5178 I 688, /, Vindication of .9 Sheet Con- cerning the Orders of the Church of England. By Thomas Fairfax UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA AT LOS ANGELES A VINDICATION Of a Sheet, concerning the OR DERS O F T H E Againft feme REASONS, Printed at July 7. Imprimatur, A Vindication of a Sheet, tor. GuiL Needbam. LONDON: j Printed for John Howell, Bookfeiler in Oxford. 1688. ( I ) VINDICATION, Ince Pophla Pamphlets of late have found fo ill reception, and the dreadful Names of Henry Hills, and Henry Crutt ende w, in the Title- page> have been a fair warning to the Reader not to ven- ture any farther, it has been thought convenient, left the Works of this Author, which fill four whole Pa- ges, fhould perifh, to try whether tfce World will condefcend fo far as to read them for the fake of the following Reflections. For tho' any confederation of fo mean a Paper muft be confeft to require an Apo- logy, yet this being the Authors firft attempt,and he giving fome fufpicion of fenfe in daring to Print his Trifle in Oxford, a few flight Remarks may upon thefe grounds be excufable : But for the- future, unlefs he gives a cleaner Glove, he muft not expedfc the Ho- nour of an Anfwer. I fhall not enquire why our Author tacks his Some Reafons, to another Mans Twenty One Conditions : The coherence of the matters treated of is not very apparent : This may be done, perhaps, out of a complaifant imitation of a Popifi Syllogifm, where the conclufion commonly fcorns any acquaintance with the Premises. As for the Rigorous Demonftra- tor, what he has ofTer'd at fecond hand in Confutation of Dr. Hammond, andBifhop Bramhal, has by them been long fmce confuted, and a juft Reply might A ^ from 297635 VH (O from their Volumes be eafily Re print eel, were it not an injuftice to thofe Stationers who are owners of the Copies. But what at prefent I have in hand, is entirely new ; the Defign pretends to humour, the Folfy is peculiar, and the Title fantaftical. " Some Reafons, &c. Church of England. We exped: a Reafontr, and meet with a Buffoon : He pretends to vindicate the Reverend Licevfer, who would fooner pardon him a Satyr, than an f Apology. Had he been really traducd, if his weigh- ' tier Occafions, and greater Zeal for the Service of his Church than for his own Fame, had hinder'd him from defending- himfelf, hundreds of Proteftant Pens had been ambitious. of the Employment ; for Senfe would be defended by Senfe, and Learning difdains the Patronage of Ignorance. A Vindication of Father ?/VWmight have become this Author, and the brisk attack of the Proteftant Footman has made it necefla- ry. But here a Bill is given out for Impartial Perfons, to come and fee a Combat betwixt a Jefuit and a Chi-. rn ^fsConfecr.ofProt. ed - UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA AT LOS ANGELES THE UNIVERSITY LIBRARY This book is DUE on the last date stamped below 1 1 1950 Jhl -a- Fagary of his own. 4. Did I believe this Dodrine, tiio' I were a Rowan Catholick, I fliould be afraid to adore where this Man Covfecrafesjtvho has given.us a flirewd fufpicion b; the Management of this Sheet that it is difficult for him in anv thing to be intent. /v/' N I S. BX 5178 A vindlcatioi V74 _L_~" concerning o: BX 5178 V74 1688