UC-NRLF Sflfl THE MICROSCOPICAL EXAMINATION OF POTABLE WATER. GEO. W. RAFTER, MEMBER OF THE ROCHESTER ACADEMY or SCIENCE. SECOJSTID EIDITIOIST. NEW YOEK : D. VAN NOSTRAND COMPANY, PUBLISHERS, 23 MURRAY AND 27 WAEEEN STREETS. 1900. COPYRIGHT, 1892, BY D. VAN NOSTRAND Co. C. J. PETERS & SON, TYPE-SETTERS AND ELECTROTYPE 145 HIGH ST., BOSTON. PREFACE. THE publishers of the SCIENCE SERIES having asked the writer to prepare a monograph on the Microscopical Examination of Potable Water, I will endeavor to comply; though that a civil engi- neer should be expected to prepare anything of value on a subject which has engaged the attention of the most eminent chemists and biologists is something of a surprise. Possibly, however, the fact that studies in this direction have occupied my leisure hours for a number of years, and have led to the production of a number of more or less useful papers thereon, may be to some extent an explanation; but it is sincerely hoped that the expectations of neither publishers nor readers will be raised too high. This little book has, it is believed, one merit frequently absent in formal works of more preten- sion. It may be taken as fairly representing the state of the art, of which it professes to treat, at the date of issue, namely, at the beginning of the year 1892; that this is a real merit will be appre- ciated by every serious-minded student who has 3 had occasion to travel in new roads. To all such who may be interested in the advancement of pub- lic sanitation this monograph is presented, albeit somewhat hesitatingly, in the hope that it may be of essential use in actual work. The perfected method of making the quantita- tive enumeration of the microscopical organisms in potable water, which is here described, is the joint work of Prof. William T. Sedgwick and my- self, though both Mr. A. L. Kean and Desmond FitzGerald, C. E., have contributed useful ideas. To Professor Sedgwick must, however, be assigned the credit of working out a really practical method of making these examinations, and to him must be assigned the honor of giving the method a name. The author took the method, as will be shown in the body of the volume, after Professor Sedgwick had put it on a working basis, and added certain refinements of technique. Professor Sedg\Vick has deemed these refinements of suffi- cient value to justify coupling the author's name with his own, and has accordingly described it in the Massachusetts Health Reports as the Sedg- wick- Rafter method. This I acquiesce in, though the statement may be made, that a complete bal- ancing on my part of the account between the biologists of the Massachusetts State Board of Health and myself, would show on the whole transaction a considerable amount still to the credit of that Board. In preparing this monograph. I have assumed that the reader possesses a fairly complete knowl- edge of the optical part of the microscope and of micrometric measurements. On these heads, therefore, only such information is given as is necessary to elucidate the special work in hand. In the same way the technique of collecting, pre- serving, and mounting, as treated in Part I., have been only briefly given. The full detail leads too far away from the special subject. Those not possessing the necessary preliminary information, and still wishing to fit themselves for an intelligent use of the method, may find abundant references to standard literature of the microscope, either in the explanatory foot-notes or at the end of the volume. In the same way a knowledge of the funda- mental ideas in relation to modern water analysis is assumed on the part of the reader. Those who do not fully possess such knowledge can hardly do better than to consult the recent Special Keports of the Massachusetts State Board of Health. G. W. R. ROCHESTER, JST.Y., Dec. 24, 1891. NOTE. The small figures throughout the text, thus : MacDonald's Water Analysis, 14 refer to the number of the volume cited in the list of literature following Part II. MICROSCOPICAL EXAMINATIONS, PART I. QUALITATIVE. How to Study the Biology of a Water Supply. OTHER things being equal, there is in every community having a public water supply, a relation between the degree of purity of such supply and the public health. Indeed, it may be broadly stated, that in a community with a water supply of a high standard of purity, there will exist a lower death-rate than if the standard of purity be materially lower. No argument is necessary, then, to estab- lish the proposition, that information rela- tive to the biology of a public water supply is of vast importance, both to individuals and communities; and a study having for its object the solution of biological prob- lems may be safely counted as worthy of intelligent effort. 7 WORKING-TOOLS. For the general study of the biology of a water supply certain handy tools are req- uisite. These are the compound microscope, fitted with about the following list of ob- jectives : one-inch, one-half inch, or four- tenths, one-fourth, and one-eighth. The one-half and the one-fourth inch are the most useful. A one-half inch Gundlach, of 50 angular aperture, and a one-fourth inch Bausch & Lomb professional, of 110 ^angular aperture, have been found satisfac- tory. For this work the moderate-angled objectives are preferred to those of wider angle. They have better working distance than the wide-angled lenses of recent make. The one-inch, one-fifth inch, and one-eighth inch are sometimes used, but the use of these latter is infrequent compared with the two above mentioned ; and it may be said, in passing, that a very complete study of the biology of a water supply can be made with only two objectives; namely, the one-half inch and the one-fourth. In studying sup- plies containing many of the larger forms, such as Hydra, Cyclops, Daphnia, Diopta- mus, etc., either a two-inch, or one and one- half-inch would, however, be very conven- ient. While thus somewhat radical in express- ing a preference for moderate-angled object- ives for ordinary work, it is but fair to say that for the highest class of biological work wide-angled objectives are nearly indispensable. For any immersion object- ive above one-sixth inch focal distance, one should purchase those of large angular aper- ture. There is, however, in all such object- ives, a considerable sacrifice of working distance to aperture, so that the specific use to which an objective is to be put must to a great extent determine what to purchase. Of one thing we may be certain, that the very wide-angled immersion lenses require a perfection of movement in the micro- scope stand, and a delicacy of manipulation, which add considerably to the amount of time required to complete an examination ; * * For very high-power objectives, cover glasses, even of t'.:c thinest glass, are too thick, and ordinary talc split into 10 so that for the working microscopist to whom time is of value, the question of just what shall be the limit is an important one. Of eye-pieces one is indispensable, and two or more are desirable. Where only two are purchased, they should be one of an inch, and one of an inch and a half focal distance. The Huyghenian eye-piece gives somewhat clearer definition than the peri- scopic, but the periscopic has the advan- tage of doubling the field. A fairly complete battery would consist of a one- inch periscopic, in addition to the two Huyghenian eye-pieces above suggested. LIFE-CAGES AND CULTURE-CELLS. The catalogues are filled with life-cages, growing and culture cells of divers and various sorts, and the beginner in biology is likely to conclude that considerable ex- thin laminae may be used. W. Saville Kent, in his " Manual of the Infusoria," speaks of using laminae of such extreme tenuity that they may be blown away with the lightest touch. With such films Kent says the investigation of the infusoria, with 1-16, 1-25, or even 1-50 inch objectives, becomes a comparatively easy task. 11 penditure is necessary for apparatus of this sort. The author's experience, after trial of the various life-slides and life-cages, is that for ordinary examination^ a plain slide, with a ring of cement forming a shallow cell, covered with a cover glass, is, on the whole, preferable. Holman's siphon- slide and Holman's siphon life-cage are of use where it is desired to observe the same object continuously for several days. Their expense, however, is considerable, and fairly satisfactory results may be gained with the following device, which has the merit of costing almost nothing. A plain glass slip is taken, and to one side of it two three, four, or more thicknesses of chemi- cal filter paper are pasted, the number of thicknesses depending upon the depth of cell required. The cell is made by cutting out the centre, either round or square, according to the taste or fancy of the operator. In this cell is deposited the organism which it is desired to study. The placing of a cover glass, and the secur- ing of it with a little cement, completes the operation so far as the construction of 12 the growing-cell is concerned. The cell is placed upon the stage of the microscope, and supplied with water by a rubber tube, acting as a siphon, from a jar standing on a shelf above the stage. The supply of water is controlled by a brass cock placed at the lower end of the rubber siphon tube, set so as to allow water to drop very slowly upon the paper composing the cell, just outside the edge of the cover glass. In preparing such a cell, care should be taken to cement the several layers of the paper together at the inner edges, in order to prevent the more minute objects from passing in between the layers. In using it, the slide should be dipped in water, thoroughly wetting the paper before filling the cell, and the delivery of water from the siphon brought to such a rate as to keep the paper constantly wet, just sup- plying the loss from evaporation. The best results will be obtained by setting the microscope vertically. Filter paper is used in its construction, in order to insure that the paper contains nothing likely to kill the object whose life-history it is desired 13 to study. For deeper cells the best quality of white cotton blotting-paper* may be used, the precaution having been taken to soak it for several days in frequent changes of pure water. For low-power objectives this cell may be constructed of two thin slides, with a layer of blotting- paper between them, the slides held in place by rubber bands at the ends. Recklinghausen's growing cell f is stated by Frey to be an efficient device for pre- venting the evaporation of fluids. It consists of a glass ring cemented to an ordinary slide, forming a cell, in which the organism to be examined is placed in a little water. Blotting-paper is folded over the edges of the glass ring, and a tube of thin rubber slipped over this, and con- nected with the objective, being held in place by compression bands. Around the outside of the glass cell several thicknesses of moist blotting-paper are wrapped, and * Such a quality of blotting-paper, which is claimed to be entirely free from chemicals, and composed of nothing but pure cotton fibre, may be obtained from the stationers. t Frey, on Microscopes and Microscopical Technology, 90 p. ,H). 14 to these additional moisture occasionally added. For studying the life-history of very minute organisms, an efficient cell may also be made by inverting a cover glass over a glass cell, with a little water at the bottom, the organism to be studied being contained in a drop of liquid on the under side of the cover glass. The moist chamber used by Dallinger and Drysdale in their investigation of the monads is of interest and value,* and illus- trations of it can be found in Kent's "Man- ual of the Infusoria." Maddox's growing slide is also worth trial. Carpenter is a convenient reference for a description.! Weber's annular cell is an American in- vention, and worth trial.f * This cell was originally illustrated in Monthly Micro- scopical Journal for March, 1874. t " The Microscope and its Revelations," by Wm. B. Carpenter, sixth edition, p. 145. 8R Originally described by Dr. Maddox in his paper on Cultivation of Fungi, in Monthly Microscopical Journal for 1870, vol. iii. $ Carpenter, loc. cit., p. 147. 15 SUB-STAGE CONDENSER. For assisting the illumination, a good sub-stage condenser is at the present day indispensable, and of the several forms the Abbe may be considered the best. It admits of the greatest range of adjustment without loss of time ; and when it is desired to examine an object under all conditions of illumination, this is a matter of con- siderable importance. It is provided with a swinging ring carrying diaphragms of various apertures. The blue glass which accompanies it, for furnishing monochro- matic light when working by lamplight, is also of value.* By its use the objection- able and trying yellow glare of lamplight is entirely obviated; and if one works by lamplight, a considerably larger amount can be done without over-fatiguing the eye than can possibly be accomplished without it. The value of the condenser may be readily shown by a trial of it on one of the test * The opticians also furnish a blue-glass mounting for sub-stage, which is adapted to any microscope without the condenser. A blue-glass chimney for the lamp may be made to give substantially the same results. 16 diatoms ; and probably the most decisive test will be by resolution of the Pleuro- sicjma angulatum, with one-fourth of me- dium angular aperture. Such an objective will only make the resolution "clearly" without the condenser, when the light is somewhat oblique. Moreover, the resolu- tion is not made instantly, but, even with a fairly expert operator, will require a little expenditure of time in manipulation. With the condenser, on the contrary, such an objective will resolve the test instantly, or, at any rate, as nearly so as one can rack the condenser to its proper position in the sub-stage ; and this, too, with the smallest diaphragm in place, so that the resolution is in reality made with nearly central light.* The foregoing are the more important tools to be used in a study of the biology of a water supply. For dissections, knives, needles, watch-glasses, tweezers, a dissecting microscope, and other acces- sories, will be required. * For hints on the use of the condenser, see " Manipu- lation of the Microscope," 83 by Edward Bausch. 17 COLLECTING FROM WATER MAINS. Whoever undertakes to unravel the problem of the biology of a water supply, will find it necessary to investigate in many directions ; and a few hints on the subject of general collecting are therefore included. In the first place, when it is desired to collect samples from the mains of a public water supply without reference to the method of quantitative enumeration, described in Part II., the simple method of fastening a single thickness of fine- cotton cloth over an ordinary cock, and allowing the water to flow freely, will answer every purpose. It is necessary to allow the water to flow full size of open- ing, in order that the various suspended objects may be carried along and brought into the filter ; and two hours of such flow will ordinarily be sufficient. For cleaning the specimens from the filter it should, after removal from the cock, and after turning wrong side out, be either dabbled in a small quantity of water contained in a 18 deep dish, or washed off with an ordinary laboratory wash bottle. In this way the filterings of a number of hours may be concentrated into an. amount of water not more than enough to fill a medium sized beaker. After standing for a short time, samples may be selected, either from the sediment at the bottom, or from other por- tions of the liquid, depending upon what particular class of organism the operator may be looking for. Further details of this operation, with references to the lit- erature, are given in Part II. TRANSPARENT ORGANISMS. In the examination, organisms are frequently encountered so nearly trans- parent that the eye fails to discern the structure. In such cases the examination may be materially assisted by the use of some staining reagent which, added to the sample, has the effect of bringing out the hidden structure. For such purpose the various aniline dyes are useful, though probably hsernatoxylin is most frequently applied. For the infusoria, a solution of iodine, in iodide of potassium, and osmic acid have both been successfully used. They color the structure, leaving the cilia extended. The use of first quality objectives, how- ever, by reason of their superior defini- tion, renders the application of staining reagents less necessary than with ordinary objectives. COLLECTING FROM STREAMS AND RESER- VOIRS. Collections from streams, reservoirs, lakes, or ponds, used as sources or parts of public water supplies, will have to be made by different methods, and the par- ticular one used will depend upon what it is desired to collect. For fresh-water algae, the implements needed, in addition to long rubber-boots, are substantially as follows : 1. A small iron or tin ladle, two inches across, and provided with teeth for one-third of 'the circumference oppo- site the handle. The handle is a hollow ferrule, and serves to attach the ladle to 20 one's walking-stick. The teeth are bent inward, in order to catch masses of algae beyond arm's-length. 2. A small sieve is necessary for inter- cepting floating masses of desmids, etc. 3. A common iron spoon for removing thin layers of mud along the margins where the presence of desmids or diatoms is for any reason suspected. 4. An iron rake for bringing up sam- ples from the bottom is of value. It should have enough strong cord attached to reach the bottom of the deepest body of water to be examined. The foregoing, with a number of bottles, a good pocket magnifier, and a strong jack-knife, will be the principal tools re- quired for collecting the fresh-water algae.* Indeed, the author's own collections have thus far been all made with the help of a few bottles, a walking-stick, a rake, and for objects at a distance on the surface, such means of reaching them as could be readily improvised on the ground. * " Collector's Handy-Book," by Jphann Nave. 96 21 Mr. Wolle's outfit for collecting des- mids consists of four or five tin cans (to- mato or fruit), one within the other for convenience of carriage; ten or a dozen wide-mouthed bottles, and a ring net simi- lar to that described below for collecting the entomostraca.* According to the late Dr. Leidy, rhizopods are best collected by the use of a small tin ladle, as above described. Instead of a walking-stick, Dr. Leidy carried on his collecting tours a jointed pole of two or three pieces, each about five feet long. The ladle, or dipper, was used by slowly skimming the edge along the bottom of the water, so as to take up only the most superficial of the ooze, which was then gently raised from the water and transferred to a glass jar.f Dr. Leidy states that he was most successful in finding rhizopods in the ooze near the shores of lakes and ponds, possibly due to the fact that the ooze near the * " Desmids of United States," by Rev. Francis Wolle,** p. 13. t " Fresh-Water Rhizopods of North America," t;7 pp. 7 to 13 inclusive, are of great interest to the collector. 22 shores could be better seen, thus enabling the collector to get the desired material. The infusoria are the most widely dis- tributed of any class of microscopic life. Infusions of every sort and kind, and waters of every degree of purity, contain them.* Even falling rain and dew provide a home for extensive series. Certain classes are found only in salt and brakish water, and others in putrid infusions. These may be excluded as beyond the limits of the present inquiry. Weedy ponds, or weedy nooks in reser- voirs or lakes, and slowly running water, are the most favorable collecting fields for the species we are at present interested in. In such places one may profitably examine finely divided living plants for specimens of the more sedentary species, such as the Ciliata Flagellata. Dead and decaying leaves in the water should be examined for colonies of Vorticella and Euglena. Cer- tain of the entomostraca, as, for instance, Cyclops and Canthocamptus, and the higher * Kent's " Manual of the Infusoria," 64 (" The Distribu tion of the Infusoria,") p. 107, and following. 23 crustacean forms, Assellus and Gamarus, are likely to be covered with some of the parasitic species. For the collection of the infusoria one needs most a dipping-bottle, and some means of reaching beyond arm's-length, together with several small bottles to which to transfer the collections from the dipping-bottle. A dipping bottle, as used by the author in his collecting -trips, consists of an ordinary two-ounce morphine bottle, fast- ened to the end of a walking-stick by a strong rubber band around the neck of the bottle, with the end of the stick pass- ing between the band and the neck. For concentrating the dippings, a large-mouthed twelve-ounce bottle with two funnels, one of them small enough, when the stem is thrust through a small hole in the cork, to pass down into the body of the bottle in an inverted position, has been used. The mouth of this funnel is covered with a piece of light cotton cloth. The other funnel, which is larger, also has its stem passing through the cork, but in an up- 24 right position. The dippings are poured into the upright funnel, pass down through the stem of same into the bottle, where the inverted cloth-covered funnel acts as a strainer, allowing the water to flow up out of the bottle, but retaining whatever of microscopic life may have been brought up by the dipping.* This apparatus has been found of use on several occasions where the particular organism desired ex- isted only in small numbers, and sparingly distributed through a considerable volume of water. The rotifera may be collected by means of the collecting-bottle and concentrating apparatus just described. They are likely to be found in all varieties of water, and a formal enumeration of their habitats would transcend the limits of the present chapter. The . reader is referred to Hudson and Gosse's f new work for detailed information on this point. * For illustrations of this device see " Practical Micro- scopy," by Geo. E. Davies, second edition, p. 130, chapter on " Collection of Objects." t " The Rotifera, or Wheel Animalcules," eo by C. T. Hudson, assisted by P. H. Gosse. Chapter iv., on the " Haunts and Habits of the Rotifera." 25 Certain worms of the class Annulata are indicative of badly contaminated sewage waters. Where it is desired to collect and preserve them for purposes of comparison, they may be found in any stream receiving sewage, and are easily obtained by use of a simple dipping-bottle. For collecting the entomostraca from ponds, lakes, and reservoirs, the dipping- net is indispensable.* This is made by an iron ring, about one foot in diameter, attached by a strong ferrule to a pole ten to fifteen feet in length. The iron ring has a bag fitted to it (a flour-sack answers every purpose), and the pole should be strong enough to allow of lifting some considerable amount of water. This net may be used, not only in shallow water and among weeds, but also for towing behind a boat in deeper water.f It is emptied by allowing it to drain through * " A Final Report on the Crustacea of Minnesota," by C. L. Herrick, & 8 b, chapter iv., on " Collecting, Preservation, and Miscellaneous Notes." t For illustration of modification of this net, especially adapted for towing in deep water, see " Practical Micro- scopy," chapter on " Collection of Objects," above referred to. 89 26 the meshes of the cloth, and then, when only a small amount of water is left in the bottom, transferring the same to a wide- mouthed bottle by quickly inverting the bag. The above covers the principal methods and appliances for collecting. Other meth- ods will, no doubt, suggest themselves as one progresses in biological studies. In concluding the subject of collecting, it is desired to impress upon the reader the importance of keeping a full and complete record of everything relating to each col- lection, as, for instance, where it was found, and under what general and special condi- tions. Information of this kind will pos- sess great interest when making a final judgment of the value of any given sample for sanitary purposes. For such a record the author usually carries several small blank gummed labels, such as are used for slides. These are numbered, and one is pasted to each bottle ; the number being made to correspond with that of the entry in a small memorandum-book, which com- pletes this part of the collecting-record. 27 These numbers can be carried in a series through an entire season's work, and further used for the record of the exam- ination in the laboratory or at home. PRESERVATION OF MATERIAL. Having collected the material, it becomes an exceedingly important question how to best preserve it for future reference. Much ingenuity has already been expended in devising methods of separating micro- scopic material from the various degrading contaminations gathered with the original collections, and much still remains to be done. Diatoms and desmids are usually sepa- rated by methods depending essentially upon differences in the specific gravity of various objects. For detailed description of such methods, and the necessary appa- ratus, the reader is referred to Nave's " Col- lector's Handy-Book," already mentioned.* The smaller species of diatoms, when * Also to " Practical Microscopy," pp. 138, 139-288-290. See also article " Diatomaceae," in fourth edition of" Micro- graphic Dictionary " ^ (" Collection "), p. 252. 28 living, may be separated by placing the material containing them in a shallow dish, with a little water, and laying over them a thin cloth. The tendency to move toward the light, which seems inherent in all these minute organisms, will cause them to creep through the meshes of the cloth, appearing on the upper side, frequently in such quan- tities as to be easily scraped off with a thin knife, and entirely free from the degrading material. FILAMENTOUS ALG^. The filamentous algae can be cleansed by washing ; but when in fruit this needs to be done with the greatest possible care, other- wise the operator is certain to lose that which he most desires to retain. Indeed, certain of them are so delicate, when in fruit, that the slightest disturbance will inevitably cause them to break up; and, as a measure of safety, it is often best to mount them without any attempt at wash- Hig. This becomes especially importanj; when we consider that it is absolutely impossible to identify numerous species 29 of fresh-water algae except when in fruit; and as the fruiting season with many spe- cies is very short, extending over only a few clays in some cases, we are obliged to accept one horn or the other 'of the dilemma, either to run the chances of losing that which makes certain the iden- tification, or else to get into our mounts a little dirt. In many cases we are obliged to accept the dirt with algae as inevitable, and run no chances. FRESH-WATER ALGJE FLUID. Until a few years ago no satisfactory medium for mounting the fresh-water algae was known in this country, and even now there seems to be a chance for slight improvement. King's Fresh-Water Algae Fluid * has, however, the merit of preserv- ing many species almost perfectly, and all species fairly well. Its chief fault is that the endocrome in some of the algae shrink slightly, and unfortunately such shrinking usually has the effect of obscuring just the * Prepared by Rev. John D King. 30 features one desires most to see. On the other hand, it preserves the chlorophyl perfectly, so that even after the lapse of years the green color remains as distinct as on the day of collection. Mr. King has stated * that desmids mounted four years ago are still as bright as when first mounted. This is an excellent test of the preservative properties of this fluid, as the desmids are, on the whole, the most delicate, so far as the chlorophyl is concerned, of all the fresh-water algae. The following is the formula for this fluid : t Camphor water Distilled water Glacial acetic acid* Crystal copper chloride Crystal copper nitrate 50.00 grammes. 50.00 grammes. 0.50 grammes. 0.20 grammes. 0.20 grammes. This should be filtered after solution. The following preservative fluid is sim- * Private communication. t This is really Petit's formula; but it has acquired the name of King's Fluid in this country, from the fact that it was introduced by Mr. King, and first used by him in his classes. 31 ilar to Mr. King's, and for many species works equally well : * Dissolve fifteen grains of acetate of cop- per in a mixture of four fluid ounces of camphor water and four fluid ounces of dis- tilled water, add twenty minims of glacial acetic acid and eight fluid ounces of t Price's glycerine, and filter. This fluid is said to answer well for pre- serving algse in tubes, and for mounting. MOUNTING IN FLUIDS. The use of a fluid medium, however well it may preserve the distinctive fea- tures of the algse, has the serious disadvan- tage that the mounts, if not made with the greatest care, are liable to leak, and this means, of course, the loss of the prepara- * This is Morehouse's formula as given in vol. iv. of The American Monthly Microscopical Journal. Mr. Morehouse suggests varying the specific gravity by cluuige of proportion of glycerine; and systematic study in this direction would probably result in the finding of a series of fluids adapted to nearly all the fresh-water algae. Hantzsch's method, described in Nave's "Handy-Book," is a hint for such a study. t Bower's glycerine, which is the standard article in this country, will answer equally well. It is more truly neutral than Price's. 32 tion. Mr. King has experimented with cements to meet this difficulty, and his Lacquer Cell and Finish * is claimed to furnish a tolerably safe remedy. With this cement thin cells are run on slides with a turn-table ; and after drying, the mounting may be proceeded with in the usual manner. Mr. King's directions for mounting in fluids are as follows : f 1. Allow the cell to harden perfectly. It can be hardened with artificial heat in a few hours. 2. Bring the cell to an even surface with a fine file, or by warming and press- ure with a smooth, flat metallic or glass surface. 3. Ring the outer half of the flattened surface with King's White Cement. 4. Lay on the cover and press it firmly to its place, and be sure that it adheres to the cell at every point. * For sale by th Bausch & Lomb Optical Company. The cements may also be obtained directly from Mr. King. t These directions are intended by Mr. King to apply particularly to mounting in cells composed of his Lacquer Cell and Finish Cements. 33 5. To seal the cell, pass it two or three times slowly over the flame of a spirit- lamp to soften it, then apply just pressure enough to the cover to imbed it slightly in the cell. To do this nicely may require a little practice. 6. Finish with the same, or another color, to fancy. It is a good plan to put a ring of the white cement around the edge of the cover before applying the final coat of lacquer finish ; or, if preferred, a good finish can be made with the white cement alone.* King's Fluid, diluted with one-half water, answers well as a medium for mounting the infusoria. GLYCERINE JELLY. Glycerine jelly is also an excellent medium for mounting many species of fresh-water algae. Indeed, Dr. Cooke f con- siders it, on the whole, the best. The gly- cerine jelly has the advantage of making * For formula for King's cements, see Behrens' " Guide to the Microscope in Botany," ^ p. 235, 236. t " British Fresh-Water Alga," by M. C. Cooked 34 mounts safe from the danger of leaking, but delicate filaments are badly distorted. It has been used, however, for Nostoc and Ulothrix with good results. Mounting with glycerine presents some difficulties of technique ; and the following, on glycerine jelly and its use in mount- ing, is from Mr. King, who is an expert in its use. Mr. King says : * " I put up a jelly after Kaiser's for- mula, t with the improvement of a spe- cially selected gelatine made from the swimming bladder of the sturgeon, that requires less glycerine, and is less objec- tionable, than any other I have ever used. ... It is a splendid jelly, and will stand hot weather without melting. "As to my methods of using, I melt it on the slide, in the quantity needed to nearly fill the cell, placing the object where I want it, and taking off every air- bubble that can be seen with the naked eye ; after which it is put by and allowed to harden. I then melt a little of the jelly on the cover glass, breathe hard on * Private letter. t Behrens', 85 p. 220. 35 the slide, turn the cover over quickly and put it on the object, being sure that no air- bubbles are caught under the cover. I then put on a delicate clip, pass it over a spirit-lamp till it warms enough to come to its bearings ; let it harden ; clean off the greatest part of the jelly with a pine stick sharpened, after which the slide is put into a dish of water and washed off clean with a small bristle-point brush. The slide is then carefully wiped dry and finished." * -In using glycerine jelly, the author has found it desirable to have the jelly one or two inches deep, in a five or six inch test- tube. This tube is stopped with a cork, in which is secured a glass rod about one- eighth of an inch in diameter, drawn to a blunt point at the lower end, and of such length as to reach just short of the bottom of the tube. In mounting, the object is first placed in position in the cell, and having warmed the jelly in the test-tube, * Additional hints on mounting In glycerine jelly may be found in " Practical Microscopy," 89 chapter xiii., " The Preparation and Mounting of Objects," and in Behrens' " Guide to the Microscope in Botany." 85 . over the chimney of the lamp, which fur- nishes illumination for the microscope, the glass rod with a drop of the melted jelly upon it is brought to the object. Air- bubbles are removed, and the balance of the operation proceeded with substantially as described by Mr. King. This is found less troublesome than the cutting of small pieces of the jelly, as practised by Mr. King, and the difficulty of getting rid of the air-bubbles from the melted jelly is no greater. . KILLING AND FIXING. * Glycerine and glycerine jelly are also the most useful mediums for mounting the entomostracan Crustacea. They work ad- mirably for all the species included in the order Copepoda, but for the Cladocera they shrink the tissue unless it is first sub- mitted to special treatment ; namely, the crustacean should be instantaneously killed with some reagent, which, while producing death, leaves the body in all its parts en- * " Final Report on the Crustacea of Minnesota," by C. L. Herrick.< r ' 8 b 37 tirely unaltered. For this purpose osmio acid has been most used ; but this is not entirely successful, due to the fact that it discolors the tissue. Prof. Herman Fol has discovered that muriate of iron (ferric perchloride) pro- duces not only instantaneous death, but a fixation of all the parts, with very little discoloration or shrinkage.* According to Herrick, the alcoholic solution is diluted to about two per cent, and applied to a small quantity of water, in which the ani- mal is swimming. The water is poured off and the crustacean washed with seventy per cent alcohol, to which a few drops of nitric acid may be added to remove the iron salts. Osmic acid is highly recommended by Kent t for killing and fixing infusoria. By its use he says they may be preserved as naturally as though living ; and the matter of securing permanent mounts of nearly all types of infusoria becomes merely a ques- * C. L. Herrick (loc. c.). t "Manual of the Infusoria." 64 " Preservation of the Infusoria," p. 113. 38 tion of patient manipulation. Coloring re- agents may also be used in connection with the osmic acid, so that all the structures, such as Cilia and Flagella, the internal endoplast, and in Euglena the colors also are preserved; "the animalcules, excepting for the absence of motion, being scarcely distinguishable from the living organisms." For killing and fixing hydra, Huxley and Martin * recommend first placing the animal in a small quantity of water, and after the hydra has extended its tentacles, adding boiling water. The author has used for this purpose the muriate of iron, as recommended by Fol, for the Crustacea, and was successful in killing the hydra in an extended condition ; but the structure soon broke down, so that, from present information, it appears that the muriate of iron cannot be used where permanent preparations of hydra are desired. The rotifera may be mounted in glycer- ine jelly, and for killing and fixing, both * " Practical Biology," 101 by T. H. Huxley, assisted by H. N. Martin ; chapter, " The Fresh-Water Polypes," p. 104. 39 osmic acid and muriate of iron have been -found to work well. The foregoing includes a few of the elementary facts. Whoever wishes to pur- sue the subject extensively, may find abundant references to literature in the list following Part II. PART II. QUANTITATIVE., The Microscopical Examination of Potable Water. LIMITATION OF THE SUBJECT. IN a paper on " Recent Progress in Bio- logical Water Analysis/ 7 21a by Prof. Wm. T. Sedgwick, of the Massachusetts Insti- tute of Technology, is found a clear defi- nition of the classes of micro-organisms as occurring in potable waters. The defini- tion there given has been again used by Prof. Sedgwick, in a " Report on the Bio- logical Work of the Lawrence Experiment Station," 21d as published in 1890 ; and it may be taken as representing the latest views, both in this country and abroad, in relation to the classification of this sub- ject. 40 41 Tabulated, it assumes the following form : (1. MICROSCOPICAL, OR- GANISMS. a. Not requiring spe- cial cultures. 6. Easily studied with the microscope. c. Microscopic in size, or slightly larger. d. Plants or animals. MICRO-ORGANISMS. Plants or animals, either in visible or barely visible to the naked eye. 2. BACTERIAL ORGAN- ISMS. a. Requiring special cultures. b. Difficultly studied with the microscope. c. Microscopic or sub- microscopic in size. \ .d. Plants. The present monograph will deal exclu- sively with the microscopical organisms, without reference to the bacterial organ- isms. The latter have been treated so extensively in the last few years as to greatly obscure the former, with the result of entirely neglecting a promising branch of water analysis. At the present time it is proposed to give a brief history of, and describe a new method of quantitatively determining, the microscopical organisms. 42 The sanitary significance and relative economic importance of the microscopical forms will be treated in another volume. COMPLETE SANITARY ANALYSIS. By way of illustrating the importance of a quantitative determination of the micro- scopical organisms, we will briefly discuss the requirements of a complete study of potable water from the sanitary point of view. In the first place, it has been proven many times that a single analysis, whether chemical or biological, is entirely without significance in determining the sanitary value of ordinary potable waters. The evidence grows stronger from day to day, that in selecting sources of supply for towns, public institutions, large manufac- turing establishments, or any other place where an error in judgment would involve the health of a number of human beings, complete studies from every possible point of view should be made. If the case in hand is important enough to justify the expense (and it always will be in the case 43 of large town supplies), the examinations should extend over a whole season, and -in difficult cases over two or more sea- sons. This conclusion is the plain teach- ing of experience, as exhibited in the water supplies of most of the cities of this. country. Assuming that a given source is either from a deep pond or lake, or from a creek or river, or involves the impounding of large bodies of water in storage basins, it is premised that the authorities in charge thereof should be possessed of definite information as to a number of points in relation to what may be termed the natural history of the water in question. In order to determine the said points, four distinct lines of investigation may be carried out,, as exhibited in the following : 1. A STUDY OF THE ENVIRONMENT. Including detailed statement of topo graphical and geological conditions of drainage area, together with observations on extent and character of population and industries of the region as special sources 44 of pollution, with study of normal samples by (2), (3), and (4). 2. PHYSICAL PROPERTIES. This will include a systematic study, with tabulation of results, including a statement of the following : a. Depth from which samples are taken. b. Temperature. c. Specific Gravity for actual depth and temperature. d. Color. e. Turbidity. f. Sediment. g. Taste and odor. 3. CHEMICAL ANALYSIS a. Albuminoid Ammonia, j J | b. Free Ammonia. c. Nitrites. d. Nitrates. e. Chlorine. f. Hardness. g. Total Solids. h. Loss on Ignition. 45 4. BIOLOGICAL EXAMINATION. (4a.) PLANTS. 1. Chlorophycese. 2. Cyanophycese. 3. Diatomaceae. 4. Fungi, including Bacteria. (46.) ANIMALS. 1. Crustacea. 2. Vermes (Rotifera etc.). 3. Polyzoa. 4. Infusoria. 5. Rhizopods. 6. Spongidse. 7. Miscellaneous. (4c.) AMORPHOUS ORGANIC MATTER. The microscopical examination will in- clude the determination of everything under (4), except the bacteria. It is thus seen to occupy an important place in a scheme for a complete sanitary analysis ; and having remarked that a large number of examinations made during the last three years by (1) the biologists of the Massa- chusetts State Board of Health, (2) the 46 biologists of the Connecticut State Board of Health, and (3) by the present writer, have put the matter on a fair working basis, we may proceed to describe the present state of the art of making such examinations : HISTORICAL. The first systematic examination of a water supply ever made was by Dr^ JHa&all of the water supply of London, in,.43Q. 7 The results were given in an illustrated memoir, and stand unique, as furnishing a beginning for scientific study of this im- portant and interesting subject. In 1865 L.EadJijQfer 19 published an account of an examination of well waters in Munich. In 1&70 Prof. jCqhn, of Breslau, pub- lished a paper on the Microscopical Analy- sis of Well Waters, and indicated clearly therein the significance of such studies. 3 * In this paper Prof. Cohn made the fol- lowing generalizations, which are inter- esting as showing the advanced views to which he had arrived : 47 1. Diatoms and green algae, Conferva, Protococcus, Scenedesmus, etc., indicate a water to which light lias had access, and one poor in organic matter. 2. Certain of the larger infusoria, espe- cially the ciliated forms, Nassula, Loxodea 7 Urastyla, etc., feed on these algae ; while upon both the infusoria and the algae feed 3. Entomostracans, Daphnia, Cyclops, Cypris, worms, such as naids and rotif era and insect larvae. Prof. Dr. L. Hirt, also of Breslau, pub- lished a paper upon the Principles and Methods of the Microscopical Investiga- tion of Waters, in 1879. 8 Dr. F. Hulwa published, iiL-1885, 8 * a, paper giving tabulated results obtained by the methods described by Hirt. The first edition of Maotkuiald's " Guide 1 to the Microscopical Examination of Drinking Water," H appeared in 1,TL The; second edition (1883) contains a method of examination which will be referred to hereafter. In 1884 Dr. H. C. Sorby published a 48 paper on the Detection of Sewage Con- tamination by the Use of the Microscope, arid on the Purifying Action of Minute Animals and Plants. 23 In FphrnaTvJjggfl, Mr. A_. L. Kca.n 9 pub- lished, in Science, a method of making the quantitative examination of the micro- scopical plants and animals in potable water. In Septembej^jLSSO^ Prof^ JYmiam_ T. Sedgwick published, in the paper on Recent Progress in Biological Water Analysis already referred to, 21a what is known as the sand method of making these exami- nations. In September. 1890, the present writer published a paper on the Biological Exami- nation of Potable Water. 200 About Jan. 1, 1891^ the Special Eeports of the MassacTmsetts State Board of Health appeared. 130 Part I., Examination of Water Supplies, contains a method of making the quantitative examination as devised by Mr. G-. H. Parker, formerly biologist to that Board. 13c Part II., Puri- fication of Sewage and Water, contains an 49 account of the various methods, and an abstract of the literature to the date of publication. 130 The foregoing are the more important sources of information to be consulted by one desiring to pursue the general subject of the microscopical examination of water historically. The titles of a few other papers and references of less importance may be given. Mr. C. M. Vorce published papers on Forms observed in Water Of Lake Erie, 25 in 1881 and 1882. These papers contain some useful generalizations as to persist- ency of certain forms in large bodies of water at all seasons of the year. Mr. Henry Mills published a paper on the Micro-Organisms, in the Buffalo, N. Y. Water Supply, in 1882. 15 This paper contains an estimate, based on actual obser- vation, of the amount of microscopic life in the Niagara Eiver. Dr. C. A. Chamberlain published a paper on Organic Impurities in Drinking Water, in 1883. 3 Dr. Arthur J. Wolff published a paper 50 on the Sanitary Examination of Drinking Water, in 1886. 28 The present writer published a paper on the Micro-Organisms in Hemlock Water, in 1888. 20a In 1889 Tiemann and Gartner's Chemi- cal, Microscopical, and Bacteriological In- vestigation of Waters 24 appeared. In it may be found an abstract of the useful for- eign literature of the subject, and many hints of value in interpreting results. THE METHOD OF DR. HASSALL. 7 Dr. Hassall, although the first to apply the microscrope to the determination of the organic constituents of water, has not in any of his papers made it clear just how he obtained his results ; though we may infer from what he has said, that his pro- cess was, essentially, to examine a drop of the sediment contained in the bottom of a test-tube, in which a sample of the water had been allowed to stand long enough for thorough sedimentation to occur. 51 METHODS OF THE GERMAN BIOLOGISTS. Radlkofer 19 leaves us entirely in the dark as to the methods used in his examin- ation of the well-waters of Munich ; but <^/ we may infer that his method, like that of Cohn in the examination of the waters of ^ Breslau, consisted in a direct microscopical JK study of either a few drops of water or of the sediment. Hirt, in his paper, recommends the fol- lowing course of procedure : 8 1. The direct observation of fresh sam- ples of the water, a drop at a time ; as \ many as twenty or thirty drops being suc- cessively scrutinized. 2. An examination of the sediment ^ obtained after standing at least two days. 3. A study of the surface pellicle, should any form after the sample has stood for a few days.* In this way Hirt finds it necessary to make as many as thirty to forty examina- * This third course of procedure was used previous to the introduction of the modern methods of bacteriology, and was, until about 1881, the approved method of studying the bacteria in their relation to potable waters. 52 tions before completing the study of any given sample. THE METHOD OF DR. MACDONALD. 14 For this method of examination tall, -cylindrical glass vessels with small rounded bottoms are recommended. In the absence of the special vessels a litre or half-litre measuring-glass may be used. For the examination of a sample, one of the tall glass vessels is first filled with water, after which a circular disk of glass, resting on a horizontal loop at the end of a long aluminium wire is lowered to the bottom. The tall glass is covered and set aside for twenty-four or forty -eight hours, as the case may be. After standing the specified time the water is siphoned off with tubing, leaving only a thin stratum over the disk, which is then raised and laid upon blot- ting-paper to remove surplus moisture. The disk is then covered with a large cover glass, and transferred at once to the stage of the microscope for direct examination- Dr. MacDonald further says, an ordinary 'watch-glass may in some cases be substi- 53 tuted for the disk, with advantage, as being less likely to permit the loss of sediment by overflow. Another plan suggested is to siphon off the water until only enough remains to just permit the sediment to be shaken up with it, and turned into a coni- cal-shaped glass, from which, after standing for a short time, portions may be taken for -examination. By proceeding as outlined in the foregoing, a judgment could be formed as to the amount and kind of the organic impurity present. Independent, however of the impossibility of establishing numeri- cal relations, the practical difficulties of examinations on either the plain glass disk or in the curving watch-glass are con- siderable. The chief sources of possible error in final judgment may be enumerated as follows : 1. During the time of standing for purpose of sedimentation, a diminution of the number and kind of species originally present may be expected to take place, by reason of one form eating another up. 2. Impossibility of knowing that at the 54 end of the time allowed for sedimentation, all the forms originally present in the sample have fallen to the bottom, and are present in' the sediment. 3. In using the plain glass disk, the liability of losing some of the sediment when placing the cover-glass. 4. In using the watch-glass, difficulty of fully examining the sediment, on account of the curved bottom. 5. In taking drops of sediment with a pipette for examination on a slide ; uncer- tainty as to whether samples containing all the forms present in the sediment are obtained. Dr. MacDonald's work must, neverthe- less, be considered of the greatest possible value. His general definition of technique is good, especially the directions in refer- ence to collection of samples, and methods of insuring microscopical cleanliness at every stage of the operation. His book should be in the hands of every person using the microscopical method. 55 THE METHOD OF DR. H. C. SORBY. d 111 1884 Dr. H. C. Sorby, of England, /iade a study of different samples of river IJid sea water, with the object of ascertain jng the number per gallon of the various small animals large enough to be held back by a sieve with meshes about one two-hun- dredths of an inch in diameter. Amounts of water varying from ten gallons down- wards, according to the number of forms present, were passed through such a sieve. The retained organisms were subsequently washed off into a dish, and an enumera- tion made, just how, Dr. Sorby does not state. The forms which he was studying were comparatively large (Cyclops and other Entomostracan Crustacea) ; and an enumeration could be easily made, either in a watch-glass with a low-power object- ive of considerable penetrating power, or in a large flat cell of special construction, by the use of an ordinary hand magnifier. Dr. Sorby gives numbers per gallon of the various forms found in different waters ; and we may conclude from what he has said. that so far as the larger microscopical forms are concerned, he considered that a fairly accurate method of enumeration had been used. He also enumerated the infu- soria, and states, that at low water in the Medway, above Chatham, in the first half of June, the average number per gallon has been about 7.000, but sometimes as many as 16,000. The average size of the infu- soria so enumerated, he states at one one- thousandth of an inch. Clearly a much smaller mesh than was used for the ento- mostraca, and special methods of gathering would be required ; but just how all this was accomplished Dr. Sorby has failed to tell us. The paper is, however, suggestive as to possibilities of future results, and may be profitably consulted by the student of the advanced methods. METHODS USED IN THE UNITED STATES PRIOR TO 1889. Of the several papers which have ap- peared in this country previous to 1889, it may be said, in a general way, that the authors of all have apparently gone no 57 further towards a quantitative determina- tion of the microscopical organisms than to examine a sediment usually obtained by allowing the water to flow through a strong cotton cloth. When public water supplies were the subject of examination, a bag of such material was attached to an ordinary laboratory, or domestic cock, and the water simply allowed to run, until, as a matter of judgment, enough had been filtered through the cloth to insure a pro- lific sediment. The flow being stopped, the bag was removed, and, after the water still contained in it had drained through, the bag was turned wrong side out, and the organisms removed by dabbling and lightly washing in a small amount of water from the supply under examination, contained in a clean shallow dish. After so re^aov- ing the organisms' from the cloth ? the water containing them was turned into a conical-shaped glass, from which, after subsidence of the organisms to the bottom, samples were taken by the use of a pipette for examination in the usual manner on a slide. In this way the results, as detailed 58 by Mr. Vorce, 25 Mr. Mills, 15 and by the members of the Microscopical Section of the Rochester Academy of Science, as de- tailed in the paper published by the pres- ent writer 20a in 1888, were obtained. THE METHOD OF MR. G. H. PARKER. 13c In 1888 Mr. Parker, as Biologist to the Massachusetts Board, worked out and ap- plied a method for examination somewhat different from any of the preceding. A small piece of cloth is taken, and firmly tied to the stem of a common glass funnel, in such manner that the sample "of water when poured into the funnel would filter through only that portion of the cloth di- rectly in front of the end. All being arranged, two hundred cubic centimetres of tRe water to be examined are poured into the funnel. At the end of the filtra- tion, the organisms contained in the water are found collected on the cloth on a small area of the size of the bore of the stem of the funnel. The cloth is now removed; and inverted over a glass tube of some- what greater area than the circular spot of arrested organisms. The tube is so held that the end with the inverted cloth is just above the middle of an ordinary glass slide ; and a sharp blast of air through the tube dislodges the sediment with a small amount of water upon the slide, where, after covering with a cover glass, it may be examined under the mi- croscope. Mr. Parker states, that this method gives good results, so far as de- termining the kind of organisms is con-- cerned ; but, from a quantitative stand- point, it yields only rough approximations. The principal sources of inexactness are : 1. A few of the smaller organisms pass through the cloth. 2. Impossibility of removing all the organisms from the cloth to the slide. 3. Difficulty of distributing the sedi- ment on the slide equally enough to per- mit accurate estimates of the number of the organisms. The method of Mr. Parker has been known as the *' cloth method/ 7 and is so referred to in the Massachusetts reports. 130 THE METHOD OF MR. A. L. KEAN. 9 In this method a known quantity of water (Mr. Kean says 100 cubic centi- metres is a convenient unit) is put into a funnel, in the tube of which is half an inch in depth of coarse sand (24 to 30 grains to the inch). The sand is held in place by a plug of wire gauze in the foot of the funnel, which, while allowing the water to pass, still holds the sand back. After all the water has passed through, the plug is removed, and one cubic centimetre of distilled or freshly filtered water thrown into the stem of the funnel, by means of a pipette. This washes the sand and con- tained organisms down into a watch-glass, placed to receive it. The grains of sand sink to the bottom, leaving the organisms mostly suspended in the water. Stirring produces more even distribution, and lib- erates any caught between the grains of sand. A cell of one cubic millimetre vol- ume is provided, and to it a portion of the water from above the sand in the watch- glass, sufficient to just fill it, is transferred 61 for examination. The organisms contained in the cell are then counted, and from the result the total number in the original sample computed. This method was described by Mr. Kean in his original communication 9 in consid- erable detail ; and to him, therefore, per- tains the credit of having first published a quantitative method of determining the microscopical organisms in water. Credit for first using such a method seems to per- tain to Dr. H. C. Sorby, though with what measure cannot be determined in the ab- sence of the detail. The chief defect of Mr. Kean's method is in the smallness of the amount actually examined, a difficulty which limits the accuracy of the method in four ways : 1. The amount of one cubic millimetre is so small that important forms are easily overlooked. 2. The cubic millimetre is only the one one-thousandth part of the cubic centi- metre, and the necessity of multiplying by 1,000 leads, with an error of one in the count to an error of 1,000 in the result, as 62 applying to the one cubic centimetre in the Watch-glass. With an original quantity of 100 cubic centimetres, this again leads to an error of 10, per cubic centimetre, in the final result. 3. If only one of a given form appears in the count, it must be interpreted as in- dicating 1,000 in the one cubic centimetre in the watch-glass, whereas it may possi- bly have been the only one there. 4. The impossibility of getting in the reductions a number between and 10 per cubic centimetre. To get one per cubic centimetre would require the filtering of 1,000 cubic centimetres (one litre) in every case. THE SAND METHOD OF PROFESSOR SEDGWICK. 21a ' 13c The various practical objections to the method of Mr. Kean having been de- veloped by comparison and experiment, Prof. Sedgwick, in the spring of 1889, worked out what is known as the sand method. In this, the controlling idea was to provide a remedy for the excessively - 63 high results attained by the method of Mr. Kean. The filtration is made as iix Mr. Kean's method, 100 cubic centimetres being likewise the quantity of water oper- ated upon. A cell 50 millimetres in length, 20 millimetres in width, and about 2.5 millimetres in depth is provided. This cell is formed by cementing a brass border upon an ordinary three by one glass slide. Before setting this brass border, the upper surface of the slide is ruled into 1,000 squares, each one millimetre in area. The filtration being completed, the sand, to- gether with the organisms, is washed by a small stream from a wash-bottle contain- ing distilled water, into the cell just de- scribed, where they are evenly distributed over the bottom by the use of a needle or fine wire. We now have the organisms from 100 cubic centimetres of water evenly distributed in a cell of 1,000 square mil- limetres area ; and theoretically it would be possible, by using a low-power object- ive, and taking in order each square millimetre of the area, to actually count all the organisms in the- cell ; that is to 64 Say, to count all the organisms in the one hundred cubic centimetres of water oper- ated upon. In practice, however, the counting of 1,000 squares would consume so much time as to make the labor of the counts a serious burden. Moreover, it was found by experience that a count of twenty representative squares gave a fairly accurate average of the whole ; and twenty squares was accordingly adapted as the unit count. In this way 50 is obtained as a factor of multiplication, instead of 1,000, as in the method of Mr. Kean. By count- ing a larger number of squares a still smaller factor results ; thus fifty squares counted gives a factor of multiplication of only 20. For further details of this interesting and valuable advance in methods of making the microscopical examination of water, the reader is referred to either Prof. Sedgwick's original paper, 21a or to his further discussion of it in the Massachu- setts Board's Special Report. 130 65 THE PERFECTED SEDGWICK-KAFTER METHOD. In June, 1889, the present writer organ- ized, at the instance of Desmond Fitz- Gerald, C. E., Resident Engineer of the Western Division of the Boston Water Works, a series of investigations of the Bos- ton Water Supply. Considerable trouble has occurred at various times in this water supply, by reason of excessive growths, at irregular periods, of microscopical organ- isms ; and the Boston Water Board deemed it desirable to study the matter broadly enough to presumably make some definite addition to existing knowledge of the laws governing such growths. A small laboratory was erected, the necessary ap- pliances secured, and arrangements made for a systematic study extending, possibly, over a number of years'. In July, Prof. Sedgwick kindly demonstrated his sand method to Mr. FitzGerald and the author in his laboratory, and finished one of his count- ing plates. The author's previous studies had made him familiar with the method of Dr. Mac Don aid and the faw American workers, and he was .able to appreciate the advanced ground reached by Prof. Sedg- wick. His sand method, while far in ad- vance of that of any other worker, seemed, however, somewhat unsatisfactory in this, that the sand and organisms are both allowed to pass into the cell together; and inasmuch as the finest grains of sand are much larger than many of the organisms, it follows that the enumeration, however carefully made, is only an approximation to the number actually present, and usually falls short of 'the number present. In the method as now used by the author, the sand is supported upon a plug of wire cloth, placed at the lower end of the funnel stem. After placing the plug, the sand is run into the funnel, lightly pressed to place with a glass rod, and from 20 to 40 cubic centimetres of freshly filtered water allowed to run through, in order to insure thorough set- tling of the sand before actually begin- ning the nitration. The amount of water to be filtered is gauged by the number of 67 organisms which it contains, as ascertained by preliminary inspection. Generally, 5? P however, as large a quantity should be used as can be conveniently filtered with- out clogging the sand so much as to render the completion of the process too pro- 68 longed ; and for ordinary samples 500 cubic centimetres has been fixed upon as the proper amount. In the -case of very pure waters a larger amount will be desirable ; and, for such, 1,000 cubic centimetres may be adopted as a convenient unit. Experience indicates that however care- fully the sand may be placed, the filtration at the beginning will not be as complete as further on ; and, in order to insure the certain removal of all the smaller organ- isms, the first 100 to 150 cubic centimetres of the filtrate is returned to the funnel and passed through the sand a second time. The funnel is allowed to stand until the completion of the filtration, when it is found on examination of the filtrate that nearly every organism has been re- moved," and we have the result that the organisms originally contained in the 500 cubic centimetres of water are all in the sand at lower end of funnel stein. The plug of wire cloth is now removed, and the sand and contained organisms washed with 5 cubic centimetres of freshly filtered water, run from a 5 cubic centimetre pipette, 69 into a 5 or 6 inch test-tube. The test-tube is slightly shaken, in order to wash all the organisms clear from the sand. The sand, by reason of greater specific gravity, sinks quickly to the bottom, leaving the organ- isms distributed through the water. At the instant of the completion of the set- tling of the sand the supernatant water is turned into another smaller test-tube, leaving the clean sand at the bottom of the first tube. We now have the organ- isms from 500 cubic centimetres of water concentrated into 5 cubic centimetres in the second tube, from which, after slight stirring, to insure uniform distribution, 1 cubic centimetre is taken with a 1 cubic centimetre pipette, and transferred to a cell 50 by 20 millimetre area, and exactly 1 millimetre in depth. Such a cell, of course, contains 1,000 cubic millimetres, or 1 cubic centimetre. The top of the metal cell is ground perfectly smooth, and with a little practice one can float a thick cover- glass to place without losing a drop. The next step is the enumeration. This is accomplished by transferring the cell to 70 the stage of a microscope, the eye-piece of which is fitted with a micrometer, so ruled as to cover, with a given objective and fixed tube length, a square millimetre on the stage. The microscope itself is fitted with a mechanical stage with millimetre movement in both directions ; and for this purpose certain simple additions have been made to the new mechanical stage of the Bausch & Loinb Optical Company, by means of which the desired result is obtained at slight expense. The count is made by beginning at one corner of the cell and going systematically over the area, in accordance with such a formula as will insure the count of squares selected from every part of the slide The number of squares actually counted, will depend upon the degree of accuracy which it is desired to attain. It is obviously impossible to count the 1,000 squares composing the entire area of the slide ; and the practical question arises as to just what multiple of 1,000 shall be used to secure a correct aver- age. This can only be determined by trial and comparison upon a number of sam- 71 pies. In any case, not less than 20 squares should be counted, and if time will possi- bly permit, the preference should be in favor of always counting at least 50. In order to illustrate the matter, a table has been prepared, which represents the area of the cell divided into 1,000 squares. Brief inspection of this table will show the difficulty of obtaining true averages when only 20 squares are counted, and exhibits the value of counting the larger number, in order to obtain true averages. The precise millimetre movement of the mechanical stage is considered a matter of considerable importance, and, indeed, insisted upon as an integral part of the method. Without it the tendency will be to sometimes select squares for counting which are contiguous ; while at other times one will pass over squares containing few or no organisms in a search for more pro- lific ones, making, in either case, an error in the final result. By use of the mechani- cal stage, with a definite formula for pass- ing over the slide, personal errors of this 72 sort are eliminated, leaving only those which are due to irregularity of distribu- tion of the organisms in the water; and by always stirring thoroughly, before taking the portion for examination, with 1 cubic centimetre pipette this error may also be reduced to a small degree, provided as many as 50 squares are counted as the basis of the final average. Additional uniformity of distribution of organisms in the cell, may also be obtained by stirring gently in the cell itself with the pointed end of the pipette, before floating the cover-glass to place ; but the precaution should always be taken in these stirring operations to proceed gently, in order to guard against breaking up unnecessarily the particles of amorphous organic matter, which are nearly always present in any sample of water in which algous growths and decay are taking place. The definite estimation of the amor- phous organic matter is a thing of some difficulty ; and in the author's use of this method he has formed a sort of mental standard as to the unit of area covered by 73 one mass of the amorphous matter. Mr. Geo. C. Whipple, who assisted in the work for the Boston Water Works, has sug- gested that this unit be made definite for all persons, by taking it a fixed number of square microns ; and for this purpose 20 FIG. 2. SECTION OF OPEN CELL, SHOWING CURVE OF SURFACE OF FLUID DUE TO CAPILLARY ATTRAC- TION AT SIDES. seems to be the desirable unit. By care- ful comparison with a stage micrometer for a few times this unit can be firmly fixed in mind, and an estimate of the amount of amorphous matter made with considerable precision. The advantage of a cell of such depth as to just contain the quantity taken for examination is illustrated by Fig. 2, which represents the open cell, and shows the meniscus form taken by the liquid, by reason of capillary attraction at the sides. This curvature is so considerable as to render a count in the squares near the 74 edges of the cell impracticable, for optical reasons, which every user of the micro- scope will readily understand. With the covered cell, on the contrary, the count may be made up to the sides as easily and with -as much certainty as in the middle. The placing of the cover-glass is easily accomplished, although the careful observ- ance of certain details are essential to uniform success. Thus, the cover-glass should be perfectly clean, and just before placing should be moistened. The opera- tion of putting it to place consists in lay- ing one end, held in a horizontal position, in contact with the ground upper surface of the metallic portion of the cell, and, while keeping it in close contact at all. points, gradually sliding it forward until the whole ce.ll is covered. In this connection it may be noted that cleanliness is quite essential in all these operations ; and the hints given by Dr. XfacDonald in his Water Analysis fully cover the .case. In the original cell, as designed by Prof. Sedgwick, the division into squares, 75 for the purpose of obtaining the rela- tion of organisms to area, was arrived at, as already stated, by ruling square mil- limetres upon the upper surface of the glass slide on which the cell is based. This, however, gives a unit square only for the bottom of the cell ; and for all organisms at the top of the liquid no unit of area is obtained; inasmuch as the con- siderable change of focus required in order to see them at all, renders it impossible to distinguish the ruled lines and such float- ing objects at the same time. AVith the eye-piece micrometer, however, this diffi- culty is removed, and the unit square is clearly in the field of vision without ref- erence to the plane in the cell upon which the objective is focused. The working objective for these counts may be either a two-thirds or one-half inch ; and for identification of minute un- known forms, a one-fourth or one-fifth water immersion capable of working through a thick cover-glass, and cell one millimetre in depth, would be useful. I have, however, no experience with a high- 76 power objective of this character, and can only cite the opinion of the Rochester opticians that such an objective of satis- factory correction and definition can be made. In this connection it may be mentioned that Mr. E. Gundlach has made, at the author's request, a dry fourth which pos- sesses the necessary working distance, and is, therefore, easily used to determine objects at the very bottom of the cell, even when a thick cover-glass is in place. Such an objective is, however, doing its work through three mediums, all varying in refractive index ; namely, air, glass, and water, and, as may be easily predicated, the trial objective is not entirely a success. The angle is, of course, very narrow, though this defect is inseparable from long work- ing distance. The greatest difficulty is the imperfection in the correction of the chromatic aberrations. It is improve- ment in this direction which is chiefly expected to result from the use of a water immersion. The dry objective is, however, of considerable use in assisting in de- 77 termining very minute objects which present only a simple structure ; it fails utterly when those requiring any resolv- ing power are encountered. The following table shows the compara- tive value of the open cell with mixed sand and organisms, and the covered cell with sand and organisms separated. The results are in number of organisms per cubic centimetre, and represent only the plant forms present in the given samples. ) (2 ) ORGANISMS. Open Closed Open Closed cell with cell with- cell with cell with- sand. out sand. sand. out sand. Asterionella 14 30 7 23 Tabellaria . 11 21 4 15 Cyclotella . 1 1 2 Anabaena . 2 16 7 13 Clathrocystis Coelosphaerium 4 5 6 12 1 5 8 3 Nostoc . . 2 1 1 Melosira . . 2 20 1 1 Totals . . . 39 108 26 66 A number of similar comparative counts have been made, with the result of uni- 78 formly getting a larger number of or- ganisms by the Sedgwiek-Rafter method. In the recently published Twenty- Second Annual Report of the Massachu- setts Board, it is stated as the result of the various comparisons made by the biolo- gists of that Board, that the improvement in processes has resulted not only in an increase in the total number of organisms found in a given water, but also in the number of genera. Thus, in a general way, the number of organisms observed by Prof. Sedgwick's original sand method is several times that observed by the cloth method of Mr. Parker; likewise the number observed by the Sedgwiek-Rafter method is probably from two to four times the number observed by the sand method. The foregoing indicates rather briefly the several steps taken by different workers before we could be said to have a practicable method of making the micro- scopical examination and enumeration of the living organisms in potable water, which fairly met all the conditions. The author hopes that some worker of 79 the immediate future will be able to still further advance the method along the road to ultimate perfection. VALUE OF METHOD. The value of a method of this character will be readily recognized by all who un- derstand the limitations of chemical analy- sis, as applied to the decision of questions relating to the sanitary value of potable water. The most useful of the various chemical methods recognizes in effect only two classes of organic impurity ; namely, free and albuminoid ammonia ; and groups every organic substance occurring in water' as one or the other of these. This has re- sulted in the condemning of the waters of mountain streams by chemists, who ven- tured positive opinions as to sanitary value on the evidence of chemical analysis alone. The use of the biological method, by exhib- iting clearly the character of the organic contamination, will, therefore, lead to a more accurate knowledge of potable waters than can be gained by chemical analysis. Moreover, as we gain more knowledge of 80 the real sanitary significance of the various forms of plant and animal life, the daily or weekly fluctuations in quality of a public water supply can be quickly obtained by the use of this method of biological analy- sis ; and it is probable that, in future, public water supplies will be regularly subject to such examinations. RESULTS. The following table shows a number of counts of samples from different localities, and illustrates the variations in number NO OF SAMPLE. (1) (2) (3) <*) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) Sponge Spicules Rhizopods . . Infusoria . Rotifera . . . Crustacea . 1 5 1 1 2 2 1 6 80 21 3 1 1 50 6 1 1 16 1 1 3 1 10 2 11 3 Total Animals . 7 6 6 80 24- 59 18 1 16 14 Desmidieae . . Diatomaceae Zoospores . . Chlorophyceae Cyanophyceae . Fungi . . . 50 130 2 15 3 1 6 51 5 38 1 1 12 73 4 70 o 280 1 4 3 19 244 55 157 4 45 88 13 110 5 50 2400 1 8 26 1 17 132 1 1 1 35 90 5 10 2 Total Plants . 200 102 160 287 478 260 2456 34 152 143 Amorphous Matter . . . 80 75 140 180 238 230 45 165 170 240 81 and kind of organisms found in various waters. In this table the results are grouped in classes to save space, and are the number of organisms per cubic centi- metre, as before. In these samples (8) is from a spring, and represents very pure water. All of the samples except (5), (6), and (7) are from water supplies, and represent water of medium quality. The large amount of Cyanophyceaein (5) and (6) might, of itself, in the present state of our knowledge, lead to the rejection of those two waters as unfit for domestic purposes, especially if continuous observation, extending over two or more seasons, showed that such extensive growths occurred frequently. In all such cases, however, a study of the environment would be desirable before making a final decision, and it is not intended to say positively that a given sample can be definitely rejected on the evidence of the microscopical examination alone. The statement may, however, be made that the microscopical examination will, by itself, quite as frequently furnish 82 definite evidence relative to the suitable- ness or unsuitableness of a given sample as can be obtained from a chemical examin- ation alone ; while the microscopical exam- ination in conjunction with a study of the environment may easily furnish decisive evidence for or against. This latter, state- ment may be applied with equal force to chemical examinations in conjunction with studies of the environment ; and the con- clusion is therefore reached, that in rational water analysis, the microscopical examina- tion stands on a par with the chemical. This interesting and highly important con- clusion has been fully recognized, as already stated, by the chemists and biologists of the Massachusetts Board, and we accord- ingly find the two side by side in their recent reports. The following tabulations illustrate a typical series of such com- pound analyses of water from Eeservoir No. 4 of the Boston Sudbury Biver Supply, extracted from the Twenty-Second Annual Beport of that Board. Moreover, this par- ticular series is of special interest by rea- son of giving the results continuously, by 83 months, for a year and a half; and the movements of the plant and animal life in conjunction with the variation in the am- monias, as determined chemically, is clearly shown, not only in a plane one foot below the surface, but at mid-depth and near the bottom. In order to illustrate the question under discussion fully, the series also includes the examination of water from Cold Spring Brook, the influent stream to Eeservoir No. 4. 84 II J* s - ' fi I'l - i CQ ^ > i w M 1 CQ m9 upH s * 1 1 1 1 1 fe M '* ' *WW i i I i i I I H !N I. I i. i I auuomo 5 Sj 1 ^ 55 ^ S papuad ^ -sng 1 i i 1 I I 1 g | ' pa T T S a O C^J 1 1 1 1 .1 1 ^ -T^aox 1 i 1 11 I 1 2 1 1 "+" O O -*" ^ |5 uo ssoq 1 ' 1 1 1 1 1 5 > tf oo -,,ox 1 1 1 1 1 M ao,o Ti 2 i i 1 ! EARANC '^uauiipas [5) ^ 55 > ' ' > e *: ^ ^ gj ^ *: *: 3 X^ipiqjnx ~ * . . . j UOT^UT -un?xg 0> j. s ^ Ci S 3 00-5 >-5 ^ "S. ^ > 5 3 * o o -^-. XX^ OF THF UNIVERSITY J OP ^ 80 r! W5 ft OOoo a 1-5 g 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 i i i i 03 cc Day of Examination Number of sample PLANT Diatomacese Ceratoneis Melosira . Navicula . Nitzchia . Synedra . Tabellaria . Algse (several genera) Fungi. Crenothrix ANIMAI Rhizopoda. Actino Infusoria . Peridinium . ' . Trachelornonas TOTAL ORGANIS 87 O i "1 8&*sas. & 8 | C M r-oo t jcocC'-i ^o 0000 Is "o 1 M 00-O^^SOO 0000 (0 "5, cog OO^^ooooiO oo^o^ ss g 00 H bC 10 1 55^, O'HO'-'CONCO lH i^ OH-O S "3 5 r -^^^^ !0 5 ttf S OB a "" 5 * CO o ^ s: 8 t 1 W ' ' N 0000 S t 1 a & OH-0 jo 5 oo So GO X on o> S l-c S| ^ O Day of examinat Number of samp O **1|i< Rhizopoda. A Infusoria Peridinium . Tracheldmdna fl I i i u ^ 'l ' papuad E%8 2 >. UO SSO r J I I I I 8 S g lIO-ll-BUT O O O O i- 1-1 % , I CO (N *" 2 & 2 5 g 89 ' ' ' " " 3 ' ' 3 S "' 3 " -5 QOt>.QOSasOC^NOQOI>.O i 333.33g!333 . . i . , J2 , 2 !g 3 "i i i i r 3 s ^ 3 COOOCCOttCC-^r o o C5 o o o o o o o o COl^.Iv.lN.t^iOirtCOCO^^I ooooooooo'ooolo *^-J^J^>J-lJ^J^J^J^J^J ^-^ij3^-FC^_^c^rj <* ^ co jy 3 ^ ^ ^ be *C "Sb >'> > 5QK > -5Q> > SccScC^^ S X5 b fe 3 * ; J* fi -: * ^ c -S O X ? -t< " S S i? o -o o o S . 90 tf ^X a oooo S ^ o e <*c OOOOOOCOONOWOOO 0000 N 00 Jo -: 1 p, N T 00 ^0 CO 1 1 NOOOO^OOO^O-OOO ^00 " c < t i 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 till 1 coo ft ^ *^ * ^ g Oi +: ow OOOOOOOOON^^OOOO h ^0 g. $ CO 72 5 . ?C CO 00000000000'0000 OONO < s ^>- > 1 QOOOOOOOOOOOOOO 0000 C 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I I I I 1 -i f ^ ca s H i_3 ao ^'2, S.S.O a> a; as wt? ^^ II s $ c civ- X o u *. ** 0^ ^ ..2. S^^'S , o3 goj -g -SfS s g's = 53 o3' S ,a ^.S 03 ^^ ^111 i& 5.* *S hi* OS i H ll S o <3 iII PB*>& 91 c5 a g o NOOO^'-XOOONO^OtC'H 50 CMCC N W^ ft ^ OH ^o a s 1 1 ccooco jj; ^o 00 ^^ 00 ^ aa H 000 -*l o O NO ,HOOOr-iO,-|0'-CiasOOOO 0000 ^ ! "I HOOOrHOOOOX^OQOOO N 1 " 1 "tOO^ FH 9 1 bit <3 5J i > -N ,VOO<= l0 N^OOOO ^^ a 0000 * >> M g o Ci^OWOOHO'-HOOO oooo s 1-5 tCJ i"~2J QOOu5N C oo X'* l ^o^o c ^ o2 1H H 0^*00 o ?3 IN W5 O 50OOOC5C^OO'* w;: ^ OOl ^ > ON feO a g u a j W 00 Z-OOOOM^^ONO^OOO. cooo CO CO OQ | m 4 <4fl?| ^o^S^ 05 GO i. J p., ^S-l o? r <2^^ ^ Day of examinat Number of sampl >35B S a ^s 003.2 g5^5oxH S^u gj^ootfX 5 o 5 Rhizopoda. ^ Infusoria. Di Vermes (severa Porifera. Spo TOTAL Uuc 92 S tiT SS3 apH 1 1 1 1 1 1 i o N 25 H O sa!N 1-1 i i i 1 o 1 H & 83 ,,u, W i i i 1 i i 1 ^ anuomo 8 t |4 papuad 111111 i |i S -paAjos 3 g g g /^ S2 S _ m % < . WOJ| ?> M OJ CO -7-f c3 1 1* I 1| s >ao^ 111111 i 5 H S ^ ---/-. *iio sso r i 1 1 1 1 1 1 31! W ^ 63 os o o * 1 1 1 1 1 1 i *S ^ ^ W S ^ ,,5* ~o a J0[00 T-I i-i ** 6| 'EAKANC ,a. !p8S ho "QO "^ ** "be bo S ^ ^ ^ c/2 c/2 "3 P PH X;Tpiqjnx it ^H h O H -ui'^xg 1 1 1 i 1 1 i >^ S 3- H ,0, 05^f "-i co w "^ 9 ^ S" w o -^ -5 < CO O & d a 06 ^qtun.v 1 1 I 1 i 1 O 93 i 1 j ( t i j TH 9 t^. ^ . C M I (Z si $ O s s "5 "S "-5 s ^ ^ooo ^OOQOOOO Oooo o 5 . fe ft 6 ,0 rjil^ OOOOOOOWOCCOO 0000 CO S s *. OOO (N0 ooo j_;ooooooo Oooo ft ft 1-3 O) | | 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 i i l i , c 3 1 co 2 CO "ft 01 s 6 ^1 .ojB J ^ $ ^8 . S . . S ci ^ Day of examii Number cf sa |3gl*|5 |ll'| Q O^ Rhizopoda Infusoria Dinobryon Vorticella h 95 cccc NO-H-O ^O^OOgW ^ h i.* s Q aaa o "S ^000-00^50000 0000 * fe I *s W-" ,HOOO-OO*50^0 Oooo o 5 3 j coo Oooooooooooo t" H ~i O fit oo 03 S o Ci 3 ^^ ^i^. ooooo^^ooo OOOO & X < 3 13 s ^ a Ofcoo' 1 o Ci^^O^iC ^g (N ^ N rt H 1 " 1 f* g I 1 0000000*0^00 0000 91 3 g 00 Q >> S 2 ""* 3 (D & h 1? ' H C^ JO rN O W 3 s w'si > >" .o,, OTF i : ' -TU^X^ 1^ g g S f 5 1 oc O Jz; 97 1 1 , i 1 i i CO GO I- t>. s i 1 1 I i i 1 i 1 i 1 I I 1 3 I i i 1 s i 1 o 8 o I q i i .! 5 3 o o 55 8 * S3 S3 is 8 8 1 1 i oo c^ 8 8 i |; I I 1 S f. 8 3 55 ^ s * g o q o o c o o o is < 1 g 3 1 1 g 3 1 1 1 1 i 1 i 1 1 i 1 I- 1 8 I , , , 1 I 2 X "4 14 s s 3 1 1 i 1 8 ?, CO CO CO eo 10 o CO QO r* B o - ^ s s 00 R g d d d c d d ^ i 1 ^ J +: ^ *T ^ *D SS > > ^c bC g * i - o o Q ScJccTJ TS =33 1 a J ~t it -sb 5 "So fc ^ % > > /. CO X 05 CO ^ & 3 > > 8*' ^ z < ^ . S3 ^ =" 1 e O * g s * * H - c3 r ^ Q tl A 4 1" S3 ^ '"S *-5 i 1 S X Q 1 1 | o i 1 1 rr 8 1 1 ^ 1 s ^ 98 jj 00 xoooocooooooo 0000 s ft ^ ja IN, FH OOO*H OOOCOOCOOO 0000 a od ^^ N ^ 0000 S "-3 5 O Q 1 o o o j^oooj-otN.o ft a ^ T a OOoo ts. ^ i i 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 i l i i 1 O ! COW i -#^ ft OHO-. ^ S X PI 6 02 CO^ 1 H OOoo -'L >00 O OOOOOO^OOH OOoo JC a S w "3 *'$ 000 rs -*< 8 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 i i i I 1 3 55 CO Q! . . 03 H *-] O 00 d '... 5 a* e< a S 3 ' ' '1 'ij *g * j r... gS ilfile&lf 1-giJ od o 'Vti^ J Day of ex Number o So " i *9 p4 :0 o 2 2 S^agoSo ^g 3 .r4 S o 5 mi sJ 3 * gs I 99 o * 1 8 S88as8*e OOoo s i 1 ftft ftH^ OOoo t 1 Ooooooooooooo OOoo 1 ceo W ooowooo oooco H 8 1 i? 1 W" 1 a OOoo a 15 tN O , 8 oo^oocooo rt OOOO 8) O i B -t 1 W*^ C H IN ' C OOOO S3 i 1 HOC ir^oooH^oo OOOO 3 H. wo COOOOCOOOOHO^OO OHO- a . 00 00 e a. ^ -c S| I Day of examinati Number of sampl i. l|p.iail S 5 fe Rhizopoda. A Infusoria . Dinobryon Monas . i 1 100 DEDUCTIONS FROM THE OBSERVATIONS AT RESERVOIR NO. 4. A detailed study of the foregoing series of chemical and microscopical analyses at Reservoir No. 4 reveals a number of im- portant points, the apparent significance of which will be briefly pointed out. Eeservoir No. 4, situated in the town of Ashland, on Cold Spring Brook, is about three-quarters of a mile in length, and when filled to the ordinary flow-line, has a depth near the dam of about forty-five feet. It is nearly two thousand feet wide at the dam, and preserves a width of perhaps twelve hundred feet to near the upper end. The construction was completed in 1885, and the reservoir filled for the first time in April, 1886. The bottom was thor- oughly cleaned of all loam, stumps, and vegetable matter, and the margins deepened wherever the original marginal depth at high water was less than eight feet. The water-shed is 6.06 square miles area, with few inhabitants, but is somewhat swampy. The storage capacity is about 1,100,000,000 101 gallons when filled to the ordinary flow level. The foregoing series of analyses of water from the Cold Spring Brook, are of samples taken from the flowing stream a short distance above the head of Reservoir No. 4. The samples from the reservoir itself were taken at the depths indicated, from a point about mid-way in the reservoir, not far from the dam. ' As stated in the report, the microscopi- cal examinations from June, 1889, to November, 1890, inclusive, were made by Prof. Sedgwick's sand method; while those for December, 1890, were made by the Sedgwick-Rafter method. This may be taken as partly accounting for the con- siderable increase in the number of organ- isms tabulated for the month of December, 1890, over that observed in November, and the months immediately preceding. While the results obtained are of great interest, and strongly indicate the value of the microscopical analysis in conjunction with the chemical, it may nevertheless be 102 observed that the work of the present year will be likely to more decisively exhibit such value ; not only by reason of the improvement in method of examination, but because of the increased experience of the observers. The field of cryptogamic botany and zoology necessary to be covered, in order to make such examinations at all, is large ; and the biologists who undertook to make these studies were literally explor- ing an unknown world. That their work gives very satisfactory results at this early date, can only be taken as the highest pos- sible evidence of their painstaking in- dustry. The work itself is the best exposition of the new views, and it is unnecessary to consume any large amount of space in pointing out the details. A few deductions may, however, be briefly noted : The running water of Cold Spring Brook contained a number of species of Diatom- acese \_Navicula, Nitzckia, Synedra], which are either not found at the lower end of the reservoir at all, or in much smaller number. Of these, Navicula and Nitzchia 103 are apparently entirely absent from the reservoir, while Synedra, except at the bot- tom, is present only in smaller quantity. Thus in Cold Spring Brook the average number per month of Synedra, per cubic centimetre, for the twelve months of 1890, is found to be 8.8. At a depth of one foot below the surface in Reservoir No. 4, the average number per month of Synedra for the same period is 5.6. At mid-depth we find 4.0, and near the bottom 9.0, Synedras per cubic centimetre. Collating the showing for Cydotella in the same way, we find the form entirely absent from the Cold Spring Brook. In the reservoir this form is present at all depths, only in the months of June, July, and August ; 1890, the average per cubic centimetre per month for the three months being, at one foot below the surface, 49.0, at twenty feet, 127.0, and at the bottom 18.0. Taking the whole number of Diatomacece the average per cubic centimetre per month in Cold Spring Brook is 17.0 ; at one foot below the surface in the reservoir, 104 22.4; at twenty feet, 42.5; and near bot- tom, 20.0. Taking the total number of plant forms and tabulating, we make the following showing : _; aJ o5 LOCALITY. * ,0 1 a 1 E fc 37 ! I 2 Cold Spring Brook Reservoir No. 4, 1 3 5 9 34 76 60 131 15 6 ,7 76 35.7 foot below surface 31 2 15 13 130 215 20 44 29 11 14 152 56.3 Reservoir No. 4, mid-depth . . Reservoir No. 4, 25 3 9 55 129 278 27 6 6 195 61.1 near bottom . . 29 4 58 4 32 32 28 22 5 6 15 167 33.5 From this table it is clearly apparent that the greatest activity of the micro- scopical plants is in the months correspond- ing to the highest temperature. December we may leave out of this comparison, as by reason of the increased number due to the change in method, the record for that month is probably abnormal so far as the balance of the series is cpncerned. February appears as a period of minimum plant life, while October and November are also low. This is as might be expected in February, though 105 the record here gives a different result in October and November from the author's experience with other bodies of water in which the microscopical plant life has been found especially vigorous in these months. The explanation must be looked for in further study of samples from Eeservoir No. 4, though a partial explanation may be inferred by studying the relations of the chemical constituents to the crypto- gamic growths. Such relations can be more conveniently shown by diagrams than by either tabulations, or written descrip- tions ; and Plates I. to IV. have accordingly been prepared for this purpose. Studying them, it appears that in Cold Spring Brook, and also in the reservoir, at both surface and mid-depth, the period of greatest devel- opment of plant life bears a clear relation to the maximum point reached by the nitrates ; the same may also be affirmed of the results of the examinations of samples near the bottom, though probably some- what different forces are at work near the bottom of a deep body of water from those either near the surface or at mid-depth, 106 and points between. The nature of these forces may be now indicated : EFFECT OF LIGHT. The chlorophylaceous and amylaceous plants require light as the primary condi- tion of growth ; and if we assume, for the time being, a fixed condition of the water at various planes, we may say that the varieties of cryptogamic plant life, which depend upon light, will decrease as we go deeper in any given body of water, in accordance with some law bearing a rela- tion to the intensity of light at the given plane. Changes in quality of light as depth increases may result from two causes, or, rather, from a combination of two causes. There will always be either an increased opacity of the water itself, due to increase of coloring matter as the depth increases ; or where the coloring matter is constant at all depths, the decrease in intensity of light will be in accordance with the general law, that intensity decreases geometrically as distance increases arithmetically. By way of illustration, we may assume the 107 opacity of a given body of water to be such as to cut off ^ f fcne tota l intensity of light at the depth of one foot. We have then, after passing through one foot of such water, Jg- of the original intensity at the surface. In passing through the second foot, the light again loses ^ of the total quantity of light entering the second foot, or $ of Jg. At the depth of two feet, the total intensity is therefore |J of the original intensity, and so on for any depth whatever. On examining the color column in the tables of results, or the profile of the same on the diagrams, we find that great varia- tions in color occurred in the water of Cold Spring Brook, the color determinations run- ning all the way from 3.50 in August, 1889, to 0.30 in August, 1890. Also, that in June, 1890, the color scale stands 1.80. This of itself represents an enormous dif- ference in the plant-producing capacity of the water of this stream between June and August, 1890, and by itself affords a partial explanation of why the plant development in August, 1890, was so greatly in excess of that in June. Partial explanation is . 108 stated in the foregoing, because many other circumstances tend to modify the results, and no one cause can be assigned as a full explanation. If we consider the color scale in the results for Beservoir No. 4, one foot below the surface, we find that the range in vari- ation in 1890 was from 0.35 in August and September, to 0.85 in November; 0.50 being the figure for July and August in that year. At mid-depth the figures for 1890 show 0.60 for June ; 0.50 for July ; 0.40 for August and September; 0.45 for October; and 0.85 for November. Near the bottom they are 0.70 for May and June ; 0.40 for July ; 0.35 for August ; 0.50 for September ; 0.55 for October ; and 0.85 for November. The relation of these to the other results are also clearly indicated on the diagrams. Examining the tabulations further, it appears* while a considerable number of chlorophylaceous algae (Chlorophyceae) are found at mid-depth, ' the number is still much less than at one foot below the sur- face; and near the bottom, the numbers 109 run generally even smaller. This is as may be predicated from what is -known in reference to the influence of light on vege- tation. In white light the rays of different intensity of wave motion are commingled in such manner that the various-colored bands of the spectrum are not apparent. Such light is normal so far as related to physiological action on the processes of vegetation. The chemical changes in grow- ing plants, however, are chiefly due to the rays of inferior wave motion.; as, for in- stance, the red, orange, yellow, or green. The mechanical changes, on the other hand, are produced by the rays of high-wave motion,; the blue, violet, or ultra-violet. The former are chiefly concerned in the production of chlorophyl, the decomposi- tion of carbon dioxide, and the formation of starch. The latter influence the rapid- ity of growth, alter the movements of protoplasm, compel swarm-spores to adopt a definite direction in their motion, change the tension of the tissues of the motile organs, and hence affect their position, etc.* * Sachs' Botany, p. 778. 32 110 Again, the action of light on plants is in proportion to its intensity. This question is one with more than theoretical interest, as is sufficiently shown by considering that the production of starch in the chlorophy- laeeous algae is dependent upon the quan- tity of light which the plants receive. All the free-floating forms are from a variety of causes ; as, for instance, changes of tem- perature, cessation of the production of gas by the plants themselves, etc. ; quite sus- ceptible to changes in specific gravity, and, therefore, at different times, occupy differ- ent levels in the water. In light of less than a certain degree of intensity the starch is not formed; the protoplasmic matter, which, with sufficient intensity of light, would go to the production of starch, remains protoplasmic. Again, if algae, in which starch is fully formed, are placed in the dark, or in light of less than the starch- producing degree of intensity, the starch already formed will disappear; such changes taking place as restore the starch material to its original state. On being again brought into strong light, the starch will Ill reform, and by treatment in a suitable cul- ture-cell, all these formations can, under proper gradation of light, be observed for a considerable length of time. The application to be made of these observations is in relation to the changes in intensity of the light which will exist at different depths in any given body of water, and, consequently, in relation to the varying quality of the water itself at dif- ferent depths. In this connection it is- important to clearly understand that the production of chlorophyl and starch is very intimately related to the chemical compo- sition of water, and that if such conditions obtain as preclude the continuance of their formation, changes in chemical composition may be expected to result. This phase of the subject could be pur- sued indefinitely, but the limits of a vol- ume of the Science Series clearly will not permit. The foregoing is a skeleton merely ; and the reader who cares to pursue the subject further must consult the great works of Sachs'. 32aandb 112 EFFECT OF TEMPERATURE. The most important law of temperature in relation to plant life with which we are concerned, in an investigation of the relation of cryptogamic growths to the purity of a natural water, is that affirm- ing, that in plant growth the exercise of every function is restricted to certain definite limits of temperature, within which it alone can take place.* A corollary to the foregoing may be stated as follows : the functions of a plant are assisted and accelerated in their in- tensity when the temperature rises above the lower limit for that function ; on reaching a definite higher degree, a maxi- mum of intensity is attained, the activity then decreases with a further increase of temperature, until it entirely ceases at the upper limit.! As a brief deduction from the foregoing law, it may be assumed that some plants (and the assumption is apparently en- tirely true as applied to cryptogams) will * Sachs' Botany, p. 727. t LOG. cit., p. 729. grow best in low temperatures, others in high temperatures, the latter being much the more numerous in this latitude. Or- dinarily, therefore, the lowering of the temperature of a body of water, as winter approaches, will be accompanied by a de- crease in the amount and variety of micro- scopical life. Exceptions to this rule may, however, be expected by reason of certain forms flourishing in a low temperature. Again, in very large and deep bodies of water it is necessary to go only a few feet (50 to 80) below the surface before a level is reached in which the temperature is practically constant throughout the whole year. In such a body the few observations that have been thus far made, indicate an abundant development of both plant and 4 animal life in winter. This is finely shown by Mr. Vorce in his paper on Forms Ob- served in Water of Lake Erie, 25 where are figured and described in the first part, one hundred and ninety-two species of plants and animals, all observed between Dec. 25, 1880 and Jan. 22, 1881. A study of Lake Erie water for several years by Mr. Vorce, 114 indicated the appearance of certain forms at about the same time every year. This observation as to periodicity of forms has been verified by the author in his studies of the water of Hemlock Lake. In smaller bodies of water, like Reservoir No. 4 of the Boston supply, it is uncertain that any such permanency and periodicity of the winter forms are maintained. Addi- tional study is necessary to elucidate this point. PHYSICAL CONDITION OF THE WATER. From the preceding, it is evident that in generalizing the results of these ex- aminations, it must be borne in mind that April, May, and June are months of 1 increasing temperature ; July, August, and September months of maximum tempera- ture ; October, November, and December months of decreasing temperature ; and January, February, and March the months of minimum temperature. The general ef- fect of these changes on the quantity and quality of the microscopical life has been already briefly indicated ; it now remains 115 to point out an important series of changes in the body of water itself, due to the fluctuations of temperature. In the first place, in summer the mean temperature of shallow bodies of water will generally be higher than that of deeper ones; this temperature will be more quickly reached in the months of increase, and more quickly lost in the months of decrease. In winter the shal- low body will usually exhibit a some- what lower temperature than the deeper one. Again, as cold weather approaches, in the fall, the upper layers of a body of water become cooler than the layers im- mediately below ; and there accordingly results, by reason of gravitation, a com- plete vertical circulation, through the influ- ence of which the relative positions of the top and bottom layers are reversed, down to a depth where the temperature may be expected to remain uniform for the whole year. By way of illustrating the extent of the force producing this overturning in the fall, the following table of relative 116 density and weight of a cubic foot of water, at different temperatures, is in- serted.* 1 Tempera- ture. Relative Density. ** ^5 OT3 2fe 4s 2 m 32 .99987 62.416 35 .99996 62.421 39. 3 1. 62.424 45 .99992 62.419 50 .99975 62.408 55 .99946 62.390 60 .99907 62.366 65 .99859 62.336 70 .99802 62.300 75 .99739 62.261 80 .99669 62.217 July 4, 1889, Desmond FitzGerald, C. E., and the author made a number of measure- ments of the temperature of Lake Cochit- uate, at a depth of sixty feet. A mean of several of the observations gives a * Smith's Hydraulics, p. 14. 117 temperature at that depth of 45. 4 ; the change at points a short distance apart being from 44.2 to 470. The surface temperature at the point of making the observations was 75.6, the air being 77. 2. From the foregoing table, it appears that a cubic foot of water at 45 weighs 62.419 pounds ; and at a temperature of 75 the weight is 62.261 pounds, giving a difference at these temperatures of 0.158 pounds. It is clear, therefore, that at this time of year the bottom layers were certain to remain at the bottom, by virtue of superior gravity. On the approach of cold weather, however, the decrease in temperature at the surface increases the density there, gradually leading to a complete vertical circulation, as already indicated. Again, in shallow bodies of water we may further occasionally have a vertical circu- lation, from bottom to top, due to the influence of heavy winds ; and the upper layers of a large and deep body may also be expected to respond to the same source of discrepancy. 118 All these various modifying influences must be taken into account in studying the results of water-supply examinations. LUDLOW RESERVOIR, SPRINGFIELD. The main source of supply to the city of Springfield, Massachusetts, is derived from the Ludlow Storage Reservoir. The 'area when filled, is about 445 acres, and the total content 1,992,000,000 gallons. The reservoir was constructed about 1875, and during every summer since, the water has been unpleasantly affected with bad tastes and odors. The greatest depth is about twenty-four feet, with an average of nearly fourteen feet. Of the area flowed by the reservoir, two hundred and eighty-one acres were covered with forest, a portion of which was swampy land with peaty de- posits, from six inches to four feet in depth. The peaty areas are all at least twelve feet below the flow-line, and many of them sixteen feet below. All trunks of trees and brush were burned, and stumps cut low and charred. Nearly six and one-half acres of the most objectionable portion of 119 the swamp were sanded over to a depth of about one and one-half feet. The shores are mostly abrupt, the only exception be- ing a small shallow area at the upper end. The original plan included the uniting of several water-sheds by canals ; and the total tributary area was 6,484 acres. In 1886 a portion of this was cut off, leaving at the present time 4,358 acres, on which there is only a very small population.* The chemical and microscopical analyses recorded in the following tables are of the greatest interest, as showing the relation between the high ammonias and the ex- cessive development of plant, and, at times, of animal life. These" relations are so clearly shown by the tables and diagrams that an extended discussion may be omitted. A few points only will be noted. In the first place, the reader's attention is directed to the fact, that during the whole time covered by these tables, this -water has been in constant use for domestic purposes in the city of Springfield; the total con- sumption for all purposes being about 4,000,000 gallons per day. * Special Report, Tart I., pp. 296-7. 13 c 120 ^ f B e 1 .g HI V>- & fe ^ cc & S 5j * OOOOOQOOOOOOOOOOOOOO OOOO'C;OOOOQOC'OC^OC: C_ O O Q ^ papu^d sia uo sso r i 'NtO;X>-t*C'O-fO30O-ti-*'^O-riOOC^X> OOO'OOOOOOOOOOOCOOO^ uopuni -UTBX3 0.^.^* O.^C 00 00 CO f '-i 00 iO C* 5C JC O O ?t O ^H o t-^ r-i O O 7J jT 00 121 , , , , , , 00 00 3i N N 00 OS 00-"^ 00 I O \m\ 5 N-tiTtirp O ssg318i!$8$ -^SSoqooooo . o'o'oooooooo'ooo'oo " s *- D to 4i M o ^ o o t; "&< ^* - jr ^ ^ ,^ j .JJ. .5 3 si *0 ^ " i, Slls = 1 1 ! 1 1 fab 2 ^ -5 Iflll 88 ^ B. S i - -r I 5 u i 3 o ^ C 122 s o> ll il y of mbe -'OOOOOOOOgjOOCi'^iO co J w - ' *O a^-'C M o s a 1 :! 123 ooooooow O O O O O !C O ooooooow 0000000 00 oooooooo 00000 ^J0r5 lOOCCOOOO--' WO .' O O-f OrH 00 -00 ^ O ooooo w f llilfill oooooo jj o^oo - A a e- 000000^000^ w&lrJ-i! J T 1 t _ C T! &" : 124 .S 3 o o O 9 O 3 *-SJ CJco CO I 3 K y of exam mber of s b O 125 ooooowoo O^oc^ooooooooo Ss N* 1 OOOOOCQOO O^^;!^^ 00 w 5 ^^^H-00 & OOOO^^JO-H Oz^^wooc^o ^ 1 M O^oco 000 O 0:;::) i OOJOOSOOO O N w O jj ^ ft c, I C-JOOOO^w-* ON^ J u ft a 00 1 (NCOO'-C-^O^l ON3^O OOOO O OC> 1 OOg?* 0^^3^'- ( c> 'o <=>o O ^ ^ N g p, i 00^00 0000 OOOOCOO^ONOC^O^^O 50 ft p,ft i OO - t! ftft s 00 s oooooooo OWSOOOOQOOOOO 1 OQOOOO^.^ CM OW* 101 ^^ ^ 1 ^ tlu S p,ft i oooooooo O^^OOOiMO 00 00 W" 1 1 oo o oooow OGooao, i cc o 02 ^'-g K 5^ . I';, .> . . . < isssigg frjflgslll alilllf! S-S-ggi-Sgl O5CODO&3 IliiJlilil j -Sliilfstlllll I|||l|tl|l|8l.l gc- s -"r"~ Si o M O iJ I 128 DEDUCTIONS FROM THE LUDLOW RESER- VOIR DIAGRAM. A study of the diagram of the results of the chemical and microscopical examina- tions, Plate V., of water from six feet below the surface of Ludlow B/eservoir, further elucidates a number of points of interest in relation to the connection be- tween the light transmitting capacity of water, and the production of excessive growths of microscopical plants and ani- mals. One explanation of such growths has been what may be termed the theory of sufficiency of food ; according to which, it is assumed that excessive developments of any given organism can only occur in a particular locality, when the kind of food required by the organism is present in that locality in sufficient abundance to nourish the developing form. This theory, while, as a general proposition essentially true, is still, by reason of the existence of a number of modifying elements, hardly a full explanation of all the attending phe- nomena, as may be briefly pointed out. 129 The so-called free ammonia and the mineral nitrates, are the two chemical constituents which contribute most exten- sively to the nourishment of minute plants in potable water. Both of these are rela- tively low in Ludlow Reservoir, for the whole time covered by these observations. If, however, we examine the relation of the color line on the diagram to that of the Diatomaceae, Chlorophyceae, Cyanophy- ceae. and Infusoria, we discover that the several maximum developments of micro- scopical life have all occurred, either when the color scale was decreasing, or at or near a minimum. In no case during the period from June, 1889, to December* 1890, has there been an excessive development of life while the color scale was high. Again, a rise in the color scale has appar- ently been followed, usually, by a decrease in the number of organisms. Again, in August, 1890, a rise of the Diatomaceae to 1,950 per cubic centimetre, was nearly co- incident with a fall of the color scale from 0.50 to 0.15. If we examine other tabula- tions of large developments of minute life, 130 as given in the Report of the Massachu- setts Board, we find a number of confir- mations of the general law here indicated. Some exceptions are also found, but the evidence in favor is apparently somewhat in excess of that against. A study of the several tables, in refer- ence to the point under discussion, indi- cates, further, that the excessive growths of microscopical life have usually, thus far, occurred in Massachusetts in waters of relatively low color scale ; a point which, if found true on further study, must be set down to the credit of the colored waters, as indicating that they are somewhat less liable to sudden deteriorations of taste and odor than the colorless or so-called white waters. The whole subject of plant and animal development in potable waters is, however, still in its infancy, and pro- visional conclusions can only be drawn at present. It is not intended, therefore, to assert that the law of development of minute forms in an inverse ratio to the amount of color is yet fully proven. Its demonstration, if made at all, will follow 131 from further, and more accurate and elabo- rate, tabulations of the amount of minute life.' The question may, however, be very appropriately asked, why the theory of sufficiency of food does not fully explain the cause of the excessive development which regularly takes place not only in the Ludlow Reservoir, but in many other similar bodies of water ? A complete answer will lead to the con- sideration of somewhat profound questions in relation to the reproduction and devel- opment of the Protophyta and the Pro- tozoa,' and will indeed lead, figuratively, into rather deep water. The question was, however, ably discussed by Alexander Braun, forty years ago, in his "Rejuven- escence in Nature." " Braun takes up the question more especially in its relation to the life and development of plants, and shows that among the cryptogams, at any rate, there are alternating periods, on the one hand, of moderate reproduction, and, on the other, of extraordinary reproduc- tion ; that during the first period, the life 132 forces of the plant are gradually conserv- ing themselves for the necessarily excess- ive effort required in the second. There is, therefore, an alternation of generations, the respective periods of which are as yet indeterminate ; and we may conclude that the excessive development of minute life which has characterized water-supplies suffering from bad tastes and odors, is merely a manifestation of one phase of such alternation ; but why, in many cases, occurring at irregular intervals, we are, as yet, unable to definitely say. An explanation of this irregularity of appearance of these troubles may be found in the case of some of the Cryptogams, in the consideration that the spores, after a period of activity, enter into a resting state, and only re-awaken to a new life after more or less complete desiccation and resubjection to moisture. It is quite possible, in this view, that many years may intervene between periods of such disturbances of a water supply by any given cryptogam. Returning for a moment to the subject 133 of colored water, the statement can be now made, that while a given colored water may be the subject of an excessive devel- opment of plant life, nevertheless, other things being equal, the development would be for many species more pronounced, when once started, in either a colorless water or one of low color scale, than in waters of high, or relatively high, color scale. The decrease in intensity, or the modification in quality, of light, resulting from the presence of the coloring matter may be expected to exert a modifying in- fluence on the activity of any given crypto- gamic development. In reference to the Ludlow Eeservoir it may be said, by way of concluding the subject, that the old, swampy bottom of this reservoir must be considered as un- favorable for maintaining a high degree of freedom from cryptogamic growths. Such a location may be expected to contain the accumulated resting spores of various Cryptogams for many years. The origi- nal flooding of the reservoir started this accumulation of resting spores into vigor- 134 cms life ; the energy of the development being possibly proportionate to length of the period of rest. The original construc- tion should, therefore, have included the sanding of the entire bottom to the depth of at least two feet, instead of the worst portions to the depth of a foot and a half. The existing conditions can probably be improved by correcting the shallow flow- age at the upper end, and keeping the reservoir as nearly full as possible : we thereby eliminate the opportunity which now exists for an annual desiccation and revivification of spores. Systematic obser- vations of the kind, made in X 1889 and 1890, will be likely, then, to determine if any marked decrease in number and vari- ety of organisms is taking place, as may be expected if the foregoing theory is approximately true. It is, however, ex- ceedingly doubtful if there will be any marked improvement so long as the alter- nate covering and uncovering of the shal- low portions at the upper end furnishes annually the ideal conditions for active cryptogamic development. All that can 135 be hoped for, with present conditions, is that the generations of little plants and animals may in time exhaust themselves : as yet there is absolutely no data for pre- dicting when this will take place. The water supply of Brockton, Mass., presents a case of a water in which the color is usually high (the minimum from June, 1889, to December, 1890, is 0.45> the maxi- mum 1.30, and the mean 0.85), and which is also the source of an abundant crypto- ganiic life. A comparison of the tabula- tions indicates that here, also, the general law of relation of the development of the plants to intensity of light, as indicated by the color scale, is found to fairly hold good as shown in the case of Ludlow Res- ervoir. The foregoing is a skeleton of the new art of the quantitative microscopical exam- ination of potable water. The list of literature will show the several sources of useful information. LITERATURE. THE following list of books, journals, and miscellaneous papers does not in any sense exhaust the several subjects. With three or four exceptions it includes only those either in the author's own collection, or to which he has, at various times, had access. A considerable number, both of books and papers of little value for actual work at the present time, have been omitted ; and the list may, therefore, be taken as including, so far as the author can judge from his own experience, only those likely to be of utility, either in studying the sanitary relations and biology of a public water supply and cognate ques- tions, or in making the microscopical ex- amination of potable water. Those who desire a more complete bibliography are referred to the volumes in the following list, which are specially indicated by the double asterisks thus,** where exhaust- 137 138 ive lists of the several special subjects may be found. The Natural History Cata- logues of W. P. Collins, 157 Great Port- land Street, London, W., may also be profitably consulted for lists of books and papers on the various forms of micro- scopical life. A very few books on the microscope -are included in this list, to which the ob- jection may be made, that they are of a popular character rather than scientific. To this objection it may be stated, that all such which are included have been of use to the author by furnishing some fact not found elsewhere ; and it is with the ex- pectation that they may be of similar use to others that they appear here. I. WATER IN ITS CHEMICAL, BIOLOGICAL, AND SANITARY RELATIONS. 1. Blyth, A. W. : A Manual of Public Health. 8vo, London, Macmillan & Co., 1890. 2. Buck, A. H. : A Treatise on Hygiene and Public Health. 2 vols, 8vo, New York, Wm. Wood & Co., 1879. 139 3. Chambe.rlain, C. W. : Organic Impuri- ties in Drinking Water. Paper in An. Kept, of Conn. St. Bd. Health, 1883, pp. 259-280. 3^. Cohn, F. : Ueber den Brunnenfaden (Crenothrix polyspora), mit Bemerkungen iiber die Mikroscopische Analyse des Brun- nenwassers. In Beitrage zur Biologie der Pflanzen, 1870. 4. Davis, Floyd : An Elementary Hand- book of Potable Water. 12 mo, Boston, Silver, Burdett, & Co., 1891. 5. Drown, T. M. : (a) The Color and Odor of Surface Waters. Jour. New Eng. W. Wks. Assn., March, 1888. (b) The Filtration of Natural Waters. Jour. Assn. of Eng. Socs., 1890 ; also, Jour. New Eng. W. Wks. Assn. Dec., 1890. [For further on the same subjects, by Dr. Drown, see Special Report' Mass. Board, 1890, Part L] 6. Frankland, E. : Water Analysis for Sanitary Purposes. 12mo, Philadelphia, P. Blakiston, 1880. 7. Hassall, A. H. : (a) A Microscopic Examination of the Water supplied to the 140 Inhabitants of London and the Suburban Districts. London, 1850. (b) Food : Its Adulterations and the Methods for their Detection. 12mo, London, Longmans, Green, & Co., 1876. 8. Hirt, L. : Ueber den Principien und die Methode der Mikroscopischen Unter- suchung des Wassers. Zeitschrift fiir Biologie, 1879. 8J. Hulwa, F. : Beitrage zur Schwem- menkanalization und Wasser-Versorgung der Stadt Breslau. Centralblatt ftir allge- meine Gesundheitspflege, Erganzungshefte, 1885. 9. Kean, A. L. : A New Method for the Microscopical Examination of Water. Sci- ence, Feb. 15, 1889. Eng. News, March 30, 1889. 10. Leeds, A. R,. : Reports on the Water Supply of Philadelphia. (a) Eeport on the Condition of the Schuylkill River in January, 1883. An. Rept. Chf. Eng., Phil. W. Dept., 1883, pp. 343-372. (6) Preliminary Eeport of a Chemical Investigation into the Present and Pro- 141 posed Future Water Supply of Philadel- phia. An. Kept. Chf. Eng., Phil. W. Dept., 1883. pp. 231-262. (c) Eeport of Progress of a Chemical Investigation, etc., W. Sup. of Philadelphia. An. Kept. Chf. Eng., 1884, pp. 353-381. (d) Final Eeport of a Chemical Investi- gation, etc., W. Sup. of Philadelphia. An. Kept. Chf. Eng., 1885, pp. 379-400. 11. Left'man and Bean : Examination of Water for Sanitary and Technical Pur- poses. 12mo, 'Philadelphia, P. Blakiston .& Co.. 1889. 12. Mallet, J. W. : Eeports (1), (2), (3), On the Eesults of an Investigation as to the Chemical Methods for the Determina- tion of Organic Matter in Potable Water. An. Eept. Nat. Bd. Health for year ending June 30, 1882, pp. 184-354. 13. Massachusetts State Board of Health, Eeports. Boston, (a) On Some Impurities of Drinking Water caused by Vegetable Growths, by W. G. Farlow. Supplement for 1879, pp. 131-152. (b) Eeport of the Biologist, G. H. Parker. Nineteenth An. Eept. 142 (c) Special Report on Water Supply and Sewerage, 1890. Part I. contains : (1) The Chemical Examination of Waters and the Interpretation of Analyses, by Dr. T. M. Drown ; (2) Report upon the Organ- isms, excepting the Bacteria, found in the Waters of the State, by GL H. Parker; (3) Summary of Water Supply Statistics, by F. P. Stearns; (4) Classification of Drinking Waters of the State ; (5) Special Topics Relating to the Quality of Public Water Supplies, by Messrs. F. P. Stearns and Dr. T. M. Drown ; and (6) the Pollu- tion and Self-Purification of Streams, by F. P. Stearns. Part II. contains : (1) A Report of the Chemical Work of the Lawrence Experi- ment Station, including Methods of Analy- sis, and some Investigations of the Process of Nitrification, by Messrs. Dr. T. M. Drown and A. Hazen; (2) A Report of the Bio- logical Work of the Lawrence Experiment Station, including an account of Methods Employed and Results Obtained in the Microscopical and Bacteriological Investi- gations of Sewage and Water, by Wm. T. 143 Sedgwick; (3) Investigations upon Nitrifi- cation and the Nitrifying Organism, by E. 0. Jordan and Ellen H. Kichards. (In addition, the general subject of water sup- ply, its purification, and the purification of sewage, are all treated exhaustively in this Special Report.) (d) Twenty-Second Annual Report con- tains additional results of chemical and microscopical examinations. (e) Many of the earlier reports contain much valuable matter, but the Nineteenth to Twenty-Second Annuals, and the Special Reports are the chief references for the recent views. 14. MacDonald, J. D. : A Guide to the Microscopical Examination of Drinking Water. 2d ed., 8vo, London, J. and A. Churchill, 1883. 15. Mills, H. : Micro-Organisms in Buf- falo Water Supply and in Niagara River. Proc. Am. Soc. Micrs., 1882. 16. Nichols, Win. Ripley : (a) On the Filtration of Potable Water. Ninth An. Rept. Mass. St. Bd. Health ; also reprint by D. Van Nostrand, New York, 1879. 144 () Eemarks on the Tastes and Odors of Surface Waters. Jour. Assn. Eng. Socs., Jan., 1882. (c) Natural Filtration at Berlin. Jour. Frank. Inst., CXIIL (1882), pp. 209-216. (This paper contains an account of Creno- tkrix, and a number of references to the literature of that organism.**) (d) Water Supply considered Mainly from a Chemical and Sanitary Standpoint. ** 8vo, New York, J. Wiley and Sous, 1883. 17. Parkes, E. A. : A Manual of Prac- tical Hygiene. 2 vols. in 1, 8vo. From last London ed., New York, Win. Wood & Co., 1884. (Contains an appendix giving the American practice.) 18. Parkes, L. C. : Hygiene and the Public Health. 12mo, Philadelphia, P. Blakiston, Son, & Co., 1889. 19. Radlkofer, L. : Mikroscopische Un- tersuchung der Organischen Substanzen im Brunnenwasser. Zeitschrift fur Biolo- gie, 1865. 20. Rafter, G. W. : (a) On the Micro- Organisms in Hemlock Water. Rochester, 1888. 145 (b) On the Fresh-Water Algae and their Relation to the Purity of Public Water Supplies. Trans. Am. Soc. C. E., XXL (1889), pp. 483-557. (c) Biological Examination of Potable Water. Prod. Roch. Acad. Sci., 1890, pp. 34-44. (d) Deterioration of Water in Reser- voirs; its Causes and Prevention. Four- teenth An. Rept. Xew Jersey St. Bd. Health, 1890, pp. 111-122. 21. Sedgwick, -Win. T. : (a) Recent Prog- ress in Biological Water Analysis. Jour. New Eng. W. Wks. Assn., Sept., 1889. pp. 50-55. (b) Utilization of Surface Water for Drinking Purposes. Jour. New Eng. W. Wks. Assn., Sept., 1890, pp. 33-39. (c) The Data of Filtration : Part I., Bac- teria in Drinking Water. Part II., Oii Crenothrix Kiihnina (Rabenhorst) Zopf, Tech. Quart., Mass. Inst. Tech., 1890. (d) Report as Biologist, in Special Rept. Mass. Bd. (Noted under Mass. Repts.) 22. Smart, C. : Report on the Water Supply of Mobile and New Orleans. Rept. Nat. Bd. Health, 1880, pp. 441-514. 146 23. Sorby, H. C. : Detection of Sewage Contamination by the Use of the Micro- scope and on the Purifying Action of Mi- nute Animals and Plants. Jour. Soc. Arts, XXXII. (1884), pp. 929-930 ; Jour. Eoy. Micr. Soc., Ser. II., vol. iv. (1884), pp. 988- 991. 24. Tiemann and Gartner : Die Che- inische und Mikroskopisch-Bakteriolo- gische Untersuchung cles Wassers. 8vo, Braunschweig, F. Viemeg and Son, 1889. 25. Vorce, C. M. : Microscopic Forms Observed in Water of Lake Erie. Proc. Am. Soc. Micrs. for the year 1881 and 1882. 26. Wanklyn, J. A. : Water Analysis. 12mo, 7th ed., !N"ew York, D. Van Nos- trand Co., 1889. 27. Wilson, G. : A Handbook of Hy- giene and Sanitary Science. 12mo, 5th ed., Philadelphia, P. Blakiston, Son, & Co., 1885. 28. Wolff, A. J. : The Sanitary Exam- ination of Drinking Water. Eighth An. Kept. Conn. St. Bd. Health (1885), pp. 251-305. 147 29. Zopf, W. : Entwickehmgsgeschlicht- liche Untersuchung iiber Crenothrix Poly- spora, die Ursache der Berlin Wassercala- mitat. Berlin, 1879. II. GENERAL BOTAXY. 30. Bessey, C. F. : Botany (Advanced Course), 8vo, 5th ed., New York, Henry Holt& Co., 1888.' 31. Gray, A. : Structural and Systematic Botany and Vegetable Physiology. 8vo. 32. Sachs, J.: (a) Text-Book of Botany.** Edited by Vines. 8vo, 2d ed., Oxford, Clarendon Press, 1882. (b) Physiology of Plants.** 8vo, Oxford, Clarendon Press, 1887. III. CRYPTOGAMIC BOTAXY. 33. Bennett & Murray : A Handbook of Cryptogamic Botany.** 12mo, New York, Longmans, Green, & Co., 1889. 34. Grevilea : A Quarterly Eecord of Cryptogamic Botany, 1872-1886. 148 IV. FRESH-WATER 35. Cooke, M. C. : British Fresh- Water Algae, exclusive of the Desmidiea? and Diatomaceae.** 2 vols, 8vo, London, Wil- liams & Norgate, 1882-1884 36. Hassali, A. H. : A History of the British Fresh- Water Algae, including Des- midieae and Diatomaceae. 2 vols, 8vo, London. 1857. 37. Rabenhorst, L. : Flora Europaea Al- garum Aquae Dulcis et Submarine.** 8vo, Leipsic, 1864. 38. Wolle, F. : Fresh- Water Algae of the United States.** 8vo, Bethlehem, Pa., 1887. 39. Wood, H. C. : A Contribution to the History of the Fresh-Water Algae of North America.** 4to, Washington, 1872. V. DESMIDIE.E. 40. Cooke, M. C. : British Desmids, a supplement to British Fresh- Water Algae. 8vo, London, Williams & Norgate, 1886, 1887. 41. Ralfs, D. : The British Desmidiese. 8vo, London, 1848. 149 42. Wolle, F.: Desmids of the United States.** 8vo, Bethlehem, Pa., 1884. VI. DIATOMACE^E. 43. Habirshaw, F. : Catalogue of the Dia- tomacese. With references to the various published descriptions and figures. New York, 1877. 44. Smith, Win. : Synopsis of the Brit- ish Diatomacese. 2 vols. 8vo, London, 1853-1856. 45. Smith, H. L. : A Contribution to the Life History of the Diatomacese. Proc. Am. Soc. Micrs., 1886, 1887. 46. Van Heurck. H. : Synopses des Di- atomees de Belgique.** 2 vols. 8vo, An- vers, 1885. 47. Wolle, F. : Diatomaceae of North America.** 8vo, Bethlehem, Pa., 1890. VII. FUNGI. 48. Cooke & Berkeley: Fungi: Their Nature, Influence, and Uses. 3d ed., 12- mo, London, Kegan, Paul, Trench, & Co., 1883. 150 49. Crookshank, E. M. : Manual of Bac- teriology.** 3d ed., 8vo, New York, D. H. Vail & Co., 1891. 50. De Barry, A. : Comparative Mor- phology and Biology of the Fungi, Myce- tozoa, and Bacteria.** 8vo, Oxford, Clar- endon Press, 1887. 51. Mathews & Lott : The Microscope in the Brewery and Malt House. 8vo, New York, I). Appleton & Co., 1889. 52. Pasteur, L. : Studies on Fermen- tation. 8vo, London, Macmillan & Co., 1879. 53. Schiitzenberger, P. : On Fermenta- tion. 12mo, New York, D. Appleton & Co., 1889. VIII. GENERAL ZOOLOGY. 54. Brooks, W. K. : Handbook Inverte- brate Zoology. 8vo, Boston, 1882. 55. Clauss, C. : An Elementary Text- Book of Zoology. 2 vols. 8vo, London, Macmillan & Co., 1885. 5G. Huxley, T. H. : Manual of the Anat- omy of Invertebrated Animals. 8vo, 1877. 151 IX. MICROSCOPICAL CRUSTACEA. 57. Baird, W. : The Natural History of the British Entomostraca.** 8vo, London, Ray Society, 1850. 58. Herrick, C. L. : (a) Microscopic En- tomostraca. An. Rept. of the Geolog. and Nat. His. Sur. Minn., 1878, pp. 81-123 T 21 Plates. (b) A Final Report on the Crustacea of Minnesota, included in the Orders Cla- docera and Copepoda.** Geol. and Nat. His. Sur. Minn., 30 Plates, Minneapolis, 1884. X. ROTIFERA. 59. Herrick, C. L. : Notes on American Rotifera. Bull. Sci. Lab. Dennison Uni- versity, pp. 43-62, Granville, Ohio, 1885. 60. Hudson and Gosse : The Rotiferru or Wheel Animalcules, both British and Foreign.** Roy. 8vo, 2 vols. with Sup- plement, London, Longmans, Green, . & Co., 1889. 152 XI. POLYZOA. 61. Allman, G. J. : The Fresh-Water Polyzoa.** Fol.. London, Ray Society, 1856. 02. Hyatt, A. : Observations on Poly- zoa.** Proc. Essex Inst., IV. and V., Salem, 1866-1868. 63. Stokes, A. C. : The Statoblasts of our Polyzoa. The Microscope, IX., 1889. XII. INFUSORIA. 64. Kent, W. S. : A Manual of the Infusoria.** 2 vols.. Roy. 8vo, London, David Bogue, 1880. 1881. 65. Pritchard, A. : A History of Infu- soria, including the Desmidiaceae and Dia- tom acese.** (Also includes the Rotifera.) 4th ed., 8vo, London, Whittaker & Co., 1861. 66. Stokes, A. C. : A Preliminary Con- tribution towards a History of the Fresh- Watea' Infusoria, of the United States. Jour. Trenton Nat. His. Soc., I., 1888, pp. 71-344. 13 Plates. 153 XIII. RHIZOPODS. 67. Leidy, J. : Fresh-Water Rhizopods of North America.** Published by U. S. Geol. Sur., 4to, Washington, 1879. XIV. SPONOIDJE. 68. Bowerbank, J. S. : (a) Monograph of the Spongillidse.** Proc. Zool. Soc., London, 1863. (b) On the British Spon- giadae.** 3 vols., London, Eay Soc., 1864-1874. 69. Carter, J. S. : History and Classi- fication of the Known Species of Spongil- la.** Anns, and Mag. Nat. His., London, 1881. 70. Mills, H. : Fresh- Water Sponges. Proc. Am. Soc. Micrs., 1882-1884-1888. 71. Potts, E. : Contributions towards a Synopsis of the American Forms of Frebh- Water Sponges, with Descriptions of those named by other Authors, and from all pai-ts of the World. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci., Phila- delphia, Pt. II., Apr.-Aug., 1887, pp. 15S- 279. 8 Plates. 154 XV GENERAL PHYSICS. 72. Deschamel, A. P. : Elementary Trea- tise on Natural Philosophy. 8v r o, New York, D. Appleton & Co., 1875. 73. Ganot, A. : Traite Elementaire de Physique. 12mo, Paris, 1868. 74. Jamin, M. J. : Cours de Physique de PEcole Polytechnique. 4 vols., Paris, 1883. XVI. LIGHT AND ITS RELATIONS. 75. Koscoe, H. E. : Spectrum Analysis. 4th ed., 8vo, London, Macmillan & Co., 1885. 76. Schellen. H. : Spectrum Analysis. 2d ed., 8vo, London, Longmans, Green, & Co., 1885. 77. Tyndall, J. : On Light. 2d ed., 12mo, New York, D. Appleton & Co., 1883. XVII. OPTICS. 78. Aedis, W. S. : An Elementary Trea- tise on Geometrical Optics. 12mo, Cam- bridge, Deighton, Bell & Co., 1888. 155 79. Glazebrook, K. T. : Physical Optics. 12mo, New York, D. Appleton & Co., 1883. 80. Lardner, D. : Optics. 12mo, Lon- don, Crosby, Lockwood. & Co., 1878. 81. Monckhoven, D. Van : Photographic Optics. 12mo, London, E. Hardwicke, 1867. 82. Parkinson. S. : A Treatise on Optics. 4th ed.. 12mo, London, Macmillan & Co., 1884. XVIII. THE MICROSCOPE AND MICROSCOP- ICAL TECHNOLOGY. 83. Bausch. E. : Manipulation of the Microscope. 16mo, Rochester. 1885. 84. Beale, L. S. : (a) How to work with the Microscope.* * 5th ed., 8vo, Phila- delphia, Lindsay & Blakiston, 1880. (b) The Microscope in Medicine. 4th ed., 8vo, Philadelphia, Lindsay & Blakis- ton, 1878. 85. Behrens, J. W. : A Guide for the Microscopical Investigation of Vegetable Substances.* * 8vo, Boston, S. E. Casino & Co., 1885. 156 86. Carpenter, W. B. : The Microscope and its Bevelations.* * 6th ed., 12mo, London, J. and A. Churchill, 1881. 87. Cole, A. C. : Studies in Microscop- ical Science. 2 vols., 8vo, London, Bail- Here, Tindall, & Cox, 1883. 88. Davis & Mathews : The Prepara- tion and Mounting of Microscopic Objects. New York, G. P. Putnam's Sons, 1890. 89. Davis, G. E. : Practical Microscopy. 2d ed., 8vo, London, David Bogue, 1882. 90. Frey, H. : The Microscope and .Microscopical Technology.* * 8v"o, New York, Win. Wood & Co., 1880. 91. Gage, S. H. : (a) Notes on Micro- scopical Methods. 8vo, Ithaca, N. Y., Andrus & Church, 1886-7. (b) Notes on Histological Methods.* * 8vo, Ithaca, N. Y., Andrus & Church, 1885-6. 92. Hogg, J. : The Microscope : Its History, Construction, and Application. 12th ed., 12mo, London, G. Routledge & Sons, 1887. 93. Journals. (a) The Am. Jour. Microscopy, 1876- 1881. 157 (b) The Am. Monthly Micr. Jour., 1880- 1891. (c) Jour, de Micrographie, Paris, 1877- 1891. (d) Jour. Hoy. Micr. Soc., London, 1878- 1891. (e) Monthly Micr. Jour., London, 1869- 1877. (/) The Microscope. 1881-1891. (g) Quarterly Jour. Micr. Soc., London, 1853-1868. (h.) Zeitschrift fiir Wissenschaftliche Mikroskopie und fur Mikroskopische Tech- nik. Braunschweig, 1885-1891. 94. Griffith and Henfrey : The Micro- graphic Dictionary. 4th ed. Svo, London, J. Van Voorst, 1883. 95. Naegeli & Schwendener : The Mi- croscope in Theory and Practice. 8vo, London, Swan, Sonnenschein, Lowry, & Co., 1887. 96. Nave, J. : Collector's Handy-Book. 16mo, London, W. H. Allen & Co. 97. Queckett, J. : A Practical Treatise on the Use of the Microscope. 3d ed., 8vo., London, H. Bailliere, 1855. 158 98. Van Heurck, H. : Le Microscope, sa construction, son maniement, et son application speciale a Panatomie vegetale et aux diatomees. 3d ed., Bruxelles, 1878. XIX. MISCELLANEOUS, INCLUDING JOUR- NALS OF BIOLOGY AND ZOOLOGY. 99. Braun, A. : Eejuvenescence in Na- ture. 8vo, London. Ray Society, 1853. ; 100. Cooke, M. C. : (a) One Thousand Objects for the Microscope. 16mo, Lon- don. F. Warne & Co. (Ij) Ponds and Ditches. 16mo, London, 1885. (c) Rust, Smut, Mildew, and Mould : An Introduction to the Study of the Micro- scopic Fungi. 5th ed., 12ino, London, W. H. Allen & Co., 1886. 101. Huxley and Martin : A Course of Elementary Instruction in Practical Bi- ology. 12m o, London, Macmillan & Co., 1883. 102. Journals of Biology and Zoology. (a) American Naturalist. Salem and Philadelphia, 1867-1891. 159 (#) American Society of Microscopists, Proceedings, 1879-1891. (c) Archives de biologie, Paris, 1880- 1891. (d) Archives de zoologie experimentale et generale, Paris, 1883-1891. (e) Mittheilungen aus der zoologischen. Station zu Neapel, zugleich ein Keperto- rium fiir Mittelmeerkunde. Leipsic, 1878, 1891. (/) Zeitschrift fiir Biologic. Munich, 1865-1891. 103. Lankester, E. : Half-Hours with the Microscope. 17th ed., 16mo, London, W. H. Allen & Co., 1890. 104. Queckett, J. : Lectures on Histol- ogy. (Elementary Tissues of Plants and Animals.) 2 vols. 8\ r o, London, H. Bail- Here, 1852. 105. Sachs, J. Von : History of Botany (1530-1860). 12mo, Oxford, Clarendon Press, 1890. 106. Sedgwick and Wilson : General Biology, Part I. 8vo, New York, H. Holt & Co., 1888. 107. Strasburger, E. : Microscopic Bot- 160 any : A Manual of the Microscope in Vegetable Histology. 8vo, Boston, S. E. Casino, 1887. 108. Taylor, J. E. : The Aquarium. Its Inhabitants, Structure, and Manage- ment. London, W. H. Allen & Co., 1884. 109. Tyndall, J. : Essays on the Float- ing Matter in the Air, in Relation to Putre- faction and Infection. 8vo, ^"ew York, D. Appleton & Co., 1884. 110. Wood, J. G. : Common Objects for the Microscope. 16mo, London, G. Rout- ledge & Sons. OF THF UNIVERSITY OF CATALOGUE OF THE SCIENTIFIC PUBLICATIONS OF D. VAN NOSTRAND COMPANY, 23 MURRAY STREET AND 27 WARREN STREET, N. Y. A. B. C. CODE. (See Clausen-Thue.) ABBOTT (A. V.). The Electrical Transmission of Energy. A Manual for the Design of Electrical Circuits. Second edition, revised. 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