T D 4*65 UC-NRLF LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA. r\ GIFT OF Clay U. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE. BUREAU OF PLANT INDUSTRY BULLETIN No. 64. METHOD OF DESTROYING OR PREVENTING THE GROWTH OF ALG.E AND CERTAIN PATHOGENIC BACTERIA IN WATER SUPPLIES. GEORGE T.^MOORE. PIIY>I( >i.< rcisr AND ALGOLOGIST IN CHARGE OF LABORATORY OF PLANT PHYSIOLOGY, KARL F. KELLERMAN. ASSISTANT IN PHYSIOLOGY. VEGETABLE PATHOLOGICAL ANJD PHYSIOLOGICAL INVESTIGATIONS. i) MAY 7, 1904. WASHINGTON: <;ov i: KN .M i: NT IMJTNTING OFFICE, 1 1*04. BULLETINS OF THE BUREAU OF PLANT INDUSTRY. The Bureau of Plant Industry, which was organized July 1, 1901, includes Vege- table Pathological and Physiological Investigations, Botanical Investigations and Experiments, Grass and Forage Plant Investigations, Pomological Investigations, and Experimental Gardens and Grounds, all of which were formerly separate Divi- sions, and also Seed and Plant Introduction and Distribution, the Arlington Exper- imental Farm, Tea-Culture Investigations, and Domestic Sugar Investigations. Beginning with the date of organization of the Bureau, the several series of bulle- tins of the various Divisions were discontinued, and all are now published as one series of the Bureau. A list of the bulletins issued in the present series follows. Attention is directed to the fact that "the serial, scientific, and technical publica- tions of the United States Department of Agriculture are not for general distribution. All copies not required for official use are by law turned over to the Superintendent of Documents, who is .empowered to sell them at cost." All applications for such publications should, therefore, be made to the Superintendent of Documents, Gov- ernment Printing Office, Washington, D. C. No. 1. The Eelation of Lime and Magnesia to Plant Growth. 1901. Price, 10 cents. 2. Spermatogenesis and Fecundation of Zamia. 1901. Price, 20 cents. 3. Macaroni Wheats. 1901. Price, 20 cents. 4. Kange Improvement in Arizona. 1902. Price, 10 cents. 5. Seeds and Plants Imported. Inventory No. 9. 1902. Price, 10 cents. 6. A List of American Varieties of Peppers. 1902. Price, 10 cents. 7. The Algerian Durum Wheats. 1902. Price, 15 cents. 8. A Collection of Fungi Prepared for Distribution. 1902. Price, 10 cents. 9. The North American Spejgies of Spartina. 1902. Price, 10 cents. 10. Records of Seed Distribution and Cooperative Experiments with Grasses and Forage Plants. 1902. Price, 10 cents. 11. Johnson Grass. 1902. Price, 10 cents. 12. Stock Eanges of Northwestern California: Notes on the Grasses and Forage Plants and Range Conditions. 1902. Price, 15 cents. 13. Experiments in Range Improvement in Central Texas. 1902. Price, 10 cents. 14. The Decay of Timber and Methods of Preventing It. 1902. Price, 55 cents. 15. Forage Conditions on the Northern Border of the Great Basin. 1902. Price, 15 cents. 16. A Preliminary Study of the Germination of the Spores of Agaricus Campes- tris and other Basidiomycetous Fungi. 1902. Price, 10 cents. 17. Some Diseases of the Cowpea. 1902. Price, 10 cents. 18. Observations on the Mosaic Disease of Tobacco. 1902. Price, 15 cents. 19. Kentucky Bluegrass Seed: Harvesting, Curing, and Cleaning. 1902. Price, 10 cents. 20. Manufacture of Semolina and Macaroni. 1902. Price, 15 cents. 21. List of American Varieties of Vegetables. 1903. Price, 35 cents. 22. Injurious Effects of Premature Pollination. 1902. Price, 10 cents. 23. Berseem: The Great Forage and Soiling Crop of the Nile Valley. 1902. Price, 15 cents. 24. Unferrnented Grape Must. 1902. Price, 10 cents. 25. Miscellaneous Papers: I. The Seeds of Rescue Grass and Chess. II. Saragolla Wheat. III. Plant Introduction Notes from South Africa. IV. Congres- sional Seed and Plant Distribution Circulars. 1902-1903. 1903. Price, 15 cents. 26. Spanish Almonds and Their Introduction into America. 1902. Price, 15 cents. [Continued on p. 3 of cover.] U. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE, BUREAU OF PLANT INDUSTRY BULLETIN No. 64. B. T. GALLOWAY, Chief of Bureau. A METHOD OF DESTROYING OR PREVENTING THE GROWTH OF ALG.E AND CERTAIN PATHOGENIC BACTERIA IN WATER SUPPLIES. BY GEORGE T. MOORE. PHYSIOLOGIST AND ALGOLOGIST IN CHARGE OF LABORATORY OF PLANT PHYSIOLOGY, AND KARL F. KELLERMAN, ASSISTANT IN PHYSIOLOGY. VEGETABLE PATHOLOGICAL. AND PHYSIOLOGICAL INVESTIGATIONS. ISSUED MAY 7, 1904. WASHINGTON: GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE 1904. BUEEAU OF PLANT INDUSTRY. B. T. GALLOWAY, Chief. J. E. ROCKWELL, Editor. VEGETABLE PATHOLOGICAL AND PHYSIOLOGICAL INVESTIGATIONS. SCIENTIFIC STAFF. ALBERT F. WOODS, Pathologist and Physiologist. ERWIN F. SMITH, Pathologist in Charge of Laboratory of Plant Pathology. GEORGE T. MOORE, Physiologist in Charge of Laboratory of Plant Physiology. HERBERT J WEBBER, Physiologist in Charge of Laboratory of Plant Breeding. WALTER T. SWINGLE, Physiologist in Charge of Laboratory of Plant Life History. NEWTON B. PIERCE, Pathologist in Charge of Pacific Coast Laboratory. M. B. WAITE, Pathologist in Charge of Investigations of Diseases of Orchard Fruits. MARK A. CARLETON, Cerealist in Charge of Cereal Investigations. HERMANN VON SCHRENK,^ in Charge of Mississippi Valley Laboratory. P. H. ROLFS, Pathologist in Charge of Subtropical Laboratory. C. O. TOWNSEND, Pathologist in Charge of Sugar Beet Investigations. P. H. DORSETT, Pathologist. RODNEY H. TRUE, & Physiologist. T. H. KEARNEY, Physiologist, Plant Breeding. CORNELIUS L. SHEAR, Pathologist. WILLIAM A. ORTON, Pathologist. W. M. SCOTT, Pathologist. JOSEPH S. CHAMBERLAIN, Physiological Chemist, Cereal Ivestigations. * R E. B MCKENNEY, Physiologist. FLORA W. PATTERSON, Mycologist. CHARLES P HARTLEY, Assistant in Physiology, Plant Breeding. KARL F. KELLERMAN, Assistant in Physiology. DEANE B. SWINGLE, Assistant in Pathology. A. W. EDSON, Scientific Assistant, Plant Breeding. JESSE B. NORTON, Assistant in Physiology, Plant Breeding. JAMES B. RORER, Assistant in Pathology. LLOYD S. TENNY, Assistant in Pathology. GEORGE G HEDGCOCK, Assistant in Pathology. PERLEY SPAULDING, Scientific Assistant. P. J. O'GARA, Scientific Assistant. A. D- SHAMEL, Scientific Assistant, Plant Breeding. T. RALPH ROBINSON, Scientific Assistant, Plant Physiology. FLORENCE HEDGES, Scientific Assistant, Bacteriology. CHARLES J. BRAND, Scientific Assistant in Physiology, Plant Life History. a Detailed to the Bureau of Forestry. b Detailed to Botanical Investigations and Experiments. LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL U. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE, BUREAU OF PLANT INDUSTRY, OFFICE OF THE CHIEF, Washington, D. 1 f* , 5^- 3 "o ~. f r >> It "o g If !* T. .= .= z. i as 'O 1 C) 1 s* hour f 144 \ 792 f 14, 634 116,212 f 954 5H (24,300 119,400 J20,484 |19, 674 f 6,156 121,600 4 2 2 3 2 5 4 7 2 31 8 33 108 90 11 126 2 1 t) 1 1 7 4 5 2 1 1 5 2 3 198 72 6 1 . 1 3 4 5 4 1 1 3 3,672 5,742 4 1 6 1 1 3 3 2 234 306 6 4 1 2 1 1 5 . 1 3 hours 4 hours 6 hours 8 hours ... . 12 hours a Experiment conducted in 12-liter aquaria. No. 1 was untreated; copper sulphate was added to Nos. 2, 3, 4, and 5. Three cubic centimeters of a mixture of cultures of B. typhi were added to each jar 18 hours before treating. All small nonliquifying colonies counted as typnoid. 28480 No. 6404 3 32 METHOD OF DESTROYING ALG^E IN WATER SUPPLIES. Effect of copper sulphate upon Bacillus typhi at low temperature. [Determination made in Petri dishes.] Duration of exposure to action of copper sulphate. Tempera- ture. Check. One part copper to 100,000 parts water. 3 hours - C. 5 Colonies. 2,187 Colonies. 1,944 6 hours 5 2 646 881 9 hours 5 1,026 702 12 hours 5 351 98 24 hours 5 37 o a Experiment conducted in test tubes each containing 5 cc. of sterilized water, part of which had been previously treated with the desired amount of copper sulphate. All tubes inoculated with a 3 mm. loop of a culture of B. typhi of the proper age. Effect of copper sulphate upon Bacillus coli cultures of various ages. a [Determination made in tubes of bouillon. + indicates growth after 48 hours' incubation; indi- cates no growth.] Duration of exposure to action of solution of 1 part copper sulphate to 100,000 parts water. Culture 36 hours old. Culture 24 hours old. Culture 18 hours old. Culture 12 hours old. Culture 6 hours old. Culture 3 hours old. 3 hours + + + + + 6 hours _ + 9 hours + a Experiment conducted in test tubes each containing 5 cc. of sterilized water, part of which had been previously treated with the desired amount of copper sulphate. All tubes inoculated with a 3 mm. loop of a culture of B. coli of the proper age. Effect of copper sulphate upon Bacillus coli at different temperatures. a [Determination made in tubes of bouillon. + indicates growth after 48 hours' incubation; indi- cates no growth.] Duration of exposure to action of copper sulphate. Tempera- ture. Check. One part copper sulphate to 100,000 parts water. 200,000 parts water. 500,000 parts water. C. 38 + + + + 28 + + + + 2 hours 23.5 + + + + 14 + + + + 4 + + + + 38 + - + + 28 + + + + 4 hours 23.5 _(- -{. -j- + * 14 + + + 4 + + + + 38 + - + + 28 + + + + 6 hours 23.5 _l_ + + -f- 14 + + + + 4 + + + + a Experiment conducted in test tubes each containing 5 cc. sterilized water, portions of which had been previously treated with the desired amounts of copper sulphate. All tubes inoculated with a 3-mm. loop of a 24-hour culture of B. coli. EFFECT OF COPPER UPON PATHOGENIC BACTERIA. 33 Effect of copper sulphate upon Bacillus coli at room temperature. a [Determination made in Petri dishes.] Duration of expo- sure to action of copper sulphate. Check. 1 part copper sulphate to 100,000 parts of water. 200,000 parts of water. 500,000 parts of water. 1,000,000 parts of water. 5,000,000 parts of water. i hour Colonies. 3,888 3,456 2,592 2,079 3,969 2,457 1,666 1,323 1,107 297 Colonies. 5,697 2,295 2,565 1,971 2,835 1,701 1,404 675 96 5 Colonies. 4,455 1,755 1,755 3,429 2,295 1,242 2,295 1,593 459 43 Colonies. 8,937 2,700 2,403 1,890 3,456 3,834 1,431 2,403 1,026 366 Colonies. 5,490 3,483 1,377 3,267 2,214 2,106 2,025 1,674 513 513 Colonies. 6,426 2,160 1,873 3,942 2,349 3,078 3,240 1,836 1,728 891 1 hour H hours 2 hours 2 hours 3 hours 3 hours 4 hours 8 hours . . 12 hours Experiment conducted in test tubes, each containing 5 cc. of sterilized water, portions of which had been previously treated with the desired amounts of copper sulphate. All tubes inoculated with a 3 mm. loop of an 18-hour culture of B. coli. Effect of copper itulphale upon Bacillus coli at low temperature. a [Determination made in Petri dishes.] Duration of exposure to action of copper sulphate. Temper- ature. Check. 1 part cop- per to 100,- 000 parts water. 3 hours a 5 Colonies. 2 700 Colonies. 2 673 6 hours . 5 3 591 1 620 9 hours . 5 2,403 1,215 12 hours 2 106 1 431- a Experiment conducted in test tubes each containing 5 cc. of sterilized water, part of which had been previously treated with the desired amount of copper sulphate. All tubes inoculated with a 3 mm. loop of a culture of B. coli of the proper age. Effect oj copper sulphate upon paracolon cultures of various ages. a [Determination made in tubes of bouillon. + indicates growth after 48 hours' incubation; indi- cates no growth.] Duration of exposure to ac- tion of solution of 1 part copper sulphate to 100,000 parts of water. Culture 36 hours old. Culture 24 hours old. Culture 18 hours old. Culture 12 hours old. Culture 6 hours old. Culture 3 hours old. 3 hours ? 6 hours ? 9 hours a Experiment conducted in test tubes each containing 5 cc. of sterilized water, part of which had been previously treated with the desired amount of copper sulphate. All tubes inoculated with a 3 mm. loop of a culture of paracolon of the proper age. These tables show that Bacillus typhi is more sensitive to copper sulphate than is coli, that the para group are about equally sensitive, and that temperature has a very important bearing on the toxicity of 84 METHOD OF DESTROYING ALGJE IN WATER SUPPLIES. the copper in solution. At room temperature, which is near the tem- perature of a reservoir in summer, a dilution of 1 to 100,000 is fatal to typli i in three to five hours; at 5 it requires twenty-four hours for complete destruction. The results obtained were checked in three ways: (1) Five cubic centimeters of each of the solutions to be tested, made up with filtered hydrant water and check tubes of the same water, were sterilized in test tubes. To each of these -was transferred one 3-mm. loop of a bouillon culture of the bacillus. After the proper exposure, a 3-mm. loop of the inoculated water from each tube was transferred to a sterile bouillon tube with a corresponding number. These bouillon tubes were then incubated forty-six hours at 38, the time and concentration of the agent required to prevent growth being noted. (2) Instead of transferring to bouillon tubes from the inoculated water, the transfer was made to gelatine tubes, and plates were poured in 10-cm. Petri dishes, thus making it possible to estimate the reduc- tion in the number of bacteria in concentrations not sufficient to pre- vent growth. (3) Five 12-liter aquaria, two of which contained a high percentage of organic matter, also a large quantity of algse and other aquatic plants, were inoculated, each wdth 3 cubic centimeters of cultures of Bacillus typhi of different ages, and allowed to stand eighteen hours, and two poured plates were made from each aquarium, the 3-rnm. loop being used in all cases. To these aquaria were then added a 1 per cent solution of copper sulphate in sufficient quantity to produce the desired concentration. After the proper time had elapsed, another series of plates was made, this being repeated every two hours for a period of twelve hours. The tests were made upon four distinct cultures of Bacillus typhi, designated respectively Wasserman, Stokes, Say, and Longcope, and except in the case of the aquaria series, upon Bacillus coll and some of the para forms. These organisms were obtained from the labora- tory of H. K. Mulford & Co. ASIATIC CHOLERA. The method of procedure in determining the toxic concentration for Microspira comma (Spirillum choleras) was identical to that .employed in the case of Bacillus typhi. The tables on the next page show that the toxic limits of these two pathogenic organisms are very similar and that Microspira comma is slightly more sensitive to copper sulphate than is Bacillus typhi. To destroy the cholera germ requires about three hours in a 1 to 100,COO solution at a temperature above 20. A longer exposure or a higher concentration is necessary to produce this result at lower temperatures. EFFECT OF COPPER UPON PATHOGENIC BACTERIA. 35 Effect of copper sulphate upon Microspira comma at different temperatures. <* v [Determination made in Petri dishes.] Duration of exposure to action of copper sulphate. Tempera- ture. Check. One part copper sulphate to 100,000 parts water. 200,000 parts 500,000 parts water. water. 2 hours C. 5 15 26 30.5 5 15 26.5 30.5 5 15 26.5 30.5 Colonies. 1,866 2,500 3,500 4,556 1,533 1,033 1,033 1,466 2,000 3,033 3,600 1,066 Colonies. 1,400 533 3 7 133 21 .0 32 9 Colonies. 566 1,100 100 66 13 72 6 9 20 166 Colonies. 3,366 1,000 733 1,433 766 95 11 12 700 84 533 90 4 hours 6 hours a Experiments conducted in test tubes, each containing 5 cc. of sterilized water, portions of which had been previously treated with the desired amounts of copper sulphate. All tubes inoculated with a 3 mm. loop of a 14-hour culture of Jf. comma. Effect of copper sulphate upon Microspira comma at different temperatures.* 1 [Determinations made in bullion tubes. + indicates growth after 48 hours' incubation; indicates no growth.] Duration of exposure to action of copper sulphate. Tempera- ture. Check. 1 part of copper sulphate to 100,000 parts 200,000 parts water. water. 500,000 parts water. 2 hours C. \ 1? 1 24.4 [ 30.5 I 1? 24.4 [ 30.5 f 1? 24.4 I 30.5 + + -f + 4- + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + -f + + + 4 hours 6 hours a Experiment conducted in test tubes each containing 5 cc. of sterilized water, part of which had been previously treated with the desired amount of copper sulphate. All tubes inoculated with a 3 mm. loop of a 16-hour culture of M. comma. It will be seen that the concentration of copper required is consid- erably greater than the maximum necessary for the destruction of algae, and would, of course, be injurious to the aquatic animals nor- mally present in a reservoir if it were allowed to act for any great length of time. Experiments in this laboratory have demonstrated, however, that the time necessary to remove Bacillus typhi is from three to four hours in summer, twent}'-four hours in the coldest weather, and that under such conditions the solution does not injure fish and frogs or the common aquatic plants such as Elodea, Myriophyllum, and Lemna. To remove the copper at the desired time the method 36 METHOD OF DESTROYING ALG^E IN WATER SUPPLIES. suggested in the preceding section in the case of acid and soft waters may be employed that is, precipitate the copper by some soluble hydroxide or carbonate. This somewhat complicates the treatment, as it will be necessary to determine from the character of the water the amount of copper necessary to produce a solution of 1 to 100,000, as well as to estimate how much of the hydroxide or carbonate should be added. That such work be conducted under the constant and direct supervision of competent authorities is even more important than when treating for algal contamination. COMPARISON OF EFFECT OF OTHER DISINFECTANTS. A comparison of the efl'ect of copper sulphate with certain other substances commonly used as disinfectants is instructive, and gives some idea of the great toxicity of this metal. Mercuric chloride (cor- rosive sublimate) is slightly more fatal to typhoid and cholera than copper sulphate acting at a lower temperature and in a shorter length of time. Carbolic acid, one hundred times as strong as the dilution found to be effective for copper sulphate, and acting eight times as long, failed to kill. The same is true of formalin used between fifteen and twenty times the strength of a 1 to 100,000 solution. Using one thousand times the amount of citric acid that would be used of copper sulphate produces death. Thymol is effective in six hours when used in a solution of 1 to 5,000, and naphthalene is five times weaker. COLLOIDAL, SOLUTIONS. The preceding experiments have dealt with copper in solution as the salt, of some acid. The effect upon water of metallic copper surfaces, producing the so-called colloidal solution of copper, deserves especial mention. As Niigeli, Galeotti, and Israel and Klingman have abun- dantly demonstrated, the slight amounts of copper thus brought into solution are highly toxic to many forms of algae and bacteria. The experiments carried on in this laboratory^ show that it is undoubtedly possible to exterminate Uroglena and some forms of Spirogyra by suspending in the water copper foil sufficient to give an area of about 1 sq. cm. to each 100 cc. of water. This would not be a practicable method of treating a reservoir, but it suggests the possibility of sheet copper being used as a preventive of pollution. By suspending large sheets of this metal at the intake of a reservoir, it is probable that conditions would be rendered sufficiently antago- nistic to algal growth to maintain the sterility of a reservoir after it had once been thoroughly cleansed of polluting forms. It would, of course, be necessary to keep such copper sheets clean in order to prevent a reduction of the toxic action due to the formation of an insoluble or slimy coating on its surface. It is possible that some COLLOIDAL SOLUTIONS. 37 electrical method may be perfected for rapidly obtaining a strong colloidal solution, which frill furnish a more convenient means of application than that of the crude salt. In regard to the bacteria causing cholera and typhoid, the impor- tance of the specific toxic effect of colloidal copper is probably much greater than with algae. The following tables show the proportions of the area of copper to the quantity of water and to the time and the temperature necessary to produce the complete sterilization of water containing these pathogenic germs: Effect upon Bacillus typhi of exposure to colloidal solution of copper at room temperature. [Determination made in tubes of bouillon. -f indicates growth after 48 hours' inoculation; indi- cates no growth.] Duration of exposure to action of copper. Check. 15 sq. mm. copper foil in 10 cc. of water. lOOsq.mm. copper foil inlOcc. of water. 225sq.mm. copper foil in 10 cc. of water. 10 hours. + + -j- + 16 hours -)- + -)_ 20 hours + -f- 50 hours + -f a Experiment conducted in test tubes containing 10 cc. each of sterilized water. The copper foil was sterilized and added immediately before inoculating the tubes with the usual 3 mm. loop of a 24-hour culture of B. typhi. This experiment was duplicated with three separate strains of typhoid with identical results. Effect upon Bacillus typhi of exposure to colloidal solution of copper at room temperature. [Determination made in Petri dishes.] Duration of exposure to action of copper. Check. 1 sq. cm. copper foil to 5 cc. of water. 4 sq. cm. copper foil to 5 cc. of water. i hour Colonies. 1 650 Colonies. 2 241 Colonies. 2 025 1 hour 1 836 1 944 2 349 Hhours 1 566 1 620 1 188 2 hours 1 485 1 674 1 188 2i hours 999 675 1 053 3 hours 1 134 972 918 3 hours 1 080 1 242 621 4 hours 783 837 360 8 hours 270 216 o 12 hours 097 24 o Experiment conducted in test tubes, each containing 5 cc. of sterilized water. The copper foil was sterilized, and added immediately before inoculating the tubes with the usual 3 mm. loop of a 24-hour culture of B. typhi. 38 METHOD OF DESTROYING ALG^E IN- WATER SUPPLIES. Effect upon Bacillus coli of exposure to colloidal solution of copper at room temperature. [Determination made in tubes of bouillon, -f indicates growth after 48 hours' inoculation; indicates no growth.] Duration of exposure to action of copper. Check. 15 sq. nun- copper foil in 10 cc. of water. 100 sq. mm. copper foil in 10 cc. of water. 225 sq. mm. copper foil in 10 cc. of water. 10 hours -)- -j- -)- _l- 16 hours + + + 20 hours . . + + + 50 hours + 4. + a Experiment conducted in test tubes containing 10 cc. each of sterilized water. The copper foil was sterilized and added immediately before inoculating the tubes with the usual 3 mm. loop of a 24-hour culture of B. coli. Effect upon Bacillus coli of exposure to colloidal solution of copper at room temperature. a [Determination made in Petri dishes.] Duration of exposure to action of copper. Check. 1 sq. cm. copper foil to 5 cc. of water. 4 sq. cm. copper foil to 5 cc. of water. hour '. Colonies. 3,888 Colonies. 2, 241 Colonies. 3,024 1 hour 3,456 1,971 2,025 li hours 2,592 1,512 2,754 2 hours 2,079 1,188 1,846 2* hour-! 3,969 1,242 999 3 hours 2,457 1,242 1,593 85 hours 1,566 1, 026 2,727 4 hours 1,323 1,323 810 8 hours 1,107 702 69 12 hours 297 348 a Experiment conducted in test tubes, each containing 5 cc. of sterilized water. The copper foil was sterilized and added immediately before inoculating the tubes with the usual 3-mm. loop of a 24-hour culture of B. coli. Effect upon par acolon of exposure to collodial solution of copper at room temperature. a [Determination made in tubes of bouillon. + indicates growth after 48 hours' inoculation; indi- cates no growth.] Duration of exposure to action of copper. Check. 15 sq. mm. copper foil in 10 cc. of water. 100 sq. mm. copper foil in 10 cc. of water. 225 sq. mm. copper foil in 10 cc. of water. 5 hours + -)- + 10 hours + + + 16 hours + + + _ 20 hours -f -j- 50 hours + + a Experiment conducted in test tubes containing 10 cc. each of sterilized water. The copper foil was sterilized and added immediately before inoculating the tubes with the usual 3mm. loop of a 24-hour culture ot paracolon. This experiment was duplicated upon another form of paracolon with exactly the same results. - COLLOIDAL SOLUTIONS. Effect upon paratyphoid of exposure to colloidal solution of copper at room temperature. [Determination made in tubes of bouillon. + indicates growth after 48 hours' inoculation; indi- cates no growth.] Duration of exposure to action of copper. Check. 15 sq. mm. copper toil in 10 cc. of water. 100 sq. mm. copper foil in 10 cc. of water. 225 sq. mm. copper foil in 10 cc. of water. 10 hours .... + + + + + + + 20 hours + + + -f a Experiment conducted in test tubes containing 10 cc. each of sterilized water. The copper foil was sterilized and added immediately before inoculating the tubes with the usual 3 mm. loop of a 24-hour culture of paratyphoid. Effect upon Microspira comma of colloidal solution of copper at various temperatures. a [Determination made in Petri dishes.] Duration of exposure to action of copper. Tempera- ture. Check. | sq. cm. copper foil to5cc. water. 2 sq. cm. copper foil to 5 cc. water. C. Colonies. Colonies. Colonies. 5 1,866 833 2,500 2 hours 15 2,500 733 2,433 26.5 3,500 4,600 333 30.5 4,556 1,666 533 5 1,533 52 29 4 hours 15 1,033 633 366 26.5 1,033 200 30.5 1,466 8 30 5 2,000 700 10 6 hours.. 15 3,033 45 17 26.5 3,600 300 30.5 1,066 4 8 Experiments conducted in test tubes, each containing 5 cc. of sterilized water, portions of which had been previously treated with the desired amounts of copper sulphate. All tubes inoculated with a 3 mm. loop of a 14-hour culture of M. comma. It is evident that the amount of surface exposed in any ordinary copper tank would far exceed the amount demanded for the above results, and it is likewise certain that after standing from 6 to 8 hours at room temperature in a clean copper vessel water becomes safe to drink even though it may have contained cholera and typhoid germs. It remains to be seen whether or not the application of these facts to conditions in the Tropics, where cholera is abundant, will be of any value. It would seem that the . construction of canteens and other water vessels from copper might serve as an additional safeguard, if not an actual preventive of this disease, and would prove of consider- able value where distillation or efficient filtration apparatus is not at hand. 40 METHOD OF DESTROYING ALGJ3 IN WATER SUPPLIES. CONCLUSIONS. It is believed that the foregoing experiments demonstrate the possi- bility of the use of copper sulphate for the destruction or prevention of growths of algae in water supplies, and that when used under the direction of a competent authority, it is the only practicable remedy for this trouble capable of universal application which has ever been proposed. It is, of course, probable that with the experience which must come from a wider opportunity for testing this salt, many improvements will be made in the practical application of the treat- ment to large bodies of water. However, it is hoped that the results already obtained, together with trials now under way, will make it possible to begin using this method within a short time upon a large scale throughout the country. NECESSITY OF KNOWLEDGE OF ORGANISM AND CONDITION IN RESERVOIR. It can not be too strongly emphasized, however, that harmless as the method undoubtedly is under proper control, it must always require a certain amount of definite knowledge in regard to the condition of the reservoir before any treatment can be made, even by those thoroughly able to conduct such an experiment. This is regarded as a fortunate requisite, since it will tend to prevent the irresponsible or careless dosing of reservoirs by incompetents, who are occasionally in charge of water supplies. Before the amount of copper to be added can possibly be known, it is absolutely necessary to ascertain the exact character of the organ- ism causing the trouble. This will make a microscopical examination of the first importance. Also, the sooner such an examination reveals the presence of the polluting form, the more effective will be the treat- ment. If examinations are made at short intervals during the entire year, it is possible to detect the troublesome forms at their first appear- ance and by prompt treatment to destroy the algae before the consumer is aware of any difficulty. The early detection of the algse will also make a considerable difference in the expense of the treatment, as it may require fifteen or twenty times as much copper to clean a reser- voir after the bad odor and taste are evident than it would could the application have been made before the organism began to rapidly multiply. In all cases the use of copper as a preventive rather than a cure is advocated, and this can not be intelligently applied unless the microscopical examinations are thorough and frequent at the time of year the trouble is to be anticipated. On account of the necessity of determining the nature of the organ- ism and the time of its appearance as nearly as possible, it will become as imperative for water companies to employ some one competent to CONCLUSIONS. 41 make these examinations as it now is to have a chemist or bacteriolo- gist. In fact, in regions where the difficulty from algae is great, the microscopical examination must take precedence of everything else as a means of keeping the water palatable and satisfactory to the consumer. In addition to the character of the organisms and the earliest possi- ble determination of their appearance, it has already been pointed out that the chemical constitution, the temperature, and other special con- ditions of the water are factors in determining the line of treatment. No specific instructions are given in this bulletin for the amount of copper sulphate which is to be used for each species of algae which is known to affect water supplies, because it is impossible to make a defi- nite statement without a knowledge of the conditions already men tioned. Each reservoir must be regarded as an individual case, re- quiring special knowledge and a particular prescription. It is believed that the public water supplies of this country are worthy of such spe- cial care, and it would be a matter of regret if the method proposed here should ever be regarded as a universal panacea to be used by everyone, regardless of the organism to be eradicated and the condi- tion of the water. APPLICATION OF METHOD FOR DESTRUCTION OF PATHOGENIC BACTERIA NOT DESIGNED TO REPLACE EFFICIENT MEANS OF FILTRATION ALREADY IN USE. The use of copper sulphate in clearing polluted reservoirs of patho- genic bacteria, such as typhoid and cholera, is regarded as incidental to the main purpose of the investigation. There already exists a most efficient mean's of preventing the appearance of these organisms in water supplies, and under no circumstances can it be considered that the method as described is expected to replace or supersede slow sand or any other efficient filtration. There are conditions, however, which sometimes make it desirable to thoroughly sterilize a reservoir, and under those circumstances the use of . copper sulphate is believed to offer a new and adequate way of dealing with the difficulty. Expe- rience has demonstrated the impossibility of compelling consumers of what may be an infected water to boil it, or observe other precautionary measures, and the absence of proper filtration plants in a very great number of cities and towns in this country makes it necessary that some efficient method for destroying disease germs in water be employed until the danger from pollution be past. Up to this time no satisfac- tory and yet harmless method has been known that would become effective in the course of a very few hours and the cost of which was in the reach of every community. It is believed that the results of the experiments upon typhoid and cholera germs described in this bulletin indicate that it will be possible under competent direction to employ copper sulphate with perfect safety in any municipal water 42 METHOD OF DESTROYING ALG^E IN WATER SUPPLIES. reservoir which may have become infected with some nonspore- forming disease germ. Its application to barnyard tanks and pools as a preventive of hog cholera may also prove to be of value. Since the selective toxicity of this salt renders it fatal to pathogenic forms peculiar to water, while the common saprophytic or beneficial bac- teria are unaffected, the method is particularly -well adapted for this purpose. MEDICINAL USE. While it is not within the province of this bulletin to discuss or recommend any line of medical treatment, reference should be made to the fact that certain eminent practitioners, after reviewing the results here published, are of the opinion that the use of copper in cases of typhoid fever and related diseases should be more thoroughly investigated than it has been heretofore. It was the testimony of sev- eral that other intestinal troubles, more recently presumed to be due to the presence of .certain disease germs in drinking water and milk, had responded most favorably to copper in one form or another. CONDITIONS UNDER WHICH THE DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE CAN FURNISH INFORMATION AND ASSISTANCE IN APPLYING THIS METHOD. The problem of destroying or preventing the growth of algse by the method devised in the laboratory of plant physiology in water reser- voirs, lakes, ponds, water-cress beds, and wherever these plants have become a pest, is one which distinctly comes within the province of the Department of Agriculture. Definite instructions as to the treat- ment to be followed will at all times be furnished to the proper author- ities who may desire assistance, and in so far as the limited facilities of the laboratory permit, determination will be made of the organisms causing the trouble. It is earnestly hoped that no tests of the method described here will be made without first consulting with the Depart- ment. Those most intimately connected with this work are constantly gaining information and experience, and this may prove of consider- able value, besides a saving of expense, to those who have occasion to exterminate algal pests. The treatment of water supplies for the destruction of pathogenic bacteria, or any application of the copper-sulphate method which has to do with public health, is not contemplated or indeed possible by this Department. The requests of private individuals or unauthorized bodies for information or assistance can not be granted. When State or local boards of health consider that the disinfection of a water sup- ply is desirable and wish information upon the subject it will be supplied as'f ully and freely as possible. All experiments of this kind, however, must be conducted by the board of health, and the Depart- ment can serve only in the capacity of an adviser. SUMMARY. 43 COST. No definite estimate of the cost of the treatment of a reservoir can be given, because of the special conditions governing each case. It is evident, however, that the maximum cost of material for exterminating algae can not exceed 50 to 60 cents per million gallons, and will often be less than half this amount. The cost for the copper-sulphate destruction of bacteria will be from $5 to $6 per million gallons, and where lime or some soluble hydrate is used in addition the cost would be increased about one-third. The cost of labor necessary to intro- duce these substances will be slight, since two men can usually treat from 10,000,000 to 20,000,000 gallons in less than three hours. SUMMARY. The importance of maintaining all public water supplies at the highest degree of purity and wholesomeness is too well recognized to require any discussion. The disagreeable odors and tastes so often present in drinking water are due almost exclusively to algae, although the economic importance of studying these plants has not been recognized until recent years. These algal forms are widely distributed, and reservoirs in many States have been rendered unfit for use by their presence. The methods now known for preventing or removing the odors and tastes caused by algae have proved unsatisfactory, either because of prohibitive expense or failure to accomplish result. It is therefore desirable that some new, cheap, harmless, and effective method be devised for ridding reservoirs of these pests. It has been found that copper sulphate in a dilution so great as to be colorless, tasteless, and harmless to man, is sufficiently toxic to the algae to destroy or prevent their appearance. The mode of application makes this method applicable to reservoirs of all kinds, pleasure ponds and lakes, fish ponds, oyster beds, water- cress beds, etc. It is also probable that the method can be used for the destruction of mosquito larvae. At ordinary temperatures 1 part of copper sulphate to 100,000 parts of water destroys typhoid and cholera germs in from three to four hours. The ease with which the sulphate can then be eliminated from the water seems to offer a practical method of sterilizing large bodies of water, when this becomes necessary. The use of copper sulphate for the prevention of disease is regarded as incidental and is not designed in any way to supplant efficient pre- ventive measures now in use. It is believed, however, that up to this time no such satisfactory means of thoroughly, rapidly, and cheaply sterilizing a reservoir has been known. Since the selective toxicity of 44 METHOD OF DESTROYING ALG,E IN WATER SUPPLIES. copper sulphate renders it fatal to pathogenic forms peculiar to water, while the saprophytic or beneficial bacteria are unaffected, the method is particularly well adapted for this purpose. Definite knowledge in regard to what organisms are -present, the constitution of the water, its temperature, and other important facts are necessary before it is possible to determine the proper amount of copper sulphate to be added. A microscopical examination thus becomes as important as a bacteriological or chemical analysis. No rule for determining the amount of copper sulphate to be added can be given. Each body of water must be treated in the light of its special conditions. The cost of material for exterminating algae will not exceed 50 to 60 cents per million gallons and will usually be less. The destruction of pathogenic bacteria requires an expenditure of from $5 to $8 per million gallons, not including the cost of labor. O -iiuied from >ver.] 27. Letters on Agriculture in the West Indies, Spain, and the Orient. Price, 15 > 10 Mango in Porto Rico. 1903. Price, 15 cents. 29. The Effect of Black Rot on Turnips. 1903. Price, 15 cents. 30. Budding the Pecan. 1902. Price, 10 cents. 31. Cultivated Forage Crops of the Northwestern States. 1902. Price, 10 a i the White Ash Caused by Polyporus Fraxinophilus. 1903. Price, 10 cents. \orth American Species of Leptochloa. 1903. Price, 15 cents. 34. Silkworm Food Plants. 1903. Price, 15 cents. 36. Recent Foreign Explorations, as Bearing on the Agricultural Development of the Southern States. 1903. Price, 15 cents. 36. The "Bluing" and the "Red Rot" of the Western Yellow Pine, with S; Reference to the Black Hills Forest Reserve. 1903. Price, 30 cents. 37. Formation of the Spores in the Sporangia of Rhizopus Nigricans and of Phycomyces Nitens. 1903. Price, 15 cents. 38. Forest Conditions and Problems in Eastern Washington, Eastern Oregon, etc. 1903. Price, 15 cents. 39. The Propagation of the Easter Lily from Seed. 1903. Price, 10 cents. 40. Cold Storage, with Special Reference to the Pear and Peach. 1903. Price, 15 cents. 41. The Commercial Grading of Corn. 1903. Price, 10 cents. 42. Three New Plant Introductions from Japan. Price, 10 cents. 43. Japanese Bamboos and Their Introduction into America. 1903. Price, 10 cents. 44. The Bitter Rot of Apples. 1903. Price, 15 cents. 45. The Physiological Role of Mineral Nutrients in Plants. Price, 5 cents. 46. The Propagation of Tropical Fruit Trees and Other Plants. Price, 10 cents. 47. The Description of Wheat Varieties. 1903. Price, 10 cents. 48. The Apple in Cold Storage. 1903. Price, 15 cents. 49. The Culture of the Central American Rubber Tree. 1903. Price, 25 cents. 50. Wild Rice: Its Uses and Propagation. 1903. Price, 10 cents. 51. Miscellaneous Papers: Part I. The Wilt Disease of Tobacco and its Control. 1903. Price, 5 cents. Part II. The Work of the Community Demonstra- tion Farm at Terrell, Tex. Price, 5 cents. 52. Wither-Tip and Other Diseases of Citrus Trees and Fruits Caused by Col- letotrichum Glceosporioides. 1904. Price, 5 cents. 53. The Date Palm and its Utilization in the Southwestern States. Pr: cents. 54. Persian Gulf Dates and Their Introduction into America. 1903. Price, 10 cents. 55. The Dry Rot of Potatoes Due to Fusarium Oxyspormn. 1904. Price, 10 cents. >menclature of the Apple. [In press.] .">7. Metl ;> Used for Controlling and Reclaiming Sand Dunes. 1904. Price, 10 c< j nts. The Vitality and Germination [In Pi-ess.] xperiments with Pasture, Meadow, and Forage Crops in Nebraska. 1904. Price 10 cents. V Soft Rot of the Calla Lily. 1904. [In Press. ] 61. The Avocado: Its Propagation, Cultivation, and Marketing. 1904. [In press.] _-riculture. 1904. [In pr 63. Further Investigations of Rusts. 1904. [In press.]