LIBRARY OF THE University of California. Class t oov^X'h Ca-irobna. L.3-W ^^'^TaTv^Te^^et THE ELECTION LAW Instructions and Directions for Commissioners and Managers ol Elections EDITION OF 1909 Compiled by R. M. McCOWN SECRETARY OF STATE The State Company Columbia, S. C. b 5^^r^•^ J ■ • • • i.. :..:--i;j: INDEX Page. Instructions to managers 5 Instructions to commissioners 6 Qualifications of electors 8 As to residence, Sec. 4 (a). Registration, Sec. 4 (b) ; Sec. 175. Evidence of registration, Sec. 4 (c, d). Must produce proof of payment of taxes, Sec. 4 (c). Disqualification for registration. Sec. 6. When right to vote is not forfeited by non-residence, Sec. 7. Must vote whe're registration certificate entitled. Sec. 191. Provisions as to change of voting precincts, Sec. 191. Books of Registration — Where kept, etc., Sec. 192. Shall be furnished Commissioners of Election by Board of Registration, Sec. 193. If name of voter appears incorrectly thereon, Sec. 193. How certificates as to registration can be obtained, if name incorrectly appears, Sec. 193. Manner of Conducting Elections and Returning Votes — When election shall be held, Sec. 205. Commissioners and managers of election, appointment and qualification of. Sec. 206. Managers may appoint a clerk. Sec. 207. Chairman empowered to administer oaths. Sec. 207. When polls shall be opened. Sec. 207. Oath administered to electors offering to vote. Sec. 208. Peace officers shall be present, and no liquor sold. Sec. 209. When managers fail to attend. Sec. 209. Regulations as to ballots, Sec. 210, Separate ballots for certain officers. Sec. 211. Separate boxes for different ballots. Sec. 212. 327243 Provision for voting precincts in more than one Congres- sional District, Sec. 212. Arrangement for voting 'precinct, Sec. 212. Interference with voter when depositing ballot prohibited. Sec. 212. Shall require proof of payment of taxes. Sec. 213. Each Clerk shall keep a poll list, Sec. 214. How ballots shall be counted. Sec. 215. Returns to be made by managers; and what shall be de- livered to the Commissioners of Election, Sec. 215. County Board of Canvassers — Organization of. Sec. 216. Protests, Sec. 217. Shall transmit statements to Board of State Canvassers, Sec. 217. ^ Where statements shall be filed, Sec. 218. Requirements as to statements. Sec. 219. Statements shall be certified. Sec. 220. All papers shall be forwarded by express and mail, Sec. 221. Compensation of Commissioners, Managers, etc.. Sec. 222. Notices of election shall be paid at regular advertising rates. Sec. 222. County Commissioners shall audit accounts for boxes and certain other expenses. Sec. 222. Election of County Officers — When held. Sec. 253. Vacancy in. Sec. 254. Act to prevent treating on election days. Voting precincts — Where located, page 23. ELECTION LA^VS INSTRUCTIONS TO MANAGERS Managers are directed to provide a separate box for the amendments to the State Constitution submitted at this elec- tion. This box should be plainly and distinctly labeled. The returns of this election should be made in duplicate, as in the election of State and County officers, and separately attested by the Managers ; tickets, etc., being returned to the County Board of Canvassers as in other elections. Electors qualified to vote for members of the General Assembly are qualified to vote at this election. Duplicate poll lists should be kept, and duplicate returns and statements made. One of each should be sealed up and trans- mitted with the boxes, ballots, oaths, etc., to the County Board of Canvassers, and the other retained by the Managers. Especial care must be used in filling blanks. All numbers of votes cast should be written out in words at full length, in addition to Roman characters, thus, *'two hundred and ten (210)." Before the hour fixed for opening the polls Managers and Clerks must take and subscribe the Constitutional oath, which should be returned to the County Board of Canvassers with other papers. The Chairman of the Board of Managers can administer the oath to the other Managers and to the Clerk; a Notary Public must administer the oath to the Chairman. The Managers elect their Chairman and Clerk. Polls at each voting place must be opened at 7 o'clock a. m. and closed at 4 o'clock p. m., except in the City of Charleston, where they shall be opened at 7 a. m. and closed at 6 p. m. The Managers have the power to fill a vacancy, and if none of the Managers attend, the citizens can appoint from among the qualified voters the Managers, who, after being sworn, can conduct the election. *"'6 Each Clerk of the Board must keep a poll list, which shall contain one column headed ''Name of Voters," and the name of each elector voting shall be entered therein. Duplicate poll lists must be kept at each precinct. At the close of the election, the Managers and Clerk must proceed publicly to open the ballot boxes and count the ballots therein, and continue without adjournment until the same is completed, and make a statement of the result of each office and sign the same. Within three days thereafter, the Chairman of the Board, or some one designated by the Board, must deliver to the Com- missioners of Election the poll lists, the boxes containing the ballots and written statements of the result of the election. Managers of Election are not required under the present Constitution to seal up and transmit to the Secretary of State certified copies of returns of the election for Governor and Lieutenant Governor, but are now required to make their returns for these offices to the Commissioners of Election, who transmit them to the Secretary of State. Managers should send boxes, etc., to the County Board of Canvassers at the earliest possible moment. The Managers are allowed $i per day while actually em- ployed, and 5 cents per mile while going to and returning from (both ways) the courthouse for boxes and delivering returns, and in going to and returning from the polls to their homes. Clerks are allowed no mileage. Account for same should be made out on blank provided, signed by each Manager and Clerk, and returned to the County Board of Canvassers with the returns. INSTRUCTIONS TO COMMISSIONERS Commissioners appointed to conduct the election are requested immediately upon receipt of blanks for the election to carefully examine all forms provided, and in the event of error or deficiency notify the Secretary of State, in time to correct same. . Separate statements {in addition to the regular statements and returns) must he made by County Board of Canvassers of the votes cast for Governor and Lieutenant Governor. This return should he securely sealed and delivered to the Secretary of State for transmission to the General Assembly, by whom the result of this election is declared. Where the names of officers not voted for in your CourTty at this election appear in the forms provided for certificates, returns or other blanks, run pen through them. Use ink in filling- all blanks. Provision must be made for a separate box and return for the Constitutional amendment submitted at this election. Especial attention is called to the requirement that County Board of Canvassers make four separate returns of all elec- tions, including the election upon the adoption of amendment to the State Constitution. One return should be filed immediately the election is declared with the Clerk of Court, one return should be mailed to the Governor, one to the Secretary of State, and the remain- ing copy should be sent by express to the Secretary of State with all poll lists, precinct returns, etc. In these returns the votes received by each candidate should be written out in words at full length. Thus: "ten (lo)." Commissioners must advertise the election in one or more newspapers in their County in not exceeding two issues of each newspaper, in the form prescribed by the Secretary of State. Accounts for advertising are paid by the Comptroller Gen- eral at the rate of not exceeding ^one dollar per 75 words for the first and 50 cents per 75 words for second or subsequent insertion, in each of said newspapers. The type used must be not larger than solid brevier and no leads must be used. Accounts for advertising must be approved by the Commis- sioners of Election or a majority of them. The accounts of the Managers and Clerks, and Commis- sioners of Election, should be addressed to the Comptroller General, in a separate envelope from the returns of the 8 election, with authority to collect same endorsed thereon. These accounts must be itemized and properly aggregated. QUALIFICATIONS OF ELECTORS Extract From Constitution of 1895 Section 4. The qualifications for suffrage shall be as fol- lows: (a) Residence in the State for two years, in the County one year, in the polling precinct in which the elector offers to vote four months, and the payment six months before any election of any poll tax then due and payable : Provided, That min- isters in charge of an organized church and teachers of public schools shall be entitled to vote after six months' residence in the State, otherwise qualified. {h) Registration, which shall provide for the enrollment of every elector once in ten years, and also an enrollment during each and every year of every elector not previously registered under the provisions of this Article. {c) Up to January ist, 1898, all male persons of voting age applying for registration who can read any Section in this Constitution submitted to them by the registration officer, or understand and explain it when read to them by the registra- tion officer, shall be entitled to register and become electors. A separate record of all persons registered before January ist, 1898, sworn to by the registration officer, shall be filed, one copy with the Clerk of Court and one in the office of the Sec- retary of State, on or before February ist, 1898, and such persons shall remain during life qualified electors, unless dis- qualified by the other provisions of this Article. The certificate of the Qerk of Court or Secretary of State shall be sufficient evidence to establish the right of said citizens to any subse- quent registration and the franchise under the limitations herein imposed. (cf) Any person who shall apply for registration after Jan- uary 1st, 1898, if otherwise qualified, shall be registered: Pro- vided, That he can both read and write any Section of this 9 Constitution submitted to him by the registration ^officer or can show that he owns, and has paid all taxes collectible during the previous year on property in this State assessed at three hun- dred dollars ($300) or more. (e) Managers of election shall require of every elector offering to vote at any election, before allowing him to vote, proof of the payment of all taxes, including poll tax, assessed against him and collectible^ during the previous year. The production of a certificate or of the receipt of the officer authorized to collect such taxes shall be conclusive proof of the payment thereof. (/) The General Assembly shall provide for issuing to each duly registered elector a certificate of registration, • and shall provide for the renewal of such certificate when lost, mutilated or destroyed, if the applicant is still a qualified elector under the provisions of this Constitution, or if he has been registered as provided in subsection (c). Sec. 5. Any person denied registration shall have the right to appeal to the Court of Common Pleas, or any Judge thereof, and thence to the Supreme Court, to determine his right to vote under the limitations imposed in this Article, and on such appeal, the hearing shall be de novo, and the General Assembly shall provide by law for such appeal, and for the correction of illegal and fraudulent registration, voting and all other crimes against the election laws. Sec. 6. The following persons are disqualified from being registered or voting: First, Persons convicted of burglary, arson, obtaining goods or money under false pretenses, perjury, forgery, robbery, bribery, adultery, bigamy, wife-beating, house-breaking, receiv- ing stolen goods, breach of trust with fraudulent intent, forni- cation, sodomy, incest, assault with intent to ravish, miscege- nation, larceny, or crimes against the election laws : Provided, That the pardon of the Governor shall remove such disquali- fication. Second, Persons who are idiots, insane, paupers supported at the public expense, and persons confined in any public prison. Sec. 7. For the purpose of voting, no person shall be deemed 10 to have gaimpd or lost a residence by reason of his presence or absence while employed in the service of the United States, nor while engaged in the navigation of the waters of this State, or of the United States, or of the high seas, nor while a student of any institution of learning. Extracts From CoJe or Laws or Soutk Carolina, 1902 Section 175. No person shall be allowed to vote at any election hereafter to be held unless he shall have been regis- tered as herein required. Sec. 191. Every elector shall vote at the voting place in the polling precinct at which and in which his registration certificate entitles him to vote. When a new polling precinct is established by law, it shall be the duty of the Board of Registration to transfer from the books of registration the names of such electors registered to vote in other voting pre- cincts as should hereunder register and vote in the new voting precinct, and issue to such electors as may apply new registra- tion certificates for such new polling precinct, and such electors shall thereafter vote in the new polling precinct to which they have been transferred. In case of the removal of an elector from one precinct to another in the same County, such elector shall notify the Board of Registration of such County and surrender his certificate, and the said Board or Supervisor shall note the fact upon a proper book, and give to the elector a certificate for registration for the precinct into which he has removed. When one voting place has been changed to an- other in the same township or polling precinct, or when the name of the voting place has been changed since the last gen- eral election, the registration of electors for the former voting place shall be valid and effectual for the new voting place. Any registered elector who may reside nearer to a voting place in his polling precinct than the one at which he is entitled to vote, and desires to vote at such nearer voting place, shall upon the surrender of his certificate of registration be entitled to a new certificate entitling him to vote at such nearer voting place. II Sec. 192. The Board of Registration shall deposit the books and other records of registration for safe keeping in the office of the Clerk of Court of Common Pleas for their County, who shall keep the same with the other records in said office. The registration books and records shall be public records, open to the inspection of any citizen at all times, and shall not be removed from the office of the Clerk of Court by any per- son except the Board of Registration, who are authorized to take and keep the same as long as may be necessary to enable them or him to perform the duties herein imposed on them: Provided, That the books and records of registration shall not be kept anywhere else than in the office of the Clerk of the Court of Common Pleas or in the office of the Board of Regis- tration, except when used by the Board in the several polling precincts as required by this Act. Sec. 193. Immediately preceding each general election, or any special election, the Board of Registration shall furnish to the Commissioners of Election for their County two regis- tration books for each polling precinct in their County, con- taining in each the names of all electors entitled to vote at such precinct ; and no elector shall vote in any polling precinct unless his name appears on the registration books for that pre- cinct : Provided, That in case the name of any registered elec- tor does not appear, or incorrectly appears, on the registration books of his polling precinct, he shall nevertheless be entitled to vote upon the production and presentation to the Managers of Election of such precinct (in addition to his registration certificate) of a certificate of the Clerk of Court of Common Pleas that his name is enrolled in the registration book or record of his County on file in said Clerk's office, or a certifi- cate of the Secretary of State that his name is enrolled in the registration book or record of his County and on file in the office of the Secretary of State, or prior to the filing of such books or records, on or before the first of February, 1898, in the office of the Clerk and Secretary of State a certificate of a member of the Board of Registration of his County that his name is enrolled on the County registration book or records ; and it shall be the duty of the Clerk or the Secretary of State 12 or a member of the Board of Registration to furnish such cer- tificate without cost or charge, upon demand of any such elec- tor whose name appears upon the registration books or records of his County on file in the office of the Clerk of Court or in the office of the Secretary of State. The Commissioners of Election shall turn over said books to the Managers of Election of each polling precinct, who shall be responsible for the care and custody of said books, and the return thereof to the Com- missioners within three days after such election. The Com- missioners of Election shall return such books to the Board of Registration within twenty days after such election. Sec. 202. Each township as now or hereafter laid out and defined in the several Counties of this State, and in those Coun- ties where there are no such townships, the parish as formerly known and defined, is declared a polling precinct. In all cities and towns containing 5,000 inhabitants or more, where the same is divided into wards, each ward shall be a polling pre- cinct; and in the City of Charleston the polling precinct shall be the same as the voting precincts now established in the several wards of said city by law ; and in the County of Rich- land, that portion of Columbia Township outside of the cor- porate limits of the City of Columbia (as the said limits are now or may hereafter be by law established), shall constitute a separate polling precinct. The voting places within these polling precincts shall be the same as now or hereafter estab- lished by law : Provided, When there are more than one voting place in the polling precinct the elector for that precinct can vote at either polling place, to be designated on his certificate of registration by Board of Registration or Supervisor of Registration. THE MANNER OF CONDUCTING ELECTIONS AND RETURNING VOTES Section 205. That general elections for Federal, State and County officers in this State shall be held on the first Tuesday following the first Monday in November, 1896, and in every s 13 / second year thereafter, and at such voting places as have been or may be estabHshed by law ; and all general or special elec- tions held pursuant to the Constitution of the State shall be regulated and conducted according to the rules, principles and provisions herein prescribed. Sec. 206. For the purpose of carrying on such election, it shall be the duty of the Governor, and he is hereby authorized and empowered, at least thirty days prior to any such election, to appoint for each County three Commissioners of Election for Governor, Lieutenant Governor, State officers. Circuit So- licitors, members of the General Assembly and County officers, and three other Commissioners of Election for Presidential Electors and members of Congress, or either of said officers, who shall continue in office until their successors are appointed and qualified. The Commissioners of Election for State and County officers shall appoint three Managers of Election for such officers; and the Commissioners of Election for members of Congress and Presidential Electors, or either of said officers, shall appoint three other Managers of Election, for said officers for each polling place at each election precinct of the County for which they shall respectively be appointed, and none of said officers shall be removed from office except for incompetency or misconduct. The said Commissioners and Managers shall take and subscribe before any officer authorized to administer oaths, the oath of office prescribed by Section 26 of Article III of the Constitution, and the oath with respect to duelling, and the same shall be immediately filed in the office of the Clerk of the Court of Common Pleas of the County in which said Com- missioners and Managers shall be appointed, or, if there be no such Clerk, in the office of the Secretary of State. Sec. 207. The Managers may appoint a clerk to assist them in their duties, who shall take the oath of office prescribed by Section 26 of Article III of the Constitution, and the oath with regard to duelling, before the Chairman of the Board of Man- agers. The Commissioners and Managers at their first meet- ings, respectively, shall proceed to organize as a Board by appointing one of their number Chairman of the Board; and such Chairman, in each instance, is empowered to administer oaths. 14 Sec 208. The polls shall be opened, at such voting places as shall be designated, at 7 o'clock in the forenoon, and close at 4 o'clock in the afternoon of the day of election, except in the City of Charleston, where the closing hour shall be 6 o'clock, and shall be kept open during those hours without intermission or adjournment; and the Managers shall admin- ister to each person offering to vote an oath that he is qualified to vote at this election, according to the. Constitution of this State, and that he has not voted during this election. Sec. 209. The Deputy State Constables and other peace officers of each County are required to be present during the whole time that the polls are open and until the election is completed ; they shall prevent all interference with the Man- agers, act under their direction, and see that there is no inter- ruption of good order. If there should be more than one voting place in any County, the State Constable is empowered and directed to make such assignment of his deputies and other peace officers to such polling places as may, in his judgment, best subserve the purposes of quiet and order. All barrooms, saloons and other places for the sale of liquors by retail shall be closed at 6 o'clock of the evening preceding the day of such election, and remain closed until 6 o'clock in the morning of the day thereafter, during which time the sale of intoxicating liquors is prohibited. And in case all of the Managers shall fail to attend at the time and place appointed for holding such poll, or shall refuse or fail to act, or in case no Manager has been appointed for such poll, it shall be lawful for the voters present at the precinct voting place on that day to appoint from among the qualified voters of such precinct the Managers to act as Managers in the place and stead of the absent Managers, and any one of the Managers so appointed shall administer the oath to the other Managers : Provided, That in case the legally appointed Managers attend in a reasonable time, they shall take charge of and conduct the election. Sec. 210. The voting shall be by ballot, which ballot shall be of plain white paper, two and a half inches wide by five inches long, clear and even cut, without ornament, designation, mutilation, symbol or mark of any kind whatsoever except the 15 name or names of the person or persons voted for and the office to which such person or persons are intended to be chosen, which name or names, office or officers, shall be writ- ten or printed, or partly written or partly printed, thereon in black ink ; and such ballot shall be so folded as to conceal the name or names thereon, and, so folded, shall be deposited in a box to be constructed, kept and disposed of as hereafter pro- vided, and no ballot of any other description found in any election box shall be counted. Sec. 211. There shall be separate and distinct ballots for the following officers, to wit: i. Governor and Lieutenant Governor. 2. Other State officers. 3. Circuit Solicitor. 4. State Senator. 5. Members of the House of Representatives. 6. County officers. 7. Representatives in Congress. 8. Presi- dential Electors. On which shall be the name or names of the person or persons voted for as such officers, respectively, and the office for which they are voted. Whenever a vote is to be taken on any special question or questions a box shall be pro- vided, properly labeled for that purpose, and the ballots there- for on such question or questions shall be deposited therein. Sec. 212. The Commissioners of Election shall provide for each voting place a sufficient number of boxes to meet the requirements of the foregoing Section. In any case in which a voting precinct may form part of more than one Congressional District, if no other provision be made by law, the Commis- sioners of Election for the County in which such precinct is situated shall provide therefor separate boxes for every Con- gressional District within which the said precinct may be, and each voter at such precinct shall deposit his ballot for members of Congress in the box provided for the Congressional District within the limits of which he may reside. An opening shall be made in the lid of each box not larger than sufficient for a single ballot to be inserted therein at one time, through which each ballot received proper to be placed in such box shall be inserted by the person voting, and by no other. Each box shall be provided with a sufficient lock, and shall be publicly opened and inspected, to show that it is empty and secure, and locked just before the opening of the poll. The keys shall i6 be returned to the managers, and the box shall not be opened during the election. Each box shall be labeled in plain and distinct Roman letters with the office or officers voted for, and the Managers, on the demand of the voter, shall be required to read to him the names on the boxes. At each precinct a space or enclosure, such as the Managers of Election shall deem fit and sufficient, shall be railed off or otherwise provided with an opening at one end or side for the entrance of the voter, and the opening at the other for his exit, as a voting place in which to hold the election for the State, Circuit, County, and Federal offices. And the ballot box shall be so located as to be in view of persons outside of the polling place during the time of voting. A similar, but separate and distinct, space or enclos- ure shall be railed off, or otherwise provided, as a voting place for the election of Congressmen and Presidential Electors, at such distance from the polling place of State officers as the Commissioners of Election for each County shall determine and appoint for each election precinct. But one voter shall be allowed to enter any voting place at a time, and no one except the Managers shall be allowed to speak to the voter while in the voting place casting his vote. Sec. 213. The Managers of Election shall require of any elector offering to vote at any election, before allowing him to vote, in addition to the production of a registration certificate, proof of the payment of all taxes, including poll tax, assessed against him and collectible during the previous year. The pro- duction of a certificate or of the receipt of the officer authorized to collect such taxes shall be conclusive proof of the payment thereof. Sec. 214. Each clerk of the poll shall keep a poll list, which shall contain one column headed "Names of Voters," and the name of each elector voting shall be entered by the clerk in such column. Sec. 215. At the close of the election the Managers and Clerk shall immediately proceed publicly to open the ballot box and count the ballots therein, and continue such count, without adjournment or interruption, until the same is completed, and make such statement of the result thereof, and sign the same. 17 as the nature of the election shall require. No ballot shall be counted upon which there shall appear the name of an office, or the name of a person in connection with an office, other than that for which the box in which such ballot is found shall be designated and labeled. If, in counting, two or more like bal- lots shall be found folded together compactly, only one shall be counted, the other must be destroyed; but if they bear differ- ent names, all must be destroyed and none counted. If more ballots shall be found on opening the box than there are names on the poll list, all the ballots shall be returned to the box and thoroughly mixed together, and one of the Managers or the Clerk shall, without seeing the ballots, draw therefrom and im- mediately destroy as many ballots as there are in excess of the number of names on the poll list. Within three days there- after the Chairman of the Board of Managers, or one of them, to be designated in writing by the Board, shall deliver to the Commissioners of Election the poll list, the boxes containing the ballots, and a written statement of the result of the election in his precinct. FORMATION AND PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY CANVASSERS Section 216. The Commissioners of Election for Governor, Lieutenant Governor, State officers. Circuit Solicitor, members of the General Assembly and County officers, or either of said officers, shall meet in some convenient place at the County seat on the Tuesday next following the election, before i o'clock in the afternoon of that day, and shall proceed to organize as, and shall be, the County Board of Canvassers. They may ap- point some competent person as Secretary. The Chairman shall then proceed to administer the Constitutional oath to each member of the Board, as Canvassers, and to the Secretary, who shall, in turn, administer the same oath to the Chairman. The Commissioners of Election for members of Congress and Presi- dential Electors, or either of said officers, shall likewise meet at the same time at their Countv seat, and shall in like manner i8 proceed to organize as, and shall be, the County Board of Can- vassers for the election of the Federal officers aforesaid. Sec. 217. The said Board of County Canvassers, respec- tively, shall then proceed to canvass the votes of the County. When townships, or parts of tow^nships, of any County may not be in the same Congressional District, the proper Board of County Canvassers of such County, in canvassing the votes for Representatives in Congress, shall report separately the result of the votes of such townships, or parts of townships, for the Congressional District to which they respectively belong. The said Boards, respectively, shall have the power, and it is hereby made their duty, as judicial officers, to decide all cases under protest or contest that may arise, subject to appeal to the Board of State Canvassers. They shall make such statements of the votes of the County, as the nature of the election shall require, within ten days from their first meeting as a Board of County Canvassers, and transmit to the Board of State Canvassers any protest and all papers relating to the election. Sec. 218. Duplicate statements shall be made and filed in the office of the Clerk of the County; and if there be no such Clerk, duly qualified according to law, then in the office of the Secretary of State. Sec. 219. They shall make separate statements of the whole number of votes given in the County for Representatives in Congress, and separate statements of all votes given for other officers. Such statements shall contain the names of the per- sons for whom such votes were given, and the number of votes given for each, which shall be written out in words at full length. Sec. 220. There shall be prepared by the Commissioners three separate lists or statements, besides the lists to be filed in the office of the County Clerk, or Secretary of State, and each list shall be certified to as correct, over the signatures of the Commissioners, subscribed thereto. Sec. 221. After the final adjournment of the Board of County Canvassers, and within the time prescribed in this Chapter, the Chairman of said Board shall forward, addressed to the Governor and Secretary of State, one copy by mail and 19 one copy by express, the returns, poll list, and all papers apper- taining to the election. Sec. 222. Each Commissioner and Manager of Election shall receive for his compensation $i per day for his services while actually employed, and five cents per mile for necessary travel ; each Clerk of the Commissioners, and of the Managers, re- spectively, shall receive $i per day while actually employed; but no Commissioner, Manager or Clerk shall receive pay for more than three days. Notices of election published in any public gazette or County newspaper, by authority of the proper Board of Election Com- missioners, as required by law, shall be paid for at the rate prescribed by law for legal notices. To defray the expenses designated herein, the Comptroller General shall draw his warrant on the State Treasurer in favor of such Commissioners of Election, Managers of Election, Clerk of Commissioners or Managers, Messengers, and pro- prietor or printer of said gazette, for the amount of compensa- tion to which he may be entitled ; the same to be paid by the Treasurer out of any balance that may be in the treasury. The County Commissioners of the several Counties shall audit and pay all accounts for necessary expenses incurred by the Commissioners and Managers of Election for stationery, the making of election boxes, rents, and similar expenses in elections held in this State. ELECTION OF REPRESENTATIVES IN CONGRESS Section 236. Representatives in the House of Representa- tives of the Congress of the United States shall be chosen at each general election in the several Congressional Districts by the qualified voters thereof. 20 AN ACT TO Establish Congressional Districts in the State. Section i. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the State of South Carolina, That the State be divided into seven Congressional Districts, as follows : The First Congressional District shall be composed of the Counties of Charleston, Berkeley, Colleton, Dorchester, and Clarendon. The Second Congressional District shall be composed of the Counties of Aiken, Bamberg, Barnwell, Beaufort, Edgefield, Saluda, and Hampton. The Third Congressional District shall be composed of the Counties of Pickens, Oconee, Anderson, Abbeville, Green- wood, and Newberry. The Fourth Congressional District shall be composed of the Counties of Laurens, Spartanburg, Greenville, and Union. The Fifth Congressional District shall be composed of the Counties of Cherokee, Chester, York, Fairfield, Kershaw, Ches- terfield, and Lancaster. The Sixth Congressional District shall be composed of the Counties of Marlboro, Marion, Horry, Darlington, Florence, Williamsburg, and Georgetown. The Seventh Congressional District shall be composed of the Counties of Richland, Sumter, Orangeburg, Lee, and Lexing- ton. Sec. 2. Until the next apportionment be made by the Con- gress of the United States, each of the said Congressional Dis- tricts shall be entitled to elect one member to represent this State in the Congress of the United States. Sec. 3. All Acts and parts of Acts inconsistent with this Act be, and the same are hereby, repealed : Provided, That nothing herein contained shall affect the rights and duties of the Repre- sentatives of the House of Representatives of the Congress of the United States chosen in this State at the last general elec- tion in the several Congressional Districts of this State. Approved the 20th day of February, A. D. 1962. 21 ELECTION OF ELECTORS OF PRESIDENT AND VICE-PRESIDENT Section 239. When an election for President and Vice- President of the United States occurs, there shall be elected, by general ticket, as many Electors of President and Vice- President as this State shall be entitled to appoint ; and each Elector in this State shall have a right to vote for the whole number of such Electors ; and the several persons, to the num- ber required to be chosen, having the highest number of votes shall be declared and deemed duly appointed Electors. Sec. 240. The Commissioners of Election of each County shall make four certified copies of the statement of votes given for Electors in their County ; one of which copies shall be filed in the office of the Clerk of the County, if there be such Clerk duly qualified by law ; another of such copies they shall forth- with transmit to the Governor ; another to the Secretary of State ; and deliver the other as hereinafter directed. Sec. 241. The Commissioners of Election of each County shall appoint a messenger, and shall deliver to such messenger the remaining certified copy of the statement of the votes given in their County for Electors, securely enclosed and under seal, and such messenger shall proceed forthwith to deliver the same to the Secretary of State. THE ELECTION OF COUNTY OFFICERS Section 253. There shall be a general election for the fol- lowing County officers, to wit : County Supervisors and County Superintendents of Education, held in each County at every general election for members of the House of Representatives ; and for the election of Sheriff, Coroner, and Clerk of the Court of Common Pleas, at every alternate general election, reckon- ing from the year 1888, except as to the Counties of Berkeley and Cherokee, and except for Sheriff and Coroner in Hampton County. 22 The Probate Judge in every County, and the Clerk of Court in Berkeley and Cherokee Counties and the Sheriff and Coro- ner in Berkeley, Cherokee and Hampton Counties, shall be elected at every alternate general election, reckoning from 1890. Sec. 254. In the event of a vacancy at any time in any of the offices of any County of the State, whether from death, resignation, disqualification, refusal or neglect to qualify of the person elected or appointed thereto, expiration of the term of office, removal from the County, or from any other cause, the Governor shall have full power to appoint some suitable person, who shall be an elector of the County, and, upon duly qualifying according to law, Shall be entitled to enter upon and hold the office to which he has been appointed, if it be an elective office, until the next general election, when an election shall be held to fill the unexpired term, and the officer so appointed or elected shall hold said office for the term of said election or appointment, and until his successor shall qualify ; and if it be an office which was filled originally by appoint- ment, until the adjournment of the General Assembly at the regular session next after such appointment ; and shall be subject to all the duties and liabilities incident to said office during the term of his service therein. AN ACT TO Prevent Treating on Election Days. Section i. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the State of South Carolina, That it shall be unlawful hereafter for any person to sell, barter or give away or treat any voter to any malt or intoxicating liquor within one mile of any voting precinct during any primary or other election day, under a penalty upon conviction thereof of not more than one hundred dollars ($100), nor more than thirty (30) days' imprisonment with labor. Approved the 20th day of February, A. D. 1904.' 23 NAME AND LOCATION OF VOTING PRECINCTS IN THE STATE AS ESTABLISHED BY LA^V Abbeville County — In the County of Abbeville there shall be Abbevuie^^^ voting precincts as follows : Abbeville Court House, Antreville, Mount Carmel, Willington, Due West, Donaldsville, Lowndes- ville, Magnolia, Central School House, in Long Cane Town- ship, Clotworthy's Cross Roads, McCormick, Bryant's Cross Roads, Keowee, Rock Springs, Cheatam's Mill and Little River School House, in Due West Township. Aiken County — In the County of Aiken there shall be the Aiken •' / County. following voting precincts : Aiken Court House, Oakwood, Bath Mills, Kaolin, Banks' Mill, Creed's Store, Eureka, Foun- tain Academy, Graniteville, North Augusta, Kneece's Mill, Langley, Talatha Postoffice, Bloomingdale, Montmorenci, Shaw's Fork, Oak Grove Schoolhouse, Otts Schoolhouse, Page & Hawkins's Store, Perry, Salleys, Seivern, Silverton, Sunnyside, Wagener, Windsor, Vaucluse, Ellenton, White Pond, Kitching's Mill, Lybrand and Warrenville. Anderson County — In the County of Anderson there shall be Anderson voting places as follows : Anderson Court House, Belton, Cray- tonville, Centerville, Pendleton, Sandy Springs, Five Forks, Hopewell Schoolhouse, Slabtown, Williamston, Honea Path, Martin's Store, Milford's, Cedar Wreath Schoolhouse, Mof- fettsville, Williford's Store, Broyles' Mill, Tugaloo Academy, Starr, Iva, Piedmont Factory, Holland's Store, Pelzer, Hun- ter's Springs, Flat Rock, Neal's Creek Church, Cedar Grove Church, Bethany, Townville, Mt. Tabor, Orr Mill, Gluck Mill, Toxaway Mill, Piercetown, Old Friendship Schoolhouse, An- derson Cotton Mills, Brogon Mills, Walker McElmoyle, Long Branch, Three and Twenty Schoolhouse, Hopewell Springs, and Pelzer Mill No. 4, Concrete, Belton Mills, and Groye Schoolhouse. Bamberg County — In the County of Bamberg there shall be Bamberg voting precincts as follows : Bamberg, Denmark, Olar, Mid- ^"'^ ^' way, Ehrhardt, Kearn's Mill, Farrell's Store, Lee's and Govan. Barnwell County — In the County of Barnwell there shall be ^^^^^g^J^j^^y the following voting places : Allendale, Barnwell, Beldoc, 24 Blackville, Bull Pond Club House, in Bull Pond Township, Jerry, Snelling, Robbins, Kline, Dunbarton, Tinker's Creek Schoolhouse, Sycamore, Ulmers, Millett, Williston, Elko, Her- cules Creek Schoolhouse, in Fairfax. Beaufort County — In the County of Beaufort there shall be Beaufort the following voting places: Beaufort No. i, at or near Beau- oun y. £^^^ Court House ; Beaufort No. 2, at or near the Town Hall ; Port Royal, Grahamville, Tomotley, Hardeeville, Bluflfton, Barrell Landing, Lady's Island, Cherry Hill, Brick Church, and Paris Island. Berkeley County — In the County of Berkeley there shall be Berkeley voting places as follows : In the parishes of St. Thomas and County. g|._ Dennis, Cainboy and Bate's Still ; in the parish of St. James, Santee, Honey Hill ; in the parish of St. Stephens, St. Ste- phens, Gumville, Pineville and Bethera ; in the parish of St. John's, Berkeley, Eutawville, Calamus Pond, Pinopolis, Cross Graded School and Biggin Church ; and in the parish of St. James, Goose Creek, Holly Hill, Hilton's Cross Roads, Coop- er's Store and Cams' Cross Roads. Calhoun County — (Formed from portions of Lexington and Calhoun Orangeburg Counties. Act creating Calhoun County does not °"" ^"name voting precincts, and the Act of 1908 to amend the law in relation to names and locations of voting precincts is silent as to Calhoun County. Reference is made to this compilation for Lexington and Orangeburg Counties containing voting precincts now in Calhoun County and to Section 9, Article II, Constitution of 1895, and to Section 202, Code of 1902.) In the County of Charleston, outside the corporate limits Charleston of the City of Charleston, there shall be voting places as fol- County. lows : Public schoolhouse grounds on James Island, Moul- trieville, McClellanville, at or near Awendaw Bridge, in the Parish of St. James Santee ; Mount Pleasant in Christ Church Parish ; Brick Church, in St. Andrew's Parish ; Cedar Springs, on John's Island; Enterprise Postoffice, on Wadmalaw Island; Camp Ground, on Edisto Island ; and on Meeting Street Road outside of the corporate limits of the City of Charleston, and at the nearest available place to said corporate limits : Provided, 25 That nothing herein contained shall be construed to vary or affect the location of the voting precincts within the limits of the City of Charleston as now established by law. The registration and voting precincts in the County of Charleston within the limits of the City of Charleston shall hereafter conform to the Wards in which the City of Charles- ton is now by law divided, and registration and voting pre- cincts are hereby established therein, as follows : The first precinct of Ward One shall embrace all that portion of said Ward south of Broad street, east of Church street to Water street, south of Water street to Meeting street, east of Meet- ing street to South Bay street. The poll shall be held at or near the corner of Church and Water streets. The second precinct of Ward One shall embrace all that portion of said Ward south of Broad street, east of King street, west of Church street to Water street to Meeting street, west of Meet- ing street to South Bay street. The poll shall be held at or near the corner of Meeting and Tradd streets. The first pre- cint of Ward Two shall embrace all that portion of said Ward south of Broad street, west of King street to South Bay street, including south side of said street to Ashley River, east of Legare street to Tradd street, north of Tradd to Logan street, east of Logan to Broad street. The poll shall be held at or near the corner of King and Tradd streets. The second pre- cinct of Ward Two shall embrace all that portion of said Ward south of Broad street, west of Logan street to Tradd street, south of Tradd to Legare street, west of Legare street to Ash- ley River. The poll shall be held at or near the corner of New and Broad streets. The first precinct of Ward Three shall embrace all that portion of said Ward north of Broad street, south of Hasel street, east of Church street and Maiden Lane. The poll shall be held at or near the corner of State and Cum- berland streets. The second precinct of Ward Three shall embrace all that portion of said Ward north of Broad street, south of Hasel street, west of Church street and Maiden Lane and east of King street. The poll shall be held at Ma'rket Hall. The first precinct of Ward Four shall embrace all that 7lS portion of said Ward north of Broad street, south of Went- worth street, west of King street and east of Mazyck and Coming streets. The poll shall be held at or near the corner of Archdale and Beaufain streets. The second precinct of Ward Four shall embrace all that portion of said Ward north of Broad street, south of Wentworth street, west of Mazyck and Coming streets. The poll shall be held at or near the corner of Smith and Beaufain streets. The first precinct of Ward Five shall embrace all that portion of said Ward north of Hasel street, south of Calhoun street and east of Anson street. The poll shall be held at or near the corner of Laurens* and Middle streets. The second precinct of Ward Five shall embrace all that portion of said Ward north of Hasel street, south of Calhoun street, west of Anson and east of King street. The poll shall be held at or near the corner of Meeting and Society streets. The first precinct of Ward Six shall em- brace all that portion of said Ward north of Wentworth street, south of Calhoun street, west of King street and east of Pitt street. The poll shall be held at or near the corner of George and College streets. The second precinct of Ward Six shall embrace all that portion of said Ward north of Wentworth street, south of Calhoun street and west of Pitt street. The poll shall be held at or near the corner of Bull and Rutledge streets. The first precinct of Ward Seven shall embrace all that portion of said Ward north of Calhoun street, south of Mary street and east of Elizabeth street. The poll shall be held at or near the corner of Alexander and Charlotte streets. The second precinct of Ward Seven shall embrace all that portion of said Ward north of Calhoun street, south of Mary, west of Elizabeth street and east of King street. The poll shall be held at or near the corner of Hutson and Meeting streets. The first precinct of Ward Eight shall embrace all that portion of said Ward north of Calhoun street, south of Radclifife street, west of King street and east of Pitt and Thomas streets. The poll shall be held at or near the corner of Vanderhorst and Coming streets. The second precinct of Ward Eight shall embrace all that portion of said Ward north ^7 of Calhoun street, south of Raddiffe and Bee streets and west of Pitt and Thomas streets. The poll shall be held at or near the corner of Rutledge and Vanderhorst streets. The first pre- cinct of Ward Nine shall embrace all that portion of said Ward north of Mary street, south of Columbus street and east of Nassau and Hanover streets. The poll shall be held at or near the corner of Amherst and America streets. The second pre- cinct of Ward Nine shall embrace all that portion of said Ward north of Columbus, east of Hanover street to the city bound- ary. The poll shall be held at or near the corner of America and Cooper streets. The first precinct of Ward Ten shall em- brace all that portion of said Ward north of Mary street, south of Columbus street, west of Nassau and east of King street. The poll shall be held at or near the corner of Wolfe and Meeting streets. The second precinct of Ward Ten shall embrace all that portion of said Ward north of Columbus, east of King street and west of Hanover street to the city boundary. The poll shall be held at or near the corner of Line and Meeting streets. The first precinct of Ward Eleven shall embrace all that portion of said Ward north of Rad- diffe street, south of Spring street, west of King street and east of Rutledge avenue. The poll shall be held at or near the corner of Morris and Coming streets. The second pre- cinct of Ward Eleven shall embrace all that portion of said Ward north of Spring street, west of King street and east of Rutledge street to the city boundary. The poll shall be held at or near the corner of Line and Coming streets. The first precinct of Ward Twelve shall embrace all that portion of said Ward north of Bee street, west of Rutledge avenue, east of President street and its line of prolongation to the city boundary. The poll shall be held at or near the corner of Ashley and Spring streets. The second precinct of Ward Twelve shall embrace all that portion of said Ward north of Bee street, west of President street and its line of prolongation to the city boundary. The poll shall be held at or near the corner of Spring and Norman streets. 28 Cherokee County — In the County of Cherokee there shall be Cherokee voting places as follows : At Grassy Pond, Maud, Ezell's, County, ^j^-^^ Plains, Ravenna, Aliens, at Z. J. Petty's, Draytonville, Timber Ridge, Littlejohn's, at T. D. Little John's, Sarratt's, Wilkinsville, King's Creek, Cherokee Falls, Blacksburg, Buf- falo, Macedonia, Antioch, Butler, at Butler Schoolhouse, Wood, Thickety, Limestone, at Limestone Mills, Goucher, at C. E. Smith's store, and one at Pleasant Grove Schoolhouse, to be known as Pleasant Grove. There shall be four voting places in the town of Gaffney, as follows : At Holt's Store, in Ward One, to be known as Gaffney No. i ; one at the National Bank old building, to be known as Gaffney No. 2 ; one at W. L. Spake's Store, in Ward No. 5, to be known as Gaffney No. 3, and one at the opera house, to be known as Gaffney No. 4. Chester County — Chester Court House, Lowreyville, Carters, Chester at J. Wesley Carter's, Lands, Fishing Creek Church, Rodman "on S. A. L. Railroad, Rossville, John Simpson's, Wilksburg, J. E. Wylie's Store, Lansford, Cornwell's, Richbourg, Edge- more, Baton Rouge, Ferguson's Store, Fort Lawn and White's Store. Chesterfield County — In the County of Chesterfield, there Chesterfield shall be votingf places as follows : Chesterfield Court House, County. ^, , Cheraw, Marburg, Eli Brock's Mill, Wexford, Mount Croghan, Cross Roads, Ruby, Snow Hill, Jefferson, Catarrh, Dudley, Fox Place, McBee, Middendorf, Brown Springs, Bethel, Doug- lass' Mill, Grant's Mill, Patrick, Adams' Mill, and Winzo, in ^ the western part of Mount Croghan Township, and one at Plains. Clarendon County — Hodges Corner, Packsville, Chandlers, Clarendon Alcolu, Barron's Mill, New Zion, Turbeville, McFadden's ' Store, Forreston, Wilson Duffie's Store, Jordan, Manning, Davis' Cross Roads, St. Paul's, Summerton, Panola, Davis' Station. Colleton County — There shall be the following voting places Colleton in Colleton County : Warren's Cross Roads, Jacksonboro, oun y. /^(j^j^'g Ri^in, Green Pond, Cottageville, Maple Cane, Horse Pen, Hendersonville, Snyder's Cross Roads, Rice Patch, Belle's 29 Cross Roads, Smoak's Cross Roads, Doctor's Creek, Ashton, Lodge, Petit's Store, People's Club, Williams, Berarors Church, Walterboro, Hudson's Mill, Ruffin, Ritter, in Verdier Township, and Hickory Hill, in Adam's Run Township. Darlington County — In the County of Darlington there shall Darnngton^^ be voting places as follows : Darlington Court House, No. i ; Darlington Cotton Mill, No. 2 ; Mechanicsville, Society Hill, Leavensworth, Hartsville, Lydia, Lamar, Garner's Store, Early Cross Roads, Bethlehem Church, in Antioch Township, Mc- Coll's Branch, in Philadelphia Township, Palmetto, Lumber and Clyde, at Clyde. Dorchester County — In the County of Dorchester there shall Dorchester be voting places as follows : Cattle Creek Schoolhouse, in Koger Township, Reevesville, Saint George, Grover, Indian Field, Harleyville, Ross, Pregnalls, Beech Hill, Delemars, Knightsville ; and in Summerville there shall be two (2) voting precincts, No. i, at the Town Hall, near the Depot; No. 2 shall be held at the Old Town Hall. * Edgefield County — In the County of Edgefield there shall be Edgefield voting places as follows : Timmerman, Johnston, Trenton, Edgefield Court House, No. i, for Pickens Township, Edge- field Court House, No. 2, for Wise Township, Meeting Street, Pleasant Lane, Rehoboth, Plum Branch, Modoc, Red Hill, Cheatham's Store, Mathis, Liberty Hill, Meriwether Hall, Landrum's Store, Gregg and Elmwood. Fairfield County — In the County of Fairfield there shall be Fairfield voting places as follows : Albion, Centreville Schoolhouse, county. Blythewood, Feasterville, Gladden's Grove, Horeb, Haw's Store, Monticello, Ridgeway, Winnsboro, Woodwards, Long- town, at Jenkin's Store, Bear Creek, Greenbrier, Jackson's Creek Schoolhouse, and Jenkinsville. Florence County — There shall be voting places in Florence pjQj.gj^pg County as follows : In the City of Florence there shall be two, County. No. one (i) and No. two (2), Ebenezer, Timm'onsville, Car- tersville, James Cross Roads, Langston Schoolhouse, Mars Bluff, Evergreen, Hymansville, Cowards, Beulah, Tans Bay, 30 Hannah, Savage, Pleasant Grove, Oak Grove, Back Swamp, at McCall's Store, and at Claussen. Georgetown Georgetown County — In the County of Georgetown there County. gj^^jj be voting places as follows: Georgetown No. i, at or near Georgetown Court House; Georgetown No. 2, at or near Store of Southern Mercantile Company ; Sampit, Carver's Bay, Choppee, Black River, Potato Ferry, Pee Dee, Greers, Upper Wacamaw, Lower Waccamaw, near Waverly Mills; Santee, Cedar Creek Precinct, Bethel Crossing, Rosemary and Snow Mill. Greenville Greenville County — In the County of Greenville there shall County, be voting places as follows : Six in the City of Greenville, to be placed by the commissioners of election, one to be in each ward of said city, to bear the same number as the ward in which it is located ; Reedy River Mills, West Grantt School- house, Reedy Fork, S. E. Ware's, Fork Shoals, T. Henry Stokes', Old Fairview Academy, Pedew's Old Store, Butler's Cross Roads, Jonesville Academy, Batesville, Mission School- house, Taylor's Station, Double Springs Church, T. G. Mitch- ell's, Hellam's Crossing, S. W. Barton's (in Glassy Mountain Township), Merrittsville Schoolhouse, Jennings' Mill, Monta- gue, Piedmont Factory, Gowersville, Marietta, West Dunklin, New Schoolhouse, Locust, Tigerville, Reed's Schoolhouse; one box for Sampson and Poe Mills, to be located at Sampson ; one box for Brandon and Woodside Mills, to be located at or near the store of T. A. Honour, Jr. ; Bessie Reese's Store, Fountain Inn, Greer's, Simpsonville, Lima Schoolhouse, Monaghan Mills, Mountain Hill, A. W. McDavid's Store, at Woodville, Perea Church, and at James Wilson's Store. Greenwood Greenwood County — Greenwood, Coronaca, Cokesbury, County. p^Q^lggg^ Jones, Verdery, Callison, Ninety-Six, Bradley's, Troy, Phoenix, Kinard's Schoolhouse, Kirksey's, Paynes Cross Roads, Epworth, Algary, Dyson, Lyon and Ware Shoals. Hampton County — In the County of Hampton there shall County, be the following voting places : Brunson, Hampton Court House, Varnville, Early Branch, Gillisonville, Tillman, Brigh- ton, Ridgeland, Estill, Luray, Bonnett, Stafford, Scotia, Gif- ford, Seminole, Horse Gall, Grays, River's Mill and Hopewell. 31 Horry County — In the County of Horry there shall be vot-j^Qj.j.y ing places as follows : Adrian, Bayhoro, Blanche, Cedar Grove, County. Conway, Cool Spring, Daisy, Dog BluflF, Ebenezer, Farmer, Floyd's, Gallivant's Ferry, Greenwood, Green Sea, Hammond, Homewood, Joy, Knotty Branch, Little River," Loris, Marlow, Port Harrelson, Sandford, Schell, Spring Branch, Socastee, Taylorsville, Tilly Swamp, Vardelle, Wampee, and Withers. Kershaw County — In the County of Kershaw there shall be Kershaw voting precincts as follows : Camden Opera House, Rabon's Cross Roads, Blaney, Lang's Mills, Bethune, Westville, Buffalo Schoolhouse, Brewer's Store, Liberty Hill, McLeon's Branch, Mt. Zion's Church, Stockton Place, Hanging Rock, Kirkley's Store and Stoke's Schoolhouse. Lancaster County — In the County of Lancaster there shall Lancaster County. be voting precincts as follows : Lancaster Court House, Lan- caster Cotton Mills, Antioch, Pleasant Valley, Douglass Church, Lindsay, Thornwell, New Cut, Tradesville, Jackson- ham, Taxahaws, Welsh's, Carmel, Heath Springs, Flat Creek, at Flat Creek Church ; Belair, Primus, Dwight, Kershaw, Van Wyck, Elgin, at Elgin Station ; Montgomery, in Cedar Creek Township, and Haile Gold Mine. Laurens County — In the County of Laurens there shall be Laurens voting precincts as follows : Laurens Court House, Laurens Cotton Mill, Renno, Langston Church, Ora, Pleasant Mound, Young's Store, Stuart's Store, Powers, Gray Court, Dial's Church, Shiloh, Woodville, Tumbling Shoals, Brewerton, at T. T. Wood's : Daniel's Store, Tip Top, Mount Pleasant, Cross Hill, Mountville, Hopewell, Waterloo, Ekom, Clinton Cotton Mills, Clinton, Princeton, Watt's Mill, Cook's Store, Lang- ford's Station, Goldville and Lydia Mills. Lee County — In the County of Lee there shall be voting pre- l^^ county, cincts as follows : Bishopville Township, one at Bishopville and .one at Manville; of Lynchburg Township, one at Lynchburg; of St. Charles Township, one at St. Charles ; Mechanicsville Township, DuBose's Cross Roads ; ,of Spring Hill Township, one at Smithville ; Ionia Township, one at Ionia Schoolhouse, and one at McCaskill's Schoolhouse ; of Turkev Creek Town- 32 ship, one at Turkey Creek and one at Lucknow ; of Stokes Bridge Township, one at Stokes Bridge ; of Cypress Township, one at Cypress ; of Mt. Clio Township, one at Wisacky. Lexington County — In the County of Lexington there shall Lexington^ be voting places as follows : Lexington Court House, T. J. Draft's Store, Leesville, Gilbert, Gaston, Pool's Mill, Irmo, Ballentine, Chapin, Efird's Store, Peak's Station, W. P. Shealey's Store, Hilton, Samaria, Batesburg, Swansea, Red Store, Huffman's Burnt Mill, Brookland, Spring Hill, Falk's Schoolhouse, Red Bank, Brook, Lower Fork, at St. Andrew's Schoolhouse; Edmund, Pelion, Grout's Store, Steadman, De- lingo, Sandy Run, at Oak Grove; St. Matthew's, T. H. Shull's Store, and Summit. Marion County — In the County of Marion, there shall be Marion ^ voting places as follows: Ariel, at Back Swamp Schoolhouse; Bermuda, at Bermuda Postoffice, in Carmichael Township; Fore's Cross Roads, at or near the residence of Tracey E. Fore, in Kirby Township ; Campbell's Bridge, Cedar Grove, at Cedar Grove, in Wahee Township; Centerville, Dillon, Friendship, Hamer (formerly Carmichael), at Hamer, in Carmichael Township ; Kemper, Latta, Little Rock, Marion, Mt. Nebo, Mullins, Nichols, Old Ark, Temperance Hill, Fork, near Fork Depot, and one at Bennett's Store, to be called Judson, Harlees- ville Township, and one at Sellers, to be called Sellers, in Kirby Township, and one to be known as Zion, at or near Zion Depot. Marlboro County — In the County of Marlboro there shall Mariboro^^^ be voting places as follows : Bennettsville, Red Hill, Browns- ville, Hebron, Clio, McColl, Newtonville, Brightsville, at Goodwin's Mill ; Tatum, Joe Quicks, Cross Roads, Kollocks. Newberry County — In the County of Newberry there shall Newberry ^ be the following voting places : At Newberry Court House there shall be three polling places, one of which shall be located near the Newberry Cotton Mills, and one near the Mollohon Cotton Mills, Glympville, Helena, Mabinton, Whitmire, Beth Eden, Jalapa, Longshore's, Williams, Utopia, Prosperity, Hen- drix Mill, Sligh's, Jolly Street, Central Schoolhouse ; in Town- 33 ship No. 10, Pomaria, Walton, Mount Bethel, Saint Philips ; in No. II Township, Little Mountain, Union, at Union Academy; Kinard's, and Garmany's Academy. Oconee County — In Oconee County the voting precincts Oconee^^^^^^^ shall be as follows: Cherry Hill, Clemson College, Damascus, Double Springs, Earle's, Fair Play, Friendship, High Falls, Holly Springs, Jocassee, Little River, Long Creek, Madison, Newry, Oakway, Providence (near residence of W. H. Hunt), Richland, Salem, Seneca, South Union, Taber, Tamassee, To- keena, Tugaloo Academy, Walhalla, Westminster, West Union, Picket Post. Orangeburg County — In the County of Orangeburg there Orangeburg shall be voting places as follows : Ayers, Bowman, Branchville, Cedar Grove, Coke, Cordova, Dantzler's Postoffice, Ebenezer, Elloree, Felderville, Jamison, Livingston, North, Norway, Orangeburg, Phillips, Raymond, Rowesville, Sawyerdale, Springfield, Vance and Stokes, at or near the place of the late Dr. J. W. Stokes : Provided, That all persons holding registra- tion certificates entitling them to vote at Dantzler's Mill here- * tofore shall be entitled to vote at Felderville. Pickens County — In Pickens County there shall be voting pic^ens places as follows: Easley, Central, Liberty, Pickens Court county. House, Dacusville (at Looper's Gin), Pumpkintown, Eastatoe, Cross Plains (at Williams' and Freeman's Store), Cateechee (within five hundred yards of the company store), Peter's Creek (at Peter's Creek Academy), Mile Creek (at Mile Creek Church), Prater's (at Prater's Creek Church), Six Mile (at Six Mile Church), Calhoun, Holly Springs (at Holly Springs Church), Gap Hill, Hogsed's Store, Cross well Schoolhouse, Pleasant Grove (in Pumpkintown Township), Easley Cotton Mill, Glenwood Cotton Mill, and Rocky Bottom (at Rocky Bottom Schoolhouse), Flat Rock. Richland Countv— In the Countv of Richland there shall be Richland County. voting places as follows : In the Upper Township, Slighs, Tay- lor's Store, Killians, Wayside, at or near Wayside Schoolhouse ; in Center Township, Fairmount, at or near Fairmount- School- house or the railroad ; Davis, at or near William Thomas' resi- 34 dence; Horrell Hill, at Morrell's Store; Garner, Midway; in Lower Township, Eastover, Gadsden, Hopkins ; in Columbia Township, Olympia, on public road known as Bluff Road, at or near store of S. I. Riley's ; Waverley, at or near the fork of the Rice Creek Spring and Camden Roads ; Eau Claire, Shan- don; and in the City of Columbia, Ward i, Ward 2, Ward 3, Ward 4, and Ward 5. Saluda County — In the County of Saluda there shall be vot- Saiuda^^^^^^ ij^g places as follows: Saluda, Fruit Hill, at Fruit Hill Post- office ; May's Cross Roads, Big Creek, at Big Creek Postoffice ; Ellis' Store, Perry's Cross Roads, Denny's Cross Roads, Mount Willing, Holsten's Cross Roads, Ridge Spring, Wards, Richland Church, Kinard's Store, Fairview Schoolhouse, Holly's, at J. N. C. Fulmer's Store ; Dupont, at Geo. W. Bow- ers' residence, and Rushton's Store. Spartanburg County — In the County of Spartanburg there Spartanburg shall be voting places as follows : Antioch, Ardella, Arrow- wood, Arlington, Arkwright, Roebuck, Beaumont, Bishop, « Boiling Springs, Brannon, Campton, Campobello, Cannon's Camp Ground, Cashville, Gavin's, Cherokee, Clifton No. i, Clifton No. 2, Clifton No. 3, Crescent, Cowpens, Cross Anchor, Duncan, Enoree, Fair Forest, Fairview, Fairmount, Finger- ville, Gramling, Glendale, Glenn Springs, Green Pond, Go- lightly, Hobbey's, Hebron, Holly Springs, at Bruce's Store ; Inman, Landrum, Moore, Motlow's Creek, McKelvey's, New Prospect, Pacolet, Pacolet Mills (within five hundred yards of Company's Store), Paris, Pellam, Pauline, Reidville, Rich Hill, Saxon Mills, Spartan Mills, Switzer, Swain, Spartanburg No. I, Spartanburg No. 2, Spartanburg No. 3, Spartanburg No. 4, Spartanburg No. 5, Spartanburg No. 6, Trough, Tuccapaw, Valley Falls, Victor Mills, Walnut Grove, Wellford, Whitney, Woodruff, Wood's Chapel, Berry's, at Berry's Postoffice; Mount Olive, Brooklyn, Inman Mills, Arcadia Mills, Drayton Mills, Dutchman, at Brown's Store ; Cedar Springs, at School- house, and Mary Louise Mills. 35 ' Sumter County — In the County of Sumter there shall besumter voting places as follows: Sumter Court House No. i (situated in Ward i of the City of Sumter), Sumter Court House No. 2 (situated in Ward 2 of the City of Sumter), Sumter Court House No. 3 (situated in Ward 3 of the City of Sumter), Sum- ter Court House No. 4 (situated in Ward 4 of the City of Sum- ter), Stateburg, Providence, Rafting Creek, Oswego, Mayes- ville, Shiloh, Concord, Privateer Station, Wedgefield and Bloomhill, in Manchester Township. Union County — For the County of Union there shall be union voting places as follows : Union Court House, Cross Keys, °^" ^' Blackrock, Carlisle, Santuc, Adamsburg, Kelton, Jonesville, Gibbs, Coleraine, West Springs, and Lockhart Mills, to be located within five hundred yards of the factory ; one at Buffalo Mills, Bogansville Township; one at Monarch Mills, Union Township, and one at Excelsior Knitting Mills, the place to be designated by the Town Council. Williamsburg County — In the County of Williamsburg there wiiiiamsbUrg- shall be voting precincts as follows : Trio, Earle's, Sultan, County. Gourdin's, Greelyville, Salter's, Kingstree, Cedar Swamp, Cades, Morrisville, Vox, McAllister's Mill, Hebron Church, Indian Town, Lake City, Muddy Creek, Scranton, Prospect Church, Poplar Hill, Taft and Bloomingdale. York County — In the County of York there shall be voting york county, places as follows : Yorkville, Hickory Grove, Piedmont, at Piedmont Schoolhouse; Bethany, Forest Hill Academy, Fort Mill, Rock Hill, Coates' Tavern, Ogden, at Ogden School- house, in Bethesda Township; McConnellsville, Blairsville, Bullock's Creek, at Good's Store; Bethel, Clover, Newport, Sharon, Tirzah, Smyrna, Ebenezer, Aragon Cotton Mills. o YC 08722 A