. traveller, fol. 3s. It. JVhite, del. et sc. 4119 Fryer, Rev. W. V. cliaplain to Portuguese embassy, India proof, 4to. 2s. - - //^«^e;w««— Mitan Evans's catalogur of portraits. 18) 4120 Fulke, Wm. master of Pembroke-liall, Camb. nat. London ; >!^#^^'^ educated at Christ's hosp. ; of Clifford's Inn ; rector of / sO^/^ Warlcy, Essex, and Kedington, Suflf. ; ob. 1589. Front. to his New Testament, iol.Jine, 5s. - Marshall 4J.21 Fuller, Isaac, painted altar pieces at All Souls', and Magd. coll. Oxf. 5 ob. Bloomsbury-square, 1G72 ; 8vo. 6d. 4to. Is. . - . Ipse — Chambars 4123 Fuller, Thomas, D.D. nat, Aldwincle, Northampt. 1608 ; of Queen's coll. Camb. ; prcb. Salisb. ; rector Croad A\' indsor, Dorset ; lecturer at Savoy ; chaplain to Royal Army ; preacher at Exeter ; lecturer at St. Bride's ; rector of Waltham, Essex, and Cranford, Midd, : ob. 1661. Fron- O ^^ tispiece to his Worthies of England, fol. Jine and rare, 1/. lis. 6d. ... Loggan 4123 — 4 verses, 12mo. rare, 5s. 4124 — copy of Loggan, 4to. Is. India proof , 23. ^ 4125 Fuller, Thomas, M.D. and moralist, of Queen's coll. Camb. ; j/^ > of Sevenoaks ; ob. 1734 ; 8vo. Is. Ti/)neuK-ll — Vertue 4126 Fuller, Wm. nat. Oxf. 1634 ; pilloried at Westminster, Charing Cross, Temple Bar, Exchange, &c. 1702, for pre- tended correspondence with James II. ; Svo. 6d. 4127 Fulton, Robert, American engineer, Svo. Is. Leney 4128 Fuzcli, Henry, late eminent artist, nat. 1741, at Zurich 5 ob. 1825 ; various, Svo. 6d. each. 4129 — profile, ad vivum, 4to. Is. 6d. - Dance — Daniell 4180 — from bust by Bailey, with autograph, Svo. 6d. 4131 — (Wtto, fine proof on India paper, ^io. Is. Thomson 4132 — from the same, profile, with autograph, Svo. 6d. Ibid. 4133 — 4to. 2s, - Sir T. Lawrence — Ilolloway 4134 — 4to. 2s. - Moses Ilaugluon — Evans 4135 Gadbury, John, astrologer, 1690, Svo. 2s. Sherwin 4136 ■ — with globe and book, 4to. 5s. - Cross 4137 Gage, Col. temp. Charles I. From a drawing in the King's Collection, 4to. Is. - Bullfinch — Cooper 4138 Gage, Sir John, of Burstow, Surrey ; chanc. Duchy Lane. ; constable of Tower, ; K.G. ; ob. 1557 ; bur. West Firlc, Sussex ; fol. finchj tinted, 4s. Holbein — Bartolozzi 4139 Gage, Sir Thomas, 7th Bart, of Hengrave, 4to, p. p. 2s. 6d. Jai^srer — Mrs. D, Turner 4140 Gage, Sir Thomas, of Lincoln's Inn, fol. priv. plate, 10s. 6d. Carpenter — Hodgctts 4141 Gahagan, Ignatius, aet. 86, 1797, large fol. p. p. 5s. 4142 Gainsborough, Baptist Noel, Earl, of Ellen-hall, Staff, ob. Svo. Is. - - . Freeman 4143 — whole length, in his robes, sheet, 5s. Ilj/sing — Faber 4144 Gainsborough, Thomas, artist, nat. Sudbury, 172if ; res. at Bath, and Pall Mall ; ob. 1788 ; bur. Kew 5 Svo. 6d. 4145 — fol. 2s. 6d. Proof, As. - - Bartolozzi 4146 Gaitskell, Thos. lieut.-col. Surrey militia, fol, 5s. Ward k2 132 KVANs's CATALOGUE O*" PORTRAITS. 4147 Gale, Henry, of Taunton Dean, ob. 1742, fol. 3s. Do. verp fine, 5s. ... Faber 4148 Gale, Rev. John, nat. London, 1680 ; minister of Pauls'. alley ; ob. 1721 ; 8vo. 2s. - Highmore — Vertue 4149 Gale, John, alias Dumb Jack, idiot, remarkable for attending executions, 1712, Svo. 6d. 4150 Gale, Thos. surgeon, ob. 1586. Copy of rare print, 8vo. Is. 4151 — the original wood -cut, very scarce, 5s, 4152 Gale, Thomas, nat. Scruton, 'Ebor, 1635 ; educ. Westm. ; Greek professor Canib. univ. ; head master Paul's school ; author of the inscription on the Monument 5 dean of St. Paul's, and York ; ob. 1702. From a drawing in the Pe- pysian Collection, 4to. Is. - S, Harding 4153 Gale, Roger, his son, M.P. Northallerton, Yorks. ; treas. R.S. ; vice pres. A.S. ; ob. 1744, aet. 72 5 4to. Is. V. Berghe 41.54 Gall, F.J. med. and physiologist, with autogr. 8vo. 6d. Alais 4155 Gallaway, Rev. John Cole, vicar of Hinckley, 8vo. Is. 4156 Gait, J. emin. modern literat and traveller, Svo. 6d. Neele 4157 Galvvay, Henry Ruvigny, Earl, gen. at battle of Almanza, ob. 1720, Svo. 6d. 4158 — fol. mez. 3s. 4159 Gambler, Jas, Lord, admiral, and pres. Church Missionairy Society 3 nat. Bahama, 1756 ; ob. Iver, Bucks, 1833 ; Svo. with autograph. Is. India proof , 2s. Beechey — HoU 4160 — fol. 3s. Proof, 5s. - /iirf.— Bartolozzi 4161 Gamble, John, Mus. to the theatre, and Charles II. Copy of rare print by Cross, prefixed to his Ayres and Dialogues, 1657, Svo. 6d. 4162 Gambold, John, minister of Stanton Harcomt, Oxf. ; nat. Haverford West, and ob. there, 1771 ; Svo. Is. Hibbert 4163 — fol. 2s. 6d. - - i^rawafif— Spilsbury 4164 Gandon, James, architect in Dublin, ob. 1824, set. 22, 4to. proof, 3s. - - Comerford — Meyer 4165 Gardelle, Theodore, enamel painter, exec, in Leic.-square, for murder of Mrs. King, 1770, Svo. Is. S. Ireland 4166 Garden, Peter, nat. Auchterless, Aberdeen, ob. 1775, aetat. 131, 4to. Is. 4167 — do. w. 1. sitting with a plaid round him, fol. Is, 6d. -r ^168 Gardiner, Stephen, nat. Bury, Suff. 1483 3 archd. Norfolk, '-'''' andLeic. J vice chancellor Camb. univ. ; bp. Winchester ; comm. to Fleet, and Tower 5 ob. Whitehall, 1555 ; Svo. 6d. variety. 4169 — from picture at Trinity-hall, Cambr. 4to. Is. Gardiner 4170 — fol. Is. F. /Ferf—Gvinst. — 4to. Is. 6d. White 4171 Gardiner, James, Bp. Lincoln, of Emanuel coll. Cambr. ob. 1705, Kt. 6S, fol.4s. - - jDahl— White 4172 Gardiner, Jas. his son, poet and literat. sub. dean of Line, cathedral, ob, 1732, »t. 53, Svo, Is, - Vertue 4173 Gardiner, Luke, M.P. Ireland, ob. 1755, fol. 5s. Brooks 4174 Gardiner, Mrs. actress, 1777, in character, Svo. 6d. ETANS'S CATALOGUE OF POBTRAITS. 133 4115 Gardiner, Col. Jas, killed at Preston Pans, 1745, 8vo. 6d, 4176 — last interview with his family, sheet, 3s. Froof, 5s. Gillray, del. et sc. 4177 Gardiner, Captain, R.N. 8vo. 6d. Proof, Is. Benoist 4178 Gardiner, AVin. Nelson, engraver, and bookseller, Mustapha of Dibdin's Bibliomania, nat. Dublin, 1766 ; ob. by suicide Pall Mall, 1814 ; 4to. Is. - . Harding 4179 Gardner, Alan, Lord, admiral, nat. Uttoxeter, 1742 j M.P. Plymouth, and Westminster j ob. Bath, and bur. there, 1808 ; 8vo. 6d. Proof, Is, 4180 — fol.Ss. C/rt;7r-(?— Reading. -— 4to.ls.6d. /)fln^^— Daniell 4181 Gardner, Alan Hyde, Lord, his son, adm, ob. 1815, 8vo. 6d. 4182 Gardner, Hon. Miss, 8vo. Is. Kendrick — Cochran 4183 — ^ne proof 071 India paper, {o\. Ss. - Ibid. — Ibid. 4184 Garencieres, Theophilus, M.D. w. 1. sitting, with portraits of Nostradamus, and N, Parker, 4to. rare, 5s. DoUe 4185 Garner, Edward, commander of the Sloop ' Fly,' 4to. Is. Albanesi, 1780 4186 Garnet, H. Jesuit, nat. co. Notts. ; apprehended at Henlip- house. Wore. ; com. to Tower j exec. 1606. Copy of a rare print, 8vo. 6d. 4187 — the original print, very scarce, 15s. . J. Wierix 4188 -- 4to. rare, 5s. - - - Neeffs 4189 Garnett, J. Bp. of Cloghcr, ob. 1782, fol.p. p. 5s. M'Ardell 4190 Garnett, Thomas, M.D. nat. Barbon, co. Westm. 1766 ; educ. Sedbergh, Yorks. ; lecturer at Liverpool, and Lond. Institution ; ob. 1802 ; 4to. Is. Smith — Leney 4191— fol. 3s. - - - Uid. del. et sc. 4J92 Garnock, Patrick Cra^vford, Vise. ob. 1709. When Mr. C. of Kilburnie, M./ine and scarce, 11. Is. Medina — Smith 4193 Garrard, M. painter in England, ob. 1637, set. 74, 4to. Is. 4194 Garratt, I. fisherman on banks of Ouse, w, 1. 8vo. Is. White 4195 Garrett, Rev. J. L, of Southwark and Islington, [v. Nelson's History], 8vo. Is. 4196 Garrick, David, celebrated actor, nat. Hereford, 1716 ; educ. Lichfield ; first appeared at Ipswich ; joint patentee Drury- lane ; conducted Stratford Jubilee 5 res. at Hampton, and Adelphi ; ob. 1779 ; bur. Westm. abbey ; great variety. 4197 — as King Richard III. 4to. Is. Ogborne. From a picture of the Earl of Clarendon's, at the Grove, Herts. 4198 — . between Tragedy and Comedy, 4to. 2s, Proof; 3s. Sir J. Reynolds — Cardon 4199 -- with Quin, Rich, &c. &c. in the Theatrical Steel-yards, 1750, 4to. 2s. - - - O'Brien 4300 — mask taken from face after death, 4to. mez. Is. 6d. Pine 4201 — w. 1. in character of Lord Clialkstone, 20 verses, fol. 2s. . - ... J. Smith 4202 — in churaeler of Tancred, 8vo. Is - Worlidge 4203 — fol. 2y. 6d. - . A. Po«(/— Wood 4204 — h. 1. holding a book, 8vo. Is. - Hudson 134 Evans's catalogue of pcJrthaits. Ganick, continued: — 4205 — from the same picture, fol. 2s. Hudson — Watson 4206 — ditto, the large plate, 3s. Proof, 5s. - Dixon 4207 — 4to. profile, scarce, 2s. 6d. - Coc/^m— Dupuis 4208 — copy of ditto, 8vo. 6d. Cook. — Svo. Is. Dance — Cook 4209 — w. 1. leaning against Shakspeare's bust, large fol. 4s. Gainsborough — Green 4210 — holding a roll, Svo. proof. Is. Reynolds — Freeman 4211 — studying Macbeth, very fine, 4to. 3s. 'Pine — Cooper 4312 — from the picture at Town-hall, Stratford on Avon, Svo. Is. - - Gainsborough — Sharp 4213 — ditto, French paper proof , 4to. Is. 6d. Ibid. — Tbid. 4314 — A'Mo, fine India paper jyroof, voydX 4.to. 2s. Ibid. — Ibid. 4215 — fol. niez. 3s. A. Pond — Ardell. — Svo. Is. Sherwin 4216 — in character of Drugger, Don John, Lusignan, Tancred, Osmyn, Brute, Periander, Felix, Macbeth, &c. Svo. Cd. Proofn, Is. each. 4217 — in character of Leon, w. 1. sc. 4to. 5s. Rushbroohe — Pollard 4218 — sitting, la. fol. 5s. India proof, 7s. 6d. Pine — Skelton 4219 • — in the Farmer's Return, sheet, 5s. Zoffany — Haid 4220 — in Hamlet, 3.qrs. fol. 4s, - B. ITi/son—ArdeW 4221 — his monument in Westminster abbey, Svo. 6d. Stothard 4222 — fac-simileof his hand writing, deciding a wager respecting his first appearance, 4to. Is. 4223 Garrick, Mrs. 1820, set. 97, w. 1. 4to. Is. 6d. Proof, 2s. 6d. Cruikshank 4224 G arrow. Rev. D. of Hadley, Midd. oval, p. p. 5s. Hodges 4225 Garrow, Sir Wm. present judge, Svo. Is. 4226 Garth, Sir Samuel, M.D. and poet, nat. Bolam, Durham ; of Pcter-lionse, Camb. ; ob. 1719 ; bur. Harrow ; Svo. 6d. — fol, 2s. - - Kneller — Simon 4227 — from original picture in College of Physicians, Svo. Is. Kneller — Newton 422S — ditto, French paper proof , 4to. Is. 6d. Ibid. — Ibid. 4229 — (X\\Xo,fine India paper proof , royal 4to. 2s, Ibid. — Ibid. 4230 — fol. 2s. 6(1. - - /^if/.— Houbraken 4231 Garthsbore, Wm. M.P. Weymouth, and Lord of Admiralty, ob. 1806, set. 42, small oval, p, p. 5s. - Freeman 4232 Gascoigne, George, poet, nat. co. Essex ; of Camb. univ. and Gray's Inn ; ob. Stamford, Line. 1577. Copy of rai'e wood-cut, Svo. 6d. 4233 — ditto, 3-qrs. length, Svo. Is. - Hudson — Fry 4234 Gascoigne, Thomas, Esq. private plate, 4to. 2s. 6d. Turner 4235 Gascoigne, Sir Wm. chief justice K. B. Henry IV. Svo. Is. 4236 Gascoyne, Sir Crisp, lord mayor, ob, 1761, Svo. 6d 4237 — w. 1. in his robes, sheet, 5s. - Kcablc — Ardell 4238 Gaskin, Geo. nat. Newington green, 1751 ; educated at Woodford, and Trin. coll. Camb. ; rector Stoke Newington j rector Bennet, Gracechurch -street ^ preb. Ely 3 ob. 1829 5 Svo. Is. Evans's catalogue of portraits. 135 4239 Gastrell, Francis, nat. Slapton, Northampt, 1663; of Christ church, Oxf. ; preacher to Lincohi's inn ; bishop Chester ; ob. 1725 ; fol. 5s. - - Vcrtue 4240 Gates, Bernard, musician, ob. 1773, aet. 87, 8vo. 6cl. 4241 Gates, Hon. Horatio, general of American forces, 8vo, Is. 4242 Gattie, Mr, actor, as Marbleu, 4to. Is. Proof, 2s. Cooper 4243 Gauden, John, supposed author of Eikon Basilike, nat. at ; Mayfield, Essex, 1605 3 educated Bury, Suffolk ; of John's ;^*4a^* coll. Camb. ; vicar Chippenham, Camb. ; rector Brightwell, Berks; of Wadham coll. Oxf. ; dean of Bocking ; preacher at Temple ; bishop Exeter, and Worcester ; res. Clapham ; ob. 1662. From his monument, 4to. Is. 4244 Gauthcrot, Mrs. holding a violin, 4to. Is. f^iolct — Bartolozzi 4245 Gawler, J. attorney, fet, 50, 1777, fol. 3s. Reynolds — Smith 4246 Gay, John, the poet, nat. Barnstaple, Devon, 1688 ; res. co. Som. and Wilts ; ob. 1732 ; 8vo. various, 6d. each. 4247 — from an original picture in the Collection at Knole, 8vo. Is, - - - Dahl — Romney 4248 — ditto, French paper proof , 4to. Is. 6d. Ibid. — Ibid. 4249 — ditto, fine India paper proof royal 4to. 2s. Ibid. — Ibid, 4250 — ,4to. Is. jy\\Xo, India proof, 2^. Richardson — Cook 4251 — fol. mez. 3s. - - Alhnan — Milvus 4252 Geary, Sir Francis, admiral, 1807, 8vo. 6d. 4253 Geffrey, Sir Robert, of London, lord mayor, 1686 ; founder of Shoreditch hospital ; ob. 1703. In his robes, chain, &c. 4to. Is. Proof, 2s. - - Trotter 4254 Gent, Thomas, printer and antiquary, nat, York, 1691 ; ob. 1778, cct. 80 ; fol. 3s. - /);•«/;n//«?«0H(/ — Alais 4432 Glyn, J, serj, at law, and M.P. for Midd, ob. 1779, Svo, 6d, 4433 — sitting with Wilkes and Tooke, fol 2-!. Houston, del. et sc. 4434 Glynn, Robert, M.D. and poet, of King's coil, Cambr. fol. 5s. - - - - FaciuB 4435 — fine drawing in crayons, 4to. 2s. - Contencin 4436 Glynne, Sir J. chief justice K. B. ob. 1666, 4to. Is. Caldwall 4437 Godfrey, Ambrose Hanckwitz, chemist, and F. R. S. j published account of West Ashton waters ; 4to. Is. 6d. Snhmutz — Vertue 4438 Godfrey, Ambrose, his nephew, and successor, of Southamp- ton-street, Covent Garden, 1736, 4to. 2s. Gucht, advivum 4439 Godfrey, Sir Edmondbury, murdered, 1678, Svo. 6d. 4440 — Svo. Is, V^an Hove, — large sheet, 5s. Vanderbanc 4441 (ilodolphin, Sidney G. Earl of, of Rial ton, Cornw. ; page to Charles II. ; lord high trcas. to Queen -Anne ; ob. at St. Alban's, 1712 ; bur. Westminster abbey ; Svo, 6d> BVANs's CATALOiOtrE OP PORTRAITS. 141 Godolphin, Earl, continued : — 4442 — in Birch's Lives, fol. 2s. Do. 1, p. 3s. /vweZ/cr— Houbraken 4443— fol.Ss. - - . //>«/.— Smitli . 4444 Godolphin, Francis, Earl, his son, governor of Sciily Islands^ >t^ of Helston, Cornw. ; ob. 1766, set. 87. In Kit Kat Club, fol. 2s. Faber. — ditto, 4to. Is. - Cooper 4445 Godolphin, Sidney, poet, nat. Cornwall, 1609 ; of Exeter ' ^^^ :^'* coll. Oxf. ; killed at Chagford, Devon, ]642. From a drawing at Strawberry-hill, 4to. Is. BuU/inch — Clamp 4446 — from the same, 8vo. Is. - Ibid. — Rivers 4447 — ditto, French paper proof , 4to. Is. 6d. Ibid. — Ibid. 4448 — ditto, fine India paper proof, royal 4to. 2s. Ibid. — Ibid. 4449 Godsalve, Sir John, Knight of the Carpet, com. of visitation, and compt. of mint to Edward VI. From a miniature in the Bodleian Library, 8vo. Is. - Belts — Clamp 4450 — ioX.fine, 5s. - - Holbein — Rartolozzi 4451 Godwin, Francis, nat. Havington, Northampton, 1561 ; of V^ Christ church, Oxf. ; rector Sanford Orcais, Som, ; vicar Weston, Wilts j sub-dean Exeter ; bishop of Llandaff, and Hereford ; ob. 1633 ; h. 1. with arms, fol. 3s. \'ertuG 4452 Godwin, Mary Wollstonecraft, nat. London, 1759 ; kept a school at Islington ; ol). 1797, 8vo. Is. 4to, proof, 2s. Opie 4453 Godwin, Wm. fiterat. 8vo. 6d. — fol. 3s. 4454 Gold, Thomas, counsellor, Ireland, 4to. Is. 6d. Heath 4455 Goldney, Edw. widower, 1760, 8vo. Is. Chambars 4456 Goldsmid, Abraham, eminent stock-broker, 1610, 8vo. 6d. 4457 —fol. 3s. Proof, 5s. - il/f(//(-^— Bartolozzi 4458 Goldsmith, Francis, translator of Grotius, of Gray's.inn ; ob. Ashton, Northampton, 1655. Copy of rare print by Cross, 4 verses, 8vo. 6d. 4459 Goldsmith, Oliver, poet, nat. Pallas, Ireland, 1728; of Trinity coll. Dublin ; usher at Peckham ; professor of Anc. Hist, to K.A. ; ob. Temple, 1774 ; various, 6d. each. 4460 — profile, 8vo. Is. - Bunhnry — Bretherton 4461 — profile, from his mon. in Westm. abbey, 8vo. Is. Prescott 4462 — from the picture by Sir J . Reynolds, in the collection at Knole, 8vo. Is. - - Clint — Smith 4463 — ditto, French paper proof, 4to. Is. 6(1. Ibid. — Ibid. 4464 — ditto, /?«e India paper proof , royal 4to. 2s. Ibid. — Ibid. 4465 — from the same, 4to. 2s. Fine proof, 3s. Newton 4466 Goldwell, James, nat. Great Chart, Kent ; of All Souls' |. J coll. Oxf.; ambassador to Rome; secretary to Edward VI. ; dean of Salisbury ; bishop Norwich ; ob. 1498 ; 8vo. Is. Thane. From an illuminated MS. 4467 Gomariis, Fras. of Oxf. and Camb. niiiv. ob. 1641, 4to. Is. 4468 Gomeldon, Mrs. J. daughter of Mr. Middlcton, and wife of Captain G. Newcastle upon Tyne, fol. mcz. p. p. 7s. 6d. 4469 Gomeldon, Rich. mus. 1686, fol. 5s. Kerseboom — Faithorne 4470 — whole length, reclining, books and instruments, fol. rare, 10s. 6d. . - - - Vaart 1/ J^^ Evans's catalocite op portraits. 4471 Gommc, James, of High Wycombe, ob. 1825, India prooj, 4to. 3s. ... J. w. Smith 4472 — profile, only six impressions taken, with MS. account by Rev. Mark Noble, 8vo. 5s. 4473 Gondomar, Count, Spanish ambass. England, 1662. Copy of rare print, Svo. 6d. 4474 ~ whole length, in title to ' Vox Populi,' 1624, 4to. 5s. 4475 Gooch, Thomas, bishop of Bristol, Norwich, and Ely, ob. 1754, fo].3s. - _ . Ardell 4476 Goodall, Charles, M.D. coloured drawing, from an original in College of Physicians, 3s. 4477 Goodall, Thomas, admiral of Hayti, nat. Bristol, 1767, ob. 1832, Svo. 6d. 4478 Goodall, Mrs. actress, his wife, of Bath and Bristol ; marr. Bristol; ob.Somers-town,1830j 8vo.6d.i/ffy/;e/— Hawkins 4479 Goodbehere, Alderman, in his robes, j^roof, sheet, private plate, 7s. 6d. . . yJr(j?-o*— Dawe 4460 Goodenough, Samuel, nat. Kimpton, Hants, 1743 ; educ. Westminster, and Christ church, Oxf. ; kept a seminary at Ealing ; canon of Windsor ; dean of Rochester ; vicar Cropredy, Oxf. ; framer of Linncean soc. and vice-pres. ; bishop of Carlisle ; ob. Worthing, 1827 ; bur. at Westm. abbey ; fol. 5s. Proof, lOs. 6d. ^ iVo/V/ico/e— Meyer 4481 Goodison, Thomas, celebr. jockey, with autograph, Svo. Is. Proof, Is. 6d. Finely coloured, and mounted as a draw- ing, 2s. 6d. . - . Cooper 44S2 Goodman, Gabriel, nat. Ruthin ; of John's coll. Camb. ; preb. and dean of Westm. ; ob. 1601 ; bur. Westminster abbey ; 4to. Is. 6d. . . Grave 4483 Goodrich, Thomas, nat. East-Kirkby, Line, ; of Camb. univ. ; rector Peter's, Cheap, London ; canon of Stephen's.West- minster; bishop of Ely, lord chancellory ob. Somersham, 1554. From the Bridewell Charter, Svo. 6d. Thane 4484 Goodwin, A. M.D. fol. p. p. proof, 5s. Ward, 1819 4485 Goodwin, Arthur, friend of Hampden, of Winchendon, Bucks, large fol. 5s. - Vandi/ke~G\\nst 4486 — his wife, when Lady Wenman, fol, 5s. //>«>/.— Boydell 4487 Goodwin, John, Armenian divine, of Coleman-street, ob. 1665, 8 verses, 4to. 2s. 6d. . - Glover 4488 — with a windmill over his head, 16 verses, 4to. Is. 4489 Goodwin, Thomas, nonconformist, nat. Rolesby, Norfolk, 1600 ; of Catharine's-hall, Camb. ; lecturer at Trinity ch. Camb. } pres. Magdalen coll. Oxf. ; ob. 1679 ; Svo. 6d. A A r. ^"^-^s* - - - - White 4490 Gordon, Lord Adam, Svo. 6d. Fol. 2s. Z)«»/ow.r— Audinet 4491 Gordon, Rev. Sir Adam, bart. 8vo. Is. - Knight 4492 Gordon, Lady Gumming, Svo. Is. - Ross — Thomson 4493 — fine proof on folio paper^ 2s. QA. - Ibid. — Ibid. 4494 Gordon, Lord Geerge, nat. London, 1750 ^ M.P. Ludgers- hall ; ob. in Newgate, 1793 ; Svo. 6d. Evans's catalogue op poRrnAiTs. 14S Gordon, Lord, conthmed : — 4495 — whole length, hat and cane in hand, as President of the Protestant Association, with the four divisions drawn up, fol. 3s. 6d. - 4496 — attired as a Jew, with long beard, fol. proof, 4s. 4497 Gordon, Marquis dc, 8\'o. Is. - Oliver — Harding 4498 Gordon, James, of Cambridge, whole length, 4to. Is. Mason 4499 Gordon, James Alexander, Captain R.N. 8vo. 6d. Blood 4500 Gordon, Jane, Duchess of, ob. 1812, 8vo. 6d. Proof, Is. 4501 — fol. 3.S. - - Lane, del. et sc. 4502 Gordon, Sir Robert, of Straloch, antiquary and litcrat. temp. Charles I. 8v'0. 6d. 4503 Gosden, T. book-binder, and publisher, as a sportsman, w. 1. with dogs, 4to. Is. 6d. - Marshall — Scott 4504 Gosset, Isaac, F.R.S. and collector, nat. Berwick-street, 1745 5 educated Mile-end ; of Exeter coll. Oxf. ; ob. at Newman-street, 1812. From drawing taken at Lochee's, * a pretty copy,' 4to. Is. Ditto, coloured. Is. 6d. 4505 Gostling, Rev. Wm. author of Walks round Canterbury, ob. I 1777, pet. 82, 8vo. Is. - Metz, del. et sc. \ 4506 Gouge, Rev. Thomas, nat. Bow, 1C05 ; educated at Eton, and King's coll. Camb, ; living of Cotsden, Surrey, and Sepulchre's, London ; ob. 1681 ; 8vo. 6d. 4507 — ditto, 8vo. Is. each, by Cross, Van Hove, and White 4508 Gough, Miss, actress, as Zenobia, w. 1. 8vo. Gd. Proof, Js. - - - - Lency 4509 Gough, Richard, antiquary, the modern Camden of Britain^ nat. Winchester-street, London, 1735 ; of Benct colL Camb. ; director of Soc. Ant. ; estates co. Warwick, Wor- cester, Hereford, and Bedford ; ob. Enfield, 1809 ; bur^ Wormley, Herts. From a sketch taken at the Duchess of Portland's Sale, 1786, with arms, and fac-simile of his writing, 4to. Is. - - - Sawyer 4510 Gould, Sir Henry, Justice Common Pleas, in his robes, jet. 65, fol. 3s. J'roof 5s. T. Hardy, del. et sc. 1794 4511 Goui)y, Louis, painter, 1735, 4to. mez. 2s. Ipse — White 4512 Goupy, Joseph, painter, holding a picture, 4to, Is. R. Bean 4513 Gonter, James, musician, fol. brilliant, lOs. Livius 4514 Gow, Neil, celebrated player, and musician, 8vo, 6d. 4515 • — 3-qrs. sitting, playing, large fol. 5s. Rachurn — Say 4516 Gower, Sir Erasmus, admiral, 1600, 8vo. 6d. Proof, Is. 4517 Gower, Granville Ijcveson, Earl, Viscount Trentham, Baron G. of Sittenliam, Ebor ; Marquis Stafford ; IVLP. ^A'estm. ; K.G. ; president of council ; governor of Charter-house ; ob. 1803. In his robes, fol. 3s. Reynolds — Fisher 4518 Gower, Humphrey, D.D. master of St. John's coll. and preb. of Ely, ob. 1711, ioX. fine and scarce, 10s. 6d. Fellowes — \''ertue 4519 Gower, John, Lord, lord privy seal, lord-lieut. co. Staff, ob. 1754, fol. 4s. - - Fanloo — Faber 144 Evans's catalogue op portraits. 4520 Gowcr, John, Eng. poet, nat co. Ebor ; of Middle Temple ' ob. 1402. From liis monument in St. Saviour's, church which he rebuilt, 8vo. 6d. 4521 — in Set of Poets, fol. 2s. - - Vertue 4522 — view of his monument, St. Saviour's, 4to. Is. Shury 4523 — from a limning in the Cottonian Library, 8vo. Is. Thurston — Warren 4524 — ditto, French paper proof , 4to. Is. 6d. J/juI. — Ibid. 4525 — ditto, fine India paper proof, royal 4to. 2s. Il/id. — Ibid. 4526 Grace, Mrs. artist, 1785, 8vo. 6d. - 7\^ylor 4527 Graddon, Miss, actress, 8vo. 6d. P?: Is. Kennerley, et sc. 4528 Grafigni, Madame de, French literal. 8vo. 6d. 4529 Grafton, Henry Fitzroy, Duke, Earl of Euston, Suffolk, &c. son of Charles If. and Duchess of Cleveland, nat. 1663 ; K.G. ; vice admiral ; ranger of Whittlebury forest. Nor. thampt. ; game-keeper at Newmarket j joined Wm. III. ; killed at Cork, 1690 ; 4to. mez. 2s, Kneller — Beckett 4580 — 3-qrs. ship at sea, fol. scarce, 7s. 6d. lbid.—\h'u\. 4531 Grafton, Isabella Bennet, his Duchess, Countess Arlington, ob. 1723, 8vo. 6d. 4532 — fol. rare, 7s. 6d. - fFiss'mg — Beckett 4533 — whole length, fol. 5s. - Kneller — B. I^ens 4534 — 4to. Is. - - fVissing — Dunkarton 4535 — from the same picture, fol. 3s, - Faber 4536 — sitting on a bank, fol. 2s. - Kneller — Smith 4537 Gi-afton, Cliarles Fitzroy, Duke, lieut. co. Suff. and Ireland ; K.G. ; recorder of Coventry j governor of Charter house j chamberlain of household ; ob. 1757 ; 8vo. 6d. 4538 — in Kit Kat Club, fol. 2s. Faber. — do. 4to. Is. Cooper 4539 — when Lord Euston, whole length, fol. 2s. /rwW(°, 7s. Do. irilliunt pr. 10s. 6d. Phillips — Fittler, 4843 — with autograph, 8vo. Is. India pr. 2s. Jackson — Dean 4644 — from bust at Brazennose, fol. proof, 5s. Fittler 4645 — fol, 3s. Fine proof, 5s. - Hoppner — Reynolds 4646 Grenville, Rt. Hon. Thomas, collector, M.P. Aldborough and Rnckingham ; minister to Vienna ; chief justice South. of Treat ; fol. proof, 5s. - - Say 4647 — 8vo. with autograph. Is. India proof, 2s. Hoppner — Dean 4648 Greshani, Sir Thomas, celebrated London merchant, and founder of Royal Exchange ; nat. London, 1519 ; of Caius coll. Camb. ; res. Osterley, Midd. ; ob. 1579 j bur. at St. Helen's ; Bvo. 6d. various. 4649 — h. 1. 4to. Is. Smith. — in Founders, 4to. Is. 6d. Faber 4650 — from Lodge, 4to. 23. India proof, ^s. Holbein — Cooper 4651 — 3-qrs. sitting, M.fne, 3s. Fine proof , bs. More — Thew 4652 — from picture at Houghton, 4to, 2s. Ibid. — Michel 4653 — from picture of Mercers' Company, fol. Ss. Vertue 4654 — reduced copy of ditto, 8vo. 6d. 4to. 10s. 6d. Delaram 4655 Gresley, Lady Sophia Catherine, daughter Earl of Coventry, wife of Sir R. G. of Drakelow, Derby, and Knipersley, Staff. 8vo. Is. . - Neic ton— Thomson 4656 — fine proof on India paper, io\. 2s. - Ibid. — Ibid, 4657 Gresslev, Sir Nigel, of Drakelow, Derby, and Knipersley, Staff 5* ob. 1808 ; fol. proof 3s. 4658 Gretton, Dr. of Magd. coll. Camb. w. 1. 4to. Is. Dighton 4659 Greville, Hon. Charles Francis, F.R.S. son of F. Earl of Warwick, ob. 1809, fol. 3s. FrooJ before letters, 5s. Romney — Meyer 4660 Greville, Miss, w, 1. with her brother, as Cupid and Psyche, sheet, 5s. - . Reynolds— Ax AaW 4661 Greville, Miss, actress, 8vo. 6d. . Caivse — Cook 4662 Grew, Nehemiah, M.D. and naturalist, nat. at Coventry, 1628 ; secretary to lloyal Society ; published catalogue of the Greshani college Curiosities ; ob. 1711 ; 4to. 3s. R. JVhite, ad vivum, del. et sc. 4663 — with view of Gresham College, 4to. 23. Newton 4664 Grey, Lady Jane, nat. Bradgate, Leic. 1537 ; niarr. Lord Guildford Dudley, son Duke of Northumb. ; proclaimed Queen 1553 ; committed to Tower ; beheaded 1554 j various, 8vo. 6d. each, 4665 — with vignette of her at studies, fol. 2s. Holbein — Noble 4666 — 4to. 2s. //oMem— White. — fol. Is. Vermeulen 4667 — in Heroologia, 4to. 2s. 6d. Pass. — copy of do. 8vo. 6d. 4668 — from a portrait in coloured wax, 8vo. Is. Plott — Sherwin 4669 — from a drawing by Vertue at Strawberry-hill, 4to. Is. Evans's catalogue of portraits. 141) 4670 Grey, General Sir Charles, father of the present Premier, created V^iscount Howick, and Earl Grev, 1806 ; ob. 1807, 8vo. 6d. 4671 — fol. 3-qrs. 3s. Proof, 5s. Lawrence — Collyer 4672 Grey, Rt. Hon. C. Earl, the present Premier, 8vo. Is. West 4673 — w. 1. sitting, fol. 3s. Proof, 5s. Smith — Reynolds 4674 — leaning on a table, large fol. 5s. Lmorence — Dickinson 4675 Grey, R. H. Mary Eliz. present Countess, 8vo. Is. Dean 4676 — fine proof on India paper, fol. 3s. - Ibid. 4677 Grey, Honourable George de, fol. 2s, S. W. Reynolds 4678 Grey, Dorothy, Lady, daughter of Earl of Bath, and wife of Thomas Lord G. 3-qrs. sitting, with lamb and shepherd's crook, fol. proof, scarce, lOs. 6d. 4679 — from same picture, fol. 5s. - Lcly — Corbutt 4680 Grey De Ruthin, Barbara Yelverton, Baroness, of Brandon, Warwick, nat ISIO ; 8vo. Is. - Kendr'ick — Dean 4681 — fine p7-oof on India paper, {o\. 2s. - Ibid. — Ibid. 4682 Grey, Rev. Zacliary, the commentator, nat. co. Ebor. 1687 ; of Jesus-hall, Camb. ; vicar Peter's, Camb. ; rector of Houghton, CO. Bedf. ; ob. 1766 ; 8vo. Is. Knight 4683 — India paper proof, 4to. Is. 6d. - Wainwright 4684 GriHin, Rev. John, 8vo. 6d. 4to. Is. Lea — Scriven 4685 Griffin, Thomas, admiral, ob. 1771, fol. 4s, Hudson — Houston 4686 Griifin and Johnson, actors, as Tribulation and Ananias, io\, fine and scarce, lOs. - V. Bleeck 4687 Griffith, Commodore, 8vo. 6d. . Harding 4688 Griffith, Eliz. novelist, nat. Wales ; ob. 1793, at Millecent, Ireland ; 8vo. 6d. Proof, Is. 4689 Griffith, Rev. John, 8vo. 6d. 4690 Griffith, John Hugh, killed at St. Kitts, 1782, fol. 23. Green 4691 Griffith, Moses, Pennant's draughtsman, 4to. Is. (i. Scott 4692 (iriffiths, Charles, ' the Bagnigge Wells organist,' whole length, sitting playing in the room there, 4to, Is. 4693 Griffitlis, Julius, M.D."8vo. Is. - Mitchell 4694 Griffiths, Ralph, bookseller, and editor of Monthly Review, ob. Turnham -green, 1803, set. 83, 8vo. 6d. 4695 Grimaldi, Jos. celebrated clown, 8vo. 6t:l. fFagcman — Blood 4696 — as clown, 8vo. 6cl. Fine proof 4to. Is, Cooper 4697 Grimshaw, Nicholas, mayor of Preston, 1822, 8vo. 6d. 4698 Grimston, Sir H. nat, Bradfield-hall, Essex, 1594 ; of Linc.- inn ; M.P. Colchester; master of Rolls ; speaker H. of C. 1660 ; steward St. Alban's ; ob. 1683 ; l)ur. at Gor- hambury ; 4to. Is. - - fjclji — Clamp 4690 Grimston, Mary, his daughter, marr. Sir Capel Luckyn, bart. 1648, ob. at Hackney, 1718, a^tat. 86, wliole length, scarce, fol. 10s. 6cl. - - JVissing — Becket 4700 Grimston, Wm. Viscount, nat. 1692; M.P. St. Alban's j ob. 1756 ; 8vo, Is. 4701 Grindall, Richard, surgeon, fol. 3s. Hudson — Fisher 4703 — 4to. etching, Is. 6d. - Dance— D'aiuqW 150 Evans's catalogue of portraits. 4703 Crindal, Eclimuul, iiat. Ilinsingliam, Cumb. 1519; pies, of Pembroke toll. Camb. ; prcb. Westin. ; bishop London ; aichbishop of York and Canterbury ; founded school at Higligate ; ob. Croydon, 15S3 ; 8vo. 6d. 4704 — with border and arms, 4to. Is. 6d. Vertue 4705 — ditto, no border, 8vo. Is. - , Ibid. 4706 — from Strypc's Life, 4to. 2s. ^ Gucht 4707 — from Hcroologia, 4to. 2s. 6d. - S. Pass 4708 Groombridge, Stephen, F.R.S. 4to. p. p. Ind. pr. Ss. Cooper 4709 Grose, Francis, antiquary, nat. 1731 ; paymaster to Surrey Militia 3 ob. Dublin, 1791 ; w. 1. 8vo. Gd. Dance — Ridley 4710 — from same drawing, 4to. Is. 6d. - Bartolozzi 4711 — with Hooper, his publisher, as friars making punch, &c. sheet, 53. - - Hone, del. et sc, 4712 Grosvenor, Eliz. L. Countess, 8vo. Is. Lawrence — Thomson 4713 Grosvenor, Lady Harriot, 1774, fol. mez. 2s. 4714 Grosvenor, John, eminent surgeon, and litcrat. educated at Wore. 5 house surgeon to Lock hospital 3 removed to Oxf. and ob. there, 1823 3 3-cp-g. fol. 5s. Learning — Turner 4715 Grosvenor, Rev. Dr. Benjamin, nat. London, 1(575 , educ. Attercliffe, Ebor 3 preacher at Southwark and Old Jewry ; ob. 1758 3 8vo. Cd. . - Hopwood ^716 Grosvenor, Rol)ert, Earl, [Marcpiis Westminster], of Eaton, Cheshire, lieut. co. Flint 3 8vo. Is. Hoyimer — Thomson 4717 — from same, io\. Jine proof , 5s. - Young 4718 Grotius, Hugo, illustrious writer, ambassador to England, 8vo. Gd. - - P. V. Gunst — Tookey 4719 Grove, Rev. Henry, nat. Taunton, 1683 3 contributor to the Spectator 3 ob. 1738 3 8vo. Is. Gd. JVoolaston — Vertue 4720 — from same picture, Svo, Is. Proof, 2s. Tomkins 4721 Grove, Rev, T. of Rothcrham, Svo. Gd. 4to. Is. Gardiner 4722 Groves, AV'm. member of Soc. Non Common Pleas, Svo. Gd. Proof 4to. Is. 4723 Grynseiis, Simon, reformer, of Oxford univ. 1532, Svo. Gd. 4to. Is. - . . Hondius 4724 Guallier, I'Abbe, literat. Svo. Is. - Cardon 4725 Guerchy, Count, [vide Pennant], fol. 3s. Proof 5s. /«« Loo — \Vatson 472G Guildford, Francis, Eajl, Justice C. P. and Lord Keeper, ob, 1G85, Svo. Gd, 4727 — in Lodge, 4to. 2s. India proof 33. RUey — Agar 4728 — from Loggan, 4to. 2s. Gd. Vertue. — Svo. Is. White 4729 — io\.Jinc and rare, 12-i. Loggan, ad, vivuni, del. et sc. 4730 Guildford, Frederick, Earl of, celebrated miu. Lord North, Svo. Gd. various. 4731 Guildford, Frederick North, late Earl, of Kirtling, Camb. and Wroxton, Oxf. From a drawing made in Ceylon, at the request of the inhabitants, 1818, fol. 3s. 4732 — fol. fine, private })late, 7s. G.l. Jackson — Fry 4733 Guildford,, Harriet,, pres. Cos. Svo. Is. Robertson — Wright Evans's catalogue of PORxnAixs. 151 - 4734 Guise, Rev. Jolin, ob. 17G1, fol. 3s. Bleeck—Yaher 4735 Guklcford, Sir Henry, comptroller of hoyseliold to Henry VHI. and master of the horse, fol. tinted, fine, 4s. Holbein — Bartolozzi 4736 — in a circle, oblong, Is. — 4to. 2s. 6d, lb. — Cooper 4737 — 8vo. circle, fine im])ression, 5s. Holbein — Hollar 4738 — copy of the above, 8vo. 6d. - Richardson 4739 Guldeforde, Lady, aet. 38, 1537, fine impression, small circle 5s. Holbein — Hollar 4740 — do. modern Impression, Is. — copy, 8vo. 6d. Richardson 4741 Gulston, Joseph, of Knole, Dorset, and Ealing Grove, celeb. portrait collector, ob. 1786, Svo. Is. Elizabeth Gulston ' 4742 — fol. 5s, - - ' Hnmilton—-\\iiison 4743 Gulston, Eliz. Bridget, his wife, 1780, fol. 2s. Proof, 3s. Ibid. — Earlom 4744 Gulston, Messrs. John and Joseph, fol. 3s. Cotes — Green 4745 Gulston, Mrs. of Der\vydV«cv^— Faber 153 Evans's cAtaloguk of poktkaitr. 4766 Gvvatkin, Theophila, d.iu. of Sir J. Reynolds' niece. When young, as * Simplicity/ 4to. 2s. Reynolds — Bartolozzi, 1789 4767 Gwennap, Rev. Jos. 8vo. 6d. Fol. 3s. Russell — Bartolozzi 4768 Gwyn, Mrs. wife of Col. G. fol. 3s. Hoppner, 1791— Young 4769 Gwynne, Eleanor, actress, and mistress to Charles II. nat. Hereford, Svo. Is. - - Scriveu 4710 — with lamb, 4to. 3s. - Lely — Ogborne 4771 — etching, Svo. Is. - - G. Spencer 4772 • — 3-qrs. sitting, bosom bare, 4to. Is. 6d. Lely— Green 4773 Gvvynne, J. architect, author of Proposals for improving London and Westminster. From picture in Town-hall at Shrewsbury, 4to. 2s. - - D. Huston 4771 Gwynne, Rich, of Taliaris, pres. Society of Sea Serjeants, fol. p. p. very scarce, 10s. 6d. R. lay lor, 1747 — Faber 4775 Gyger, Conrad, circle, Svo. 8s. - Holbein — Hollar 4776 — ditto, modern impression, Svo. Is. . Ibid. 4777 Gyles, Henry, painter on glass, York, Copy of print by Place, Svo. '6d. 4778 — the original print, very rare, fol. 10s. 6d. - Place 4779 — with John Rovvell, painter, in Walpole, 4to. Is. 4780 Haak, Theodore, philosopher and literat. nat. Newhausen, 1605 ; of Camb. and Oxford univ. ; ob. 1620 ; bur. at St. Andrew's, Holborn. From the picture in the Bodleian Gallery, 4to, Is. . - Harding 781 Habington, John, cofferer to Eliz. and founder of Hindlip- house. Wore. 5 nat. 1515 5 ob. 1581 ; Svo. Is. 4782 — ditto, with view of the family house, 4to. 2s. Ross 4783 Habington, Thomas, early collector for co. Worcester, ob. 1647 ; Svo. Is. 4784 — with his wife, the discoverer of the Gunpowder plot, on one plate, fol. 3s. 4785 Hacken, Alexander van, painter, fol. 2s. Hudson — Faber 4786 Hacker, Col. Francis, regicide, exec. Tyburn, 1660, 4to, Is. 4787 Hackett, Mrs. Comvai, whole length, with a lamb, fol. 2s. Riley — Smith 4788 Hacket, John, nat. Exeter-house, London, 1592 ; educated at Westminster, and Trinity coll. Camb. ; rector of Stoke Hamon, Bucks ; preb. Line. 5 rector Andrew's, Holborn, and Cheam, Surrey ; archdeacon Bedford ; res. St. Paul's, bishop Lichfield and Coventry ; ob. 1670 ; Svo. 2s. 6d. Faithorne 4789 — his monument in Lichfield cathedral, fol. 2s. Hollar 4790 — 4i verses, fine and rare, fol. lOs. 6d. - Faithorne. 4791 Hackman, Rev. James, exec, at Tyburn, 1779, for shooting Miss Ray, various, Svo. 6d, 4792 — from a drawing taken while in prison, patch on his head, 4to. Is. 4793 Haddington, Thomas Hamilton, Earl, Svo. Is. 4794 — fol. raez. inscribed 'The Dutch Skijjper/ scarce, 10s. 6d. Smith Evans's cataloguk of portraits. 153 4795 Haddock, Nicholas, admiral, ob. 1746, 8vo. 6d. 4796 — fol. 8s. - - Ramsmj — Jolinsou 4797 — ditto, fol. 3s. Proof, 6s. - - Faber 4798 Haddock, Sir Richard, admiral, ob. 1715, Svo. 6d. 4799 — 4to. mez. 5s. - Closterman — W. Faithorne 4800 Hadrian IV. Pope, [Nicholas Breakspear] , ob. 1159, Svo. 6d. 4S01 Hadrian V. Pope, legate to England, ob. 1376, Svo. 6d. 4802 Haffey, Master John Burgess, fol. 2s. 6d. Laurie, 1777 4803 Hague, Dr. Music professor Camb, univ. ob. 1821, fol. 3s. Harlow — Meyer 4804 Haighton, John, M.D. lecturer at Guy's, ob. 1833, 4to, Is. Proof, 2.S. - - Simonau — Armstrong 4805 — large fol. 43. Proof, 6s. - Ashhif — Kenncrley 4806 Haine, Joe, on an ass, speaking a prologue, 4to. Is, 4807 Hakevvill, George, nat. Exeter, 1579 ; archdeacon Surrey ; ob. Heanton, 1649. From j)icture at Exeter coll. Oxford, of which he was rector, 4to. Is. - Harding 4808 Haldane. R. Capt. nat. Scotland, fol. 5s. Rennolds—CXmt 4S09 Hale, Mrs. wife of Gen. John H. Svo. Is. 7^V/.— Corbutt 4810 — w. 1. as Allegro, sheet, 5s. Ibid. — Laurie, 1777 4811 — from the same, 4to. Is. 6d. - Lambertini 4812 Hale, Sir Matthew, Baron of Exchequer, justice K.B. and lord chief justice, nat. Alderley, Glouc. 1609 ; of Magd, coll. Oxf. and Lincoln's-inn ; M.P. for Oxf. univ. and co, Glouc. ; ob. 1676 5 variety of, Svo. 6d. each. 4813 — from pict. at Unc-inn, Svo. Is. 4Xo. proof 2s. Trotter 4814 — nearly w. 1. in robes, Svo. Is. 6d. Do. 4to. 2s. V. Hove 4815 — from picture in Guildhall, 3.qrs. fol. 3s. IFright—VcxiviQ 4816 — from the same picture, fol. mez. 2s. 4817 Hale, the piper, of Derbyshire, whole length, 4to. Is. '"^ 4818 — whole length, with his hornpipe, fol. very rare, 10s. 6d. 4819 Hale, William, private \A^tG, proof fol. 5s. lA'ard 4820 Hales, Rev. John, ' ever memorable,' of Eton, nat. Bath, 1584 ; ob. 1656 ; Svo. 2s. 4821 Hales, Rev. Stephen, author of Vegetable Statics ; nat, Bekcsbourn, Kent, 1677 ; of Benct coll, Camb. and D.D, of Oxford univ. ; livings of Portlock, Som., and Farringdon, Hants ; ob. Teddington, 1761 5 4to. Is. Hopwood 4823 — the same, with vignette, fol. 2s. - Idem 4823 — fol. 2s. - - Hudson— -K\M\ 4824 Halifax, George Savile, ISLirquis, statesman and wit, nat, 1630 ; ambassador to Holland ; pres. of Council ; speaker of House of Lords 5 ob. 1695 5 various, Svo. 6(1. 4825 — fol. 2s. D'lito, large paper, ^s. - Houbrakeii 4826 Halifax, Charles Savile Montagu, Marq. Vise. Sunbury, poet, and patron of literature 5 nat. Horton, Northampt. 1661 ; educated at Westminster 5 chancellor Exchecpier, 1691 ; lieut, CO. Surrey ; K.G. 3 ob. 1715 ; bur. at Westminster abbey ; Svo. 6d, 4837 — fol.' mez. 3s. Drevct. — 3-qrs, fol. mez. 3s. Smith fu 15^ EVAXS'S CATALOG UB OF PORTRAITS. Halifax, Marquis, continued: — 4628 — ill Kit Kat Club, fol. 2s, Kaber. — do. 4to. Is. Cooper 4829 — large io\, fine and rare, 10s. Od- Kncllcr — Vcrtiie 4830 Halifax, Gertrude P^erpoint, Marchioness of, ob. 1727, 8vo. Is, - r • Bartolozzi 4831 Halifax, George D, Montagu, Earl, ob. 1771, 8vo. 6d. "^832 Hall, Jacot), a celebrated rope-dancer, temp. Charles II. Copy of A very rare print, in a cap, flowing hair, couib on table, 8vo. Cd. 4to. Is. - - Scheneker 4833 Hall, James, executed for murder, 174)L, whole length, in fetters, 8vo. 6d. Proof, 4to. Is. 4834 Hall, .John, surgeon, of Maidstone, Cony of rare print, set. 35, 1564, 8vo. 6d. 4835 — setatis sugs^ 35, the orig, wood-cut, from his Chirurgia, 5s. 4830 Hall, John, poet and literat. nat. Durham, 1627 ; of John's coll. Canib. and Gray's-inn ; attended Cromwell to Scotl. ; ob. 1656 ; the original print, 12mo. 3s. Marshall 4837 — copy of front, to Horse Vacivce,8vo, Is. Thurston — Newton 4838 — ditto, French paper proof , 4to. Is. 6d. Ibid. — Ibid. 4839 — ditto, fine India paper proof , royal 4to. 23. Ibid. — Ibid. 4840 ■ — copy of the above, 8vo. 6d, - Richard sop 4841 Hall, John, Bishop of Bristol, master of Pembroke coll. Oxf. ; rector of Aldgate ; ob. 1709 ; bur. Broomsgrove. From an original picture, 4to. Is. - Trotter 4842 Hall, John, exec, for treason, 1716, 8vo. 6d. 4to. Jjroof Is, 4843 Hall, Joseph, eminent poet and divine, nat. Bristow., Leic. 15745 of Emanuel coll. Camb. ; rector of Halsted, Suff. ; donative of Waltham ; prcb. Wolyerhampton ; dean of. Wore. ; rector Breock, Cornwall : bishop of Exeter and Norwich; com. to Tower by pari. 3 ob. 1656; bur. at Higham, Norfolk ; 8vo. 6d. 4844 — from picture in Emanuel college, Cambridge, 8vo. Is. Thurston — Warren 4845 — ditto, French paper proof, 4to. Is. 6d. Ibid. — Ibid. 4846 — ditto, ^"we India paper proof, royal 4to. 2s. Ibid. — Ibid. 4847 — 8 verses, front, to his Sermons, 4to.^«e?, 5s. Payne 4848 — in Boissard, 8\o. 2s. — ■ 8vo. Is. - Fenncr 4849 Hall, Mr. of Swan Brew-house, Oxford, 4to. Is. Dightou 4850 Hall, late Mr. of Mincing-lane, dry-salter, whole length, ' Sell and Repent,' 4to. coloured, Is. 6d. Dightou 4851 Hall, Rev. Robert, of Arnsby, Leicester, 8vo. 6d. 4853 • — with autogr. 8vo. Is. hid. pr. Is. 6d. Flowers — Freeman 4853 Hall, Rev. Thos. ob. 1762, fol. mez. 2s. Proof] 3s. Bowles 4854 Hall, William, fol. private plate, prooj, 5s. Ward, 4855 Hallandc, Miss, actress, 8vo. 6d. Drummond — Alais 4856 — as Violette, 8vo. 6d. Proof Is. Ileape— Cook 4857 Hallet, Benjamin, musician, w. I. playing at Dryry-lane, 1748, for 50 nights, large fol. 3s. Jenkins — Ardcli ■^858 Hallcy, Edm. astronomer, nat. Haggeraton, Midd. 165« /•«/•: 170 KVANS S CATALOGUE OF PORTRAITS. 5311 Heygate, Win. nat. London, 1783 j sheriff Middlesex ; lord mayor, 1823 ; M.P. Sudbury, Suff. ; resided North Minims, Herts 5 8vo. 6d. Proof ,' Is. . Fry 5312 Heyvvood, John, poet, nat. North Mimms, Herts, ; of Oxf. univ. 5 ob. Mechlin, 1565. Copy of rare print, 8vo. 6d. 5313 — the original wood-cut, scarce, 5s. 5314 Heywood, Oliver, nonconformist divine, nat. Liver, Lane. 1629; of Trinity coll. Camb. i minister at Colev,Yorks. ; ob. n02 ; Bvo. 6d. 5315 Hibbert, Henry, vicar Olave, London, ob. 1678 ; 6 verses, fol.5s. .... Loggan 5316 Hibbert, Thomas^ Esq. with his dog, large, fol. 5s. Proof, '5's- 6d. - _ . Russe/l—Smith 5317 Hickeringill, Rev. Edmund, nat. co. Essex, 1630 5 ofCamb. wnlv. 5 minister at Colchester 3 ob. 170S ; 8vo.6d. 5318 — 4to. 2^. 6d. - . . Bickham 5319 Hickes, Wm. one of the founders of Marine Society, with figures, sheet, 5s. - - . jjall 5320 Hickes, Rev. John, 8vo. 6d. - Hopwood 5321 Hickes, George, nat, Ncwsham, Yorks. 1642 ; of Oxford univ. ; vicar Allhallow's, London ; dean of Wore. ; suffra- gan bp. of Thetford ; ob. 1 715 ; fol. 3s. AMiite, ad vivuni 5322 Hickman, Charles, nat. co. Northampt. ; chaplain to Queen Anne; bishop of Derry ; ob. at Fulham, 1713 j bur. at Westminster abbey ; 8vo. Is, . Gribelin 5323 Hicks, Wm. author of Exposition on the Revelation, of Oxf. univ. ; captain for Parliament ; ob. 1660. Oval, with 8 verses, copy of print by Loggan, 8vo. 6d, 5324 Higgins, Don Bernaido O', supremo Director del Estado de Chile, iol India proof , 5s. . J, Gii—R. Cooper 5325 Highmore, Nathaniel, nat. Fordingbrldge, Hants, 1613 ; of Oxford univ.; M.D. at Sherborne, Dorset 3 ob. 1684 j 4to. 2s. 6d. - - . Blooteling 5326 — in title-page to a surgical work, fol. rare, 5s. 5327 Highmore Mr. India proof, 4to. 2s. /Fivell—Roll 5328 Hill, Aaron, dramatic writer, nat. Beaufort buildings, 1685; of Malmesbury, AVilts 3 educated at Barnstaple, Devon 3 res. Plaistow, Essex 3 ob. 1749, set. 64 3 bur, at Westminster abbey 3 fol. 33, - Hulsberg 5329 — from an original miniature, 8vo. Is. 5330 — from the same, 8vo. Is, - C/in( — Newton 5331 — ditto, French paper proof, 4to, Is. 6d. Ibid. — Ibid. 5332 — - ditto, fine India paper proof , royal 4to. 2s. Idid. — Ibid. 5333 Hill, Emery, founder of Alms-houses and free school, Tothill fields, VVestm, ob. 1677, a^tat. 68, 8vo, 6d. 7Vo(ter, et sc. 5334 Hill, John, M.D. and botanist, nat. Spalding, Line. J 716 3 apothecary to Savoy, and superintendant of Kew Gardens ; ob. 1775 3 4to. Is. - Co^e^— \'cndramini 5335 — with vignette of Palace at Kew, 4to. 2s. . Idem 5336 — w. 1. ingcribcd a ' polite artist, 8vo, Is, Evans's catalogue of portraits. 171.' Hill, Sir John, cotitbiued : — ■ 5337 -^ fol. ipez. 3s. - Cotes, ad vivum, 1757 — Houston 5338 — ' Night scene at Ranelagh, 1752,' Mr. Brovvu caning him 5 and the companion, ' Le Malade imaginaire.' Both comprising portraits, and view of Ranelagh, 4to. 2s. each. 5339 — 4to. Is. - . Cotes— Vvescoit 5340 Hill, Rowland, Lord, com. in chief, 8vo. various, 6fl, each. 5311 Hill, late Rev. Rowland, variety, Svo. 6d. each. Proof, Is. 5342 —4to. Is. 6(1. - '. Russell— CoW^qv 5343 — from life, 1772, fol. 2s. . - Darling 5344 Hill, Dr. aet. 75, 4to. private plate, 2s. 6d. Rev. T. Kerrkh 5345 Hill, James, singer, nat. Kidderminster, w. 1. as Leander, Svo. 6d. Proof, Is. - irUde — Schiavonetti 5346 Hill, Thomas, copy of cut to Physiognomic, 1751, Svo. 6d. 5347 Hilliard, Nicholas, nat. Exeter, 1547 ; painter to Queen Elizabeth ; ob. 1619 5 4to. Is. - Chambars 5348 Hillier, N. Esq. print collector, 17S4, small circle, private plate, proof 2s. 6d. 5.349 Hilligsberg, Madame, dancer, 4to. 2s. Janvry — Conde 5350 Hillsborough, Wills, Earl of. Marquis Dovvnshire, Viscount Fairford, and Baron Harwich ; of Aston, Oxford ; Tur- weston, Bucks ; and Hill-park, Kent ; oh. 1793 ; Svo. 6d, 5351 Hillyard, Rev. Samuel, ob. Bedford, 1S2Q, 4to. Is. India proof. Is. 6J. - - . Burton 5352 Hinchinbrooke, Edward Montague, Viscount, M.P. Hunt- ingdon ; father of John, Earl of Sandwich ; ob. 1722. In Kit Kat Club, fol. 2s. Faber. • — ditto, 4fo. Is. Cooper 5353 Hinchlift'o, John, nat. Swallow-street, Lond. 1731 3 master Westminster school ; vicar of Greenwich 5 master Trinity coll. Camb. ; dean of Durham j bishop of Peterborough j ob. 1794 ; Svo. 6d. 5354 — ditto, preaching, large fol. 5s. - Peters — Young 5355 Hind, James, nat. Chipping Norton, Oxford ; in battles of Youghal and A\'arrington 5 executed for treason at Wore. 1652. On horseback, copy of rare wood-cut, Svo. Is. 5356 — rol)bing Col. Harrison in Maidenhead thicket, 4to. 2s. 5357 Hippisley, John, actor, kept coffee-house in Covent Garden ; built theatres at Bristol and Bath j ob. 1748. Half length, as Scapin, 4to. Is. - John Hippisley Green 5358 Hirschcl, Solomon, high priest of the Jews, Svo. 6d. 4to. Is. 5359 — large ioX.Jitie, 5s. - - Bar I'm — Hoi I 5360 Hiscox, Rev. Thomas, pastor of Westerley, America, 4to. Is. - - - - Okey 5361 Hislop, Rev. Mr. Svo. 6d. 5362 Hitchin, Rev. Edward, ob. 1774, various, Svo. 6d. 5363 — fol. mez. 3s, 5364 Hoadley, Benjamin, nat. Westerham, Kent, 1676 ; of Cath. hall, Camb. ; lecturer at Mildred's, Poultry ; rector of Peter's, Broad-street ; bishop Bangor, Hereford, Salisbury, and ^\' inchester ; yb. 1761 3 variety of, Svo. 6d, 172 Evans's catalogue of porthaits. Hoadley, Benjamin, contbincd : — 5365 — fol. 3s. Simon. — fol. 2s. 6d. - Vertue 536(5 — in his robes, sitting:, fol. 3s. - Hogarth — Baron 5367 — Kt. 80^ profile, in liis robes, 8vo. 6d. 5368 — from tlie same picture, proof before the letters, fol. 5s^ 5369 Hoadly, John, abp. Dublin, ob. 1746, fol. 5s. /FAooc/— Faber 5370 Hoare, Henry, of Mifccham grove, Surrey, 3 qrs. sitting, 4to. India proof, private plate, 10s. 6d. Lawrence — Meyer 5371 Hoare, Wm. eminent artist, nat. Eye, Suffolk, 1707 ; edu- cated Farringdon ; res. Bath, and ob. there, 1792 ; 8vo. 6d- 5372 Hoare, Prince, his son, and literat, nat. Bath j secretary for corresp. R.A. ; Svo. 6d. various. 5373 _ 4to. Is. 6d. - - Dance— DamcM 5374 Hoare, Sir Richard, lord-mayor, 1746, ob. 1754. In his gown, 3-qrs. fol. 5s. - Ramsay — Faber 5375 Hobart, Sir Henry, chief justice Common Pleas,)M.P. for Norwich ; ob. 1625 ; 4to. 2s. - S. Pass 5376 Hobart, Henry, [Earl of Bucks], fol. 3s. Proof, 5s. Bell 5377 Hobbes, Thomas, celebrated philosopher, nat. Malmesbury, 1588 ; of Magdalen-hall, Oxford j ob. ca Derby, 1679 j Svo. is. .... White 5378 — set. 76, 4to. fine^ 7s, - - Faithorne 5379 — Ktat. 91, 4to. 2s. - - Ibid. 5380 — fr. pict. by himself at Knole, Svo. Is. Thurston — Warren 5381 — ditto, French paper proof 4to. Is. 6d. Ibid. — Ibid. 5382 — ^x'iX.a, fine Ind'ta paper proof xQ^^'^X.o. 2s. Ibid. — Ibid. 5383 Hobbie, Sir Philip, of Leominster, Heref. ; ambassador to Charles V. ; ob. 1558 j bur. Bisham, Berks ; fol. tinted, finc,4LS. - • Holbein — Bartolozzi 5384 Hobhouse, Sir Benjamin, bart. nat. 1757; educated Bristol, and Brazen-nose coll. Oxford ; of cos. Gloucester and Somerset ; res. Whitton ; ob. 1831 ; Svo. Is. 5385 Hobhouse, Sir John Cam, late M.P. for Westminster, 4to. Is. - - - - Gaugain 5386 Hobhouse, Amelia, Lady, 2nd wife of Sir Benjamin H. Svo. Is. - - Jackson — Thomson 5387 Hobson, Thomas, carrier, Camb. ob. 1630, ait. 86, Svo. 6d. 6388 — holding a purse, copy of rare print by Payne, 4to. Is. 5389 Hodder, James, writing master, 1659, 6 verses, Svo. Is. 5390 Hoddesdon, Jolin, poet, 1650. Copy of rare print by Cross, set. 18, 6 verses, Svo. 6d. 5391 Hodges, A. Mary, 4to. Is. Pr. Is. 6d. Hrimphrei/s — Parker 5392 Hodges, Wm. R.A. publisher of \'iews in India, and banker at Dartmouth ; nat. London, 1744 ; res. at Derby, and painted the scenes for theatre ; draughtsman in Cook's expedition ; ob. 1727 ; Svo. 6d. 5393 — 4to. Is. 6d. - - Dance— Danidl 5394 Hodges, Sir Wm. bart. Spanish merchant, M.P. Michael's, Cornwall 3 ob. 1714; bur. Coleman-street ; fol. niez. 73. 6d. - - - KneUcr— Smith Evans's CATAtocuE of portraits, ITS 5395 Hodgson, General Studholine, commander iu chief against Belleisle, fol. niez. 83. - - Fisher 5396 -— 4to. 2s. - - Ro)n)iei/~Bon(\ , n9(> 539T Hodgson, James, math. Christ hosp. ob. 1755, 4to. Is. 5398 Hodgson, AVilliam, 4to. Is. - RiclUer, del. et sc. 5399 Hodson, Frodsliam, principal of Brazen-nose coll. Oxford. Sitting in his gown, large fol. private plate, India paper proof , 1^6. Q{\. - - PluUips — Fittler ,; 5400 Hodson, Septimus, rector of Thrapston, and chaplain to the Asylum, 4to. Is. - - Skelton 5401 Hody, Humphrey, Greek professor to Oxford iiniv. ; nat. \ Odcombe, Som. 1659 ; of Wadhani coll. 5 rector of Chart, A.'-- Kent, and Michael's, London } ob. 1706; fol. 3s. Gucht 5402 Hoefnagle, George, artist in England, ob. 1600, 8vo. 6d. 5403 — holding a inin. 4to. 2s. Hondius. — 4to, Is. Bannerman 5404 Hogarth, Wm. the eminent moral painter, nat. city of London, 1698 ; res. Lambeth, Leicester fields, and Chis- wiek ; ob. 1764 5 various, 8vo. 6d. each. 5405 — whole length, sitting, painting, fol. 5s. 5406 — copy of ditto, 4to. Is. 5407 ■ — with a dog, 4to. Is. - Se ipse — Chambars 5408 — pvith fac-simile of hand writing, 8vo. 6d. Ibid. — Romney 5409 — holding a palette, 4to. Is. - Uid.—S. Ireland 5410 ■ — his tomb in Chisvvick church-yard, 4to. Is. J. T. Smith 5411 Hogg, J. the Ettrick shepherd and lit. 8vo. 6d. Proof, Is, 5412 — /?«(? India paper proof , 4to. Is. 6d. Nicholson— Try 5413 Hohenlohe of Langenbourg, Princess, daughter of Duchess of Kent, 8vo. Is. - - Behues — \\^right 5414 Holbein, John, celebrated artist, nat. Basle, 1498 ; paiiitcv to Henry VIH. ; ob. liOndon, 1554 ; variety of, 6d. each.. 5415 — aet. 43, 4to. Is. 6d. Boulonois. — 4to.' Is. Gaywood 5416 — aetat. 45, circle, 8vo. 3s. - Se ipse — Hollar 5417 — in Florence Gallery, large 4to. 2o. - Billiy 5418 Holcroft, Thon^as, dramatist nat. Orange-court, ob. 1809 ; London, 1744 3 accused of treason, 1794 5 8vo. 6d. 5419 Holden, V\'illiam, private \AdXc, proof on India paper, {o\, 7s. . . _ IFilliarn^ — Rivers 5420 Holder, Wm. nat. co. Notts. 5 of Pembroke hall, Camb. ; rector Blechingdon, Oxford ; canon St. Paul's ; ob. 1697 ; fol. 7s. 6d. - - . Loggaii! 5421 Hole, Matthew, rector of Exeter coll. 1732, 8vo. Is. Gucht 5432 Hole, Richard, modern literat. nat. Exeter, 1746 ; of Exeter coll. Oxford ; rector Farringdon and Inwardleigh ; ob. 1803 ; 4to. Is. 6d. . Z>««ce— Daniell 5423 Holgate, Robert, Bishop of Llandaff, Archbishop of York, deprived by Queen Mary, ob. 1555. From a picture at Hemsworth college, 4to. p. p. 6s. - Stow 5424 Holland, Charles, comedian, ob. 1769, a;t. 36, mon. at Chis- wiek, oval, Svo. 6d. - - Miller 5425 ~ 4to. 2s. Smith.. — as lachimo, w. 1. Svo, Is. 1T4 BVA>rs's CATALOGUE OF PORTRAITK. 5426 Holland, Heni^ Rich, Earl of, and Baron Kensington, loy- alist, K.G. ; ambassador to France ; general of horse against the Scotch, 1639 ; executed 1649 ; 8vo. 6d. 5427 — in Clarendon, 8vo. Is. — 4to. Is. Cooler— Godefroy 5428 — ' Baron van Kensington,' 8vo. Is. 5429 — when Sir H. R. 4to":3s. 6d. - Simon Pass 5430 — half length, in armour, fol. 3s. Vandyhe — Clouwet 5431 Holland, Hezekiah, minister Sutton Valence, Kent, 1650, 8vo. 6d. 5432 Holland, Philemon, volnminons translator, and M.D. nat. Chelmsford; schoolmaster at Coventry j of Cambridge nniv. 3 ob. 1636, get. 85 ; 8vo, 6d. 5433 Holland, Thomas, theol. Oxford, ob. 1612. In Heroologia, 4to. 3s. - - . Simon Pass 5434 Holland, Henry Fox, Lord, nat. 1705 ; M.P. for Hindon, • ^ Wilts, and Windsor ; secretary at war ; clerk of Pells, \^ Ireland 3 res. Kingsgate, Kent j ob. Holland-house, 1774 ; 8vo. 6d. 5435 __ fol. 3s. /.ifltoc/— Ardel!. — fol. Ss. Ramsaxj—kx^^M 5436 Hollar, AVinceslans, euiinent and indefatigable engraver, nat. Prague, 1607 ; taken prisoner at Basing-house j ob. AVestminster, 1677 ; various, 8vo. 6d. each. 5437 — holding a print, 4to. 2s. . - Ipse 5438 — 8vo. Is. 6d. . . . Balzer 5439 — jet. 40, 1647, oval, 8vo. Is. 6d. - Ipse 5440 Hollis, Dcnzil, Baron, of Ifield, ambassador to France, ob. 1670, cet. 81, Svo. 6d. 5441 Hollis, .John, ob. ]824, ^Yo.fne proof, 5s. P/>«««ce— Daniell 5489 Hooper, Edward, vice-president Society of Arts, &c 8vo. Is. 6d. Ditto, India proof, 2s. 6d. Barry — Evans 5490 Hooper, John, nat. Somerset, 1495 ; of Merton coll. Oxf. ; bishop of Gloucester and Worcester ; burnt 1554 ; 8vo. 6d. 5401 — 4to. Is. 6d. Faber. — 4to. Is. 6d. Houstoii 6492 Hooper, George, nat. Grimley, Worcester, 1640 ; educated Paul's and Westminster ; of Christ church, Oxford ; rect. Havant, Hants, and Lambeth; precentor Exeter; dean of Canterbury ; bishop Bath and Wells ; ob. 1727 ; fob /«e,5s. ■ - - - White 5493 Hope, William Johnstone, Captain R.N. 8vo. 6d. 5494 Hope, Hon. Mrs. 8vo. Is. - Lawrence — Scriven 5495 — ditto,/««e proof, folio, Ss. - Ibid. — Ibid. 5496 Hope, Sir Alexander, in his uniform, fol. India proof, 5s. Lawrence — Wal ker 5497 Hope, Sir Thomas, 8vo. Is. - J ameson—H^x^W-ag 5498 Hope, Mrs. Mary, ob. 1765, fol. p. p. 5s. Reynolds — Fisher 5499 Hope, Henry, of Amsterdam, 3.qrs. sitting, 4to. 2s. 6d. Reynolds — S. W. Reynolds 5500 — from the same picture, fol. 5s. - Hodges 5501 Hopetown, John, Earl, ob. 1823. As Sir John Hope, 4to. 3g. - - • Craig — \'endramini 5502 Hopkins, Commodore of American fleet, 8vo. Is. Fol. 2s. 5503 Hopkins, Edward, M.P. for Eye, Suffolk ; master of revels, Ireland ; ob. 1736 ; fol. 2s. - Kneller—Yiihex 5504 — ditto, 4to. Is. - - - Cooper 5505 Hopkins, Ezekiel, nat. Sandford, Devon, 1633 ; minister Mary's, Woolnoth, and Exeter ; bishop of Derry ; ob. 1690 ; 8vo. 6d. 5506 — 4to. 2s. Sturt. — 8vo. proof, 2s. - Gucht 5507 Hopkins, Matthew, witch finder, whole length, 8vo. 6d. 5508 Hopkins, Miss, marr. 1. Mr. Brereton ; 2. J. P. Kemble, 1787. In character, 8vo. 6d. - _ Collyer 5509 Hopkins, Thomas, money scrivener, commissioner of salt duties, gauger.general of Ireland, ob. 1720. In the Kit Kat Club, fol. 2s. - - Kneller—VahQv 5510 — ditto, 4to. Is. - • - Cooper 5511 Hopkinson, Francis, American, 4to. Is. - Porter 5513 Hoplev, William, verger of AVorcester cathedral, whole length, fol. 2s. - - ^rr/^A^— Hancock EVANS's CATALOGUE OF PORTRAITS. 117 5513 Hoppiiev, Jolin, R. A. eminent portrait painter, ob. 1810. In Council Room, R. A. 4to. 3s. Proof, 5s. Ipse — Meyer 5514 — fine proof, io\. 5s. . - Ipse — C.Turner 5515 — profile, 4to. Is. 6d. - Dance — Daniell 5516 Hopton, Ralph, Lord, baron H. of Stratton, Cornwall ; nat, v 1598 ; of Lincoln coll. Oxford ; M.P. for Wells ; defeated parliamentary forces at Bradockdown ; captured Winches- ter, and Arundel castle j retired to Scilly and Jersey ; ob. . Bruges, 1652 ; 8vo. 6d, 5517 — in Set of Loyalists, Svo. Is. - Vertue 5518 — from a dra\ving of Mr. Tighe's 4to. Is. Harding 5519 — whole length, i)i armour, as ' Governour of Bristol.' Copy of Earl Spencer's unique print, 4to. Is. Bcntley 5520 Home, George, nat. Otham, Kent, 1730 ; vice-chancellor C>xford univ. ; bishop Norwich ; ob. Bath, 1792 ; Svo. Is. 5521 Home, Robert, bp. Winchester ; ob. 1580 ; 8vo. 6d, 4to, Is. 5532 Horneck, Anthony, nat. Baccharack, 1641 ; chaplain to Queen's coll. Oxford ; rector Doulton, Devon ; preb. of Exeter ; preacher Savoy j preb. Wells and Westminster ; 6b. 1697 ; bur. AVestm. abbey ; Svo. Is. Beale — White 5523 Uorsley, Matthew, of Birdsall,'Yorhs. fob 3s. Smith, 1796 5524 Horsley, Samuel, nat. at Rectory-house, Martin's in the Fields J of Trinity-hall, Cambridge; dean Westminster ; bishop of David's, Rochester, and Asaph ; res. at Epsom ; ob. 1806 ; various, Svo. 6d. 5525 — large folio, 5s. Proof, 7s. 6d. /. Green — Meyer 5536 — 4to. 2.S. 6d. - - HumpIirif—GodhY 5527 Horsey, Rev. John, of Portsea, 4to. 2s, Medley — I3ranwhite 5528 Hoskins, J. artist, uncle and tutor to A. and S. Cooper, buried at Covent Garden, 1604. From a miniature by himself, Svo. Is. 5529 Hoskins, Sir John, president R. S. 1682, nat. Mownton ; educated Westminster and Winchester ; kept a school at Hchester; of Middle Temple and co. Hereford, Bust in a niche, copy from rare print by White, 4to, Is. 5530 Hotham, Sir Beaumont, Baron of Exchequer, 4to. Is. 5531 — large fol. mez. 5s. - . Dance — Green 5532 Hotham, Sir John, nat. Scarborough, 1589 ; governor of Hull, and refused admission to Charles I. ; beheaded on Tovver-hill, 1644, On horseback, from a drawing in the Pepysian Collection, 4to. Is, 5533 — with view of Hull in back ground, 4to. Is. 5534 — half length, with staff, and view of Hull, Svo. 6d. 5535 — helmet on table. Copy of a curious and nearly unique print, 4to. Is. 6d. 5536 Houblon, Sir John, 1st governor of Bank, lord-mayor, al- derman of Cornhill ward ; commissioner of Admiralty ; M.P. for Bodmin ; ob. 1711 ; 3.qrs, in his robes, sitting. Copy of the rare print by AV'illiams, 4to, Is. Proof 3s. Closterman — Grave Part XH. Price 6d. n 17B KVANS'S CATALOGUE OF POUTUAITS. 5537 Houbiaken, James, the celebrated engraver, 8vo. 6(1. 5538 — 4X0. fine, 2s. 6d. - - Pothoven — Ipse 5539 Houbraken, Arnold, painter, visited Englanc^, 4to. Is. 5540 Hougli, Jolm, nat. co. Middlesex, 1651 ; of Magdalen coll. Oxford ; chaplain to Duke of Ormond in Ireland ; rector Tempsford, Bedford ; bisliop Oxford, Lichfield and Co- ventry, and Worcester ; ob. 1743. From the picture at Lainbetli, 4to. 2s. 6d. • Kneller — Car. V\' atson 5.541 — from ditto, io\.fine and rare, 10s. Ibid. — Fal)er 5542 — ditto, before the address, folio, 15s. - Idem 5543 Houlbrook, W. farrier of Marlborough, and loyalist, whole length, at his forge, 8vo. 6d. 5544 House, Samuel, of Wardour-street, publican, admirer of Fox, 8vo. 6d. 5545 — whole length, carrying pot of porter, 4to. Is. 5546 — whole length, sittintr, drinking, 4to. Is. 5547 How, Mrs. Rachel, with bird, 1702, fol. 2s. Kneller— ^m\\\\ 5548 How, Thomas, lord-mayor Dublin, 1733, fol. 3s. Brooks 5549 Howard family. Portraits of, viz. 1. Lady Agnes Howard, Marchioness of Winchester 5 2. Frances Howard, Duchess of Richmond and Lennox ; 3. Princess Mary Howard ; 4. Queen Katheriue Howard. On one plate, copy of an ex- treme rare print, 4to. Is. 5550 Howard, Lady Catherine, grand daughter of the celebrated Earl of Arundel, married John Digby, of Gothurst, Bucks, elder brother to Sir K. D. AV'hen young, copy of the rare print by Hollar, 4to. Is. Proof, 2s. . Sawyer 5551 Howard, Catherine Neville, Lady, wife of Sir Robert H. 1693, whole length, reclining by a brook, fol. 3s. Smith 5552 — whole length, standing, fol. 3s. Kneller — Ibid. 5553 Howard, Lady Catherine, 1802, 8vo. 6d. 4to. 2s. Wilkin 5554 Howard, Gen. Sir George, K.B. fol. 3s, Reynolds — Watson 5555 Howard, Henry, secretary to Royal Academy, and eminent artist, 4to. Is. 6d. - - Dance — Daniell 5556 Howard, John, philanthropist, nat. Hackney, 1726 ; res. at Brokenhurst, Hants ; sheriff co. Bedford ; ob. at Sherson, 1790 ; 8vo. 6d. various. — 4to. Is, 6d. Dance — Daniell 5557 Howard, Leonard, chaplain to Prince of Wales, ob. 1767, 4to. Is. 6(1. - - - Voillard 5558 Howard, Mary, daughter of Sir Robert H. ob. 1735, setat. 82, 8vo. 2s. - - - Miller 5559 — abbess of English nuns, Antwerp, fol. 2s. Mathyas — Faber 5560 Howard, Thomas Philip, Cardinal, ob, 1694, fol. 5s, Noblin 5561 Howard, Hon. Sir Rol)ert, literat. nat. 1626 5 M.P. for Stockbridge, Hants, and Castle Rising, Norf. ; ranger of Enfield chase ; estates Suff. and Surrey ; res. Charlton, Wilts ; 8vo. 2s. Vertue. — 4to. 3s. Kneller — White 5562 Howard, Hugh, painter and poet, nat. Dublin, 1675; ob. Pall Mall, 1737 ; bur. Riclimond ; foJ. 3s. Dahl—Ysbcv 5563 — in plate with Christopher Wren, 4to. Is.,' Evans's catalogue of portraits* 179 5564 Howard de Walden, R. H. Lady. 8vo. Is. Rofjertson— Cook 5565 Howe, Einauuel Scrope, ob. 1709, 8vo. Is. Zve/^— Scriveu 5566 Howe, Jolin, iiat. Lougliboroiigl), 1630 ; of Clirist college, Cambridge, and Brazen-nose, Oxford ; chaplain to O. Cromwell ; living of Torrington, Devon ; ejected, 1662 ; chaplain to Lord Massarine, Ireland ; ob. 1705 ; 8vo. 6d. 5567 — Svo. Is. White. — 4to. Is. 6d. 5568 Howe, Richard, Earl, celebrated admiral, nat. London, 1726 ; educated at Westminster and Eton ; of Langar, Notts; K.G. ; M.P. Dartmouth; ob. at London, 1799 5 Svo. 6d. 5569 ~ Svo. Jine, Is. Wedgwood. — with arms, 4to. Is. Ridley 5570 — large fol./«f^pm/, 5s. - - Earloni 5571 — in uniform, India proof before any letters, 8vo. 3s. Fry 5572 Howe, Sir William, K.B. com. in America, fol. 2s. 5573 Howe, Honourable Mrs. Svo. 6d. - Hopwood 5574 Howell, James, literat. nat. Wales, 1594 ; educated free- school, Hereford ; of .Tesus coll. Oxford ; clerk of council, Dublin ; confined in Fleet prison ; M.P. for Richmond, Yorkshire; ob. 16G6 ; bur. Temple church. From the vignette to his Familiar Letters, Svo. 6J, - Rodd 5575 — frontispiece to his Familiar Letters, 4to. Is. 6d. 5576 — w. 1. leaning against tree, 4to. 2-5. 6d. Mellan and Bosse , .j^,.--vy 5577 Howell, Laurence, master of Epping school ; curate of Estwick, Suffolk ; of Jevvin-street ; violent jacobite ; con- victed of libel, 1717 ; ob. Newgate, 1720,- "Svo. Is. Cucht 5578 — fol. 3s. - - - Fellows 5579 Howley, Wm. archbishop of Canterbury, nat. 1763. In a Gothic border, 4to. Is. - Owen—S. Hall 5580 — with autograph, Svo. Is. India proof , 2s. Ibid. — HoU 5581 Howson, John, nat. St. Bride's, London, 1556; rector of Brightwell, Berks ; canon of Hereford ; bishop Oxford and Durham ; vice-chancellor of Oxford university ; ob, 1631 ; bur. St. Paul's ; Svo. Is. 5582 — 4 verses, the original plate, 4to. 2s. Droeshout 5583 Hubbard, Rev. Henry, B.D. Regist. Cambridge university, fol. 3s. - - ' - Hodges 5584 Huck, William, eminent brewer, and ' Chevalier dc Malt,' M. P. Abingdon and ^Vallingford, placed the statue of George I. on Bloomsbury spire ; res. Ewelrae, Oxford j ob. 1740 ; fol. 2s. - randerbanc—F ixhcr 5585 Hucks, Mrs. daughter of Sir Godfrey Kncller, praying, fol. 3s. Knel/cr— Smith, 1715 5586 Huddart, Joseph, Captain Royal Navy, Svo. 6d. 5587 — 3 qrs. sitting, 4to. 2s. India proof , 3s. Hoppner — Stow 5588 Hudson, Sir Jeffery.the dwarf, iiat. Okehani, Rutland, 161U ; served up in a pie at Burleigh ; captain of horse for Charles 1. ; committed to Gatehouse as a papist ; ob. 1682 j whole length, Svo. 6(1. 5589 — whole length, holding his dog, 4to. 2s. My tens—Slow n2 180 EVANs's CATALOGUE OF PORTRAITS. 5590 Hudson, Jolin, principal St. Mary's, Oxford, ob. 1719, fol. 3s. - . - Gribelin 5591 Hudson, Miss, w. 1. with dog, fol. 3s. Hudson — Faber 5592 Hughes, Sir Edward, admiral, 8vo. Is. Reynolds — Ridley 5593 Hughes, John, poet, nat. Marlborough, 1677 ; ob. 1720 j various, 8vo. 6d. each. Proof, Is. 5594 Huglies, Margaret, actress, mistress to Prince Rupei't, res. Hammersmith, fol. 3s. - Leiy — Williams 5595 — from the same, fol. rare, 7s. - Tompson 5596 Hughes, Rev. Mr. (an unpublished plate), 4to. Is. 6d. Dance — Daniell 5597 Hughes, Miss, as Reiza, in Oberon, 4to. 2s. 6d. Call — Jones 5598 Hughes, Obadiah, of Plymouth, of Christ church, Oxford; niin. London, and at Enfield ; ob. 1704, 8vo. 6d. Kenzie 5599 Huish, Robert, literat., 8vo. 6d. - Page 5600 Hull, Thomas, actor, nat. Stroud, 1738 ; educated Charter- house ; actor at Covent Garden 50 years ; ob. Westmr. 1808. In character, 8vo. 6d. Proof, Is. 5601 — an unpublished plate, 4to. Is. 6d. Dance — Daniell 5602 — nearly w. 1. sitting, 8vo. 6d. Proof, Is. Graham — Leney 5603 Hullin, Madam, dancer of Opera-house, 4to. Is. Cooper 5604 Humble, Richard, from monument St, Olave's, SvO. 6d. 5605 — monument of, with his wives, Svo. Is. - Shury 5606 Humboldt, Alexander von, p. p. 4to. 3s. Philips — Turner 5607 Hume, David, the historian, nat. Edinburgh, 1711 ; res. at Bristol ; ob. 1776 ; various, 8v'0. 6d. each. 5608 — 4to. 2s. Cochin— M\geY. — 4to. Is. 6d. Ravenet 5609 ■ — from Bowyer's Hume, fine, fol. 3s. Ramsay — A. Smith 5610 Hume, Joseph, M.P. for Middlesex, 8vo. 6d. 5611 — ^io. fine India proof, 2s. - - Newton 5612 Hume, Sir Abraham, bart. nat, 1749 ; educated Eton ; of Wormleybury, Herts ; fol. 3s. Reynolds — Lupton 5613 — with autogr. Svo. Is. Ind. proof 2s. Edridge — Jenkins 5614 Humphrey, Lawrence, nat. Newport Pagnell, Bucks, 1527; div. professor Oxford univ. ; dean of Gloucester and Win- chester ; ob. 1590 ; 4to. 3s. - Simon Pass 5615 Humphrey, William, engraver, 4to. Is. Hodges, 1795 5616 Humphreys, Hercules, aged 102, 4to. Is. IFise, del. et sc. 5617 Humphreys, R. pugil. foi. 2s. Proof, 3s. JVh'itby — Young 5618 — in attitude, large sheet, proo/", 5s. Hoppner — Young 5619 — and Mendoza, fighting at Odiham, Hants, 16 portraits of amateurs, sheet, 3s. - - Grozer 5620 Humphreys, Salusbury Price, Captain R.N. Svo. 6d. Page 5621 Humphries, Mrs. actress, 4to. Is. 5622 Hunsdon, Henry Carey, Lord, of co. Herts ; 1st cousin to Elizabeth, and had grant of Somerset-house ; governor of Berwick ; K.G. 5 ob. 1596 3 bur. Westminster abbey. In a cap and feather, 4to. Is. - Bocquet 5623 — from procession to his house, by Garrard, S\o. Is. Cooper 5634 — his lady, from the same, Svo. 6d. . Thane Evans's catalogue of portkaits. 181 5625 Hiiinj)liry, Ozias, celebrated miniature painter, 4to. Is. 6d. Dance — Daniell. ■ — 4to. Is. Falconet — Pariset 5626 • — 4:to.Jine, 2s. - Romney — Car. ^^'^atson 5627 Hunt, Arabella, musician, ob. 1705, fol. 3s. Kneller — Smith 5G28 Hunt, Henry, celebrated political reformer, 4to. Is. 5029 Hunt, Leigh, theatrical critic and literat. Svo. Is. 5630 Hunter, Claudius, lord-mayor, 1812, 8vo. 6d. 5631 Hunter, A. M.D. and F.R.S. larjze fol. 3s. Smith, del. et sc. 5632 Hunter, Captain John, nat. 1738, governor of New South ^Vales 5 ob. 1821 ; 4to. Is. - - Orme 5633 — with arms, 8vo. 6d. Proof, Is. - Ridley 5634 Hunter, John, eminent surgeon, nat. Scotland, 1728 ; of Mary-hall, Oxford ; res. Bronipton, and Leicester-square; o!). 1793 ; various, 8vo. 6d. 5635 — tiie celebrated print, fol. 21. 2s. Reynolds — Sharp 5636 — from the same, with autograph, 8vo. Is. 6d. Proof, 2s. - - - Ibid. — Adcock 5637 Hunter, Henry, D.D. translator of Lavater, nat. Culross, Scotland, 1741 ; minister London wall ; ob. at Bristol, 1802 ; 8vo. Is. - - - Trotter 563S Hunter, Mrs. Orby, 1804, 8vo. 6d. - Kenzie 5639 Hunter, AVm. founder of the anat. museum, nat. Kilbride, Scotland, 1718 ; anatomy ])rofessor R.A. ; president of Society of Physicians ; ob. 1783 ; 8vo. 6d. 5640 — while delivering a lecture, 1780, leaning on a table, 4to. Is. - - Chantberlhi — Thornthwaite 5741 — from picture in Council Room, R.A. 4to. 3s. Proof. 5s. - - - - Smith 5642 Hunter, Mrs. actress, w. 1. in char. 8vo. 6d. Proof, Is. 5643 Huntingdon, Henrv Hastings, Earl, rose in Leicester for Charles L, ob. 1643, 8vo. 6d. 5644 — small oval by Hollar, 4to. 3s, — copy of ditto, 6d. 5645 Huntingdon, Theophilus Hastings, Earl, nat. Donington, Leicester, 1696 j educated Oxford ; ob. 1746. In the Kit Kat Club, fol. 2s. Faber. — ditto, 4to. Is. Cooper 5646 Huntingdon, Selina, his Countess, various, 8vo. 6d. 5647 — 4to. 2s. Bowyer — Fittler. — fol. 2s. Russell — Bowles 5648 — whole length, holding a crown of thorns, and trampling on her coronet, fol. 3s. - - Russell 5649 Huntingdon, Elizabeth Stanley, Countess, daughter of Ferdinando, Earl of Derby, ob. 1633. 'l\vo angels holding a coronet, arms, &c. Copy of the rare print by Marshall, 4to. Is. 5650 Huntingford, George Isaac, Bishop Gloucester and Hereford, 4to. 3s. - - Lawrence — Meyer 5651 — fine proof before any letters, 4X0. 5i. - Idem 5652 Huntington, Rev. W. S. S. nat. co. Kent ; minister Thames Ditton and London ; ob. 1813 ; 8vo. 6d. 4to. Is. Bergius 564? Huntley, George, Martpiis, executed Edinb. 1649, 4to. Is. 5654 — in Lodge's ports. 4to. 2s. Ind, pr. 3s. Fandyhc — Cooper m 163 flVANS's CATALOGUE OF PORTRAITS. 5655 Hurd, Richard, nat. Congreve, Stafford, 1720 ; of Emanuel coll. Cainb. 5 rector of Tliurcaston, and Folkeston, Yorks. ; preacher at Liucoln's-inn ; archdeacon Gloucester ; bp. Lichf. and Coventry, and Worcester ; ob. 1808 ; 8vo, 6d. 5656 — ditto, from a model in wax, 8vo. Is. 5657 Huskisson, AMlliam, nat. co. Worcester, 1770; educated at firewood. Staff. ; M.P. for Morpeth, Liskeard, Harwich, Chichester, and Liverpool ; killed 1830 ; 8vo. with au» tograph. Is. Indhi proof, 2s. Graham — Cochran 5658 Hussey, Joseph, nat. Fordingbridge, Hants, 1660 ; educated *^y «^" Newington-green ; minister at Clapham, the Hoo, Herts, ■ ' ' ' Hog-hill, Cambr, and Petticoat-lane ; ob. at Hoxton, 1726 : 8vo. 6d. 5659 Hussey, Thomas, Bishop of Waterford, fol. proof, 5s, Collopy — Hincks 5660 Hustler, James, merchant, 3-qrs. sitting, sheet, 5s. Proof, J 7s. 6d. - - Brompton — Saunders ^^tri-'ylfl 5661 Huston, D. of Bristol, artist and literat. 8vo. Is. Ipse, et sc, 5662 Hutcheson, Francis, moral professor Glasgow, 4to. 2s. 5663 Hutchins, Richard^ rector of Lincoln coll. ob. 1781, 8vo, Is. - • - Orson — Basire 5664 Hutchins, John, rector of Wareham and Swyre, and hist, of Dorset, ob. 1763, 4to. 2s. Bestland — Collimore 5665 Hutchinson, Hon. Christ. Hely, M.P. for Cork, large fol, 4s. - - - Corhett — Turner 5666 Hutchinson, J. H. H. Lord, [Earl of Dononghmore], general in army, 8vo. 6d. - - NLcholls 5667 — in Cadell's portraits, 4to. 3s. - PhUips — Kenzie 1 5668 Hutton, Charles, mathemat. professor, Woolwich, nat. at ^ Newcastle on Tyne, ob. 1823, 8vo. various, 6d. each. 5669 — 4to. Is. Miss 'Byrne— K\\\g\\t. — 4to. Is. C. Turner 5670 — sitting, writing, proof before the letters, 4to. 3s. 5671 Hutton, James, Moravian, fol. 3s. Cosway — Smith 5672 Hutton, ]\L archbishop of York, ob. 1605, 8vo. Is. Basire 5673 Hutton, Matthew, archbishop of Canterbury, ob. 1758, fol. 3s. . . . .' Faber 5674 Hutton, Sir Richard, justice of Common Pleas, and King's Bench, nat. Hutton-hall, Cumb. ; of Jesus coll. Cambridge, and Gray's-inn ; recorder of York ; ob. 1628, setat. 79 ; 4to. Is. Proof, 2s. Sawyer. From original of same size, bv Hollar. 5G75 Huxham, John, M.D. of Plymouth, ob. 1768, 8vo. Is. 5676 — fol. 3s. - - Rennell—VhhQv 5677 Huvgens, Christian, mathemat. and secretary to Dutch embassy, F.R.S. ob. 1695, ajt. 66, 4to. 2s. 3nreoeldt—DeW 5678 Hyatt, Rev. Mr.^ne India proof, 4to. 2s. Cooper 5679 Hyde, John, puisne judge of Calcutta, nearly w. 1. sitting in his robes, la. sheet, fine proof, 10s. 6d. Home — Sharp 5680 Hyde, Mrs. afterwards Lady Rochester, temp. Charles H, 8\'o. 6d. 4to. Is. K(^r Evans's catalogue of porthaits. 183 5681 Hyde, Anne, wife of James 11. when Duke of York, 8vo. various, 6(]. 5683 — in Royal Authors, 8vo. Is. - Bocquet 5683 — fol. Is. - . Lcly — Simonneau 56S4 Hyde and Cornbury, Henry, Lord, M.P. Oxford university, ob. 1753, 8vo. Is. - - f^an Loo 5685 Hyde, Lady Catherine, ob. 1737, fol. 5s. 7)^///— Faithorne 5686 Hyde, Ladies Henrietta and Mary, afterwards Countess Dalkeith, and Lady Conway. When children, whole lengths, j^^w^? and rare, fol. 7s. 6d. Iflss'/ng — Smith 5687 Hyde, Thomas, learned orientalist, nat. Billingsley, Salop, 1636; of King's coll. Camb. ; assisted in Polyglot Bible; Hebrew reader Queen's coll. Oxford ; kcejjer of Bodleian Library ; preb. Salisbnry ; archdeacon Gloucester ; ob. 1704, From a bust prefixed to his works, 4to. 2s. Perry 5688 Hyder Ally, the celebrated Eastern chief, 4tr. 6d. Pmof, Is. - - - Leicester — Gill ray 5689 Hyndford, J. V. Css. ob. 1750, fol. 3s. Reynolds— A\i\^\\ 5690 Inchbald, Mrs. actress, and literat. nat. Bury, Suffolk, ob. 1825, various, 8vo. 6d. 5691 — an unpublished plate, 4to. Is. 6d. Dance — Daniell 5692 Incledon, Chas. singer, nat. Cornvv. ; apprentice at Exeter ; ob. A\'orcester ; various, 8vo. 6d. Proof,!?:. 5693 Indian Kings, who arrived in England, 1710, to solicit as- sistance against the French in America, 4to. mez. 2s. each. 5694 - — I'ee Yee Neen Ho Ga Row, Emperor of Six Nations. 5695 — E Tow O Koam, King of the River Nation. 5696 — Sa Ga Yean Qua Rash Tow, alias King Brant. 5697 — On Ne Yeath Tow No Riow, vulg. King John. 5698 ■ — the same, whole lengths, fol. 3s. each. P^erekt — Faber 5699 Inglis, Rev. Henry David, of Edinburgh, 8vo. 6d. 5700 Inglis, Hcsther, celebrated for her fine hand writing. From drawing by herself, in Bodleian Library, Svo. Is. Harding 5701 Inman, Henry, Captain R.N. Svo. 6d. 5702 Inncs, Rev. George, 1412. From a picture in See. Antiq., Edinburgh, 8vo. Is. 4to. proof. Is. 6d, Trotter 5703 Inwood, Rev. J. curate Deptford, Svo. Is. Proof, 2s. Heath 5704 Ireland, John, nat. Ashburton, Devon ; of Oriel coll. Oxford ; dean of Westminster. Holding crown, 4to. Is. 6d. Stow 5705 Ireland, John, illustrator of Hogarth, nat. co. Salop, ob. at Birmingham, 1803, Svo. Is. - - Tagg 5706 Ireland, W. H. manufacturer of the Shakspcarc papers, Svo. Is. . - - Kenzie 5707 Ireton, Henry, pari, general, lord-deputy of Ireland, son in law to O. Cromwell, ob. Limerick, 1651, Svo. 6d. 5708 — fol. 2s. Ditto, large paper, 3s. f co/;— Houbraken 6709 Irland, A\'m. Jesuit, nat. co. Line, executed Tyburn, 1678, Svo. 6d. ... Richardson 5710 hvinc, Washington, American literat. with autograph, Svo, 6d. Proof, Is. rvv'v 184 Evans's catalogue of poiitraits. 5711 Irving, Edward, late preacher at Scotch church, various, 8vo. 6d. — 4to. 2s. - AVoodman 5713 Irwin, Anne Howard, Countess, literat, daughter of Earl Carlisle, married I. Richard, V'iscount I. ; 2. Colonel Douglas ; ob. 1762 ; 8vo. Is. 5713 Ii win, Edward, traveller, 8vo. 6d. Proof, Is. Rom7iey — Thorn thwaite 5714 — from same picture, 4to. 2s. 6d. - Walker 5715 Irwin, Mrs. wife of Gen. Irving, ob. 1767, 8vo. Is. 5716 — fol. 3s. - - Reynolds — Watson 5717 Isaac, Mr. dancing-master, 1740, fol. 3s. - White 5718 Isaac, the Grinner of Oxford, 8vo. 6d. 4to. proof, Is. 5719 — the original print, 4to. mez. 3s. 572 J Isabel of Scotland, Duchess of Bretagne, daughter James I. ob. 1492, 8vo. Is. - - Trotter 5721 Isabel, Queen of France, 8vo. Is. - Gardiner 5722 Islip, John, abbot of Westminster, Svo. 6d. fol. 2s. Basire 5723 Israel, the twin brothers, exhibited temp. Chas. II. 8vo. 6d. 5724 Ives, John, antiquary, nat. Yarmouth, 1751 ; of Caius coll. Camb, J Suffolk herald 5 ob. 1776 ; 4to. Is. Lamborn 5725 Ivimey, Rev, Joseph, 6vo. 6d. Proof, Is. 5726 Jackson, Dr. preb. Lichfield, and translator of Linnaeus, 4to. Is. 6d. 5727 Jackson, Arthur, nat. Waldingfield, Suffolk, 1593 ; of Trin, Lf'v^ coll. Cambridge ; minister Michael's, Wood-street, and St. Faith's ; ejected by Cromwell ; ob. 1666. From Loggan, 8vo. 6d. 5728 — the OY\^.T^\mt, fine and scarce, ^Xo. 5s. Brunest— hoggin 5729 Jackson, F. J. ambassador to the Porte, large folio, 5s. Abbott — Green 5730 Jackson, Rev. John ob. 1763, fol. 3s. F. i%«e— Ardell 5731 Jackson, John, arbiter elegantiarum of boxing, beat Mendoza at Hornchurch, Essex ; landlord of Sun and Punch-bowl, Holborn, and Cock at Sutton. From the whole length picture, 4to. Is. - - - Bailey 5732 Jackson, Joseph, letter founder, nat. Old-street, 1733 ; res. Cock-lane and Dorset-street, London ; ob. 1792 ; 8vo. 6d. 5733 — with Joseph AVebster, painter, ob. 1796, 8vo. Is. 5734 Jackson, Rev. M.of Leeds, 4to. 2s. 6d. TFageman — Woolnoth 5735 Jackson, Mrs. in char, of Britannia, 8v'o. proof. Is. Bonnor 5736 Jackson, Mrs. w. 1. at a fountain, fol. 3s. Cosway — Conde 5737 Jackson, R. barrister, Svo. 6il. Fine proof , Is. Thompson 5738 Jacob, Hildebrand, poet, ^(A. proof 5s. Houbraken 5739 Jacombe, T. rector Martin's, Ludgate, ob. 1687, Svo. 6d. 5740 Jak, Mother, nurse to Edward VI. fol. 4s. Bartolozzi 5741 — profile, in cap, small square, 2s. 6d. Hollar 5742 James, Charles, 6 verses, Svo. Is. - Russell — Bovi 5743 James, Sir W. of Langley, Bucks, 4to. ls.6d. Dance — Daniell 5744 James, Captain Thomas, of Bristol. Copy of rare print in the Discovery of North West Passage, 1635, Svo. Is. EVAXS'S CATALOGUE OF PORTBAITS. 185 5T45 James I. King of Scotland, prisoner in Tower and Windsor, assassinated 1437, 8vo. 6d. 5746 — w. 1. with stag holding coat of arms, 4to. Is. Adam 5747 — wlien young, holding a bird, from Earl of Dartmouth's picture, 8vo. Is. - - Green — Raddou 5748 — ditto, French paper proof, 4to. Is. 6d. Ibid. — Ibid. 5749 — ditto, y}«e India paper proof, royal 4to. 2s. Ibid. — Ibid. 5750 James II. of Scotland, ob. 1460, 8vo. 6d. 5751 — from Johnston, 4to. Is. Adam. — 4to. Is, Gaywood 5752 James III. of Scotland, ob. 1488, 8\-o. 6d. 5753 — from picture at Kensington, 4to. Is. — 4to. Is. Gaywood 5754 James IV. of Scotland, ob. 1513, 8vo. 6d. 5755 — holding thistle, 4to, Is. — bust, 4 verses, fol. Is. Valck 5756 James V. of Scotland, ob. 1543, 8vo. 6d. • — fol. Is. Gunst 5757 — in Royal and Noble Authors, 8\-o. Is. Bocquet 5758 James W. of Scotland, and I. of England, great variety. 5759 — w. 1. on throne, with high canopy, fol. Ss. Elstracke 5760 — in hat and feathers, large oval, fol. 2s. 5761 — 4to. 2s. Hondins. — fol. 2s. - Picart 5762 — holding a globe and sceptre, * beati pacifici,' 4 verses, 4to. 2s. - - - \'aughan 5763 — holding a truncheon, 4to. 3s. - Meyssens 5764 — from Picart, 4to. Is. - - Cooper 5765 — from the picture at Hampton-court palace, fol. Is, Vandyke — \'^ertue 5766 — from bronze at Whitehall, 4to. Is. - Smith 5767 — fol. Is. - . Vandertverff—Qym'sX. 5768 ■ — get. 37, with arms, when James VI. of Scotl. 4to. 2s. Jode 5769 — ' touch not myne anoynted,' 4to. Is. 6J. 5770 — 4to. mez. Is. - _ - Smith 5771 • — richly habited, copy of a very rare and curious print, 4to. 2s. - - - L. Johnsou 5772 — vv. I. in robes, globe and sceptre, fol. 5s. Pass 5773 — liigh crowned hat, in armour, copy of the rare print by Elstracke, 4to. Is. 5774 — large fol. 2s. •• . - Gunst 5775 — from Millyard's miniature, fol. 2s. ^«?^d'_y/<■e— Smith 5776 — royal progeny of, 14 portraits, fol. 5s. B. Wright 5777 — with his family, 15 portraits, copy of print by Pass, fol. 5s. - - - . Turner 5778 — on his death-bed, ' thanks to the Chymist,' with other figures, accurate copy of scarce print by Hollar, 4to. Is. 5779 James II. of England, variety of. 5780 — from the picture painted for Seer. Pepys, 1688, fol. Is. Kneller — Vertue 5781 — vignette of (light, and dropping crown, fol. Is. Audran 5782 — from statue bv Gibbons in Privv Gardens, 4to. Is. Smith 5783 — large fol. 3s. White. — fol. 3s. \'isscher 5784 — copy of the same, large wig, laced neckcloth, 4to. Is. 5785 — on horseback, in armour, large 4to. 2^;. 1'^^ Evans's catalogue of poktraits. James II. continued : — 57S6 — 4to. Is. - . . Kncllcr—^m\i\i 5787 — when young, whole length, playing at tennis, 4to. Is. 57S8 — ditto, copy of a rare equestrian print, 4to. Is. 5789 — when Duke of York, 4to. Is. - Harding 5790 — ditto, in armour, 8vo. Is. - - Cooper 5791 — ditto, whole length, in his robes of the Garter, arms, &c. 4to. 2s. - . . White 5793 — ditto, in armour, fol. 3s. . Lely—Wn^. 5793 — ditto, 4to. 3s. - - Vandyke— M\gk 5794 — monument of, in Scotch church, Paris, fol. Is. Bosc 5795 James, Captain, poet, 8vo. Is. . Brown — Skelton 5796 James, Rev. John Angell, of Birmingham, 8vo. 6d. 5797 — 3-tps. sitting,^?/c Ind.prooJ,'^io. 2s. 6d. Derby — Cooper 57S8 James, Robt. inventor of the fever powder, nat. Kniverston, Stafford, 1703 ; of John's coll. Oxford ; physician at Sheffield, Birmingham, and London ; ob. Bruton-street, 1776 3 8vo. Is. 5799 James, Sir Wm. comm. R.N. and East India director, nat. iJ , Milford Haven, 1721 ; deputy master Trinity-house ; fsX--svt- M.P. for Looe 5 governor of Greenwich hospital; built Tower, Shooters-hill ; ob. 1783; 8vo. Is. Reynolds — Ridley 5S00 — from the same, at Trinity-house, fol. 5s. Smith 5801 Jameson, Robert, professor Natural History, Edinburgh, with autogr. 8vo. Is. India proof , 2s. Macleary — Jenkins 5802 Jamesone, George, painter, nat. Aberdeen, 1586, ob. at Edinburgh, 1644, 8vo. Is. - - Trotter 5803 — with his wife and child, 4to. Is. Ipse — Bannerman 5804 — ditto, large 4to. 2s. 6d, Ipse, 1623— Alex, p^meyyo.?, 1728 5805 Jamieson, John, D.D. of Edinburgh, Svo. 6d. Mitchell 5806 Jane, Queen, daughter of John Beaufort, Earl of Somerset, niarr. James I. of Scotland, at Southwark, 1424, 8vo. Is. 5807 Janeway, James, nonconformist, nat. co. Herts, 1636 ; of Christ church, Oxford 3 minister at Rotherhithe 3 ob. 1674 3 8vo. 6d. 5808 Jansen, Cornelius, painter in England, res. Bridge, Kent, ob, 1665, 4to. Is. - - Chambars 5809 Jarratt, Benjamin, of Norfolk, grazier, born with 6 toes on each foot, 8vo. 6d. 5810 Jarvis, Daniel, from the picture in Town-hall, Margate, w. 1. sheet, y?«e^ro(9/, 10s. 6d. - Jackson — VV^ard 5811 Jarvis, John, dwarf, ob. 1650, set. 57, 8vo. 6d. Clamp 58J2 Jay, John, American ambassador, ob. 1829, aet. 81, fol. 3s. Stuart'— T'lehout 5813 Jay, Rev. Wm. of Bath, various, Svo. 6d. Proof, ]s.. 5814 Jefferson, Thomas, pres. of United States, Svo. 6d. 5815 — fol. very fine, 53. - Bouch — A. Desnoyers 5S16 — large 4to. coloured, 3s. Kosciusko — Sokolonicki 5817 Jefferson, Thomas, actor, of Plymouth, Svo. 6d. 5818 Jcflicry, John, nat. Ipswich, 1617 3 of Cath.-hall, Cambr. 3 EVANs'iJ CATALOGUK OF PORTRAITS. 1S7 curate Dennington, Suff. ; archdeacou Norw, ; oh. 1720 j 8vo Is. - - Seeman — Walker 5819 Jcflery, Sir Robert, lord-mayor, 1686, founder of the alms- house, Shoreditch, ob. 1703. From a bust there, 4to. Is. Proof, Is. 6d. - - - Trotter 5820 Jeffrey, Francis, editor of the Edinburgh Review, late lord- advocate, uat. Edinburgh, 1773 ; of Glasgow univ. and Queen's coll. Oxford ; Svo. 6d. - C. R. West 5821 Jeffrey, Earth Stopper to Berkeley Hunt, whole length, seated under a tree, 4to. 2s. Proof, 3;>. 5822 — finclu coloured, and mounted, 5s. Bristowe — Ciller 5823 Jeffreys, George, Lord, judge and lord-chancellor, nat. in A^'^ales ; of Inner Temple ; recorder of London ; baron of Wem, Salop ; chief justice Chester ; res. Bulstrode ; ob. Tower, 1689. Fiom rare print by Cooper, Svo. Is. Wivell 5824 — copy of a rare print by AVhite, 4to. Is. 5825 — in a sailor's dress, seized by the populace, 4to. 2.-'. 5826 Jeffreys, John, Lord, his son, ob. 1703, bur. Aldernianbury. Whole length, in robes, from Noble Authors, Svo. Is. 5827 Jeffryes, Elizabeth, and John Swan, convicted of murder at Chelmsford, 1752, w. l.'s in prison, Svo. 6d. 4to. proof. Is. 5828 Jcgon, John, master of Corpus Christi coll. 1590, vice- chancellor Camb. univ. ; bishop Norwich ; ob. 1617, set. 66. Copy of etching by Mr. Ttj.ion, Svo. 6d. 5829 Jekyll, Joseph, master of the Rolls, M.P, Eye, Suffolk; Lymington, Hants ; Ryegate, Surrey ; justice of Chester ; governor of Charter-house ; res. Bell- bar, Herts, and ob. there, 1738; Svo. 6d. 5830 — large fol./}«r, 5s. - - DaJil~\ ertne 5831 Jekyll, Joseph, celebrated punster and lawyer, fan unpub- lished platej 4:to. Is. 6d. - Z)a?/cr— Daniell 5832 — fol. 3s. Proof, 5s. - Lawrence — Say 5S33 Jenkins, David, judge of Civil law, nat. Hensol, AVales, 1586 ; of Edmund-hall, Oxford ; taken prisoner at Heref. and imprisoned in Tower and Newgate ; ob. Cowbridge, 1667 ; Svo. 2s, 5134 — 6 verses, when in Newgate, Svo. 2s. 6d. "\V. Marshall 5835 Jenkins, Henry, the long-lived, of Ellerton upon Swale ; ob. 1670, a?t.'l69 ; bur. Bolton, Ebor. ; 8vo.6d. 5836 — with memoir by himself, 4to. Is. 6d, Worlidge 5837 Jenkins, Sir Leoline, secretary of state temp. Car. U. ; nat. Glamorgan, 1623 ; of Jesus coll. Oxf. ; com. of deanery of Bridgnorth ; judge Cincpie Ports; M.P. Hythe and Oxford iiniv. ; ob. Hammersmith, 1685 ; fol. rare, 7s. Gucht 5838 • — reduced copy of above, 4to. Is. Proof, Is. 6d. Reading 5^39 Jenkins, AVm. nat. Sudbury, 1612 ; minister of Nicholas, Aeons ; Hithe, Essex; Christchurch, London; and Anne's, Blackfriar's ; imprisoned in Tower for Love's Plot ; res. Langley, co. Herts ; ob. in Newgate, 1685 ; bur. Bunhill fields ; 8vo. 6dr 188 Evans's cataloguk of portraits. 58-10 Jenkinsoii, Cecil, Svo, 6d. 5841 Jenner, Edw. M.D. ob. 1823, various, Svo. 6d. Proof, Is. 5842 — whole length, in honorary diploma, fol. 4s. Dadley 5843 Jennings, Edmund, Jesuit, alias Ironmonger, executed at Gray's inn Fields, 1591. From a rare print, 8vo. 6d. 5844 Jennings, Henry Constantine, collector and antiquary, nat. Shiplake, Oxf. 1731 3 educated Westminster; lost his fortune at Newmarket ; estates co. Essex and Dorset j settled at Chelsea with his collection ; ob. Belvedere- place, Svo. Is. - - - F, Darell 5845 Jennings, Rev. David, Svo. 6d. 5846 Jennings, John, admiral, of Huddlestone, co. Salop ; com. yw-U of Admiralty ; M.P. Rochester ; governor of Greenwich hospital ; ob. 1743, set. 79 ; Svo. 6d. 5847 — leaning on a^caunon, fol. 3s. - Kneller — Faber 5848 Jennings, Rev. Nathaniel, of Islington, 1803, Svo. 6d. 5849 Jenyns, Soame, literat. nat. Ormond-street, 1703 ; of John's coll. Camb. ; M.P. Cambridge and Dunwich ; ob 1787; bur. Bottisham ; Svo. Is. Reynolds — Wainwright 5850 — from the same picture, Svo. proof. Is. Ibid. — Angus 5851 Jephson, I'homas, of Camberwell, 4to. 33. Jackson — Fry 5852 Jerningham, Edward, of Norwich, poet, ob. 1812, various, Svo. 6d. 5853 Jerningham, Frances, Lady, Svo. 6d. 5854 — whole length, as Hebe, ioKJine, 5s. Hoppner — Meyer 5855 Jerningham, Sir Wm. of Cossey, Norfolk, and Shifnal, Salop, ob. 1809, Svo. 2s. - O/jze— Godby 5856 Jersey, Francis Tvvisden, Countess, 1770, Svo. Is. 5857 — 4to. 2s. Proof, 3s. ■ Gardner — Watson 5858 Jersey, Sarah Sophia, Countess, daughter Earl of Westmore- land, wife of George Villiers, -5th Earl of Jersey, Svo. Is. Hayter — Cochran 5859 — fine proof on folio paper, 2s. - - Idem 5860 Jersey, Wni. \'illiers. Earl, M.P. co. Kent, ob. 1721. \\\t\\ Ills sister, when Lord V., w. l.'s, fol. 3s. Kneller — Smith 5861 Jersey, Judith Heme, his Countess, ob. 1735, bur. Bride's, London, fol. 2s. - - Ibid. — Faber 5862 Jervas, Charles, painter and literat. nat. Ireland ; res. at Cleveland-court, and Hampton ; ob. 1739 ; Svo. 6d. .5863 — in title to catalogue of his pictures, &c. 4to. 3s. Gucht 5864 — with Lens and Laguerre, in ' Wal[)oIe,' 4to. Is. 5865 Jervis, Wm. Henry, Captain R.N. 1803, Svo. 6d. 5866 Jessey, Henry, ])uritan, of Johns coll. Oxford, ob. 1663, Svo. 6d. - - - Richardson 5867 Jcstin (St.) ab Geraint, whole length, coloured, from his tomb, 4to. 2s. - - Smith — Havell 5868 Jesuits, portraits of 8 executed for treason, temp, Elizabeth, viz. Brant; Collins, Cattam, Cornelius, Oldcorn, Felock, Page, and Southwell. Copies of rare and curious prints, on 2 plates, 4to. 3s. Evans's catalogue of portraits. 189 5869 Jewell, John, nat. Buden, co. Devon, 1522 ; of Merton coll. Oxf. ; rect. Sunningvvell, Berks ; ob. 1571 ; 8vo. 6d. 5870 — in Heroologia, 4to, 2s. 6d. . - S. Pass 5871 Joan of Arc, maid of Orleans, Svo. 6d. 5872 — 3-qrs. holding a sword, 4to. scarce, 5s. J. le Cleere, 1613 5873 Joan, Queen of Henry IV. from her nion. fol. 3s, Gougli 5874 Jocelyn, Ralph, 1st lord-mayor of London, Svo. Is. 5875 John, King of England, great variety, 6d. each. 5876 — from elligies on his tomb at Worcester, with vignette of his renunciation, fol. Is. - f^ertue, del. et sc. 5877 ■ — sm. oval, 6d. Peake. — from Vertue, 8vo. Is. Basaii 5878 — in a triangle, from a coin, 8vo. 6d. - Clamp 5879 John of Gaunt, Duke of Lancaster, variety, Svo. 6d. 5880 — from window at All Souls, Oxford, fol. Is. Vertue, et sc. 5881 John VIII. pope of Rome, alias pope Joan, ob. 855, 8vo. 6d. 5882 John, King of France, taken prisoner at Poictiers, and con- fined at Somerton, co. Som. and Savoy, ob. in London, 1364, Svo. 6d. — Svo. Is. 6d. Desrochers 5883 Johnson, John, modern printer, set. 46, wood-cut, Svo. Is, 5884 .Johnson, Rev. Richard, chapl. New South Wales, Svo. Is. 5885 Johnson, Robert, M.D. ait. 44, 1684, Svo. Is. R. White 5886 Johnson, Rev. Robert, Svo. /)roo/. Is. - Meadows 5887 Johnson, Mrs. Esther, the ' Stella of Swift," nat. Richmond, Surrey, 1681 ; ob. 1728 3 bur. Patrick's cathedral. From a min. by Rev. John Parnell, Svo. Is. - Cooke 5888 Johnson, Samuel, nat. Lichfield, 1709 ; educated Stour- bridge, AVorcester 5 of Pembroke coll. Oxford j usher at Bosworth, Leic. 5 L.L.D. of Trinity coll. Dublin, and Oxf. univ. ; res. Birmingham, Gough-squarc, Bolt-court, &c. j ob. 1784 5 bur. Westminster abbey j great variety. 5889 — from bust by Nollckcns, 4to. Is. 6d. - Wivell 5890 — fol. 2s. Opie — Heath. — etching, Svo. 6d. Lamborn 5891 — w. 1. holding his stick, from Boswell's story, 4to. Is. 5892 — sh. 5s. Opie — Townley. — sh. 7s. Reynolds — Doughty 5893 — holding a book, 4to. Is. 6d. Norihcote~C\m\s?\n. 5894 ■ — sitting at a table, 4to. 2s. - Reynolds — Heath 5895 — from Mrs. Piozzi's picture, Svo. Is. Ibid. — Edwards 5896 — ditto, French paper proof , 4to. Is. 6d. Ibid. — Ibid. 5897 — ditto, 7?He India paper proof, royal 4to. 2s. Ibid. — Ibid. 5898 — monument in St. Paul's cathedral, Svo. 6d. 5899 — from an original drawing by Mr. Gardiner, Svo. 6d. 5900 — front, to his Dictionary, 4to. Is. - Ibid. — Heath 5901 Johnson, Mrs. wife of Dr. Samuel J., engraved from a pic- ture of Mrs. Pearson's, Lichfield, 4to. Is. - Dyer 5902 Johnson, Sir W. major-general in America, ob. 1774, Svo. 6;1. — fol. 3s. - - Spooncr 5903 Johnston, Alexander, actor, ob. 1775. In character of Gibby, fol. 2s. - - - Saunders 5904 Johnston, Lady Charlotte, sister to Earl Halifax, Svo. 6d. 5905 — fol. 3s. - Sir Joshua Reynolds — VA'atson 190 EVANS S CATALOGUE OF PORTRAITS. 5906 Johnston, George, friend of Garrick, 8vo. 6d. 'Walker 5907 Johnston, Henry Erskine, actor, nat. Edinb. 1777, 8vo. 6d. 5908 — vv. 1. in Scotch uniform, fol. 5s, - Owe;*— Young 5909 Johnston, Mrs. Henry, Iiis wife, actress, 8v'o. 6l1. Ridley 5910 Johnston, Sir John, nat. co. Fife ; executed at Tyburn, 1690, for assisting in abduction of Miss Wharton from Great .Queen-street. Copied from a wood-cut to Ids life, 8vo. 6d. Proof, 4to. Is. 5911 Johnston, Lady, 8vo. Is. - Collen — Cochran 5912 Johnstone, John, late popular actor, nat. Kilkenny, 1749, variety, 8vo. 6d. each. 5913 — as Flaherty, 8vo. Is. — vv. 1. as Tully, fol. 3s. Dc JVikle 5914 — as Sir Callaghan O'Brallaghan, fol. 3s. «///f, 2s. 6d. - /"««r//y/'«— Hollar 5963 — fol. 2s. - - - /re;/— Gunst 5964 Junius, Hadrian, M.D. and literat. published his Dictionary in England, physician to Duke of Norfolk, ob. 1575, 4to. Is. - - - - Larmessiu 5965 Justel, Henry de, keeper of library St, James', nat. Paris, 1620 3 L.L.D. of Oxford univ. ; ob. 1693 ; bur. at Eaton, Bucks ; Svo. Is. - - - Picart 5966 Juxon, Wm. nat. Chichester, 1582 ; educated at Meichant Taylors' ; of John's coll. Oxford, and Gray's-inn ; vicar of St." Giles', Oxford ; rector Somerton, Oxford ; dean of AV'orcester ; bishop Heref. and London ; attended Charles I. at Isle of Wight, on the scaffold, and his interment at Windsor ; held manor Little Couipton, Glouc. ; archbishop Canterbury ; ob. 1663 ; various, Svo. 6d. 4to. Is. Vertue 5967 — ditto, with arms and border, royal 4to. Is. 6d. Ibid, 5968 — from Set of Loyalists, Svo. Is. - Ibid. 192 Evans's catalogue of portraits. 5969 Kaimes, Henrv, Lord, celebrated literat. nat. Scotland, 1696; ob. 1782 5 8vo. 6d. 5970 Kaiii, Monsieur Le, celebrated French tragedian, 8vo. 6d. 5971 Kauffnian, Angelica, eminent artist, various, 8vo. 6d. each. 5972 — fol. 3s. - Sir Jos/ma Reynolds — Bartolozzi 5973 — whole length, as ' Design,' listening to inspiration of Poetry, fol. 3s. - - Ipse — Burke 59T4 — from Florence Gallery, 4to. 23. Ibid. — Audouin 5975 Keach, Benjamin, anabaptist, nat. Stokehamon, Bucks, 1640 ; of Winslow and Horsleydovvn, tried at Aylesbury, 1664 ; impris. and pilloried for his theological writings ; ob. 1704 ; Svo. 6d. 5976 — 4to. 2s. 6d. - . Surmans~G\ic\\t 5977 Keach, Rev. Elias, pastor of baptist congregation at Wap- ping, cet. 82, 1696, Svo. Is. - R. 'White 5978 Kean, Edmund, late celebrated tragedian, nat. Ewer-street, Southwark, great variety, 8vo. 6d. each. 5979 • — in characters of Bajazet, Riciiard III., Hamlet, Macbeth, Brutus, Overreach, &c. Svo. 6d. each. Proof's, Is. 5980 — as Shylock, 4to. Is. Proof, 2s. IFatts—Uexav 5981 — as Richard HI., 4to. Is. Coloured, 2s. Wilde—WedXXi 5982 • — do. w. 1.4to. Is. Proof, 2s. Coloured, 2s. Clint — Cooper 5983 Keate, George, poet, &c. nat. 1730 ; educated Kingston ; of Inner Temple ; ob. 1797 5 Svo. Is. Plott — Shervvin 5984 Keats, Sir Richard Goodwin, admiral, nat. Chalton, Hants, 1757 ; K.B. ; governor of Greenwich hospital ; res. co. Devon ; ob. 1634 ; Svo. 6d. 5985 • — fol. mez. private plate, proof, 5s. Jachson — Ward 5986 Keck, Mrs. with her son, whole lengths, large fol. 4s. Bromptcn — Fisher 5987 Kederminster, Sir John, of Langley, Bucks, aet. 52, 1628, Copy of a rare print by Cecil 1, 4to. Is. India proof, 2s. 5988 Keefe, John O', dramatist, nat. Ireland, various, Svo. 6d. 5989 Keeling, John, brewer, and justice co. Middlesex, ob. 1759, fol. 4s. - - - Ardell 5990 Keeling, Josiah, Salter in London, ' who being touched in conscience, was the first man who discovered the late Hellish Conspiracy,' viz. Rye House Plot. Copy of rare print by White, 4to. Is. 5991 Keighley, Mrs. Mary, etching by Strutt, 4to. Is, 5992 Keiling, John, alias Blind Jack, playing on his nose, Svo. 6d. Proof, 4to. Is. 5993 Keith, Hon. George Lord, Hered. Earl Marshall of Scot- land, 4to. Is. 6994 — 3-qrs. in armour, fol. 5s. - Parrocel — Simon 5995 Keith, G. Lord, adm. uat. 1747, of East Cliff, Kent, ob. 1823, Svo. 6d. 5996 — with autogr., Svo. Is. India proof , 2s. Hoppncr — Holl 5997 — fol. 2s. Proof, 3s. - Danlonx — Audinet 5998 — inCadellp4to.2s.6d. Pr.beforeletts,^^. Jackson — Meyer KVANs'si CATALOGUE OF PORTRAITS. 193 5999 Keith, James, Field Marshal in Prussia, 8vo. Gd. various. 6000 Kellett, Col. Win. 4to. Is. 6(1. Captain Balllie, 1786 6001 Kellie, Thomas Alexander Erskine, Earl, ob. 1781. fol. 4s. Home — Blyth 6002 Kelly, Edward, prophet, ob. 1591, 8vo. Is. Cooper 600.3 Kellv, Hugh, literat. nat. Ireland, 1739; ob. Gongli-square, 1777 ; 8vo. 6d. 6004 Kelly, M. singer, nat. Dublin ; ob. 1826 ; 8\o. 6,1. various. 6005 Kelly, JVIiss F. H. actress, with autograph, 8vo. 6d. Derby — Thomson 6006 Kelly, Miss H. actress, 8vo. 6d. Proof, ]s. Freeman 6007 Kelly, Frances Maria, actress, 8vo. 6d. Proof, Is. Ibid. 6008 — 3-qrs. sitting, /me Ind.pr. 4to. 3s. JVageman — Woolnotli 6009 — w. 1 in char. India proof, fol. 3s. fFilk'm, del. et lithog. 6010 Kelsey, John, Quaker and enthusiast, 8vo. 6d. 6011 Kemble, Roger, actor, father of John, and of Mrs. Siddons, educated Hereford ; ob. 1802, 1V4^1<^ o2 M>^^ 19=6 KVANs'ss CATALOGUE OF PORTRAITS. 6091 Kilmarnock, Wm. Boyd, Earl, executed 174G. From a miniature, 8vo, Is. - - Parr 6092 • — view from Tower-ditch of his execution, oblong 4to. 2s. 6d. . - - J. M. del. et sc. 6093 — ditto, taken close to scaffold, 8 verses, obh 4to. 2s. 6d. 6094 Kilner, Dr. of Merton coll. Oxford, 4to. Is. Dighton 6095 Kilwarden, Arthur Wolfe, Viscount, chief justice Ireland, assassinated 1803, 8vo. 6d. 6096 — {o\.Jine,S?,. Proof , 5s. - Hamilton — Bartolozzi 6097 Kimhe, Jacob, Jew sli[)per merchant, 8vo. 6d. Singleton 6098 King, Edward, [Toby], nephew of Abel Roper, printer, ^ , 8vo. Is. - . . Gucht h/ 6099 King, Henry, poet, nat. Wormall, Bucks, 1591 ; educated Thame, Oxford, and Westminster ; chaplain to James I. and Charles I. ; archdeacon Colchester ; canon St. Paul's j dean Rochester ; bishop Chichester ; ob. 1669 ; 8vo. Is., 6100 King, James, master ceremonies, Bath, 1786, 8vo. 6d. Fol. 3s. - . - . Smith 6101 King, John, nat. Wormall, Bucks, 1559 ; educated West- minster and Christ church, Oxford ; chaplain to Eliz. ; archdeacon Notts ; bishop London ; ob. 1621 ; bur. St. Paul's. The original plate, 12 English verses, 4to. Is. N. Lockey — S. Pass 6102 King, J. rector of Bethnal-green, fol. 3s. Proof, 5s. Meyer 6i03 King, Peter, Lord, Baron of Ockham, Surrey, nephew of John Locke, nat. Exeter, 1669 ; recorder of London ; of Inner Temple; res. Ashley, co. Som. ; lord chancellor j ob. 1734 ; various, 8vo. 6d. 6104 — in Noble Authors, 8vo. Is. — fol. 3s. Dahl — Simon 6105 — fol. very brilliant impression, 5s. - Faber 6106 — large fol. with seal, mace, &c. 4s. - Vertue 6107 King, Philip G. governor Norfolk island, Svo. Is. Skelton 6108 King, Sir Richard, Baronet, admiral, 8vo. 6d. 6109 Khig, Richard, Col. ob. 1771, 4to. mez. Is. Humphrey 6110 King, Captain James, companion of Captain Cook, 4to. 2s. JVehber — Bartolozzi Gill King, C. set. 81, fol. private plate, 5s. JVard — Meyer 6112 King, Moll, filling a glass, 8vo. 6d. 6113 — ditto, with a long tlash dialogue, 4to. 2s. 6114 King, Rufus, of America, 4to. Is. - Leney 6115 King, Thomas, celebrated comedian, nat. Bond-street, 1730 j ob. Store-street, 1805; bur. Covent Garden ; 8vo. 6d. 6116 — 4to. Is. 6d. - - Z)a«ce— Daniell 6117 King, Mary, his wife, actress, fol. 3s. - Smith 6118 King, Wm. D.D. nat. Wilts, 1701 ; pastor of Chesham, Bucks, Hare-court, and Pinners'-hall ; ob. 1769 ; 8vo. 6d. Hop wood 6119 King, William, nat. Antrim, 1650; archbishop Dublin, ob. 1729 ; 8vo. Is. - - O'Hara 6120 King, William Ellerton, Captain R.N. 1813, Svo. 6d. Evans's catalogue of poktraits. 197 6121 King, Wm. poet, &c. nat. London, 1663 ; educated at Westminster and Christ church, Oxford ; judge Admiralty court, Ireland 5 ob. 1712; Svo. 6d. - Gucht 6123 King, Wm. L.L.D. nat. Stepney, 1685 ; educated Salisb. ; principal Mary's-hall, Oxford ; ob. 1763 ; bur. Ealing. Sitting, pen in his liaad, fol. Ss. JKilliaim — Faber 6133 — fol. 3s. - . iy«(/so«— M'Ardell 6124 Kingsley, W. Gen. ob, 1769 ; fol. 3:s. T^f^HoW?— Houston 6125 — from the same, Svo. 6d. 4to. Is. 6] 26 Kingsmill, Sir Robert, Bart, admiral, Svo. 6d. Proof, Is. 6137 Kingston, Robert Pierpoint, Earl, termed ' the good,' loy- alist, lieut.-general co. Line. Rutland, Cambridge, Norfolk, and Huntingdon j captured at Gainsborough ; shot 1643 j various, Svo. 6d. 6128 — from Set of Loyalists, Svo. Is. - Vertue 6129 Kingston, Evelyn Pierpoint, Duke, Marquis of Dorchester ; K.G. ; M.P. Retford, Notts ; chief justice beyond Trent ; lord-lieut. Wilts ; held Tonge castle, Salop ; ob. 1736. In Kit Kat Club, fol. Ss. Faber. — ditto, 4to. Is. Cooper 6130 — ditto, whole length, with view of his seat, &c. oblong fol. scarce, 5s. - - Tillcmans — Jeffreys 6131 Kingston, Chudleigh, Duchess of, wife of Earl of Bristol, Svo. 6d. 6132 — in the character of ' Iphigenia,' at Mrs. Cornely's Ball, nearly naked, 4to. 2?. 6133 Kingston, Countess Dowager of, 1810, Svo. 6d. 6134 Kingston, Richard, minister of Clerkenwell during Plague. Copy of rare print, 4 lines, Svo. 6d. 6135 Kinloss, Edward Bruce, 1st Lord, ob. 1610. Whole length, in his robes, from his recumbent effigy in Rolls chapel, 4to. Is. - - Denton — Barrett 6136 Kinsman, Rev. A. of Plymouth, 1723, Svo. 6f!. Proof, Is. 6137 Kinnard, AV. of Thames Police, 1830, 4to. /«-oo/; 2s. Wright 6138 Kinnersley, Thomas, bookseller and literat. Svo. 6d. Page 6139 Kinnoul, t. Hay, Earl, ob. 1787, 3-qrs. fol. Ss. Hodges 6140 Kinnoul, Thomas Auriol, Earl, whole length, in his robes, 4to. 2s. - . *S7i«?/%— Caroline Watson 6141 Kinnoul, Sarah, Countess, daughter Hon. Thomas Harley, of CO. Hereford, whole length, in robes, 4to. 2s. Idem 6142 Kippis, Andrew, D. D. editor of Biographia Britannica, &c. nat. Nottingham, 1725 ; minister at Boston, Dorking, and Westminster ; ob. 1795 ; Svo. 6d. Proof Is. 6143 — large 4to. 2s. Fine proof, 2^. Artaud — Bartolozzi 6144 Kirby, John, celeb, fisherman, Svo. Is. — fol. 3s. Turner 6145 Kirby, John Joshua, nat. Parham, 1716 ; painter at Ipswich ; pres. Society of Artists 3 ob. 1774 3 bur. Kew ; Svo. 6d. 6146 — 4to. Is. . - Falconet — Pariset 6147 — fol. 3s. - - Gmnsboromrh — Dixon 6148 Kirby, AVillian), entomologist, proof Svo. 2s. Hoirard — Fry 6149 Kirkc, Robert, consul at Algiers^ 1764, p. ]). Svo. 5o. 198 EVANS 6 CATALOGUE OF PORTRAITS. 6150 Kirk, Mary Warmestre, maid of honour to Queen Catherine, wife of Sir T, Vernon, [vide Grammont], 8vo. 6d. 4to, Is. 6151 Kirkman, Francis, citizen of London, bookseller and lit., fet. 41—1673, 8vo. Is. 6152 Kirkwall, C. Isabella, Viscss. Svo. Is. Kendrick — Cochran 6153 ~fne proof, 4to. 3s. - - Idem 6154 Kirwan, Richard, President R. I. A. 1803, Svo. Is. Kenzie 6155 Kirwan, Walter Blake, nat, Galway, 1754; dean Killala j ob. 1805 ; 8vo. 6d. Proof, Is. 6156 ^_ 4to. Is. Shee — Nugent. — w. 1. sheet, 5s. Clint 6157 Kitchener, Esther, servant to Bligh of Rotherhithe, Svo. 6d, 6158 Kitchener, Wm. beadle of Saffron-hill, whole length, with staff, Svo, 6d. 4to. proof. Is. 6159 Knatchbull, Madame, of Norrington, Wilts ; ob. 1723 ; bur. Marsham, Kent ; 4to. 3s, - Kneller — Smith 6160 Kneller, Sir Godfrey, nat. Lubeck, 1648; res. at Great Queen-street ; ob. 1733 ; bur. Whitton, Midd. ; Svo. 6d. 6161 — in Florence Museum, 4to. 2s. Gregori. — 4to. Is. Cooper 6162 — 3-qrs, fol. 3g. //we— Faber. — fol./K;/^e— Watson 6300 —in Set of Loyalists, 8vo. Is. - md.—VGxtxxQ 6301 — 4to. Is. Vertue, — do, with border, rl. 4to. Is, 6d. lb. 6302 Lauden, Lord of, 1637, 4to. Is. Jamesone — Herbert 6303 Lauderdale, John Maitland, Duke of, Earl of Guildford ; loyalist, taken prisoner at Wore, and confined in Tower, Portland and Windsor castles ; sec. of state to Charles II. j ob. Tunbridge Wells, 1682 ; 8vo. 6d. 6304 — fol. 2s. t>o.Jinc, large paper, 3s. Leiy — Houbraken 6305 — in his robes, proof before the letters, rare, fol. 18s. V^aick 6306 — with Elizabeth Taluiash, of Helmingham, Suffolk, his Duchess, fol. 3s, - - Lely — Tompson 6807- — copy of ditto, 4to, Is. India proof , 2?<. Reading 6308 Lauderdale, Richard Maitland, Earl, and translator of Vir- gil, lord justice Scotland, fled to France for corresponding with Argyle, 8vo. 6d. 4to. Is. 6309 Laugher, Thomas, nat. Markley, Worcester, 1700, living 1812. Whole length, sitting, 4to. Is. 6310 — w. 1. standing, Svo. 6d. ^io. proof, Is. — prof. 4to. Is. 6311 Jjaurence, John, writer on husbandry and gardening, rector Bp. ^A'eremouth ; preb. Salisb, ; ob. 1732 ; Svo. Is. Vertue 6312 Laurens, Henry, president of Congress, 8vo. 6d. 4to, Is. 6313 Laurie, Sir Robert, lieut.-gcn. and M.P. Dumfries, knight niaishal, Scotland, fol. 3s. Proof, 5s. Owen — Ward 6314 Laval, Sir F, Blake dc, ob. 1771, etching, 4to. 2s. F. Blake 6315 Lavater, John Caspar, physiognomist, Svo. 6d. 4to. Is 6316 — ditto, very fine, fol. 3s. - - W. Blake 6317 Law, Edmund, nat. Cartmel, Lane, 1703 ; educated at Kendal and John's coll. Camb. ; preb. Lichfield, Lincoln, and Durham ; bishop of Carlisle ; ob. 1787 ; Svo. 6d. 6318 Law, Georije Henry, preb. Carlisle ; bishop of Chester, Bath and AVells ; large fol. private plate, 5s. Proof, 10s. Sir ff'illlani Bcechcy — ]\Ieyer 6319 — h. 1. in canonicals, fol. 3s. Proof 5s. PlckersgUl — Say 6320 Law, J. celeb, schemer, Svo. 6d. ■ — do. Svo. 2s. Desrochers 6321 — whole length, full dress, 4to. scarce, 5s. Schenck 6322 — in a barge, devils rowing him, IS verses, 4to. Is. 6d. 6323 Lawcs, Vitruvius, counsellor, Svo. Is. Proof 2s. Cribb 6324 — sitting in a chair, India proof , private pi. 4to. 3s. Pye 6325 Lawrence, Captain, of Chesapeake, ob. of his wounds, 1813, 4to. Is. - . - AV'illiamsou 6326 -Lawrence, Roger, M.A. 1773, original drawing, 4to. 3s. 6327 Lawrence, Sir Soulden, justice K.B. 1808, large fol. 3s. Proof, 5s. . - Hoppncr—lmwQx 204 Evans's catalogui!: of portraits. 6328 Lawrence, Sir Thos. nat. Bristol, 1769, ob. 1829, 4to. Is. 6339 Lawrence, Stringer, General, nat. in Hereford, 1697, ob. 1775, aet. 78, 8vo. 6d. - Ret/nolds—Rouston 0330 ~ from the same, fol. 2s. — fol. 3s. /<5if/.— Purcell 6331 Lavvson,Sir John, nat. Hull 5 vice admiral under Sandwich 3 •■'V killed off Harwich, 1605. Copy of rare print, Svo. 6d. 6383 ■ — the original print, w/-?/ scarce, 4to. 10s. 6d. 6333 Lawson, Mr. of Manchester, S.qrs. sitting, fol. private l^hite, etc/i'mg; 5s. Bitto,f ne proof, 10s. Heath 6334 Layer, Christ, exec, for treason, Svo. 6d. 4to. proof, Is. 6335 Leach, Thomas, Svo. 6d. . - Audinet 6336 Leak, Miss, actress, nat. Beckham, Norfolk. Holding a mask, Svo. 6d, 6337 Leake, Sir John, distinguished admiral, nat. Rotherhithe 5 J ; M.P. Rochester ; res. Beddington ; ob. at Greenwich, 'w' 1720, fBt. 64 5 bur. at Beptford. From the picture at rv-^ Trinity-house, Svo. 6d. -/v./"-*'/- - Cook 6338 — 3.qrs. with truncheon, fol. '3s. ^ - Kneller—Fabcr 6339 Leake, John, M.D. founder of Westminster lyin^-in hosp. ; nat. Ainstable, Cumb. ; ob. 1792 j Svo. Is. ' Fine proof , 2s. - . - - Bartolozzi 63^10 Leake, Stephen Martin, nat. 1702 5 of Middle Temple j lieut. I'ower Hamlets ; Norroy, Lancaster, Clarencieux, and Garter herald 5 estates co. Radnor ; ob. at Mile-end, 1773 ; bur. Thorpe, Essex ; 4to. Is. 6d. Pine— MWton 6341 Lean, Mc, Sir L. M.D. fol. 3s. Proof 5s. Strutt—Youx\g 6343 Lean, Mc, highwayman, from rare print, Svo. 6d. 4to. Is. 6343 — ditto, Avhole length, the original print, rare, fol. 3s. 6344 Leate, Alderman of London, 7 \ei-ses,Jine and rare, 4to. 10s. 6d. - . - Payne 6345 Lebeck, — the celebrated cook, and tavern-keeper, fol. 3s. Sir Godfrey Kyieller — Miller 6346 Le Blon, Michel, Swedish ambass. [Grang.], fol. 5s. Matham 6347 Lechmere, Nicholas, baron of Exchequer, of co. Wore, ob. Middle Temple, 1701, a?t. 88, 4to. 2s. - Green 6348 Lediard, Thos. agent, and surveyor of Westminster bridge, ob. 1743, £et. 58. Front, to Naval Hist., fol. 3s. Lediard 6349 Lee, Charles, American general, Svo. 6d. 6350 Lee, Honourable George, judge of court of Admiralty, ob. 1756, fol. 5s. - - //^«7/5— Faber 6351 Lee, Sir Henry, bart. of Quavendon, Bucks, ob. 1611, 3-qrs. with his dog, [vide Pennant's London], 4to. Is. 6352 Lee, Nathaniel, dramatist, nat. Hatfield, Herts ; educated Westminster and Trinity coll. Cambr. ; confined in Bed- lam 3 ob. 1691 3 bur. Clement Danes 3 Svo. 6d. Ridley 6353 — fol. 3s. - - Dohson^W'<s 6354 — beautiful pencil drawing, 2s. 6d. - Contenchi 6355 ■ — from Mr. Ashworth's picture, Svo. Is. Thurston — Warren 6356 — ditto, French paper proof , 4to. Is. 6d. Ibid. — Ibid. 6357 — ditto, fine India puper proof , royal 4to. 2s. Ibid. — Ibid. EYANS*& CATALOGUE OF PORTRAITS. 205 6358 Lee, John, lawyer and celebr. wit, 1785, 8vo. Is. Stuart 6359 — large fol. 5s. - Sir Joshua Reynolds — Hodges 6360 Lee, Mr. chaplain to George IV. when Prince Regent, 8vo. . Is. Proof, 2s. 6361 Lee, Lady Elizabeth, wife of Sir Wm. Bart. 1763. Whole length, fol. 5s. - - Sir Joshua Reynolds 6363 — from the same picture, reduced, fol. 3s. Fisl.er 6363 Lee, James, botanist, 3.qrs. sitting, examining a flower, 8vo. 6d. - - - Freeman 6364 Lee, Mrs. M. of Camphor notoriety, ob. in Llncoln's-inu Fields, 1831, bur. Wycombe, Bucks ; 8vo. 6d. 6365 Lee, Rev. Samuel, Arabic professor, 8vo. 6d. 6366 — with autograph, 8vo. Is. India proof, 2s. Evans — Fry 6367 Lee, Sophia, authoress of the Recess, res. at Bath, ol). 1824, 8vo. 6d. - Sir Thomas Lawrence — Ridley 6368 Lee, Sir Thomas, lord-mayor 1558, of Wellington, co. Salop, ob. 1571, bur. Mercers' chapel, 8vo. 6d. 6360 Lee, Wm. of Abingdon, st. 89, 1635, 8vo. 6(1. 6379 Lee Boo, Prince, ob. England, [vide Lysons], 8vo. Is. Kirk 6371 Leechman, ^Villiam, D.D. principal Glasgow coll. nat. Scot- land, 1706 ; ob. 1785, 8vo. 2s. il/;//«r— Caldwall 6372 Leeds, Thomas Osl)orne, Duke, Earl of Danby, Baron Ki- veton, and Mscount Latimer, lord treasurer to Charles n. and impeached ; K.G. ; lord-licut. of co. Ebor. 5 ob. 1712, Kt..81 ; 8vo.6d. 6373 — when Earl Danbv, sm. fol. sc. 7s. Od. //c///— Blooteling 6374 — fol. 5s. . ' - R. JFhilc, del. et sc. 6375 Leeds, Peregrine Osborne, 2nd Duke, lord-admiral, ob. 1729, Svo. Is. 6376 Leeds, Francis, Duke, K.G. secretary of state, ob. 1799. In robes, whole length, yi«(?, 7s. 6d. Lawrence — Meadows 6377 Leeuwenhoek, Anthony, celebrated naturalist, F.R.S. ob. 1724,4to. 2s. - - - Blois 6378 — front, to his "Works, 4to. 2s. Verholje — A. Smitii 6379 Lefevre, Charles Shaw, half length, India prooj, private plate, fol. 7s. . - Jackson — Ward 6380 Legatt, Francis, engraver, 4to. Is. Runciman — Prescott 6381 Leger, St., Barry, Colonel, Svo. 6d. Proofs Is. 6382 Leger, St,. Mrs.' actress, Covent Garden, 8vo. 6d. Pr. Is. 6383 Legge, Henry Bilsou, chancellor of Exchequer, ob. 1764, 8vo. 6d. 4to. Is. 6384 — in his robes, fol. mez. 3s. 6835 Legge, Honourable Henry, com. Navy, fol. 3s, Proof, 5s. Hoppner — Turner, 1809 6386 Legge, Rev. Edvv., dean of ^A'indsor and Wolverhampton, reg. of Order of the Garter, 1810, fol. 2s. PAd—Wnd. 6387 Legge, Wm. son of Earl of Dartmouth, ob. 1784, jet. 27. Profile, sitting, 8vo. Is. - • Ord 6388 Leicester, Thomas Coke, Earl, ob. 1759, whole length, sheet, 5s. - . - - (Jrcen 306 eVans's catalogue op porthaits. 6389 Leicester, Rev. F. Peter's coll. ob. 1790, 8vo. Is. Sanders' 6390 Leicester, Sir John Fleming, Baron de Tabley, liberal patron of British Art, ob. 1827. From the last picture painted by Sir J. Reynolds, 8vo. Is. - - Young 6391 — from same picture, with fac-simile, 8vo. 6d. Bell 6393 — \v. 1. with his horse, fol. 5.s. Northcote and Reynolds 6393 Leicester, Georgiana Maria, his lady, marr. 2. Rev. Francis Leicester. As ' Hope,' from the beautiful picture by Sir Thomas Lawrence, whole length, with other figures, large fol. 7s. Do. India proof , very fine, 10s. 6d. Meyer 6394 — from same, large fol. mez. 7s. Proof, lOs. Idem 6395 — as Lady de Tabley, 8vo. Is* - Simpson — Ibid. 6396 — io\. proof , 2s. — Do. Inaia paper proof , fol, 3s. Meyer 6397 Leicester, Robert Dudley, Earl, favourite of Elizabeth, con. fined in Tower, and sentenced to execution for adhering to Lady Jane Grey ; pardoned ; K.G. ; chancellor Oxf. nniv. ; ob. Cornbury, Oxford, 15S8 ; bur. Warwick ; 8vo* variety, 6d. each. 6398 — w. 1. in armour, 4to. 2s. Sichem. — fol. Is. Vermeulen 6399 — fol. 2s. Ditto, large paper, 3s. - Houbraken 6400 — imitation of drawing by Zucchero, w. 1. fol. 2s. Watts 6401 — horseback, 4to. 2s. Sichem. — sm. oval, 5s. Hier. WieriK 6402 — from an engraved gold \)\?ite,fme, 10s. 6d. Goltzius 6403 — in a border of figures, fol. 2s. - Bouttats 6404 — from Lodge, 4to. 2s. India proof, 3s. Cochran 6405 Leicester, — , Earl, oval, 4to. rare, 5s. Reynolds — Bestland 6406 Leifchild, Rev. John, of Bristol, 8vo. 6d. — 4to. 2s. Penny 6407 Leigh, Anthony, actor, nat, co. Northampton, ob. 1692. As Father Dominick, whole length, fol. 2s. Kneller — Smith 6408 Leigh, Charles, M.D. author of Natural History of Lan- cashire, Cheshire, and Derby, 1685, 4to. Is. India proof Is. 6d. 6409 Leigh, Hon. Charles, of Leighton, co. Bedford, ob. 1749, fol. private plate, 7s. 6d. - • Baron 6410 Leigh, Edward, literat. nat. Shawell, Leic. 1603 ; of Mag- dalen-hall, Oxford, and Temple ; M.P. for Stafford ; and in assembly of Divines ; ob. 1671 ; 8vo. 2s. 6d. Chantrey 6411 — ditto, yjwe and rare, 4to. 5s. - - Cross 6412 Leighton, Alexander, M.D and author of ' Sion's Plea,' for which he was barbarously used, pilloried in Cheapside, and confined in the Fleet 12 years ; nat. Edinburgh, 1568 ; made keeper of Lambeth Palace by pari. ; ob. 1644. Oval, with inscription, 8vo. 2s. 6d. - Hollar 6413 — copy from the same, 8vo. 6d. 6414 Leighton, Robert, his son, nat. London, 1613 ; archbishop of Glasgow ; res. Broadhurst, Sussex j ob. Warwick-lane, 1684 ; 8vo. 6d. Proof Is. 6415 — 8vo. 2s. Sir R. Strange. — 8vo. Is. White 6416 Leinster, Wm. Robert Fitzgerald, Duke, ob. 1805, 8vo, 6d. 6417 — fol. 3s. - - Stuart—Rodi^e^, 1793 Evans's catalogue of portraits. 207 6418 Leinster, James, Earl, Viscount L. of Taplow, Bucks, ob. 1773. When Earl of Kildare, 3-qrs. in his robes, fol. 3s. .Sir Joshua Reynolds — Ardell 6419 Leinster, Emily Lennox, his Countess, fol. 3s. Ibid. — Ibid. 6420 Leishman, James, 39 years quarter-master, whole length, in uniform, sitting, fol. 3s. Branscomb, del. et sc. 6421 Leland, John, eminent antiquary, nat. London ; educated Paul's school ; of Christ coll. Camb, ; Henry VIII.'s anti- quary ; rector Haseley, Oxford ; preb. Knovvle, Sarum ; ob. 1553 ; bur, Michael le Querne. From a bust at All Soul's, Oxford, 8vo. 6d. 6432 — - from a picture by Holbein, 4to. Is. - Wageman 6423 Leland, John, celebrated divine, nat. Wigan, Lane. 1691 ; minister at Dublin ; ob. 176Gj 8vo. Is. - Hall 6434 Leland, Thomas, D.D. translator and historian, nat. Dublin, 1732 ; ob. 1785. From Retjnolds, 8vo. 6d. Pr. Is. Stanier 6425 Lely, Sir Peter, celebrated portrait painter, nat, at Zoest, 1617; estates at Kew ; ob. 1680 j bur. Paul's, Covent Garden ; various, 8\o. 6d. each. 6426 — 4to. Is. Ipse — Bannerman. — 4to. Is. Birrell 6427 — in Florentine Museum, fol. 2s. - Pitteri 6428 — fol. 4s. Ipse—io(\Q. — fol. 3s. //)s^— Smith 6429 Lemoine, Henry, bookseller, w. 1. 8v'o, 6d. 4to. proof. Is. 6430 Lemon, Marg. Vandyke's mistress, fol. 3s. V. Dtjke — Morin 6431 — holding flowers, fol. rare, 7s. 6d Ibid. — Gay wood 6432 — from the same, fol. 7s. - - Lommelin 6433 Lemon, Robert, set. 80, cliief clerk Records Office, Tower, 43 years, fol. private plate, 5s. Lawrence — VV. Daniell 6434 Lempriere, C. in Reg. Exerc. Centur., and artist, ob. 1746, fol. 33. - - - Fnjc — Faber 6435 Lennard, Sampson, literat. topographer, and herald, ob. 1633 ; bur. Bennet's, Paul's ^Vharf. Front, to his trans- lation of Charron, 4to. 7s, . - V^iughan 6436 Lennox, Esme Stuart, Duke of, 4to. Is. - Roberts 6437 Lenox, Lady Louisa, wife of George Lord Lenox, 1759, 8vo. 6d. - - - Ramsay 6438 Lens, Bernard, h. 1. holding a palette, 4to. Is. Ipse 6439 Lens, Mr. serjeant at law, of John's coll. Camb. ob. 1825, 4to. 2.S. - - - Penny, del. et sc. 6440 Lenthall, Wm. nat. Henly on Thames, 1591; of Alban-- hall, and Lincoln's inn ; M.P. Woodstock, and speaker; master of the Rolls ; res. Besselsleigh, Berks; ob. 1662; 4to. Is. — profile, 8vo. Is. Mrs. Gulston, fecit 6441 Leo X. Pope, ob. 1521, 4to. Is. Raphael~Y MthornQ 6442 Leofric, the monk, with his brother Count Warren, 4to. Is. 6443 Leopold, King of Belgium, consort of P. Charlotte, 8vo. 6d. 6444 — whole length, in uniform, fol. 3s. Chalon— Meyer 6445 — his consort. Queen of the Belgians, whole length, fine proof on India paper, 4to. 2s. - Parris — Hopwood 6446 Lesley, G. of Moncymusk, Franciscan, from rare cut, Svo. 6d 308 BVANS S CATALOGUE OF PORTRAITS, 6447 Lesley, John, nat. Scotland, 1527 ; commissioner at York and Hampton-court for Mary Queen of Scots ; imprisoned in Ely and Tower, for conspiracy against Elizabetli ; bishop of Ross ; ob, 1596 j fol. Is. ' Vmideriverff—Gunst 6448 - 4to. Is. . . , •' Barlow 6449 Leslie, Rev. Charles, ob. 1732, 8vo. Is. - Miiller 6450 — fol. mez. fine and rare, 5s. — fol. 4s. BeUe—Cherean 6451 Leslie, Sir John, professor of Edinburgh, 8vo. with auto- graph. Is. India proof, 2s. - C his holm— Cook 6452 Leslie, Hon. Lady Elizabeth, 8vo. Is. De/acour—Thomson 6453 — fine proof fol. 2s. Ditto, Itidia paper, fol. 3s.. Idem 6454 Lester, Mr. engineer, of Paddington, 4to. Is. VVoodthorpe 6455 Lestock, Richard, adm. ob. 1746, fol. 5s. fVollaston — Faber 6456 L'Estrange, Sir Roger, literat. and licenser of the press, nat. Hunstanton, Norfolk, 1616 ; condemned for loyalty, and imprisoned in Newgate; ob. 1704; bur. Giles's in the Fields; 8vo. 6d. 6457 — 4to. 3s. ii'«^//er— White. — fol. 3s. /^2U— White 6458 Letanseur, William, literat. 8vo. circle. Is. 6459 Leti, Gregory, historian in England, ob. 1701, fetat. 71, 8vo. Is. 6d. — 4to. 2s. - . Gole 6460 Lettsom, John Coakley, M.D. and literat. various, 8vo. 6d. 6461 Leven, Alexander Lesley, Earl, general of the Scotch army which invaded England, temp.^ Charles L, besieged York and Hereford, and captured Newcastle, 8vo. 6d. 6462 — Svo. Is. Gucht. — as governor of Stralsund, 8vo. Is. 6463 — in armour, horseback, ' Generall of Scotch army'. Copy of Earl Spencer's unique print, 4to. Is, 6464 Leventhorpe, Su- Thomas, of Shingey-hall, Herts, 1625, 4to. Is. Royal 4to. ;;roo/; Is. 6d. 6465 Lever, Sir Ashton, naturalist, &c. nat. Alpington, Lincoln ; of Corpus Christi coll. Oxford ; founder of the museum : Svo. 6d. 6466 — ditto, 4to. Is. 6d. - . 5Ae/%— Nutter 6467 Leveridge, Richard, musician, ob. 1758, Svo. 6d. Proof, lS'_ - - - - Saunders 6468 Levinz, Sir Cresvvell, justice of Common Pleas, and one of the Bishops' Counsel, ob. 1700, aetat. 74, bur. Evenlie, Northampton. Frontispiece to his Reports, 1702, fol. 2s. Kneller—^. ^Vhite 6469 Levy, David, Jewish literat. nat. London, 1740 ; ob. 1799 ; Svo. 6d. . . - Bromley 6470 Lewes, Chas. Lee, actor, nat. Bond-street, Svo. 6d. Hooper 6471 Lewes, Sir Watkin, alderman and M.P for London, ob. 1821, Svo. 6d. 6472 — whole length, with fool's cap, rattle, &c. 4to. Is. 6d. Bretherton 6473 — fol. 2s. 6d. . - - Dickinson 6474 Lewis VH. King of France, made a visit to Beckett's tomb, ob. 1180, 4to. Is. EVAXb's CATALOGUE OF POUTRAITS, 200 6475 Lewis, John, brewer, who secured tlie right of a free passafi;o through Richmond park, ob. 1792, eet. 79, fol. 5s. Field " ' "'' 6476 Lewis, Panl, the famous highwayman, 8vo. 6d. Heynolds 6477 Lewis, Miss, niece of Liotard, 4to. Is. //io^firrrf— Spooner 6478 — from the same, fol. 2s. - Ibid. — Ardell 6479 — half length, reading, sheet, proof before any letters, fol. 5s. - - - Ibid. — Ravenet 6480 Lewis, Miss M. G. literat., 8vo. 6d. Da7iie !~\YQo\noWi 6481 Lewis, Rev. Thomas, of Islington, 8vo. 6d. 4to. Is. 6482 Lewis, Wm. Thomas, eminent actor, nat. Ormskirk, Lane. 1748, various, Svo. 6d. Proofs, Is. 6483 — in characters of Prince of Wales, Pharnaces, Wildair, Marquis, Copper Captain, &c. 8vo. 6d. each. Proofs, Is. 6484 — 4to, is. 6d. - - Dance— T)m\e\\. 6185 — as Vapid, 4to. Is. . - Nnish—Yimiow C48G Lcvbourn, W. ])rinter, and eminent mathem. 1670, 8vo. 6d. 6487 — '4to. Is. W'hitc. — jet. 27, ornaments, etc]mg,4Xo. Is. 6d. C488 — cet. 30, Svo. Is. Gaywood. — 3-qrs. sitting, 4to. Is. 6489 Lichfield, Bernard Stewart, Earl of, killed at Rowton-heath, Cheshire, 1645. From Set of Loyalists, Svo. Is. \'ertue 6490 Lichfield, Charlotte Fitzroy, Countess, daughter Charles IL married Sir G- H, Lee, of Ditchley, Oxford, cr. Earl of L. ob. 1718, whole length, fol, with dog, 5s. Kncller — Beckett 6491 Liddel, Duncan, med. eet. 53, 4to. Is. 6d. - Bengo 6492 Lifford, .Tames Hewitt, Lord, chancellor L-eland, nat. 1709, ob. 1782, holding great seal, 1. fol. 5s. Madden — Dickinson 6493 — in robes, w. 1. sitting, sheet, 6s. Reynolds — Dunkartoii 6494 Lightfoot, John, nat. Stoke, Staff, 1602 ; educated xMorton, Cheshire ; curate Norton, Salop ; minister Bartholomew's, London, and Muck Munden, Herts ; vice-chancellor of Cambr. univ. 5 res. Honisey ; bequeathed his oriental books to Havard college ; ob." Ely, 1675 ; fol. 7s. White 6495 Ligonier, John Lewis, Earl, ob. 1778, ret. 92, variety, Svo. 6d.each. 6496 — fol. 3s. Latham— ^vook^. — fol. 3s. TVorsdale 6497 — horseback, 4to. 2s. - Sir J. Reynolds— Co\\y&\' 6498 — from the same, sheet, 5s. - Ibid. — Fisher 6499 — horseback, sheet, yi'we, 3s. Proof before the letters, 6s. Fo?/r«if?r— Tanje 6500 Lilbourne, Col. John, nat. co. Dnrl-.am, 1618 ; whipt from / ^ Fleet prison to Palace-yard ; at battle of Edgehill, and / taken prisoner at Brentford ; com. to Newgate and Tower ; res. Eltham ; ob. 1657 ; various, Svo. 6d. each. 6.501 — oval, Svo. 23. 6d. Hollar. — copy of ditto, Svo. 6d. 6502 — whole length, with the names of the jury, 4to. 3s. 6503 — from Earl Spencer's drawing by Bullfinch, 4to. Is. Cooper 6504 Lilly, A^■m. astrologer and physician, nat. Discworth, Leic. 1602 5 res. Mersham, Surrey ; ob. 1681 ; Svo.6d. 6505 — from Marshall, Svo. Is. Ind. proof, 4to. 23. 'Wainwright 6506 — the original print, 4to. 5s. - Marshall Part XIV. Price 6d. p 210 JEVANS S CATALOGUE OF PORTKAITS. 6508 Lincoln, Edward Clinton, Earl, ob. 1584, 4to. 2s. India proof, 3s. - - Ketel — Jenkins 6509 Lincoln, Henry Clinton, Earl, nat. 1684 ; K.G. ; lieut. Tower Hamlets, and constable of Tower ; lieut, co. Camb. •, ob. 1728. From Kit Kat Club, 4to. Is. Cooper 6510 Lindsay, Hon. INIrs. Charles, 8vo. Is. Robertson — Wright 6511 — fine proof 071 India paper, fol. 3s. - Idem 6512 Lindsey, Robert Bertie, Earl, distinguished loyalist, lord- high chamberlain ; K.G. ; lord-admiral j governor of Ber- wick ; killed at Edgehill, 1642 ; bur. at Edenham, Line. ; various, 8vo. 6(1. each. 6513 — from Set of Loyalists, 8vo. Is. Vandyke — Vertue 6514 — from Lodge, 4to. 2s. India proof Ss. Ibid. — Robinson 6515 — in armour, oval, 4to. scarce, 5s, 6516 Lindsey, Montagu Bertie, Earl, his son, wounded at Naseby, attended funeral of Charles L ; ob. at Kensington, 1666. From the rare print after Vandyhe, by Faithorne, 4to. Is. - - . - Dunkarton 651T — in Lodge, 4to. 2s. India proof, '^•a. Vandyke — Dean 6518 — in Lodge, large set, proof before letters, 4to. 4s. Cooper 6519 — fol. 2s. 'Ditto, fine, large paper, ^s. Jansen — Houbraken 6520 Lingard, Rev. John, 4to. 3s. . Ramsay — Fox 6521 Linley, Miss Maria, sister of Mrs. Sheridan, 4to. Is. JVestall—Ws^QY 6522 Linnaeus, Carl von, illust. botanist, var.Svo. 6d. 4to. Is. 6523 — in his Lapland dress, whole length, fol. 3s, 6524 Linnecar, R. coroner co. Ebor, fol. 3s. Singleton— 'Q'Xixow 655 Lin wood. Miss, celebrated for her needlework, nat. co. Warwick, res. co. Leic. 8vo. 6d. 6526 — whole length, sitting, sheet, /fwe proof, 5s. Tomkins 6527 Liotard, J. S. painter, nat. Geneva, 1702, vis. Eng. 8vo. 6d. 6528 Lipsius, Justus, inscribed ' the Glory of his time, the first inventor of Printing at the Reeling press, aged 36,' 4to. Is. - - - - Gaywood 6529 Liscombe, Thomas, murderer, taken in Exeter gaol, 8vo. 6d. 6530 — do. w. 1. sitting, 4to. Is. 6d, — la. head, fol. 2s, Lewis 6531 Lisle, Edward, agriculturist, 4to. Is. - Ravenet 6532 Lisle, Sir George, son of bookseller in London ; loyalist , shot at Colchester, 1648 ; various, 8vo. 6d. 6533 - — from Set of Loyalists, 8vo. Is. Dohson — Vertue 6535 — ditto, 8vo. Is. - - Gucht 6534 Lisle, Lady Alicia, his widow, executed at Winchester, 1685, for concealing Mr. Hicks. In the print with Essex, Godfrey, Monmouth, Argyle, Russell, Sidney, Cornish, Hewling, Jenkins, Mrs. Gaunt, and Armstrong, the twelve Protestant Martyrs, 8vo. Is. 6536 Lisle, Major James George Semple, swindler, 4to. Is. 6537 Lister, Sir Matthew, M.D. physician to Anne of Denmark, and Charles I. ob. 1657, Kt. 92. Fine copy of th. 6d. EVANs's CATALOGUE OF PORTRAITS. 311 C538 Lister, Sir Martin, physician and naturalist, nat, Ra^rlcliffe, Bucks, 163S ; of John's coll. Camb. ; res. at York ; ob. rW"' '' 'jf 1712; bur. Clapliam. Copy of print by White, 4to. Is. f 6539 Lister, the Lady, fol. 4s. - Holbein — Bartolozzi 6540 Lister, Susannah Temple, Lady, and Thornhurst, maid of honour to Anne of Denmark. Copy of the rare print bv White, 8vo. 6d. - - Jansen, 1620 6541 Lister, George, cock-feeder, fol. 3s. Proof, 5s. Say, 1804 6542 Listen, Mr. celeb, comedian, var. 8vo. 6d. Proofs, Is. each. 6543 — in characters of Caper, Maw-worm, Clown, Tristam Tappy, Diggory, Gawkey, Dominie Sampson, &c. 8vo. 6d. ' each. Proofs, Is. 6544 — 4to. Is. R. Newton. — fol. 4s. Jachson— Ward 6545 Listen, Mrs. [Miss Tyrer], singer and actress, 8vo. 6d. 6546 Litchfield, Mrs. actress, of Covent Garden, 8vo. 6d. Pr. Is. 6547 — large fol. /^'oo/, 5s. - - Harlow — Say 6548 Littledale, Thomas, of Rotterdam, fol. 3s. Proof, 5s. Hardy 6549 Littleton, Sir Cliarles, loyalist, at the siege of Colchester ; taken prisoner at Shrewsbury, and confined in Gatehouse, Westm. ; ob. Hayley, 1716, set. 87. In armour, flowing wig, 8vo. Is. - - - Tomkins 6550 Littleton, Edward, Lord, ch. justice of C. P. and lord keeper to Charles I. Baron of Mounslovv, Salop, nat. 1580 ; of Christ church, Oxford, and Inner Temple ; recorder of London ; ob. 164.5 ; various, 8vo. 6d. each. 6551 — with Muriel L. dan. of Chancellor Bromley, 4to. 2s. 6d. 6552 — fol. 3-qrs. 3s. Vandyke. — fol, 3s*. R. White 6553 — with Henry Earl Manchester, on one plate. Copy of a rare print by Faithorne, 4to. Is. 6554 Littleton, Sir Thomas, celebrated lawyer, nat. Frankley, ^Vorcester ; of Inner Temple 5 res. Sepulchre's, London; K.B. ; ob. 1481, set. 79. Front, to his 'Tenures,' whole length, kneeling, 4to. Is. 6d. \'aughan. — Ditto, 8vo. Is. 6555 • — from picture in Temple-hall, 8vo. Is, 4to, pr. 2s. Trotter 6556 Livens, J. painter in England, fol. 2s, /'". Dyke — Vorsterman 6557 Liverpool, Charles Jenkinson, Earl, Baron Hawkesbury, CO. Glouc, nat. 1727 ; educated Charter-house ; of Univ. coll. Oxford ; M.P. Cockermouth ; vice-treasurer Ireland ; chancellor Duchy of Lancashire ; ob 1808 ; 8vo. 6d. 6558 Liverpool, R. B. J. late Earl, nat. 1770 ; educated Charter. house; of Christ church, Oxford ; M.P. Rye; lord-warden of Cinque Ports ; ob. Combe wood, 1828 ; Svo. 6d. 6559 ■ — fine proof , fol. 5s. - - Hoppner — Meyer 6560 — with autogra])h, 8vo. Is. Tnd'ia pr. 2s, Lawrence — Fry 6561 — ditto, India proof before any letters, fol. 3s. Idem 6562 — in Percy Anecdotes, Is. Fine Ind. proof 4to. Is. 6d. Fry 6563 Livius, Peter, chief justice of Quebec, etching, 4to. 2s. 6564 Lloyd, Humphrey, antitjuary, nat. Denbigh, 1527 ; of Bra- zen-nose coll, Oxford ; ob. 1568. From a scarce print by Faber, 4to. Is. - Clamp 212 EVANS H CATALOGUE OF PORTRAITS. 6565 Lloyd, Rev. John, tlie friend of Pennant, 4to. Is. Proof, 2s. - . . Griffith— Uazeh 65G0 Ll<.>yd, Rev. Rieh. 8 verses. Copy of rare print by Vauglian, Svo. 6(1. 6507 Lloyd, Robert, poet, nat. Westminster, 1733 3 ob. 1764 5 bur, St. Bride's ; Svo. 6d. 6568 Lloyd, Mr. of Portsmouth, 3-qrs. sitting under a rock, fol. private plate, proof etching-, 2s. 6d. 6569 — the same, fol. fine proof 5s. ■ . Heatb 6570 Lloyd, ^Ym. nat. Tilehurst, Berks, 1027 ) preb. Ripon, Salisbury, and St. Paul's ; archdeafon Merioneth; vicar Martin's in the Fields ; bishop Asaph, Lichfield and Co- ventry, and W^orcester ; ob. 1717, set. 90 ; fol. 5s. V'ertue 6571 — set, 86, large fol. very fine, 7s. 6d. Forster — V^ertue 6572 Lloyd, Edward, author of Archseolo^ia Britannica, and Lythophylacium Britannica, &c. nat. Oswestry ; ob. 1709. From a drawing in the Ashmolean Maseum, of which he u as keeper, 4to. Is. - - Harding 6573 Lloyd, George, barrister, of Manchester, large folio, 5s. Ora^e— turner, 1803 6574 Lloyd, Edward, poet, large fol. 4s. i?em(/^e— Marchi 6575 Loader, William, of Birmiuii-ham, fol, 2s. 6576 Lobb,Theoph. M.D. nat. 1678; ob. 1763; Svo. Is. Hulett 11 . 6577 Locke, John, eminent philosopher, nat. Pansford, Somerset, Vv^;^-^ 1632 ; educated ^Vestminster and Christ church, Oxford > ob. Coates, Essex, 1704 ; various, Svo. 6d. 6578 — 4to^«e, 2s. 6d. - - /f«e//e»— Tanj6 6579 — from same picture, 4to. 2s. 6d. - Vertue 6580 — 4to. 2s. Cave. — 4 ports, of from Lavater, 4to. Ls. 6d. 6581 — fol. 2s. 6d. Houbraken. — fol. 3s. A'Me//er— Vertue 1/ 6582 Locker, Commodore ^Villiam, 1801, Svo. 6d. Do. proof. Is. f^- 6583 — as lieut.-gov. Greenwich hosp. fol. p. p. S^. Abbott — Heath 6584 Lockhart Ross, Sir J. adm. Svo. 6d. Pr. 4to. Is. Reynolds 6585 — 3 qrs. pointing to a ship at sea, fol. 3s. Reynolds — ArdeU 6586 Lockhart, Sir Wm. nat. Scotland, 1621 ; taken prisoner at Preston, and confined at Newcastle ; marr. Cromwell's niece ; ambass. to France ; govr, Dunkirk ; ob. co. Hunts, 1675. From a drawing of Mr. Tighe's, 4to. Is. S. Harding 6587 Lockhart, Philadelphia ^^Vharton, ^Lady, ob. 1722. With her sister, [Countess Lindsey], when children, whole lengths, fol. 3s. . . Vandyke~G\ix\?,t 6558 Lockley, John, of Boscobel and Pershore, ' Father of the Field,' whole length.^wfjoroo/, fol. 7s. Qd. Ramsay — Luptoa 6589 Lockyer, Rev. Nicholas, nat. Glastonbury, 1612 ; of New Inn-hall, Oxford ; chaplain to Cromwell, and preacher to parliament ; prov. Eton ; held livings of Bennet Sheerhog, and Pancras, Soper-lane ; ob. Woodford, 1684 ; bur. at Whitechapel ; 4 verses, Svo. 3s. 6d. - Hollar 6590 — accurate copy of the same, Svo. Is. Richardson 6591 — in pulpit, preaching, 4to. fine and rare, 7s. Hollar KVANS'S CATALOGUE OF PORTRAITS. 213 6593 Lodge, Wm. engraver, nat. Leeds, 1649 ; of Jesus college, Cambr. and Lincoln 's-inn ; ob. 1689 3 bur. Harwood 3 8vo. 6d. Barrett 6593 — with Vanderbanc, Vaillant, and Place, 4to. Is. 6594 Lofft, Capel, of Troston.hall, Suffolk 3 ob. Turin, 1834, aet. 73,8.-0. 6d. 6595 — w. 1. an admirable likeness, with autograph, 4to. Is. 6596 Loftus, Madame, wife of Lord Lisburne, Ireland, foL 3s. Kneller — Smith 6597 Logan, John, poet and divine, nat. ^Scotland, 1747 3 ob. iu Marlborough-street, 1788, From an original drawing, 8vo. Is. - - Bronm — Duncau 6598 — ditto, French pnpcr proof , 4to. Is. 6d. Ibid. — Ibid. 6599 — ditto, fitic India pnpcr proof , royal 4to. 3s. Ibid. — Ibid. 6600 Lohne, J. L. de, political writer, various, 8vo. Cd. Proof Is. - - - Stat hard — Devonport 6601 Londonderry, Robt. Stewart, Marquis, nat. 1769 5 of John's coll. Camb. 3 secretary for Ireland 5 ob. North Cray, 1833. From picture by Lawrence, 8vo. 6d. Proof 4to. Is. 6603 — 4to. Is. 6d. India proof 3s. 6d. Guuci — Chater 6603 — from bust by Chantrey, 4to. India proof, Is. Thomson 6604 — in his robes, as K.G. whole \QX\gi[\, finely coloured, folio, 5s. _ _ - Stephanoff- — Bond 6605 — in Cadell's Contemp. Ports. 4to. 3s. Lawrence~M.e\tv 6606 — ditto, beautiful proof be fore any letters, 5s. Idem 6607 — 3-tp-p. 1. fol. 7s. Bo. fine proof, 10s. 6d. /^i J.— Turner 6608 Londonderry, Frances Anne Vane, Marchioness, Svo. Is. Lawre7ice — Cochran 6609 — ditto, fine proof on folio paper, 25. - Idem 6610 Long, Beeston, nat. 13ishopgate-st. 1757 3 Bank director ; chairman London Dock Company, &c. 5 ob. Combe-house, Surrey, 1820 ,• bur. Saxmundhani 5 Svo. 6d. Owen — Meyer 6611 Long, Right Hon. Charles, paymaster of the forces, nat. 1760 3 of Emanuel coll. Camb. 3 chief secretary Ireland j 4to. 3s. - - - Edrid?irto\oz7\ 6790 Mahmoud, Raif Eft Efendi, secretary to Turkish ambassador, 1794. Whole length, in Turkish costume, fol. 2s. Proof Ss. Ju/ie/f/ coloured, Ss. - Miller — Schiavonctti 6791 Mahomet, Turkish merchant, 4to. Is. 6d. AV^orlidge 6792 Mahomet, valet Geo. L ob. 1726, 8vo. 6d, Proof, 4to. Is. 6793 Mahoney, Matthew, and Charles White, whole lengths, in fetters, 8vo. 6d. 4to. proof Is. 6794 Mainauduc, T. B. de, M.D. 4to. 2s. Com-a?/— Conde 6795 Mainwaring, Sir William, killed at the assault of Chester, 1645, 8vo. Is. - - Scheneker 6796 Mainwaring, llesther, his wife, of Holloway, married 2. Sir Henry Blount of Tittcnhanger, 8vo. Is. - Ibid. 6797 Maitland, John, Lord, of Thirlestone, lord high chancellor of Scotland, Svo. 6d. 4to. Is. 6798 — from Lodge, 4to. 2s. India ■proof 3s. Cooper 6799 Maitland, Sir W. of Lcthington, ob. 1573, Svo. Is. Trotter CSOO — from Lodge's Ports. 4to. 2s. India proof, 2s. Finden GSOl MaittairC;, Michael, learned critic, ob, 1747, jet. 79, fol. 3s. Dandridge — Faber 6802 ALalcolm, Sarah, murderer, nat. co. Durham ; executed in Fleet-street for killing her mistress and her 2 servants in Middle Temple, 1733; Svo. 6d. 6803 — sitting in prison, 4to. mez. 2s. - Hogarth 6804 — 3-cps. sitting in prison, 4to. Is. Hogarth, ad vivum 6805 — with clergyman, holding a ring, 'no recompense but love,' and view of her execution, 4to. 2s. 6S00 Makin, Bathiisa, teacher of languages to dau. Chas. L, res. Tottenham. Copy of very rare print by Marshall, 4to. Is. 220 KVANs'fc CATALOGUE OF PORTRAITS. 6807 Maiden, Daniel, criminal, of Canterbury, escaped twice 1736, 8vo. 6d, 4to, proof, Is. 6808 Maiden, H. chapel clerk, King's coll. Camb. 8vo. Is. 6809 Malines, Samuel, [Granger], drawing, from the rare print, 4to. 8s. 6810 Malkin, Heath, 8vo. proof, 2s. fF. Blake— Cvomok 6811 Mallet Du Pan, J. political writer, fol. 2s. - Heath 6813 Mahnesbury, James Edward Harris, Earl of, nat. 1778. In his robes, sitting, fol. 4s. Fine proof, 6s, Do. before any letters, lOs. - Sir Thomas Lawrence — Ward 6813 — sitting, fol. 4s. Do. coloured, 6s. Reynolds — -Watson 6814 — in Cadell's Ports, 4to. 3s, Proof, 5s. Edridge— Meyer 6815 Mahnesbury, James Harris, Lord, Viscount Fitzh&rris, of Hurn Court, Hants ; nat. 1736 ; envoy to Prussia and Russia ; K.B. ; res. Park-place, Berks ; ob. 1820 ; 8vo, 6d. Proof Is. 6816 Malone, Edmund, the commentator, nat. Dublin, 1741 ; of Inner Temple 5 ob. 1812 ; 8vo. Is. Reynolds — Bartolozzi 6817 Malpighi, Marcellus, physician and naturalist, F. R. S. ob, 1694, 4to. Is, 6818 Man, Henry, silhouette, 8vo. 6d. 6819 Manby, Captain George William, inventor of apparatus for saving from shipwreck, 8vo. 6(1. Proof Is. Blood 6820 Manchester, Henry Montague, Earl, Baron Kimbolton, Viscount Mandeville, chief justice of K.B. and lord-high treasurer ; recorder of London ; ob. 1620. Front, to his Meditations, 12mo. 2s. - - Van Hove 6821 — in Royal and Noble Authors, Svo- Is. 6822 Manchester, Edward Montague, Earl of. Viscount Mande- ville, gen. Pari, forces, Norfolk, Suffolk, Herts, and Essex, lord chamberlain to Charles II., ob. 1671, 8vo. 6d. 6823 — when Lord Kimbolton, fol. 2s. Do. 1. p. 3s. Houbraken 6824 — copy of print by Hollar, 8vo, 6d. — in Ricraft, 8vo. 6d, 6S25 Manchester, Chas, Montague, Duke, ambass. to France and Venice, sec. of state to Wm. III., lieut. Hunts ; ob. 1722. In Kit Kat Club, fol. 2s. Faber. — ditto, 4to. Is Cooper 6826 Manchester, Dodington Grevile, his Duchess, ob. 1722, bur, with her husband at Kimbolton, fol. 3s. Kncller — Faber ^27 Manchester, George Montague, Duke, ob. 1788. In robes, • CM. of Masons, holding compass, 8vo. Is. Peters-^l,euey 6828 — large fol. 4s. Fine proof Qs. - Stuart — Jones 6S20 Manchester, Eliz. Dashwood, Duchess, 1762, w. I, with her son George Viscount Mandeville, as Diana and Cupid, sheet, y^we, 5s. Proof, 10s. Reynolds — Watson 6830 Mandey, Venter, mathem. ob. 1703, set. 56, 8vo. Is. YMiite 6831 Mangeon, Miss, actress, of Drury-lane, 8vo. Is. 6832 Maniac, the Fair, w. I. sitting, 4to. Is. - Caldvvall 6833 Mann, Lady Jemima Isabella, 8vo. Is. P^'f/r/WjgvY/— Cochran 6834 — ditto, JiHc proof on Indiu paper, io], 3i^. - Idenj 6835 Manners, T. lord chanc. Irel. 4to. Ss. Comcrford— Cardou Evans's catalogue of portraits. 221 G836 Manners, Lord Robert, in print of his death on board his vessel, sheet, 5s. F'me proof, rare, 15s. Stothard — Heatli 6837 Manners, Mrs. Russell, afterwards Lady Stepney, whole length, 4to. /?«e, 3s. - Cosway — Cooper 6839 Manning, Rev. James, of Rhode Island, 8vo. Is. 6839 Mansel, Wni. Lort, nat. 1751 j master of Trinity college, Canibr. ; rector Barwick, co. Ehor, ; bishop of Bristol ; ob. 1S30 ; large fol. 5s, - Kirkbij — Say 6840 — whole length, coloured, 4to. Is. - Dighton 6841 Mansell, Miss, actress, afterwards wife of Fred. Reynolds, whole length, 8vo. 6d. Proof, Is. 6842 Mansfield, Sir James, nat. 1733 ; sol. -general 1780 ; chief justice Common Pleas J ob. 1821: foL 3s. Fine proof, 5s. - . . P^aslet — Jones 6S43 Mansfield, Wm. Murray, Earl, celclirated judge, nat. Perth, 1705 ; educated Westminster and Christ church, Oxford ; of Lincoln's-inn ; M.P. Boroughbrirlge j res. Caen-wood; ob. 1793 ; bur. Westminster abbey ; various, 8vo. 6d. ea. 6844 — 3.qrs. sitting in a chair, 4to. 2s. Grhnald'i — Jones 6845 — set. 28, when Hon. Mr. M. 4to. 3s. Frt«/oo— Basire 6846 — in robes, sitting, whole length, sheet, /?»<", 7s. 6d. Martin 6847 — the same, 3-cp-s. length, 7s. Ditto, very fine, lOs. 6d. Reynolds — Bartolozzi 6848 — 6\tio,fine proof before the letters, rare, fol. 18s. Idem 6849 — from same picture, 4to. 3s. Meyer. — full face, 8vo. Is. 6850 Mansfield, Ernest, Count, vis. England, 8vo. Is. 4to. 2s. 6851 — in armour, fol. 3s. - Vandyhc — Voerst 6652 Manton, Thomas, nat. Lawrence fivdiard, Som., 1610; of Hart-hall, Oxford ; minister at Colyton, Devon ; Stoke Newington ; Covent Garden, &c. ; ob. 1677 ; 8vo. 6d. 6853 — fol. 2s. 6d. R. White. — 8vo. Is. Ibid. 6854 Manvers, Mary Letitia, Countess, of co. Notts., 8vo. Is, Mec — Thomson 6855 Mapp, Sarah, bone-setter, of Hindon, Wilts, and Epsom, Surrey, ob. Seven Dials, 1737, 8vo. 6(1. 4to. proof Is. 6856 Mar, John Erskine, Earl, secretary of state, Scotland, ob. 1732, 4to. Is, 6857 — oval, with coats of arms in border, fol. rare, 11. Is. Kncller — Smith 6858 — from Lodge's Portraits, 4to, 2s. India proof, 3s. 6859 Mar, Countess of, 4to. Is. - - Harding 6860 Mara, Madame, celebr. singer, 8vo. 6d. Proof, Is. 6861 — as Armida, 4to. fine, 3s. - Jean — Collyer 6862 March, John, vicar of Newcastle, ob. 1692. 8vo. Is. Sturt 6863 Marchand, Fioram, water-spouter, &c. 1650, whole length, standing, spouting water into 3 different glasses, 4to. Is. 6864 Marchant, John, commentator on Scriptures, fol. Is. 6d. 6865 Marchant, Nathaniel, R. A. (an unpublished plate), 4to. Is. 6d. - . - Dunce — Danicll 6866 Marcchal, G. Earl, founder of Marech. coll. 4to. Is. Jamesons 223 Evans's catalooue of portraits. G867 Marclii, Signer, engraver, 8vo. Is. Reynolds — Bartolozz;! G868 — from the same, fol. 3s. . Ih'id.' — Spilsbury 6869 Marcianiis Civius, a Roman soldier, effigies dug up on Lnd- gatc-liill, (vide Pennant), 4to. Is. 6870 Margaret of Austria, Duchess of Parma and Placentia, vis. England, whole length, 4to. Is. 6S71 Margaret of Anjou, Queen of Henry VI. various, 8vo. 6d. 6873 — in Set of Founders, 4to. Is. 6d. — Svo. Is. Scheneker 6873 — with view of foundation of Queen's coll. Svo. 6d. Gardiner 6S74 Margaret of Denmark, Queen of James III. Svo. 6d. 6875 — from picture at Kensington, 4to. Is. - Trotter 6876 Margaret Tudor, queen of James IV. ob. 1539, fol. Is. Valck 6877 — in Lodge, 4to. 2s. India proof, 3s. Holbein — Cooper 6878 — with John Duke of Albany, her 2nd husb. 4to. Is. Birreli 6879 Margarot, Maurice, of Corresponding Soc. 4to. proof, Is. 6880 Marjoribanks, Alison, Lady, Svo. Is. Robertson — Thomson 6881 — ditto, fne proof, fol. 2s. Ditto, India paper, 3s. Idem 6882 Markham, Gervase, of Notts, writer on horsemanship and husbandry, copy of print by Cross, 4to. Is. Reading 6883 Markham, Robert, rector ^V''hitechapel, ob. 1786, 4to. 2?. 7>/?//o>-— Skelton 6884 Markham, W. bishop of Chester, archbishop York, ob. 1807, bur. Westbury, fol. 5s. - Reynolds — Smith C885 — from same picture, Svo. 6d. - Hopwood 6SS6 Marlay, Dr. bishop of Waterford, 4to. Is. HamiltonXYle?^t\\ 6887 Marlborough, James Ley, Earl, of Tesfont, Wilts ; chief justice England and Ireland ; baron Ley of Lev ; lord- high treasurer j ob. 1628; bur. Westbury 3 8vo.'6d. 6888 — when Sir James Ley, 8vo. 2s. - Payne 6889 Marlborough, John Churchill, Duke, nat. Ashe, co. Devon, 1650 ; Baron Exmouth, Scotland ; baron C. of Sandridge, Herts ; marquis Blandford ; lieut. Oxford ; K.G. ; ob. at Windsor-lodge, 1721 ; bur. Westminster abbey ; Svo. 6d. 6890 — with a tablet of battle of Blenheim, fol. 2s. ' Gucht 6891 — without the tablet, 4to. Is. 6d. - Idem 6892 — in Kit Kat Club, fol. 2s. Faber. Ditto, 4to. Is. Cooper 6893 — - 3-qrs. in armour, fol. 2s. - - Honing 6894 ^ ditto, 4to. Is. Proof, Is. 6d. .. Clamp 6S95 — on horseback, ' Herzog von Marleborow,' fol. 3s. 6896 — in armour, large sheet, /w?cwis XII, of France, re-marr. Cliarles Brandon, Duke of Suffolk, 4to. Is. 6966 Mary, celeb, and unfortunate Queen of Scotland, variety of. 6967 — holding a rose, 4to. 2s. - Zucchero — Vertuc 6968 — from a miniature l:>y Isaac Oliver, 4to. 2s. Sherwia 6969 — 8vo. Is. - - Janet— \cxt\xc 6970 — 3-cp"S. holding crucifix, y5«e and scarce, 4to. 5s. Gay wood 6971 — Avith gloi)e and sceptre, 4to. scarce, 5s. Elstracke 6972 — whole length, with son, from the picture of the Drapers* Company, fol. Ss. - Zucchero — Bartolozzi 6973 — whole length, with crucifix, axe and block before her. Copy of a rare print, 8vo. Is. 6974 — when Princess, large oval, holding a fan. From a rare print, 4to. Is. 6d. 6975 — copy of Mr. Dent's rare print, 4to. Is. 6976 — from a painting, 15S2, in St. James' palace, ' in the 38th year of her age, and 13th of her captivity,' 4to. Is. Neele 6977 • — from same, fol. 2s. Vertue. — fol. Is. Gunst 6978 — her monument in Westminster abbey, 8vo. 6d. Fol. Is. 6979 Mary \\. of England, Queen of William III. var. 6d. each. 6980 — etching, 4to. 2s. - . Perfoy 6981 — holding globe, 4to. mez. 2s. - - Gole 6982 — fol. mez. 2s. Kneller — Smith. — fol. 4s. Lclij — Brown 6983 — from ])icture at Hampton court, whole length, in robes, large fol. 4s. - - . Faber 6984 — 4to. Is. Smith. — fol. 2s. A^we/Z^r— Houbraken 6985' — large sheet, very y}?ip, 5s. - Tiedeman — Jones 6986 - — in high head dress, fol. scarce, 5s. Vaart — Smith 6987 — from the same, fol. 5s. - Nicholas V^isscher 6988 — when Princess of Orange, fol. 5s. J-'f^hl — Tompsou 6989 Mary, Princess of Orange, daughter Charles I. and mother of William III. ob. 1660. From a print by De Jode, in ' Monarchy Revived,' 8vo. Is. - Cooper 6990 • — large sheet, scarce, 7s. 6d. Honthorst — Snydcrhoef 6991 — io\,2s. Fandi/he — Faithorne. ' — 4to. 2s. Moncornet 6992 — vvliole length, ' true portraictnre of.' Copy of the rare print by Hollar, 4to. Is. 6993 — fine and scarce, fol. 7s. 6d. Hanneman — Faithorne 6994 Mary de Medicis, Queen of Henry IV". of France in Engl. 8vo. 6d. 0995 — 4to. 2s. Daret. — 4to. 2s. - Moncornet 6996 Mary of Buttermerc, 8vo. 6d. Proof, Is. Dcnnet — Kenzic Part XV. Price 6d. q 220 Evans's catalogue of portkaits. 0997 Mary of Lorraine, Queen of James V. regent of Scotland, mother of Mary of Scotland, ob. 1560, 8vo. 6d, 6998 — ditto, fol. Is. - - P^and erwer J'— Gunst 6999 Mary of Guise, 2iid Queen of James V. of Scotland, Svo. 6d. 7000 — from picture at Leith, 4to. Is. — fol. Is. Gunst 7001 Mary, Infanta of Spain, intended bride of Charles I. 4to. 3s. 7002 Mary of Est6, Queen of James II. Svo. Is. White 7003 — vvhole length, large fol. 5s. - Vanderbanc 7004 — a jDutch etching, 4to. 2s. 7005 — • fol. 2s. LargiUiere—^\\\\1\\. — do., 4to. 2s. Larmessin 700G — when Princess of Modeua and Duchess of York, fol. rare, 5s. - - - Lely — Tompson 7007 — 3-qrs. with flowers, fol. mez. 5s. IbkL — Blooteling 700S Mary, Princess, daughter of George III. var. Svo. 6d. each. 7009 — 4to. Is. M. A. Bourlier. — 4to. Is. Freeman 7010 Mascall, Leonard, in title-page to ' Government of Cattle,' etching, 4to. 2s. 711 Maskelyne, Nevil, astronomer, nat. London, 1782 ; cduca- ted at Westminster ; of Trinity coll. Cambr. ; ob. 1811 j Svo. 6d. Proof, Is. 7012 Mason, Charles, l>,\y. Woodvv. professor Cambr. ob. 1770, set. 72, 4to. Is. 6d. - - Bretherton 7013 Mason, George, bishop of Sodor and Man, 1780, large fol. 4s. - - - Kettle — Dickinson 7014 Mason, Rev. Henry Cox, 1807, Svo. 6d. Froof, Is. 7015 Mason, Hon. John Monk, commentator, Svo. Is. Knight 7016 Mason, Mrs. when Emmet Onc!)y, ob. 1707, set. 83, 4to. 2s. 7017 Mason, Wm. the poet, nat. co. Ebor, 1725 3 of John's coll. Cambr. ; minister of Aston ; canon Driffield, Yorks, j ob. 1797 ; various, Svo. 6d. Proof, Is. 7018 — 4to. 23. . Vaslet, 1771— C. Carter, fecit 7019 — from Earl Harcourt's picture, Svo. Is. Doughty — Warren 7020 — ditto, French paper proof, 4to. Is. 6d. Ibid. — Ibid. 7021 — ditto, j^«e India paper proof royal 4to. 2s. Ibid. — Ibid. 7022 Mason, VVm. writing-master, 1682, 6 verses, Svo, 2s. 7023 Massey, Edward, pari. -general, defended Gloucester against the Royalists ; ob. 16-16. From Ricraft, Svo. 6d. 7024 Massey, General, 4to. Is. - Vanderberghe, 1800 7025 Massey, Hugh, w, 1. playing on violin, 4to. 2s. Tempesta 7026 Massingberd, Rev. Henry, copy of front, to his Counsel to his Children, 1658, 3-qrs. with verses, Svo. 6d. 7027 Massinger, Philip, celebrated dramatist, nat. at Salisbury, 15S4; of Alban-hall, Oxford; ob. at Bankside, 1640} bur. St. Saviour's. From the frontispiece to his Plays, Svo. Is. - - Thurston — Worthington 7028 — ditto, French paper proof , 4to. Is. 6d. Ibid. — Ibid. 7029 — dXiio, fne India paper proof, royal 4to. 2s. Ibid. — Ibid. 7030 Masson, Mons. celebrated tennis-player, whole length, with a racquet, fol. 3s. Proof 5s. Mortimer — Brookshaw 7031 Masters, Rev. Mr. minister Bridewell, Svo. 6d. Thane Evans's catalogue of portraits. 227 7032 Masters, Martin, philom, Cantuaricnsis, setat. 53, 1607. Copy of a rare print by Gaywood, 8vo. Is. Grave 7033 Masters, Robert, hist and antiq. nat. London, 1713 ; of Corpus Christi coll. Cambridge ; rector Landbeacli, Carab. /' xV^V*'^ and ob. there, 1798 ; fol. 3s. /f^mc/i— Facius ■'^ ' 7034 Mather, Cotton, nat. America, 1663 3 minister Boston ; ob. 1728 5 fol. 3s. • - - Pelhani 7035 Mather, Rev. Increase, nat. America; minister Gloucester, and Gilcrnsey 3 president of Harvard college 3 ob. 1723 ; 8vo. 6d. . . - Hopwood. 7036 Mather, Rev. Samuel, 8vo. 6d. - Bocquet 7037 Mathews, Charles, celebrated comedian, nat. 1776 ; edu- cated Merchant Taylors' ; var. 8vo. 6d. each. Proojs, Is- 7038 — in the characters of Wiggins, Tourville, Risk, Gregory, Index, &c. 8vo. 6d. each. 7039 — as the Scotch Lady, 4to. 2s. - Chafon—C\mt 7040 Matthew, major-general Montague, 4to.j»roo/', Is. 6d. Heath 7041 Matthews, Miss, singer, 8vo, 6d. Proof, Is. liiuke 7042 Matthew, Tobias, nat. Bristol, 1546; educated Wells, and / , . Christ Church, Oxford ; archdeacon Batli ; preb. Yalmeton, /v*' *'^' Salisbury ; bishop Durham 3 archbishop York 3 ob. 1628. Copy of rare ])rint, 8vo. Is. 7043 Matthew, Sir Toby, his son, nat. Oxford, 1578 3 of Christ Church, Oxford ; Jesuit, and spy for Rome ; ob. Ghent, J655. With Petitot and Torrentius, artists, 4to. Is. 7014 Matthews, Old, the Dulwich Hermit, nat. co. Salop ; mur- dered 1803. AVhole length, sitting, with view of his cave, 4to. Is. - - - Greig 7045 Matthews, Thomas, admiral, ob. 1751, fol. 3s Arnulphy — Faber 7046 — hand on cannon, fol. 5s. - Borrutto — Johanson 7047 • — supported by Neptune and Fame, fol. mez. 4s. Bodenehr 7048 Mattocks, Mr. comedian, various, 8vo. 6d. 4to. Is. 7049 Mattocks, Isabella, actress, nat. Goodman's Fields, 1746, various, 8vo. 6d. each. 7050 — in characters of Lady Restless, Elvira, Lcttice, Nysa, &c. 8vo. 6il. each. Proofs, Is. 7051 — 4to. mez. Is. Proof, Is. 6d. Dighton — Laurie 7052 Maty, Matthew, M.D. and literat. nat. Hollaiid, 1718 3 lib. Brit, Mus. 3 ob. 1776 3 8vo. 6d. 7053 — ditto, veri/Jiiic, 4to. 2s. - - Bartolozzi 7054 Mauduit, Israel, literat. nat. Bermondsey, 1798 3 ob. Clc- nient's-lane, 1787 ; 8vo. 6d. Proof, Is. Holioway 7055 Maurice, Edward, bp. Ossory, ob. 1756, fol. 3s, M'ArdcIl 7056 Maurice, W. author of Indian Antiquities, and Richmond Hill, nat. Hertford, 1750 ; educated Christ hopital ; of Inner Temple ; vicar Wormleighton, Warwick ; Cudham, Kent, and Woodford ; librarian Brit. Mus. and ob. there, 1824; various, 8vo. 6d. 7057 Maurice, Prince of Nassau, K.G. ob. 1625, 4to. Is. «2 228 Evans's catalogue of portraits. 7058 Maurice, Prince, nephew of Charles I. and commander in the Civil Wars. Copy of Earl- Spencer's unique eques- trian print, 4to. Is. 7059 Mawbey, Sir Joseph, bart. eminent distiller, M.P. South. wark, 8vo. 6(1. 7000 — profile, with arms and motto, 'always for liberty,' 8vo. Is. . - - Fleiiry — Newton 7061 — fol. 3s. Pine — Dickson. — Southwark macaroni, 4to. Is. 70r)3 Maximilian I. Emperor of Germany, K.G. ob. 1519, 8vo. Is. Gaillard. — 4to. 2s. ' . Waumans 7063 — horseback, dressed for a tournament, copy of rare print, by Burgliman, fol. 2s. 7064 Maximilian II. K.G. Emperor, ob. 1576, 8vo. Is. 7065 Maxwell, F. K. chaplain to Asylum ob. 1780, fol. 3s. Dawe 7066 Maxwell, Sir M. R.N. from Percy Anecdotes, 8vo. Is. 7067 Maxwell, T. com. Dragoons, Ireland, 1688, fol. 3s. Smith 7068 May, Baptist, gentleman of bedchamber to Charles If. dis- graced, and succeeded by Cliiffinch, 4to. Is. Leiy — Clamp 7069 May, Robert, eminent cook, 6 verses, 8vo. 2s. Gaywood 7070 May, Thomas, poet, and historiographer to the Parliament, •. ,,i,^ .i nat, Mayfield, Sussex, 1594; of Sidney coll. Cambr. and '^■' \ Gray's-inn; ob. 1650 ; 8v-o. 6d. 7071 — from front, to his History of the Parliament, 8vo. Is. Clint — Worthington 7072 — ditto, French paper proof , 4to. Is. 6d. Ibid. — Ibid. 7073 ■ — ditto, fi7ie India paper proof, royal 4to. 2s. Ibid. — Ibid. 7074 Mayerne, Sir Theodore Torquatus, physician to Henry IV. of France, James I. and Charles I. and Charles II. of Eng- land, nat. 1573 ; baron of Albane ; ob. Chelsea, 1655 ; bur. Martin's in the Fields ; fol. 2s. Rubens — Simon 7075 — eet. 82, holding a scull, 8vo. fine, 2s. 6d. Elder 7076 — from the same picture, 4to. 5s. 7077 Mayhew, Jonathan, pastor of Boston, America, ob. 1766, set. 45, 4to. 2s. - Cipriani, del. et sculpt. 7078 Maynard, Ann Parsons, Lady, 1786. When Miss P. whole length, with emblems of Juno, sheet, 5s. Renold — Houston 7079 — from same picture, 3-qrs. only, fol. 2s. Ibid. — Housman 70S0 Mayne, John, accountant, 1674, scarce, 8vo. Ss. Marlow 7081 Mavnwaring, Arthur, commiss. Customs, nat. at Ightfield, Salop, 1668 3 educated Christ Church, Oxford 5 M.P. for Preston ; ob. St. Alban's, 1712 ; bur. Chertsej'. In Kit Kat Club, fol. 2s. Kneller — Faber. — Do. 4to. Is. Cooper 7082 Maynwaring, Everard, M.D. and literat. of co. Cheshire ; at. 38, 1668 ; 4to. Is. 6d. - R. White 7083 Mayow, John, chemist and M.D. at Bath and London ; nat. Cornwall, 1645 ; ob. York -street, 1679 3 bur. at Covent Garden ; 8vo. 6d. 70S4 Mazarine, Hortense, Duchess, mistress to Charles II. res. Chelsea ; ob. 1690 j 8vo. 2s. - Lewis — Petit 7085 — ditto, fol. 5s. - - - Stephani Evans's catalogue of I'ortbaits. 229 70S6 Mead, Rev. Henry, 177C, 8vo. Gd. - Wallace 7087 Mead, Matthew, i"iat. co. Bucks, 1629 ; niinistcr Shadwell, , ^,/ and ejected ; ob. Stepney, 1699. Front, to his Good of /^v^ ' Early Obedience, 8vo. Is. - R. ^^'hite 7088 — front, to his Sermons, fol. 2i. - Ibid. 7089 Mead, Richard, his son, celebrated physician and collector, nat. Stepney, 1673 ; physician to Thomas's hosp. ; ob. 1754 5 res. Harold, co. Bedf. ; bur. Temple ; 8vo. 6d. { 7090 — front, to his Medical Works, 4to. 2s. Rairisay — Houston 70yi — w. 1. sitting, sheet, fine, 5s. - Ibid. — Baron 70l>2 — from the same, with autograph, 4to. Is. Romney 7093 Mearos, John, 4to. Is. - Bcechey — Bestland 7094 Mears, Rev. John, dissenting niin. 1740, fol. 2s. Hunter 7095 Medina, Sir John, painter, nat. Brussels, 1659 ; ob. 1714 j bur. Grevfriars, Edinburgh ; 4to. Is. 7096 Medley, Henry, admiral, ob. 1747, fol. 2s. El/i/s—Faher 7097 Medley, Rev. Samuel, 8vo. 6d. 7098 — ditto, fol. 3s. Proof, 5s. - - Fittler 7099 Medows, Gen. Sir Wm. K.B. 8vo. 6d. Proof, Is. Cook 7100 Mee, Mrs. painter, 8vo. 6d. - //>se— White 7101 Meeke, John, benefactor to Magdalen college, ob. 1665, pen and ink drawing, 5s. ^ 7102 Meggott, Richard, of Queen's coll. Cambr. ; canon Wind.'*};^.,.^^'-"* sor ; rector St. Olave's ; vicar Twickenham, and dean of ' ' '"-^ Winchester ; ob. 1692 ; 8vo. 2s. - Knc/ler—Wlnte 7103 Melania, 8vo, coloured, fine, Is. 6d. Cosivai/ — Conde 7104 Melbourne, Elizabeth Milbanke, Lady, 1771, sheet, 5s. Reynolds — Finlayson 7105 Mcldrum, Sir John, pari. -general, nat. Scotl. ; distinguished himself at Portsmouth, Hull, Gainsborough, Isle of Axholm, Ormskirk, and Scarborough ; ob. of his wounds, 1645 ; bur. Westminster abbey. From Ricraft, 8vo. 6d. 7106 Melfort, John, Earl of, secretary of state to James TI., and his ambassador to the Pope ; estates co. Som., and erected Cross at Bath ; ob. in exile, 1713, setat. 63 ; folio, rare, 10s. 6J. - - /rwcZ/er— Beckett 7107 Mcllisij, Peter, sheriff London, 1798, 4to. Is. Wedgwood 7108 Melmoth, William, lawyer, and author of Great Importance of Religions Life, nat. 1666 ; ob. 1743 ; bur. Lincolu's- inn chapel ; 8vo. 6d, 7109 Melville, George M. Earl, ob. 1707, folio, scarce, 7s. 6d. Medina — - White 7110 Melville, Henry Dundas, Earl, ol), 1811, various, 6d. each. 7111 — in Cadell's Cotemp. Ports. 4to. 2s. 6(1, Lawrence — Meyer 7112 — from bust by Turnerelli, fol. 3s. Proof, 5s. Young 7113 — large fol. /^-oo/", 5s. - - Rising — Il)id. 7114 Melville, Robert Saunders Dundas, V^iscount, nat. Scotland, 1771 ; president India board ; 1st Lord Admiralty ; 8vo. with autograpli. Is. India proof, 2s. Lnnn-ence — Parker 7115 Melville, Gcu. Rob. ob- Edinb. 1S09, eet. 85, proof 4to, 2s, 230 EVANS S CATALOGUE OF PORTRAITS. 7116 Melville, Lady. Tfiwe, daughter Earl Hopetoun, Svo. 6d. var. 7117 — when Lady JaneDundas, fol. 3s. Proof, 4s. Bartolozzi 7118 Melvin, Mr. comedian, Svo. 6d. Proof, Is. 7119 Menasseh, Ben Israel, M.D. agent from the Jews in Holland to O. Cromwell, Svo. Is. 7120 Mendez, Moses, literat. Svo. 6d. Proof Is. 7121 Mendoza, Daniel, pugilist, whole length, 4to. Is. 7122 — the head only, 4to. Is. - Robineau — Gardiner 7123 Mends, Rev. Christopher, Svo. 6d. - Hopwood 7124 Mennis, Sir John, poet. nat. Sandwich, 1598 ; of Corpus Christi coll. Oxford ; admiral and loyalist ; governor of Dover castle ; ob. in Seething-lane, 1670 ; Svo. Is. Vandyhe — C. VA'arren 7125 — ditto, French paper proof , 4to. Is. 6d. Ibid. — Ibid. 7126 — di\tto,fine India paper proof , royal 4to. 2s, Ibid. — Ibid. 7127 Menteith, Robert, Scotch literat. 4to. 3s. Mignard—Loc\\on 7128 Mentzer, Balthazar, eccles. London, 1719, fol. rare, 5s. Faber, ad vivum 7129 Mercandotti, Madem. [now Mrs. Ball], whole length, in character, Svo. Is. - - Cooper 7130 Mercier, Phil, painter, ob. 1760, ait. 71, 4to. Is. Chambars 7131 — with his wife and child, w. l.'s fol. 2s. Ipse, del. et sc. 7132 — ditto, in scene of Careless Husband, obi, 4to, 3s. Faber 7133 Mercier, Master, his son, inscribed ' Rural Life,' fol, 52s. P. Mercier — Ibid. 7134 Mercier, Charlotte, his dau.ob. 1763, fol. 2s. Ibid.—M'kvAeW 7135 Meredith, Sir William, M.P. fol. 2s. Gardner— V^'^.UQn 7136 Meredith, Mr, celebrated bass singer, and musician of Li- verpool, ob. Wrexham, ISIO, fol. mez. 3s. Macklin, exc. 7137 Merkes, Thomas, bishop of Carlisle, 1397, Svo. Is. Clamp 7138 Merlin, the conjuror, whole length, under a tree, with view of Thong castle in back ground, 4 verses, 4to. Is. 7139 Merriman, Dr. private plate, India proof, 4to. 3s. 7140 Merry, Robert, poet of Delia Crusca school, nat. London, 1755 ; educated Harrow, Christ coll. Carab., and Lincoln's inn ; ob. Baltimore, 1798 ; Svo. 6d. 7141 Merry, Mrs. actress, w. 1. in char. Svo. 6d. Proof, Is. 7142 — w. 1. in Calista, 4to. Is. 6d. Proof, 2s. 6d. Corner 7143 Merry, Miss, actress, 1817, Svo. Is. Driimtnond — Cooper 7144 Merton, Walter de, nat. Merton, Surrey ; preb. of Kentish- town, Finsbury, and Exeter ; vicar Potton, Bedf. 5 canon Salisb. ; vicar Stratton ; lord-chancellor j bishop of Ro- chester ; ob. 1277 ; Svo. 6d. 7145 — in Set of Founders, 4to. Is. 6d. 7146 Merula, Paul, vis. England, ob, 1607, 4to, Is, 7147 Mesnager, Nicholas, negociator for treaty of Utrecht in England, ob. 1714, Svo. Is, - liigaud — Sornique 7148 — ditto, fol. 3s. . - Ibid. — Simoneau 7149 Mesquitse, Riley Moss le Gomez de, Jew Rabbi^ fol. 3s. Faber Evans's catalogue of portraits. 231 7150 Metcalf, Miss, with dog, fol. 3s. Hone — Finlayson 7151 Metcalfe, Tlifoplii] us, shoit-haiul writer, 8 verses, 8vo. 8s, 7163 Metcalfe, Sir Theoph. bart. of'Haiu, Surrey, and Chilton, Berks, ob. 1822, fol. 3s. Proof, 5s. Hoppner — ^Vard / 7153 Metliuen, John, British minister, Portugal, M.P. Devizes j i ob. Lisbon, 1706 ; bur. Westm. abbey ; 8vo. Is. Humphrey 7154 Meteren, Emanuel de, liistorian, and consul for the Flemings in England, ob. 1612; bur. St. Dionis, London j 4to. Is. Boulouois. — fol. 2s. 7155 Metkerke, Adolphus, nat. Bruges, 1528 ; ambassador to Elizabeth ; ob. London, 1591 ; bur, Eotolph's ; 4to. Is. 7156 Meulen, Peter Vander, painter, 1670, 4to. Is. Bannerraan 7157 Meutas, Lady, fol. 3s. - Holbein — Bartolozzi 7158 • — from same, in the Royal Collection, 4to. 2s. lb. — Facius * . . i -" 7159 Mews, Peter, pres. John's coll. Oxford, captain in Royal ¥*X' Army ; rector Lambourn, Essex; bishop Bath and Wells, Yi ^^ and Winchester ; ob. 1706 ; 8vo. 6d. 4to. Is, Trotter 7160 Mexborough, Sarah de Laval, Css. 1760, 8vo. Is. Worlidge 7161 Mexborough, Elizabeth Stephenson, Countess, 1782, fol. 8s. - - . Hoppner — Ward 7162 — when Miss S. profile, la. 4to. 3s. 6d. Peters — Dickinson 7163 Meyer, John Henry, min. Artillery chapel, 1788, 4to. Is. 7164 Meyer, Jeremiah, encaustic niid miniatrre painter, nat. Tu- \, "^^ bingen, 1735 ; ob. Kcw, 1789 ; 4to. Is. Reading f 7165 — an unpublished plate, 4to. Is. 6d. Dance — Danieil 7166 Michaelis, Jolm David, literat. 8vo. 6d. 7167 Michell, Rev. H. 8vo. Is. . - Scott 7168 Mickle, Wm. Julitis, poet and translator, nat. Scotland, 1734 J corrector Clarendon press, Oxford ; ob. Forest-hill, 1788; 8vo. 6d. '- - Bestland 7169 — from C. Mickle's picture, 6\ o. Is. Taylor — Worthingtoti 7170 — ditto, French paper proof, 4to. Is. 6d. Jbid. — Ibid. 7171 — ditto, y?>w India paper proof , royal 4to. 2s. Jbid. — Ibid, 7^172 ~ 4to. 2s. - - - /A?W.— Skclton 7173 Middlemore, H. execution of, with Ermey and others, 4to. 5s. - - - - Bouttats , 7174 Middlesex, Lionel Cranficld, Earl, lord-trcacurer j com. to Tower ; res. Copt-hall ; ob. 1645 ; b'or. at \^'estmiuster abl)ey. Copy of print by Hollar, 6vo. 6d. 7175 ■ — from orig. at Knole, in Noble Authors, 8vo. Is. 7176 Middlesex, Rachel Fane, Countess, married I. Henry Bour- chier. Earl of Bath, 2. Lionel Cranfield, Ear! of M. who ob. 1674. She died 1680, tet. 67, bur. Tavistock, Devon ; S-qrfi. fol. 2s. - - - Vandyke — Lombart 7177 — copy of ditto, 8vo. Is. India proof, 4to. 2s. Berry 7178 Middlcton, Conycrs, D.D. biographer and literat. ; nat. at York, 1683 ; minister Hascombe, Surrey ; librarian to Camb. ; ob. Ilildcrsham, 1750; 8vo. 6d. 7179 _fol. 3s. Echardt—YixhaT. — from ditto, 4to. 3s. ^'ertue 7180 Middlcton, J. philo. math. 1079. Front, to Astrol. rare, 5s. 33^ Evans's catalogue of portraits. 7181 Middlcton, Erasmus, rector of Turvey, Bedf., and chaplain to Countess of Crawfurd, 4to. Is. India proof, 2s. 7182 Middlcton, Sir Hugh, projector of New River, nat. Denbigh. From the picture belonging to the New River Company, Bvo. 6d. - - Jansen — Walker 7183 — from the same, ioX.Jiiie and scarce, 10s. 6d. lb. — Vertue 7184 — from do. in Lodge, 4to. 2s. Ind. proof, Ss.Ib. — Scriven 7185 Middleton, Sir Thomas, general for Parliament, afterwards joined Royalists, 1659, and seized Chester ; nat. Chirk, 1625; ob. 1673. Copy of rare print, 8vo. 6d. 718G Middleton, Margaret, whole length, in print of her martyr- dom, 1586, 4to. 2s. - J. Egmondt — Neeffs 7187 Middleton, Rev. Starkey, 1770, 8vo. 6tl. - Kitchiu 7188 Middleton, James, actor, nat. Dublin ; ob. 1799; 8vo. 6d, 7189 — in characters of Artaxerxes, Eumenes, Romeo, Salis- bury, &c. 8vo. 6d. each. Proofs, Is. 7190 Middleton, Jane, Lady, from Grammont, 8vo. 6d. 4to. Is. - - - Leljj — V. Berghe 7191 — from the picture at Windsor, holding fruit in Iser lap, sheet, very fine, 5s. - - Ibid. — Ardell 7192 Middleton, Thomas Fanshaw, nat. 1769; educated Christ's hospital ; of Pembroke-hall, Camb. ; rector St. Pancras, n and Puttenham, Herts ; aixhdeacon Hunts ; bishop of Calcutta ; ob. 1822 ; India proof, 4to. 2s. Fry 7193 — in Cadell's Ports. 4to. 3s. lud.pr. 5s. Jachson — Meyer 7194 Middleton, Lady, one of the Hampton Court Beauties, fol. 3s. - - - Kneller — Faber 7195 Middleton, Thomas, dramatist and poet. Copy of print by Cross, 8vo. 6d. - - Richardson 7196 — from the same, 8vo. Is. - Rolls 7197 — ditto, French paper proof , 4to. Is. 6d. Ibid. 7198 — ditto, yjwe India paper proof , royal 4to. 2s. Ibid. 7199 Middleton, W. sheriff of Denbigh, whole length, in prison, bishop looking through the bars, 4to. 2s. - J. B. 7200 Midgley, Robert, master of Grammar-school of Coxvvold, Yorks. ob. 1771, set, 77, 8vo. Is. India proof 2s,. Fittler 7201 Mildmay, Sir Walter, M.P. Maldon, Essex, and co. North- ampton ; chancellor Exchequer ; ob. 1589 ; bur. Bartho- lomew's, Smithfield. With view of his foundation of Ema- nuel coll. Cambridge, 8vo. 6d. - Gardiner 7202 — in Set of Founders, 4to. Is. 6d. 7203 Mildmay, Sir Anthony, his son, ambassador to Henry IV. temp. Elizabeth, whole length, 4to. 2s. Harding 7204 Mill, H. poet, in title to ' Night Search,' 1640. Copy, 6d. 7205 Mill, John, editor of grand edition of Greek New Testament, nat. Shap, CO. Westmoreland, 1645 ; dean of Exeter and Canterbury ; rector Blcchingdon, Oxford ; ob. 1707. la Oxford Almanack for 1747, sheet, 3s. 7206 Miller, Joseph, actor and celebrated jester, ob. 1738, getat. 54, In the character of Teaguc, 8vo, 6d. Proof Is. Evans's catalogue of portraits. 233 7207 Miller, Joseph, coin collector, of Soc. Friends ; nat. Lethcr- set, Norfolk ; kept a shop forNorv\ich goods, Shorcditch ; ob. Barnard's inn, 1824 ; bur. Friends' bnrying-ground, Buuliill Fields ; India proof, private plate, 4to. 2s. 720S Miller, Edward, Mus. D. nat. Norwich ; organist at Don- caster, and ob. there, 1807 ; Svo. 6d. - Cook 7208* — from Mr. Linlcy's picture, 4to. 2s. Hunhj, (hi. et sc. 7209 Miller, Thomas, his brother, bookseller, of Bunijav, Suff., C i 4 \ nat. Norwich, 1732 ; ob. 1S04, set. 73. From a Inin. by TWfl^'V- Edndgc, 4to. private plate, 3s. Proof, 5s. Scriveu f 7210 Miller, Wm. his son, bookseller, of Albemarle-street, and author of Biographical Sketches of reign of George IV., India proof, 4to. 3s. - - Englciieart 7211 — profile, etchm-r, private plate, 4to. 3s. Mrs. D. Turner 7212 Miller, Mr. clerk of Bank, England, whole length, 4to. Is. 72i3 Miller, Miss, actress, as Zaphira, Svo. 6d. Vr. Is. Lcney 7214 Millington, Sir Thomas, Savil. prof. Oxf., and president of coll. of Physicians, with vignette of the building, fol. 2s. Kneller — Woolnoth 7215 — coloured drawing, from original picture in College of Physicians, 4to. 4s, 7216 Mills, Mrs. fo!. 3s. . Englcheart—^m\t\\,VlSQ 7217 Mills, Ann, served as seaman, whole length, in a sailor's dress, Svo. 6d. 4to. proof, Is. 7218 Mills, Anne, beggar, and children, 4to. 2s. Tempesta ^. , 7219 Mills, Isaac, nat. Corkfield, Suff. 1638 ; of John's coll., S«.--^ Cambr. ; curate Barley ; vicar AViccomb, and rector of High Clere, Hants^; ob. 1720 ; io\.Jine and scarce, 10s. 6d. Vcrtuc 7220 Mills, John, the elder, actor, nat. 1670 3 ob. 1736. From picture of Miss Pope's, 4to. Is. - Clamp 7231 Milne, Colin, author of Botan. Diet., Svo. 6d. 7222 ■ — with vignette of Greenwich hosp. fol. 2s. Russell — IIoll 7223 Milner, Isaac, nat. Leeds, 1751 -, ])res. of Queen's coll. Camb. and dean of Carlisle; ob. 1820 ; Svo. 6d. Thomson 7224 — la. fol. 5s. 0;>i(7~Facius, — 4to. 3s. /ry;/JwtT— Smith 7227 Milton, John, the celebrated poet and literat, nat. Brcad- steet, London, 1608 ; educated Paul's school, and Christ coll. Camb. ; res. liorton, Midd. ; ob. 1674; Svo. 6d. var. 7228 — a^t. 66, 4to. 3s. Fine proof 5s. - Vertue 7239 — when voung, from Bell's poets, Svo. 6d. 7230 ~~ from pict., Dobson's Lib. Svo. Is. Thurston— WcAgwooA 7231 — ditto, French paper proof , 4to. Is. 6d. ///R— Ibid. 7232 — ditto, fine India paper proof royal 4to. 2s. Ilnd. — Ibid. 7233 — ait. 62, finely copied from the original print, 4to. Is. 6(1. Fait home, ad vivuin, del, et sc. 234 Evans's catalogue of portkaits. Milton, John, continued : — ■ 7234 — etching b^^ Richardson, 4to. Is. — from HolHs, 4to. Is. 7235 — 4 different ages, 4to. Is. — from Peck, 4to. Is. Fabei* 7236 — from Speaker Onslow's picture, fol. 33. Ditto, large paper, Ss. - - - Houbrakeii 7237 — in Set of Poets, fol. 3s. Vertue. — 12mo. rare, Ss. Phinn 7238 — 8vo. Is. Faithorne — Knight. — fol. 3s. Gunst 7239 — etching by Cipriani, 4to. 3s. ~ fol. 2s. 6d. Whits 7240 — set. 21, fine copy of rare print by Marshall, 8vo. Is. 7241 • — aetat, 10, 4to. 2s, - Jansen — Gardiner 7243 — bust, 8vo. Is. . Verhcisi 7243 Miaasij Master Antonio, flute-player, nat. London, 4to. 29. J. Minasi 7244 Mingay, James, King's Counsel, 1791, 8vo. 6d. 7345 — ditto, large folio, 43. - Romney — Hodges 7348 — with arms, &c. 4to. 2s. - Rmsell — Hardy 7347 Mingh or Minns, Christopher, admiral, slain 1666, 8vo. 6d. 7248 — 4to. Is. Proof, Is. 6d. - Dunkartoa 7249 — copy of a rare print, 8vo. Is, 7250 — ' Ammiraglio della Flotta Inglese,' 4to. scarce, 5s. 7351 Minns, Sir John, poet, in Baldwyn's Poets. From picture at Karl Clarendon's, 870. Is. Vandyke — C. Warren 7252 — ditto, French paper proof , 4to. Is. 6d. Ibid. — Ibid. 7353 — ■ ditto, fine India paper proof , royal 4to. 2s. Ibid. — Ibid. 7254 — beautiful highly finished coloured drawing, from the original, by Harding, 10s. 6d. 7255 Miranda, late general, proof, 8vo. Ss. - Bragg 7256 Mirza Aboo al Hassan, Persian ambass. 1810, 8vo. 6d. 7257 Mitchell, Sir Andrew, admiral, 1806, 8vo. 6d. 7258 Mitford, Miss Mary Russell, lit. 8vo. 6d. Proof Is. Read 7259 Mitton, — , nat. HaSstone, co. Salop ; col. for Pari. } routed Gen. V^aughan near Chester ; admiral of Wales j gov. of Beaumaris castle ;, ob. 1656. Copy of rare print, 4to. Is. 7300 Mohun, Michael, actor and cavalier, made a major at Edge- hill. From the picture at Knole, Kent, 4to. Is. Harding 7261 Mohun, C. Lord, estates Stafford and Warw. killed in Hyde. park by Duke of Hamilton, 1713, fol. scarce, 5s. Faber 7262 — in Kit Kat Club, -ito. Is. A"«^///~FRher 7280 Monboddo, James Burnet, Lord, judge of Court of Session, Scotland, and literat. ob. 1799, Svo. 6d. 7281 Monck, Nicholas, had living co. Devon : rector of Kilk- hampton ; brother to General Monck, and sent to Scotl, to him 5 provost Eton ; bishop Hereford ; ob, 1661 5 Svo. 6d. 4to. Is. 7282 — ; oval, with the four Rawlinsons, 4.\.o.Jine and rare, 21s. Nutting 7283 Monckton, Robert, General, governor of New York, com- mander at Quebec, ob. 1782. From Reynolds, Svo. Is. 7284 — fol. 3s. - - rFest—\W citron 7285 —whole length, fol, 3.S. - Hudson— hxAeW 7286 Money, Wni. director East India company, 1801, fol. 5s. Potit — Turner 7287 Monk, James Henry, Bishop of Gloucester, with autograph, Svo. Is. India proof, 2s. - - Moore — Parker 7288 Monk, — , huntsman of co. Herts, fol. 3s. Dunkarton 7289 Monmouth, Robert Carey, Earl of. Lord Leppington, son of Lord Hunsdon, nat. 1560 3 warden of the Marches 3 ac- . companied Charles I, to Madrid 3 res. Carlisle 3 ob. 1639. From Noble Authors, Svo. Is. 7290 — ditto, 4to. Is. - - - Stow 7291 Monmouth, Henry Carey, Earl, voluminous translator, of Exeter coll. Oxford 3 ob. 1661, aet. 65 3 buried at Rick- mansworth. Front, to * Advertizements from Parnassus,* 4to. 2s. Ditto, very fine, Ss, - Faithorne 7292 — bust on a pedestal, Svo. 2s. - Marshall 7293 — in Noble Authors, Svo, Is. 7294 Monmouth, James Fitzroy, Duke, son of Chailes H. by Lucy Barlow, beheaded 1685, various, Svo. 6d. 7295 — fol. Is. Desrochers. — 4to. 23. Picart 7296 — fol. fine, 5s. lFissing-~Y a^irt. — fol. 3s. Baillie 7297 — on horseback, large 4to, 2s, 6d, - F. Barlow 7298 — from Lodge, large set, India proof before any letters, fol. 78. 6d. - - - Fry 7299 — 4to. mez. scarce, 5s. Schcnck. — 4to. 5s. Williams 7300 — in his robes, fol. lOs. - Le/y— Blooteling '¥.. 236 Evans's catalogue of portraits. 7301 Monmouth, Anne Scot, his Duchess, marr. S.Charles Lord Cornwallis, ob. 1733, a^t. 90, 8vo. Is. 7303 — with her sons. Earl of Doncaster, and Lord Henry Scot, fol. 4s. - - - KncUer — Smith 7303 — with her 3 sons, Dutch print, 4to. 2?. 7304 Monox, Mr. brother of W. M. of Suffolk, 4to. Is. Humphrey 7305 Monoyer, John Baptist, flower painter, painted Montague- house ceiline:, &c. ob. in Pall Mall, 1699, set. 74, 8vo. 6d. 7306 — 4to. Is. KneUer—C\\VLmh&\s. — fol. 3s. G. White 7307 — holding a picture, fol. 3s. . KneLlcr — Fisher 7308 Monro, Alexander, M.D. 8vo, 6d. . Ramsay — Cook 7309 Monro, Alexander, junr. professor of anatomy, Edinburgh, 4to. 3s. Proof, 3s. - Raeburn — Heath 7310 — from same picture, fol. 2s. - - Basire 7311 Monsey, Dr. of Chelsea hospilal, 8vo. 6cl. Bromley 7313 Montagu, Lady Anne, marr. 1. Sir R, Edgcombe ; 2. Chris- topher M. ; ob. 1730 ; 3.qrs. sitting, fol. scarce, 10s. 6d. Lehf — Tom pson 7313 Montagu, Lady Caroline, daughter of Duke of Buccleuch, fol. 5s. - - . Reynolds — Smith 7314 Montagu, Elizabeth, author of Essay on Shakspeare, nat. York,"l720; res. Camb. ; marr. E. M. M.P. Huntingdon j of Denton -hall, Northum.b. and Sandleford, Berks ; ob. in Portman-square, 1800; 8vo. 6d. 7315 — fol. 3s. Reynolds — Cheesman. ■ — 4to. Is. Bartolozzi 7316 Montagu, Edward Wortley, nat. 1713 ; M.P. Huntingdon, and Bossiney ; ob. Padua, 1776. In his Turkish dress, 8vo. 6d. - _ _ Romney 7317 — ditto, large plate, sheet, 4s. Proof, 6s. Peters — Smith 7318 Montagu, Harriet, 4to. 3s. . Smith, ad vivum 7319 Montagu, John M. Duke, Grand master of Order of Bath ; K.G. ; res. Boughton, Northampt. ; ob. 1749. In Kit Kat Club, fol. 3s. Kneller — Faber. — ditto, 4to. Is. Cooper 7320 Montagu, John, Duke, Baron M. of Boughton, lord-lieut. co. Northampt. and Warwick ; K.B. and K.G. ; ob. 1749 ; fol. 33- - - . Dahl — Faber, jun. 7321 Montague, Sir James, chief baron Exchequer ; M.P. for Carlisle ; sol. and att.-gen. to Queen Anne ; ob. 1733 ; fol. 4s. - - . Kneller — Vertue 7333 Montague, Master, a boy, 4to. 2s. Kneller — Dickinson 7323 Montague, Lady Mary Wortley, dau. duke of Kingston, nat. 1690 ; res, Twickenham ; ob. 1762 ; 8vo. 6d. 7324 — from a beautiful miniature of H. Colville's Esq., 8vo. Is. Zinck — Finden 7325 — ditto, French paper proof , 4to. Is. 6d. Ibid. — Ibid. 7326 — ditto, ;?«e India paper proof , royal 4to. 2s. Ibid. — Ibid. 7327 — from miniature in the Portland Collection, 8vo. Is. 7328 Montague, Hon. Lady William, 8vo. Is. Ross — Dean 7329 — ^\\.to, fine proof onful'io paper, 2s, India proof, 3s. Idem 7330 Moutcagle, Lady, temp. Henry Vlil. fol. s. Bartolozzi Evans's catalogue of portraits. 237 7331 Montcage, Stephen, merchant of London, 1675, 4to. Is. Davis, del. et sc. 7332 Montgomery, Mr. in costume of a Freemason, 3-qrs. fol. 2s. . - - A. V. Mciden — Fabcr 7333 Montgomery, General in Americari war, Svo. Ctl. 7334 Montgomery, James, poet, nat, Scotland, 1771 ; of Leeds and Sheffield J Svo. with autograph, 6d. India proof , Is. 7335 Monticclli, Ang. Mar. singer, fol. 2s. Casali — Fabcr 7336 Montrose, James Graham, Martpiis of, distinguished loyal- ist, executed 1650, st. 37, Svo. variety, 6(1. 7337 — from Set of Loyalists, Svo. Is. l^andi/ke — Vertue 7338 — 'Lieutenant Governour and Captain General ffor His Ma'tie in the Kingdome of Scotland,' in armour, with arms, fine copy of the rare priut by Mathara, 4to. Is, 7339 — in Clarendon, Svo. Is. — Svo. Is. Sir R. Strange 7340 ■ — fol. 3s. Ditto, large paper, Ss. Va7idi//,'c — Houbraken 7341 — in Monarchy Revived, from Matham. Svo. 6d. Cooper 7342 — in armour, with truncheon, Svo. 2s. 6d. Pontius 7343 — in Lodge's Vorts. proof be/ore letters, fol. 5s. Cooper 7344 Monument, John, shoemaker, taken at Cato-street, Svo. ed. Proof, Is. 7345 Moody, John, comedian, various, Svo. 6d. Proof, Is. 7346 — in a large hat, 4to. 2s. Proof, 3s. Hardy, del. et sc. 7347 — as Teague, and Parsons as Obadiah, Svo. 6d. Dodd — Cook 7348 Moor, Sir Sir John, the ' Ziloah' of Dryden's Absalom and Achitophel, lord-mayor, 1681, nat. Norton, Line. Sitting in his robes, copy of the rare print by Ardell, 4to. Is. 6d. Lely — Clamp 7349 Moor, Major, author of the Hindoo Pantheon, private plate, 4to. 5s. - - - . Turner 7350 Moore, Anne, Fasting Woman of Tutbury, lying in bed, oblong fol, 2s. . . C. Linsell — Cardon 7351 — large 4to. 2s. - J, Ward, R,A. 1812 7352 Moore, Sir Francis, Serjeant at law, nat. Hildesly, Berks, 1558; of John's coll. Cambr, and Middle Temple 3 ob. 1621. Front, to his Reports, 4to. 3s. Ditto, very fine, 5s. - - - - Faithorne 7353 Moore, Edward, literat. nat, Abingdon, 1712 ; ob. Lambeth, 1757 ; Svo. Is. - - //^or/if/^'-e— Neagle 7354 Moore, Hamilton, teacher of Navigation, Svo, Is. Proof, 2s. 7355 Moore, James, educated Merchant Taylors', and Magdalen coll. Camb. ; minister Sutton, Ebor, and Pancras, Midd. ; Svo. 6d. Proof, Is. - - Taylor 7356 Moore, General Sir John, nat. Glasgow, 1761 ; killed at Corunna, 1809 ; Svo. 6d. . - Cook 7357 — front, to his Life, 4to.y?'we, 2s, Oliver — Cardon 7?58 Moore, John, nat. Worcester, front, to his Banner of Corah, 1696, Svo. 2s, - - Drapentier 7359 Mordaunt, Mrs. Charlotte, daughter Sir P. Musgravc, fol. 33. Proof, 6s. - - Reynolds — Smith 338 liVANs'fe CATALOOUJS OF PORTRAITS. 7360 Moore, Jolin, collector, nat. Market Harboroiigh, Leic. j of Clare-hall, Cainb. ; rector of Austin's, London, and Andrew's, Holborn ; bishop Norwich and Ely ; ob. 1714 ; 8vo. Is. 6d. - - - Gucht 7361 — in Dibdin's Typog. Antiq. 4to. Is. 6d. Hodgetts 7362 — 3-qrs. sitting, fol.'Ss. - - Faithorne 7363 — when Bp. Norwich, io\.Jine, 10s. 6d. TVhite, del. et sc. 7364 Moore, John, nat. Glouc. ; preb. Durham ; bishop Bangor ; archbishop Canterbury ; ob. 1805 ; 8vo. 6d. Ridley 7365 — ditto, large plate, sheet, 4s. Proof, 6s. Jones 7366 Moore, John, M.D. and literat. author of Zeluco,' &c. nat. Stirling, 1730 ; ob. Richmond, 1802 3 8vo. 6d. Bromley 7367 — profile, 4to. Is. 6d. - Dance — Daniell 7368 Moore, Sir John Henry, bart. 4to. 23. Coswciy — Condo 7369 Moore, Jonas, eminent mathematician, nat. Whitlee, Lane. 1617 ; surveyor general of Ordnance to Charles IL ; em- banked CO. Norfolk ; ob. Godalraing, 1679 ; bur. chapel of the Tower ; 8vo. 2s. 6d. - - Gaywood 7370 Moore, Thomas, celebrated modern poet, nat. Dublin, 1780, variety, 8vo. 6d. 7371 — 8vo. 6d. Proof, Is. - - Shee—FxY 7372 — with fac-simile of his hand writing, Svo. 6d, Proof, Is, Jackson — Thomson 7373 — {o\.fine, Ss. Ditto, India proof, 5s. Newton — Watt 7374 — ditto, India proof before any letters, 7s. 6d. Idem 7375 Moorhouse, Rev. Wm. of Huddersfiekl, Svo, proof, Is. 7376 Mordaunt, John ]\L Viscount, father Earl of Peterborough, loyalist, baron of Ryegate ; constable of Windsor 5 ob. 1675. Reduced copy of the fine print by Faithorne, oval, with arms, Svo. Is. 7377 More, Sir Anthony, nat. Utrecht, 1519 ; painter to Queen Mary of England'^ ob. 1575 ; Svo. 6d, 7378 — 3-qrs. painting, 4to. 2s. Hondias. — 4to, Is, Chambars 7379 — in iEdes Althorpianae, 4to. very fine, 5s, Scott 7380 More, Mrs. Hannah, nat, Stapleton, Gloucester, 1744; res. Barley-wood, Som. ; ob, Bristol, 1833 5 various, Svo. 6d. Proof, Is. 7381 — from Orford's Works, 4to. Is. Proof, 2s, Heath 7382 — from Cadell's Ports. 4to. 3s. Proof, 5s. Bird— GoAhy 7383 — sitting, with autograph, Svo. Is. India proof, 2s, Pickers gill — Fi n d e n 7384 — from the same, fol, India proof before any letters, 7s. 6(1. 7385 More, Henry, poet, author of Divine Dialogues, &c. nat. Grantham, 1614} educated Eton and Christ coll. Camb. ; prab. Gloucester ; res. Ragley, and composed many of his works there 3 ob. 1687 ; fol. 2s, Loggan, del. et sc. 7386 — reduced copy of the preceding, Svo, Is. Clint — Milton 7387 — ditto, French paper proof 4to, Is. 6d. Ibid. — Ibid, 7388 — ditto, /^rae India paper proof, royal 4to, 2s, Ibid. — Ibid. 7389 — sitting under a tree, fol. scarce, 18s. Faithorne Evans's cataloguk of poktraits. 239 7390 More, John, rector Andrew's, Norwich, ob. 1598, 8vo. Ig. 7391 — with Speed, in liis map, 4to. 3s. 7392 — in Heroologia, 4to. Ss. - Pass 7393 More, Robert"^ writing master, ob. 1727, 4to. Is. 6d. Shencin, del. et sc. 7894 More, Samuel, Sec. Soc. Arts, &c. nat. 1724 ; ob. 1799 ; bur. Margaret's, Westminster ; 8vo. 6d. 7395 — from the picture by fFcst, sheet, /?/j(9, lOs. 6d. Sharp 7396 More, John, father of Sir Tiiomas, puisne judge of King's Bench ; ob. 1533, aet. 90 -, 8vo. ed. 7397 — fol. 38. ■. - //oMm— Bartolozzi 7398 — ditto, from same, in Royal Collection, tinted, 5s. Ih. — lb. 7399 — from Lodge, the large set, fol. 58. Jdid. — Scriven 7400 More, Anne Grisacria, his wife, 8vo. 6d. 7401 More, Sir Thos., lord chancellor, nat. Milk-street, 1480 ; of Oxford univ. and Lincoln's-inn ; law-reader Furnival's inn; chanc. duchy of Lane. 3 res. Chelsea ; beheaded on Tower-hill, 1535 ] Bvo. 6d. 7402 — 4to. Is. Burghers. — fol. 2s. Holbein— ^yh\te 7403 — from Lavater, large 4to. very fine, 2s. Holloway 7404 — 8vo. Is. Do. fine India paper proof , 4to. Is. 6d. Scriven 7405 — with dog, fol. very f me and rare, 4to. lOs. 6d. Vorsterman 7406 — ' Cancellier van Engelant,' large 4to. Ss. Neeffs 7407 — roll in his hand, ring on finger, and great seal, 4to. rare, 10s. 6d. ... Elstrackc 7408 — from the same, oval, 4to. 48. - P. Aubrij 7409 — fol. 2s. Ditto, large paper, 3s. Holbein — Houbrakeu 7410 — copy of the above, 4to. Is. — fol. Is. fFerff'~Gm\&t 7411 — in Heroologia, brilliant, 4to. 3s. - Pass 7412 — family of, 10 portraits, 4to. Is. Holbein — Parsons 7413 — ditto, large print, rare, fol. lOs. 6d. Christian Mechel 7414 — large ioLftnc, 5s. . Ibid. — Bartolozzi 7415 — in title-page to Mirror of Vertue, India proof, 4to. 23. 7416 More, Gertrude, dan. Sir T. scarce, 8vo. lOs. 6d. Lochon 7417 More, John, son of Sir Tliomas, large fol. finely tinted in imitation of the original by Holbein, 5s. Bartolozzi 7418 — - etching, from the family picture, Svo. 6d. Tliane 7419 More, Alexander, of a Scotcli family, nat. Castres, 161G ; Greek professor Geneva ; vis. England ; ob. Paris, 1670 j 4io.fine, 3s. - - . C. de Pass 7420 — Svo. Is. 6d. - - - Desrochers 7421 — 8 Latin verses, fol. 5s. . C. de Pass 7422 More, Sir William de la, of More-hall, Lane. knt. banneret at Poictiers, whole length, in armour, 4to. 2s. AVhite 7423 MorcH, Thomas, lexicographer, nat. Eton, Bucks, 1703 ; curate of Kew and Twickenham ; rector Buckland, Herts ; ob. 1784 ; bur. Chiswick ; 4to. 2s. Hogarth — Basire 7424 Mores, Edward Rowe, antiq. nat. Tunstall, Kent, 1780 ; educjited Merchant Taylors' ; of Queen's coll. Oxf. ; ob. Low Layton, 1778 ; w, 1. in gothic room, 8vo. 2s. Mynde 210 Evans's catalogue of portraits. 7425 Morett, Mr. goldsmith to Henry VIII. 8vo.3s. Hollar, IGH 7-126 — ditto, modern impression, 8vo. Is. - Idem » 7427 Moigiui, Harry, of Lewes, set. 105—1737, fol. 3s. Huhner 7428 Morgan, Sir Henry, governor Jamaica, 1677, 8vo. 6d. 7429 — front. Hist. Buccaniers, 4to. 2s. — w. 1, fol. 2s. Basire 7430 Morgan, Sir 'Jlionias, hart, of Chaunton, Hereford, ninjor- general, 1601. From a drawing of Mr. Coram's, whole length, 4to. Is. 6d. - - Cooper 7431 — from Vandrjhe, 4to. Is. — fol. 2s. Bamfylde—Q.v\'6\.Q\\ 7432 Morgan, Sylvanus, in title to * Sphere of Gentry,' fol. 3s. Gaywood 7433 Morgan, Lady, celebrated modern literat. various, 8vo. 6d. 7434 — 8vo. Is. Fi«e;;roo/; la. 6d. - Belmcs — Meyer 7435 — when Miss Owenso'n, playing on a harp, 4to. Is. Godby 7436 Morice, Sir Wm. secretary of state to Charles H. nat. Exe- ter, 1602 ; of Exeter coll. Oxford ; sheriff and M.P. co. Devon ; founded almshouses at Sutcomb j ob. Wering' ton, 1676 3 8vo. 6d. 7437 — fol. 2s. Ditto, large paper, 3s. - Houbraken 7438 Morison, Robert, botany professor Oxford \m\v. &c. nat. Aberdeen, 1620 ; ob. at Green-street, Leicester-square, 1683 ; bur. Martin's in the Fields ; fol. 7s. 6d. White 7489 Morland, George, the celebrated and eccentric artist, nat. Haymarket, 1763 ; ob. ISO45 8vo. 6d. 7440 — painting, large fol. 3s. - Sunitli, del. et sc. 7441 ■ — whole length, sitting smoakiug, with pigs, &c. fol. 3s. I'pse — Vivares 7442 — a square, on an easel, 4to. 2s. - Jones — Kenzie 7443 • — painting, fol. mez. 3s. - Muller — Ward 7444 Morland, Mrs. wife of the artist, and sister of Ward the engrav. whole length, as Variety, 4to. 2s. Morland — Ward 7445 Morland, Sir Samuel, bart. of Sulhamstead, Berks ; sec. to Thurloe ; Cromwell's ambassador to Geneva, &c. ; res. Vauxhall and Hammersmith 3 ob. 1697. Copy of print by Lombart, 4to. Is. - Ze/^— Reading 7446 • — the original print, very fine, 10s. 6d. Do. 7s. Lombart 7447 Morland, Anne Fielding, his wife, ob. 1679, fol. rare, 10s. Lely — Tompson 7448 Morland, Miss, as a ballad singer, fol. 23. 7449 Morley, George, nat. Cheapside, 1597 3 educated Westm. ; rector Hartfield, Sussex, and Mildenhall, W^ilts ; chapl. to Charles I. 3 dean of Christ-church, Oxford 3 bishop Wor- cester and Winchester 5 ob. Farnham, 1684 5 8vo. 6d. 7450 — from Lely, 8vo. fine, Is. Froof, 2s. - Gosden 7451 — from Birch's Lives, fol. 2s. Ditto, large paper, 3s. Lely — Vertue 7452 — 3-qrs. in canonicals, scarce, fol. 15s. Ihid. — Tompson 7453 Morley, John, of Halstead, Essex, l^utcher and great land jobber, and friend of Prior, ob. 1732 3 3-qrs. at his desk, fol. 2s. - - - Knellcr — Simon EVANS S CATALOGUE OF PORTRAITS. 241 7454 Morris. Charles, fol. 8s. - 0/«'rr— Hodgctts, ISOS 7455 Morris, Col. John, executed 1649, 4to. Is. 6d. Stow 7456 Morris, Mrs. Henrietta, daughter Sir P. Musgrave, fol. 3s. Proof, 5s. - - lici/nolds— f>,m]tU 7457 Morris, R. of United States, 4to. Is. Proof, Is. ©d.^Heath 7458 Morris, Captain Tiionias, the soug writer, 8vo. Is. 6(1. 7459 Morrison, Rob. D.D. president Anglo Chinese coll. Bvo. 6d. 7460 Morrison, Thomas, p. p. proof, 3s. - Ward 7461 ^?orritt, Bacon, of York, priv. plate, Svo. 5s. Doughty, 1752 7462 Morse, Henry, Jesuit, executed 1645, 4to. rare, 5s. Neelfs 7463 Mortimer, John H. painter, iiat. Eastbourne, 1739; res. at x"w/ri< i Aylesbury; ob. Norfolk-street, 1779 ; fol. Ss.y/^e — Green 7464 — as ' the Poet,' 4to. Is. - Ibid. — Reading 7465 Mortimer, Thomas, author of Commercial Diet. nat. Carey. street, 1730 ; vice consul Austrian Netherlands, 8vo. 6d. 7466 Mortlock, L. Capt. of Wolverene, slain 1799, 4to. Is. 6d. Proof, 2s. 6d. - - Masquer'icr—Turucv 7467 Morton, Ann Villiers, Countess, governess Princess Henri- etta, 1646, 8vo 6d. 7468 — Svo. Is. Gucht. — in Noble Authors. Svo. Is. Rivers 7469 — fol. 2s. - - J^andiihe — Lombart 7470 Morton, James Douglas, Earl, chancellor to Mary, and Re- gent of Scotland, executed 1581, Svo. 6d. 7471 — from Lodge, the large Set, fol. 5s. - Cooper 7473 — Svo. fine, Is. Cooper. — Svo. Is. Proof, 2s. Houbrakeii 7473— fol. 2s. Ditto, large paper, 3s. - Ibid. 7474 Morton, Robert, M.D. of Greenwich, ob. 1730, Svo. Is, R. JFInte,dcl.&tiQ. — Svo. Is. Halwcg 7475 _ ditto, Svo. Is. - - Or(?/mn/— Elder 7476 Morton, Thomas, nat. York ; of John's coll. Camb. ; dean of Gloucester and AVinchester ; ])resident of the Marches ; rector Alresford and Spofibrth ; bishop Chester, Lichfield and Coventry, and Durham > turned out by Parliament ; / ob. Easton Mauduit, Northanipt. 1659, ret. 95. Fine copy ' of rare print by Faithornc, 4to. Is. ProoJ, 2s. Berry 7477 — the original print, ^^«^, 4to. 10s. - Faithorne 7478 Morton, Thomas, dramatist, nat. co. Durham ; educated at Soho-scpiare ; of Lincoln's-inn ; various, Svo. 6d. 7479 — ^io. fine, Is. Proof, 2s. J. It. Smith — James Heath 7480 Moseley, Benjamin, physician to Chelsea hospital, 3-(jrs. sitting, p. p. 4to. 2s. India proof, 3s. Paye — Bourlier 7481 Moser, Joseph, litcrat. Svo. 6d. - Ridley 7482 Mosly, Sir Nicholas, lord-mayor, 1599, Svo. 6d. 7483 Mosnier, Monsieur, literat. Svo. 6d. 7484 Moss, Robert, nat. Gillingham, Norfolk, 1666; of Benet , coll. Camb. ; preacher Gray's-inn, and James', Westmr. ; minister Gilston, Herts ; dean of Ely ; ob. 1729 ; Svo. Is. 6d. - - - - Vertue 7485 Mossop, Henrv, actor, nat. Ircl. 1729 ; of Trin. coll. Dubl. ; ob. Chelsea, "1773 ; Svo. 6d. - Mortimer— l\:\(Wcy Part XVL Price 6d. r 243 Evans's catalogue of portraits. 7486 Mostyn, Savage, admiral, M.P. Weobley, Heref. ; ob. 1758. Wlien young, 3-qrs. hand on a cannon, 4to, Jine etching. Is. 6d. Proof, 2s. 6d. - VVorlidge 7481 Mostyn, Lady E. Finch, ob. 1731, fol. 3s. Kneller— Smith 7488 Motiaye, Arnselme de la, traveller, visited England, 1686, fol. 3s. - - - JFooiI—Oavq 7489 Motte, Francis Henry de la, spy, exec. 1781, 8vo. 6d. 7490 Motte, La, John, citizen of London, ob. 1655, 4to. Is. Richardson 7491 — the orig. print, 4^to.fine, and very rare, 11. Is. Faithorne 7493 Moulin, Peter du, visited England, ob. 1658, 8vo. Is. , 7493 Moiintagu, James, of Boughton 5 master of Sidney Sussex ,v«>KtAiv% (,q1i_ Camb. ; bishop Bath and Wells, and Winchester ; ob. 1618; 4:to. rare, 53. - - Stent 7494 Mountaigne, George, nat. Cawood, Yorks. ; bishop almoner to James L ; of Queen's coll. Ca'mb. j lecturer Gresham coll. ; master of Savoy ; dean of Westminster ; bishop of Lincoln, London, and Durham j archbishop of York j ob. . • 1628, set. 59 ; 8vo. Is. 7495 — in Boissard, 8vo. 2s. — from Yeats, 4to. Is. 6d. Grave 7496 Mountain, Mrs. celebrated singer, nat. London, 1770 ; Svo. 6d. Proof, Is. 7497 — ditto, fol. 3s. - Masquerier — C.Turner 7498 Mountjoy, Lord, col. Dublin militia, killed at New Iloss, 1798, 4to. Is. - - J. Dowl'mg — Brocas 7499 Mountnorris, Lady, 1811, Svo. 6d. - Cooper 7500 Mowbray, Henry, Baron and Lord Maltravers, son of celeb. Earl of Arundel, ob. 1652. Copy from Hollar, Svo. 6d. 7501 Moxon, Joseph, hydrographer to Charles II, ; nat. Wake- field, 1627 ; living in^Varwick-lane, 1692 ; 13mo. Is. 6d. Van Hove 7502 Moyes, Henry, M.D. and Mr. Nicoll, 1806, 3-qrs. sitting, sheet, 5s. - - Smith — Ward 7503 Moyle, Walter, wit and lit. M.P. Saltash ; of Oxford univ. and Temple ; ob. 1721 ; Svo. Is. - Vertue 7504 Moyne, Stephen le, of Oxford univ. 1676, 4to. Is. . 7505 Mozart, W. A. the celebrated musician, ob. 1791, Svo. Is. 7506 Mudge, Thomas, celebr. watch-maker, nat. Exeter, 1715 j ; ob. Newington, Surrey, 1794 J Svo. Is. Dance — Baker 7507 — from same picture, 4to. 2s. Proof, 33. Schiavonetti 7508 Mudge, Zachary, preb. Exeter, ob. 1769, fol. 3s. Watson 7509 Muggleton, Lodowick, ob. 1698, 4to. 2s. Casseel 7510 Muir, Thomas, tried for sedition, Svo, Is. Bonville, et sc. 7511 Mulgrave, Edmund Sheflicld, Earl of, nat. Buttervvick, Line. ; governor of York ; president of Council in the North ; K.G. ; ob. Hammersmith, 1646, set. 79. Copy of rare print by Elstracke, 4to. Is. India proof, 2s. Berry 7513 Mulgrave, Constantine John Phipps, Lord, attempted the North-East Passage, ob. 1793, Svo. 6d. 7513 — in Noble Authors, Is. — with arms, Sso.pr, Is. Ridley Evans's catalogue of portraits. 243 7514 Mulgrave, Henry, present Earl, of Ebor., governor Scarbo- rough, &c. slieet, 5s. - licechcij — Skeltoii T515 — w. 1. in military uniform, sheet, proof, 5s. Reynolds 7516 — witli Sir George Beaumont, Hon. Aug. and Hon. Edmund Phipps, ^\ieet,Jine proof, lOs. - Jackson — Ward 7517 Mulgrave, Sophia, his Ladv, of Durham, 8vo. 6d. Cooper 7518 Mulian, Mrs. Mac, 18]8, 8vo. 6d. - P. Roberts 7519 Mull'd Sack, thief and murderer, tried at Abingdon, exec. Smithficld, 1659. Copy of extreme rare print, 8vo. 6d. 4to. Is. 7520 Mullens, Mrs. w. 1. 4to. 2h - Craig — Landseer 7521 MuUer, Peter, vis. England, 1G22. In Frelienis, 8vo. Is. 7522 Muller, John, prof, fortification, artillery, &c. at AVoolwicli, ob. 1784, 8vo. Is. 6d. - - Hot/— MM. 7523 Mundcn, Joseph, celebrated comedian, nat. London, 1758 ; variety of, 8vo. 6d. 7524 — 4to. Is.Cd. />aH^^ 7G90 Nicholson, John, ' Mappesiani Bibliopoli Cant. Custos,' w. 1. carrying books, sh. 4s. Proof, 6s. Re'magle — Caldwall 7G9I Nicholson, Margaret, attempted assassination of George J II. with a sketch of the knife, 4to. Is. - Fisher 7692 Nicholson, Peter, architect, with autogr. Svo. 6d. Thomson 7693 — 4to. Is. 6d. Proof, 2s. Q(\. Hcap/ij/— Armstrong 7694 Nicholson, AA'illiani, natural ])hilosophcr, 8\o. 6d 7695 Nigel [Ncale], Thomas, of VVarnford, 1642, 8vo. 6d. 7696 Nieuhoff, John, traveller, 4to. 2s. 7697 Nightingale, Capt. p. p. foi. mcz. proof , 5s. Smith 7698 Nixon, Robert, Cheshire prophet, starved to death at AV^hitc- ^ hall. From a picture of O. S. Brercton's, 4to. Is. Harding 7699 Noailles, Ant. Sign, de, minister England, 1540, 4to. Is. 7700 Noble, Rev. John, ob. 1767. In monument Bolton church, Ebor., fol. Is. 6d. 7701 Noble, Wm. of Bampton, Westmoreland, and Pall Mall, ' the friend of man,' 8v'o. Is. - Buck — Orme 7702 Noblet, Madem. dancer, of Opera-house, 4to. Is. Proof, 2s. T>o. finely coloured, 2s. JValdeck — Cooper 7703 Nolan, M. counsellor, 8vo. Is. Proof Is. 6d. Cribb 7704 Nollekens, Joseph, celebrated sculptor, nat. Dean-street, London, 1737 ; ob. 1823 j various, Svo. 6d. 7705 — Svo. 6d. 4to. proof. Is. - Becchey — Taylor 7700 — ditto, 4to. Is, Od. - Z>fl«ce— Danicll 7707 — fol. 3s. Proof, 5s. - Bcechey—'YwrnGV 770S NoUet, John Anth. F.R.S. London, 1734, Svo. Is, 7709 Noor Jchan, or Light of the World, an eastern beauty. From drawing in library of Great Mogul, Svo. 6d, Proof, Is. 7710 Noot, H. C. N. Vander, counsellor, fol. 3s. liartolozzi 7711 Norfolk, John Howard, 1st Duke, lord high admiral, killed at Bosvvorth, 1485 ; bur. Tlietford ; Svo. Is. 7712 Norfolk, Thomas Howard, Earl of, ob. 1524. AVhen Earl Surrey, Svo. with autogr. Is. 6d. Thane — 4to. 23. Hall 7713 Norfolk, Thomas Howard, Duke of, ob. 1554, a2t. 60. H. length, with staff, as Earl-marslial,^»f nndscarce, 4to. 5s. Holbein — Vorstermau 7714 — from Lodge, 4to. 2s. India proof, 3s. Ilnd. — Scrivca 7715 — from Lancy's History, fol. Is. //"'cT/f— Gunst 7710 Norfolk, Thonlas Howard, Duke of, executed 1572, various, Svo. 6(1. each. 7717 — under an arch, with a corresponding arch of 30 coats of arms, &c. Copy of a very rare print, 4to. Ss. 6d. 7718 — fol. 25. Ditto, large paper, 3s. il/w?c— Iloubrakcn 250 Evans's catalogue of ronTRAirs. 7719 Norfolk, Henry, Duko of, Baron Mowbray, Segrave, Brews of Gower, &c., ob. 16S3, set. 56, fol. very scarce, 31s. Lehi — Blooteling 7720 Norfolk, Henry, Duke, Earl Marshal, ob. 1701, 4to. Is. 7721 Norfolk, Charles Howard, Duke, Earl of Surrey and Arun- del, nat. 1767 ; of Worksop, Notts, Bury, SufF., and co. Hereford ; ob. 1815 ; 8vo. 6d. 7723 • — whole length, as Marshal of England, private plate, large fol. 21s, - Gainsborough — Sherwin 7733 • — as pres. Soc. Arts, &c. 4to. 2s. 6d. Ross — Williamson 7724 Norris, Lord, temp. Elizabeth, 4to. Is. - Smeeton 7725 Norris, Thomas, organist Christ coll. Oxford, ob. 1790, fol. 3s. - - /. Taylor, del. et so. 7726 Norsa, Hannah, actress, ob. 1785, 4to. Is. Lens 7727 North, Edward, 1st Lord, nat. co. Notts ; clerk of Parlia- ment ; of Callage, Camb. and M.P. for co. ; ob. Charter- house, 1564. From picture at Peter-house, 4to. Is. Harding 7728 — in Lodge's Portraits, fol. 5s. - Meyer 7729 North, Dudley, Lord, nat. 1581 ; lord of admiralty ; marr. daughter Sir T. Brockett, co. Herts j disc, virtues of Tun- bridge-wells ; ob. 1666 ; 8vo. Is. 7730 North, Dudley, 2nd Lord, of Camb. univ. ; K.B. ; res. Tos- tock, Suff. ; ob. 1677 j bur. Catlage, Cambr. In Noble Authors, 6vo. Is. 7731 North and Grey, Charles, Lord, of Rolleston, Staff. ; nat. 1634] ob. 1690. From a picture of Earl Guildford's, 4to. Is. - - - Li^ly — Harding 7733 North, Sir Dudley, brother to lord-keeper, merchant in London ; director African Company ; commissioner of Customs and Treasury ; ol). 1691 ; 4to. 2s. Vertue 7733 North, Roger, att.-gen. 1680 ; ob. 1734, aet. 90. Front, to his Examen of Kennett's History, 4to. 2s. Lely — Ibid. 7734 Northampton, Henry Howard, Earl of, son of Earl Surrey, nat. Shottisham, Norf. 1539 j founded hospitals at Rise, Norfolk 3 Clin, Salop ; and Greenwich j warden of Cinque Ports 5 K.G. ; steward of Oxford ; chancellor Cambridge Uuiv. ; concerned in Overbury's murder ; built Northum- berland-house, Strand j ob. 1614. From an original pic- ture, 4to. Is. - - - Clamp 7735 Northampton, Spencer Compton, Earl, killed at Hopton- heath, 1643. From Set of Loyalists, 8vo. Is. Vertue 7736 Northcote, James, artist, nat. Plymouth, 1746 ; ob. Argylcr street, 1831 j variety, 8vo. 6d. Proof, Is. 7737 — etching, 4to. Is. Cluussin. — fol. 3s. Ipse — Reynolds 7738 — in Cadell's Ports., 4to. 3s. India ^irooj bejore letters, 5s. - . . - Meyer 7739 — 4to. Is. 6d. Dance — Daniell. — large 4to. 2s. Hoare 7740 — 3-qrs. sitting, fine India prooj, 4to. 5s. Harlow — Lewis 7741 Northcote, Sir J. bart. 1628, 4to. Is. Proof, 2s. Wivell 7743 Northcote, S. sen. of Plymouth, 1786, 8vo. Is. Reynolds EVANS S CATALOGUE OF PORTRAITS. 251 7743 Northesk, Wm. Earl, admiral, nat. 1748 ; K.B. ; 8vo. 6d. Proof, Is. 7744 — on stern of ship, with figures, 4to. Is. 6;1. Godby 7745 — in uniform, whole length, p. p. 4to. 5s. Hibbert 7746 Northington, Robt, Henley, Lord, lord chancellor, ob. 1772, Svo. 6fl. 7747 Northumberland, Henry Percy, Earl, slain 1403, Svo, Is. 7748 Northumberland, John Dudley, Duke, earl marshal 5 lord- admiral ; advised Edwnrd VI. to settle the crovvu on Lady Jane Grey ; executed 1553 ; 4to. Is. - Godfrey 7749 — roni Lodge, 4to. 2s. hid'ia proof, 3s. Holbein — Dean 7750 — ditto, large set, Inaia proof, 4to. 4s. Cooper 7751 Northumberland, Tlios. Percy, 7th Earl, K.G. ; imprisoned at Loch Leven, and beheaded at York as a rebel to Queen Elizabeth, 1753. In antique dress, kneeling, 4to. Is. 6d. Harding 7753 Northumberland, Henry Percy, Earl, imprisoned for Gun- powder plot, ob. 1633. Copy of rare print by Delarani, bald head, 8 verses, Svo. Is. 7753 Northumberland, Algernon Percy, Earl, lord-high admiral, ob. 16G8 J bur. Pctworth ; Svo. 6d. 7754 — fol. 3s. Ditto, large paper, 3s. P^andyhe — Houbrakcn 7755 — in Lodge, fol. 5s. - - Ih'id.- — Scriven 7756 Northumberland, Elizabeth Wriothesley, his Countess, fol. fine and rare, 10s. 6d. - Lcly — Browne 7757 — ditto, fol. 10s. . - /(ii(^.— Beckett 7758 — from Lodge, 4to. 4s. - /(6/f/.— Deanc 7759 Northumberland, Joceline Percy, Earl, their son, ob. 1670. A reverse impression of a very rare print, fol. 10s. 6d. Lchj — Browne 7760 Northumberland, George Fitzroy, Duke, Viscount Falmouth and Baron Pontefract, natural son of Charles II. by Dss. of Cleveland ; K.G. ; constable ^^'indsor 5 licut. of Surrey and Berks ; ob. 1716 3 4to. Is. - Dunkarton 7761 — ditto, 4to. mez. rare, 5s. 7763 Northuu)berland, Hugh, Duke of, created 17G6, when Sir Hugh Smithson, ob. 1786, 4to. Is. Falconet — Pariset 7763 — a small etching, Svo. 6d. - - W. IL 7764 — collar of garter, large head, fol. 5s. Reynolds — Fisher 7765 Northumberland, Eliz. his Duchess, dau. Algernon Duke of Somerset. When Countess, ob. 1766, large head, fol. 5s. Sir Joshua Reynolds — E. Fisher 7766 — 3-qrs. holding coronet, 4to. Is. Jb'td. — Houston 7767 Northumberland, Hugh, Duke, nat, 1743 j RLP. ^^'estm. ; K,G, ; ob. 1817 ; fol. 3s. Proof, 5s. Stuart — Turner 7768 — from same picture, Svo. Is. - Scriven 7769 — whole length, in his robes, sitting, large fol. very fine, 10s. 6d. - - FliUlips — Ransom 7770 — when Lord ^\'ark worth, fol. 4s. Finlayson, del. else. 7771 — when Duke, fol. 3s. - Hamilton — Finlayson 353 EVAXs's CATALOGUE OF POnTRAITS. 7773 Northumberland, Charlotte Florentia Clive, Duchess, dau. Earl Powis, wife of Hugh Percy, present Duke, 8vo. Is. Robertson — Dean 7773 Northwick, Rebecca, Lady, of Wanstead, and Northwick- park, ob. 1818, 4to. private plate, 5s. Piimer — Burke 7774 Norton, Hon. Mrs. 8vo. Is. - Hayter — Cochran 7775 — • fine India paper proof before any letters, fol. 3s. Idem 7776 — holding book, with autograph, 8vo. Is. Ibid. — Thomson 7777 Norton, Mr. fol. 3s. - - ^s%— Clint 7778 Norton, Miss, actress, 8vo. 6d. Proof Is. JVllde — Freeman 7779 Nott, Sir Thomas, gent.-nsher to Charles II. and F.R.S. Copy of rare print by White, 8vo. Is. 7780 Nott, VVm, M.D. ob. 1825, p.p. 4to. 5s. Smith, del et so. 7781 Nottingham, Charles Howard, Earl, nat. 1536 ; M.P. for Surrey ; justice of Forests South of Trent ; admiral of the fleet, 1588; ob. 1624 ; 8v-o. Is. Zweci^ero— Cook 7783 — from Lodge, 4to. 3s. India proof, 3s. Jenkins 7783 — in Birch's Lives, fol. 3s. Do. very fine, ^?,. Houbraken / 7784 Nottingham, Heneage Finch, Earl, nat. Kent, 1631 ; educ. U I Westminster and Christ Church, Oxf. ; of Inner Temple; Ti , . i- MP. Oxf. univ. ; lord-chancellor; lord F. of Daventry ; ob. Queen-street, Lincoln's-inn Fields, 1683 ; bur. Rauns- ton, Bucks. When Hon. H. F. whole length, sitting, in his robes, with seal, 4to. 3s. - - ^Vhite 7785 — with ornaments, la. fol. rare, 15s. Kneller — Ibid. 7786 — in Noble Authors, from R. White, 8vo. Is. 7787 — from Lodge, 4to. 2s. India proof, 3s. - Leiy 7788 Nottingham,"Daniel Finch, Earl, and Earl Winchelsea, his son, nat. 1647 ; educated Christ Church, Oxford, and had thanks of univ. for his reply to Whiston ; M.P. Liclifield, Staff., and Newton, Hants ; secretary of state to Wm. HI ; ob. 1730. In Noble Authors, 8vo. Is. 7789 — in Birch, fol. 3s. Ditto, larA''tn^'V ^i Camb. 5 M.P. Mldd. and Portsmouth ; com. at battle of La ' Hogue ; ob. 1727 ; 8vo. 6d. 7889 — 3-qr8. hand on table, fol. 3s. - Gibson — Vertue 7890 — in armour, 4to. Is. Harding. • — fol. 2s. Houbraken 7891 — 4to. rare, 10s. Od. Gole. — 4to. mez. 2s. Bakewell 7892 Orford, Robert Walpole, Earl, celebrated minister, nat. Houghton, 1667 ; educated Eton and King's coll. Camb. ; -.V^/;^ com. to Tower ; paymaster Chelsea hospital ; K.G. 3 built / Lodge, Richmond-park ; ob. 1745 ; 8vo. 6d. 7893 — in Kit Kat Club, fol. 2s. Faber — do. 4to. Is. Cooper 7894 — whole length, in robes, large fol. 5s. Vanloo — Fabcr 7895 — when Sir R. Walpole, in robes, as chancellor Exchequer, fol. 2s. • - - Kneller — Simon 7896 Orford, Robert Walpole, Earl, eminent literat. and virtuoso, educated Eton and Camb. ; M.P. Callington, Cornwall, and Castle Rising, Norfolk ; ob. Berkeley-square, 1797 3 various, 8vo. 6d. 7897 — 3-qrs. leaning on a table, with vignette of Strawberry. hill, 4to. Is. - - Reynolds~-'^?^\\o\v 7898 — fol. 3s. - Sir Thomas Lawrence — Evans 7899 Orford, H. W. Earl of, nat. 1782, steward of Lynn, folio, 5s. - - - Lane — Dawe 7900 Orger, Mrs. actress of Drury-lane theatre, 8vo. Is. 7901 Orkney, George Hamilton, Earl, brig.-general to Wm. HI. in Flanders and Ireland ; K.T. ; governor of Edinburgh castle ; ob. 1736 ; 8vo. 6d. 7902 — fol. 2s. Ditto, large paper, 3s. Maingaiid — Houbraken 7903 Orleans, Henrietta Anne, Duchess, daughter Charles L nat. 1644, ob. St. Cloud, 1680, 8vo. Is. Mellan, del. et sc. 7904 — in Monarchy Revived, 8vo. Is. Mignard — Cooper 7905 — from Earl Poulett's picture, 4to. Is. - Piatt 7906 — ditto, 4to. Is. - - - Turner 7907 Orleans, Charles, Duke of, father to Lewis XH. taken pri- soner at Agincourt, and confined at Groombridge, Sussex, and Tower, London, 25 years, marr. widow of Richard H. From Noble Authors, 8vo. Is. 7908 Orleans, Lewis Philip, Duke, King of the French, res. at Twickenham, 8vo. Is. 7909 Orleans, Henry of, Duke of Longucville and Crequi, ambas- sador to Cromwell, 4to. Is. 7910 Orme, Robert, historian ofLidia, nat. Anjenjo, 1728j edu- cated Harrow ; res. Ealing ; ob. ISOl; 8vo. 6d, 7911 — from bust by Nollekens, 4to. 2s. 7912 Ormond, Thomas Boleyn, Earl, Vise. Rochford, Line, and Earl of Wiltshire ; of Blickling, Norfolk ; father of Anne Boleyn ; com. in Cornwall ; ambassador to Maximilian ; lieut. CO. Somerset ; large fol. 5s. Holbein — Bartolozzi 7913 Ormond, James Butler, 1st Duke, Baron of Lanthony, and Earl of Brecknock ; eminent statesman ; nat. Clerkenwell, EVANs's CATALOGUE OF PORTRAITS. 36t 1610 ; lord-lieut. co. Somerset ; high steward Kingston, Westminster, and Bristol ; lord-lieut. Ireland ; chancellor Oxford nniv. ; ob. Kingston-hall, Dorset, 1688 ; bur. at Westminster abbey. Copy of print by Lombart, 8vo. Is. Proof, 4:to. 2s. - . Z/oo-^aw— Reading 7914 — in Clarendon, Svo. Is. Gucht. — 4to. Is. Dunkartoii 7915 — - fine and scarce, {{A. \Q?i. - flaming — Williams 7916 Ormond, James Butler, 2nd Duke, his grandson, attainted 1715, comin. expedition to Cadiz and Vigo 5 lieut. Irel. ; K.G. ; comm. of forces to Queen Anne ; of Brecknock, Wales; Dingwall, Scotland ; Lanthony, Monmouth ; and , Moor-park, Herts 5 warden Cinque Ports j lieut. co. So- /l^'"'*' merset and Norfolk ; chancellor of Oxford and Dublin univs. ; steward Westminster, Bristol, and Exeter ; ob. at Madrid, 1745, fet. 94 ; various, Svo. 6d. 7917 — in armour, 3-qrs. fol. 3s. - Kneller — Pelham 7918 — in robes, as chanc. Oxford university, 4to. 2s. Faber 7919 ■ — in armour, 3-qrs. fol. 3s. •- Dahl — Simon 7930 Ormond, Mary, Duchess, ob. 1783, jet. 68. Whole length, fol. 3s. - - - Kneller — Smith 7931 — with her son, Thomas Earl of Ossory, fol. 3s. Idem 7933 Ormond, James W. Butler, present Marquis, Earl Ossory, Viscount Thurles, and Baron O. of Ijanthony, Monmouth, K.P. nat. 1774, Svo. with autog. Is. India proof, Ss, Comerford — Parker 7923 Ortelius, Abraham, geogi'apher, visited England, ob. 1598, 4to. Is. 7924 Orrery, Roger Boyle, Earl, statesman and literat. ob. 1679, Svo. Is. 7935 Orrery, Charles Boyle, Earl, ob. 1731, Svo. Is. 7936 Orrery, Henrietta Hamilton, Countess, ob. 1733, bur. at Taplow, Bucks, 3-qrs. leaning on capital of a column, arms, &c. fol. 3s. - - Sceman — Vertue 7937 Orrery, John Boyle, Earl of, and Cork, baron B. of Mars- ton, Somerset, ob. 1763, Svo. Is. 7928 —3.qrs. large fol. 3s. - Faber, ad vivura 7939 Orton, Job, nat. Shrewsbury, 1717 ; educated \Varrington ; minister Northampt. ; ob. Kidderminster, 1783 ; Svo. 6d. 7930 Osbaldeston, Sir Edward, from Pennant, 4to. Is. Sparrow 7931 Osborn, Wm. M.D. fol. 3s. - Hardi/— Jones, 1791 7932 Osiiorne, Richard, fol. 3s. • Jackson — Lupton 7933 Osborne, Francis, of Cray's-inn, author of 'Advice to his Son,' &c. nat. Chicksand, Bedford, 1569 ; master of the horse to Wm. Earl of Pembroke ; sided with Pari. ; settled at Oxford ; ob. 1659 ; Svo. Is. 7934 Ossory, Thomas Butler, Earl, son of celebrated Duke of Ormond, Lord Butler of Moor-park, nat. Kilkenny, 1634 ; admiral, and com. of forces at Mons, 1677 ; ob. 1680, Svo. 6d. In Carte's Life of D. Ormond, fol. 3s. Ravenet 7935 Ossory, Css., from Grammont's Memoirs, Svo. 6d. 4to. Is. Part XVII. Price 6d. s 258 Evans's catalogue of portraits. 7936 OToolc, Arthur Severus Nonesuch, set. 80—1618. lu ar- mour, with staff of ] 1 crowns, 8 verses, 8vo. 6d. 7937 Ottoboni, Marc, vis. England, ob. 1640. In Freherus, Is. 7938 Otway, Thomas, dramatic poet, nat. Trottin, Sussex, 1653, educated Winchester and Christ-church ; ob. 1686 ; 8vo. various, 6d. each. 7939 — 8vo. Is. Lud. du Guernier. — fol. 2s. 6d. Lehj 7940 — fol. 3s. 6d. . - ^^/t-— Houbraken 7941 — from Mr. Prentice's orig. picture, 8vo. Is. Ellei/ — Bragg 7943 — ditto, French paper proof , 4to. Is. 6d. /(iif/.— Ibid. 7943 — ditto, yz»<° India paper proof , royal 4to. 2s. Ibid. — Ibid. Q 7944 Ougiitred, \Vm. mathemat. nat. Eton, 1573 j educ. there, ""^ ,. / and King's coll. Camb. ; rector Albury, Surrey ; ob. 1660 j / 4to./we', 5s. - . ' Hollar, ad vivum 7945 — from the same, etching, 4to. rare, 3s. - F. S. 7946 — 6 Latin lines, set. 83, 4to. 5s. - Faithorne 7947 Ouseley, Sir Gore, Persian ambassador, nat. 1770, of Wool- V- niers, Herts, and co. Bucks ; 8vo.6d. 7948 — with autog. 8vo. Is. India proof, 2s. Rothw ell— Cook 7949 Ouseley, Sir William, 8vo. 6d. 7950 Outram, Joseph, ob. 1802, fol. 3s. 6d. Drtmmond~^\mi\v 7951 Overall, John, author of Convocation Book, nat. Hadleigh, 1559 3 master of Catherine-hall, Cambr. ; rector Ther- field, Herts ; vicar Epping ; dean St. Paul's ; bishop of Lichfield and Coventry, and Norwich; ob. 1619. The original print, by AVhite, 4to. Is. 7953 — 8vo. Is. Hollar. — 8vo. 6d. various. 7963 Overbury, Sir Thomas, literat. nat. Compton Scorfen, co. Warwick, 1581 ; of Bourton on the Hill, Gloucester ; of Queen's coll. Oxford, and Middle Temple ; poisoned in the Tower, 1613. From picture in the Bodleian Library, 4to. Is. - . C.Jansen — Harding 7954 — from picture in Bodleian Lib. 8vo. Is. Oliver — Bromley 7955 — ditto, French paper proof , 4to. Is. 6d. Ibid.—Wnd.. 7056 — ditto, /<«e India paper proof, royal 4to. 2s. Ibid. — Ibid. 7957 — writing his epitaph, 12 verses. Copy of the rare print by Elstracke, 4to. Is. 7958 — setatis suae 32, oval, 8vo. 6d. From S. Pass. 7959 Overton, John, printseller, set. 68, 1708, vertj scarce, 4to. mez. 1/. lOs. 7960 — ditto, the same plate, stained, 4to. 10s. 7961 Owen, Henry, nat. Wales, 1716 3 of Jesus coll. Oxford; M.D. three years ; curate co. Glouc. and Terling, Es- sex ; rector Olave, Hart-street 3 and Edmonton 3 ob 1795 3 8vo. various, 6d. 7962 — 8vo. proof Is. — 4to. Is. 6d. J. T. Smith 7963 — fine India proof, 4to. 2s. 6d. . Cooper 7964 Owen, Rev. James, nat. Abernant, kept 'an academy at Shrewsbury 3 ob. 1706, jet. 52. Svo. 2s. 7965 -— ditto, proof, rare, 5s. - . NichoUs Evans's catalogue of portraits. 259 79G6 Owen, Sir John, loyalist j governor Conway; wounded at ' Bristol ; defeated at Landei^ai ; confined Windsor ; con- demned, but pardoned ; ob. J6G0; 4to. Is. Caldwall 7967 Owen, Rev. John, favourite of Cromwell, dean of Christ-ch, ob. 1683, St. 66, 8vo. 6d. 7968 — fol. 3s. Vertue. — fol. 2s. Gd. - White 7969 — when vice-chancellor Oxford university, 1656, 8vo. 6d. 7970 Owen, John, cpij^rainuiatist, nat, Wales, educ- AVinchester, and New coll. Oxf. ; ob. 1G33 ; bur. St. Paul's ; 8vo. Is. 7971 Owen, John, secretary to Bible Society, nat. 1765 : of Cor. pus Christi coll. C;uub. ; curate Fulham ; rect, Paglcsham, Essex ; ob. 1823 ; 8vo. 6d. I?idia proof, Is. 7973 — fudia proof, 4to. 2s. 6d. - Knight— Cooper 7973 Owen, [lobert, of Lanark, India proof, 8vo. Is. Fry 7974 Owen, Wm. R.A, nat. co. Salop, 1769 ; ob. Bruton-street 1825 bv taking wrong medicine, 8 vo. 6J. IVright — Meyer 7975 Owtram," W preb. Westm. ob. 1679, /i«e, 8vo. %i. Wliite 7976 Oxberry, William, comedian, nat. 1785, ob. 1834, various, 8vo. 6d. Proof Is. 7977 Oxburgh, Col. H. of co. Lane; taken at Preston ; exec. Tyburn, 1711 5 bur. Giles's in tlie Fields 3 8vo. 6d. 4to. proof Is. 7978 Oxenden, Sir Henry dc Barham, Bart, and poet, ob. 1670. Copy of print by (ilover, with arms and crest, 8vo. 6d. 7979 Oxenliam, Rev. Thomas, 8vo. 6d. India proof , 4to. Is. 6J. 7980 Oxenstiern, John, Swedish minister in England, 1625. In Freherus, Is. 7981 Oxford, Robei t de Vere, Earl, Duke of Kent and Ireland, Marquis of Dublin, &c. ob. 1393, Proof, 4to. Ss. Thane 7983 Oxford, Robert de Xeic, Earl, Lord Bulbcck, Sandford and Scales, of Collington, Hereford, killed at Maestricht, 1632. Copy of rare print by Stent, 4to. Is. Richardson 7983 Oxford, Aubrey de Vere, Earl, his succ, 4to. Is. Sehcneker 7984 Oxford, Henry' de Vere, 17th Earl, ViscountBulbeck, 'Lord Eccles, Samford, and Bidlesniorc,' nat. 1593; of Nether- wood, Hereford ; lord chamberlain ; served in Netherlands ; res. Hedingham 3 ob. at Hague, 1625. Copy of the rare print by Vaughan, 4to. Is, Proof 2s. - Berry 7985 Oxford, Robert Harley, Earl, and Mortimer, Baron H. of Wigniore, Hereford, nat. Bow-street, 16G1 ; M.P. for Tregony ; speaker of House of Commons ; K.G. ; lord- treasurer ; com. to Tower ; governor South Sea company, and Charter-house : cust. rot. Radnor ; estates at Bothall, Nortlmmb., and Welbeck, Notts 3 ob. 1734; 8vo. 6d. 7986 — in robes, with wand, fol. 3s, Kne/ler—V ertne 7987 — in Noble Authors, 8vo. Is, — Dutch print, 8vo. Is. 7988 Oxford, Edward Harley, Earl, the collector, o!). 1741, 4to. 2s, - "- - iJahl — Vertue 7980 — in Dibdin's Typog. Antiq. 4to, Js. 6d, 7990 — w. 1 in robes, holding coronet, fol. 3s. Dahl — Vertue s2 260 KVANS*S CATALOGUE OF PORTKAITS. 7991 Oxford, Jane, Countess, of Stoke Itchen, Hants, and co. Hereford, ob. 1834, 8vo. 6d. J?i(Ua proof. Is. 7992 Oxmann, William, ' Orator Conventiculorum/ executed 1661, 4to. rare, Ss. 7993 Paap, Simon, the Dutch dwarf, set. 29, 26 inches high, 27 pounds weight, exhibited London, 1820, 8vo. 6d. 7994 Pack, Simon, one of the Portsmouth Captains, 4to. rare, 10s. 6d. - - . White 7995 Packe, Sir Christopher, lord-mayor, ob. 1682, 4to. Is. Basire 3996 Packington, Sir John, celebrated swimmer, of Westwood, Worcester, temp. Elizabeth, whole length, holding a nau- tilus, 4to. Is. - - . Clamp 7997 Page, Francis, Jesuit, executed Tyburn, 1602, 8vo. 6d. 7998 Page, Sir Francis, the severe judge, nat. Bloxam, Oxf. justice of C. P. and K. B., ob. 1741, ^t. 80, fol. 5s. Vertue 7999 Page, Wm. criminal, nat. Hampton-court ; executed Pen- nenden-heath, 1758 ; 8vo. 6d. Proof, 4to. Is. 8000 Paget, Wm. 1st Lord, nat. London, 1506 ; educated Paul's _\ school, and Trinity-hall, Camb. ; warden of Maxstoke ■Ir^ ■ castle, >Varwick; K.G. ; chancellor Duchy of Lancaster J commiss. to Windsor, Winchester, and Oxford, " for im- proving good literature" ; ambassador to Charles V. ; ob. 1563; bur. Drayton, Midd. From picture at Beaudesert, CO. Staff., 4to. Is. - Noi6eln^E.nrd\ng SOOl Paget, Thomas, Lord, son of Henry 1st Earl of Oxbridge, M.P, CO, Staff. ; lord of bed-chamber; ob, Drayton, 1742. From a picture at Beaudesert, 4to. Is. Harding ,8002 Paice, Joseph, 4to. 2s. - ^bbott~Whesse\l 8003 Paine, James, architect, ob. 1789, 4to. Is. 6d. Pariset 8004 — and his son, fol. rare, 7s. Reynolds — Watson 8005 Paine, Thomas, political writer, nat. Thetford ; stay-maker at Dover, Sandwich, and London ; exciseman at Lewes ; ob. America, 1809 ; variety, 8vo. 6d. 8006 — 4to. Is, Peek — Basset. — 4to. Is. Stothard—MMiloy/ 8007 — ■ satirical, with monkeys, 8vo. Is, 8008 — from picture by Romney, 8vo, Is, - Eastow 8009 — fol, mez. inscribed ♦ Edward P,' 3s. - Watson 8010 Paisly, Lord, commander of forces for Mary at Langside, 1568, ob. 1621. From Marq. Abercorn's picture, 4to. Is. 8011 Pakenham, Emily, lady of Hon. Col, P. 8vo, Is. Cochran 8012 — ditto, fol. proof, 2s. Ditto, India proof 3s. Idem 8013 Palafox, General, heroic defender of Saragossa, 8vo, 6d. 8014 Palamedes Staevarts, painter, nat, London, 1607, ob. 1638, fol. 2s. - . Vandyke — Pontius 8015 Paley, W. nat. Peterborough, 1743 ; of Christ coll. Camb. ; curate Greenwich ; rector of Musgrove, Westmoreland ; vicar Dalston, Cambr, ; preb. Carlisle, Pancras, and St. Paul's ; dean Lincoln ; rector Bishop Wearmouth ; ob. 1805 ; various, 8vo, 6d. Proof Is. 8016 — with fishing-rod, fol. 5s. - Romney — Jones Evans's catalogue of portraits. 261 8017 Pallavacine, Horatio, nat Genoa ; collector of Papal taxes in England, and kept them ; fitted out a ship against the Armada 5 purchased two manors in Essex 5 res. Shalford, Canib. ; of). 1600; bur. Baberham. From portrait in ta- pestry of House of Lords, 8vo. Is, 8018 Palliser, Sir Hugh, nat. 1721; M.P. Scarborough and co. Hants ; lord of Admiralty ; governor Greenw. hospital ; ob. 1796 ; 8vo. 6d. 8019 Palmer, Sir Geoffrey, M.P. Stamford in Long Parliament ; turned loyalist, and imprisoned by Cromwell ; atty.-gen. j justice of Chester ; ob. 1670, aet. 72 3 4to. Is. 6020 — fol. 2s. . - Lcly—K. White 8021 Palmer, Herbert, master of Queen's coll. Cambr. ob. 1647. Leaning on a pulpit cushion, preaching, 8vo. 2s. 8022 Palmer, James, haberdasher in Cornhill, treasurer Christ's hospital, ob. Streatham, 1825, 8vo. proof, 2s. Walker 6023 Palmer, Jemima, S-qrs. sitting, fol. mez. rare, 5s. G. White 8024 Palmer, Rev. James, founder of Almshouses, Tothill. fields, ob. 1659, 8vo. 6d. 6025 Palmer, John, nat. London, 1744, built Royalty Tlieatre ; res. Kentish Town, and ob. on the stage Liverpool, 1798 ; bur. Walton, Surrey ; variety, 8vo. 6d. 6026 — in chai-acters of Stukeley, Barnwell, Almaviva, Warwick, Don John, Don Carlos, Bajazet, Careless, Stranger, &c 8vo. 6d. each. Proofs, Is. 8027 Palmer, Robert, actor, nat. in Banbury-court, Long Acre, 1757; educ. Brook-green; 8vo. 6d. various. Proof, Is. 8028 ~4to. Is. - - Fo^^er— Busby 8029 Palmer, Miss, niece Sir Joshua Reynolds, late Marchioness Thomond, 6vo. 2s. - - Collycr 6030 — fol. 8s. - - Sir J. Repwlde— Smith 6031 Pan, Mallet du, polit writer, 4to. 2s. Proof, 8s. 8032 Paoli, Pascal, nat. Corsica, 1726 ; ob. at Edgeware-road, 1607 ; variety, 8vo. 6d. 8033 — la. fol. w. 1. 83. Berridgc. — Do. 5s. Gherard — Houston 8034 — fol. 3s. . . GambaHni — Brookshaw 8035 — ditto, 4to. Is. 6d. - Dance— DamcW 6036 Papenheim, G. H. de, vis. England, 1601, fol. 2s. Galle 8037 Pare, Signora Lisabetta du, (La Francesina), singer, folio, 28, - _ - Knapton — Faber 8038 Pardee, John, attorney, p. p. fol. 5s. Humphreys — Watson 8039 Pardon, J, treas. co. Surrey, 1800, sh. 5s. Abbott — Keating 6040 Pardon, W. schoolmaster and lexicog. a bust, 8vo. Is. 6d. 8041 Park, Mungo, M.D. and traveller in Africa, 8vo. 6d. 8042 — 4to.2s. . ■■ Edr'idgc — Dickinson 8043 —in Percy Anecdotes, India proof , 4to, Is. Fry 8044 Parke, Daniel, governor Barbadoes, murdered at Antigua, 1710, 8vo. Is. - - . Vertue 8045 Parke, J. barrister, 8vo. Is. - T'^ye//— Wright 8046 Parker, Edward, as Bow-bearer of Bowland, 1690, 8vo. Is, J^-' 262 Evans's cataloguk of portraits. 8047 Paris, Matthew, historian, Benedictine of St. Albans, ob. I'iC i' '* 1259, ' vera effigies,' whole length, 4to. Is, 8048 ■ — the original print, 4to. scarce, 5s. 8049 Parker, George, astrologer, ob. 1743, set. 92, 8vo, Is. 8050 Parker, Sir Hyde, adm. ofMelford, Suff.8vo.6d. Northcote 8051 — from same.'fol. 3s. Smith, — fol. 3s. Rotnney — Townley 8053 — 4to. 3s. Proof, 5s. - Caroline Watson 8053 Parker, Elizabeth Calthorpe, Lady, of co. Norfolk, marr. 1. Sir Henry P. 2. Sir ^V. VVodehoiise, 3. Sir D. Driiry ; bur. at Norwich, From the Royal Collection, tinted, fol. 4s. Holbein — Bartolozzi 8054 Parker, Mrs. 1810, fol. 8s. - 0«'«j— Say 8055 Parker, Matthew, nat. Norwich, 1504; sub-deacon Barn- well ; dean of Stoke Clare, Suffolk ; preacher at Paul's Cross; preb. Ely; rector Ashden, Essex ; Barmingham, Norf. ; and Landbeach ; canon Covingham, Lincoln ; abp. Canterbury ; ob. 1575 ; bur. Lambeth ; 8vo. 6d. variety. 8056 — with arms, 4to. Is. 8057 — ditto, with border, royal 4to. Is. 6d. - Vertue 8058 — sitting, fol. 2s. 6d. Vertue. •— fol. Is. Gunst 8050 — copy of the very rare print by Hogenberg, 4to. Is. 8060 Parker", Sir Peter, naval officer, "8vo. 6d. Jones 8061 Parker, Richard, delegate from the fleet at the Nore, exe- cuted 1797, bur. Whitechapel. Profile from life, Svo. Is. Neagle, del. et sc. 8063 Parker, Hon, Mrs, daughter Thomas Lord Grantham, wife of Mr. P. of Borrington, Devon, whole length very fine, sheet, IO3. 6d. - - Bcynolds — Watsou 8063 Parkes, Samuel, chemist, of Goswell-street, nat. at Stour- bridge. Wore. ; ob. in Mecklenburgh-square, 1825 ; Svo. 6d, Proof, Is. %'MV^^~-} S0C4 Parkhurst, John, lexicographer, of Catesby, Northampton, ■ . , , educated Rugby and Clare-hall, Cambr. ; ob. at Epsom, ^^■i- 1797; 8vo. Isl 8065 Parkinson, John, herbalist, nat, London, 1567. Copy of print by Marshall, 8vo. Is. — wood-cut, 4to. 2s. 6d. 8066 — the orig. in title to Theat. Bot. fol. lOs. ^ Marshall 8067 Parkyns, Sir T. of Bunny, whole length, in chair, 4to. Is. 8068 Parnell, Thomas, D.D. and poet, nat. Dublin, 1679 ; arch- deacon Clogher ; estates co. Cheshire, and ob, at Chester, 1717 ; 8vo. 6d, 8069 — from orig, picture of Sir J. P.'s Svo. Is, C/i«f— Bromley 8070 — ditto, French paper proof, 4to. Is. 6d, Ibid. — Ibid. 8071 — ditto, fine India paper proof, royal 4to. 2s. Ibid. — Ibid. 8072 Parr, Old, Thomas, of co, Salop, bb. 1635, set, 152, Svo. 6d. various, 8073 — with French inscription, 4to, 2s, — 4to, Is. V, Dalen g074 — 3-cp-s.. leaning on a stick, 4to, Is. - Caulfield 8075 Parr, Young, his son, 4to. mcz. Is. - G, White 8076 Parr, Miss Anne, fol. 3s. - Romicy— Dean KVANs'b CATALOGUE OK PORTRAITS 263 8077 Parr, Catliciinc, wife of Henry VIII. of Kendal, married 1. to Edward Borouu;h ; 2. Lord Latimer ; 3. at Hampton- court to Henry VIII. ; 4. Thos. Seymour, Baron Sudley ; res. Chelsea, Hanvvorth, &c. ; ob. at Sudley castle, Glouc. 1548, where her remains were found, 1782 ; 8vo. 6d. var. 8078 — in large ruff, fol. Is. Vermeulen. — ditto, 4to. Is. 8071) — from a miniature by Holbein, at Strawberry-hill, 4to. Is. Sherlock 8080 — from the same, 4to. Is. - - Cooper 8081 Parr, Samuel, nat. Harrow, 1747 ; of Eman. coll. ; school- master at Colchester and Norwich ; held living of Asterby, Lincoln ; rector Wadenhoe, Northampton ; had living of Graffam, Hunts ; curate of Hatton, Warwick j preb. St, Paul's ; ob. 1825 ; variety, 8vo. 6d. each. 8082 — hand on table, la. fol. 3s. Proof, 5s. Artatid — Say 8083 — 3-qrs. sitting, fol. 3s. Proof, 5s. Halls — C. Turner 8084 — fol. 3s. Opie — Facius. — bust, 4to. 2s. JFyatt 8085 Parrock, Miss, actress, as Evelina, Svo. 6d. Proof Is. 8086 Parry, Edward, Bishop of Kiilaloe, ob. 1650, 4to. rare, 15s. - - - - Dickson 8087 Parry, John, ^\.o.finc proof 2s. - JVivcll — Hicks 8088 Parry, Thomas, of Tretowr, Wales, master court of wards j res. Hampstead Marshall, Berks 5 ob. 1559 ; bur. West- minster-abbey ; 4to. 2s. - Holbein — Dalton 8089 — finely tinted, from the same, fol. 83. Bartolozzi 8090 Parry, SV. E. Captain of the Polar Expedition, nat. at Batii, 1790, Svo. 6d. Proof Is. 8091 — with vignette of ships in ice, India proof 4to. Is. Heath 8092 Parry, M. pupil to Sir J. Reynolds, 4to. Is. Edwards 8093 Parson, Madam, 3-(p-s. sitting, fol. sc. 10s. Verkolje, 1683 8094 Parsons, Hunn)h. lord-mayor, 1737, fol. 3s. Ellys — Faber 8095 Parsons, Robert, Jesuit, nat. Nether Stowey, Som. 1546} dean of Balliol coll. Oxford ; commissary in Kent, and prefect of the English mission ; ob. Rome, 1610. From a scarce print, 8vo. Is. 8096 — ditto, with the original print by Valder, the two, 15g. 8097 Parsons, Dr. whole length, coloured, 4to. Is. Dighton 8098 Parsons, Edward, minister of Leeds, 4to. 2s. Singleton 8099 — fol. 23. Ditto, coloured, 3s. Northcote — Lupton 8100 Parsons, Walter, porter to Charles I. with Hudson, the dwarf. From bas-relief in Newgate-street, Svo. 6d. 8102 Parsons, Sir ^Vm. 1644. In armour, 4to. mez. 2s. 6d, Paul 8103 Parsons, Col. Wm. 4to. Is. 6d. GribcUn, invent, et sc. 8104 Parsons, Sir Wm. Mus. D. Oxford, and justice of the peace, educated Westminster, ob. 1821, various, Svo. Od. 6105 — from an original picture, 4to. Is. - Wilkin 8106 Parsons, Wm. celebrated comedian, nat. Bow-lane, 1736 j educated Paul's school ; ob. Lambeth, 1795 3 bur. at Lee, Kent ; variety, 8vo. 6d. Proofs, Is. 8107 — profile, 4to! Is. - - Haytcr—\\i\^\xt 264 Evans's catalogue of portraits. Parsons, William, contmiicd : 8108 — in characters of Col. Oldboy, Dumps, Shallow, Alscrip, Perriwinkle, Obadiah, &c. 8vo. 6d. Proof, Is. 8109 — with Biansby and Watkins, in Lethe, sheet, 5s, Zoffany 8110 — w. 1. as Foresight, 4to. Is. De TVilde, del. et sc. 8111 Parsons, W. nat. London, 1717 ; educ. Eton, and Pepper Harrow j exec, forgery, 1756. W. 1. 8vo. 6d. 4to. pr. Is. 6113 Partington, Miles, surgeon, 4to. Is. 6d. Dance — Daniell s ; 8113 Partridge, John, astrologer, ob, 1715, 8vo. Is. R. White /ifc^'V'^y 8114 Partridge, Nath, minister St. Alban's, ob. 1684, 8vo. 6d. 8115 Pasley, John, p. p. fol. proof, 5s. Abbott — Gisborne 8116 Pasley, Dame Rachel, of Wentworth farm, nat. Heighten, 1660, ob. 1755. From a rare print, 8vo. Is. Atkinson 8117 Pasley, Sir Thomas, Bart, admiral, nat. Craig, Scotland, 1734, ob. 1808, 8vo. 6d. — fol. 3s. Beechey~'\o\yxA&^ 8118 — in his uniform, fol. 3s, - Abbott — Smith 8119 Pasor, Matthias, of Oxford univ. 1627. In Freherus, Is. 8120 Pass, Magdalen, celebrated engraver, 8vo. 6d. 4to. Is. 8121 Pasta, Signora, present eminent singer, 8vo. 6d. Thompson 8122 Paston, Lady, wife of Sir Wm. P. Copy of an extremely rare print by Faithorne, 8vo. Is. 8123 Patch, Richard, assass. Mr. Bligh, Rotherhithe, 8vo, 6d. 8124 Paterson, Henry, fool to Sir J. More. From the family picture, 8vo. 6d, 8125 Paterson, John, citizen London, ob. 1788, fol. 5s. Watson 8126 Patin, Charles, M.D. vis. England, ob. 1693, 8vo. Is. 8127 Patrick, Simon, nat. Gainsborough, 1626} master Queen's coll. Camb. ; living of Battersea ; rector Paul's, Covent Garden ; preb. Westminster ; dean of Peterborough ; bp, «^.Y^v*jv.^' * Chichester and Ely ; ob. J 707 ,- 8vo. 6d, ^^''. "■ ' 8128 — 4to. 2s. 6d. Kneller — Vertue. — 4to. proof, 2s. Cooper 8129 — large {oX.fine and rare, 10s. 6d. JVh'ite, ad vivum, et sc. 8130 Patrick, Rev. George, ob. 1800, 8vo, Is. i2w*se//— CoUyer 8131 Pattison, W. poet, nat. Peasmarsh, Sussex, 1706 ; educ, Appleby j of Sidney Sussex coll. Camb. ; ob. in poverty ; bur. Clement Danes ; 8vo. 6d. 4to. proof. Is. Grave 8132 Paul IV. Pope, nuncio Engl. ob. 1559, set. 83, 8vo. 6d. 8133 Paul, Rachel, daughter Sir C. Clitherow, marr. William P„ Bishop of Oxford, ob. 1691, set. 74, 8vo. Is Gulston 8134 Paul, Wm. nat. Ashby, Leic. 1678 3 educated Rugby, and John's coll. Camb. ; curate Tamworth, Staff, ; Non-Eaton, Warw. ; min, to rebels at Preston j executed at Tyburn, 17J6 ; 8vo. 6d. 4to. proof. Is. . . Grave 8135 Paull, James, candidate for Westminster, 8vo. 6d. 8136 Pautre, Jean le, celebr. ornamental draughtsman, 4to. Is. 8137 Pauw, Adrian, vis. England, 1628, 8vo. Is. 8138 Pauw, Regnier, Dutch minister in England, 8vo. Is. §139 Payne, Anthony, from a picture by Sir Godfrey Kneller, at request of Earl of Bath, whole length, with a halbert, standing by a cannon, 4to. private plate, 2s. Gilbert Evans's catalogue of portraits. 265 8140 Payne, John Howard, lit. and actor, 8vo. QA.'^-Proof, Is. 8141 Peiike, Sir Robert, picture and printseiler, Holborn-bridge, Faithorne's master ; in arms for Charles J. ; commanded at Basinti -house ; knighted at Oxford ; ob. 1667 ; buried at Sepulchre's, London, to which parish he was a great bene- factor. From an original drawing of Mr. Bull's, with fac- simile of his hand w riting, from a curious document, 4to. Is. - - - ■ Harding 8142 Pearce, Samuel, minister of Birmingham, 8vo. Is. Orme 8143 Pearce, Zachary, nat. London, 1690; educated Westminst. j8 — ditto, very accurate copy, Svo. 6d. Richardsoa EVANS S CATALOGUE OF PORTRAITS. 267 Pembroke, Philip, Earl, continued : — 8189 — with his family, viz. Robert Earl of Carnarvon and his Countess ; Charles Lord Herbert, and Lady H. ; Philip Lord Herbert ; W. Herbert ; James H. ; John H. ; and his Countess ; whole lengths. From the celebrated ]>icture at Wilton, sheet, 7s. - Famhj lie— J^m-ow 8190 Pembroke, Philip IL Earl, his successor, ob. young, 8vo. Is. 8191 — when Count Pembroke, 3-qrs. fol.Ss. IfAd. — Lombart 8193 Pembroke, Penelope Naughton, Countess, 1653. AVhcn Lady Herbert, fol. 3s. - - Ibid. Ibid. 8193 Pembroke, Thomas Herbert, Earl, statesman and collector, am[)assador to Holland ; K.G, ; lord high admiral ; lieut. Ireland; lieut. co. "Wilts, Monmouth, and South Wales; presideut of Council to Queen Anne ; ob. 1733 ; fol. 3s. JVissing — Smith 6194 — whole length, sitting, examining his medals. Print from Dibdin's Decameron, 8vo. Is. - Svvaine 8195 Pembroke, Margaret Sawyer, his Countess, of High Clere, Hants ; ob. AVarrington, Devon, 1706; 4to. Is. Harding 8196 Pembroke, Henry Herbert, Earl, his successor, ob. 1750, 4to. Is. - - - Bretherton 8197 Pembroke, Henry Herbert, Earl, his successor, nat. 1734 ; lieut. CO. Wilts ; 3-([rs. large fol. 5s. Reynolds — Watson 8198 Pembroke, Elizabeth Spencer, Countess, 1756, with her son. Gen. Lord Herbert, io\.fine, 5s. Ibid. — Dixon 8199 Pembroke, Countess, with sister, when Misses Woronzof, 4to. 3s. - - Cosway — Caroline Watson 8200 Pendrill, William, of Boscobel. In a tree, 22 verses. Fine copy of an extremely rare print, 1651, fol. 3s. 6d. Claussiu 8201 — iiead only, a;t. 81, copied from tlie above, 8vo. 6d. 8203 Pendrill, Kichard, his brother, ob. 1761 ; bur. at Giles's in the Fields ; fol. 3s. . Zoiist — Houston 8203 Pengelly, Sir Thomas, nat. son R. Cromwell, M.P. Cocker- mouth ; chief baron of Exchequer ; seized with fever at Taunton assizes, of which he died at Clandford, Dorset, 1730 ; fol. 3s. - - fForsdale—Y.xhQr 8204 Penkethman, AA'm. actor, as Don Lewis, 3-qrs. from draw- ing by Vertue, 4to. Is. - - Harding 8205 Penn, \Vm. nat. Bristol, 1621 ; admiral of England and Ire- land 5 captured Jamaica ; M.P. W^eymouth ; governor of Kinsale ; ob. Wanstead, 1670. In armour, 4to. Is. Girtin 8206 Penn, Wm. his son, founder of Pennsylvania, nat. Tower- hill, 1644; educated Chigwell ; of Christ Church, Oxf. j of Lincoln's-inn ; com. to prison, Ireland ; confined in ■^I'ower ; tried at Old Bailey ; had a station at Claverham, Som. ; ob. at Ruscomb, Bucks, 1718, a;t. 74. From bust by Bevan, fol. 2s. - - Hall 8207 — profile, 8vo. 6d. — w. 1. from West's picture, 8vo. 6d. 8308 — in print of Quakers' meeting, with other portraits, sheet, 3s. • . Hamkirk — Bowles 368 BVANs's CATAtOGUB OF PORTRAITS. 8309 Penn, John, with view of Stoke, whole length, sheet, 5s. 8310 — from bust by Deare, 6vo. Is. Fine pr. 3s. Schiavonetti 8311 Penn, right hon. Lady Juliana Fernior, daughter Earl Pom- fret, wile of Thomas P. 1751, half length, private plate, proof, 10s. 6d. - . Bead— Franker 6312 Penn, Thomas, her husband, of Pennsylvania, fol. private pi., vert/ scarce, lOs. 6d. Do. proof, 15s. Davis — Martin 8213 Pennant, Thomas, eminent topographer and naturalist, nat. Downing, Wales, 1726 ; educated Fulham, and Oriel coll. Oxford ; ob. 1798 ; various, 8vo. 6d. 6214 — 4to. Is. Reading. — from Gainsborough, 4to. Is. 8215 — front, to his Literary Life, 4to. 3s. - Sherwin 8216 Pennicott, Rev. Wm. fol. p. p. 5s. Lawrence — Reynolds 8217 Pennington, Isaac, lord-mayor, lieut. Tower, and ob. there. Copy of rare cut, 8vo. 6d. Ha >vwL. ^^^^ Pennington, Sir John, jrovernor Sandown castle : lord-hidi ' ^^"^^ admiral ; ob. 1646 ; 8vo. 6d. 8219 ■ — oval, in armour, ships at sea. Copy of the rare print by Van Dalen, 4to. Is. 6220 Penrose, Richard, viper-catcher of Yorkshire, set. 94, large fol. 5s. . . . S. Hewson — Jones 8221 Penrose, Rev. Thomas, poet, nat. Newbury, 1743 ; rector Beckington, co. Som. ; ob. at Bristol, 1779. From origi- nal drawing belonging to the Rev. Dr. Penrose, 8vo. Is. Farrer — Bromley 8222 — ditto, French paper proof, 4to. Is. 6d. /<5irf.— Ibid. 8223 — d\ito, fine India paper proof , royal 4to. 2s. Ibid. — Il)id. 8224 Penruddock, John, col. for Charles L of Compton, Wilts, beheaded, 1655 ; 8vo. 6d. 8225 — in Set of Loyalists, 8vo. Is. . Vertue 8226 — ditto, in Clarendon, 8vo. Is. 8227 Penryn, Lord, whole length, with dog, private plate, 4to. 10s. 6d. . . . Heath 6228 Pentreath, Dorothy, of Mousehole, co. Cornwall, oval, sur- rounded with fish, &c. 8vo. 6d. 8229 Pepusch, John Christ. Mus. D. of Oxford ; res. Boswell- court 5 organist Charter-house ; ob. 1752, set. 85 ; 8vo. 6d. 8230 — 4to. Is. Grignion. — io\. fine, 5s. Hudson — Haecken 8331 Pepys, Sir Lucas, nat. Ridley, Cheshire, 1743 ; educated at Eton and Christ-church, Oxford ; physician to George III. and Middlesex hospital, and pres. of Coll. of Phys. ; res. Juniper-hall, Surrey J ob. 1830j 4to. 3s. Pa 5s. Godby 6333 Perceval, Hon. Spencer, nat. Audley-squarc, 1762 ; educ. Harrow and Trinity coll. Camb. ; prime minister ; assas- sinated, 1812 ; various, 8vo. 6d. 8233 — holding Regency V>\\\,fine, la. fol. 5s. Beechey—%VG\\.Qn. 8234 — h. 1. holding paper, large fol. 5s. Joseph — Turner 8235 — with autogr. 8vo, is. India proof 2s, Beechey — Picart 8236 Percy, Henry, Lord, of Alnwick, governor Guernsey ; gen. of Ordnance to Charles I. ; ob. Paris, 1652 ; 4to. Is. Evans's CATAtoouE of portbaits. 369 8237 Percy, Lady Lucy, daughter Earl Northumberland, marr. ^ Sir Edward Stanley of Tonge, Salop, and Eynsham, Oxf. ; )yM/^ mother of Lady Digby ; ob. circ. James L ; bur. Waltham- stow. From a miniature by Isaac Oliver, at Strawberry- hill, 8vo. Is. - - - Birrell 8238 Percy, Thomas, conspirator in ' Gunpowder Plot,' slain at Hoi beach. Staff. 1605. Copy of print by Pass, 8vo. Is. 8239 Percy, Thomas, nat. Bridgnorth, 1729 ; of Christ church, V .^ Oxford ; vicar Easton Mauduit ; rector Welbye, North- "^"/'^ ampton ; dean of Carlisle ; bishop of Dromore, and ob. there, 1811 ; 8vo. 6d 8240 — 4to. Is. India proof, 2s. Reynolds — Reading 8241 — holdingabook, 4to. Is. - Abbott — Ogborne 8242 Percy, Rev. W. 1794, fol. 3s. Bcechey~Y>QiikMion. 8243 Perfect, W. M.D. grand master for Kent, 8vo. Is. Leney 8244 Perkins, Richard, from picture in Dulwich college, 4to. Is. 6245 Perkins, Wm. nat. Marton, Warwick, 1558 ; of CIn-ist's coll. Camb. and preacher at St. Andrew's church there ; ob. 1602 ; Bvo. 6d 8340 — from Boissard, 8vo. 2s. — 4to. 3s. Elstracke 8247 Perreau, Robert, executed for forgery, 1775, 8vo. 6d. 8248 Perronet, Viucent, vicar of Shoreham, Sussex, 4to. 2s. Spilsburi/, p. et sc. 1787 8349 Perrott, Sir John, deputy of Ireland, ob. in Tower, 1592, 8vo. 6d. - - ' Ricliardson 8250 ■ — with Lady Packington, supposed author of ' Duty of Man,' fine, 4to. 3s. - - - V. Green 8251 Perrottj Sir Richard, fol. 3s. V. Green, ad vivum, 1770 8352 Perrott, Lady Leigh, 1800, 8vo. Is. 8253 Perry, Cora. Oliver H. of United States, India proof, folio, 5s. - - - Jnrvis — Meyer 8254 Perry, James, editor of Morning Chronicle, nat. Aberdeen, 1786, ob. 1821 ; 8vo.6d. Proof Is. 8255 Perry, Wm. traveller, 8vo. 6d. Bcrgnis — Birrell 8256 Perryn, Sir Ricliard, Baron of Exchequer, and vice chamb. Chester, large fol. p. p. 10s. 6d. Gainsborough — Dupont 8257 Persian Ambassador, 1819, coloured, in costume, 8vo. 6d. 8258 Persian, the fair Circassian, his companion, whole length, coloured, in costume, 8vo. 6d. 8259 Perwich, Susannah, of Hackney, musician, 1661. Copy of print prefixed to her Life, 8 verses, 8vo. 6d. 8260 Peter the Great, of Russia, res. at Sayes-court, Deptford, ob. 1725, 8vo. 6d. 8261 Peter, Charles, surgeon of St. Martin's-lane, 1705, 4to. 2s. Nutting 8262 Peter, the wild boy, found near Hanover, res. Berkhamp- stead, ob. 1785, supposed set. 86, various, 8vo. 6d. 8263 — ditto, 4to. Is. - Alefounder — Bartolozzi 8264 — ditto, fol. 3s. - - Falconer — Green 8265 — in sleeping and sitting positions, 8vo. 6d. 4to. pr. Is. 270 Evans's gatalogue of portraits. 8266 Peterborough, Charles Mordaunt, Earl, and of Monmouth ; distinguished commander J nat. 1658 ; K.G. j ob, Lisbon, 1735 ; various, 8vo. 6d. 8267 — large sheet, fine, 5s. - Knellcr — Gucht 8268 — in Birch, fol. 2s. Ditto, large paper, 3s. lb. — Houbraken 8269 — from Lod^e, India proof lejbre letters, 4to. 4s. />ffA/ — F*ry 8270 Peterborough and Monmoutli, Carey Frasier, his Countess, ob. 1709, 3-qrs. fol. 3s. - Knel/er—Fnbe.r 8271 — w. 1. standing by statue of Minerva, fol, 4s. Ibid.— lb\d. 8272 Peterborough, A, llobiiison, 2ud Countess, nat. co. Leic. ; res. Fulham, and Mount Bevis, Hants ; ob. 1750 ; 8vo. 6d. 8273 — when Miss R. playing, fol. 3s. Vanderbanc — Faber 8274 Peters, Hugh, nat. Fowey, Cornwall ; of Trinity college, Camb. ; lecturer Sepulchre's, London ; minister of English church at Rotterdam ; preacher in America 3 executed 1660 ; various, 8vo. 6d. 8275 — front, to his Last Legacy, 10 verses, rare, 2s. 6d. 8276 — in pulpit, turning an hour-glass, 8io. Is. 8277 — windmill on his head, devil whispering, 8vo. Is. 8278 — ' veri effigies,' set. 57, 8vo. Is. - Cole 8279 Petersham, Lord, on horseback, 4to. Is. Dighton 8280 Pether, Miss, afterwards Mrs. Dashwood, 4to. Is. 8281 Petit, John Louis, surgeon, F.R.S. 1729, 8\-o. Is. Balechou 8282 Petitot, celebrated enameller in England, ob. 1691, aet. 84. Oval, with Tobie Matthews, and Torrentius, 4to. Is. 62S3 Petre, Edward, or Father Peters, Jesuit, confessor to James n. privy counsellor 1687. From a print by R. de Hooghe, 4to. Is. India proof, 2s. 8284 Petre, Robert Edward, Lord, ob. 1809, 8vo. 6d. g285 — with plan of Thorndon, Essex, sh. 5s. Romney — Freschi 8286 Pettus, Sir John, of Suffolk, mineralogist, ob. 1698, folio, 3s. - - - - White 8287 Petty, George, 3-qrs. fol. 2s. Murray — Williams 8288 Petty, Sir Wm. nat. Runisey, Hauts, 1623 5 anatomy pro- fessor Oxford, and M.D. there ; music professor Gresham coll.; M.P. West Looe ; surveyor general of Ireland ; ob. Piccadilly, 1687 ; fol. 5s. - Closterman — Smith 8289 Petyt, Sylvester, principal of Barnard's-inn, folio, 3s. R. JVKite—G. White 8290 Philaras, Leonard, learned Greek, visited his friend Milton on his blindness, 4to. Is. 8291 Philip H. of Spain, husband of Queen Mary of England, variety, 8vo. 6d. each. 8292 — from Titian, 8vo. Is. — ditto, 4to, Is. Vaughan 8293 — from Duke of Devonshire's picture, fol. Is. 6d. Vertue 8294 — from ditto, fol. Is. Gunst. — w. 1. 4to. Is. Sichem 8295 — profile, with ornaments, 4to. rare, 5s. Nich. Nelli, 1567 8296 Philip the Good, of Burgundy, K.G. 4to. Is. 8297 ■ — w. 1. as Count of Flanders, arms, &c. 4to. 2s. 8398 Philip, A. governor New South Wales, 8vo. 6d. 4to, Is. Evans's catalogub of portraits. 271 8299 Pliilips, Catlicrine, poetess, nat. London, 1G31 ; educated Hackney 5 of Cardigan; ob. 16G4; bust, 8vo. Is. 8300 — front, to her poems, a bust, 4to. 3s. Lely — Faitliorne 8301 — from orig. picture at Knole, 8vo. ls» Thurston — Finden 8302 — ditto, Fmich paper proof, 4to. Is. 6d. Ihid.— Void. 8303 — ditto, fine India paper proof, I'oval 4to. 2s. Ibid. — Ibid. 8304 Philips, Fabian, nat. Prestbury, Glouc. IGOl ; of iMiddle Temple, commissioner for regulating the law, and filazcr for London, Middlesex, Cambridge, and Hunts ; ob. 1690 ; bur. Twyford, Midd. From a miniature, 8vo. Is. Harding 8805 Philips, .lean, ' Chef du nom dans I'Escoss, et gonverneur de risle de Saint Martin,' folio, fine and scarce, 5s. Endlinch, ad v'lvxim, del. et so. 8306 Philip, an Armenian, who discovered the method of making Turkey leather, 4to. Is. 8307 Philips, John, of Thorner, Yorkshire, ob. 1742, aet. 118, fol. 4s. Mercier— Faber 8308 Philips, Sir John, bart. ob. 1764, 8vo. 6d. 8309 — fol. 3s. - - Hudson— V^htr 8310 Philippa, Queen of Edward HL from her tomb, 4to. Is. 8311 Philipps, Mr. popular singer, 8vo. 6d. various. 8312 — holding a music score, 4to. Is. 8313 Phillips, Ambrose, poet, of John's coll. Cambr. ; ^LP. for Armagh ; ob. London, 1749 ; 8vo. 6d. AshUm — Cook 8314 Phillips, John, poet, author of Splendid Shilling, &c. nat. Bampton, Oxford, 1670 ; educated at AVinchester and Christ church, Oxford ; ob. Hereford, 1708 ; 8vo. 6d. 8315 — from an original picture of Earl Harcourt's, 8vo. Is. Thurston— y««ce— Daniell 8339 Pierce, Edward sen. painter, with his son, statuary. The latter cut the statues of Gresham and Edward III. Royal Exchange. On one plate, 4to. Is. 8340 Pierce, Richard, Captain of Halsevvell, Svo. Is. Goldar 8341 — profile, 4to. Is. - - - Cruikshank 8342 Pierce, Samuel Eyles, minister of Shoe-lane and Brixton chapels, ob. at Clapham, 1829, 8vo. 6d, 8343 Piercy, Rev. Wm. of Woolw ich, Svo. 6d. 8344 Pierrepoint, Lady Mary, 1710, Svo. 6d. 8345 Pierson, Saml. Esq. of York, Svo. 6d. Proof, Is. Barlow 8346 Piggott, Revd. John, of Loseby, Lincoln, ob. 1713, Svo. Is. . ' - ' - R. White 8347 — with his letter to his flock at Wild-street church, sheet, 2s. 6d. _ _ . - Vertue 8348 Pigot, George, Lord, of Pattishull, Staff, governor of India, ob. 1777, fol. 3s. - . - Scawen 6349 Pike, Samuel, nat. Ramsay, Wilts, 1717} educated Step- ney ; minister at Heidey on Thames, and Pinner's-hall j ob. Trowbridge, 1773 ; Svo. 6d. 8350 Pilfold, James, 50 years messenger to Auditors' office. Ex- chequer, fol. 3s. Proof y 5s. JValton, set. 80 — Turner 8351 Pilkington, Sir Thomas, lord mayor, fined 100,000/. for libel on Duke of York, ob. 1691, Svo. 6d. 8352 — from original picture, 4to. Is. 8353 ■ — froof. Is. 6d. - - Dunkarton 8354 Pilkington, Mrs. Letitia, literat. nat. Dublin, 1713 j con- fined in Marshalsea ; printseller St. James's-street ; ob. 1750 ; 4to. mez. 2s. 6d. - - Anon. 6355 Pinchbeck, Christopher, mechanist, fol. 2s. JVhood — Faber 8356 Pinchbeck, Christopher, jun. toyman, Cockspur-street, ob. 1783, fol. 3s. - Cunningham — Humphrey 8357 Pindar, Sir Paul, ambassador to Turkey, ob. 1650, set. 84. With his brother, ovals, from pictures painted at Constan- tinople, 1613, 4to. Is. 6d. - - Stow 8355 — alone, Svo. Is. 8359 Pine, John, painter and engraver. Blue Mantle, published ta- pestry of House of Lords, &c. ob. Heralds' College, 1756 j 4to. Is. Hogarth, in imitation of Rembrandt. g360 — fol. 3s. Do. hr'illlant, before the address, 5s. lb. — Ardell 8361 Pine, Miss Charlotte, fol. proof, 3s. Pine — Dickinson 8362 Pinkerton, John, literat. nat. Edinburgh, 1758 ; Svo. 6d. 8363 Piozzi, Mrs. Hesther Lynch Thrale, daughter J. Salusbury, CO. Flint J nat. 1739 ; of Streatham, Surrey ; inarr. 2. Sign. P. at Bath, and res. there ; ob. 1821 ; var. Svo. 6d. 8364 — 4to. Is. 6d. - - i>a«c Svo. 6d. 8413 — 3-qrs. with truncheon, fol. 3s. Hudson — M'Ardell 8414 Pocock, Nicholas, marine painter, ob. 1821, India proof, 4to. 2s. . - /. Pocock — Scriven 8415 Pocock, Edward, Hebrew professor and traveller, nat. at Oxford, 1604 5 chaplain at Aleppo ; minister Childrey, Berks ; canon Christ Church ; ob. 1691 ; fol. 7s. Cave 8416 Poines, J, temp. Henry VIII. fol. Is. 6d. Holbein— D&Mon 8417 • — finely tinted, from Royal Collection, fol. 3s. Bartolozzi 8418 Polack, Isaac, Jewish reader, 1770, fol. 3s. Bolton 8419 Pole, Sir Charles Maurice, Bart, admiral, nat. Stoke Dama- rel, 1757 ; of Wolverton, Hants ; M.P. Newark, Notts, and Plymouth ; ob. at Aldenham, Herts, 1830 3 Svo. 6d. Proof, Is. 8420 Polmerus, Albert, visited England, 1519. In Freherus, Is. 8431 Polmerus, Hector, visited England, 1634. In ditto. Is. 8423 Polmerus, John Jacob, vis. England, 1638. In ditto. Is. 8433 Polantius, Vitus, visited England, 1559. In ditto. Is. 8434 Pole, Honble. Wellesley fnc proof before any letters, fol. 5s. - - J Meyer Evans's catalogue of portraits. 275 8425 Pole, Reginald, cardinal, nat. Stourton, Stafiord, 1500 5 educated Sheen, and Magdalen coll. Oxford ; preb. Ros- combe, Salisbury ; dean of Winbourne and Exeter 5 arch- bishop Canterbury j chancellor Oxf. and Camb. univ.'s. ; pope's lejfate in England ; oh, 1558; variety, Svo. 6d. 8426 — fol. Ss/R. White. — 4to. 2s. Raphael— Mnjov 8427 — fol. Is. Gunst. — 4to. scarce, 5s. Neenfs 8428 — in Lodge, 4to. 2s. India proof, Ss. Titian— YioW 8429 — from picture at Lambeth, 4to. Is. 8430 — in Heroologia, 4to. 3s. - ~ S. Pass 8431 Polemburg, Cornelius, painter inEngland, 4to. Is. Chauibars 8433 Pollexfen, Sir Henry, of Mitwell, Devon; chief justice of Common Pleas; M.P. Exeter; ob. 10S9. From print of the Bishops' Counsel, Svo. Is. 4to. proof, 2s. Berry 8433 Polwhele, Rev. Richard, literat. of co. Cornwall, and histo- ' rian of Devon, &c. Svo. 6d. 8434 Polyander, John, visited England, 1619, ob. 1648, set. 78, 4to. Is, 8435 Pomfret, Henrietta Louisa, Countess, Svo. Is. C. "Watson. 8436 Pomfret Rev. Samuel, nonconformist, of Gravel-lane, ob. 1722, Svo. Is. — fol. 23. 8437 Ponder, Stephen, of Strand, and treasurer of Highbury So- ciety ; ob. 1816 ; 4to. private plate, 3s. Uwlns — Meyer 8438 Ponsonby, Right Hon, George, nat. 1755; educ. Dubl.and Camb. univ. ; of Temple; M.P. Wicklow, andTavistock, Devon; chanc. Irel. ; 4to. Ss. Proof, 5s. Pope — Godby 8439 Poole, Matthew, author of Synopsis Criticorum, nat. York, 1624 ; minister Michael le Querne, London ; ejected ; ob. « Holland, 1679 ; 4to. Is. Hop wood. — fol. 23. R. White 8440 Poole, Robert, med. 1743 ; Svo. 2s. - Faber 8441 Pope, Alexander, the poet, nat. Lombard-street, 1688 ; educated Twyford ; res. Binfield, Berks, Home Lacy and Ross, Hereford, and Prior-park, Somerset ; ob. at Twickenham, 1744; variety, Svo. 6d. Proof, Is. 8442 — from original picture at Stow, Svo. Is. Hudson — Warren 8443 — ditto, French paper proof , 4to. Is. 6d. Ibid. — Rjid. 8444 — ditto, fine India paper jrroof royal 4to. 23. Jhld. — Ibid. [At the sale of Charles Warren's prints, a single proof impres- sion of this beautiful plate produced 25s.] 8445 — when young, set. 24, Svo. Is. KncUcr — CoUyer 8446 — 3 heads of, on one plate, etching, Svo. Is. Richardson 8447 — Svo. Is, Kncller — Cardon. — Svo. Is. Vertue 8448 — fol. 2s. 6d. IMd.—G. White. — fol. 3s. Dahl—f>,\mo\\ 8449 — from picture at Stow, 4to. Is. Kncller — Alais 8450 — leaning on hdindi, fine proof , 4to. 2s. Ibid. — Heath 8451 — whole length, seated in a chair, fine India jjroof, 4to, 5s. - - - Jervas — Robinson 8452 — w. 1. with figures, satirical, very scarce, 4to. 5s. 8453 — fol. 2s. - - Kncller— nowhvnVcn 8454 — fol. fine, 5s. - - . I hid. — Stow t2 .)v 276 EVANs'y CATALOGUK OF PORTRAITS. S455 Pope, Sir T. founder of Trinity college, nat. Dedington, / ' Oxford, 1508 J educated Eton; of Gray's-inn ; warden of Mint ; treasurer court of augmentations ; master of wards this side Trent; privy couns. to Henry VIII. and Mary; preserved St. Alban's ; estates co. Gloucester, Warwick, Derby, Bedford, Hereford, and Kent; res. Hat- field, Herts ; of Blounts'-hill, Stafford ; ob. Clerkenwell, 1559; bur. AValbrook ; 8vo. 6d. 8456 — in Set of Founders, 4to. Is. 6d. 8457 Pope, Alexander, actor and artist, nat. Cork, various, 8vo, 6d. each. Proof, Is. 8458 — with Mrs. Powell, in Winter's Tale, 8vo. Is. Neagle 8459 Pope, Eliz. [formerly Younge], his 1st wife, ob. 1797; bur. Westminstci- abbev ; various, 8vo. 6d. Proof, Is. S4C0 — as Zara. whole length', 4to. Is. 6d. Dc /ri/(/e— Saillier 8401 — as Juliet, fol. 3s. - - Shee—W&nl 8463 Pope, Mrs. mother of the poet, dau. Wm. Turner Esq. of \x York, ob. Twickenhaui, 1733. From a drawing by J. li'ichurdson, sen. at Strawberry-hill, 4to. Is. Carter [The inscription on tlie plate is incorrect : Cooper the painter, married her sister.] 8463 Pope, Sir Wm. Bart. nat. Wroxton, 1573 ; baron Belltierot, and Earl of Downe, Ireland ; K.B, ; ob. 1621 ; 8vo. Is. Janscn — Godefroy 8464 Pope, Miss, actress, ob. 1818, variety, 8vo. 6d. Proof Is. 8405 Popham, Col. Edward, ob. 1651, 4to. ]s. 8466 Popliam, Sir Home Riggs, nat. Gibraltar, 1763; ob. Chel- tenham, 1820 ; 8vo. 6d. various. Proof Is. 8467 Popham, Sir John, chief justice K. B. nat. at Huntwor^, Som. 1631 ; of Balliol coll. Oxford ; of Middle Temple ; ob. Wellington, 1607 ; 8vo. Is. 4to. proof 2s. 8468 Popplewell, Brother, * choice spirit,' singer at Bagnigge- Wells, &c. and founder of many Jovial Societies, 8vo. Is. 8469 Pordage, John, Behmenist, physician and enthusiast, rector Bradfield, Berks. Copy from Faithorne, 4to. Is. , 8470 — the original print, ■^to.Jine and scarce, 15^. Faithorne 8471 Poro, James, nat. Genoa, 1686 ; exhibited London, 1714, with an excrescence from his body. 8vo. 6d. 4^0. proof Is. 8473 Porson, Richard, Greek professor Caiub. nniv. ; nat. East Ruston, Norfolk, 1759; educated Eton; librarian Lon- don Institution, and ob. there, 1808 ; 8vo. 6d. 8473 — sitting in professor's chair, la. fol. 5s. Klrhhy — Turner 8474 — reduced copy, with autog. 8vo. Is. India proof, 2s. HoU 8475 Porter, Joseph, of Mortlake, 8 vo. Is. Hogarth — Cook 8476 Porter, Anna Maria, literat. ob. near Bristol, 1832, 8vo. with autograph, Is. India proof 3s. Harloiv — Woolnoth 8477 Porter, Jane, literat. 8vo. 6d. 8478 — as a Lady Canoness, 8vo. with autograph. Is. India proof 3s. - - Harlow — Thomson 8479 — nearly a profile, 8vo. Is, India paper prooj, fol. 3s. Idem Evans's catalogue of portraits. 277 8480 Porter, Sir Robert Ker, artist and lit. 8vo. 6il. Proof, Is. 8481 Porter, Sarah, Queen of the Touters at Tiinbridge-wells, ob. 1762, fol. mez. 2s. f-^^. Sinissen~Vei\\&v &i82 Porteus, Beilby, nat. York, 1731; ofClirist coll. Cambr. ; preb. Peterborough ; rector Hiinton, Kent, and Lambeth ; master St. Cross, Hants; bishop Chester and London ; -• - - ob. Fulliani, 1808 ; 8;'0. 6d. various, ^^^^^^' 8483 — 3.qrs. sitting, large fol. 5s. Ditto, Jine proof, 7s. 6(1. Hoppner — Turner 8484 — copied and reduced by permission, with autograph, 8vo. Is. India proof, 2s. - Ibid. — Meyer 8485 — ditto, Syo. fine, Is. - - Baynes 6486 — ditto, fol. 8s. Proof, 5s. - Broivne — Orme 8487 Portland, Jerome Weston, Earl, ob. 1665, 8vo. Is. 8488 — ditto, 4to. 2>. Gd. - - Fandiike~Y{.o\\s.v 8489 Portland, Frances Stnart, his Countess, 1634, fol. fine and scarce, 5s. - f'andifke — Browne 8490 — inscribed Mary, fol. 3s. - //^if?.— Hollar 8491 Portland, Jane Temjde, Countess, of Sheen, Surrey; marr. 1. Lord Berkeley ; 2. ^V^ B, 1st Karl of P. ; governess to children of George HI.; ob. 1751 ; 4to. Is. Berghe 8493 Portland, Wm. Bentinck, Duke, ob. 1762. Oval, between Duchess of Portland and Lady ^Lary W. Montague, fine / impression, fol. p. p. 10s. 6d. - - Vertue 8493 Portland, Margaret Harley Cavendish, Duchess, the col- lector, daughter Earl of Oxford ; of co. Hereford ; ob. 1785. From an original miniature, oval, with arms, curiosities, 8(c. 4to. Is. - - - Barlow 8494 ■ — when a child, as Lady H. bust, Svo. Is. 4to. 2s. Vertue 8495 Portland, Wm. Cavendish, late Duke, Marquis Titchfield, Viscount Woodstock, and Baron Cirencester; nat. 1738 ; M.P. Weobley ; lieut. Ireland and co. Notts ; chancellor Oxford nniv. ; steward Bristol ; governor Charter-house ; K.G. ; secretary of state ; ob. 1809 ; various, Svo. 6d. 8496 — nearly w. 1. sitting, large fol. 5s. Rei/nolds — Murphy 8497 — ditto, fine proof before any letters, lOs. 6d. Idem 8498 Portlock, Captain, traveller,'4to. Is. - Mazell 8499 Portman, Sir William, K.B. of Brianstone, Dorset; M.P. Taunton; ob. 1664. Copy of rare print, 4to. Is. Harding 6500 Portsmouth, Louisa, Duchess, mistress to Charles II. ob. 1734. From J^elij, 8vo. Is. ,) Scriven 8501 — 3.qrs. with laui'b, fol. 10s. 6d. - Lcly—Y^XcV 8502 — with her son as Cupid, w. l.'s. 4to. 2s, Schenk 8503 Pott, Percival, surgeon, nat. Threadneedle-street, 1713 ; res. Neasden ; oi). 1788 ; bur. Bow-lane ; 8vo. 2s. Heath 8504 Potter, T. M.D. Svo. Is. . . Malpas 8505 Potter, John, nat. Wakefield, 1674 ; archbishop of Canter- bury ; ob. 1747 ; bur. Croydon ; fol. /?«o»^— Dickinson 8542 Preston, W. bp. of Ferns, 1789, fol. 3s. Vroof, 5s. Ibid. 8543 Preston, VVm. printer, and author of 'Illustrations of Ma- sonry,' 8 vo. 6d. Proof , \s. 8544 — masonic jewel at breast, fol. 25. Drummond — Thomson 8545 Prettyman, Mr. of Suffolk, private plate, 8vo. 2s. Cribb 6546 Prev6t, Ant. Franc, vis. England, 1733, 8vo. 2s. Wille ; 8547 Price, Hugh, preb. Rochester, ob. 1574, 4to. 3s. Basire — ' '' 8548 — the original state of the plate, fol. 7s. 6d. Vertue 8549 Price, Rev. John, keeper Bodleian Lib. ob. 1813, 8vo. Is, 8550 Price, John, Greek prof. Pisa, nat. London, 1600 ; educated Westminster, and Christ-church, Oxford ; ob. Rome, 1676. 3-qrs. sitting reading, 4to. scarce, 21s, Danchertz — Hollar 8551 Price, Lady Caroline, wife of Uvedale P. of co, Hereford, 1774, folio, 5s. - - Reynolds — ^Jones 8552 Price, Dr. Richard, celebrated polit. writer and divine, nat. AVales, 1723 ; minister at Newington, Hackney, &c. ; ob. 1791; 6vo, 6d. 8553 — very fine, fol. 3s. - JVest — Holloway 8554 Price, Robert, patriotic lawyer. Baron of Exchequer and Justice of C. P, nat, Wales, 1653 ; of John's coll. and LincOln's-inn ; M.P, Weobley ; alderman Hereford ; re- corder of Radnor; town clerk of Glouc. ; King's counsel at Ludlow ; ob. at Kensington, 1732 ; large fol. 7s. 6d. Kneller — Ver t ue 8555 Price, Thomas, master of the Farthing Pie House, Mary-le- Bone, fol, 2s. - - Lawranson — Jones 8556 Price, Miss, maid of honour to Duchess of York, (v, Grarn- mont), 8vo. 6d, 4to. Is, 8557 Pridcaux, John, nat, Stowford, Devon, 1578 ; rector of Ewelme, Oxford; vice chanc. Oxford univ. ; bishop of Worcester; ob. 1650 ; 8vo. Is. 8558 Pridcaux, Humph, nat, Padstow, Cornwall, 1648 ; educ. at Westm, and Christ-church, Oxf. ; rector Clement's, Oxf. ; archdeacon Sufl'olk ; dean Norwich ; ob. 1724 ; 8vo. 6d, 8559 — fol. 3s. Ditto, very fine, 5?. - Sceman — Vertue 8560 — 8vo. Is. India proof , 4to. 2s. - Fittler 8561 Pric, Madame dc. From miniature at Strawberry-hill, 4to. Is . « - - Taylor ■>3W 260 Evans's catalogue of portraits. 8563 Priestley, Joseph, phil. and lit. nat. Fieldliead, Yorkshire, 1733 ; educated Daventry ; minister Needham, Suff. and Namptwich, Cheshire; tutor at Warrington j librarian to Earl Shelbnrne at Calne, Wilts ; niin. Birmingham ; ob. America, J 804 ; 8vo. 6d. various. 8563 — 8vo. Is. - - Hazlkt—'NxxtieY 8564 — M.fmc, 8s. - - Artaud — Hollovvay 8565 — profile, 4to. Is. India prooj, Is. 6d. - Eaton 8566 — with Lavoisier, on one plate, 4to. 3s. Caldwall 8567 Priestley, Rev. Thomas, 8vo. 6d. 8568 Prince, Rev. John, India proof, fol. 48. Beechey — Skelton 8569 Pringle, Sir Walter, of New-hall, lord of Session, ob. 1736, set. 73, fol. 83. - ' A. Allan— Cooler 8570 Pringle, Admiral, 4to. Is. Orme 8571 Prior, Matthew, poet, nat. Dorset ; educated Westm. ; of John'3 coll. Camb. j ob. Wimple, Cainb. 1731 ; bur. at Westminster abbey ; 8vo. 6d. various. 8573 — fol. 53. .* La Belle, p. at Paris— Vertue 8573 — fr. E. Hardwicke's pict, 8vo. Is. Richardson — Engleheart 8574 — ditto, French paper proof , 4t\,o. Is. 6d. Ibid. — Ibid 8575 — ditto, fine India paper proof, royal 4to. 2s. Ibid. — Ibid. 8576 — whole length, sitting, with fac-simileof his hand-writing, 8vo. Is. - . Ibid. — Romney 8577 — 3-qrs. sitting, fol. 8s. - Richardson — Vertue 8578 Prior, Thomas, of Dublin, friend of Chesterfield. From a medal, 8vo. 6d. Proof, Is. 8579 Pritchard, Hannah, actress, ob. at Bath, 1786, various, 8vo. 6d. each. 8580 — 3-qrs. sitting, holding book, fol. 2s. Hayman — Ardell 858 J — the large plate, as Hermione, fol. 4s. Piwe— Aliamet 8582 Probert, Wm. with Thurtell and Hunt, murderers, 8vo. 6d. 85«3 Probyn, Sir Edmund, of co. Glouc, chief baron of Exche- quer, ob. 1742, fol, 4s. - Faber, ad vivum, fecit 8584 Progers, Edward, groom of bed-chamber to Cliarles II. ob. 1717, «t. 96, 4to. Is. 8585 Proud, Rev. J. of New Jerusalem chapel, 4to. Is. 8586 Prude, Henry, M.D. w. 1. the large plate, sheet, 5s. Faber 8587 Prudhom, Miss, singer, in character of Arbaces, 8vo. 6d. Proof, Is. - - . 'lliornthwaite 8588 Pryce, W. front, to Mineralogy, 4to. 2?. Proof 3s. Basire 8589 Prynne, W. lawyer, nat. Swanswick, Som. 1600 ; of Oriel coll. Oxford, and Lincoln's-inn ; com. to Tower for liis Histriomastix, and pilloried ; publ. News from Ipswich, and pilloried for it at Westm. ; imprisoned in Caernarvon and Jersey ; released by pari. 5 M .P. Newport, Cornw. ; imprisoned by Cromwell atDunster j M.P. Bath ; keeper of records. Tower; ob. Lincoln's inn, 1669 ; 8vo. 6d, 8590 — small oval, with hist, account, 5s. . Hollar 8591 Ptolemy Philadelphus, from a cornelian, 4to, Is. Bartolozzi 8592 Puckle,' James, author of ' The Club," 8vo. Is. 6d. Vertue EVAN&'S CATALOGUE OF PORTRAITS. 281 8593 Pullen, Josiah, vice-principal Magdalcii-liall, 57 years ; nal. 1631 ; minister l*eter's in the East, Oxford ; ob. 1714, From a picture in the BocUeian Gallery, 4to. Is. Harding 8594 Pultency, Sir James, 8vo. 6d. 8595 Pulteney, Hon. \A'ni. [afterwards Earl of Bath], fighting a duel with liord Mervey, whole lengths, obi. 4to, Is. 6d. 8596 Pultencv, Ricliard, M.D. and naturalist, nat. Loughborough, Leic. 1730 ; ob. Blandford, Dorset, 1801 j 4to. Is. Roberts 8597 — in a cap, 4to. Is. 6d. - Beach — Basire 8598 Punt, J. painter and engraver, fol. 3s. F". Myn — Ardell 8599 Purcell, Henry, organist of Westminster and Chapel Royal, . nat. London, 1658; ob. 1695; bur. Westminster abbey. From ])icture at Dulwich College, 4to. Is. Gardiner 8600 — 4to. 3s. - - Clostcrman—K. White 6601 Purchas, Samuel, compiler of Hakluyt's V^oyages, nat. at Q.^u^- Thaxtead, Essex, 1577 ; of John's coll. Carab. ; rector of Martin's, Ludgate ; ob. 1628, set. 51. Copy from the rare print in title-page to Pilgrimes, 8vo. 6d. Richardson 8602 Purkis, J. mus. professor and player of the Harmonicon, re- covered his sight at age of 39, fol. 3s. Vaughan — Say 8603 Pusey, Lady Emily, 8vo. Is. K'lrkhy — Cochran, 1825 8604 Putnam, Israel, com. in chief at Bunkers-hill, fol. 3s. 8605 Pybus, Charles Small, literat, lord of Treasury and M.P. for Dover, ob. Great George- street, 1810 ; 4to. 2s. Wilkin 8606 Pye, Henry James, late poet laureat, nat. London, 1745 ; of Magdalen coll, Oxford ; magistrate for Westminster; M.P, Farringdon j ob. 1813, fet. 68 ; 8vo. 6d. 8607 — fol. 3s. - - - Arnold— V^vA 6608 Pym, John, nat. co. Som. 1584 ; of Broadgate-hall, Oxf. ; M.P. Tavistock ; lieut. ordnance to pari.; ob, at Derby- house, 1643 ; bur. W^estminster abbey ; 8vo. 6d. 8609 • — fol. 2s. Ditto, fine, large paper, 3s. Houbraken 8610 — covered with vermin, satirical, French verses, 4to. 5s. 6611 — 4 verses, 4to. 2s. 6d. - ~ Glover 8612 — small oval. 2,s. 6d. - - Hollar 8613 Pynn, Lady, 8vo. Is, - Tketvcnti — Cochran 8614 Pynson, Richard, celebrated early printer, nat. Normandy; printer to Henry VIIL ; res. near Temple-bar ; 8vo. 6d. 9yQ- 8615 Quarles, Francis, the poet, nat. Stewards, Essex, 1592, and estates in co. ; of Clirist coll. Cam. and Lincoln's-inn ; secretary to bishop Usher in Ireland ; ob. 1644 ; bur. at Vedast, London ; 8vo. 6d. 8616 — from front, to Enchiridion, 8vo Is. Clint — Raddon 8617 — ditto, French paper proof , 4to. Is. 6d. Unci. — Ibid. 8618 • — (\\iio,Jine India paper proof , royal 4to. 2s. Ibid. — Ibid. 8619 — arm from clouds, 8 verses, 4to. scarce, 5s. Marshall 8620 Queensbury and Dover, Chas. Duke, ob. 1778, fol, 3s, Green 8621 Queensbury, Catherine Hyde, his Duchess, daughter Earl Rochester, patroness of Gay, ob. 1777. From a pictinc at tlie Grove, Herts, ^to. Is. - Ogboruc ■y-f i382 Evans's catalogue of portraits. 8623 Queensbury, Win. late Duke, ob. 1810, whole length, col. 4to. Is. - - - Dighton 8623 Quellinus, Aertus, architect, visited England, 4to. Is. 8624: Quesnay, Fras. surgeon, F.ll.S. ob. 1774, set, 80, 4to. Is. 8625 Quesnel, Francis, painter, nat. Edinb. ob. 1619, 4to. Is. 8636 Quick, Rev. J, nat. Plymouth, 1636 5 of Exeter coll. Oxf. ; min. Brixton, and Middleburgb, Zealand ; ob, 1706, fol. / 2s. 6d. - - - Sturt 8627 Quick, John, comedian, nat. London ; manager of Bristol theatre; ob. Islington ; various, 8vo. 6d. each. 8628 ■ — in characters of Sable, Launce, Vellum, Doiley, Don Lewis, Toby Allspice, Spado, Scrub, &c. 6vo. 6d. each. Proofs, Is. 8629 Quin, James, actor, nat. King-street, Covent Oarden, 1693 ; educated Dublin; killed Bowen in Cornhill ; retired to Bath, and ob. there, 1766 ; variety, 6vo. 6d. Cook 8630 Quintin, Col. of Prince of Wales' hussars, 4to. Is. Dighton 8G31 Race, Daniel, cashier of Bank, 1773, whole length, private plate, fol. 6s. - - Hickey — ^Vatson 8632 — ditto, proof before letters, fol, lOs. 8633 Rachael of Covent Garden, 4to. 2s. Laiiron — Tempesta 8634 Radcliffe, John, eminent M.D. and founder of the Library, Oxford, nat.AVakcfield, Yorks. 1650 ; M.P. Buckingham ; res. Carshalton, Surrey, and Bloorasbury-square ; patron Headbourne, Hants ; ob. 1714; 8vo. 6d. various, 8635 — fol. 2s. - - Knelicr — Fourdrinier 8636 — from the same, large fol. 3s. - Vertue 8637 Radicati, Signora B, singer, 8vo. 6d. Proof, Is. Hopwood 8638 Radnor, John, Earl of, and Viscount Bodmin, of Exeter coll. Oxford ; col. for pari. ; field-marshal at Edgehill and Newbury ; governor Plymouth ; pres. of Council ; lieut. Devon,'Essex, and Ireland; ob. 1685; bur. Lanhe- drock, Cornwall ; 8vo. Is. . - Harding 8639 — when Lord Robartes. Copy from Ricraft, 8vo. 6d. 8640 Radnor, Isabella, his Countess, admired by James II. and removed by her husband to Wales, [vide Gramraont] , ob. 1714 ; bur. Chelsea ; 6vo, 6d. 4to. Is. 8641 Radstock, William, Lord, nat. 1758; admiral; baron of Castle-town, Irel. ; gov. Newfoundl. ob. 1825 ; 8vo. Is. 8642 — 4to. 3s. Proof, 5s. - F. fFilkin~C. Wilkin 8643 Rae, Mr. late tragedian, nat. 1782; ob. 1820; 8vo. 6d. various. Proof Is. 8644 — M.fne, 33. Proof, 5s. - PococA— Turner 8645 — as Sir. Edward Mortimer, 4to. Is. 6d. Ditto, coloured, 2s. 6d. - - - IFildc — Alais 8646 Raffles, late Sir Thomas Stamford, 8vo. 6d. Thompson 8647 Raffles, Rev. Thomas, of Liverpool, 8vo. 6d. Ibid. 8648 Rahere, Prior, from his effigy in St. Bartholomew the Great, Smith field, 4to. Is. 8649 Raikes, Mrs. 4to. Is. Proof, 2s. KVANs'ss CATALOGUE OF PORTRAITS. 2S3 8(550 Raikes,, Robert, nat. Glouc. 1735 ; ])iinter, aud founder of Sunday schools ; ob. 1811 ; 8vo. 6J. various. 8651 Rainbow, Edward, nat. Bliton, Line. 1608 ; educated at i^ Westminster school ; curate Savoy ; minister Chesterford, '' Essex ; rector Benefield, Northampton ; master Magdalen r'^/^''^"i^ coll. Camb. ; dean Peterborough; bp. Carlisle ; ob. Rose <■ ' ; - castle, 1684. Copy of print by Banks, 6 verses, 8vo. Is. 8652 Raine, Jonathan, commentator, 8vo. Is. Harding 8653 Rainolds, John, nat. Pinlio, co. Devon, 1549 ; pres. C. C. coll. Oxford ; dean of Lincoln 3 ob. 1607. In Heroologia, 4to. 3s. _ - . S. Pass 8654 — copy of ditto, small oval, 8vo. 6d. 8655 Rainsborough, Col. temp. Charles L holding a book, with devices, 4to. Is. 8656 Rainsford, Sir Richard, Lord Chief Justice, nat. 1605; of Lincoln's-inn ; commiss. on fire of London, and port, set up in Guildhall ; ob. 1671) ; bur Dallington, Northampt. ; 4to. Is. - - - Zoest — Harding 8657 — 4to. Is. Fine proof. Is. 6d. . Dunkarton 8658 Raleigh, Sir Walter, of Oriel coll. Oxford, and Middle Tern- pie 5 discovered X'irginia, and introduced tobacco ; M.P. Devon; seneschal of Cornwall; had grant of Sherborne, Dorset; com. to Tower ; coiitlcmned at Winchester j be- licafled Palace -yard, 1618 ; various, 8vo. 6d. 8659 — sitting, smoaking, his man throwing water over him, 8vo. 6d. Proof, 4:to. Is. • /Fright— ^hentoii 8660 — from picture at Knole, 8vo. Is. Thurston — Fittler 8661 — ditto, French paper proof, 4to. Is. 6d. IbkJ. — Ibid. 8663 — ditto, y}/2e India paper proof, royal 4to. 2s. Ibid. — Ibid. 8663 — 3 qrs, in armour, with arms, and autograph, 4to. 2s. 86()4 — 8vo. 6d. Thornthwaite. — 8vo. Is. Vertue 8665 — " time's \\ itness, herald of antiquity," 4to. Is. 6d. 8666 • — with vignette of fleet at Cadiz. Copy of extreme rare print by De Leu, 8vo. Is. 8667 ■ — 4to. 3s. Simon Pass. — 8vo. Is. 6d. Van Hove 8668 — from Lodge, 4to. 2s. Ind. pr. 3s. Zucchero — Robinson 8669 Ramcsey, Wm. physician to Charles H. 8vo. 2s. 6d. 8670 Ramsay, Allan, poet, nat. Lcadhills, 1685 ; ob. 1758 ; 8vo. Is. - - - Lambert — V^ertue 8671 — from Sir G. Clerk's picture, 8vo. Is. Aihnan — Edwards 8672 — ditto, French paper proof , 4to. Is. 6d. Ibid. — Ibid 8673 — ditto, //«(? India paper proof royal 4to. 2s. Ibid. — Ibid. 8674 Ramsay, Sir James, Scotch general in service of Gustavus Adolphus, set. 47 — 1636. Copy of rare print, 4to. Is. 8675 Ramsdcn, Jesse, very celcbr. optician, nat. Halifax, 1735 j . res. at Haymarket and Piccadilly ; ob. Brighton, 1800 j 3-qrs. sitting, fol. 3s. - Home — J. Jones 8676 Ramsey, Lady Mary, benefactress, nat. Bristol ; wife Sir T. R. lord-mayor ; ob. 1596. From the original in Christ- church hospital, 8vo. 6d. 284 BVANS'S CATALOGUE OF PORTRAITS. " 8677 Ranclifte, Tlios. Bootliby Parkyns, Lord, G. M. of Masons, M.P. Leicester, &c. Svo. Is. - - Leney 8678 Randall, Richard, celebrated tenor singer, ast, 76 — 1812. Singing, fol.Ss. - P. L. advlvum, del, et sc. \ 8679 Randolph, Thomas, nat. Canterbury, 1701; minister at /i\ . Perham, Kent ; pres. Corpus Christi coll. and archdeacon Oxford ; ob. 1783 ; 4to. 2s. - Sherwin 8680 Randolph, John, his son, nat. 1749 ; of C. C. coll. Oxf. ; y J preb. Salisbury ; rector Eweline ; governor of Charter- VS^A^-K-/^'" house ; trustee British Museum ; dean of Canterbury ; bp. Oxford, Bangor, and London ; ob. 1813 ; large fol. 5s. Vroof, 7s. 6d. - - Hoppner—Tm-ner 8681 Randolph, Peyton, of America, 4to. Is. Goodman \ 8683 Randolph, Thomas, poet, nat. co. Northampt. 1605 ; educ. Westminster school and Trinity coll. Camb. ; ob. 1634. Copy of front, to his Poems, 8vo. Is. 8683 Ranelagh, Catherine Boyle, Countess, ob. 1691, and bur. Westminster abbey with her brother, the eminent philoso- pher, who survived her only 7 days ; whole length, fol. 3s. - . _ Kneller — Faber 8684 Rantzau, John, grand mareschal Denmark, [Granger], ob, 1565, 8vo. Is. 8685 Raphelengius, Franc, Greek teacher Cambridge University, ob. 1597, 4to. Is. 8686 Rapin de Thoyras, historian, nat, Castres, 1661 ; lieut. of English army ; wounded at siege of Limerick j ob. 1725} 8vo. 6d. various. 8687 — fol. Is. Vertue, del. et sc. — 4to. _/?«(?, 2s. Houbraken 8688 — fol. Is. 6d. - - Bouraon — Petit 8689 — fol. 2s. . . Rosier, Norimb. 8690 Ratcliff, hdi^y, finely tinted, fol. 4s. Holbein — Bartolozzi 8691 Rathbone, Aaron, mathemat. 1616, 4to. 3s. Ditto, very fine, 5s. - . . S. Pasa 8692 Rauzzini, Signor, musician, ob. Bath, 1810, 8vo. 6d. 8693 Ravenet, Simon Francis, engraver, nat. Paris, 1705; res. Lambeth; ob. at his house opposite Mother Red Cap, at '- ' Camden-town, 1774 ; bur. Pancras ; 8vo. Is. Zoffany 8694 — brilliant, 4to. 3s. - . Ibid.-^\[ise 8695 Ravius, Christian, orientalist and Hebrew scholar, teacher of languages at London ; of Magdalen coll, Oxford, ob. 1677, 4to."ls. 8696 Ravillac, Francis, assassin of King of France, whole length, with his execution in the back-ground. Copy of curious print by V. Sichem, 4to. Is. 8697 Ravvdon, Lawrence, alderman York, ob. 1626; 2. Col. T. Rawdon ; 3. Martha \A'illiams, daughter Sir M. R. ; 4. Sarah Rawdon, wife of Sir M. Rawdon ; 5, Marmaduke R. Fine India ink drawings, from the rare original prints, 8vo. 5s. each. S698 Rawdon, Sir Geo. ob. 1684, 8vo. Is. R. While, del. et sc, KVANS'S CATALOGUE OP PORTRAITS. 385 8699 Rawdon, Marmaduke, benefactor to York, son of Lawrence R. and nephew of Sir M. R. nat. 1620. Copy from White, with his autograph, 4to. Is. . Gardiner 8700 Rawdon, Helena Perceval, Lady, ob. 1746, fol. 4s. Brooks 8701 Rawes, Rev. William, S.cps. sitting, fol. private plate, 5s. Jackson — Al'^ard 8703 Rawlet, Rev. John, lecturer at Newcastle, ob. 1686, set. 44. Front, to his Poems, 8vo. Is. - R. White 8703 Rawlinson, Sir Thomas, nat. Fenchurch-street, 1647 ; of Clrinsdale, co. Lane. ; alderman, sliei iff, and lord-mavor, 1706 ; ob. Old Bailey, 1708 ; whole length. From original at Vintncrs'-hall, large fol, fine and rare, lOs, 6d. Knellcr — Vertiic 8704 Rawlinson, Richard, his son, antiquarian and collector, nat. London, 1689 ; educated Paul's school, and John's coll. Oxford ; ob. Islington, 1755 ; bur. Giles's in the Fields. From picture in the Bodleian Gallery, 4to. Is. Harding 8705 — from drawing by Vertue, 4to. mez. 3s. Smith 8706 Rawlinson, Christoph., of Cark-hall, Lane. ; Saxon scholar ; nat. Springfield, Essex, 1677 j of Queen's coll. Oxford ; collector for Westmoreland and Cumberland ; ob. 1633; bur. St. Alban's. In a wrought oval frame, 4to. «;5e— Earloin 8757 — from the same, 4to, Is. Proof, Is. 6d. Fairman, lithog. 8758 — his Mistress, from Lord Maynard's picture, fol. 2s. 6d. Ipse— li, Cooper 8759 Remington, Sir Thomas, of Lund, co. Ebor, with his wife and issue, 20 children, Avhole lengths. From the family picture, 1647, fol. 2s. Gd. - Halfpenny 8760 Rennell, Major James, geographer, nat. Chudleigh, Devon, 1742; ob.'lBSO; bur. at Westminster abbey; 8vo. 6d. Proof, Is. - - - Scott — Ridley 8761 — 4to. Is. 6d. - - Z>a«e^— Daniefl 8762 Rennie, John, late eminent civil engineer, nat. Fantasie, Scotland, 1761, ob. 1821 ; Svo. 6d. various. 8763 — 4to, Is. 6d. . - Drtwce— Daniell 8764 — in Percy Anecdotes, proof, 4to. Is. - Fry 8765 Repton, Humphrey A. frontispiece to his Landscape Gar- dening, 4to, proof, 3s. 8766 Rcskemeer, a Cornish gentleman, tinted, from the original, fol. 3s. - - Holbein — Knight 8767 Retz, J. F. P. de Gondy, celebrated Cardinal, visited Eng- land, ob. 1679, 4to. Is. 8768 Revett, Nicholas", associate of Stuart, in his Researches in Athens, 4to. 2s. 6d. - - Taylor 8769 — 4to. Is. 6d. - - Z)rt«ee— Daiiiell 8770 — fol. fine, 2s, India proof, 33. Ramsay — Edwards 8771 Revoult, John, master of ^Valworth academy, 1798, fol. 5s, Proof before letter s,'\^.^A, Beechey — Ward 8772 Reynolds, Edward, nat, Southampton, 1599 ; rector Brayn- ton, Northampton ; chancellor of Oxford nniv. ; vicar of Lawrence Jewry ; bishop Norwich 3 ob. 1676; 8vo. 6d. 8773 — 8 verses, 4to. rare, 5s. - - Loggaii 8774 Reynolds, Frederick, dramatist, variety of, Svo. 6d, each. Proofs, Is. 8775 Reynolds, Henry Revell, nat. co. Notts, 1745 ; physician at Guildford and Lamb's Conduit-street ; physician to George III. ; ob. Bedford-square, 1811 ; Svo. 6d. Pr. Is, 8776 Reynolds, Sir James, chief baron of Exchequer, ob. 1739, In his robes, fol. 2s. - Parmentier — Faber 8777 Reynolds, John, father of Sir Joshua, fellow of Eton coll, and canon of Exeter, ob. 1758, a?t, 87. Holding his hand- kerchief, 3-([rs. sitting, fol. scarce, 5s, Reynolds — Ardell 8778 Reynolds, Sir Joshua, nat. Plympton, Devon, 1723 ; pres, R.A.; ob. Leicester-square, 1792; buried at, St. Paul's j various, Svo. 6d. 8779 ■ — from picture by himself, fol. 3s. Caroline Kirkley 8760 — ditto, 4to. Is. - - Falconet— Vi\\\?,et — ditto, Svo. Gtl. Proof Is. - Condo 87S1 — as pres. Royal Academy, fol, 33. Brcda-^^. Reynolds 289 BVANS'S CATAL0GU12 OF PORTRAITS. Reynolds, Sir Josliiia, continued : — 8783 — from the picture by himself, in the Council-room, Royal Academy, 4to. 3s. - - - Bond 8783 — whole length, with autograph, 8v'0. Is. 8784 — ditto, M./ine, 7s. - Ipse — Sherwin 8785 — in Cadell's Ports, fol. 3s. India proof, 5s. lb. — Meyer 8786 Reynolds, Nancy, us a shepherdess, M./ine proof, 5s. Okey 8787 Reynolds, Richard, philanthropist, nat. Bristol ; ob. 1716 ; 8vo. 6d. 8788 — large io].fine, 10s. Proof 15s. //oWff?/— Sharp 8789 Reynolds, Thos. aet. 56, with basket, la. fol. 3s. Cheesnian 8790 Reynolds, Rev. Thomas, of East Cheap, ob. 1727, fol. 3s. Gibson — G. White 8791 Rhudde, John, vicar of Portcsham, Dorset, ob. 177S, fol. 3s. - - fFiUiains — Dickinson 8792 Rhys, Prince of South Wales, from his tomb, 4to. Is. Basire 8793 Ribbksdale, Adelaide Lister, Countess, 8vo. Is. Scriven 8794 — d\tto, fine proof on folio paper, 2s. - Idem 8795 Ricci, Marco, painter, employed at Biilstrode, and Burling- ton-house. In the print with Talman and Cole, 4to. Is. 8796 Ricci, Sebastian, his uncle, painted Chelsea altar-piece, ob. Venice, 1734, 4to. Is. - - Chambars 8797 Rice, John, stock broker, given up at Cambray, executed for forgery, 1763 ; bur. C. Church, Newgate-st. 8vo. 6d. 8798 Rice, Woodford, milit. and poet, whole length, 4to. 2s. 8799 Rich, John, actor and manager, res. Uxbridge ; ob. 1761, set. 70. As Harlequin Dr. Faustus, in the Necromancer, a curious satirical print, 4 verses, 4to. Is. " Thank you, Genteels ! These stunning claps declare How wit corporeal is y'r darling care. See what it is the crouding audience draws. While Wilks no more, but Faustus, gains applause." 8800 Rich, Jeremiah, writing master, oval, 8vo. 2s. 8801 Rich, John, Lord Chancellor, of Middle Temple ; Baron Rich of Lees, Essex ; ob. 1567 ; fol. Is. 6d. Dalton 8802 — fol. 3s. - - Holbein— ^SiXioXozxi 8803 Rich, the Lady, his wife, large fol. 4s. Ibid. — Ibid. 8804 Rich, Miss Louisa, 8vo. Is. . Muller, del. et sc. 8805 Richard I. King of England, variety, 8vo. 6d. 8806 — from statue at Fontevraud, fol. Is. - Vertue 8807 — ditto, from Vertue, 8vo. Is. - Bassan 8808 — ditto, small oval, 8vo. 6d. - Peake 8809 — triumphal entry into London, 8vo. 6d. Stothard 8810 Richard II, King of England, 8vo. 6d. 8811 — whole length, on his throne, from picture at Jerusalem chamber, 4to. Is. 8813 — ditto, la. fol. 3s. Grisoni — Vertue, Sumpt. Soc Antiq. 8813 — from same, fol. Is. Vertue. — sm. oval, 8vo. 6d. Peake 8814 — from mon. Westminster abbey, fol. 23. Basire 8815 — death of, with other figs. fol. 3s. JVheatley — Smith Evans's catalogue of portraits. 289 8816 Richard III. King of England, variety, 8vo. 6d, each. 8817 — from picture at Kensington, holding ring, 8vo. 6d. Svvaine 8818 — from the same, fol. Is. - Vertue 8819 — from same, 8vo. Is. Bromley 8820 — profile, 8vo. Is. - - Piusio 8821 — fol. Is. Vanderbanc. — small oval, 8vo. 6d. Peake 8802 — w. 1. in armour, when Duke of Gloucester, 8vo. Is. 8823 — from Walpole's Historic Doubts, 4to. Is. 8824 -^- with Queen, w. l.'s col'd. coats of arms, fol. 4s. Sancho 8325 — with Edward Prince of AVales, Countess Salisbury, and Edward Earl of Warwick, ol)]ong 4to. Is, 6d. 8826 Richards, Michael, brigadier-general ; surveyor of ordnance stores ; ob. 1722 ; bur. Charlton ; fol. 3s. Kneller — Faber 8827 Richards, Nathaniel, poet, 1640. Copy of rare front, to his tragedv of Messalina, 8vo. 6d. - Richardson 6828 Richards, Wm. 4to. mez, 2s. A"?2e//er— Smith, 1681 8829 Richardson, John, nat. Chester ; dean of Hereford ; bishop {j%j\' of Ardagh ; ob. 1658, a3t. 74. Copy of front, by Cross, to his Observations on the Old Testament, 4to. Is. 8830 Richardson, Sir John, Knt. judge of the Court of Common Pleas, 4to. 2s. India proof , ^s. Alllngham — Hoi 8831 Richardson, Jonathan, painter, ob. in Queen-square, 1745, aet. 81 ; 4to, Is. 8832 — etching, 4to. Is. - - Bretherton 8833 Richardson, Joseph, barrister, nat. co. Northumb. 1756 ; of John's college, Camb. and Middle Temple; M.P. New- port, Cornwall ; ob. at Bagshot, 1803 ; bur. at Egham ; fol. 3s. - - Shee — Newton 8834 — copy of ditto, 8vo. 6d. 8835 Richardson, Joshua, dean of Sion coll. ; rector Allhallow's, London ; ob. 1733, set. 86 ; fol. 10s. 6.1. Tucker — Faber ^ 8836 Richardson, Samuel, author of Clarissa Harlowe, &c. nat. if^' CO. Deiiiy ; printer Salisbury-court ; ob. 1761 ; bur. at St. Bride's ; 8vo. GA. various. 8837 — w. 1. reading in his parlour, with friends, 8vo. 6d. 8838 — 3-qrs. sitting, very fine, 8vo. Is, 6d. Chamberlin — Scriven 8839 — w. 1. sitting, 8vo. Is. — fol, 4s. Highmore — Ardell 8840 — 8vo, Is. Schiavonetti. — 8vo. Is. 6d. lb. — Watson 8841 — view of his residence. Hammersmith, 8vo. 6d. 8842 — fac-simile of one of his letters, 4to. 6d. 8843 Richardson, Wm. professor Glasgow university, and author of Essay on Shakspeare, 8vo. 6d. - Ridley 8844 Richardson, Mr. actor, 1796, as Busiris, 8vo. 6d, Pr. Is. 8845 Richmond and Derby, Margaret, Countess of, daughter and heiress of Duke of Somerset, mother of Henry Wl. ; nat. Bletsoe, Bedford, 1441 ; marr, 1. Edmund Earl of R. ; 2, Sir H. Stafford ; 3. Thomas Earl of Derby ; founded alms- houses at Westminster ; grammar-school at Wimbourn, Dorset ; and John and Christ colls, Camb. ; res. Torrington, Devon, and Pembridge castle, Heref. ; ob, 1509; 8vo. 6d, Part XIX. Price 6d. u 290 KVANs'ss CATALOGUE OF PORTRAITS. Ricliroond and Derby, Marf,'aret, Countess, continued : 8846 — in Set of Founders, 4to. Is. 6d. 8847 • — in Noble Authors, 8vo. Xs. - Geremia 8848 — ditto, 4to. Is. - . J/a^M*j^Vr^*^ ' picture of Corporation of Chichester, presented by him, foj, 4s. - - Snath — Ardell 6876 — in Kit Kat Club, fol. 2s. Faber. — 4to. Is. Cooper 8877 Richmond, iMary Bruce, Duchess, 4to, 2s. Burke 8878 — in a Turkish'drcss. vv. 1. fol. 3s. A7/?(/f>«««— Ryland 8879 Richmond, Charlotte, Duchess, dau. Duke (Jordon, 8vo. 6d. 8880 Richmond, Chas, Duke, and of Lenox and Aubigny, Earl March and Darnley, baron Setrington and Mathuen, co. Yorkshire; nat. 1791; educated at Westminster school ; M.P. Chichester ; India proof, fol. 5s. Ambrose— "Sizxxs&n. 8881 Richmond, late Rev. Leigh, nat. Liverpool ; of Turvey, co. Bedford, and Isle of VVight ; secretary to London Tract Society ; 8vo. 6d. Proof, Is. Freeman 8882 Richmond, the black pugilist, in attitude, 4to. Is. Dighton 8883 Richter, John, of Corresponding Society, ob. 1831, 6vo. 6d. 8884 Rickman, Clio, literat. 8vo. 6d. 8885 Ricraft, Joslah, merchant London, 1646. Copy of a rare print by Faitliorne to his England's Champions, 12 verses by Vickers, 8vo. Is. 8886 Riddell, J. G. Colonel, p. p. 4to. 4s. /)ow«;««»— Bartolozzi 8887 Ridgley, Thomas, dissenting divine and author, nat. Lond. 1667 ; educated Wilts; ob. 1734. Front, to his Body of Divinity, fol. 2s. - - Dandrid/ Dcdham in Essex." Copy of rare print, 4to. Is 8990 Rogers, Robert, com. of Indians, America, 1776, fol. '2s. 8991 Rogers, Richard, of Camb. and pastor of AV^eathcrfield, (^4..^,»-vt''H-*' Essex. In Boissard, 4to. 2s. /.Iry^^..^ 8992 — ditto, rare, 4to. etching, 2s. 6d. ' f 8993 Rogers, Samuel, rector of Brampton, ob. 1790, 8vo. Is. - - - - Hibbert 8994 Rogers, Samuel, the poet, 8vo. Is. 8995 — in chair, fol. p. p. India proof, fol. 5s. Meyer 6996 Rogers, Thomas, of Horningar, Suffolk, 2s. 6d. June 8997 Rogers, Timothy, nat. Barnard Castle, Durham ; res. Wan- tage, Berks ; preacher at Old Jewry j ob. 1729 ; 8vo. 6d. Hopwood 8998 Rogers, Rev. William, of Philadelphia, Svo. 6d, 8999 Rogers, Wm. Captain of Windsor Castle packet, Svo. 6d. 9000 Rogers, Mr. in collar, with tassell, 4to. niez. 2s. 6d. 9001 Rogers, Mr. circle, cupids weeping, 4to. p. p. 2s. 6d. 9002 Rokeby, JVIatthew Robinson, FiOrd, of co. Ebor, of Trinity- hall { M.P. Canterbury ; ob. Hythe, Kent, 1800 ; Svo. Gd. -^ 9003 — from a miniature, private plate, 4to. 2s. Heath 9004 Rolff, Matoaka, Virginian conv. to Christianity, and marr. Mr. R. ; ob. Gravesend, 1617. Copy of the rare print by S. Pass, Svo. 6d. 9005 Rollins, late Mr. private plate, //«a/z/~Williams 9027 — ditto, fol. rare, 7s. - Ibid. — Cooper 9028 Rooke, Mary Luttrell, his 2nd Lady, of Dunster castle, co. Somerset, ob. 1702, buried at Horton, Kent ; folio, 4s. William Faithorne 9029 Rooke, Sir Giles, Justice Common Pleas, nat. 1743 ; edu- cated at Harrow, and John's coll. Oxford ; of Lincoln's- inn ; ob. 1808 ; 4to. Is. 6d. - Dance — Daniell 9030 Roper, Abel, of Fleet-street, printer and vender of pamph- lets, nat. Atherston, Warwick ; ob. 1726 ; 4to. Is. 6d. Hysing — G. White 9031 — copy of ditto, Svo. 6d. 4to. proof, Is. Caulfield 9032 — with his nephew Toby, o(ff/— Sibelius 9111 — h. I. at the bar, profile, 8vo. Is. G. Bartolozzi 91J3 Rudgc, Rev. James, of Limchouse, 8vo. 6d. Fol. 3s. Meyer 9113 Rudge, John, M.P.Evesham; deputy-governor South Sea Company, and Bank of England 5 resided at Wheatfield, Oxford ; ob. 1740 ; fol. 3s. IFhood—Faber 9114 Rudyerd, Sir Benjamin, litcrat. surveyor of Court of AVards and Liveries, &c. ; ob. 1658 ; bur. at Woodliay, Berks ; small oval, Svo. 2s. 6d. Hollar. — t'opy, Svo. 6d. 9115 — 12 verses, fol. 7s. - Mj/tens — Payne 9116 Ruggle, Ralph, front, to Ignoramus, 8vo. 2s. 6d. 9117 Rumbold, Sir Thomas, envoy, 8vo. 6d. JStothard— Angus 9118 Rumford, Benj. Count, variety, Svo. 6d. Proof, Is. 9119 Rummin, Ellinour, ale-house keeper at Ijcatheriicad, hold- ing a pot in each hand, 2 lines. Copy of rare wood-cut iu Skelton's Poems, 1624, 8vo. 6d. 9120 Runnington, Charles, editor Ruffliead's Reports, and Judge of Insolvent Court, ob. 1821, set. 70, Svo. 6(1. Pr. Is. 9121 Rupert, Prince, Earl of Iloldernesse, and Duke of Cumber- land, K.G. ; governor of Windsor ; relieved Beeston ; took Stockport, Birmingham, A\'arwick, fjichfield, and Bedford ; relieved Newark ; stormed Bolton, Lane, and took Liverpool 3 visited Hereford 3 beaten at Marstou- 300 Evans's catalogub of portraits. Rupert, Prince, continued ; moor and Nrtseby ; delivered up Bristol ;' ob. at Spring Gardens, 1682; bur. at Westminster- abbey j various, 8vo. 6d. each. 9122 ■ — with truncheon, 4to. 2s. Vandyke— Snyers 9123 — Svo. Is. Sherwin. — 4to. Is. Dobson — Chambars 9124 — oval by Hollar, Svo. 4s. — copy, 8vo. 6d. 9125 — copy of the rare print by Faithorne, from f^andyhe, large 410. Jme, 2s. 9126 Ruperta, Miss, his daughter (by Mrs. Hughes the actress), marr. S. Howe, M.P. Morpeth ; Svo. Is. Le/y — Sherwin 9127 Rush, John, inspector of the regimental hospitals, 1S02, 4to. 2s. . - - Brooks 9128 Rushout, Rebecca Bowles, Lady, of Wanstead, Essex, and CO. of Worcester. With her daughter, oval, folio, 3s. Kauffman — Barker 9129 Rushworth, John, nat. Northumb. 1607 ; of Queen's coll. Oxford, and Lincoln's-inn ; secretary to Fairfax ; M.P. Berwick ; ob. King's Bench, 1690; bur. George's, South- wark. Copy of front, to his Historical Collections, 4to. Is. Proof, 2s. - - - Berry 9130 Ruspini, Chevalier, dentist in Pall Mall, Svo. 6d. 9131 Russell, Elizabeth, Lady, of Bisham, Berks, sister of Lady Bacon ; married 1. to Sir Thomas Hobby ; 2. John Lord Russell, son of 2nd Earl of Bedford ; ob. 1585. In Noble Authors, Svo. Is. - - - Rivers 9132 Russell, Colonel John, brother 1st Duke of Bedford, ob. 1611. From picture at Althorp, 4to. Is. E.Harding 9183 Russell, William, Lord, celebrated patriot, executed 16S3, Svo. 6d. 9134 _ 4to. Is. C. Knight. — 4to. 2s. 6d. Picart 9135 — fol. 2s. D\\.io, large paper, 2?,. Kneller — Houbraken 9186 __ from Lodge, 4to. 2s. India proof , 3s. Lely — Jenkins 9137 Russell, Lady Rachel, his wife, ob. 1723, set. 87, Svo. 6d. 9138 — from Miss Pelham's picture, 4to. Is, Legoux 9139 — from Lodge, 4to. 2s. India proof, 3s. Cooper — Cochran 9140 Russell, Elizabeth L. H. daughter Lord William Russell, fol. 3s. - - - j Meyer, 1808 9141 Russell, Alexander, M.D. nat. Edinburgh; i)hysician at Aleppo, and published its History ; physician to Thomas' hospital ; ob. 1770 ; Svo. Is. - Trotter 9142 Russell, Patrick, his brother, M.D. and naturalist, sue cceded him at Aleppo ; ob. 1805; Svo, 6d. 9143 — 4to.2s. Fine proof, 3s. - Faslet — Evans 9144 — 4to. Is. 6d. - - i)awce— Daniell 9145 Russell, Francis, F.R.S. and A.S. nat. Basingstoke, 1740 ; estates at Enfield, Midd. ; Svo. 6d. 0146 Russell, Richard, of Bermondsey, ob. 1824, Svo. Is. Cook 9147 Russell, T. Macnamara, adra. nat. 1743, ob. 1824, Svo. 6d. 19148 Russell, Miss, fol. 2s. 6d. Russell— Wright Evans's catalogue of portraits. 301 9149 Russell, Mrs. London courtezan, w. 1. 4to. 23. Teinpesta 9150 — w. 1. kneeling at confession, 4to. 2s. - Smith 9151 Russell, Mr. actor, whole length, as Jerry Sueak, 8\o. 6d. Proof, Is. 9153 Russen, Rev. Benjamin, 8vo. 6d. • Vallance 9153 Rustat, Tobias, nat. 1606 ; keeper of Hampton-court; li- /|5 -^ beral benefactor to Oxford and Camb. universities, to Bridewell hospital, and St. Paul's ; erected the statues of Charles II. at Chelsea and Windsor ; ob. 1693 ; 4to. Is. 6d. - . _ Jjcly — Gardiner 9154 Rutherford, Daniel, professor botany Edinb. univ. With a vignette view of Edinb. fol. Ss. - Raeburn — Holl 9155 Ruthven, Sir Conrad, ' Gentilhomme Ecossoix, surnomme le Roux,' 1650, 8vo. Is. - - Tiebout 9156 — the orig. print, 4to. scarce, 5s. Bronchorst — Coelmaus 9157 Ruthven, Mary, married 1. Sir Anthony Vandyke, the cele- brated painter ; 2. Sir Richard Pryse, 4to. 2s. Larmessin 9158 — 4to, 3s. - - Fandt/kc—Hohwert 9159 Rutland, Francis Manners, Earl, K.G. ; chief justice North of Trent ; ob. 1632. From rare print, 8vo. Is. 9160 Rutland, Catherine Noel, Duchess, ob. 1733, fol. 3s. Smith 9161 Rutland, John Manners, Duke of, lieut. Leicester ; steward of household; governor Ciiarter-house ; K.G. ; chancellor .- duchy of Lancaster ; ob. Knightsbridge, 1779, setat. 83. In his robes, whole length, before the plate was cut, lOs Jervas — Faber 9162 Rutland, Charles, Duke, lord-lieutenant Ireland, ob. 1787, 8vo. Is. - - - - Lane 9163 Rutland, Mary Isabella, his Duchess, daughter of Charles Duke of Beaufort, ob. in Sackville-street, 1831, set. 75 ; 8vo. 6d. 9164 — 3-qrs. sitting, with' a book, large fol. 5s. Proof, 79. Sir Joshua lleynohls — Sherwin 9165 — small oval, 8vo. Is. - Peters — Read 9166 — ditto, 4to. Is. 6d. - Coswaij — Lane 9167 Rutland, John Henry Manners, Duke, Marquis of Granby ; Baron Manners of co. Derby ; K.G. ; lieut. Leicester ; re- corder of Cambridge and Scarborough ; whole length, in uniform, sheet, 5s. - - Turner, 1807 9168 Rutter, Dorothea, nat. 1630 ; of Whitefriars, Coventry ; Bourton, Gloucester ; and Kingsley, Cheshire. Copy of rare print prefixed to her funeral sermon, 4to. Is. India proof, 2s. - - - Berry 9169 Ruyter, M. A. de, Dutch admiral, visited England, 1655, 8vo. 6d. 9170 Rycaut, Sir Paul, historian, nat. London ; envoy to Ham- burgh for William III. ; secretary to H. Finch at Constan- tinople ; consul at Smyrna ; ob. 1700; 8vo. Is. R. \Vliite 9171 — ditto, frontispiece to his History of the Turks, 4to. 2s. Kneller—\\. White 302 Evans's catalogue of portraits. 9173 Ryder, Henry, bishop Gloucester, 4to. 2'^. Behnes — Sievier 9173 Ryder, Thos., iiat. Nottingham ; manager Dublin theatre; ob. Dublin, 1791. Whole length, in character, 8vo. 6d. Proofs, Is. 9174 — as Sir John Restless, 4to. 2s. Harding — Gardiner 9175 — profile, from a medallion, 8vo. 6d. - Taylor 9170 Ryder, Sir Wm. lord-mayor, 1600, 8vo. 6d. 9177 Rylaud, Rev. Mr. dissenting minister, and school-master at Enfield, 4to. Is. J./i/ A^^-r 9178 Ryland, Rev. .lohn, min. Northampton, ob. 1792, 8vo. 6d. 9179 — with a Greek text, fol. 3s. Russell — Houston 9180 Rymer, Thomas, poet, w. 1. 8vo. 6d. Proof, 4to. Is. 9181 Rymer, Thomas, surgeon, 1783, 4to. Is. 9182 Rysbrack, John Michael, sculptor, ob. 1770, 8vo. 6d. 4to. Is. - - - - Cliambars 9183 ■ — 3-qrs. leaning on a bust, fol. 2s. Vamlcrhanc — Faber 9184 Ryves, Bruno, chaplain to Charles I. ; vicar Stanwell, and w. rector Martin's \ intry, London ; sequestered ; dean Chi- ♦« '"^'f Chester} rector Haseley, Oxford, and Acton } ob. 1677; 4to. Is. - - - Earlom 9185 Sabine, Joseph, General, governor Gibraltar ; M.P. Berwick on Tweed ; ob. 1739 ; fol. 3s. - Kneller — Faber 9186 Sacheverell, Henry, nat. Marlborough ; of Magdalen coll. Oxford ; minister of Cannock, Stafford, and Saviour's, Southwark ; preached his celebrated sermon at Derby ; i\\. ^ f tried 1710; living co. Salop ; rector Andrevy's, Holbornj ob. Highgate, 1724; 8vo. 6d. various. 9187 ■ — tiie modern idol, women on their knees, 12 verses, 4to. scarce, 5s. 9188 — oval, surrounded by six bishops, fol. 5s. 9189 — ditto, io\. fine, 2s. 6d. - Russell — Vertue 9190 — ditto, fol. 2s. ' - ' -■ iieW.— Smith 9191 Sacheverell, Lucy, whole length, sitting under a tree, from frontispiece to Lovelace's Poems, 8vo. Is. India proof , Is. 6d. - .. - Swaine 9192 — ditto, modern impression, from the original plate, 8vo. 6d. - - ■^<'('/ — Faithorne 9193 Sackville, George Germaine, Viscount, ob. 1785, 8vo. 6d. Proof Is. 9194 - — when Lord Germaine, fol. 3s. Romnei/—3a.cohi 9195 — 3.qrs. fol. 4s. Reynolds — Ardell. — 4to. Is. Picart 9196 Sadler, James, aeronaut, ascended at York, Liverpool, Lin- coln, &c. ; lecturer at Surrey Institution. From a minia- ture, 4to. Is. - - - Taylor 9197 Sage, Mrs. aeronaut, 4to. /jroo/, 2s. Shelley — Burke 9198 Sago, Jeremiah, or ' the Delights of Islington,' whole length, with inscription, 4to. Is. Bunhury — Bretherton 9199 Saint Andre, Nathaniel, of rabbit breeding notoriety, es- tates at Chepstow, Monmouth, ob. Southampton, 1776, 8vo. 6d. 4to.^;roo/", Is. - - Grave Evans's catalogue of portraits, "^ 303 Saint Andr6, Nutlianiel, continued : — ■ 9200 — various representations of, in a print termed "New Whim Whams from Guildford," in 16 compartments, with veises, fol. curious, 2s. 6d. 9201 — in " Cnnicularii, or the Wise Men of Godliman in con- sultation," with Mary Tofts, and others, 4to. 2i. Atiributcd to Hogarth, del. et sc. 9202 Salisburv, John Montacute, 3d Earl, chief of the Lollards, beheaded at Cirencester, 1400, for adherence to Richard II., 8vo, Is. 9203 Salisbury, Margaret Plantagenet, Countess, nat. Farleigh castle, CO. Somerset, beheaded on Tower-hill, 1541, 4to. Is. - - - - (jodfrey 9204 Salisbury, Robert Cecil, Earl, son Lord Burleigh, Baron of Essenden, Rutland, and Viscount Cranbourne, Dorset ; nat. 1550 ; of John's coll. Camb. ; M.P. Westminster, and CO. Herts ; minister to Elizabeth and James ; chanc. Duchy Lancaster ) ob. Marlborough, 1G12; bur. Hatfield ; 8vo. 6d. various. 9205 — in Lodge, 4to. 2s. India proof, 3s. Zucchero — Cochran 9206 — from Heroologia, 4to. 2.s. 6d. - Pass 9207 — in Birch, fol. 2s. Do. large paper, Ss. Houbrakeu 9208 Salisbury, William Cecil, Earl, ambassador to France ; K.G. ; sat in House of Commons ; ob. 1668; small oval, 2s. 6d. Hollar. — copy, 8vo. 6d. 9209 Salisbury, Frances Benuet, Coimtess, of Beecliampton, eo. Bucks, and Hatfield, Herts ; ob. Epsom, 1713 ; buried at Giles's in Fields. In her weeds, fol. 3s. Knellcr — Smith 9210 Salisburv, James Cecil, Earl, lieut. co. Hereford ; of Hat- field, Herts ; ob. 1728, setat. 37. ^Vhen young, whole length, fol. 33. - - Kneller — Smith 9211 Salisbury, James, Marquis, nat. 1748 ; K.G. ; chamberlain to George HI. ; res. Hatfield, Herts, and Aldborough, co, Suffolk; of). 1823; 8vo. 6d. Proof, Is. 9212 Salisbury, Mary, his Marchioness, daughter of Manpiis Downshire, 4to. Is. 6d. Proof, 2s. 6d. 6'm«*e— Smith 9213 — fondling a dog, 4to. 2s. Bowi/er—C. Watson 9214 Salisbury," Sarah, alias Priddcn, nat. Shrewsbury, 1690; tried at Old Bailey for stabbing ; ob. in Newgate, 1724 ; bur. Andrew's, Holborn ; 8vo. 6(1. 4:to. proof Is. Grave 921.5 Salnmsius, Claude, vis. England, 1625, 4to. Is. 9216 Salmeron, Alphonsus, Jesuit, visited Ireland, ob. 1595, oet. 62, 4to. Is. 9217 Salmon, Rev. B. W. of East and West Flegg, Suffolk, 4to. India proof private plate, lOs. Phillips — Eflwards 9218 Salmon, W'm. med nat. 1644, 8vo. Is. Van Hove 92J9 — Svo. Is. R. White. — 8vo. Is. Sherwin 9220 — 4to. 2s. 6d. - - R- W'hite 9221 Salomon, J. Peter, mus. comp. 4to. Is. 6d. Dance — Daniell 9222 — 4to. Is. Cd. Fine proof 2s. 6d. Hurdr/—¥iici\xs a 304 Evans's cataloouk of portbaits. 9223 Salter, Sir J. lord-mayor, ob. 1744, fol. 3s. Mnller 9224 Salter, Rev. Thomas, with stick, 8vo. 2s. Cross 9225 Salter, T. J. angler, 8vo. Is. JFageman — Woolnoth 9226 Saltonston, Sir Richard, lord -mayor, 1597, 8vo. 6d. 9227 Sam, Foolish, of Leicester fields, &c. 8vo. 6d. 4to. Is. Benjamin Nebot 9228 Sam, Singing, of Derbyshire, w. 1.8vo. Is. Williams 9229 Sancho, Ignatius, negro literat. nat. 1729 ; ob. 1780 ; 8vo. Is. 4to. proof, 2s. Gainsborough — Bartolozzi 9230 Sancho, Manuelle, the heroine of Saragossa, from a picture by L. Hoppner, painted ad vivum, 3-qrs, in uniform, fol. 2s. Proof, Zs. . - . Meyer 9231 — ditto, copied from the preceding, 4to. Is. Berry 9232 Sanci, Nicholas Harlai de, minister in England, 1596, 8vo. Is. - - - - Tardieu 9233 Bancroft, Wm. nat. Fresingfield, Suffolk, 1616 ; master of Emanuel coll. Camb. ; rector Houghton. le- Spring, Dur- >Jf ham; dean St. Paul's ; governor Charter-house ; archbp. g'^ Canterbury ; comm. to Tower 1688 ; deprived 1691 ; and res. Palgrave-head-court, Temple ; ob. 1693 j 4to. Is. 9234 — with border and arms, 4t(). Is. 6d. - Vertue 9235 — fol. 2s. AVhite. — fol. 5s. Loggan, ad vivum, del. et sc. . . 9236 Sandby, Paul, celebrated landscape painter, nat, co. Notts, n, 1732 ; drawing master to Woolwich Royal Academy ; , draughtsman to survey of Scotland ; res. Windsor and / .^' , Eton ; ob. Paddington, 1809 ; 8vo. 6d. 9237 — 4to. Is. Fniconet—Piuiset. — 4to. Is. Pollard 92.38 — 4to. Is. 6d. - Dance— Dnmdl 9239 — 4to. 3s. . Sir TV. Beechey — Landseer 9240 Sandby, Ann, wife Paul S. fol. 3s. Proof, 5s. Fisher 9241 — " the nut brown maid," hanging a garland, folio, 2s. Brookshavv 9242 Sanders, Lawrence, protestant martyr, rector Allhallow's, London ; divinity professor St. Paul's ; burned at Smith- field, 1555. From Heroologia, 4to. 3s. S. Pass 9243 — copy of ditto, 8vo. 6d. 9244 Sanders, T. of Ireton and Caldwell, co. Derby, and M.P. for same co. ; colonel for parliament j ob. 1695, set. 85 j ioX.fine and scarce, 153. Flessiers — Loggan 9245 — carefully reduced copy of the same, 8vo. 6d. . 9246 Sanderson, Nicholas, nat. Thurlston, Ebor, 1682 ; became blind j mathemat. professor Camb. univ. ; ob. 1739 ; hurt Boxvvorth, Camb. ; 8vo. 6d. 9247 — holding a globe, fol. 2s. J^ anderbanc — White 9248 — from the same picture, fol. 2s. - Faber 9249 — 4to. 2s. Vanderbanc — Gucht. — 4to. 2s. Mosley 9250 Sanderson, Robert, nat. Rotherham, Ebor, 1587 ; rector of Wybberton, Line, and Muston, Leic. ; preb. Southwell ; divinity prof. Oxf. univ. ; bp. Lincoln ; ob. 1663 ; 8vo. 6d. 9251 — Svo. 3s. Hollar. — 8vo. /«e, 2s, White. — 4to, 2s. 6d. Evans's catalogue of tortraits. 305 9252 Sanderson, Sir Willlnm, historian and loyalist, jrentleman of l)cd-clianil)cr to Cluirlcs II. ; secretary to George Vil- liers Dnke of Bnckiiigliatn 5 ob. 1676 j fol. /?«<', 3s. Do. bcjorc the artists' names, 5s. Zoest — Faitliorne 9253 Sandwich, Edward Montague, Earl, in battles of Naseby and Marston-Moor for parliament ; distinguished admiral ; killed in Soiithwold.bay, 1672 ; bur. Westminster-abbey ; 8vo. 6d. various. 9254 — 3-qrs. loose dress, hands to his breast, aet. 47, fol. square, 7s. 6d, - - Lcfi/ — Blooteling 9255 ■ — 3-qrs. in armour. From picture at Hampton, 9vo. Is. 9256 — on deck, refusing to leave liis shij) without orders, fol. 2s. 9257 Sandwich, Edward Montague, Earl, his son, K.G. ; admiral of England ; ol). 1689 TSvo. 6d. 9258 — with ribbon of the Garter, fol. rare, 7s. 6d. Blooteling 9259 — the same plate, reduced to 4to. 2s. - Idem 9260 — ditto, 4to. rare, 5s. - - Laing 9261 Sandwich, John Montague, Lord, nat. 171S ; educated at Eton, and Trinity coll. Cambr. ; secretary at war, Irel. j lord of admiralty ; ob. 1792 ; Svo. 6d. 9262 — w. 1. 4to. Is. Bretherton. — la. fol. 4s, Zoffan;/— Green 9263 — whole length, sheet, 5s. Gainsborotigh — Siierwin 9264 — from the same picture, 4to. Is. - Collyer 9265 Sandwich, Elizabeth Willmot, Countess, ob. 1757. As a shepherdess, when Lady Willmot, fol. rare, proof, 10s. 6d. /f^lssing- — Smith 9266 Sandwich, Jemima, Countess, daughter Lord Crewe. From Earl Sandwich's miniature, by Cooper, 4to. Is. Dunkarton 9267 Sandys, Edwin, nat. Hawkstead, Lane. 1519; of John's coll. Camb. ; vicar of Haversham, Bucks ; preb, Peterbo- rough and Carlisle ; committed to Tower and Marshalsea for preachinir for Lady Jane Grey ; bishop \\'orcester and London ; archbishop York ; ob. Southwell, 1588. In Boissard, Svo. 2s. — 4to. 2s. Sanders 9268 Sandys, Sir Edwin, his son, nat. co. AA'orc. 1561 ; of Cor. pus Christi coll, Oxford ; preb. York ; ol). 1629 ; bur. at Nortliborne, Kent ; 4to. 2s. - Y . Green 9269 Sandys, George, ])nct, bishop's youngest son, nat. Bishop- thorp, Yorks. 1577 ; of ('orpus Christi coll. Oxford ; res. Caswell. Oxford ; ob. Bexlcy, Kent, 1643. From Oxford Almanack, 8vo. 6d. 9270 — from the Marchioness of Downshire's picture, Svo. Is. Ciint — Iladdon 9271 — ditto, French paper proof , 4to, Is. 6d. Ibid. — Ibid. 9272 — ditto, //■«(? India paper proof , royal 4to. 2s. Ibid. — Ibid. 9273 Sanson, j\Ir. ob. 1705, fol, rare, 7s. 6d. Clostcrman — Smith 9274 Saqui, Madame de, rope dancer, V'auxhall, whole length, dancing on a rope, 8vo. 6d. Proof, Is. N/flvhiimm- — Alais 9275 Sargcant, E. treas, protestant association, 8vo. Is, Fleury 9276 Sarmcntro, J. de Castro, M.D. ob. 1762, fol. 3s. Houston Part XX. Price 6d. x / ♦ /-"..-/- 316 Evans's catalogue of poRxnAiTS. 9277 Sarpi, Paul, eccles. historian, fol. 3s. Zucchero—'DicVinson 9378 Sauinaiez, Sir James, hart, admiral, nat. 1757; G. C.B. ; res. Guernsey ; 8vo. 6d, Proof, \9.. 9279 Saunders, Sir Charles, adm. ob. 1775, 8vo. 6d. Proof, Is. 9280 — ditto, fol. 3s. - - Reynolds— AvAqW 9281 Saunders, Joiin Cunningham, Tndla proof, 4to. 3s. 9282 Saunders, Rev. Joseph, 8vo. 6d. 9283 Saunders, Martha, of Magpie-alley, set. 104—1775, 4to. 2s. 9284 Saunders, Miss Patty, 8vo. 6d. 9285 Saunders, Madame Pliiladelphia, 3 qrs. sitting, feeding a sheep, fol. scarce, 5.s. - Sir Peter Lely — Browne 9286 Saunders, Richard, astrologer, 1677, Svo. 3s. 6d. 9287 — 6 verses, 4to. very fine, 5s. - - Cross 92S8 — with verses, oval, hand on globe, 4to. 5s. 92-9 Saunders, W. M.D- Svo. 6(1. Proof Is. -Saife/iwe//— Meyer 9290 — ditto, fol. 3s. • Abbott— 'YowxiXQ^ 9291 — 3-(ps. sitting, fol. 3s. - Smith, del. et sc. 9292 Sanriii, Rev. James, pastor to French refugees, London, ob, 1730, variety, 8vo. 6d. 9293 Savage, J. lit. and artist, 1702, Svo. Is. Forstcr—QwfM. 9294 Savage, Samuel Morton, D.D. Svo. 6d. Proof Is. 9295 Savigny, Mr. actor, w. 1. in character, Svo. 6d. 9296 Savi\e,"Sir George, bart. M.P. Yorkshire, ob. 1784. Whole length, sitting, with a plan of the Calder navigation, fol. 3s. - - - JVilson — Basire 9297 — w. 1. in his mon. sheet, Ss. Fisher — Bartolozzi 9298 Savile, Sir Henry, translator of Tacitus, &c. nat. Bradley, Yorkshire, 1549 ; founder of anatomy and geometry pro- fessorships, Oxford ; ])rovost of Eton, and ob. there 1621. From picture in the Bodleian Gallery, whole lengtli, /^we, 4to. Is. 6d. - Marcus Garrard — Clamp 9299 Sawbridge, John, M. P. for Hythe, and alderman, 1769, Svo. 6d. 9300 Saxton, Sir Charles, bart. Captain R.N. Svo. 6d. 9301 — ditto, fol. 3s. Proof, 5s. Northcote—'KeynoU^ 9302 Say, Samuel, nat. 1675 ; minister at Lyminge, Kent ; An- dover, Hants ; Yarmouth, Norfolk ; and Ipswich, Suffolk ; succ. Calamy at Westm. 1704 ; ob. 1743 ; Svo. 6d. Roffe 9303 — ditto, 4to. Is. - Richardson—WoW 9304 Say and Sele, Wni. Fiennes, Viscount, republican, nat. at Broughton, Oxford, 1582; master Court of Wards ; pari, comm. in Isle of Wight ; lord ])rivy seal and chamberlain to Charles II. ; retired to Lundy, co. Devon ; ob. 1662 } Svo. 6d. each. 9305 — in Noble Authors, Svo. Is. — in ' Clarendon,' Svo. Is. 9306 — copy of a rare print, small oval, 6d. - Peake 9307 — in his judicial robes, 4to. Is. 9308 — small oval, 2s. 6d. Hollar. — copy of ditto, 6d. 9309 — in armour, copy of the Earl Spencer's equestrian print, 4to. Is. EVANS S CATALOGUE OF PORTRAITS. 307 9310 Saycr, Anthony, grand master of Masons, fol. 3s, Faber 9311 Saver, James, setat. 13. Whole length fishing, fol. 3s. Zoffami — Houston, 1773 9312 Scaglia, C. A. Sardinan minister in England, ob. 1657, fol. 2s. - . Vandifhe — Pontius 9313 Scaleits, sexton Peterborough cath. set. 98— 1594, 8vo.6d. 9314 — vv. 1. with spade and keys, 12 verses, 4to. Is. Williams 9315 Scarborough, Sir Charles, nat. 1616 ; of Caius College, Cambr., and Merton coll. Oxford ; physician to Tower, Charles II. James II. and William III. 3 ob. 1696 ; buried Cranford ; 8vo. Is. 9316 Scarborough, Richard Lumley, 2nd Earl of, lieut. co. Nor- thumb.; vice admiral of Durham ; master of horse to Geo. I. and II. ; M.P, Arundel; K.G. ; ob. by suicide, Gros- venor. square, 1740; Svo. 6d. Proo/ Is. Vanloo—\\vA\. 9317 — in Kit Kat Club, fol. 2s. Faber. — 4to. Is. Cooper 9318 Scarsdale, Lady Caroline Collyer, 17 6 With her son, John Curzon, fol. 2s. . Reynolds — Paul 9319 — from ditto, fol. 3s. Watson. — 8vo. Is. Idem 9320 Schalken, Godfrey, painter, nat. Dort, 1643 3 visited Eng- land ; ob. 1706 ; 4to. Is. - Chambars 9321 — holding a candle, fol. 3s. . //we— Smith 9322 Schanck, John, admiral Royal Navy, nat. Fifeshire, 1740; ob. 1823 ; 8vo. 6d. 9323 Sciiefler, W. E. M.D. visited England, ob. 1665, jet. 75. From Freherus, Is. 9324 Sciieuchzer, John Jacob, naturalist, F.R.S. London, ob. 1733, aet. 61, 4to. 26. /'M.?s/i/2— Nutting 9325 Schimmelpenninck, Jan, pensionary of Holland, co/(>i?aTf/, fol. 3s. ... Po:tiiari 9326 Schirmer, Albert, principal juvenile performer on the (Ger- man stage, London, 1806, 8vo. 6d. »S'wi/;A— Cardon 9327 Schmidius, John, visited England, ob. 1658, eetatis 65 From Freherus, Is. 9328 Scholey, G. lord-mayor, 1813; Svo. 6d. Proof, Is. Blood 9329 Schomberg, Fred. A'rmand, Duke, Marquis Harwich, Earl Brentford ; Baron Tays ; nat. 1608 ; K.G. ; killed battle of Boyne, 1690 ; bur. Patrick's cathedral ; 8vo. 6d. var. 9330 — fol. 2s, Ditto, /rtr^y /;r//)e?-, 3s. Knclter — Houbraken 9331 — 4to. 2<. Larmessin. — 4to, 2s. Picart 9332 — horseback, with negro attending, fol. 3s. Smith. 9333 — ditto, large fol. 10s. - A'we//^??-— Vandcrbaiic 9334 — ditto, oval, fol. 5.S. /)«///— Faithorne, — 4to. 3s. Gribclin 9335 Schomberg, Isaac, collector, and M,D. at Bath ; ob, in Con- duit-street, 1780; Svo. 6d. 9336 Schorcl, John, ])ainter, 4to. 2s. Sir A. More — Facins 9337 Sclater, William, D.D. and rector of Bow church, ob. 1778, fol. 3s. - . Home — Smith 9338 Scofieid, Edward, of St. Chad's Shrewsbury, 3 feet 4 inches high, fol. 2>, x2 308 Evans's cataloouk of pohtraits. 9339 Scoresby, William, Captain, 8vo. 6d. JVivell — Thomson 9340 Scoresby, Win. jini. Captain, 8vo. 6d. Mosses — Smith 9341 Scott, John, author of Christian Life, nat. at Cliippenham, Wilts, 1638 ; of New Inn, Oxford ; chaplain of Minorics, and Thomas's, Southwark ; rector Peter-le-Poor ; preb. Paul's, Windsor ; attended Judge Jeffries in his last mo- ments ; rector of Giles's in the Fields, and buried there, 1694 ; 8vo. Is. Wliite. — fol. 2s. Gucht 9343 Scott, John, animal engraver, proof on India paper, fol. 5s. - - - Jackson— W. T. Fry 9343 Scott, R. from monument, Lambeth church, 8vo. 6d, 9344 — ditto, with view of the monument itself, 4to. Is. 9345 Scott, Rev. Thomas, geographer, assassinated, 1626, for writing against the Pope. In Boissard, 8vo. 2s. 9346 — set. 45, 4to. 5s. - Crispin Pass, del. et sc. 9347 Scott, Mary Lillias, musician, fol. 3s. Ramsay — Faber 9348 Scott, Samuel, marine painter, ob. 1772, fol. 3s. Ibid. 9349 Scott, John Nelson, M.D. fol, 3s. JFatson — Boc(iuet 9350 Scott, Rev. Mr. of Heckmondwhite, Ebor, 8vo. 6d. 9351 Scott, Sir ^Valtcr, literat. various, 8vo. 6d. Proofs, Is, 9352 Scougal, Patrick, bishop of i\!)erdeen, ob. 1682, set. 73, 8vo. Is. . - - Trotter 9353 Scougal, Henry, his son, author of " Life of God in Soul of Man," 8vo". Is. 9354 Scrimshaw, Jane, nat. London ; lived 80 years in Merchant Taylors* almshouses, Tower-hill ; ob. 1711, set. 127, 8vo. 6d. 4to. proof. Is. 9355 Scroop, Mrs. whole lengthy from the picture at Hampton- court, fol. 3s. - - Kneller — Faber 9356 Scrope, Sir Adrian, of Codrington, Lane j loyalist ; K.B. 1660. In armour, 4to. Is. 9357 Scrope, Joshua Pears, whole length, sitting, writing, 4to. private plate, 3s. 9358 Scudder, Rev. Henry, 1674, 8vo. 2s. 6d. Shervvin 9359 Scultetus, A, of Oxford ; ob. 1625, set. 59, 8vo. Is. Bry 9360 Seabury, Samuel, bishop Connecticut, 3-qrs. fol. 5s. Fine proof, 7s. 6d. - Duche — William Sharp, 1786 9361 Seaforth, Harriet Powell, Countess, ob. 1779. When Miss P, fol. 2s. Proof 3s. - Smith 9362 — ditto, fol. 2s. - - Reed — Houston 9363 — as Leonora, sheet, 5s. - Reynolds — Ibid. 9364 Seal, Charles, of Strathfieldsay, private plate, India proof 4to. 5s. . - - Jones — Ransom 9365 Sealy, J. Capt. R.N. fol, 3s, Proof, 5s. 0/jie— Reynolds 9366 Seeker, Thomas, nat. Sibthorpe, Notts, 1693 ; educated at Tewkesbury ; of Exeter coll. Oxford ; rector Houghton. le-Spring, and James's, London ; dean St. Paul's ; bishop Bristol and Oxford ; archbishop Canterbury ; ob. 1768 ; buried Lambeth ; 8vo. 6d. Fol. 3s. - Ardell 9367 — 8vo. fine, Is. 6d. - Reynolds— Meyer KVAXS'S CATALOGUE OF PORTRAITS. 300 9368 Seba, Albert, naturalist, F.R.S. London, ob. 1736, ret. 71, fol. 3s. ... Houbrakcu 9369 Sebcrt, King, and Henry III. from Westminster abbey, fol. 2s. - - - Basirc 9370 Scckford, 'Jlioinas, founder of Woodbridge almshouses, and master in chancery, 8vo. Is. . Prattcnt 9371 Seek ford, Lady, get. 53 — 1613. From the original at Scck- ford-hall, Suffolk, arms, &c. 8vo. Is. 9372 Secundus, Joannes, author of the Basia, 8vo. 6d. Picart 9373 Seddon, John, writing master, ob. 1700, set. 56. Front, to his Penman's Paradise, 2 verses, fol. 2s. Fakhor)ic — Sturt 9374 Sedgevvick, Obadiah, nat. Marlborough, 1600 ; chaplain to Sir H. Vere ; minister at Mildred's, London, and Covent Garden; vicar of Coggeshall, Essex ; ob. 1658 3 8vo. 6d. 9375 Sedley, Sir Charles, poet, nat. 1632 ; of AVadham college, Oxford ; fined for indecency in Covent Garden 3 M.P. for Romney, Kent 3 ob. 1701. From an original picture at Knole, 8vo. Is. - - Thurston — Rolls 9376 — ditto, French paper proof, 4to. Is. 6d. Ihld. — Ibid. 9377 — ditto, yi««Mce— Daniell 9542 — fol, 3s. ProoJ, 5s. - 0;;ic'— Dunkarton 9543 Shipley, Major General Sir Charles, with autograph, 8vo. Is. India proof , 2s. - J'Jchstc'm — Cook 9544 Shipley, Jonathan, nat. 1714 3 of Christ-church, Oxford 3 ])reb. Winchester 5 minister Silchcster, and Chill)oIton ; bishop St. Asaph 3 ob. Bolton-row, 1788 3 bur. Twyford, Hants 3 8vo. 6d. 9545 — front, to his AV^orks, Svo. 2s. Reynolds — Trotter 9546 Shipley, William, founder of the Society of Arts, &c. Svo. Is. 6d. . _ - Hiucks 9547 Shippen, William, nat. Stockport, Cheshire, 1672; M.l'. for Bramber, Sussex 3 Saltash, Cornwall ; and Newton, Lane. 3 partizan of the Stuarts, and o[)ponent of Walpole 3 conim. to Tower 1717 5 res. Holland-house, Richmond, and CO. Northumb. ; ob. 1743. From an original picture, with fac-similc of his writing, 4to. Is. Birrell 9548 — from Collection at Badminton, 4to. Is. Harding 9549 Shipton, Mother, with monkey, 4to. Is. Townlcy 9550 Shirley, Sir Antliony, traveller, nat. 1565 3 of Hart-hall, and All Soul's coll. Oxford 3 knighted for services in Ire- land ; admiral of Levant seas by King of Spain ; of Wes- ton, Sussex ; ob. Spain, 1630 ; 4to. 3s. Sadeler 9551 Shirley, Sir Robert, traveller, of Chartlcy, Stafford, ob. 1656. Copy from the rare print published at Rome, G. M. f. Svo. Is. - - Fittler 9553 — w. 1. iu Persian costume, large 4te. 3s. Birrell 316 Evans's catalocjue of portraits. 9553 Shirley, James, poet, nat. LoTulon, J 594 ; educated Mer- cliaiit Taylors , John's coll. Oxford, and Katherine-hall, Camb. J curate St. Alhan's ; recanted, and kept a school there, and at AVhitefriars ; removed at fire of London to Giles' in the Fields, and ob. there, 1606. Bust, copy of a print by Gayvvood, 8vo. 6d. 9554 • — from picture in Bodleian Gallery, Svo. Is, Worthington 9555 — ditto, French paper proof , 4to. Is. 6d. Ibid. 9556 — ditto, fine India paper proof, royal 4to. 2s. Ibid. 9557 Shirley, W. chaplain to Css, Huntingdon, Svo. 6d. Fol. 3s. 9558 Shore, Jane, mistress to Edward \\\ Lord Hastings, and Marcpiis Dorset ; daughter T. Wainstead, Cheapside ; res. CO. Northampton ; ob. temp. Henry VIII. Oval, with a necklace, neck bare, Svo. 6d. 9559 — from the picture at King's coll. Cambr. etched by Mr, Tyson, 4to. 2s. 9560 Shore, Mr. w. 1. sitting in chair, large {o\. proof, 5s. 9561 Short, Robert, with the stone 8 inches in circumference, ex- tracted at Guy's hospital, 1739, Svo. 6d. 4.io. proof , Is. * 9562 — the original print, 4to. 2s. 9563 Shortlaiid, John, Captain R.N. Svo. 6d. 4to, Is. Cook 9564 Shote, Cunne, Cherokee chief, fol. mez. 3s. 9565 Shovel, Sir Cloudesley, nat. Clay, Norfolk, 1650; drowned off Scilly, 1705 ; Svo. 6d. 9566 — from picture at Hampton-court, Svo. Is. Wedgewood 9567 — hand on globe, fol. scarce, 7s. 6d. Ryck — Smith 9568 — 3-qrs. in armour, fol. 3s. - Dahl — Faber 9569 Shower, Sir Bartholomew, of Exeter, appointed recorder of London, 1687, by Jas. II. but compelled to relinquish it, ob. at Pinner, 1701. Front, to Reports, fol. 3s. Nutting 9570 Shower, John, his brother, nat. Exeter, 1657 ; educated at Taunton ; dissenting minister of Jewin-street, and Old Jewry ; ob. 1715 5 bur. Highgate ; Svo. Is. Gucht 9571 — ditto, Svo. Is. - - White 9572 Shrewsbury, John Talbot, Earl of, nat, co. Hereford ; ob. 1453, a>t. 81, ' Capitaine Anglois," 4to. 2s. 6d. 9573 — in herald's coat, 4to. Is. 6d. Proof 2s. 6d. Basire 9574 Shrewsbury, George Talbot, 4th Earl, whole length, with his wives. From their monument, 4to. Is. 6d. Proof 2s. 6d. ... Basire 9575 — view of tomb, with effigies, 4to. Is. Proof Is. 6d. Ibid. 9576 Shrewsbury, George Talbot, 6th Earl. From his monu- ment, 4to. Is. 6d. Proof, 2s. 6d. - Basire 9577 — view of the tomb, 4to. Is. Proof, Is. 6d. Ibid. 9578 Shrewsbury, Elizabeth Hardwicke Cavendish, Countess, Mary of Scotland confined at Chatsvvorth under her care, ob. 1607, fol. 7s. 6d. Cornelius Jansen — Vertue 9579 Shrewsbury, Anne Maria, the wanton Countess, married 1. Francis Earl S, killed by Duke of Buckingham, 1667 ; 2. George Brydgcs Rodney ; ob. 1703 3 Svo. 6d. various. EVANS S CATAI-OOUE OF PORTRAITS. 317 9580 Shrewsbury, Charles Talbot, Diikc of, her son, and Marcjuis of Alton, Stafibrd ; nat. 1600 5 K.(J. ; secretary of state to William III. ; licut. of Ireland, co's. Hereford, Stafford, Worcester, and Salop ; lord-Iiigh-treasiirer to Q. Anne ; of Eytliorp, Oxford ; ob. at Isleworth, 1717. From the print of the ' Lords Justices,' 1714, 4to. Is. India proof, 2s. ... Reading 9581 Shrewsbury, J. Talbot, pres. Earl, of co. Oxford ; (Grafton, Wore, and Alton abbey, Stafford, Svo. with autograph, Is. I/t(iia proof, 2s. . Oa/.'fct/ — Morrison 9582 Shubrick, J. T. lieut. United States Navy, 8vo'. 6d. 9583 Shiildham, Molinenx, Lord, admiral, Svo. 6d. Cook 9584 Shute, Josiah, educated Trinity coll. Camb. ; rector Mary Woolnoth ; archdeacon Colchester ; ob. 1G43. Front, to his Sermons, 10 verses, 4to. 2s. (id. - Marshall 9585 Shuter, Edward, comedian, ob. 1776; Svo. 6d. 9586 — holding a mask, fol. 2s. - . P. Dawc 9587 — with Quick, and Mrs. Green, in 'She stoops to Concpier,' sheet, 3s. Proof 5s. - Vnrlihison — Laurie 9568 Sibbes, Richard, D.D. nat. Sudbury, 1577 ; master Cath.- hall, Cambridge, and preacher at Cray's-inn ; ob. 1G35 ; Svo. 6d. 9589 — etching, very fine, 4to. 5s. 9590 — 6 verses, 4to. 2i. 6d. 9591 — oval, from ' Fountain Sealed,' Svo. 2s. Marshall 9592 Sibley, Ebenezer, astrologer, &c. Svo. Is. S. Pass 9593 — profile, surrounded l)y horoscope, 4to. Is. 6(1. 9594 Siddons, Mrs. Sarah, late eminent actress, great variety of, Svo. 6d. each. 9595 — as Ariadne, from medallion by herself, Svo. 6d. 9596 — in characters of Lady Macbeth, Constance, Euphrasia, Zara, Princess Catherine, Mrs. Beverley, Isabella, Ismene, Cleone, &e. Svo. 6d. each. Proofs, Is. 9597 — and J. P. Kemble, 2 ovals, the \}d\Y,finc proof, very scarce^ 4to. 1/. Is. - - Rnsscll — Hcatli 9598 — as the Tragic Muse, from the splendid ])icture at Dul- wich, 18 inches l)y 12, fol. 5s. India proof 7s. 6d. Do. before any letters, 10s. 6d. Sir J. Reynolds — Dawe 9599 — from the picturefor the scenery of Richmond. house, 4to. Is. 6d. . . Doicnnmn — P. W. Tomkins 9000 — profile, fol. 2s. ^ir Thomas Lawrence — Xicholls 960 L — 4to. Is. ProoJ, 2s. Hone, ad vivuni — Phillips 9602 — whole length, as Lady Macbeth, 4to. 2s. India proof, 5s. - . - Harlow — Cooper 9603 Siddons, Henry, her son, actor, nat. AA'olverhampton, 1774 ; educated at Crovdon, Soho-square, and Charter-house ; Svo. 6d. * - - - Ridley 9604 Siddons, Miss, her daughter, Svo. Is. India proof, 4to. 2s. - Sir lliontas Lawrence — Tliomson 9605 Sidcnham, Rev. C, ob, 1054, Svo. scarce, 5s. Gaywood 818 Evans's catalogue of portraits. 9606 Sidmonth, Henry Addinpton, V^iscount, nat. 1757; S])eaker House of Commons 5 higli steward AVestminster and Read- ings ranger of Richmond-park 3 recorder.Devizes. Ariien Hon. Mr. A. 8vo. 6d. 9607 — 3-qrs. sitting, sheet, fine proof, 10s. 6d. Beechey — Parker 9608 Sidney, Sir Henry, father of Sir Philip S., nat. Penshurst ; educated Shrewsbury; K.G. ; pres. of Marches, Wales; chamberlain to Henry VHI. ; viceroy Ireland ; ob. Wor- cester, 1486. From the Earl of Egremont's picture, 4to. Is. Harding. — in Heroologia, 4to. 3s. Simon Pass 9609 Sidney, Mary, his Lady, daughter of Duke of Northumber- land, and sister of celebrated Earl of Leicester. In an an- tique dress, when Lady Dudley, 4to. Is. 6d. Harding 9610 Sidney, Sir Philip, nat. Penshurst, Kent, 1554 5 educated Shrewsbury ; of Christ-church, Oxford ; M.P. co. Kent j killed at Zutphen, 1586; 8vo. 6d. various. 9611 — fol. 2$. Do. large paper, 3s. Oliver — Houbraken 9612 — in rich figured armour. From a picture of Mr. Dcring's, 8vo. Is, - - - Clint — Warren 9613 — ditto, French paper proof, 4to. Is. 6d. Ibid. — Ibid. 9614 — ditto. /?«e India paper proof royal 4to. 2s. Ibid. — Ibid. 9615 — from Lodge, 4to. 2s. India proof, 3s. More — Robinson 9616 — ditto, the large set, fol, 5s. - Ibid. — Scriven 9617 — in Set of Poets, fol. 2s. - Oliver— Xexine 9618 — whole length, with a view of Penshurst, Kent, 4to. 3s. Oliver — Vertue 9619 Sidney, Algernon, patriot, son of the Earl of Leicester, nat. 1617; res. Penshurst ; executed Tower-hill, 1683. From front, to his Treatise on Government, 8vo. 6d, 9620 — 4to. mez. 2s, 6d. — fol. 2s. 6d. Jackson 9621 — fol. 3s. Ravenet. — etching, 4.to.\^.QA.. Cipriani 9623 — from picture at Althorp, 4to. 3s. Lclij — Freeman 9623 Sidney, Mrs. holding a vase, fol, 3s. Proof 5s. Smith 9624 Sidney, Right Hon. Lady Louisa, 8vo, Is, Morton — Cochran 9625 — fine proof on India paper, fol. 2s. 9626 Siggs, Anne, nat. Dorking, vv. 1, on crutches, 8vo. 6d. 9627 Sigismund, the Emperor, K.G. ob, 1437, 4to, Is. 9628 Silvester, Sir John, nat. 1745 ; educated at Merchant Tay- lors' and John's coll. Oxford ; recorder of London 3 ob. in Bloomsbury-square, 1822; 8vo. 6d. Proof Is. 9629 Simon, Old," [Eedy], of Woodford, Northampton, ob, 1783, 8vo. 6d. 9630 — w. 1. covered with rags, 4to. 2s. - Seago 9631 — with book of Job opened, fol. 3s. . Hagarty 9632 Simmons, Mr. comedian, ob. 1821, various, 8vo. 6d. each. Proof Is. 9633 — in the characters of Simpkin, Abel, Mordecai, &c. whole lengths, 8vo. 6d. Proof, Is. IFdde — Maddocks 9634 — whole length, in the character of Baron Munchausen, 4to. Is. Proof 2s. - - Cooper Evans's catalogue of portraits. 319 9635 Simons, Henry, a Polish Jew, tried inn-kccper at Cranfonl biidtrc for robbing him ; tried at Chelmsford for perjury, 1152, and acquitted ; 8vo. 6d. Proof, 4to. Is. 9636 Simons, Ralph, architect. From an original picture, 4to. Is. - - - - Facius 9637 Simpson, Edward, nat. Tottenham, 1578 ; educated West- minster and Trinity coll. Camb. ; rector Eastling, Kent preb. Coringhani ; ob. 1651 5 4to. pnc, 3s. 9638 — in Boissard, 8\o. 2s. 9639 — ditto, with figures, fol. 3?. - ^'andelaer 9640 Simpson, Christopher, music composer, 1667, Svo. 6(1. 9641 — ditto, 8vo. Is. 6d. Fait home, del. ct sc. 9642 — ditto, 4to. 5s. - Cnrwarden — Faithorne 9643 Simpson, Robert, resident tutor of Hoxton academy, 1800, fol. private plate, scarce, 7s. 6d. Rcntnn — Dunkarton 9644 Sims, .Tames, nat. 1740 ; president of Medical Society 3 ob. Bath, 1820 ; 8vo. 6d. various. 9645 — 4to. Is. 6d. - - Dance~ViM^\^\\ 9646 — 4to. Is. 6d. - - i)/c(//<'y— Bran white 9647 Sinclair, Sir John, president Board of Agriculture, Svo. 6d. 9648 Sinclair, Mr. celebrated modern singer, Svo. 6d. various. 9649 — fo], 'is. Harlow — Meyer. — Svo. Is. Stewart — Read 9650 — fol. hrlU'umt, 4s. - - /orrf— M. Ford 9651 Singleton, Henry, chief justice of Common Pleas, Ireland, ob. 1759, In his robes, whole length, ad vivum, large fol. 5s. ... Brooks 9652 Sintelaer, John, surgeon, 1709, Svo. rare, 5?. Gucht 9653 Skeffington, Madame Jane, of co. Leicester, [afterwards Lady Hamilton], whole length, sitting, with a lamb, folio, 2s. - - JVissmg — Smith 9654 Skeffington, Sir William, Baronet, of co. Leicester, ob. 1815, Svo. 6d. 9655 Skeffington, Lumley St. George, literat. Svo. 6d. 9656 Skeggs, Matthew, actor and choice spirit, ob. 1773. Play- ing on a broom, fol. 3s. - T. King — Houston 9657 Skelton, Humphrey, upholsterer, sitting, 6 verses, fol. mez. 2s. - - - Hysing — Faber 9658 SkeltoH, John, poet laureat to Henry VIII. nat. co. Cunib. ; curate Trompiugton, Camb. ; rector Diss, Norfolk ; vicar Daltyng ; ob. 1529 ; bur. St. Margarct'S;, Westminster. Copy of rare print, Svo. 6d. 9659 Skinner, John, l)ishop Aberdeen, 1810, fol. 3?. Turner 9660 Skinner, Thomas, lord-mayor London, Svo. Is. Grainger 9661 Skinner, A\'m. Campbell, ajt. 5, fol. 2s. 6d. C«/^.s-— Watson 9C62 Skippon, Philip, pari. -general, governor Bristol ; president council of war; commander of infantry at Naseby ; had grant of Blecheley, Bucks. From Ricraft, Svo. 6d. 9663 Slanning, Sir j\\ royalist, nat. Bickleigli, Devon ; gov. Pen- denius, Cornw. ; engaged \\'alker at Lansdown ; killed at assault of Bristol 1643. From orig. drawing, 4to. Is. 820 Evans's catai.ooue of poiitraits. 9664 Slater, Samuel, nonconformist of Nayland and Edmonds- bury, ob. London, 1704 ; f'ol. 2s. 6d. JVh'ue, ad v'lv. et sc. 9665 Slater, Wni. historian, nat. Somerset, 1587 5 of Brazen- nose coll. Oxford ; chaplain to Anne, Queen of James I. ; ob. Otterdcn, Kent, 1647 ; 8vo. 6d. 9666 Sleidan, John, ambassador from Protestants of France to Henry VIII. ob. 1556, Svo. 6d. 9667 Sligo, John Denis, Marquis, ob. 1809, fol. 3s. Proof, 5s. Opic — Barney 9668 Sligo, Hesthcr, present Marchioness, 8vo. Is. rosselvvhite 9669 — fine India proof on fu Ho paper, 2^. - Idem 9670 Slingsby, Sir Henrv, distinguished loyalist, of co. Ebor 5 beheaded 1658 ; 8vo. 6d. 9671 — from Set of Loyalists, 8vo. Is. - Vertuc 9672 Sloane, Sir Hans, celebrated physician and collector, nat. Ireland, 1660 ; visited Jamaica ; physician to Christ's- hospital, Lond. ; president coll. of physicians and R. S. ; ob. at Chelsea, 1752 ; Svo. 6d. 9673 — fol. 3s. Kneller—Vaher. — fol. 3s. i)/«r?w/— Faber 9674 Smalbroke, Richard, nat. Birmingham, 1672 ; of Magdalen coll. Oxford ; treasurer Llandaff, and preb. Hereford ; bishop Bangor, and Lichfield and Coventry ; ob. 1749 ; fine, fol. 7s. 6d. - - Vertue 9675 Small, Alex, surgeon, ob, 1752, fol. 3s. Dandr'id^e — Faber 9676 Smalridge, George, nat. Lichfield, 1663 5 educated AVest- minster ; canon Christ-church, Oxford ; minister Tothill- fields chapel ; dean of Carlisle ; bishop of Bristol ; ob. 1719 ; fol. 3s. - - A''«e//o-— Vertue 9677 Smart, Christopher, poet, Svo. Is. 9678 Smart, Peter, minister of Bovvden ; preb. Durham ; comm. York; imprisoned in King's Bench 11 years for writing against the Bishops ; ob. 16J2, set. 73. Oval, verses, &c. Svo, 2s. . - - Hollar 9679 Smart, Rev. Thomas, ob. 1735, 4to. 2s. S. Reynolds 9680 Smeaton, John, celebrated engineer, nat. at Austhorpe, Yorkshire, 1724 ; erector of Eddystone lighthouse 5 re- ceiver of the Derwentwater estates ; ob. 1792 ; Svo, 6d. .5ro»'w— Bromley 9681 — by the same artists, 4to. Is. 6d. Idem 9682 Smirke, Robert, senior, of the Royal Academy, 4to. 3s. Jackson — Picart 9683 Smirke, Robert, jun. architect, 4to. Is. 6d. Dance — Daniell 9684 Smith, Adam, politician, and moral literat. nat. Scotland, 1723 ; of Balliol coll. Oxford ; ob. 1790 j Svo. 6d. 9685 — whole length, with autograph, 4to. Is. 9686 Smith, Benjamin, engraver, much employed byBoydell; ob. No. 21, Judd-place, 1833, in which house Mrs. Wool- lett resided for many years. Half length, sitting against a tree, 4to. private plate, proof 3s. - Ipse 9687 Smith, George, actor and singer, Svo. Gd. Proof Is. Evans's catalogue of portraits. 321 9688 Smith, Constance Catherine, lady of J. Spencer S. M.P. for Dover, and envoy to Turkey, 4to. 2s. S'tcardl — Or me ,9689 Smith, Charles, nat. Scotland ; painter to the Great Mogul ; res. Bedford-street ; ob. 1824 ; set. 75 ; 8vo. 6d. Reynolds 9690 Smith, Cliarlotte, poetess, nat. 1749 ; of Stoke, Surrey ; Biirnor-park, and Lyss, Hants 3 ob. at Telford, Surrey, 1806 ; various, 8vo. 6d. 9691 — from iMr. Hayley's picture, 8vo. Is. 0(iie — Duncan 9692 — ditto, French paper proof, 4to. Is. 6d. If/id. — Ibid. 9693 — ditto, fine India paper proof, royal 4to. 2s. Ibid. — Ibic.'. 9694 Smith, Mrs. Drummond, (when' Miss Cunliffe), folio, 3s. Cotes — Caroline A^^itson 9695 Smith, Miss Elizabeth, nat. Burnhall, Durham, 1776 ; res. Piercefield and Ulswater ; ob. Coniston, 1806 3 buried at Hawkstead ; 8vo. 6d. Proof, Is. 9696 Smith, George, inn-keeper and horse doctor, w. 1. 2s. 9697 Smith, Henry, nat. Withcock, Leicester, 1550 ; lecturer at St. Clement Danes ; ob. 1593 ; 8vo. 6d. 9698 Smith, Erasmus, of co, Leicester, merchant London, 1688; fol. rare, lOs. . - George \Vliite 9699 Smith, Mary, iiis wife, fol. scarce, lOs. Kncller — Ibid. 9700 Smith, James Edward, founder and president of Linuceau Society; nat. Norwich 3 ob. 1828 3 buried at Lowestoff; 4to. Is. - - - Pastorini 9701 — with vignette of pursuit of the Linna^an Collection, 4to. 2s. - - - Russell — Ridley 9702 — 3-qrs. large fol. 3s. Proof, 5s. Lane — Lewis 9703 Smith, Sir John, bart. fol. 3s. - Opie — Smith 9704 — 4to. mez, 23. - - Martin, ad vivum 9705 — whole length, with book in hand, leaning against a tree, sheet, 5s. - - - Barnard 9706 Smith, Sir John, Baron of Exchequer, and founder of the Frolesworth hospital, 4t0. Is. 6d. - Basire 9707 Smith, Sir John, killed at Alesford, 1644, 8vo. Is. 9708 Smith, John, admiral, of New England, nat. Willoughby, Line. ; ob. 1631 ; bur. Sepulchre's, London. From his Map, 8vo. Is. 9709 — 6 verses, the original print, rare, 5s. - S. Pass 9710 Smith, Rev. John, rector Nantwich, 8vo. 6d. 9711 Smith, John, the celebrated mez. engraver. In cap, holding portrait of Kneller, fol. 3s. •■ - Ipse 9712 Smith, John, writing master. 1690, fol. 3s. Vanderbanc 9713 Smith, J. master Gouvilc coll. fol. 5s. Pej/nolds—Yac'win 9714 Smith, Joseph, nat, Lowther, co. AVestin. 1670 5 rector Em- ham, Hants 5 provost King's coll. Oxford, ob. 1756, 8vo. 2s. - - - 3Iaubert — Baron 9715 Smith, Layton, died in confinement 1754. Oval, with a beard, which he swore should not be shaved until his re- lease, fol. 3s. Faber. — 8vo. 6d. Proof 4to Is. 9716 Smith, Mary, of Portsmouth, inn-keeper, 1755, fol. 3s. Part XXI. Price 6d. y 323 EVANS'S CATALOGUE OF PORTRAITS. 1)717 Smith, Nicholas, accountant general to the Court of Chan- cery, fol. 3s. - - Ward, 1813 9718 Smith, Rev. Sam. author of Annotations, fol. ^s. 9719 Smith, S. actor, w. 1. in character, Svo. 6;l. 9720 Smith, Sir Sidney, R.N. Svo. 6d. each. Proof, Is. 9731 — 4to. 2s. - - Ople — Cheesman 9722 — fine India ink drawing, Svo. 2s. 6d. 9723 Smith, Sir Thos., nat. Saffron Walden, Essex, 1514; se- cretary state to Elizabeth ; of Queen's coil. Camb .; rector heverington, Camb. ; chancellor of Ely ; steward of the stannaries ; dean of Carlisle ; provost of Eton ; chanc. of Garter.; had grant of Ardes, Ireland; ob. at Mount-hall, Essex, 1577 ; Svo. 6d. various. 973i — fol. 2s. Ditto, large paper, 3s. Holbein — Houbraken 9725 — accurately coj)ied and reduced from the preceding, 4to. Is. Proof, 2s. - - Reading 972G Smith, Sir Thomas, ambassador to Russia, treasurer Vir- ginia ; of Bidborough, Kent. Copy from Simon Pass, Svo. Is. - - Richardson 9727 — the original print, rare, 4to. lOs. S. Pass, 1616 9728 Smith, Thomas, bishop of Carlisle, ob. 16S3, fol. 7s. Stephenson — Smith 9729 Smith, Thos. admiral, ob. 1763, fol. 5s. ' fFllson—Ysihcv 9730 Smith, Wm. termed " Gentleman Smith," eminent actor, nat. London, 1730 ; educated Eton, and John's college, Camb. ; ob. at Bury, 1819. From miniature by Spicer, Svo. Is. Proof 4to. 3s. . B. Smith 9731 — in characters of Lord Townley, Alexander, Phocyas, Archer, &c. Svo. 6d. each. Proofs, Is. 9732 — fine proof before anjj letters, fol. 5s. 9733 Smith, William, philomath, conjuror, &c. of Coventry, 4 verses, 4to. mez. 2s. 9734 Smith, Wm. translator of Longinus, nat. Worcester, 1711 ; of New coll. Oxford ; master Brentwood school, Essex ; minister George's, Liverpool ; rector West-Kirkby ; dean of Chester ; ob. 1787 ; Svo. 6d. - Freeman 9735 — fine proof , 4\.o. Is. 6d. - - Tomkins 9736 Smith, Rev. William, 1795, Svo. Is. - Trotter 9737 — 3-qrs. sitting, 4to. 2s. Proof, 2s. MuUer—\N n^^lvt 9738 Smith, William, celebr. dissenter, and M.P. for Norwich, fol, 5s. Thompson — Edwards, — fol. 5s. 0/;ie— Green 9739 Smith, Miss, (now Mrs. Bartley), celebrated tragic actress, nat, Liverpool, 1783, Svo. 6d. 9740 Smithson, .Tames, marshall of K.B. 1422. With his wife, 4to. Is. 6d. 9741 Smithson, Miss, actress, Svo. 6d. each. Proofs, Is. 9742 — w. 1. 4to. fine. Is. 6d. Proof 2s. 6d. C/w^— Cooper 9743 Smollett, Tobias, hist, and novelist, nat. Scotland, 1721 ; phys. at Bath, and wrote on the waters ; res. Clielsea ; ob. Leghorn, 1771 -. Svo. 6d. various. EVANS S CATALOGUE OF PORTRAITS. 323 9744 Smyth, Mrs. Agnes, front, to lier Letters, 8vo. Is. Holl 9745 Smytli, Arthur, archbishop of Dublin, ob. 1771. Standing in his library, fol. private plate, 5s. F. JFcst — Watson 974G Sinyti), Charlotte Delaval, wife of Sir Robert S. with her children, 1789, fol. 3s, Coloured, 5s. Bartolozzi 9747 Smyth, Edward, M.D. 1779, fol. private plate, 5s, Green 9748 Smyth, ^V'illm,, of Widness, Lane, founder, nat. Farnworth ; of }\^mbroke.hall J rector Clieshunt, Herts; dean of Ste- phen's, H'estin, ; bishop of Lichfield and Coventry, and Lincoln ; ob. at Buckden, 1514. In the Set of Founders, 4to. Is, 6d. 9749 Smyth, William, " inventor of flexible metallic bougies," 8vo. Is. - S. Harding, del. et sc. 1800 9750 Snape, An\]revv, nat. Hampton-court; rector Knebworth, /H Herts, and lldesley, 'Berks ; leader of the Bangorian con- troversy ; canon W^indsor ; provost King's coll. Canib. j master of Eton school ; ob. 1742 ; fol, 5s. Faber 9751 Snape, Edward, med. 4to. Is. 6d. fFhithy — Godby 9752 Snape, Richard, front, to his Farriery, 1682, fol. Ss. ^Vhite 9753 Snell, Charles, writing master and aritlimet, nat, London, 1070 ; educated Christ's hospital j ob, in Sermon-lane, 1733, a?t, 63 ; fol. 3s. - . Elder 9754 — oval, with figures, 4to. 2s. 6d. - Bickham 9755 Snell, Hannah, female soldier, nat. Worcester, 1723 ; per- formed at Goodman's fields ; ob. 1779 ; 8vo. 6d. 4to. "proof, Is, 9756 — in military dress, 4to, mez. 2s. Proof, 3s. Young 9757 Snelling, Thos. medalist, ob. 1773, 8vo. Is. Hall 9758 Sneyd, Miss, friend of Miss Seward. As Serena, reading, 8vo. Is. Proof, 2s. - Bcnwell — Bartolozzi 9759 Snodgrass, Gabriel, ship-builder and surveyor to the East India Company, ob. 1799, set. 80 ; 8vo, 6d. Drayton 97G0 Snow, Major Ralph, writing master, ob. 1744. Holding a paper, ' Vive la Plume,' fol. 3s. JVhood — Van Haccken 9761 Soams, Madame, daughter George Shute, of Stockwell, wife of Sir Peter S. fol. 3s, - A^«e//cr— Beckett 9762 Soane, Sir John, celebrated architect, nat. Reading, 1756 ; private plate, 8vo, Is. - Drummond — Blood 9763 Sobieski, Princess Clementina, wife of Pretender, 8vo, Is. 9764 — 8vo, 2s. Desrochers 9765 — fol. 2s. ' Trhnsam — Dupuis 9766 — holding a curl, fol. 3s, - />«wW.9—D revet 9767 Soeur, Hubert le, statuary, in England 1630 ; executed statues of William Earl of Pembroke at Oxford, and Chas. I, at Charing Cross ; 4to, Is. - Banncrmaii 9768 Solander, Dr." botanist and naturalist, nat. Sweden, 1730 ; librarian British Museum ; ob. 1782 ; 8vo. 6d. 9769 — - w. 1, ' Simpling Maccaroni,' 4to, Is. - Darly 9770 — half length, sitting. An original drawing in water-co- lours, 3s. y2 324 Evans's catalogue of portraits. 9771 Solomon, Samuel, iM.D. near Liverpool, 8vo. 6(1. 9772 Somers, John, Lord, nat. Worcester, 1650; educated Wal- O sal), and Trinity coll. Camb. ; of Middle Temple ; counsel for 7 Bishops ; recorder of Gloucester ; solicitor and at- vi* ,,,/•, torney general ; lord keeper; had grant of Ryegate, co. ^ ' '"^ Snrrey ; |)resident R.S. ; res. Cheshunt, Herts 5 ob. 1716; various, 8vo. 6d. 9773 — fol, 2s. Ditto, larg-e paper, 3s. Kneller — Houbraken 9774' — in his robes, 8vo. Is. - - JbkJ. — Hall 9775 _ large fol. 5s. /^«/.— White. —fol. 3s. //:7V.— Smith 9776 — in KitKat Club, fol. 2s. Faber. — 4to. Is. Cooper 9777 Somers, Wm. of Eston Neston. Northampt. and jester to Henry VIIL From Holbein, Svo. 6d. 9778 — whole length, with fool's cap hanging at his girdle, with view of a street in London, and the games of that period, curious, 4to. Is. 9779 Somerset, Edward Seymour, Duke, and Earl of Hertford, the Protector ; of Wolf-hall, Wilts ; of Oxford university ; K.G. ; took Edinburgh; lord of Thornbury, Hereford} committed to Tower ; executed 1552; various, Svo. 6d. 9780 — fol, 2s. T)\iio, large paper, ^-i. Holbein — Houbraken 9781 ' — from Lodge, 4to. 2s. India proof, Ss,. Ibid. — Freeman 9782 — in Heroologia, 4to. 3s. Pass. — fol. Is. Gunst 9783 Somerset, Anne Stanhope, his Duchess, of Sudbury, Suff. and Hampton, Notts ; com. to Tower, and released, and re-married F. Newdigate ; ob. 1587; buried Westmiust. abbey. From picture at Strawberry-hill, 4to. Is. Nugent 9784 Somerset, Sir Thomas S. Viscount, son Earl of Worcester; of Cashel, Ireland ; K.G. 1604. From the picture at Badminton, 4to. Is. 9785 Somerset, Robert Car, Earl, and Viscount Rochester, nat. Scotland, 1587 ; knighted at Hampton.court ; had grant of Sherborne manor, Dorset ; confined in Tower for Over- bury's murder ; removed to Lord ^Vallingford's, Oxford ; pardoned, and ob. at Chiswick 1645 ; buried at Covent Garden ; Svo. 6d. various. 9786 — copy of rare print by S. Pass, 4to. Is. 9787 — fol. 2s. Ditto, large paper, 3s. Houbraken. — from min. at Strawberry-hill, 4to. Is. Hoskins — Harding 9788 ■ — with Countess, w. I's. copy of rare print, Svo. Is. 9789 Somerset, William Seymour, Duke of, Marquis of Hert- ford ; lord Seymour of Trowbridge, Wilts, and Cocker- mouth, Cumberland; governor Charter-house ; ob. 1671 ; fol. 5s. - - . J^<^^y — Vertue 9790 Somerset, Sarah Alston, Duchess, wife of John Beaufort 4th Duke ; of CO. Bedford ; founded almshouses at Froxfield, Wilts, and school at Tottenham ; endowed scholarships for CO. Hereford ; ob. 1692. Reduced copy of the plate by Vertue at St. John's college, Cambridge, 4to. Is. Proof, 3s. - - Reading Evans's catalogue of portraits 325 9791 Somerset, Charles, Duke, tlie proud, iiat. 16G3 ; K.G. ; president of council to ^Villinin ill.; chancellor Cam- bridge univ. ; ob. Petwortli, 1748 ; bur. Salisbury cathe- dral ; 4to. Is. . . Dunkartoa 9792 — fol. 3s. Kneller — Simon. — fol. mez. 2s. Taylor 9793 — in Kit Kat Club, fol. 23. Faber. — 4to. Is. Cooper 9794 Somerset, Frances Tliynne, wife of Algernon Duke of S. the ' Hertford ' of Thomson's Seasons, patroness of lite- rature, lady of bedchamber to Queen Caroline ; ob. at Percy- lodge, 1754. From picture at Longleate, 4to. Is. 9795 — the original drawing, from the picture, highly finished in colours, 4to. 18s. Harding 9796 Somerton, Charles, Viscount, archbp. Dublin, fol. 3s. Say 9797 Somerville, AVm. poet, nat. Edston, Warwick, 1692 ; edu- cated at Winchester school, and New coll. Oxford ; ob. 1743. From a picture belonging to C. Wren, Esq. 8vo. Is. - - Thurston — AVorthington 9798 — ditto, French paper proof , 4to. Is. 6d. Ibid. — Ibid. 9799 • — ditto, fine India paper proof , royal 4to. 2s. Ibid. — Ibid. 9800 Somerville, .John, Lord, president of the Bath Agricultural Society, 1807, 8vo. 6d. . - Hopwood 9801 — whole length, in his uniform, large fol. proof before any letters, 5s. . 9802 Somner, Wm. antiquary, nat. Canterbury, 1606, and ob. there, 1669 ; 8vo. 2s. - Burghers, del. et sc. 9803 Soncrus, Ernest, M.D. visited England, ob. 1612, set 39. From Freherus, 8vo. Is. 9804 Sophia, Princess of Hanover, mother of George I. ; by act of succession to succeed Queen Anne ; ob. 1714, set. 83 ; 8vo. 6d. — fol. 3s. - Simon 9805 Sophia of Zell, wife of George I. nat. 1666; divorced,1694 ; confined in Alden castle 32 years, and ob. there, 1726. From miniature at Strawberrv-hill, 4to. Is. Birrell 9806 Sophia, Princess, dan. Geo. III."8vo. 6d. Proof, Is. 9807 Sorbiere, Samuel Joseph, French literat. visited England, ob. 1670, jet. 60, 4to. Is. 9808 South, Robert, nat. Hackney, 1633 ; educated Westm, and Christ-church, Oxford ; public orator Oxford univ. ; living in Wales ; preb. Westm. ; rector Islip, Oxford ; ob. 1716 ; 8vo. Is. - - - Gucht 9809 — yvo. Is. White. — 4to. 2s. Ibid. — Svo. Is, Vertiie 9810 Southampton, Willm. Fitzwilliam, Earl of, K.G. ; ambas- - sador to France ; admiral ; at treaty of York ; ob. New- castle on Tyne, 1543 ; buried at Midhurst, Sussex ; fol. 23. * - - Holbein — Dalton 9811 Southampton, Thomas Wriothesley, Earl of, nat. Barbican, 1500 ; secretary of state ; ambassador to Netherlands j lord-chancellor ; K.G. ; ob. Southampton-house, Holborn, 1550 ; bur. St. Andrew's. From a miniature at Straw- berry-hill, 4to. Is. - Cooper— K Harding 326 Evans's catalogue of portraits. 9812 Southampton Ileury Wriothesley, Earl, baron Titclifield ; K.G. ; ])atron of Sliakspeare ; committed to Tower ; ob. 1G24; Svo.ls. 9813 Southampton, Thomas Wriothesley, Earl, his son, nat. 1610 ; attended funeral of Charles I, at Windsor ; lord- higli treasurer 1660; ob. 1667. From picture of Duke of Queensbury's, 4to. Is. Harding — in Clarend. 8vo. Is. 9814 Southamjitou, Rachel Frances do Ruvigny, Countess. Whole length, in the clouds, leaning on a sphere, skull under her feet, fol. fine, 5s. - F'andi/ke — Ardell 9815 Southcott, Johanna, religious fanatic, nat. co. Devon ; ob. 1814 ; various, 8vo. 6d. Proof, Is. 9816 — from port, by her disciple, W Sharp, 8vo. Is. — the orig. print, finely engraved, fol. 10s. Sharp, et sc. 9817 Southesk, Anne Hamilton, Css. from Grammont, 8vo. 6d. 9818 Southey, Robert, poet laureat, 8vo. 6d. various. 9819 — in Percy Anecdotes, India prooj, 8vo. Is. Fry 9820 Southgate, Richard, collector, nat. Alwalton, Hunts, 1729 ; ^s^ educated Peterborough j curate St. James', and Giles', London j rector Steeping, Lincoln ; librarian to British Museum j living of Warsop, Notts ; ob. 1795 ; 8vo. 2s. 9821 Southwell, Robert, Jesuit and poet, res. in the Tower with Countess Arundel, executed at Tyburn, 1595 ; 8vo. 6d. Froof, Is. - . . Cooper 9822 Southwell, Sir Robert, of Queen's coll. Oxford, and Lin- Goln's-inn ; envoy to Portugal) pres. R.S. ; ob. 1702, aet. 67 ; fol. 5s. . Kneller — Smith 9823 Southwell, Edward, his son, secretary of state, Ireland ; ob. 1780 ; bur. Hanbury, Glouc, ; fol. 3s. Kneller — Smith 9824 Southwell, Lady Elizabeth Cromwell, nat. 1673 ; of Oke- ham, Rutland ; ob. 1709 ; buried at Hanbury, Glouc. When Lady E. C. fol. 3s. - Kneller — Smith 9825 — w. 1. with greyhound, fol. 3s. * Ibid. — Ibid. 9826 Southwell, Sir Richard, Knt. master of Ordnance to Eliz. ; estates Norfolk ; finely tinted, fol. 5s. Holbein — Bartolozzi 9827 — from the same picture, in the Royal Collection, tinted, 4to. 2s. 6d. - - Ibid.—KiQ\\o\\% 9828 Southerne, Thomas, dramatist, nat. Dublin, 1659 ; of the Middle Temple ; res, in Tothill-street, Westminster ; ob. 1748 ; 8vo, Is. - - fForsdale — Evans 9829 Sowden, Mr. actor, as Caled,4to, Is. - S.Harding 9830 Spademan, Rev. Thomas, ob. 1678, 8vo. 6d. Caldwall 9831 Spanhcim, Frederick, visited England, ob. 1649, £Btat. 49. Jine proof before any letters, fol. 5s, 9832 Spanheim, Ezekiel, envoy to England, 1707, ob. 1710, aet. 81, io\.fine, 5s. - - u^rlatid — Simon 9833 Sparke, Edward of Camb. univ. vicar Tottenham, ob. 1662, 8vo. Is. 6d. 9834 Sparke, Rev. Thos,, ob. 1616. Fine impression, from his monumental brass, fol. scarce, 5s, KVANS S CATALOGUK OF POUTBaITS, 327 9835 Sparrow, Anthony, rat. Depdcn, Suffolk ; of Queen's coll. > , Camb. ; rector Hawkedon, Suffolk; preb. Ely; bishop of A - ' Exeter, and Norwich ; ob. 16S5, jet. 74; 8vo. Is. Ui-^vv, < 9S36 Speed, John, historian of London, nat. Farrington, Cheshire, ]555 ; ob. 1629 ; bur. Cripplegate ; Svo. Is. Carey 9837 — 3-(irs. sitting, fol. 5s. . Hu/nf^le—Sayery 9838 Spehnan, ^ir Henry, nat. 15G3; educated Congham, Xor- folk; of Trinity coll. Cambr. and Lincobi's-inn ; ob. at Barbicnn, 1641; bur. VVestni. abbey, Svo. 6d. Ravenet 9839 — 4to. 3s. /'i«(?, 5s. Faithorne, ' — fol. 3s. R.AV'hite 9840 Spcnce, Miss, litcrat. 8vo. (5d. Proof, Is. Bell 9841 Spencc, William, entomologist, F.L.S. 8vo. Is. Indm proof, 4to. 2s. - - JSIasqucricr — Fry 9842 Spencer, Sir Richard, ambassador to Holland, 1G08, rare, 4to. 5s. - - - Hondius 9843 ■ — small square, from sheet of ambassadors, 3s. . -, 9S44 Spencer, Benj. minister Southwark, fol. rare, ts. Cross - J A1^ 9845 Spencer, Georgiana Pointz, 1st Countess, married 1755. With her daughter, 8vo. Is. Reynolds — Paul 9846 — ditto, the large plate, fol. 2i. - Ihid.—\\nc\. 9847 — in Persian habit, fol. 3s. - Ibid. — AVatson 9848 — in ' ^des Althorpianse,' ^io.fine, 5s. Batton'i — Freeman 9849 Spencer, George John, late Earl, collector, nat. 1758; edu- cated Harrow, and Trinity coll. Cauib. ; M.P. Northampt. and Surrey ; steward St. Albans ; res. Isle of Wight ; ob. 1634 ; 8vo. 6d. various. 9850 — with autog. 8vo. Is. India proof , 2^. Copley^KoW 9851 — from the picture at Althorp, whole length, aetat. 17, 4to. 4s. - - Reynolds — Robinson 9852 Spencer, Lavinia Bingham, his Countess, various, 8vo. 6d. 9853 -^ fol. 3s. Fine proof , 5^. Do. col' d. 5s. Shee — Turner 9854 Spencer, Lady C. with dog, fol. 3s. Ileynohh — Pott 9855 Spencer, Robert, Lord, M.P. Wareham, 1791, 8vo. 6d. 9656 Spencer, John, nat. Bocton, Kent, 1630 ; rector Landbeach, Camb. ; estates at Elmington, Northampton ; archdeacon Sudbury ; prcb. Ely j ob. 1693; Svo. Is. Fol. 3s. 9857 — fol. 3s. Proof 6s. - - \"ertue 9858 Spencer, Rev. Thomas, of Liverpool, Svo. 6d. Proof Is. 9859 Spencer, Miss Charlotte, 1771, [afterwards Holden], fol. 2s. - - - Hamilton — Green 9860 Spenser, Edmund, the poet, nat. East Smithtield, 1553 ; of Pembroke-hall, Camb. ; secretary in Ireland ; had grant of lauds CO. Cork ; ob. in King-street, Westminster, 1599 j bur. ^Vestminster abbey ; Svo. 6d. various. 9861 — from picture belonging to the Earl of Kinnoul, Svo. Is. Uirlns — Charles AA'arrcn 9862 — ditto, French paper proof, 4to. Is. 6d. IhkL — Ibid. 9863 — ditto, fine India paper proof royal 4to. 2s. Ibid. — Ibid. 96G4 — in Set of Poets, fol. 2s. - Vertue 9805 — finely engraved from priut by Vertue, 4to. Is. Reading 328 Evans's catalogue of portraits. 9S66 Spinacuta, Signior, whole length, with his monkeys' per.' formance at Sadlers Wells. In 18 compaitments, sh. 5s. > 9867 Spinckes, Nathaniel, nat. Castor, Northampton, 1653 ; of ^"^ Trinity coll. Camb. 5 curate Stephen's, AValbrook ; preb. Salisbury ; preacher at, Miden castle, Wilts ; ejected for nonconformity 3 ob. 1727 ; bur. Covent Garden j 8vo. Is. JVollaston — V'ertuQ 9868 — fine proof before the insciipt'ion, 2?. . Idem 8869 Spottiswood, John, nat. Scotland, 1565, archbishop of St. Andrew's, ob. 1639, bur. Westm. abbey, fol. 5s. Hollar 9870 Sprague, Sir E. admiral, drowned 1673, 8vo. 6d. : 9871 Si rat, Tliomas, nat. Tallaton, Devon j ofAVadham college, Oxford ; canon of Windsor ; dean of AVestminster ; bp. Rochester ; ob. Bromley, 1713, astat. 77 ; buried West- minster abbey ; 8vo. Is. 9872 — from picture in the Bodleian Gallery, 4to. proof, Is. 6d. Dahl — Stow 9873 — with his son, who ob. 1720, fol. 3s. Ibkl.—^\n\t\\ 9874 Sprott, Mr. of Riddall, Roxburgh, Scotland, private plate, fol. 3s. - - - Scirven — Ward 9875 Sprott, Mrs. of ditto, fol. 3s. - Ibkl~md. 9876 Spring, Thos. Winter, pugilist, nat. Hereford, 8vo. 6d. 9877 Spry, John, son of Dr. Sj)ry, and gent, commoner of Christ church, Oxford, fol. scarce, 10s. 6d. . Jehner 9878 Scpiires, Mary, the Gypsey of Enfield, various, 8vo. 6d. 9879 — w. 1. leaning on stick, 4to. 2s. - W^orlidge 9880 ■ — vvith Elizabeth Canning, true effigies of, 4to. 2s. Cole 9881 Stables, Mrs. wife of the East India director, with her daugh- ters, large fol. 5s. - Romney — Smith 9882 Stackhouse, Thomas, nat. 1660 ; curate at Ealing, Rich- mond, and Finchley ; vicar Beenham, Berks ; ob. there, 1752. Frontispiece to his History of the Bible, fol. 2s. JVollaston — Vertue 9883 Stacpoole, John, of Craigbrien castle, ob. 1771, aetat. 97, fol. 3s. - - Barrett — Watson 9684 Stacpoole, Sir Richard, of Stacpoole Court, Pembrokeshire, knighted by William 1. In armour, from drawing by Se- gulta, from his monument, fol. 3s. - Watson 9885 Stael, Madame de, very eminent literat. nat, Paris, 1768 j visited England ; ob. 1^21 ; 8vo. 6d. Proof, Is. 9586 Stafibrd, William Howard, Viscounty executed for Popish Plot, 1678, 4to. Is. - - Rodd 9887 Stafford, G. Leveson Govver, Marcpiis, ob. 1803, 8vo. 6d. 9888 Stafford, John, D.D. 1775, 8vo. 6d. - \^allance 9889 Staines, Sir VV^m. nat. 1725; built Chelmsford gaol; lord- mayor 1801 ; ob. Clapham, 1807 ; 8vo. 6d. 9890 Stair, John Dalrymple, Earl, ob. 1747, 8vo. 6d. 9891 — 3-qrs. with truncheon, fol. 3s Ramsay — Faber 9892 Stalbent, Adrian, painter to Charles I. fol. 2s. Pontius 9893 — with landscape from him, 4to. Is. Proof, Is. 6d. Corner Evans's catalogue of portraits. 329 9894 Stamford, Henry Grey, Earl, of Clicwton, Soin. ; pari. -ge- neral ; distinguished himself in Hereford and Cornwall 5 grandfather of Swift ; oh. 1673 ; 8vo. 6d. 9895 ~ horseback, " The Right Ho'ble. Henry Gray, Earlc of Standford, lord Gray of Groby, Bonvile, and Harington," &c. Copy of Earl Spencer's unique print, 4to. Is. 9896 — copy of Hollar, oval, 8vo 6d. — from Kicraft, 8vo. 6di. 9897 Stamford, Harvey, Countess, baroness of Bonvile, of (Miew- ton, Somerset, 4to. 2s. 6(1. - LeUj — Tompson 9898 — fol. rare, 10s. 6d. Bc-ckett. — fol. 10s. 6d. Allard 9899 Staiibridge, John, eminent schoolmaster, nat. Heyford, Nor- thampton ; educated Winchester, and New coll. Oxford ; 8vo. 6(1. - - • Thane 9900 Stanhope, George, nat. Hcrtishorn, Derby, 1660 j educated ■ Uj/pingham, Rutland ; Leicester, and Eton ; rector of Tewing, Herts ; vicar Lewisham and Deptford ; dean of ■ Canterbury ; ob. Bath, 1728 ; 8vo. 6d. — 8vo. Is. Gncht, /^^^i-- 9901 — 3-qrs. sitting, 8vo. 2s. Elhjs — Sympson. — from do. fol. 3s. A7/y.?— Faber 9902 Stanhope, James, Earl, and Visct. Mahon, eminent states- man and negociator, nat. 1673 ; comm. in chief in Spain ; M.P. Cockermouth, Cumb. j Wendover, Bucks ; and Aid- borough, Yorkshire ; baron S. of Elvaston, Derby ; ob. 1721 ; bur. Chevening ; 4to. Is. Fanloo — Hall 9903 — in Kat Kat Club, fol. 2s. Fabcr. — 4to. Is. Cooper 9904 — half length, fol. 3s. - KmUer—^\mow 9905 Stanhope, Griselda Hamilton, Css., 1745, fol. 3s. Ardell 9906 — holding pencil, 3-qrs. fol. 2s. /^^//«o/rf«— Corbutt 9907 Stanhope, Anne de Laval, Lady, 1759. Whole length, as Fair Penitent, fol. 4s. Proof, 6s. //7/a-o«— Basire 9908 — the original drawing, fol. lOs. 6d. B. Jl"ilson 9909 — oval, ermine cloak, when Miss L. 8vo, Is. Worlidge 9910 Stanhope, Hon. Mrs. Elizabeth, wife Hon. Col. Henry S. fol. 3s. - ^'ir /. i^^-.y^o/t/.?— Caroline Watson 9911 Stanhope, Lady, India ink drawing. Copy of a very rare print by Browne, from JjcUj, 4to. 5s. 9912 Stanhope, Miss Henrietta, fol. 2s. Sanders— \S\\%Q\\ 9913 Stanhope, Lady Anna IVLaria, 1805. Wliole length, yiwf, 4to. 3s. - - Cosway — Cardon 9914 Stanhope, Charles, late scientific Earl, nat. 1753 ; of Che- vening, Kent; Elvaston, Derby ; and Mahon, Devon ; ob. 1816 ; 4to. Is. 6d. - ilkhtcr, ad v'lvum, del. et sc. 9915 — when Vise. Mahon, fol. 3s. Prudh()mme~\\\\\.%Q\\ 9916 Staidiope, Hon. Leicester, when young, beating a drum, * Sprightlincss,' 4to. 2s. i/cv/woA/.s— Bartoloz/i, 1789 9917 Stanhope, Mrs. 8vo. Is. India proof , 2i. C/ialon— Venn 9918 Stanhope, Mrs. holding i)arrot, fol. 3s. Kncllcr— Smith 9919 Stanislaus H. of Poland, F.R.S. J.ondon, 1760, 8vo. Is. 9920 Stanley, Miss, actress, 8vo. 6d. 9921 — half length, sitting, 4to. 2s. - Bond ' ijVWv-<*v- 330 KVANS'S CATALOGUE OK PORTRAITS. 9922 Stanley, John, master of Royal Band, and orgauist at St. Andrew's, Holborn, oh. 17c'6, 8vo. 6d. 9923 — S-qrs. playing, fol. 3s. Aidcll. — verses, fol. Ss. Dicey 9924 Stanley, Thomas, poet, and historian of philosophy, nat. 1625; of Pembroke-hall, Canib. and Inner Temple ; ob. 1678 ; bur. Martin's in the Fields ; Svo. 6d. 9925 — from picture belonging to George Stanley, Esquire, Svo. Is. - - - Lieli/ — Worthington 9926 — ditto, French paper proof , 4to. Is. 6d. Ibid. — Ibid. 9927 — (SSXXo, fine India paper proof , royal 4to. 2s. Ibid. — Ibid. 9928 — 4to. OS. Most brilliant, lOs. 6d. Le/y— Faithorne 9929 Stannard, Eaton, recorder of Dublin, fol. rare, 10s. 6d. Latham — Miller, 1747 9930 Stanyan, Abraham, ambassador to Turkey, under secretary of state to Addison, ob. Bucks, 1737. From the Kit Kat Club, fol. 2s. Kneller — Faber. — Do. 4to. Is. Cooper 9931 Stapledon, Walter, founder of Exeter coll. nat. Annery, co. Devon; ijishop Exeter ; killed by the populace near St. f Paul's, 1326. In Set of Founders', 4to. Is. 6d. 9933 Stapleton, Sir Robert, poet, of co. Ebor, ob. 1669, fine, fol. 4s.; _ . . Lombart 9933 — ditto, fol. 3s. - - Marshall 9934 Stapleton, Thomas, Jesuit, nat. Hen field, Sussex, 1535 ; of New coll. Oxford ; canon Chichester j divinity prof, at Douay ; ob. 1598 ; Svo. 6d. 9935 Stapleton, Cecilia, lady of Sir Bryan S. K.G. coloured, whole length, 4to. 2s. 9936 Starter, John, poet, oval, in a shell, drawn by swans »nd cupids, 4to. scarce, (not in Bromley), 12s. 9937 Staveley, Thomas, of Cussington, Leic. ; of Peter.house, Camb. ; of Inner Temple ; ob. 1683 ; 4to. Is. 9938 — with his lady, 4to. 2s. - - Basire 9939 Stearne, Richard, nat. co. Notts, 1596 ; m.aster Jesus coll. Camb. ; imprisoned in Tower for loyalty ; bishop of Car- lisle ; abp. York ; ob. 1683 ; 4to. Is. 6d. Harding 9940 Stearne, J. bp. Clogher, ob. 1745, fol. 5s. Carlton — Beard 9941 Steel, Richard, nat. Nantwich, 1629 ; of Camb. and Oxf. univ's. ; minister Hanmere, Wales ; Coleman-street, and Hoxton, Midd. ; ob. 1692; Svo. 6d. - ^ Roffe 9943 Steele, Sir Richard, nat. Dublin, 1671 ; educated Charter, house and Merton coll. Oxford ; M.P. Stockbridge, Hants, and Boroughbridge, Yorks. ; surveyor stables, Hampton court ; justice Middlesex j commissioner on forfeited es- tates, Scotland ; res. Hereford ; retired to Wales, a.id ob. there, 1729 ; various, Svo. 6d. 9943 — 4to. Is. 6d. Thornhill—Xcxiae. — fol. 3s. Smith 0944 — in Kit Kat Club, fol. 2s. Faber. — 4to. Is. Cooper 9945 — fol. 2s. Tio. fine, large paper, ^■i. Kneller — Houbraken 9946 Steenvvyck, Henry, painter, visited England, 1637, 4to. Is. - * Fftw^^y/'e — Bannerman EVANb's CATALOGUE OF PORTIIAITS. 831 9947 Steers. AVm. clerk St. Mary's, Camb., 8vo. Is. S. Hiirdiiig 9948 Steeveiis, George, tlie conuiieiitator on Sliakspcare, iiat. at Stcpnev, 173() ; of King's coll. Cambr. ; ob. Hampstead, 1800; 'bur. Poplar; 8vo.6d. 9949 — dog on table, from picture l)y Zoffnny, 4to. Is. Evans 9950 Steeveiis, J. niin. of Grafton. street, large fol. 5s. Ward 9951 Steevens, Dr. \v. 1, in university costume, 4to. 2s. 9952 Stennett, Josepli, D.D. Sabbatarian anabaptist, of Wild- street clinpel, ob. 1713, 8vo. 6d. V^anderberglie 9953 — ditto, fol. 5s. - . So/rfi— Walker 9!*54 Stennett, a muel, D.D. 8vo. «d. Proof, Is. 9955 Steplicn, King of England, various, 8vo. 6d. 9956 — with sm. head of Queen Matilda, fol. Is. Vcrtue, et sc. 9957 — ■ from Vertue, 8vo. Is. - - Basaii 9958 — ditto, small oval, 8vo. 6d. - Peak« 9959 Ste])hens, Sir Philip, baronet, nat. Bures, Essex, 1723 ; M,P. Sandwich; lord commissioner of admiralty ; estates CO. Norfolk, Glouc. Middx. and Suifolk ; ob. 1800; bur. Fulliam ; 8vo. 6d. Ridley. — 4to. Is. 6d. 9960 Stephens, Jas. literat. 1771, fol. 3s. Thomson — Dickinson 9961 Stephens, J. corn doctor, 8vo. 6d 4to. Is. Hawkins 9962 Stephens, William, Grand Master of Portugal, 4to. Is. Proof 2s. - - Bouch — Smith 9963 Stephens, Miss, celebr. singer, 8vo. 6d. Harlow — Meyer 9964 — large plate, from do. fol. 5s. Ibid. — Ibid. 9965 — in richly ornamented frame, 4to. Is. Brook — Hall 9966 — 4to. fine, Is. Proof, 2s. Haytcr — Hopwood 9967 Stephenson, Hon. Mrs. 1804. With a harp, fol. 2s. Co- loured, 3s. Fine proof, 3s. ff^oodforde — Freschi 9968 Stepney, George, poet, nat. Westminster, 1663; of Trin. coll. Camb. ; lord of trade; envoy abroad ; ob. Chelsea, 1707 ; bur. Westminster abbey. From the Kit Kat picture, 8vo. Is. - Kncllcr — NewtoH 9969 — ditto, French paper proof 4to. Is. 6d. Ibid. — Ibid. 9970 — ditto, fine India paper proof, royal 4to. 2s. Ibid.—\h\^. 9971 — in Kit Kat Club, fol. 2s. Faber. — 4to. Is. Cooper 9972 Stepney, Lady, vv, 1. fol. 3s. - StrijchHng—\h\A. 9973 Sterne, Laurence, celebrated literat. nat. Clonniel, 1713; educated at Halifax, and Jesus coll. Cambr. ; livings at Sutton and Stillington ; preb. York ; curate Coxwold j ob. Bond-street, 1768; various, 8vo. 6d. 9974 — 4to. Is. 6(1. - Sir Joshua Reynolds— \Y\\v\\ 9975 — whole length, with autograph, 4to. Is. 9976 — w. 1. at Ranelagh, gathering subscriptions, 8vo. Is. 9977 — with vignette of Corp. Trim, from Ilon-arth, 8vo. Is. 9978 Sterne, Lvdia, crowning a bu'it of her uncle, 8vo. Is. n^st—OMwuW 9979 Steuart, Sir James, of Denham, bart. 8vo. 6d. 9980 Stevenson, Matthew, poet, 1673. Copy of print by Gay- wood, 4 verses, Svo. 6J. 333 Evans's catalogue ok i-ortuaits. 9981 Steven, Jas. min. of Scotch church, London, 4to. ly. Piatt 9983 Stevens, Doctor, eminent physician, [vide Noble], smatl etching, 8vo. Is. 9983 Stevens, W. D.D. Svo. Is., Gd. Gainsborough — Conde 9984 Stewardson, Mr. large fol. 3s. Proof, 5s. Op'ie — Barney 9985 Stewart, \\. H. Lady Catherine, 8vo. Is. Mec — Thomson 9986 Stewart, Chas, admiral, oh. 1741 fol. 3s. Ram.v/i/—FiiheY ; 9987 Stewart, Alicin, daughter Simon S. of Lakingheth, Suffolk, t^y|f'|f ' ob. 1753. ^Vhole length, kneeling, holding scull, and a \ stag at her feet. From mon. Savoy, Svo. Is. Birrell 9988 Stewart, Sir James, of Goodtrees, jurisc. ob. 1713. Bare, but cut close, 5s. - . Vertue 9989 Stewart, Domina Mariota, filia Robert! Comitis de Fyfe et Monteith, ejus Sponsa, 1606. From the original at Tay mouth, 4to. Is. 9990 Stewart, Dugald, Svo. with autograph. Is. India prooj, 2s. - - - - Lizars / 9991 Stewart, Richard, nat. Pattishull, Northampt. ; of Oxford univ. ; preb. Worcester and Salisbury ; dean Chichester ; J preb. Westm. ; provost Eton ; dean St. Paul's ; ob. at r^^'l Paris, 1651, jet. 68 ; 4to. Is. 6d. - Stow 9992 St. George, Mons. teacher fencing, fol, 3s. Brown — Ward 9993 Stiles, John, rear admiral of the White, ob. 1830, get. 79, fol. private plate, 10s. - Moreau — Gauci 9994 Stiles, Willm. commissioner of customs, 1795, fol. private plate, 10s. 6d. - - .^^^o«— Town ley 9995 Stillingfleet, Edward, nat. Cranbonrne, Dorset, 1635 ; edu- cated Ringwood, Hants ; of John's coll. Canib. ; living of Sutton, Bedford ; preacher to Rolls chapel ; minister at Andrew's, Holborn ; lecturer at Temple ; preb. Islington ; dean St. Paul's; bishop Worcester; ob. at Park-street, Westminster, 1699 ; Svo. 6d. Ditto, Is. White 9996 — fol. 2s. M. />V//e— White, — fol. 3s. Bickham 9997 — large {o\. fine, 5s. - Blooteling 9998 Stillingfleet, Benjamin, naturalist, nat. 1702 ; educated at Norwich ; of Trinity coll. Camb. ; res. at Foxiey, Here- ford ; barrack master, Kensington ; ob. at Piccadilly, 1771 ; Svo. Is. - - - Basire 9999 ■ — fol. private plate, 5s. - Zoffany — Green 10000 Stillman, Rev. Samuel, of Boston, Amer. Svo. Is. Trotter 10001 Stirling, Wm. Alexander, Earl, ])oet, and projector of the settlement of Nova Scotia, nat. in Scotland, 1580 ; ob. 1640; Svo. 6d. 10002 — tine copy of the rare print by Marshall, prefixed to his Recreation of the Muses, 4to. Is. 6d. Hall 10003 — from the same, Svo. Js. - Thurston — Pye 10004 ■ — ditto, French paper proof , 4to. Is. 6d. Ibid. — Ibid. 10005 ' — ditto, /ine India paper proof, royal 4to. 2s. Ibid. — Ibid. 10006 Stockdale, Christopher Walter, M.P. Knaresborough, ob. 1713, fol. 3s. - - /i'«e//-— Smith Evans's catalogue of portraits. 333 10007 Stock, Richard, iiat. York ; of Joan's coll. Camb. ; chap- ^ lain at Ashby, Northainpt. and Boiirton, Glonc. ; uii- """* iiister Allhallovv's, Bread-street ; ob. 1628, Front, ta his Commeatarj', verses, curious, ' Behold Death's prize, a good Rich Stock,' 4to. 2s. - Jenncr 10008 Stockdale, F. \\\ L. artist, 4to. Is. Proof, 2s. VVoolnoth 10009 Stockdale, Perceval, literat. nat. Branxton, 1736 ; of St. /^. . Andrew'j univ. ; lieut. army at Gibraltar ; curate of Hincworth, Herts ; minister Lcsbury, Northumb. and ob. there, 1811 ; 8vo. Is. - Downmun — Fittler 10010 Stodden, Samuel, nonconformist divine. From picture in the possession of Mr. Stodden, of Trull, near Taunton, 8vo. 6d. . . - Kenzie 10011 Stoe, Harry, late director of the South Sea house, 8vo, Is. hidia proof, Is. 6d. - Stothard — AValker 10012 Stokes, \Vm. copy of rare print by Glover, to his Art of Vaulting, 1641, 8 verses, 8vo. 6d. Richardson 10013 Stone, John, incendiary co. Kent, executed 17.50. Whole length, in fetters, 8vo. Gd. Proof, 4to. Is. 10014 Stone, Nicholas, father and son, eminent statuaries temp. Clias, I. masons of Banqueting-house, and built Mary's church, Oxford, 4to. Is. - Chambars 10015 Stone, Henry, painter, ob. 1653, 4to. Is. Bannermau 10016 Storace, Signora, singer and actress, variety of, 8vo. 6d. each. Proofs, Is. 10017 Stormont, David Murray, Viscount, elder brother to Lord Mansfield, 1748, 8vo. 6d. Proof, Is. Trotter 10018 — in Noble Authors. From the picture at Caen wood, 8vo. Is. 10019 Stormont, Louisa, Viscountess, daughter C. Ellison of co. Durham, nat. 1809, 8vo. Is. Robertson — Thomson 10020 — fine proof on India paper, fol. 2s. - Idem 10021 Stothard, Tliomas, eminent artist, nat. Long Acre, 1756 ; libr. to Royal Academy ; 4to. Is. 6d. Dance — Daniell 10022 — ' pilgrimage to Canterbury ' in the back ground, fol. 7s. Harloiv — \\'orthington 10023 Stothard, Cliarles, his son, artist, killed in Bcre Ferrers- church, Devon, \S2\, fine proif, 4to. 2s. 6d. Cooper 10024 Stow, John, hist, of London, ob. 1605, 8vo. 6d. 10025 — from mon. IJndershaft church, 4to. Is. Pr. Is. 6d. 10026 — from the same, fol. 3s. . - Vertue 10027 Stowell, AVni. Scott, Lord, nat. co. Durham, 1745 ; educ. Newcastle ; of Corpus Christi coll. Oxford ; M.P. Down- ton, Wilts, and Oxford univ. ; of co. Gloucester } judge of Admiraltv court ; 8vo. 6d. 10038 — ditto, 4to.' Is. 6d. - Z>««ce— Daniell 10029 — as Judge, 4to. 3.S. India proof , 5?,. Behnes — Holl 10030 — when Sir Wm. Scott, 4to. p. p. 3s. Mrs. D. Turner 10031 Stradling, (icorgc, dean of Chichester, and prcb. of West- minster, ob. 1688, 8vo. Is. - - White 3J}4 EVANs'y CATAI.OnUK OV PORTaAIT.S. 10033 Str;iiToicl, Thomas Wcntwortli, Earl, statcsmnn, nnt. in Chancery-lane, 1593 ; of John's coll. Cam'). ; IvI.P. for co. York 5 imprisoned at Dartfoni, Kent; lord-lieut. Irel. ; K.G. ; executed Tower-hill, 1G41 ; 8vo. 6d. various. 10033 — 4to. 26. - _ . rtrndi/Zie— White 10034 — in the Set of Loyalists, 8vo. Is. /bid. — Vertue 10035 ■ — in Lod-je, 4to. 2 s. India proof, 3s. Ibid. — Rol)inson 10036 — the large set, India proof, fol. 5s. Ibid. — Cooper 10037 — fol. Is. Simonneau. — -ito. fine, 3s. Gaywood 10038 — small circle. Is. Strange. • — 4to. 3s. Moncornet 10039 — in Clarendon, Bvo. Is. . . Gucht 10010 — ditto, in prison, 8vo. Is. . Conde 10041 — fol. 2s. Large paper, 3s. t'^andyhe — Houbraken 10042 — copy of rare print by Glover, small oval, 8vo. 6d. 10043 — progeny of, w. I's. fol. 7s. f'andyhe — \'^crtne 10014 Strafford, Thomas V\'entuorth, Earl, Baron of liaby, co. Durham, of co. Ebor ; plenip. Utrecht ; K.G. ; estates at Harlington, Bedford ; ob. 1739 ; fol. 3s. Vertue 10045 — in robes, ship at distance, fol. 3s. Agar — Simon 10046 Strafford, Anne Campbell, Countess, ob. 1785. From Reynolds, 8vo. Is. 10047 — from same, fol. 33, Johnson. ■ — ■ fol. 3s. Ibid. — Ardell 10048 Strafford, Wm. Wcntwortli, Earl, ob. 1791, 4to. Is. Heath 10049 — fol. 3s. . - Reynolds— KxAqW 10050 Strange, Sir John, nat. London, 1696 ; recorder London ; master of the Rolls ; ob. ] 754 j buried Leyton, Essex ; fol. 2s. - - - Houbraken 10051 Strange, Sir Robert, the eminent engraver, nat. Scotland, proof, and proof etching, on one sheet, e.rtremely rare, 11. lOs. - - - Greuze — Ipse 10052 Strange, Sir Thomas, Knt. of Hunstanton, Norfolk, and high sheriff of co. ob. 1545, 4to. 2s. Holbein — Cooper 10053 — from the original picture in Royal Collection, tinted, fol. 3s. - - Holbein — Bartolozzi 10054 Strangeways, Col. Giles, M.P. for Dorset; imprisoned in the Tower, 1645, on which occasion a medal was struck, ob. 1675. From a drawing by Loggan, 4to. Is. Clamp 10055 Stratford, Wm. advocate and commiss, of Richmond, ob. 1753, 8vo. Is. — fol. 3s. Cranch—AvA&\\ 10056 Strathearn and Monteith, W. Graham, Earl, 1632, 4to. Is. 10057 Strathmore, Mary Eleanor, Countess, of co. Durham, 4to. Is. - - Trotter 10058 Strauss, John Frederick, pastor of Danish church, Lond., 1716, fol. 5s. . Heins — Pelham 10059 Streater, Robert, serjeant painter to Charles H. etched battle of Naseby ; painted All Soul's chapel and theatre, Oxford ; ob, 1660, set. 56, 4to. Is. Ipse — Bannerman 10060 Street, Robt., shoemaker, Bloomsbury, ob. 1783, 4to. Is. 10061 Street, Robert, Baron of Exchequer, and Justice of Com- mon Pleas, who gave his opinion against the dispensing Evans's catalogue of portbaitj*. 835 power. Reduced copy of the rare print by R. White, set. 63—1088, 8vo. Cd. 10062 Strickland, Thomas, Catholic hishop of Namiir, nat. co. VVestiu. J spy for Waipolc at Rome; ob. 1740; fol. 3s. r'andcrbauc — Faber 10063 Stride, Mr. solicitor, ob. 1625, oval, private plate, India proof, 4to. 3s. 10064 Strode, Sir (jeorge, benefactor and literat. oh. 1G33, bur. Clerkenwell. Copy from his translation of ' Fonsecaon Holy Love," 1652, 8vo. 6d. 10065 — the orig. print, oval, in title page, rare, 7s. Clover 10066 Strode, lieut. -general Wm. erected statue of Duke of Cum- berland in Cavendish square, ob. in Ge'ard street, 4t:o. 2s. - - Darly 10067 Strozzi, Pietro, visited Scotland, ob. 1558, aet. 50. From Capit. lUust. 4to. Is. 10068 Struensee, John F. M.D. vis. England, ob. 1772, 8vo. Is. 10069 Strutt, H. E. Petfield, whole length, leaning against rock, fol. 3s. Edridge — Bovi 10070 Strutt, Emily Jane, playing with dog, 4to. Ss. Strutt 10071 Strype, John, ecclesiastical historian and antiquary, nat. lyi Stepney, 1043; educated Paul's school ; curate Leyton, r ,w Essex ; minister at Terring, Sussex ; ob. at Hackney, 1737 ; 4to. Is. Indm proof, 2s. Richardson 10072 — front, to Ecclesiastical Memorials, fol. 2s. V^ertue 10073 Stuart, tiie Lady Arabella, confined in the Tower, and ob. 1615, get. 38 ; marr. Sir W. Seymour. Oval, copy of a very rare print, inscril)cd * Pictcur of,'&c. 4to. Is. 10074 Stuart, lieut.-gcneral Sir J. heroof Maida, Svo. 6d. 10075 Stuart, James Francis Edward, the Old Pretender, son of James II. Svo. 6d. 10070 — ' Prince of Great Britain,' child on a cushion, fol. 3s. Kncller — Smith 10077 — * Prince of W^ales,' on cnshion, angels holding a crown, 4to. 2s. - . - - Ideuj 10078 — ' Prince de Galles, et sa Soeur,* whole lengths, fol. 5s - - LargilVierc — Smith 10079 — laced dress, large fol. 5s. Ibid. — Edelinck 10080 — in armour, fol. 3s. A. S. j^-Ullere — V^an Schuppen, 1699 10082 — oval, with palms, fol. 5s. - Dossier 10083 Stuart, Charles James Edward, the Young Pretender, 8vo. 6d. each, various — fol. mez. 2s. Laurie 10084 — dressed as a female, 6 verses, fol. Ss. A^'iHiams 10085 — 8vo. fine, Is. Finden. — fol. 3s. Tbc'y?^'— Hodgetts 10086 — fol. mez. 3s. Surugue. — in armour, fol. 5.s. Daulle 10087 — with Mrs. Cameron and Macdonald, Svo. Is. 100S8 Stuart, (J. historian, nat. Edinb. 1742, ob. 1786, Svo. Od. 10089 Stuart, Mrs. W. 4to. 2s. 6d. Robertson— Yivcit 10090 Stuart, W. late Primate of Ireland, fol. Owen — Reynolds 336 Evans's catalogue of ponxRAiTS. 10091 Stuart, James, author of Antiquities of Athens, iiat. Lon- don, 1713 ; surveyor (Iieenuich hospital ; ob. Leicester- square, 1788 J bur. at Martin's in the Fields j 4to. 2s. Froof, 3s. . - Knight 10092 — fol, fine, 3s. India proof, 5s. Proben — Edwards 10093 Stuart, Sir Charles, gen. K.B. fol. 3s. Reynolds 10094 Stuart, Major-general James, fol. 3s. Romney — Hodges 10095 Stuart, Miss, actress, as Joan of Arc, 8vo. 6d. Proof, Is. 1009G Stuart, Lords Bernard and John, whole lengths, fol. 5s. J^nndijlie — Tompson 10097 Stubbe, Henry, nat. Partney, Line. 1631 ; educated at Westminster J of Christ church, Oxford, and keeper of Bodleian Library ; M.D. at Stratford on Avon, and at Bath, and drowned near there, 1676 ; 8vo. scarce, 5s. 10098 Stubbs, George, eminent animal painter, nat. Liverpool, 1724, ob. 1826, 4to. Is. . Bretherton 10099 — profile, 4to. Is. 6d. - Dance— jy^mcW 10100 Stubbs, P. archdeacon of St. Alban's, ob. 1738, fol. 4s. Murray — Faber 10101 Stukeley, W. M.D. and antiquary, 'the Druid,' nat. Hol- beach, Lincoln, 1687 ; of Ben'et coll. Camb. ; rector Queen square; res. Kentish Town; ob. 1765 3 buried at East Ham 5 fol. 3s. - Kneller~^m\i\\ 10102 — copy from above, 4to. Is. Proof 2s. Rothwell 10103 Sturges, John, carpenter, living in Bloomsbury, 176(^. In a Turkish dress, fol. 3s. Vunderhanc — Kyte, 1733 10104 Sturmius, Jacobus, visited England, ob. 1553, jetatis 64. From Freherus, 8vo. Is. 10105 Sturmy, Captain Samuel, navigator, of Easton in Gorda. no, Somerset, in which church is his bust, ob. of a fever caught by visiting Pen Park Hole at Gloucester. With verses, fol. 3s. . Hertocks 10106 Sturt, John engraver of the Common Prayer, &c., nat. 164S, ob. in St. Botolph's, Aldgate, 1730. Holding a picture, 4to. Is. William Faithorne 10107 Styles, Rev. John, of Brighton, 8vo. 6d. Proof, Is, 10108 Sdckling, Sir John, poet, nat. Whitton, co. Middlesex, 1609; served under Gustavus; loyalist ; and ob. 1641. From the picture in the Ashmolean Museum, 8vo. Is. Thurston — Finden 10109 — ditto, French paper proof , 4to. Is. 6d. Ibid. — Ibid. 10110 — ditto, _^«e India paper proof ,xo^?^.'i.io. 2s. Ibid. — Ibid. 10111 — in the Set of Poets, fol. 2s. \^ertue 101 12 — with verses, 4to. fine, 5s. Marshall 10113 Suckling, Captain Maurice, R.N. 8vo. 6d. 10114 Suett, Mr. comedian, ob. Chelsea 1805, 8vo. 6d. 10115 — fol. mez. 3s. De IFilde—Cawthom 10116 Sufiield, Harbord, Lord, M.P. Norwich. From picture in Town-hall there, when Sir H. Harbord. Whole length, sheet, 5s. Proof, 7s. 6d. Gainsborough — Smith Evans's catalogue of portraits. 337 10117 Su(Tolk, Charles Brandon, Duke, chief justice in Eyre of forests of Henry VIII. and steward of his household j had. grant of Trcntham, Stafford, ob. 1545, 8vo. Is. 10118 • — from Lodjfe, 4to. 2s. India prooj, 3s. Holbein — Mote lOJ 19 — with liis Duchess, Mary Queen of France, verses, 4to. Is. 6d. - - - Trotter " Cloth of Gold, do not thou dispys Though thou be mached with Cloth of Frys. Cloth of Friez, be not thou too bold Though thou be mached with Cloth of Gold." 10120 — with ditto, sheet published by Soc. Antiq. 5s. Vertue 10121 Suffolk, Frances, Duchess, [their daughter, and mother of Lady Jane Grey.] With her 2iid husband, Adrian Stokes, sheet, 5s. L. de Heere — Vertue 10122 Suffolk, Henry Grey, Duke, her 1st husband, exec. 1554. From Lodge, 4to. 3j. India proof , ^s. Gerard — Holl 10123 Suffolk, Cath. Willoughby, Duchess, wife Chas. Brandon, married 2. Rich. Bertie of Berested, Kent, res. Barbican, ob. 1580, fol.23. - Holbein— D^Moxi 10124 — ditto, fol. 4s. - Ibid. — Bartolozzi 10125 Suffolk, Thomas Howard, Earl, ob. 1626, 8vo. Is. 1012G — from Lodge's Portraits, fol, 5s. - Blood 10127 Suffolk, Hon. Mrs. Howard, Countess, favourite of George If. 4to. Is. - - - Heath 10128 Sully, Henry, fol. priv. plate, 5s. Lomdale — Clint 10129 Sully, Maximilian Bethune, Duke, ambassador to James I. ob. 1641, 8vo. 6d. variety, 10130 Sumner, George Holme, late M.P, Surrey, large fol, 5s. Proof,1s. 6(1. - - Steioardson — Ward 10131 Sunderland, Henry Spencer, 1st Earl, nat. Al thorp, 1620; X/ distinguished loyalist ; lieut. co. Northampt, ; killed at Newbury, 1643 ; 3-(ps, in armour, 4to. Is. 6d. Cooper 10132 — in Lodge, fol. proof, 5s. Ditto, before any letters, 10s. 6d. - - fValker — Cooper 10133 — from do, 4to. 2s. India proof, 3s. JValhcr — Thomson 10134 Sunderland, Robert Spencer, Earl, his son and heir, am- bassador to Spain and France, secretary of state, 1679 5 lord chamberlain to Wm. III. 5 ob. at Althorp, 1702 j From Earl Spencer's picture by C. Marattl, 8vo. Is. 10135 — in Lodge's Ports. 4to. 2s. India proof, 3s. lb. — Holl 10136 Sunderland, Dorothy Sidney, Countess, the 'Sacharissa' of Waller, ob. 1684 ; bur. Brington, Northampton ; fol. 2s. - - Sir A. Vandylic — Lombart 10137 — from Lodge, 4to. 2s. India proof 3s, Ibid. — Wright 10138 Sunderland, Charles Spencer, Earl, vice-treasurer Irel. ; sec. of state ; ob. 1722 ; 8vo. 6d. — fol. 3s. Bakewell 10139 Sunderland, Anne Churchill, Countess, daughter of Duke of Marlborough, 2nd wife of Charles Earl S. ob. 1715 ; fol, 2s. - UAgar — Simon 10140 — from picture at Althorp, 4to. fine, 5s. Lelij — Picart Part XXH. Price 6d. z 338 Evans's catalogue of portraits. 10141 Suiulon, Lady, favourite of Queen Caroline, of co. Herts, res. Sundon-house, Bedford ; ob. 1743. From Rev. Mr. Jacob's picture, 4to. Is. - - Harding 10142 ■ — orig. drawing, beautifully coloured, 18s. Harding 10143 Superville, Daniel de, Protestant divine, vis. Eng. 4to. Is, 10144 Surrey, Henry Howard, Earl of, poet, nat. Framlingham, / jr' Suffolk 5 educated Windsor, and Christ church, Oxf. ; tried at Guildhall for treason ; executed 1547 ; buried « ' AUhallovv's, Barking 5 8vo. 6d. - Holbein 10145 — from picture at Windsor, 8vo. Is. Ibid. — Warren 10146 — ditto, French paper,pr oof , 4to. Is. 6d. Ibid. — Ibid. 10147 — ditto, //we India paper proof , royal 4to. 2s. Ibid. — Ibid. 10148 — from JRoyal and Noble Authors, 4to. Is. 10149 Surrey, his Lady, daughter John Vere Earl of Oxford. From Rl, Collection, tinted, fol. 4s. Holbein — Bartolozzi 10150 Surrey, Thomas Howard, Earl, fol. tinted, 3s. Ibid. 10151 Surrey, Charlotte, Countess, daughter Duke of Sutherland, married Charles Earl of S. son of Duke of Norfolk, 8vo. Is. Sir nomas Lawrence — Thompson 10152 Sussex, Thomas Radcliffe, Earl of, nat. 1526 j ambas- n^ , sador to Charles V.; deputy of Ireland j justice offo- ' ■ \ rests North of Trent ; K.G. ; president of the North; ' lord-chamberlain ; ob. Bermondsey, 1583. From the picture at Knole, 4to. Is. ^ 8vo. Is. Cooper 10153 — from Lodge, 4to. 2^. hidla proof, 3s. More — Cooper 10154 Sussex, Frances Sidney, Countess of, aunt to Sir Philip „^*y^ Sidney, wife of Thomas Radcliffe, Earl S. With view * of Sidney Sussex coll. founded by her, 8vo. 6d. Gardiner 10155 — in Set of Founders, 4to. Is. 6d. 10156 Sussex, Augustus Frederick, present Duke, 8vo. 6d. var. 10157 Sutcliffe, Rev. John, of Olney, 8vo. 6d. 10158 Sutherland, George G. late D'uke, Marquis Stafford ; Baron Gower of Stittenham, Yorks. ; K.G. &c. var. 8vo. 6d. 10150 — from Cadell's Ports. 4to. 3s. Fine proof , 5s. Meyer 10160 Sutherland, Elizabeth, Dowager Duchess of, nat. 1765, Half length, seated, 8vo. Is. Lawrence — Dean 10161 — in turban, coloured fron) orig. fol. 7s, Phillips — Turner 10162 — from same, hidin proof, 8vo. Is. Fry 1 0163 — fine proof on folio paper, 2s . Idem 10164 Sutherland, Elizabeth Georgiana, Duchess, daughter of Earl Carlisle. Witli child, 8vo. Is. Lawrence — Dean 10165 Sutherland, W. Earl of, whole length, in Highland dress, fol. 3s. - - Ramsay — M'Intosh 10166 Sutton, Sir Richard, co-founder Brazen-nose coll. Oxford. of Prestbury, Cheshire ; governor Inner Temple ; gave estates co. Leicester, Berks, Oxford, and Essex, for his foundations ; steward Sion mon. Middlesex ; ob. 1524 ; 8vo. 6d. 10167 — in set of Founders, 4to. Is. 6d. Bo. fine, 2s. 6d. 10168 — from picture in Bodleian Gallery, 4to. Js. BVANS'S CATALOGUK OF PORTRAITS. 839 10169 Sutton, Tliomas, foundci* of Charter-house, nat. Knaith, Lincoln, 1532 ; educated Eton ; of Lincohi's inn ; master j/^*". of Ordnance, Berwick; estates co. Durham and Essex, ob. Hackney, 1611 ; 8vo. Od. 10170 — in Set of Founders, 4to. Is. 6d. - Faber 10171 — \\. 1, sitting, with autograph, 4to, Is. — 8vo. Is. Mills 10173 — from picture at Charter-house, 4to. 2s. Freeman 10173 — from ditto, w. 1. holding plan, sheet, 5s. Faber 10174 Sutton, Charles Manners, late archbishop Canterbury, ob. j\M^"^ 1828, net. 73, 4to. 3s. India proof, 4s. IFagcma)i—)lo\\ 10175 Swan, Miss Anna, fol. 2s. TJiompson — Watson 10176 Svvartz, Rev. Christian Frederick, missionary at Trichino- poly and Tanjore, 4to. Is. Smart — Blackbcrd, 1805 10177 Swedenborg, Hon. Emanuel, founder of the sect, nat. at Stockholm, 1630 ; ob. 1772 j buried RatclitTe ; 8vo. 6d. 10178 — fol. 3s. Fine prooj, 5s. Star, ad vivum — Cooke 10179 Swift, Dick, thief taker of London. Teaching his son the commandments, (caricature of Beardmore's print), fol. 2s. 10180 Swift, .Jonathan, eminent literat, nat. 1667 ; of Trinity coll. Dublin, and Oxford univ. ; dean of St. Patrick's} ob. 1745 ; 8vo. 6d. Tarious. 10181 — from the Earl of Bessborough's original picture, 8vo. Is. - - Thurston — ^^'arren 10182 — ditto, French paper proof, 4to. Is. 6d. Ibid. — Ibid. 10183 — A\tio,Jine India paper proof, royal 4to. 2s. Ibid. — Ibid. 10184 — \\\ 1. with autogr. 8vo. Is. Romney 10185 — ditto, 8vo. Is. . - Benjamin AVilson 10186 — from picture by Bindon,''Ki Stowc, 4to. Is. Picart 10187 — 3 qrs. sitting, writing, fol. 3s. Jervas — Fourdrinier 10188 — fine proof before any letters, fol. 10s. 6d. Idem 10189 — in chair, fol. 2s. Burford. — fol. mez. 2s. Pelham 10190 Swinburne, Henry, the traveller, of Capheaton, Northum- berland ; educated Scorton, Ebor ; res. at Hamsterley, Durham ; ob. Trinidad, 1803 ; 8vo. 6d. 10191 — 4to. Is. Fine proof, 2s. Gd. Cosway—Boxi 10192 Swinburne, Mrs. daughter J. Baker of Chichester, his wife. and accompanied him in his travels, 4to. Is. Idem 10193 Swindell, Rev. Henry, tet. 64—1791, 8vo. Is. 10194 Swinncy, Owen Mac, nat. Ireland, manager of Dniry-lane, Opera-house, and keeper of the King's Mews, ob. 1754, fol. 2s. - - Vanloo — Faber 10195 Sybrecht, John, painter, employed at Cliefden, Newstead, and Chatsworth ; ob. London,' 1703, set. 73 ; bur. at St. James" ; 4to. Is. - - Chambars 10196 Sydenham, Thomas, nat. Winford Eagle, Dorset, 1624 ; of Magdalen-hall, Oxford; M.D. at Westnnnster and Camb. ; ob. Pall Mall, 1689; bur. James' ; 8vo.6d. var. 10197 — 8vo. Is. 6d. Blooteling. — fol. mez. 2s. Laurie 10198 — fol. 2s. Large paper, 3s. X^/y— Houbraken 10199 — with Mechall Ettmuller, 4to. rare, 2s. 6d. Mcntzcl. z3 340 Evans's catalogue of portraits. 10200 Sydenham, Colonel Thomas, killed at Waterloo, 3-qis. in uniform, 3s. Ditto, proof before letters, private plate, fol. 5s. , - Edr'idge — Meyer , : 10201 Sydney, John Thomas, Viscounty of Leonard's, Gloucester, |(jj,/iA''*^ and Chislehurst, Kent ; ranger of Hyde.park ; steward of Yarmouth ; fol. 5s. Stewart — Young 10203 Sykes, Sir Mark Masterman, the celebrated collector, ob. 1823. From a model in wax, 4to. 23. Grave 10203 Sykes, Godfrey, of Sidney Sussex coll. Carab. ; solicitor to Stamp office ; ob. Povvis-place, 1829 ; private plate, fol. proof 5s. . . - Ward 10204 Sykes, D. Esq. M.P. fol. private plate, 5s. Ward 10205 Sylvestei', Joshua, translator of Du Bartas, uat. 1563; ob. Middieburgh, 1618 ; verses by Vicars, fol. 3s. Van Dalen 10206 — fine copy of the preceding, 8vo. Is. Thurston — Warren 1 207 — ditto, French paper proof , 4to. Is. 6d. J/nd. — Ibid. 10208 — ^\\.io, fine India paper proof , royal 4to. 2s. Ibid. — Ibid. 10209 — copy of the preceding, with the lines, 8vo. Is. 10210 Sylvester, Matthew, of John's coll. Camb. ; minister of Gunnersby, Lincoln; ejected by Bartholomew act 1663; ob. 1718 ; 8vo. Is. - Sch'ivermans — Gucht 10211 Symonds [or Simon], Abraham, celebrated modeller, and brother of the medalist, 4to. rare, 5s. Lely — Blooteliug 10212 — copy of the same, 4to. Is. 10213 Symonds, Joseph, minister of Martin's, Ironmonger-lane, vice- provost Eton ; ob. 1641 ; 8vo. 6d. 10214 — holding glove, the orig. print, rare, 10s. 6d. 10215 Symonds, Mr. of Chelsea, M.D. 1731, fol. 3s. White 10216 Taaffe, Nicholas, Lord, from Noble Authors, 8vo. Is. 10217 Tabor, Mr. Robert, fol. 3s. - Strutt—Yom\^ 10218 Taintuiier, Daniel, jurisc, ob, 1746, whole length, 4to. etching, Is. 10219 Talma, Monsieur, eminent French tragedian, visited Eng- land, ob. 1826, cEt. 60, 8vo. 6d. Proof, 1 s. 10220 — in character of Nero, fol. fine, 5s. Muneret — Augrand 10221 Talman, William, architect, nat. Lavington, Wilts ; comp- troller of works to King William 111.; built Thoresby, Notts ; Dynham, Gloucester ; Swallowfield, Berks ; and Chatsworth, Derby. In the print with Cole and Ricci, 4to, Is. 10223 Talmash, (Tollemache), Thomas, General, of Helmingham, Suffolk, served in Ireland for AVm. III. ; wounded in the attack on Brest, and ob. at Portsmouth, 1694 j 8vo. 6d. 4to. Is. 10323 — fol. 2s. Large paper, 2?,. Kneller — Houbraken 10224 — do. proof before the letters, scarce, 15s. Ibid. — Ibid. 10225 Talbot, Catherine, literat. India proof , 8vo, Is. 6d. 10226 Talbot, Sir Gilbert, comm. at battle of Bosworth ; am- bassador to Rome ; K.G. ; ob. 1516. From bust in a niche, at his seat co. Worcester, Svo. Gd. Evans's catalogue of portraixs. 341 10227 Tall)ot, Charles, Lord, iiat. 1684 ; Buron Heiisol, Cla. morgan ; of Oriel coll. Oxf. and Lincoln's-inii ; M,P. Trcgoiiv, and co. Durlinm ; lord-chancellor ; ob, Lincoln's inn Fields 1737 ; bur. Barrington, Glouc. 8vo. 6d. 1022S ■ — oval, mez. fol. 3s. - - Bockinan 10229 — fol. 2s. Large paper, ^'i. Vanderhanc — Houbraken 10230 Talbot, Wm. bishop Durham, ob. 1736 3 4to. Is. Basire 10231 — fol. 58. /r«e//er— Faber 10232 — as chanc. of Order of Garter, fol. 5s, Ihid. — Vertue 10233 T'allents, Francis, nonconforinist divine, nat. Plesley, co. hl/l''- Derby, 1619 ; educated Mansfield and Newark ; presi- ^ / dent Magdalen coll. Oxford ; imprisoned at Chepstow j ob. Shrewsbury, 1708 3 8vo. 6d. 10234 Tankerville, Ford Grey, Earl, lord commissioner of trea- sury 1700, and lord privy seal ; concerned in Rye-house ■ ' Plot, and published its history ; ob, 1701. From Lord Braybroke's picture, when Lord G. 8vo. Is. 10235 Tankerville, Charles Bennet, Earl, justice in Eyre South f of Trent ; ob. 1722, setat. 47 ; bur. Harlington, Middx. Whole length, in armour, in the Oxford Almanack for 1744, sheet, 3s. 10236 Tankerville, C. A. L. S. Countess, 8vo. Is. il/ec— Cochran 10237 — fine India paper proof, {o\.Ss. - Idem 10238 Tanner, Thomas, antiquary, nat. 1674 5 of Queen's coll. ^ . Oxford ; rector Thorpe, Norfolk ; preb. Ely, and bishop ('Z^-M^'^' St. Asaph J ob, at Christchurch, 1733 3 4to. Is. Proof, ^"^^ 2s, - - Verlue — Reading 10239 — the original print, fol. 3s. - Vertue 10240 — the large plate, royal fol. 5s. - Ibid. 10241 Tansur, W. mus. set. 60—1760 ; 8vo. Is. Newton 10242 — whole length, wood-cut, 4 verses. Is. 10243 Taplin, Wm. veterinary surgeon, 8vo. 6d. Heath 10244 Tarlton, Richard, early comedian, nat, Condover, Salop ; kept an ordinary at Paternoster-row, and the Tabor at ' Gracechurch-sto 3 ob. 1588 3 bur, Shoreditch, Whole length, playing on a drum and tabor, from a drawing in the Pepysian Collection, 4to. Is. - S. Harding 10245 Tarleton, Banaster, Colonel, 8vo.-6d. Proof, Is. 10246 — ditto, 4to. Is. - Cosway — Townley 10247 — whole length, sheet, 5s. Reynolds — Smith 10248 Tatham, John, dramatist and poet, 1650. Copy of a rare print, 4 verses, 8vo. 6d. 10249 Tattcrshall, Rev. J, ' Theocicuria? Gloc' ob. 1791, 8vo. 2s. 10250 Tattershall, Richard, horse dealer and auctioneer, ob. at Hyde-park corner, 1810, 8vo. 6d. 10251 — with stud book, large fol. 4s. Beach — .Tones 10252 Taunton, Mr. of Oxf. w. 1, col'd. 4to, Is. Dighton, 1817 10253 Tavistock, Eliz. Ke])pel, Marchioness, as bridesmai I to the Queen, ob. 1768, slicet,/''«r', 10s. Tiei/nolds—V'isher 10254 Tavistock, F. Russell Mar(i.ob. 1767, fol. 5s. /^.—Watson 343 Evans's catalogue of pobtiiaits. 10255 Tavistock, Marchioness of, 1800, 8vo. 6d. Proof, Is. 10356 Tayadanego, Joseph, Captain of the Six Nations, fol. 3s. Romney — Smith 10257 Taylor, Thomas, 22 years master of Lloyds, oh. 1796, fol. 3s. Proof, 5s. . J^'igg — Ward 10258 Taylenre, .1, of Manchester and London theatres, India proof, private plate, 4to. 5s. Hargreaves — Grave 10259 Taylor, Brooke, teacher of perspective, nat. Edmonton, 1685 ; of Bifrons, Kent ; ob. 1731 ; bur. Anne's, Soho ; 8vo. 23- - - - Dadley 10260 — vv, 1. statue under a triumphal arch, fol. 3s. Ryland 10261 Taylor, Charles, secretary to Society of Arts, Manufac- tures, and Commerce, India proof, 8vo. 2s. C. Warren 10262 Taylor, Charles, singer and actor, nat. Bath, 1777 ; 8vo. various, 6d. each. 10263 -- w. 1. as Lubin, 8vo. 6d. Proof, Is. IFilde—Coo^ev 10264 — 4to. Is. 6d. - O/i^er— Bragg 10265 Taylor, G. pugilist, ob. 1 50, 6vo. 6d. 4to. proof. Is. 10266 — the original print, 4to. mez. Ss. 6d. Miller 10267 Taylor, Colonel, in military uniform, private plate, proof before any letters, fol. 5s. 10268 Taylor, Rev. J. of Ongar, 8vo, 6d. India proof. Is. 10269 Taylor, John, the water poet, nat. Gloucester, 1580 ; bred a waterman j kept victualling house at Oxford, and one in Long Acre, with his own head for a sign ; ob. 1654 ; bur. Paul's, Covent Garden. From picture by his nephew in the Bodleian Gallery, 4to. Is. J. Taylor — Harding 10270 *— from the same, 8vo. Is. - Ibid. — Pye 10271 — ditto, French paper proof , 4to. Is. 6d. Ibid. — Ibid. 10272 • — diiio, fine India -paper proof, royal 4to. 23. Ibid. — Ibid. 10273 — copy of port, in rare frontispiece to his Works, 8vo. 6d. 10274 Taylor, John, his nephew, portrait painter at Oxford, 1654. From the picture by himself, in the Bodleian Gallery, 4to. Is. - Clamp 10275 Taylor, John, mathematician, 1687, 8vo. Ss. Van Hove 10276 Taylor, John, nat, Lancaster 1691 ; educated Whitehaven ; minister at Kirkstead, Lincoln, and Norwich ; ob. War- rington 1761 ; fol. 3s, . Heins — Houbraken 10277 Taylor, Sir John, Baronet, of Jamaica, ob, 1786, private plate, fol. 5s. - - Dickinson 10278 Taylor, Dr. Jeremy, nat. Cambridge, 1613; rector of Up- pingham, Rutland ; kept school at Newton, Wales ; con- fined at Chepstow castle for loyalty ; bishop Down and Connor ; ob. Lisburn, 1667 ; 8vo. 6d. various. 10279 — from Dr. Barrett's picture, 8vo. Is. Cooper 10280 — 4to. 2s. 6d, Lombart. — vv, 1. on pedestal, 4to, 3s. 10281 — w. 1. showing picture of Death to a lady, 4to, Is. 10283 Taylor, John, opthalmiater, and M.D. nat.'Norwich, 1703, practised at Oxford ; ob. 1773 ; fol. 2s. Endlinch 1D3S3 —fol. 3s. - Chevalier By eke— Faher Evans's catalogue of portraits. 343' 10284 Taylor, Ralph, rector Stoke Severn, VVorcester ; chaplain to protestants at St. Germain's ; ob. 1732, setatis 75 ; fol. 5s. - - Verelst — Vertne 10285 Taylor, Sir Robert, 4to. private plate, 2s. Scott 10286 Taylor, Thos. nat. Richmond, co, Yorks. 1576 ; of Christ coll. Camb. ; preacher at Watford, Herts, and Reading, Berks ; rector Aldermanbury ; ob. 1632 ; 4to. Is. 10287 — preaching, in title to Parable of the ' Sower', 4to. 3s, 102S8 — setatis 5(5, 4to. 2s. 6d. . - Marshall 10289 ■ — with 8 verses, fine and rare, 4to. 5s. Cross 10290 Taylor, Thomas, 4to. proof, 2s. 10291 Taylor Rev. Wm. 1775, 8vo. 6d. Vallance 10292 Taylor, J. (unpublished platej , 4to. Is. 6d. Dance — Daniell 10293 Teach, alias Black Beard, pirat. captain, 4to. Is. 6d. 10294 Teasdall, Roger, and Mrs. Parker, ballad singers, 4to. 2s. . - Lauron — Tempesta 10295 Teignmouth, John Shore, Lord, of Teignmouth, Ireland, and Melton, Suifolk, governor of India 5 ob. 1831, ajtatis 83; 8vo. 6d, 10296 — from the picture by M. Keeling, fol. 3s. T^roof, 5s. ... Checsman 1029T Tellier, Midiael le, French minister in England, ob. 1685, aetat. 83, 4to. Ss. 10298 Tempest, Francis, abbot of Lanspring, 4to. Is. 10299 Tempest, W. F.R.S. let. 70, 8vo. 2s. IFilson, del. et'sc. 10300 Temple, Sir Peter, bart. M.P. in Long Parliament, one of the King's judges, and sentenced to perpetual imprison- ment. Copy of rare print by Gaywood, 8vo. 6d. 10301 — with his Lady, Eleanor Temple, two busts, 8vo. rare, 153. ... Gaywood 10302 Temple, Eleanor, his Lady, copy of front, by Gaywood, to Man's Master piece, 1658. Bust, with verses, 8vo. 6d. 10803 Temple, Anne Chamber, Countess, lit. ob. 1777, 4to. Is. 10304 Temple, John, Captain in Royal Navy, 1809, 4to. Is. Proof, 2s. - - - Smith 10305 Temple, Miss Laura Sophia, 1813, 8vo. 6d. Page 10306 Temple, Richard Grenville, Earl, lord of privy seal, ob. 1779, various, 8vo. 6d. each. 10307 — 4to. Is. //oare— Houston. — 8vo. Is. Ridley & Holl 10308 ■ — 3-qrs. sitting, fol. 3s. - Hoarc — Houston 10309 Temple, Sir William, nat. London, 1628 ; educated at / Pensbttrst, Kent, and Bishop Stortford, Herts ; of Eman. coll. Camb, ; M,P. Carlow, Ireland, and Cambr. univ. ; ob. Moor-park, Surrey, 1698 ; 8vo. 6d. 10310 — 8vo. Is. Lely~\V\\\{.e. —fine, fol. 3a. Leli/~Vertue 10311 — fol. 2s. Larg-e paper, Ss. Ibid. — Houbraken 10312 Temple, Rich. M.D. fol. 3s. - 0?/-m— Young 10313 Tenducci, J. F. celebrated Italian singer, fol. 3s. 10314 — holding a music score, fol. 3^. Ditto, proof, 6s. Bruseott — Finlay^OB 344 Evans's catalogue of portraits. 10315 Tenison, Thomas, nat. Cottenliam, Camb. 1636; educated Noiwich ; rector Holywell, Hunts; minister at Peter's Manscroft, Norwich ; vicar Martin's in the Fields ; en- I'iJ. dowed the school, and founded a public library ; at- •"• tended Monmouth at his execution ; bishop of Lincoln ; archbishop of Canterbury ; ob. at Lambeth, 1715 ; 4to. Is. - - - . Vertue 10316 — ditto, with border and arms, 4to, Is. 6d. Ibid. 10317 — fol. 5s. Very fine, 10s. 6d. JVh'ite, ad viv. del. et sc. 10318 Tenison, Edward, bishop of Ossory, ob. 1735, fol. 5s. Knellcr — Vertue 10319 Tennant, J. nat. 1742. Smoaking, 4to. Is. JFalker, et sc. 10320 Tennyson, Charles, M.P. Stamford and Lambeth, India •proofs 4to. 2s. 6d. - - fVivell — Picart 10321 — Indm proof, fol. 5s. - Harrison — Lewis 10322 Terne, Henry, R.N. ob. 1666. From rare print, Svo. 6d. f ^ ,j»- 10323 Terrick, Richard, bishop Peterborough and London, ob. ^'*^fnr- 1777^ fo], 3g. . . Z>«Hce— Fisher 10324 Terrv, Daniel, actor, nat. Bath ; proprietor of Adelphi ; ob. 1829, Svo. 6d. Proof, Is. 10325 Terry, Edward, chaplain to Sir Thomas Roe, rector of Greenford, Middlesex ; ob. 1660, set. 69. From a rare print by Vaughan, prefixed to his Voyage, Svo. Is. 10326 Tesdale, Thomas, co-founder of Pembroke-hall, Svo. 6d. 10327 — in Set of Founders, 4to. Is. 6d. 10328 Testini, Giuseppe, 4to. Is. 6d. Dance — Daniell 10329 Thatcher, Hannah, cured of deafness, Svo. 6d. Rogers 10330 Thelwall, John, orator and teacher of elocution, nat. Chan- dos-street, 1766 ; ob. at Bath, 1834; Svo. 6d. various. 10331 — 4to. Is. - - Richter, del. etsc. 10332 Theodore, King of Corsica, ob. at Anne's, Soho, 1756, fol. scarce, 5s. . - M. A. fecit 10333 — in long robes, whole length, Svo. 2s. Schley, 1737 10334 Thevenot, Melch. de, traveller, visited England, ob. 1692, setat. 71, 4to. Is. 10335 Thistlewood, Arthur, exec, high-treason, 1820, Svo. 6d. 10336 — Svo. Is. fFivclI. — profile etching, 4to. Is. 6d 10337 Thoke, Joseph, and his son, of Watford, puzzle sellers, 4to. Is. - ~ Smith 10338 Thomas, Lambroch, traveller, of John's coll. Cambr. dean Chichester, Svo. 2s. - - Savil — Cross 10339 Thomas, David, Eryri, Welsh poet, Svo. 6d. Corner 10340 Thomas, George, general, ob. 1S02, Svo. 6d. 10341 Thomas, John, bishop Peterborough, Salisbury, and Win- chester ; ob. 1781., In the robes of the Garter, 3-qrs. fol. 3s. Fine proof, 5s, - B. fFilson — Houston 10342 Thomas, William, bishop St. David's and Worcester, nat. Bristol, 1613, ob. 1689, 4to. 2s. - Sanders 10343 Thomas, Mary, fasting woman, 4to. Is. 10344 — lying in bed, fol. 2s. J. Ward, A. R. A. 1810 Evans's cataloguk of portraits. 345 10345 Thomas, John, nat. Carlisle 1712 ; of Queen's coll. Oxf. ; rector Blcchingley ; jireb, and dean Westminster ; vicar ^ij/y^i^ St. Bride's, London ; bp. Rochester ; ob. 1703 ; 8vo, 6d. 10346 — 3-qrs. sheet, 5s. - Sir J. Reynolds — Parker 10347 — royal 4to. Is. Proof, Is. 6d. Gzicht—'&wame 10348 Thomas, Rev. Mr. of Epsom. Whole length, in an antique dress, fol. 5s, - . \ • Cardon 10349 Thomond, Marchioness of, hidla prooj, private plate, 4to. 7.S. Gd. - Sir Thomas Lawrence — Bond 10350 Thompson, Sir A. late Chief Baron Exchequer, Svo. Is. 10351 — fol. mez. 3s. Proof, 5s. 10353 Tliomi)son, Benjamin, translator of the German Theatre, nat. Kingston on Hull, and of co, Notts, Svo. 6d. 10353 Tliompson, Sir Cliarlcs, bart. admiral, of Mrhees, Sussex. Fol. private plate, 5s. Gainsborough — Earlom 10354 Thoni])son, Charles, secretary to Congress, Svo. Gd. 10355 Thompson, Edward, com. Guiana, Svo. 6ii. Proof, Is. 10356 Thompson, Kdvvard, of Marston, M.P. for York, 1741, private plate, 4to. 2s. ^ ' 10357 Thompson, Admiral Sir Thomas, of Hartsbourne, Herts ; *"iy- treasurer Greenwich hosp. 5 ob. 1S28 ; Svo. Gd. P?-. Is. 10358 — with vign. of Leander's engagement, 4to. Is. Roberts 10359 Thomson, G. M.D. 1670, Svo. Is. 6d. Shericin, del. et sc, 10360 Thomson, James, poet, nat. Scotland, 1700 ; ob. 1748 ; bur. Richmond, Surrey ; Svo. 6d. various. 10361 — from an original miniature in the lid of his snuff-box, Svo. Is. - - Uwins — Robinson 10362 — ditto, French paper proof , 4^[o. Is. 6d. IlAd. — Ibid. 10363 — ditto, yi«(? India paper proof , roval 4to 2s. /6if/.— Ibid. 103G4 — bust crowned with laurel, 4to. 2s. 6d. Tomkins 10365 Th'omson, John, M.D. of Leeds, in mon. Svo. Is. Cooke 10366 Thomson/Sir William, Baron of Exchequer, ob. 1739, fol. 5s. - - Seeman—Y-AhQV 10367 Thoresby, Ralph, collector and antiquary, nat. at Leeds, 1658 ; ob. 1725. From Vertue, Svo. 6d. 10368 — 4to. Is. India proof, 2s. - Richardson 10369 — ditto, fol. 2s. - - Fertue, del. et sc. 10370 Thornborough, Sir Edward, admiral, and commander in chief at Portsmouth, ob. co. Devon, 1834, India proof, 4to. 2s. - . Hiiey — Fry 10371 Tiiornborough, Eliz. wife of Captain T, of Liverpool, ob. 1817. "Wlicn Miss Trotter, oval, Svo. Is. Trotter 10372 Thornhill, Frederick, literat. Svo. Gd. Canton 10373 Thornhill, Sir James, painter, nat. Dorset, 1676 ; painted dome of St. Paul's ; Hampton-court ; All Souls' chapel, Oxford; saloon at Greenwich, &c. ; ob. 1731; Svo. various, 6d. each. 10374 — velvet coat, side posture, fol. mez. 2s. Highmore — Faber 10375 — 4to. Is. Bretherton. — 4to. Is. //o^«rM— Ireland 346 Evans's catalogue of portraits. 10376 Thornton, Henry, eecretary to Bible Society, " elected 1802, a fifth time M.P. for Southwark. Engraved at the request of the Electors," 3-qrs. fol. 5s. Hopjmer — "Ward 10377 — from the same picture, 8vo. 6d. 10378 Thornton, James, gardener at Kevv, fol. 3s. Proof before letters, 5s. - Zoffany — Houston, 1770 10379 Thornton, Robert John, M. D. and botanist, Svo. 6d. Proof, Is. — from his Botany, 4to. Is. 10380 — from the same, 4to. Is. - Harlow — B. Smith 10381 — with vignette of Guy's hospital, fol. 2s. Bartolozzi 10383 Thornton, Thomas, Col. of Sporting celebrity, nat. Lond. ; educated Charter-house ; Prince de Chambord, France, where he died 1833, aet. 70. Vign. of racing, 8vo. Is. 10383 Thoroton, Robert, M.D. and historian of Notts, 4to. Is. M384 Thor}>e, John Thomas, lord mayor, 1821, Svo. 6d. 10385 — 4to. Is. 6d. Fine India proof, 2s. 6d. Penny — Burton 10386 Thorpe, John, antiquary, nat. Newhouse, Kent, 1698 j of UniTCrsity coll. Oxford ; possessions at Shabdon, co. Heref. ; ob. Rochester 1750 ; 4to. 2s. 6d. Hardy — ^Cook 10387 — front, to Reg. Roffense, 4to. 3s. fFoUaston — Bayley 10388 Thrale, Hesther Maria, £Etat, 20 months, private plate, slieet, Ss. - Zoffany — Marchi 10389 Throckmorton, Sir Nicholas, com. at Musselborough, am- bassador to France, ob. 1570, fol. 3s, Vertue 10390 Throckmorton, Anne, his wife, daughter of Sir Nicholas Carew of Beddiugton, aetat. 53—1590, 4to,2s, Trotter 10391 Throsby, John, of CO. Leicester and Notts, nat. 1740; ob. 1803} 4to. Is- - - Walker 10393 Thizrloe, John, nat. Abbots Roding, Essex, 1616 ; secre- tary to parliament at Uxbridge ; M.P. Ely ; governor Charter-house ; chancellor Glasgow univ. 5 M.P. Camb. univ. ; secretary of state to Cromwell ; res. Great Mil- ton, Oxford ; ob. and buried at Lincola's-inn j various, Svo. 6d. eacli. 10393 — frontispiece to his State Papers. From the family picture, fol. 3s. - - Vertue 10394 — from Earl Spencer's picture, 4to. Is.. Cooper 1G395 — fol. 2s. Large paper, 3s. Cooper — Houbraken 10396 Thurlow, Edward, Lord, of P^.ter-house, Camb. and Inner Temple ; M.P. Tamvvorth, StafFord ; res. Dmlwich ; of Ashfield, Suff. ; ob. 1806 ; 8vo. 6J. various. 1-0397 — sitting in chair, large fol. 5s. PhUUp$ — Turner 10398 — from the same, 4to. Ss. Godby. — 8vo. Is. Reynolds 10399 — in robes, fol. 5s. F'me proof lOs. Ibid. — Bartolozzi 10400 Thurlow, Lady Mai'v Catlierine Bolton, singer and actress, ob. Southam|>tou, 1830. Half length, sitting, Svo. Is. 10401 —when Miss Bolton, Svo. 6d. Proof Is. 10403 Thurlow, Thomas, bishop Lincoln, 1783, Svo. Is. i0403 Thycr, Robert, editor of Butler's Remains, India proof, Svo. Is. 6d. - Uomney—\N otiWm^io^i- EVANb's CATALOGUE OF PORTRAITS. 347 10104 Thynne, James, eon Lord Weymouth, of Buckland, co. Gloucester, held Bodenhnm manor, Hereford, and Frorae, Somerset, ob. 1709. Whole length, sitting by fountain, fol. 3s. - Kerseboom — Faithorne 10405 Thynne, Hon. Lady John, daughter Revd. C. Beresford, 8vo. Is. - Hobinson^Dean 10406 — /ifte India paper proof, M. Sa. - Idem 10407 Thysius, Atst., visited England, ob. 1640, Jet. 75, 8vo. Is. 10408 Tickell, Thomas, poet, nat. Bridekirk, co. Cumberland, 1686; of Queen's coll. Oxford ; under secretary state, 1717, and secretary to lords' justices, Ireland ; ob. Bath, 1740. From picture in Queen's coll. hall, 4to. Is. Clamp 10409 — from same picture, 8vo. Is. Thurston — Finden 10410 — ditto, French paper proof , 4to. Is. 6d. Ibid. — Ibid. 10411 ■ — ditto, fine India paper proof , royal 4to. 2s. Ibid. — Ibid 10412 Tickell, Mrs. w. 1. 4to. 2^. 6d. Cosway—Cowdik 10413 Tidcorab, John, General, nat. co. Devon ; L.L.D. Oxford ; ob. at Bath, 1713. In Kit Kat Club, fol. 2s. Faber. 10413*— ditto, 4to. Is. * Cooper 10414 Tierney, George, nat. Gibraltar 1761 ; educated at Eton, and Peter-house, Cambr. ; M.P. Southwark, Athlone, -,; r-^- Bandon. bridge, Appleby, and Knaresborough ; fought a / ^ duel with Pitt on Putney-heath ; col. Somerset-house volunteers ; master mint ; ob. Savile-rovv, 1830 ; 8vo. 6d. 10415 • — ditto, sheet, 5s. Abbott — Nutter 10416 Tighe, Mrs. poetess and literal. 8s'o. Is. Scriven 10417 Tiidesley, Sir Thomas, loyalist, killed at Wigan, Lancast. 8vo. Is. - - - Rodd, exc» . J 10418 Tillemans, Peter, painter, artist for Bridge's Northampt. ; employed at Nevvstead ; res. Richmond ; ob. Norton, Suff. 1734, get. 50 ; bur. Stow Langtoft ; 4to. Is. Chambars 10419 Tilloch, Alexander, literat. nat. Glasgow, 1759 ; printer ; editor and proprietor of Star newspaper, and Philoso- phical Magazine j ob. Islington, 1825 ; 8vo. 6d. Pr. Is. 10420 Tillotsou, John, nat. Sowerby, Yorkshire, 1640 ; of Clare. jot--^'. hall, Camb. ; curate Cheshunt ; rector of Keddington, )i-'^/^ Suffolk ; preacher at Lincoln's-inn ; lecturer Lawrence Jewry ; preb. Canterbury and St, Paul's j archbishop of Canterbury ; ob. 1694 5 various, 8vo. 6d. 10421 ■ — fol. 2s. Large paper, 3s. Kneller — Houbraken 10422 — 3-cp-s. sitting, fol. 3s. Faber. ■ — from do. 5s. Vertue 10423 ~ fol. 3s. ^eaVe— -White. — 8vo. Is. IFhite del et sc. 10424 — fol. 3s. Le///— Blooteling. — fol. 2s. Ibid. del. et sc, 10425 Tilly, John Count, minister in England, ob. 1632, fol. 2s. - - - F'andijlie — De Jode 10426 Tilson, Henry, painter, grandson bishop Elphin, ob. by suicide Lincoln's-inn Fields, 1695 ; bur. St. Dunstan's ; 4to. Is. - Ipse — Cdambars 10437 — holding palette, fol, 3s. . Ibid. — Meyer Mi -*-'-V' 348 EVAN's's CATALOGUE OF PORTRAITS. 10428 Tindal, Mattliew, deistical writer, nat. Devon, 1657 ; oh. London 1733 ; bur, Clerkcnvvell ; fol. 2s. Faber 10429 Tindal, Nicholas, literat. nat. 1687 ; of Exeter coll. Oxf. j \,^^^-- 7 rector Alverstoke, Hants ; vicar Great 'Waltham, Essex ; yr''' ^t^ rector Colborne, Isle of Wiyht ; chaplain to Greenwich /t*^»^ hospital ; ob. 1774 ; fol. ls.^6d. Knapton—\ exine 10430 — from the same, fol. Is. 6d, - Picart 10431 — fine proof before the inscription, 5i. Ibid. 10433 Tindal, William, translator of the Bible, nat. in Wales, 1500 J preacher co. Gloucester, and at Briatol 5 canon Christ church, Oxf. ; martyr, 1536 ; 8vo. 6d. 10433 — in Heroologla, 4to. 2s. 6d. . S. Pass r . 10434 Tirrell, Sir Henry, of Springfield, Essex, 1582. From the "*** ^ original, 4to. 28. - - Mrs. Gulston , 10485 Tiptoft and Powys, Joice, Lady, whole length, in robes, >' coloured, 4to. 2s'. - - Atkinson 10436 Titchborne, Robert, lord mayor, 1657, regicide, ob. in the Tower, 4to. Is. - ' . . Cooper 10437 ■ — an equestrian portrait, 4to. Is. 6d. 10438 Tofts, Marv, pretended rabbit breeder, ob. at Godalming, 1766; [vide No's. 9200—1], 8vo. 6d. Proof Is. 10439 Toller, James, tall youth, 8vo. 6d. Proof Is. 10440 Tomkins, Mr. calligrapher, 8vo. Is, 6d. Schiavonetti 10441 Tomlins, William, beggar of Westminster, whole length, 4to. Is. - . . J. T. Smith 10442 Tomlinson, .T. * Major proprietor of the Cottenham High- flyer,' whole length, with whip, coloured, 4t0. Is. 10443 Tomlinson, Kellom, dancing master. Frontispiece to his ArtofDancing,4to. 2s. P^ Bleeck,YllQ~LQ Cave 1754 10444 Tomlinson, Richard, in title-page to liis Pharmacy, 1657, fol. rare, 5s. - - . * Cross 10445 — from the same, pencil drawing, 8vo. 2s. 10446 Tomlinson, Nicholas, Captain R.N. 8vo. 6d. Proof Is. 10447 Tompion, Thomas, celebrated watch maker, ob. 1713, fol. scarce, 5s. • - Kneller—^imih. 10448 Tompson, Richard, celebrated mez. engraver, 4to. rare, 10s. 6d. - Zoe^*^— Place 10449 Toms, Mr. actor, as Titus, 8vo. 6d. Proof, Is. Wilson 10450 Tonson, Jacob, the celebrated bookseller, nat. Holborn ; of Barn Elms, Surrey ; secretary to Kit Kat Club; estates Gloucester and Hereford ; res. Down-place, Berks ; ob. Ledbury, Hereford, 1735, set. 80. From Kit Kat Club, fol. 2s. Kneller — Faber. — ditto, 4to. Is. Cooper 10151 Tonstall, Cuthbert, nat. at Hatchford, Yorkshire, 1474 j rector Harrow, Midd. ; preb. Stow, Line. ; archdeacon Chester ; master of the rolls ; ambassador to Charles V. ; preb. Combe, Sarum ; bishop London and Durham ; imprisoned in the Tower till death of Edward VI. ; ob. 1559 ; buried Lambeth ; 8vo. 6d. 10452 — counting his beads, fol, 3s. - Fourdrinier Evans's catalogue of portraits. 349 10453 Tong, Rev. William, dissenting minister of Coventry, fol. Ss. JVollaston — Simon 10454 Tonyn, General, fol. 3s. - Shee—QXxwt . 10155 Tooke, John Home, nat. Newport- street, 1736 ; educated AVestraiiistcr and Eton j of .John's coll. Camb. ; usher at Blackheath : minister of Brentford ; freeman of Bedford ; farmer CO. Hunts ; M.P. Old Sarura ; ob. at Wimbledon, y*''" 1812; bur. Ealing ; Svo. 6d. 10456 — from an original drawing, 4to. Is. 10457 — large 4to.yi«fc', 3s. P;-oo/I 5s. Hardy — Smith 10458 — w. 1. lying down, sheet, 5s. Proof, 7s. Od. AV\ard 10459 Toole, Arthur Severus Nonesuch O', set. 80, Oval, long beard, holding stick with 11 crowns, 8 verses. Copy of extreme rare print by Delaram, 8vo. Is. 10160 Topham, Edward, wit and political writer, editor of 'The World,' &c. ; magistrate co. Ebor ; ob. 1820 ; 4to. 2s. R usse U — To m k i n s 10461 Topham, Thomas, the strong man, nat. London, 1710; exhibited at Derby, 8ic. AVhole leniith, lifting 183G lbs. of water at Cold Bath Fields, 1741, 8vo. 6d. Ditto, 4to. proof, Is. 10462 Toplady, Augustus, nat. Farnhara, Surrey, 1740 ; educated Westminster, and Trinity coll. Dublin ; minister Broad Hembury, co. Devon ; ob. 1778 ; bur. Tottenham-road chapel ; Svo. 6d. Proof, Is. 10463 — 3.qrs. 4to. Is. - %%— Blackberd 10464 Torrens, Sir Henry, nat. Londonderry 1779; assistant * 7^* adjutant general co. Kent; ob. Danesbury, 1828 ; bur. ;•" AVelwyn, Herts ; 8vo. 6d, 10465 — with autog. Svo. Is. India -proof , 2s. Lawrence — Dean 10466 Torriano, Nathaniel, M.D.Svo. Is. Highmore — Walker 10467 Torrington, Thomas Newport, Lord, M.P. for Ludlow ; of CO. Devon; ob. 1719 ; fol. 3s. Kneller — Smith 10468 Torrington, Anne Pierpoint, his Lady, of Nottingham, and CO. Devon ; ob. 1735 ; fol. 3s. Ibid. — Ibid. 10469 Torrington, George Eyng, Lord, of Wrotham, Kent ; dis- tinguished admiral ; M.P. Plymouth ; baron B. of South- well, Bedford ; Viscount T. of co. Devon ; K.B. ; ob. 1732; 8vo.6d. 10470 — in his robes, fol. 3s. - Davison— Y^h^x 10471 — fol. 2s. Large paper, 3s, Kneller — Houbraken 10472 — 3-(ps. hand on sword, fol. 3s. Ibid. — Faber 10473 Tossanus, Paul, vis. Eng. ob. 1629, set. 57, Svo. Is. Bry 10474 Totness, George Carew, Earl of, collector and literat. author of Pacata Hibernia, served in Ireland, and capt. Earl Desmond ; gov. Guernsey; ob. at the Savoy, 1639, set. 73 ; bur. Stratford, Warw. From Voerst, 8vo. Is. 10475 — orig. print, 4 Latin lines, cut close, fol. 10s. Voerst 10476 — from Noble Authors, Is. — copy of V'oerst, 4to. 2s. 10477 — from Lodge, fol. 5s. Zucchero — Meyer 350 Evans's cataloguk op t>oRTRAiTs. 10478 Toulmin, Josliaa, historian of Taunton, and D.D. 4to. Is. B or ring ton — Clint 10479 Tour, Jean de la, French smuggler, executed for murder near Margate, 1744 ; w, 1. 8vo. 6d. Proof, 4to. Is. 10180 Tour, de la, artist, painting, fol. 3s. Ipse — Smith 10481 Tournefort, J. P. de, emitient naturalist, visited England, ob. 1708. V/ith a vignette of the Classes of Botany, 4to. 2s. - - - Hopwood 10482 Towers, Rev. John, profile, 8vo. 6d. 10483 Towers, Joseph, nat. Southvvark, 1737 ; apprentice as a printer at Sherborne, Dorset ; bookseller in Fore-street ; preacher at Highgate ; and at Newington-green ; ob. 1799 ; 8vo. 6d. 10484 Tovvgood, Rev. Micaiah, nat. Axminsler, Devon, 1700; educated Taunton ; of Exeter ; ob. 1792 j Svo. 6H. 10485 — 3-qrs. sitting, holding a book, sheet, 5s. Opie — Ezekiel 10486 Towneley, Charles, collector of the marbles, nat. Townley, Lane. 1737; ob. 1805 j From a medallion h\ Tassie, Svo. 6d. . . . ' Godby 10487 — from bust by NoHekens, 8vo. Is. Worthington 104S8 Towneley, James, friend of Garrick, 4to. touched proof, 2s. - - . James Heath 10489 Townley, Rev. Henry, 1816, 4to. 33. (7/oy. 1821, jetatis 73 ; fol. 8s. Ctimhig — J. R. Smith 10619 Tyrconnell, Richard Talbot, Duke, nat . heland ; active adherent of James II.; lord-lieut. Ireland ; ob. Limerick during the siege, 1691. From a picture at Beaulieu- park, 4to. Is, - - Gardiner 10620 Tyrconnell, Frances Jennings, his Duchess, sister to the ) ij Duchess of Marlborough, of Sundridge, Herts; married" •■ \ 1. George Hamilton ; ob. 1730 ; Svo. Gd. 10621 Tyrconnell, J. Brownlovv, \'isc. ob. 1754, fol. 3s. Faber 10622 Tyrie, David, executed Portsmouth, 1782, Svo. Is. 10623 Tvrrell, R. a(hniral, ob. 1766, Svo. Cd. Proof, Is, 10024 — profile, Svo. Is. ProuJ, 2s. - Worlidoo 10625 — ditto, fol. 2s. - - - Bowles 10626 Tyson, R. master ceremonies, Bath, ob. 1820, Svo. 6d. 10627 Tysscn, Samuel, F.A.S. 4to. Is. - y,'?oT//— Evans 10628 Tytler, Wm. literat. nat. Edinburgh, (1711 ; vicc-prcsi- dent Society of Antiq. Scotland ; ob. 1792 ; Svo. Od. 10029 — fol. 3s. Fine proof, 5s. llachurn — Jones 10630 Tyrwhitt, Thomas, the commentator, nat. 1730 ; educ. at Kensington, Eton, and Oxford univ. ; of Temple; clerk House of Commons ; curator British Museum ; ob. Wel- beck-street, 17S6. From the late bishop of Durham's picture, 4to. Is. - James Heath 10031 — from the same, fol. 5s. - JVUson — Jones 10032 Udc, Louis Eustache, celebrated cook, Svo. Is. lllmati 10033 Ulster, Elizabeth de Clare, Countess, wife John de Burgh, lord of Connaught, bur. Ware, Herts. With a view of Clare hall, Camb. founded by her, Svo. 6d. Gardiner 10634 — in Set of Founders, 4to. Is. Od. 10035 T^nderhill, Cave, comedian, as Obadiah. Copy of a rare print, 4to. Is. 10030 ITiiton, Sir H. minister to France, ob. 1595, Svo. Is- 10037 Upton, James, bapt. minister Ciiurch-stieet, 4to. Is. Cook 1003S Upton, John, commentator on Shakspeare, nat. 1707 ; of Exeter coll. Oxford ; preb. Rochester ; rector Sevington, Som. ; Ressington, Glonccster ; and Llandrillo, Wales; ol). Taunton, 1700. From Mm Collier, 4to. Is. Stow 10039 ITpcott, \\\w. collector, and librarian London Institution, 4to. private plate, 10s. - /?^//«r.v— Bragg 10640 Url>an \'llI.Bope,iirotcctor of the Scotch, ob. 1014, Svo, C(i. 2 a2 'i^A^' 356 Evans's catalogue of portraits. 10641 Uicbard, or Uiquhart, Sir T. Uterat. Copy of the rare print by Glover, whole length, verses, 8vo. Is. 10642 Urdeswick, Christopher, chaplain to Henry VIII. archdea- con Richmond, Wilts, and Oxford ; dean York and Wind- Eor ; rector of Hackney, and ob. there 1521. Effigy of, from mon. Hackney, with view of tomb, 4to. 2s. Stow 10643 Urry, John, editor Chancer, of Catcomb, Isle of "Wight, and C. C. coll. Oxford ; ob. 1714, st. 51 ; fol. 3s. Pigne 10644 Urselin, Barbara, [Beck], hairy-faced woman, exhibited in London, Svo. 6d. 10645 — playing on the harpsichord, Svo. Gd, / 10646 Usher, Thos. nat. Dubl. 1580 ; held disputation at Dray- /V^, . ton, Northampt. ; bp. Carlisle in commendam ; preacher /.^t*^"^ ^1^ Saints, Oxford ; retired to Cardiff during civil wars ; '^ preacher Linc.-inn ; l)p. Meath ; abp. Armagh ; ob. Rye- gate, Surrey 1656 ; Svo. 6d. 10647 — writing, 4to. 2s. Ranew. — fol. 2s. 6d. Seiller 10648 — from same, 4to. 2s. Marshall. — Svo. Is, R. White 10649 — fol. 2s. Large paper, ^^. . Lcli/ — Vertue 10C50 Ussuf Aguiah Effendi, Ottoman amI)assador, 1794. Sit- ting in Turkish costume, w. 1. fol. 2s. ProoJ, 3s. Finely coloured, 3s. - - Miller — Schiavonetti 10651 Utcnhovins, Cliarles, literat. vis. Engl. ob. IGOO. From Boissard, Svo. Is. 10652 Valangin, F. J. R de, M.D. London, 1794, Svo. 6d. 10653 — ditto, 4to. 2s. - . Abbott— CoW^-av 10654 Valentia, Lord, traveller, nat, Arley-hall, 1770 ; ednc. LTpton on Severn, and Stamford, Wore. ; M,P. Yarmouth ; F.A.S. and L.S. ; repaired Over Arley church, Stafford ; Svo. Is. - - . Halls — Freeman 10655 Valerius, J. born without arms, 1667, Svo. 6d. 4to. pr. Is. 10656 Valkert, William Van, painter, 1612, Svo. 6d. 10657 Vailiant, U'arner, engraver, Svo. 6d. 10658 Vanbrngh, Sir John, eminent architect and poet, erected Blenheim; Castle Hov/ard ; King's Weston ; Eston-Nes- ton, &c. ; Clarencieux King at Arms ; surveyor Green- wich hospital ; ob. Whitehall 1726 ; various, Svo. 6d. 10659 — from the Kit Kat picture, Svo. Is. Kneller — Duncan 10660 — ditto, French paper proof , 4to. Is. 6d. Ibid. — Ibid. 10661 — ditto, fine India paper proof, roval 4to. 2s. Ibid. — Ibid. 10662 — from the same, the original print, fol. 2s. Ibid. — Faber 10663 — from ditto, 4to. Is. Cooper. — 4to. Is. lb. — Chambars 10664 Van Butchell, M. fistula curer. On horseback, 4to. 2s. 10665 Vanderbanc, John, engraver, nat. Paris ; visited England, and engraved many British portraits ; ob. and bur. at Bradfield, Herts, 1697 ; Svo. 6d. 1Q666 — fol. 3s. Proof, 5s. - George White 10667 V^andevelde, Wm. jun. celebrated marine painter, in Eng- land, ob. 1707, set. 74, 4to. Is. Kneller — Chambars 10668 — from same, holding sea-piece, fol. 3s. Faber KVANS'S CATALOGUE OF PORTRAITS. 357 10669 Vandeput, Sir George, bart. 1748, fol. raez. Ss. 10670 Vanderdort, Abraham, painter, keeper of Royal Cabinet of medals to James I. and designer for the coinage, 4to. Is. . Dobson — Chambars 10671 — from picture in Houghton Gallery, erroneously inscr. Dobson's Father, 4to. Is. 6ij. Dobson — Green 10672 Vanderdorcht, Henry, painter to Earl Arundel, and Chas. II. 4to. Is. - Hollar 10873 Vander Meulen, P. painter, employed by Wm. HI. 4to. Is. 10674 Vandun, Cornelius, nat. Breda ; usher to Henry VIH. j founder of almshouses at Tothill-fields ; ob. 1577, setat. 94. From his monument, 8vo. 6d. 10675 — with view of his almshouses, Westminster, 4to. Is. 10676 Vandyke, Sir Anthony, the illustrious painter, nat. Ant- werp ; visited England 5 pa'.ntcr to Charles I.; res. at Eltham, and Blackfriars, where he died 1641 ; bur. at St. Paul's ; Bvo. 6d. various. 10677 — with the sun-flower, 4to./?/2e, Ss. - Hollar 10678 — as Paris, holding the apple, fol. 3s. Ipse — Schiavonetti 10679 — in Florence Gallery, 4to. fine, 3s. /AeV/.— Blot 10680 — 4to. Is. Ipse — Larmessin. — 4to. 3s. lb. — Vorsterman 10681 — etc/i'mg, 8vo. Is. Worlidge. — 4to. Is. lb. — Bannermau 10682 — 4to. 2s. F. de Grado. — with vign. 4to. Is. Corner 10683 Vane, Sir Henry, M.P. Carlisle ; ambassador to Denmark and Sweden ; sec. of state to Chas, 1. ; of Belleau, Line. ; ob. llaby castle, 1654, aet. 68 ; 8vo. 6d. Proof, Is. 10684 — ' of Raby Castle,' 4to. mez. Is. — 4to. Is. Proof, Is. 6d. - - R. Earlora 10685 — from Mr. Coram's picture, 4to. Is. - Cooper 10f)86 — in ' Clarendon,' 8vo. Is. - Gucht 10687 — fol. 3s. Large paper, 3s. - Lel^ — Houbraken 10688 Vane, Sir Henry, the younger, nat. 1612 ; educated at Westminster, and Magdalen-hall, Oxford ; M.P. Kings- ton on Hull, and Whitchurch, Hants ; imprisoned by Cromwell at Carisbrook ; res. at Raby ; beheaded by Cliarles II. on Tower-hill, 1663, From picture at Straw- berry-hill, 4to. Is. 10689 Vane, Hon. Mrs. mistress to Frederick Prince of Wales, fol. 4s. - F'anderbanc — Faber 10690 Vair, Guillaume, rain, England, 1596, fol. 2s. Edelinck 10691 Vanhaecken, .Joseph, painter, ob. 1750, fol. 23. Faber 10693 Van Somer, Paul, painter, in England, ob. 1631, aet. 45 ; bur, Martin's in the Fields ; 4to. Is. Chambars 10693 Van Son, Francis, painter at Antwerp ; visited England ; painted Earl Radnor's house, James-square ; res. Long Acre; ob. Alban-st. 1700, ajt. 50; 4to. Is. Bannerman 10694 Van Son, John, painter, ob. 1703, act. 41, 4to. Is. Ibid. 10695 Varignon, P. math. F.R.S. Lond. ob. 1723,4to.2s. Vertue 10696 Vassal, Lieiit.-coloncl, 8vo. Is, - Scriveo 358 EVANs's CATALOGUK OF PORTRAITS. 10G97 Vauglian, Dick, driver of ' Tclcgrapli/ Cambrulge, _4to. coloured. Is. Dighton 10698 Vanghan, Sir Jolin, Justice of Common Pleas, nat. co. Cardigan, 1G08 ; educated V\'orcester-scliool, and Christ- church, Oxford ; of Inner Temple; ob. 1674; bur., at Temple. Front, to his Reports, 1677, fol. 3s, R. White 10699 Vaux, Nicholas, Lord, lieut. castle of Guisnesj amba-ssa- dor to France ; ob. 1534. From Noble Authors, 8vo. Is. 10700 — 8vo. Is. 410. proof, Is. 6d. Holbcin~W\\km 10701 Vaux, Thomas, Lord, his son, and poet, nat. 1510 ; of Harwedon ; K.B. ; captain of Jersey ; 8vo. 6d. various. 10702 — fiiiely tinted, after original, fol. 5s. Holbein — Bartolozzi J 0703 — from picture at Buckingham-house, 8vo. Is. lb. — Pye 10704 — ditto, French paper j)roof, 4to. Is, 6d. Ibid. — Ibid. 10705 — ditto, j»f«(? India paper proof , royal 4to. 2s. Ibid. — Ibi(?. 10706 Vaux, Elizabeth Cheney, his Lady, estates co. Northampt. From Royal Collection, tinted, fol. 4s. Ibid. — Bartolozzi 10707 V'anx, Edward, Esq. fol. p. p. 5s. Skee — Reynolds 10708 Veil, Sir Thomas de. Justice of the Peace, ob. 1746, fol. Ss. - - - De In Cour — Ryley 10709 Venner, Thomas, enthusiast, executed 1061, 8vo. 6d. 10710 Venner, Tobias, nat. Petherton, Som. 1577; of Alban's- liall, Oxford ; M.D. at Oxford, Bridgewater, and Bath ; \vrote on Bristol waters ; ob. 1660. Copy of the rare print by Faithorne, 4to. Is. 10711 Venning, AValter, with autograph, 4to. proof, 2s. Cooper 10712 Ventris, Sir Peyton, M.P. Jpswich ; Justice of Common Picas, 1689. Front, to Reports, fol. 2s. Riley —WWiie, 10713 Veracina, F. M. a Florentine, visited England, 1744, 4to. 2s. - - . Richter — June 10714 \^erdion. Miss Theodora, natural daughter King of Prussia, dealer in books, medicines, &c. ob. 1802. In man's clothes, whole length, 8vo. 6d. 10715 Vere, Francis, general, distinguished commander, nat. 1554 ; M.P. Leominster ; ob. 1608 ; 8vo. 6d. Pr. Is. 10716 — his tomb in Westminster abbey, fol. 5s. Gaywood 10717 — profile, 4to. fine, 10s. 6d. . W. Paithorne 10718 Vere, Horace, Baron of Tilbury, nat. KIrkby-hall, Esse.x, 1565 ; ob. 1635 ; bur. Westm. abbey ; 8vo. 6d. 10719 — in border of military trophies, fol. 2s. N. de Clerck 10720 — fol. 5s. - Mireveldt—V&vivie 10721 — from the same, fol. 10s. 6d. . Faithorne 10722 Vere, Mary Tracey, Lady, governess to Duke of York, wife Horace, Lord, ob. 1671, set. 91 ; Svo. 2s. Van Hove 10723 — copv of the same, 8vo. 6d. 10724 Vergy,"P. H. T. sieur de, ob. London, 1776, 8vo. Is. 10725 Vcrney, Hon. Wm. ob. 1683. Wliole length, with dog, fol. rare, 10s. 6d. - f-'cly — Tompson 10720 Vcrncv, Crcvil, of co. Leicester, ob. 1710, folio, 3s. Z>^///— AVilliams Evans's catalogue of p.oktkaits. 359 10727 Veniey, John, master of the Rolls, ob. 1741, fol. 5s Rmnsnij — Vertue 10728 Vernon, Edward, of a Stafford family, iiat. Westminster, 16S4; brave admiral J took Porto Bello, 1739; super- ' seded ; M.l'. Peurvn and Ipswich 5 ob. Nacton_, Suffolk, 1757; 8\'o.6d. 10729 — fol. 3s. Johnson. — fol. 3s. Bardiceii—Fiihev 10730 — fol. firUlinnt, 5s. - Gainsborough — Ardell 10731 Vernon, Edward Venables, bishop Carlisle, and archbi- shop York, large fol. 5s. Proof, 7s. 6d. Hoppner — Turner 10732 \'^ernon. Miss Gcorgiana, his youngest daughter, 8vo. Is. Beaumont— 'i^Xxomson 10733 Vernon, Thomas, of Hanbury-hall, co. "Worcester^ M.P. Whitchurch, Hants ; secretary to Duke of Momnouth ; JY^. '^^ ob. at Twickenham, 1720. Front, to his 'Reports,' fol. 2s. - - - Kneller — \'ertue 10734 Vernon, Mary Kirke, Lady, temp. Charles II. 8vo. 6d. 10735 Verrio, Anthony, painter, employed at "Windsor, &c. ob. 1707, aetat. 73, 4to. Is. - Bannerman 10736 Vertue, George, the engraver and antiquary, nat. Martin's in the Fields, 1684; ob. 1756; bur. Westminster abbey cloisters ; 8vo. 6d. 10737 — 4to. Is. Richardson — Chambars. — w. 1. 8vo. Is. 10738 — and his wife, in the habits they were married, Feb. 17, 1720. She died 1776. Whole lengths, obi. fol. 3s. Vertue 10739 Verulam, John Walter, Earl, Viscount Grimstone, York- shire; baron Dunboyae, Ireland ; Forrester, Scotland^ and V^erulam, of Gorhambury ; nat. 1775. \^'ith auto- graph, 8vo. Is, India proof, 2s. Owen — Robinson 10740 Verulam, Charlotte, his Countess, daughter Earl Liverpool, Svo. Is. Hawkins — Dean 10741 — ^ne proof on India paper, fol. 3s. - Ideiu 10742 Vestris, Mons. celebrated dancer, Svo. 6d. Proof, is. 10743 Vestris, Mons. jun. ditto, Svo. 6d. Ditto, Is, Meyej 10741 — standing on one leg, fol, 3s. - Torre 1^745 Vestris, Madame, actress, various, Svo, ^d. Proof is. 10746 Viaud, Theophilus, French poet, visited England, and ob. 1626, 4to, Is. 10747 Vidler, Rev. Wm. dissenting minister, 4to. Is. Barlow 10748 — the original drawing by /FiHiams, 4to. 2s. 6d. 10749 V^ieuville, Marquis de, slain at Auburn chase, 1653. From dvawing by Luttrc/l, ^to. Is. Broof Is. Gd. Earlonx 10750 Viganoni, J. mus. and singer, 4to. 2<. Huet — Cardon 10751 Viilette, Rev. J. ordinary Newgate, Svo. Is. Montague 10752 Vielville, Franc, min. in England, ob. 1571, 4to. Is. 10753 VillierSj Sir George, father of celebrated Duke of Bucking- ham, nat. 1544 ; sheriff CO. Leicester ; ob. 1606. From a picture by Jansen, at Strawberry.hill, 3-qrs. hand on a greyhound, Ito. Is. - Sherlock Jk'0754 — from monument, VV^estiniustor abbey, 4to. Is. 360 Evans's catalogue of portraits. 10755 Villiers, Lady Gertrude, 8vo. 6d. frilkin—Coo^^er 10750 — fine proof on India paper, 4.\.o, 29. - Idem 10757 Vince, Samuel, astronomer, nat. Fressingfield, Suftblk ; math, lecturer of Sidney coll. and archdeacon Bedford ; rector Kirkby Bedon, Norfolk ; ob. 1821 ; 4to. proof, 3s. . - . fyageman — Cooper 10758 Vincent, John Jervis, Earl of, celebrated admiral, nat. at Meaford, Staff. 1736 ; M.P, for Calne, and Yarmouth, Norfolk ; res. Essex, and ob. there, 1823 ; 8vo. 6d. 10759 — with autog. Is. India proof, 2s. Keenan — Cochran 10760 — in Cadell, 4to. 2^. 6d. Proof, 4s. Beechey~Cav Aon 10701 ■— in Lodge, 4to. 3s. India pr. 8s. //o;)p?2e/-— Robinson 107G3 Vincent, Nathaniel, of Christ-church, Oxford ; chaplain to Charles IL ; fined ai\d imprisoned for holding conven- tides J preached in the ruins of the fire of London ; ob. 1697. Front, to ' Good of Afflictions,' 8vo. 6d. R. White 10763 Vincent, Richard Budd, Captain in Royal Navv, ob. Deal, 1831, 8vo. 6d. 10764 Vincent, Wm. eminent geographer, nat. Lime-street ward, 1739 ; educated Westminster, and Trinity coll. Camb. ; vicar LangdoQ, Worcester ; rector Allhallovv's ; John's, Westminster ; and Islip, Oxford ; dean of Westminster, and head master of the school ; ob. 1815 } bur. West- minster abbey j 8vo. 6d. 10765 — 3-qr3. sitting, 4lo. 2s. 6tl. Oztra— Meyer 10766 — in Cadell, 4to. 3s. Proof 5s. Edridgc~V\cs.xi 10767 — from Deans of Westminster, 4to. Is. Royal 4to. proof, Is. 6d Oivcn—'&tow 10768 Vincent de Paul, visited Scotland, ob. 1660, 8vo. Is. 10769 Viner, Sir Robert, loyal citizen, favorite of Charles II. and erected statue of hiin in Stocks Market, [vide Pennant]. Copy of rare print by Faithorne, 4to. Is. Harding 10770 Vining, Mr. actor, whole length, in the character of Octa- vian, 4to. Is. - - Cook 10771 Violet, P. miniature painter, 4to. Is. Bartolozzi 10772 Viotti, J. B. nat. Piedmont, 1745 ; leader of orchestra at Opera-house; wine merchant in London; ob. 1824; 4to. 2s. - . Tossarelli—Me^ev 10773 Vipond, Rev. Mr. of Hackney, 8vo. 6d. 10774 Vispr6, — , wife of F. Z. V. painter. Reading, fol. Ss. F. Vispri, del. et sc. 10775 Vitelli. Chapino, via. England, ob. 1575, 4to. Is. 10776 Vittoria, Princess, dau. Duke of Kent, 8vo. 6d. Proof, Is. 10777 Vint, Rev. Wm. tutor of Idle academy, 4to. 3s. Meyer 10778 Vivares, Francis, the eminent engraver, 4to. 3s. Caldwall 10779 Vives, John Lewis, nat. Spain ; of Corpus Christi college, Oxf. ; preceptor to Princess Mary ; ob. 1541 ; 8vo. 6d. 10780 — wood-cut from Jovius, 4to. Is. ' — 4to. Is. Boulonois X0T81 Vizard, William, solicitor to the late Queen Caroline, 4to. proof 2s, - - - Wivell EVANS S CATAI-OGUE OK PORTRAITS. 361 10783 Vligcn, Hcva, who lived ou the smell of flowers. From a rare print, 4to. Is. 10783 — tiie orig, print, venj scarce, large 4to. 18s. 10784 V^ocrst, Robt. van, engraver in England, 4to. Is. Chambars 10785 Vogolshangk, Isaac, painter, visited Ireland, Scotland, and settled in London, ob. 1753, 8vo. Is, Ipse — Noorde 10786 Voiture, Vincent, eminent litcrat. visited England, and ob. 1048, 8vo. 6(1 10787 — 8 verses by Lovelace, 6vo. 2g. 10788 V^olney, Mons. author of Ruins of Empires, &c, 8vo. 6d. ' 10789 Voltaire, F. A. de, the celebrated literat. visited England, various, 8vo. 6d. 4to. Is. 10790 ^x^guel, Henry, merchant in London, ob. 1746, large fol. 3(jrs.y?«e, 5s. - - /'ewze— Schmidt 30791 — from the same picture, fol. 4s. - Faber 10792 Vorsterman, Lake, painter in England, 4to. Is. 10793 Vorstiiis, Adolphus, M.D. vis. England, ob. 1663, 4to. Is. 10794 V'oss, Mrs. Quaker, of Austin Friars, mistress to Sir God- frey Kneller, 1703. With her child, fol. 3s. Smith 10795 Vossius, Isaac, literat. res. Windsor, 4to. Is. / ^ 10796 Vossius, Gerard John, installed at Canterbury, 1639, ob. k,y^Jt 1650, astat. 73, 4to. Is. 10797 ~ fol. 2s. .SVwf//-«r^— Blooteling. — fol. Is. 6d. Vertue 10798 Vouet, Simon, painter, in England, 4to. Is. 10799 Vroom, Henry Cornelius, painter, made the designs for the Armada tapestry of the House of Lords, 4to. Is. /. Oliver — Chambars 10800 Vycary, T. from Barbers' Charter, Svo. 6d. 10801 Wadd, Sir Wm. governor of Tower, removed to make way for Sir G. Elwayes, ob. 1633, aet. 77, Svo. 6d. 10802 — ■ the origiual print, 4to. 5s. - Jenner 10803 Waddy, Miss, actress, cofd. 'iio. 2^. Buck — Cheesman 10804 Wade, George, General, M. P. Bath 3 commander in chief in Scotland ; ob. 1748. In his armour, 3qrs. fol. 3s. Vandcrhanc — Vanhaeckcn 10805 Wade, Wm. master Ceremonies, Bath, Svo. 6d. 10806 Wadham, Nicholas, ofMereficld, Somerset} founder j ob. 1609 ; 4to. Is. 6d. 10807 AVadham, Dorothy, his wife, co-founder, ob. 1618 ; buried with her husband at Ilminster, Som. ; 4to. Is. 6d. 10808 Wadsworth, Thomas, nat. Southwark, 1630 5 of Christ's ^ coll. Camb. j minister Newington Butts, and Lawrence Pountney; ob. 1676; Svo. Is. - R. AVhite 10809 W^agcr, Sir Charles, distinguished admiral, and supporter . . of iValpole ; M.P. Portsmouth and A\'cst Looe 3 res. at ° "^'^ Fordham ; ob. Chelsea, 1743 ; bur. Wcstmr. Svo. 6d. 10810 — fol. 3s. /i/Zw— White. — fol. 3s. G\bson~Y?^^1. - - Rotnncij — Sharp 10839 Walker, ThoinaSj nat. Assington, Suflolk ; master of tlie ,f-/y Charter-house ; educated Steele and Addison 3 ob. 1728 ; fol. 3s. _ - _ Sayer 10840 Walker, Thomas, nat. St. Anne's, Soho, 1G98; ob. Dubl. ]744. The original ' Macheath,' 8 verses, fol. niez. 3s. Elhjs — ?Ahcv 10841 Walker, William, nat. Ribchcster, r.anc. 5 ob. 1736, set. J 23 ; 8vo. 6d. 4to. proof. Is. 10842 AValker, W. rector Pancrass, Suss. fol. 3s. Pr. 5s. Godby 10843 A\'alker, Will in. of Grantham, Sir Isaac Newton's school- master, ob. 1614; 8vo. 2s, 10844 Wallace, Right Hon. T. M.P. large fol. 5s. C/ar/^e— Turner 10845 Wallace, Sir Wni. the celebrated Scotch hero, executed on Tower-hill, 1304, 8vo. 6d. — fol. mez. 2s. 10846 Wallace, Wm. late of 15th Hussars, 8vo. Is. Woolnoth 10847 A\'allack, Mr. actor of Drnry-lane, 8vo. 6d. Proof, Is. 10S48 — fine India paper proof, (o\. ^s. fFageinan—V^ocAnoiXx 10849 Waller, Edmund, the poet, nat. at Coleshill, Herts; edu- cated Eton, and King's coll. Camb. ; M.P. Agmondesham, Hastings, and Saltash ; plotted for Charles H. and sold his estates, co. Bedf. to pay his fine ; appointed provost Eton ; ob. 1687 ; bur. I3eaconsfield ; 8vo. 6d. 10S50 — 8vo. Is. Vertuc. — st. 76, 8vo. Is. R. White 10851 — in Set of Poets, fol. 2s. - Kneller—\ cvUia 10852 — from Rev. E. A\'aller's pict. 8vo. Is. Jansen — Bromley 10853 — ditto, French paper proof, 4to. Is. 6d. Ihid. — Ibid. 10854 — ditto, fine India paper proof, royal 4to. 2s. Ibid. — Ibid. 10855 Waller, Sir A\'illiam, parl.-general, nat. 1597; M.P. for Andover 3 reduced I'ortsmouth ; captured Hereford ; de- m «^ feated at Roundway-down, co. A\'ilts 3 and Cropredy bridge, Oxford; M.P. for Middlesex; ob. at Oslcrley- park, 1668 ; 8vo. 6d. 10856 — 8vo. Is. JFalker—MWion. — copy of Hollar, 8vo. 6d. 10S57 — " Knight Sarjeant Maiorr generall of y'e Parliament's army," &c. In a border, with trophies. Copy of an ex- tremely rare and curious print by Roddermont, 4to. 2s, 10858 — - in Ricraft, 8vo. 6d. — Dutch print, 4to. Is 10859 — copy of Earl Spencer's unique e(piestrian portrait, 4to. Is. ... Riddiard 10860 Wallcnstcin, Albert Count, visited England, andob. 1634, fol. 2s. . iSir Anthoni/ l^andjlic — De Jode 10861 AVallin, Rev. Edward, ob. 1733, 8vo.' Is. Mynde 10862 AVallin, Rev. Benjamin, ob. 1782, 3.iirs. length, sitting, fol. 5s, - - - /rriglit, del. et sc. 10863 Wallis, William, fol. 3s. Proof, 53. /leraaw— Turner 10864 AVallis, Miss, actress. Whole length, in character, 8vo, 6(1, ProoJ, Is. 10865 — large fol. with view of Bath, Ss, JJariolozzi, del. ct sc» 864 Evans's catalogue of portraits. 10866 WalHs, Jolin, mathemat. iiat. Asliford, Kent, 1616 ; edu- cated Ley-^ ob. Aldersgate-street, 1661 ; bur. St. Paul's. Frontis- piece to Polyglott Bible, fol. rare, 10s. 6d. Ditto, very fine, 11. Is. Lombart. — copy, 4to. Is. 10895 Walton, Isaac, celebrated angler, nat. co. Stafford, 1593; res. Fleet-street ; ob. Winchester, 1683 ; 8vo. 6d. var. 10896 — 8vo. Is. Proof, Is. 6d. Ditto before any letters, 2s. Housman — M aile 1089T — the snme, finely coloured and mounted, 3s. 10898 — from Dr. Hawes' picture, 8vo. Is. Cl'mt — A. W. Warren 10899 — ditto, French paper proof , 4to. Is. 6d. I(j/d. — Il)id. 10900 — ditto, /ine India paper proof , royal 4to. 2s, laid. — Ibid. 10901 — with border, 4to. scarce, 3s. Housman — Audinct 10902 Walton, (H.) artist, children of, their portraits, inscribi-d ' The Fruit Barrow,' fol. 3s. Proof, 5s. J. R. Smith 10903 Walter, Sir George. Whole length, as Duke of Aquitain, in the Coronation procession, 1130, fol. scarce 10s. 6d. Hysing—^Rhev 10904 Walter, Rev. Wm. fol. 3s. Brown— Kodges, 1784 10905 Waltz, Gustavus, musician. Whole length, playing, fol. rare, 5s. 1090G Wahvin, William, M.D. 8vo. 2s. - R. White 10907 Walworth, Sir AVilliam, lord- mayor. From the statue in Fishmongers'-hall, 8vo.6d. - Grignion 10908 —from Mr. Bull's picture, 4to. Is. 10909 — from the same, wood-cut, 4to. Is. 10910 Walvvyn, Robert, minister of Towcester, Northampton. Front, to Fundamentals of Religion, 8vo. 2s. Gaywood 10911 Wandcsford, Sir Christopher, lord chief baron, ob. 1640, fol. 5s. . - f'andy/ie — Watson 10912 — fine proof before letters, fol. 7s. 6d. Idem 10913 Wanley, Humj)hrey, antiquary, nat. Coventry, 1671 , edu- cated Edmund's-hall, Oxford-, ob. 1726 J bur. Mary -le- bone ; Svo. 6d. 4to. proof. Is. - Grave 10914 —fol. 5s. - - T: //;//— Smith 10915 — copy of the precedini;, 4to. Is. Proof, 2s. Wivell 10916 AVard, John, mathem. of Chester, 1706, 8vo. Is. Mynde 10917 W^arburton, Wm. nat. Newark, Notts, 1698; educated at Okeham, Rutland ; of Cambr. univ. ; rector of Brand Broughton, Line.; chaplain to Prince of A\'ales ; preacher Lincoln's-inn ; preb. Durham ; dean Bristol ; bishop of Gloucester ; married niece of R. Allen, of Prior-park, co. Som. and res. there ; ob. 1779 ; Svo. Gd, 10918 — 3-qrs. sitting writing, fol. 3s. P//;///;;.?— Burford 10919 — from picture by lloare of Bath, profile, 4to. Is. 3(56 Evans's catalogue of portraits. 10920 Warbiuton, John, herald and antiquary, nat. Bury, Lane. 1682; published maps CO. Northumb. and Middlesex; and history of I'icts' Wall; F.A. and R.S ; oh. 1749. at the College of Arms. Whole length, in his habit of Somerset herald, fol. 2s. - Gucht — Miller 10921 Warburton, Dr. C. bishop Limerick, 4to. Is. Od. Cooper 10922 Ward, Sir Edward, Chief Baron of Exchetpier, ob. 1714, fol. 5s. - - Kneller — White 10923 Ward, Edw. author of London Spy, &c. nat. co. Oxford, 16G7 ; kept pub'ic-house at Moorfields ; Clerkenwell ; and Fulwoods-rents ; ob. 1731 ; buried at St. l\incras ; 8vo. 2s. Gd. - - . Gucht 10924 Ward, Joshua, M.D. nat. Cuisborough, Yorkshire ; M.P. Marlborough; ob. 1701; Svo. 6d. 4to. proof. Is. 10925 — whole length, with crowd of sick persons, slieet, scarce, 10s. - . - Bardwell 10926 Ward, Seth, nat. Bnntingford, 1619 ; of Sidney college, Camb. ; Savilian professor Oxford univ. ; vicar of Law- rence Jewry ; bishop Exeter and Salisbury; chancellor of Garter ;*ob. Knightsbridge, 1689; Svo. 6d. 10927 Ward, Rev. Wm. of Serampore, Svo. 6d. 10928 Ward, Mrs. wife of the engraver, whole length, as "'Con- stancy," 4to. 2s. - - Morland — Ward 10929 Ward, John, of Hinckley, fet. 45, 1810, 4to. Is. 6d. Basire 10930 Ward, Mrs. actress, 1777. Whole length, in character, Svo. 6(i Proof, Is. 10931 Warder, Joseph, M.D. writer on bees, Svo. Is. Hulsberg 10932 Wardle, Col. GwiUym Lloyd, M.P. for Okehampton, ob. Florence, 1833, aetat. 74, Svo. 6d. 10933 — 4to. Is. Proof, 2s. - GriJjt/is—KivhoUs 10934 — 3-qrs. large fol. 3s. Proof, 5s. Devis — Dunkarton 10935 — from bust^by TurncrcUi, fol. 3s. . Turner 10936 Ware, Isaac, architect, from a bust by RoubUiac, 4to. Is. 10937 Ware, James, eminent oculist, Svo. 6d. Proof Is. 10938 Warhara, William, nat. Okeley, Hants, 1456 ; chancellor Oxford univ. ; ambassador to Philip Duke of Burgundy ; master of the Rolls ; lord keeper, and lord chancellor ; bishop 'of London ; archbishop of Canterbury ; ob. 1532. From Holbein, Svo. 6d. 10939 — fol. 2s. Large paper, 3s. Holbein — Houbraken 10940 — from Lodge's Ports. 4to. 23. India proof, 3s. Cooper 10941 Waring, Edward, nat. 1734 ; educated at Free.school, Shrewsbury ; Lucasian professor of mathematics, Camb. nniv. ; M.D. Camb. and St. Ives ; ob. at Plealey, 1798; fol. 2s. - . Rev. T. Kcrr'ich — Facius 10942 Waring, Mrs. Scott, of co. Salop, and her children, whole lengths, sheet, 5s. - Russell — Turner 10943 — 3-qrs. sitting, Lidla proof fol. 5s. Edr'idge — Scriven 10944 Warner, Rev. James, of 1 cwkesbury, 1712, Svo. 2s. Evans's catalogue of PoRTnAixs. 36T 10945 Warman, Cathciine, marr. at Glasgow'; of Martin's in tli Fields ; ob, 1765, aetat. 107, 8vo. 6d. 4to. jnoof. Is. 10946 Warner, Anne, daughter of Sir John W . of Parhau). house Suffolk ; took the veil, and ob. 16S9 ; fol. 3j. Smith 10947 — 4to. 2s. - - - Schenek 10948 Warren, Sir John Borlase, admiral, n at, 1753; ambassa- dor to I'etersbiirgh ; ob. Greenwich hospital, 1833 ; 8vo, 6d. Proof, Is. 10949 ■ — with vignette of the victory off Ireland, 3-qrs. fol. 3s. Proof, 5s. - - Gates — Fittlcr 10950 — fine proof before any letters, lOs. Idem 10951 — fol. 2s. Kichtcr. — vv. 1. sheet, 5s. Stow 10952 Warren, Sir P. admiral, ob. 1752, Svo. 6d. Proof Is. 10953 Warren, Robert, rector Bow ; curate of Hampstead, and T^- ob. there, 1762; Svo. Is. - Tuckei- — Fletcher 10954 —Svo. Is. 6;l. . - /rom/tf/6\\ 10992 Washington, George, president of the United States, Svo. variety, 6d. each. 10993 — 4to.'ls. ;Bir<7/i~Fittler. — from Lavater, 4to. Is. 10994 — 4to. 2s. - - Stuart— noWoway 10995 — 4to. 2s. Stuart — Nutter. — 4to. Is. Savage, del. et so. 10996 — whole length, as President, very fine, fol. 18s. Heath 10997 Wassenaer van Obdam, Dutch admiral, of Oxford univ. 3 ob. 1714, 4to. Is. 10998 Waterhouse, Benjamin, M.D. Svo. Is. - Reeve 10999 Waterhouse, E., lawyer and antiquary, Svo. 2s. Hertocks 11000 — fol. 3s. D. Loggan, ad vivwn, del. et sculp. 11001 Wathen, Lady Eliz. Jane Leslie, daughter of Earl Rothes, wife Captain W. Svo. Is. Delacour — Thomson EVANS S CATALOGUE OF PORTRAITS. 869 11002 Waterland, Daniel, nat. Waseley, Line, 1683 ; rector El- linghain, co. Norfolk ; Austin's, and St. Faith, London ; canon Windsor ; vicar Twickenham ; master Magdalen coll. ; ob, 1740 ; fol. 3s. - Phillips— Faber 11003 Watkins, John, literat. 8vo. 6d. - Leney 11004 Watson, C. admiral, ob. 1756, fol. 4s. Hudson — Fisher 11005 Watson, Honble. Mrs. Anne, fol. very fine, private plate, 10s. 6d. - * />'y^§-«r— Smith, 170S 11006 Watson, Col. Henrv, engineer, Bengal, &c. nat. Holbeach, Line. 1737 ; ob. Dover, 1786 ; Svo. 6d. 11007 Watson, John, of Brazen-nose coll. Oxford, and historian of Warrens Earls of Surrey, rector Stockport ; 4to. Is. 6d. Stringer — Basire 11008 Watson, Richard, nat. Heversham, co. Westm. 1737 ; of Trinity coll. Camb. ; archdeacon Ely ; rector Northvvold, Norfolk ; Somersham, and Knaptoft, Leicester ; bishop ofLlandaff ; 8vo. 6d. 11009 — in Cadell's Ports., fine proof bejorc any letters, fol. 5s. 11010 Watson, Thomas, minister Stephen's, Walbrook ; impri- soned in Tower for Love's Plot ; preacher at Crosby- hall ; ob. CO. Essex, 1690 ; Svo. 6d. 11011 — 8vo. Is. Van Hove. — fol. 3s. Sturt 11013 Watson, Sir William, naturalist, nat. London, 1715 ; edu- cated Merchant Taylors' ; phvsician to Foundling hosp. ; res. Lincoln's-inn fields ; ol). 1787 ; 4to. Is. Proof, 2s. - . . - Ryder 11013 Watt, James, of steam-engine celebrity, Svo. 6d. various. 11014 — Svo. Is. Breda — Kenzie. — Svo. Is. Thomson 11015 —/»r/i«;;roo/,4to. 3s. . W. Nicholson, 1819 11016 Watteau, Anthony, eminent painter, came to England to consult Dr. Mead ; painted at Althorp ; 4to. Is. Hibbert 11017 Watts, Isaac, author of Hymns, &c. nat. at Southampton, 1674 ; tutor Stoke Newington ; preacher at Mark-lane ; ob. 1748 ; various, Svo. 6d, 11018 — from the picture in Library of Dr. Williams, Svo. Is. Gainsborough — Newton 11019 — ditto, French paper proof, Ato. Is. 6d. Ibid. — Ibid. 11020 — ditto, fine India paper ■proof royal 4to. 2s. Ibid. — Ibid. 11021 — bust, in his monument, Westminster abbey, Svo. 6d. 11022 — Svo. Is. Vcrtue. — Svo. 6d. Proof, Is, Bartolozzi 11023 Watts, R. B. author of ' Steam Yacht Guide,' 4to. Is. 6d. 11024 Watts, Richard, M. P. for, and benefactor to Rochester, ob. 1580. Bust, from his monument in the cathedral there, Svo. 6d. 11025 Watts, Lieut. R.N. 1789, 4to. Is. Proof Is. 6d. Slierwin 11026 Waugh, Alex. min. Scotch church, London, Svo. 6d. 11027 Waugh, John, bp. Carlisle, ob. 1734, cut close, 4to. Is. 11028 Waynflete, Wm. founder of Magd. coll. nat. Waynflete, Line. ; provost Eton ; bishop A\'inchcster ; lord-chan- cellor } ob. 1486 ; 8vo. 6d. various. Part XXIV. Price 6d. 2 b 370 Evans's catalogue of portraits, Waynflete, William, conlhmed :— 11029 — in Set of Founders, 4to. Is. 6d. 1 1030 — from picture at Magdalen college, fol. 2s. Ditto, large paper, 3s. - . - Houbraken 11031 — from his effigies at Winchester, 4to. 2s. Basire 11032 AVaylett, Mrs. actress and singer, 8vo. 6d. Proof, Is. 11033 Webb, Francis, of Seaborough, Somerset, fol. 3s. Townley 11034 Webb, Mrs. actress, whole length, in the character of Lady Dove, 8vo. 6d. Proof, Is. 11035 Webbe, George, nat. Bromham, "Wilts, 1581 ; rector St. Peter's, Bath ; cha])lain to Charles 1. 5 bishop Limerick j ob. 1641. Frontispiece to his 'Practice of Quietness,' 8vo. 2s. 6d. . - Cross 11036 Webbe, Sam. eminent mus. 8vo. 6d. Proof, Is. Skelton 11037 Weber, Charles, late eminent German composer, ob. Great Portland-street, 1S26, setat. 39, 8vo. 6d. Proof Is. 11038 Webster, A. D.D. of Edinb. ob. 1784, 8vo. 6d. Lizars 11039 Webster, Anthony, actor and singer, whole length, in the character of Comus, large fol. 4s. TVheatley — Kingsbury 11040 Webster, Sir John, bart. Russian commissary in Eni^land, 1660. In cloak, with arms and titles, 4to. rare, 7s. 6d. 1 1041 Webster, Lady F. C. Wedderburn, 8vo. Is. Z>e«;w— Cooper 11042 Wedd, Mr. Robert, 4to. Is. 11043 Wedderburn, Robert, exec, for Cato-street Plot, 8vo. 6d. 11044 Wedgewood, Josiah, the celebrated potter, F.R. and A.S. nat. 1730 ; founder of Etruria, Staff. ; ob. 1795 5 4to. Is. Proof, 2s. - G. Stt(Ms—G. T. Stubbs 11045 — coloured from the original, 4to. 2s. - Idem 11046 Weever, John antiquary, nat. co. Lane. 1576 ; of Queen's coll. Cambr. ; ob. at Cierkenwell-close, 1632. From Cecill, 8vo. 6d. 11047 — from ditto, fine wood-cut, 4to. Is. Byfield 11048 — original print, 4 verses, 4to. rare, 5s. Cecill 11049 Weever, Thomas, literat. 1649, Copy from Marshall, 6 verses, 8vo. 6d. 11050 — the original print,. 9Crt/(7«7, 21s. - Marshall 11051 Weimar, Mademoiselle Georges, of the Opera-house, 8vo. 6d. Proof, 4to. Is. 11052 Welby, Henry, of co. Lincoln, res. Grub-street 44 years without being seen ; ob. 1636, setat. 84 ; bur. Cripple- gate ; whole length, sitting at a table. Copy of a rare print by Marshall, 8vo. 6d. Ditto, 4to. Is. 11053 Welch, Justice, Svo. Is. Hogarth— S>. Ireland 11054 Weldon, Sir A. antiquary, ob. 1645, 8vo. Is. Godfrey 11055 Weldon, William, trumpet major of Dragoons, Portugal, 1818, fol. fine India proof, 5s. Renton—GoAhY 11056 Wellesley, Richard, Marquis, nat. 1760 ; educated Eton, and Camb. univ. ; governor-general India ; ambassador to Spain; of CO. Somerset ; M.P. Windsor; lord-lieute- nant Ireland ; variety, Svo. 6d. each. EVANS S CATALOGUIi OF PORTRAITS. 371 Wellesloy, Marquis, cojitmHcd : — 11057 — profile, 4to. Is. 6d. Andrew — Caroline Watson 11058 — from bust by Nollekens, fol. 3s. Proof, 5s. Young 11059 — with aiitog. Is. India proof , 2s. Laivrence — Adcock 11060 — w. 1. in uniform, fol. 5s. Proof 7s. Gd, Home — Heath 11061 Wellesley, Marianne, Marchioness, of United States, 8vo. Is. . . - Robertson — Dean 11062 — fine India paper proof {q\.Qs. - Idem 11063 Wellington, Arthur, Duke of, nat. Ireland, 1769 ; great variety, 8vo. 6d. each, &c. 11064 — as Master fien. Ordnance, w. 1. 4to. Is. Dighton 11065 ■ — 4to. 2s. Lawrence — Lucas. — India proof fol. 3s. Frj/ 11066 — with autog. Is. India proof 2s. Lawrence — Wooliioth 11067 — when Sir A. W. w. 1. fol. 3s. //om-lcton — Scott 11072 Wells, Mother, ' The Old Bawd ' of Enfield,"8vo. Is. 11073 Welton, Richard, rector Whitechapei, vicar of East Ham; ejected ; ob. Lisbon, 1726 ; 8vo. Is. Gd. — fol. 3s. 11074 Weltje, Mr. confectioner of Pall Mall, w. 1. 4to. Is. 11075 Welwood, Rev. Sir Henry, bart. nat. in Scotland, 1750 ; min. Blackford, Perth ; 4to. 3s. Raeburn — Scriven 11076 Wentworth, Arthur, of Bulmer, Yorkshire, earth stopper, setatis 75, 4to. Is. — large fol. mez. 33. Drake 11077 Wentworth, Darcy, cctatis 32—1624, Svo. Is. 11078 Wentworth, Dorothy, of Shingey-hall, Herts, and Somcr- ley, Norfolk, ob. 1723, 4to. Is. Royal 4to. proof Is. 6d. 11079 Wentworth, Henrietta Maria, Lady, mistress of Duke of Monmouth, ob. 1686, 4to. Is. 11080 Wentworth, Thomas, Lord, of Nettlestead, Suffolk; lord- chamberlain ) ob. 1551 ; buried at ^Vestminster abbey ; fol. 2s. - - Holbein — Dalton 11081 Wentworth, T. W. Lord, jet. 40—1574, 4to. Is. Janscn 11082 Wentworth, Thomas, general, comm. in chief America, ob. 1747. In armour, 3-\m^ 11172 White, Jeremiah, of Trinity college, Camb. chaplain to O. Cronuvcll, and compelled to marry his servant, ob. 1707, Eetat. 78, 8vo. 6d. 4to. proof. Is. - Grave 11173 White, John, riat. at St. Neot's, Hunts ; of Cains college, Camb. ; vicar Eccles, Lane. ; ob. 1617. Front, to his Works, 8 verses, 4to. very fine, 10s. 6d. 11174 White, Joseph, nat. Gloucester, 1786 ; of Wadham coll. Oxford ; rector Melton, Suffolk ; ob. 1814 ; 8vo. 6d. Proof, Is. - - Peters — Thomson 11175 White, Robert, eminent engraver, chiefly of British Por- traits, nat. London, 1645 ; ob. 1703. Oval, with por- traits of Sturt, Elder Vansomer, and Beckett, 4to. Is. Banner man 11176 White, Thomas, bishop Peterborough, one of the seven bi- shops ; deprived, ob. 1698, 8vo. 6d. 11177 White, Thomas, or ♦ Albius,' philosopher and Catholic di- vine, of Hatton, Essex ; principal of colleges at Lisbon and Douay ; res. with Sir Kenelin Digby ; ob. in Drury- lane, 1676, Ktat. 92 ; buried St. Martin's in the Fields j 8vo. Is. ... Cooper 11178 — the original print, 6vo. 2s. - Vertue 11179 White, Richard, jurisc. and historian, nat. Basingstoke j educated Westminster, and New college, Oxford ; chanc. J>ouay uniy. and canon there ; created Count Palatine j ob. 1612 ; 8vo. 6d. 11180 White, Sir l"liomas, lord-mayor, 1553, and founder of John and Worcester colleges, nat. Reading, 1492 ; benefactor to Hereford, Coventry, Bristol, and Leicester ; ob. 1566 ; 8vo. 6d. 11181 — in the Set of Founders, 4to. Is. 6d. 11182 Whiteficld, George, nat. at Gloucester, 1714 j of Oxford univ. ; preacher Tower chapel ; curate Dummer, Hants ; living of Savannah, America ; founder of Methodism ; ob. New England, 1770 ; 8vo. 6d. 11183 — w. 1. preaching, proof, sheet, 5s. Russell — Watson 11184 — in pulpit, arms uplifted, 8vo. Is. Hone — V. M. Picot 11185 — ditto, with fac-simile autograph, 8vo. 6d. 11186 — ditto, fol. mcz. 2s, M' 316 BVANS S CATALOGUE OF PORTRAITS. Wlutefield, Mr. actor, whole length, in the character of Captain Dormer, 8vo. 6d. Proof, Is. kA= Ax kf 11187 11188 Whiteford, Caleb, literat. nat. Edinburgh, 1734 ; 8vo. 6d. Proof, Is. — large fol. 5s. Reynolds — Jones 11189 — his wife and son, w. l.'s p. p. 5s. Cosivay — Minasi 11190 Whitehead, Rev. David, ob. ]571. In Heroologia, 2s. 6d. 11191 Whitehead, Paul, poet lanreat and satirist, nat. Castle- yard, Hoi born, 1709 ; educated Hitchin, Herts ; confined in the Fleet prison ; one of the monks of Medmenham abbey, Bucks ; res. Twickenham ; ob. Henrietta-street, 1774 ; 8vo. 6d. 4to. Is. . .. Collyer 11192 — from Mrs. Morris' pict. 8vo. Is, Gainslorough — Rolls 11193 — ditto, French paper proof , 4to. Is. 6d. Ibid. — Ibid. 11194 — ditto, fme India ■paper proof, royal 4to. 2s. Ibid. — Ibid. 11195 Whitehead, Robert, fly-fisher, India proof , 8vo. Is. Minasi 11196 Whitehead, Wm. poet, nat. Cambridge, 1715 ; educated Winchester, and Clare-hall, Cambr. ; registrar of Order of the Bath ; poet-laureat j ob. 1785. From Earl Har- court's picture, Svo. Is. JVilson — Ensora 11197 — ditto, French paper proof , 4to. Is. 6d. Hid. — Ibid. 11198 — ditto, ^??e India paper proof , royal 4to. 2s. Ihid. — Ibid. 11199 Whitehurst, Alex, leaning on ' Court Min. 1776,' 4to. 3s. 11200 Whitehurst, John, philosopher, nat. Congleton, Cheshire, 1713 J mechanist at Derby ; visited Ireland, and wrote on Giants' Causenay ; stamper of money weights ; ob. Bolt-court, 1788 ; Svo. Is, Wright— %xm.\\\ 11201 Whitelocke, Bulstrode, historian and statesman, nat. Fleet- street, 1605 ; educated Merchant Taylors', and John's coll. Oxford ; of Middle Temple j M.P. Marlow ; lieut. CO. Bucks and Oxford ; attorney to duchy of Lancaster ; ambass. to Sweden ; constable of Windsor j ob. Chilton, Wilts, 1676. Copy of rare print by Gay wood, 4to. Is. 11202 — arms, 12 Latin and English verses, large 4to. scarce^ 10s. 6d. - - - Hulsberg 11203 — accurately copied and reduced, 4to. Is. Richardson 11204 Whitelocke, John, lieut.-gen. nat. Portsmouth; cashiered 1808 for conduct at Buenos Ayres, Svo. 6d. 4to. Is. 11205 Whitelocke, Mrs. actress, sister to Mrs. Siddons ; marr. Mr. W. manager Newcastle on Tyne. As * Margaret,' whole length, Svo. 6d. Proof Is. Audinet 11206 Whitgift, John, nat. Grimsby, Lincoln, 1530; res. Paul's church-yard ; rector Feversham, Camb, ; vice-chancellor Carab. univ. ; chaplain to Eliz. ; dean of Lincoln ; preb. Ely ; bishop Worcester ; archbishop Canterbury j ob. Lambeth, 1604 ; bur. Croydon ; Svo. 6d. 11207 — 4to. Is. — with border and arms, rl. 4to. Is. 6d. Vertue 11208 — in Heroologia, 4to. 3s. Pass. — preaching, 4to.^s. lb. 11209 Whitmore, Lady, when Miss Brooks, Svo. 6d. 4to. Is. 11210 — from picture at Windsor, large fol. 5s. Lely — Watson Evans's catalogue of portraits. 377 11211 Whitney, J;is. liiglivvayman, nat. Stevenage, Herts; exec. near Sniitlitield, 1694. Whole length, in prison, 8vo. 6d, 4to. proof, Is. 11212 Whitslied, James Hawkins, admiral, 8vo. 6d. 11213 — fol. 3s. - - Nor(/icote~'Reyno\(h 11214 Whittington, Sir Richard, lord-mayor 1419, estates at Sol- lers-house, Hereford. From the rare print by Elstracke, 8vo. 6d. — the orig. print, with his cat, 4to. 2s. Elstracke 11215 Whitworth, Charles, Lord, Baron W. of Galvvay, Ireland ; of Blowerpipe, Stafford ; envoy to Petersburgh, &c. ; ob. Gerard- street, 1725. In Noble Authors, 8vo. Is. 11216 Whitworth, Charles, Earl, Vise. W. of Albarton, Stafford, nat. Leybourne Grange, Kent, 1754 ; educ. Tunbridge- school ; ob. at Knole, 1825. With autograph, 8vo. Is. India proof, 2s. Lawrence — Robinson 11217 Whitworth, Richard, M.P. Stafford. In uniform, whole length, " in camp at Winchester, 1778," private plate, 4to. 5s. - - - Hardy — Laurie 11318 Wickliffe, John, reformer, nat. CO. Ebor, 1324 ; of Oxford uuiv. ; master Balliol college ; minister of Lutterworth, Lincoln, and ob. there, 1384 ; 8vo. 6d. 11219 — from picture at Knole, 4to. Is. — 4to. 2s. Hondius 11220 — in Boissard, 8vo. 2s. — from Council of Trent, 4to. Is. 11221 — holding his pastoral staff, 4to. Is. . Baker 11222 Wicklovv, Frances, pres. Countess, 8vo. Is. Harlow — Say 11223 — fine India proof on folio paper, ^s. - Idem 11224 Wicks, T. cook of Margate packet, aet. 71, 4to. Is. Brighty 11225 Widdington, Win. Lord, temp. Charles I. 8vo. 6d. 11226 Wiffen, J. H. literat. with autograph, Svo. 6d. Thomson 11227 Wigan, Eleazar, writing master, 1695, large 4to. 3s. Sturt 11228 Wight, John, early English printer, 8vo. 6d. Thane 11229 Wightwick, Richard, rector Ilderley, Berks, co-founder of Pembroke-hall, with Tisdale. In Founders, 4to. Is. 6d. 11230 Wigram, Sir Robert, bart. nat. Wexford, 1744 ; of Wal- thamstow, Essex, and Belmont, Wore. ; 4to. 2s. Wallis 11231 — fine proof before any letters, 4to. 3s. Smart — Ibid. 11232 Wi'lberforce, Wm. nat. Hull, 1759 j of John's coll. Camb. ; res. Kensington ; various, Svo. 6d. 11233 — from model bv Miss C. Andras, 4to. Is. W^orthington 11234 — large fol. 5s. ' FrooJ, 7s. 6d. /??me//— Heath 11235 — fol. 3s. Rysing — Hodges. — India proof Svo. Is. Fry 11236 Wilbraham, Mrs. oval, 4to. 23. Garducr—W atsou, 1780 11237 Wilcocks, Joseph, of Magdalen college, Oxford ; chaplain at Lisbon ; dean Westminster ; bishop Gloucester and Rochester 3 ob. 1756, jet. 83 ; fol. 5s. Seeman — Simon 11238 — from picture in Westminster deanery, 4to. Is. Proof, , Is. 6d. - - . . Grave 11230 Wilcocks, .Tos. F.S.A. nat. Dean's-yard, Westm. 1723; of Christ.ch. Oxf. ; ob. 1791 : 8vo. Is. 6d. /rc*^— Phillips 378 BVA^'s's eATALOGUE OF PORTRAITS. 11240 Wilcox. John, minister Ely chapel, 8vo. 0d. 11241 Wild, Jonatlian, thief taker and receiver, nat. Wolver- hampton, 1683 ; apprentice at Birmingham ; res. Cock- lane and Old Bailey ; executed at Tyburn, 1725 ; bur. Pancras. With copy of invitation to his funeral, 8vo. 6d. 4to. proof. Is. - - - Cook 11243 Wildman, Major John, confident of Cromwell 5 aftw, di- rector of the Levellers ; of Leominster. Copy of a rare print by Hollar, 1653, 8vo. 6d. 11243 Wilkes, Joseph, fol. 3s. Proof, Zi. rFalker—CVmt 11244 Wilkes, John, nat. John-street, Cierkenwell, 1727 5 M.P. Aylesbury; com, to Tower; M.P. Middlesex j comm. to King's Bench; alderman Farringdon-ward ; sheriff; chamberlain of London ; res. Isle of Wight 3 ob. Gros- Tenor-square, 1787 ; various, 8vo. 6d. 11245 — with his address to the Freeholders, fol. 2s. 11246 — whole length, fol. 3s. - Hogarth—Cook 11247 — looking through prison bars, 4to. 2s. Bickhani 11248 — fol. 23. Miller, et sc. — fol. 2s. P/we— Dickinson 11249 — 'Sitting, writing, fol. 53. - Ibid. — Sibelius 11250 — in the Court of King's Bench, with the judges. Whole length, 4to. Is. 11251 — with Serj. Glyn and Rev. Mr. Home, fol. 3s. Houston 11252 — oval, with allegor. designs and address, 4to, Is. J. June 11253 Wilkes, Miss, his daughter, proof, 8vo. Is. 11254 Wilkes, Richard, M.D. 4to. Is. 6d. - Granger 11255 Wilkie, David, celeb, painter, nat. Fife, 17S5, fol. 3s. Ipse 11256 — ^\XXo, fine India proof before any letters, {o). 5s. Ibid. 11257 — with autog. 8vo. Is. India pr. 2s. Beechey — Robinson 11258 Wilkins, John, nat. Fawsley, Northampton, 1614 ; warden Wadhara coll. and master of Trinity college, Cambr. by R. Cromwell ; ejected by Charles II. ; preacher Gray's- inn ; rector Lawrence Jewry ; dean of Ripon ; married O. Cromwell's sister ; bishop of Chester ; ob. Chancery- lane, 1672 ; 8vo. 6d. 11259 — 8vo. Is. P^bert White. — 8vo. Is. Bruhl 11260 — • large fol. 5s. Very fine, 10?.. Beale — Blooteling 11261 Wilkinson, A. Csptain R.N. splicing rope, fol. 23. Ardell 11262 — holding fox's head, dedicated to the Hammerton Hunt, fol. 3s. Proof 5s. • Tate — Hudson 11263 Wilkinson, Tate, educated St. Bees, Curab. ; manager of York theatres ; ob. 1603 ; 8vo. 6d. 11264 Wilkinson, Mr, actor, in character, 8vo. 6d. Proof Is. 11265 — as Muffincap, 4to. 23. — copy of ditto, 8vo. 6d. 11266 Wilks, Rev. Matthew, ob. 1829, 8vo. 6d. India proof, Is. 11367 Wilks, Robert, celebrated actor, nat. Rathfarnham, 1670, ob. 1732 ; bur. Covent Garden ; 8vo. 6d. 11268 — fol. 3s. Ellys—Faher. — in char. 8vo. Is. Woodman 11269 Will, Little, of Turk's head Coffee-house, 8vo. 6d. 4to. Is. 11270 — w. 1. original print, profile view, 8vo. 2s. 6d. Evans's catalogue of portraits. 379 11271 Willan, Leonard, llterat. and poet, 1651, 8vo. Gd. 11273 — bust on pedestal. Copy from Cross, 6 verses, 8vo. 6d. 11273 — the original print, rare, 8vo. 7s. 6d. Cross 11274 Willet, Andrew, rector of Barley, Herts; of Peter-house, Can\b. ; ])reb. Ely ; ob. 1631, eetat. 59 ; 8vo. 2s. 11275 Willes, Edward, purchased Barton, co. Bedford 3 bishop David's and Batii j ob. 1773. In his episcopal robes, 3.qrs. fol, 8s. - Hudson — Faber 11276 Willes, Sir John, chief justice C. P. ob. 1761, 8vo. 6d. 11277 • — fol. ftrUliant, 6s. Vanloo^—V fixino. — fol. 3s. Idem 11278 —4to. 2s. . - . Johnson 11279 William I. King cf England, variety, 8vo. 6d. 11280 — from an ancient coin, fol. Is, Vertue, del. et so. 11281 — from do. circle, 4to. Is. — from monument, 4to. Is. 11282 — from Bowyer's Edition of Hume, fol. 3s. Fittler 11283 — w. 1. from the figure at Caen, 4to. Is, Ducarel 1 J2S4 — sm. oval, as St. George, from Faitliorne's Kings, 8v'o. 6d. 11285 Wiiliam II. [Rufus], King of England, variety, 8vo. 6d. 11286 — from an ajcient coin, fol. Is. Vertue, del. et sc. 11287 — from monument, 4to. Is. — sm. oval, Svo. 6d. Peake 11288 William ill. Kii.gof England, variety, 8vo. 6d. 11289 — fol. Is. Desrochers. — 8vo. Is. Houbraken 11290 — M. mez. 2s. Knellcr — Smith. — fol. Is. Vermeulen 11291 — 4to. 2s. Picart. — 4to. 2s. Sibelius 11292 — fol. 3s. Verxj fine, 6s. - TVissing — Tanj6 11293 — w. 1. in robes, 4to. mez. 2s. — b«st, ioX.fine, 3s. Gunst 11294 — horseback, under an arch, 4to. 2s. Burghers, del. et sc. 11295 — when Prince of Orange, fol. 5s. [jely — Tompson 11296 -— fol. 3s. Blooteling. — 4to. Is. 6d. C. Hagen 11297 — horseback, with other portraits, sheet, 5s. Do Jonghe 11298 — 4to. Is. Kncller —^imih. — horseback, sh. 5s. Baron 11299 — with life, in 16 compartments, round, sh, 5s. Hooghe 11300 — with border of leaves, each leaf enumerating an event of his life, curious, fol. 3s. - N. Chevalier 11301 — with Mary his Queen, 4to. 3s. - Schoonbcck 11303 — ditto, with canopy round, fol. 3s. Robert White 11303 William IV. Monarch of Great Britain, Svo. 6d. 11304 ■ — ■ when Duke of Clarence. From the original picture of the Corporation of Liverpool, sheet, coloured, 10s. Sir M. A. ^/^cf— Ward 11305 — 4to. Is. ^eec^e?/— Cheesman. — 4to. Is. Freeman 11306 — holding telescope, fol. 5s. JVivell~\\ 7\.xA 11307 — with autog. Svo. Is. Indinproof, 2s. Dawe — Cochran 11308 AVilliam (St.) King of Scots, the Lyon, founder of Trinity Friers, Aberdeen, 3-qrs. long beard, Svo. Is. Longmatc 11309 Williams, Daniel, D.D. nat. "Wrexham, 1644 ; preacher in Ireland, and founder of Red Cross street Library ; ob. 1716 ; Svo. 6d. 11310 Williams, John, lit, "Anthony Pasquin," various, Svo. 6d. 11311 — 3-qrs. sitting in chair, fol. Ss. Sir M. A. Shoe — Wright 380 EVANS S CATALOGUE OF PORTRAITS. 11313 11314 11315 11316 11317 11318 11313 Williams, Sir Charles Hanbury, nat. and M.P. co. Mon- mouth ; educated Eton ; estates co, Hereford ; envoy to Dresden, &c. ; paymaster of marines, 1739; K.B. j ob. at Coldbrook, 1759. From a miniature by R. Mengs, 4to. Is. - - Gardiner — from the same, 8vo. Is. - Ibid. — Rhodes — ditto, French paper proof, 4to. Is. 6d. Ibid. — Ibid. — ditto, fine India paper proof] royal 4to. 2s, Ibid. — Ibid. Williams, David, founder of Literary Fund, nat. Cardigan, 1738; preacher at Frome, Som. ; Exeter ; and Highgate j res. Chelsea ; historian of Monmouth ; ob. 1816 ; bur. Anne's, Soho ; Svo. 6d. Williams, Rev. Erasmus, ob. 1608, Impression from his monumental brass, 14 verses, fol. 3s. " This dooth Erasmus Williams represent, Whome liuing all did love, deade all lament." &c, ' Williams, John, nat. Aberconvvay, 1582 ; of John's college, Camb. ; rector Grafton Regis, Northampton ^ dean of Salisbury, and Westminster ; preb. of Peterborough and Hereford ; lord-keeper and chancellor by James I. ; re- moved by Charles Land imprisoned in the Tower j bp. Lincoln ; abp. York ; ob. 1650, setat. 68 ; 8vo. 6d. 11319 — from Boissard, Svo. 2s. — in hat, 4to. 23. Elstracke 11320 — 3-qrs, sitting, proof before any letters, fol. 5s. 11321 — in Birch, fol. 2s. Large paper, 3s. Houbraken 11323 — 4to. Is. Royal 4to. proof, Is. 6ci. J amen — Stow 11323 Williams, Master, singer of Covent Garden, 4to. Is. Cook 11324 Williams, Martha, daughter Sir M. Ravvdon, of co. Herts, wife of Sir Henry W. of co. Brecon, India ink drawing. Copy of a rare print, 8vo. 5s. 11325 Williams, Robert, metz. engraver, flourished circ. 1715, vide Catalogue of his Portraits in Bryan's Dictionary. From drawing of Mr. Bull's, 4to. Is. E. Harding 11326 Williams, Rynwick, ' the Monster,' tried for stabbing fe- males, various, 8vo. 6d. 11327 — taken when on his trial 1790, 4to. Is. 11328 Williams, Thomas, M.P. Svo, Is. 6d. Laiorence — Atkinson 11329 Williams, William Peere, lawyer, of Gray's-inn, Front. to his Reports, fol. 3s. Kneller—V&xinQ, 1740 11330 Williams, Mr. W. H. comedian, Svo. 6d. Proof, Is. 11331 Williams, Sir Wm. bart. recorder Chester, Speaker and sol.-general, 4to. Is. 6d. - ^//e/z— Bond 11332 Williams, Lady, 1680, mistress to Duke of York, whole '^length, fol. mez. 5s. - //^5*i«^— Beckett 11333 Williams, Anna, companion of Dr. Johnson, nat. Wales,- 1706, ob. Bolt-court, 1783, 4to. Is. India proof, 25. Miss Retinoids — Stalker 11334 Williams, Miss Louisa, fol. 3s. /ar/-^//— Wilson 11335 Williams, Miss, profile, mez, proof, 4to. 2s. Humphrey 11336 'Williams, Miss, as Winter, fol. 3s. Pi/c— Brookshaw EVANS S CATALOGUE OF PORTRAITS. 381 Queen's coll. Oxford ; M.P. 11337 Williamson, Hugh, M,D. 8vo. 6d. 11338 Williamson, Sir Joseph, of Queen's Thetford and Rochester ; secretary of state to Charles II. ; committed by Commons to Tower, 1678 ; plenip. at Ryswick; president R.S. ; ob. 1701. In the Oxford Almanacks for 1727 and 1762, sheet, 3s. each. 11339 Williamson, Robert Hopper, chancellor Durham, and re- corder Newcastle, private plate, proof, fol. 21s. W. Sliarp 11340 Willis, Browne, antiquary, nat. Blandford, Dorset, 1682 ; educated Westminster and Christ-church, Oxford ; M.P. Buckinjiham ; estates Burlton, Hereford ; ob. Whaddon- hall, 1760 ; 8vo. 6d. 11341 — from Lipscomb's Buckingham, 8vo. 2s. DaJil — 11342 Willis, Dr. F. eminent physician, various, 8vo. 6d. 11343 — 4to. 23. Russell— Co\\^e,r. — 4to. Is. Bartolozzi 11344 — fol. 23. Coloured, 3s. Livesny — Murphy 11345 —4to. Is. Proof, 2s. - Bowiier—?\ii\ev 11346 Willis, Thomas, M.D. ob. 1675, various, 8vo. 6d. 11347 — a;t. 45, 4to. Is. Loggan, et sc. — 4to. 2s. Diodatl 11348 — 8vo. Is. R. White. — fol. 2s. 6d. Vertue 11349 Willis, John, writing-master, ob. 1760, fol. 33. Fisher 11350 Willoughby, Francis, Lord, of Parham, parl.-gen. captured Gainsborough, Bolingbroke castle, &c. ; governor of Bar- badoes ; turned loyalist ; ob. 1666 ; 8vo. 6d. 11351 Wills, Sir Charles, general at battle of Preston Pans, KB. ; M.P. Totuess ; ob. 1741 ; fol. 2s. Dahl—^\\noii 11352 Wills, Rev. Thomas, 8vo. 6d. various. 11353 — 4to. 2s. Lawrence — Fittler. — 4to. Is. 6d. Holloway 11354 Wilmington, Spencer Compton, Earl, M.P. Eye, Suffolk, and East Grinstead ; treasurer Chelsea hospital ; Vise. Pevensev ; K.B. &G. j president of council j ob. 1743 j fol. 3s. ' - - . Pelham 11355 — in Kit Kat Club, fol. 23. Faber. — 4to. Is. Cooper 11356 Wilmot, John, Esq. 1788, 4to. Is. JVest—Uo%QX 11357 Wilmot, Miss x^rabella, with dog, 4to. 2s. 6d, Clint 11358 Wilmot, Sir John Eardley, chief justice of Common Pleas, nat. Derby, 1709 ; educated Lichfield, and Westminst. ; of Trinity college, Camb. and Inner Temple; ob. 1792 ; monument at Berkswell, Warwick. In his robes, India proof, 4to. 3s. - - Dance — Heath 11359 — India proof 4:to. 3s. Reynolds — Bartolo/zi 11360 Wilson, Anthony, alias H. Bromley, compiler Catalogue of Engraved British Portraits, nat. Wigan, 1750. Copy of an extreme rare print by Barrett, 4to. Is. Berry 11361 Wilson, Benjamin, painter, F.R.S, ob. 1788, an etching by himself, 4to. Is. 11362 Wilson, Daniel, of Islington, and bishop Calcutta. From Percy Anecdotes, 8vo. Is. - - Fry 11363 — from picture by Bclines, 4to. Is. Woolnoth 11364 — with autogr. 8vo, Is. India pr. 2s. Hoivard — Cochran 382 Evans's catalogue of portraits. 11365 Wilson, Christopher, l)isliop of Bristol, ob. 17^, large fol. 5s. . . . Romney- — Jones 11366 Wilson, Francis, late of Navy office, 8vo. Is. India proof. Is. 6(]. - - Stothard—^KWQx 11367 Wilson, George, chemist, 1709, S/o. Is. - Gucht 11368 AA'ilson, Geo., celebr. pedestrian, nat. Newcastle, 8vo. 6d. 11369 AV^ilson, the notorious Harriette, 4to. Is. 11370 \A'ilson, Henry, geom. nat. Pickering, 1678, 8vo. Is. Cole 11371 AA'ilson, H. Capt. discovered I'ellevv islands, 4to. Is. Heath 11372 AA^ilson, John, Mus. D. Oxford, nat. Feversham, 1595 ; ob. Horseferry, AA^estminster, 1673; bur. at abbey cloisters. From unique print in Pepys. Collection, 4to. Is. Harding 11373 AA'ilson, Richard, celebrated painter, nat. in Wales, 17]4j res. Covent Garden ; ob. 1782 ; var. 8vo. 6d. Pr. Is. 11374 — from Britton's Fine Arts, 4to. 2s. 6d. iI/i(/,— Green 11580 — family of, i)laying with lamb, 4to, Is. Ipse — Brookshaw 11581 — ditto, in Lecture on the Orrery, sheet, 5s. Proof 10s. 6d, - - - //yi(/,— I'ether 11582 Wright, Mr. poet, and consul Ionia, drawing, 4to. 3s. 11583 Wright, Sir Nathan, lord-keeper, 1700, of Barwell, Leic. ; recorder of Leicester ; decreed dissolution of the Savoy ; ob. Caldecot.hall, Warwick, 1721 ; Svo. Is, 11584 — large fol. 5s, Robert JVh'ae, ad v'lvum, del. et so. 11585 Wright, Peter, Jesuit, chaplain to Marquis \Vinchester and SirHenry Gage, executed at Tyburn, 1651. Copy of Ji rare print by Galle, Svo. Is, ProoJ, 4to. 2s. R. Grave 11586 Wright, Sir Rol)crt, a tool of Jeffreys, of Thetford, lord. chief iustice who tried tlie Bisliops, ob. Newgate, temp, Wm. in. fol. scarce, 10s. 6d. > lliici/—\YhUc 115S7 Wright, Robert, nat. Alban's ; of Trinity college, Oxford ; chaplain to Elizabeth, and James L ; bishop of Bristol, and Lichfield and Coventry ; confined in Tower ; ob. at Stafford, 1642. In Oxford Almanack, 1732, sheet, 3e. 11588 Wright, Mrs. celebrated n)odeller, 1775, Svo. fid. 11589 Wright, Sir Sampson, Knt. 1797, Svo. 6d. Proof Is, 11590 Wright, Samuel, of St, Clement Danes, shirt warehouse keeper, 1817, res, Newington-green, 4to, private plate, 3s. 11591 Wright, Samuel, D.D, nat, Retford, Notts, 1682 ; educ. Attercliffe, Yorkshire ; chaplain at Haigh, Lane. ; and to Lady Lort at Turnham-green ; lecturer Giles' ; Black- friars ; Thomas', Sonthwark; and Saltcr-hall j ob. Ncw- iiigtou-gtecn, 1740 3 Bvo.Od. UopwooU 390 EVANS S CATALOGUE OF PORTRAITS. 11593 Wright, Tliouias, math. fol. 3s. Frye, del. et sc. 1737 11593 Wrighten, Mrs. actress, Svo. 6d. 11594 — with music, 4to. Is. Proof, Is. 6d. Digkton~h7i\xx\e 11595 Wroughton, Mr. tragedian, formerly surgeon at Bath, nat. 1749, ob. Howland-st. 1823. In char. Svo. 6d. Proof, Is. 11596 — profile, 4to. Is. - . Idem 11597 Wurteml)urgh, Frederick, Duke, K.G. ob. 1608, 4to. Is. 11598 Wurtemburg, present Dowager Queen, Princess Royal of England, 8vo. 6d. 11599 — in bridal dress, 4to. Is. Pr. 2s. P. fV. Tomkins, et sc. 11600 Wurtemburg, William, Prince, her husband, 4to. Is. Ibid. 11601 Wyatt; Benjamin, eminent architect, 8vo. 6d. 11603 Wyatt, James, architect of Pantheon, Fonthill, &c. nat. at Burton, Stafford, 1743 ; killed near Marlborough, 1813; proof before any letters, private plate, 4to. 10s. 11603 — pencil drawing, copy of the preceding, 4to. 2s. 11604 Wyatt, Sir Thomas, poet, of Allington castle, Kent, nat. 1503 J master of jewel office; ambassador to Germany j ob. Sherborne, Dorset, 1541. Copy of wood-cut by Hoi- bein, to his Nenia, 8vo. 6d. 11605 — from a drawing in the Royal Collection, 8vo. Js. Holbein — Worthington 11606 — ditto, French paper proof , 4to. Is. 6d. Ibid. — Ibid. 11607 — ditto, /?«e India paper proof , royal 4to. 2s, Ibid. — Ibid. 11608 — 4to. 2s. 6d. //o/^em— Minasi. — 4to. Is. 6d. Daltou 11609 Wyattville, Sir Jeffrey, architect, nat. Burton on Trent, l766 ; restorer of Windsor castle, &c. With autograph, 8vo. Is. India proof, 2s. Lawrence — Robinson 11610 Wybrow, Mrs. actress, and celebrated Columbine, 4to. Is Hayter — Cooper 11611 Wycherley, William, dramatic poet, nat. Cleve, Salop, 1640 ; of Queen's college, Oxford, and Middle Temple; ob. Bow-street, 1715 5 bur. Covent Garden. From orig, picture at Knole, 8vo. Is. Thurston — Wedgewood 11612 — ditto, French paper proof, 4to. Is. 6d. Ibid. — Ibid. 11613 — ditto, ^;2e India paper proof , royal 4to. 2?,. Ibid. — Ibit?. 1 1614 — fol. 3s. Leiy — Smith. — 4to, mez. Is. 6d. 11615 Wyck, T. aijd John, his son, painters, 4to. 4s. Bannennan 11616 Wycliffe, Thomas, ob. 1821, £etat. 65, India proof, pri- vate plate, 4to. 5s. - - Cooper 11617 Wykeham, William, nat. co. Hants, 1324 ; clerk of works at Windsor to Edward III. ; rector of Pulham, Norfolk ; preb. Flexton, Lichfield cathedral ; warden of castles of Leeds, Dover, Hadlam, &c. ; dean of Martin-le-Grand, London ; bishop Winchester ; lord-chancellor 3 founder of New college, Oxford 5 ob. 1404] 8vo. 6d. 11618 — effigies on tomb, Winchester, sheet, 5s. Skerivin,.et sc. 11619 — in Set of Founders, 4to. Is. 6d. 11620 — from pict. at Winchester, fol. 2s. L. p.Ss. Houbraken 1 1621 — whole length, fol. 5y. Grigniou. — 4to. Is. 6d. Lewis Evans's catai.oguis ok poktkaits. 391 11623 W'yiKllmra, Sir Williaui, bait. nat. 1687 ; educated Eton and Clirist-church, Oxford ; secretary at war, and chan- cellor Exclie([uer to Queen Anne ; IVI.P. co. Somerset ; committed to Tower, 1715 ; ob. Wells, 1740 ; 8vo. 6'J. Proof, Is. 11623 — from picture at Stow, 4to. Is. Richardson — Knight 11624 — fol. 2s. Lars; e paper, 3s. Ibid. — Houbraken 11625 —ditto, fol. 3s. - - Faber, 1740 11626 Wynford/fhomas Best, Lord, in robes, nearly w. 1. seated, fol. 4s. Proof, 6s. Say 11627 AVynne, Sir Watkins William, bart. fol. 3s. Proof, 5s. Hoppncr — Reynolds, 1803 11628 Wynne, Sir J. of Gwedir, ob. 1626. 4to. Is. Faughan 11629 —half length, /?«^,4to. 2s. - - Sharp 11630 Wynne, Sir John, bart. 4to. 3s. Knellcr — Bond 11631 Wynne, Sir Richard, accompanied Ciiarlea I. to Madrid ; treasurer to Henrietta Maria j ob. 1649; bur. Wiml)le- don 5 4to. 2s. - C. Junscn — Bartolozzi 11632 Wynne, Sir Watkin Williams, bart. owner of Wenlock- priory, Salop, ob. 1749 ; 8vo. 6(1. 11633 — from painting at Chester, head, fol. p. p. 7s. 6d. Wilson 11634 — 3-qrs. fol. 3s. Aberry. — from ditto, fol. 3s. Faber 11635 — holding act for preventing Bribery, fol. 5s. Vertue 11636 Wynter, Sir Edward, from mon. Battcrsea, 4to. 6d. Smith 11637 Wvvill, Rev. Christopher, ob. at Burton-hall, Yorkshire, 1822, ^tat. 83, fol. 3s. - Hoppncr— Meyer 11638 Yarborough, Francis, principal Brazen-nose college 1745 to 1770, India proof p. p. 4to. 5s. Fittler, 1809 11639 Yarborough, Mrs. fol. 3s. Kriellcr—'^imiXi 1 1640 — ditto, first state, fol. 5s. - //5ic/.— Beckett 11641 Yarmouth, Robert Paston, Earl of, distinguished royalist, ob. 1682, setat. 51 ; bur. Oxncad ; sheet, scarce, 10s. 6d. Knellcr — Vanderbanc 11642 — accurately copied and reduced, 4to. Is. India proof 2s. - . - - Reading 11643 Yarmouth, Amelia Sophia de Walmoden, Countess, mis- tress to George I. ob. 1765, agt. 56. In a Greek dress, fol. mez. 3s. - Koning — P. V^an Hoogh 11644 Yates, Sir Joseph, justice K.B. 4to. 2s. - Orme 11645 Yates, Rev. Richard, rector of Ashen, Essex ; chaplain to Chelsea hosp. ; ob. 1834 ; 8vo. 6d. Proof, Is. 11646 Yates, Richard, comedian, kept open booths at Smithfield, and Lady-fair, Southwark ; res. Pimlico ; ob. 1796, set. 90. W.'l. as ' Lovegold,' 8vo. 6d. Proof, Is. 11647 Yates, Anna Maria, his wife, actress, nat. Birmingham ; ob. Pimlico, 1787, aet. 59 ; bur. Richmond ; 8vo. 6d. various. 11648 • — as Alicia, 4to. Is. - Kitchingtnan — Smith 11649 ■ — w. 1. fne, large sheet, from Zoffamj, 6s. AA'atsou 11650 — as Jane Shore, 4to. nicz. Is. 6(1, Proof, 2s. 6d. Meers 11651 — w. 1. from same, fol. 2s. Fine proof , 3s. Iloustoi- 1J652 Yates, Mrs. actrcos, 1818, 8vo. 6d. Proof Is. Alais 392 EVANs's CATALOGUE OF PORTRAITS. 11653 Yates, Mr. comtdian, of Adelplii, 8vo. 6d. Proof, Is. 11654 — in 12 different characters, sheet, 3s. Simoneaa 1 1655 Yates, Mrs. (Miss Brunton), actress, 8vo. 6d. Proof, Is. 11656 Yates, \Villiam, Esquire, large fol. private \As.iQ, proof, 5s. - - „ Ward 11657 Yearsley, Mrs. Anne, poet, of Bristol, 8vo. 6d. 11658 Yeates, Mr. as Lance, 4to. Is. 6d. Bormor — Roberts 11659 Yeo, Sir James Lucas, Captain Royal Navy, governor of Haslar hospital ; ob. 1808 ; 8vo. 6d. 11660 Yoiige, Right Hon. Sir George, secretary at war, K.B. &c. 8vo. 6d. — 4to. 2s. - Scott, 1790 11661 York, Edmond, of Lanolcy, Duke, temp. Rich. IL Svo. Is. 11662 York, Richard Plantagenet, Duke, father Richard I [[. lord of Marden, Hereford'^ ob. 1490, Svo. Is. 11663 York, Cecily Neville, Duchess, mother Edvv. IV. and Ri- chard IIL lady of Marden manor, Heref. From window at Penrith, Cumberland, Svo. Is, 11664 York, Edward Augustus, brother George IIL Duke of Al- bany, and Earl Ulster, ob. 1767, 8vo. 6d. 116G5 York; Fiederick, Duke, nat. 1763 ; ob. 1826 ; variety of, 8vo. 6d. Proof, l\ 11666 — 4to. Is. Craig — Freeman. — 4to. 3s. Latorcnce — Scott 11667 — 4to. 2s Fine proof, ^%. Huet p^iU'iers — Schiavonetti 11668 York, Frederica Charlotte, Duchess, nat. 1767 3 ob. Oat- lands, 1820; various, Svo. 6d. 11669 — 4to. 2s. Fine proof, ^?,. //, F«///it/.— Ibid. 11707 Zincke, Christian Frederick, painter, nat, Dresden, 1684; ^ painter to Fred, Prince of Wales ; ob. South Lambeth, 1767 ; 4to. Is. — and Eliz. his first wife, fol. 33. 11708 — in print with Liotard, 4to. Is. - Bretliertou 11709 Ziegenhagen, F, chapl. St, James, ob, 1780, 8vo. Is. Smith 11710 Zoffani, Jolm, eminent artist, R.A. ob. Strand-on-thc- Green, 1810, 4to. Is. 6d. 7)«Hce— Daniell _ 11711 Zoust, Gerard, artist, with Grifficr and Edema. Froui a picture at Houghton, 4to, Is. Ipue — Bannermaii 11712 Zucchero, Frederick, artist, visited England, 4to, Is, Ibid. 11713 Znrchj Hans von^ goldsmith, 1533, 4to./w6f and scarce, 5s. - - - //tf/(Owi— Hollar 394 EVANS 9 CATALOGUE OF PORTBAITS. GROUPES OF PORTRAITS, on one plate. 11714 Ambassadors, 1608, portraitsof 16, inclwding Sir R. Spen- cer, and Sir R. Winwood, obi. i'ol. scarce, 10s, Hondius 11715 — ditto, wanting Sir Richard Spencer, 5s. Tbid. 11716 Title-pnge to World of Words, portraits of Spenser, Lam- bard, Selden, Bacon, Chaucer, Camden, Spelman, and Sir P. Sidney, with costume and views of Oxford and Cambridge, fol. 2s. 11717 Protestant Martyrs, viz. Bps. Ridley, Latimer, Cranmer, Hooper, and Farrar, fol. 2s. 11718 — the same portraits, /me, fol. 5s. Robert W'hite 11719 — Sir E. Godfrey, Monmouth, Argyle, Essex, Russell, Sidnev, Cornish, Hewling, Jenkins, Lady Lisle, Mrs. Gaunt, and Armstrong, 8vo. Is. - Ward 11720 Seven Bishops committed to Tower, 1688, viz. Kenn, San- croft, Lake, Trelawney, Turner, Lloyd, and White, fol. 5s, 11721 — ditto, fol. mez. 2s. 6'd, - Schenck 11722 — ditto, fol. 2s, R. White. — 4to. mez. 2s. 11723 — ditto, fol. mez. 3s. - - Oliver 11724 — ditto, the Seven Golden Candlesticks, 4to, 2s. Gribeliu 11725 Portraits of their Counsel, viz. Sir Robert Sawyer ; Sir C, Levinz ; Sir G. Treby ; Sir F. Pemberton ; Henry Pollexfen ; John Somers ; and H. Finch ; 4to. mez. 2s. 11726 Conveyancers' Light, title page to, containing 9 portraits of our Judges, 1664, 4to. 2s. - - Cross 11727 Eminent Lawyers, viz. Coke, Littleton, Cottingham, Hale, Finch, Bridgman, Vaughan, Nottingham, and Guildford. In an ornamented tablet, 4to. 2s. - Newton 11728 Saxon Line, 8 portraits of our Kings, in an ornamented shield, 4to. Is. 6d. - - Newton 11729 House of York, Edwards IV. and V. with Richard IIL4to. Is. 6d. - - - Landseer 11730 Apollini, portraits of 27 eminent musicians, from minia- tures, grouped on a mountain, fol. 3s. Janvry — Landseer 11731 Bps, Laud, Andrews, and Ken 5 Rev. Mr. Hickes, Spinckes, and Kettlewell, 8vo. 6d. 11732 Naval Heroes, viz, Gilbert, Cavendish, Frobisher, Drake, Hawkins, Cumberland, Raleigh, and Effingham. In an elegant tablet, 4to. 2s. - - Smith 11733 — ditto, Southwell, Howard, Seymour, Rutland, Sheffield, Northumberland, and Warwick, grouped on rock, 4to. 2s. 11734 — ditto, Mings, Pennington, Holies, Berkeley, Slieffield, Allen, Spragge, and Penn. On a tablet, with figure of Neptune, 4to. 2s. - - Holloway 11735 — ditto, Carlisle, Drake, Anson and Dampier, with light- house in back ground, 4to. 2s, Chapman 11736 . — ditto, Rupert, York and Sandwich, with view of defeat of Dutch fleet 1665, 4to. 2s. - Fittler Evans's catalogue of portraits. 305 11737 Scientific Men, viz. Newton, Locl