EMSJNEERiNG LIBRARY ENGINE WORKS. "SCIENCE OUGHT TO TEACH US TO SEE THE INVISIBLE AS WELL AS THE VISIBLE IN NATURE; TO PICTURE TO OUR MIND'S EYE THOSE OPERATIONS THAT ENTIRELY ELUDE THE EYE OF THE BODY; TO LOOK AT THE VERY ATOMS OP MATTER, IN MOTION AND IN REST, AND TO FOLLOW THEM FORTH INTO THE WORLD OF THE SENSES." Tyndall. The United States Gazette of November 24, 1832, remarks : " A most gratifying experiment was made yesterday afternoon on the Phil- adelphia, Germantown aud Norristown Railroad. The beautiful locomotive engine and tender, built by Mr. Baldwin, of this city, whose reputation as an ingenious machinist is well known, were for the first time placed on the road. The engine traveled about six miles, working with perfect accuracy and ease in all its parts, and with great velocity." MATTHIAS W. BALDWIN, Pounder of the Baldwin Locomotive Works. 1 BeMcation, THIS WORK IS RESPECTFULLY DEDICATED TO THOSE DESIGNERS AND BUILDERS, WHOSE ENGINEERING SKII