J S 337 UC NHl I" GIFT OF 3/ W*tAwn at such taking. 30 ORDINANCES OF Sec. 83. Notice to be Given City Veterinarian. Before any such test is made, the City Veterinarian or Health Officer shall be notified at least twelve hours in advance of the time and place when and where such test is to be made and if satisfied that any cow, so tested, is free from disease he must endorse his approval upon such Certificate of Health. Sec. 84. Report of Diseases to Health Officer. It shall be the duty of any Veterinarian issuing any such Certificate to immediately re- port to the Health Officer of said City, the presence of disease in any cow or cows owned by or in the possession, charge or control of the per- son applying for such license, and it shall be the duty of the owner, op- erator, or person in charge of any dairy supplying the inhabitants of said City with milk, to report to said Health Officer the presence of any disease among any of its cows. Sec. 85. Adding New Cows to Herd. Before any cow or cows shall be added to the herd from which the licensee derives his supply of milk, the tuberculin test shall have first been applied as provided in Sec- tion 82 hereof, and such certificate filed with the City Clerk. Sec. 86. Owner to Report Diseases to Health Officer. It shall be the duty of the owner, operator or person in charge of any such dairy to immediately report to the Health Officer the presence of any contag- ious or infectious disease among any member of the family of the person supplying milk to the inhabitants of said City or among any of his employes, and milk shall not be sold from such dairy during the existence of such disease until permission is obtained from such Health Officer, which permission shall be granted upon necessary precautions being taken to prevent the spread of such contagious or in- fectious disease by the sale of such milk. Sec. 87. Rules of Board of Health to be Observed. Every person obtaining a permit to sell milk as herein provided shall observe in every particular the rules, regulations and requirements now or hereafter adopted by the Board of Health of said city relating to the care and sanitary condition of the dairy from which milk is supplied to the in- habitants of said city. Sec. 88. Appointment of Veterinary Surgeon. The Boaid of Trustees of said city hereby creates the office of City Veterinarian and may at any time, by resolution, appoint a Veterinary Surgeon or the Health Officer to fill such office. He shall perform such duties as may be required of him by said Board, and upon such appointment being made, all such certificates or Health shall thereafter be issued by such appointee. Sec. 89. Selling Without Certificate. It shall be unlawful for any person not having a permit as herein provided, to sell milk to any pet son without first obtaining a Certificate of Health as herein provided. Sec. 90. Selling where Contagious Diseases ExisT:. It shall be unlawful for any dealer in milk or cream or his agents to serve milk or cream in bottles to any dwelling that has in it any contagious disease or that has been placarded by the Health Officer of said city for a conta- gious disease until such placard has been removed by the proper author- THE CITY OF REDLANDS 31 ity. Milk may be poured from bottle into container for use of such dwelling not nearer than twenty (20) feet from such dwelling.. Sec. 91. Tagging of Tested Cows. All cows found free from tu- berculosis examined under the provisions of this article shall be tagged in the right ear by a numbered tag to be furnished by the city. All said cows that are found to be tubercular shall be at once removed from said tagged cows, and not again herded or placed with or in proximity to them or any of them until upon re-examination such cows are found to be free from tuberculosis. Sec. 92. Penalty. Any person who shall violate any of the fore- going provisions of this Chapter shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor. Sec. 93. Duties of Health Officer. It shall be the duty of the Health Officer to inspect the dairies of every person supplying milk to the inhabitants of said city, at least once every three months, and to re- port, in writing, the result of such inspection and the condition in which he may find such daries to the Board of Trustees of said city. All ex- penses incurred in that behalf by the Health Officer shall be paid by the City. CHAPTER X HEALTH AND SANITARY REGULATIONS Sec. 94. Appointment of Board of Health. 95. Duties of Health Officer. 96. Adopting Rules and Regulations. 97. Adopting Section 3045, Political Code. 98. Violation of Rules. 99. Inspection and Destruction of Meats, etc. 100. Selling Impure Meats. 101. Resisting Health Officer. 102. Landlords Reporting Cases to Health Board. 103. Reporting Removals to Health Board. 104. Reporting Deaths to Health Board. 105. Furnishing Blanks. 106. Meetings of Board of Health. 107. Sanitary Surveillance by Health Board. 108. Disinfecting Premises. 109. Notice of Contagious Diseases. 110. Exposed Persons Not to Go in Public. 111. Reporting Contagious Diseases to-School Authorities. 112. Visiting Public Institutions by Health Officer. 113. Reporting Contagious Cases. 114. Abatement of Nuisances. 115. Health Board to Determine Existence of Nuisances. 116. Failure to Abate, Unlawful. Sec. 94. Appointment of Board of Health. A Board of Health consisting of five members, shall be appointed by the Board of Trustees and shall hold office during the pleasure of the trustees. Sec. 95. Duties of Health Officer. The Secretary of said Board of Health shall be the Health Officer of the city, and it shall be his duty to enforce all rules and regulations adopted by said Board and all laws 32 ORDINANCES OF relating to the health and sanitary condition of said city. Sec. 96. Adopting Rules and Regulations. Said Board shall from time to time, as it may seem necessary, prescribe such rules and regu- lations for preserving and maintaining the health of said City, the pre- vention of diseases therein, and the spreading of any infectious or con-^ tagious disease, including provisions for quarantining infected persons, animals, building or localities. Sec. 97. Adopting Section 3045, Political Code. Pursuant to the provisions of Section 3061 of the Political Code of California, the Board of Trustees of said City do her.eby adopt for the period of five years from and after the day of the passage of this ordinance, Section 3045 of said Political Code, which reads as follows: "The Board of Health may locate and establish pest houses, and cause to be removed thereto and kept, any person having a contagious or infectious disease; may discon- tinue or remove the same, and make such rules and regulations regard- ing the conduct of the same as are needful." Provided, that said Board of Health shall not have the right to locate and establish pest houses, except by and with the consent of the Board of Trustees of said city. Sec. 98. Violation of Rules. Any person violating, or refusing to comply with any rule or regulation of said Board of Health, adopted pur- suant to the provisions of this chapter, shall be deemed guilty of a mis- demeanor. Section 99. Inspection and Destruction of Meats, Etc. It shall be the duty of the Health Officer, and he is hereby empowered to inspect any place where meat, fish, game, poultry, or the products thereof, may be stored, kept, exposed, or offered for sale, and every establishment where meat is manufactured into articles of food, or preserved, cured, canned, or otherwise prepared for food, and shall inspect the same, and whenever such meat, game, fish, poultry, or the products thereof, shall, upon inspection and examination, be found to be tainted, unwholesome, impure, adulterated, or corrupted from any cause, or treated with any chemical or preservative in any manner injurious to health, said inspec- tor shall condemn the same as unfit for human food and shall mark upon such articles of food so condemned, the word, "CONDEMNED", and shall immediately order the same, by notice in writing, to be removed within two hours from the place of business where the same has been found by such inspector and destroyed; and every such person so ordered to dispose of condemned" meat, fish, game, poultry, or the products there- of, shall, within twenty-four hours thereafter, file with said meat Inspec- tor a verified statement to the effect that he has removed and destroyed such article of food so condemned. The expense of removal and disposal shall be paid by the person in whose possession such articles of food are found. Sec. 100. Selling Impure Meats. It shall be unlawful for any per- son to hold, offer, keep, or expose for sale any meat, game, fish, poul- try, or any article of food manufactured therefrom which may be im- mature, emaciated, tainted, decaying, decayed, putrid, unwholesome, infected with any disease, treated with any chemical or preservative in- jurious to health or corrupted from any cause whatsoever; or to sell, THE CITY OF REDLANDS 33 keep for sale, offer or expose for sale, or keep in his possession at his place of business any slaughtered poultry, fish, game, or other animals used for food purposes, which has not been drawn and prepared by re- moving the viscera at the time of slaughter. Sec. 101. Resisting Health Officer. It shall be unlawful for any person keeping, or having in his possession, or under his control* any meat, h'sh, game, or poultry, or the products thereof, for sale, exposed for sale, stored, or maintained, or kept by him, to prevent, resist, op- pose, or attempt to prevent, resist or oppose the entrance of the Health Officer, or Police Officer, for the purpose of inspecting any of such ar- ticles of food, and such officers are hereby authorized to enter into any place where any of such articles of food are kept, stored, or offered for sale, to inspect the same. Sec- 102. Landlords Reporting Cases to Health Board. Every householder or manager, or proprietor, or keeper of any boarding house or hotel shall report in writing to the Board of Health of said City any person in any house or hotel under his charge, having or affected with tuberculosis. Such report shall be make within twenty-four hours after such person shall stop at such house or hotel and he shall report all known facts concerning the illness of such person. Sec. 103. Reporting Removals to Health Board. Every person in charge or control of any dwelling, apartment house, or place in said City shall forthwith report to said Board, in writing, the removal of any person afflicted with tuberculosis from such dwelling, apartment house or place. Sec. 104. Reporting Deaths to Health Board. Every physician, undertaker, householder, proprietor, or keeper of any boarding or lodg- ing house shall forthwith report, in writing, to said Board the death of any person who dies from, ~or while afflicted with tuberculosis or any contagious or infectious diseases. Sec. 105. Furnishing Blanks. Said Board of Health shall prepare printed blanks, the expense of which shall be borne by the City of Red- lands, for making reports herein required, and shall furnish and supply the same upon demand, and it shall prepare and furnish in like manner suitable circulars and information for persons afflicted with tuberculosis and those with whom they reside or live, and copies of such circulars shall be supplied to all practicing physicians in said city for free dis- tribution to their patients, and said Board shall cause said circulars to be placed in the hands of all persons so reported to it and all persons making such reports. Sec. 106. Meetings of Board of Health. The Board of Health shall meet at least once each month and the Health Officer of said city shall make a report of the affairs of his office to said city whenever re- quested so to do by the Board of Trustees of said city. $ Sec. 107. Sanitary Surveillance by Health Board. If at any time in the judgment of the Board of Health it shall become necessary for the public safety to assume sanitary surveillance on account of the neg- ligence or unwillingness of the attendant who assumes the duties of giv- ing instructions, as provided for in the preceding Sections, then said 34 ORDINANCES OF Board of Health shall assume such surveillance and no person shall in- terfere with or obstruct the inspection or examination of any building or house, or the occupants thereof by the representative of said Board of Health, when any case of tuberculosis has been reported as existing in said building or house. Sec. 108. Disinfecting Premises. It shall be the duty of the Health Officer of said city to cause to be thoroughly disinfected by such method and in such manner as may be approved by the Board of Health, any room or place occupied by any person who may have died from tubercu- losis or any infectious or contagious disease or who may have vacated any such room or premises, whenever he has knowledge of the death or the removal of any such person. Sec. 109. Notice of Contagious Diseases. The Health Officer is hereby given the right to and shall place or cause to be placed in a con- spicious place upon any house or premises, a card or flag where any in- fectious or contagious disease may exist, indicating the existence of such disease upon such premises, and whenever the Health Officer shall cause a card or flag, indicating the existence of any infectious or con- tagious disease to be placed upon, or attached to any house or dwelling, or upon any premises, it shall be unlawful for any person or persons to obstruct the view of, or destroy, deface or remove such card from any such building or premises until such time as the Health Officer may direct. Sec. 110. Exposed Persons Not to Go in Public. It shall be un- lawful for any person attending upon or otherwise coming in contact with any infectious or contagious disease to such an extent as to render him or her liable to communicate such disease to another person, to go into any public place or assembly, or mingle with other persons not effected with such infectious or contagious disease wearing any infected clothing or carrying any material that may convey infection. Sec. 111. Reporting Contagious Diseases to School Authorities. The Health Officer shall report immediately to the Superintendent of Schools and the Librarian of the Public Library the name and location of every person whom he may know to be affected with any infectious or contagious disease, and no children or other persons who have been suffering from or affected with any infectious or contagious disease, or who may belong or reside with the family, or in the same house in which a person so affected may be located, shall be permitted to visit the Pub- lic Library or to attend school, public or private, within the limits of said city as long as there is any danger from contagion or infection, and the school board, principals or teachers, or other persons in charge in the city schools are authorized and required to exclude all such children and persons from said schools until such person so excluded shall show a permit from the Health Officer, stating there is no longer any danger fron contagion or infection. Sec. 112. Visiting Public Institutions by Health Officer. The Health Officer shall visit the public institutions of the city and the pub- lic schools at least once in each quarter, investigating the sanitary con- ditions of the same, and make quarterly reports of such examinations to the Board of Health. THE CITY OF REDLANDS 35 Sec. 113. Reporting Contagious Cases. It shall be the duty of any physician, practicing his profession in the City of Redlands, to re- port to said Health Officer without any unnecessary delay, the existence of any and all infectious or contagious cases in said city that may be un- der his care or treatment, including persons afflicted with tuberculosis. Sec. 114. Abatement of Nuisances. Whenever the Board of Health of the City of Redlands shall declare the existence or mainten- ance of any condition, act or thing upon any premises occupied, owned or in control of any person, a nuisance, whether public or private, the Health Officer of said city shall certify such fact to the Marshal of said city, and it shall thereupon become the duty of such Marshal to at once serve written notice upon the owner or person occupying or having charge or control of such premises to forthwith abate such nuisance, and if such nuisance is not abated within twenty-four hours after the service of such notice it shall be the duty of the Marshal to summarily abate the same. If such premises are unoccupied, or the person in charge or control thereof, is unknown to said Marshal, then he shall post such notice upon said premises, in lieu of personal service thereof. Sec. 115. Health Board to Determine the Existence of Nuisances. Whenever such Board of Health shall declare the existence or main- tenance of any condition, act or thing, a nuisance, as provided in the preceding section, the existence or maintenance of such condition, act or thing is hereby declared to be a nuisance. Sec. 116. Failure to Abate, Unlawful. It shall be unlawful for any person owning, occupying or having charge or control of any premises in said city, to fail or neglect for a period of twenty-four hours after the service of notice as provided in Section 114 hereof to abate such nuisance. CHAPTER XI LICENSES Sec. 117. License Fees. 118. Inter-State Commerce Excepted. 119. Placing in Wrong Classification. 120. Furnishing Statement to Marshal. 121. Penalty. 122. Report to Clerk. 123. Settlement with Clerk. Sec. 117. License Fees. In the exercise of the police powers of said city and for the purpose of revenue and regulations, all and every kind of business hereinafter mentioned transacted and carried on within the corporate limits of said city, including shows, exhibitions, and law- ful games carried on therein, are hereby licensed and a license fee. or charge is hereby imposed, payable in advance, at the following rates per quarter, unless otherwise fixed herein, to-wit: 1. For every person engaged in the business of Bill Posting or Ad- vertising Sign Painting upon bill boards, $5.00. 2. For every Phrenologist, Astrologer, Fortune Teller, Clairvoyant, Spiritualist, or Spirit Medium, who demands or receives a fee for their services and every person engaged in a similar practice or profession, charging or receiving a fee for their services, per day, $5.00. 36 ORDINANCES OF 3. For every person engaged in the business of dealing in Stocks, Margins, Options, or Futures, in any Stock Board, Stock Exchange or Stock Market, $100.00. 4. For every person keeping or conducting or having charge of a Shooting Gallery with female attendant, $25.00; without such attendant, $4.00 for the first target and $1.00 for each additional target. 5. For every exhibition such as Lung Testers, Muscle or Weight Tester, $10.00. 6. For every exhibition such as Ball, Knife, or Ring Throwing or all similar in character not otherwise fixed, $25.00. 7. For every Circus or Menagerie or Exhibition of Trained Animals connected by or showing with other attractions, $25.00 per day; every exhibition of Trained Animals without such other attractions, $15.00 per day; every Side Show exhibition where admission is charged, other than in public or private halls, $5.00 per day. 8. For every Musical, Rope, Wire, Dancing, Magic, Contortionist, or Legerdemain, Exhibition or Performance or other Street Exhibition or Performance where an admission fee or a collection is taken, or goods or merchandise of any kind offered for sale or given away and not other- wise provided for, $6.00 per day; provided that this subdivision shall not include the performance of a theatrical or operatic company. 9. For every Merry-Go-Round, $2.00 per day. 10. Every transient Artist, Agent or Canvasser Selling or Soliciting Orders for the sale of Books, Paintings; Taking, Making, Enlarging, or Furnishing Pictures or Photographs of any description, or selling or furnishing coupons or contracts therefor, $5.00 per day. 11. Every person who shall open, establish, manage, or have charge of a place of business of any kind for the sale of Goods, Wares or Mer- chandise at Auction; or every Itinerant or Transient Merchant selling or offering for sale any Goods, Wares or Merchandise; or every Peddler, Hawker, or Other Person, other than a licensed merchant doing busi- ness in said city selling or offering for sale or soliciting orders for the sale of any Goods, Wares or Merchandise, by samples or otherwise, to persons not regularly engaged in carrying on such lines of business, $15.00 per day; provided, this subdivision shall not apply to the selling or soliciting of orders for the sale of fruits, vegetables, or farm pro- ducts; nor to the sale of goods, wares, or merchandise at auction by a licensed merchant having maintained a permanent and fixed place of business in said city for not less than six months prior to said auction sale* 12. Every person- engaged in the business of selling or offering for sale a Bankrupt Stock of Goods, Wares or Merchandise of any kind, not having a license under other provisions of this ordinance to sell such goods, wares or merchandise at a fixed place of business, $15.00 per day. 13. For every Auctioneer or person engaged in the Auctioning of Goods, Wares or Merchandise, $5.00 per day; provided this Subdivision shall not apply to Auctioneers auctioning the goods, wares or merchan- dise of a merchant having maintained a permanent and fixed place of THE CITY OF REDLANDS 37 business in said city for a period of not less than six months prior to such auction sale, or to the auctioning of household goods or farming implements at the residence of the owner thereof. 14. Every Itinerant or Transient Dentist, Doctor or Vendor of any Medicine, Drug, Nostrum, Ointment or Appliance of any kind, intended for the treatment of diseases, or injuries, who shall by writing, or print- ing, or by any other method or device, or at all publicly profess to cure or treat diseases, or injury, or deformity by any Drug, Nostrum, or Manipulation, or other expedient, or make public demonstration of his work, $25.00 per day. 15. Every person selling, or offering for sale, or giving away any Merchandise of any kind, using music or any other device to attract crowds, other than a licensed merchant at a fixed place of business, $10. 00 per day, except as otherwise provided. 16. Every person advertising or conducting a Special or Reduced Sale of Musical Instruments or Sewing Machines, other than at a fixed place of business, established and maintained by such person for a period of not less than three months, $15.00 per day. 17. For every person selling bananas on the public streets, (after permit granted therefor,) per day $6.00. Sec. 118. Inter-State Commerce Excepted. The provisions of this Chapter fixing a license fee shall not apply to Inter-State Commerce, nor to persons, who under the law of the State, are entitled to engage in any such business without a license. Sec. 119. Placing in Wrong Classification. Whenever a license shall issue to any person as provided in this Chapter and it shall after- wards be found that such person has been placed in the wrong classifi- cation by the officer issuing such permit, such person shall not thereby be relieved of taking out a new license under the right classification for the business so engaged in by him, and paying the license fee as herein fixed, (less the amount already so paid) upon notice so to do by the City Marshal, nor shall he be relieved of the penalties provided for doing business without a proper license therefor. Sec. 120. Furnishing Statement to Marshal. Prior to the issuance of any license under this Chapter, the Marshal may require of any per- son applying for such license or to whom the same is to issue, a verified statement from such person, setting forth sufficient facts concerning such business as will enable the Marshal to determine the classification under which such person comes under the provisions of this Chapter. Sec. 121. Penalty. It shall be unlawful for any person to conduct, carry on, or do, or perform within the corporate limits of said city any business, act or thing in this chapter specified without first having ob- tained a license so to do. Sec. 122. Report to Clerk. The Marshal shall report to the City Clerk every person, firm, association or corporation subject to a license as hereinbefore provided, and the said Clerk shall thereupon prepare the necessary license therefor, and deliver them, with their amount to the Marshal, who shall immediately proceed to collect the same. ORDINANCES OF Sec. 123. Settlement with Clerk. The Marshal shall, on the first Monday of each month, settle with the said Clerk for said money received by him under this Chapter and immediately pay the same into the treas- ury of said city on the order of the Clerk, filing with the Treasurer the affidavit required by law in such cases, and taking his receipts for such moneys, filing one of such receipts with the Clerk. CHAPTER XII TREE COMMISSION. Sec. 124. Appointment of Commission. 125. Power and Authority. 126. Planting of Trees. 127. Trimming and Cutting without Permit. Sec. 124. Appointment of Commission. There is hereby estab- lished a Tree Commission, to consist of five members to be appointed by the Board of Trustees and to serve at the pleasure of the Board. The executive officer of such Commission shall be known as the Tree Warden. Sec. 125. Power and Authority. Said Commission is hereby vest- ed with power and authority to take charge of and supervise the care and maintenance 6f all public parks and the planting, trimming and re- moving of all trees upon the streets and public places of the city, provid- ed that said Commission shall, at all times, be subject to the control and authority of the said Board of Trustees. Sec. 126. Planting of Trees. Said Commission and said Board of Trustees, or either of them, shall have the right to direct the kind and variety of trees to be planted upon any of said streets and it shall be un- lawful for any person to plant upon any such street any trees without first obtaining a permit so to do from said Commission or said Board of Trustees. Sec. 127. Trimming and Cutting without Permit. It shall be un- lawful for any person to trim, cut, mutilate or injure any tree, or the roots or branches thereof, or injure or impair the growth or life thereof , or to install upon any street any telephone pole, electric light, trolley, or power pole within six feet of the trunk of any tree growing upon such street without a permit so to do first obtained from said Tree Warden, or said Commission, or said Board of Trustees; provided that nothing herein shall prevent a proper trimming of trees to prevent obstruction to pedestrians or public travel, as required by Subdivision 24 of Section 26 of this Ordinance. CHAPTER XIII. CONTRACTS WITH AND CLAIMS AGAINST CITY. Sec. 128. Contracts, How Signed. 129. Bonds. 130. Auditing of Claims. 131. Itemizing Claims. 132. Warrant for Payment. 133. Numbering of Warrants. 134. Warrants for Salaries. 135. Payment of Warrants. 136. Account Kept of Warrants Issued. 137. Report of Moneys Received by Officers. 138. Clerk to Prepare Necessary Forms. THE CITY OF REDLANDS 39 Sec. 128. Contradls, How Signed. All contracts authorized or awarded by the Board of Trustees shall be signed by the President of said Board, and attested by the City Clerk for and in behalf of said city, unless otherwise provided by law or by said Board. Sec. 129. Bonds. The Board of Trustees may, at any time prior to the execution of any contract with said city, require the contractor to execute to the city a bond, in such amount as said Board may require, conditioned for the faithful performance of such contract; which bond shall be signed by two sureties satisfactory to said Board, who shall justify in double the amount of such bond over and above all statutory liabilities, or a surety bond. Sec. 130. Auditing of Claims. No claim or demand against the City of Redlands shall be paid or ordered paid until the same shall have been audited and allowed by the Board of Trustees; and no such claim or demand nor any part thereof shall be allowed or ordered paid except by a vote to that effect of at least three of such Trustees. Sec. 131. Itemizing Claims. Every account, claim or demand against the city, excepting those for monthly salaries of its officers, shall be pre- sented to the Clerk of the City and shall contain a full and complete statement of the items thereof, and shall also, if required by the Clerk, be supported by an oath of the claimant that such claim or demand is correct and just, and that the services were rendered and that the mate- rials, supplies or things were furnished as in the items charged; that the amounts are due and that no part of the same has been paid; and it shall be the duty of the Clerk to submit the original of such accounts, claims or demands to the Board of Trustees at their next meeting after such presentation and the action taken by the Board thereon shall be made a matter of record in the minutes of the Board and shall also be endorsed on such claim or demand by the President. Sec. 132. Warrant for Payment. Whenever the Board of Trustees shall allow and order paid any claim or demand, either in whole or in part, such fact together with the amount so allowed and ordered paid, and the fund out of which the same shall be paid, and the date of such allowance and order shall be endorsed on such claim or demand by the President of the Board, and it shall be the duty of the Clerk to prepare a warrant on the Treasurer of the City, which warrant shall be drawn payable to the claimant or his order and for the amount ordered paid, and shall specify the date of such order, on what account drawn, and the fund out of which ordered to be paid; and such warrant shall be signed by the President and countersigned by the Clerk of said city. Sec. 133. Numbering of Warrants. The Clerk shall have a book of blank warrants and whenever any warrant shall be drawn as provided in the foregoing Section he shall number the same in its order and note on the stub thereof such number and the date, amount, and payee of the warrant, the account on which drawn and the fund out of which ordered paid; and upon delivering the same he shall require the claimant to re- ceipt therefor on such stub. Sec. 134. Warrants for Salaries. The Board of Trustees may by an order to be entered in its record, direct the drawing of warrants for the 40 ORDINANCES OF amounts of the respective monthly salaries of the officers of the city due at the end of the preceeding month, and upon such order being made, the necessary warrants shall be drawn and issued in accordance with the foregoing provisions of this Chapter. Sec. 135. Payment of Warrants. All warrants drawn in accordance with the foregoing provisions shall, on presentation to the Treasurer of the City by the holder thereof, be paid, provided the amount in the Treas- urer's hands of the fund on which drawn shall be sufficient to pay the same. All warrants presented and not paid for lack of funds shall be registered by the Treasurer so as to show the number, amount, the fund on which Tlrawn, the name of the original holder and the date of present- ation; and the fact of such presentation and the date thereof shall be en- dorsed on the warrant by the Treasurer. All warrants paid shall be so stamped by the Treasurer and shall upon his quarterly settlement with the Clerk, be returned to said Clerk, who shall credit the Treasurer with the amount thereof and receipt to him for the same. Sec. 136. Account Kept of Warrants Issued. The Clerk shall note in the book of demands and warrants every claim or demand against the city disposed of in accordance with the foregoing provisions and shall also note therein the final disposition made of the same, the amount thereof ordered paid, if any, and the number of the warrant drawn therefor with the date thereof, and he shall file all such claims and demands. Sec. 137. Report of Moneys Received by Officials. Any Official receiving money belonging to the City must report such fact to the City Clerk, making at least quarterly settlements with him, and before paying the same to the Treasurer must obtain from the Clerk an authorization therefor, and filing with the Clerk a duplicate receipt to be issued by such Treasurer. Sec. 138. Clerk to Prepare Necessary Forms. The City Clerk is hereby authorized to prepare such system of checks and receipts as he may deem necessary to keep an accurate account of money paid to any city official under any provision of this Chapter. CHAPTER XIV MISCELLANEOUS. Sec. 139. Unlawful Acts, Misdemeanors. 140. Penalty for Misdemeanors. 141. Imprisonment in County Jail. 142. Working upon Streets. 143. Immunity. 144. Clerk to furnish Names of Property Owners, When. 145. Abatement of Nuisances. 146. Destruction of Gambling Devices. 147. Reporting Names of School Children on Streets. 148. Rules for Government of Police Department. 149. Meaning of word "Street". 150. Failure or Neglect to Plant Trees, When Unlawful. 151. No Permit Required to sell Alcohol. 152. Ordinances Repealed. Sec. 139. Unlawful Adls, Misdemeanors. The doing of any actor thing herein declared or stated to be unlawful or which is forbidden, shall be and the same is hereby declared to be a misdemeanor. THE CITY OF REDLANDS 41 Sec. 140. Penalty for Misdemeanors. Any person convicted of a misdemeanor, the penalty for which is not otherwise prescribed, shall be punishable by a fine of not exceeding $200 or by imprisonment not exceed- ing fifty (50) days, or both such fine and imprisonment. Sec. 141. Imprisonment in County Jail. Any person sentenced to imprisonment or sentenced to pay a fine and in default thereof to be im- prisoned, for the violation of any provision of this, or of any Ordinance that may be hereafter adopted, may be imprisoned in the county jail of San Bernardino County by judgment so pronounced by the Recorder or Judge pronouncing sentence. Sec. 142. Working upon the Streets. Any person confined in either the county or city jail under a judgment of imprisonment for a violation of any Ordinance, may be required by an order of the Board of Trustees or of the City Recorder to perform labor upon the streets or other public work of said City, or if confined in the county jail, to do such work as may be required of prisoners confined therein. Sec. 143. Immunity. No prosecutions shall be had or maintained, under this or any other Ordinance of said City hereafter adopted, against any person for or on account of any transaction, matter or thing, or of- fense concerning which he may testify or produce evidence as a witness, on the part of the prosecution in any case prosecuted against another person, nor for or on account of his presence at or participation in any act or proceeding as to which he may testify, whether such transaction, matter, thing or offense occurred before or after the adoption of this Ordinance. Sec. 144. Clerk to Furnish Names of Property owners, When. The City Clerk shall furnish to the Street Superintendent and City En- gineer the names of property owners whenever needed or required by them in the performance of any City work. Sec, 145. Abatement of Nuisances. Whenever a public nuisance is maintained or exists in said City, either under general law or defined to be such under this or any other Ordinance of said City, it shall be the duty of said Marshal, and he is hereby authorized and empowered to sum- marily abate the same by removal, destruction or abatement of the act or thing constituting such nuisance. Sec. 146. Destruction of Gambling Devices. Whenever said Mar- shal shall have reasonable cause to believe that any gambling imple- ments, tool or device, or lottery ticket or other paper or thing used for gambling purposes in violation of any of the provisions of this Ordinance, are in the possession or under the control of any person, and are being or have been or are about to be used for gambling purposes, it shall be his duty to report the fact to the Recorder of said city under oath, who shall forthwith issue his warrant to said Marshal directing him to seize, and bring the same before the Recorder, and if it -shall appear to the Recorder that the principal uses of the same are for gambling purposes, he shall order the same publicly destroyed. Sec. 147. Reporting Names of School Children on Streets. Whenever any child between the ages of eight and fourteen years shall be seen upon the streets of said city during school hours, unaccompanied 42 ORDINANCES OF by some one in charge of such child, it shall be the duty of the Marshal, or policeman seeing such child, to obtain its name, name of parents or guardian residence, name of school teacher where attending school, and reason assigned for not then being in attendance at school, and if such officer is satisfied that such child is not attending school at all, he shall report the information so secured by him to the Superintendent of Public Schools of said City within twenty-four hours thereafter, or to some oth- er person designated by said Superintendent to receive the same. Sec. 148. Rules for Government of Police Department. The Marshal shall provide a set of rules and regulations for the government of the police department of the City, and when the same are approved or adopted by the Board of Trustees they shall thereupon become and be in force in said City, and must be observed by all police officers thereof. Sec. 149. Meaning of words "Street" and "Sec.". Whenever the word "street" is used in this Ordinance it shall be deemed to include avenues, alleys and public grounds; and the abbreviation "Sec." shall be deemed to mean "Section". Sec. 150. Application of Certain Words. The words "It shall be unlawful for any person within said City" preceding subdivision 1, of Sections 26, 27, 44 and 45 shall be deemed to apply to each of the subdi- visions of said sections with the same force and effect as if said words were repeated in each of said subdivisions after the title or heading there- of and before the word "to", in each of said subdivisions. Sec. 151. Maps of Subdivisions for Acceptance. All maps or plats of any subdivision left with the City Clerk for acceptance by the Board of Trustees shall be presented to it and he shall endorse such acceptance thereon whenever directed so to do by said Board. Sec. 152. Requirement before Acceptance. Before any such ac- ceptance shall be directed to be endorsed, the following conditions must be complied with by the owner or owners of such tract or subdivision, to-wit: FIRST: All new streets and avenues platted upon any such map or plat must be located thereon so as to conform as nearly as practicable in width and in continuation of boundary lines, with the streets and ave- nues platted upon adjoining tracts or subdivisions. SECOND: All streets and avenues platted thereon must be graded to the official grade, if established, otherwise to the grade furnished by the City Engineer, and all such streets and avenues must be oiled to tha satisfaction of said Board. THIRD: Curbs and gutters must be constructed upon that part of all streets and avenues abutting next to the lots so platted, and all to be so constructed in accordance with specifications for like work adopted by said City, and upon grades furnished by said City Engineer. FOURTH: In place of complying with the foregoing conditions, the owner of such subdivision or tract may deposit with the Street Superin- tendent of said City in money, an amount sufficient to enable said Street Superintendent to do all of said work above provided, which amount shall be determined by said Board. If said work is not thereafter fully com- TIIK CLTT OF REDLAtftiti : *' '*' ' : "' 4&" pleted to the satisfaction of said Street Superintendent by such owner after the acceptance of such map, the said Street Superintendent shall proceed to do said work or such part thereof as shall not have been so completed, and use said money or such part thereof as may be necessary for the payment of said work, and the balance remaining, if any shall be paid over to such owner. Said Board may, by resolution, require other or different work than that herein provided, in which case such other or different work shall be done before any acceptance of any such map. Sec. 153, Invalidity of Portions of Ordinances. If any section, sentence, clause or phrase of this ordinance is for any reason held to be unconstitutional or invalid, such decision shall not effect the validity of the remaining portions of this ordinance. The Board of Trustees hereby declares that it would have passed this ordinance and each section, sen- tence, clause and phrase thereof irrespective of the fact that any one or more sections, sentences, clauses or phrases be declared unconstitutional or invalid. Sec. 154. Power to grant Permit. Whenever a permit is required to be obtained from the Board of Trustees under any provision of this ordinance said Board may delegate from time to time the right to issue any such permit to any officer or officers of said city, and may, at any time revoke such right. Sec. 155. Fire Limits. The fire limits of the City of Redlands are fixed and established as follows: Beginning on the south line of Colton Avenue at a point one hundred and fifty feet west of the west line of Orange street; thence south to Stuart Avenue; thence west along the north line of Stuart Avenue to a point due north of the east line of Third street produced north; thence south along the east line of Third street so produced and the east line of Third street to the north line of an alley- way lying immediately south of Citrus Avenue; thence east along said alleyway to Fourth street; thence south and southeasterly along Fourth street to Olive avenue; thence northeasterly along Olive avenue to Sixth street; thence northwesterly arid north along Sixth street to an alleyway lying between State street and Citrus Avenue; thence easterly along said alleyway to Seventh street; thence north along Seventh street to Central avenue; thence west along Central avenue to Sixth street; thence north along Sixth street to Park avenue; thence west along Park avenue to an alleyway extending between Orange street and Fifth street; thence north along said alleyway, produced to Colton avenue; thence west along Colton avenue to place of beginning. Sec. 156. Ordinances Repealed. All ordinances in conflict with this Ordinance, including the Ordinances hereinafter specificially enum*- crated by number, are hereby repealed; provided, that the repeal of any of said Ordinances shall not operate to revive any Ordinance repealed by any of such Ordinances. Ordinances by number specificially repealed: 435, 436, 439, 442, 444, 445, 449, 454, 458, 462, 464, 465, 466, 471, 472, 473, 478, 481, 482, 483, 485, 486, 488, 489, 491, 492, 494, 496, 497, 499, 501, 502, 505, 506, 507, 508, 509, 510, 511, 513, 514, 515, 516, 518, 521, 523, 524, 525, 527, 528, 529, 530, 531, 44 ORDINANCES OF 532, 533, 534, 535, 536, 541, 542, 543, 547, 549, 550, 554, 558, 560, 561, 563, 565, 566, 572, 573, 574, 575. Article I, II, III, IV, V, VI, VII, IX, X, XI, XII, XVII, and XIX, except Sec. 290 and 291 of Ordinance No. 430 of said City. Sec. 157. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty-one days from and after its passage and the City Clerk is hereby directed to post the same in the manner required by law. GEORGE P. CORTNER, PRESIDENT OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE CITY OF REDLANDS. ATTEST: C. P. HOOK, CITY CLERK OF SAID CITY. I hereby certify that the foregoing ordinance comprising one hun- dred and fifty seven sections, was duly adopted at a regular meeting of the Board of Trustees of the City of Redlands. C. P. HOOK, [SEALl City Clerk. UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY, BERKELEY THIS BOOK IS DUE ON THE LAST DATE STAMPED BELOW Books not returned on time are subject to a fine of 50c per volume after the third day overdue, increasing to $1.00 per volume after the sixth day. Books not in demand may be renewed if application is made before expiration of loan period. T 5 1925 15ro-12,'24 YC 09670 UNIVERSITY OP CALIFORNIA LIBRARY