144 — Livingston, Luther S., ed — Auction Prices of Books. A representative record arranged in alpliabetical order, from the commencement of the English Book — Prices Current in 188(j and the American Book-Prices Current in 1S94 to 1904, and including some ~> thousands of important auction quotations of earlier date, with prices of all book that --S^ reaUzed over $5.00 at auction. N. Y., 1905, 4 vols, royal Svo., cl., printed at 750 copies. $40.00 >' 88 LIVINGSTON, LUTHER (Ed.) Auction Prices of Books. A Represen- tative Record arranged in Alphabetical from English Book-prices current in lS8f) and American Book-prices current in 1S94 to 1904, including thousands of important auction quotations of earlier date. Edited by Luther S. Liv- ingston. 4 vols., 4to. cloth. 1905. $15.00 1 Still important because it contains many of llie fjiniims early American \. iction sale-s not found el.sewhere. AUCTION PRICES OF BOOKS VOLUME I Edition limited to seven hundred and fifty copies AUCTION PRICES OF BOOKS A REPRESENTATIVE RECORD ARRANGED IN ALPHABETICAL ORDER FROM THE COMMENCEMENT OF THE ENGLISH BOOK-PRICES CURRENT IN 1886 AND THE AMERICAN BOOK-PRICES CURRENT IN 1894 TO 1904, AND INCLUDING SOME THOUSANDS OF IMPORTANT AUCTION QUOTA- TIONS OF EARLIER DATE EDITED BY LUTHER S. LIVINGSTON IN FOUR VOLUMES VOL. I NEW YORK DODD, MEAD & COMPANY 1905 Copyright, 1905, By Dodd, Mead and Company R ef LIBRARY tp UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNU' ^ SANTA BAEBARA lOOO ir, I PREFACE The work which here sees the light was begun, in the expectation of making a compilation of much less bulk, as far back as 1896, and, excepting some periods of quiesence, when the demands of more pressing and more important work could not be put aside, has been carried on, with more or less vigor, for nearly ten years. It has, of course, grown enormously in the interim. The prices paid for rare books at auction are not always an infal- lible guide to their real value, but at least in the case of books for which there is a moderately active demand, auction prices are usually admitted to be the best and most accurate accessible guide. Such being the case, our compilation " Auction Prices of Books " is sure to be a great labor-saving tool to every librarian, rare book collector, or rare book dealer. Here and there, there may be still one or two of those men who, endowed with rare mind and unimpeachable memory, are able to carry, ready at instant command, a mental record of years of experience among rare books of some class or classes, which to them is infinitely more valuable than any printed record can be. Such men did live in times past when there were fewer books and fewer book-collectors, and a few may still survive in these days of such multitudes of books both new and old. Such, if such there be, may even find occasional use for the printed record. It has not, however, been made for such, but rather for that large army of librarians and book-sellers, who are not thus gifted by nature, or who have other interests which distract and divide their attention, and for a still larger army of collectors to whom book-collecting is a pastime and recreation, and to which can be devoted only odd times and hours left from other occupations of business or enjoyment. To all of these busy librarians, book-sellers and book-collectors, to whom time is more than money, this compilation of ours is offered, in the hope that they will find it a piece of modern labor-saving machinery which they will find constantly useful. The four volumes here presented aim to take the place, to a considerable extent, of the eighteen volumes of the English " Book- Prices Current " and the ten volumes of " American Book-Prices Current," besides numerous catalogues of sales at auction in both y vi PREFACE England and America before the publication of the annual records was begun. The saving of shelf-room and the saving of expense are very great, but the saving of time and in convenience of use, will, it is certain, be much more important. Buyers and sellers of rare and valuable out of print boolcs know how tedious and exasperating it often is when a quotation on some interesting book is sought for and the information is wanted in a hurry. Tedious, always, almost, on account of the large number of volumes now included in the annual records, exasperating, oftentimes, because the rarer the book the more time must be spent in discovering the sought for record. Before pointing out the limitations and short-comings of the work, let us tell, in a few words, of the modus-operaudi which brought the book to its present state. First, the volumes of " Book-Prices Current " and the " American Book-Prices Current " were cut up, two volumes of each being destroyed in order to secure the records on the two sides of each leaf. These slips, each being one record, were pasted on cards, the cards being stamped with the name of the sale and the date. Then copies in duplicate of the catalogues of the principal earlier American sales such as the Rice, Menzies, Brinley, Barlow, Ives, Coburn, Johnson, Hawkins, etc., etc., were treated in the same way, and copious selections were made from a large number of minor Ameri- can sales and such important English sales as those of the Daniel, Beckford (Hamilton Palace), Thorold (Syston Park), Wodhull, Sunderland, Earl of Jersey, Corser, etc., etc. As no lots are included in the English " Book-Prices Current " selling less than one pound, this has been taken as the minimum price for English sales, and five dollars as a corresponding minimum for American sales. It is not claimed that every important book sold at auction in England since the George Daniel sale, in July, 1864, or in America since the John A. Rice sale in March, 1 870, has been included, as it has not been pos- sible to examine every sale catalogue of the period, but rather only some of the more important ones, and interesting and valuable books are often offered in conjunction with items of small interest or value. As the manuscript was in large part already prepared, the record is less full for 1903 and 1904, but most important items of these years have, it is believed, been included. After the slips cut from the annual records and the extracts from earlier catalogues were prepared, the whole mass of material was PREFACE vii thrown into one alphabet. It was still, however, a long ways from being ready for the printer. It was then just ready for editorial condensation and selection. When it is understood that the twenty- eight volumes of the tvvo series of Book-Prices Current comprise between them upwards of two hundred thousand records, the impos- sibilit}' of including everything selling above the fixed limit of price is apparent. A selection only could be included. In making this selection it has been the aim to include every important book (sell- ing above the limit of price) in the following broad classes: First. Books printed in England, or books in the English language printed abroad. This is the field covered by Lowndes' " Bibliographer's Manual," but brought down to date. Second. Americana, in its broadest sense; books about America wherever printed and in whatever language, and books printed in America. This is the Held which the lamented Joseph Sabin endeavored to cover in his uncompleted " Bibliotheca Americana." Third. Books printed in foreign languages in the various coun- tries of Continental Europe before 1520, with a large and copious selection of important books of later date. Within these classes many books had, of course, been sold many times, and, as auction \alues are most to be relied upon when a number of records can be placed side by side and compared, it was desirable, within reasonable bounds, to include enough records to answer the purpose, although unnecessary to include every record where the number at hand was large. Where a few sales only were recorded, they are generally all included. In most cases where the number of sales were numerous a selection of from ten to twenty records only are given, the preference being given to copies in the original binding, though a few inferior or less interesting copies ha\-e been included for the purpose of comparison. In the case of a few very important books, where it seemed desirable to do so an even larger number of records has been included. It has already been stated that a considerable number of books in foreign languages printed on the Continent after 1520 have been thrown out in making up the record. This should not be taken too literally as a large number of Continental imprints of later date are included. As the English or American auction price of Con- tinental books of the 17th, i8th and 19th centuries can hardly be taken as a very positive guide, and as the number of such books which come upon the market is small in comparison to the number published, it is not believed that their exclusion will often be felt. viii PREFACE Another class of books which has been generally excluded are extra illustrated books whose real value lay in the inserted matter, prints, autographs, etc. Auction records of such books are of slight value unless a very extended description of their make-up is given. Collected series, or volumes made up of several books bound together and sold as a lot, not separately, have generally been thrown out, though here again there are many exceptions. Some few items imperfectly described have also, from necessity, been omitted. Aside from these exclusions the record as here printed is believed to be a representative one. It must, however, be used with intelli- gence and caution. Those who are familiar with the descriptions of rare books as printed in the catalogues of the various auctioneers know that, prepared though they generally are by experts, the work is done in haste and inaccuracies are numerous. Each time such a description is reprinted new errors are likely to creep in. In the preparation of this work, after the various descriptions of the several copies of the same edition of the same book had been brought together, serious discrepancies in descriptions were often- times brought to light. It was then necessary to consult some of the important bibliographical works of reference in an effort to make the dissimilar descriptions agree and to find out if possible just which was correct. The value of rare books in these days, as collectors well know, depends much upon condition, and the difficulty of giving an accurate description of each item sold is the greatest weakness in every publication of this sort. In the present work we have endeavored to mention (in a condensed statement) all important imperfections, which are pointed out in the entries in the " Book-Prices Current," or in the auctioneers' catalogues. But as the catalogues (especially those of the early sales) have sometimes failed to make mention of imperiections, the earlier records, or many of them must be used, as indeed must all auction quotations, with a grain of caution. The limitations, too, of the record, to such lots only as bring a price in excess of a fixed minimum, again calls for constant caution in using the book. There are many books here recorded which have once, or twice, or a few times only, brought a figure which admits them to our record, though in some cases these are records of ten or twenty years ago. In most cases where our record shows a few sales of this sort, just above our minimum price, the probability PREFACE ix is, and this may, with a very few exceptions, be taken for granted, other copies have been sold, perhaps many, but the prices brought were less than five dollars or one pound. In some cases, single records of this sort, especially of comparatively recent books, have been thrown out, and do not appear at all. The user consulting Auction Prices of Books, with some old book in hand of which he wishes to learn the market value, will, in a multitudinous number of cases fail to find any sale whatever, of his particular book, recorded. He must not, on this account jump to the conclusion that his book is excessively rare or extremely valuable. While it is very likely to be rare (most old books are rare) it is also likely to be of small money value. In such a case he will do well to stop and ask himself why any collector should care for the book, what features recommend it as a possible treasure chest of some past age which now floats by with others which are little more than drift-wood, wreckage and rubbish of old times and hardly worth the picking up, or if picked up only to be again thrown down. Those who know the ways and whims of book-collectors know that in his collecting he, or his class as a whole, is omnivorous. There is a buyer, somewhere, at a price, for every printed book, but it is sometimes a very difficult matter to find the buyer and the price is sometimes very low. And each collector has his own hobby and collects generally, only along certain lines which are often nar- row. Books which are sought after by a large number of collectors are likely to increase in price though not rare. On the other hand rare books not sought after are often difficult to sell at any price. Supply and demand fix (in the long run) the price of old books as of all else which mankind buys and sells. The general arrangement of the work is believed to be the most logical and simplest possible, that is in one straight dictionary alphabet, by author where the author is known, otherwise by the first important word of title, and with numerous cross references. In a few obvious cases books are entered under their subject. The various books by the same author are arranged in alpha- betical order. As the entire title is seldom given this arrangement may be sometimes a little misleading, and the arrangement in some cases may be open to criticism. Translations generally follow the originals even though out of their alphabetical place. Different editions of the same book are arranged by date of publication, and the lists of records are generally chronological by date of sale. X PREFACE The spelling of our transcript of titles is haphazard, as was that of the original catalogues. Sometimes the old spelling has been copied exactly, sometimes it has been modernized. The aim has been only to give so much of the title as would enable the user to identify the book under discussion. The work is a price list, not a bibliography. No explanation of abbreviations is necessary, but it will not be amiss to tell just what is included in the brief description of each lot, the sale of which is recorded. First is the binding. In some cases, notably in the earlier sales, this was not given in our source. In the case of modern books where the binding is not specified, it was probably, in most cases, cloth. In the case of many thin pamphlets of older date the probability is that the books in question were unbound. Second is the mention of any special feature regarding the copy described, or imperfections if any were known. Third is the name of the sale, where the name of the owner of the book sold is given, or the name of the auctioneer under whose auspices the sale was held. These auctioneers are well known, Sotheby, Puttick, Christie, and Hodgson in England and Leavitt, Bangs, Libbie, Anderson, and Henkels in America. Fourth is the date of sale. Where the name of the sale is given, only the month and year are given. Where the auctioneer's name only is given, the day of the month is generally added, this date being the first day of the sale. Fifth is the number in the original sale catalogue, enclosed in parenthesis. This makes it easy to refer to the original extended description in the sale catalogue. Sixth is the price. This is the price for the lot and is given as sold, English records in pounds, shillings and pence, American records in dollars and cents. Presentation copies where so described (in almost every case) contained autograph inscriptions by the author, though this is not generally stated. Where there was evidence that the inscription was in the hand of the recipient, or other than the author, it is so stated. The name of the person to whom the book was given, when a person of importance, is added. The note as to the size is not to be relied upon. There is no fixed nomenclature in use by cataloguers, and as in most English sale catalogues, 8vo is made to include all iimos, i6mos, or smaller, it has been necessary to do the same here. In the words of PREFACE xi the catalogues, books described as 8vo should be understood as being " 8vo et infra." Pure Bibliography for itself alone, like pure Science, does not often pay. The worker in one field as in the other must make his work practical. As " applied " Science often brings reward to the worker, so this specimen of " applied " Bibliography has enough of promise in it to induce its publishers to print it. Let us hope they may have no cause to regret it. L. S. L. New York, February, 1905. AUCTION PRICES OF BOOKS A. (B.). See Antrobus (B.). A. (F.). Letter sent by F. A. touch- ing a Quarrel between Hall and Mallerie. Lond., Bynneman, [157G]. 4to. Mor. (6 leaves in facs.), Tite, May, '74. (1307) £2G. A. (H.)- Partheneia Sacra. [Paris], J. Cousturier, 1G33. Svo. Mor., g.e., Gaisford, Apr., '90. (1) £5 5s. Cf., Southby, Dec, '90. (880) £3. A. (H.). See Ainsworth (H.) and Austin (Henry). A. (J. Y.). See Akerman (J. Y.). A. (R.). Scala Sancta, or the Exalta- tion of the Soul. Lond., 1C7S. Svo. Old mor., Soth., Nov. 27, '9G. (1) £1 ICs. A. (R.). See Allot (R.). A. (T.). See Acheley (T.) and Ash (T.) AA (P. VAN DER). Naaukeurige ver- saraling der gedenkwaardigste Rev- sen naar Oost en West-Indien. Leyden. 1707. 8 vols., fol. Ct, Bangs, Mar. 13, '95. (1) $34. A enmerkenswaardigste en Alomberoemde de Zee- en Landrei- zen. Levden, 172?. 8 vols., fol. Murphy, Mar., '84. (1074) $80. AARON (PIETRO). Thoscanello de la Musica. Venice, B. and M. de Vitali, 1523. Fol. Solh., Apr. 12, '99. (1) £11. ABACO. Incommlncia una Practica niolto bona et utile a ciaschasuno chi vuole uxare larte de labbacho. Tre- viso, 1478. 4to. WodhuU, Jan., '86. (217) £40. (Wodhull copy), Ives, Mar., '91. (22) $305. Libro de Abbaco che Insegna a Abaco — Continued. fare ogni ragione mercadantile, etc. Milan, J. A. Borgo, n.d. Svo. Mor., g.e. (Yemeniz copy), Soth., Dec. 19, '01. (99) £13. ABBAT (M.). Art of Fencing. Trans. by A. Mahon. Lond., 1735. Svo. Cf. ex., g.e.. Toovey, Mar., '94. (17G) £2 1Gs. ABBEVILLE (CLAUDE DE). HIs- toire de la Mission des Peres Capu- cins en I'lsle de Maragnan. Paris, 1G14. Svo. Cf.. Stevens, July, 'SI. (1270) £7 5s. Old mor., Hawley, July, '94. (8) £4 18s. Mor., Soth., Jan. 29, '^G. (20) £4. Old mor. (in 2 vols.), Putt., Mar. 28, ■01. (17) £5. Vel., Edwardes. May, '01. (1) £4 5s. ABBOT (GEORGE). Briefe Descrip- tion of the Whole World. Lond., 1G3G. 12nio. Rus., Brinley, Mar., '79. (1) $5.50. Cf., Bangs, Apr. 2, 1900. (1) $5. ABBOT (JOHN). Jesus Praefigured. X.p.. 1G23. 4to. Mor., Corser, July, 'G8. (4) £GGs. ABBOT (JOHN). Natural History of the rarer Lepidopterous Insects of Georgia. Edited by Sir J. B. Smith. Lond., 1797. 104 colored plates. 2 vols., fol. Crawford, June. '87. (39) £5 2s. Gd. Mor., g.e., Thornhill, Apr., '89. (157) £7. Mor., g.e., Hartree, July, '90. (242) £7. Hf. mor., Soth., May 13, '92. (997) £5 7s. Cd. Mor., g.e., Larpent, Jan., '95. (1245) £7 15s. Mor., g.e., Alexander, Mar., '!).",. (57) ABBOT ACADEMY Abbot (John) — Contiiiiicil. Hi. mor., Bunburv, Julv, '90. (1307) £G10s. Mor., Libbie, Dec. 2, '96. (2) $22. Hf. cf., Libbie, May 26, '98. (244) $1.5. Hf. bd. (lacking cover of vol. 2). Tix- all, Nov., '99. (1) £3 10s. Mor., g.e.. Ford, May, '02. (479) £.5 10s. ABBOTSFORD CLUB. Publications. A comiilete set. Edinb., 1835-59. 34 vols., 4to. Crawford, Mar., '91. (2) £23. ABBOTT (GEORGE), The Case of Inipotency, as debated in England, anno 1613, in the Trial between Robert Earl of Essex and Lady Frances Howard, etc. Lond., 1719. 2 vols., Svo. Cf. (in 1 vol.), Soth., Jan. 24, '99. (100) £2 2s. TTnc. Crawford, Mar., '91. (2) £23. ABBOTT (JOHN S. C). History of Maine. Host., 1S75. Svo. Sheep (cracked), Libbie, Dec. 13, 1900. (619) $io.sn. A. B. C. (THE), with a Catechlsme for Young Children. [Edinb.]. printed for M. S., 1646. Svo. Mor., g.e. (some headlines cut into), Makellar, Xov., '08. (2) £6. A'BECKET (G, A,). See Becket (G. A. A'.). ABELIN (J, P,). Newe Welt und Americanische Historien. Frank- fort, 1631. Fol. Mor., Murphv, Mar., '84. (3) $14. Vel., Hunt, Nov., '91. (1343) $10.50. Mor., g.e., Edwardes, Mav, '01. (277) £8 5s. Newe Welt und Americanische Historien. Frankfort. 1655. Fol. Vel., Murphv, Mar., '84. (2928) $12. Cf., Barlow, Feb., '90. (3) $9. Buckley, Apr., '94. (320) £2 2s. De Aanmerkens-waardige Voya- gien na Oost en West-Indien. [Ams- terdam, 1706.] 2 vols. Hf. bd. (in 1 vol.), Henkels, Apr. 20, '99. (209) $11. ABERDEEN. Registrum Episcopa- tus. See Innes (C). ABRAHAIVI (A. E.), Liber de Nativi- tatibus. Venice, Ratdolt, 1485. 4to. Unbd., Soth., Nov. 25, '01. (340) £1 5s. ABRANTES (IVIADAIVIE JUNOT, Duchess d'). Memoirs of Napoleon. Lond., 1831. 8 vols., Svo. Hf. cf., Juvenal, Apr., 95. (193) $14. Hf. cf., g.e., Bancker, Mar., '9S. (153) $33.60. Hf. cf., Egmont, June, '98. (315) £2 12 s. Memoris of Napoleon. Lond., 1833. 8 vols., Svo. Hf. cf., Hoskinson, Dec, '97. (575) $26.40. iVlemoirs of Napoleon. Lond., 1836. 2 vols., Svo. CI., unc, Livermore, Nov., '94. (1780) $6.50. Hf. cf.. Bangs, Dec. 4, '95. (1024) $9. Memoirs of Napoleon. Lond., 1883. 3 vols., Svo. CI., unc, Rogers, Jan., '88. (991) $9. Hf. cf., Libbie, May 2, '88. (893) $12. Hf. mor., unc, Johnson, Jan., '90. (S40) $10.25. Cf.. Soth., June 22, '91. (584) £2 12s. Hf. mor.. Bangs, Nov. 29, '97. (391) $13.75. Hf. cf., Hoskinson, Dec, '97. (262) $9.30. CI., unc, Carruth, May, '98. (267) $8.25. CI., unc, Daly. Mar., 1900. (3) $10.50, Hf. mor.. Bangs, Dec. 12, 1900. (163) $7.20. Hf. mor.. Bangs, Oct. 14, '01. (17S) $10.35. ABRIDGMENT OF SEVERAL ACTS of Parliament relating to the Trade and Navigation to, from and in the British Plantations in America. Lond., 1739. Fol. Paper, Putt., Dec. 11, '99. (42) £lls. ABSTRACT OF THE PROCEEDINGS of the Corporation for the Relief of the Widows and Children of Clergy- men of the Church of England in America. Phila., 1773. Svo. Hf. roan. Bangs, Apr. 12, '01. (71) $10.50. ACADEMY (THE). Lond., v.d., 4to. 1869-99, 52 vols., hf. cf. and parts. Putt., Feb. 1, 1900. (20) £7. ACADEMY OF COMPLIMENTS. Lond., 1670. 12mo. Cf., Lawrence, May, '92. (2) £2 4s. Academy of Compliments. Lond., 1684. Svo. ACADEMY ACOSTA Academy of Compliments — Contiinied. Cf., Halliwell, Dec, 91. (1773) £2. Cf., m.e.. Bliss, Apr., '98. (27) £2 15s. Rus., Soth., iMa.v C, '01. (S50) £6 6s. New Academy of Compliments. Lond., 1713. 8vo. Mor., g.e., Soth., Mav 21, '97. (1) £1 15s. New Academy of Compliments; or, The Lover's Secretary. Lond., [about 1740]. Svo. Hf. cf., g.e.. Bangs, Feb. 20, 1900. (343) 15. ACCEDENCE (LATIN). Lend., Wyn- kyn de Worde, 1522. 4to. Hf. mor. (3 leaves mended, some let- ters in facs.), Sewall, Jan., '97. (4173) 134. ACCOMPLISH'D LADY'S DELIGHT. Second edition. Lond., 1G77. Svo. Mor. (one or two leaves of text cut into). Snow, Nov., '98. (1) £4. Accomplish'd Lady's Delight. Third edition. Lond., 1683. Orig. cf., in case, Snow, Nov., '98. (2) £4. Accomplish'd Lady's Delight. Lond., 1719. Svo. Mor. (engraved title and last leaf mended, a few headlines cut into!. Snow, Nov., '98. (3) £2. ACCOUNT OF A VISIT LATELY Made to the People called Quakers in Philadelphia, by Papoonahoal, An Indian Chief, And several other Indians. Lond., 1761. ISmo. Mor., Field, May, '75. (1751) $24. Hf. mor.. Murphy, Mar., '84. (6) ?9. ACCOUNT OF CONFERENCES. See Johnson (Sir W.). ACCOUNT OF INTERMENT OF American Seamen. See Stiles (H. R.). ACCOUNT OF THE FRENCH SET- tlements in North America. By a Gentleman. Bost., Rogers & Fowle, 1746. 12mo. Mor., Deane, Mar., '98. (600) $12. ACCOUNT OF THE PROCEEDINGS. See Illinois. ACCOUNT OF THE REASONS WHY a considerable number belonging to the New North Congregation in Bos- ton could not consent to Mr. Peter Account of the Ressons— Continued. Thacher's Ordination there. N.p. 1720. IGmo. Hf. cf., Libbie, Mar. 4, '90. (3) $7.50. ACCOUNT OF THE SOCIETY FOR the Encouragement of the British Troops in Germany and North America. Lond., 1760. Svo. Mor., Buckley, Feb., '93. (25) £2 2s. ACCOUNT OF THE TREATY HELD at Albany, by the Governor of that Province, and the Commissioners for Massachusetts, Connecticut, and Pennsylvania, with the Indians of the Six Nations, Oct., 1745. Phila., B. Franklin, 1746. Fol. Unbd., Brinley, Apr., '81. (5490) $34. Paper, Murphy, Mar., '84. (1842) $31. ACHELEY (T.). Massacre of Money. Lond., 1602. 4to. Cf., g.e., Gaisford, Apr., '90. (3) £4 4s. Mor., g.e., Crawford, Mar., '91. (1) £4 4s. Cf. (notes slightly cut into). Bangs, Mar. 19, 1900. (3) $46. ACHERLEY (R.). The Britannic Con- stitution. Lond., 1727. Fol. **Large paper. Mor., g.e., Craig, June, '87. (8) £1 8s. ACKERMANN. See Cambridge; Lon- don; Microcosm of London: Oxford: Poetical Magazine; Repository of Arts; Westminster; Winchester. ACOSTA (J. DE.l. Concilium Limense. Celebratum anno 1583, sub Gregorio XIII. Madrid, Petri Madrigialis, 1591. 4to. (Salva-Heredia's copy), Bangs, Apr. 9, '01. (12) $6.50. Historia Natural y Moral, de las Indias. Seville, 1590. 4to. Mor., Bedford, Mar., '84. (1) £6. De Natura Novi Orbis. Cologne, 1596. Svo. Vel., Murphy, Mar., '84. (11) $5.50. Historia Naturele, e morale delle Indie. Venice, Bernardo Basa, 1596. 4to. Vel., Bangs, Jan. 6. '02. (125) $5. Histoire Naturelle et Moralle des Indes. Paris, 1598. Svo. Cf., Soth., Jan. 29, '96. (1) £1. Vel., Soth., Apr. 12, '99. (3) £1 18s. ACOSTA kCTORS Acosta (J. de) — Continued. Histoire Naturelle et Morale des Indes. Paris, IGOO. 8vo. Mor., Barlow, Feb., '90. (7) ?5. Histoire Naturelle et Morale des Indes. Paris. ICOG. Svo. Mor., g.e., Soth., Jan. 29, '96. (2) £1. Histoire Naturelle et Morale des Indes. Paris, 1G16. Svo. Mor., g.e., Cooke, Dec, '83. (S) $10. Natural and Moral History of the East and West Indies. Trans, by E. G[rimstoneJ. Lond., 1G04. 4to. Mor., Field. May, '75. (S) $18. Cf., Griswold, Mar., '76. (.5) $1.5. Cf., r.e., Menzies, Nov., '76. (4) $14.25. Mor., Brinley, Mar., '79. (2) $29. Mor., Bushnell, Apr., '83. (2) $34. Cf., Cooke, Dec, '83. (5) $8. Cf., Murphy, Mar., '84. (S) $10. Mor., Stevens, July, '8C. (3) £2 8s. Mor., g.e.. Putt., Dec. IC, '86. (1) £2Ss. Of., Martin, Mar., 'SS. (132) £2 16s. Cf., Barlow, Feb., '90. (S) $13. Cf., Hartree, July, '90. (173) £2 Gs. Cf., g.e., Ives, Mar., '91. (2) $13. Hf. rus., m.e.. Putt., Apr., '92. (1011) £2 5s. Cf., Frere, Feb., '9G. (114) £7 7s. Mor., g.e.. Stone, Oct., '97. (2) $10. Vel., Deane, Mar., '98. (5) $30. Cf., Soih., Mar. 7. '01. (824) £5 10s. Mor., g.e, Lefferts, June, '02. (2) £7. Mor. (without leaf containing Sig. mark "A" before title). Putt., Mar. 26, '02. (47G) £5 17s. 6d. Vel.. Brown, Apr.. '03. (3) £5 2s. 6d. ACRELIUS (ISRAEL). Beskrifning cm de Swenska Forsanilingars Forna och Narwarande Tilstand, Uti Det sa Kallade Nya Swerige. Stockholm, 1759. 4to. Cf., g.e., Brinley, Mar.. '80. (3030) $80. Hf. bd., O'Callaghan, Dec, '82. (7) $42. Hf. bd.. Murphy. Mar., '84. (12) $17. Mor.. Stevens, Julv, 'SO. (4) £5 5s. Mor., g.e., Barlow, Feb., '90. (10) $53. Cf., Baker, Feb., '91. (222) $23. Hf. bd. (Bancroft copy), Lenox Li- brary Duplicates, Apr. 29, '95. (1) $21. Cf.,"Barger, May, '95. (513) $20. Hf. bd., Henkels, Apr. 21, '96. (533) $30. Hf. bd.. Bangs, Mar. 1, '97. (3) $18. Ac re I i us (Israel) — Coiithiiicd. Hf. bd., Henkels, Jan. 18, '01. (2) $28. Hf. bd., Betts, Apr., '01. (1005) $20. Mor., g.e.. Weeks, Mar., '02. (373) $39. Hf. bd., Peirce, Mar., '03. (5) $24. Cf., Anderson, Apr. 10, '03. (3) $28. Sermon Explaining the Duties of Christian Subjects to their Sover- eign. Phila., Franklin and Hall, 175G. Svo. Hf. cf., r.e., Menzies, Nov., '76. (5) $7. Todt als eine Seligkeit fur die- jenige, die in dem Herrn sterben wurde. Phila., Franklin and Arm- bruster, 1756. 16mo. Washington, Dec, '90. (549) $24. Der Todt als eine Seligkeit fiir diejenige die in dem Herrn Sterben wurde iiber Offenbarung Johannis. Philadelphia, 1756. 4 pages, Svo. Sewed, Hurst, Anderson's, May 2, '04. (178) $26. ACT, DATED 24 GEO. II. TO REGU- late and Restrain Paper Bills of Credit in Rhode Island and Provi- dence Plantations, Connecticut, etc Lond., 1751. Fol. Unc (wormed). Putt., Dec. 11, '99. (G3) £110s. ACT FOR A PUBLIC THANKSGIV- ing on 5 November. [Lond., 1G05.] 4to. Mor., g.e., Crawford, June, '89. (587) £2. ACT FOR EXPORTATION OF COM- modities. Lond.. 1657. Svo. Simon, Dec, '93. (11) £1 10s. ACT FOR THE PROMOTING AND Propagating the Gospel in New Eng- land. Lond., 1G49. Fol. Hf. mor. (title mounted), Brinley, Mar., '79. (270) $15. ACT. See also Stamp Act, Statutes, and names of Countries, Colonies, States, Cities, etc. ACTIVE. See Case of the Sloop Ac- tive. ACTOR (THE); or, a Treatise on the Art of Playing. Lond.. 1755. 12mo. Cf., French, Apr., '01. (8) $5. Cf., Bangs, Nov. 18, '01. (222) $6.12. Cf. (rebacked), McKee, May, '02. (4765) $12. ACTORS BY DAYLIGHT. Nos. 1-55. Lond., 1S3S-39. Svo. ACTORS ADAM Actors by Daylight — Gontiiiurd. Cf., g.e., Mackenzie, Mar., '89. (G) £3. Cf., unc, Burnett, Apr., '89. (1) £3 3s. Cf., g.e., Marshall, Jan., '90. (2) £3 5s. Cf., unc. Burgess, May, '94. (1) £1 6s. CI., Brown, Apr., '98. (11) $5. Hf. roan, McKee, Jan., '01. (1286) $8.50. Ht. mor. (Nos. 1-53 only), Dalv, Mar., 1900. (14) $8. ACTORS BY GASLIGHT. Nos. 1-37. Lend., 183S. Svo. Cf., g.e., Mackenzie, Mar., '89. (8) £5 17s. 6d. Cf. (Mackenzie copy), Daly, Mar., 1900. (16) $23. Hf. roan, McKee, Jan., '01. (1287) $31. ACTORS' REMONSTRANCE OR Complaint, for the Silencing of Their Profession. Lond., 1822. Svo. Sewed, McKee, Jan., '01. (1289) $5.50. ACUNA (0. DE.). Nuevo Descubrlm- iento del Gran Rio de Las Ama- zonas. Madrid, 1641. 4to. Vel., Sunderland. Dec, '81. (30) £32 118. Mor., Beckford, June. '82. (31) £37. Mor., g.e., Cooke, Dec, '83. (10) $10.50. Vel., Soth.. .luly 27, '93. (974) £12 12s. Hf. bd., Soth., Jan. 29, '96. (89) £9. Mor., Henkels, May 8, '01. (2) $70. Vel., Soth., Nov. 19, '02. (12) £8. Relation de la Riviere des Ama- zones. Paris, 1682. 4 vols. Svo. Hawley. July, '94. (9) £14s. Mor. (in 2 vols., with cancelled leaves for Vols. 2 and 3. vignette after title of Vol. 1 and Map by d'Abbeville). Soth., Jan. 29, '96. (3) £4. Mor. (apparently the preceding copv), Henkels. May 8. '01. (1) $42.00. Cf. (in 2 vols., with arms of Count Hoym on sides, and with a signa- ture and autograph note of Robert Southey on flv-leaf, 2 leaves in facs.), Cox, Feb. 17, '02. (87) $24. Voyages and Discoveries In South America, l.ond., 1C9S. Svo. Cf., Menzies, Nov., '76. (6) $15. Cf., Cooke, Dec, '83. (11) $13.50. Sheep, Murphy, Mar., '84. (710) $9. Cf., Putt., Dec 16, '91. (9) £lls. Acuna — CnnUnued.' Cf., Williams, May, '93. (661) £1 4s. Cf., Tixall, Nov. '99. (705) £lls. ACUNA (H. DE.). Resolved Gentle- man. Trans, by L. Lewkenor. Lond., 1594. 4to. Cf., Gaisford, Apr., '90. (6) £2. ADAIR (JAMES). History of the American Indians. Lond., 1775. 4to. Hf. mor., unc, Menzies, Nov., '76. (7) $15.50. Bds., unc. Brinley, Apr., '81. (5352) $7. Hf. mor., Cooke, Dec, '83. (13) $18. Cf., Murphy, Mar., '84. (14) $12. Cf., Guild, Nov., '87. (18) $10.50. TTnc, Hopetoun, Feb., 'S9. (116) £3 3s. Hf. cf.. Barlow, Feb., '90. (12) $15. Unc, Coniyn, Mar., '91. (663) £3 6s. Hf. cf., Auchinleck, June, '93. (110) £2 15s. Bds., unc. (Brinlev copy), Alexander, Mar., '95. (58) $21. Cf., Lenox Library Duplicates, Apr., '95. (2) $20.50. Mor., unc, Soth., July 1, '95. (448) £4 5s. Cf., Deane, Mar. '98. (7) $15. Cf. (rebacked), Henkels, Nov. 30, 1900. (6) $13.50. Cf., Putt., Feb. 13, '01. (245,) £2 7s. Cf., Lincoln, Oct., '01. (744) $18. Cf., Twopenny, May, '02. (218) £3. Cf., Bangs, Jan. 29, '03. (343) $13.00. ADAIR (JOHN). Description of the Sea Coast and Islands of Scotland. Edinb., 1703. Fol. Craig. Mar., 'S7. (19) £3 2s. 6d. ADAIR (M.). A Safe Conduct Through the Republic of Venus. Lond., 1794. Svo. Hf. cf.. Hailstone, Feb., '91. (7) £1. ADAM (R.). Ruins of the Palace of the Emperor Diocletian at Spalatro in Dalmatia. Lond., 1764. Fol. Mor., g.e., Crawford, June, '87. (3) £4. Rus., g.e,, Craig, June, '87. (10) £1 9s. Cf., Avlesford, Mar., "88. (136) £2 16s. Unc, Buccleuch. Mar., '89. (233) £112s. Hf. rus.. Hunt, Nov., '91. (10) $12. Vel., Orford. June, '95. (1) £2 4s. Rus., g.e., Ashburnham. June, '97. (10) £2. ADAM ADAMS Adam (R.) — Continued. Cf., unc, Skene, Jan., '98. (180) £2. Hf. mor., Soth., Nov. 28, '98. (46) £112s. Cf., unc, Clerk, May, '99. (6) £2 8s. Bds., Davis, May, '01. (18) $13. Hf. sheep, Bangs, Jan. 27, '02. (19) $10.50. Mor. (dedication copy to Geo. III. with Royal Arms on side), Christie, Mar. 26, '02. (181) £12 5s. ADAM (R. AND J.). Works in Archi- tecture. Lond., 1778-1822. 3 vols., fol. Hf. cf. (in 1 vol.. lacking one plate), Soth., Nov. 28, '98. (59) £29. Hf. rus. (Vols. 1 and 2 in 1 vol.). Pol- lock, Jan., '89. (294) £7. Hf. cf. (Vols. 1 and 2 in 1 vol.), Wil- son, June, '92. (7) £8 8s. (Vols. 1 and 2 in 1 vol., binding broken), Daly, Mar.. 1900. (18) $145. Hf. cf. (Vols. 1 and 2 in 1 vol.), Soth., Dec. 2, '01. (633) £18 10s. ADAM (W.). Historical Account of the Blair-Adam Garden. [Lond.], 1834. 2 vols., 8vo. Cf., m.e. (presentation copy, with A. L.S. of the author inserted), Bruce, June, '02. (1) £3 4s. Seven Pamphlets giving an Ac- count of the Blair-Adam Estate. [Lond.], 1S34. Svo. Craig, Mar., '88. (611) £G7s. 6d. ADAM BEL. See Bel. ADAMNANUS. Vita SanctI Colum- bae. Dublin, 1857. 4to. CI., Jebb, Dec, 'SG. (204) £1 lis. CI., Borlase, Feb., '87. (239) £1 4s. CI., Ashburnham, June, '97. (294) £2 3s. CI., Clerk, May, '99. (147) £1 16s. ADAMS (AMOS). Concise Historical View of the Planting and Progres- sive Improvements of New England. Bost., 1769. 8vo. Brinley, Mar., '79. (271) $5. Concise Historical View of the Planting and Progressive Improve- ments of New England. Lond., 1770. Svo. Cf., Rice, Mar., '70. (4) $9. Hf. mor., g.t., Menzies, Nov., '76. (9) $5.50. ADAMS (ARTHUR). Zoology of the Voyage of H.M.S., Samarang. Lond., 1850. 4to. Hf. mor., unc. Lee, June, '88. (416) £2 5s. ADAMS (C. F.). History of Brain- tree, Mass. Camb., 1891. Svo. CI. (presentation copy), Deane, Mar., '98. (2958) $13.50. ADAMS (ELIPHALET). Discourse putting Christians in Mind to be Ready to Everv Good Work. Bost., 1706. 8vo. Brinley, Mar., '79. (694) $8. ADAMS (FRANCIS). Writing Tables. Lend., 1594. Svo. Cf. (lacking one leaf), Soth., Mar. 21, '98. (948) £3 15s. ADAMS (HANNAH). Summary His- tory of New England. Dedham, 1799. 8vo. Bds., unc, Bangs, Jan. 10, '98. (3) $12.50. ADAMS (H. AND A.). Genera of Re- cent MoUusca. Ijond., 1858. 3 vols., 8vo. **Large paper. CI., Percy, May, '90. (4) £2 17s. ADAMS (JOHN). Index Villaris. [Lond.], for the Author, 1680. Fol. ** Large paper. Mor.. Eraser, Apr., '01. (9) £14s. ADAMS (REV. JOHN). Poems on Several Occasions. Bost.. 1745. Svo. Sheep, Brinley, Nov., 'S6. (6767) $5. Hf. roan, McKee, Nov., 1900. (3) $5.50. Sermon Preached on the Day of his Ordination. Newport, J. Frank- lin, 1728. 16mo. Hf. mor., Brinley, May, '79. (2411) $7. ADAMS (JOHN). Correspondence. Bost., 1809-10. 10 parts, 8vo. (In 1 vol.), Brinley, Apr., '81. (4752) $6. (In 2 vols.), hf. mor., unc, Cooke, Dec, '83. (17) $S. Parts, Hunt, Nov., '91. (14) $13. Defence of the Constitutions of Government of the United States. Lond., 1787. 2 vols., Svo. Cf. (John Dickinson's copy), Hen- kels, Oct. 16, '96. (106) $9.50. CI., unc. (Monroe's copy, presented by Jefferson), Harris, Apr., '97. (141) £2 12s. ADAMS ADAMSON Adams (John) — Contiitued. Defence of the Constitutions of Government of the United States. Lond., 1794. 3 vols., 8vo. Hf. mor., unc, Cooke, Dec, '83. (18) $9. Discourses on Davila. Bost., 1805. 8vo. Cf., Simon, Dec, '93. (21) £1. Letters Addressed to His Wife. Bost., 1841. 2 vols., 12mo. Hf. cf., Menzies, Nov., '7G. (12) |7.25. Twenty-six Letters Respecting the Revolution of America. Lond., [178G]. 12mo. Hf. mor. (John Hancock's copy), Chittenden, Jan., '94. (G) $7.50. " -Works. Bost., 1856. 10 vols. Svo. Waterbury, Jan., '95. (8) $8. Carruth, May. '98. (13) ?8.75. Poole, May, 1900. (4) $7.50. Olcott, Apr., '01. (7) $8.50. Cox, Feb., '02. (3) $9. Bangs, Apr. 28, '02. (1) $10. **Large paper. Hunt. Nov., '91. (13) $17.50. Livermore, Nov., '94. (3) $7.50. Libbie, Sept. 25, '95. (3) $10. Deane, Mar., '98. (17) $11.25. mor., g.t., Dayton. Mar., '02. (7) 23.50. 01., CI., CI., CI., CI., CI., CI., CI., CI., CI., Hf. $ ADAMS (JOHN). Analysis of Horse- manship. Lond., 1805. 8vo. Hf. cf., Blyth, Mar., '01. (1) £112s. ADAMS (JOHN QUINCY). Letters to His Constituents. Bost., 1870. 12mo. Paper, Foote, Nov., '94. (229) $10.50. Memoirs. Phila., 1874-77. 12 vols., Svo. CI., Lenox Library Duplicates, Apr., ■95. (4) $37.50. CI., Bangs, Nov. 11, '95. (4) $55.50. CI., Libbie, Oct. 19, '97. (7) $30. CI., Carruth, May, '98. (16) $43.50. CI., Henkels, Nov. 20, '99. (2) $24. CI., Libbie, Jan. 23, 1900. (6) $49.80. Hf. mor., g.t., Dayton, Mar., '02. (11) $76.50. CI., Bangs, June 17, '02. (101) $37.80. ADAMS (NATHANIEL). Annals of Portsmouth, N. H. Portsmouth, 1825. 8vo. Eds., unc. (with Plan of Portsmouth, engraved by S. Bowen, etc., laid in), Balcom, Feb., '01. (1971) $9. ADAMS (SAMUEL). An Appeal to the World, or. .\ Vindication of the Town of Boston. Lond., 1770. Svo. Hf. mor., g.t., Coburn, Apr., '88. (1734) $5.75. Mor., Libbie, Nov. 20, '95. (145) $5.50. Oration Delivered at the State House in Philadelphia, Aug. 1, 1776. Lond., 1776. Svo. Hf. roan, Henkels, Oct. 21, '96. (60) $6.50. Oration Delivered at the State House in Philadelphia, Aug. 1, 1776. Dublin, 1776. Svo. Hf. mor.. Bangs, Jan. 22, '02. (12) $5.50. ADAMS (T.). The Devllls Banket. Lond.. 1G14. 4to. Vel. (arms of James I. on sides), Lawrence, May, '92. (3) £1 14s. ADAMS (WILLIAM). God's Eye on the Contrite. Bost., Richard Pierce, 1685. 4to. Mor., g.e., Menzies, Nov., '76. (19) $18.50. Mor., g.e., Brinley, Mar., '79. (693) $10.50. ADAMS (WILLIAM). Vitruvius Scoticus. Edinb., [1750]. Fol. Hf. bd.. Pollock, Jan., '89. (296) £3 10s. ADAMSON (H.). Muse's Threnody on the Death of Master Gall. Edinb., 1638. 4to. Cf., g.e., Crawford, Mar., '91. (8) £6 2s. 6d. ADAMSON (JOHN). Eloquiorum Dei, sive Methorlus Religionis Chris- tiannae Catechetica in Usum Aca- demiae Jacobi Regis et Scholarum Edinburgensiu conscripta. Edinb., 1627. 12mo. Limp vel., with ties. Clerk, May, '99. (S) £2 6s. Muses Welcome to James VI. at his Return to Scotland. Edinb., 1618. Fol. Cf. (dedication copy), Russell, June, '85. (8) £20 5s. Old cf.. Putt., Nov. 9, '87. (665) £3 7s. 6d. Cf. (Russell copy), Craig, Mar., '88. (26) £22 10s. Cf., Hopetoun, Feb., '89. (200) £8 8s. Cf., Auchinleck, June, '93. (201) £5 5s. Vel., Clerk, May, '99. (7) £4 8s. Vel., Soth., May, '03. (214) £9. ADAMSON ADDISON ADAMSON (JOHN). Life of Luis de Camoens. Lond., 1820. 2 vols., 8vo. **Large paper. Mor., g.e., Hornby. Jan., '02. (310) £2. ADAMSON (P.). Recantation of Maister Patrik Adamsone, some- time Archbishop of Saint-Andrewes in Scotland. N.p., 159S. 8vo. Mor.. g.e.. Maliellar. Nov.. '9S. (12) £3 3s. ADDISON (C. G.). Dannascus and Palmyra. Lend., 1838. 10 colored plates by W. M. Thackeray. 2 vols., 8vo. CI., unc, Soth., Dec. 1. '91. (1578) £10 5s. CI., unc. Putt., Dec. 16, '91. (504) £2. Cf., Crawford, Mar., '92. (206) £1 15s. CI., unc, Belt, Aug., '92. (528) £3 8s. Cf., m.e.. Foot, Jan.. '94. (120) £lls. Hf. cf., g.e., Kurtz, July, '95. (799) £1 19s. Hf. cf., Addi-son, .Tune, '96. (2) £1. CL, unc, Soth., Julv 14, '96. (388) £llls. CI., unc. Putt., Dec. 13, '97. (449) £1 10s. CI., unc. Putt., Mar. 24, '98. (468) £1 4s. CI., Soth., Nov. 3. '98. (312) £16s. CI., unc, Soth., Dec 5, '99. (219) £1 12s. CI., unc, Bangs, Feb. 13, '01. (493) $8. 01., unc, Bangs, Apr. 9, '01. (787) $7.50. Cf., g.t., French, Apr., '01. (1577) $74. Hf. mor., g.t. (with 18 colored plates, and with the agreement between the author and publisher inserted), Daly, Mar.. 1900. (3288) $30. ADDISON (JOSEPH). The Campaign, a Poem to His Grace, the Duke of Marlborough. Lond., 1705. Fol. Hf. mor.. Grant, May. 1900. (287) £9 2s. 6d. Unbd., unc, Duke of Argyll. July. 1900. (1134) £5. Mor., Putt., Nov. 20, '02. (246) £4. Cf., unc, Soth., May 18, '03. (215) £5 5s. Cato, a Tragedy. Lond., 1713. 4to. Hf. mor., unc. Grant, May, 1900. (215) £4 12s. Unbd., unc. Putt., Nov. 13, '01. (500) £2. CI., g.t., Soth., Mar. 17, '02. (152) £4 10s. Addison (Joseph) — Coiititnicd. Sewed, unc, Soth., June 20, '04. (157) £14 5s. Discourse on Ancient and Modern Learning. Lond., 1739. 4to. Sewed, unc, Bangs, Apr. 16, 1900. (1) $5.50. Evidences of the Christian Relig- ion. Edinb., 1751. ISmo. Mor. (perhaps by Roger Payne), Bangs, Apr. 28, '02. (245) $7. Poems on Several Occasions. Lond.. 1719. 8vo. Unc, Soth., Feb. 22, '97. (555) £2 4s. Remarks on Several Parts of Italy. Lond., 1705. 8vo. Cf., Sullivan, May, '90. (18) £3 3s. Works. Lond., 1721. 4 vols., 4to. Cf., Aylesford. Mar., '88. (70) £2 2s. Cf., Soth., Mar. 7, '01. (293) £16s. **Large paper. Mor., g.e., Toovey, Feb., '94. (223) £12s. Miscellaneous Works. Oxford, 1730. 4 vols.. Svo. **Large paper. Mor., g.t., Reid, May, '94. (11) £3. Works. Birmingham, Baskervllle, 1741. 4to. Thomas. Dec. '91. (53) £lls. Works. Birmingham, Baskervllle, 1761. 4to. Mor., g.e., Vaughan, Dec, '86. (182) £9. Rus., Bleasdell, Jan., '87. (345) £2 12s. 6d. Mor., g.e., Turner, June, '88. (183) £10 10s. Mor., Turner, June, '88. (184) £5 5s. Cf., Brinckman, July, '88. (48) £1 15s. Mor., g.e., Thornhill, Apr.. '89. (97) 12 10s. Cf., Perkins. July, '89. (10) £1 8s. Mor., g.e., Hutchinson, Feb., '92. (2) £6 10s. Mor., Buckley, Feb., '93. (202) £6 15s. Cf., Turner, Dec, '93. (172) £2 6s. Cf., Toovev, Feb., '94. (224) £110s. Mor., g.e., Soth., Nov. 22, '94. (528) £3 3s. Cf., Bangs, June 6, '95. (2) $20. Cf., Deane, Mar.. '98. (34) $5. Cf., Soth.. Mar. 7, '98. (682) £13s. Hf. cf., Bangs, May 14, 1900. (4) $5. Mor., g.e., Soth., Dec. 3, 1900. (530) £2 4s. ADDISON ADVENTURER Addison (Joseph) — Continued. Mor., g.e., Fraser, Apr., '01. (11) £9. Mor. (Williams copy, with arms on sides). Ford, May, '02. (15) £15 10s. Mor. (with arms of Earl of Clare on sides), Hibbert, Apr., '02. (3) £15. Works. Lond., 1811. 6 vols., Svo. Cf., Wells. May, '90. (1) £12s. Hf. cf.. Houle. Dec. '91. (389) £1 Is. Cf., m.e., Soth., Dec. 17, '92. (527) £1 12s. Cf., Soth., Apr. IG. '96. (3) £1 ISs. Cf. ex., m.e.. Deane. Mar., '98. (35) $12. Cf., m.e., Egniont, June, '98. (1) £1 Is. '**Large paper. Cf., Soth., Dec. 9, '87. (3) £1 12s. Cf., Walker. May, "93. (3) £2 4s. ADDRESS OF A CONVENTION OF Delegates, met at Portland, Jan. 28, 1795, on the Subject of Separa- tion from Massachusetts. Port- land, [1795]. Svo. Hf. mor., Deane. Mar., '98. (2855) $11. ADDRESS OF THE CONVENTION of the State of New York. See New York. ADDRESS OF THE COUNCIL OF Censors to the People of Vermont. Bennington, A. Haswell, 1800. Svo. Paper, unc. Conland, Jan., '04. (S97) $9. ADDRESS TO A DEIST: A POEM. New London, for the Author, 179C. 12mo. Paper, McKee, Nov., 1900. (5) $5. ADDRESS TO THE CONVENTION of Colony of Virginia. See Brux- ton (C). ADDRESS TO THE INHABITANTS of Pennsylvania, by those Freemen of the City of Philadelphia, now confined in the Mason's Lodge by Virtue of a General Warrant. Phila.. Robert Bell, 1777. Svo. Cf., g.e.. Barlow, Feb., '90. (1930) $5. Hf. mor.. Bangs, Oct. 7, *01. (17) $7. Hf. mor.. Cox, Feb., '02. (624) $6. Hf. mor., g.t., Cresson, May, '02. (84) $7.25. ADDRESS TO THE PEOPLE OF Maryland. See Dennis (E. P.). ADDRESS TO THE REV. DR. ALI- son, the Rev. Mr. Ewing, and Others, Trustees of the Corporation for the Relief of Presbyterian Min- isters, their Widows and Children, etc. Phila., 17G5. Svo. Address — Continued. Mor., Henkels, Oct. 21, '9C. (2S4) $12. Sewed, Bangs, April 22, '96. (777) $6.25. ADET (P. A.). Notes to the Secre- tary of State of the United States. Phila., 1796. Svo. Cf., g.t., Cooke, Dec, 'S3. (34) $5.50. ADMONITION (AN) TO THE BISH- oppes of Winchester, London, and others. Roane, by Michael Wood, 1553. Svo. Vel., Makellar, Nov., '98. (16) £1 18s. Mor., g.e.. Soth., May 16. '01. (6) £1 8s. ADMONITION TO THE PARLIA- ment. See Cartwright (T.), and Field (J.) ADOLPHUS, ARCHBISHOP OF Mainz. Copia Indulgentiarum de Institutione festi presentationis beatae mariae. [Strasburg, M. Flach, about 1468]. (Hain, 89.) 4to. Bds., Inglis, June. 1900. (4) £15. ADOLPHUS (J.). British Cabinet. Lond., 1799-1800. 4to. Putt., Jan. 16, '90. (301) £1 10s. Mor., g.e., DeLacouperie. Mav. '95. (610) £2 7s. Hf. rus., Ashburnham, June, '97. (814) £3 16s. Rus. (one cover loose), Soth., Oct. 28, '01. (1570) £3 3s. ADOLPHUS (J. H.). Memoirs of Queen Caroline. Lend., 1821. 2 vols., Svo. Cf., Bangs, Feb. 20, 1900. (10) $6. Cf., Putt., July 30, '02. (7) £3. ADRIANUS CARTHUSIENSIS. See Liber de Remediis. ADULTERY ANATOMIZED, IN A Select Collection of Tryals. Lond., 1761. 2 vols. Svo. Bds. (in 1 vol.). Hailstone, Feb., '91. (11) £2 4s. ADVENTURER (THE). Nos. 1-140, Lond., 1753-54. Fol. Mor., g.e. (in 2 vols.). May, July, '91. (617) £4 17s. 6d. Mor. (in 2 vols.), Soth., Jan. 23, '02. (859) £3. Hf. bd. (in 2 vols.). Putt., Apr. 14, '02. (770-A) £18s. Cf. (in 2 vols.), Anderson, Apr. 29, ■03. (466) $5.00. ADVENTURES 10 ^NEAS ADVENTURES OF A POST CAP- tain. By a Naval Officer. Lond., n.d. 8vo. Mor., g.t., unc, Mackenzie, Mar., '89. (11) £4 8s. Hf. mor., g.t., Johnson, Jan., '90. (161) $5.50. Cf., Glasse, July, '92. (2024) £115s. Hf. rus., m.e., Daubuz, Mav, '95. (628) £2 14s. Hf. mor., Soth., Nov. 13, '95. (4) £18s. Hf. mor., g.e.. Cox, Apr., '99. (1043) $10.50. Bds., unc, Soth.. Nov. 20, '99. (51) £3 12s. Hf. cf., unc, Soth.. Apr. 4, 1900. (215) £2 12s. Hf. mor., Christie, Apr. 21, 1900. (1) £3 12s. 6d. Hf. cf., Soth., Jan. 21, '01. (53) £2 19s. Hf. mor., g.e.. Eraser, Apr., '01. (12) £3 12s. Hf. cf., g.t., Soth., Mar. 17, '02. (54) £6. Cf., g.t.. Putt., July 30, "02. (8) £4 5s. ADVENTURES OF DOCTOR COMI- cus. See Comicus (Dr.). ADVERTISEMENT FROM A French Gentleman Touching the Intention and Meaning Which Those of the House of Guise Have in Their Late Levying of Forces and Armies in the Realme of France. Lond., 1585. 12mo. Mor., g.e. (some page numbers cut into), Soth., May 16, '01. (273) £1 ISs. ADVERTISEMENTS PARTLY FOR Due Order. See Elizabeth (Queen). ADY (THOMAS). Candle in the Dark. Lond., 1656. 4to. Cf., r.e., Menzies, Nov., '76. (20) $12.50. Hf. mor., g.e., Brice, July, '87. (410) £llls. Cf., Moore, May, '93. (2587) $14. Cf., g.e. (a few headlines cut into). Ford, May, '02. (17) £3 18s. Perfect Discovery of Witches. Lend., 1661. 4to. Cf., Moore, May, '93. (2588) $12. ADYE (S. P.). Treatise on Courts Martial. N. Y., H. Gaine, 1769. 12mo. Hf. sheep, Brinley, Apr., '81. (4958) $5.25. /EGIDIUS ROMANUS. De Regimine Principum lib. III. [Au.gsburg, G. Zainer, 1473.] (Hain, 107.) Fol. Unbd., Davis, Nov., 1900. (2) £3 10s. Regimiento de Princeps, fecho por D. Fr. Gil. de Roma. Translada de Latin en Romance por D. Bernado Obispo de Osma. Seville, 1494. Fol. Vel. (some headlines cut into), Soth., Apr. 12, '99. (6) £7 5s. Tractus de Formatione human! Corporis in Utero. N.p., n.d. 4to. Cf. (stamped with the Martyrdom of S. Sebastian, etc.. by Andre Boule), Davis, Nov., 1900. (1) £11 10s. /ELFRIC SOCIETY. Publications, a complete series. Lond., 1843-48, 3 vols., Svo. Cf., g.e., Lundy, Feb., "99. (1273) $12.75. /ELIAN US. Tactics. Trans, by J. Bingham. Lond., 1616. Fol. Cf., Gennadius, Mar., '95. (22) £3 3s. /ENEAS SILVIUS. Bulla Retracta- tionum omnium dudum per eum in minoribus adhuc agentem pro Con- cillo Basiliens, etc., et De Curialium Miseria. [Cologne, U. Zell. about 1468.] (Hain, 194 and 260.) 4to. Mor., g.e., Inglis, June. 1900. (6) £6 10s. Mor., g.e., Inglis, June, 1900. (7) £7 15s. Dialogus. Rome, J. Schurener de Bopardia, 1475. (Hain, 193.) Fol. Mor., g.e. (with Tractatus Magistri Jordan! Osnaburgens, [Hain, 9437] and one other piece, in one vol.; Count Hovm's copy), Inglis, June, 1900. (9) £40. Epistolae Familiares. I.ouvain, J. de Westfalia, 1483. Fol. Vel., Inglis, June, 1900. (11) £5. Pius Papa Secundus Eloquentissi- mus Obiit Anno MCCCC LXIIII in Anchona, etc. [Cologne, U. Zell, n.d.] (Hain, 171.) 4to. Cf., Inglis, June, 1900. (8) £5 10s. Pius Papa Secundus Eloquentissi- mus Obiit Anno MCCCC LXIIII in Anchona dum proficisci Proposu- erit Contra Turcos Composuit, etc. [Cologne, U. Zell, about 1469.] (Hain, *171.) 4to. Mor., White, Apr., '02. (8) £9 15s. ^NEAS 11 ^SOP ;^neas Silvius — Continued. Historiae rerum ubique gestarum. Venice, 1477. Fol. Vel. (with a facs., by Pilinski, of the marginal notes said to have been made by Columbus, on verso of Fol. C. ; presentation copy from Henry Harrisse to Mr. Barlow), Barlow, Feb., '90. (1977) |25. Vel. (Barlow copy), Moore, Feb.. '94. (HOG) $10. Historia Pii Papa de duobus Amantibus. Venice, 1504. 4to. Unbd., Soth., Dec. 19, '01. (2) £4 2s. Proemio di Sen Alexandre Brac- cio al prestantissimo Giovane l^o- renzo sopra la traductione d'una hystoria dl due Amanti. Florence, ad petitione di Ser Piero Pacini da Pescia, n.d. 4to. Hf. bd., Ashburnham, May, 9S. (2037) £90. /ESCHYLUS. Agamemnon. Stc Fitz Gerald (Edward). TragoedJae sex. Venice, Aldus, 1518. 8vo. Mor., g.e. (Grenville copy), Crawford. June, '87. (7) £3 10s. Mor., g.e., Crawford, Mar., '91. (21) £3 14s. . Rus., g.e. (Sussex copy), Luard, Nov., '91. (3) £2 10s. Mor., g.e., Auchinleck, June. '93. (G) £4 16s. Mor., g.e.. Bush, Apr., '96. (4) £4 10s. Bds., unc. (lacking the first leaf). Cox, Feb., '02. (31) $40. Tragoediae VII. Graece. Paris, 1557. 4to. Mor., g.e. (arms of Chas. IX. on sides), Soth., Apr. 12, '99. (7) £4 10s. Cf. (James I.'s copy), White, Apr., '02. (9) £13. Tragoedias VII. Graece. Glasgow, 1795. Fol. Mor., g.e., Phillips, Jan., '89. (396) £2. Mor., g.e., Crawford, Mar., '91. (24) £1 8s. Rus., g.e., Buckley, Apr., '94. (308) £2. .^SOP. Appologlcum Carmlnlum et Fabularum Sebastiani Brant. Basle, 1501. Fol. Pigskin, Ashburnham, June, '97. (28) £29. /Esop — Continued. Vel. (lacking blank leaf, fol. 122), Soth., July 17, '01. (8) £27 10s. ** Large paper. Mor., Beckford, June, '82. (G5) £50. Rus., g.e., Ives, Mar., '91. (4) $225. Vita et Fabulae. Ulm, Zainer, [1473], Fol. Vel. (lacking Fols. 31 and 40), Craw- ford, Mar., '91. (26) £28. Vita et Fabulae., [Milan]. A. Zar- otus, 1474. 4to. Cf., Apponyi, Nov. 10, '92. (20) £4. Vita EsopI Fabulatoris. [Nurem- berg, Koburger, 1476.] Fol. Unbd. (Imperfect), Soth., June 18, '96. (724) £5. Fabulae, cum Italica Verslone Zucchi. Verona, 1479. 4to. Mor., g.e., (one leaf inlaid). Walker, May, '93. (162) £34. Cf. (2 leaves in facs. and 2 lack- ing), Ashburnham, June, '97. (23) £41 10s. Mor., Putt., Jan. 30, '89. (879) £43. Fabulae et Vita. [Augsburg, Sorg, 1479-80.] (Hain, 327.) Fol. Mor., unc. (lacking P. 8 and all of Sig. Q. except the last leaf), Ash- burnham, June, '97. (19) £61. Leather (lacking A S and all after P S, and with the first leaf in facs.), Morris. Dec. '98. (107) £29. Cf. (lacking the first leaf and Sig. A 8), Clerk, May, '99. (10) £64. Mor., g.e. (perfect), Inglis, June, 1900. (14) £129. Fabulae et Vita. Gr. et Lat. [Mi- lan, about 14S0.] 3 parts. 4to. Mor., by Bradel I'Aine, Thorold, Dec, '84. (37) £48. Mor., g.e., Wodhull, Jan., '86. (43) £20. Mor., g.e., Crawford, June, '89. (10) £36 10s. Mor., g.e., Stuart, Mar., '95. (68) £36. Mor., g.e.. Weaver, Mar., '98. (85) £31. Vita et Fabulae. Naples, 1485. Fol. Mor., g.e., Crawford, June, '87. (8) £115. Rus. (slightly wormed), Glasse, July, '92. (2420) £40. ^SOP 12 ^SOP /Eso p — Co H t ill ucd. Mot., g.e., Ashburnham, June, '97. (24) £203. Fabulae. Venice, 1491. 4to. Mor., Ashburnham, June, '97. (25) £18. Fabulae et Vita. Venice, Manfre- dus de Monteserato, 1492. 4to. (Sussex copy, margins of first and last leaves mended), Ashburnham, June, '97. (26) £37. Vita et Fabulse. Gr. et Lat. Aqulla, Eusanium de Stella, 1493. Pol. Mor., g.e., Hardwicke, June, '88. (92) £57. Fabulae et Vita. Lat. et Ital. per Zucchi. Venice, Manfredus de Mon- teserato, 1493. 4to. Cf., Ashburnham, June, '97. (27) £13 15s. Fabulse et Vita. [Venice], 1498. (Hain, 267.) 4to. Mor., g.e., Soth., Nov. 20, '99. (211) £10 5s. Venice, Aldus. Vita et Fabulae. 1505. Fol. Mor., g.e.. Peel, June, £16. 1900. (188) Venice, £52. Vita di Esopo Historiata. M. de Monteserato, 1505. Vel., Soth., July 17, '01. (9) Esopus Constructus IVIoralicatus et hystoriatus. Venice, Bern. Benal- ius, 1517. 4to. Mor., Inglis, June. 1900. (15) £76. Vida [y Fabulas]. N.p., Juan Jof- fre, 1520. Fol. Vel., Ellis, Nov., "85. (17) £30 10s. Der Teutsch Esopus. Augsburg, Schonsperger, 1498. Fol. Hf. bd. (lacking 4 leaves), Morris, Dec, '98. (108) £11 5.s. Leben und Fabeln. Friburg, 1555. 4to. (Lacking title), Soth.. Dec. 17, '98. (190) £9 5s. Fabularum. Gr. et Lat. Oxford. 1098. Svo. **Large paper. Mor.. g.e., Hildyard, June, '89. (1) £3 4s. Mor., g.e., Moore, Oct., '93. (5) £2 6s. Fabule Moralissime. Gr. in Lat. .^sop — Con t ill iird. translate. N.p., n.d. (18 unnum bered leaves). 4to. Vel., Soth., July, '01. (7) £10. Fables. Moralized by L. Willan. Lond., 1650. 16mo. Cf., Gaisford, Apr., '90. (14) £2 4s. Fables. In verse, by J. Ogilby. Lond., 1051. Plates by Hollar. 4to. Rus., g.e., Aylesford, Mar., '88. (71) £5 10s. Cf.. Buckley, Feb., '93. (211) £4 12s. 6d. Mor., Putt., June 22, '96. (988) £2 1Ss. Cf. (81 proof plates and frontispiece), Bunbury, July, '96. (138) £10. (80 proof plates, lacking portrait), Hodgson, June 1, 1900. (464) £7. Mor., g.e.. Ford, May, '02. (19) £19. Cf., Fountaine, June, '02. (4) £7 5s. Fables. In verse, by Ogilby. Lond., 1G65. Plates by Hollar. Fol. **Large paper. Mor., g.e., Buckley, Apr., '94. (309) £4 6s. Fables. With life, etc., by T. Philipott. Lond., 1G66. Plates by Barlow. Fol. Cf. (cover broken), Bunbury, July, '96. (208) £4. Cf., Soth., Mar. 21, '98. (1003) £3 14s. Mor., g.e., Edwardes, May, '01. (115) £9 5s. Mor., g.e., Lefferts, Apr., '02. (3) $37.50. '** Large paper. Cf., Ashburnham, June, '97. (30) £4 IGs. Fables. In verse, by Ogilby. Lend., 1668. Plates by Hollar. 2 vols., fol. Constable, June, '89. (227) £1 10s. Cf. Warwick, Nov., '91. (246) £1 10s. Cf., Hutchinson, Feb., '92. (4) £3 6s. Rus., Holborn, Jan., '93. (290) £2. Hf. cf.. Bangs, Nov. 18, '01. (5) $6.25. Fables. In verse, by Ogilby. Lond., 1G75. Svo. Hf. rus., Johnson, Feb., '98. (13) £2 6s. Fables. Lond., 1687. Plates by Barlow. Fol. Mor., Brinckman, July, '88. (157) £13 10s. Mor., g.e. (frontispiece backed), Har- tree, July, '90. (246) £5 5s. Hf. cf., Soth., Apr. 24, '99. (309) £2 4s. .^SOP 13 -ESOP /Esop — Cotitiu iicd. Mor., g.e. (lacking plate 17), Bangs, Mar. 19, 1900. (5) $14. Mor., g.e., Edwardes, May, '01. (116) £12. Mor., g.e. (with plate 17), Ford, May, ■02. (21) £S5s. Rus., m.e. (with plate 17), Fountaine, June, '02. (5) £5 10s. **Large paper. Cf. (with plate 17), Ashburnham, June, '97. (31) £6 2s. 6d. Fables. Lond., 1G94. Fol. Mor., Sullivan, May, '90. (43) £3 18s. Fables. Lond.. 1703. Plates by Barlow. Fol. Cf., Leigh, Dec. 'S9. (1135) £3 7s. 6d. Cf., Anderson, Feb. 7, '02. (2) $10.25. Fables of ^sop and others. Edited bv Samuel Croxall. Lond., 1722. Svo. Cf., g.e., Percy, May, '90. (8) £1 3s. Cf., y.e.. Hibbert. Apr., '02. (4) £4 8s. Fables. Birmingham, Baskerville, 17C1. Svo. Cf., Soth., July 13, '87. (2) £1 12s. Cf., Soth., Feb. 14, '88. (24) £2. Mor., g.e., Perkins, July, '89. (15) £2Cs. Cf., g.e., Walker, June. '91. (395) £llSs. Mor. g.e., Hutchinson, Feb. '92. (5) £2 2s. Mor. g.e., Soth., Nov. 17, '96. (6) £1 6s. Hf. bd., unc, Hibbert, Apr., '02. (5) £3 5s. **Large paper. Mor., g.e. (Daniel copy). Haves, Apr., '98. (8) $23.50. Fables. Birmingham, Baskerville, 1764. Svo. Mor., g.e., Craig, June, '87. (18) £7 2s. Gd. Fables. Lond., Stockdale, 1793. Plates by Stothard, etc. 2 vols., Svo. Cf., Bleasdell, Jan., '87. (60) £2 2s. Hf. mor., unc, Soth., Feb. 12, '89. (5) £6 15s. Rus., m.e., Kenyon, Mar., '90. (555) £3 3s. Cf., g.e., Soth., June 22, '91. (2) £ 2 18s Cf., g.e., Soth., July 2, '92. (1) £2 2s. Cf., g.e., Moore, Oct., '92. (6) £2 16s. ^sop — Coiitiiiiicd. Cf., g.e., Ale.xander, Mar., '95. (14) $16. Mor., g.e.. Bangs, Jan. 30, '96. (5) $12. Cf., g.e., Libbie, Mar. 25, '96. (7) $33. Cf., Deane, Mar., '98. (40) $16. Hf. mor., g.e., Henkels, June 2, '98. (59) $2S. Rus., Bangs, Oct. 6, '98. (152) $11.50. Cf., Cox, Apr. 17, '99. (6) $21. Cf., Bangs, May 3, '99. (2) $8. Mor., inlaid, by Riviere. Bangs, Mar. 10, 1900. (0) $72. Hf. mor., Daly, Mar., 1900. (28) $19. Cf. (in 1 vol.), Soth., May 25, 1900. (2) £2 OS. Cf., y.c. Bangs, Feb. 13, '01. (1) $18. Mor., g.e., Hodgson, Feb. 27, '01. (114) £3. Mor., g.e., Anderson, Feb. 7, '02. (3) $32. Rus., Cresson, May, '02. (172) $16. Fables. Newcastle, 1818. Wood- cuts by Bewick. Svo. Bds., unc. Putt., June 17, '91. (548) £3 5s. Mor., g.e., Reid, May, '94. (230) £2 14s. Bds., unc, Framingham, May, '95. (38) £2 4s. Cf., m.e., Shaw, Feb., '97. (24) £116s. Mor. (soiled), McKenzie, Jan., '99. (29) £2 13s. Cf. (with bookplate of Wm. Morris), Soth., Apr. 4, 1900. (1297) £llls. Mor., g.t., Bruce, Dec, 1900. (230) £6. '^*Large paper. Hf. mor., g.t., unc, Randall, Aug., '87. (890) £0 10.'^. Mor., g.e., Thornhill, Apr.. '89. (IS) £20 5s. Rus., Hutt, May, '89. (ISO) £9 9s. Cf., g.e., Sullivan, May, '90. (733) £10. Mor., g.e., Warwick, Nov., '91. (7) £4 12s. 6d. Hf. rus., Edkins, Dec, '91. (795) £3 10s. Hf. bd., Stonehouse, Mar., '92. (590) £5 5s. Cf., g.e., Soth., Dec. 13, '92. (21) £13. Cf., Hennessy, July, '93. (997) £7. Mor., Pinkney, May, '95. (21) £19. Mor., g.e.. Lamb, Feb., '98. (77) £8 5s. Mor., g.t., unc. (orig. back and paper label bound in), Stansfield, June, '98. (32) £6. ^SOP 14 AGRICOLA /Esop — Continued. Cf., g.e., Soth., Nov. 28, '98. (598) £2 14s. Cf., y.e., Phllpott, Nov., '01. (18) £2 Is. Hf. rus., unc, Soth., July 11, '02. (10) £4. **Largest paper. Hf. mor., unc, Lee, June, '88. (381) £15. Cf., Putt., July 3, '89. (30) £14. Unc, Rose, June, '91. (1497) £9 9s. Mor., May, July, '91. (1419) £18. Mor., g.e., Anderson, May, '92. (13) £10 10s. Rus., m.e.. Foot, Jan., '94. (923) £5. Rus., g.e., Angerstein, May, '9G. (789) £4 4s. Hf. mor., unc, Burra, May, '97. (C5) £6 12s. Hf. cf., Soth., Mar. 18, '98. (130) £5. Cf. (cracked), Soth., Apr. 25, '98. (10) £4 10s. Rus., m.e., Egmont, June, '98. (31) £5 15s. Cf. (cracked), Soth., Nov. 28, '98. (632) £4 15s. Cf., m.e., Soth., May 8, '99. (93) £4 15s. Cf. (cracked), Soth., Apr. 4, 1900. (294) £3. Hf. rus., Soth., Dec 3, 1900. (1521) £1 6s. Rus. (rebacked). Soth., Dec. 17, 1900. (93) £1 14s. Mor., g.e., Soth., Nov. IS, '01. (25) £6 6s. Mor., g.e., Hibbert, Apr., '02. (64) £11 15s. Fables. Trans, by T. James. Lond., 1848. 8vo. Mor., g.e., Cosier, June, '87. (2) £2. CI., Mackenzie, Mar., '89. (14) £2. CI., Putt., June 17, '91. (551) £19s. CI., Anderson, May, '92. (2) £1 16s. CI., Putt., June 14, '97. (5) £1 10s. Fables. Reprint of Caxton's edi- tion. Lond., 1889. 2 vols., 8vo. ** Large paper. Hf. vel., Lovell, Apr., '90. (69) £2 2s. Hf. vel., Soth., June 1, '97. (2) £1 Is. Mor., unc. Bangs, Mar. 31, '98. (1) $11. Hf. vel., unc, Libbie, Feb. 8, 1900. (595) $7. AFRICAN REPOSITORY AND CO- lonial Journal. Washington, v.d. 8vo. African Repository — Continued. Vols. 4 to 14, Mar., 1828, to Dec, 1838, 9 vols., hf. cf.. Weeks, Mar., '02. (687) $9. AGASSIZ (ALEXANDER). Revision of the Echini. Parts 1-4. Camb., 1872-74. 4 parts in 2 vols., and 2 vols, of plates. 4to. Hf. mor., g.t., unc. Bangs, Feb. 6, '96. (2) $11. AGASSIZ (L.). Contributions to Nat- ural History of United States. Bost., 1857-62. 4 vols., 4to. CI., Libbie, Mar. 9, '86. (7) $10. CI., Libbie, May 2, '88. (5) $11. CI., Foster, June, '94. (1317) £3. CI., Duncan, Nov., '94, (4) $6.60. CI., Henkels, Dec 10, '95. (489) $8. CI., Libbie, Feb. 11, '96. (8) $8.50. CI., Richmond, Apr., '99. (2459) $16.50. CI., Balcom, Feb., '01. (20) $8.50. CI., Libbie, June 4, '01. (1355) $10. Lake Superior. Bost., 1850. 8vo. CI., Wilson, June, '92. (37) £2 4s. CI., Brinley, Apr., '93. (8040) $11.50. CI., Libbie, Apr. 27, '97. (603) $10. CI., Bangs, Apr. 22, '98. (3) $6.62. CI., Clogston, Nov., '99. (12) $5.50. CI., Manson, Feb., '99. (33) $6.25. CI. (presentation copy). Bangs, Jan. 15. 1900. (3) $7.50. CI. (presentation copy), Wynian and Lesser, June, '02. (82) $10.50. AGATHOCLES. See Hoy (Thomas) and Perrinchief (R.). AGINCOURT (SEROUX D'). History of Art. Trans, by Owen Jones. Lond., 1847. 3 vols., fol. CI. (in 1 vol.), Craig, Mar., '88. (38) £1 2s. CI. (in 1 vol.), Knight, June, '89. (202) £lls. Hf. mor., unc. (in 1 vol.). Hart, Apr., '90. (19) $18. Hf. rus., g.t. (in 1 vol.), Millard, July, '95. (Ill) £15s. (In 1 vol.). Whitehead, May 3, '98. (141) £8 15s. Hf. mor. (in 1 vol.), Soth., Oct. 30, '99 (1271 £1 3s Hf. mor., Bangs, Feb. 20, 1900. (13) $10.50. Hf. mor. (in 1 vol.). Bangs, Nov. 26, 1900. (4) $7.50. AGRICOLA (DANIEL). Passio dom- AGRICOLA 15 AINSWORTH Agricola (Daniel) — Contitiiwil. ini nostri lesu Christi. Basle, 1519. 4to. McKee, May, '02. (4760) $15. AGRICOLA (G. A.). Experimental Husbandman and Gardener. Lond., 1726. 8vo. Cf., Soth., Apr. 4, '9S. (64) £1 lis. AGRICOLA (M.). Kurtz Deutsche Musica. Wutemberg, G. Rhaw, [1528]. Svo. Mor., g.e., Soth., Nov. 25, '01. (158) Cfl 17s. 6d. AGRIPPA (C). Trattato dl Scientia d'Arme. Rome, 1553. 4to. Mor.. g.e., Soth., Julv 17, '01. (12) £13. Vel., g.e. (lacking title and portrait), Soth., Mar. 17, '99. (269) £3 1Gs. AGRIPPA (H. C). Incertitudine et Vanitate Scientiarum et Artium. [Basle], 1531. Svo. Stamped leather (portrait inserted), Inglis, June, 1900. (16) £3. Nobility and Excellency of Wom- an-Kind. Trans, by D. Clapam. [Lend.]. Berthelet, 1542. 12mo. Unbd. (some margins cut into), Fountaine, June, '02. (C) £4 IGs. Three Books of Occult Philosophy. l.ond.. 1051. 4to. Hf. mor. (stained and mended). Dor- man, Apr., 'S6. (1526) $10.50. Cf., Putt., July 12, '87. (2S1) £2 5s. Fourth Book of Occult Philosophy. Lond., 1655. 4to. Hf. mor. (stained and mended). Dor- man, Apr., '86. (1527) $7. Cf., Putt., Nov. 20, '95. (944) £2 10s. Vanity and Uncertainty of Antes and Sciences. Englished by J. Sandford. Lond., 1569. 4to. Vel„ Soth., July 13, '87. (151) £1 10s. Vel., Stibbs, Jan., "93. (15) £1 lis. Cf. (rebacked), Lundy, Feb., '99. (660) $5.50. Rus., g.e. (portrait inserted, some marginal notes cut into), Inglis, June, 1900. (17) £3 14s. Cf., Soth., Jan. 23, '02. (301) £6 15s. Vanity and Uncertainty of Arts and Sciences. Lond., 1575. 4to. How, Mar., '90. (606) £1 lis. Hf. bd. (wormed), Frere, Feb., '96. (116) £2 2s. Vel., Ashburnham, June, '97. (42) £9. Agrippa (H. 0.) — Continued. Cf., Ashburnham, Nov., '97. (2) £3. (Some leaves stained and mended), McKee, Dec, '01. (3131) $6. Sheep, Bangs, Sept. .10, '01. (9) $5.25. AGUECHEEK (ANDREW). Univer- celaneo Esperitual en el idioma. W. Bradford. 12mo. For 1762, sewed, unc. Proud, Mav, '03. 1248) $10. For 1764, sewed, unc. Proud. Mav, '03. (248) $5. AGUERO (CHRISTOVAL DE). Mis- celaneo Esperitual en el idioma Zanoteca. Mexico, 1666. 4to. Cf., Soth., .Tan. 2'.», '96. (91) £8. AHIMAN REZON. See Smith (Wil- liam.) AIKIN (LUCY). Courts of Queen Elizabeth, James 1. and Cliarles 1. Lond., 1819-33. 6 vols., Svo. Cf., m.e., Livermore, Nov., '94. (20) $10.50. Hf. cf.. unc. Bangs, Jan. 23, '95. (2) $15.75. Hf. cf.. Bangs, Apr. 11, 1900. (2) $9. Hf. cf., unc, Bangs, Nov. 7, 1900. (5) $10.80. Cf., Dayton, Mar., '02. (17) $12.60. AILESBURY (EARL OF). Memoirs. Lond., 1S90. 2 vols. 4to. Hf. mor.. g.t., Brabourne, June, '93. (593) £3 3s. Buckley, Apr., '94. (3297) £6 6s. AILLY (PIERRE a). See Aliaco. AINSWORTH (HENRY). Animad- version to Richard Clifton's Adver- tisement. Amsterdam, 1613. 4to. Cf. (Increase Mather's copy), Brin- ley. Mar., '79. (509) $13. Annotations on the Book of Psalmes. Amsterdam, 1644. Svo. Cf., Soth., Mar. 19, '96. (6) £12s. Cf., Thayer, Feb., '98. (1) $6. Communion of Saints. Amster- dam. 1640. Svo. Mor., Bailey. June, '89. (1476) £15s. Counterpolson. N. p., 1642. 4to. Vel., Brinley, Mar., '79. (511) $50. AINSWORTH (H.). Mirabile Pecci: or, the Non-Such Wonder of the Peak in Darbyshire Discovered. Lond., 1669. Svo. Cf., Bateman, May, '93. (380) £1 lis. AINSWORTH AINSWORTH (WILLIAM). Marrow of the Bible. Lond.. Ifi52. Svo. Cf., Gaisford. Apr., '90. (17) £1 7s. AINSWORTH (W. H.)- Constable of the Tower. Lend., 18G1. ?, vols., 12mo. Bds., line, Anderson, Apr. 29, '03. (S) $9.75. Crichton. Lend., 1837. 3 vols., Svo. Mor. (portrait and series of plates by "Phiz" inserted). Howard, June, •98. (.5) £7 17s. 6d. Crichton. Lond., 1849. Svo. Hf. nior., g.t., Talbot, Jan., '90. (23G) £2 16s. CI., unc. Deacon, Dec, '92. (10) £3 14s. CI., unc, Ludgater, Mav, '95. (499) £2. CI., unc, Soth., Feb. 19. '9C. (314) £5 2s. 6d. Cf., unc. Howard, June, '98. (1) £3 12s. CI., unc, Sidnev, Mar., 1900. (2) £2 IGs. Mor. (plates in duplicate, one set col- oroi), Mar., 1900. (4G) $41. Guy Fawkes. Lond., 1S41. Plates by Cruikshank. 3 vols., Svo. CI., unc, Stewart, Mar., '88. (122) £21 5s. Mor., unc, Mackenzie, Mar., '89. (408) £11. Unc, Sfreatfelld, June, '89. (308) £10 15s. Mor., unc, Burnett, Apr., '89. (131) £0. Hf. mor., unc, Talbot, Jan., '90. (233) £10. Mor.. g.t. (presentation copy). John- son, Jan., '90. (329) $21. Cf.. unc, Sinclair, Apr., '90. (2) £9 5s. CI., unc, Framingham, May, '95. (25) £C7s. Gd. Hf. mor., Soth.. Nov. 13, '95. (8) £2 10s. CI., unc. (author's copy). Bruton, June, '97. (10) £lG10s. CI., tmc, Johnson, Feb., 'PS. (18) £12 15s. Mor., unc, Howard. June, '98. (8) £12 12s. Mor., unc. (Mackenzie copy). Daly, Mar., 1900. (39) $7S. Mor., unc (orig. sketch by Cruik- shank inserted), French, Apr., '01. (14) $153. 16 AINS'WORTH Ainsw/orth (W. H.) — Ciiiitiiiiird. Guy Fawkes. Lond.. 1857. Plates by Cruikshank. Svo. Cf., g.t., unc, Dalv, Mar., 1900. (40) $7.50. Jack Sheppard. Lond., 1839. Plates by Cruikshank. 3 vols., Svo. CI., unc. Hardy, Dec, '86. (813) £5. Mor., unc, Stewart, Mar., '88. (119) £11. Mor., unc, Mackenzie, Mar., '89. (406) £9 15s. CI., unc, Soth., May 31, 'S9. (134) £4. CI., unc, Sullivan. Mav, '90. (1726) £12 15s. CI., unc, Soth., June 14, '90. (3) £7. Mor.. unc. Soth., Mav 13, '92. (S13) £5. CI., unc, Papworth, Mav, '92. (587) £6 5s. CI., unc, Williams, May, '93. (3) £5. Mor., unc, Soth., Dec. 11, '93. (142) £7 5s. Cf., unc. Burgess, May, '94. (7) £5 15s. CI., unc, Whitechurcn, Dec, '94. £5. CI., unc, Soth.. Apr. 22, '95. (364) £4 4s. Cf., g.t., Pinkney, May, '95. (72) £6 6s. CI., unc, Soth.. Mar. 9, '97. (270) £10 5s. CI., unc, Bruton, June, '97. (7) £6 5s. CI., unc, WTiitehead, May, '98. (2) £5. CI., unc. Stansfield, June, '98. (3) £3. Mor., unc, Howard, June, '98. (6) £9 9s. CI., unc. Bangs, Dec. 1, '9S. (149) $24. CI., unc, Clarke, Mar., '99. (5) £G6s. Mor., unc. Cox, Apr., '99. (7) $51. Mor.. unc, Soth., May S, '99. (396) £4 18s. CI., unc, Wright, June, '99. (5) £5 15s. CI., unc, Soth., Nov. 20. '99. (52) £4 6s. CI., unc. Bangs, Jan. 15, 1900. (2) $27.75. Mor., unc. Daly, Mar., 1900. (33) $45. CI., unc, Libbie, Apr. 17, 1900. (246) $11.25. CI., unc. Putt., Mar. 28, '01. (4) £4 5s. Hf. cf.. Anderson, Apr. 3, '01. (1) $22.50. CI., unc. Bangs. Oct. 21, '01. (16G) $14.25. Cf.. Bangs, Nov. 18, '01. (7) $27. AINSWORTH 17 AINSWORTH Ainsworth (W. H.) — Continued. Hf. cf., Phillips & Shreve, Dec, '01. (97) $27.75. Hf. cf. (soiled), Soth., Dec, '02. (43) £5. Jack Sheppard. Lond., 1840. Plates by Cruikshank. 8vo. CI., line, Soth., Dec S, '90. (C) £5 10s. Mor., unc, Soth., May 13, '92. (814) £3. CI., unc, Witton, Jan., '93. (473) £1 Is. 01., unc, Williams, May, '93. (4) £4. Mor., unc, Soth., Nov. 22, '94. (42) £3. 01., unc. Putt, Oct. 15, '96. (175) £5. Of., g.e., Johnson, Feb. 28, '98. (19) £1. 01., unc, Soth., Feb. 15, 1900. (153) £118s. Of., g.e., Daly, Mar., 1900. (34) |12. Mor., unc, Hibbert, Apr., '02. (9) £5 5s. Jack Sheppard. Lond., 1854. Plates by Cruikshank. 8vo. Hf. cf., g.t., unc, Daly, Mar., 1900. (35) $10. James the Second. Lond., 1848. 3 vols., Svo. Of., unc, Burnett, Apr., '89. (12) £2 2s. Unc, Putt., May, '89. (25) £1 7s. Hf. mor., g.e., Soth., Feb. 9, '98. (4) £lls. Mor.. unc, Howard, June, '98. (10) £7. Unc, Soth., June 27, '98. (920) £2 6s. Hf. mor., unc, Daly, Mar., 1900. (45) $10.50. James the Second. Lond., 1849. 3 vols., Svo. Unc, Soth., June 14, '90. (10) £2. Cf., g.t. Putt, Apr. 7, '92. (12) £3. Hf. cf., g.t., Soth., Apr. 22, '95. (5) £lls. Of., unc, Soth., Apr. 25, '98. (874) £119s. Hf. cf., g.t, Lloyd, Jan., '02. (7) £1 lis. Lancashire Witches. Lond., 1849. 3 vols., 8vo. CI., unc. Putt, Jan. 9, '02. (187) £2 10s. Lancashire Witches. Lond., 1854. Svo. Cf., unc, Mackenzie, Mar., '89. (17) £3 12s. 6d. Ainsworth (W. H.) — Continued. CI., unc, Clarke. War., '99. (13) £2 15s. Mervyn Clitheroe. Lond., 1858. Plates by Browne. Svo. Cf., g.e., Harris, Apr., '97. (146) £1 4s. CI., Soth.. Mar. 18, '9S. (107) £1 5s. 01., unc. (orig. paper covers bound in), Clarke, Mar., '99. (15) £4 6s. Hf. mor., g.t.. Bangs, Apr. 16, 1900. (5) $5.50. Parts, Putt, Mar. 12, '02. (75) £6. Mor., unc, Hibbert, Apr., '02. (11) £5 10s. IVliser's Daughter. Lond., 1842. Plates by Cruikshank. 3 vols., Svo. 01., unc (presentation copy to Mrs. Cruikshank, with Crulkshank's auto- graph in each volume), Stewart, Mar., '8S. (123) £42. Hf. mor., g.t., Burnett Apr., '89. (132) £3 5s. 01., unc, Comyn, Mar., '93. (339) £6 2s. 6d. Mor., unc, Soth., Dec. 11, '93. (144) £5 5s. Of., unc, Pinkney, May, '95. (74) £4 15s. 01., unc, Framingham, May, '95. (18) £4 16s. 01., unc, Bruton, June, '97. (16) £10 15s. Mor., g.t. (with duplicate series of plates in proof state), Howard, June, '98 (9 ) £9 9s. 01, g.t, Soth., May 8, '99. (397) £4 6s. 01., unc. (Stewart copy, with auto- graph of Cruikshank in each vol.), Wright June, '99. (9) £26 10s. CI., unc, Libbie. Mar. 18, '02. (9) $12.75. IVliser's Daughter. Lond., 1843. Plates by Cruikshank. 3 vols., Svo. Hf. mor. ex., Johnson, Jan., '90. (332) $12. Of., Soth., Dec. S, '90. (11) £18s. 01., unc. Putt., Dec 5, '92. (532) £1 10s. Hf. mor., g.t., Dalv, May, 1900. (41) $10.50. IVliser's Daughter. Lond., 1848. Plates by Cruikshank. Svo. 01., unc, Soth., Dec. 8, '90. (12) £2 10s. AINSWORTH 18 AINSWORTH Ainsworth (W. H.) — Continued. CI., unc. Williams, May, '93. (11) £110s. CI., unc, Soth., "Nov. 22, '94. (45) £2 2s. CI., unc, Harris, Apr., '97. (145) £117s. Cf., unc, Sherman, Jan., '98. (6) $7.12. CI., unc, Soth., Feb. 24, '98. (695) £19s. CI., unc, Clarke, Mar., '99. (11) £2 lis. Cf., g.t., Libbie, Feb. 8, 1900. (257) $7.50. Cf., g.t., Daly, Mar., 1900. (42) $10. CI., unc, Soth., Dec. 11, '01. (384) £1 15s. -Old St. Paul's. Lond., 1841. Plates by Franklin. 3 vols., 8vo. CI., unc, Streatfield, June, '89. (309) £2 15s. CI., unc, Hartree, Julv, '90. (S) £3 17s. Cf., unc. Hutchinson, Feb., '92. (9) £3 5s. CI., unc, Stogden, May, '94. (4) £3. Cf., g.t., Soth., Apr. 22, '95. (3) £2 4s. CI., unc, Beesley, Nov., '96. (604) £4 4s. Mor., g.t. (with duplicate series of plates in proof state), Howard, June, '98. (7) £10 10s. Parts (poor copy), Soth., .Tune 27, '9S. (127) £4Gs. CI., unc, Soth., Dec. 18, '99. (166) £117s. Hf. mor., g.t., Daly, Mar., 1900. (37) $19.50. CI., unc. (presentation copy), Lloyd, Jan., '02. (3) £8 5s. Old St. Paul's. Lond., 1847. Plates by Franklin and Browne. 8vo. Cf., unc, Mackenzie, Mar., '89. (16) £3 12s. CI., unc, Marshall, June. '90. (9) £3 3s. CI., unc. Deacon, Dec, '92. (8) £2 10s. CI., unc, Tomlinson, Jan., '94. (1352) £2 Is. Cf., unc. Burgess, May, '94. (14) £4 16s. CI., unc, Soth., Feb. 19, '90. (3131 £2 14s. Hf. mor., Libbie, Feb. 18, '97. (6) $10.50. Ainsworth (W, H.) — Continued. CI., unc, Harris, Apr., '97. (144) £2. CI., unc, Clarke, Mar., '99. (10) £3. Hf. mor., g.t., Daly, Mar., 1900. (38) $5. CI. (broken), Anderson, Apr. 3, '01. (2) $15. CI., unc. Bangs, Apr. 9. '01. (611) $9. CI., unc, Soth., Dec. 11, '01. (383) £1 12s. CI., unc, Libbie, Apr. 29, '02. (152) $5.25. -Ovingdean Grange. Lond., 1860. Plates by Browne. 8vo. CI., unc, Soth., Dec. 8, "90. (16) £1. CI., unc. Putt., July 1, '91. (990) £1 3s. CI., unc. Putt., Dec. 5, '92. (614) £1 10s. CI., unc, Christie. Jan., '93. (11) £1 7s. CI., unc, Clarke, Mar., '99. (16) £1 10s. Rookwood. Lond., 1834. 3 vols., 8vo. Cf., unc, g.t. (presentation copy), Mac- kenzie, Mar., '89. (15) £5 12s. 6d. Hf. mor., unc, Burnett, Apr., '89. (6) £2. (Presentation copy), Streatfield, June, '89. (1428) £2 15s. Hf. mor.. unc, Libbie, Mar. 25, '96. (8) $5.25. Bds., unc. Putt., May 24, '98. (432) £1. Cf., unc. (presentation copy), Daly, Mar., 1900. (31) $24. Rookwood. Lond., 1830. Plates by Cruikshank. 8vo. Mor., unc, Stewart, Mar., '88. (118) £7 7s. Mor., unc, Mackenzie, Mar., '89. (405) £S10s. Mor., unc. Burnett, Apr., '89. (128) £7 17s. 6d. Mor., g.t., Johnson. Jan., '90. (326) $28.25. CI., unc, Soth., Dec. 8, '90. (5) £5 17s. 6d. Cf., unc. Burgess, May, '94. (6) £4 10s. CI., unc, Soth., Nov. 13, '95. (5) £5. CI., unc, Bruton, June, '97. (4) £8 10s. Mor., unc, Howard, June, '98. (4) £6. CI., unc, Clarke, Mar., '99. (4) £6 10s. AINSWORTH 19 AINSWORTH Ainsworth (W. H.) — Gontinued. Hf. mor., unc, Soth., Mar. 11, '99. (137) £4. CI., unc, Wright, June, '99. (4) £7 10s. Mor., g.e., Anderson, Jan. 8, '01. (1) $22. Cf., g.e, French, Apr., '01. (12) $28. Mor., unc, Hibbert, Apr., '02. (7) £8. Mor., g.e., Maier, Oct., '02. (1) $16. Saint James's. Lond., 1844. Plates by Cruikshank. 3 vols., 8vo. Cf., unc, Stewart, Mar., '88. (127) £4 10s. 6d. Cf., unc, Burnett, Apr., '89. (136) £2 12s. Bds., unc, Streatfield, June, '89. (311) £7 17s. 6d. Hf. mor., Johnson, Jan., '90. (333) Soth., $15. Cf., g.e. Dec. 8, Cf., g.e. Putt., '95. (9) (IS) £9. '99. (658) ■01. (17) (presentation copy), '90. (14) £5. (presentation copy). Apr. 13, '92. (11) £6 15s. Bds., unc, Soth., Nov. 13, £5 5s. Bds., unc, Bruton, June, '97 Cf. (soiled), Soth., Feb. 27, £116s. Hf. mor., unc, French, Apr., $22.50. Saint James's. Lond., 1846. Plates by Cruikshank. 3 vols., 8vo. Hf. mor., Soth., Feb. 28, 1900. (519) £118s. Hf. of., unc, Lloyd, Jan., '02. (0) £2 14s. Spendthrift. Lond., 1857. Plates by Browne. Svo. Cf., Hutchinson, Feb., '92. (13) £2. Cf., Evans, Nov., '93. (551) £1 Is. CI., unc, Clarke, Mar., '99. (14) £2 8s. CI., unc, Bangs, Dec. 1, '99. (173) $5.25. Star Chamber. Lond., 1857. Plates by Browne. Svo. CI., unc, Talbot, Jan., '90. (237) £1 6s. CI., unc, Larpent, Jan., '95. (1003) £118s. CI., unc. (in 2 vols.), Daly, Mar., 1900. (49) $7. Hf. cf., unc, Daly, Mar., 1900. (51) $5.50. Tower of London. Lond., 1840. Plates by Cruikshank. 8yo. Ainsworth (W. H.) — Gontinued. Parts, Hardy, Dec, '86. (835) £4 5s. CI., unc. Putt., Bijr. 2, '87. (834) £3 15s. Parts, Howlett, June, '87. (198) £2 15s. CI., unc, Mackenzie, Mar., 'S9. (407) £21 10s. Cf., unc. Butt. May, '89. (20) £2 18s. Hf. mor. ex., Johnson, Jan., '90. (328) $31.50. Parts (presentation copy, with A.L.S. of the author), Sinclair, Apr., '90. (1) £16 10s. Parts. Soth., June 14, '90. (6) £2 5s. Parts (Sinclair copy). Soth.. Dec. 8, '90. (7) £15. Cf., unc. (bd. from parts). Hale, Mar., '91. (203) $25. Mor., g.e., Hutchinson, Feb., '92. (10) £4 7s. 6d. CI., unc, Christie, June 14, '93. (23) £3 5s. Parts, Soth.. Dec 11, '93. (1) £8 5s. Mor., g.e., Stogden, May, '94. (40) £3 5s. Parts, Kurtz, July, '95. (420) £8 15s. Parts, Soth., Feb. 19, '96. (581) £10. Mor., unc. (bd. from parts), Bruton, June, '97. (14) £7 5s. Cf., unc. (presentation copy), Howard, June, '98. (3) £12 12s. CI., unc, Clarke, Mar., '99. (6) £4 17s. 6d. Parts, Wright, June, '99. (6) £7 10s. CI., unc, Soth.. Feb. 15, 1900. (152) £3 4s. CI., unc. (Mackenzie copy), Daly, Mar., 1900. (30) $100. Ct., Brice. Mar., 1900. (4) £3. Parts, Bangs. Nov. 26, 1900. (0) $35. Cf., unc, French, Apr., '01. (13) $33. Cf., unc. Bangs. Nov. IS, '01. (8) $15.50. Mor., unc. (with pencil sketch by Cruikshank), Hibbert, Apr., '02. (8) £10. Hf. cf., unc, Soth., Dec. 4, '02. (44) £5 10s. Parts, Power. Dec, '02. (159) £8 5s. Parts, Soth., Dec. 11, '02. (405) £8. Parts, Peirce, May, '03. (1) $57.50. Windsor Castle. Lond., 1843. Plates by Cruikshank. 3 vols. Svo. CI., unc, Stewart, Mar., '88. (125) £9. CI., unc, Soth., Dec. 10, '88. (3) £2 2s. AINSWORTH 20 AKENSIDE Ainsworth (W. H.) — Continued. Hf. mor., Johnson, Jan., '90. (330) $30. CI., unc, Soth., Dec. S, '90. (9) £2 2s. Parts, Soth., Dec. 8, '90. (10) £4 4s. Cf., unc, Hutchinson, Feb., '92. (11) £3 12s. 6d. CI., unc, Witton, Jan., '93. (474) £2. CI., unc, Williams, May, '93. (9) £2. Mor., Soth., Nov. 22, '94. (44) £4 10s. CI., unc, Bruton, June, '97. (11) £4 15s. Cf., Henkels, June 2, '98. (258) $25. CI., unc, Clarke, Mar., '99. (8) £3 15s. Hf. mor.. unc, Daly, Mar., 1900. (43) $27. Parts, Brice, Mar., 1900. (5) £3 1os. CI., unc, Duke of Argyll, July, 1900. (1215) £2 8s. Hf. mor., unc. Bangs, Nov. 26. 1900. (171) $15. Cf., unc, French, Apr., '01. (16) $31. CI., unc, Soth., Mar. 11, '02. (347) £2 2s. Mor., unc, Hibhert, Apr., '02. (10) £6 5s. Windsor Castle. Lond., 1844. Plates hy Cruikshank. 8vo. Mor., unc, Burnett, Apr., '89. (11) £3 8s. CI., unc, Streatfeild, .June, '89. (310) £115s. Cf., unc, Talbot, Jan., '90. (234) £2. Hf. mor., ex., Johnson, Jan., '90. (331) $10. Parts, Vaughan. Dec, '91. (792) £8 15s. CI., imc. Read. June. '92. (507) £1 6s. Parts, Barclay, Nov., '92. (1065) £4 10s. CI., unc, Soth., July 1, '95. (l)£14s. Parts, Bruton. June, '97. (12) £4 17s. 6d. Parts, Stansfield, June, '98. (5) £3 3s. Mor., unc. (with duplicate set of proof plates), Howard, June, '98. (2) £11 lis. Parts, Wright, June, '99. (10) £5 10s. CI., unc, Sidney, Mar., 1900. (1) £16s. Parts, Bangs, Nov. 20, 1900. (7) $35. Parts, Anderson. Apr. 3, '01. (3) $30. Hf. mor., unc, Anderson, Apr. 3, '01. (4) $16. Ainsworth (W. H.) — Continued. Hf. cf.. Bangs, Nov. 18, '01. (9) $7. Parts (back cover of No. 11 missing and one page faulty), Hodgson. Oct. 22, '02. (53) £3 12s. Cd. Works. Lond.. n.d. Plates by Cruikshank. 16 vols., Svo. Hf. mor., m.e., Edkins, Dec, '91. (358) £5 5s. Hf. cf., m.e., McAlpine, July, '96. (4) £4 10s. Hf. roan. Bangs, Feb. 3, '98. (2) $26. CI., unc, Bancker, Mar., '98. (5) $36.80. CI., Henkels, June 2, '98. (2) $40. Hf. mor.. Bangs, Nov. 20, '99. (12) $28. Hf. mor., m.e., Henkels, Mar. 6, 1900. (76) $38.40. Hf. cf., m.e., Anderson, Jan. 8, '01. (4) $48. CI., Bangs, Feb. 6, '02. (6) $9.60. AINSWORTH'S IVIAGAZINE. Edited by W. H. Ainsworth. Lond., 1842- 54. 26 vols., Svo. Vols. 1-26, Wright, June, '99. (8) £12. Vols. 1-26 (Ainsworth's copy), Law- rence, May, '92. (5) £40. Vols. 1-24, Mackenzie, Mar., '89. (409) £6. Vols. 1-22, Putt., Oct. 28, '89. (226) £3. Vols. 1-8, Soth., Feb. 28, 1900. (12) £115s. Vols. 1-7, Daly, Mar., 1900. (55) $21. Vols. 1-7, Bangs, Oct. 21, '01. (167) $14.70. Vols. 1-6, Clarke, Mar., '99. (17) £5 10s. Vols. 1-0, French, Apr., '01. (15) $16.50. AIRY NOTHINGS. See Egerton (M.). AITKEN (R.). General American Register and Calendar, for 1774. Phila., 1774. 16mo. Roan, Henkels, Oct. 21, '96. (01) $7.75. A'KEMPIS. See Kempis. AKENSIDE (MARK). Odes on Sev- eral Subjects. Lond., 1745. 4to. Cf., g.e., Harvey, June, 1900. (141) £2. Pleasures of Imagination. Lond., 1744. 4to. Unc, Turner, Nov., '88. (228) £112s. Cf., Bierstadt, Apr., '97. (19) $6.50. Cf., g.e.. Bangs, Mar. 19, 1900. (7) $7. Mor., g.e.. Harvev, June, 1900. (140) £3. AKENSIDE 21 ALBBRTANUS Akenside (Mark) — Continued. Cf., unc, Soth., Dec. 2, '01. (206) £1 14s. AKERBY (G.). Life of James Spil- ler, the Comedian. Lond., 1729. 8vo. Cf., Halliwell, Dec. '91. (1727) £2 4s. Hf. cf., McKee, Jan., '01. (2070) $30. AKERMAN (J. Y.). Rare and Un- edited Roman Coins. Lond., 1834. 2 vols., Svo. Cf., Wheble, Dec, 'S7. (128) £1 10s. Unc, Londesborough, June, '88. (10) £1. CI., Goldsmid, Apr., 'S9. (1) £110s. Hf. mor., Coghlan, Dec, '96. (98) £1. Remains of Pagan Saxondom. Lend., 1855. 4to. Hf. rus., Perkins, July, '89. (31) £110s. Hf. mor., Malahide, June, '90. (209) £14s. Hf. mor., unc. Roots, Mar.. '91. (138) £1. Hf. mor., Stibbs, Oct., '92. (1486) £17s. Bouch, Nov., '93. (491) £lSs. Hf. mor., g.e., Smith, May, '96. (33) £13s. Tales of Other Days. Lond., 1S30. Plates by Cruikshank. 8vo. Cf., unc, Mackenzie, Mar., '89. (410) £2 10s. Mor., unc. Burnett, Apr., '89. (126) £2 4s. Bds., unc, Houle, Dec, '91. (417) £110s. Bds., unc, Gibson, Mar., '93. (470) £12s. Cf., g.t., Williams, May, '93. (707) £1 2s. Cf., unc. Bangs, Nov. 20, 1900. (101) $5. Cf., unc, Soth., Oct. 28, '01. (75) £1 2s. Cf., g.e., Hibbert, Apr., '02. (12) £1 9s. ALABAMA PLANTER. Mobile, v.d. Pol. Vols. 1-8, Dec, 1846, to Nov., 1854, in 4 vols., hf. bd., Stille, Apr., '01. (686) $8. ALABAMA. Acts of Session of 1865-66 of General Assembly of Montgomery. Montgomery, ISOG. Svo. Alabama — Continued. Hf. sheep. Hough, Oct., 1900. (7) $5.50. ALABASTER (W.). Roxana Trasge- dia. Lond., Jones, 1632. 8vo. Mor., g.e., Lefferts, Apr., '02. (4) $47.50. Mor., g.e., Soth., Dec. 4, '02. (49) £15. ALADDIN. Alseddin and the En- chanted Lamp. Trans, by John Payne. Lond., Villon Soc, 1889. Svo. Vol., Burrard, Jan., '96. (939) £2 8s. Vel., Bangs, March 28, '9S. (2) $6.50. Vel., Clarke, Mar., '99. (484) £1. Vel., Hornby, Apr., 1900. (589) £1 12s. Vel., Putt., Apr. 2G, 1900. (545) £1 4s. **Large paper. Vel., Bangs, Apr. 5, '99. (9) $5.75. ALAMAN (L.), Historia de Mejico. Mexico, 1849-52. 5 vols., Svo. Cf., m.e., Barclay, Nov., '92. (769) £2 1Ss. CI., Bangs, Jan. 12, '03. (873) $7.50. ALANUS DE INSULIS. Liber in Distinctlonibus dictionum theologi- cum. [Strasburg, Wolfach, 1470.] (Hain-Copinger, 391.) Fol. Hf. rus., Soth., Apr. 12, '99. (9) £2 2s. ALARM-BELL (THE), or Considera- tions on State of Sugar-Colonies. Lond., 1749. Fol. Putt.. Dec. 11, '99. (59) £1 12s. ALARM TO THE LEGISLATURE. See Wilkins (I.). ALARUM FOR LONDON; or, the Siege of Antwerp. Lond., 1602. 4to. Mor. (imperfect), Halliwell, July, '89. (191) £14s. ALBANY GAZETTE. From July 3, 1788, to Dec. 19, 1803. Albany, 1788-1803. Pol. Hf. leather, Halleran, May, '99. (260) $16. Hf. leather (apparently the Halleran copy). Bangs, June 13, '99. (448) $10. ALBERTANUS. Opus de loquendi ac tacendi modo. Cuneo, Magistrum Viotum de Dulcis, 1507. Fol. Limp vel. (margins of title mended), ALBERTANUS 22 ALCIATUS Albertanus — Continued. Soth., Dec. 3, 1900. (581) £4 3s. Vel., Putt, Mar. 28, '01. (6) £3 10s. ALBERTI (L. B.). De Re /Edifica- toria. Florence, 1485. Fol. Vel. (slightly stained), Soth., Apr. 12, ■99. (11) £5 5s. ALBERTINIS (F. DE). Opusculum de Mirabilibus Novje et Veteris Urbis Romse. Rome, 1510. 4to. Vel., Soth., Nov. 25, '01. (140) £3 Mor., Soth.. Oct. 28, '02. (21) £3 8s. ALBERTUS MAGNUS. Compendium Theologife Veritatis. Spira, Thomas Dorniberg, 1473. (Hain, *434.) Fol. Mor., g.e.. White, Apr., '02. (17) £11 5s. Tractatuli. [Strasburg, H. Knob- lochtzer, 1480.] 4to. Soth., July 28, '02. (717) £5. De Natura Locorum. Vienna, 1513. 4to. Vel., unc, Soth., Apr. 12, '99. (16) £2. De Natura Locorum. Vienna, 1514. 4to. Hf. mor., g.t., Murphy, Mar., '84. (32) $100. De Secretis Naturae. Lend., Mach- linia, n.d. 4to. Mor. (Herbert copy), Thorold, Dec, '84. (53) £40. Soke of Secretes. Lond., Copland, 1525. IGmo. Hf. bd. (title and corners of 4 leaves defective), Ashburnham, June, '97. (50) £2Ss. Boke of Secretes. Lond.. W. Seres, n.d. IGmo. Cf., Ashburnham, June, '98. (51) £7 10s. Postillatio in Apocalypsem. Basle, Pforczen, 1506. 4to. Bds. covered with leather (with Arms, etc., of Louis XII and Anne of Brit- tany on sides). Soth., July 11, '99. (387) £56. ALBIN (ELEAZAR). History of Es- culent Fish. Lond., 1794. 4to. Bds., Hayes, Apr., '98. (1632) $12. — Natural History of Birds. 1731-40. 3 vols., 4to. Lond., Albin (Eleazar) — Continned. CI., Libbie, Dec. 4, '89. (14) $11.62. Mor., Normanby, Jan., '91. (197) £1 10s. Cf., Libbie, Apr. 15, '96. (12) $9.75. Cf., Fountaine, June, '02. (10) £5 5s. Natural History of Insects. Lend., 1720. 4to. Mor., Lee, June, 88. (130) £2 10s. Mor., g.e., Buckley, Feb., '93. (223) £l]4s. Cf., Soth., Nov. 27. '9G. (10) £lls. ALBION'S QUEEN. Famous Historic of Albion's Queene. [Lond.], \V. White for T. Pavler, 1600. 4to. Rus., m.e. (Inlaid throughout, head- line of Sig. L i defective.) Foun- taine, June, '02. (12) £86. ALBUMASAR. Flores Albumasaris. Augsburg, Ratdolt, 1488. 4to. Hf. vel., Soth., Dec. 19, '01. (7) £2 16s. Mor., g.e. (with Tntroductorium in As- tronomiam. Venice, 1489). Inglls, June, 1900. (22) £5 17s. 6d. De Magnis Conjunctionlbus. Ven- ice, Ratdolt, 1489. 4to. Mor., g.e., Inglis, June, 1900. (23) £5 7s. 6d. Bds., Rogers, Oct., 1900. (911) $8. ALCAFORDO (F.). Discovery of Ma- deira. Lond., 1675. 4to. Mor., g.e. Barcia, Nov., '92. (1079) £18s. Cf., Toovey, Feb., '94. (20191 £lSs. ALCEDO (A. DE). Geographical and Historical Dictionary of America and the West Indies. Trans, by G. A. Thompson. Lond., 1812. 4to. Cf., Cooke, Dec, '83. (40) $11.25. Hf. rus., Libbie, Mar. 5, '96. (21) $6.25. ALCEDO Y HERRERA. Aviso His- torico. Politico, Geographico, del Peru, 1535-1740. Madrid, 1740. 4to. Mor., g.e., Cooke, Dec, '83. (39) $9. ALCIATUS (ANDREAS). Emblema- turn Liber, Augsburg, 1513. 12mo. Mor., g.e., Ashburnham, June, '97. (54) £5. Mor., g.e., Soth., Apr. 12, '99. (IS) £4. Emblematum Liber. Paris, 1534. 8vo. ALCIATUS 23 ALDRICH Alciatus ( A nd reas) — ( ' $5. ALDRICH (T. B.). Ballad of Babie Bell. N. Y., 1859. 12mo. CI., Roos, Apr., '97. (16) $5.02. Mor., Bangs., Jan. 15, 1900. (7) $9.50. CI., McKee, Nov., 1900. (10) $7. CI., Bangs, Mar. 22, '01. (11) $9.50. CI., Bangs, Oct. 8, '01. (13) $5.25. CI., French and Chubbuck, Feb., '04, (20) $15. ALDRICH 24 ALEXANDER Aldrich (T. B.) — Coiitiiineil. CI. (with verses in author's autograph, signed, inserted), Roos, Mar., 1900. (5) $8.50. The Bells. N. Y., 1855. 12mo. CI., Bangs, Feb. 16, '98. (159) $7. Mor., Bangs, Jan. 15, 1900. (5) $12.50. CI., Bangs, Nov., '02. (4) $17. CI. (portrait inserted), McKee, Nov., 1900. (7) $20.50. Cloth of Gold, and other Poems. Bost., 1874. 12mo. CI. (presentation copy), Whipple, Apr., '03. (20) $12. Course of True Love Never did Run Smooth. N. Y., 1858. 12mo. CI., Leon, Apr., '86. (11) $11.50. CI.. Bangs, Oct. 8, '01. (12) $5.75. CL. Cox, Feb., '02. (83) $5. Daisy's Necklace. N.Y.,1857. 12mo. CI., Roos, Apr., '97. (14) $5.75. Mor., Bangs, Jan. 15, 1900. (0) $10. CI., Reid, Dec, '02. (56) $5.50. Flower and Thorn. Bost., 1877. 12mo. CI. (presentation copy). Bangs, Jan. 15, 1900. (IC) $10. Friar Jerome's Beautiful Book. Bost., 1881. 16mo. Mor., unc. Bangs, Jan. 15, 1900. (23) $8. Jubilee Days. See Jubilee Days. Outof His Head. N.Y., 1862, 12mo. Mor., Bangs, Jan. 15, 1900. (9) $10. CI., McKee, Nov., 1900. (11) $5.50. Pampinea. N. Y.. 1861. IGmo. CI., Bierstadt, Apr., '97. (24) $6. CI. (presentation copy), Whipple, Apr., •03 (15) $14. Pare Antoine's Date Palm. Camb., ISGG. 4to. Orig. paper, unc. (presentation copy), Hawkins, Mar., '87. (13) $7.50. Orig. paper, unc. (presentation copy), Whipple, Apr., '03. (17) $78. Poems. N. Y., 1863. CI., Bierstadt, Apr., '97. (25) $5.75. CI., Bangs, Jan. 15, 1900. (10) $7. CI. (presentation copy), McKee, Nov., 1900. (12) $17. Poems. Bost, 1865. 16mo. CI., g.e. (earliest issue, with misprint on page 102), Peirce, May, '03. (580) $6. Aldrich (T. B.) — Continued. Poems. Bost., 1882. 8vo. Mor. (with A.L.S., and a copy of the poem " Rococo," in the author's autograph, inserted). Bangs, Jan. 15, 1900. (24) $20. Prudence Palfrey. Bost, 1874. 12mo. CI. (presentation copy), Whipple, Apr., '03. (21) $9. The Story of a Bad Boy. Bost., 1870. 12mo. Mor., Bangs, Jan. 15, 1900. (12) $11.75. XXXVI Lyrics and XII Sonnets. Bost, 1881. 16mo. Mor., unc. (copy of "A Snow Flake," in the author's autograph, inserted). Bangs, Jan. 15, 1900. (22) $7. Unguarded Gates. Bost., 1895. 12mo. Mor., g.t., unc. Bangs, Apr. 16, 1900. (9) $7.50. ALDUS. See Manutius (Aldus). ALEGRE (F. J.). Historia de la Com- pafiia de Jesus en Nueva-Espaiia. Mexico, 1841-42. 3 vols., 8vo. Hf. bd.. Murphy, Mar., 84. (34) $19.50. Hf. bd., Snaith, July, '97. (544) £1 5s. ALEMAN (MATHEO). The Rogue, or, the Life of Guzman de Alfarache. Trans, [by James Mabbe]. Lond., 1623. Fol. Cf., g.e., Soth., Dec. 3, 1900. (582) £10. Mor., g.e., Lefferts, Apr., '02. (5) $25. Cf., Ashburnham, June, '97. (65) £12. ** Large paper. The Rogue. Lond., 1630. Fol. Cf. (rebacked), McKee, Dec, '01. (2714) $8. Life of Guzman d'Alfarache, or the Spanish Rogue. Lond., 1708. 2 vols., 8vo. Rus., m.e., Soth., May 21, '97. (4) £1 6s. Cf., m.e., Soth., May 25, 1900. (1) £2. ALES; or ALESIUS. See Hales. ALEXANDER (FRANCESCA). See Ruskin (J.). ALEXANDER (SIR WILLIAM). See Stirling (Earl of). ALEXANDER (WILLIAM). History of Women. Lond., 1779. 2 vols., 4to. Hf. cf., unc, Fraser, Apr., '01. (17) £2 6s. ALEXANDER 25 ALISON ALEXANDER (W.). Johnny Gibb of Gushetneuk in the Parish of Pyke- tillim. Edinb., 1880. 8vo. Unc, Craig, Mar., '88. (69) £llGs. Unc, Hutt, May, '89. (44) £llls. Unc, Hope, May, '9e. (527) £19s. ALEXANDER GALLUS. Doctrinale seu Gramniatica Latina. [Venice, Wendelin of Spira, 1470.] 4to. **0n vellum. Cf., Bateman, July, '9G. (942) £23. Grammatices Metrice scripta. Milan, L. Pachel et U. Scinzen- zeller, 1479. Fol. Mor. (wormed), Inglis, June, 1900. (26) £8 15s. Doctrinale. Milan, L. Pachel et U. Scinzenzeller, 1480. 4to. Cf., Makellar, Nov., '98. (1G2) £4 18s. ALEXANDRE (NICHOLAS M.). Me- moirs and Anecdotes. Lond., 1822. Portraits by I. R. Cruikshank. 12mo. Bds., unc, McKee, Jan., '01. (1294) $7. ALEXIS OF PIEDMONT. Secrets. Trans, by W. Warde. Lend., 1559-63. 3 parts In 1 vol., 8vo. Cf. (first title torn). Bangs, Jan., 29, '03. (494) $5. Cf., Soth., May IS, '03. (155) £12 10s. Secretes. Trans, hy W. Warde. Lond.. 1562-63. 3 parts in 1 vol., 4to. Cf. (lacking last leaf to Table to Part 3), Soth.. Mar. 8, 1900. (996) £2 8s. Cf., Putt., Mar. 26, '02. (434) £3 8s. Cf.. Soth., Apr. 18, '04. (801) £9. Secrets. Trans, by W. Warde. Lond., 1568. 4 parts, 4to. Cf., Kenyon, Mar., '90. (382) £12s. Normanby, Jan., '91. (221) £12s. Mor., r.e. (title backed), Soth., Oct. 30, '99. (71) £17s. Secrets. Lond., 1595. 4to. Cf., Auckland, Nov., '97. (1135) £6 12s. 6d. Secrets. Lond., 1615, etc., 5 vols., 4to. Putt, Jan. 18, '99. (31) £1 3s. ALEYN (CHARLES). Battailes of Crescey and Poictiers. Lond., 1633. 8vo. Cf., Gaisford, Apr., '90. (25) £3. Mor., Foote, Jan., '95. (1) $22.50. Cf., g.e., Bierstadt, Apr., '97. (39) $-/5. Mor., g.e., Ashburton, Nov., 1900. (8) £2 16s. Aleyn (Charles) — Vtintiiiiird. Mor., g.e., Letferts, Apr., '02. (6) $16. Historje of Henrie the Seventh. Lond., 1638. 8vo. Mor., Foote, Jan., '95. (2) $25. Cf. ( stained) , Sewall, Nov., '96. (43 ) $13. Cf., g.e. (portrait mounted), Bierstadt, Apr., '97. (40) $11. Cf., Soth., May. 1900. (44) £11 5s. Cf. (portrait defective, Sykes copy), Bools, June, '03. (36) £4 4s. ALFORD (R. P.) Annales. See Griffiths (M.). ALFRAGANUS. Brevis Compilatio Astronomica. Ferrara, 149.'i. 4to. Hf. bd., Soth., July 17, '01. (31) £11. ALGEMEINISCH. Historischer Tasch- enl)uch. See Sprengel (C. M.). ALGER (W. R.) Life of Edwin For- rest. Phila., 1877. 2 vols., Svo. CI., Cooke, Dec, '93. (45) $8.50. CI., g.t.. Brown, Apr., '98. (786) $9. CI., g.t., Henkels, Jan. 30, '99. (85) $5.80. CI., Richmond, Sept., '99. (391) $5. CI., unc, Anderson, Apr. 7, '02. (255) $6.50. ALIACO (PETRUS DE). Tractatus et Sermones. [Brussels, Fratres Com- munis VitEe, 1484.] Fol. Hf. bd., Soth., Apr. 12. '99. (26) £5 10s. Ymago Mundl seu eius ymaginaria descriptio. [Lyons, J. de West- phalia, about 14S3.] (Hain, S3G.) Fol. Mor., g.e.. Barlow, Feb., '90. (62) $120. Vel., Soth., Apr. 12, '99. (25) £36. Ymago Mundi seu eius ymaginaria descriptio. Paris, Joannes Gerson, 1490. Fol. Hf. mor., g.e.. Murphy, Mar., '84. (27) $300. ALI PACHA OF JANINA. Historical Portraiture of Leading Events in the Life of. Lond., 1823. Fol. Bds., Henkels, Jan. 18, '01. (124) $6. ALISON (A.). History of Europe, 1789-1815. Edinb., 1839-42. 10 vols., 8vo. Cf., Hance, Aug., '87. (1087) £1 5s. Hf. cf.. Putt., Jan. 16, '90. (470) £1 6s. Cf., m.e., Gage, Feb., '90. (3) £112s. Cf., Gladstone, Apr., '94. (127) £1 4s. Hf. cf., m.e., Bangs, Jan. 15, '01. (2) $10. ALISON 26 ALKEN Alison (fi,.)— Continued. Hf.mor., Bangs.Nov. 11, '01. (12) $6.50. Hf. mor., Bangs, Mar. 3, '02. (a) $5.50. History of Europe, 1789-1815. Edinb., 1S47-4S. 20 vols., S^vo. (With Index), Bleasdell, Jan., S7. (13) £12s. (Witli Atlas), Christie, June. 88. (4) £1 9s. Hf. cf.," Davidson, May, '89. (110) £1 12s Hf. rus. (with Atlas), Wiper, Jan., '91. ( 1 9m ^ £ 1 3s Cf , m.e., Cooke, June, '92. (8) £1 3s Cf.; ni.e.: Foggo, Dec, '92. (222) £1 8s. Hf. rus.. Hope, Apr., '96. (9) £19s. Hf mor., m.e. (with Atlas), Morns, Dec, '99. (3) £llGs. History of Europe, 1789-1815. Edinb., 1849-50. 14 vols., 8vo. Cf., Watson, Jan., '88 (366) f\- Cf., Hodgson, June 21, '94 ("f > *2. Cf., Hodgson, Feb. 12. '95. (149) £2 1 2s Xinc'soth., July 20. '99. (260) £lSs. Cf g.e., Murray, Dec, '99. (3) £2 6s. CI., Bangs, Oct. 22, 1900. (9) $5.60. CI., Bangs, Jan. 15, '01. (3) $7. Cf., m.e. (with Atlas), Hance, Aug., 87. (o'ii) £ 3 9s. Cf.lwith Atlas), Shaw, Nov., '87. (37) £4 CI unc. (with Atlas), Alexander, Mar., '95. (36) $5.25. **Large paper. Cf. g.e., Marshall, Jan., '90. (488) £4 10s Hf. mor., g.t., unc, Soth., Dec. 14, '93. (320) £4 4s. History of Europe, 1815-52. Edinb., 1852-59. 9 vols., 8vo. Cf., g.e., Perkins, July, '89. (40) £1 15s Beaufort, July, '90. (1) £1 5s. CI. (presentation copy). Putt., Jan. 14, '91. (Ill) £15s. History of Europe, 1789-1852. Edinb., 1849-59. With Atlas. 24 vols., 8vo. and 4to. Cf., m.e., Soth., Apr. 17, '88. (4) £5 15s Cf., m.e., Hartree, July, '90. (11) £5 5s Of., m.e., Edkins, Dec, '91. (362) £8. Hf. cf., Livermore, Nov., '94. (27) $-. 3, '98. (383) £2 1Ss. Soth., Nov. 20, '99. (265) £3 15s. ALKEN 29 ALKEN Aiken (Henry) — Continued. Donaldson <& Gushing, Mar., '02. (499) $5.75. Shooting. Lond., 1823. 6 colored plates. Fol. Mor., g.e., Soth., Apr. 22, '95. (731) £5 12s. 6d. Mor., g.e., Howard, June, '98. (271) £9. Sketch Book. Lend., 1820. 42 colored plates. Fol. Hf. mor. (orig. covers bound in), Soth., Nov. 20, '99. (260) £7. Sketches. The Stable, the Road, the Park, the Field. Lond., 1854. 6 plates. Fol. Mor., g.e., Soth., Mar. 7, '01. (585) £3 8s. CI. (orig. cover bound in). Putt, July 22, '03. (5) £llls. Specimens of Riding Near Lon- don, Lend., 1821. IS colored plates. Fol. Parts. Soth., June 14, '90. (298) £4 6s. Parts. Stogden, May 19, '94. (252) £7 15s. Parts, Soth., Feb. 25, '01. (305) £23. Specimens of Riding Near Lon- don. Lend., 1823. 18 colored plates. Fol. Warrington, Nov. 3, '93. (1492) £6 10s. Mor., Toovey, Mar., '94. (385) £9 10s Hf. bd., Soth., Apr. 4, '98. (825) £10 5s. Hf. bd.. Putt., July 30, '02. (190) £17. Hf. bd.. Putt., July 22, '03. (3) £13 10s. Hf. bd.. Putt., July 30, '02 (190) £17. Sporting Designs. Lond., 1821-23. 30 colored plates. Fol. Hf. bd., g.e., Soth., July 3, '99. (627) £6 15s. Hf. bd., g.e., (27 plates only), Farqu- harson, July, '97. (277) £6. Sporting Etchings. Lond., 1826. 17 plates. Fol. Mor., unc, Howard, June, '98. (282) £6 5s. Sporting Ideas. Lond., 1826. 42 colored plates. Fol. Mor., unc, Howard, June, '98. (283) £34. Sporting Ideas. Lond., 1830. 42 colored plates. 4to. Hf. bd., Campbell, Mar., '02. (254) £12 10s. Aiken (Henry) — Continued. Bds. (41 plates only), Hornby, Apr., 1900. (5) £10 10s. Bds. (loose, 41 plates only), Soth., Feb. 9, '03. (IICO) £12 15s. Sporting Notions. Lond., 1831-33. 35 colored plates. Fol. Hf. mor., g.e. (one plate mended), Soth., July 1, '01. (193) £28 5s. Sporting Repository. Lend., 1822. 19 colored plates. 8vo. Mor., g.t., unc, Blyth, Mar., '01. (4) £54. Bds., Soth., Mar. 17, '02. (57) £80. Sporting Scrap-Book. Lond., 1824. 50 colored plates. 4to. Hf. mor., Stogden, May, '94. (255) £4 4s. Hf. mor. (48 plates), Kay, May, '97. (355) £9. Mor. (49 plates), Howard, June, '98. (275) £10. Soth., Feb. 27. '99. (1543) £118s. Soth., Nov. 20, '99. (263) £5 7s. 6d. Hf. mor., g.t. (uncolored), Soth., Mar. 8, 1900. (259) £2 2s. Mor., g.e., Soth., Mar. 7, '01. (572) £16 10s. Hf. mor., g.e. (49 plates), Christie, Mar. 26, '02. (220) £13 15s. Orig., hf. bdg., Putt., Nov. 28, '02. (0) £15. Sporting Sketches. Lond., 1817. 48 plates. Fol. Bds., Houle, Dec, '91. (610) £2 15s. Mor., g.e. (46 plates), Soth., Mar. 7, '01. (573) £12 5s. Steeple Chase. Lond., 1827. 6 colored plates. Fol. Orig. paper covers (damaged), Soth., May 8. '99. (314) £9 15s. Steeple Chase. Lond., 1848. 6 colored plates. Fol. Hf. mor., Dennis, Dec, '92. (296) £4 12s. Soth., Nov. 4. '95. (1036) £4 10s. Putt., Feb. 16, '98. (298) £110s. Putt.. Feb. 16, '98. (299) £1 12s. Hf. mor.. Putt., Dec. 19, '98. (605) £2 10s. Hf. mor.. Putt.. Dec. 19, '98. (606) £2 16s. Symptoms of being Amused. Lond., 1822. 42 colored plates. Pol. Hardy, Dec, '86. (1525) £119s. Bds., Hall, May, '87. (422) £6 10s. ALKEN 30 ALLEN Aiken (Henry) — Continued. Hf. mor., May, July, '91. (1126) £5. Hf. mor. (orig. cover bound in), Soth,, May 13, '92. (1005) £5 7s. Gd. Hf. mor., Soth., Dec. 11. '93. (141) £5 7s. 6d. Hf. mor., Simon, Dec, '93. (206) £4 7s. 6d. Hf. mor. (orig. cover bound in), Toovey, Mar., '94. (309) £6 7s. Bds., Clarke, Dec. '95. (S40) £3 12s. Bds., Auckland, Nov., '97. (782) £6. Cf., unc, Howard, June. '98. (269) £5 5s. Christie, July 20, '98. (97) £3 15s. Hf. mor., Soth., Nov. 3, '98. (381) £5. Bds., Soth.. Dec. 17, '98. (1062) £6 10s. Mor., g.t. (orig. labels bound in), Soth., Jan. 9, '99. (455) £6 10s. Christie. Feb. 21, '99. (179) £5 10s. Hf. mor., Soth., Feb. 6, 1900. (1540) £4 12s. 6d. Mor., g.e., Soth., Mar. 7, '01. (579) £9. Hf. mor., Blyth, Mar. 14, *01. (205) £11 10s. Hf. mor., Fraser, Apr., '01. (20) £5 10s. Hf. mor. (with labels). Putt., July 22, '03. (6) £5. Symptoms of being Amused. Lond., 1824. 42 colored plates. Fol. Orig. paper covers (4 of the back covers missing), Soth., Dec. 4, '02. (249) £7 12s. 6d. Touch at the Fine Arts. Lond., 1824. 12 colored plates. 8vo. Bds., Mackenzie, Mar., '89. (25) £2 7s. 6d. Marshall. July. '90. (1143) £2 15s. Mor., unc, Howard, June, '98 (13) £7 17s. Gd. Bds., Christie, July, '98. (56) £3 15s. Hf. mor., unc, Soth., May 8, '99. (216) £4 4s. Cf., unc. (orig. covers bound in), Soth, Nov. 20, '99. (218) £3 3s. Hf. mor., Fraser, Apr., '01. (21) £5 15s. Hf. bd.. Putt., July 30, '02. (25) £4 5s. Orig. hf. bdg., Soth., Jan. 22, '03. (306) £2 10s. Tutor's Assistant. Lond., 1823. 6 colored plates. Fol. Hodgson, Apr. 2, '94. (637) £1 lis. Aiken (Henry) — Continued. Mor., Howard. June, '98. (273) £5 15s. Soth., Feb. 25, '01. (307) £1 10s. See also Apperly (C. J.) ; and other authors and titles. ALL THE YEAR ROUND. Edited by Charles Dickens. Lond., v.d., 8vo. 1st series, 1859-68, 20 vols., hf. mor., m.e., Thompson, May, '87. (18) £1 8s. 1st series, 20 vols., hf. cf.. Moss, June, '87. (743) £1. 1st series, 20 vols., cl.. Putt, Feb. 13, '89. (367) £12s. 1st series, 20 vols., hf. bd., Clarke, May, '89. (2) £1 lis. 1st series, 20 vols., hf. cf.. Bangs, Oct. 7, '95. (185) ?10. 1st to 3d series, 1859-95, 76 vols., cl., Burrard, .Jan., '96. (1176) £3 10s. 1st series. Vol. 1, to 3d series. Vol. 8, 71 vols., hf. mor., and 2 vols, in parts, Olcott, Apr., '01. (373) $31.95. 1859 to 1894, in 38 vols., hf. mor., Putt., Apr. 14, '02. (75) £1 10s. Christmas Numbers. See Dickens (Charles). ALLAN (GEORGE). Collectanea ad Statum Civllem et Ecclesiasticum Comltatus Dunelmensis. Blackwell Grange, G. Allan, y.d. 4to. Rus., g.e. (manuscript list and por- traits inserted), Soth., May G. '01. (471) £4 15s. ALLAN (JOHN). Memorial of John Allan. N. Y., Bradford Club, 1864. 8vo. Bds., unc, Wales, Mar., '03. (93) $7.50. ALLARD (CAROLUS). Atlas Minor. Amsterdam, [about 1680]. Fol. Vel., Bangs, Mar. 30, '96. (388) $30. Vel., Bangs, Mar. 19, 1900. (10) $21 Orbis Habltabilis Oppida et Ves titus centenario numero complexa, Amsterdam, n.d. Fol. Vel., Labberton, Mar., '99. (11) $5.75 ALLEIN (JOSEPH). Alarm to Un converted Sinners. Phila., Frank- lin, 1741. Svo. Cf., Brinley, Mar., '80. (3271) $6.50 ALLEN (CHARLES DEXTER). Amer icau Book Plates. N. Y., Grolier Club, 1894. Svo. **Large paper. AI>LEN 31 ALLEN Allen (Charles Dexter) — Cuiitiiiiieil. Paper, Bangs, Mar. IS, '95. (283) $15 Paper, Bangs. Maj- 18, '96. (200) $17 Paper, Sewall, Nov. '96. (1561) $10.50 Paper, Rlker, Dec. 7, '96. (425) $8.50. Paper, Bangs, Jan. 14, '97. (312) $9 Paper, Matthews, Feb., '97. (319) $5 Paper, Bangs, Mar. 26, '97. (115) $10 Paper, Bangs, Nov. 29, '97. (238) $6 Paper, Bangs, Mar. 31, '98. (248) $6 Paper, Bangs, May 9, '98. (108) $5 Paper, Libbie, Nov. 29, '98. (246) $6 Paper, French, Apr., '01. (654) $18 American Book-Plates. N. Y., 1894. Svo. **Hand made paper. CI., Bangs, Mar. 31, '98. (Ill) $6. CI., Bangs, May 9, '98. (64) $6.50. CI., Pratt, Apr., '99. (27) $6.50. CL, Lefferts, Apr., '02. (8) $5.50. CI., Bangs, Feb. 16, '98. (194) $10. **Japan paper. Paper, Libbie, Sept. 25, '95. (106) $7.50. Paper, Adee, Nov., '95. (10) $19. Paper, Soth., Dec. 11, '95. (49) £2 12s. Paper, Bangs, Mar. 26, '97. (3) $13. Paper, Bangs, Feb. 16, '98. (195) $19. Paper, Bangs, May 9, '98. (99) $9. Paper, Pratt, Apr., '99. (26) $11.50. Paper, Bangs, Nov. 10, '99. (39) $15. Paper, Libbie, Feb. 8, 1900. (8) $10.25. Paper, Bangs, Apr. 16, 1900. (79) $17. Paper, French, Apr., '01. (115) $21. Ex Libris. Bost., 1896. 12mo. CI., Bangs, Jan.. 15, 1900. (36) $5.50. '"'"Large paper. Vel., Bangs, Nov. 10, '99. (38) $6. Vel., French, Apr., '01. (116) $10. ALLEN (ETHAN). Animadversory Address to the Inhabitants of the State of Vermont. Hartford, 1778. Svo. Mor., g.e., Brinley, Mar., '79. (2511) $26. Unbd. (Josiah Bartlett's copy, with autograph), TJbbie, Mav 19, '03. (lOOS) $55. Brief Narrative of the Proceed- ings of the Government of New York, Relative to the Boundary Line of Connecticut. Hartford, Eben Watson, [1774]. Svo. Mor.. g.e., Brinley, Mar., '79. (2510) $65. Cf., g.e., Brinley, Mar., '80. (2622) $65. Unbd., Miller & Bancker. Dec, '98. (10) $64. Allen (Ethan) — Continued. Unbd. (Josiah Bartlett's copy, with autograph). Libbie, May 19, '03. (1007) $120. Narrative of Captivity. Phila.. Bell, 1779. Svo. Mor., g.e., Fisher, Mar., '66. (30) $54. Mor. g.e. (Fisher copy), Menzies, Nov., '76. (29) $62. Narrative of Captivity. Phila., Mantz. 1779. 12mo. Hf. mor., unc, Manson, Feb., '99. (43) $37. Narrative of Captivity. Bost., Draper & Folsom, 1779. Svo. Mor., Rice, Mar., '70. (23) $26. Mor., unc. (some words in facs. on p. 6, and several lacking on p. 5), Brinley, Mar., '79. (2529) $22.50. Cf., Brinley, Mar., '79. (2530) $20. Paper (last 3 leaves imperfect), Clogston, Nov., '99. (17) $9.50. Narrative of Captivity. Newbury, Mycall, 1780. 12mo. Cf. unc. (part of last leaf in facs.), Brinley, Mar., '79. (2532) $9.25. Sewed, unc, Libbie, Jan. 2, '89. (31) $5. Mor., Deane, Mar., '98. (49) $10. Hf. mor., unc, Manson, Feb., '99. (44) $11.50. Narrative of Captivity. Walpole, N. H., 1807. Svo. Cf., g.e.. Rice, Mar., '70. (24) $8. Hf. cf., Murphy, Mar., '84. (42) $5.50. Cf., Stevens, July, 'S6. (6) £2 4s. Cf., g.e.. Barlow. Feb., '90. (48) $19. Bds.. Sherman. Jan.. '98. (14) $5.25. Narrative of Captivity. Albany, 1814. 12mo. Cf., unc, Rice, Mar.. '70. (25) $0. Present State of the Controversy between the States of New-York, New Hampshire and Vermont. Hart- ford, 1782. Svo. Mor., unc, Brinlev. Mar., '79. (2516) $49. Reason the only Oracle of Man. Bennington, 1784. Svo. Mor., g.e., Brinley, Mar., '79. (2535) $15. Sheep, Brinley, Mar., '79. (2536) $8. Cf., Murphy, Mar., '84. (41) $6.50. Cf., Libbie, Nov. 6, '95. (20) $20. Mor., unc. (lacking half title), Manson, Feb., '99. (51) $28. ALLEN 32 ALLEN Allen (Ethan) — Co)itiiiucond., J. Lewer. n.d. 4to. Cf., g.e.. Bliss. Apr.. '98. (2.'34) £4 12s. Amaryllis: Consisting of such Songs as are most esteemed for Composition and Delicacy. [Lond., n.d.] 2 vols.. 4to. Hf. cf. (in 1 vol.). .Tolv, Feb.. '92. (387) £2 4s. AMATEUR (THE). New Series. Vol. 1. Julv to Dec, 1831. New York. 1831. 4to. Bds., McKee, Nov., 1900. (937) $8. AMBOYNA. True Relation of the Proceedings against the English at Amboyna. Lond.. 1624. 4to. Hf. sheep, Murphy, Mar.. '84. (2815) $12. Amboyna — Continue^. Second Part of the Tragedy of Amboyna. Lond., 1653. 4to. Hf. mor., Murphv, Mar.. '84. (66) $82.50. AMBROSE (ISAAC). Death's Arrest. N. Y., Bradford. 1733. 12mo. Cf., g.e., Menzies, Nov., '76. (46) $15.50. AMBROSIUS (SAINT). De Offlciis. [Cologne, U. Zell, n.d.] 4to. Cf., Inglis, June. 1900. (31) £6 5s. Hexameron. Augsburg, J. Schusz ler, 1472. Fol. Mor., g.e.. Turner, Nov., '88. (300) £4 Expositio seu Explanatio In Cor pus Evangelii Sancti Luceb Evan gelistse, etc. Strasburg, A. Sorg, [1476]. (Hain, 900.) 4to. Hf. mor., Pratt, Apr., '99. (32) $10.50, Mor., g.e., (Thorold copv), White, Apr., '02. (33) £10 10s. AMBROSS (MISS). Life and Me moirs of Ann Catley. Lond., [1789] 8vo. Mackenzie, Mar., '89. (256) £3 12s. Hf. cf., Mackenzie, Mar., '89. (257) £2. Hailstone, Apr., '91. (360) £1. Hf. mor., unc. (portraits inserted), McKee, Jan., '01. (1397) $9. AMERICA DISSECTED. See Mac- sparran (James). AMERICA VINDICATED FROM THE High Charge of Ingratitude and Re- bellion. Devizes, 1774. 8vo. Hf. mor.. Weeks, Mar., '02. (475) $5.50. AMERICAN ALARM. See Allen (John). AMERICAN ANCESTRY. Albany, 1887, etc. Svo. Vols. 1-8, bds., Nash, Jan., 1900. (390) $14. Vols. 1-6, bds., Libbie, Dec. 14, '99. (764) $8.40. Vols. 3-10, bds., Bangs, Dec. 5, 1900. (213) $21.60. AMERICAN AND BRITISH CHRON- icle of War and Politics. Lond., [1783]. Svo. Hf. mor., g.t., Rice, Mar., '70. (37) $16. Hf. mor., g.e., Deane, Mar., '98. (71) $10.50. AMERICAN ANECDOTES. By an American. Host., 1830. 2 vols., 12mo. AMERICAN 38 AMERICAN American Anecdotes — Continued. Bds., paper labels., unc, Arnold, May, '01. (Ail) $9.50. AIVIERICAN ANTHROPOLOGIST. Washington, v.d. Svo. Vols. 1-9, 1S8S-96, orig. parts, Libbie, Feb. 5, '02. (27) $13.50. Vols. 1-G, orig. parts, Libbie, June 19, 1900. (25) $10.80. AIVIERICAN ANTIQUARIAN. Edited by S. D. Peet. Chicago, v.d. Svo. Vols. 1-13, 1879-90, hf. mor., unc, Lib- bie, Apr. 15, 'Se. (16) $30. AIVIERICAN ANTIQUARIAN So- ciety. Proceedings. Worcester, v.d. Svo. Both series, complete set, 1813-1900, 22 vols, hf. sheep, cl. and parts, unc, Libbie, Dec. 13, 1900. (132S) $2G.40. 1st Series, 1813-80, with Index, and New Series, Vols. 1-5, together 15 vols., cl. and parts, Deane, Mar., '9S. (73) $26.25. 1st Series, Nos. 1-75, and New Series, Vols. 1-2, with partial Index, to- gether 10 vols, cl., Libbie, Oct. 12, ■99. (28) $10.50. 1st Series, Nos. 1-76, with Catalogue of Officers and Members, etc.. parts, Manson, Feb., '99. (75) $16.38. 1st Series, 18G5-80, and New Series, Vols. 1-8, together 12 vols., cl., Lib- bie, Jan. 23, 1900. (33) $27.30. Transactions and Collections. Worcester, 1820-85. 7 vols., Svo. Cl. and bds., unc, Libbie, Nov. 6, '95. (38) $19.25. Cl., bds., and 3 vols., sheets, folded, Manson, Feb., '99. (74) $23.63. CI. and bds., Libbie, Dec. 13, 1900. (1330) $22.75. Cl. and bds. (with Catalogue of Books, 1837), Deane, Mar., '98. (72) $26. Hf. mor. and bds. (Vols. 1-6), Cooke, Dec, '83. (67) $22.50. Cl. and bds. (Vols. 1-6), Cooke. Dec. 'S3. (68) $16.50. Cl. and bds. (Vols. 1-6), Murphv, Mar.. '84. (99) $15. Cl. and bds. (Vols. 1-6), Lenox Li- brary Duplicates, Apr. 29, '95. (12) $21. Cl. and bds. (Vols. 1-G), Libbie. Oct. 12, '99. (27) $12.60. AMERICAN ANTI-SLAVERY AL- manac. New York, [1846]. 12mo. American Anti-Slavery Almanac — (Jon. For 1847, sewed, Arnold, Jan., '01. (456) $24. AMERICAN ARCHITECT AND Building News. Bost., v.d., Sm. fol. Vols. 9-58, Jan., 1881, to Dec, 1897, 50 vols., parts. Bangs, Dec. 9, '01. (56) $70. AMERICAN ARCHIVES. See Force (Peter). AMERICAN ART REVIEW. Edited by S. R. Koehler. Bost., 1880-81. 4 vols., fol. **Edition de Luxe. Mor., g.e., Libbie, Feb. 5, '89. (22) $20. Parts, Mead, Apr., '95. (12) $G. Parts, Henkels, Apr. 21, '9C. (196) $15. Parts, Bangs, Mar. 19, 1900. (13) $10. Parts, Libbie, Dec 5, '01. (IS) $10. Mor. (with extra set of plates in sep- arate vol.). Bangs, Nov. 26, 1900. (34) $37.50. Mor. (with extra set of plates in sep- arate vol.). Burton, Apr., '02. (339) $21.SS. AMERICAN ASSOCIATION FOR THE Advancement of Science. Proceed- ings, 1848., etc. Svo. Vols. 1-43, 184S-94, sewed, Henkels, Dec. 10, '95. (407) $23.65. 1848-92, 34 vols., paper. Hough, Oct., 1900. (28) $20.40. 1868-SS (lacking 1S70, 18S5 and 1892), 25 vols., sewed, Henkels, Dec. 10, '95. (570) $7.50. AMERICAN BIBLICAL REPOSI- tory. Edited by E. Robinson. An- dover and N. Y.. v.d. Svo. 1st and 2nd series, and 3d series. Vols. 1-5, 1S31-49, hf. cf., and parts, Bleas- dell. Jan., '87 (490) £3 2s. AMERICAN BIBLIOPOLIST. Edited by Joseph Sabin. N. Y.. v.d., Svo. Vols. 1-8, 1869-76, in 6 vols., hf. cf. (2 numbers laid in). Bangs, May 14, 1900. (136) $7.50. Vols. 1-7, 7 vols., hf. cf., and cl., Cooke, Dec, '83, (71) $21. Vols. 1-7 (lacking 3 parts), in parts. Guild, Nov., '87. (4320) $5.25. Vols. 1-G, 6 vols., hf. cf.. Bangs, Mar. 9, 1900. (29) $12.75. AMERICAN BICYCLING JOURNAL. AMERICAN 39 AMERICAN American Bicycling Journal — Coiit'il. Vol. 1, Nos. 1-lS (all published). Bost., 1879. 4to. Hf. roan, Pratt, Apr., "99. (2975) $G.75. AMERICAN BOOKPLATE SOCIETY. Journal. Vol. 1 (all published). Washington, 1S97. 4to. **Japan paper. Parts, Libbie, May 22, '01. (1420) $10.12. AMERICAN CATALOGUE. Books Published from 1S61 to 1871. Edited by James Kelly. N. Y., 1866-71. 2 vols., 8vo. CI., Bangs, Mar. 13, '02. (46) $7. Books in Print July 1, 1876. Au- thor vol. Edited by L. E. Jones. N. Y., 18S1. CI., Bangs, Nov. 6, '95. (16) $15.25. Hf. mor., Henkels, Apr. 19, '99. (1065) $16. Hf. mor. (with subject vol.), Libbie, Apr. 29, '02. (19) $14. Catalogue of Books Recorded July 1, 1S76, to June 30, 1884. Author vol. Edited by R. R. Bowker. N. Y., 1885. 4to. Unbd. (some leaves torn). Bangs, Nov., '95. (17) $10. Sheets, Richmond, Apr., '99. (2498) $8. Hf. mor. (with subject vol.). Bangs, Mar. 9, 1900. (26) $5.25. Hf. mor. (with subject vol.), Libbie, Apr. 29, '02. (20) $5.75. Hf. mor. (with Books Recorded 1884- 90, Author and Subject Vols.), Bangs, Feb. 1, '01. (7) $44. Hf. mor. and parts (with Books Re- corded 1884-95, author vols, only), Henkels, Apr., 19, '99. (1064) $25.50. Books recorded 1884 to 1890. Author and subject vols. 2 vols, in 1. 4to. Hf. mor., Libbie, Apr. 29, '02. (21) $6.25. Books recorded 1890 to 1895. Author vol. New York, 1896. 4to. Hf. mor., Bangs, May 21, 1900. (32) $10.50. Hf. mor., Libbie, Apr. 29, '02. (22) $6.25. Annual American Catalogue. N. Y., v.d. 8vo. 1886-95, 8 vols., hf. mor., Libbie. May •99. (50) $9.20. AMERICAN CATHOLIC HISTORICAL Researches. 8vo. Vols. 5 to 15, Jan., 1888, to Apr., 1898, 10 vols., parts. Perry, June, '99. (02) $7. AMERICAN CATHOLIC HISTORICAL Society, of Philadelphia. Records. Phila., v.d. 8vo. Vols. 1 to 8, 1884-97, 8 vols., paper, Perry, June, '99. (63) $11.20. AMERICAN CATHOLIC QUARTER- ly Review. Phila.. v.d. 8vo. Vols. 1-22, 1876-97, parts, Clark, June, '99. (426) $15.40. Vols. 1-22, parts, Clark, June, '99. (427) $15.40. AMERICAN CELEBRATION OF THE Unity of Italy at the Academy of Music, New York, Januarv 12, 1871. N. Y., 1871. Svo. CI., Arnold, Jan., '01. (84) $7. AMERICAN COMMON-PLACE BOOK of Poetry. With Notes by G. B. Cheever. Bost., 1831. 12mo. Bds. unc, Arnold. Jan., '01. (563) $5.50. AMERICAN ENGINEER. Chicago v.d. Fol. Vols. 1-20, 1880-90, hf. sheep and parts (in 16 vols.), Libbie, June 10, '96. (40) $8. AMERICAN ETHNOLOGICAL So- ciety. Transactions. N. Y., 1845- 48. 2 vols., 8vo. Unc, Brinley, Apr.. '93. (S050) $7.25. Paper, unc, Pleasanton, Mar., '95. (2996) $5.40. AMERICAN FARMER. Edited by J. S. Skinner. Baltimore, v.d. 4to. 1819-28, in 13 vols., hf. bd.. Bangs, Dec. 2, '96. (401) $29.88. AMERICAN GAZETTE. Lond., 1770. Parts 1-6, with index. 8vo. Cf., Deane, Mar., '98. (77) $14. AMERICAN GENEALOGIST. Albany, 1897. 8vo. CI., Bangs, May 4, 1900. (51A) $15. AMERICAN GEOGRAPHICAL AND Statistical Society. Bulletins. New York, v.d. 1852-56, in 2 vols., hf. of., and paper, Bangs, May 31, '99. (22) $10.50. 1878-95, parts. Bangs, Mav 31, '99. (23) $11.48. AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIA- tion. Papers. New York, v.d. AMERICAN 40 AMERICAN American Historical Assn. — Continued. 1885-91, in 5 vols., cL, Donaldson, Oct. '99. (27) $5.50. 1887-91, in 12 vols., paper, unc, Mor- ris, Apr., '99. (34) $9.60. Reports. Washington, v.d. 8vo. 1SS9-9S, 11 vols., lif. mor.. and cl., Lib- bie, Dec. 18, '01. (425) $14.30. 1889-98 (lacking 1893), 10 vols., cl., and paper, Avery, Oct., 1900. (28) $6. 1889-96, 9 vols., hi. cf., paper, and cl.. Perry, June, '99. (17) $23.40. 1882 and 1894-98, 7 vols., cl. and paper, Balcom, Feb., '01. (44) $7. AMERICAN HISTORICAL RECORD. Edited by Lossing. [Continued as] Potter's American Monthly. Phila., v.d. 4to. Jan., 1872, to .Tan., 1882 (lacking the numbers for May to August, 1879, June, ISSO, and Sept., 1881), 18 vols., Henkels, Apr. 5. 1900. (543) $18. Vols. 1-7, Hanson, Feb., 99. (77) $5.25. Vols. 1-5, hf. mor., Bangs, Oct. 26, '99. (409) $5.20. AMERICAN HISTORICAL REGIS- ter. Sept., 1894 to May, 1897. Phila.. and Host., 1894-97. 5 vols., Svo. Parts, Morris, Apr.. '99. (37) $5.G0. Parts, Henkels, Apr. 5, 1900. (92) $10. Parts, Betts, Apr., '01. (24) $9.38. AMERICAN HISTORICAL REVIEW. Vols. 1-3. N. Y., 1895-9S. Svo. Parts, Pratt, Apr., '99. (36) $0.37. AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF MINING Engineers. Transactions. Phila., v.d. Svo. Vols. 1-21. 1871-91. 21 vols., cl. and hf. mor., Bangs. Feb. 5, '97. (12) $78.75. AMERICAN JOURNAL OF ARCH>ond., 1719. 5 vols., Svo. Mor., Perkins, July, '89. (95) £16 5s. Cf. ex., g.e.. Wood, Mar., '91. (532) £10 15s. Cf., Bentinck, Apr., '92. (1150) £6 5s. Cf., Thornton, June, '94. (1452) £9. Cf., Gilchrist, July, '96. (6) £GGs. Of., Bateman, July, '96. (883) £6 15s. Cf., Ashburnham, June, '97. (183) £6. Cf., Soth., May 6, '03. (7) £6 10s. ** Large paper. Rus. ex., Avlestord, Mar., '88. (19) £34. Cf., Thornhill, Apr., '89. (7) £19 15s. Cf., Brabourne, June, '93. (18) £7 5s. Cf., Soth., Dec. 17, 1900. (49) £10. Mor. ex., g.e., Edwardes, May, '01. (14) £16 10s. AUCASSIN AND NICOLETTE. See Lang (A.) and Bourdillon (F. W.). AUCHINLECK (G.). History of the War of 1812. Toronto, 1855. 8vo. CI., unc. Field, May, '75. (67) $9.50. CI., unc. (a few extra plates inserted), Hart, Apr., '90. (2476) $10.50. AUCTORES CLASSICA LATINI IN usum Delphini. Lond., Valpy, 1819, etc 8vo. Hf. mor. (141 vols.), Tomline, Jan., '90. (2) £19. **Large paper. Rus. ex., g.e. (187 vols.), Buccleuch. Mar., '89. (40) £37. Cf. ex., g.e. (185 vols.), Vaughan, Dec, '86. (22) £36. Bds., unc, (185 vols.). Putt, Oct. 31, '98. (347) £6. Unc. (185 vols.), Crawford, Mar., '91. (197) £9 15s. (159 vols.), Buckinghamshire, July, '89. (28) £16. Cf.. m.e. (159 vols.). Peel, June, 1900. (231) £16. Parts, unc. (141 parts), Ijeycester, Nov., '88. (549) £9 15s. AUCTORITATES DECRETORUM, etc. See Calderinus (J.). AUDEBERT (J. B.). Histoire Natur- elle des Singes. Paris, 1797. Colored plates. Fol. Hf. mor., Soth., Nov. 28. '98. (565) £1 7s. Histoire Naturelle des Singes et des Makis. Paris, 1800. Colored plates. Fol. Cf., g.e., Larpent, Jan., '95. (1247) £112s. Histoire Naturelle et Generelle des Colibris, Oiseaux -llouches, etc. Paris, 1802. Colored plates. 2 vols. Fol. Hf. mor., Larpent, Jan.. '95. (1232) £4 12s. 6d. Mor., g.e. (text printed in gold), Toovey, Feb., '94. (314) £21 10s. Cf., Young, Oct., '01. (142) £9 10s. Histoire Naturelle des Oiseaux Dores. Paris, 1S02. Colored plates. 2 vols., fol. **Large paper. Hf. mor., unc, Aylesford, Mar., '88. (141) £16. AUDLEY (LADY ELEANOR). Strange and Wonderful Prophesies which She Prophesied Sixteen Yeeres agoe. Lond., 1649. 4to. Mor., g.e., Soth., June 27, '92. (29) £110s. AUDSLEY (G. A.). Ornamental Arts of Japan. Lond., 1SS2-S5. 5 parts, fol. Parts, Wrigley, Nov., '92. (254) £8 17s. 6d. Parts, Nisbet, Jan., '93. (1070) £4. Parts, Lamb, Feb., '98. (43) £10. Mor.. inlaid (in 2 vols.) Johnson, Feb., '98. (91) £10 15s. Parts. Stansfleld, June, '98. (256) £6 12s. 6d. Parts, Soth., July 29, '98. (473) £6 15s. Parts, Probasco, Jan., '99. (855) $25. Parts. Amer. Art Gall., Mar., 1900. (1056) $40. Mor. ex., g.e. (in 2 vols.), Soth., Nov. 18, '01. (895) £13 15s. Hf. mor., g.e. (in 2 vols.), Soth., Feb. 17, '02. (6G0) £10. Parts, Cox, Feb., '02. (119) $17. Parts, Bangs, Mar. 24, '02. (57) $30. Parts (author's proof copy, one of 10 AUDSLEY 86 AUDUBON Audsley (G. A.) — Continued. printed), Dennis, Dec, '92. (304) £9 15s. Parts (Artist's proofs), Cosier, June, •87. (181) £14. Parts (Artist's proofs), Hodgson, Nov. 21, '99. (1265) £7 5s. AUDSLEY (G. A.) AND BOWES (J. L.). Keramic Art of Japan. Liver- pool, 1S75. 2 vols., fol. Mor., Bouch, Nov., '93. (56) £9 19s. 6d. Mor., g.e., Soth., Dec. 12, '93. (340) £G. Hf. mor., g.e.. Putt., June 20, '94. (967) £4 6s. Mor., Branch, Oct. 2, '95. (358) £8 15s. Mor., g.e., Henkels, Jan. 31, '98. (17) $60. Mor., g.e., Soth., Mar. 7, '98. (913) £6 10s. Hf. mor., g.e., Cox, Apr., '99. (27) $24. Hf. mor., g.e., Henkels, May 16, 1900. (167) $38. Bound in tapestry, g.e., Bruce, Dec, 1900. (743) £8 15s. Mor., g.e., Soth., Mar. 7, '01. (43) £5. Mor., g.e., Praser, Apr., '01. '(60) £8 Mor., g.e., Stanley, June, '01. (112) £7 10s. Mor., g.e.. Weeks, Mar., '02. (lOJ) $38. AUDUBON (JOHN JAMES). Birds of America. Lond., 1827-38. 435 col- ored plates. 4 vols., fol. Hf. rus., Libbie, Dec. 4, '89. (53) $1200. Hf. mor., unc. Larking, Apr., '92. (223) £345. Rus., g.e., Dennis, Dec, '92. (305) £290. Hf. mor. (a portion of the work only, containing 259 plates), Soth., Oct. 30, '99. (448) £30. Hf. rus. (plates 1-65 onlv), Soth., Dec. 15, '02. (436) £25. Hf. rus. (plates 1-200 only), Soth., June IS, '03. (232) £51. Birds of America. Lond., 1827-38. 4 vols. With Ornithological Biog- raphy, Lond., 1831-39, 5 vols. To- gether 9 vols., fol. and Svo. Hf. rus., Rice, Mar., '70. (81) $810. Rus., Leavitt, Dec, '73. (286) $1134. Mor., g.e., Leavitt, Jan., '89. $2430. Vol. 1 of plates hf. rus., the remainder unbd., the text in cf. and bds. (au- tograph inscription of the author and his wife in Vol. 5), Soth., June 14, '90. (311) £300. Audubon (John James) — Vuntinucil. Rus. and bds., unc, Hastings, May, '93. (184) £235. Hf. mor., Simon, Dec, '93. (224) £137. Hf. mor.. Bangs, Feb. 6, '96. ( 25) $1260. '^ Birds of America. N. Y. and Phila., J. J. Audubon, 1840-44. 500 colored plates. 7 vols., 8vo. Hf mor., g.e., Menzies, Nov., '76. (89) ., $175. __ ^ MRJf:;~1Bangs, June 4, '88. (35) $171.50. Hf. mor.. g.e., Foljambe, Jan., '90. (592) £40. Hf. mor., g.e., Ives, Mar., '91. (36) $252. Mor., g.e., Lenox I^ibrary Duplicates, Apr., '95. (15) $192.50. Hf. mor., g.e., Barger, May, '95. (14) $227.50. Hf. mor., g.e., Libbie, Oct. 17, '95. (68) $189. Mor., m.e.. Bangs, Dec. 7, '96. (90) $157.50. Hf. mor., Libbie, Oct. 19, '97. (64) $189. Mor. (rubbed), Henkels, Jan. 31, '98. (18) $227.50. Hf. mor., Blanchard, May, '98. (75) $182. Hf. mor.. Cox, Apr., '99. (29) $241.50. Hf. mor. (text somewhat foxed). Bangs, Jan. 15, 1900. (66) $176.75. Mor., g.e., Balcom, Feb., '01. (103) $308. Hf. roan (text somewhat foxed), Cresson, May, '02. (135) $217. Mor., g.e. (plate 331 lacking), Bartlett, May, '03. (42) $315. Mor., Bangs. Jan. 29, '03. (121) $217. Parts, French and Chubbuck, Feb., '04. (98) $315. Parts (Parts 1-43 only, 3 vols.), Ivib- bie, Dec. 5, '01. (40) $42. Parts (Parts 10-63 only, lacking 29-39, 41, 42, 45 and 55), Bangs, Apr. 8, '01. (15) $49.35. Birds of America. N. Y., V. G. Audubon, 1856. 500 colored plates. 7 vols., 8vo. Cf., Aylesford, Mar., '88. (23) £31. Cf., m.e.. Walker, May, '93. (43) £31. Mor., g.e., Bangs, Dec. 17, '96. (30) $126. Mor., g.e., Henkels, June 2, '98. (6) $189. Birds of America. N. Y., IjOck- wood and Son, 1861. 500 colored plates. 7 vols., 8vo. AUDUBON 87 AUDUBON Audubon (John James) — (^oiifiKunl. Hf. rus. (in 5 vols.), Cooke, Dec, '83. (141) $70. Hf. mor. (in 8 vols.), Henkels, Feb. 20, '9G. (214) ?1GS. Mor., g.e., Libbie, Dec. 2, '96. (45) $91. Birds of America. N. Y., Lock- wood and Son, 1861. 105 colored plates. Text in 4 vols., 8vo. Plates in 1 vol., fol. Together 5 vols. Hf. rus., Libbie, Dec. 4, '89. (54) $105. Hf. rus., Bangs, Apr. 13, '96. (22) $75. Hf. rus., Libbie, May 13, '97. (74) $127.50. Hf. rus., Anderson, June 5, '01. (38) $165. Rus., g.e. (text in 6 vols.), Henkels, May 8, '01. (226) $72. Hf. mor. (text in 7 vols., plates in 2 vols.), Bangs, Mar. 24, '02. (58) $135. Hf. rus. (text in 5 vols.). Anderson, Dec. 4, '03. (83) $66. (With 103 plates only). Bangs, Jan. 29, '03. (122) $55. Ornithological Biography. Edinb., 1831-39. 5 vols., 8vo. Cf. ex., Aylesford, Mar., '88. (22) £10. CI., Pleasanton, Mar., '95. (2932) $17.50. CI., unc, Alexander, Mar., '95. (1960) $26.50. Cf. ex., m.e., Coleridge, May, '96. (36) £6 10s. Hf. bd., Roper, Apr., '97. (9) £3 15s. Hf. mor., g.e.. Bangs, Nov. 7, '98. (355) $17.50. Bds., unc. Soth., Oct. 30, '99. (403J £3. Unc. (presentation copy, with A.L.S. inserted), Soth., Dec. 2, '01. (570) £4 12s. AUDUBON (J. J.) AND BACHMAN (J.). Quadrupeds of North Ameri- ca. N. Y., J. J. Audubon, 1845-48. 150 plates, in 3 vols., fol. Text in 3 vols., 8vo. Together 6 vols. Hf. rus. (in 5 vols.). Rice, Mar., '70. (82) $165. Hf. rus. and hf. mor.. Larking, Apr., '92. (224) £107. Hf. mor., g.e., and cl., unc. (6 vols.), Glasse, July, '92. (1965) £60. Rus., g.e. (in 5 vols.), Lawton, Dec, '94. (374) $45. Audubon (J. J.) and Bachman — Cont'd. Hf. mor., g.e. (no text), Larpent, Jan., '95. (1251) £59.' Hf. mor., g.e. (no text), Stuart, Mar., '95. (140) £43. Rus. ex., g.e. (in 5 vols.). Bangs, Feb. 6, '96. (2G) $200. Hf. rus. (no text), Christie, Dec. 19, '99. (249) £18. Hf. rus. (in 5 vols.), Soth., Dec. 17, 1900. (50) £20 5s. Unbd. (no text), Henkels, May 8, '01. (226J) $63. Hf. mor. and cl. (6 vols.), in a rose- wood cabinet, Soth., May 30, '02. (650) £59 10s. Hf. rus. (In 5 vols.), Bartlett, May, '03. (43) $155. Hf. rus. (in 5 vols.), French and Chubbuck. Feb., '04. (100) $100. Quadrupeds of North America. N. Y., V. G. Audubon, 1849-54. 155 plates. 3 vols., 8vo. Cf., Aylesford, Mar., '88. (25) £21 10s. Hf. mor., g.t., unc, Bangs, June 4, '88. (36) $40.50. Hf. mor., m.e.. Bangs, Mar. 18, '95. (61) $30. Rus. (worn). Wood, June, '95. (85) $25.88. Mor., g.e., Libbie. Oct. 17, '95. (69) $34.50. Mor., g.e., Libbie, June 10, '96. (67) $42. Hf. mor., g.e., Henkels, Jan. 30, '99. (11) $31.50. Hf. mor., g.e., Balcom, Feb. '01. (104) $90. Irlf. mor., g.e., Libbie, Dec. 5, '01. (41) $60. Mor., g.e., Libbie, Apr. 29, '02. (149) $51. Hf. mor., g.e.. May, Jan., '03. (77) $63.75. Hf. cf., Anderson, Apr. 2, '03. (38) $28.50. Cf., g.e., Anderson. Oct. 13, '03. (33) $31.50. Parts, French and Chubbuck, Feb., '04. (99) $129. Quadrupeds of North America. N. Y., V. G. Audubon, 1851-54. 155 plates. 3 vols., Svo. Hf. mor., Pleasanton, Mar., '95. (2934) $21. Mor., Soth., July 1, '95. (353) £10. Mor., g.e., Bangs, Apr. 13, '96. (23) $21. / AUDUBON AUGUSTINE Audubon (J. J.) and Bachman — Cont'd. Mor. (rubbed), Bangs, Mar. 1, '97. (14) $24. Mor., g.e., Soth., June 2, '9S. (147) £10. Mor., g.e., Bangs, May 9, '98. (36) $25.50. Hf. mor., Browne, May, '99. (24) $30. Hf. mor., g.e. (text spotted). Bangs, Jan. 15, 1900. (67) $21. Hf. mor., m.e.. White, Feb., '01. (21) $25.50. AUGURELLUS (J.). Poemata. Ven ice, Aldus, 1505. Svo. Mor., g.e.. Putt., Feb. 13, '89. (741) £1 ISs. Cf., Crawford, Mar., '91. (198) £2. Mor., Bradshaw, June, '94. (32) £2 6s. Mor., g.e. (said to be thick paper), Cox, Feb., '02. (18) $27.50. AUGUSTINE (SAINT). El Alma del Incomparable San Augustin sacado del cuerpo de sus confessiones. Collected by Lady Anne Douglas. Antwerp, 10C2. 4to. Mor. (arms of Catherine of Braganza, Queen of Chas. II. on side, with autograph note of Horace Walpole), Soth., Dec. 17, '9S. (578) £40. De Arte Predicandl. [Mainz, Fust, about 1460.] Fol. Mor., Thorold, Dec, '84. (202) £42. Mor., Bateman, May, '93. (235) £34. Mor., g.e. (Didot copv), Makellar, Nov., '98. (199) £59. De Arte Predicandl. [Strasburg. Mentelin, about 1405.] Fol. Mor., g.e., Crawford, June, '87. (228) £10 10s. Mor., g.e., Crawford, Mar., '91. (203) £9. Mor., g.e., Lawrence, Dec, '92. (200) £6. Hf. bd. (lower margins of 2 leaves mended), Soth., Mar. 21, '98. (263) £14 10s. De Civitate Dei. [Subiaco, Sweyn- heym and Pannartz, 1467.] Fol. Mor. (last 2 leaves mended), Sunder- land, Dec, '81. (727) £90. Mor., Thorold, Dec, '84. (205) £66. Mor. (last 2 leaves mended, Sunder- land copy), Ives, Mar., '91. (37) $135. Mor., g.e.. Apponvi, Nov., '92. (133) £25. Augustine (Saint) — CunUiiuril. Mor., inlaid, g.e. (2 leaves mended), Morris, Dec, '98. (142) £77. De Civitate Dei. Rome, Sweyn- heym and Pannartz, 1408. Fol. Mor. (slightly wormed), Sunderland, Dec, '81. (728) £101. Rus., Thorold, Dec, '84. (206) £22. Rus., Wodhull. Jan., '86. (248) £19. Mor. (a few margins of Index mended). Bangs. Apr. 9, '01. (35) $155. Mor. (margins of Index mended, about 20 words lacking, probably the pre- ceding copy). Bangs, Oct. 21, '01. (68) $125. Mor., g.e. (a few leaves at end slightly wormed, last leaf mended). White, Apr., '02. (92) £26. De Civitate Dei. [Strasburg. Men- telin, about 1468.] Fol. Rus., by Roger Payne, Wodhull, Jan., '86. (249) £11 5s. Pigskin, Brice, July, '87. (283) £12. Rus., Stewart, Apr., '88. (317) £12 15s. Mor., Hennessy, July, '93. (643) £6. Mor. (Pirckheimer copv), Morris, Dec, '98. (143) £23. Rus. (Wodhull copy), White, Apr.. '02. (95) £31. De Civitate Dei. [Rome, Sweyn- heym and Pannartz], 1470. Fol. Leather, (first leaf mended, part of text supplied in facs. ). Sunderland, Dec, '81. (729) £37. Mor.. Thorold, Dec, '84. (207) £21 10s. Wodhull, .Jan.. '86. (251) £12 12s. Rus. (some leaves inlaid, others stain- ed). Putt., Dec. 17. '89. (24) £5 10s. Cf., Morris, Dec, '98. (144) £18. Mor., g.e., by De Coverly, White, Apr., '02. (94) £25 10s. Vol., with ties, Soth., July 28, '02. (183) £36 10s. Modern vel., Soth., July 16, '03. (279) £24 10s. De Civitate Del. [Venice, John and Vindelin de Spira], 1470. Fol. Mor., Sunderland, Dec, '81. (730) £42. Mor., g.e., Thorold, Dec. '84. (207) £21 10s. Rus., Wodhull, Jan., '86. (250) £11 10s. Rus., unc, Sullivan, May. '90. (491) £6. AUGUSTINE 89 AUGUSTINE Augustine (Saint) — Continued. **On vellum. Leather, (last 2 leaves wormed), Sun- derland, Dec, '81. (731) £280. Mor. (the Sunderland copy, rebound), Selliere, Feb., *87. (81) £175. De Civitate Dei. Mainz, Schoef- fer, 1473. Fol. Wodhull, Jan., '86. (252) £12 5s. Pigskin, Hopetoun, Feb., '89. (235) £9. (Wormed), Foljambe, Jan., '90. (305) £7 15s. Mor., g.e. (slightlv wormed), Whit- church, Dee., '94. (230) £8 12s. Mor., g.e. (Whitchurch copy), Auck- land, Nov., '97. (833) £11 5s. Pigskin, Cholmley, Nov., '02. (212) £25. De Civitate Dei. Venice, Jenson, 1475. Fol. Mor. (slightly wormed), Sunderland, Dec, '81. (733) £10 10s. Mor., Wodhull, Jan., '86. (254) £10 10s. Rus., g.e., Hlldyard, June, '89. (197) £3. Rus., g.e, Buckley, Feb., '93. (319) £10. Rus., g.e., by Roger Payne, Peel, June, 1900. (197) £37. Mor., g.e., Stanley, June, '01. (114) £ 8 Leather, Soth., Nov. 25, '01. (188) £13 5s. **On vellum. Mor., Sunderland, Dec, '81. (734) £1000. De Civitate Dei. Basle, Michelis Wenszler, 1479. Fol. Cf., AVodhull, Jan., 'SO. (255) £3 3s. Oak bds., covered with stamped cf., unc. Bangs, Feb. 20, 1900. (78) $20. Bds., covered with stamped leather, Cholmley, Nov., '02. (215) £10. De Civitate Dei. Venice, Locatel- lus, 14S5. 4to. Cf., g.e. (slightly wormed), Soth., Dec. 2, '01. (378) £110s. De Civitate Dei. Louvain, Johan- nes Westfalensis, 1488. Fol. Leather, Morris, Dec, '98. (145) £6 5s. De Civitate Dei. Venice, Scotus, 1489. Fol. Augustine (Saint) — Cuntiniiril. Hf. vel. (slightly wormed), Soth., June 20, '02. (20) £3 3s. Delia Citta di Dio. [Venice, about 1475.] (Hain-Copinger, 2071.) Fol. Mor., g.e., Thorold, Dec, '84. (198) £5 5s. Vel., Soth., Apr. 12. '99. (59) £3 5s. De la Cita di Dio. [Venice, An- tonio da Bologna, about 147G.] Fol. Vel., Soth.. Dec. 19, '01. (17) £3 6s. La Cite de Dieu. Abbeville, Du Pre and Gerard, 1486. 2 vols., fol. Mor. (slightly wormed), Thorold, Dec, '84. (197) £65. Mor., g.e. (slightly wormed), Crawford, June, '87. (230) £41. Bds., covered with cf. (in 1 vol.), Craig, Mar., '88. (245) £23 10s. Vel. (some leaves stained and worm- ed), Soth., June 3, '02. (241) £14. Vel. (Vol. 1 only), Ashburnham, June, '97. (191) £25. De Cite de Dieu. Paris, N. Save- tier, 1531. 2 vols., fol. Leather (margins of 4 leaves mended), Morris, Dec, '98. (146) £6 5s. Of the Citie of God. Trans, by J. H[ealev.] Lond., G. Eld, 1610. Fol. Cf., m.e., Inglis, June, 1900. (70) £3. Cf. (arms of James I. on sides, title defective), Virtue Tebbs, June, 1900. (215) £3 3s. Hf. bd. (slightly stained), Soth., May 16, '01. (21) £16s. Confessiones. [Strasburg, Men- telin, 1470.] Fol. Pigskin, Price, July, '87. (282) £8 15s. Vel., with clasps, Cholmley, Nov., '02. (211) £50. Confessiones. Milan, Jac Bonus, 1475. 4to. Cf., Sunderland, Dec, '81. (745) £10 15s. Wodhull, Jan., '86. (257) £2 4s. Doeskin, Soth., Apr. 12, '99. (58) £4 10s. Hf. mor., Inglis, June, 1900. (68) £5 12s. 6d. -Confessiones. [Cologne, B. de Unckel], 1482. 4to. Mor., Soth., July 28, 02. (716) £5. Confessions. Trans, by William Watts. Lond., 1631. 16mo. AUGUSTINE 90 AUGUSTINE Augustine (Saint) — Contiintcil. Vel., Soth., May 16, '01. (20) £3. Confessions. Trans, into English. Paris, 1G3S. 8vo. Frere, Feb., '90. (21) £2Ss. Mor., g.e., Soth., May 21, 1900. (69) £114s. De Consensu Evangellstarum. Langingen, 1473. Fol. Barclay, Nov., '92. (2266) £2 7s. Mor., g.e., Soth., Dec. 17, '98. (249) £7. * Liber de Conflictu Viciorum et Machina Virtutum. Paris, 1470. 4to. Bds., Soth., Apr. 12, '99. (63) £3 15s. Liber Soliloquiorum.. Winterberg, J. Alakraw, 1484. 4to. Bds. (loose in binding), Soth., Nov. 13, '02. (41) £6 2s. 6d. Liber de Vita Christiana. Mainz, Fust and Schoeffer, [about 1459]. 4to. Mor., g.e., Crawford, June, '87. (227) £20. Mor. g.e., Soth., Aug. 13, '88. (2791) £20. Liber de Vita Christiana. [.Mainz, Fust and Schoeffer, about 14G5.] Mor. ex., g.e., Perkins, July, '89. (97) £5 15s. Soth., July 27, '93. (1364) £20. Mor., g.e., bv De Coverly, Makellar, Nov., '98. "(382) £38. Liber de Vita Christiana. [Also] De Singularitate Clericorum. Co- logne, Zell, 1467. 4to. Mor., g.e. (2 in 1 vol.), Inglis, June, 1900. (64) £42 10s. Liber de Anima et Spiritu; de ebrietate, ad Virgines de sobrletate et ebrietate, et de Vita Christiana. N.p. 1472. (Hain, 1964.) 4to. Soth., Apr. 12, '99. (62) £6 15s. De MIrabilibus Sacrae Scripturse [Utrecht, Ketelaer and Leempt, n.d.] (Hain, 2075.) Fol. Mor., g.e., Inglis, June, 1900. (69) £7 5s. De Trinitate. [Freiburg, K. Fisch- er], 1494. Fol. Hf. mor. (very slightly -wormed), Soth., Feb. 28, 1900. (227) £1. Hf. mor., Libbie, June 19, 1900. (63) $13. Certain Select Prayers Gathered Augustine (Saint) — ('niiliiiiicd. out of Meditations, and His Manual. Lond., 1575. 2 vols., 8vo. Vel. (in 1 vol.), Crawford, June, '89. (608) £5 15s. Vel. (in 1 vol.), Bateman, July, '96. (850) £5 5s. Certain Select Prayers, and Manual. Lond., John Wolfe, 1586. 8vo. Mor., g.e., Reid, May, '94. (128) £2 12s. Mor., g.e.. Monk, Oct., '94. (901) £1 16s. Cf., Ashburnham, June, '97. (192) £7 5s. Mor., g.e. (last leaf mended, several others cut close on outer margin), Soth., Feb. 28, 1900. (60) £3 15s. Mor., g.e. (title cut round and mount- ed), Twopenny, May. '02. (40) £5 15s. Mor. ex., g.e., Ellis, Oct., '02. (184) £2 14s. Glasse of Vaine-glorie. Trans, by W. P. Lond., 1600. 12mo. Cf. (Tark copy), Corser, Feb., '70. (45) £5 7s. 6d. Manuell; or Little Book of Con- templation of Christ. Lond., 1577. 8vo. Young. June, '90. (26) £lls. Mor. (hole burned in Sig. S. 8), Smith, May, '96. (417) £2. Mor., g.e. (fine copy), Libbie, Feb. 18, '97. (40) $76. A Precious Book of Heavenly Meditations. Trans, by T. Rogers. Lond., 1581. 8vo. Cf., Turner, June, '88. (262) £3 10s. A Precious Book of Heavenly Meditations. Trans, by T. Rogers. Lond., 1597. 8vo. Cf., Buckley, Apr.. '94. (125) £1 16s. A Work of the Predestination of Saints. Trans, by Nicolas Lesse. Lond., 1550. 8vo. May, July, '91. (673) £110s. Works. Edited by Marcus Dods. Edinb., 1871-76. 15 vols., Svo. CI., Stewart, Apr., '88. (33) £2 3s. CI., Porter, Jan., '90. (22) £2 6s. CI., Luard, Nov., '91. (47) £2. CI., Theodosius, Apr., '93. (440) £1 18s. AUGUSTINE 91 AUSTIN Augustine (Saint) — Cuittinucl. CI., Bradshaw. June, '94. (33 1 £1 14s. AUK (THE). N. Y., v.d. 8vo. New Series, Vols. 7-14, 1890-97, 7 vols., parts, unc, Libbie, Jan. 23, 1900. (7S) $S.75. AULUS GELLIUS. See Gellius (Au- lus.) AUNGERVILLE (R. DE). See Bury (R. de). AURBACH (J. DE). Summa de Con- fessione et Ecclesiae Sacramentis. Augsburg, Gunther Zainer, 14G9. Sm. fol. Soth., Apr. 12. '99. (G6) £5 5s. Mor., g.e., Cholmlev, Nov., '02. (216) £40. AURELIO AND ISABEL. See Florus (J. de.). AURELIUS (MARCUS). See Antoni- nus (Marcus Aurelius). AUREOLI (P.). Tractatus de Concep- tione Marie Virginis. [Jlalnz, Schoeffer, 14G8.] 4to. Mor. ex., g.e., Soth., Mar. 19, '96. (48) £7 7s. AUSFUHRLICHE BESCHREIBUNG von der ungliicklichen Reise nach Carolina und Pensylvanien. Frank- furt, 1711. Svo. Bds., Barlow, Feb., '90. (135) $5. AUSMO (N. DE). See Supplemen- turn. AUSONIUS. Epigrammatum Liber, et alia Opuscula. [Venice], 1472. Fol. Mor., Wills, July, '94. (208) £7. AUSTEN (JANE). Emma. Lond., 1816. 3 vols., 8vo. Hf. mor.. Putt., Mar. 22, 1900. (68) £19s. Hf. cf., unc. Putt., Mar. 26, '02. (421) £11. Bds., unc, Soth., June 3, '02. (122) £7 15s. Mansfield Park. Lond., 1814. 3 vols., 12mo. Hf. cf.. Putt., Apr. 17, '01. (347) £1 14s. Northanger Abbey and Persuasion. Lond., ISIS. 4 vols., Svo. Unc, Soth., Dec. 17, '98. (105) £1 10s. Bds., unc. Putt., Mar. 22, 1900. (456) £2 7s. 6d. Austen (Jane) — ('(iiitiiiiird. Hf. bd.. Grant. Mav, 1900. (11) £1 16s. Cf., unc. Brown, Apr., '03. (46) £4. Orig. cf., Soth., May 8, '03. (5) £3. Bds., unc. Putt., July 22, '03. (15) £4. Pride and Prejudice. Lond., 1813. 3 vols., Svo. Hf. bd., unc, Soth.. May 5. '90. (11) £5 10s. 01., Soth., Feb. 27, '99. (244) £1 10s. Hf. bd.. Grant, Mav, 1900. (10) £4 Ss. Hf. bd.. Hodgson. Jan. 8. '02. (504) £6 10s. Works, first editions, comprising: Sense and Sensibility, 4 vols.: Pride and Prejudice, 3 vols.; Mansfield Park, 3 vols.: Emma, 2 vols.: North- anger Abbey and Persuasion, 4 vols. Lond., ISll-lS. 16 vols., Svo. Mor., g.e., Argyll, July, 1900. (891) £30. Novels. Edited by R. B. Johnson. Lond., Dent, 1892. 10 vols., 12mo. **Large paper. Williams, Nov., '94. (137) £2 14s. Soth.. Dec. 11, '95. (21) £2 4s. CI., Soth., June 1, '97. (IS) £118s. CI., Bangs, Jan. 19. '98. (35) ?15. CI., Bangs, Apr. 16, 1900. (42) $13. Novels. Bost., Roberts, 1892. 12 vols., Svo. ** Large paper. Hf. mor., unc, Libbie, Nov. 1, '99. (54) $19.50. AUSTIN (HENRY). The Scourge of Venus. Lond., 1613. IGmo. Mor. (Freeling copy), Corser, July, '68. (1) £23. The Scourge of Venus. Lond., 1620. Svo. Mor. (Walpole copv), Corser, Julv, '68. (2) £9 15s. The Scourge of Venus. Lond., 1G53. Svo. Mor., g.e. (hole burned in one leaf, blank leaf preceding title lacking), Auckland, Nov., '97. (1) £13. AUSTIN (J. O.). Genealogical Dic- tionary of Rhode Island. Albany, 1887. 4to. CI., unc, Carruth, May, '98. (03) $5.50. CI., Morris, Apr., '99. (81) $6.12. AUSTIN (SAMUEL). Naps upon Parnassus. Lond., 165S. Svo. AUSTIN 92 AYMON Austin (Samuel) — Continuci]. Mor. (Hosmer copy), Griswold, Dec, 'SO. (42) $27. Cf., Ellis, Nov., '85. (422) £2 10s. Mor., g.e.. Turner, June, '88. (265) £3 12s. Cf., Gaisford, Apr., '90. (107) £2 12s. Mor., g.e. (text cut into), Soth., June 27, '92. (30) £4Cs. Mor., g.e., Soth., Apr. 12, '93. (2) £4 10s. Mor., g.e.. Bliss, Apr., '98. (9) £2 18s. Cf. (Freeling copy), McKee, Dec. '01. (2731) $70. Mor., g.e., Lefferts, Apr., '02. (22) $65. AUSTIN (W.). Anatomy of the Pes- tilence. Lond., 1066. 8vo. Cf., Corser, July, '68. (148) £3 3s. Atlas Under Olympus. Lond.. 1664. 8vo. Mor., Griswold, Dec, '80. (43) $15. Of., g.e. (portraits inserted), Gaisford, Apr., '90. (108) £2 16s. Cf., McKee, Dec, '01. (2733) $19. Devout Meditations. Lond., 1637. Fol. Mor., Buckley, Apr., '94. (350) £2 10s. Cf., r.e., McKee, Dec, '01. (2732) $13. AUSZ AMERICA, DAS 1ST, AUSZ der Newen Welt. Augsburg, 1020. 4to. Vel., Barlow, Feb., '9(». (136) $5.25. AUTHENTIC ACCOUNT OF THE Proceedings of the Congress held at New York in 1765, on the sub- ject of the American Stamp Act. Lond., 1767. Svo. Unc, Putt., Dec. '99. (89) £2 4s. AUTHENTIC MEMOIRS OF THE Green Room. Lond., [1814]. Svo. Mor., g.t., unc, Wylie, May, '01 (3) £4 4s. Hf. mor.. g.t., unc. (28 extra engrav- ings inserted), French, Apr., '01. (67) $22. Mor., g.e. (70 extra portraits in- serted), Goodwin, Dec, '03. (365) $22. AUTHENTIC NARRATIVE OF Facts Relating to the Exchange of Prisoners at the Cedars. Lend., 1777. Svo. Hf. mor., Menzies, Nov., '76. (93) $5.75. Authentic Narrative — Continued. Hf. mor., Brinley, Mar., '80. (3967) $8.50. Hf. roan, Henkels, Oct. 21, '96. (282) $10. AUTOGRAPHIC MIRROR. Lond.. 1864. 4 vols., fol. and 4to. CI., Stane, Aug., '88. (1235) £1. CI., Putt., Jan. 10, '89. (925) £15s. CI., Bancker, Mar., '98. (602) $9.20. CI., Rogers, Nov., '98. (23) $6.40. AVERY (DAVID). Sermon preached at Greenwich, Dec. IS, 1777, being general Thanksgiving through the United American States. Norwich, 1778. Svo. Paper, unc, Manson, Feb., '99. (1653) $15.50. AVILA (FRANCISCO DE). Arte de Lengua Mexicana. Mexico, 1717. 12mo. Field, May, '75. (70) $6.50. Mor., g.e., Brinlev, Apr., '81. (5768) $42. Hf. mor., g.t. (lacking a leaf of Index), Murphy, Mar., '84. (128) $10. Mor., g.e. (Brinlev copy), Dorman, Apr., 'SO. (929) $32. AVILA Y ZUNIGA (L. DE). Commen- taries. Trans, by John Wilkinson. Lond., 1555. 12mo. Mor. g.e. (portrait and 4 maps in- serted), Inglis, June, 1900. (72) £5. AYLET (ROBERT). Divine and Moral Speculations. Lend., 1054. Svo. Mor., Griswold, Dec, '80. (44) $28. Hf. cf., Gaisford, Apr., '90. (109) £3. Mor., Foote, Jan., '95. (4) $18. Mor., g.e. (a few headlines cut into), McKee, Dec, '01. (2734) $21. Sheep, Lefferts. Apr., '02. (23) $11. Susanna. Lond., 1622. Svo. Cf. (Heber copy), Soth., Dec. 17, '98. (lOS) £17 10s. A Wife Not Ready Made but Be- spoken. Lond., 1053. Svo. Soth., Apr. 12, '93. (3) £12s. AYLMER (JOHN). Harbor for Faith- ful and True Subjects. Strasburg, 1559. 4to. Rus., Russell, June, '85. (61) £8 15s. Hf. cf., Ellis, Nov., '85. (431) £4 15s. Vel., Wodhull, Jan., '86. (282) £8 10s. AYMON. Conqueste de I'Empire de Trebizonde, faicte par Regnauld de AYMON 93 B. P. Aymon — Continiicil. Montaban, flis du due Aymond de Dardayne, etc. Paris, Jehan Tre- perel, [about 1510]. 4to. Mor., g.e. (lacking Aii), Soth., Apr. 12, '99. (71) £3 5s. Quatres fils Aymon. Avec I'hys- toire du noble & vaillant Chevalier Regnault de Montauban. Lyon, 1493. Fol. Mor., g.e. (fol. 22 supplied in manu- script), Crawford, June, '87, (1678), £41. Quatre fils Aymon. Lyon, 1506. Fol. Mor., g.e., Crawford, June, '89. (900) £127. Sensuyt le Livre des quatre fllz Aymon due de Dordone, etc. Paris, Jehan Treperel, [about 1510]. 4to. CI. (lacking A 4, Hh 4 mended), Soth., Apr. 12, '99. (72) £5. The Right Pleasaunt and Goodly Historie of the Foure Sonnes of Aimon. Lond., Copland, 1554. Fol. Cf. (last 5 leaves mended), Jersey, May, '85. (125) £54. Mor., g.e. (title and several leaves sup- plied in facs.), Crawford, June, '89. (135) £14. Cf. (last 5 leaves mended, Jersey copy), Morris, Dec, '98. (152) £81. Old mor. (4 leaves in faes., Roxburghe copy), Soth., June 18, '03. (816) £21 10s. AYRES (J. A.). Legends of Montauk, L. I. Hartford, 1849. 8vo. Cf., Alexander, Mar., '95. (913) $12.50. AYRES (P.). Emblems of Love. Lond., 1680. 8vo. Mor., Soth., May 5, '90. (13) £2 15s. Emblems of Love. Lond.. 1683. 8vo. Mor., g.e.. Crampon, June, '96. (5) £1. Emblems of Love. Lond., [1699]. 8vo. Cf., Leigh, Dec, '86. (162) £1 Is. Mor., g.e., Gaisford, Apr., '90. (110) £12s. Mor., g.e., Soth., June 27, '92. (33) £1 5s. Hf. cf., unc, Bierstadt, Apr., '97. (120) $22.50. Mor., g.e., Hayes, Apr., '98. (563) $7. Of., Bangs, May 5, '02. (Ill) $10. Ayres (P.) — Cdiitiinieil. Lyric Poems. Lond., 1687. 12mo. Cf., Sewall, Nov., ',96. (156) $10.50. AYRTON (W.). Adventures of a Sal- mon in the River Dee. Lond., [1853]. 8vo. Cf., unc, Blyth, Mar., '01. (IS) CI 2s. AYTOUN (W. E.) AND MARTIN (Sir T.). Book of Ballads. Lend., 1845. 8vo. CI., g.e, Burnett, Apr., '89. (26) £2 10s. CI., g.e., Hutt, May, '89. (236) £3 7s. CI., g.e.. Wiper, Jan.. '91. (1440) £116s. CI., g.e., Witton, Jan., '93. (408) £1 6s. CI., g.e., Dillwyn, Oct., '93. (65) £1 5s. CI., g.e.. Monk, Oct., '94. (250) £1 18s. CI., g.e., Pinkney, Mav, '95. (43) £1. CI., g.e.. Bliss, Apr., '98. (2S6) £15s. CI., g.e., (presentation copy), Soth., Dec. 3, 1900. (460) £2 10s. Mor., g.e. (orig. cover bound in), French, Apr., '01. (1173) $24. Mor. (orig. cover hound in), French, Apr., '01. (1172) $20. Book of Ballads. Lond., 1849. 8vo. CI., g.e.. May, July, '91. (323) £1. Mor., g.e. (Cuthbert Bede's copy), French, Apr., '01. (1174) $40. AZARA (FELIX DE). Voyages dans I'Amerique Meridionale. 1781 to 1801. Paris. 1S09. 5 vols., 8vo. Hf. of.. Barlow, Feb., '90. (143) $30. Hf. ef., Crawford. July. '96. (57) £1 Ss. B. (A.). Life; or Ecclesiastical His- tory of S. Thomas, Archbishop of Canterbury. Cologne, 1639. 8vo. Cf., Soth., Aug. 13, '88. (385) £3 10s. Mor., g.e., Southby, Dec 10, '90. (864) £1 17s. Cf., Brabourne, June, '93. (1) £1 10s. Mor. ex., g.e.. Crampon, June, '96. (10) £2 2s. Cf., Burra, May, '97. (14) £16s. Mor. ex., g.e.. Smith, June, '97. (67) £lSs. B. (A.). See Brome (A.). B. (E.). See Benlowes (E.), Bolton, E.), Burrough (E.). B. (F.). See Bernard (F.). B. G. 94 BACKUS B. (G.). Beware the Cat. Lond., E. AUde, 15S4. 8vo. (Lacking title page, Heber copy), Cor- ser, July, 'CS. (152) £12 5s. B. (G.). See Buchanan (George). B. (H.). Political Sketches. See Doyle (J.). B. (H.). See Bold (Henry). B. (J.). Brief and Faithful Declara- tion of the True Faith of Christ. N.p., 1547. 8vo. Cf., g.e. (with the 4 rare leaves pre- ceding title). Ellis, Oct., '02. (219) £3 3s. B. (J.). See Bodenham (J.), Braids- haigh (J.), Bullokar (J.), Bulteel (J.). B. (N.). See Billingsley (N.), Breton (N.). B. (O.). Questions of Profitable and Pleasant Concernings called by the Reporter the " Display of Vain Life," etc. [Lond.], Richard Field, 1594. 4to. Mor., g.e.. Davis, Nov., 1900. (13) £33. Mor., Soth., May 6, *01. (404) £39. B. (R.). See Baron (R.), Beverly (R.), Brathwait (R.). Brome (R.), Burton (R.). B. (T.). Love will find out the Way. [Lond.], J. Cottrell, 1661. 4to. Pountaine. June, '02. (47) £2 8s. B. (W.). Free Schoole of Warre, or a Treatise whether it be Lawful to beare Armes for the Service of a Prince that is of a Divers Religion. Lond., 1G25. 4to. ** Large paper. Vel., Bools, June, '03. (SG) £2 10s. B. (W.). The Philosopher's Banquet. Lond., 1614. 12mo. Cf., Ashburnham. June. '97. (201) £2ins. B. (W.). See Bagwell (W.). BABER (ZEHIR-EDDIN MOHAM- med). Memoirs. Lend., 1S2C. 4to. Cf., g.e.. Craig, June, 'S7. (126) £2 4s. BABSON (J. J.). History of Glouces- ter, .Mass. Gloucester, 1860. 8vo. Hf. mor., unc. Guild, Nov., '87. (2109) $9. CI.. Coburn. Apr.. '88. (843) $6.50. CI.. Deane. Mar., '98. (1475) $8. Babson (J. J.) — Continued. Hf. mor., unc, Blanchard, Mav, '98. (655) 16.50. Hf. mor., Llbbie, June 22, '98. (307) $7. CL, Libbie, Jan. IS. '99. (399) J8.50. CI., Manson, Feb., '99. (1572) f7. CI., Balcom, Feb., '01. (973) $6.50. BABYLONIAN AND ORIENTAL REC- ord. Lond.. 1881-94. 7 vols., Svo. De Lacouperie. May. '95. (142) £2 2s, BACCHUS AND THE TEE-TOTAL- lers. By Rumfusticus Bibulus. Lond., 1841. 6 plates by Robert Cruikshank. 4to. Cf., g.e., Stewart, Mar., '88 (129) £2 18s. Hf. mor., unc, Talbot, Jan., '90. (298) £1 5s. Cf., g.e.. Holborn, Jan., '93. (253) £2 15s. BACCHUS AND VENUS. Lond., 1737. Svo. Cf., Hazlitt, Nov., '93. (508) £110s. Cf., Bliss, Apr., '98. (282) £2 16s. Rus., g.e.. Bliss, Apr., '98. (283) £2 16s. BACHE (B. F.). Remarks Occasioned by the Late Conduct of Washington. Phila., 1797. Svo. Hf. mor., g.t., Barlow, Feb., '90. (147) $13. Hf. mor. (cut into). Barlow, Feb.. '90. (148) $11. BACKUS (ISAAC). History of New England. Bost,, 1777, Providence, 1784, and Bost., 1796. 3 vols., Svo. Sheep, Gilbert, Feb., '73. (142) $45. Mor. ex., unc, Menzies, Nov., '76. (100) $112.50. Hf. sheep, unc, Griswold, Mar., '76. (33) $57. Cf. ex.. unc. Brinlev, Apr.. '81. (6198) $42. Mor. ex., g.e., Cooke, Dec, '83. (149) $61.50. Hf. mor. (Vols. 1 and 2 uncut). Mur- phy. Mar., '84. (134) $84. Unc. (Vols. 1 and 2 in sheats, folded. Vol. 3 sewed), Coburn, Apr., '88. (79) $60. Sheep, Terry, Mar., '89. (66) $39. Sheep, Dawson, May, '90. (1370) $30.75. History of New England. With the Abridgement. Bost.. etc., 1777- 1804. Together 4 vols., Svo. BACKUS 95 BACON Backus (Isaac) — Continued. Cf., Brinley, Mar., '79. (276) $68. Sheep, Brialev, Nov., '86. (6200) $39. Hf. mor., Hunt, Nov., '91. (170) $32. Hf. mor.. g.t., Libbie, Nov. 6, '95. (84) $64. Abridgement of the Church His- tory of New England, from 1602 to 1804. Host., 1804. Svo. Hf. mor.. g.t., Menzies. Nov., '76. (101) $12. Roan, Brinlev, Apr., '81. (6199) $5.50. Sheep, Cooke, Dec, 'S3. (150) $7. Church History of New England from 1620 to 1S04. Phila.. 1839. 16mo. Hf. roan, Manson. Mar., '99. (2928) $6. Policy, as well as Honesty, For- bids the Use of Secular Force in Religious Affairs. Bost., 1779. Svo. Hf. mor., Brinlev, Nov., '86. (6201) $7. Unc, Brinley, Nov., '86. (6202) $6.50. Hf. mor., Moore, May, '93. (124) $S.50. BACON (DELIA). Philosophy of the Plavs of Shakespeare Unfolded. Land., 1S57. Svo. CI., unc. Libbie, Apr. 15, '96. (48) $6. CI., unc, Libbie, Dec 2, '96. (427*) $5.25. CI., unc, Daly, Mar., 1900. (159) $5. Tales of the Puritans. New Haven, 1831. 12mo. CI., McKee, Nov., 1900. (34) $7. BACON (FRANCIS). Advancement of Learning. Lond., 1605. 4to. Cf., g.e.. Smalley. July, '87. (17) £3 3s. Mor., g.e., Martin, Mar.. "88. (146) £4 10s. Mor., g.e., Soth.. May 5, '90. (15) £8 17s. 6d. Cf., Sullivan, May, '90. (526) £2 2s. Vel.. Warrington. Nov., '93. (670) £4 4s. Cf., Bierstadt, Apr., '97. (121) $12. Mor., g.e., Harvey, June, 1900. (149) £10 5s. Unbd., Soth., Dec. 3, 1900. (557) £12 10s. Cf.. McKee, Dec, '01. (2735) $31. Mor., g.e., Soth.. June 3, '02. (782) £23 10s. Mor., g.e.,"Lefferts, Apr., '02. (26) $90. Mor., g.e., Soth., Mar. 16, '03. (126) £16 5s. Bacon (Francis) — Continued. Vel., Bools, June, '03. (90) £26 5s. Hf. mor. (portrait inserted), Soth., June 18, '03. (599) £14 10s. Grig. vel. (headlines of last leaf cut into), Soth., June 17, '04. (21) £19. **Large paper. Mor., g.e., Orford, June, '95. (25) £49. Vel. (Lord Stuart de Rothesay copy), Ashburnham, June, '97. (211) £20. (Title and flv-leaves written on), Soth., June 20, '04. (ICO) £29 10s. Advancement of Learning. Ox- ford, 1629. 4to. Mor., g.e., Toovey, Feb., '94. (273) £3 10s. Mor.. g.e., Ellis, Oct., '02. (227) £3 10s. Advancement of Learning. Ox- ford, 1G33. 4to. Mor., g.e., Toovey, Feb., '94. (274) £2 10s. Vel., Soth., Feb. 21, '99. (241) £2. Sheep, Soth., Dec. 3, 1900. (568) £2 12s. Cf. (with autographs of Johannes Hagar and John Anstis, with manu- script extracts), Soth., Jan. 23, '02. (299) £6 10s. Mor., g.e., Ellis. Oct., '02. (228) £1 ISs. Advancement of Learning. Ox- ford, 1640. Fol. Cf., Turner, Nov., '88. (624) £3 7s. Cf., Putt., Dec. 11, '99. (20S) £117s. Cf., g.e., Soth., May 21, 1900. (247) £2. Mor., g.e., Harvey, June, 1900. (216) £ 3 15s. Cf., Soth., June 3, '02. (788) £5 7s. 6d. Cf., Soth., Jan. 22, '03. (245) £3 18s. Cf., Bools, June, '03. (91) £3 15s. Cf., Putt, Jan. 20, '04. (271) £4. Apophthegmes. Lond., 1625. Svo. Mor.. g.e.. Turner, June, '88. (273) £2 6s. Vel., Sullivan, May, '90. (531) £2 10s. Hf. cf., Cosens, Nov., '90. (341) £3 14s. Apophthegmes. Lond., 1626. Svo. Old cf. (a few leaves wormed), Soth., May 18, '03. (26) £5 12s. 6d. Augmentis Scientiarum. Lond., 1623. Fol. Vel., g.e.. Turner, Nov., '88. (621) £5 17s. 6d. BACON 96 BACON Bacon (Francis) — Continued. Old cf. (with Instauratio Magna and Paraseve ad Historiam Naturalem, 1G20, and Sylva Sylvarum, 1G5S, in 2 vols.), Soth., Julv 30. 1900. (396) £13. Cases of Treason. Lond., 1641. 4to. Of., g.e., Soth., Mar. 7, '01. (ITS) £4 1Ss. Charge touching Duells. Lond.. 1614. 4to. Hf. mor. (with 3 other pieces, in 1 vol.), Soth., June 3, '02. (200) £11 15s. Confession of Faith. Lond.. 1641. 4to. Unhd. (writing on title), Soth., Mav 18, '03. (164) £10. Considerations Touching a Warre with Spaine. Lond., 1629. 4to. Of., g.t., unc, Lefferts, Apr., '02. (24) $9. Considerations touching the pacif- ication and edification of the Church of England. Lond., T. P. for Henrie Tomes, 1604. 4to. Mor. (blank leaf A 1. lacking, verso of E 1, recto of E 2, E 3, E 4 and all of Sig. F (never printed) in manu- script), Soth., May 6, '01. (879) £41. Considerations touching the paci- ficafion and edification of the Church of England. Lond., for Henrv Tomes, n.d. 4to. Cf. ex.. g.e.. Ford, Mav. '02. (55) £5 15s. Declaration of the Practices and Treasons attempted by Robert Earl of Essex against the Queen. Lond.. Robert Barker, 1601. 4to. Cf., g.t., front edges unc, Soth., .Tune 3, '02. (781) £10 2s. 6d. Mor., g.e., Bools, June, '03. (89) £7 10s. Rus. (headlines cut into and portrait inserted), Soth., Nov. 20, '99. (236) £3. (With A Brief and Compendious Nar- rative of the Renowned Robert Earle of Essex, 1646), Soth.. Jan. 29, 1900. (645) :t2 3s. Elements of the Common Lawes of England. Lond., 1636. 4to. Unbd., Soth.. Dec. 3. 1900. (560 1 £1 Is. Bacon (Francis) — ('niiliiidcil. Essays. Lond., J. Windet, 1598. 12mo. Cf., Soth., Apr. 22. '95. (550) £30 10s. Mor., g.e., Ashburnham, June, '97. (207) £32. (With Cornwallis' Essays, Part 1, 1600, and Johnson's Essays, 1601, in 1 vol., the latter lacking all after " H 5 "; Inner margins of several leaves defective, edges scorched), Soth., July 1, '01. (S91) £25 10s. Vel. (with Cornwallis' Essays, Part 1, 1600. Part 2, 1601. and Johnson's Essays, 1601; headlines slightly cut into), Soth., .Tune 3, '02. (124) £96. Lond.. J. Jaggard, 1606. (10) Essays 12mo. Mor., g.e., Hawkins. .-Vpr.. '95 £10 15s. Orig. vel. (with Cornwallis' Essays, 1606, Part n., 1601, and Johnson's Essays, 1607 bound in), Soth., May, '03. (25) £63. Essays. Lond., J. Beale, 1612. 12mo. Vel., Turner. June. 'S8. (274) £5 10 s. Cf., m.e. (headlines cut into), Arnold, May, '01. (10) $26. Unbd., unc. (lacking Sig. A and Q 8, both blank, and corner of leaf of Dedication torn). Cell. Feb.. '04. (8) £15 5s. Essays. Lond.. J. Jaggard. 1613. 12mo. Mor., g.e., Libble, Mav 2, '88. (65) $49. Mor. ex., g.e., Soth.. May 5, '90. (16) £3 3s. Mor., g.e.. Sullivan. May. '90. (528) £3. Mor. ex., g.e.. Hale. Mar.. '91. (71) $10.25. Vel., Ashburnham. June. '97. (210) £13. Leather. Soth.. .luly 1. '01. (1072) £9 10s. Vel., McKee, Dec, '01. (2736) $70. Sheep, Soth., Dec 2. '01. (38) £12 15s. Vel., unc, Soth.. June 3. '02. (125) £20. Mor. ex., g.e., Christie, June IS, '02. (16) £14 10s. BACON 97 BACON Bacon (Francis) — Continued. Mor., g.e., Ellis, Oct., '02. (225) £15. Orig. vel. (some headlines cut into), Soth., May 8, '03. (7) £22. Orig. vel., Soth., June 17, '04. (23) £20. Essays. Edinb., 1614. 8vo. Mor. ex., g.e. (title-page mended and four leaves in facs.), Reid, May, '94. (143) £2 8s. Essays. Lond., J. D. for Elizabeth Jaggard, 1624. 8vo. Mor., g.e., Soth., July 1, '01. (1073) £16. Essays. Lend., 1625. 4to. Cf. ex., Smalley. July, '87. (18) £3 10s. Mor., g.e., Borthwick, May, '94. (201) £2. Cf., g.e.. Bangs, Mar. 25, '96. (57) $21.50. Cf., g.e. (Malone copy), Hayes, Apr., '98. (59) $32. Cf., m.e., Soth., Oct. 30, '99. (630) £3 12s. 6d. Vel., Soth., May 21, 1900. (190) £11 15s. Vel. (slightly stained and binding broken), Soth., Oct. 28, '01. (626) £10 5s. Mor. ex., g.e., Soth., June 3, '02. (783) £27. Vel., Soth., July 14, '02. (593) £24 10s. Sheep, Soth., Mar. 10, '97. (771) £4 10s. Cf., Hodgson, May 21, '03. (71) £10 15s. Orig. vel., Bools, June, '03. (92) £26 10s. Orig. vel.. Cell, Feb., '04. (62) £16 5s. Essays. Lond., 1632. 4to. Cf. ex., g.e., Libbie, May 2, '88. (66) $6. Cf., Sewall, Nov., '96. (159) $7.50. Mor. ex., g.e., Bangs, June 7, 1900. (30) $17. Mor. ex., g.e.. Ford, May, '02. (54) £5 5s. Essayes. Lond., 1637. 4to. Orig. cf., Soth., July 16, '03. (555) £117s. Essays. Lond., 1639. 4to. Of., r.e. (R. G. White's copy), Haw- kins, Mar., '87. (1782) $18. Cf., Hunt, Nov., '91. (174) $5.50. Bacon (Francis) — ConthiurrJ. Cf., Reid, May, '94. (333) £1 4s. Cf., Putt, Jan. 9, '02. (ISO) £110s. Cf., Ellis, Oct., '02. (229) £1 4s. Cf., Soth., May IS, '03. (28) £4 7s. 6d. Essays. Lond., 1720. 2 vols., Svo. **Large paper. Mor., g.e., Soth., Jan. 24, '99. (910) £8 8s. Historia Naturalis. Lond., 1620. Svo. Vel., Hookins, Apr., '93. (718) £15s. Historia Naturalis. Lond., 1622. Svo. Vel., Turner, June, '88. (270) £18s. Vel. (with initials "I. W.," said to be Walton's copy), Soth., July 28, '03. (334) £3 3s. History of Life and Death. Lond., 1638. Svo. Mor., g.e., Hawkins, Apr., '95. (11) £119s. Cf., g.e., Adee, Nov., '95. (31) $15.25. Mor., g.e., Soth., May IS, '03. (27) £7. History of the Raigne of Henry VII. Lond., 1622. Fol. Mor. (presentation copy), Beckford. June, '82. (515) £29 10s. Cf. ex., g.e., Mair, Jan., '90. (1050) £1. Cf. ex., g.e. (Mair copy), Toovey, Feb., '94. (317) £1. Cf., Bangs, Oct. 9, '95. (32) $8.50. Cf., Sewall, Nov., '96. (158) $7.50. Cf. ex., g.e., Soth., May 16, '01. (23) £4 7s. Cd. Mor., g.e. (Beckford copy), Edwardes, May, '01. (123) £110. Cf., Soth., Mar. 17, '02. (209) £2 14s. Vel., Hibbert, Apr. 9, '02. (30) £10 15s. Mor., Twopenny, May, '02. (273) £12 5s. Vel., Soth., June 3, '02. (245) £19 10s. Mor., Putt., Nov. 20, '02. (245) £3 10s. Cf., g.e., Soth., Mar. 16, '03. (228) £5 15s. Old cf., Soth., May 18, '03. (228) £7 17s. 6d. History of the Raigne of King Henry VII. Lond., 1641. Fol. Mor., Turner, Nov., 'SS. (626) £3 5s. Instauratio Magna. (Novum Organum.) Lond., 1620. Fol. BACON 98 BACON Bacon (Francis) — Coiiliniird. Vel., Turner, Nov., '8S. (627) £2 15s. Mor., g.e., Hazlitt, Nov., '93. (36) £4 4s. Cf., Millard, July, '95. (123) £5 5s. Cf., Burra, May, '97. (290) £2 4s. Cf., Soth., Dec. 17, '98. (254) £4 4s. Vel., Soth., June 3, '02. (242) £40. Cf. (rebacked), Soth., July 28, '02. (551) £15 10s. Cf., Ellis, Nov., '01. (2) £7. Mor., g.e., Soth., Feb. 9, '03. (762) £16 10s. Orig. cf.. Putt, July 22, '03. (174 A) £11 lis. Old cf., g.e., Hodgson, Feb. 16, '04. (637) £15 10s. The Learned Reading. Lond., 1G42. 4to. Unbd., Soth., Dec. 3, 1900. (565) £lls. The Naturall and Experimental! Historv of Winds. Lond., 1653. 12mo. Sheep, McKee, Dec, '01. (2737) $10. Sheep, Soth., June 3, '02. (129) £9 10s. Of Gardens. Lond., Vale Press, 1902. 12mo. Bds., Peirce, Mar., '03. (112) $16. Bds., Henkels, May 5, '03. (527) $12. Ordinances made for the Better and more Regular Administration of Justice in the Chancery. Lond,, 1642. 4to. TJnbd., Soth., Dec. 3, 1900. (564) £lls. Psalms in English Verse. See Psalms. The Remaines of the Right Hon- ourable Francis Lord Verulam Vis- count of St. Albans. Lond.. 1648. 4to. Unbd., Soth., Dec. 3, 1900. (566) £lls. Soth., Dec. 2, '01. (217) £3 10s. Recuscitatio. Lond., 1657. Fol. Mor., g.e.. Turner, Nov., '88. (628) £115s. Hf. cf. (in 2 vols., portrait inserted). Brown, Apr., '03. (50) £19s. Recuscitatio. Lond., 1672. Fol. Cf., Libbie, Nov. 20, 1900. (497) $6. De Sapiente Veterum. Lond., 1617. 12mo. Bacon (Francis) — Continued. Cf. (some headlines cut into). Putt., Jan. 9, '02. (179) £14s. Sylva Sylvarum. Lond., 1627. Fol. Old cf., Soth., May 18, '03. (229) £3 10s. Three Speeches. Lond., 1641. 4to. Crawford, Mar., '91. (221) £1. Unbd., Soth., Dec. 3, 1900. (563) £4 4s. True and Historical Relation of the Poisoning of Sir Thos. Overbury. Lond., 1651. 8vo. Cf., Rutter, May, '99. (13) £1 10s. Wisdom of the Ancients. Lond., 1619. Svo. Cf., g.e.. Turner, June, '88. (276) £1 15s. Mor. ex., g.e., Soth, Apr. 3, '95. (551) £4 4s. Cf. (with J. M. on the title-page, and said to be Milton's copy). Cook, Nov., 1900. (17) $31. Sheep, Soth., June 3, '02. (120) £9 15s. Mor., g.e., Soth., Mar. 16, '03. (48) £6 12s. Cd. Wise and Moderate Discourse con- cerning Church Affairs. Lond., 1641. 4to. Hf. bd., Soth., Dec. 3, 1900. (561) £2 5s. Opera moralia et Civilia. Lond., 1638. Fol. Mor., g.e.. Turner, Nov., '88. (622) £4 6s. Mor., g.e.. Bangs, Apr. 28, '02. (244) $6. Orig. cf., Soth., Oct. 20, '02. (1191) £5 7s. 6d. Mor., g.e. (Turner copy, here called Large paper), Soth., June 22, '03. (88) £8 5s. Orig. cf., Soth., Mar. 16, '03. (230) £11 15s. Certaine Miscellany Works. Lond., 1629. 4to. Cf., g.e., Soth., Dec. 3, 1900. (559) £115s. Cf., unc, Lefferts, Apr., '02. (25) $19. Works. Lond., 1753. 3 vols., fol. Cf., Bangs, Nov. 25, '95. (52) $5.25. ** Large paper. Mor., g.e., Hawkins, Apr., '95. (429) £3 5s. BACON 99 BACON Bacon (Francis) — Continiicd. Works. Lond.. 1S03. 10 vols., Svo. Cf., Bangs, Oct. G, '98. (3) $10. Hf. cf., m.e., Soth., Oct. 24, '98. (372) £18s. **Large paper. Cf., Crawford, Mar., '91. (222) £1 Gs. Rus., Hill, Dec, '92. (56) £19s. Works. Edited by Basil Montagu. Lond., 1825-34. 17 vols., Svo. Cf. ex.. g.e., Reid, May, '94. (140) £8. Mor. ex., g.t., unc, Hammond, Jan., '95. (22) $51. Cf., Hope, Apr., '96. (43) £7. CI., unc, Gardner, July, '97. (8) £3. CI., unc. Weaver, Dec, '97. (7) £2 16s. Cf., Bangs, Feb. 3, '98. (10) $24. Cf., Soth., Jan. 29. 1900. (285) £3 Is. CI., unc, Bathurst, July, 1900. (210) £4. **Large paper. Perkins, July, '89. (107) £10. Bds., unc, CI., unc, £6 15s. Hf. mor., unc, Hayes, Apr.. Christie, Dec 5, '93. '98. (10) (61) $38.25. **Largest paper, g.e., Hibbert, Apr., '02. (29) by Lond, •S7 Spedding, , 1857-74. (156) £4 Rus. ex., £30. Works. Edited Ellis, and Heath. 14 vols., Svo. CI., Hodgson, Mav IS, 8s. Cf., m.e., Thompson, £8 10s. CI., Putt., June 5, '93. Hf. mor., m.e. (in 19 vols.). Watson. Nov., '01. (7) £G15s. Mathews & Nelthrop, Jan., £5 10s. Works. Ellis, and vols., Svo. CI., unc, Libbie, Apr., '99. (105) $14.25. CI., unc. Bangs, Oct. 17, 1900. (30) $8.25. Ht. cf., Libbie. Dec. 5, '01. (4S) $20.G2. CI., unc, Libbie, Jan. 21, '02. (49) $9.37. Works. Edited by Ellis, and Heath. Camb Press, 1S63. 15 vols., Svo. ** Large paper. Hf. mor., Dorman, Apr., '86. $56.25. May, '87. (83) (7) £4 4s. '02. (13) Edited by Spedding, Heath. Bost., 1861. 15 Spedding, Riverside (1761) Bacon (Francis) — Goiithiued. Hf. mor., Libbie, Feb. 5, '89. (53) $48.75. Hf. mor., Ives, Mar., '91. (38) $75. Hf. mor., Livermore, Nov., '94. (65) $45. Hf. mor., Deane, Mar., '98. (150) $37.50. Hf. mor., Hayes, Apr., '98. (62) $33.75. Hf. roan. Cox, Apr., '99. (33) $35.63. Hf. mor., Poole, May, 1900. (67) $21. **India paper. Paper, unc, Rice, Mar., '70. (90) $95.62. Paper, unc, Cole, Apr., '90. (16) $41.25. Mor. ex., g.e., Livermore, Nov., '94. (64) $90. BACON (ROGER). Famous History of Friar Bacon. Lond., 1680. 4to. Unbd., unc, Daniel, July, '64. (73) £5 10s. Unbd., unc (Daniel copy), Griswold. Dec, '80. (47) $46. Hf. cf., Dennis, Dec, '92. (234) £1 Is. Hf. cf., Ashburnham, June, '97. (214) £1. Life and Exploits of the Celebrated Roger Bacon. Lond., [1S14]. Col- ored frontispiece by Cruikshank. Svo. Hf. cf., g.t., Bruton, June, '97. (82) £2 1Ss. Mirror of Alchemy. Lond., 1597. 4 to. Cf., g.e., Fredrickson, Apr., 'S6 (124) $13.50. Mor. (wormed), Witthaus, Oct., '97. (10) $5.50. Opus Majus. Lond., 1733. Fol. Aylesford. Mar.. '88. (156) £3 3s. '''*Large paper. Mor., g.e., Buckley, Apr., '94. (353) £4 5s. Cf., Soth., Aug. 2, '94. (432*) £3 15s. Cf., Frere, Feb.. '96. (224) £3 15s. Rus., Ashburnham, June, '97. (213) £2 ISs. BACON (THOIVIAS). Four Sermons upon the Duty of Christian Masters to bring up their Slaves in the Knowledge and Fear of God. Lond., 1750. 12mo. Unbd., Brinley, Mar., 'SO. (3663) $6.50. Six Sermons on the Several Duties of Masters, etc. Lond., 1751. 12mo. Unbd., Brinley, Mar., 'SO. (3664) $10.25. BACQUBVILLE 100 BAILEY BACQUEVILLE DE LA POTHERIE (M. de.). Histoire de rAmerique Septentrionale. Paris, 1722. 4 vols., 8vo. Vel., Brinley, Mar., '79. (63) $21. Cf., Murphy, Mar., '84. (2017) $C. Cf. (in 2 vols.). Hunt, Nov., '91. (176) $6. Old cf. (1 vol. wormed), Lindsey, Mar., '95. (522) $11. Old cf. (in 2 vols.), Ashburnham, May, '98. (29S9) £116s. Histoire de I'Amerlque Septentri- onale. Paris, 1753. 4 vols., 8vo. Cf., Pratt, Apr., '99. (660) $11. BADCOCK (JOHN). Fancy-Ana, or a History ot Pugilism. By Jon. Bee. Lond., [1824]. Colored frontispiece. 8vo. Mor., g.e., Blyth, Mar., '01. (41) £5 5s. Sportsman's Slang. By Jon. Bee. Lend., 1825. Colored frontispiece. 8vo. Unc, Roupell, July, '87. (62) £9. Cf., g.e., Blyth, Mar., '01. (28) £113s. BADESLADE (T.). Views of Noble- men and Gentlemen's Seats in the County of Kent. Lond., n.d. Fol. Hf. cf., Twopenny, May, '02. (274) £2 14s. BADGER (G. P.). English-Arabic Lex- icon. Lond., 1881. 4to. CI., unc, Brice, July, 'S7. (1007) £2 5s. CI., unc. Bangs, Mar. 4, '95. (263) $5.50. CI., unc, Bangs, May 24, '01. (7) $6.50. Mor. ex., g.e.. Putt., Jan. 9, '02. (499) £2. BADIUS ASCENSIUS (J.). Stulti- ferse Naves Sensus Animosque Tra- hentis Mortis in Exitium. Paris, Engilb. de Marnef, 1500. 4to. Cf. ex., g.e. (margins of several leaves mended), Soth., Apr. 22, '95. (698) £6 7s. 6d. Stultiferas Naviculae seu Scaphse Fatuarum Mulierum. Strasburg, J. Priis, 1502. 4to. Bds., Soth., Apr. 12, '99. (74) £3 3s. Mor., g.e., Inglis, June, 1900. (74) £4. La Nef des Folles. Paris, 1501. 4to. Mor. ex., g.e., Soth., Apr. 24, '99. (784) £24 10s. BADMINTON LIBRARY OF SPORTS and Pastimes. Lond., v.d. 8vo. Badminton Library — Coiitiinwil. Hf. bds., unc. (31 vols.), Soth., May 21, 1900. (70) £8. CI., (29 vols.). Putt, Apr. 14, '02. (542) £G5s. CI. (28 vols.), Soth., May 8, '99. (53) £8. CI. (24 vols.). Putt., Apr. 17, '01. (1042) £4 12s. 6d. ** Large paper. Hf. mor. (28 vols.), Bruce, Dec, 1900. (165) £62. Hf. mor. (28 vols.), Blyth, Mar., '01. (164) £54 12s. Hf. mor. (24 vols.), Hodgson, Feb. 12, '95. (789-817) £78. (24 vols.) Pinkney, May, '95. (190) £70. For separate works see Authors. BAGEHOT (WALTER). Literary, Biographical and Economical Stud- ies. Lond., 1879-81. 4 vols., 8vo. 01., Smith, Nov., '94. (194) £16s. CI., Coleridge, May, '96. (42) £16s. BAGOT (LORD). Memorials of the Bagot Family. Lond., 1824. 4to. Mor., g.e., Aylesford, Mar., '88. (101) £7 5s. (Autograph of author inserted.) Chris- tie. Dec. 5, '93. (106) £2 2s. BAGWELL (W.). The Merchant Dis- tressed. Lend., 1644. 4to. Hf. cf., Reynell, May, '95. (22) £lls. Mor. (portrait inserted), Corser, Mar., '69. (65) £5 17s. 6d. BAILEY (ABIGAIL). Memoirs of Mrs. Abigail Bailey. Bost., 1815. 18mo. Cf. (soiled), Manson, Feb., '99. (243) $20. BAILEY (J. T.). Historical Sketch of Brooklyn. Brooklyn, 1840. 12mo. Bds., Brinley, Mar., '80. (2930) $5. Paper (no plan). Bangs, Jan. 26, '98. (173) $5.50. Mor., g.t., Bangs, Apr. 16, 1900. (124) $7. BAILEY (P. J.). Festus. Lond., 1839- 8vo. Hf. mor., unc, Hutt, May, '89. (122) £1 5s. CI., unc, Scott, Mar., '90. (15) £14s. CI., unc, Wood, Mar., '91. (1214) £3 3s. CI., unc, Soth., Dec. 2, '01. (39) £2. Hf. roan, McKee, May, '02. (4799) $7.50. CI. (presentation copy from the au- BAILEY 101 BAINES Bailey (P. J.) — Continued. thor, with poem by G. Obryne in- serted), Soth., July 28, '02. (3) £2 6s. BAILEY (S. L.). Historical Sketches of Andover. Host., 1880. 8vo. CL, Manson, Feb., '99. (105) $5.25. BAILEY. Bailey's Little Warbler: Collection of English, Scotch, Irish and Comic Songs. Lond., 1826-27. Frontispieces and engraved titles by Cruikshank. 6 vols., 64mo. Orig. mor., g.e., Soth., May 18, '03. (291 £4 17s. 6d. BAILLIE (ROBERT). Anabaptism. Lond., 1647. 4to. Cf., Deane, Mar., '98. (157) $25. Disuasive from the Errors of the Time. Lond., 1645. 4to. Cf., Deane, Mar., '98. (156) $7.50. Disuasive from the Errors of the Time. Lond., 1655. 4to. Cf., g.e., Barlow, Feb., '90. (155) $19. BAILLIE (ROBERT). Letters and Journals. Edinb.. 1775. 2 vols.. Svo. Of., Deane, Mar., '9S. (158) $6. Letters and Journals. Edinb., 1841-42. 3 vols., 4to. Craig, Mar. •88. (273) (214) g.t., Webster, Mar., '93. (10) Bonar. .lune, '9(i. Bds., unc, £1 5s. Hf. mor., £1 13s. Hf. mor. £1 15s. Bds., unc. 7s. Gd. Bds., unc, Ashburnham, (264) £2 3s. Clerk, May, '99. (115) £2 4s. BAILLIE (WILLIAM). Works. Lond. Boydell, n.d. Fol. Mor., Bangs. Jan. 26. '99. Hf. bd., Soth.. Jan. 28. £2 18s. Cf., g.e.. Bangs, Nov. IJ $16. Hf. mor., g.e., Soth., Dec. £3 12s. BAILLON (H.). Natural History of Plants. Trans, by Hartog. Lond.. 1871-88. 8 vols., Svo. CI., Crawford, Mar., '91. (226) £3. CI., Soth.. Dec. 13, '92. (9) £2 9s. CI., Hennessv, Julv. '93. (1032) £1 8s. Reid, May, '94. (672) £2 June, '97. (9) $12. '01. (1063) ;, '01. (1551 2. '01. (396) Bail Ion (H.) — Continued. CI., Bancker, Mar., '93. (25) $11.20. 01., Bangs, Apr. 12, 1900. (24) $11. CI., Barber, Apr., 1900. (9) £2 4s. BAILY (F.). Account of the Rev. J. Plamsteed. Lond., 1835. 4to. Cf., Craig, June, '87. (138) £116s. Cf. ex., Wood, Mar., '91. (809) £16s. Paper (with Supplement), Hartnup, May, '92. (736) £3 2s. Gd. BAILY'S MAGAZINE OF SPORTS and Pastimes. Lond., 1860, etc. 8vo. Vols. 1-76, cl.. Putt., Apr. 14, '02. (543) £10 10s. Vols. 1-74, hf. cf.. Putt, Nov. 28, '02. (15) £16. Vols. 1-73, hf. cf., Blyth, Mar., '01. (19) £21. Vols. 1-73, hf. of., Putt., Dec. 12, '01. (90) £14. Vols. 1-66, hf. roan, g.t., Hodgson, Oct. 10, "99. (986) £12 10s. Vols. 1-40, cl.. Putt., Mar. 2, '87. (1079) £11 10s. Vols. 1-40, hf. cf., Toovey, Mar., '94. (44) £9 10s. Vols. 1-40, hf. cf., Hollywood, Nov., '95. (415) £8 5s. Vols. 1-39, hf. mor., m.e.. Hale, Mar., '91. (48) $117. BAILY'S RACING REGISTER. Lond., 1845. 3 vols., 8vo. Toovey, Mar., '94. (46) £1 4s. BAINBRlDGE (G. C). The Fly Fish- er's Guide. Liverpool, 1816. 8vo. Hf. cf.. Snow, Nov., '98. (35) £1 16s. Mor., g.e. (A.L.S. inserted), Kermack, Nov., '99. (12) £llls. BAINES (E.). History of the County Palatine and Duchy of Lancaster. Lond.. 1836. 4 vols., 4to. Hf. cf., Stewart, Mar., '88. (20) £2 2s. Cf., Bailev, June, '89. (745) £115s. Hf. cf., Lovell, Apr., '90. (371) £3 12s. 6d. Cf., Gladstone, Apr., '94. (97) £5. Rus., y.e., Murray, Dec, '99. (117) £5 15s. Hf. rus., m.e., Quaile, May, '01. (113) £3 5s. ** Large paper. Hf. mor.. Aylesford, Mar., '88. (102) £5 5s. Cf. ex., Bailey. June, '89. (744) £5 17s. 6d. LIBRARY UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA SANTA BARBARA BAINES 102 BAKER Baines (E.) — Continued. Hf. rns., unc. Hailstone, Feb., '91. (228) £3t4s. Cf. ex., g.e., Brabourne, May, '91. (215) £4 4s. 14 orig. parts, Bateman, May, '93. (173) £4 15s. Hf. mor., m.e., Ashburton, Nov.. 1900. (64) £4 15s. History of the County Palatine and Duchy of Lancaster. Lond., 1SC8-70, 2 vols., 4to. Mor., g.e., Foljambe, Jan.. '90. (1900) £3. Hf. mor., Papworth, May, '92. (2S4) £115s. **Large paper. Hf. mor.. Putt., Jan. 5, '88. (945) £2 10s. Hf. mor., Lockhart, Feb., '89. (281) £2. BAINES (T.). Victoria Falls, Zambesi River. Lond., 1SC5. Fol. Soth., June 11, '94. (1345) £1. BAIRD (C. W.). Rye, Westchester County, 1GG0-1S7O. N. Y., 1871. 8vo. CI.. Dawson, May, '90. (264) $6. CI., Bangs, Nov. 11, '95. (436) $5.50. CI., Perry, .lune, '99. (149) $5.25. BAIRD (S. F.), CASSIN (J.) AND Lawrence (G. N.). Birds of North America. Phila., 1860. 2 vols., 4to. CI., Pleasanton, Mar., '95. (2930) $15. CI., Henkels, Apr. 21, '96. (269) $11. CI., Bangs, Mar. 1, '97. (20) $13. CI., Libbie, Dec. 15, '98. (1269) $8. CI., Henkels, Jan. 30, '99. (362) $12.20. CI., Balcom, Feb., '01. (110) $25. Birds of North America. Salem, 1870. 2 vols., 4to. Hf. mor., unc. Bangs, Feb. 6, '96. (28) $17. CI., unc. Bangs. Mar. 16, '90. (181 1 $11.50. CI., Richmond, May, '99. (22) $6.50. CI., Mackay, May, 1900. (65) $5. BAIRD (S. F.), BREWER (T. M.) AND Ridgway (R.). History of North American Birds. Land Birds. Bost., 1874. 3 vols., 4to. CI., Gannett, Jan., '95. (85) $22.50. Hf. mor., g.t., Alexander. Mar.. '95. (1967) $30. CI., Gilchrist, July, '96. (63) £3 12s. 6d. Hf. mor., g.e., Murrav, Dec. '99. (118) £4 5s. Baird (S. F.) — Coiifinuetl. CI., Bangs, Oct. 29, 1900. (274) $8.25. CI., Bangs, Nov. 12, 1900. (32) $15.30. CI., Cresson, May, '02. (136) $12. CI., Bangs, Jan. 8, '03. (231) $12.75. Birds of North America. Water Birds. Bost., 1884. 2 vols., 4to. CI., Putt, July 12, '87. (309) £1 12s. CI., g.t., Cresson, May, '02. (137) $9.50. CI., g.e.. Bangs, Jan. 8, '03. (232) $20.20. BAJARDO (A.). Phllogyne. Parma, 1508. 4to. Mor. ex., Gaisford, Apr., '90. (115) £22. BAKER (AUGUSTIN). Sancta So- phia. Douay, 1657. 2 vols., 8vo. Cf., Ellis, Nov.. '85. (447) £5 17s. 6d. (In 1 vol.), Gaisford, Apr., '90. (115) £2 3s. Cf., Sullivan, May, '90. (543) £2 2s. BAKER (D. E.), REED (ISAAC), AND .Tones (Stephen). Biographia Dra- matica. Lond., 1812. 3 vols., in 4. Svo. Hf. cf., unc. Cooper, Oct., '91. (984) £ 2 8s Of., g.e., Toovey, Feb., '94. (88) £15s. Hf. cf., Deane, Mar., '98. (161) $5. Hf. mor., French, Apr., '01. (68) $8. Hf. mor., g.t., unc, Lefferts, Apr., '02. (27) $7. hi. cf., g.t., unc. (portraits inserted), Daly, Mar., 1900. (165) $12. Cf. (in 4 vols.), Dalv, Mar., 1900. (166) $8. Hf. mor. (in 2 vols.; Isaac Reed's own copy, with his manuscript ad- ditions), Fraser. Apr.. '01. (1384) £4 16s. BAKER (GEORGE). New Jewel cf Health. See Gesner (C). BAKER (GEORGE). History and An- tiquities of Northampton. Lond., 1822-41. 2 vols., fol. Parts, Buckley, Apr.. '94. (354) £4 17s. 6d. Hf. rus., Hodgson, June 21, '94. (290) £11. Hf. bd.. Putt., Dec. 5, '94. (616) £7 15s. Hf. bd., Young, Dec, '95. (275) £7. Cf., m.e., Gardner, July, '97. (284) £9 9s. Hf. cf., Rutter, May, '99. (260) £6. Hf. cf., Soth., Nov. 25, '01. (1020) £6. Hf. cf., Soth., Mar. 26, '02. (384) £7. **Large paper. BAKER 103 BALDWIN Baker (George) — Continued. Mor. ex., g.e., Brice, July, '87. (21) £11 15s. Cf. ex., Aylesford, Mar., '88. (157) £14 10s. Rus., Hartree, July, '90. (268) £12. Parts (with many duplicate plates), Barbour, May, '91. (327) £20. Mor. ex., g.t., unc. (418 extra colored plates), Toovey, Feb., '94. (319) £40. Rus., y.e., Soth., Nov., 1900. (65) £9 10s. Hf. mor., unc, Edwardes, May, 20, '01. (124) £7 5s. Cf., g.e., Soth.. Nov. IS, "01. (236l £9 5s. BAKER (SIR RICHARD). Cato Varie gatus. See Cato. Chronicles of the Kings of Eng- land. Lend., 1643. Fol. Cf. ex., g.e.. Bangs, Nov. 25, '95. (56) $5.50. Cf., Ashburnham, June, '97. (219) £1 12s. Mor. ex., g.e., Hibbert, Apr., '02. (32) £6. Theatrum Redivlvum, or The The- atre Vindicated. Lend., 1662. 12mo. Mor., g.e., McKee, Jan., '01. (1311) $37. BAKER (W. S.). Early Sketches of Washington. Phila., 1894. 4to. CI. (presentation copy). Stone, Oct., '97. (50) $8.50. Engraved Portraits of Washington. Phila., 1880. 4to. CI., Deane, Mar., '98. (160) $11.25. CI., Manson, Mar., '99. (4419) $7.50. CI., Henkels. Apr. 5, 1900. (115) $14. CI., Bangs, Nov. 18, '01. (66) $8. CI. (presentation copy). Weeks, Mar., '02. (012) $17. CI., Bangs, Apr. 28, '02. (155) $10.50. CI., Bangs, Nov. 17, '02. (17) $15.50. CI., Anderson, Mar. 23, '03. (647) $13. Medallic Portraits of Washington. Phila.. 1S85. 4to. Hf. bd., unc. (presentation copy). Stone, Oct., '97'. (49) $8. BALBUS DE JANUA (JOHANNES). Catholicon. Mainz, [Gutenberg], 1460. Fol. Mor., unc, Sunderland, Dec, '81. (863) £285. Mor. (in 2 vols), Thorold. Dec, '84. (225) £400. Balbus de Janua (Johannes) — Cant'd. Rus. ex., Wodhull, Jan., 'SG. (294) £310. Pigskin (slightly stained and wormed), Hopetoun, Feb., '89. (239) £145. Mor. ex., unc. (probably the Sunder- land copy rebound), Ives. Mar., '91. (42) $1700. **On vellum. Pigskin, Crawford, June, '89. (136) £300. Catholicon. [Strasburg. Mente- lin, 1470.] Fol. Leather, Pullan, Apr., '89. (413) £10 5s. Mor., g.e., Crawford, Mar., '91. (229) £11. Mor., g.e., Buckley, Feb., '93. (324) £8 5s. Mor., g.e., Morris, Dec, '98. (154) £15. Bds., covered with leather, g.e.. Inglis, June, 1900. (76) £45. BALCH (THOMAS). Letters and Papers Relating to the Provincial History of Pennsylvania. Phila., 1855. 8vo. Sewed, unc. (in 2 vols.). Baker. Feb., '91. (276) $14. Hf. roan, Henkels, Oct. 19, •9S. (494) $10.25. Paper, unc. Perry, June, '99. (881) $8.50. Bds. (inlaid to folio), Cresson, May, '02. (84) $18. Hf. rus. (in 2 vols.). Whitmore, Nov., '02. (1000) $14. Hf. mor.. Proud. May, '03. (925) $16. BALDUNG (H.). Aphorism! Com- punctionis Theologicales. Stras- burg, J. Griininger, 1497. 4to. Mor., g.e.. Soth.. Mar. 19, '96. (57) £4 Ss. Mor.. g.e.. Sheldon. Feb.. 'in. (630) $11. BALDWIN (THOMAS). Narrative of Massacre by Savages of Wife and Children of. N. Y., 1835. 8vo. Cf., unc. Barlow, Feb., '90. (157) $10 BALDWIN (WILLIAM). Canticles of Solomon. Lond.. 1549. 4to. Mor., g.e. (Hearne copy), Soth., June 27, '92. (34) £19 5s. Mor., g.e. (Hearne copv), Soth., Dec. 2, '01. (218) £21. Funerals of King Edward the Sixth. Lond., 1560. 4to. BALDWIN 104 BALE Baldwin (William) — Continued. Rus. (Roxburghe and Hill copy), Cor- ser, July, 'GS. (IGl) £20. Funerals of Edward the Sixth. Lond., Roxburghe Club, 1817. 4to. Auchinleck, .June, '93. (6G0) £2 18s. Buckley, Apr., '94. (31G2) £2 2s. Wilbrahani, June, '98. (532) £lls. Mirror for Magistrates. See Mirror. Morall Phylosophie. Lond., 1547. Svo. Mor., g.e. (Heber copy, some margins cut into), Bools, June, '03. (100) £18s. Hf. cf., Soth.. July 10, '03. (24) £2 12s. Moral Philosophy. Lond., 1550. 12mo. Mor., Ellis, Nov., '85. (449) £3 9s. Moral Philosophy. Lond., 1564. Svo. Rus., Crawford, Mar., '91. (230) £3 3s. BALE (JOHN). Acts of the English Votaries. Lond., 1548-51. 2 parts, 8vo. Rus., g.e., Soth., Mar. 19, '96. (59) £1 19s. Cf. (rebacked), Macaulay, Mar., '96. (10) £2. Rus. ex., g.e. (soiled). Bangs, Apr. 27, '96. (24) $10. Acts of the English Votaries. Lond., 1550. 2 parts, Svo. Hf. mor., Ellis, Nov., '85. (451) £1 12s. Cf. ex., Soth., Feb. 27, '99. (342) £1 18s. Acts of the English Votaries. Lond., 1551. 2 parts, Svo. Mor., g.e., Barclay, Nov., '92. (1608) £14s. Cf. (stained). Frere, Feb., '96. (27) £1 IGs. Cf., Ashburnham, June, '97. (232) £2 10s. Mor., g.e., Christie, June 18, '02. (20) £4 4s. Acts of the English Votaries. Lond., 1560. 2 parts., Svo. aior.. Copeland. June, 'SS. (559) £2 4s. Mor., g.e.. Young. June, '90. (286) £1 4s. Bale (John) — Continued. Mor. ex., g.e., Reid, May, '94. (151) £1 19s. Cf. ex., g.e., Burra, May, '97. (50) £4 12s. Cf., g.e., Soth., May 21, '97. (7) £1 16s. Ct, r.e., McKee, Dec, '01. (2739) $22. Cf., g.e., Lefferts, Apr., '02. (28) $40. Apology Against a Rank Papist. Lond., 1550. Svo. Mor., g.e., Alexander, Mar., '95. (930) $10.50. Cf., Atkinson, Mar., '96. (330) £lls. ■Cf., Soth., May 21, '97. (6) £113s. Mor. ex., g.e., Makellar, Nov., '98. (93) £3 3s. Brief Chronicle Concerning Sir John Oldcastle. Lond., 1544. Svo. Turner, .June, 'SS. (285) £4 15s. Brief Chronicle Concerning Sir John Oldcastle. Lond., 1548. Svo. Mor. px., g.e. (title page mended), Ma- kellar, Nov., '98. (92) £2 4s. Brief Chronicle Concerning Sir John Oldcastle. Lond., A. Scoloker and W. Seres, n.d. Svo. Hf. mor., Griffith, Dec, '95. (542) £18s. Rus., g.e., Macaulay, Mar., '96. (14) £2 2s. — — Declaration of Bonner's Articles Concerning the Clergy of London. Lond., 156L Svo. Cf. (headlines cut into), Macaulay, Mar., '96. (13) £114s. Cf., Soth., Feb. 22, '97. (578) £2 6s. Illustrium Majoris Britanniae Scriptorum Summarium. Ipswich, Overton, 1548. 4to. Rus., Toovey, Feb., '94. (278) £2 14s. Leather (probably dedication copy to Edward VI.), Ashburnham, June, '97. (222) £50. Mor. ex., g.e., Johnson, Feb. '98. (Ill) £2 16s. Mor., g.e., Blanchard, May, '98. (87) $15. Cf., g.e. (title soiled and five leaves mended). Bangs, Jan. 15, 1900. (84) $25. Cf., g.e. (apparently preceding copy). Bangs. Apr. 16, 1900. (51) $52.50. Cf. (rebacked), Inglis, June, 1900. (78) £7 2s. Gd. BALE 105 BALLAD Bale (John) — Continued. Cf., g.e. (title soiled and some leaves mended). Bangs, Nov. 26, 1900. (47) 115. Orig. cf., Soth., May G, '03. (48) £9 15s. Image of Both Churches. Lond., Thomas East, n.d. 8vo. Vel., g.e., Ashburnham, June, '97. (228) £3 16s. Mor., g.e., Soth., Apr. S, '03. (4) £1 16s. Image of Both Churches. Lond., 1550. 4to. Cf. (portrait inserted), Auchinleck, June, '93. (138) £1 ISs. Image of Both Churches. Lond., Day and Seres, n.d. 8vo. Cf., Atkinson, Mar., '96. (329) £2. Mor. ex., g.e., Soth., Mar. 19, '96. (61) £1 7s. Mor., r.e., Ashburnham, June, '97. (229) £2 IDs. Cf. (title mended), Soth., May 21, 1900. (71) CllSs. Mystery of Iniquity. Geneva, 1545. 8vo. Mor., g.e. (headlines cut into). Duff, July, 'SS. (20) £1 10s. Cf., Ashburnham, June, '97. (224) £5. Pageant of Popes. Lond., 1574. 4to. Mor., g.e., Whatman, July, '87. (48) £2 4s. Cf., g.e. (three leaves mended). Young, June, '90. (37) £12s. Cf., Macaulay. Mar., '9C. (174) £13s. **Large paper. Cf., g.e. (first 2 leaves inlaid, slightly wormed), Dennis, Dec, '92. (235) £2 4s. Cf., g.e. (Dennis copy), Soth., Mar. 19, '96. (60) £3 3s. Cf., Soth., Feb. 28, 1900. (CG) £lls. Cf., r.e., Anderson, Apr. 4, 1900. (88) $9.05. BALFOUR (JAMES). Disputatio Juri- dica de Officio Prsefecti Augustalls. Edinb., 1730. 4to. Mor. ex. (Scotch binding). Clerk, Mav. '99. (48) £3 18s. BALFOUR (J.). Ballads, and other Fugitive Poetical Pieces. Edinb., 1S34. 4to. **Large paper. Craig. June. '87. (145) £15s. BALL (JOHN). Answer to Two Trea- Ball (John) — Coiifhiiird. tises of Mr. John Can. Lond., 1642. 4to. Cf., Barlow, Feb., '90. (158) $13. Friendly Trial of the Grounds tending to Separation. Camb., 1640. 4to. Cf., Brinley, Mar., '79. (522) $5. Trial of the New-Church Way in New England and in Old. Lond., 1644. 4to. Hf. mor., Barlow, Feb., '90. (159) $12. BALLADS OF THE BENCH AND Bar. Lond., 1882. 4to. Hf. mor., Mackenzie, Mar., '89. (77) £3 3s. BALLADS. Collection of Old Ballads. Lond., 1723-25. 3 vols., 8vo. Cf., Mackenzie, Mar., '89. (76) £4 8s. Cf., Soth., Dec, '91. (819) £4 4s. Cf., Roofe, Apr., '92. (139) £112s. Mor., g.e., Buckley, Feb., '93. (90) £4 10s. Mor., g.e., Pinkney, May, '95. (10) £5 5s. Mor., g.e., Soth., May 21, '97. (8) £2 14s. Cf., Libbie, May 5, '99. (26) $32.25. Collection of Old Ballads. Lond., 1727-38. 3 vols., 12mo. Mor., g.e., Daniel, July, '64. (82) £10 10s. Mor., g.e. (Daniel copy), Christie, Feb. 21, '99. (14) £6. Cf., Soth., Feb. 27, '99. (345) £4 8s. Collection of Old Ballads. Re- printed from edition of 1723-25. Lond., n.d. 3 vols., Svo. Craig, June, '87. (144) £1. Mor., unc. Brand, Mar., '94. (4) £1 10s. **Large paper. Cf., Smalley, July, '87. (19) £17s. Of., Branch. Oct. 2, '95. (128) £1 12s. CI., Rule, Nov., '95. (30) £14s. Cf., g.t., unc, Soth., Mar. 19, '96. (628) £2 Gs. Hf. mor. ex., g.t., unc. Soth., Mar. 23, '99. (20) £110s. Four Books of Choice Old Scottish Ballads, 1823-44. Lond., 1SG8. Svo. Cf., unc. Lamb, Feb., '98. (47) £1 8s. BALLAD SOCIETY. Publications. Lond., v.d. Svo. BALLAD 106 BANCROFT Ballad Society — Continued. Nos. 1-32, 1868-91, Soth., July 27, '93. (516) £6. 13 vols., 1868-80, hf. mor., Libble, Oct. 1.5, '01. (68*) $23.40. BALLANTYNE (J.). Character of Mrs. Siddons. Bdinb., 1812. 8vo. Hf. rus., Mackenzie, Mar., '89. (1936) ,C2 12s. BALLANTYNE'S NOVELIST'S Li- brary. Edinb., 1821-24. 10 vols., 8vo. Cf., Hall, May, '87. (18) £4 5s. Hf. mor., g.t.. Carter, Jan., '88. (108) £5 5s. Hf. cf., m.e., Stibbs, Oct., '92. (2423) £2 2s. Hf. mor., Danby, Mar., '94. (1C8) £2. Hf. cf., m.e., Farquharson, July, '97. (42) £2. BALLARD (G.)- History of Susanna. Lend., 1C38. lOmo. Mor. ex., Corser, July, '68. (106) £13 5s. BALLOON POST. Bost., 1871. 6 Nos. 4fo. Hf. mor.. Chase and Dale, Oct., '97. (547) $6. BALLYMOTE. Book of Ballymote. Facsimile of the Original Manu- script. Dublin Royal Irish Academy House. 1887. Fol. Hf. mor., g.t., Soth., Feb. 15, 1900. (514) £3 12s. BALMFORD (J.). Dialogue Concern- ing the Unlawfulness of Playing at Cards. Lond., 1593. IGmo. Cf., Corser, Aug., '69. (17) £6 10s. BALNAVE (H.). Confession of Faith. Edinb., 1584. 8vo. Rus. (stained at end), Aucliinleck. June, '93. (43) £12. Vel. (title and last leaf soiled and mended), Makellar. Nov., '98 (98) £ 1 9s. BALTIMORE DAILY REPOSITORY. Baltimore, v.d.. 4to. Feb.-Oct.. 1792, bds.. Bangs, Feb. 16. '98. (163) $8.50. Apr.-Oct.. 1793. Rogers. Oct., 1900. (50) $5.88. BALTIMORE EVENING POST. Bal- timore, v.d. Fol. Sept. 25, 1806, to Mar. 21, 1807, bds.. Bangs, Apr. 11, '98. (40) $8. For 1810, not quite complete, hf. bd.. Rogers, Oct., 1900. (01) $6.25. BALTIMORE WEEKLY MAGAZINE. Edited by J. B. Colvin. Baltimore. v.d., 4to. 1800-1801, Brinley, Mar., '80. (3687) $12. BALZAC (H. DE). Streets of Paris. N. Y., 1900. Svo. **Japan paper. Paper, Bangs, Feb. 20, 1900. (85) $17. Paper, Bangs, Nov. 7, 1900. (700) $9. Sheets, folded, French. Apr., '01. (70) $14. Works. Trans, by Katherine P. Wormeley. Bost., 1896. 40 vols., Svo. Hf. roan, Pratt, Apr., '99. (116) $30. Hf. roan, Wireman, Nov., '97. (21) $32. **Large paper. Unc, Bangs, Feb. 14, '98. (87.1) $76. Hf. mor., g.t., Anderson. Apr. 20, 1900. (10) $108. CI., unc. Bangs, Nov. 18, '01. (67) $70. Works. Phila., Barrie, 1896. 53 vols., 12mo. CI., Henkels, Nov. 28, 1900. (89) $84.80. CI., Henkels, Feb. 6, '01. (21) $95.40. CI., Henkels, May 8, '01. (228) $58.30. CI. and hf. mor., Libbie, Dec. 5. '01. (53) $60.25. CI., Bangs. Feb. 20, '02. (139) $139.12. Works. Trans, by Saintsbury. Lond., 1895. 40 vols., 8vo. CI., Bangs, Apr. 5, '99. (99) $45. CI., Clark, June, '99. (280) $38. CI., Libbie, Feb. 8, 1900. (42) $70. Works. Lond., 1895-98. 41 vols., 8vo. Hf. mor., Anderson. Mar. 10. '02. (37) $82. CI., unc, Libbie, Apr. 29. '02. (171) $32.80. BANCROFT (AARON). Life of George Washington. Bost., 1826. 2 vols., 18mo. Bds., unc. Bangs, Jan. 22. '01. (980) $6.25. BANCROFT (GEORGE). History of the United States. Bost., 1834-75. 10 vols., 8vo. CI., Manson, Feb., '99. (251) $20 CI., Bangs, May 5, '99. (28) $56.25. History of the United States. Bost, 1853-78. 10 vols., Svo. CI., Libbie, Jan. 8, '95. (33) $10. BANCROFT 107 BANCROFT Bancroft (George) — Cdiitiiiuctl. Hf. cf., m.e., Henkels, Apr. 4, '95. (432) $21. 01., Stone, Oct. '97. (53) $15. 01., Carrutli, May, '9S. (73) $17.50. Hf. mor., g.t, Henkels, June 8, '99. (7G) $18 01., Libbie, Nov. 1, '99. (61) $15. 01., Libbie, Jan. 23, 1900. (93) $13.50. 01., Libbie, Dec. 4, 1900. (70) $10.50. 01., Balcom, Feb., '01. (IIG) $20.50. History of the United States. Bost., lSGl-75. 10 voLs., Svo. **T>arge paper. 01., unc. Barlow, Feb., '90. (ICl) $70. 01., unc, Alexander, Mar., '95. (65) $51. 01., unc, Lenox Library Duplicates, Apr. 29, '95. (IS) $52. Hf. mor., and el., Matthews, Feb. '97. (35) $45. 01., unc, Deane, Mar., '98. (164) $30. Mor. ex., g.e., Probasco, Jan., '99. (80) $52.50. 01., unc. Bangs, Oct. 26, '99. (25) $27.50. Hf. mor., m.e.. Weeks, Mar.. '02. (695) $32.50. Poems. Camb., 1S23. 12mo. Bds., unc. Brinley. Nov.. 'SO. (0781) $6. Bds., unc $8.60. Bds., unc, Bds.. unc, $7.50. Bds., unc, Bds., unc. Hunt, Nov., '91. (194) Maxwell, Apr. Bangs, Jan. . '95. (19) 14, '95. $15. (52) Roos, Apr., '97. (G6) $13. Deane. Mar., '98. (1G9) $9. unc, Blanchard, May, '98. (90) Roos, Mar., 1900. (31) $21. Mackay, Apr., 1900. (47) $9. , Bangs, Apr. 9, '01. (87 1 Bds., $G. Bds., unc, Bds., unc, Bds., unc $14. BANCROFT (H. H.). Book of the Fair. Chicago, 1895. 3 vols., 4to. Hf. mor., Baxter, Mar.. '98. (617) $9.15. Parts, Henkels. May 16, 1900. (190) $16.20. History of California. San Fran- cisco, v.d. 7 vols.. Svo. 01., Bancroft, Feb., 1900. (34) $7.70. Sheep, Libbie, Feb. 5, '02. (68) $7.35. History of IVIexico, 1516-1887. San Francisco, v.d. G vols., Svo. 01., Bancroft, Feb., 1900. (30) $6.90. Sheep, m.e., Bancroft, Feb., 1900. (30 s) $5.70. Bancroft (H. H.) — CiiiitiiiKi'd. Mor.. g.e.. Bangs, .Ian. 22, '01. (666) $9.90. Native Races of the Pacific States. N. Y., 1S74-7G. 5 vols., Svo. CI., Guild, Nov., '87. (197) $15. CI., Darby, Nov., '89. (7) £2 12s. Hf. mor., g.t., Foljambe, Jan., '90. (1675) £3 5s. CI., Ives, Mar., '91. (45) $13.75. CI.. Heywood, Oct., '92. (818) £3. CI., Carruth, May, '98. (76) $6.25. CI., Clogston, Nov., '99. (78) $10.50. Hf. rus. (Henry Ward Beecher's copy), Betts, Apr., '01. (94) $S. CI.. Cox, Feb.. ■02. (122) $5.50. BANCROFT (JOHN). Henry the Sec- ond, King of England, With the Death of Rosamond. Lond., 1693. 4to. Hf. mor.. g.e., Lefferts, Apr., '02. (29) $5.50. BANCROFT (IVl. AND S. B.). On and Off the Stage. Lond., 1SS8. 2 vols., Svo. Hf. cf., g.t., unc (presentation copy), Daly. Mar., 1900. (186) $7. BANCROFT (R.). Dangerous Posi- lions. Lond.. 1593. 4to. Cf., g.e., Ci-awford, June, '87. (243) £2 2s. (With Propositions 'and Principles of Divinitie. Edinb.. 1591). vel., Clerk, .May, -99. (49) £2 6s. BANCROFT (T.). The Glutton's Fever. Lond., 1633. 4to. Mor. (Freeling copy, title page mend- ed). Corser, .Tuly. 'CS. (1G7) £14s. Glutton's Fever. Lond., Rox- burghe Club, 1817. 4to. Hf. mor., unc, Benbow. Nov., 'S9. (1080) £2 8s. Hf. mor., unc, Gaisford. Apr., '90. (1613) £3 12s. Hf. mor., unc, Auchinleck, June, '93. (659) £13s. Hf. mor., unc. Buckley, Apr., '94. (3166) £110s. Hf. mor., unc, Toovey, Feb., '94. (2413) £lGs. Two Books of Epigrams and Epitaphs. Lond., 1639. 4to. Hf. rus., Russell, June, '85. (79) £7. Mor. ex., g.e., Gaisford, Apr., '90. (123) £7. BANCROFT 108 BANNATYNE Bancroft (T.) — Continued. Hf. cf., Hailstone, Apr., '91. (286) £6 5s. Cf. ex., g.e. (stained), Soth., June 27, '92. (42) £8 5s. Mor., g.e., Bateman, May, '93. (177) £6. Mor. ex., unc. (with the imprimatum leaf), Soth., Mar. 10, '97. (772) £42. Mor. ex., g.e. (with the imprimatum leaf), Soth., May 21, 1900. (192) £35. Mor. ex., g.e., McKee, Dec, '01. (2740) $100. BANDELLO (M.). Tragical History of Romeus and Juliet. Trans, by Arthur Brooke. Lond., 15C2. ICmo. Orlg. vel. (Kemble copy), Daniel, July, '64. (13C5) £77 14s. Tragical History of Romeus and Juliet. I.ond.. 1567. Svo. Cf. (lacking title page,) Soth., June 27, '92. (43) £13. Novelle. lAicca and Lyons. 1554- 73. 4 parts, Svo and 4to. Mor. ex., Soth., Nov. 28, '98. (186) £9 5s. Mor. ex.. g.e. (Ellis copy), Soth., May 25, 1900. (58) £31. Mor. ex., y.e. (Lakeland copy), Soth., Dec. 17, 1900. (60) £5 17s. 6d. Novels. Trans, by John Payne. Lond., Villon Soc, 1890. 6 vols., Svo. Vel., Toovey, Feb., '94. (2909) £5. Vol., Burrard, Jan., '96. (941) £4 6s. Vel., Hoskinson, Dec, '97. (555) $33.60. Vel., Christie, Feb. 21. '99. (16) £4 18s. Vel.. Soth., Mar. 17, '99. (765) £4 12s. Vel., Bangs, Apr. 7, '99. (483) $31.50. Vel., Bangs, May 3. '99. (55) $33. Vel., Libbie, Feb. 8, 1900. (47) $27. Vel.. Ar^vU, July, 1900. (103) £4 2s. Od. Vel., Hodgson. .Jan. 8. '02. (783) £5 10s. ♦"■Large paper. Vel., Leete, Oct., '92. (272) £5 15s. Vel., Cook, May, '95. (341) £5. Vel., Soth., Mav IG, '01. (28) £5 5s. Vel., Bangs, Apr. 28. '02. (103) $27. BANDELLUS (VINCENTIUS DE). De Veritate Conceptionis Beats Virglnis Mariae. Milan, 1475. Svo. Hf. rus., Soth., Julv 14, '02. (470) £6 15s. Bandellus (VIncentius de) — Oontin'd. De materia Conceptionis Beate Virginis Marie. Bologna, 1481. 4to. Mor., g.e. (P. Girardot de Prefond copy), Soth., June 17, '01. (139) £15. BANG (THEODORE). The Mysteries of Papermill Village. Alstead, N. H., 1845. Svo. Hf. roan (stained), Manson, Feb., '99. (72) $11. BANGOR HISTORICAL MAGAZINE. Vols. 1-9 (all published), Bangor, 1885-94. 9 vols., Svo. Parts, unc, Manson, Feb., '99. (261) $31.50. Parts, unc, Clogston, Nov., '99. (S7) $28.80. Parts, unc. (Vols. 1-6 only), Libbie, Mar. 27, '95. (963) $10.50. BANISTER (JOHN). History of Man. Lond., 157S. Fol. Cf., Soth., May 21, '97. (308) £2 14s. BANKES (JOHN). Destruction of Troy. Lond., 1679. 4to. Conteniporarv tooled mor.. Hawkins, Apr., '95. (184) £3. The Island Queen. Lond., 1684. 4to. Paper, McKee, Apr., '01. (2196) $5.50. Rival Kings. Lond., 1077. 4to. Paper, McKee, Apr., '01. (2193) $5. Hf. mor. ex., g.e., Lefferts, Apr., '02. (35) $7. Vertue Betray'd. Lond., 1082. 4to. Mor., g.e.. Bangs, Mar. 19, 1900. (25) $10. Paper, McKee, Apr., '01. (2195) $20. Mor. ex., g.e., Lefferts, Apr., '02. (37) $9.50. BANKS (T. C). The Dormant and Extinct Baronage of England. Lond., 1807-37. 4 vols., 4to. Cf., Ashburton, Nov.. 1900. (09) £2 8s. BANNATYNE (G.). Ancient Scottish Poems. Edinb., 1770. Svo. **Tinted paper, Mor., g.e.. Hawkins, Mar., '95. (27) £14s. BANNATYNE CLUB. Ballads. A Com- plete Set. Edinb., 1822-48. 13 Nos., Svo. Mor. ex., g.e., Webster, Mar., '93. (12) £8 5s. BANNATYNE 109 BARBER Bannatyne Club — Continued. Miscellany. Edinb., 1827-55. 3 vols., 4to. Hf. mor., g.t, Stewart, Apr., '88. (234) £llGs. Hf. mor., Reid, May, '94. (620) £3. Bds., line, Ashburnham, June, '97. (242) £3 4s. Bds., unc. (wanting second part of Vol. 1), Ashburnham, Dec, '98. (9) £2 4s. Publications. A Complete Set. Edlnb., 1823-75. 120 Nos., 4to. Craig, Mar., '88. (304) £170. BANNEKER (BENJAMIN). Copy of a Letter to the Secretary of State, with Jefferson's Answer. Phila., 1792. 4to. Cf., g.e., Brinley, Nov., '86. (7304) $12.75. BANQUET OF DAINTIES FOR ALL such .Tests that Love Moderate Diet. Lond., 15GG. 8vo. Mor. (title page in manuscript). Cor- ser. Mar., '69. (78) £10 10s. BANQUET OF DAINTIES FOR Strong Stomachs. Lond., n.d. 8vo. Unc, Craig, June, '87. (161) £2 4s. BANQUET OF JESTS, NEW AND Old. Lond., 1657. 12mo. Daniel, July, '64. (905) £12. BAPTIST CONFESSION OF FAITH: First Put Forth in 1643. Phila., A. Armbruster, 1765. 16mo. Grig, bds.. Weeks, Mar., '02. (815) $10. BAPTISTA DE LACUNAS (JUAN). Advertencias. Para los Confessores de los Naturales. Mexico, M. Ocharte, 1600. 8vo. Vel., Murphy, Mar., '84. (148) $38. Arte y Diccionario. Mexico, 1574. 12mo. Vel. (lacking title page, part of dedi- cation, and a few leaves at the end), Murphy, Mar., '84. (147) $50. Confessionario en lengua Mexl- cana y Castellana. [Mexico], M. Ocharte, 1599. 12mo. Vel. (with Advertencias. etc., 1600, in 1 vol.). Murphy, Mar., '84. (140) $46. Sermonario en Lengua Mexicana. Mexico, 1606. 4to. Mor., g.e.. Barlow, Feb., '90. (165) $41. Baptista de Lagunas (Juan) — Coiil'iL Sermones en lengua Mexicana. Mexico, 1607. 4to. Vel. (lacking title page, slightly wormed), Soth., Jan. 29, '96. (105) £115s. BARADERE (H.). Antiquities Mexi- caines. Paris, 1834. 3 vols., fol. Hf. rus., Boban, Dec, '86. (1974) $45. BARAGA (F.). Dictionary of the Otchipwe Language. Cincinnati, 1853. 8vo. Hf. mor., O'Callaghan, Dec, '82. (118) $17.50. Mor., Moore, May, '93. (973) $15. • Theoretical and Practical Gram- mar of the Otchipwe Language. De- troit, 1850. 12mo. Hf. cf., Field, May, '75. (82) $12.50. CI., Murphy, Mar., '84. (150) $20. BARAZE. Relacion de la Vida del Cypriano Baraze, muerto a manos de Barbaros en Peru. Lima, 1704. 8vo. Mor., g.e., Cooke, Dec, '83. (171) $9.50. BARBADOES. Acts of Assembly, 1648-1718, and Additional Acts, 1717- 38. Lond., 1732-39. Fol. Cf. (title page and first leaf of Index imperfect), Brinley, Apr., '81. (5329) $10. Articles of Agreements made Jan., 1651. Lond., 1652. 4to. Cf., g.e., Cooke, Dec, '83. (172) $13.50. Memoirs of the first Settlement of Barbadoes. Lond., 1743. 8vo. Cf. ex.. Wood, Mar., '91. (465) £1 Is. Votes and Proceedings of the As- sembly from the Island of Barba- dos, Feb.. 1730. Barbadoes, David Harry, [1730]. Pp. 25-31, fol. Unc, Miller and Bancker, Dec, '98. (119 a) $7. BARBADOS GAZETTE. Apr. 14 to 18, 1733. Barbados. 1733. 2 pages, fol. Miller and Bancker, Dec, '98. (9 a) $6. BARBARUS (H.). Castigationes PliniancB. Rome, 1493. Fol. Mor.. g.e. (Beckford copy), Soth., Feb. 27, '99. (573) £2. BARBER (JOHN). Impartial History of the Life, Character, etc., of Mr. John Barber. Lond., 1741. 8vo. BARBER 110 BARCIA Barber (John) — Coiitiiiurd. Hf. mor., g.t., Grant, May, 1900. (13) £14s. BARBER (J. W.). History and Antiq- uities of Every Town in Connecti- cut. New Haven, 183C. 8vo. Hf. mor., g.t.. Bangs, Apr. 22, '01. (GO) $7.50. Historical Collections, Relating to Connecticut. New Haven, 1838. 8vo. Sheep, m.e., Manson, Feb., '99. (1074) $5.25. Slieep, m.e., Clogston, Nov., '99. (89) $5. CI., Libbie, Apr., 29, '02. (179) $5.50. Historical Collections Relating to Massachusetts. Worcester, 1839. 8vo. Hf. mor., g.t., Clogston, Nov., '99. (90) $5.50. Sheep, Balcom, Feb., '01. (US) $6. BARBERIIS (P. DE.). Opuscula. Rome, 1475. 4to. Mor., g.e. (first page mended), Soth., July 17, '01. (71) £27 10s. Opuscula. Rome, 1481. 4to. Hf. vel., Soth., July 17, '01. (72) £15 10s. Vel. (some leaves stained), Hodgson, Oct. 22. '02. (354) £13 10s. Opuscula. Oppenheim, 1498. 4to. Vel., Soth., Dec. 3, 1900. (572) £4 10s. Vel. (Duke of Sussex's copy), Sheldon, Feb., '01. (631) $11. Opuscula. Venice. 1500. 4to. Soth., Dec. 19, '01. (21) £4 4s. BARBET (J.). A Book of Architec- ture. Lond., 1G70. Fol. Cf., Soth., July 1, '95. (498) £4 4s. Cf., Soth., May G, '01. (559) £G5s. BARBOUR (JOHN). Acts and Life of Robert Bruce. Edinb., IGIG. Svo. Mor. ex., g.e., Makellar, Nov., '98. (100) £17. Acts and Life of Robert Bruce. Edinb., 1G20. 8vo. Cf., Auchinleck, June, '93. (71) £5 15s. Mor., g.e. (top margin of title mend- ed), Ashburnham, June, '97. (305) £27. Mor. ex., g.e. (title page and last 3 leaves of preface in facs. and Barbour (John) — Continued. several leaves mended), Inglis, June, 1900. (79) £5. Acts and Life of Robert Bruce. Edinb., 1G4S. 12mo. Cf., Clerk, May, '99. (214) £15 15s. Cf., Soth., Feb. 25, '01. (221) £8 8s. Acts and Life of Robert Bruce. Edinb., 1G70. Svo. Mor. ex., g.e.. Young, June, '90. (8G) £3 12s. Mor., g.e. (title page backed), Hartree, July, '90. (G2) £2. Mor. ex., g.e. (title page mounted and text cut into), Soth., June 27, '92. (4G) £12s. Cf. (front edge of title page and some headlines cut into), McKee, Dec, '01. (2741) $5. Acts and Life of Robert Bruce. Glasgow, 1G72. Svo. Mor. ex., g.e. (wormed). Young, June, '90. (85) £7 15s. Acts and Life of Robert Bruce. Edinb., 1758. 4to. Cf., Menzies, Nov., '7G. (120) $8. The Bruce. Edited by J. Pinker- ton. Edinb., 1790. 3 vols., Svo. Cf., Craig, Mar., 'S7. (1G4) £12s. Cf, Hirst, Mar., '88. (14) £1 3s. Hf. mor., unc, Gaisford, Apr., '90. (131) £lGs. Unc, Buckley, Feb., '93. (9G) £lls. Cf. ex., Toovey, Feb., '94. (104) £1 Is. ""'Large paper. Cf. ex., unc, Hibbert, Apr., '02. (38) £3. ^The Bruce, and Wallace. Edited by J. Jamieson. Edinb., 1820. 2 vols., 4to. Unc, Craig, June, '87. (1G5) £2 18s. Mor. ex., g.e., Craig, Mar., '88. (406) £ 2 18s Unc, Crawford, June, '89. (20G) £1 2s. Auchinleck, June, '93. (151) £15s. Cf., m.e., Ashburnham, June, '97. (840) £18s. Cf.. Hayes, Apr., '98. (78) $9. BARCIA (A. G.). Historiadores Primi- tivos de las Indias Occidentales. Madrid, 1749. 3 vols., fol. Vel., Field, May. '75. (88) $43.50. Cf., r.e., Cooke, Dec, '83. (1G7) $39. Hf. mor., g.t.. Murphy, Mar., '84. (161) $48.75. BARCIA 111 BARCLAY Barcia (A. G.) — Continued. Cf., Crawford, June, '89. (29) £5 7s. Gd. Cf., Barlow, Feb., '90. (169) $25.50. Bds., unc. Hart, Apr., '90. (118) ?30. Vel., Libbie, May 20, '9G. (42) $31.50. BARCKLEY (SIR RICHARD). A Dis- course of the Felicitie of Man. Lond., 1598. 4to. Cf., r.e. (title page mended and writ- ing on a few margins), McKee, Dec, '01. (2742) $G5. Hf. rus., Pountaine, June, '02. (53) £9 15s. Old hf. bdg., Soth., Dec. '02. (236) £6. BARCLAY (ALEXANDER). Egloges. Lond., 1548. 4to. Corser, July, '68. (174) £7 7s. Mor. ex., g.e., Crawford, Mar., '91. (252) £19 15s. Ship of Fools. See Brandt (S.). BARCLAY (JOHN). Argenis. Paris, 1G21. 8vo. Cf. (De Thou copy), Soth., Mar. 19, '96. (G5) £1 8s. Argenis. Leyden, Elzevir, 1630. 8vo. Cf. (Alexander Pope's copy), Harvey, June, 1900. (12) £4 6s. Cf. (preceding copy), Soth., Dec. 3, 1900. (950) £4 5s. Cf. (preceding copy), Soth., Dec. 2, '01. (42) £3 15s. Argenis. Trans, by Kingesmill Long. Paris, 1625. Fol. Mor., m.e., Soth., Nov. 27, '9G. (34) £4. Argenis. Trans, by Sir Robert Le Grys and Thomas May. Lond.. 1628. 8vo. Mor. (repaired). Bangs, May 9, '96. (186) $10.50. Mor., g.e., Auckland, Nov., '97. (580) £G2s. 6d. Argenis. Trans, by Kingsmill Long. Lend., 1G36. 4to. Cf. (engraved title slightly cut into), Craig, June, '87. (16S) £112s. Cf., r.e., Libbie, Dec 5, '01. (CO) $5. Description of the Roman Catholic Church. Lond., 1689. 4to. Cf. ex., Bonar, June, '90. (206) £3. Mirror of Minds. Englished by T. May. Lond., 1738. 8vo. Mor. (arms of Charles I), Randall, Aug., '87. (521) £2. BARCLAY (J.). Memorials for the Government of the Royal Burghs of Scotland. Aberdeen, 1685. 8vo. Hf. mor., g.e., Webster, Mar., '93. (14) £13s. Cf., Auchinleck, June, '93. (45) £1 19s. Cf., Young, Dec, '95. (703) £1 2s. BARCLAY (ROBERT). Anarchy of the Ranters. Phila., 1757. 12mo. Mor. ex., g.e., Cooke, Dec, '83. (870) $9.50. Mor. ex., Stevens, July, '86. (19) £2 2s. Mor. ex., g.e., Libbie, Nov. 22, '89. (161) $8. Cf., Washington, Dec, '90. (547) $6.50. Cf., r.e. (title page mended), Deane, Mar., '98. (187) $5.25. Theologiae Vere Christianae Apolo- gia. Amsterdam, 1676. Svo. Mor. ex., g.e., Soth., Mar. 17, '02. (159) £7 5s. An Apology for the True Christian Divinity. Printed in the year 1678. 4to. Cf., Cresson, May, '02. (100) $14. **Large paper. Vel., Soth., Feb. 27, '99. (347) £2 2s. An Apology for the True Chris- tian Divinily. Newport, J. Frank- lin, 1729. 8vo. • Cf., g.e., Brinley, Mar., '79. (2412) $13.50. CI., Baker. Feb., '91. (231) $15. Cf. (leaf at end of table of authors lacking), Livermore, Nov., '94. (2008) $20. Cf., Soth., Oct. 29, 1900. (571) £3 12s. Cf., Hodgson, Feb. 17, '03. (415) £3. An Apology for the True Chris- tian Divinity. Birmingham, 1765. 4to. Cf. (presentation copy), Libbie, Dec. 2, '96. (57) $G1. Cf., Stone. Oct., '97. (57) $5. Cf. (broken), Lundy, Feb., '99. (1400) $9.50. Mor. ex., g.t., Soth., Feb. 25, '01. (1492) £1 ISs. Catechism Faith. Phila Hf. mor. Polock of and Confession 1726. 8vo. (margin of title mended). Mar., '04. (542) $13. Catechism and Confession of Faith. Newport, J. Franklin, 1752. Svo. Mor. ex., g.e., Brinley, Mar., '80. (3486) $7.50. BARCLAY 112 BARHAM Barclay (Robert) — Continued. Cf., Baker, Feb., '91. (247) $13. Sheep, Deane, Mar., '98. (186) $21. Truth Triumphant. Lond., 1692. Fol. Cf., Cresson, May, '02. (104) $6.50. BARD (SAMUEL). Enquiry Into the Nature, Cause, and Cure of the An- gina Suffocativa. N. Y., 1771. Svo. Hf. mor.. Barlow, Feb., '90. (170) $7.50. BARDAISAN. Hymn of Bardaisan, rendered into English by F. C. Bur- kitt. Lond., Essex House Press, 1899. 16mo. Bds., Bangs, Dec. 21, '01. (276) $8. Bds., Bangs, Nov. 18, '01. (306) $5.50. Leather, g.e., Peirce, Mar., '03. (12) $12. Bds., una., Peirce, May, '03. (460) $6. BARERE (BERTRAND). Memoirs. Trans, by Payne. Lond., 1896. 4 vols., Svo. CI., Christie, Feb. 21, '99. (18) £1. CI., Libbie, Nov. 16, 1900. (212) $5. CI., Bangs, Jan. 28, '01. (217) $7.50. CI., Bangs, Mar. 14, '01. (218) $6.50. BARET (J.). An Alvearie, or Quad- ruple Dictionarie. Lend., 1580. Fol. Cf., Wilbraham, June, '98. (188) £2 2s. Bds., Bruce, Dec, 1900. (220) £3 15s. Cf. (some leaves frayed), McKee, May, '02. (4803) $7.50. Oak boards, Soth., July 28, '03. (109) £10 5s. BARHAM (R. H.). Ingoldsby Legends. Lond., 1840-47. Plates by Cruik- shank and Leech. 3 vols., 8vo. CI., unc, Soth., Dec. 8, '90. (133) £16. CI., unc, Baggallay, Jan., '91. (240) £31 10s. CI., unc, Houle, Dec, '91. (393) £20 10s. CI., unc, Glasse, July, '92. (970) £14 15s. CI., unc. (p. 236 blank, and with an extra leaf inserted from later edi- tion), Soth., Dec. 11, '93. (24) £16 5s. Mor. ex., unc, Soth., Apr. 22, '95. (823) £12 10s. CI., unc. Maxwell, Apr., '95. (21) $120. Mor. ex., unc, Pinkney, May, '95. (11) £20. Mor. ex., unc, Soth., Feb. 19, '96. (377) £17 5s. Barham (R. H.) — Contiinird. CI., unc. (p. 236 blank), Bruton, June, '97. (208) £15 15s. Mor., unc. (p. 236 blank, and with slip facing, orig. cloth covers bound In), Clarke. Mar., '99. (25) £16. CI., unc. Bangs, Apr. 7, '99. (73) $48. CI., unc. (p. 236 blank), Wright, June, '99. (22) £9 15s. CI., unc. Bangs, Feb. 13, '01. (28) $66. Mor., g.e. (p. 236 blank, and with slip), Soth., Feb. 25. '01. (222) £4 12s. 6d. Mor., unc, French, Apr.. '01. (72) $96. Mor. ex., unc. (p. 236 blank), Soth., July 23, '01. (1515) £14 10s. Cf. ex., unc, Hibbert, Apr., '02. (39) £7 12s. 6d. Cf. ex., g.e.. White, Apr., '02. (116) £4 2s. 6d. CI., unc. (p. 236 blank), Soth., June 3, '02. (131) £15 15s. CI., unc. (p. 236 blank, and with slip). Bangs, Nov. 20, '02. (202) $72. CI., unc. (p. 236 blank, and with slip), Peirce, May, '03. (26) $84. Ingoldsby Legends. Lend., 1842- 48. 3 vols., 8vo. CI., unc, Richmond, Mar., '99. (900) $10.88. Hf. cf.. Bangs, June 5, '99. (1179) $8.25. CI., unc, Graham, Apr., '01. (44) £2 10s. Hf. mor. ex.. Hunt, July, '99. (13) £4. Hf. mor. ex., g.t., French, Apr., '01. (73) $16.50. Ingoldsby Legends. Lond., 1852. 3 vols., 8vo. CI., Perkins, July, '89. (124) £2 10s. Mor. ex., unc, Soth., June 22, '91. (42) £4 4s. Hf. mor., g.t., Williams, May, '93. (188) £2 10s. CI., Smithson, June, '96. (54) £14s. CI., Soth., Mar. 23, '99. (144) £114s. CI., Bangs, Apr. 3, '99. (201) $7.88. CI., unc. Bangs, May 19, 1900. (28) $9. Hf. mor., m.e., Wylie, May, '01. (10) £116s. Ingoldsby Legends. Lond.. 1855. 3 vols., Svo. CI., unc. Putt., Feb. 14, '94. (898) £2. CI., unc, Clarke, Dec, '95. (926) £1 8s. BARHAM 113 BARKER Barham (R. H.) — Coiitiiiiinl. CI., unc, Soth., Dec. 17. '97. (24) £2 10s. Mor. ex., g.t., Soth., Dec. 5, '99. (48S) £2 15s. CI., unc, Hornby, Apr., 1900. (20) £118s. CI., unc, Putt., Apr. 26, 1900. (116) £14s. Hf. mor. ex., Fraser, Apr., '01. (97) £116s. Hf. mor., g.t., Libbie, Mar. 18, '02. (62) $11.25. Ingoldsby Legends. Lond., 1870. 2 vols., Svo. CI., Putt.. June 5, '93. (11) £lls. CI., unc, Reid, May, '94. (934) £15s. Cf., m.e., Swindells, June, '95. (21) £lls. Hf. mor., unc. Smith. Jan., '96. (12) £13s. CI., unc, Leeds, Apr., '96. (9) £12s. Martin's Vagaries. Lond., 1843. Plates by Cruikshank. Svo. Cf., g.e., Stewart, Mar., '88. (175) £3. Cf., g.t. (orig. cover bound in), Mac- kenzie, Mar., '89. (496) £3 3s. Cf. ex., unc. (orig. covers bound in), French, Apr., '01. (349) $8. IVIy Cousin Nicholas. Lend., 1846. Plates by Leech. Svo. Mor. ex., g.t. (with the original of Leech's frontispiece inserted), Anderson, May, '92. (7) £3 10s. Mor. ex., g.t. (with original of Leech's frontispiece inserted), French, Apr., '01. (74) $70. BARIFFE (W.). IVIiiitary Discipline, or the Young Artillery-Man. Lond., 1643. 4to. Rus., Bunbury, July, '96. (5049) £3 12s. Od. BARING-GOULD (S.). Book of Were- wolves. Lond., 1865. Svo. Unc, Soth., Dec. 1, '91. (821) £lls. Unc, Hope, May, '96. (132) £14s. Iceland. Lond., 1863. Svo. CI., Walker, May, '93. (66) £2 5s. CI., Hope, Soth., Mav, '96. (169) £2 8s. CI., Soth., Oct. 24, '98. (355) £2 Is. CI., Probasco, Jan., '99. (83) $10.25. CI., Bangs, Jan. 8, '01. (15) $5.50. CI., Anderson, Feb. 11, '01. (35) $7.75. CI., Soth., Dec 2, '01. (572) £2. Baring-Gould (S.) — Cnntiiiiieil. Lives of the Saints. Lond., 1877. 15 vols., Svo. CI., Tomlinson, Jan., '94. (1059) £2 8s. Cf., g.e., White, Apr., '02. (117) £3. Lives of the Saints. Lond., 1882. 15 vols., Svo. CI., Jenkins, June, '97. (7) £1 18s. CI., Henkels, Oct. 25, '97. (51) $9. CI., Libbie, Mar. 3, '99. (18) $12. BARKER (M. H.). Greenwich Hos- pital. Lond., 1826. Plates by Cruik- shank. 4to. Hf. mor., unc. (with plates in dupli- cate), Kenyon, Mar., '90. (230) £4. Hf. cf., unc, Soth., Dec. 10, '90. (48) £3. Bds., unc, Williams, May, '93. (254) £5. Hf. mor., unc. Burgess, May, '94. (180) £2Ss. Hf. mor., g.t., Alexander, Mar., '95. (1511) $12.50. Hf. mor., Johnson. Feb., '98. (123) £16s. Mor. ex., g.t. (orig. covers bound in), Howard, June, '98. (255) £8. Hf. cf., unc, Soth., Nov. 20, '99. (546) £4. Hf. mor., g.t., Hornby. Apr., 1900. (22) £3. Hf. mor., g.t.. Bangs, Jan. 15, '01. (86) $10.50. Hf. mor., unc. (with plates in dupli- cate), French, Apr., '01. (306) $40. Hf. mor., Soth., Julv 21, '02. (512) £2. Hf. mor., unc, Soth., July 28, '02. (275) £2 6s. Hf. mor. ex., g.t., unc. Putt., Julv 30, '02. (67) £2 18s. Jem Bunt. By the Old Sailor. Lond., ]S41. Plates by Cruikshank. Svo. Cf. ex., unc (orig. covers bound in), Soth., May 8, '99. (404) £2 Ss. Land and Sea Tales. Lond., 1836. Plates bv Cruikshank. 2 vols., Svo. CI., Walker, Mar.. '87. (37) £110s. Cf., unc, Sinclair. Apr., '90. (80) £110s. CI., Shaw, Feb., '97. (100) £1. CI., Bruton, June, '97. (35) £llls. Hf. mor., m.e., Henkels, June 2, '98. (.365) $6. BARKER 114 BARLOW Barker (M. H.) — Coiitiiiiicd. Hf. mor., g.t., Soth., Feb. 28, 1900. (523) £12s. Old Sailor's Jolly Boat. Lond., 1S44. Plates by G. and R. Cruik- shank. 8vo. Hf. cf.. Brewer, Oct., '87. (550) £1. Cf., unc, Mackenzie, Mar., '89. (81) £2 2s. Hf. cf. (a few plates spotted), Bate- man, May, '93. (49) £1. Cf., g.t., French. Apr., '01. (398) $18. Old Sailor's Jolly Boat. Lond.. Willoughby, n.d. Plates by G. and R. Cruikshank. 8vo. Hf. mor. ex., g.t., Shaw, Mar., '91. (212) ?12. Hf. mor. ex., g.t., Soth., Feb. 28, 1900. (524) £114s. Tough Yarns. Lond., 1835. Plates by Cruikshank. Svo. Hf. mor., g.t., Johnson, Jan., '90. (339) $6.75. CI., unc, Williams, May, '93. (127) £1. CI., unc, Bruton, June, '97. (34) £1. BARKER (T.). Art of Angling. Lond., 1653. 4to. Cf., g.e.. Turner, Nov., '88. (535) £4 1Cs. Mor., g.e. (text inlaid), Perkins, July, '89. (125) £3 17s. 6d. Hf. bd., unc, Reid, May, '94. (1372) £5 15s. Hf. cf., Alexander, Mar., '95. (293) $10.50. Mor. ex., g.t.. Snow, Nov.. '98. (287) £7 15s. Barker's Delight; or, Art of An- gling. Lond., 1057. Svo. Mor., g.e. (several headlines and a small portion of text cut into), Snow, Nov., 98. (38) £1 IGs. Barker's Delight: or, Art of An- gling. Lond., 1659. Svo. Mor., Perkins, July, '89. (126) £4 14s. Cf. (slightly wormed), Ashburnham, June, '97. (308) £5 17s. 6d. Hf. bd.. Soth.. Dec. 13. 1900. (1149) cs ins. Art of Angling. Lond., 1820. Svo. **On vellum. Mor. ex., g.e., Davis, Nov., 1900. (16) £15 15s. Mor. ex., g.e. (the preceding copy). Soth.. Feb. 25. '01. (204) £5 10s. Barker (T.) — C'liithnied. Countryman's Recreation. Lond., 1654. 4to. Rus., Perkins, July, '89. (489) £2 4s. Cf., Auckland, Nov., '97. (581*) £6. (With The Art of Angling, 1653), Snow, Nov., '98. (298) £10 15s. BARKSDALE (C). Nympha Libe- thris. Lond., 1651. Svo. Mor., g.e., Soth., June 27, '92. (47) £8 10s. BARKSHIRE (EARL OF). See Guiana. BARKSTEAD (JOHN). Discourses and Prayers of Col. John Barkstead, etc. Lond., 1662. 4to. Hf. of., Ashburton, Nov., 1900. (739) £1 Is. BARL/EUS (C). Rerum per Octen- nivm in Brasilia. Amsterdam, 1647. Fol. Hf. mor., unc, Cooke, Dec, 'S3. (169) $9.50. Cf., Barlow, Feb., '90. (173) $14. Vel., Barlow, Feb., '90. (174) $7.50. BARLOW (F.). Diversae Avium Species. Lond., 1658. 4to. Young, Dec, '96. (90) £5 7s. 6d. Severall Wayes of Hunting, Hawk- ing ana Fishing. Lond., 1671. Fol. Cf. ex., g.e.. Snow, Nov., '98. (328) £7 10s. BARLOW (JOEL). The Columbiad. Phila., 1807. 4to. Cf., Cooke, Dec, 'S3. (176) $6.50. Cf., Brinley, Nov., '86. (6786) $6.25. Mor. ex., g.e., Terry, Mar., '89. (89) $7. Mor. ex., g.e., Hunt, Nov., '91. (209) $7.50. Bds., unc. (presentation copy), Deane, Mar., '98. (192) $13. Cf. (worn), Anderson, Apr. 7, '02. (72) $7. Conspiracy of Kings. Newbury- port, Mass., 1794. Svo. Hf. mor., unc, McKee, Nov., 1900. (40) $5. Hasty Pudding. New Haven, 1796. Svo. Mor. ex., g.e., Brinlev, Nov.. '86. (6789) $17. Unbd.. Bierstadt, Apr., '97. (134) $15. Hasty Pudding. Brooklyn, 1833. 12mo. BARLOW 115 BARNES Barlow (Joel) — CnHtiiiunl. Hf. mor., unc. (with portrait inserted), McKee, Nov., 1900. (41) $9. Vision of Columbus. Hartford, 17S7. Svo. Cf., g.e., Brinley, Nov., 'SG. (G782) $12. Cf., Tiiornton, June, "94. (921) £1 Is. Cf., Bierstadt, Apr., '97. (133) $8.50. Sheep (with A.L.S. of Barlow and one of Col. David Humphreys inserted). Bangs, Mar. 19, 1900. (29) $25. Hf. mor., McKee, Nov.. 1900. (39) $6.25. BARLOW (W.). Psalms and Hymns of Prayer and Thanksgiving. Lond.. 1G13. 4to. Mor., g.e. (a blank leaf lacking), Crawford, June, '87. (253) £11 10s. Sermon Preached at Paules Crosse on March 1, 1600. Lond.. IGOl. 8vo. Hf. bd., Bools, June, '03. (572) £5. Sum and Substance of the Con- ference at Hampton Court. Jan. 14, 1603. Lond., 1604. 4to. Hf. cf., Livermore, Nov., '94. (76) $61. BARNARD (LADY A.). See Lindsay. BARNARD (F.). Charles Dickens: A Gossip About His Life, Works and Character. Lond.. n.rt. Fol. Parts, McKenzie, Jan., '99. (303) £1' Is. Mor.. Putt., Oct. 18, '99. (894) £1. Parts. Putt., Apr. 26, 1900. (662) £2 2s. Character Sketches from Dickens. Both series. Lond., 1884-85. 12 plates. Fol. In portfolios. Burgess, May. '94. (375) £1 2s. Character Sketches from Thack- eray. 6 plates. Fol. Hillier, Mar., '89. (639) £1. BARNARD (F.) AND GREEN (C). Ninety Illustrations to Master Humphrey's Clock. Lond., 1872. Svo. Mor., g.e. (colored by hand). Wright. June, '99. (377) £5 5s. BARNARD (F. A.). Bibliothecae Re- giae Catalogus. Lond.. 1820-25. 5 vols., fol. Hf. mor., g.e., unc. Makellar. Nov., "98. (1059) £113s. BARNARD (J.). Ashton's Memorial. Bost., 1725. 8vo. Hf. vel., unc, Brinley, Mar., '79. (1871) $21. BARNARD (JOHN). See Psalms. BARNARDINE OF ESCALANTA. A Discourse of the Navigation which the Portugales doe make to the East Partes of the Worlde. Trans, by John Frampton. Lond., 1579. 4to. Rus., g.e. (title page inlaid, margins and corners of some leaves mend- ed), Soth., Feb. 27, '99. (615) £5 10s. BARNES (B.). The Devil's Charter. Lond., 1607. 4to. Hf. rus., Benbow, Nov., '89. (1399) £4 4s. Hf. rus., Soth., Apr. 12, '93. (S) £5 5s. Four Books of Offices, enabling Private Persons for special Serv- ices. Lond., 1606. Fol. Cf., Soth., Feb. 27, '99. (574) £5 10s. Vel., Soth., Nov. 20, '99. (548) £11 15s. Cf., Soth., Dec. 11, '99. (471) £7 5s. BARNES (JOSEPH). Remarks on Mr. John Fitch's Reply to Mr. James Rumsey's Pamphlet. Phila., 1788. Svo. Hf. mor., unc. Bangs, Jan. 22, '01. (549) $10. BARNES (JOSHUA). History of that most victorious Monarch Edward m. Camb., 1688. Fol. Mor., Sunderland, Dec. '81. (955) £13 10s. Mor., g.e., Toovey, Feb., '94. (325) £2 4s. Mor. ex., g.e. (Baron Heath's copy), Soth., May 16. '01. (32) £4 5s. BARNES (JULIANA). Book of Hawk- ing, Hunting, and Fishing. St. Al- bans, 1486. Fol. Mor. (Roxburghe copy, perfected by Ashburnham), Ashburnham, June, ■97. (312) £385. Unbd. (with 77 out of 89 leaves, 1 be- ing a fragment, and 9 facs.), Ash- burnham. May, '98. (4050) £120. Book of Hawking, Hunting, and Fishing. Lond., Wynken de Worde, 1496. Fol. (Probably imperfect), Buccleuch, Mar., '89. (242) £44. BARNES 116 BARNES Barnes (Juliana) — Continued. Rus. (frontispiece inlaid, some mar- gins mended), Putt., Apr. 12, '89. (21) £120. Mor. ex. (2 leaves lacking, 2 others inlaid, Thoresby and Blandford copy), Ashburnham, June, '97. (313) £160. Mor. ex., g.e. (1 leaf in facs. ), Snow, Nov., '98. (330) £49. Rus. ex., g.e. (0 leaves supplied from Haslewood's reprint of ISIO), Foun- taine, June, '02. (5G) £120. Book of Hawking, Hunting and Fishing. Lond., Wynken de Worde, n.d. 4to. Mor. ex. (title page of a later edition and two woodcuts inserted), Daniel, July, '64. (788) £108. Book of Hawking, Hunting, and Fishing. I..ond., Copland, n.d. 4to. Cf. ex. (part of title in facs.), Corser, July, '68. (41) £35. Mor. ex. (margins of 10 leaves mend- ed, portion of last leaf in facs.), Ashburnham, June, '97. (316) £26. Mor. ex. (margins of 10 leaves re- paired, portion of title and 2 other leaves in facs.), Ashburnham. Dec, '98. (10) £24 10s. Cf. (title page defective, inlaid, and 2 words supplied, several leaves mended, and last leaf inlaid). Davis, Nov., 1900. (17) £39. Book of Hawking, Hunting, and Fishing. Lond., Vele and Copland for Toye, n.d. 4to. Cf.. Ashburnham. June. 97. (315) £61. Book of Hawking, Hunting and Fishing. Lend., Powell, n.d. 4to. Mor., g.e., Ashburnham, June, '97. (318) £76. Book of Hawking, Hunting and Fishing. Lond.. John Waley, n.d. 4to. Mor. ex., g.e., Ashburnham. June, '97. (319) £62. Book of Hawking, Hunting, and Fishing. Lond., Allde, 15SG. 4to. Mor.. Ashburnham, June, '97. (321) £41. Gentleman's Academic, or the Book of St. Albans. Lond., 1595. 4to. Cf., Avlesford, Mar., '88. (301) £7. Barnes (Juliana) — Coiitinii('iiri>-a:yv.tiv. or the Cyprian Academy. Lond., 1648. Svo. Rus. ex. (presentation copy, Towneley copy), Gaisford, Apr., '90. (136) £11 5s. Mor. ex., g.e. (text cut into), Soth., June 27, '92. (48) £5. Rus. ex. (presentation copy, Towneley and Gaisford copy), Burra, May, '97. (52) £12 5s. Cf. (slightly damaged), Soth., May 21, '97. (11) £3 5s. Mor., g.e., Lefferts, Apr., '02. (Zi) $41. Sheep, Soth., May IS, '03. (30) £11. Mirza. Lond., for Humphrey Moseley. [about 1G50]. Svo. Sheep (stained), McKee, Apr., '01. (2200) $5. Cf., g.e., Lefferts, Apr., '02. (39) $21. Pocula Castalia. Lond., 1650. Svo. Mor. ex., g.e., Gaisford, Apr., '90. (135) £5 5s. Mor. ex., g.e. (portrait mended), Soth., June 27, '92. (49) £2 4s. Mor. ex., g.e. (title page mounted), Adee, Nov., '95. (35) $30. Mor., g.e. (few headlines cut), Soth., May 21, '97. (13) £3. Mor. ex., French, Apr., '01. (76) $42. Mor., g.e. (Gaisford copy), McKee, Dec, '01. (2745) $75. Mor., g.e. (portrait mounted), Lefferts, Apr., '02. (40) $35. BARREIROS (CASPAR). Chorogra- phia de Alguns lugaresque stam em hum caminho. Coimbra, 1561. Svo. Vel., Barlow, Feb., '90. (192) $16. BARRERE (A.). Dictionary of Argot and Slang. Lond., 1S87. Svo. Hf. mor., Streatfeild, June, '89. (330) £2. Vel., Putt., Dec. 16, '91. (20, £1. BARRERE 118 BARRINGTON Barrere (A.) — Cniitinvrrl. Vel., unc, Hutchinson, Feb., '92. (37) £1 2s. Hf. mor., Marshall, June, '90. (214) £116s. Vel., Bangs, Oct. 18, '99. (29) $7.50. Bds., unc, Libbie, Feb. 8, 1900. (51) $5.25. Dictionary of Slang, Jargon and Cant. Lond., 1SS9-90. 2 vols., 8vo. Hf. bd., Stogden, May, '94. (14) £1 3s. Vel., Richmond, Apr., '99. (27C9) $9. Vel., unc, Soth., May 8, '99. (241) £1. Bds., unc, Libbie, Feb. 8, 1900. (52) $8. Unc, Brice, Mar., 1900. (192) £1 5s. Hf. roan, unc, Anderson, Nov. 15, 1900. (34) $7. BARRERE (P.)- Nouvelle Relation de la France Equinoxiale. Paris, [1743]. 12mo. Cf., Brinley, Apr., '81. (5338) $5.50. BARRET (R.). Theorike and Prac- tike of Modern Wars. Lond., 1598. 4to. Cf. ex., g.e., Bailey, June, '89. (1244) £3 12s. Gd. Cf. ex., g.e. (some corners mended). Putt., Dec. 17, '89. (36) £2 12s. Cf., Bunburv. July, '9G. (221) £6 5s. Cf., Bangs, May 5, '99. (29) $6. BARRETT (C. G.). Lepidoptera of the British Islands. Lond., 1892- 1901. Colored plates. 75 parts, Svo. Parts, Hornby, Jan., '02. (202) £12 10s. CI., unc. (in 5 vols.), Carmichael. Mar., '03. (40) £10. BARRETT (F.). The Magus or Celes- tial Intelligencer. Lond., 1801. 4to. Hf. mor., Dorman, Apr., '86. (1535) $8.50. Hf. rus., Hockley, Apr., '87. (281) £1 19s. Hf. bd.. Putt, July 12, "87. (280) £1 Is. Hf. cf., Perkins, July. '89. (127) £1 8s. Hf. mor., Calvert, Nov., '96. (ISO) £1 8s. 6d. BARRETT (WALTER). See Scoville (J. A.), BARRETT (W.). History and Antiq- uities of Bristol. Bristol, 1789. 4to. Barrett (W.) — Cnntimirfl. Rus., Aylesford, Mar., '88. (106) £1. Cf., Cosens, Nov., '90. (IIGI) £3 12s. Cf., Deane, Mar., '98. (201) $8. BARREY (LODOWICK). Ram-Alley: or Merrie-Trickes. Lond., IGll. 4to. Hf. mor., r.e. (some leaves mended), McKee. Apr., '01. (2201) $15. Cf., Soth., Dec. 2, '01. (220) £12 10s. Ram-Alley. Lend., 1G3G. 4to. Hf. mor. (some leaves cut close, Mit- ford copy with manuscript notes), McKee, Apr.. '01. (2202) $22. BARRI (C). Cochin-China. Lond., 1653. 4to. Mor., g.e., Barclay, Nov., '92. (1077) £16s. Cf., Wilbraham. June, '98. (95) £1 10s. Hf. mor. (title soiled), Soth., Dec. 17, 1900. (62) £2. BARRI (GIRALD). See Giraldus de Barri. BARRIE (J. M.). Novels. N. Y., 189G. 8 vols., 8vo. **Japan paper. Hf. vel., unc. g.t., French, Apr., '01. (78) $51. BARRINGTON (G.). History of New South Wales. Lond., 1802. 2 vols., 8vo. Rus., g.t., Soth., Dec. 9, '87. (1099) £2 14s. Cf., Soth., June 14, '90. (50) £1 12s. Cf., Soth., June 14, '90. (51) £1 10s. Cf., Putt., Nov. 11, '90. (811) £2Ss. Hf. cf.. Putt, Apr. 2, '91. (201) £1 2s. Ct, soth., .Tan. 14. '95. (4n4) £1 Us. New London Spy, for 1807, or the Frauds of London Detected. Lond., 1807. Colored frontispiece. 8vo. Cf., g.e., Blyth, Mar., '01. (40) £3 3s. BARRINGTON (SIR J.). Memoirs of Ireland. Lond., 1835. 2 vols., 4to. Cf. ex., unc, g.t. Gale, Dec, '88. (163) $13. Hf. cf., Bruce, Apr., '92. (18) £13s. Ct, Coghlan, Dec. '96. (195) £2S.s. CI., Johnson, Feb., '98. (1232) £lGs. Ht mor., Putt, Dec. 19, '98. (597) £1 13s. CI., Putt., Feb. 15. '99. (24C) £13s. Unc, Soth., Dec 18, '99. (C37) £18s. Unc, Ashburton, Nov., 1900. (75) £118s. BARRINGTON 119 BARTHOLOMEW Barrington (Sir J.) — Continued. Hf. mor., Dayton., Mar., "02. (788) $7.50. **Large paper. Mor. ex., g.e., Sullivan, May. '90. (598) £4. Personal Sketches of his Own Times. Lond., 1827. 3 vols., 8vo. Hf. mor., Currie. June. '87. (10) £1 3s. CI., Perkins, July. '89. (130) £12s. Hf. mor., unc, Webster, Mar., '93. (15) £1 14s. Hf. of., m.e., Hope, Apr., '9G. (53) £1 Cs. Personal Sketches of his Own Times. Lond., 1830. 3 vols., 8vo. Hf. mor. ex.. Gale, Dec, '88. (1C4) $7.12. Hf. mor., Moore, Oct., '93. (39) £lCs. Hf. cf. ex., unc. Bangs, Dec. 4, '95. (334) $8.25. Hf. cf., Libbie, June 10, '96. (78) $6. BARRON (J.). Proceedings of the Court Martial for Trial of Commo- dore James Barron, etc Washing- ton,- 1822. 8vo. Hf. mor., unc. Barlow, Feb., '90. (196) $6.50. BARROS (JOAM DE). Asia; Primera Secunda and Terceira Decades. Lis- bon, 1552-53-G3. 2 vols., fol. VeL, Frere, Oct., '97. (203) £3 3s. (In three vols., with the 4th Decade, Madrid, 1615: portion of last leaf in manuscript.) Crawford, June. '89. (140) £lls. Asia. Lisbon, 1778-88. 24 vols., 8vo. Hf. cf., aiurphy, Mar., '84. (170) $90. Cf., Roofe, Apr., '92. (895) £2 15s. BARRY (J. S.). Historical Sketch of Hanover, Mass. Bost., 1853. Svo. CI., Guild, Nov., '87. (2216) $5. CI., Deane, Mar., '98. (1616) $10. CI., Brooks, Oct.. '98. (604) $8.50. CI., Manson, Feb., '99. (1714) $14.50. CI., Libbie, Feb. 5, '02. (499) $8.75. Hf. mor., Libbie, Mar. 18, '02. (342) $7 75. CI., Henkels, Apr. 29, '02. (171) $5.25. CI., Stephens, Apr., '04. (677) $S. History of Massachusetts. Bost., 1855-57. 3 vols., Svo. CI., Rogers, Oct., 1900. (162) $5.40. BARRY (MADAME DU). Memoirs. Lond., 1830-31. 4 vols., 12mo. Hf. cf., Daly, Mar., 1900. (204) $12. Hf. mor., unc, French, Apr., '01. (77) $8. Memoirs. Lond.,' 1896. 4 vols., Svo. CI., Libbie, Nov. 16, 1900. (218) $5.60. CI., unc. Bangs, Mar. 24, '02. (71) $9. ■i^^Japan paper. CI., unc. Bangs, Sept. 27, 1900. (230) $10. BARRY (THOMAS). Narrative of the Singular Adventures and Captivity of Thomas Barry. Sommers Town, 1800. 12mo. Cf., g.e., Ives, Mar., '91. (50) $6.50. Cf.. Wood, Mar., '91. (395) £15s. BARRY (W.). History of Framing- ham, Mass. Bost., 1847. 8vo. CI., Brinlej-, Mar., '79. (1830) $7.75. Hf. mor., unc. Guild, Nov., '87. (1385) $5. BARRYMORE (LADY). Details of a Demirep. Lond., [1825]. 8vo. Hf. mor., Mackenzie, Mar., '89. (82) £2 10s. Hf. mor., Holborn, Jan., '93. (39) £1 12s. BARTAS. See Du Bartas. BARTH (H.). Travels and Discoveries in North and Central Africa. Lond., 1857-58. 5 vols., 8vo. CI., unc. Darby, Nov., '89. (11) £1 9s. CI., unc, Crawford, Mar., '91. (257) £2 10s. CI., unc, Wilson, June, '92. (285) £1 18s. CI., unc, Coleridge, May, '96. (51) £1 12s. CI., unc, Kay, May, '97. (330) £1 lis. Hf. cf., m.e., Soth., Feb. 3, '98. (1) £1 6s. CI., Hodgson, Jan. 8, '02. (889) £1 19s. BARTHOLOM/EUS DE CHAIMIS. Interogatorium sive Confessionale. Milan, 1474. (Hain, *2481.) Svo. Orig. leather, Soth., Apr. 6, '03. (60) £2 18s. Interogatorium sive Confession- ale. Mainz, 1478. (Hain. 2483.) Svo. Cf., Ellis, Oct., '02. (254) £9 15s. BARTHOLOMEW FAIR. Lond., 1641. 4to. BARTHOLOMEW 120 BARTON Bartholomew (Fair) — Coiitiiiiieil. Mor., Mackenzie, Mar.. '89. (84) £4 12s. FAIRING (A). BARTHOLOMEW Lond., 1G49. 4to. Gaisford, Apr.. '90. (139) £3 7s. Gd. BARTHOLOMMEO DA LI SONETTI (Zamberto). Isolario. [Venice, 1477.] (Hain, 2538.) 4to. Mor.ex.,g.e., Crawford, Mar., '91. (258) £29. Mor. ex., g.e. (Crawford copy), Genna- dius, Mar., '95. (377) £22. Mor., g.e., Cholmley, Nov., '02. (130) £40. BARTLETT (B.). History of Mance- ter in Warwiclcshire. Lond., 1791. 4to. Hf. rus., unc, Aylesford, Mar., '88. (110) £2 4s. BARTLETT (J. R.). Catalogue of Books and Pamphlets relating to the Civil War. Bost., 186G. 4to. Hf. mor., unc, Richmond, Mar., '99. (1127) $7. **Large paper. Hf. mor., unc, Beveridge, Feb., '01. (G35) $8.25. Catalogue of Carter-Brown Li- brary. See Brown (John Carter). Records of Rhode Island. See Rhode Island. BARTLETT (JOSEPH). Physiog- nomy, a Poem. Bost.. 1799. 4to. Hf. cf. (stained), Deane, Mar., '98. (207) ?7. BARTLETT (LEVI). Sketches of the Bartlett Family. Lawrence, 187G. 8vo. CI., Morris, Apr., '99. (lOG) $G. BARTLETT (W. H.). American Scenerv. Lond., 1840. 2 vols., 4to. Mor., Bangs, Dec 4, 1900. (29) $5.25. Hf. mor. (in 1 vol.), Dayton, Mar., '02. (S5) $5.25. BARTOLOZZI (F.). One Hundred Examples of Engravings. Lond., n.d. 4 parts, fol. Bds., unc. Putt., Dec. 5, '92. (245) £5 5s. Bds., unc, £5 5s. Bds., unc, £4 4s. Witton, Jan., Soth., May 8, '93. •99. (657) (318) Bartolozzi (F.) — Conliiiued. Bds., unc, Soth., Oct. 30, '99. (1376) £G 2s. 6d. One Hundred and Fifty-five Prints. Engraved from Guercino, Michael Angelo, etc. Lond., Boy- dell, n.d. 2 vols, in 1, fol. Rus., Smith, May, '89. (211) £5 5s. Mor., g.e., Lawton, Dec, '94. (395) $41. Hf. rus., Bangs, May 13, "95. (242) $40. Hf. rus.. Bangs, Oct. 7, '95. (41) $30. Hf. rus. (cracked), Roberts, Nov., '96. (133) £6Cs. Hf. rus., Soth., Mar. 17, '99. (769) £4. Soth., Apr. 24, '99. (601) £4 1Ss. BARTOLUS DE SAXO-FERRATO. Lectura super tribus libris Codicis. Venice, 1477. Fol. Bds., covered with leather, Soth., Dec, 17, 1900. (65) £11 15s. Tractatus Judiciorum. N.p., n.d. 26 leaves. 4to. Bds., White. Apr., '02. (119) £7. BARTON (ANDREW). The Disap- pointment, or The Force of Credul- ity. N. Y., [Phila., Thomas God- darrt], 1767. 12mo. Hf. mor., unc, McKee, Nov., 1900. (1086) $20.50. The Disappointment, or The Force of Credulity. Phila., 1796. 12mo. Hf. mor., unc. (title page mended), McKee. Nov., 1900. (1087) $10. BARTON (BENJAiVlIN S.). New Views of the Origin of the Tribes and Nations of America. Phila., 1778. Svo. Hf. mor., Polock, Mar., '04. (59) $6. BARTON (THOMAS). Conduct of the Paxton Men, impartially Repre- sented. Phila., 1764. Svo. Hf. mor., unc, Morrell, Nov., '66. (141) $12. Mor., Field, May, '75. (419) $29. Hf. mor.. unc, Brinley, Mar., '80. (3066) $9. Unbd. (last leaf lacking, and one other defective). Proud, May, '03. (651) $22. Unanimity and Public Spirit. Phila., Franklin & Hall, 1755. Hf. mor., Brinley, Mar., '80. (3275) $8. BARTON 121 BASILE Barton (Thomas) — Continued. TJnbd., Henkels, Dec. 13, '98. (51a) $10. XJnbd., Henkels, Apr. 29, '02. (728) $32. BARTON (WILLIAM). A Disserta- tion on the Freedom of Navigation and Maritime Commerce. Phila., 1802. 8vo. Eds., unc. (presentation copy), Hen- Icels, Oct. 19, '98. (42) $12.25. BARTON (W. P. C). Florae Phlladel- phicse Prodromus. Pliila., 1815. 4to. Hf. bd., Henlvels, Dec. 10, '95. (122) $10.50. Flora of North America. Phila., 1821-23. Colored plates, 3 vols.. 4to. Hf. mor., Cressv, Oct., '03. (44) $22.50. Hf. roan, Schaffer, May, '04. (23) $17.25. Vegetable Materia Medica of the United States. Phila., 1817. Col- ored plates. 2 vols., 4to. Hf. roan, Cressy, Oct., '03. (43) $7.50. Hf. mor., Schaffer, May, '04. (20) $8.50. Vegetable Materia Medica of the United States. Phila., 1825. Col- ored plates. 2 vols., 4to. Hf. roan, Schaffer, May, '04. (19) $9.00 BARTRAM (J.). Description of East Florida. See Stork (W,). Observations Made in Travels from Pennsylvania to Onondago, Oswego, and Lake Ontario. Lend., 1751. Svo. Hf. mor., unc, Menzies, Nov., '76. (139) $8.50. Cf., r.e., Brinlev, Mar., '80. (2969) $7.50. Hf. mor.. Murphy, Mar., '84. (189) $6.25. Hf. roan, Brevoort, Feb., '90. (S2) $8.50. Cf. ex., g.e., Ives, Mar., '91. (52) $18. Hf. mor., g.t., Henkels, Dec. 10, '95. $10. Sewed, Deane, Mar., '98. (212) $12. Hf. mor., Henkels, Jan. 18, '01. (19) $16. Hf. mor., Peirce, Mar., '03. (66) $50. BARTRAM (WILLIAM). Travels through North and South Carolina, etc. Phila., 1791. 8vo. Sheep, Murphy, Mar., '84. (187) $5.50. Bart ram (William) — Continued. Sheep (stamp on title page), Libbie, Jan. 5, '97. (43) $5. Sheep, Henkels, Oct. 19, '98. (43) $4.50. Sheep, Bangs, Sept. 29, '02. (75) $5. Sheep, Proud, May, '03. (300) $16.50. Travels through North and South Carolina, etc. Lond., 1792. Svo. Hf. mor., unc. Rice, Mar., '70. (122) $10. Hf. mor., unc, Menzies, Nov., '76. (140) $8.50. Hf. mor., unc. (Menzies copy), Cooke, Dec, '83. (199) $11.50. Cf., Murphy, Mar., '84. (186) $5.50. Hf. mor., r.e., Brevoort, Feb., '90. (83) $6.50. Hf. sheep. Hunt, Nov., '91. (224) $5.25. Bds. unc. Stone, Oct., '97. (63) $5.25. Bds.. unc. Bangs, Feb. 3, '98. (13) $5. Sheep, Henkels, Nov. 30, 1900. (31) $5.25. Sheep (broken), Peirce, Mar., '03. (07) $6. Travels through North and South Carolina, etc. Dublin, 1793. 8vo. Hf. mor., g.t. (map mended), Ander- son, Apr. 24, '03. (18) $5.50. Travels through North and South Carolina, etc. Lond., 1794. 8vo. Hf. mor., unc. Field, May, '75. (Ill) $6. Bds., unc, Libbie, Nov. 22, '89. (473) $5. BAS (W.). Sw/ord and Buckler. Lond., 1602. 4to. Mor. ex. (lacking title page), Corser, July. '68. (191) £17 15s. BASALENQUE (DIEGO). Arte de la Lengua Tarasca. Mexico, 1714. 8vo. Vel. (title page torn). Murphy, Mar., '84. (176) $31. BASANIER (MARTIN). See Laudon- niere. BASILE (G.). Pentamerone, or the Story of Stories. Trans, by J. E. Taylor. Lond., 1S4S. Plates by Cruikshank. 8vo. CI., unc, Mackenzie, Mar., '89. (417) £3 15s. Hf. cf., unc. Cox, Feb., '91. (68) £3. CI., unc, Dalziel, June, '93. (4) £2 8s. Hf. mor., unc, Reid, May, '94. (939) £118s. BASILS 122 BATEMAN Basile (G.) — Coiitiiiiied. CI., unc, Bruton, June, '97. (36) £1 7s. Mor. ex., unc. Weaver, Mar., '98. (73) £2 10s. Cf., unc, Daly, Mar., 1900. (710) $11. Hf. mor., French, Apr., '01. (359) $7. Pentamerone. Lond., 1850. Plates by Cruikshank. 12mo. Mor. ex.. Bangs, June 9, 1900. (.54) $6.50. Hf. mor., Anderson, Apr. 3, '01. (178) $5. CI., unc. Hunter. Apr., '01. (1087) $5.75. Pentamerone. Trans, by Sir R. Burton. Lond., 1893. 2 vols., 8vo. **Large paper. CI.. Griffith, Dec, '95. (541) £1 18s. CI., Coleridge, May, '96. (53) £1 lis. CI., Shaw, Feb., '97. (16) £113s. Mor. ex., unc, Howard. June, '98. (49) £7. Kermack, Nov., '99. (14) £1 7s. CI., Bangs, Jan. 12, 1900. (7) $7.50. BASILIUS (KING). Sixty sixe ad- monitory Chapters to his sonne Leo. Trans, by James Scudamore. Paris, 1638. 8vo. **Large paper. Mor., g.e., Turner, June, '88. (306) £6 10s. BASILIUS (SAINT). Basilius Mag- nus de Poetarum, Oratorum Histor- icorumque ac Philosophorum legen- dis libris. [Ulm, Zainer, about 1474.] 4to. Mor., g.e., Soth., Nov. 20, '99. (243) £3. Mor. ex., g.e., Soth.. Apr. 12, '99." (78) £5. BASINUS (JOANNES). Novus Ele- gansque Conficiendarum Epistolar- um, etc. [St. Die, G. Lud], 1507. 4to. Hf. rus., Soth., Apr. 12, '99. (SO) £32. BASS (B.). A Speedy Return to God. Bost., 172G. 8vo. Hf. mor., unc, Cooke, Dec. '83. (20i) $9. BASSANTIN (JACQUES). Para- phrase de I'Astrolabe. Lyons, 1555. 8vo. Cf., g.e.. Clerk. May, '99. (36) £5 10s. BASTARD (T.). Chrestoleros. Lond., 1598. IGmo. Mor. ex. (a few headlines cut into. Bastard (T.) — Criiitiiiucil. Steevens copy), Corser, July. '68. (193) £15 15s. Mor. ex. (Steevens and Corser copy resold), Corser, July, '71. (454) £5 15s. BATE (J.). Mysteries of Nature and Art. Lond., 1034. 4to. Crawford, Mar.. '91. (269) £2. Mysteries of Nature and Art. Lond., 1635. 4to. Vel., Hopetoun, Feb., '89. (136) £4 4s. Rus., g.e., Perkins, July, '89. (133) £2. Hf. mor., Carmichael, Mar.. '03. (43) £3 3s. BATE (C. S.) AND WESTWOOD (J. O.). British Sessile-Eyed Crustacea. Lond., 1863. 2 vols., Svo. Hf. mor., Douglas, July, '87. (430) £115s. CI., Lee, Apr., '89. (6) £2. CI., Putt., June 14, '93. (951) £1 12s. CI., Borthwick, May, '94. (87) £112s. Hf. mor., g.t., Shaw. Feb., '97. (17) £1 17s. Hf. mor., unc. Roper, Apr.. '97. (20) £2 2s. ■** Large paper. Buccleuch, Mar.. '89. (49) £2 14s. BATEMAN (EDIVIUND). A Sermon preached before the Trustees for Es- tablishing the Colony of Georgia, in America. Lend., 1741. 4to. Hf. mor.. Bangs, Jan. 4, 1900. (8) $6.50. BATEMAN (J.). Monograph of Odon- toglossum. Lond., 1874. Fol. Parts, Crawford, Mar., '91. (271) £3 5s. Mor., g.e.. Walker, Mar., '93. (228) £2 15s. Hf. mor.. Putt., May 22, '95. (248) £3 3s. Orchldaceas of Mexico and Guate- mala. Loud.. 1843. Plates by Cruikshank. Fol. Lee, June, '88. (170) £14 14s. Mor., g.e., Perkins, July, '89. (134) £11 10s. Unc, Crawford, Mar.. '91. (270) £6 15s. Hf. mor., g.e.. Putt., Apr. 11, '94. (768) £11. Hf. mor., Lenox Library Duplicates, Apr. 29, '95. (241) $26. BATEMAN 123 BATHURST Bateman (J.) — Continued. Mor. ex., g.e., Gilchrist, Jiilv, '96. (147) £9 10s. Hf. mor., Henkels, June 2, '98. (270) $31.50. Putt., Feb. 15, '99. (957) £12 10s. Hf. bcl., g.e., Nichols, Apr.. 1900. (401) £G15s. Hf. mor.. Barber, Apr., 1900. (221) £11. Hf. mor., Soth., Feb. 9, '03. (403) £9. Second Century of Orchidaceous Plants. Lond., 1SG7. 4to. Mor. ex., g.e.. Walker, Mar., '93. (177) £113s. CI., Hennessy. July, '93. (117S) £2 2s. CI., Soth., Jan. 21, '98. (411) £1 lis. BATEMAN (S.). Crystal Glass for Christian Reformation. Lond., 15G9. 4to. Hf. cf. (lacking five leaves), Ashburn- ham, June, '97. (340) £6 10s. The Doom. Lond., 1581. 4to. Mor. ex., g.e. (some leaves mended), Ashburnham, June, '97. (341) £7 15s. Golden Book of the Leaden Gods. Lond., 1577. 4to. Hf. bd., Wilbraham, June, '98. (98) £9 15s. Mor. ex., Bools, June, '03. (112) £11. New Arrival of the Three Graces into Anglia. Lond., n.d. 4to. (Cut into at bottom, some leaves wormed). Hailstone, Apr., '91. (293) £15s. , Traveled Pilgrim. Lond., 1509. 4to. Mor., g.e. (cut into), Bateman, May, '93. (181) £G2s. Gd. Upon Bartholome his Book De Proprietatibus Rerum. Lond.. 15S2. Fol. Rus., g.e., Sullivan. Mav, '90. (619) £11 5s. BATES (A. C). A Bibliographical List of Editions of Connecticut Laws. Hartford, 1900. 8vo. Paper, Libbie, May 22, '01. (282) $8. Paper, Bangs, Feb. 20, '02. (230) $8. Paper, Bangs, Apr. 25, '02 (8G) |9. BATES (H. W.). The Naturalist on the River Amazon. Lond., 1863. 2 vols., 8vo. CI., Jackson, Apr., '91. (1252) £1 14s. CI., Wilson, June, '92. (41) £2 8s. Bates (H. V/.)—ConthiiieiI. Hf. mor., Alexander, Mar., '95. (1973) $5. Hf. mor.. Putt., Mav 22, '95. (11) £19s. Cf., m.e.. Price, June, '95. (33) £1 7s. CI., Soth., Apr. 19, 99. (8) £14s. BATES (S. P.). Battle of Gettysburg. Phila., 1875. 8vo. CI., Ives, Mar., '91. (54) ?5.50. History of Pennsylvania Volun- teers. Harrisburg, 1SG9-71. 5 vols., Svo. Hf. mor., Libbie, Mav 15, '88. (2314) $10. Hf. mor., Dawson, Mav, '90. (2404) $20. Hf. mor., Henkels, Apr. 21, '96. (369) $5. Hf. bd., Richmond. Sept., '99. (760) $5.50. BATESON (E.), HINDS (A. B.), AND Hodgson (J. C). History of North- umberland. Newcastle, 1893-97. 4 vols., 4to. Unc, Soth.. May 8. '99. (243) C3 ICs. BATESON (T.). First Set of English Madrigales. Lond., 1G04. 6 vols., 4to. Hf. mor., Gaisford, Apr., '90. (141) £16. BATH. Comforts of Bath. Lond., 1798. 12 colored plates by Row- landson. Obi. 4to. Hf. mor., g.e., Wright, June, '99. (671) £15 10s. Mor., Putt., July 30, '02. (142) £28. Mor. (plates loosely inserted in a scrap-book), Orford, Mar., '02. (167) £7 7s. Gd. Comforts of Bath. Lond., 1858. Obi. 4to. Hf. mor. (orig. cover bound in). Putt., July 30. '02. (143) £7 7s. BATH (ORDER OF THE). Statutes of the Most Honourable Order of the Bath. Lond., 1744. 4to. Mor., g.e., Soth., Mar. 17. '02. (39) £3 14s. BATHE (W.). Briefe Introduction to the Skill of Song. Lond.. n.d. 8vo. Cf. (margins mended), Wills, July, '94. (1070) £5. BATHURST (R.). Vita. Carolopoli, IGSl. 8vo. BATHURST 124 BAXTER Bathurst (R.) — Continued. Mor., g.e. (presentation copy), Stan- ley, June, '01. (1193) £5. BATTLE OF WATERLOO, also *of Ligny and Quatre-Bras. Lond., 1S17. 4to. Hf. mor. (proof plates), Hartree, July, '90. (2502) £3. Hf. mor., Glasse, July, '92. (388) £llls. BATTLES AND LEADERS OF THE Civil War. Edited bv R. U. John- son and C. C. Buel. N. Y., 1SS4. 4 vols., 8vo. Hf. mor., Bangs, Jan. 19, '98. (7S5) fl2.S0. CI., Llbbie, Oct. 12, '99. (107) $7.50. CI., Libbie, Dec. 14, '99. (40) $6. CI., g.e., Henkels, Mar. 6, 1900. (121) $7.20. Sheep, Bangs, Apr. 9, '01. (92) $7. CI.. Bangs, Oct. 14, '01. (342) $7.40. Hf. mor., Burton, May, '02. (2138) $9. BATTY (D. T.). Catalogue of the Copper Coinage of Great Britain and Colonies. Manchester, 1868-76. 32 parts, 4to. Le.ycester, Nov., '88. (170) £2 12s. BATTY (R.). French Scenery, from Drawings made in 1S19. Lond., 1822. 4 to. **Large paper. Hf. mor.. Ashburton. Nov.. 1900. (295) £2 10s. German Scenery, from Drawings made in 1820. Lond., 1823. 4to. **Large paper. Hf. mor., unc, Ashburton, Nov., 1900. (297) £2. Scenery of the Rhine, Belgium and Holland. Lond., 1826. 4to. *'''Large paper. Hf. mor., unc, Ashburton, Nov., 1900. (299) £116s. Select Views of some of the Prin- cipal Cities of Europe. Lend., 1832. 4to. **Large paper. Hf. mor., unc, Ashburton, Nov., 1900. (301) £2 1Ss. BAUDOIN. Baudoin, Comte de Flan- dres. Lyons, B. Buyer, 1478. Fol. Mor. ex., m.e., Crawford, July, '87. (270) £100. Les Nobles Prouesses et Vail- lances de Baudoyn Conte de Flan- Baudoin — Continued. dres. Lyons, Claude Nourry, 1509. Fol. Sewed (title page repaired, Yemeniz copy), Soth., Feb. 28, 1900. (168) £16. BAUER (F.). Delineations of Exotic Plants. Lond., 1796. Fol. Unc, Soth., Apr. 30, 1900. (519) £1 J.JS. Genera Filicum. With Additions by Sir W. J. Hooker. Lond., 1842. Svo. Hf. mor., Hance, Aug., '87. (141G) £1 12s. Hf. mor., Churchill, Nov., '89. (734) £2 6s. Hf. mor., Kenyon, Mar., '90. (828) £1. Hf. bd., unc. Wiper, Jan., '91. (1266) £lls. Hf. mor.. Bangs, Mar. 1, 1900. (32) $6.75. Illustrations of Orchidaceous Plants. Lond., 1830-38. 4to. **Large paper. Hf. mor., g.e., Perkins, July, '89. (140) £2. Hf. cf., Barber, Apr., 1900. (145) £4 15s. BAXTER (BENJAMIN). Mr. Baxter Baptized in Blood. Lend., 1673. 4to. Cf., g.e., Brinlev, Mar., '79. (523) $16. Hf. mor., Barlow, Feb., '90. (210) $27. BAXTER (JAMES P.). The Pioneers of New France in New England. Albanv, 1894. 4to. CI., unc, Balconi, Feb., '01. (1543) $5.25. BAXTER (NATHANIEL). Sir Philip Sydney's Ourania. Lond., 160G. 4to. Mor. (title mended). Moss, June, '87. (1345) £16s. Rus., g.e. (headlines cut into), Soth., June 27, '92. (51) £5 10s. Hf. cf. (headlines cut into), Reynell, May, '95. (26) £2 15s. Mor. ex., g.e., Adee, Nov., '95. (67) $74. Hf. bd., Bools, June. '03. (114) £15 5s. Mor., g.e, Ellis, Oct., '02. (221) £6. Sir Philip Sydney's Ourania. Lond., 1653. 4to. Cf. ex., g.e., Gaisford, Apr., '90. (143) £2. BAXTER (RICHARD). The Certainty of the Worlds of Spirits. Lond., 1G91. Svo. BAXTER 125 BAYI.E Baxte r ( R i cha rd ) — Con t inued. Cf., Soth., May 21, '97. (200) £1. Cf., Ashburnham, June, '97. (338) £1 3s. Cf., Ashburnham, Nov., '97. (15) £1 2s. Mor., unc, Deane, Mar., '9S. (217) $5.50. Mor. (portion of postscript in pen and ink). Poole. May. 1900. (1050) $5. Poetical Fragments. Lend., 1G81. Svo. Cf., Bierstadt, Apr., '97. (139) $13. Poetical Fragments. Lond., 1689. Svo. Cf. ex. (text cut Into), Soth., June 27, '92. (52) £1. Mor., g.e., Bierstadt, Apr., '97. (140) $G.50. Poetical Fragments. Lond., 1699. ICnio. Mor., g. e., Adee, Nov., "95. (37) $12.50. Saint's Everlasting Rest. Lond., 1650. 4to. Cf., Edwardes, May, '01. (74) £7 15s. Mor., g.e., Soth., Dec. 2, '01. (222) £11 10s. Cf. (portrait inlaid, title and first 3 leaves mended, some words miss- ing), Bangs, Dec. 3, '02. (28) $11.50. Orig. cf., Peirce, May, '03. (30) $60. Cf., Soth., .Tune IS, '03. (437) CG7s. 6d. Wehkomaonganooa asquam Pean- togig, etc. [Call to the Unconverted. Trans, into Indian by John Eliot.] Camb., 1G8S. Svo. Mor., g.e.. Brinley, Mar., '79. (782) $135. BAXTER (W.). British Ph^noga- mous Botany. Oxford, 1834-43. 6 vols., Svo. Mor., Soth., Apr. 17. '22. (31) £2 14s. Barclay, Nov.. '92. (775) £1 15s. Hf. mor.. Kelly, Feb., '95. (G) £14s. Hf. cf., Bangs, Sept. 30, '95. (462) $1G.20. CI., Putt., Oct. 15, '9G. (102) £118s. Hf. cf., Soth., Dec. 13, 1900. (299) £2 14s. CI., Barber. Apr., 1900. (11) £2 1Ss. BAYARD (CHEVALIER). The Right .Joyous and Pleasant History of the Feats, Gests and Prowesses of the Chevalier Bayard. Lond., 1825. 2 vols., Svo. Bayard (Chevalier) — ('(iiiliiiiicil. Hf. mor.. Cox, Apr., '9^S. (45) $5.50. Cf., unc, Hibbert, Apr., '02. (42) £2. BAYARD (F. M.). Voyage dans I'lnterieur des Etats-Unis. Paris, 1797. Svo. Hf. mor., Barlow, Feb., '90. (206) $6. Hf. cf., Brevoort, Feb., '90. (85) $5.75. BAYARD (NICHOLAS). Journal of the Late Actions of the French at Canada. Lond.. 1693. 4to. Hf. mor.. Barlow, Feb.,'90. (2107) $155. Account of the Illegal Prosecution and Tryal of Col. Nicholas Bayard, for high treason. N. Y., Bradford, 1702. Fol. Bds. (title, preface, and pp. 33-36 and 41-42 in facs.). Bangs, Apr. 16, 1900. (655) $180. Account of the Commitment, Ar- raignment, Trial and Condemnation of, for High Treason. Lond., 1703. Fol. Gilbert, Feb., '73. (828) $18. Hf. mor., Brinley, Mar., '80. (2743) $125. Vel., Barlow, Feb., '90. (207) $60. Hf. mor.. Weeks, Mar., '02. (144) $40. Mor. ex., g.e., McKee, May, '02. (4455) $110. Unbd., Anderson. Apr. 16, '03. (71) $40. Unbd., Soth., Dec. 11, '03. (214) £6. BAYES (MR.). The Reasons of Mr. Bayes changing his Religion, con- sidered in a Dialogue. Lond., for S. T.. lGSS-90. 2 parts in 1 vol.. 4to. Hf. cf., I>efferts, Apr., '02. (504) $5. BAYEUX TAPESTRY. Lond., Society of Antiquaries. 1819. Fol. Hf. mor., Frere, Feb., '96. (232) £3 ISs. Hf. mor., Morris, Dec, '9S. (158) £2 10s. Hf. mor.. Ellis, Oct., '02. (264) £3 IGs. BAYLE (P.). Dictionary, Historical and Critical. Lond., 1710. 4 vols., fol. Cf., Bangs, Feb. 20, '96. (395) $8. Dictionary, Historical and Critical. Lond., 1734-38. 5 vols., fol. Cf., Rigge, .Jan.. "92. (1061) £19s. Cf. (rebacked), Bangs. Feb. 6, '95. (100) $13.75. Rus., Probasco, Jan., '99. (95) $13. Cf. (rebacked), Richmond, Apr., '99. (2567) $8.50. BAYLE 126 BEACH Bayle (P.) — Continued. Hf. vel.. Bangs, Oct. S, '01. (2G) $12.50. Cf., Bangs, Nov. 18, '01. (75) $10. ** Large paper. Cf., Hodgson, May 15, '88. (1339) £2 10s. Rus., Putt, Feb. 12, '90. (895) £2. Hf. cf.. Bangs, Oct. 15, 1900. (41) $12.50. Dictionary, Historical and Critical. Lond., 1734-41. 10 vols., fol. Cf., Watson, Jan.. 'SS. (GIS) £2 2s. Cf., Pullan, Apr., 'S9. (1025) £114s. Hf. cf., Thomas, Dec. '89. (62) £1 14s. Cf., Stibbs, Jan., '93. (439J £17s. Hf. mor., g.e.. Cole, Apr., '90. (25) $35. Cf., Deane, Mar., '98. (218) $22.50. Cf. (rebacked). Bangs, Feb. 20, 1900. (94i) $12.50. Cf., y.e., Dayton, Mar., '02. (89) $13.50. BAYLES (RICHARD M.). Sketches of Suffolk County, N. Y. Port Jef- ferson, 1S74. 12mo. Mor., unc. Bangs, Feb. 13, '01. (304) $11. BAYLEY (J.). Tower of London. Lond., 1821-25. 2 vols., 4to. Cf., Aylesford, Mar., '88. (113) £119s. Rus., g.e., Perkins, July, '89. (141) £2 2s. Rus., g.e., Hawkins, Apr., '95. (186) £115s. Cf. ex., g.e., Soth., Apr. 22, '95. (511) £12s. Hf. mor.. Bangs, June 14, 1900. (139) $5. Hf. of., m.e., Bangs, Mar. 3, '02. (12) $5.40. ** Large paper. Cf., Bleasdell, Jan., '87. (390) £2 10s. Hf. mor., m.e., Cloghorn, Feb., '87. (41) $17. Mor. ex., g.e., Soth., Nov. 27. '9G. (37) £2 8s. BAYLEY (RICHARD). Letters from the Health Officer to the Common Council of New York. N. Y., 1798. 12mo. Sewed, Bangs, Jan. 11, '99. (471) $13. BAYLIES (FRANCIS). Memoir of the Colony of New Plymouth. Bost., 1830. 2 vols., Svo. Hf. mor., unc, Barlow. Feb.. '90. (209) $6. Bds., unc. Libbie. Dec. 5. '99. (762) $5. Baylies (Francis) — Continued. Mor. and bds. (in 3 vols.), Deane, Mar., '98. (219) $8.25. Memoir of the Colony of New Plymouth. Bost., 18CG. 2 vols., Svo. CI., Cooke, Dec, '83. (1521) $10. CI., Manson, Mar., '99. (3411) $11. CI., Clogston, Nov., '99. (1113) $8. CI., Hough, Oct., 1900. (750) $6. CI., Bangs, Dec. 27, 1900. (437) $8. CI. (A.L.S. inserted), Libbie, Nov. 6, '95. (1239) $6. BAYLY (LEWIS). Practice of Piety. Lond., 1C36. 8vo. Embroidered binding, Argvll, July, 1900. (1358) £4 12s. Manitowompae Pomantamoonk: Sampwshanau Christianoh Uttoh woh an Pomantog Wussikkittea- honat God. [Bayly's Practice of Piety, in Indian, by John Eliot.] Camb., 1G65. 8vo. Mor., g.e., Brinley, Mar., '79. (795) $205. Manitowompae Pomantamoonk Sampwshanau Christianoh Uttoh woh an Pomantog Wussikkittea- honat God. Camb., 1685. Svo. Mor. ex. (margins of several leaves restored, lacking 7 leaves), Brinley, Mar., '79. (79G) $42.50. Mor. ex., g.e., Brinley, Mar., '79. (797) $50. BAYLY (THOMAS H.). Weeds of Witchery. Lond., 1837. Plates by Cruikshank. Svo. Cf. ex., unc, French, Libbie, '01. (340) $17. BAY STATE MONTHLY. Bost., v.d. Svo. Vols. 1-27, 1884-99, parts, unc, Libbie, Dec. 13, 1900. (729) $18.90. Vols. 1-25, hf. mor. and cl., Libbie, June, '01. (892) $25. Vols. 1-5, cl., Clogston, Nov., '99. (106) $10. Vols. 1-4, parts, unc, Guild, Nov., '87. (244) $8.40. Vols. 1, 3 and 4, cl., Libbie, Nov. 20, '95. (97) $8.25. BEACH (JOHN). A Second Familiar Conference, upon some Antlnomian Tenets. N. Y., Holt, 1765. Svo. Hf. bd., Brinley. Nov., '86. (6120) $5. Sermon, shewing that Eternal BEACH 127 BEATTY Beach (John) — Coiitiiiiiol. Life is God's Free Gift. Newport, Widow Franklin, 1745. 16mo. Mor. ex., una., Brinlev, Mar., '79. (2417) $8. A Vindication of the Worship of God according to the Church of England. N. Y., William Bradford. 1736. 8vo. Mor. (stained), Bangs, Dec. 12, '99. (343) $27. BEACON (THE). From Oct., 1836, to Dec. 19, 1846. N. Y., 1836-46. 10 vols., 4to. Hf. sheep and hf. vel.. Bangs, Sept. 30. '9.5. (234) $13. BEACONSFIELD. See D'Israeli. BEAMISH (N. L.). Discovery of America by the Northmen in the Tenth Century. Lend., 1841. 8vo. 01., Cooke, Dec, '83. (204) $8.75. CI., Guild, Nov., '87. (250) $5.25. Cf., Barlow, Feb., '90. (214) $6.50. Bds., unc., Ives, Mar., '91. (50) $5. BEAN (T. W.). History of IVIont- gomery Co., Pa. Phila., 1SS4. Svo. Hf. rus., g.e., Henkels, Oct. 19, '98. (44) $7. Hf. rus., Henkels, May 8, '01. (19) $8.50. Hf. rus., Henkels, Oct. 29, '01. (192) $8.75. Hf. rus., g.e., Peirce, Mar.. '03. (74) , $10.50. BEARCROFT (P.). Historical Ac- count of Thomas Sutton. Lond.. 1737. 8vo. Mor., g.e. (Hardwicke copy). Ford. May, '02. (60) £5. '**Large paper. Mor. ex., Sullivan. May, '90. (636) £2 15s. BEARD (J.). Diary of Fifteen Years- Hunting. Lond., 1813. 8vo. Cf. ex., unc.. Cox. Feb.. '91. (27) £1 16s. Bds., unc. Cox, Feb., '91. (28) £1 IGs. Mor., unc. (orig. cover bound in), Soth., Dec. 12, '93. (176) £4 4s. Bds., unc. Putt.. Dec. 12, '01. (139) £4 2s Gd. BEARD (THOMAS). The Theatre of God's Judgements. Lond., 1597. 4to. Cf., Ashburnham, .Tune, '97. (346) £9. The Theatre of God's Judgements. Lond., 1612. 4to. Cf. ex.. Soth.. May 21, 1900. (196) £2. Beard (Tmomas) — Continued. The Theatre of God's Judgements. Lond., 1631. 4to. Mor. ex., g.e., Soth., Feb. 25, '01. (224) £1. The Theatre of God's Judgements. Lond., 1048. Fol. Cf., g.e., Anderson, June 17, '02. (31) $15.25. BEARDSLEV (AUBREY). Book of Fifty Drawings. Lond., 1897. 4to. ** Japan paper. Vel., g.t., unc, Sidney, Mar., 1900. (7) £6. Vel., Soth., Oct. 20, '02. (1711) £2Ss. The Early Work of. Lond., 1899. 4 to. CI., Libbie, Feb. 8, 1900. (55) $5.75. CI., Daly, Mar., 1900. (216) $7. CI., Christie, Apr. 9, 1900. (285) £3 5s. CI., Hodgson, Jan. 16, '01. (619) £2. **Japan paper. CI., Sidnev, Mar., 1900. (12) £3 5s. CI., Soth., Mar. 7, '01. (762) £2 17s. A Second Book of Fifty Drawings. Lond., 1899. 4to. CI., unc, Libbie, Feb. 8, 1900. (56) $5. **Japan paper. Vel., g.t., unc, Sidney, Mar., 1900. (11) £5. Vel., Soth., Mar., '01. (769) £2. BEATTIE (GEORGE). John O'Arnha, and other Poems. Montrose, 1826. Svo. Bds., unc, Makellar, Nov., '98. (114) £1 10s. BEATSON (R.). Naval and Military Memoirs of Great Britain, 1727-83. Lond., 1804. 6 vols., 8vo. Hf. cf., Libbie, Nov., '95. (125) $9.75. BEATTY (C). Journal of a Two Months' Tour; witli a view of Pro- moting Religion among the Fron- tier Inhabitants of Pennsylvania. Lond., 1768. 8vo. Hf. mor. ex., unc, Menzies, Nov., '76. (145). $7. Hf. mor., g.t.. Barlow, Feb., '90. (215) $11. Orig. paper cover, unc, Dennis. Dec, '92. (12) £1 15s. Hf. mor.. g.t., unc, Adee, Nov., '95. (40) $15.50. Hf. mor., g.t., unc, Henkels, Oct. 21, '96. (79) $6.50. Unbd.. Maxe. Mar.. '01. (137) £1 16s. BEAUFORT 128 BEAUMONT BEAUFORT (DUKE OF). Driving. Badminton Library. Lond., 1889. 4to. **Large paper. Hf. mor., Putt, May 29, '89. (621) £2 10s. Soth., June 14, '90. (4G) £2Ss. Hf. mor., Buckley, Apr., '94. (284) £2 12s. Hunting. Badminton IJbrary. Lend., 1885. 4to. **Large paper. Hf. mor., May, July, '91. (1091) £19 10s. Hf. mor., Bucldey, Apr., '94. (283) £21. Hf. mor., Soth., Aug. 2, '94. (377) £19 10s. Hf. mor., Burra, May, '97. (205) £30. Hf. mor.. Auckland, Nov., '97. (1018) £2G. Hf. mor., Soth., Mar. 21, '98. (169) £29. Hf. mor.. Putt., Oct. 31, '98. (699J £26. Hf. mor., Soth., July 18, 1900. (519) £13 15s. BEAUJOYEULX (B. DE). Ballet Comique de la Royne. Paris, 1582. 4to. Of., Sunderland, Dec, '81. (1055) £125. Vel., Craig, Mar., '88. (456) £15. Mor. ex., g.e.. Weaver, Mar., '98. (102) £40. Vel., in case, Soth., Dec. 17, 1900. (71) £37 10s. BEAU MONDE (LE). From Nov. 1, ISOC. to Apr., 1810. Lond., 1806-10. 6 vols., 8vo. Mor., Fraser, Apr., '01. (110) £14. BEAUMONT (E. DE). Cinderella and the Two Gifts. Colored illus- trations. Lond., 1887. 4to. Mor. e,\., unc, Kermack, Nov., '99. (149) £3 1S,s. BEAUMONT (FRANCIS). Poems. Lond., 1640. 4to. Mor. ex., g.e.. Turner, June, '88. (470) £7]0s. Hf. mor., g.t., Soth., Apr. 12, 93. (30) £8 15s. Hf. cf. (Jolley copy), Soth., Mar. 11, '99. (77) £10 5s. Hf. cf. (Jolley copy), Soth., Nov. 20, '99. (245) £1G. Hf. mor. (some unc. leaves), Lefferts, Apr., '02. (43) $150. Beaumont (Francis) — Coiitiniic/I. Poems. Lond., 1653. 8vo. Mor. (Marlborough copy), Mair, Jan., '90. (935) £2 2s. Rus. ex., Crawford, Mar., '91. (281) £12. Hf. roan, (Farmer and Mitford copy), Sewall, Nov., '96. (220) $52. Vel., Auckland. Nov.. '97. (4) £15 5s. Rus., m.e., Lefferts, Apr., '02. (44) $100. BEAUMONT (F.) AND FLETCHER (J.). The Beggar's Bush. Lond., 1661. 4to. Hf. mor. (Burton copy), Appleton, Feb., '02. (139) $5. Cupid's Revenge. Lond., 1635. 4to. Hf. mor., g.t., Lefferts, Apr., '02. (49) $5. A King and No King. Lond., 1025. 4to. Unbd., Soth., Feb. 25, 'ol. (1509i £3 10s. and No King. Lond., A 1031. King 4to. Cf. ex., g.e., Soth., Apr. 12, '93. (16) £lls. A King and No King. Lond., 1G39. 4to. Unc, Soth.. Apr. IS, '04. (1118) £10. A King and No King. Lond., 1655. 4to. Mor. ex., g.e., Soth., Feb. 2, '98. (105) CI 2s. Knight of the Burning Pestle. Lond., 1635. 4to. Mor. ex., g.e., Libbie, May 2, '88. (88) g.t., Soth., Apr. 12, '93. (10) g.t., Bierstadt, Apr., '97. Hf. mor. £2 2s. Hf. mor., (141) $6. Mor. ex., g.e., Soth., Julv 28, '03. (343) £ 1 15s. Unc, Soth., Apr. 18, '04. (1117) £13 10s. Love and Valour. Trans, by W. B. Lond., 1C3S. 4to. Cf., r.e., McKee, Dec, '01. (2746) $12. Maid's Tragedy. Lond., 1619. 4to. Linbd. (headline on last leaf cut into), Soth., Feb. 25, '01. (1508) £27. Maid's Tragedy. Lond., 1622. 4to. Hf. cf., r.e. (title clipped, a small piece inserted in one corner), Lefferts, Apr., '02. (50) $21. BEAUMONT 129 BEAUMONT Beaumont (F.) — Continued. Maid's Tragedy. Lond., 1638. 4to. Hf. mor., Soth., Apr. 12, '93. (18) £2. Phylaster; or, Love Lies Bleeding. Lond., 1C20. 4to. Unbd., Soth., Feb. 25, '01. (1507) £4G10s. Poems. Lond., 16C0. Svo. Cf., Gaisford, Apr., '90. (147) £4 14s. Mor. ex., g.e., Sullivan, May, '90. (C60) £4 lis. Mor., g.e., Soth., May 21, '97. (14) £11. Cf. (Mitford-Gaisford copy), McKee, Dec, '01. (2747) $60. Mor., g.e., Soth., May 18, '03. (32) £25. TPie Prophetess. Lond., 1690. 4to. Paper, McKee, Apr., '01. (2207) $5. Hf. mor., g.t., Lefferts, Apr., '02. (51) $5. Scornfuil Lady. Lond., 161C. 4to. Cf. (some margins cut close), Young, Dec, '95. (169) £2. Hf. roan (engraving of the " Scornful Lady," facs. of title of Tonson's issue of 1733, etc., inserted), Mc- Kee, Apr., '01. (2203) $170. Scornful Lady. Lond., 1635. 4to. Hf. mor., Soth., Apr. 12, '93. (14) £lls. ^Thierry and Theodoret. Lond., 1621. 4to. Hf. mor. (Heber copy), Sewall, Nov., '96. (221) $10. Hf. cf. (date on title cut into, mar- gins of some other leaves cut close, Mitford copy), McKee, Apr., '01. (2204) $11. Mor. ex., McKee, Apr., '01. (2369) $27.50. Wild-Goose Chase. Lond., 1652. Pol. Cf. ex., Soth., May 6, '01. (536) £14 10s. Bds., Soth., Mar. 17, '02. (211) £9 5s. Old cf., Soth., May 18, '03. (232) £9. Wit without Money. Lond., 1639. 4to. Hf. mor., Soth., Apr. 25, '93. (25) £1 lis. Hf. mor.. Crampon, June, '96. (9) £lls. Hf. mor., Bierstadt, Apr., '97. (143) $11. Beaumont (F.) — Continued. Hf. mor.. Grant, May, 1900. (240) £3 2s. Cf., Christie, June 18, '02. (159) £6 15s. Cf.. Soth., Dec 4, '02. (239) £5 10s. Comedies and Tragedies. Lond., 1047. Fol. Cf. (Bliss copy), Hartree, July, '90. (27S) £6 16s. Rus., Libbie, Dec. 2, '90. (72) $58. Cf., Soth., May 4, '91. (393) £13 10s. Cf., Crampon. June. '96. (61 £10 10s. Cf., Sewall, Nov., '96. (224) $20. Hf. bd., Soth., Nov. 20, '99. (1537) £15 5s. Cf., Argyll, July, 1900. (1127) £12 5s. Cf., r.e. (Sullivan copy), McKee, Apr., '01. (2206) $145. Cf., Wvlie, Mav, '01. (345) £16. Cf., Soth., Julv 1, '01. (979) £20 15s. Hf. cf., Soth.. Dec. 2, 'Ol. (248) -£11 10s. Mor. ex., g.e. (portrait mended), Hib- bert, Apr., '02. (46) £63. Cf., m.e. (portrait backed, last leaf mended). White, Apr., '02. (123) £15 10s. Cf. (some margins defective), Ellis, Oct., '02. (274) £25. Mor. (some margins mended), Soth., Mav 18, '03. (234) £23 10s. Cf., Soth., Feb. 2, '04. (338) £23. Comedies and Tragedies. Lond., 1647. [With] The Wild Goose Chase. Lond., 1652. In 1 vol., fol. Cf., Hawkins, Mar., '87. (1216) $21. Cf. (margins of a few leaves damaged). Bangs, Nov. 25, '95. (71) $13. Cf., Auckland, Nov., '97. (942) £16 10s. Hf. cf., Bathurst, July, 1900. (114) £20. Hf. cf. (name cut from title), Soth., May 6, '01. (771) £11 5s. Cf. (portrait mounted), Soth., July 29, •01. (534) £22. Cf. (portrait mounted, lower margin of one leaf damaged), Soth., June 3, '02. (249) £21. Cf., Soth., May 18, '03. (233) £59. Cf. (lacking portrait), Soth., June 18, '03. (452) £10 10s. Comedies and Tragedies. Lond., 1679. Fol. Cf., Nisbet, Jan., '93. (321) £17s. BEAUMONT 130 BEAUMONT Beaumont (F.) — Coiitiiiuril. Cf.. Brabourne, June, '93. (293 b) £114s. Cf. (portrait mounted), Soth., June 27, '95. (127) £2 12s. Cf. (covers loose), Bierstadt, Apr., '97. (145) $8. Cf., Bangs, Oct. 14, '97. (39) $15. Cf. (portrait mounted), Christie, Apr. 9, 1900. (150) £lls. Cf., Hodgson, June 1, 1900. (G22) £2 5 s. Cf., French, Apr., '01. (82) $31. Mor., g.e. (Howard copy), Edwardes, Mav, '01. (125) £8. Cf., Soth., Mar. 17. '02. (212) £5 10s. Cf., Lefferts, Apr., '02. (48) $32.50. Cf., Hodgson, Oct. 22, '02. (475) £9. Works. I^nd., 1711. 7 vols., Svo. Cf., m.e., Soth., Mav 25, 1900. (8) £118s. **Large paper. Cf., Perkins, ,Tuly, '89. (144) £lls. Cf. (Bedford copy), Ashburnliam, June, '97. (349) £12s. Rus., Fountaine, June, '02. (G3) £3 14s. Works. I^ond., 1750. 10 vols., 8vo. Cf., Inglis, Nov., '89. (877) £15s. Cf., Solh., June 14, '90. (54) £12s. Cf., Normandy, Jan., '91. (158) £1. Cf.. Libbie, Jan. 29. '9G. (79) $7.50. Cf., Young. Dec. '9G. (30) £1 Gs. Cf., Putt., Mar. 12, '02. (94) £1 10s. Dramatic Works. Lond., 1778. 10 vols., Svo. Cf., Perkins, Julv, '89. (145) £llGs. Cf., Putt., Feb. 12, '90. (734) £19s. Rus. ex., Moore, Oct., '93. (42) £15s. Cf., Bangs, Jan. 23, '9G. (28) $11.25. Cf., Soth., Nov. 27, '9G. (38) £1 7s. Cf., Ashburnham, June, '97. (350) £1 2s. Cf., Johnson, Feb., '98. (138) £llls. Dramatic Works. Edinb.. 1812. 14 vols., Svo. Hf. cf., Henkels, Apr. 4, '95. (542) $11.20. Cf.. Parlane, Mar., '97. (21) £110s. Hf. vol., g.e., Cholmondeley, Apr., '97. (5) £2 10s. Cf., m.e., Soth.. May G, '98. (393) £2 18s. Cf., Bangs, Dec. 1. '98. (44) $22.75. Mor., g.e., Soth., Mar. 17, '99. (590) £2 lis. Beaumont (F.) — f'ontiniicil. Cf.. m.e., Soth., July 28, '99. (2) £3. Cf., Peel, June, 1900. (34) £5. Mor. e.x., g.e., Soth., Dec. 3, 1900. (4G4) £4 18s. Hf. cf.. Cox, Feb., '02. (133) $14.70. Cf., Soth., July 10, '03. (17) £2 2s. Works. Lond., 1843-46. 11 vols., Svo. CI., unc, Growther, Nov., '93. (29) £G5s. CI., unc. Brand, Mar., '94. (5) £7. CI., unc, Soth., Feb. 22, '97. (8) £C 5s. CI., unc, Ashburnham, Nov., '97. (18) £5. CI., unc. Bliss, Apr., '98. (12) £5 17s. Gd. Hf. mor. ex., unc, Howard, June, '98. (37) £10. Mor., Cox, Apr., '99. (46) $104.50. CI., Putt., Dec. 15, 1900 (134) £G17s. 6d. CI., unc, Soth., Jan. 28, '01. (975) £8 10s. CI., unc, McKee, Apr., '01. (2207J) $33. CI., Soth., July 29, '01. (350) £8 15s. CI., Soth., Mar. 11. '02. (3G8) £7 15s. Rus. ex., g.e., Hibbert, Apr., '02. (45) £19. CI., unc, Lefferts, Apr., '02. (1454) $46.75. Cf., r.e.. Twopenny, May, '02. (68) £13. Cf.. y.e.. Battle Abbey. June, '02. (25) £10 17s. Cd. BEAUIVIONT (SIR JOHN). Bosworth Field. Lond., 1G29. Svo. Cf. ex., g.e., Mair, Jan., '90. (934) £1 lis. Rus., g.e., Swayne, Nov., '92. (1001) £1 14s. Rus. ex., g.e., Simon, Dec, '93. (34) £lSs. Cf., Sewall, Nov., '9G. (226) $5.25. Cf., y.e., Ashburnham, June, '97. (351) £5 17s. Gd. Cf., Soth., June 27, '98. (168) £2Gs. Mor., g.e., McKee, Dec, '01. (2748) $17.50. Cf., g.e.. Lefferts, Apr., '02. (45) $10. BEAUIVIONT (JOHN). Treatise of Spirits, Apparitions, Witchcrafts, and other Magical Practices. Lend., 1705. Svo. Brinley, Mar., '79. (1349) $12.50. BEAUMONT 131 BECKET Beaumont (John) — Continued. Treatise of Spirits, Apparitions, etc. Lond., n.d. Svo. Cf., Libbie, Apr. 29, '02. (1331) $5.50. BEAUIVIONT (JOSEPH). Psyche. Lond., 1G48. Fol. Mor. ex., g.e., Williams, Mav, '93. (947) £7 5s. Cf., Blanchard, May, '98. (120) $14. Cf., Bangs, Dec. 1, '98. (45) $9. Cf.. r.e., McKee, Dec, '01. (2749) $10. BEAUMONT PAPERS. See iVIacray (W. D.). BEAU'S ACADEMY. See Phillips (E.). BEAUTIES OF ENGLAND AND Wales. By J. Brltton, E. W. Bray- ley, and others. Lond., ISOl-lG. 18 vols, in 25, Svo. Cf., Maclean, June, '95. (415) £2 6s. Mor.. unc, Coleridge, Mav, '96. (57) £3 10s. Cf., Addison, June, '96. (51) £lSs. Cf., Soth., May G, '98. (394) £3. Hf. cf.. Soth., Apr. 4, 1900. (465) £113s. Hf. cf.. Putt., Apr. 14, '02. (25) £2. Beauties of England and Wales. Lond., 1801-16. With Introduction by Brewer. Tos:ether 26 vols., Svo. Rus., Putt., Jan. 10, '89. (228) £4 2s. 6d. Hf. bd., Glasse, Julv, '92. (374) £2 10s. Cf., Soth., Dec. 9, '95. (13) £3 15s. Rus., m.e., Soth., Julv 18, 1900. (142) £3 lis. Rus., Smith, May, '01. (58) £1 12s. Hf. rus., m.e., Soth., Dec. 17, '01. (40) £4 1Ss. **Large paper. Rus. ex., Mav, Julv, '91. (1143) £8 12s. Mor. ex., g.e. (selected impressions of the plates), Hawkins, Mar., '95. (35) £39. Cf. ex., Soth., Jan. 9, '99. (64) £4. Rus. ex.. m.e., Soth., Mar. 17, '99. (578) £6 10s. Hf. rus., unc, Fraser, Apr., '01. (113) £7 7s. Beauties of England and Wales. Lond.. ISOl-lS. 10 vols, in 26. [With] Beauties of Scotland. Edinb., 1805- 8. 5 vols. Together 31 vols., Svo. Cf., m.e., Foljambe, Jan. '90. (423) £3. Beauties of England — Continued. Cf. rus., Lloyd, Jan., '02. (19) £3 14s. ** Large paper. Rus. ex., Christie, Dec 5, '93. (13) £4 17s. 6d. Cf. ex., m.e., Eburv, Dec, '94. (16) £4 17s. 6d. Hf. rus., m.e., Hope, Apr., '96. (GO) £6 12s. 6d. BEAUVAIS (VINCENT DE). Le Pre- mier (second, tiers, quart et quint). Volume de Vincent, etc. Paris, 1495- 96. 5 vols. Rus., g.e. (1 leaf in Vol. 2 mended, a few leaves wormed), Soth.. Dec. 4, '02. (1708) £230. BECHTEL (J.). Kurzer Catechismus. Phila., Franklin, 1742. 12mo. Mor., g.e., Rice, Mar., '70. (131) $1G. Mor. ex., g.e. (with 42 pp.), Brinley, Mar., '80. (3276) $14. Mor. ex., g.e., Trivulzio, Feb.. '88. (363) $19. Mor. ex., g.e.. Barlow, Feb., '90. (1386) $7. Sheep (with 44 pages), Henkels, Oct. 29, '95. (395) $11. Sheep (with 42 pages), Henkels, Oct. 29, '95. (394) $5. Bds. (with 42 pages). Hurst, May, '04. (191) $20. Bds. (with 44 pages). Hurst, May, '04. (194) $S. Short Catechism. Phila., Isaiah Warner, 1742. IGmo. Mor. ex., g.e.. Stone, Oct., '97. (65) $1G. BECK (T. A.). History and Antiqui- ties of Furness Abbey. Lond., 1844. 4 to. Hardy, Dec, '86. (1656) £2 18s. Mor. ex., g.e., Bailey, June, '89. (1246) £5 2s. 6d. Hf. mor., g.e., Leigh, Dec, '89. (204) £2 15S. Hf. mor., Thornton, June. '94. (1575) £2 12s. Hf. mor., Bateman, Julv, '96. (955) £2 lis. Hf. mor., Soth., Dec 17, 'OL (510) £2 15s. BECKET (GILBERT A. A'). Alma- nack of the Month. Lond., 1846. 2 vols., 12mo. Hf. mor., unc, Gaisford, Apr., '90. (32) £18s. BECKBT 132 BECKFORD Becket (Gilbert A. A') — Continued. Parts, Cooper, Oct., '91. (UOG) £115s. CI., Shaw, Feb., '97. (1) £1 4s. Of. ex., g.e.. Lamb, Feb., '98. (5) £1. Parts, Soth., Nov. 3, '9S. (3) £1 9s. Parts, Bangs, Apr. 9, '01. (95) $10. Cf., g.e., French, Apr., '01. (4) $13. The Comic Blacleigh, Dec, '89. (14) £30 10s. Mor. ex., g.e., Mav, July, '91. (1421) £20. Cf., Soth., May 13, '92. (1289) £8 10s. Cf. ex., Foot, Jan., '94. (921) £13. Mor. ex., unc, Plnknev, May, '95. (15) £37. Bds., unc, Tlxall, Nov., '99. (70) £51. Bds.. unc, Ford. May. '04. (15) £51. General History of Quadrupeds. Newcastle, 1791. Svo. Bds., unc, Soth., June 14, '90. (1105) £110s. Mor. ex., Reid, May, '94. (228) £110s. Hawkins, Mar., '95. (41) £12s. Bds., unc. Whitehead, May 3, '98. (9) £llls. Rus. ex., m.e., Egmont, June, '98. (27) £15s. Mor., g.e., Philpott, Nov., '01. (14) £2 10s. ** Large paper. Cf., Putt., Dec. IG, '8G (37) £2 5s. Mor. ex., Leigh, Dec, '89. (16) £14 5s. Cf., Tyrell, Dec, '91. (7) £4 4s. Mor. ex., g.e., Soth., Feb. 15, 1900. (102) £118s. Mor. ex., g.e., Soth., Apr. 4, 1900. (129G) £2. Mor., m.e. (with four original draw- ings by Bewick inserted, also the Addenda to British Birds), Ford, May, '02. (71) £9 10s. General History of Quadrupeds. Newcastle, 1792. Svo. Mor. ex., Pinkney, Mav, '95. (16) £617s. 6d. **Large paper. Cf. ex., g.e.. Hirst, Soth., Dec, '87. (110) £2 10s. Hf. cf.. Whitehead, Apr. 16, '89. (232) £1 7s. 6d. Cf. ex., Normanbv, Jan., '91. (3) £118s. Mor. ex., unc. Stansfleld, June, '98. (29) £2 14s. Bewick (Thomas) — Coiitiiiiiril. General History of Quadrupeds. Newcastle, 1800. Svo. '**Large paper. Bds., unc. Putt., Mar. 16, '87. (567) £4 7s. Mor. ex., g.e., Anderson, Mav, '92. (11) £6. Cf., Soth., May 13, '92. (1295) £ 1 3s. Bds., unc, Toovey, Feb., '94. (151) £119s. Cf., Soth., Nov. 28. '98. (6011 £12s. **Largest paper. Mor. ex., g.e.. Smith, May, '89. (22) £4 15s. Mor. ex., unc, Leigh, Dec. '89. (19) £26 10s. Bds., unc, Sullivan. May, '90. (730) £10 10s. Mor. ex.. May, July, '91. (1422) £16. Hf. cf., Soth., May 13, '92. (1296) £2 2s. Bds., unc, Soth., June 20, '94. (507) £7. Hf. mor., McKenzie, Jan., '99. (13) £2. General History of Quadrupeds. N. Y., 1804. Wood engravings by Anderson, chiefly copied from Be- wick's originals. Svo. Cf., Cooke, Dec, '83. (85) $6.50. Mor. ex., unc, Hunt, Nov., '91. (105) 122.50. Mor. ex., unc, Libbie, Oct. 17, '93. (58) $17. Cf.. g.e., Chittenden, Jan., '94. (39) $5.75. Sheep (broken), Libbie, Mar. 27, '95. (922) $8.50. General History of Quadrupeds. Newcastle, 1807. Svo. **Large paper. Hf. mor.. Moss, June, '87. (543) £2 12s. Cf., Warrington, Nov., '93. (852) £1 2s. Hf. cf., Edwards, Jan., '94. (788) £1. Mor. ex., unc, Soth., June 27, '98. (176) £2 10s. **Largest paper. Hf. cf., unc, Soth., May 13, '92. (1299) £3 12s. Cf. ex., Soth., Dec. 13, '92. (20) £2. Cf., Burrard, Jan., '96. (285) £2. Hf. cf., Soth., Nov. 28, '98. (602) £113s. Hf. rus., Putt., Mar. 26, '02. (423) £3. BEWICK 156 BEWICK Bewick (Thomas) — Continued. Mor. ex., g.e., Soth., July 28, '02. (449) £2 18s. General History of Quadrupeds. Newcastle, 1811. Svo. Cf., Hodgson, May 15, '88. (91) £12s. Leycester, Nov., '88. (906) £15s. Bds., unc. Hood, Apr., '90. (GOO) £1 5s. Hutchinson, Feb., '92. (58) £14s. General History of Quadrupeds. Newcastle, 1820. Svo. Cf., Lee, June, '88. (14) £1 2s. Hf. bd.. Putt., Dec. 2, '89. (497) £1 5s. Cf. ex., g.e., McKenzie, Jan., '99. (20) £18s. **Large paper. Unc, Rose, June, '91. (1498) £2 2s. Mor. ex., g.e., Comyn, Mar., '93. (561) £3 8s. Mor. ex., g.e. (portrait of Bewick lack- ing), Soth., Feb., 28, 1900. (88) £2 12s. Mor. ex., g.e., Bangs, Jan. 15, '01. (23) $G. General History of Quadrupeds. Newcastle, 1824. 8vo. **Large paper. Unc, Soth., Aug. 13, '88. (893) £2 2s. Bds.. unc, Leigh, Dec, '89. (1001) £113s. Hf. bd., unc, Percy, May, '90. (229) £3ies. Mor. ex., unc, Mav, Julv, '91. (314) £2 9s. Bds., unc, Cartwright, Mar., '92. (437) £2 2s. Figures of British Quadrupeds. Newcastle, 1824. 4to. Paper, unc, Soth., May 13, '92. (1456) £2 19s. **Large paper. Hf. mor., unc, Leigh, Dec, '89. (207) £lls. Mor. ex., Soth., Feb. 15, 1900. (84) £lCs. Figures of British Birds and Quad- rupeds. Newcastle, 1824-27. 4 vols., Svo. **Large paper. Hf. mor., g.t., Coleridge, May, '9G. (241) £10 15s. Hf. mor., Francis, Julv, '90. (189) £8 5s. **Largest paper. Bewick (Thomas) — Continued. Hf. mor., Comyn, Mar., '93. (1460) £5 15s. Hf. mor., Simon, Dec, '93. (189) £9. History of British Quadrupeds. Newcastle, 1837. Svo. **Largest paper. Hf. mor., ex.. Moss, June, '87. (547) £2 7s. Natural History of British Quad- rupeds, Birds, etc. Alnwick, David- son, 1809. 7 parts, Svo. Cf. ex., g.e. (in 1 vol.), Stewart, Mar., '88. (33) £112s. Parts. Leigh. Dec, '89. (55) £1. Hf. mor. (in 1 vol., with original covers bound in), Alexander, Mar., '95. (309) $9. Parts, Alexander, Mar., '95. (445) $9.53. New Lottery Book of Birds and Beasts for Children to learn their letters by. Newcastle, 1771. Svo. Bds. (headlines of two leaves cut into), McKenzie, Jan., '99. (35) £1 5s. Bds., Soth., May 21, 1900. (78) £6 5s. Bds., Philpott, Nov., '01. (11) £15s. New Year's Gift for Little Masters and Misses. Newcastle, 1777. Svo. Cf., McKenzie, Jan., '99. (36) £12s. Short Treatise on the " Sports- man's Friend." Newcastle, 1800. Svo. Craig, Mar., '88. (532) £2. Mor. ex.. Hunt, Nov., '91. (281) $G. Works. Newcastle, 1822. 5 vols., Svo. Cf. ex., Warrington, Nov., '93. £2 15s. Mor. ex., g.e., Soth, July 1, '95. £5. **i^arge paper. Hartree, July, '90. (112) £16. Works. Memorial edition. Lond., 1885-87. 5 vols., Svo. Hf. mor.. Wood, Oct., '89. (42) £8. CI., unc, Libbie, Oct. 30, '94. (131) $21.25. Hf. mor., £3 10s. CI., unc, Libbie, May 26, '98. (108) $7.50. Hf. mor., unc (two portraits of Be- wick inserted), McKenzie, Jan.. '99. (9G) £2 14s. CI., unc, Henkels, Apr. 20, '99. (138) $9. (376) (10) Soth., June 1, '97. (26) BEWICK 157 BEZA Bewick (Thomas) — Continued. Hf. mor., unc, Soth., May 8. '99. (94) £2 14s. Hf. mor., Hodgson, Jan. 8, '02. (345) £2 17s. Gd. CI., unc, Libbie, Feb. 5, '02. (115) $11.25. Vignettes. Newcastle, 1827. 4to. Hf. mor. ex., unc, Webster, Mar., '93. (184) £114s. Unc, Soth., Apr. 4, 1900. (400) £2 6s. **Large paper. Cf. ex., Perkins, July. '89. (203) £3 10s. Unc, Percy, May, '90. (230) £4 1Gs. Woodcuts. Collection of 213 Im- pressions from Bewick's original woodblocks, taken off by G. Walker. 3 copies made. 8vo. Mor., g.e., Brice, July, 87. (55) £2 12s. Woodcuts. Impressions of 2000 woodblocks engraved by T. and J. Bewick. 1870. Fol. CI., Phillips, Nov., '87. (402) £113s. CI., Putt., Jan. 5, '88. (1005) £110s. CI., Leigh, Dec, '89. (270) £ l.s. Grace. Dec, '90. (574) £1 8s. BEYARD (N.). See Bayard (N.). BEYLE (HENRI). La Chartreuse de Parme. Trans, by E. P. Robins. N. Y., 1895. 3 vols., 12mo. **Japan paper. CI., unc, Richmond, Apr., '98. (176 b) $8.62. CI., Richmond, Feb., '99. (431) $7.50. CI., unc. Bangs, Dec. 14, '99. (213) $7.88. BEZA (T. DE). Brief and Pithy Sum of the Christian Faith. Trans, by Robert Fyll. Lond., [about 1560]. 8vo. Cf. (with Hutchinson's Image of God, Lond., 1580, probably Queen Eliza- beth's own copies), Soth.. July 3. •99. (1504) £14 10s. Brief and Pithy Sum of the Chris- tian Faith. Trans, by Robert Fyll. Edinb., Waldegrave, 1585. 12mo. Mor., g.e.. Putt., Feb. 7, '95. (52) £1 3s. Vel. (Dorothy GrenviUe's copy), Ash- burnham, .lune, '97. (417) £8 10s. Brief and Pithy Sum of the Chris- tian Faith. Lond., R. Serll, n.d. Svo. Vel.. Soth., July 13, '87. (34) £1 2s. Beza (T. De) — Cantiii iird. Christian IVIeditations. Trans, by J. S., 1582. 12mo. Mor. e.x.. Ellis, Nov., '85. (553) £17s. Confessione della Fede Christiana. N.p., Fabio Todesco, 1560. 8vo. 'Vel., g.e. (formerly belonged to Mary Queen of Scots, with autograph of Sir James Melville), Soth., July 1, •01. (685) £50. Histoire Ecclesiastique des Eglises Reformees au Royaume de Prance. Antwerp, Jean Remy, 1580. 3 vols., Svo. Mor., g.e., Makellar, Nov., '98. (131) £3 17s. 6d. Mor. ex., g.e.. Clerk, May, '99. (175) £llls. Icones Virorum lllustrium et Em- blemata. Geneva, 1580. 4to. Hf. cf., Reynell, May, '95. (35) £1 4s. Mor., g.e., Soth., Nov. 27, '96. (48) £11 10s. Mor., g.e., Ashburnham, June, '97. (416) £5 10s. Rus., g.e., Edwardes. May, '01. (75) £4 15s. Mor., g.e., Hibbert. Apr., '02. (06) £11 15s. Les vrais Pourtraits des Hommes Illustres et Emblemes. Geneva, 1581. 4to. Vel., Soth., Feb.. 22, '97. (587) £1 3s. Cf., m.e., Clerk. May. '99. (176) £1 8s. Mor. ex., g.e.. Bangs, Mar. 19, 1900. (505) $21. IVlaister Beza's Household Prayers for the Consolation and Perfection of a Christian Life. Lond., 1607. Svo. Cf. ex., g.e.. Virtue Tebbs, June, 1900. (19) £10. Oration made in the presence of the King, the Queene Mother, the King of Navarre, etc. Lond., R. Jugge, 1561. Svo. Mor., g.e. (some margins shaved and scribbled on), Makellar, Nov., '98. (132) £2 2s. Poemata et G. Buchanani Scoti Poemati. Paris, 1569. Svo. Mor. ex., Smalley, July, '87. (37) £9. Vindiciae contra Tyrannos. Edinb., 1579. Svo. BEZA 158 BIBLE Beza (T. De) — Continvcd. Mor. ex.. Burra, May. '97. (66) £2 3s. BIARD (PIERRE). Relation de la Nouvelle France. Lyons, IGIC. [Al- bany, 1871.] Svo. Hf.. mor.. unc, Murphy, Mar., '84. (244) $12. Hf. mor., unc, Brevoort, Feb., '90. (603) $5.25. BIBLE, POLYGLOT. Biblla Sacra Polyglotta. Alcala de Henares, 1514-17. 6 vols., fol. Cf. (in 4 vols., some leaves wormed), Sunderland, Dec, '81. (1299) £195. Mor. ex., Thorold, Dec, '84. (278) £170. Cf., Vol. G unbd. (lacking general title), Crawford, .Tune, '87. (301) £56. Rus. (title of Vol. 2 mounted, a por- tion of the first 5 leaves in manu- script), .-^vlesford. Mar.. 'S8. (173) £78. Cf., g.e. (slightly wormed), Darbv. Nov., '89. (1G8) £108. Mor., Crawford, Mar., '91. (320) £100. Vel., Apponyi, Nov., '92. (195) £114. Mor., Soth., Dec. 1, '90. (516) £100. Vel. (some leaves very slightly wormed, inner margin of two titles mended), Makellar, Nov., '98. (205) £88. Vel. (a few leaves stained and wormed), Soth., July 1, '01. (205) £99. Pigskin (Vols. 1-5 only), Livermore. Nov., '94. (121) $210. Cf. (Vols. 1-4 only), Soth., Dec. 2. '01. (17G) £20. Biblla Sacra Polyglotta. Antwerp, 1569-72. 8 vols., fol. Mor., g.e., Soth., Mar. 14. '87. (276) £19. Mor., g.e. (stained). Hirst. Dec, '87. (359) £9 15s. Mor., g.e., Coleridge, May, '96. (313) £10. Mor., Stanley, June, '01. (297) £12. Cf., with clasps (Vols. 1-5 only). Liver- more, Nov., '94. (145) $125. **On vellum. Mor. (Vols. 1-5, in 10 vols., lacking the "Apparatus"), Ashburnham. .Tune. '97. (429) £79. Biblla Sacra Polyglotta. T,ond.. 1657. 6 vols- fol. Bible, Polyglot — Coiiliininl. Mor., g.e., Hardwicke, June, '88. (106) £9 5s. Cf. (with Republican Preface), Soth., May 13, '92. (993) £10. Cf. (broken). Bangs, Oct. 22, ^94. (184) $19.50. Smithson, June, '96. (63S) £5 12s. 6d. Cf. (with Royal Preface), Bunbury, July, '96. (227) £7. Cf., g.e., Bateman, July, '96. (119) £5 10s. Mor., g.e., (with Royal Preface), Soth., July 3, '99. (243) £6 2s. 6d. Mor., Smith, May, '01. (311) £7 5s. Biblla Sacra Polyglotta. Lond., 1057. With Lexicon Heptaglotten, by E. Castelli, Lond., 1CC9., 2 vols. Together 8 vols., fol. Cf., g.e., Aylesford, Mar., '88. (174) Cf., Hastings, May, '93. (185) £8. Cf. (with Republican Preface), Atkin- son, Mar., '90. (344) £9. Cf. (with Republican Preface), Gil- christ, July, '90. (148) £9 15s. Mor., g.e. (with Royal Preface, in 7 vols., the Duke of Gloucester's copy), Ashburnham, June '97. (431) £28. Cf. (with Roval Preface), Soth., Apr. 4, '98. (82) £8 5s. Mor. ex., g.e. (with Royal Preface), Probasco, Jan., '99. (Ill) $98. Mor. ex., g.e. (with Royal Preface), Soth., Apr. 24, '99. (032) £13 5s. Cf. (with Republican Preface), Soth., May 16, '01. (52) £8 5s. BIBLE IN ARMENIAN. Biblia Arme- nice. Venice, 1733. Fol. Hirst, Dec, '87. (672) £2 8s. Bds., covered with leather, g.e. (Sus- sex copy), Stuart, Mar., '95. (158) £115s. Bds., covered with leather, g.e., Atkin- son, Mar., '90. (G70) £1 2s. Grig, stamped binding, Soth., Nov. 18, '02. (50) £2 4s. BIBLE IN BOHEMIAN. Biblia Bo- hemica. Venice, 1500. Fol. Pigskin. Crawford. June, 'S9. (160) £12 5s. BIblij Czeske. Pawla Seweryna. 1529. Fol. Hf. cf. (a few leaves defective), Soth.. .Tan. 24, '99. (760) £4 Ss. Biblij Czeske. vols., 4to. Kralitz, 15791601. BIBLE 159 BIBLE Bible in Bohemian — Continued. Cf., r.e. (a few leaves mended), Soth.. Jan. 24, '99. (727) £7 12s. 6d. BIBLE IN DANISH. Biblla Danlca. Copenhagen, 1550. 5 vols., fol. Cf. (in 1 VOL), Soth., Jan. 15, '90. (95) £11. Cf. (in 1 vol.). Putt., June 20, '94. (958) £6 15s. BIBLE IN DUTCH. Bybel overset te Duytsche uten Latine. Delf, 1477. 2 vols., fol. Leather, Hirst, Dec, '87. (393) £19. Leather, Atkinson, Mar., '96. (26) £19 10s. Mor. ex., g.e. (some leaves stained and mended, Thorold copy), Makel- lar, Nov., '9S. (G67) £10 10s. Cf. (in 1 vol.). White. Apr., '02. (203) £52. Die Biblie, etc. Lubeck, Arndes, 1494. Fol. Hf. vel., Morris, Dec. '98. (184) £50. Den Bibel. Tgeheele Onde ende Nieuwe Testament, etc. Antwerp. 1514. Fol. Leather, Putt.. Apr. 8, '97. (284*) £10 10s. Den Bibel. etc. Antwerp, 1518. 4to. Cf.. Livermore, Nov.. '94. (124) $60. BIBLE IN ENGLISH. Bible. Trans, into English by Miles Coverdale. First edition of the Coverdale Bible [Probably Zurich, Chris- topher Froschover], 1535. Fol. Mor. ex., g.e. (12^ by 7; laches: title and 2 following leaves in facs., no map, the Dent copy), Perkins, June, '73. (191) £400. Mor. ex., g.e. (lacking title. 6 other leaves, and map), Tite, May, '74. (254) £150. Mor. ex., g.e. (title and 2 following leaves in facs.. no map. the Dent- Perkins copv), Benzon. June. '75. (18) £360. Mor. ex. (second issue, with title dated 1536, top corner of map mended), Jersey, Mav, '85. (195) £680. Mor. ex. (12J by 7iJ inches, title and 6 of the preliminary leaves in facs.). Crawford, June, '87. (331) £226. Mor. ex.. g.e. (title, map. 22 leaves at the beginning and 28 leaves at end. Bible in English — Contiiiuril. in facs.), Bateman, May, '93. (271) £85. Mor. ex., in mor. case (title, 26 other leaves, and map in facs.. binding and some leaves water-stained). Liver- more, Nov., '94. (129) $800. Mor. ex., g.e. (12 by 7J inches, title, preliminary leaves, map. and 13 other leaves in facs., last leaf of Solomon's Ballet and Fol. 58 lack- ing), Atkinson, Mar., '96. (39) £165. (Imperfect), Burra, May, '97. (C17) £93. Mor., g.e. (title, 1 initial, top corner of Fol. 12, and part of map in facs., margins of 20 leaves mended, Gard- ner copy), Ashburnham, June, '97. (498) £820. Cf. (lacking title and preliminary leaves, map in facs., several other leaves torn and mended). Ashburn- ham, June, '97. (499) £175. (Title, preliminary leaves and last leaf of Revelations in facs., no map, several leaves mended). Ashburn- ham. June, '97. (500) £96. Mor.. g.e. (imperfect), Soth., June 27, '98. (265) £61. Mor. ex., g.e. (title, first leaf of Dedi- cation, first 9 leaves of Genesis, half of the map, and last 6 leaves in facs., several other leaves mended, mar- gins cut into), Makellar, Nov., '98. (767) £88. Mor. ex., g.e. (map, 2 titles, prelimi- nary leaves, first 14 folios, and sev- eral leaves at end in facs., some margins mended and notes cut into). Hunt. July, '99. (328) £60. Mor. ex., g.e. (title, first 2 11. of Dedi- cation, Fol. ii, map, and last 3 11, in facs., margins of several leaves mended, the Tite copy), Christie, Apr. 9, 1900. (236 A) £300. Mor. (some leaves mended and others supplied in facs.), Appleton, Apr., '03. (14) $3000. Bible. First edition of IVIatthew's Bible. [Antwerp, probably Mat- thew Crom, published in Lond. by Grafton and Whitchurch], 1537. Fol. Mor. (title inlaid and last leai of im- print mended). Perkins, June. '73. (192) £195. Mor. (title inlaid and last leaf of im- BIBLE 160 BIBLE Bible in English — ConfiiiKed. print mended, Perkins copy), Craw- ford, June, 'S7. (332) £161. (Title pages to Bible and New Testa- ment, and 2 other leaves mended), Soth., July 13, '87. (275) £S0. Mor. ex., g.e. (title, Kalendar, and im- print in facs.), Crawford, June, '89. (171) £20 10s. Bds. (lacking title and last leaf), Rod- ney, Aug., '90. (1S54) £22. Mor. (title and 4 other leaves in manu- script, lacking dedication, several margins soiled and mended, Sussex copy). Blew, June, '95. (55) £19. Rus. (title and Colophon inlaid, Lea Wilson copy), Ashburnham, June, •97. (504) £177. Mor., g.e. (title in facs., several leaves mended), Johnson, Feb.. '98. (210) £18. Hf. bd. (lacking cut of Adam and Eve and all the preliminary leaves, words of the New Testament title and table at end and part of the first leaf of Genesis in facs., some margins cut into), Makellar, Nov., '98. (768) £12. Cf. (lacking all after Revelation XII. preliminary leaves and colophon supplied in facs., title to the New Testament inlaid), Soth., Mar. 22, '01. (515) £15. Bible. First edition of Taverner Bible. Lond., John Byddell, for Thomas Berthlet, 1539. Fol. Mor. ex., g.e. (title in facs., several leaves mended), Crawford, June, '87. (333) £57. Mor. ex., g.e. (title and preliminary leaves in facs., several leaves mended). Ward, Jan., '90. (223) £26. Mor., g.e. (title, following leaf, and 5 leaves at end in facs.), Makellar. Nov., '98. (781) £27 10s. Bible. First edition of the Great or Cranmer Bible. [Lond.|, Crafion and Whitchurc\i, 1539. Fol. Leather (15| by lOJ), Crawford, June, ■87. (334) £111. Mor. ex., g.e. (title, 5 preliminary leaves, and last leaf in facs.). Ward, Jan., '90. (224) £27. Cf. (lacking one leaf, bottom right- hand corners of title, preliminary leaves, and last leaf of Table torn off), Soth., June 18, '96. (772) £70. Bible in English — Continued. Cf. (title, corners of Kalendar, and first leaf of text in facs., New Testa- ment title inlaid, and perhaps facs.) Ashburnham, June, '97. (511) £73. Cf. (lacking title, preliminary leaves and last 2 leaves of Table), Ashburn- ham, June, '97. (505) £50. Leather (lacking preliminary leaves and title to New Testament, a few leaves defective, last leaf of Table inlaid and loosely inserted), Ash- burnham, May, '9S. (4053) £41. Mor., g.e. (both titles, 5 preliminary leaves, and last leaf of Table in facs., a few leaves mended), Soth., • Apr. 24, '99. (033) £20 10s. Cf. (lacking preliminary leaves, and last leaf), Soth., Mar. 17, '02. (316) £29 10s. Mor. ex., g.e. (first title and some other leaves repaired, a few head- lines cut into). White, Apr., '02. (215) £42 IDs. Mor. ex. (title, preliminary leaves and table in facs.), Soth., June 18, '03. (471) £28 10s. Bible. Cranmer's Version. Lond., Robert Redman and Thomas Petyt for Thomas Berthelet, April, 1540. Fol. Cf. ex., g.e. (first title and last leaf of table inlaid). Ashburnham, June, '97. (512) £61. Mor., g.e. (first title mended, 3 leaves of Kalendar, and last 3 leaves of the New Testament in facs., several margins mended), Makellar, Nov., '98. (774) £20. Mor., g.e. (first title, 4 following leaves and 2 leaves of Table in facs.), Soth., Apr. 24, '99. (509) £14 10s. Bible. Second edition of the Great Bible. Lond., Richard Graf- ton, April, 1540. Mor. ex., g.e. (first title inlaid, a few margins cut close and mended), Makellar, Nov., '98. (775) £40. Bible. Third edition of the Great Bible. Lond., Richard Graf- ton, July, 1540. Fol. Mor. ex., g.e. (last leaf and corners of several leaves in facs.), Tite, May, '74. (255) £63. Cf. (lacking 4 leaves, corner torn from general title, and small hole in en- graved title to New Testament), Putt.. Dec. 20, '93 (233) £35. BIBLE 161 BIBLE Bible in Engiisli — Continued. Cf. (lacking first title, names of books and Prologue, and last leaf of Table, some leaves mended), Atkinson, Mar., '9G. (445) £15 10s. Mor., g.e. (last leaf in facs., Tite copy), Johnson, Feb., '98. (213) £G0. Bible. Fourth edition of the Great Bible. Lond., Whitchurch, November, 1540. Fol. Cf. (lacking title, preliminary leaves and last leaf, Aylesford copy), Johnson, Feb., '98. (214) £18 1Ss. Leather (first and second titles, first leaf of Prologue and last leaf, in facs., several leaves mended), Ma- kellar, Nov., '98. (77C) £50. Cf., g.e. (2 titles backed, 1 leaf lorn. Family Bible of the Briggs, of Cal- myer), Soth., Dec. 2, '01. (178) £3 5s. Bible. Fifth edition of the Great Bible. Lond., Whitchurch, May, 1541. Fol. Cf. ex., g.e. (title and 2 other leaves in facs.), Tite, May, '74. (25G) £30. Cf., g.e. (title, Kalendar and last 2 leaves in facs.), Soth., Mar. 14, '87. (3G) £15 15s. Cf. (title in facs.), Soth., Jan. 15, '90. (359) £19 10s. Cf. (title mended, a portion of Table missing), Appleton, Apr., '03. (IC) $170. Bible. Sixth edition of the Great Bible. Lond., Whitchurch, November, 1541. Fol. Cf. (title and several other leaves slightly wormed), Sunderland, Dec, '81. (1413) £115. Mor. ex., g.e. (a few upper margins cut into), Crawford, June, '87. (335) £50. Mor., g.e. (one leaf defective, margins of two titles mended), Ashburnham, June, '97. (514) £G3. Leather (a few preliminary leaves slightly wormed, last leaf of Table defective), Soth., Nov. 20, '99. (552) £40. CI. (first title in facs., lacking Folios 1, 2, 8 and 9, all the Tables and some leaves at end), Soth., May IG, '01. (44) £7 2s. Cd. Cf. (lacking Prologue), Soth.. Mar. 17, '02. (317) £30. Bible in English — Conthiiird. Mor. (title, first five and last three leaves, title to New Testament, etc., in all 12 leaves, in facs.), Soth., July 28, '03. (571) £18 5s. Bible. Matthew's Version. Lond., Daye and Seres, 1549. Fol. Mor. ex., g.e. (a few leaves mended). Crawford, June, '87. (33G) £24. Rus. ex., g.e. (title mounted, Sykes copy), Stuart, Mar., '95. (IGO) £23. Cf. (lacking 1 leaf of Kalendar; title, preliminary leaves, and leaves in Revelation defective and mended). Ashburnham, June, '97. (508) £11. Mor. ex., g.e. (a portion of title in facs.), Burrell, July,' '97. (IGG) £13 10s. Bds. (title, leaf of Table, colophon, and half of last leaf in facs.). Soth., Feb. 3, '98. (88) £8 12s. Cd. Mor., g.e.. Lamb, Feb., '98. (S3) £25 4s. Cf. (title and 2 leaves in facs., 2 other leaves defective), Soth., Mar. 21, •98. (133G) £C. Cf. (title partly inlaid, margins of several leaves mended), Makellar. Nov., "98. (771) £11. Bds. (title, leaf of Table, colophon, and half of last leaf in facs.), Soth., Oct. 28, '01. (7G5) £5 7s. Cd. Bds. (lacking leaf of Kalendar), Soth., Mar. 17, '02. (318) £13. Bible. Matthew's Version. Lond., T. Raynalde and W. Hyll, 1549. Fol. Vel. (lacking 3 preliminary leaves and title to New Testament; title, first leaf of Kalendar and last leaf in facs., several leaves mended), Soth., Mar. 14, '87. (37) £5 10s. Cf. (title in facs., 2 leaves mended), Hailstone, Apr., '91. (350) £7 15s. Mor., g.e. (lacking 2 leaves, corners of some leaves mended), Soth., Dec. 12, '93. (GG2) £19 10s. (First title and last leaf inlaid, mar- gins of several other leaves cut close), Makellar, Nov., '98. (7G9) £14. Mor., g.e. (lacking 2 leaves, corners of some leaves mended), Soth., .Jan. 24, '99. (315) £9 5s. Mor. (lacking title, Kalendar and Al- manac, and end of Table of the Epistle and Gospels), Soth., Apr. 24, '99. (1158) £G10s. BIBLE 162 BIBLE Bible in English — Continned. Mor., g.e. (lacking 2 leaves, corners of some leaves mended), Soth., July 11, '99. (112S) £10 10s. Mor. ex., g.e. (title in facs., several leaves mended in the margin), White, Apr., '02. (219) £12 15s. Bible. Cranmer's Version. Lend., Whitchurch, December, 1549. Fol. Cf. (several leaves defective and stained), Sunderland, Dec, '81. (1414) £25 10s. Mor. ex., Ellis, Nov., '85. (565) £55. Cf. (title mounted), Putt, May 4, '98. (231) £25. Mor., g.e. (corner of title mended, some margins cut close), Makellar, Nov., '98. (777) £14. Mor., g.e. (title in facs., some margins cut close), Stanley, June, '01. (321) £10. Hf. cf. (in 2 vols., titles and several other leaves defective, some mended and mounted), Fountaine, June, '02. (85) £GCs. Rus. (title in facs., some front margins shaved), Soth., June 18, '03. (472) £6 12s. Cd. Bible. Cranmer's Version. Lond., Whitchurch, 1550. 4to. Leather (slightly defective in several places, said to be Edward VI's copy), Ashburnham, June, '97. (515) £52. Cf. (title. Psalms title, 11 leaves in Psalms, and 3 leaves in Revelations in facs.), Makellar, Nov., '98. (673) £11. Bible. Coverdale's Version. [Zu- rich, Froschover.] Lond., A. Hes- ter, 1550. 4to. Cf. (imperfect at beginning and end), Soth., July 27, '93. (30) £10. Mor., g.e. (lacking 8 preliminary leaves and 1 leaf at end, first title and 4 leaves in facs., some leaves defective and mended), Soth., Dec. 12, '93. (595) £31. Cf. (lacking first 10 leaves. Folios ex to cxx of New Testament, and 3 leaves of Table, several leaves de- fective and mended), Soth., Dec. 12, '93. (596) £20 10s. Mor., g.e. (title inlaid, preliminary leaves, first leaf of Genesis, and some other leaves repaired, Sussex copy), Ashburnham, June, '97. (502) £58. Bible in English — Continned. Mor., g.e. (lacking 8 preliminary leaves and 1 leaf at end, first title and 4 other leaves in facs., some leaves defective and mended), Soth., Jan. 24, '99. (274) £24 5s. Cf. (lacking first 10 leaves. Folios ex to cxx of New Testament, and 3 leaves of Table, several leaves de- fective and mended), Soth., Jan. 24, •99. (275) £8. Cf. (lacking title and following leaf, first leaf of Kalendar, and all after Fol. cccix), Soth., Apr. 24, '99. (S94) £8 10s. Mor., g.e. (first title and 3 leaves of Table in facs., a few leaves mended, some headlines and marginal notes cut into). Battle Abbey, June, '02. (169) £14 15s. Bible. Matthew's Version. Lond., John Daye, 1551. Fol. Bds. (lacking 2 leaves, corner of title and one other leaf torn off). Hill, Dec, '92. (219) £9 15s. Hf. bd. (title in facs., several leaves mended), Atkinson, Mar., '96. (452) £8 15s. Mor. ex.. g.e. (margins of title and of preliminary leaves mended), Ash- burnham, June, '97. (509) £10. Mor. ex., g.e. (margins of title and preliminary leaves mended, upper part of one other leaf torn off), Ash- burnham, Dec, '98. (16) £8. Bible. Matthew's Version. Lond., Nicholas Hyll, for Robert Toye, or T. Petvt (or others), 1551. Fol. Cf., Ward, Jan., '90. (227) £5 2s. 6d. Rus. (title mended, margins frayed throughout), Ashburnham, June, '97. (510) £5 15s. Mor., g.e. (title and 2 preliminary leaves in facs., margins of several other leaves mended), Makellar, Nov., 98. (770) £7 15s. Cf. (title, Kalendar and last 6 leaveb of Revelations in facs.), Makellar, Nov., '98. (674) £4 15s. Bible. Coverdale's Version. Zu- rich, Froschover, for A. Hester, 1550, (re-issued by) R. Jugge, 1553- 4to. Mor. ex., g.e. (Hester title Inlaid and backed, Froschover and Jugge titles, and 4 leaves of Table at end, in facs., margins of several leaves BIBLE 163 BIBLE Bible in English — Continued. mended), Makellar, Nov., '98. (672) £3G. Bible. Cranmer's Version. Lond., E. Whitchurche or R. Grafton, 1553. 4 to. Cf. (margins cut close), Ward, Jan., '90. (150) £2 12s. 6d. Mor., g.e. (Queen Elizabeth's copy), Asliburnham, June, '97. (516) £93. Mor., g.e. (lacking 1 leaf, 3 leaves of Revelations mended), Ashburnliam, June, '97. (518) £11. Mor., g.e. (title and following leaf In facs., some margins cut close), Makellar, Nov., '98. (G75) £6 10s. Mor. ex., g.e. (2 leaves in facs., first title and first of Genesis mended), Makellar, Nov., '98. (778) £8 15s. Sheep, r.e. (first leaf of the Apocrypha supplied in manuscript, 1 leaf torn, edges of last few leaves frayed), Soth., May 16, '01. (45) £7 15s. Mor., g.e. (title and margins of several other leaves mended). White, Apr., '02. (221) £13. Mor. (some leaves mended, sold not subject to return), Ellis, Oct., '02. (323) £11. Bible. First Edition of Genevan Version. Geneva, Rowland Hall, 1560. 4to. Mor., g.e. (a few leaves mended), Crawford, June, '87. (337) £19 15s. Mor. ex., g.e. (2 maps mounted and mended, a few leaves cut into at top), Martin, Mar., '88. (2C4) £19 10s. Cf. (title, first leaf of dedication, and last leaf in facs.), Soth., Jan. 15, '90. (172) £7 15s. Mor., Ward, Jan., '90. (151) £S15s. Mor. (stained), Livermore, Nov., '94. (140) $35. (Several leaves mended), Atkinson, Mar., '96. (42) £4 4s. Rus., g.e. (title inlaid, some margins cut into), Ashburnham, June, '97. (526) £20. Mor. ex. (title inlaid), Makellar, Nov., '98. (677) £36. Mor., g.e. (said to be on thick paper, title mended, some headlines cut into). White, Apr., '02. (225) £17. Mor., g.e. (title inlaid), Appleton, Apr., •03. (22) $190. Bible. Second Edition of Genevan Version. Geneva, 1562-61. Fol. Bible in English — Continued. Cf. (2 leaves of Table in facs., several leaves mended). Ward, Jan., '90. (228) £3 12s. Cf. (title, part of following leaf, and last 4 leaves in facs., several leaves mended), Atkinson, Mar., '96. (459) £2 12s. Bible. Cranmer's Version. Lond., W. Harrison, 1562. Fol. Cf. (title mended and mounted, 2 leaves slightly defective), Makellar, Nov., '98. (779) £5 7s. 6d. Bible. Cranmer's Version. Rouen, R. Carmarden, 1566. Fol. Leather (title in facs.). Ward, Jan., '90. (229) £8. (Lacking title and last leaf), Southby, Dec, '90. (484) £6 15s. Cf. (title and last 2 leaves mended, lacking 1 leaf and portions of 2 others), Soth., May 13, '92. (785) £6 15s. Cf. (lacking 3 leaves), Soth., July 27, '93. (94) £7. Rus., g.e. (title mounted, several leaves wormed), Soth., Dec. 1, '96. (519) £14 5s. Mor. (titles to Old and New Testa- ments inlaid, margins of 4 leaves mended), Ashburnham, June, '97. (519) £20 10s. (Title mounted, last 2 leaves mended), Putt., May 4, '98. (249) £11. Mor., g.e. (title and following leaf, and last two leaves of New Testament in facs., one other leaf and margins of preliminary leaves mended), Ma- kellar, Nov. '98. (780) £10 15s. Mor., g.e. (lacking several leaves, first tit^e and last leaf mended), Soth., Mar. 7, '01. (508) £15 5s. Rus. (last leaves wormed and mend- ed), Soth., June 18, '03. (474) £22. Bible. First Edition of the Bishops' Bible. Lond., R. Jugge, 1568. Fol. Cf. (title inlaid), Soth., Mar. 14, '87. (42) £10 10s. Mor. ex., g.e., Crawford, June, '87. (338) £70. Cf. (1 leaf in facs., several leaves mended), Aylesford, Mar., '88. (188) £9 9s. Mor. ex., g.e., Soth., Aug. 13, '88. (1144) £37. BIBLE 164 BIBLE Bible in English — Continued. Mor. ex., g.e., Ward, Jan., '90. (230) £25 10s. Mor. ex., g.e. (title soiled and mended, last 3 leaves wormed), Ashburnham. June, '97. (520) £70. Velvet (lacking title and some prelim- inary leaves, some leaves at end de- fective), Soth., Apr. 4, '98. (79) £22 10s. Mor. ex., g.e. (title backed and slightly mended), Makellar, Nov., '98. (790) £29. Mor., g.e. (title, following leaf and last leaf in facs., preliminary leaves mended, some defective), Soth., May 16, '01. (47) £10 15s. Cf. (title in facs., 2 leaves at end and margins of preliminary leaves mend- ed), White,Apr., '02. (222) £8 2s. Cd. Mor. ex. (title backed, some leaves mended, some fore-edges cut into), Bools, June, '03. (145) £12 5s. Bible. Cranmer's Version. Lond., J. Cawood, 15C9. 4to. Cf. (title mended), Stane, Aug., '88. (580) £5. Cf. (lacking title), Sullivan, May, '90. (7CG) £3Ss. Bible. Genevan Version. Geneva, J. Crispin, 15C9-70. 4to. Vel., inlaid, g.e. (margins of 2 leaves mended), AshtDurnham, June, '97. (527) £5 13s. Vel., g.e. (Ashburnham copy). White, Apr., '02. (22G) £4 7s. Gd. Mor. ex., g.e.. White, Apr., '02. (227) £10 5s. Bible. Bishops' Version. Lend., R. Jugge, 15C9. 4to. Pigskin (title and part of one other leaf in facs.). Ward, Jan., '90. (153) £2 12s. Cf. ex. (1 leaf in manuscript, part of map torn off), Atkinson, Mar., '9G. (4G) £5 5s. Cf. (with the Psalms, 1569), Ashburn- ham, June, '97. (521) £11 10s. Cf. (some margins cut close), Makel- lar, Nov.. '98. (G82) £Sins. Cf. (Ashburnham copy). White, Apr., '02. (223) £14 10s. Bible. Bishops' Version. Lond., R. Jugge, 1572. Pol. Cf. (lacking title, the Earl of Leices- ter's copy), Aylesford, Mar., '88. (189) £90. Bible in English — Cuntinucil. Cf. (rebacked). Baker, Feb., '91. (206) $100. Mor. ex., g.e. (title and last leaf mended, portions supplied in manu- script, a few other leaves mended), Makellar, Nov., '98. (791) £12 10s. Hf. vel. (title inlaid, following leaf in facs., others slightly defective), Soth., Apr. 24. '99. (G07) £2 2s. Oak boards (title to Old Testament lacking, some margins mended), Soth., Mar. 23, '03. (GO) £5 Ids. Cf. (lacking title and genealogical tables), Appleton, Apr., '03. (18) $50. Bible. Bishops' Version. [Lend., R. Jugge], 1575. Pol. Leather, Lamb, Peb., '98. (84) £2. Bible. Bishops' Version. Lond., R. Jugge, 1575. 4to. (Title in facs.), Soth., Jan. 15, '90. (344) £19s. Mor., g.e. (title and 3 leaves in facs., a few other leaves mended, some head- lines cut into), Makellar, Nov.. '98. (CSS) £5. Bible. Bishops' Version. [Lond., R. Jugge], 157G. 4to. **On vellum. Mor., g.e. (Genesis to Job only, 4 leaves at end on paper, some headlines cut into), Ashburnham, June, '97. (524) £21. Mor., g.e. (the pi-eceding copy resold), Ashburnham, Dec, '98. (17) £G10s. Mor. (Psalter to Malachi only), Ash- burnham, Soth., June, '97. (525) £1C 10s. Bible. Genevan Version. Lend., C. Barker, 157G. Fol. Cf. ex. (title inlaid). Ward, Jan., '90. (233) £llls. Cf. (title and some other leaves inlaid and mended), Johnson, Feb., '98. (234) £1. Bible. Genevan Version. Lond., C. Barker and John Daye, 1576. 4to. Cf. (with Psalms), Ashburnham, June, '97. (528) £2 14s. Cf. (the preceding copy resold), Ash- burnham, Dec, '98. (19) £llls. Bible. Bishops' Version. Lend., R. Jugge, 1577. 8vo. Pigskin, g.e. (lacking title), Soth., Jan. 15, '90. (346) £3 3s. Cf. (one cover broken, lacking original BIBLE 165 BIBLE Bible in English — Coiitiiiiied. title, that of 15S2 inserted). Liver- more, Nov., '94. (148) $30. Bible. Genevan Version. Lond., C. Barker, 1578. Pol. Cf., Soth., Jan. 15, '90. (134) £115s. Hf. cf., Sewall, Nov., '9G. (276) $14. Mor., g.e. (1 leaf slightly defective), Ashburnham.June,'97. (530) £11 5s. Cf., g.e. (title and preceding leaf mounted), Malcellar, Nov., '98. (782) £7 12s. Gd. Bible. Bishop's Version. Lond.. by the Assignment of Barker, 1578. Fol. Hf. cf., Appleton, Apr., '03. (17) $150. Bible. Genevan Version. Edinb.. A. Arbuthnot and Thomas Bassan- dyne, 1579-76. Fol. Mor., g.e. (title soiled and mended), Crawford, June, '87. (339) £31. Mor., g.e. (title and dedication in facs., several leaves mended), Crawford. Mar., '91. (334) £19. Cf. (title defective, 1 leaf mended). Glasse, July, '92. (1939) £10 5s. Mor. ex., g.e. (title in facs.), Bateman, May, '93. (274) £10 5s. Mor., g.e. (lacking title and some of the preliminary leaves), Ashburn- ham, June, '97. (529) £7 5s. Mor., g.e. (title in facS.. some margins mended), Makellar, Nov., '98. (783) £10. Cf., g.e. (title in facs.. Third Book of Machabees inserted from an English edition), White. Apr., '02. (228) £S12s. 6d. Bible. Genevan Version. Lond., C. Barker, 1579. 8vo. Mor., g.e. (a few leaves imperfect, others mended). Bangs, Oct. 8. '01. (30) $11. Bible. Genevan Version. Lond.. C. Barker, 1582. Fol. Cf. (interleaved, in 3 vols.). Ward, Jan., '90. (234) £3 3s. Vel. (with Book of Common Prayer, 1581, and Psalms, 1580), Makellar, Nov., '98. (784) £4 2s. 6d. Bible. Genevan Version. Lend., C. Barker, 1583. Fol. Cf. (lacking title and pp. 312-330 of the Old Testament, several leaves mended). Frederickson. Apr., '86. (191) $16. Bible in English — Continued. Leather, Hirst, Dec, .'87. (708) £3 8s. Leather, Ashburnham, June, '97. (531) £6 15s. Cf. (in 2 vols.), Makellar, Nov., '98. (785) £2 10s. Rus., Waller, Dec, 1900. (206) £11 5s. Mor. ex., g.e., Wood-Smith, May, '01. (315) £2 2s. Mor. ex., g.e. (a few corners mended), Hibbert, Apr.. '02. (68) £15 15s. Leather (Ashburnham copy). White. Apr., '02. (230) £6 5s. Bible. Bishops' Version. Lond., C. Barker, 1584. Fol. Cf., Putt., May 24, '98. (932) £2 9s. Bible. Bishops' Version. Lond., C. Barker, 1585. Fol. Cf., Ward, Jan., '90. (231) £G. Cf., Moore, Oct., '93. (288) £10. Sheep (title and a few other leaves slightly imperfect), Livermore, Nov., '94. (154) $12.50. Mor. ex., g.e. (margin of one leaf mended). White, Apr.. '02. (224) £13 5s. Bible. Genevan Version. Lond., C. Barker, 15S6. 4to. Cf., Bangs, Mar. 13, '99. (84) $9. Bible. Genevan Version. Lond., C. Barker, 1588. 4to. Leather (John Milton's copy, with his autograph, that of Elizabeth Milton, his third wife, as well as other sig- natures), Soth.. Feb. 25, '01. (1423) £225. Bible. Genevan Version. Lond., Deputies of Chr. Barker, 1589. 4to. Rus., m.e. (Maskell copy), Ashburn- ham, June, '97. (533) £2 8s. Cf. (margins stained and mended), Hayes, Apr., '98. (113) $11. Bible. Genevan Version. Lond., C. Barker, 1592. Fol. Cf., Ward, Jan., '90. (235) £1 8s. Cf. (binding loose), Livermore, Nov., '94. (158) $7. Leather, Bangs, Oct 20, '96. (49) $8.50. Mor., g.e. (title hacked, other leaves mended), Ashburnham, June, '97. (534) £3 3s. Bible. Genevan Version. Lond., Deputies of C. Barker, 1595. Fol. Mor., g.e. (Table in facs.), Soth., Mar. 14, '87. (47) £4 15s. BIBLE 166 BIBLE Bible in English — Continued. Cf., Thackray, Dec, '93. (261) £15s. Cf. (title and some leaves defective), Bangs, Mar. 2, '97. (35) ?9. Cf. (lacking preliminary leaves, title In facs.), Johnson, Feb., '98. (245) £18s. Mor., Lundy, Feb., '99. (1207) $7. Bible. Genevan Version. Lend., Deputies of C. Barker, 1597. 4to. Mor., Soth., Jan. 15, '90. (146) £1 10s. Mor. ex., g.e., Reid, May, '94. (350) £4 15s. Cf. (broken, some leaves cut close), Henkels, Jan. 30, '99. (27) ?6. Bible. Genevan Version. Lond., Deputies of C. Barker, 1599. With the Book of Psalms. 4to. Mor. ex., g.e., Hawkins, Mar., '87. (1730) $20. Phillips, Nov., '87. (317) £2 3s. Mor., g.e., Avlesford, Mar., '88. (125) £5 15s. Cf., Moore. Oct., '93. (255) £1 9s. Cf., Burton, Apr., '02. (441) $13. Mor. ex., g.e., White, Apr., '02. (233) £7. Mor. (silver corners and center-pieces, ■with initials " E. E." in silk em- broidered cover). White, Apr., '02. (232) £25. Mor. (water-stained), Soth., Nov. 13, '02. (66) £2 2s. Bible. Genevan Version. Lond., R. Barker, 1601. 4to. Cf., Hewlett, June, '87. (1330) £1. Cf. (margins cut close, a few leaves defective), Livermore, Nov., '94. (163) $10.50. Bible. Genevan Version. Dort, Isaac Cunin, for the Heirs of Char- teris and Hart In Edinb., 1601. 8vo. Mor. ex. (with Psalms, 1601), Craw- ford, June, '87. (554) £10 5s. Bible. Bishops' Version. Lond., R. Barker, 1602. Fol. Cf., Hirst. Dec. '87. (701) £110s. Bds.,Aylesford, Mar., '88. (190) £2 10s. Mor. ex., g.e.. Ward, Jan., '90. (236) £2 2s. Cf., Putt, Mar. 24, '98. (302) £19s. Mor. ex., g.e. (title mended and backed), Makellar, Nov., '98. (792) £7. Bible. Genevan Version. Lond., R. Barker, 1603. 4to. Bible in English — Continued. Cf. (arms of James I. on side), Hen- kels, Oct. 19, '98. (1378) $13.50. Bible. Genevan Version. Lond., R. Barker, 1608. 4to. Cf. (stained), Frederickson, Apr., '86. (192) $8.50. Vel. (with Psalms, 1609), Ashburnham, June, '97. (536) £1 Is. Cf. (arms of James I. on side). Virtue Tebbs, June, 1900. (158) £0 10s. Bible. Douay Version. Old Tes- tament only. Douay, L. Kellam, 1609-10. 2 vols., 4to. Cf. ex., g.e., Crawford, June, '87. (340) £18 5s. Cf., Constable, June, '89. (171) £4. Cf. (title of Vol. 1 mended). Baker, Feb., '91. (208) $32. Cf. ex., g.e., Soth., Dec. 1, '91. (1018) £3 lis. Cf., Buckley, Feb., '93. (571) £3 18s. Cf., Blew, June, '95. (59) £5 5s. Cf., Bangs, May 8, 1900. (88) $16. Mor. ex., unc, Ellis, Nov., '01. (4) £19. Bible. Douay Version. Douay, 1009-10, 2 vols. With the New Tes- tament, Rheims, John Fogny, 1582. Together 3 vols., 4to. Mor., g.e., Wheble, Dec, '87. (161) £12 5s. Cf., Porter. Jan., '90. (390) £6 17s. 6d. Cf. (in 2 vols.), Ashburnham, June, '97. (542) £7 5s. Cf., Makellar, Nov., '98. (676) £5 10s. Cf., g.e., Daly, Mar., 1900. (279) $21. Mor. ex., g.e., Soth., May 16, '01. (51) £11 15s. Bible. Genevan Version. Edinb., A. Hart, 1610. Fol. Mor., Crawford, June, '87. (341) £9. Cf. (some leaves stained), Glasse, July, '92. (1940) £3. Cf. (a few leaves stained), Dennis, Dec, '92. (314) £2 4s. (Damaged at beginning and end), Soth., Apr. 4, 1900. (1112) £S 5s. (Damaged at beginning and end), Soth., July 30, 1900. (1489) £2 5s. Holy Bible. Genevan Version. Lond., Robert Barker, 1610-11. With the Book of Common Prayer, 1613, and Psalms, 1612. 4to. Mor. (with arms of James I, and said to be his copy), Ashburnham, June, '97. (537) £11 lis. BIBLE 167 BIBLE Bible in English — Continued. Mor. (Ashburnham copy), Appleton, Apr., "03. (48) $70. Bible. First issue of First Edition of King James, or Authorized Ver- sion. The " He " Bible. Lond., R. Barker, 1611. Cf. (in 3 vols.), Soth., July 13, '87. (277) £7 10s. Cf., Soth.. Jan. 15, '90. (177) £13 15s. Leather, Soth., Jan., '90. (241) £14 14s. Cf. (part of title, dedication and last leaf in facs.), Soth., June 14, '90. (338) £7 17s. Cd. Cf., g.e. (title mended), Livermore, Nov., '94. (167) $140. Mor. ex., g.e. (title mounted), Stuart, Mar., '95. (161) £14. Cf., ' Ashburnham, June, '97. (544) £8 10s. Hf. rus., y.e. (several margins mended, Sussex copy), Ashburnham, Nov., '97. (29) £15. Mor. ex., g.e. (title mounted, first 3 leaves inlaid, some margins mend- ed), Ashburnham, May, '98. (4054) £14. Rus., Makellar, Nov., '98. (793) £35. Cf., g.e. (Livermore copy), Appleton, Apr., '03. (19) $200. Bible. Second issue of King James Version. The "She" Bible. Lond., R. Barker, 1611. Fol. Bds. (title in facs.), Soth., Mar. 14, '87. (52) £5. Mor. ex., g.e. (engraved and printed titles in facs.), Crawford, June, '87. (343) £15 10s. Cf. (interleaved, in 5 vols., said to have belonged to Charles I.), Ayles- ford, Mar., '88. (191) £28. Cf. (engraved title in facs.), Soth., Jan. 15, '90. (1S7) £6 5s. Leather (part of title in facs.). Ward, Jan., '90. (252) £5 10s. Leather (title in facs.), Soth., Mar. 7, •01. (509) £6 17s. Cd. Cf. (engraved title mounted, last leaf mended, some leaves stained), Soth., Jan. 23, '02. (393) £9 10s. Bible. King James Version. Lond., R. Barker, 1612. 4to. Cf., r.e., Atkinson, Mar., '96. (489) £1 14s. Cf., g.e. (margins of titles and map mended, 1 leaf torn), Ashburnham, June, '97. (548) £112s. Bible in English — Continued. Mor., g.e. (with Psalms), Makellar, Nov., '98. (684) £2 4.s. Bible. King James Version. Lond., R. Barker, 1612. 8vo. Vel. (with Psalms, 1612, Kress copy), Ashburnham, June, '97. (547) £5 5s. Bible. King James Version. Lond., R. Barker, 1C13. Fol. Cf., Aylesford, Mar., '88. (193) £3. Cf., Ward, Jan., '90. (242) £lls. Cf., g.e., Simon, Dec, '93. (229) £1 19s. Leather ("She" reading), Ashburn- ham, June, '97. (545) £3 5s. Mor. ex., g.e. ("She" reading), Ma- kellar, Nov., '98. (794) £8 10s. Leather, Soth., Feb. 27, '99. (580) £3. Cf. (" She " reading, said to have been bound for King James), Soth.. Feb. 27, '99. (579) £8. Cf., r.e. (title mounted), Appleton, Apr., '03. (20) $25. Bible. King James Version. Lond., R. Barker, 1613. 4to. Mor. ex., g.e. ("She" reading), Ash- burnham, June, '97. (551) £4. Mor. ex., g.e. (" He " reading, margins of title and preliminary leaves mended), Ashburnham, June, '97. (550) £3. Cf., Appleton, Apr., '03. (21) $24. Bible. King James Version. Lond., R. Barker, 1614. 8vo. Embroidered binding, g.e. (with Psalms, 1615), Ford, May, '02. (73) £50. Bible. Genevan Version. Lond., R. Barker, 1615. 4to. Cf., Makellar, Nov., '98. (681) £110s. Cf., Bangs, Mar. 4, '02. (80) $7.62. Bible. Genevan Version Lond., R. Barker, 1616. Fol. Stonehouse, Mar., '92. (346) £110s. Mor. ex., g.e.. Walker, May, '93. (230) £2 8s. Mor. (with Psalms, 1624), Ashburn- ham, June, '97. (540) £3 14s. Mor. g.e., Makellar, Nov., '98. (789) £2 2s. Bible. King James Version. Lond., R. Barker, 1617. Fol. Rus., g.e., Soth., Jan. 15, '90. (189) £1 12s. Cf., Ward, Jan., '90. (243) £110s. BIBLE 168 BIBLE Bible in English — Continiwil. Cf., Rigge, Jan., '92. (1493) £1. Cf., Putt., May 24, '98. (934) £16s. Bible. King James Version. Cambridge, T. and J. Buck, 1G29. Pol. Mor., g.e., Ward, .Tan., '90. (245) £16s. Atkinson, Mar., '96. (494) £1 7s. Cf., g.e. (probably large paper), Ash- burnham, June, '97. (557) £8. Cf., Ashburnham, June, '97. (558) £2 4s. Cf. (Ashburnham copy). White, Apr., '02. (240) £13. Bible. King James Version. Cambridge, T. and J. Buck, 1630. 4to. Mor. ex., g.e., Soth.. Mar. 19, '96. (97) £3 3s. Bible. King James Version. The "Wicked" Bible. Lond., R. Barker, 1631. 8vo. Atkinson, Mar., '96. (51) £10 10s. Of. (with imperfect copies of Common Prayer and Psalms), Campbell, Dec, '96. (186) £10 10s. Cf., Atkinson, Apr., '97. (37) £10. Bible. King James Version. Lond., R. Barker, 1631. 8vo. Mor., g.e. (with the " not " error in "Wicked" Bible corrected), Ash- burnham, June, '97. (559) £3 12s. Bible. King James Version. Lond., R. Barker, 1632. Fol. Mor.. g.e., Putt., Jan. 21, '92. (339) £3. Cf. (with Psalms, Edlnb., 1630), Soth., Feb. 20, '01. (28) £2 12s. Bible. King James Version. Edinb., 1633. Svo. Mor., g.e., Makellar, Nov., '98. (246) £2. Mor., g.e. (with Psalms, Middelburg, 1596), Soth., Apr. 30, 1900. (174) £10. Bible. King James Version. Lond., Barker, 1033. 4to. Cf. (arms of King Charles I. on sides), Soth., Apr. 12, '99. (107) £6. Embroidered binding, g.e., Fountaine, June, '02. (86) £42. Bible. King James Version. Lond., R. Barker, 1634. 4to. Mor. ex., g.e.. Murphy, Mar., '84. (246) $21. Bible in English — Continued. Cf. (title inlaid), Ward, Jan., "90. (244) £13s. Cf., Jan. 14, '91. (952) £1. Cf., Toovey, Feb., '94. (340) £19s. Bible. Douay Version. Rouen, J. Cousturier, 1635-33. 3 vols., 4to. Cf., Pollock, Jan., 89. (279) £lls. Mor., g.e. (frontispiece backed), Ash- burnham, June, '97. (543) £7 15s. Mor. ex., g.e. (lacking engraved title and portrait), Soth., Apr. 25, '98. (767) £2 10s. Mor., g.e., Soth., Apr. 20, '99. (1103) £3 10s. Mor. g.e., Soth., Nov. 18 '01. (144) £5 2s. 6d. Bible. King James Version. Camb., Buck and Daniel, 1637. 4to. Cf., Putt., Feb. 10, '92. (1017) £2. Vel., embroidered binding, g.e.. White, Apr., '02. (244) £7 10s. Bible. King James Version. Camb., Buck and Daniel, 1638. Fol. Mor. (worn), Soth., Apr. 12, '99. (108) £112s. Mor. ex., Hodgson, Mar. 12, '02. (585) £3 15s. ■** Large paper. Mor., g.e., Crawford, June, '87. (344) £16 108. Mor. ex., g.e., Ashburnham, June, '97. (563) £5 5s. Mor., g.e., silver clasps, Skene, Jan., '98. (205) £9 5s. Bible. King James Version. Lond., R. Barker, 1640. Fol. Mor. ex.. Putt., Apr. 12, '89. (26) £9 5s. Cf., Ward. Jan., '90. (247) £114s. Cf., Putt., Dec. 5, '94. (620) £16s. Cf., Putt., May 24, '98. (937) £2 lis. Bible. Genevan Version. Amster- dam, T. Stafford, 1640. Fol. Cf., m.e., Makellar, Nov., '98. (787) £2 6s. Old mor., g.e., Ellis, Oct., '02. (325) £3. Bible. King James Version. Lond., R. Barker and J. Bill, 1644. Elaborate embroidered binding (prob- ably executed for Prince Charles, measuring 6 by 3 J inches), Soth., Feb. 28, 1900. (106) £84. Bible. King James Version. Edinb., E. Tyler, 1649. 8vo. Mor., g.e.. Hunt, July, '99. (20) £2 4s. BIBLE 109 BIBLE Bible in English — t'ontimied. Bible. Lond., printed by the Company of Stationers, 1051. 8vo. Orig. mor. (with Concordance, 1052), Soth.. Mar. 17, "02. (78) £14. Bible. The "Quaker's" Bible. Lond., G. Calvert, 1653. Svo. (With Concordance, 1054), Atkinson, Mar., '90. (52*) £5 15s. Bible. The " Pearl " Bible. Lend., John Field, 1653. 12mo. Mor., g.e., Ashburnham, June, '97. (573) £2 14s. Mor., g.e. (presentation copy from Sarah Siddons to Jas. Ballantyne), Daly, Mar., 1900. (278) $01. Mor., g.e. (Daly copy), French, Apr., '01. (95) $125. Bible. Lond., John Field, 1658. 12mo. Old mor., tooled, g.e. (in 2 vols.). Fountaine, June, '02. (87) £19 10s. Bible. Cambridge, J. Field, 1060- 59. Fol. Mor., g.e.. Hirst, Dec, '87. (718) £2 6s. Mor., Lovell, Apr.. '90. (104) £4 2s. Od. Mor., g.e., Atkinson, Mar., '96. (513) £31Gs. Mor., g.e., Soth., Dec. 1, '90. (522) £2 10s. Mor., g.e., Ashburnham, June, '97. (577) £lls. Mor., g.e. (in 3 vols.), Skene, Jan., '98. (200) £5 12s. 6d. Mor. ex., g.e. (arms of Chas. II. on sides), Harvey, June, 1900. (218 A) £312s. Od. '""Large paper. Mor. ex., g.e., Soth., Dec. 9, '87. (281) £118s. Mor., g.e. (arms of Chas. II. on sides), Fraser, Apr., '01. (133) £8. Bible. Camb., J. Field, 1061. Svo. Mor., g.e., Goodwin, Apr., '97. (259) £19s. Mor., g.e., Fountaine, June, '02. (88) £3 15s. Bible. Lond.. Bill and Barker. 1663. Svo. Mor., silver corners, etc. (Chas. II. 's copy), Ashburnham, June, '97. (578) £3 8s. Mor., g.e. (with Common Prayer, 1600), Virtue Tebbs, June, 1900. (159) £3 10s. Tapestry binding (with Psalms, 1900. Bible in English — Continued. Edinb., 1058), Bruce, Dec. (235) £52. Bible. Camb., J. Field., IOCS. 4to. Mor., g.e., Craig, June, '87. (251) £3. Mor., g.e.. Pollock, Jan., '89. (280) £2 2s. Bible. Lond., 1009. 8vo. Cf. ex., Atkinson, Mar., '96. (54) £2 2s. Bible. Lond., 1671. Svo. Aylesford, Mar., (56) Mor., g.e., £5 5s. Bible. Camb., John Hayes., 1674. Fol. Cf., r.e. (inscription in the autograph of Rev. John Miller saying that this was the Bible used in the N. Y. Fort Chapel in the latter part of the 17th Centurv), Henkels, Oct. 19, '98. (1366) $37.50. Mor., Bangs, May 20, '01. (35) $7. Bible. Oxford, 1675. 4to. Hf. mor., Ashburnham, June, '97. (582) £1. Bible. Edinb., 1076. Svo. Mor. ex., inlaid (with Psalms, G. Swin- toun, 1075), Craig, June, '87. (252) £63. Bible. Lend., S. Mearn, 1678. Svo. Old mor.. inlaid, g.e., Soth., Dec. 17, '98. (532) £9 5s. Bible. Oxford, 1680. Fol. Mor. (in 3 vols.), Soth., Dec. 2, '01. (486) £13 15s. Bible. Oxford, 1685. Fol. Old mor., ex., g.e. (monogram of Wil- liam and Marv at corners), Stanley, June, '01. (332) £5. Mor. ex., g.e. (apparently the preced- ing copy), Soth., Dec 2, '01. (870) £11 5s. Bible. Edinb., 1705-9. 4to. Old mor., g.e., Lawrence, May, '92. (53) £6. Bible. Oxford, 1712. 4to. Cf. (lacking title and some leaves at end, the Family Bible of Bishop Jas. Madison, with manuscript fam- ily record), Madison, May, '99. (238) $55. Bible. Edinb., 1715. Svo. Mor., g.e., Hawkins, Mar., '95. (57) £1 Is. Mor., Rule, Nov., '95. (51) £2. BIBLE 170 BIBLE Bible in English — Continued. Mor., g.e., Ashburnham, June, '97. (588) £4 4s. Mor., g.e., Ashburnham, June, '97. (589) £119s. Mor. ex., Lamb, Feb., '98. (94) £1. Bible. Oxford, J. Baskett, 1715. Fol. Mor., g.e., Aylesford, Mar., '88. (130) £15s. Mor., g.e. (Coleman Register in manu- script), Ashburnham, June, '97. (5S7) £113s. Mor., g.e. (set of engravings by Picart and others inserted), Soth., Apr. 12, '99. (109) £3. **Large paper. Mor., g.e., Ashburnham, June, '97. (591) £14s. Bible. Edinb., 1716. 8vo. Mor. ex., inlaid, g.e. (in 2 vols.), Craig, June, '87. (253) £5 5s. Mor., g.e., silver corners. Ashburn- ham, June, '97. (590) £5. Mor., g.e. (in 2 vols.), Soth., Dec. 17, '98. (538) £5 5s. Mor. ex. (in 2 vols.), Bruce, Dec, 1900. (240) £5 5s. Bible. The "Vinegar" Bible. Ox- ford, J. Baskett. 1717. Fol. Mor., Livermore, Nov., '94. (223) $40. Cf., g.e., Hodgson, June 21, '94. (841) £112s. Mor., g.e., Makellar, Nov., '98. (1055) £118s. Mor.,g.e.,Fraser,Apr.,'01. (134) £2 2s. Mor., g.e., silver corners, etc., Soth., Dec. 2, '01. (487) £10 2s. 6d. Rus., g.e., White, Apr., '02. (249) £3 10s. **Large paper. Mor., Soth., Dec. 9, '87. (283) £2 2s. Mor. ex., g.e. (in 4 vols.), Hollywood, Nov., '95. (690) £5. Mor., g.e., Atkinson, Mar., '96. (529) £113s. Mor. ex., g.e., Angerstein, May, '96. (275) £2 14s. Mor., g.e. (in 2 vols.), Soth., Jan. 21, ■98. (369) £2Ss. **0n vellum. Mor., Sunderland, Dec, '81. (1424) £255. Bible. Edinb., 1717. 8vo. Mor., tooled, g.e., Soth., Dec. 17, '98. (538) £6 15s. Bible. Lond., Mark Baskett, 1752. Bible in English — Continued. [Reputed to have been printed by Kneeland and Green in Boston, Mass.] 4to. Sheep (lacking title to New Testa- ment), McKee, May, '02. (4714) $2025. Bible. Cambridge, Baskerville, 1760. Fol. Hf. mor., unc, Soth., Apr. 20, '99. (231) £3 6s. Bible. Oxford, T. Basket, 1761. 4to. Cf. (lacking title to Old Testament and several leaves at end, George Whltefield's copy), Henkels, Oct. 19, '98. (1376) $55. Bible. Cambridge, Baskerville, 1763. Fol. Mor., Buccleuch, Mar., '89. (252) £1 12s. Mor., Putt., Nov. 11, '90. (957) £1 10s. Rus. ex., g.e., Putt., Jan. 21, '92. (299) £16s. Mor., g.e., Livermore, Nov., '94. (240) $16. Mor., g.e, Henkels, Oct. 19, '98. (1357) $9.50. Mor., g.e., Henkels, Dec. 19, '99. (1087) $5.75. Bible. Edinb., 1764. 2 vols., Svo. Mor. ex., Bruce, Dec, 1900. (244) £3 15s. Bible. Edinb., J. Kincaid, 1766. 4to. Old mor., g.e., Stanley, June, '01. (336) £4 18s. Bible. Birmingham, Baskerville, 1769. Fol. Old mor., tooled, g.e., Stanley, June, '01. (337) £13. Old mor., inlaid, g.e., Soth., Nov. 25, '01. (1232) £6 15s. Hf. mor., r.e.. Weeks, Mar., '02. (14) $5.50. Bible. Phila., Robert Aitken, 1782-81. 12mo. Mor. (in 2 vols.). Baker, Feb., '91. (209) $650. Sheep (foxed, title partly supplied, some leaves slightly defective), Llbbie, Mar. 27, '95. (978) $300. Cf. (title and some leaves repaired, portion of imprint on New Testa- ment title cut off), Henkels, Oct. 19, '98. (1445) $215. BIBLE 171 BIBLE Bible in English — Continved. (Lacking title to the Old Testament and several leaves at end), Don- aldson, Oct., '99. (7) $17. Cf. (title in facs.), McKee, Mav, '02. (4717) $166. Cf., Appleton, Apr., '03. (36) $540. Hf. mor. (title and last leaf in facs.). Proud, May, '03. (274) $45. Mor., g.e., Polock, Mar., '04. (11) $525. Bible. First American Edition of the Douay Version. Phila., Carey, Stewart & Co., 1790. 4to. Sheep, Henkels, Oct. 19, '98. (1391) $60. Cf., Henkels, Apr. 5, 1900. (443) $20. Bible. Worcester, Isaiah Thomas, 1791. 2 vols., fol. Cf. (In 1 vol., frontis. torn across), Brinley, Apr., '81. (5809) $13. Cf. (in 1 vol.), Brinley, Apr., '81. (5810) $11. Sheep, Livermore, Nov., '94. (251) $15. Hf. rus. (stained), McKee, May, '02. (4718) $10. Bible. Trenton, Isaac Collins, 1791. 4to. Cf., Brinley, Apr., '81. (5808) $10. Cf., Bangs, Apr. 22, '99. (56) $11. Cf, Halleran, May, '99. (217) $6.50. Cf., Bangs, June 13, '99. (47) $10. Cf., Bangs, May 20, '01. (36) $5.75. Cf., McKee, May, '02. (4719) $6. Cf., brass clasps (title mended), Appleton, Apr., '03. (37) $25. Bible. Douay Version. Dublin, 1792. Fol. Hf. mor. ex. (in 42 vols., text inlaid to folio size, with upwards of 8000 prints, drawings, etc., inserted), Daly, Mar., 1900. (3787) $5544. Bible. Self-Interpreting Bible, by Rev. John Brown. N. Y., Hodge and Campbell, 1792. Fol. Sheep. Livermore, Nov., '94. (252) $15.50. Sheep, Henkels, Oct. 19, '98. (1359) $15. Sheep (in 2 vols.), Halleran, May, '99. (218) $10.50. Cf., Bangs, Oct. 8, '01. (33) $7.50. Cf. (lacking one map), McKee, May, '02. (4720) $18. Bible. N. Y., Hugh Gaine, 1792. 12mo. Sheep, McKee, May, '02. (4721) $12. Bible in English — Continued. Sheep (McKee copy), Appleton, Apr., '03. (27) $10. Bible. Trenton, Isaac Collins, 1793. Svo. Cf., Bangs, June 13, '99. (48) $5.75. Bible. Worcester, Isaiah Thomas, 1797. 12mo. Sheep, Livermore, Nov., '94. (259) $12. Bible. Phila., Thompson and Small, 1798. 2 vols., fol. Cf., Brinley, Apr., '81. (5818) $5. Mor., g.e., Polock, Mar., '04. (1073) $12. Bible. Lond., Macklin, 1800. 7 vols., fol. Rus. ex., g.e (with Apocrypha, 1816), Hirst. Dec, '87. (731) £4 4s. Rus. (in 6 vols.), Gilbey, July, '92. (696) £4. Mor., g.e.. Putt., Apr. 11, '94. (805) £5. Mor., g.e.. Putt., Nov. 20, '95. (305) £2 2s. Rus., g.e., Johnson, Feb., '98. (283) £1. Rus. (in 6 vols.), Henkels, June 2, '98. (282) $33. Mor. ex., g.e., in mahogany case (in 6 vols., the Marquis of Cornwallis' copy), Christie, July 20, '98. (145) £10. Rus. ex., m.e., Soth., Jan. 9, '99. (287) £ 3 18s Mor., g.e., Hodgson, Feb. 22, 1900t. (631) £3 5s. Rus. ex., g.e., Fraser, Apr., '01. (135) £4 10s. Bible. Charlestown, 1803. 4to. Rus., Livermore, Nov., '94. (268) $5.50. Bible. Phila., Robert Carr, 1804. 4 vols., 8vo. Cf., Bangs, May 5, '99. (36) $7. Cf., y.e.. Bangs, Apr. 16, 1900. (281) $8. Bible. Trans, by Charles Thom- son. Phila., Jane Aitken, 1808. 4 vols., Svo. Cf., Bangs, Jan. 27, '03. (61) $12. Mor., Appleton, Apr., '03. (39) $32. Bible. Hartford, Hudson & Good- win, 1809. 12mo. Mor. ex., g.e., Brinley, Apr., '81. (5825) $25. Bible. Edinb., 1811. 2 vols., Svo. **Large paper. Mor. ex., g.e., Tomlinson, Jan., '94. (665) £2 lis. BIBLE 172 BIBLE Bible in Englisli — C'linfiiived. Mor. ex., g.e., Reid, May, '94. (244) £llSs. Mor., g.e., Livermore, Nov., '94. (277) $11. Rus., g.e., Ashburnham, June, '97. (594) £2 8s. Mor. ex., g.e., Makellar, Nov., '98. (2G3) £4 10s. Bds., unc, Bruce, Dec, 1900. (248) £9 10s. Mor. ex., g.e., Soth., Apr. 20, '03. (152) £3 16s. Bible. Oxford, 1815. 3 vols., 8vo. Mor. ex., Fane, Aug., '87. (702) £1. Mor. ex., g.e.. Hirst, Dec, '87. (159) £lls. Mor. ex., g.e., Goldsmid, Apr., '89. (240) £1. Bible. Douay Version. Phila., Eugene Cummiskey, 1825. 4to. Sheep, Appleton, Apr., '03. (38) $10. Bible. Edinb., 1827. 4to. **0n vellum. Mor., g.t., Ashburnham, June, '97. (59G) £10 10s. Bible. Oxford, 1833. 4to. , Vel., g.e., Livermore, Nov., '94. (1G9) $11. Mor., g.e., Ashburnham, June, '97. (597) £lls. Bible. Lond., 1838. 4to. Mor., Livermore, Nov., '94. (130) $7. *'*Large paper. Mor. ex. (Sussex copy), Hawkins, Mar., '95. (219) £2. Bible. Edited by Rev. J. Forshall and Sir F. Madden. Oxford, 1850. 4 vols., 4to. CI., unc. Ward, Jan.. '90. (201) £1 Is. CI., unc. Crawford, Mar., '91. (335) £llCs. Mor., g.e., Blew, June, '95. (74) £3 10s. Atkinson, Mar., '9G. (544) £1 15s. Hf. mor., Ashburnham, June, '97. (496) £3 6s. Mor., g.e., Ashburnham, June, '97. (497) £4 15s. CI., unc, Lundy, Feb., '99. (1270) $14. CI., Wood-Smith, May, '01. (227) £112s. Bible. Lond., [1867]. Illustrated by G. Dor6. 2 vols., 4to. Hf. mor., Putt., Mav 29, '89. (612) £18s. Bible in English — Continued. Hf. mor.. Putt, Oct. 28, '89. (295) £15s. Mor. ex., g.e., Bentlnck, Apr., '92. (922) £118s. Mor. ex., g.e., McAlpine, July, '96 (247) £1 16s. Mor., g.e., Libble, Feb. 19. '01. (368) $7.50. Mor., g.e., Olcott, Apr., '01. (393) $11.40. Mor., g.e. Putt., Mar. 12, '02. (541) £1 2s. Bible. Edited by F. C. Cook. Lond., 1871-81. 13 vols., 8vo. CI., White, Jan., '91. (1) £7 5s. CI., Cooke, June, '92. (48) £7. CI., Moore, Oct., '93. (59) £6 15s. CI., Putt., Nov. 20, '95. (413) £7. CI., Lumby, Dec, '9G. (23) £5 15s. CI., Soth., Feb. 15, 1900. (430) £3 18s. Bible. [Caxton Memorial Bible.] Oxford, 1877. 8vo. Mor., g.e, Soth., Dec. 12, '93. (437) £6. Mor., g.e., Soth., Feb. 22, '97. (593) £2 12s. Mor., g.e., Probasco, Jan., '99. (112) $10. Mor. (with Stevens' History of the Caxton Memorial Bible, 1878), Soth., Dec. 17, IflOn. (128) £4 4s. Bible. Phila., Isaac M. Moss, n.d. Illustrated by Anderson. 4to. Mor., Libbie, Dec. 2, '91. (3) $12. BIBLE IN FRENCH. La Grant Bible en Frangois. Paris, A. Verard, 1517. 2 vols., sm. fol. Vel. (title to Vol. 1 mended, some words supplied in facs.). White, Apr., '02. (194) £23. La Grant Bible en Francois. Paris, J. Petit, 1520. 2 vols., fol. Leather (in 1 vol.), Sunderland, Dec, '81. (1430) £31 10s. Cf. (in 1 vol., lacking both titles, Har- ley copy), Morris, Dec, '98. (186) £4. La Sainte Bible. Paris, J. Petit, 1524. 3 vols., fol. Cf. (in 1 vol.), Soth., Mar. 19, '96. (92) £9. La Sainte Bible. Antwerp, Mar- tin I'Bmpereur, 1530. 2 vols., sm. fol. Cf., r.e. (in 1 vol.), Ashburnham, June, '97. (482) £20. BIBLE 173 BIBLE Bible in French — Continued. Leather (in 1 voL), Makellar, Nov., '98. (50G) £8 17s. Cd. Mor. ex., y.e. (in 1 vol.). White, Apr., '02. (195) £20 5s. La Sainte Bible. Lyon, P. Bailli. 1531. 2 vols., fol. Cf. (in 1 vol.), Soth., Jan. 15, '90. (125) £2 12s. Mor. ex., g.e., by Roger De Coverly (in 1 vol., a few corners mended). White, Apr. 21, '02. (19G) £8. La Sainte Bible. Antwerp, Mar- tin I'Empereur, 1534. Fol. Cf., r.e., Gardner, July, '97. (288) £10 5s. La Bible, qui est toute la Saincte Escripture, etc. Neuchatel, 1535. Fol. Cf., Sunderland, Dec, '81. (1432) £5G. Cf. (title defective and mounted), Sunderland, Dec, '81. (1433) £29 10s. Mor. (MacCarthv copy), Wodhull. Jan., '86. (398) £29 10s. Mor., g.e., Ashburnham, June, '97. (483) £35. Of., Makellar, Nov., '98. (507) £27 1()s. Mor., g.e. (title and two corners mended, leaf with colophon inlaid). White, Apr., '02. (197)) £2G. La Grand Bible. Paris, A. Bonne- mere, 1537-38. 2 vols., fol. Rus. ex., g.e. (in 1 vol.), Soth., Mar. 19. ■96. (93) £9 5s. Leather (in 1 vol.), Makellar, Nov., '98. (508) £6. Mor. ex., g.e., by De Coverly (in 1 vol.), White, Apr., '02. (198) £8 5s. La Grant Bible. Paris, 1543. 2 vols., Svo. Cf. (title of Vol. 1 in facs., Sussex copy), Ashburnham, June, '97. (484) £2 18s. Mor., g.e., Soth., Dec. 17, 1900. (Ill) £3 15s. La Sainte Bible. Basle, 1555. Fol. Mor., Sunderland, Dec, '81. (1435) £51. La Bible. A. Rebul, 15C2, and C. Radius, 1561. Fol. Cf., Soth., Feb. 25, '01. (1432) £5. La Sainte Bible. Geneva, 1605. 8vo. Mor. ex., Hutchinson, Feb., '92. (Gl) £6 6s. Bible in French — Continued. Cf. (arms of James I. on side), Frere, Feb., '96. (45) £3 3s. La Sainte Bible. Amsterdam, El- zevir, 1GC9. 2 vols., fol. Mor. (in 1 vol.). Bangs, Oct. 21, '01. (93) $100. BIBLE IN GERMAN. Die Bibel. [Strasburg, Mentelin, about 1400.] Fol. Mor. ex., Perkins, June, '73. (190) £80. Mor. ex. (Perkins copy), Benzon, May, '75. (16) £75. Leather, Crawford, June, '87. (375) £144. Die Bibel. [Strasburg, H. Egges- teyn, about 1406.] Fol. Mor. ex., Thorold, Dec, '84. (294) £80. Cf., Crawford, June, '87. (376) £83. Die Bibel. Augsburg, [Zainer, 1473-75]. 2 vols., fol. Mor. ex., Benzon, May, '75. (17) £52. Pigskin (slightly wormed), Soth., Jan. 15, '90. (1) £25 10s. Hf. bd., Apponyi, Nov., '92. (202) £44. Cf., Stuart, Mar., '95. (154) £16. Mor. ex., g.e., Johnson, Feb., '98. (178) £49 10s. Cf., Morris, Dec, '98. (180) £80. Orig. oak bds., Cholmley, Nov. 26, '02. (239) £51. Die Bibel. Augsburg, Sorg, 1477. Fol. Sheep, Livermore, Nov., '94. (112) $47.50. Biblia Neerduytsch. [Cologne, about 1477.] Fol. Orig. bdg. (first 3 leaves mounted), Stuart, Mar., '95. (153) £50. Die Bibel. Nuremberg, Koberger, 1483. 2 vols., fol. Hf. cf., Bateman, May, '93. (270) £26 10s. Pigskin, Atkinson, Mar., '96. (584) £25. Mor. (in 1 vol.), Soth., Dec. 1, '96. (517) £31. Pigskin, Atkinson, Apr., '97. (275) £21. Mor., Ashburnham, June, '97. (488) £59. Vel., g.e. (3 leaves mended), John- son, Feb., '98. (195) £22. Mor. ex., g.e. (in 1 vol.), Makellar, Nov., '98. (765) £34. Leather, Morris, Dec, '98. (182) £39. BIBLE 174 BIBLE Bible in German — Continued. Pigskin, Soth., Feb. 27, '99. (1805) £31. Pigskin, Soth., Apr. 12, '99. (102) £26. Die Biblie mit vlitiglier achtinge, etc. Lubeck, Steffen Arndes, 1494. Fol. Hf. vel. (a few margins mended), Morris, Dec, '98. (184) £50. Biblia Dudesch. Halberstadt, 1522. Fol. Leather, Crawford, Mar., '91. (330) £1S 10s. Cf. (in 2 vols.), Livermore, Nov., '94. (126) $16. Die Alte Testament Deutsch von M. Luther. Wittemberg, [1523-24]. Fol. Vel. (with Newe Testament, [1524]), Atkinson, Mar., '96. (27) £29. Biblia beyder Alt und Newen Tes- taments Teutsch. Worms, P. Schoeffer, 1524. Fol. Rus. ex., g.e., Crawford, June, '87. (386) £35. Alle Propheten nach Hebraischer Sprach verteustscht. Hagenaw, W. Seltz, 1528. Fol. Bds., Soth., Apr. 12, '99. (103) £9 9s. Die Bibel. Worms, P. Schoeffer, 1529. Fol. Pigskin (Caspar Schwenckfeld's copy), Soth., Jan. 15, '90. (3) £32 ins. Of., Livermore, Nov., '94. (127) ?65. Biblie uth der Uthlegginge D. Martini Luthers yn dyth Diidesche ulitich uthgesettet. Lubeck, L. Dietz, 1533. Fol. Hf. bd., Soth., Jan. 15, '90. (18) £5. Mor., g.e. (lacking half of one leaf, margin of title and a few other leaves mended, Hawtrey copy), Ash- burnham, June, '97. (491) £11 15s. Vel. (second title mended), Ashburn- ham, Nov., '97. (32) £3 18s. Leather (slightly wormed), White, Apr., '02. (202) £11. Biblia. Wittemberg, Hans Lufft, 1534. Fol. Mor. ex., g.e., Crawford, June, '87. (388) £51. Die Bibel. Frankfort, C. Egenolff, 1534. Fol. Pigskin, Soth., Jan. 15, '90. (7) £46. Bible in German — Continued. Die Bibel. Mainz, P. Jordan, 1534. Fol. Pigskin, Soth., Jan. 15, '90. (4) £6 10s. Biblia. Magdeburg, M. Letter, 1536. Fol. Cf., Stuart, Mar., '95. (155) £5 10s. Cf., Soth., Dec. 17, 1900. (118) £3 10s. Biblia. Wittemberg, H. Lufft, 1540- 41. 3 vols., fol. Mor. ex., g.e. (in 2 vols., lacking 1 leaf in Vol. 1, and title mounted), Soth., Jan. 29, 1900. (705) £6 10s. Pigskin (in 2 vols.), Christie, Apr. 9, 1900. (152) £12. Biblia. Wittemberg, H. LutEt, 1545. Fol. Leather (title and following leaf dam- aged), Johnson, Feb., '98. (224) £S17s. 6d. Biblia. Frankfort, 1561. Fol. Leather, g.e., Lawrence, May, '92. (44) £11 10s. Hf. mor., g.e. (in 2 vols.), Atkinson, Mar., '96. (599) £15s. Biblia. [Wittemberg, Hans Lufft], 1561. Fol. **On vellum. Mor.. r.e. (imperfect), Ashburnham, June, '97. (490) £2L Mor., r.e. (imperfect, Ashburnham copy). White, Apr., '02. (201) £21. Biblia. Frankfort, 1569. Fol. Cf., Stanley, June, '01. (366) £10 15s. Biblia. Frankfort, 1580. Fol. Pigskin, Soth., Mar. 19, '96. (91) £2 9s. Biblia. Leyden, Elzevir, 1663. Fol. Biblia. Leyden, by de Weduwe en de Erffgenamen van Johan. Elze- vir, 1663. Fol. Rus., Aylesford, Mar., '88. (186) £113s. Hf. roan (in 2 vols., 89 plates by Vis- scher inserted). Bangs, June 5, '02. (238) $16. Biblia. Germantown, Sauer, 1743. 4to. Sheep, in walnut case (lacking corner of one leaf, slightly stained), Brin- ley, Apr., '81. (5791) $350. Sheep, Libbie, Nov. 22, '89. (26) $85. Cf. (binding loose, title and following leaf mended). Baker, Feb., '91. (208|) $52. Sheep, Hunt, Nov., '91. (292) $112.50. BIBLE 175 BIBLE Bible in German — Continued. Bds. (title mounted, first few leaves stained), Livermore, Nov., '94. (232) $75. Cf., Henkels, Oct. 19, '98. (1387) $51. Cf. (back broken, first 10 leaves water-stained), Slee, Feb., 1900. (332« $40. Bds. (binding broken, clasp missing and title mended), McKee, May, '02. (4713) $40. Leather, brass corners, bosses, and clasps, Appleton, Apr., '03. (35) $80. Biblia. Germantown, Sauer, 1763. 4to. Cf. (stained), Henkels, Oct. 19, '98. (13S8) $10. Leather, Bangs, Jan. 22, '02. (51) $5.50. Leather, McKee, May, '02. (4715) $17. Biblia. Germantown, Sauer, 1776. 4to. Cf., Brinley, Apr., '81. (5800) $25. Cf., Henkels, Apr., '91. (801) $6. Cf., Livermore, Nov., '94. (244) $7.50. Cf., Henkels, Oct. 19, '98. (1390) $16. Cf. (broken), Henkels, Apr. 19, '99. (591) $5.50. Cf., Donaldson, Oct., '99. (862) $11. Cf., McKee, May, '02. (4716) $18. Biblia. Somerset, [Pa.], 1813. 4 to. Sheep, Henkels, Mav 27, '03. (367) $10.50. BIBLE IN GREEK. Sacrae Scrip- turae Veteris Novseque Omnia. Ven- ice, Aldus, 1518. Fol. Cf. (in 2 vols.), Sunderland, Dec, '81. (1325) £64. Mor., Crawford, June, '87. (401) £20. Cf. (title and first leaf in manuscript), Livermore, Nov., '94. (123) $30. Pigskin, Coleridge, May, '96. (314) £5. Mor. ex., by Derome le Jeune, with his ticket. Baring, Nov., '97. (226) £40 10s. Mor. ex., g.e., Makellar, Nov., '98. (210) £35 10s. Mor. ex., g.e., by Bozerian le Jeune, Peel, June, 1900. (202) £38. Mor. ex., g.e., by De Coverly (title mended, some leaves wormed), White, Apr., '02. (152) £36. Hf. rus. (slightly wormed and stain- ed) , Soth., Nov. 13, '02. (57) £ 28 10s. Bible in Greek — Continued. Mor., Bangs, Nov. 20, '02. (26) $115. ■** Large paper. Mor. ex. (title inlaid), Thorold, Dec, '84. (281) £51. Mor. ex., g.e., Crawford, Mar., '91. (324) £53. Divinae Scripturae, Veteris ac Novi Testamenti. Basle, J. Hervagium, 1545. Fol. Mor. ex., g.e., Thomond, May, '87. (1034) £13s. Cf., g.e., Aylesford, Mar., '88. (175) £110s. Bibliorum pars Graeca, quae Hebraice non invenitur Graca. Antwerp, C. Plantin, 1584. 4to. Mor. g.e. (De Thou copy), Gennadius, Mar., '95. (422) £4 17s. 6d. Biblia Graeca, Vetus Testamen- tum, and Codex Alexandrinus. 1816-28. 4 vols, in 6. Novum Testamentum Grspcum, and Codex Alexandrinus, 1786, 1 vol. Together 7 vols. **On vellum. Mor. ex., Thorold, Dec, '84. (283) £70. Mor. ex., g.e., Soth., July 3, '99. (8) £56. BIBLE IN HEBREW. Prophetiae Priores et Posteriores Hebraic^. [Naples, 1485-87.] 2 vols., fol. Cf. (Sussex copy), Crawford, Mar., '91. (322) £10 10s. Mor. ex., g.e.. White, Apr., '02. (148) £14 15s. Prophetiae Priores et Posteriores Hebraice, Brescia, 1494. Svo. Pigskin (some leaves in manuscript), Makellar, Nov., '98. (221) £2 14s. BIBLE IN ICELANDIC. Biblia thad er 611 Heilog Ritning utlogd a Nor- reenu. Holum, 1584. 3 vols, in 1, fol. Rus. (several leaves mended), Soth., Jan. 15, '90. (96) £3 16s. Pigskin (first title and about 30 leaves mended). Putt., Mar. 11, '95. (615) £5 10s. Leather, Dasent, Apr., '95. (214) £9. Cf. (title inlaid, several leaves mend- ed). Putt., May 24, '98. (939) £7 5s. Cf. (title and several leaves mended), Morris, Dec, '98. (185) £7 15s. Cf., Soth., Apr. 7, '02. (16) £10. Mor., g.e. (first title and 2 leaves BIBLE 176 BIBLE Bible in Icelandic — Continued. mended), White, Apr., '02. (207) £10. Biblia thad er oil Heilog Ritning utlogd a NorrEemi. Holum, 1C4-4. Fol. Leather, Dasent, Apr., '95. (215) £5 10s. Cf. (title mended), Putt., May 24. 9S. (940) £llSs. Cf. (first title mended, a few words of last leaf in manuscript), Bangs, Dec. 1, '98. (55) $13.50. BIBLE IN INDIAN. [The Holy Bible, Trans, into the Indian Language by John Eliot.] Cambridge, Samuel Green and Marmaduke Johnson, 1C63-G1. 4to. Orig. mor., g.e. (3d variety, according to Eames), Allan. May, 'G4. (1013) $825. Orig. mor., g.e. (duplicate from Bodleian Library, 5th variety), Bruce, Apr., '08. (267) $1130. Orig mor., g.e. (Bodleian-Bruce copy). Rice, Mar., '70. (CC2) $1050. Mor. ex., g.e., by Bedford, in mor. case (Bodleian-Bruce-Rice copy, with leaf of Contents added, mak- ing it of 3d variety), Menzies, Nov., ■76. (C65) $900. Mor. ex., g.e., by Bedford (2d variety. White Kennett's copy), Brinley, Mar., '79. (787) $1000. Rus ex., g.e. (Bible as issued for use of the Indians, Petit copy), Brinley, Mar., '79. (788) $550. Orig. mor., g.e. (3d variety, Allan copy), Brinley, Apr., '81. (5G82) $900. Mor. ex., g.e. (3d variety, Bodleian- Bruce-Rlce-Menzles copy), Cooke, Dec, '83. (789) $1250. Mor. ex., g.e. (Old Testament and Metrical Psalms only, in 1 vol., 6th variety). Murphy, Mar., '84. (S8G) $340. Cf. (as issued for use of the Indians, lacking 1 leaf, Cc; John Harris's copy), Rogers, Jan., 'SS. (35G) $210. Orig. mor., g.e. (4th variety), Hard- wicke, June, '88. (45) £580. Cf. (a small corner of A 4 torn oft). How, Mar., '90. (1299) £102. Mor. ex., g.e. (3d variety, Bodleian- Bruce-Rice-Menzies-Cooke copy), Ives, Mar., '91. (70) $1650. Of., g.e. (as issued for use of the In- Bible in Indian — ('(intinuctt. dians, in 2 vols., somewhat stained, English title to Old Testament in facs., inserted, the 2 leaves of Dedi- cation backed, Crowninshield copy), Livermore, Nov., '94. (195) $450. Mor. ex., g.e. (3d variety, Bodleian- Bruce - Rice - Menzies - Cooke - Ives copy), Lefferts, June, '02. (27) £370. [The Bible, Trans, into Indian by John Eliot.] Cambridge, Samuel Green, 1685-80. 4to. Hf. leather (lacking all before Genesis ix, 28, Furman copy). Rice, Mar., ■70. (663) $120. Mor. ex., g.e. (Talbot copy), Griswold, Mar., '76. (206) $325. Cf. (with leaf of Dedication to Hon. Robert Boyle, Hastings copy), Brin- ley, Mar., '79. (789) $500. Mor. ex., g.e., in mor. case (lacking leaf of rules and final blank leaf, but with general title in duplicate, Grindall Rawson's copy), Brinley, Mar., '79. (790) $500. Mor. ex., g.e. (upper margins of title and first leaf of text mended. Gov. Stoughton's and John Dantorth's copy), Brinley, Apr., '81. (5683) $590. Mor. ex., g.e. (some margins extended and leaves mended), Brinley, Apr., ■81. (5G84) $550. Cf. (with leaf of Dedication to Boyle, Hastings-Brinley copy). Murphy, Mar., '84. (884) $950. Mor. ex., g.e. (Cotton-Harris-Crownin- shield copy), Crawford, June, '87. (493) £40. Mor. ex., g.e. (5 leaves in facs., a num- ber of leaves mended), Trivulzio, Feb., '88. (1163) $280. Mor. ex., g.e. (Trivulzio copy), Del Monte, June, '88. (560) $230. Mor. ex., g.e. (some leaves cut into, Zachariah Mavhew's copy), Brinley, Apr., '93. (8434) $430. Cf. (lacking leaf with Catechism, cut into, John Pickering'.s copy), Brin- ley, Apr., '93. (8435) $280. Rus. (stained), Livermore, Nov., '94. (197) $140. Cf., Soth., June 18, '90. (717) £82. Mor. ex., g.e. (Mayhew-Brinley copy), French and Chubbuck, Feb., '04. (558) $365. BIBLE 177 BIBLE BIBLE IN IRISH. Leabhuir na Selnti- omna, agus Tiomna Nuadh, re Uli- liam Bedel agus Huilliam O'Domh- nuill. Lond., 1685-81. 4to. Cf. (in 2 vols.). Thomond, May, '87. (312) £3. Cf., Soth., Dec. 1, '96. (523) £3 15s. Ct, g.t., unc, Soth., Feb. 15, 1900. (504) £10. Cf. ex., g.t., unc. (4 leaves defective), Soth., Dec. 3, 1900. (574) £7 10s. An Blobia Naomhtha, etc. Lond.. 1690. 8vo. Cf., Wilbraham, May, '03. (58) £2 2s. BIBLE IN ITALIAN. La BIblla. Ven- ice, [Vind. de Spira], 1471. Fol. Ct. (Genesis to Psalms only, lacking 1 leaf, all inner margins mended), Ashburnham, June, '97. (474) £6 5s. La BIblla. Venice, Th. de Reyns- burcli and Reyn. de Novimagio. 1478. Fol. Cf., Bools, June, '03. (143) £5. La Biblia. Venice. 1481. Fol. Pigskin (lacking the Table), Soth., Dec. 17, 1900. (115) £2 2s. Pigskin (lacking 11 leaves of Table), Soth., Nov. 18, '02. (51) £7. La Biblia. Venice, 1490. 383 en- gravings by Barbarj. Fol. Cf. (lacking last leaf of Table, some leaves wormed), Soth.. Mar. 10, '97. (804) £245. La Biblia. Venice, 1492. Fol. Hf. bd. (in 2 vols., title mended, hole in first seven leaves), Ashburnham, June, '97. (476) £151. La Biblia. Venice, 1525. Fol. Hf. bd., Ashburnham, June, '97. (477) £3 14s. La Biblia. Venice, L. A. Giunta. 1537. Fol. Orig. mor., g.e., in case (presentation copy from the Earl of Arundel to Sir W. Petre). Soth., Dec. 17, '98. (606) £38 10s. La Biblia. Venice, 1538. 4to. Mor. ex. (Sussex copy), Ashburnham, June, '97. (478) £9 15s. La Biblia. Venice, 1547. 4to. Cf. (Orsini arms on sides, title in facs.), Soth., Dec. 17, '98. (598) £6. Cf. (title In facs. apparently the pre- ceding copy), Soth., Dec. 17, 1900. (116) £7. Bible in Italian — Coiitiinicd. La Biblia. Geneva, 1641. Fol. Rus. (formerly belonging to John George, Elector of Saxony), Foun- taine, June, '02. (84) £12 10s. BIBLE IN LATIN. Biblia Sacra Latina. [Mainz, Gutenberg and Fust, 1450- 1455.] 2 vols., fol. (Sykes copy), Perkins, June, '73. (865) £2690. Stamped cf. (1 leaf in Vol. I and 16 leaves in Vol. II in facs.), Brinley, Apr., '81. (5839) $8000. Mor., (Sussex copy). Thorold. Dec, '84. (284) £3900. Stamped leather, Crawford, .June, '87. (448) £2650. Cf. (a small hole in first leaf of Vol. II mended), Hopetoun. Feb., '89. (269) £2000. Stamped cf. (Brinley copy, 17 leaves in facs.,) Ives, Mar.. '91. (69) $14,800. Mor., g.e. (Sussex-Thorold copy). .Ma- kellar, Nov., '98. (216) £2950. **0n vellum. Pigskin (2 leaves probably in facs.), Perkins, June, '73. (864) £3400. Pigskin (2 leaves probably in facs.. Perkins copy), Ashburnham, June, '97. (436) £4000. Biblia Sacra Latina. [Strasburg, Mentelin, 14G0.] (Copinger No. 3.) 2 vols., fol. Mor., Perkins, June, '73. (180) £75. Mor. (in 1 vol.), Stuart, Mar., '95. (147) £200. Biblia Sacra Latina. Mainz. Fust and Schoeffer, 1462. (Copinger No. 4.) 2 vols., fol. **0n vellum. Mor., g.e. (Gaignat, La Valliere, Mac- Carthy, Taylor and Dent copy). Per- kins, June, '73. (177) £780. Mor., Sunderland, Dec, '81. (1337) £1600. Mor. (Prince Eugene's copy), Thorold, Dec, '84. (285) £1000. Mor.. Jersey, May, '85. (191) £320. Mor., g.e. (Dent-Perkins copy), Craw- ford, June, '87. (449) £1025. Mor., Ashburnham. June, '97. (437) £1500. Biblia Sacra Latina. [Strasburg, Mentelin, 1466.] (Copinger, No. 5.) 2 vols., fol. BIBLE 178 BIBLE Bible in Latin — Coiitiiived. Pigskin, Makellar, Nov., '98. (217) £27 10s. Mor., g.e. (lacking 1 leaf. Table in manuscript, some leaves repaired), Stanley, June, '01. (303) £26. Biblia Sacra Latina. [Strasburg, Eggesteyn, 14CS.] (Copinger, No. 6.) 2 vols., fol. Pigskin, Perkins, June, '73. (181) £49. Bds., Soth., Jan. 15, '90. (Ill) £15. Biblia Sacra Latina. [Strasburg, Eggesteyn, 1468.] (Copinger, No. 7.) 2 vols., fol. Cf. (wanting 53 leaves, some margins defective), Morris, Dec, '98. (173) £13 10s. Biblia Sacra Latina. [Probably Strasburg, Mentelin, about 1469.] (Copinger, No. 8.) 2 vols., fol. Mor. (inner margins of last 2 leaves mended), Ashbumham, June, '97. (440) £18. Pigskin, r.e., Makellar, Nov., '98. (473) £2G. Biblia Sacra Latina. [Cologne, C. de Homborch, 1409.] (Copinger, No. 9.) 2 vols., fol. Bds., stamped leather (manuscript copies of St. Jerome's Epistles in- serted), Makellar, Nov., '98. (218) £17 10s. Stamped leather, Perkins, June, '73. (182) £38. Biblia Sacra Latina. [Cologne, Zell, 1469 or 1470.] (Copinger, No. 9 or 10.) 2 vols., fol. Stamped leather, Bateman, Mav, '93. (266) £15 10s. ' Biblia Sacra Latina. [Basle, Rodt and Richel, 1470-71.] (Copin- ger, No. 12.) 2 vols., fol. Rus., g.e., Makellar, Nov., '98. (219) £3 3s. Rus., g.e. (in 1 vol.), Soth., Nov. 20, '99. (1133) £19. Rus., g.e. (lacking 4 leaves), Soth., Jan. 29, 1900. (2G6) £15 10s. Mor., g.e., Crawford, Mar., '91. (325) £52. Pigskin (in 1 vol.), Livermore, Nov., '94. (110) $00. Rus., m.e. (in 1 vol., lacking 4 leaves at end), Libble, June 19, 1900. (113) $110. Bible in Latin — Contiinicil. Biblia Sacra Latina. Mainz, Schoef- fer de Gernsheim, 1472. (Copinger, No. 14.) 2 vols., fol. Stamped leather, Perkins, June, '73. (184) £38. Rus. (in 1 vol., binding loose), Soth., Mar. 14, '87. (278) £47 10s. Mor. ex., g.e. (in 1 vol., initial letters rubricated, Roxburghe copy), Ayles- ford. Mar., '88. (177) £71. Bds., Bateman, May, '93. (267) £20. Mor. ex., g.e., Makellar, Nov., '98. (474) £40. Biblia Sacra Latina. [Basle, Bern- hart Richel, 1475.] (Copinger, No. 19.) 2 vols., fol. Mor., g.e. (Sussex copy), Stuart, Mar., '95. (148) £45. Stamped leather (in 1 vol.), Morris, Dec, '98. (174) £12. Pigskin, Soth., Apr. 12, '99. (95) £13. Pigskin, g.e., Soth., Apr. 24, '99. (468) £ 18 Pigskin, Soth., July 25, '99. (738) £12. Mor. ex., g.e., White, Apr., '02. (172) £12. Mor. ex., g.e (White copy resold, leaf 460 lacking), Coth., Dec. 4, '02. (995) £18 10s. Biblia Sacra Latina. [Piacentia, Johanem Petrus Ferratis, 1475.] (Copinger, No. 20.) 4to. Vel. (4 leaves slightly wormed), Sun- derland, Dec, '81. (1339) £71. Mor., g.e. (last leaf of Index inlaid), Apponyi, Nov.. '92. (197) £35. Vel. (lacking 2 leaves, Sunderland copy), Makellar, Nov., '98. (659) £54. Biblia Sacra Latina. Nuremberg, Koberger, 1475. (Copinger, No. 22.) Fol. Leather, Hirst, Dec, '87. (368) £7 10s. Cf., Soth.. Jan. 15, '90. (113) £5 2s. 6d. Leather, Bonar, June, '90. (437) £7. Hf. mor. (in 2 vols.), Apponyi, Nov., '92. (199) £9. Mor., g.e., Harris, Apr., '97. (556) £11 10s. Mor. ex., g.e. (in 2 vols.), Makellar, Nov.. '98. (477) £13 15s. Biblia Sacra Latina. Nuremberg, And. Frisner and John Sensenschmit, 1475. (Copinger, No. 23.) Fol. Stamped leather (lacking 7 leaves and BIBLE 179 BIBLE Bible in Latin — Continued. 3 leaves mended), Makellar, Nov., '98. (475) £6. Biblia Sacra Latina. Venice, Hail- brun and Francfordia, 1475. (Copin- ger. No. 24.) Fol. Cf. (stained), Livermore, Nov., '94. (Ill) $45. Leattier (lacliing title page), Ashburn- ham, June, '97. (441) £5 5s. Stamped leather (with manuscript index at end), Makellar, Nov., '9S. (476) £8. Biblia Sacra Latina. [Cologne, about 1472.] (Copinger, No. 25.) 2 vols., fol. Velvet, g.e., Perkins, June, '73. (183) £65. Velvet, g.e. (Perkins copy), Makellar, Nov., '98. (479) £45. Biblia Sacra Latina. Venice, Hail- brun and Prankfordia, 1476. (Copin- ger, No. 27.) Fol. Mor. (a few leaves wormed), Hail- stone, Apr., '91. (344) £5 15s. Cf. (first leaf mended, a few margins stained), Putt., July 15, '91. (316) £2 2s. Vel., Atkinson, Mar., '96. (364) £6. Rus. (in 2 vols., rebacked, few head- lines cut into), Atkinson, Apr., '97. (267) £3 10s. (2 leaves in manuscript), Bangs, Dec. 1, '98. (53) ?17. Rus. (1 leaf mended). White, Apr., '02. (173) £6 15s. Biblia Sacra Latina. Venice, Jen- son, 1476. (Copinger, No. 28.) 2 vols., fol. Vel. (slightly wormed), Rule, Nov., '95. (743) £6 5s. Hf. pigskin (leaf of Registrum lack- ing), Makellar, Nov., '9S. (478) £4 4s. Mor. (first four leaves lacking), Bangs, Feb. 13, '01. (36) $117.50. Cf., Putt, (with leaf of Registrum), Mar. 28, '01. (112) £13. Cf. (with leaf of Registrum mounted). White, Apr. 21, '02. (174) £6 15s. **On vellum. Mor. ex. (leaf of Registrum in facs.), Perkins, June, '73. (186) £290. Mor. ex. (Perkins copy), Benzon, May, '75. (15) £370. Mor., Beckford, June, '82. (878) £330. Bible in Latin — Continued. Mor., g.e. (Hanrott copy), Stuart, Mar., '95. (149) £100. Biblia Sacra Latina. Nuremberg, John Sensenschmidt, 1476. (Copin- ger No. 29.) Fol. Stamped leather (rebacked, corners mended). White, Apr., '02. (175) £7 17s. 6d. Biblia Sacra Latina. Paris, N. Gering, M. Crantz and M. Freburger, [about 1476]. (Copinger, No. 30.) 2 vols., fol. Mor. (first ten leaves mended in Vol. 1), Makellar, Nov., '98. (480) £26. Biblia Sacra Latina. Naples, Moravus, 1476. (Copinger, No. 31.) 2 vols., fol. Cf., Sunderland, Dec, '81. (1340) £46. Mor. ex., g.e. (in 1 vol.), Crawford, Mar., '91. (326) £38. Rus., g.e. (In 1 vol., imperfect), At- kinson, Mar., '96. (22) £7 18s. Cf., y.e. (Sunderland copy), Makellar, Nov., '98. (481) £18. Biblia Sacra Latina. Nuremberg, Koburger, 1477. (Copinger, No. 32.) 2 vols., fol. Cf., Sunderland, Dec, '81. (1341) £28. Rus. (in 1 vol.), Sunderland, Dec, '81. (1342) £32. Stamped leather, Streatfeild. June, '89. (553) £16. Leather (rebacked), Soth., Dec. 12, '93. (661) £7 17s. 6d. Cf. (binding loose), Livermore, Nov., '94. (113) $42.50. Cf., Johnson, Feb., '98. (182) £9 10s. Cf. (Johnson copy), Putt., Apr. 13, '98. (7) £5 10s. Leather (Archbishop of Salzburg's copy), Morris, Dec, '98. (175) £50. Oak bds., Soth., June 10, '03. (540) £8 15s. Biblia Sacra Latina. Basle, B. Richel, 1477. (Copinger, No. 33.) 2 vols., fol. Bds., Hopetoun, Feb., '89. (270) £3 10s. Mor., g.e. (stained), Makellar, Nov., '98. (482) £14. Biblia Sacra Latina. Venice, L. Vuild, 1478. (Copinger, No. 34.) Fol. BIBLE 180 BIBLE Bible in Latin — Continued. Hopetoun, Feb., '89. (271) £7. Mor. ex., g.e. (lacking A 1, blank). Putt, Dec. 17, '89. (46) £3oS. Cf. (binding loose), Livermore, Nov., '94. (114) $40. Vel., Soth., Jul.v 18, '95. (28) £5 15s. Biblla Sacra Latina. Venice, Theodorici de Reynsburch and Reynaldide Novimaglo, 1478. (Cop- Inger, No. 35.) Fol. Mor. ex., g.e. (Williams copy), Theo- dosius, Apr., '93. (G77) £4 10s. Cf., Johnson, Feb., '98. (183) £4. Leather, Soth., Apr. 12, '99. (90) £5 15s. Biblia Sacra Latina. Nuremberg, Koburger, 1478. (Copinger, No. 36.) Fol. Pigskin, Crawford, June, '87. (450) £13 13s. Pigskin (Crawford copy), Middleton. Apr., '97. (214) £9 10s. Biblia Sacra Latina. Nuremberg, Koburger, 1478. (Copinger, No. 37, possibly some copies No. 36.) Fol. Pigskin (margins of 2 leaves of Table mended), Thompson, Feb., '87. (1059) £7 7s. Mor. ex., g.e. (several leaves wormed), Craig, .June, '87. (243) £8 15s. Pigskin, Millard, Nov., '90. (G4)£6. Cf. (some leaves wormed). Hailstone, Apr., '91. (345) £G 15s. Pigskin (leaves of Nom. Hebr. mount- ed), Atkinson, Mar., '96. (365) £5 12s. Gd. Mor., g.e. (Wodhull copy), Soth., July 27, '97. (302) £22 10s. Mor. (in 1 vol.), Johnson, Feb., "98. (184) £6. Pigskin, Johnson, Feb.. '98. (185) £4 7s. Cd. Stamped leather, Stanley, June, '01. (304) £12. Pigskin (1 leaf lacking), Soth., Dec. 2, •01. (175) £6 Ids. Biblia Sacra Latina. Venice, N. Jenson, 1479. (Copinger, No. 40.) Fol. (Several leaves stained), Brlce, July, •87. (291) £2 15s. Vel. (lacking A 1), Atkinson, Mar., ^96. (3GG) £4 15s. Cf. (in 2 vols.), Johnson, Feb., ^98. (189) £5 5s Soth., July 18,' 1900. (402) £9 15s. Bible in Latin — Continued. Cf., g.e. (lacking A 1), White, Apr., ^02. (176) £12 15s. Biblia Sacra Latina. Nuremberg, Koburger, 1479. (Copinger, No. 41.) Fol. Hirst, Dec, '87. (372) £7 10s. Pigskin (a few leaves wormed). Wills, July, '94. (287) £6 10s. Pigskin, Bangs, Mar. 12, '96. (31) $32. Mor. (in 2 vols., a few leaves wormed), Johnson, Feb., '98. (187) £8. Pigskin, Johnson, Feb., '98. (188) £3 15s. Biblia Sacra Latina. Lyons, 1479. (Copinger, No. 42.) Fol. Cf. (2 leaves pasted together and some leaves wormed), Stuart, Mar., '96. (150) £5 15s. Biblia Sacra Latina. Cologne, 1479. (Copinger, No. 43.) Fol. Cf., Ashburnham. June, '97. (443) £8 10s. Cf. (lacking title page, and with sev- eral leaves torn and mended), Ma- kellar, Nov.. '98. (483) £2. Biblia Sacra Latina. [Strasburg, 1478.] (Copinger. No. 44.) 2 vols., fol. Hf. vel. (wormed), Brlce, July, '87. (292) £7 10s. Pigskin (in 4 vols.), Morris, Dec, '98. (176) £7. Pigskin (in 4 vols.), Libbie, Jan. 18, •99. (96) $7G. Pigskin (in 4 vols.). Bangs, Nov. 26, 1900. (59) $60. Biblia Sacra Latina. Venice, Oc- tavianus Scotus, 1480. (Copinger, No. 45.) 4to. Mor. (in 6 vols.), Makellar. Nov., '98. (484) £7 17s. Cd. Stamped leather (rebacked, 1 leaf im- perfect), Soth.. July 18, 1900. (391) £2 12s. Stamped leather (back mended, lower margin of one leaf cut off). White, Apr., ^02. (177) £G. Biblia Sacra Latina. Venice, Fran- ciscum de Hailbrun, 1480. (Copin- ger, No. 4G.) 4to. Vel., Ashburnham, June, '97. (444) £10 10s. Rus. ex., Fountaine, Soth., June, '02. (79) £14. Biblia Sacra Latina. Ulm, J. BIBLE ISl BIBLE Bible in Latin — Coiitiinicil. Zainer, 14S0. (Copinger, No. 47.) Fol. Pigskin (a few leaves wormed), Putt., July 15, '91. (317) £G. Pigskin, Soth., Apr. 12, '99. (97) £8 17s. Gd. Mor. ex., g.c, Soth., Mar. 7, '01. (507) £21. Biblia Sacra Latina. Nuremberg, Koburger, 14S0. (Copinger, No. 48.) Fol. Pigskin, Soth., Jan. 15, '90. (115) £3 15s. Pigskin, Lawrence, Dec, '92. (262) £4. Leather, Moore, Oct., '93. (2S7) £6 15s. Mor., g.e. (in 2 vols.), Makellar, Nov., '98. (485) £7 15s. Biblia Sacra Latina. Nuremberg, Koburger, 1482. (Copinger, No. 57.) Fol. Rus., Livermore, Nov., '94. (IIG) $50. Pigskin, Appleton. Apr., '03. (23) $50. Biblia Sacra Latina. Venice, F. Renner de Hailbrun. 14S2. (Copin- ger, No. 58.) 3 vols., fol. Vel. (stained and pp. 5-6 lacking In Vol. II), Soth.. Oct. 29, 1900. (95C) £112s. Biblia Sacra Latina. Venice, Joannis dicti Magni Herbort de Sel- genstadt, 1483. (Copinger, No. 59.) Fol. Of. (rebacked), Livermore. Nov., '94. (118) $30. Biblia Sacra Latina. Fontibus ex Grsecis Hebrc-porumque libris, 1483. (Copinger, No. Gl.) 2 vols.. fol. Of., g.e., Makellar, Nov., '98. (486) £2 12s. Gd. Biblia Sacra Latina. Venice, Joannes Magnus de H. de Selgen- stadt, 1484. (CoiSinger, No. G4.) 4to. Cf. (repacked), Quaile, May, '01. (118) £2 10s. Biblia Sacra Latina. Venice, Georgius de Rivabenis, 1487. (Cop- inger, No. 73.) 4to. Hf. bd., Soth.. Jan. 15, '90. (119) £1 10s. **On vellum. Mor. ex., g.e. (Williams copy). Ash- burnham, June, '97. (448) £100. Biblia Sacra Latina. Nuremburg, Bible in Latin — Continued. Koburger, 1487. (Copinger, No. 77.) 4 vols., fol. Pigskin, Hunt, Nov., '91. (286) $76. Hf. mor., Apponyi, Nov., '92. (200) £4. Pigskin (in 1 vol., margins of 2 leaves mended), Auckland, Nov., '97. (840) £6 10s. Biblia Sacra Latina. [Strasburg, John Pryss], 1489. (Copinger, No. 84.) Fol. Mor. (stained), Soth., Feb. 25, '01. (1429) £6 10s. Biblia Sacra Latina. Venice., H. Paganinus, 1492. (Copinger, No. 95) . 8vo. Paper bds., Soth., May 16, '01. (43) £3 19s. Biblia Sacra Latina. Venice, Si- monem Bevilaqua, 1494. (Copinger, No. 100.) 4to. Sheep, Bangs, May 8, 1900. (405) $6.50. Biblia Sacra Latina. Basle, J. Froben, 1495. (Copinger, No. 103.) 8vo. Bds., Bangs, Feb. 13, '01. (37) $41. Biblia Sacra Latina. Strasburg, 1497. (Copinger, No. 111.) Fol. Mor., g.e. (lacking title page and 1 other leaf, margins cut into), Ma- kellar, Nov., '98. (487) £llls. Cf., Soth., Jan. 9, '99. (284) £15s. Biblia Sacra Latina. Venice, S. Bevilaqua, 1498. (Copinger, No. 113.) 4to. Vel. (some leaves slightly wormed), Makellar, Nov., 98. (GGl) £10 15s Mor., g.e., Soth., Apr. 12, '99. (98) £8 17s. Gd. Hf. vel., Soth., July 17, '01. (Ill) £7 10s. Biblia Sacra Latina. Paris, Jehan Petit, 1501. (Copinger, No. 125.) 4to. Mor., g.e., Soth., Feb. 13, '99. (310) £3. Biblia Sacra Latina. Venice, L. A. de Giunta, 1511. (Copinger, No. 147.) 4to. Cf., g.e. (margins of title page mend- ed, some headlines cut into). White, Apr., '02. (182) £8. Biblia Sacra Latina. Paris, Phil- ippi Pigouchet, 1512. (Copinger, No. 152.) Fol. BIBLE 1S2 BIBLE Bible in Latin — Continued. Fountaine, June, '02. (80) £3 3s. Biblla Sacra Latina. Lyons, Jo. Saccon, 1512. (Copinger, No. 155.) Fol. Pigskin, Makellar, Nov., '98. (489) £3 3s. Pigskin (binding broken), Roberts and Shreve, Dec, '01. (101) $12. Biblla Sacra Latina. Nuremberg, Koburger, 1516. (Copinger, No. 165.) Fol. Cf. ex., g.e.. White, Apr., '02. (185) £3 10s. Biblla Sacra Latina. Lyons, 1521. (Copinger, No. ISl.) Fol. Mor., Soth., Oct. 24, '98. (336) £1. Pigskin, Soth., Dec. 22, '98. (758) £112s. Pigskin, Bangs, May S, 1900. (412) $6.50. Mor., g.e., Soth., June 20, '02. (31) £4 5s. Biblla Sacra Latina. Lyons, 1522. (Copinger, No. 184.) Fol. Stamped leather, Morris, Dec, '98. (179) £2 1Ss. Biblla Sacra Latina. Paris, R. Stephanus, 1528. (Copinger, No. 215.) Fol. Vel., Soth., Apr. 12, '99. (99) £2 8s. Biblla Sacra Latina. Lyons, John Mareschal, 1531. (Copinger, No. 229.) 8vo. Leather, Bangs, Oct. 17, '98. (49) $8. Leather, Bangs, Apr. 3, '99. (35) $6.25. Biblla Sacra Latina. Lyons, Hugonem a Porta, 1542. (Copinger, No. 295.) Fol. Mor., g.e.. Waller, Dec, 1900. (205) £2 4s. Mor., g.e., Stanley, June, '01. (305) £3 14s. Biblla Sacra Latina. Zurich, C. Froschover. 1543. (Copinger, No. 304.) 2 vols., fol. Mor., g.e., Soth., Dec. 17, 1900. (105) £3 15s. Biblla Sacra Latina. Lyons, Hugo a Porta, 1544. (Copinger, No. 316.) Fol. Mor., g.e., Soth., Feb. 28, 1900. (240) £4 15s. Biblla Sacra Latina. Paris, R. Stephanus, 1545. (Copinger, No. 317.) 2 vols., 8vo. Bible in Latin — Continued. Mor., g.e., Soth., Dec. 17, 1900. (106) £12. Biblia Sacra Latina. Lyons, S. Gryphius, 1550. (Copinger, No. 343.) 2 vols., fol. Mor., g.e., Fountaine, June, '02. (82) £5 2s. 6d. Biblia Sacra Latina. Lyons, J. Tornaesius, 1554. (Copinger, No. 359.) 4to. Mor., g.e. (part of title page in manu- script), Prideaux, May, '89. (81) £19s. Mor., g.e. (title page defective), Bush, Apr., '96. (49) £110s. Mor. (title page backed, some head- lines cut into), Ashburnham, June, '97. (462) £3. Biblia Sacra Latina. Lyons, J. Tornaesius, 1558. (Copinger, No. 374.) 8vo. Leather (lacking 2 leaves), Ashburn- ham, Dec, '98. (15) £1 6s. Biblia Sacra Latina. Paris, J. Kerver, 1560. (Copinger, No. 381.) 8vo. Of., m.e. (in 3 vols.), Makellar, Nov., '98. (232) £116s. Biblia Sacra Latina. Lyons, G. Rovillius. 1573. (Copinger, No. 436.) 8vo. Cf. (in 3 vols.), Makellar, Nov., '98. (233) £110s. Biblia Sacra Latina. Paris, S. Nevillius, 1573. (Copinger, No. 461.) Fol. Mor., g.e. (dedication copy, with arms of Pope Gregory XIII), Soth., Dec. 17, '98. (257) £13 10s. Mor., g.e. (previous copy resold), Soth., Dec. 3, 1900. (592) £9 10s. Biblia Germanico-Latina. Wittem- berg, John Krafft, 1574. (Copinger, No. 468.) 10 vols., 4to. Cf., Barclay, Nov., '92. (2098) £9 10s. Cf. (frontispiece mended), Soth., Nov. 11, '97. (16) £39. Cf. (frontispiece mended and cover broken), Soth., Nov. 20, '99. (1118) £25. Biblia Sacra Latina. Salamanca, 1584. (Copinger, No. 504.) 2 vols., fol. Vel. (title page torn). Weeks, Mar., '02. (18) $6.50. BIBLE 1S3 BIBLE Bible in Latin — Continued. Biblia Sacra Latina. London, H. Middleton, 15S5. (Copinger, No. 508.) 4to. Vel., Quaile, May, '01. (119) £4 ISs. Biblia Sacra Latina. Venice, Polus, 1587. (Copinger, No. 512.) 4to. Cf., Soth., Feb. 27, '99. (4S4) £119s. Biblia Sacra Latina. Rome, Geor- gium Ferrarium, 1588. (Copinger, No. 514.) Fol. Mor., Bangs, Feb. 20, 1900. (769) $10. Mor. (with arms of Pope Pius VI), Soth., Dec. 17, 1900. (108) £2. Biblia Sacra Latina. Rome, 1590. (Copinger, No. 521.) Fol. Mor., g.e. (in 2 vols., last leaf mended), Crawford, June, '87. (452) £2.3 10s. Mor., g.e., Apponyi, Nov., '92. (201) £25 10s. Mor., g.e. (lacking the Papal Bull), Comyn, Mar., '93. (1073) £lG10s. Mor., g.e. (lacking the preface of Six- tus V, 4 leaves), Atkinson, Mar., '9G. (40G) £18 15s. Mor., g.e. (Sunderland copy), Makel- lar, Nov., '98. (500) £20. Mor., g.e., Soth., Dec. 2, '01. (249) £24 10s. Biblia Sacra Latina. Rome, Aldus, 1592. (Copinger, No. 531.) Fol. Mor. ex., Crawford, June, '87. (453) £11 10s. Cf., Livermore, Nov., '94. (157) $7. Vel., Atkinson, Mar., '96. (407) £9 15s. Mor., g.e., Soth., Apr. 12, '99. (100) £6. Cf., Cox, Feb., '02. (80) $25. **Large paper. Vel., Makellar, Nov., '98. (501) £6. Biblia Sacra Latina. Lend., 1593. (Copinger, No. 534.) Fol. Cf. (arms of James I), Stanley, June, '01. (302) £6 2s. 6d. Biblia Sacra Latina. Antwerp, Plantin, 1603. Fol. Mor. (arms of De Thou and bookplate of Earl of Orford), Smith, Mav, '01. (312) £2 12s. Biblia Sacra Latina. Amsterdam, Janssonium Blaew, 1639. Svo. Vel., Bangs, Oct. 21, '01. (92) $12. Biblia Sacra Latina. Lond., E. Tyler, 1661. 8vo. Mor., Soth., Dec. 17, 1900. (109) £5. Bibliorum Sacrorum Latina: Ver- Blble in Latin — Continued. siones Antique seu Vetus Italica. Rome, 1743. 3 vols., fol. Cf., Porter, Jan.. '90. (465) £11 5s. Cf. (wormed), Blew, June, '95. (52) £12. Cf., r.e., Ashburnham, June, '97. (433) £17 15s. **Large paper. Cf., m.e., Ashburnham, June, '97. (432) £17 5s. Bibliorum Sacrorum Latinae Ver- siones antiquse, seu Vetus Italica. Paris, Didot, 1751. 3 vols., fol. Cf., Makellar, Nov., '98. (215) £17 5s. BIBLE IN MALAGASY. Madagascar, 1835. 8vo. Cf., Soth., Jan. 15, '90. (99) £10. BIBLE IN POLISH. Biblia Swieta tho jest Ksiegi Starego y Nowego Zakonn, etc. Brescz. 1563. Fol. Leather (stained, several leaves mend- ed), Crawford, June, '89. (167) £1 18s. Mor., g.e. (several leaves defective and mended, some marginal notes cut into, Wilberforce copy), Soth., Dec. 2, '01. (485) £12 10s. BIBLE IN ROMANSCH. La Sacra Biblia. Scuol, 1679. Fol. Leather, Soth., Jan. 15, '90. (108) £2 10s. Mor. ex., Atkinson, Apr., '97. (279) £3 15s. La Sacra Biblia. Coira, 1718. Pol. Mor. ex., g.e., Soth., Dec. 2, '01. (872) £7. La Sacra Biblia. Scuol, 1743. Fol. Mor., g.e. (in 2 vols.), Buccleuch, Mar., '89. (251) £5. Mor. ex., g.e., Soth., June 27, '98. (268) £2 10s. BIBLE IN SLAVONIC. Biblia, siryetch Knigo Vetkhago i Novago Zav- yeta. Ostrog, 1580. Fol. (Several preliminary leaves in facs., some mended). Putt., Oct. 28, '89. (1068) £4 4s. Biblia. Moscow, 1663. Pol. Leather, Stuart, Mar., '95. (157) £3 10s. BIBLE IN SPANISH. La Biblia. Per- rara, J. de Vargas, 1553. Pol. Vel. (lacking 2 leaves, corners and in- ner margins of several leaves mend- BIBLE 184 BIBLE Bible in Spanish — Continued. ed), Makellar, Nov., "98. (504) £6 10s. La Biblia. [Basle], 15C9. 4to. Vel., Atkinson, Mar., '90. (CG4) £17s. Rus. (Ponsonby copy), Soth., Feb. 27, '99. (368) £117s. BIBLE IN SWEDISH. Biblia, thet ar, all then Helglia Scrifft pa Swenska. Upsala, 1540-41. Pol. Leather, Soth., Jan. 15, '90. (90) £5. Leather, Edelheim, Mar., 1900. (1075) 122. Leather (title mounted, some margins mended), White, Apr., '02. (211) £5. BIBLE IN WELSH. Y BeibI Cyssegr- Lan, Sef yr hen Destament a'r Newydd. Lond., Deputies of C. Bar- ker, 15SS. Fol. Cf. ex., Crawford, June, '87. (495) £60. Cf. (imperfect), Breese, May, '88. (305) £21. Mor. ex., g.e. (title, 2 leaves of Dedi- cation, and last leaf in facs.), Soth., Dec. 17, 1900. (127) £19. Y BeibI. Lond., Norton and Bill, 1620. Fol. Leather, Crawford, June, '87. (490) £10 10s. Of., Soth., July 13, '87. (278) £8. Cf. (lacking title). Breese, May. '88. (308) £4 15s. BIBLE IN WENDISH. Biblia tu ie, use suetu pismu, Stai'iga inu Noviga Testamenta, etc. Wittemberg, 1584. Fol. Pigskin (title mended and backed, 2 leaves defective, first 8 leaves sup- plied from shorter copy). White, Apr., '02. (212) £5 10s. **Large paper. Mor. ex., g.e. (Hawtrey copy), Atkin- son, Mar., '96. (29) £10. Mor. ex., g.e. (Hawtrey-Atkinson copy), Soth., Feb. 22, '97. (804) £11 5s. Mor. ex., g.e. (Hawtrey-Atkinson copy), Soth., Feb. 13, '99. (943) £'lO 10s. See also Christian Soldiers' Penny Bible; Gospels; Hieroglyphic Bible; New Testament; Old Testament; Pentateuch; Soldier's Pocket Bible, etc. BIBLE IN MINIATURE. Lond., E. Newberry, 1780. 8vo. Mor. (IJ by li in.), Jackson, Dec, '95. (149) £2 2s. Cf. (IJ by 1 in.), Soth., May 21, 1900. (540) £2 2s. Bible in Miniature. Lond., for J. Harris, n.d. 8vo. Mor., g.e.. Cooper, May, '87. (21) £2 8s. BIBLE-TEXTES OF SCRIPTURE. Lond., G. Simson, 1591. 8vo. Cf. ex., g.e., Soth., Dec. 2, '01. (8G9) £1 17s. BIBLIA, OR A PRACTICAL SUM- mary of ye Old and New Testa- ments. Lond., 1727. 4Smo. Mor. ex., Soth., Dec. 12, '93. (567) £3 19s. BIBLIA AUREA. Biblia Aurea. Ulm, J. Zeiner de Rutlingen, 1475. (Hain-Copinger, *13G81.) Fol. Mor., g.e. (a few corners mended), Ellis, Oct., '02. (337) £10 15s. Biblia Aureum. Nuremberg, 1481. Fol. Cf., Soth., July 28, '02. (134) £4 12s. BIBLIA PAUPERUM. Biblia Pau- perum. [About 1430.] 40 leaves, printed on one side only. Fol. Mor. ex., by Roger Payne (each leaf inlaid, small hole in one leaf filled in, Paris-Willet-Hanrott copy), Ash- burnham, .lune, '97. (419) £1050. Biblia Pauperum. 40 leaves. Fol. Mor. ex. (lacking 2 leaves), Stuart, Mar., '95. (103) £355. Biblia Pauperum. 40 leaves. 4to. Mor. ex., unc, Dorman, Apr., '86. (85) $145. Biblia Pauperum. Paris, Verard, n.d. Sm. fol. Mor. ex., Corser, Mar., '69. (108) £99. Biblia Pauperum, 1443. Facsimile by Le Clabart, in pen and ink, made about 1770. 40 leaves, 4to. Mor., g.e., Wodhull, Jan., '86. (418) £11. Old mor. (Wodhull copv), Soth., May 18, '03. (177) £22 10s. Biblia Pauperum. Reproduced, with Introduction by J. P. Berjeau. Lond., 1859. Fol. BIBLIA 185 BIBLIOTHECA Biblia Pauperum — Continued. Hf. mor., Hirst, Dec, '87. (741) £1 Is. Hf. mor., Soth., Apr. 17, 'SS. (223) £1 10s. Hf. mor., Perkins, July, '89. (207) £1 6s. Hf. mor., Percy, May, '90. (277) £1 16s. Hf. mor., Livermore, Nov., '94. (108) $7. Hf. mor.. Gray, Feb., '96. (302) £1 Is. Hf. mor., Deane, Mar., '98. (2G9) $6.50. Hf. mor., Davis, Nov., 1900. (22) £1 6s. Opera Nova Contemplativa. Ven- ice. Giovanni Vavassore, [about 1510]. 64 leaves, tlie last blank. 8vo. Mor. (a few leaves cut into at top), Craig, Mar., '88. (623) £20 10s. Mor., g.e., Ives, Mar., '91. (80) $170. Mor., g.e. (Yemeniz copv). Walker, May, '93. (24) £34. Mor., French, Apr., '01. (96) $140. Old of. (without blank leaf at end, and oil stained), Soth., July 17, '01. (133) £29 10s. Leather, g.e., Soth., June 20, '02. (ISl) £18 10s. Mor., g.e., Soth., Nov. 13, '02. (02) £25. Cf. (49 leaves only), Soth., Julv 11, '99. (1129) £5 7s. 6d. Mor. (27 leaves onlv), Livermore. Nov., '94. (107) $22.50. BIBLICAL ARCH/EOLOGICAL So- ciety. Transactions. Lond., v.d. 8vo. 1872-1900, with Proceedings, 1878-90, hf. cf., cl. and parts, Soth., Dec. 17, '01- (299) £7 5s. 1872-93, in 9 vols., hf. cf. and parts, Hodgson, Feb. 12, '95. (880) £6 15s. 1872-85, in 9 vols., hf. cf. and parts, Christie, Jan. 30, '93. (43) £5. BIBLIOGRAPHER (THE). Lond.. 1882-84. 6 vols., 4to. Hf. mor., Watson, Jan., '88. (576) £17s. Mor. ex., unc, Libbie, Feb. IS, '97. (80) $12.75. Hf. mor.. Bangs, Feb. 26, '97. (51) $7.20. Bibliographer (The) — Continued. Ht. roan. Bangs, Jan. 27, '02. (165) $6.60. Hf. roan, Anderson, Apr. 28, '02. (9) $8.40. BIBLIOGRAPHIANA. Manchester, 1S17. Svo. Bailey, June, 'S9. (1532) £2 6s. BIBLIOGRAPHICA. Lond., 1895-97. 12 parts, 4to. Parts, Soth., Dec. 13, '97. (631) £3 6s. Parts, Soth., Apr. 24, '99. (198) £3 10s. Parts, Bangs, May 10, '99. (61) $12.75. Parts, Libbie, Dec. 5, '01. (97) $15. Parts, Bangs, Feb. 7, '02. (13) $10.20. Hf. mor. (in 3 vols.). Bangs, Dec. 14, '99. (172) $15. Ht. mor. (in 3 vols.), Soth., Dec. 18, '99. (1447) £3 7s. Hf. mor. (in 3 vols.), Argyll, July, 1900. (161) £4. Hf. mor. (in 3 vols.), Lefferts, Apr., '02. (73) $21. Parts, Pools, June, '03. (163) £2 5s. BIBLIOGRAPHICAL SOCIETY. Illus- trated Monographs. Nos. 1 to 6. Lond., 1894-97. 6 vols., 4to. Paper, unc. Bangs, Nov. 10, '99. (206) $12.30. Transactions. Lond., 1893-98. 7 parts, 4to. Paper, Bangs, Jan. 15, 1900. (139) $7. Paper (with Hand List of Eng. Printers, etc.), Soth., Apr. 20, '99. (294) £2 12s. BIBLIOTHECA AMERICANA. Lond., 1789. 4to. Hf. mor., unc, Menzies, Nov., '76. (171) $7. Hf. mor., g.t. (part of title torn), Haw- kins, Mar., '87. (98) $5.25. Hf. mor., Barlow, Feb., '90. (2097) $8. Ht. mor.. Bell. Mar., '02. (45) £12s. BIBLIOTHECA ANGLO -POETICA. See Griffiths (A. F.). BIBLIOTHECA ARCANA, seu cata- logus Librorum Penetralium. Lond., 1885. 6 parts, 8 vo. Parts, Putt., Jan. 19, '87. (94) £1 8s. Hf. bd.. Putt., Nov. 11, '90. (857) £13s. Hf. mor.. Putt., Apr. 2, '91. (235) £1. Mor., Cox, Feb., '02. (139) $0.50. BIBLIOTHECA LINDESIANA. Cata- logue of English Ballads. Lond., 1890. 4to. BIBLIOTHECA 186 BIDPAY Bibliotheca Lindesiana — Continued. Hf. vel., unc, Walker, May, '93. (86) £1 17s. Hf. vel., unc, Lacouperie, May, '95. (1024) £110s. Hf. vel., unc, Soth., July 1, '95. (293) £14s. BIBLIOTHEQUE CANADIENNE. Prom June, 1825, to Dec, 1829. 54 nos. Paper (1 corner and 1 leaf lacking), Hart, Apr., '90. (3200) $25.50. BICKERDYKE (J.) AND OTHERS. Sea Fishing. Badminton Librai-y. Lond., 1895. 4to. **Large paper. Hf. mor., unc, Angerstein, May, '96. (1016) £2. Hf. mor., unc, Burra, May, '97. (225) £19s. Hf. bd., unc, Soth., Feb. 24, '98. (497) £115s. Hf. mor., unc, Soth., Mar. 21, '98. (189) £1. Hf. mor., unc, Stansfield, June, '98. (ISl) £14s. Hf. mor., unc, Putt., Oct. 31, '98. (719) £14s. BICKHAM (G.). The British IVIon- archv. Loud., 1748. Fol. Hf. mor., Hall, May, '87. (178) £1 5s. Cf., Christie, Jan. 30, '93. (305) £2. Cf. ex., g.e., Soth., Apr. 25, '98. (345) £llls. Cf., g.e., Henkels, Jan. 18, '01. (25) $31. Musical Entertainer. Lond., [about 1740]. 2 vols., fol. Cf., Phillips, Nov., '87. (765) £4. Mor. ex., g.e. (in 1 vol.), Gaisford, Apr., '93. (180) £8 5s. Hf. bd. (in 1 vol., some leaves mend- ed), Joly, Feb., '92. (21) £3 15s. Cf. ex., g.e., Fraser, Apr., '01. (140) £30. Mor. ex., g.e. (in 1 vol.), Soth., Mar. 17, '02. (213) £13. Hf. bd. (in 1 vol., lacking title to Vol. 2, a few leaves stained), Soth., June 20, '02. (33) £5 15s. Mor. ex. (in 1 vol.), Ellis, Oct., '02. (1754) £13 15s. Hf. bd. (in 1 vol.). Putt, Jan. 15, '03. (259) £6. Universai Penman. Lond., [about 1743]. Pol. Bickham (G.) — Continued. Cf., Phillips, Nov., '87. (768) £12s. Joly, Feb., '92. (24) £118s. Hf. bd., Buckley, Apr., '94. (694) £15s. Views of Several Counties of England and Wales. Lond., 1796. Fol. Bds., unc, Putt, Jan. 30, '02. (276) £3. Cf., Putt, June 4, '02. (253) £3. BICKLEY (G. W. L.). Settlement and Indian Wars of Tazewell Coun- ty, Va. Cincinnati, 1852. 8vo. CI., Henkels, Apr. 19, '99. (165) $5.50. CI., Betts, Apr., '01. (120) $5.25. BICKNELL (J. L.). Musical Travels through England. Lond., 1785. 8vo. Mor., g.e., Stewart Mar., '88. (55) £114s. BICKNOLL (EDMOND). A Sword against Swearing. Lond., for W, Towreolde, [1580]. Svo. Hf. cf. (with Stockwood's Very Fruit full and Necessarye Sermon of the destruction of Jerusalem, 1584) Soth., Oct. 29, 1900. (566) £2 6s. BIDDLE (CLEMENT). See Philadel phia Directory. BIDDLE (JOHN). Twofold Cate chism. Lond., 1654. 16mo. Sheep, Livermore, Nov., '94. (999) $5.50. BIDPAY. Directorium Humane Vite Alias Parabole Antiquorum Sapien- tum. [Strasburg, J. Pruss, about 1480.] Fol. Mor. m.e., Crawford, June, '87. (1636) £16. Cf., Crawford, Mar., '91. (2434) £19 5s. Mor., g.e., Rigge, Jan., '92. (487) £25 10s. Buckley, Feb., '93. (2798) £12 15s. Mor., g.e. (Blandford copy), Ashburn- ham, June, '97. (658) £18 10s. Vel. (small hole in first leaf), Johnson Feb., '98. (307) £10 15s. Mor., g.e. (duplicate from Royal Li- brary of Munich), Morris, Dec, '98 (190) £18 10s. Cf., Inglis, June. 1900. (90) £19 10s, Mor. ex., g.e., by Bauzonnet-Trautz Davis, Nov., 1900. (27) £24. Vel., Soth., July 17, '01. (228) £17 10s, Exemplario Contra los Enganos BIDPAY 187 BIGMORE Bidpay — Continued. y Peligros del Mundo. Burgos, 1498. Pol. Vel. (one leaf in manuscript), Frere, Oct., '97. (205) £60. Die Alten Weysen. Strasburg, 153G. Fol. Putt., Dec. 19, '98. (202) £7. Fables. Lend.. 1793. Illustra- tions by Blake and others. 2 vols, in 1, 8vo. Rus.. Putt., Dec. 17, 'S9. (204) £2. BIDWELL (B.). The Mercenary Match, a Tragedy. New Haven, [1785]. 12mo. Unbd., unc, Brinley, Nov., 'SG. (7058) $24. Paper, unc, McKee, Nov., 1900. (1010) $19. BIERSTADT (O. A.). The Library of Robert Hoe. N. Y., 1S95. 8vo. CI., Bangs, Mar. 31, '9S. (13S) $10.50. CI., Browne, Mar., '99. (267) $6. CI., Pratt, Apr., '99. (1189) $9. 01., Sidnev, Mar.. 1900. (15) £2. Mor. ex.. Bangs, Feb. 13, '01. (48) $31. CI., French, Apr., '01. (98) $9. CI., Lefferts, Apr., '02. (Ill) $6.50. CI., Bangs, Apr. 28, '02. (190) $8. BIESTON (ROGER). Bait and Snare of Fortune. Lond., Wayland, [1550]. Fol. Mor. ex., Griswold, Dec, '80. (116) $175. Mor. ex., g.e., Soth., Dec. 1, '91. (1054) £llSs. Mor., g.e., Hazlitt, Nov., '93. (56) £8. Mor. ex., g.e., Soth., June 3, '02. (252) £19. BIET (ANTOINE). Voyage de la France Equinoxiale en I'lsle de Cay- enne. Paris, 1664. 4to. Old cf., Sunderland, Dec, '81. (1628) £8 10s. Cf., Murphy, Mar., '84. (255) $9. Bds., Soth., Apr. 12, '99. (Ill) £1 10s. Cf. ex., Ellis, Oct., '02. (60) £114s. Mor. ex., Ellis, Oct., '02. (347) £3. BIGELOW (JACOB). American Med- ical Botany. Bost., 1S17-20. 3 vols., 8vo. Bds., unc. (in 6 vols.). Hunt, Nov., '91. (298) $5.50. Hf. mor. ex., Alexander, Mar., '95. (1017) $12.75. Bds., unc. (in 6 vols.), Libbie, Mar. 28, 1900. (225) $16.50. (Jacob) — Continued. (in 6 vols., lacking 1 plate), , May, 1900. (103) $7.50. unc. (in 1 vol.), Bangs, Oct. (8) $8.50. (in 6 vols., bindings broken), Dec. 5, '01. (104) $9. unc. (in 1 vol.). Bangs, Jan. (9) $8.75. la Bostoniensis. Bost., 1824. ., Libbie, Mar. 27, '95. (62) Bigelow Bds., unc. Mackay Hf. mor., 7, '01. Bds., unc. Libbie, Hf. mor., 6, '02. Floru Svo. Bds., unc $5.12. BIGLAND (R.). Collections Relative to Gloucestershire. Lend., 1791-92. 2 vols., fol. Cf. (Vol. 1 and 48 pp. of Vol. 2, some plates stained). Hardy, Dec, '86. (140) £2 18s. Hf. mor. (Vol. 1 and 192 pp. of Vol. 2), Martin, Mar., '88. (329) £6 12s. 6d. Cf. ex., g.e. (Vol. 1 and Vol. 2, Part 1), Brabourne, May, '91. (129) £4Ss. Rus. ex., m.e. (Vol. 1), Ashburton, Nov.. 1900. (90) £18s. Hf. mor. (Vol. 1), Putt., Jan. 17, '01. (280) £114s. Hf. cf. (Vols 1 and 2, with Fosbrooke's Historv of Gloucester, 1819), Waller, Dec, 1900. (208) £5 15s. Gloucestershire Collections. Pri- vate Reprint for T. Fitzroy Pen- wick. Cheltenham. Pol. (Parts 2-9), Waller, Dec, 1900. (209) £5 15s. (Parts 3-9), Howard, June, '02. (316) £9 5s. BIGMORE (E. C.) AND WYMAN (C. W. H.). Bibliography of Printing. Lond., 1880-86. 3 vols., 4to. Hf. mor.. Hardy, Dec, '86. (1958) £3 3s. Hf. mor., Hodgson, Mar. 29, '87. (538) £3 5s. Hf. mor., Edwards, Jan., '94. (226) £2 10s. Hf. mor.. Bangs, Mar. 28, '98. (95) $19.50. Hf. mor.. Bangs, Apr. 11, '98. (72) $21. Hf. mor., Soth., Apr. 20, '99. (297) £3 5s. Hf. mor.. Bangs, Oct. 10, '99. (145) $12.75. Hf. mor., Brice, Mar., 1900. (193) £3 19s. Hf. mor., Hodgson, Mar. 12, '02. (47) £3 17s. 6d. BIGMORE 188 BILLINGS Bigmore (E. C.) — Cuntinucd. Hf. mor., Lefferts, Apr., '02. (75) ?13.50. BIJOU (THE). Lond., 1828. 8vo. ** Thick paper. Hf. mor., Cox, Apr., '99. (G9) $5.75. BILL (LEDYARD). History of the Bill Family. N. Y., 1867. 8vo. CI., Guild, Nov., '87. (1481) $5. Sheets, folded, Libbie, May 20, '96. (65) $6.50. BILL FOR THE PROVISIONAL Es- tablishment and Regulation of Trade and Intercourse between Great Britain and the United States. N.p., n.d., 6 pp., fol. Unbd., Henkels, Apr. 27, 1900. (611) $26. BILL IN THE CHANCERY OF NEW Jersey. See New Jersey. BILLETS IN THE LOW COUNTRIES, 1814-17. Lond., ISIS. Plates by Cruikshank. 4to. Bds., unc, Stewart, Mar., '88. (135) £2 14s. Mor. ex., imc, Duprat, Feb., '95. (28) $16. Hf. mor., unc, Bangs, Apr. 15, '96. (119) $6. Mor. ex., g.e.. Bangs, Mar. 31, '98. (160) $5.50. Hf. mor., Anderson, Apr. 3, '01. (17) $6. BILLINGS (JOHN S.). Index-Cata- logue of the iJbrary of the Surgeon- General's Office, United States Army. Washington, v.d. 8vo. Vols. 1-16, and Second series. Vol. 1, Washington, 1880-96. 17 vols., cl., Libbie, Jan. 18, '99. (100) $23.37. Vols. 1-16 and Second series. Vols. 1 and 2. IS vols., hf. mor., Libbie, June 12, '01. (201) $28.50. BILLINGS (R. W.). Architectural Illustrations of Carlisle Cathedral, Lond., 1840. 4to. Unc. Craig, Mar., 'S8. (574 J £14s. **Large paper. Rus., g.e., Lee, June, '8S. (139) £1 2s. Rus.. g.e., Perkins, Julv, '89. (210) £14s. **'Largest paper. Mor. ex. (with duplicate), Edwardes, May, '01. (127) £4 15s. Architectural Illustrations of Dur- ham Cathedral and County. Lend., 1843-46. 2 vols., 4to. Billings (R. W.) — Continued. Hf. mor., Hussey, Mav, '87. (165) £1 10s. Parts, unc, Craig, Mar., '88. (576) £1. **Largest paper. Mor. ex., Edwardes, May, '01. (126) £7 15s. Architectural Antiquities of the County of Durham. Durham, 1847. 4to. Cf. ex., Ajlesford, Mar., '88. (134) £16s. **Largest paper. Hf. mor., unc, Hussey, May, '87. (534) £2 10s. Baronial and Ecclesiastical An- tiquities of Scotland. Edinb., 1845- 52. 4 vols. 4to. Cl., unc, Martin, Mar., '88. (268) £7 5s. Mor. ex., g.e., Mackenzie, Mar., '89. (150) £8 10s. Cl., unc, Nisbet, Jan., '93. (664) £6 5s. CL, unc, Hodgson, June 21, '94. (467) £6 7s. 6d. Cf., Mead, Apr., '95. (SO) $21.50. Hf. mor., g.e., Putt., Dec 7, '90. (547) £6 15s. Unc, Soth., July 11, '99. (3G8) £5 15s. Mor., g.e., Libbie, Nov. 1, '99. (95) $84. Mor., g.e., Soth., Dec. 11, '99. (645) £5 10s. Cf., g.e.. White, Feb., '01. (33) $29. Hf. mor., g.e.. White, Feb., '01. (46) $28. Cl., unc, Fraser, Apr., '01. (141) £5 7s. 6d. **Large paper. Mor. ex., unc, Toovey, Feb., '94. (591) £1S. Mor. ex., g.e., Montrose, June, '95. (39) £20. Cl., Heaton, Mar.. '97. (130) £S10s. Mor. ex., unc, Soth., May 21, 1900. (11) £10 15s. Mor. ex., g.e., Bruce, Dec, 1900. (332) £16 10s. Mor. ex., g.e., Soth., Dec. 17, 1900. (132) £12 12s. CI., unc, Hodgson, Nov. 6, '01. (873) £7 5s. BILLINGS (WILLIAM). A Warning to God's Covenant People. New London, 1733. lOmo. Unbd., unc, Brinley, Mar., '79. (2235) $7.50. BILLINGS 189 BINGHAM BILLINGS (WILLIAM). New Eng- lang Psalm-Singer; or American Chorister. Boston, [1770]. Engraved Music by Paul Revere, Svo. Hf. mor. (somewhat soiled, described as having frontispiece, 8 prelimi- nary pp. and lOS pp. of music en- graved by Revere, but lacking S leaves after p. 80), Thayer, Feb., '9S. (175) $19. Hf. sheep (with frontispiece, S pre- liminary pp. and 96 pp. of music en- graved by Revere, but described as perfect), Manson, Mar., "99. (2S11) $85. 01. (lacking several leaves at end). Whipple, Apr., '03. (1250) $105. Cf., Bartlett, May, '03. (1241) $226. Psalm-Singer's Amusement. Host., 1781, Title page and 104 pp. of music engraved by J. Norman. 12mo. Sheep, Libbie, Dec. 2, '90. (G95) $7. Sheep, Manson, Mar., '99. (2812) $77.50. Unbd., Whipple, Apr., '03. (811) $13. Unbd., Whipple, Apr., '03. (1252) $26. Singing Master's Assistant. Bost.. 1778. 104 pp. of music, engraved by Benj. Pierpont, Jun. Obi., 8vo. Cf. ex., y.e., Brinley, Apr., '81. (5903) $8.50. Unbd., Whipple, Apr., '03. (1251) $9. Suffolk Harmony. Best, 1786. Obi. Svo. Unbd. (bottom of title cut off). Whip- ple, Apr., '03. (1253) $51. BILLINGSLEY (MARTIN). A Copy Book Containing Precepts and Prac- tises of Pair and Speedy Writing. Lond., 1669. Svo. Paper, Soth.. Mar. 21, '98. (105) £1 ICs. BILLINGSLY (N.). Brachy-Marty- rologia. Lond., 1657. Svo. Cf. ex., g.e., Gaisford, Apr., '90. (181) £4 4s. Mor. ex., g.e. (headlines cut Into). Soth., June 27, '92. (73) £3 3s. Mor. ex., g.e., Putt., Apr. 8, '97. (47) £4. Mor. ex., g.e. (some leaves stained). Bangs, Nov. 8, '97. (158) $15. Mor. ex., g.e., Soth., Apr. 4, '98. (494) £112s. Mor., g.e. (some leaves cut into), Soth., June 27, '98. (184) £2 2s. Billlngsly (N.) — Coiitiiiiicd. /{i> $7. BOONE (NICHOLAS). Military Discipline. The Complete Soldier. Boston. 1701. Svo. Brinley, Mar., '79. (727) $13.75. BOORDE (A.). See Borde (A.) BOOTH (E. T.). Rough Notes on the Birds of the British Islands. Lond., 1881-87. 3 vols., fol. Hf. mor., Lennard, Julv, '88. (1018) £16. Hf. mor., Kermack, Nov., '99. (224) £17. Parts, Young, Oct., '01. (148) £13. Parts, Soth., Nov. 18, '01. (728) £12 15s. Hf. mor., Soth.. Dec. 2, '01. (251) £26. Hf. mor., unc, Christie, Mar. 26, '02. (212) £19 10s. Hf. mor., Hodgson, Feb. 17. '03. (835) £18 5s. BOOTH 223 BORGO BOOTH (EDWIN). Recollections by his daughter. Edwina Booth Gross- mann. N. Y., 1S94. 8vo. **Large paper. Hf. mor.. unc, Bangs, Oct. 10, '99. (189) $5.60. Hf. vel., unc, French, Apr., '01. (124) $10. Hf. vel., unc. Levy, Mar., '03. (20) $8. BOOTH (JOHN WILKES). Private Confession of the Murderer of President Lincoln. [Lond., 1865.] 8vo. Paper, Gllsey, Feb., '03. (1682) $25. BOOTH (JUNIUS BRUTUS). Me- moirs. Lond.. 1S17. Svo. Mor. ex., unc, Burgess, May, '94. (71) £1 10s. Paper, unc, McKee, Jan., '01. (1360) $11. Hf. mor., unc, McKee, Jan., '01. (1361) $18. BOOTH (MARY L.). History of the City of New Yorlv. N. Y., 1867. 2 vols., 4to. **Large paper. Sheets, folded, Bang.?, Feb. 10, '02. (47) $7. BOOTHBY (R.). A Brief Discovery of Madagascar. Lond., 1646. 4to. Cf.. Crawford, Mar., '91. (420) £2 2s. Unbd., Soth.. July 1, '95. (584) £18s. Hf. bd., Wilbraham, June, '98. (Ill) £ 2 8s Hf. ef.. Putt.. Dec. 11, '99. (222) £2 6s. Hf. bd., Soth., Feb. 28. 1900. (121) £115s. Hf. bd.. Soth.. May IS, '03. (94) £2 5s. BOOTT (F.). Illustrations of the Genus Carex. Lond., 1858-67. 4 vols., fol. Hance, Aug., '87. (1628) £15. BORDE (A.). Book of the Introduc- tion of Knowledge. Lond., 1814. 4 to. *'^On vellum. Hf. rus.. Turner, June, '88. (719) £5. Breviary of Health. Lond., 1557. 8vo. Perkins, July, '89. (234) £3. Cf., g.e. (with the Second Book, some leaves cut close), Bools. June, '03. (209) £3. Breviary of Health. Both parts. Lond., 1575. 4to. Borde (A.) — Continued. Cf., Randall, Aug., '87. (1329) £lls. Hf. cf., Soth., Oct. . 28, '01. (1097) £ 2 8s Mor., g.e., Soth., May 18, '03. (181) £5 17s. 6d. Breviary of Health. Both parts. Lond., 1587. 4to. Hf. mor., g.e., Soth., Mar. S, 1900. (03(1) £2 2s. Hf. bd. (autograph of White Kennett on title, some leaves mended), Bools. May, '03. (210) £2. Breviary of Health. Both parts. Lond., 159S. 4to. Rus. ex.-, g.e. (blank margins re- paired), Soth., May 16, '01. (60) £4 5s. Regimente or Dyetary of Health made in Mount Pyllor. Lond., 1502. Svo. Old cf. (with 3 other pieces. In 1 vol.), Fountaine, June, '02. (121) £30. BORDONE (B.). Isolario. Venice, 1528. Fol. Vel.. Murphv, Mar., '84. (2833) $9. Hf. vel., Hawkins, '87. (108) $8.50. Vel. (title page defective). Barlow, Feb., '90. (292) $6. Hf. vel. (slightly stained). Hart, Apr., '90. (296) $12. Hf. vel. (slightly stained), Hunt, Nov., 91. (378) $11. Mor., Soth., Nov. 18, '02. (14) £4. Isolario. Venice, 1547. Fol. Vel., g.e., Hawkins, Mar., '87. (109) $5. Vel., Bunbury, '94. (350) £2 12s. Isolario. Venice, 1548. Fol. Mor., g.e., Ives, Mar., '91. (95) $31. BORGO (LUCAS PACIOLI DE). Suninia de Arithmetica. Venice, 1494. Fol. Hf. vel. (some leaves supplied from a smaller copv), Morris, Dec, '98. (315) £5. (Margins damaged), Soth.. Nov. 18. '02. (201) £4 18s. Summa de Arithmetica Geome- tria, Proportion^ et Proportionallta. Tusculano, 1523. Pol. Vel.. Ellis. Oct., '02. (397) £3 10s. Divina proportione, opera a tutti glingegni perspicaci e curiosi neces- saria. ore ciascun studioso di Phil- osophla, Pictura, etc. Venice, 1509. BORGO 224 BORROW Borgo (Lucas P. de) — Continued. Mor., g.e., Soth., Dec. 3, 1900. (997) £11. Cf. ex., Soth., July 17, '01. (702) £12. BORGO (PIETRO DE). Opera de Arithmetica. Venice, 1491. 4to. Mor. (some leaves wormed), Soth., Nov. IS, '02. (C7) £5 2s. Gd. BORLAND (F.). History of Darien. Glasgow, 1779. 8vo. Hf. mor.. Murphy, Mar., '84. (72G) $33. Cf. ex., g.e., Martin, Mar., '8S. (118) £110s. Hf. cf. (title page mended), Makellar, Nov., '98. (834) £110s. BORLASE (E.). Reduction of Ire- land to the Crown of England. Lond., 1675. 8vo. (With arms of Earl of Derby), Bor- lase, Feb., '87. (OS) £G. BORLASE (W.). Antiquities of Cornwall. Oxford, 1754. Pol. Cf. ex., Harborough, Feb., '87. (2013) £2 5s. Hirst, Dec, '87. (7G3) £112s. Cf., Bateman, May, '93. (524) £1 7s. Antiquities of Cornwall. Lond., 17G9. Fol. Cf., Gage, Feb., '90. Cf., Hailstone, Feb., Cf., Toovey, Feb., '94. Rus., g.e., Soth., Dec. £2. Rus., Putt., Jan. 29, '97. Unc, Tixall, Nov., '99. (276) £114s. 91. (277) £2 10s. (050) £lls. 1, '9G. (530) (247) £112s. (83) £1. Natural History of Cornwall. Ox- ford, 175S. Fol. Cf., Scott, Jan.. '93. (201) £1 3s. Rus., g.e. (in 2 vols.), Jackson, May, '95. (632) £2 10s. Hf. rus., g.e., Soth., Dec. 1, '96. (529) £110s. Observations on the Scilly Islands. Oxford, 1756. 4to. Rus., g.e., Aylesford, Mar., '88. (302) £llSs. BORLASE (W. C). The Dolmens of Ireland. Lond., 1S97. 3 vols.. 8vo. Unc, Soth., Dec 13, '97. (54) £2 16s. CI., Hodgson, Oct. 29, '01. (147) £1 14s. TJnc, Soth., Dec. 11, '01. (22) £2 2s. CI., Bangs, Nov. 20, '02. (450) $13.50. BORRENSTEIN (D. A.). Mengwe: A Tale of the Frontier. Phila., 1825. 16mo. Cf., McKee, Nov., 1900. (492) $10.50. BORRO (GASPARINO). Triumph!, Sonetti, Canzoni et Laude de la Gloriosa Madre de dio Vergine Maria. Brescia, 14 9S. 4to. Stamped leather, Soth., Apr. 12, '99. (125) £5 5s. BORROW (GEORGE). The Bible in Spain. Lond., 1843. 3 vols., 8vo. CI., Rogers, Jan., '88. (95) $7.50. Mor. ex., g.e.. Turner, Dec, '93. (43) £114s. CI., Soth., Feb. 13, '99. (43G) £2 10s. CI., Soth., Mar. 23, '99. (58) £2 5s. CI., Bangs, May 28, 1900. (113) $6. CI., Peirce, May, '03. (40) $12.75. CI., Soth., July 16, '03. (501) £4 7s. Celebrated Trials and Remarka- ble Cases of Criminal Jurispru- dence. Lond., 1825. 6 vols., 8vo. Hf. cf., unc, Rogers, Jan., '88. (90) $43.50. Hf. cf., g.e., Soth., June 22, '91. (826) £3 12s. Hf. cf., m.e., Tomlinson, Jan., '94. (1453) £3. Cf., m.e., Addison, June, '96. (145) £3 8s. Cf., Coghlan, Dec, '96. (69) £3 15s. Bds., unc. Bangs, June 15, '98. (72) $43.50. Cf., Egraont, June, '9S. (58) £3 3s. Hf. cf.. Putt., Oct. 31, '98. (45) £2 8s. Hf. cf., Soth., Feb. 13, '99. (437) £3 10s. Hf. cf., Middleton, Mar., '99. (580) $18.60. Cf. ex., Christie, July 11, '99. (187) £16. CI., unc. Bangs, Nov. 27, '99. (61) $15. Hf. cf., Arnold, Apr., 1900. (236) $7.20. Hf. cf., v.e.. Bangs, Dec. 9, '01. (289) $16.50. Cf., Twopenny, May. '02. (148) £10. Hf. cf., unc, Christie, June 18, '02. (92) £8. Bds., unc, Christie, June IS, '02. (91) £6 5s. Hf. cf., Anderson, Apr. 16, '03. (619) $18. Embeo e Majaro Lucas. Lond., 1S37. Svo. BORROW 225 BOSSU Borrow (George) — Continued. Cf. (with dedication in Borrow's auto- graph), Soth., Dec. 2, '01. (323) £4 ISs. Faustus. Lond., 1S25. 8vo. Unc, Turner, Nov., '88. (1431) £2 15s. Unc, Putt., Nov. 9, '96. (740) £1 5s. Unc, Soth., Jan. 29, '03. (152) £3. Lavengro. Lond., 1851. 3 vols., 8vo. CI., Rogers, Jan., '88. (96) $5.25. CI., Goldsmid, Apr.. '89. (25) £lls. Hf. mor., Alexander, Mar., '95. (1051) $6.75. CI., Soth., Nov. 20, '99. (131) £2 8s. CI. (portrait stained). Grant, Mav, 1900. (24) £2 4s. CI., Anderson, Oct., 1900. (534) £1 5s. Hf. mor., Libble, Nov. 16, 1900. (6G) $9.37. CI., Maxe. Mar., '01. (89) £19s. Unc. (proof sheets, with title " Life, a Drama," and with many notes in the author's autograph), Soth., Dec. 2, '01. (328) £11. CI., Bangs, Mar. 16, '03. (117) $8.25. Romano Lavo-lil: Word-Book of the Romany. Lond., 1874. Svo. Hf. mor.. unc. (proof sheets, with 13 lines in manuscript by the author), Soth., Dec. 2, '01. (326) £4. Romantic Ballads and Miscellane- ous Pieces. Norwich, 1826. Svo. Bds., unc, Turner, Nov., '88. (436) £118s. Hf. mor., r.e., Ives, Mar., '91. (96) $16. Hf. mor., unc, Turner, Dec, '93. (42) £3Ss. Bds., unc, Kay, Mav, '97. (388) £1 14s. Bds., unc, Soth., Jan. 21, '98. (669) £119s. Hf. mor., unc, Soth., Feb. 2, '98. (9) £llls. Cf.. m.c, Soth., Dec 2, '01. (322) £2 18s. The Romany Rye. Lond., 1857. 2 vols., Svo. CI. (with 4 pages of manuscript notes by the author), Soth., Dec. 2, '01. (327) £4. CI., Putt., Jan. 29, '03. (207) £3 15s. The Sleeping Bard, or Visions of the World, Death and Hell. Lond., 1S60. 8vo. Soth., Mar. 23, '99. (60) £1 8s. Borrow (George) — Continued. Hf. mor., Hodgson, Oct. 9, 1900. (1041) £19s. Paper, unc. Bangs, Oct. 21, '01. (109) $5.50. CI., Soth., Dec. 2, '01. (325) £llCs. The Talisman, from the Russian of Alexander Pushkin. St. Peters- burg, 1835. Svo. Soth., Dec. 2, '01. (324) £4Cs. Targum, or Metrical Translations from thirty languages and Dialects. St. Petersburg, 1835. Svo. Putt., Oct. 12, 'S7. (600) £1. Hf. bd.. Young, Dec, '95. (92) £1 5s. Cf. (with notes transcribed from author's copy), Soth., Dec. 2, '01. (321) £5. Wild Wales. Lond., 1862. 3 vols., Svo. CI., Rogers, Jan., '88. (99) $24.75. CI., Soth., Mav 1, '89. (881) £2 2s. CI., Hutt, May, '89. (252) £3 12s. CI., Foster, June, '94. (565) £2 18s. Hf. cf.. Alexander, Mar., '95. (1054) $20.25. Hf. cf.. unc. Bangs, June 7, '97. (187) $10.50. 01., Hornbv, Apr., 1900. (46) £4 4s. CI., Soth., July 18, 1900. (744) £3 12s. C!., Hodgson, .Ian. 8, '02. (509) £5 15s. CI., Putt., Mar. 26, '02. (412) £2 14s. The Zincali. Lond., 1841. 2 vols., Svo. CI., Craig, June, '87. (336) £116s. CI., Rogers, Jan., '88. (93) $10. Bds.. unc, Soth., Dec. 13, '97. (340) £16s. CI., Soth., Mar. 23, '99. (57) £1 4s. CI., Soth., Dec 5. '99. (211) £1 7s. CI., Twopenny, May, '02. (99) £2 17s. CI., Putt., Jan. 29, '03. (208) £2 4s. The Zincali. Lond., 1846. Svo. Unc. (author's copy with manuscript corrections), Soth., Dec. 2, '01. (320) £4. BOSCOBEL. See Blount (T.). BOSSEWELL. See Boswell. BOSSU (M.). Nouveaux Voyages aux Indes Occidentales. Paris, 1768. 2 vols., Svo. Mor., g.e., Toovey, Feb., '94. (21) £18s. Travels through Louisana. Lend., 1771. 2 vols., Svo. Field, May, '75. (173) $5. BOSSU 226 BOSTON Bossu (M.) — Continued. Cf., Brevoort, Feb., "dO. (703) ?5. Cf., Henkels, Oct. 29, '95. (110) $4.20. Cf., Bangs, Feb. 3, '96. (94) $6. Cf., Ashburton, Nov., 1900. (108) £lls. Cf., Polock, Mar., '04. (92) $9.50. BOSSUS (MATH.). De Instituendo Sapientia Animo et Christi Pas- sione Sermo. Bologna, 1495. 4to. **0n vellum. Leather, Sunderland, Dec, 'SI. (1S47) £50. Leather (Sunderland copy). Weaver, Mar., '9S. (IOC) £61. BOSTON ALMANAC. See Newman (H.). BOSTON ATHEN/EUM. Catalogue of Library, 1807-71. Bost, 1874-82. 5 vols., 8vo. CI., Libbie. Jan. 23, 1900. (225) $7.50. CI., Winsor, Feb.. 1900. (181) $15. BOSTON CHRONICLE. Vol. 1. Dec. 21, 1707, to Dec. 2G, 1768. 4to. Brlnley, Mar., '79. (1721) $9. Hf. sheep, Frederickson, Apr., '8G. (234) $16. Mor.. Soth., May 13, '92. (502) £2 18s. Brinley, Apr., '93. (9233) $13.50. Bds., Stone, Oct., '97. (82) $5.75. Hf. sheep (lacking the first leaf), Libbie, Dec. 5, '01. (979) $7.75. Hf. roan (lacking Nos. 12, 16, 17 and 24, and supplements to Nos. 41, 48 and 14 half numbers), Libbie, Apr. 29, '02. (914) $10.25. BOSTON DIRECTORY. Bost., v. d. 12mo. For 1789, hf. mor., Whitmore, Nov., '02. (1404) $77.50. For 1796, cf., g.e.. Rice, Mar., '70. (198) $13. For 1796. bds., Hawkins, Mar., '87. (110) $6. For 1796, hf. mor. (upper corner torn from plan), Whitmore, Nov., '02. (1405) $70. For 1798, paper, Pratt, Apr., '99. (262) $30. For 179S, paper, Henkels, Jan. 18, '01. (31) $60. For 1798, hf. roan (plan mounted), Whitmore, Nov., '02. (1406) $40. For 1800, hf. mor., Whitmore, Nov., '02. (1408) $35. BOSTON EPHEMERIS. See Mather (Cotton). BOSTON GAZETTE. Bost., Knee- land & Green, v.d. Fol. Oct. 25, 1736, to July 23, 173arge paper. Hf. vel.. Bliss, Apr., '98. (33) £1 16s. Hf. vel.. Bangs, Oct. 18, '99. (77) $9. Hf. vel., Bangs, Oct. 13, '99. (72) $7.50. Hf. vel.. Bangs, Nov. 6, '99. (72) $7.50. • Hf. vel.. Bangs, Oct. 22, 1900. (112) $5.10. Hf. vel.. Soth., Mar. 23, '03. (176) £18s. Philophaster, Comoedia et Pcem- ata. Hertford, RoxburgUe Club, 1862. 4to. Beresford, June. '88. (1814) £15s. Gaisford, Apr., '90. (1625) £2 4s. Hf. mor., unc, Brabourne, May, '91. (1001) £3. Hf. mor., Hope, Apr., '96. (1243) £3 15s. (ROBERT), in America. The English Lond., 1692. '95. (342) £17s. Empire in America. BURTON Empire Svo. Cf., Soth., July 1, The English Lond., 1711. Svo. Cf., Barlow, Feb., '90. (400) $15. The English Empire in America. Lond., 1728. Svo. Hf. mor.. Weeks, Mar., '02. (713) $7. The English Empire in America. I^ond.. 1729. Svo. Mor. ex., g.e., Ashburton, Nov., 1900. (133) £17s. BURTON (WILLIAM). Commentary on Antoninus' Itinerarv. Lond., 1658. Fol. Cf., Avlesford, Mar., '88. (373) £1. Cf., Bangs, Nov. 25, '95. (148) $7. Description of Leicester. Lond., [1622]. Fol. Cf.. Harborough, Feb., '87. (200) £2 10s. Cf., Aylesford, Mar., '88. (372) £2 12s. Rus. ex., g.e., Rigge, Jan., '92. (491) £2 13s. Cf., Christie, Julv 16, '92. (190) £1 5s. Cf., Buckley, Apr., '94. (729) £2 2s. **Large paper. Rus. ex., g.e. (portrait mounted), Thornhill, Apr., '89. (172) £4. Description of Leicestershire. Lynn, 1777. Fol. Cf., Harborough, Feb., '87. (201) £lls. Cf., Belt, Aug., '92. (760) £2 10s. Rus., Peel, June, 1900. (214) £2 12s. 6d. **Large paper. Rus., Christie, Dec. 5, '93. (165) £2 18s. BURTON (W. E.). Cyclopedia of Wit and Humor. N. Y., 1858. 2 vols.. Svo. Parts, Roos, Apr., '97. (183) $5.50. Sheep, Henkels, Jan. 31, '98. (62) $7. Hf. mor.. m.e.. Cox, Apr., '99. (127) $9. BURY (RICHARD DE). Philobiblon. Cologne, 1473. 4to. Mor. ex., g.e., Wodhull, Jan., '86. (2235) £45. Vel., in case (first leaf mended), Ditchfield, Apr., '93. (764) £50. Cf., r.e. (manuscript notes in mar- gins), Inglis, June, 1900. (638) £80. BURY 324 BUSHNELL Bury (Richard de) — Continued. ■ Philobiblon. [Spires, J. and C. Hist, 1483.] 4to. Ditchfleld, Apr., '93. (765) £31 10s. ■ Philobiblon. Oxford, 1599. 4to. Vel., line, Ives, Mar., '91. (130) $55. Hf. cf., Ditchfield, Apr., '93. (7CG) £2. Hf. cf., Gennadius, Mar., '95. (2534) £2 2s. Leather (corners of title and 2 other leaves mended, the Freeling copy), Tredwell, Nov., '01. (378) $5.50. Philobiblon. With translation by J. B. Inglis. Albany, ISGl. 8vo. **Large paper. Hf. mor., unc, Rice, Mar., '70. (310) $8.25. Hf. mor., unc, Menzies, Nov., '76. (550) $11. Hf. mor., unc, Ives, Mar., '91. (131) $10. Paper, unc, Livermore, Nov., '94. (726) $5. Philobiblon. Edited bv A. P. West. N. Y., Grolier Club, 1889. 3 vols., sq. 12mo. Vel., Hutchinson, Feb., '92. (351) £G 2s. Gd. Vel., Bangs, Mar. 18, '95. (275) $87. Vel., Adee, Nov., '95. (417) $7S. Vel., Matthews, Feb., '97. (311) $67.50. Vel., Bangs, Jan. 19, '98. (549) $55.50. Vel., Bangs, Feb. 3, '98. (67) $63. Vel., Bangs, Mar. 31, '98. (243) $60. Vel., Bangs, Nov. 10, '99. (122) $76.50. Vol., Soth., Feb. 28, 1900. (1271) £12. Vel., Edelheim, Mar., 1900. (1251) $87. Vel., Bangs, Apr. 16, 1900. (350) $96. Vel., Cook, Nov., 1900. (444) $63. Vel., Anderson, Feb. 20. '01. (96) $84. Vel., French, Apr., '01. (642) $96. Vel., Bangs, Nov. IS, '01. (364) $69. Vel., Carey, Apr., '02. (167) $87. Vel., Lefferts, Apr., '02. (656) $90. Vel., McKee. May, '02. (4901) $81. Vel., unc, Bangs. Nov. 20, '02. (433) $75. Vel., unc, Peirce, Mar., '03. (304) $75. **0n vellum. Mor. ex., in case, French, Apr., '01. (641) $825. BURY (T. T.). Views on the Liver- pool and Manchester Railway. Lend., 1831. 13 colored plates. Fol. Bury (T. T.) — Continued. Hf. bd.. Putt., Dec. 13, '97. (846) £3 5s. Johnson, Feb., '98. (1845) £5 5s. Hf. rus., Soth., Feb. 27, '99. (72) £5 15s. Bds., unc, Hodgson, Jan. S, '02. (135) £13. Paper (6 plates only), Putt, Feb. 13, '01. (239) £2 14s. BURY (VISCOUNT) AND HILLIER G. L.). Cycling. Lond., Badmin- ton Library, 1887. 4to. **Large paper. Hf. mor., Marshall, Julv, '90. (1144) £110s. Hf. mor., Nisbet, Jan., '93. (237) £1 10s. Hf. bd., Soth., Dec. 14, '93. (348) £1 7s. Hf. mor., Toovey, Mar., '94. (313) £1 4s. Hf. mor., Alexander, Mar., '95. (1962) $6.25. Hf. mor., Burra, Mav, '97. (209) £1 6s. Hf. mor.. Putt., Oct. 31. '98. (703) £1. BUSBY (RICHARD). Narrative of the Differences between Mr. Busby and Mr. Bagshawe, Masters of Westminster School. Lond., 1659. Svo. Hf. cf. ex.. Grant, Mav, 1900. (42) £1 16s. BUSBY (T. L.). Costume of the Lower Orders of London. Lond., 1819-20. 24 colored plates. 4to. Hf. cf., Soth., Mav 6, '98. (646) £4. Hf. bd., unc, Soth., Dec 13, 1900. (965) £3 6s. Hf. mor., Soth., Feb. 17, '02. (276) £4 7s. Gd. BUSH (W.). Relation of his Travels, in his Pinnace, from Lamborne to the Cuslome House Key in London. Lond., 1608. 4to. Jersey, May, '85. (321) £8 5s. BUSHNELL (C. I.). Crumbs for An- tiquarians. N. Y., 1864-66. 2 vols., Svo. Hf. mor., unc, Menzies, Nov., '76. (306) $32. Hf. mor., unc, Guild, Nov., '87. (592) $12. Hf. mor., unc. (A.N.S. inserted), Ives, Mar., '91. (132) $14. BUSHNELL 325 BUTLER Bushnell (C. I.) — Continued. Hf. mor., line. (A.L.S. inserted), Lib- bie, Nov. 6, '95. (250) $1S. Hf. mor., unc. (A.L.S. laid in), Man- son, Feb., '99. (837) $11. Hf. rus., Clogston, Nov., '99. (250) $13. Bds., unc, McKee, May, '02. (4474) $30. BUSY-BODY, bond., ISIG-IS. 4 vols., Svo. Hf. cf.. Hailstone, Feb., '91. (3291 £13 6s. BUTCHER (RICHARD). Survey and Antiquity of Stamford. Lond.. 1G46. 4to. Hf. cf. ex., Soth., Feb. 22, '97. (626) £118s. Survey and Antiquity of Stamford. Lond., 1717-18. Svo. **Large paper. Cf., Thornhill, Apr., '89. (34) £2 12s. BUTE (JOHN STUART, EARL OF). Botanical Tables, [.\bout 1785.] 9 vols., 4to. Cf., Aylesford, Mar., '88. (332) £60. Cf., Stuart, Mar., '95. (78) £39 10s. BUTEL-DUMONT (M.). Memoires Historiques sur la Louisiane. Paris, 1753. 2 vols., 12mo. Cf., Field, May, '75. (576) $12.75. Cf. (in 1 vol.), Brevoort, Feb., '90. (373) $6.25. Cf., Hart. Apr., '90. (807) $10. Vel. (in 1 vol.). Hart, Apr., '90. (808) $9.50. Cf., Lincoln, Oct., '01. (990) $8.50. BUTLER (ALLAN). Lives of the Saints. Lond., 1812-13. 12 vols., Svo. Hf. cf., Moore, Oct., '93. (115) £2 15s. CI., Foot, Jan., '94. (400) £119s. Mor., g.e., Soth., Mar. 30, '97. (103) £112s. BUTLER (ARTHUR G.). Foreign Finches in Captivity. Lond., n.d. Colored plates. 4to. Hf. mor., Atkinson, Mar., '97. (915) £3 12s. 6d. CI., Putt., May 24, '98. (577) £2 10s. CI., Young, Oct, '01. (82) £2 12s. 6d. CI., Hodgson, Feb. 19, '02. (224) £2 17s. 6d. Lepidoptera Exotica. Lond., 1874. 4to. CI., Hodgson, Mar. 12, '02. (766) £2 lis. Butler (Arthur G.) — Continued. Specimens of Lepidoptera Hetero- cera in the British Museum Collec- tion. Lond., 1877. 2 vols., 4to. Putt, May 29, '89. (228) £2 12s. Hf. mor., Soth., July 27, '97. (932) £3 10s. BUTLER (CALEB). History of Gro- ton, Mass. Bost., 1848. Svo. CI., Brinlev, Mar., '79. (1830) $5. CI., Guild, Nov., '87. (2167) $7. CI., Libbie, Nov., '95. (648) $5.50. CI., Deane, Mar., '98. (1552) $6.25. CI., Manson, Feb., '99. (1663) $5.50. CI., Morris., Apr., '99. (573) $5. CI., Libbie, Dec. 5, '01. (501) $5.25. CI., Libbie, Feb. 5, '02. (472) $7.25. BUTLER (CHARLES). The Feminine Monarchy, or the History of Bees. Oxford, i634. 4to. Hopetoun, Feb., '89. (171) £18s. Cf. ex., unc, Halliv?ell, July, '89. (233) £113s. Cf. ex., unc. Putt, Nov. 11, '89. (629) £114s. Mor. ex., g.e., Gaisford, Apr., '90. (337) £3 lis. Cf. (title mended), Reynell, May, '95. (54) £115s. Mor. ex., g.e., Soth., Feb. 28, 1900. (193) £2 2s. Hf. mor., Davis, Nov., 1900. (50) £1 Is. Mor., g.e., Ellis, Oct, '02. (505) £2 6s. Principles of Musick. Lond.. 1636. 4 to. Vel., Aylesford, Mar., '88. (333) £7 15s. Cf., Hopetoun, Feb., '89. (172) £3 5s. Cf., Wills, July, '94. (1399) £4 4s. Cf., Soth., Dec. 17, 1900. (203) £3 3s. BUTLER (CHARLES). Historical Memoirs of the English, Irish and Scottish Catholics. Lond., 1S22. 4 vols., Svo. Hf. cf., Streatfeild, June, '89. (12) £1 Is. CI., Putt, Jan. 2S, '91. (222) £1 10s. Hf. cf., Stewart, Feb., '91. (423) £2 2 s. Unc, Buckley, Feb., '93. (441) £1 10s. Cf. ex., Deane, Mar., '98. (540) $6.50. BUTLER (FRANCIS G.). History of Farmington, Me. Farmington, 18S5. Svo. CI., Guild, Nov., '87. (1312) $7.25. BUTLER 326 BUTLER Butler (Francis G.) — Continued. CI., Libbie, June 22, '98. (264) $5.50. CI., Manson, Feb., '99. (1466) $5.25. BUTLER (CAPT. H.)- South African Sketches. Lond., 1841. Frontis- piece and 15 plates, mostly colored. Fol. CI., Soth., Mar. 16, '03. (456) £4. Hodgson, May 21, '03. (572) £4 7s. Od. BUTLER (JOSEPH). The Analogy of Religion. Lend., 1736. 4to. Cf., Bangs, May 23, '01. (103) $11. BUTLER (MANN). History of Ken- tucky. Louisville, 1834. Mor., Boon, May, '70. (114S) $S. Sheep, Terry, Mar., '89. (551) $6. History of Kentucky. Cincinnati, 1S3G. Svo. Hf. mor., una. (portrait inserted). Menzies, Nov., '76. (310) $5.50. Bds., unc, Brinley, Apr., '81. (45S7) $9. Cf., Brinley, Apr., '93. (S461) $14. BUTLER (PIERCE). Mr. Butler's Statement, originally prepared in Aid of his Professional Counsel. Phila., [1850]. Svo. CI. (with inscription by the author), McKee, Jan., '01. (1791) $10.50. BUTLER (SAMUEL). Hudibras. Part 1. Lond., J. G., for Richard Marriot, 1663. Svo. Cf., Putt., Feb. 7, '95. (94) £112s. Unbd. (last leaf soiled, presentation copy), Soth., July 1, '01. (892) £43. Hudibras. Part 1. Lond., J. G. for Richard Marriot, 1663. 12mo. Cf. (binding cracked), McKee, Dec, '01. (2783) $21. Hudibras. Part 1. Lond., Printed In the year 1663. 12mo. Mor., g.e., Deane. Mar., '98. (5,46) $15. Cf. ex., g.e., Hibbert, Apr., '02. (117) £5 2s. 6d. Hudibras.. Part 2. Lond., T. R. for J. Martyn and J. Allestry, 1664. Svo. Cf., Soth., July 28, '02. (666) £20 10s. Hudibras. Part 2. Lond., T. R. for J. Martyn and J. Allestry, 1664. 12mo. Cf. (broken), McKee, Dec, '01. (2784) $13. Hudibras. Part 3. With Errata. Lond., 1678. Svo. Butler (Samuel) — Continued. Cf., m.e., Soth., Dec. 3, 1900. (499) £2 4s. Hudibras. Part 3. With Errata corrected. Lond., 1678. Svo. Sheep, McKee, Dec, '01. (27S5) $23. Hudibras. Parts 1 and 2. First Editions. Lond., 1663-64. Svo. Sheep (in 1 vol.), Johnson, Jan., '90. (252) $25. Cf. ex., g.e. (in 1 vol.), Cosens, Nov., '90. (730) £2 10s. Cf. (in 1 vol.), Burra, May, '97. (561) £3 1Ss. Mor. ex. (in 1 vol.), Deane, Mar., '98. (543) $21. Cf. ex., g.e., Hibbert, Apr., '02. (115) £11 15s. Hudibras. Parts 1 and 2. Lond., 1663-64. Cheap editions in small type. 2 vols., 12mo. Mor., g.e., Deane, Mar., '98. (545) $34. Hudibras. Parts 1, 2 and 3, First Editions. Lond., 1663-64-78. 3 vols., Svo. Cf. ex., y.e., Rogers, Jan., 'SS. (171) $27. Hale, Mar., '91. (124) $30. Cf. ex., g.e., May, July, '91. (331) £21. Mor. ex., g.e., Reid, May, '94. (496) £4 12s. Cf. ex., g.e., Soth, Apr. 22, '95. (589) £10 10s. Cf., Soth., Dec. 17. '9S. (142) £6 5s. Mor. ex., g.e., Hibbert, Apr., '02. (114) £40. Cf. ex., g.e., White, Apr., '02. (372) £8. Mor. ex., g.e. (date on title of Part 1 slightly cut into), McKee, Dec, '01. (2782) $87. Orig. sheep, Soth., June 20, '04. (125) £60. Mor., g.e., Soth., Julv 28, '04. (250) £40. Hudibras. A collection of editions, comprising: The genuine Svo edi- tion, 3 different small 12mo editions, and 3 different spurious small 12mo editions of Part 1, all dated 1663; the genuine Svo edition, 2 different genuine small 12mo editions, and a spurious small 12mo edition of Part 2, all dated 1664; Parts 1 and 2 in 1 vol., 1674; two editions of BUTLER 327 BUTLER Butler (Samuel) — Continued. Part 3, dated 1678. Together 13 vols., various sizes and bindings. Lefferts, Apr., '02. (174) $390. Hudlbras. A collection of editions, comprising; Tlie genuine 8vo edi- tion, 3 different small 12mo editions, 2 spurious small 12mo editions of Part 1, all dated 1CG3; the genuine 8vo edition, 2 different small 12mo editions of Part 2, all dated 1667; two editions of Part 3, dated 1678. Together 10 vols. Mor. ex., g.e., Foote, Jan., '95. (61) ?200. Hudlbras. Lond., 1710. 3 vols., 8vo. Mor. ex., g.e., Lawrence, May, '92. (112) £23 10s. Mor. ex. (Beckford copy), Sewall, Nov., '96. (534) $14.25. Cf., Rogers, Oct., 1900. (1190) $6.25. Hudlbras. Camb. and Lond., 1744. 2 vols., 8vo. Mor. ex., g.e., Stewart, Mar., '88. (62) £2 10s. Mor., ex., g.e., Whitehead, Apr. 16, '89. (330) £5 10s. Mor., Perkins, July, '89. (332) £3 5s. Cf. ex., unc, Toovey, Feb., '94. (424) £lls. Cf., Hayes, Apr., '98. (246) $11.50. Mor., g.e.. Bangs, Feb. 13, '01. (97) $10. Cf., unc, Lefferts, Apr., '02. (175) $8. **Large paper. Cf., Potts, Nov., "88. (1538) £4Ss. Mor. ex., g.e., Soth., May 5, '90. (30) £5 5s. May, July, '91. (1035) £3 15s. Mor., Toovey, Feb., '94. (422) £3. Mor. ex., g.e., Soth., Dec. 17, '97. (67) £1 15s. Mor., g.e.. Edwardes, May, '01. (47) £3. Hudlbras. In English with French translation by John Towneley. Lond., 1757. 3 vols.. 8vo. Mor. ex., g.e., Crawford, June, '87. (590) £2. Turner, June, '88. (600) £2 18s. Mor. ex., g.e., Hutt, May, '89. (385) £lls. Mor., g.e., Soth., Mav 25, 1900. (12) £3 6s. Butler (Samuel) — Continued. Mor. ex., g.e., Soth., Mar. 22, '01. (54) £lls. Hudlbras. Lond., 1793. 3 vols., 4to. Cf. ex., g.e., Avlesford, Mar., '88. (334) £5 5s. Cf., Hutchinson, Feb., '92. (126) £3 5s. Cf. (rebacked), Soth., June 27, '92. (115) £2. Hf. mor., unc, Barclay, Nov., '92. (1688) £2 10s. Mor., g.e., Toovey, Feb., '94. (927) £4 18s. Rus., m.e., Soth., Dec. 17, '97. (235) £2 16s. Mor. ex., g.e., Soth., May 16, '01. (94) £4 10s. Mor. ex., g.e., Edwardes, May, '01. (91) £8 10s. Mor., g.e, Soth., Nov. 24, '02. (435) £2 12s. Hudlbras. Lond., 1799. 2 vols., 8vo. Mor. ex., g.e., Buckinghamshire, July, '89. (70) £19s. Mor. ex., g.e., Soth., Dec. 10, '90. (23) £12s. Cf., Hartnup. May, '92. (795) £110s. '**Large paper. Mor. ex.. g.e., Hawkins. Mar., '95. (110) £2 16s. Mor., g.e., Soth., Dec. 13, 1900. (420) £3 13s. Hudlbras. Lond., ISOl. 2 vols., Svo. **Large paper. Rus., Putt., Dec. 16. '91. (86) £1 6s. Mor. ex., g.e.. Larking, Apr., '92. (75) £llls. Mor. ex., g.e., Larpent, Jan., '95. (767) £2 10s. Hudlbras. Lond., 1819. 3 vols., 8vo. Cf. ex., Christie, Mar. 22, '93. (31) £1 7s. Cf., Kay, May, '97. (129) £117s. Cf. ex., m.e.. Bangs, Mar. 1, '98. (500) $6.75. Unc, Soth., Mav 8, '99. (176) £1 lOs. Hf. mor., Soth., Oct. 30, '99. (887) £1 5s. Cf., Putt., Mar. 22, 1900. (32) £1 10s. **Large paper. Hf. mor., Francis, July, '90. (34) £3. Unc, Rigge, Jan., '92. (14) £19s. BUTLER 328 BYFIELD Butler (Samuel) — Coittiinied. Mor. ex., g.e., Reid, May, '94. (500) £3 7s. 6d. Bds.. unc. Bangs, Jan. 23, '95. (104) $7.20. Mor. ex., g.e., Howard, June, '9S. (51) £6 5s. Rus., Cox, Apr., '99. (12S) $23.25. **Largest paper. Mor. ex., g.e., Armley, Dec, '94. (103) £8 5s. Mor. ex., g.e., Soth., Mar. 8, 1900. (399) £3 14s. Hudibras. Lond., 1819. 3 vols. With the Genuine Poetical Re- mains, Lond., 1827. Together 4 vols., Svo. ** Large paper. Mor. ex., g.e., Marshall, June, '90. (119) £5 17s. 6d. Mor. ex., g.e., Hawley, July, '94. (43) £G. Mor. ex., g.e., Beeslev, Nov., '96. (577) £6 2s. 6d. Rus., g.e.. Lamb, Feb., '98. (323) £5 10s. Hudibras. Lond., 1822. 2 vols., 8vo. Mor. ex., g.e., Hussey, May, '87. (490) £1 10s. Cf. ex., g.e., Hutt, May, '89. (387) £1 lis. Mor. ex., g.e., Soth., July 14, '96. (58) £17s. Mor., g.e.. Putt., Mar. 22, 1900. (521) £113s. Mor., g.e., Soth., Nov. 25, '01. (778) £2 2s. Mathews and Nelthrop, Soth., Jan., '02. (36) £2 14s. Bds., unc, Dayton, Mar., '02. (224) $8. Posthumous Works. Lond., 1732. 12mo. Cf., McKee, Dec, '01. (2787) $8. BUTLER (T.). Portraits of Race Horses. Lond.. 1741-51. 33 plates. Fol. Hf. bd., Auchinleck, June, '93. (241) £18. Horses with Pedigrees. Lond., 1753. 30 plates. Obi. fol. Hf. bd.. Putt, Mar. 26, '03. (291) £18 10s. BUTLER (WILLIAM ALLEN). Bar- num's Parnassus. N. Y., 1850. 12mo. Paper, McKee, Nov., 1900. (97) $6. Butler (William A\\en)—ContimiC(l. The Future, a Poem. N. Y., pri- vately printed, 1842. Svo. Paper, McKee, Nov., 1900. (96) $27. Nothing to Wear. N. Y., 1857. 12mo. CI., Appleton, Apr., '03. (92) $5. BUTTERWORTH (WILLIAM). Three Years' Adventures of a Minor in England, West Indies, S. C, and Georgia. Leeds, 1831. 2 vols., Svo. Hf. cf.. Bangs, Nov. 22, 1900. (276) $7. BUTTES (HENRY). Dyets Dry Din- ner. Lond., 1599. 8vo. Vel., Corser. July, '68. (398) £3 10s. Cf., Halliwell, July, '89. (68) £7 15s. Mor., g.e. (several leaves at end stained, one or two slightly cut into), Wilbraham, June, '98. (42) £10 5s. Mor., g.e. (lacking p. 5, one or two leaves cut into), Soth., Oct. 24, '98. (467) £2 2s. BVE-GONES, RELATING TO WALES and the Border Counties. V.d. 4to. 1875-1900, 19 vols., hf. cf. and unbd., PutL, Nov. 13, "01. (502) £8. 1875-1900, 19 vols., hf. cf. and unbd., Putt., Jan. 9, '02. (522) £7. 1876-86, 8 vols., hf mor. and parts, Bailey, June, '89. (2105) £8 15s. BYFIELD (NATHANIEL). An Ac- count of the Late Revolution in New England. Lond., 1689. 4to. Cf., unc, Morrell, Nov., '66. (90) $35. Mor. ex.. Rice, Mar.. '70. (319) $47.50. Cf., g.e., Menzies, Nov., '76. (313) $25. Mor. ex., g.e., Brinley, Mar., '79. (281) $30. Mor. ex., g.e., Brinley, Mar., '80. (2629) $17. Cf., g.e., Cooke, Dec, '83. (340) $45. Mor. ex., Stevens, July, '86. (46) £3 3s. Mor. ex., g.e., Terry, Mar., '89. (170) $25. Hf. mor.. Barlow, Feb., '90. (408) $25. Mor. ex., g.e., Ives, Mar., '91. (135) $42.50. Cf. ex., g.e., Bangs, Nov. 12, '97. (8) $50. Mor., g.e., Deane, Mar., '98. (550) $22. Cf. ex., g.e., Soth., June 27, '98. (212) £5 5s. Mor. ex.. Putt., Mar. 28, '01. (35) £7 10s. BYFIELD 329 BYRON Byfield (Nathaniel) — Continued. Mor. ex., Putt, Mar. 2G, '02. (478) £7 5s. Cf., unc, Lefferts, June, '02. (46) £9 10s. Mor., g.e., French and Chubbuck, Feb., '04. (293) $G7. An Account of the Late Revolu- tion in New England. Edinb., 16S9. 4to. Cf. g.e., Brinley, Mar., '79. (2S2) $19. Mor., Putt., Mar. 28, '01. (36) £6 10s. BYLES (MATHER). The Comet. Bost, 1744. 4to. Paper, Liverniore, Nov., '94. (961) $13. Poem on the Death of King George. Bost., 1727. 12mo. Hf. mor., Sewall, Nov., '96. (544) $5. Mor., g.t., McKee, Nov., 1900. (100) $27. BYRD (WILLIAM). Musica Trans- alphia. Lond., 1588. 6 parts. 4to. Hf. mor. (margins of 4 titles mended). Wills. July, '94. (1400) £18. Psalms, Sonnets, and Songs of Sadness and Pietie. Lond., [1588]. 5 parts, 4to. Mor., ex., Corser, July, '68. (400) £5. Unc. (apparently Superius part only), Craig, Mar., '88. (933) £lls. Sewed (in 4 vols.), Barclay, Nov., '92. (1680) £S15s. Songs of Sundry Natures. Lond., 1589. 4to. Unbd. (Bassus and Contratenor parts only, corners of 2 leaves mended), Jackson, Dec, '95. (202) £3 3s. Unbd. (Contratenor, Bassus and Sex- tus parts with duplicate of the Bassus), Marshall, July, '04. (63) £13. Songs of Sundry Natures. Lond., IGIO. 2 vols., 4to. Vel. (Superius and Bassus parts only), McKee. May, '02. (4904) $31. BYRD (WILLIAM). The Westover Manuscrips. Petersburg, 1841. 8vo. Hf. mor., g.t., Cooke, Dec, 'S3. (340*), $6.50. Bds., Brinley, Apr., '93. (891G) $9. Bds., Deane, Mar., '98. (554) $10.50. History of the Dividing Line and other Tracts. Richmond, 18GG. 2 vols., 4to. Byrd (William) — Continued. Paper, unc. Guild, Nov., '87. (601) $6. Paper, Alexander, Mar., '95. (214) $13. Paper, Bangs, Nov. 21, '98. (146) $G.50. Hf. mor.. Perry, June, '99. (178) $7. **Large paper. Paper, unc, Rogers, Jan., '88. (174) $6. Hf. mor., unc. Cole, Apr., '90. (83) $14. Bds., Deane, Mar., '98. (555) $14. Paper, unc, Libbie, Mar. 28, 1900. (219) $10.25. BYROM (JOHN). Miscellaneous Poems. Manchester, 1773. 2 vols., 8vo. **Large paper. Cf., Soth., Feb. 22, '97. (631) £1 2s. Private Journal. With Index. Lond., Chetham Soc, 1854. 5 vols., 4to. Cf., Luard, Nov., '91. (278) £1 lis. CI., Putt, June 18, '03. (28) £19s. BYRON (GEORGE GORDON, LORD). Address Prefixed to the Genuine Re- jected Addresses. Lond., 1812. Svo. Hf. mor., unc, Gaisford, Apr., '90. (340) £1 Is. The Age of Bronze. Lond., 1823. 8vo. Unc, Hardy, Dec, '86. (1328) £12s. Unc, Crampon, June. '96. (89) £2. Unc, Nichols, Apr., 1900. (123) £2 18s. Mor. ex., unc. (with orginal cover bound in), Soth., Dec 2, '01. (361) £2 14s. Unc, Soth., Dec. 2, '01. (362) £5. Paper, Morgan. Apr., '02. (82) $6. Paper, unc, Ellis, Oct, '02. (515) £4 10s. Paper, unc. Soth., May 18, '03. (78) £4. Paper, unc, Peirce, May, '03. (121) $15. ' Beppo. Lond.. 1818. Svo. Unc. Crampon. .Tune, '96. (80) £1 15s. The Bride of Abydos. Lond., 1813. Svo. Paper, unc, Hazlitt, Nov., '93. (88) £2 15s. Bds., unc. (presentation copy), Frere, Dec, '96. (69) £10. Paper, unc. (with page of manuscript in Byron's autograph inserted), Soth., Mar. 17, '02. (113) £36. BYRON 330 BYRON Byron (George Gordon, Lord) — Cont'd. Childe Harold's Pilgrimage. Can- tos 1 and 2. Lond., 1812. 4to. Cf., Brewer, Oct., '87. (&00) £1 5s. Bds., unc, Sullivan, May, '90. (1151) £3. Bds., unc, King, Dec, '90. (145) £2 2s. Bds., unc, Warrington, Nov., '93. (G61) £1. CI., g.e.. Crampon, June, '96. (60) £1 12s. -Childe Harold's Pilgrimage. (71) £3 Unc, Christie, Mar. 28, '88. 15s. CI., unc. King, Dec, '90. (155) £2 2s. CI., unc, Jackson, Apr., '91. (108) £1 19s. Mor. ex., g.e., Putt., June 5, '93. (56) £3 6s. Bds., unc, Soth., Nov. 13, '95. (31) £4 6s. Hf. mor., unc, Libbie, Nov. 1, "99. (156) $10. Bds., unc, Brice, Mar., 1900. (27) £1 12s. Mor. ex., g.e. (presentation cop.v from John Murray with A.L.S. inserted), French, Apr., '01. (192) $23. ♦"■Large paper. Mor. ex., g.e., Perkins, July, '89. (339) £2 10s. Unc, Sullivan, May, "90. (1172) £4 12s. Mor. ex., g.e., Cooke, June, '92. (103) £3 7s. 6d. Unc, Buckley, Feb., '93. (450) £2 10s. Bds., unc, Soth., July 28, '02. (283) £7 5s. The Corsair. Lond., 1814. Svo. Paper, unc, Peirce, May, '03. (108) $5. Paper, unc. (with A.L.S. inserted), Soth., Mar. 17, '02. (114) £30. The Curse of Minerva. Lond., 1812. 4to. Bds., unc, Cooke, June, '92. (248) £100. Bds., unc, Comyn, Mar., '93. (658) £60. Bds., unc. (presentation copy), Soth., Apr. 4, '98. (190) £97. The Deformed Transformed. Lond., 1824. Svo. Byron (George Gordon, Lord) — Cont'd. Paper, unc, Soth., May 5, '90. (32) £12s. Cf. ex., unc, Hazlitt, Nov., '93. (89) £3 12s. 6d. Unc, Crampon, June, '96. (92) £2 2s. Don Juan. Cantos 1 and 2. Lond., 1819. 4to. Bds., unc, Brewer, Oct., '87. (499) £14s. Mor. ex., unc, Gennadius, Mar., '95. (537) £2 8s. Bds., unc. Crampon, June, '96. (S3) £1. Don Juan, in XVI. Cantos. Lond., 1S19-24. 6 vols., Svo and 4to. Cf. ex., g.e., Stewart, Mar., '88 (07) £5 10s. Bds., unc, Bangs, Jan. 16, '02. '(55) $10.50. Cf. ex., g.e., Hibbert, Apr., '02. (130) £16. Mor., unc. White, Apr., '02. (382) £3 17s. 6d. Bds., unc, Soth., Mar. 17, '02. (118) £8 7s. 6d. Bds., unc, Morgan, Apr., '02. (77) $45. Bds., unc, Soth., Apr. 2, '03. (176) £3 5s. Mor., g.t., unc, Appleton, Apr., '03. (101) $84. Don Juan, in XVI. Cantos. Lond., 1821-24. 6 vols., 8vo. Unc, Benbow, Nov., '89. (405) £2 14s. Unc, Marshall, June, '90. (125) £1 ISs. Bds., unc, Soth., Dec. 10, '90. (24) £1. 3s. Wiper, Jan., '91. (1054) £15s. Bds., unc, Soth., May 13, '92. (636) £2. Cf., g.e. (in 3 vols.), Soth., Mar. 9, '97. (306) £110s. Unc, Soth., Nov. 28, '98. (62) £19s. Don Juan. Cantos 1 to 5. Lond., Smeeton, n.d., Svo. CI. ex., unc, Mackenzie, Mar., '89. (230) £2 4s. Cf., Williams, May, '93. (159) £lls. Mor., unc, Gennadius, Mar., '95. (593) £2 7s. Cf. ex., unc. Putt., July 30, '02. (44) £5. Bds., unc. Putt., Nov. 28, '02. (30) £5 5s. BYRON 331 BYRON Byron (George Gordon, Lord) — Cont'd. Don Juan. Cantos 1 to 5. Lond., John Fairburn, n.d. Plates by J. R. Cruikshank. 8vo. Bds., unc, Sinclair, Apr., '90. (3G) £1. Cf. ex., g.e., Kermack, Nov., '99. (40) £3 3s. A Sequel to Don Juan. Lend., Paget & Co., n.d. 8vo. Unc, Mackenzie, Mar., '89. (231) £2 6s. Cf. ex.. unc, Soth., Dec. 1, '91. (SCO) £llls. Don Leon. Lond., 18GG. 8vo. Mor. ex., Mackenzie, Mar., '89. (232) £2 15s. Duke of Mantua. Lond., 1823. 8vo. Paper, unc, Peirce, May, '03. (122) ?7. English Bards and Scotch Review- ers. Lond., [1809]. 8vo. Bds., unc, Cooke, June, '92. (9G) £115s. Bds., unc. Putt., Nov. 15. '93. (72) £2 10s. Bds., unc, Toovey, Feb., '94. (432) £lSs. Cf. ex., unc. Soth., July 14, '9G. (900) £110s. Mor., g.e., Lamb, Feb., '98. (325) £12s. Mor., unc. Bangs, Mar. 31, '98. (131) $7.50. Unc, Soth., Apr. 24, '99. (764) £1 10s. Cf., Grant, May, 1900. (40) £2 6s. Bds., unc, Soth., May 21, 1900. (109) £ 3 3s. Cf., Bangs, Sept. 27, 1900. (94) $12.50. Bds., unc, Soth., Dec. 3, 1900. (79) £115s. Bds., unc, Soth., Dec. 2, '01. (357) £llSs. Bds., unc. Ford, May, '02. (117) £7 17s. 6d. Cf., Ellis, Oct., '02. (511) £114s. Bds., unc, Putt., Jan. 15, '03. (176) £3 10s. English Bards and Scotch Review- ers. Lond., 1811. 8vo. Mor. ex., g.e. (Boswell copy). Crampon, June, '96. (59) £29. Mor. ex.. g.e. (Boswell copy), Soth., Nov. 20, '99. (154) £17. Bds., unc. (with manuscript notes by Lord Bvron). Soth., Mar. 17, '02. (Ill) £6 15s. Byron (George Gordon, Lord) — Cont'd. Fare Thee Well. Lond., n.d. 4to. Unc, Soth., May 13, '92. (643) £1 Is. Soth., Mav 21. 1900. (209) £G. Soth., July 18, 1900. (507) £3 5s. Fugitive Pieces. Facsimile re- print of edition of 1806. Lond., 1886. 4to. Vel., Hyde, Oct., '87. (42) £2 8s. Vel., Stewart, Mar., '88. (68) £2 lis. Vel., Mackenzie, Mar., '89. (234) £2. Vel., Marshall, June. '90. (244) £2 4s. Vel., Hennessy, July, '93. (1158) £15s. Vel., Soth., Jan. 24, '99. (414) £12s. Vel., Hodgson, Mar. 12, '02. (92) £2. The Giaour. Lond., 1813. 8vo. Paper, unc, Soth., May 5, '90. (36) £17s. Unc, Soth., May 13, '92. (63S) £1 10s. Mor. ex., unc. Burgess, May, '94. (101) £17s. Paper, unc, Adee, Nov., '95. (142) $5.50. Hf. cf. (presentation copy), Soth., July 3, '99. (330) £23. Paper, unc, Soth., May IS, '03. (70) £8. Hebrew Melodies. Lond., 1815. 8vo. Adee, Nov., '95. (143) $6.25. unc. Cox, Feb., '02. (205) $5. unc, Peirce, May, '03. (109) Newark, 1807. '87. (156) '8S. (65) Paper, Paper, Paper, $16. Hours of Idleness. Svo. Bds., unc, Wallis, Nov., £4 15s. Mor. ex., unc, Stewart, Mar., £7 15s. Mor., unc. King, Dec, '90. (124) £5. Mor. ex., unc. Burgess, May, '94. (98) £2 8s. .■ Bds., unc, De Lacouperie, May, '95. (233) £3 17s. 6d. Bds., unc. Bangs, May 18, '98. $16. Mor. ex., g.e., Atkinson, Soth., '97. (148) £2 16s. Cf., Soth., May 25, 1900. (14) Mor. ex., unc. (presentation French, Apr., '01. (190) $115. Cf., Soth., Jan. 23, '02. (167) £3 8s. Mor., unc, Morgan, Apr., '02. (65) $47.50. Cf. ex., g.e., Hibbert, Apr., '02. (121) £7 7s. Gd. (14) Mar., £3 3s. copy). BYRON 332 BYRON Byron (George Gordon, Lord) — Cont'd. Rus., m.e. (Byron's own copy, with his manuscript corrections), Soth., Jan. 29, '03. (1026) £130. **Large paper. Mor. ex., g.e.. Turner, June, '88. (605) £4 4s. Mor. ex., unc, Marshall, June. '90. (121) £8 10s. Mor. ex., g.e.. May, July, '91. (333) £10 5s. Mor. ex., g.e., Soth., Apr. 22, '95. (590) £3. Bds.. unc. Crampon, June, '96. (52) £20. Mor. ex., g.e., Harris, Apr, '97. (198) £5 5s. Mor ex., g.e., Soth., July 29, '98. (319) £8. Mor. ex., Sheldon and Allen, Feb., 1900. (243) $15. Mor. ex., g.e.. Soth., Feb. 28, 1900. (276) £6 10s. Bds., unc, in mor. case, Nichols, Apr., 1900. (121) £25. Mor. ex., unc, Harvey, June, 1900. (37) £16. Mor. ex., unc, Fraser, Apr., '01. (219) £24. Paper, unc. (date erased from title), Soth., Jan. 22, '03. (719) £12 5s. Orig. bds., unc, Soth., May 18, '03. (69) £43. The Island. Lond., 1823. 8vo. Unc, Craig, June, '87. (470) £3 10s. Hf. mor., unc. Maxwell, Apr., '95. (125) $5. line. Crampon, June, '96. (90) £1. Hf. mor., unc, Blanchard, May, '98. (288) $5.50. Mor., g.e.. Bangs, Apr. 16, 1900. (181) $8. Paper, unc, Soth., June 3, '02. (163) £5 15s. Paper, unc, Soth., May 18, '03. (79) £6 15s. The Lament of Tasso. Lond., 1817. Svo. Unc, Crampon, June, '96. (79) £7 10s. Lara, a Poem; Jacqueline, a Tale. Lond., 1814. 12mo. Hf. mor., g.e., Henkels, Apr. 5, 1900. (370) $6.25. Mor. ex., g.e.. Bangs, Apr. 16, 1900. (175) $10. Hf cf.. Bangs, May 28, 1900. (156) $9. Byron (George Gordon, Lord) — Cont'd. Letter on Bowles' Strictures on Pope. Lond., 1821. Svo. Unc. Crampon, June, '96. (86) £2 5s. Paper, unc, Soth., Dec. 2, '01. (359) £2 6s. Paper, unc, Soth., Mav 18, '03. (78) £4. Letters and Journals, with Life by Moore. Lond., 1S33. 3 vols., Svo. , Bds., unc. King, Dec, '90. (159) £1 19s. CI., unc. Putt., Apr. 2, '91. (192) £1 9s. Cf., Cooke, June, '92. (102) £18s. Bds., unc. Putt., June 5, '93. (53) £1 3s. Hf. cf., Henkels, Jan. 31, '98. (67) $7.20. Cf., Deane, Mar., '98. (560) $5.25. Cf., Cox, Apr., '99. (133) $18. Manfred. A Dramatic Poem. Lond., 1817. Svo. Hf. mor., g.e., Henkels, Apr. 5, 1900. (307) $6.50. Paper, unc. Bangs, Apr. 16, 1900. (178) $7. Paper, unc, Soth., Mar. 17, '02. (116) £1 16s. Paper, unc, Soth., May IS, '03. (73) £15s. IVlarino Faliero. I^ond., 1821. Svo. Bds., unc. (Frere's copy, perhaps pre- sented to him bv ISvron), Bangs, Oct. 10, '99. (239) $11.50. Hf. mor., g.e., Henkels, Apr. 5, 1900. (368) $6.25. Cf. ex., g.e., Hibbert, Apr., '02. (132) £2. Bds., unc, Peirce, May, '03. (117) $5.5u. Mezeppa: a Poem. Lond., 1819. Svo. Mor. ex., unc. Bangs, Apr. 16, 1900. (179) $7.50. Mor., g.t., unc. (orig. cover bound in), Appleton, Apr., '03. (100) $16. Modern Greece: A Poem. Lond., 1S17. Svo. Paper, unc, Morgan, Apr., '02. (75) $5.50. Monody on the Death of R. B. Sheridan. Lond., 1816. Svo. Unc, Crampon, June, '96. (72) £1. Soth., Mar. 17, '02. (115) £2 6s. BYRON 333 BYRON Byron (George Gordon, Lord) — Cont'd. Paper, unc, Morgan, Apr., '02. (72) $9.50. Ode to Napoleon. Lond., 1S14. Svo. Hf. mor.. g.e., Crampon, .Tune. '9G. (71) £110s. Poems on Domestic Circum- stances. Lonti., 181 G. Svo. Unc, Soth., Feb. 14, 'SS. (53) £113s. Unc, Soth., May 13, '92. (643) £1 Is. Paper, unc, Bangs, Apr. IG, 1900. (17C) $10.50. Poems on Various Occasions. Newark, 1S07. Svo. Mor. ex., g.e., Stewart, Mar., 'SS. (G4) £4G. Cf. ex., m.e., Thornhill, Apr., 'S9. (35) £20. Mor.. unc, Young, June, '90. (120) £^9 Bds.r unc, Soth., May 13, '92. (1120) £GS. Mor. ex., g.e., Soth., Nov. 19, '94. (14G) £35 10s. Mor. ex., g.e.. Crampon, June, '96. (51) £45. Bds.. unc. (presentation copy with in- scription and three verses by the author on flv leaf), Soth., Dec. 2, '01. (116) £129. Mor. ex., unc, Hibbert, Apr., '02. (120) £50. Poems, Original and Translated. Newarlv, ISOS. 12nio. Hf. ct., Ludgater, May, '95. (20S) £1 15s. Mor. ex., unc, Anderson. Dec. 10, '01. (145) $5. Prisoner of Chillon, and other Poems. Lond., 1S16. Svo. Paper, unc, Appleton, Apr., '03. (97) $25. Paper, unc, Peirce, May, '03. (110) $6. Paper, unc, Soth., May IS, '03. (71) £15s. Sardanapalus, The Two Foscari, and Cain. Lond., 1821. Svo. Mor. ex., unc, Bangs, Apr. 9, '01. (192) $22. Cf.'ex., g.e., Hibbert, Apr., '02. (131) £2 14s. Bds., unc, (name on title), Peirce, May, '03. (118) $6. The Siege of Corinth, a Poem; Parisina, a Poem. Lond., 1816. Svo. Byron (George Gordon, Lord) — Cont'd. Mor. ex., unc. Bangs, Apr. 9, '01. (191) $17. Three Poems not included in the Works of Lord Byron. Lond., 1S18. Svo. Unc, Crampon, June, '9G. (S2) £1 14s. Verses to a Beautiful Quaker. Lond., (ISOS). 4to. Soth., May 13, '92. (656) £2 15s. The Waltz. Lond., 1S13. 4to. Mor. ex., g.e., Stewart, Mar., 'SS. (63) £50. Unc, Cooke, June, '92. (249) £S6. Hf. cf., g.e.. Crampon, June, '96. (63) £55. Hf. cf., Wilbraham, June, '9S. (124) £51. Hf. bd., Soth., Apr. 30, 1900. (192) £71. Mor. ex., g.e., Soth., July 1, 1901. (164) £71. Mor. ex.. Bangs, Oct. 21, '01. (127) $310. Mor. ex., Soth., Mar. 17, '02. (171) £79. Mor. ex., Hibbert, Apr., '02. (125) £78. The Waltz. Lond., 1821. Svo. Mor. ex., g.e., Duprat, Feb., '95. (20) $17. Unc, Putt., Feb. 7, '95. (9S) £lT2s. Paper, unc, Peirce, May, '03. (115) $16. Werner, a Tragedy. Lond., 1822. Svo. Unc, Soth., Mar. 17, '02. (121) £1. Works. Lond., 1832-33. 17 vols., Svo. C!., unc. Putt., July 12, '87. (1117) £1 Ss. CI., unc. Putt., June 17, '91. (547) £1 2s. CI., unc, Foggo, Dec, '92. (416) £1 5s. CI., unc, Hay-Langham, July, '94. (65) £15s. CI., unc. Bangs, Apr. 22, '95. (211) $13.60. CI., unc, Hoskinson, Dec, '97. (15) $5.95. CI., unc, Soth., Jan. 21, '9S. (658) £1. CI., unc, Thayer, Feb., '98. (310) $10.20. Hf. mor., Soth., Oct. 24, '98. (351) £2 16s. BYRON 334 C. Byron (George Gordon, Lord) — Cont'd. CI., Soth., Mar. 17, '99. (676) £1 17s. CI., unc, Clive, Jan., 1900. (39) $8.50. CI., Putt., Mar. 22, 1900. (128) £1 6s. Hf. mor., Hodgson, Oct. 29, '01. (392) £3 7s. 6d. Hf. mor., Bangs, Nov. 18, '01. (127) $27.63. Hf. mor., Hodgson, Jan. 3, '02. (838) £4 7s. 6d. Works. Lond., 1839. 8 vols., 4to. CI., unc. King, Dec, '90. (151) £2. Cf. ex., g.e.. Heath, Nov., '92. (67) £6 2s. Cd. CI., unc, Putt, June 5, '93. (54) £2 19s. Mor. ex., g.e., Price, June, '95. (1061 £312s. 6d. Hf. mor. ex., unc, Soth., June 1, '97. (73) £5 12s. 6d. Cf., Bangs, Oct. 14, '97. (94) $10.40. Mor. ex., g.e., Soth., Mar. 7, '98. (35) £3. Cf. ex., g.e., Hibbert, Apr., '02. (119) £6 5s. **Large paper. Bds., unc. King, Dec, '90. (152) £G 15s. Cf., m.e., Addison, June, '96. (236) £5. Of., g.e., Soth., Jan. 21, '01. (316) £1 17s. Works, with Letters, Journal and Life. Lond., 1854. 16 vols., Svo. Lee, June, '88. (25) £1 10s. Hf. mor., Shuter, Nov., '91. (54) £2. Mor., g.e., Toovey, Feb., '94. (430) £2 12s. Hf. mor. ex.. Bangs, Apr. 22, '95. (171) $12.80. Works. Lond., 1855-56. 6 vols.. 8vo. CI., unc, Growther, Nov., 93. (88) £118s. CI., unc. Bangs, Mar. 30, '96. (71) $9.75. CI., unc, Shaw, Feb., '97. (64) £1 17s. CI., unc. Bangs, Mar. 2, '97. (84) $10.20. CI., unc. Weaver, Dec, '97. (50) £1 16s. Cf. ex., m.e., Soth., June 2, '98. (116) £ 2 Ss Cf., Bangs, Oct. 17, '98. (95) $12. Cf.. g.e.. Cox, Apr., '99. (130) $30. Hf. mor., unc. Bangs, June 14, 1900. (198) $10.50. Byron (George Gordon, Lord) — Cont'd. Cf. ex., g.e.. Argyll, July, 1900. (287) £3 6s. Hf. mor.. Bangs, Nov. 18, '01. (129) $12.60. Byron Gallery. Lond., 1833. Fol. **Large paper. Mor. ex., Soth., Feb. 14, '88. (56) £1 10s. Mor. ex., g.e.. Perkins, July, '89. (340) £llGs. Illustration of Life and Works. See Finden. Life and Times of Lord Byron including Anecdotes and Memoirs. Lond., 1825. 3 vols., Svo. Hf. cf.. Bangs, May 5, '99. (58) $5.62. Cf., Bangs, Mar. 24, '02. (131) $9.75. Sydney's Letter to the King and other Correspondence relating to the Reported Exclusion of Lord Byron's Monument from Westmin- ster Abbey. Lond., 1828. Svo. Bds., Soth., May 13, '92. (650) £7 10s. BYSHOP. See Bishop. BYSSHE (SIR E.). Visitation of the County of Essex, 1664-68. Lond., n.d. Svo. Hf. mor., Howard, June. '02. (245) £12s. C. (A.). See Cowley (Abraham). C. (G.) See Little Looking Glass for the Times. C. (G. E.). See Cokayne (G. E.). C. (H.). The Forrest of Fancy. Lond.. 1579. 4to. Hf. mor. (lacking 2 leaves). Corser, July. '68. (402) £6 6s. Hf. mor. (lacking Sig. R 1 and all after V 3), Crawford. Mar.. 91. (1255) £3 18s. C. (I.). A Handkercher for Parents Wet Eyes, upon the Death of Chil- dren. Lond., E. A. for M. Sparkes, 1630. Svo. Orig. vel. (small corner of 1 leaf torn off), Soth., May 18, '03. (90) £4 17s. 6d. Peters Patern, Or the perfect Path to Worldly Happiness. Lond., 1659. 4to. Hf. mor., unc, Brinley, Mar., '79. (637) $5. C. (I. A. G. W.). See Breeden-Raedt. 335 CABINET C. (J.)- Saint Marie Magdalen's Con- version. Lond.. IfiOo. Mor., Corser, July, '68. (403) £21. C. (J.)- Milltarie Instruction for the CavaU'rie according to the Mod- erne Warres. Lond., 1632. Fol. Cf., Ashburnham, June, '97. (90G) £5 5s. Cf. (lacking 1 plate). Ashburnham, Dec, '9S. (34) £3 3s. C. (J.). See Calef (J.), Cartwright (J.), Chalkhill (J.), Cleveland (J.). C. (R.)- Godlie Forme of Householde Government. Lond., 1598. Svo. Cf., g.e., Hawkins, Apr., '95. (18) £3. C. (R.). Table Alphabetical. Lend., 1613. Svo. Mor., g.e., Walford, Feb., '87. (1007) £12s. C. (T.). An Hospital for the Dis- eased. Lond., 1579. 4to. Mor., g.e., Ellis, Oct., '02. (5,20) £11. C. (W.). Polimanteia. Cambridge, John Legate, 1595. 4to. Unbd., Fountaine, June, '02. (157) £131. C. (W.). The Renowned History of Fragosa. King of Aragon. G. F. in the Poultry, 1G18. 4to. Parts, unbd. (wormhole in first two leaves and some leaves lacking), Soth., July 1, '95. (454) £13s. CABECA DE VACA. (Alvar Nuiiez) Relacion y Comentarios. Valladolid, 1555. 4to. Orig. vel., Brinley, Apr.. '81. (4360) $34. Mor., Beckford. Julv, '83. (183) £48. Vel., Murphy, Mar., '84. (441) $180. Vel., Barlow, Feb., '90. (412) $185. Vel. (Barlow copy), Ives, Mar., '91. (742) $105. Mor., g.e., Soth., May 13, '92. (501) £11 5s. Cf., Bangs, Mar. 4, '95. (192) $G5. Cf., r.e., Lenox Library Duplicates, Apr., '95. (47) $52.50. Mor., g.e. (margins strengthened), Crawford, July, '96. (249) £20 10s. Cf., y.e. (title slightly cut Into and a few leaves stained, and lower margins shaved), Wilbraham, June, '98. (375) £3 3s. Cf., Richmond, Mar., '99. (426) $26. Mor., g.e., Edwardes, May, '01. (422) £16. Cabega De Vaca — Continued. Narrative. Translated by Buck- ingham Smith. Washington. 1851. Fol. ■** Large paper. Hf. mor., unc, Menzies, Nov., '76. (315) $13. CI., unc. (with A.L.S. of Buckingham Smith inserted), Murphv, Mar., '84. (438) $11. Hf. mor., unc. Barlow, Feb., '90. (413) $17. CI., unc. (presentation copy), Bre- voort, Feb., '90. (202) $14. CI. (presentation copy), Ives, Mar., •91. (138) $15. Narrative. Translated bv Buck- ingham Smith. N. Y.. 1871. Svo. Hf. mor., unc. (A.L.S. of Mr. Smith inserted), Menzies. Nov., '76. (316) $11. Hf. mor., unc, Cooke, Dec, '83. (341) $17. CI., unc, Cooke, Dec, '83. (2833*) $17. CI., Murphy, Mar., '84. (439) $11.50. Hf. mor., unc, Murphy, Mar., '84. (440) $12.50. CI., unc. Murphy, Mar., '84. (3101) $10.50. CI., unc, Brevoort, Feb., '90. (203) $13.25. CI., unc, Lenox Library Duplicates, Apr., '95. (48) $11. CI., Deane, Mar., '98. (563) $13. CABINET (THE). ORIGINAL ES- says. Poetry, Original and Selected. N. Y., 1828-30. 3 vols., Svo. Hf. cf. (lacking portrait of Clay), Mc- Kee, Nov., 1900. (954) $13.50. CABINET COUNCIL (THE). Lond., 1658. 12mo. Cf., Bangs, Nov. 15, '01. (178) $9. CABINET OF GENIUS. Lond., 1787. 3 vols., Svo. Mor. ex., g.e., Soth., June 22, '91. (137) £9. Cf. (in 2 vols.), Nlsbet, Jan., '93. (658) £110s. Cf. (in 2 vols.), Clarke, Dec, '95. (510) £115s. Cf. (in 2 vols.), Daly, Mar., 1900. (452) $32. Silk embroidered binding (in 2 vols.), Putt, Feb. 13, '01. (260) £2 2s. Hf. cf., Soth., Oct. 28, '01. (1512) £5. CABINET 336 C^SAR Cabinet of Genius — Continued. Cf., m.e. (in 2 vols.), Philpott, Nov., '01. (161) £G10s. Christie (in 2 vols.), July 8, '03. (254) £5 5s. Cf. (in 2 vols.), Putt., Nov. 4, '03. (474) £4 7s. 6d. Cf., r.e., Soth., Apr. 25, '04. (754) £2 Ss. CABINET OF NATURAL HISTORY and American Rural Sports. Vols. 1 and 2 and pp. 1-9G of Vol. 3. (proba- bly all published). Phila., 1830-33. 2 vols., 4to. Bds. and parts, Alexander, Mar., '95. (2004) $11.62. Hf. rus. (foxed), Anderson, Mar. 16, 1900. (277) $19.50. Mor. (with The Floral Magazine and Botanical Repository, Vol. 1 bound in). Bangs, Apr. 11, '9S. (139) $7.75. CABINET OF VENUS UNLOCKED. Lond., 165S. Svo. Cf., Hailstone, Apr., '91. (215) £110s. CABINET, OR MONTHLY REPORT of Polite Literature. Lond., 1S07-8. 5 vols., Svo. Hf. vel., Adee. Nov., '95. (149) $55. Cf. (in 4 vols.). Brown, Apr., '98. (298) $24. Hf. mor. (in 4 vols.), Daly, Mar., 1900. (451) $40. (In 2 vols.), Soth., Feb., 27, '99. (692) £2Ss. CABRERA (CHRISTOVAL). Chris- tophori Cabrerge Presbyteri Medita- tiunculEe, ad Serenissimun Hispani- arum Principem Philippum. Valla- dolid, 1548. 8vo. Mor., g.e. (slightly stained). Barlow, Feb., '90. (417) $11. CABRERA Y QUINTERO (CAYE- tano de). Escudo de Armas de Mexico. Mexico, 1746. Fol. Cf., Barlow, Feb., '90. (418) $13. CADOGAN (WILLIAM). Essay upon Nursing and the Management of Children. Phila., 1773. 8vo. Hf. mor., Bangs, May 20, '01. (52) $6. CADWALADER (JOHN). Reply to General Joseph Reed's Remarks. Phila., 1783. Svo. Sewed, Bangs, Feb. 3, '96. (131) $12.50. Sewed, Henkels, June 10, '96. (10) $5. CADWALADER (THOMAS). Essay on the West-India Dry Gripes. Phila., B. Franklin, 1745. 8vo. Unbd. (autograph of Jonathan Smith on title). Proud, May, '03. (623) $200. CAEDMON. Metrical Paraphrase. See Thorpe (B.). C/ESAR (CAIUS JULIUS). Commen- tarii. Rome, [Sweyuheym and Pan- nartz], 1469. Fol. Mor. (with 7 leaves of a Latin manu- script bound at end), Sunderland, Dec, '81. (2183) £195. Rus. (first 2 leaves supplied in con- temporary manuscript and front margins of next 11 leaves mended), Jersey, May, '85. (332) £35 10s. Rus., g.e. (slightly stained, first and last leaf inlaid), Wodhull, Jan., '86. (548) £48. Rus., g.e. (Wodhull copy), Ives, Mar., '91. (139) $165. Mor., Crawford, Mar., '91. (558) £23. Mor., g.e. (Duke of Devonshire's copy). White, Apr., '02. (394) £16. Commentarii. Venice, Jenson, 1471. Fol. Mor., Sunderland, Dec, '81. (2184) £68. Mor., g.e. (Sunderland copy), Craw- ford, June, '87. (597) £41. Cf.. Hopetoun, Feb., '89. (308) £17. Cf., Sullivan, May, '90. (1187) £5. Rus., g.e., Auchlnleck, June, '93. (242) £8 10s. Mor., r.e., Ashburnham, June, '97. (910) £34. Mor., Soth., Nov. 18, '02. (72) £18 10s. Commentarii. Rome. [Sweynheym and Pannartz], 1472. Fol. Mor.. Sunderland, Dec, '81. (2185) £70. Mor. (some leaves wormed), Sewall, Nov., 1896. (563) $185. Mor., g.e. (somewhat wormed), Auck- land, Nov., '97. (648) £7 10s. Commentarii. Esslingen, Conrad Fyner, 1473. Fol. Mor., Sunderland, Dec, '81. (2186) £24 10s. Commentarii. Milan, Zarothus, 1477. Fol. Sunderland, Dec, '81. (2187) £12 10s. Mor. (wormed), Southby, Dec, '90. (1005) £3 15s. CAESAR 337 C^SAR Caesar (Caius Julius) — Continued. Mor. (Sunderland copy). Morris, Dec, '98. (334) £G. Bds., Sheldon and Allen, Libbie, Feb., •01. (619) $28. Commentarii. Milan, P. Lavagnia, 147S. Fol. Mor.. Sunderland, Dec, 'SI. (2188) £10. Mor. (last leaf defective), Craig, Mar., '88. (952) £3 12s. Vel., Crawford, Mar., '91. (559) £2 2s. Commentarii. Treviso, 1480. 8vo. Ct, Sullivan, May, '90. (1188) £2 3s. Mor., g.e., Soth., June 22, '91. (138) £2 1Ss. Commentarii. Paris, A. Veradus, 1499. Fol. Rus., g.e. (lacking 1 leaf), Soth., July 3, '99. (54) £7 5s. Commentarii. Venice. A. de Zan- nis de Portesio, 1511. Fol. Cf., g.e., Christie, Feb. 24, '03. (46) £4 8s. Commentarii. Venice, Aldus, 1513. 8vo. Mor.. g.e., Crawford, June, '89. (223) £15 15s. Mor., g.e., Sullivan, May, '90. (119) £lls. Cf., g.e. (with Index, etc., in the auto- graph of Aldus), Luard, Nov., '91. (160) £21. Mor., ex., g.e., Webster, Mar., '93. (68) £5 5s. Stamped mor., Orford, June, '95. (52) £2 15s. Cf. (with autograph of Aldus), Bangs, Feb. 14, '98. (168) $15.50. Mor., g.e. (with autograph of Aldus), Soth., Feb. 2S, 1900. (281) £6 15s. Mor., g.e.. Bangs, Oct. 21, '01. (12) $27.50. Commentarii. Florence, 1514. Svo. Mor., Sunderland, Dec, '81. (2194) £13 10s. Commentarii. Venice, Aldus, 1519. 8vo. Mor., g.e., Hopetoun, Feb., '89. (99) £1 12s. Mor., Bush, Apr., '96. (79) £1 10s. Mor., g.e. (Renouard and Gosford copy). Soth.. Nov. 27, '96. (103) £3. Mor.. Baring, Nov., '97. (101) £1 10s. Commentarii. Paris, Vascos, 1543. Fol. Caesar (Caius Julius) — Continued. Mor., g.e.. Peel, June, 1900. (215) £3 10s. Opera. Leyden, Elzevir, 1635. 12mo. Mor., g.e., Sullivan, May, '90. (2219) £19s. Mor., g.e., Toovey, Feb., '94. (437) £lSs. Mor., Sewall, Nov., '96. (574) $16. Mor., g.e., Ashburnham, June, '97. (916) £1 7s. Mor., g.e., Clerk, May, '99. (418) £2 16s. Cf., Bangs, Apr. 9, '01. (343) $20. Mor., g.e. (Dent and Utterson copy), Stanlev, June, '01. (524) £20. Mor., Bangs, Oct. 21, 1901. (267) $10. Vel., Putt.. Jan. 9, '02. (195) £1 12s. Hf. mor.. Cox, Feb., '02. (331) $92. Mor., g.e.. Bangs, Apr. 28, '02. (335) $80. Orig. vel., Anderson, Dec. 4, '03. (272) $13. Orig. vel., Anderson, Dec. 4, '03. (271) $7 Mor., Soth., Mar. 3, '04. (441) £2 7s. Opera. Lond., Tonson, 1712. Fol. Mor., g.e. (with Buffalo plate at p. 135), Leigh, Dec, '86. (87) £4 4s. Mor., g.e. (with Buffalo), Hildyard, June, '89. (202) £5. Mor., g.e. (with Buffalo), Soth., June 22, '91. (140) £3 7s. Mor., g.e. (with Buffalo), Luard, Nov., '91. (327) £5 10s. Cf., g.e. (with Buffalo), Toovey, Feb., •94. (673) £116s. Mor. (in 2 vols., with Buffalo), Soth., Dec 2, '01. (191) £5 10s. **Large paper. Mor.. g.e., Buccleuch, Mar., '89. (276) £7 10s. Cf. (with Buffalo), Putt., July 15, '91. (638) £2 6s. Rus. (with Buffalo), Bradshaw, June, '94. (267) £1 8s. Mor., g.e. (in 2 vols., with Buffalo), Whitchurch, Dec, '94. (262) £4. Cf. (with Buffalo), Young, Dec, '96. (1010) £110s. Mor., g.e. (with Buffalo), Probasco, Jan., '99. (358) $50. Mor., g.e., Edwardes, Mav, '01. (139) £11. Mor., Fountaine, June, '02. (159) £3 7s. 6d. C^SAR 338 CALDERINUS Cassar (Caius Julius) — Continued. The Eight Books of Caius Julius Caesar. Translated by Arthur Gold- Ing. Lond.. Wm. Seres, 1565. 12mo. Vel., Sewall, Nov. 9, '96. (570) $22. The Eight Books of Caius Julius Csesar. Translated by Arthur Geld- ing. Lend., 1590. 4to. Mor., Soth., Oct. 24, '98. (610) £2 ISs. Mor. (small hole in fol. 27), Soth., Jan. 24, '99. (289) £2 18s. Cf., Soth., May 16, '01. (97) £5, 10s. Commentaries. With Observations by C. Edmunds. Lond., 1600. Fol. Cf., Soth., July 13, '87. (302) £1. Commentaries. Translated by Wil- liam Duncan. Lend., Tonson, 1753. Fol. Cf., Bangs, June 6, '95. (64) $5. Rus., Perkins, July 10, '89. (344) £2 2s. Cf. (rebacked), Cresson, May, '02. (150) $16. Commentaries. Alcala, 1529. Fol. Mor., g.e., Soth., Mar. 19, '96. (144) £4 6s. Historien vom Gallier. Mainz, J. Schoffer, 1530. Fol. Stamped leather, Buckley, Apr., '94. (741) £3 5s. C/ESAR AND POMPEY. The Tragedy of CaBsar and Pompey, or Cfesar's Revenge. Lond., G. E. for John Wright, n.d. 4to. Hf. mor. (last leaf repaired), McKee, Apr., '01. (2229) $220. C/ESARIUS CISTERCIENSIS. Duode- cime Dlstinctionis Dialogi Miracu- lorum. Cologne, 1481. Fol. **Large paper. Cf., g.e.. Bangs, Nov. 26, 1900. (276) $40. CAINE (HALL). The Mahdi, or Love and Race. Lond., 1894. 8vo. Paper, unc. (with author's autograph). Soth., July 3, '99. (320) £5 12s. 6d. CALANDRAS (PHILLIPPUS). De Arimethrica Opusculum. Florence, 1491. 12mo. Vel. (first leaf in facs. and defects in some others), Soth., Dec. 3, 1900. (502) £7. Vel., Soth., July 17, '01. (214) £34. Stamped leather, Soth., June 20, '02. (51) £25. Mor., g.e., Ashburnham, June, '97. (919) £27. CALCUTTA REVIEW. Calcutta, v.d. 8vo. 1844-98, and Index (without Vol. 20), hf. cf., and parts, Soth., Jan. 29, 1900. (93) £22 15s. 1846-60 (without Vol. 20), iff. cf., Edwards, Jan., '94. (129) £3 12s. 6d. CALDECOTT (R.). Collection of Pictures and Songs. Lond., 1887. Colored plates. Fol. Unc, Mackenzie, Mar., '89. (241) £5 2s. 6d. Wood, Oct. 22, '89. (73) £5. Unc, Kenyon, Mar., '90. (682) £4 16s. Unc, Ryan, May, '91. (271) £3 8s. Unc, Walker, May, '93. (179) £3. CI., unc. Mead, Apr., '95. (174) $7. CI., Soth.. Mar. 7, '98. (915) £1 lis. Unc, McKenzie, Jan. 11, '99. (306) £16s. Unc, Soth., May 8, '99. (334) £3 3s. CI., unc, Libbie, Feb. 8, 1900. (156) $11. Contributions to the " Graphic." Lond., 1888. 8vo. CI., unc, Heywood, Oct., '92. (1250) £2 7s. 6d. CI., unc. Walker, May, '93. (ISO) £2 12,s. CI., unc. Brand. Mar., '94. (94) £1 18s. CI., unc, Hodgson, Apr. 2, '94. (1321) £16s. CI., unc, Libbie, Feb. 8, 1900. (15,7) $10. CI., unc, Hornby. Apr., 1900. (69) £3 7s. 6d. Some of /Esop's Fables, with Modern Instances from New Trans- lations. Lond., 1883. Colored plates. 4to. Cf., unc, Soth., Dec 1, '91. (1026) £118s. Cf., Soth., Nov. 19, '94. (320) £3173. Cf., Soth., Apr. 22, '95. (594) £4 10s. Cf., Putt., Dec. 13, '97. (581) £4. CALDERINUS (DOMITIUS). Com- mentarii in Martialen. Rome. J. Gensberg, 1474. Fol. (309 leaves only), Sullivan, June, '90. (4197) £4 10s. CALDERINUS (JOANNES). Auc- toritates Decretorum. Cologne, 1470. Fol. CALDERINUS 339 CALHOUN Calderinus (Joannes) — Cantinucd. Cf., Inglis, June 11, 1900. (138) £19 10 s. CALDERON (PEDRO). Six Dramas. Trans. by Edward FitzGerald. Lond., 1853. 8vo. CI., unc, Bierstadt, Apr., '97. (743) $5.50. CI., unc, Soth., June 2, '98. (496) £2 4s. CI., unc. Putt., Apr. 17, '01. (413) £11 15s. CI., unc, Soth., July 1, '01. (122) £11. CI., unc. Bangs, Oct. 21, '01. (286) $70. CL, unc. Putt., Jan. 30. '02. (679) £10 12s. 6d. CI., unc. Cox, Feb., '02. (383) $42.50. CI., unc, Putt., July 16, '02. (46) £8 5s. The Mighty IVIagician and "Such Stuff as Dreams are made of." Trans, by FitzGerald. Lend., 1S53. 8vo. Sewed (presentation copy), Soth., Feb. 25, '01. (660) £30 10s. Sewed (presentation copy), Soth., July 1, '01. (117) £32. Sewed (manuscript corrections by author), Soth., Mar. 17, '02. (453) Sewed, Soth., June 17, '03. (32) £5 7s. 6d. CALDERWOOD (DAVID). The Altar of Damascus. N.p.. 1621. Svo. Cf., Makellar, Nov., '9S. (521) £1. Parasynagma Perthense. Lond., 1620. 4to. Cf., Soth., Dec 11, '99. (453) £2 2s. CALDWELL (J.). Genealogy of Richard Nason. Bost., 1856. 8vo. Hf. cf., Whitmore, Nov., '02. (774) $21.25. CALEDONIA MUSICAL REPOSI- tory. Edinb., 1811. Svo. Cf., unc, Soth., Mar. 19, '96. (788) £110s. CALEDONIA; OR THE PEDLAR turned Merchant. Acted in the Province of Darien. Lond., 1700. 4to. Cf., O'Callaghan, Dec, '82. (738) $10. CALEDONIA. History of Caledonia, etc. See Darien. CALEF (JOHN). Siege of Penobscot by the Rebels. Lond., 17S1. Svo. Hf.mor. (5 plates inserted), Bushnell, Apr., '83. (396) $15. CALEF (ROBERT). More Wonders of the Invisible World. Lond., 1700. 4to. Cf. (document signed by Calef In- serted), Woodward, Apr., '69. (529) $137.50. Cf., g.e. (Woodward copy), Menzies, Nov., '76. (319) $145. Mor., g.e., Brinley, Mar., '79. (1352) $190. Cf., g.e. (headlines slightly cut into), Brinley, Mar., '79. (2615) $55. Mor., g.e., Brinley, Mar., '80. (2710) $120. _^ Mor., g.e.. Murphy, Mar., '84. (450) $70. Cf.. unc, Streatfeild, June. '89. (448) £53. Mor., g.e.. Barlow, Feb.. '90. (421) $105. Mor.. g.e., Ives, Mar., '91. (140) |145. Sheep, Livermore, Nov., '94. (967) $120. Cf., Ashburnham, June, '97. (920) £22. Mor. (with the Errata), Deane, Mar., '98. (572) $80. Mor. (title-page cut into and some headlines clipped), Lefferts, June, '02. (48) £17. Mor., g.e. (with leaf of Errata, inlaid, Deane copy), Lefferts. June, '02. (47) £29. More Wonders of the Invisible World. Salem, William Carlton, 1796. 12mo. Hf. cf., Menzies, Nov., '76. (320) $5. Sheep, Terry, Mar., '89. (173) $6.50. CALENDAR OF SCRIPTURE (THEJ. [N.p., 1575.] 4to. Hf. bd.. Putt, Oct 28, '89. (1027) £1 4 s. CALENDAR OF STATE PAPERS. Complete set from the Commence- ment to 1893. Lond., v.d. To- gether 175 vols., Svo. Putt., Apr., '97. (128) £50. CALHOUN, (JOHN C). A Disquisi- tion on Government. Columbia, S. C, 1851. Svo. Cf.. Cooke, Dec, '83. (348) $5.75. Works. N. Y., 1853-55. 6 vols., Svo. CALHOUN 340 CALVER Calhoun (John C.) — Continued. Hf. vel., r.e., Barlow, Feb., '90. (423) $16.50. Hf. cf.. Bangs, Dec. 17, '96. (100) $15. CI., Libbie, Apr. 27, '97. (697) $6.30. CI., Libbie, Apr. 27, '97. (577) $9. CI., Wells, Mar., '99. (76) $10.20. Cf., m.e., Soth., Mar. 11, '99. (14) £1 Is. CI., Libbie, Jan. 23, 1900. (217) $7.50. CALIFORNIA. Geological Survey. Botany, by Brewer, Watson and Gav. "Canib., 1876. 2 vols., 4to. CI., Henkels, Dec. 10, '95. (131) $5.50. CI., Bangs, Feb. 6, '96. (102) $6.50. CI., Bangs, Mar. 1, 1900. (65) $6.25. California Pioneers. See Harte (F. Bret). CALLANDER (J.). Terra Australia Cognita, or. Voyages to tlie Terra Australis. Edinb., 1766-68. 3 vols., 8vo. Hf. cf. (titles mounted), Gllbey, July, '92. (873) £3 12s. 6d. Cf., Toovev, Feb., '94. (441) £2 12s. 6d. Cf., Edwardes, Mav, '01. (49) £3 10s. Cf., Ellis, Oct.. '02. (528) £4. CALLAWAY (CANON H.). Nursery Tales, Traditions, and History of the Zulus. Vol. 1, 6 parts (all pub- lished.) Marshall, July, '90. (76) £110s. Putt., Nov. 11, '90. (852) £1. Hf. cf., Kelly, Feb., '95. (68) £15s. The Religious System of the Ama- zulu. Lond., Folk-lore Soc, 1S84. Svo. Hodgson, Feb. 19, '02. (51) £2 9s. CALLENDER (JAMES T.). Ameri- can Annual Register, for 1796. Phila., 1797. 8vo. Hf. mor., unc, Rice., Mar., '70. (338) $5. Hf. mor., unc, McKee, May, '02. (4475) $7.50. The History of the United States for 1796. Phila., 1797. Svo. Hf. mor., unc, Rice, Mar., '70. (339) $8.50. Bds., unc. (Oliver Ellsworth's copy), Brinley, Apr., '81. (4788) $16. Hf. sheep, Cooke, Dec, '83. (352) $7.50. Hf. mor., unc. Barlow, Feb., '90. (433) $8. Callender (James T.) — Continued. Bds., unc, Washington, Apr., '91. (592) $5. Bds., unc, Donaldson and Cushing, Mar., '02. (36) $5. Letters to Alexander Hamilton. N. Y., 1802. 8vo. Cf., unc. Rice, Mar., '70. (340) $7.50. Paper, Hawkins, Mar., '87. (503) $10. Sewed, unc. Bangs, June 13, '99. (253) $7.75. The Prospect before Us. Rich- mond, Va., 1800. 2 vols., Svo. (In 1 vol., lacking Part 2 of Vol. 2), Brinley, Apr., '81. (4789) $12.50. Parts, Brinley, Apr., '81. (4790) $15. Hf. mor., unc. (lacking Part 2 of Vol. 2), Brevoort, Feb., '90. (207) $6. Sketches of the History of America. Phila., 1798. 8vo. Hf. sheep, Hawkins, Mar., '87. (159) $6.50. CALLENDER (JOHN). Discourse Occasioned by the Death of Rev. Nathaniel Clap. Newport, by the Widow Franklin, 1746. 12mo. Mor., unc. Rice, Mar., '70. (337) $14. Mor., unc, Brinley, Mar., '79. (2419) $0.50. Discourse on the Civil and Reli- gious Affairs of Rhode Island. Bost, 1739. Svo. Mor., Roche, Oct., '67. (220) $30. Cf., g.e., Rice, Mar., '70. (336) $22. Mor., g.e., Menzies, Nov., '76. (326) $17. Cf., unc. Brinley, Mar., '79. (2351) $14.50. Mor., unc, Cooke, Dec, '83. (353) $5.50. Cf., y.e.. Barlow, Feb., '90. (429) $14. Mor., g.e., Ives, Mar., '91. (142) $27.50. Mor., g.e., Deane, Mar., '98. (578) $10. Hf. mor., Manson, Mar., '99. (3758) $6. CALLIOPE, OR ENGLISH HAR- monv. Lond., [1739]. 2 vols., Svo. Cf., Sullivan, May, '90. (1216) £2 4s. Cf., Bliss, Apr., '98. (293) £4 4s. Cf., Anderson, Feb. 1, '01. (80) $8. CALVER (EDWARD). England's Sad Posture. Lond., 1644. Svo. Cf. (portrait and autograph of the Earl of Manchester inserted), Corser, July, '68. (407) £7 10s. CALVER 341 CALVIN Calver (Edward) — Continued. Passion and Discretion of Youth and Age. Lond.. 1041. Svo. Cf. (stained, text cut into), Soth., June 27, '92. (118) £1 Is. CALVIN (JOHN). An Admonicion against Judiciall Astrology. Lond., Roulande Hall, [15(10]. Svo. Vel., Soth., Feb. 22, '97. (632) £3 ISs. Vel., Soth., Feb. 27, '99. (386) £3. Tlie Catechisme, or IVIaner to teache Children the Christian Reli- gion Lond., 15G0. Svo. Mor.. g.e., Makellar, Nov., '98. (532) £10 10s. Catecliism. Lond., 1563. Svo. Mor., g.e. (1 leaf in facs.). Young, June, '90. (128) £2. Catechism. Lond., 1580. ISmo. Cf., Livermore, Nov., '94. (1003) $21. Catechism. Lond., 1582. Svo. (Title mounted), Havk-kins, Apr., '95. (71) £14s. Catechism. Lond., 1594. Svo. Cf., Macaulay, Mar., '96. (41) £1 3s. Catechism. Aberdeen, 1628. Svo. Mor., g.e. (title and last leaf mended, portrait inserted), Inglis, June, 1900. (i41) £25. Catechismo, que Significa Forma de Instrucion. [Geneva, J. Crespin], 1559. 12mo. Vel., Soth., Apr. 12, '99. (155) £3 10s. Christianae Religionis institutio. Basle, 1536. Svo. Cf. (Mure copv), Makellar, Nov., '98. (525) £31 10s. Institution of the Christian Reli- gion. Trans, into English [by T. Norton]. Lond., 1561. Fol. Mor., g.e. (title mounted, a portion torn off), Aylesford, Mar., 'SS. (378) £1 10s. Putt., Dec. 13, '97. (985) £112s. Abridgement of the Institution of the Christian Religion. Edinb., 1585. Svo. Vel. (back cover defective), Soth., May 21. 1900. (384 1 £3 8s. An Abridgement of the Institution of Christian Religion. Trans, by Chr. Fetherstone. Edinb., 158C. Svo. Cf. (margins cut into, with Histolre de la Vie, etc., de Jean Calvin, by H. H. Bolset, Paris, 1577, bound in), Makellar, Nov., '98. (528) £2 IDs. Calvin (John) — ('(iiitiiiiird. An Abridgement of the Institution of Christian Religion. Edinb., 1587. Svo. Cf. (some margins cut close, last leaf of Table mended), Makellar, Nov., '98. (527) £115s. The Institution of the Christian Religion. Trans, by T. Norton. Lond., 1634. Fol. Cf., Soth., Aug. 2, '94. (509) £3 15s. Commentaria in Acta Aposto- lorum. J. Crispin. 1554. Fol. Cf., with clasps and bosses, by Hague, Soth., Mar. 16, '03. (456*) £5 5s. Cf., g.e. (apparently the preceding copy), Soth., July 16, '03. (55) £3 3s. Commentary upon the Book .of ■ Genesis. Trans, by T. Tymme. Lond.. 1578. 4to. Cf., Livermore, Nov., '94. (971) $17. Cf., r.e., Sewall, Nov., '96. (591) $6. Commentary upon the Book of Joshua. Trans, by W. F. Lond., 1578. 4to. Cf., g.e., Libbie, June 19, 1900. (202) $15. Defensio Orthodoxae Fidei de Sacra Trlnitate, etc. [Paris], Ste- phani, 1554. Svo. Mor., g.e., Makellar, Nov., '98. (536) £2 14s. Mor., g.e., Bangs, Apr. 28, '02. (260) $52. A Little Booke, concernynge Of- fences. Trans, bv A. Goldinge. [N.p., 1567.] Svo. Cf., r.e., Makellar, Nov., '98. (541) £1 10s. The Mind of the Godly and Learned Man, M. John Calvin. Ipswich, 1548. Svo. Cf., Turner, June, '88. (614) £4 5s. Unbd., Ashburnham, June, '97. (923) £12. Cf., Makellar, Nov., '98. (540) £10 10s. Cf., Ellis, Oct., '02. (543) £18. Three Notable Sermons. Lond., 1562. Svo. Mor., Hawkins, Apr., '95. (69) £1 ISs. Mor., Soth., May 21, 1900. (112) £2 2s. Thirteen Sermons. Lond., 1579. 12mo. Cf., Sewall, Nov., '96. (592) $8. CALVIN 342 CAMBRO Calvin (John) — Continued. Unbd., Libbie, June 19, 1900. (203) $G.50. Short Instruction for to arme all good Christian People against the Anabaptistes. Lend., 1549. Svo. Mor., g.e., Stuart, Mar., '95. (10) £2 6s. Very Profitable Treatise, declaring ■what great Profit might come if there were a Register made of all Saints Bodies, etc. Lond., 1501. Svo. Stuart. Mar., '95. (11) £lSs. CALVIN TRANSLATION SOCIETY. Publications. Lond., 1843-55. Svo. 52 vols., cl., Smlthson, June, '96. (175) £2Ss. (Lacking the Institutes and Commen- tarv on Romans), 48 vols., cl.. Ma'kellar, Nov., '98. (542) £2Ss. CAMBINE (ANDREW). Two very Notable Commentaries. Lend., 1562. 4to. Cf., Ashburnham, June. '97. (926) £2 8s. CAMBRIAN (THE). Swansea, v.d. Fol. 1804-49 (lacking 1822-27), in 10 vols., hf. cf., Dillwyn, Oct., '93. (268) £9 10s. CAMBRIAN JOURNAL. Published under the Auspices of the Cambrian Institute. Lond., 1854-64. 11 vols., 4to. Bds., unc, Howlett, June, '87. (1222) £llls. Hf. mor.. Putt., Jan. 16, '90. (421) £3. Bds., unc. Gray, Feb., '96. (597) £1 8s. CAMBRIAN QUARTERLY MAGA- zine and Celtic Repertory. Vols. 1 to 5. Lond., 1829-33. 5 vols., Svo. Hf. cf., Putt, Dec. 8, '86. (878) £1 7s. Hf. cf., Breese, Mav, '88. (14) £1 16s. Hf. cf., Soth., Aug. 13, '88. (2565) £15s. CAMBRIAN REGISTER. Lond., 1796- 1818. 3 vols., Svo. Unc, Vaughan, Dec, '86. (52) £1 6s. Hf. cf., Soth., Apr. 22, '87. (64) £1 5s. Cf., Soth., Dec. 9, '87. (1137) £1. Hf. cf., Breese, May 31, '88. (15) £2 4s. Cf., Bangs, Oct. 12, '96. (4044) $7.80. CAMBRIDGE GARRICK CLUB. Al- bum of. Camb., 1836. Svo. Cambridge Garrick Club — Continued. Burnett, Apr., '89. (17) £1 Is. Burgess, May, '94. (15) £115s. CAMBRIDGE MATHEMATICAL Journal, 4 vols. [Also] Cambridge and Dublin Mathematical Journal, 9 vols. Lond., 1839-54. Together 13 vols., Svo. Hf. cf., Soth., Feb. 15, 1900. (439) £7 10s. Hf. cf., Hodgson, Feb. 19, '02. (39) £S10s. CAMBRIDGE PORTFOLIO. Edited by J. J. Smith. Lend., 1840. 2 vols.. 4to. Hodgson, May 18, '87. (2S9) £1 ISs. Hf. mor., g.e., Hastings, May, '93. (9) £lls. CAMBRIDGE PLATFORM. See Plat- form of Church Discipline. CAMBRIDGE. University of Cam- bridge. Lond., Ackerman, 1815. 2 vols., 4to. Hf. mor., Bleasdell, Jan., '87. (346) £3 5s. Hf. mor.. Hunt, Nov., '91. (8) $38. Hf. cf., Edkins, Dec, '91. (604) £117s. Hf. rus.. Read, June, '92. (612) £2 12s. 6d. Hf. rus., Munster, Oct., '93. (274) £2 lis. Hf. rus., Childe, July, '96. (143) £3 3s. Hf. mor., Heaton, Mar., '97. (120) £6 15s. Hf. mor., unc, Howard, June, '98. (204) £11 10s. Rus., g.e., Soth., Jan. 24, '99. (410) £5. Hf. mor., Soth., Dec 11, '99. (654) £6 10s. Hf. mor., unc, Christie, Apr. 9, 1900. (92) £5 2s. 6d. Hf. mor., Argyll, July, 1900. (70) £10. Rus., g.e., Soth., Mar. 17, '02. (647) £13. Hf. rus., unc, Soth., July 11, '02. (211) £13 15s. CAMBRO-BRITON. Edited by J. H. Parry. From Sept., 1819, to June, 1S22. Lond., 1S20-22. 3 vols., Svo. Soth., Apr. 22, '87. (50) £1 4s. Cf., Soth., Dec. 9, '87. (113) £116s. Hf. cf., Nash, Jan.. "88. (16S5) £19s. Hf. rus., Breese, May, '88. (16).£llls. Hf. bd., Jesse, Mar., '90. (56) £18s. CAMBUSKENNETH 343 CAMDEN CAMBUSKENNETH. Registrum Monasterii de Cambuskenneth, A.D., 1147-1535. Edinb., 1872. 4to. Stewart, Apr., '88. (658) £4 4s. Malahide, June, '90. (538) £3 5s. Smith, June, '96. (62) £2. CAMDEN (WILLIAM). Annales Re- runi Anglic-arum Regnante Eliza- betha. Lond., 1615. Fol. Mor., Bangs, Oct. 8, '01. (54) $7.50. Annales Rerum Anglicarum Reg- nante Elizabetha. Leyden, Elzevir, 1625. 8vo. Mor., g.e. (Williams copy), Soth., Mar. 19, '96. (151) £2 12s. Annales Rerum Anglicarum Reg- nante Elizabetha. Oxford, 1717. 3 vols., Svo. **Large paper. Mor., Aylesford, Mar., '88. (693) £4 5s. Mor., Luard, Nov., '91. (522) £18s. Annals, or the Historic of Queen Elizabeth. Trans, by R. N. Lond., 1635. Svo. Mor. (one leaf slightly imperfect), Roupell, July, '87. (227) £2 14s. Mor., g.e. (portrait mended), Soth., Nov. 27, '96. (106) £119s. Britannia. Lond.. 1586. Svo. Cole, Feb., '93. (164*) £1 6s. Britannia. Lond., 1590. Svo. Cf. (Buckingham copy), Reynell, May, '95. (55) £1. Britannia. Lond., 1607. Pol. Cf., Aylesford, Mar., '88. (379) £2 10s. Cf. (presentation copy to the Bishop of Llandaff), Bailey, June, '89. (753) £2. Cf. (Bailev copv). Putt., Dec. 17, '89. (96) £lSs. Cf. (presentation copy), Soth., July 16, '03. (5S9) £6 5s. Britannia. Trans, by P. Holland. Lond., 1610. Fol. Cf., Ashburnham, June, '97. (930) £1 Is. Britannia. Amsterdam, 1662. FoL Of., Anderson, Oct. 25, 1900. (200) £2 2s. Britannia. Lond., 1695. Fol. **Large paper. Camden (William) — Continued. Cf., Aylesford. Mar., '88. (381) £1 12s. Cf., Putt., May 29, '89. (302) £lls. Cf., Soth., Mar. 8, 1900. (128) £2. Britannia. Enlarged by R. Gough. Lond., 1789. 3 vols., fol. Cf., Aylesford, Mar., '88. (382) £3 3s. Cf., Thornhill, Apr., '89. (173) £3. Rus.. Inglis, Nov., '89. (307) £9 10s. Cf., Rodney, Aug., '90. (3148) £1 18s. Rus., Southby, Dec, '90. (1123) £2 10s. Rus., Belt, Aug., '92. (104) £2 2s. Cf., Walker, Mar., '93. (236) £1 7s. Rus., y.e., Soth., Dec. 9, '95. (23S) £1 19s. Cf., Bateman, June, '96. (435) £2 2s. Cf., y.e., Ashburnham, June, 97. (929) £116s. Mor., g.e. (Beckford copy), Soth., Apr. 4, '98. (275) £3 14s. Rus., Christie, Dec. 19, '99. (273) £1 17s. Cf., Smith, May, '01. (325) £19s. ■"♦Large paper. Pigskin, Christie, Dec. 1, '86. (203) £4 15s. Rus., g.e. (some leaves mended), Soth., Dec. 1, '96. (552) £3 6s. Britannia. Enlarged by R. Gough. Lond., 1806. 4 vols., fol. Hf. bd.. unc, Hirst, Dec, '87. (1084) £2 10s. Hf. rus., Grace, Dec, '90. (202) £1 5s. Hf. rus., unc. Hailstone, Feb., '91. (294) £2 5s. Hf. mor., unc, Crawford, Mar., '91. (573) £2 10s. Hf. mor., Birley, May, '92. (74) £6. Rus., m.e., Wilson, June, '92. (501) £3 6s. Rus., Larpent, Jan., '95. (205) £2 6s. Rus., m.e., Clarke, Nov., '96. (260) £3 lis. Hf. mor., unc. Frere, Oct., '97. (211) £16s. Hf. rus.. Bangs, Mar. 5. 1900. (92) $12.40. Rus., Hodgson, June 1, 1900. (617) £2 4s. Cf., Peel, June, 1900. (216) £3 10s. Remaines concerning Britaine. Lond., 1614. 4to. Soth., Nov. 20, '99. (522) £2 12s. Remaines concerning Britaine. Lond., 1636 or 1637. 4to. CAMDEN 344 CAMPAN Camden (William) — Coiitiiinc(J. Cf.. Perkins, July, '89. (349) £3 12s. 6d. Cf.. Deane, Mar., '98. (593) $8. **Large paper. Mor., g.e., Buckley, Feb., '93. (655) £3 3s. Visitations of the County of War- wick in 1019. Edited by J. Pether- ston. Lond., Harleian Soc, 1877. 8vo. """Thick paper. Mor., g.e., Hillier. Mar., '89. (438) £2. Mor., g.e., Putt., Dec. 2, '89. (33) £1 13s. CAMDEN SOCIETY. Publications. I^ond., v.d. 4to. 183S-1897 (with Descriptive Catalogue, bv Nichols), 164 vols., cl.. Putt., Oct. 31, '98. (205) £17. 1838-1892 (with Catalogue and Index), 158 vols., cl., Soth., July 27, '93. (801) £15 15s. 1838-1889 (with Catalogue). 158 vols., cl.. White, Jan., '91. (251) £14 14s. 1838-1887 (with Index), 145 vols., cl.. Beresford, June, '88. (487) £12 12s. 183S-1.S87 (with Catalogue), 138 vols., cl., Turner, June, '88. (744) £10 10s. 1838-1885, 141 vols., Thorns, Feb.. '87. (337) £13 5s. CAIVIERON (SIR EWEN). Memoirs. Edinb., 1842. 4to. Unc, Craig, June, '87. (483) £112s. Hf. mor., unc, Craig, Mar., '88. (972) £116s. Unc, Craig, Mar., '88. (973) £1 14s. Hf. mor.. unc, Webster, Mar., '93. (196) £2 12s. Cl., Reid, May, '94. (1737) £110s. CAMERON (P.). Monograph of the British Phytophagous Hymenoptera. Lond., Ray Soc, 1882-92. Svo. Soth., July 19, '97. (80) £2. Soth., Apr. 19, '99. (31) £2 lis. CAMOENS (L. DE). Os Lusiadas. Lisbon, 1572. 4to. Vel. (Heber copy), Stuart, Mar., '95. (79) £13 10s. Os Lusiadas. Lisbon, 1584. 16mo. Mor., g. e., Gaisford, Apr., '90. (355) £23. Camoens (L. De) — CoiitiiniC(f. Os Lusiadas. Lisbon, 1013. 4to. Mor., g. e., Gaisford, Apr., '90. (357) £3 10s. Los Lusiadas, traduzidos en oc- tava rima Castellana por Benito Cal- dera. Alcala de Henares, 1580. 4to. Spanish binding, Gaisford, Apr., '90. (354) £11 10s. Hf. rus., y.e., Fountaine, June, '02. (104) £13. Los Lusiadas, traduzidos por H. Garces. Madrid, 1B91. 4to. Rus., g.e, Gaisford, Apr., '90. (356) £11. Lusiad. Trans, into English by Sir R. Fanshawe. Lond., 1055. Fol. Cf. (2 portraits inserted), Wodhull, Jan., '86. (579) £15 15s. Cf., g.e.. Soth., July 13, '87. (309) £5. Cf. (rebacked), Sewall, Nov., '96. (600) $21. Cf. (mended, the Park copy), Sewall, Nov., '96. (1315) $36. Cf.. m.e., Soth., Feb. 27, '99. (166) £4 7s. 6d. Cf. (bottom margin of last leaf cut off). Tixall, Nov., '99. (118) £4. Cf. (Earl of Arran's copy), Soth., Feb. 6, 1900. (811) £4 12s. Cf., m.e., Soth., Dec. 3, 1900. (599) £6 5s. Cf. (Earl of Arran's copv), Ellis, Oct., '02. (549) £6 5s. Lusiads and Lyrics. Englished by R. F. Burton. Lond., 1880-84. 6 vols., 8vo. Cl., unc, Crawford, Mar., '91. (577) £1 Is. Buckley, Feb., '93. (459) £1. Cl., unc. Weaver, Dec, '97. (53) £1 7s. Cl., unc, Soth., Dec. 17, 1900. (213) £1 12s. Rhythmas. Lisbon, 1595. 4to. Mor., g.e., in case, Gaisford, Apr., '90. (358) £21. CAMORANO (RODRIGO). Compendio del Arte de Navegar. Seville, 1588. 8vo. Cf.. Del Monte, May., '01. (ISS) $5. CAMPAN (MADAME). Memoirs of the Private Life of Marie An- toinette. Lond., 1823. 2 vols., 8vo. CAMPAN 345 CAMPBELL Cam pan (Madame) — Continued. Cf.. Hutchinson, Feb., '92. (138) £1 10s. Hf. cf., m.e., Henkels, Jan. 31. '9S. (72) $6. Private Life of Marie Antoinette. Lond., 18S3. 2 vols., Svo. CI., unc, Hutt, Mav, '89. (424) £1 5s. CI., unc, Christie, Mar. 1, "92. (242) £116s. CI., unc, Bucklev, Feb. 27, '93. (460) £2 6s. CI., unc, Yates, Jan., '95. (71) £1 18s. Hf. mor., Henkels, Feb. 6, '01. (46) $5.20. Cf., unc, Bangs, Apr. 9, '01. (197) $21. Memoirs of the Court of Marie Antoinette. Lond., 1895. 2 vols., 8vo. Cf., unc, Nichols, Apr., 1900. (125) £19s. **Japan paper. Vel., unc, Nichols. Apr.. 1900. (124) £3 6s. CAMPANIUS HOLM (T.). Kort Bes- krifning Om Provincien Nya Swerige uti America. Stockholm, 1702. 4to. Field, May, '75. (256) $17. Mor., g.e., Menzies, Nov., '76. (327) $37.50. Mor., g.e., Brinley, Mar., '80. (3044) $80. Mor.. g.e.. Brinlev, Mar., '80. (3043) $85. Hf. mor., O'Callaghan, Dec, '82. (467) $31. Mor., g.e., Cooke, Dec, '83. (2834) $25. Mor.. Murphy, Mar., '84. (2854) $28. Mor., g.e.. Murphy, Mar., '84. (452) $24. Mor., Barlow, Feb., '90. (440) $47.50. Hf. mor., m.e. (lower part of title in facs., 1 plate slightly imperfect). Brevoort, Feb., '90. (210) $35.50. Cf.. Lenox Library Duplicates, Apr., '95. (50) $31.50. Vel., Soth., June 27, '98. (216) £10. Hf. bd. (frontispiece mounted), Hen- kels, .Jan. IS, '01. (120) $51. Cf., Betts, Apr., '01. (1003) $27. Hf. bd. (frontispiece inlaid, and name on title), Peirce, Mar., '03. (391) $46. Campanius Holm (T.) — Cmiliinici}. Short Description of the Province of New Sweden. Trans, by P. Du Ponceau. Phila., 1S34. Svo. Hf. mor.. unc (frontis. inserted), Men- zies, Nov., '76. (328) $5.25. Hf. mor., unc. Barlow, Feb., '90. (441) $11. Bds., Koecker, Dec, '98. (2S5) $10.50. Bds.. unc. Weeks, Mar., '02. (384) $10. CAMPBELL (ALEXANDER). Intro- duction to the History of Poetry in Scotland. Edinb., 179S, 2 vols., 4to. **Large paper. Unc, Craig. Mar., '88. (981) £S8s. Putt., Jan. 30, '89. (837) £4 15s. CAMPBELL (ARCHIBALD). Rec- ords of Argyll. Edinb.. ISSa. 4to. CI., unc. Putt., Oct. 12, '87. (671) £110s. CI., unc, Christie, Mar. 28, '88. (185) £1 16s. CI., unc, Hutchinson, Feb., '92. (139) £3 7s. 6d. CI., unc, Soth., Dec. 17, '92. (577) £14s. CI., unc. Bangs, Dec. 9, '98. (59) $5.25. CI., unc. Bangs. Nov. 6. '99. (79) $5.12. CAMPBELL (CAROLINE). Elegy on the death of. Strawberry Hill, n.d. 4 pages. 4to. Paper, Hodgson, Apr. 30, '02. (216) £3. CAMPBELL (CHARLES). History of the Colony and Ancient Dominion of Virginia. Phila., 1860. Svo. CI., Guild, Nov., '87. (4811) $5.25. CI., Waterbury, Jan., '95. (1593) $5. Cl., Libbie, .Tan. 5, '97. (141) $5. Hf. mor., Perrv, June, '99. (180) $5.10. CAMPBELL (COLIN), WOOLFE (J.) and Gandon (J.). Vitruvius Britan- nicus. Lond.. 1715-71. 5 vols., fol. Rus.. g.e., Crawford, June, '87. (609) £7. Antrobus, Mar., '90. (286) £5 15s. Cf., Wilson. June, '92. (504) £4 4s. Cf., Ashburnham. June, '97. (932) £2 4s. Cf., Skene, Jan., '98. (229) £4 12s Cf., Clerk, May, '99. (225) £3 2s. Cf., g.e.. Peel, June, 1900. (885) £4. CAMPBELL 346 CAMPBELL Campbell (Colin) — Continued. Cf. (Vols. 1-3), Bangs, Nov. 10, '98. (452) $31.50. Cf. (Vols. 1-3), Bangs, May 23, '01. (108) $14.25. ** Large paper. Cf., Wilson, June, '92. (505) £4 12s. Hf. mor.. Putt., Mar. 1, '93. (474) £4 4s. Rus., Armley, Dec, '94. (207) £14s. CAMPBELL (JOHN). Lives of the British Admirals. Lend., 1812-17. 8 vols., 8vo. Hf. rus., Baggallay, Jan., '91. (17) £14s. Hf. cf.. Brand, Mar., '94. (13) £1 Gs. ** Large paper. Cf., Bunbury, July, '96. (100) £3. CAIVIPBELL (JOHN, LORD). Lives of the Chief Justices of England. Lond., 1849-57. 3 vols., 8vo. CI., Perkins, July, '89. (354) £18s. CI., Young, June. '90. (132) £12s. CI., Hailstone, Feb., '91. (340) £12s. CI., Pewtress, Mar., '94. (442) £12s. CI., Bunbury, July, '96. (99) £1 6s. Cf., m.e., Henkels, Jan. 19, '97. (119) $9. Cf.. m.e., Henkels, Jan. 31, '98. (73) $6.30. Cf., White, Feb., '01. (100) $9.37. Lives of the Lord Chancellors of England. Lond., 1845-48. 7 vols., Svo. Cf., Putt., Mar. 16, '87. (78) £2 18s. Cf., m.e., Craig, Mar., '88. (986) £3. CI., Perkins, July, "89. (353) £2 5s. CI., Putt., Nov. 15. '93. (442) £115s. CI., Bangs, Oct. 16, '95. (57) $12.25. Cf., m.e., Soth., Dec. 11, '99. (176) £2 lis. Lives of the Lord Chancellors of England. Lond., 1845-69. 8 vols., 8vo. CI., Edwards, Jan., '94. (785) £2. Cf., m.e.. Price, June, '95. (110) £5. Cf.. m.e., Bunbury, July, '96. (98) £2 19s. CI., Kay, Maj% '97. (415) £113s. Cf., g.e., Wireman, Nov., '97. (69) $48. Cf., g.e., Edwardes, May, '01. (51) £10. Lives of the Lord Chancellors of England. Lond., 1856-57. 10 vols., 8to. Campbell (John, Lord) — Continued. Thorns, Feb., '87. (162) £14s. Cooke, June, '92. (Ill) £lls. Shaw, Feb., '97. (65) £1. Ct, Hodgson, Jan. 11, 1900. (1061) £2 3s. Lives of the Lord Chancellors. Lond., 1868. 10 vols., 8vo. Hf. cf., m.e.. Turner, Dec, '93. (99) £lls. Hf. cf., m.e., McAlpine, July, '96. (20) £110s. Hf. mor., unc, Libbie, Feb. 18, '97. (147) $12.50. Hf. cf., m.e., Libbie, Dec. 13, 1900. (186) $12. CAMPBELL (JOHN F.). Heroic Gaelic Ballads. Lond., 1872. Fol. CI., Hennessy, Oct., '94. (Ill) $16. Tales of the West Highlands. Edinb., 1860-62. 4 vols., 8vo. CI., Putt., Dec. 8, '86. (195) £2 8s. CI., Lovell, Apr., '90. (297) £3 10s. CI., Marshall, July, '90. (708) £2 3s. CI., Buckley, Feb., '93. (463) £118s. CI., Walker, May, '93. (56) £117s. CI., Hope, May, '96. (422) £13s. Cf.. Bangs, Nov. 29, '97. (84) $10.50. Hf. mor., Cox, Apr., '99. (136) $12. CI., Hornby, Apr., 1900. (71) £16s. CAMPBELL (THOMAS). Essays on English Poetry. Lend., 1819. 8vo. **Large paper. Mor., g.e.. Bangs, Jan. 23, '95. (119) $9.50. Mor., g.e. (presentation copy from the publisher, Mr. Murray), McKee, May, '02. (4910) $60. Gertrude of Wyoming, and other Poems. Lond., 1809. 4to. Bds., unc, Bangs, Apr. 16, 1900. (184) $12. Life of Mrs. Siddons. Loud., 1834. 2 vols., 8vo. Hf. mor., French, Apr., '01. (1474) $6.20. Pleasures of Hope and other Poems. Edinb., 1799. Svo. Mor., unc. Young, June, '90. (134) £9 5s. Mor., unc. Turner, Dec, '93. (96) £2 4s. Mor., unc. Eraser, Apr., '01. (236) £6 15s. Specimens of the British Poets. Lond., 1819. 7 vols., Svo. CAMPBELL 347 CAMPION Campbell (Thomas) — Continued. Mor., g.e., Putt., June 5, '93. (60) £1. Hf. mor., Price, June, '95. (109) £1. Cf., r.e., Bunbury, July, '96. (101) £17s. Mor., g.e., Howard, June, '9S. (53) £114s. **Large paper. Mor., g.e., Soth., Feb. 12, "89. (139) £3 3s. Theodric and other Poems. Lond.. 1S21. Svo. Mor.. unc, Gaisford, Apr., '90. (360) £17s. Poetical Works. Lond., 1828. 2 vols.. Svo. Bds., unc. Bangs, Apr. 9, '01. (195) $5.50. Poetical Works. Lond., 1837. 8vo. Bds., unc, Francis, July, '90. (66) £2 2s. Mor., unc, Hutchinson, Feb., '92. (140) £1. Mor.. unc. Walker, May, '93. (184) £3 3s. Mor., unc. Turner, Dec, '93. (98) £3 5s. Bds., unc, Soth., Feb. 19, '96. (327) £3 5s. Bds., unc, Bush, Apr., '96. (82) £2 2s. Cf., g.e.! Soth., Apr. 25, '98. (109) £1178. Mor., g.e., Soth., Apr. 25, '98. (225) £12s. Mor., g.e., Clarke, Mar., '99. (42) £3 7s. Gd. Mor., g.e, Hunt, July, '99. (28) £3 5s. Cf., Anderson, Jan. 8, '01. (41) $10. Mor., g.t., unc, French, Apr., '01. (194) $50. Cf.. g.e.. Bangs, June 5, '02. (160) $5.25. Poetical Works. Lond., 1843. Svo. Bds., unc, Brice, Mar., 1900. (29) £1. Mor.. unc, Lefferts, Apr., '02. (1456) $10. Poetical Works. Lond., 1854. Svo. Mor., g.e., Reid, May, '94. (533) £1 15s. Mor., g.e., Hope, Apr., '96. (150) £1. Campbell (Thomas) — Continued. Mor.. g.e.. Haves. Apr.. '98. (256) $5.50. CAMPBELL (CAPT. W.). Old Forest Ranger. Lond., 1842. Svo. Hf. bd., unc, Kermack, Nov., '99. (42) £2 Gs. CAMPBELL (W. W.). Border War- fare of New York during the Revo- lution. N. Y., 1849. 12mo. Hf. mor., Barlow, Feb., '90. (444) $5.50. CI., Bangs, Mar. 5, '02. (410) $5.50. CAMPION (EDMUND). Advertise- ment and Defence for Truth against her Backbiters. Lond., 1581. 4to. Mor.. Corser, July, '68. (412) £9. Disputation in the Tower of Lon- don with Ed. Campion. Lond., 1583. 4to. Cf. (corner of 1 leaf torn, a few letters missing), Soth., Feb. 12, '89. (140) £15s. CAMPION (THOMAS). Book of Airs. Lond., 1610-12. 4 parts, fol. Mor.. Ellis, Nov., '85. (2192) £25. Description of a Maske presented at the Mariage of the Earle of Somerset with Lady Frances How- ard. Lond., 1614. 2 parts, 4to. Mor.. g.e., Gaisford, Apr., '90. (361) £13 17s. 6d. Mor., g.e., Burra, May, '97. (247) £5. Fifty Songs. Lond., Vale Press, 1896. Svo. Bds., unc, Sidney, Mar., 1900. (1S9) £lSs. Bds., unc. Bangs, Feb. 13, '01. (501) $13. Bds., unc, Soth., Mar. 7, '01. (932) £115s. Bds., unc, Soth., Mar. 17, '02. (1170) £12. Mor.. unc, Soth., Mar. 26, '02. (209) £14s. Bds.. Peirce, Mar,, '03. (67) $10. Bds.. Peirce, May. '03. (485) $6.50. Relation of the late Royal Enter- tainment given by Lord Knowles. Lond.. 1613. 4to. Mor., g.e., Griswold, Jan., '78. (69) $27. Mor. (Griswold copy), Ives, Mar., '91. (147) $57.50. Works. Edited by A. H. Bullen. Lond., 1889. Svo. CAMPION 348 CANADIAN Campion (Thomas) — Coiiiiiiiicd. Bds., unc, Adee, Nov., '95. (153) $6.50. Bd.s., unc, Bangs, Nov. 29, '95. (84) $C. Bds., unc. Bangs, Apr. 10, 1900. (56) $5.25. **Large paper. Mor., Duprat, Feb., '95. (21) $23. Bds., unc, French, Apr., '01. (195) $5.50. CAMUS (J. P.). Nature's Paradox. Lend., 1C52. 4to. Cf. (with the leaf The Minde of the Frontispiece), Lefferts, Apr., '02. (178) $37.50. Cf. (with The Minde of the Frontis- piece, portrait inserted), Soth., June 3, '02. (448) £10 10s. Mor., g.e., Ellis, Oct., '02. (550) £5 10s. True Tragicall History of two Il- lustrious Italian Families, Alciraus and Vannoza. Lond., 1077. 8vo. Sheep, Soth., May 16, '01. (99) £118s. CANADA. All Canada in the Hands of the English. Bost.. B. Mecom, [1760]. 8vo. Unc (stained), Henkels, Oct. 21, '96. (108) $16. Collection de Manuscrits conte- nant Lettres, Memoires, et outre historiques relatifs a la Nouvelle- France. Quebec, 1883-85. 4 vols., 4to. Paper, unc. Bangs., Nov. 22, '97. (196) $6.60. Hf. rus.. Libbie, Dec 13, 1900. (191) $8. Hf. roan, unc, Lincoln, Oct., '01. (938) $12. Edits, Ordonnances Royaux, Dec- laration, et Arrets, concernant le Canada. Quebec, 1803-6. 2 vols., 4to. Hf. sheep. Hart, Apr., '90. (442) $0.50. Cf. (broken), Lincoln, Oct., '01. (1225) $10.50. Four Kings of Canada. See Four Kings. Geological Survey. Reports of Progress. Montreal, v.d., 8vo. From the commencement to 1874, 8 vols., cf.. Hart, Apr., '90. (462) $12. 1866-85 (accompanied by 38 maps), Canada — Contiiiiicrl. 13 vols., hf. sheep, Libbie, Mar. 28, 1900. (239) $11.37. New Series, Vols. 1-8, 18G6-97 (with 11 vols, of maps, together 20 vols.), hf. sheep, paper and cl., Libbie, Mar. 28. 1900. (240) $12. Journal of the House of Assembly, from May 28th to July 9th, 1801. York, 1801. 4to. Cf., Lindsey, Mar., '95. (110) $15. Journal of the House of Assembly, from Mav 25th to Julv 7th, 1802. York, 1802. 4to. Hf. cf., Lindsey, Mar., '95. (Ill) $17.50. Journal of the Legislative Council of Upper Canada. First, Third and Fourth Sessions of the 13th Provin- cial Parliament. Toronto, 1837-39. 3 vols., fol. Bds., Lincoln, Oct., '01. (871) $8.25. Jugements et Deliberations du Conseil Souverain de la Nouvelle- France. Vols. 1 to 6. Quebec, 1885-91. 6 vols., 4to. Paper, unc. Bangs, Nov. 22, '97. (197) $10.20. Picturesque Canada. Lond., 1896. 2 vols., 4to. Lovell, Apr., '90. (116) £2. Libbie, Oct. 15, '01. (1029) $5. Statutes. Complete set, from 1758 to 1836. Quebec, 1830-36. 17 vols., 4to. Sheep, Hart, Apr., '90. (435) $39. Provincial Statutes of Lower Canada, from 1792 to 1808. Quebec, 1795-1808. 4 vols., 4to. Hf. sheep. Hart, Apr., '90. (440) $14. Provincial Statutes of Canada, 1847, etc. Quebec, v.d. 17 vols., 4to. and fol. Paper, Lincoln, Oct., '01. (1170) $17. Statutes of the Province of Upper Canada, 1820 to 1830. York and Toronto, 1820-30. 4to. Hf. sheep. Hart, Apr., '90. (444) $6. Hf. sheep, Lincoln, Oct., '01. (8S7) $23. CANADIAN ANTIQUARIAN AND Numismatic Journal. Montreal, v.d. 8vo. Vols. 1-12, 1872-85 (24 portraits and 47 A.L.S. inserted), hf. cf. and parts. Hart, Apr., '90. (499) $33. CANADIAN 349 CANNONS Canadian Antiquarian — Continued. Vols. 1-11. in parts, Henkels, Apr. 19, '99. (217) $6.05. Vols. 6-13 and New Series, Vol. 1, in parts, Lincoln, Oct., '01. (S89) $9. CANADIAN ENTOMOLOGIST. Edited by E. J. S. Bethune. Montreal, v.d. 8vo. 1S69-92 (lacking 1 number), hf. of. and parts, Soth., Apr. 19, '99. (32) £5. CANADIAN FREEHOLDER. Lend., 177G-79. 3 vols., Svo. Cf., Lindsey, Mar., '95. (107) $9.37. Cf. (Vol. 3 only), Chittenden, Jan., '94. (230) $6.50. CANADIAN ILLUSTRATED NEWS. V.d. 4to. 1870-81 (lacking from Jan. to June, 1875), 23 vols., hf. roan and hf. sheep. Bangs, Oct. 17, '01. (156) $19.55. CANADIAN MAGAZINE AND LITER- ary Repositor.y. Vols. 1-4. Montreal, 1823-25. 4 vols., Svo. Hf. cf. (portraits and autographs in- serted). Hart, Apr,, '90. (501) $22.50. CANCELLER (JAMES). The Alpha- bet of Praiers. Lond., n.d. Svo. Mor. (border to every page cut into, a few leaves mended), Soth., Oct. 29, 1900. (547) £4. CANCIONERO DE OBRAS DE BUR- las provocantes a Risa. [Lond., 1841.] Svo. Mor., g.e., Soth., Nov. 28, '98. (153) £115s. Mor., g.e., Soth., Nov. 28, '98. (154) £13s. CANCIONERO GENERAL. Lisbon, 1516. Fol. Rus., g.e. (arms of Lord Stuart de Rothesay on sides, title and several leaves in facs.), Crawford, June, '89. (228) £32. Cancionero General. Antwerp, 1557. Svo. Mor.. g.e., Gaisford, Apr., '90. (362) £10 10s. Mor.. g.e., Soth., Nov. 28, '98. (150) £10. Cancionero General. Antwerp, 1573. Svo. Gaisford, Apr., '90. (363) £7 5s. Mor., g.e. (a few headlines cut Into), Cancionero General — f'oiitinuril. Soth., Nov. 28, '98. (151) £3 15s. Hf. mor., Soth., Nov. 28, '98. (152) £3 5s. CANDID EXAMINATION OF THE Address of the Ministry of the Coun- cil of Censors to the People of Pennsylvania. Phila., 1784. Svo. Sewed. Rogers, Oct., 1900. (120) $5. CANDID EXAMINATION OF THE Mutual Claims of Great Britain and her Colonies. N. Y., Rivington, 1775. Svo. Sewed, Miller and Bancker, Dec. 13, '98. (75) $5.25. CANER (HENRY). True Nature and Method of Christian Preaching. Newport, Widow Franklin, 1745. 16mo. Mor., unc, Brinley, Mar., '79. (2418) $9.25. Discourse concerning the Publick Worship of God, etc. Newport, Widow Franklin, [174S]. 16mo. Mor., unc. (autograph and manuscript notes bv Rev. T. Foxcroft), Brinley, Mar., '79. (2420) $11. CANISIUS (P.). Catechism, Ampli- fied and Englished by T. I. Duaci. J. Bogardum, [about 1570]. Mor., g.e. (lacking 1 leaf), Crawford, Mar., '91. (588) £2 14s. Ane Catechisme. Trans, by Adam King. Paris, 15S8. Svo. Cf. (lacking 1 leaf), Soth., Feb. 27, '99. (398) £118s. Cf. (lacking 1 leaf), Soth., May 21, 1900. (113) £3. CANNING (GEORGE). Speeches. Lond., 1828. 6 vols., Svo. Cf., unc, Soth., June 22, '91. (148) £3 3s. Cf., m.e., Gennadius, Mar., '95. (713) £2 2s. Cf., m.e., Ashburton, Nov., 1900. (145) £16s. CANNON (WILLIAM). See Hammer- smith Monsters. CANNONS AND CONSTITUTIONS Ecclesiastical for the Government of the Church of Scotland. Aberdeen, 1636. 4to. Mor., Makellar, Nov., '98. (759) £6 12s. 6d. Hf. mor. (last leaf Imperfect), Auchin- leck, June, '93. (156) £115s. CANOVA 350 CAPGRAVE CANOVA (ANTONIO). Works in Sculpture and Modelling. Lond., 1824-28. 3 vols., 8vo. Mor., g.e., Craig, Mar., '88. (1001) £3. Works in Sculpture and IVlodel- ling. Lond., 1849. 3 vols., 8vo. Hf. mor.. Moss, June, '87. (911) £1. Hf. mor., Putt., Oct. 12, '87. (719) £1. Soth., May 1, '89. (Ill) £1. Hf. roan. Bangs, Apr. 16, 1900. (185) $7.12. CANTALYCIUS (J. B.). Epigram- mata. Venice, 1493. 4to. Hf. bd., Soth., July 17, '01. (219) £12 5s. CANTICUM CANTICORUM, repro- duced in Facsimile, with Introduc- tion by J. P. Berjeau. i liOnd., 1860. Fol. Vel., Hirst, Dec, '87. (742) £lls. CANTILUPE (S. T.). Life and Gests of. See Strange (Richard). CANTIPRATENSIS (THOIVIAS). In- ciplt Liber dicitur Bonum Univer- sale de Proprietatibus Apum. [Cologne, J. Weldener, about 1475.] Fol. Cf. (pen and ink drawing on last leaf to text, title to the Flemish transla- tion, 1488, inserted), Inglis, June, 1900. (754) £13 10s. CAOURSIN (G.). Obsidionis Rhodie Urbis Descriptio. Ulm, 1490. Fol. Sunderland, Dec, '81. (2357) £18. Mor., g.e., Thorold, Dec, '84. (409) £27 10s. Mor., g.e. (slightly wormed), Hartree, July, '90. (582) £20 5s. Cf., Crawford, Mar., '91. (593) £18 10s. Mor., g.e. (Thorold copy). Wills, July, '94. (534) £20 10s. Mor., g.e. (Crawford-Walpole copy), Gennadius, Mar., '95. (716) £30. Mor., g.e., Ashburnham, June, '97. (936) £23 10s. Mor., g.e. (Crawford-Walpole-Genna- dius copy), Morris, Dec, '98. (340) £31 10s. Descriptione della obsidione della Cita de Rhodiana. (Roman letter, 20 leaves, Sigs. A and B.) N.p., n.d. 4to. Mor., Ashburnham, June, '97. (935) £5 17s. 6d. Caoursin (G.) — Continued. Historia von Rhodis. Strasburg, 1513. Fol. Mor., g.e., Gennadius, Mar., '95. (717) £13. Stabilimenta Militum Rhodiorum. Ulm, 1496. Fol. Mor., g.e., Thorold, Dec, '84. (410) £16 10s. Mor., g.e. (Thorold copy). Wills, July, '94. (536) £24. Cf. (broken), Wiils, July, '94. (535) £15 10s. Siege of Rhodes. Lond., 1524. Fol. Cf., Crawford, Mar., '91. (594) £35 10s. CAPE BRETON. See Bollan (W.). CAPELL (EDWARD). Notes and Various Readings to Shakespeare. Lond., 1779-80. 4 vols., 4to. Hf. mor., Frederickson, Apr., '86. (1877) $40. CAPELLA (GALEACIUS). L'Anthro- pologia ovvero ragionamento della natura umana. Venice, Aldus, 1533. 12mo. Mor., g.e., Cox, Feb., '02. (53) $16. CAPGRAVE (J.). Nova Legenda Angliffi. Lond., Wynken de Worde, 1516. Fol. Mor. (1 leaf slightly imperfect), Bor- lase, Feb., '87. (322) £33. Cf. (lacking first leaf, duplicate of last leaf substituted, some leaves wormed), Craig, June, '87. (1917) £28. Cf. (the preceding copy resold), Craig, Mar., '88. (3632) £16. Cf. (the preceding again sold), Craig, Nov., '88. (755) £15 15s. Cf. (lacking 2 leaves, a few others stained), Beesley, Nov., '96. (863) £12 12s. Cf. (sold with all faults), Burra, May, '97. (621) £41. Johnson, Feb., '98. (486) £8 5s. Mor., g.e.. Weaver, Mar., '98. (155) £26. Cf. (title mended, a few other leaves wormed and stained), Inglis, June, 1900. (143) £31. Mor., g.e. (lacking title). White, Apr., ■02. (418) £24 10s. Mor., g.e. (lacking title, and last leaf in facs.), Soth., Dec. 4, '02. (1006) £17. CAPOFERRO 351 CARELESS CAPOFERRO (R.). Gran Simulacro deir Arte e dell' Uso della Scher- ma. Siena, 1610. 4to. Vel., Soth., Apr. 12, '99. (158) £4. Mor., g.e., Soth., June 3, '02. (686) £5 15s. CAPULET AND MONTAGUE. Lond., 1S23. Colored frontispiece by G. Cruikshank. Svo. Hf. mor., unc. (orig. cover bound in), Soth., Feb. 19, '96. (338) £4. Hf. mor., unc. (orig. cover bound in), Bruton, June, '97. (07) £2 6s. CARACCIOLUS DE LITIO (R.). Opus Quadragesimale. Cologne, U. Zell, 1473. (Haln, 4429). Fol. Leather (lacking last leaf of Table), Ellis, Oct., '02. (563) £10 10s. CARADOC OF LHANCARVAN. Historie of Cambria, now called Wales. Trans, by H. Lloyd. Lond., 1584. 4to. Cf., g.e., Murphy, Mar.. '84. (1489) $12. Velvet, g.e. (title mounted), Breese, May, '88. (207) £3 IGs. Vel., Ashburnham, June, '97. (940) £5 5s. Cf. (broken), Ashburnham, Nov., '97. (158) £3 3s. Cf. (title mounted), Johnson, Feb., '98. (2175) £3 2s. Cf., Soth., Feb. 27, '99. (1867) £3 14s. Cf., Putt, Feb. 1, 1900. (574) £3 17s. 6d. Cf., g.e., Harvey, June, 1900. (470) £4 10s. Velvet, g.e. (title inlaid). White, Apr., '02. (419) £7 15s. Cf., Fountaine, June, '02. (171) £6. Rus., g.e., Soth., July 14, '02. (61) £7 15s. **Large paper. Vel., Edwardes, May, '01. (407) £10 10s. Historie of Cambria. Reprint of 1584 Edition. Lend., 1811. 4to. Cf., Hirst, Mar., '88. (174) £19s. ** Large paper. Phillipps. Jan., '89. (870) £lls. CARDANUS (HIER. CAST.). Corn- forte. Trans, by Thomas Bedingfeld. Lond., T. Marsh, 1573. 4to. Cf., Corser, Mar., '69. (204) £5 5s. Cf., Turner, Nov., '88. (918) £4 12s. Cf., g.e. (lacking 2 leaves of dedica- Cardanus (Hier. Cast.) — Continued. tion), Libbie, Feb. 18, '97. (149) $5.50. CARDENAS (BERNARDINO DE). Memorial Presentfi au Roy d'Es- pagne. N.p., 1662. ISmo. Rus., g.e., Cooke, Dec, '83. (359) $6. CARDENAS (JUAN DE). Deles Prob- lenias y Secretes Maravillosos de las Indias. Mexico, 1591. Svo. Mor., g.e. (lacking leaves 217 and 224), Wills, July, '94. (327) £3]2s. Cd. CARDENAS Y CANO (GABRIEL DE). Ensayo Cronologico para la Historia General de la Florida. Madrid, 1723. B^ol. Hf. cl., Cooke, Dec, '83. (358) $9.50. Vel. (Heber copy). Barlow, Feb., '90. (452) $5. CARDONELL (A DE). Numismata Scotiae: Scottish Coinage. Lond., 1786. 4to. Eds., unc. Putt, Jan., '89. (820) £1. Picturesque Antiquities of Scot- land. Lond., 1788-93. Parts 1 to 4. 4to. Mor., g.e., Craig, June, '87. (503) £3 12s. 6d. Ht cf., Stewart, Mar., '88. (73) £1 4s. Mor., g.e. (with duplicate set of plates), Reid, May, '94. (537) £1 6s. Mor., g.e. (Parts 1 and 2), Craig, Mar., '88. (1015) £118s. CARDONNEL (P. DE.). The Fortu- nate Islands presented to the Ma- jesty of Charles 11. upon the Day of his Coronation. Lond., 1661. Svo. Mor. (presentation copy to James, Duke of York, with A. L. S. of the author on fly leaves). Putt., Dec, '91. (S9) £2. CARE (HENRY). English Liberties; or, The Free Born Subject's Inherit- ance. Bost., 1721. 12mo. Sheep, Bangs, Mar. 19. '01. (210) $6.75. CARELESS (J.). Old English Squire: a Poem. Lond., 1821. Colored plates. Svo. Currie, June, '87. (93) £3 15s. Cf., g.e.. Cox, Feb., '91. (193) £5. Bds., Daubuz, May 27, '95. (636) £6 12s. 6d. CARELESS 352 CARBW Careless (J.) — Continued. Mor., g.e., Soth., Feb. 27, '99. (907) £5. . , Hf. mor., Cox, Apr. 17, '98. (141) $14. Hf. bd., uncut., Soth., Feb. 15, 1900 (288) £8. Mor., g.e., Soth., Mar. 7, '01. (563) £7 5.s. CI., unc, Soth., July 29, '01. (991) £6 10s. Cf., g.e.. Putt., July, '02. (128) £9 17s. 6d. CAREW (BAMFYLDE-MOORE). Apol- ogy for the Lite of. See Goodby (R.). Life and Adventures. Related by himself. Oxford, 1745. Svo. **Large paper. Unc. (title slightly torn), Soth., Feb. 2, '98. (17) £112s. CAREW (LADY E.). Tragedie of Mariam, the Fairs Queene of Jewry. Lond., 1613. 4to. Hf. mor., Halliwell, July, '89. (240) £15s. Cf., Perkins, July, '89. (363) £llls. Hf. mor., g.e. (with autograph note of Charles L), Marshall, June, '90. (248) £2 16s. Cf., g.e. (some pages of text cut into, Perkins copy), McKee, Apr., '01. (2230) $33. Unbd. (slightly stained), Fountaine, June, '02. (172) £39. CAREW (R.). Survey of Cornwall. Lond., 1602. 4to. Mor., g.e., Aylesford, Mar., '88. (339) £3 15s. Mor., g.e., Brabourne, May, '91. (47) £1 16s. Rus., g.e., Williams, May, '93. (251) £114s. Vel., Burrard, Jan., '96. (311) £2 10s. Cf., Atkinson, Mar., '96. (746) £2 8s. Survey of Cornwall. Lond., 1811. 4to. **Large paper. Hf. rus., Borlase, Feb., '87. (291) £1 6s. Rus., g.e., Avlesford, Mar., '88. (340) £2 14s. CAREW (THOMAS). Coelum Britan- nicum: a Maske at Whitehall in the Banquetting-House. Lond., Thomas Walkley, 1634. 4to. Carew (Thomas) — Continued. Mor., unc, Gaisford, Apr., '90. (374) £5. Cf., Adee, Nov., '95. (154) $18.50. Mor., McKee, Apr., '01. (2231) $30. Cf., Lefferts, Apr., '02. (179) $14. Poems. Lond., 1640. 8vo. Mor., g.e. (with manuscript song at end). Turner, June, '88. (635) £5 10s. Mor., g.e., Soth., June 27, '92. (121) £4 6s. Mor., g.e., Soth., Nov. 19, '94. (160) £6. Mor. (title page mended), Foote, Jan., '95. (62) $17. Mor., g.e., Clarke, Dec, '95. (675) £5. Cf., Frere, Feb., '96. (76) £2 10s. Mor. (some catchwords clipped), Soth., Mar. 19, '96. (157) £6 6s. Mor., g.e.. Bliss, Apr., '98. (36) £5 7s. 6d. Cf. (title page torn), Soth., May, '98. (17) £6 2s. 6d. Mor., g.e. (some headlines slightly cut into), Stephenson, June, '99. (49) £6 5.s. Mor., g.e., Arnold, May. '01. (76) $35. Cf. (some headlines cut into), McKee, Dec, '01. (2790) $41. Mor., g.e., in case, Lefferts, Apr., '02. (180) $87.50. Hf. mor., g.e., Soth., July 28, '02. (667) £10 5s. Sheep (with leaf of Errata), Soth., May 18, '03. (84) £23 10s. Poems. Second edition. Lond., 1642. 16mo. Cf., Hale, Mar., '91. (135) $12.50. Crawford, Mar., '91. (604) £15s. Mor.. g.e. (margins of 2 leaves mend- ed), Adee, Nov., '95. (155) $12. Cf. (Earl of Westmoreland's copy), Arnold, May, '01. (77) $19. Mor. (one leaf remargined and a few- letters missing), McKee, Dec, '01. (2791) $21. Mor., g.e., Lefferts, Apr., '02. (181) $60. Poems. Third edition. Lond., 1651. 16mo. Mor., Hale, Mar., '91. (136) $8.50. Cf., Halliwell, Dec, '91. (1736) £15s. Mor., g.e. (slightly stained), Soth., June 27, '92. (122) £1 Is. Poems, Songs, and Sonnets, with a Masque. Lond., 1670. 8vo. CAREW 353 CARE^ Carew (Thomas) — Cnntiiiiird. Cf., Gaisford, Apr., '90. (375) £3 5s. Mor., g.e., Bliss, Apr., '98. (37) £2 2s. CAREY (DAVID). Life in Paris. Lond., 1S22. Plates by G. Cruik- shank. Svo. Bds., unc, Stewart, Mar., '88. (173) £29. Hf. cf.. Wood. Mar., '91. (1455) £6. Cf., Edkins, Dec, '91. (51) £10 5s. Cf., Bruce, Apr., '92. (48) £7 5s. Cf., g.e., Williams, May, '93. (58) £4 18s. Cf.. g.e., Simon, Dec, '93. (Ill) £4 10s. Hf., mor.. Raid, Mav, '94. (952) £5 12s. 6d. Bds., unc. (back slightly defective), Soth., Feb. 22, '97. (G34) £17 15s. Cf., m.e., Soth., Oct. 24, '98. (764) £5 10s. Mor., g.e.. Putt., Dec 19, '9S. (665) £10. Cf., m.e., Soth., Mar. 11, '99. (144) £9 15s. Parts, unc. (lacking back wrappers to the first six parts: front wrap- pers of these parts inlaid), Wright, June, '99. (107) £16 10s. Hf. cf., unc, Soth., Feb. 15, 1900. (157) £7 5s. Cf., g.e.. Bangs, June 14, 1900. (201) $47. Cf., g.e., French, Apr., '01. (197) $95. Hf. cf., g.e., Dayton, Mar., '02. (253) $45. Hf. mor., Soth., Mar. 17, '02. (2C1) £9 5s. Cf.. m.e. (binding slightly damaged), Soth., Jime 3, '02. (170) £8 2s. 6d. Mor., unc. (original covers bound in, lacking the last leaf), Soth., July 11, '02. (12) £30. Parts, (covers somewhat defective), Soth., July 21, '02. (375) £15 15s. 15s. Cf., Soth., Dec. 15, '02. (451) £13 5s. Parts (lacking covers to Nos. 1-2), Soth., Mar. 16, '03. (108) £35. Bds.. unc, Putt., July 22, '03. (19) £39. """Large paper. Bds., unc. Putt., Dec. 16, '91. (91) £19 10s. Mor., Soth., Nov. 19, '94. (224) £7. Carey (David) — Cniitiinicil. Mor., g.e., Soth., Feb. 19, '96. (128) £9 10s. Mor., g.e., Soth., June IS, '96. (1208) £8 8s. Mor., g.e., Soth., Mar. 10, '97. (514) £10 10s. Mor., g.e. (with illustrated cover of Part 1 bound in), Bruton, June, '97. (223) £10 15s. Cf.. m.e.. Whitehead, Mav 3, '98. (32) £12 5s. Bds., unc, Wright, June, '99. (108) £27. Cf.. unc, Hodgson, Oct. 29, '01. (61) £11 10s. Cf., unc. (with one orig. part on small paper bound at end). Putt., July 30, '02. (63) £30. Life in Paris. Lond., 1828. Plates by Cruikshank. 8vo. Hf. rus., Daubuz, May, '95. (549) £3. Cf., Johnson, Jan., '90. (393) $11.25. CAREY (GEORGE S.). Lecture on Mimicry as it was delivered at the Theatres in Covent Garden, etc. Lond., 1776. 12mo. Paper, unc, McKee, Jan., '01. (1394) $5. CAREY (HENRY). Dramaticl< Works. Lond., 1743. 4to. Cf., McKee, Apr., '01. (2232) $21. Musical Century in One Hundred English Ballads. Lond., 1737-40. Fol. Hf. bd., Soth., Dec. 10, '90. (28) £15s. Poems on Several Occasions. Lond., 1729. 4to. Cf., Bangs, Jan. 23, '95. (121) $6.50. Cf. (Countess of Strafford's copy), Bliss, Apr., '98. (226) £118s. CAREY (ISAAC E.). Abraham Lin- coln. Fast Day Sermon preached June 1, 1865. Freeport, 1865. Svo. CI., Anderson, Apr. 11, '02. (43) $5. Discourse on the Death of Abra- ham Lincoln, preached Apr. 19, 1865. Freeport, 1805. 8vo. CI., Anderson, Apr. 11, '02. (42) $5. CAREY (MATHEW). The Porcu- piniad: a Hudibrastic Poem, In three Cantos. Phila., 1799. 2 vols., Svo. CAREY 354 CARLETON Carey (Mathew) — Continued. Paper, Brown, Apr., '01. (147*) $9.20. Desultory Reflections, excited by the recent calamitous fate of John Fullerton. Phila., 1S02. 8vo. Hf. roan, McKee, Jan., '01. (1395) $5. CARIBBEANA. See KEIMER (S.). CARIBEE ISLANDS. Acts of As- sembly passed in the Charibbee Leeward Islands, from 1C90 to 1T30. Lond., 1734. Fol. Cf., Putt., Dec. 11, '99. (33) £2 2s. CARICATURE ANNUAL. Lond., v.d. Colored plates. Fol. 1830-35, G vols., hf. mor., g.e., Wrigley, Nov., '92. (262) £15 15s. CARICATURE MAGAZINE. Lend., n.d. Colored plates by Rowland- son, Woodward, and others. Oblong fol. Hf. mor. (460 plates, in 5 vols.), Soth., July 27, '93. (886) £22 10s. Ht. bd. (200 plates, in 2 vols.), Craig, June, '87. (2818) £8 15s. Hf. bd. (198 plates, in 3 vols.), Rodney, Aug., '90. (2756) £12 15s. Hf. cf. (90 plates, in 1 vol.), Soth., Nov. 20, '99. (1566) £11. Hf. cf. (90 plates, in 1 vol.), Soth., Dec. 3, 1900. (1124) £17 10s. Mor. (31 plates; with Graphic Illus- trations of the Miseries of Human Life, G plates, and Progress of a Corrupt Senator, G plates, in 1 vol., the orig. paper covers bound in), Fraser, Apr., '01. (1839) £25. CARION (JOHN). The Three Books of Cronicles, with Appendix, by J. Funcke. Lond., 1550. Rus., Aylesford, Mar., '88. (341) £2 Gs. Mor., g.e. (damaged), Perkins, July, *89. (3GC) £lls. Rus. (some leaves slightly wormed), Ashburnham, June, '97. (942) £2 10s. Cf., Soth., Feb. 6, 1900. (778) £3 5s. Mor., g.e. (few margins stained), Inglis, June, 1900. (146) £3 1Gs. Rus., y.e., Fountaine, June, '02. (174) £5 15s. Mor., g.e. (title and a few other leaves mended), Bools, June, '03. (292) £2 8s. CARLAVEROCK. The Siege of Car- laverock in 28 Edward I, A.D., 1300. Lond., 1828. 4to. Hf. mor., m.e. (some plates inserted), Stewart. Mar., "88. (74) £2 8s. Pollock, Jan., '89. (565) £lls. CARLELL (LODOVICK). Arviragus and Philicia. I>ond., 1639. 12mo. Cf., r.e. (with leaf of Epilogue), Lefferts, Apr., '02. (182) $17.50. Deserving Favourite. Lond., 1629. 4to. Hf. rus., Perkins, July, '89. (367) £lls. Hf. bd., Gaisford, Apr., '90. (379) £114s. Mor. ex., g.e., Soth., May 6, '01. (692) £ 8 Cf., g.e., Lefferts, Apr., '02. (183) $4.50. Unbd., Fountaine, June, '02. (175) £4 10s. CARLETON (SIR DUDLEY). Letters from and to Sir Dudley Carleton, from Jan., 1G15-1G, to December, 1G20. Lond., 1757. 4to. Mor., g.e.. Murphy, Mar., '84. (471) $12. Mor. ex., g.e., Craig, June. '87. (508) £3 10s. CARLETON (GEORGE). Thankful Remembrance of God's Mercy. Lend., 1627. 4to. Rus. ex., Ellis, Nov., '85. (850) £1 5s. Mor., g.e., Turner, June, '88. (959) £4 7s. Cf., g.e., Marshall. Jan., '90. (594) £14s. Rus., g.e.. Young, June, '90. (138) £112s. Mor., g.e. (lacking portrait). Hunt, Nov., '91. (551) $5. Rus., g.e., Adee, Nov., '95. (157) $31. Cf., g.e. (one leaf mended), Deane, Mar., '98. (615) $5.50. Rus., g.e., Lefferts, Apr., '02. (185) $21. CARLETON (J. W.). Sporting Sketch Book. Lond., 1842. 8vo. Cf., unc. (original covers bound in), Soth., Nov. 3, '98. (33) £1 6s. CI., unc. Snow, Nov., '98. (92) £14s. CARLETON (P. A.). Memorials of the Carletons. Privately printed, 1869. 4to. Hf. mor., Howard, June, '02. (100) £116s. CARLETON 355 CARLYLE CARLETON (WILLIAM). Squanders of Castle Squander. Lond., 1852. 2 vols., SVQ. Hf. mor., Hale, Mar., '91. (138) $5. Hf. mor., Alexander, Mar., '95. (1231) $6.75. Traits and Stories of the Irish Peasantry. Both Series. Dublin, 1830-33. 5 vols., Svo. Hf. mor., Cox, Apr., '99. (142) $30. Traits and Stories of the Irish Peasantry. Dublin, 1S34. 5 vols., Svo. Hf. mor. ex., Rogers, Jan., '88. (193) $11.25. Bds., unc, Sullivan, May, '90. (1256) £2. Hf. cf., Hope, Apr., '96. (154) £1 16s. Traits and Stories of the Irish Peasantry. Lond., 1S36. 5 vols., Svo. Wiper, Jan., '91. (1303) £112s. Deacon, Dec., '92. (133) £110s. Ditchfield, Apr., '93. (2127) £114s. Reid, May, '94. (541) £2. Hf. cf., unc, Henkels, June 2, '98. (31) $17.50. Hf. mor., unc, Daly, Mar., 1900. (408) $25. Cl.,"unc, Cox, Feb., '02. (212) $6. Hf. mor., unc, McKee, May, '02. (4912) $10.62. Traits and Stories of the Irish Peasantry. Dublin, 1842-44. Plates bv H. K. Browne. 2 vols.. 8vo. Hf." mor., Johnson, Jan., '90. (285) $9. CI., Putt., July 15, '91. (7) £1 8s. CI., unc, Edkins, Dec, 'at. (456) £lls. CI., Johnson, Feb., '98. (1236) £lls. Hf. mor., Bangs, Dec. 1, '99. (174) $6.50. Parts, unc. Bangs, Apr. 9, '01. (612) $32. Traits and Stories of the Irish Peasantry. Lond., 1S54. Plates by by H. K. Browne. 2 vols., 8vo. CI., unc, Ryan, May, '91. (384) £lls. CI., Bangs, Mar. 18, '95. (118) $8. Valentine M'Clutchy, the Irish Agent. Dublin, 1S47. Plates by H. K. Browne. 8vo. CI., Putt, Nov. 15, '99. (407) £14s. Carleton (William) — Continued. Hf. cf., Daly, Mar., 1900. (470) $7.50. Mor., Bangs, June 5, 1900. (498) $7.25. Valentine M'Clutchy, the Irish Agent. Dublin, 1848. Plates by H. K. Browne. Svo. CI., Wiper, Jan., '91. (1313) £12s. CI., Stogden, May, '94. (28) £1. CARLETON (WILL M.). Poems. Chicago, 1871. 12mo. CI., McKee, Nov., 1900. (101) $6.50. CARLILE (C). Discourse Concern- ing Two Divine Positions. Lond.. 1582. Svo. Mor., g.e., Ellis, Oct., '02. (570) £1 5s. CARLISLE (N.). Collections for a History of the Ancient Family of Carlisle. Lond., 1822. 4to. Unc, Craig, June, '87. (509) £3. Cf., Aylesford, Mar., '88. (343) £3 3s. Hf. mor., Pollock, Jan., '89. (577) £112s. Hf. mor.. Hailstone, Feb., '91. (516) £114s. Cf., Whitchurch, Dec, "94. (1221) £116s. Cf. (A.L. of Carlisle inserted), How- ard, June, '02. (101) £2 12s. C A R LTO N-H O U S E MAGAZINE. Lond., v.d. 8vo. Hf. cf. (Vols. 1 to 3, 1792-94), Hail- stone, Feb., '91. (346) £2 12s. Hf. cf. (1793), Campbell, Mar., '02. (65) £110s. (2 vols., Feb., 1794, to Feb., 1796), Soth., Feb. 14, '88. (57) £2 2s. CARLYLE (THOMAS). Critical and Miscellaneous Essays. Edited by Emerson. Boston, 1S3S. 2 vols., 12mo. CI., Arnold, Jan., '01. (36) $7.25. CI. (presentation copy with autograph on flv leaf of each vol.), I.,ibbie, Jan. 21, '02. (639) $42. Early Kings of Norway and an Essay on the Portraits of John Knox. Second edition. Lond., 1S75. 12mo. (Presentation copy to his aunts, Eliza- beth and Ann Welsh), Brown, Apr., '03. (288) £10 5s. The French Revolution. N.p., 1837. 3 vols., 8vo. Unc, Smalley, July, '87. (92) £15s. Hf. cf., Grant. Dec, '87. (4) £1. CARLYLE 356 CARLYLE Carlyle (Thomas) — Continned. Unc, Hodgson, Mar. 12, '02. (419) £5. Bds., unc, Soth., Mar. 17, '02. (124) £5 15s. German Romance, Specimens of its Chief Authors. Edlnb., 1S27. 4 vols.. Svo. Hf. cf.. Thompson, May, 'S7. (461) £1. CI., unc, Londesborough, June, 'SS. (156) £110s. Unc, Bucldey, Feb., '93. (475) £15s. History of Frederick the Great. Lond.. 185S-65. 6 vols., Svo. tJnc, Barclay, Nov., '92. (23) £llSs. Unc, Bucldey, Feb., '93. (478) £2. CI., unc, Hennessy, July, '93. (32) £19s. CI., Putt., Nov. 20, '95. (412) £1. Unc, Soth.. Nov. 28, '98. (86) £llls. CI., Peel. June, 1900. (80) £2 6s. Unc, Ashburton, Nov., 1900. (149) £2 6s. Latter-Day Pamphlets. Lond., 1850. 8 vols., 8vo. Hf. mor., unc. (with orig. covers bound in), Blanchard, May, '98. (309) $12. Parts, unc, Peirce, May, "03. (130) $18. Oliver Cromwell's Letters and Speeches. Lond., 1846. 3 vols., Svo. Hf. of., Rogers, Nov., '98. (89) $5.70. Hf. cf.. Bangs, Jan. 15, '01. (53) $5.25. Past and Present. Edited by Emer- son. Bost., 1843. 12mo. Paper, unc. (with A.L.S. of Emerson, referring to the book, inserted), Ar- nold, Jan., '01. (44) $17.50. Sartor Resartus, in 3 books. Lond., 1834. Svo. Thompson, May, '87. (1S2) £1 2s. Cf. ex., unc, King, Dec, '90. (171) £4. Soth., Dec. 1, '91. (S71) £2 8s. Cf. ex., unc. Hennessy, July, '93. (151) £4 6s. Cf. ex., Soth., Nov. 19, '94. (162) £5 10s. Unc. (with Wilhelm Meister's Appren- ticeship, 1824, 3 vols., together 4 vols.), Hodgson, Feb. 4, '02. (956) £9 15s. ^Two Note-Books of Thomas Car- lyle. Edited by Charles Eliot Nor- Carlyle (Thomas) — Continued. ton. New York, Grolier Club, 1898. 12mo. Hf. mor.. Cox, Apr., '99. (435) $8.50. Hf. mor., Libbie, Feb. 8, 1900. (463) $13. Hf. mor., Edelheim, Mar., 1900. (126S) $14. Hf. mor., Sidney, Mar., 1900. (29) £2 2s. Hf. mor., Libbie, June 19, 1900. (518) $9. Hf. mor.. Bangs, Nov. 26, 1900. (384) $13. Hf. mor., Bangs, Jan. 22, '01. (459) $10. Hf. mor., French, Apr., '01. (665) $15. Hf. mor., Letferts, Apr., '02. (075) $12. Hf. mor., Peirce, Mar., '03. (320) $13. Hf. mor., Appleton, Apr., '03. (207) $9.50. Collected Works. Lond., 1858. 16 vols., Svo. Hf. cf., m.e., Cosens, Nov., '90. (893) £2 12s. Hf. cf.. Walker, Mar., '93. (34) £2 10s. CI., unc, Swindell, June, '95. (Ill) £1 6s. Cf., y.c. White, Apr., '02. (425) £3 3s. Works. Library edition. Lond., 1869-74. 34 vols., Svo. CI., Percy, Mav, '90. (143) £8 15s. Hf. mor., Bouch, Nov. 29, '93. (181) £10. CI., unc, Duncan, Nov., '94. (123) $42. Hf. mor., Wireman; Nov., '97. (71) $8S.40. CI., unc, Watson, Nov., '01. (45) £13 10s. Works. Parchment edition. Bost., 1884. 20 vols., Svo. Vol., unc, Henkels, Jan. 31, '98. (74) $42. Vel., unc, Blanchard, May, '98. (316) $35. CI., Bangs, Oct. 10, '99. (247) $26. CI., unc, Libbie, Nov. 1, '99. (167) $42.50. Mor. (in 40 vols.). Bangs, Jan. 22, '01. (240) $80. Vel., unc, Libbie, Nov. 18, '01. (132) $40. CARLYLE 357 CAROLINA Carlyle (Thomas) — Coiiiinucd. CI., unc, Libbie, Apr. 29, '02. (277) $31. **Japan paper. CI., line, Bangs, May 2S, 1900. (172) $47.50. Works. Ashburton edition. Loud., 1SS5-S8. 17 vols., Svo. CI., unc, Soth., June 22, '91. (154) £4 14s. CI., unc, Sotli., July 2, '92. (35) £3 10s. Shaw, Feb., '97. (GS) £3 10s. CI., unc. Bangs, Oct. 12, '97. (169) $22.10. CI., unc. Bangs, Nov. 29, '97. (85) $22.10. Cf. ex.. m.e, Soth., Nov. 3, '9S. (34) £10 10s. Correspondence of Thomas Car- Ivle and Ralph Waldo Emerson. 1834-7 2. Bost., 1883. 2 vols., Svo. **Large paper. Bds., unc, Hunt, Nov., '91. (1110) $5.75. Bds., unc, Hammond, Jan., '95. (208) $8.50. Bds., unc, Olcott, Apr., '01. (437) $7. Bds.! unc, Libbie, Apr. 29, '02. (280) $8.50. CARMELIANUS (PETRUS). Carmen de Sponsalibus et Matrimonio. Lond., Pynson, 1514. 4to. **On vellum. Vel., Corser, Mar., "09. (210) £42. Vel. (some leaves stained, Jolley's copy), Davis, Nov., 1900. (55) £1G0. CARO (ANNIBAL). Rime del Com- mendatore. Venice, Aldus, 1569. Svo. Mor., g.e., Sullivan. May, '90. (122) £112s. Mor., g.e., Rigge, Jan., '92. (1085) £112s. Hf. vel., Cox, Feb., '02. (74) $9. Dele Lettere del Commendatore. Venice, 1581. 2 vols., 4to. Mor., g.e. (in 1 vol.). Murphy, Mar., '84. (85) $20. CAROCHI (H.). Compendlo del Arte de la Lengua Mexicana. Mexico, 1759. 4to. Vel., Brinley, Apr., '81. (57G9) $21. Vel. (Brinley copy), Dorman, Apr., 'SC. (950) $14.50. Vel., Barlow, Feb., '90. (1899) $10.50. CarochI (H.) — Continued. Hf. mor., Soth., Nov. 5, '96. (147) £1 ISs. CAROLIADES, OR THE REBELLION of Forty-one: a Heroick Poem. Lond., 1GS9. Svo. Hf. mor.. Bangs, Apr. IG, 1900. (192) $5. CAROLINA. An Act for establishing an Agreement with Seven of the Lords Proprietors of Carolina, for the Surrender of their Title and Interest in that Province. Lond., 1729. Fol. Hf. mor.. unc, Brinley, Mar., 'SO. (3831) $7. Brief Description of the Prov- ince of Carolina. Lond., for Robert Home, IGGG. 4to. Mor., g.e., Menzies, Nov., '7G. (334) $70. Mor. ex., g.e., Brinley, Mar., '80. (3842) $82.50. Mor., Leavitt, May 26, 'S2. (23) $105. Mor. ex., g.e., Martin, Mar., '88. (137) £46. Limp mor., Barlow, Feb., '90. (459) $130. Mor. ex., g.e., Ives, Mar., '91. (151) $155. TJnhd. (lacking map, some of the top and fore-edges shaved), Ashhurton, Nov., 1900. (34) £4. Mor. ex.. unc, in case, Lefferts, June, '02. (53) £42. Case of Protestant Dissenters in Carolina. Lond., 170G. 4to. Cf. ex., Roche, Oct., 'G7. (234) $40. Cf. ex., Rice, Mar., '70. (357) $14.50. Mor., unc, Leavitt, May 26, '82. (44) $52. Hf. cf., Lenox Library Duplicates, Apr., '95. (52) $9. New and Exact Account of Caro- lina. See Crafford (John). Two Charters granted by King Charles II. To the Proprietors of Carolina. Lond., Richard Parker, [1705]. Hf. mor., Brinley, Mar., '80. (3830) $7. Mor. ex., g.e.. Barlow, Feb., '90. (460) • $17.50. Mor. ex., unc. (with An act lately passed in Carolina, and Queries CAROLINA 358 CARRE Carolina — Continued. upon the foregoing Act, bound at end), Lefferts, June, '02. (54) £2G. CAROLINE (QUEEN). The Attorney General's Charges against the late Queen. Lond., G. Humphrey, 1S21. 50 colored engravings. Fol. Hf. mor., g.e. (lacking one plate), Soth., May 13, '92. (559*) £6 10s. Warrington, Nov., 93. (14SG) £6. Hf. bd., Soth., Apr. 4, '93. (674) £6. Hf. mor., Stogden, May, '94. (335) £3 15s. Hf. mor., g.e. (lacking title-page), Fraser, Apr., '01. (272) £14 5s. Hf. mor., French, Apr., '01. (290) $130. Hf. rus., unc. (with the Trial. 1820), Christie, Dec. 5, '98. (IGS) £9. Speech of the Attorney General at the Trial of Queen Caroline. Lond., 1S21. 10 colored carica- tures. 4to. Hf. bd., Fraser, Apr., '01. (273) £2 4s. CARON (F.) AND SCHOUTEN (J.). True Description of the mighty Kingdoms of Japan and Siam. Englished by Capt. R. Manley. Lond., 1GC3. Svo. Sheep, Wilbraham, June, '98. (43) £1. Description of Japan and Siam. Lond., 1G71. Svo. Rus. ex., g.e., Soth., Dec. 10, '88. (85) £118s. CAROSO (FABRITIO). II Ballarino, diviso in due Trattati. Venice. 1581. 4to. Cf., r.e. (title-page mended and B 4 lacking), Ashburnham, Dec, '98. (37) £2 5s. Cf., r.e., Soth., Dec. 5, '99. (113) £3 3s. Cf., Soth., June 3, '02. (9SG) £8. CARPENTER (J.). Remember Lot's Wife. Lond., 1588. Svo. Mor. ex., g.e., Halliwell, July, '89. (73) £lCs. CARPENTER (RICHARD). Experi- ence, Historie and Divinitie. Lond., 1642. Svo. Mor. ex., g.e., Rigge, Jan., '92. (383) £1 8s. Cf. ex., g.e.. Putt., June 14, '97. (45) £1. Carpenter (Richard) — Coiitiniin!. A New Play Call'd the Pragmat- ical Jesuit New-leven'd. Lond., n.d. 4to. Mor. ex., g.e., Lefferts, Mar., '02. (187) $5.50. CARPENTER (STEPHEN C). Me- moirs of the Hon. Thomas Jeffer- son. N.p., 1809. 2 vols., Svo. Hf. mor., unc. Rice, Mar., '70. (358) $10. Hf. mor., unc, Menzies, Nov., '76. (335) $15. Cf., Brinley, Apr., '81. (4873) $11. Hf. mor., unc, Guild, Nov., '87. (2531) $11.50. Hf. mor., unc, Ives, Mar., '91. (150) $30. Hf. mor., unc, Livermore, Nov., '94. (1503) $10.50. Sheep, Bangs, Jan. 12, '97. (191) $6.75. Sheep. Bangs, May 23, '99. (530) $11.50. CARR (R.). Mahumetane, or Turk- ish History. Lond., 1600. 4to. Randall, Aug., '87. (322) £1 3s. CARR (COL. R. E.). The History of the Family of Carr of Dunstan Hill, County of Durham. N.p., 1S93. 3 vols., fol. CI., Howard, June, '02. (103) £2 10s. History of the Family of Werge of Northumberland. N.p., 1891. Fol. CI., Howard, June, '02. (985) £17s. CARRANZA (DOMINGO GON- zales). A Geographical Description of the Spanish West Indies. Lond., 1740. Svo. Cf., unc, Henkels, Jan. 18, '01. (44) $11.50. CARRE (EZECHIAL). The Charit- able Samaritan. A Sermon Trans- lated into English by N. Walter. Bost., Samuel Green, 1689. 4to. Mor., unc, Brinley, Mar., '79. (738) $13. Sewed (two leaves damaged). Miller and Bancker, Dec, '98. (32G) $18. CARRE (JAMES). Carre, 1593. An Almanacke and Prognostication for the yeere 1593. N.p., 1593. Mor., g.e. (some margins wormed and title-page soiled), Inglis, June, 1900. (147) £3 10s. CARROLL 359 CARTER CARROLL (B. R.)- Historical Col- lections of South Carolina. X. Y., 1836. 2 vols., Svo. Hf. cf., Field, May, '75. (274) $5.50. Hf. sheep, Cooke, Dec, 'S3. (365) $17.50. Sheep, Dawson, June, '90. (2724) $6.75. Hf. mor., Bangs, Mar. 22. '01. (301) $5.10. CARROLL (LEWIS). See Dodgson C. L.). CARSON (HAIVIPTON L.). Celebra- tion of the 100th Anniversary of the Promulgation of the Constitution of the United States. Phila.. 1889. 2 vols., Svo. CI., Henkels. Jan. 30, '99. (47) $7.50. CI., Henkels, Apr. 5. 1900. (221) $10. CI., Burton. Oct., 1900. (98) $5. CI.. Randall and Shreve, Oct., '01. (225) $6.50. Supreme Courts of the United States. Phila., 1891. 2 vols., Svo. CI., unc, Andrews, May, '99. (48) $6.50. Sheep, Libbie, Oct. 15, '01. (133) $5. CI., unc. (with a Supplement. 1892, laid in), Pratt. Apr., '99. (422) $8. CARTA FEODI SIMPLICIS, CUM Littera Atturnatoria. Lond., Wyn- ken de Worde. n.d. 4to. Mor. ex.. g.e., Soth., May 5, '90. (288) £25.. Unbd. (30 leaves), Buckley, Apr., '94. (4259) £6 5s. New vel. (30 leaves). Morris, Dec, '98. (258) £25. CARTAS DE INDIAS: PUBLICALAS por Primera vez. Madrid, 1877. Fol. Bds., unc. Bangs, Nov. 10, '98. (69) $14. CARTE (T.). General History of England. Lond., 1747-55. 4 vols., fol. **Large paper. Rus., g.e. (A.L.S. inserted). Bra- bourne. May, '91. (713) £17s. Rus., g.e., Toovev, Feb., '94. (678) £llls. Mor. ex., g.e. (Hartlev copy), Soth., Apr. 4, '98. (276) £1 6s. Life of the Duke of Ormonde. I.,ond., 1736. 3 vols., fol. Cf., Aylesford, Mar., '88. (389) £12s. Carte (T.) — Continiieil. Mor., g.e. (Hawtrev copy), Moore, Oct., '93. (297) £1 15s. Rus., g.e., Toovey, Feb., '94. (679) £1 6s. Mor. ex., g.e. (Hartlev copy), Soth., Apr. 4. '98. (277) £114s. Cf., Bangs, June 2, '02. (97) $6. Life of the Duke of Ormonde. Oxford. 1851. G vols., Svo. Cf. ex.. Grange, Mar., '92. (2S) £1 10s. Cf. ex.. Twopenny, May. '02. (136) £3 1Ss. CARTER (C). Complete Practical Cook. Lond., 1730. 4to. Mor. ex., g.e., Seilliere, Feb., '87. (211) £9. Mor. ex., g.e., Christie, Mar., 28, '88. (187) £7 15s. CARTER (EDMUND). History of the County of Cambridge. Camb., 1753. Svo. Rus.. m.e., Thornhill, Apr., '89. (38) £14. Hf. rus., unc, Brabourne, June, '93. (109) £2 2s. **Large paper. Cf. ex.. unc, Luard, Nov., '91. (179) £15s. History of the University of Cam- bridge. Lond., 1753. Svo. Mor.. g.e., Hardwicke. June, '88. (8) £118s. CARTER (ELIZABETH). Poems. Lond., 1766. Svo. Mor., g.e., Gaisford, Apr., '90. (388) £2 10s. CARTER (J.). Ancient Architecture of England. Lond.. 1795-1807. 2 vols, in 1, fol. Cf. ex., m.e., Craig, Mar., '88. (1046) £118s. Hf. rus., Growther, Nov., '93. (358) £15s. Ancient Architecture of England. Lond., 1845. 2 vols, in 1, fol. Hf. mor.. Strong Mar., '91. (271) £1 5s. Hf. mor., Bangs, Oct. 16, '95. (62) $6.38. Hf. mor., Libbie, Feb. 18, '97. (153) $7. Ancient Architecture of England. Lond., 1887. 2 vols, in 1. fol. CARTER 360 CARTIER Carter (J.) — Continued. Hf. mor., Bangs, Feb. 1, '9S. (115) $0.75. Hf. mor., Bangs, Feb. 1, '99. (63) $S. Hf. mor.. Bangs. Nov. 6, '99. (83) $G.3S. Hf. mor.. Bangs. Dec. 4, '99. (83) $7. Hf. mor., Bangs, Oct. 21, '01. (13S) $5.75. Specimens of the Ancient Sculp- ture and Painting. Lond., 1780-87. 2 vols, in 1, fol. Rus., unc, Brinckman, July, '88. (195) £llGs. Rus. ex., g.e., Toovey, Feb., '94. (680) £llls. Rus. ex., Toovey, Feb., '94. (681) £2' 10s. Rus., ni.e. (witb Ancient Architecture of England, Lond.. 1795-1816, to- gether 4 vols, in 2), Peel, June, 1900. (220) £5. Specimens of Ancient Sculpture and Painting. Lond., 1838. 2 vols. in 1, fol. Hf. mor., unc, Craig, June, '87. (516) £2 2s. Hf. mor., unc, Putt., Dec. 19, '88. (701) £112s. Hf. mor., unc, Churchill, Nov., '89. (911) £115s. Hf. mor., unc, Hart, Apr., '90. (515) $8. Hf. mor.. unc, Hailstone. Feb.. '91. (559) £118s. Specimens of Ancient Scripture and Painting. Lond., 1887. Fol. Hf. mor., Libbie, Oct. S, '97. (114) $7.50. Hf. mor., Henkels, Oct. 25. '97. (114) $10. Hf. mor.. Bangs, Feb. 1, '98. (114) $9 Hf. mor.. Libbie, Mar. 3, '99. (63*) $G. Hf. mor., Bangs, Oct. 13, '99. (84) $8. Views of Ancient Buildings in England. Lond., 1786-93. 5 vols. 12mo. Mor.. g.e. (in 3 vols.), Putt., Dec. IG, '91. (93) £1. CARTER (MATTHEW). Honor Redi- vlvus, or an Analysis of Honor and Armory. Lond., 1655. 4to. Mor., Adee, Nov., '95. (159) $6.25. Honor Redivlvus. Lond., 1673. 8vo. Cf., Bunbury, July, '96. (109) £2 8s. CARTER (N. F.) AND FOWLER (T. L.). History of Pembroke, N. H. Concord, 1895. 2 vols., Svo. CI., Balcom, Feb., '01. (1871) $6.50. CARTER (WILLIAM). Detail of the Several Engagements, etc., of the Roval and American Armies, during 1775 and 1776. Lond., 1784. 4to. Cf., Rice. Mar., '70. (363) $2G. Cf., g.e., Menzies, Nov., '76. (339) $27. Hf. mor., Aspinwall, June, '79. (549) $31. Cf. ex., unc, Stevens, July, '86. (54) £14s. Mor. ex., g.t., unc, Streatfeild, June, '89. (447) £2 18s. Cf. ex., unc (Stevens copy), Manson, Feb., '99. (766) $75. Hf. cf. (with additional illustrations for insertion), Brinley, Mar., '79. (1789) $45. Hf. cf. (with Authentic Rebel Papers seized at St. Eustatins, Lond.. 1781, bound in), Barlow, Feb., '90. (466) $32.50. Mor. ex. (the Brinley copy, with the extra illustrations bound in), Mat- thews, Feb., '97. (289) $235. CARTHENY (J.). Voyage of the Wandering Knight. Trans, by W. Goodveare. Lond., W. Stansby, [1610]. 4to. Rus., g.e., Bateman, May, '93. (453) £3 10s. Rus. (with A.L.S. of Francis Douce, etc), Soth., Dec. 2, '01. (879) £20. CARTHEW (G. A.). History of East and West Bradenham. Norwich, 1883. 4to. Bds.. Howard. .June, '02. (656) £1 IGs. Hundrfd of Launditrh and Dean- erv of Brisley. Norfolk. Norwich, 1877-79. 3 vols., 4to. TTnc, Brice, July, *87. (840) £4 12s. Tnc. Dennis. Dec, '92. (251) £5 5s. Calvert. Nov., '96. (170) £4 4s. Hf. mor., Howard. June, '02. (655) £6 5s. CARTIER (JACQUES). A Shorte and Briefe Narration of the two Navigations and Discoveries to the Northwest partes called Newe- Fraunce. Trans, into English by .John Florio. Lond., H. Bynneman, 1580. 4to. Mor., Ives, Mar., '91. (149) $1000. CARTIER 361 CARTWRIGHT Cartier (Jacques) — Coiitiiiiirrl. Bref Recit et Succincte Narration de la Navigation faite en MDXXXV et MDXXXVI aux lies de Canada. Paris, 1863. Svo. Mor. ex., g.e., Barlow, Feb., '90. (467) $10. Hf. mor., unc, Brevoort, Feb., '90. (216) $6.25. Paper, unc. Hart, Apr., '90. (516) $5.25. Voyage de Jaques Cartier au Canada en 1534. Paris, 1SG5. Svo. Vel., unc. Barlow, Feb., '90. (4GS) $6. Hf. mor., unc, Brevoort, Feb., '90. (217) $6.25. Paper, unc. Hart, Apr., '90. (517) $5. Relation originale du Voyage fait in 1534. Paris, 1867. Svo. Hf. mor., unc, Brevoort, Feb., '90. (218) $6.25. Paper, unc. Hart, Apr., '90. (51S) $5.25. CARTW/RIGHT (G.). Journal during a Residence on the Coast of Labra- dor. Newark. 1792. 3 vols., 4to. Bds.. unc. (in 1 vol.). Field, May, '75. (279) $15. Of. (one cover broken). Murphy, Mar., 'S4. (475) $12.50. Hf. cf. (in 2 vols.), Wells, May, '90. (1331 £4 10s. Mor. ex., unc, Clarke, Dec, '95. (787) £7. Of., Ashburnham, June, '97. (950) £4 10s. Unc, Soth., July 20, '99. (114) £3 7s. Gd. Hf. mor. ex. (in 1 vol). Putt., Mar., 2G, '02. (479) £5. **Large paper. Mor. ex., unc. Soth., July 1. '95. (456) £9 17s. Gd. Of., Ashburton, Nov.. 1900. (151) £4 4s. Hf. cf., v.e., Soth., Jan. 28, '01. (276) £2 14s. CARTWRIGHT (JOHN). Preacher's Travels to the Confines of the East Indies. Lond., 1611. Svo. Mor. ex., Ouvry, Mar., 'S2. (249) £7 10s. Mor., Ellis, Nov., 'So. (S59) £5 17s. 6d. Mor.. g.e., Crawford, June, 'S7. (628) £3 5s. Cartwrlght (John) — Continued. Mor., g.e., Barclay, Nov., '92. (1074) £2. Mor., Ellis, Oct., '02. (578) £7 5s. 5s. CARTWRIGHT (JOHN). American Independence the Interest and Glory of Great Britain. Lond., 1774. Svo. Hf. mor., Menzies, Nov., '76. (340) $5.25. American Independence the Inter- est and Glory of Great Britain. Phila.. 177C. Svo. Hf. mor., Cooke, Dec, '83. (3G7*) $7.50. CARTWRIGHT (T.). Admonition to the Parliament. Lond., 1572. IGmo. Cf., g.e. (headline cut into), Craw- ford, June, '89. (588) £4 10s. Cf. (with Second Admonition. Exhor- tation to the Byshops, and Certain Articles, in 1 vol.), Ashburnham, June, '97. (13) £14. Cf. (with 3 pieces as preceding), Ma- kellar, Nov., '98. (15) £8 10s. An Answere to the Preface of the Rhemis Testament. Edinb., 1602. Svo. Mor., g.e., Makellar, Nov., '98. (560) £2 16s. A Confutation of the Rhemists Translations on the New Testament. [Leyden, William Brewster], 1618. Fol. Vel., Brinlev, Mar., '79. (530*) $10. Cf., Libbie, Nov. 20, 1900. (377) $5. Outward Apparell and Minister- ing Garments of the Popish Church. [Lond.. 1578]. Svo. Vel., Ellis, Nov., 'S5. (375) £3. CARTWRIGHT (WILLIAM). Royall Slave. Oxford. 1639. 4to. Hf. rus., Gaisford, Apr., *90. (389) £3. Unbd., unc, Soth., June IS, '03. (79S) £20 10s. Comedies, Tragi-Comedies, with other Poems. Lond.. 1651. Svo. Mor. ex. (with the suppressed pas- sages), Foote, Jan.. '95. (64) $35. Cf. (with the suppressed passages), Bierstadt, Apr., '97. (389) $30. Cf. (with the suppressed passages), Burra. May, '97. (Ill) £2Ss. Cf. (with the suppressed passages), Hodgson, June 1, 1900. (476) £2 7s. Mor. ex., g.e. (with the suppressed CARTWRIGHT 362 GARY Cartwright (William) — Continued. passages), Edwardes, May, '01. (54) £10 5s. Mor. ex., g.e. (with the suppressed pasages, portraits inserted), Chris- tie, June 18, '02. (73) £7. Mor. ex., g.e. (pp. 301-306 in dupli- cate). Turner, June, '88. (641) £5. Mor. ex., g.e. (pp. 301-306 in dupli- cate), Gaisford, Apr., '90. (390) £7 7s. Mor. ex., g.e. (pp. 301-306 in dupli- cate), Walker, May, '93. (63) £3 6s. Mor., g.e. (pp. 301-30G in duplicate), Adee, Nov., '95. (160) $40. Mor. ex., g.e. (pp. 301-306 in duplicate, margin of portrait mended), Bliss, Apr., '98. (40) £5 10s. Mor. ex., g.e. (pp. 301-306 in dupli- cate, the Warton-Park-Bindley copy, with autograph notes by each owner). Arnold, May, '01. (78) $45. Cf. (pp. 301-306 in duplicate), McKee, Dec, '01. (2792) $13. Mor. ex., g.e. (pp. 301-306 In dupli- cate). Twopenny, May, '02. (139) £4 4s. Mor., g.e. (pp. 301-306 in duplicate), Ellis, Oct., '02. (579) £5. Mor. ex., g.e. (without the suppressed passages), Soth., Feb. 2, '98. (18) £3. Mor. ex., g.e. (without the suppressed passages), Soth., Feb. 28, 1900. (1203) £3 10s. Cf. (without the suppressed passages, margins cut close), Bools. June, '03. (298) £3 5s. CARVE (R. D. T.). Itinerarium. Mainz and Speier, 1639-46. 3 parts, Svo. Mor. ex., g.e. (in 1 vol.), Aylestord, Mar., '88. (252) £14. Mor. ex. (in 1 vol.), Crawford, Mar., '91. (615) £13. Mor., g.e. (Parts 1-2), Makellar, Nov., '98. (5G2) £116s. Lyra, sive Anacephalseosis Hiber- nica. Sulzbach, 1666. 4to. Cf., Putt., Dec. 17, '89. (106) £15s. Vel. (arms of Baron von Windhaagen on sides), Crawford, Mar., '91. (616) £2 2s. Mor. ex., g.e., Edwardes, May, '01. (270) £5. CARVER (J.). Travels through the Interior Parts of North America, 1766 to 1768. Lond., 1778. Svo. Hf. mor.. Rice, Mar., '70. (365) $6.50. Hf. mor., g.t., unc, Menzies, Nov., '76. (342) $5.88. Cf., Rodney, Aug.. '90. (1564) £1 2s. Normanby, Jan., '91. (132) £1 8s. Cf., Brinley, Apr., '93. (8133) $S.50. Hf. sheep, unc, Moore, Feb., '94. (205) $8.50. Hf. bd.. Young, Dec. '96. (4) £118s. Cf., Winsor, Feb., 1900. (177) $6. Hf. mor., unc, Libbie, Dec. 13, 1900. (21o; $8.50. Bds.. unc, Henkels, Jan. IS, '01. (45) $16. Cf., Conely, Oct., '02. (218) $8.50. Hf. mor., g.t.. Anderson, Dec. 9, '03. (72) $6.65. Travels. Lond., 1779. Svo. Cf., Lindsey, Mar., '95. (129) $5. Cf.. Ashburnham, June. '97. (952) £1 3s. Hf. mor., Manson. Feb., '99. (910) $5. Hf. cf., Soth., Oct. 26, '03. (115) £16s. Travels. Dublin, 1779. Svo. Cf., Henkels, Jan. 18, '01. (46) $13. Travels. Lond., 1781. Svo. Hf. mor., unc. Field, May, '75. (283) $5.50. Hf. mor., unc, Menzies, Nov., '76. (343) $10. Cf., Brinley, Apr., '81. (4458) $0. Rus. ex., g.e.. Turner, June, 'S8. (37) £2 2s. Hf. mor.. Barlow. Feb., '90. (470) $8. Hf. sheep. Deane, Mar., '9S. (622) $10. Cf., Lundv, Feb., '99. (942) $11. Cf. (cracked), Henkels, May 21, 1900. (324) $7.50. Hf. cf., Betts, Apr., '01. (211) $9.50. Hf. c!.. Bangs, Nov. 17, '02. (64) $9.50. CARWITHAM (J.). Floor Decora- tions. Lond., 1739. Svo. Cf. ex., g.e., Mackenzie, Mar., '89. (251) £2 2s. Bds., Putt., Dec. 13, '97. (766) £2 2s. Cf., g.e., Soth., Mar. 3, '04. (193) £2 14s. GARY (HENRY). See Falkland Lord). GARY (WALTER). Farewell to Physicke. Lond., 1611. Svo. Vel., Frere, Feb., '96. (77) £113s. CARYL 363 CASSIN CARYL (JOHN). The English Prin- cess. Lond., 1G74. 4to. Paper, McKee, Apr., '01. (2237) $9. Sir Salomon. Lond., 1671. 4to. Paper, McKee, Apr., '01. (2236) $11.50. Paper, Lefferts, Apr., '02. (ISS) $15. CASANOVA (JACQUES). IVIemoirs. Lond., 1894. 12 vols., Svo. Vel.. line. Soth., May 25, '98. (1059) £7 2s. Gd. Vel., unc, Johnson, Feb. 28, '9S. (505) £6 10s. Vel., unc. Bangs, Dec. 12, '98. (205) $48. Vel., unc, Middleton, Mar., '99. (100) $54. Vel.. unc, Soth., Mar. 23, '99. (108) £5 10s. Vel., unc, HenUels, May S, '01. (248) $54. Ht mor.. unc. Bangs, Nov. IS, '01. (133) $62.40. Vel., unc. Cox, Feb., '02. (218) $42. **Large paper. Mor. ex., unc, Howard, June, '98. (54) £18. Vel., unc. White. Feb., '01. (107) $198. Vel.. unc, Bangs, Apr. 18, '01. (92) $96. CASAS (B. de las). See Las Casas (B. de). CASE (J.). The Praise of Musicke. Oxenford. 1586. Svo. Mor. ex. (autographs of R. Farmer and J. Brand), Hartree. July, '90. (405) £2 14s. Rus. (Haslewood copv), Hartree, July, '90. (406) £5 5s. CASE (WHEELER). Poems. Hart- ford, B. Webster, 1778. Svo., (16 pages). Unc, Brinley, Nov., '86. (6816) $12. Poems. Second edition, revised and corrected. New Haven, T. and S. Green, 1788 [177S]. 24 pages, Svo. Brinley, Nov., '86. (6818) $7.50. CASE AND CLAIM OF THE AMERI- can Loyalists impartially Stated and Considered. Lond., 1783. Svo. Of., g.c, Henkels, Oct. 21, '96. (68) $6. CASE OF PROTESTANT DISSENT- ers. See Carolina. CASE OF THE SLOOP "ACTIVE." Phila., 1779. 4to. Mor., Henkels, Oct. 21, '90. (303) $10.50. CASE OF THOSE AMERICAN LOY- alists whose Claims were Estab- lished under the Commission ap- pointed by the Act of the 43d, George HL [Lond., 1816]. 4to. Paper, Moore, May, '93. (431) $15. CASH (MARTIN). Adventures. Edited by J. L. Burke. Hobart Town, 1870. Svo. Mor. ex., g.e., Stewart, Mar., '88. (75) £4 7s. 6d. CASIMIR (MATHIAS). Odes. Trans. bv G. Hils. Lond.. 1646. Svo. Sheep, Bangs, Mar. 31, '98. (277) $6. Cf., Soth., Dec. 3, 1900. (507) £4 10s. CASKET (THE). Pliila., Atkinson, v.d. Svo. For 1828, 1S30, 1832, 1834, 1835, 183G, 6 vols.. Bangs, Feb. 16, '98. (245) $6.30. Vols. 1 to 3, 1827-29, Brinley, Mar., 'SO. (3192) $12.75. CASMANNE (OTHO). Vade Mecum, goo with mee, Deare Pietie and rare Charitie. Trans, by H. T. Lond., 1604. Svo. Grig, vel., Bools, June, '03. (300) £1 9s. CASSIN (JOHN). Illustrations of the Birds of California. Texas, Oregon, etc. Phila., 1856. 50 colored plates. Svo. Parts, Walker, May, '93. (194) £3 15s. Mor., g.e., Pleasanton, Jlar.. '95. (2939) $16. Hf. mor.. Baker, June, '95. (717) $12.50. CI.. Bancker, Mar., '98. (71S) $16. Mor. ex., unc, Balcom, Feb., '01. (459) $23. Mor. unc. Bangs, Mar. 6, '01. (220) $16. Illustrations of the Birds of Cali- fornia, etc. Phila.. 1S62. Colored plates. Svo. Walker, May, '93. (195) £3 5s. Hf. mor., Libbie, Apr. 15, '96. (146) $15.50. Hf. mor.. m.e., Baxter, Mar.. '9S. (7S5) $15.75. Mammology and Ornithology of the U. S. Exploring Expedition. CASSIN 364 CASTIGLIONE Cassin (John) — Continued. Phila., 1858. Atlas of plates. 2 vols. 4to and fol. Baxter, Mar., '98. (784) $26.50. Bangs, Nov. 28, '98. (179) $13. Hf. mor., and cl., Libbie, Nov. 29, '98. (99) $6. Cl., and sheets, Mackay, May, 1900. (236) $34.50. CASSIODORUS (MAGNUS AURE- lius). In hoc corpore continentur tripertite historie ex Socrate, Sozo- meno et Theodorico. Augsburg, J. Schiissler, 1472. Fol. Leather, Cholmley, Nov., '02. (2G6) £14 5s. CASTANHEDA (F. L. DE). Historia do Descobrimento y Conquista da India pelos Portugueses. Coimbra, 1552-61. 8 vols., fol. Cf. (in 3 vols., Marlborough arms on sides), Sunderland, Dec, '81. (2490) £180. Vel. and cf. (lacking Book 3, 7 vols, in 5), Barlow, Feb., '90. (473) $13. Vel. (Books 1 to 7 only, in 2 vols.. Book 1 not first edition, some leaves wormed), Frere, Oct., '97. (214) £4 Historia del Descubrimiento y conquista de la India por los Portu- guesas. Antwerp. 1554. 12mo. Cf., Murphy, Mar., '84. (494) $5.50. Mor., g.e., Crawford, July, '96. (153) £4 10s. Le Premier Livre de I'Histoire de I'Inde, traduit en Francois par Nic. de Groucht. Paris, 1553. 4to. Cf., Soth., Apr. 12, '99. (160) £5 2s. 6d. First Booke of the Historie of the Discoverie and Conquest of ihe East Indies. Trans, by N. Liche- field. Lond., 1582. 4to. Cf. ex. (some leaves mended), Ran- dall, Aug., '87. (1003) £118s. Cf., Benbow, Nov., '89. (298) £5 12s. Cf., r.e. (title mounted), Barlow, Feb., '90. (474) $42.50. Hailstone, Apr., '91. (618) £5 15s. Mor., g.e., Buckley, Feb., '93. (1996) £5 17s. 6d. Mor., g.e.. Walker, May, '93. (417) £5. Rus., g.e., Wilbraham, June, '98. (345) £15. (A few leaves cut into, last leaf Castanheda (F. L. De) — Continued. mended), Soth., Oct. 29, 1900. (630) £4 6s. Rus., g.e., Lefferts, June, '02. (62) £7. Cf., g.e., Cholmley, Nov., '02. (661) £7 15s. CASTELL (EDIVIUND). Lexicon Hep- taglotten. Lond., 1G69. 2 vols., foL Cf., Thomond, May, '87. (1398) £1 lis. Strong, Mar., '91. (309) £12s. Mor.. g.e., Soth., Dec. 1, '96. (556) £2 10s. CASTELL (WILLIAIVI). Petition for the Propagating of the Gospel in America, and the West Indies. [Lond.], 1G41. 4to. Mor. ex., g.e., Lefferts, June, '02. (63) £23. Short Discovery of the Coasts and Continent of America. Lond., 1C44. 4to. Cf., g.e., Roche, Oct., '67. (239) $60. Cf., g.e. (title, and perhaps the follow- ing leaf, in facs., margins of a few other leaves mended), Menzies, Nov., '76. (351) $57.50. Cf., Sunderland, Dec, '81. (2493) £46. Hf. cf., O'Callaghan, Dec, '82. (561) $72.50. Cf., g.e. Cooke, Dec, 'S3. (381) $50. Hf. cf.. Murphy, Mar., '84. (496) $41. Hf. mor., Simon, Dec, '93. (175) £17. Rus., g.e. (some headlines cut into), Ashburton, Nov., 1900. (154) £18 10s. Mor. ex., g.e., Edwardes, May, '01. (95) £23. Bds., P"'reuch and Chubbuck, Feb., '04. (314) $200. CASTELLANOS (JUAN DE). Pri- mera Parte de las Elegias de Var- ones lUustres de Indias. Madrid, 15S9. 4to. Hf. mor. Cooke, Dec, '83. (535) $12. Vel., Sotii., Jan. 29, '96. (122) £2 14s. CASTIGLIONE (BALTHASAR). II Cortegiano. Venice, Aldus, 1528. Fol. Cf.. Luard. Nov., '91. (332) £3. Leather, Orford, June, '95. (58) £2. Mor., g.e., Soth., Dec. 3, 1900. (998) £13s. The Courtyer. Trans, by Sir T. Hoby. Lond., 1561. 4to. CASTIGLIONE 365 CASWALL Castiglione (Balthasar) — Continued. Mor. ex., g.e., Turner, June, 'SS. (9G9) £11 15s. Mor., g.e., Hartree, July, '90. (540) £2 Ss Cf., Ashburnham, June, '97. (958) £8 5s. Hf. rus.. Wilbraham, June, '98. (133) £3 12s. Mor. ex., g.e., Christie, June IS, '02. (179) £16. Mor., g.e. (old manuscript notes throughout), Soth., Dec. 4, '02. (422) £28. Vel., Cell. Feb., '04. (74) £19. The Courtyer. Trans, by T. Hoby. Lond., 1577. 4to. Hf. cf., Adee, Nov., '95. (IGS) $12.7.5. Vel., Soth., May 16, '01. (105) £10. The Courtyer. Trans, by T. Hoby. Lond., Essex House Press, 1900. Svo. Vol., Bangs, Oct. 21, '01. (278) $34.50. Vel., Bangs, Dec. 9, '01. (446) $23. Vel., Cox, Feb., '02. (353) $20. Vel., Bangs. Feb. 20, '02. (303) $11. Vel., Soth., Mar. 17, '02. (1134) £2 12s. Vel., Bangs, Mar. 24, '02. (288) $16. Vol., Soth., June 10, '03. (92) £1 Is. Vol., Bangs, Jan. 29, '03. (2G5) $12.50. Vel., Peirce, Mar., '03. (21) $20. Le Parfait Courtisan, traduit par Gabriel Chapuis. Lyons, 1580. 8vo. Mor., Hawkins, Apr., '95. (21) £33. CASTIGLIONE (LUIGI). Viaggio Negli Stati Uniti dell' America Sep- tentrionale latto negli anni 1785, 1786 and 1787. Milan, 1790. 2 vols., Svo. Sheep, Middleton, Mar., '99. (673) $5.50. CASTILE (LADY MARY, PRINCESS of). Solemnities and Triumphs at the Spousells and Marriage of. Lond., Roxburghe Club. 181S. Wilbraham, June, '98. (543) £2 10s. CASTILLO (B. DE). Luz y Quia de los Ministros Evangllcos. Mexico, 1694. 4to. Unbd. (margin of title torn, last leaf mended). Murphy, Mar., '84. (495) $20. CASTLE (EGERTON). English Book- plates. Lond., 1892. Svo. **Japan paper. Soth., Dec. 11, '95. (50) £3 4s. Soth., Dec. 11, '95. (92) £2 15s. Castle (Egerton) — Continued. Paper, unc, Bangs, Nov. 10, '99. (42) $6. Paper, unc. Bangs, Apr. 16, 1900. (SO) $7. CASTLEHAVEN (JAMES TOUCHET, Earl of). Memoirs. Lond., 1680. Svo. Cf., Craig, Mar., '88. (1060) £1. Memoirs. Dublin, 1815. Svo. Mor., g.e., Aylesford, Mar., '88. (253) £12s. Mor., g.e., Soth., Mar. 20, '94. (150) £12s. CASTLEMAN (R.). Voyage, Ship- wreck, and Miraculous Escape. [Lond.], 1726. Svo. Cf., g.e,, Menzies, Nov., '76. (352) $5. Cf., g.e., Cooke, Dec, '83. (380) $7.50. CASTLE OF LOVE. Trans, into English by John Bourchier, Lord Berners, Lond,, John Turke, n.d. 12mo. Unbd. (margins cut close), Fountalne, June, '02. (127) £62. CASTLEREAGH (VISCOUNT). Me- moirs and Correspondence. Lond., 1848-53. 12 vols., Svo. Cf., m.e., Waterbury, Nov., '94. (236) $12. Hf. mor,. Price, June, '95. (119) £lSs. Hf. cf., m.e„ Hope, Apr., 96. (152) £2 6s. Unc, Makellar, Nov., '98. (564) £1 10s. Hf. mor., m.e., Murray, Dec. 8, 99. (28) £2 5s, Cl„ Libbie, Oct 15, '01. (134) $6.60. CASWALL (E). Scenes from the Life of Nickleby Married. Lond., 1840. Svo. Mor., g.t., unc, Mackenzie, Mar., '89. (662) £5 15s. Hf. mor., Grace, Dec, 90. (8) £1. Cf„ Hodges, Apr:, '94. (116) £3 15s. Hf, mor., Alexander, Mar., '95. (1698) $5.50. Cl„ unc, Soth,, Jan, 22, '03. £4 10s. Sketches of Young Ladles. Lond., 1837. Illustrations by H, K. Browne. Svo, Bds,, Brice, July, '87. (96) £2. Bds, (,soiled), Wallis, Nov., '87. (217) £110s. Bds., Shaw, Nov., S7. (947) £3 3s. CASWALL 366 CATESBY Caswall (E) — Oontinvad. Ct ex., g.e., Stewart, Mar., '88. (242) £114s. Hf. mor., g.t.. Hunt, Nov., '91. (897) $55. Hf. mor., g.t., Alexander, Mar., '95. (1702) $16. Cf. ex., g.t., Soth., Feb. 22, '97. (440) £llls. Mor., g.t. (orig. cover bound In), Brice, Mar.. 1900. (54) £2 8s. CATALOGUE OF ALL BOOKS printed In the United States. Bost., 1804. 12mo. CI., Bangs, Dec. 9, '95. (28) $5.50. CATALOGUE OF THE DAMAGES for which the English demand repar- ation from the United Netherlands. Lond., 1664. 4to. Mor. ex., unc, Soth., June 27, '98. (143) £2 lis. CATALOGUE OF PLANTS PROPA- gated for sale in the London Gar- dens. Lond., 1730. 22 colored plates. Fol. Hf. bd.. Soth., Mar. 21, '98. (688) £2 2s. Hf. bd.,' unc. Ford, May, '02. (122) £4 10s. CATALOGUES. See names of owners, libraries, etc. CATANEO (J. M.). Jo. Marije Catan- tei Genua. Rome, 1514. 4to. Mor. ex., g.e., Barlow, Feb., '90. (475) $11. CATCH CLUB. Lond., n.d. 2 parts, 8vo. Cf. ex., g.e. (a few leaves slightly cut into). Bliss, Apr., '98. (494) £2 1Ss. CATCH THAT CATCH CAN. See Playford (J.). CATECHISIVI. Cattechismus. Sot forth by Thomas [Cranmer] Arch- byshop of Canterbury. Lond., 1548. Svo. Vel., in case, Crawford, June, '89. (254) £59. A Short Catechism. Set forth by the Kings Majesties [Edward VI]. Lond., 1553. IGmo. Mor. ex., g.e., Crawford, June, '89. (250) £11 15s. A Short Catechism for House- holders. Lond., 1582. 12mo. Mor. ex., Ellis, Nov., '85. (871) £3 6s. Catechism — Continued. Catechisme of Christian Religion, for the use of the Kirke of Edin- burgh. Edinb., 1615. Svo. Mor. ex., g.e., Burra, May, '97. (759) £9 IDs. Souldiers Catechisme, Lond., 1644. 8vo. Cf., r.e. (a few headlines cut into). Twopenny, May, '02. (1013) £7 7s. 6d. For other Catechisms see Course of Catechising, Cranmer (I.), Ed- ward VI., T. (J.), Hamilton (John), Hammond (H.), Knox (J.), etc. CATECHISM OF BOXING. Lond., n.d. Hf. mor., unc. (orig. cover bound in), Blyth, Mar., *0L (44) £2 8s. CATECHISMO EN LA LINGUA ES- panola. Rome. 1003. Svo. Vel. (arms of Clement VIIL on sides), Soth., Jan. 29, '96. (14) £2 6s. CATECHISMUS EX DECRETO CON- cilii tridenti ad parochos Pii V. pont. max. iussu editus. Venice, Aldus, 1575. Svo. Mor., g.e.. Bangs, Apr. 2S, '02. (79) $36. CATESBY (MARK). Hortus Europae Americanus. Lond., 1767. 17 col- ored plates. 4to. Hf. cf., Anderson, Apr. 29, '03. (174) $8.25. Natural History of Carolina, Florida and the Bahama Islands. Lond., 1731-43. 2 vols., fol. Cf., Murphy, Mar., 'S4. (522) $34. Rus., Hance. Aug., '87. (805) £5. Rus.. g.e., Crawford, June, '89. (255) £6 6s. Cf., Barlow, Feb., '90. (476) $42. Rus. (cracked), Hartree, July, '90. (588) £5 10s. Rus., Putt, Jan. 14, '91. (260) £6 15s. Rus., g.e., Brabourne, May, '91. (719) £5 15s. Hunt.. Nov., '91. (575) $40. Cf., Libbie, Oct. 17, '93. (346) $3S. Cf., Bunburv, Julv, '96. (246) £6. Rus., Putt, Feb. 15, '99. (897) £2 14s. Rus., Slee, Feb., 1900. (46) $24. Mor. ex., g.e., Soth., Feb. 25, '01. (464) £6 15s. Natural History of Carolina, Florl- CATESBY 367 CATLIN Catesby (Mark) — Continued. da. and the Bahama Islands. Lond., 1754. 2 vols., fol. Rus., Morrell, Jan., '69. (8G) $32.50. Cf., g.e., Aylesford, Mar., 'S8. (395) £5 10s. Rus., Constable, June, '89. (308) £0 10s. Cf., g.e., Larking, Apr., '92. (253) £5 IDs. Mor. ex., g.e., Belt, Aug., '92. (2001) £G6s. Rus., Heywood, Oct., '92. (1038) £5 10s. Rus., Lawton, Dec, '94. (52) $38. Rus., Pleasanton, Mar., '95. (3237) $28. Cf., Stuart, Mar., '95. £6 10s. Rus., Beesley, Nov., '96. (865) £4 5s. Hf. bd., unc. Putt, Feb. 15, '99. (929) £5. Natural Historie of Carolina, Florida, and the Bahama Island. Lond., 1771. 2 vols., fol. Rus., Bedford, Mar., '84. (307) £9 15s. Rus., Stevens. July, '86. (59) £G. Rus., Brinckman, Julv, '88. (197) £5. Hf. rus.. Smith, May, '89. (22G) £5 12s. Gd. Inglis.. Nov.. '89. (1142) £5. Rus., Soth., May 13, '92. (798) £7 7s. Rus., g.e., Alexander, Mar., '95". (83) $38. Hf. rus. (broken), Bateman, June, '9G. (436) £3 3s. Hf. mor., Bangs, Dec. 1, '98. (113) $43. Cf., Bangs, Mar. 11, '01. (88) $33.50. Hf. mor.. Soth., Mar. 17, '02. (200) £5 2s. 6d. Hf. mor., g.e., Soth., Dec. 1, '02. (690) £4 8s. Cf., Soth., May IS, '03. (358) £5 5s. Hf. mor., g.e., Anderson, Apr. 29, '03. (175) $41. Rus., y.e., Soth., Mar. 3, '04. (196) £7 10s. CATHARINE. See Katherine. CATHERWOOD (F.). Ancient Monu- ments in Central America, Chiapas, and Yucatan. Lond., 1844. Fol. Hf. mor., Perkins, July, '89. (382) £4 14s. Hf. mor.,' Inglis, Nov., '89. (2740) £3. Hf. mor., Putt., Mar. 1, "93. (451) £3 10s. Catherwood (F.) — Continued. Hf. mor., Probasco, Jan., '99. (375) $10.50. Hf. mor., Richmond., Apr., '99. (2654), $9.25. Hf. mor., Stillg, Apr., 01. (584) $11. Hodgson. July 8, 'U3. (064) £3 3s. CATHOLIC MIRACLES. Lond., 1825. 7 illustrations by G. Cruikshank. Svo. Cf. ex., unc, Stewart, Mar., '88. (139) £2 12s. Hf. of., unc, Bruton, June, '97. (53) £15s. CATLIN (GEORGE). Manners, Cus- toms and Condition of the North American Indians. Lond., 1841. 2 vols., 8vo. CI., Francis, July, '90. (398) £15s. Southby. Dec. '90. (605) £110s. Wilson, June, '92. (57) £1 15s. Unc, Growther. Nov., '93. (9G) £1 2s. Hf. mor., Henkels, Apr. 4, '95. (621) $5.20. Cf. ex., Coleridge, May, '96. (177) £1 10s. Hf. cf.. Bangs, Feb. 8. '99. (274) $7. Hf. mor.. Bangs, Apr. 3, '99. (77) $11. Bangs, Apr. 10, 1900. (61) $0. Manners, Customs and Condition of the North American Indians. Lond., 1S42. 2 vols., Svo. Unc, Inglis, Nov., '89. (989) £14s. Percy, May, '90. (149) £1 15s. CI., Pleasanton, Mar., '95. (105) $5.20. CI., Bangs, Apr., 29, '97. (29) $5. CI., Frederickson, May, '97. (262) $5.25. Manners, Customs and Condition of the North American Indians. Lond., 1S44. 2 vols., Svo. Martin, Mar., '90. (1046) £1 3s. Swavne, Mar., '90. (450) £110s. Deacon, Dec, '92. (138) £1. Manners, Customs and Condition of the North American Indians. Lond., 1848. 2 vols.. Svo. CI., unc, Lawton, Dec, '94. (53) $5.25. Hf. mor.. Bangs, Apr. 15, '96. (83) $6.75. Hf. mor.. Bangs, May 14, 1900. (122) ;pa.50. Manners, Customs and Condition of the North American Indians. Lond., 1850. 2 vols., Svo. CATLIN 36S CATLIN Bangs, Mar. 2, '96. (207) Bangs, Mar. 11. '97. (13) Libbie, Oct. 19, '97. (236) Bangs, Jan. 22, '01. (248) Catlin (George) — Continued. Hf. mor., Frederickson, Apr., 'S6. (463) $19.50. Walker, May, '93. (196) £1 7s. Manners, Customs and Condition of the North American Indians. Lond., 1851. 2 vols.. 8vo. Hf. mor., g.e., Jack, July, '89. (218) £llls. Hf. mor., $10.50. Hf. mor., $8.50. Hf. mor., $5.50. Hf. mor., $6. iVIanners, Customs and Condition of North American Indians. Lond., 1S57. 2 vols., 8vo. Hf. mor., g.e. (plates colored), Men- zies, Nov., '70. (356) $48. Unc, Benbow, Nov., '89. (204) £1 8s. Hf. mor.. Bangs, May 23, '99. (181) $5.00. Bangs, Nov. IS. '01. (137) $5.20. Manners, Customs and Condition of North American Indians. Lond., 1866. 2 vols., 8vo. Hf. mor., g.e., Foljambe, Jan., '90. (1674) £3 3s. Hf. mor., g.e., Ives, Mar., '91. (156) $32 Hevwood. Oct., '92. (822) £18s. CI., unc. Mead, Apr., '95. (190) $6.50. Hf. mor., Adee, Nov., '95. (106) $41. Hf. mor., g.e.. Bangs, Feb. 6, '96. (114) $31. Hf. mor., Hoskinson, Dec, '97. (620) $G. Manners, Customs and Conditions of North American Indians. Lond., 1876. 2 vols., Svo. CI., Wheble, Dec, '87. (506) £110s. CI., Hart. Apr., '90. (555) $17. CI. Anderson, May, '02. (36) £3 3s. CI.! Putt., Mav 14, '95. (52) £1 16s. CI., Libbie, Oct. 17, '95. (205) $10. Hf. mor., Matthews, Feb., '97. (133) $17. CI., Henkels, Nov. 20, '99. (122) $10.50. Hf. mor.. Bangs, Apr. 22, '01. (51) $8. Manners, Customs and Conditions of North American Indians. Re- print of 1841 Edition [about 1892]. 2 vols., 8vo. Catlin (George) — Continued. CI., unc, Libbie, Jan. 21, '97. (211) $7. CI., unc, Sherman, Jan., '98. (1252) $5. CI., unc, Blanchard, May, '98. (341) $6.50. CI., unc, Bangs, May 23, '99. (180) $5.30. CI., unc. Bangs, Oct. 8, 1900. (180) $6.60. CI., unc, Henkels. Dec. 19, 1900. (262) $8.20. CI., unc, Bangs, Apr. 30, '01. (72) $7. North American Indian Portfolio. Lond., 1S44. Colored plates. Fol. Field, May, '75. (306) $37.50. ■ Hf. mor., Bateman, Mav, '93. (555) £3 15s. Hf. mor., Eastlake, June, '94. (401) £8 5s. Hf. mor., Pleasanton, Mar., '95. (106) $44.25. In portfolio, Alexander, Mar., '95. (84) $52. Hf. mor., Soth., Feb. 6, 1900. (491) £2 14s. In portfolio, Soth., Mar. 11, '02. (261) £12 10s. North American Indian Portfolio. Lond., [1848]. 31 colored plates. Fol. In portfolio (some plates damaged), Henkels, Oct. 21, '96. (112) $34. Hf. mor., Bangs, Feb. 24, '98. (66) $26. Hf. mor., Bancker, Mar., '98. (736) $8.50. Hf. mor.. Bangs, Oct. IS, '99. (97) $7.50. Hf. mor.. Bangs, Mar. 5, 1900. (99) $11. 0-Kee-Pa, a Religious Ceremony of the Mandans. Lond., 1867. 13 col- ored plates. Svo. CI., Burra, May, '97. (33) £lls. Travels and Adventures among the American Indians. Lond., 1895. 2 vols.. Svo. CI., Libbie, Oct. 8, '97. (116) $10.25. CI., Bangs, Dec 9, '98. (64) $12.50. CI., Libbie, Jan. 27, '99 (64) $7. CI., Bangs, Nov., '99. (85) $6.50. CI., Bangs, Jan. 24, 1900. (85) $10.50. CI., Libbie, Nov. 16, 1900. (99) $10. CI., Bangs, Mar. 14, '01. (415) $6.20. CI.. Bangs, Jan. 20, '02. (77) $5.30. CATO 369 CATULLUS CATO. Disticha de Moribus. [Augs- burg, A. Sorg], 1475. Fol. Mor., g.e., Thorold, Dec, '84. (451) £5 2s. 6d. Mor., g.e. (Thorold copv). White. Apr., '02. (439) £7 5s. Disticha de Moribus. Ediiib., 1620. Svo. Sewed, Hazlitt, Nov., '9.?;. (9S) £9 10s. Book called Caton. Translated into English by William Caxton. Westminster, 14S3. Fol. Hf. bd. (lacking 2 blank leaves needed to complete preliminary leaves, A j (also blank), and Signatures B 4 and 5, D 8, all of Sig. E and 3 leaves of Sig. F), Ashburnham, June, '97. (976) £295. Rus., g.e. (lacking first leaf and A 1 (both blank), also all of Sig. E and blank leaf at end, F i partly erased, one other leaf mended), Soth., Feb. 27, '99. (181S) £30n. Precepts of Cato. Trans, by Robert Burrant. Lond., R. Grafton, 1545. Svo. Cf. Fountaine, June, '02. (178) £49. Cf., r.e. Soth., Dec. 4, '02. (107) £56. Cf. Soth., Dec. 11, '03. (265) £40. Disticha Moralia. Trans, by R. Taverner. Lond., 1553. 12mo. Cf., g.e., Lefferts, Apr., '02. (IW) $16.50. Cato Variegatus, or Catoes IVIorall Distichs. Trans, by Sir R. Baker. Lond., 1636. 4to. Unbd., Putt., Dec. 13. '97. (828) £2. Cf. ex., Soth., Dec. 17, '98. (204) £2 6s. Hf. mor., Soth., Oct. 30, '99. (620) £19s. Cf. ex., Soth., Nov. 20, '99. (238) £3. Mor., Inglis, June, 1900. (75) £5. Cf. ex., Soth., Dec. 3, 1900. (569) £4 12s. 6d. Hf. rus. (broken), McKee, Dec, '01. (2738) |26. Cato's Moral Distichs Englished in Couplets [by James Logan]. Phila., B. Franklin, 1735. 4to. Unc, Brinley, Mar., 'SO. (3279) $125. Unc, Craig, Mar., '88. (1143) £17 10s. Hf. cf.. Proud, May, '03. (617) $410. CATTAN (C). Geomancie and Wheele of Pythagoras. Lond., 1591. 4to. Benbow, Nov., '89. (253) £12s. CATULLUS. Carmlna. Englished by Sir R. Burton and L. E. Smithers. Lond., 1894. 8vo. Hf. vel., Soth., Dec. 11, '95. (95) £1 2s. Hf. vel., unc, Richmond, Apr., '98. (328) $6. Hf. vel., unc, Richmond, Mav, '99. (117) $8.75. ""^Japan paper. Hf. vel., unc, Soth., Mar. 7, "98. (832) £115s. Hf. vel., unc, Soth., Apr. 4, 1900. (1210) £2 10s. CATULLUS, TIBULLUS AND PRO- pertius. Opera. Venice. 1475. Fol. Mor., Sunderland, Dec, '81. (25.59) £39. Opera. Reggio, 1481. Fol. Cf. ex., g.e., Hildyard, June, '89. (206) £118s. Hf. vel., Crawford, Mar., '91. (640) £1. Opera. Vicenza, 1481. Fol. Mor. (broken), Dec, '81. (2560) £12 5s. Mor., Soth., Dec. 19, '01. (40) £12 2s. 6d. Opera. Venice, Aldus, 1502. [All first issue with the error " Pro- petius."] 8vo. Crawford. Mar., '91. (642) £1 18s. Cf., Luard, Nov., '91. (184) £2 2s. Mor., Soth., Mar. 19, '90. (170) £3. Mor. ex., g.e., Crawford, July, '96. (167) £4 4s. Mor. ex., g.e., Baring, Nov., '97. (108) £9. Mor., Bangs, May 10, '99. (119) $6.75. Mor. ex., g.e., Anderson, Oct., 1900. (516) £2 18s. Mor. ex., Waller, Dec, 1900. (24) £2. Mor., g.e.. Bangs. Oct. 21, '01. (5) $22. Vel., Hammond, Feb., '02. (12) $9. Opera. Venice, Aldus, 1515. Svo. Vel. (cover torn), Hammond, Feb., '02. (15) $5. Mor. ex., g.e.. Bangs, Apr. 28, '02. (37) $16. Opera. Lond., Pickering, 1S24. **0n vellum. Mor. ex., g.e., in case, Pullan, Apr., '89. (938) £5 15s. CAULFIELD 370 CAULKINS CAULFIELD (JAMES). Blackguard- iana. Lond., n.d. Svo. Hf. cf., Hailstone, Apr., '91. (3C1) £2 5s. Hf. cf., Foggo, Dec, '92. (110) £1 1.5s. Rus, Holborn, Jan., '93. (63) £1 10s. Hf. cf., Soth., Mar. 20, '94. (105) £110s. Hf. cf., Cholmondeley, Feb., '97. (107) £2Gs. Cf., Skene, Jan., '9S. (52) £2 12s. High Court of Justice. Lond.. 1820. 4to. Hf. of., Libbie. Dec. 4, '89. (210) $5.75. Unc, New, Feb., '95. (225) £1 3s. Memoirs of Sir R. Naunton. Lond.. 1814. 4to. **Large paper. Hf. nior., Hodgson, Mar. 9, '87. (S31) £14s. Mor. ex., Aylesford, Mar., '88. (1292) £1 12s. Portraits, Memoirs and Characters of Remarkable Persons. Lond., 1794-95. 2 vols., 4to. Cf. (in 1 vol.), Soth., .lune 14, '90. (2C0) £1 10s. Portraits, Memoirs and Characters of Remarkable Persons. Edward IIL to 1G88. Lond., 1813. 3 vols., 8vo. Bds., line, Hodgson, May 4, '87. (494) £3 3s. Bds., unc, Marshall, June, '90. (137) £1 19s. Bds., unc, Stibbs, Oct., '92. (2899) £1 9s. Hf. cf. (in 1 vol.), Soth., May 6. '98. (423) £110s. Hf. mor. (in 1 vol.), Stansfield, June, '98. (81) £112s. **Large paper. Hf. cf., Southby, Dec. '90. (142) £2 16s. Hf. cl., Stibbs, Oct., '92. (1917) £1 15s. Hf. rus., Reid, May, '94. (1749) £1 16s. Hf. mor., Soth., May 21, '97. (210) £118s. Rus.. g.e. (in 1 vol.), Davis, Nov., 1900. (56) £18s. Portraits, etc., of Remarkable Per- sons, 16SS to Death of George II. Lond., 1819-20. 4 vols., 8vo. Hf. cf., unc, Benbow, Nov., '89. (440) £2 2s. Bds., Lovell, Apr., '90. (314) £2 15s. Hf. cf.. Bangs, Oct. 9, '95. (124) J7. Bds., unc, Smith, Jan., '96. (46) £2. Caulfleld (James) — Coiifiinicd. Unc. Soth., Feb. 22, '97. (660) £2 12s. Hf. nioi'.. Bangs, Sept. 22, '98. (95) $9. Cf., Soth., Feb. 27, '99. (11) £2. Cf., g.e., Hornby, Apr., 1900. (77) £2 2s. Hf. mor., Davis. Nov., 1900. (57) £2 Is. Mor. ex., g.e., McKee, May, '02. (4913) $18. **Large paper. Bds.. unc, Hodgson, Mav 4, '87. (495) £4 7s. 6d. Mor., g.e.. Cole, Apr., '90. (108) $28. Bds.. unc, Soth., Dec 1, '91. (10C2) £ 2 1 2s. Unc, Joly, Feb., '92. (66) £2 10s. Bds.. unc, Pleasanton, Mar., '95. (1443) $8.80. Unc. Soth., May 21. '97. (211) £1 18s. Cl., unc, Rogers, Nov.. '98. (94) $15. Hf. mor., Daly, Mar., 1900. (481) $36. Hf. mor., unc, Fraser. Apr., '01. (280) £2 14s. Hf. mor., Dayton, Mar., '02. (279) $20.50. CAULIN (ANTONIO). Historia de la Neuva Andalucia. Madrid, 1779. Fol. Mor. ex.. g.e., Del Monte, June, '88. (86) $7.50. Cf.. Barlow, Feb., '90. (478) $6.50. CAULKINS (FRANCES M.). History of New London. New London, 1852. Svo. Cl., Libbie. Mav 15, '88. (790) $5.25. Cl., Libbie. Nov. 20, '95. (991) $5. Cl., Libbie, May 20, '96. (574) $5.50. Cl., Deane, Mar., '98. (2615) $5.25. History of New London. New Lon- don, ISGO. Svo. Cl., Brinley, Mar., '79. (2252) $G. Cl., Dawson, May, 90. (161) $6.50. Cl., Brinley, Apr., '93. (8240) $6.25. Cl. (slightlv stained). Bangs, May 19, '96. (313) $5.12. History of Norwich. Norwich, 1845. 12mo. Cl., Deane, Mar., '98. (2669) $5.50. History of Norwich. Hartford, 1SC.G. Svo. Cl., Guild, Nov., '87. (3579) $5.75. Cl., Coburn, Apr., '88. (1446) $5. Cl., Libbie. Mav 20, '96. (622) $6. Cl., Halleran, May, '99. (229) $7.50. History of Norwich. Hartford, 1S74. Svo. CAULKINS 371 CAVENDISH Caulkins (Frances M.) — Coiifiiinrrl. CI.. Deane, Mar., '98. (2670) $5.50. Hf. mor.. unc, Manson, Mar., '99. (3251) $6.25. CI., Morris, Apr., '99. (1072) $5.50. CAUNDISHE (RICHARD). The Image of Nature and Grace. Lond., John Day, [1574]. 12mo. Hf. mor.. Bangs, Apr. 9, '01. (326) $6. Vel., Libbie, June 19, 1900. (219) $5. CAUS (ISAAC DE). Nouvelle Inven- tion de Lever I'Eau plus Hault que sa Source. Lend.. 1644. Fol. Cf., Jersey, May, '85. (397) £13 5s. New and Rare Invention of Water- works. Lond., 1704. 4to. Sewed. Ellis, Nov., '85. (2831) £2 lis. Hf. bd., Wilson, June, '92. (541) £3 3s. CAUSES OF THE DECAY OF CHRIS- tian Piety. By tlie Author of the Whole Duty of Man. Lond., 1672. 8vo. Mor., g.e., Harvey, June, 1900. (49) £2 15s. Causes of the Decay of Christian Piety. Lond., 1679. Svo. Mor., g.e. (specimen old English tooled binding), Fountaine, June, '02. (204) £44. Causes of the Decay of Christian Piety. Lond., 1G94. Svo. Mor., g.e., Martin, Mar., '88. (1193) £2. Mor., g.e., Rickarbv, May, '94. (449) £1 2s. CAVENDISH (G.). Negotiations of Thomas Wolsey. Lond., 1641. 4to. Mor. ex., g.e., Avlesford, Mar., '88. (348) £11 10s. Vel., Hardwicke, June, '88. (49) £4. Mor. ex., g.e., Toovey, Feb., 94. (935) £5. Hf. rus., Buckley, Apr., '94. (4255) £110s. Hf. mor., Sewall, Nov., '96. (664) $105. Cf., r.e., Deane, Mar., '98. (639) $2'i. Mor. ex.. g.e. (title soiled, a small hole through a few pages at end), Soth., May 16, 01. (108) £5. Cf. ex., Hibbert, Apr., '02. (904) £7 15s. Mor., g.e., Soth., May 18, '03. (188) £10. Hf. mor., g.e., Soth., June 18, '03. (587) £2 2s. Cavendish (G.) — Continued. Hf. mor.. g.e., Soth., July 28, '04. (84) £8. Life of Cardinal Wolsey. I^ond., 1825. 2 vols., Svo. tine, Smalley, July, '87. (96) £1 12s. Bds., unc, Rogers, Jan., '88. (215) $5.50. Cooper, Oct., '91. (90) £13s. Cf. ex.. unc, Soth., Mar. 9, '97. (317) £1 16s. Cf., Bangs. Dec 1, '98. (117) $7. Hf. mor., French, Apr., '01. (201) $8. ''""Large paper. Mor.. g.e., Thornhill, Apr., '89. (41) £7. Mor. ex., g.e., Soth., July 27, '93. (1072) £3 5s. Mor., g.e., Toovey, Feb., '94. (475) £4. Mor. ex., g.e. (Earl of Clare's copy), Soth., Mar. 21, '98. (316) £118s. Mor. ex., g.e. (the preceding copy re- sold). Cock. July, '98. (91) £il6s. Mor., g.e., Cox., Apr., '99. (157) $16. Life of Cardinal Wolsey. Ham- mersmith. Kelmscott Press, 1893. Svo. Vel., Soth., Aug. 2, '94. (655) £17s. Vel., Foote, Jan., '95. (145) $12. Vel., Soth., Apr. 2, '98. (465) £2 2s. Vel., Soth., Feb. 13, '99. (737) £4 10s. Vel., Soth., Apr. 24, '99. (1200) £5 15s. Vel., Soth., July 2S, '99. (579) £5. Vel., Putt., Oct. 18, '99. (614) £4 10s. Vel., Soth., Nov. 20, '99. (974) £5.=;s. Vel., Soth., Feb. 28, 1900. (896) £4 18s. Vel., Edelheim, Mar., 1900. (1363) $45. Vel., Tebbs, June, 1900. (477) £5. Vel., Bangs, Apr. 9, '01. (458) $32.50. Vel., French, Apr., 01. (895) $50. Vel., Soth.. May 6, '01. (989) £4 6s. Vel., Arnold. May, '01. (212) $40. Vel., Ellis, Nov., '01. (50) £4 17s. 6d. Vel., Bangs, Apr. 28, '02. (523) $31. Vel., Peirce, Mar., '03. (157) $32. **0n vellum. Vel., Ellis, Nov., '01. (51) £44. Vel., Soth., Mar. 16, '03. (1321) £50. CAVENDISH (WILLIAIVI). See New- castle (Duke of). CAVENDISH SOCIETY. Publications. Lond.. 1848-71. 30 vols. Svo and 4to. Leigh, Dec, '89. (94) £6 2s. 6d. CAVERLY 372 CELLINI CAVERLY (A. M.). Historical Sketch of Trov, N. H. Keene, 1S59. 12mo. CI., Guild, Nov., '87. (4726) $6. CI., Libbie, Nov. 6, '95. (1547) $5.50. CL, Blanchard, May, '98. (1759) $5. CAVICEO (J.). Dialogue treselegant intitule le Peregrin. Paris, 1527. Fol. Of., r.e. (arms on sides), Morris, Dec, '98. (346) £8 10s. Mor., g.e., Sotli., Dec. 17, 1900. (240) £5 5s. **On vellum. Mor., g.e., Crawford, Mar., '91. (651) £355. Vel., g.e. (lacking 24 leaves, 8 Initials cut out). White, Apr., '02. (448) £20. LIbro del Peregrine. Venice, 1520. 8vo. Mor.. Soth., Feb. 28, 1900. (294) £12s. CAWDOR. Book of the Thanes of Cawdor. Edited by C. Innes. Bdinb., 1859. 4to. **Large paper. Mor. ex., g.e., June, '87. (331) £3 10s. CAWDRAY (ROBERT). Treasurie or Store-House of Similies. Lond., 1600. 4to. Bds., leather back, y.e., Arnold, May, '01. (SO) $25. CAWDREY (DANIEL). Inconsistence of the Independent Way. Lond., 1G51. 4to. Hf. cf. (cracked), Moore, May, '93. (474) $7.25. Independencie a Great Schism. Lond., 1657. Svo. Cf., Barlow, Feb., '90. (480) $5. Independency Further proved to be a Schism. Lond., 1658. 8vo. Cf., Barlow, Feb., '90. (481) $6. CAWTHORNE (J.) Plan of Recon- ciliation with America. Lond., 1782. Svo. Hf. mor.. Barlow, Feb., '90. (1981) $9. CAXTON SOCIETY. Publications. Lond., 1844-54. 14 vols., Svo. CI., Clive, Jan., 1900. (44) $10.80. CAXTON (WILLIAIVI). See Boethius, Boneventure, Book of Ghostly Mat- ters, Cato, Cessolis, Chaucer, Chiv- alry, Christine of Pisa, Chronicles, Cicero, Cordyall, Dictes of the Phi- Caxton (William) — Coiithnieil. losophers. Festival, Four Sermons, Gower, Higden, Indulgence, Latour, LeFevre, Lydgate, Malory, Profit- able Book, Reynard, Rivers, Royal Book, Virgil, Voragine, etc. CEBES. Table of Cebes the Philoso- pher. Trans, by Sir F. Poyngz. Lond., Thomas Berthelet, n.d. Svo. Cf. ex., g.e., Lawrence, Dec, '92. (42) £18s. Mor., g.e., Inglis, June, 1900. (153) £13. Table. Trans, by Sir F. Poyngz. Lond., in the house late Thomas Berthelettes, n.d. 16mo. Mor. (a few leaves mended), Inglis, June, 1900. (154) £6 15s. CECCO D'ASCOLI (FRANCESCO). Lo illustro Poeta Cecho Dascoli. Venice, Sessa, 1501. 4to. Mor., g.e. (title mended), Ashburn- ham, June, '97. (993) £50. Lo illustro Poeta Cecho Dascoli. Milan, 1521. 4to. Mor., g.e., Ashburnham, June, '97. (994) £8. CECIL (E., LORD). Actions on the Coast of Spain. Lond., 1625. 4to. Cf., g.e., Crawford, Mar., '91. (658) £2. CECIL (WILLIAM). See Burghley (Lord). CELESTINA. Tragicomedia de Cal- isto de Melibea. [Barcelona, 1525.] 4 to. Mor. ex., g.e., Nichols, Apr., 1900. (327) £13 5s. The Delightful History of Celes- tina the Faire. Lond.. 1596. 4to. Mor. ex., E;.e. (title and following leaf in facs.), Soth.. Feb. 2S. 1900. (3S6) £3 8s. CELLARIUS (A.). Harmonia Macros- cosmica seu Atlas Universalis et Novus. Amsterdam, 1661. Fol. Vel., Barlow. Feb., '90. (482) $16. Rus. ex., Soth., Apr. 22, '95. (179) £1 7s. CELLINI (BENVENUTO). Memoirs. Trans, by T. Roscoe. Lond., 1823. 2 vols., Svo. Hf. mor.. Cox, Apr., '99. (IGl) $11. Hf. cf., White, Feb., '01. (722) $9.25. CELLINI 373 CENT Cellini (Benvenuto) — Cuutinuri}, Life. Translated. See Symonds (J. A.). Treatises on Goldsmithing and Sculpture. Lond., Essex House Press, 189S. 8vo. CI., unc, Edelheim, Mar., 1900. (1200) $10. CI., unc, Soth., Feb. 25, '01. (33) £1 2s. CI., unc. Bangs, Oct. 21, '01. (275) $25. CI., unc. Bangs, Nov. 18, '01. (305) ■ $20. CI., unc. Bangs, Feb. 20, '02. (300) $16. CI., unc. Bangs., Mar. 24, '02. (287) $10.50. CI., Bangs, Mar., 16, '03. (27G) $11. CI., Peirce, Mar., '03. (11) $20. CI., Anderson, Apr. 16, '03. (224) $19.50. CELSUS (CORNELIUS). De Medicina. Florence, 1478. Fol. Mor. ex., brass corners and clasps. Turner, June, '88. (1020) £10. Mor., Southby, Dec, '90. (1097) £4 17s. 6d. Mor.. g.e., Crawford, Mar. '91. (659) £8 15s. Rus. (Wodhull copy). Putt., June 17, ■91. (982) £3 15s. Vel., Putt., Dec. 11, '99. (232) £5 5s. Mor. (some margins mended). White, Apr.. '02. (452) £6 15s. Leather (slightly wormed), Cholmley, Nov., '02. (448) £12. De Medicina. Venice, Aldus, 1528. 8vo. Mor., g.e., Witthaus, Oct., '97. (1) $6.50. Mor., Bruce, Dec, 1900. (424) £3. Mor., g.e., Bush, Apr., '96. (90) £3 3s. **On vellum. Cf., Sunderland, Dec, '81. (2626) £133. CELTIS (CONRADUS). Libri IV. Amorum, secundum quatuor latera Germanias. Nuremberg, 1502. 4to. Mor.. Sunderland, Dec, '81. (2637) £32. Mor., g.e., Crawford, Mar., '91. (661) £9 5s. Pigskin, Apponyi, Nov., '92. (313) £12 5s. Mor., g.e. (folding plate In facs.), Morris, Dec, '98. (263) £15. CENTLIVRE (MRS. S.). The Game- ster. Loud., 1705. 4to. Hf. cf., Lefferts, Apr., '02. (194) $5.25. The Perjur'd Husband. Lond., 1700. 4to. Hf. cf., Lefferts, Apr., '02. (197) $5. Works. Lond., 1761. 3 vols., Svo. Mor. ex., g.e., Craig, June, '87. (549) £4 5s. Mor. ex., g.e.. Duff, July, '88. (145) £2 18s. Cf. ex., g.e., Benbow, Nov., '89. (456) £1 Is. Cf., Putt, Nov. 11, '90. (545) £1 Us. Cf. ex., g.e., Soth., Apr. 22, '95. (330) £1 ISs. Cf., Prere, Feb., '96. (85) £112s. Mor. ex., g.e.. Bangs, Sept. 29, '98. (99) $9. Cf., French, Apr., '01. (215) $6.75. Cf. ex., y.e., Hibbert, Apr., '02. (151) £2. Dramatic Works. Lond., 1872. 3 vols., 8vo. **Large paper. Bds., unc, Mackenzie, Mar., '89. (262) £2 3s. Bds., unc, Kenyon, Mar., '90. (90) £1 lis. Bds., unc, Marshall, June, '90. (140) £116s. Bds., unc, Alexander, Mar., '95. (1276) $11.25. Hf. mor., Dayton, Mar., '02. (284) $9.75. Hf. mor., Lefferts, Apr., '02. (193) $9. CENT NOUVELLES NOUVELLES. Paris, Jehan Trepperel et Jehan Je- hannot, [about 1500]. 4to. Cf., Soth., May 6, '01. (713) £20 5s. Cent Nouvelles Nouvelles. Paris, Alain Latrain. [about 1520]. 4to. Vel., Soth.. Apr. 12, '99. (165) £18 10s. Cent Nouvelles Nouvelles. Paris A. Verard, n.d. Fol. Mor. ex., g.e. (some leaves at end In manuscript, Utterson copy), Soth., Mar. 19, '96. (175) £20. Cent Nouvelles. Lyons, O. Ar- noullet. [about 1530]. 4to. Mor., g.e. (lacking title), Wilbraham, June, '98. (136) £8 10s. Cent Nouvelles Nouvelles. Col- ogne [Amsterdam], 1701. 2 vols., Svo. CENT 374 CERVANTES Cent Nouvelles — Continued. Mor. ex., g.e., Soth., Feb. 14, "88. (CO) £5 15s. Cf., Crawford, Mar., '91. (CCS) £2 10s. Mor., g.e., Soth., Dec. 17, '92. (902) £1 4s. Mor., g.e., Soth., Nov. 27, '96. (117) £2 1Ss. Mor., g.e., Soth., May 21, 1900. (117) £2 15s. Mor., g.e., French, Apr., '01. (214) $80. Mor., g.e., Edwardes, May, '01. (59) £30. Mor., g.e., Libbie. May 22, '01. (247) $27. CENTURY GUILD HOBBY HORSE. Lond.. lSSC-92. 7 parts, 4to. Parts, Soth., June 2, '98. (C52) £3 lis. Soth., Apr. 24, '99. (233) £2 12s. (In G vols.), Soth., Dec. 11, '95. (281) £5 5s. CEPEDA (FERNANDO DE). Rela- cion Universal del sitio enque esta fundada la Ciudad de Mexico. Mex- ico, 1G37. 4to. Mor., g.e., Del Monte, June, '88. (87) $12.50. CERTAIN ADVERTISEMENTS OUT of Ireland. See Ireland. CERTAIN ADVICES OF NEWES. No. 22, Mar. 7, 1623. Lond., for Nath. Butter, 1623. 4to. Sofh., .Ian. 21, '01. (677) £5ins. CERTAIN ARTICLES CONCERNING the Statue made for the Reliefe of the Poor. Lond., 1599. 8vo. Hf. mor.. Putt., July 20, '98. (71) £3. CERTAIN CONSIDERATIONS touching the Church of England. See Bacon (F.). CERTAIN SERMONS, OR HOMILIES appovnted bv the Kynges Majestie. Lond., E. Whitchurch, 1547. 4to. Cf., g.e., Ashburnham, Dec, '97. (1999) £3 3s. Mor., g.e. (a few corners mended, colophon inlaid), Bools, June, '03. (779) £6 15s. Certain Sermons appointed by the Kynges Majestie. Lond., R. Jugge and J. Cawood, 1547. 4to. Rus. (2 leaves in manuscript), John- son, Feb., '98. (1957 A) £2 10s. Certain Sermons — Ooritinvnl. Certain Sermons appointed by the Kynges Majestie. Lond., R. Graf- ton, 1547. 4to. Mor., g.e. (with Homilies set out by the Queens Majestie, 1595, some margins cut close), Makellar, Nov., '98. (1578) £3. Certain Sermons appointed by the Queens Majestie. Lond., 1587. 4to. Cf., Johnson, Feb., '98. (1958) £1 3s. Certain Sermons appointed by the Queens Majestie. Lond., 1595. 4to. Mor. ex.. g.e., Johnson, Feb., 98. (1959) £llls. Mor. ex., g.e., Soth., Feb. 25, '01. (867) £2 5s. CERTAIN TREATY, ENTITLED LA- mant mal traicte de samye. Trans. into English and dedicated to Henry, Earl of Surrey. [Lond.], Robert Wyer, n.d. ]2mo. (Lacking from M 2 to N 4), Putt., Jan. 20. '04. (204) £7 5s. CERTAIN WORTHY MANUSCRIPT Poems of Great Anfiquitie, reserved in the studie of a Northfoike Gen- tleman. Lond., 1597. 16mo. Mor. ex., Anderson, Feb. 9, '04. (236) $16. CERVANTES (MIGUEL DE). Delight in Several! Shapes. Lond., 1654. 8vo. Vel.. g.e. (title backed), Hutchinson, Feb., '92. (153) £llls. Cf., Soth., May 21, '97. (311) £5. El Ingenioso Hidalgo Don Quixote de la Mancha. Valencia, 1605. Svo. Bds. (some headlines cut into, title damaged), Foster, June, '94. (102) £3. El Ingenioso Hidalgo Don Quixote de la Mancha. Lisbon, 1605. 4to. Mor. (J. A. De Thou's copy, with his arms), Soth., ,Tuly 18. '95. (51) £41. El Ingenioso Hidalgo Don Quixote de la Mancha. Madrid, 1608. 4to. Cf., Putt., Dec. 16, '91. (267) £5 15s. Cf. ex., g.e. (with autographs of An- tonio Perez and C. Nodier), Lenox Library Duplicates, Apr., '95. (53) $57.50. Vida y Hechos del Don Quixote de la Mancha. Lond., Tonson, 1738. 4 vols., 4to. Cf. (Marlborough copy), Sunderland, Dec, '81. (2660) £13. CERVANTES 375 CERVANTES Cervantes (Miguel de) — Continued. Mor., g.e., Leigh. Dec, '86. (97) £1 9s. Mor., g.e., Soth., July 18, '95. (52) £6 10s. El Ingenioso Hidalgo Don Quixote. Nueva edicion corregida por la Real Academia Espanola. Madrid, 17S0. 4 vols., 4to. Cf., Vaughan, Dec, 'SG. (202) £3. 3s. Mor., g.e., by Roger Pavne, Crawford, June, '89. (262) £12 5s. Cf., Hunt, Nov., '91. (581) $20. Mor., Toovey, Feb., '94. (937) £20 10s. Mor., g.e., Montrose, June, 95. (165) £6 6s. Hf. rus., unc, Soth., Dec. 17, '97. (241^ £3 8s. Cf., g.e., Soth., July 29, '98. (230) £2 18s. Mor. ex.. g.e., Soth., Nov. 3, '98. (354) £4. Cf. ex., g.e., Soth., Nov. 28, '98. (178) £3 12s. Mor., g.e.. Bangs, Oct. 15, 19iio. (90) $37. Cf., Bangs, Mar. 24, '02. (153) $9. History of Don Quixote. Trans. by T. Shelton. Both parts, Lond., 1612-20. 2 vols., 4to. Mor. ex.. I.aing, Dec. '79. £55. Mor. ex., Ellis, Nov., '85. (895) £30. Mor. ex., g.e., by De Coverlv, Young, June, '90. (145) £13 15s. Mor. ex., g.e., Cosens, Nov., '90. (1011) £23. (In 1 vol., lacking printed title to Part 1), Leeds, Apr., '96. (131) £35. Mor. ex., g.e.. Young, Dec, '90. (476) £36. Cf. (lacking frontispiece to Part 2, Chalmers copy), Ashburnham, June, '97. (1002) £106. Cf. (lacking frontispiece to Part 2, corners of title and several other leaves mended, a series of plates after Coypel inserted), Auckland, Nov., '97. (75) £41. Cf. (lacking 1 leaf in Part 1, title and following leaf defective, also lack- ing frontispiece to Part 2), Soth., Mar. 21, 'OS. (446) £30. Rus. (title to Part 1 in facs., 1 leaf lacking, title to Part 2 mended, last leaf In facs., some headlines cut Cervantes (Miguel de) — Continued. into), Solh., Julv 28, '02. (706) £10. Rus., Soth., Dec. 4, 'Ol!. (20) £59. Mor., g.e.. Putt.. Dec. 7. '03. (53) £60. History of Don Quixote. Trans. by T. Shelton. Lond., 1620. 2 vols., 4to. Cf. (in 1 vol., lacking frontispiece to Part 2), Ashburnham, June, '97. (1003) £28. Hf. rus., Ashburnham. June, '97. (1004) £35. Rus., g.e. (in 1 vol.. frontispiece to each part mounted), Ashburnham, Nov., '97. (58) £29 10s. (Part 1 the re-issue, but containing the 1612 title, part 2 lacking frontis- piece, 21 plates inserted), Soth., July 3 '99 (1608) £38 Cf.'dn 1 vol.), Inglis, June, 1900. (157) £56. Putt., Jan. 17, '01. (232) £31 10s. Hf. rus. (Sykes-Ashburnham copy), Edwardes, Mav. '01. (97) £52. Cf. ex., g.e., Hibbert, Apr., '02. (155) £61. Cf. (in 1 vol.). Ford, Mav, '02. (125) £47. Mor., g.e., Soth., May 14, '02. (9) £49. Vel. (Part 2 only), Gell, Feb., '04. (75) £27 5s. History of Don Quixote. Trans. by T. Shelton. Lond., 1652. Fol. Cf., Buccleuch, Mar., '89. (287) £1 15s. Cf., Sala, Julv, '95. (319) £1 Is. Cf. ex., g.e., Soth., June 18, '96. (275) £114s. Cf., Soth., May 16, '01. (113) £3 4s. Rus., Soth., Apr. 20, '03. (301) £3 18s. History of Don Quixote. Trans. by T. Shelton. Lond., 1075. Fol. Cf., Soth., Dec. 1, '91. (10C3) £12s. Mor., g.e., Soth., May 8, '99. (340) £2. History of the Renowned Don Quixote. Trans, bv J. Philips. Lend., 1687. Fol. Cf., Putt, Dec. 19, '8S. (1159) £18s. Mor. ex.. Cosens, Nov., '90. (1019) £2. Cf., Ashburnham, June, '97. (1006) £118s. Mor. ex., g.e., White, Apr., '02. (456) £4 10s. CERVANTES 376 CERVANTES Cervantes (Miguel de) — Continued. Don Quixote. [A Chap-Book.] LonU., 1699. 12mo. Cf. ex., Gaisford, Apr., '90. (413) £2 2s. History of Don Quixote, with Con- tinuation. Trans, by Jolin Stevens. Lond., 1706-5. 3 vols., Svo. Cf, Randall, Aug., '87. (52) £2 5s. Cf., Soth., Nov. 27, '9G. (119) £llSs. History of Don Quixote. Trans. by T. Shelton. Lend., 1725. 4 vols., Svo. Vel., with ties, Carmichael, Mar., '03. (200) £2 14s. Life and Exploits of Don Quixote. Trans, by C. Jarvis. Lend., 1742. 2 vols., 4to. Cf., Monson, May, '89. (113) £16s. Rus. ex., Buckinghamshire, July, '89. (234) £116s. Bds., unc, Heywood, Oct., '92. (287) £lls. Cf., Branch, Oct. 2, '95. (110) £lls. Rus., m.e., Soth., Dec. 17, '97. (237) £19s. Cf., Bangs, Dec. 1, '98. (118) $10.25. Cf., Bangs, Jan. 22, '02. (74) $6. History and Adventures of Don Quixote. Trans, by T. Smollett. Lond., 1755. 2 vols., 4to. Cf. (portraits inserted), Brinckman, July, '88. (91) £116s. Cf., Hildyard, June, '89. (124) £115s. Cf., Bangs, Dec. 7, '96. (196) $11.50. Cf., Bangs, Mar. 11, '97. (209) $9. Cf. (rebacked), Libbie, Jan. IS, '99. (195) $6.50. Rus., g.e., Soth., July 11, '99. (138) £ 2 8s Cf., Bangs, Mar. 24, '02. (154) $7.50. Life and Exploits of Don Quixote. Trans, by C. Jarvis. Lond., 1801. 4 vols., Svo. ** Large paper. Rus., Wheble, Dec, '87. (31) £llls. Mor. ex., g.e., Soth., Feb. 14, '88. (61) £3 7s. Cf., m.e., Thornhill, Apr., '89. (43) £2 12s. Cf. ex., v.e., Alexander, Mar., '95. (1278) $14.50. Cf., y.e., Bangs, Feb. 23, '97. (224) $11. Rus., m.e., Soth., Dec. 17, '97. (80) £116s. Cervantes (Miguel de) — Continncd. Don Quixote. Trans, by Mary Smirke. Lond., 1818. 4 vols., Svo. Hf. mor., unc, Tyrell, Dec, '91. (22) £112s. Hf. mor., unc, Ditchfield, Apr., '93. (1268) £2 19s. Hf. mor., unc, Pinkney, May, '95. (55) £3 3s. Hf. mor., unc. Bangs, Oct. 20, '96. (101) $20.50. Hf. mor., unc. Weaver, Dec, '97. (61) £2 6s. Mor., Bangs, Jan. 14, '98. (60) $9.20. Ht. mor.. Bangs, Feb. 3, '98. (30) $11.50. Hf. mor., g.e.. Bangs, Feb. 24, '98. (68) $16. Hf. mor. ex., g.e., Soth., Dec. 22, '98. (512) £2 12s. Cf., m.e., Hornby, Apr., 1900. (79) £2. Hf. mor., unc, Edwardes, May, 01. (GO) £4 4s. Rus., m.e., Soth., Nov. IS, '01. (48) £1 14s. **Large paper. Hf. mor., unc, Hodgson, May 11, 'S7. (592) £4 8s. Mor., g.e., Rogers, Jan., '88. (220) $64. Rus. ex., g.e., Perkins, July, '89. (389) £19 10s. Hf. mor., unc. Smith. Nov., '94. (33) £3 5s. Hf. mor., unc, Price, June, '95. (124) £llls. Rus., g.e., Soth., Dec. 17, '97. (239) £7 IDs. Rus., m.e., Soth., Feb. 2, '98. (110) £5 10s. Cf., m.e, Soth., Feb. 27, '99. (81) £6. Hf. mor., unc, Soth., Apr. 30, 1900. (208) £3 14s. Don Quixote. Trans, by C. Jarvis. Lond., 1819. Colored plates. 4 vols., Svo. Bds., unc, Randall, Aug., '87. (945) £llls. Cf., Luard, Nov., '91. (187) £112s. Bds., unc. Bangs, Dec. 16, '95. (106) $13. Hf. cf.. Putt, Dec 7, '96. (229) £1 5s. Cf. ex., y.e., Libbie. Feb. IS, '97. (162) $32 Hf. cf., Soth., Dec 17, '97. (81) £1 2s. Cf., Bangs, Mar. 1, '98. (88) $11.50. Cf., Putt., Apr. 16, '03. (117) £3. CERVANTES 377 CERVANTES Cervantes (Miguel de) — Coiithincd. Life and Adventures of Don Quixote. Trans, by P. A. Motteaux. Lond., 1820. 4 vols., Svo. Bds., unc, Phillips, Nov., '87. (893) £1. Cf., Campbell, Dec, '9G. (6C9) £17s. Cf. ex., g.e., Hibbert, Apr., '02. (156) £3 12s. 6d. The Spirit of Cervantes, or, Don Quixote Abridged. Lond., 1S20. Col- ored plates. Svo. Cf. ex., g.e., Soth., Apr. 25, '98. (806) £llls. CI., unc, Soth., Feb. 15, 1900. (9) £2. Bds., unc, Soth., Jan. 28, '01. (413) £lls. History of Don Quixote. Trans. by Smollett. Lond., 1833. Plates by Cruikshank. 3 vols., Svo. CI., Foot, Jan., '94. (4CS) £118s. Cf. ex., g.e., Reid, May, '94. (954) £1 16s. CI., unc, Putt., Dec. 13, '97. (772) £3 5s. Cf., Johnson, Feb. 28, '98. (524) £1 14s. Don Quixote. Trans, by C. Jarvis. Lond., 1S37. 3 vols., Svo. Unc, Knight, June, 'S9. (63) £15s. CI., Soth., June 22, '91. (168) £110s. Cf., Gladstone, Apr., '94. (85) £lSs. Mor., Bangs, Dec. 7, '96. (197) $9. Hf. mor., Haves, Apr., '98. (319) $11.25. Unc, Soth., Dec. 3, 1900. (509) £1 IDs. Hf. mor., m.e., Soth., May 7, '03. (47) £116s. Don Quixote. Trans, by C. Jarvis. Lond., 1842. 2 vols., Svo. Hf. cf., Brand, Mar., '94. (16) £112s. Hf. mor. ex., g.e., Soth., June 1, '97. (S7) £lGs. Cf., Bangs, Jan. 26, '99. (58) $12.50. Cf., g.e., Cox, Apr., '99. (162i) $13. History of Don Quixote. Trans. by P. A. Motteux. Edinb., 1879. 4 vols., Svo. CI., unc. King, Dec, '90. (ISO) £1 4s. CI., unc, Shaw, Feb., '97. (72) £17s. CI., unc, Hoskinson, Dec, '97. (611) $9.60. Hf. mor., unc, Soth., Dec. 11, '99. (177) £116s. CI., unc. Bangs, Jan. 22, '01. (328) $9. Cervantes (Miguel de) — Coiitiinicd. CI., unc. Bangs, Apr. 18, '01. (96) $8.20. **Large paper. Bds., unc. Putt., Julv 1, '91. (572) £3 10s. CI., unc, Hawkins, Mar., '95. (126) £114s. CI., unc, Alexander, Mar., '95. (1279) $10. CI., unc. Cook, May, '95. (07) £1 Ss. CI., unc, Christie, Feb. 21, '99. (49) £16s. CI., unc, Wliite, Feb., '01. (Ill) $16. CI., unc, Dayton, Mar., '02. (2S6) $11. **Whatman paper. CI., unc, Stewart. Mar., '88. (95) £2 18s. CI., unc, Soth., Jan. 14, '95. (312) £lSs. CI., unc. Price, June, '95. (273) £1 lis. CI., unc, De Lacouperie, (340) £117s. CI., unc. Branch, Oct. 2, '95. (100) £2 12s. 6d. Don Quixote. Trans, by J. Ormsby. Lond., 1885. 4 vols.. Svo. CI., unc, Pratt, Apr., '99. (465) $8. CI., unc. Bangs, Jan. 22, '01. (251) $11. CI., unc. White, Feb., '01. (107) $11. CI., unc, Carey, Apr., '02. (59) $7.20. Don Quixote. Trans. bv J. Ormsby. N. Y., 1S87. 4 vols.', Svo. **Large paper. Bds., unc, Juvenal, Apr., '95. (49) $6.50. Hf. mor., unc, Blanchard, May, '98. (343) $9. Bds., unc, Anderson, May 24, 1900. (28) $8. Don Quixote. Trans, by H. E. Watts. Lond., 1SS7-S9. 5 vols., 4to. Hf. vel., unc, King, Dec, 90. (181) £2 10s. Hf. vel., unc. Putt., Mar. 20, '95. (209) £112s. Hf. vel., unc, Campbell, Dec, '95. (29) £llls. Hf. vel., unc, Hoskinson, Dec, '97. (625) $9. Hf. vel., unc, Putt, Apr. 13, "98. (97) £15s. Hf. vel., unc, Soth., May 16, '01. (114) £17s. CERVANTES 378 CESPEDES Cervantes (Miguel de) — Continued. Don Quixote. Trans, by P. A. Motteux. Lond., 1892. 4 vols., Svo. Cl., unc, Bangs, Mar. 8, '98. (109) $9.20. Cl., unc, Soth., Feb. 27, '99. (1615) £110s. CI., unc, Middleton, Mar., '99. (104) $6.80. Hf. mor., unc, Soth., Dec IS, '99. (1388) £19s. Cl., unc. Bangs, Nov. 18, '01. (140) $7.20. Don Quixote. Trans, by T. Shel- ton. N. Y., 1896. 4 vols., Svo. Hf. mor., unc. Bangs, Jan. 26, '99. (59) $6.50. CL, unc, Richmond, Mar. 20, '99. (599) $7.50. Cl., unc. Bangs, June 1, 1900. (66) $6.20. Cl., unc. Bangs, June 14, 1900. (213) $9.50. **Japan paper. Vel., Richmond. Mar., '99. (600) $15. ^The Spirit of Don Quixote. Lond., 1831. Colored plates. Svo. Bds., unc, Soth., Feb. 27, '99. (400) £1 12s. Bds., unc, Soth., Oct. 30, '99. (35) £14s. Sancho Panza's Proverbs, and others which occur in Don Quixote. Trans, bv U. R. Burke. Lond., 1872. **Large paper. Mor. ex., g.e., Soth., Mar. 9, '97. (465) £112s. Spanish Salt: Proverbs found in Don Quixote. Trans, by U. R. Burke. Lond., 1877. 12mo. '''*On vellum. Hf. leather, unc, Bangs, Mar. 19, 1900. (89) $25. Exemplary Novels. Trans, by J. Mabbe. Lond., 1640. Fol. Cosens, Nov., '90. (1071) £2 5s. C£. (title mended), Ashburnham, June, '97. (1009) £10. Hf. cf., Lincoln, Oct., '01. (919) $6. Sheep, Lefferts, Apr., '02. (200) $30. Ocho Comedias, y ocho entreme- ses nuevos, nunca representados. Madrid, 1615. 4to. Vel., Young, Dec, '96. (477) £14. Cervantes (Miguel de) — Continued. Trabajos de Persiles y Slgis- munda. Madrid, 1617. 4to. Vel. (2 leaves torn), Craig, June, '87. (551) £23. Vel. (some leaves stained). Putt., Dec. 17, '89. (113) £8. Cf. (title mounted), Soth., Nov. 28, '98. (213) £18s. Trabajos de Persiles y Sigis- munda. Brussels, 1618. Svo. Cf., Soth., Feb. 22, '97. (639) £2 1Ss. Trabajos de Persiles y Sigis- munda. Brussels, 1619. Svo. Pigskin, Soth., Apr. 12, '99. (169) £2 2s. Travels of Persiles and Sigis- munda. Lond., 1619. Svo. Mor. ex., g.e., Sullivan, May, '90. (1347) £6. Mor. ex., g.e., Christie, Jan., '93. (253) £5. Cf., Buckley, Apr., '94. (970) £3 10s. Cf., Soth., Mar. 17, '02. (172) £14 10s. Mor., g.e., Lefferts, Apr., '02. (201) $75. Troublesome and Hard Adven- tures in Love. Trans, by R. Cod- rington. Lond., 1C52. 4to. Rus., Ellis, Nov., '85. (899) £5. Mor. ex., g.e., Perkins, July, '89. (391) £3. Mor. ex., g.e. (1 leaf defective), Leigh, Dec, '89. (1456) £2 6s. Mor., g.e., French, Apr., '01. (216^ $42. Mor., g.e., Lefferts, Apr., '02. (202) $52.50. CESNOLA (MAJOR A. Dl). Cyprus Antiquities, a series of 60 Photo- graphs of Articles excavated in the Island. Lond., 1881. Fol. Mor. ex., g.e., Hardv, Dec, '86. (2008) £13s. CESNOLA (LOUIS PALMA Dl£). Cyprus: its Ancient Cities, Tombs and Temples. Lond., 1877. Svo. Borlase, Feb., '87. (114) £1. Nash. Jan., '88. (615) £15s. Ht. mor., unc, Bancker, Mar., '98. (109) $8.25. CESPEDES (ANDRES GARCIA DE). Regimento de Navegacion. Madrid, 1600. Fol. CESPEDES 379 CHAFFERS Cespedes (Andres Garcia de) — Cont'd Vel., Miirphv, Mar., '84. (2874) $6. Vel., Soth., Mar. 21, '98. (245) £3 3s. CESPEDES (GONCALO DE). Ge- rando, the unfortunate Spaniard. Trans, by Leonard Digges. Lond., 1622. 4to. Cf. ex., Soth., Nov. 28, '98. (221) £1 Is. CESSOLIS (J. DA). Libro di Guiocho di ScaccUi, intitolato de Costumi degl' huomini et degli offitii de nobili. Florence, A. Miscomini, 1493. 4to. (Lacking title and 2 leaves, last leaf defective), Soth., Dec. 3, 1900. (767) £33. Mor., Soth., July 17, '01. (245) £123. Mor. (lacking 3 leaves, others defect- ive and mended), Soth., Dec. 2, '01. (931) £38. The Game and Playe of the Chesse. Trans, by William Caxton. Lond., William Caxton, 1474. Fol. Cf. (lacking 2 blank leaves, with four words erased on 51st leaf, measur- ing 101 bv 71 Inches), Putt., Dec. 16, '86. (66) £645. Cf. (lacking Caxton's Prologue, and 5 other leaves, and several leaves mis- placed), Harwicke, June 29, '88. (115) £200. The Game of Chesse. Trans, by William Caxton. Lond., 1855. 4to. Cf., Menzies, Nov., '76. (360) $10. Mor. ex., unc. Turner, Nov., '88. (1584) £2 7s. Cf. ex.. Grange, Mar., '92. (216) £1 4s. Hf. mor., unc, Livermore, Nov., '94. (1049) $7. Mor., with clasps, Jackson, Mav, '95. (887) £12s. Game of Chess. Reproduced by V. Figgins. Lond., 1860. 4to. Cf., r.e., Hirst, Dec, '87. (983) £1. Cf., Daubuz, May, '95. (217) £12s. Cf., Sewall, Nov.. '96. (670) $5. CEVOLUS (FRANCIS). An Occa- sional Discourse upon an Accident which befell his Majesty in hunt- ing. Lond., 1635. 4to. Soth., May 6, '01. (202) £5. CHABERT (J. B.). Voyage fait par ordredu Roi en 1750 et 1751. dans I'Amerique Septentrionale. Paris, 1753. 4to. Chabert (J. B.) — CiintinuriJ. Mor. ex., g.e. (with arms of J. B Machault, Chancellor of France), Pratt, Apr., .'99. (466) $7.50. Mor. ex., g.e. (with the Clugny arms), Ashburton, Nov., 1900. (160) £5. CHADWICK (PAUL A.). The Public Service of the State of New York. Bost, 1882. 3 vols., 4to. Mor. ex.. Bangs, Oct. 3, '01. (408) $12.38. Mor.. Bangs, Nov. 15, '01. (188) $12.30. CHAFFERS (W.). Hall Marks on Gold and Silver Plate. Lond., 1883. 8vo. CI., unc. Bangs, Feb. 6, '96. (122) $6. Hall Marks on Gold and Silver Plate. Lond., 1891. 8vo. CI., Smith, May, '01. (78) £112s. Keramic Gallery. Lond., 1872. 2 vols., Svo. Parts, Hance, Aug., '87. (46) £2 3s. Unc, Hailstone, Feb., '91. (365) £4. Hf. mor., g.e.. Turner, Dec, '93. (102) £3 10s. Parts, Hawkins, Mar., '95. (127) £3 15s. Parts, Schrieber, Apr., '96. (21) £4 16s. CI., Cox, Apr., '99. (164) $16. Soth., Dec 2, 'OL (581) £8. Marks and Monograms on Pottery and Porcelain. Lond., 1874. 8vo. Walford, Feb., '87. (643) £1. CI., Francis, July, '90. (49) £lSs. Chittenden, Jan., '94. (254) $5. Gladstone, Apr., '94. (217) £114s. Hf. mor.. g.e., Sala, July, '95. (186) £llls. Cf. ex.. g.e., Bangs, Feb. 6, '96. (123) $13.50. Marks and Monograms on Pottery and Porcelain. Lond., 1876. Svo. Bush, Apr., '96. (92) £1 6s. CI., Libbie, May 22. '01. (250) $5.50. Marks and Monograms on Pottery and Porcelain. Lond., 1886. 8vo. Hf. mor., unc. Hailstone, Feb., '91. (363) £14s. ITnc. Hazlitt, Nov., '93. (102) £14s. CI.. Johnson, Feb., '98. (526) £1. Soth., Dec. 13, 1900. (480) £1 15s. Marks and Monograms on Pottery and Porcelain. Lond., 1891. 8vo. CHAFFERS 380 CHALLONER Chaffers (W.) — Continued. CL, Stone, Nov., '91. (521) £19s. CL, Stonehouse, Mar., '92. (235) £14s. Unc, Foster, June, '94. (1152) £14s. CI., Blanchard, May, "98. (347) $7.75. Una., Soth., Feb. C, 1900. (52) £1 3s. CHAFFIN (W. L.). History of Easton, Mass. Cambridge, Mass, 1SS6. 8vo. CI., Guild, Nov., '87. (1199) $5. CHALCOGRAPHICAL SOCIETY. Publications from ISSG to 1895. N.p., 18SC-95. 4to. 13 vols, and portfolios. Smith, Feb., '9G. (84) £9. CHALCONDYLAS (DEMETRIUS). Erotemata Synoptica, Octo Partium Orationis. Milan, about 1493. Fol. Mor., g.e. (Sykes copy), Soth., Mar. 17, '99. (440) £3 4s. CHALKHILL (JOHN). Alcilia: Philoparthens Louing Folly. Lond., 1G13. 3 parts. In 1 vol., 4to. Rus. (lacking 3 leaves; the Bright copy), Corser, July, '68. (17) £5 7s. 6d. Hf. cf. (Sig. L 4 in facs.. and a small hole in A 2, the reverse blackened), Soth., May 18, "03. (189) £59. Alcilia: Philoparthens Loving Folly. Lond., 1G28. 4to. Hf. rus. (Chalmers-JoUey copy), Cor- ser, July, '68. (18) £10 15s. Vel., Crawford, Mar., '91. (46) £2 19s. Thealma and Clearchus. Lond., 1GS3. 8vo. Mor. ex., g.e., Martin, Mar., '88. (84) £6 10s. Mor. ex., g.e.. Turner, June, '88. (68G) £8 10s. Mor. ex., g.e., Soth., May 5, '90. (40) £9 15s. Mor. ex.,' Sullivan, May, '90. (1377) £4 12s. 6d. Mor. ex., g.e., Crawford, Mar., '91. (672) £7 7s. Cf. ex., g.e., Soth., June 27, '92. (182) £7 2s. 6d. Cf., Reid, May, '94. (734) £4 15s. Mor. ex., g.e., Adee, Nov., '95. (169) $51. Hf. cf. (Heber-Mitford copv), Soth., May 21, '97. (37) £5 10s. Mor. ex., g.e., Smith, June, '97. (135) £5. Hf. cf., Coleman, July, '97. (132) £6 6s. Chalkhill (John)— Continued. Mor. ex., g.e., Soth., June 27, '98. (288) £6. Cf., g.e., Soth., Jan. 9, '99. (24) £4 6s. Mor., g.e. (last leaf stained), Soth., Nov. 20, '99. (168) £5. Mor. ex., g.e.. Grant, May, 1900. (49) £5 17s. Gd. Mor. ex., g.e., French, Apr., '01. (217) $70. Mor., McKee, Dec, '01. (2794) $12. Sheep, Lefferts, Apr., '02. (203) $40. Mor., g.e., Ellis, Oct., '02. (612) £7. CHALKLEY (THOMAS). Forcing a Maintenance not Warrantable from the Holy Scripture for a Minister of the Gospel. Phila.. 1714. lOmo. Sewed (title page discolored and some pages cut close). Miller and Banck- er, Dec, '98. (12 a) $14. Works. Phila., B. Franklin and D. Hall, 1749. 8vo. Cf., Brinlev, Mar., 'SO. (4324) $5. Cf., r.e.. Barlow, Feb., '90. (484) $21. Ct., r.e. (in 2 vols.). Baker, Feb., '91. (229) $32. Cf. (rebacked), Soth., Dec. 1, '91. (802) £2 6s. Hf. cf. (foxed), Livermore, Nov., '94. (1297) $5. Sheep, Henkels, Oct. 29, '95. (372) $6. Hf. mor., Libbie, Mar. 5, '96. (443) $5.25. Hf. cf., Stone, Oct., '97. (252) $12.50. Mor. ex., g.e. (in 2 vols.). Haves, Apr., '98. (623) $23. CHALLENGE (A) AT TILT TO BE held in the Presence of Queen Eliza- beth. Lond., [1580-90]. Fol. Unc, Soth., Dec. 11, '03. (505) £20. CHALLENGER. REPORTS OF THE Scientific Results of the voyage of H.M.S. Challenger. Lond., v.d. 4to. CI. (51 vols.). Smith, May, '01. (591) £38 10s. CI. (50 vols.). Putt, Apr. 23, '02. (746) £46. CI. (43 vols.), Soth., Dec 12, '93. (635) £48 CI. (28 vols.). Bangs, Dec. 15, '96. (241) $84. CHALLONER (R.). Memoirs of Mis- sionary Priests. Lond., 1741-42. 2 vols., 8vo. CHALLONER 381 CHALMERS Challoner (R.) — Coiifhincd. Cf., Brabonrne, June, '93. (117) £18s. Cf., Coleridge, May. '9G. (184) £1. CHALMERS (ALEXANDER). Gen- eral Biographical Dictionary. Lend., 1812-17. 32 vols., Svo. Cf. ex.. May, July, '91. (IIGO) £2 10s. Hf. cf.. Grange, Mar.. '92. (30) £12s. Hf. of., Bangs, Oct. 16, '95. (63) $9.60. Hf. cf.. m.e., Soth., Dec. 13, '97. (507) £17s. Cf., Libbie, Oct. 15, '01. (83) $9.60. History of the Colleges, Halls, and Public Buildings attached to the University of Oxford. Oxford, 1810. 4to. *'*Large paper. Hf. cf. (2 vols, in 1), Soth., Aug. 13, '88. (1035) £15s. CHALMERS (GEORGE). Apology for the Believers in the Shake- speare Papers. Lond., 1797. 8vo. Cf., French, Apr., '01. (1441) $5. Bds., unc. (with A.L.S. of Ireland and Mrs. Nicholl addressed to Mrs. Garrick, inserted), Hodgson, Feb. 19, '02. (4G8) £11 5s. Hf. bd. (W. H. Ireland's copy, with 25 portraits inserted), Hibbert, Apr., '02. (737) £12 5s. Hf. cf. (preceding copy resold), Soth., June 3, '02. (174) £10. A Supplemental Apology for the Believers in the Shakespeare Papers. Lond., 1799. 8vo. Hf. nior. ex., unc, French, Apr., '01. (1442) $9.50. Caledonia: an Historical and Topographic Account of North Britain. Lond., 1807-24. 3 vols., 4to. Cf., Shaw, Nov., '87. (979) £2 10s. Cf. ex., Rodney, Aug., '90. (14G9) £2 12s. Unc.,' Skene. Jan., '98. (159) £112s. Cf., r.e.. Lamb, Feb., '98. (357) £3 3s. **Large paper. Mor. ex., g.e., Craig, June, '87. (5C0) £18 5s. Rus. ex., unc, Stewart, Mar., '88. T96) £9 15s. Hf. mor. ex., unc, Brabourne, May, '91. (575) £4Ss. Cf. (with A.L.S. by Chalmers in- serted), Reid, May, '94. (1759) £18s. Chalmers (George) — Contiiniril. An Introduction to the History of the Revolt of the American Col- onies. Vol. 1 (all published). Lond., 1782. Svo. Cf. (lacking title page), Deane, Mar., ■98. (649) $46. Hf. cf. (author's copy, with his manu- script additions, interleaved, in 2 vols.), Bangs, Nov. 20, '99. (37) $60. An Introduction to the History of the Revolt of the American Col- onies. Bost., 1845. 2 vols., Svo. Hf. cf., unc, Menzies, Nov., '76. (365) $5. CI., Morris, Apr., '99. (291) $5. Life of Mary Queen of Scots. Lond., 1818. 2 vols., 4to. Cf. ex., Aylesford, Mar., '88. (351) £lls. Cf. (presentation copy), Craig, Mar., 'S8. (32G9) £114s. Bds.. unc, Sewall, Nov., '9G. (2392) $10. Life of Mary Queen of Scots. Lond., 1822. 3 vols., Svo. Mor. ex., g.e.. Walker, May, '93. (72) £2. Hf. cf.. Hope, Apr., '96. (159) £1 8s. Opinions on interesting subjects of Public Law and Commercial Policy, arising from American Inde- pendence. Lond., 1785. Svo. Hf. sheep, Cooke, Dec, 'S3. (4S8) $8. Political Annals of the Present United Colonies, from their Settle- ment to the Peace of 1763. Lond., 1780. 4to. Hf. mor., unc, Menzies, Nov., '76. (364) $13. Hf. cf., Brinley, Mar., '79. (163) $18.50. Cf., Craig, Mar.. 'SS. (USD £2 6s. Vel., unc, Barlow, Feb., '90. (485) $12. Bds., unc, Dawson, May, '90. (9) $6.50. Cf., Toovey, Feb., '94. (942) £118s. Cf., Deane, Mar., '98. (G4S) $9.25. Hf. rus., Manson, Feb., '99. (923) $8. Political Annals of the Present United Colonies. Book II. N. Y., n.d. Svo. CI., unc, Manson, Feb., '99. (924) $8. CHALMERS (P.). Ancient Sculp- CHALMERS 38S CHAMBERLAINE Chalmers (P.) — Continued. tnred Monuments of Angus. Eciinb., Bannatvne Club, 1S48. Fol. Hf. mor., Pollock, Jan., '89. (253) £2 6s. Hf. bd., Ashburnham, June, '97. (278) £2 14s. Hf. bd.. Clerk, May, '99. (131) £1 10s. CHALON (J. J.). Costumes of Paris. Lend., 1820-22. 24 colored plates. Fol. Mor. (presentation copy), Soth., July 3, '99. (997) £9 10s. Bds., unc, Philpott, Nov., '01. (210) £13 15s. Paper (Nos. 1 and 2 only, 12 plates), Skene, Jan., '98. (230) £5 5s. CHAMBERLAINE (JAMES). A Sa- cred Poem. Lond., 1080. Svo. Cf., Sewall, Nov., '9G. (684) $11. Hf. mor., Bierstadt, Apr., '97. (407) $0.50. CHAMBERLAINE (JOHN). Imita- tions of Original Drawings, by Hans Holbein for Portraits of Persons of the Court of Henry VIH. I^ond., 1792-1 SOO. Tinted portraits by Bar- tolozzi. Fol. Mor., unc, Soth., Apr. 22, '87. (1039) £10 10s. Rus., g.e., Aylesford, Mar., '88. (1035) £20. Rus., Lee, Mar., '89. (1260) £14 10s. Rus., g.e., Tomline, Jan, '90. (214) £14. Mor., g.e., Soth., June 22, '91. (402) £21. Mor., Ditchfleld, Apr., '93. (386) £10 15s. Mor., Hodges, Apr., '94. (80) £20. Hf. vel., unc. Young, Dec, '95. (608) £12. Hf. mor., Soth., Feb. 19, '96. (234) £9 10s. Cf. (in 2 vols.), Auckland, Nov., '97. (856) £10 5s. Hf. mor., Makellar, Nov., '98. (1655) £11 5s. Hf. cf. (in 2 vols.), Soth., July 11, '99. (1255) £17. Rus., g.e. (broken), Christie, Apr. 9, 1900. (184) £20. Rus., g.e., Soth., Feb. 20, '01. (290) £19 10s. Rus., g.e., Soth., Dec 2, '01. (660) £20. Chamberlaine (John) — Continued. Rus., y.e., Fountaine, June 11, '02. (416) £43 10s. Imitations of Original Drawings by Hans Holbein. Lond., 1812. Tinted portraits. 4to. Hf. mor., g.e.. Putt., Apr. 11, '94. (721) £3 7s. 6d. Hf. mor., g.e., Thornton, June, '94. (1220) £3 3s. Mor., g.e., Bowker, Dec, '88. (421) £5 15s. Hf. mor., g.e.. Putt., Aug. 8, '89. (601) £3 10s. Hi. mor., g.e., Ditchfleld, Apr., '93. (1289) £3 12s. 6d. Mor., g.e., Reid, May, '94. (2501) £4 6s. Hf. mor., g.e., Rogers, Nov., '98. (628) $21.50. Hf. mor., g.e., Bangs, May 28, 1900. (400) $17.50. Hf. mor., g.e., Soth., Dec. 2, '01. (379) £3 15s. Portraits of Illustrious Person- ages of the Court of Henry VIII, by Hans Holbein. Lond., 1828. Col- ored plates. Fol. Hf. mor., g.e.. Smith, May, '89. (259) £4 8s. Hf. mor., g.e.. Cole, Apr., '90. (273) $14.50. Hf. mor., g.e., Hailstone, Feb., '91. (1151) £4 12s. Hf. mor., g.e., Johnson, Feb., '91. (1147) £3 17s. Mor., g.e., Henkels, Apr. 21, '96. (837) $23. Hf. mor., g.e., Soth., Feb. 3, '98. (54) £3 4s. Hf. mor., g.e., Henkels, Mar. 31, '98. (387) $10. Hf. mor., g.e.. Bangs, Oct. 6, '98. (250) $11.50. Hf. mor., g.e., Soth., Dec. 5, '99. (354) £3 lis. Hf. mor., g.e., Christie, Dec. 19, '99. (229) £3 17s. Gd. Hf. mor., Putt., May 13, '01. (456) £4 5s. Hf. mor., g.e., Soth., July 21, '02. (1272) £6. Historic Portraits of the Court of Henry VIII. Lond., Arundel So- ciety, 1877. Fol. Barclay, Nov., '92. (728) £1. Scharf, Feb., '96. (581) £2 6s. CHAMBERLAINE 3S3 CHAMBERS Chamberlaine (John) — ContiiiKCiI. Facsimiles of Original Drawings by Hans Holbein for Portraits of Illustrious Persons of the Court of Henry VIII. Lond., 18S4. Fol. Hf. nior., Moss, June, 'S7. (691) £2 17s. Hf. mor., Putt., Jan. 14, '91. (93n) £2. Hf. mor.. g.e.. Grange, Mar., '92. (238) £1 Ss. Hf. mor., g.e., Price, June, '95. (593) £llSs. Hf. mor.. g.e.. Libbie, Sept. 25, '95. (454) $12.50. Hf. mor.. g.e.. Libbie. Feb. 11, '9G. (454) $5.50. Original Designs of the most cele- brated Masters of the Bolognese, Roman. Florentine and Venetian Schools. Lond.. 1796-lSll. Plates by Bartolozzi and others. Fol. Hf. mor.. g.e.. Soth., June 22. '91. (172) £llSs. Hf. mor.. g.e.. Bruce. Apr.. '92. (54) £2 10s. Original Designs by Masters of the Bolognese. Roman. Florentine and Venetian Schools. Lond.. 1S12. Plates by Bartolozzi. Fol. Rus. ex.. g.e.. Aylesford, Mar., 'SS. (401) £5 10s. Hf. mor. ex.. unc, Thornhill, Apr., '89. (174) £3 3s. Hf. mor. ex., g.e., Hartree, Julv, '90. (591) £2. Hf. mor., g.e., Warwick, Nov.. '91. (32G) £2 18s. Hf. mor., Bouch. Nov., '93. (76) £3 10s. Hf. mor.. Branch, Oct. 2, '95. (Ill) £3 5s. Hf. mor.. g.e.. Henkels, Mav 31, 1900. (166) $19.50. CHAMBERLAINE (ROBERT). Joca- bella. or a Cabinet of Conceits. Lond.. 1640. 12mo. Orig. binding in mor. case. Daniel. July. '64. (904) £13 5s. ■ The Swaggering Damsell. A Comedy. Lend.. Thos. Cotes for Andrew Crooke. 1640. 4to. Hf. mor., Soth., Apr. 12, '93. (52) £13s. Unbd. (title soiled and plain half of last leaf torn; with William Chamberlaine's Loves Victory, Chamberlain (Robert) — Continued. Lond., 1658. 4to. unbd.), Fountaine. June 11, '02. (ISS) £lG10s. CHAMBERLAINE (W.). Pharonnida, a heroick Poem. Lond., 1659. 8vo. Cf., Galsford, Apr., '90. (419) £3 12s. 6d. Cf. ex., g.e., Crawford, Mar., '91. (674) £2 1Ss. Mor. ex.. g.e. (text cut into and wormed), Soth., June 27, '92. (183) £4 4s. Cf., r.e.. Sewall. Nov.. '96. (685) $20. Mor., g.e. (Dr. Laing's copy). Bler- stadt. Apr., '97. (408) $23. Mor. ex., g.e., Soth., Feb. 2, '98. (19) £3 lis. Cf.. r.e. (Gaisford copy, with book- plate and autographs of Richard Chamberlaine), McKee. Dec '01. (2795) $32. CHAMBERS (ROBERT). Miracles Lately wrought by the Intercession of the Glorious Virgin Marie, at Mont-Aigu. Antwerp. 1606. Svo. Mor., Soth., Nov. 19, '94. (7S8) £2. Mor. ex., g.e., Nichols. Apr.. 1900. (143) £2 2s. CHAMBERS (ROBERT). Biographi- cal Dictionary of Eminent Scots- men. Glasgow. 1855. 5 vols.. Svo. Mf. mor.. Hawkins, Mar., '95. (130) £19s. Hf. cf.. Adee, Nov., '95. (170) $6.50. Book of Days, a Miscellany of Popular Antiquities. Lond.. 1863. 2 vols., Svo. Hf. cf., Bennett, Feb., '87. (117) £1 Is. Cf., Stewart, Apr.. 'SS. (166) £lls. Chamber's Edinburgh Journal. Edinb.. v.d. Sm. fol., and Svo. First series, 12 vols.; Second series, 20 vols.; Third series, 20 vols.; Fourth series, 20 vols.; and Fifth series, vols. 1 to 9. 1834-92, 94 vols., in 61, hf. mor., hf. cf. and parts, Olcott, Apr., '01. (258) $24.40. 1834-86, 69 vols., hf. cf. and cl.. How- lett, June, '87. (740) £4 lis. History of the Rebellions in Scot- land under Montrose, Dundee. Mar, and Prince Charles Stuart. Edinb., 1S2S-29. 5 vols., Svo. **Large paper. CHAMBERS 384 CHAMPION Chambers (Robert) — Continued. Hf. mor., Young, June, '90. (14S) £1 18s. CHAMBRE (DAVID). Histoire Ab- regee de tous les Roys de France, Angleterre et d'Escosse. With the two other pieces described by Lowndes. Paris, 1579. Svo. Cf. (3 vols, in 1), Soth., Feb. 2S, 1900. (1118) £2. Mor. ex., g.e. (3 vols, in 1), Putt., Mar. 22, 1900. (4S5) £112s. CHAMEROVZOW (L. A.). Chronicles of the Bastile. Lond., 1845. Plates by R. Cruikshank, some hand-col- ored. Svo. Hf. cf., Tomline, Jan. 22, '90. (147) £110s. Hf. mor., y.e., Johnson, Jan., '90. (351) $8.50. Parts, Stogden, May, '94. (48) £3 17s. Gd. The Yule Log for Everybody's Christmas Hearth. Lond., 1847. Plates by G. Cruikshank. 8vo. cf. ex., g.e. (with duplicate set of plates on India paper), Soth., Apr. 22, '87. (372) £2 16s. Cf. ex., g.e. (with duplicate set of plates on India paper), Stewart, Mar., '88. (211) £5. Cf. (orig. cover bound in), French, Apr., '01. (357) $11. CHAMIER (CAPT.). Ben Brace. Lond., 183G. Plates by G. Cruik- shank. Svo. Bds., unc, Soth., Dec. 8, '90. (124) £2. CHAMISSO ^A. VON). Peter Schle- mihl. Trans, by Sir John Bowring. Lond., 1823. Plates by G. Cruik- shank. Svo. Mor. ex., g.e. (with cancelled title- page), Bruton, June 10, '97. (57) £2 10s. CI., Johnson. Feb., '98. (G92) £2 12s. Peter Schlemlhl. Trans, from the German. Lond., 1S24. Plates by G. Cruikshank. 12mo. Mor. ex., unc, Mackenzie, Mar., '89. (428) £7. CI., unc, Johnson, Jan., '90. (350) $6. Bds., unc, Witton, Jan., '93. (7G6) £2 4s. Cf., unc, Burgess, May, '94. (188) £lls. Chamlsso (A. Von) — Continued. Mor., Putt., Oct. 15, '95. ■ (188) £12s. Bds., Bruton, June, '97. (58) £2 2s. Mor. ex., unc. (plates in two states, plain and colored), Soth., Feb. 9, '98. (G3) £114s. Hf. mor., unc, Soth., Mar. 11, '99. (IGG) £113s. Hf. cf., Anderson, Apr. 3, '01. (182) $12. Bds., unc. (with autograph of Cruik- shank on title page), Christie, Mar. 2G, '02. (85) £2. CHAMPIER (SYMPHORIEN). Chron- iques des Gestes des Dues et Princes des Pays de Savoye et Piedmont. Paris, 151G. Fol. Vel., Sunderland, Dec, '81. (2685) £53. Vel. (with arms of Edward Gwynn), Morris, Dec, "98. (349) £18. Croniques des Hystolres des Roy- aumes d'Austrasie ou France Orien- tale. Lvon, 1510. Sm. fol. Cf., Sunderland, Dec, '81. (2G84) £3G. Mor., m.e., Soth., Mar. 19, '96. (180) £15. Mor. ex., g.e., Morris, Dec, '98. (348) £32. Mor. ex., g.e., Soth., Mar. 17, '02. (229) £44. Liber de Quadruplici Vita. Lvons, 1507. Fol. Cf., Soth.. Feb. 28, 1900. (3S8) £5. Cf. (several headlines and one engrav- ing cut into), Soth., Mar. 7, '01. (139) £4. Vel. (wormed), White, Apr., '02. (462) £7. La Vie et les Gestes du preux Chevalier Bayard. Paris, n.d. 4to. Mor., g.e. (R. Farmer's copy), Ash- burnham, June, '97. (1021) £35. CHAMPIGNY (CHEVALIER DE), La Lonisiane Ensanglantee. Lond., 1773. Svo. Hf. vel., Brinley, Apr., '81. (4398) $7. Cf., Murphy, Mar., '84. (762) $7. CHAMPION (RICHARD). Considera- tions on the Present Situation of Great Britain and the United States. Lond., 1784. Svo. Hf. sheep, Cooke, Dec, 'S3. (489) $5.50. CHAMPION 385 CHAMPLAIN CHAMPION (RICHARD) AND OWEN (R.). Ceramic Art in Bristol. Lond., 1S73. Svo. Mor. ex., unc, Walker, May, '93. (203) £2 4s. Unc, Larpeiit, Jan. 30, '95. (G29) £2 3s. Schrieber, Apr., '96. (25) £2 9s. CHAMPLAIN (SAMUEL). Des Sav- vages ov voyage de Samuel Cham- plain. Paris, 1604. Svo. Ives, Mar., '91. (160) $400. Voyages en la Nouvelle France. Paris, 1613. 4to. Hf. cf., r.e. (large map in facs.), Men- zies, Nov., '76. (36S) $58. Cf., Beckford, June, "82. (1793) £166. Hf. mor., r.e., Murphy, Mar., '84. (538) $95. Mor., g.e. (large map in facs.), Barlow, Feb., '90. (488) $250. Mor., g.e., Ives, Mar., '91. (101) $240. Cf. (slightly wormed), Wilson, June, '92. (58) £71. Vel. (lacking large and two small maps), Soth., Mar. 18, '98. (215) £4 4s. Mor. ex. (large map and two small maps in facs.), Pratt, Apr., '99. (471) $130. Mor. ex., g.e. (Pratt copy, large map and two small maps in facs.), Bangs, Jan. 22, '02. (75) $100. Voyages et Descovvertvres faites en la novvelle France. Paris, 1619. Svo. Sheep (John Locke's copy), Murphy, Mar.. '84. (540) $62. Ives, Mar., '91. (162) $180. Mor., in case, Christie, June IS, '02. (97) £76. Vel. (with Voyage de France dresse pour I'introduction des Estrangers, Paris, 1643, bound in), Sunderland, Dec, '81. (26S8) £91. Voyages et Descouvertures faites en la Nouvelle France. Paris, 1620. Svo. Cf. ex., Beckford, June, '82. (1794) £43. Mor. ex., O'Callaghan, Dec, '82. (571) $55. Hf. mor.. Barlow, Feb., '90. (489) $95. Mor., g.e., Ives, Mar.. '91. (163) $275. Mor. ex., Chittenden, Jan., '94. (257) $23. Champlain (Samuel) — Continued. Mor. ex., g.e., Pratt, Apr., '99. (472) $1S0. Vel. (some leaves stained), Edwardes, May, '01. (62) £39. Voyages et Descouvertes faites en la Nouvelle France. Paris, 1627. Svo. Mor. ex., g.e., Brinley. Mar., '79. (75) $90. Voyages de la Nouvelle France. Paris, 1632. 4to. Vel. (map in facs.), Stevens, Apr., '70. (392) $105. Cf., Brinley, Mar., '79. (76) $280. Vel., Sunderland, Dec, '81. (2687) £79. Mor. ex.. O'Callaghan, Dec, '82. (572) $130. Mor. ex., g.e., Murphy, Mar., '84. (541) $155. Mor. ex., g.e., Crawford. June, '89. (35) £31. Cf.. Inglis. Nov., '89. (SIS) £21 15s. Mor., r.e.. Barlow, Feb., '90. (490) $160. (Map in facs.). Hart, Apr., '90. (581) $21. Mor. ex., Ives, Mar., '91. (164) $275. Mor. ex. (map in facs). Hunt, Nov., '91. (595) $55. Cf. ex.. g.e. (map in facs.), Soth., May 13, '92. (499) £8 10s. Cf. (Earl of Hardwicke's copy), Has- tings, May. '93. (242) £23. Cf., g.e. (map in facs.), Henkels, Oct. 21, '96. (113) $41. Cf. (slightly stained), Wilbraham, June, '98. (139) £30. Vel.. Edwardes. May, '01. (98) £44. Mor., g.e.. Bangs, Jan. 22, '02. (76) $175. Voyages. Paris, 1640. 4to. Cf. (map probably defective), Beck- ford, June, '82. (1795) £37. Cf., g.e. (Beckford copy, map defec- tive). Ford, May, '02. (2S) £18. Mor. ex., g.e. (half of the map in facs.), Soth., Nov. 5, '96. (35) £11 15s. Voyages. Paris, 1830. 2 vols.. Svo. Hf. cf., m.e., Brinley, Mar., '80. (2C31) $6.50. Hf. cf., Brevoort, Feb., '90. (228) $5. Hf. cf., Lindsey, Mar., '95. (134) $5. CHAMPLAIN 386 CHANDLER Cham plain (Samuel) — Continued. Narrative of a Voyage to the West Indies and Mexico in the Years 1599-1602. Lond., 1S57. 8vo. CI., line, Field, May, '75. (322) $5.25. Hf. mor., unc, Menzies, Nov., '76. (3G9) $5.25. CEuvres. Quebec, 1870. 6 vols., 4to. Hf. mor., g.e. (in 3 vols.). Barlow, Feb., '90. (491) $15. Hf. rus. and paper, unc. (in 5 vols.), Brevoort, Feb., '90. (229) $13.13. Paper, T^enox Library Duplicates, Apr. 29, '95. (56) $15. Hf. mor., unc, Deane, Mar., '98. (657) $27. Hf. cf., r.e. (in 3 vols.), Pratt, Apr., '99. (469) $21.75. Bds.. Bangs, Apr. 16, 1900. (190) $13.50. Paper, unc, Lincoln, Oct., '01. (923) $10.50. Voyages. Bost., Prince Society, 1878-S2. 2 vols., 4to. Hf. mor.. Putt., Feb. 7, '95. (210) £3 3s. Paper, Manson, Mar., '99. (3534) $27. Paper, unc, Pratt, Apr., '99. (2037) $21. Paper, unc, Bangs, May 10, '99. (464) $15.75. Hf. mor., unc, Libbie, Dec. 5, '99. (805) $22.50. Paper, unc, Poole, May, 1900. (839) $21.75. Paper, unc, Avery, Oct., 1900. (1090) $17.25. Hf. mor. ex., unc, Balcom, Feb., '01. (2016) $39. Hf. mor., unc, Libbie, Dec. 5, '01. (1080) $27. CHAMPLIN (J. D.) AND ALTHORP (W. F.). Cyclopaedia of Music and Musicians. N. Y., 18SS-91. 3 vols., 4to. Vel., g.t., unc, Walker, May, '93. (255) £5 15s. Vel., Christie, Jan. 30, '94. (44) £6 17s. 6d. Vel., Bangs, Mar. 4, '95. (229) $36. VeL, Bangs, Feb. 21, '98. (169) $23.25. Hf. mor., g.t., unc, Libbie, Feb. 8, 1900. (187) $24. Hf. mor., g.t., unc, Daly, Mar., 1900. (504) $22.50. Champlin (J. D.) and Althorp — Cont'd. VeL, Soth., Dec. 17, 1900. (321) £5 15s. Hf. mor., g.t., unc. Bangs, Nov. 18, •01. (191) $20.25. CHAMPLIN (J. D.) AND PERKINS (C. C). Cyclopaedia of Painters and Painting. N. Y., 1SS6. 4 vols., 4to. Vel., Walker, May, '93. (256) £9. Hf. mor., g.t.. unc, Henkels, Mar. 31, '98. (395) $62. Hf. mor., g.t., unc, Carruth, May, '98. (26C) $42. Hf. mor., g.t., unc. Bangs, Jan. 26, '99. (76) $44. Christie, Feb. 21, '99. (142) £13 10s. Hf. mor., g.t., unc, Libbie, Feb. 8, 1900. (186) $52. Hf. mor., g.t.. unc, Hodgson, Oct. 9, 1900. (1158) £9 15s. Vel., Soth., Dec. 17, 1900. (320) £8 10s. Cyclopaedia of Painters and Paint- ings. N. Y., 1887-88. 4 vols., 8vo. Hf. mor., Rose, June, '91. (360) £3 3 s. Hf. mor., Warrington, Nov.. '93. (1729) £2 12s. Christie, Jan. 30, '94. (45) £4. CI.. Kurtz, July, '95. (32) £3 Is. Hf. mor.. Bangs, Feb. 21, '98. (170) $17. Hf. mor.. Soth., Mav 8, '99. (490) £2 ISs. Hf. mor., Dalv, Mar., 1900. (505) $18. Hf. mor., Avery, Oct., 1900. (265) $14. Hf. mor.. Bangs, Nov. IS, '01. (190) $15. Hf. mor. (broken), Soth., Dec. 17, '01. (83) £2 18s. Hf. mor.. Bangs, Mar. 5, '02. (128) $10.20. Cyclopaedia of Painters and Paintings. N. Y.. 1892. 4 vols.. 8vo. CI., Libbie, Sept. 30, '97. (329) $12. CI., Bangs, May 31, '99. (250) $10. CI., Bangs, Mar. 24, '02. (157) $19. CHANDLER (A.) AND BOOTH (W. B.). Illustrations of Camellias. Lond., 1831. Colored plates. 4to. Hf. mor., Solh., Dec. 5, '99. (702) £3 3s. CHANDLER (P. W.). American Crimi- nal Trials. Bost., 1841-44. 2 vols., 8vo. CHANDLER 387 CHAPMAN Chandler (P. W. — Contiiined. Hf. cf., Menzies, Nov., '70. (370) $8.25. CI., Guild, Nov., '87. (739) $5.40. Hf. mor., Barlow, Feb., '90. (494) $C. CI., unc, Libbie, Nov. G, '95. (304) $5. CI., line, Deane, Mar., '98. (CSS) $5.25. 01., unc, Libbie, Dec. 5, '99. (195) $5. CHANDLER (RICHARD). Life of William Waynflete. Bisbop of Win- chester. Lond., ISll. Svo. **Large paper. Mor. ex., unc, Soth., Feb. 17, '97. (85) £15s. Mor., g.e., Deane, Mar., '98. (C59) $5.25. Marmora Oxeniensia. Oxford, 1763. Fol. Rus. ex., g.e., Hirst, Dec, '87. (1106) £112s. Mor. ex., g.e., Aj'lesford, Mar., '88. (404) £3. CHANDLER (T. B.). An Appeal to the Public in Behalf of the Church of England in America. N. Y., J. Parker, 1767. IGmo. Hf. mor., Bangs, Mar. 24, '02. (GOC) $6. CHANDLER (WILLIAM) AND others. Brief Apology in behalf of the Quakers. Phila., Andrew Brad- ford, 1719. 16mo. Cf. ex., g.e., Brinley, Mar., '80. (3383) $55. CHANGE FOR AMERICAN NOTES. N. Y., 1843. Svo. Paper, Hunt, Nov., '91. (903) $14. CHANNING (W. E.). Poems. Bost., 1843. 12mo. Bds., unc, McKee, Nov., 1900. (105) $6. CHANVALON (T. DE). Voyage a la Martinique. Paris, 1763. 4to. Mor., g.e. (Dedication copy), Stanley, June, '01. (649) £6 15s. CHAP-BOOK (The). Chicago, v.d. 12mo and 4to. Vols. 1-9, 1894-98, cl., unc, Daly, Mar., 1900. (508) $11.25. Vols. 1-8, parts, unc, Pratt, Apr., '99. (480) $8. Vols. 1-6, parts and cl., Henkels., Jan. 30, '99. (59) $12.60. Vols. 1-5, parts and cl., Bangs, Nov. 29, '97. (92) $9.37. Chap-Book (The) — Coiifiiitird. Vols. 1-5, cl.. Bangs, May IG, '01. (650) $6.50. CHAP-BOOKS AND FOLK-LORE Tracts. See Gomme (G. L.). CHAPIN (O.). Chapin Genealogy. Northampton, 18G2. Svo. Cl., Guild. Nov., '87. (1532) $8. Cl., Clogston, Nov., '99. (296) $10. CHAPMAN (F. W.). The Bulkeley Family. Hartford, 1875. 8vo. CI., Libbie, May 20, '9G. (100) $6. CHAPMAN (GEORGE). AI Fooles, a Comedy. Lond., 1605. 4to. Cf., Perkins, July, '89. (408) £3 12s. Gd. Cf. ex., g.e., Soth., Apr. 12, '93. (55) £4 6s. Hf. mor., g.e., Hazlitt, Nov., '93. (105) £3 15s. Hf. mor. (some leaves cut close at bottom). Crampon, June, '9G. (115) £2 14s. Cf., g.e. (some headlines cut close, last leaf mended), Soth., Feb. 28. 1900 (389) £3 18s. Hf. mor., McKee, Apr., '01. (2244) $70. (7 leaves mildewed, and a few worm-holes in margin), Soth., Apr. 18, '04. (1122) £84. Tragedy of Alphonsus, Emperor of Germany. Lond., 1654. 4to. Hf. mor., r.e., Gaisford, Apr., '90. (431) £19s. Hf. mor., r.e., Adee, Nov., '95. (176) $16.50. Andromeda Liberata. Lond., 1G14. 4to. Cf. ex., g.e., Crawford, Mar., '91. (691) £4 10s. Cf. (Baron Bolland's copy), Sewall, Nov., '96. (692) $71. Hf. rus. (Steevens copy), McKee, Dec, '01. (2801) $15. The Ball. Lond., 1639. 4to. Mor. ex., g.e., Soth., May 5, '90. (44) £4 5s. Mor. ex., g.e., Dennis, Dec, '92. (255) £4 6s. Mor. ex., g.e., Adee, Nov., '95. (175) $27.50. Paper (Perkins copy), McKee, Apr., '01. (2253) $27. Mor., g.e., Lefferts, Apr., '02. (205) $30. CHAPMAN 388 CHAPMAN Chapman (George)— Continued. Unbd. (with Tragedie of Chabot, Lond., 1C39), Fountaine, June, '02. (192) £10 10s. ^The Blinde Beggar of Alexandria. Lond., 159S. 4to. Mor., g.e., Perkins, July, '89. (406) £S5s. Mor. (Perkins copy), McKee, Apr., 01. (2241) $370. Bussy d'Ambois. Lend., 1608. 4to. Mor. ex., g.e., Soth., Feb. 14, '88. (64) £7 10s. Mor. ex., g.e., Soth., Apr. 12, '93. (56) £4 12s. Hf. mor., Soth., May 6, '98. (626) £1 lis. Hf. bd. (corner of title torn off, some margins cut close: with The Re- vens^e of Bussv D'Ambois, 1613, in 1 vol.), Soth., Dec. 4, '02. (279) £8 IDs. . The Revenge of Bussy d'Annbois. Lond., 1613. 4to. Cf., Perluns, July, '89. (413) £3 12s. ^^■ Mor., g.e. (a few leaves mended, Bridgewater Library stamp) Mc- Kee, Apr., '01. (2249)) $44. Bussy d'Ambois. Lond., 1641. 4to. Perkins, July, '89. (414) £1 12s. Caesar and Pompey. Lond., 1631. 4to. Sewed (hole in title), Hawkins, Mar., '87. (1265), $7. Mor. ex., g.e. (with title " The Warres of Pompey and Csesar"), Halliwell, July, '89. (247) £3 10s. Mor. ex., g.e. (with title " The Warres of Pompey and Caesar"), Adee, Nov., '95. (173) $59. Hf. mor., Crampon, June, '96. (117) £4. Mor. ex., g.e. (a few margins mended), Soth., June 18, '96. (695) £6. Mor. ex., g.e. (title mended, some leaves cut close at bottom), McKee, Apr.. '01. (2251) $11. Hf. leather, Lefferts, Apr., '02. (206) $20. Hf. bd. (lacking A 1, blank, stained and some margins wormed), Soth., Dec. 4, '02. (281) £4 8s. Mor., g.e., Soth., June 18, '03. (753) £16s. Chapman (George) — Continued. Tragedy of Chabot, Admiral of France. Lond., 1639. 4to. Mor. ex., g.e., Halliwell, July, '89. (248) £5. Unbd., Perkins, July, '89. (1758) £1 6s. Hf. mor., Gaisford, Apr., '90. (430) £119s. Mor. ex. (autograph of J. R. Lowell on title), Foote, Jan., '95. (67) $30. Unbd. (Perkins copy), Adee, Nov., '95. (174) $13. Hf. cf., McKee, Apr.. '01. (2252) $20. Cf., Lefferts, Apr., '02. (211) $16. Hf. bd., Soth., Dec. 4, '02. (283) £3 3s. Conspiracle and Tragedie of Charles Duke of Byron. Lond., 1608. 4to. Mor. ex., g.e.. Soth., Feb. 14, '88. (65) £5. Cf. (headlines cut into), Sewall, Nov., '96. (691) $16.50. Cf. (headlines cut into). Bangs, Apr. 16, 1900. (191) $19. Conspiracle and Tragedie of Charles Duke of Byron. Lond., 1625. 4to. Hf. cf. (Part 1 only), Hawkins, Mar., '87. (1266) $5.50. Mor. ex., g.e., Gaisford, Apr., '90. (429) £1 2s. Mor. ex., g.e. (title mended, headlines cut into), Matthews, Feb., '97. (138) $8. Mor. (Part 1 only), McKee, Apr., '01. (2250) $15. Eastward Hoe. Lond., 1605. 4to. Mor. ex.. g.e., Soth., Feb. 14, '88. (67) £10. Cf.. g.e. (a few margins cut close; the edition In which the fifth line of the prologue reads "opposde"), Per- kins, July, '89. (409) £3 14s. Cf., g.e. (the Perkins copy), McKee, Apr., 'OL (2242) $100. Mor., g.e. (margins cut close, the edi- tion in which the fifth line reads "oppos'd."), McKee, Apr., '01. (2243) $65. (Cut into). Putt., Jan. 20, '04. (226) £16 5s. An Epicede or Funerall Song, on the death of Henry Prince of Wales. Lond., 1612. 4to. CHAPMAN 389 CHAPMAN Chapman (George) — Confiiivril. Hf. nior., Bierstadt, Apr., '97. (410) $10..50. Of. (frontispiece inlaid, 2 other pieces bound in), Libbie, Nov. 3, '98. (176) $0.75. Mor., g.e. (lacliing plate, margins cut close). Putt, Feb. 15. '99. (241) £1. Hf. cf. (lacking plate), Soth., May 16, '01. (116) £5 5s. Hf. rus. (lacking plate), McKee, Dec, ■01. (2799) $35. Hf. mor., r.e. (headlines cut into), Lefferts, Apr., '02. (209) $9. Euthymise Raptus. Lond., 1609. 4to. Mor., g.e., Griswold, Jan., '78. (82) $37.50. Mor. ex., g.e. (Griswold copy), McKee, Dec, '01. (2798) $280. The Gentlemen Usher. Lond., 1606. 4to. Mor.. g.e.. McKee, Apr., '01. (2245) $180. Unbd. (slightly soiled), Fountaine. June, '02. (189) £27 10s. Hero and Leander. See Marlowe (C). An Humerous Dayes Myrth. Lond., 1599. 4to. Hf. mor., Perkins, July, '89. (407) £6. Justification of Nero's Burying one of the Hayres of Popptea. Lond., 1629. 4to. Cf., g.e., Crawford, Mar., '91. (G92) £3 6s. Juvenal's Fifth Satire. See Ju- venal. May-Day. Lond., 1611. 4to. Cf. (margins cut close), Leigh, Dec, '89. (14C3) £2 2s. Hf. mor., r.e. (some leaves cut close at top), McKee, Apr.. '01. (2247) $25. Unbd. (title defective and mended, with " The Widdowes Teares," Lond., 1612), Fountaine, June, '02. (190) £62 10s. Monsieur d'Olive. Lond., 1606. 4to. Mor. ex., g.e., Martin, Mar., '88. (85) £9 15s. Halliwell, July, '89. (246) £5. Mor ex., g.e., Gaisford, Apr., '90. (428) £4 10s. Chapman (George) — Cotifiniicd. Hf. mor., g.e., Crampon, June, '96. (116) £3 10s. Mor., g.e. (a few leaves cut close at top), McKee, Apr., '01. (2246) $22.50. Ovid's Banquet of Sence. Lond., 1595. 4to. Mor. ex., g.e. (title and 1 other leaf in facs., text cut into), Soth., June 27, '92. (185) £5 15s. Hf. mor., g.e. (title and " H 2 " in facs., some top margins cut into; Stevens copy), Soth., June 18, '03. (812) £20. -Ovid's Banquet of Sence. Lond., 1639. 8vo. Mor. ex., g.e.. Duff, July, '88. (157) £3 10s. Cf., Coleridge, May, '96. (1064) £5. Mor. (Jollev copy), Sewall, Nov., '96. (694) $30. Mor., g.e., Soth., Mar. 11, '99. (52) £2 16s. Hf. mor.. McKee, Dec. '01. (2805) $11. Revenge for Honor. Lond., 1G54. 4 to. Hf. bd., Perkins, July, '89. (418) £1. Mor. ex., g.e., Soth., May 5. '90. (43) £4. Cf. (headlines cut into), Soth., Dec. 4, '02. (282) £2. -Shadow of Night. Lond., 1594. 4to. Mor., Hosmer, May, 'Gl. (193) $15. Mor., g.e. (title mounted, a few other leaves mended, the Steevens-Park- Hill copy, with autographs), Mc- Kee, Dec, '01. (2796) $380. The Widdowes Teares. Lond., 1612. 4to. Mor. ex., g.e., Soth.. Feb., '88. (66) £6 5s. Hf. rus., Perkins, July, '89. (412) £3 10s. Mor. ex., g.e., Dennis, Dec, '92. (254) £9 15s. Hf. cf. (soiled), Adee, Nov., '95. (172) $14.50. Cf., g.e., McKee, Apr., ,'01. (2248) $40. Hf. bd. (title mended, some headlines cut into), Soth., Dec. 4, '02. (280) £8 10s. Unc, Soth., Apr. 18, '04. (1123) £106. CHAPMAN 390 CHARLES Chapman (George) — Continued. Comedies and Tragedies. Lond., 1873. 3 vols., Svo. **Large paper. Unc, Smalley, July, '87. (101) £15s. Cf. ex., unc, Soth., Mar. 21, '98. (321) £1 6s. Hf. mor., unc, Dayton, Mar., '02. (301) $9.30. Hf. mor., unc, Lefferts, Apr., *02. (207) $11.25. Rus. ex., g.e., Hlbbert, Apr., '02. (159) £10 10s. **Wliatman paper. Hf. mor.. Soth., Apr. 12, '93. (53) £1 14s. Cf. ex., Libbie, Dec 2, '96. (167) $9.75. Cf., unc, Fifth Ave. Auc. Rooms, Jan. 14, '98. (32) $9.75. Bcls., unc, Bangs, Apr. 28, '02. (267) $6.75. CHAPMAN (G. T.). Account of the Temple Family. N. Y.. privately printed, 1871. Svo. Hf. mor., Whltmore, Nov., '02. (1070) $11. CHAPPELL (EDWARD). Voyage of His Majesty's Ship Rosamond to Newfoundland and the Southern Coast of Labrador. Lond., 1818. Svo. Field. May, '75. (329) $7.75. CHAPPELL (W.). Popular IMusic of the Olden Time. Lond., n.d. 2 vols., Svo. CI., Cooke, June, '92. (125) £2 16s. CI., Tlieodosius, Apr., '93. (142) £2 6s. CI., Kurtz, July, '95. (33) £1 6s. CI., Thayer, Feb., '98. (72) $5.70. CI., Hayes, Apr., '9S. (326) $5. Hf. bd., Hodgson, Jan., 1900. (941) £1 4s. CI., Soth., July 16, '03. (427) £110s. CHARDIN (SIR JOHN). Travels into Persia and the East Indies. Lond., 1686. Fol. Mor., g.e. (presentation copy to Queen Marv), Edwardes, May, '01. (140) £24 10s. Travels into Persia and the East Indies. Lond., 1691. Fol. Cf-, Ashburnham, June, '97. (1036) £15s. CHARITY. Treatise of Charitie. Lond., T. Berthelet, 1533. Svo. Charity — Continued. Mor., g.e., Soth., May 21, 1900. (119) £2 18s. CHARKE (MRS. CHARLOTTE). The Art of Management. Lond., 1735. Svo. Hf. mor., Mackenzie, Mar., '89. (280) £10 10s. Hf. cf., McKee, Apr., '01. (2254) $14. Narrative of the Life of. I^ond., 1755. Svo. Cf. ex., g.e.. Turner, Nov., '88. (795) £1 12s. Hf. cf.. Brown, Apr, '98. (349) $6.50. Mor. (slightly soiled), Soth., May 6, '98. (426) £113s. Cf., Daly, Mar., 1900. (515) $6. Cf. (portrait torn), McKee, Jan., '01. (1400) $6. CHARLES I. Blbliotheca Regia. Lond., 1659. 12mo. Cf., y.c, Rogers, Jan., '88. (227) $5. Mor. ex. (in 2 vols.). Rose, June, '91. (366) £3 3s. Mor. ex., g.e., Buckley, Feb., '93. (501) £llls. Eikon Basilike. [No place], 1648. Svo. [Probably not all the same edition.] Cf., Cooke. Dec, '83. (2859) $6. Mor., Perkins, July, '89. (423) £2. Cf., Sullivan, May, '90. (1401) £114s. Cf., g.e., Hawkins, Apr., '95. (23) £3 5s. Mor.' ex., g.e.. Grant, May, 1900. (50) £20. Cf. (rebacked, several leaves soiled), Soth., July 18, 1900. (385) £3 7s. 6d. Cf., Hodgson, Nov. 6, '01. (54S) £1 16s. Cf. (wrong pagination in Sig. G.), Soth., Dec 2, '01. (64) £l]6s. Cf. (wrong pagination in Sig. G.), Soth., Mar. 17, '02. (443) £5 7s. 6d. Mor., g.e. (wrong pagination in Sig. G.), Twopenny. May, '02. (158) £6 7s. 6d. Eikon Basilike. [The Hague, is- sued for presentation by Charles IL], 1649. Svo. Mor., g.e., Ashburnham, Nov., '97. (61) £2 10s. Mor., g.e.. Putt., Dec. 13, '97. (167) £118s. CHARLES 391 CHARLES Charles I. — Continued. Cf. (portrait mended), Soth., Dec. 17, '98. (155) £2 6s. Cf., m.e., Soth., Feb. 27, '99. (697) £2 7s. Mor., g.e., Soth., Feb. 27, '99. (1197) £5 10s. Mor., g.e., Argyll, Julv, 1900. (S77) £7 5s. Mor., g.e. (Daniel copy with Royal arms, perhaps large paper), Oxford, Mar., '02. (28) £81. ' Eikon Basilike. [No place], 1C49. [Perhaps- not all the same edition.] 8vo. Mor., g.e., Soth., July 13, '87. (81) £1. Mor., g.e., (frontispiece slightly torn), Craig, Mar., '88. (1210) £1. Cf., Southby, Dec, '90. (S3) £14s. Mor., g.e., Lawrence, Mav, '92. (129) £4. Mor., Hawkins, Apr., '95. (25) £1 12s. Cf., Smithson. June, '90. (133) £1 12s. Mor., g.e., Bangs, Apr. 9, '01. (211) $6. Eikon Basilke. [No place]. Re- printed in Regis Memoriam for J. Williams, 1649. 8vo. Mor. ex.. g.e., in case, Soth., Oct. 24, '98. (563) £2. Eikon Basilike. [No place]. Printed by W. D. in R. JI.. 1649. 8vo. Mor., g.e. (initials A. B. on covers), Soth., Dec. 3, 1900. (96) £2 4s. Eikon Basilike. [No place], 1685. 8vo. Velvet, with clasps, unc, Hawkins. Apr., '95. (28) £1 Is. Eikon Basilike ou Portrait Roial de sa Majeste de la Grande Bre- tagne. The Hague, 1G49. Svo. Mor. (2 plates defective), Soth., Mar. 7, '01. (10) £3 3s. Psalterium Carolinum. The De- votions of his Sacred Majestie in his Solitudes and Sufferings, Ren- dred in Verse. Lond., 1657. Fol. Mor., g.e., Soth., May 18, '03. (253) £4 16s. Tiie Kings Majesties Declaration to his Subjects concerning Lawfull Sports to be used. Lond., 1633. 4to. Ciiarles \. — Continued. Mor. ex., g.e., Soth., Dec. 1, '91. (1034) £2. Mor. ex., g.e., Parlane, Mar., '97. (193) £2 14s. Mor. ex., g.e. (piece cut from title). Putt., July 20, '98. (72) £12s. Cf. (signature of Henry Bradshawe on title, manuscript poem on last leaf), Davis, Nov., 1900. (00) £3 3s. Cf. (the preceding copy resold), Soth., May 6, '01. (724) £3. Mor. ex., g.e., Hibbert, Apr., '02. (160) £3 5s. Mor. ex., g.e., Ford. May, '02. (132) ,£4 4s. His Majesties Declaration, con- cerning his Proceedings with his Subjects of Scotland. Lend., 1640. Hf. bd., Soth., Feb. 25, '01. (359) £1 10s. Works. Lond., 16G2. 2 vols., fol. Cf. (in 1 vol.), Leigh, Dec, '86. (101) £12s. Cf. (in 1 vol.), Avlesford, Mar., 'S8. (405) £2 2s. Mor., g.e.. Turner, June, '88. (1021) £8. Cf. (in 1 vol., presentation copy), Soth., Feb. 15, 1900. (787) £2 4s. Mor. ex., painted fore-edges (bound, probably for Charles IL, by Samuel Mearne), Soth., Dec. 3, 1900. (95) £30. Works. Lond., 1687. Fol. **Large paper. Rus. ex., Borlase, Feb., '87. (323) £3. Cf., g.e., Crauford, Mar., '92. (298) £17s. Charles I., His Faithful yet imper- fect Character. By a Person of Quality. Lond., 1660. 8vo. Cf., Toovey, Feb., '94. (488) £4 10s. Charles I., the Royall Martyr. Lond., 1660. 8vo. Rus. ex., g.e. (6 portraits inserted), Aylesford, Mar., '88. (259) £3 10s. Elegy upon the most Incompara- ble King Charles the I. Lond., 1648. 4to. Hf. mor. (some leaves torn and mend- ed), Sewall, Nov., '96. (702) 111. Famous Tragedie of King Charles CHARLES 392 CHARLEVOIX Charles I. — Cniitiiiiierl. I., basely Butchered, etc. [Lond.]. IG49. 4to. Hf. rus., Hawkins, Mar., '87. (1311) $5.75. Cf., Galsford, Apr., '90. (435) £4. Hf. mor., Lefferts, Apr., '02. (214) $27. Hf. luor. (with dedication in verse to Charles H.), Lefferts, Apr., '02. (213) $25. Tragicum Theatrum et Casuum Tragicorum Londini publico Cele- bratum. Amsterdam, 1G49. 12mo. Mor. ex., g.e., Bangs, Oct. 21, '01. (142) $7. Cf., Cox, Feb., '02. (228) $9. Mor. ex., g.e., Hibbert, Apr., '02. (IGl) £4. ^True and Exact Relation of the Manner of his Majestie's setting up of the Standard at Nottingham. Lond., 1642. 4to. Mor. ex., Aylesford, Mar., '88. (498) £3 15s. Hf. bd.. Hailstone, Ai)r., '91. (fi34) £118s. True Relation of the Manner of the Arrivall and Magnificent Enter- tainment given to Charles I. by the King of Spain. Lond.. 1G23. 4to. Mor,. g.t., Ellis, Oct., '02. (G2G) £3. CHARLES II. Elkon Basililond., Thomas Godfray, 1532. Fol. Mor. ex., g.e. (title Inlaid), Turner, June, '88. (10221 £45. Cf. (title inlaid), Way, July, '81. (151) £40. Hf. mor., Tyrell, Dec, '91. (248) £50. Rus., m.e. (lacking first 4 and last 4 leaves), Ashburnham, June, '97. (1053) £18. Mor. (lacking title and 3 other leaves, " The Plowman's Tale," in manu- script, bound in, Buckingham copy), Ashburnham, June, '97. (1054) £19 10s. Mor. (title and last 4 leaves inlaid), Ashburnham, June, '97. (1052) £45. Cf. (lacking preliminary leaves, fols. ii-vi, cccxii and leaf with imprint), Ashburnham, Nov., '97. (G2) £9. Mor. ex. (title, 4 other leaves and part of a fifth in facs.), Morris, Dec, '98. (352) £21 15s. Cf. (lacking title and all after fol. 382, several leaves defective), Soth., Mar. 8, 1900. (IOCS) £12 10s. Mor., g.e. (title, fol. 235, and last leaf in facs., and some margins mended), Ellis, Oct., '02. (642) £38. Works. Lond., John Reynes, 1542. Fol. Mor. ex., g.e. (slightly wormed). Young, June, '90. (156) £25. Cf. (lacking last leaf), Ashburnham, June, '97. (1057) £8 5s. Cf. (lacking 2 leaves), Ashburnham, Dec, '98. (44) £4 16s. Mor., g.e., Soth., Mar. 16, '03. (646) £59. Works. Lond., W. Bonham, 1542. Fol. Chaucer (Geoffrey) — Continued. Mor. ex., g.e. (title in facs., last leaf mended), Soth., June 27, '92. (191) £ ''0 Cf., Buckley, Feb., '93. (703) £8 12s. 6d. Mor., g.e. (lacking last leaf and title to Canterbury Tales), Ashburnham, .Tune. '97. (1058) £20. Hf. cf. (plate from the 1598 edition added), Soth., Feb. 9, '03. (1151) £34. Works. Lond.. Thomas Petit, [about 1550]. Fol. Mor. ex., g.e. (some leaves wormed). Young, June, '90. (159) £14. Mor. ex.. g.e. (a few leaves wormed, 1 leaf inlaid), Putt., Apr. 2, '91. (831) £10. Mor. ex., g.e. (title inlaid), Soth., Mar. 19, '96. (188) £11 5s. Mor., g.e., Ashburnham, June, '97. (1055) £18. Mor., g.e, Lefferts, Apr., '02. (216) $200. Works. Lond., R. Toye, [about 1550]. Fol. Cf. (rebacked), Randall, Aug., '87. (1410) £8 5s. Cf., Perkins, July, '89. (432) £9. Cf., Bunbury, July, '96. (249) £10 10s. Mor. (margins cut close), Ashburn- ham, June, '97. (1056) £5 10s. Mor. ex., g.e. (some margins mended), Hibbert, Apr., '02. (170) £38. Works. Lond., R. Kele, [about 1550]. Fol. Cf. (edges of preliminary leaves frayed), Martin, Mar., '88. (589) £3 5s. Mor. ex., g.e., Gaisford, Apr., '90. (440) £36. Mor. ex., g.e. (title mended, headlines cut close), Soth., July 4, '92. (93) £5. Cf. (rebacked, title written on), Burra, May, '97. (623) £6 10s. Cf. (rebacked), Bangs, Feb. 14, '98. (1S4) $45. Works. Lond., W. Bonham, [about 1550]. Fol. Cf. ex., g.e., Soth., Dec. 13, '92. (178) £7 7s. Mor. ex., g.e., Dennis, Dec, '92. (332) £9. CHAUCER 398 CHAUCER Chaucer (Geoffrey) — Continued. Cf.. g.e. (slightlv wormed), Putt., Feb. 7, '95. (310) £5 5s. Cf. ex., g.e. (a few leaves mended, part of one line on last leaf gone), Clarke, Dec, '95. (S80) £7 10s. Mor. ex., g.e. (title and a few other leaves mended). Crampon, June, '96. (121) £15 10s. Rus., r.e. (Baron Maule's copy), Soth., Mar. 17, '02. (1310) £30. Cf. (4 letters from Prof. Skeat laid in), Soth., June 3, '02. (491) £40. Works. Lond., J. Kyngston for J. Wight, 1561. (Earliest issue, with title in a woodcut border and with woodcuts in the prologue.) Fol. Mor., g.e. (some headlines cut close), Ashburnham, June, '97. (1060) £13 10s. Leather (rebacked, 2 leaves mended), Soth., Julv IS, 1900. (1210) £15 10s. Mor. ex., Soth., Dec. 3, 1900. (603) £19. Cf., r.e. (lacking all after fol. ccclxvii, headlines cut into), Soth.. Jan. 28, '01. (254) £4 12s. Leather (rebacked), Lefferts, Apr., '02. (217) $160. Mor., g.e., White, Apr., '02. (483) £25. Cf., r.e.. Ford, May, '02. (136) £30. Works. Lond.. J. Kyngston for J. Wight. 1501. (Second issue, with Chaucer's Arms on title.) Fol. Cf. (slightly wormed), Bierstadt, Apr., '97. (420) $25. Mor. ex., g.e., Ashburnham, June, '97. (1059) £31. Rus., g.e., Soth., Nov. 20, '99. (1132) £23. Mor. ex., g.e.. Soth., Feb. 28, 1900. (471) £12 15s. Cf., Arnold. May, '01. (82) $130. Mor. ex. (a few leaves remargined at top), McKee, Dec, '01. (2S06) $110. Cf. (top margin of last leaf injured, some wormholes). Bangs, Jan., '02. (78) $25. Cf.. r.e., Lefferts. Apr., '02. (218) $85. Mor. ex., Soth., June 3, '02. (492) £31 10s. Cf. (title soiled), Ellis, Oct., '02. (643) £8. Works. Lond., Adam Islip or G. Bishop, 1598. Fol. Chaucer (Geoffrey) — Continncd. Cf., Hunt, Nov., '91. (022) $30. Mor. ex., g.e., Glasse, July, '92. (1170) £2 2s. Cf., Burrard, Jan., '96. (162) £3. Hf. rus., Ashburnham, June, '97. (1061) £31Ss. Cf. (some unc. leaves), Soth., Apr. 4, '98. (88) £4 7s. 6d. Mor. ex., g.e. (lacking portrait, a few margins mended). Bangs, Mar. 19, 1900. (95) $37.50. Cf. (rebacked), Bruce, Dec, 1900. (437) £4 15s. Cf. (broken). Putt.. Nov. 13, '01. (284) £2 4s. Mor. ex., g.e. (title and 4 other leaves mended), McKee, Dec, '01. (2807) $40. Hf. cf., Christie, Feb. 24, '03. (42) £3. Works. Lond.. Adam Islip or G. Bishop. 1602. Fol. Mor. ex., Ellis, Nov., '85. (929) £11 10s. Cf., Turner, June, '88. (1023) £4 12s. 6d. Cf. ex., Sullivan, May, '90. (1423) £ 3 3s. Cf.. Dennis, Dec, '92. (334) £3 3s. Cf., Bierstadt, Apr., '97. (421) $31. Cf. (arms of Queen Elizabeth on sides), Ashburnham, June, '97. (1063) £10. Cf., r.e., Harvey, June, 1900. (236) £4. Vel., Bathurst, July, 1900. (IGS) £6 5s. Cf., Soth., Dec 3, 1900. (605) £4 5s. Cf., Soth., Dec 3, 1900. (604) £4 2s. 6d. Cf., g.e, Soth., Feb. 25, '01. (381) £3 7s. 6d. Cf. (rebacked), Soth., Mar. 7, '01. (886) £312s. 6d. Cf. (one cover loose, portrait mount- ed), Soth., Apr. 7, '02. (287) £3 18s. Mor. ex., g.e.. Hibbert, Apr., '02. (171) £10. Mor. ex., ge.. White, Apr., '02. (484) £6 10s. Mor. ex., g.e., Lefferts, Apr., '02. (219) $145. Orig. vel. (14J bv 8? inches), Soth., Mar. 16, '03. (467) £14. Cf., g.e., Soth., June IS, '03. (256) £5. CHAUCER 399 CHAUCER Chaucer (Geoffrey) — Cniitiiiurd. Leather (rebacked; bookplate of Sir Peter Killigrew on back of title), Soth.. July IG, '03. (80) £3 17s. Works. Lend., 16S7. Fol. Cf., Constable. June, 'S9. (313) £2. Cf., Hookins, Apr., '93. (331) £15s. Mor. ex., g.e., Hawlev, Julv,' '94. (177) £2 4s. Cf., Skene, Jan., '9S. (241) £2 2s. Cf., Lamb, Feb., '9S. (379) £2 Ss. Cf., g.e., Sotli., Mar. 7, '98. (308) £1 5s. Mor. (frontispiece mounted), Cox, Apr.. '99. (1G7) $14. Cf., Soth.. Feb. 2S, 1900. (472) £2 3s. Cf., Soth., Jan. 28. '01. (297) £llls. Cf. (extra portrait inserted), Soth., Nov. 25, '01. (1220) £2 4s. Mor. ex., g.e. (Griswold copy), Lef- ferts. Apr., '02. (220) $37.50. Hf. rus., Soth., Dec. 15, '02. (437) £5. Mor.. g.e., Carniichael, Mar., '03. (212) £6 10s. Works. Edited bv J. Urrv. Lond., 1721. Fol. Cf., Phillips, Nov., 'S7. (1180) £1 10s. Cf., Willson, May, '88. (212) £1 Is. Cf., Soth., June 27. '95. (136) £lls. Cf., Libbie, May 26, '98. (249) $5. Cf., Libbie, Nov. 20, 1900. (504) $9.25. CL, Soth., Nov. 25, '01. (1280) £1 12s. Cf. (rebacked), Bangs, Mav 19, '02. (313) $5.50. Cf., Pountaine, June, '02. (201) £3 3s. **Large paper. Cf., Aylesford, Mar.. '88. (412) £lls. Cf. (Johnson copy), Soth., Mar. 21, '98. (1015) £13s. Cf., Daly, Mar., 1900. (518) $16. Cf., Wilbraham, May, '03. (97) £lls. Poetical Works. Lend., Picker- ing, 1843-45. 6 vols., 8vo. CI., unc, Smallev, Julv, '87. (103) £2 2s. CI., unc, Tomllnson, Jan., '94. (301) £3 10s. CI., unc, Hunter, Apr., '01. (789) $13.20. Hf. mor., m.e., Soth., Nov. 25, '01. (1288) £3 16s. Works. Edited by F. S. Ellis. Chaucer (Geoffrey) — Caiitiiiucd. Hammersmith, Kelmscott Press, 1896. Fol. Bds., unc, Johnson, Feb., '98. (542) £27 10s. Bds., unc, Putt., Oct. 31, '98. (188) £38. Bds., unc, Pratt, Apr., '99. (1369) $215. Bds., unc, Hodgson, Dec. S, '99. (1235) £64. Pigskin, Edelheim, Mar., 1900. (1392) $485. Bds., unc, Bangs, Apr. 16, 1900. (521) $600. Bds.. unc. Virtue Tebbs, June. 1900. (476) £66. Bds., unc. (presentation copy from Wm. Morris), Soth., July 18, 1900. (1227) £72. Bds., unc, French, Apr., '01. (927) $510. Bus., unc, Arnold, Mav, '01. (239) $500. Bds., unc, Soth., Julv 29, '01. (199) £81. Bds., unc, Soth., Julv 29, '01. (200) £83. Stamped pigskin, g.e. (A.L.S. of Prof. Skeat and others inserted), Ellis, Nov., '01. (93) £112. Bds., unc. Bangs, Jan. 22, '02. (271) $500. Pigskin, Soth., Mar. 17, '02. (1124) £115. Bds., unc, Soth., Mar. 17, '02. (1111) £90. Bds., unc, Anderson, Apr. 28, '02. (92) $457.50. Bds., unc. Soth., June 3. '02. (1262) £94. Bds.. imc, Soth., Julv 11, '02. (225) £89. Bds., Hodgson, Oct. 22, '03. (172) £88. Pigskin, unc. at the Doves Bindery, with clasps, Soth., Mav 18, '03. (167) £102. Bds., unc, Hodgson, Julv 1, '03. (978) £60. Pigskin, with brass clasps, by Doves Bindery (presentation copy from William Morris), Peirce, Mar., '03. (192) $975. Bds., Soth., Apr. IS. '04. (301) £41. **0n vellum. Hf. pigskin, (presentation copy from CHAUCER 400 CHEATS Chaucer (Geoffrey) — Continued. William Morris), Ellis, Nov., '01. (94) £510. Bds., Soth., June 3, '02. (1290) £520. Proof of the last page onlv, 1 leaf, fol., Bangs, Oct. 21, '01. (375) $25. Proof of the last page only, 1 leaf, fol., Hodgson, Oct. 29, '01. (277) £4 12s. Cd. Prologue and Characters of Chau- cer's Pilgrims, selected from his Canterbury Tales, intended to Illus- trate a particular Design by William Blake. Lond., 1812. Fol. Of., g.t, unc, Soth., July 16, '03. (115) £3 Is. CHAUCER SOCIETY. Publications. Lend., 1SG8, etc. Svo. First Series, Nos. 1-79 (lacking several numbers), and Second Series, Nos. 1-24, White, Jan., '91. (461) £10 15s. 94 Parts, Buckley, Apr., '94. (860) £15 10s. CHAUNCY (CHARLES). Gods Mercy, shewed to his People in giving them a faithful Ministry and Schools of Learning thereof. Camb., S. Green, 1655. Svo. Mor. ex., Brinley, Mar., '79. (740) $65. CHAUNCY (CHARLES). A Discourse on " the Good News from a far Country." Bost., 17GG. Svo. Sewed, Balcom, Feb., '01. (2230) $5. Paper, unc, Libbie, Mar. 5, '01. (1076) $5.50. Hf. mor., unc. Bangs, Jan. 22, '02. (451) $16. Letter to a friend, giving a repre- sentation of Sufferings Boston is exposed to in consequence of the Port Bill. Bost, 1774. Svo. Sewed, unc, Brinley, Apr., '93. (8567) $6. Letter to a Friend, giving a con- cise Account of the Ohio Defeat. Host., 1755. 4to. Hf. mor., unc, Brinlev, Mar., '79. (213) $19. Hf. mor.. Murphy, Mar., '84. (559) $20. A Second Letter to a Friend, Giv- ing a more particular Narrative of the Defeat of the French Army at Lake George. Bost., 1755. Chauncy (Charles) — Continued. Unc, Woodward. Apr., '69. (4607) $18. Unc, Brinley, Apr., '93. (S075) $36. Two Letters to a Friend, on the Present Critical Conjuncture of Affairs in North America. Lond., 1755. Svo. Brinley, Mar., '79. (214) $11. CHAUNCY (SIR HENRY). Historical Antiquities of Herfordshire. Lond., 1700. Fol. Mor., g.e., Aylesford, Mar., '88. (413) £21 10s. Rus. ex., g.e., Streatfeild, June, '89. (827) £15. Rus., g.e.. May, July, '91. (1263) £11. Rus. ex., g.e., Soth., May 13, '92. (779) £8 10s. . Rus. ex., g.e., Christie, Dec. 5, '93. (170) £12 10s. Rus., g.e. (with Printed Directions for placing the Cuts), Toovey, Feb., '94. (693) £10 15s. Cf., Leeds, Apr., '96. (185) £8 5s. Mor. (Duke of Roxburghe's copy), Bateman, July, '96. (1027) £15 15s. Cf., Putt., Oct., '98. (290) £5 15s. Rus. (Heath-Heber copv), Soth., Dec. 17, 1900. (254) £8. Rus. ex., g.e., Edwardes, May, '01. (142) £11. Cf. (Treadway Nash's copy), Soth., July 1, '01. (441) £5. Mor. ex., g.e., Soth., Mar. 17, '02. (773) £7. Historical Antiquities of Hertford- shire. Lond., 1826. 2 vols., Svo. Hf. cf., Cooper, Oct., '91. (982) £13s. Griffith, Dec, '95. (4) £1 Is. Unc, Baugh, Mar., '97. (41) £110s. Unc, Hurra, May, '97. (1) £16s. Hf. cf., Soth., Feb. 6, 1900. (1449) £1 8s. '""'Large paper. Unc, Nash, Jan., '88. (2168) £1 9s. Hf. mor., Grace, Dec, '90. (10) £19s. Roots, Mar., '91. (31) £116s. Unc, Smith, May, '96. (243) £1 Is. Cf.. g.e., Burra, May, '97. (123) £110s. CHEATS AND ILLUSIONS OF ROM- ish Priests and Exorcists discovered in the History of the Devils of Loudun. Lond., 1703. Svo. Cf., Ashburnham, June, '97. (1364) £1 Is. CHECKLEY 401 CHESS CHECKLEY (JOHN). Defence of a Book lately reprinted at Boston, en- titled, A Modest Proof of the Order and Government settled by Christ and his Apostles in the Church. Host., 1724. 8vo. Brinley, Apr., '81. (C132) $5. John Checkley, or the evolution of religious tolerance in Massachusetts Bay. Host., Prince Society, 1897. 2 vols., 4to. Paper, unc, Pratt, Apr.. '99. (2044) $14. Paper, unc. Bangs, May 10, '99. (472) $8.50. Paper, unc, Avery, Oct., 1900. (1091) $11.50. Hf. mor. ex., unc, Balcom, Feb., '01. (2023) $15. Paper, unc, Libbie, Dec. 5, '01. (1088) $14. Paper, unc, Whitmore, Nov., '02. (2410) $17. CHEEVER (E.). A Short Introduc- tion to the Latin Tongue, For the Use of the Lower Forms in the Latin School. Bost., B. Green, 1709. 8vo. Mor., Brinley, Mar., '79. (741) $15. CHEEVER (G. B.). See American Commonplace Book. CHEKE (SIR JOHN). The Hurt of Sedition. Lond., 1569. Svo. Mor., y.e. (with Thos. Norton's Warn- ing against the dangerous practises of Papistes, n.d.. bound in), Makel- lar, Nov., '98. (609) £2 10s. Cf., g.e., Ellis, Oct., '02. (646) £2 4s. CHELIDORIUS TIGURINUS. Hys- torie of the Institution and first beginning of Christian Princes. Trans, by James Chillester. Lend., 1671. 4to. Cf. ex. (lacking? pp. 187 to 190), Soth., May 16. '01. (121) £2. CHEMICAL NEWS. Edited by W. Crookes. Lond., v.d. 4to. Vols. 1 to 58, 1860-88, hf. cf., Soth., May 14, '02. (740) £11 10s. Vols. 1 to 48, 1800-83. Hirst, Dec, '87. (997) £9. Vols. 1 to 13. ISOO-OG, Francis, Julv, •90. (749) £llGs. CHEMICAL SOCIETY. Journal and Proceedings. Lond., v.d. Journal, 1870 to 1900, with Indexes, and Proceedings, 1885-1900, Nos. 1 Chemical Society — Coiiliiuicil. to 219 (lacking Nos. 130-160), cl. and parts, Soth., Dec. 13, 1900. (125) £10 5s. Journal, 1849 to 1900, with Indexes, vols. 1 to 15, and Proceedings, 1885- 1899, and Memoirs, 1843-48, hf. cf., unc, remainder in parts, Soth., July 30, 1900. (78) £49. Journal from 1849 to 1872 and Index, 1841-72, together 51 vols., hf. cf. and cl. (vol. 24 lacking title), Hyde, Oct., '87. (41) £35 10s. CHENY (JOHN). An Historical List of all Horse-Matches Run in Eng- land and Wales. Lond., v.d. 12mo. 1828 to 1848 (some years lacking, also some duplicates), 29 vols., cf., Too- vev. Mar., '94. (204) £4. 1729, 1731 to 173G, 1739 to 1741, 1743 to 1750, 18 vols., cf., Stevens, Feb., '94. (83) £5 15s. CHEROKEES. Constitution and Laws of the Cherokee Nation, passed at Tahlequah, 1839-51. Tahlequah, 1852. 12mo. Bds.. Donaldson, Oct., '99. (191) $15. Hf. bd., Donaldson, Oct.. '99. (192) $14. CHERTSEY WORTHIES' LIBRARY. Edited by A. B. Grosart. Lond., 1875-81. 14 vols., 4to. Parts, with cloth covers. Putt., Mar. 16, '87. (647) £lS2s. Gd. Martin, Mar., '88. (279) £10. Cf. ex.. Cosens, Nov. 11, '90. (1172) £9 15s. Hf. mor. (specimen covers bound at end), Soth., Apr. 12, '93. (79) .£12 5s. Parts, in cloth cases, Soth., July 27, '93. (533) £5 15s. Soth., Dec. 11, '95. (283) £8. CL, Putt., .Ian. 29, '97. (396) £9. CHESELDEN (W.). Anatomy of the Bones. Lond., 1733. 8vo. Mor., Hornby, Jan. 21, '02. (241) £8. CHESNEY (F. R.). Survey of the Rivers Euphrates and Tigris. Lond., 1850. 3 vols., 4to. Inglls, Nov. 12, '89. (291) £2 5s. Wilson, June, '92. (569) £2 4s. """Large paper. Cl., Peel, June, 1900. (IGS) £2. Cl., Hartree, July, '90. (549) £2 12s. 6d. CHESS. See Cessolis (J. de). CHESS 402 CHETHAM CHESS PLAYER'S CHRONICLE. Lond.. v.d. Svo. First series, 13 vols.; second series, 4 vols.: third series. 4 vols., together 21 vols, 1841-62, Soth., Nov. 25, '01. (303) £4. 1S41-G2, cl. (some orig. covers hound in), Soth., Jan. 27, '03. (85) £4. Vols. 1 to 10, 1841-49, Putt., Jan. 21, '92. (409) £1 3s. CHESTER (ROBERT). The Annals of Great Brittaine. Lond., for Ma- tliew Lownes, IGll. 4to. Mor. ex., g.e., Corser, June, '73. (109) £43. Love's Martyr. Lond., IGOl. 4to. Mor. ex., Daniel, July, '64. (331) £138. Mor. ex. (Daniel copy), Tite, May, '74. (032) £68. Some Account of Robert Chester's Love's Martvr. Lond., 1SG5. 4to. Hf. mor., Soth., Dec. 11, '03. (163) £3 10s. CHESTER ARCHITECTURAL, Archseological, and Historic Society. Publications. Vols. 1-3 and New Series Vol. 1., hf. rus. and parts, Bailey, June, '89. (2108) £5 15s. CHESTER MYSTERIES. Edited by J. H. Markland. Lond., Roxburghe Club, 1818. 4to. Craig, Mar., '88. (4286) £4 8s. Perkins. July, '89. (437) £1 5s. Auchinleclv. June, '93. (668) £4 5s. Hf. mor., unc, Buckley, Apr.; '94. (3172) £3. CHESTERFIELD (PHILIP DORMER Stanhope, Earl of). Letters to his Son. Lond., 1774. 4 vols., 8vo. Hf. mor., Hoskinson, Dec, '97. (788) $9.20. Bds. (in 2 vols.), Soth.. July, 1900. (539) £10 15s. Bds., unc. (in 2 vols.). Soth., Dec. 2, '01. (461) £6 15s. Of. (in 2 vols.), Wilbraham, May, '03. (98) £lls. Letters, edited by Lord Mahon. Lond., 1845. 4 vols., 8vo. Unc, Craig, Mar., '88. (1231) £2 10s. Hf. bd., Putt, June 17, '91. (609) £1 14s. Of., g.e., Coleridge. May, '96. (190) £112s. Cl., unc, Deane, Mar., '98. (704) $6.50. Chesterfield (Earl of) — Continued. Cl., unc. Phillips and Shreve, Dec, '01. (81) $14. Letters. Lond.. 1845. 4 vols. With Vol. 5, 1853. Together, 5 vols., Svo. Cl., unc, Turner, June. '88. (766) £9 15s. Hf. cf.. m.e., Sullivan, May, '90. (1434) £7 10s. Glasse, July, '92. (161) £5. Unc, Foster, June, '94. (1183) £2 16s. CL, imc. Bangs, Apr. 5, '99. (193) $15.63. Cl., tmc, Henkels, Dec. 19, 1900. (399) $13.50. Cf. ex., unc, French, Apr. 23, '01. (222) $52.50. CL, unc, Hodgson, Jan., '02. (881) £4 10s. CL, Soth., Feb., '02. (948) £4 15s. Letters to his Godson. Edited by the Earl of Carnarvon. Oxford, 1890. 4to. **Large paper. Hf. veL, Southby, Dec, '90. (932) £1 15s. Hf. veL. unc, Buckley, Apr., '94. (980) £1 ISs. CHESTERFIELD BURLESQUED; OR School for Modern Manners. Lond., 1811. 8vo. Bds.. unc, Baggallay, Jan., '91. (217) £110s. Bds., Daubuz, May, '95. (619) £1. Unc, Ashburnham, June, '97. (1071) £1 9s. CHESTERFIELD TRAVESTIE, OR School for Modern Manners. Lond., 1808. 10 colored plates. Svo. Bds., unc. Putt., Jan, '89. (755) £1 10s. Cf. ex., unc (with orig. covers bound at end), Soth., Nov., '94. (816) £1 Ss Cf. ex., unc, Soth., Mar., '99. (717) £2 4s. Bds.. unc, Brice, Mar., 1900. (167) £llSs. Bds., unc. Bangs, Oct. 21, '01. (494) $11. Bds.. unc, Campbell, Mar., '02. (507) £1 15s. CHETHAM (J.). Angler's Vade Me- ciim. Lond., lOSl. Svo. Mor., g.e. (few headlines shaved). Wiper, Jan., '91. (117) £lls. CHETHAM 403 CHIPNEY Chetham (J.) — Continued. Mor. ex., g.e., Toovey, Mar., '94. (23) £119s. Sheep, Young, Dec, '96. (355) £115s. Cf. (rebacked), Coleman, July, '97. (142) £2 2s. Cf., m.e. (slightly stained), Snow, Nov., '98. (105) £llSs. Mor. ex., g.e. (few headlines shaved). Snow, Nov., '98. (107) £llSs. Sheep, Putt, Mar., 1900. (5CS B) £2 4s. Angler's V^de Mecutn. Load., 1G89. 8vo. Cf., m.e.. Snow, '98. (108) £lGs. Cf., g.e., Snow, Nov., '98. (109) £ 13s. CHETHAM SOCIETY. Publications. Lond., v.d. 4to. Vols. 1 to 114, with Indexes. Also New Series, vols. 1 to 33. Together 149 vols., cl.. Bangs, Oct. 7, '95. (116) $83.44. Vols. 1 to 114, with Index vols. 1 to 30. Also New Series, vols. 1 to 17. To- gether 132 vols. Hailstone, Apr., '91. (642) £24. Vols. 1 to 114, with Index vols. 1 to 30. Also New Series vols 1 to 15. To- gether 130 vols. Burrard, Jan., '96. (1353) £17 10s. Vols. 1 to 112 (lacking vol. 401, with Index to vols 1 to 30. Also New Series vols 1 to 8. Together 120 vols. Soth., May S, '99. (307) £6 10s. Vols. 1 to 112, with Index to vols. 1 to 30. Together 113 vols. Hirst, Dec. '87. (998) £18. Vols. 1 to 90 and vol. 112, with Index to vols. 1 to 30. Together 112 vols. Bateman, July, '90. (972) £12. Vols. 1 to 110 and vol. 112. with Index to vols. 1 to 30. Together 112 vols. Soth., Dec. 17, '98. (229) £6 5s. CHETTLE (HENRY). England's Mourning Garment. Lond., for Thomas Millington, [1603]. 4to. CL, Halliwell, July, '89. (251) £12 15s. Mor., g.e., Wiper, Jan., '91. (279) £5 10s. Mor., g.e., McKee, Dec, '01. (2810) $280. Unbd. (stained), Soth., May 18, '03. (190) £101. The Tragedy of Hoffman, or a Revenge for a Father. Lond., 1031. Svo. Chettle (Henry) — Continued. Cf., ex., Soth., Apr. 12, '93. (62) £2 19s. Sewed (title and last leaf neatly re- paired and some leaves closely trim- med), McKee, Apr., '01. (2256) $40. Hf., cf., Lefferts, Apr., '02. (221) $17. CHETWYND (SIR GEORGE). Cata- logue of his Collectiou of Pro- vincial Copper Coins, Tokens, etc. Lond., 1834. 4to. Cl. (presentation copy), Boyne, Jan., '96. (1790) £5 2s. Od. CHEVALIER (SIEUR DE). The Ghosts of the deceased Sieurs de Villemor and de Fontaines. Trans- lated bv Thomas Heigham. Camb., 1G24. i2mo. Vol., Ashburnham, June, '97. (1074) £17s. CHEVELERE ASSIGNE. With Glos- sary. Lond., Roxburghe Club, 1820. 4to. Unc, Auchinleck, June, '93. (G73) £2 4s. Unc, Buckley, Apr., '94. (3178) £1 18s. Unc, Wilbraham, June, '98. (547) £3. CHEW (SAMUEL). The Speech of Samuel Chew, Esq., from the Bench. Phlla., B. Franklin, 1741. Henkels., Oct. 29, '95. (400) $26. CHIARINI (G.). LIbbro che tracta di mercatanti et usanze de paesi. Flor- ence, [about 1500]. Svo. Vol., Soth., Dec. 19, '01. (43) £8 10s. CHICAGO HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Collections. Chicago, 1882-90. 4 vols., Svo. Cl., unc, Poole. May. 1900. (294) $14. Unc, (3 vols, onlv), Dawson, June, '90. (3080) $0. Cl., unc. (3 vols, onlv), Balcom. Feb., '01. (508) $6. CHIDWICK (J. N.). Index Nominum, an Index of Names. King's Lvnn, 1862. Hf. mor., Howard, June, '02. (657) £4 17s. 6d. CHIFNEY (S.). Genius Genuine, a Treatise on Horses and Horse Rac- ing. Lond., [1804]. Svo. Unc, Craig, June, '87. (591) £3 5,s. Mor., unc, Stewart, Mar., '88. (100) £3 7s. 6d. Unc, Pollock, Jan., '89. (413) £3 3s. CHIFNEY 404 CHIPPENDALE Chifney (S.) — Continued. Unc, Hutt. Mav, '89. (489) £2 12s. CI., Cox, Feb.. '91. (52)£2 1Gs. Hf. cl.. Hailstone, Apr., '91. (412) £1 10s. Cf., ex., g.e., Stevens, Feb. 5, '94. (81) £115s. Hf. mor., Hodgson, Jan., '01. (915) £4. Hf. bd., Hodgson, Dec. 10, '02. (84) £2 4s. CHILD (FRANCIS J.)- English and Scottish Ballads. Bost., 1857-01. 8 vols., Svo. Hf. mor.. Young, June, '90. (163) £2 2s. Cf., m.e.. Wood, Mar., '91. (135) £1 14s. Cook. May, '95. (329) £3 10s. Hf. mor., Coleridge, May, '96. (44) £2. Hf. roan, Bierstadt, Apr., '97. (426) $6. Johnson, Feb., '98. (569) £4 4s. Hf. mor.. Perry, Oct., '98. (261) $14.40. Cf.. ni.e., Soth., Feb. 6, 1900. (1451) £2 9s. Cl., Praser, Apr., '01. (314) £2 4s. English and Scottish Popular Bal- lads. Bost., 1882-98. 5 vols., Svo. Paper, unc. (in 10 vols.), Hayes, Apr., '98. (340) $27.50. Parts, limp cf. and sewed, Soth., Dec. 22, '98. (646) £5 10s. Parts, unc. Cox, Apr., '99. (169) $27.50. Parts, Horby, Apr., 1900. (83) £7 12s. 6d. Hf. mor.. Grant, Mav, 1900. (239) £8 10s. Parts 1 to 4 in cf. ex., 5 to 10 in paper, unc, Soth., Oct. 29, 1900. (638) £6 17s. 6d. Cf.. (in 10 vols.), Bruce, Dec, 1900. £11. Hf. mor., g.t., unc, (in 10 vols), Wales, Mar., '03. (157) $110. Parts, unc. Putt., July 22, '03. (120) £8 5s. CHILD (MAJOR JOHN). New Eng- land's Jonas Cast up at London. Lond., 1647. 4to. Cf., r.e.. Barlow. Feb., '90. (510) $165. (Last leaf cut into), Ditchfleld, Apr., '93. (1324) £2 18s. CHILD (SIR JOSIAH). Brief Obser- Child (Sir Josiah) — Continued. vations concerning Trade and In- terest of Money. Lend., 1608. 4to. Cf., Bell, Mar., '02. (SO) £2 10s. CHILDERS (R. C). Dictionary of the Pali Language. Lond., 1875. 4tQ. Soth., Jan. 29, 1900. (165) £2 2s. CHILD'S NEW PLAYTHING, being a Spelling-Book. Lond., 17C3. 12mo. Cf., Gaisford. Apr., '90. (443) £17s. CHILD'S OWN BOOK. Lond., 1830. Plates by G. Cruikshank. Svo. Sullivan, May, '90. (173C)£2 12s. CHILD'S SPELLING BOOK. Hart- ford. 1802. 16mo. Bds., McKee, May, '02. (4928) $7.50. CHINA REVIEW. Hong-Kong, 1872- 85. 13 vols., Svo. Hance. Aug., '87. (1700) £6 10s. CHINESE BRONZE VASES OF THE Shang Dvnastv, from 1743 to 1496 B. C. N.p., n.d. 4to. 25 parts, sewed, in 5 hf. mor. cases, Ashburnham. June, '97. (1084) £15. CHINESE REPOSITORY. From 1S32 to 1851. Canton, China, 1832-51. 20 vols., 8vo. Hf. cf., m.e.. Murphy, Mar., '84. (569) $165. Hance, Aug., '87. (1122) £26. Martin, Mar., '88. (230) £22. Hf. mor. (14 vols, only, 1832-45), Bangs. Sept. 30, '95. (777) $22.75. CHIOKOYHIKOY. Apocalypse de Chiokoyhikoy. Phila. [The Hague], 1777. Svo. Hf. mor.. unc, Brinley, Mar., '80. (3900) $6. Unbd., Murphy, Mar., '84. (97) $7. Unc, Soth., Dec. 2, '01. (22) £2 12s. CHIPPENDALE (T.). Gentleman and Cabinetmaker's Director: Lond., 1754. Fol. Cf., Currie, June, '87. (236) £20 10s. 6d. Cf., Constable, June, '89. (315) £9 5's. Cf., m.e., Papworth, May, '92. (336) £14. Mor. ex., g.e., Toovev, Feb., '94. (701) £16. Mor. ex., g.e., Montrose, June, '95. (53) £18. Cf., Soth., June 27, '95. (137) £18. Cf., Bangs, Oct. 20, '96. (107) $35. CHIPPENDALE 405 CHOATE Chippendale (T.) — Vnntiiiiicd. Hf. mor., Weaver, Dec, '97. (496) £8 15s. Cf., Christie, Apr. 9, 1900. (165) £18. Cf., g.e., Bruce, Dec, 1900. (592) £12. Cf., Soth., Dec. 17, 1900. (260) £11 15s. Cf., Soth., Dec. 15, '02. (188) £18 10s. Cf., Carmichael, Mar.. '03. (218) £16 10s. Gentleman and Cabinetmaker's Director. Lond., 1755. Fol. Cf., Brice, July, '87. (309) £7 10s. Cf., Langham, June, '94. (44) £18 18s Cf., Soth., Feb. 24, '90. (942) £10 17s. 6d. Cf., Ford, May, '02. (137) £2C. Gentleman and Cabinetmaker's Director. Lond., 1762. Fol. Soth., Mar., '87. (344) £14. Mor. (one plate mounted, several stained and a few mended), Brice, July. '87. (310) £12 12s. Cf., Constable, June, '89. (316) £6 7s. 6d. Putt, July 3, '89. (643) £13 13s. Hf. cf. (lacking 5 plates). Gage, Soth., Feb., '90. (11C9) £12 5s. Mor., g.e., Toovej', Feb., '94. (701) £26. Mor. ex.. g.e. (lacking title-page), Soth., Nov. 27, '96. (128) £18 10s. Bds., unc (lacking first 8 plates). Putt., Dec 7, '96. (297) £9 10s. CHITTENDEN (LUCIUS E.). Cap- ture of Ticonderoga. Rutland, 1S72. 8vo. Sheets, folded, Murphv, Mar., '84. (570) $6.75. CHITTY (EDWARD). Illustrated Fly-Fisher's Text Book. Lond., 1845. 8vo. Coleman, Julv, '97. (145) £1 5s. Hf. cf., m.e.. Snow, Nov., '98. (114) £13s. CI., unc. Snow, Nov., '98. (112) £1 Is. Cf., g.e., Snow, Nov., '98. (113) £1 5s. CHIVALRY. Book of the Ordre of Chyralry. Trans, by William Cax- ton. [Westminster, Caxton, 1484.] 4to. (Meausring 7f by 5} inches, with the original blank leaf Aj. lacking G 2, 3 and 4, the last blank, Lord Lovat's Chivalry. — Continiird. copy, with manuscript notes in mar- gins), Ashburnham, Jan., '97. (1087) £345. Book of the Order of Chivalry. Kelmscott Press, 1893. 4to. Vel., unc, Foote, Jan., '95. (152) $26. Vel., unc, Soth., Apr. 22, '95. (834) £15s. Vel.. unc, Soth., Apr. 4, '98. (4G9) £3 8s. Vel.. unc. Cock, July, '98. (547) £3 15s. Vel., unc, Soth., Nov. 20, '99. (973) £6. Vel., unc. Bangs, May 28, 1900. (441) $31. Vel., unc, French, Apr., '01. (894) $55. Vel., unc, Soth., May 6, '01. (969) £5 2s. Gd. Vel., unc, Arnold, May, '01. (211) $50. Vel., unc, Stanley, June, '01. (1310) £5 10s. Vel., unc, Ellis, Nov., '01. (48) £5 5s. Vel., unc. Bangs, Nov. 18, '01. (448) $35. Vol., Bangs, Mar. 16, '03. (401) $26. Vel., Peirce, Mar., '03. (156) $30. **0n vellum. Vel., unc. Virtue Tebbs, June, 1900. (475) £40. Vel., unc, Ellis, Nov., '01. (49) £41. History of the Tryall of Che- valry. With the Life and Death of Cavalero Dick Bowyer. Lond., 1005. 4to. XJnc, Sofli., Apr. 18, '04. (1124) £60. CHIVERS (T. H.). Eonchs of Ruby. N. Y., 1851. 8vo. Hf. roan, Anderson, Apr., 10, '01. (155) $5.10. Nacoochee, with other Poems. N. Y., 18.37. 12mo. CI., Bangs. Nov. 19, 1900. (58) $6. CI., McKee, Nov., 1900. (108) $7. CHOATE (RUFUS). Works. Edited by S. G. Brown. Bost., 1S62. 2 vols., 8vo. CI., Livermore, Nov., '94. (1072) $8.50. CI., Alexander, Mar., '95. (1090) $5. CI., Lincoln, Oct., '01. (192) $5. CHODERLOS 406 CHRISTIAN CHODERLOS DE LACLOS. Les Liaisons Dangereuses. (All with legends printed on the tissues.) Lend., 1796. 2 vols., Svo. Cf., g.e., Soth., Mar. 20, '94. (116) £2 2s. Mor. ex, g.e., Soth., Mar. 19, '96. (190) £4 17s. 6d. Mor. ex., g.e., Harris, Apr., '97. (224) £2 18s. Mor., g.e., Soth., Nov., 20, '99. (177) £4 15s. Mor. ex., g.e., Hibbert, Apr., '02. (177) £80. Les Liaisons Dangereuses. T^ond., 1796, [about 1810]. 2 vols., Svo. Mor., g.e., Soth., Apr. 20, '99. (G60) £5 15s. Hf. mor.. r.e., Soth., Dec. 3, 1900. (518) £18s. Dangerous Connections. Lond., 1812. 4 vols., 8vo. Bds., unc, Phillips, Nov., '87. (2564) £2 2s. Bds., unc, Cholmondeley, Feb., '97. (209) £3 3s. CHOICE (THE). Lond., 1729-33. 3 vols., Svo. Cf. ex., g.e., Lawrence, May, '92. (627) £2 16s. Cf. ex., g.e.. Bliss, Apr., '98. (360) £lls. CHOICE, CHANCE AND CHANGE, or Conceits in their Colours. Lond., for N. Fosbrooke, 1606. 4to. Mor., g.e. (title and following leaf mended, some headlines cut into). Soth., June 18, '03. (761) £19. CHOICE COLLECTION OF COMIC and Serious Scots Poems. By Several Hands. Edinb., 1706-12. 3 parts, Svo. Cf. (in 1 vol.). Putt., Jan. 30, '89. (668) £3 3s. Cf. (in 1 vol.), Craig, Mar., 'SS. (4475) £4 4s. CHOLMONDELEY-PENNELL (H.). Fishing. Lond., Badminton Li- brary, 1885. 2 vols., 4to. **Large paper. Hf. mor., Alexander, Mar., '95. (290) $16. Hf. mor., Shaw, Feb., '97. (253) £7. Hf. mor., Burra, May, '97. (206) £10 5s. Cholmondeley - Pennell (H.) — Cont'd. Hf. mor.. Putt., Oct. 31, '98. (700) £9 5s. Hf. mor., Soth., July IS, 1900. (1095) £5 7s. 6d. Hf. mor., Soth., Dec. 3, 1900. (727) £3 5s. Sporting Fish of Great Britain. Lond., 1886. Fol. ** Large paper. Hf. vel., unc, Shaw, July, 'SS. (659) £12s. Hf. vel., unc, Soth., Dec. 17, '97. (92) £1. CHORIER (N.). Joannis Meuril Elegantiae Latini Sermonis. Birm- ingham, 1770. 2 vols., Svo. Cf., g.e., Soth., Apr. 20, '99. (388) £16s. CHORISTER'S COMPANION. Title page and music engraved by A. Doolittle. New Haven, 1782. Obi. 12mo. Cf., Terry, Mar., '89. (700) $5.25. Cf., Manson, Mar., '99. (2818) $23. Chorister's Companion. New Haven, 17SS. Obi. 12mo. Sheep, Washington, Dec, '90. (526) $5.60. CHORLE (THE) AND THE BIRDE. Lond., Roxburghe Club, 1S18. 4to. Auchinleck, June, '93. (662) £2 17s. CHRISTENING PROCESSION OF Prince Taffy. Lond., Fores, 1S42. Colored plates. Obi. 12nio. Hf. mor. (orig. covers bound In), Putt., July 22, '03. (24) £4. CHRISTIAN CONFESSION OF Faith of the harmless Christians Known by the name of Mennonists. Phila., A. Bradford, 1727. 12mo. Hf. mor., Brinley, Mar., 'SO. (3437) $5. Cf., Edelheim, Mar., 1900. (1107) $12. Cf. (with An Appendix to the Confes- sion of Faith of the Mennonists, Phila., 1727, first title mended),. Stone, Oct., '97. (S6) $32.50. CHRISTIAN EXAMINER AND THEO- logical Review. Bost., v.d. Svo. Vols. 1-71, 1824-62, lacking March, 1S52, together 72 vols., hf. cf. and parts, Deane, Mar., '9S. (715) $18. Vols. 1-57, hf. sheep, Poole, May, 1900. (298) $6.27. CHRISTIAN 407 CHRISTMAS CHRISTIAN JOURNAL AND LITER- ary Register. N. Y., v.d. Svo. Vols. 1-12, 1S17-2S, bound in 10 vols., hf. bd.. Bangs, Nov. 28, '98. (606) $32.50. CHRISTIAN MONTHLY HISTORY. Edinb., v.d. Svo. Nov.. 1743, to Dec, 1745. cf. ex., y.e., Manson, Feb., '99. (1009) $50. CHRISTIAN PRAYERS. See Bull (H.). Prayer. CHRISTIAN SACRIFICE. Lond., 1671. Svo. Mor., g.e., Fountaine, June, '02. (205) £10 5s. CHRISTIAN SODALITY OR CATHO- liclc Hive of Bees. Lond., 1652. 3 parts in 1 vol., Svo. Mor., g.e., Hardv, Dec, '86. (919) £2 18s. CHRISTIAN SOLDIERS PENNY Bible. Reproduced in Facsimile. With Introduction by F. Fry. Lond., 1862. 12mo. Mor., g.e., Livermore, Nov., '94. (210) $6. CHRISTIAN'S DUTY TO RENDER to Cfesar the Things that are Caesar's, considered. [Phila., B. Franklin and D. Hall], 1756. Svo. Brinley, Mar., 'SO. (432S) $7. CHRISTIAN'S STRENGTH (A). Ger- mantown, Sovt^er, 1760. Svo. Hf. mor.. Bangs, Mar. 13, '99. (537) $5. CHRISTIE (ROBERT). History of the late Province of Lower Canada. Quebec and Montreal, 1848-55. 6 vols., 12mo. 01., Lindsey, Mar., '95. (139) $6. History of the late Province of Lower Canada. Montreal, 1866. 6 vols., 12mo. CI., Cooke. Dec. 'S3. (516) $21. CI., Guild, Nov., '87. (644) $5.25. Hf. cf., Libbie, Nov. 6, '95. (327) $7.50. Hf. cf., Libbie. Dec 15, '9S. (195) $6. Hf. cf., Pratt. Apr., '99. (501) $6.60. Hf. cf., Lincoln. Oct., '01. (933) $5.40. Military and Naval Operations in the Canadas during the late War. Quebec, 1818. 12mo. Unc, Brinley, Apr., 'SI. (49S1) $5.25. Christie (Robert) — Coiitiinied. Hf. roan, O'Callaghan, Dec, '82. (605) $19. Hf. mor.. unc, Barlow. Feb., '90. (512) $6.50. Hf. cf. (top of title cut off), Dawson, Oct., '90. (525.5) $10.50. Hf. mor. (13 plates inserted), Bush- nell, Apr., 'S3. (491) $12.50. CHRISTI LEVEN. Amsterdam, Hugo Jansoon, [about 1494]. Colored woodcuts. Svo. Stamped binding, in case, Crawford, Mar., '91. (714) £27 10s. Christ! Leven. Scoenhoven, 1499. Svo. Vel.. Crawford, Mar., '91. (715) £13 10s. CHRISTI LYDEN ENDE PASSIE. Haerlem, 1483. 32 colored woodcuts. 4to. Cf. (manuscript note by .Toh. En- schede), Crawford, Mar., '91. (713) £30. CHRISTINE OF PISA. Soke of the Fayt of Armes and of Chyualrye. [Trans, by Caxton.] Westminster, Caxton, [14S9]. Fol. Mor. ex. (table inlaid), Corser, July, '6S. (471) £250. Mor. ex., by Clarke (Table in facs.), Tite, May, '74. (577) £190. Cf. (Table mended, Sigs. Sii, iii and jv in manuscript). Jersey, May, '85. (427) £71. Mor. ex., g.e. (Table inlaid), Crawford, June, '89. (259) £235. The Boke of the Cyte of Ladyes. [Trans, by Brian Anslay.] 4to. Hf. bd. (lacking title and 3 leaves), Ashburnham, June. '97. (1088) £23. CHRISTI PASSION USZ DEN VIER Evangelisten in eyn Syn bracht [durch M. Ringmann]. Strasburg, J. Knoblauch, 1506. 26 woodcuts by Urs. Graf. Fol. Vel., Crawford, Mar., '91. (716) £12. CHRISTMAS STORIES. Oxford, 1823. Etchings by G. Cruikshank. Svo. Cf. ex., g.e., Hutt, Mav, '89. (624) £1 4s. CHRISTMAS TREAT. Dublin, 1767. 12mo. Mor. ex., unc, Gaisford, Apr., '90. (446) £llls. CHRISTOPHERSON 408 CHRONICLES CHRISTOPHERSON (JOHN). Exhor- tation to all menne to take hede and beware of Rebellion. Lond., 1554. Svo. Cf.. Holbrow, Feb., '92. (1034) $G.50. CHRONICLES. The Cronycle be- gvnnynge at the VII. Ages of the Worlde with the Comynge of Brute. Lend., for Rober Wyre, n.d. 12mo. Unbd. (probably lacking 2 leaves), Fountaine, June, '02. (211) £13 5s. Chronicle of all the Noble Em- perors of the Romanes, from Julius Csesar to Maximilian. Lond., 1G71. 4to. Rus m.e. (some leaves mended), Young, June, '90. (164) £118s. Chronicle of England. Westmin- ster, Caxton, 1480. Fol. (Lacking several leaves). Hirst, Dec, •87. (1097) £G7. Mor. (measuring 91 by 7 inches), Buc- cleuch. Mar., '89. (285) £470. Vel. (110 leaves only, out of 181, Gard- ner copy), Sewall. Nov., '96. (667) $500. Chronicle of England. [Lond., Machlinia, 1480.] Fol. Cf (a few leaves mended), Sunder- land, Dec, '81. (2606) £226. Mor. ex. (lacking several leaves), Tite. (575) £90. Cf. (lacking Table, Sigs. Qv, Ccviii and all after Dd v), Jersey, May, '85. (428) £80. Rus. ex., g.e. (lacking 10 leaves, a few mended), Wilbraham, June, '98. (201) £101. Mor., g.e. (lacking 18 leaves, some others mended), Soth., Mar. 17, '99. (396) £55. Mor. ex., g.e. (4 leaves in facs.. some leaves mended), Inglis, June, 1900. (165) £175. Chronicle of England. Westmin- ster, Caxton, 1482. Fol. (Lacking 16 leaves), Jersey, May, '85. (402) £40. (Lacking first and last- sheets), Buc- cleuch. Mar., '89. (286) £45. Mor., g.e. (lacking 2 leaves at end, 2 others in facs., with Description of Britaine, 1480, bound in). Ashburn- ham, June, '97. (988) £610. Chronicle of Englande, with the Chronicles — Continued. Frute of Timis. St. Albans, [1483]. Fol. Rus., g.e. (with all faults), Crawford, June, '87. (676) £51. Mor. ex., g.e. (several leaves in facs.), Bateman, May, '93. (585) £96. Mor. (lacking Table, a few leaves mended), Soth., July 27, '93. (85) £220. Cf. (108 leaves only), Burra, May, '97. (624) £49. Mor., g.e. (lacking Table and 7 other leaves, several leaves mended), Ash- burnham, June, '97. (1092) £180. Mor., g.e. (198 leaves, from Sig. dj to lii, several intervening leaves miss- ing, all of the missing leaves (99) supplied in manuscript), Soth., Dec. 2, '01. (184) £73. (4 leaves only), Davis, Nov., 1900. (64) £5 5s. Chronicle of England. Antwerp, 1493. Fol. Rus. ex., g.e. (from Sig. biii to xiil only), Crawford, Mar., '91. (722) £33. Chronicle of England wyth the Frute of Tymes. Westminster, Wvnken de Worde, 1497. Fol. Cf., Jersey, May, '85. (499) £52. Cf. (part of 1 leaf torn off, 1 leaf in manuscript, a few others stained and mended), Soth., Apr. 4, '98. (91) £22. (76 leaves only), Soth., July 28, '02. (151) £4 2s. 6d. Chronicle of England, with ye fruyle of tymes. Westminster, Wvnken de Worde, 1502. Fol. Burra, May, '97. (627) £30. Chronicle of England. Lond., Julian Notary, 1504. Fol. Rus. (imperfect), Aylesford, Mar., '88. (587) £11. (Lacking title and several leaves). Putt, Mar. 20, '95. (303) £7 10s. Chronicle of England. Lond., Pyn- son, 1510. Fol. Mor. (the second part Description of England only), Perkins, July 10, '89. (GIO) £38. Chronicle of England. Westmin- ster, Wynken de Worde, 1515. Fol. (Imperfect), Hirst, Dec, '87. (1099) £117s. CHRONICLES 409 CHRONICLES Chronicles — Continued. Cf. (lacking last leaf, first leaf mount- ed). Constable, June, '89. (318) £6 ISs. Hf. cf. ex. (lacking all before Pol. xliv), Bateman, May, '93. (58G) £7 5s. Rus. (lacking 3 leaves, with manu- script notes and autograph of " W. Burghley"), Wilbraham, June, '98. (202) £lG10s. Chronicle of England. [Lond.], Julian Notary, 151.5. Fol. Rus., g.e., Aylesford, Mar., '88. (5SS) £19 10s. Cf. (imperfect), Soth., Mar. 10, '97. (640) £29 10s. Mor., g.e. (lacking last leaf), Ashburn- ham, June, '97. (1093) £20 IDs. (73 leaves only, from fol. xxi to cxii), Soth., Mar. 21, '98. (1017) £2 8s. Cf. (lacking all before fol. G), Soth.. Nov. 20, '99. (1135) £3 17s. 6d. Mor. ex., g.e. (title in facs.), Hibbert, Apr., '02. (147) £130. Mor., g.e. (title in facs., the Hibbert copy), Soth., Mar. IG, '03. (839) £41. Chronicle of England. Lond., Wynken de Worde, 1520. Fol. Mor., g.e. (lacking 18 leaves, some others damaged), Livermore, Nov., '94. (1048) $100. Cf. (a fragment, lacking leaves at be- ginning and end), Sewall, Jan., '97. (4172) $16. Cf. (3 leaves and part of a fourth in manuscript, a few others damaged), Johnson, Feb., '98. (515) £24 10s. (146 leaves), Soth., Mar. 21, '98. (1018) £7 15s. Cf., r.e. (lacking 1 leaf, slightly wormed), Morris, Dec, '98. (35G) £15 10s. Chronicle of England. Lond., Wynken de Worde, 1528. Fol. Mor. ex., Tite, May, '74. (781) £43. Mor., Young, June, '90. (204) £2G. Mor. ex., g.e. (title mended). Putt, June 17, '91. (957) £27 10s. Mor., g.e. (title mended, part supplied in manuscript, 1 leaf mended), Soth., Feb. 27, '99. (1817) £35 10s. Chronicles of England, Scotland, Ireland, etc., comprising: Holinshed; Hall; Grafton; Pabyan; Arnold; Chronicles — Continued. Rastell; Hardynge. Lond., 1807-12. Together 13 vols., 4to. Rus. ex. (in 12 vols.), Vaughan, Dec. '86. (206) £21. Rus. ex., g.e., Baggallay, Jan., '91. (117) £9 10s. Bds., unc, Stibbs, Oct., '92. (2287) £3 3s. Rus. (in 12 vols.), Toovey, Feb., '94. (946) £7. Cf. ex., y.e. (in 12 vols.), Gardner. Julv, '97. (214) £7. Chronicles of England, Scotland, Ireland, etc., comprising: Holinshed: Hall; Hardynge: Grafton; Pabyan; Arnold; Rastell; Proissart. Lond., 1807-12. 14 vols., 4to. Cf., m.e., Bunbury, July, '9G. (206) £6 10s. Cf., Ashburnham, June, '97. (1098) £6. Cf., m.e., Auckland, Nov., '97. (799) £5. Rus., m.e.. Peel, June, 1900. (1G9) £13. Rus., m.e., Hodgson, Jan., '02. (920) £11 15s. Chronicles of England, Scotland, Ireland, etc., comprising: Proissart, by Johnes, 5 vols, in 4 ; Proissart, by Lord Berners, 2 vols.; Monstrelet, 5 vols, in 4; Joinville, 2 vols, in 1; Holinshed, G vols.; Hall; Hardynge; Pabyan; Grafton, 2 vols.; Arnold: Rastell; Robert of Gloucester, 2 vols., largest paper; Peter Langtoft, 2 vols.; Saxon Chronicle: Chronicle of London; Chronicle of the Kings of Britain; William of Malmsbury, History of the Kings of England. Lond., 1803-27. Together 30 vols., 4to. Mor. ex., g.e., Smith, May, '89. (152) £111. Mor., g.e., 28 vols. only. Baring, Nov., '97. (210) £39. Chronicles and Memorials of Great Britain and Ireland during the Middle Ages. Lond., 1858, etc. Svo. Hf. mor. (252 vols.), Soth., July 1, '95 (998) £45. Hf. mor. (211 vols.), Hartree. July, '90. (430) £43. Hf. mor. (179 vols.), Beresford, June, '88. (391) £27. CHRONICLES 410 CHRYSOSTUM Chronicles — Continued. Hf. mor. (175 vols.), Lumby, Dec, '9G. (48) £42. Hf. mor. (127 vols.), Hailstone, Feb., '91. (381) £20 10s. Hf. mor. (108 vols.), Ashburnham, June, '97. (1091) £25. Chronicon Coenobii, Sanctas crucis Edinburgensis Iterum in Lucem Editum. Edinb., Banna- tyne Club, 1828. 4to. **On vellum. Mor., g.e., Stewart, Mar., '88. (22) £7 5s. Chroniques de France. Paris, A. Verard, 1493. 3 vols., fol. Mor. (in 2 vols.), Sunderland, Apr., '82. (2802) £116. Mor. ex., g.e., Crawford, June, '87. (G77) £100. Chroniques de Normendie. Rouen, Jehan Mace, n.d. 4to. Cf., r.e., Wilbraham, June, '98. (149) £10 15s. Chroniques de Normandle. Rouen, Pierre Regnault. [about 1500]. Rus., g.e. (3 leaves mended). White, Apr., '02. (495) £15 10s. Cronica Cronicarum. Printed on 32 sheets of parchment, on one side only, forming a long roll on rollers. Paris, J. Petit, 1521. Hirst, Dec, '87. (1129) £4 4s. White, Apr., '02. (497) £7 5s. Hf. rus. (sheets cut up, leaves pasted back to back, inner margins mend- ed, last leaf mounted), Morris, Dec, '98. (355) £5 5s. Cronica Hungarorum ab Origine ad Coronationem Regis Mathiae. Buda, A. Hess, 1473. Fol. Cf. (autograph signature and notes of " Gregorious Biccius Budiesinus ") Hopetoun, Feb., '89. (509) £79. Cronyke Van Brabant, Hollant, Seelant Vlanderen. etc. Antwerp, 1512. Colored woodcuts. Fol. Cf., Bangs, May 5, '99. (41) $56. CHRYSOL. See Johnson (C). CHRYSOSTUM (JOHANNES). Homi- lise LXX. super Matthseum. [Stras- burg, Mentelin, about 1466.] (Hain, *5034.) Fol. Chrysostum (Johannes) — Continual. Bds. (the Medici arms painted in cen- ters, arms of Clement VII. painted on reverse of last leaf, 1 clasp miss- ing). White, Apr., '02. (502) £24 10s. Homiliae. [Brussels], 1479. (Hain, *5038). 4to. Vel., Inglis, June, 1900. (171) £14 5s. Cf. (cracked), Arnold, May, '01. (92) $31. Homiliae ad Populum Antioche- num XXII. Lond., G. Bishop and R. Newberrie, 1590. 8vo. Vel. (arms of Queen Elizabeth on sides), Gennadius, Mar., '95. (798) £23. Super psalmo quinquagesimo liber primus. Cologne, Ulric Zell, 14G6. 4to. Mor. ex., g.e., Thorold, Dec, '84. (1039) £61. Mor. ex., g.e. (Thorold copy). Ives, Mar., '91. (170) $105. Liber beati Joannis Chrisostomi. [Cologne, Ulric Zell, 1467]. 4to. Mor. ex., g.e., Menzies, Nov., '76. (385) $85. Interpretatio in Omnes Pauli Epis- tolas, Grsece. Verona, 1529. 2 vols., fol. Cf. (arms of James I. on sides, title of Vol. 1 mended, cover of Vol. 1 lacking). Putt., Dec. 17, '89. (123) £2 18s. Cf. (the preceding copy, apparently, resold), Gennadius, Mar., '95. (796) £11 10s. Liber Dyalogorum Sancti Johan- nis Crisost. et S. Basilii Cesar de Dignitate Sacerdoti. [Cologne, Ul- ric Zell, about 1470]. 4to. Mor. ex., g.e., Inglis, June, 1900. (169) £4. De Raparatione lapsi ad Amanti- cum lapsum. [Cologne, Ulric Zell]. 4to. Mor., g.e. (woodcut by Albert Durer pasted inside of front cover), In- glis, June, 1900. (170) £13. ' Sermon, that no man is hurted but of hymselfe. Trans, by T. Lup- sette. Lond., 1542. 8vo. Mor. ex., g.e. (title mended), Putt., Dec 16, '91. (103) £1 5s. Hawkins, Apr., '95. (84) £2. CHRYSOSTUM 411 CHURCHILL Chrysostum (Johannes) — Continue:}. Golden Book of St. John Chry- sostom, concerning the Education of Children. Trans, by J. E., Esq. Lond., 1659. 12mo. Cf., g.e., Bangs, Sept. 24, '95. (625) $10. CHURCH (BENJAMIN). History of King Philip's War. Bost., 1865. 2 vols., 4to. Hf. mor., Cooke, Dec, '83. (519) $S.50. Hf. mor. ex.. unc. Gale, Dec, '88. (490) $5.75. Paner, unc, Livermore, Nov., '94. ("1079) $9. CI., unc, Sherman, Jan., '98. (177) $S Hf. cf., unc, Manson, Feb., '99. (1935) $8. CI., Perry, June, '99. (112) $5.20. Hf. mor., unc, Pools, May, 1900. (302) $9. Hf. mor., unc, Balcom, Feb., '01. (1309) $10. **Large paper. Hf. mor.. Rice, Mar., '70. (412) $14.50. Paper, unc, Livermore, Nov., '94. (1078) $10. CI., unc, Libbie, Nov. 6, '95. (329) $8.50. Paper, unc. Bangs, Mar. 7, '01. (101) $6. -Oration delivered March 5, 1773; to commemorate the Bloody Trag- edy of the 5th of March, 1770. Bost., Edes & Gill, 1773. 4to. Bds.. Libbie, Apr. 29, '86. (377) $22. Hf. mor., unc, Chase and Dale, Oct., '97. (153) $5. Hf. mor., Deane, Mar., '98. (722) $5.50. The Times: a Poem. Bost., 1765 4to. Hf. mor., unc, Menzies, Nov., '76. (386) $13. CHURCH (THOMAS). Entertaining Passages relating to Philip's War. Bost., B. Green, 1716. 4to. Hf. rus. (portrait of Church inserted), Brinley, Mar., '79. (383) $150. Sheep, Murphy, Mar., '84. (577) $340. Hf. rus. (Brinley copv), Ives, Mar., '91. (172) $500. Entertaining History of King Philip's War. Newport, 1772. Svo. Cf., g.e., Rice, Mar., '70. (410) $17. Church (Thomas) — Contiiiiird. Mor. ex., g.e., Brinley, Mar., '79. (384) $20. Hf. mor., Brinley, Mar., '79. (385) $9. Cf. (one leaf torn), Coburn, Apr., '88. (533) $16. Sheep (with wrong portrait), Deane, (724) $13.50. Hf. mor., McKee, Mav, '02. (4480) $25. History of King Philip's War. Bost., 1865. See Church (Benja- min). CHURCH RENEWED COVENANT, June 29, 1680. (Boston, 1680). 8vo. Cf. ex., Brinley, Mar., '79. (742) $6. CHURCH REVIEW AND ECCLE- siastical Register. New Haven and New York, 1848-91. Vols. 1-50, 53-60 and 63. Together 59 vols. hf. mor., cl. and paper, Bal- com, Feb., '01. (512) $23.60. CHURCHILL (C). Poems. Lond., 1763. 2 vols., 4to. Mor., g.e., Toovey, Feb., '94. (948) £2 4s. Mor., g.e., Toovey, Feb., '94. (949) £1. Mor., g.e.. White, Apr., '02. (504) £4 4s. Poetical Works, with Notes and a Life of the author by W. Tooke. Lond., 1844. 3 vols., 8vo. Unc, Sullivan, May, '90. (145C) £4. Cf., m.e., Ives, Mar.. '91. (171) $6.75. Cl., Livermore, Nov., '94. (1080) $13.50. Cl., Bruce, Dec, 1900. (1046) £5 10s. Cf., Twopenny, May, '02. (176) £4 13s. The Rosciad. Lond., 1761. 4to. Hf. bd., McKee, Jan., '01. (1405) $14. Mor., g.e., Soth., May 18, '03. (193) £5 15s. CHURCHILL (JOHN). Collection of Voyages and Travels. Lond., 1704. 4 vols., fol. Avlesford, Mar., '88. (418) £110s. Cf., Barlow, Feb., '90. (515) $18. Collection of Voyages and Travels. Lond., 1732. 6 vols., fol. Cf., Soth., Dec, '87. (304) £lls. Cf., m.e. (rebacked), Stibbs, Jan., '93. (2218) £116s. CHURCHILL 412 CHURCHYARD Churchill (John) — Continued. Collection of Voyages and Travels. With the Harleian Collection. Lond., 1744-47. 8 vols., fol. Cf. (rebacked), Leigh, Dec, '89. (557) £2 5s. Rus., m.e., Edwards, Jan., '94. (235) £1 4s. Cf., Frere, Feb., '96. (266) £4. Cf. (rebacked), Henkels, Jan., '01. (53) $16. Cf. (rebacked), Henkels, May 8, '01. (37) $18. Collection of Voyages and Travels. Lond., 1752. 8 vols., fol. Rus. (rebacked), Randall, Aug., '87. (682) £4 12s. Cf., Monson, May, '89. (179) £2 2s. CHURCHILL (SILAS). A Sermon, occasioned by the Death of Gen. Washington. Delivered at Leba- non, in the Town of Canaan, Febru- ary 22d. 1800. Albany, 1800. 12mo. Unc", Menzies, Nov., '76. (388) $5.25. CHURCHILL (SIR WINSTON). Divi Britannici. Lond., 1675. Fol. Mor.. g.e., Burrard, Jan., '96. (340) £14. CHURCHYARD (T.). Cardanus Corn- forte. Translated into English [by Henry Bedingfield]. Lond., 1573. 4to. Cf., Auckland, Nov., '97. (595) £6. Churchyard's Challenge. Lond., J. Wolfe. 1593. 4to. Mor. ex., Corser, July, '68. (516) £8 10s. Mor. ex., g.e. (two leaves mended, side-notes cut into), Soth., June 27, '92. (199) £14 5s. Mor. ex., g.e. (with rare blank leaf before title; some leaves discol- ored), Foster, June, '94. (912) £28. Mor. ex. (several leaves mended, af- fecting the text in last 3 leaves), Wills, July, '94. (476) £4 4s. Mor., g.e., Lefferts, Apr., '02. (222) $200. Churchyardes Charge. Lond., Ihon Kvngston, 1580. 4to. Mor. ex., Corser, July, '68. (514) £6 18s. The Firste Parte of Churchyardes Chippes. Lond., 1575. 4to. Churchyard (T.) — Continued. Mor. ex., Corser, July, '68. (509) £7. Mor., Burra, May, '97. (593) £22. Mor. ex., g.e. (two leaves discolored, margin of 1 leaf repaired, a few let- ters missing), McKee, Dec, '01. (2811) $40. The Firste Parte of Churchyardes Chippes. Lond., 1578. 4to. Mor. (with Utterson's arms), Corser, July, '68. (512) £6. Mor. ex., g.e., Soth., June 27, '92. (197) £8 5s. Mor. ex., Foote, Jan., '95. (68) $95. Mor. ex., g.e. (slightly stained). Putt, Feb. 7, '95. (255) £10. Mor. g.e., Ashburnham, June, '97. (1101) £31. Mor. ex., g.e., Auckland, Nov., '97. (800) £18 15s. Unbd. (lacking Sheet O, some mar- gins wormed), Ellis, Oct., '02. (658) £5. Discourse of the Queenes Majes- ties Entertainment in Suffolk and Norfolk. Lond., n. d. 4to. Rus., g.e. (headlines cut into, title in- laid), Thornhill, Apr., '89. (110) £7 10s. Generall Rehearsall of Warres. Lond., E. -V^Tiite, [1579]. 4to. Mor. ex., Corser, July, '68. (513) £18 5s. Mor. ex., g.e., Martin, Mar., '88. (94) £9. Mor. ex., g.e., Soth., Apr. 22, '95. (708) £17. Mor. ex., g.e.. Lefferts, Apr., '02. (223) $130. The Miserie of Flaunders, etc. Lond., 1579. 4to. Mor., Sewall, Nov., '90. (746) $72. Musicall Consort of Heavenly Harmonie. Lond., 1595. 4to. Mor., Corser, July, '68. (517) £36. True Discourse Historicall of the Succeeding Governors in the Neth- erlands, etc. Lond., Matthew Lownes, 1602. 4to. Hf. cf., Corser, July, '68. (510) £5. Hf. mor., Lefferts, Apr., '02. (224) $95. Wofull Warres in Flaunders. Lond.. 1578. 4to. CHURCHYARD 413 GIBBER Churchyard (T.) — f'niith)iinl. Mor. ex., Corser, Julv, 'GS. (511) £4 15s. Mor. ex., g.e., Soth., June 27, '92. (198) £3 3s. Mor. ex., g.e., McKee, Dec, '01. (2812) $125. Worthines of Wales. Lond., 1587. 4to. Vel. (lacking one leaf), Corser, July, ■68. (515) £7 7s. CHUTE (ANTHONY). Beawtie Dis- honoured, written under the title of Shores Wife. Lond., John Wolfe, 1593. 4to. Cf., in mor. case, Daniel, Julv, '64. (345) £96. Mor. ex., Corser, Julv, '68. (518) £131. CHYTR>EUS (NATHAN). Variorum in Europa Itinerum Delicife, Monu- nienta. Herborn, 1594. Svo. Vol., Murphy, Mar., '84. (580) $20. Pigskin. Moore, Feb., '94. (249) $25. tJnbd.. Moore, Feb., '94. (250) $16. Vel., Deane, Mar., '98. (728) $6. Variorum In Europa Itinerum Delicise. N.p., Christophorum Cor- vlnum, 1606. Svo. Vel., Murphy, Mar., '84. (581) $22. GIBBER (COLLEY). Apology for his Life. Lond., 1740. 4to. Hf. mor., unc, Burnett, Apr., '89. (91) £2. Cf. (portrait mounted and stained; presentation copy from Miss O'Keefe), McKee, Jan., '01. (1408) $19. Eds., unc, French, Apr., '01. (226) $20. Apology for the Life of Colley Cibber. Lond.. 1756. 2 vols., 12mo. Cf. ex., g.e., Libbie, Feb., '97. (174) $5.60. Cf. ex., French, Apr., '01. (227) $6. Apology for the Life of Colley Cibber. Lond., 1889. 2 vols., Svo. Hf. mor., Baring, Nov., '97. (121) £114s. Hf. mor., unc, Bliss, Apr., '9S. (44) £1 Is. Hf. mor., Richmond, Mar., '99. (455) $6.50. Hf. mor., unc, Pratt, Apr., '99. (504) $7.25. '**Large paper. Cibber (Colley) — Cnntiiiiied. CI., Swavne, Nov., '92. (1050) £1 7s. CI., Soth., July, '96. (71) £1 5s. CI., unc, Bangs, Oct. 20, '97. (196) $8. Unc, Soth., Dec. 17, '97. (94) £1 14s. CI., unc, Richmond, Feb., '99. (163) $5.25. CI., imc. Cox, Apr. 17, '99. (173) $7.50. Unc, Soth., Oct. 30. '99. (1141) £1. CI., unc. Bangs, Dec. 14, '99. (295) $6.50. Hf. of., Daly, Mar., 1900. (546) $18. Bds., unc, McKee, Jan., '01. (1419) $10. Bds.. unc, Soth., May 16, '01. (123) £114s. Bds., unc, Lefferts, Apr., '02. (225) $11.50. **Japan paper. Mor. ex., unc. Walker, Mav, '93. (213) £4 14s. Careless Husband, A Comedy. Lond., 1705. 4to. Paper, McKee, Apr., '01. (2259) $3. Hf. mor., Lefferts, Apr., '02. (227) $6. Comical Lovers: a Comedy. Lond., 1707. 4to. Hf. mor., Lefferts, Apr., '02. (228) $5.50. Double Gallant; or, The Sick Ladv's Cure. Lond., 1707. 4to. Hf. mor., Lefferts, Apr., '02. (229) $5.50. Dramatick Works. Lond., 1736. 5 vols., 12mo. Cf. ex., y.e., Soth., May 16, '01. (124) £2 4s. Cf., Hibbert, Apr., '02. (179) £2. Dramatic Works. Lond., 1760. 4 vols., 12mo. Mor. ex., g.e., Hawley, Julv, '94. (206) £lls. Cf., Soth., Apr. 4, '98. (13) £112s. Cf., y.e., Pratt, Apr., '99. (503) $10. Dramatic Works. Lond., 1777. 5 vols., 8vo. Unc, Turner, June, '88. (777) £G15s. Cf., Benbow, Nov., '89. (1219) £lls. Cf., Bangs, Oct. 12, '97. (190) $10. Cf. ex., Daly, Mar., 1900. (540) $8.75. Mor. ex., unc, Lefferts, Apr., '02. (230) $21.25. Dramatic Works. Lond.. 17S7. 5 vols., 8vo. GIBBER 414 CICERO Cibber (Colley) — Contintieil. Cf. ex., unc, Fraser, Apr. 22, '01. (323) £3. Jests, or the Diverting Witty Com- panion. New Castle. 1761. 8vo. Hf. cf., Grant, May, 1900. (61) £1 2s. Letter from IVlr. Cibber, to IVlr. Pope. Lend.. 1742. Svo. Hf. cf., unc, French, Apr., 01. (229) $6. Letter from Mr. Cibber, to IVlr. Pope. Lond., 1777. Svo. Paper, unc. McKee, Jan., '01. (1413) $10. Letter from IVlr. Cibber, to IVlr. Pope. Glasgow, n.d. ) £1 5s. CORDOBA (PEDRO THOMAS DE). Memorla sobre todos los ramos de la Administracion de la Isla de Puerto-Rico. Madrid, 1838. 4to. Cf., Del Monte, May, '01. (449) $5.50. CORDOBA SALINAS (DIEGO DE). Vida Virtudes, y Milagros del Apostol del Peru el B. P. Fr. Fran- cisco Solano. Madrid, 1076. 8vo. Hf. mor., Cooke. Dec, 'S3. (619) $11. CORDYALE. The Soke named Cord- yale, or the Fower last Things. Trans, by Lord Anthoine, Earl Rivers. Westminster, Caxton, 1479. Fol. Leather (measuring Hi by 8i in.. CORDYALE 484 CORNWALLIS Cordyale — Cnntinued. front cover and first 7 leaves wormed and discolored, loose in binding, back margins frayed), Soth., Mar. 21, '98. (1010) £505. (llf by Si inches, lacking 8 leaves, last leaf slightly wormed, with 34 lines in manuscript on flyleaves at end), Ashburnham, June, '97. (1187) £7G0. (34 leaves only), Bateman, May, '93. (580) £18. CORIDON'S SONG. See Dobson (A.). CORIO (B.). Historia di Milano. Milan, 1503. Fol. Crawford, Mar., '91. (830) £7 17s. Gd. Rus., r.e. Ashburnham, June, '97. (1188) £5. CORNAZANO (ANTONIO). Vita di Nostra donna. [Venice], 1471. 4to. Leather, Soth., Apr. 12, '99. (196) £7 10s. Vita della Vergine Maria. Venice, 1481. 4to. Mor., g.e.. Wills, July, '94. (495) £5 10s. Opera Intitulata de Fide et Vita Christi. N.p., 1472. 8vo. Mor. ex., g.e., Crawford, Mar., '91. (S37) £2 6s. C0RNEILL£. The Feigned Astrolo- ger. Lond., 1668. 4to. Bds. (writing on title), McKee, Apr., '01. (2357) $5. Horatius, a Roman Tragedie. Trans, by Sir William Lower. Lond., 1656. 4to. Hf. mor., Lefferts, Apr., '02. (861) $5. Polyeuctas. Trans, by Sir Wil- liam Lower. Lond.. 1655. 4to. Hf. mor. (title soiled), Soth., May 16, '01. (376) £2 2s. Hf. mor., Lefferts, Apr., '02. (863) $5. CORNELIUS NEPOS. See Nepos. CORNHILL magazine. Lond., v.d. Svo. 1860 to June, 1893, together 73 vols., hf. mor., m.e., Soth., June 1, '97. (97) £5 10s. 1860 to June, 1893, 52 vols, bd., the re- mainder in parts, Tixall, Nov., '99. (164) £112s. CORNMAN (F.). Some Old London Houses, Localities and Portraits Cornman (F.) — Continued. alluded to by C. Dickens. Lond., 1897. Hf. mor., Hughes, May, 1900. (311) £118s. Vestiges of Old London. Colored plates. Lond., 1900. Fol. Hf. mor.. Bangs, Feb. 7, '02. (121) $7. CORNUCOPIA (THE), or Literary and Dramatic Mirror. Nos. 1-13, Sept. 1820, to Sept., 1821. Lond., 1820-21. 4to. Hf. cf. (in 1 vol.), McKee, Jan., '01. (1456) $22. Cf. ex., m.e. (in 1 vol.), Fraser, Apr., '01. (359) £4 12s. Hf. cf. (in 1 vol.), French, Apr., '01. (272) $27. CORNUT (J.). Canadenslum Plan- tarum aliarumque nondum editarum Historia. Paris, 1635. 4to. Vel., Barlow, Feb., '90. (629) $15. Of., Hart, Apr., '90. (667) $8.50. Hf. bd., Henkels, Dec. 10, '95. (135) $20. Canadenslum Plantarum aliar- umque nondum editarum Historia. Paris, 1651. 4to. Vel., Barlow, Feb., '90. (630) $16. CORNWALL. Parochial History of the County of Cornwall. Truro, 1S67-72. 4 vols., Svo. Borlase, Feb., '87. (161) £2. Hf. mor., MacLean, May, '95. (23) £2 5s. Royal Institution of Cornwall. Journal. Vols. 1-11. Truro, 1864-92. Svo. Hf. cf., MacLean, May, '95. (29) £4 4s. Views in Cornwall. 16 colored plates, bv Thomas Rowlandson. Lond., 1812. Obi. 4to. Orig. bds., Soth., June 3, '02. (967) £9. Visitations of Cornwall. Edited by Vivian. Exeter, 1SS7. 17 parts, 4to. Putt., Nov. 11, '90. (GG5) £1 9s. Hf. mor., Howard, June, '02. (163) £118s. CORNWALLIS (SIR CHARLES). Discourse of Prince Henry. Lond., 1641. 4to. Cf., Avlesford, Mar., '88. (526) £3. Hf. cf.. Turner, Nov., '88. (1236) £1 3 s. CORNWALLIS 485 CORRY Cornwallis (Sir Charles) — Continued. Hf. cf., Bierstadt, Apr., '97. (499) $8.50. Hf. cf., Bierstadt, Apr., '97. (500) $14. Mor. ex., g.e.. Bangs, Nov. 26, 1900. (158) $12.50. Mor., g.e., Lefterts, Apr., '02. (2G0) $22.50. Mor., g.e. (with blank leaf, A 1), Soth., June, '03. (750) £110s. Life and Death of Prince Henry. Lond., 1641. 8vo. Hf. cf., Lefferts, Apr., '02. (201) $7. CORNWALLIS (CHARLES, EARL). Correspondence. Edited by C. Ross. Lond., 1859. 3 vols., 8vo. Cf. ex., m.e., Rogers, Jan., '88. (258) $6. Putt., July, '89. (751) £13s. Hf. mor., unc. Barlow, Feb., '90. (632) $6. Cooke, June, '92. (149) £15s. Examination before a Committee of the House of Commons, upon Sir William Howe's papers. Lond., 1779. 8vo. Hf. mor. (with manuscript notes). Menzies, Nov., '76. (408) $5.50. As Great a IVlan as Nelson! The Life of the Marquis Cornwallis. Lond, n.d. 12mo. Hf. mor., unc. (the Wi£;ht copy), Men- zies, Nov., '76. (469) $7.25. CORNWALLIS (JANE, LADY). Pri- vate Correspondence, 1013-1644. Lond., privately printed, 1842. Mor., g.e., Ashburnham, June, '97. (1193) £117s. CORNWALLIS (SIR WILLIAM). Es- says. Lond., 1600-01. 2 parts, 8vo. Mor. ex., g.e. (in 1 vol.), Halliwell, July, 'S9. (125) £1 10s. Mor. ex., g.e. (in 1 vol.), Dennis, Dec, '92. (106) £2 8s. Cf. (with Discourses upon Seneca, in 1 vol.), Inglis, June, 1900. (192) £10. Essays. Newly Enlarged. Lond., 1010. 12mo. Sheep (lacking engraved title, mar- gins slightly torn), McKee, Dec, '01. (2826) $20. Essays. Lond., 1616. 4to. Cf. ex., unc. Turner, Nov., '88. (1237) £118s. Cornwallis (Sir William) — Continued. Unbd., Soth., Dec. 4, '02. (429) £10 2s. 6d. Essays. Lond., 1632. Svo. Mor. ex., g.e., Craig, June, '87. (677) £2 16s. Mor. ex., g.e.. Turner, Nov., '88. (1037) £2 10s. Mor. ex., Bierstadt, Apr., '97. (501) $15. Cf., y.e., Lefferts, Apr., '02. (262) $5. CORONA MISTICA BEATE MARIE virginis gloriose. Antwerp, Gerard Leew, 1492. Svo. Mor., g.e., Ives, Mar., '91. (216) $32. CORONATIO ILLUSTRISSIMI REGIS Maximiliani. [Mainz, Schoeffer, I486.] 4to. Perkins, July, '89. (486) £5 15s. CORREA (LUYS). Conquista del Reyno de Navarre. Toledo, 1513. Fol. Vel., Crawford, June, '89. (333) £1 Is. CORRESPONDENT (THE). VoLs. 1-5. N. Y., 1827-29. 5 vols., Svo. Hf. cf.. Bangs, Sept. 30, '95. (906) $5. Hf. cf.. Bangs, June 19, '99. (134) 5.5. CORROZET (GILLES). Hecatom- graphie. Paris, 1543. Svo. Mor., g.e., Soth., Feb. 17, '97. (4) £8 5s. Cf., Clerk, May. '99. (268) £5 15s. CORRY (JOHN). Life of George Washington. Lend., 1800. Svo. Cf., g.e. (portrait inserted). Rice, Mar., '70. (2419) $5. Hf. cf., Brinley, Mar., 'SO. (4246) $8.50. Mor. ex., g.e., Matthews, Feb., '97. (709) $24. Biographical Memoirs of General Washington. Trenton, 1811. 12mo. Hf. mor., Menzies, Nov., '76. (474) $6.25. CORRY (J.) AND EVANS (J.). His- tory of Lancashire. Lend., 1S25. 2 vols., 4to. Bds., Bailey, June, '89. (759) £2 1Ss. Hf. mor., unc, Foljambe, Jan., '90. (1902) £llSs. Hf. rus., unc, Buckley, Feb., '93. (977) £2 4s. Hf. mor., Johnson, Feb., '98. (1355) £12s. CORRY 486 CORTES Corry (J.) and Evans (J.) — Continued. ** Large paper. Hf. cf., unc. (lacking 4 plates), Hart- ley, Apr., '87. (1919) £110s. CORSAIR (THE). Vol. 1, Mar. 16, 1839 to Mar. 7, 1840. N. Y., 1839- 40. Fol. Hf. cf. (broken), Hale, Mar., '91. (800) $31. Bds., Soth., Dec. 12, '93. (701) £23 10s. Hf. cf., Griffith, Dec, '95. (708) £15 5s. Hf. mor.. Soth., June IS, '96. (491) £12 12s. Hf. bd., Harris, Apr., '97. (884) £5 5s. Hf. roan, Blanchard, May, '98. (1707) $16. Hf. mor., g.t., unc, Daly, Mar., 1900. (3296) $55. Hf. mor., Hornby, Apr., 1900. (530) £16 10s. Hf. sheep, Avery, Oct., 1900. (972) $5.25. Hf. sheep, Wales, Mar., '03. (531) $15. CORSER (T.). Collectanea Anglo- Poetica. Manchester, Chetham Soc, 1860-83. 11 parts, Svo. CI., unc, Crawford, Mar., '91. (843) £5 5s. CI., unc. (presentation copies), Haz- litt, Nov. '93. (122) £2 12s. CI., unc, Adee, Nov., '95. (214) $22. CI., unc, Bierstadt, Apr., '97. (502) $27.50. CI., unc. Bliss, Apr., '98. (227) £3 10s. CI., unc, Frederickson, May, '97. (330) $22. Hf. mor., unc, Lefterts, Apr., '02. (87) $23.75. Catalogue of the Library of. Lond., 1868-76. 9 parts, Svo. Hf. mor. (in 1 vol., with prices and purchasers' names), Frederickson, May. '97. (240) $9. CORTE (C). Art of Riding. Trans. by T. Bedingfield. Lond., 1584. 4to. Cf. ex., g.e., Toovey, Mar., '94. (332) £2 2s. Mor. ex., g.e., Farquharson, July, '97. (433) £8. CORTES (FERDINAND). Carta de Relacion enviada a su S. Majestad del emperador nuestro seiior por el capitan general dela nueva Spana. Seville, [J. Cromberger] 1522. Fol. Mor. ex., g.e.. Barlow, Feb., '90. (653) $1650. Mor. ex., g.e. (Barlow copy), Ives, Mar., '91. (217) $900. Cortes (Ferdinand) — Continued. Carta Tercera de Relacion. Se- ville, [J. Cromberger], 1523. Fol. Mor. ex., g.e.. Barlow, Feb., '90. (636) $1100. Mor. ex., g.e. (Barlow copy), Ives, Mar., '91. (218) $850. Tertia Ferdlnandi Cortesii in Nova Maris Ocean! Hyspania. Nur- emberg, 1524. Fol. Mor. ex., g.e.. Barlow, Feb., '90. (637) $135. Mor. ex., g.e. (Barlow copy), Ives, Mar., '91. (220) $90. Praeclara Ferdinand! Cortesii de Nona Maris Oceani Hyspania. Nur- emberg, 1524. Fol. Mor., Cooke, Dec, 'S3. (623) $42. Mor. ex., g.e.. Barlow, Feb., '90. (640) $135. Mor. ex., g.e. (Barlow copy), I\es, Mar., '91. (221) $130. Cf., r.e. (with Tertia Ferd. Cortesii in Nova Maris Ocean! Hyspania, together 2 vols.), Soth., Apr. 12, 99. (197) £50. La Preclara Narratione della nouva Hispagna. Venice. Berna- dino de Viano, 1524. 4to. Mor. ex. (with a folding map, perhaps the correct one), Ellis, Nov.. '85. (103) £20 10s. Mor. ex., g.e. (lacking the correct map). Barlow, Feb., '90. (G41) $215. Mor. ex., g.e. (lacking the correct map, the Barlow copy), Ives, Mar., '91. (222) $150. Cf. (lacking the correct map), Hen- kels, Oct. 21, '96. (129) $38. Mor., g.e. (lacking the correct map), McKee, May, '02. (44S7) $42.50. Cf. (lacking map and printer's device), Soth., Nov. 13, '02. (155) £7. La Quarta Relacion que Fernan- do Cortes enla nueva Espaiia d'l mar oceano embio. Toledo, Caspar de Avila, 1525. Fol. Mor. ex., g.e.. Barlow, Feb., '90. (638) $1500. Mor. ex., g.e. (Barlow copy), Ives, Mar., '91. (219) $900. De Insulis Nuper Inventis. Col- ogne, A. Birckman, 1532. Fol. Cf. (rebacked. slightly stained), Haw- kins, Mar., '87. (294) $23. Hf. bd. (wormed and stained). Putt., Dec, '89. (141) £5 10s. CORTES 4S7 CORYAT Cortes (Ferdinand) — Continued. Hf. mor. (lacking 2 leaves), Barlow, Feb., '90. (C39) $2G. Hf. bd. (top margin of title cut off), Ashburnham, June, '97. (1196) £5. Cf., g.e., Wilbraham, June, '98. (205) £2 10s. Von dam Newen Hispanien. Augs- burg, 1550. Fol. Cf., Cooke, Dec. '93. (G24) $22. Vel., Barlow, Feb., '90. (642) $11. Hf. bd., Soth., Nov. 13, '02. (156) £6 15s. Vel., Henkels, May 27, '03. (353) $11. Historia de Nueva Espana. Mex- ico, 1770. Fol. Vel., Boban. Dec, '8G. (2370) $25. Vel., Barlow, Feb.. '90. (644) $15. Vel., Brevoort, Feb., '90. (315) $15. Vel., Bangs, May 19. '96. (609) $11.25. Vel., Stone, Oct., '97. (166) $14. Vel., Slee, Feb., 1900. (1S9) $5. Mor., g.e., Anderson, Apr. 16, '03. (150) $S. Esta as una Carta ascriuio a la S.C.C.M. Mexico, 1S65. Sq. 18mo. Hf. mor. (with Icazbalceta's auto- graph dedication to Augustin Fischer), Brevoort, Feb., '90. (317) $.5. CORTES (MARTIN). Breve Com- pendio de la Sphera y de la arte de Navegar. Seville, 1551. Fol. Cf., Barlow, Feb., '90. (646) $26. The Arte of Navigation. Trans. by Richard Eden. Lond., 1561. 4to. Cf., r.e. (title mounted). Barlow, Feb., '90. (675) $14. The Arte of Navigation. Lond., 1576. 4to. Vel., Hodgson, Apr. 13, '04. (492) £11 5s. Vel. (lacking chart), Hodgson, Mav 30, '04. (460) £5. The Arte of Navigation. ' Lend., 1584. 4to. Hf. rus. (with Norman's The New Attractive, Lond., 1585, and A Discourse of the Variation of the Cumpas, Lond., 1585, in 1 vol.), Brinley, Mar., '79. (19) $45. The Arte of Navigation. Lond., 1596. 4to. Mor., g.e., Barlow, Feb., '90. (676) $15. Cortes (Martin) — Continued. Mor., Anderson, Apr. 16, '03. (157) $30. CORVUS (A.). Excellentissimi at Singularis Virl in Chiromantia, etc. [Lyons, before 1500.] 8vo. Hf. cf., Soth., June 15, '97. (335) £8. Opera Nova de la Chiromantia. Marzaria, N. and D. Fradeli, 1519. Svo. Mor. (a few leaves mended), Soth., Nov. 18, '02. (82) £14 10s. CORY (C. B.). Birds of Hayti and San Domingo. Bost., 18S5. Colored plates. 4to. Hf. mor., g.e., Hodgson, Mar. 9, '97. (205) £4. Hf. mor.. unc. Bangs, Oct. '99. (383) $7.25. Parts, unc, Mackay, May, 1900. (317) $9.75. CORY (WILLIAM). lonica. Lond., 1858-77. 2 parts, 8vo. May, July, '91. (993) £2 8s. Mor. ex., g.t. (in 1 vol.), Brice, Mar., 1900. (37) £3 IDs. CORYAT (T.). Coryat's Crambe, or his Colwort twise Sodden and now served as the Second Course to his Crudities. Lond., 1611. 4to. Vel., Corser, Feb., '71. (61) £8 17s. 6d. Ve!., Turner, June, '88. (998) £15 lOs. Mor. ex., g.e., Hazlitt, Nov., '93. (129) £8. Mor. ex., g.e., Soth., Feb. 25, '01. (547) £10. Mor. ex., g.e., Edwardes, May, '01. (112 A) £31. Mor. (title mended, a few headlines cut into). Putt, Oct. 21, '01. (407) £7 5s. Coryat's Crudities. Lond., 1611. 4to. Rus. ex., m.e.. Turner. June, '88. (997) £40 10s. Cf., Hardwicke, June, '88. (55) £53. Mor. ex., g.e. (margins of both titles, 2 plates and 1 other leaf mended, corner of 1 plate torn off). Cole, Apr., '90. (122) $65. Mor. ex., g.e. (engraved title backed), Sullivan, May, '90. (1667) £15 10s. Mor. ex., g.e., Putt., June 17, '91. (920) £24 10s. Vel. (engraved title inlaid, points cut CORYAT 4S8 COSMOPOLITAN Coryat (T.) — Coiitiniicrl. off), Lawrence, May, '92. (152) £39 10s. Mor. ex., g.e., Lawrence, May, '92. (153) £25. Mor. ex. (engraved title mended), Hawley, July, '94. (331) £11 5s. Rus., Soth., Mar. 10, '97. (77S) £21. Rus. (title and 1 plate cut into), Frederickson, May, '97. (331) $81. Mor., g.e. (orig. vellum cover bound in), Ashburnham, June, '97. (1200) £16. Rus., g.e. (lacking the Errata, mar- gins of engraved title and 1 plate cut into), Ashburnham, Nov. '97. (74) £18 5s. Vel., in case (a very fine copy, the " pointers " on the frontispiece and the ■' Strasburg Clock " plate per- fect), Lefterts. Apr., '02. (2G3) $440. Mor. ex., g.e. (title and plate cut into, title also mounted), Ashburton, Nov., 1900. (210) £37. Mor. ex., g.e. (Ashburnham copy. No. 1200), Edwardes, May, '01. (112) £50. Cf. (.John Davies' copy, with numer- ous manuscript notes by him), Ellis, Nov., '01. (9) £C0. Mor. ex.. g.e. (engraved title mended), Hibbert, Apr., '02. (202) £37. Rus., Ford, May, '02. (151) £35. Cf. (margin of title, 1 plate, and 2 other leaves, cut close), Pountaine, June, '02. (229) £41. Cf. (engraved title cut into at top), Soth., May IS, '03. (107) £38. Cf. (Ellis copy), Soth., May 18, '03. (199) £65. Coryat's Crudities. Lond.. 1776. 3 vols., Svo. Cf. ex.. y.e., Rogers, Jan., '88. (261) $12.75. Mor. ex., unc, Toovev, Feb., '94. (705) £4 4s. Cf., Griffith, Dec. '95. (520) £2 6s. Cf., Frere, Feb., '96. (294) £2 18s. Cf., Deane, Mar., '98 (886) $9.75. Cf., Wilbraham. June, '98. (63) £2 5s. Cf., Makellar, Nov., '98. (796) £1 14s. Cf., r.e.. Cox, Feb., '02. (246) $14.25. Mor. ex., unc, Hibbert, Apr., '02. (203) £13. Cf. y.e.. Twopenny, May, '02. (200) £10. Mor. ex., g.e., Christie, June 18, '02. (110) £9 10s. Coryat (T.) — Continued. Cf., Carmichael, Mar., '03. (249) £6. The Odcombian Banquet. [Lond.], for Thomas Thorp, 1611. 4to. Rus. ex., g.e., Odell, Nov., '78. (257) $30. Mor. ex., g.e. (slightly stained) Oldys copy), Soth., June 27, '92. (224) £6 6s. Mor. ex., g.e. (headlines cut into), Soth., June 18, '96. (701) £5. Cf. ex., g.e. (top margins cut close), McKee, Dec, '01. (2827) $10. Traveller for tlie English Wits. [Lond.], 1616. 4to. Mor. ex., Ellis, Nov., '85. (1004) £16 10s. Mor. ex., g.e., Odell, Nov., '78. (258) $29. Cf. ex., g.e. (date cut from title). Tur- ner, June, '88. (1000) £2 2s. Mor. ex., g.e., Edwardes, May, '01. (113) £20 10s. Cf., g.e. (2 leaves mended), McKee, Dec, '01. (2828) $19. Mor. ex., g.e. (1 leaf mended). White, Apr., '02. (602) £2 2s. Mr. Thomas Coriat to his Friends in England sendeth greeting from Agra. Lond., J. B., 1618. 4to. Mor. ex., g.e.. White, Apr., '02. (603) £16. COSARTIO (GABRIEL). Imago Vech- iana Alexandro VII. Paris, 1C56. Fol. Mor., Barlow, Feb., '90. (649) $10. COSIN (J.). Collection of Private De- votions, called the Houres of Prayer. Lond., 1G27. 12rao. Cf.. g.e., Crawford, June, '89. (612) £8. Vel., Soth., July 27, '93. (15) £1. COSMO III. Travels through England. Lond., 1821. 4to. Cf., Perkins, July, '89. (487) £1. Hf. mor., Griffith, Dec, '95. (667) £2 5s. Cf. ex., m.e. (Ellis copy), Soth., May, 25. 1900. (SO) £2. COSMOGRAPHI/E INTRODUCTIO. See Waldseemuller. COSMOPOLITAN (THE). Vols. 118. N. Y., 1886-94. 18 vols., Svo. Parts, Libbie, Oct. 17, '95. (254) $18. COSTELLO 489 COTGRAVE COSTELLO (LOUISA S.). Memoirs of Eminent Englishwumen. Loutl., 1844. 4 vols., 8vo. CI., Scharf, Feb., '96. (125) £110s. CI., unc, Koecker, Dec, '97. (149) $G.40. CI., Johnson, Feb., '98. (G36) £ll.s. CI., Bangs, Dec. 19, '98. (124) $7.60. Rose Garden of Persia. Lond., 184.5. Svo. Bds., unc, Soth., Feb. 14, 'S8. (80) £1. Mor., Bangs, Dec 7, '96. (232) ?8.50. Cf., unc, Pratt, Apr., '99. (569) $6. COSTLIE WHORE (THE): A Comi- cal Historle. Lond.. 1633. 4to. Hf. cf., Hawkins, Mar., '87. (1278) $7.50. Hf. cf., Percy, Ma.v, '90. (260) £2 15s. Hf. cf., Soth., Dec. 3, 1900. (778) £4 10s. Hf. rus. (margins cut close), McKee, Apr., '01. (2273) $10. Hf. leather, Lefferts, Apr.. '02. (265) $18. COSTUME. Costumes of Various Countries, comprising: Great Brit- ain, Russia, Turkey, Austria. Italy, Hindostan, China, and the Punish- ments of China. Lond., ISOO, etc. Together 8 vols.. 4to. Mor., g.e.. Deacon, Dec, '92. (291) £6 7s. 6d. Mor., g.e.. Putt., June, 20, '94. (897) £4 10s. Mor., g.e. (7 vols. only). Soth., Feb. 6, 1900. (1597) £6 2s. 6d. Mor., g.e. (7 vols, onlv), Fraser, Apr.. '01. (377) £11 lis. COSWAY (R.). Catalogue of Minia- tures, in the Possession of E. Joseph. Lond., 1SS3. Fol. Hf. mor., g.e., Soth., Apr. 22, '95. (181) £3 19s. Hf. mor. ex., g.e., Soth., Feb. 27, '99. (605) £S12s. 6d. Hf. mor., g.e., Soth., July 21, '02. (483) £9 15s. COSYN (JOHN). Musike of Six and Five Partes. Lond., 1585. 2 parts, obi. 8vo. Vel. (in 1 vol.), Soth., Apr. 22, '95. (892) £10. COTGRAVE (J.). English Treasury of Wit and Language. Lond., 1655. Svo. Cotgrave (J.) — Continued. Mor. ex., g.e., Whatman, July, '87. (7) £2 5s. Mor. ex., g.e.. Wood, Mar., '91. (596) £4 10s. Mor. ex., g.e., Soth., June 27, '92. (225) £2 14s. Cf. (Mitford copy), Sewall, Nov., '96. (864) $28.50. Mor., g.e., Soth., May 21, '97. (50) £5 2s. 6d. Mor., Appleton, Feb., '02. (343) $22. Mor., g.e., LefCerts, Apr., '02. (266) $62.50. Cf., Twopenny, May, '02. (201) £12 10s. Wits Interpreter, the English Par- nassus. Lond., 1655. 8vo. Cf., r.e. (frontispiece inlaid, Jolley copy), Soth., Mar. 11, '99. (22) £10. Cf. (frontispiece mended, some head- lines cut into), Marshall, Julv, '04. (135) £9. Wits interpreter. Lond., 1662. 8vo. . Cf.. Wood, Cf., Soth., Wits 8vo. Mor. ex.. Mar., '91. (792) £2 4s. Feb. 25, '01. (592) £11 lis. Interpreter. Lond., 1C71. Mar., '91. g.e., Crawford, (848) £5. Cf. ex., g.e., Hailstone, Apr., '91. (485) £4 6s. Mor. (lacking frontispiece, Sykes copy), Sewall, Nov., '96. (865) $5.50. Cf., Putt., June 14, '97. (65) £3 15s. Cf. ex., g.e.. Bliss, 4pr., '98. (55) £5. Mor., g.e., Davis, Nov., 1900. (339) £9 9s. Cf. ex., g.e.. Soth., May 6, '01. (403) £14 14s. Cf. (a few headlines cut into), Foun- taine, ,Tune. '02. (934) £5 15s. COTGRAVE (R.). DIctionarie of the French and English Tongues. Lond., 1611. Fol. Cf. (rebacked), Stewart, Apr., '88. (674) £12s. Cf., Constable, £112s. Hf. bd., Halliwell, £2 2s. Cf., Soth., July 27, Mor., g.e., Fraser, £12. Cf. ex., g.e., Ellis, Nov., '01. £8 10s. June, '89. (324) I, July, '89. (296) , '93. (103) •, Apr., '01. £113s. (434) (7) COTGRAVE 490 COTMAN Cotgrave (R.) — Continued. Mor., g.e., Ellis, Oct., '02. (733) £9. Cf., Soth., July 10, '03. (317) £5 5s. Dictionary of the French and Eng- lish Tongues. Loud. 1632. Fol. Cf., Prideaux, May, '89. (139) £1 6s. Cf., Ditchfleld, Apr., '93. (227) £1 17s. Cf., Clerk, May, '99. (269) £lls. Cf., Libbie, June 19, 1900. (285) $12.25. French and English Dictionary. Lond., 1660. Fol. Cf., Hussey, May, '87. (221) £2 12s. Offley, Nov., '89. (320) £12s. Cf., Putt, Nov. 15, '93. (628) £llls. Jackson, May, '95. (595) £113s. COTHREN (WILLIAIVI). History of Ancient Woodbury,1659-1854. Water- burv, 1854. 8vo. CI., Terrv, Mar., '89. (1103) f5. Mor., g.e., Libbie, Jan. 29, '96. (1077) $5. CI., Libbie, May 20, '96. (956) $6. CI., Deane, Mar., '98. (3919) ?6.50. CI., Manson, Mar., '99. (4GS4) $5.25. History of Ancient Woodbury, 1659-1879. Waterbury and Wood- bury, 1854-79. 3 vols., 8vo. CI., Guild, Nov., '87. (5121) $10.25. CI., Bangs, Dec. 10, '96. (120) $14.63. CI., Manson, Mar., '99. (4685) $15. Sheep and cl., Libbie, Dec. 5, '99. (1376) $13.13. COTMAN (J. S.). Etchings of Archi- tectural Antiquities of Norfolk. Lond., 1818. 4to. Hf. rus., Hodgson, Mar., '87. (515) £116s. Hf. rus., Larpent, Jan., '95. (220) £112s. Rus., g.e. (A.L.S. inserted, Turner copy), Leighton, July, '96. (236) £6 6s. Hf. cf., unc, Roberts, Nov., '96. (154) £116s. Architectural Antiquities of Nor- folk. Lond., 1838. 2 vols., fol. Hf. mor., Levcester, Nov. '88. (1098) £2 10s. Hf. mor., Putt., Mar., '95. (299) £2 Is. Hf. mor.. Bangs, May 27, '96. (104) $7.50. Architectural Antiquities of Nor- mandy. Lond., 1822. 2 vols., fol. Hf. cf. (in 1 vol., binding broken), For- tescue. Mar., '87. (637) £2 12s. Unc, Crawford, Mar., '91. (851) £4. Cotman (J. S.) — Continued. Hf. mor., Tyrell, Dec, '91. (255) £1 lOs. Hf. mor.. Smith, Feb., '96. (154) £1. Hf. mor., g.e., Leighton, July, '96. (237) £3. Unc, Atkinson, Mar., '97. (48) £17s. ♦■"Large paper. Parts, Putt., Dec. 19, '88. (1138) £3 7s. 6d. Hf. mor., unc. (in 1 vol.), Hill, Dec. '92. (164) £3 5s. **On vellum. Rus. ex. (A.L.S. and memoranda of Cotman inserted), Crawford, Mar., '91. (850) £12. Sepulchral Brasses in Norfolk. Yarmouth, 1819. Fol. Rus. ex., g.e. (1 cover loose). Gage, Feb., '90. (670) £2 10s. Rus. ex., g.e., Tyrell, Dec, '91. (254) £2 18s. Hf. rus.. Putt., Jan. 21, '92. (331) £15s. Hf. rus., Calvert, Nov., '96. (237) £1 6s. Sepulchral Brasses in Norfolk and Suffolk. Lond., 1839. Colored plates. 2 vols., fol. Hf. mor., unc, Craig, Mar., '88. (1395) £2 14s. Hf. mor., unc. Hailstone, Feb., '91. (567) £31Ss. Hf. mor.. Putt., June 14, '93. (1115) £2. Hf. mor.. Putt., Dec. 7, '96. (298) £1 18s. Hf. mor.. Putt., Apr. 13, '98. (286) £1 17s. Hf. mor., Howard, June, '02. (678) £2 7s. 6d. **Large paper. Hf. mor., Martin, Mar., '88. (597) £3 3s. Hf. mor., Hartree, July, '90. (614) £3 5s. Hf. mor., unc, Brabourne, May, '91. (318) £4 10s. Hf. mor., unc, Foster, June, '94. (779) £2 18s. Specimens of Architectural Re- mains in Various Countries. Lond., 1838. 2 vols., fol. Hf. mor., Thornton, June, '94. (2141) £3. Hf. mor., unc, Foster, June, '94. (780) £2 18s. COTMAN 491 COTTON Cotman (J. S.) — Crmttnucd. Hf. nior., Putt., Dec. 19, '98. (2G7) £2 2s. Hf. mor., Soth., Dec. 5, '99. (1130) £18s. Hf. mor., Hodgson, Nov. 6, '01. (S96) £2 10s. COTSWOLD GAMES. See Annalia Dubrensia. COTTA (JOHN). Shorte Discouerie of the Unobserved Dangers of ignor- ant and unconsiderate practisers of Physicke in Englande. Lond., 1G12. 4to. Cf., Ashburnham, June, '97. (1205) £3 10s. Witchcraft, The True and Assured Witch. Lond., 1625. 4to. Hf. cf. (margin of title cut), Tomlin- son, Jan., '94. (1415) 14s. COTTERELL (SIR CHARLES). Cas- sancira, the fam'd Romance, the Whole Work, in five parts. Lond., 1661. Pol. Cf., Fountaine, June, '02. (233) £3. COTTESWOLD NATURALIST S' Club Proceedings. Lond., 1853-58. 8 vols, and 3 parts of Vol. 9., 8vo. Cf. ex. and unbound (vrith W. C. Lucy's Origin of the Club and Epitome of the Proceedings, 1888), Hennessy, July, '93. (1850) £2 6s. COTTON (CHARLES). Burlesque upon burlesque: or. The Scoffer Scoft. Lond., 1675. 8vo. Cf., Bierstadt. Apr., '97. (507) $22. Hf. cf., McKee, Dec, '01. (2S30) $16. Compleat Angler. Part 2. Lond., Richard Marriott. 1676. 8vo. Orig. binding, in mor. case (with auto- graph of J. Evelvn), Corser, July, '68. (57) £3 18s. Sewed, Hodgson, Apr., '94. (463) £16. Sheep (one or two headlines touched and piece torn from title), Soth., Jan., '95. (510) £2 14s. Cf., g.e., Soth., Feb., '96. (88) £2 18s. Cf. (presentation copv), Soth., Mar. 19, '96. (27) £5 10s. Hf. mor., r.e., Hayes, Apr., '98. (1722) $21. Cf., g.e. (margins cut close, title and some headlines cut into), McKee, Dec, '01. (2831) $20. Cf., g.e., Lefterts, Apr., '02. (269) $20. Cotton (Charles) — Coiithiucd. The Compleat Gamester. Lond., 1674. 8vo. Cf. (lacking the portrait), Soth., May 21, 1900. (277) £12s. Mor. ex., g.e., Blyth, Mar. 14, '01. (90) £5. Mor., g.e., Marshall, July, '04. (245) £5. The Compleat Gamester. Lond., 1670. 8vo. Cf., Sykes, July, '88. (573) £llls. Mor. ex., g.e., Soth., May 16, '01. (149) £5 5s. Cf. ex., g.e., Christie, Dec. IS, '01. (159) £5. The Confinement, a Poem. Lond., 1679. 8vo. Hf. bd., Hazlitt, Nov., '93. (130) £4 2s. Gd. Mor. ex., g.e. (with cancelled title- page and some corrections in the text, probably in author's handwrit- ing), Lefferts, Apr., '02. (268) $40. Morall Philosophy of the Stolcks. Lond., 1664. 12mo. Sheep. Bangs, Nov. IS, '95. (216) $5.50. Sheep, Lefferts, Apr., '02. (271) $6.00. The Planter's Manual. Lond., 1675. 8vo. Cf., Young, Dec, '95. (321) £1 4s. Cf., Smith, June, '97. (149) £2 2s. Cf., Coleman, July. '97. (162) £2 12s. Sheep, Lefferts, Apr., '02. (272) $7.50. Poems on Several Occasions. Lond., 1689. 8vo. Cf. ex., g.e., Soth., Dec. 10, '90. (43) £116s. Mor. ex., Foote, Jan., '95. (70) $26. Cf. (rebacked), Sewall, Nov. 9, '96. (868) $9.50. Mor. ex., g.e., Bierstadt, Apr., '97. (509) $5.50. Cf. ex., g.e., Burra, May, '97. (140) £2. Mor. ex.. Bliss, Apr., '98. (56) £112s. Cf. ex., Arnold, May, '01. (S6) $21. Cf., McKee, Dec, '01. (2832) $13. Cf., Soth., Mar. 17, '02. (1021) £2 4s. Cf., Lefterts, Apr., '02. (273) $22. Mor. ex., g.e., Twopennv, May, '02. (202) £4. Scarronides: or, Virgile Travestie. Lond., 1664. Svo. COTTON 492 COTTON Cotton (Charles) — Continued. Cf., g.e., Bierstadt, Apr., '97. (50G) 15.50. Hf. cf. (rebacked), McKee, Dec, '01. (2S29) $45. Sheep, Lefferts, Apr. 21, '02. (274) $22. Wonders of the Peake. Lond., 16S1. 8vo. Cf. ex., g.e., Larpent, Jan., '95. (775) £16s. Cf., Gray, Feb., '96. (76) £14s. Hf. mor., m.e., Lefferts, Apr. 21, '02. (275) ?5. COTTON (CLEMENT). Mirror of Martyrs, with two Godly Letters written by M. Bradford. Lond., T. P. for Jo. Budge, 1615. 16mo. Vel., Ashburnham, June, '97. (1206) £115s. COTTON (ELIZABETH). Ecclesice Monilia. Bost., 1726. 8vo. Cf. ex., Stevens, July, '81. (162) £2 5s. COTTON (HENRY). Fasti Ecclesias Hibernicie, Munster, Leinster, Ul- ster and Connaught. Lond., 1851-60. 4 vols., Svo. (In 5 vols.), Jebb, Dec. 10, 86. (183) £1 15s. Smith. Jan., '96. (62) £1. COTTON (JOHN). Abstract of the Lawes of New England, as they are now Established. Lend., 1641. 4to. Hf. cf.. Rice. Mar., '70. (1610) $40. Mor., g.e., Menzies, Nov., '76. (479) $16. Hf. mor. (some marginal notes cut into), Brinley, Mar., '79. (545) $25. Cf., Murphy, Mar., '84. (1773) $7. Cf., Terry, Mar., '89. (284) $42.50. Cf.. g.e., Barlow, Feb., '90. (1760) $5,0. Mor. ex., g.e., Ives, Mar., '91. (566) $50. CI., Deane, Mar., '98. (891) $76. Mor.. g.e., Lefferts, June. '02. (75) £17 10s. Abstract of Laws and Government. Lond., 1655. 4to. Hf. vel., Brinley, Mar., '79. (502) $20. Mor., g.e.. Stone, Oct., '97. (167) $20. Cf., Deane, Mar., '98. (892) $13.25. Mor. ex., unc, Christie, June '02. (203) £5. Bloudy Tenant Washed. Loud., 1647. 4to. Cotton (John) — Continued. Mor. ex., g.e.. Rice, Mar., '70. (490) $62.50. Mor., g.e., Menzies, Nov., '76. (481) $60. Mor., g.e., Griswold, Mar., '76. (152) $60. Mor. ex., Brinley, Mar., '79. (555) $50. Hf. mor., Cooke, Dec, '83. (034) $80. Mor. ex., g.e., Soth., Feb. 14, '88. (11) £8 15s. Sheep (with autograph of author on fly-leaf), Terry, Mar., '89. (286) $48. Cf., r.e.. Barlow, Feb., '90. (661) $40. Cf., Baker, Feb., '91. (273) $47. Mor., g.e., Ives, Mar., '91. (223) $52.50. Cf. (cracked, with R. Mather's auto- graph on title), Moore, May, '93. (565) $38. Bateman, May, '93. (474) £517s. 6d. Cf. ex., g.e. (Brinley copy), Lenox Library Duplicates, Apr., '95. (60) $44. Cf. (with autographs of N. Clap, Eben- ezer Clap and Thomas Bird), Thayer, Feb., '98. (356) $24.50. Cf., Deane, Mar., '98. (906) $46. Mor. ex., g.e., Lefferts, June, '02. (76) £13. Cf., Ellis, Oct., '02. (72) £817s. 6d. Mor., g.e., Anderson, Apr. 16, '03. (106) $40. Mor. (Deane copy), French and Chub- buck, Feb., '04. (407) $35. -Christ the Fountalne of Life, or sundry choice Sermons. Lond., 1051. 4to. Mor., r.e.. Brinley, Mar., '79. (559) $7. The Churches Resurrection. Lond., 1642. 4to. Mor., Brinley, Mar., '79. (546) $5.50. Cf. g.e. (with extra leaf, but title re- paired). Barlow, Feb., '90. (653) $6. Hf. cf.. Hailstone, Apr., '91. (985) £1 8s. Mor. ex., g.e., Probasco, Jan., '99. (439) $7.50. Conference between Mr. John Cot- ton and the Elders of New England. Lond., 1646. ISmo. Sheep, Livermore, Nov., '94. (1124) $80. Cf. (lacking title-page), Deane, Mar., '98. (904) $15. Controversie concerning Liberty of Conscience in Matters of Reli- gion. Lond., 1646. 4to. COTTON 493 COTTON Cotton (John) — Continued. Hf. mor. ex., Brinley, Mar., '79. (552) $26. Hf. mor.. Barlow, Feb., '90. (660) $26. Unbd., Thayer, Feb., '98. (353) $5.25. Controversie concerning Liberty of Conscience in Matters of Reli- gion. Lond., 1649. 4to. Hf. roan, Moore, May, '93. (563) $15.50. Cf., Deane, Mar., '98. (910) $31. Copy of a Letter sent in answer of certaine objections. Lond., 1641. 4to. Hf. mor., Larpent, Jan., '95. (996) £2 ISs. Cf., Deane, Mar., "98. (893) $6.30. The Covenant of God's free Grace, Most Sweetly unfolded. Lond., 1645. 4to. Cf. ex. (title badly cleaned and some leaves repaired). Bangs, Mar. 13. '95. (48) $9.50. Hf. mor. (cut close), Grav, Feb., '96. (129) £14s. Hf. mor., g.e.. Bangs, Apr. 16, 1900. (206) $5. Unbd., Bangs, Apr. 9, 'Ul. (576) $6. Covenant of Grace: discovering the Great Work of a Sinner's Recon- ciliation to God. Lond., 1655. Svo. Cf., Brinley, Mar., '79. (5C1) $14. Cf., g.e., Cooke, Dec, 'S3. (626) $17. Cf., Libbie, Mar. 8, "98. (913) $15. Doctrine of the Church to which are committed the Keys of the Kingdome of Heaven. Lond., 1643. 4to. Hf. mor., Barlow, Feb., '90. (655) $9. Hf. cf. (a few leaves mended). Hail- stone, Apr., '91. (986) £2 2s. Gods IVIercie mixed with His Jus- tice. Lond., 1641. 4to. Cf., nearly unc, Brinlev Mar., '79. (544) $5.50. Cf., g.e. (some pages inked). Barlow, Feb., '90. (651) $7. Cf. ex., Deane, Mar., '98. (894) $6. Hf. cf.. Libbie, Feb. 25, '03. (342) $16.50. Gods Promise to His Plantation. Lond., 1030. 4to. Mor. ex., Brinley, Mar., '79. (542) $:^6. Cf. ex., g.e., 'Brinlev, Mar. 'SO. (2634) $5.50. Cotton (John) — Conttnued. Mor. ex., Stevens, July, '86. (102) £3 10s. Mor. ex. (title cropped at bottom, but supplied in manuscript), Deane, Mar. 8, '98. (890) $14. Gods Promise to his Plantations. Lond., 1634. 4to. Cf. ex. (title mended). Barlow, Feb., '90. (650) $11. Hf. cf.. Hailstone, Apr., '9L (984) £6 7s. 6d. Mor., g.e. (headlines slightly cut into), Bateman, May, '93. (475) £lSs. Gods Promise to his Plantations. Best., Samuel Green, 1086. 4to. Hf. mor., Brinley, Mar., '79. (744) $5. Mor. ex., g.e., Brinlev. Mar., '80. (2035) $6. Gospel Conversion. With some Reasons against stinted Formes of praising God in Psalms. Lond., 1046. Svo. Cf., Barlow, Feb., '90. (659) $12. Grounds and Ends of the Baptisme of the Children of the Faithful!. Lond., 1647. 4to. Hf. cf. (water-stained). Hailstone, Apr., '91. (988) £1 18s. Keyes of the Kingdom of Heaven. Lond., 1644. 4to. Hf. mor. (with autograph of Rev. John Higginson and some marginal notes in his hand), Brinlev, Mar., '79. (549) $6. Cf. (with autograph of Thomas Prince, and a list of errata, in his hand), Brinley, Mar., '79. (549*) $8. Hf. mor.. Barlow, Feb., '90. (650) $13. Hf. cf.. Hailstone, Apr., '91. (987) £2 5s. Keyes of the Kingdom of Heaven. Second edition. Lond., 1644. 4to. Cf. ex., Deane, Mar., '98. (901) $9. • Letter of IVIr. John Cotton's to IVIr, Williams. Lond., 1643. 4to. Unbd., Thayer, Feb., '98. (349) $5.75. Cf., Deane, Mar., '98. (900) $10. Milk for Babes, drawn out of the Breasts of both Testaments. Lond., 1646. ISmo. Cf., y.e (title inlaid and 2 leaves at the end in contemporary manu- script), Deane, Mar.. 98. (905) $85. A Modest and Cleare Answer to COTTON 494 COTTON Cotton (John) — Continued. Mr. Balls Discourse of set formes of Prayer. Lond., 1642. 4to. Hf. mor., Cooke, Dec, '83. (631) $8.50. Cf., g.e.. Barlow, Feb., '90. (654) $6. Nashaunanittue Meninnunk wutch Mukkiesog. . . . qushkinnumun en Indiane Unnontoowaonganit, wutch ooenchikqunaout Indiane Mukkiesog nashpe Grindal Rawson [Spiritual Milk for Babes, translated into the Indian language by Grindal Rawson] Camb., Samuel Green and Barth. Green, 1691. 8vo. Mor. ex., g.e., Brinley, Mar., '79. (783) $50. Mor., g.e., Brinley, Apr., '81. (5686) $70. Of the Holinesse of Church-Mem- bers. Lond., 1650. 4to. Hf. mor., Brinley, Mar., '79. (558) $7.50. The Pouring out of the Seven Vials. Lond., 1642. 4to. Hf. mor., Deane, Mar., '98. (898) $11.50. The Pouring Out of the Seven Vials. Lond., 1645. 4to. Cf., Barlow, Feb., '90. (657) $13. Severall Questions of serious and necessary consequence propounded unto Mr. John Cotton with his an- swers. Lond., 1647. 4to. Cf., Deane, Mar., '98. (90S) $35. Singing of Psalmes a Gospel-Ordi- nance. Lond., 1647. 4to. Mor., r.e., Brinley, Mar., '79. (554) $12.50. Cf., g.e.. Cooke, Dec, '83. (632) $16. Sewed, Thayer, Feb., '98. (355) $10.50. Singing of Psalmes: a Gospel- Ordinance. Lond., 1650. 4to. Hf. mor.. Barlow, Feb., '90. (G62) $7. Hf. mor., Deane, Mar., '98. (912) $8. Sixteene Questions of serious and Necessary Consequence, propounded unto Mr. John Cotton, together with his Answers. Lend., 1644. 4to. Cf., nearly uncut (presentation copy, with author's autograph and a manu- script correction of the text), Brin- ley, Mar., '79. (550*) $7.25. Cf., Deane, Mar., '98. (902) $26. Some Treasure fetched out of Rub- bish. Lond., 1C60. 4to. Cotton (John) — Continued. Unbd., unc, Bateman, May, '93. (481) £110s. Spiritual Milk for Boston Babes in either England. Camb., S. G., for Hezekiah Usher, 1656. Sewed (somewhat stained), Livermore, Nov., '94. (1129) $400. True Constitution of a particular visible Church, proved by Scripture. Lond., 1642. Cf., Brinley, Mar., '79. (548) $13. Hf mor., Cooke, Dec, '83. (630) $6.50. Hf. cf., Lenox Library Duplicates, Apr., '95. (59) $6.50. Cf., Deane, Mar., '98. (899) $9. Way of the Churches of Christ in New-England. Lond., 1645. 4to. Mor. ex., g.e., Menzies, Nov., '76. (480) $30. Vel., Brinley, Mar., '79. (551) $17. Mor. ex., g.e., Cooke, Dec, '83. (633) $26. Martin, Mar., '88. (142) £1 12s. Unbd., Terry, Mar., '89. (287) $10.50. Cf., g.e.. Barlow, Feb., '90. (658) $11. Cf., ex., g.e. (water stained). Bangs, Mar. 13, '95. (49) $15. Hf. roan, Deane, Mar., '98. (903) $18. Cf., g.e., Appleton, Apr., '03. (109) $13. The Way of Congregational Churches cleared. Lond.. 1648. 4to. Hf. mor.. Murphy, Mar., '84. (687) $6. Hf. mor., Moore, May, '93. (562) $5.12. Hf. roan, Deane, Mar.. '98. (909) $11. Hf. mor. (cut into at bottom), Libbie, Jan. 18, '99. (240) $5.75. Mor., unc, Manson, Feb., '99. (1148) $8. Cf., Clerk, May, '99. (270) £1 Is. Way of Life. Lond., 1641. 4to. Cf., Cooke, Dec. '83. (632*) $9.50. COTTON (JOHN). The Resident Song Birds of Great Britain. Lond., 1835. Svo. Soth., Mar. 17, '02. (583) £3 7s. 6d. COTTON (JOSIAH). Vocabulary of the Massachusetts (or Natick) In- dian Language. Camb., 1829. Svo. Sheets, folded (slightly mildewed), Deane, Mar., '98. (919) $6.50. COTTON (SIR N.). Wars with For- eign Princes dangerous to our Com- monwealth. Lond., 1657. Svo. Mor. ex., g.e., Whatman, July, '87. £lls. COTTON 495 COURT ' COTTON (ROGER). Armor of Proofe, brought from the Tower of David to fight against Spannyardes. Lond., G. Simson and W. White, 159G. 4to. Corser, Aug., '69. (124) £10. A Spirituall Song. I.,ond.. G. Sim- son and W. White. 1596. 4to. Mor. ex. (with portrait by Pass in- serted), Corser, Aug., '69. (123) £19 5s. COTTON (SEABORN). Brief Summe of the Chief Articles of our Chris- tian Faith, composed in way of Question and Answer, now pub- lished especially for the Benefit of the town of Hampton, N. H. Camb., Samuel Green, 16C.3. ISmo. Sewed, Llvermore, Nov.. '94. (1131) $175. COUCH (JONATHAN). History of the Fishes of the British Islands. Lond., 1862-65. Colored plates. 4 vols.. Svo. CI., Lee, Apr., '89. (32) £3 5s. 01., Roofe, Apr., '92. (506) £2 4s. Hf.. cf., Crawhall, June, '94. (112) £2 2s. Hf. mor.. Bangs, Apr. 15, '96. (Ill) $10. Hf. mor., Hillier, Nov., '97. (79) £2 4s. CI. unc, Richmond, Feb., '99. (410) $6.50. Unc, Soth., May, '99. (381) £2 3s. Unc, Soth., Oct. 30, '99. (377) £2 2s. Hf. mor.. Putt., Apr. 23, '02. (590) £2. History of the Fishes of the Brit- ish Islands. Lond., 1867-68. Colored plates. 4 vols., Svo. Hf. mor., g.e., Putt., Jan. 30, '89. (362) £3 17s6d. CI., unc, Barclay, Nov., '92. (2401) £14s. Hf. mor., g.e., Alexander, Mar., '95. (402) $11.50. CI., Putt, Apr. 21, '97. (220) £115s. Snow, Nov. 30, '98. (135) £2. CI., Murray, Dec, '99. (37) £2 4s. History of the Fishes of the Brit- ish Islands. Lond., 1877-78. Colored plates. 4 vols., 8vo. CI., Bell, Nov., '88. (611) £2 2s. CI., Mair, Jan.. '90. (579) £llls. CI., Thackray, Dec, '93. (29) £1 6s. Hf. mor., g.e.. Baring, Nov., '97. (142) £2 5s. Couch (Jonathan) — Continued. Unc, Morris, Dec, '99. (81) £1 17s. CI., Young, Oct., '01. (58) £17s. Soth., Dec. 17, '01. (16) £2 8s. COUNTRY GENTLEMAN'S COM- panion. Dublin, 1755. Svo. Rus. g.e.. Snow, Nov. 30, '98. (136) £3 15,s. COURIER DE BOSTON: AF- fiches, Annonces, et Avis. Bost., Samuel Hall, 1789. 4to. Nos. 1-26, hf. mor., Brinley, Mar., '79. (1701) $12. COURIER DE QUEBEC. Quebec, v.d. Svo. Jan. 30, to Dec 28, 1808, paper, unc, Lincoln, Oct., '01. (1357) $6. COURIER DE SAINT-DOMINGUE. Port au Prince, 1791. 4to. No. 1-77, with the Prospectus and Sup- plements, hf. mor., unc, Crawford, July, '9G. (242) £8. COURSE OF CATECHISING, being the Marrow of Orthodox and Prac- tical Expositions upon Church Catechism, usual for Schoolmasters, etc. Lond., F. Kirkman, 1674. 12mo. Mor., g.e. (a few margins wormed), Soth., May 16, '01. (107) £4 4s. COURSE OF SERMONS ON EARLY Piety. See Mather (C). COURTHORPE. Rows Rol. Lond., 1845. Colored plates. Fol. Hf. roan, Hodgson, Dec. 4, '01. (584) £2 6s. COURTIER (P. L.). The Lyre of Love. Lond., 1806. 2 vols., Svo. **Large paper. Rus., g.e.. Bangs, Feb. 23, '97. (426) $5.75. COURT MERCURIE, 1644. G numbers, Soth., Apr. 20, '99. (574) £2 4s. COURT MIRRORS; or, The Age of Loyalty: an Historical Panegyric Dublin, 1777. 16mo. CI., Weeks, Mar., '02. (501) $10. COURT MISCELLANY; or, Ladles New Magazine. Lond., 1765-69. 5 vols., Svo. Hailstone, Feb., '91. (434) £1 2s. COURT OF CIVILL COURTESIE. See Rowland (Samuel). COURT OF GOOD COUNSEL. Lond., 1607. 4to. COURT 496 COVERDALE Court of Good Counsel — Continued. Mor. ex., Ellis, Nov., '85. (1026) £5 10s. COURT OF SESSION GARLAND, with Supplement. Edinb., 1S39. 3 parts in 1, Svo. Hf. mor. ex., Craig, June, '87. (684) £12s. COUTTS (THOMAS). Life of Thomas Coutts, Banker in the Strand. Lond., [1822]. 8vo. Hf. mor., Ditchfield, Apr., '93. (1303) £18s. Ct. ex.. g.e. (with Biographical and Historical Addenda, 2 vols, in 1), Soth., Dec. 1, '91. (900) £2 2s. Hf. cf. (with Percy Wyndam's Stric- tures), Bruton, June, '97. (117) £3 6s. COUVRAY. See Louvet de Couvray. COVENEY (C). Twenty Scenes from Dickens. Sydney, 1883. 4to. Hf. mor.. Putt., Jan. 29, '03. (511) £2 15s. COVENT-GARDEN MAGAZINE: or, Amorous Repository. Lend., v.d. Svo. Vols. 1 to 4, 1772-75 (some plates loose). Hailstone, Apr., '91. (404) £6 6s. Vols. 1 and 2 only, 1772-73, cf., Ran- dall, Aug., '87. (570) £12 15s. Vols. 1 and 2 only, 1772-73, hf. cf., Williams, May, '93. (705) £3 3s. COVENT GARDEN THEATRICAL Gazette. Nos. 1 to 148. Lond., 1816- 17. 2 vols., Svo. Hf. mor. ex., Mackenzie, Mar., '89. (378) £2 18s. Hf. mor. ex., Marshall, June, '90. (303) £5. COVERDALE (MYLES). Certain Most Godly, Fruitful and Comfort- able Letters. Lond., John Day, 1564. 4to. Mor. ex., Ellis, Nov., '85. (1029) £7 10s. Cf. ex., g.e., Aylesford, Mar., '88. (535) £2 15s. Cf. ex., g.e., Sykes, July, '88. (677) £2 14s. Hf. rus., Soth., Feb. 12, '89. (214) £3 3s. Cf. ex., g.e., Webster, Mar., '93. (207) £2 12s. Coverdale (Myles) — Continued. Mor. ex., g.e. (side margin of last leaf mended), Atkinson, Mar., '96. (744) £2 14s. Cf., Johnson, Feb., '98. (638) £2 1Ss. Cf. (few leaves wormed), Makellar, Nov., '98. (1029) £3. Cf. (small defects in title and pp. 631 and 641), Soth., Feb. 27, '99. (508) £3 3s. Rus., g.e., Soth., Jan. 29, 1900. (600) £2 4s. Cf. (rebacked, corner of one leaf slightly defective and worm-hole in title mended). Bangs, May, '01. (287) $22. Cf., g.e., Arnold, May, '01. (87) $30. Mor., g.e., Ellis, Oct., '02. (739) £3 12s. 6d. Cf., Appleton, Apr., '03. (110) $55. Christian Exhortacion unto cus- tomable swearers. Lond., [1550]. 8vo. (Few headlines cut into), Monk, Oct., '94. (902) £2 2s. Mor. ex., g.e. (few headlines cut into), Daubuz, May, '95. (39) £110s. Christian Exhortation unto Cus- tomable Swearers. Lond., 1575. 12mo. Mor. ex., Ellis, Nov., '85. (1030) £3 3s. Mor. ex., g.e.. Turner, June, 'SS. (842) £4 10s. Mor., Soth., Mar., '98. (342) £3 4s. Mor., g.e., Ellis, Oct. 28, '02. (741) £2 17s. 6d. The Christen State of Matry- monye. Lond., 1543. 8vo. Mor., g.e. (title soiled), Wilbraham, June, '98. (64) £4 12s. Cf. (with The Christian Rule, 1643, bound in), Makellar, Nov., '98. (800) £4 6s. Christian State of Matrimony. Lond., 1575. 18mo. Mor., g.e., Leigh, Dec, '86. (125) £1 lis. Hf. cf., Lawton, Dec, '94. (534) $6.75. Mor., g.e., Ellis, Oct., '02. (740) £4. Old mor., Soth., May 18, '03. (300) £7. Confutation of that Treatise which one John Standish made against the Protestation of D. Barnes In the Yeare 1540. N.p., n.d. 8vo. Mor. ex., g.e., Hawkins, Apr., '95. (101) £3 3s. COVERDALE 497 COWLEY Coverdale (Myles) — Conihiucd. Mor., g.e.. Cholmondeley, Feb., '97. (135) £113s. An Exhortacion to the Carienge of Chrystes Crosse. N.p., n.d. IGmo. Vol., Atkinson, Mar., '96. (773) £2 8s. Exposition upon the Two and Twentye Psalnie of David. Trans, into English by Myles Coverdale. Southwark, J. Nycolson for J. Gough, 1537. 12mo. Unbd., Putt., Mar. 28, '01. (1) £3 5s. -Shorte Recapitulation or Abridge- ment of Erasmus Enchiridion. Aus- borch bv Adam Anoninius, 1545. Svo. Mor. ex., Corser, Mar., '69. (291) £9 10s. COVERTE (ROBERT). True and Al- most Incredible Report of an Eng- lishman. Lond., 1612. 4to. Mor. ex., Griswold, Mar., '76. (1015) $75,. Mor. (headlines cut into). Ashburn- ham, June, '97. (1208) £7 7s. True and almost Incredible Re- port. Lond., 1614. 4to. CI., Ellis, Nov., '85. (1031) £4 4s. Mor. ex., g.e., Soth., June 18, '96. (703) £4. Mor. ex., g.e., Soth., June 27, '98. (478) £3 3s. Mor., g.e., Ellis, Oct.. '02. (742) £4 17s. 6d. True and almost Incredible Re- port. Lond.. 1031. 4to. Rus., g.e., Ashburton, Nov. 14, 1900. (212) £5 10s. COWAN (D.). Historical Account of the Family of Kennedy. Edinb., 1849. 4to. Cf., g.e., Craig, Mar.. '88. (1408) £1 8s. COWELL (BENJAMIN). Spirit of '76 in Rhode Island. Bost.. 1850. 8vo. CI.. Manson, Mar. 14, '99. (3761) $5.12. COWELL (EBENEZER). Concise View of the Controversy Between the Proprietors of East and West Jersev. Phila., Hall and Sellers, 1785. 12mo. Sewed, unc. (title and last page some- what soiled). Weeks, Mar., '02. (348) $45. Sewed, unc, Henkels, Apr. 29, '02. (210) $5. COWELL (JOE). Thirty Years Passed among the Players in Eng- land and America. N. Y., 1844. 2 parts In 1, Svo. Hf. mor., Mackenzie, Mar., '89. (381) £2. COWELL (JOHN). The Interpreter, or Book Containing the Significa- tion of Words. Camb., 1607. 4to. Cf., Halliwell, July, 'SO. (255) £1. COWLEY (ABRAHAM). Cutter of Coleman Street. Lond., H. Herring- man. 1663. 4to. Hf. mor., Lefferts, Apr., '02. (278) $10.50. The Guardian. Lond., for John Holden, 1650. 4to. Cf.. unc, McKee, Apr., '01. (2274) $56. Unbd., Soth., Mar. 16, '03. (349) £7 10s. Hf. bd. (with Cutter of Coleman Street, 1663. in 1 vol.), Soth., Dec. 4, '02. (286) £8 10s. Unc, Soth., Apr. IS, '04. (1128) £20. Love's Riddle, a Pastorall Come- die. Lond., John Dawson, 1638. Svo. Mor. ex., g.e., Sullivan, May, '90. (16S5) £5 10s. Mor., g.e., Hazlitt, Nov., '93. (132) £6 5s. Mor. ex., g.e., Libbie, Feb. 18, '97. (203) $55. Mor. ex., g.e., McKee, Dec, '01. (2837) $34. Sheep (with Naufragium Joculare, first edition, 1638; Poeticall Blos- soms, third edition, 1637, 3 vols, in 1), Lefferts. Apr., '02. (279) $125. The Mistresse, or Severall copies of Love Verses. Lond., H. Moseley, 1647. Svo. Mor. ex., g.e. (text cut into), Soth., June 27, '92. (234) £1 10s. Mor. (Wm. Godwin's copy), Jackson, Dec, '95. (41) £8. Cf. (Jolley's copy with book-plate), Sewall, Nov., '96. (876) $8.50. Sheep (piece torn from sig. H2, I'udely repaired), Arnold, May, '01. (88) $22.50. Sheep, Lefferts, Apr., '02. (280) $65. Mor., g.e., Soth., .June 18, '03. (571) £20 10s. Naufragium Joculare. Lond., 1638. Svo. Yel., g.e., Soth., Dec. '90. (44) £2. COWLEY 49S COWLEY Cowley (Abraham) — Coiilimicd. Vel., g.e., Soth., Apr., '93. (75) £1. Mor. ex., Foote, Jan., '95. (78) $13. Ode upon the Blessed Restora- tion and Returne of his Sacred Majestie Charles the Second. Lond., Henry Herringman. 1660. 4to. Mor. ex., unc, Soth., Feb. 27. '99. (509) £5 10s. Mor., g.e., Lefferts, Apr., '02. (281) $16. • Poem on the late Civil War. Lend., 1679. 4to. Mor. ex., g.e., Lefferts, Apr., '02. (2S3) $30. Unbd., Lefferts, Apr., '02. (284) $6. Poems. Lond., 1656. Fol. **Large paper. Cf., May, Mar., '84. (250) £3 3s. Mor. ex., Ellis, Nov., '85. (1028) £2 16s. Poems of Mr. Cowley and others comjiosed into Songs and Ayres, bv William King. Oxford, 1068. Foi. Mor. ex.. unc, Soth., Julv 28, '02. (692) £23. Poetical Blossoms. Lond., B. A. and T. F. for H. Seile, 1633. 4to. Cf., m.e.. Way, July, '81. (82) £16 10s. Mor. ex., g.e., Soth., June 27, '92. (233) £28 15s. Mor. ex. (Park-Hill copy), Foote, Jan., '95. (77) $220. Mor. ex., g.e. (portrait by Vaughan defective), Soth., July 28. '02. (676) £35. Poetlcall Blossoms. Lond., E. P. for Henry Seile, 1630. 12mo. Mor. ex., Russell, June, '85. (289) £7 15s. Sheep, Lefferts, Apr., '02. (280) $115. Poetlcall Blossoms. Lond., 1637. 8vo. Cf. (some headlines cropped), Mair, Jan., '90. (929) £1 7s. Mor. ex., g.e. (portrait repaired and mounted), McKee, Dec, '01. (2835) $29. Satvre against Separatists, or the Conviction of Chamber Preach- ers. Lond., for A. C. 1642. 4to. Cf., Soth., May 10, '01. (150) £4 10s. Verses written on several occa- sions. Lond., Henry Herringman, 1663. 8vo. Cowley (Abraham) — Continued. Cf., Soth., Apr. 12, '93. (76) £4 4s. Walker, May, '93. (89) £4. Mor. ex. (few leaves cut close at top), McKee, Dec, '01. (2838) $35. Sheep, Lefferts, Apr., '02. (287) $65. Mor., g.e. (Joseph Haslewood's copy), Christie, June, '02. (112) £4 12s. Poems, Miscellanies, etc. Lend., Humphrey Moselev, 165,6. Fol. Cf., Lefferts, Apr., '02. (282) $25. *"' Large paper. Mor., g.e. (with portrait by Faithorne, cut down, inserted). White, Apr., '02. (611) £7 10s. Works. Lond., 1668. Fol. Hf. mor., imc. (with colored portrait of Cowley inserted), Buckley, Apr., '94. (1078) £112s. Cf., Bangs, Nov. 20, '99. (273) $5.10. Cf., m.e., McKee, Dec, '01. (2840) $9. Works. Lond., 1680. Fol. Mor. ex., g.e. (portrait by Faithorne inlaid), Craig, Mar., '88. (1409) £2 2s. Old mor., g.e., Marshall. Julv, '04. (145) £19 10s. Works. Lond., Henry Herring- man, 1681. Fol. Contemporary Eng., mor., a specimen binding, Bunburv, Julv. '96. (265) £126. Works. Lond., 1681. 8vo. Cf., r.e., Lefferts, Apr., '02. (288) $5. Works. Lond., 1684. Fol. Mor., g.e., Sullivan, May, '90. (1087) £4 18s. Mor., g.e. (Sullivan copy), Marshall, July, '04. (148) £12. Works. Lond., 1693. Fol. Mor., g.e., Edwardes, May, '01. (148) £5. Mor., g.e.. Ford, May, '02. (155) £4 4s. Works. Lond., 1700. Fol. Mor. ex., g.e.. Turner, Nov., '88. (1S98) £4. Mor., Putt., Jan. 30, '02. (248) £1 7s. Mor., g.e., Soth., Mav 14, '02. (13) £7 10s. Works, in Verse and Prose. Lend., 1707-08. 3 vols., Svo. Cf. ex., Soth., Mav 4, '91. (11) £1 16s. COWLEY 499 COWPER Cowley (Abraham) — Contimicil. Cf. ex., m.e., Moore, Oct., '93. (1S5) £1 5s. Mor., g.e., Burra, May, '97. (147) £1 2s. Mor.. g.e., Soth., May 21, '97. (52) £2 2s. Cf., Ancierson, Feb. 7, '02. (79) $12. Cf., Twopenny, May 26, '02. (204) £2 14s. COWLEY (CHARLOTTE). Ladies History of England. Lond., 17S0. Fol. Of., Bangs, Mar. 17, '99. (12) $10. Hf. cf., Betts, Apr., '01. (293) $10.25. COWPER (J. M.). Registers of St. Alphage, Canterbury, 1558-lSOO. Lend., 1SS9. 8vo. Mor., Howard, June. '02. (468) £1 8s. Register Boolond., 1854. 142 plates. Fol. Hf. mor. ex., Bateman, May, '93. (588) £2 12s. CL, Daly, Mar., 1900. (762) $10. DANCING MASTER, OR DIREC- tions for Dancing Country Dances. Lond.. 1670. Svo. Cf. ex., g.e., Halliwell. July, '89. (139) £7 10s. Dancing Master. Lond., 1706. Svo. Buckley, Feb., '93. (773) £3 14s. Dancing Master. Lond., 1721-28. 2 vols., Svo. Wlngfield, Apr., '92. (35) (325) Cf. ex., £3 3s. Cf. (in 1 vol.), Soth., Dec, 1900. £4. DANDOLO (MARCO). Marci Dan- dull Artium ac I. V. doctoris & Equl- tis: Oratoris Veneti apud Serenls- sium Hispaniae, etc. Naples, 1507. 4to. Mor. ex., g.e. (Ferdinand Columbus's copy, with note by him). Barlow, Feb., '90. (699) $65. Mor., g.e., (with another tract bound in). Barlow, Feb., '90. (698) $30. DANFORTH (JOHN). Kneeling to DANFORTH 530 DANIEL Danforth (John) — Continued. God, At Parting with Friends. Bost., 1697. 12mo. Mor., Brinley, Mar., '79. (747) $15. DANFORTH (SAMUEL). Almanack for 1G47. Camb., Mass., 1647. 16mo. Brinley, Mar., '79. (700) $S0. Almanack for 1648. Camb., Mass., 164S. IGmo. Brinley, Mar., '79. (701) $52.50. Almanac for 1649. Camb., Mass., 1649. 16mo. Brinley, Mar., '79. (702) $45. Astronomical Description of the late Comet, or Blazing Star, as it appeared in New-England. Camb., Mass., 1666. 8vo. Of., Barlow, Feb., '90. (700) $42.,50. A Brief Recognition of New-Eng- lands Errand into the Wilderness. Camb., Mass., 1671. 4to. Mor., Brinley, Mar., '79. (749) $22. Paper, Moore, May, '93. (574) $26. The Duty of Believers to oppose the Growth of the Kingdom of Sin, Pressed. Bost., 170S, 12mo. Brinley, Mar., '79. (750) $6. Woful Effects of Drunkenness: Sermon at Bristol. Oct. 12. 1709. Bost., 1710. 12mo. Ht. vel., unc, Brinley, Mar., '79. (785) $22. DANIEL (F.). Nos Gloires Nation- ales, ou Histoire des Principales Canada. Montreal, Poems. Edited by Lond., 1878. 4 vols., Families du 1867. 8vo. Hf. mor.. Lincoln, Oct., '01. (1083) $7. DANIEL (G.). A. B. Grosart 4to. Bleasdell, Jan., '87. (313) £1 6s. Holborn, .Tan., '93. (260) £12s. Soth., Feb. 20, '01. (195) £5. 01., unc. Cox, Feb., '02. (205) $5.20. DANIEL (G.). An Elizabethan Gar- land. Lond., 1856. 4to. Mor. ex.. g.e., Crawford, Mar., '91. (897) £13 13s. Hf. mor., g.e., Quaile, May, '01. (11) £5 10s. Merrie England in the Olden Time. 1 end., 1S42. 2 vols., 8vo. 01., unc, Sullivan, May, '90. (1813) £2 16s. Daniel (G.) — Continued. CI., unc, Glasse, July, '92. (15) CI., unc, Soth., Nov., '94. (61) CI., unc, Alexander, Mar., '95. $11. CI., unc, £1 8s. CI., unc, $10.50. CI., unc, $15. CI., unc, $5.25. Soth.. Nov. 13, '95. Bangs, Apr. 9, '01. French, Apr., Bangs, Jan. 22, '01. '02. £2 3s. £14s. (1601) (88) (486) (413) (108) 01., unc, 14s. Mor. ex., with a ** Large paper. Cook, May, '95. (154) £1 Garland of Rachel. divers kindly hands. Press. 1881. 8vo. Soth., June June 20, '04. g.e. (the author's own copy, set of India proofs of the woodcuts and of Leech's designs, orig. drawing by Stothard, etc., in- serted), Hibbert, Apr., '02. (222) £55. Modern Dunciad. Lond., 1814. Frontispiece by Cruikshank. 8vo. Of. ex., unc, Stewart, Mar., '88. (146) £1 18s. Mor. ex., unc, Burnett, Apr., '89. (203) £lls. DANIEL (H.). By H. D. and Oxford, Daniel Vel., silver clasps, unc, 17, '03. (10) £10. Mor., g.t., in case, Soth., (150) £10 10s. Hymni Ecclesiae, cura Henrici Daniel. Oxford, 1882. 8vo. Hf. mor., g.t. (orig. paper cover bound in), Hodgson, Jan. 16, '01. (498) £llls. DANIEL (JOHN). Life and Aston- ishing Adventures of John Daniel, a Smith at Royston in Hertford- shire. Lond., 1751. 12mo. Of.. Ashburnham, June, '97. (1258) £2 4s. Of., Ellis, Oct., '02. (785) £2 4s. DANIEL (SAMUEL). Certain Small Poems. Lond., 1605. 8vo. Cf. ex. (Hosmer copy), Griswold, Dec, 'SO. (344) $21. Mor. ex., Ellis, Nov., '85 (1078) £10. Mor. ex., g.e.. Turner, June, '88. (861) £19. Mor. ex., g.e., Galsford, Apr , '90. (556) £9 15s. DANIEL 531 DANIEL Daniel (Samuel) — Continued. Mor., g.e. (title in facs.), French, Apr., '01. (415) $27. Mor. ex., g.e. (with A Panegyrike Con- gratulatorie, 1G03, headlines cut into), Soth., June 27, '92. (249) £8 10s. Certain Small Workes heretofore Divulged. Lond., 1607. 8vo. Mor., g.e., Adee, Nov., '95. (236) $130. Mor., g.e. (lacking general title and the Funeral Poem on the Earl of Devonshire. Heber-Corser copy), Soth., May 18, '03. (304) £4. Certain Small Workes heretofore divulged. Lond., 1611. Svo. Mor., g.e., Griswold, Dec, '80. (345) $21. Mor. ex., g.e. (Southey's copy, with autograph), Reid, May, '94. (1124) £2 14s. Mor., g.e. (name erased from title, with British Museum stamps), Mc- Kee, Dec, '01. (2849) $7.50. Vel., g.e. (with leaf of errata, prob- ably Queen Anne's copy), Lefterts, Apr., '02. (312) $55. Mor. ex., g.e. (a few marginal notes cut Into, with portrait inserted), Soth., June 27, '92. (251) £2 12s. Mor., g.e., by Rodwell, with his ticket (portrait inserted), Adee, Nov., '95. (238) $42. Tragedie of Cleopatra. Lond., 1599. 4to. Hf. mor., unc (some leaves soiled), Soth., July 27, '93. (564) £7 10s. Mor. ex., g.e., Foote, Jan., '95. (85) $55. First Fowre Bookes of the Civile Wars. Lond., 1595. 4to. Mor., Ouvrv, Mar., '82. (454) £8 2s. 6d. Mor. ex., g.e. (second issue), Adee, Nov., '95. (231) $50. Cf. (short copy, title cut into at top and bottom), Sewall, Nov., '96. (969) $34. CI. (second issue, some marginal notes cut into, and woodcuts col- ored), McKee, Dec, '01. (2844) $50. Cf., g.e. (second issue), Lefferts, Apr., '02. (316) $95. Unbd. (a few margins defective), Soth., June 17, '04. (99) £13 10s. Daniel (Samuel) — Conthiucd. The Civill Wars of England. Lond., 1599. 4to. Hf. bd. (margins cut into), Putt., July 17, '89. (1008) £18s. Cf. (marginal notes cut into), Leigh, Dec, '89. (241) £3 15s. The Civill Wars. Lond., 1609. 4to. Vel., Griswold, Jan., '78. (107) $70. Vel., Sunderland, Apr., '82. (3679) £ 22 10s. Mor., g.e., Turner, June, '88. (1208) £10 10s. Vel. (Griswold copy), Ives, Mar., '91. (237) $70. Cf. ex., g.e., Crawford, Mar., '91. (900) £7. Cf., Hazlitt, Nov., '93. (141) £2 5s. Mor., g.e., Adee, Nov., '95. (237) $57. Mor. ex. (engraved title mounted, the Heber copy), Sewall, Nov., '96. (972) $43. Vel., in case, Edwardes, May, '01. (224) £62. Vel. (slightly broken, with the cor- rected leaf at pp. 39-40), McKee, Dec, '01. (2848) $150. Cf. (a few leaves wormed), Foun- taine, June, '02. (245) £22. Mor. ex., g.e., Christie, June 18, '02. (208) £46. Cf. (a few leaves wormed), Soth., Dec. 4, '02. (765) £24. Orig. cf. (a few leaves wormed: with the blank leaf A 4), Soth., June 20, '04. (170) £25. Delia, containing Certain Son- nets: with the Complaynt of Rosa- mond. Lond., 1592. 4to. Cf. ex., Corser, Aug., '69. (160) £16 16s. Mor. ex. (with manuscript correc- tions), Ouvry, Mar., '82. (451) £88. Mor., g.e. (Fol. 55 in facs.), Soth., June 17, '04. (359) £21. Delia and Rosamond augmented, and Cleopatra. Lond., 1594. 8vo. Mor. ex.. g.e. Crawford, Mar., '91. (898) £lGlCs. Drammaticke Poems, containing The Tragedy of Philotas, io23: Hy- men's Triumph, 1623: The Queene's Arcadia, 1623; The Vision of the Twelve Goddesses, 1623: The Tra- gedie of Cleopatra, 1623. Lond., 1G55. 4to. DANIEL 532 DANIEL Daniel (Samuel) — Continued. Cf., g.e., Sotli., July 2S, '03. (360) £11 5s. The First Part of the Historie of England. Lond.. 1012. 4to. Ct., Donaldson, Oct., '99. (2G8) $7.25. Bds., Lefferts, Apr., '02. (318) $5. The First Part of the Historie of England. Lond., 1613. 4to. **Large paper. Cf. (Ferdinand Hastings, Earl of Huntington's copy), Lefferts, Apr., '02. (317) $25. Collection of the History of England. With a Continuation by John Trussel. Lond., 1026-36. 2 vols., fol. Cf. (in 1 vol.). Ashburnham, June, '97. (1260) £19s. Cf. (Ashburnham copy), Lefferts, Apr., '02. (313) $7. Hymen's Triumph. Lond., 1015. Svo. Mor., Corser, Aug., '69. (168) £19. Letter from Octavia to Marcus Antoninus. Lond., 1599. 4to. Hf. mor. (title mended), Scott., Mar., '90. (210) £118s. Hf. roan, Hale, Mar., '91. (225) $12.50. Hf. roan, Hunt, Nov., '91. (831) $11. Hf. mor., Lefferts, Apr., '02. (321) $30. Musophilus. Lond., 1599. 4to. CI., Hale, Mar., '91. (226) $27. CI., Hunt, Nov., '91. (832) $11. Hf. mor., Sewall, Nov., '96. (970) $24. Cf., Bierstadt, Apr., '97. (534) $23. CI., Lefferts, Apr., '02. (322) $35. Mor., Bools. June, '03. (431) £116s. Order and Solemnitie of the Cre- ation of Prince Henry. Whereunto is Annexed the Royal Maske [Tethy's Festival]. [Lond.], for John Budge, IGIO. 4to. Mor. (with preliminary leaf " A " be- fore the first title), Fuller-Russell, June. '85. (323) £26. Mor. (Fuller-Russell copy), Lefferts, Apr., '02. (323) $305. Mor., g.e., Soth., June IS, '03. (596) £20 10s. P anegyrike Congratulatorie. Lond., V. S. for Ed. Blount, [1G03]. Fol. Mor., Corser, Feb., '70. (170) £6 18s. Vel. (presentation copy to the Count- Daniel (Samuel) — Continued. ess of Pembroke), Ouvry, Mar., '82. (526) £30 10s. Vel. (Ouvrv copy), Ellis, Nov., '85. (1079) £23. P anegyrike Congratulatorie. Lond., for Ed. Blount. 1603. Svo. Mor. ex., Ellis, Nov., '85. (1080) £6. Mor. ex., g.e., Turner, June, "SS. (862) £10 15s. Mor., g.e., Ives, Mar., '91. (236) $62.50. Mor. ex., g.e. (title mended), Soth., May 13, '92. (690) £8 10s. Mor. ex., g.e. (margins cut close), Soth., June 27, '92. (248) £4 10s. Mor. ex., g.e., Adee, Nov., '95. (234) $55. Mor. ex., g.e., McKee, Dec, '01. (2847) $120. Mor. ex., g.e., Lefferts, Apr., '02. (324) $80. Mor., g.e., Ellis, Oct., '02. (788) £7 10s. Mor.. g.e., Soth., Jan. 22, '03. (740) £7 10s. Mor., Soth., Mar. 16, '03. (338) £20. Mor., g.e., Soth., Apr. IS, '04. (229) £6 15s. Tragedie of Philotas. Lond., 1607. Svo. Vel., r.e.. Cholmlev, Nov. 26, '02. (282) £32. Poetical Essays. Lond., 1599. 4to. Mor., White. Oct., '70. (1240) $50. Mor. ex., g.e., Soth., Dec. 10, '90. (50) £23. Mor. ex., g.e. (the leaves of " Com- plaint of Rosamond" remargined), McKee, Dec, '01. (2S45,) $125. Tethy's Festival. Lond., 1610. 4to. Hf. mor., Ellis, Nov., 'S5. (insi) £1. Vision of the Twelve Goddesses. Lond., 1604. Svo. Mor. ex., g.e., Martin, Mar., '88. (86) £13. The Worthy Tract of Paulus Jo- vius. Lond., 1585. Svo. Cf. ex., Soth., Feb. 14, 'SS. (149) £1 15s. Vel., Soth., June 27, '92. (514) £4 12s. Cf., Bateman. July, '96. (1092) £3. Cf., Bierstadt, Apr., '97. (533) $86. Vel., Lefferts, Apr., '02. (328) $35. Cf., Soth., June 3, '02. (1008) £9. Vel., Soth., May IS, '03.- (303) £14. DANIEL 533 DANIEL Daniel (Samuel) — Gontimicd. Works. Newly Augmented. Lond., IGOl. Fol. Rus., g.e. (with the cancel slip, title in facs.), Adee, Nov., '95. (233) $8S. Cf.. Ashburnham, June, '97. (1259) £28. Cf. ex. (with the cancel slip), Soth., Feb. 27, '99. (1273) £10. **Large paper. Mor. ex., g.e.. Turner, June, 'SS. (1518) £28 10s. Works. Newly Augmented. Lond., 1602. Fol. Mor. ex.. Burton, Oct., '60. (4192) $45. Cf., m.e., Way, July, '81. (157) £7 7s. Mor. ex., Ellis, Nov., '85. (1077) £19 5s. Cf. (with autograph of Ben Jonson), Soth., July 13, '87. (334) £10. Cf. ex., Benbow, Nov., '89. (347) £4. Cf. Marshall, June, '90. (584) £3 17s. Cf., Bunbury, July, '96. (272) £10 5s. Cf. (ink stains on title and 2 following leaves), McKee, Dec, '01. (2846) $60. Hf. mor., g.e. (some leaves stained, margins mended), Lefferts, Apr., '02. (327) $12.50. Mor.. g.e. (a few margins mended), Ellis, Oct.. '02. (78G) £10 15s. (Title mended, margin cut from Dedi- cation), Bangs, Nov. 17, '02. (147) $6.50. Cf. (with A Panegyrike Congratula- torie 1603, bound in), Bierstadt, Apr., "97. (535) $28. Cf. (with A Panegyrike Congratula- torie, 1603, bound in, James Cross- lev's copy). Bools, June, '03. (432) £13 10s. Whole Workes In Poetrie. Lond., 1623. 4to. Mor. ex., Griswold, Jan., '78. (106) $40. Mor. ex., g.e., Bedford, Mar., '84. (432) £10 10s. Cf., Turner, June, '88. (1209) £11 5s. Cf. ex., g.e., Sullivan, May, '90. (1816) £4 10s. Mor., g.e., Cosens, Nov., '90. (1445) £4 18s. Mor. ex., g.e., Adee, Nov., '95. (239) $60. Cf., Edwardes, May, '01. (223) £12. Mor. (without engraved title). Cox, Feb., '02. (267) $20.50. Mor. ex., g.e., Hibbert, Apr., '02. (223) £18 10s. Mor. ex., g.e. (upper margins of some Daniel (Samuel) — Continued. leaves extended, engraved title from the 1609 edition inserted), Lefferts, Apr., '02. (326) $22.50. Mor., g.e. (with engraved title to " Civile Warres," dated 1609, and dedication of the " Civile Warres " to Lady Pembroke), Ellis, Oct., '02. (789) £11 5s. Poetical Works. Lond., 1718. 2 vols., Svo. Mor., g.e.. Bliss, Apr., '98. (62) £15s. Mor., g.e.. Bangs, Sept. 29, '98. (153) $10. Hf. mor., g.t., Lefferts, Apr., '98. (325) $6. Cf. ex., y.e., Twopenny, Mav, '02. (314) £2. Cf. (Charles Lamb's copy, with manu- script notes by him and also by Coleridge, and with 3 A. L. S., from Coleridge to Lamb, inserted). Haz- litt. Nov., '93. (121) £13 10s. Complete Works. Edited by A. B. Grosart. Lond., 1885. 5 vols., 4to. Eds., unc, Soth., Oct. 29, 1900. (389) £2. Bds., unc. (Vols. 1-4), Davton, Mar., '02. (631) $7.13. DANIEL (W. B.). Rural Sports. Lond., 1801-02. 2 vols., Svo. Rus., Aylesford, Mar., '88. (550) £3 6s. Rus., Hirst, Mar., '88. (1156) £1 Is. Rural Sports, 2 vols.. 1801-02. With the Supplement, 1813. To- gether 3 vols., Svo. Hf. mor.. Potts, Nov., '88. (193) £1 10s. Cf., Wells, May, '90. (49) £2. Cf., De Lacouperie, May, '95. (231) £12s. Cf., Soth., Mar. 21, '98. (957) £1 3s. Mor., g.e., Soth., Dec. 13, 1900. (302) £117s. **Large paper. Mor., g.e.. Bangs, June 4, '88. (167) $00. Rus. (presentation copy), Thornhill, Apr., '89. (118) £4 10s. Cf., Cox, Feb., '91. (291) £2 8s. Hf. mor., unc. Belt. Aug., '92. (1968) £2. Rus., Daubuz. Mav, '95. (464) £1 5s. Hf. cf., Adee. Nov., '95. (240) $12.75. Cf., Soth.. Dec. 18, '99. (1368) £13s. Rural Sports. Lond., 1805. 3 vols., 4to. DANIEL 534 DANIELL Daniel (W. B.) — Continued. **Large paper. Cf., Foljambe, Jan., '90. (136) £2 13s. **Largest paper. Cf., Crauford, Mar., '92. (290) £1. Rural Sports, 3 vols., 1805. With Supplement, 1813. Together, 4 vols., 4to. **Large paper. Hf. rus.. line, Harvey, June, 1900. (195) £3 15s. **Largest paper. Hf. rus.. unc, Vaughan, Dec, '86. (216) £5 5s. Rural Sports. Lond., 1807. 3 vols., 4to. **Large paper. Mor., g.e., Leigh. Dec, '89. (453) £6. Rus., Hartnup, May, '92. (622) £1 4s. Mor., Gladstone, Apr., '94. (65) £2 10s. Rural Sports. Lond., 1807. With Supplement, 1813. Together 4 vols., 4to. Rus. ex.. g.e., Harborough, Feb., '87. (41) £5. **Large paper. Hf. mor.. unc, Toovey, Feb., '94. (987) £4 4s. Rural Sports. With Supplement. Lend., 1812-13. Together 4 vols., 8vo. Rus., Cooper, May, '87. (49) £2 2s. Cf. (rebacked), Watson, Jan., '88. (3G8) £2 4s. Cf., Tyrell, Dec, '91. (35) £3. Cf., m.e.. Snow, Nov., '98. (147) £2 10s. DANIELL (F. B.). Catalogue of the Engraved Works of Richard Cosway. Lond., 1890. 4to. Vel., Foggo, Dec, '92. (655) £14s. Hawkins, Apr., '95. (100) £16s. DANIELL (SAMUEL). African Scen- ery and Animals. Lond., 1804. 30 colored plates. 2 vols., fol. Hf. rus. (in 1 vol.), Avlesford, Mar., •88. (599) £2. Hf. rus., Jesse, Mar., '90. (283) £3. Hf. rus. (in 1 vol.). Wells, May, '90. (213) £2 8s. Hf. rus. (in 1 vol.), Soth., Feb. 27, '99. (172) £6 5s. Hf. rus. (in 1 vol.), Soth., July 23, '01. (1722) £11 5s. Cf. (in 1 vol.), White, Apr., '02. (656) £10. Daniell (Samuel) — Coiiliiiued. Scenery, Animals and Native In- habitants of Ceylon. Lond., 1808. 12 colored plates. Fol. Hf. bd., Soth., Dec. 13, 1900. (981) £18s. In portfolio, Soth., July 23, '01. (1723) £3 12s. Sketches of Native Tribes, Ani- mals and Scenery of Southern Af- rica. Lond., 1820. 8vo. Mor. ex. (plates on India paper), Sul- livan, May, '90. (1821) £2 16s. (Plates on India paper), Roberts, Nov., '96. (61) £110s. Mor. ex. (plates on India paper, Duchesse de Berry's copy), Ker- mack, Nov., '99. (172) £5 15s. Unc, Soth., Jan. 28, '01. (293) £2 lis. DANIELL (T. AND W.). Oriental Scenery and Antiquities. Lond., 1795-1808. Colored plates. 6 vols., fol. In 7 portfolios, Aylesford, Mar., '88. (598) £12. Lee, June, '88. (183) £3 12s. 6d. Hf. cf. and hf. mor. (with Descrip- tions, 1 vol., 8vo), Wells, May, '90. (212) £10 5s. Hf. rus. (Descriptions, 2 vols., 8vo), Garrett, Mar., '94. (264) £10 15s. Hf. bd., Hope, Apr., '96. (576) £14 10s. Hf. bd.. Soth., Dec. 15, '02. (197) £35. Oriental Scenery. Lond., 1812-16. 6 pans in 3 vols., fol. Hf. mor., unc, Jesse, Mar., '90. (284) £2 10s. Hf. mor., g.e., Stone, Nov., '91. (641) £1 13s. Rus. ex., Armley, Dec, '94. (215) £1 10s. Hf. mor., unc, Larpent, Jan., '95. (1261) £2. Hf. mor.. Gray, Feb., '96. (930) £1 4s. Rus ex., Soth., Feb. 17, '97. (342) £18s. Picturesque Voyage to India by way of China. Lond., 1810. 50 colored plates. 4to. Hf. rus., Thompson, Feb., '87. (272) £1 2s. Hf. rus., Aylesford, Mar., '88. (551) £112s. Hf. rus.. Putt., Apr. 2, '91. (263) £1. Rus., g.e., Cartwright, Mar., '92. (513) £114s. DANIELL 535 DANTE Daniell (T. and W.) — Cdiitiiniril. Rus. ex., Magniac, July, '92. (84) £2 15s. DANIELL (W.). Views of Scotland. I^ond., [1819]. 42 colored plates. Fol. Hf. bd., Glasse, July, '92. (1977) £1 12.S. Hf. bd., Soth., Oct. 28. '01. (6G9) £3 5s. Voyage Round Great Britain. Lond., 1814-26. Colored plates. S vols., 4to. Hf. mor. (in 4 vols.). Putt, Jan. 30, '89. (868) £9. Hf. mor., g.e. (in 4 vols.), Witton, Jan., '93. (288) £8 5s. Hf. mor. ex., m.e. (in 4 vols.). Wal- ker, May, '93. (199) £9 10s: Cf. ex. (in 4 vols.), Roberts, Nov., '96. (157) £6 IDs. Hf. mor. ex., unc. (in 4 vols.), Chris- tie, July 11, '99. (209) £12. Hf. bd.. unc, Blyth, Mar., '01. (175) £12 10s. Rus., g.e. (in 4 vols.). White, Apr., '02. (657) £15 5s. Hf. mor., g.e. (in 4 vols.), Soth., July 21, '02. (664) £16. Mor. ex.. g.e. (one of 25 copies, mounted on cardboard, retouched by the artists), Fraser, Apr., '01. (487) £47. DANKERS (J.) AND SLUYTER (P.). Journal of a Voyage to New York. Trans, by H. C. Murphy. Brooklyn, L. I. Hist. Soc, 1867. Svo. Hf. mor., unc, Cooke, Dec, 'S3. (1776) $5.25. Hf. mor., unc, Montayne, Feb., '98. (209) $7. ** Large paper. Hf. mor., unc, Menzies, Nov., '76. (512) $9.25. Paper, unc. Hart, Apr., '90. (710) $5.50. DANSEY (J. C). English Crusader. Lond., [1850]. 4to. Mor., g.e., Malahide, June, '90. (265) £2 18s. Hf. mor., Edkins, Dec, '91. (115) £3. Hf. cf., Stansfield, June, '98. (239) £2 10s. Hf. mor., Soth., Feb. 17, '02. (275) £3 3s. DANTE ALIGHIERl. II Convivio. Florence, 1490. 4to. Dante Allghieri — Coiitiinird. Crawford, .June, '87. (769) £S 10s. Leather, Putt., Jan. 5, '88. (285) £1 lis. Mor. ex.. g.e., Gaisford, Apr., '90. (560) £2 12s. Mor.. g.e., Ashburnham, June, '97. (1267) £4 12s. Vel. (2 leaves mended), Soth., Apr. 12, '99. (211) £2 14s. Mor., unc. White, Apr., '02. (664) £10 15s. Mor. (Comte de Boutourlin's copy), Carmichael, Mar., '03. (338) £12 10s. L'Amoroso Convivio. Venice, 1531. Svo. Mor., g.e., Macaulav, Mar., '96. (51) £1 19s. Mor., g.e., Soth., Dec. 17, '98. (568) £12. Mor., g.e. (Sykes copy). Carmichael, Mar., '03. (339) £3 15s. La Commedia; cioe Inferno, Pur- gatorio et Paradise. [Foligno], Johannes Numeister, 1472. Fol. Mor., Sunderland, Apr., '82. (3685) £46. Mor., Crawford, Mar., '91. (901) £80. Mor., g.e.. Ashburnham, June, '97. (1261) £142. Mor. (Sunderland copy), Carmichael, Mar., '03. (267) £252. La Divina Commedia. Mantua, Georgius et Paulus, 1472. Fol. Hf. bd., in case (first 2 leaves mend- ed), Carmichael, Mar., '03. (268) £245. La Commedia. lesi, Frederico Veronensi, 1472. 4to. Cf., Jersey, May, '85. (510) £67. La Commedia. [Naples, for F. de Tuppo, about 1475.] Fol. Mor., Sunderland, Apr., '82. (3686) £205. La Commedia, col Commento di Benvenuto da Iniola e Vita per G. Boccaccio. Venice, Vindelin de Spira, 1477. Fol. Cf., Sunderland, Apr., '82. (3687) £11 5s. Mor., Sunderland, Apr., '82. (3088) £24. Mor., g.e., Crawford, June, '87. (767) £14. Cf., Hopetoun, Feb., '89. (537) £12 5s. DANTE 536 DANTE Dante Alighieri — Continued. Mor. ex., g.e. (wormed), Perkins, July, '89. (530) £12 15s. Cf. (Sunderland copy), Sullivan, May, '90. (1S23) £10 10s. Pigskin, Wills, July, '94. (585) £14 15s. Cf., Ashburnham, June, '97. (1262) £30. Mor., g.e., by Binda (first and last leaf Inlaid, a few leaves wormed), Soth., Dec. 3, 1900. (1000) £23 10s. Mor., g.e. (lacking the Life, 15 leaves), Fountaine, June, '02. (246) £32. Mor., g.e., Carmichael, Mar., '03. (2C9) £66. La Commedia. Milan, 1478. Pol. Mor., Sunderland, Apr., '82. (3689) £98. Vel., Ashburnham, June, '97. (1263) £46. La Commedia. Venice, Filippo dl Pietro, 1478. Fol. Mor., Sunderland, Apr., '82. (3C90) £33. La Divina Commedia. Co! Com- mento di Christophoro Landino. Florence Nicholo di Lorenzo, 1481. Fol. Perfect copies with all of the 19 engravings after Botticelli. Mor. ex., g.e., Crawford, June, '87. (768) £420. Mor. ex. (one engraving in 2 states), Crawford, Mar., '91. (902) £300. Rus. ex. (8 of the plates slightly dam- aged), Fountaine, June, '02. (247) £325. Mor., g.e. (5 plates slightly damaged, one leaf mended), Carmichael, Mar., '03. (270) £1,000. La Divina Commedia. Florence, 1481. Foi. Copies with three only of the engravings after Botticelli. Mor., Sunderland, Apr., '82. (3691) £35. Mor. ex., g.e. (preliminary leaves wormed), Perkins, July, '89. (531) £16. Cf., Crawford, Mar., '91. (903) £44. La Divina Commedia. Florence, 1481. Fol. Copies with two only of the engravings, the others in some cases in facs. Mor., by Roger Payne (a few leaves Dante Alighieri — Continued. mended), Wodhull, Jan., '86. (862^ £25, Cf. (lacking 1 leaf), Hopetoun, Feb., '89. (539) £12 10s. Mor., g.e., by Roger Payne (Wodhull copy). Wills, July, '94. (586) £20. Cf. (slightly wormed), Soth., July 18, '95. (69) £20 10s. Cf. (first 7 leaves from a shorter copy), Sewall, Nov., "96. (977) $85. Hf. rus., Ashburnham, June, '97. (1264) £32. Mor., g.e., Soth., Apr. 12, '99. (208) £34. Mor. ex., g.e. (portion of text wanted to CC 10), Soth., July 3, '99. (65) £23 10s. Mor. ex., g.e., bj' Binda (an engrav- ing of the " Inferno " mounted on blank leaf before the text), Soth., Dec. 3, 1900. (1001) £32. Vel. (margins cut down, some leaves wormed), Soth., June 20, '02. (77) £29. La Commedia. Venice, O. Sco- tus, 1484. Fol. Cf. (last leaf mended, some leaves wormed). Sunderland, Apr., '82. (3092) £11. Mor. ex., g.e. (some leaves stained and mended), Streatfeild, June, '89. (209) £5. Vel., Wills, July, '94. (587) £6. Hf. cf., r.e., Ashburnham, June, '97. (1265) £6 15s. Mor., Edwardes, May. '01. (273) £75. Hf. vel., Hammond. Feb., '02. (319) $28. Of., g.e. (Constable copy). White, Apr., '02. (658) £10. Vel., Carmichael, Mar., '03. (271) £15 10s. La Commedia. Brescia, Boninum de Boninis, 14S7. Fol. Cf., Sunderland, Apr., '82. (3694) £22. Vel., Crawford, Mar., '91. (904) £14. Vel., Wills, July, '94. (589) £27. Vel. (a few leaves mended and stained), Ashburnham, June, '97. (1266) £26. Rus., g.e. (several leaves defective), Soth., Oct. 24, '98. (489) £12 12s. Hf. rus. (some headlines cut into, a few leaves stained), Soth., Dec. 3, 1900. (1003) £14 5s. DANTE 537 DANTE Dante Alighieri — Continued. Vel. (with bookplate., of Lord Glen- bervie and Cecil Lofft), Soth., Dec. 17, 1900. (32G) £40. Vol., g.e.. Soth., July 17, '01. (204) £27 10s. Vel.. Fountaine, June, '02. (24S) £72. Mor. (first leaf mended), Carmichael, Mar., '03. (272) £54. La Commedia. Venice, Barnar- dino Benali & Matthio da Parma, 1491. Fol. Vel.. Streatteild, June, '89. (S31) £3. Mor., g.e., Ashburnham, June, '97. (1269) £28. Hf. bd. (lacking title, 3 leaves mend- ed, last leaf soiled and backed), Soth., Dec. 3, 1900. (1004) £3 15s. Cf., g.e., Carmichael, Mar., '03. (274) £23. La Commedia. Venice, Petro Cremonese, 1491. Fol. Cf., Ashburnham, June, '97. (1268) £39. Hf. bd., Soth., Dec. 5, '99. (717) £8 15s. Mor. ex., g.e. (1 leaf mended), Soth., May 21, 1900. (269) £24. Vel. (stained), Stanley, June, '01. (781) £16. Cf., Soth., July 17, '01. (295) £26. Vel., with ties (somewhat soiled), Soth., Dec. 19, '01. (54) £14 5s. Mor.. g.e., Soth., June 20, '02. (78) £30. Cf. in case, Carmichael, Mar., '03. ■ (273) £25. Commedia del Divine Poeta. Ven- ice, Matheo dl Chodecha da Parma, 1493. Sm. fol. Hf. bd., Ashburnham, June, '97. (1270) £6 15s. Vel. (lacking all the preliminary leaves), Farquharson, July, '97. (239) £llls. Vel. (wormed), Carmichael, Mar., '03. (275) £14 10s. La Divina Commedia. Venice, P. de Zuanne di Quarengii, 1497. Fol. Mor., In case. Cooper, May, '87. £2 Ss. Hf. cf., Soth., Nov. 25, '01. (403) £7 10s. (3 leaves defective, 1 mended), Soth., Dec. 19, '01. (55) £5. Vel., cf. back (lower part of title Dante Alighieri — Continued. torn off. inner margin of following leaf defective). May, Jan., '03. (1803) $30. Hf. bd. (title and last leaf mended, Soth., Jan. 27, '03. (100) £6 17s. 6d. Le Terze Rime da Dante. Venice, Aldus, 1502. 8vo. Mor., by Bozerian, BecMord, June, '82. (2337) £11 15s. Cf., Thorold, Dec, '84. (655) £12 5s. Mor., by Roger Payne, Wodhull, Jan., '86. (864) £15. Mor., g.e., Gaisford, Apr., '90. (566) £10. Hf. cf., Sullivan, May, '90. (138) £2. Mor. ex., g.e., Crawford , Mar., '91. (90.^) £12. Mor., g.e., Soth., Dec. 11, '93. (174) £10 15s. Mor., Reid, May, '94. (1126) £2 2s. Cf., g.e., Ashburnham, June, '97 (1271) £S5s. Mor., g.e.. Baring, Nov. '97. (154) £5. Mor. ex., g.e.. Bangs, Feb. 13, '01. (6) $33. Mor., g.e., White, Apr., '02. (665) £11. Mor., g.e. (margins of a few leaves mended; Crawford copy), Car- michael, Mar., '03. (278) £10. Le Terze Rime. [The Lyons Counterfeit of the first Aldine edi- tion of 1502.] Svo. Mor., g.e. (several leaves mended), Ashburnham, Nov., '97. (76) £5 5s. La Commedia. Florence, Ph. du Giunta. 1506. Svo. Mor., g.e., Ashburnham, June, '97. (1272) £11 10s. Cf., r.e. (sold as perfect, the Duke of Sussex's copy), Ashburnham, June, '97. (1273) £6 5s. Cf., r.e. (lacking 2 leaves, the preced- ing copy resold), Ashburnham, Dec, '98. (53) £2 4s. Mor., g.e., Carmichael, Mar., '03. (279) £14 10s. La Divina Commedia. Col Com- mento di Christ. Landino. Venice, B. de Zanne da Portese, 1507. Fol. Paper, Soth., Nov. 13, '02. (1G9) £5. Operi del Divino Poeta Danthe. Venice. B. Stagnino da Trino, 1512. 4to. DANTE 538 DANTE Dante Alighieri — Continued. Vel., Ashburnham, June, '97. (1274) £6 6s. Vel. (margin of title mended), Ash- burnliam, June, '97. (1275) £lls. Mor. ex., g.e., Anderson, Oct., 1900. (493) £8. Cf. (slightly wormed), Soth., Dec. 17, 1900. (327) £3 3s. Mor., g.e., Stanley, June, '01. (787) £5. Vel., Carmichael, Mar., '03. (2S1) £10. -Col Sito et Forma dell' Inferno. Venice, Aldus, 1515. Svo. Cf., Beckford, June, '82. (2338) £13 5s. Mor., g.e., Hardwicke, June, '88. (13) £9. Mor., g.e.. Putt., Feb. 13, '89. (733) £5. Mor., g.e. (a few leaves stained). Bun- bury, Dec, '94. (185) £2 12s. Mor., g.t., unc. (top margin of last 6 leaves mended, Hawtrev copy), Soth., Nov. 27, '96. (161) £8 10s. Mor., g.e. (lacking 2 leaves), Ash- burnham, June, '97. (1276) £4 14s. Mor., Soth., Apr. 12, '99. (209) £2 16s. Mor., g.e. (headlines cut close), Fountaine, June, '02. (249) £7 5s. Mor., g.t., unc. (margins of last 7 leaves mended), Carmichael, Mar., '03. (282) £11 5s. Le Terze Rime. [Venice, G. de Gregori, about 1515.] 8vo. Mor., Soth., July 17, '01. (298) £18 10s. Commedia insieme con unc Dia- logo circa el Site, Forma et Misure dello Inferno. Florence, Ph. di Giunta, 1516. 8vo. Mor., g.e.. Wills, Julv, '94. (386) £5 5s. Opere del Divine Danthe. Venice, B. Stagnino. 1520. 4to. Vel., Soth., July 1, '95. (593) £7. Cf., Ashburnham, June, '97. (1277) £7 5s. Hf. bd., Soth., Nov. 25, '01. (335) £2 10s. Vel. (corners of a few leaves mend- ed), Carmichael, Mar., '03. (283) £S. La Commedia. Venice, J. del Dante Alighieri — Continued. Burgofranco ad Instantia di L. A. Giunta, 1529. Fol. Cf. (30 small woodcuts, designed by C. Dair Acqua, mounted on fly- leaves at end), Ashburnham, June, '97. (1279) £9 15s. Cf., Soth., Dec. 19, '01. (56) £35 10s. Cf. (portrait inserted). White, Apr., '02. (659) £13 5s. Orig. white calfskin, g.e., Ellis, Oct., '02. (790) £25 10s. La Commedia. Venice, B. Stag- nino, 1536. 4to. Cf., Clerk, May, '99. (277) £2 18s. Mor., g.e., Bangs, Jan. 15, 1900. (229) $50. Vel., Soth., Nov. 25, '01. (168) £12s. **Tinted paper. Mor. Quaile, May, '01. (140) £3. ** Large paper. Mor.. g.e., Ashburnham, June, '97. (1280) £8. La Comedia con la nova Esposi- tione di A. Vellutello. Venice, F. Marcoloni, 1544. 4to. Cf., Beckford, June, '82. (2339) £21. Mor. ex., Bedford. Mar., '84. (436) £49. Hf. rus., Luard, Nov., '91. (300) £16s. Mor. ex., g.e. (title mended), Soth., July 2, '92. (46) £3 7s. 6d. Vel., Putt., Dec. 11, '99. (243) £1 16s. Mor., g.e., Edwardes, May, '01. (225,) £3 10s. Cf., g.e., in case, white, Apr., '02. (600) £27 10s. L'inferno, disposto in ordini gram- maticle e corredato di brevi dichiara- zioni da G. G. Warren, Lord Vernon. Lond., 1858-65. 3 vols., fol. Mor. ex., g.e., in cases, Craig, June, '87. (750) £27. Hf. bd., Coghlan, Dec, '96. (430) £14. Hf. mor., Ashburnham, June, '97. (1294) £116s. Hf. mor.. Bangs, Feb. 21, '98. (215) $7.50. Hf. roan, Hodgson, Feb. 27, '01. (593) £13 10s. Hf. mor., Soth., May 14, '02. (204) £12 12s. Dante traducido de Lengua Tos- cana en Verso Castellano por Don Pedro Fernandez. Burgos, Fadrique Aleman de Basilia, 1515. Fol. DANTE 539 DARIEN Dante Alighieri — Cmitiiiucd. Rus. ex., m.e. (title and E i in facs.), Fountaine, June, '02. (253) £19 10s. The Vision, or Hell, Purgatory and Paradise. Trans, by H. F. Gary. Lond., 1819. 3 vols., 8vo. Mor. ex., g.e., Sullivan, May, '90. (1S31) £3 5s. Mor. ex., g.e., Buckley, Feb., '93. (777) £2. Bds., unc, Sidney, Mar., 1900. (32) £1 12s. TPie First Ten Cantos of the In- ferno. Trans, into English verse by T. W. Parsons. Post., 1843. 8vo. Hf. cf. (presentation copy from T. W. Parsons), Libbie, June 19, 1900. (94G) $5. Bds. (presentation copy), Whipple. Apr., '03. (843) $22. Bds. (presentation copy), Libbie, June 11, '03. (354) $11.25. The Divine Comedy. Trans, by H. W. Longfellow. Post., 1867. 3 vols., 8vo. CI., unc, Bangs, Mar. IS, '95. (163) $8.25. CI., unc. Bangs, Oct. 7, '9G. (541) $8.25. CI., unc, Bierstadt, Apr., '97. (1336) $14.25. CI., unc, Roos, Apr., '97. (1011) $9.30. CI., unc, Olcott. Apr., '01. (352) $6.90. CI., unc. Hunter, Apr., '01. (176) $5.25. CI., unc. Cox, Feb., '02. (511) $10.50. **India paper. Sheets, folded, Rice, Mar., '70. (512) $270. The Divine Comedy and the New Life. Trans, by C. E. Norton. Camb., 1892. 4 vols., Svo. ** Large Paper. Bds., unc. Bangs, Nov. 10, '99. (84) $9. Bds.. unc, Edelheim, Mar., 1900. (1165) $22. Bds., unc. Bangs, Nov. IS, '01. (195) $13. DAPPER (O.). See Montanus (A.). DARBE (JOHN). The Last Enemy Conquered: Sermon occasioned by the Death of Mrs. Elizabeth Gar- diner. New London, T. & J. Green, 1755. Svo. Mor., Brinley, Mar., '80. (2940) $12. Darbe (John) — Continued. Hf. mor., unc, Brinley, Mar., '80. ' (4286) $11.50. D'ARBLAY (MADAME). See Burney (Frances). DARCIE (ABRAHAM). Annals of Queen Elizabeth. Lond., [1625]. 4to. Cf., Ellis, Nov., '85. (1095) £4 10s. Mor., g.e. (last leaf in duplicate), Avlesford, Mar., '88. (553) £11. Mor. ex., g.e.. Walker, May, '93. (200) £3 10s. Cf. ex., g.e. (without Darcie's por- trait). Walker, May, '93. (201) £4 6s. Mor., g.e. (engraved portrait and title mended), Soth., Nov. 27, '96. (162) £3 18s. Cf. ex., g.e. (engraved portrait and title cut close), Deane, Mar., '98. (983) $5. Mor. ex., g.e., Edwardes, May '01. (226) £16 10s. D'ARCUSSIA (C). See Arcussia (C. d'). DARE (JOSIAH). Counsellor Man- ners, his last Legacy to his Son. Lond., 1673. Svo. Cf., Davis, Nov., 1900. (74) £llls. DARELL (JOHN). Strange News from the Indies. Lond., 1652. 4to. Hf. mor. (some headlines cut into), Crawford, July, '96. (264) £3 17s. 6d. D'ARFEVILLE (N. DE). See Nico- lay, Sieur d'Arfeville. D'ARGENVILLE (M.). See Argen- ville (M. d'.). DARIEN. Darien Papers. Edinb., Bannnatyne Club. 1849. 4to. Hf. mor., unc. Murphy, Mar., '84. (727) $21. Hf. mor., Reid, May, '94. (686) £2 4s. CI., unc, Ashburnham, June, '97. (2S1) £112s. CI., unc. Bangs, Nov. 22, '97. (415) $5.63. Clerk, May, '99. (132) £116s. CI., unc. Bell, Mar., '02. (37) £114s. Defence of the Scots Settlement at Darien. Edinb., 1699. 4to. Hf. mor., Cooke, Dec, '83. (670) $8. Cf., Hopetoun, Feb., '89. (14) £12s. DARIEN 540 DARRELL Darien — Continued. Bds., unc, Soth., Dec. 1, '91. (9SG) £2 5s. Defence of the Scots Settlement at Darien, answered by Philo-Britan. Lond., 1C99. 8vo. Hf. mor., Barlow, Feb., '90. (707) $G. Unc, Putt, Dec. 11, '99. (23) £1. An Enquiry Into the Causes of the Miscarriage of tlie Scots Colony at Darien. Glasgow, 1700. 8vo. Hf. sheep, Cooke, Dec, '83. (C69) $8.50. Putt., Mar. 28, '01. (46) £2 4s. Full Collection of Addresses, Me- morials, etc., relating to the Com- pany of Scotland Trading to Af- frica and the Indies. [Lond.], 1700. 4to. Barlow. Feb., '90. (709) $7. Mor., Soth., July 29, '98. (105) £1 16s. Hf. ct, Makellar. Nov., '98. (S33) £114s. The History of Caledonia, or Scots Colony In Darien. Lond., 1699. 8vo. Vel., Murphy, Mar., '84. (723) $9.50. Hf. mor., unc, Wood, Mar., '91. (435) £2 2s. Short and Impartial View of the Manner and occasion of the Scots Colony's coming away from Darien. Lond.," 1699. 4to. Hf. mor.. Murphy, Mar., '84. (725) $7.50. DARINEL. La Sphere des Deux Mondes. Antwerp, 1555. 4to. Mor. ex., g.e., Foster, June, '94. (240) £3. Hf. rus. (some margins cut close), Soth., Nov. 5, '96. (46) £2 2s. Bds., Soth., Apr. 12, '99. (213) £5. DARK BLUE (THE). Edited by J. C. Freund. Lond., 1871-73. 8vo. Mar., 1871, to Feb., 1873. 4 vols., cf. ex., g.e.. Bangs, Nov. 26, 1900. (684) $28. Vol. 1 only, cl., Peirce, Mar., '03. (276) $18. DARLEY (J.). Glory of Chelsea Col- lege Revived. Lond., 1662. 4to. Mor. ex., g.e., Martin, Mar., '88. (293) £llls. Darley (J.) — Continued. Mor. ex., g.e., Soth., Mar., '98. (355) £2 6s. DARLING (JAMES). Cyclopaedia Bibliographica. Lond., 1854-59. 2 vols., Svo. Hf. mor., Bennett, Feb., '87. (241) £110s. Mor.. g.e., Craig, Mar., '88. (1542) £118s. Rose, June, '91. (435) £1. Cl., Waterbury, Dec, '94. (360) $5.25. DARLINGTON (W.). Sesqul-Centen- nial Gathering of the Clan Darling- ton, in East Bradford, Pa., 1853. Lancaster, 1853. 8vo. Hf. mor. (stained), Whitmore, Nov., '02. (259) $9. DARLY (M.). Comic Prints of Char- acters, Caricatures, etc. Lond., 1776. Fol. Hf. cf.. Putt., Mav 4, '87. (1510) £3. Cf. ex., y.e., Hutt, May, '89. (740) £5 12s. 6d. Hf., bd. (2 plates torn), Soth., Nov. 20, '99. (17) £4. Complete Body of Architecture. Lond., 1773. Fol. Cf., Fane, Aug., '87. (1035) £116s. Cf. (lacking 1 plate). Putt., Nov. 9, '87. (685) £1. Hf. cf., Soth., May 25, '98. (554) £2. DARNELL (ELIAS). Journal. Paris Kv., 1812. 8vo. Mor., Field, May, '75. (485) $S5. DARRELL (JOHN). Detection of Discours of Samuel Harshnet, en- tituled A Discoverie of the Fraudu- lent Practises of John Darrell. N. p., 1600. 4to. Vel. (lacking AD, Ashburnham, June, '97. (1299) £5 5s. Vel. (the Ashburnham copy resold), Ashburnham, Dec, '98. (54) £4. Replle to the answer of John Dea- con and John Walker, concerning the doctrine of the Possession and Dispossession of Demoniakes. Lond., 1002. 4to. Cf., Soth., July 28, '03. (439) £5. Survey of certain Dialogical Dis- courses, written by Deacon and John Walker. Lond., 1602. 4to. Cf., g.e., Soth., Apr. IS, '04. (373) £5. DARRELL 541 DAUNEY Darnell (John) — Continued. True Narration of the Vexation by the Devil of 7 Persons in Lan- cashire. N. p., 1600. 4to. Cf. (margins cut close, corners of some leaves mended), Ashburnham, June, '97. (1297) £5. Cf. (title mended, first leaf defective), Ashburnham, June. '97. (1298) £5. Cf. (margins cut close, corners of some leaves mended), Soth., Dec. 13, '97. (272) £2 10s. Cf. (several corners defective and mended, front margins cut into), Soth., Dec. 17, 1900. (330) £2 15s. The Triall of IVlaist. Dorrell. N. p., 1599. 12mo. Cf. ex., g.e., Soth., Mav 16, '01. (161) £4. DARROW (CLARENCE). A Persian Pearl. East Aurora, Roycroft Press, 1899. 8vo. Bds., Bangs, Apr. 10, 1900. (317) $0. Hf. leather, unc, Anderson, Oct. 16, 1900. (206) $5. DART (J.). History of Canterbury Cathedral. Lond., 1720. Fol. Cf., Avlesford, Mar., 'SS. (G02) £1 18s. Cf., Soth., Dec. 13, 1900. (733) £1 Ss. History and Antiquities of West- minster Abbey. [Lond., 1723.] 2 vols., fol. Cf., Bell, Nov., *8S. (1094) £17s. Hf. rus.. Gage, Feb., '90. (667) £19s. Cf., Soth., June 27, '95. (142) £18s. Cf., Clerk, May, '99. (281) £1 10s. hf. mor. (in x vol.), Bangs, May 19, '02. (390) $6. **Large paper. Mor., g.e., Avlesford, Mar., '88. (601) £4 10s. Rus., Strong, Mar., '91. (277) £1 7s. Cf. ex., Brabourne, Mav, '91. (274) £19s. Rus.. Hodges, Apr., '94. (71) £1 Ss. D'ARTAGNAN (IVIONSIEUR). Me- moirs. Trans, by R. Nevill. Lond., 1898-99. 3 vols., 8vo. CI., Bangs, Sept. 27, 1900. (153) $10.87. CI., Bangs, Apr. 8, '01. (89) $6.75. CI., Bangs, Nov. 15, '01. (86) $5.70. DARTIVIOUTH (THE). Vols. 1-5. Hanover, 1S39-44. 5 vols., 8vo. Dartmouth (The) — Continued. Parts, unc. (lacking Nos. 5-6 of Vol. 1), Libbie, Nov. 6, '95. (418) $6.25. DARVILL (R.). Treatise on the Care of the English Race Horse. Lond., 1828. 8vo. Bds., unc, Cox, Feb., '91. (95) £1 ISs. DASENT (G. W.). Popular Tales from the Norse. Lond., 1859. 8vo. CI., unc. Hunt, Nov., '88. (18) £lSs. CI., unc, Davidson, May, '89. (209) £110s. Story of Burnt Njal. Lond., 1861. 2 vols., Svo. CI., Nash, Jan.. '88. (122) £15s. CI., Gibson, Mar., '93. (578) £1 Is. Cf., Alexander, Mar., '95. (1615) $7.50. CI. (presentation copy), Ashburnham, June, '97. (1303) £1 12s. CI., Weaver. Dec, '97. (84) £1. CI., Blanchard, Mav, '98. (436) $6.50. CI., Soth., Feb. 15, 1900. (435) £12s. DASSIE (C. R.). Le Routier des Indes Orientales et Occidentales. Paris. 1677. 2 vols, in 1, 4to. Vel.. Barlow, Feb., '90. (712) $8. DATUS (A.). Libellus In Eloquentiae Prfecepta ad Andream Christopherl filium. Milan, 1476. 4to. Cf., g.e., Soth., Nov. 20, '99. (677) £116s. Cf., g.e.. Putt., Mar. 22, 1900. (519) £2. DAULBY (D.). Catalogue of the Works of Rembrandt. Liverpool, 1796. Svo. Mor. ex., g.e., Craig, June, 'S7. (757) £19s. **Large paper. Cf., Aylesford, Mar., '88. (555) £15s. DAUNCE (E.). Brief Discourse of the Spanish State. Lond., 1590 4to. Mor., g.e. (title soiled), Adee. Nov., '95. (241) $16. DAUNCY (J.). History of Charles II. Cork, 1660. Svo. Benbow, Nov., '89. (378) £2 9s. DAUNEY (W.). Ancient Scottish Melodies. Edinb., Banuatvne Club, 1S3S. 4to. Unc, Craig, Mar., '88. (1544) £143. DAVENANT 542 DAVENANT DAVENANT (C.)- Essay upon Peace at Home and War Abroad. Lond., 1704. 8vo. **Thick paper. Mor. ex., g.e. (A.L.S. of the Duchess of Marlborough inserted), Craig, June, '87. (760) £2. Mor. ex. (Part 1 only), Craig, Mar., •88. (1546) £2 2s. Political and Commercial Works. Lend., 1771. 5 vols., 8vo. Cf., Hodgson, May 21, '03. (771) £2 10s. DAVENANT (SIR WILLIAM). Bri- tannia Triumphans. See Jones (Inigo). -Certain Verses by severall of the Authors Friends. With Gondibert Vindicated. Lond., 1653. 8vo. Mor. ex., g.e., Turner, June, '88. (876) £3 5s. Mor. ex., g.e., Soth., Apr. 12, '93. (172) £4 8s. Cf., Sewall, Nov., '96. (997) $25. Rus,. Bangs, Apr., '99. (98) $16.50. The Cruel Brother. Lond., 1630. 4 to. Mor. ex., McKee, Apr., '01. (2292) $45. Cf. ex., Soth., May 16, '01. (162) £8 12s. 6d. Hf. mor., Lefferts, Apr., '02. (330) $17. Cruelty of the Spaniards in Peru Exprest by Instrumentall and Vo- call Musick, etc. Lond., 1658. 4to. Mor. (slightly cut into at top), An- derson, Apr. 16, '03. (171) $16. First Day's Entertainment at Rutland House. Lond.. 16.=i7. Svo. Mor. ex., g.e., Soth., Dec. 10, '90. (51) £9 5s. Hf. cf., Daly, Mar., 1900. (776) $24. Unbd., Soth., Dec. 2, '01. (724) £10 15s. Mor. ex., g.e. (a few margins mend- ed), Lefferts, Apr., '02. (331) $26. Gondibert. Lond., 1651. Octavo edition. Svo. Mor. ex., g.e., Soth., May, '91. (78) £lls. Hf. mor., Bierstadt, Apr., '97. (551) $7. Cf. (rebacked), Bangs, May 19, '97. (287) $7. Davenant (Sir William) — Contimced. Cf. (cracked), Blanchard, May, '98. (444) $5.25. Mor., g.e.. Bangs, Mar. 19, 1900. (136) $20. Cf., Bangs, May 28, 1900. (246) $12.50. Gondibert. Lond., 1651. Quarto edition. 4to. Soth., July 13, '87. (229) £lls. Cf., Halliwell, July, '89. (259) £5 10s. Cf. (with manuscript dedication, 7 lines, by the author on fly-leaf), Libbie, Dec. 4, '89. (288) $15.25. Mor. ex. (presentation copv), Foote, Jan., '95. (86) $37. Hi. cf., Reynell, May, '95. (93) £lls. Cf. (rebacked), Arnold, May, '01. (93) $18 Cf., McKee, Dec, '01. (2853) $11. Mor. ex., g.e., Soth., Jan. 31, '02. (623) £3 3s. Cf., g.e., Lefferts, Apr., '02. (332) $19 Cf., g.e., Ellis, Oct., '02. (806) £1 16s. History of Sr. Francis Drake. Lond., 1659. 4to. Cf. (some leaves stained, Mitford copv), McKee, Apr., '01. (2298) $20. Cf.. g.e., Lefferts, Apr., '02. (418) $10. Mor.. Anderson, Apr. 16, '03. (172) $17. The Just Italian. Lond., 1030. 4to. Hf. mor.. Young, Dec, '95. (457) £2. Hf. mor., Sewall, Nov., '96. (986) $8.50. Mor.. g.t., McKee, Apr., '01. (2293) $20. Mor. ex., g.e., Soth., May 16, '01. (163) £8. Hf. roan, Lefferts, Apr., '02. (334) $9.50. ■ Love and Honour. Lond., 1649. 4to. Hf. mor., Sewall, Nov., '96. (991) $15. Cf.. unc, Lefferts, Apr., '02. (335) $15. Madagascar. Lond., 1638. 8vo. Cf. ex.. Turner, June, '88. (877) £4 lis. DAVENANT 543 DAVENANT Davenant (Sir William) — Vdntiiuwd. Hf. b(i., Crawford, Mar., '91. (915) £2. Cf. (a few leaves cut into), Coleman, July, '97. (176) £12s. Mor., g.e. (a few margins cut close), McKee. Dec, '01. (2851) $35. Of., Lefferts, Apr., '02. (336) $30. Madagascar. Lond., 1648. 8vo. Mor., g.e., Bierstadt, Apr., 97. (550) $18.51). Cf. (rebacked, title mended, and last leaf torn, Robert Southey's copy, with passages marked in pencil by him), McKee, Dec, '01. (2852) $7. The Man's the Master. [Lond.], for H. Herringman, 16C9. Ito. Hf roan, r.e. (one corner torn off), McKee, Apr., '01. (2300) $20. Hf. cf., Lefferts, Apr., '02. (337) $8.50. The New Academy of Compli- ments erected for Ladies, Gentle- women, etc. Lond., 1671. 12mo. Cf., Soth., Apr. 22, '95. (629) £4 7s. The Platonick Lovers. Lond., 1636. 4to. Hf. bd., Reynell, May, '95. (90) £1 Is. Cf., Adee, Nov., '95. (242) $9.50. Paper, Bierstadt, Apr., '97. (5,49) $13. Mor. ex., McKee, Apr., '01. (2295) $14. Cf. (Perkins copy), Lefferts, Apr., '02. (338) $8.50. Poem, upon his Sacred Majes- ties most happy Return to his Do- minions. Lond., 1660. 4to. Mor., McKee, Dec, '01. (2854) $14. Poem to the King's most Sacred Majesty. Lond., 1663. 4to. Hf. mor. ex., Lefferts, Apr., '02. (339) $5. The Rivals. Lond., 1G68. 4to. Hf. cf., l>efferts, Apr., '02. (341) $18. Salmacida Spolia. A Masque. Lond., 1639. 4to. Mor., McKee, Apr., '01. (2297) $39. Cf., g.e., Lefferts, Apr., '02. (342) $15. Hf. bd., Soth., Dec. 4, '02. (291) £7 15s. The Siege of Rhodes. Lond., 1056. 4to. Cf. ex., g.e., Soth., May 21, 1900. (226) £14s. Davenant (Sir William) — Coiiliiiiicd. Cf. ex., g.e., Soth., Mar. 17, '02. (180) £4 8s. The Siege of Rhodes. Lond., 1663. 4to. Hf. cf., Lefferts, Apr., '02. (343) $6 The Siege of Rhodes. Lond., 1670. 2 parts, 4to. Hf. mor., g.e. (in 1 vol., title torn), McKee, Apr., '01. (2301) $12. Temple of Love. Lond., 1634. 4to. Hf. rus., Soth,. Apr., 12, '93. (85) £1 lis. Tragedy of Albovine, King of the I>ombards. Lond., 1629. 4to. Hf. roan (lacking title), McKee, Apr., '01. (2291) $5.50. Hf. mor. (title cut into at top), Lef- ferts, Apr., '02. (344) $15. Triumphs of the Prince d'Amour. Lond., 1635. 4to. Cf., g.e., Soth., Apr. 12, '93. (86) £1 9s. Cf. ex., g.e. (last leaf mended, Per- kins copy), McKee, Apr., '01. (2294) $20. Cf., g.e. (top line of title cut into), Lefferts, Apr., '02. (345) $9. Two Excellent Plays: The Wits, a Comedie: The Platonick Lovers. Lond., 1665. 4to. Cf. (rebacked), McKee, Apr., '01. (2299) $7.50. Unfortunate Lovers. Lond., 1643. 4to. Hf. mor., Lefferts, Apr., '02. (346) $20. The Witts. Lond., 1636. 4to. Cf., Perkins, July, '89. (540) £1 10s. Cf., g.e. (with leaf of imprimatur), Adee, Nov.. '95. (243) $10. Hf. mor. (writing on last leaf, a few edges stained), McKee, Apr., '01. (2296) $29. Works. Lond., 1673. Fol. Craig, Mar., '88. (1547) £2 6s. Mor. ex., g.e., Halliwell. Dec, '91. (1746) £5 17s. Gd. Mor., g.e., Hazlitt, Nov., '93. (143) £5 2s. 6d. Cf., Soth., Nov. 19, '94. (730) £1 10s. Cf., Ashburnham, June. '97. (1306) £12s. Cf., g.e.. Bangs, Oct. 17, '98. (145) $10.50. DAVENANT 544 DAVENPORT Davenant (Sir William) — Continued. Cf., Soth., May 25, 1900. (130) £2 14s. Mor. ex., g.e., Soth., July 18, 1900. (898) £2 18s. Mor. ex., g.e., Bruce, Dec, 1900. (479) £5 15s. Mor. ex., r.e., McKee, Apr., '01. (2302) $32. Cf., r.e. (binding broken). Bangs, Jan. 22, '02. (113) $12. Mor. ex., g.e., Soth., Jan. 31, '02. (624) £4 15s. Cf., Soth., Mar. 17, '02. (530) £4. Mor. ex., g.e., Lefferts, Apr., '02. (348) $50. Cf., r.e., Twopenny, May, '02. (578) £5 5s. Cf. ex., Christie, June 18, '02. (236) £4 2s. Gd. Cf., Soth.,- May 18, '03. (115) £4 1Gs. Dramatic Worlond. [1S75]. 4to. Hf. mor., Putt., May 4, '87. (714) £1. Hf. mor.. Putt, Feb. 10, '92. (658) £12s. Hf. mor.. Bangs, Mar. 3, '98. (288) $9.50. Hf. mor.. Bangs, Feb. 8. '99. (351) $8 25 Hf. mor., Middleton, Mar., '99. (145i) $6.20. Hf. mor., Bangs, Feb. 20, 1900. (260) $5.50. Hf. mor., Soth.; Feb. 28, 1900. (411) £1 Is. Hf. mor., Bangs, Apr. 16, 1900. (223) $9. Hf. mor.. Bangs, May 16, 1900. (407) $7. Hf. mor.. Bangs, June 13, '01. (144) $5.50. DAVENPORT (ROBERT). The City Night-Cap. Lond., 1661. 4to. Hf. of.. Young, Dec. 16, '95. (460) £2 18s. Cf., g.e. (a few headlines cut into, Perkins copy), McKee, Apr., '01. (2305) $15. King John and Matilda. Lond., 1655. 4to. Paper, Bierstadt, Apr., '97. (554) $17. Cf., g.e. (Perkins copy), McKee, Apr., '01. (2304) $20. Davenport (Robert) — Continued. Hf. cf., Soth., Mar. 17, '02." (179) £5. Unbd., Fountaine, Jime, '02. (255) £7 15s. Pleasant and Witty Comedy, called, A New Tricke to Cheat the Divell. Lond., 1639. 4to. Hf. mor. (some headlines cut into), McKee, Apr.. '01. (2303) $11. DAVIDSON (JOHN). D. Bancroft's Rashness in Rayling against the Church of Scotland, noted. Edinb., 1590. 8vo. Mor., g.e., Makellar, Nov., '98. (2376) £16. DAVIES (C. M.). History of Holland and the Dutch Nation. Lond., 1851. 3 vols., 8vo. C!., Murphy, Mar., '84. (741) $10.50. CI., Walford. Feb., '87. (102) £18s. CI.. Hope, Apr., '96. (364) £2 2s. CI., Weaver, Dec, '97. (88) £1 18s. CI., Soth., Feb. 27, '99. (427) £118s. CI., unc. Bangs, Dec. 10, '02. (559) $5.40. DAVIES (JOHN, OF HEREFORD). Microcosmos. Oxford. 1603. 4to. Mor. ex., Ellis, Nov., '85. (1x05) £8 10s. Mor. ex., g.e., Gaisford, Apr., '90. (572) £13 5s. Rus., g.e. (title inlaid, a portion of the border supplied), McKee, Dec, '01. (2856) $105. Microcosmos. Oxford, 1005. 4to. Vel. (with autograph of Thomas Penn), Jersey, May, '85. (520) £10. Mor. ex., g.e. (title soiled, manuscript notes bv the author). Cole, Apr., •90. (172) $29. Mirum in Modum. Lond., 1602. 4to. Cf. ex.. g.e., Crawford, Mar., '91. (917) £6. Cf., g.e., Soth.. June 27, '92. (265) £2. Cf. ex.. g.e., Lawrence, Dec, '92. (220) £4 4s. Mor.. g.e. (a few headlines cut Into, Gaisford copy), McKee, Dec, '01. (2855) $30. Cf. ex.. g.e. (a few headlines cut into). Soth., Mar. 17, '02. (181) £7. Mor.. g.e., Appleton, Apr., '03. (123) $50. DAVIES 546 DAVIES Davies (John, of Hereford) — Cont'd, at., g.e., Soth., June 20, '04. (377) £8 12s. Gd. Muses Sacrifice. Lond., 1612. 8vo. Cf. (lacking title), Sewall, Nov., '96. (1000) $22. Cf. (lacking title, Sewall copy), Auck- land, Nov., '97. (433) £13. IVI uses-Tea res for the Losse of Henry Prince of Wales. Lond., 1613. 4to. Mor. ex. (portrait inserted), Fuller- Russell, June, 'S5. (332) £9 15s. Soth.. June 27, '92. (267) £113s. Rus. ex., g.e., Christie, June 18, '02. (533A) £4 15s. Sewed, unc. (some leaves stained), Soth., June 20, '04. (376) £30. The Scourge of Folly. Lond., E. A. for Richard Redmer, [about 1611]. 8vo. Mor. ex., Griswold, Dec, '80. (351) $67. Mor. ex., g.e. (2 leaves inlaid), Gais- ford, Apr., '90. (574) £21 10s. Mor. ex., g.e., Crawford, Mar., '91. (919) £24 10s. Mor. ex., g.e. (some leaves mended). Both., June 27, '92. (206) £7. Mor. ex., g.e.. Walker, May, '93. (96) £13 18s. Mor., g.e., Lefferts, Apr., "02. (351) $170. A Select Second Husband for Sir Thomas Overburies Wife. Lond., 1616. Svo. Vel. (title mended), Soth., June 27, '92. (268) £14s. Vel. (title and last leaf mended), Daubuz, May, '95. (41) £2 12s. Mor. ex., g.e., Lefferts, Apr., '02. (352) $35. Summa Totalis. Lond., 1607. 4to. Cf. ex., g.e., Gaisford, Apr., '90. (573) £3 10s. Cf., g.e. (margins of some leaves cut close), McKee, Dec, '01. (2857) $6. Wittes Pilgrimage. Lond., for John Browne, [about 1603]. 4to. Mor., Corser, Aug., '69. (178) £9. Mor., Corser, July, '70. (88) £18. Mor. (title and last leaf soiled), Ouvry, Mar., '82. (458) £17. Mor., g.e. (title in facs. by J. Harris), Crawford, Mar., '91. (916) £7 10s. Davies (John, of Hereford) — Cont'd. Mor. ex., g.e. (marginal notes cut into, some leaves mended), Soth., June 27, '92. (264) £14 5s. Mor., g.e. (title mended), McKee, Dec, '01. (2858) $145. Cf., Soth., Mar. 17, '02. (182) £29. Mor. ex., g.e., Soth., June 3, '02. (471) £28. Mor., g.e., Soth., Mar. 16, '03. (359) £20. Mor., g.e., Soth., June 20, '04. (378) £19. DAVIES (SIR JOHN). Civil Warres of Great Britain and Ireland. Lond., 1661. Fol. Cf., Soth., Jan. 27, '03. (179) £3. Discovery of the True Causes why Ireland was never entirely Subdued. Lond., 1612. 8vo. Vel., Ellis, Nov., '85. (1789) £5 7s. 6d. Vel., Soth., July 13, *87. (230) £2 2s. Rus., g.e. (title mended), Crawford, July, '96. (272) £15s. *'*Large paper. Cf., g.e., Sullivan, Mav, '90. (3412) £3 5s. Discovery of the State of Ireland. Lend., 1613. 4to. Cf., Craig, Mar., 'SS. (1550) £1. Cf. ex., g.e., Crawford, Mar., '91. (920) £2 4s. Le Primer Report des Cases adjudges en les Courts en Ireland. Dublin, 1615. Fol. Cf., Hodgson, Feb. 17, '03. (1151) £12 10s. Nosce Teipsum. Lond., 1599. 4to. Mor., g.e., Martin, Mar., '88. (95) £6 10s. Mor., g.e., Soth., Apr., '93. (90) £5. Mor. ex., g.e., Soth., Nov. 19, '94. (340) £4 10s. Mor. (some leaves mended). McKee, Dec. *01. (2859) $20. Mor. ex., g.e. (title defective), Soth., Mar. 17, '02. (183) £7. Mor., g.e., Lefferts, Apr., '02. (349) $85. '"'"Large paper. Mor. ex., Ellis, Nov., '85. (1107) £11 10s. Nosce Teipsum. Lond., 1602. 4to. Mor. ex., g.e. (Mark Pattison's copy) Adee, Nov., '95. (244) $29. DAVIES 547 DAVIS Davies (Sir John) — Continued. Mor., Sewall. Nov., '96. (999) $30. Mor., g.e., Bierstadt, Apr., '97. (557) $29. Nosce Teipsum. Lond., 1G08. 4to. Mor.. g.e. (several verses marked), McKee, Dec, '01. (2860) $15. Nosce Teipsum. Lend., 1619. Svo. Vel., Soth., July 20, '99. (304) £10. Mor., g.e. (headlines and margins cut into). Soth., Dec. 4, '02, (402). £5 5s. Nosce Teipsum. Lond., 1622. Svo. Mor., g.e., Breese, May, 'SS. (36) £5. Cf. ex., g.e.. Turner, June, '88. (879) £3 10s. Mor. ex., g.e., Soth., Dec. 10, '90. (53) £4 15s. Cf. ex., g.e., Soth., Apr 12, '93. (91) £4 4s. Mor., Putt., Nov. 9, '96. (23) £4 15s. Cf., g.e., Bierstadt, Apr., '97. (558) $22. Cf. (margins of some leaves mended), McKee, Dec. '01. (2861) $13. Cf. ex., g.e., Lefferts, Apr., '02. (350) $21. Cf. ex., g.e., Christie, June 18, '02. (114) £3. Sheep, Ellis, Oct., '02. (SOS) £7. Cf. (margin of title and a few other leaves mended; the McKee copy). Maler, Oct., '02. (47) $18. Mor., g.e. (with blank leaves A 1 and F 4), Soth., June 20, '04. (243) £10 5s. Nosce Teipsum. Lond., 1636. Svo. Cf., Soth., Apr. 4, '98. (21) £7. DAVIES (SAIVIUEL). The Curse of Cowardice: Sermon Preached to the Mllltla of Hanover Co., Va., May 8, 1758. N. Y., Samuel Parker, 1759. Svo. Sewed, Miller and Bancker, Dec, '98. (119) $7.50. Sermon on the Death of George n. N. Y., Parker, 17G1. Svo. Sewed, Miller and Bancker, Dec, '98. (120) $6. State of Religion among the Protestant Dissenters in Virginia. Bost., 1751. 4to. Hf. mor., Murphv, Mar., '84. (740) $6.50. Virginia's Danger and Remedy. Williamsburg, 1756. 12mo. Hf. mor. (top margin cut close, pres- Davles (Samuel) — Cinitinued. entation copy), Brlnley, Mar., '79. (219) $13. DAVIES (THOMAS). Dramatic Miscel- lanies. Lond., 1784. 3 vols., Svo. Cf., Daly, Mar., 1900. (780) $7.50. Memoirs of the Life of David Gar- riok. Lend., 1781. 2 vols., 12nio. Cf., Baxter, Mar.. '9S. (970) $5.50. DAVIES (THOMAS). Biographical Sketch. New Haven, 1843. 12mo. Eds., Manson, Feb., '99. (2240) $6.50. DAVIES (W.). True Relation of Tra- valles and Captlvltle. Lond., 1614. 4 to. Hf. mor., Corser, Mar., '69. (309) £5 5s. DAVILA (G. G.). Teatro Eclesiastico de la Primitiva Iglesia de las Indlas Occldentales, etc. Madrid, 1649-55. 2 vols., 4to. Sheep, Del Monte, June, '88. (128) $23. Vel. (lacking map), Crawford, July, '96. (273) £1 18s. DAVILA PADILLA (A.). Historia de la Pundacion y Dlscurso de la Pro- ylncia de Santiago de Mexico. Ma- drid, 1596. Pol. Vel., Soth., Dec 9, '87. (311) £6 10s. Vel. (lacking pp. 539-550), Libbie, Mar., 18, '96. (270) $5. Historia de la Fundacion y Dls- curso de la Provlncla de Santiago de Mexico. Brussels, 1625. Fol. Cf., Del Monte, June, '88. (126) $15. DA VINCI. See Leonardo Da Vinci. DAVIS (C. H. S.). History of Walllng- ford, Conn. Meriden, 1870. Svo. CI.. Manson, Mar., '99. (4348) $5. DAVIS (JEFFERSON). Rise and Fall of the Confederate Government. N. Y.. 1881. 2 vols., Svo. CL, Pleasanton, Mar. '95. (142) $5.40. Sheets, folded, Alexander, Mar. '95. (1335) $5.25. CI.. Wood, June '95. (21) $5. CI., Dayton, Apr. '02. (1362) $6.50. DAVIS (John). Worldes Hydrograph- leal Description. Lond., 1595. Svo. Mor. ex., g.e.. Wood, Mar., '91. (414) £8L The Seaman's Secrets. Lond., 1626. 4 to. Hf. mor., Deane, Mar., '98. (1004) $10. DAVIS 548 DAWE Davis (John) — Continued. • The Seaman's Secrets. Lond., 1633. 4to. Sewed, Soth.. July 14, '02. (592) £3 8s. DAVIS (J. B.) AND THURNAM (J.) Crania Britannlca. Lond., 1S65. 2 vols., fol. Hf. Mor., Malahide, June, '90. (587) £4. Hf. mor., unc, Hailstone, Feb. '91. (575) £2 12s. Hf. mor. (in 1 vol.), Rigge, Jan., '92. (894) £2 IDs. Hf. cf., g.e. (in 1 vol.). Monk, Oct., '94. (254) £2 13s. Gd. Hf. bd. (in 1 vol.), Clarke, July, '95. (319) £2 10s. Hf. mor., Wltthaus, Oct., '97. (167) $11.50. Hf. mor., r.e. (in 1 vol.), Soth., Dec. 17, 1900. (337) £2. DAVIS (PARIS M.). Authentic His- tory of the late War between the U. S. and Great Britain. N. Y., 1836. 12mo. Sheep, Bangs, Dec. 9, '95. (243) $5.75. DAVIS (THOMAS F.). Memoir of Joshua Winslow Peirce. Bost., 1874. 4to. Hf. roan, Wliitmore, Nov., '02. (855) $17. DAVIS (WILLIAM T.). New England States. Bost., 1897. 4 vols.. Svo. Hf. mor., Llbbie, Dec. 15, '98. (1353) $8 Hf. mor., Morris, Apr., '99. (983) $5.80. Hf. mor., Balcom, Feb., '01. (687) $10. Professional and Industrial His- tory of Suffolk Co., Mass., Bost., 1894. 3 vols., Svo. Hf. mor.. Brooks, Oct., '98. (366) $6. Hf. mor., Manson, Mar., '99. (4145) $6. DAVIS (W. W. H.). History of Bucks Co.. Pa. Dovlestown, 1876. 8vo. Sewed, Bangs, Nov. 11, '95. (632) $5.50. CI., Stone, Oct., '97. (189) $8. CI., Henkels, Oct. 19, '98. (135) $11.25. CI., Peirce, Mar., '03. (183) $6. CI., Proud, May, '03. (394) $8. Spanish Conquest in New Mexico. Doylestown, 1869. Svo. CI. (presentation copy, with A. L. S. Davis (W. W. H.) — Continued. of the author), Murphy, Mar., '84. (747) $5.50. CI., Dawson, June, '90. (3490) $5.75. CI., unc, Stone, Oct., '97. (187) $6.50. CI., unc, Richmond, Sept., '99. (958) $6.50. CI., unc, Donaldson, Oct., '99. (271) $8.25. DAVISON (F.). Poems. Lond., 1621- 8vo. Cf. (autograph signature and motto of the author pasted on fly-leaf), Gais- ford, Apr. '90. (577) £16. Mor., g.e., Cosens, Nov., '90. (1471) £9. Mor., g.e. (a few leaves slightly cut into). Bliss, Apr., '98. (63) £13. Mor., g.e. (autograph signature and motto of the author pasted on fly- leaf, probably the Gaisford copy), McKee, Dec, '01. (2863) $160. Poetical Rhapsodie. Lond., 1611. Svo. Vel. (with 7 pp. of mauscript, by Mr. Heber, showing the variations be- tween the 1621 and 1611 editions), Corser, Feb. '70. (180) £21. Poetical Rhapsody. Reprint of the 1002 Edition. Lond., n.d., 4to. Hf. mor., unc. Thorns, Feb., '87. (358) £12s. Mor., g.e.. Bangs, Mar. 19, 1900. (138) $14. DAVY (H.). Etchings Illustrative of the Architectural Antiquities of Suf- folk. Southwold, 1827. Fol. Hf. rus., Thornton, June, '94. (1709) £110s. Rus. ex., y.e., Ashburton, Nov. 1900. (235) £4 15s. DAVY (SIR HUMPHREY). Collected Works. Edited by J. Davy. Loud., 1S39. 9 vols., Svo. Cf., Perkins, July, 'S9. (548) £113s. Cf., m.e.. Price. June. '95. (175) £lls. Cf., Hop£, Apr., '96. (366) £1. Hf. cf., Libbie. Mav 20, '90. (183) $6.75. DAVY (WILLIAM). System of Divin- ity. Lustleigh, Devon, 1795-1807. 26 vols., Svo. Jebb, Dec, '86. (312) £4 4s. Bds., unc. Hoe, May, '87. (2S6) $13. DAWE (G.). Life of George Morland. Lond., 1807. Svo. DAWE 549 DAY Dawe (G.) — Continued. Hf. mor., m.e., Price, June, '95. (494) £1 ISs. Sheep, Cox, Apr., '99. (232) $G. Hf. mor., line, Grant, May, 1900. (81) £llls. Life of a Nobleman. Lond., n.d. 9 colored plates. Fol. Paper, Soth., Dec. 12, '93. (202) £1 2s. Paper, Putt., June 4, '02. (579) £3 15s. DAWES (R.). Extracts from a MS. Pamphlet, entitled " Tittle-Tattle Mongers." Newcastle - upon - Tyne. 1747. Svo. Hf. mor., Luard, Nov. '91. (3G1) £2 4s. DAWES (THOMAS). Oration to Com- memorate the Bloody Tragedy of the 5th of Mar., 1770. Bost., 1781. 4to. Bds., unc. (last leaf mended), Libhie, Apr. 29, '86. (379) $5. DAWKINS (W. B.). Cave Hunting. Lond., 1874. Svo. CI., Lee, Apr., '89. (37) £12s. CI., unc, Jackson, Apr., '91. (571) £1 3s. CI., Smith, Nov., '94. (49) £1 6s. CI., unc, Soth., Dec. 13, '97. (478) £1 2s. CI., Hodgson, Jan. 16, '01. (765) £llSs. CI., Soth., Jan. 31, '02. (58) £2 14s. CI., g.t., Hodgson, Oct. 22, '02. (141) £2 2s. Early Man In Britain. Lond., 1880. Svo. CI., unc, Williams, Mav, '92. (49) £13s. CI., unc, Walker, May, '93. (98) £1. Hf. cf.. Smith, May. '01. (106) £112s. CI., unc, Soth., Mar. 11, '02. (14) £2 6s. DAWSON (ELI). Discourse delivered at Quebec, Sept. 27, 1759. I^ond., 1760. 4to. Hf. mor.. Hart, Apr., '90. (938) ?7.50. DAWSON (H. B.). Assault on Stony Point, by Gen. Anthony Wayne, July 16, 1779. Morrisania, 1863. Svo. Hf. mor., unc, Cooke, Dec, '83. (685) $8. Murphy, Mar.. '84. (2898) $7. Unc. Bangs, Apr. 6, '96. (190) $5.50. Gazette Series. Edited by H. B. Dawson. Vols. 1-4. Yonkers, 1866. 4 vols., Svo. Cooke, Dec, 'S3. Dawson (H. B.) — Continued. Hf. mor., unc. Rice, Mar., '70. (529) $40. Mor. ex., unc, Menzies, Nov., '76. (533) $44. Mor. ex., unc, (682*) $84. Hf. cf., unc. Guild, Nov., '87. (1017) $26. CI., Dawson. May, '90. (407) $19. Sheets, folded, Dawson, May, '90. (408) $24. Sheets, folded, Montayne, Feb., '98. (102) $16. Hf. cf., unc, Manson, Feb., '99. (1210) $34. Major General Israel Putnam: Correspondence with the Editor of the " Hartford Daily Post." Mor- risania, N. Y., 1860. Svo. Hf. mor.. Field. May, '75. (500) $6.50 Hf. mor. (10 plates inserted), Men- zies, Nov., '76. (529) $7.50. Hf. mor., unc, Cooke, Dec, 'S3. (684) $8. ^The Park and its Vicinity, in the City of New York. Morrisania, N. Y., 1867. Svo. Hf. mor., unc, Menzies, Nov., '76. (534) $8. Paper, unc, Dawson, May, '90. (400) $6. Reminiscences of the City of New York and vicinity, N. Y., 1S55. 12mo. Paper, unc, Dawson, Mav, '90. (900) $5.75. Hf. mor., unc, McKee, May, '02. (4492) $8.50. Westcliester Co., N. Y., during the Revolution. Morrisania, 1SS6. Svo. Paper, unc, Bangs, Nov. 11, '95. (115) $5. Hf. mor., unc. White, Feb.. '01. (035) $7.50. Paper, unc, Whitmore, Nov., '02. (1903) $6.50. DAWSON (MOSES). William Henry Harrison. Cincinnati, 1S24. Svo. Sheep, Boon, May, '70. (844) $5. Bds., unc, Alexander, Mar., '95. (130) $5.75. DAY (ANGEL). Daphnis and Chloe, excellently describing the weight of Affection, etc. Lond., 1587. 4to. Mor. ex., Corser, Aug., '69. (200) £60. DAY 550 DEACON Day (Angel) — Continued. The English Secretarie. Lond., 1614. 4to. Vel., Avlesford, Mar., 'SS. (556) £114s. DAY (FRANCIS). Fishes of India. With Supplement and Index. Lond., 1878-8S. 2 vols., 4to. Hf. mor., Libbie, Oct. 30, '94. (286) $5. Hf. mor., Bangs, Oct. 6, '98. (278) $5.25. Hf. mor.. Bangs, May 16, 1900. (412) Hf. mor., Soth., Dec. 17, 1900. (338) £2 3s. DAY (JAMES). New Spring of Divine Poetry. Lond., 1637. 4to. Cf. ex., g.e. (lower margin of 1 leaf cut into), Gaisford, Apr., '90. (578) £2 4s. Mor. ex., g.e. (text cut into), Soth., June 27, '92. (270) £13s. DAY (JOHN). Blind Beggar of Bed- nal-Green. Lond., 1653. 4to. Mor. ex., g.e., Christie, June 18, '02. (210) £6 10s. Blind Beggar of Bednal-Green. Lond., 1659. 4to. Perkins, July, '89. (557) £16s. Soth., May 21, 1900. (228) £5 5s. Mor. (top margin cut close), McKee, Apr., '01. (2309) $6. Cf., g.e. (title mended), Lefferts, Apr., '02. (354) $22. Hf. mor., Christie, Feb. 24, '03. (40) £11. Faire Maid of Bristow. Lond., 1605. 4to. (Numerous manuscript corrections), Soth.. Apr. 18, '04. (1129) £89. Humour Out of Breath. Lond., 1608. 4to. Cf. (title soiled), Adee, Nov., '95. (246) $27.50. Mor. (names of the actors in manu- script on title), McKee, Apr., '01. (2307) $45. Unc. (3 leaves imperfect), Soth., Apr. 18, '04. (1131) £10. The Me of Gulls. Lond.. 1606. 4to. TJnbd., Soth., Apr. 12, '93. (89) £2 2s. Unc. (first 6 leaves mildewed at top), Soth., Apr. 18, '04. (1130) £51. The lie of Gulls. Lond., 1633. 4to. Cf. (margins cut close). Bangs, Apr. 15, '96. (127) $5.50. Day (John) — Continued. Hf. mor., McKee, Apr., '01. (2308) $5. Law Tricks, or who would have Thought it? Lond., 1608. 4to. Hf. mor. (title defective), Perkins, July, '89. (553) £1. Unc. (fore-edge of some leaves mil- dewed), Soth., Apr. 18, '04. (1132) £85. Parliament of Bees. Lond., 1641. 4to. Mor., g.e., Gaisford, Apr., '90. (580) £44s. Works. Edited by A. H. BuUen. Lond., Chiswick Press, 1881. 2 vols., 4to. Parts, Bailey, June, '89. (2104) £2 8s. Rose, June, '91. (593) £116s. Parts, Soth., July 27, '93. (621) £116s. Parts, Hazlitt, Nov., '93. (161) £1 9s. Mor. ex., unc, Soth., May 16, '01. (165) £3 3s. Hf. mor. (A. L. S.'of Bullen inserted), Lefferts, Apr., '02. (356) $14. Parts, McKee, May, '02. (49701 $7.50. DAY (THOMAS). History of Sandford and Merton. Lond., 1783-86-89. 3 vols., 8vo. Buckley, Feb., '93. (789) £2 12s. Hf. mor., Soth., Mar. 19, '96. (241) £2. Sheep, Soth., May 16, '01. (166) £11 10s. DAYRELL (JOHN). Treatise of the Church, written against the Brown- ists. Lond., 1017. 4to. Vel., Deane, Mar., "98. (1012) $9. DAY'S JOURNAL OF A SPONGE. By Peter Pasquin. Lond., 1824. 6 col- ored plates. Obi. fol. Mor. (orig. cover bound in), Howard, June, '98. (293) £7. DEACON (J.). Dialogicall Discourses of Spirits and Divells. Lond., 1601. 4to. Buccleuch, Mar, '89. (232) £2 12s. Vel., Putt., Jan. 17, '95. (154) £2. Cf. (With Summarie Answer by J. Walker), Randall, Aug., '87. (588) £2 4s. Cf. ex., g.e. (With Summarie Answer bv Walker), Putt., Dec, '89. (940) £119s. Cf. (With Summarie Answer by Wal- ker, cover broken), Ashburnham, June, '97. (1360) £4 4s. DEACON 551 DB BRY Deacon (J.) — I'oiitiinicd. Tobacco Tortured, or the Filthie Fume of Tobacco Refined. Loud., R. Field, 1616. 4to. Mor. ex., Halliwell, July, '89. (261) £2 2s. DEAKIN (R.). Florigraphia Britanni- ca. Lond., 1857. Colored plates. 4 vols.. 8vo. Unc, Rodney, Aug. 7, '90. (1402 ) £ 1 8s. DEAN (J. W.). Captain John Mason. Bost., 1887. 4to. Paper, unc, Whitmore. Nov., '02. (2407) $8.50. DEANE (CHARLES). Bibliographical Essay on Governor Hutchinson's Historical Publications. Bost., 1857. Svo. Rice, Mar., '70. (539) $14. Hf. mor., unc, Menzies, Nov., '76. (538) $5.50. DEANE (JOHN). Narrative of the Shipwrecli of the Nottingham Galley, first published in 1711. Lond., 1730. Svo. Hf. mor., Libbie, Nov. 17, '91. (853) $6.25. DEANE (J. B.). Worship of the Ser- pent traced throughout the World. Lond., 1833. 8vo. Cf., Thompson, May, '87. (25S) £1 6s. Leycester, Nov., '88. (79) £15s. Southby, Dec. 10, '90. (7) £1. Hf. mor.. Bangs, Oct. 7, '95. (175) $5. Calvert, Nov., '96. (23) £1 3s. DEANE (SAMUEL). History of Scituate from its first Settlement to 1831. Bost., 1S31. Svo. CI., unc, Brinley, Mar., '79. (1937) $7.75. Sheep, Brinley, Mar., '80. (2637) $8.50. Hf. mor., unc, Coburn, Apr., '88. (1972) $12.50. CI., unc. Bangs, May 19, '97. (86) $9. Mor., Deane, Mar., '98. (3254) $23.25. CI., unc, Hanson, Mar., '99. (3968) $18. CI., unc, Libbie. Dec, '99. (1206) $10. Sheep, Libbie, Feb. 5, '02. (1406) $8.50. DEANE (SILAS). Paris Papers; or, Mr. Silas Deane's late intercepted Letters, to his Brothers, and other Intimate Friends, in America. N. Y., 1782. 8vo. Deane (Silas) — Coiiiiiiiuil. Hf. mor., unc, Menzies, Nov., '76. (545) $24. Hf. bd., unc, Brinley, Mar., '80. (3998) $25. Hf. sheep, Cooke, Dec. 3, '.S3. (692) $26. Hf. mor., unc, IJbbie, Nov. 6, '95. (430) $41. Cf. (upper corner torn from title), Rogers, Oct., 1900. (366) $21. Hf. mor., Dayton, Mar., '02. (406) $11. DEBES (L. J.). Description of the Faeroe Islands and Inhabitants. Lond., 1676. 8vo. Cf. ex., g.e., Wood, Mar., '91. (602) £llls. DEBOW'S REVIEW AND INDUS- trial Resources. New Orleans, v.d. Svo. Vols. 1 to 19. 22 to 29, 32 and 33, lack- ing 15 numbers, together 26 vols., sheep and parts. Libbie, Mar. 18, '02. (215) $27.30. Vols. 1 to 17 (lacking Vol. 3) and 41 numbers unbound, from .luly, 1856, to January, 1869, and 9 numbers, February, 1852, to November, 1866. Sold as 20 vols., hf. mor. and parts, Libbie, Feb. 24, '99. (221) $26. Vols. 1 to 5, 1859-61, hf. sheep (broken) Middlesex Mech-Assn., Dec. '97. (267) $10. DE BRAHM. See Brahm. DEBRET (J. B.). Voyage Pittor- esque et Historiques au Bresil. Paris, 1834. Colored plates. 3 vols., fol. Hf. mor. ex.. g.e., Aylesford, Mar., '88. (604) £7 10s. DE BRY (T.). Emblemata Nobilitati et vulgo scitu digna singulis his- toriis symbola. Frankfort, 1593. 4to. Rus., g.e., Perkins, Julv, '89. (560) £20 10s. Vel., Crawford, Mar., '91. (504) £35. Mor. ex., g.e., Soth., Dec. 13, '92. (132) £60. Mor. ex., g.e.. Putt., Apr. 8, '97. (262) £14. Mor., g.e. (some plates mounted), Ashburnham, May, '98. (4067) £42. Mor. ex., g.e. (title backed, 2 plates joined and 1 soiled), Inglis, June, 1900. (205) £8. DB BRY 552 DE BRY De Bry (T.) — Coiitiiiiicd. Vel. (few leaves torn), Soth., July 17, ■01. (205) £23. Emblemata Saccular, IVIira et Ju- cunda. Franlvfort, 159G. 4to. Rus., g.e., Perkins, July, 'S9. (5G1) £o. Mor., g.e., Ashburnham, June, '97. (1310) £28 10s. Mor. ex., g.e. (Ashburnham copy), Edwardes, May, '01. (229) £20. Voyages to America. In Latin. Parts 1 to 13. Frankfort, 1590- 1G02. 13 vols., fol. Hf. mor. (Sobolewski Set, all first editions, in 12 vols.). Field, May 24, '75. (5,04*) $648. Hf. mor., Stevens, July, '81. (179) £125. Hf. mor. (Sobolewski-Field Set), Cooke, Dec, 'S3. (297) $876. Mor. ex.. g.e. (Parts 1 to 9 onlv), Men- zies, Nov., '76. (244) $450. Cf., r.e. (Parts 1 to 9 only, first edi- tions, in 2 vols.; 1 map lacking), Cooke, Dec, 'S3. (299) $34. Vel. (Parts 1 to 9 only, first editions, in 2 vols., title to part 5 mended), Soth.. July, '95. (507) £18 10s. Rus., g.e. (Parts 1 to 9 only, mostly first editions, in 3 vols., some leaves discolored and one title cut down), Ashburnham, June, '97. (1309) £15. Voyages to America. In German. Parts 1 to 13. Frankfort, 1590-1623. Fol. Mor. ex.. g.e. (13 vols, in 4), Murphy, Mar. 3, '84. (380) $350. Mor. ex. (Parts 1 to 12, first editions, with later editions of Parts 2, 3, 4, 5. 6, and 7; together 18 vols.), Bed- ford, Mar., '84. (242) £100. Vel. (Parts 1 to 9 in 4 vols., title to part 1 and plate in part 9 defective), Soth.. Apr. 12, '99. (215) £14. Voyages to India. In Latin. Parts 1 to 11. Frankfort, 159S-1619. Fol. Mor. g.e. (all first editions, except Part 6 which was second edition. In 3 vols.), Ashburnham, June, '97. (1308) £40. Mor. ex. (lacking Part 9, first edi- tions, with later editions of Parts 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6; together IS vols.). Bedforri. Mar., 'S4. (254) £81. De Bry (T.) — Continued. Ci., r.e. (Parts 1 to 10, first editions, in 5 vols., lacking map of Egypt in Part 1 ana Map of Java in Part 2), Cooke, Dec, 'S3. (300) $120. Vel. (Parts 1 to 8, first editions in 2 vols.), Soth., July, '95. (508) £10 15s. Hf. cf. (Parts 1 to 8, first editions, in 8 vols.). White, Apr., '02. (673) £14 15s. Unbd. (Parts 1, 2 and 12), Murphy, Mar., '84. (386) $102. Voyages to India. In German. Parts 1 to 12 and Appendix Congo. Frankfort, 1597-1628. Fol. Rus. (Parts 1, 2 and 3, second edi- tions. Parts 4 to 13 first editions, 13 parts in 5 vols.). Murphy, Mar., '84. (381) $210. Unbd. (Parts 1 to 12, first editions, and Appendix Congo, the latter im- perfect, 12 vols.). Murphy, Mar., 84. (384) $96. Vel. (Parts 1 to 11, first editions ex- cept Parts 1 to 4, in 2 vols., lack- ing 3 maps and 6 plates, one leaf in Part 5 and Dedication to Part 7), Betts, Apr. 16, '01. (162) $28. Voyages. Both Series. In Latin. Frankfort, 1590-1628. Fol. Cf. ex. (Voyages to America. Parts 1 to 13 ; Voyages to India. Parts 1 to 12, with the Appendix Congo; all first editions). Barlow, Feb., '90. (734) $780. Cf. (Voyages to America, first edi- tions. Parts 1 to 13, with later edi- tions of Parts 1 to 9; Voyages to India, first editions, Parts 1 to 12; together 34 vols. In 14), Sunder- land, Dec, 'SI. (2052, 2053) £720. Hf. cf. (Voyages to America, Parts 1 to 13; Voyages to India, Parts 1 to 12, lacking Appendix Congo; to- gether 25 vols, in 12), Christie, July, '99. (313) £75. Mor. ex., g.e. (Voyages to America, first editions. Parts 1 to 13, with the genuine Elenchus; Voyages to India, first editions. Parts 1 to 12; 25 vols, in 9), Ives, Mar., '91. (240) $900. Mor. ex. (Voyages to America, first editions. Parts 1 to 11; Voyages to India, first editions. Parts 1 to 11, with the Appendix Congo; together DE DRY 553 DECKER De Bry (T.) — Continued. 23 vols.), Bedford, Mar., '84. (195) £225. Mor. ex., g.e. (Voyages to America, Parts 1 to 11; Voyages to India, Parts 1 to 11; together 22 vols, in 7), Murphy, Mar., '84. (379) $1785. Mor. ex., g.e. (Voyages to America, first editions. Parts 1 to 9; Voyages to India, first editions, Parts 1 to 10, with 10 duplicates, second edi- tions; together 31 vols.), Edwardes, May 20, '01. (274) £245. Hf. rus., cf. and vel. (V^oyages to America, Parts 1 to 9; Voyages to India, Parts 1 to 9; in 7 vols.; cut Into and wormed), Frere, Oct., '97. (222, 223), £17 5s. Voyages. Both Series. In Ger- man. Frankfort, 1590-1G28. Fol. Mor. ex.. g.e. (Voyages to America, Parts 1 to 11; Voyages to India, Parts 1 to 11; with 12 duplicates; together 32 vols.), Edwardes, May 20, '01. (275) £100. DE BURY (R.) See Bury (R. de). DECATUR (STEPHEN). Proceed- ings of Court of Inquiry held on board the U. S. Frigate Constella- tion in April, 1815. N. Y., 1815. 8vo. Sewed, Bangs, Oct. IS, '01. (241) $5.25. DECKER (ADOLF.). Diurnal und historische Beschreijbung der Nas- sawischen Flotten. Strasburg, 1629. 4to. Mor. ex., Ellis. Nov., '85. (122) £12 5 s. Mor., g.e., Hawley, July, '94. (141) £10. Soth., Apr. 12, '99. (216) £116s. Soth., .Tune 27, '97. (214) £4 15s. Of., g.e., Ellis, Oct., '02. (70) £3 10s. DECKER (THOMAS). The Batche- lor's Banquet. Lond., 1603. 4to. Mor. ex. (some headlines slightly cut into). Putt., July 20, '9S. (96) £13. The Batchelor's Banquet. Lond., 1631. 4to. Mor., g.e. (marginal notes cut Into), Soth., May 21, '07. (277) £2 12s. The Batchelor's Banquet. Lend., 1660. 4tO. Hf. mor., unc, Corser, Aug., '69. (223) £5 5s. Decker (Thomas) — Cantiniinl. The Batchelor's Banquet. Lend., 1677. 4to. Soth., May 6, '01. (1,99) £5 5s. Of., g.e.. Boots, June, '03. (449) £1 9s. The Belman of London. Lond., 1608. 4to. Mor. ex., Daniel, July, '64. (500) £18. Mor. (headlines cut into), Corser, Aug., '69. (211) £5. Sewed, (headlines on 2 leaves slightly cut into), Soth., May IS, '03. (203) £19. Hf. bd. (a few headlines cut into, with Lantliorne and Candle-light, Lond., 1609), Putt, June 4, '02. (536) £13 10s. The Belman of London. Lond., 1610. 4to. Cf., g.e. (title and a few other leaves mended, the date and some words supplied, Griswold copy), McKee, Dec, '01. (2866) $66. The Belman of London. Lond., 1640. 4to. Rus., Young, June, '90. (223) £3. Canaans Calamltle Jerusalems Misery. Lond., 1618. 4to. Mor., g.e., Soth., June 18, '03. (592) £12 15s. The Dead Terme. Lond., 160S. 4to. Mor., g.e. (title mended). Young. June, '90. (225) £5 5s. Cf. ex., g.e. (title mended), Crawford, Mar., '91. (929) £5 17s. 6d. Cf. (2 leaves mended), Davis, Nov., 1900. (78) £31. Decker's Dream. Lond., 1860. 4fo. Hf. mor., imc. (foxed). Bangs, Dec. 4, '95. (581) $6.25. The Dove and the Serpent. Lond., 1614. 4to. Hf. bd. (imperfect), Reynell, May, '95. (95) £4. English Vlllanles seven severall times Brest to Death by the Print- ers. Lond., 1638. 4to. Hf. cf., Libbie, Nov. 3, '98. (279) $10.25. Famous History of Sir Thomas Wyat. Lond., 1612. 4to. Mor., ex., g.e. Adee, Nov., '95. (252) $55. Honest Whore. Lond., 1604. Svo. Cf., r.e., Holbrow, Feb., '92. (1225) $5. DECKER 554 DECKER Decker (Thomas) — Continued. Honest Whore. Parts 1 and 2. Lond., 1616-30. 8vo. Mor. ex., g.e. (headlines cut into), Sotli.. Apr., 12, '93. (93) £2 16s. Hf. mor. (margins of Part 1 cut close, ink stains on title, Mitford copy), McKee, Apr., '01. (2316) $80. Hf. cf., Soth., Mar. 17, '02. (185) £6 5s. Honest Whore. Lond., 1635. 4to. Cf., Perkins, July, '89. (602) £2. Second Part of the Honest Whore. Lond., 1630. 4to. Hf. rus., Perkins, July, '89. (603) £1. The Knave in Graine, New Vampt. Lond., 1640. Fol. Hf. bd. (cut into), Soth., Dec. 11, '03. (492) £13 10s. A Knight's Conjuring. Lond., 1607. 4to. Mor. ex., Tite, May, '74. (870) £7 12s. 6d. Lanthorne and Candlelight. Lond., 1609. 4to. Mor. ex., Tite, Mav, '74. (871) £8 15s. Sewed, Soth., May 18, '03. (204) £15. IVlagnificent Entertainment given to King James, etc. Lond., 1604. 4to. Mor., Corser, Aug., '69. (204) £9 15s. Mor. ex., Tite, May, '74. (869) £14. Mor. ex., g.e.. Young, June, '90. (226) £5 16s. Mor., g.e. (headlines cut into), Cosens, Nov., '90. (1476) £3 3s. Cf., Crawford, Mar., '91. (928) £2 15s. Cf. ex., g.e., Soth., June 27, '92. (274) £3. Mor., g.e., Soth., Feb. 22, '97. (7C7) £5 5s. Mor. ex.. g.e.. Bangs, Mar. 19, 1900. (140) $40. Mor.. g.e. (Mitford copy), McKee, Apr., '01. (2311) $57.50. Mor., g.e., Lefferts, Apr., '02. (359) $85. IVlatch mee in London. Lond., 1631. 4to. Hf. mor., Soth., Apr. 12, '93. (95) £1 7s. Mor. ex., McKee, Apr., '01. (2317) $40. North-ward Hoe. Lond., 1607. 4to. Mor. (Griswold copy), Ives, Mar., '91. (238) $47.50. Mor., g.e. (Griswold-Ives copy), Adee, Nov., '95. (251) $58. Hf. mor. (title discolored), McKee, Apr., '01. (2312) $55. Decker (Thomas) — Coiifiiiucd, Unbd., Pountaine, June, '02. (261) £51. Cf. (some wormholes mended; John Genest's copy), Soth., Dec. 4, '02. (295) £10 10s. Pleasant Comedle of Old Fortu- natus. Lond.. 1600. 4to. Cf. (some margins cut into), Pools, June, '03. (447) £31. O per se O, or, a New Cryer of Lanthorne and Candle-Light. Lond., 1612. 4to. Hf. mor., Soth., May 21, '97. (225) £9 5s. The Owles Almanacke. Lond., 1618. 4to. Mor., Corser, July, '70. (94) £8 10s. The Raven's Almanacke. Lond., 1609. 4to. Corser, Aug., '69. (217) £8 5s. Satiro-Mastlx. Lond., 1602. 4to. Mor., Corser, July, '70. (93) £5 10s. Cf., Perkins, July, '89. (601) £2 5s. Mor.. g.e., Bierstadt, Apr., '97. (571) $40. Mor., Davis, Nov., 1900. (77) £95. Mor., g.e. (Bierstadt copy), French, Apr., '01. (426) $85. Cf., g.e. (top margins cut close, Per- kins copy), McKee, Apr., '01. (2310) $56. Cf. ex., g.e., Soth., June 3, '02. (475) £35. Cf., g.e., Bangs, Nov. 20, '02. (282) $120. Seven Deadly Sinnes of London, Lond., 1006. 4to. Mor. ex. (title mended), Corser. Aug., '69. (205) £6 6s. Mor. ex., Ouvry, Mar.. '82. (404) £9. The Shoo-Makers Holy-Day. I^ond., 1618. 4to. Hf. mor., rough edges, (last leaf mended and mounted, Jollev copy), McKee, Apr.. '01. (2315) $110. ^The Shoo-Makers Holy-Day. Lond., 1631. 4to. Cf., Soth., Apr. 12, '93. (94) £2 8s. Strange Horse-Race, with the Catch-pols Masque and the Bank- routs Banquet. Lond., 1613. 4to. Mor. ex., Ouvry, Mar., '82. (465) £4 8s. Mor. ex., g.e. (headline cut into), Comyn, Mar., '93. (897) £1 12s. Mor. ex., g.e. (cut into), Soth., Feb. 19, '96. (92) £18s. DECKER 555 DECLARATION Decker (Thomas) — Cniitinncd. Mor., g.e. (title mended, a few head- lines cut into), Soth., May 21, '97. (226) £3. Villanies Discovered by Lanthorne and Candle-Light. Lond., 1610. 4to. Mor. ex., Ellis, Nov., '85. (1121) £3 IGs. Villanies Discovered by Lanthorne and Candle-Llght. Lond., 1620. 4to. Mor. ex.. Young, June, '90. (227) £3 3s. Cf. ex., g.e. (date cut from title), Soth., June IS, '96. (707) £5 10s. Cf., g.e., Ashburnham, June, '97. (1313) £24. Westward Hoe. Lond., 1607. 4to. Halliwell, July, '89. (264) £1 Is. Hf. mor., McKee, Apr., '01. (2313) $80. Unbd., Fountaine, June, '02. (262) £90. Hf. cf. (some headlines cut into), Bools, June, '03. (448) £20. Unc, Soth., Apr. 18, '04. (1134) £77. The Whore of Babylon. Lond., 1607. 4to. Hf. mor., r.e. (lower margins of some leaves cut close), McKee, Apr., '01. (2314) $125. Unc, Soth., Apr. 18, '04. (1133) £120. Wonder of a Kingdome. Lond., 163G. 4to. Hf. mor., Blerstadt, Apr., '97. (572) $8. Cf. ex., g.e., Soth., June 3, '02. (476) £7. Sewed, unc, Christie, June 18, '02. (213) £4. The Wonderful Yeare, 1603. Lond., T. Creede, n.d. 4to. (Headlines cut into), Soth., June 27, '92. (273) £2 4s. Cf. (inner margins extended), Ash- burnham, June, '97. (1312) £13. Dramatic Works. Lond., 1873. 4 vols., 8vo. Bds., unc, Kurtz, July, '95. (46) £1. Bds., unc. Rule, Nov., '95. (129) £1 7s. Bds., unc, Soth., May 16, '01. (167) £16s. Bds., unc, Appleton, Feb., '02. (387) $5. **Large Paper. Bds., unc. Cole, Apr., '90. (176) $9. Bds., unc, Buckley, Feb., '93. (809) £3 3s. Bds., unc, Alexander, Mar., '95. (1639) $5.60. Decker (Thomas) — Continued. Bds., unc, Swindells, June, '95. (207) £1 6s. Bds., unc. Weaver, Dec, '97. (90) £ 1 10s. Rus., g.e., Hibbert, Apr., '02. (242) £6 10s. Hf. mor., Lefferts, Apr., '02. (358) $12. **Whatman paper. Hf. mor., Soth., Apr. 12, '93. (92) £3 5s. Bds., unc. Bangs, Apr. 28, "02. (291) $21. Non-Dramatic Works. Edited by A. B. Grosart Lond., 1884. 5 vols., 8vo. CI., unc, McKee, May, '02. (5140) $17.50. DECLARATION AND ADDRESS OF his Majesty's Loyal Associated Ref- ugees assembled at Newport, Rhode- Island. N. Y., 1779. Svo. Paper, Bangs, Nov. 11, '95. (125) $26. Sewed, Miller and Bancker, Dec, '98. (429) $19. DECLARATION AND REMON- strance of the Distressed and Bleed- ing Frontier Inhabitants of the Prov- ince of Pennsylvania. Phila., 1764. Svo. Hf. mor., Brinlev, Mar., 'SO. (3064) $17. Cf., Cooke, Dec, 'S3. (696) $7. Sewed, Henkels, Oct. 21, '96. (200) $11. Hf. cf., Henkels, Oct. 21, '96. (265) $26. DECLARATION AS TO THE TITLE of Charles to Cornwall. See James I. DECLARATION BY THE REPRE- sentatives. See Congress. DECLARATION OF FAVORABLE Dealing. See Elizabeth (Queen). DECLARATION OF INDEPEND- ence. Phila., John Dunlap, [1776]. A broadside. Washington. Dec, '91. (710) $325. DECLARATION OF INDEPEND- ence; A Poem by a Citizen of Bos- ton. Bost.. 1793. Svo. Hf. roan. Rice, Mar., '70. (542) $20. DECLARATION OF THE NOBILLI- tie of Scotland. Edinb.. 1822. Svo. Hf. mor., Craig, Mar., '88. (1563) £2. **On vellum. Mor. ex., g.e., Reid, May, '94. (3395) £3. DECLARATION OF THE PRAC- tices. See Bacon (Francis). DECLARATION 556 DEE DECLARATION OF THE REASONS and Motives for the Present Appear- ing in Arms of Tlieir Majesties Protestant Subjects in tiie Province of Maryland, Licens'd, November 2S, 1CS9. Lond., 16S9. S pages, with- out title. Hf. mor.. unc, Brinlev, Mar., 'SO. (3670) $42. DECLARATION (A) OF THE TRUE Causes of the great Troubles pre- supposed to be intended against the realme of England. Lond., 1592. Svo. Mor. ex., g.e. (headlines shaved, mar- gins of four last leaves repaired, with few letters in facs.), Ashbur- ton, Nov., 1900. (237) £3. DECLARATION OF THE WAR- rantable Grounds. See New Ply- mouth. DE COSTA (B. F.). Narrative of Events at Lake George, from the early Colonial times to the close of the Revolution. N. Y., 186S. Svo. **Large Paper. Hf. mor., unc, Manson, Feb. 14, '99. (1229) $12.29. DECREE OF STARRE-CHAMBER concerning Printing Made the Elev- enth day of July last past, 1637. Lond., Robert Barker, 1637. 4to. Cf. ex., g.e.. Hoe, May 23, '87. (288) $11. Hf. bd., Benbow, Nov. 1, 'S9. (315) £1 12s. Hf. mor., Soth., Feb. 27, '99. (533) £20. Cf., Bangs, Apr. 16, 1900. (759) $120. Decree of Star Chamber Con- cerning Printing made Julv 11, 1637. N. Y,. Grolier Club. 1884. Svo. Paper, Bangs, Mar. 18, '95. (265) $116. Paper, Baker, June, '95. (464) $125. Paper, Bangs, Apr. 15, '96. (207) $199. Paper, Bangs, May 18, '96. (183) $202. Paper, Bangs, Dec. 7, '96. (408) $210. Paper, Riker, Feb., '97. (302) $210. Mor. ex., g.e., in slip case (original covers bound in), Bierstadt, Apr., '97. (800) $220. Bangs. Nov. 29, '97. (223) $1S0. Hf. mor. (paper covers bound in), Bangs, Feb. 3, '98. (58) $190. Paper, Cox, Apr., '99. (409) $152. Paper, Bangs, Jan. 22. '01. (439) $180. Paper, Anderson, Feb. 20, '01. (87) $160. Decree of Starre-Chamber — Continued. Paper, Bangs, Apr. 9, '01. (392) $157.50. Mor. ex., unc, French, Apr. 23, '01. (629) $200. Hf. mor. (paper covers bound in). Bangs, Nov. 18, '01. (355) $167.50. Paper, Carey, Apr., '02. (158) $150. Paper, Lefferts, Apr., '02. (64S) $130. Mor., g.t., unc. (orig. cover bound in), Peirce, Mar., '03. (296) $150. Paper, Peirce, Mar., '03. (295) $175. **On Vellum. Mor. ex., g.e., in case, DuBois, June, '87. (147) $170. Mor. ex. (DuBois copy), French, Apr. '01. (628) $1600. DEDHAM HISTORICAL REGISTER. Dedham, 1890-1901. Svo. Vols. 1 to 12, except No. 4 of Vol. 12. Together 12 vols, in parts, Libbie, Feb. 5, '02. (338) $18. Vols. 1 to 10, and Vol. 11, Nos. 1 and 2. Together 10 vols., hf. mor., and parts, Balcom, Feb. 5, '01. (702) $13. Vols. 1 to 9 in parts, Morris, Apr. 25, '99. (406) $13.50. Vols. 1 to 6, lacking Vol. 4, No. 1 in parts, Avery, Oct. 9, 1900. (342) $6.75. DEE (DR. JOHN). Diary for the years 1595-1601. Edited by J. E. Bailey. Lond., 18S0. Hf. mor., Halliwell, Julv, 'S9. (265) £1 5s. General and rare Memorials per- tayning to the perfect Arte of Navi- gation. Lond., John Dave, 1577. Fol. Cf., Soth., July, '87. (337) £4 2s. 6d. Cf., Bailey, June, '89. (2290) £1 8s. Letter containing a most briefe discourse apologeticall, with a plaine demonstration of Philosophical Stud- ies and Exercises. Lond., Peter Short, 1599. 4to. Mor. ex., g.e. (one leaf cut into), Soth., May 16, '01. (169) £2 2s. Relation of what passed for many Years between him and some Spirits. Lond., 1659. Fol. Cf., Hockley, Apr., '87. (365) £3 15s. Cf. ex., g.e.. Turner, Nov., '88. (1905) £5. Cf. (title and frontispiece mounted), Bailey, June, '89. (2288) £2 10s. DEE 557 DEFOE Dee (Dr. John) — Continued. Cf. (rebacked), Barclay, Nov., '92. (2201) £1 17s. Cf., Auchinleck, June, '93. (45G) £1 16s. Cf., Tixall. Nov., '99. (192) £5. Cf. ex., g.e.. Harvey, June 21, 1900. (491) £3 15s. Cf., Edwardes, May, '01. (27S) £3 15s. Mor.. s:.e.. White, Apr. 21, '02. (GSO) £3 1Ss. DEERING (C). Historical Account of Nottingham. Nottingham, 1751. 4to. Cf.. Constable. June, '89. (212) £2 10s. Percv, Mav, '90. (543) £1 6s. Cf.. Putt., Jan. 28, '91. (790) £2 10s. Cf. Brabourne, June, '93. (253) £18s. Rus., Thornton, June, '94. (1598) £1 12s. Rus., Gilchrist, July, '96. (82) £1 19s. DEERING (E.). Sermon Preached before the Queene's Maiestie the 25th day of Februarie, 1569. Lond., [1569]. ' 8vo. Mor., g.e., Halliwell. July, '89. (142) £14s. Speeches in Matter of Religion. Lond., 1642. 4to. Mor., g.e., Hildyard, June. 'S9. (131) £110s. DEFENCE OF INJUR'D MERIT UN- masked: or. The Scurrilous Peace of Philander Dissected and Exposed to Public View. Phila.. 1771. Svo. Hf. mor.. Bangs, May 20, '01. (18) $16. DEFENCE OF REMARKS OF PLY- mouth Co. See Brunswick, Me. DEFENCE OF TOBACCO WITH A friendly answer to the late Booke called Worke for Chlmny Sweepers. Lend., 1602. 4to. Cf. ex. (title repaired and headlines shaved). Bell, Mar., '02. (105) £4 15s. DEFENCE OF TRADE. See Digges (Sir D.). DEFENSORIUM CURATORUM CON- tra eos qui privilegatos se dicunt. Paris, Verard, 1471. Svo. Mor. ex., g.e., Edwardes, May 20, '01. (174) £2 17s. 6d. DEFENSORIUM ENVIOLATE VIR- ginitatis Castissime dei Genitricis Marie. [Basle, L. Eisenhut, n.d.] (Hain, 6086). 4to. Rus., Perkins, July, '89. (564) £11. DEFINITIVE TREATY BETWEEN Great Britain and the United States of America. Signed at Paris, the 3rd day of September, 1783. Paris, 1783. 8vo. Unc, Henkels, Apr. 27, 1900. (G08) $45. Orig. cover, unc, Henkels, Nov. 26, '02. (391) $6.25. DEFOE (DANIEL). Augusta Trium- phans, or the Way to make London the most flourishing City in the Uni- verse. Lond., 1728. Svo. Hf. mor.. Grant, May, 1900. (105) £1 10s. Conjugal Lewdness: or Matrimon- ial Whoredom. Lond., 1727. Svo. Cf., Soth., Aug. 13, '88. (629) £2 2s. Cf., Perkins, July, '89. (590) £2 12s. Cf., Benbow, Nov., '89. (518) £1 4s. Cf.. Buckley. Feb., '93. (805) £2 16s. Cf. (with suppressed title), Soth., Mar. 20, '94. (61) £3 5s. Cf. ex.. g.e. (with suppressed title), Grant May 7, 1900. (103) £16 10s. Dumb Philosopher, or Great Brit- ain's Wonder. Lond.. 1719. Svo. Hf. mor.. Grant, Jlav 7, 1900. (95) £lls. Dyet of Poland: A Satyr in Verse. Lond., 1705. 4to. Bds., Sewall, Nov. 9, '96. (1014) $6. Elegy on the Author of the True Born Englishman, with an Essay on the late Storm. Lond., 1704. 4to. Mor. ex., unc, Dennis, Dec, '92. (266) £2 2s. Mor. ex., unc, Soth., May 21, 1900. (229) £5 5s. Essay on the History and Reality of Apparitions. Lond., J. Roberts, 1727. Svo. Cf.. Ashburnham, June, '97. (1332) £lls. Essay upon Projects. Lond, 1697. Svo. Cf., Perkins, July, '89. (567) £1 8s. Fortunate Mistress. Lond., 1724. Svo. Cf., Perkins, July, '89. (584) £17s. Cf. ex.. g.e.. Crampon, June, '96. (154) £4 14s. Cf., Soth., Apr., '98. (22) £6 6s. Mor. ex., g.e.. Grant, May 7, 1900. (98) £12 15s. Mor. ex., g.e.. Ford, Mav 12, '02. (181) £25. DEFOE 558 DEFOE Defoe (Daniel) — Continued. Cf. ex., g.e., Christie, June 18, '02. (119) £12. Fortunes and Misfortunes of the famous Moll Flanders. Lend., 1721. 8vo. Cf., Putt., Mar. 1, '93. (371) £3 15s. Cf. ex., g.e.. Putt., June 20, '94. (196) £11 5s. Cf. ex., g.e.. Crampon, June, '96. (153) £10 15s. Rus., m.e., Soth., May 21, '97. (57) £10 15s. Cf., Ashburnham, June 25, '97. (1327) £22 10s. Mor. ex., g.e.. Ford, May 12, '02. (177) £35 10s. Orig. cf.. Putt., Jan. 20, '04. (730) £21. Orig. cf. (a few leaves stained), Soth., July 28, '04. (263) £130. Fortunes and iVIisfortunes of the famous Moll Flanders. Lond., 1722. Svo. Cf., Perkins, July, '89. (580) £2 18s. Cf. ex., Grant, May 7, 1900. (97) £1. Four Years' Voyages of Capt. George Roberts. Lond., 1726. Svo. Mor. ex., g.e., Mackenzie, Mar., '89. (582) £2 16s. Great Law of Subordination con- sider'd. Lond., 1724. Svo. Cf., Grant, May 7, 1900. (101) £2 2s. History of the Great Plague in London in the Year 1665. Lond., 1754. Svo. Mor. ex., unc, Hibbert, Apr. 9, '02. (238) £3 8s. History of the Life and Adventures of Mr. Duncan Campbell. Lond., 1720. Svo. Mor. ex., g.e., Mackenzie, Mar. 11, '89. (578) £2 10s. Cf., Bierstadt, Apr., '97. (566) J8.50. History and Remarkable Life of Col. Jacque. commonly called Col. Jack. Lond.. J. Betterton, 1723. Svo. Cf., Ashburnham, June, '97. (1328) £4 7s. 6d. History and Remarkable Life of Col. Jacque. Lond., 1727. Svo. Cf., Davis, Nov. 26, 1900. (79) £18s. History of the Press Yard. Lond., 1717. Svo. Cf. ex., g.e., Soth., Dec. 3, 1900. (625) £110s. Defoe (Daniel) — Continued, Journal of the Plague Year, during the last Great Visitation in 1665. Lond., 1722. Svo. Cf., Perkins, July, '89. (579) £3 Ss. Cf. ex., g.e.. Smith, June, '97. (174) £1 5s. Cf., Bangs, June 29, '99. (67) $8. Cf., White, Apr. 21, 02. (690) £4 6s. Mor. ex., g.e.. Ford, May 12, '02. (ISO) £7. Hf. roan, (top of title cut off), Conely, Oct., '02. (352) $8. -Jure Divino, a Poem in twelve books. Lond., 1706. Fol. Cf. (rebacked), Sewall, Nov. 9, '96. (1015) ?7. Cf., Bierstadt, Apr. 6, '97. (565) $8. Cf. (rebacked), Lefferts, Apr., '02. (357) $5. Life and Adventures of Mrs. Chris- tian Davies, commonly call'd Mother Ross. Lond., 1740. Svo. Cf. ex., y.e., Hibbert, Apr. 9, '02. (237) £llls. Cf., Holding, Jan. 17, '95. (53) £1 16s. Hf. cf., unc, Soth., July 3, '99. (640) £5. Life and Adventures of Signor Rozelli, with Continuation. Lond., 1709-24. 2 vols., Svo. Mor. ex., g.e., Mackenzie, Mar., '89. (577) £4 4s. Life, adventures and pyracies of the famous Captain Singleton. Lond., 1720. Svo. Cf., Bierstadt, Apr. 5, '97. (567) $9. Memoirs of a Cavalier (Col. An- drew Newport), or a military Jour- nal of the Wars in Germany and in England. Lond., n.d. Svo. Cf., unc, Ashburnham, June 25, '97. (1337) £2 12s. Cf., unc, Soth., July 3, '99. (639) £5 10s. Memoirs of a Cavalier (Col. An- drew Newport). Lond.. 1792. Mor., g.e., Hibbert, Apr. 9, '02. (239) £3 3s. **Large Paper. Cf. ex., m.e., Ashburton, Nov. 14, 1900. (239) £114s. Military Memoirs of Captain George Carleton. Lond., 1728. Svo. DEFOE 559 DEFOE Defoe (Daniel) — Continued. Mor. ex., g.e., Harvey, June 21, 1900. (126) £4. **Large Paper. Mor., g.e.. Turner, June, '88. (885) £2 4s. Mor. e.\., g.e., Reid, May, '94. (11G3) £1 12s. Mor., g.e., Burra, May 12, '97. (1G7) £112s. Mor. ex., g.e.. Grant, May 7, 1900. (106) £9 9s. Mor. ex., g.e., Soth., July IS, 1900. (82) £4 4s. Mor. ex., Bruce, Dec. 3, 1900. (484) £4 4s. Mor. ex., g.e., Hibbert, Apr. 9, '02. (240) £5 10s. Narrative of all the Robberies, Es- capes, etc., of John Sheppard. Lond., 1724. Svo. Hf. mor.. Grant, May 7, 1900. (99) £14 10s. New Voyage Round the World, by a course never sailed before. Lend., 1725. 8vo. Mor. ex., g.e., Mackenzie, Mar. 11, '89. (580) £2 8s. Cf. (cover loose), Bierstadt, Apr., '97. (568) $19. Cf., Ashburnham, June 25, '97. (1329) £1. The Pacificator, a Poem. Lona., 1700. Fol. Unbd., Grant, May 7, 1900. (292) £lls. Party Tyranny: or. An Occasional Bill in Miniature; as now practised in Carolina. Lond., 1705. 4to. Hf. mor., Brinley, Mar. 22, 'SO. (38S2) $6.50. Sewed, Middleton, Mar. 8, '99. (670) $5. Hf. mor. ex., g.e.. Grant, May 7, 1900. (218) £5 5s. Plan of the English Commerce. Lond., 1728. Svo. Of., Craig, June, '87. (775) £1. Political History of the Devil. Lond.. 1726. Svo. Cf., Craig, June, '87. (773) £12s. Mor. ex., g.e., Mackenzie, Mar., '89. (581) £2 16s. Cf., Bierstadt, Apr., '97. (569) $11. Religious Courtship. Lond., 1722. Svo. Defoe (Daniel) — Continued. Cf., Smith, June, '97. (173) £15s. Robinson Crusoe. [Vol. 1]. Lond., W. Tavlor, 1719. 8vQ. Cf., Whitchurch, Dec, '94. (306) £50. Cf., Larpent, Jan. 30, '95. (7S0*) £43. Cf. (some leaves stained and soiled), Burra, May, '97. (165) £45 10s. Cf. (stained and last leaf defective), Soth., May 21, 1900. (132) £25 10s. Orig. cf. (sheets B-U on thicker paper than the rest of the book; with the Catalogue of Taylor's publications at end), Soth., Dec. 4, '02. (403) £223. Orig. cf. (frontispiece split and back written on, some leaves stained), Soth., July IG, '03. (925) £10(;. Farther Adventures of Robinson Crusoe, being the Second and Last Part of his Life. [Vol. 2.] Lond., W. Taylor, 1719. Svo. Cf. (soiled), Soth., June 3, '02. (314) £18. Serious Reflections during the Life and Surprising Adventures of Rob- inson Crusoe. [Vol. 3.] Lond., 1720. Svo. Cf., Southby, Dec. 10, '90. (1271) £1 2s. Soth., Jan. 29, 1900. (202) £1 Is. Cf., McKee, May 12, '02. (4978) $26. Robinson Crusoe, first edition, and the Farther Adventures. [Vols. 1 and 2.1 Lond., 1719. 2 vols., Svo. Cf., Ashburnham, Nov. S, '97. (79) £79. Cf., (Farther Adventures, second edi- tion). Soth., July 14, '02. (899) £245. Orig. cf., Soth., May IS, '03. (309) £307. Mor., g.e. (orig. advertisements bound In), Soth., June 18, '03. (568) £120. Robinson Crusoe, Farther Adven- tures and Serious Reflections. Lond., 1719-20. [Vols. 1, 2 and 3.] All first editions. 3 vols.. Svo. Cf., Perkins, July, '89. (575) £46. Mor. ex., g.e., Soth., May 4, '91. (139) £55. Mor. ex., g.e., Dennis, Dec. 21, '92. (122) £65. Mor. ex.. Turner, Dec. 13, '93. (159) £19 10s. Mor. ex., g.e., Foote, Jan., '95. (87) $309. Mor. ex., g.e., Soth., Apr. 22, '95. (G31) £72. DEFOE 560 DEFOE Defoe (Daniel) — Continued. Cf. ex., g.e., Crampon, June 3, '96. (152) £75. Cf. ex., v.e. (soiled), Hibbert, Apr. 9, '02. (234) £206. Old cf. (lacking 4 leaves of advertise- ments and engraving by Clark and Pine), Wilbraham, May, '03. (127) £151. Mor. g. e. (lacking 4 pages of adver- tisements in Vol. 1), Brodie, Mar., '04. (361) £176. Robinson Crusoe, third edition; Farther Adventures and Reflections, iirst editions. Lond., W. Taylor, 1719-20. 3 vols.. Svo. Cf. ex., g.e.. Bangs, Apr. 7, '99. (159) $22.50. Hf. cf., r.e.. Bangs, May 2S, 1900. (251) $18. Cf., g.e.. White, Apr. 21, '02. (683) £8. Cf., y.e., Henkels, May 8, '01. (209) $31.50. Robinson Crusoe. Lond., Stock- dale. 1790. 2 vols., 8vo. Unc, Talbot, Jan. 13, '90. (64) £3. Mor., g.e.. Putt., Feb. 7, '95. (137) £15s. Cf., g.e., Bangs, Mar. 1, '98. (131) $10.50. Cf., g.e.. Cox, Apr. 17, '99. (234) $6.70. Mor. ex., unc. Bangs, Oct. 21, '01. (198) $21. Cf. ex., g.e., Philpott, Nov. 6, '01. (54) £2 1Ss. **Large Paper. Mor. ex., g.e., Perkins, Julv, '89. (570) £4 7s. 6d. Cf., Collins, Jan. 20. '90. (48) £1 6s. Cf., Antrobus, Mar., '90. (20) £2 2s. Cf.. Buckley, Feb.. '93. (800) £lls. Sheep. Richmond. Feb., '99. (215) $13. Cf., Tixall. Nov., '99. (193) £14s. Bds., unc. Bangs, Oct. 28, '01. (186) $9. Soth., Nov. 25, '01. (1275) £2 lis. Hf. mor., m.e.. Cox, Feb. 17, '02. (272) $6.50. Robinson Crusoe. Dublin, 1819. Svo. Cf., Putt., Dec. 16, '91. (127) £1 16s. Robinson Crusoe. Lond., 1820. 2 vols., Svo. Unc, Randall. Aug., '87. (762) £2 12s. CI., unc, Percy, May, '90. (317) £13s. Bds., unc, Hawkins, Apr., '95. (108) £2 18s. Defoe (Daniel) — ContiniicJ. Hf. bd., unc. Putt., Oct., '96. (172) £110s. Cf. ex., g.e., Soth., June 1, '97. (109) £1 16s. Hf. bd., unc. Bangs, Oct. 14, '97. (584) $6. Hf. mor. ex., Soth., July, '98. (38) £1 lis. Mor., unc, Bangs, Jan. 22, '01. (305) $16.50. Cf. ex., g.e., French, Apr., '01. (423) $13. Robinson Crusoe. With Life by A. Chalmers. Lond., Cadell, 1820. 2 vols., 8vo. **Large Paper. Bds., unc, Craig, Mar., '88. (1570) £7 2s. 6d. Mor. ex.. Young, June, '90. (220) £8 15s. Hf. bd., unc, Edkins, Dec, '91. (186) £119s. Bds.. unc, Buckley, Feb., '93. (801) £3 7s. 6d. Mor. ex.. Bangs, Nov. 18, '95. (249) $25. Cf.," g.e., Argyll, July, 1900. (1146) £2 12s. Mor. ex., Hibbert, Apr. 9, '02. (235) £14. Mor. ex., g.e.. Twopenny, Mav 26, '02. (333) £8. Robinson Crusoe. Lond., 1831. Plates by Geo. Cruikshank. 2 vols., Svo. Bds., unc, Soth., Dec, '90. (107) £1 14s. Unc, Adair, Nov. 25, '92. (107) £2 10s. CI., Shaw, Feb. 19, '97. (Ill) £1 12s. Hf. cl., unc. Bangs, Mar. 17, '99. (102) $5.25. Hf. cl., unc. Bangs, June 26, '99. (883) $7.80. Hf. cf.. unc. with labels, Soth., Nov. 20, '99. (435) £3. Hf. mor., g.e., French, Apr., '01. (424) $18. **Large paper. Cf. ex., g.e.. Turner, June, '88. (884) £6 15s. Mor. ex.. g.e., Mackenzie, Mar., '89. (452) £10 15s. Bds., unc, Sullivan, May, '90. (1739) £9. Hf. mor. ex., unc, Christie, July, '92. (277) £3 5s. DEFOE 661 DEFOE Defoe (Daniel) — Continued. Hf. nior., unc, Toovey, Feb., '94. (744) £3 3s. Cf. ex., unc, Pinknev, May, '95. (90) £5. Unc, Burra, May, '97. (1G8) £4 12s. Mor. ex., unc, Soth., Feb. 9, '98. (101) £5 2s. 6d. Hf. mor. ex.. unc, Stansfield, June, '98. (Ill) £2 12s. Mor. ex.. Cox, Apr., '99. (235) $23. Mor. ex., unc, Soth., May 8, '99. (460) £4. Hf. mor., unc, Soth., Nov. 18, '01. (71) £2 14s. Mor. ex., g.e., Hibbert, Apr., '02. (236) £8 5s. Robinson Crusoe. With Memoir and Notes. Lond., 1882. Etchings by Flameng. 2 vols., Svo. **Large paper. Mor. ex., unc. Cock, July, '98. (147) £2 2s. CI., Bangs, Mar. 19, '02. (682) $5. Robinson Crusoe. Edited by John Major. Lond., Chatto, 1883. Plates by G. Cruikshank. 8vo. **Large paper. Hf. mor., Hillier, Mar., '89. (428) £1. Mor. ex., Hodgson, Apr., '94. (1545) £15s. The New Robinson Crusoe. Lond., 1788. Woodcuts by J. Bewick. 4 vols., 8vo. Cf. ex.. g.e., Cosens, Nov. 11, '90. (489) £3 10s. Buckley, Feb. 27, '93. (147) £1 6s. Cf., Ashburnham, June, '97. (406) £1. Scot's Narrative Examin'd, or the Case of the Episcopal Ministers in Scotland stated. Lond., 1709. 4to. Hf. mor. ex.. g.e.. Grant, May, 1900. (269) £12s. Shortest Way with the Dissenters. Lond.. 1702. 4to. Hf. mor., g.e.. Grant, May 7, 1900. (266) £4 18s. ^The Storm, a Collection of the most remarkable Casualties and Dis- asters which happened in the late dreadful Tempest by Sea and Land. Lond., 1704. 8vo. Cf., Turner, June, '88. (886) £2 8s. Cf. (Beckford copy), Hibbert, Apr. 9, '02. (232) £2 2s. Defoe (Daniel) — Cniitiiiurd. System of Magic. Lond., 1727. Svo. Cf., Christie, Feb., '99. (GO) £1 10s. Tour thro' the whole Island of Great Britain, divided into Circuits or Journies. Lond., 1724-27. 3 vols., Svo. Mor. ex., g.e., Mackenzie, Mar., '89. (579) £6 6s. Mor. ex., g.e., Harvey, June, 1900. (125) £15. (Vols. 1-2 in duplicate), Soth., Apr. 20, '03. (433) £2 6s. Treatise concerning the Use and Abuse of the Marriage Bed. Lond., 1727. Svo. Cf., Soth., Dec, '90. (55) £2 10s. Cf., Soth., Mar., '96. (243) £2. Cf. ex., g.e.. Crampon, June, '96. (155) £6. Cf., Smith, June. '97. (175) £3 14s. Cf., g.e.. Bangs, Mar. 19, 1900. (139) $19. Mor. ex., g.e.. Grant, May 7, 1900. (104) £5 10s. Mor. ex., v.e.. White, Apr., '02. (694) £4 12s. Mor. ex., g.e.. Ford, May, '02. (185) £5. True Born Englishman. 1700. Mor., g.e., Soth., May 18, '03. £9 15s. Lond., (202) Lond., True Born Englishman. 1701. 4to. Cf. ex., g.e., Hazlitt, Nov., '93. (145) £lls. Hf. cf., Bell, Mar., '02. (108) £lls. Hf. mor. (blank margin repaired), Mc- Kee, Dec, '01. (2865) $7. True and Genuine Account of the Life and Actions of the late Jona- than Wild. Lond., 1725. Svo. Hf. mor.. Grant, May 7, 1900. (102) £1 Ss. Voyages and Adventures of Cap- tain Robert Boyle. Lond.. J. Watts, 1726. Svo. Cf., Soth., July 1, '95. (579) £1 6s. Novels. Edited by Sir W. Scott. Edinb., ISIO. 12 vols., Svo. Hf. cl. Thompson, May, '87. (259) £110s. Hf. mor., Grant. Dec, '87. (61) £16s. Hf. cf., Rigge, Jan. 18, '92. (830) £17s. DEFOE 562 DE IvAY Defoe (Daniel) — Continued. Hf. cf., Henkels, Jan. 30, '99. (GO) ?7.20. Works. With Memoir by W. Haz- litt. Lond., 1840-43. 3 vols., 8vo. Hf. cf., Lee, Mar.. '89. (122) £114s. Vol., Rose, June, '91. (445) £1 9s. Hf. cf., Cockburn, Dec, '91. (382) £1 10s. Hf. bd. (with the rare fragment of Vol. 4), Hazlitt, Nov., '93. (148) £15s. Novels and Miscellaneous Works. Oxford, 1840-41. 20 vols., 8vo. CI., unc, Rogers, Jan., '88. (294) $40. Unc, Buckley, Feb., '93. (806) £9 2s. Gd. CI., unc, Putt, Nov. 15, '93. (513) £7. Hf. cf., m.e., Price, June, '95. (177) £10. Unc, Soth., July, '97. (708) £5 10s. Unc, Weaver, Dec, '97. (89) £5 10s. Cf., unc, Bancker, Mar., '98. (15S) $7G. CI., unc, Libbie, Feb. 8, 1900. (305) $42. CI., Bangs, Apr. 11, 1900. (131) $39. CI.. Bangs, May 28, 1900. (253) $25. — — Romances and Narratives. Ed- ited by Geo. A. Aitken. Lond., 1895. IG vols., 8vo. CI., unc. Bangs, Jan. 2G, '99. (81) $1G. CI., unc, Pratt, Apr., '99. (G54) $7.20. Unc, Soth., May S, '99. (501) £2. CI., unc, Bangs, June 14, 1900. (247) $1G. CI.. Bangs, Feb. 20, '02. (24C) $12. Collection of the Writings of Dan- iel Defoe. Genuine and Doubtful, and Tracts connected with him. 183 Works and Pamphlets. Lond., 1G78- 1830. (For a list of the Contents see Book Prices Current, 1897, No. 5278). 78 vols., 8vo. 4to and fol. Rus.. Gardner, July, '97. (459) £40. DE FOUBLANQUE. See Foublanque. DE GHEYN. See Gheyn. DE GRASSE. See Grasse. DE GRASSI. See Grassi. DE GRAY. See Gray. DEGREVAUNT. Romance of Sir De- grevaunt. Edited by F. S. Ellis. Kelmscott Press. 189G. 8vo. Bds., Soth., Mar. 4, '99. (1937) £1 13s. Bds., Soth., Apr. 24, '99. (1205) £1 15s. Bds., Putt., Oct. 18, '99. (605) £110s. Degrevaunt — Continued. Bds., Soth., Feb. 28, 1900. (926) £119s. Bds., Bangs, Apr., 1900. (520) $28. Bds., Bangs, May, 1900. (446) $19. Bds., Virtue Tebbs, June, 1900. (484) £llSs. Bds., Anderson, Apr. 3, '01. (138) $12. Bds., French, Apr., '01. (932) $22.50. Bds., Arnold, May, '01. (246) $25. Bds., Ellis, Nov., '01. (89) £1 16s. Bds., Soth., June 3, '02. (1285) £1 ISs. Bds., Peirce, Mar., '03. (204) $18. **On vellum. Bds., Ellis, Nov., '01. (90) £18. DE GREY. See Grey. DE MASS (W.). Early Settlement and Indian Wars of Western Vir- ginia. Wheeling, 1851. 8vo. Hf. mor., Menzies, Nov., '76. (555) $10.25. CI., Pleasanton, Mar., '95. (144) $7.80. CI., Alexander, Mar., '95. (215) $7.25. CI., Libbie. Nov. G, '95. (440) $5.50. CI., Clogston, Nov., '99. (400) $6. D'HORSAY, OR FOLLIES OF THE Day. See Mills (John). DE KAY (CHARLES). Life and Works of Antoine Louis Barye. N. Y., 1SS9. 4to. Vel., unc. Cox., Apr.. '99. (44) $8.50. Vel., unc, Dayton, Mar., '02. (87) $7.50. DE KAY (J. E.). [A List of the Indian and Dutch Names in I.,ong Island]. Privately printed (not published), 1851. 12mo. Hf. mor.. Bangs, Feb. 13, '01. (303) $19. Zoology of New York. Part H., Birds. Albany, 1844. 141 colored plates. 4to. CI., Probasco., Jan.. '99. (1152) $7.25. Hf. mor., Richmond, Mar., '99. (956) $7.50. CI., Richmond, May, '99. (887) $6.37. Hf. mor., Richmond, May, '99. (449) $5.25. CI., Richmond, May, '99. (450) $7.50. Cf., g.e., Soth., Dec. 17, 1900. (367) £110s. Zoology of New York. Part IIL, Reptiles, Fishes, etc. 102 colored plates. 2 vols., 4to. CI., Bangs,. Jan. 11, '99. (1067) $10.50. CI., Probasco. Jan., '99. (1153) $12. CL, Richmond, May, '99. (451) $11. DEKKER 5G3 DELAWARE DEKKER. See Decker. DELAFIELD (JOHN). Inquiry into the Origin of the Antiquities of America. N. Y., 1S39. 4to. CI., g.e., Murphy, Mar., '84. (2902) $7.50. CI., Ives, Mar., '91. (252) $13. CI., Pleasanton, Mar., '95. (145) $5.25. CI., Bangs, Oct. 3, '9S. (870) $5. DELAIVIAIN (ROBERT). The Making, Description and Use of a Small Port- able Instrument, called a Horizon- tall Quadrant. Lond., 1632. 8vo. Orig., vel., with ties, Soth., June 17, '04. (100) £4 4s. DELANY (MARY GRANVILLE, Ladyi. Autobiography and Corre- spondence. Edited by Lady Llano- yer. Both Series. Lond., 1S61-62. 6 vols., Svo. CI., unc, Craig, .lune, '87. (1128) £5. 01., unc, Leigh, Dec, '89. (909) £4 5s. CI., unc, Putt., Nov. 11, '90. (453) £4 5s. CI., unc, Crauford, Mar., '92. (499) £4 12s. CI., unc, Growther, Nov., '93. (147) £4. CI., unc. Bangs, Oct. 7, '95. (178) $14 25. CI., unc, Adee, Nov., '95. (253) $19.50. CI., unc, Beesley, Nov., '96. (733) £3 14s. CI., unc. Bangs, Mar. 1, '97. (95) $10.50. CI., unc, Soth., July 19, '97. (561) £2 10s. CI., unc. Weaver, Dec, '97. (91) £3. Hf. cf., unc, Henkels, Mar. 31, '98. (92) $18. Cf. ex.. Bangs, Oct. 18, '99. (138) $23.70. Hf. mor., unc, Wylie, May, '01. (Ill) £4 4s. DELAPLAINE (JOSEPH). Deia- plaine's Repository of the Lives and Portraits of Distinguished American Characters. Parts 1-3. Phila., 1815- 18. 4to. Bds. (in 2 vols.). Field, May, '75. (511) $6.50. Hf. mor., unc (in 1 vol.). Menzies, Nov., '76. (557) $10.50. Hf. mor., unc. (in 1 vol.), Brinley, Apr., '81. (5094) $10. Cf. (in 1 vol., foxed), Brinley, Apr., '93 (8279) $5. Delaplalne (Joseph) — Continued. Bds., unc. (A. L. S. inserted), Roos, Apr., '97. (376) $10.50. Cf. ex., y.e. (In 2 vols.), Deane, Mar., ■98 (1061) $8. Bds., unc, Koecker, Dec, '98. (168) $8.10. Sheep (in 1 vol.), Libbie, Dec. 15, '98. (251) $6. Bds., unc, Henkels, Dec 19, '99. (1270) $12. Cf. (in 2 vols.). Bangs, Jan. 22, 1900. (257) $6.50. DE LASTEYRIE (0. P.) History of Auricular Confession Considered. Lond., 1848. 2 vols., 12mo. CI., Bangs, Apr. 5, 1900. (35) $6.75. DELAUNE (H.). Patrikon Doron; or a Legacy to hi.s Sons. Lond., 1657. 8vo. Mor., g.e., Gaisford, Apr., '90. (583) £2 18s. Mor. ex., g.e., Soth., June 27, '92. (275) £lls. DE LAUNE (T.). Present State of London. Lond., 1681. Svo. Rus., g.e.. Twopenny, May, '02. (335) £2. DELAWARE (THOMAS WEST, Lord). Relation of Lord Dela- warre. Lord Governor of the Colony Planted in Virginia. Lond., 1611, 4to. Hf. mor., Griswold, Mar., '76. (934) $137.50. Mor., g.e., Brinley, Mar., '80. (3742) Cf., g.e.. Barlow, Feb., '90. (743) $135. Mor. ex., g.e., Ives, Mar., '91. (253) $90. Mor. ex., Larpent, Jan., '95. (995) £40. Relation of Lord Delaware. [N. Y., 1SG7]. 4to. Hf. mor.. Barlow, Feb., '90. (744) $13. Hf. mor., Deane, Mar., '98. (1063) $7. DELAWARE. Constitution of Dela- ware. Wilmington, 1792. Svo. Bangs. Jan. 14, '95. (252) $6. Laws of the Government of New Castle, Kent and Sussex upon Dela ware. Phila., B. Franklin, 1741. Fol Old cf.. Hurst. May, '04. (219) $185 Laws of the Government of New Castle, Kent and Sussex, upon Del aware. Phila., Franklin and Hall 1752. Fol. DELAWARE 564 DB LUQUE Delaware — Continued. (Title mended, next leaf in manu- script, binding broken), Brinley, Nov., '86. (G463) $16. Hf. cf., Hurst, May, '0-4. (220) $130. Unbd. (writing on margins, stained). Hurst, May, '04. (221) $35. With Laws, Vol. 2., Wilmington, J. Adams, 1763 (the portion containing pp. 287-299 in manuscript), and Ses- sion Acts to Oct., 1775, Brinley, Mar., 'SO. (3G4S) $82. Ways and Means for tlie Inhabi- tants, etc. See Rawie (F.) DELECTABLE DEMAUNDES AND Pleasant Questions. Lond., 15,96. 4to. Cf. ex., m.e., Crawford, Mar., '91. (960) £9. Cf., Bangs, Feb. 14, '98. (227) $5.50. Mor., g.e., Lefferts, Apr., '02. (3G0) $65. Mor., g.e. (a few headlines cut into, some leaves stained), Soth., Dec. 11, '01. (106) £5 5s. DELGASTO (M.). Joyfull New Ti- dynges of the goodly Victory sent to the Emperour. Lond., John Mayler, n.d. 8vo. Mor., Soth., July 14, '02. (352) £30. DE L'ISLE (G.). See Isle (G. de L'). DELL (WILLIAM). Doctrine of Bap- tisms. Phila., Franklin and Hall, 1759. 8vo. Hf. mor.. Baker, Feb., 91. (228) $36. Hf. mor.. Hunt, Nov., '91. (1243) $5.50. Hf. mor.. Stone, Oct., '97. (251) $11. Paper, Bangs, Dec, '98. (108) $7.50. Cf., g.e.. Weeks, Mar., '02. (833) $10. Unbd., Henkels, Apr. 29, '02. (729) $8. Trial of Spirits. Phila., Franklin and Hall, 1760. Svo. Paper, Bangs. Jan. 14, '95. (325) $5. Hf. mor.. Bangs, Mar. 13, '99. (239) $13.50. Paper, Bangs, Nov. IS, '01. (324) $5.13. DELLA CROCE (A.) See Croce (A. della). DEL MONTE (DOMINGO). Lista Cronologica de los Libros Ineditos e Impresos que se han escrito sobre la Isla de Cuba. Havana, 1882. Svo. DE LOIER (P.)- Treatise of Specters. Paper, Del Monte, May, '01. (162) $5. Trans, by Z. Jones. Lond., 1605. 4to. Vel. (binding damaged), Tyrell, Dec, '91. (154) £119s. DELOLME (J. L.). History of the Flagellants. Lond., 1777. 4to. Hf. cf.. Putt., May, '87. (1472) £lls. Mor. ex., unc, Stewart, Mar., '88. (231) £5 15s. Hf. rus., Soth., Mar. 20, '94. (497) £15s. Cf., Rule, Nov.. '95. (314) £12s. Hf. rus., g.e.. Eraser, Apr., '01. (500) £3. Hf. mor., unc, Libbie, Dec. 5, '01. (484) $5.50. Memorials of Human Superstition. Lond., 17S4. Svo. Unc, Soth.. Dec. 9, '87. (189) £15s. Cf., Putt., Apr. 12, '89. (85) £1 Is. Cf., Benbpw, Nov., '89. (247) £1 Is. Cf., Hailstone, Apr., '91. (538) £13s. Garland of G. Conyers, DELONEY (THOMAS). Good Will. Lond., foi [about 1700]. 12mo. Cf. ex., g.e., Gaisford, Apr., '90. (586) £2 4s. Cf., Hawley, July, '94. (81) £2 12s. Hf. cf., Ashburnham, Dec, '97. (1705) £3 7s Soth., Feb. 27, '99. (433) , Grant, May, 1900. (121) Soth., Dec. 17, 1900. (369) copy with Dec 11, Cf. ex., g.e. £2 2s. Cf. ex.. g.e, £3 18s. Cf. ex., g.e., £110s. Cf. (Park notes), Soth., £6 10s. Pleasant Historie of the Craft. Lond., 1627. 4to. Hf. cf.. ex., Benbow, Nov., '89. £17s. ^Thomas of Reading. Lond., 1612. 4to. Cf. ex., g.e., Toovey, Feb., '94. (997) £712s. 6d. Thomas of Reading. London., 1632. 4to. Cf. ex., Corser, Mar., '69. (320) £4 5s. Vel., Ellis, Nov., '85. (1126) £8 15s. DE LUQUE. See Luque (E. M. de). manuscript '03. (91) Gentle (336) DEMING 665 DENGLER DEMING (LEONARD). Catalogue of the Principal Officers of Vermont. Middlebury, 1S51. Svo. Hf. slieep, Balcom, Feb., '01. (234S) $6. DEMOCRAT (THE), or. Intrigues and Adventures of Jean LeNoir. N. Y., 1795. 2 vols., 12mo. Sheep (in 1 vol.), Henkels, Oct. 19, '98. (138) $5.25. Cf. (In 1 vol.), Richmond, Apr., '98. (531) $5. DEMOCRATIC REVIEW. Wash., and N. Y., V. d. Svo. Vols. 1-19, 1838-46, hf. cf., Waterbury. Jan.. '95. (SCO) $8.55. Vols. 5-27, 1839-50, lacking Vols. 13-14 and 19. 20 vols., hf. rus., Middlesex Mech. Assn., Dec. '97. (2C9) $5.20. DE MORGAN (A.). Budget of Para- doxes. Lond., 1872. Svo. Cf., Stewart, Apr., '88. (393) £ll]s. Mor. ex., g.e.. Heath, Nov., '92. (lOS) £2 4s. Barclay,' Nov., '92. (31) £llSs. Buckley, Feb., '93. (815) £2 12s. CI., unc. Bangs, May 1, 1900. (72) $6.25. CI., Putt, Feb. 13, '01. (119) £2. DEMOSTHENES. Orationes. Venice, Aldus, 1504. Fol. Mor., Sunderland, Apr., 'S2. (3797) £25 10s. Mor., g.e., Crawford, June, '89. (346) £4 10s. Mor., g.e.. Cole, Apr., '90. (17S) $39. Mor., g.e., Ives, May, '91. (254) $50. Rus., g.e., Crawford, Mar., '91. (958) £4 5s. Vel., Stlbbs, Jan., '93. (2250) £16s. Mor., Baring, Nov., '97. (239) £10 10s. Mor., Baring, Nov., '97. (240) £6. Cf.. Bangs. .Tan. 27, '02. (477) $12.75. Mor. ex., g.e., Bangs, Apr. 28, '02. (26) $46. Orig. binding, with clasps. Bangs, Nov. 20, '02. (56) $22. Orationes. Venice, Aldus, 1554. 3 vols., Svo. Mor., Putt., Apr., '89. (S6) £1. Mor., g.e., Sullivan, May, '90. (142) £3 10s. Hf. rus. (in 1 vol.), Crawford, Mar., '91. (959) £lls. Mor. ex., g.e.. (Didot copy), Soth., Feb. 22, '97. (666) £2 6s. Bds., Bangs, Oct. 21, '01. (45) $9. Demosthenes — C'liitiiuted. Selectas Orationes, Gr. et Lat., cum Scholiis Gra>cis et Notis illustrate R. Mounteney. Camb., 1731. Svo. **Large paper. Mor., g.e., Beckford, July, 'S2. (2445) £12s. Mor., g.e., (Beckford copy), Sullivan, May, '90. (190G) £2 ISs. Three Orations against King Philip. Trans, by T. Wilson. Lond., 1570. 4to. Mor., Sewall, Jan., '97. (4170) $60. Three Orations In favour of the Olvnthians. Englished by T. Wilson. Lond., 1570. 4to. Cf., g.e., Young, June, '90. (228) £1 Is. Ashburnhani, June, '97. (1349) £1 19s. Cf. (title mounted, some leaves mend- ed), McKee, Dec, '01. (3239) $7. DEMPSTER (T.). Antiquitatum Ro- manorum Corpus Absolutissimum. Geneva, 1620. 4to. Mor. (arms of Louis XIII. on sides), Stanley, June, '01. (808) £5 15s. Apparatus ad Historium Scoticam, Accesserunt Martyrologium Scoti- cum Sanctorum. Bologna, 1622. 4to. Mor. ex., g.e., Craig. June, '87. (790) £3 10s. Hiberniae sive Antlquioris Scotiae Vindiciffi adversus Dempsterum cum Nonienclatura Sanctorum. Antwerp, 1621. Svo. Mor.. g.e., Toovev, Feb., '94. (802) £116s. Historia Ecclesiastica Gentis Sco- torum. Bologna, 1627. 4to. Cf., Craig. June, '87. (791) £5. Mor. ex., g.e., Whatman, July. '87. £6. Vel.. Hopetoun, Feb., '89. (433) £2 15s. Menologium Scotorum. Bologna, 1622. 4to. Mor. ex., g.e., Craig, Mar., '88. (1585) £2 10s. DEMPTER (G.). The Prodigal Re- turned to Scotland. Edinb., 1700. 4to. Hf. cf., Craig. Mar., '88. (1583) £lSs. DENGLER (Adolf). Index of Maps on Record in New York Register's Office. N. Y., 1875. Svo. CI., Bangs, Feb., 10, '92. (106) $5.50. DENHAM 56b DENT DENHAM (SIR JOHN). Cooper's Hill. Lond., 1642. 4to. Cf., g.e., Bierstadt, Apr., '97. (573) $28. Mor., Lefferts, Apr., '02. (362) $55. Cooper's Hill. Lond., 1650. 4to. Cf., g.e., Bierstadt, Apr., '97. (574) $5.50. Cooper's Hill. Lond., 1655. 4to. Mor., g.e., Bierstadt, Apr., '97. (575) $14. Hf. mor., Lefferts, Apr., '02. (303) $11. Directions to a Painter for De- scribing our Naval Business. Lond., 1607. Svo. (Slightly wormed). Grant, May, 1900. (122) £14s. Poems and Translations. Lond., 106S. Svo. Sullivan, May, '90. (1912) £2 2s. Poems and Translations. Lend., 1719. 12mo. Mor., g.e. (Daniel copy), Soth., Apr. 12, '93. (98) ^2 6s. Mor., g.e. (Daniel copy). Putt., June 14, '97. (87) £2 2s. Mor., g.e., Hibbert, Apr., '02. (245) £4 14s. DENIS (J. B.). Memoires Anecdotes de la Cour et du Clerge de France. Lond. [Holland], 1712. Svo. Mor., g.e., Crawford, July, '96. (285) £2. DENISON (DANIEL). Irenicon, or a Salve for New-England's Sore. [Bost., S. Green], 1684. Svo. TJnbd., Brinley, Mar., '79. (755) $7. DENNIS (E. P.). Address to the Peo- ple of Maryland, on the Origin, Prog- ress and Present State of French Aggression. Phila., 1798. Svo. Brinley, Mar., '80. (3662) $5. DENNIS (JOHN). Comical Gallant. Lend.. 1702. 4to. Hf. mor., Lefferts. Apr. '02. (366) $9.50. Letters upon Several Occasions, by Dryden, Wycherley, Congreve, etc. Lond., 1696. Svo. Hf. cf., Soth., July 18, 1900. (1018) £12. Mor., g.e. (Lord Halifax's copv), Wy- lie. May, '01. (61) £lSs. Dennis (John) — Continued. The Monument, a Poem. Lond., 1702. 4to. Unbd., Lefferts, Apr., '02. (369) $7. DENNISTOUN (J.). Memoirs of the Dukes of Urblno. Lond., 1851. 3 vols., Svo. CI., unc, Fripp, Feb., '93. (597) £2. CI., unc. Bangs, Mar. 4, '95. (54) $14.25. CI., unc, Scharf, Feb., '96. (154) £1 12s. CI., unc, Bangs, Dec. 19, '98. (134> $7.95. CI., unc, Hodgson, Oct. 10, '99. (213) £2 2s. CI., unc, Murray, Dec, '99. (49) £llSs. CI., unc. Bangs, Jan. 27, '02. (479) $11.40. CI., unc, Bruce, June, '02. (50) £2 6s. DENNY (J. W.). Wearing the Blue in the Twenty-Fifth Mass. Volunteer In- fantry. Worcester, 1879. Svo. CI., Manson, Mar., '99. (3656) $6. CI., Bangs, May S, '99. (676) $5. DENNY (SIR W.). Pelecanicidium. Lond., 1653. Parts 1-3, in 1 vol., Svo. Mor. ex., Corser, Aug., '69. (233) £5 2s. 6d. Mor., g.e., Gaisford, Apr., '90. (589) £ 13. Mor., Dennis, Dec, '92. (121) £2 15s. DENNYS (JOHN). Secrets of Ang- ling. Fourth edition. Lond., 1652. Svo. Mor., g.e. (frontispiece and some headlines cut into). Snow, Nov., '98. (152) £36. DENT (C. T.). Mountaineering. Lond., 1S92. Svo. '"'"Large paper. Hf. mor., unc, Nisbet, Jan., '93. (246) £4 4s. Mor., unc, Soth., July 27, '93. (993) £4 4s. Hf. mor., unc, Angerstein, May, '96. (1014) £3. Hf. mor., unc, Soth., Mar. 23, '99. (244) £2 6s. Hf. mor., unc. Soth., Dec. IS, '99. (1366) £2 3s. DENT (EMMA). Annals of Winch- comb and Sudeley. Lond., 1877. 4to. Cooper, Mav, '87. (587) £14s. Cooke, June, '92. (258) £12s. DENT 567 DE QUINCEY Dent (Emma) — Cdiiiiiiiieil. New, Feb., '95. (229) £1. CI., Howard, June, '02. (319) £13s. DENT (J.). Catalogue of his Library. Loud., 1S25. 4to. Mor. ex., g.e., Craig, Mar., 'S8. (1593) £lls. DENT (JOHN C). Canadian Portrait Gallery. Toronto. 1S80. 4 vols.. 4to. CI., Lincoln. Oct., '01. (1334) $G.50. DENTON (DANIEL). Brief Descrip- tion of New Yorls;. Lond., for John Hancock, 1670. 4to. Mor., g.e. (date in facs.), Menzles Nov., '76. (55,8) $220. Mor. ex., g.e. (date cut off), Brinley, Mar., 'SO. (2778) $385. Mor. (date cut off), Murphy, Mar., '84. (777) $80. Vel. (date intact), Barlow, Feb., '90. (752) $525. Vel. (Barlow copv), Ives, Mar., '91 (258) $615. Unbd. (date intact), Ashburton, Nov., 1900. (244) £400. Unbd. (date cut off), Soth., Feb. 25, '01. (558) £75. Mor., in case (date and imprint entire- ly cut off). Bangs, Mar. 16, '03. (204) $025. DENTON (J. B.). Farm Homesteads of England. Lond.. 1864. 4to. Parts. Husk, Dec, '87. (272) £1 2s. Hf. cf.. Wells, May. '90. (148) £2 17s. CI., Walker, May, '93. (202) £1 IDs. DENYS (NICOLAS). Description Geographique et Historique des costes de I'Amerique Septentrionale. Paris, 1672. 2 vols., 8vo. Field. May, '75. (516) $36. Cf.. g.e.. Murphv, Mar.. '84. (779) $51. Cf.. g.e.. Hart, Apr., '90. (737) $52. Mor. (lacking map), Chittenden, Jan., '94. (359) $10.50. Mor. ex., g.e., Hawley, July, '94. (10) £4 14s. D'EON. See EON (CHEVALIER d'.) DEPEW (CHAUNCEY M.). One Hundred Years of American Com- merce. N. Y.. 1895. 2 vols.. 4to. Hf. mor., g.t.. Weeks, Mar., '02. (730) $7.50. DEPLORABLE STATE OF NEW England. Lond., 1708. Svo. Mor., Griswold, Mar., '76. (540) $13. Hf. cf. (corner torn from title, last Deplorable State — ('(iiitiidicd. line slightly cut into, some words supplied in manuscript), Brinley, Apr., '79. (285) $12. Cf. ex., Stevens, July, '86. (358) £1 12s. Mor., g.e. (lacking the dedication), Lefferts, June, '02. (232) £2 16s. DEPONS (F.). Voyage to the Eastern Part of Terra Firma, or the Spanish Main in South America. Trans, by an American Gentleman, [Washing- ton Irving]. N. Y., 1806. 3 vols., Svo. Sheep, Montgomery, May, '95. (236) $10.50. Bds., unc, Roos, Apr., '97. (816) $15.75. Sheep, Libbie, May 13, '97. (614) $5.62. Hf. cf. (in 1 vol.), McKee, Nov.. 1900. (361) $9. Cf. (name cut from each title). Bangs, Mar. 19, '01. (303) $6.75. DE QUINCEY (THOMAS). Confes- sions of an English Opium Eater. Lond., 1822. Svo. Cf. ex., unc, Stewart, Mar., 'S8. (233) £5 5s. Bds., unc, Soth., Dec. 10, '90. (58) £2 5s. Bds., unc, in case. Hale, Mar., '91. (239) $10.50. Bds., unc. in case. Hunt, Nov., '91. (874) $18. Bds., Soth., Dec. 1, '91. (1087) £1 12s. Bds.. unc, Putt., June 14, '93. (604) £1 Is. Bds., unc. (stained). Crampon, June, '96. (330) £2 12s. Bds., unc. Smith, June, '97. (535.) £2 lis. Mor. ex., unc, French, Apr., '01. (430) $75. Bds., unc. Putt, May, '01. (657) £3 12s. 6d. Bds.. unc, Hodgson, Jan., '02. (508) £6 17s. 6d. Cf., unc, Morgan, Apr., '02. (97) $25. Cf.. unc, Hibbert, Apr., '02. (246) £9 10s. Cf., g.t., unc, Appleton, Apr., '03. (124) $45. Bds., unc. Peirce. May, '03. (159) $55 Bds.. unc, Soth., May 18, '03. (40) £13. Bds., unc, Hodgson, July 1, '03. (252) £7. Mor. ex., Goodwin, Nov., '03. (93) $39. DB QUINCEY 568 DETAIL De Quincey (Thomas) — Coiithiiictl. Klosterheim. Lond., 1S32. 8vo. Cf. ex., g.e., Hibbert, Apr., '02. (248) £2. Works. Edinb., 18G2-63. 15 vols., 8vo. CI., Putt., Jan., '88. (361) £2. 01., Nisbet, Jan., '93. (176) £1. CI., Putt., Feb. 13, '95. (45) £1 Is. CI., Barger, May. '95. (123) $13.12. CI., Putt, Mar. 20, '99. (35) £15s. Hf. cf., m.e., Rutter, May, '99. (42) £2Ss. CI., Watson, Nov., '01. (68) £lls. Works. Edinb., 1862-74. 16 vols., 8vo. CI., Roofe, Apr., '92. (418) £llSs. CI., Brewer, July, '95. (6) £2. CI., Shaw, Feb., '97. (147) £1 17s. CI., Weaver, Dec, '97. (94) £1 6s. Complete Works. Bost., 1851-72. 22 vols., 16mo. Hf. cf., m.e., Stanton, Jan., '98. (65) $16.50. CI., Libbie, Jan. 23, 1900. (308) $8.80, Hf. cf., m.e., Clive, Jan., 1900. (69) $17.60. Hf. mor., Wireman, Nov., '97. (77) $36.30. DERBY (COUNTESS OF). See Far- ren (Elizabeth). DERBY (G. H.). Phaenixiana. Chica- go, Caxton Club, 1897. 2 vols., 12mo. CI., Bangs, Oct. 12, '97. (179) $7.75. 01., Bangs, Oct. 20, '97. (185) $9. 01., Bangs, Nov. 10, '99. (70) $24. 01., Libbie, Feb. 8, 1900. (181) $13. 01., Bangs, Nov. 26, 1900. (129) $10. 01., French, Apr., '01. (204) $42. 01., Bangs, Mar. 16, '03. (164) $23. DERING (EDWARD). See Deering. DERRICK (J.). Image of Ireland, 15S1. Edited bv J. Small. Edinb., 1883. 4to. Hf. mor., Hennessy, Oct., '94. (944) $6. DERRICK (SAMUEL). General View of the Stage. By Mr. Wilkes. Lond., 1759. 8vo. Cf. (Earl of Munster's copv), McKee, Jan. '01. (1489) $7. DESBARRES (COL. J. F. W.l. State- ment respecting his Services as Of- ficer and Engineer during the War of 1756, etc. Lond., privately printed, 1796. Fol. Desbarres (Col. J. F. W.) — I'diitiiiiicd. Cf. (broken), Moore, May, '93. (633) $9. DESBOROW (C). Humble Address of the Lords to his Majesty in rela- tion to the Petition of. N. p., for C. Desborow, 1699. 4to. Of., Brinley, Apr., '93. (8283) $23. DESCOURTILZ (J. T.). Ornlthologie Bresilienne, ou Histoire des Giseaux du Bresil. Rio Janeiro, n.d. 48 colored plates. Pol. In 4 portfolios, Soth., July 28, '03. (519) £5 10s. DESCRIPTION OF THE COAST, Tides, and Currents, in Button's Bay and in the Welcome [1722-1744]. Dublin, 1745. 8vo. Hf. cf., Wilbraham, June, '98. (6) £13s. DESCRIPTION OF THE GOLDEN Islands. With an account of the Undertaking now on foot for making a Settlement there. Lond., 1720. 8vo. Unbd., Leavitt, May 26, '83. (61) $22.50. DESERET NEWS. Salt Lake City, v.d. Fol. Dec. 13, 1851, to Mar. 8, 1855, bds., Henkels, .June 4, '02. (220) $29. DESIGN FOR BRINGING A NAVI- gable River from Rickmansworth in Hartfordshire to St. Gyles in the Fields. Lond., 1641. 4to. Brabourne, May, '91. (176) £1 3s. DESIMONI (C). Intorno al Floren- tino Giovanni Verrazzano. Genoa, 1881. Fol. Sewed. Murphy, Mar., '84. (784) $6.50. Bds. (with Intorna a Giovanni Caboto, etc., together 3 vols.). Barlow, Feb., '90. (754) $6.75. DE SOTO. See Soto. DESPREZ (J.). Missarum Josquln- Liber Secundus, etc. Forosempronii, O. Petrutium, 1515. Obi. 4to. Leather, Soth., July 17, '01. (307) £18. DE STAAL. See Staal. DETAIL AND CONDUCT OF THE American War, under Generals Gage, Howe, Burgoyne, and Vice-Admiral Lord Howe. Lond., 1780. 8vo. Unc, Rice, Mar., '70. (563) $10. Hf. mor.. Field, May, '75. (521) $6.50. Hf. cf., Menzies, Nov., '76. (560) $5.25. DETAIL 569 DE VINNE Detail and Conduct — Cuiithniril, Hf. mor., line, Cooke, Dec, 'S3. (708) $5. Unc, Putt, D