IC-NRLF 350 m N ION 11 ADVERTISEMENTS. ESTABLISHED 1858. GEO. M. HAMMER & CO., L TD - 370, STRAND, LONDON, W.C. L SCHOOL FURNITURE, AND FITTINGS FOR Institutes, Laboratories, Libraries, Churches, Ac., ftc. J- SLIDING AND FOLDING PARTITIONS. CATALOGUES and ESTIMATES POST FREE. ADVERTISEMENTS. Ill CLOUGH'S CORRESPONDENCE COLLEGE, Temple Chambers, London f E.G, THE OLDEST AND HOST SUCCESSFUL CORRESPONDENCE COLLEGE. Recent Remarkable Successes. Mr. PERCIVAL T. DUNNING, 58, Beresford Road, North End, Portsmouth, a student of CLOUGH'S SCHOLARSHIP CLASS for December, 1905, was placed in m vlsipnj^of the First Class, Winning a Scholarship of 100, in accordance with CLOUGH'S SCHOLARSHIP PRIZE SCHEME. Miss MARIE R. CAMPBELL, Convent of Notre Dame, Blackburn, a- Student of CLOUGH'S SCHOLARSHIP CLASS for December, 1905 April, 1906, was placed in Division I. of the First Class, Winning a Scholarship of 100, in accordance with CLOUGH'S SCHOLARSHIP PRIZE SCHEME. N.B. These are BON A FIDE Successes, and both Students were in the Class for a full year's course. OVER ISO OTHER SUCCESSES IN THE FIRST CLASS. This is the FOURTH YEAR IN SUCCESSION that Students of Clough's Scholarship Class have been placed in DIVISION I. OF THE Flft&T CLASS; and besides the remarkable successes of the past four years, the following- distinguished position* on the Scholarship List have been taken by Clouuh'd Pupils : Nos. 1, 2 (three times), 3, 4, 6 (four times), 7 (twice), 8, 9 (twice), 1O (three times), and many others in the Firot Hundred. CERTIFICATE, JULY, 1903, CERTIFICATE, JULY, 1904, CERTIFICATE, JULY, 1905, nn CLOUGH'S STUDENTS 33 WERE PLACED IN THE OB AGO ULHOOi I in CLOU GH'S STUDENTS FinQT IIU WERE PLACED IN THE I lltO I inn CLOUGH'S STUDENTS 130 WERE PLACED IN THE JULY, 1906, FIRST CLASS. 276CAINED DISTINCTION In 390 SECTIONS. Such remarkable results prove the excellence of the Tuition provided. No other class can show anything approaching this record of Success. For Prospectus, Syllabus, and full particulars of any of CLOUGH'S CLASSES (P.T., PRELIMINARY CERTIFICATE, MATRICULATION, CERTIFICATE, &c.), write to The SECRETARY, Clough's Correspondence College, Temple Chambers, London, E.G. IV ADVERTISEMENTS. BRUSH DRAWING DANGER IN BRUSHES. It is well known that hair is capable of conveying the germs of disease. Hair used in the manufacture of artists' brushes passes through many hands, and through countries where even cholera and plague are not unknown. Particularly is consumption likely to be dis- seminated by means of brushes, owing to the tendency of many people to point a brush between the lips. Where foreign brushes are employed in a school it should be the urgent duty of some- body to see that each brush is properly steri- lized on the premises, as there is no likelihood of this having been done in foreign workshops. Every ounce of hair reaching Reeves' works is at once disinfected ; and, further, no finished brush made by Reeves leaves their works with- out being first passed through a sterilizing solution. Reeves' Brushes are the only Safe Brushes. ADVERTISEMENTS. from an articfe on " Comparison of br four years : REEVES'. 1st year, initial cost, 2|d. per child. 2nd year, further cost, nothing per child. 3rd year, further cost, notbing per child. 4th year, further cost, nothing per child. ushes for a period of OTHERS. 1st year, initial cost, Id. per - child. 2nd year, further cost, Id. per child. 3rd year, further cost, Id. per child. 4th year, further cost, Id. per child. RESULTS. In Cost (4 years) 2d. per child. In Work. A splendid tool all the time, with "spring" and "point." Pleasure to teacher and pupil. The above comparis< but is based upon the e of teachers from Lai Groats." RESULTS. In Cost (4 years) 4d. per child. In Work. Hairs always coming out. No "spring." Will not "point." Will never work well. Disgust to teacher and pupil. >n is not a fairy tale< xperience of thousands nd's End to John o' Heetfes' Brashes are all Made in London. Heetfes' Brashes afe the only Reliable Brashes. HeeVes' Brashes are not the Loiaest in Price. Reeves 1 Brashes are the Jlost Economical. ADVERTISEMENTS. HANDBOOK OF EDUCATION CONTAINING INFORMATION RESPECTING EDUCATION AUTHORITIES (CENTRAL AND LOCAL): THE SUPPLY OF POPULAR EDUCA- TION : PARTICULARS RELATING TO THE ORGANISATION, CURRICULA, FEES, SCHOLAR- SHIPS, FINANCIAL^ AND PROFESSIONAL CONDITIONS PREVAILING IN SECONDARY SCHOOLS : ATTENDANCE OF SCHOLARS : SCHOOL EQUIPMENT : STAFFING : SCHOOL DISCIPLINE : TENURE OF THE TEACHER'S OFFICE: SALARIES OF TEACHERS: CONFI- DENTIAL REPORTS: TRAINING OF TEACHERS: PENSIONS : EXAMINATIONS : AND OTHER PARTICULARS RELATING TO THE ORGANI- SATION OF EDUCATION, BOTH ELEMENTARY AND SECONDARY, THROUGHOUT ENGLAND AND WALES. BY J. H. YOXALL, M.A., AND ERNEST GRAY, M.A. (Officier de ? Instruction Publique.} 1907. PUBLISHED BY THE NATIONAL UNION OF TEACHERS, BOLTON HOUSE, 67 & 71, RUSSELL SQUARE, W.C. Price THREE SHILLINGS AND SIXPENCE (NET), Post Free, Three Shillings and Tenpence. (Ail rights rescii'cd. } Vlll ADVERTISEMENTS. Ui 111 tt IL o < E DC 5 o K (L Q. z o (0 UI _J Q. CO I o PREFACE!. PARLIAMENTARY Statutes and Regulations issued by the Board of Education indicate the conditions under which Grants are made by Par- liament in respect of public education throughout England and Wales. They furnish information respecting the manner in which Local Authorities must be constituted, and the procedure they must observe in the general conduct of their business. These Regulations are collected, arranged, and annotated in the N. U. T. edition of the Code. For the manner in which these Statutory and Departmental Regulations shall be enforced, for the spirit which should actuate managers and teachers within the schools, one may consult the "Suggestions for the Consideration of Teachers and Others," issued by the Board of Education in 1905, and forming with annotations and other educational particulars the "Companion to the N. U. T. Code." The present work is an attempt to complete the Survey of Popular Education throughout England and Wales. It is a complement of the other two, and with them may be regarded, it is hoped, as fully descriptive of English educational machinery working within the prescribed limits. The organisation of this great national service is traced and described in the following pages from the Central Authority at Whitehall to the village school. The efforts made by Education Authorities constituted under the Act of 1902 to supply or aid the supply of education, both higher ancl elementary, in their several districts, are sketched in sufficient detail to enable the reader to ascertain with ease the extent and character of existing school accommodation, to note deficiencies, and to estimate with some accuracy the demands for improvement which must be satisfied if England is to maintain her place amongst the intellectual and com- mercial communities of the civilised world. Particulars have been given respecting a large number of secondary schools. It is hoped that these will be of service to the general reader, particularly to parents seeking schools for their children, and of special interest to members of the teaching profession. Several sections of the work are devoted to articles on questions of school organisation. The state of the law on these questions is described, the practice of Education Authorities at home and abroad is reproduced, and we have ventured to make suggestions which we believe are in accordance with the practice of the most enlightened Authorities, and which have the general approval of the teaching profession. Only those who have been engaged in the collection of statistics regard- ing English education can appreciate the difficulty experienced in the compilation of a manual of this character. Some references are made in the Prefatory Memoranda to the various sections to the obstacles which have had to be overcome in preparing them for the press. It is sufficient to remark here that changes are being made with such surprising rapidity in almost every branch of popular education, that it is impossible to maintain accuracy up to the date of publication. It is more than probable, indeed, that publication itself will result in the production of that additional material which the most diligent search has hitherto failed to disclose. The following works have been consulted : Statistics and Reports pub- lished by the Board of Education, the Special Reports by the Board of Education (particularly the chapters dealing with Education in Europe and in the American States), publications of the French, German, and Swiss Governments, Handbooks, Reports, and Guides published by Local Education Authorities, the Public School Yeai Book, the Girls' School Year Book, etc., etc. But the main part of the work has been compiled from first-hand information, for which we desire to express our very deep acknowledgments to the officials of the Board of Education, town clerks, directors and secretaries of Local Education Authorities (who, 181686 PJJEFACE. with 'but few exceptions, have responded to our appeals in a most gener- ous manner), to the head teachers of a large number of schools, the members of the teaching profession serving'on Education Committees, to officers of Local Educational Associations, and others. We 'have enjoyed full access to the records of the National Union of Teachers, and these have been of material assistance to us in preparing the various sections dealing with school organisation. We believe that) this book represents the first eHort which has been made of this character in the history of English Education, and, in spite of the laborious care which has been bestowed upon its preparation, we are only too conscious of the fact that it will be readily open to criticism, that defects and inaccuracies in details may be discovered. Such defects, however, will not impair the general utility of the sections in which they may occur. The broad outlines of the picture presented will remain untouched, and any of our readers who direct attention to mistakes, or are good enough to send supplementary information, will receive the thanks, and their suggestions will have the full consideration of, THE EDITORS. Bolton House, Russell Square, W.C. May, 1907. INDEX TO ADVERTISERS. PAGE. Avant & Co. 448 Clough's Correspondence College... ... ... iii. Co-operative Permanent Building Society ... ... 590 Cresswell, Ball & Co 138 Educational Supply Association ... ... Cover Examinations Board, N.U.T. ... ... ... ... 470 Fisher's School Furniture Co. ... ... ... ... ... ... v iii. Hammer, Q-eo, M., & Co. ... ... ... ... ... ft. Hardy Patent Pick Co vi. Heywood, John, Ltd. ... ... ... ... x ii. Horle, F., & Co 448 Imperial Fine Art Co. ... ... ... .. ... ... Inset Illingworth, Ingham & Co. ... ... ... ... ... (53 Macmillan & Co. ... ... .. 470 Masters, Limited 470 Methuen & Co xxxv. Normal Correspondence College 390 N.U.T. Publications 67 Pitman, Sir I. & Song, Limited 428 Ralph, Holland & Co 591 Reeves & Co. ... ... ... j v . & v. Southport Physical Training College xxxvi. Teachers' Aid ... ... ... ... ... 544 Teachers' Orphanages 588 & 589 Teachers' Provident Society xi. & 469 The Teacher... . ... ... ... ... 544. Townsou iS: Mercer ... ... ... >t xv j Woolley, James, & Sons, Limited 448 ADTEBTIBEMENT. XI TEACHERS' PROVIDENT SOCIETY Founded by the National Union of Teachers a Quarter of a Century ago, Enrolled under Act of Parliament 38 and 39 Vic. TOTAL FUNDS 250,000 SAFE SUPPORTS Low Premiums Small Management Expenses Ro Directors' No Paid Canvassers Separate Manxmen* Fee Governing Board Elected by Members Total MEMBERS 18,500 SICK PAY From 5/- to 2 per week. Women-Eligible. ANNUITIES From 2/6 per week to 50 per annum. Premiums Returnable. LIFE ASSURANCE Lowest Rates. All Profits to Assured. Free Medical Examination. DEPOSIT BRANCH Sick Pay, Old Age Pay, and Life Assurance COMBINED. Worth the attention of every Teacher. ASSURANCE OF ANNUITY PREMIUMS 5O/ of Teachers will die before 65. Provide against loss by joining. ANNUAL INCOBE 75,000 '^AT^^tfUf' 'ff Iflf SAFE SUPPORTS! Rapidly Increasing Large Augmentation of Capital investment Sound Many ' Agen Every Year Moneys of Each Fund Separate Quinquennial Valuations and Bonuses AGENCIES 380 A SURE FOUNDATION. The Goodwill and Confidence of all Grades of Teachers] PROSPECTUS. ADMISSION FORMS, Post Free of* Bolton House, Russell Square, London. W.C. J. H. YOXALL, General Secretary. A. GOLDING, Assistant Secretary. Xll ADVERTISEMENTS. A SELECTION FROM JOHN HEYWOOD'S PUBLICATIONS The Globe Arithmetics. (SCHEME B. in SEVEN BOOKS.) Books T., II., and HI. 2d. each net, Paper ; 3d. each net, Cloth. Books IV., V., VI., VII. 3d. each net, Paper; 4d. each net, Cloth. Answers to each, 3d. each net, Cloth. By DB. GEORGE BEACH, M.A., Barrister-at-Law ; Examiner for National Union of Teachers, &c. An entirely new and carefully graduated series. Clear explanations of Rules, abundance of Problems ard Tests. Each Book is arranged for Three Terms. The Books are full of Teaching Hints, containing numerous worked Examples. They are admirably adapted for private as well as class work. Technical Terms are carefully explained. Special attention is devoted to the salient portions, such as Long Division, Proportion, Stocks, Mensuration, and the Metric System. Answers are reliable. Globe Three Term and Final Test Arithmetic Cards. By DE. GEORGE BEACH, M.A. Latest and Best Series. The " Acme " of Value and Utility. Bold figures and type. 40 Cards, with 21 Sums on each Card. Price 18. 3d. net per packet. \Viih 2 Books of Answers. Coloured Studies from Nature. 12 Sheets. Beautifully printed. Mounted on Rollers. Exquisite productions. Dahlia, Tog Rose, Nasturtium, Poppy, King Cup, Geranium, Sunflower, Fuchsia, Clematis, Daffodil, Tulip, Tiger Moth. 10s. 6d. net. John Hey wood's Nature Study Outlines. Uniform with above copies. Suitable for Coloured Crayons, Chalks, or Water Colours. Outlines faint, but clearly defined, and eminently suitable for Class Work in all Scl ools. 24 assorted in packet. 7d. net. Also each study in packet of 24. Tel. net. Size 30 by 20. The " Globe" Drawing Cards. COMMON OBJECTS IN LIGHT AND SHADE (drawn in Lead Pencil). A series of very effective copies drawn in Outline with pencil shading. Examples not too difficult. Soundly drawn, and will supply the best practice in Outline, in addition to am^le training in the elements of shading. Two Sets of 12 Cards in each Set, beaiing 38 Examples. 2s. per Set. Research Work on Popular and General Subjects. The Questions have all, at various times and in various Schools, bee -i givsn to. and in the main answered by, Scholars varying from Standards III. to VII. Tr.ey are the result of yr ars of experiercs, and have proved a very serviceable addition to the ordinary school work, having been put into practice with excellent results. A great success. Hundreds of favourable opinions from the scholastic profession and the Prets. By J. B. TOMLINSON, A.C.P. Questions, price 2d. net. Specially printed in large type. Second Edition. Answers, cloth boards, 18. net. Pimil Tparh^r'^ Diarv NOTES OF LESSON AND OBSERVATION mdry* BOOK. By ARTHUR M. WILSON. Post 4to, 196 pp., Is. 6d. net. An Indispensable Aid. John Hey wooers School Record and Diary Combined. Containing a Principal Teacher's Report Book, with Syllabus of Instruction and Examination Schedules, and an Assistant Teacher's Diary of Instruction, showing the daily progress of the teaching in each class. Compiled by H. DE BELL. Second Edition, 1s. 60. John Hey wood's Punishment Book. Arranged in conformity With the Education Department requirements. Extract from Revised instructions issued by His Majesty's Inspectors, Appendix II., Section 32 : " A separate book must be kept iu which every case of corporal punishment inflicted in the school should be entered." "Includes everything necessary, nothing redundant."- A Headmaster. F'cap broad folio oblong. 60 pages. 18. 6d. net. JOHN HEYWOOD, LTD., Deansgate and Ridgefielo, MANCHESTER; 20, 22, 24, 26, LAMB'S CONDUIT STREET, LONDON, W.C. CONTENTS. PAGE PREFACE ix INDEX xvii-xxxiv SECTION" I. EDUCATION AUTHORITIES. The Central and Local Organisation of Education in England and Wales ; The Board of Educa- tion ; Managers ; Inspectors ; Consultative Committee ; Teachers' Registration Council ; Local Education Authorities ; Constitution of Education Committees ; Names and Addresses of Education Authority Chief Officials; Secretary Local N.TJ.T. Association with Address 1 SECTION II THE SUPPLY OF POPULAR EDUCATION. Arranged in accordance with the Authorities constituted under the Education Act, 1902 ; Explanatory Memorandum ; Local Authorities ; Populations ; Education Rates (Elementary and Higher) ; Produce of a Penny Rate ; Public Elementary Schools (Council and Voluntary) ; Evening Schools ; County Schools; Grammar Schools; High Schools ; L.E. A. Secondary Day Schools ; Pupil Teacher Centres ; Training Colleges... ... ... 69 SECTION III. HIGHER EDU CATION. Detailed information respect- ing Schools of various types not being Public Elementary Schools ; Explanatory Memorandum ; Local Authority ; Schools ; Scholars ; Teaching Staff; Management; Fees; Endowment; Aid from Central and Local Authorities; Curricula; Scholarships 139 SECTION IV. SECONDARY EDUCATION. Professional Information ; Local Authorities; Schools; Appointment and Dismissal of Teachers; Pensions; Salaries ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 391 SECTIONS V. TO XI. REGULATIONS FOR THE CONDUCT OF SCHOOLS. SECTION V. SCHOOL ATTENDANCE : Financial Aspect ; Attendance Law ; Partial Exemption ; Full-Time Exemption; Statutory Regulations; Local By -Laws; Organisation; Attendance Officers; Teachers' Duties; Marking Registers; The Slip System ; Weekly Returns ; Special Courts ; Prosecutions ; Encourage- ment to Attendance 430 Regulations adopted by some Local Authorities 433 Compulsory Attendance ; the Practice in some other Countries ... 434 Attendance at Continuation Schools ; the Practice in some other Countries ... 437 XIV CONTENTS. Attendance By-Laws adopted throughout England and PAGE Wales, with information respecting Special Courts for hearing Non-Attendanee Cases, and By-Laws adopted under the Employment of Children Act, 1903 439 SECTION VI. SCHOOL MATERIAL. Quality, Contracts, Stores, Lists, Requisitions, Cost, Stock-taking, Wear and Tear, Soiled Material, Exchange of Readers, Local Regulations ... 449 SECTION VII. SCHOOL STAFFING. Sufficiency ; Large Schools; Small Schools ; Size of Classes ; Distribution of Staff; The Head Teacher ; Peripatetic Teachers ; Supply Teachers ; Efficiency of Staff; Dncertificated Teachers ; Supplementary Teachers ; Pupil Teachers ; The Training of Teachers 452 SECTION VIII. DISCIPLINE IN SCHOOLS. General Regulations; Expulsion of Scholars ; Discipline in Secondary Schools ; In Elementary Schools ; Illicit Punishments ; School Tasks ; View of Board of Education ; Teacher's Responsibility; Assistant Teacher's Duty; Local Regulations... 458 SECTION IX. APPOINTMENT AND DISMISSAL OF TEACHERS.- APPOINTMENT (Council Schools, Voluntary Schools). AGKEEMENTS; Conditions of Employment ; Elementary Schools ; Higher Elementary Schools; Secondary Schools; DISMISSAL (Council Schools, Voluntary Schools); Regulations adopted by Local Authorities . ... ... 463 SECTION X. SALARIES. Period of Payment ; Fixed in Amount ; In Secondary Schools ; Scales ; Amendment of Scales ; Suggestions ; Salary during Illness ; Local Regulations ; Method of Paying Salaries ; Regula- tions of certain Local Authorities 471 Scales adopted by Local Education Authorities in (a) Counties, (*) County Boroughs, () Non-County Boroughs, , (d) Urban Districts, for Head Masters, Head Mistresses, Assistant Masters and Assistant Mistresses in Public Ele- mentary Schools ' 476 Scales for Evening School Teachers 586 Scales for Secondary School Teachers 425 SECTION XI. CONFIDENTIAL REPORTS AND LOG-BOOK ENTRIES. Reports by Inspectors and Head Teachers ; Intention of Local Authority ; Evil Wrought by Want of Thought ; Warning to Young Teachers ; Conditions Governing Reports ; Frequency of Reports ; Reports a Source of Anxiety ; Log-book Entries ; Regulations ; Model Regulation ; Prof essional Opinion 542 SECTION XII. TRAINING OF TEACHERS. Importance of Subject; Object of Training ; Secondary School Preparations ; Scholarships ; The Pupil Teacher ; Professional School Specialisation ; Technical CONTENTS. XV Training ; Professional Training ; Leakage ; Co-ordination ; Popular PAGE Control; Success of Centres; Secondary School Supply; Official Pressure; In Rural Districts ; The Training College ; The Teacher's Certificate ; The Student's Declaration 545 SECTION XIII. PENSIONS TO TEACHERS. The Elementary School Teachers (Superannuation) Act, 1898, with Annotations ; Official Annuity Tables ; Form to be filled by an Applicant for a Disablement Allowance and returned to the Board of Education 552 SECTION XIV. TENURE OF THE TEACHER'S OFFICE. TENURE IN VOLUNTARY SCHOOLS : Retrospective ; Court of Appeal ; Appeal to Board of Education ; Article 15 ; Procedure ; Dismissal on Educational Grounds ; Dismissal on Religious Grounds ; Form of Notice ; Residence Difficulty; Scheme dealing with Residence. TENURE IN PROVIDED SCHOOLS : Transferred Teachers ; New Teachers ; Regulations respecting Appeals 564 SECTION XV. EXAMINATIONS FOR LABOUR CERTIFICATES AND AS A TEST OF SCHOOL EFFICIENCY. Individual Examin- ation ; Labour Certificates (Origin, an Anachronism, as a Test of Efficiency), View of the Board of Education ; Object of School Teaching ; Conflict of Methods ; Use of Examinations ; Labour Examinations should be Abolished ; School Examinations ; Examinations in Secondary Schools 571 SECTION XVI.-REGISTRATION OF TEACHERS. Prefatory Note, Statutory Rules and Orders, Appendices, Addendum ... ... ... 574 SECTION XVII. ADDRESSES OF SOCIETIES CONNECTED WITH POPULAR EDUCATION 582 XVI ADVERTISEMENTS. TOWNSON & MERCER, MANUFACTURERS OF Cbemical anb Scientific apparatus,. &c. pure Chemicals, an& Xaborator? Outfitters. 34, CAMOMILE ST., LONDON, E.G. Telegraphic Address: "TOWNSON, LONDON.' Telephone No. 2537 LONDON WALL. AWARDED GOLD MEDAL ST. LOUIS EXHIBITION 1904. SOLE AGENTS for the United Kingdom for MESSRS. BECpH'S SOfl'S^ ^tterdam, Balances and Weights. PAIITION nof be mislett b * Pi""* trading under a similar UAU I IUN. name, with whom there la not the slightest connection. BALANCES, with Open Beam, Agate Knives and Planes, and Improved Stops to take the Weight off the Knife Edges when not in use, Set Screws, and Pendulum for levelling, sensible to 1 milligramme. To carry 100 grammes ... 1 12s. 6d. ; 250 ... 1 15s. CONTRACTORS FOR THE SUPPLY OF Chemical, Physical, & Bacteriological Apparatus ETC., TO THE HOME AND COLONIAL DEPARTMENTS OF H.M. GOVERNMENT, WAR OFFICE, INDIA OFFICE, AND THE PRINCIPAL COUNTY COUNCILS, ETC. INDEX. PAGE Appointment and Dismissal of Teachers 463 Agreements with Teachers 464 Appointment in Council Schools ... 463 Appointment in Voluntary Sctcols .. 46* Dismissal in Council Schools 465 Dismissal in Voluntary Schools ... 466 Regulations of Various Local Authori- ties ... 467 AUTHORITIES. ^Arranged alphabetically intli particulars respecting Constitution of Education Com- mittee, Names and Addresses of OJ/iriitk, Educational Supply, Hir/Jnr Education, Salary Scales, School Attendance Regula- tions, $c. Aberdare. Education Authority, Committees, Officials, Addresses 64 Educational Supply 135 Salary Scale 530, 532, 534, 640 School Attendance Regulations ... 417 Abertillcry. Education Authority, C mmittees, Officials, Addresses 66 Educational Supply 136 Salary Scale 530, 532, 531, 540 School Attendance Regulations ... 447 Accrington. Education Authority, Committees, Officials, Addresses 30 Educational Supply 91 Salary Scale ... 427, 506, 510, 516, 620 School Attendance Regulations ... 443 Acton. Education Authority, Committees, Officials, Addresses 37 Educational Supply 107 Salary Scale ... 530, 532, 53 i, 536 School Attendance Regulations ... 446 Aldershot. Education Authority, Committees,* Officials, Addresses 20 Educational Supply 85 Salary Scale ... 530, 532, 534, 536 School Attendance Regulations ... 446 Anglesey. Education Authority, Committees, Officials, Addresses 61 Educational Supply 133 Higher Education 284,380 Salary Scale 476, 480, 482, 487 School Attendance Regulations ... Ml Ashton-under-Lyne. Education Authority, Committees, Officials, Addresses 30 Educational Supply 91 Salary Scale ... 506, 510, 516, 521 School Attendance Regulations ... 443 Aston Manor. Education Authority, Committees, Officials, Addresses 53 Educational Supply 123 Salary Scale ... 506, 510, 516, 521 School Attendance Regulations ... 413 PAGE Bacup. Education Authority, Committees, Officials, Addressee 30 Educational Supply 91 Salary Scale ... 506,510,516,521 School Attendance Regulations ... 413 Banbury. Education Authority, Committees, Officials, Addresses 42 Educational Supply .. 113 Salary Scale ... 506, 510, 516, 621 School Attendance Regulations ... 443 Banger. Attendance Byelawa 445 Salary Scale 529 Barking. Education Authority, Committees, Officials, Addresses ... ' 18 Educaoional Supply 82 Salary Scale ... 530, 532, 534, 536 School Attendance Regulations ... 446 Barnsley. Education Authority, Committees. Officials, Addresses 59 Educational Supply 129 Salary Scale 506,510, 516, 521 School Attendance Regulations ... 443 Barnstaple, Education Authority, Committees, Officials, Addresses 13 Educational Supply .78 Salary Scale 506, 510, 516, 621 School Attendance Regulations ... 443 Bar row- in -Fur ness. Education Authority, Committees, Officials, Addresses 26 Eduoationai Supply 93 Higher Education 108, 328 Salary Scale ... 426, 488, 490, 492, 493 Salaries in Eyening Schools 587 School Attendance Regulations ... 4il Barry. Education Authority, Committees, Officials, Addresses 64 Educational Supply 135 Salary Scale 530, 532, 534, 540 School Attendance Regulations ... 447 Bath. Education Authority, Committees, Officials, Addresses 44 Educational Supply 115 Higher Education 244,353 Salary Scale ... 488, 490, 492, 496 School Attendance Regulations ... 441 Bailey. Education Authority, Committees, Officials, Addresses 59 Educational Supply 120 Salary Scale 506.510,516 School Attendance Regulations ... 443 Beckenham. Elucation Authority, Committees, Officials, Addresses 25 Educational Supply 89 Salary Scale ... 427, 530, 532, 531, 530 School Attendance Regulations ... 446 XV111 INDEX. PAGE Bedford (Boro'). Education Authority, Committees, Officials, Addresses 6 Educational Supply 73 Salary Scale ... 506, 510, 516, 621 School Attendance Regulations ...443 Bedfordshire. Education Authority, Committees, Officials, Addresses 6 Educational Supply 73 Higher Education 142, 298 Salary Scale ... 476, 478, 480, 432 School Attendance Regulations ... 440 Berkshire. Education Authority, Committees, Officials, Addresses 6 Educational Supply 73 Higher Education 142,298 Salary Scale ... 476, 478, 480, 482 School Attendance Regulations ... 440 Berwick-on-Tweed. Education Authority, Committees, Officials, Addresses 41 Educational Supply Ill Salary Scale 506,510,516,521 School Attendance Regulations ... 443 Beverley. Education Authority, Committees, Officials, Addresses 57 Educational Supply 127 Salary Scale ... 506, 510, 516, 521 School Attendance Regulations ... 413 Bexhill. Education Authority, Committees, Officials, Addresses 51 Educational Supply 121 | Salary Scale ... 506, 510, 516, 521 School Attendance Regulations ... 443 Bilston. Education Authority, Committees, Officials, Addresses 47 Educational Supply 116 Salary Scale ... 530, 532, 534, 536 School Attendance Regulations ... 446 Birkenhead. Education Authority, Committees, Officials, Addresses , 8 Educational Supply 76 Higher Education 150, 303 Salary Scale ... 488, 490, 492, 498 School Attendance Regulations ... 441 Birmingham. Education Authority, Committees, Officials, Addresses 53 Educational Supply 124 Higher Education 262,364 Salary Scale ... 426, 488, 490, 492, 497 School Attendance Regulations ... 441 Blackburn. Education Authority, Committees, Officials, Addresses 26 Educational Supply 94 Higher Education 198, 328 Salary Scale ... 488, 490, 492, 497 School Attendance Regulations ... 441 Blackpool. Education Authority, Committees, Officials, Addresses 26 Educational Supply 94 Higher Education 200 Salary Scale ... 488. 490, 492, 497 School Attendance Regulations ... 441 PA&K Bolton. Education Authority, Committees, Officials, Addresses 27 Educational Supply 94 Higher Education 200, 328 Salary Scale ... 488, 490, 492, 497 School Attendance Regulations ... 442 Bootle. Education Authority, Committees, Officials, Addresses 27 Educational Supply 94 Higher Education 200, 329 Salary Scale ... 488, 490, 492, 497 School Attendance Regulations ... 442 Boston. Education Authority, Committees, Officials, Addresses ... 35 Educational Supply ... 99 Salary Scale ... 506, 510, 516, 621 School Attendance Regulations ... 443 Bournemouth. Appointment and Dismissal of Teachers' Regulations 467 Education Authority, Committees, Officials, Addresses 19 Educational Supply 86 Higher Education 180,318 Salary Scale ... 488, 490, 492, 497 School Attendance Regulations 434, 442 School Material Regulations 451 Bradford. Education Authority, Committees, Officials, Addresses 68 Educational Supply 131 Higher Education 280, 377 Salary Scale ... 426, 488, 490, 492, 497 School Attendance Regulations ... 442 Brecon. Education Authority, Committees, Officials, Addresses 61 Educational Supply 133 Higher Education 281, 380 Salary Scale ... 476, 480, 482, 487 Salaries in Evening Schools 686 School Attendance Regulations ... 441 Bridgwater. Education Authority, Committees, Officials, Addresses ... 44 Educational Supply 114 Salary Scale ... 506, 510, 516, 522 School Attendance Regulations ... 443 Bridlington. Education Authority, Committees, Officials, Addresses 67 Educational Supply 127 Salary Scale ... 506,610,516,622 School Attendance Regulations ... 443 Brighouse. Education Authority, Committees, Officials, Addresses 69 Educational Supply 129 Salary Scale ... 506, 510, 610, 522 School Attendance Regulations ... 443 Brighton, Education Authority, Committees, Officials, Addresses 5 Educational Supply 121 Higher Education 258, 362 Salary Scale ... 488, 490, 492, 498 School Attendance Regulations ... 442 INDEX. xix PAGE Bristol. Education Authority, Committees, Officials, Addresses 19 Educational Supply 84 Higher Education 176, 315 Salary Scale ... 426, 488, 490, 492, 498 School Attendance Regulations ... 442 Bromley. Education Authority, Committees, Officials, Addresses 23 Educational Supply 88 Salary Scale ... 506. 510, 516, 522 School Attendance Regulations ... 443 Buckinghamshire. Appointment and Dismissal of Teachers' Regulations 467 Education Authority, Committees, Officials, Addresses 7 Educational Supply 74 Higher Education 144,300 Salary Scale ... 476, 478, 480, 482 School Attendance Regulations 433, 440 Burnley. Education Authority, Committees, Officials, Addresses 27 Educational supply 94 Higher Education 200, 329 Salary Scale ... 488, 490, 494, 498 School Attendance Regulations ...442 School Material Regulations 451 Burslem. Education Authority, Committees, Officials, Addresses 46 Educational Supply 116 Salary Scale ... 506, 510, 516, 522 School Attendance Regulations ... 443 Burton-on-Trent. Education Authority, Committees, Officials, Addresses 45 Educational Supply 117 Higher Education 248, 356 Salary Scale ... 488, 493, 494, 498 School Attendance Regulations ... 442 Bury. Education Authority, Committees, Officials, Addresses ... 27 Educational Supply 94 Higher Education 200, 329 Salary Scale ... 488, 490, 494, 498 School Attendance Regulations ... 442 Bury St. Edmunds. Education Authority, Committees, Officials, Addresses 49 Educational Supply 119 Salary Scale ... 606, 510, 516, 522 School Attendance Regulations ... 443 Cambridge. Education Authority, Committees, Officials, Addresses 8 Educational Supply 74 Salary Scale ... 506. 510, 516, 522 School Attendance Regulations ... 443 Cambridgeshire. Education Authority, Committees, Officials, Addresses 8 Educational Supply 74 Higher Education 144, 300 Salary Scale ... 476, 478, 480, 483 Salaries in Evening Schools 586 School Attendance Regulations ... 410 PAGB i Can nock. Education Authority, Committees, Officials, Addresses 47 Educational Supply 116 Salary Scale ... 530, 532, 63i, 536 School Attendance Regulations ... 446 Canterbury. Education Authority, Committees, Officials, Addresses 23 Educational Supply 90 Higher Education 194, 325 Salary Scale ... 488, 490, 494, 498 School Attendance Regulations ... 442 Cardiff. Education Authority, Committees, Officials, Addresses 63 Educational Supply 135 Higher Education 292,385 Salary Scale ... 427,490,492,496,504 School Attendance Regulations ... 443 Cardiganshire. Education Authority, Committees, Officials, Addresses 62 Educational Supply 1*8 Higher Education 286, 381 Salary Scale 476, 480, 482 School Attendance Regulations ... 441 j Carlisle. Education Authority, Committees, Officials, Addresses 11 Educational Supply 77 Salary Scale ... 506. 510, 516, 622 School Attendance Regulations ... 443 | Carmarthen. Education Authority, Committees, Officials, Addresses 62 Educational Supply 133 Salary Scale ... 510, 614, 520, 529 School Attendance Regulations ... 445 Carmarthenshire. Education Authority, Committees, Officials, Addresses 62 Educational Supply 133 Higher Education 286, 381 Salary Scale ... 476, 480, 482, 487 School Attendance Regulations ... 441 Carnarvonshire. Education Authority, Committees, Officials, Addresses 62 Educational Supply 134 Higher Education 286, 382 Salary Scale ... 476, 480, 482, 487 School Attendance Regulations ... 441 Chadderton. Education Authority, Committees, Officials, Addresses 33 Education Supply 92 Salary Scale ... 530,632,534,636 Salaries in Evening Schools 587 School Attendance Regulations ... 446 Chatham. Education Authority, Committees, Officials, Addresses 23 Educational Supply 88 Salary Scale ... 506, 510, 616, 622 School Attendance Regulations ... 443 C helms-ford. Education Authority, Committees, Officials, Addresses 17 Educational Supply 82' Salary Scale ... 506, 510, 516, 522 School Attendance Regulations ... 443 XX INDEX. PAGE Cheltenham. Education Authority, Committees, Officials, Addresses 19 Educational Supply 84 Salary Scale ... 506, 510, 516, r>J School Attendance Regulations ... 413 School Material Regulations 151 Chopping Wycombe. Education Authority, Committees, Officials, Addresses 7 Educational Supply 74 Salary Scale 506, 510, 516, 522 School Attendance Regulations ... 443 Cheshire. Education Authority, Committees, Officials, Addresses ... 8 Educational Supply 75 Higher Education 116,301 Salary Scale ... 476, 178, 483, 483 School Attendance Regulations .. 110 Chester. Education Authority, Committees, Officials, Addresses 9 Educational Supply 76 Higker Education 152, 3K* Salary Scale ... 188, 190, 494, 198 School Attendance Regulations ... 442 Chesterfield. Education Authority, Committees, Officials, Addresses 12 Educational Supply 77 Salary Scale ... r>06, 519, 510, 522 School Attendance Regulations ... 11 : ! Chichester. Education Authority, Committees, Officials, Addresses 52 Educational Supply 122 Salary Scale ... 506, 510, 516, 522 School Attendance Regulations ... 443 Chiswick. Education Authority, Committees, Officials, Addresses 37 Educational Supply 107 Salary Scale ..- 630, 532, 534, 536 School Attendance Regulations ... 446 Chorley. Education Authority, Committees, Officials, Addresses 30 Educational Supply ... ... 91 Salary Scale ... 506, 510, 516, 522 School Attendance Regulations ... 443 Clitheroe. Education Authority, Committees, Officials, Addresses 30 Educational Supply 91 Salary Scale ... 506, 512, 516, 522 School Attendance Regulations ... 443 Colchester. Education Authority, Committees,' Officials, Addresses 17 Educational Supply 82 Salary Scale ... 505, 512, 516, 523 School Attendance Regulations ... 443 Collie. Education Authority, Committees, Officials, Addresses 30 Educational Supply 91 Sal-try Scale ... 427, 5f6, 512, 5 '6, 523 (School Attendance Regulations ... 443 PAGE Congleton. Education Authority, Commit' ees, Officials, Addresses 9 Educational Supply 75 Salary Scale ... 5 6 512, 516, 523 School Attendance Regulations ... 443 Cornwall. Education Authority, Committee?, Officials, Addresses 10 Educational Supply 76 Higher Education 152,304 Salary Scale ... 425, 476, 478, 480, 483 School Attendance Regulations ... 440 Coseley. Education Authority, Committees, Officials, Addresses 47 Educational Supply 116 Salary Scale ... 533, 532, 534, 536 School Attendance Regulations ... 446 Coventry. Appointment and Dismissal of Tea- chers' Regulations 467 Education Authority, Committees, Officials, Addres&es 63 Educational Supply 124 Higher Education 262,365 Salary Scale ... 488, 490, 494, 498 School Attendance Regulations ... 442 Crowe. Ed," cation Authority, Committees, Officials, Addresses 9 Educational Supply 75 Salary Scale 506, 512, 516, 523 School Attendance Regulations ... 44? Croydon. Education Authority, Committees, Officials, Addresses 49 Educational Supply 120 Higher Education 254,360 Salary Scale ... 488, 490, 494, 498 School Attendance Regulations ... 442 Cumberland. Education Authority, Committees, Officials, Addresses 11 Educational Supply 77 Higher Education 154,304 Salary Scale 476, 478, 480, 483 School Attendance Regulations ... 440 Darlington. Education Authority, Committees, Officials, Addresses 15 Educational Supply ... 80 Salary Scale 506,512,516,523 school Attendance Regulations ... 443 Darwen. Education Authority, Committees, Officials, Addresses 3 Educational Supply 91 Salary Scale 606, 512, 516, 5 at school Attendance Regulations ... 443 School Material Regulations 451 Deal. Education Authority, Committees, Officials, Addresses . 23 Educational Supply 88 Salary Scale 506,612,516 School Attendance Regulations ... 443 INDEX. xxi PAGE Denbighshire. Education Authority, Committees, Official*, Addresses 03 Educational Supply 134 Higher Education 288, 383 Salary Scale 47(5, ls(), 1*2 School Attendance Regulations ... 441 Derby. Education Authority, Committees, Officials, Addresses 12 Educational Supply 78 Higher Education 158,307 Salary Scale 488, 490, 4 J4, 498 School Attendance Regulations ... 442 Derbyshire. Education Authority, Committees, Officials, Addresses 11 Educational Supply .. 77 Higher Education 151, 305 Salary Scale ... 476,478,480,483 School Attendance Regulations ... 440 Devon port. Education Authority, Committees, Officials, Addresses i:j Educational Supply ... 79 Higher Education 1GO, 308 Salary Scale ... 488,490,491 4'J8 School Attendance Regulations ... 142 Devonshire. Education Authority, Committees, Officials, Addresses 13 Educational Supply 7S Higher Education l.-,n, :W7 Salary Scale ... 476, 47s, iso, ts'i School Attendance Regulations ... 440 Dewsbury. Education Authority, Committees, Officials, Addresses GO Educational Supply ... 129 Salary Scale ... 506, 512, 516, 523 School Attendance Regulations ... 443 Don caster. Education Authority, Committees, Officials, Addresses 60 Educational Supply 129 Salary Scale 506, 512, 516 School Attendance Regulations ... 443 Dorset. Education Authority, Committees, Officials, Addresses 14 Educational Supply 80 Higher Education 164,310 Salary Scale ... 476, 478, 480, 484 School Attendance Regulations ... 440 School Material 451 Dover. Education Authority, Committees, Officials, Addresses 23 Educational Supply *s Salary Scale ... 606,612,516,523 School Attendance Regulations ... 443 Dudley. Education Authority, Committees, Officials, Addresses 55 Educational Supply 127 Higher Education 268,369 Salary Scale ... 488, 490, 4'.I4, 491 School Attendance Regulations ... It-' PAGE Dukmfiolcl. Education Authority, Committees, Officials, Addresses 9 Educational Supply 75 Salary Scale ... 506, 512, 516, 523 School Attendance Regulations ... 444 Durham. Education Authority, Committtes, Officials, Addresses 15 Educational Supply 80 Salary Scale ... 508, 512, 516, 523 School Attendance Regulations ... 444 Durham Ad.C. Education Authority, Committees, Officials, Addresses 14 Educational Supply so Higher Education 166, 310 "Salary Scale ... 476, 478, 48 J, 1st School Attendance Regulations ... 440 Ealing. Education Authority, Committees, Officials, Addresses 37 Educational Supply 107 Salary Scale ... 506, 512, 516, 523 School Attendance Regulations ... 444 Eastbourne. Education Authority, Comnrttees, Officials, Addresses 51 Educational Supply 121 8alary Scale ... 506,512,616, 523 School Attendance Regulations ... 444 East Ham. Eiucation Authority, Committees, Officials, Addresses 17 Educational Supply 82 Salary Scale ... 506, 512, 516, 523 School Attendance Regulations ... 444 East Retford. Education Authority, Committees, Officials, Addresses 42 Educational Supply 112 Salary Scale ... 506, 512, 516, 524 School Attendance Regulations ... 414 Ebbw Vale. Education Authority, Committees, Officials, Addresses 66 Educational Supply 136 Salary Scale ... 539, 532, 534, 540 School Attendance Regulations ... 447 Eccies. Education Authority, Committee?, Officials, Addresses 31 Educational Supply 91 Salary Scale ... 506, 512, 516, 524 Sahool Attendance Regulations ... 441 Edmonton Education Authority, Committees, Officials, Addresses 37 Wducatioaal Supply 107 Salary Scale .. 530, 532, 534, 536 School Attendance Regulations ... 446 Ely. (See Isle of Ely.) En-field. Education Authority, Committees, Officiate, \ddresses 38 Educational Supply 107 Salary Scale ... 539, 532, 534, 636 School Attendance Regulations ... 446 XX11 INDEX. Erith. Education Authority, Committees, Officials, Addresses 25 Educational Supply 89 Salary Scale ... 530, 532, 534, 537 School Attendance Regulations ... 416 Essex. Education Authority, Committees, Officials, Addresses 16 Educational Supply 82 Higher Education 170,312 Salary Scale ... 476, 478, 450, 481 School Attendance Regulations 434, 440 Exeter. Education Authority, Committees, Officials, Addresses 13 Educational Supply 79 Higher Education 162, 308 Salary Scale ... 488, 490, 494, 499 School Attendance Regulations ... 442 Falmouth. Education Authority, Committees, Officials, Addresses 10 Educational Supp'y 76 Salary Scale ... 608, 612, 516, 524 School Attendance Regulations ... 444 Farnworth. Education Authority, Committees, Officials, Addresses 5 Educational Supply 8 Salary Scale ... 530, 532, 534, 537 School Attendance Regulations ... 415 Faversham. Education Authority, C)mmittees, Officials, Addresses 23 Educational Supply ... ... ... 88 Salary Scale ... 506, 512, 516, 524 School Attendance Regulations ... 444 Felling. Education Authority, Committees, Officials, Addresses : JJ Educational Supply ... ... ... 81 Salary Scale ... 530, 332, 534, 537 School Attendance Regulations ... 446 Fenton. Education Authority, Committees, Officials, Addresses 47 Educational Supply ... ... ... "6 Salary Scale ... 530,632,634,537 School Attendance Regulations ... 4-1 Finchley. Education Authority, Committees, Officials, Addresses 3 Educational Supply 107 Salary cale ... 5SO, 532, 531, 537 School Attendance Regulations ... 446 Flintshire. Education Authority, Coirmutees, Officials, Addresses (i:! Educational Supply ... 134 Higher Education 290,383 Salary Scale ... 478, 480, 482, 487 School Attendance Regulations ... 441 Folkestone. Education Authority, Committees, Officials, Addresses 24 Educational Supply 9 Salary Scale ... 500, 512, 516, 524 School Attendance Regulations ...444 PAGE Gateshead. Education Authority, Committees, Officials, Addresses 15 Educational Supply 81 Higher Education 168,311 Salary Scale ... 426, 489, 490, 494, 499 School Attendance Regulations ... 4l2 Gillingham. Education Authority, Comncittees, Officials, Addresses 24 Educational Snoply 88 Salary Scale * 506,512,516,524 School Attendance Regulations ... 444 Glamorganshire. E iucation Authority, Committees, Officials, Addresses 63 Educational Supply 135 Higher Education 29% 384 Salary Scale ... 478, 480, 482, 487 School Attendanca Regulations ... 441 Glossop. Appointment and Dismissal of Teachers' Regulations 467 Education Authority, Committees, Officials, Addresses 12 Educational Supply 77 Salary Scale 506,512,516,524 School Attendanre Regulations ... 444 School Material Regulations 451 Gloucester. Appointment and Dismissal of Teachers' Regulations 468 Education Authority, Committees, Officials, Addresses 19 Educational Supply 85 Higher Education 178,317 Salary Scale 488,490,494,499 School Attendance Regulations ... 442 Gloucestershire. Education Authority, Committees, Officials, Addresses 18 Educational Supply 84 Higher Education 174,314 Salary Scale 476, 478, 480, 484 School Attendance Regulations ... 440 School Matarial Regulations 451 Gorton. Education Authority, Committees, Officials, Addresses 33 Educational Supply 92 Salary Scale 530, 532, 534, 537 School Attendance Regulations ... 446 Gosport and Alverstoke. Education Authority, Committees, Officials, Addresses 20 Educational Supply 85 Salary Scale ... 530, 532, 531, 537 School Attandancj Regulations ... 446 Granthanv Education Authority, Committees, Officials, Addresses 36 Educational Supply 99 Salary Scale ... 506, 512, 516, 524 School Attendance Regulations ... 444 Gravesend. Education Authority, Committees, Officials, Addresses 24 Educational Supply 88 Salary Scale 506,512,516 School Attendance Regulations ... 444 INDEX. xxin PAGE Great Yarmouth. Education Authority, Committees, Officials, Addresses 39 Educational Supply 110 Higher Education 232, 346 Salary Scale ... 498, 490, 494, 499 School Attendance Regulations ... 442 Grimsby. Education Authority, Committees, Officials, Addresses 36 Educational Supply 99 Higher Education 212, 336 Salary Scale ... 426,483,490,494,499 School Attendance Regulations ... 442 Guild-ford. Education Authority, Committees, Officials, Addresses 50 Educational Supply 119 Salary Scale ... 506, 612, 516, 524, School Attendance Regulations ... 444 Halifax. Education Authority, Committees, Officials, Addresses 58 Educational Supply 131 Higher Education 280,378 Salary Scale ... 426, 4S8, 490, 494, 499 School Attendance Regulations ... 442 Hampshire (Southampton). Education Authority, Committees, Officials, Addresses 19 Educational Supply 85 Higher Education 178, 317 Salary Scale ... 476,478,480,485 School Attendance Regulations ... 441 Handsworth. Education Authority, Committees, Officials, Addresses 47 Educational Supply 116 Salary Scale ... 530, 532, 634, 537 School Attendance Regulations ... 446 Hartley. Education Authority, Committees, Officials, Addresses 45 Educational Supply 117 Higher Education 248, 356 Salary Scale 488,490,494 School Attendance Regulations ... 442 H arrogate. Education Authority, Committees, Officials, Addresses 60 Educational Supply 129 Salary Scale . . 503, 512, 516, 524 School Attendance Regulations. ... 441 Hartlepool. Education Authority, Committees, Officials, Addresses 16 Educational Supply 80 Salary Scale ... 506, 512, 516, 524 School Attendance Regulations ... 444 Harwich. Education Authority, Committees, Officials, Addresses 17 Educational Supply 82 Salary Scale 5J6, 512, 516 School Attendance Regulations ... -444 Haslingden. Education Authority, Committees, Oiliciais, A2 Salary Scale ... 530,532,531,537 School Attendance Regulations ... '446 Hornsey. Education Authority, Committees, Ollicials, Addresses 37 Educational Supply 107 balary Scale ... 5i)s, 51ii, 518, 525 School Attendance Regulations ... 444 XXIV INDEX. PAGE Hove. Education Authority, Committees, Officials, Addresses 51 Educational Supply 121 Salary Scale ... 508, 512, 518, 525 School Attendance Regulations ... 441 Huddersficld. Education Authority, Committees, Officials, Addresses 58 Educational Supply 131 Higher Education 282,378, Salary Scale 488, 490, 494, 499 School Attendance Regulations ... 442 Hull. (See Kingston-upon-Hull.) Huntingdonshire. Education Authority, Committees, Officials, Addresses 22 Educational Supply 88 Higher Education 186,321 Salary Scale ... 476, 478, 480, 484 School Attendance Regulations ... 440 Hyde. Education Authority, Committees, Officials, Addresses 9 Educational Supply 75 tialary Scale ... 508, 512, 518, 525 School Attendance Regulations ... 444 llfbrd. Education Authority, Committees, Officials, Addresses 18 Educational Supply 82 Salary Scale ... 530,532,534,538 School Attendance Regulations ... 446 Ilkcston. Education Authority, Committees, Officials, Addresses 12 Educational Supply ... ... 77 Salary Scale ... 508, 512, 518, 525 School Attendance Regulations ... 444 Ince-in-Makei-field. Education Authority, Committees, Officials, Addresses 33 Educational Supply 92 Salary Scale ... 530, 532, 634, 538 School Attendance Regulations ... 446 Ipswich. Education Authority, Committees, Officials, Addresses 48 Educational Supply 118 Higher Education 250, 357 Salary Scale ... 488, 490, 494, 499 School Attendance Regulations ... 442 Isle of Ely. Education Authority, Committees, Officials, Addresses 8 Educational Supply 74 Higher Education 146, 301 Salary Scale 476,478,480 School Attendance Regulations ... 440 Isles o-FScilly. Education Authority, Committees, Officials, Addresses 11 Educational Supply 77 Salary Scale 476,478,480 School Attendance Regulations ... 441 Isle of Wight. Education Authority, Committees, Officials, Addresses 21 Educational Supply 86 Hiarher Education 182, 319 Salary Scale ... 476, 478, 482, 486 School Attendance Regulations ... 441 J arrow. Education Authority, Committees, Officials, Addresses 16 Educational Supply 80 Salary Scale ... 508,512,518,626 School Attendance Regulations 434, 444 Kelffhley. Education Authority, Committees, Officials, Addresses 60 Educational Supply 129 Salary Scale 508, 512, 518, 625 School Attendance Regulations ... 444 Kendal. Education Authority, Committees, Officials, Addresses 54 Educational Supply 15S4 Salary Scale ... 508,512,518,525 School Attendance Regulations ... 444 Kent. Appointment and Dismissal of Teachers' Regulations 468 Education Authority, Committees, Officials, Addresses 22 Educational Supply 88 Higher Education 186,321 Salary Scale ... 425, 476, 478, 480, 484 School Attendance Regulations ... 440 Kettering. Education Authority, Committee?, Officials, Addresses 41 Educational Supply 110 Salary Scale ... 630, 532, 534, 538 School Attendance Regulations ... 446 Kidderminster. Education Authority, Committees, Officials, Addresses 56 Educational Supply 12rt Salary Scale 508, 612, 618 School Attendance Regulations ... 444 King's Lynn. Education Authority, Committees, Officials, Addresses 39 Educational (Supply 109 Salary Schle ... 608, 512, 518, 525 School Attendance Regulations ... 444 King's Norton and Northfield. Education Authority, Committees, Officials, Addresses 66 Educational Supply 126 Salary Scale ... 530, 532, 634, 538 School Attendance Regulations . . . 446 Kingston-upon-Hull. Education Authority, Committees, Officials, Addresses 67 Educatioaal Supply 127 Hisjher Education 270, 370 Salary Scale ... 426, 488, 490, 494, 499 School Attendance Regulations ... 442 Kingston-upon -Thames. Education Authority, Committees, Officials, Addresses 50 Educational Supply 119 Salary Scale ... 608, 512, 518, 525 School Attendance Regulations ... 444 INDEX. XXV PA0K Lancashire. Education Authority, Committees, Ollicials, Addresses 26 Educational Supply 91 Higher Education 194, 325 Salary Scale ... 476. 478, 480, 484 School Attendance Regulations ... 440 Lancaster. Education Authority, Committees, Officials, Addresses 31 Educational Supply 91 Salary Scale ... 508,512,518,525 Salaries in Evening Schools 587 School Attendance Regulations ... m Leamington Spa. Education Authority, Committees, Officials, Addresses 53 Educational Supply 123 Salary Scale ... 508, 512, 518, 525 School Attendance Regulations ... 445 Leeds. Education Authority, Committees, Officials, Addresses 58 Educational Supply 132 Higher Education 282,379 Salary Scale ... 426, 488, 490, 494, 499 School Attendance Regulations ... 442 Leicester. Education Authority, Committees, Officials, Addresses 35 Educational Supply 98 Higher Education 208, 334 Salary Scale ... 488,490,494,500 School Attendance Regulations ... 442 Leicestershire. Education Authority, Committees, Officials, Addresses 34 Educational Supply 98 Higoer Education 208, 334 Salary Scale ... 476, 478, 480, 484 School Attendance Regulations ... 440 Leigh Education Authority, Committees, Officials, Addresses 31 Educational Supply . 91 Salary Scale ... 508,512,518,525 School Attendance Regulations ... 444 Lewes. Education Authority, Committees, Officials, Addresses 52 Educational Supply 121 Salary Scale ... 508, 512, 518, 526 School Attendance Regulations ... 444 Leyton. Education Authority, Committees, Officials, Addresses 18 Educational Supply 82 Salary Scale ... 530, 532, 534, 638 School Attendance Regulations ... 446 Lincoln. Education Authority, Committees, Officials, Addresses 36 Educational Supply 99 Higher Education 212,336 Salary Scale ... 488, 490, 494, 500 School Attendance Regulations ... 442 PAGE Lincolnshire (Holland Ad. C.). Education Authority, Committees, Officials, Addresses 35 Educational Supply ... 99 Higher Education 210, 335 Salary Scale ... 470, 478, iso, 1st School Attendance Regulations ... 4-10 Lincoln (Kesteven Ad. C ). Education Authority, Committees, Officials, Addresses 36 Educational Supply 99 Higher Education 21<>, :r.\r> Salary Scale ... 476, 47s, 4*0. 184 School Attendance Regulations ... 410 Lincoln (Lindsey Ad. C.). Education Authority, Committees, Officials, Addresses 36 Educational Supply 99 fligher Education 212, 336 Salary Scale ... 170, 47s, ISO, 4s4 School Attendance Regulations ... 440 Liverpool. Education Authority, Committees, Officials, Addresses 27 Educational Supply 95 Higher Education 200,329 Salary Scale ... tss, 490, 494, 500 School Attendance Regulations ... 442 Llanelly. Education Authority, Committees, Officials, Addresses 62 Educational Supply 133 Salary Scale ... 427, 530, 532, 534, 540 School Attendance Regulations ... 447 London. Education Authority, Committees, Officials, Addresses 36 Educational Supply 100 Higher Education 2V2, :7 Salary Scale ... 476, 17*, !*'>, ^r, Salaries in Evening Schools ... . 586 School Attendance Regulations ... 110 Long-ton. Education Authority, Committees, Officials, Addresses 46 Educational Supply 116 Salary Scale ... 508, 512, 518, 526 School Attendance Regulations ... 444 Lough borough. Education Authority, Committees, Officials, Addresses 35 Educational Supply 98 Salary Scale ... 508, 512, 518, 526 School Attendance Regulations ... 441 Lowestoft. Education Authority, Committees, Officials, Addresses !'> Educational Supply 118 Salary Scale ... 427, 508, 512, 518, 526 Salaries in Evening Schools 587 School Attendance Regulations ... 444 Luton. Education Authority, Committees, Officials, Addresses 6 Educational Supply 73 Salary Scale ... 508,512,518 526 School Attendance Regulations .. 444 Macclesfield. Education Authority, Committees Officials, Addresses 10 Educational Supply ... 75 Salary Scale ... ">os, 512, "is 526 School Attendance Regulations .. 444 xxvi INDEX. PAGE Maidenhead. Education Authority, Committee?, Officials, Addresses 7 Educational Supply 73 Salary Scale ... 508, 512, 518, 526 School Attendance Regulations ... 444 ! Maidstone. Education Authority, Committees, Officials, Addresses 24 I Educational Supply 88 ; Salary Scale ... 508, 512, 518, 52G | School Attendance Regulations ...444! j Manchester. Education Authority, Committee?, Officials, Addresses 2R Educational Supply 90 Higher Education 202, 331 Salary Scale ... 426, 488, 492, 494, 501 School Attendance Regulations ... 442 Mansfield. Education Authority, Committees, Officials, Addresses 42 Educational Supply 112 Salary Scale ... 508, 512, 518, 526 School Attendance Regulations ... 444 Margate. Education Authority, Committees, Officials, Addresses 24 Educational Supply 88 Salary Scale ... 508, 512, 518, 526 School Attendance Regulations ... 444 Merionethshire. Education Authority, Committees, Officials, Addresses 65 Educational Supply 136 Higher Education 292, 386 Salary Scale ... 478,480,482,487 School Attendance Regulations ... 441 Merthyr Tydfil. Education Authority, Committees, Officials, Addresses 64 Educational Supply 135 Salary Scale ... 510, 514, 520, 529 School Attendance Regulations ... 445 Middlesbrough. Education Authority, Committees, Officials, Addresses 57 Educational Supply 128 Higher Education 274,373 Salary Scale ... 488, 492, 494, 501 fchool Attendance Regulations ... 412 Middlesex. Education Authority, Committees, Officials, Addresses 37 Educational Supply 107 Higher Education 226,343 Salary Scale ... 425, 476, 478, 480, 485 School Attendance Regulations ... 440 Middleton. Education Authority, Committees, Officials, Addresses 32 Education Supply 91 Salary Scale ... 508, 512, 618, 526 School Attendance Regulations ... 444 Monmouthshire. Education Authority, Committees, Officials, Addresses 65 Educational Supply 136 Higher Education 292,386 Salary Scale 178, 180, 482 School Attendanco Regulations ... 441 PA&K Montgomery. Education Authority, Committees, Officials, Addresses 65 Educational Supply 137 Higher Education 294, 387 Salary Scale ... 478, 480, 482, 487 School Attendance Regulations ... 441 Morecambe. Education Authority, Committees, Officials, Addresses 32 Educational Supply 91 Salary Scale ... 508, 512, 518, 528 School Attendance Regulations ... 444 Morley. Education Authority, Committees, Officials, Addresses 60 Educational Supply 129 Salary Scale ... 08, 512, 518, 526 School Attendance Regulations ... 444 Mossley. Education Authority, Committees, Officials, Addresses 32 Educational Supply 91 Salary Scale ... 508,514,518,526 School Attendance Regulations ... 444 Mountain Ash. Education Authority, Committees, Officials, Addresses 64 Educational Supply 135 Salary Scale ... 530, 532, 634, 640 School Attendance Regulations ... 447 Neath. Education Authority, Committees, Officials, Addresses 04 Educational Supply 135 Salary Scale 510, 514, 520 School Attendance Regulations ... 446 Nelson. Education Authority, Committees, Officials, Addresses 32 Educational Supply 91 Salary Scale ... 508, 514, 518, 626 School Attendance Regulations ... 444 Newark. Education Authority, Committees, Officials, Addresses 42 Educational Supply 112 Salary Scale ... 503, 514, 519, 626 School Attendance Regulations ... 441 Newbury. Education Authority, Committees, Officials, Addresses 7 Educational Supply 73 Salary Scale ... 508, 514, 518, 526 School Attendance Regulations ... 444 Newcastie-on-Tyne. Education Authority, Committees, Officials, Addresses 40 Educational Supply 112 Higher Education 234, 347 Salary Sc^le ... 488,492,494,501 School Attendance Regulations ... 442 Newcastle-u nder-Ly me. Education Authority, Committees, Officials, Addresses 46 Educational Supply 116 Salary Scale ... 508. 614, 518, 526 School Attendance Regulations ... 444 INDEX. XIVll PAGE Newport (Isle of Wight). Education Authority, Committees, Officials, Addresses 21 Educational Supply 86 Salary Scale ... 508, 511, 518, 527 School Attendance Regulations ... 444 Newport (Mon.). Education Authority, Committees, Officials, Addressas 65 Educational Supply 136 Higher Education 291 3*7 Salary Scale ... 490, -192, 19(5, r.05 School Attendance Regulations .. 413 New Windsor. (See Windsor.) Norfolk. Education Authority, Committees, Officials, Addresses 39 Educational Supply 109 Higher Education 230,345 Salary Scale ... 476,478,480,485 School Attendance Regulations ... 440 Northampton. Education Authority, Committees, Officials, Addresses 40 Educational Supply Ill Higher Education 232,346 Salary Scale ... 488, 492, 494, 501 School Attendance Regulations ... 442 Northamptonshire. Education Authority, Committees, Official?, Addresses 39 Educational Supply 110 Higher Education 232,346 Salary Scale ... 476, 478, 480, 485 Salaries in Evening Schools 586 School Attendance Regulations ... 440 Northumberland. Education Authority, Committees, Officials, Addresses 40 Educational Supply Ill Higher Education 234, 347 Salary Scale ... 476, 478, 480, 485 School Attendance Regulations ... 440 Norwich. Elucation Authority, Committees, Officials, Addresses 39 Educational Supply 110 Higher Education 230,345 Salary Scale ... 488,492,491,501 School Attendance Regulations ... 412 Nottingham. Education Authority, Committees, Officials, Addresses 41 Educational Supply J13 Higher Education 236,349 Salary Scale ... 426, 483, 492, 494, 501 School Attendance Regulations ... 442 Nottinghamshire. Education Authority, Committees, Officials, Addresses 41 Educational Supply 112 Higher Education 236, 348 Salary Scale ... 476, 478, 480, 485 School Attendance Regulations ... 440 Nuneaton and Chi'vcrs Coton. Education Authority, Committees, Officials, Addresses 54 Educational Supply 123 Salary Scale ... 530, 532, 534, 538 School Attendance Regulations ... 446 PAGE Oidbury. Education Authority, Committees, Officials, Addresses 56 Educational Supply 126 Salary Scale ... 530, 532, 534, 638 School Attendance Regulations ... 446 Oldham. Education Authority, Committees, Officials, Addresses 28 Educational Supply 96 Higher Education 206,332 Salary Scale ... 426, 488, 492, 494, 501 Salaries in Evening Schools 587 School Attendance Regulations ... 442 Ossett. Education Authority, Committees, Officials, Addresses 60 Educational Supply 129 Salary Scale ... 508,514,518,527 School Attendance Regulations ... 441 Oxford. Education Authority, Committees, Officials, Addresses 42 Educational Supply 113 Higher Education 238, 350 Salary Scale ... 488, 492, 494, 502 School Attendance Regulations ...442 Oxfordshire. Education Authority, Committees, Officials, Addresses 42 Educational Supply 113 Higher Education 238,349 Salary Scale 476, 478, 480 School Attendanca Regulations ... 410 Pembroke. Education Authority, Committees, Officials, Addresses 66 Educational Supply .. 137 Salary Scale ... 510, 514, 520, 529 School Attendance Regulations ... 446 Pembrokeshire. Education Authority, Committees, Officials, Addresses 66 Educational Supply 137 Higher Education 294,388 Salary Scale 478,480,483 School Attendance Regulations ... 441 Penge. Education Authority, Committees, Officials, Addresses 25 Educational Supply 89 Salary Scale ... 530, 532, 534, 538 School Attendance Regulations ... 446 Penzance. Education Authority, . Committejs, Officials, Addresses 11 Educational Supply 76 Salary Scale ... 508, 514, 518, 527 School Attendance Regulations ... 445 Peterborough. Education Authority, Committees, Officials, Addresses 40 Educational Supply Ill Salary Scale ... 508,514,618,^627 School Attendance Regulations ... 4-15 Peterborough (Soke of). Education Authority, Committees, Officials, Addresses ' 40 Educational Supply Ill Higher Education 232,346 Salary Scale 476, 47s, -4SO School Attendance Regulations ... 440 XXV111 INDEX. PAGE Plymouth. Education Authority, Committees, Officials, Addresses 13 Educational Supply ... 79 Higher Education 162, 309 Salary Scale ... 426, 488, 492, 494, 502 Salaries in Evening Schools 587 School Attendance Regulations ... 442 Ponte-fract, Education Authority, Committees, Officials, Addresses 60 Educational Supply 129 Salary Scale ... 508,614,518,627 School Attendance Regulations ... 445 Pontypridd. Education Authority, Committees, Officials, Addresses 64 Educational Supply 135 Salary Scale ... 530, 532, 534, 541 School Attendance Regulations ... 447 Poole. Education Authority, Committees, Officials, Addresses 14 Educational Supply 80 Salary Scale ... 508, 614, 518, 627 School Attendance Regulations ... 445 Portsmouth. Education Authority, Committees, Officials, Addresses 20 Educational Supply 86 Higher Education 182,318 Salary Scale ... 488,492,491,502 School Attendance Regulations ... 442 Preston. Education Authority, Committees, Officials, Addresses 28 Educational Supply . 97 Higher Education 206,333 Salary Scale ... 488, 492, 494, 502 School Attendance Regulations ... 442 Pudsey. Education Authority, Committees, Officials, Addresses 61 Educational Supply 129 Salary Scale ... 508, 514, 518, 527 School Attendance Regulations ... 445 RadciifFe. Education Authority, Committees, Officials, Addresses 34 Educational Supply 92 Salary Scale ... 530, 532, 534, 638 School Attendance Regulations ... 446 Radnorshire. Education Authority, Committees, Officials, Addresses 66 Educational Supply 137 Higher Education 296, 389 Salary Scale ... 478, 480, 492, 487 School Attendance Relations ... 441 Ramsgate. Education Authority, Committees, Officials, Addresses 25 Educational Supply 88 Salary Scale ... 608, 614, 518, 527 School Attendance Regulations ... 445 Rawtenstall. Education Authority, Committees, Officials, Addresses 32 Educational Supply 91 Salary Scale ... 508, 514, 518, 627 School Att?ndance Regulations ... 445 PAGE Reading. Education Authority, Committees, Officials, Addresses 6 Educational Supply 73 Higher Education 144, 299 Salary Scale ... 488, 492, 494, 502 School Attendance Regulations ... 442 Reigate. Education Authority, Committees, Officials, Addresses 50 Educational Supply 119 Salary Scale ... 508, 514, 518, 527 School Attendance Regulations ... 445 Rhondda. Education Authority, Committees, Officials, Addresses 65 Educational Supply ... 135 Salary Scale ... 427, 530, 532, 534, 541 School Attendance Regulations ... 447 Richmond. Education Authority, Committees, Officials, Addresses 60 Educational Supply 119 Salary Scale ... 427,608,514,518,627 School Attendance Regulatio as ... 445 Rochdale. Education Authority, Committees, Officials, Addresses ... 28 Educational Supply ... 97 Salary Scale ... 488, 492, 494, 502 School Attendance Regulations ... 442 Rochester. Education Authority, Committees, Officials, Addresses 25 Educational Supply 88 Salary Scale ... 608, 514, 518, 527 School Attendance Regulations ... 445 Rotherham. Education. Authority, Committee?, Officials, Addresses 69 Educational Supply 132 Higher Education 284,379 Salary Scale ... 488, 492, 494, 502 School Attendance Regulations ... 442 Rowley Regis. Education Authority, Committees, Official?, Addresses 47 Educational Supply 116 Salary Scale 530, 532, 534 School Attendance Regulations ... 446 Rutland. Education Authority, Committees, Officials, Addresses 43 Educational Supply 114 Higher Education 240,350 Salary Scale ... ... 476, 478, 480 School Attendance Regulations ... 441 Ryde. Education Authority, Committees, Officials, Addresses 21 Educational Supply 86 Salary Scale ... 508, 614, 518, 527 School Attendance Regulations ... 445 St. Albans. Attendance Byelaws 445 Salary Scale ... 508, 514, 518, 527 INDEX. XXIX PAGE St. Helens. Education Authority, Committees, Officials, Addresses 29 Educational Supply 97 Higher Education 200,333 Salary- Scale ... 48B, 492, -194, 502 School Attendance Regulations ... 412 Salfbrd. Education Authority, Committees, Officials, Addresses 29 Educational Supply 97 Higher Education 206,333 Salary Scale ... 427, 488, 492, 494, 602 School Attendance Regulations ... 442 Salisbury. Education Authority, Committees, Officials, Addresses 55 Educational Supply 125 Salary Scale ... 508, 514, 518, 527 School Attendance Regulations ... 445 Salop. (See Shropshire.) Scarborough. Education Authority, Committees, Officials, Addresses 58 Educational Supply 128 Salary Scale " ... 508, 514, 518, 627 School Attendance Regulations ... 446 Scilly. (See Isles of.) Sheffield. Education Authority, Committees, Officials, Addresses 59 Educational Supply 132 Higher Education 284,379 Salary Scale ... 488,492,494,503 School Attendance Regulations ... 442 Shipley. Education Authority, Committees, Officials, Addresses 01 Educational Supply 129 Salary Scale ... 530, 532, 631, 538 School Attendance Regulations ... 416 Shrewsbury. Education Authority, Committees, Officials, Addresses 43 Educational Supply 114 Salary Scale ... 608,514,518,527 School Attendance Regulations ... M5 Shropshire (Salop). Education Authority, Committees, Officials, Addresses 43 Educational Supply 114 Higher Education ' 240,351 Salary Scale ... 476, 478, 480, Is.-, School Attendance Regulations ... 441 Smcthwick. Education Authority, Committees, Officials, Addresses 15 Educational Supply 1 Hi Salary Scale ... 508, 514, 51s, 527 School Attendance Regulations ... H5 Some rsets h i re. Appointment and Disiriesal of Teachers' Regulations i'N Education Authority, Committees, Officials, Addresses V! Educational Supply Ill Higher Education 212, :r>2 Salary Scale ... 17<;, 178, isO, 1*5 School Attendance Regulations ... 411 PA.GI Southampton. Education Author'ty, Committees, Officials, Addresses 20 Educational Supply 8(i Higher Education 182,319 Salary Scale ... 127. l^s 1.92, Ml-, 5".'i School Attendance Regulations ... 112 Southend-on-Sea. Education Authority, Committees, Officials, Addresses 18 Educational Supply 82 Salary Scale .-.. :,< is, 511, 518, 527 School Attendance Regulations ... 4-15 South port. Education Authority, Committees, Official^, Addresses 29 ^Educational Supply 97 Higher Education 206, 333 Salary Scale ... 488, 492, 194, 503 School Attendance Regulations ... 442 South Shields. Education Authority, Committees, Officials, Addresses 15 Educational Supply 81 Higher Education 168. 312 Salary Scale ... 488,192,494,503 School Attendance Regulations ... 442 Staffordshire. Education Authority, Committees, Officials, Addressed 44 Educational Supply .... 116 Higher Education 246.354 Salary Scale ... 476,478,480,436 School Attendance Regulations ... 441 Staiybridge. Education Authority, Committees, Officials. Addresses 10 Educational Supply 75 Salary Scale ... 503, 514, 518, 528 School Attendance Regulations ... 415 Stockport, Education Authority, Committees, Officials, Addresses Educational Supply ... 70 Higher Education 152,303 Salary Scale ... 427, 488, 492, 491, 503 School Attendance Regulations ... 442 Stockton-on-Tees. Education Authority, Committees, Official-, Addresses 16 Educational Supply 81 Salary Scale ... 508,511,518,528 School Attendance Regulations ... 445 Stoke- upon -Trent. Education Authority, Committees, Officials, Addresses 46 Educational Supply 116 S alary S cale ... 508, 5 11, 518, 528 School Attendance Regulations ... tir> Stretfbrd. Education Authority, Committees, Officials, Addresses 34 Educational Supply 92 Salary Scale ... 530, 532, 531, 538 School Attendance Regulations ... 448 XXX INDEX. PAGE Suffolk (East). Education Authority, Committees, Officials, Addresees 48 Educational Supply 118 Higher Education 248,357 Salary Scale ... 476, 478, 480, 496 School Attendance Regulations ... 441 Suffolk (West). Education Authority, Committees, Officials, Addresses 49 Educational Supply 118 Higher Education 250, 358 Salary Scale ... ' 476, 478, 480, 496 School Attendance Regulations ... 441 Sunderland. Education Authority, Committees, Officials, Addresses 15 Educational Supply -.. 82 Higher Education 168,312 Salary Scale ... 488, 492, 494, 503 School Attendance Regulations ... 443 Surrey. Education Authority, Committees, Officials, Addresses 49 Educational Supply 119 Higher Education 260,358 Salary Scale ... 476, 478, 482, 486 School Attendance Regulations ... 441 Sussex (East). Education Authority, Committees, Officials, Addresses 50 Educational Supply 121 Higher Education 256,361 Salary Scale ... 476,478,432,486 School Attendance Regulations ... 441 Sussex (West). Education Authority, Committees, Officials, Addresses 52 Educational Supply 122 Higher Education 258,363 Salary Scale ... 476, 478, 482, 486 School Attendance Regulations ... 441 Sutton Coldficid. Education Authority, Committees, Officials, Addresses 53 Educational Supply 123 Salary Scale ... 608, 514, 518, 528 School Attendance Regulations ... 445 Swansea. Education Authority, Committees, Officials, Addresses 64 Educational Supply 136 Higher Education 292,386 Salary Scale ... 490, 492, 496, 505 School Attendance Regulations ... 443 Swindon. Education Authority, Committees, Officials, Addresses 55 Educational Supply > 125 Salary Scale ... 508, 514, 518, 528 School Attendance Regulations ... 445 Swinton and Pendlebury. Education Authority, Committees, Officials, Addresses 34 Educational Supply 92 Salary Scale ... 530,532,534,539 School Attendance Regulations ... 446 PA&B Taunton. Education Authority, Committees, Officials, Addresses 44 Educational Supply 115 Salary Scale ... 508, 514, 518, 528 School Attendance Regulations ... 445 Tipton. Education Authority, Committees, Officials, Addresses ... 48 Educational Supply 116 Salary Scale ... 530, 532, 534, 539 School Attendance Regulations ... 446 Tiverton. Education Authority, Committees, Officials, Addresses 13 Educational Supply 78 Salary Scale 508, 514, 520 Scbool Attendance Regulations ... 445 Todmorden. Education Authority, Committees, Officials, Addresses 61 Educational Supply 129 Salary Scale ... 510, 514, 520, 528 School Attendance Regulations ... 445 Torquay. Education Authority, Committees, Officials, Addresses 14 Educational Supply 78 Salary Scale ... 510, 514, 520, 528 School Attendance Regulations ... 445 School Material Regulations 451 Tottenham. Education Authority, Committees, Officials, Addresses 38 Educational Supply 108 Salary Scale ... 530, 532, 534, 539 Salaries in Evening Schools 587 School Attendance. Regulations ... 446 Tunbridge Wells. Education Authority, Committees, Officials, Addressea 25 Educational Supply 89 Salary Scale ... 510, 514, 520, 528 School Attendance Regulations ... 445 Tunstall. Education Authority, Committees, Officials, Addresses 48 Educational Supply 116 Salary Scale ... ' 530, 532, 534, 539 School Attendance Regulations ... 446 Twickenham. Education Authority, Committees, Officials, Addresses 3 Education Supply 108 Salary ' Je ... 530, 532, 534, 539 Sch- Attendance Regulations ... 446 Tynsmouth. Education Authority, Committees, Officials, Addresses 41 Educational Supply H2 Higher Education. 236, 348 Salary Scale ... 488,492,494,503 School Attendance Regulations 434, 443 Wakefield. Education Authority, Committees, Officials, Addresses 61 Educational Supply 129 Salary Scale 510, 14, 520 School Attendance Regulations ... 446 INDEX. XXXI PAGI Wallasey. Education Authority, Committees, Officials, Addresses 10 Educational Supply 75 Salary Scale ... 630. 532, 634, 539 School Attendance Regulations ... 446 Wallsend. Education Authority, Committees, Officials, Addresses 41 Educational Supply Ill Salary Scale ... 510, 514, 620, 528 School Attendance Regulations ... 445 Wai sal I. Education Authority, Committees, Officials, Addresses 45 Educational Supply 117 Higher Education 248, 356 Salary Scale ... 427, 490, 49?, 494, 504 School Attendance Regulations Walt ham stow. Education Authority, Committees, Officials, Addresses 18 Educational Supply 82 Salary Scle ... 427, 530, 532, 534, 539 School Attendance Regulations .., lifi Warring-ton. Education Authority, Committees, Officials, Addresses .29 Educational Supply '.'/. 93 Higher Education 200 333 Salary Scale ... 490, 492, 494, 504 School Attendance Regulations ... 443 Warwickshire. Education Authority, Committees, Officials, Addresses 52 Educational Supply ... 123 Higher Education 260, 363 Salary Scale ... 476, 478, 482, 486 School Attendance Regulations .. 441 Waterloo-with-Seafbrth. Education Authority, Committees, Officials, Addresses 34 Educational Supply '.. 93 Salary Scale ... 530, 532, 531, 539 School Attendance Regulations ... 416 Wat-ford. Attendance Bjelaws 447 Salary Scale ... 530, 532, 534, 540 Salaries in Evening Schools 687 Wednesbury. Education Authority, Committee?, Officials, Addresses 46 Educational Supply 116 Salary Scale ... 510, 514, 520, 528 School Attendance Regulations ... 445 Wenlock. Education Authority, Committees, Officials, Addresses 43 Educational Supply Ill Salary Scale ... 510, 514, 520, 528 School Attendance Regulations ... 445 West Bromwich. Education Authority, Committees, Officials, Addresses 45 Educational Supply Us Higher Education 21H, :c,r, Salary Scale ... 490,492,491,501 School Attendance Regulations .. 143 PAGE West Ham. Education Authority, Committees, Officials, Addresses 16 Educational Supply 83 Higher Education 174,314 Salary Scale ... 427, 490, 492, 491, 504 School Attendance Regulations ... 443 West Hartiepool. Education Authority, Committees, Officials, Addresses 15 Educational Supply 82 Higher Education 168,312 Salary Scale ... 490, 492, 494, 504 School Attendance Regulations ...443 Westmorland. Education Authority, Committees, Officials, Addresses 64 tiucational Supply 124 igher Education 262,366 Salary Scale ... 476, 478, 482, 486 School Attendance Regulations ... 441 Weymouth and Melcombe Regis. Education Authority, Committees, Officials, Addresses 14 Educational Supply 80 Salary Scale ... 510, 514, 520, 528 School Attendance Regulations ... 445 White haven. Education Authority, Committees, Officials, Addresses 11 Educational Supply 77 Salary Scale ... 510, 514, 520, 528 School Attendance Regulations ... 445 Widnes. Education Authority, Committees, Officials, Addresses 33 Educational Supply 91 Salary Scale ... 510, 514, 520, 529 School Attendance Regulations ... 445 Wigan. Education Authority, Committees, Officials, Addresses 29 Educational Supply 98 Higher Education 208, 334 Salary Scale ... 490,492,494,504 School Attendance Regulations ... 443 Willesden. Education Authority, Committees, Officials, Addresses 39 Educational Supply 108 Salary Scale ... 530, 532, 534, 540 School Attendance Regulations ... 447 Wiltshire. Education Authority, Committees, Officials, Addresses 54 Educational Supply 125 Higher Education 264,366 Salary Scale ... 476, 478, 482, 487 School Attendance Regulations ... 441 Wimbledon. Education Authority, Committees, Officials, Addresses 50 Educational Supply U9 Salary Scale 510, 614, 520 School Attendance Regulations ... 445 Winchester. Education Authority, Committees, Officials, Addresses 20 Educational Supply 85 Salary Scale .'.. 510. 514, 520, 529 School Attendance Regulations ... 445 XXX11 INDEX. Windsor. Education Authority, Committees, Officials, Addresses 7 Educational Supply 73 Salary Scales ... 610,514,520,529 School Attendance Regulations ... 411 Wolstanton. Education Authority, Committees, Officials, Addresses 48 Educational Supply 116 Salary Scale ... 530, 532, 534, 540 Salaries in Evening Schools 587 School Ac/tendance Regulations ... 447 Wolverhampton. Education Authority, Committees, Officials, Addresses 45 Educational Supply 118 Higher Education 24S, 366 Salary Scale ... 427, 490, 492, 496, 504 School Attendance Regulations ... 443 Wood Green. Education Authority, Committees, Officials, Addresses 39 Educational Supply 108 Salary Scale ... 530, 532, 534, 540 School Attendance Regulations ... 447 Worcester. Education Authority, Committees, Officials, Addresses 56 Educational Supply 127 Higher Education 268, 369 Salary Scale ... 490, 492, 496, 504 School Attendance Regulations ... 443 Worcestershire. Education Authority, Committees, Officials, Addresses 65 Educational Supply 126 Higher Education 266,368 Salary Scale ... 476, 478, 482, 487 School Attendance Regulations ... 441 Workington. Education Authority, Committees, Officials, Addresses 11 Educational Supply 77 Salary Scale ... 610, 514, 520, 529 School Attendance Regulations ... 445 Worthing. Education Authority, Committees, Officials, Addresses 52 Educational Supply 122 Salary Scale ... 510, 514, 520, 529 School Attendance Regulations ... 415 Wrexham. Education Authority, Committee?, Official!?, Addresses 63 Educational Supply 134 SaUry Scale ... 510, 514, 520, 529 School Attendance Regulations ... 446 Yeovil. Education Authority, Committees, Officials, Addresses .... 44 Educational Supply 115 Salary Scale 510,514,5*0 School Attendance Regulations ... 145 York. Education Authority, Committees, Officials, Addresses 57 Educational Supply 128 Higher Education 270, 371 Salary Scale ... 490, 492, 496, 504 School Attendance Regulations ... 4-13 PAGB Yorks (East Riding). Education Authority, Committees, Officials, Addresses 56 Educational Supply 127 Hig-her Education 268,370 Salary Scale 476,478,482 School Attendance Regulations ... 441 Yorks (North Hiding). Education Authority, Committees, Officials, Addresses 57 Educational Supply 128 Higher Education 272,372 Salary Scale ... 476,478,482,487 School Attendance Regulations ... 441 Yorks (West Riding). Education Authority, Committees, Officials, Addresses 58 Educational Supply 129 Higher Education 274,373 Salary Scale 476, 478, 482, 487 School Attendance Regulations ... 441 Agricultural Attendance Bye- Law 440 to 447 Attendance 430,447 Agricultural Bye-Law 440 to 447 At Continuation Schools 437 Half-Time 440 to 447 Practice in other Countries 434 Regulations of Local Authorities ... 433 Standards Qualifying for Partial and Total Exemptions from ... 440 to 447 Summary of 447 Total Exemption from 440 to 4*7 Board of Education. Board of Education Act, 1899 1 Chief Executive Officer of 1 Constitution 1 Consultative Committee of 1 Names of Present Members... 4 Exercise of Certain Duties of Beard of Agriculture 1 Exercise of Certain Duties of Charity Commissioners 1 Members of , 1906-7 3 Parliament, and Parliamentary Secre- tary of 1 President of 1 Principal Officers of, 1906-7 3 Secretary of 1 Teachers' Registration Council ... 1 Names of Present Members and Registrar 4 Confidential Reports and Log- Book Entries 542 Conditions Governing 643 Fairness in 542 Intention of Local Authority 542 Model Regulations, Suggested Form of 543 Heports by Inspectors 542 Reports by Head Teachers 542 Warning to Young Teachers ... 543 Discipline in Schools 458 Duty of Assistant Teacher 461 Expulsion of Scholars 458 Illicit Punishment 460 In Public Elementary Schools .. 459 In Secondary Schools 469 Regulations for 458 Remarks by Board of Education .. 460 Responsibility of Teacher 460 School Tasks 460 INDEX. XXXlll Education Authorities. General Constitution of 1 List of (sea under Geographical heads) Education Committees. General Constitution of ... 2 General Scheme for Education Com- mittees ' 2 List of (see under GeSgraphical heads) Powers that can be delegated to ... 2 Employment of Children Act, 19O3, Bye-laws under ... [440-447 Half Time Attendance 447 Exemption from 447 Higher Education 139 Abbreviations for 141 Age for 139 Alphabetical Details on (Schools, Pupils, Teachers, Governing Body, Fees, Endowments, Local and Government Grants, Curricula, Scholarships) 142-389 Area of 139 General Considerations on 139 Various Forms of. 139 Labour Certificates and Exa- minations 571 Conflict of Methods 572 Examinations iu Secondary Schools 573 Individual Examinations 571 Labour Certificate^ Their object as a Test of Efficienc 7 571 Object of School Teaching 572 School Examinations 573 Use of Examinations 572 Pensions to Teachers 552 Acceptance of the Act 557 Annuity, Amount of 553 Annuity and Superannuation 553 Application lor Disablement Allow- ance 555 Commencement of Act 552 Conditions of Disablement Allowance 555 Contribution during Interval 558 Contrbutipns by Men 553 Contributions oy Women 553 Decision by Board of Education and Treasury Final 559 Disablement Allowances .v,i, Existing Teachers 55s For Certificated Teachers only .. 552 Form of Application .. 503 Formula for Calculation 553 Limit of Pecuniary Meed 555 Medical Fee . 552 Mode and Time of Claiming 559 No Disablement Allowance and Super- annuation and Annuity as well ... 55<> No Return of Contributions 553 official Annuity Tables (Men) ...561 Official Annuity Tables (Women) ... .-,c,2 Particulars for Triennial Reconsidera- tion of Disablement Allowance ... 55(5 Payment of Contribution by Deduc- tion in Case of (ft) Elementary School Teachers 55<5 (fj) In Training Colleges 557 (c) In Reformatory and Indus- trial Schools 557 Payment of sum under 100 55a Payments by Teachers ... ... 552 RUM Pensions to Teachers emit. Pecuniary Need 555 Physical Capacity .. 552 Poor JLaw School Teachers 554 Recall or Suspension of Certificate ... 559 Receipt for Contribution "Recorded" Service, Definition of Revision of Annuity Tables Special Extensions Superannuation, Rate of Suspension or Determination of Dis- ablement Allowance ... Temporary Work Terms of the Superannuation Act, 1898 ... 552 Triennial Reconsideration of Disable- ment Allowance 550 When Annuitant is of Unsound Mind, or in Rate-aided Institution 558 Postal Addresses of Educational and Kindred Institutions ... 582 557 552 557 552 553 550 555 Rates For Education- Elementary and Higher Produce of Id. Rate Registration 'of Teachers Addendum to Appendices Statutory Rules 73-137 73-137 574 581 578 575 1 Teachers' Registration Council Teachers' Registration Council Names of Present Members and Registrar 4 Salaries 471 Amendment of Scales 171 During Illness Regulations as to, by various Local Education Authorities ... 473 In Elementary and Secondary Schools 471 Method of Paying in Administra- tive Counties ... 474 Method of Paying in Boroughs and Urban Districts 171 Period of Payment 171 Scales of i71 Should be * ixed or Definitely stated in Amount 171 Scales of Salaries adopted by Local Education Authori- ties - For Elementary School Teachers 476-541 For Secondary School Teachers ... t25 For Evening School Teachers ... 586 Scale of Salaries approved by N. U. T 541 School Attendance 430 Age for Half -Time Exemption ... 130 Age for Full Time Exemption... 430, 447 Bye-Laws on 431,433,439 Marking Registers 132 Officers to Enforce 432 Organisation 43i Practice in other Countries ... 434,137 Prosecutions for Non- Attendance ... 433 ' Slip" System 432 Special Courts for Cases ... 433, 440 Standards Qualifying lor Exemption from 447 Summary 447 Weekly Returns 432 B XXXIV INDEX. PAGB School Material 449 Contracts for 449 Cost per Scholar of 450 Interchange of 451 List of, &c 449 Material for School Use 449 Quality of 449 Requisitions for 449 Source of 449 Stocktaking of 450 Various Regulations by Local Authori- ties on 451 Wear and Tear of 450 When Soiled ... 450 School Staffing ... Distribution of Staff Efficiency ... For Large Schools For Small Schools Head Teacher Peripatetic Teachers Pupil Teachers ... Size of Classes . Sufficiency of Staff Supplementary Teachers Supply Teachers Training of Teachers .. ... 452 ... 455 ... 456 ... 453 ... 454 ... 455 ... 456 ... 456 ... 455 ... 452 ... 456 ... 456 ... 456 Secondary Education 391 Abbreviations for 392 (See also Higher Education) Secondary School Teachers (See Section IV.) 391 Appointment of 391 Dismissal of ...392 Particulars of Appointment, Dismissal, Pensions, and Salaries ... 393-425 Salaries and Pensions 391 Scales of Salaries for (and see under Geographical heads) 425 Special Courts for Attendance Cases 433, 440-447 Standards Qualifying: for Par- tial and Total Exemption from Attendance at School 447 . 72 69-72 Supply of Popular Education Abbreviations Explanatory Memorandum ... Detailed Information : Authorities, Population, Education Rates (Ele- mentary and Higher), Produce of Id. Rate, Schools (Elementary, Council, and Voluntary, Certified Efficient, for Defective Children, Higher Elementary, Evening, Tech- nical, County, Grammar, High, Municipal, Secondary, &c.). P.T. Centres, Training Colleges, Univer- sities ... .. 73-137 Teachers' Tenure of Office ... 5G4 Appeal to Board of Education ... 564 Difficulty about Teacher's House ... 567 Dismissal on Educational Grounds . . 565 Dismissal on Religious Grounds . . 566 Dismissal under Art. 15 of Code . . 565 Form of Notice 566 In Non-Provided Schools 564 In Public Elementary Schools .. . . 564 Local Education Court of Appeal . . 564 L.C.C. Regulations respecting Appeals 569 New Teachers 569 Procedure ' 565 Scheme for Power to Let Teachers' Houses 567 Tenure in Provided Schools 568 Transferred Teachers 568 Training of Teachers Co-ordination for In Rural Districts Leakage from Profession Object of Official Pressure concerning ... Old Methods of Popular Control of Professional School for Professional Training for Pupil Teacher and Scholarships for .. Secondary School, Preparation for Secondary School, Supply for Specialisation Student's Declaration Success at P.T. Centres Teacher's Certificate Technical Training for Training College 545 548 550 548 545 649 545 549 546 548 546 546 545 549 547 551 549 551 547 550 ADVERTISEMENTS. Messrs. Methnertjewjdncational Books Plant Life : Studies in the Garden and School. By H. F. JONBS, F.C.S., late Instructor on Nature Study to the Wiltshire County Council. With 320 Diagrams. Crown Svo, 3s. 6d. A practical handbook for nature study teachers. The Dominion of Man. By ERNEST PROTHEROE. With 32 full- page Illustrations. Crown Svo, 2s. A text-book for upper forms dealing with geography in its human aspect. Contains many novel features. Easy Stories from English History. Bv E. M. WILMOT-BUXTON,. Author of " The Ancient World," " Makers of Europe." Crown Svo. Is. [The Beginner's Books. A Handy Digest of British History. Comprising an Analysis,, and Commentary, with Appendices illustrative of the points of contact between Great Britain, her Colonies, and Foreign Nations. By C. E. SNOWDEN, M.A., Classical Master at Ascbam School, Eastbourne. Demy Svo, 4s. 6d. The Ancient World. By E. M. WiLMOT-BuxTON. With Maps and Illustrations. Crown Svo, 3s. 6d. A Student's History of Scotland. By D. W. RANNIE, M.A. With 4 Maps. Crown Svo, 3s. 6d. History and Geography Examination Papers. By C. H. SPENOE,. M.A., Clifton College. Third Edition. Crown Svo, 2s. 6d. [School Examination Series. The edition has been carefully revised and brought up to date. A large number of new questions and papers have been added. A Historical Geography of the British Empire. By H. B. GEORGE, M.A., Fellow of New College Oxford. With a Coloured Map. Crown Svo, 3s. 6d. The Story of the British Empire. By F. M. ANDERSON. With many Illustrations and Maps. Crown Svo, 2s. Easy French Rhymes. By HENRI BLOUET, B.A. With 6 Illus- trations. Fcap. Svo, Is. [The Beginner's Books. A Junior French Prose. By R. R. N. BARON, M.A., Author of " French Prose Composition, 1 ' Modern Language Master at Cheltenham Grammar School. Crown Svo, 2s. [Methueri's Junior School Books. Elementary Experimental Chemistry. By A. E. DUNSTAN, B.Sc., Head of the Chemical Department, East Ham Technical College. With 4 Plates and 109 Diagrams, Crown Svo, 2s. [Methuen's Junior School Books. An Elementary Text Book of Inorganic Chemistry. By R. LLOYD WHITELEY, F.I.C.. F.C.S., Principal of the Municipal Science School, West Bromwich. With 137 Illustrations. Crown Svo, 2s. 6d. Repousse Metal Work. A Scheme of Sheet Metal Work for Schools and Amateurs. By A. C. HORTH, Instructor of Metalwork to the London County Council. With Diagrams and S Plates. Crown Svo, 2s. 6d. [Text-Books of Technology. Manual Training Drawing (Woodwork). Its Principles and Application, with Solutions to Examination Questions. 1S92-1905. Orthographic, Isometric, and. Oblique Projection. By F. ST'URCH, Staff -Instructor to the Surrey County Council. With 50 Plates and 140 Diagrams. Imperial 4to. .3s.net. A Guide to the Examinations in Manual Training Woodwork of the City and Guilds of London Institute, N. U. T., &c. Millinery, Theoretical and Practical. By C. HILL, Instructress to the West Riding County Council and the City of Leeds Education Committees. Second Edition. With Additions and 57 New Illustrations. Crown Svo, 2s. [Ttxt-Books of Ttchnology. METHUEN & CO., 36, Essex Street, London, W.C. KXXV1 ADVERTISEMENTS. SODTHPORT PHYSICAL TBAIHM COLLEGE The most perfectly appointed Institute in the country for Physical Training. Beautifully situated close to the Sea. Vice-Admiral Lord CHARLES BERESFORD, K.C.B. principals : A. ALEXANDER, F.R.G.S. (Late Director, Liverpool Gymnasium), Mrs. ALEXANDER, and Assistants. ( G. REINHARDT ANDERSON, Esq., F.R.C.S. DAVID MACDONALD, Esq., M.D. Rev w FIELr) M A (Camb.). Mr'. MARY E. RYE, M.B. (Lond.). Objects : To Train Ladies as Scientific Teachers of Physical Education. All branches and systems taught, including Outdoor Games, Swimming, Fencing, and Medical Gymnastics. Gold and Silver Medals, with Diplomas, awarded to successful students. References permitted to Lord Kinnaird ; Dean of Norwich ; Right Hon. H. J. Gladstone, M.P. ; Hon. and Rev. E. Lyttelton, D.D. Colleges and Schools supplied with qualified teachers. The following have obtained trained teachers from the S.P.T.C. : The Ladies' College, Cheltenham ; The Ladies' College, Jersey ; Ladies' College, Craigmount, Edinburgh ; Kent College for Girls ; Penrbos College, Colwyn Bay; Queenwood, Eastbourne ; The Datchelor Schools, Camberwell ; Victoria College, Belfast ; Queen Anne's School, Reading ; Endeliffe, Eastbourne : Ladies' College, Durban ; Royal School for Officers' Daughters, Bath . Chichester and Darlington Training Colleges ; Ladies' Gymnasium, Glasgow ; High Schools and Colleges at Norwich, Great Yarmouth, Ipswich, Nottingham, Scarborough, Sidcup, Harrogate, and others. Amongst others, the following Education Committees have also received trained teachers from the above: Middlesex, Liverpool, Nottingham, Birkenhead, Bournemouth, Stoke-on-Trent, Leigh. For further particulars apply to the SECRETARY. EDUCATION AUTHORITIES. SECTION I. EDUCATION AUTHORITIES, THE CENTRAL AND LOCAL ORGANISATION OF EDUCATION IN ENGLAND AND WALES. The BOARD OF EDUCATION was constituted by the Board of Education Act, 1899, and takes the place of the Committee of Council on Education, for many years known as the Education Department, including the Department of Science and Art. The constitution of the Board is determined by Statute, and must include those members of the Government indicated in the subjoined list. But the Board. is deemed to be established on the appointment of the President thereof. The President is appointed by His Majesty, and if the person so apoointed be a Member of the House of Commons, such appointment compels the President to vacate his seat and to seek re-election if he desire to return to the House of Commons. As the appointment of Parliamentary Secretary to the Board is made by the Board and not by the Crown, re-election in that case is not necessary should the person selected be a Member of the House of Commons. The Act of 1899 empowered the Crown by Order in Council to transfer to the Board of Education certain of the duties of the Charity Commissioners and of the Board of Agriculture. This power has been exercised. The Chief Executive Officer is the Secretary to the Board. This is a Civil Service appointment, independent of Party politics. Consultative Committee. The creation of this Committee was authorised by the Board of Education Act, 1899. That Act ernpowared the Crown by Order in Council to establish a committee consisting as to not less than two-thirds of persons qualified to represent the views of universities and other bodies interested in education, for the purpose of framing regulations for a register of teachers and of advising the Board of Education on any matter referred to the committee by the Board. The committee was established by an Order in Council in the year 1900, amended by Order in 1907. It consists of twenty-one persons, appointed by the Crown on the nomination of the President of the Board of Education. Such persons hold office for six years. One-third of the number retire every second year. The Teachers' Registration Council was created by Order in Council in 1902. It consists of twelve persons, six of whom are appointed by the Crown and six by certain educational organisations. Their duties are confined to giving effect to the regulations on the registration of teachers. Local Education Authorities. Under Section 1 of the Education Act, 1902, the Council of every county, and of evory county borough, becomes a Local Education Autbority. It is also provided that the Council of a borough with a population of over 10,000, and of an urban district with a population of over 20,000, shall, as respects that borough or district, be the Local Education Authority for the purposes of Part III. (Elementary Education) of the Act. In addition to this power in respect of Elementary Education these and other smaller distri' ts have powers with regard to Higher Education, in so far as such power may be exercised by means of the proceeds of a penny rate levied in that particular district. EDUCATION AUTHORITIES. It will be noted that the Local Authority is the Council itself, constituted by election; in other words, the Local Governing Body takes over the control of popular education as one of its several duties. The Act, however, requires that the Authority i.e. the Council shall establish an Education Committee, or Education Committees, constituted in accordance with a scheme made by the Council and approved by the Board of Education, provided that if a Council have powers in respect of Secondary Education only they may determine that an Education Committee is unnecessary in their case, and they need not then constitute a committee for the purpose of education. "Whether they exercise the power they possess lies within their own discretion. Education Committees are constituted in the following manner: A scheme drawn up by the Local Education Authority is advertised in the district and submitted to the Board of Education for approval. The Board receive and consider objections, suggest amendments if necessary, and, on being satisfied, give approval. A date is fixed at which the scheme shall come into operation. Schemes can be revised in like manner, so that should a Council consider it neces- sary to revise a scheme, or should any section of the local public consider that amendment of the scheme is necessary and can so convince the Council, a new scheme can be drafted by the Council, advertised, and submitted to the Board of Education for approval, and ultimately brought into operation. Every scheme shall provide : (a) for the appointment by the Council of at least a majority of the committee, and the persons so appointed shall be persons who are members of the council, unless, in the caee of a county, the Council shall otherwise determine ; (b) for the appointment by the Council, on the nomination or recom- mendation, where it appears desirable, of other bodies (including associations of voluntary schools) of persons of experience in education, and of persons acquainted with the needs of the various kinds of schools in the area for which the Council acts ; (c) for the inclusion of women as well as men among- the members of the committee ; (d) for the appointment, if desirable, of members of school boards existing at the time of the passing of this Act as members of the first committee. (Sec. 17 (3) Ed. Act.) All matters relating to the exercise by the Council of their powers under the Act of 1902, except the power of raising a rate or borrowing money, shall stand referred to the Education Committee, and the Council before exercising any such powers shall, unless in their opinion the matter is urgent, receive and consider the report of the Education Committee with respect to the matter in question. The Council may also delegate to the Education Committee, with or without any restriction or conditions as they think fit, any of their powers under this Act except the power of raising a rate or borrowing money. (Sec. 17 (2) Ed. Act.) The powers exercised by the smaller boroughs and urban districts under Section 3 of the Education Act, 1902, are so strictly limited by the restrictions as to income set forth in the Act, that it has not been thought necessary to furnish a list of those authorities which have taken advantage of these powers. As a rule they limit themselves to supplementing in some special direction the work of the Administrative County Council in respect of Higher Education. Managers. Under the Education Act, 1902, Section VI., it is provided that all Public Elementary Schools provided by a County Education Authority shall have a body of Managers, of whom not exceeding four shall be appointed by the Council, and not exceeding two shall be appointed by the minor Local Authority. If the Authority be the Council of a Borough or Urban District, they may appoint such Managers as they think fit. They may refrain from appointing. Non-provided schools must have a body of Managers, of whom four shall represent the foundation, and two shall represent the Local Authorities. H.M~ Inspectors. Officials are employed by the Board of Education to ascertain locally whether the conditions under which Parliamentary Grants are payable are satisfied. These Officers are also entrusted with the duty of advising locally with regard to the conduct of schools and of collecting information and reporting it to the Board of Education. BOARD OF EDUCATION. THE BOARD OF EDUCATION, 1907. MEMBERS OF THE BOARD. The Right Hon. REGINALD MCKENNA, M.P., President. The Right Hon. ths EARL OF CKEWE (Lord President of the Council). H.M. Principal Secretaries of State, viz.: The Right Hon. H. GLADSTONE, M.P. (for the Home Department). The Right Hon. SIR EDWARD GREY, Bart., M.P. (for Foreign Affairs). The Right Hon. the EABL OF ELGIN, K.G. (for the Colonies). The Right Hon. R. B. HALDANE, K.C., M.T. (for War). The Right Hon. JOHN MORLEY, M.P. (for India,). The Right Hon. SIR H. CAMPBELL-BANNERMAN, G.C.B.. M.P. (First Commissioner of H.M. Treasury). The Right Hon. H. H. ASQUITH, K.C., M.P. (Chancellor of H.M. Exchequer). Parliamentary Secretary THOMAS LOUGH, Esq., M.P. Permanent Secretary ROBERT L. MORANT, Esq., C.B. Accountant- General JOHN BROMLEY, Esq., C.B. Architect FELIX CLAY, Esq. Principal Assistant Secretaries Elementary Education Branch (Whitehall) H. M. LINDSELL, Esq., C.B. Secondary Schools Branch (Whitehall) The Hon. W. N. BRUCE, C.B. Evening Schools, Technology, and Higher Education in Science and Art (South Kensington) F. GRANT OGILVIE, Esq., C.B. Director of Special Inquiries and Reports H. F. HEATH, Esq. The Private Secretaries G. E. P. MURRAY, Esq., (Private Secretary to the President). L. S. WOOD, Esq. (Private Secretary to the Parliamentary Secretary). A. C. RICHMOND, Esq. (Private Secretary to the Permanent Secretary). Official Correspondence. Elr/)u:,y the The Rev. Canon G. C. BELL, M.A. (Chairman), Hillside, Fountain Road, Norwood, S.E. Miss K. T. WALLAS (Vice -Chairman), (i, Horbury Crescent, Netting Hill Gate. W. SIR FRANCIS FLEMING, K.C.M.G., 9, Sydney Place, Onslow Square, S.W. J. L. HOLLAND, Esq., B.A., 72, Kiugsley Park Terrace, Northampton. H. W. EVE, Esq., M.A., 37, Gordon Square, w.c. H. J. SPENSER, E*q., M.A., LL.D , University College School, Gower Street, W.C. G. SHARPLES, Esq.. 181, Great Cheetham Street West, Higher Broughton, Manchester. F. STORR, Esq.. B. A., 40, Meckltfnburgh Square, W.C. The Rev. D. J. WALLER, D.D., LL.D., 3, Macaulay Road. Cla-pham Common, S.W. S. H. WELLS, E.q., The Polytechnic, Battersea, S.W. Mrs. WOODHOUSE, The Lawn, 63, South Side, Clapham Common, S.E. Incorporated Association of Head Masters. President, Board of Education. President, Board of Education. President, Board of Education. The College of Preceptors. The Conference of Head Masters. National Union of Teachers. Teachers' Guild of Great Britain and Ireland. ! President, Board of Education. President, Board of Education. The Association of Head Mistresses. Registrar : G. W. RUNDALL, Esq., M.A., 49 and 50, Parliament Street, S.W. Telegraphic address : " Basanites, London." Telephone No. 846, Victoria. LOCAL AUTHORITIES. THE CONSTITUTION LOCAL EDUCATION COMMITTEES, WITH THE NAMES AND ADDRESSES OF THEIR CHIEF OFFICIALS, The name and address of the Secretary to the local N.U.T. Association is added for the convenience of Teachers. N.B. Paragraphs which have been corrected under the direc- tion of the Local Authority Secretary are indicated by a large asterisk (#). Abbreviation*: Ad.C., Administrative County; L.E.A., Local Education Authority ; C.C., County Council ; C.B.C., County Borough Council ; N.C.B.C., Non-County Borough Council ; U.D.C., Urban District Council; Sec., Secre- tary; Ed. Com., Education Committee; Asstn., Association; Elem., Elementary, Seen., Secondary; Tech., Technical; Sc., Science; Univ., University; Cl., Council; Vol., Voluntary; Sch(s)., School (s) ; Tchr(s)., Teacher ( s) ; Cert., Certificated; Mem., Members; rec., recommended; rep., represented(ing) ; exp., experience(d) ; appt., appointed ; yr(s) ., year(s) ; C.E., Church of England ; R.C., Roman Catholic ; Wes., Wesleyan ; Brit., British. N.B. Unless otherwise indicated, the Sec. to the Ed. Com. acts for both Elem. and Higher Education. Those authorities whose names are printed in ITALIC CAP8 are autonomous for Elem. Education only. LOCAL AUTHORITIES. BEDFORDSHIRE. * Bedford Ad.C- The L.E. A. is the County Council. Clerk to the G.C. and Sec. to the Ed. Com , W. W. Mark?, Esq., Shire Hall, Bedford. Director of Education, F. Spoocer, Esq., B.A., Shire Hall, Bedford. ED. COM. consists of 43 mem., being 32 of Cl. (including chairman and vice- chairman) and 11 co-opted (including 2 women) viz. 2 exp. in education, 1 rep. Seen. Schs., and 2 Elem. Schs. in the County, 2 women exp. in the education of girls, 3 rep. the industrial interests of the County, or exp. in Sc., Art, or Literature, 1 rec. t>y the Cl. of the Senate of Cambridge Univ. All members appointed by C.C. Triennial Election. Two Advisory Committees appo Intel : 1 consists of Seen. Sch. Tchrs. and the other of 17 Elem. Sch. Tchrs. See. N.U.T. Asstn. (Ampthill and Bedford), H. Coleman, Esq., National Sch., Hayces Church End, Bedford. & BEDFORD (Boro'). The L.E. A. is the Non-County Borough Council. Clerk to the N.C.B.C., H. Baxter, Esq. See. to the Ed. Com., S. C. George, Esq. ED. COM. consists of 21 mem., being 14 of Cl. and 7 co-opted (including 2 women). Univ., Seen, and Tech. Education, and Cl. and Vol. Elem. Schs. shall be rep. (2 tchrs. have been co-opted under this clause). Length of office determined by CL, but shall not exceed 3 years. See N.V.T. Atstn. (Ampthill and Beiford), H. Coleman, Esq., National Sch., Haynes Church End, Bedford. % LUTON.The L.E. A. is the Non-County Borough Council. Clerk to the N.C.3.C., G. Sell, Esq. See. to the Ed. Com., W. Hoyle, Esq. ED. COM. consists of 15 mem., being 10 of Cl. (including the Mayor) and 5 co-opted (including 1 woman) as persons exp. in Elem., Seen., Tech., Commercial and Industrial Education (having special regard to the indus- tries of the Borough) and the training of tchrs. Annual Election. See. N.U.T. Asstn., H. J. Barnell, Esq., " Ashleigh," Cromwell -road, Luton. BERKSHIRE. #- Berks Ad.C. The L.E. A. is the County Council. Clerk to the C.C,, J. T. Morland, Esq., The Eorbury, Reading. See. to the Ed. Com., W. C. F. Anderson, Esq., M.A., The Forbury, Reading. Asst. Sees, to the Ed. Com., A. J. Shirley, Esq. (Elem. Ed.) and T. O. WillsoD, Esq., M.A. (Higher Ed.), The For our y, Reading. ED. COM. consists of 31 mem., being 20 of Cl. (including the chairman and vice chairman) and 11 co-opted (including 2 women) via. 4 Managers of Public Elem. Schs. (1 a woman) and 2 rep. Seen. Education (1 a woman) re\ by the Cl. mem., 1 Graduate (in residence at Univ.) rec. by Oxford Univ., 1 rec. by Cl. of Univ. College, Reading, 1 rec. by the Wardens of Bradfield College, Radley College, and the master of Wellington College, 1 rec. by the Head Tchrs. of Seen. Schs., 1 rec, by the principal Tchrs. of Public Elem. Schs. in the County (who must be one of their own number) . Triennial Election. Sec. N.V.T. Asstn. (Berks County), F. W. White, Esq., Park Cl. Sch., Tilehurst, Reading. BEADING. The L.E.A. is the County Borough Council. Clerk to the C.B.C.,H. Day, Esq. Sec. to the Ed Com., H. T. Pugh, Esq., Blagrave-street, Reading. ED. COM. consists of 22 mem., being 16 of the Cl. (including the Mayor) and 6 co-opted (including 2 women) viz. 1 of the Masters of Reading Suh., rec. by the Trustees under the Reading Sch. Act., 1867, 1 of the teaching staff of the Univ. College, Reading, rec. by the Cl. of the College, 1 woman rec. by the Governing Body of the Keiadrick Schs., 1 LOCAL AUTHORITIES. reo. by the Cert. Tcbrs. of the Public Elem. Schs. in Reading (as rep. by the Com. of the Reading A^stn. of the N.U.T.), 1 woman rec. by the lair School Board, and 1 person of special exp. in education. Annual Election. Sec, N. U.T. Asstn., J. Ellis, Esq., 391, London-road, Reading 1 . MAIDEXJrEAD.Tbe L.E.A. is the Non-County Borough Council. Clerk to the N.C.U.C., J. Kick, Esq. Sec. to the Ed. Com., J. B. Markham, Esq. ED. COM. consists of 24 mem., being 10 of 01. and 8 co-opted (including 1 woman) viz. 4 (1 woman) appt. by the 01., 1 rec. by the Trustees of the Maidenhead Modern Scb., 1 reo. by the Managers of the Vol. Schs., 1 rec. by the Managers of the 01. Scbs., and 1 rec. by the Maidenhead Asstn. of Head Tchrs. Annual Election. See. JV. r.T. As*tn,, Miss Lyon, " Lyndale," St. Mark's -road, Maidenhead. XEWBURY. The L.E.A. is the Non-County Borough Council. Clerk to the N.C.B.C., F. Q. Louch, Esq. Sec. and Accountant to the Ed. Com., II. H. Jeeves, Esq. ED. COM. consists of 18 mem., being 12 of 01. (including the Mayor) and 6 co-opted (including 2 women) viz. 1 rec. by the Berks C.C., 1 rec. by the Governors of St. Bartholomew's Hospital and Grammar Sob. Founda- tion, 1 rec. by the Managers of C.E. Public Elem. Schs. in the Borough, 1 rec. by the Managers of all other Public Elem. Schs. 'in the Borough, 2 women appt. by the Cl. Triennial Election. See. JV. r.T. Afxtn., Miss Gregory, St. Mary's Sch., Newbury. WINDSOR. Tbe L.E.A. is the Non-County Borough Council. Clerk to the N.C.B.C., E. C. Durant, Esq. See. to the Ed. Com., W. Baxter, Esq., 54, Arthur -road, Windsor. ED. COM. consists of 28 mem., being 18 of 01. (including the Mayor) and 10 co-opted (including 1 woman), viz. 1 rec. by the Windsor National Free Schs., 1 by the Holy Trinity Parish Schs.; 1 by the Brit. Sohs., 1 by the R.C. Schs., 1 by tbe Local Com. of the Free Church CL, 1 by the benefited Clergy of tbe C.E. in the Borough, 2 by the Cert. Tchrs. in the Borough, 1 by the Royal Albert Institute, and 1 woman appt. by the 01. Annual Election. See. N. U.T. Asstn., Mr. James, 7, St. Mary's- villas, Grove-road, Windsor. BUCKINGHAMSHIRE. Bucks Ad- C- The L.E.A. is the County Council. Clerk to the (7.6'., W. Crouch, Esq., County Hall, Aylesbury. Sec. to the Ed. Com., 0. G. Watkins, Esq., County Hall, Aylesbury. Asst. Sec. to the E(L Com., W. A. Hutching, Esq., B.A., County Hall, Aylesbury. ED. COM. consists of So mem., being 25 mem. of Cl. (including the chair- man, vice-chairman, and chairman of Finance Com.) and 10 co-opted (including 2 women), viz. 1 rec. by tbe Governing Body of Eton College, 1 rep. the Governing Bodies of Soon, and Sc. and Art Schs. in the County, 2 rep. Cl. Elem. Sobs., 2 rep. Vol. Elem. Scbs., 2 persons living in the County specially interested in tech. and agric. education, and. 2 women. Triennial Election. Advisor}/ Com. consists of 6 mem., being 4 tchrs. appt. by the Bucks Asstn. of the N.TJ.T. (1 at least being a woman), and 2 other tchrs. of exp. appt. by the Ed. Com. (1 being a woKisin). #'- hi. Com., S. Ashworth, Esq. ED. COM. consists of 16 mem., being 10 of Cl. and 6 co-opted (including 2 women). Univ.. Seen., Tech. and Industrial Education (with special regard to the industries of the district) , and Elem. Education in CL and Vol. Schs. shall always be rep. (A tchr. has been co-opted under this clause.) Sec. N.U.T. Asstn., J. D. Nuttall, Esq., Cl. Sch., Gee Cross, Hyde, 10 LOCAL AUTHORITIES. % MACCLESFIEII).TLo L.E.A. is the Non-County Borough Council. Clerk to the N.C.B.C,, A. T. Pattinson, Esq. Sec. to the Ed. Com., Wm. Grieves, Esq. ED. COM. consists of 27 mem., being 18 of Cl. and 9 co-opted viz. 1 woman and 1 other person exp. in education (rep. by tchrs.), 1 from the late School Board, 1 rec. by the Chester Diocesan Church Sens. Asstn., 1 by the Managers of Wes. Schs, (rep. by the Headmaster), 1 by Managers of Brit, Sah., 1 by Managers of R.C. Sch., 1 from the late Tech. Instruc- tion Com., 1 rec. by the Governors of the King's Schs. Period of office determined by CL but not exceeding 3 yrs. See. N. U.T. Asstn., A. Salt, Esq., 333, Oxford-road, Macclesfield. % STALYltIDGE.T!he L.E.A. is the Non-County Borough Council. Clerk to the N.C.B.C., J. Miller, Esq. Sic. to the Ed. Com., J. W. Simieter, Esq. ED, COM. consists of 20 mem., being 12 of Cl. and 8 co-opted viz. 1 woman and 1 other person exp. in education, 2 of the late School Board, 1 rep. the Co-operative Society, 1 rep. the Elem. Tchrs. (being a cert, tchr. on the ptaff of one of the schs. under the Cl.), and 2 rep. the Managers of Vol. Sche. Annual Election. Sec. N.U.T. Asstn. (Stalybridge and Moseley), A. J. Sidebottom, Esq., " Oakdene," Staiey-road, Moseley. % WALLASEY. -The L.E.A. is the Urban District Council. Clerk to the U.D.C., H. W. Cook, Esq., Egremont, Cheshire. See. to the Ed. Com., T. Samuel, Esq., B.A., Liscard, Cheshire. ED. COM. consists of 21 mem., being 12 of Cl. (including the chairman and chairman of the Finance Com.) and 9 co-opted viz. 2 women exp. in the education of girls, 2 persons exp. in education other than Elem., 3 rep. the Managers of Elem. Schs., 1 rep. the Tchra. of Elem. Schs., and 1 person exp. in Univ. Education (who shall be on the teaching staff of a Univ.) rec. by Univ. College, Liverpool. Annual Election. See. N.U.T. Asstn., T. Owen Jones, Esq., Rake-lane Cl. Sch., Liscard, Birkenbead. CORNWALL. % (a) Cornwall Ad. C. The L.E.A. is the County Council. Clerk to the O.C., C. L. Cowlaud, Esq., Boimin. Sec. for Technical Ed., J. GUI, Esq., Gwealhollis, Helston. Sec. to the Ed. Com., R. E. Pascoe, Esq., County Education Offices, Lemon- street, Truro. ED. COM. consists of 38 mem., being 27 of Cl. (including the chairman and vice-chairman), 2 rep. the Truro City Cl., and 9 co-opted (including 2 -women) appt. by Cl. as persons exp. in education, and to rep. Elem. Education in Cl. and Vol. Schs. (2 tchrs. appt. under this clause), Seen., Tech., Commercial and Industrial (including Agriculture, Fishing, and Mining) Education. Annual Election. District Committees have been appt. on which tchrs. are serving. Ssc. N.V.T. Asstn. (Cornwall County), R. T. Richards, Esq., Grajcott, South Downs, Radruth. lALMOUTH.The L.E.A. is the Non-County Borough Council. Clerk of the N.C.B.C., E. E. Armitage, Esq. Sec. to the Ed. Com., W. Jenkins, Esq., 39, Church-street, Faltnouth. ED. COM. consists of 16 mem., being 10 of Cl.' and 6 co-opted (including 2 wooden). Seen Education of Boys and Girls in its higher and lower grades, Tech Commercial, and Industrial Education (having special regard to the industries of the Borough) and Elem. Education in Cl. and Vol. Schs. shall always be rep. Triennial Election. Sec. N.U.T. Asstn. (Falmouth and Truro), H. Pascoe, Esq., National Sch., Falmouth. (a) Include* Traro N.C.B., which has relinquished it* powers as an Education Authority to the C.C. LOCAL AUTHORITIES. 11 $!? PEX/AM'l-;. The L.E.A. is the Non-County Borough Council. Clerk to the N.C.B.C. and Sec. to the. Ed. Com., T. H. Cornish, Esq. ED. COM consists of 16 mem., being 10 of Cl. and 6 co-opted vie. 2 women appt. by Cl., 1 rec. by the Foundation Managers of C.E. Sobs, in the Borough, 1 ditto Nonconformist Schs., 1 ditto R.C. Sobs., and 1 rec. by the Cornwall C.C. Length of office determined by CL, but not exceeding ' 3 years. - See. N.U.T. A*stn. (W. Cornwall), iW. J. Thomas, Esq., Zelab Cl. Scb., Callestick, R.S.O. % Isles Of Scilly Ad. C. The L.E.A. is the County Council. Clerk to the C.C. and Sec. to the Ed. Com., E. N. V.'Moyle, Esq., Council Office, 8t. Mary's, Isles of Scilly. ED. COM. consists of 11 mem., being 7 of Cl. and 4 co-opted viz. 2 women and 2 exp. in education (1 nominated by the Isles of Scilly Vol. Sclis. Asstn., and 1 appt. by Cl.). Triennial Election for representative mem. ; co-opted mem. elected for 6 yrs. Srr. N.U.T. Atstn. (W. Cornwall)?" W. J. Thomas, Esq., Zelah 01. Sch., CaUestick, R.S.O. CUMBERLAND. % Cumberland Ad.C. The L.E.A. is the County Council. Clerk to the C.C., C. B. Hodgeon, Esq., Carlisle. Deputy Ckrk of C.C. and Sec. to the Ed. Com., C. Conrtenay Hodgson, Esq., M.A., The Courts, Carlisle. Ax*f. Sees, and I'nsprctnra In the W. Com., J. \V. Slater, Esq.; W. Elliot, Esq., M.A. ED. COM. consists of 37 mem., being 30 of Cl. (including the chairman and vice-chairman) and 7 co-opted (including 2 women). Univ., Seen., Tech., Commercial and Industrial Education (with special regard to the indus- tries of the County), the Training of Tchrs., and Elem. Education in Cl. and Vol. Schs. shall always be rep. Triennial Election. See. N.U.T. Aastn. (Cumberland County), T. Beaton, Esq., Cumwhitton Sch. House, Head's Nook, Carlisle. CARLISLE. The L.E.A. is the Non-County Borough Council. Toirn Clerk and Clerk to the Ed. Com., A. H. Collingwood, Esq. ED. COM. consists of 22 mem., being 14 of Cl. and 8 co-opted viz. 1 woman, 1 rec. by Carlisle Vol. Schs. Asbtn., 1 rec. by Carlisle Grammar Sch., 4 mem. of late School Board (one a woman), 1 rep. R.C. Schs. Annual Election. See. N.T.T. Asifn., G. Clementeon, Esq., 67, Currock-road, Carlisle. % WHITEHA FEN.The L.E.A. is the Non-County Borough Council. Clerk to the N.C.B.C., T. Brown, Esq. See. to the Ed. Com., W. D. P. Field, Esq. ED. COM. consists of 15 mem., being 10 of 01. (including the Mayor) and 5 co-opted viz. 1 woman, 1 person of exp. in education, 3 mem. of, and nominated by, the C.C. Triennial Election. Sec. N.U.T. Asstn. (Cumberland West), G. Campbell,' Esq., Hamfield House, Egremont, Cumberlatd. * WORKINGTON. The L.E A. is the Non-County Borough Council. CUrk to the N.C.B.C., J. Warwick, Esq. Sec. to the Ed. Com., E. J. Hepworth, Esq. ED. COM. consists of 18 mem., being 11 of CL, 3 rep. the 1 C.C., and 4 co-opted viz. 1 woman and 3 mem. of the late Sch. Board. Length of office de- termined by CL, but not exceeding 3 yrs. Src. N.l'.T. -/.vi/., W. Gorton, Esq., 11, Princess-street, Woriington. DERBYSHIRE. Derby Ad.C. The L.E.A. is the County Council. Sch., Ilkest.m. DEVONSHIRE. Devon Ad C- The L.E.A. is the County Council. Clerk to the C.C., H. Michelmore, Esq., The Castle, Exeter. See. to the Ed. Com., J. F. Young, Esq., M.A., 50, Queen-street, Exeter. ED. COM. consists of 48 members, not more than 16 of whom are co-opted (not less th;in 3 or more than 5 being women) to rep. Higher and Seen. Education for boys and girls, Tech. Education, Provided Sobs., Noii- Prodded Elem. Schs., and Agricultural and other special industries of the Count v. Triennial Election. Set'. N.r.T. Aastn. (Devon County), J. C. Pierce, Esq., Cl. Sch,, North Tawton, Devon. DEVONPORT. The L.E.A. is the County *Borough Council. Clerk to the C.E.C., R. J. Fittall, Esq. See. to t/ie Ed. Com., W. H. Crang, Esq., Education Offices, Devonport. ED. COM. consists of 27 mem., being- 17 of Cl. nnd 10 co-opted (including 2 women) as persons exp. in education. (A tchr. has been co-opted under this clause.) Sec. N.V.T. Axxtti. (Plymouth), A. F. Chubb' Esq., 81, Trelawney-road, Plymouth. # EXETER. The L.E.A. is the County Borough Council. Clerk tn tin-. C.B.C., *H. Lloyd Parry, Esq., B.A., B.Sc., LL.B. See. to the Ed. Com. (Elem. Education), H. J. Morgan, Esq., Education Offices. ED. Com. consists of 31 mem., being 22 of Cl. (including the Mayor) and 9 co-opted (including 3 women) as persons exp. in education. (A tchr. has been co-opted under this clause.) Sec. N.U.T. A**fit., J. W. H. Isaacs, Esq., Heavitree National School, Exeter. # PLYMOUTH. The L.E.A. is the County Borough Council. Clerk to the C.fi.C., J. H. Ellis, Esq. Sec. 10 the Ed. Com., E. Chandler Cook, Esq., Education Offices, 18, Princess-square, Plymouth. Asst. Sees, to the Ed. Com. (Higher Ed.), T. W. Byfield, Eeq. ; (Elem. Ed ), G. W. Wherry, Esq. ED. COM. consists of 27 mem., being 19 of Cl and 8 co-opted to rep. Higher Education, Seen. Education for Boys and Girls, Provided and Non-Provided Elem. Schs , Tchrs. in ELem. Schs., and one working-man. Tiirmiial Election. See. N.l'.T. Asstn,, A. F. Chubb, Esq., 81, Trelawney-road, Plymouth. -Mf BAJtNSTAPLE.The L.E A. is the Non-County Borough Council. Clerk to the N.l'.B.C. the E,/. Com., G. W. F. Brown, Eq. Kn. COM. consists of 1G mem., being 10 of Cl. (including the Mayor) and 9 co-opted (including 1 wom:m) us persons exp. in education. (A tchr. has been c"-opted under this clause.) Triennial Election. Sec. X.U.T. Asstn. (X. D.-\-,m), W. IT. H. Martin, Esq., S. Mary Magdalen's Soh., Barastaple. # TirEHTON.The L.E.A. is the Non-County Borough Council. (Un-lc. to thr ^. C. /;.(", C. M. Hole, Esq. See. to the Ed. Com., E. F. C. CJarke, Jfsq. ED. COM. consists of 11 mem., being 7 of Cl. and 4 co-opted (including at l<;ist I woman) as persons exp. in education. Elem. Education mCl. and Vol. Schs. shall be rep. Triennial Election. Sec. .V. U. T. Asstn< t F. Tovvnsend, Esq., National Sch., Bampton, Tiverton. Also Secretary for Higher Education, 14 LOCAL AUTHORITIES. - TORQUE Y. The L.E.A. is the Non-County Borough Council. Clerk to the N.C.B.C., F. S. Hex, Esq. Sec. to the Ed. Com., S. H. N. Lare, Esq. ED. COM. consists of 18 mem., being 11 of Cl. and 7 co-opted viz. 1 woman exp. in the education of girls, 1 rep. Seen, and Higher Education, 1 rec. by the Managers ot' C.E. Schs., 1 rec. by the Torquay Free Church Cl., 1 rec. by the Managua of R.C. Schs., 1 rec. by the Torquay Head Tchrs' As&tn., and 1 appt. by Cl. as a person exp. in Education, Length of office dett-rmined by CL, but not to exceed 3 yrs. Sec. N.U.T. Asstn. (Teign and Dart), G-. Watts, Esq., Wtstbourne, Torquay. DORSET. -'I'- Dorset Ad.C. The L.E.A. is the County Council. Clerk to the C.C., E. A. Ffooks, Esq., Sherborne. Sec. to the Ed. Com., B. R. Swift. Esq., M.A., County Education Offices, Dorchester. Asst. Sec. to Ed. Com., A. C. Badcoe, Esq., B.Sc., County Education Offices, Dorchester. ED. COM. consists of 34 mem., being 24 of Cl. (including the chairman and vice-chairman, and the chairman and vice-chairman of the Finance Committee), 2 of whom shall rep. Agriculture, and 5 from each Parlia- mentary Division, and 10 co-opted, 2 beinur women viz. 4 persons exp. in education, 1 nominated by the Governors of King's Soh., Sherborne, 1 rec. by the tcbre. in Seen. Schs., 1 rec. by the cert, tchrs. in Elem. Schs., 1 by the Dorset Asstn. of Vol. Schs., and 1 by the S.W. Asstn. of British and other Vol. Schs. Triennial Election. Me. N.U.T. Asstn. (Dorset County), H. Wsirr, Esq., Bradford Abbas, Sherborne. POOLE. The L E.A. is the Non-County Borough Council. Clerk to the N.C.B.C., H. S, Dickinson, Esq. Sec. to the Ed. Com., C. Lisby, Esq. ED. COM. consists of 15 mem., being 9 of Cl. and 6 co-opted (including 2 women, and the Headmaster of a Provided or Non- Provided Sch. in the Borough). Sec. N.U.T. Asstn. (E. Dorset), W. J. Taylor, Esq., St. Peter's National Sch., Parkstone. % WEYMOUTH AND MELCOMBE 2tEGIS.~The L.E.A.. is the Non-County Borough Council. Clerk to the N.C.B.C., H. A. Hurchalle, Esq., Weymouth. Sec. to the Ed. Com., G-. P. Symes, Esq., 1 and 2, Maiden -street, Weymouth. ED. COM. consists of 23 mem., being 18 of Cl. and 10 co-opted viz. 7 appt. by the Cl. as persons exp. in education (including at least 2 women) and 3 nominated mem., namely the President of the Free Church Cl., the Headmaster of Weymouth College, and the Headmaster of a Vol. Sch. in the Borough, to be selected by the Cert. Tcbrs. of Elem. Schs. in the Borough. Annual Election. Sec. N.U.T. Asstn. (S. Dorset), E. A. C. Dare, Esq., School House, Bockhampton, Dorchester. DURHAM. Durham Ad-C. The L.E.A. is the County Council. Clerk to the C.C., R. Simey, Esq., Shire Hall, Durham. Sec. for Elem. Ed., A. J. Dawson, Esq., Shire Hall, Durham. Sec. for Higher Ed., J. A. L. Robson, Esq., Shire Hall, Durham. ED. COM. to consist of 32, 36, or 40 mem. as circumstances render desirable including persons exp. in education. Three-fourths at least to be mem. LOCAL AUTHORITIES. 15 of Cl. (including the chairman and vice-chairman), and at least 1 and not more than 4 of the co-opted mem. to be women. Annual Election. Sec. N.U.T. Awfn. (Durham County), T. H. Little, Esq., 7, Belvedere - road, Darlington. * GATESHEAD. The L.E.A. is the County Borough Council. <:l,rk to the C.ti.C., W. Swinburne, Esq. Sec. to the Ed. Com., E. J. Harding, Esq., Prince Consort-road, Gateshead. ED. Com. consists of 30 mem., being 21 of Cl. and 9 co-opted (including 2 women) viz. 1 nominated by the Durham College of Sc. (rep. by a tchr.) and 8 persons exp. in education, 2 being womea and on the first com. 3 being mem. of the late Sch. Board. Triennial Election. ti-c. N. V.T. Axfstn., J. E, Proctor, Esq., Fern Villas, Low Fell, Gateshead. X SOUTH SHIELDS. The L.E.A. is the County Borough Council. Clrrk to the. ('.B.C., J. M. Hayton, Esq. See. to the Ed. Com., A. E. Leete, Esq., Ocean-road, South Shields. ED. COM. consists of 24 mem., being Ifi.of Cl. and 8 co-opted viz. 2 women exp. in education (a tchr. has been co-opted under this clause), 2 Founda- tion Managers of C.E. Sobs., 1 rep. B.C. Schs., 1 rep. Higher Education, and 2 persons exp. in education. Sec. N.U.T. Asstn., W. Smith, Esq., 49, Westoe -parade, South Shields. % SUNDERLAND. The L.E.A. is the County Borough Council. Clerk to the C.B.C., F. M. Bowey, Esq. Sec. to the Ed. Com., T. W. Beyers, Esq. ED. COM. consists of 32 mem., being 22. of Cl. (including the Mayor) and 10 co-opted viz. 1 woman rep. Seen. Education for Girls, 1 rep. Seen. Education for Boys, 1 rep. Univ. Education, 1 rep. Commercial and Tech. Education, 3 rep. Elem. Provided Schs., and 3 rep. Elem. Non-Provided Schs. (A tchr. has been co-opted.) Annual Election. Sec. N.U.T. A^tn., J. J. Wilkinson, Esq., R obinson- street Wes. Sch., Sunderland. & WEST HARTLEPOOL. The L.E.A. is the County Borough Council. Clerk to the C.B.C., H. Simpson, Esq., Town Clerk's Office, W. Hartle- pool. Sees, to the Ed. Com. (Elem. Ed.), J. Robson Smith, Esq., Education Offices, Park-road, W. Hartlepool; (Higher Ed.), J. Gr. Taylor, Esq., Town Clerk's Office, W. Hartlepool. ED. COM. consists of 25 mem., being 16 of Cl. and 9 co-opted viz* 1 woman, 1 rep. Higher Education, 1 R.C., 1 Nonconformist, 1 C.E*, 1 labour representative, 1 rep. Tech. and Seen. Education, and 2 mem. of the late Sch. Board. Triennial Election. Sec. N.U.T. Asxtn. (Hartlepools), H. Motheradale, Esq., 66, Eamont- gardens, W. Hartlepool. & 1) ARLINGTON. The L.E.A. is the Non- County Borough Council. Clerk to the N.C.B.C., H. 6r. Steavenson, Esq. Director of Ed. and Sec. to the Ed. Com., Alfred C. Boyde, Esq., M.A,, LL.B. ED. COM. consists of 22 mem., being 14 of Cl. and 8 co-opted viz. 2 women, 1 nominated by C.E. Schools, 1 by Wes., 1 by R.C., 1 by C.C., 1 by Trades CL, and 1 by Brit, and Foreign Bible Society. Triennial Election for mem. of Cl. ; annual for co-opted mem. 8*c. N.U.T. Asstn., A. W. Andrews, Esq., 75, Grainger -street, Darlington. DUltHAM.The L.E.A. is the Non-County Borough Council. Clerk to the N.f'.fi.f'., F. Marshall, Esq. S<-<; tot lie IM. r,,,,/., W. R. Wilson, Esq., (iS.\, Saddler-street, Durham. ED. COM. consists of L"> mem., being 10 of Cl. ;md 5 co-opted viz. 1 woman (a tchr. has been appt.), 1 rep. C.E., 1 rep. R.C., 1 rep. Nonconformist, and 1 rep. Elem. Sch. Tchrs. ; allrec. by the various bodies they rep. Sec. N.U.T. Assln.,W. U. Cuthbertbon, Esq., 12, Osborne-road, Chester- le-Street. 16 LOCAL AUTHORITIES. # HARTLEPOOL.^he L.E.A. is the Non-County Borough Council. Clerk to the N.C.B.C. and Sec. to the Ed. Com., H. W. Bell, Esq. ED. COM. consists of 21 mem., being 13 of Cl. and 8 co-opted viz. 2 women, 3 rep. Cl. Schools, 2 rep. Vol. Schs., 1 rep. Seen., Tech., and Superior Education. (A tchr. has been co-opted). Length of office deter- mined by Cl. Sec. N.U.T. Asstn. (Hartlepools) , H. Mothersdale, Esq., 66, Eamoii f - gardens, W. Hartlepool. * JARJROJF.The L.E.A. is the Non-County Borough Council. Clerk to the N.C.B.C., W. S. Daglish, Esq. See. to the Ed. Com., T. H. Spencer, Esq., Town Hall, Jarrow. ED. COM. consists of 17 mem., being 11 of Cl. and 6 co-opted as persons exp< in education, including at least 1 woman and 1 nominated by the Durham C.C. See. N. U.T. Asstn t , G. E. Clarke, Esq., A.R.C.S., B.Sc., 265, Albert-road, Jarrow. STOCXTON-ON-TEES.-^he L.E.A. is the Non-County Borough Council, Clerk to the N.C.B.C., A. B. Crosby, Esq. Sec. to the Ed. Com., J. Tweedy, Esq., 19, Dovecot-street, Stockton-on- Tees. ED. COM. consists of 21 mem., being 14 of Cl. and 7 co-opted as persons exp. in education (including 1 woman). Annual Election. See. N.U.T. Asstn., J. G. Dent, Esq., A.C.P., 10, Templar-street, Stockton-on-Tees. #; FULLING.-Tbe L.E.A, is the Urban District Council. Clerk to the U.D.C. and 'Sec. to the Ed. Coin., G. Bolamy, Esq., Council Buildings, Eelling, R.S.O. ED. COM. consists of 18 mem., being 12 of Cl. and 6 co-opted as persons exp. In education, including 1 woman, and 1 rep. the Vol. Schs. in the district. See* N.U.T. Asstn. (Gateshead). (See Gateshead, above.) HEBBUHN.The L.E.A. is the Urban District Council. Clerk to the U.D.C. and /Sec. tothe Ed. Com., A. Robfcon, Eeq., 7, Bell-s1reet, Hebburn. ED. COM. consists of 21 mem., being 12 of Cl. and 9 co-opted (including 1 woman) viz. 1 rep. the Managers of the National Sch., 1 ditto R.C. Sch., 1 ditto Wes. Sch., 1 rep. the Cert. Tchrs. of the District, 1 rep, the Durham College of Sc., Newcastle, and 4 rep. the Cl. Schs., 1 being a woman. (A tchr. has been co-opted under this clause). Annual Election* See. N. U.T. Asstn., G. Eenwick, Esq., New Town Cl. Sch., Hebburn. ESSEX. &J2ssex: Ad. C- The L.E.A. is the County Council. Clerk to the C.C., H. Gibson, Esq., Chelmsford. Sec. to the Ed. Com., J. H. Nicholas, Esq., County Offices, Duke-street, Chclmsford. ED. COM. consists of 47 mem., being 32 of Cl. (including the chairman and vice-chairman) and 15 co-opted (including 3 women) viz. 8 rec. by the Senates of London, Cambridge, and Oxford Univ. respectively, 2 (1 being a woman) rec. by the Head Tchrs. of Public Elem. Schs. in the County, 1 rec. by the Head Tchrs. of Endowed Schs., Seen. Schs., and Training Colleges in the County, 3 mem. of the late Tech. Instruction Com., and 6 (2 being women) appt. by the C.C. as persons exp. in education. Univ., Seen., Tech., Commercial, Agricultural, and Industrial Education (with special regard to the industries of the area), Elem. Education, and the training of tchrs. shall always be rep. on the Com. Annual Election. See. N.U.T. Axstn. (Essex County) , R. Mouat, Esq., Siisted, Braintree. & WEST HAM.- The L.E.A. is the County Borough Council. Clerk to the C.B.C. and Sec. to thg Ed. Com., F. E. Hilleary, Esq., LL.D., Town Hall, West Ham, E. ED. COM. consists of 27 mem., being 18 of Cl. (including the Mayor) and 9 LOCAL AUTHORITIES. 17 co-opted (including at least 2 women) viz. 1 rec. by the Senate of the Univ. of London, and 8 persons exp. in education. Seen. Education in its higher and lower grades, Elem. Education in Cl. and Vol. Schs., Tech., Commercial, and Industrial Education (with special regard to the industries of the Borough), shall always be rep. Annual Election. See. N.U.T. Asstn.. F. W. S. Gladwin, Esq., 58, Central Park-road, Upton Park, E. CHELMSFORD.^ke L.E.A. is the Non-County Borough Council. Cleric to the N.C.B.C. and Sec. to the Ed. Com., T. Dixon, Esq., 16, London- road, Chelmsford. ED. COM. consists of 20 mem., being 12 of Cl. and 8 co-opted viz. 4 persons of exp. in education (2 being women exp. in education of girls) appt. by the CL, 1 rec. by the Managers of the Victoria and St. Peter's Public Elem. Schs., 1 by the Managers of St. John's Schs., 1 by the Managers of the Brit. Schs., and 1 by the Managers of the R.C. Schs. Higher, Seen., Tech., Commercial and Industrial Education shall always be rep. Triennial Election. Sec. N.U.T. Asstn. (Mid-Essex), R. Coward, Esq., Springfield National Sch., Chelmeford. COLCHESTER. The L.E.A. is the Non-County Borough Council. Clerk to the N.C.B.C., H. C. Wanklyn, Esq. Clerk to the Ed. Com., Ernest H. Bultitude, Esq., East Stock well -street, Colchester. ED. COM. consists of not less that 23 or more than 25 mem., being 16 of the Cl. (including the Mayor) and 7 co-opted (including 2 women) viz. 1 appt. by the Cl. after consultation with the Association of Vol. (C.E.) Schs., 1 after consultation with the Managers of Nonconformist Schs., and 5 (2 being women) appt. as persons exp. in education. 2 mem. may be nominated by the Essex C.C. if that authority arranges with Borough Cl. for the exercise of all, or any, of its powers with respect to Higher Education. Univ., Seen., Elem., Tech., Commercial, Agricultural and Industrial Education (with special regard to the industries of the Borough) and the training of tchrs. shall always be rep. Annual Election. See. N.U.T. Asstn. (E. Essex), C. H. Grimwood, Esq., All Saints' National Sch., Stan way, Colchester. EAST ITAM.ThQ L.E.A. is the Non-County Borough Council. Clerk to the N.C.B.C., C. E. Wilson, Esq. Sec. to the Ed. Com., H. C. Padgett, Esq., Education Offices, East Ham. ED. COM. consists of 25 mem., including persons exp. in Tech. Instruction (having special regard to the industries of the Borough), Higher, Seen., and Elem. Education, and acquainted with the needs of the various kinds of schs. in the Borough, being 20 of Cl. (including the Mayor), 1 woman, and 4 mem. who may be chosen from outside the Cl. if, in the opinion of the CL, a sufficient number of qualified persons cannot be found amongst the mem of the Cl. Triennial Election. Sec. N.U.T. Asstn., H. J. Hughes, Esq., 271, Strone-road, Manor Park, E. HARWICH. The L.E.A. is the Non-County Borough Council. Clerk to the N.C.B.C., A. J. H. Ward, Esq. Sac. to the Ed. Com., G. D. Hugh-Jones, Esq., 42, Church-street, Harwich. ED. COM. consists of 15 mem., being 10 of Cl. and 5 co-opted viz. 2 women exp. in Seen, and Elem. Education of Girls respectively, 1 rec. by the lato Sch. Board (on first com., by Managers of CL Schs. in future), 1 rec. by the Managers of the Vol. Schs., and 1 rec. by the Tech. Instruction Com. (on first com., by C.C. in future). Sec. N.U.T. A&stu. (E. Essex), C. H. G-rimwood, Esq., All Saints' National Sch., Stan way, Colchester. 18 LOCAL AUTHORITIES. * SOUTHEND-ON-SEA.Thelj.'E.A. is the Non-County Borough Council. Clerk to the N.C.B.C., W. H. Snow, Esq. Sec. to the Ed. Com., J. W. Barrow, Esq., Municipal Buildings, South - end-on-Sea. ED. COM. consists of 19 mem., being 13 of 01. (including the Mayor) and 6 co-opted (including 1 woman) viz. 1 rec. by the Ed. Com. of the Essex C.C., 2 rec. by the mem. of the late Tech. Instruction Com., 3 (1 being a woman) rec. by the mem. of the late Sch. Board. Triennial Election. See. N.U.T. Asstn. (S.E.Essex), Miss A. M. Durrant, "Rockley," Sea View-road, Leigh-on-Sea. & MARKING. The L.E.A. is the Urban District Council. Clerk to the U.D.C., ELHargreaves, Esq. Sec. to the Ed. Com., J. T. Edwards, Esq., 24, East-street, Barking. ED. COM. consists of 19 mem., being all the mem. of the 01. (12) and 7 co-opted (including 1 woman) viz. 1 rep. the National Sch., 1 rep. the R.C. Sch., 1 rep. the N.U.T., and 4 (1 being a woman) rep. respec- tively Higher Education, Seen. Education, and Tech., Commercial, and Industrial Education (with special regard to the industries of the district). See. N. U.T. Asstn. (Barking and Ilford), C. J. Shaw, Esq., Loxford 01. Sch., Ilford. w ILFORD. The L.E.A. is the Urban District Council. Clerk to the U.D.C., J. W. Benton, Esq. Sec. to the Ed. Com., W. S. Torbitt, Esq., M.A., Cleveland -road, Ilford. ED. COM. consists of 21 mem., being 14 of 01. and 7 co-opted (including 1 woman exp. in education). Annual Election. Sec. N. U.T. Asstn. (Barking and Ilford), C. J. Shaw, Esq., Loxford 01. Sch., Ilford. * LEYTON. The L.E.A. is the Urban District Council. Clerk to the U.D.C. and Sec. to the Ed. Com., E. Vincent, Esq., Town Hall, Ley ton. ED. COM. consists of 18 mem., being 14 of 01. and 4 co-opted (including a woman) as persons exp. in education. Seen., Tech., Commercial, Indus- trial, and Elem. Education shall always be rep. (1 tchr. is serving on the com.). Annual Election. See. N.U.T. Asstn., C. Evans, Esq., 52, Liverpool-road, Leyton, E. & WALTHAMSTOW. The L.E.A. is the Urban District Council. Clerk to the U.D.C., C. S. Watson, Esq. See. to the Ed. Com., T. W. Liddiard, Esq., " Clevelands," High- street, Walthamstow. ED. COM. consists of 24 mem., being 15 of 01. (including the chairman, vice-chairman, and chairman of Finance Committee) and 9 co-opted (including at least 1 woman) viz. 1 rep. Higher Education, 1 rep. Seen. Education (a teacher has been appt.), 1 rep. Tech. Education, 1 Founda- tion Manager rep. the Vol. Elem. Schs. in the district, 1 Head Tchr. of an Elem. Sch. in the district, and 4 rep. Elem. Education. Triennial Election. (One-third of com. retire annually.) HIGHER ED. COM. has been appt., which includes a tchr. Sec. N.U.T. Asstn., E.H. Allan, Esq., 38, West Avenue-rd., Walthamstow. GLOUCESTERSHIRE. Gloucester Ad-C- The L.E.A. is the County Council. Ckrk to the C.C., E. T. G-ardom, Esq., Gloucester. Sec,, to Ed. Com., H. W. Household, Esq., College-court, Gloucester. ED. COM. consists of 60 mem., being 40 of 01. and 20 co-opted (including 1 woman) viz. 1 nominated by the Univ. of Oxford, 1 nominated or rec. by the President and Cl. of Cheltenham College, 1 nominated or rec. by the Cl. of the Cheltenham Ladies' College, and 17 (1 being a woman) selected by the Cl. as persons exp. in education and acquainted with the needs of the various kinds of schs. in the County (including 3 rep. C.E., R.C., and Nonconformi&t Schs. respectively, and 1 rep. the tchrs., such LOCAL AUTHORITIES. 19 persons being appt. on the rec. of any association or society rep. such bodies). Annual Election. See. N. U.T. A**tn. (Gloucester County), J. W. May, Esq., Fir Tree Villa, Rodboroujm'h, Stroud, Glos. * BRISTOL. The L.E.A. is the County Borough Council. Clerk to the C.B.C., E. J. Taylor, Esq., Council House, Bristol. Sec. to the Ed. Com., W. A. Adams, Esq., Guildhall, Bristol. ED. COM. consists of 31 mem., being 21 of Cl. and 10 co-opted as persons exp. in education viz. 2 women exp. in the education of girls, and having special regard to the needs and interests of Seen. Education, 2 ditto Tech. and Industrial Education, 4 ditto Elem. Education in Cl. and Vol. Schs. (2 tcbrs. have been co-opted.) Annual Election. See. N.li.T. Asstn., J. Barnett, Esq., Lynton House, Causeway, Fish- ponds, Bristol. GLOUCESTER. The L.E.A. is the County Borough Council. Clerk to the C.B.C., G. S. BlakewayTEsq. See. to Ed. Com., P. Barrett Cooke, E-q., Berkeley-street, Gloucester. ED. COM. consists of 20 mem., being 15 of Cl. and 5 co-opted (including 1 woman) as persons exp. in education and acquainted with the needs of the various kinds of schs. in the Borough. Elem., Seen., and Tech. Education shall always be rep. 1 _ Sec. N. 17. T. Asstn., F. H. Kimberley, Esq., 23, St. Paul's-road , Gloucester. X CHELTENHAM. Tha L.E.A. is the Non-County Borough Council. CInk to the N. tin-- N.C.S.C. .('., W. E. Eoster, Esq. &-c. to Hie Ed. ( '<,,., N. Clinton, Esq., 4, Station-road, Aldershot. ED. COM. contists of 17 mem., being 10 of Cl. (including the chairman and vice-chairman) and 7 co-opted (including 1 woman) viz. 3 nominated mem. (1 rep. C.E. Schs.. 1 R.C. Schs., and 1 the Free Church Cl.), 4 selected as persons exp. in education (1 being- a woman exp. in the educa- tion of grirls). (A tcbrs'. rep. has beeu appt.) Annual Election for mem. of the CJ. : triennial for co-opted mem. See. N.U.T. Asstn. (Farnham and AMersbot), A. R. Blian, Esq., West End CK Sch., Aldershot. GOSPORT AXI> ALJ'filtSTOKE.The L.E.A. is the Urban District Council . Cl'-rl; to the T'.Jj.f'., E. T. Palmer, Esq. Src. to the Ed. font.. G. E. Walker, E>rq., Education Offices, Gosport. ED. COM. consists of 23 mem., being 15 of Cl. (including the chairman and vice-chairman) and 8 co-opted viz. 2 women appt. by the CL, 3 nomi- nated by the Managers of Non-Provided Schs. (of whom 1 shall be a R.C.), 1 nominated by the Free Church CL, 1 Governor of the Tech. Sch. (elected by the body), 1 Head Tchr. (nominated by the tchrg. of the district). Triennial Election. See. N.U.T. Ai*t,t. Portsmouth;, C. T. Wing, Esq., Rothesay, 2s. Haslemere-road, Southsea. LOCAL AUTHORITIES. 21 ISLE OF WIGHT. Isle Of Wight Ad. C- The L.E.A. is the County Council. Cl-rk tn th>- <:.<'., John Dufton, Esq., Newport, Isle of Wight. Sec. to the Ed. Com., F. G-. Flux, Esq., Newport, Isle of Wight. Organising Sec. for Ecg. and Tech. Classes, Miss M. A. Cann. ED. COM. consists of 19 mem., being 13 of Cl. and 6 co-opted (including 2 women) as persons exp. in education. Advisory Com. consists of 12 mem. viz. 4 nominated -by the local N.U.T. Asstn. (2 being women), 2 nominated by the Tchrs'. Asstn. of Seen. Schs. (1 being a woman), the Headmaster of the Higher Grade Sch., Sandown, the Headmistress of the P.T. Centre, and 4 H.M. Inspectors (Head and Sub. for Elem. Education and Head and Sub. for Seen. Education). Sec. N.r.T. A**tn., G-. A. Millett, Esq., 1, Albion-villas, West-street, Hyde, Isle of Wight. NEWPORT. The L.E.A. is the Non-County Borough Council. c.hrk to the N.C.B.C., T. R. Peal!, Esq. Sec. to the Ed. Com., F. D. Shields, Esq., 17, Quay-street, Newport, Isle of Wight. ED. COM. consists of 12 mem., being 8 of Cl. and 4 co-opted (including 1 woman). Co-opted mem. may, or may not, be mem. of the Cl. Sec. X. U. T. Axxtn. (See Isle of Wight, above). RTDE. The L.E.A. is the Non-County Borough Council. Cleric to the N.C.B.C., C. G. Vincent, Esq. Clerk to the Ed. Com., E. Hunt, Esq., Town Hall, Ryde, Isle of Wight, ED. COM. consists of 15 mem., being 9 of Cl. and 6 co-opted (including 1 woman). Committee shall contain persons exp. in education and acquainted with the needs of the various sch. in the Borough, including the Sch. of Science and Art. (A tchr. has been co-opted.) Annual Election. Sec. N. U.T. Asstn. (See Isle of Wight, above). HEREFORDSHIRE. Hereford Ad. C. The L.E.A. is the County Council. Cleric t<, tin C.C.i J. R. Symondc, Esq., Shire Hall. Hereford. Sec. to the Ed. Com., J. Wiltshire, Esq., Shire Hall, Hereford. A**t. Sec., A. E. Ikin, B.Se., L.C.P. ED. COM. consists of 40 mem., being 28 of Cl. (including the chairman and vice-chairman) and 12 co-opted (including at least 2 women) viz. 2 rep. C.E. Schs., 2 rep. Nonconformist or Undenominational or Provided Schs., 1 rep. R.C. Schs., 1 rep. Higher Education free, by the Governing bodies of Seen. Schs., or by the Incorporated Agstn. of Headmasters and Assistant Masters), 2 Tcbrs. in Elem. Schs. (rec. by the lo sal X.U.T. Asstn.), and 4 mem. chosen by the Cl. (2 at lea.st being worn* 1 !!). Triennial Election. \.U.T. Asstn. (Hereford County), J. C. Deny, Esq., Canon Py on Sch., Hereford. HEREFORD. The L.E.A. is the Non- County Boro"orh Council. Clerk to the X.C.B.C., J. Carless, Esq. Sec. to the Ed. Com., T. Lewis, Esq., Town Hall, Hereford. ED. COM. consists of 16 mem., being 9 of Cl. (including the Mayor) and 7 co-opted (including 2 women) viz. 3 nominated by the Vol. Schs. in tbe City (2 rep. C.E. Schs. and 1 R.C. or Undenominational Schs.). and 4 selected mem. appt. by tbe Cl. (2 at least being women, 1 rep. Seen, or Univ. Education and 1 rep. Tech. Education). If possible, at least 1 mem. of the com. shall be a mem. of the County Ed. Com. Annual election for mem. of Cl. ; triennial for co-opted mem. Sec. N. U. T, Aist/i. (same as Hereford County, above). 09 LOCAL AUTHORITIES. HERTFORDSHIRE. # Hertford Ad.C.* The L.E.A. is the County Council. Ck'tk to the C.C. mid Sec. to the Ed. Com., C. E. Longmore, Esq., Hertford. ED. COM. consists of 48 mem., being 28 of Ci. and 20 co-opted (including 2 women) viz. 2 rtp. Chi>rch Vol. Schs., 2 rep. other maintained Sohs., 1 rep. B.C. Sch., 2 rep. Cl. Schs., 4 rep. Tech. and Higher Education, 4 rep. Tchw. in Seen. Schs., 2 rep. Tchrs. in Elem. Schs., 3 appt. by the TJ.D.C." of Watford, of whom 1 shall be a representative working man of exp. in Elem. Education. Annual Election. DISTRICT COMMITTEES have been appt., which include Tchrs. HIGHEE ED. COM. has been appt. for Watford and St. Albans, which includes a Tchrs.' representative. Sec. N.U.T. Ansln. (Herts County), R. W. Fox, Esq., 39, Liverpool-road, St. Albans. $!'? TfEMKF* JfEMPSTEAD. The L.E.A. is the Non-County Borough Council, Clerk to the N.C.Ji.C. and Sec. to the Ed. Com., L. Smeathman, Esq., Town Hall, Hemel Hempstead. ED. COM. consists of 15 mem., being 10 of Cl. and 5 co-opted as persons exp. in education (including 2 women) viz. 2 Tchrs. (1 Master and 1 Mistress) in Elem. Schs. in the Borough (roc. by the Cert. Tchrs. of the Borough, who shall nomic ate 1 Tchr. of a Provided Scb. and 1 Tchr. of a Non-Provided Sch.), 1 mem. of thelate Sch. Board (rec. by that body), 1 rec. by the Managers of Non-Provided Scbs., and 1 woman. Length of office determined by the Cl., but not to exceed 3 yrs. See. N.r.T. , ////., G-. Olive, Esq., Two Waters Cl. Sch., He-rnel Hemp- stead. HUNTINGDONSHIRE. % Huntingdon Ad.C. The L.E.A. is the County Council. Clerk to the C.C., J. P. Maule, Esq., Huntingdon. See. to the Ed. Com., S. G-. Cook, Esq., M.A., B.Sc., Huntingdon. Minuting Clerk to the Ed. Com., A. Thomas, Esq., Huntingdon. ED. COM. consists of 33 mem., being 23 of 01. (including the chairman, vice-chairman, and chairman of Finance Com.) ard 10 co-opted (ircruding 2 women) viz. 3 rec. by the Hunts. Vol. Schs.' Asstn., 2 Managers of Provided Schs. (on first com., being mem. of the late Scb. Board), 1 nominated by the Univ. of Cambridge, 2 (1 being a woman) from Masters and Mistresses of Schs. other than Elem., and 2 (1 being a woman) rec. by the Tchrs. of Elem. Schs. in the County. Triennial Election. See. N.U.T. Asstn., W. Cowden, Esq., Newtown, Huntingdon. KENT. % Kent Ad.C. The L.E.A. is the County Council. Clerk to the C.C., W. B. Prosser, Esq., Maidstone. ,Vr. to the Ed Com., F. W. Crook, Esq., Caxton House, Westminster, London, S.W. 1'r'wriptil Asst. Sec., Choi. Harrison, Efcq., M.A. Asst. Sees., J. C. G. Thompson, E 6 q., and W. T. H. Walsh, Esq., M.A. ED COM. consists of 40 mem., being 28 of Cl. (including the chairman and the chairman of Finance Committee) and 12 co-opted (including 2 women) viz. one nominated by the Senate of the Univ. of London, 1 rep. first grade Seen. Schs. for boys, 1 rep. .second grade Seen. Sch. for boys, 1 woman rep. Seen. Schs. for girls, 1 rep. Tchrs. in Public Elem. Schs., 1 rep. Managers of C.E. Schs., 1 rep. Managers of Wes. Schs., 1 rep. Managers of Brit. Schs., 1 rep. Managers of B.C. Schs., 1 woman exp. * Includes St. Allmns Non-County Borough and Watford Urban District, which have relinquished their powers as Education Authorities to the County Council, LOCAL AUTHORITIES. 23 with regard to Eleni. Schs., and 2 persons exp. in education. Triennial Election. Sec. N.U.T. Asstn. (Kent County), F. G-. Harris, Esq., Upland Cl. Sch., Bexley Heath. -$ CANTERBURY. The L.E.A. is the County Borough Council, CM to the C.li.C. and Sec. to the EiL Com., H. Fielding, Esq., 15, Burgate-street, Canterbury. ED. COM. consists of 15 mem., being* 11 of Cl. (including the Mayor) and 4 co-opted viz. 2 women, and 2 rep. Univ. Education (1 rec. by Dean and Chapter of Christ Church Cathedral, and 1 rec. by the Free Church Cl. of the City). Univ., Seen., Tech., Commercial and Industrial Education with special regard to the industries of the City), the training- of Tchrs., and Elem. Education in Cl. and Vol. Schs., shall always be rep. on the committee. Triennial Election. Sec. N.U.T. Asstn., H. Joad, Esq., 16, .Hanover-place, Canterbury. BROMLEY. The L.E.A. is the Non-County Borough Council. Clerk to the N.C.B.C.. F. H. Norman, Esq. Sec. to the Ed. Com., Gr. Wall, Esq., Council Offices, Bromley, Kent. ED. COM. consists of 21 mem., being 12 of Cl. (including the chairman) and 9 co-opted (including 1 at least 2 women) viz. 2 rep. Seen. Education, 2 rep. Tech., Commercial and Industrial Education, and 5 rep. Elem. Education. (The Asstn. of Vol. Schs. of the district may rec. persons exp. in education as mem. of the committee ; and 5 of the late Sch. Board to be mem. of the first committee.) Triennial Election. Sec. N.U.T. Asstn., Miss Cooper, 21, Burnhill-road, Beokenham. # CHATHAM. The L.E.A. is the Non-County Borough Council. cu-rk to the N.C.B.C., H. P. Mann, Esq., Town Hall, Chatham. Sec. to the Ed. Com., J. Thompson, Esq., Town Hall, Chatham. ED. COM. consists of 21 mem., being H of Cl. (including the Mayor, Deputy-Mayor, and chairman of Finance Com.) and 7 co-opted (including 2 women) as persons exp. hi education. (A tchr. has been co-opted under this clause.) Triennial Election for mem. of 01. ; annual for co-opted mem. Sec. N.U.T. Asstn. (Chatham and Rochester), J. T. "Williams, Esq., National Sch., Higham, Rochester. & LEAL. The L.E.A. is the Non-County Borough Council. Clerk to the N.C.B.C. and Sec. to the Ed. Com., A. C. Brown, Esq., 127, High-street, Deal. ED. COM. consists of 17 mem., being 10 of 01. and 7 co-opted viz. 1 woman, 1 rep. Seen. Education, 1 rep. Tech., Commercial, and Industrial Education (having special regard to the industries of the Borough), 1 tohr. rec. by the local N.U.T. Asstn., 1 rec. by the Managers of the Parochial Sch., 1 rec. by the Managers of the National Sch., and 1 rec. by the Managers of the Wes. Sch. (4 Tchrs. have been co-opted.) Triennial Election. Sec. N.U.T. Asstn. (Deal and Sandwich), C. Sheppard, Esq., Sydney- road, Walmer, Deal. $ LOVER. The L.E.A. is the Non-County Borough Council. Clerk to the N.C.B.C. and Sec. to the Ed. Com., Sir E. Wollaston Knocker, C.B., Castle Hill House, Dover. ED. COM. consists of not less than 23 or more than 25 mem., being 13 of 01. and 10 co-opted as persons exp. in education (including 1 woman) viz. 2 nominated by Kent C.C., 6 rec. by the Dover Public Elem. Sch. Managers' Asstn. (I being a woman), 1 Headmaster rec. by the local N.U.T. Asstn., and 1 rec. by the Dover Free; Church Cl. Seen., Tech., and Industrial Education must always bo rep. on the Com. Triennial Election. Sac. N. U.T. Asutn.y H. Souden, Esq., St. Bartholomew's Sch., Dover. % FA rERSHAM. The L.E.A. is the Non-County Borough Council. Clerk to the N. C.li.C. and Sec. to the Ed. Com., A. Tassell, Esq., 20, Weat- strcet, Faversham. LOCAL AUTHORITIES. ED. COM. consists of not less than 19, or more than 22 mem., being the -whole of mem. of the Cl. (16) and 2 women, and 1 mem. of the Kent C.C. Higher, Seen., and Elem. Ed. shall be rep., and if mem. cannot be found -within the Cl. to rep. these interests, the Com. may be enlarged by the addition of not more than 3 co-opted mem. Triennial Election. Sec. N.U.T. AsstH., F. T. Pincott, Esq., Cl. Sch., Eastling, Favereham. FOLKESTONE. -The L.E.A. is the Non-County Borough Council. Clerk to the N.C.B.C., A. E. Kidson, Esq. Clerk to the Ed. Com., Thos. "Wilkinson, Esq., Radnor-chambers, Cheriton- place, Folkestone . ED. COM. consists of 21 mem., being 12 of Cl. and 9 co-opted (including 1 woman) viz. 1 rec. by the Managers of C.E. Schs., 1 rec. by the Managers of R.C. Schs., 1 rec. by the Managers of Wes. Schs., 1 rec. by tte Kent C.C., 1 rec. by the Governors of Sir Eliab Harvey's Sch. (when the present mem. ceases to hold office to be replaced by a rep. of the Univ. of London) and 4 persons living in the Borough exp. in education (1 being a woman, and on the first Com., 2 being rec. by the late Sch. Board). Annual Election. Sec. N. U.T. Asstn. t G. D. Cooper, Esq., 20, Bournemouth-road, Folkestone. GILLINGflTAM.The L.E.A. is the Non-County Borough Council. Clerk to the N.C.B.C., F. C. Boucher, Esq., New Brompton. Sec. to the Ed. Com., E. G. Atchison, Esq., 8, Waterloo- street, New Brompton. ED. COM. consists of 21 mem., being 12 of CL, and 9 co-opted, including at least 1 woman viz. 2 mem. of late Sch. Bd., 2 rec. by Managers of C.E. Vol. Schs., 1 Wes. do., 1 B.C. do., 2 acquainted with the needs of Univ. Ed., training of Tchrs., and Seen. Ed. (1 rec. by the N.U.Tchrs., and 1 by the C.C.), and 1 rec. by the Dist. Cl. of Evangelical Free Churches. (One-third of Com. retire annually.) Triennial Election. Sec-. N.U.T. Asstn., G. H. Rogers, Esq., F.R.G.S., Napier-road Cl. Sch., Gillingham. GRAUESEND.The L.E.A. is the Non-County Borough Council. Clerk to the N.C.B.C. and Sec. to the Ed. Coin., H. H. Brown, Esq., Town Clerk's Office, Gravesend. ED. COM. consists of 20 mem., being at least 12 of Cl. (including the Mayor), 2 women from outside Cl. and 6 persons exp. in education and acquainted with the needs of the various kinds of Schs. in the Borough, 3 being of special exp. in Elem. Ed., and 3 in Seen, and Tech. Ed. (of these 2 shall be rec. by the C.C.). Annual Election. Sec. N.U.T. Atstit. (Gravesend and Northfleet), Miss Utting, Parrock- street, Gravesend. HAILSTONE. The L.E.A. is the Non-County Borough Council. Clerk to the N.C.B.C., S. Lance Monckton, Esq. Sec. to the Ed. Com., E. W. B. Abbott, Esq., Municipal Tech. Sch., Maidstone. ED. COM. consists of 21 mein,, being 14 of Cl. (including the Mayor) and 7 co-opted (including 1 woman) viz. 1 rep. C.E. Schs., 1 rep. Noncon- formist Schs., 1 rep. R.C. Schs., 1 rep. the Governing Body of the Central Classes for the Training of Tchrs., and 3 selected mem. (at least one being a woman). Triennial Election. Sec. N.U.T. Asstn. t R. G. Oliver, Esq., 11, King Edward-road, Maid- stone . MARGATE. -The L.E.A. is the Non-County Borough Council, Clerk t<> H,, N.C.B.C., E. Brooke, Esq. Vtf. t<> the Kfl. Onn., L. Hill, Esq., 8, Cecil -square, Margate. ED. COM. consists of 15 mem., being 9 of CL and 6 co-opted as persons exp. in education (including 1 woman, and on the first com. 1 mem. of the late Sch. Board). Length of office determined by Cl. See* N.U.T. Asstn. (Isle of Thanet), W. Loveday, Esq., Minuter National Sch., liamugate. LOCAL AUTHORITIES. 25 RAMSGATE.The L.E.A. is the Non-County Borough Council. Clerk fn ///' X.f './!.('. tmd Sec. to tjir Ed. font., E. C. Bynie, Esq., Albion House, Ratnsgate. Er. COM. consists of 15 mom., being 10 of Cl. (including the Mayor) and 5 co-opted (of whom at least 1, but not more than 2, shall be women) as persons exp. in education, after consideration of recommendations from persons, or bodies of persons, acting in a, representative capacity. The co-opted mem. are 1 rep. Managers C.E. Schs., I rep. Managers R.C. Schs., 1 Nonconformist, 1 Elem. Sch. Tchr., and 1 lady. Annual Election. See. X. I '. T. Asstn. (Isle of Thanot). (See Margate, above). ROCHESTER. The L.E.A. is the Non-County Borough Council. Clerk to the N.C.B.C. and See. t<> the Ed. Ct,t., A. Kennette, Esq., Guild- hall, Rochester. Cli-rk, W. J. R. Ring, Esq., Guildhall, Rochester. ED. COM. consists of 21 mem., being 12*f Cl, and 9 co-opted (including I woman) viz. 4 rec. by the late Sch, Bd. (1 a woman), 2 rec. by the Kent C.C. as rep. Tech. and Seen. Education, 2 rec. by the Rochester Deanery Church Sch. Union, and 1 by the Nonconformist Cl. of Rochester, (A Tchr. has been co-opted.) Triennial Election. AV r . N.V. T. A**tH. (Chatham and Rochester), (See Chatham), TUNBRIDGE lEELLS.The L.E.A. is the Non-County Borough Council. f.'frrk In flu- .Y.C.JLC. and A'/-,-, fn the Ed. Coat., W. C. Cripps, Esq., Town Hall, Tunbridge Wells. Two Corns, have been established. ELEM. ED, COM. consists of 14 mem., being 8 of Cl,, and 6 co-opted as persons exp. in education viz, 2 women, 2 rec. by the Church Schs,' Cl, of the Borough, 1 rec. by the Free Church Cl. of the Borough, 1 rec. by the Asstn. of Head Tchrs, of Elem. Schs. in the Borough. Annual Election, HIGHER ED. COM. consists of 18 mem,, being 10 of Cl. and 8 co-opted as pel-sons exp. in education viz. not less than 2 or more than 4 women, 1 rec. by the Kent C.C., 1 rec. by the Tunbridge Wells Chamber of Com- merce, 1 rec. by the Asstn, of Head Tchrs, of Elem. Schs. in the Borough, and 1 re3. by the Borough Com, of Univ. Extension Lectures, Annual Election. Sfe. X.r.T. Asstn. (Tonbridge), H. Weaire, Esq., 01. Sch., Pembury, Tunbridge Wells. TtECKENHAM.Tbe L.E.A. is the Urban District Council. Clerk to the U.D.C. and t tlie Ed. Cmit., F. Stevens, Esq., Cl. Offices, Beckenham. Asst. Clerk, J. R. Hambridge, Esq., Council Offices, Beckenham. ED. COM. consists of 19 mem., being 11 of Cl. and 8 co-opted as persons of exp. in education, of whom at least 2 inufet be women, and 1 appt. on the rec. of the Kent C.C. Higher, Seon., Tech., Commercial and Industrial Education (with special regard to the industries of the district) and Elem. Ed. in Cl. and Vol. Schs. shall always be rep. on the Com. Annual Election. 8ec. N.U.T. Afmtu. (Bromley). (See Bromley above.) ERITIf.The L.E.A. is the Urban District Council. Clerk to the U.D.C., C. H. Fry, Ew, Esq., B.A., B.Sc., Education Offices, Library -street, Blackburn. ED. COM. consists of 33 mem., being 18 of Cl. and 1,5 co-opted viz. 2 women, 2 nominated by the Asstn. of C.E. Elem. Schs. in the Borough, 1 nomi- nated by the Asstn. of Brit. Elem. Schs. in the Borough, 1 nominated by the Asstn. of R.C. Elem. Schs. in the Borough, 1 nominated by the Victoria Univ., and 8 mem. appt. by the Cl. Of these mem. 4 rep. the late Sch. Board, 1 rep. the Tech. Sch., 1 the Grammar Sch., and 1 the Tchrs' . Asst n . (local N.U.T.). Annu al Election . Sec. N. U.T. Asstn., J. Cornall, Esq., 15, West View, Witton, Blackburn. # BLACKPOOL. The L.E.A. is the County Borough Council. Clerk to the C.B.C., T. Loftus, Esq. Director of Ed., F. G-. Plant, Esq., B.A., Education Offices, Blackpool. Assistant, J. H. Greenwood, Esq. ED. COM. consists of 26 mem., being 16 of Cl. (including the Mayor, Deputy Mayor, and chairman of Finance Committee), and 10 co-opted as persons exp. in education viz. 2 women, 2 mem. of the late Tech. Instruction Committee, 1 rec. by the C.C., 1 to rep. the Tchrs. in Elem. Schs. of the Borough (rec. by the local N.U.T. Asstn.), 1 rec. by the Borough LOCAL AUTHORITIES. 27 Branch of the Private Schs'. Asstn., 1 rec. by an Asstn. rep. C.E. Elem. Schs., 1 ditto Wes. and Brit. Elem. Schs., and 1 ditto R.C. Elem. Schs. (the 3 last-named being for the first com. mem. of the late Sch. Board). Length of office determined by 01., but not exceeding 3 yrs. See. N.U.T. Asstn., J. P. Ogden, Esq., Devonshire -road Cl. Sch., Blackpool. BOLTON. The L.E.A. is the County Borough Council. Clerk to the C.B.C., S. Parker, Esq. See. to the Ed. Com., F. Wilkinson, Esq., Education Offices, Nelson- square, Bolton. ED. COM. consists of 39 mem., being 1 24 of Cl. and 15 co-opted (including 2 women) viz. 1 woman, 2 rep. C.E. Schs., 1 rep. R.C. Schs., 1 rep. "Wes. and Brit. Scbs., 1 rep. the Victoria Univ., 2 Higher Education for Boys, 1 woman rep. Higher Education for Girls, 1 rep. and rec. by the Elem. Sch. Tchrs., 1 rep. and rec. by the Higher Sob. Tchrs., 1 rep. Bolton Co-operative Society, 1 rep. Bolton Trades' CL, and 2 exp. jn education. (3 tohrs. serve on the com.) Annual Election. Sec. N.U.T. Asstn., T. A. Jackson, Esq., 150, Deane-road, Bolton. BOOTLE. The L.E.A. is the County Borough Council. Clerk to the C.S.C.. J. H. Farmer, Esq. See. to the Ed. Com. (Elem. Ed.), F. K. Wilson, Esq., Balliol-road, Bootle; (Higher Ed.) J. J. Ogle, Esq., Tech. Sch., Balliol-road, Bootle. ED. COM. consists of 33 mem., being 19 of Cl. (including the Mayor, chair- men of Finance, Free Library and Museum, Parks and Baths Corns., and the Cl.'s rep. on the Governing Body of Liverpool Univ.) and 14 co-opted viz. 2 women and 4 other persons exp. in education, 2 rec. by an Asstn. rep. C.E. Sch. Managers, 2 ditto R.C. Sch. Managers, 2 ditto Noncon- formist Denominations, 1 rec. by the Governing Body of Liverpool Univ., and 1 rec. by the Bootle Head Tchrs.' Asstn. Triennial Election. See. N. U.T. Asstn., A. Yates, Esq., "Hazeldene," Worcester-road, Bootle. BURNLEY. The L.E.A. is the County Borough Council. Clerk to the C.B.C., Peregrine Thomas, Esq., Town Hall, Burnley. See. to the Ed. Com., E. Jones, Esq., Town Hall, Burnley. ED. COM. consists of 30 mem., being 20 of 01. (including the Mayor) and 10 co-opted (including 1 woman) viz. 2 rec. by the Borough Com. of the Manchester Asstn. of Church Schs., 1 rec. by the Salford Diocesan Asstn. of E.C. Day Schs., 1 rec. by the Come, of the Wes. Day Schs., 1 rec. by the Burnley Free Church Cl., and 5 persons exp. in education, at least 1 being a woman. Higher, Seen., Tech., Commercial and Industrial Education (with special regard to the industries of the Borough) , and Elem. Ed. in Cl. and Vol. Schs. shall always be rep. Annual Election. Advisory Coin, consists of 10 mem., 5 rep. Elem. Sch. Tchrs. and 5 Seen. Sch. Tchrs. See. N.U.T. A*t,<., J.Bradley, Esq., Ill, Albion- street, Burnley. BURY. The L.E.A. is the County Borough Council. ^ Clerk to the C.B.C. and to the L.E.A., J. HasJam, Esq., Bank-street, Bury. ED. COM. consists of 39 mem., being 25 of Cl. (including the Mayor) and 14 co-opted viz. 2 women and 2 other persons exp. in education, 1 rec. by the Cl. of Owens College, Manchester, 1 rec. by the Governors of Bury Grammar Sch. for Boys, 1 rec. by the Bury Chamber of Commerce, 1 rec. by the Tchra.' Asstn., 1 rec. by the Co-operative Society, 1 rec. by the Trades' CL, 1 rec. by an Asstn. rep. C.E. Elem. Schs. in the Borough, 1 ditto Brit. Elem. Sch., 1 ditto Wes. Elem. Sohs., and 1 ditto E.G. Elem. Schs. Annual Election. Sec. N. U.T. A**tn., T. Midgley, Esq., 15, Canning-street, Bury. LIVERPOOL. The L.E.A. is the County Borough Council. Clerk to the C.B.C., E. E. Pickmere, Esq. Director of Ed., James G. Legge, Esq., Education Office, 14, Sir Thomas-street, Liverpool. Director of Tech. Instruction, VV. Hewitt, Esq., B.Sc., Central Tech. Sch., Liverpool. 28 LOCAL AUTHORITIES. ED. COM. consists of 52 mem., being 34 of Cl. and 18 co-opted (including 3 women) viz. 2 rec. by Liverpool Univ., 1 rec. by Liverpool Trades' CL, 4 (1 a woman) rec. by the Liverpool Sch. Bd. (on firfet com., after- wards rec. by Ed. Com.), 2 rec. by Asstn. of C.E. Schs., 1 ditto E.G. Schs., 1 ditto Wes., &c., Schp., 3 (1 a woman) by the Governing Bodies of Seen. Schs., 3 (1 a woman) by the City CL, 1 rep. Tchrs. (rec. by the local N.U.T. Asstn.). Annual Election. Sec. N.U.T. Asstn., W. H. Young, Esq , B.A., ' ' Fairholme, " Baiikfield- road, West Derby. % MANCHESTER. The L.E.A. is the County Borough Council. Clerk to the C.B.C., W. H. Talbot, Esq. Directors of Ed. (Elem. Ed.) C. H. Wyatt, Esq., Elem. Ed. Offices, Deansgate, Manchester ; (Higher Ed.), J. H. Reynolds, Esq., Municipal Sch. of Technology, Sack ville- street, Manchester. ED. COM. consists of 33 mem., being 20 of CL (including the Mayor, 3 reo. by the Withington Com., and 2 app. by Cl. from reps, of Moss Side Wards of City), and 12 co-opted (including at least 2 women), as persons exp. in the management or administration of Elem. Education in Provided and Non-providtd Schs., of Seen. Schs., of Tech., Commercial, and Univ. Education, and 1 member app. by the Cl. on the nom. of the Withington Com. Annual Election. Sec. N.U.T. Asstn., A. C. Gronno, Esq., 66, Yarburgh-street, Moss Side, Manchester. & OLDHAM. The L.E.A. is the County Borough Council. Clerk to the C.B.C., J. H. Hallsworth, Esq. Sec. to the Ed. Com., J. Reimie, Esq., Union-street West, Oldham. ED. COM. consists of 25 mem., being 17 of CL (including the Mayor) and 8 co-opted (including 1 woman) as persons exp. in education. Univ., Seen., Tech., Commercial, and Industrial Education (with special regard to the industries of the Borough), and Elem. Education in Cl. and Vol. Schs. shall always be rep. (A tchr. has been co-opted.) Annual Election. Sec. N.U.T. Asstn., J. Davies, Esq., 134, Brompton- street, Oldham. PRESTON. The L.E.A. is the County Borough Council. Clerk to the C.B.C., H. Hamer, Esq. Sec. to the Ed. Coat., A. J. Berry, Esq., Borough Education Officer, Preston. ED. COM. consists of 32 mem., being 20 of Cl. (including the Mayor and chairman of the Finance Com.) and 12 co-opted viz. 2 women, 2 rec. by the Harris Institute CL, 1 rec. by the Grammar Sch. Com., 1 rec. by the Authorities of the Catholic College, 1 rec. by the Cl. of the High Sch. for Girls, 1 rec. by the Ed. Com. of the Preston Industrial Co-operative Society, 2 rec. by the Asstn. of C.E. Vol. Schs. in the Borough, 1 ditto R C. Sobs., and 1 rec. by the Managers of Nonconformist Vol. Schs. in the Borough. Annual Election. Sec. N.U.T. Asstn . (Preston Borough), W. Fittori, Esq., 516, Newhall- lane, Preston. # ROCHDALE. The L.E.A. is the County Borough Council. Clerk to the C'.ILC'., J. Leach, Esq. Sec. to the Ed. Com., J. E. Holden, Esq., Baillie- street, Rochdale. ED. COM. consists of 35 mem., being 20 of Cl. (including the Mayor) and 15 co-opted viz. 1 woman, 8 mem. of the late Soli. Board, 3 rep. the Sub- scribers to the Rochdale Tech. Sch., 1 rep. the Victoria Univ., Manchester, 1 rep. the Tchrs. in Elem. Schs. in the Borough, and 1 person exp. in education. Univ., Seen., Tech., Commercial and Industrial Education (with special regard to the industries of the Borough), the Training of LOCAL AUTHORITIES. 29 Tchrs. and Elem. Education in Cl. and Vol. Schs. shall always be rep. (2 tchrs. have been co-opted.) Annual Election. ,vr. y.U.T. A>sstn., T. R. Roberts, Esq., 64, Sheriff -street, Rochdale. ST. HELENS. The L.E.A. is the County Borough Council. CM t iff- C.H.C., W. H. Andrew, Esq. Sec. to the Ed. Coin., J. J. Broooahead, Esq., Education Office, St. Helens. ED. COM. consists of 47 mem., being all the mem. of Cl. (37) and 10 co-opted, including at least 2 women, 1 at least rep. the educational interests, and being a mem. of the C.C., 1 at least rep. the educational interests of Live rpool Univ., 1 at least rep. Higher Education, 1 ditto Tech. Educa- tion, 1 ditto Elem. Education. Annual Election. Sec. X. U.T. Asstn., J. Cballenor, Esq., 49, Windle- street, St. Helens. >!? SALFORD. The L.E A. is the County Borough Council. <'l>rl,- in tin' <'. B.I'., L. C. Evans, Es*j. Director of Ed., O. Duthie, Esq., Education Office, Chapel-ttraet, Salford. ED. COM. consists of 30 mem., being 18 of Cl. (including 2 ex-officio mem.) and 12 co-opted (including 2 women) viz. 1 rec. by the Governors of Owens College, 1 rec. by the Governors of Manchester Grammar Sch., 1 woman rec. by the Governors of the Manchester High Sch., 5 (1 being a woman) rec. by the late Sch. Board, 1 rec. by the Manchester and Salford Trades' Cl., 1 rec. by the Asstn. of C.E. Vol. Schs., 1 rec. by the Asstn. of R.C. Vol. Schs., and 1 rec. by the Asstn. of Un denomination al Vol. Schs. ; any 2 of the last 4 may be Head Tchrs. (The Headmaster of the Gravel-lane Wes. Sch. has been co-opted.) See. X. U.T. A**tn., A. T. Stories, Esq., St. Matthias' Sch., Salford. -# SOUTHPORT. The L.E.A. is the County Borough Council. Clerk to the C.JLC and Ed. Com., J. E. Jarratt, Esq., Town Hall,Southport. Ed. Sec., F. W. Teague, Esq , Town Hall, Southport. ED. COM. consists of 19 mem., being 15 of Cl. and 4 co-opted (including 2 women). Sec. N.U.T. Asstn., J. S. Hey, Esq., 47, Claremont-road, Birkdaie, Southport. * WARRINGTON. The L.E.A. is the County Borough Council. Clerk t<> the C. H.C., J. L. Whittle, Esq. See. In tlie Ed. Coin., J. M. Murray, Esq., Education Office, Sankey- street, Warrington, ED. COM. consists of 37 mem., being 21 of CL, and 16 co-opted (including 1 woman) viz. 2 rep. C.E. Schs., 2 rep. R.C. Schs., 1 rep. Non- conformist Schs., 1 rep. Unsectarian Schs., 1 rec. by the Governors of the Grammar Sch., 1 rec. by the Governors of the Training College, 1 roc. by the Chamber of Commei-ce, 1 rep. the Tchrs. (rec. by the Local Asstn. of the N.U.T.), 1 rec. by the Trade and Labour CL, 1 rec. by the Working Men's Coin, of the Infirmary, 1 rep. Friendly Societies, and 3 selected numbers. Vtf. \.l'.T. Js.v///., F. H. Longshaw, Esq., 192, Manchester-road, Wavrington. #- WIGAN. Tbe L.E.A. is tbe County Borough Council. Ckr.k tn tJir C./l.C., H. Jevons, Esq. foe. to the Ed. Com., J. W. Home, Esq., Borough Courts and Offices, Wigan. 1 ilfrtor , G. H. Mockler, Esq., Borough Courts and Offices, Wit^m. ED. COM. consists of 39 mem., being- 2G of Cl. (including the Mayor, ex- Mayor, and the chairman of the Finance Com.), and 13 co-opted viz. 2 women exp. in education and acquainted with the needs of the Girls' Schs. in the Borough, 1 rec. by the CL of Owens College, Manchester, 1 rec. by the CL of Liverpool Univ., 1 rec,. by the Wigan Mining and Tech. College, 1 rec. by the late Sch. Board, 2 rec. by the Liverpool Diocesan As^tu. of Vol. Schs., 1 rec. by the Liverpool R.C. Diocesan Asstn., 1 rep. the Tchrs. rec. by the Local N.U.T. Asstn., 1 rec. by an 30 LOCAL AUTHORITIES. Asstn. rep. Seen. Schs., 1 rec. by the Wigan and District Trades' 01., and 1 rec. by the Lanes. Brit. Schs. Asfctn. Annual Election. HIGHER ED. COM. has been appt. See. N.U.T. Asstn., P. J. Garrick, Esq., St. Mary's R.C. Sch. Wigan. % ACCRINGTON.The L.E.A. is the Non-County Borough Council. Clerk to the N.C.B.C. and Clerk and Correspondent to the Ed. Com., A. H. Aitken, Esq., Town Hall, Acorington. ED. COM. consists of 24 mem., being 16 of the 01. and 8 co-opted viz. 2 women, 1 mem. of the N.U.T. (rep. the Tchrs.), 1 rep. C.E. Schs., 1 rep. R.C. Schs'., 1 rep. Brit. Schs'. Asstn., Irep. theWes. Schs. Asstn., and 1 appt. by the Lanes. C.C. Sec. N.U.T. Asstn., Barton, Esq., St. Mary's Sch., Woodneath, Accrington. ASH TON- UNDER-L YNE. The L.E.A. is the Non-County Borough Council. Clerk to the N.C.B.C., F. W. Bromley, Esq. Sec. to the Ed. Com., D. H. Wade, Esq., Education Office, Ashton- under-Lyne. ED. COM. consists of 21 mem., being 13 of 01. and 8 co-opted viz. 1 woman, 1 rep. the Lancashire C.C., 1 rep. the Tchrs. in Elem. Schs. in the Borough (rec. by the local Asstn. of the N.U.T.), 1 from an Asstn. of C.E. Elem. Schs. in the Borough, 1 ditto Brit. Elem. Schs., 1 ditto R.C. Elem. Schs., 2 persons acquainted with the needs of Higher Ed. Seen., Tech., Commercial and Industrial Education (having special regard to the industries of the Borough), and Elem. Education in 01. and Vol. Schs. shall always be rep. (2 tchrs. have been co-opted.) Annual Election. See. N.U.T. Asstn., G-. R. Marshall, Esq., Athol Villa, Dukinfield. vie BACUP. The L.E.A. is the Non-County Borough Council. Clerk to the N.C.B.C., A. B. Clarke, Esq. Sec. to the Ed. Com., Win. Un win, Esq., Rochdale-road, Bacup. ED. COM. consists of 19 mem., being 12 of 01. (including the Mayor) and 7 co-opted viz. 2 women, 1 rep. the Lanes. C.C., and 4 persons exp. in Education (on the first com., being mem. of the late Sch. Board). Length of office determined by 01., but not to exceed 3 years. Sec. N.U.T. Asstn. (Rossendale), J. Smith, Esq., 33, Co-operation-street, Bacup. & CHORLEY.The L.E.A. is the Non-County Borough Council. Clerk to the N.C.B.C. and Sec. to the Ed. Com., J. Mills, Esq., Town Hall, Chorley. ED. COM. consists of 24 mem., being 15 of 01. and 9 co-opted viz. 1 woman (a retired tchr. has been appt. under this clause), 3 mem. of the late Tech. Instruction Coin., 1 rec. by the Lanes. C.C., 2 rec. by the Aestu. rep. C.E. Schs., 1 ditto Nonconformist (including Wes.) Schs., and 1 ditto R.C. Schs. Annual Election. Sec. N.U.T. Asstn., J. Bond, Esq., Congregational Sch., Adlington, Lancashire. & CLITHEROE. The L.E.A. is the Non-County Borough Council. Clerk to the N.C.B.C. and Sec. to the Ed. Com., J. Eastham, Esq., Town Hall, Clitheroe. ED. COM. consists of 16 mem., being 10 of 01. and 6 co-opted viz. 2 women, 1 rec. by the Lanes. C.C.. 1 rec. by the Managers of C.E. Elem. Schs. in the Borough, 1 ditto R.C. Schs., and 1 rec. by the Clitheroe Free Church 01. and the Managers of Nonconformist (including Wes. and Brit.) Elem. Schs. in the Borough. Triennial Election. Sec. N.U.T. Asstn., P. H. Fielding, Esq., 01. Sch., Clitheroe. % COLNE.^-The L.E.A. is the Non-County Borough Council. Clerk to the N.C.B.C., A. Varley, Esq., Town Hall, Colne. Sec. to the Ed. Com., H. Hartley, Esq., Town Hall, Colne. ED. COM. consists of 19 mem., being 18 of 01. (including the Mayor and 2 mem. of the Lanes. C.C.), and 1 woman exp. in education. Triennial Election. Sec. N.U.T. A.s.st)t. (Nelson and Colne), F. J. Cooper, Esq., 293, Burnley- road, Colne, Lanes. LOCAL AUTHORITIES. 31 % DARWEN. The L.E.A. is the Non-County Borough Council. ' tn th'- X.C.B.C., W. P. Halliwell, Esq. >SVr. tn flic Eil. Com., W. Bretherick, Esq., Tech. Sch. Buildings, Darwen. ED. COM. consists of 23 mem., being 12 of Cl. and 11 co-opted viz. 2 women, 1 rec. by the Managers of C.E. Sobs., 1 ditto R.C. Schs., 1 ditto Brit. Schs., 1 ditto Wes. Schs., 1 rec. by the Asstn. of Tchrs. (Local N.U.T.), 1 rec. by the Da,rwen Trades' CL, 2 rec. by the late Sch. Board, and 1 mem. of the late Tech. Instruction Com. See. X.r.T. Asstn., C. S. Stansfield, Esq., Holy Trinity National Sch., Darwen. & ECCLES. The L.E.A. is the Non-County Borough Council. Clrrk to the N.C.B.C., Edwin Parkes, Esq., Town Hall, Eccles. Sec. to the Ed. Com., S. H. Neave, Esq., Town Hall, Eccles. ED. COM. consists of 19 mem., being 11 of Cl. and 8 co-opted viz. ft selected mem. (2 at least being women), 1 rec. by the Lanes. C.C., 1 rec. by an Asstn. rep. C.E. Elem. Schs^'in the Borough, 1 ditto Brit, and Nonconformist Elem. Schs., 1 ditto R.C. Elem. Schs., 1 rec. by the Asstn. (local N.U.T.) rep. Tchre. in Elem. Schs. in the Borough. Seen., Tech., Commercial and Industrial Education (with special regard to the industries of the Borough), and Elem. Education in Cl. and Vol. Schs. shall always be rep. Annual Election. Sec. N. r.T. A**tn. t H. Tyson, Esq., Monton Day Sch. Eccles. JfASLINGDEN.Th& L.E.A. is the Non-County Borough Council. Clerk to the N.C.B.C. and Sfv. to the Ed. Com., W. Musgrove, Esq., Municipal Offices. Haslingden. ED. COM. consists of 22 mem., being 14 of Cl. and 8 co-opted viz. 2 women, 1 mem. of the late Tech. Instruction Com., 1 rec. by the Lanes. C.C., 1 rec. by an Aestn. rep. C.E. Vol. Schs., 1 ditto R.C. Schs., 1 ditto remaining Vol. Schs., 1 rec by the Ed. Com. of the Borough Industrial Co-operative Society. Length of office determined by Cl., but not to exceed 3 yrs. Sec. N.U.T. A**tH. t E. Wilkinson, Esq., The Willows, Bury-road, Haslingden. % HEYPPOOD.The L.E.A. is the Non-County Borough Council. Clerk to the N.C.B.C., G. Gr. Bouchier, Esq., Municipal Buildings, Hey wood. Sec. to the Ed. Com., W. A. Hey wood, Esq., Municipal Buildings, Hey wood. As*t. Sec. to the Ed. Com., J. Pearson, Esq. ED. COM. consists of 18 rnem., being 14 of Cl. (including the Mayor) and 4 co-opted viz. 2 women exp. in Seen, and Elem. Education of Grirls respectively (a tchr. has been co-opted under this clause), 1 nominated by the Senate oi Victoria Univ., and 1 mem. of and rec. by the Lanes. C.C. Seen., Tech., Commercial, and Industrial Education (with special regard to the industries of the Borough), the Training of. Tchrs., and Elem. Education >n Cl. and Vol. Schs. shall always be rep. Annual Election. SVr. N.C.T. Axxtn. t F. Tetlow, Esq. , Bamford-road Council Sch., Hey wood. .% LANCASTER. The L.E.A. is the Non-County Borough Council. Clerk to the N.C.B.C., T. C. Hughes, Esq. Sec. t<, tin- F.K- MORECAMBE.The L.E.A. is the Non-County Borough Council. Law Clerk to the N.C.B.C., W. Tilly, Esq. Sec, to the Ed. Com., T. Barrow, Esq., Central Schs., Station-road , Morecambe. ED. COM. consists of 11 mems., being 6 of the Council, and 5 co-opted viz., 1 woman, 1 rec. by the Foundation Managers of the National Sch., 1 ditto St. Mary's R.C. Sch., 1 rec. by the Asstn. (local N.U.T.) rep. Tchrs. in Elem. Schs,, and 1 mem. of and rec. by the Lanes. County CL Annual Election, The Lanes. C.C. have delegated their powers with respect to Tech. Education to the Borough CL, who have appt. a Tech. Sub-Corn. consisting of 16 mem., being the Ed. Com. and 5 co-opted members. Sec. N. U.T. Asstn. (see Lancaster, above). # MOSSLEY. The L.E.A. is the Non-County Borough Council. Clerk to the N.C.B.C. and Sec. to the Ed. Com., J. Hyde, Esq., Town Hall, Mossley. ED. COM. consists of 18 mem., being 13 of CL and 5 co-opted viz. 2 women, 1 rep. the Lanes. C.C., 1 rep. Owens College, Manchester, and 1 to be appt. by Town CL Univ., Seen., Tech., Commercial and Industrial Education (with special regard to the industries of the Borough), the training of Tchrs., and Elem. Education in CL and Vol. Schs. shall always be rep. See. N.l/.T. Asstn. (Stalybridge and Moss>ey), A. J. Sidebottom, Esq., " Oakdene," Staley-road, Mossley. NELSON. The L.E.A. is the Non-County Borough Council. Clerk to the N.C.B.C., J. H. Baldwick, Esq., Town Hall, Nelson. Sec. to the Ed. Com., W. C. Murgatroyd, Esq., Town Hall, Nelson. Asst. Sec. to Ed. Com., A. Cork, Esq. ED. COM. consists of 20 mem., being 13 of CL (including the Mayor) and 7 co-opted viz. 3 selected mem., including at least 1 woman (a tchr. has been appt.) rep. Elem. Education in Vol. Schs., 2 rec. by the Lanes. C.C., 1 mem. of the late Sch. Board (on first Com.), and 1 rec. by the Govern- ing Body of Owens College, Manchester. Annual Election. Sec. N.U.T. Asfttn (Nelson and Colne), F. J. Cooper, Esq., 22, Chapel- house-road, Nelson. % RAWTENSTALL.The L.E.A. is the Non-County Borough Council. Clerk to the N.C.B.C. and Sec. to the Ed. Com., J. Whalley, Eeq., Munici- pal Offices, Rawtenstall. ED. COM. consists of 21 mem., being 13 of Cl. (including the Mayor) and 8 co-opted as persons exp. in education (at least 1 being a woman). Seen., Tech., Commercial and Industrial Education (with special regard to the industries of the Borough), the Training of Tchrs., and Elem. Education LOCAL AUTHORITIES. 33 in Cl. and Vol. Scbs. shall always be rep. Length of offic3 determined by Cl., but not to exceed 3 yrs. See. JV. r T. J-^t/t. (Rossendale), J. Smith, Esq , 33, Co-operation-street, Bacup. X The L.E.A. is the Nun-County Borough Council. Clc,-/,- t<> the X.C.JLC., H. S. Oppenheim, Esq., To<*n Hall, Widnes. Vr. to the Ed. Com., G. H. Dauby, Esq., Town Hall, Widnes. ED. COM. consists of 20 mem., being 12 of CJ. and 8 co-opted as persons exp. in education viz. 1 woman, 1 nominated by the Lanes. C.C., 2 rec. by jiu Asstn. of C.E. Vol. Schs. in the Borough, 2 ditto E.C. Vol. Schs., and 2 rec. by the Free Church Cl. or other Asstn. rep. Nonconformist Bodies within the Borough. Triennial Election. Sec. N.l r .TA*tit. (Euncorn and Wid lies), E. Glover, Esq., Elizabeth- terrace, Ditton, "Widnes. & CH ADDER TO^. The L.E.A. is the Urban District Council. C'ln-k to the U.D.C., H. Hoyle, Esq. " Clerk to the Ed. Com., J. Whitehead, Esq., Wellington-street, Chadderton. ED. COM. consists of 18 mem., being 12 of Cl. and 6 co-opted viz. 1 woman, 1 rep. the Lanes. C.C. in the interests of Higher Education, 2 persons exp. in education, and 2 persons acquainted with the needs of the various kinds of schs. in the Urban District. Univ., Seen., Tech., Commercial and Industrial Education (with special regard to the industries of the district), the Training of Tchrs., and Elem. Education in Cl. and Vol. Schs. shall always bo rep. (3 tchrs. have been co-opted.) Annual Election. v/r. \. r.T. Asstn. (Oidham), J. Davies, Esq., 134, Brompton-street, Oidham. # FAltXfTOJRTlLThe L.E.A. is the Urban District Council. Cleric to the U.D.C., W. Tyldesley, Esq., Council Offices, Farnworth. Sec. to the Ed. Com., H. Rostron, ;Esq., B.Sc., Education Office, Farn- worth. ED. COM. consists of 16 mem., being 9 of Cl. (including the chairman) and 7 co-opted viz. 1 woman, 1 rep. the Managers of C.E. Schs., 1 ditto E.C, Schs., 1 ditto Wes. and Brit. Schs., 1 mem. of the Lanes. C.C., 1 rep. the Farnworth Tchrs'. Asstn. (local N.U.T.), 1 rec. by the Cl. of OWCLH College, Manchester. Annual Election. Sec. N.U. T. Asatn,, W. Hey, Esq., New Bury Sch., Faniworth, Boltoii. vie GOltToy.ThQ L.E.A. is the Urban District Council. Cln-lc to the U.D.C., C. T. Singer, Esq., Town Hall, Gorton. Sec. to the Ed. Com., W. A. Clegg, Esq., Town Hall, Gorton. ED. COM. consists of 23 mem., being 15 of Cl. and 8 co-opted as persons exp. in education viz. 2 women, 1 rec. by the Managers of C.E. Schg., 1 ditto E.G. Schs., 1 ditto Nonconformist Scha., 1 rec. by the Trades' CL, 1 rec. by the Cert. Tchrs. of Elpm. Schs , and 1 by the Gorton U.D.C. for Higher Education. Annual Election. Sec. N.U.T. Asstn. (See Manchester, above.) % inNDLEY.The L.E.A. is the Urban District Council. Clrrk to the V.D.C., T. Eobey, Esq., Council Offices, Hindley. Sec. for Education, J. E. Booth, Esq. , Council Offices, Hindley. ED. COM. consists of 21 mem., being 12 of Cl. and 9 co-opted viz. 2 women, 1 person acquainted with the needs of the various kinds of schs. in the Urban District, 1 rec. by the Liverpool Diocesan Association of E.C. Schs., 1 rec. by the Wigan and Liverpool Branch Asstn. of Brit. Schs., 1 rec. by the N.W. Asstn. of Wes. Schs., 1 rep. Hindley and Abram Grammar Sch., and 1 rec. by the local branch of the N.U.T. (2 tchrs. serve on the com.) See. N.U.T. A*stn. (Wigan), P. J. Garrick, Esq., St. Mary's E.C. Sch., Wigan. lXCE-lN-MAEERFIELI),Th& L.E.A. is the Urban District Council. Clerk to the U.L.G.^ B. Howgate, Esq., District Council Offices, Ince, Wigan. 2 34 LOCAL AUTHORITIES. Sec. to the Ed. Com., A. F. Howgate, Eiq., District Council Offices, luce, Wigan. ED. COM. consists of 21 mem., being 15 of 01. and 6 co-opted viz. 1 woman, 2 rec. by the Liverpool Diocesan Asstn. of C.E. Vol. Schs., 1 ditto R.C. Vol. Schs., 1 rec. by the N. W. Wes. Asstn. (the Head- master of the Wes. Schs. has been co-opted), and 1 rec. by the Ince Asstn. of Tchrs. (local N.U.T.). Annual Election. See. N.U.T. Asstn. (See Wigan, above.) KADCLIFFE.The L.E.A. is the Urban District Council. Clerk to the TJ.D.C. and Sec. to the Ed. Com., S. Mills, Esq., Council Offices, Radcliffe. ED. COM. consists of 23 mem., being 14 of the Cl. and 9 co-opted viz., 1 woman, 1 rec. by the C.E. Asstn. of Vol. Schs., 1 rep. R.C. Schs., 1 rec. by an Asstn. of Wes. Schs., 1 ditto Brit. Schs., 1 tchr. rec. by the local N.U.T. Asstn., 1 lee. by the Lane?. C.C., 1 rec. by the Radcliffe Trades' Cl., and 1 rec. by the local Co-operative Society. Annual Election. Advisory Committee consists of all the Head Tchrs. in the Urban District. Sec. N.TJ.T. Assttt., J. Bamber, Esq., St. John's Sch., Radcliffe, Manchester. STRETFORD.ThQ L.E.A. is the Urban Disttict Council. * Clerk to the TJ.D.C., G. H. Abraham, Esq., Council Offices, Talbot-road, Old Trafford, Manchester. Sec. to Ed. Com. (Higher Ed.). Miss F. Edgill ; Asst. Sec. (Elem. Ed.), J. Hindle, Esq. ED. COM. consists of 24 mem., being 18 of the CL and 6 co-opted viz. 1 woman, 1 rep. Asstn. of C.E. Vol. Schs. within the area of the CL, 1 ditto R.C. Schs., 1 ditto Wes. Schs., 1 rep. Seen. Education, and- 1 tchr. rec. by the local N.U..T. Asstn. Annual Election. Sec. N.U.T. Aastit. (See Manchester, above.) # WINTON AND PENDLEUURY.The L.E.A. is the Urban District Council. Clerk to the U.D.C. and Sec. to the Ed. Com., W. T. Postlethwaite, Esq., LL.B., Council Offices, Swinton, Lanes. ED. COM. consists of 20 mem., being all the mem. of the CL (12) and 8 co-opted viz., 1 woman, 1 rep. the Lanes. C.C., 3 rep. the C.E. Schs'. Asstn., 1 rep. R.C. Schs'. Asstn., 1 rep. Wes. Schs'. Aestn., and 1 rep. Brit. Schs'. Asstn. Sec. N. U.T. Asstn. (See Manchester, above.) W ATERLOO- WITH- SEAFORTH. The L.E.A. is the Urban District Council. Clerk to the U.D.C. , J. I. Thompson, Esq., Town Hall, Waterloo, near Liverpool. Director of Ed., T. Bateson, Esq., M.A., Town Hall, Waterloo, near Liverpool. ED. COM. consists of 24 mem., being 13 of the CL (including the chairman) and 11 co-opted viz. 1 woman, 1 rec. by the Governors of the Gt. Crosby Merchant Taylors' Sch., 1 rec. by the Governors of Univ. College, Liverpool, 7 rec. by the Managers of the 7 Public Elem. Schs. in the District, and 1 rep. the interests of Undenominational Education and of 01. Schs. (if any), after consultation with the Free Churches of the district. Sec. N.U.T. Asstn., J. C. Parker, Esq., School House, Seaforth, near Liverpool. LEICESTERSHIRE. Leicester Ad, C. The L.E.A. is the County Council. Clerk to the C.C., W. J. Freer, Esq., 10, New-street, Leicester. Director of Education , W. A. Brockington, Esq., M.A., 33, Bowling Green-street, Leicester. *Acte also as Sec. to the Ed. Com. for Elem. Ed. LOCAL AUTHORITIES. 85 See, t<, the /-,>/. r,////., A. J, Baker, Esq., 33, Bowling Green-s'reet, Leicester, ED. COM. consists of 46 mem., being 34 of the Cl. and 12 co-opted (including 2 women) viz. 1 rec. by Oxford Univ., 1 rec. by Cambs. Univ., 1 rec. by Birmingham Univ., 1 rec. by the Incorporated Asstn. of Headmasters of Seen. Schs., 1 rec. by Incorporated Asstn. of Head- mistresses of Seen. Sche., 1 rec. by the Midland Aessn. of Wes. Sche., 1 ditto Undenominational Schg., 1 rec. by an Asstn. of R.C. Sch?., 1 reo. by the mem. of the Leicestershire Archdeaconry of the Peterborough Diocesan Asstn. of Vol. Schs. resident in the County, and 1 rec. by the Head Tcbrs. of Public E!em. Schs. in the County, and 2 appt. by the Cl., including' 1 woman. (2 tchrs. serve on the com.) Triennial Election. Sec. N.U.T. Asstn. (Leicester County), C. Adams, Esq., Quern, Lough - borough . LEICESTER. The L.E.A. is the County Borough Council. Cln-k to iltr C'.li.C., E. V. Hiley, Esq., Town Hall, Leicester. ,SVr. tit thf Ed, Con/., T. Groves, Esq., Town Hall, Leicester. ED. COM:, consists of 31 mem., being 22 of Cl. (including the Mayor) and 9 co-opted (including 2 women). Com. shall include persons exp. in Elem. Education (1 being a woman), Seen. Education and the Training of Tchrs. (1 a woman), Tech., Commercial and Industrial Education (having regard to the industries of the Borough). Annual Election. ' Sec. N.U.T. Asatit., G. F. Jenks, Esq., 28, Gopsall-street, Leicester. LOrGHSOMOrGIL-The L.E.A. is the Non-County Borough Council. CM. to the N.C.S.C., H. Perking Esq. Sri-, to the Ed. Com., E. A. Jarratt, Esq., Education Offices, Lough- borough. ED. COM. consists of 15 mem., being 10 of Cl. (including the Mayor) and 5 co-opted as persons exp. in education (including not less than 1 or more than 2 women). Seen,, Tech., Commercial and Industrial Education (with special regard to the industries of the Borough), the Training of Tchrs., and Elem. Education in Cl. and Yol. Schs., shall always be rep. Triennial Election. All powers delegated. See, N.r.T. Asstn., W. Adcock, Esq., 134, Herrick-road, Loughborough LINCOLNSHIRE. Holland Ad. C. The L.E.A. is the County Council. Cbrl to the C.C., H. C. Johnson, Esq., Boston. ,SVr. to fhr Ed. Com., A. A. Crabtree, Esq., Sessions House, Spalding. ED. COM. consists of 28 mem., being 19 of Cl. (including the chairman) and 9 co-opted viz. 1 woman exp. in education (a tchr. has been appt.), 3 rep. Elem. Education (1 nominated by the Lincoln Diocesan Vol. Schs. Asstn., 1 by the Cls. of the Free Churches in the County, and 1 tchr. nominated by the branch Asstns. of the N.U.T. in the County), 2 rep. Seen. Education (1 nominated by the Governors of the Boston and Kirton Grammar Schs. and 1 by the Governors of Spalding, Holbeach, and Moulton Grammar Schs.), 2 rep. Higher Education (1 nominated by the Senate of Cambridge Univ. and 1 by the Incorporated Asetn. of Head- masters), and 1 rep. Agricultural Education (nominated by the Lines. Chamber of Agriculture). Src. X.r.'I\ Awtn. (Holland County), T. Thistlethwaite, Esq., Staniland CJ. Sch., Boston. BOSTON. The L.E.A. is the Non-County Borough Council. Clerk to the N.O.B.C., R. W. Staniland, Esq., Municipal Buildings, Boston. See. to the Ed. Com., G. Harliss, Esq., Municipal Buildings,. Boston. ED. COM. consists of 18 mem., being 12 of the Cl. and 6 co-opted (including at least 2 women). All educational interests shall be rep resented. Length of office determined by Cl. See, X. I . '/'. - / W//. , T. Thistlethwaite, Egq. (See Holland, above.) 2* 36 LOCAL AUTHORITIES. Ad.C The L.F.A. is the County Council, Clerk to the C.C., T. H. Holdich, Esq., Sleaford. See. to the Ed.' Com., H. Donaldson, Esq., Kesteven C.C. Education Offices, Grantham. ED. COM. consists of at least 22, and not more than 24, mem., being 16 of the Cl, and 6 co-opted viz. 2 women exp. in the education of girls (a tchr. has been appt. under this clause), 1 rep. Higher Education, 2 rep. Elem. Education in Cl. and Vol. Scbs., and 1 rep. SCCD. Education. Triennial Election. See, N.U.T. Asstn. (Kesteven County), W. Handcook, Esq., Endowed Sch., Ma^stf n, Grantham. # &RANTHAM.Th& L.E.A. is the Non-County Borough Council. Clerk to the N.C.B.C. and Sec. to the Ed. Com., A. H. Malim, Esq., Education Offices, Westgate, Grantham. ED. COM. consists of 24 mem., being 16 of Cl. and 8 co-opted viz, 5, including at leaf-t 1 woman (an ex-tchr. has been appt.), rec. by the Managers of C.E. Day Schp. in the Borough, 2 by the Managers of the Wei?. Schs., and 1 by the Managers of theR.C. Schs. Univ., Seen., Commercial and Industrial Education (with special regard to the indus- tries of the Borough), the Training of Tchrs., and Elem. Education in Cl. and Vol. Schs. shall always be rep. Annual Election. Sec. N. U.T. Ass'n., W. Handcock, Esq. (See Kesteven, above.) v- Lindsey Ad.C. The L.E.A. is the Cointy Council. Clerk to the C.C., C. Scorer, Esq., Lincoln. Sec, to the Ei. Com., S. M. Grant, Esq., 286, High-sireet, Lincoln. ED. COM. consitts of 24 mem., being 18 of Cl. and 6 co-opted (including 1 woman) viz. 1 rep. Higher Education, 2 rep. Seen, and Tech. Educa- tion, and 3 rep. Elem. Education (a tchr. has been co-opted under this claue). Triennial Election. Sec. N.U.T. Asstn, (Lindsey Couniy), B. N. Lewis, Esq., Boulter's Sob., Langworth, Lincoln. % GRIMSBY. The L.E.A. is the County Borough Council. Clerk to the C.B.C., W. Grange, Esq. Clerk to the Ed. Com., D. Chandler, Esq., Education Office?, Grimsby. ED. COM. consists of 33 mem., being 28 of Cl. (including the Major) and 5 co-opted viz. 2 women exp. in education (a tchr. has been appt. under this clause), the chairman of the late Sch. Board, and 2 tchrs. nominated by the Grimsby Branch of the N.U.T. rep. Elem. and Seen. Education respectively. Triennial Election. (One-third of com. retires annually.) Sec. N.U.T. Assfii., A. E. Suter, Efq.," Willowbank," Legs 1 ey- a venue, Grimsby. # LINCOLN. The L.E.A. is the County Borough Council. Clerk to ihe C.B.C., J. T. Tweed, Esq. Sec. to the Ed. Com., R. C. Minton, Esq., Bank-ct ambers, St. Benedict- square, Lincoln. ED. COM. consists of 24 mem., reing 16 of Cl. and 8 cc-opted (including at leafrt 1 woman) as persons exp. in education. Higher or Univ., Seen., Tech., Commercial and Industrial Education (with special regard to the industries of the City), the Training of Tchr?., and Elem. Education in Cl. and Vol. Schs. shall always be rep. (2 tchrs. have been co-opted rep. Elem. and Seen. Education respectively.) Ser. N.U.T. Asstn., E. W. T. Birkttt, Esq., 13, Upper Long Leys-road, Lie coin. LONDON. London d C. The L.E.A. is the Connty Council. Clerk, to the C.C. and Sec. to the Ed. Com., G. L. Gomme, Efrq., Education Offices, Victoria Embankmett, W.C. ED. COM. consists of 43 mem., being 38 of Cl. (including the chairman, * Correspondence relating to the Grimfcby Cl. Sch. of Art should be addressed to Sidney Smith, Esq., Council Sch. of Art, Silver-street, Grimsby. LOCAL AUTHORITIES. 37 vice-chairman, and deputr-chairiran) and. 5 women. (N.B. This Scheme is likely to be revised.) General Sec. N. V.T,. Bolton Hous* 1 , 07 and 71. Russel 1 -square, Lmdon, W,C. MIDDLESEX. Middlesex Ad. C. The L.E.A. is the County Council. <"l>>rk to the C.C., Sir R. Nicholson, G-uildhall, Westminster, S.W. See. to the Ed. Com., B. S. Gott, Esq., Guildhall, Westminster, S.W. ED. COM. consists of 35 mem., being 27 of Cl. (including the chairman) and 8 co-opted (including 3 women) viz. 2 rep. Vol. Schs. (1 to be a woman), 2 rep. Cl. Schs. (1 a woman), and 4 persons exp. in Higher Education (1 a woman). See. N. V.T. Asstn. (Middlesex Council), W. Ti'Hey, Esq., " Abbotsleigh/' Cedars -road, Hampton Wick, Middles? x. BALING. -Tre L.E.A. is the Non-County Borough Council. Clerk to the N.C.B.C., G. E. Brydges, Esq., Town Hall, Baling, W. See, to the Ed. Com., J. B. Johnson, Esq., Town Hall, Baling, W. ED. COM. consists of 23 mem., being 15 of Cl. (including the 2 mem. for Ealirg on the Middlesex C.C.) and 8 co-opted (including 2 worm n) viz. 1 rep. Higher Education rec. by the Sfna*e c f Locdon Univ., 2 rep. Seen. Education (1 a woman) rec. by the Cl. of Princess Helena College and Com. of Managers of Seen. Schs. in the Borough, 2 (not more than 1 being a C.E. clergyman) rec. by the Managers of C.E. Elem. Schs. in the Borough, 2 (1 a woman) rec. by the Managers of Brit., Wea., or other Nonconformist Elem. Schs. in the Borough, and 1 rep. Technological Education. (4 tchrs., 1 Primary and 3 Seen., are serving on the com.) Annual Election. Sec. N.I7.T. Asstn. t E. J. Webb, Esq., Haflemere, Whitehall-road, Han well. HOBNSEY The L.E.A. is the Non-County Borough Council. Clerk to the N.C.B.C., F. D. Askey, Esq., Highgate, N. Sec. to the Ed. Com., S. Hodson, Esq., 206, Stapleton Hall-road, Stroud Green, N. ED. COM. consists of 21 mem., being 14 of Cl. "and 7 co-opted including 2* women. See. N. V.T. Asstn. (Hornsey and Finchley), E. G-. Holland, Esq., Fernside, Western, road, Fortis Green, N. ACTON.- The L.E.A. is the Urban District Council. Clerk to the V.D.C., W. Hodson, Esq. Sec. to the Ed. Com., F. A. Everitt, Esq., Priory Schs., Acton-lane, W. ED. COM. consists of 17 mem., being 10 of Cl. and 7 co-opted (including at least 2 women) as persons exp. in Education, Seen., Tech., and Elem. Education shall always be rep. Annual Election. See. N.r.T. A*.,t. (London, W. Suburban), S. J. Sanders, Esq., 18a, Vaktta-road, Acton, W. CHISWICK.The L.E.A. is the Urban District Council. Clerk to the V.D.G. and See. to the Ed. Com., E. F. Collins, Esq., Town Hall, Chiswick. Eilmvttlon fieri-, W. H. Lane, Esq., Town Hall, Chiswick. ED. COM. consists of 12 mem., being at least 8 of CL, and the remainder co- opted (including at least 1 woman). Tech., Higher, Seen., and Elem. Education shall always be rep. Annual Election for mem. of Cl. Triennial for co-opted mem. See. N.r.T. Asstn. (London, W. Suburban). .(See Acton, abo^e.) EDMONTON. The L.E.A. is the Urban District Council. Clerk to the U.D.C., W. F. Payne, Esq., Council Offices, Edmonton . See. to the Ed. Com., J. Moule, Esq., Education Offices, Brettenham-road, Upper Edmonton. ED. COM. consists of 17 mem., being 15 of Cl. and 2 women. If at any time it is not possible to secure on! 'the Com. persons exp. in education LOCAL AUTHORITIES. from within the Cl., 2 persons so qualified may be co-opted. Triennial Election. Sec. N.U.T. As*t>! : , J. Stevens, Esq., 1, Victoria-road, Upper Edmonton. # ENFIELD. The L.E.A. is the Urban District Council. Cleric to the U.D.C., T. W. Scott, Esq., Public Offices, Enfield. Sec. to the Ed. Com , N. Hepworth, Esq., Public Offices, Enfield. Asst. Sec., F. T. Watts, Esq. ED. COM. consists of 15 mem., being 8 of Cl. and 7 co-opted as person exp. in education (including 1 woman). Higher, Seen,, Tech., Commercial and Industrial Education (with special regard to the industries of the district), and Elem, Education in Cl. and Vol. Schs. shall always be rep. Annual Election. See. N. U. T. Assin. (See Edmonton, above.) % FINCHLEY. The L.E A. is the Urban District Council. Clerk to the U.D.C., E. H. Lister, Esq., Council Offices, Church End, Finchley, N. See. to the Ed. Com., J. F. Alder, Esq., Council Offices, Church End, Finchley, N. ED. COM. consists of 14 menu., being 8 of the Cl. (including the chairman and vice-chairman), 3 ex-officio mem. (the 2 senior mem. for Finch ley on the Middlesex C.C. and the chairman of the local Tech. Instruction Com.) and 3 selected mem. (at least 1 being a woman). Seen., Tech., Commercial and Indus. Education, the Training of Tchrs., and Elem. Education in Cl. and Vol. Schs., shall always be rep. Annual Election, Sec. N. U.T. Asstn. (Hornsey and Finchley). (See Hornsey, above.) % HENDON. The L.E.A. is the Urban District Council. Clerk to the U.D.C., H. Humphries, Esq., Council Offices, Hendon. Sec. to the Ed. Com,, J. Anderson, Esq.-, Council Offices, Hendon. ED. COM. consists of 15 mem., being 9 of CJ., 4 mem. of the late Sch. Board, and 2 persons (1 a woman) exp. in education. (The chairman of the Com. is a tchr.) First Com. remains in office 3 yrs., then elected annually. Sf-c. N.U.T. Asstn., C. Yates, Esq., 2, Larch-road, Cricklewood. % HESTON AND I8LEWOET1I. The L.E.A. is the Urban District Council. Clerk to the U.D.C. and Sec. to the Ed. Com., H. J. Bafeer, Esq., Council House, Hounslow. Asst. Sec. to the Ed. Com., M. Armstrong, Esq., Education Offices, Council House, Hounslow. ED. COM. consists of 16 mem., being 11 of Cl. and 5 co-opted, including 2 women. (1 tcbr. serves on the com.) Annual Election. See. N. U.T. Asstn. (See Baling, above.) % TOTTENHAM. The L.E.A. is the Urban District Council. Clerk to the U.D.C. , E. Crowne, Esq., Council Offices, Tottenham. Sec. to the Ed. Com., W. Mallinson, Esq., Education Offices, Tottenham. ED. COM. consists of 18 mem., being 11 of Cl. and 7 co-opted viz. 1 woman, 1 rep. Higher and Seen. Education, 1 rep. Tech., Commercial and Indus- trial Education (nominated by the Tottenham Trades' and Labour Cl.), 2 rep. Elem. Education in Cl. Schs., 1 rep. Elem. Education in Vol. Scbs., and 1 tchr. (nominated by the local N.U.T. Asstn.). See. N.U.T. Asstn. (Tottenham and Wood Green), J. T. Grayson, Esq., 60, Broadwater-road, Tottenham. % TWICKENHAM. -The L.E.A. is the Urban District Council. Clerk to the U.D.C. and Sec. to the Ed. Com., H. J. Saunders, Esq., Town Hall, Twickenham. Asst. See. to the Ed. Com., E. G. Stray, Esq., Town Hall, Twickenham. ED. COM. consists of 21 mem., being 14 of Cl. and 7 co-opted by the Cl. (in- cluding at least 2 women). Annual Election. See, N. U.T. Asstn. (See Ealing, above,) LOCAL AUTHORITIES. 39 -:;:- //'//. lS%N,The L.E.A. is the Urban District Ccmncil. CU',-1- t t/tf T. &.C., S. W. Ball, Esq., Public Offices, Dyne-road, Kilburn, Sec, to the l-'.d. Com., F. Jobbins, Esq., Education Offices, Dyne-road, Kilburn, N.W. ED. COM. consists of 27 mem., being- 18 of Cl. and 9 co-opted viz. 1 woman, 2 rep. Higher Education, 3 rep. Cl. Schs., and 3 rep. Vol. Schs. (2 tchrs. serve on the com.) Sec. N.U.T. Assist., W. Lightfoot, Esq., 5, Lashington-road, Willesden. % WOOD GREEN. The L.E.A. is the Urban District Council. Clerk to the U.D.C., W. P. Harding, Esq., Town Hall, Wood Green. Sec. to the Ed. Com., J. Rushforth, Esq., Perth Lodge, Wood Green. ED. COM. consists of 12 mem., being 7 of Cl. and 5 co-opted as persons exp. in education (including 1 woman). See. N.U.T. Avstn. (Tottenham aud^Wood Green). (See Tottenham, above.) NORFOLK. Norfolk Ad. C. The L.E.A. is the County Council. CU-rk to the 6'. 6'., C. Foster, Esq., Norwich. SVc. to the Ed. Cam., W. D. Bushell, Esq., 57, London -street, Norwich. ED. COM. consists of 36 mem., being 27 of Cl. and 9 co-opted viz. 3 women and 6 other persons exp. in education. Elem , Seen., Agricultural, and Univ. Education, and the Training of Tchrs. shall always be rep. (2 tchrs. have been co-opted.) Annual Election. Sec. N.U.T. Asstn. (Norfolk County), S. W. Grimble, Esq., 23, Caernarvon-road, Norwich. #- NORWICH. The L.E.A. is the County Borough Council. To ten Clerk, A. H. Miller, Esq., Guildhall, Norwich. Ed. Organisers, (Higher Ed.) H. Rarnage, Esq., M.A., Tech, Institute, Norwich ; (Elem. Ed.) D. O. Holme, Esq., ^Education Offices, Norwich. ED. COM. consists of 21 mem., being not less than 14 of Cl. and the remainder appt. by the Cl. (including at least 2 women) as persons exp. in education. Annual Election. Sec. N.U.T. Asstn., F. T. Oxbury, Esq., 31, St. Phillip's -road, Norwich. # GREAT YARMOUTH. The L.E.A. is the County Borough Council. Clerk to the C.Jt.C., W. E. Stephens, Esq., Town Clerk's Office, Great Yarmouth. Sec. to the Ed. Com., F. "W. Wroughton, Esq., 28, South Quay, Great Yarmouth. ED. COM. consists of 21 mem., being 14 of Cl. and 7 co-opted (including at least 2 women) as persons exp. in. education. See. N.U.T. Asstn., W. H. Bunn, Esq., 55, St. George'e-road, Great Yarmouth. X KING'S LYNN. The L.E.A. is the Non-County Borough Council. Clerk to the N.C.B.C., J. W. Woolstencroft, Esq., Town Clerk's Office, King's Lynn. Sec. to the Ed. Com., H. M. Howard, Esq., B.A., Education Offices, London-road, King's Lynn. ED. COM. consists of 15 mem., being 9 of Cl. and 6 co-opted (including at least 1 woman) as persons exp. in education. Triennial Election. See. N.U.T. Axxtn. (North-West Norfolk) , G. C. Lockwood, Esq., Church Sch., Himstariton, North. NORTHAMPTONSHIRE. % Northampton Ad.C. The L.E.A. is Ilic County Council. Cln-'lc to th< ('.('., 11. A. Milling-ton, Ksq., County Hall, Northampton. Sec. to the Kr. N.U.T. Auxin. (Staffs. County), J. Whecldon, Esq., 56, Corporation- street, Stafford. * Includes Stafford Non- County Bortugh, which has relinquished its powers as aa Education Authority to the C.C. LOCAL AUTHORITIES. 45 V- BURTON-ON-TRENT. The L.E.A. is th- County Borough Council. Clerk to the C.B.C., T. N. Whitehead, Esq., Town Clerk's Office, Burton - 011 -Trent. Sec. to the Ed. Com., W. N. Graham, Esq., Guild-street, Burton-on-Trent. ED. COM. consists of 19 mem., being- 12 of Cl. and 7 co-opted (including 2 women) as persons exp. in education. (A tchr. has been co-cpted.) Annual Election. See. 3". T. T. A*tii., F. Mercy, Esq., 11, Rose Mount- road, Burton-on- Trent. % HANLEY. The L.E.A. is the County Borough Council. Clerk to the C. ]:!.('., A. Challinor, Esq., Town Hall, Hanley. Sec. to the Ed. Com., *J. Hodder, Esq., Town Hall, Hanley. ED. COM. consists of 27 mem., being 17 of Cl. (including the chairman and vice-chairman) and 10 co-opted (including 2 women) viz. 1 rec. by the Foundation Managers of C.E. Schs. in the Borough, 1 ditto R.C. Schs., 2 women exp. in the Elem, and Higher Education of Girls respectively, and 6 appt. by the Cl. as persons exp. in education. Annual Election. Sec. N.U.T. Assttu (N. Staffs,), T. M. Parry, Esq., Sch. House, Bagnall, Stoke-on-Trent. X SMETHWICK. The L,E>A. is the County Borough Council. Clerk to the C.B.C., W. Shakespeare, Esq., 83, Cohnore-row, Birming- ham. Sec. to the Ed. Com,, A. H. Sears, Esq., High-street, Smethwick. ED. COM. consists of 21 nlem., being 14 of Cl. and 7 co-opted (including 2 women) viz. 1 nominated by the Univ. of Birmingham, 2 (1 being a woman) rec. by the Cert. Tchrs. of the Borough, 1 (being- a layman) reo. by the Vol. Sch. Managers of the Borough, 2 mem. of the late Sch. Board, and 1 woman selected by the Cl. Seen., Tech., Commercial and Industrial Education (with regard to the industries of t*ie Borough) shall always be rep. Annual Election. See. N.U.T. Ax&tn. (Birmingham), E. J. Hem% Esq., 39, Reservoir Retreat, Edgbaston, Birmingham. v- WALSALL.- The L.E.A. is the County Borough Council. Clerk to the C.S.C., J. R. Cooper, Esq., Town Clerk's Office, Walsall. Sec. to the Ed. Com.. A. H. Whipple, Esq., M.A., B.Sc., Education Offices, Walsall. m ED. COM. consists of 13 mem., being 7 of Cl. (in the selection of whom regard shall be had to the interests of Commercial and Industrial Educa- tion), 'and 6 co-opted (incl. 1 woman), viz-. 1 rec. by the Governors of Queen Mary's Sch. (a tchr. has been appt. under this clause), and 5 exp. in education and acquainted with the needs of the schs. in Walsall. Annual Election. Conferences with Head Tchrs. are held quarterly to discuss matters relating to their work. Sec. N.U.T. Asstn., S. J. Watton, Esq., 27, Hillary- street, Walsall. * WEST BROMWICH. The L.E.A. is the County Borough Council. Clerk to the C.B.C., A. Caddick, Esq., Town Clerk's Office, W. Bromwich. See. to the Ed. Com., J. E. Pickles, Esq., M.A., B.Sc., 324, High-street, West Bromwich. As*t. Sec., R. W. Lowe, Esq. ED. COM. consists of 22 rnem., being 13 of Cl. (including the Mayor) and 9 co-opted viz. 1 woman, 1 rep. Birmingham Univ., 2 mem. of the late Sch. Board, 1 Churchman and 1 AVrslcvan (selected from the Sch. Board), 3 rep. from the Municipal Tech. Instruction Com. Ssc. N.U.T. Asstn. (West Bromwich and Wednobury,, H. K. Roberts, Esq., 31, Salisbury-road,' West Bromwich. * WOLVERHAMPTON. The L.E.A. is the County Borough Council. to the C.B.C,, H. Brevitt, Esq., Town Clerk's Office, Wolvrrhanipton. See. to the Ed. Com., B. H. Preston, Esq., Education Offices, Town Hall, Wol verhampton . * Correspondence relating- to the Sch. of Sc. and Art should be aidresaed to A Challinor, Esq., Sec. Sch. of Sc. and Art., Hanley. 46 LOCAL AUTHORITIES. Accountant, J. Varley, Esq., F.S.A. ED. COM. consists of 25 mem., being 16 of Cl. (including the Mayor) and 9 co-opted viz. 2 women exp. in Higher, Seen., orElem. Education, 1 rep. Higher Education, rec. by the University of Birmingham, 1 rep. Seen. Education, rec. by the Governors of Wolverhampton Grammar Sch. (the Headmaster has been appt.), 1 rep. Elem. Education, rec. by the Wolver- hampton Tchrs.' Asstn. (local N.U.T.), 1 rec. by the Wolverhampton Trades' CL, 1 rec. by the Vol. As*tn. of C.E. Schs. in the Borough, 1 rec. by the Managers of Wes. Schs. in the Borough, and 1 ditto R.C. Schs. Annual Election. Sec. N.U.T. Asstn., S. R. Paskin, Esq., Sandy-lane, Fettenhall, Wolver- hampton. BURSLEM.- The L.E.A. is the Non -County Borough Council. Ckt-k to the N.C.B.C., A. Ellis, Esq., Town Clerk's Office, Burslem. Sec. to the Ed. COM., A. T. Sheldon, Esq., Education Offices, Liverpool- road, Burslem. ED. COM. consists of 16 mem., being 10 of Cl. and 6 co-opted (including 1 woman) as persons exp. in education. (A tchr. has been co-opted under this clause.) Length of office determined by Cl., but not to exceed 3 yrs. Sec. N. U.T. Asutn. (N. Staffs.). (See Hanley, above.) LONGTON. The L.E.A. is the Non -County Borough Council. Clerk to the N.C.B.C., G. C. Kent, Esq., Town Clerk's Office, Longton. Sec. to the Ed. Com., W. T. Cope, Esq,, Education Offices, Longton. Asst. Sec. to the Ed. Com., W. Atkins, Esq. ED. COM. consists of 27 mem., being 17 of Cl. and 10 co-opted (including at least 1 woman) as persons exp. in education viz. 2 of the late Sch. Board, 2 rec. by the Managers of Vol. Schs., 1 rec. by the Governing Body of Victoria Univ., Manchester, 1 ditto Univ. of Birmingham, and 4 persons of special exp. in local educational matters (1 being a woman). Annual Election in November. Sec. N.U.T. Asstn. (N. Staffs.). (See Hanley, above.) NEWCASTLE-UNDER-LYME. The L.E.A. is the Non- County Borough Council. Clerk to the N.C.B.C., J. Griffith, Esq., Municipal Offices, Newcastle- under-Lyme. See. to the Ed. Com., W. P. Bentley, Esq., Municipal Offices, Newcastle- \mder-Lyme. ED. COM. consists of 14 mem., being 8 of Cl. and 6 co-opted viz. 1 woman, the chairman of the Governors of the Endowed Schs. of the Borough, 1 rec. by that body acquainted with the Commercial wants of the Borough, 1 rec. by the Managers of the National Sch., 1 rec. by the Free Church CL, and 1 rec, by the Managers of R.C. Schs. Length of office deter- mined by the CL, but not to exceed 3 yrs. Sec. N. U.T. Asstit. (N. Staffs.). (See Hanley, above.) 8TOKE-UPON- TRENT. The L.E.A. is the Non- County Borough Council. Clerk to the N.C.B.C., J. B. Ash well, Esq., Town Clerk's Office, Stoke- upon-Trent. Sec. to the Ed. Com., W. Lincoln Copeland, Esq., St. Peter's Chambers, Stoke-upon-Trent. ED. COM. consists of 18 mem., being 10 of Cl. and 8 co-opted viz. 2 women (a tchr. has been appt. under this clause), 1 rec. by the Staffs C.C., 1 rec. by C.E. Schs., 1 rec. by R.C. Schs., 1 rec. by the Free Church CL, and 2 mem. of the late Sch. Board. Sec. X. U.T. Aistn. (N. Staffs.) (See Hanley, above.) WMDNEKBVRY. The L.E.A. is the Non-County Borough Council. Clerk to the N.C.B.C., T. Jones, Esq., Town Clerk's Office, Wednesbury. Src. to the Ed. Com., E. F. Knowles, Esq., Education Offices, Holyhead- road, Wednesbury. LOCAL AUTHORITIES. 47 Sec,. i<> Hi'. Ktl, K/'b.-Coiii., Edward Wilson, Esq., Town ll.all, Wcdnesbury. ED. COM. consists of 15 mem., being 10 of Cl. and 5 co-opted as persons exp. in education viz. 1 -woman, 2 mem. (chairman and vice-chairman) of the late Sch. Hoard, 1 rep. R.C.s, and 1 rep. Elem. Sch. Tcbrs. (2 tchrs. serve on the com.) Annual Election. Sec. X.U.T. Asstn. (W. Bromwich and Wednesburj ) . (See West Brom- wich, above.) % BILSTON. The L.E.A. is the Urban District Council. Clerk to the U.D.C., J. D. Wassell, Esq., Town Hall, Bilston. See. to the Ed. Com., F. M. Cooper, Esq., Town Hall, Bilston. Asxt. Sec., F. 0. Beech, Esq., Town Hall, Bilston. ED. COM. consists of 16 mem., being 10 of Cl. and 6 co-opted viz. 2 women exp. in the education of girls, and 4 persons exp. in education (including a mem. of the Staffs. C.C.). Annual Election. See. X. V.T. Axxtn.^ P. A. Skinner, Esq., 69, Dudley-street, Bilston. -# CANNOCK. The L.E.A. is the Urban District Council. Clerk to the V.D.C., C. A. Loxton, Esq., Council Offices, Cannock. Seen, to the Ed. Com. (for Cl. Schs.), J- P- Gardner, Esq., Education Offices, Wolverhampton-road, Cannock; (for Vol. Sohs.), W. E. Swift, Esq. Council Offices, Cannock. ED. COM. consists of 13 mem., 9 being of Cl. and 4 co-opted viz. 1 woman (a tchr. has been appt. under this clause), and 3 persons appt. by the Cl., who may, or may not, be mem. of the Cl. Com. shall always include 2 persons who are Foundation Managers of Vol. Schs.. 2 ditto Cl. Schs., and 2 ditto Tech. and Seen. Sch*. (if any). Triennial Election. Sec. N.U.T. ^-iKxtit., L. Barratt, Esq., Church - street, Chadsmore, Cannock. % COSELEY.The L.E.A. is the Urban District Council. Clerk to the V.D.C., 3. Smith, Esq., Sedgley, near Dudley. See. to the Ed. Com., F. J. C. Poole, Esq., Green- street, Coseley. ED. COM. consists of 18 mem., being 12 of Cl. and 6 co-opted viz. 2 women exp. in Elem. and Seen. Ed. of girls, 2 with special knowledge of Cl. Schs., 1 ditto Seen. Education, and 1 ditto Tech. Education. (A tcnr. has been co-opted.) Sec. N.U.T. Awttt., J. J. Davies, Esq., Mount Pleasant-street, Coseley, Bilston. FENTON. The L.E.A. is the Urban District Council. Cfrrk to the II. B.C., R. T. Adderley, Esq., Council Offices, Fenton. Sec. to Ed. Coin., J. Griffiths, Esq., Church -street, Fenton. ED. COM. consists of 18 mem., being 12 of Cl., and 6 co-opted viz., 2 women, 1 nom. by the Staffs. C.C., 1 nom. by C.E. Schs., 1 ditto E.G. Schs., and 1 nom. by Free Church Schs. Sec. N.l'.T. A^tit. (N. Staffs.). (See Hauley, above.) #- HANDSWORTH. The L.E.A. is the Urban District Council. Clerk to U.D.C., H. Ward, Esq., Council Offices, Handsworth. Sec. to Ed. Com., T. H. Moon, Esq., Soho Hill, Handsworth, Staffs. ED. COM. consists of 15 mem., being 9 of Cl. and 6 co-opted (including at least 1 woman). Seen., Tech., Commercial, and Industrial Education (with special regard to the industries of the district), the Training of Tchrs., and Elem. Education in Cl. and Vol. Schs., shall always be rep. The following have been co-opted 1 lady, the Headmaster of the Grammar Sch., 1 Tchr. nominated by the local Asstn. of "the N.U.T., 1 nominated by the R.C. Cl., and 2 others. Annual Election. ;SVr. N.T.T. Axstn., C. Heaven, Esq., 69, Union -street, Wednesbmy, Staffs. ROWLEY REGIS. The L.E.A. is the Urban District Council. Clrrk t<> tin- I'. I>.a. in/i/ See. to thr Ed. Com., D. Wright, Esq., Council Offices, Old Hill, Staffs. ED. COM. consists of 15 mem., being 10 of Cl. (including the chairman and vice-chairman, 2 mem. who arc also inem. of theStaffs. C.C., and 3 who were mem. of the late Sch. Board;, and ;3 co-opted vix. 1 woman, 1 rec. 48 LOCAL AUTHORITIES. l>y the Staffs. C.C., 1 rec. by the late Sch. Board, 1 rec. by the Governors oi' Halesowen Grammar Sch., and 1 ree. by the Cl. of the Univ. of Birmingham. Annual Election. fiec. N.U.T. Asstn., H. Mole, Esq., Wcstbonme, Cradley Heath, Staffs. TIPTOy.The L.E.A. is the Urban District Council. Clerk to the -U.D.C., J.H. Stockdale, Esq., Solicitor, Council Offices, Tipton. Sec. to the Ed. Coin., E. Richards, Esq., Owen-street, Tipton. ED. COM. consists of 24 mem., being 18 of CL, and 6 co-opted - viz. 2 women and 4 persons who may or may not be mem. of the Cl. Com. shall include persons exp. in education, &c. Annual Election. Sec. N.U.T. Asstn., J. W. Baker, Esq., Kentora, Park-lane East, Tipton. TUXSTALL. The L.E.A. is the Urban District Council. Clerk to the U.D.C. and Sec. to the Ed. Com., A. P. Llewellyn, Esq., Council Offices, Tunstall. ED. COM. consists of 20 mem., being 13 of Cl. and 7 co-opted, viz. 4 selected by Cl. as persons exp. in education, including 2 women, 1 rec. by the Staffs. C.C., 1 rec. by the Trustees of Victoria Institute, and 1 rec. by Dr. R. Hulme's Charity. Com. shall include persons exp. in educa- tion, &c., and Univ., Seen. (Boys and Girls), Tech., Industrial and Commercial Education (with special regard to the industries of the district), and Elem. Education in Cl. and Vol. Schs. shall always be rep. Sec. N. U.T. Asstn., North Staffs. (See Hanley, above.) WOLSTANTON.The L.E.A. is the Urban District Council. Clerk to the U.D.C. and See. to tin Ed. Com., Ed. Hollinshead, Esq., Council Offices, "Wolstantoii. ED. COM. consists of 15 mem., being 8 of Cl. (including the chairman and vice-chairman) and 7 co-opted as persons exp. in education, including at least 1 woman, 1 rec. by the Staffs C.C. (a tchr. has been appt. under this clause), 1 rec. by the Com. of the N. Staffs. Mining Institute, and 1 rec. by the Vol. Sch. Managers in Cl.'s area. Mem. of the Cl. are eligible for co-option. Univ., Seen. (Boys and Girls), Tech., Commercial and Industrial Education (with special regard to the industries of the district) shall always be rep. Length of office determined by Cl. Sec. N. U.T. Asstn., North Staffs. (See Hanley, above.) SUFFOLK. East Suffolk Ad. C- The L.E.A. is the County Council. Clerk to the C.C., A. T. Cobbold, Esq., Ipswich. See. to the Ed. Com., W. E. Watkins, Esq., County Hall, Ipswich. ED. COM. consists of 37 mem., being 27 of Cl. (including 1 rep. Lowestoft, and on the first Com. 2 mem. of late Sch. Boards) and 10 co-opted viz. 2 women rep. the Seen, and Elem. Education of Girls respectively, 1 nom. by the Senate of the Univ. of Cambridge, 2 persons exp. in Agriculture and Horticulture, 1 exp. in the Seen. Education of Boys, 3 from amongst Managers of Cl. and Vol. Elem. Schs., and 1 exp. in Tech. Education. Mem. of the Cl. are eligible for co-option. Triennial Election. Sec. N.U.T. Asstn. (E. Suffolk County), W. Busby, Esq., Coimcil Sch., Toxford. IPSWICH. The L.E.A. is the County Borough Council. Clerk to the C.B.C., W. Bantoft, Esq. Sec. to the .Ed. Com., J. H. Hume, Esq., Tower House, Tower-street, Ipswich. ED. COM. consists of 18 mem., being 11 of Cl. and 7 co-opted (including at least 1 woman) as persons exp. in Education. Annual Election. Sec. N.y.T.Awtn., H. W. Patmorr, Esq., St. Mary, Stoke National Sch., Ipswich , LOCAL AUTHORITIES. 41) ri-.'x TOFT. The L.E.A. is the Non-County Borough Council. Clerk to tli, X.f'.B.f. and .V.-. to tin AV/. Com., R. B. Nicholson, Esq., Town Hall, Lowestoft. Asst. Sec., S. J. Bailey, Esq. ED. COM. consists of 21 mom., being 14 of Cl. and 7 co-opted (including 2 women) as persons exp. in Education. Annual Election. Sec. N. U. T. Asstn., F. J. Ratcliffe, Es*;., Church -road Cl. Sch., Lowestoft. West Suffolk Ad.C. The L.E.A. is the County Council. Clerk to the C.C., A. T. Cobbold, Esq., Bury St. Edmunds. Sec. to the Ed. Com., F. R. Hughes, Esq., 5, Crown-street, Bury St. Edmunds. ED. COM. consists of 32 mem., being 24 of Cl. and 8 co-opted (including 2 women). Higher and Seen. Education (including Evening Schs), Tech., and Sc. and Art Schs., Industrial Education (including Agricultiiral and other special industries of the County), and Elem. Education in Cl. and Vol. Schs. shall always be rep. (A tear, has been appt. on the rec. of the local N.U.T. Asstn.) Triennial Election. Sec. N.U.T. Asstn. (W. Suffolk County), T. H. Bromham, Esq., Cl. Sch., Polstead, Colchester. BURY ST. EDMUNDS. The L.E.A. is the Non-County Borough Council. Clerk to the X.C.U.C., A. P. Wheeler, Esq., Town Hall, Bury St. Edmunds. See. to the Ed. Com., J. H. Wakefield, Esq., Town Hall, Bury St. Edmunds. ED. COM. consists of 21 mem., being 12 of Cl. and 9 co-opted viz. 2 women exp. in Education, 1 rec. by the Com. of St. Mary's Schs., 1 ditto St. James' and St. John's Schs., 1 rec. by the Governors of the Feoffment Sch., and 1 rec. by the Com. of theR.C. Schs. (these 4 to rep. Elem. Education), 1 rec. by the Governors of King Edward VI. Grammar Sch., and 1 rec. by the Governing Body of the E. Anglian Sch. (these 2 to rep. Higher Education), and 1 tchr. rec. by the local branch of the N.U.T. Annual Election for mem. of Cl., Triennial for co-opted rnem. See. N.U.T. Asstn., T. Ring, Esq., National Sch., Chevington, Bury St. Edmunds. SURREY. Surrey Ad.C. The L.E.A. is the County Council. Clerk to the C.C., T. W. Weeding, Esq., Kingston -on -Thames. Sec. to the Ed. Com., Ramsay Nares, Esq., Kingston-oii-Thames. ED. COM. consists of 27 mem., being 20 of CL, 2 elected by each of the 5 Districts in Surrey, and 7 co-opted, including a rep. of the Senate of London Univ. Triennial Election. Consultative Com. consists of 2 i mem., being 4 of the Ed. Com. (rep. Univ. Education), 6 selected from the Staff Instructors of the Com. (qualified in Sc., Art, Modern Languages, Domestic Subjects, Manual Training, and Technology), '1 re].), the Headmasters of Seen. Schs, 1 Head- mistress from a Seen. Sch. in the County (the last 3 elected at a meeting called for that purpose), 1 Asst. Master and 1 Asst. Mistress (rec. by the Incorporated Asstns. of Asst. Masters and Mistresses respectively), 1 Head- master, 1 Asst. Master, 1 Headmistress, and 1 Asst. Mistress (elected by the Surrey Branch of the N.U.T.), 1 rep. the Head Tchrs. of Evening Schs. (elected by voting papers), 2 persons exp. in educational administra- tion, and 2 persons exp. in teaching (the last 4 selected by the Ed. Com.). One-third of the mem. retire annually. -See. N.U.T. Asstn. (Surrey County), L. Rawes, Esq., Send Sch., near Woking. > CROYDON. The L.E.A. is the County Borough Council. Clerk to the C.E.C., F. C. Lloyd, Esq., Town Clerk's Office, Croyclon. Sec. to the Ed. Com., J. Smyth, Esq., Katharine-street. Croydon. ED. COM. consists of 31 mem., being 19 of Cl. (including the Mayor) and 12 co-opted, including not less than 2 women and 6 mem. of the late Sch. Board. (A tcbr. has been co-opted.) See. N. U.T. Ast>/., W. Jones, Esq., 4, Egerton-road, South Norwood, S.E. :>0 LOCAL AUTHORITIES. % GUILDFORD. ^he L.E.A. is the Non-County Borough Council. Clerk to the N.C.Tl.C. and Kcc. to the. Ed. Com., F. S. Miller, Esq., Bridge- street, Guildford. Asst. Sec. to the. Ed. Com., F. G. Shirley, Esq. ED. COM. consists of 18 mem., being 11 of Cl. and 7 co-opted, viz. 1 woman, 1 rep. and rec. by the Cert. Tchrs. of the Borough, 3 rep. CL, Vol., and Seen. Schs., and 2 exp. in Tech. Education. Triennial Election. See. N. TI.T. Asstn., H. V. Shafto, Esq., Sandfield Cl. Sch., Guildford. X KINGSTON-VPON-THAMES. The L.E.A. is the Non- County Borough Council. Clerk to the. N.C.B.C. and Ed. Com., H. A. Winser, Esq., Town Clerk's Office, Kingston-upon-Thames. c..- Sec. to the Ed. Corn., H. T. Roberts, Esq., B.A., Education Offices, Kingston-upon-Thames. ED. COM. consists of 21 mem., being 14 of Cl., 4 mem. of the Surrey C.C., and 3 co-opted, including 1 woman. (A tchr. has been co-opted.) Advisory Com. consists of all the Head Tchrs. of -the Borough and 4 rep. the Cert. Asst. Tchrs. See. N.IT.T. Asstn., R. J. Taylor, Esq., 107, Park-road, Kingston Hill, Surrey. ^REIGATE. The L.E.A. is the Non-County Borough Council. Clerk to the N.C.B.C., Alfred Smith, Esq., Municipal Buildings, Reigate. Sec. to the Ed. Com., A. Lund Newell, Esq., Municipal Buildings, Reigate. ED. COM. consists of 22 mem., being 12 of Cl. (including the Mayor) and 10 co-opted (including 2 women) viz. 1 rec. by the Managers of the National Sch., 1 ditto St. Mary's and St. Luke's Schs., 1 ditto St. Matthew's Sch., 1 ditto St. John's Sch., 1 ditto Brit. Sch., 1 ditto Wes. Sch., 2 (1 a woman) rec. by the Cert. Tchrs. of Public Elem. Schs. in the Borough, and 2 (1 a woman a tchr. has been appt. under this clause) selected by the Cl. Annual Election for mem. of the Cl. Triennial for co-opted mem. Sec. N. U.T. Asstn., E. J. Bath, Esq., St. John's Sch., Redhill # RICHMOND. The L.E.A. is the Non-County Borough Council. Clerk to the N.C.H.C., F. B. Senior, Esq., Town Hall, Richmond, Surrey. Sec. to the Ed. Com'., H. Sagar, Esq., Town Hall, Richmond, Surrey. ED. COM. consists of 27 mem., being not less than 16, or more than 18, of Cl., and the remainder co-opted (including 2 women), 6 being nominated by the Surrey C.C. (1 a woman) so long as the C.C. delegate their powers respecting the management of the Richmond County Sch. Tech'. Instruc- tion Classes, and Evening Continuation Schs. in the Borough, to the Borough Cl. (A tchr. has been co-opted.) One-third of the Cl. mem. retire annually. Length of office of co-opted mem. determined by the CL, but not to exceed 3 yrs. Sec. N.V.T. Astn., E. D. Frost, Esq., " Conistoo," Pagoda -avenue, Richmond, Surrey. - JriMBZEDON. The L.E.A. is the Non-County Borough Council. Clerk to the N.C.H.C. and to the Ed. Cbw., A. S. Sheldon, Esq., Town Clerk's Office, 12, Quocii's-voiid, Wimbledon. Deputy Clri-k to the Ed. Com., W. A. Harwood, Esq., Town Clerk's Office, 12, Queen' s-road. Wimbledon. ED. COM. consists of 20 mem., being 12 of CL and 8 co-opted, including persons exp. in education, and acquainted with the needs of the various kinds of Schs. in the Cl.'s area, at least 3 being women, 2 rep. Higher Ed., 1 rep. Univ. Ed., and 1 rep. Vol. Schs. Sec. N.U.T. Asstn., W. J. Dann, Esq., 86, South Park-road, Wimbledon. SUSSEX. East Sussex Ad.O- The L.E.A. is the County Council. Cleric to the C.C., F. Merrifield, Esq., County Hall, Lewes. Sec. t<> flte Ed. Com., E. Young, Esq., County Hall, Lewes. ED. COM. consists of 30 mem., being 21 of CL and 9 co-opted (including 2 women) as persons exp. in education. Higher a IK"! Seen. Education LOCAL AUTHORITIES. 51 (including Evening Schs.), Tech., Science and Art Schs., Industrial Education (including Agriculture and other special industries of the County), and Eletn. Education in Cl. and Vol. Schs., shall always be rep. One-third of Cl. mem. retire annually ; co-opted mem. elected annually. See. N.U.T. Axstn. (E. Sussex County), K. W. Philp, Esq., Cl. Sch., KotherEeld, Tunbridge Wells. vl? BRIGHTON. The L.E.A. is the County Borough Council. Clerk to thr ('.'/I.e., lingo Talbot, Esq., Toxvii" Clerk's Office, Brighton. See. to the Ed. ('<>,., E. Hackforth, Esq., .54, Old Steine, Brighton. ED. COM. consists of 28 mem., being 19 of Cl. (including the Mayor) and 9 co-opted (including at least 2 women), all of whom are resident in or within 7 miles of the Borough. Higher, Seen., Tech., Commercial and Industrial Education, the Training of Tchrs. and Elem. Education in Cl. and Vol. Schs. shall always be rep. (A tchr. has been co-opted.) Annual Election. An Advisory Com. for Higher Education has been appt., which includes a tchr. V*. X. ('. T. Axtn. (Brighton and Hove), H. Hone, Esq.., 77, Hollingbury Park-avenue, Brighton. & HASTINGS. The L.E.A. is the County Borough Council. Clerk to the C.B.C., B. F. Meadows, Esq., Town Clerk's Office, Hastings. See. to the Ed. Com., P. O. Buswell, Esq., 18, Wellington-square, Hastings. ED. COM. consists of 25 mem., being 15 of Cl. and 10 co-opted as persons exp. in education, including at least 2 women, 1 nominated by the Governors of the Hastings Grammar Sch. Foundation, 1 nominated by the Hastings District Church Schs'. CL. 1 nominated by the Hastings, St. Leonards and District Cl. of the Evangelical Free Churches, 1 nominated by the Hastings Tchrs'. Asstn. (local N.U.T.), 1 rep. Seen, Schs. in the Borough, nominated by any asstn. of such schs., and 1 nominated by the Foundation Managers of R.C. Schs. The remaining mem. shall be selected so as to secure the rep. of Tech., Commercial, Industrial and Elem. EcUication in Cl. Elem. Schs. One-third of the Cl. mem. and the whole of the co-opted mem. retire annually. Sec. N.U.T. Asstn., C. W. Crocker, Esq., 152, Edmund- road, Clive Vale, Hastings. BEXHILL. IhQ L.E.A. is the Non-County Borough Council. Wtrk to the N.C.B.C., E. Sholto Douglas, Esq., Town Clerk's Office, Bexbill. Sec. to the Ed. Com., F. Wilson, Esq., Amherst-road, Bexhill. ED. COM. consists of 16 mem., being 10 of Cl. and 6 co-opted as persons e\]>. in education (including 2 women), Seen. Education (Boys and Girls), Tech., Commercial and Industrial Education (with special regard to the industries of the Borough). Elem. Education and the Education of Girls shall always be rep. on the com. Vc. X.I'.T. J sit it. (Hastings.) (See Hastings, above,) vr EASTSOU&irjS.-^he L.E.A. is the Non-County Borough Council. Gkrktothetf.C.B.C.wndiSeer.to the Ed. Com., H. W. Fovargue, Esq., Town Hall, Eastbourne. Ki>. COM. consists of 25 mem., being 15 of CL and 10 co-opted (including 2 women), 2 rep. the Ka^-1 bourne Vol. Sobs. Asstn., 1 rep. the Eastbourne Schoolmasters' Asstn., 1 rep. the Eastbourne Free Church CL, 1 woman rep. the Eastbourne Private Schoolings! r< -sse>' Asstn., 1 rep. Univ. Educa- tion. 1 rep. Nonconformists. 1 rep. Ix.C.s, 1 mem. of the E. Sussex C.C., and 1 unman resident in Eastbourne. Annual Election. Vr. .\.r.7'. Aiatri., Or. A. Fox, Hsq., Christ Church Scli., I'la^t bourne, //. The L.E.A. is the Non-Count v Borough Council. Clerk /<> th, N.,C.B.C:, H. Endacott, Esq., TWn Clerk's Office', Hove. SVr. f tin- Ed. Com., S. G. Dancy, Esq., 8'.), Church-road, Hove. ED. Coat, consists of 17 mem., being 11 of Cl. (including the Mayor and ex- 52 LOCAL AUTHORITIES. Mayor) , and 6 co-opted (including 2 women) . All educational interests shall bo rep. on the Com. One-third of the Cl. mem., and all co-opted mem. to retire annually. Sec. N.U.T. Asstn. (Brighton and Hove). (See Brighton, above.) >Ic LEWES. The L.E.A. is the Non- County Borough Council. Clerk to the N.C.B.C., M. S. Blaker, Esq., Town Clerk's Office, Lewes. Sec. to the Ed. Coat., C. H. Morris, Esq., 1, Severig Buildings, Lewes. Eo. COM. consists of 18 mem., being 12 of Cl. and 6 co-opted (of whom 1 shall and 2 may be women) as persons exp. in education. Seen., Tech., Commercial, andElern. Education shall always be rep. Triennial Election. One -third of com. retire annually. Sec. N.U.T. Astttt., J. M. Price, Esq., School Houee, West Firle, Lewes. * West Sussex Ad.C.* The L.E.A. is the County Council. Clerk to the C.C., F. Merrifield, Esq., Lewes. Sec. to the Ed. Com., L. Thompson, Esq., West-street, Horsham. ED. COM. consists of 27 mem., being' 18 of Cl. and 9 co-opted (including 3 women, and 2 rep. the Borough of Chichester). Higher and Seen. Education . (including Evening Schs), Tech. and Sc; and Art Schs., Industrial Education (including Agriculture and other special industries of the County), and Elem. Education in Cl. and Vol. Scbs; shall always be rep. on the Com. One-third of Com. to retire annually. Advisory Com. consists of 36 mem. exp. in education viz. 12 persons exp. in the management of Schs.-, 12 rep. Seen. Tchrs. and 12 rep. Elem. "8011. Tchrs. (the last-named appt. on rec. of the local N.U.T. Asstn. in the Ad County). Sec. N.U.T. Asstn. (W. Sussex Comity), W. H. Corbett, Esq., Partridge- Green, Sussex. % CHICHESTER* Clerk to the N.C.B.C., J. W. L. Cooper, Esq., Town Clerk's Office. Sec. N.U.T. Asstn., G. Apps, Esq., Lancastrian Sch., Chichester, * WORTHING. The L.E.A. is the Non-County Borough Council. Clerk to the N.C.B.C. and Sec. to the Ed. Com., W. Verrall, Esq., Municipal Offices, Worthing. . Asst., E. A. Sparkes, Esq., Borough Ed. Dept., Worthing. ED. COM. consists of 21 mem., being 14 of Cl. and 7 co-opted viz. 2 women (a tchr. has been appt. under this clause), 2 rec. by the Managers of the Worthing Vol. Schs., 2 rec. by the Worthing Free Church CL, and 1 acquainted with the needs of R.C. children. (A tchr. serves on the com.) Annual Election. Sec. N.U.T. Asstn. , A. D. Young, Esq., Steyn View, York-road, Worthing. WARWICKSHIRE, '"!'? Warwick Ad.C. t The L.E.A. is the County Council. Clerk to the C.C., E. Field, Esq., Leamington t Sec. to the Ed. Com., Bolton King, Esq., County Education Office, War- wick. ED. COM. consists of 33 mem., being 22 of Cl. (including the chairman, vice-chairman, and chairman of Finance Com.) arid 11 co-opted viz. 2. women and 2 other mem. appt. by the CL, 1 person acquainted with the needs of C.E. Elem. Schs. in the County, 1 ditto R.C. Schs., 1 ditto Schs. of other denominations, 1 rec. by the Governing Body of Birmingham Univ., 1 being the Head or an Asst. Master of Rugby Sch., 1 rec. by the Head Tchrs. of Seen. Schs. in the County, being one of their own body, and 1 rec. by the Cert. Tchrs. of Public Elem. Schs. under the CL Agricul- tural, Commercial, and Tech. Education shall always be rep. on the Com. Triennial Election. * Chiohestsr has formed a Joint Scheme with the West Sussex County Council, and its powers as an Education Authority (wifi certain exceptions) have been delegated to the Joint Committee for W. Sussex ana Chichester. t Includes Warwick Non-County Borough, which has relinquished its powers as an Education Authority to the Warwick C.C. LOCAL AUTHORITIES. 53 Sec . N. U. T. Asstn, (Warwick County), W. H. Boulter, Esq., Craufleet, Charlotte-street, Leamington. -X- BIRMINGHAM. The L.E.A. is the Comity Borough Council. Clerk to the C.H.C., E. O. Smith, Esq., Town Clerk's Office, Birmingham. V'c. to the Ed. Con/., *J. A. Palmer, Esq., Education Dept., Edmund - s rcet, Birmingham. ED. COM. consists of 33 mem., being 19 of Cl., including the Lord Mayor (these mem. to be chosen with special regard to the Parliamentary Divi- sions of the City and to Tech., Commercial, and Industrial Education, arid the industries of the City), and 14 co-opted viz. 3 women, 4 persons exp. in education, 1 rec. by the Univ. of Birmingham, 1 rec. by the Governors of King Edward's Sch., 1 rec. by the Church Schs. Sub-Asstu. for the Archdeaconry of Birmingham, 1 rec. by the Birmingham R.C. Diocesan Asstn. rep R.C. Schs. in the City, 1 rec. by the Birmingham and Midland Institute, 1 tchr. rec. by the local branch of the N.U.T., and 1 rec. by the Trades' Council. Annual Election. k . See. N.U.T. Asstn., E. J. Herne, Esq., 39, Reservoir Retreat, Edgbaston, Birmingham. v!c COVENTRY. The L.E.A. is the County Borough Council. Clerk to the C.H.C., G. Button, Esq., Town Clerk's Office, Coventry. Sec. to th} Ed. Com., F. Homer, Esq., B.A., LL.B., Educatfon Offices, 13, Priory -row, Coventry. Aist. Sec. to Ed. Com., A. F. Stenson, Esq. ED. COM. consists of 25 mem., being 15 of Cl. and 10 co-opted viz. 2 women, 2 mem. of the late Sch. Board, 1 nominated by Birmingham Univ., 2 rec. by Spencer's Arts Trustees, 1 rec. by Bablake Sch. (the Head Master has been appt.), 1 rec. by Coventry Grammar Sch., and 1 rec. by the Managers of Vol. Schs. in the City. Triennial Election. See. N.r.T. Asstn., N. J. Walker, Esq., Red-lane Cl. Sch., Coventry, vie ASTON MANOR. The L.E.A. is the Non-County Borough Council. Clerk to th? N.C.E.C., J. Ansell, Esq., 27, Bennett's -hill, Birmingham. Sec. to th? Ed. Com., H. Norwood, Esq., Albert-road, Aston. Manor. ED. COM. consists of 19 mem., being 10 of Cl. and 9 co-opted (including 1 woman) viz., 4 persons exp. in education, 1 rep. Seen. Education, rec. by the Warwick C.C., 1 rec. by the Asstn. of C.E. Schs., 1 rec. by the R.C. Diocesan Asstn., 2 Tchrs, (1 Master and 1 Mistress) appt. by the Cl. Annual Election. See. N.U.T. Asstn., C. W. Hinchley, Esq., St. Mary's Ch. Sch., Aston Brook, Birmingham. ROYAL LEAMINGTON SPA. -The L.E.A. is the Non-County Borough Council. Clerk to the N.C.B.C. and Sec. to the Ed. Com., L. Rawlinson, Esq., Town Hall, Leamington. ED. COM. consists of 21 mem., being 14 of Cl. and 7 co opted viz. 2 women (the Principal of the Girls' High Sch. has been appt. under this clause), 1 rec. by the late Sch. Board, 1 rec. by the Diocesan Asstn. of Church Schs., 1 rec. by the Catholic Schs. Asstn., 1 rec. by the Midland Asstn. of Day Schs., and 1 tchr. rec. by the Local Asstn. of the N.U.T. Annual Election. A Higher Ed. Com. has been appt., to which a tchr. has been co-opted. See. N.T.T. Asstx., H. Slator, Esq., 35b, Bedford-street, Leamington. BUTTON COLDFIELD.The L.E.A. is the Non-County Borough Council. Clerk to the N.C.B.C. and Sec. to the Ed. Cam., R. A. R. Nadin, Esq., Council House, Sutton Coldfield. Ku. Coil, consists of 18 mem., being 10 of Cl. and 8 co-opted viz. 2 women, 1 rec. by the Cl. of the Univ. of Birmingham, 1 tchr. rec. by the local branch of the N.U.T., 2 rec. by the Trustees of Municipal Charities in the * Correspondence respecting Schs. controlled by the Museum and Sch. of Art Com. should be addressed to E. Preston Hytch, Esq., See. Municipal Sch. of Art, Margaret- street, and that respecting the Municipal Tech, Evening Sch. to G. Mellor, Esq , Sec. Municipal Tech, Sch,, Suffolk-street. 54 LOCAL AUTHORITIES. Borough, the Headmaster of the Button Coldfield Grammar Sch., and 1 mem. elected by the Cl. from outside their own body. Annual Election. Sec. N.TT.T. Asstn., F. G. Gill, Esq., "Ellerslie," Clifton-road, Button Coldfield. NUNEATON AND CHILVERS COTON.The L.E.A. is the Urban District Council. Clerk to the U.D.C., F. S. Clay. Esq., Town Clerk's Office, Nuneaton. See. to the Ed. Com., F. S. Clay, Esq., Bridge House, Nuneaton. ED. COM. .consists of 18 mem., being 12 of Cl. and 6 co-opted as persons exp, in education (including at least 1 woman, and 1 appt. on the rec. of the Cert. Tchrs. of Public Elem. Schs. in the District). Higher, Seen., Tech., Commercial and Industrial Education (with special regard to the industries of the district), and Elem. Education, shall always be rep. One-third of the com. retire annually. Sec. N.lf.T. Asstn., H. Wardle, Esq., Galley Common, Atherstone. WESTMORLAND. Westmorland Ad C. The L.E.A. is the County Council. Clerk to the C.C.,3. Bolton, Esq., Kendal. See. to the Ed. Com., C. J. R. Tipper, Esq., B.Sc., County Education Offices, Kendal. ED. COM. consists of 36 roem., being 25 of Cl. and 11 co-opted viz. 4 persons (including at least 2 women) selected by the C.C., 1 nominated by either Durham or Victoria Univ., 1 rec. by Kendal Town CL, 1 rec. by the Head Tchrs. of Public Elem. Schs., 1 rec. by Masters of Grammar Schs., 1 rec. by Carlisle Asstn. of Schs., 1 rec. by Westmorland Brit. Schs'. Asstn., 1 rec. by Sch. Boards. "Univ., Seen., Tech., Commercial and Industrial Education, the Training of Tchrs., and Elem. Education in Cl. and Vol. Schs., shall always be rep. Triennial Election. See. N.I7.T. Asstn. (Westmorland County), G. H. Joyce, Esq., Troutbeck Sch., Windermere. KENDAL. The L.E.A. is the Non-County Borough Council. Clerk to the N.C.B.C. and Sec. to the Ed. Com., J. Bolton, Esq., 14, Kent- street, Kendal. ED. COM. consists of 23 mem., being 14 of Cl. (including the Mayor) and 9 co-opted viz. 4 persons selected by the Cl. (including 2 women and 1 rep. the Kendal Sch. of Science and Art, with special regard to Tech. Education), 1 rec. by the Head Tchrs. of Elem. Schs., 1 rec. by the Kendal Grammar Scbs., 1 rec. by the Carlisle Vol. Schs. Asstn., 1 rec. by the N. Counties Brit. Asstn. of Schs., and 1 rec. by the Hexham and Newcastle R.C. Schs'. Asstn. Seen., Tech., Commercial and^Industrial Education (with special regard to the industries of the Borough) shall always be rep. Annual Election. Sec. N.U.T. Atstrt.j H. Webster, Esq., Crosscrake National Sch., Kendal. WILTSHIRE. Wilts- Ad. C- The L.E.A. is the County Council. Cleric to the C.C., R. W. Merriman, Esq., County Offices, Trowbridge. Director of Ed. W. Pullinger, Esq.,M.A., County OflSces, Trowbridge. Sec. for Agric. and Asst. .Director of Ed., C. H. Corbett, Esq. Two Corns, have been appt., the Agricultural Ed. Com., and the General Ed. Com. AGRICULTURAL COM. consists of 24 mem., being 18 of Cl. (including the chairman and vice-chairman) and 6 co-opted, including 1 rec. by the Governing body of Univ. College, Reading, and 1 rec. by the Bath and West of England Agricultural Society. Triennial Election. GENERAL ED. COM. consists of 32 mem., being 22 of Cl. (including the chairman, vice-chairman, and chairman of the Finance Com.), arid 10 co- opted (including at least 2 women) viz. 1 rec. by the Governing Body of Marlborough College, 1 ditto Univ. College, Bristol, and 8 other persons (2 at least being women) acquainted with the educational requirements, LOCAL AUTHORITIES. 55 and tbe established industries of the County other than Agriculture. (Two tchrs, have been co-opted to rep. Elem. and Seen. Education respectively.; Triennial Election. Ato. JV.r.7'. A**tn. (Wilts County), W. Cray, Esq., Steeple Ash ton. Trowbridge. SALISBURY (OR NEW S ARUM). The L.E.A. is the Non-County Borough Council. f'/ft'k to the N.C.B.C., F. Hodding, Esq., Town Clerk's Office, Salisbury. Sec. to the Ed. Com., Gr. Harris, Esq., 3, Castle street, Salisbury. ED. COM. consists of 20 mem., being 12 of Cl., and 8 co-opted (including at least 3 women) viz. 2 (one at least a woman) rec. by the Salisbury Vol. Schs.' Asstn, 2 (l.at least a woman) rec. by the Salisbury Free Church CL, 1 rec. by the R.C.s resident in the Borough, 2 Cert. Tchrs. (1 Master and 1 Mistress) rec. by the Cert. Tchrs. of Public Elem. Schs. in the Borough, and 1 rec. by the General Ed. Com. of the Wilts. C.C., rep. Tech. and Agricultural Education. Triennial Election. Sec. N. U.T. Asstn., F. K. Riches, Esq., " Figheldean," Salisbury. SWINDON. The L.E.A. is tbe Non-County Borough Council. See. to the N.C.B.C., R. Hilton, Esq., Town Hall, Swindon. Sec. to the Ed. Com., W. Seaton, Esq., Town Hall, Swindon. ED. COM. consists of 21 mem., being 14 of Cl. (including the Mayor) and 7 co-opted viz. 2 women, and 2 other mem. exp. in education, and 3 mem. of, and rec. by, the Wilts C.C. Com. shall always include persons exp. in Elem., Seen., Tech., Commercial and Industrial Education, with special regard to the industries of the Borough. See. N.U.T. Asstn., A. E. Bullock, Esq., 36, St. Margaret's-road, Swindon. WORCESTERSHIRE. Worcester Ad.C. The L.E.A. is the County Council. Clerk to the C.C'., S. Thomely, Esq., Shire Hall, Worcester. Director of Education, Dr. S. Gr. Rawson, 37, Foregate -street, Worcester. Stc. to the Ed. Com., James Mason, Esq., 37, Foregate- street, Worcester. ED. COM. consists of 101 mem., being 64 of Cl. and 37 co-opted (including at least 5 women) viz., 3 nom. by Oxford, Cambridge and Birmingham Univs. respectively, 1 nominated by the Association of Headmasters of Seen. Sche. in the Midland Counties, 1 woman nominated by the Head- mistresses Asstn. of Seen. Schs. ; 17 rec. mem., being 3 (1 a woman) rec. by the Cert. Tchrs. in the Elem. Schs. of the County, 1 for every 50 Sehs. in the Vol. Schs.' Asstns. for Worcester, Birmingham and Ludlow, 1 for every 50 Schs. in the Birmingham Diocesan R.C. Sobs.' Asstn., 1 for every 50 Sohs. in the Midland Asstn. of Brit, and other Vol. Day Schs., 1 rec. by the Worcestershire Chamber of Agriculture, 1 rec. by the Worcester- shire Farmers' Asstn., and 15 selected mem. (at least 3 being women) rep. Univ., Seen., Commercial, Industrial and Tech. Education (with special regard to the industries of the County), tbe Training of Tchrs., and Elem. Education in Cl. and Vol. Schs. Triennial Election. Sec. N.U.T. Asstn. (Worcester County), T. Thompson, Esq., Arrow- terrace, Alvechurch, Birmingham. DUDLEY. The L.E.A. is tbe County Borough Council. C.hrli to the C.B.C., H. C. BretteU, Esq., Town HaU, Dudley. Sec. to the Ed. Com., J. M. Wynne, Esq., Town Hall, Dudley. ED. COM. consists of 21 mem., being 15 of Cl. (including the Mayor) and 6 co-opted viz. 1 woman exp. in Elem , Industrial, or Higher Education, 1 rep. Higher Education, 1 Tcbr. rep. Elem. Education, and 3 rep. Vol. Sch*. in the Borough, rec. by the Foundation Managers of such Schs. Triennial Election. Sec. N.U.T. Asftn., E. Griffiths, Esq., Fairview-road, Dudley. LOCAL AUTHORITIES. % WORCESTER. The L.E.A. is the County Borough Council. Clerk to the C.S.C.,8. SouthaU, Esq., The Guildhall, Worcester. See. to the Ed. Com. (Higher Education), T. Duckworth, Esq., Victoria Institute, Worcester ; (Elcm. Education)', F. T. Spackman, Esq., The Council Schs., Hounds-lane, Worcester. ED. COM. consists of 27 mem., being 18 of Cl. and 9 co-opted (including at least 1 woman) as persons exp. in education. Univ., Seen., Tech., Com- mercial and Industrial Education (with special regard to the industries of the City), the Training of Tchrs. and Elem. Education in 01. and Vol. Schs. shall always be rep. on the Com. (A tchr. has been co-opted under this clause.) Triennial Election. *Vj. N.U.T. Asstn., G-. Ford, Esq., 70, St. Dunstan's Crescent, Worcester. KIDDERMINSTER. The L.E.A. is the Non-County Borough Council, Clerk to the N.C.B.C., J. Morton, Esq., Town Hall, Kidderminster. Sea. to the Ed. Com., W. M. Roden, Esq., Town Hall, Kidderminster, ED. COM. consists of 13 mem., being 9 of Cl. and 4 co-opted (including 1 woman) as persons exp. in education, and acquainted with the needs of Tech. Education, Elem. Education in Cl. and Vol. Schs., Commercial and Industrial Education (with special regard to the carpet industry and other trades of the district), Seen. Education (Boys and Girls), and the Training of Tchrs. Triennial Election. Advisory Com. consists of 3 tchrs. (1 Mistress and 2 Masters) nominated by the Cert. Tchrs. of the Borough. Sec. N.U.T. Atstn., J. Cares, Esq., L.C.P., Bennett -street 01. Sch., Kidderminster. KING'S NORTON AND NORTHFIELD. The L.E.A. is the Urban District Council. Clerk to the U.D.C., E. Docker, Esq., 10, Newh all -street, Birmingham. tier, to the Ed. Cow., J. F. Moore, Esq., Education Offices, King's Norton. ED. COM. consists of 30 mem., being 18 of Cl. (including the chairman and not less than 1 mem. from each ward) and 12 co-opted -viz. 1 woman exp. in education, 1 rec. by the Senate of Birmingham Univ., 1 rec. by the Governors of King Edward's Grammar Sch., Birmingham, 2 rec. by the Church Schs. Sub- Asstn. for the Archdeaconry of Birmingham, 1 rec. by the Midland Counties Asstn. of Brit, and other Vol. Schs. (a, tchr. has been co-opted under this clause), 1 rec. by the Diocesan Catholic Asstn., 1 tehr. rec. by the local branch of the N.U.T., and 4 rec. by the late Sch. Board. Annual Election. See. N.U.T. J.vs fr/., C. W. Harris, Esq., 13, Fashoda-roacl, Selly Park, Birmingham. & QLDRURY. The L.E.A. is the Urban District Council. (frrkfo the r. /;.<"., W. Shakespeare, Esq., Public Buildings, Oldbuiy. See. to the E7 Yorkshire College, 2 persons exp. in education and acquainted with the needs of Seen. Education in the Riding, and -i ditto Primary Schs. in the Riding, appt. after consultation with persons exp. in the management and needs of such Schs. Annual Election. Sec. N.U.T. Atn. (Yorks E. County), C. E. Hampton, Esq., 39, Ella- street, Hull. # KINGSTON-UPON-HIJLL. The L.E.A. is the County Borough Council. Clerk to the C.H.C., E. Laverock, Esq., Town Clerk's Office, Hull. Sec. to the Ed. Com., J. T. Riley, Esq., D.Sc., Education Offices, Albion- street, Hull. ED. COM. consists of 36 mem., being 27 of 01. (including the Mayor and chairman of the Finance Com.) and 9 co-opted (including 2 women) at* persons exp. in education. Annual Election. Sec. N.U.T. Asxtit. (Hull), F. Anderson, Esq., 9, College -street, Hull. YORK. The L.E.A. is the County Borough Council. rln-k to the C.B.C., R. P. Dale, Esq., Town Clerk's Office, York. Sec. to the Ed. Com., C. G. Rushworth, Esq., Clifford-street, York. ED. COM. consists of 21 mem., being 13 of 01. and 8 co-opted (including 1 woman) viz. 3 rep. C.E. Schs., 3 rep. Nonconformist Schs., 1 rep. R.C. Schs., and 1 rep. Public Seen. Schs. Annual Election. Advisory Com. consists of 4 tchrs. elected by the local N.U.T. Asstn., 2 rep. 01. Schs., and 2 rep. Vol. Schs. Sec. N.U.T. Asstn. t J. Hume, Esq., 2, Lhvard- crescent, Hull- road, York. % BE VERLEY. T Yhe L.E.A. is the^N on -County Borough Council. Clerk to the N.C.B.C. and Sec. to the Ed. Com., J. Willis Mills, Esq., Town Clerk's Office, Beverley. ED. COM. consists of 15 mem., being 10 of 01. and 5 co-opted viz. 1 woman (an ex-tchr.), 1 rep. the Sch. Managers, 1 rep. the C.C., 1 ex -Councillor, and 1 person exp. in education. Sec. N. U.T. Asstn., Miss Wise, Beckside Infants' Sch., Beverley. # BRIDLINGTON. The L.E.A. is the Non-County Borough Council. Clerk to the N.C.B.C., A. E. Matthewman, Esq., Town Clerk's Office, Bridlington. Sec. to. the Ed. Com., Gr. G-. 0. Sutcliffe, Esq., Quay-road, Bridlington. ED. COM. consists of 15 mem., being 12 of 01. and 3 co-opted (including 1 woman). Annual Election. Sec. N. U.T. Asstn. (Driffield and Bridlington), B. F. Casson, Esq., National Sch., Nafferton, Driffield. % York (North Riding:) Ad.C.* The L.E.A. is the County Council. Clerk to the C.C., M. C. Trevor, Esq., County Offices, Northalierton. See. to the Ed. Com,, D. R. Smith, Esq., County Offices, Northalierton. ED. COM. consists of 42 mem., being 26 of 01. and 16 co-opted viz. 3 women exp. in education, or acquainted with the needs of various schools in the area, 3 rec. by the Yorks and Ripon Diocesan Vol. Scbs. Asstn. (York 2, Ripon 1), 1 rec. by the N.E. Wes. Asstn., 1 rec. by the Northern Counties Brit. Asstn., 1 rec. by the Leeds and Middlesbrough R.C. Diocesan Asstn., 3 rec. by Sch. Boards, 1 rec. by the 01. of Yorkshire College, 2 rec. by the chairmen of Governing Bodies of Seen. Scbs., and 1 rec. by the Governing Body of the Com. of Management for the Training Colleges of York, Ripon, and the N.R. Com. hold office till March, 1907. Sec. N.U.T. Asstn. (Yorks N. County), E. Rushton, Esq., Oswaldkirk, Yorks. % MIDDLESBROUGH. The L.E.A. is the County Borough Council. Clerk to the C.B.C., A. Sockett, Esq.. Municipal Buildings, Middlesbrough. See. to t/ir EiL Com., J. S. Calvert, Esq., Municipal Buildings, Middles- brough. * Includes the Non-County Borough of Thoruaby-on-Tees, which has relinquished its powers as an Education Authority to the County Council. 58 LOCAL AUTHORITIES. ED. COM. consists of 21 mem., being 14 of Cl. and 7 co-copted viz. 1 woman, 2 acquainted with the needs of 01. Schs., 2 ditto Vol. Schs., 1 exp. in Seen, and Tech. Education, and 1 exp. in Higher Education. Annual Election. Sec. N.U.T. Axxtn. (Tees Side), W. H. Wilson, Esq., 108, Victoria -road, Middlesbrough . # SCARBOROUGH. The L.E.A. is the Non-County Borough Council. Clerk to the N.C.B.C., D. A. Nicholl, Esq., Town Hall, Scarborough. Sec. to the Ed. Com., R. Underwood, Esq., Town Hall, Scarborough. ED. COM. consists of 10 (or not more than 13) mem., being 9 of Cl. and 1 woman co-opted. Com. shall include persons exp. in education and acquainted witn the needs of the various kinds of Schs. in the Borough. If such persons cannot be found within the Cl., not more than 3 persons shall be co-opted from outside the Cl. Length of office determined by the Cl. Sec. N.U.T. Asstn. , J. Constable, Esq., 11, Victoria -road, Scarborough. York (West Riding) Ad C. The L.E.A. is the County Council. Clerk to the C.C., F. A. Darwin, Esq., County Hall, Wakefield. Deputy Clerk, W. V. Dixon, Esq., County Hall, Wakefield. Sec. to the Ed. Com., W. Loring, Esq., County HaU, WakeSeld. ED. COM. consists of 48 mem., being 39 of Cl. (including the chairman, vice-chairman, and chairman of Finance Com.), and 9 co-opted (including 2 women) as persons exp. in Univ., Seen., Tech., and Commercial Education. Annual Election. Sec. N.U.T. Asstn. (Yorks., W. County), B. Langrick, Esq., Armi- tage Bridge, Huddersfield. vie BRADFORD. The L.E.A. is the County Borough Council. Clerk to the C.B.C., F. Stevens, Esq., Town Clerk's Office, Bradford. Sec. to the Ed. Com., T. Garbutt, Esq., Manor-row, Bradford. Asst. Seen. (Higher Education), J. Nutter, Esq. ; (Elem. Education), B. Pitts, Esq. ED. COM. consists of 31 mem., being 29 of Cl. (including the Mayor) and 2 co-opted viz., 2 women. Annual Election. Sec. N.U.T. Asstit., J. T. Waterhouse, Esq., 71, Parkside-road, Bradford. % HALIFAX. The L.E.A. is the County Borough Council. f'/rrk to the C.B.C., K. Walton, Esq. Sec. to the Ed. Com., W. H. Ostler, Esq., 22, Union-street, Halifax. ED. COM. consists of 21 mem., being 19 of Cl. (including the Mayor) and 2 women co-opted. There shall always be on the Com. persons exp. in tbe management or administration of Elem. Ed. in Provided and Non- Provided Schs., Seen., Tech., Commercial, and Higher Education, and if such persons are not found within the Cl., they must be selected from outside that body (to a number not exceeding three), in addition to the 2 women co-opted. Annual Election. Sec. N.U.T. Asstn., G. H. Mitchell, Esq., 6, We^tbourne Grove, Salterhibble, Halifax. #- HUDDERSFIELD. The L.E.A. is the County Borough Council. Cl>-rk to the C.B.C., J. H. Field, Esq., Town Clerk's Office, Huddersfield. Sec. to the Ed. Com., G. Gaunt, Esq., Peel-street, Huddersfield. ED. COM. consists of 26 mem., being 18 of the Cl., and 8 co-opted (including 2 women and 4 mem. of the late Sch. Board) as persons exp. in education. Annual Election. Sec. N.U.T. Asstn., B. Seeker, Esq., CoUege Higher Grade Cl. Sch., Huddersfield. # LEEDS. The L.E.A. is the County Borough Council. Clerk to the C.B.C., E. E. Fox:, Esq., Town Clerk's Office, Leeds. Sec. for El. Ed., W. Packer, Esq., Calverley-strcet, Leeds. Sec. for Hr. Ed., Ja*. Graham, Esq., Calverley-street, Leeds. LOCAL AUTHORITIES. 59 ED. COM. consists of 24 mem., being- at least 16 of Cl. (including the Lord Mayor) and 2 women co-opted, the remaining 6 mem. may, or may not, be mem. of the Cl. (2 women only have been co-opted on the present com.) Advisory Com. consists of 4 Tchrs. from the Schs. of the City (including the Headmaster of the Higher Grade Sch. Sec. N.U.T. Axxtu., A. Rodger*, Esq., 3, Coldcotes-avenue, Harehills- lane, Leeds. ROTHERHAM. The L.E.A. is the County Borough Council. t'ln-k to the C.P.C., W. J. Board, Esq., Town Clerk's Office, Rotherham. S: to the Ed. Com., W. H. Corbridge, Esq., Education Offices, Botherham. ED. COM. consists of 27 mem., being 16 of Cl. and 11 co-opted -viz. 2 women (1 exp. in the Seen. Education of Girls, and the other a Cert. Tehr. resident in the Borough), 1 person exp. in education (being a Cert. Tchr. resident in the Borough), 1. rec. by the Cl. of Yorkshire College, 2 rec. by Asstn. of C.E. Vol. Sens, in the Borough, 1 rec. by the Wes., 1 rec. by the R.C., 2 by the Governors of the Rotherham Grammar Sch. (the Headmaster bas been appt.), and 1 rec. by the late Sch. Board. The Training of Tchrs., Tech., Commercial and Industrial Education (with special regard to the industries of the Borough) shall always be rep. on the com. Triennial Election. Sec. N.U.T. Afifitii., J. Price, Esq., 10, Victoria-street, Rotherham. # SHEFFIELD. The L.E.A. is the County Borough Council. Clerk to the C.B.C., H. Sayer, Esq., Town Clerk's Office, Sheffield. Sec. to the Ed. Com., J. F. Moss, Esq., Leopold-street, Sheffield. ED. COM. consists of 43 mem., being 24 of Cl. and 19 co-opted as persons exp. in education viz. 2 women, 3 rep. Sheffield Univ. (1 rep. Tech. Education), 2 exp. in Seen. Education, 1 rep. C.E. Elem. Schs., 1 rep. B.C. Elem. Schs., 2 rep. the Elem. Sch. Tchrs. of Sheffield, and (on tbe first com.) 8 of the late Sch. Board. Annual Election after November 9tb, 1906. ,SVr.' N.U.T. Aftxfu., C. W. Cowen, Esq., 57, AsWand-road, Nether Edge, Sheffield. * JIAJtXSLEY.Tba L.E.A. is the Non- County Borough Council. Ckrlf to the N.C.B.C., H. Horsfield, Esq., Town Clerk's Office, Barnsley. Sec. to the Ed. Com., W. P. Donald, Esq., Education Office, Church-street, Batnsley. ED. COM. consists of 24 mem., being 16 of Cl. (including the Mayor) and 8 co-opted) viz. 1 woman (who shall be a Cert. Tchr. Dominated by tbe local N.U.T. Asstn.), 2 rec. by the C.E. Schs., 1 by Wes. Scbs., 1 by R.C. Schs., 1 by an Asstn. rep. Free Churches in the Borough, and 2 by the late Sch. Board. Triennial Election after November 9th, 1906. Sec.'. N.U.T. Asstn., Miss E. Baildon, 3, Point-street, Barnsley. % BATLEY. The L.E.A. is tbe Non-County Borough Council. Clerk to the N.C.B.C., J. H. Crait, Esq., Town Clerk's Office, Batley. Sec. to the Ed. Com., J. I. Wilson, Esq., Park-road, Batley. ED. COM. consists of 16 mem., being 12 of Cl. (including the Mayor), and 4 persons co-opted (including 1 woman), as persons exp. in education. Triennial Election after November, 1906. Sec. N.U.T. Anntn. (Dcwsbury and Batley), G. F. Lay cock, Esq., Boothroyd-lane Cl. Sch., Dewsbury. -M? BRIG HOUSE. Tbe L.E.A. is the Non-County Borough Council. Clerk to the N C.B.C., J. Parkinson, Esq., Town Clerk's Office, Brighouse. Sec. to the Ed. Com., J. Reeve, Esq., Education Offices, Church -street, Brighouse. ED. COM. consists of 13 mem., being 12 of Council, and 1 woman co-opted. Com. shall include persons exp. in education, and if such cannot be found within the CL, com. shall be enlarged by the co-option of not more than 3 persons, in addition to 1 woman co-opted. Annual Election. See, N.I'. '/'. A**tn. (Huddersfield.) (See Huddersfield, above.) 60 LOCAL AUTHORITIES. v- DEWSBVRYTbe L.E.A. is the Non-Cot nty Borough Council. Clerk to the N.C B.C., H. Ellis, Esq., Town Ha,U, Dewsbury. Sec. to the Ed. Com., S. G-. Bibby, Esq., Town Hall, Dewsbury. ED. COM. consists of 15 mem., being 9 of Cl., and 6 co-opted (including 2 women) viz. 2 rec. by C.E. Sets., 3 rec. by the Free Church CL, and 1 rec. by R.C. Sets. Triennial Election after November, 1906. See. N. U.T. Aaatn. (Dewsbury and Batley.) (See Batley, above.) DONCA8TER.T!\>e L.E.A. is the Non-County Borough Council. Clerk to the N.C.B.C. and See. to the Ed. Com., R. A. H. Tovey, Esq., 1, Priory place, Doncaster. Aast. Sec., H. A. Roberts, Esq. ED. COM. c< nsists of 12 mem., being 10 of CL, and 2 co-opted viz. 1 woman exp. in education (a tchr. has been co-opted under this clause), and 3 rec. bv the Governors of Yorkshire College, or of Univ. College, Sheffield. Univ. and Seen. Ed. of boys and pirk and its Higher and Lower grades, Tech., Commercial, and Industrial Ed. (with special regard to the industries of tVe Borough), the Training of Tchrs. and Elem. Ed. in Cl. and Vol. Schs. shall always be rep. Annual Election. Sec. N. U.T. Awt)?., C. H. Dawle, Esq., Sch. House, Rossington, Doncaster. v'C- IT ARROGATE. The L.E.A. is tre Non-County Borough Council. Clerk to the N.C.B.C. and See. to the Ed. Com., J. T. Taylor, Esq., 1, Cam- bridge - crescent, Harrogate . Aunt. See. to the Ed. Com., W. Butterworth, Esq. ED. COM. consists of 24 mem., being 18 of CL (including the Mayor) and 6 co-opted viz. 2 women, 2 rep. theW. Riding C.C., 1 rep. the Yorkshire College, and 1 mem. of the Tech. Instruction Com. See. N.U.T. Asxtn., B. H. Wright, Esq., Killinghall , near Leeds. X KEIGHLEY.- The L.E.A. is the Non-County Borough Council. Clerk to the N.C.B.C., Wm. Bagshaw, Esq., Town Clerk's Office, Keigh'ey. Sec. to the Ed. Com., H. Midgley, Esq., Cooke-street, Keighley. ED. COM. consists of 20 mem., being 15 of CL (including the Mayor) and 5 co-opted viz. 1 woman, 2 persons exp. in Seen., Tech., Commercial, and Industrial Education (having special regard to the industries of the Borough), and 2 nominated by the W. Riding C.C. Length of office determined by the CL See. N.U.T. Aftstn., Miss A. E. Buscall, 10, Mornington- street, Keighley. MORLEY. - The L.E.A. is the Non-County Borough Council. Clerk to tie N.C.B.C., F. Thackray, Esq., Town Clerk's Office, Morley. See. to the Ed. Com., R. Brown, Esq., Education Offices, Peel-street, Morley. ED. COM. consists of 13 mem., being 12 of CL (including the Mayor) and 1 woman. Com. shall include persons exp. in education and acquainted with the needs of the various hinds of Schs. in tie Borough. If such persons cannot be found amongst mem. of the Cl. not more than 3 persons shall he co-opted from outside the CL Annual Election. SVr. JV. U.T. Asstn. (Dewsbury and Batley). (See Batfey, above.) % OSSETT. The L.E.A. is the Non-County Borough Council. Clerk to the N.C.B.C., W. Brook, Esq., Town Clerk's Office, Ossett. Sec. to the Ed-. Com., E. Lucas, Fsq., 2, New-street, Ossett. ED. COM. consists of 18 mem., being 16 of CL and 2 co-opted (including at least 1 woman) as persons exp. in education. Elem. Ed., Seen. Ed. of Boys and Girls, Tech. and Commercial Ed-, and Evg. Schs. shall always be rep. See. N. U.T. Asutn. (Dtwsbury and Batley). (See Batley, above.) #- PONTEFRACT.The L.E.A. is the Non-County Borough Council. Clerk to the N.C.B.C. and Sec. to the Ed. Com., W. Haddock, Esq., Municipal Offices, Pontefract. % ED. COM. consists of 15 mem., being 9 of CL and 6 co-opted (including 1 woman) viz. 1 rep. the Managers of C.E. Schs., 1 ditto R.C. Schp., 1 LOCAL AUTHORITIES. 61 ditto Wes. Sobs., 1 rep. the Governors of King'^ Srh., 1 rep. tbe West Riding C.C., and 1 rep. th<- Town Tech. < 'lasses Com. .Y.r.T. Asstn,, G. IT. Iblxteon, Esq., 115, Smawthome-lane, Castle- ford. Pl r f)SET.The L.E.A. is the Non County Borough Council. dkrl- to the .Y.C.B.C., B. Dufton, Esq., Municipal Offices, Pudsey. Sec. to the Ed. Com., F. W. Wilson, Esq., Municipal Offio s, Pudsey. ED. COM. consists of 14 mem., being 9 of d. and 1 woman co-opted. The remaining mem. may, or may not, be mem. of C). Com. shall include persons exp. in education; and Tech., Commercial, Industrial, Seen. (Boys and Girls) and Elem. Education in Cl. and Vol. Sens, srall always be rep. Length ( f office determined by CL, but not to exceed 3 yrs. See. X. U.T. Asstn. (Bradford). (See Bradf( rd, above.) TOnirOR7)Ey.Tle L.E.A. is tie Non County Borough Council. f'/'fk fo the N.C.B.C., T>. Sutcliffe, Esq^, Town Clerk's Office, Todmorden. Sec. to the Ed. Com., J. Wbitehead, Esq., B cornfield Scb., Todmorden. ED. Cox. consists of 18 mem., being 12 of CJ. (including tte Mayor and Depu'y Mayor) and 6 co-opted viz. 1 woman, 1 mem. of the W. Biding C.C., and 4 (from either inside or outside the Cl.) rep. Univ., Seen., Tech., Commercial and Industrial Education (with special regard to the industries of the Borough, the Training of Tchrs., and Elem. Educat ; on). Annual Election. See. X.l'.T. Asttw*, W. Aspinall, Esq., Cornbolme Cl. Sch., Todmorden. X ll~. IKE FIELD. The. L.E.A. is the Non-County Borough Council. Clerk t<> the X.C B.C., W. W. Greenhalgb, Esq.. Town Hall, Wakefield. Sec. to the EIC- .*} LUTON N.C.B. 3 "2- Woolhampton (St.Mary's), 87 (Pop. 39,000) * College and Preparatory Ed. R. : E. I/Of. H. Id. School, Beaumonc. B. . 1 170 Id. Rate = 660 *Clayesmore School, Pang- Council 7 5,012 bourne, B. . . 1 75 Voluntary . 4 '2,422 Grammar Schools : 4 Evening Schools : Newbury, B a , *97 Bedford Ad. C. 60 2,266 *Taplow,E 125 Bedford N.C.B. 1 63S Wallingford, M . t 75 Luton N.C.B. .. 1 500 Wantage, B. 72 *County Sch., Bedford, B. * Grammar Schools ; 1 2 200 High Schools : . . *Abingdnn (St. Helen's), G. 6 *65 (c) Bedford, B (non-local) . , 870 *Clewer (St. Stephen's) . . . . 171 Dunstable, Ashton, B. , m 147 * Maidenhead, G a t 38 (d) *High ?ch.. Bedford, G. Modern Sch., Bedford. B. 1 1 500 430 Newbury. G, *St. Alban's, G. (C.S.C.) 94 (d) ,. ,, G. 1 270 * Jf untaffe(St. Katharine sY, L.E.A. Secondary Day Sch., 0. t< 102 Luton, M. 1 85 *Modern School. Maiden* P.T. Centres, Bedford and head, B 1 87 2 141 *] ^vprjAV'itorv Spliools * i- . -I Ascot, BrackneU, Crow- thorne, Sunning dale, BERKSHIRE. Wokingham, Wixen- 3* BERKS Ad. C. ford, and Bigshotte (Pop. 142,183) Rayles .. .. .. 7 Ed.R.: E. lOd. H. [ ) Roysse s Sch. Abinadon Id. Rate = 3,970 E. B. '. ^ 105 Public Elementary Schs. : *St. George's Sch., Windsor Council 14 1,758 Castle, B. 1 30 Voluntary . . # (MAIDENHEAD 196 21,010 *St. Mark's Sch., Maiden- head, B 1 80 JN^. (?._Z?.(Es.Pop.l3,650) Science & Art Day Classes, Ed.R.: E.Sfd. H.ld. Id. Rate =-. 345 Maidenhead andNtwbury School of Art, Maidenhead 2 1 93 120 Council 1 344 JP.T. Centres 4 67 Voluntary . 5 2,283 3 NEWBURY N.C.B. READING C.B. (Pop. 11,061) (Pop. 72,217) (a} I Ed. R. : E. 7d. H. id. ' Ed.R.: E. 1/7. H.ld. ] Id. Rate = 160 Id. Rate = 1,550 Council , , , . Public Elem. Schools: Voluntary . # NEW WINDSOR N.C.B. (Pop. 13,958) 8 1,755 Council Voluntary . . Sch. for Def. Children 13 11 1 8,482 3,507 17 Ed.R.: E. 6d. H. Evening Schools 5 554 Id. Rate = 332 *Friends' School, B. . . 1 49 Council . . Voluntary . . Certified Efficient School . . *4 1 1,619 16 (rf)*High Sch., G (C.S.C.) Kendrick School, . . . 1 1 1 95 228 167 t One School, av. att. 69, though receiving Government grants, is not maintained by the LEA 2 being attached to Sec. Schs. EDUCATIONAL SUPPLY. Education Authority and Class of School. No. of S hs. No. of Scholars. Education Authority and Class of School. No. of Schs. No. of Scholars. '(c} *Reading School, B. 1 132 P.T. Centres: Science and Art Day Aylesbury, Chesham, New 0< Classes .. .. j 3 220 School of Art .. .. 1 l{ gjJJ port Pagnell, Winsloiv, High Wycombe N. C.B. M 1) 160 P.T. Centre 1 84 CAMBRIDGESHIRE. Training College (Day), &CAMB6 Ad. C. Men or W 1 100 (Pop. 81,885) Ed. R. : E. 7d. H. $d. Id. Rate =E. 1,728 . H. 2,873 Public Elementary Schs. : BUCKINGHAMSHIRE. Council 34 5,427 ^BUCKS Ad. C. Voluntary . . 100 10,141 (Est. Pop. 197,046) ( CA MB BID GE N. C. B. Ed.R.: E.9|d. H.d. (Pop. 38,379) Id Rate = 4,168 , v J Ed. R. : E. 6fd. H. Public Elementary Sens. : w ] Id. Rate = 1,013 Council .. 73 12,528 Council 2 666 Voluntary . . i 175 19,138 t Voluntary . . 17 5,655 3fc \ CHEPPING WY- Evening Schools : COMBE N.C.B. Cambs Ad. C. 50 1,503 (Est. Pop. 17,688) Cambridge N.C.B. .. () < Ed. K.: E.l/2. tt. Cambridge University (non- Id. Rate = 250 local) . . . . Council . . 6 2,714 L.E.A. County. Sch.,tC^m- i Voluntary . 1 506 bridge, B. 1 265 Certified Efficient Schools . . 3 108 L.E.A. County Sch.,t Cam- Evening Schools : Bucks Ad. C. .. .. j 59 1979 bridgc, G. Grammar Schools : 1 2 233 Chepping Wycombe N.C.B 2 167 (c) Cambridge, Perse, B. Soham. B ie2 74: L.E.A. County High Sch., High Wycombe, G. . . 1 83 King's College Choir Sch., Cambridge (Prep.), B. . . 1 50 L.E.A. County Sch., Wol- (c) *Leys School, Cambridge, verton, M. . . . . . . ! 1 83 B. (non-local) 1 167 (c) *Eton Public School (non- *Perse High School, Cam- local) 1,022 bridge, G 1 Grammar Schools : . . 3 *Amersham, M. . . . .^ *80 School of Art, Cambridge. . l{ Day 25 Evg. 32 * Aylesbury, B. . . . . 54 Training Colleges : 2 . . High Wycombe, B. 55 Cambridge (Hoinerton), Latin Sch. Bucking him, ~B. 1 65 W. (Res.) 205 Sir W. Borlas^ School, Cambridge, Men (Day) . . . . 75 Marlow, B 1 53 *Upton Sch., Slough, B. . . 1 52 ^ISLE OF ELY Ad C. Preparatory Schools: (Pop. 64,495) Halton (20 B.) ; Norfolk Ed.R.: E.6d. H. House, Beaconsfield (13 Id. Rate = 1,325 B., 65 G.) ; Stoke House, Public Elementary Schs. : Stoke Poges (35 B.) . . 3 133 Council . . 36 6,030 *(d) Prep. Sch. (Godstowe), : High Wycombe, G. . . 1 65 Voluntary . . Grammar Schools : 36 2 4,464 (d) * Wycombe Abbey Sch., j March, B . . ioo G 11 200 Wisbech, B.f .. . . 55 Science & Art Day Classes, High Schools : . . 3 High Wycombe, Amer- Ely, G. . . . . .. *76 sham, Aylesbury, Buck- March, G. 34 ingham, Marlow, and Wisbech, G.t 84 Wolvcrton .. .. (i 2,014 King's Cathedral Sch., School of Art, Chepping Ely, B. 1 40 Wycombe 1 144 Science and Art Day Class, Wisbech 1 100 t Includes P.Ts. EDUCATIONAL SUPPLY. 75 Education Authority and Class of School. No. of Schs. No. of Scholars. Education Authority and Class of School. No. of Sens. No. of Scholars. CHESHIRE. Rtfilpybridqe N. C. B. 6 807 v CHESTER Ad. C. H'ai-'asey U.D. .. . 6 2,184 (Est. Pop. E. 373,533 *A-ii'ic. and Hortic. Sch. H. 593,885) Hol)nes Chapel 1 . 4 Ed.R : E. 8d H. 2d. *Colleges: 3 . . Id. Rate =E. 10,451 Bebington, B. . . . . . 20 H. 14,599 Bowdcn, B. .. to Public Elementary Scbs. : Congleton (Mossley Hall) Council . . 42 7,314 B. 50 Voluntary . . 299 51,586 Grammar Schools : 11 ^ /CONGLETON N.C.B. * Audleni B 38 (Pop. 10,7*07) ' Knutsford, B. .. 33 Ed R. : E. 7|d. H. Id. Jjt/mm, M. .. . . 90 Id. Rate = 146 .. *JIacclesfield,~& % > 100 Council . . 'Mot tram, M 80 1 'oln. 1 )! tary . . 7 1,887 Nantu-ich and Acton, B e t 84 % CREWE N.C.B. *N<>rthwieh, B.f . . 104 (Pop. 42,074) *Tarvin, B. 20 Ed. R. : E. 9d. H. Id. IVaUasey.'B. 240 Id. Rate = 633 * IVearcrham. B. . . . 30 Council 14 6,713 If. Kir by, B. 112 Voluntary . . 2 956 Hieh Schools: .. 5 #- DUKIN FIELD *Lise'ird, H. 4> 120 N.C.B. (Pop. 18,929) Ed. R. : E. l/2f . H. Id. Mncdes field, G. . . 208 40 Id. Rate = 245 * Wallasey, G. . . ^^ 190 Council 3 1,229 *Sale, Brooklands and Voluntary .. 6 1,528 Anhtf>n, B. . . >> 85 X HYDE N.C.B. *Modern Schools : 2 (Pop. 32,766) Cheadle Hal me . . (a) ) Ed.R.: E.l/H. H.ld. Macclesficld (King Ed- ] Id. Rate = 4~95 ward VI.), B. 126 Council 6 2,343 *Mossley Hall Sch., Congle- Voluntary . . 6 2,355 ton, B. 1 40 * MACOLESFLELD *Private Schools, Walla ey N.C.B. (Pop. 34,624) (B., G., and Prep.) 40 1,549 Ed. K.:E.1/1. H.ld. *Preparatry Schools : . . 4 Id. Rate = 447 Alderkij Edge (The Council .. . . . . Ry ley's), B 4< 38 Voluntary .. 15 6,229 Bowden ( Wadhaui House) % STALEYBRILGE B 42 N.C.B. ^Pop. 27,673) Park-gate (Mostyn House), Ed. R. : E. 8d. H. Jd. B 100 Id. Rate = 440 IVnllasey (Elleray Park), Council , m . . B 50 Voluntary . , 11 4,419 L.E.A. Runcorn Institute, 3fr WALLASEY U.D. (VJ . . 1 104 (Est. Pop. 60,000) .*Sandbach School, B. 1 90 Ed. R. : E. 10.1. H. Jd. L.E.A. Secondary Day Id. Rate = 1.450 Schools : . ; 2 4> Council 6 3,737 Crewe, M 254 Voluntary . . 8 3,663 Jf>/de. M. . . 156 Certified Efficient School . . 1 ace. 72 * \V il 1 aston S ch . , Nan twich , Special School for Def. B 1 31 Children,. Vandlebridgc, Gt. L.E.A. Technical School, War ford % 1 80 Wiwford, M. .. .. 1 85 Evening Schools : Chaster Ad. C. .. 85 7,264 Science and Art Day Classes, Jfaecletfifild (2), Staley- Cong let on N. C.B. 6 146 bridr/e, Wallasctj. Andlem, Crtwe N. ('. H 3 838 Cheadle Huhne, Holmes, Dnkinfield N. C.B. I hide' \.C.i; 5 518 866 KxHttsford, Liscard, Jfot- trni. Nanticich . $ Acton t Uacelesjietd N.C.B. 759 Northwich (2), Upton }\'enrprji(in> anil W.Kirblf 16 79!) J The West Kirby Special School for Defective Children, aocom. 20, though in the area ot the Cheshire Countv Council, is maintained by the Liverpool County Borough Council. f Includes P.Is, 76 EDUCATIONAL SUPPLY. Education Authority and No. of Class of School. Schs. No. of Scholars. Education Authority and Class of School. No. of Schs. No. of Scholars. Schools of Art : ) Day 169 f PublicElementarySchs. : Cftive, Hyde. Liscard, 6 Kvg.511 Council 9 3,795 j\[acclesfield, Northwich . . 1 B.yth 102 Voluntary . . 21 11,046 P.T. Centres, Crewe, Hyde, Evening Schools 9 2,023 Maccksfield (2), N.C.B. 's; Grammar School, B . . 1 164 Wallasey U.D., Altrin- (*) < L.E.A. High School, G. 1 91 cham, Northwich (2), L.E.A. Technical Sec. Runcom . . . . 9 672 School, M 1 269- &BIRKENHEADC. B. School of Art l{ Day 112 Evg.l6S (Est. Pop. 116,040) ^ P.T. Centre 1 160 f Ed.R.:E. 1/1. H. l|d. Id. Rate =2,466 Public Elementary Schs. : Council 9 6,39$ CORNWALL. Voluntary . . 23 15,140 -& CORN WALL Ad. C.t Private Eton. Schools.. School for Def. Children 11 , 1 198 63 (Pop. 295,317) Ed.R. : E. 9d. H Id. Higher Elein. Sch., B. 1 241 Id. Rate = 4,300 Evening Schools 6 832 fPublic Elementary Sens.: Birkenhead Institute, B. 1 215 Council . . 187 29,234 (V>* School. B... 1 176 Voluntary . . 137 16,483 , M j ' '* Prep. Sch. 1 62 (FALMOVTH N.C.B '' 1 *Cadet Scb. Ship, B. .. 1 180 (Pop. 11,789) Convent Schs., Holt Hill 1 150 Ed. R. : E. 6id. H. *Rock Ferry, G. .1 50 Id Rate = 159 (d) *High Schools : . . 2 Council 4 1,109 Birkenhead, G. i&j Voluntary . . 2 493 (G.P.D.S.).. 59 # < PENZANCE N.C.B. Higher Tranmere, G. 115 (Pop. 13,136) *Secondary School, G. 1 171 Ed.R.:E.7d. H. |d ^Private Secondary Schs. + C.C. rate B., G., &; Preparatory 22 963 Id. Rate = 230 Science and Art Class . . 1 651 Council . . School of Art 1 Day 34 Ever. 120 ^ Voluntary . . Certified Efficient Schools . . 5 4 2,000 135 L P.T. Centres .. 2 "123 E ening Schools : ' t Cornwall Ad. C. 95 3,113 ^CHESTER C. B. Falmouth N.C.B. 3 ^Pop. 38,309) Penzanct N. C.B. . . 1 120 f Ed.R.: E.7d. H. Ud. Colleges : 2 Id. Rate - 800 *Launc*s',on (Dunhwed)B. 71 Public Elemental v Schs. : T/uro, B . . 111 Council . . 1 218 *Collegiate Sch., Bude, B. 1 13 Voluntary . . 19 6,043 *County Sec. Sch., Bod- Evening Schools 2 364 min, B. 1 52 L.E.A. City & Council Grammar Schools : 5 t e Sch., G 1 86 * Camel ford, B 60 , 7,s (e?) King's School, B. . . 1 117 *F>ilmotith, B. 65 (o) (rf)*Qxieen's Sch., G. .. 1 175 *Fowcy, B. 40, G. 40 . . 80 Technical Day Sch. and *Lamtceston (Horwell) . . School of Science, B.+ 1 98 * Truro. B. 63 * Arnold House School , b . 1 85 *High School, Cumborne.. *i School of Art 1 Dav 29 iLvg. 148 (d) *High Sch., Truro, G. *Probus Sch., B 1 1 ioo 64 P.T. Centres .. 2 52 Technical Scb., Truro, M. 1 89 Training College Men *Thornfon House Sch., L (Res.) 1 112 Redruth, B 1 25 * Wadham Sch . ,Liskeard, B . 1 63 &STOCKPORT C. B. Science and Art Day Classes, (Est. Pop. 98,000) Fahnouth. Penzance, Cam- Ed. R.:E.ll?d.H.2?d ! torrit, Hefston. Launca- Id. Rate = 1,595 ton, Redruth, Truro (2) 8 581 t Including Truro N.C.B. , which has relinquished its powers as an Education Autoo-ity to the County. % Includes P.Ts. EDUCATIONAL SUPPLY. 77 Education Authority and Class of School. No. of Schs. No. of Scholars. Education Authority and No. of Class of School. Scha. No. of Scholars. 1 Schools of Art, Cam-borne, ( Day 157 Secondary Schools : . . 2 L'slcta d. Ptmzance. licd- 5 { ! tivg.355 L.E.A. Working ton, M. 183 ( Both 93. 95 P.f. "'Centre'.". .. .. 1 18 *Preparatory Sch., Stawales, Training College, Truro, B 1 36 W.(Res.) 1 61 Science and Art Day Class, Carlisle .. .. .. 1 52 % ISLES OF SCILLY Ad. C ( Day 116 (Pop 2,092) Ed. R. : E. 1./3. H fd School of Art, Carlisle .. 1 Evg. 66 Both 11 Id. Kate = 13 11s. P.T. Centrps, County (6), Public Elementary Schs. : Carlisle (3). Whitehaven Council t , . . And Wor king ton N.C.B. s 11 287 Vo '.untary . . 4 314 DERBYSHIRE. DERBY Ad. C. CUMBERLAND. (Pop. 421,579) # CUMBERLAND Ad. C. Ed. R. : E. 7d. H. |d. (Pop. 175,986) Ed. R. : E 6d. H. *d. Id. Rate = 4,432 IPublic Elementary Schs.: Id. Rate = 6,200 Council 124 34,136 Public Elementary Schs. : C until 92 15,419 Voluntary .. & (CHESTERFIELD 249 44,472 Voluntary .. 162 15,840 N.C.B. (Pop. 27.185) (CARLISLE N.C.B. Ed. R. : E. 1/4. H. Id. (Pop. 45,480) Id. Rate = 420 Ed.R.: E.1/5*.H. Id. C uncil 6 3,816 Id. Rate = 848 Voluntary . , 5 1,565 Council 7 4,316 & G LOS SOP N.C.B. * 0) ( Voluntary . . WHITEHAVEN N.C.B. (Pop. 19,324) Ed. R. : E. 5d. H. Id. 9 4,033 (Pop. 21,526) , v , Ed.R.:E.10|d.H.l|d. ( a )S Id. Rate = 338 Council Id. Rate = 322 Voluntary 13) 3,875 Voluntary . . 7 3,223 %: ILKESTON N. C. B. ^ WOEKINGTON (Pop. 28,500) N.C.B. (Est. Pop. Ed.R.: E.l/li. H.ld. 28,000) Id. Rate = 333 Ed. R. : E. 9Jd. H. Id. Council 6 3,503 Id. Rate = 405 net (^ Voluntary . . 4 1,364 Council Voluntary . 7 2 4,257 732 *Private Elementary Schs. Certified Efficient Schools. . 6 3 106 56 Evening Schools : Higher Elementary Sch. , Cumberland Ad. C. 94 2,636 Clay Cross, M 1 79 C*r lisle N.CS 6 882 Evening Schools : Wh tehaven N. C.B. 6 531 Derby Ad. C. 111 3,753 Workinqton N.C.B. .. 630 Chesterfield N.C.B. 1 633 *College (Grusvenor), Car- Gkuop N.C.B 5 446 lisle, B 1 . . Ilkeston N. C.B 2 300 * Friends' Sch., Wigton, M. 1 62 *Colleges : 3 Grammar Schools : 5 Buxton, B tt ioo ( c} Carlisle, B 191 Trent, B. (non-local) .. 135 4 Great Blencowe. b. 11 ount St. Mary's, ntar * Wigton (Thomlinson's), G. 74 Chesterfield, B. (non- *Penrith (Queen Eliza- local) 190 beth's), B 34 Grammar Schools : 8 (c) *St. Bees, B 170 Ashbourne. (Queen Eliza- ( !)*HighSch., Carlislf, G. beth's) B . . 61 (G.P.D.S.) 1 120 Bakewetl (Lady Manners'), Institute, MUlom, M. 1 106 M 160 Keswick Sch., D 1 113 *Belper, B. . . .. . . 60 Kent House Sch., White- Chesterfield, B 145 haven, B. . . 1 32 Dron field, M 63 J One School, av. att. 34, is in leceipt of Government grants, but is not maintained by the L.E A. 78 EDUCATIONAL SUPPLY. Education Authority and Class of School. No. of Schs. No. of Scholars. Education Authorty and Class of School. No. of Schs. No. of Scholars. aw7y(Netherthorpe) t M. 134 & BARNSTAPLE * Tideswell B. 46 N.C.B. (Pop. 14,137) Wirk&worth, B . . 45 (a] } Ed. R. : E. 7d. H. Id. High School, Chesttrficld, G. *Latin School, Risley, B.. . 1 1 137 20 i Id. Rate=200 Council 3 (d)*St. Elphin's C. of E. Sch., Darley Dale, G. . . 1 81 Voluntary . . % C TIVERTON N.C.B. 9 2,239 L.E.A. Secondary Schs. : 3 .. (Pop. 10,382). C 1 ]/} $ vnw ~T) 100 Ed. R. : E. 4d. H. Id New Mills, M. [] 57 Id. Rate=223 Heanor, M. (also 120 Council 6 498 P.Ts.) 170 (a). Voluntary .. 2 971 ^Private Secondary Schools Science and Art Day Classes, 24 830 # \ TORQUAY N.C.B.l (Pop. 33,625) Heanor and Tideswell . . 2 66 Ed. R. : E. 5|d. H. |d. Schools of Art, Chesterfield, 2 f Day 29 Id. Rate=743 Glossop I Evg.165 Council P.T. Centres, County (4), Chesterfield and I Ikes ton (^ Voluntary . . Certified Efficient Schools 15 4 3,830 75 N.C.B: s 6 316 Evening Schools : Devon Ad. G. 156 3,363 Barnstaple N. C.B. 10 582 7&DERBY C. B. Tiverton N.C.B 5 232 (Est. Pop. 122,207) Torquay N.C.B 5 276 f Ed.R.:E.l/Oi H.3|d *Allhallows School, Horn- Id. Rate = 2,153 ton, B 1 85 Public Elementary Schs. : (c) Blundell's School, Tiver- Council 10 9,478 ton, B 1 237 Voluntary . . 21 8,677 *Chaloner's School, Braun- School for Deaf and ton, B 1 28 Dumb Children 1 162 Colleges : 4 School for Defective *Newton Abbot (Newton), Children 1 80 B m m 65 Evening Schools 8 1,763 *Paignton, B 40 L.E.A.MuucipalSecond- Sheb'bear (bible Chris- ary Schs. : . . 2 , . tian), B . . 116 (*)< Boys .. Girls . . 195 261 *(c) Tavistock (Kelly), B. *College Sch., Lapford, B. *i 78 30 (c) Derby School, B. . . 'i 150 Devon Count v Scnool, W. *Diocesan Sch i .. Buckland, B i 70 *(d] High Sch., G. -(C.S.C.) i 110 *Edgehill Sch., Bideford, G Grammar Schools : , . i 10 Technical College i 700 Ashburton, B m . '51 ,, Institute i 60 * Barnstaple, B. . . 26 ,, Class (Day).. i 25 * Bideford, B. '. . . . 43 School of Art . . 1 250 *Bovey Tracey, B. 30 P T. Centre i 168 *^ ChudleiflJi \\ 12 Training College, W. . . Res. 124 Day .6 Crediton (Queen Eliza- beth's)^ 80 Kingsbridge, B 90 DEVONSHIRE. *Newton Abbot, B. . . 45 DEVON Ad. C. Tavistock, B , > 46 (Pop. 378,794) Ed.R.: E.andH. 7|d. Totnes (King Edward VI.), B 71 Id. Rate=7,534 *King's School, Ottery St. tPublic Elemertary Sche. : Council 210 26,426 Mary, B *Middle Sch., Tiverton, B.|| i i 39 41 . Voluntary . . ,334 31,960 G. i 81 f Two schools with a combined average attendance of 374, though in receipt of Government grants, are not maintained by the L.E.A. J One school with an average attendance of 27, though in receipt -of Government grant, is not maintained by the L.E.A. This school will shortly be absorbed into the new Secondary School to be opened by the C.C. || The Middle School, Technical School, Science and Art Schools and Chilcott School, Tiverton, will shortly be amalgamated under a new Scheme. EDUCATIONAL SUPPLY. 79 Education Authority and Class of School. No. of Schs. No. of Scholars. Education Authority and Class of School. No. of No. of Scholars, *Moorside Sch., Okehamp- % EXETER C.B. i on. B 1 25 (Est. pop 48,000) *North Devon Sch., Barn- , Ed. R. : E.l/oi. H. Id. staple, B 1 90 Id. Rate=l,033 *Preparatory Schs. : Ex- PablicElem. Schools : mouth (Pencarwick), B. 9 >4 Council 11 3,280 Ayshford Sch., Uffciilme, Voluntary . . 12 3,851 B. (17), Ellerslie Sch., Certified Efficient School 1 78 B. (42), Park House Sch., Special Schools, Deaf Budleigh Salterton, B. (12), Hillsborough Sch., B. (temp.), and Blind Children 2 140 (15), Montpelier Sch., B., Evening Schools : . . 7 240 Teiqnmouth, Wolborough *Cathedral School, B. . . 1 22 Hill Sch., Newton Abbot, *College (Albert Me- B. (21), Upcott House morial Univ.) 1 Sch., Okehampton, B. *' Day Classes 72 (25), Westward Ho! Jun. Univ. Ex. Lectures 65 Sch., B. (24) *Royal Naval College, Manual School . . "I Day 49 Evg. 81 Dartmouth, B. . . 1 *City S,-h. of Shorthand, L. E.A. Secondary Sch., &c.,B. &G. 1 58 Bamstaple (to be opened (*) ( (f) Exeter School, B. . 1 130 shortly) .. *Technical Schools : *i !! *He!e's School, B. (rf) High School for Girls 1 1 175 137 Bideford *MiddleScb. for Girls.. 1 263 Newton Abbot . *Private Sec. Schs., B. S-mth Molton, M. 151 44, G. 276 . . 11 320 Tiverton, Barrington St.\\ *Willey Sch. of Domes- Science & Art Day Classes, Ashburton, Barnstaple, tic EC morny, Day and Res 1 Bideford, Exmouth, New- Science and Art Day * * ton Abbot. S. Molton, and Classes 3 609 \\Tiverton (2) .. .. Schools of Art, Birn- 8 230 Schools of Art .. Day 58 E v ~ 197 staple, Bideford, Paign- ( Day 410 P.T. Centre .. 1 Vg. 16 i 109 ton, Tavistock, Teign- wouth, Tiverton, Torquay M Evg. 592 Both 96 Dav Training College, Men and W 1 120 P. T. Centres : - Newton Abbot and Twer- Res. Training College, Men 1 120 ton Bamstaple N. C.B. Torquay N. C.B. 2 1 1 71 65 71 Hostel (Diocesan Church s College, Women) 1 20 # PLYMOUTH C.R. DEVONPORT C.B. (Est. pop. 117,000) (Est. pop. 75,334) / Ed, R. : E. & H.13M. / Ed.R.rE.&H.l/l^d. Id. Rate=2.122 ' Id. Rate 1,168 Public Elem. Schools : Public Elem. Schools : Council 16 Council Voluntary . . Special School, Def. 10 8 7,058 3,937 Voluntary .. Special Schools, Deaf and Blind Children .. 14 2 12,502 6,019 qq Children Evening Schools 1 8 ace. 40 1,345 Special Sch., Defective Children 1 oy 1 Ofi (*); *Admiralty's School (Dockyard Tech.) . . *His:h Sch., Albert Rd. *L.E.A. Municipal Tech. 1 1 i <$< Evening Schools * Colleges : (c) Plymouth and Man- >"iin< : ad) B. 13 2 I/O 1,528 Sch. (Evening* (ml>t) Science and Art Day 1 St. Boniface's, B. *Graramar Schools : 65 Classes 3 300 Corporation . . *80 v School of Art . . , ( Day 171 7 foe, B *"' V ! Kvg. 84 M ' iitlfii R P.T. Centre .. *(rf)HigTi I sI-hooV, G. '.'. 'i . 109 ie Miacue school, Technical School. *ri CQ and Art Schools and Chilcott School Tiva will shortly be amalgamated under a new Scheme, P.T. Centres 2 130 Science and Art Day Classes, Poole, Beamin- ster, Blandford, Shaftes- DORSETSHIRE. bury, and Sherborne 5 151 # DORSET Ad. C. Schools of Art. Bridport, ( Day 107 (Pop. 162,757) Dorchester, Poole, and 4 Ev. 334 Ed. R. : E.5Jd. H. Weymouth 1 Both 17 Id. Rate=4,110 P.T. Centres :Beamin- Public Elementary Schs.: ster, Blandford,Bridport, Council 24 4,125 Dorchester, G-illingham, Voluntary . . 247 20,961 Poole, Shtrb^rne, W&y- /POOLE N.C.B. mouth, and Wimborne . . 9 326 (Pop. 19,463) Ed. R : E. 5d. H. $d. DURHAM. Id. Rate 324 * DURHAM Ad. C. Council Voluntary . . 3 7 214 3,250 (Pop. 556,970) Ed. R. : E. 9d. H. 2d. *, WEYMOUTH AND\ ld.Rate=12,304E. Council 2 229 Foster's Endowed School, () Voluntary . . 8 2.208 Sherborne, B. 1 59 * \HARTLEPOOLN.C.B. Grammar Schools : 5 (Pop. 22,723) Beaminster and Nether - Ed. R. : E. 2/Oi. H. id. bury, M. 74 Id. Raterr310 Dorchester, B. 50 Council 5 3.294 Gillingham, M. . . Shaftesbury, B 101 61 Voluntary . . * J ARROW N.C.B. 4 1,490 Wimborne -(Queen Eliza- (Pop. 34,295) beth'*), B . , 70 Ed. R. : E. 1/1. H. Id. * Milton Abbas School, Id. Rate=532 Blandford, B 1 40 Council 5 3,521 *Preparatory Schs. : Park- * Voluntary 4 2,832 EDUCATIONAL SUPPLY. 81 Education Authority and Class of School. No. of No. of Suns. Scholars. Education Authority and Class of School. No. of 1 No. of Schs. Scholars. , STO CKTON- ON- TEES *Polam Hall School, Dar- 1 N.C.B. lington, G. 1 184 (Pop. 51,478) Technical Institute Sec. Ed.R.:E. 17 T 7 od. H. Sch., Gonsett, M f 1 96 Id. Rate=r753 Technical and Secondary Council 10 6,231 School (Johnston), Dur- Voluntary 7 2,363 ham, M. . . 1 118 9fc FELLING V.D. 1 * *L.E.A. Technical College, () x (Est. pop. 25,000) Ed. R. E 1/9 H . Darlington * Various Private Schools, 1 689 Id. Rate=r283 B., G., andM 28 Abt. 1,000 Council 7 4,751 Science and Art Day Voluntary . . 2 '763 Classes, Darlington, Fel- HEBBURN V.D. ling, and Middleton-in- (Est. pop. 22,650) Ed.R.rE. 13?d. H.fd. + Teesdale .. Schools of Art, Darlington 3 140 Id. Ratec=292 and Durham 2 302 Council . . O 2,729 . P.T. Centres : Bishop Voluntary . . 3 1,270 Auckland (B. 33, G. 98), Special Schools : 3 Blaydon (31), Chester-le- Deaf Children (Darling- I Street (43), Consett (35), ton & Stockton-on-T0's) .. j 30 Darlington N.C.B. (33), i Evening Schools: j Durham- N.C.B. (154), i Durham Ad. C. .. 94 6,423 Hartlepool N.C.B. (67), Darlinyton N.C.B. 5 1,379 Jarrow N.C.B. (102), Durham N.C.B 2 510 Stockton N.C.B. (86), Hartlepool N. C. B. 2 303 Spennymoor (60), Tan- Jarrow N. C.B. 1 701 Jield Lea (96), JVolsing- Stockton on- Tees N. C. B. 1 800 ham (30) 12 13,868 Felling U.D 4 195 Training Colleges: ..[ 3 ^College (St. Cuthbert's R.C.), Uahaw . . 1 Durham (Men) | Res'.' 79 Day 18 County Sch. (North -East- Durham (St. ' Hild's), era), Barnard Castle, B. 1 248 W.(Res.) 115 w *Durham Sch., B. 1 95 Darlington, W. (Res.) 107 *Endowed School, Scorton, Darlington. B. .. 1 20 ^GATESHEAD C.B. Grammar Schools : . . 5 Bishop Auckland (King (Est. pop. 120,000) ; Ed. R.:E. 1/8. H. Id. James I.), B 140 Id. Ratei=l,600 Darlington, B. . . t 145 Public Elem. Scbs.: *Houghton - le - Spring, Council 21 18,026J (Royal Kepier), B. . . Stockton-on-Tees, B. .. * Wohingham, M. Henry Smith School, 24 90 95x Voluntary . . Evening Schools (b} ) L.E.A. Secondary Day 1 Sch M M. .. .. 6 10 1 4,118$ 2,000 385 Hartlepool, M L.E.A. Higher Grade 1 97 (r/)*High School for Girls (G.P.D.S.) .. 1 Schools : 2 Science and Art Day Jarrow-on-Ti/ne, M. 209 Classes 1 55 Stockton- on- Tees, M. High Schools : . . *4 298 \ School of Art i{ Day 28 Evg. 25D Darlington, G ioe P.T. Centre 1 So Darlington (Immaculate Conception), G. 89 * SOUTH SHIELDS C.B. (d)*Durham, G. (C.S.C.) (d) * Stockton (Queen Vic- 84 (Est. pop. 111,000) . Ed. R. : E. & H. 1/4*. toria), G. > > 128 ( Id. Raterzl,580 ' *Old Elvet Sch., Durham, m ) Public Elern. Schools: B 1 40 W \ Council 10 14,000 ^Preparatory School (Bow), Durham, B 1 28 Voluntary . . Evening Schools 9 7 4,220 1,600 No. on books not av. att. 82 EDUCATIONAL SUPPLY. Education Authority and Class of School. No. of Schs. No. of Scholars. Education Authority and Class of School. No. of No. of Schs. ! Scholars. /L.E.A. Higher Grade * ICHELMSFORD N.C.B. Secondary Schs. : 2 1 (Pop. 12,580) Westoe-road, M, , . 482 Ed. R. : E. 4d. H. Id. ,,v 1 St John's, M. 50 Id. Rate=301 W_S High School, B. 'i 110 Council . . School of Art .. M Day 37 Evg. 102 * Voluntary . . COLCHESTER N.C.B. 4 1,940 \P.T. Centre i 100 (Pop. 38,373) Ed. R. : E. 1/9J. H. Id. &SUNDERLAND C.B. Id. Rate=625 (Est. pop. 154,000) / Ed.R.: E.lld.H.4d. Council Voluntary . . 6 14 3,926 2,765 Id. Rate=:2,916 3Jf EAST HAM N.C.B. Public Elem. Schools : (Est. pop. 125,000) Council 19 19,529 Ed. R. : E. 1/8. H. Id. Voluntary . . 12 6,296 Id. Rate= 1,755 Special School, Blind Council 18 23,740 Children 1 20 Voluntary . . o 766 1 Evening Schools 12 905 HARWICH N.C.B. (b) ^ *Argyle House Sch., B. 1 120 (Pop. 10,070) (d} *High Sch., G. T?d T> . T7 1/11 TT (C.S.C.) 1 Id. Rate=131 L.E.A. Higher Grade Council 6 1,497 Sch. (Bede Collegiate), Voluntary . . 4 379 D .... 1 860 jfc SO UTHEND- ON-SEA *Hiffh School. B. 1 66 N.C.B. \*Municipal Technical College 1 (ay, (Est. pop. 48 000) Ed.R.:E.10d.H.ld. Science & Art Day Class 1 -41 Id. Rate=l,200 School of Art ' Day 66 Evg. 250 Council Voluntary . . 4 4 4,974 815 P. T. Centre 1 164 4f BARKING U.D. (Est. pop. 28,500) % WEST HARTLEPOOL Ed.R.:E.l/6|. H. . C.B. Id. Raterr630 (Est. pop. 68,800) / Ed.R.:E.l/10.H.l|d. Council Voluntary . . 5 2 4,769 1,496 Id. Rate=994 * ILFORD U.D. Public Elem. Schools : (Est. pop. 65,000) Council 13 10,903 Ed. R. : E. 1/4|. H. Id Voluntary . . 3 2,025 Id. Rate= 1,408 Special School, Def. Council 12 8,914 Children 1 32 t Voluntary . . 7 1,598 , Evening Schools 5 1,073 * LET TON U.D. (V)^ Convent Sciu ol (St. (Est. pop. 104,000) Josephs), G. 1 79 Ed.R.: E. 2/1. H.ld. *High Scb. (Osborne), B. 1 50 Id. Rate=l,825 L.E.A. Secondary Day Council 18 17,627 Sch.,M 1 230 Voluntary . . 1 238 Science & Art Day Class 1 35 % WALTHAMSTOW \School of Art l{ : Day 36 Evg. t U.D. (Est. pop. 1 20,000) P.T. Centre 2 ( 109 Ed.R. :E. 2/0. H.ld. Id. Rate 1,593 net ESSEX. Council 18 23,123 3&ESSEX Ad.C Voluntary . . 3 1,105 (Pop. 373,918) Certified Efficient School . . 1 54 Ed. R. : E. 9d. H. Id. Id. Ratez=18,055 Higher Elementary Schs. : (ff) Walthamstow U. D. Public Elementary Schs. : Boys and Girls. . 2 640 Council 129 25,908 Special Schools : Voluntary .. 306 35,582 Deaf Children, (aj Wal- thamstow 1 17 t Included in Evening Schools. J One School, av. att. 513, though in receipt of Government grants, is not maintained by the L.E.A. EDUCATIONAL SUPPLY. 83 Education Authority and Class of School. No. of Schs. No. of Scholars. Education Authority and Class of School. No. of Schs. No. of Scholars. Defective Children, (a) Woodford Wells (Foreot Walthamstow ^ 76 House School), B. (20) . , . . Evening Schools: *S(". John's School, Leyton- Essex Ad. C. 269J 8,723+ stone, B 1 20 Chelmsford N.C.B. 3 298 L.E.A. Secondary Day Scb., Colchester N.C.B. 3 430 Southend, M. 1 375 East Ham N.C.B. 2 485 * Secondary and Technical Harwich N.C.B. 5 107 School. 'Biqods, M. 1 39 Barking U.D. Ilford U.D 1 1 360 495 L.E.A. Technical College Secondary School, East Leyton U.D 4 718 Ham, M. 1 300 Walthamstow U.D. 7 1,390 L.E.A. Technical Institute *Bancroft's School, Wood- Day Sch., Walthamstoic, ford Wells, B 1 320 M. 1 260 *Colleges: 4 Science and Art Day Clashes, Clacton-on-Sea (Ascham), B u c k h u r s t, Chig well, B. 70 EarV s Co /we, Grays (2), Clacton-on-Sea (Clacton), Ley ton. Saffron Walden, B. .. .. 18 and Walthamstow 8 452 40 Schools of Art, Colchester, Day 329 Southend (St. John's), B'. *Countess of Warwick's 70 Let, ton, Southend-on-Sc( , and Walthamstow 4 1 Evg. 387 Both 92 School, Dunmow i B. 1 38 P.T. Centres: L.E.A. County Secondary i r B. 250 Ad. C., Braintree, School, Ilford, D. M G. 225 Grays (2) , Louyhton (2) , L.E.A. County Sch.,Leyton, D. .. 222 Eomford Colchester N.C.B. 6 1 209 198 Endowed Schools : 2 Chelmsford N.C.B. 2 90 Palmer's, Grays. B. 173 Southend- on - Sea N. C. B. 1 43 G. .. 74 East Ham N.C.B. 1 192 * (c) Felsted School, B. Ilford U.D 1 102 (non-local), B 1 217 Ley ton U.D 1 95 *Friends' School, Saffron Walthamstow U.D. 1 151 Walden, B. . . ' . . 1 127 Training College (Res. and *Forest School, Waltham- Day) :- stow, B 1 216 Saffron Walden, W. . . 1 61 Grammar Schools : 11 Brent wood (Sir A. Browne's), B 100 -&WEST HAM C.B. Chelmsford (King Ed- ward VI.), B 150 (Est. pop. 294,997) , Ed.R.:E.2/&f. H.6d. (c~) Chigwell, B 80 \ Id. Rate=4,731 Colchester (Royal), B. . . . 132 Public Elementary Sche : *Coijgeshali (Sir Robert Council 45 46,267 Hitcham'B) . . 13 Voluntary . . 13 6,775 Earl's Colne, B 54 Special Schools : *Halstead, B 38 Deaf Children 2 51 * ^[<( Idon, B . 45 Def. Children.. 1 101 * Newport, B 39 Higher E lenientary Schs. 2 '*ftron Walden (King- Kvening Schools 5 1,698 Edward VI.), B. 38 Convent Boarding School Walthamstow (Sir G. (b) ( CUranMne), forest Gate, Monoux), B 190 G 1 34 High Schools : . . '4* Grammar School, Forest * Brent wood, B ^ Gate, B 1 140. L cyt on stone (Elson *HighSch.,iS^Y?(/0rrf, G. 1 House), G 171 Hieh Sch. (S'. Angela's), *Romford, B 60 Forest Gate, G. 1 330 (rf) Walthamstow, G. . . 108 *Municipal Technical i 1 Day 102 * Loughton School, B. 'i 108 Institute M Evg 1,802 * Preparatory Schools : . . i L.E.A. Municipal Secon- Dovercourt (The Towers), 1 dary Sch. , Stratford, M . i 369 H Mccliiiiiics' Institute .. i \ This includes all the Evening Schools in the areas autonomous for Elem. Education. 84 EDUCATIONAL SUPPLY. Education Authority and Class of School. No. of No. of Schs. | Scholars. Education Authority and Class of School. No. of Schs. No. of Scholars. ! Science and Art Day Co'eford, Lydney, Nails- Classes 3 428 tcorth, Strand (3) 9 370 SchrolofArt .. 1 198 Schools of Art, Brinscombe, Day 386 \ P.T. Classes at Sec. Sch. . , 176 Cheltenham, Li/dney, 4 Evp. 300 Stroud Both 54 GLOUCESTERSHIRE. P.T. Centres 6 197 GLOUCESTER Ad.C. Training Colleges : 4 . . (Pop. 282,100) Cheltenham (St. Paul's, Ed.R.: E.9id.H.Jd. Res.), Men 121 Id. Rat(=5,132 Cheltenham (St. Mary's " ( Day 8^ Public Elementary Schs. : Hall), W. "i Res. 121 Council 83 14,757 Cheltenham (St. Helen's Voluntary . . 306 31,293 Res. and Day), W. . . 25 /CHELTENHAM Cheltenham Hostel^ W. 80 | N.C.B. ( Pop. 49,439) v!C- BRISTOL C.B. f*K Ed.R. : E. 7*d.H. . (Est. Pop. 360,000) ) Id. Rate= 1,126 / Ed.R.: E.&H.1/1J. Cou-.cil 2 552 r Id. Rate=7,000 Voluntary . . 23 5,782 Public Elementary Schs. : Evening Schools: Council 46 34,465 Gloucester Ad.C. ..; 24 1.037 Voluntary . . 49 20,805 Cheltenham N.C.B. .. 3 275 Special Schools : *Colleges : 3 Deaf Children 1 45 (cO Cheltenham (Ladies') ( G 29 (3 1 411 *Coleford (Bell's), *B. '.'. [\ 30 Grammar School, B. . . 1 195 *2ewkesbury, B. . . t 50 (d) *High School (Bed- *Thornbury . . tt land),G 1 220 * Winchcombe (Chandos), (rf)*High Sch. (Clifton}, B. 30 G 1 200 Katharine Lady Berkeley's L.E.A. Secondary Schs. : 3 School, Wotton-under- St. George, M. 540 Edge, D 1 36 Fairfield, M. , t 270 *Preparatory Schools, Chel- tenham (Inholme's), B. Mcrrywood, M. * Preparatory Scb s . : C ol - 420 40; (Glynparth), B. 45; Chester House, B.29, Stoke Bishop (Braidlea), Elvedon Sch., Clifton, B. 22 3 107 B., Redland Sch., B. 3 . . *Sf. Loe's School, Min- * Queen Elizabeth's Hos- rhinhampton 1 pital, B 1 127 L.E.A. Secondary Schp. : 2 * Technical College Sec. Lydnty(The Institute), M. *Tewkesbury (Public-), B. Science and Art Day Classes, 117 55 , Sch. (Merchant Ven- turers'), B Science and Art Dty 1 360 Campden, Cheltenham (2), Classes 7 1,899 EDUCATIONAL SUPPLY. Education Authority and Class of School. No. of Schs No. of Scholars. Education Authority and Class of School. No. of Schs. No. of Scholars. / Schools of Art . . - f Diy 130 '' \ Evg. 346 Winchester N.C.B. Aider shot. U.D 2 ! 157 1 18 P.T. Centres . . . . 2 462 Gosoort a'id Ulverstoke m Training Colleges : .. 3 U.D 3 284 $ C Bristol (Res.), W. . . 103 *B*d*le's Schools, Peters- Ti 117 1 Men 30 fictf, D 1 128 ,, iJiy.. i w. 100 *Choir SjhooJ, Winchester Hostel, W. 28 College, B. 1 23- Colleges: . . 2 GLOUCESTER C.B. *(c) Winchester (non-loci!) 421 (Es\ pop. 50,000) Peter sfield (Churcher's) \\ 95 Ei.R.: E.l/6* H a -d *Conveat Sohoolw G. : 2 Id. Rate=846 Public ElemenUry Schs. : J&rnborough (OurLaly'c*) Romsey (Abbey H> *Ivy House Sch., Basing - *Sir Tnonaas Rich'd stok'e, G. . . 1 39 School, B 1 300 *Lithencl Sch., Bishops Science and Art Day Waltham, M 1 Classes 2 152 *Norgate School, Winches- ( Day 253 ter , B 1 50 School of Art 1 Evg. 98 *New Sch., Winchester, G. 1 30 ( Both 32 Peter Symond's, Winches- P.T. Centra .. .. 136 ter, B 1 ! 75 *Preparatory Schools, Twy- ford (nr. Winchester), 50; HAMPSHIRE. Winch field (Hertford Sfc SOUTHAMPTON Ad.C. House), B. 50; Aldershot (Pop. 296,417) (Winton House), B. 25; Ed. R. : E. 8|d. H. Jd. Winches f er ( West Downs) , Id. Rate 6,550 B. 60 ; Christchurch Public Elementary Sjhs. : i (Twynh^m Lodge), B. ; Council I 69 ; 13,701 Winchester (Winton Voluntary . . 284 31,911 House), B. 50; South- X WINCHESTER N. C.B. bourne - on - Sea (C iff (Pop. 20,929) House), B 7 Ed. R.: E.5|d.H. . *Private Secondary Sche., Id. Rate=539 B., G. &M 70 2,162 Council Qu^ea Miry'g School, Voluntary . . #- ALDERSHOT U.D. | 12 3,029 Basingstoke, B L.E.A. Secondary School, 1 60 (Civil por. 17,000) Gosport $ Aloer stoke, M. 1 95 Ed.R.: E.10 T 9 ff .H. . *Trafalgar House School, (a] Id. Rate 558 Winchester, B 1 80 Council 3 1,986 *Wykeham House School, Voluntary . . 2 ; 440 Andover, G. 1 63 X GOSPORT & ALVER- Science and Art Day STOKE U.D. Classes, Alton, Basiag- i (But. pop. 30,000) Ed. R. : E. 6d. H. Id. stnke, Eastleiyh (Insti- tute) , and Winchester . . 4 195 Id. Rate 460 Schools of Art, Andover o ( Day 85 Council and Winchester 2 i Evg. 91 t Voluntary . . i() 4,334 P.T. Centres and Central *Px'ivate Elementary Schs. 10 204 Classes : Alton, An. Ortified Efficient Schools. . 3 j 196 dover, Basingstoke, Christ- ^Evening Schools : church, Cosham, East- Southampton Ad. C. i 83 1,720 leigh, Petersjield, Wools- tToe ttoyal Marine Schoo 1 , av. att. 435, though in receipt of Government grants, is not main ained. by the L.E.A. J Numbers for this Session not yet known. 86 EDUCATIONAL SUPPLY. Education Authority and Class of School. No. of Schs. No. of Scholars. Education Authority and j No. of Class of School. Schs. No. of Scholars. ton, Winchester N.C.B., & SOUTHAMPTON C.B. AldershotU.D 10 450 (Est. pop. 114,000) Training College : Ed.R.: E. &H. 1/10=1 Winchester (Res.) Men. . 1 80 Id. Rate=2,284 /Public Elementary Schs. : -^BOURNEMOUTH C.B. Council 14 13,497 (Est. pop. 64,000) Voluntary 12 4,750 Ed.R.:E.4|d.H.l|d. Evening Schools 3 Id. Rate=2,290 *College (Woolatan), B. 1 52 /PublicElenoentarySche. : Council 5 2,120 Grammar School (King Edward VI.), B. .. 1 155 . Voluntary , . 16 5,286 *Preparatory Schools, Evening Schools 3 401 Banister Court arid (d) *Collegiate Sch., G. 1 150 Highfield 2 High Sch. (Endowed), G. 1 180 Secondary Day School, * Preparatory Schools : KnyvetonCourt, B. 26 ; (*>.? La Sainte Union des Sacres Cozurs, G. 1 68 Lady cross, R.C., B.50 ; Taunton'sTradeSch.,B. i 195 (&)' Sangeen, B. 48; Old Ride, B. 35 . . 4 technical Sch., Argyle Road .. 1 162 *Municipal School of Commerce 1 89 School of Art 1 j Day 28 Evg. 49 L. E. A. Bournemouth Science and Art Day School, B.f .. 1 163 Classes 3 334 Science, Art and Tech- \ P.T. Centres . . 2 218 nical Schools, and Training Colleges : 2 Science and Art Day 4 1,172 Res., W. 102 Classes,and Schools uf N Day, Men or W. , , 148 Art / IP.T. Centre 1 47 &ISLE OF WIGHT Ad. C. (Pop. 60,464) ^-PORTSMOUTH C.B. (Est. pop. 19 -,000) Ed. R. : E. 7d. H. Id. Id. Rate= 1,760 Ed.R. :E. 1/1. H.ljd. Public Elementary Schs. : Id. Rate 3,500 Council 21 2,220 , Public Elementary Schs. : ' Council 26 23,534 Voluntary . , * / NEWPORT N.'C.B. 35 6,383 ^.Voluntary .. 12 3,539 (Pop. 10,911; Special School : Ed. R.:E. lOJd. H. . Blind Children 1 53 Id. Rate 181 Evening Schools 7 1,606 C<'Uncil 2 1,241 *Buckingham Place Voluntary . . 1 586 Academy, M. 1 180 % ^RYDE N.C.B. ' L.E.A. Council Secon- (a) (Pop. 11,043) dary School, B. 1 400 Ed.R.:E. ll|d. H.2d. /T,\ L.E.A. Council Secon- Id. Rate=307 (*)/ dary School, G. J 240 Council . . 2 1,116 N (c) Grammar School, B. 1 230 Voluntary . 612 (d) *High School, G., *Collegiate School " (St. j ^mtfhwfl ( ' C\ T* T) S ^ 1 200 Joseph's}, Totland Bay M. 1 on *Municipal Technical L.E.A. County Secondary zu Institute 1 8 a School, Sand own, M. 1 180 Science and Art Day *Grammar Sch., Netvport. . 1 Classes 4 493 *Preparatory Sch. (Little School of Art .. l{ Day 44 Evg. 121 Applely), Ryde . . *Royal Naval College, Os- I P. T. Centre 1 334 bornc, B. (non-local) . . t This School is under the joint control of the Hants C.C. and the Bournemouth C.B.C., and serves both areas. JTwo Schools, av. att. 492 and 167 respectively, though in receipt of Government grants, are not maintained by the L.E.A. One School, av. att. 63, though in receipt of Government grants, is not maictained by the L E A. EDUCATIONAL SUPPLY. 87 Education Authority and Class of School. No. of Schs. No. of Scholars. Education Authority and Class of School. No. of Schs. No. of Scholars. School of Art, Ryde A Day 27 Evg. 43 * /HE MEL HEMP- STEAD N.C.B. Science and Art Day Classes, Newport . . . . . . 1 114 (Pop. 11,254) (a) ' Ed. R. : E. 9d. H P.T. Centre, Newport .. i 120 ] 1J. Rate=207 Council 4 842 Voluntary . . 4 1,106 HEREFORDSHIRE. Special School, Dcf. & HEREFORD Ad. C. Children 1 ace. 60 (Pop. 92,743) Evening Schools : Ed. R. : E. 5d. H. . ^Hertford, Ad. C. 3-? 1,424 Id. Rate=2.374 Hemet Hcnpstea i t N. C.B. 3 57 Public Elementary Schs. : *London Orphanage, Wat- Council 32 3,555 ford, B 1 300 Voluntary . . 149 10,320 *Lon3on Orphanage, Wat- %: HEREFORD N.C.B. ford. G 1 (Pop. 21,382) (c) *Aldenham School, B. . . 1 197 () Ed. R. : E. 8d. H. . ( Council 4 4,01711 * Ramsey, B. 40 i Voluntary . . 6 3,386 t G. * GRAVES END N.C.B. *St. Ives, B. 60 (Est. Pop. 30,000) Science and Art Day Class Ed. R. : B. 10M. H. Id. Ramsey 1 17 Id. Rate=499 Council 3 1,544 Voluntary . . 7 2,152 KENT. * MAIDS TONE N.C.B. vX-KENT Ad. C. (Pop. 485,546) (Pop. 33,516) Ed.R.:E. lOd.H.ld. Ed.R.:E.9d. H.ljd. Id. Raterr740 Id. Rate=:E. 12,220 Council . . H. 23,964 Voluntary .. 13 5,400 Public Elementary Schs. : MARGATE N.C.B. Council . . 97 24,445 (Est. pop. 25,000) t Voluntary . . BROMLEY N.C.B. 336 51,083 Ed. R. : E. 6 T 9 od. H. Id. Rate:=730 (Pop. 27,354) Cour.cil 2 1,030 Ed.R.: E.9d. H.|d. Voluntary . . 4 1,632 Id. Rate=995 % RAMSGATE N.C.B. Council 4 1,916 (Pop. 27,733) (.) J Voluntary . . 6 1,868 Ed. R.: E.6|d.H.id. * s CHATHAM N.C.B. Id. Rate=r601 (Pop. 37,057) Council 1 232 Ed. R.:E. 1/1. H. . Voluntary . . 7 3,469 Id. Rate:=612 * ROCHESTER N.C.B. Council Voluntary . . *7 5,055 (Pop. 30,590) Ed. R. : E. lOd. H. d. t In course of erection. j Five Schools, av. att. 771, though in receipt of Government grants, are not maintained by the L.E.A. One School, av. att. 286, though in receipt of Government grant?, is not maintained by the L.E A. || No. on rolls, combined average attendance 7,141. EDUCATIONAL' SUPPLY. Education Authority and Class of School. No. of Schs. No. of Scholars. Education Authority and Class of School. No. of Schs. No. of Scholars. / Id. Rite=r542 *Bethany House School, Council 3 2,339 Goudhurst, B 1 120 Voluntary . . 6 2,650 *Brunswick House School, jjS TUNBRIDGE TVELLb Maidstone, B 1 128 N.C.B. *Clpave's E ado wed School, (Pop. 33,373) Yalding, B 1 40 Ed. R. : E. 7d. H. fd. *Colleges : 13 Id. Rate=r 1,125 Anerley (Kent House), G. .. *32 Council ^y0#&#i/*$(PiGrr0inoiit;j * Voluntary . . BECKENHAM U.D. is 4,368 B (c) Dover, B 45 200 (Est. pop. 33,000) (d) * Gravesend (Mil 1 on Ed. R. : E. 8|d. H. d. Mount) , G . . 18.5 / Id. Rate=rl,020 Herne Bay (Kent Coast) , (a) x Council 3 2,788 B 100 Voluntary . . 1 275 Margate (Cliftonville) B. . . 103 g ERITH U.D. Margate (Coll. and High (Pop. 25,296) School), B. and G. .. 440 Ed. R.: E. 2/1. H. Id. Margate (Thanet), B. . . 50 Id. R*te:=616 (c) RamsQate (Sjuth- Cuttncil 8 5,519 Eastern), B . . 200 Voluntary . . 3 699 (c) Ramsqate (S*-. Augus- 3& PENGE U.D. tine's R.C.), B. 6S (Pup. 22,465) (c) Ramngafe (Chatham Ed.R. :E. 1/-.H. . House), B 129 Id. Rite=723 Westgate-on-Sea (West- Council 2 2,112 gate), B 26 Voluntary . . 3 1,156 Whitntable (Tankerton), Certified Efficient Sch., Deal 1 50 B. 19 fSpecial Sch., Penge (/or Deaf Children} .. 1 ace. 90 *Collegiate $>$&., Lynsted, G. *Uommercial Sch. (Sir A. 'i 32 Evening Schools : Kent Ad. C. Judd'), Tonbridge, B. . . L.E.A. County Schools : i 11 152 Under Scheme A 39 1,206 Beckenham, B i4o Rural Classes 62 1,080 Bromley, G. . . 79 Urban Centres at Dartford, G. 113 Bromley N.C.B 3 429 Dover, M.. . . . . . 210 Chatham N.C.B. 1 349 Erith, M.. . . , 54 Dartford N.C.B. 536 Folkestone, G. .. 70 Deal N.C.B 2 135 Gravesend, M. , 177 Dover N.C.B. .. 1 273 Ramsgate, G. . 68 Faversham N. C.B. 3 119 Sittingbourne, G. , 105 Folkestone N. C.B. 2 382 Tonbridge, G. . . . 48 GiUing ham N.C.B. 1 488' Tunbfidge Wells, G. 130 Gravesend N. C.H. 3 413 *Endowed Sohool, Holme, Maidstone N. C.B. 1 608 Southborcugh . . Margate N.C.B... * .. 2 256 *Gibbs < Sch. 'Faversham, G. i 90: Ramsgate N.C.B. Rochester N.C.B. 1 2 203 218 *Gore Court School, Sit- tinybourne, B. i 29 Tunbridge Wells N.C.B. 2 622 Grammar Schools : 12 Beckenham U.D. 2 349 Ashford, B . . Erith U.D. 2 760 Borden, B. 116* Penge U.D 1 266 Cranbrook, B | 77^ Other Urban Centres 5 755 * Dartford, B. . . , 116; * Aberdeen House School, * Faversham, B. . . . 35 Ramsgate, B. 1 38 Folkestone (Harvey), B. . , 1051 *Addiscombe House School, Maidstone, B. . 94+ Margate, G 1 70 * G. .. . 124T * Avenue House School, * Rochester, G. . . * . 232; Sevenoaks, B 1 50 Sandwich (Sir R. Man- *Bedford House School, wood's), B 56J folkestone, B 1 30 * Sevenoaks, B * * 102 t This school is maintained by the London C.C., though not in the area of that Authority. J Including P.T.s 90 EDUCATIONAL SUPPLY. Education Authority and Class of School. No. of Schs. No. of Scholars. Education Authority and Class of School. No. of Schs. No. of Scholars. * Suit on Valence, near 201 ; Sitting bourne, 86 ; Maidstone, B >4 64 Tonbridge, 111; Tunbridge *Herne House School, Wells, 781 21 8,003 Margate, B. 1 30 * (c) Tonbridge School (non- *High Schools: .. 4 local), B 1 400 _Ashford, G 67 *Woodford H.mse School, (d}Bromlnj,G. (G.P.D.S.) 199 Birchington-ort-Sea, B. 1 33 (d)Dt.ver, G. (G.P.D.S.) .. 82 Wreight's School, Faver- (d) Tunbridge Wells sham, B 1 lOlf (G.P.D.S.) .. 142 Schools of Art, Ashford, 32; (c)*King's Cathedral Soh., Beckenham, 91 ; Sexlty, Rochester, B 1 78 23; Bromley, 183; Chat- *Laleham Sch., Margate, B. 1 54 ham, 59; bartford, 68; Mathematical Scb., (Sir J. Deal, 52; Dover, 218; Williamson' s),Roch(ster, B 1 280t Frith, 28 ; Favtrsham, MiddleSch. (Skinners' to.'e), 32 ; Folkettor,e, 98 ; Git- Tunbridge Wells, B. 1 172f lingham, 93 ; Gravesend, *Modern Sch., Gravesend,E. 1 130 113; Maidstone, 146; *Preparatory School* : Margate, 74 ; Ramsgate, Beckenham (Clare House) , 51; Rochester, 199; Sheer- B. 75 ; Folkestone (The ness and Queenboro 11 , 39 ; Grange) B.40, (Ptlham Sittinqbourne and' Milton, House) B. 40, (Suther- 19 ; Tonbridge, 66 ; Tim- land House) B. 19; bridge Wells, 160 21 1,816 Maids tone (Buckland) , Science and Art Day Claf aes, B. prep, to Gram. Sch. ; Chatham, Maidstone (2), Old Charlton (Shirley Rochester, Southbwough, House), B. 55 ; Seven - Tunbridge Wells, Yalding 7 498 oaks (Beechmout) B. 27, P.T. Centres : 15 (New Beacon) B. 44; Ashford 47 Sidcup (Merton Court), Bromley N.C.B... 49 B. 70 ; Southborough ^Chatham N.C.B. 94 (St. Andrews), B. 40; Dartford N.C.B. 31 Tonbridge (Yardley Dover N. C.ti. .. 45 Court) B. 70, (Castle Faversham N.C.B. 26 Sch.) B. 35; Tun bridge Folkestone N.C.B. 17 Wells (Hurstleigh) B. Gravesend N.C.B. 50 16, (Rose Hill) B. 35 ; ^Maidstone N.C.B. 45 W aimer (St. Clare's), Ramsgate N.C.B. 20 B.45; WestgaU-on-Sea Sittingbourne 28 (Streete Court), B. 45 16 , . Tonb'idge .. 18 *St. Margaret's Bank Sch., Tunbridge Wells N. C.B. (2) 60 Rochester. G 1 60 Erith t r .D 23 *Stanley House School, Margate, B 1 55 & CANTERBURY C.B. *Surrey House School, (Est. pop. 25.000) Margate, iJ. 1 46 Ed. R. : E. 1/0. H. |d. * (c) Sutton Valence Sch., Id. R*te=511 Maids tone, B 1 80 /Public Elementary Schs. : ^Tf chnical Schs. and Insti- Council 1 835 tute, M., Ashford, 157; Voluntary . . 10 2,992 ezley,S13; Bromley $Yl; Evening Schoo's . . Chatham, 408 ; Dart ford, *Cathedral Choir School, 604 ; Deal, 187 ; Docer, B 1 401 ; Erith, 448 ; Faver- (b) ( *Kent College, B. 1 ioo sham, 120 ; Folkestone, ] (c) *King's School, B. . . 1 242 480; Gillinflham, 581; (c} *St. Edmund's Sch., Grctvtsevid, 526 ; Maid- B 1 133 stone, 654 ; Margate, 330 ; Simon Langfon Sch., B. 1 25Sf Penge,im\ Ra)mgate,1te *(d) SimonLangtonliigh Rochester, 417; Sheerness, k " School, G 1 153 t including f.Tis. Specialised P.T. Centres. J Many studento aie duplicated in the numbers given. EDUCATIONAL SUPPLY. 91 Education Authoiity and Class of School. No. of Schs. No. of Scholars. Education Authority aud Class of School. No. of Schs. No. of Scholars. School of Art . . M Day 38 Evg. Ill / ' Id. Raterr594 * Council 2 1,020 (#) Science and Art Day Voluntary . . 13 5,963 Classes 2 130 HASLINGDENN. C.B. P.T. Centres 1 18 (Pop. 18,543) Ed. R. : E.7|d. H.ld. Id. Rate 308 Council LANCASHIRE. Voluntary 9 2,514 LANCASTER, Ad. C. & HEYJVOOD, N.C.B. (Pop. 893,081) (Pop. 25,458) Ed.R.: E.8 T ftd.H.2d. Ed.R.: E. lid. H.ld. Id. Ratec=2 1,023 Id. Rate=422 Public Elementary iSchs. : Council . . . . Council f Voluntary . . 76 628 20,245 118,096 # Voluntary . . LANCASTER, N.C.B. 14 3,399 SK- ' A CORING- TON, N. C B. (Est. pap. 44,570) (Pop 43,122) Ed.R.:E.10|d.H.ld. Ed. R. : E. I/- H. Id. Id. Rate=820 Id. Rate=r692 Council 4 2,752 Council 5 2,559 Voluntary . . 12 4,257 Voluntary . . 12 4,816 # LEIGH, NC.B. % ASH TO N- U ND ER - (Pop. 40,001) LYNE, N.C.B. Ed.R.: E.8|d. H. Id. (Pop. 43,890) Id. Rate=658 Ed.R.: E. 8d. H. Id. Council . . .. Id. Rate=710 Voluntary . . is 6,920 Council * MIDDLETON, N.C.B. Voluntary . . 13 6,259 ;E*t. pop. 27,000) 5^ BACUP, N.C.B. Ed.R.: E.lld.H.M. (Pop. 22,505) (a) ^ Id. Rate=360 Ed. R. : E. 1/3. H. Id. Council i 322 Id. Rate=317 Voluntary . . 12 3,801 Council 8 2,674 * MORECAMBE, N. C. B. Voluntary . , 3 978 (Pop. 11,736) $ CHORLEY, N.C.B. Ed.R.: E. 1/1. H. (Pot). 26,852) Id. Rate=280 Ed.R.: E. lOd.H. Id. Council 3 1,050 () i Id. Rate=370 Voluntary . . 2 422 Council # MOSS LEY, N.C.B. Voluntary . . ii 4,527 (Pop. 13,452) % CLITHEROE, N.C.B. Ed.R.: E.8d. H. . (Pop. 11,414) Id. Rate=258 Ed.R.: E. lOd.H. Id. Council 2 582 Id. Ratj=176 Voluntary 4 1,241 Council i 480 NELSON, N.C.B. ,v Voluntary . . COLNE, N.C.B. 4 1,045 (Est. pop. 38,000) Ed. R.: E. 1/1. H.ld. (Est. pop. 23,600) Id. Ratr=553 Ed.R.: E. 1/4. H. Id. C-nnc\l 6 3,724 Id. Edte=fi335 Voluntary . . 6 1,457 Cnmcil 4 2,653 * RAWTE N8 TALL, Voluntary . . 6 1,227 N.C.B. * DARWEN. N.C.B. (Pop. 31,053) (Est. pop. 40,000) Bd.R.:E.12d.H.id Ed.R.: E. l/l. H.ld. Id. Rate=fi450 Id. Rate 560 Council 8 2,549 Council 5 1,763 }'<>hnttary .. 12 2,749 Voluntary .. 17 5,176 * TTIDNES, N.C.B. -;;:- EOCLES, N.C B.' (Pop. 28,580) (Est. pop. 30,000) s Ed. R. : E. 1/2. H. Ed.R.: E. lid. H. |d. t One school, av. att. 169, though in receipt of Government grants, is not maintained by the L.E.A. EDUCATIONAL SUPPLY. Education Authority and Clats of School. No. of echs. No. of Scholars. Education Authority and Class of School. No. of Schs. No. of Scholars. / Id. Rate=613. (a) Lancaster, N.C.B. . . 1 244 Council 3 3,493 Special Schools : Voluntary . . 5 3,133 Lanes, Ad.C., Fulwood 3fc CHADDERTON, U.D. Blind School .. 1 43 (Pop. 24,892) ( Stretfird,U.D.. Blind Ed.R.: E.I/-. H. Id. (a) School 1 90 Id. Rate=:417. ( Do. Deaf School .. 1 240 Council 5 1,952 Evening Schools : # Voluntary . . FARNWORTH, U.D. 8 2,279 Lanes, Ad. C. Acer In gton, N.C.B. 285 5 17,417 1,359 (Pop. 25,925) jish ton - undtr - Lyne, Ed.R.:K10fd. H.ld. N.C.B 5 1,500 Id. Rate=360. Bacup, N.C.B 6 685 Council Chorley, N.C.B .. 1 627 Voluntary . . 9 4J98 Clitheroe, N.C.B. 1 239 Sfc GORTON, U.D. Colr.e, N.C.B 3 998 (Est. pop. 33,300) Darwen, N. C.B 10 956 Ed. R: E.1/5J. H. fd. Eccles, N.C.B 4 1,030 id. Ratez=380. Haslingden, N.C.B. 3 448 Council 2 869 Hey wood, N.C.B. 2 224 Voluntary . . 4 3,419 Lancaster, N.C.B. 7 817 $7 HINDLEY, U.D. Leigh, N.C.B 8 1,821 j- (Pop. 23,504) Ed.R.:E.lld. H.|d. Midaleton, N. C.B. Morecambe. N.C.B. 6 1 451 196 Id. Rate=364. Mcssley, N.C.B. 1 344 Council 3 645 Nelson, N.C.B 4 636 Voluntary . INCE - IN -MAKER- 10 4,915 Rawtenstall, N. C.B. Widnes, N.C.B 6 4 917 879 FIELD, N.C.B. Chadderton, U.D. 6 500 (Pop. 21.262) Farnworth, U.D. 4 565 / \ t Ed.R.: E.Sj^d H Gorton, U.D 4 483 ' Id. Rate=387. Hmdley, U.D 6 600 Council Ince-in-Makerfield, U.D. 4 215 Voluntary . 'e 3,342 Radcliffe, U.D 1 668 -J RADCLIFFE, U.D. Stretjord, U.D 4 1,015 (Pop. 25,368) Swtnton and Pend ebury, Ed.R.: E. 9d.H. . U.D 6 580 Id. Ratei=390. Wctterloo-with - Si aforth, Council U.D 4 560 Voluntary . . 13 4,428 *Bickerton House Soh., Sfc STRETFORD, U.D. Birkdale, B. 1 75 (Est. pep. 40,119) *Beaver House Sob., Dids- Eel R * E 8 c? H d bury, B. . . 1 15 Id. Rate=rl,070 *Cambridge Sell., Eccles, G. 1 47 Council 3 1,708 *Carlton House Sch., Eccles, Voluntary 9 2,298 G. 1 49 -V SWINTON AND Colleges : 7 PENDLEBURY, U.D. * ' Morecambe (Lancaster), B 44 (Est. pop. 28 500) (c] * Stony hurst, R.C. (non- Ed.R. : E. 8d.H. Id. local), B 270 Id. Rate=r459 *St. Anne's on Sea (St. Council Anne's), B 36 Voluntary . . ii 4,300 * Eccles (Victoria) , G. . . 81 ^ WATERLOO -W1TH- *0ld Tr afford (Talb.t SEAFORTH, U.D. Rr a-i), G 49 (Est. pop. 26,093) Ed.R.: E.lOd. H. Id. *Stretford (Elmwood),G. *Urmston (Ladies'), G. 33 90 Id. Ratez=536 Convent Scb. (Seafield Council i 161 House), Seafi.rth, G. .. 1 84 ' Voluntary .. 8 3,627 Triends' Schools : 2 Certified Efficient Schools : Lancaster, B. 71 Lanes County 2 94 Penheth, M 54 t Including 1,102 attending the Technical School. EDUCATIONAL SUPPLY. 1 Education Authority aud No. of No. of Education Authority and No. of No. of Class of School. Hens. Scholars. Class of School. Schs. Scholars. Grammar Schools : 22 *Talbot. House School, Old *Ashton - in - Hakerjield, Traford,~B 1 24 M .. 106 *Technictil Schools : Ash- *Birkdale, B. \\ 30 ton- under- Lyne (Hegin- *Cartmel t 'SL 28 bottom Tech. Sod. and *C/iorlcy,B 26 School of Art), Athert^n, * Clit hero*, B 48 Bacup, Chorley, Clitheroe, *Ecdes, B 106 Darwen, Denton, Farn- *Fa rn worth, near worth (nr. Bolton} (426), Bolton, B *Hawkshcad (Sandy's), B " 65 15 Has Hit gden , He ywood (Municipal) (512), Har- *Hindley (Kinsley and Abram), M 100 wich (Mechanics' Insti- tute), Lancaster (Muni- , *Hutton B 65 cipal), Leiqh (1,102), *Kirkham, B 46 ****"*/ 1 J-rfffy y , v j) J&osslet, (Mechanics' Insti- (c) Lancaster (Royal), B. Leigh, M - 120 225 tute), Nelson, Padiham, Radcliffe, Stretford, Tyl- Ley land (Balshaw's), des le y , Widnes (Municipal) 20 . . Dual . . 110 Science and Art Day Newchurch, Waterfoot,B. 95 Classes: Ormskirk, M 135 Ashton-in - Makerfield, *Poulton- le- Fylde Cartmel, Chadderton, (Baines'), B 104 Chorley, Fairjield, *Prescot, B. 47 Hind ley, Kirkham, *Elvington and B'ackrod Newchurch, Ormskirk, near Harwich, B * *. . 90 Patricroft, Poulton-le- *Stand, Whitefidd, B. . 80 Fylde,Prescot, Seaforth, *Whalley (Royal) \ B. ! 52 30 Upholland, Whalky, Whitefietd 16 809 *High Schools : . . *3 Schools of Art : Prestwich, G. . . 35 Accrington, Ashton- Stretford, G 50 under-Lyne, Darwen, Urniston, G 16 Denton, Heyivood, f Dav 495 *Higher Grade School : Lancaster, Morecambe, 8-< Evg. 916 Patricroft, M 1 52 Nelson (^ Both 192 * Huyton Girls' School . . 1 101 P.T. Centres: (c) Merchant Taylors' Sch., Ulverston 1 64 Grt. Crosby, B 1 270 Accrvngton N. C.B. 1 92 (a) *Merchant Taylors' Sch., As h ton -under- Lyne Gt. Crosby, G 1 N.C.B 1 48 *Modern Sch., Ecdes, B. . . 1 24 Bacup $ Eawtemtall *Moravian Ladies' Sjh., N.C.B 1 ,. Fairjield, G 1 98 Colne N.CB 1 32 L.E.A. Municipal Second- Darwen N.C.B 1 44 ary Schools : 4 ( Lancaster N.C.B. 1 183 Accrington, M 275 Leigh N.C.B 1 80 Colne, M 123 Middleton N.C.B. 1 40 Haslingden, M. .. m Nelson N.C.B 1 34 Nelson, M. 2io Widnes N.C.B 2 70 *Pembroke House Soh., Chadderton U.D. 1 50 Lythatn, B. 1 50 ^Private Secondary Sohp. . . 80 3,000 (c) *Rosrall Sch., Fleetwood, X-BARROW-IN-FURNESS B. (non-local) 1 340 C.B. School of Science, Urmston, Wydiffe-road, M. 1 101 (Est. pop. 68,736) Ed. R. : E. 1/4. H. |d L.E.A. Secondary Day Id. Rate=l,105(est. Schools : 4 /Public Elem. Schools :- Ash ton - under - Lyric Council 15 8,466 (Albion), M. 176 Voluntary . . 6 2,614 T^firu'fri ^\\ 123 (i) Evening Schools 7 1,490 Ulverston (Victoria), M. Widnes, Victona-sq., M. 111 228 I L'.E.A. Higher Grade I School (Dual).. 1 651 94 EDUCATIONAL SUPPLY. Education Authority and Class of ScQool. No. of Schs. No. of Scholars. Education Authority and Class of School. No. of Schs. No. of Scholars. r ,, ( School of Art . . 1 96 / (d) High School for Girls 1 135 W {p.T. Centre .. 1 83 L. E. A. Municipal Secondary School. Cen- -^BLACKBURN C.B. tral Higher Grade, M. 1 679 (Est. pop. 132,742) Ed.R.: E.lld. H. 3d ) Technical School () > Science and Art Day 1 20 , Id. Rate=2.010 Classes 3 459 Public Elem. Schools : Council 12 5,469 School of Art ,rDay 35 \ Evg. 450 Voluntary . . 37 16,964 P.T. Centre 1 311 Evening Schools : 24 3,206 tHigher Grade Schs. : 4 ^ &BOOTLE C.B. Darwen-street (Church (Est. pop. 68,000) of England B.&G.), Ed.R. : E.I/-. H. 2d. St. Albarfs (R.C.), Id. R.z=2,000 B., Whalley New /Public Elem. Schools : Road (R. C.), B., Council 5 6,102 (*) \ Public (Council), Bi Voluntary . . 6 5,614 and G Evening Schools . . 4 1,390 Grammar School (Queen (*)( L.E.A. Intermediate Elizabeth's), B. 1 142 Day School, B. -i 229 *High School, G . 1 153 *Municipal Tech. Sch. 1 979 Muncipal Technical School 1 1,463 School of Art .. i , f Day 23 1 iByg.ll7 Science and Art Day ^P. T. Centre . . 1 b4 Classes 3 203 School of Art . 1 i 4- ^BURNLEY C.B. ,P.T. Centres (Council), B. &G. (R.C.),G... 2 299 (Est. pop. 100,000) Ed.R.: Kl/2.H.4id. Id. Rate=l,400 ^BLACKPOOL C.B. , Public E!em. Schools : (Est. pop. 55,000) Council 12 10,003 Ed. R.: E.7d. H. |d. Voluntary . . 20 7,646 Id. Raterr* 1,922 Special Schools : /Public Elem. Schools: For Blind Children . . 1 10 Council. 6 4,046 For Deaf Children . . 1 21 Voluntary . 8 2,683 For Defective Children 2 148 Evening Schools 4 1,000 Evening Schools 13 2,997 (*) ) *Arnold House Sch., B 1 125 (V)\ Grammar School, M. . . 1 212 Y High School, B. 1 80 fL.E.A. Higher Grade Secondary School 1 164 Sch.,M 1 230 *Private Secondary Schs * Technical School 12 1 200 Science and Art Day Class 1 136 IP.T. Centre .. 1 66 Science, Art, and Tech. Evening Class 1 1,673 3C-BOLTON C.B. School of Art . 1 Day 35 (Est. pop 178,000) Ed.R.:E.l/3|.H.2-/ -d. V P.T. Centre 1 130 Id. Rater=3,024. /^Public Elem. Schs. : *BURY C.B. Council Voluntary . . 17 39 14,194 16,926 (Pop. 58.029) Ed. R. : E. lOd. H.^d. Schools for Defective Id. Rite= 1,085 (ft) } Children 2 ace. 180 / Public Elem. Schg. : Sch. for Blind Children 1 ace. 25 Council . Evening Schools 38 7,895 (b) ) Voluntary . . 27 7,832 Church of England Edu- cational Institute. M. 1 213 ^ Evening Schools Grammar Sohool, B. . . 9 1 1,186 170 \Grammar School, B. 1 160 ( (d) *Grammar School, G. 1 143 t Tbepe Schools are not recognised as Secondary Schools for the purposes of Grants. t Included in Technical School. One Scnool, av. att. 62, though in receipt of Government Grants, is not maintained by the L.E.A. EDUCATIONAL SUPPLY. 95 Education Authority and Class of School. No. of Schs. No. of Scholars. Education Authority and No. of No. of Class of School. Schs. Scholars. / *Muiiicipal Tech. Sch. /L.E.A. Liverpool Insti- (evgs.) 1 2,290 t u te, Commercia ISchool, 1 Science and Art Day B 1 422 (i) ( Classes 1 220 L.E.A. Liverpool Insti- School of Art . . , / Day 243 1 \ Evg. 222 tute, Btackbtirne House School, G 1 190 1 P.T. Centre 1 177 Liverpool University, (non-local) 1 . . -^-LIVERPOOL C.B. Notre Dame Collegiate (Est. pop. 726,930) School, Ecerion Val- , Ed.R. : E. and H. 1/5. ley, G 1 217 ( Id. Rate=14.200 Notre D*me High fPublic Elem. Schs. : School, Mount 1'lean- Council 50 56.424 ant, G. 1 171 Voluntary ,. 113 75,194 Nautical College, By- ^Special Schools : rom-street, B . . 1 381 For Blind- Children . . 3 220 * Preparatory School For Deaf Children .. 1 158 (Greenbank), Sef ton- Fo r D efe c t i v e park, B 1 67 Children .. .. 7 704 *St. Edmund's College, SfiftrnpTi's Ovnhaimcra B 1 150 Elementary School . , I 281 *St, Edward's College, Blue Coat Elem. Sch. 1 335 B 1 84 Certified Industrial St. Francis Xavier's Schools, B. and G. . . 1,528 College, Classtca t Sch . . Certified Day Industrial B 1 197 Schools. B. and G. .. 5 1,169 St. Francis Xavier's Truants' School, High- College, Commercial town, B. 1 60 School, B 1 148 *Private Elementary (*) ' *School of Domestic Schools 8 248 Science, 4, Prince's- Evening Schools 54 10,362 road, G. 1 Catholic Institute, Hope -.street, B. 1 219 * School of Commerce . . rj Day 113 Evg. 19 (*) ( *Convent of Mercy Sch., Green-lane, Jrtwertree 1 21 *Sohool and Museum of Hygiene, Ash'on-st. 1 58 *Convent of Mercy Sch. , *S >uth Liverpool School, Hciy *$}/ - st'Fcct JVI , 1 39 G 1 61 *Conventof Mercy Sch., *Technical Schools: 5 Mount Ytrnon-at., G. 1 62 Byrom-street (Cen- *Conveut School (Belle tral Municipal) . . 2,260 Rive)Pnnce's Park, G. 1 90 Garston . . 213 *High Schools : 2 Walton and Kirkdale (d) E. Liverpool, 83, (Institute) . . . . 646 Newaham Drive, G. Wavertre* (Institute) 293 (G.P.D.S.).. 135 .Liverpool Cookery (d) Belvidere-roouL G. Training School and (G.P.D.S.).. 158 Technical College Liverpool College, for Women . . . . 70 (c) Upper School, B. . . 1 262 *Private Secondary Liverpool College, Schools 46 1,687 Middle School, B. . . 1 248 Science and Art Day Liverpool College, Classes 9 1,504 Commercial School, ti. l 243 ( Day 140 Liverpool College Prep. Schools of Art .. 2 iEvg. 399 Sch., Fairfitld, M. .. 1 78 ( Both 72 Liverpool College P.T. Centres 5 1,170 for Girls, Grove-street 1 159 Training Colleges : . . 5 L.E.A. Liverpool Inati- ^ tu.te,Hiffh School, B. 1 195 I Edge Hill, TV. ! Res. 120 Day 30 t Six Rchools (combined av. att. 796), though in receipt of Government Grants, are not maintained by the L.E.A. $ West Kirby Special School for Physically Defective Children, though in the area of the Cheshire C.C., ia maintained by the Liverpool C.B. Council. The.acc. is 20 (see Cheshire). 96 EDUCATIONAL SUPPLY. Education Authority and | No. of No. of Class of School. Schs. Scbolars. Education Authority and Class of School. No. of Schs. No. of Scholars. / Mount Pleasant, W. / *21, York -road, Chorl- | (Res.) . . 160 jon-cum- Hardy, M. Day College, W. 108, (Pr;vate) .. . t 45 ,,v J Men 105 . . 213 *73, Rochdale - road, ^' \ Ashton Rathbone, Harpurhey, G. 48 Hostel, Men . . 17 *Longsight, Richmond- University Hall grove. G. . . 53 ( Hostel, W 13 *Loreto Convent Sch., Hulme, G 1 48 *M an cheater School * MANCHESTER C.B. (North) Leictster-rd., (Est. pop. 631,185) Ed. R. : E. I/lift Higher Broughton, B. *Mancheeter School 1 / H. 5&d. (South), 80, Central- Id. Rate=16,861 road, W. Didsbury, B. 1 117 iPublic Elem. Schs. : (both preparatory to Council 84 60,263 Man, Grammar Sch.). t Voluntary . . 84 50,113 L.E.A.Municipal Second. Day Industrial School, Scdool, Whitworth- Mill-street 1 211 strett,D\i&\ .. 1 834 Special Schools for L.E.A Municipal School 1 j Day 635 Defective Children . . Swinton House (Res.) 3 227 W; of Technology St. Margaret's Second. < Evg5297 School for Crippled S -hool, Moss Side, M. 1 84 Childnn \. 1 ace. 65 * School of Domestic David Lewis Epileptic Economy 1 73 Colony School 1 ace. 42 *Victoria Park Sch., B. 1 112 Higher Elem. Schools. . 5 Ab. 2,000 *Victoria University (non-local) 1 1,479 JEvehing Schools 70 18,850 *Private Schools, B., *Cath-.lic Collegiate O.,andM 22 650 Institute, B *Cheetham Collegiate 1 82 Schools of Art o ( Day 410 6 \ Evg.473 School, B 1 73 Science and Art Day "Colleges: 2 Classes 5 1,382 St. Bede's, Alexandra- P.T. Colleges 3 494 () park, B \ Ladies' College and 160 Preparatory School f*.r Probationers, G. 1 184 School of Music, Training Colleges : Chfetham Hill . . 29 Day,Men 105, W. 108 213 Grammar Schools : . . 3 Ashbourne House *Cborlton-cum-Hardy Hostel, W 29 B. (Private) 33 Church Hostel, W. . . . . 18 *Hulme, B 247 Hulme Hflll Hostel (c) Manchester, B. . . 820 . (not fixed) .. .. *Girls' School. 3 and 16, Manldeth - road, -&OLDHAM C.B. Withington 1 45 (Est. pop. 140 225) High Schools : 9 Ed. R.:E. 1/ll.H.ld (d) Dover-street, G. . . 480 / Id. Rate=l,800 * North Manchester, G. 126 Public Elem. Schs : *Notre Dame Convent, Council 23 13,438 Bignor- street* G. . . 88 Voluntary 16 5,456 *Convent, The Hollies, Bluecoat Elementary Oak-drive, Fallow- n\ ' Scb. (Henshaw's), B. 1 92 field,G * Withington - road, 56 ((>) x Special Schools : For Blind Children . . 1 11 Whalley Range. G. 140 For Deaf Children . . 1 30 *Collegiate, 60. Pala- For Defective Children tine-road, W, Dids- ^ bury, G. (Private) 62 (Physically, 47 ; Mentally, 70) 2 117 t Two Schools combined av. att. 185, though in receipt of Government Grants, are not maintained by the L.E.A. J Including Moss Side and Withington, now incorporated with Manchester. Class entries. EDUCATIONAL SUPPLY. 97 Education Authority and Class of School. No. of Scha. No. of Scholars. Education Authority and Class of School. No. of No. of Schs. Scholars. Evening Schools 27 1,662 Evening Schools .. 15 1,640 /Grammar School f*Catholic Grammar Sch. 1 70 (Hulme), B 1 130 Cowley School, B. . . 1 140 1 (d) Grammar School G. . . 1 76 (Hulme), G 1 150 ,,. I * Municipal Tech. Scb . . . 1 (b) ) L.E.A. Secondary School W Science and Art Day \ (Waterloo), M. 1 345 Classes 2 136 *Municipal Tech. Sch. School of Art .. 1 1,100 Day 182 Evg. 64 School of Art P.T. Centres , (Day 10 M'Evg. 115 2 188 IP. T. Centre 1 316 PRESTON C.B. ^SALFORD C.B. (Est. pop. 115,055) (Est. pop. 234,077) / Ed. R.:E.5 T ^d. H. . Id. Rate 1,63 1 /Ed. R. : E.l/lf. H.S-ftd. Id. Rate=3,948 Council 1 448 Public Elem. Schs. : Voluntary 36 18,600 .Council 17 16,179 Special Schools /< Deaf Voluntary . . 42 22,553 Children 1 77 Special School for Evening Schools 11 4,049 Defective Children .. 1 ace. 24 * Con vent School, 22, Higher Elem. Schools 2 i 433 W+itckley -square, G.. 1 130 Evening Schools 28 ' 5,915 if\ ) Catholic College 1 148 Adelphi House R. C. * ' Grammar School, Sch., G 1 56 Cross -street, B. 1 175 > : High Schools: 2 Grammar School, t Broughton and Crutnp- lluttou 1 (b) sall,G 170 *Boy*' School, 20, West Pendleton, G 1 50 Cliff .. .. .. 1 22 , L.E.A. Secondary Sch. Science and Art Day Class 1 1 S5 ( M unicipal) , Royal Tech. Institute, B. . . 1 : 303 School of Art 1 [ Day 224 Evg. 220 L E \ Secondary Sell (Municipal), Victor- U\T. Centres ., ;] 310 street, G i ; :;r>7 Science and Art Day ^ROCHDALE C.B. Class 1 77 (Est. poo. 83,114) Mil. II: E.'l H.H.ld. School of Art .. ( Day 50 M Evg. 140 Id. Uate= 1,460 P.T. Centres .. .. 2 205 Public Elem. Schs. : Training College (Res.), Council 15 7 71 1 W. .. 1 65 Voluntary . . 16 6,184 Higher Elem. Schs. . . 1 312 Evening Schools 8 1,791 *SOUTHPORT C.B. ,.,. *Grammar School 1 (Est. pop. 51,800) * J Municipal Tech. Sch. .. 1 1,866 / Ed. R. : E. 6d. H.2d. L.E.A. Municipal Id. Rate=r 1,420 Secondary Sch.f . . Public Elem. Schs. : Science and Art Day Council 1 464 Class 1 158 Voluntary . 15 5,889 School of Art 1 . , 276 Evening Schools . 4 1,169 P.T. Centre & Prep. * Olive House Sch., B. . 1 25 Class 1 240 * Grammar Sch., B. . | 1 50 (b) *Modem Sch., B. . 1 180 ST. HELENS C.B. *Sandringham Sch., B. 1 60 (Est. pop. 88,700) :* University Sch., B. .. 1 110 / F.d. R. : E. 4?d. H. Id. * Private Schs. B. & G. 21 1,233 f Id. Rate= 1,320 | Victoria Sri. and Art (b) 1 Public Elem. Schs. : Sch. (Municipal) 1 | Council 3 812 Science and Art Day \ Voluntary . . ' 35 16,683 Class 1 44 t Plans for building this school have bten approved by the Board of Education. Meanwhile students other than intending P.T.'a are admitted to the P.T. Centre, at a fee oi' 5 per session. 4 98 EDUCATIONAL SUPPLY. Education Authority and Class of School. No. of Scha. No. of Scholars. Education Authority and No. Class of School. Sch of No. of 5. Scholars. "N ( Sob olof Art .. ' '{ Day 50 Evg. 162 Grammar Schools : . . 10 Ashby -de-la- Zotich, B.. . . *72 1 P. T. Centre, G i 67 (d}Ashby -de-la- Zouch^G. 142 *B(trrow-cn-Soar(Rum- #WARRINGTON C.B. phrey Perkin's), M. . . 67 (Est. pop. 69,000) *Hincklev, M 75 t Ed-R.: E.9i. H.-. *Kibv>ortk, B 40 Id. Eftte=976 Loughborough, B. ... 138 Public Elem. Schs. : * Luttcrworth, M. . ... 45 Council 3 640 Market Bosworth, B. . . 63 Voluntary . . 19 11,235 ^Market Ilarborouyh, B. 38 Evening Schools 5 700 * Wymendham, near Oak- Grammar Sch. (Bote- haw, B. . . .... 19 lar\ B. 1 100 * H i % h School, Burton (A) ( Secondary Set., Pal- Walks, Loughborough, G. 1 162 myra-square, M. 1 179 *Intermediate Sch., Lough- L.E.A. Technical Sch. boroagh, B. . . . . 1 81 (Municipal) 1 1,286 The Rawlins School, School of Art i ( JDay 89 1 *>g.77 Quorn, M. . . . . I Technical Schs : . . . . 2 76 : P. T. Centre 1 ! 51 Melton Mowbray. . .... 307 ( Training College, W. . . , ( Res. 140 1 i Day 18 Loughborough Science an! Art Day 467 Classes : Loughborough &WIGAN C.B.t (2), Barrow -on - Soar, (Pop. 82,428) H iuc k le y, Kibwort/i, /Ed.R.: E. 10M. H.4M. Lutterworth, Market Id. Rate= 1,282 Harborough, Qiiorn . . 8 374 fPublic Elem. Schs. : P. T. Centres : Council 1 605 Loughborough .. . . 1 54 Voluntary . . 20 14,192 Leicester C.B 13811 fEvening Schools 11 1,619 ^-LEICESTER C.B. (*); Convent High Sell., (Est. pop. 228,132) Standinh-gate, G. 1 233 / Ed. R. :E.l/2. H.3d. Grammar Sch., B. 1 143 Id. Rate 3,967 *High School, G. 1 106 Public tlem. Schs. : i L.h.A. Mining & Tech- Council . . 31 27,516 nical College, B. 1 . . Voluntary ..' 31 9,422 VP.T. Centres" '.. 4 435 Special Schools: For Deaf Children . . 1 32 LEICESTERSHIRE. For Defective* -^LEICESTER Ad.C. Children . . . . i 1 37 (Pop. 204,403) Evening Schools ,'. 14 1,780 Ed. R. : E. 6d. H. Id. *College (Ratcliffe), B. 1 80 Id. Rate =4,204 Foundation Sch. (Alder- Public Elem. Sohs. : ,,,v roan Newton's), B. .. 1 328 Council 46 i 7,392 w \(rf)*HighSch,G.(C.S.C.) 1 Voluntary 210 29,011 L.E.A. Municipal and ) Technical Sch., The J 1 Day 533$ XL UGHB OR U&H Newarke . . . . ) Evg. 1150 / N.C.B. ^Preparatory Sch. i (Est. pop. 23,500) (a}' Ed. R.: E. 1/1. H.-. Id. Rate=380 (Stoneygate), B. , . 1 () Wyggeston Sch., B. 1 *Wyggeston Sch.,Hum- 80 530 Council 5 3,482 ber stone -gate, G. 1 435 Voluntary . . 7 799 Science and Art Day Certified Efficient Sch. . . 1 12 Class 1 210 Evening Schools : Leicester Act. O. . . 56 ; 5,579 Municipal School of Art 1 j ; Dayll24$ { Evg. 483 Loughborough N.C.B. \ 6 233 \Teachers' Tmg. Centre 1 961|| t Includes Pemberton, U.D., now amalgamated with Wi^an. t Included in figures for the county. Including a large number of teachers. II Including 288 P.T.'s and Certificated Students from outside the borough. ^1 No. of P.T.'s from the Ad. County attending the County Borough Centre. EDUCATIONAL SUPPLY. 90 Education Authority and No. of No. of Education Authority and No. of i No. of Class of School. Sch s. Scholars. Class of School. Schs. Scholars LINCOLNSHIRE. % LINDSEY Ad.C. % HOLLAND Ad.U. (Pop. 206,528) ; (Pop. 61,943) Ed.R.:E.4-|d.H. . Ed. R.: E. 5|d. H. . Id. Rate=4,923 Id. Rate 1,836 E. Public Elem. Schools : Public Jilem. Schs. : Council .. 63 7,157 Council .. i;> 5,673 Voluntary .. 258 24,92-1 Voluntary . . |] l.:;is Certified Efficient Sch. . . I 18 % "BOSTON N.C.B. Evening Schools . . . . 30 (Pop. 15,667) *College, Klteqnexsi B. .. 1 20 Ed. R. : K.9|d.,H.id. *College Set'. (Magdalen), () \ Id. Rate=20Q }\' Elizabeth's), B. .. . . ; 55 *Kirton (Sir T. Middle- *H ornca stle (Queen cot's Endowed) 50 Elizabeth's), B. . . 52 * .][<2 3,669 and Market Rasen 2 Voluntary .. i:;; 10,666 Science & Art Day Classes : # / GR A NTH AM N. C. 7?. Gain thorough, Ilorncaxtle, (Pop. 17,593) Market Rasen, Louth (2) . . 5 216 / Ed.R.: E.7id. B.Jri. P.T. Centres .. .. 2 . . (a} } Id. Rate=274 [ Council Volant an/ . . 12 2.968 *GRIMSBYC.B. Certified Efficient Sob." . . 1 Evening Schools : 1 c lo (Est. pop. 70,000) f Ed. K : E. & H. 1/6. Ki'xtcvcn Ad. C. . . . . 72 1,728 Id. Rate=l,068 Grant ham N.C.B. . . 5 318 Public Elem. Schs. : i Grammar Schools . . | Council 10 . 6,698 *Corby (Read's), M 'io Voluntary 12 4,304 (r) Gram ham (King Ed- , ward VI.), B 243 ,,, } Evening Schools : 2 1 954 83 Sletiford (Carre's), B 82 L.E.A gl M e unicipal'Coi- ; Htrnnford, B ! 50 75 IS lege : Wintringham Secondary Day Sch., M. S(5hool of Art . . 1 .'( 666+ Day 50 Eve-. 100 (d) High Sch., Stamford, G. 1 Sedgebrook Scb., Grant- L.E.A. Technical Institute, Grantham, M 1 96 # LINCOLN C.B. * Technical Sch., Htamford 1 i (Est. pop. 52,000) Scunce & Art Day Classes : Corbij, (.irantham, Stam- j / Ed.R.: E.l/0|. H.2id. Id. Rate=z870 ford . . . . . :; 214 (/>) < Public Elem. Schs. : P.T. Centres : Grantham 1 17 / f'd/tiicil . . 3 945 St inn ford 2 15 \ Voluntary .. 16 7,099 t Closed for the present. % Including P.T.s. 100 EDUCATIONAL SUPPLY. Education Authority and No of No. of Education Authority and No. of No. of Class of School. Sc is. Scholars. Class of School. Schs. j Scholars. Higher Elem. Sch. . 1 251 Evening Schools . 10 655 (rf) High School, G { (Christ's Hospital) . ! 1 182$ Grammar School, B. . 1 130$ Haggerston ..ffi*^ Hammersmith fej^ Hampstead .. ^Li/ 9 3 11 11 6 Q 8,393 1,389 11,557 3,885 3,256 1 vi'M (/>) > L.E.A. Municipal Tech- ' O L ,1 T ' L t) -OO nical Day School, B. . . 1 146 Holborn.. .. r''/'Lv/' 11 4' 082 Sfliool of Art P. T. Centres Training Coll. (Res.), W. 1 f Day 67 1 I.Evg.103 3 141 1 107 Council . Hoxton.. .. ntmtmj Islington, E. .. 'ft^ 8 ' 6,993 3 1 1.3HO 11 10,171 4 1,925 67 491 LONDON. Islington, N. .. ?X'Ly t . I - 1 3 i 1,246 , i q -i ,'/- H LONDON Ad. C. (Pop. 4,536,541) Islington, S. .. j!SU : o, 1 00 .'. 2,308 Ed. R. : E. & H. 1/6. Id. Rate = 162,594 fPublic Elementary Schs. : - Divisions / /> - 7 Battersea i-lggg^ 2 13,930 7 2,533 Islington, W. ..' S/ m -;; Kennington .. f^',; Kensington, N. ^J*^- / 5 6 10 I }OO* 2,445 6,385 4,538 8,207 4,228 Bermondsey ..\^ my V \ ' ^ Kensington, S. ^J^,;- 9 1,720 2,618 Bethnal Green, j Council . . N.E. ( Voluntary '.) 9,346 5 2,011 Lambeth, N. .. ' ^SLi' 5 10 4,212 4,182 Bethnal Green, 1 Council . . S.W. ( Voluntary 9 8,792 5 1,975 Lewisham 4*3SL 18 16 13,924 3,997 BowandBrom- \Council ... 14 i ll',822 ley (Voluntary] 4 i 1,598 Limehouse ..{?SL,' 8 6,691 1,721 Brixton . . . . j pSifcr* ' 3 2,935 9 ! 4,018 Marylebone, E. { ^ 2 10 1,161 3,360 Camberwell, N. { f^ntary 3 14,200 5 3,267 Marylebone, W.j^t,' 4 13 2,748 5,624 Chelsea ' Council .. ' ' ( Voluntary 1 3,563 12 3,364 Mile End ..Sl. y ' 4 6 3,897 3,056 City of London \ C y^ tm : y 3 1,816 9 1,546 Newington,W. ! ^^,' 6 5 5,983 2,710 dapham ^{^ZLry 14 13,002 9 3,178 Norwood .. ' 7 '-;;^,. y - 8 7 7,807 2,025 Deptford -\foluntary 13 11,901 3 1,285 Paddington, N. ^l,;; 4 13 3,737 7,045 Dulwich.. ..\%!XS^' 7 6,430 3 794 Paddington, S. ^|^- 1 9 1,382 3,706 Finsbury.C. ..{$, 8 6,779 3 1,164 Peckham . . j ,.;; 11 4 11,545 2,115 Finsbury,E. ..{S^/! f> 4,326 5 1,796 Poplar.. ..%&; 11 9 8,264 4,057 Fulham . . . . j ( y' t \l^} m : ' 17 20,110 5 1,638 Eotherhithe .. %*& 8 12 6,890 3,950 Greenwich .: { SJ 15 13,460 8 3,271 St. George, j Council . Hanover Sq. 1 Voluntary 1 11 650 3,816 Hackney, C. A^Ly 5 4,725 5 1,515 St. George-in- i Council . . the-East 1 Voluntary 7 3 6,269 1,710 (i 7 07 i C*f\>i/', s>'> 7 ff 4 OQQ Hackney, N. : \Voluntary <,d<.) 5 1,663 St. Pancras, E. [%S,# o 7 Tijoyo 3,373 Hackney, S. ..\fL^- 13 14,964 6 2,232 St. Pancras, N. '^^ 5 6 4,752 1,811 t There are a number of Schs. which figure in the L.C.C. official returns as " Higher Grade " Schs. These Schs. work under the Code of Regulations for Public Elem. Schs., but it has been thought advisable not to include them here. A separate lut of such Schs., together with the number of children in average attendance is given below. A list of Higher Elementary Schs. is also given below, and they are therefore not included here. The same remark applies to "Special" Schs. for Blind, Deaf, and Defective Children. This list includes only those Schs. which are maintained by the L.C.C. Particulars of other Efficient Schs. will be found below. Including P.Ts. 1 The particulars relating to Schools or Institutions aided or maintained by the L.C.C. have beep extracted from the latest returns published by that body. EDUCATIONAL SUPPLY. 101 Education Authority and Class of School. No. of Scbs. No. of Scholars. Education Authority and Class of School. No. of Schs. No. of Scholars. St.Pancras,S. },.;; 2,958 2,233 Hacbney (N. Div.), Old- field-road (c) . . 1,422 St.Pancras,W. ^Ly 6 ,> 4,871 2,587 Hackney (ft. Div.), Cass- land-i-oad 397 Southwark, W. [ V^"/^,; ' i 6,724 3,632 Hampstead, Fleet -road (d) Iloxton, St. Jolm's-rd. (c) 1,502 1,397 1 Council 8 8,440 Islington (N. Div.), Dun- itepney , . -^ ]' ( ^ int f flr y ,') 3,023 coinbe-road, B. 530 Strand lo/nto/ 2 1,171 ^ Islington (N. Div.), Mon- " 1 Voluntary Walworth .'.{gSSSk- 7 8 6 2,626 7,813 2,696 tem-street, G. (d) Islington (N. Div.), Upper Hornsey-road (c) 1,029 1,314 Wandswo'th \ Council .. 27 20,670 - Islington (S. Div.), Offord- ' ' 1 I'nlnntctry 20 6,735 road . 4 351 _ , . , | Con /I r'll 3 1,756 Kennington, S. Lambeth- ' ' | I'ohottiii'tf 11 4,419 road (d) . . 1,444 Whitechapel ..(^^ 8 14 6,705 10,263 Lewisham, Brownliill-rd. (not yet opened) TTT i - -L j Council . , 23 16,687 ^Limehonse, Thomas-st., *" I J^O/tfJ/ff/)'// 8 3,098 G. (/) 949 Marylcbone ( TF.Div.), Cap- fHighor Grade Council land-street, G. (c) tt 904 Schools : 49 New'mg ton (W. Dir.), Battersea, Surrey -lane (c) Bcrmondsey, Monnow- 1,450 Beresford- street (e) Paddington(N.Div.), Beet- 1,045 road (d) 1,361 hoven-street (c) 1,052 Bethnal Green (8. W.Div.), Paddington(N.Div.), Kil- Man sford- street (d) . . Bethnal Green (N.E. Div.), 1,467 bum-lane (c) Peckham, Colls-rd., G. (e) 1,295 1,005 Portman-place (d) Bow $ Bromley, Malmes- 1,697 Poplar, Glengall-rd. (c) . . Bother hithe, Keeton's- 1,198 bury-road (d) . . 1,404 road (c) 1,356 Brirton, Hackford-rd. (c) 1,108 Rotherhithe, Rolherhitho C * Greenwich, Blackheath- road, Dalston (d) 1,109 road, B. (g) 583 Hackney (C.Div.), Wilton - Hackney ($. Div.), Mill- road (c) . . 1,350 fields-road (d) 1,115 t These Scbs. work under the Code of Begulatfons for Elem. Schs., and are' for both boys and girls unless otherwise stated. The i-.umber in average attendance given is the number of children attending throughout the school, thoueh (as shown by footnotes) in addition to the department recognised by the L.U.C. as " Higher Grade " there is generally a junior dept., &c. (c) There is also an Infants' Dept. (rf) There is also a Jun. and an Infants' Dept. (e) There is also a Roys' and an Infants' Dept. (/) There is also a Girls' and an Infants' Dett. (g) There is also a Jun. Uept. The Girls' Dept. is a Higher Gr^de Sch. The Boys' Dept. is a Higher Elem. Sen. 102 EDUCATIONAL SUPPLY. Education Authority and No. of Class of School. Schs. No. of Scholars. Education Authority and No. of No. of Class of School. Schs. Scholars. Islington (N. Dir.}, Mon- Housewifery Centres: _B- tem-street, B. (i/c/, (6), Marylebone, W., Mile End, Netcington. W. Newington, W., Nor- (2), Norwood (2), Pr7- wood (2), 'Paddington, N. (2), Paddi)u/ton, A'., dinqton, J\ r .(2), Padding- ton, S., Peckham (6), Peckham (7), Poplar (5), Popfor (4), Rotherhithe Rotherhithe (5), /S'^. (2), /S^. George-in-the- Georae-in-the-East (2), East (2), ' A%. George, ^<. George, Hanover -sq., Hanover -sq., St. Pan- St. Pancras, E. (2), . cras, E., St. Pancras, N., Pancras, N. (2), $. Pa;?- St. Pancras, W. (2), c-r^.v, >S'., /S7. Pancras, Jr. Southwark, W. (2), tffcp- (2), South work, W. (4), Stfpney (4), Strand, Wal- worth (4), W^aridswortJi /^>y (2), Strand, Walworth (2), Wands worth (8), Westminster, Woolwich (8), Wes' minster, White- (10) '143 rlv pel (1\ Woolwich (10) , 185 (Also 20 Proj. Centres) (Also 9 Projected Centres) (r/) There is also a .Tun. Dept. The Girls' Dept. is a Higher Grade Sch. || Other Efficient Schs. not maintained by L.E.A. f23 of these (+ 4 projected) are combined Centres, used alternately for Cookery and Laundry purposes. N.B. In the following lists of Ccokf ry, Housewifery. Laundry work, Manual Training, andMetalwork Centres, Truant, Industrial, Special, and Evening Schs., "where no number is given after the name of the district there is one Sch. only. The initials following the names of districts (C., N., N.W., S., S.W., &c.) refer to the Electoral Division of the district in which the Sch. is situated, and not to the postal address. EDUCATIONAL SUPPLY. 103 Education Authority and No. of No. of Class of School. Scha. Scholars. Education Authority and Class of School. No. of Schs. No. of Scholars. Manual Training Centres : (Woodwork) Jtrttcrs,-ii mondsey (3), Bet final Green N.E. (2), Bethnal (5), Bermondsey (5) , Beth - Green S. W. (2), Bow and nal Green, N.E. (3), Bromley, Brixton (3), (.'um- Bethnal Green, S. W. (2), ber well, Chelsea (2), (Jln/>- Bow and Bromley (.)), ham, Deptford, Dulwich, Brixton (2), Camberwell, Finsbnry G., Finsbnry E., N. (6), Chelsea (3), Clap- Ftdham(5), Greenuich (2), ham (5), Deptford (6), Dulwich (4), Finsbnry, G. Hackney C., Hackney N. (2), Hackney S. (3), 7/^y- .- (2), Fimbury, E., Fal- gerston, Hammersmith, ham (8), Greenwich (8), Hampstead, Holborn, Hus- Hackney, C. (5), Hack- ton, Islington E. (2), Is- ney, N. (4), Hackney, lington N., Kennington S. (5), Hctggtrsfon,Ham- (2), Ktndngtoti N. (2), iiiersmith t2), Ha,n> pstead Lewisham, Lime house, (2), Holborn (3), Hoxton Marylebone W., Mile End, (3), Islington, N. (4),' Norwood, Paddington S., Islington, S. (2), Isling- ton, 'E. (3), Islington, W. Peckham (2), Poplar (2), St.Gcorge-in - the -East' ('2} , (3), Kennington (4), Kensington, N. (3), Al-w- St. Pancras E. (2), St. Pancras N., St. Pancras S., sington, S., Lambeth, N., Sonthwark W., Stepney Lewisham (7), Linieho>isc (<;), Waliaorth, Wands- (3), Marylebone ($),New- worth (6), Westminster, ington, W. (3), borwood Whitechapel, Woolwich (2) 75 3,930 (3), Padding ton, N. (5), (Also 5 Projected Schs.) Prek/tam (7), 7'w/^rt/ 1 (3), For Physically Def. Chil- Jtotherhithe (3), n- wieh, Hackney 6'., Ilam- E., (2), ,%. Pancras, W. mersntith, Islington M., (2), Sowthwark. W., (4), Stepney (4), Walworth I.nnehoiise, Paddington X. , Poplar, St. Pancras >S'., St. (2), Wandsworth (8), - Pancras jr. (2), Wands- Westminster (2), iriiite- ivt,rth, U'hiteelifjel 17 962 cnapel (2), Woolwich (12) till (Also 21 Proj. Centres) (Also 2 Projected Schs.) For Deaf Children: Hat- Metal work : Batter sea, ter sea, Bermondsey, Beth- Chelsea, Claph-am, Gn-en- nal Green S. W., Claphatn, n'ieh, LimehoKsc, Maryfe- Deptford, Finsbnry ('., bonc, W., St.Pancras, E., Fnlham, Hackney S., Woolwich . . . . . . 8 Limchouse, Marylebone 11 '. , (Alto 3 Projec ed Centres) Woolw'u-h, \Ancrley 12 572 Truant Scbs. -.Highbury (Also 2 Projected Schs.) and Homerton .' .. 2 28!) Evening Schs. for Deal' Industrial Schs: Ckipham, Children: Batterxea, /It r- \Feltham, ^Grays, Msle- mondsey, Bethnal Grt-cn worth, ^ May ford, "fl'ort- slade li 844 S. //'., 'Deptford, Finsbnry ('. (2), Il'arkuHj S. (2), Day Industrial Schs. : L'nnchouse, Marylebone If '., Drttry Lane, Nine Elms, ^. I'nnrras W 11 Poplar :> 128 Evening- Science, Art, and Speriid Schs.: Commercial Centres : For Blind Chilrlivn:- AV//- Battrrsw (2), Jtermondsey tt.i\-,ni, Camberwell X., (2), Bow and Hrnmley, Clit/ihain, Jlliekncy S., Jlri.cfon, ( 'amberwett, Chel- llaeloiey C., Kensington X., Norwood, St. George- sea, ('hiplt(Vj)i, Deptford, Finsbnry, Fnlhani (2), in-the-East, St. Pancras Greenwich (2), Hackney W., Woolwich .. ..' 10 271 C. (2), Huckvtty S., Isling- For Mentally Dot. Chil- ton JV"., Islington S., I\en- dren : Battcrscc, Ber- t These Schools, though maintained by the L.C.C., are outside th<: area of the Authority. 104 EDUCATIONAL SUPPLY. Education Authority and Class of School. No. of No. of Schs. Scholars. Education Authority and Class of School. No. of Schs. No. of Scholars. -it Ing ton, Lewi-sham (2), Limehouse, Marylebone, (d) *City of London School, Victoria Embankment, G 1 Norwood, Padding ton N., *City Sch., Westminster, B. 1 600 Peckham (2), St. George's *Clapham School, B. 1 90 (Hanover - square}, St. (d} Coborn School, Bow-rd., Paiicras E $t- Pancras E G 1 320 N., Stepney, Woolwich . . 31 ' Colleges : 29 Evening Continuation * Blackheath (Christ's), B. *63 Schs. : * Brixton (St. John's), M. , . 175 Battersea (5), Bermondsey *Brockley (St. Peter's), B. 36 (5), Bethnal Green (13), *Brondesbury, B . . .. Bow and Bromley (9), I * Camden-road (Hillmar - Brixton (5), Camber well ten),B 100 (7), Chelsea (3), City of London (4), Clapham (10), *Catford (St. Dunstan's), B. 440 Dep'ford (8) t Dulu>ich (6), Finsbury (8). Fulham (8), * Ch ancery- lane (Birkbeck) (Day and Evg. Univ. Greenwich (8), Hackney Classes, &c.) (27), Haggerston (3), Hammersmith (8)iHamp- Chelsea (St. Mark's), B... * Chelsea (Whitelands), G. 300 stead (3), Holborn (3), * Clapham R.C., B. ioo Hoxton (7), Islington (20), * Crowndale - road, N. W. Kennington (5), Kensing- ton (6), Lambeth (2), (Working Men's) (c^Dulwich^. (non-local) 680 Lewisham (9), Limehotcse * Forest Hill (Stafford), B. . . 142 (8), Marylebone (4), Jfife (c) *Gowtr-street, W.C. _EW^ (2), Newington (4), (Univ. Coll. School), B. 380 Norwood (4), Padding ton * Kensington (St. Charles' (6), Peckham (6), Pojpfor R.C.), B (14), Eotherhithe (7), tf*. * Lambeth (Morley Memo- George-in-the-East (7), rial) (evg. classes) . . 700 fl*. Pancras (11), &w*/*- Lewisham (St. Dunstan's). w (6), Stepney (6), B. 320 tfftwirf (3), WalworLh (4), Mile End-road (E. Lon- Wandsworth (15), JFham Hill (Moiit- Ave Maria Sch., 7F* 5t//, rose), B G 1 ; 101 *S!rea'ham,R 65 *Balham School, B. 1 115 (r) * Westminster School (P) Blackheath School, B. 1 66 (St. Peter's Coll.), B. Burlington School, 7F4 tt 212, Ham mersmi th - road *Hampstead, 7, Savernake- (Sacred Heart), G. .. St. Pancras, Clarendon- 45 road (Victoria), G. (d}*S. Hampstead, Mares- xi li< are G. 63 Jield-ffdm.,G.(G.P.'D.8.') ff St. PancrdSj H if/ h gate- road, G. . . Southwark, St. George's- road (Notre Dame High - 81 Hammersmith (R.C.) .. (a) * Highbury, 6, Canon- - bury-pl., G. (G.P.D.S.) (d} * Ken sing ton, St. .. 55 School), G. .. 71 Alb an 's- ro ad, G. Coopers' Co.'s Sch., Bow B. 'i 450 (G.P.D.S.) tt Datchelor Sch., Cuinberwell- (d}* Kensington Park, 21, (jrore, G. i 500 Colville-square, G. 'Emmanuel Sch., Wainh- (C.S.C.).. 81 worth Common, B. i 365 (d) *Maryltbone (Ch. of *Forest Hill House Sch., B. i 100 Eng.), 6, Upper Baker- Foundation Schools : 5 street, G. 188 Finx/itti-y (Central), B. . . . 650 (d) *Xottinti Hi1l,Xwland- Stepney, Cfinnon-xt-rei't- xqiiiire, G. (G.P.D.S.).. 320 rtww* (Raines'), B. 148 *Paddinaton, B 30 Ste/Hit-i/, Ctinnon-street- (d) *Paddington $ Maida road (Rnines'), G. . . no Vale, Elgin- avenue. G. Stepney, Whiteohapel- (G.P.D.S.) . . ace. 250 road, B 168 Poplar (Howrah House Stepney, Spiral - square B.C.), E. India Dock- (Central), G 135 road, G , , 140 * Freemen's Sch., Brixton, (d}*E. Putney, 18, Carl- M 1 165 ton-road, G. (G.P.D.S.) , , 193 George Greens Sch., Pop- * Putney (Cromwell), B. . . > t 40 la,'; D. .. .. .. 1 300 Strand, Charing Cross-rd. ''Goldsmiths' Institute, R~eiv (St. Martin's), G. % t 85 Cross 1 (d) *Streatham, 88, High- Grammar Schools : 11 rd., S.W., G. (C.S.C.) >0 120 Aldwych, St. Clement (d}*Streatham Hill, Panes, B. . . Wa ver tree-road, G. I'mttnwt. St. Joint* x Hill, (G.P.D.S.) t m 350 B. 270 (fT) *Stroud Green, Albany - *Brockky (West Kent), B. *Dulwieh, (Wilson's) . . 90 road, G. (C.S.C.) (d) *Sydenham, West Hill, 123 Kilburn, B. . . G. (G.P.D.S.) .. . . 250 *Lewishai, G * Upper Tootina, B. & G. . 305 * Lncisham (Colfe's), B.. . 290 *Highbury Hill House Sch., *St. Marykbone, B. 89 G 1 t f * Stoke Ncwington, B. 55 *Highbury Park Sch., B. . . 1 75 * Strand, 16, Houqhto-tt- (c) *Highgate Sch., B. 1 310 st. (Holborn Estate), 15. t 580 *Holborn Estate Sch., 19, *Strcatham, B 170 Houghton-st., Strand, G. 1 *Greet;coat Sch., Camber - Home and Colonial Society s well Green . . 1 Sch., Islington, G. 1 51 *Grcycoat Sch., Westmin- * James Allen Sch., E. ster, G. 1 , 4 Duluicli-f/rGre, G. 1 , e *Grocers' Sch., Hackney Kennington Sch. for Girls, Downs, B 1 390 Halxntcrc-road 1 156 High Schools : . . 24 L.C.C. Kingsland Secondary (c/) * Blui'h'Ji I'ntJi , W< myss- Sch., G 1 . , road, G. (G.P.D.S.) .. 500 Lady Holies Sch., Hackney. * Bromley, Elmfield-rd., G. G 1 123 106 EDUCATIONAL SUPPLY. Education Authority and Class of School. No. of Schs. No. of Scholars. L Education Authority and Class of School. No. of Schs. No. of Scholars. Latymer Upper Sch., Ham- mer smith, B. 530 A\ Kensington (St. Paul's), B 400 Latymer Upper Seh., Ham- Notting Hill Gate (Lin- mersmith, G. 1 519 ton House) B. *Lewisham Park Sch., B.. . 1 35 Mnida Yale (Warwick *Licensed Victuallers' Sch., House) . . . . Lambeth, B 1 97 Portman - square (13, *Licensed Victuallers' Sch., Somerset-street), B. . . Lambeth, G. 1 Streatham,~E> 30 *'Linton House Sch., Not ting S. Norwood Hill (Holme) ! .'[ Hill Gate, G. . . 1 St/denham (Hall) *Manor House Sch., Clap- *Priory House Sch., I'pper ham, B 1 100 Clapton, B. 1 60 *Mercers' Sch., Barnard's (d)*Queenswood Sch., Clap- ' Inn E C B 1 300 ham Park, G 1 (c)*Mercnant Taylors' Sch!,' Charterhouse - square, B. Roan Sch., Greenwich, B. Roan Sch., Greenwich, G. 1 1 370 180 (non-local) 1 450 *Royal Masonic Institu- *Memorial Institute, Gos- tion, Battersea, G. 1 wcll-road, Finsbury 1 * (c) Royal Naval Sch. (Elt- *Modern Seh., Stoke Neio- ham College), B. 1 96 ington, B 1 88 *Royal Botanic Society's Owen's Seh., Isliiigttn, B. . . 1 450 Practical Gardening Sch., *0een's Sch., Owen's-st., Botanio Gardens .. 1 E.O.,J$. 1 (c) *St. OUve's and St. *0wen's Sch., Owen's-row, Saviour's, To wer Bridge, B . 1 450 E.C., G. 1 *St. Martin's House Sch., Parmiter's Seh., Bcthnal Stamford If iff, B. 1 60 Green, B. . . 1 300 ( 100 (Est. pop. 43,500) Other Evening Schools. . 8 438 Ed. R. : B. 1/7 H. . *Burlington House School, Id. Rate 913 Hampton Hill, B. 1 14 Council 6 6,428 *Castle Hill School, Voluntary . . 2 797 Eating t B. 1 103 *Cedars School, The, Special Schools for Deaf Eating, B. 1 80 Children : Colleges: 4 (a) Eating, Enfield and Tottenham .. .. 3 60 (d) * Eating (Princess Helena), G Special Schools for Defect- L.E.A. Knchlfy(ebnst's) ive Children : (The Finchley County (a) Willesden (2), Hil- Sch.), B. 175 linydon East .. . . 1 3 ace. Ill *Finsbury-park, B. 30 Higher Elementary Council * Tottenham (St. Ignatius) Schools . '' High-road B. . . 136 (a) Finchley 220 *Cominercial Travellers' (a) Hornsey . . . . . . 295 School, Puincr. B. 1 | 200 Evnine: Soh'ols : - || County School, Acton, B. . . 1 : 171 t One school, av. att. 117, though in receipt of Government Grants, is not maintained by the L.E.A. J One school, av. att. 64, though in receipt of Government Grants, is i ot maintained by the L.B.A. A Council School (ace. 1,150) has just been opened. It is not yet possible to give the number of children in av. att., or to state the effect on the attendance at the Voluntary Schools. || The L.E.A. have adopted the following form of organisation: Around certain schools they have grouped other Evening Schools, which lead up to the central school. The names of the central schools are given, together with the numbers of contributory schools. Thirteen of these schools commenced this session, and it is therefore not possible to include the students attending those B3hools in the total number in attendance. EDUCATIONAL SUPPLY. 109 Education Authority and Class of School. No. o! No. of Schs. Scholars Education Authority and Class of School. No. of Schs. No. of Scholars County School, Iskworth, B. 1 135 92, Stamford-hill (St. L.E.A. County School, Martin's House), 60 B.. . 5 High-rd., Tottenham, M. 1 237 *St. Margaret's School, L.E.A. Comity School, Ux- Harrow, G.f . . . . bridye, M. (to be erected) . . i Stationers' Company's *County School of Garden- School, Hornsey, B. 1 368 ing, Pyme's - park, *Technical Institutes. : Upper Edmonton. . 1 Brentford, B r a m 1 e y ^Drapers' School, Totten- House, The Butts (150), ham, G 1 180 Ealmg, The Hall (558), Grammar Schools : 6 Finchley 3 *aliny,B. '.. 160 *Technical School, Harrow 1 s> Enfiela, B 165 *Tollington School, Toll- *Eriern Barnet, B. 60 inqion-park and Muswell Hampton, B 193 - Hill, B 1 430 *Kilburn, B 131 Science and Art Day ^Tottenham, B 155 Classes: BrondesburyQ}, * Grove House School, Edmonton, Enneld,Finch- Highgate, B. 1 55 le]/\ Hampton, Harrow, Haberdashers', Aske's Heston and Islcworth, School, Acton, G. 1 450 Pinner, Tottenham (4) . . 13 963 *Harringay School, Horn- Schools of Art : Chiswick sey, B 1 50 (180), Ealing(lW),Horn- *Harringay Park School, Crouch End, N 1 j 26 6-^(266), Tottenham (117)' P.T. Centres : 4 563 .(c)* Harrow Public School Middlesex Ad.C. (Houn- (non-local), B. .. 1 577 slow (136), Uxbridge *Highbury Park School, B. *Highgate School, B. 1 75 1 300 (24)) .. Enfidd U.D. 2 1 160 76 High Schools : . . 5 Chiswick U.D. 1 115 Brondesbury and Kilburn, linchley U.D. 1 44 G 246 T-ttenham U.D. 2 186 * Harrow, G.f . . . . Willesden U.D. 1 119 *Stroud Green, G.f Training Colleges : 3 . . *Stroud Green $ Hornsey^ Isleicorth (Borough-rd ), (d) Tottenham, High Men, Res 144 Cross, G. . . 207 Tottenham, W., Res. . . 115 * Isle worth Green School, G. 1 93 Wo<>d Green (Home and *Latymer's School, Lower Colonial), W., Res. .. . , 200 Edmonton, B 1 72 Lower School of John NORFOLK. Lyon, Harrow, B. 1 166 ^NORFOLK Ad. C. (e) *Mill Hill School (non- (Pop. 293,216) local), B 1 245 Ed. R. : E. 8d. H. Id. *Orley Farm School, Har- Id. Rate 5,782 B row, B. 1 j 56 Public Elementary Sche. : *0xford House Sch.,High- gatc, B 1 70 Council Voluntary . . 181 I 314) 54,906j L.E.A. Polytechnics: . . 4 /* KING'S LYW Acton and Chiawick (tech. N.C.B. classes, &c., only) . . (Pop. 20,288) 1 [imnxlow 130 (a) ( Ed. R. : E. 5d. H. . Tottenham^. (seeComity Id. Rate=346. Sc-h.) Cn/nicil 1 135 Willwdi-n Voluntary 7 3,060 ^Preparatory Schools : Certified Efficient Sch. . . 1 $ Baling (Harrow View), Evening Schools : Enfitid elm*' (South \rn-folk Ad.C 111 2,840 Lodge), Kf n it more (Stan- A'z/^/'.v Lift/it- ^J'.H. 1 360 more-park), / 'otter's Bar All ' Hallows School, (Norttiaw Place), 40 B., l)itchui(jham .. 1 t Private schools recognised by the L.E.A. J Including one certified efficient school. included above. 110 EDUCATIONAL SUPPLY. Education Authority and Class of School. No. of No. of Sens. Scholars. Education Authority and Class of School. No. of Schs. No. of Scholars. ^College (Saham), Watton, / *Cookery and Domestic B 1 26 Economy School ^College (Rhjanwa), Hun- (Norfolk & Norwich) 1 stanton . . . . . . 1 L. E.A. Municipal *Coajmercial School, Red- Secondary Sch., Duke- denhall, near Har lesion, ! street, Dual . . 1 578 B 1 41 *(d} High School for *Elms Sch.,JV. Walshain,G. , 1 Girls, G.P.D.S. 1 214 Grammar Schools: .. 11 *(c) King Edward VI. *Banham . . . . . . \ 44 Grammar School, B. 1 97 * T)f>rfhfii (ft) ^ *King Edward VI. *Hingham, B 22 , Middle School, B. 1 290 King's Lynn, (King Technical Institute Edward VII.), B. .... 104 (Municipal) . . 1 555 North Walsham (Paston), B. 84 School of Art l{ Day 106 Evg.278 *8ncttisham (Hall's), K 50 Art Day Classes 3 106 &ttw$7i/- (hni'tle (SirW. Laxton's .. 87 borough, Men (Res.) . . ! 1 52 Towcexter, B. . . . . . 30 WelUnaborouah, B. 320 *(r) Oundle School, B. . 'i 234 NORTHUMBERLAND. ^Technical Institute % NORTHUMBERLAND ' Wellinqborouqh .. i 500 Ad.C. Science "and "Art Day (Est. pop. 296,728) Classes : Ed. R. : E.Sgd.H. fd. Daventry, fettering 2 77 Id. Rate=7,9UO P.T. Centres, Welling boro\ Public Elementary Schs. : W/if.farina . ) 182 Council 86 ' 9,i.is9 Voluntary 195 25,158 % NORTHAMPTON C.B. -. , BERWICK- ON- (Est. pop. 91,000) f Ed. R. : E.l/4J.H.ld. 1 . TWEED N.C.B. (Pop. 13,437) Id. Rat>=l,514 ; Ed. R. : E. lOd. H.Jd. Public Eleji. Schs. : Id. Rte=244 Council 10 8,109 Council 3 381 Voluntary 14 6,112 (a) ' Voluntary 8 1,701 Evening Schools 4 989 i # WA L L8EXD N. C.B. Convent Boardiag Sch., (Est. pop. 20,647) (*) ' Abinc/ton-street, G. . . 1 37 Ed. R. : E.l/S.H.ld. *(d) High School, G. Id. Rate=JB395 (C.S.C.) 1 120 Council .. 4 4,239 Modern and Technical Voluntary 2 960 School (Northampton Certified Efficient Schools. . 2 47 and County), B. 1 170 Special School for Blind School of Art . . Day 12 Evjj.102 Children Evening Schools : 1 71 ^Boro' P.T. Centre 94 Northumberland A!C- N E W C A S T L E - N - Id. Rate=5,462 TYNE C.B. (Est. pop. 264,511) Public Elementary Schs. : Council . . i 59 20,795 /E^.R.:E.l/Oi^. H.-/ -d. Voluntary .. 171 i 21,410 Id. Hate = 5,840 X EAST RETFORD Public Elem. Schs. : N.C.B. Council 33 31,138 (Pop. 12,340) Voluntary '2'2 12,770 Ed.R.: E. 8d.+ H. . *Private Elem. Schools 6 150 Id. Raterr2lO Special School for Deaf . Council . . 1 ,">7 1 Children .. .. 1 ; 141 rl>t)it ',13 (*)< ^Endowed Sch. (Allan's) Voluntary .. 5 2062 G 1 1(17 Certified Efficient School . . 1 28 Grammar Schools : ') Evening Schools : The Royal, B. 273 Notts Ad. C. .. .. 64 '> 419 St. Cuthbert's, B. 146 E. Retford N.C.B. .. 3 129 High Schools : 2 Mansfield N.C.B. 160 (d) Central Newcastle, Newark N.C.1L .. .. 2 194 G., G.P.D.S. 165 * College (St. Cuthbert's), (d) Newcastle, G., Worksop 1 200 c.s.c . . . 145 Grammar Schools : . . 6 *Modern School, B. 1 150 Mansfield (Queen Eliza- *St. Anne's School, G... . 1 90 beth's), B 99 *Private Secondary Schs. 20 823 Mansfield (Queen Eliza- Science and Art Day beth's), G 88 Classes 6 697 Newark (Magnus), B. .. .. 90 ( Day 172 Retford (King Edward Schools of Art 2' Evg.329 VI.), B 120 I .Both 93 * Southwell (Minister), B. i . . 52 P.T. Centre 1 j 234 * Tuxford (Read's), B. .. ! .. 18 Training Colleges : 2 *High School, Retford, G. 1 Res., W. . . Technical Schools : . . 3 \ Day, Men or W. !! ieo Manxficld (Brunt's Sec. School), M 1 ... 157 * Hurl-mil Torkard ..' -&TYNEMOUTH C.B. * Worksop (Est. pop. 64,138) / Ed.R.: E. 1/51. H.2d. Id. Rate 926 Schools of Art, Mansfield | and Ncwarlv . . . . " j Day *45 Evg.197 Both 77 Public Elena. Sons. : Science and Art Day Council 9 5,435 Classes :E. Retford (2), ) Voluntary . . (1} ~] Evening School S 2,598 1 382f Mansfield (3), Nmark, HoHthtrell, Tuxforrf, W. L.E.A. Municipal Sec. Bridgford .. .. 9 459 Sch.,Dual .. .. i 1 231 P.T. Centres: *Tynemouth Sch. 1 Hitcknal Torkard . . 1 91 ^P.T. Centre 1 74 t There are also 2 Evening Continuation Schs. Number of Pupils not given. J The Elem. Ed. Rate is 8d. in'one part, and lOd. in two other parts of the Boro.' EDUCATIONAL SUPPLY. 113 Education Authority and N Class of School. S< X Of 1 No. Of jhs. Scholars. Education Authority and No. of No. of Class of School. Schs. Scholars. MamficU N.C.li. 2 90 Public Elementary Schs. : Newark N.C.B. . . 1 120 Cotr licit 31- 3,221 Eetf or d N.C.B 1 I'ohotttiry .. 202 20,833 P.t. Centres attached to % i BANBl 'R 1 ' N. C.B. Sec. Schools .. H (Pop. 12,968) f J Ed.R.: E.l/5. H. Id. # NOTTINGHAM C.B. W, Id. Rate = 220 (Est. pop. 248,811) Council 2 696 . Ed. R. : E.l/5. H. 2?d. Voluntary ... 4 1,733 ' Id. Rate=4,340 Certified Efficient Schools. . 2 23 Puhlic Elem. Schs. :- Evening Schools : Council .. 17 25,714 Oxford- Ad.C. .. ..43 914 Voluntary .. 32 11,566 Banbury N.C.B. .. 1 42 Special Schools for DC- \ -*A11 Saints' School, Blox- fective Children 10.) ham, B*. 1 R". Special Schools/^- Jiflittt *Ark House $ch.,-Bfmtrr//, Children 1 25 B. .. .. .. '.. 1 43 Special Schools //- Deaf * Collegiate School, Hcnleu, , Mutes 1 25 B 1 u Evening- Schools .... 11 4,25:5 *Friends' Sch., Xibford, B. 1 ID * Avenue (The) School. . 1 31 Grammar Schools : 4 *Brincliffe School 1 54 Bur ford, B. 80 *Broadgate School, D.. I 70 * Henley (Royal), B 61 *Clinton House School. 1 26 Thnmc (Lord Williams'), *Convent School (Sa< -rod B 68 Heart) . . 1 M Witney (Grammar and : Klin Bank School . . 1 5i ; Technical), M ; .. 55 *Grosvenor House Sch., L.E.A. Municipal School, . B. 1 63 Jtanburtj) M. . . . . 1 i 150 (6-) *High School, B. . . (W) *High School, G., 1 : 310 *(rf) Queen Anne's School, j Caversham, Q ; 1 ' 150 (/>) G.P.D.S 1 255 *Remenham- place School, * Holly girt School 1 70 Henley, B 1 30 *Preparatory School * Secondary School, Wood- (Mountford House) . . 1 37 stock 1 *Laurels (The) School I 58 Preparatory Sch. (Cothill *Noel-street (47) School 1 9 House), Cothill .. 1 . . L E.A. Secondary Sch. *Technical Schools : (Mundella),M. 1 393 Chipping Norton (Insti- L.E.A. Secondary Sch. tute), Henley -on- Thames, (High Pavement), M. 1 634 Xtreple Axton (Dr. Rad- * Slier wood Rise School \ 1 34 cliffe's) 3 *Waverley School 1 34 Science and Art Day Class, * Western House School '< 1 93 Sibford Ferris 1 37 * West Hill School .. i *Whitville School 1 21 I 52 School of Art, Bunbury . . ! Day 18 Evg. 36 * University College (IK >ri- Training College : local) 1 Culham, Men (Res.) i 100 Science and Art Day Classes 2 240 ( Dav :::!S ^OXFORD C.B. (Est. pop. 50 000) School of Art .. 1 Evg. 227 / Ed.R. : E.& H. 10. f Both 85 Id. Ratenz 1,500 P.T. Centres .. 2 250 Public Elem Schs. : Training- College, Day, Council 3 1,072 .Men 64, W. 80 . . . 1 144 Vohinfartf 22 7,118 / n J Special Sch. for 'Dcfec- W \ five Children . . 1 ace, K) OXFORDSHIRE. Evening Schools 6 250 * OXFORD Ad v C. *Chri*t Church Cathe- (Pop. 124,156) dral Sch 1 20 Ed. R. : E. 8d. H (c)*College Sch. (Mag- Id. Rntf 2,549 \ dalen), B 1 100 114 EDUCATIONAL SUPPLY. Education Authority and Nc ). of No. of Education Authority and No. of No. of Class of School. Sc hs. Scholars. Class of School. Sch Scholars. (d) *High School, G. Certified Eflicient Schools: (G.P.D.S.) .. 1 236 S,il,, Ad. C. 3 47 (t-)*High School, B. .. 1 113 (} Shrewsbury N.C.B. 1 100 *Mdern School, B. . . 1 50 Evening Schools : (rf) *Mflham Ford Sch., Salop Ad. C . . 63 2,210 G. (C.E.C.) .. 1 Shrewsbury N.C.B. 2 416 * Preparatory Sch. (Ox- ll'ai lock N.C.B 7 121 ford), B 1 98 *Betton House School, (c~) *St.Ed ward's Sch., B. 1 110 Shrewsbury 1 40 * Summer-fields Sch., B. 1 120 Colleges:. 4 L.E.A. Technical Day Cleobury Mortimer, B. . . 'eo (J) Sch., B 1 55 *J57femm?(St. Oswald's), Oxford University (non- B 118 local) 1 * Harper Adams (Agri- Science & Art Evening cultural) 30 Classes 700 * Wellington, B 101 School of Art 1 200 Grammar Schools : 'l) P. T. Centre 1 100 Bridf/north, B. . . "so Training Colleges: *Deytheur, Oswcatry, B. . 89 , ( Res 9 7 ^ Eudlow B 60 Oxford, "VV -i 1 J-tt- . i \ Day 11 * Market Drayton 8 Oxford (Dav), Men . . 1 50 Newport (Adam's), B. .. 93 v Cher well Hall, W. .. 1 *0swes*ry, B . 80 Went, B 80 RUTLAND. Whitchurch, B 55 ^RUTLAND Ad. C. * Wor field, B. 10 (Pop. 19,709) *Hi*h Sch., Shrewsbury, G. 'i 160 Ed. R. : E. 3?d. H. . *High Sch., Shrewsbury, T$. i Id. R*te=600 *Mill Mead Prep. School, Public Elementary Schs. : Shrewsbury, B. . . i 39 Council 2 92 *Modern School, Oxicextry i '. Voluntary . . '>!) 2 777 *Preparatory Sch. (Brock - Certified Efficient Schools. . "' 82 hurst) , Church Stretton,^. i 20 Evening Schools 9 185 (c} * Shrewsbury School (c) Grammar Sch., (Arch- deacon Johnson's), Oak- (nou - local), B ^Shropshire Tech. School i 270 ham, B 1 70 for Girls, Radbrook i 30 '*HighSch., Stamford, G... 1 *Technical Schools : (c) *Uppinjrham Sch. (non Bridgnorth Shrewsbury 2 local), B.. .. 1 410 Science and Art Day P.T. Centre 1 Classes : Bridr/north, Cleobury Mortimer, O,<<- SHROPSHIRE. &-SALOP Ad. C. westry, Shrewsbury, Went Schools of Art : Cualbrook- 5 265 Day 258 (Pop. 195,522) dale, Osivestry, Shrews- ! 3 ! Evg. 270 Ed. R.: E. 6d. ; H. . bury ) i Buth 44 Id. Ra'e 5,220 P.T. Centre, Shrewsbury Public Elern. Schools : N.C.B i 76 Council U 5,775 Voluntary . . 2 18 25,014 -^SHREWSBURY N.C.B. SOMERSETSHIRE. (Pop. 28,395) SOMERSET Ad.C. Ed.R.: E. lOd.H. Id. (Pop. 348,216) Id. Rate=:562 Ed. R. : E. 5 T ^d. H.d. Council 6 2,506 Id. Rate 7,601 (a) Voluntary & WEDLOCK N. C.B. 8 2.403 Public Elementary Schs. : Council, no 16,164 (Pop 15,866) Ed. R.: E,8d. H. . Voluntary . . ' BUI DG WATER 382 ; 38,006 Id. Raterr241 ,, N.C.B. i Council ((() } (Pop. 15,209) Voluntary . . 1 5 2J69 Ed. R. : E.8d.H.|d. EDUCATIONAL SUPPLY. Education Authority and No. of No. of Class of School. Schs. ; Scholars. Education Authority aid Class of School. No. of No. of Schs. Scholars. Id. Eate=234 Council . . 2 1,684 *Preparatory School (Glen- more), Portishead, B. .. 1 30 Voluntary . . 3 891 *St. Peter's School, %TA UNTON N.C.B. Weston- super- Marc, B. 1 (Pop. 21,087) Sexey's School, Blackford, Ed. R. : 8d. H. Id. ~Wedmore,~M 1 95 Id. Rate 385 net Sexey's Trade School, (fl) Council . . If Bruton, B 1 120 Voluntary .. 11 3,010 Sidcot Friend's School, ^YEOVIL N.C.B. Winscombc,M. 1 143 (Est. pop. 11,500) i Ed. R. : E. lOd. H. . * Sunny Hill Scb.,Bniton,G. 1 40 *Taunton School, B. . . 1 300 Id. Rate=215 technical Schools : Council . . 9 2,216 Shepton Mallet, Street, Voluntary Wellington 3 .. Certified Efficient Schools. . 5 til Science and Art Day Evening Schools : Classes : Bridgwater, \ Somerset A.d. G. . . 156 3,299 Bruton, Chard, Ilminster, Bridgwater N. C.B 6 303 Shepton Mallet, Taunton Taunton N.C.B. 3 153 (2), Wells, Weston- super- Yeovil N.C.B. 2 293 Mar e . Winscombe, *Bishop Fox's School, Yeovil (2) 12 468 Taunton, G. 1 Schools of Art : Bridg- ) Day 11C Blue Sch. '(The), Wells, B. 1 '85 ^vater, Frome, Taunton, \ 4 Evg. 32C Blue Sch. (The), Wells, G. 1 87 Weston- super -Mare ..} Both 110 *Brean House School, P. T. Centres : Brutm, Weston- super -Mare 1 17 Bridgwater, Taunton, *Cathedral Grainniar Sch., Wells, Weston - super - Wells, B... 1 32 Mare, Yeovil 6 236 *Clarence School, Wcston- % BATH C.B. supcr-Mare, B 1 116 (Pop. 49,839) *Clifford School, Bccking- / Ed. R. : E.8-&d.H.ld. ton. B 1 37 Id. Rate=l,020 *Colleges : 3 Public Elem. Schs. : Clevedon . . 40 Council 4 1,544 Taunton (King's). B. .. . . 123 Voluntary 18 4,783 Taunton (Queen's), B. . . . f 130 Certified Efficient Sch.. 1 99 County School " (West Evening Schools 4 1,475 Somerset), Wellington^. 1 72 *Colleges : 2 , Endowed School (Dr. Mor- (e) Bath, B . t 114 gan's), Bnda water, B. 1 100 Prior-park (R.C.) B. 70 *Etonhurst Prep. School, L.E.A. City Secondary Weston- super- Marc. B . 1 36 Sc ol, M 1 19f Grammar Schools : 7 ^Downside (R.C.) Sch., * Chard. ?>. 48 B. .. .. 1 120 *Crewkerne . . . 45 *(d} High School, 5 and Ihninster, B. (b) ) 6, Portland-place, G. *Ilminster, G. (G.P.D.S.) .. 1 160 Lang port, B. Shepton Mallet, B. Taunton (Huish), B. 62 70 92 *King Edward's Sch., B *Kingswood Wesleyan School, B 1 1 200 189 *Hart House School, Burn- *Preparatory School ham, B I 33 (Hamilton House) 1 (d) *High School, Shrews- bury, G. (G.P.D.S.) .. 1 * (d) Royal School for Officers' Daughters . . 1 120 *High School, Yeovil. G. . . 1 Technical School, *Kiagsholnie Sch., Weston- Guildhall 1 m , suptr-Mare, B 1 60 Science and Art Day *King's School, Bruton, B. 1 65 Classes > 121 ' : Kingston Endowed School, Day I 1 .' 1 .) Yeovil I 72 School of Art 1 Evg. 119 *Monkton Combe Sch., B. 1 120 Both 18 P.T. Centre 1 107 t In course of erection. 116 EDUCATIONAL SUPPLY. Education Authority and Class of School. No. of Schs. No. of Scholars. Education Authority and Class of School. No. of Schs. No. of Scholars. STAFFORDSHIRE. /&- COSELEY U.D. 5ic STAFFS. Ad. C. f (Pop. 22,219) j (Pop. 461,993) Ed.R.: E.l/7|. H.ld. Ed. R. : E. 10M. H. d. Id. Rate=230 Id. Rate = E. 8,038 Council .. .) 2,334 H. 15,256! Voluntary 3 1,599 f Public Elementary Schs. : FENTON U.D. Council 84 28,749 (Pop. 22,742) Voluntary 288 47,469 Ed. R. : E. lid. H. Id. s% BUR8LEM N.C.B. Id. Rate 342 (Pop. 38,766) Council 3 2,469 Ed.R.: E.2/0|. H.ld. Voluntary .. 5 1,813 Id. Rate=o08 & HANDS1VORTR Council 9 5,202 U.D. Voluntary 6 2,451 (Est. pop. 65,000) * LONGTON N.C.B. Ed.R.: E. 1/3. H.ld. (Pop 35,815) Id. Rate 1,045 Ed.R.:E.l/3|.H.ld. Council .. 6 5,662 Id. Ratezn506 Voluntary .. 4 1,927 Council 4,360 ROWLEY REGIS Voluntary 6 2,933 U.D. %: NE WCAS'TLE- (Pop. 34,670) ! UNDER - LYME (a) * Ed.R.:E.l/0.H.-%d. ' N.C.B. Id. Rate=369 (Pop. 19,914) Council 11 i 6,760 Ed.R.: E. I/-. H.ld. Voluntary 1 205 Id. Rate=255 % TIPTON U.D. Council 3 2,374 (Pop. 30.543) Voluntary 2 1,091 Ed. R. : E. 1/3. H. |d. * SMETH1VICK Id. Rate=397 C.B. Council 8 4,094 (Pop. 54,539) Voluntary 4 1,653 (a) ( Ed. R.: E. 1/2. H. Id. # TUNS TALL U.D. Id. Rate=rl,OJ2 (Pop. 25,242) Council 9 10,490 Ed. R. : E. 1/4. H. Id. Voluntary 4 1,677 Id. Rater=z79 * STOKE - UPON - Council 4 2,842 TRENT N.C.B. Voluntary 5 2,402 (Est. pop. 33,000) * WOLSTANTON Ed. R.: E.l/1. H. Id. U.D. Id. Rate=442 (Est. pop. 27,930) Council 4 2,462 Ed. R. : E. 1/3. H. Jd. Voluntary 6 3,504 Id. Rat" j8?74 * WEDNESBURY Council 5 2,437 N.C.B, Voluntary 6 1,756 (Pop. 26,654) Ed.R.: E.1/3.H. |d. Id. Rate=355 Certified Efficient Scti. Special Schools for Blind & Deaf Children, () Stoke- 1 89 Council 3 1,768 on- Trent 1 126 Voluntary . . ] 8 3,467 Higher Elem. School, (a) * BILSTON U.D. Longton 1 264 (Pop. 24,034) Evening Schools: Ed R. E. 8d. H. Id. \-Staffs. Ad. C. .. 96 5,249 Id. Rate 271 Bur stem N.C.B. 3 1,069 Council . . i 2 ) ^<>- Longton N.C.B. .. 12 384 Voluntary . . 81 % CANNOCK U.D. '> ' Newcastle - under - Lyine ' N.C.B 3 566 (Pop. 23,974) ^Smethwick C.B. .. '-> 748 J Ed.R.: E. l/0.H.i-d. Stoke - upon - Trent Id. Rate 320 N.C.B 3 1 22-J Council . . 1 3,666 Wednesbury N. C.B. .. : '> 37i> Vnlit.vt.tfi.vii g 1,702 Bilslon UD .3 120t Cannock U.D ! 3 219 t Includes Stafford, N.C.B., which has relinquished its powers as an Education Authority to the County Council. J Numbers for this Session not -yet available. Smethwick became a County Borough April let, 1907. EDUCATIONAL SUPPLY. 117 Education Authority and Class of School. No. of No. of Sens. Scholars. Education Authority and No. of i No. of Class of School. Sens. Scholars. Coseley U.D 4 333 JP.T. Centres : Ft-nlon U.D. 2 510 Ad. C. (Brier In, Hill, Handsworth U.D. 4 888 Leek, and Stafford} .. 3 162 Ro vole ii Reifix U.D. 5 720 Bilston U.D 1 83 Tipton U.D 1 276 Lonyton N.C.B 1 72 TiinstaU U.D 1 297 Rowky Regis U.D. 1 24 Wolstanton U.D. .. 3 284 f Smethwic/c C.B. 1 89 *Colleges : .. .. 3 Stoke- upon- Trent N.C.B. 1 100 (c) Denstone, B i . . i 220 Handsworth U.S. .. j 2 48 Oakamoor(St. Wilfrid' b),B.; .. 104 Tettenhall, B | UBURTON-ON-TRENT C. B. Grammar Schools : .. 9 (Est. pop. nearly 51,000) Brewood, B 60 / Ed.R. : E. I/O-*. H.I id. Handsworth, B 202 Id. Rate= 1,404 *Kinver, M 36 *. Public Elementary Lichfiild (King Edward Schools : VI.), B 43 Council 15 8,446 *Rugeky, B 65 Voluntary 3 1,058 Stafford (King Edward Evening Schools 5 900 VL), B 100 (*) ; *Grammar School, B. 1 176 *Stone (Alleyne's), B. . . 50 *High School, G. . . 1 Tamworth,B 84 ^Municipal School . . 1 5 Uttoxeter (Alleyne's), B . . 50 Science and Art Day High Schools : 6 Classes 4 ; 348 (d) *Lichfield, G. Leek (Municipal), M. . . '83 103 School of Art.. 1 ( ; Day 75 1 \ Evg.100 *Leek (Church), G. . . \ P.T. Centre . . 1 90 Longton, M , . 116 *Sta/ord, G 83 ^-HANLEY C.B. (c) Newcastle - under - (Est. pop. 66,000) Lyme, B. 169 ' Ed.R.: E. 1/4. H.4d. *Middie School, Newcastle- Id. Rate=890 under-Lyme, B 1 80 Public Elem. Schs. : *Orme's School, Newcastle- Council 11 7,690 under-Lyme, G. . . 1 Voluntary 4 2,561 * Preparatory School (The (*) ' Evening Schools 5 1,097 Wergs), Tettenhall Repton School, B 1 1 300 L.E.A. Municipal Secondary School. M. 1 537 *St. Mary's School, Abbofs Bromley, G 1 School of Art { Day 40 Evg. 140 *St. Anne's School, Abbofs ^P.T. Centre 1 255 Bromley, G. 1 . . Science School (Day) ^Hands- vinVALSALL C.B. worth, B. . . . . . . *Technical Schools : Bil- 1 40 (Est. pop. 93,000) Ed.R.: E.l/10.H.2|d. ston, Brictley Hill, Fen- Id. Rate=950 ton, Hcmdsworth, Staf- Public Elem. Schs. : ford (County), Stone, 7 t Council 13 10,620 Willenhall Voluntary 14 5,682 Schools of Art : JBilston, Evening Schools 7 2,240 Burslem, Fenton, Hands- High School (Queen worth. Leek, Longton, ) ( Day 28 o\ Mary's), B 1 164 Newcastle - under - Lymc, Stafford, Stoke-on- Tront, M E\g. 108 Both 23 (") *High School (Queen Mary's), G I 321 Tuns tall, WordsUy L.E.A. Technical Day Science & Art Day Classes : Sch., B 1 ' 150 Brcwood, Handsworth, Science and Art Day Kvnver, Lichfield, New- Classes 2 -!!.- custle - under - Lyme (2), Rowley Regis, lyMjelcy, School of Art , * I'ay 1 1 ( Evg .,:,'.) Tamworth,.'. .. .. 9 523 P.T. Centre 2 , Kit) t Included in Evening Schools above. I Three Centred at Hanley, Dudley, and Tamworth (Warwick) are conducted jointly by the Staffs C.C. and the L.E.A. for the district. P.T.'s also attend cl-a-ases attached to 11 Secondary Schools, and 2 Centres established in County Boroughs receive pupils irom the Ad. County. Included in Evening Schools. f Smethwick became a County Borough April 1st, 1907. 118 EDUCATIONAL SUPPLY. !i"T" Education Authority and ijL Class of School. No. of Schs. No. of Scholars. Education Authority and Class of School. No. of Schs. No. of Scholars. &WEST BROMWICH C.B. * Felix stoive (Eastward (Est. pop. 67,000) Ho!) 48 / Ed. R. : E. 1/4-&. 1 ^ratnUngham, B. 250 H. 2-A-. * Lowestoft, B .. 96 Id. Rate=828 *Fauoonberge Sch., Becdei, Public Elem. Schs. : B 1 35 Council 11 6,919 Grammar Schools : 4 Voluntary 9 4,697 * Beccles, B. j 'L.E.A. Municipal * Buna ay t B. 31 #) Secondary School, M. 1 268 1 fye, B 70 L.E.A. Municipal * Needham Market (Theo- Science School 1 416 bald's) L.E.A. Municipal School of Art 1 451 *Leman's School, Bsccles. . *Modern School, South- 1 1 Branch Art Schools . . 2 ! 245 wold, B 1 20 Branch Science Schools 2 80 *S t . Aubyn's School, P T f!fintrft 1 80 I Lowestoft 1 (d} *St. Felix Sch., South- &WOLVERHAMPTON C.B. wold, G. . . Secondary Day Sch., Loioes- 1 100 (Est. pop. 100,000) ' E.R.:E.1/4|. H.lfd. Id. Rate=l,526 toft,~M (c) *Woodbridgei School, B. *Preparatory Sch. (Evers- 1 1 113 134 . Public Elem. Schs. : ley House) , Southwold, B . 1 40 Council 10 6,907 Science and Art Day Voluntary 21 11,317 Classes : Bungay, Eye . . 2 34 Special School for De- fective Children 1 36 School of Art, Lowestoft . . 1 Day 77 Evg. 122 Evening Schools 9 247 Both 33 (c). Grammar School. B. 1 200 P.T. Centres: (b}( L'E.A. Hierher Grade Ad. C. (Saxmundhani) . . 1 55 Secondary School, M. 1 283 Lowestoft N.C.B. 1 56 L.E.A. Municipal Science and Technical -^IPSWICH C.B. School (evgs. only) . . Science and Art Day 1 1,190 / (Eft. pop. 70,802) Ed.R. : E.l/lJfc. H.|d. Classes 2 276 1 Id. Rate=l,261 School of Art .. .. lj |EvR.31 Public Elem. Schs. : Council 16 7,996 k P.T. Centre .. 1 165 Voluntary 8 3,995 Evening Continuation SUFFOLK. Schools f8 311 -&EAST SUFFOLK Ad. C. * (d) High Sch, Northgate- (Pop. 159,320) street, G. (G.P.D.S.) 1 Ed. R. : E. 7d. H. -. L.E.A. Municipal Id. Rate:=2,881 Secondary School, B. 1 379 Public Elementary Schs. : (*) i L.E.A. Municipal Council 68 8,180 > Secondary School, G. 1 482 Voluntary 174 19,002 *Preparatory School (XL WES TOFT (Ipswich), B. 1 34 N.C.B. (Est. pop. 33,123) (r/) x Ed. R. : E.l/-.H.ld. *( 1,050 Lowestoft N.C.B. .. 227 *WEST SUFFOLK Ad.C. Colleges 3 (Est. pop. 117,553) Ed. R. : E. I/-. H. fd. t There are Centres for Metal and Woodwork, Cookery, and Laundrywork, both day and evening classes. EDUCATIONAL SUPPLY. 11!) Education Authority and No. of Class of School. Schs. No. of Scholars. Education Authority and Class of School. No. of Sens. No. of Scholars. Id. RatemE. 1,890. X RICHMOND N.C.B H. 2,159. (Poo. 31,677) Public Elementary Schs. : Ed. R. : E.5d.H.]d. Council 44 7,696 Id. Rate= 1,233 Voluntary . . 126 11,510 Council J4 ace. 500 /XBVRY ST. EDMUNDS N.C.B. Voluntary (a] % WIMBLEDON 9 3,767 (Pop. 16,255) N.C.B. ()( Ed. R. : E. 6d. H. fd. (Est. pop. 50,000) Id. Rate=269 Ed. R. : E.8d. H. id. Council Id. Rate 1,615" \ Voluntary 10 2,583 Council 3 2,633 Certified Efficient School . . 1 30 Voluntary 5 3,020 Evening Schools: W. Suffolk Ad.C. 29 592 Boarding Institutions : Ar ting ton (Littleton Bury St. Edmunds Home), Bisley Farm, N.C.B 2 164 Bislcy, Shaftcsbury, County School (W.Suffolk), j Bury St. Edmunds, Dual 1 t!41 Ham (Orphanage) Certified Efficient Schs. . . 4 1 '44 East Anglian Sch., Bury Special School fur De- St. Edmunds, B. 1 99 fective Children 1 ace. 40 * Grammar Schools : 3 Evening Continuation Schs. : Bury St. Edmunds Surrey Ad. C. 94 4,106 (King Edward VI.) . . 54 Guildford N.C.B. 4 478 Cavendish (Grey's), B. . . . , 19 Kingston - on - Thames Sudbury, B ,44 N'.G.B 11 684 *Technical Institute, North- Reigate N.C.B 1 41 street, Sudbury .. 1 . , Richmond N.C.B. 2 411 Science and Art Day Wimb'edon N.C.B. 2 110 Classes : Cavendish and * Archbishop Abbott's Sch., Sudbury . . 2 162 Guildford, B 1 P.T. Centre (sec County Srh.) *B nsteart Sch. (Private), B. 1 (c) * Charterhouse, Godal- SURREY. vning, B. (non-local) 1 56'0 -^-SURREY Ad C. *Collegiate Sch., WtmbU- (Pop. 370,024) , Ed. R. : B.9d.H.ld. don, B * Colleges : 1 6 62 Id. RatezrE. 13,993; (e) Epwm, B 240 H. 19,756. Forest Hill, S.E. (Staf- Public Elem. Schs.: ford), B t< 144 Council 91 22,520 Wey bridge (St.Geoi'ge's), Voluntary . . 166 29,774 B. 118 %G UILDFORD N. C. B. (c) Wimbledon Common, (Est. pop. 22,000) Ed. R. : E. 1/2-1. H. . S.W. (King's Coll. School), B 230 Id. Rate=541 Wimbledon (Sacred Heart Council 3 1,866 R.C.), B 120 Voluntary 6 1,405 Wimbledon (King's), B. 50 (a) * KINGSTON- ON- Commercial School, Itip- \ / THAMKK X.C.B. ley, M. 1 140 (Est. p >p. 38,760) Congregational Sch., Cater- Ed. R. : E. 8d. H. Jd. ham Valley, B 1 128 Id. Ratezr900 * Convent Boarding School, Council 3 1,157 (Marist), Richmond, G. 1 ^Voluntary * REIGATE N.C.B. 8 3,904 County Schools : . . Famhafa, G. 7 1 14 (Est. pop. 28,000) Guildford, G. . . ..)'.. 101 Ed. R. : Hi. 6d. H. . Redhill, G. 71 Id. Raterr921 Richmond, B. 203 Council If q 7AA Richmond, G. . . .. i 86 Voluntary 1M o , t Uu 1 One school, av. att. 76, though in receipt of Government Grante, is not maintained by the .E.A. t Includes 52 P.Ts Opened October 1st, 1906. L.E.A EDUCATIONAL SUPPLY. Education Authority and Class of School. No. of No. of Schs. Scholars. 1 Education Authority and Class of School. No. of Schs. No. of Scholars. Button, B. 102 *Tor House School, East WaUington, G 126 Molesey, B. 1 17 *Cranleigh School, Guild- *Tower House School, ford, V 1 250 Dorking, B 1 . . *Diocesan Sch. (St. John's *AVarehousemen, Clerks, R.C.), Wonersh, Guild- and Drapers' School, ford, B 1 51 Pttrley, B 1 206 *Elmhurst Sch., Kingston - Technical Institutes : on- Thames, B 1 75 Egham, Epsom, Godal- *Forest Hill House School, ming, Redhill, Reigate, S.E., B 1 100 Richmond, Sutton, Guild- Grammar Schools : 4 ford, Haslemere, If or ley, Farnhatn, B. i25 Kingston (ab. 1 .OOOpupils) , Guildford (Royal), B. .. 158 Wallington, Wimbledon, Kingston -on- Thames, B . 64 G 13 . . Rtigate. B. 129 Cookery and Laundry *Highfield School, Cherts;/ 1 90 Centre, Wimbledon 1 360 High Schools : . . G Manual Training Centre, I)orkitif/, B 66 Wimbledon 1 110 (eh Guildford, G. (C.S.C.) 110 Science and Art Day (d) Reunite, G. (C.S.C.) .. 91 Classes: Cater ham. (5) Surbiton, G. (C.S.C.) (rf) Sutton, G. (G.P.D.S.) 130 197 I) o r king, Guildford, Kingston, Merton, Rei- ((f) Wim b ledon(Manse 1-nL, :md Prep. Div., 74, Tho gate, Sutton, Wimbledon^} Schools of Art: Epxom, 9 938 Hill),G. (G.P.D.S.) .. 358 Farnham Godalming, Day 176 Polytechnic, Kingston ~ *W hit gift Grammar *Rye I . 48 School, B. . . 1 345 UckfteM, B 68 *Whitgift Middle Sob., ^Modern School, E. Grin- B. 1 300 stead . . . . . . 1 30 Science and Art Day Municipal Secondary Sch.. Clvsses .. .. 3 | 282 Eastbourne, B 1 102 ( Hay 69 Municipal Secondary Sch., School of Art 1 { Evg. 59 Eastbourne, G 1 84 ( Both 39 *Preparatory Schools : . . j 20 P.T. Centres (included , above, see Sec. Schs.) A .Z?. *4 580 Blind Children .. 2 66 Hove N.C.B 1 :;<;;; Special Schools for DeuJ Lewes N.C.B 1 110 \ and iJwnb Children.. 1 77 t One school, av. att. 65, though in receipt of Government Grants, is not maiatainei by the L.B.A. 122 EDUCATIONAL SUPPLY. Education Authority and Class of School. No. of .No. of Schs. Scholars. Education Authority and Class of School. No. of No. of Schs. Scholars. 'Special Schools for De- fective Children 1 ace. 40 Public Elementary Schs. : Council 42 7,130 Evenirg Schools (c)*College (Brighton), 5 1,863 Voluntary .. XCHICHESTER 121 11,667 B 1 135 N.C B. + * Grammar School, B. . . 1 350 (Pop. 12*244) *High Schools : . . 2 Ed. R. : E. 1/0. H.-. (d)Brighton and Hove, Id. Rate=210 G. (G.P.D.S.) .. 260 Council (d) St. Mary's Hall, G. 100 / s ) Voluntary i2 1,920 L.E.A. Secondary (a) \ % WOR THING N.CB. Sch., York-place, Dual (Est. pop. 25,200) (B. 665, G. 423) 1 1088 Ed. R. : E. 6Jd. H.-, *Technical College . . l{ Day 119 Evg. 7 50 Id. Rate=662 (617 net) (*) ( *Preparatory Schools : 6 Council 4 1,301 Belvedere, B. ; Cottes- \ Voluntary 7 1,654 more, B., 45 ; Crcs- Certified Efficient School . . 1 40 < n,tlloiw\ Mowden. Evening Schools : B., 30; The Wu-k, B. ; Windlesham W. Sussex Ad. C. Worthing N.C. B. 8 1 252 130 House, B., 61 (c) *Christ's Hospital, West *TauntonHouse Sch., B. 1 62 Horsham, B. (non-local) 1 820 Science and Art Day Classes 3 556 (c) *College (SS. Mary end Nicholas), Lancing, ( Day 72 Shoreham, B. (non-local) 1 142 School of Art 1 ! Evg.243 *Cawley Sch., Chichester,~B. 1 11 1 Both 40 Grammar Schools : 3 P.T. Centre . . . . 1 ' 236 Horsham, B. J33 Training Colli-gr, W. . . 1 { f^ 8 ' Jlid/turit (The Gilbert Hannaru), B 61 ^HASTINGS C.B. * Worthing, B . . (Est. pop. 66,500) *Prebend'al School, Ed.R.: E.1/2J, II.-. Chichestcr 1 Id. Rate=l,745 Public Elem. Schs.: *Preparatory Sch. (Spring- field Park), Horsham . . 1 Council 12 5.572 * Private Schools, Bocjnor : V< hint arn Certified Efficient Schs.. 12 1 3,480 30 Royal Naval Academy (Holy rood School), Evening Schools 2 269 Middleton School, Gros- Grammar School, B. . . 1 i 95 mont School, United *Highbury House Sch., Service College and St. Leonards, B. 1 110 Junior School, Colebrook * Modern School, B. 1 30 House School, Penning- (6) * Preparatory Schools : ton House School, Sidlaw Basle House, St. House School, Manor Leonards, B. 9 Houee High School and Summer Fields Sch., School of Science (for tif. Leonards, B. "University School, B. 33 1 75 Boys,all taking Boarders}, St. Dominic's, Eversley 8 abt. 320 (ft) Uplands School. St. House School, Southern- Leonards, G. (C.E.C.) 1 96 wood School (Argyll ( : Day 52 House) (for Girls, ail School of Art . 1 Evg. 77 taking Boarders), Lennox- > 1 Both 12 street School (Lay School P.T. Centres .. .. 2 ' f for Girl*) 4 abt. 115 ^Private Schs., Worthing: #WEST SUSSEX Ad.C + Commercial College, New (Pop. 119,294) College, Charlecote House Ed. 11. : E. 9d. H.lcl. School, Holmsdale Hou.se Id. Kate=3,10 School, Steyce Sch., St. t To be opened shortly. t Chicheeter has formed a joint scheme with the West fcussex C.C. Powers, with certain ex '.op- tions, have been delegated to the Joint Education Committee for West Sussex and Chicheater. EDUCATIONAL SUPPLY. 123 Education Authority and Class of School. No. of No. of Schs. Scholars. Education Authority and Class of School. No. of Schs. No. of Scholars. Ronan's School, St. John's Ed. R. : E. 3?d. H. Id. School, Wykeham House Id. Rate=336 School, Southey Hall Council 1 42 School (for Boys) 9 t Voluntary . . 8 1,600 Beseot House, Burnard X NUNEATON and] House, Church House, - Dedisl i am House, Proebel CHILVER8 CO TON (a} l'.D. House, Linley House, Lyndale College, Seabury House, Shelley Lodge, (Est. pop. 30,304) Ed. R. : E.lOfd. H. . i Id. Rate:=477 Steyiio School (for Girls) \ 10 Council . . 2 1,384 Byron Lodge Charlecote Voluntary J 3,902 House, Ellerslie House, Ctertified Efficient Schools. . 4 101 St. John's, Steyne School (Preparatory} r, Special School for Deaf \ Children (a), A ftton (d) *St. Michael's School, Manor, N.C.B 1 14 TTityliPi* "RlprnpTitiiTV C 1 mi noil *Steyning School, B. . . i 1 40 Schools : 2 *Technical Sch., Chichester I (a) Anton Manor, B. . . . . 249 S c i e n c e and Art Day (a) Anton Manor, G. . . 239 Classes : Horsham and Evening Sshools : Midhurst . . 231 + Warwick Ad. C. 94 2,610$ Schools of Art : Chichester, Horsham, Worthing !Day 69 Evg.138 Both 16 Aston Manor N. C.B. .. Royal Leamington Spa N.C.B 5 2 av.att.415 398 p. T Centres* o Sutton Coldjield N.C.B. 1 123 Chichester 70 Nuneaton and Chilvers Horshim 54 Coton IT.D 8 308 Worthing 25 County School (King's), Training College, Chichester, Warwick, B 1 205 W. (Res.) 1 100 *College, Bourne, B. 1 71 Grammar Schools : 7 , *AIcester, B 42 Ather stone, B. . , 44 *Coleshill 40 WARWICKSHIRE. Nuneaton (King Edward -IIC- WARWICK Ad. C.+ VI.), B 61 (Pop. 204,248) Solihull, B. 150 Ed.R.: E. 8d.H. l|d. *Stra tfo r d - on- Aro Id. Rate=E. 5,103. (King Edward VI. ), B. .. >7 H. 6,694 button Coldjield (Bishop i Public Elementary Schs. : Yesey's), B 160 Council .. 55 10,962 High Schools : . . 2 ! Voluntary .. #- ASTON MANOR N.C.B. 197 23,372 (d} * Leamington, G. Warwick (King's), G. ... (f) King's School, War- '.'. \ 240 (Pop. 77,326) wick, B. . . 1 i 100 Ed.R.: E. 1/7|. H.-. *King Edward's School, Id. Rater=l,050 Xtratford-on-Avon, B... 1 i 83 Council .. 10 12,429 * Lower Sch. of Lawrence Voluntary .. ! 4 2,358 Sheriff, Rugby, B. 1 ! 90 (<0 < ROYAL LEAMING- TON SPA N.C.B. * Preparatory Schools : . . Dunchurch (Hall), B. .. 5 (Pop. 26,888) Ed. R. : E.9?d. H.I'd. Higham - on - the - Hill (Lindley Lodge) Id. Ratfrr742 Leamington (Beech Lawn) . . Council .. 4 2,063 Rugby, Hillbrow, B. .. Voluntary . . 7 1,306 Euaby (Bilton Grange), , SUTTON COLD- B . . ' 120 FIELD N.C.B. (c) * Rugby Public School (Pop. 14,261) (non-local), B. . . 1 ; 570 t One school, av. att. 153, though in receipt of Government Grants, is not maintained by the L.E. A. j Includes Warwick, N.C.B., which has relinquished its powers as an Education Authority to (he C.C, Corrected figures not yet available for this sespion. 124 EDUCATIONAL SUPPLY. Education Authority and Class of School. No. of 8cbs. No. of Scholars. Education Authority and Class of school. No. of No. of Schs. Scholars. L.E.A. Secondary Day / * Aston, Frederick- Schools, Avemie - road, road, G Leamington, B. 97, G. 59 2 156 *Bath Row, G. . . 152 * Technical Schs., Leaming- * Camp Hill, G. .. ... ton (Municipal), M., Astr.n * Camp Hill, B 348 Manor, Stratford - on - *Five Ways, B. . . . . :;:>0 Avon, Sutton Cold field St. Philip's, Oliver- (evgs. only) 4 road, Edqbaston, B. ' .. 130 Science and Art Day *SummerMiti,G 132 Classes : Leamington, (c) *High School (King Nuneaton, Solihull, Edward VI.), B. . . 1 450 Strat ford-on- Avon, Sut- (ff) *Higb Sch. (Efy- ton Colclfield, Warwick.. Of j 465 bastor/}, G. . . '. . 1 214 Schools of Art \ Learning - ( Day 146 (*) < MunicipalTechnicalSch. 1 3,651 fon and Stratford-on- 2t { ; Evg. IOS ^Oratory R.C. Sch., B. 1 ! 80 Avon P.T. Centres: ( Both 58 *Preparatory School, Edgbaston, B. 1 70 Warwick (High School . 1 1 41 80 University (non-local).. 1 Science and Art Day Aston Manor N. C.B. . . 1 120 Classes .. .. 3 879 Royal Leamington S/>a Schools of Art and 19 f Day 724 N.C.B. (Mun'. Sch.), G. 1 65 Branches .. .. 13 1 Evg 3,017 Nuneaton 17. D. . . 1 132 P.T. Centres .. .. 3 420 J Tamworth 1 31 Training Colleges : Training College, Saltlci/, Day, Men 1 85 Men (Res ) 1 125 Day, Women 1 150 . V Hostel(Univer8ity),W. 1 1C & BIRMINGHAM C.B. ^COVENTRY. (Eat. pop. 548,022) yEd.R.:E.l/3Vfc. H.l|d. (Est. pop. 83,792) Ed. R.: E. &H. 1/3*. Id. Rate 12,018 Id. Rate=l,130 Public Elem. Schs.: Public Elem. Schs. : Council 65 65.056 Council .. 13 8,326 Voluntary 50 9.386 Voluntary .. 13 5,016 Certified Efficient Sch.. 1 273 Evening Schools .. 7 2,549 Special Schools for Deaf (*) ( Bablake School, B. . . 1 320 Children 2 75 (c) King Henry VIII. Institution for Deaf Sch.,B i 1 101 and Dumb Children . . 1 1G2 Secondary Dav Sch.. G.J . .. i Institution for Blind Technical Institute . . 1 543 Children 1 116 School of Art 1 102 Special Schools for P.T. Centres 2 140 Crippled Children . . 2 151 Special Schools for WESTMORLAND. (&) < 'Mentally Defective -^WESTMORLAND Ad. C. Children Industrial School, Shu- 7 540 (Top. 50,226) Ed. R. : E. 7|d. H. lid. stoke 1 Id. Ratt=l,617 Evening Schools 25 6,969 Public Elementary Schs. : *Bluecoat Sch., B. & G. 1 214 Council 25 i 1,406 (rf) *Church of England Voluntary . . 82 6.067 College, Edgbaston, G. 1 (%KENDAL N.C.B. L.E.A. Council Second- (Pop. 14,183) ary Schools : 3 j Ed.R. : E. ll|d.H. . Geo. Dixon, B. and G. .. 377 () \ Id. Katezr253 Cmtral, Suffolk- Council 1 192 .street,^ 256 Voluntary 7 2,258 Waverley-road, M. . . 591 Evening Schools : .Grammar Sfhools : . . 8 < Westmorland Ad. C. 14 636 * Aston, B 300 Kendal N.C.B 4 307 t Corrected figures not yet available for this session. J This Centre is maintained jointly by the Warwick and the Staffs C.C's. Being built by L.B.A. EDUCATIONAL SUPPLY. Education Authority and Class of School. No. of Schs. No. of Scholars. Education Authority and Class of School. No. of Schs. No. of Scholars. *Airethwaite Sch., Kendal, ^SWINDON N.CTL G 1 42 (Pop, 45,006) *Bank Cottage School, . N Ed. R. : E. 1/5. H.ld. AppUby, G 1 25 Id. Rate=925. *Casterton Low Wood Sch., Council 11 8,556 G 1 36 Voluntary 2 : 726 *College (Aylwin) Arnside, B 1 33 Certified Efficient Schs. . . Higher Elem. School, 3 108 *Cross Bank Sch., Kendal, Sivindon 1 330 G. and B. Prep 1 17 Evening Schools : *Earneeat Prep. School, Wilts Ad, C. 116 15,040 Arnside, B 1 20 Salisbury N.C.B. 7 225 *Elm View Sch., Kendal, ... Sivindon N.C.B, . 7 1,323 G. and B. Prep 1 28 Agricultural Sch. (Daunt- *Fairbank Sch., Kirkby sey), West Lavinaton, B. 1 ! 60 Lonsdale, G 1 20 Bishop's Sch., ^'am/wry, M. 1 176 *FairfMd House Sch., *Chorister's School, Salis- Ambleside, M 1 18 bury 1 25 *Gillingate Sch., Kendal, (c) "College (Marlborough), G. and B. Prep 1 25 B. (non-local) 1 589 Grammar Schools : 6 * Colleges: 4 Appleby, B.f .. , . 46 Devizes, M. .. 56 33 Cor sham (Claremont), G. . . 29 Kendal, B.f 103 Mayjield, G . . 26 * Kirkby Lonsdale (Queen Malmesbury (Stainses- Elizabeth), B. and G. f . . 46 bridge), G 68 * Kirkby Stephen 17 *Colville House School, Windermere, B.t , . 45 Swindon, G 1 48 High Schools : . . 3 L.E.A. County Secondary (d)*Kendal } G. (C.S.C.)t 77 Schools : 8 . . * Kirkby Stephen, b. , . Kirkbi/ Stephen, G. . . 14 Bradford- on -Avon, M... Calne, Dual 55 99 *Preparatory Sch. (The Craig), Winder mere, B. . . 1 18 Chippenham, M. Devizes (new school) 125 *Stramongate Sch., Kendal, Malmesbury, M. '61 B. nndG.J 1 121 Trowbridge, M , 110 Science and Art Day Class, Warminster, M . 35 JHeversJiam . . 1 22 West bury M 34 School of Art and Tech. *Emwell Sch., Warminster, School, Kendal 1 187 B 1 40 Day Art Classes, Kirkby (d) *Godolphin Sch., Salis- ^ Lonsdale and Ambleside 2 47 bury, G. . . 1 153 P.T. Centres : *Graiumar Schools : 3 Kendal 1 49 Dtvizes, B. 48 Winder mere (Gram. Sch.) 1 8 Marlborough, D. . . 42 Warminster (Lord Wry (St. Michael's), Mere (2), Salisbury, Swin- B. (Prep. Scb.) 19 don, Tisbury,Trowbridge, *Dresden House Sch., Eve- Upper S f rat ton, Warmln- sham G. . . 1 . 39 ster, Westbury, Wilton.. 17 1,779 Grammar Schools : 9 Schools of Art: DevtKes, \ *Bewdley, B '22 S a li sbury, Sivindon, 56 Trowbridge 4 569 Ilnk'NOWcn, B 68 Day Art Classes :Chip- *iraky Castle, B. '.'. \ 45 penham, Tisbury, Wil- *ffarttebury (Queen ton 3 22 f Elizabeth's), B. 52 fP.T. Centres : * Kidderminster (King Wilts Ad. C. 8 160 Charles I.), B. 100 Salisbury N.C.B. 1 102 *Lytte1ton, B 47 Swindon N.C.B. 1 121 *Stourbrid(/e (King Training .Colleges : 2 Edward VI.), B. 148 Salisbury, W f ! Res. 146 ") Day 10 * Wolverlcy, B * High Sch ., Kidderminster, G. 'i 43 90 Salisbury Hostel, W. . J . . ' "14 *Preparatory Schools : j Barnt Green (Lickey Hills WORCESTERSHIRE. Schoo]) ; Malvcrn (South- v-WORCKSlER Ad. C. lea, St. Cuthberi's, Hill- (Pop. 251,383) ' side, and Malvern Link, Ed.R. : E. 7d. H.lfd. B., 39) ; Malvern Wells Id. Rate rrE. 5,333 (The Wells), B., 42 6 H. 7,668 ! Redditch School, B. 1 50 Public Elf meiitary Schs. : L.E.A. Cl. Sec. Sohs. : . . 5 Council 48 12,211 Oldbury, M 124 1 Voluntary . . KIDDERMINSTER 199 29,766 Redditch, M Bromsgrove, M 35 38 N.C.B. Stoworidof, G. . . 58 (Pop. 24,681) Yard ley, M 101 Ed.R. : E.l/1. H.M. Technical Schs. : Cradley, Id. Rate=330 Evesham, Hay mi Us, Council .. 4 < 1,459 Haleso wen, Kinrf s Norton, Voluntary 6 2,481 () KING'S NORTON & \ Km o v e, Kidderminster i Ed. R. : E. 6d. H. Id. Bcwdley, titoitrpoii, Mal- Id, RatenrE. 3,680 vcrn, Redditch) Stowbrfage 7 i,m H. 4,300 Day Art Classes : Krc- Public Elem. Schs. : afMtn, Shipston, Tenbiiry 3-1 Council 43 4,660 P.T. Centres: \'t>h~; Council 2 1,231 Certified Efficient Sch. Voluntary 2 703 (Baylie's Charity) .. 1 Io7 Certified Efficient School . . 1 142 Special Sch. for Dcuf Evening Schools : x A Children .. .. 1 1 H) E. Riding Ad. C. 11 303 V) \ Evening Schools 3 250 Severity N. C.B. 2 114 Grammar School, B. . . 1 130 Bridlington, N.C.B. .. 1 201 i L.E.A. Municipal High *Brampton House School, Sch., G 1 110 Hornsea 1 28 Municipal Technical *College (Holderness) School 1 :;: Wither nsea 1 . Art Day Class 1 0<> Grammar Schools : 4 . School of Art . . 1 2(11 Beverley, B. 47 VP.T. Centres . . 2 17<) liridl\nqtnn^ B. . 158 , *l)rifficld, B. . 15 -^-WORCESTER C.B. *Howden t B. . 20 (Est. pop. 48,000) *Pocklington School B. .. 'i 150 Ed. 11.: E 7*d. H.ld. *Silcoates School (Northeni Id. Rate=852 Congregational Gramu; ar), Public Elem. Scha. : - Saltbum, B. 1 60 Council 2 590 Spring Hill Sch., Whit by, Voluntary K; 7,110 B 1 35 Evening Schools (c) *Cathedral King's I 1,168 Science and Art Day Classt s, Beverley & Drif- Sch., B 1 115 field 2 110 *College (Barbourne) . . 1 GO P.T. Centres : *College for the Higher Drijfield 1 77 Educntion of the Blind 1 Still^ 1 G2 (A) ( *High School, G. . . 1 205 | (s 14 3,460 &-YORK.8 (E. RIDING) L.E.A. Scfoiuliiry Sch?. Ad.C. and P.T. Centres . . ;; . (Est. pop. 121,512) t This Centre is conducted by the County Authority. J In receipt of Government grants, but not maintained by the L.E.A. 128 EDUCATIONAL SUPPLY. Education Authority and Class of School. No. of No. of Schs. Scholars. Education Authority and J Class of School. o. of No. of chs. Scholars. Boulevard, M. . . . .. 565 Evening Schools: Brunswick Avenue \N. Riding Ad. C. 38 1,068 (Central), M 770 Scarborough N. C.B. 4 307 Craven- street, M. 425 *Aysgarth Prep. School, *Eton House Sch., B... 1 . 100 Newton-le- Willows 1 * Grammar School. B. 1 251 *Colleges: 2 (d) *High Schgol, G. Ampleforth (R.C.), B. . . (C.S.C.) .. .. 1 211 Scarborough, B '.'. '(31 ) (e) Hymer's College, B. ; 1 235 Convent School (Ladies of ; (b) \ L.E.A. Municipal Tech- Mary), Searboro\ G. 1 nical School, B. . . 1 184 ^Friends' School, . Great Navigation School, B. 1 150 Ay ton, M. 1 1 03 * Vicar's Choir Sch., B. 1 51 Grammar Schools : 12 t Science andi Art Day *Bciale (Queen Eliza- Classes .. ,. o 408 beth's), B 28 School of Art .. .. 1 117 Coatham, Redcar (SirW. P.T. Centres (attached Turner's") 95 to Secondary Schools) *Easmywold ( Wester- Training Coll. (Res.), W. 1 16 man), B. 30 Guisborouyh, B 45 fORK C.B. *Kirkley Ravens worth . . (Est. pop, 81,268) *Masham Ed. R. : E.1/3.H.1M. * Pickering 80 ' Id. llate= 1,541 Richmond, B 50 j Public Elem. Schs. : ^Scarborough (St. Mar- Council '.. G 4,528 tin's), B! I'oJuntary .. 19 7,154 *8tokesle>j (Preston) 38 Special School for Blind 1 *Scorton . : 40 Children .. .. 1 66 *Yarm, M 0. GG Evening Schools .. 7 1,554 L.E.A. Municipal Second- *Bootham Sch., B. ..1 80 ary Sch., Scarboro', M. . . 1 313 ^College (Elmfield), B. . . 1 78 *(rf)Queeii Margaret's Sch., Grammar Sch. ( <\rch- Hcurborouf/h, G. . . 1 Mil) />, bishop HoIgate's),B.. . 1 175 ) (d)* High Sch.. 69,Peter-! :i: Sir W. Turner's Sch., Kirkleatham, B 1 1 1 gate, G. (G.P.D.S.).. 1 110 (e) *Sedburgh Sch., B. , *Monk Bridge Sch., B... 1 GO (11011 -local) 1 211 (c)St. Peter's Sch., B. 1 125 *Sedburgh Preparatory *Technical School . . 1 School, B. 1 38 Science and Art Day *The Mount Prep. School, Classes .. .. 6 219 Scarborough, B. . . . . 1 21 Day Art Class .. .. 1 18 *Technical Institutes, ; Schools of Art . . . . 2 112 Thornaby -on- Tecs and P.T. Centre .. .. 1 115 Redcar 2 ^Training College, Men 1 j D y ' 12 Science & Art Day Classes : Easinywold. Gt. Ay ton, Guisboro\ Northallerton, ' # YORKS (N. RIDING) Scarboro', Scorton, Ad. C.t (Pop. 247,875) Stokesley .. 7 216 Ed. R : E. Gd. H. fd. Id. Rate = 6,389 School of Art, Scarboro' . . , | Day 72 1 1 Kvg.117 fPublic Elementary Schs.: Council 104 16,650 P.T. Centre, Scarboro* .. 1 26 I'd/untary .. 287 23,797 , X8CARBORV N. C.B. % MIDDLESBROUGH C.B. ( ' (Pop. 38,160) (Est. Pop. 99,000) f . ) Ed.R.:E. lid. H.ld. / Ed.R.:E.l/6|. H.-lid. W ) 1 Rate = 932 Id. Rate = 1,360 ' Council 5 4,089 b) ] Public Elem. Schs. : Voluntary . . 5 1,333 1 Council . . ' 2 11,836 Certified Efficient School . . 1 14 \ Voluntary . . 7 4 894 t Includes Thornaby-cn-Tees N.C. R., which has relinquished its powers us an Education Authority to the C.C. EDUCATIONAL SUPPLY. 129 Education Authority and Class of School. No. of Schs. No. of Scholars. Education Authority and Class of School. No. of Schs. No. of Scholars. , Special School for Deaf /MORLEY N.C.B. Children .. .. 1 15 (Pop. 23,636) Evening Schools . . 8 2,300 Ed R.: B.l/6*. H.fd. College (St. Mary's Id. Rate = 400 R.C.),B 1 50 Convent School (The Council Voluntary . . 5 2 2,523 955 (6) { Newland's), G. 1 44 '!- OSSETT N.C.B. High School, B. . . 1 284 (Est. pop., 13,500) * G. ..1 180 Ed.R.:E.9d. H. Id. * (Prep.) M. 1 62 Id. Rate 202 Science and Art Day i Council 2 i 364 Classes .. .. )! 325 Voluntary . . 5 i 1,500 P.T. Centre . . . . : 2 2h5 3fc PONTEFRACT N. C.B. (Pop. 13,427) YORKS (W. RIDING) Ad. C. Ed.R.: E. 5d. H. Id, (Pop. 1,011,786) Id. Rate = 215 Ed.R.: E.10d.H. T %d. Id. Rate = 21,452 Council Voluntary . . '('. 2,211 Public Elementary Schs. : PUDSEY N.C.B. Council 319 85,371 (Est. pop. 1904, 14,967) Voluntary . . 572 85,469 Ed. R.:E. 1/1. H. Id. $jg ^ BARNSLEY N.C.B. (a) ( Id. Rate = 220 (Pop. 41,086) Council 7 1,977 Ed.R.: E.l/3. H. Id. Voluntary 1 65 Id Rate = 673 TODMORDEN N. C.B. Council Voluntary . . 8 9 3,854 3,285 (Pop. 25,418) EfLR.:E.l/lf H.-^yd. # BATLEY N.C.B. Id. Rate = 451 (Pop. 30,321) Council 9 2,456 Ed.R.:E.l/0d. H. Id. Voluntary . . 6 1.023 Id. Rate = 452 jjf WAKEFIELD N.C.B. Council Voluntary . . 7 4 3,006 1.465 (Est. pop. 1904, 41,544) Ed. R. : E. 9d. H. Id. * BRIG HOUSE N.C.B. Id. Rate = 819 (Est. pop. 22,076) Council g 1,705 Ed.R.: E. 9d. H. Id. Voluntary 12 4,381 Id. Rate = 330 Sfc SHIPLEY U.D. Council Voluntary . . 4 7 1,028 2,005 (Est. pop. 28,090) Ed.R.: E. 1/8. H. Id. v|J DEWSBURY N.C.B. Id. Rate = 460 (Pop. 28,060) Council 5 3,090 (ff)^ Ed. R.:E.l/3|d. H.M. Voluntary . 3 789 Id. Rate = 568 Council 5 2 71!) Certified Efficient Schools.. 2 71 Voltoitfiry .. DONCASTER N.C.B. 6 1,944 Special Schs. (a) Doncaster (Deaf), Boston Spa (Deaf (Est. Pop. 1904, 29,607) and Dumb) .. .. 2 311 Ed. R. : E.5d. H.JUd. Private Elementary Schs. 42 Id. Rate = 601 Evening Schools : Council 3 1,710 IV. Riding Ad.C 188 Voluntary . . 8 1 13,224 Barmley N.C.B. 4 939 >|C HARROGATE N.C.B. Batky 3 347 (Est. pop. 32,000) | Brig ho use 2 344 Ed.R.: E.7d. H. Id. Id. rate = 935 Doncaster Harrogate 4 4 439 482 Cu until 5 3,286 Kcigntcy 6 1,111 Voluntary . . 1 1,042 M or ley 6 439 jjg KEIGHLEY N.C.B. OHMtt 4 304 (Pop. 41,564) Ed.R.:E.l/2f H.ld. Id. Rate = 71'') Pontcfract . . 1 /V/.sry . . 4 Shipley UD 4 179 198 566 Council 11 1,:;S1 Todmordcn N.C.B. .. 15 837 Voluntary .. 4 1,687 Wakejteld ,, ..2 400 130 EDUCATIONAL SUPPLY. Education Authority and No. of No. of Education Authority and No. of No. of Class of School. Schs. Scholars. Class of School. Schs. Scholars. *Academy (The), Wake- Skipton, B. 80 field, B. . . 1 81 * ,. G 178 *Colleges : 8 *Tadcaster (Oglethorpe's Doncaster (Hatfleld) .. . Endowed) 18 Harrogate, B *60 * Thome, nr. Doncaster, B. 78 (Ashville), B. 75 * Thornton, M > 58 (Horst), B. . . 20 (c} Wake field (Queen (New), B. . . 80 Elizabeth's), B. 180 (PannalAsh),B. 57 *Hall Gate School, Don- (Pembroke), B. . 25 caster, B 1 58 (Trinity) . . . 35 High Schools : . . 5 *Comuiercial School, Hors- Barnsley, G f296 forth, M 1 53 ^ Bwrky G *i>awson's School, Tad- Doncaster (Municipal), G. \\ 128 caster, Dual 1 39 *Skipt,m, G . . *Drake & Tonson's School, (d) Wakefield (Endwd.),G. 290 Keighky, G 1 143 *Jepson's Hospital School, *East Hardwick School, Ripon, B 1 70 near Pontefract, B. 1 18 King's School Pontefract, B. 1 150 *Endowed School : (P) *Pocklington Sch., B. . . 1 150 Ji7to^(GraceRainsdn's), * Preparatory Schools : 3 B. 1 35 Harrogate (Lead hall *Friends' Schools : 2 House) .. t> Ackworth, Pontefract, B. Ilkley(Ghyll Boyd), B. & &G 305 G. .. .. .. 33 Rawdon, B. & G. ].] 81 Ilkley (Wharfedale), B. \\ 25 *Fulneck School, nr. Leeds, *Private Secondary Schools, Dual 1 80 B. 28, G. 44 72 (c) *Giggleswick School, *Private Secondary School* Settle, B 1 119 (non-local) 7 Grammar Schools : 30 *Read's Sch., Drax, B. .. 1 *45 Barnsley (Archbishop Salt Schools & P.T. Centres, Holgate's), B. tl s l Shipley, B 1 Bat ley, B. 150 Salt Schools & P.T. Centrts, *Bentham, B 29 Shipley, G. 1 213 Bingley, B. 71 L.E.A. Secondary Schs. : 20 G 61 *Batky, G i'20 *Dent B Dewsbury (Wheelwright) SBrighouse, G B. .. . f!40 Castkford, Dual (d) Dewsbury (Wheel- Doncaster^ G. . . wright) G. f!88 * Elland, G Doncaster, B. 171 *Goole, G , . *Drax (Endowed) 39 Harrogate (Haywra Cres- Elland (Westgate), B. . . 59 cent Municipal), M. .. 160 * Hipper holme, B. 60 *Hebden B'idge, M. 64 Ilkky, B 95 Heckmondwike, High st. , Keighky, Strawberry- st. M ' 409 G 111 * Knotting ley, G. 43 L.E.A. Keighky (Trade *Mexborongh, M. and Grammar), B. 181 * Normanton, G '30 ^Knaresborough (King James), B ^Pontefract, G Pudsey (Municipal), M. . . 134 Mirfield, D 56 Rip<>n, G. Normanton, B. . . 80 *8elby, G *0ssett, Dual 86 Penistonc, B 85 * Sowerby Bridge, M. Rastrick, Brig house, B. . . . 98 Todmorden (Roomfield), Ripon, B 100 M 148 *Rishworth, D 70 *Skellneld Sch., Ripon, G. 'i 30 * Roy stone, Barnsley t Including P.T's. J Closed at present. New Scheme teing prepared. Schools to be opened as soon as necessary arrangements can be made. EDUCATIONAL SUPPLY. 131 Education Authority and No. of No. of Education Authority and No. of No. of Class of School. ; Schs. Scholars. Class of School. Schs. Scholars. "Woodhouse Grove School, Special School* : Apper ley Bridge. J$. . . 1 l.'UJ f Blind and Deaf . . 2 60 Tech. Institute, Keighlo/ . . 1 77:5 Defective Children . 5 128 *Technical Schools :Adel, Evening Schools 42 8,271 Jin tie;/, J ia mill fix wick, Binyley (and Municipal L.E.A.~Sec. Schs. : Belle \VLQ,Man>nttg- 4 Institute),. Brig ho tine, h((m Lane, B. . . 511 I'tirkheattin (Institute), G. .. i . 398 l)ricnbttn/, Ettutid (Insti- Carlton Street B. . . , 196 tute), Holmfirth, iwvr.s- G. .. < 289 rdf/r, Meltham, Morlcy, Grange Road. B. .. 30 Ossett (Municipal), Itio- G. .. , 77 pnnilen (Institute), Scttlf Hanson, B. t 12.) (Institute), Shipley, . .. G. t 165 Sowerby Bridge, Todntor- Grammar Schools : fff-n (Municipal), Wake- (c) Manor Row. B. . 536 field 19 JSi.Srde's.'B. (R.C.) . 102 Science & Art Day Classes: (d) The Girls' 388 Apperley Bridge, Barns- * Thornton, B. & G. , 53 ley (2), Batley(V), Sing- ley, Briffhouae($), Castle- *Technical College . . M Day 273 Eve. 860 ford, IJcwfibnnj (2), Don- Science and Art and i-iixtrr, Jh'ct.i-, Ftihieck, * Language Classes . . 116 3,439 11 arrogate (2), Hebden 1 1 ridge , Heckmondwike, Schools of Art .{ Day 404 Evg. 598 Hipper holme, Itklcy, P.T. Centres 2 280 Keighley, Mir field, ^HALIFAX C.B. Normanton, Penistone, Pontefract, Rawdon, (Est. pop. 108,000) Ed.R.:E.l/8d.H 5|d. Shipley (2), Skipton, Tad- Id. Rate = 1,807 caster (2), Thome, Tod- (/>} Public Elein. Schs. : morden, Wakefield (3) 36 2,818 Council 23 10,902 Schools of Art : Barnsley, Voluntary . . 7 2,346 Batley, Bingley, Dews- ' ,- Special School, De- btn'H, Doncaster, Ifarro- fective Children 1 ace. 24 gate, Holmfirth, Keighley, Evening Schools 16 2,327 Selby, Shipley, Skipton, Todmorden, Wakefield " n ( Day 7 C 8 13 ! Evg.1,64; *Crossley and Porter Orphan School, B 1 163 P.T. Centres: G. 1 93 W. York* Ad. C. 10 381 Grammar School Barnsley N.C.B. (at- (Heath), B. 1 133 tached to Sec. ScliK.).. . *High School, G. . . 1 105 Batky N.C B. 51 L. E. A. Council Brig house 38 Secondary Sch., B. 1 217 Dewsbury 123 G. 1 320 J I arrogate . . i ;:;, : - *New School, B. . . 1 78 Keighley 65 *L.E.A. Municipal Pudscy 24 Technical School .. 1 1,445 Todmorden . . . 1 WakcfiM . .. 1 Training Colleges : 36 131 School of Art (included in Tech. Sch. above) 1 DMV 10 Evlr. 194 Hoth 12 Ripon,Vf. I """ 1( , )J ! P.T. Centre .. 1 100 LUy 2:5 (Hostel), W. .... 22 SHUDDERS FIELD | C.B. (Pop. 95,0 J 7) Ed.R.: E.&H. 1/6. # BRADFORD C.B. Id. Rate = 1,809 (Est. pop. 2S(i.7'.)<)) Public Elem. Schs. : Jvl.R.: E.&H. 1/10*. Council 17 8,566 (b)) ld.Rate = 5,790 Voluntary . . 22 8,461 1 Public Elem. Schs.: Evening Schools 12 719 Council .. 48 32,724 Grammar Schools : 3 . Voluntary .. 40 14,898 Almondbury, B. . . 74 ! | 132 EDUCATIONAL SUPPLY. Education Authority and Class of School. No. of Schs. No. of Scholars. Education Authority and Class of School. No. of Schs. No. of Scholars. *Fartown, Bradford ( Day 126 Road, D. . . * . . 130 School of Art.. .. 1{ Evg. 367 *Lon(jwood, D. 65 ( Both 123 *High School, Green- P.T. Centres 3 761 head Park, G. 1 93 Training College L.E. A. College Higher (Day), Men 60, W. Grade School, D. . . 1 359 75 1 135 "College School, B. . . 1 55 ROTHERHAM C.B. *Portland School .. 1 (Est. pop. 57,000) *Modem School (Col- EdR.:E.l/6f. H.lfd. lege), B 1 21 Id. Rate = 744 Technical College, M. 1 70 Public Elem. Schs. : Science and Art Day Council 11 6,728 Classes 4 217 Voluntary . . 10 3,514 ( Day 278 Evening Schools 7 594 School of Art.. 1 Evg. 235 Grammar Sch., Moor- 1 Both 41 gate, B 1 100 P.T. Centre . . 1 125 *High School, G. . . 1 109 Science and Art Day BLEEDS C.B. Classes 1 161 (Est. pop. 463,495) Ed.R.:E.l/4J. H.2d. School of Art if Day 6 Evg. 114 Id. Rate = 8,675 P.T. Centres.. 2 138 Public Elein. Schs.: Council 67 50,194 ^SHEFFIELD C.B. Voluntary . . 48 20,119 (Est. pop. 432,940) Special Schools : Ed.R. : l/2i" . H. 3kl. Deaf Children 1 125 Id. Rate = 7,407 Blind Children . . 1 98 Public Elem. Schs. : Mentally Defective Council 56 52,719 (b) ( Children . .' 4 160 (ft) \ t Voluntary . , 48 23,494 Physically Defective Children 1 76 Certified Truant In- dustrial Sch. 1 90 Evening Schools . . 49 Special Schools : L.E. A. Central High Blind Children . . 1 70 Sch., B. &G. .. 1 716 Defective Children . 3 160 Church Middle Class Evening Schools 36 6,472 School, B. 1 180 Central Evening Sch. 1 1,200 G. 1 115 L.E. A. Central L.E. A. Coburn High Secondary Sch., D. 1 868 School, B. & G. 1 240 Colleges : . . 3 College (St. Mary's *Endcliffe, Han- R.C.), Mount St. moor, B. . . . . Mary's, G 1 47 University, B. *College (Notre Dame *Busiriess College, M . R.C.), G 1 *(d} High $d\.,Rutland (c) * Gram mar School, Park, G. (G.P.D.S.) 1 375 B. 1 259 High School (Notre G. 1 202 Dame R.C.), G. . . 1 124 *Grammar School . King Edward VII. (Wortley Free), B. 1 23 School, B 1 300 Leeds University (non- local) 1 *Middle Class School, Paradise Square . . 1 Modern School, B. . . 1 420 Private Secondary G. .. 1 271 Schools, G.(Sharrow * Preparatory School High School, Eton (Moorlands), B. 1 18 House School, West- i School of Cookery bourne Sch. , Abbey- (Ladies' CL), G. .. 1 i '175 field Mount School, Science and Art Day Millhouses School, Classes .. .. 3 188 Millhouses High t One School, av. att. 58, though in receipt of Government Grants, Is not maintained by the L.E. A. EDUCATIONAL SUPPLY. 133 Education Authority and Class of School. No. of Schs. Nc. of Scholars. Education Authority and Class of School. No. of Schs. No. of Scholars. School, and Miss College School (St. David's), MilLml's School) . . 7 Lampeter, B 1 57 Private Preparatory College (University), Aber- Sch. (Misses Whit- ystwyth (non-local) 1 field), B 1 County Schools : 5 Technical Sch. of Art 1 | ^ay 3 | Aberayron, D. Aberystwi/th, D "h 132 (A) J School of Cookery .. 1 127 Science and Art Day Llandyssul, D. . . 131 Class .. .. 1 207 Treoaron, D . . 70 Branch Schools of Art I Evg. 144 *Grammar School, Ystrad P.T. Centre . . . . 1 457 Meurig 1 . . (R.C.) .. 1 Training Colleges : 25 Science and Art Day Classes : Aberystwyth (2), $ Llan- Day, Men or W 200 3 137 \ Hostel, W 82 P. T. Centre (attached to Sec. Sch.) 1 15 Training Colleges . WALES. Aberystwyth (Day), Men orW 154 ANGLESEY Ad. C. A berystwyth ( Hostel), Men . . 11 (Pop. 50,606) Aberystwyth (Hostel), Ed.R. :E.10d.H. 2|tl. Alexander Hall .. Id. Rate = 615 Public Elementary Schs. CARMARTHENSHIRE. Council 44 5,481 % CARMARTHEN Ad. C. Voluntary 22 1,994 (Pop. 99,686) Evening School . . I 91 Ed. R. . E. lOd. H. 2d. County Schools : 3 Id. Rate = 1,505 Beaumaris, D. . . 'ei Public Elementary Schs. : Holyhead, D. . . 96 Council 104 11,730 Liang efnij D. 145 Voluntary 51 ! 4,425 /^CARMARTHEN BRECKNOCKSHIRE. N.C.B. (Pop. 10,025) #- BRECON Ad. C. Ed.R.: E.I/-. H. . (Pop. 54,213) Id. Rate = 148 Ed.R.: E.I/-. H.Hd. Council 3 1,040 Id. Rate = 996 () Voluntary . . 3 820 Public Elementary Schs. : &LLANELLY U.D. Council 41 5,332 (Pop. 25,617) Voluntary K voning Schools 44 6 3,659 258 Ed. R. : E. 2/2|. H. . Id. Rate = 324 (c\ ^Christ's Col\ese,rccon Council 8 5,258 B 1 103 \ Voluntary 2 565 County Schools : . . 4 Certified Efficient Schools 2 18 Brecon* B. . , 76 Higher Elementary School G. . 70 (a) Llanelly 1 375 Brynmawr, D. . . . 119 Evening Schools: Bwlth, D. 50 Carmarthen Ad. C. 10 409 *Graiuniiir Sch. (Hampton) Carmarthen N.C.B. 1 87 Glasbury, 1). 1 49 LUuiclhj U.D. . . 1 i 21 P.T. Centres (attached to (c) *College, Llandovery, B 1 155 County Schools) 4 98 County Schools : 6 Carmarthen, D. . . 59 CARDIGANSHIRE. LlttHfli'llo,!) , 120 ('AUI)IGAN Ad. C. Llandovery, G. . . (Pop. 61,078) Llanelly B ... Ivl. R.: E. I/- H. IfdJ ,, G 116 Id. Rate = 901 Whitland, D. . . 1 59 Public, Elementary Schs. : Council . . 75 6,063 Grammar Schools: .. 2 Carmarthen (Queen Eli/.a- Voluntary .. -51 2.186 beth's), B 77 Evening Schools .. .. 3 136 *Pencader, B 45 134 EDUCATIONAL SUPPLY. Education Authority and Class of School. No. of Schs. No. of Scholars. Education Authority and Class of School. No. of Schs. No. of Scholars. *Preparatory Sch. (Gwyn- ' % WREXHAM N. C. B. fryn), Ammanford, V>. . . \ 1 50 (Pop. 14,966) Science and Art Day , v Ed.R.: E. lid. H.ld. Classes : W \ id. Rate=264. Amtna/nford, Brynnin- Council 1 1,182 man, Carmarthen (2), Voluntary . . 2 1,529 Llanelly (2) 6 301 Evening Schools : Day 26 Denbigh Ad.C. . 13 915 School of Art, Carmarthen 1 Evg. 70 Wrexliam N.C.B. 1 126 Both 12 County Schools: .. 8 P.T. Centres! 4 261 Abergek, M . 109 Training College, Carmar- 1 Res. 62 Denbigh, B. 60 then , Men J. Day 20 Llangollen, D. . . . . 80 Llanrwst D . * 72 CARNARVONSHIRE. Ruabon, B. \ 60 CARNARVON Ad. C. J En-thin, G. ... 87 (Pop. 114,380) Wrexham, B 154 Ed.R.:E.8|d. H.ld. Wrexliam, G. 190 Id. Rate=2,363 *Dinglewood Sch., Colwyn Public Elementary Sens. : Bay, B 1 21 Council 85 11,000 ^Grammar Sch., Ruthin, B. 1 66 Voluntary . . 70 8,673 (d) *HowelPs School, Den- Evening Schools : 5 364 bigh, G 1 107 College (N. Wales Uni- *Preparatory School (Min- versity), Bangor (non-local) County Schools : 10 v-don), Colicyn Bay, B. *Rydal Mount Sch. (Wes.), 1 25 Bangor (Friar's), B. Bangor, G. 80 Colwyn Bay, B. Science and Art Day Classes : 1 4 80 Bethesda, M ioo Llangollen, Ruthin, Wrex- Bottwnog. D 54 ham (2) 217 Carnarvon, D. . Llanberis, D. . 141 99 School of Art, Wrexliam . . ' ; ! Day 28 Evg. 72 Llanduduo, D. 80 Science Students 104 Penygroes, D. 88 P.T. Centrest '2 25 Portmadoc, D. . 103 Fwllheli, D. 115 *Merton House School, FLINTSHIRE. Penwaenmawr, B. 1 15 # FLINT Ad. C. (d} *St. Winifred's Sch., (Pop. 81,485) Bangor, G. 1 60 Ed.R.: E. 8d. H. 2d. *Preparatory Scb. (Sywell House), Llandudno. B. .. 1 Id. Rate=l,504 Public Elementary Schs.: Science and Art Pay Class, Council 25 3,173 Llandudno 1 27 Voluntary . . 76 10,688 P.T. Centresf 9 107 Evening Schools 11 650 Training Colleges : *Convent Sch. (St. Clare's), Bangor (Res.), Men 70 Pantasaph, G. 1 Bangor, W ;| Res. 86 County Scbools : 5 1 A ^ ( Day 10 Hawarden, D . . 14:0 Hi in g or (Day), Men & W. 100 Holy well, D . . 138 Bangor (Hostel), Uni- Mold(Aluri), D .. 147 versity Hall, W. , 65 Rhyl,T> 137 St. Asaph, B 30 DENBIGHSHIRE. ^'Preparatory Schs : '2 & DENBIGH Ad. C. Prestatyn (St. Chad's) .. .. 9 (Est. pip. 131.000) Ehyl (Colet House), B. .. 41 Ed.R. : E.7d. H.2d. Scienceaud Art Day Classes Id. Rate=l,963 Hawarden, Holt/well. Public Elementary Schs. : Mold, Ehyl, S*. Asaph 5 340 Council 48 10,936 P.T. Centres (attached to Voluntary .. 71 8,037 County Schools) . . . . 5 106 t Attached to Sec. Schs. } Including Bangor N.C.B., which has relinquished its powers as an education authority to the County Council. EDUCATIONAL SUPPLY. i ;;:> Education Authority and CJass of School. No. of Scbs. No. of Scholars. Education Authority and Class of School. No. of Schs. No. of Scholars. GLAMORGANSHIRE. Neath N.C.B 2 311 GLAMORGAN Ad. C. Aberdare U.D. . . * . . 15 902 (Pop. 270,574) Barry U.D 4 296 Ed.R.: E.I/-. H.2*d. Mountain Ash U. D. 2 156 Id. Rate=5,871 Pontypridd U.D. 9 400 Public Elementary Schs. Rhondda U.D 34 2,200 Council .. ..148 41,506 *Cathedral Sch., Llandaff, Voluntary . . 72 9,842 B .. 1 53 % MERTH.YR TYDFIL County Schools : 15 N.C.B. (Pop. 69,228) Aberdare, D 300 Ed.R.: E.l/7. H. . Barry, D 302 Id. Rate= 1,202 Bridgend, D 208 Public Elem. Schools : Cowbridge, G . . . . Council 18 9,882 ^'Gelligaer, B 142 Voluntary 5 1,972 Gelligaer, G. -'!? NEATH N.C.B. Gowerton, D. . . 166 (Pop. 13,720) Merthyr Tydfil, D. 200 Ed.R.:E.l/2J.H. . Neath .(Intermediate Id. Rate=l99 Technical), M. 240 Public Elem. Schools : Penarth, B 55 Council 2 1,880 Penarth, G Voluntary . . 2 1,025 Pontypridd, D 260 % ABERDARE U.D. Port Talbot, D 228 (Est. pop., 1904, 45,000) Ed.R.:E.l/4. H. Id. forth (Rhondda), D. . . Ystalyfera, D 267 150 Id. Rate=730 Cowbridge School, B. 'i . . Public Elem. Schools : Higher Grade Sch., forth . i Council 15 8,360 *Howell'sSch., Lfandaff, G. i ies Voluntary 4 1,450 Secondary Day Sch., Jttrfi- X BARRY U.D. dale,M i 126 (Est. pop. 30,000) Ed. R.:E.l/ll|.H.f. () Id. Rate=96b Self nee and Art Day Classes Gowerton, MertJn/r Tydfil (3), Neath, Penarth (2), Public Elem. Schools : Pengam, Pon typridd (2) , Council 10 6,493 forth (2), Tonclu 13 1,000 Voluntary . . 1 362 ( Day 21 .MOUNTAIN ASIL School of Art, Penarth . . 1 Evg. 69 U.D. (Pop. 31.903) \ Both 7 Ed.R.: E. 1/5| H.fd. P.T. Centres : Id. Rate =644 Barry, U.D.% .. 1 17 Public Elem. Schools : - Merthyr Tydfil U.D. . . 1 153 Council 17 6,413 Pontypridd U.D. 1 188 * Voluntary PONTYPRIDD U.D. l 95 Rhondda. U.D 1 285 (Pop. 32,316) ^CARDIFF C.B. Ed.R.: E.2/-. H. . Id. Rate = 750 (Pop. 164,333) / Ed.R.-: E.l/lJ. H.2?d Public Elem. Schools : Id Rate = 4,500 " Council 11 6,884 Public Elem. Schools: Voluntary 2 300 Council 19 22,101 JJ6 RHONDDA U.D. Voluntary 18 7,324 (Est. pop., 1904,122,310) Ed.R.: E.l/7. H. Id. Special Schools: Blind Children 1 9 Id. Rate = 2,000 (b) ) Deaf ,, 1 26 ; Public Elem. Schools : \ Defective ,, 1 29 Council 39 29,000 Evening Schools 18 1,865 Voluntary . . 1 83 County School (Inter- Higher Elem. Schools (), mediate), B. 1 255 Rhondda 3 Ab. 500 G. 1 280 Kvriiing Schools: L.E.A. Municipal d'famorf/an Ad.C. 29 3,981 Secondary Sch. jB.&G. 1 864 Merthyr Tyiljil N.C.B... 15 933 ^Monkton House Sch., B. 1 70 t No separate rate levied. 260 spent on Higher Education. Attached to Sec. Sch 136 EDUCATIONAL SUPPLY. Education Authority and Class of School. No. of Schs. No. of Scholars. Education Authority and Class of School. No. of Schs. No. of Scholars. Technical School (even- * ,ABERTILLERY U.D. ings only) 1 1,724 (Pop. 21,945) ( Day 14 Ed.R.: E.l/6. H.ld. School of Art 1 Evg.179 Id. Rate=388 (*) ; Both 43 Public Elern. Schs.: P.T. Centres 2 192 Council 9 3,646 Training College : Day, Men and W. . . 240 (a) - Voluntary . . -&- \ EBBW VALE U.D. 1 456 Hostel (Aberdare (Pop. 20,994) Hall), W 55 Ei.K.:l/8J. H. . Id. Rate=270 ^SWANSEA C.B. Public Elem. Schs. : (Pop. 94,537) Council 10 4,184 Ed.R.: E.l/8. H.2d. \ Voluntary J. 171 Id. Rate -=1,779 net Evening Schools : Publ c Elem. Schs. : Monmouth Ad. C. 39 2,817 Council 18 14,632 Abcrtilkry U.D. 6 30? Voluntary 8 2,832 Ebbw Vale U.D. 1 183 Special Schools : County Schools : 6 1 Deaf Children 1 57 Abergavenny, G. . . Blmd ,, 1 28 Abertillery, D. . . . . 143 Higher Elem. Sen., B. 1 247 Ebbw Vale, D 190 G. 1 221 Pontypool, G 1 1 (*) ( Evening Schools 10 1,968 Pontywaun, D. . . t 98 *High School, G. 1 215 Tredegar D . 88 Grammar School, B. 1 265 Grammar Schools : 2 Technical Class (evg.) . . 1 650 Aberqavenny (King Henry ( Day 266 VIII.), B 66 School of Art 1 Evg. 106 (c) * Monmouth, B. 150 ( Both 4 West Monmouth Schot>l, P.T. Centre 1 190 Pontypool, B. . . 1 109 Training College, W. . . '{ Res. 72 Day 16 Science and Art Day Class: Abertittery 1 50 P.T. Centrest 3 160 MERIONETHSHIRE. MERIONETH Ad'. C. -MC-NEWPORT C.B. (Pop. 48,852) (Pop. 70,000) Ed.R. : E. 1/1. H. . Ed.R.: E. 1/5. H.2d. Id. Rate = 885 Id. Rate=l,578 Public Elementary Schs. : Public Elem. Schs : Council 59 6,380 Council 16 12,469 Voluntary . 21 1,419 Voluntary 4 2,358 Evening Schools . . 6 Special School (Blind County Schools 7 Children) 1 8 Bala, B 56 Evening Schools 5 480 G 52 County Intermediate Bar mouth, ~D. 62 School B. 1 1 170 Dolyctty, B. 37 (d) ,, G. i 1 141 (Dr. Williams' ^Private Secondary High School), G. 102 () Schools (G., Prep. B. Festiniog, D. 133 & G.) 9 434 Towyn, D. 144 *St. John Baptist Sch., P.T. Centres (attached to RiscaRoad,G. .. 1 68 County Schools) 7 29 *St. Joseph's Convent : School (R.C.), G. . . 1 1 47 MONMOUTHSHIRE. Technical Institute, MONMOUiH Ad. C. Bridge Street (even- (Pop. 187,867) ings'only) I 466 Ed.R.: E. 1/2. H.lgd. Science Day Class 1 26 Id. Ilate=.3,313 ( Day 20 Public Elementary Schs. : School of Art 1 Evg. 196 Council .. 95) 26,013 th 16 Voluntary 78 j 8,500 P.T. Centre 1 110 t One attached to Sec. Sch. EDUCATIONAL SUPPLY. 137 Education Authority arid Class of School. No. of Schs. No. of Scholars. Education Authority and Class of School. No.cf Sena. No. of SchoJara. MONTGOMERYSHIRE. MONTGOMERY Ad. C. Evening Schools : Pembroke Ad. C. 9 447 (Pop. 54,901) Pembroke .\.C.B. 1 23 Ed.R.t:E.2 T 7 j,d.H.d. County Schools : 1 Id. Rate= 1,087 Fis/if/Hdrd, M. . . 60 Public Elementary Sets. : Haverfordicest, G. Council 34 3,096 Milford Haven, D. '(';_> Voluntary G4 4,733 Na>-berth,T). 7 MackynlUth, M. . Newtown (Intt rined iate 60 Preparatory School (St Andrew's) Ten by, B. . 1 20 B. . . 50 Science and Art Day Newteicn, G. 63 Classes : M i Ifo r d Welshpool, B. . 60 Haven, Pembroke Dock, G. . 34 St. David's, and Tenby 4 259 Science and Art Day Clas P.T. Centres^ 8 113 Llanidloes 1 31 PEMBROKESHIRE. RADNORSHIRE. PEMBROKE Ad. C. -^RADNOR Ad.C. (Pop. 72,041) (Pop. 23,281) Ed.R.: E. GJd.H. 2d. Ed. R.:E. 3d. H.Jcl. Id. Rate=JEl,164 Id. Rate = 735 Public Elementary Schs. : Public Elementary Schs. : Council 55 5,493 Council 11 517 I' nhdt <<(/// . . 65 4,768 Voluntary . 40 2.577 * (PEMBROKE N.C.B. Evening Schools : 9 (Pop. 16,853) County Schools 2 , ,. i Ed.R.: E. 1/9. H. Id. Llandrmdod IVelh, D. . f *2 /; Id. Rate=l74 Presteign, M. t , 29 Council 6 2,044 P.T. Centres 2 t Voluntary .. 1 532 t For Provided (Council) Schools only. $ Attached to Sec. Schs. 138 ADVERTISEMENTS. CRESSIELL, BALL & CO PRIZE MEDAL PIANOS, Organs and Harmoniums BY ALL HIGH-CLASS MAKERS. Cresswell, Ball & Co. supply A Splendid Toned Iron Framed PRIZE MEDAL 36 -GUINEA PIANO for 18 18 or 36 Payments of 13s- Guaranteed for 10 Years. Sent on Approval. Catalogues Free. Agents Wanted. HIGH QUALITY. LOW PRICES. SPECIAL TERMS TO TEACHERS. The Advantages hitherto given to Teachers are now extended to Managers of Schools. CRESSWELL, BALL & CO., 41 and 43, WEST HILL, WANDSWORTH, and 60, HIGH STREET, LONDON, S.W. 13!) SECTION III. HIGHER EDUCATION Detailed information respecting Schools of various types not being Public Elementary Schools- While Section II. presents a picture approximately complete of the Supply of Education cf various kinds existing in any given educational area, no attempt is there made to describe in any detail the character of the several forms which that supply assumes. Evening Schools, Pupil Teacher Centres, and Colleges for the training of Teachers are with but few exceptions conducted subject to Regulations issued by the Board of Education, and their character can consequently be ascertained from official publications. But the Regulations for Secondary Schools issued by the Board leave to such schools a very wide discretion in the determination of almost every detail of school organisation, and hence with regard to such schools it is impossible to ascertain from the Board's Regulations the character which they assume, excepting in certain well-defined particulars. Apart, however, from schools of that type, there are schools fully recognised as institutions devoted to Higher Education, and also others which claim to be schools of a Secondary nature or are associated as Preparatory Schools with institutions of that type. An attempt is made in this Section to furnish some information in a convenient form respecting that wide area of educational effort generally known as Secondary Education. Particulars have been gathered mainly from replies kindly furnished by the Head Teachers of the schools to inquiries directly addressed to them. School Prospectuses, Reports by Professor Sadler, and Official publications have given assistance. Something of the character of a school can generally be estimated by a know- ledge of the ages at which pupils are received, at which they leave, together with' the average age of the bulk of the scholars. For this purpose we have shown wherever possible the number of pupils in the school under the age of 12, between 12 and 16, and over the age of 16. Many Education Authorities consider that the four years' course of a Secondary School may occupy pupils between the age of 12 and 16. Anything below the age of 12 is usually of a preparatory character or is in itself an intimation that the School Course, at least for those children, is below the Secondary School standard recognised by the Board of Education. On the other hand, pupils above the age of 16 are generally following a Course in excess of the Board's requirements, and their presence is an intimation that the school prepares for examinations of University rank. An estimate formed on these figures can be checked by consulting the school curriculum which follows. The strength of the school staff may be estimated from the particulars supplied, though we are fully conscious of the fact that numerical strength and University atlaiments are not in themselves a full measure of teaching efficiency. It is not jet possible, however, to furnish any list likely to be of public advantage of Secondary School teachers holding a teaching diploma. We have indicated that 140 HIGHER EDUCATION. fact where possible, but it must not be forgotten that amongst the most competent teachers at work in a Secondary School there are many who hold the Teaching Certificate of the Board of Education, and had their early training in Public Elementary Schools. Where the teachers have been good enough to furnish this information we have included it. With great brevity we have indicated the nature of the Governing Body, the fees charged, the extent of the Endowment (if any) enjoyed, the grant in aid received from the Local Authority, and the amount of Parliamentary Grant paid to the school through the Board of Education. We have endeavoured to so arrange particulars as to enable a parent seeking a school within a given area to find with ease those particulars which in the first instance at least will determine his choice. Usually the fee charged is an important factor. Prohibitive fees are in this Return discoverable at a glance. Other particulars with regard to the school appear in juxtaposition. Having discovered those Schools whose fees are within the Parents' means and which appear likely to give that form of training which the child requires, full details can then be obtained by sending a request for a Prospectus to the address herein indicated. We have found it impossible to construct a form of tabulation which should provide this facility of examination and yet include particulars with regard to curriculum and scholarships. These, however, form part of the Section arranged in such a manner as to provide along with the tabulated material a fairly full description of the school in convenient form. Schools of a non-local character have been placed in this Return within the L E. A. area in which they are found. It would not be safe to withdraw them from the local list entirely, as though in the majority of cases they serve something more than the immediate neighbourhood, yet an inspeotion of such schools does disclose the fact that they draw a very large number of their pupils from the area in which they are situated, and their withdrawal from the list would mate- rially disturb any calculations which may be made as to the nature and extent of the school supply of that district. HIGHER EDUCATION. HIGHER EDUCATION DETAILS. 141 The following ABBREVIATIONS are used in this Section: Ab. Ace. A.C.T.C. A.M.C. Ann. App. B. B.C. Bd. Bd. Ed. Bd. G. Bldg(s). Brds. Cam. Cand. C. C.C. C.B.C. Cl. C. & G. C.S.C. Cert, Coll. Com. D. Dept(s). Dip. Div. End. Ent. Est. Ex. Exh. Ex-off. Fdn. Fr. G. GOY(S). G.P.D.S. Gr. Cis. H.B.C. About. =r According. = Art Class Teacher's Certifi- cate. = Art Master's Certificate. :zr Annual(ly) ~ Appoint (ed)(nient) zr Boys. r= Borough Council. = Board. = Board of Education. in Board of Governors. = Building(s). = Boarders. = Cambridge. = Candidate(s). = Certificated by the Board of Education. = County Council. =. County Borough Council. = Council. = City and Guilds. = Church Schools Co. rz Certificate. = College. Committee. =r Department (s). =. Diplorna(,-<). = Division(s). EndOw(ed)(ment). = Entrance, Entering. = Establish(ed). = Extra(s). rr Exhibition(s) . = Ex-officio. =. Foundation. = Froebrl. = Girls. r= Govern(or-s) (ing) (inent). C.rzGirls' Public Day Schools Co. = Graduate(s). . =. Guillens. = Higher Board's Ccrtincatc. H.C. H.M. H.Ms. H. F. * H. L. Int. Inc. Incl. Jun. K.G. K. S. L. E. A. Lvg. Mat. M. M. Ms. M. T. N.C.B.C. =r Nom. =. Ox. = P. A. Prel. rr Prep, rr Prof. = P.T(s). = Pub. Reg. = Regtr. = lid. Comni. zr: Kcp. = S. & A. rr 8. C. C. = Sch. = Sen. =. Sp. Sub. =: Ss. T. = T.C. = U. D. C. I'lid. I" 1 1 i v . ' Higher Certificate. . Headmaster. Headmistress. Higher Froebel. Higher Local. Intermediate. Increment(s) . Includ(e)(ing), Inclusive. Junior. Kindergarten. King's Scholarship. : Local Education Authority. Leaving. . Matriculation. . Mixed (after name of a school). Master(s). Mistress(es). Manual Training-. Non - County Borough Council. . Nominated. Oxford. Per annum. Preliminary'. Preparatory )(ation) (ing). Profession(al). Pupil Teacher(s). Public. * Regulation(s). Registration. : Religious Community. Represent(ed)(ing)( a tive). Science and Art. Scheme of the Charity Commissioners. School. . Senior. : Special Subjects. Seholars]up(s). Teach(er-s)(ing). Teaching Certificate. Urban District Council. Under. University. 142 HIGHER EDUCATION. School. No. of Pupils. No : of Teachers. a) Under 12. b) 12 to 16. Resident or Visiting or c) over 16. Regular. Sp. Sub. Qualifications of Staff, 1 2 BEDFORDSHIRE. Bedford Ad. C. County Sch., Bedford, B. Modern Sch., Bedford, G. 200 (aged 9 to 18) 270 13 M. 3 M. 16 Ms. 9 Gr. 4 Gr., IT. Dip. 3 "' 430 (aged 7 to 18) 22M.,2Ms. 4M. 13 Gr., 1A.M. 1 L. Mus. 4 Grammar Sch., Bedford, B. 870 (aged 7 to 19) 42 M., 4 Ms.' 5M. 38 Gr., 1 C.'l French Dip. 5 6 7 Grammar SGh.,D unstable (Ashton), B. High Sch., Bedford, G. Secondary Day Sch., Luton, M. 147 500 (ft) 85 7M. 29 Ms. 3 M., 16 Ms. 5 M., 3 Ms. . 2 M. 4Gr. Vis. 1 Gr., 2 L.R.AM., 1 A.R C.M. 2 Gr., 1 A.R.C.S. 8 9 BERKSHIRE. Berks Ad. C. Abingdon Sch., B. Colleges : Bradfield, B 100 (a) 50, (ft) 180, (c) 100=330 27 M. 6 M. 8Gr., 1 L.R.A.M. 24 Gr. 10 11 12 Beaumont , R . C . (and St. John's Jun. Sch.), B. Maidenhead (Craufurd Jewish), B. Sadlcy (St. Peter's), B. 170 45 (aged 9 to 16) 210 (aged 13 to 19) 17 M. 4 M. 1 Ms. 4M. 19 M. 1 M. 1 L.R.A.M., 1 R.A.M., 2 A.M.C. 1 Gr. 19 Gr. i 1 13 Wellington,^ i 489 (aged 14 to 19) 34~M. -1 M. All Gr. 14 15 Woolhampton, (St. '(a) 9, (ft) 44, Mary's R.C.), B. (c) 34=87 Clayesmore Sch., Pang- (a) 20, (ft) 20, borne, B. (c) 35=75 9M. .. 4Gr.,3C. 6 M. 3 M. 5 Gr. 16 Modern Sch., Maiden- (n) 20, (ft) 60, 5 M. :i M. 1 Gr., 3 Int. head, B. (c) 7=87 17 Newhury High Sch., G. . (a) 69, (ft) (over 12), 25 = 94 5 Ms. Various IS Newhury Grammar Sch., (a) 25, (ft) 60, 6 M. 3 M. 6 Gr., 2 C., B. (c} 12=97 - 1 A.M. 19 Taplow Grammar Sch.,B. 125 (aged 6 to 8 M. 4 M. 1 Gr. 18) : i i HIGHER EDUCATION. 143 How Governed. Annual Fees. ^f; Annual Grant from L.E.A. Government Grant, 1905. 1 Private Brds., 50 2 Bd. G. 13 Day, 4. Ent., 1. Brds., As Boys' 45 Sch. ' 3 Ed. G. 27, 5 ex- Ent., 1. To 16, 4; 16 Share in 546 5s. off., 10 nom., to 17, 6; over 17, 9; end. of 12 rep. Bd. un-ler 13, 50 ; over 15,000 : 13, 60 + books, &c. 4 Bd. G. 27, 5 tx- Ent., 2. To 10, 10 10s. ; Endowed. . off., 10 nom., 10 to 16, 13 13s. ; over 12 rep. 16, 16 16s. -f ex. ior"sp. sub., &o. Bd., und. 14, 63 ; over 14, 66 15s.+ ex. 4 4s. 5 Bd. G. 8 Day, 7 10s. ; Brds., 50 Endowed. . 6 Bd. G. 13 Ent, 2. To 13, 9 ; over 13, 12 + ex. Bd. 55 to End. by Sir W. Harper 65 gs. | 7 Bd. G. 15 und. 4 10s . , Maintain'd 228 C.C. by L.E.A 8 Ed. G. 15, 2 ox- ! Day, 10 10s. ; Brds., 55 Endowed . . 218 7s. 6d. oft'., 4 co-op., incL-f-books and sp. sub. 8 rep. ex. 9 Council of 12 . . 25 gs. Bd., 65 gs.r=90 gs. End. for 16 None -f- ex. Jun. scb., to 16, 70 free places gs. ; over 16, 75 gs. -f-ex. 10 Ilel. Coinru. . . 84 (Army & Navy courses and bldgs. 105) incl. 11 Private . . Brds., 75 to 84 gs. 12 Body of 12Trus- 'Ent., 10 gs. 90 gs. and Endowed tees upwards ace. to age -}- 4 9 gs. ex. and ex. for sp. I sub. 13 25 Govs. + 3 Ent., 6. Brds., 110 Endowed ex-(,ff. (132 in separate bdg. house)-f-ex. not exceeding 3 gs. and. for t-p. sub. 14 Rel. Comm. . . 40 4- ex None None 15 ouncil (Incor- 100 to 120 None (Pro- Nona C rated) prietary Sch.) 16 Bd. G. under '. Day, 9 gs. ; Brds., 39 to 45 Bldg. (sub. 200 82 13s. 6d. scheme gs. to mort- 8. & A. gage only) 17 Bd. G. 11 7 to 10, 6 gs. ; over 10, 9 gs. % m 72 Brds., 36 gs. ; weekly brds.,30gg.-j-ex. 18 Bd. G. 18 To 10, 8; over 10, 9. About 300 300 190 Brds. to 10, 42 ; over 10, p.a. 45 ; weekly brds. to 10, . j 39 ; over 10, 42 + ex. 19 Private . . Brds., 30 to 50 gs. 144 HIGHER EDUCATION. School. No. of Pupils, (a) Under 12. (6) 12 to 16. (c) over 16. No. of Teachers. Qualifications of Staff. Regular. Visitingor Sp. Sub. 20 Wallingford Grammar B. 50, G. 25, 4 M., 3 Ms. 2 M. 2Gr.,lL.L.A. Sch., M. =75 (aged : 8 to 17) 21 Wantage Grammar Sch. 1 72 (aged 8 to 4 M., 1 Ms. 2M. 3Gr. (King Alfred's), B. 18) READING C.B. 22 Friends' Sch., B. 49 (aged 10 to 6M. 2M. 5Gr. 19) 23 Kendrick School, B. . . (a) 79, (b) 138, 8M. 3M. 2 Gr. M 11=228 24 G. .. (a) B. 6, G. 25, 8 Ms. 3M.,lMs. 3 Gr., 1 Tr. C. (b) 70, (c} 66 =167 25 Reading School, B. Und. 14, 50; 14 M., IMs. 5M. 16 Gr. 14 to 16, 46 ; 1 A.R.C.A. (c) 27=123 25a High Sch., G. .. .. 95 9 Ms. 3M.,7Ms. 4Gr.,lFr.C., 1 Art. C. 2 L.R.A.M. BUCKINGHAMSHIRE. Bucks Ad. C. 26 Counly School, Wolvc-r- ()B. 1, G,l, 2M., 2 Ms, 3M. 1 Int., 2 C. ton, B. and G. (*) B. 43, G. 36, (6-) G. 2 =83 26a Eton College, B. Ab. 1,030 (aged 68 M. 1 1 64 Gr. 12 to 19) 26b Godstowe Prep. Sch., 65 1M., 9 Ms. 2 Ms. !Gr.,lA.C.P., High Wycombe, G. 1 Fr. C., ICain. T. C. Grammar Schools : 27 Amersham, M. 80 (aged 8 to 3M., 3 Ms. tt 2 Or., 18) 1 A.R.C.A. 28 Aylesbury, B. . . 54 3 M. 1 M. 1 Gr. 29 High Wy combe (Royal), 55 (aged 7 to 4M. 1M. 3Gr. B. 17) 30 High School, High Wy- (a) 9, (4) 59, 5 Ms. lM.,2Ms. 3 Gr., 2 Mat., combe, G. (0) 15=83 2 Cam. T.C., 1 Scotch T.C. 1 A.M., 1 A.C.T.C. 31 Latin Sch., Buckingham, 65 (aged 9 to 7M. 1 M. 2 Gr. B. 17) 32 Sir W. Borlas's School, () 15, (ft) 28, 4M. 2M. 4Gr.,l A.M.C. Mat-low, B. (c) 10=53 1 Ox. & Cam. H.B.C. 32a Wycombe Abbey Sch., G. 200 (aged 13 18 Ms. 18 Ms. 15 Gr., to 19) 2 L.R.A.M. CAMBRIDGESHIRE. Cambs. Ad. C, 33 County Sch., Cambridge, (a) 62, (b} 160, 11 M. 2M. 4 Gr., 1 Int., B. (c) 18 = 240 IMs. 1A.M., -f 25P.T.'s 1 M.T. Dip. HIGHER EDUCATION. 145 How Governed. Annual Fees. Endow- ments. ! Annual Grant from L.E.A. Government Grant, 1905. 20 M. G Tuition. 7 10s. to 10; Endowed . . 93 10s. 13d. , 40 21 Bd. G Day, 5 to 8 ; Brds., 42 Endowed . . 162 15s. to 50 22 Soc. of Friends 105 Proprietary Sch. 23 *Bd G. under S.C.C. 5 + ex. En*-. 5s. Bldgs. and ab.60p.a. 100 116 17s. 6d. S. & A. 24 Bd. & 6 Very small Only fees 289 * end. for Ss. holders 25 Trusties, new To 14, 14 4s. ; 14 to 16, 45 ann. + 200 schene being 18 4s. ; over 16, 24 4s. Ss. End. prepa-ed, und. Brds. to 14, 68 5s. ; over wh.L.E.A.will 14, 78 15s. + ex. Prep. proba>lybethe dept., 13 10s. rv. bdy 25a of Church Schs. Co. Day, und. 7 (K.G.), 4J to 6 gs. ; 7 to 9, 9 gs. ; 9 to Proprietary Sch. 13, 12 gs. ; over 13, 15 gs. ; Brds., 60 gs. ; Weekly, 54 gs. +ex. 18s. and for sp. sub. 26 Com. of LE.A. 5 guineas None Maintain'd 126 6s. 6d. by L.E. A. S. & A. 26a Bd.G.und. Pub- lic Schs. Aooks ex. None 225 81 5s. S. & A. 31 Bd. G. 40 k Endowed . . 43 5s. \ S. & A. 32 Bd. G 9 5s. Brds., 54-|-ex. Ab. 125 100 104 12s. 6d. for to. sub., &c. p. a. from \ Consols H2u Gov. Cl. 24 .. Ent. aid. 15, 35; over 15, 40-^ x . forsp.sub., &c. 33 Bd. G. under 6 (boy & from outside the None 400 to 909 L.E. A., 6 appt by C.C., 4 by County ,9). Brds. terms on applintion 500 and Sinking B.C.,2byCam Fund on Univ;, and 3 \ bldgs. co-opted. TTT-T New Scheme is being Wafted by the Board of Education. 146 HIGHER EDUCATION. School. No. of Pupils (a) Under 12. (6) 12 to 16. ( Bd. G. 13 Tuition, 6. Bd., 40 Endowed . . .. 117 14s. 6d. 16 Bd. G. 15, incl. 10 gs. incl. Brds., 60 incl. Land and FeeaofC.C 86 Is. reps, of C.C. and the B.C. funds ab. 1,800 scholars and of S. & A. P.Ts. 148 HIGHER EDUCATION. No. of Pupils, (c) over 16. No. of Teachers. Qualifications of Staff. Resident or Regular. Visiting or Sp. Sub. 47 1 Mottram, M 00 17, (ft) 60, 2 M., 2 Me. 3 Gr. (2 C.), (c} 3=80 1 Int. (B. 59, G. 21) 48 Nantwich and Acton, B. 84 (8 to 18) 3M., 2 Me. 1 M. 2Gr. B. 49 Northwich (Sir J. Deane's), B. () 15, (ft) 76, (V)2-fllP.Ts 6M. 3M. 3 Gr., 1 Int., 1 A.M.C. = 104 50 Tarvin, B 20 (8 to 17) 2M. p 51 Wallasey, B 00 70, (ft) 159, 8 'i 6Gr. (c} 11=240 52 Weaver ham, B. 30 (7 to 16) .. .. H.M. Gr. 53 West Kirby, B. (a) 25, (ft) 76, 5M., IMs. 4M. 6Gr., (c) 11=112 1 A.M.C. Hi(?h Schs. : 54 Liscard, B. 120 (8 to 17) 6M. 1 Gr. 55 Macclesfield, G. (a) B. 21, G. 10 Ms. 2*M. 4 Gr., 2 Cam. 53, (ft; 69, H.L. Hone., (c) 65=208 2H.F., 1 French Dip. , 1 L.R.A.M,, IHon. A.R.C.A., &c. 56 Safe, B.... .. (a) 40, (ft) 43, 4M. 2M. 3 Gr., 1 C., 00 2=85 1 AM.C. 57 Wallasey, G 00 B. 9, G. 64 (ft 12 to 14) 38, 9 Ms. 2M.,4Ms. (c over 14) 79= 190 58 Kingsmead Sch., Mcols,^. 27 (9 to 18) 2M. 2Gr. 59 Modern Sch. (King Ed- 126 (7 to 16) 6M. t , 2Gr. ward VI.), B., Mac- cles field 60 Mossley Hall Sch., Conglc- 40 (8 to 17) 3M. 2M. 2Gr. ton, B. 61 Mostyn House Prep. Soh. , Parkgate, B, 100 (8 to 15) 9M.,2Ms. 9 Gr., 1 Teh. Dip., 1 Teh, C. for Mod. Lang. 62 Preparatory Schools : Alderky Edge (The 38 (8 to Hi) 4M. I'M. 3Gr. Ryleys), B. 63 Boivden (Wadham 00 26, (ft) 16, 4 3 1 Gr. House), B. =42 HIGHER EDUCATION. 1 11) How Governed. Annual Fees. Endow- ments. Annual Grant from L.E A. Government Grant, 1905. 47 Bd. G 3 guineas .. .. .. Ab.150p.a 200 136 4s. j from pro- perty and Govt. stock 48 Bd. G. 12 6 to 7 10s Endowed . . 151 12s. 6d. 49 Bd. of 12 Govs. Under 10, 4: 10 to 12, Landt>roduc- 60 95 7s. incl. reps, of 6 ; over 12, 8 ingab. 600, S. &A. public bodies p. a. 50 51 Bd. G Dayboys, 6; Brds.,27 i Endowed Bd. G. under Under 10, 4 10s. ; 10 -to Endowed.. 240 from 419 5s. S.C.C., 6 rep. 12, 6 15s. ; over 12, U.D.C., 2C.C., 9 18s. Ent., 5s. ; wood- |C.C.,100 from and 1 L'pool ! work, 1 guinea ex. U. D. C. * Univ. (In 1904 i sp. grant of 300.) 50 for use of bldgs. for Even- ing Classes 52 Bd. G. 8 3 Endowed . . > g 29 14s. 6d. S &A. 53 Gov. body, new Under 10, 6 ; 10 to 12, Landproduc- Ab. 200 207 9s. 6d. scheme being | 7 10s. ; over 12, 10 -f ingab. 15 in 1905 prepared, 9 rep. ex. for sp. sub., &c. p.a. C.C., 4 Dist. Brds. under 12, 47 5s. ; Cl. and 3 others over 12, 50 8s. + ex. for sp. sub. 54 Private.. 5 to 10 KB. 55 Bd. G K.G. 3 gs., Form I., 100 p.a. 142 414s.6d.; II., 6 15s.; from End. III., 8 5s. ; over III., of King 10 gs. -f- ex. for sp. sub. Edward's Full brds , 40 19s. ; Grara.Sch. weekly, 31 10s. for B. 56 Bd. G Und. 9, 6 gs.; 9 to 11, None None 9 gs. ; 11 to 13, 12 gs. ; over 13, 15 gs. 57 By Council of 13, 2 being K.G., 4 10s. Under 11, 7 10s. ; over 11, 10 gs. Company was, 100 from est. with a i C.C. 143 8s. 6d. S. & A. nom. by C C. (If entry when over 12, nominal (Est. under 12)-|-ex. for stationery capital of Companies' Act and sp. sub.) 10,000 No div. now paid) 58 Private Tuition, 21 gs. Bd., 45 gs. 59 Bd. G. 15 ") guineas Endowed 60 Private.. Day boys, lOf gs. Brds., 40 gs. 61 Private.. 100 ! 62 .. Tuition , 30 gs. Bd. , 50 ge. 63 Private.. 18 to 24 gs. Brds., 63 to None .. None 72 as. 150 HIGHER EDUCATION. School. No. of Pupils, (a) Under 12. (b) 12 to 16. (c) over 16. No. of Teachers. Qualifications of Staff. Resident or Regular. Visiting or Sp. Sub. 64 65 Runcorn Institute, M. . . Sandbach Sch., B. ()G. 1, B.2, (*) G. 38, B. 49, (?) G. 6, B. 48 144. P.T. Centre 49 90 (8 to 18) 5 4M. " * lGr.,2C., 3 Int., 1 Cam. H.L. 2Gr. 66 67 Secondary Day Sobs. : Crewe, M *Hyde, M (a) G. 4, B. 4, (4) G. 120, B. 113, (c} G. 9, B. 4=254 () G. 9, B. 6, (4) G. 87, B. 48, (c) G. 6 =156 7 M., 3 M". 5 M., 5 Ms. !M.,lMs. 4M., IMs. 6Gr., 1 L.L.A., 1 A.M.C., 2 Sp. Sub. Dip. 9Gr., 2 A M.C., 1 A.R.M.C.A., 2 Sp Sub. Dip. 68 Technical Sch. (Verdin), Winsford, Dual B. 49, G. 36 =85 (10 to 18) 3 M., 2 Ms. 2M. 2 Gr. 69 Willaston Sch., Nant- wich, B. 31 (11 to 19) 4M. 2M. 4 Gr. 70 BIRKENHEAD, C.B. Birkeuhead Institute, B. (a) 55, (4) 110, (c) 50=215 9M. 3M. 6 Gr., 2 Int. 71 Birkenhead Sch., B. .. () 49, (4) 98, (0 29=176 9M. 3M. 9 Gr. 72 Birkenhead Prep. Sch., B. ().62 5 Ms. !M.,4Ms. 73 Birkenhead High Sch., G. (a) 30, (4) 18, (c) 11=59 7 Ms. 6 Ms. 3 Gr., 1 H.F., 2 Cam. T.C., 2 Art Certs., 1 L.R.A.M. 74 Higher Tranmere High Sch., G. (a) 32, (4) 62, (f) 21=115 7 Ms. 3 75 Convent Sch., Holt Hill, G. () 72, (4) 61, (<.-) 17=150 15 Ms. 3 T. Dip. 76 77 Convent Sch.. Rock Ferry, G. Cadet Sch. Ship (H.M.S. Cornvay), B. () 38, (4) 12, =50 180 (12 to 17) 4 Ms. 6M. 2M. 3 Gr. * This school is also * P.T. Centre. The r, umber of scholars given does not include the pupils attending ,the Oen,t,M3, lut the regular staff ttach both in the Secondary School and the Jf,T. Centre. HIGHER EDUCATION. 151 How Governed. Annual Fees. Endow- ments. A nil mi I Grant from L.E.A. Government Grant, 1905. 64 ! L.E A 4 None 100 321 Gf> Bd. G 15 Day boys, 6 10s. BrJs., Endowed 40 to 50 66 Sab -Com. of Prep, forms, 4 gs. ; higher None Sch. main- 855 5s. LEA. forms, 4 19s. tained by * L.E.A. 67 Sub -Com. of Prep. Sch., 6 gs. ; senior End. of Sch. main- 370- 10s. L.E.A. sch., 3 g-s. 10,000 ia tained by 2 p.c. for Hr. Ed. L.E.A. shared between the Even. Tech. Sch. and the Sec. Sch. 68 Local Higher 5 guineas .. 199-^ Ed. Com. 96 12s. 69 Bd. G. 15 100 per annum .. Endowed (Sch. of Art) 70 Bd. G. (directors Under 9, 4 10s. ; 9 to 12, For Ss. only 444 15s. of Co. by whom 7 10s. ; over 12, 9 15s. interest on Sch. was est.) 4,000 71 Sch est. by Ltd. Under 10, 19 ; 10 to 12, None (pro- Co. (no divs. 22 ; over 12, 25. Bd., prietary Sch.) now paid). 50 or 52 10s. Reduc- Directors form tion of fees if nom., also Bd. G. (15) to sons of ministers at discretion. Ex. for sp. sub. 7 -) As Birkenhead 12 to 18, ace. to age .. Seeabove Sch. 73 CJ.ofG.P.D.S.C. Under 10, 10 gs. ; over 10, None acts as Bd. G. 13 gs. (if ent. over 13, 16 gs.; Ent., 1 ; Prep. Dept., 6 gs. Ex. for sp. sub. 74 Cl. of Co. own- Under 8, 5 g?. ; 8 to 10, ing Sch. acts as Bd. G. 6 gs. ; 10 to 12, 8 gs. ; 12 to 13, 9 gs. ; over 13, 10 gs. (new pupils, 13 10s.) Ent., 10s. 6d. Ex. for sp. sub. 75 Und. Rel. Com. Day, 1| to 6 gs. Brds. ab. ., 149 18s. 6d. 20 -f- ex. for sp. sub. 76 Und. Rel. Com. From 1 10s. to 3 4s. 77 Committee 65 guineas Proprietary 152 HIGHER EDUCATION. School. No. of Pupils. (a) Under 12. (&) 12 to 16. (c) over 16. No. of Teachers. Qualifications of Staff. Resident or Regular. Visiting or Sp. Sub. 78 79 CHESTER, C.B. City and County Set., G. King's Sch., B \ 0) 4, (ft) 69, (c) 13=86 117 (8 to 19) 4 Ms. 7M. 2 Ms. 1 M. 1 Gr., 1 C., 1 Cam. T.C. and Ox. Cl. Hong., 1 Ox. Mod. Lang. Hons. 6Gr. 80 Arnold House, Sch., B. 85 (9 to 18) 4 M., 1 Ms. 2M. 3Gr. 81 Technical Day Sch., and Sch. of Science, B. (a) 21, (ft) 74, (c} 3=98 5M. 2M. 3 Gr. ,2A.M., 1 M.T. Cert., 1 French Dip. Sla Queen's Sch., G. 175 9 Ms. 9 Ms. 3M. 7Gr., 4 A.R.C.M. 82 83 STOCKPORT, C.B. Grammar Sch., B. High Sch., G ()"43, (ft) 121 * =164 ()"B. 10, O. 29, (ft) 44, (c) 8=91 8M. 7 Ms. 2M. 2 Ms. 7Gr., 1 A.R.C.O., 1 A.R.C.A. 3 Gr., 1 Cam. T. Train. C., 2H.F. 84 Technical Secondary Sch., M. () B. 6, G. 5, (ft) B. 124, G. 120, (c} B. 3, G. 11=269 6 M., 5 Ms. 2M.,lMs. 6Gr., 1F.C.S., 1 A.RC.S. (some also C.) 85 CORNWALL. Cornwall Ad. C. Colleges : Truro, B. () 9, (ft) 75, (c} 27=111 7M. 3 M. 5Gr. 86 Launceston (Dunkwed) , B. () 10, (ft) 45, (c) 16=71 5M. 2 M. 3 Gr., 1 Int. 87 87a County Secondary Sch., Bodmin, B. High Sch., Truro, G. . . 52 (8 to 17) 100 3 M., 1 Ms. 7 Ms. 3 Ms. 1 Gr. 2Gr.,lL.I,A. 88 Grammar Schools : Camelford, B (a) 12, (ft) B. 30, G. 2, (c) B. 10, G. b =60 3 M., 1 Ms. 1 M. . I 2 Gr., 1 Int. HIGHER EDUCATION. 153 How Governed. Annual Fees. Endow- ments. Annual Grant from L.E.A. Government Grant, 1905. 78 Hr. Ed. Sub- 4 + books, &o. (City None Maintain'd 344 13s. Corn. ofL.E.A. P.T*. admitted free, but must provide books, &c.) by L.E.A. (1904) 79 Bd. G. 18 (incl. Under 12, 12 gs. ; over 12, Endowed 203 the Mayor and lo gs. Bd. under 12, Bishop) 28 ; over 12, 31 ; 5 re- duction each for brothers 80 Private.. Day, 20; BrJs., 60 to 70 SI Bd. G. 25 (12 5 100 p.a. 1,000 373 lOa. 6d. rep. C.B.C.) from Old- field'sCharity for 9 day & 10 Evg. Ss. 81a Bd. G. 20, und. Under 10, 9; 10 to 12, 11; Endowed S.C'.C.12rep., over 12, 13 (naw pupils 7 co-op., and over 13, 16). Ex. for 1 ex-off. sp. sub., &c. 82 Bd. G. 14 (incl. Tuition, 4 to 10 Endowed . . 250 1116s. Id. members of the (t yr. only; C.B.C.) 83 By LEA. .. Under 6, 3 gs. ; 6 to 8, None Maintain'd 74 4 14s. 6d. ; 8 to 10, 6 by L.E.A. gs. ; 10 to 13, 9 gs. ; over 13, 12 gs. -f- ex. for sp. sub. and books, &c. 84 By L.E.A. Ed. 3 guineas None Maintain'd 794 10*. Com. by L.E.A. 85 Bd. G. 12, incl. f ent. und. 12, 6 gs. ; over None (pro- Occasional 218 17s. Pros, of Wes- leyanConf. ex- 12, 9 gs. ; over 15, sp. terms. Brds., under 12, prietary ech.) grants f 01 for sp. off. 31 10s ; over 12, 31 13s. -f 2 14s. for equipmt. books, &c., and ex. for sp sub. 86 Bd of directors. 50 to 60 None (pro- None prietary sch.) 87 .. Day, 7 10s. Brds., 36 gs. 87a Gov. Cl. 10 . . Under 10, 9 gs. : 10 to 14, 12 gs. ; over 14, 15 gs. ; ex. for books, &c., and for sp. sub. Eat. under 7, 10s. (id. ; over 7, 1 Is. 88 Bi. G Day, 6. Brds , 30 to 40 60 p.a. from 120 79 16s. 6d. End. S.&A. 154 HIGHER EDUCATION. School. No. of Pupils, (a) nder!2. (b) 12 to 16. (c) over 16. No. of Teachers. Qualifications of Staff. Resident or Regular. Visiting or Sp. Sub. 89 Falmouth, B (a) 15, (V) 40, 00 10=65 4M. 2 M. 3 Gr., 1 Int., 1 Matric. 90 91 92 93 Fowey, M Truro, B. Probus School, B Wadham Sch., Liskeard, B B. 40, G. 40 =80 (8 to 16) 53 (8 to 18) 64 (8 to 19) 00 14, (&) 34, 00 15=63 2 M., 3 Ms. 5M. 3M. 3M. 1 M. 2 M! 2Gr. 1 Gr. 2Gr. 2 Gr., 1 Cam.L. 94 CUMBERLAND. Cumberland, Ad. C. Friends' Scb , Wigton, M. 62 (9 to 16) 3 M., 3 Ms. 1 M., 1 Ms 2Gr. 94a 95 High Sch., Carlisle, G... Grammar Schools : Carlisle, B 120 191 9 Ms. 8M. 4 Ms. 2 M. 5Gr.,lFr.C., 1 A.M.C.,&c., 1 L.R.A.M. 9Gr., 1 A.R.C.A. 96 97 Penrith (Queen Eliza- beth's), B. Great Bkncowe, B. . . 3 1(8 to 16) 2M. 00 2, (b} 9 2 =11 3 M. 1 1 Gr. 1 Gr. 98 99 Kent House Sch., White- haven, B. Keswick School, M. 32 B. 68, G. 45 =113 2 M., 1 Ms. 6 M., 4 Ms. 2 M. 4 M., 2 Ms. 7 Gr., 2 H.F., 1 C. & G. Cert, 100 St. Bee's Sch., B. 170 (9 to 19) 9M. 2 M. 9Gr. 101 102 Secondary Schools. : Workington, M. Wujton (Nelson), B. .. 00 14, (A) 167, 00 2=183 95 (8 to 18) 4 M., 2 Ms. 6M. 1 M. All trained and C., 1 Gr., 1 Int., 1 A.C.T., 1 L.C.P. 4 Gr., 1 L.C.P. 103 104 Preparatory Sch., Sea- scales, B. DERBYSHIRE. Derby, Ad. C. Colleges : Buxton, B (a) 20, (b 12 to 14) 16=36 (a) 12, (4) 51, (c} 20=83 4M., 1 Ms. ! 6M. 2 M. 3 M. 4 Gr., 1 C., I Int., 1 Wood- work Cert. 4Gr. HIGHER EDUCATION. 155 How Governed. Annual Fees. Endow- ments. Annual 3rant from L.B.A. Government Grant, 1905. so Bd. G .. Under 12, 11 5s.; over 1 240 ann. 12, 14 5s. (unless ent. from End. before 10). Bd., under 12, 31 10s. ; over 12, 37 16s. -j- ex. for laun- dry, sp. sub., &c 90 Bd. G. 16 Day, 6 15s. to 8. Brda., Endowed 3 -i gs. to 42 g 4M 3 M 3 Gr., 1 Int, \ I (C) 10=51; 1 Mat., 1 A.MC. 132 Barnstapk, B 26 (7 to 16) 2 M. 133 Bideford, B j (a) 6, (b) 34, 2 M. 2 M. 1 Gr.. 1 Int. (c) 3=43 HIGHER EDUCATION. 159 How Governed. Annual Fees. Endow- ments. Annual Grant from L.E.A. Government Grant, 1905. 120 Bd. G 22uud. Eut., 1 3s. 6d. Cap, 1 gn. Endowed. . 224 5s. S.C.C. Day, under 15, 15 ; over 15, 20. Bd., under 15, 35 ; over 15, 40 -f ex. about 6 per aan., also for sp. sub. 120a Local Com. (12), Ent., 1 gn. Tuition, from None. Pro- uncl. Cl. of 6 gns. (E.G.) to 15 gns. prietary C.S.C. Ex. 15s. also for sp. sub. Bd., 50. 121 Sub. - Com. of 4 10s. (children of rate- None Maintain'd 616 L.E.A. payers and residents, 3 gst) by L.E.A. 122 Sub. - Com. of 4 10s. (children of rate- : None Ab.l,500, 536 L.E.A. payers and residents, 3 gs.) maintain* d by L.E.A. 123 Day, 14 gs. Brds., 42 to Endowed 56 gs. 124 Bd. G. 18 Day, 23 6s. 6d. Brds., End. by 32. under 13 (prep, house), founder in 72 9s. ; under 14, 1604 75 12s. ; over 14, 81 18s. (if ent. over 12) -{- ex. for sp. sub. Re- duction of 7 if parents are and have for 3 years resided in the Boro' 125 Bd. G. .. ;. Day, 4 to 6. Bd., 30 Endowed 126 Gov. Cl. Day, 8. Brds., 75 . . Proprietary 127 Private Day, 9 to 12. Brds., 45 to 60 128 Bd. G. Proprie- 25 to 32 Freehold of 140 .. 189 10s. tary Sch. farm of 70 acres 129 Bd. of Trustees Day, 15. Bd., 51 + ex. j End. by be- None for sp. sub. and Army quest of ov. classes 100,000 130 Bd. G. 18 Day,6gs. Brds., under 13, 1,000 in- 140 .. 151 31 10s. ; over 13 (if i vested to ent. over 12), 34 13s. -|- provide ex. for books stipend of Chaplain 131 | Bd. G Day, under 11, 5 gs. ; 11 Land~ value 162 10s. to 13, 6 gs. ; over 13, ab. 165 7 gs. incl. Brds., 30 to net 36 gs. 132 Day, 7. Brds., 30 gs. . . Endowed 133 Bd. G. . . " Under 10, 4 10s. ; over End. from 75 10, 6 gs. funds of "Bridle Trust," amount variable, ab. 100 ann. 160 HIGHER EDUCATION. School. No. of Pupils, (a) Under 12. (b) 12 to 16. (c) over 16. No. of Teachers. Qualification i of Staff. Resident or Regular. Visiting or Sp. Sub. 134 135 Bovey Tracey, B. Chudleigh, B 30 (10 to 17) 12 (8 to 18) 3M. 2M. 1 M. 2Gr. 1 Gr. 136 Crediton, B 80 (8 to 19) 5 M. 4*M. 3 Gr. 137 Kingsbridge, B. (a) 12, (4) 68, 5M. 3 M. 3 Gr., 1 A.M.C., (c) 10=90 1 F.R.C.O. 138 Newton Abbot, B. (a) 14, (*) 24, 2M. 2 M. 2Gr. (c) 7=45 139 Totnes (King Edward VI.) i B. (a) 12, (*) 55, (c) 4=71 5 M. 4 M. 3 Gr., 1 Int., 140 King's Sch., Ottcry St. () 8, (4) 27, 3 M. 4 1 Gr., 1 Int. Mary, B. (c) 4=39 141 Middle Sch., Ttverton, B. (a) 7, (4) 32, 3 M. 5 M. 2Gr.,2A.C.P., (c) 2=41 1 A.R.C.A., 1 A.M.C. 142 JJ G. (a) 17, (*) 59, (c) 5=81 4 Ms. 5M., IMs. 2 Gr., 2 LL.A., 1 A.R.C.A., 1 A.M.C., 1 Mat. & Cam. H.L., 1 F.R.C.O. 143 Moorside Sch., Okehamp- 25 (8 to 17) 2 M. 2 M. ton, B. 144 North Devon Sch., Barn- 90 (8 to 18) 5 M. 2Gr. staple, B. 145 Preparatory Schools: Ayshford Soh., Ifff- 17 (7 to 15) 2 M. 1 Gr. culme, B. 146 Ellerslie Sch., B. 42 (7 to 14) 3 M. .. 3Gr. 147 Hillshoro' Sch., Teign- 15 (8 to 16) 2 M. ., 1 Gr. mouth, B. 148 Montpelier Sch., Paign- 3 M. 3 M. 3 Gr. ton, B. 149 Park Hou?e Sch., Bud- 12 (7 to 14) 2 M. 1 Gr. leigh Salterton, B. 150 Upscott House, Oke- 25 3 M. . . 1 Gr. hampton, B. 151 Westward Ho ! Jun. 24 (7 to 14) 3 M., 1 Me. 2Gr. Sch, B. 152 Wolboro' Hill Sch., 21 (8 to 14) 2 M. 1 Gr. Newton Abbot, B. 153 Technical Sch., South (*) B. 18, G. 5 M. 3 C., 1 Mat., Molton, M. 22, (c) B. 56, 1 A.M.C., G. 55=151 1 A.C.P. DEVONPORT, C.B. 154 High Sch., Albert-rd., B. (a) 39, (i) 94, 5 M. 3 M. 3 Gr , 1 F.C.P., ( 75 153 Local Com. of 4s. per session (September None, ex- 82 L.B.A. to June incl.) cepting grants made by Charity Trustees 154 j Bd. G. 5 Day, 8 to 16 gs. Bd., 36 None None . . 219 Is. 9d. to 60 gs. S. & A. 162 HIGHER EDUCATION. School. No. of Pupils, (a) Under 12. (b) 12 to 10. (c) over 16. No. of Teachers. Resident or Visiting or Regular. Sp. Sub. Qualifications of Staff. 155 ! Municipal Technical Sch., (evenings only) 156 157 158 EXETER, C.B. Cathedral Sch. (for Cath. ! () 7, (*) 14, I 2 M. 3M.,2Ms. 1 Gr. Choristers), B. (c) 1=22 Exeter Soh., B. Hele's Sch., B. (a) 14, (A) 70, (c 46=130 ! M. 3 M. (a) 49, (4) 120, i 7 M., 1 Stu. 1 M. (c) 3=172 ! T., 2 Prob. 9Gr. 1 Gr., 2 C. 159 High Sch., G, . . 160 161 162 163 . . I (a) B. 9, G. 52, 12 Ms. + 5 2 M., 3 Ms. 6 Gr., 2 H.F., ! (b) 45, (c) 31 ! Stu. T. 4 various =137, incl. ' Teaching Dip. 5 Stu. T. 1 Art Cert. 1 L.R.A.M. 2Gr.,2L.L.A., 1 Int., others Cam. H.L. Middle Soh. (Episcopal), ()B.19,G.116, 10 Ms. and G. (ft 113, (e) 15 2 Jun. Ms. Royal Albert Memorial College, M. .,., 0)113, (0)15 =263 267 + 120 in Day Train. Coll. PLYMOUTH, C.B. Colleges : Plymouth and Manna- i 190 (6 to 19) 10 M. mead, B. 3M. 7Gr. St. Boniface's 72. C., B. 85 (8 upwds.) I 5 M. 2 M. HIGHER EDUCATION. 1(53 'How Governed. Annual Fees. Endow- ments. Annual Grant from L.E.A. Government Grant, 1905. loo Hr. Ed. Sub.- ."is. lo 21s. per term ace. to None Residue 111 Os. 6d. Com.ofL.E.A. sub. taken and age . un. Local 8. & A. Taxation (1904) Act (ab. 1,100)+ proceeds of | rate (also ap- plied to Ev.Schs.)| 156 Dean and Chap - of Cathedral 157 Bd. G. 20, under s.c.c. 158 Bd. G. 12 under S.C.C. 159 Bd. G. 11, incl. the Mayor and 1 from City Cl. ex -off. 160 161 Bd. G., Mayor, Deputy Chair- man, and 16 of the Cl. + 16 1 elected by Cl. Day, under 12, 12; 1'ito 14, 14 ; over 14, 15 4- 2 5s. 6d. for books, &c. Brds.,* 50 (reduction of 10 to sons of clergy) Day, under 10, 10 ; 10 to 13, 15; over 13, 18. Ent., under 10, 1 ; over 10, 2; reg., 5s.; sta- tionery, 15s. ann. -{- ex. for sp. sub. Brds., 48 to 68 Under 12, 4 10s.; over 12, 6 ; reg-., 2s. 6d. ; ent., 7s. 6d. -f- ex. for boohs, &<-. Under 8, 6 gs. ; 8 to 10, 9 gs. -}- 9s. stationery; over 10, lo -f- 18s. sta- tionery ; reg., os. ; ent., under 10, 10s.; over 10, 2. Bd., 50 gs. (weekly under 14, 36 gs. ; over 14, 39 gs.) K.G., 3 gs. ; Lower ech., 4 gs. ; Middle sch., 5 ; Upper sch,, 6 -f- ex. for stationery, 4s. 6d. ; reg., Is. ; ent., 5s. Ace. to sub. taken, &c. . , About 210 None ann. fths of sur- None plus income of St. John's Hospital, v a ryi ng | from nothing 1 ! ! to 150 ami. : Hele End., None j also 400 ! I p.a. from ! St. John's Hospital End., un. scheme Buildings -j- None yths of sur- plus income of St. John's Hospital Trust (in 1902, 100) Ab. 250 None ann. Ann. local income 651 184 (56 162 Bd. G. 13 . . Day, under 8, 8 gs. ; 8 to None (pro- 10, 11 gs.; 10 to 13, 17gs.; prietary over 13, 2 Igs. Brds., under Sch.) 10 (prep, dept.), 48 gs. ; 10 to 13, 55 gs.; over 13, 60 gs. Reduc. for brothers. Ex. for sp. sub., &c. 163 Catholic Dioce- Day, 4 10s. Bids., under None sanBd. 11, 30 ; 11 to 15, 33; * over 15, 36 incl. Ent., 1. Reduc. for brothers. Ex. for books and sp. sub. None 54 17s. 6d. S. & A. 289 (Art.) 173 8s S. & A. 164 HIGHER EDUCATION. School. No. of Pupils, (a) Under 12. (6) 12 to 16. (c) over 16. No. of Teachers. Resident or Regular. Visiting or Sp. Sub. Qualifications of Staff. , Grammar Schools : 1 164 Hoe,K 125 (8 to 18) 2M. 2M. 3Gr. 165 Mutley, B 109 (6 to 18) 5M. 5M. 2Gr. 165a High Sch., G 9 M.s. 3M. 2 Gr. 166 Hoe Prep. Sch., B.' 60 4 M., 3 Ms. 1M. 4Gr. 167 Lipson Sch., B. . . (//) 50, (&) 37, 3 M., 1 Ms. 1 M., 1 Ms. IGr., (c) 3=90 1 A.L.C.M. 168 Municipal Tech. Day ! 180 7M. IGr., Sch., M. 1 A.R.C.S. DORSETSHIRE. Dorset Ad. C. 169 College, Weymouth, B. . . (6 to 19) 7M. 2 M. 6 Gr. 170 1 Collegiate Sch., Toolc, 13. 30 (9 to 15) 2 M. 2 Gr. Grammar Schools : 171 Beaminster, D. . . B. 52, G. 22= 3 M., 2 Ms. 3 M. 1 Gr. 74 (8 to 17) 172 Blandford (Milton 40 (8 to 17) ! ' H.M. Gr. Abbas), B. 173 Gillinaham, D. . . (ft) B. 20, G. 17, 4 M., 1 M>>. (b) B. 13, G. 5, 2 M. iGr., ICam.L. 2 Sp. Certs?. (*) B. 8=63 -f 38 P.T.S 174 175 Shaftesbury, B. . . 61 (8 to 17) 4 M. Sherborne (Foster's (} 15, (/;) 41, 4 M. 2 M. 2 Gr. 1 M. 1 Gr., Endowed), B. M 3=59 1 A.R.C.Sc. (incl. 11 P.T.s) 176 Wwibornc > (Queen Eliza- 70 (8 to 17) 6 M. 1 M. 3 Gr. beth's), B. ' Preparatory Schools : 177 Swanagc (Durlston Court), B. 30 (7 to 14) 3 M., 2 Ms. 2 M. 3 Gr. 178 Weymouth (Connaught 50 (7 to 14) 5 M. 3 M. 5Gr. House), B. 178a Sandecotes Sch., Park- 80 9 Ms. 13 M., 6 Ms.! 3 Gr., tone, G. 1 L.R.A.M., 179 Secondary Schools : IHandford (County), D. B. 60, G. 59= 3 M., 4 Ms. 2Gr. 119 (4 to 19) 180 Poole, M (<0 B. 1, G. 2, 2 M.. 3 Ms. 1 M. 2 Gr., 1 C., () B. 25, G. 29, l!nt.,2L.L.A., (c) G. 6=63 (-f 1 A.M. 181 Sherborne School, B. P.T.s in Centre) 209 (13 to 19) 18 M. (4 in 4 M. 18 Gr., i Prep. Scb.) 1 A.K.A.M.. 1 A.R.C.A., i 1 F.C.O. EDUCATION. How Governed. ' Annual Fees Endow - G^ntTim Government ments. J, E.A. Grant, 1905. 164 Private Day, 6 to 15 gs. Brds., 30 165 Private to 45 gs. Day, 5 to 9 gs. Brds., 33 to 39 gs. i Gov. Cl. 15 .. K.G., under 6, 4 14s. 6d. ; 6 to 8, 6gs.-j-7s.6d.ex.; Proprietary '< Sch. under 10, 12 gs. ; 10 to 14, 15 ge. ; over 14, 18 gs. Ex. 1 gn. and for sp. sub. Keduc. of 1 11s. 6d. to 1 shareholders. Bd., 45 166 Private Day, 8 to 12 gs. Bd., 30 to 45 gs. 167 Private Under 10, 7 17s. 6d.; 10 None . . None to 14, 9 gs. ; over 14, 11 Os. 6d. -f ex. for books, sp. sub., &c. 168 L.E.A None .. ' Maintain'd 310 by L.E.A. 169 Evangelical Ch. Day, 21 to 30; Brds., 60 Sobs. Co. 13 to 75 170 Private.. Tuition, 6 to 9 gs. 171 Bd. G 5 to 6 Endowed . . .. LG-'> 172 . lid. G 9 gs. . , Endowed 17:; Bd. G. 15, incl. | Tuition, under 11, 4; over Ab.200p.u. .. 40 reps, of Parish 11, 5. Bd., 30 + Cl., 2 C.C.,&c. 1 lOe.ex. Ent,, 5s. Ex. 1 1 7s. and for sp. sub. 174 Bd. G. 14 Day, 5. Brds., 36 gs. .. Endowed.. .. 138 5s. 175 Bd. G. 16 Day, under 10 4 ; over Ab.15()p.ii. 4 cap. on 71 j 10, 6. Bd., 24 from Iwfcd 1st 30, 2 and 50 on rest i t from End. over 9. of King'B (Ab.180 Sch. in 1905) 176 Bd. G. 15 Tuition, 9. Brds., 42.. Endowed.. 109 6s. 177 Private.. Brds., 105 178 178u Cl. of Church Brds., 100+t-x Proprietary Ed. Corptn. Sch. 179 Bd. G. S 3to6gs Endowed.. .. 48 180 Bd. G .. None .. . .. 68 181 Bd. G., 3 ex-off., Day, 25 19s. T5rds.,887a. Endowed 5 rep. and 8 Ent., 4 gs. Ex. for sp. co-opted Mil>. Prep. Sch., day, I5gs. Brd*., 72 166 HIGHER EDUCATION. School. No. of Pupils, (a) Under 12. (&) 12 to 16. (c) over 16. No. of Teachers. Qualifications of Staff. Resident or Regular. Visiting or Sp. Sub. ! 182 183 18.) DURHAM. Durham Ad. C. County Sen. (North- (a) 3, (ft) 217, 16 M. Eastern), Barnard (e) 28=248 i Castle), B. Durham School, B. .. (a) 1, (ft) 45, ! 11 M. (c) 49=95 Grammar Schools : 184 Bishop Auckland (King : () 10, (V) 100, ; 8 M. James' 1st), B. (c) 30=140 Darlington, B. (a) 33, (ft) 92, 7 M. (c) 20=145 1 M. 8 Gr., 1 A.R.C.S,, 1 A.R.C.A. 2 M. 10 Gr. 3 M. 8 Gr., 1 Int., 1 A.M., 1 City & Guilds Cert. 8Gr., 1 A.C.T. 186 I Houghton - le - Spring ' (a) 10, (ft) 14, ; 2 M. (Royal Kepier), B. =24 187 : Stockton- on- Tees, B. .. 90 (8 to 17) "> M. 1 Gr. 4Gr. =95 189 Henry Smith School, ( (a) B. 17, G. 19, i 3 M., 2 Ms. Hartkpool, M. (ft) B. 44, G. 24, ( C )B. 2, G. 1=107 Higher Grade Schools : Jarrow-on-Tyne, M.. . (ft) B. 68, G. ! 8 M., 2 Ms. 130, M G. 11,' =209 190 191 J92 193 Stockton-on-Teei M... ! (a) B. 1, (b) B. 117, G. 141, (c) B. 4, G. 35 High Schools : Darlington, G. =298 .. (a) 23, (ft) 52, c 14=89 Durham, G I (a) B. 6, G. 31, =84 188 ' Wolsingham, M. . . I () B. 1, (ft) B. 2 M., :} Ms. 1 M 3 Gr. 1 L.L.A. 29, G. 29, (r) ; B. 10, G. 26 I 4 Gr., 1 C. 4 Gr., 1 Int., 1 A.M.C. Gr. or C. 7 M., 1 Ms. 2 M., 8 Ms. 6 Ms. " 3M., 4 Ms. 2 Gr. 1 Mat., 3H.L., 3 Cam. T.C., 1 H.F., 1 A.R.C.M., 1 A.R.C.A. HIGHER EDUCATION. 167 How Governed, Annual Fees. Endow- Annual Grant from L.E.A. Government Grant, 1905. 182 Bd. G. 28 under Day boys, 6. Brds., 31 End., value 280 609 ' S.C.C., incl. 2 1,108 rep. C.C. 183 Bd. G. under Ent., 2 gs. Tuition, 12 gs. 3,000 p.a. None S.C.C. (theDean to sons of clergy ; 16 gs. from reve- and Chapter of to others. Bd., 56 14s. nues of Cathedral) (44 2s. to sons of clergy Cathedral. who secure nominations) (1,200 of + ex. for sp. sub. this is spent on Ss.) 184 Bd. G. under Tuition, under 12, 6; over i 40 p.a. from 200 . . 180 5s. i S.C.C., incl. 5 12, 10. Bd., 32 -f ex. ; land, &c. rep. C.C. for sp. sub. 185 Bd. G. under S.C.C., incl. 3 Day, under 8 (prep, class), 400 p. a. 170 4- 232 10s. 4 gs. ; 8 to 10, 6 gs. ; 10 from land fees of S*. apptd. by C.C. to 12, 8 gs.; 12 to 14, and houses holders 10 gs. ; 14 to 17, 12 ; (120 of over 17, 14. Ent., 1 gn. which is Bd., 42 (brothers, 39 set apart each) ; un. scheme for Ss.) 186 Bd. G., under Day boys, 7 17s. 6d. i 263 p.a. . . None S.C.C. Brds., 40 19s. to 44 2s. i 187 Bd. G. 16, under Day, under 9, 5 ; 9 to 11, : Ab. 350 99 171 5s. S.C.C., 2 rep. C.C., 4 various 7 10s. ; over 11, 10 -f | p.a. extras, 1 gn. ; Greek, 3. Boro'. Cls., 1 Terms for Bd. on appli- DurhamUniv. , cation 3 ex.-off., 6 co- 188 opted Bd. G., under 5 Ab.60p.a. 800 S.C.C., incl. 2 reps, of C.C. 189 Bd. G. 12, under Under 10, 4 : over 10, 6 Ab. 600 p.a. Ab. 300 167 S.C.C., incl. 3 from ff. rents fromC.C., reps, of C.C. (200 of wh. incl. fees and 5 of L.A. goes to old for cand. charity) 190 Delegated by Tuition, 12s. None Maintain'd 836 C.C. toJarrow by L.E.A. Ed. Com -f 3 ' reps, of C.C. 191 Sub. - Com. of No fees for children re- None Maintain'd 1218 17s lid L.E.A. maining for at least a by L.E.A. year in the school 192 Bd. G., incl. 2 Under 10, 6 gs. ; 10 to 12, None 333 app. by L.E.A. ' 9 gs. ; 12 to 14, 12 gs. ; ,!,,, over 14, 15 gs. Local Com. Ent, Ign. K.G. (under7), app. by Cl. of 6 gs., 7 to 9, 9 gs. 9 to 13, Church Schs. i 12 gs. ; over 13 on entrv, None. Pro- prietary None Co., Ltd. .15 gs. Bd., 53 11s. Reduction of rd fees for third and more from one family. Ex. 15s. and for sp. sub. 108 HIGHER EDUCATION. School. No. of Pupils. No. of Teachers. Qualificationg of Staff. (a) Under 12. (&) 12 to 16. Resident or Visiting or (c) over 16. Regular. Sp. Sub. 194 Stockton (Queen Vic- ()B.18,G.50, 7 Ms. 4 toria), G. (A) 54, (,) (i =128 195 Preparatory Sch. (Bow), () 20, (A) 8, 3 M. 1 M., 1 Ms. 3 Gr. Din-ham, B. =28 196 Technical last. Secondary M B. 1, G. 1, 4 M., 2 Ms. 1 Gr. Sch., (btwtt, M. (//) B. .V2, G. 36, () B. 1, G. 5=96 . 197 Technical College, Dnr- ' (/>) 60, (r) 029 6 M., 2 Ms. : 13 Evg. 3 Gr., Kngton, M. =08!) Assts. 1 A.R.C.So. 1 A.R.C.A., 1 T.L.C., il A.C.T., others various certs. 198 Technical and Secondary 1 118 (12 to 17) 6 M., 8 Ms. . . 2 Gr., Sch. (Johnston), Dur- 1 A.R.C.S., ham, M. 1 A.R.C.A. GATESHEAD C.B. 199 Secondary Day Sch., M. () B. 1 58, G. 11 M., 3 Ms. 'l M., 3 Ms. All trained, 194, (r) B. 2, 9 Gr., 4 C., G. 31=38.5 1 Int., 1 L.C.P., 1 L.L.A., I 1 F.Z.S., lR.A.M.,3Sp. Sub. Dip. " 199a High Sdi., G 6 Ms. 3M.,4Ms. 2 Gr. ! SOUTH SHIELDS C.B. 200 Secondary Sch., Westoe- (/>) B. 135, G. 17 M., 3 Ms. 2 M., 1 Ms/ 10 Gr., 2 Int., road, M. 157, (0 B. 35. 2 L.L.A., G. 155=482 1 A.C.P., 1 A.M.C., 2 City & Guilds Certs. 201 High Sch., B 110(7 to 19) 7 M. 5 Gr., 1 A.M. SUNDER LAND, C.B. ! 202 Higher Grade Sch. (Bede Collegiate), D. 860 (10 to 19) 111 M., 10 Ms. 3M., 3 Ms. (incl. P.T.s) i 10 Gr., 1 F.R.C.O. 203 Argyle House Sch., li. .. 90 (6 to 17) 4 M. 2Gr. 204 High Sch., B. 66 (8 to 17) 3 M. 1 Gr. 204a High Sdi., G 5 Ms. 2M.,2Ms. 3 Gr., 1 Fr.C. ! WEST HARTLEPOOL, C.B. 205 Secondary Dty Sch., M. I (A) B. 115, G. 9 M., 3 Ms. 1 M., 1 Ms. 8 Gr., 5 C., I 100, (r) 13. 3, 1 A.R.C.A'. ! G. 12=230 HIGHER EDUCATION, How Governed. Annual Fees. Endow- ments. Annual Grant from L.K.A. Government Grant, 19U5. 194 13d. G., under K.G., 4 UP. 6d; und. 9, Ab.150p.a. 116 S.C.C., incl. 1 6 gs. : 9 to 11, 9 gs. ; over j rep. C.C. and 3 11, 12 ge. Ex. 1 gn. and rep. Boro. Cls. for sp. sub. Ed., 36 to 4.5 gs. '15)0 Private.. . About 100 196 Bd. G., incl. 1 3 gs. incl. rep. C.C. and 7 U.D. Cls. None 197 L.E.A I Ent., 2s. 6d. -f 3s. 6d. for None 1 sub., os. for 2, and ! 2s. 6d. for each ex. sub. 2,000 2393*. 4d. Building (J yr. only) Grant in | 1901. Sob.! mainrnd. | by C.C. j1253s. lOd. (Art) 198 Bd. G. 17, under S.C.C., incl. 6 rep. C.C. and 2 the City Cl. Tuition, 6 . . End. of 3:590 has been sunk in the buildings 178 (alto 633 2s. 2,000 +100 (Art Building Grant in 1900) 199 Com. 1 5 of L.E.A. 2 -f ex. for Piano and Theory of Music : 1,400 to 1,582' 1,.300 199a Cl. of G.P.D.S.C. 4 to 10, 6 to 10 gy. ; 13 10s.; if ent. 10 10s. Ent., 1 gn. Ex. 15s. sp. sub. over 10. over 13, over 7, and for None. Pro- prietary 1 66 14s. S. &A. 200 Ed. Coin, of L.K.A. 2 5s. . None . . Maintained 1,667 3s. -id by L.K.A. 201 Bd. G. 12, inch 4 rep. of C. B.C. and 1 of C.C. Under 9, 6 ; 9 to over 11, 12 -f bookp, &c. 1 1 , 9 ; ex. for None. Pro- prietary Scli. 1S1 ."s. 202 203 HiRherKd.Com. of L.K.A. Private.. 4 10s., 1,5s., ace. to ago 6 gs. to 12 ge., ace or U2. . to age None : None Maintain'rl 2,UN2 1-. by L.E.A. 1 None 201 204a Primte.. Local Coin. und. Cl. of C.S.C. 12 gs Under 7. Ops.; 7to9,9gs.; 9 to 13, 12 gs.; over 13, 15 ^s. Knt., 1 ^n. ; und. None None None. Pro- prietary Seh. 7, 10s. 6d. Brds., t:: redue. for weekly brds. 205 Higher Ed. Sub- o gs. incl. (6 gs. for pupils NOEC Com. of L.E.A. from outside the Boro'.) j 900 170 HIGHER EDUCATION. No. of Pupils. No. of Teachers. School. (a) Under 12. (b) 12 to 16. Resident or (c) over 16. Regular. Visiting or Sp. bub. Qualifications of Staff. ESSEX. I Essex Ad. C. 206 Bancroft Sch., Woodford (a\ 80, (* over 13 M. 1 M. 12 Gr. Wells, B. 12)240=320 Colleges : 207 Clac ton - on - Sea 70 (8 to 16) 4 M. 2M. 1 Gr.. 1 L.C.P. (Ascham), B. 208 Glact on - on - 8 e a 18 (10 to 17) ' 3 M. 3 M. 2 Gr. (Clacton), B. 209 210 JLcystonstone, B. Countess of Warwick's 40 (7 to 16) (/;) 38 4 M. ; - . . 1 Gr. 3M., 3 Ms. ; 1M. Sch., Dunmow, B. 1 211 County Secondary Sch., B. 250, G. 225 13 M., 8 Ms. 1 M., 1 Ms.! 8 Gr., 9 C., OT_^J_ C\ A rf^T-* Ilford, B. and G. =475 County Sch., Leyton, M. (A) B. 131, G. 11 M., 2M*. 78, (<.-) B. 5, G. 8=222 Palmer's Efid. Scb., B. 173, G. 74, 8 M., 5 Ms. Grays, B. and G. =247 1 Me. ;7 J3Int.,2A.C.P., lMat.,l.A.M.C. 1 Wood. Cert., &c. (B. Dept.) 5 C., 4 Gr., 1 A.C.P., 2Mat. 1 Cam. H.L., 1 Cook. Dip. (G. Dept.) Gr., 1 L.L.A., 2 A.M., 1 Cook. Dip. i Gr., 1 A.C.P., I L.-es-L., 1 Cam. H.L., 1 A.M., 1 A.R.C.S. 214 ! Felsted Sch., B '-.(a) 12, (b) 128, , 16 M. (6>) 77=217 ! 3 M. All Gr. 215 i Friends' Sch., Saffron \ 127 (9 to 17) 7 M. Walden, B. 216 Foiest Sch., Waltham- stow, B. Grammar Schools : 217 Brentwood (Sir A. Browne's), B. 218 i Chelmsford, B. 219 Chit/well (Archbishop Harsnett's), B. 220 Colchester (Royal) B. . . 221 <7o.W over i 1 M. 12) 8=13 2 M. 6 Gr., 1 Mat. C. HIGHER EDUCATION. 1 How Governed. Annual Fees. Endow- ments. Annual Grant from L.E.A. Government Grant, 1905. 206 The Drapers' Tuition, 10 gs. to 12 gs. 5,000 p.a. Co. Brds., 30 207 Private.. 30 to 40 208 Private.. 63 209 Private.. 3 gs. to 12 gs. 210 Bd. G 31 10s 116 18s. prietary ! (1904) Sch. 211 L.E.A 3gs... ' .. .. *" .. None .. iMaintain'd 1,019 by L.E.A. 212 Sub. - Com. of 4 3s. incl. None . 'Maintain'd 1.093 Os. 5d L.E.A. j by L.E.A. 213 Bd. G. 17 Day, 6 gs. Bd., under 10, Sch. bldg., C.C. teach - B. 261 15s., 31 10s. ; over 10, 34 13s. ; &c. -f- ab. incl. 800 p.a. ing Grant, G. 95 250 from house prop, (less 220 for repayment of loan) 214 Bd. G. 14 .. Tuition, 20. Bd., 50 or Ab. 1,500 None 58, ace. to house -j- ex. p.a. from 10 6s. Ent,,2gs. Day land and boys, 26 18s. 6d. incl. tithe Ex. for sp. sub. 215 Bd. G None. Pro- pHetary 216 Private . . 60 to 80 gs None 217 Bd G Tuition, 6 to 9. Bd., Land and 100 155 2 IS . 39 to 45. Reduc. for brothers or sons of clergy Bd. G Tuition, 4 10s. to 12 -4- 15s. for books, &c. Bd., tithes, 366 p.a. Ab. 200 p.a. from pro- Teaching Grant 200 Teaching 413 10*. 40 perty, &c. Grant 21!) Bd. G. 16, under Tuition, 15 15s. -f 3 gs. 230 p.a. (but 150 18!) S. ('.('. for extras. Brds., under there are Teaching 12, 63 15s. ; over 12, fixed charges Grant 66 15s.-j- 5 gs. for extras. of 425 for Reduc.of 10 10s. for sons repayment of clergy. Ex. for sp. sul>. of loan) 220 Bd. G., incl. the Tuition, 12 gs. -f 12s. ex. \b. 370 p.a. 108 Mayor, ex -off, Brds., 47 5?. chairman 221 .. 4 Sch. building ! & master's! house-}- abJ 160 p.a. HIGHER EDUCATION. No. of Pupils. No. of Teachers. School. (a) Under 12. (b) 12 to 16. Resident or Visiting or Qualifications of Staff. (c) over 16. Regular. Sp. Sub. >>> J-V//V.V f'otne, B. .. 54 (S to 18) I M. .. 1 Gr., 1 Int., 1 Mat. 2 23 Hal*tenrt, B () 13, (/>) 25 3 M. . . 1 Gr., =38 1 Sen. Cam., 1 ('hem. Dip. >_> \ MaMont'B (ft) 15, (A) 30 4 M. 2 M. 1 Gr., ==45 1 A.R.C.S. 22 5 yrwjwt, B (ft) 13, (b over 3 M. 3 1 Gr., 12) 26=39 1 M.C.P. 226 Saffron Wcdden (King Edward VI.), B. (a) 15, (A) "23 =38 3M". 3Gr. 227 Walthamstou) (Sir G. () 65, (/> owr Monoux), B. 12) 125=190 6 M. 1 M. (3 dys. 3 Gr., 2 Int. ! a week) 1 A.C.T.C. High Schools: 22S LcvtoHxtone (Elsoii (ft) 89, (b over 9 Ms. 2 M., 4 Ms. 2 Gr., 2 Int., House), G. 12) 82=171 1 A.C.T., 1 Cam. H.L., 1 H.F., 1 A.R.A.M., 1 German Gov. Cert. 229 Jiomford, B. . . 60 (8 to 16) Hd. M. Gr. 230 PFatthwnstow, G. (ft) 48 (b over 12) 60=108 6 M". 2 M., 3 Ms. 3 Gr., 1 Ox. & CJDO. Hr. Cert., 1 Hon. Cam. H.L., 1 H.F., 4 Sp. Dip. 231 Loughton Sch., B. (ft) 40, (A) 60, 5 M. 3 M. 2 Gr.. 1 C., 1 ( Ms. 3 M.. 2 Ms. 8 Gr., 3 Tr. C., 3 Int., 1 A.M., '2 Sp. Sub. Dip. 4M., 1 Ms. 23") Technical College Seon. (/>) B. 150, G Fch., E*t Hun, M. 150=300 '.) M . 1 Ms. 1 M.. 1 Ms. 7 Gr., 1 Int., 1 A.C.P., 1 A.R.C.Sc., 1 Cam. H.L., 1 A.M.C.,2 Sp. Sub. Certs., &c. HIGHER EDUCATION. 173 How Governed. Annual Fees. Endow- ments. Annual Grant from L.E.A. Government Grant, 1905. )>> Bd. G. . . . Tuition, gs. Brds., 30 Ab140p.a, 150 104 13s. 6d. Teaching Grant 223 Bd. G Day. under 12. 3; over Ab. 180 p.a. 12, 5. Brds., 39 to 45 224 Bd. G. 19 . Tuition, 9 to 12. Brds., Ab. 70 p.a. 100 32 10s. to 42 8s. from pro- Teaching perty, &c. Grant 226 Tuition, 6. Brds.. t!> . . Ab. .550 p.a. from pro- tf perty, &c. 226 Bd. G. 12 .. Tuition, 9 gs. Bd., 40.. Sch. house, 31 Is. 6d buildings, S. & A. and play- ground 4- ab. 124 p.a. (lees 67 for re- payment of loan) 227 Bd. G., incl. 2 Under 11, 5 gs. ; over 11, End. of 250 250- . . 336 105. rep. of C.C. & 6 + ex. for books, &c. (land 2 of U.D.C. charges on same of 114) 22S K.G., 3 gs. ; Lower Sch., 6 gs. ; Upper Sch., 9 gs. 137 22!) Private .. 4 gs. to 6 gs. 2:!() lid. G. 16, incl. Under 11, 6; over 11, ! 3 rep. L.E.A. 8 5s. + ex. for stationery and for sp. sub. Reduc. for more than two of one family 2.'!1 Private.. .. Day, 10 10s. Brds., 42 Xoi.e incl. (weekly brds., 34 13s.) -4- ex. for sp. sub. 15 to 60 Ed. Com. of C.C 1 . 3 gs. .. Local Com. 235 Local Com. of : 3 gs. incl. L.E.A. Tuition, 6 gs. -{- 1 gn. for None books, &c. Brds., 31 10s. -f- Laundry, 1 gn. Agri- cultural Course only, 11 gs. per term for bd., residence, and tuition None 142 None Maintain'd 2043 2s. Sd by L.E.A. and Boro. 01. None Ab.3,400 622 2s p.a. Sch. maint'n'd byL.E.A. 174 HIGHEB EDUCATION. School. No. of Pupils, (a) Under 12. (6) 12 to 16. (c) over 16. . No. of Teachers Qualifications of Staff. Resident or Regular. Visitinsror Sp. cub. 238 239 Technical Institute Day ! (a) B. 2, G. 4, Sch., WaUhamstow, < (V) B. 98, G. M. 106, (c) B. 20, G. 30=260 WEST HAM C.B. Grammar Sch., Forest I (a) 50, (*) 90 Gate, B. =140 High Sch. (St. Angela's), () 165, (V) 112, Forest Gate, G. j (c) 53=330 8 M., 2 Ms. !2 M., 2 Me. 7 Gr., 1 F.C.S., 1 A.C.T. Municipal Secondary Sch., Stratford, M. GLOUCESTERSHIRE. Gloucester Ad. C. Colleges : ain, B. 369 P.Ts. in Centre) 610 (7 to 19) 8 M. 13 Ms. 12 M., 12 Ms. 44 M. 1 Gr., 1 Math. Hons. Final Ox. others various certs. 2 Gr., 1 Int., 2 H.L., 1 L.R.A.M. '2M.,lM.s. 16 Gr., 1 LL.A., !Mat.,lH.F.-, , 2 Cam. H.L., fee. 4 M. 41 Gr. 241 Cheltenham (Ladies) .. Ord. pupils 635, Prin. and Vice-Prin. 37 Gr., 17 T. K.G. training assisted by a b. 75 Eng. Dip., 6 H.F., students, bye- and Foreign tchrs. and 28 H.L., students, &c., ab. 50 Professors and 9 var. Certs., 315. Total 950 Lecturers ~ Fr. Ger. and Italian Dip. 242 StMir?ioti*e (Wydiffp). ' 171 (9 to 19) : 8 M., 1 Ms. 1 M. 7 Gr. B. 243 Dean Close Memorial 225 (9 to 19) 11 M. 2 M. 11 Gr. Scb., Ohettenkwft, B. Endowed Schools: 214 GMppinff ftiftbtn-y, B... (a) 2, (i) 4=6 1 M. Mruufi (Marling), B.. . () 18, (*) 55, j 6 M. (c) 16=89 Gr. M., 2 Ms. 5 Gr., 1 Int. 210 County High Sch., (a) B. 4, G. 15, ! 9 Ms. 5 Ms. 7 Gr., 2 H.F. Cheltenham, G. , (b} 63, (c) 34 =116 Grammar Schools : 247 Cheltenham, B. . . 165 (8 to 19) 9 M., 3 Ms. 4 M. 9 Gr., 1 Int., 1 C., 1 R.C.A., 1 A.M. HIGHER EDUCATION. 175 How Governed. \ Annual Fees. Endow- ments. Annual Grant from L.B.A. Governme Grant, 190 236 Advisory Com. 2 5s. (to be raised to 3) None 1 of L.E.A. incl. 237 Bd. G. 5 .. Prep, classes, 3 gs.; Jun. None div., 4 10s. ; Sen., gs. ! -j- ex. for books, &c. Bd. G : 5 gs None 239 ! L.K.A. 4 lOs/incl. Ab.l,400118410s.4d. p.a. Scb. inaint'n'd by L.E.A. 182 None . . Maintain' d by L.E.A. 427 Gov. Cl. 21 .. Eut.,3gs. Day,34; (Jim. Dept., 23). Brds.,Jun., under 10, 79 ; over 10, 82; Sen., 100;' in private houses, Sen., 139; Jun., 128 + ex. , for sp sub., &c. Sp. house for Jewish Boys 241 | Cl.of 24, Gnom. K.G., under 8, 9 gs. ; 8 to None. Pro- None 10, 12 gs. ; 10 to 15, 18 gs. ; prietary over 15, 25 4s. -|-ex. for Seh. stationery, sp. sub., &c. Reduc. for 3 or more from [ same family. Training Dept. Course 18 gs. Private.. 48 . by and rep. Univs. and 18 by proprietors 2i:J Bd. G. None Tuition, under 12, 15; Proprietary over 12, 18. Bd., 33 , Sch. incl. -f- ex - f r S P- su b. Sp. con. to sons of clergy j 211 Bd.G. 12 215 Bd.G. 12 1") Day, under 12, 9 gs. ; over 12, 12 gs. -4- ex. for books, i Charities Bids., under 12, 44 ; over 12, 48. Reduc. for rela- tives. Day bd., 7 10.- + tuition fees Govs. of Boys' Gram! Sch. " Bd.G. 17, Mayor and ") app. by Town CL, o by C.C., 1 by Ox. Univ., and 2 by parents ol day scholars 13 2s. Gd. S. & A. Lands, av. None value 170 None, ex- cept ser- vices ol Art Mas- ter, 2 hrs. a week absorbed . 10,000 from pri- vate beni- ficence K.G., 6 gs. ; under 10, Shares in None 7 10s. ; over 10, 10 gs. ; the end. of during work beyond Mat., i Boys'Grain. CM 3s. Gd. H- ex. for Sch. stationery, sp. sub., &c. Under 12, G gs. ; over 12, 1,400 to !' gs. -}- ex. lor books, &c. 1,600 p.a., I in which Girls' Scb. shares 101 81 368 10*. 176 HIGHER EDUCATION. School. No. of Pupils. (Bunder 12. (ft) 12 to 16. (c) over 16. No. of Teachers. Resident or Visitii Regular Sp. S Qualifications igor of Staff ub 248 Chippiny Campden, B. 35 (8 to 17) i 2 M. .. 249 Cirencester, B. . . 100 (8 to 18) 6 M. 2 M. 5 Gr. 250 Coleford, B 30 (7 to 18) 1 M. Hd. M. Gr. 251 Tewksbury,^ (a) 12, (ft) 36, 4 M. 1 M., 1 Ms. 1 Gr., 1 Int. (c) 2=50 252 Winchcombe (Chandos), 30 (7 to 17) 1 M. 2 M. 1 F.C.O. B. Preparatory Schools: 253 Cheltenham, (Glyn- 45 (6 to 15) 4 M., 1 Ms. 3Gr., 1L.L.A. garth), B. ( >54 Cheltenham (Inholmea), 40 (7 to 15) 4 M. 1 M. 1 Gr. B. 255 Stoke Bishop (Braid- 22 (8 to 14) 2 M. 1 Gr, lea), B. 256 Secondary Sch., Lydney, M. (a) B. 17, G.4, 3 M., 3 Ms. 1 M. 4 Gr., 1 K.G. (ft) B. 50, G. 20, Trained (c) B. 6, G. 20 (P.T;'s)=117 BRISTOL C.B. 257 Clifton College, B. 550 (Prep. 44 M. 3 M. 42 Gr., Sch. 7 to 10), j IL.-es-L., (Jun. Sch. 10 1 F.I.C.,F.R.S. to 13), (Coll. 13 1 R.D.S. ' to 19) 258 Cathedral Sch., B. 104 (8 to 17) 5 M. 1 M. 1 Gr. 259 Colston's Sch., B. 154 (10 to 18) 7 M. 1 M. 4 Gr. 259a ,. ,. G. 411 17 M*. 5 Ms. 6 Gr., 2 L.L.A., 1 A.M.C. 260 I Down's Sob., B. 261 1 Fr.C. . . () 15, (ft) 9, 2 M., 1 MP. 1 M., 1 Ms. 1 Gr. (,) 1=25 Grammar Sch., B. () 38, (ft) 120, 12 M. (0 37=195 1 M. 11 Gr., 1 F.G.S., / wood, M. 420 (11 to 16) 7 M., 4 Ms. 1 M. 2Gr. GLOUCESTER C.B. 269 | High Soh., G ()80, ($)135, 9 MH. 1 1 Gr. Asste. all (c) 20=235 tr. or reg. Col. B., 1 Art.Cen. 270 Grammar Sch. (Crypt), 130 (8 to 19) 7 M. 4Gr. B. 271 King's Scb., B 40 (8 to 17) 2 M. 1 Gr. 272 Rich's Sch., B 300 (8 to 15) 10 M. HAMPSHIRE. Southampton (or Hants.) Ad. C. 273 Beclales Sch., Peterafcld, () B. 'J, (j. .">. 10 M., 5 Ms. 3M., 2 Ms. 11 Gr.. D. (/;) B. 57, G. 1 A.M.C. 25, (d) B. 25. G. 7=128 Colleges: 274 Winchester, B. (*) 228, ( C ) iyy 35 M, 34 Gr. =421 27") Petersfield (Churcher's), 95 (8 to 17) "> M. 2 M. * 3 Gr. B. Grammar Schools : 276 Mresjord (Perm's), M. () B. 14, G. 2 M., 2 MH. 1 M.+C.C. 15, (//) B. 9, Teachers 2 Gr., 1 Mat,, 1 Cam. H.L. G. 13, ("> ab. 200 p.a. cer. boys (outofwh. (ab. 50), certain Ss. alsogrts. 'must be in aid of ' maintained) Science A: 114 150 Brds., Bd. rep. G.. C.C., U.D.C., and 4 co-opted Bd. G., under C.C. ^ C.B.C. Day, 21 to 30 gs. 100 D*y, 8 ; if passed St. VI. Ab. 250 p.a. of El. S.-h., 7. Brds.. 30 to 35 incl. Music ex. 6; if from outside the County, 10 gn. ; if having parsed St. VI. of El. Sch.. 4 Day, under 10, 7 10s. ; over, 10, 10 ; (boys from out side County, 12) ; boys from above St. VI. of El. Sch.,(i. Bd., 37 1'Js. Wcodwk* Ab. 90.. 181 17s. 6d. 400 from U. D.C. cap. of 2 on pupils over 11, gr. for app. A: ser. of 2 sp. sub. teachers | from C.C. Maintain'd byC.B.C. and C.C. iu propor. to number of pup i 1 s froui each' 304 516 * 200 has also been gi anted by Winchester College for the last two years. 182 HIGHER EDUCATION. School. No. of Pupils. (a) Under 12. (6) 12 to 16. (c) over 16. No. of Teachers. Qualifications of Staff. Resident or Regular. Visiting or Sp. Sub. 289a Collegiate Sch.,*G. 150 9 Ms. 4M.,5MsJ 5'Gr., 1 L.L.A., 2 Fr. C., 1 A.M.C., 2T.C., 2L.R.A.M. 290 High Sch., G. i . . (a)B.8,G.42, 11 Ms. 2M.,9Ms. 5 Gr., 1 Int., (4) 70, (c) 60 1 Cam. H.L., =180 + 40 for 1 French Dip. sp. suh. others various PORTSMOUTH C.B. 291 292 Academy, JtKckingham Place, , M. Grammar Sch., B. B. 120, G. 60 3 M., 1 Ms. =180 (7 to 17) 230 (8 to 19) 10 M. 1 M. 8 Gr. ' j 292a High Sch., G 200 13 Ms. 2M.,7Ms. 6 Gr., 2 Cam. T.C., 1 A.M.C., 1 Fr. C., 3 L.R.A.M. 293 Council Secondary Sch., 0) 30, (i) 367, 16 M., 4 Stud. ?2 M. B. (<0 3=400 i M. (! time) 7Gr.,10Tr. C., 5 Int., IMat., , 1 A.C.P., 1 L.C.P., 1 T. Dip., 1 A.M. SOUTHAMPTON C.B. 294 College (Woolstan), M.. . () B. 10, G. 1, 2 M. 2 M. lilnt. , (l>) B. 20, G. f>, 1 (c) B. 10, G. 6 =52 29,0 Grammar Sell. (King Ed- ward VI.), B. (a) 19, (4)121, 8 M. 2 M. (c) 15=155 i 6 Gr., 2 Int., 1A.M. 296 Taunton's Trade Sch., B. () 51, (4) 135, (c) 9=195 9 M. 3 M. All C., 3 Gr., 2 Int., 1 A.M.C. ISLE OF WIGHT C.B. 297| Collegiate Sch. (St. 20 (10 to 20) 1 M. Joseph's), TotlandJjaij, M. County Secondary Sch,, (a) B. 4, G. 3, 4 M., 4 Ms. 1 M. 1 Ms. Sandown, M. (4) B. 90, G. 70, j (c) B. 4, G. 9 =180 1 Gr. 7 C., 2 Gr., 2 Int., 1 A.M.C., 1 Cam.T.C.,2Sp. Sub. Dip. HIGHER EDUCATION. 183 How Governed. Annual Fees. Endow. L*?? 1 8L Government ment 1 Grant, 1905. 289a Gov. Cl. 10 . . K.G., 6 gs. ; under 8, 9 g*. : 8 to 10, 12 gs. ; over 10, 15 gs. ; if entg. over 14, 18 gs. Reduc. for sisters, and ministers' daughters. Ex. 15s. and for sp. sub. Bd., 44 2s.; weekly, 290 Bd. G., under 34 13s. -|- laundry, 3 gs. Tuition, 12 to 18 gs., ace. Bldgs. only None . . 203 -f S.C.C., 2 rep. to age -f- 1 to l|gs. ex. 127 17s. Boro. Cl., 1 Bd., 42 to 48 gs. + 4 gs. S. Ac A. C.C., 1 Dorset ex. * C.C., 1 Univ. Coll., 2 Dio- cepan Trustees, 1 Bishop, and 6 co-opt. ?91 Private 4gs. 292 Bd. G., 4 ex. off., Ent., Ign. Day,LowerSch.,; Endowed incl. Mayor, 2 10 ; Upper, 12. Tern)s i nom., 4 rep. Boro. Cl., and 4 co-copt. 292a Cl. of G.P.D.S. for bd. on application Ent,, 1 gii. 4 to 7, 6 to 10 gs. : 7 to 10, 10 gs. ; over 10, 13 10s. (if entg. over 13, 16 10s.) Ex. 15s. and for sp. sub. 293 Higher Ed. Com. 3 incl of L.E.A. Proprietary Sch. None 2H1 Private 29-3 Bd. G 296 Bd. G., under S.C.C., Mayor ; ex. -off., 8 rep. Boro. Cl., and 1 6 co-opted 297 Private 298 i Higher Ed. Com. of L.E.A. Day, under 7, 6 gs. ; over 7, None 8 to 12 gs. Brds., under 12,35gs.; 12 to 14, 40 gs.; over 14, ,45 gs. Weekly, 30 to 40 gs. Day, 16 to ' 20 gf. -j- ex. for sp. sub. j Ent., 10s. Under 12, Ab, 400 7 10s.; over 12 9 -f- (170p.a.ha' ex. 1 17s. Gd. Terms to be paid to for bd. on application replace prio. sunk on 1 bldgs.) Jun., 6 7s. 6d. ; Sen., 4,000 (ab. 6 15s. incl. 50 p.a.) and bldgs. Day, 10^ gs. Brds., 60 to 325 15s. 127 7s. S. & A. 1,161* 3fW 3 incl. None Main tain' d by L.E.A. None Ab. .350 ' 11.-) H<. 517 os. I (i ") , 1,1 1 maintain'd by L.E.A. 184 HIGHER EDUCATION. School. No. of Pupils, (a) Under 12. (&) 12 to 16. (c) over 16. No. of Teachers. Qualifications of Staff. Resident or Regular. Visiting or Sp. bub. HEREFORDSHIRE. , Hereford Ad. C. 299 I Cathedral Sch., Hereford, 140 (7 to 19) S 31.. 2 Ms. 3 M. B. 6 Gr. 300 ! Clyde House Sob., Here- 75 (10 to 17) 3 M., 1 Ms. 2 M. /orrf, B, 301 CJairville Sch., Ross, B. 30 (6 to 16) mi Grammar Sch., JBromyard, 35 (8 to 16) B. 302ai High Sch., Hereford, G. 100 303 | Lady Hawkin's Sch., 29 (8 to 18) Kington, B. 304 Russell Middle Class 46 (8 to 16) Sch., Ledbunj, B. 9 M.. 1 Ms. 2 M. 1'Gr.. 1 A.R.C.A. 1 Gr. 1 Gr. 1 Gr. 2 Gr. 1 Gr. and A.C.P.. HERTFORDSHIRE. Hertford Ad. C. 30,5 Aldenham Sch., B. . . 197 (10 to 19) 14 M. 2 M. 306 Berkhamsted Sch., B. .. () 84, (6)240, 21 -M. 1 M. 19 Gr (c) 68=398 lA.R.C.Sc. 14 Gr. 306a Christ'* Hospital Hert- 139 i ford, G. 11 Ms. 3 Ms. 1M. 3 Gr. Colleges : 307 Bishop's Storlford, B. (. 135 p.a. under 12, 36 ; over 12, 39. Weekly brds., 30. Day brds., 16 10s. -f ex. 3, and for sp. sub. K<- duc. for brothers Ent., 2 gs. Regtr., 5s. Endowed Tuition, 23. Bd., 48 Tuition, 9 ; to boys from End. of ab. 310 in 667 10s. district, 6. Bd., 50+ 1,300 p.a. 1904 ex. for sp. sub. and (of wh. G. > medical fee. lleduc. of Sch.receives 2 for brothers 450) 10 (o 20 for Tuition, Endowed Bd., and Clothing. Ne- cessitous cases free. Day, 17 6s. 6d. Brds., 63 None. Pro. 100 + ex. for sp. sub., games, prietary Sch. fcc. lleduc. of 15 p.c. for Ministers' sons. Prep. Sch. Day Boys, 12gs. Brds., 31 10s. 4- ex. as above Ent., 5 ge. 81 ; (sons of Endowed clergy, 70 10s.) -f- ex. for books, sp. sub., &c. ; and to boys on Modern Side, 3 gs., 6 gs., and 9 gs. ex. in Lower, Middle, and Upper Sch. Army Class, Middle Sch., 15 gs. ; Upper Sch., 18 gs. lleduc. if nominated. 72 to 105 Prep. Sch., 12 ; College, None 52 10s. -j- ex. for books, A:c. lleduc. for b rot tiers None 311 Bd.G. 6 to 10 gs. Endowed . . 40 10s. 6d. S. & A. 180 HIGHER EDUCATION. School. No. of Pupils, (a) Under 12. (6) 12 to 16. (c) over 16. No. of Teachers. Qualifications of Staff. Resident or Regular. Visiting or Sp. Sub. 167 11 Ms. 5 Ms. 3 Gr., 1 Fr.C., 1 A.R.A.M. &c. 312 Hertford, B 116 (8 to 18) ; 6 M. 2 M. 4 Gr., 1 A.R.C.A. 313 ; Hitchin, B. . . (.) 34, (ft) 80, (e) 6=rl20 7 M. 2 M. 4Gr.,lL.C.P., 1 F.R.C.O. 314 Watford, B. . . Ttf . . I 220 (7 to 17) 10 M., 1 Ms. 2 M. 8 Gr. 314ft High Sch. ,. A/ton'*, 80 (5 to 20) ; -6 Ms. 2 M. 3'MsJ 2 Gr.,1 Fr.C., G. ! 1 F.R.C.O. 1 Preparatory Schools : 315 St. Albarts (Lytten- 50 (under 14) 5 M. ham Lodge), B. 316 i Hitchin (Caldicott), B. ' 20 (8 to 14) 3 M., 1 Ms. 3 M. 5 5 Gr. 2 Gr. 317 Royal Masonic Scb., 345 (8 to 17) ! 17 M. Bushey, B. 318 , St. Alban's Sch., B. . . 138 (8 to 19) 8 M. 318a St. Margaret's Sch., 1 Aco. 100 ey t G. 2 M. 17 Gr. 4Gr. HUNTINGDONSHIRE. Hunts. Ad. C. Grammar Schools : 319 Huntingdon, B. & G. () B. 17, G. 6, 3 M., 2 Ms. 1 M. 2 Gr., 2 Mat., (ft) B. 24, G. 29, 1 Cam. T. Dip., 0) B. 5, G. 2 and 1 H.L. =83 320 Kimbolton, B | (a) 11, (i) 28, 3 M. 1 M. 1 Gr., 1 Int. (c) I=r40 321 Ramsey, B. .. 322 St. Ivet, B KENT. Kent Ad. C. 323 Avenue House Sch., SevenoaJcs, B. (a) 15, (b) 25 3 M. 1 Gr., 1 Mat. 60 (8 to 16) : 4 M. 1 Ms. 1 Gr. 50 (6 to 17) 2 M., 1 Ms. 1 M. HIGHER EDUCATION. 187 How Governed. Annual Fees. Endow- ments. Annual Grant from L.E.A. Government Grant, 1906. 311a Bd. G . (20) .. Uud. 10, 8; 10 to 15, Endowed .. 312 Bd. G 313 Bd. G., incl. County and i Local reps. 314 Bd. G. 17 314a Cl. of C.S.C. .. 9 ; over 15, 5s. and for sp. sub. Terms for brds. on applcn. Day, 8 to 10. Brds., 40 j Endowed . . to 45 gs. Tuition, 6 to 10 gs. Bd., i From 200 36 to 12 6 gs. gs. 315 316 Private 8 12s. 6d. . , K.G. und. 7 7 to 10, 9 1 gn. ; 7 to 10, 9 gs. ; 10 to 12, 12 gs. ; 12 to 15, logns., if entg.over 15, 18 gns. Reduc. for 3 from one family. Ex. 15s. and for sp. sub., &c. 94 10s..-f extras I to 300 ! between B. i & G. Schs>. . . j Endowed . . Boy st Proprietary ' " Ent., i Sch. None In connection i 84 to 94 10s. j with Leys Sch., ' Cambridge 317 ' Bd.G., elected byj Masonic Bodv 318 Masonic Body Bd. G., incl. tne Dean Day, 8 to 10 gs. to 48 gs. Brds., 45 Endowed.. 318a Clergy Orphan I A few~ non-Foundations Proprietary Corporation j received at 105 Sch. 300 between B. & G. Schs. 143]10s. 5d.(yr.only) None 552 15s. 448 10s. 215 320 Bd. G. 15, 8 rep. 7 incl. 5 for third and ('.('., incl. Chair-j more from one family men of Ed. Com.! and Higher Ed.j Sub -Com. Bd. G. . Bd. G., on which C.C. have ma- jority of reps. Private 323 Private Day, 31 5 10s. to 8. Brds., Ab. 250 Grts. made 23 16s. available ! by C.C. (| yr. only) for the Sch. from time 3 to 6 Day, 6 gs. Brds., 37 16a. Day, under 9, 9 gs. ; !) t< 14, 12 gs.; over 14, logs. 4-Games, 1. Brds.,under 10, 44 2s.; 10 to 12. 50 8s. ; over 12, 63. Day j brds., 4 days, 20 9s. 6d. ; I 6 days, 25 4s. Ex. for i sp. sub. to time Ab. 180 Ab.50 + 64 p.a., but occasional there is a grants for mortgage equipment of 2,000 Ab. 300 None, but 25 10s. p.a. net C.C.guar- S. & A. antee up- keep of Sch. after re-biding. forB.&G. 188 HIGHER EDUCATION. School. No. of Pupils, (a) Under 12. (6) 12 to 16. (c) over 16. No. of Teachers. Qualifications of Staff. Resident or Regular. Visitinsr or 8p. tub. 324 Aberdeen House Sch., 38 (9 to 17) >> M. 3M.,lMs. 3 Gr., Rmwgute, B. 1A.K.C.A. 32,) Bethany House Sch.,! 120 (5 M., I Ms., 1 M., 2 MP. 2 A.C.P. Gouahar&t, B. 2 Stud. M. 326 . Brunswick House Sch., 128 (8 to 17) 6 M. flfaidstciie, B. 327 Cleave's End. Sch., ( ) 10, (A) 30 2 M. , B. =40 1 M. 1 A.C.P. College s : 328 Dover, B. .. (<*) 2.5, (4) 100, 18 M.. 1 Ms. 2 M. 15 Gr., (0 75=200 i 1 L.R.A.M. (> i' n r I'm- lid (Milton Mount), G. 185 330 llcrne Hay (Kent 100 (7 to 17) Coast), B. 331 Margate (Margate Coll. B. 330, (i. 1 10 and High Sch.), B. = HO Sc G. 1M.. 10 Ms. 2M.,8M>:I (i Gv.. 1 A.M.C., 2 A.R.A.M. .'> M. All Vniv. men. and Trained Cert. Tchrs. 332 , 333 334 335 Margate (CiiftonviLe), 103 (7 to 17) 7 M., 1 Ms. B. Mm gate (Thanet), B. 50 (10 to 14) 3 M. Ramsyate (Chatham (*) 14, (V) 105,. 10 M. House), B. (c) 10=12!) llamsgate (St. Augtu- (a) 20, (i) 20, tine's R.C.), B. (c) 2o=6o DM. 2 Gr. 8 Gr., 2 C 2Gr. 336 Itamsfiale (South East- () 30, (A) 1 10, 18 M. ern), B. (r) 60=200 ; 337 irhiMable (Tanker- (a] .10, (ft) 9 2 M., 1 Ms. ton), B. =19 338 Collegiate Sch., Lymtid, (a) 19, (ft) 12, 4 M*. G. (c} 1=32 339 Commercial Sch. (Sir A. 152 (8 to 16) 6 M. Judd's), Tonbriage^ B. County Schools : 340 Beckwham (Techiiical () 22, (ft) 107, 7 M. Day Sch.), B. (e) 11=110 17 Gr., 1 F.C.I.S., 1 A.M. 1 Int. 2 Cam. H.L., 1 R.A.M., 1 Sen. Cam.' 3 M. 4 Gr., 2 Int., 3 ('., I A.K.C.A., 1 ('.A: G. Cert. HIGHER EDUCATION. IS!) j How Governed. r , Annual Annual Fees. JJgJ G ^* m - Government Grant, 19;'.. 321 Private 325 Private Private Bd. G., incl. rep. C.C. 328 Gov. Cl. 42 to (j.) gs. Tuition, 9 gs. Brds., under None . . None 10, 28 7s.; 10 to 14, 31 10s.; over 14, 34 13s. -|- ex. for sp. sub. Day, 6 gs. Brds., 31 10s. 1 i Tuition, 4 7s. 6d. incl. ; 90 acres of 50 (for 19 4s. 6d. Brds., under 10, 26 ; over land i Science S. & A. 10, 31 to 36, ace. to age. teaching) Reduc. for brothers.., I occasional Weekly brcLs., 26 -M grants for books, 7s. 6d. apparatus :nt.,l. Jun., Day, 18 gs.; ! None. Pr Brds., 75; Coll., Day, prietary 22 Is.; Brds., 84+ex. Private Private 332 Private :;:;:; Private 334 Private :;:;:> Bd. G. (liel. I Comm.) 336 Gov. Cl. 337 Private 338 Private 339 'Skinners' Cc 340 L.E.A.. for sp. sub., &c. Redu for brothers Sell, for daughters of Cong. Ministers and Laymen. Terms on application^ Day, 10. Brds., 40 .. Boys, Prep., 31 10s.; Coll., under 12, 33 12s.; over 12, 42 to 52 10s. -|- ex. for sp. sub. Rednc. for brothers. Girls, 6 to 12, 31 10s. ; 12 to 14, 42; 14 to 20, 52 10s. + ex. for sp. sub. 40 to 50 gs. 90 gP. None. Pro- prietary Non None None None None Under 14, 75 ; over 14, 90 incl. + ex. for sp. sub. Reduc. for brothers Ent., under 14, 3; over None 14, 5. Under 12, 51 ; 12 to 14, 60 ; over 14, 75. Fees not raised with age. Students be- tween 17 and 21 (sp. course), 120. Foreigners, 30 ex. Ent., 2 gs. Jun., 103 tu None, ex- None 69 ; Upper, 75. Ex. 5 cept Exh. also for books, sp. sub., &c. Fund Reduc. for brothers Day. 4 14s. 6d. to 9 gs. None Bi-ds., 30to t 45 Day, under 12, 3 gs.; over None 12, 4ge. Brd.., under 12, 28 7s. ; over 12, 31 10s. 6 to 7 10s. Note None 5 ps. ; children Boro., 6 gs. utsidethe None Maintain'd ! 42917F.10d ; by L.B.A. ann. grant > ab. 300 11)0 HIGHER EDUCATION. School. No. of Pupils. (a) Under 12. (b) 12 to 16. (c) over 16. No. of Teachers. Qualifications uf Staff Resident or Regular. Visitinpor sp. sub. 311 Dartford, G (a) 14, (i) 49, 5 Ms. 2 M., 1 Ms. 4 Gr., 1 L.L.A., (c) 30=93 1 A.M., 1 A.R.C.O. 342 Dover, M B. 70, G. 140=' G M.,5 Ms. IVhrs.frm. 5 Gr. 210 (12 to -17) , Art. Sch. 343 Folkestone, G () 9, (*) 13, 2 M., 4 Ms. 1 Ms. i 2 Gr., 2 Int., (c} 48=70 2 C. 344 (jlravesend, M. . . 177 (12 to 17) 6 M., 4 Ms. j . . 3 Gr., 1 L.C.P. 345 Ratnsgate, G. . . <) 7, (*) 24, 4 Ms. 2M., 1 Me. 3 Gr., 1 Cam. (c) 37=68 T. Dip., &c., 1 H.F., 1 A.M., 1 Sp. Sub. Dip, 346 Sittingbourne, G. (a) 13, (A) 39, 5 M?. 2 Ms. 3 Gr., (c) 2 -f 51 FIX 1 Cam. H.L. t =105 Grammar Schools : 347 Ashford, B (a) 3, (b) 22, 3 M. 2 M. 3 Gr., 1 A.M.C. (c) 11=36 + 6 P.Ts. 348 Sorden, B 116 (8 to 18) 6 M. :; M. 3 Gr. incl. 6 P.Ts. 349 ('ronbrook, B. . . 77 (9 to 19) 7 M. .. 6 Gr. 350 Dartford, B 116 (6 to 19) M. 2 M. 3 Gr. incl. 7 P.Ts. 351 Faversham, B. . . 35 (8 to 19) 4 M. 2 M. 4 Gr. 352 Folkestone (Harvey) , 105 (8 to 17) 4 M. . . 2 Gr. B. incl. 11 P.Ts. 353 Maidstone, B. . . (a) 11, (i) 60, 6 M. 2 M. 6 Gr., (f) 23=94 ' 1 A.R.A.M., hid. 13 P.Ts. 1 A.M.C. 364 Sandwich (Sir K. Man- 56 (8 to 18) 3 M. 1 M. 1 Gr. wood's), B. incl. 6 P.Ts. 355 Sevenoaks, B. . . 102 (9 to 19) 6 M. .. 5 Gr. 356 Button Valence, B. (a) 12, (A) 35, 6 M. 1 M. 6 Gr., 1 R.A.M. (f) 17=64 357 Herne House Sch., ; (a) 13, (b) 11, 3 M. 8 M. 4 Gr. Margate, B. () 6=30 1 ' i ! j High Schs. : 358 Bromley, G. . . , . - 199 13 Ms. 8 Ms. 4 Gr. 359 Dover, G 82 9 Ms. 2 Ms., 1M.' 2 Gr., 1 L.L.A. 359a Tunbridgc Wells, G. .. j 142 9 Ms. 6 Ms. 5 Gr., 1 Cum. T.C., 2Fr.C., 1 A.R.C.M. HIGHER EDUCATION. I'U How Governed. . Annual Fees. Endow- ments. Grant from L.E.A. Governmnet Grant, 130f. 341 Kent Ed.vCom. Under 12, 6 gs. ; over 12, None .. Maintain'd 8gs. by L.E.A. 342 Local Higher Ed. 4 10s None . Maintain'd 250 15s. Com. of L.E.A. by L.E.A. 343 Local Ed. Com., Under 12, 6 gs. ; over 12, None . . Maintain'd under L.E.A. , 8 gs. by L.E.A. 344 Kent Ed. Com. i 3 to 4 10s None . Maintain'd 938 17s. 6d. by L.E.A.! 345 L.E.A I Under 12, 6 gs. ; over 12, None . . 290 for 8 gp. -f- ex. 15s. for books, County stationery, &c. and Tech. purposes 346 Kent Ed. Com. Under 12, 6 gs ; over 12, None . . Maintain'd 8 gs. -{- 1 for books, and by L.E.A. ex. for sp. sub. 347 *Bd. G., incl., Day, 12 15s. to 14 5s. Land value 100 until 48 16s. 9d. rep. of C.C. Brds., 45 to 51 30 ann. (of newsch'me (1 yr. only) which 29 j prepared goes to pay off debt) 348 Bd. G., under Ent., 1. Tuition, 8 . . Sch. shares 100 for 215 3s. 6d. S.C.C. in t h e Sc. Teach-; Q yr. only) "Batrow ing Funds " 349 Bd. G. 12 52 10s Endowed 65 360 Bd. G Day, 10 gs. Brds., 50 . . Endowed 351 Bd. G Tuition, 15. Bd., 43 . . i Endowed 352 Ed.Com.ofTown Tuition, 6 j Endowed 123 Cl. 353 Bd. G. 17, incl. Day, 12 gs. (if ent. under 10 Rent and 150 from 152 lOx Mayor and 8 in Lower Sch., 10 gs.) -f- rentcharges C.C., 100 rep. Boro. CL, ex. for sp. sub., &c. Brds., value about from Boro' 1 Boro. Ed. 36 to 42 56 p.a. Council Com., and 2 C.C. 354 Bd. G Day, 9 gs. Brds., 52 10s. Endowed . . 89 355 Bd.G Tuition, 15. Brds., 45 Endowed and 50 356 Master, Wardens, Day, 9. Brds., under 15, A small end. None &c., of Cloth- workers' Co. 60 ; over 15, 70 -{- ex. of a very for sp. sub., &c. few pounds 357 Private Day, 25 4s. Day brds., None .. None 31 10s. Brds., under 10, 40 19s.; 10 to 12, 50 8s.; over 12, 59 17s. + Laun- dry, 4 gs. and ex. for sp. sub. 358 CL of G.P.D.S. Ent. (over 7) 1 gn. ; 4 to 7, ; Proprietary 6tolOgs. ; 7 to 10, 10 gs. ; 10 to 13, 13 10s; ifentg. over 13, 16 10s. -j- 15s.~ stationery 359 CL of G.P.D,S. As Bromley above Proprietary ! and Local Com. 359a|Do Do., Bd. 52 10s. Proprietary : 84 16s. 6d. S. & A. * New Scheme being prep, under which L.E.A. will have largely increased representation, 11)2 HIGHER EDUCATION. School. No. of Pupils, (a) Under 12. (6) 12 to 16. (c) over 16. No. of Teachers. Qualifications of Staff. Resident or Regular. Visiting or Sp. Sub. 360 King's Cathedral Sch., Rochester, B. 78 (9 to 18) 6 M. ' 5 Gr. 361 362 La'eham Sch., Margate, B. HELD : Mathematical Sch., Rochester, B. 54 (13 to 18) (a) 67, (A) 193, (0 20=280 incl. 16 P.Ts. 6 M. 11JM. 2 M. 5Gr. 5 Gr., 1 A.R.C.A., 1 C. & G. Dip., J A.M.C. 363 364 Modern Soh., Gravesend, B. Skinner's Sch., Timbnilge Wells, B. 130 (5 to 17) () 36, () 110, ( c ) 26=172 incl. 11 P.Ts. 4 M. 7 M. 2 M., 1 M*. 3 M. 1 Gr., 1 A.R.C.O. , r > Gr., 2 C. 365 Stanley House Seh., Mar- (a) 12, (A) 35, 5 M. 2 M. 3Gr. gate, B. (c) 8=55 366 Surrey House Sch., Mar- 1 (a) 15, (4) 25, 4 M. 2 1 Gr., 2 C'. 367 gate, B. Tonbridge Sch., B. (c) 6=46 (*) 10, (A) 230,! 26 M. (c) 160=400 5 M. 26 Gr., ! 1 A.R.C.A., 1 A.T.K.E. 1 368 Wreight's Sch., Faver- : (a) 29, (*) 60, 6 M. 2 M. 3 Gr., 1 Int., shmn, B. (r) 12=101 1 A.M., incl. 10 P.Ts. 1 F.R.C.O. 369 Woodford House Sch., 33 (9 to 17) 4 M., 1 Ms. 2 M., 1 Ms. 2Gr. Bwchfagton, B. 370 Municipal Tech. Inst. (b) 40, (^ 170 3M.,3 Ms. 1 M., 4 1 A.R.C.A., (Sch. of Art), Roches- =21" P.T.s 4 A.M.C. ter 2 A.C.T.C. Preparatory Schools : 371 Beckenham (Clare () 57, (b 12 to 5M.,2Ms. 2 M., 1 Ms. 2Gr. House), B. 15) 18=75 372 Folkestone (Pelham House), B. () 20, (4) 20 4 M., 1 Ms. 3 M. 4Gr., 1 L.R.A.M. ,']".'! Folkestone (Sutherland 19 (Tto 14) 3 M. 2M.,lMs. 3Gr., House), B. 1 F.R.C.O. & A.R.C.M. 374 tievenoaks (NewBeacon) B. 44 (8 to 14) 4 M. 3 M. 3 Gr., 1 F.R.C.O. 375 Hiffriip (Merton Court), B. (a) 50, (i 12 to 4 M., 1 Ms. 14|) 20=70 : 1 M. 3Gr., 1 K.G. Cert. 376 Southborouyh, (St. 40 (7 to 14) 6M.,lMs. 1 M. 5 Gr., Andrew's), B. 1 A.R.C.O. 377 Tonbridqe (Yardley 70 (7 to 14) ; 5M.,2 Ms. 1 M. 3Gr. Court), '?>. HIGHER EDUCATION. 198 How Governed. Annual Fees. Endow- ments. arnf 11 frnm Government LJU T O'ant, 1905. 360 Dean & Chapter Tuition, 15. Brds., 45 (under 12 and weekly brds., Endowed 381 Private 40) -{- Laundry, 1 10s. 63 | 332 Bd. G. 20, incl. i Under 10, 4 10f. ; 10 to Agric. land Intermit- 585 10s. 9 rep. Town C'. 13, 5 10s.; over 13, 7 15s. and 2 C.C. incl. Boys provide own and cement tent grants factory, val. at present books. Sons of Rochester ab. 1,000 150 p.e. Freemen pay halt fees ann., but sub. to big deductions 363 Private Day, 3 to 5 gs. Brds., 27 to 33 gs. 364 Skinners' Co. . . Tuition, under 11, 8 5s. ; 600 from None . .- 229 over 11, 11 5s. incl. Brds. Skinners' under 11, 36; over 11, Company v 42 incl. Reduc. of 3 ! each for brothers I 365 Private . . 45 to 60 gs None . . None 366 Private .. 45 to 54 .. .. None . . None 367 Skinners' Co. act- Ent.,3. Registration, 5s. Particulars None ing as Trustees Dav, fFdners., under 13, 16; over 13, 20; fNon- pub. ann. by Skinners' Fdnerp., under 13, 24; Company over 13, 30. Brds., under A 13, 60 ; over 13, 66 + v Laundry, 3, and ex. for sp. sub., games, &c. 368 Bd.G 4 to 6 300 p.a. .. 100 . . 145 10*. 369 Private.. 52 10s. to 63 370 Local Com. under Morning classes, 2 17s. 6d. None Ab. 6CO L.E.A. per session (2 days a week) ; 1 11s. 6d. half session. Afternoon classes, 1 gn. session ; 12s. 6d. half session 371 Private Day, under 8. 4 gs. ; over None . . None 8, 8 gs. to 10 gs. Brds., 78 15s. 372 Private 105 incl. Sp. terms for None None bojs ent. under 9 373 Private 374 Private 120 375 Private Day, under 9, 78 15s.; 11 None . . None or over on entry, 94 10*. Weekly brds., 69 6s. to 85 Is. -f ex. for books and sp. sub. 376 Private 150 377 Private Day, 16 to 20. Brds., 90 t Foundationers are those who reside within 10 miles of Tonbridge Parish Church ; Non-Foundationers those from outside that area. 194 HIGHER EDUCATION. School. No. of Pupils, (a) Under 12. (6) 12 to 16. (c) over 16. No. of Teachers. Qualiflcations of Staff. Resident or Regular. Visitinpror Sp. Sub. 378 Tunbridge trails (a) 10, (b) 6 3 M. 1 M., 2 M; , 2 Gr. (Hurstleieh), B. =16 CANTERBURY C.B. 379 Kent College, B. 100 (8 to 16) 5 M. 4 M. 3 Gr. 380 King's Sch., B (a und. 13) 57, (b over 13) 185 18 M. 8 M. 16 Gr, 1 A.C.P., =242 1 A.M.C. 381 St. Edmund's Sch., B. . . 133 (9 to 19) 11 M. 2 M. 9Gr. 382 Simon Langton Scb., B. . (a) 70, (If) 157, (r) 24=251 11 M., 2 M. 4 Stud. Ass's. 6 Gr., 2Int , 1 A.C.P. -f 7 P.Ts. 383 Simon Langton High K.G. 26, Upp. Sch. 127=153 8 Ms. 1 M.,5M?. 4 Gr., 1 Fr. C., 1 L.L.A., 1 Int. Sc., i 1 Cam. T.C., j 1 A.C.T.C., 1 1 A.R.C.O.,2 LANCASHIRE. A.R0.M. Lanes. Ad. C. 384 Bickerton House Sch., 75 (7 to 17) 7 M. 4 Gr - Birkdale, B. 385 Colleges : Morccambe (Lancaster), 44 (10 to 17) 4M., IMr. 2 M. 2Gr.,lL.L.A. 386 St. Anne' s-on- Sea, B. 36 (8 to 15) 4 M. 1 M. 2Gr. 387 Stoneyhurst R.C., B... 270 (10 to 20) 36 M. 6 M. 7Gr., 2 F.R.A.S., 1 L.R.A M. 388 Friends' Sch., Penketh, B. 26, G. 28= 4 M., 2 Ms. 1 Me. 3Gr. M. 54 (11 to 14) Grammar Schools : 389 Ashton-in Makerjield, M. (a) B. 5, G. 8, 7>) B. 40, G:43. 2 M., 2 M<-. 1 M. 2 Gr., 1 A.C.T.C. ' () B. 6, G. 1 1 M.T. Dip. ' =176 17 Colne (Municipal), M. (a) B. 2, G. 3, 4M.,3Ms. I1M., IMs. 2 Gr., 4 C., (t>) B. 50, G. 1 F.G.S., 65, (c) B. 2, G. 1 A.M. 1=123 18 Dar wcn( H igher Grade) , (a) B. 1, (b) B. 61, G.55, (c)B. 7M.,3Ms. lM.,lMs. 3 Gr., 5 C., 2 Int., 1 Mat., 1, G. 5=123 1 A.R.C.S.,&c. 19 Nelson (Municipal), M. 210 (12 to 17) 6 M., 2 Ms. 2 M., 1 Ms. 2Gr. 20 Ulverston (Victoria), (a) B. 2, G. 3, 5 M., 4 Ms. 1 M., 1 Ms. 4 Gr., 8 C., M. (ft) B. 44, G. 57,; 1 Int., (e) B. 1, G. 4= 1 A.M.C., 111 + 77 P.T.s 1 L.L.A., 21 Widnes, M (B. 17, G. 60) i (a) B. 25, G. 6 M., 6 Ms. 1 M. 2 Sp. Sub. Dip. 4Gr., 3 Int., . 20, (b) B. 81, 1 A.C.T. G. 88, (c) B. 7, G. 7=228 B ARROW-IN-FU RNESS C.B. 22 Hiorher Grade Secondary (a) B. 68, 0.32. 9 M., 8 Me. 1 M. 6Gr., 14 C., Sch., D. (b) B. 263, G. 1 F.C.S. 268, (c) B. 5, G. 15=651 BLACKBURN C.B. 23 Gramm ar Scb . ( Qut ea (a) 32, (A) 98, 8 M. 2 M. 7 Gr., 1 Int. Elizabeth's) B. 00 12=142 ' 24 High Scb., G (#)B. 15,0.40, 9 Ms. 2 MP. 7 Gr., 1 C., (A) 77, (<) 21 1 H.F., =153 1 1 A.R.C.M., 1 K.G. Cert. HIGHER EDUCATION. 199 How Governed. Annual Fees. Endow- ments. Annual Grant from L.E.A. Government Grant, 1905. 411 Merchant Tay- lors' Co., under Ent., 1. Regtr., 2s. 6d. Tuition, under 12, 12 ; Ab. 1,200 p.a. (mostly Grants f 01 So. equip 267 a c.c. over 12, 15 + ex. for sp. used for pay- ment,fec.. sub., &e. Bd., under 12, ing off int. only. Last 42; over 12, 47 5s. and mortge. year 140 Reduc. for brothers. Prep. on bldgs.) Dept. (B.& G.4 to 8),3gs. 41 la Ditto .. Regtr., 2s. 6d. ;' Ent. 1 : Endowed und. 12, 8 ; over 12, 10. Music ex. Terms for bids. on application 412 Private.. English brds.,45. Foreign ., None brds., 7 gs. monthly incl. 413 Private 52 10s. 414 Cl. of Bd. G. . . Ent., 2 gs. 73 10s. ; Endowed (sons of clergy, 63)-f-ex. for books, sp. sub., ire. Reduc. of 10 gs. if nom. 415 L E.A 3 incl None 682 . . 1,529 C,2d . 416 Boro' Hr. Ed. 3 ; for children outride None 800 f ron 312 Com. Boro', 4 10.'. Boro' an( C.C. 417 L.EA 3 None 100 . . 181 418 Sub-Coin, of 3 .. None .500 . . 650 9s. 5d. Darwen Ed. Com., who re- port to C.C. 419 Boro' Ed. Com. 3 gs None Maintain'd 672 5s. by C.C. & Boro'CI. 420 LE.A 3 None 1,000 .. 238 Cs. 421 L.E.A 3 None 500 . . 942 17s. 422 Hr. Ed. Sub- 1 10s None Between 1013 14s 8d. Corn, of L E.A 600 and 800 Maintain'd 423 Gov. Body, 10 Under 12, 9 gs. ; over 12, Lands and by L.E.A. 500 .. 221 rep. C.B.C. and 12 gs.-}- 3 gs.,each Greek funds val. 10 co-opted. or German; ex. for ab. 250 books, &c. 424 Gov. Com. (Cl.-f 6 rep. L.E.A.^ Ent., 1 gn. Under 8, 4 14s. 6d. : 8 to 10, 9 gp.; None 400 (332 being for 10 to 12, 12 gs.; over 12, Scholur- 15 gs. ; if ent. over 15, ship 18 gs. 4~ ex. for ep. sub., holders) HIGHER EDUCATION. i No. of Pupils. No. of Teachers. School. (a) Under 12. (b) 12 to 16. Resident or Visiting or Qualifications of Staff (c) over 16. Regular. Sp. Sub. BLACKPOOL C.B. 425 Arnold House Sch., B. j 125 (7 to 18) i 6 M. 1 M. 1 Gr., 1 L.C.P. 426 High Sch., B 80 (6 to 19) i 5 M. 3 M. 3 Gr. BOLTON C.B. ' 427 Church Institute Sch.,M. (a} 53, (b) 152, 5 M., 7 M*. . . A Gr., 2 F.C.S., (c) 8=213 2 H.L., 1 Fr. Cert. . : 428 Grammar Sch., B. . . (rf)44, (b) 104, 8 M. 3 M. 8 Gr. ! (t) 12=160 429 High Sch., G (rt) 61, (A) 61, ' 9 M . 7 Ms. 4 Gr., 2 Fr. C., (0 l*=13fi 3 L.R.A.M., 2 A.H.M.C.M. 430 M unicij al Secondary Sch . , M. (a) B. 4, G. 1, (*) B. 246, G. 17M., 7 Ms. 3M.,2MSj 18 Gr., 1 Int., 1 F.C.S., 343, () B. 18, 1 A.M.C. ; G. 67=679 nearly all C. BOOTLE C.B. 431 Intermediate Day Scb., 229 (from 8) 1 10 M. 3 M. '9 Gr., 3 Tr. C., B. i 1A.R.C.A. BURNLEY C.B. 432 Grammar Sch., M. () B. 20, G. 6 M. 3 Ms. 1 M. 5Gr., 1 Tr. C., 15, (6) B. 107. il Int., 1 H.F., G. 52, (c) B. 13, ethers var ous G. 5=212 433 , Higher Grade Scb., M. (ft) 14. (*) 213, 5 M. 3 Ms. (c) 3=230 (B. 97, G. 133) BuRY C.B. 434 435 Grammar Sch., B. Grammar Sch. , G. 170 (8 t> 19) 11 M. () 41, (i) 89, 8 Me. 6 'Ms. 6Gr. 4 Gr., 1 H.F., (0 13=143 1 Hr. Cams. Hoin., I2A.R.M.C.M. LIVERPOOL C.B. 436 Catholic Institute, B. () 53, () 163, i 9 M. 3 M. 1 Gr. (e) 3=219 437 Con vent of Mercy, Mount Vernr.n-sirett, G. () B. 14, G. 25, (/>) 21, 3 Ms. 1 Ms. i 3 C. (ff) 2=62 438 Convent Scb. (Belle Rive), Prince's Park, G. () 32, (*) 40, () 18=90 13 M-. 4 Ms. High Schools : 439 Newsham Drive (East () B. 6, G. 33, 10 Ms. 6 Ms. 6Gr. Liverpool), G. ' '(b) 69, (r) 27 ' =135 * This Sch. ia not recogaised by the ud. of El. as a Secondary Sch. for the purpose of grants. HIGHER EDUCATION. 201 How Governed. ! Annual Fees. Endow. merits. Annual Grant from L.E.A. Government Grant, 1905. 425 Pnvate. . . . Day, 6 to 21 ge. Prds., 45 None to 63 pp. 426 Private. . . . [ Day, 3 to 12 gs. Brds., 30 to 48 gs. 427 Bd. G Under 8, 4 14?. 6d. ; under Bldgs. only. None . . 264 2s. 6d. ! 12, 6 gp. ; over 12, 9 gs. Proprietary + 18s. for garms, &c., School and ex, for Pp. sub. Reduc. for three or inpre | irom pame family 428 . Bd. G. ., Under 12, 8 eg.; "over 12, Real and None . . 107 19s. 3d. 10 gs. personal (J yr. only) estate val. 360 p.a. 429 1 Bd. G. und. Ent., 1 gn. ; Prep. Dept. Endowed.. 153 ; S.C.C. 9Fdn., 6 to 9 K g. -f 7s. 6d. ex. 2 rep. Charity, Und. 13, 9 gs. ; over 13, 1 C.C.,2 Boro' 12 es. If ent. over 15. Ed. Com., 1 15 gs. -4- 15s. ex. Also Gram. Scb., 1 ex for sp. sub. M'ter Univ. 430 Govs. appt. by 1 gn. to children of ratc- None . , Maintained 2,858 Oe.Cd. Ed. Com. payers ; 3 to others by L.E.A. 431 Ed. Com. of 6 fir children of rate- Mfcintain'el 624 10s. 4d. L.E.A. paye rs ; oih( rs, Lower Div, by L.E.A. 9 ; Upper, 7 Is. inch 432 Bd. G. 15 under 8 gs. ; children of n si- Ab. l,00oi 591 15*. S.C.C. dents, 4 gs. 433 L.EA.. 1 Maintain'^ 397 4s. 6d. ! by L.E.A. S. & A. 434 Bd. G. 9 gp Endowed . . . 341 135 Bd. G. 25, app. Under 9, 6 9s. ; over 9, 700 p. a. .. None by various 9 ge. -{- ex for p. tub. public bodies 430 Bd. G. (Christian Fiom 4 103. (under 8 iu Not yet 117 12s. Cd. Brothers' Sch ) Prep. Dept.) to 7 10s. fixed (Classical Course) 437 ,' Rel. Corum. . . Day, under 7, 1 10s. ; over 7, 2 gs. Brds., 20 + ex. for sp. sub. 438 Rel. Comm. . , Day, under 10, 6 gp. ; over 10, 9gp. -|- fx - fr >p. 439 Cl.ofG.P.D.S.C sub. Terms for brds.on app. Under 7, 6 gs. ; 7 to 10, None. Pro- 37 Ts. 6d. 10 gs.: if ent. between 10 prietary Sdi. S. & A. and 13, 13 10s.; nit. A over 13, 16 lUs. -f o St. Francis Xavier's R.C. (ff) 60, (4) 250, *19M., IMsJ 10 Gr., 2 Int. College Classical Sch. " (c) 35=345 and Commercial Sch., ! B. 454 South Liverpool Sch., '() B. 3, G. 21, 6 Ms, 5 Ms. 5Gr. G. (4) 24, (r) 13 =61 MANCHESTER C.B. 435 , Catholic Collegiate In- (a) 33, (4) 44, 3 M. 3 M. stitute, B. (f) 5=82 456 Cheetham Collegiate Sch., (a) 45, (4) 26, 1 1 >4 tt M. (0 2=73 (B. 39, G. 34) Colleges : 457 Withingtm (St. Bede's 160 (6 to 18) , . % t Hd. M., Gr. B.C.), B. j * M*ny of the Masters divide their time between the Classical and the Commercial Schs., and the Rector, Vica- Principal, and Prefect of Studies are the same for both Sens. t Four of these Masters divide their time between, the Middle and the Commercial Schs. The Principal of the Upper Sch. is also Head of both these Schs. HIGHER EDUCATION. 203 How Governed. Annual Fees. Endow- ments. Annual Grant from L.E.A. Government Grant, 1905. 440 Cl. of G.P.D.S.C As for East Liverpool Sch. None. Pro- None .. 89 11s. Bd. (at licensed Boarding ! prieturySch. S.&A. House), 45 g?. Reduc. for weekly brds. 411 , Bd. G Day. under 8, 13 ; 8 to 9, None, Pro- 16; O^to 10, 19; over prietary Sch . j 10, 25 ; sons of clergy, *16. Lab. Fee, 1 10s. Brds., 80 inch -1-12 Bd. G Under 12, 6 gs. ; over 12, None. Pro- tf 538 IF. 12 prietary Sell. 143 Bd. G Under 11, 3 15s.; over None. Pro- . . 513 Os. 3d. 444 Bd. G ll,6gs. From 4 under 7 to 10 gs. prietarvSch. None. 'Pro- over 11 -4- ex. for sp. sub. prietary Sch. 445 Bd G K.G., under 7, 4 10s. ; None. Pro- 117 .. 290 6s. I over 7, 5 gs. ; under 10, prietary Sch S. & A. 16s. 6d. ; 10 to 12, 8 18s. 6d. ; over 12, 11 Os. Gd. + ex. for sp. sub. Reduc. for third or more from one laniily 446 L.E.A , Under 8, 6 gs. ; 8 toll, Ab. 65 p-.a. Maintain'cl 364 ; 9gs.; over 11, 12 gs. shared be- by L.E.A. tween all the Fdn. Schs. 447 L.E A .. Under 9, 3 15s. ; 9 to 11, See above.. 'Maintain V 557 10s. 5 gs. ; over 11, 6 gs. by L.E. A. 448 L.E.A See above.. Maintain'd 25 4f. by L E.A. S. & A. 449 Rel. Comm. . . From 3 gs. (Prep.) to 6 gs. None 403 (Sen. and Commercial) 450 Rel. Comm. . . From 3 gs. under 7 to 6 gs. None 231 over 10 -\- ex. for sp. sub. j 451 Gov.Cl.incl.the Dav, 63. Weekly brds., None. Pio- Vice-Chancellor 100 16s. Full brds., prietarySch. of Univ. 110 5s. 452 Und. direction of R.C. Bishop 453 Bd. G. (Jesuit Prep., 4 16s.; Commer- None Ab. 600 708 5s. 5d. Fathers' Sch.) cial, 4 16 ; Classical, 9 -f- ex. for books. Reduc. in Classical for brothers 454 Private., From 9 gs. under 8 to 18 gs. over 13 455 Bd. G. (Xttverian Brotheis' Sch,) Day, 4 14s. to 6 16s. 6d. Brds., 30 to 40 I 45 16s. S. &A. 456 Day, 2 gs. to 8 gs. -f- ex. I sub. from 1 to 4 4s. Sp. fees for brds. 457 Tuition, 6 gs. Terms for brds on application Three of these Masters divide their time between the High Sch. and the Commercial Sch., and there is one Head Master for both Schs. 204 HIGHER EDUCATION. School. No. of Pupils, (ft) Under 12. (6) 12 to 16. (c) over 16. No. of Teachers. Qualincations ol Staff. Resident or Regular. Visiting o Sp. Sub. 458 Cheetham Hill (Ladies' () 22, (b) 5, College and Sch. of (#) 2=29 Music), G. Grammar Schools : 459 Chorlton -cum - Hardy, 33 (6 to 16) . B. 460 Hn'me, B () 49, (8) 175, 11 M., 1 St. 2 M. 10 Gi . (c) 23=247 Tear. 461 Manchester, B (a) 47. (V) 645, 34 M. 6M.,2Ms. 31 Gr., (c) 128=820 i ' 2F.C.S. 462 Girls' Publio Sch., Maul- G. 45 (11 to 18) .. deth road, Wit kin y ton Hiffh Schools: 463 Dover-street (Man- () B. 12, G. 33 Ms. lM.,7Ms. 15 Gr., 7 Cum. chester), G. 83, (A) 252, H.L.,2H.f., (c) 133=480 others Sp. Sub. Certs. 464 North Manchester, G. B. 10, G. 116 8 Ms. 4 Ms. 4 Gr., 1 H.F. =126 (6 to 19, B. 5 to 9) 465 rendition, G 61 .. 466 Biqnor- street (Notre () 62, (*) 20, .. .. Dame), G. (e) 6=88 467 The Hollies, Oak Drive, \a) 35, (*) 19, . . 468 Fallowfield (Convent) Wi thington - road, (c) 2=56 B. 16, G. 124 469 Whn,lley Ranqe, G. Palatine-road, W.Dids- =140 (4 to 18) B. 3, G. 59= 470 byry (Collegiate), G. 21, York -mad, Chorl- 62 (5 to 23) B. 11, G. 34 471 ton - cum- Hardy Richmond grove (Long- sight), G. =45 (4 to 16) () 26, 0) 25, (c} 2=53 .. 472 Htilme (Loreto Cjn- vent), G. (a) 9, (4) 31, () 8=48 V 473 Manchester Sch. (South), () 85, (A 12 to 4 M., 1 Ms. 2M., IMs. 1 Gr., 1 Tr.C. Central-road, W. Dids- 14) 32=117 bury, B. 474 Municipal Secondary Sch., Whitworth-street, D. (A) B. 446, G. 318, (c) B. 40, 22 M., 11 Ms. 5M.,4Ms. 23 Gr., 1 F.C.S., G. 30=834 F.I.S.. 1 A.R.C.S. 475 Municipal Sch. of Tech- Under 16, 357; f , 1 1 nology, M. L6 to 21, 2,294; over 21, 2,273 =4,924 (234 , , 1 >eing day Stds) 476 St. Margaret's Sec ndary (A) B. 43, G. . . 1 1 Sch., Moss Side, M, 41=i4 EDUCATION. 205 How Governed. Annual Fees. Endow- Annual Government Grant, 1905. 58 3 to 6 gs. +ex. for Music and Painting 59 Piivate. . . . 7 17s. 6d. to 9 gs. Bd. G. under 9 ps. (after Sept., 1906, 1,550 p.a. 2 5 Scheme 10 gs. iucl. to entrants) I fromHului L.E A., End. 63 150 by p.a. from U.D.C. Roberts' do. Bd. G. 22, incl. Day, under 14, 12 gs,; if 2,560 (de- 600 for 740 15s. reps, of M'ter ent. over 14, 15 gs. Brds., voted to salaries 4- 907 9s. and Salford LE.A.'s; Univs. 63gs..Weekly brds , 63 gs. If ent. over 14, 3 gs. ex. Fdn. Ss.) 300 for Ss. S.&A. and J.P.'s. Bd. G. under 18 gs. to 21 gs. Scheme Bd. G. under S.C.C., incl. rep. Ent., under 8, 10s. ; over 8, 1 1. Under 8, 6gs.; 8 to 1,000 (of vh. 640 is 300 + cap. from 393 of Univs., Gram. 10, 9 gs. ; over 10, 12 gs. ; set aside for Cheshire Sch., Salford ent. over 13, 15 gs. + ex. Ss. and 250 C.C. (last and M'ter Ed. for sp. sub. for repairs) yr. 40) Corns (1 each), and C.B.Cs. (1 each) Ditto .. Ditto Share in above Ditto .. Ditto Share in above Rel. Comm. . . 2 5s. to 3 gs. Rel. Comm. , . 4 10s. to 9 gs. + ex, for Music, &c. Public Co. 6gs, to!5gs. ,. .. 150 by U.D.C. Private,. 6 gs. to 15 gs. Private.. 3 gs. to 12 gs. .. 4 gs, + ex. for sp, sub. Rel. Comm. . . Brds., 33 to 36, Day t ; .. 18 18s. brds., 18 S.&A. *Gov. Com. app. by Gram. Sch. Ent., 1 gn. (returned on entg. Sen. Sch.). Day, 400 paid to bldg. fund None Govs. Sen., 12 gs. ; Jun., 9 gs. Brds., 63. Weekly brds., 52 10s. L.E.A 3 ; from outside the city, None Maintain't 3,055 103. 4 10s. by L.E. A L.E.A Day, 15: gs. per session None 14,537 1,477 12s. eachdept. Maintain'^ by L.E.A (Art) + 2,030(Tech) & 252 Tech. Day Classes Undel'VoLSch. 1 14s, (f t 262 10s. Management A nw Schema t fill probably com* into force shortly. 20(5 HIGHER EDUCATION. School. No. of Pupils. (*) Under 12. (6) 12 to 16. (c) over 16. No. of Teachers. Qualifications of Staff. Resident or Regular. VisitinRor Sp. Sub. 477 Victoria Park Sch., B. .. (rf) 49, (b) 50, 6 M. 3 M. 1 Gr. (c) 13=112 478 Victoria University (e 16 to 18) 145, (Owens College) (d 18 to 20) :j:tf, (e over 20) 710 =1,190 (Aits, Sc. and Law, 833 ; Med., 357), 41 being double entries -f. 289 in Evg. Classes OLDHAM C.B. 479 Secondary Sch (Water- (i)B. 120, G. 8 M., 5 M$. ' 2 M. 7Gr., 12 C., loo), M. 201, (c) B. 4, ! 2Int.,lL.L.A. G. 20=345 480 Grammar Sch. (Hulme), 130 (8 to 19) 7 M. 2 M. 7Gr. B. 480a Grammar Sch. (Hulme), 150 9 Ms. 2 Ms. 7 Gr., 4 Univ. G. T.C., 1 A.R.C.M. 481 Henshaw's Blue Coat 91 (9 to 14) 4 M. Sch., B. PRESTON C.B. i 482 Catholic Day College, B. < (a} 60, (V) 80, 10 M. 2 M. ; 5 Gr.,1 A.M.C. 483 (e) 8=148 Grammar Sch., B. .. 175 (8 to 18) 9 M. 4 Gr. ST. HELENS C.B. 484 CowleySch., B , 140 (8 to 17) 7 M. 1 M. 5Gr. 485 Cowley Sc-h., G ! 76 7 Me. |l M., 1 Me. 2 Gr., 1 Int., 2 Cam. H.L., 1 A.C.T.C. 486 Grammar Sch. (Catholic), | 70 (10 to 18) '.. Hd.M. Gr. B. SALFORD C.B. I 487 Municipal Secondary Sch., G. (and P.T. Centre) Prep. Sch., 11; 2M., 19 Me. Sec. Scb., 356 lM.,4.Me. 11 Gr., r early all C. =3674-182 P.T.'s(B. 6, G. 176) 488 Municipal Secondary Sch., B. (0)22, (i)256, (c) 25=303 14 M. 1 M. 10 Gr. SOUTHPORT C.B. 489 Grammar Sch., B. 50 (8 to 18) 4 M. 2 M. 3Gr. 490 Modern Sch. ,B 180 (6 to 18) 6 M., 2 Ms. 2M. 2Gr. 491 Sandrineham Sob., B. ,. 60 (7 to 18) 6 M. 2 M. 3Gr. 492 University Sch., B. 110 (8 to 18) 7 M. 6 M. 4Gr, WARRINGTON C.B. 493 Technical Sch. (Muni- () B. 65, G. 6 M., 5 Ms. 3M.,lMe, 7 Gr., 1 Int., cipal Secondary), M. Ill, (rietary Sch None. Pro- jrietarySch. None 773 in 37 2s. 6d. S. & A. 772 10s 4- 1904 . Maintain'd by L.E. A. 138 7s. 3d. (Art Sch.) 208 HIGHER EDUCATION. School. No. of Pupils, (a) Under 12. (6) 12 to 16. (c) over 16. No. of Teachers. Qualifications of Staff. Resident or Regular. VisitinRor Sp. Sub. 494 Grammar Sch. (Boteler), 100 (8 to 19) 6 M. 1 M. 5Gr. B. WIGAN C.B. 495 Grammar Sch., B. (a) 16, (ft) 117, 6 M., 1 Ms. 3 M. 5 Gr., 1 Int., (c) 10=143 1 A.C.P., 1 C. & G. Cert, 496 Mining and Technical College (P.T. Depart- (b 14 to 16), B. 24, G. 74, 4 M., 5 Ms. !M.,lMs. 5 Gr., 8 C., 1 L.L.A., ment only) 0) B. 42, G. 190 1 A.M. =330 LEICESTERSHIRE. Leicester Ad.C. Grammar Schools : 497 Ashby~de-la-Zouch) B. (a) 12, (ft) 50, 5 M. 2 M. 4Gr., (c) 10=72 1 A.M.C. 498 Ashby-de-la-Zouch, G. (a) B. 8, G. 12, 11 Ms. lM.,2Ms. 4Gr., (b) 102, (c} 20 .2 Cam. H.L., =142 1 Cam. T. Dip., 1 Fr.C., 1 A.L.C.M., 1 A.M.C., 3 various certs. 499 _5#ry0tt>-0w-$0ar(Hum- 67 (7 to 17) 2 M., 1 Ms. 2 M. IGr. 500 phrey Perkins), M. HincMcy, M B. 53, G. 22 2 M., 1 Ms. 2 M. 2Gr. =75 (7 to 16) 501 Kibworth, B (a) 12, (b) 26, 3 M. 3M.,lMs. 1 Gr., 1 C., (c} 2=40 1 A.M., (8 to 17) 1 S.K.C. 502 Lovghborough, B. 138 (7 to 19) 8 M. 2 M. 5Gr. 503 Lovghborough, G. 162 9 2 .. 504 Lutter worth, M. 45 (7 to 15) 2 M., 2 Ms. 2 M. 2Gr. 505 Market Bosworth, B... 63 (8 to 19) 4 M. 2 M. 3Gr. 506 Market Harbor on gh, B. () 3, (ft) 31, 4 M. 1 M. !Gr.,lA.C.P., (e) 4=38 I 1 S. & A.C. 507 Wytnondham, B. 19 1 M. .. 1 Gr. 508 Intermediate Sch.,Z0z/^7i- 81 (9 to 15) 6 M. 1 Gr., 2 C., 509 borougb, B. Rawlins' Sch., Quorn, M. (a) B. 12, G. 8, 3 M., 2 Ms. 1 Sp. Sub.Cwt. 2 M. 2 Gr., 1 Int., (ft) B. 34, G. 18, 1 Mat., (c) B, 2, G. 2 1 A.M.C., =76 1 Wood. Dip. LEICESTER C.B. 510 Alderman Newton's (a) 12, (ft) 297, 14 M. >4 4 Gr., 11 C., Foundation Sch., B. (c) 19=328- 2 Int., 1 A.R.C. Sc. HIGHER EDUCATION. 209 How Governed. Annual Feei. Endow- A nnual Grant frcm ment8 ' L.E.A. Government Grant, 1905. 494 Bd. G. 15 .. 12 Endowed.. 169 495 Bd. G. 16, half Under 10, 4 10s. ; over 10, About 170 Sch. being 121 elec. byL.E.A. 6 gs. (if from outside from land reorganis'd Boro', 7 gs.). Reduc. for &c. third and ncora from one family ^..u^a 496 Bi. G., on which 6gs... - .. .. i?L .. None Maintain'd C.C. & C.B C. hv C.B.C. are equally rep. 500 p.a. granted by C.C.* 497 Bd. G. 17, incl. Day, under 14, 6 ; over Trust Fund 125 . . 203 | rep. of C.C. 14, 9. Brds., 50 + ex. of ab. 1,000 for sp. sub., &c. i* p.a. 498 Bd. G. 17, incl. Day, K.G., 4 to 6, 3; Ab. 200 p.a. 350 . . 308 rep. of C.C. Prep., 6 to 8, 4 10s. ; Under 14, 6; over 14, 8 (no increase if ent. under 10). Brds , 35 -f- ex. for Laundry, sp. sub., , t 17 10s. 6d. S. fr A. 534 Bd. G Tuition, 8. Brd?., 37. . | Ab. 900 50 204 available : ! from land and market dues 535 Bd. G 10 ... Day, 6 to 8. Brds., 36 Endowed to 38 536 Bd. G. 14 .. Day, 6; Brds., 42 Endowed.. 93 637 Sub-Corn, app*. Prep. Dept., 2 5s. ; Sen. None .. Ab. 2,000 1117 19s.6d. by L.E.A. Dept., 3; children of Maint-in'd : non-ratepayers, 3 15s. by L.E.A. and 4 10d. ivep. 538 Bd. G. (4 rep. City Cl., 2 Prep, and K.G , 4 19.->. ; Hif^h. Sch., under 12, 6; Ab.300p.". 229 Parish Cl., 2 over 12. 8; book?, &c. f Dean and Chapter, and 1 5s. -|- ex. for cp. sub. Bd., 40 19s. or 31 10s. 8 co-op.) (sisters, 28 7s. eacb). Weekly bd., 36 or 25 4s., ace. to house 539 .. 10 to 12 Endowed ..- 156 540 Govs. under. 1 to 3 None Maintain'd 686 17s. L.E.A. by L.E.A. 641 Bd. G, 17 6 Endowed . . 780 15s. HIGHER EDUCATION. School. No. of Pupils, (a) Under 12. (6) 12 to 16. (c) over 16. No. of Teachers. Qualifications of Staff. Resident or Regular. Visiting or Sp. Sub. 542 Alleyn's Sch., Dulwich, (a] 194, (V) 384, 25 M. 3 M. 16 Gr., B. (c) 37=615 1 A.M.C. 543 Balham Sch., B 115 (8 to 18) 8 M. 3 Gr. 544 Blackheath Sch., B. .. (a) 12, (ft) 38, 5 M. 2*M. 4Gr. (c) 16=66 645 Caniden Sch., Prince of 210 1 M.,13M>. 8 Ms. 3 Gr., 3 Univ. Wales-road, N.W., G. T.C., 1 Fr. C., 1 A.C.T.C., 1 L.R.A.M. 646 City of London Sch., 690 (7 to 19) 29 M. 10 M. 24 Gr., Victoria Embankment, 3 F.C.S. B. 547 City of London eh., 13 Ms. 5 Ms. 7 Gr.,3 Univ. Victoria Embankment, T.C., 1 Fr. C. G. 548 City Sch., Westminster, >. 600 (7 to 18) 18M.,1M?. 1 M. 4 Gr. 549 Clapham Sch., B. 90 (8 to 16) 6 M. 2 Gr. 550 Coborn Sch., Bow-road, 320 18 Ms. I'M*. 6Gr.,lL.L.A., G. 4 Fr. C., 1 A.C.T.C. Colleges : 651 Blackheath (Christ's), B. (a) 14. (ft) 33, 5 M. 1 M., 5Gr., (c) 16=63' 1 Ms. 1 A.C.T.C., 1 A.P.M., 1 C. 552 Brixton (St. John's), M. (a) B. 60, G. 4 M., 3 Ms. 1 M. 20, (ft) B. 55, G.20,(c)B.12, G. 8=175 653 Brockky (St. Peter's), (a) 12, (ft) 20, 2 M., 1 Ms, 2 M. 2Gr. B. (c) 4=36 554 Camden - road (Hill- 100 (8 to 16) 5 M. 1 M. marten), B. 555 Catford Bridge, Lewis- ham (St. Dunstan's), 470 22 M. 1 M. 16 Gr., 1 A.M., others various B. 556 Chelsea (St. Mark's), 300 (7 to 17) 6 M. 1 1 2 Gr. B. 667 Clapham (R.C.), B. . , 150 (7 to 21) .. .. 658 Dulwich, B, . . (a) 30, (ft) 400, 25 M. 6 M. All Reg. M. (c) 260=680 Gr. 559 forest Sill (Stafford), 130 (6 to 17) 7 M., 2 Ms. 3'M. 4Gr., B. 1F.R.C.O. 560 Oower street, W.C. (ft) 275, (c) 105 20 M. 11 M., 19 Gr., (University College =380 1 Ms. 2F.R.A.S., Sch.), B. 1F.C.S., 2 A.M.C. , 1 F.R.C.O.,&c. HIGHER EDUCATION. 215 How Governed. Annual Fees. Endow- ments. Annual Grant from L.E.A. Government Grant, 1905. 542 Govs. of Dul- Ent. fee, 1. 9 15s. incl. 1,400 p.a. Ab. 500 . . 1,122 10s. wich Coll. 24 (Dul. CoU. Fdn.) 543 Bd. G 8 to 15 gs. 544 Gov. Com. 10.. Under 12, 20 8s. ; over 12, Proprietary None 27 15s. (if ent. under 11, Sch. ' 3 less). Reduc. of 10 to 25 p.c. for brothers + ex. for sp. sub. ; terms for bd. on application 545 Bd. G. 18 und. Under 10, 7; over 10, Endowed . . tt 591 16s. 6d. S.C.C. 9 gs. 546 Com. of Court 15 gs. + books, &c., ex. Endowed of Common Cl. app. by Corp. of London 547 Ditto Under 10, 9 gs. ; over 10, Endowed 12 gs. + ex. for games, sp. sub., &o. 548 Bd. G. 25 6 15s Endowed 549 Private 6 to 13 None None 550 Bd. G. 19 8 to 10, 4 gs. ; over 10, 6 Endowed ti 347 (if ent.under 10,5)-f-ex. for sp. sub. 551 Private . . . . Day, 12 to 18 gs. Brds., 50 None None to 80 gs. -f ex. 1 2s. 6d. for sp. sub. 552 Private Tuition, 4 to 9 gs, Bd. None None 40 to 45 gs. 553 Private Jun. Sch., 6 gs. ; Sen., None None 9 gs. ; Sp. Dopt., 18 to 24 gs. -}- ex. for sp. sub. Ill-due, for brothers 5154 Private 6 to 9 gs. None None 55o Bd. G., under Boys ent. under 13, 9; 13 Charities of 1,000 S.C.C. to 14. 12; 14 to 16, 15; St. Dun- over 16, 16 + ex. for sp. stan' s- in- sub. Reduc. for brothers the-East K*fi Bd. G. (in con- 6 ffs. . 401 5s. ooo nection with Nat, Soe, Tr. Coll.) 557 Xaverian Bro- Day, 9 . B rds . , 35 to 40 . thers 558 Bd. G Ent. 1. Tuition, 24. 1 End. (Dul- None Bd. 64 gs. + ex. 168., wieh Es- and for sp. sub tates) 559 Private Dav, 3 to 9 gs. Brds., 34 None None to 40 gs. 560 Gav. Cl. 24, Ent. 7s. 6d. 24 gs. + ex. None Fees of and Com. of for books, sp. sub., &c. L. C. C. M a n a gement Scholars 10 only 216 HIGHER EDUCATION. School. No. of Pupils, (a) Under 12. (b) 12 to 16. (c) over 16. No. of Teachers. Qualincationa of Staff. Resident or Regular. Visiting or Sp. Sub. 551 Paddington (St. Mary's) 5 Me. 1 M., 3Gr., G. - 10 Ms. 1 Cam. T.C., 1 Fr. C., 4L.R.A.M. 563 Stoke Neicingion (Wil- 65 (6 to 15) 3 M., 1 Ms. 1 Gr. son), B. 564 Stoke Newington (Fins- bury Park), B. 30 (6 to 16) 1 M., 1 Ms. 1 Ms. 1 Gr. 565 Strand (King's Univ.), 580 (10 to 20) 20 M. , , 13 Gr., B. 1 A.R.C.S. 566 Westminster Sch. (St. (b~) 191, (c} 84 19 M. 2 M. 17 Gr. Peter's Coll.), B. =275 567 Collegiate Sch. (Ncrth London), Sandall-road, 436 23 Ms. 1 M., 12 M*. 15 Gr., 9 Univ. T.C., N. W., G. 2A.R.A.M., &c. 568 Commercial Sch., Acton, 100 (7 to 16) 4 M. IM..1M*. B. 569 Coopers' Co.'s Sch., Bow, 450 (8 to 16) 16 M. 2 M. 10 Gr. B. 570 Emmanuel Sch., Wands- worth Common, B. (a) 103, (*) 210, (c) 52=365 18 M. 3 M. 12 Gr., 2 Int., 1 A.R.C.O., 1 F.R.C.O., 1 A.R.C.A. 571 Forest Hill House Sch., () 50, (*) 45, 7 M. 3 M. 3Gr. B. (c) 5=100 Foundation Schools : 572 Cannon-st.-rd. (Raine's) , B. 148, G. 110 8 M., 6 Ms. 1 M. D. =258 (7 to 16) 573 Whitechapel -read, Stepney, B. () 22. (4) 138, (0 8=168 10 M. 4 M. 6 Gr., 2 Int., 1 Mar., 1 C., 1 A.M.C. 574 Freemen's Sch., Brixton, B. ICO. G. 65 4 M., Ms. IGr. M. =165 (7 to 15) 1 575 Gerrge Gretn's Scb., B. 180, G. 120 12M.,8Mf. >0< 5 Gr. J'cplar, D. Grammar Schools : =300 (6 to 16) 576 Aldwych (St. Clement (8 to 17) 6 M. 3Gr. Dane's), B. HIGHER EDUCATION. 21 How Governed. Annual Fees. Endow- ments. Annual Grant from L.E.A. Government Grant, 1905. 561 Gov. Cl. 14 .. Ent. 1 gn. K.G., under 7, 6 gs. ; over 7, 9 gs. Coll., Day, under 10, 10 gs.: 10 to 13, 13 10s.; 13 to 16, 16 10s.; over 16, 19 10s. Cam. H.L. Class, 24 gs. Brds., 563 Private 7815s.+ ex.212s.6d., also for sp. sub. 6to8gs None . . None 564 Private 6 to 9 gs. None None 565 Gov. Cl. 7 10s. to 18 566 Bd. G. Fdn. Scholars, res., 30; 3,500 from None 1 noil-res, tuition free; bd., Eccl. Com- 50 gs. ; | bd., 18 gs. mission Non-Fdners. ent., 5 gs. Tuition, 30 gs. ; bd. 65 gs. Ent., 5 gs. ; i bd., 24 gs. -f exs., 6 15s., and for books, sp. sub., &:r. 567 Bd. G. 18 Ent. 1. Tuition, under Endowed 13,17gs.; over 13, 18 gs. ; if ent. over 16, 21 gs. Bd., 51 gs. to 66 568 Private Day, 6gs. Brds., 27 to None None 30 gs. 569 Bd. G 4 9s. 6d Endowed . . 446 570 Bd. G. 26 Day, 9 15s. ; eat. 10s. Ab. 2,000 594 in Brds., 34 10s. inch; ent., p. a. from 1905 1 10s. Younger bro- end. thers, day, 9 ; brds., 33 -f-ex. for sp. sub. 571 Private Prep, dept., 7 gs. ; upper sch., 18 gs. Brdo., under None None 12, 66 gs. ; over 12, 75 ga. (weekly, 60 and 69 gs.)-f ex. 1 17s. 6d., and for books, sp. sub.. &c. 572 Bd. G 2 8s Endowed . , B. 279, G. 62 673 Bd. G. 19 3 -f- book", 15s. ; games, 1,000 to 800 .. 254 4s. &(.:, 6s. 1,200 from funds, land- ed and house property 574 Gov. Corn. un( 6 Gr., 3 Cam. road), G. T.C.,3Fr.C. 600 Streatham (High-rd.), 120 8 Ms. 8 Ms. 3Gr., 1 Fr.C., G. 1 A.M.C., 3 L.R.A.M. 601 Streatham Hill(W^- 350 20 Ms. 10 Ms., 10 Gr., 5 Fr.C., tree -road), G. 1 M. 1 A.M.C., 7 L.R.A.M., 602 Stroud Green (Albany- ' 123 8 Ms. 3 Gr., road), G. 1 A.C.P., 1 Fr. C., 1 Art C. 603 Sydenham( West Hill), 250 (4 to 19) 16 Ms. t t 9 Gr., G. 2 Univ. T.C., 3 Fr. C., &c. 604 Upper Tooting, B., G. (a) B. 65, G. 7 M., 5 Ms. 3M.,5Ms 1 Gr. 3 C., and Prep. 50, (ft) B.I 13, 1 R.U.I., G. 62, (c) B. 2 L.R.A.M., 9. G. 6=305 1 &c. 605 Highbury Park Sch., B. 75 (5 to 17) 3 M., 1 Ms. 2Gr., 606 Highgate Sch., B. 310 (8 to 19) 18 M. 41M. 19 Gr. I 607 Kennington Sch., Hals- (a) 6, (ft) 90, 7 Ms. !M.,lMs 2Gr.,2L.L.A., mere-road, G. (c) 60rrl56 1 C., 1 Cam. T.C.,1 A.M.C. 608 Latymer Upper Sch. 530 (8 to 17) \ 19 M. 1 M. Hammersmith, B. 8Gr. HIGHER EDUCATION. 221 How Governed. Anna- Fee,. * j i Annual Grant from L.E.A. Government Grant, 1905. 594 CI. of Church Ent., 1 gn. Under 10, None. Pro- Sobs. Co. 9 gs. ; 10 to 13, 12 gs. ; prietary over 13, 15 gs. Ileduc. Sch. for more than 2 sisters-f- ox. 15s., also for books, sp. sub., &c. 595 Bd. 31.. Ent.,lgn. Under 8 (Prep. Proprietary no ent. fee), 12 gs. ; 8 to Sch, 10, 18 gs.; 10 to 13, 21 gs.; over 13, 24 gs.-fex, for sp. sub. 596 Cl.ofG.P.D.S.C. As for Blackheath a"bove Proprietary t f 297 12s. 6d. -fex, 15s. Sch. S. & A. 597 Cl.ofG.P.D.S.C. As for Blackheath above Proprietary t f 118 3s. +ex. 15s. Sch. S. & A. 598 Bd. G 5 gs.-fex. for sp. sub. . . None Ni-ne . . 78 599 Cl.ofG.P.D.S.C. As for Blackheath above Proprietary 106 19s. 6d. 1 -|-ex. 15s. Sch. * S. & A, 600 Cl. of Church Ent., 1 gn. K.G., under Proprietary Schs. Co. 7 (no ent. fee), 6 gs. ; 7 Sch. to 9, 9gs. ; 9 to 13. 12 gs.; if ent. over 13, 15 gs.-f- ex. 1 2s. 6d., also for books, special sub., &c. 601 Cl.ofG.P.D.S.C. As for Blackheath above Proprietary , . 170 -f ex. 15s. Sch. S. & A. 602 Cl. of Church Under 8, 4 14s. 6d. ; 8 to Proprie'ary Schs. Co. 12, 6 gs. ; over 12, 9 gs. Sch. -f-es. for sp. sub. 603 Cl.ofG.P.D.S.C. As for Blackheath abDve Proprietary , 9 126 11s. 6d. -fex. 15s. Sch. S. & A. 604 Private Under 8, 3 15s. ; 8 to 10, None None 5 5s. ; 10 to 12, 6 15s. ; over 12, 8 5s.-f ex. for books and sp. sub. 605 Private Tuition, 9 gs. Bd. 60 g24 Blackheath (Stratheden 90 (7 to 14) 6M.,2 Ms. 2M. 5Gr. House), B. 525 Dulwich (College), B. 200 (7 to 13) 11 M. 1 M. 8 Gr. 526 Hampstead (Heath 55 (7 to 14) 4 M., 2 Ms. mm 3Gr. Mount), B. )27 S. Hampstead (Finch - 80 (6 to 14) 5M., 2 Ms. : 2M.,lMs. 5Gr. ley -road), B. >28 Hawpstcad (West 90 (7 to 15) 3 M., 5 Ms. ; 1 M. 3Gr. Heath), B. >29 Hampstead (University 63 (7 to 13) 4 M., 1 Ms. 4 3Gr. College), B. j i ; t This School is to bo closed in July, 1907. HIGHER EDUCATION. 223 How Governed. Annual Fees. Endow- ments. Annual Grant from L.E.A. Government Grant, 1905. 609 Private Day Prep. Sch., 6 gs. ; Upp. Soli., 9 to 12 gs. None None [ 2'CW Bras. : Lower Sch. ,42 gs.; Upp. Sch., 51 gs. ; books 7s. Gd. to 15s. +ex. for sp. sub. 610 Bd. G. 23 None .. ., .. Proprietary Sch. 611 Private Day, 5 to 7 gs. Brds., 40 None to 60 gs. 612 Master and War- 10 10s. ; Stationery, &c., None. Pro- None dens of Mercers' 15s. + ex. for books .. prietary Co. Sch. 613 Master and War- Ent., 5 gs. Under 14, None. Pro- None dens of Mer- 12 gs. ; over 14, 15 g.<*.+ prietary chant Taylors' ex. for books. Terms for Sch. 614 Co. Private IJdg. house* on applen. Dav, 15 to 21 gs. Brds., None . None 48 to 66 gs 615 Brewers' Co. . . 7 10s Endowed . . .. 1480 5s. 6d. 616 Bd. G 3 15s Endowed. . 533 15s. 617 Bd. G 3 458 10s. 618 Bd. G i . . .. .. 391 5s. 619 Bd. G 1 10s. to 6 .. 959 3s. 9d. +21 7s. S. & A. 620 Bd. G^.. 7 783 621 Bd. G. 19 -f 1 Cons. Mem. 5 to 12 gs Proprietary Sch. 113212s.ld. rep. C.C. 622 Bd. G. 19 + 1 Under 12, 5 gs. ; over 12, Proprietary 163 Cons. Mein. 6^ gs. + ex. for sp. sub., Sch. rep. C.C. &c. 623 Bd. G., 3 rep. 4 10s. iiicl None 376 Trustees, 9 L.C.C.,3Boro' Cl., 2 War Office, 5 Par. Fdn., and 2 Ed. Com. 624 Private , . 100 gs . . None None 625 Bd. G. 21 Day, 21. Brds., 75 In conn, with Dul. Coil. 626 Private Day, 18 to 30 gs. Brds., None None 627 Private 75 to 90 gs. Day, 24 gs. Brds., 90 gs. None None 628 Bd. G. 9 21 to 27 gs .. None 629 Cl. of Univ. Coll 18 to 24 gs None 224 HIGHER EDUCATION. School. No. of Pupils, (a) Under 12. (6) 12 to 16. (c) over 16. No. of Teachers. Qualifications of Staff. Resident or Regular. Visiting or Sp. Sub. 530 331 332 Kensington (St. Paul's), B. Streatham (College), B. Streatham Common, B. 400 (8 to 14) 65 (7 to 14) 30 (8 to 15) 20 M. 4 M., 1 Mb. 3 M. 1 M. 2M. 19 Gr. 3Gr. 2Gr. 533 Priory House Sch., Up- per Clapton^ B. 60 (7 to 17) 5 M., 1 M*. 2 M. 3Gr. >34 535 Queenswood Sch., Clap- ham Park, G. Roan Sch., Greenwich, B. 370 (7 to 17) 9 Ms. 12 M. 3 Ms. 1 M. 3Gr., ; 2Cain.T.C., i 2 L.R.A.M. 4Gr. 36 37 Roan Sch., Gr*enwich, G. Royal -Naval Sch. (El- tham Coll.), B. 180 96 (8 to 19) 9'k. 1M. Hd. Ms. Gr. 9Gr. I 38 St. Olave's & St. Saviour' s Sch., Tower Bridge, B. 450 17 M. 5 M. 18 Gr. 39 40 St. Martin's Houss Sch., Stamford Hill, B. St. Paul's Sch., Kensing- ton, B. 60 (14 to 17) 583 (12 to 19) 3 M. % 32 M. 1 M. 1 Gr. 31 Gr., 1 F.S.A., 2F.R.A.S. 41 42 43 St. Paul's Sch., Brook Green, G. Sch. for Sons of Mis- sionaries, Blackheath, B. SirW. St.* John's Sch., i Battersea, B. (a) 11, (4) 105, (c) 44=160 82 (7 to 17) 209 (7 to 16) 14 Ms. 6 M., 1 Ms. 7 M. lM.,7Ms. 2M. 12Gr.,2ArtC., 1 A.R.C.M., &c., 2 Sp. Sub. C. 4Gr. 2Gr. 44 45 46 Tenison's Sch., Leicester - square, B. Technical College (East London), Mile End- \ road, B. Technical Day Sch. (Cen- tral Higher), Hif/h- street, Marykbone, B. 170 (7 to 16) 200 (12 to 16) Sen. 400, Jun. 200 ,=r600 7 M. 14 M. SOTchrs. ' 3M. 2Gr.,lL.C.P. 8Gr., 1 A.I.M.E. 20 C. 47 Technical Day Scb ., Pad- ding ton, M. (10 to 16) 4 M., 4 Ms. 1 M. 2Gr. HIGHER EDUCATION. 225 Endow Annual How Governed. Annual Fees. Orant from ments. LB A Government Grant, 1905. 630 Govs. of St. Tuition, 18 to 24. Bd., None Paul's Sch. 63 631 Private . . 18 gs None . . None 632 Private Day, 15 to 18 gs. Brds., None , . ; None 60 to 75 gs. 633 Private Day, 9, 12, 15, or 18 gs. None None Brds., 36,45, 60 gs., ace. to age 634 Bd. G. 10, Wes- 54 to 57 gs., incl. bd., 1 ley an Sch. tuition, &c. 635 Bd. G. 16 Regtr. and ent., 6s. Tuition, Ab. 2,000 .. 761 5s. 6 (boys from Pub. El. p. a. for B. Schs., 3; no ent. fee)-{- and G. books, &c., 6s. Sch. 636 Bd. G. 16 As for Boys' Sch See above . tt 470 637 Gov. CL 24 . . Tuition and bd., 70 gs. Endowed (son* of Army Officers, 60 gs. ; Naval and Marine Officers, 50 gs.) -f- ex - 4 15s., also Army Class, 15 gs. ; Navy Class, 9 gs. 633 Bd. G., incl Boys from locality, 4: Endowed reps, of locality, others, under 11, 7 10s. ; Ox., Cam., and over 11, 10 -f ex. for Lorid. Univs., books, &c. Guy's and St. Thomas' Hos., L.C.C. and the Bishop of Rochester 639 Private 6 to 10 gs None None 640 Master and Regtr., 10s.; ent., 1. Endowed Warders of Tuition, 24 9s. Bd., Mercers' Co.-f- 60 gs. 9 app. by Ox., Cam.andLond. Univs. 641 As above -f- 4 Regtr., 10s.; ent., 1. Endowed rep. Boys' Sch. Tuition, 21. + ex. for books, sp. subs., &c. 642 Gov. Com. 21 . Proprietary 132 Sch. 643 Bd. G., und. Form I., 3 7s. ; II. to IV., Endowed . . 308 18s. S.C.C. 4 10s.; V. and VI., 5 12s. 644 Bd. G 6 15s Endowed 173 645 Bd. G. 18 2 10s Endowed 1032 18s. 4d 646 Managing Com. Class I., 1 4s. ; II., Endowed . . (Trustees ex- 1 16*. ; III. to V., off.)4-niembiTs .2 8s. ; VI. and VII., app. by sub- 3; Ex- VII., 3 12s. to scribers 4 4s. -|- ex. for sp. sub. 647 L.C.C 6 gs None .. Maintain'd 486 byL.M.A. 226 HIGHER EDUCATION. School. No. of Pupils, (a) Under 12. (b) 12 to 16. (c) over 16. No. of Teachers. Qualifications of Staff. Resident or Regular. Visitinjj or Sp. Sub. 648 Tech. Inst. Day Set., 280' (12 to 18) 8 M., 7 Ms. 2M. 4Gr. Wandsworth, M. 1 A.R.C.S. 649 Tollington Sch., Tolling - 70 (6 to 18) 23 M. tm 5Gr., 2L.C.P. ton Park and Muswell mil, B. 650 William Ellis Endowed 300 (6 to 17) 8 M., 2 Ms. 3M. 3Gr. Sch., Gospel Oak, B. 651 ortshire Society's Sch., 55 (9 to 15) 3 M. .. 1 Gr. Westminster Bridge- road, B. 652 P.T. Centre, flattened, ()B.2,G. 38, 7 M., 3 Ms. 4 Tchrs. All C., 4 Gr., M. (c} B. 28, G. 2 Int., 212=280 2 L.L.A., 1 A.M.C. 653 P.T. Centre, WoUmcli, (i)B.l,G.36, 7M., 4 Ms. 0< 9 C., 6 Gr., M. (c) B. 37, G. 1 L.L.A., 1 163=237 Int., 1 A.M.C., 1 A.C.T. , &c. 654 P.T. Centre, Unsbury, M. B. & G. 300 6 M., 4 Ms. ., Nearly all C., (14 to 20) 5Gr. MIDDLESEX. Middlesex Ad.C. 655 Burlington Pious*! Sch., 14 (14 to 19) 3 M. 1 M. 2Gr. Hampton Hill, B. 656 C*stle Hill Sch., Baling, 103 5 M., 1 Ms. 2 M. 1 Int., 3 Mat., B. 1 A.M., 2 various certs. Colleges : 657 Eating (Princess He- .. 10 Ms. [9Ma.,4M.6Gr.,2L.L.A., lena), G. , 1 Fr.C. 658 FincJikv (Christ's Coll. and County Sch.), B. (a) 38, (*) 123 (c) 14=175 9 M. 4 M. 5 Gr., 2 C., lint. 659 Stamford Hill, S. Tot- () 52, (V) 73, 10 M. 4 M. 3 Gr., 2 A.C.T. tenham (S. Ignaiius' () 120, Modern and Tech. Sch. , (r) 10=170 9M. 2M. 7Gr., 1A.M. B. 716 High Sch., G 120 7 Ms. lM.,5Ms. Soke of Peterborough Ad.C. 717 County Technical Sch., MB. 47, G.12, 8M., 4 Ms. 1 M. 1 Gr., 1 C., ] Peterborough, M. : (A B. 63, G. 68' Mat.,3A.M.C =190 2 A.C.T.C., 5 C. & G. Certs. also in Sc. Mat!)., Art Enginrg, &c. 718 Deacon's Sch., Peter- (} 50, (i) 100, M., 1 Stu. 1 M. 3 Gr., 1 Int., toroiigb, B. (r) 30=180 Tchr. 1 Ms. 1 A.M.C. HIGHER EDUCATION. How Governed. Bd. G. 19 Annual Fees. J)siy, a; to 8. Brds., 35 to 40 Bd. G. 10, under 18*. to 2 L.E.A. Endow. L^SnSiiB O o v ernment mentf. ^ A Grant, J90S. Endowed None . . 3,000 . . 245 15s. 6d. I Loral Managers 17 Ent. 1 gn. Under 10, 9 gs. ; over 10, 12 gs. ; if ent. over 13, 15 gs.+ex. L5s., and for looks, sp. sub., fee. Bd. G. . Private 708 Bd. G. . . 709 I Bd. G. 12 710 Grocers' C Bd. G. It Bd. G. 13 Day, 6 to 10 gs. Bids., 30 to 45 gs. 6 '. Tuition, 4 gs. Brds., 33 to 36 gs. 4 to 6 Tuition, 11. Bd.,34 13s Day, 7 10s. Bd., 47 5s., incJ. Reduc. fer relations of clergy Ect. 1 gn. Tuition, 25. Bd.. under 13, 55; over 13, (50 -f 9 ex. for Army or Navy Class, end ex. f r sp. t-ub., &c. None Day, Jun., 6 gs. ; Upper, 7 10s. -|- ex. for book?. Terms for Id. on appli- cation Under 8, 3 12s. ;J 8 to 12, .5 Its.; over 12, -7 IGs. -f-ex. for *p. sub. Full Course, 5 perse ssinn. 3 days weekly, 4 : 1 day (or two afternoons), 2; Evening classes, 10s. pf-r session for Art or So., 15s. for both ; French, 15. B.!. G. under 5 + tx. for books S.C.C., inch 2 rep. C.C. Fellows of Mag. Coll., Ox. Grocers' Co. L.E.A. Bd. G. under S.C.C., 7 rep. C.C.,5C.B.C.. 1 Ed. Com., 7 Charities, 2 co- opled Cl. of Church Schs. Co. 1? L.E.A. Endowed Endowed Endowed Endowed Endowed Endowed None ; but ami. subsidy fr m Mag. Coll. Endowed None 500 Proprieh.n Sch. None 50 Ab.750. MttintHin't by L.E.A 875 123 144 12s. 38* Ab.l,500 Ab. 300 Ab. 200 from lands I & property | 310 (Ait) 240 10s. (|)\aronly) 234 HIGHER EDUCATION. School. No. of Pupils. (a) Under 12- (6) 12 to 16. (c) over 16. No. of Teachers. Qualifications of Staff. Resident or Regular. Visiting or Sp. Sub. 719 King's Grammar Scb., Peterborough, B. 104 (8 to 18) 6M. 2M. 4Gr., 1 A.R.C.O. 720 NORTHUMBERLAND. Northumberland Ad.C. Duke of North'mberland's Sch., Abnvick, B. () 68, (<) 20=100 6 M. 3 M. 2Gr..l A.C.P., 1 A.M. 725 726 St. George's Sch., Gos- forth, B. Sharp's Endowed Sch., Rothbury, M. 45 (7 to 17) B. 20, G. 16= 36 (8 to 17) 2 M. 1 M., 1 Ms. 1 M. IGr. 1 Gr. NEWCASTLE C.B. 72" College (Rutherford), D. (a) 105, (b} 510/25 M., 6 Ms. (c) 23=638 (B. 4-1, G. 237)! 2 M. 12 Gr., 14 C. i 728 , Elswick Institute, M. B. 41, G. 46 =87 3 M. 1 Gr. 729 Endowed Sch. (Allan's), B. (a) 63, (4) 129, (c) 1=193 9 M. 1 1 M. 4 Gr. 730 731 Endowed Sch. (Allan's), i G. Grammar Schools : K'.yal, B (a) 30, (i) 123, (c) 14=167 (a; 66, (i) 189, [ (c) 18=273 8 Ms. 16 M. .. 1 M. 3Gr;,2L.L.A., 2 Cam. H.L., IDurhinT.Dip. 11 Or. 732 St. Cuthb^rt'sR.C., B. (a) 26, (A) 96, i (c) 24=146 7 M. 1 M. 4 Gr., 1 C, HIGHER EDUCATION. How Governed. Annual Fees. Endow, ments. Annual Grant fron L.B.A. . Government 1 Grant, 1905. 719 Dean and Chap- 7 10s. to 15 15s. Endowed ter as Bd. G. j 720 Bd. G. incl. 3 10 incl Ab. 600 143 11s. 6d. rep. C.C. and 3 p.a. allow- (| year only) Dist. Councils ed by Duke of N'land 721 Bd. G. .. 5 and 9 | None Ab. 460 130 7s. last year fc . incl. Ss. fees 722 Boro' Corporate. 5 Endowed 723 Bd. G Day, under 10, 6 gs. ; over Ab. 120 100 .. 89 10, 8 gs. Brds., 40 from tithes, farm, &c. 724 Bd. G. 14, rep. Day, 10 to 12, 5; ent. Interest on 150-fl. f 157 C.C.,TownCL, over 10, 7 10s. + ex. 15,000 per head Guardians, Ed for book.-?, games, &c. for P.Ts. Com., Durham Bd., 42. Weekly, 36. Coll. of Sc. & Day, 12. lieduc. if ent. 4 co-opted under 12 to 14 725 Private 11 14s. to 18 726 Bd. G. 13 Tuition, 4 10s. to 0. Endowed . . .. 7 2s. 6d. Bd., 31 10s. S. & A. 727 Bd. G 4 10s. -f- ex. for books None . . Cap. Gr. ol 2,400 6s. 8d. and sp. sub. This may be reduced to 2 12s. 6d. ab.40p.a. from C.C. : +226 (Art) usually ab. 650 (30C forSs.hlds x tin. City CL 728 3d. a week. Free to children *Workmen's *360fron> 152 11s. 6d. of all engaged at Els wick Works Sch. Fund, ab. 360 City Cl. & 100 from S. & A. + ab. 80 C.C. from farm 729 Bd. G., under Under 11, 3 18s. ; over 11 Ab. 1,200 200 from 110 14s.6d S.C.C. 4 19s. + 9s. ex. for between the Citv Cl. S. & A. stationery 2 Scbs. (un- (40 for 730 Ditto Ditto der scheme Girls' Sch) not less than fthstoG'ris' Sch.) 731 Bd. G. 22, 11 9 + ex. for games, &c. 1,005 p.a. < -ap. Gr. ol -.28615!'. lOd. rep. Citv Cl., Greek, 3 ex. (ab. 400 31 Iron (J year only) & leach'Cam., for Ss. & Durli am Ox., & Dur. Univs., Coll. of ExbiMtns.) C . C . -f 148 10. Med., Arm- from Ed. Coll., N'land Com. & Dur. C.Cs., 732 & 4 co-opted Bd G Day, 6 gs. Brds., 35-f- None . . id 2250 from E331 10s. 9d ex. for sp. sub. City CL; 286s.8d. from C.C. * These amounts are all shared between the Day and Evening Classes. 236 HIGHER EDUCATION. School. No. of Pupils, (a) Under 12. (6) 12 to 16. (c) over 16. No. of Teachers. Qualifications oi Staff. Resident or Regular. Visitinsror Sp. fcub. High Schoo's : 733 Central, Newcastle, G. () B. 11, G. 10 Ms. 11 tot r*. 4Gr., 49, (A) 76, (c) 2 Cam. T.C. 29=165 (inch 3 Stud. Tcbre. 734 Newcastle, G (a) B. 3, G. 41, 8 Ms., 5 tchrs. 4 Gr., 2 Tchrs. (b) 75, (c) 26 2 Stud. Certg. or Dips. =145 Tcbrs. 735 Modern Sob., B 150 (7 to 18) 7 M., 1 Ms. 2 M. 3Gr. 736 it. Anne's B.C. Sch., G. (a) B. 11, G. 40, (A) 37, (c)2=90 8 Ms. 1 Gr., 3 C. TYNEMOUTH C.B. 737 Municipal Secondary Sch., (A) B. 87, G. 4 M., 5 Me. 2 M. 9 C. (7 hein? D. 81, (c) B. 9, Gr.), 1 F.G.S., G. 54=231 1 F.C.S., 1 A.M.C. NOTTINGHAMSHIRE. Notts Ad.C. 738 College (St. Cuthlert's), 200 (9- to 19) 11 M. 1M. 6Gr. Wwkwp, B. Grammar Schools : 739 Mansfield (Queen Eliz- (a) 15, (A) 65, 5M. 4M. 4 Gr., IMat., abeth's), B. (c) 12=92 1 R.A.M., 1 Art. Cert. ' 740 Newark (Magnus), B. 90 (8 to 18) 5M. 3M. 3Gr., 1 A.RC.A. 741 Eetford (King Edwaid 120 (8 to 17) 6M. 2M. 3Gr, VI.), B. 742 Southwell (Minster), B. () 18, (ft) 29, 3M. 4M. 1 Gr., 1 Int., (c) 5=52 1 Mat,, 1 A.R.C.A., 1 A.R.C.O, 743 Tuxford (Read's), B. () 8, (A) 10 1M., 1 M. 1 Gr. =18 1 Stu. Tchr. NOTTINGHAM C.B. 744 Elm Bank Sch., B. 56 (8 to 17) 3M. 3M. 2 Gr. 745 Grosveoor Heuse Sch., B. 63 (8 to 17) 3M. 2 Ms. 2Gr. 746 High Sch., B 340 (8 to 19) 17M..lMs. 2 M. 17 Gr., 1 A.R.C.M. i 747 - High Sch. , G 255 (Prep. 15 Ms. !M.,6Ms. 7Gr., Dept. uud. 7, '3 Cam. T.C., G. Dep\ 7 to 1 Fr. C. ? 20) 2 A.C.T.C., 1 K.G.C.,' 1 F.R.C.O. HIGHER EDUCATION. 237 How Governed. Annual Fees. Endow, menti. Annual 3rant from L.E.A. Government Grant, 1905. 733 G.P.D.S.C. .. / Ent., 1 gn. Day, K.G., 4 to 7, 6 gs. ; 7 to 10, 10 gs. ; None. Pro- prieta*y Sch. None . . 121 17s. 6d. S. & A. 10 to 13, 13 10s. ; ent. over 13, 16s. 10 + 15s - for Stationery and ex. for sp. sub., &c. Brds., ' 52 10s. Weekly, 42 734 Church Schs. Co. Ent., 1 gn. Under 7, 6 gs. ; None. Pro- 7 to 10, 9 gs. ; over 10, prietary Sch. 12 gs. ; ent. over 13, ] gs. -f- 18s. for Stationery and ex. for sp. sub. 735 Private.. Day, 9 to 16 gs. Brds., 40 to 50 gs. 736 Bd. G K.G., 2 5s.; Jun., 3gs. ; None . Sen., 4 10s. + ex. for sp. sub. 737 Higher Ed. Com. 3incl Maintain' d 308 3s. Cd. of L.E.A. by L.E.A. 738 30 739 Bd. G. under Ent., 5s. Day, under 14, Ab. 1,700 50 last 190 19s. s.c.c. 6 gs. ; over 14, 9 gs. -f- ex. for tp. sub., &c. Bd., p. a. from invested year 42 incl. Weekly, 30 funds end land 740 Bd. G. .. V. Tuition, 7 to 8. Brds., Endowed . . 152 10s. 48 741 Bd. G Day, 6 to 9. Brds., 45 232 2s. 6d. to 51 gs. 742 Bd. G. 13 Tuition, 6 to 8 gs. Bd., t40 from 123 to 42 16s. 6d. 22 to 30 gp. Eccl.Com. 150 S. & A. 743 Bd. of Trustees Day, 2 10s. Brds., 31 10s. Endowed . . 58 14s. S. & A. 744 Private.. 12 gs. + ex. for sp. sub. 745 Private.. 12 gs. 746 Bd. G. 16, under 11 + 1 12s. for books, Endowed S.C.C. , 3 rep. &c. Brds., 48 to 60 ?* Univs., 3 City Cl., 3 J.Ps., Mayor, Chair- man Ed. Com., and 5 co-opted 747 Cl. of G.P.D.S.C. Ent., over 7, 1 gn. Under Proprietary 160 18s. 7, 6 gs. : 7 to 10, 10 jrs. ; Sch. S. & A. 10 to 13, 13 10s,; ent. over 13, 16 10s. T This 40 from the Ecclesiastical Commissioners is practically absorbed in t*e reduction fees to certain boyp, 238 HIGHER EDUCATION. School. No. of Pupils, (a) Under 12. (6) 12 to 16. (c) over 16. No. of Teachers. Qualifications of Staff. Resident or Regular. VisitinRor Sp. Sub. 748 Secondary Sch. (Mun- della), M. (a)B.ll,G.20, () B. 185, G. 173, ( C ) B. 2, G. 2=393 14 M. 6 Ms. 2M.,3Ms 14 C., 3 Gr., 2 L.L.A., 1 L.C.P. ?49 Secondary Sch. (High Pavement), M. (a) B. 27,0.19, (A) B. 294, G. 278, (c} B. 3, G. 13=634 13 M., 6 Ms. 2M.,3Ms. IOC., 5 Or., 5 Int.,2L.L.A., 1 F.C.S. rso OXFORDSHIRE. Oxford Ad.C. All Saints' Sch., Blox- ham, B. 86 (10 to 19) 7M. 3M. 7Gr. 151 152 Ark House Sch., Ban- bury, B. Friends' Sch., Sibford, B. 43 (9 to 16) 40 (10 to 15) 3 M. 3 M. 2M.,lMs. 2Gr. IGr. 153 Grammar Schools : Burford, B 80 (8 to 17) 5 M. ,. 3Gr. 54 Henley - on - Thames (Royal), B. 61 (8 to 17) 4 M. 1 M. 1 Gr. '55 56 57 Thame (Lord Wil- liam's), B. Witncy (Gram, and Tech.), D. Municipal Sch., Banbury, M. fa) 13, (i) 40, (f) 15=68 55 ' B. 100, G. 50 =150 5 M. 3 M., 3 Ms. 5 M., 1 Ms. 3 M. 3 M. 2 Or., 1 L.C.P. & Int., 1 Cain. & Ox. T.C. 2Gr. 4Gr.,lT.C.D. 58 Queen Anne's Sch. , Caver - sham, G. 150 14 Ms. lM.,3Ms. 1 Gr., 2 A.R.C.M. 59 OXFORD C.B. High Sch., B (*) 27, (4) 93, (c) 23=143 7 M. 3 M. 6 Gr. 60 .High Sch., G 236 13 Ms. 1 Ms. 6 Gr., 1 Fr. C. 1 | 61 Magdalen College Sch., B.j 100, (9 to 18) 8 M. 2 M. 7Gr. 62 Milham Ford Sch., G. . . .. 6 Ms. .. 4Gr., 1 Fr. C. 63 St. Edward's Sch., B. . . (a) 15, (*) 55, (c) 40=110 10 M. 3 M. 10 Gr. HIGHER EDUCATION. 239 How Governed. Annual Fees. Endow- ments. Annual Giant from L.E.A. Government Grant, 1905. 748 Sec. Ed. Com. of L.E.A. 2 incl. ; non - residents' children, 6. Reduc. for None Est. 1,170 Maintain'd P.T. wind. byL.E.A. 749 Sec. Ed. Com. 2 incl. ; non - residents' None Ab. 1,000 of L.E.A. children, 6. ' Reduc. for Maintain'd P.T. ciuul. byL.E.A. 750 Bd. G 48 6s. 751 Private.. Day, 6gs. Brds., 35 to 40 752 Society of Friends .. None. Pro- 33 prietary Si -h. S. & A. 753 Bd. G .. 6 Endowed . . .. 287 754 Bd. G Tuition, 5 gs. Bd., 40.. Endowed 755 Bd. G., under Tuition, 6. Brds., 30 to Ab.350p.a. 150 (for 129 S.C.C. 39 (200 of wb. is earmaikd) salaries) 756 Bd. G .. Endowed . . 104 757 L.E.A. +5 rep. Boro' 01. 6; + ex. for books, &c. Terms for bd. on applcn. None 500 from C.C., 200 439 16s. 8d. +84 6s. from Boro' Cl. (Art) 758 Bd. G. 20, und. Reg. Is. Ent.,Day, 10s.; Endowed S.C.C. (Grey- Brds., 1 gn. 10 to 15, coat Sob.) 9; 15 to 17, 10 jjs. ; over 17, 12. Bd., 10 to 15, 24 ; 15 to 17, 28. Re- duc. of 3 on tuition ftes Jo girls res. in Westmin- ster. Ex. for sp. sub. 759 Bd. G., 6 rep. Ent., 1 gn. 8 to 12, 8 gs. None 250 at City Cl. 3 Univs., 4 ex- (if ent. over 10, 12 gs.) ; over 12, 12 g*. -}- ex. for present 760 off.,and6co-op. Cl.ofG.P.D.S.C. s p. sub., games, &c. Ent., over 7, 1 gn. ; 4 to 7, 6 gs. ; 7 to 10, 10 gs. ; Proprietary j .. Sea. 125 3s. S. & A over 10, 13 10s. ; ent. over 13, 16 10s. -f ex. 15s., alsoforsp. sub. 761 Fellows of Mag . Coll. Day, 23 2s. Brds., 71 2s. Choristers, . 13 13s. Endowed Music, extra 762 Ch.Educ. Corp. Brds., 40 to 45 .. Proprietary Boh. 763 Bd. G., 14 ; 84 (sons -of clergy and Endowed None Trustees and 01., co-op. boys entering under 13, 72) + ex. for sp. sub. Buildings 240 HIGHER EDUCATION. School. No. of Pupils, (a) Under 12. (6) 12 to 16. (c) over 16. No. of Teachers. Qualifications of Staff. Resident or Regular. Visitinsor Sp. Sub. 764 Oxford Pr; p. Sch . , B . B. 96, G. 2= 7 M., 2 Ms. 3M.,lMs. 7Gr. 98 (under 15) 765 Summer Fields Prep. 120 (8 to 14) 11 M. 11 Gr. Sch., B. t 766 Technical Day Sch., M. (/>) B. 26, G. 24, (c) B. 3, 5 M., 1 Ms. 2 M. 3Gr., 1 N.U.S.C. G. 2=55 RUTLANDSHIRE. Rutland Ad.C. 767 Oakham Grammar Sch . , B . fa) 10, (*) 40, 7 M. 3 M. 6Gr., (e) 20=70 1 A.R.C.O. 768 Uppingham Sch., B. 410 (13 to 19) 29 M. 7M.,lMs. 31 Gr., 1 F.R.C.O. SHROPSHIRE. Salop Ad.C. 769 Betton House Sch, Shrews- (a) 12, 0) 28 2M.,1 Stud. 1 C., 1 Int. bury, B. =40 Tchr., 1 Ms. Colleges : 770 Cleobury Mortimer, B. fa) 8, (A) 47, 4 M. 1 M. 3 Gr., 1 C. (c) 5=60 771 Elksrnere (St. Oswald's), (a) 23, (b) 81, 10 M. 1 M. 4Gr. B. (c) 14=118 772 Worksop (St. Cuth- 209 (9 to 19) 11 M. 1 M. 6G*. bert's), B. 773 Wellington, B (a) 17, (A) 59, (c) 25=101 9 M. 5 M, 5Gr., 1 F.R.C.O., L.R.A.M., 2 A.M.C., 1 |C.P.,lstCl.&o, Grammar Schools : 774 Brignorth, B. . , . . 80 (5 to 18) 6 M., 2 Ms. 2 M. 2Gr., 1 A.R.C.S. 775 776 DeytJteur, Oswestry, B. Litdlow, B 89 (7 to 17) 60 (8 to 17) 5 M. 4 M. 1 M. 2Gr. 2Gr. 777 Newport (Adam's), B. (a) 27, (4) 56, 5 M. .. 3 Gr. (c) 10=93 778 Wem, B 80 (8 to 17) 4 M. 3 M. 2Gr. 779 Whitchurch,^. 55 (8 to 17) 3 M. 2 M. 3Gr. 780 High Sch., Shrewsbury, G. .. 11 Ms. lM.,3Ms. 7 Gr., 2 Cain. T.C., 1 Fr. C., 1 Art C., 2L.R A.M., &c. 781 Oswestry Sch., (Gram- 80 (8 to 19) 5 M. 1 M. 5Gr. mar), B. 782 Preparatory Schools: Chwrch Stretton (Brock- 20 3 M., 1 Ms. 2 M. 2Gr. hurst), B. HIGHER EDUCATION. 241 y How Governed. Annual Fees. Endow. meuts. Annual Grant from L.E.A Government Grant, 1905. 764 Private.. Ent, Ito3gs. Day,und. 8, 15 gs. ; over 8, 22 Is. ; None None (entering from 8 to 9, 25 4s. ; 9 to 10, 28 7s. ; over 10, 31 10s.) ; girls, over 8, 18 g*>. + ex. for sp.sub.,&c. Brds., enter- ing under 11, 90 gs. ; over 11, 105 gs. Reduc. 765 Private of 9 gs. lor Weekly brdf . 150 766 L.E.A 3 + ex. for looks, &c. . . None Ab. 600 90 (Art) 767 Bd. G. 15, Ent. 1 5*. Tuition, Buildings None . . 133 trustees under 13 10s. (Oakham boys, a.nd 600 s.c.a 8). Bd., 52 10s. (und. p.a. 13, 45) + ex. 3 gs., and for Greek or Genuan 768 Bd. G. 19, Ent. 5. Tuition, 42. Endowed trustees Bd., 73 ; Day boys, 30 769 Private.. 6 to 12 gs. Brds., 30 to 48 gs. Weekly, 6 gs. les*. lleduc. for brothers None 24 for 2 Ss. boy*- 770 Bd. G. 14 .. Tuition, 5gs>. Brds., 25. Day, 7 10s. Ab. 250 from land & 100 . . 185 8s. Cd. Consols 771 Prov ost an'd 30 to 35 Proprietary None Chapter Sen. 772 .. 30 773 Private.. 63 to 84 None None 774 Town Council,. Day, 9ge.lBrds.,45gs.,. Endowed . . 167 6s. 77* Bd. G. . 30 to 35 .. Endowed 776 Bd. G 6 to 10 Endowed 777 Bd. G Brds., 42 to 45 . . 700 p.a. 50 .. 153 from land,&c 778 Bd. G. . Brde., 45 Endowed . . . . 105 779 Bd. G. 12 6 18s Endowed . . , . 149 15?. 780 Cl.ofG.P.D.S.C. Ent. (over 7), 1 gn. ; 4 to 7, 6 g. ; 7 to 10, 10 gs. ; Proprietary Sch. 67 12s. 6d S. & A. over 10, 13 10s, ; if cnt. over 13, 16 10s. -f ex. 15s., also for sp. sub. 781 Bd. G Tuition, 12 gs. Bd., 50 Endowed . . , , 42 12s. or 40, ace. to house S. & A. 782 Private!. Brds., 105 - HIGHER EDUCATION. School. No. of Pupils, (a) Under 12. (6) 12 to 16. (c) over 16. No. of Teachers. Qualifications of Staff. Resident or Regular. Visiting or Sp. Sub. 783 784 Shrewsbury (Mill Mead), B. Shrewsbury Sch., B. . . 00 14, (b 12 to ! 3 M., 1 Ms. 14) 25=89 270 (13 to 19) 8 M. 1 M. 3 M. 2Gr. 19 Gr 785 SOMERSETSHIRE. Somerset Ad.C. Blue Sch., Wells, B. . . () 20, (b) 53, (<;) 12=85 4 M., 2 Ms. 2 M. 1 Gr., 1 A.R.C.S., 1 Mat., 1 Ox. H.L., 2 King's Ss., &c. ' 786 787 Blue Sch., Wells, G. . . Bream House Sch., Was-- ton-super- Mare () 8, (V) 74, (c) 5=87 () 12, (4) 5 =17 5 Ms. 2 M., 1 Ms. 2 M., 1 My. 3 M. 1 Gr., 1 C., 1 L.L.A., 1 Cen. Welsh Bd. C.,1A.R.C.O., 1 A.M.C., 1 Sp. Sub. C. 2 Or, 788 789 Clarence Sch . , Weston - super-Mare, B. Clifford Sch., Beckington, B. 116 (7 to 19) 8 M. (ft) 10, (4) 25, 3 M. (c) 2=37 2M.,lMs. 3 Gr. 1 Int. 790 College: Ckvedon, B 40 (9 to 16) 2 M 4 Tchrs. 1 Gr. 791 Taunton (King's), B. .. 123 (8 to 18) 7 M. 2 M. 5Gr. 792 Taunton (Queen's), B. . . (a) 47, (V) 62, (c) 21=130 9 M. 3 M. 4Gr. 793 794 795 County Sen. (W. Somer- set), Wellington, B. Endowed Hch. (Dr. Mor- gan's), Bridg water, B. Grammar Schools : Chard, B 72 (8 to 18) 100 (7 to 17) 48 (9 to 18) 4 M. 4 M. 1 M. Hd. M. Gr. 3Gr., 1 A.R.C.S. 2Gr. 796 797 Ilminster, B Lang port, B 38 (7 to 17) (a) 15, (4) 44, 3 M. 4 M. 1 M. 1 M. 2Gr. 2 Gr., 1 F.C.P. 798 Shepton Mallet, B. 70 (8 to 18) 4 M. - 2Gr. HIGHER EDUCATION. 243 How Governed, j Annual Fees. Endow- rr tJ? U fS mi Government ments. G "L jj/A Grant lfl05 ' 783 Private.. Brds., 84 .. ., * None 784 Under Pub. Sch Ent. 2 gs. Tuition, 27 ; Endowed Act., Bd. G. Dayboys, 24. Bd., 63 Ent. 4gs. 735 Bd. G., incl. 2 3 gs. -{- 15s. for books, 350 to 400 2 per 235 10s. rep. C.C. games, &c. rom land,for head B.&G. Sch., less cost of r Ss. and other 786 Bd. G., incl. 2 3 gs. -j- 15s. for books, expenses 350 to 400 170 . . 178 7s. 6d. rep. C.C. games, &c. from land,f or B.&G. Sch., less cost of Ss. and other 787 Private.. Day, tinder 12, 10J gs. : expenses None None over 12, 12 gs. Brds., 39 to 45 gs. 788 Private.. Day, 15 gs, Brds., 45 gs. 789 Private.. Day, 6 gs. Brds., under 14, None None 27 gs. ; over 14, 30 gs. + ex. 15s. 6d., and for sp. sub. Weekly brds., 6 gs. less. Reduc. for brothers 790 Private.. Tuition, 10 gs. ; ent. over None None 12, 12 gs. Bd., 39 gs. ; ent. over 12, 42 gs. -f- ex. for sp. sub. 791 Bd. G 30 .. .. .. ... Ch. of Eng. Sch., on Woodard Fdn. 792 Bd. G Brds. (Jun. Sch.), 33 gs.; None, Pro- None enter, over 11, 36 gs. ; Sen. Sch., 36 gs. ; enter. prietary (Wesleyan) over 11, 39 gs. ; over 13, 42 gs.; over 15, 45 gs. +4 14s. 6d. ex.Daybrds.. 15 to 21 gs. -f- 7s. 6d. or 10s. 6d . Reduc. of 5 p.c. i for 2, and of 10 p.c. lor 3 brothers. Ex. for sp. sub. 793 Bd. G. 15 Brd*., 32 12*. 6d. 231 18s. 4d. 794 Bd. G. 18 Day, 4 to 6 gs. Brds., 30 Endowed . . . . 263 5s. 795 Trustees Day, 8gs. Bd., 45 Endowed . . 101 Os. 6d. S. & A. 796 Bd. G. . . Brds., 40 Endowed . . . . 144 5s. 797 Bd. G. 11, rep. and co-op. 5 gs. at present ; 7 for future pupils. Reduc. for Ab. 60p.a.! 120 .. from farm 98 brothers + ex. for books, Friends, 60 + ex - f r from land & Friends) sp. eub. property 808 Bd. G 34 13s Endowed \ 809 Private Day, 18 to 24 gs. Brds., 54 to 66 gs. 810 Private 40 to 75 gs None Nona 811 , Gov. Cl. Tuition, 20; over 13, 29. Proprietary Bd.,Jun.Sch.,52 10s.; Sch. Upper Sch., 60 + ex. Day, 1 5s. ; Brds., 2 gs. 812 Bd. G., incl. ! 50 to 60 r R.C. Bishop 813 Benedictine 96 Fathers 814 Cl. of G.P.D.S C. Ent. (over 7), 1 gn. ; 4 to and Local Com. 7, 6 gs. ; 7 to 1U, 10 gs. ; Proprietary f 82 19?. S. & A. over 10, 13 10s. ; if ent. over 13, 16 10s. -f ex. los., also for sp. sub. 815 Bd. G. 14 6 12s. to 9 12s. Endowed 816 Wesleyan Con- 15 (Sch. is for eons of fer -EC 9 "Wesleyan ministers only , 246 HIGHER EDUCATION. School. No. of Pupils, (a) Under 12. (6) 12 to 16. (c) over 16. No. of Teachers. Qualifications of Staff. ! Resident or Regular. VisitinROi Sp. bub. 817 Royal Sch. for Officers' 120 (10 to 18) 15 Ms. 2 M., 3 Gr., Daughters, G. 2 Ms. 2 Cam. T.C., 1 A.R.C.S., 1 A.R.C A., 4L.R.A.M. 818 Secondary Day Sch., D. (a) B. 4, G. 1, 8 M., 2 Ms. (ft) B. 70, G. 2 P.Ts. 3M.,lMs. 3Gr., 1A.M., 1 A.M.I.C.E., 100, (c) B. 2, 1 F.R.G.S., G. 14=191 1 A.R.C. S., 1 A.C.P., others various STAFFORDSHIEE. Staffs. Ad.C. 819 Colleges : Dcmtone, B. .. 220 (9 to 19) 14 M., 2 Ms, 3 M. 14 Gr., 1 1 F.R.C.O. 820 Oakamow (St.Wilfrid's 104 (10 to 18) 11 M. 2Gr. R.C.) 821 Tettenhall, T& (9 to 19) 6 M. 2 M. 4Gr. Grammar Schools : 822 Brewood, B 60 (8 to 18) i 4 M. 3 M. 3 Gr. 823 Handsworth, B. . . (a) 62, (A) 116, 8M., IMs. 3 M. 4 Gr., 2 C., (<) 24202 ! 3 Int. 824 Kinver, M (")B. 8, G.6, JIM., 2 Ms. 1 Gr., 1 Int., $3.11,3,9, 1 Cam. H.L. (c) B. 1, G. 1 1 ==36 825 Lichfie.ld(K.\K% Edward () 6, (A) 34, 3 M. 1 M. 2Gr. VI.), B. (*) 3=43 826 Rugelcy, B 65 (8 to 16) 4 M. 1 M. 1 Gr. 827 Stone (Alleyne'e) . . 50 (9 to 17) 3 M. 1 M. , 2 Gr. 828 Tamworth, B 84 (8 to 17) 4 M. 1 Ms. 2Gr. 829 TJttoxeter (Alleyne'e), B. 50 3 M. .. 2Gr. High Schools : 1 830 Leek,M K.G. 33, 4M.,4Ms. lM.,3Ms. 3Gr., Upp. Sch. 70 1 L.R.A.M. =103 (9 to 18) ' 831 Uchfield, G (ft) B. 4, G. 22, j 6 Ms. 4 Tchrs. 1 Gr., (*)36,(*)21 ; 3 Cam. H.L., =83 1 Cam. T.C., 1 H.F. 832 Lmgton, M. 116 6M.,2Ms. .' *M.,2Mp. 3 Gr., 1 Int., I Sp. Sub. Dip. 833 Newcastle- iDifler-Lyme, B. (a) 40, (V) 99, (c) 30=169 10 M. 6 M. 10 Gr., 2 A.M.C. HIGHER EDUCATION. 2-47 ! 1 How Governed. Annual Fees. Endow- ments. Annual 1 Srant from L.E.A. Government Grant, 1905. 817 Bd. G Bd. and tuition, 15, 45 Maintained or 80, aco, to circum- by sub- stances scriptions and fees i 818 City Ed. Com, 3 gs. ; if ent. over 13, None Maintain'd 893 11s. 4 14s. 6d. + 2 ex. if by L.E.A. Irom outside the city; 1 11s. 6d. ex. if pupil fails to qualify for Govt. grant 819 Bd. G., Fellows Ent. 1 ffll . 45 (Hd. M.'s Ch. of Eng. None of SS. Mary and House 52) -f ex. 3 9s. (Woodard John Coll. Prep. Sch., 63 p.a. Fdn ) Ex. for sp. sub., &c. 8'20 .. &'> to Ci; 821 Directors 33 to -15 .rs Propr'etary (Free Ch.) Sch. 822 Bd. G Day, 6. Brds., 40 to 45 Endowed. . 72 823 Bd. G. 14 5 4 b 1 200 160 214 4s. from gmd. rents 824 Bd.G. 11 Day, 3 -f 15s. Chemistry, 250 p.a., None . . 8 8s. ex. for sp. sub. Brds., from stocks, S. & A. 31 10s. property, & land 825 Bd.G. 18 Tuition, 8. Bd., 42 Ab. 300 p.a. Ab. 30+ 80 8s. Weekly, 34 10s. from invested Art M. funds services 826 Bd. G. . . Day, 4 ". Endowed . . 24 16s. 827 Bd. G. 14 Tuition, 5 gs. to 10. Bd., Endowed S. &A. 40 828 Bd. G. 13 Day, 6 to 9 gs. B ds., 33 Endowed .. 98 18s. 6d. to 39 gs. 829 Bd. G Endowed . . 62 + 1 8s. Art 830 Municipal Under 12, 4 10s. ; over Maintain'd 201 10s. 12, 6 15s. Books, &c., ex. by L.E.A. 831 Bd. G.jincl. rep. Ent. 10s. Day, 9 gs. (12 gs. None. Pro- Ab. 232, of Boro' Cl. if ent. over 10); K.G., under 7,6. Brds.,39 9s. prietary Sch. mainly for Ss. Weekly, 31 10s. (if ent. holders over 10, 42 12s 1 . and 34 13s.) Ent. 10s. Reduc. for sisters. Ex. for books, sp. sub., &c. 832 Local Ed. Com. Ent. 5s. Under 12, 3 ; Endowed . , Maintain'd 252 3s. 2d. with 2 rep. C.C. over 12, 4 10s. Books, byL.E.A. &c., ex. 833 Bd. G. (the Ent. 2gs. Tuition, 13 10s. Bldgs. and Ab. 100 359 17s. Mayor and 4 rep. Town Cl., Bd., 43 3s. 4- ex. Weekly bcl., 36. Ex. ab. 250 p.a. 3 C.C., 1 Viet. for sp. sub., &c. Univ., 4 co-op. and 1 J.P.) 248 HIGHER EDUCATION. School. No. of Pupils, (a) Under 12. (6) 12 to 16. (c) over 16. No. of Teachers. Qualifications of Staff. Resident or Regular. Visiting or Sp. Sub. 834 S'.afwd, G (ff)B.6,G.21, 6 Ms. 3M.,2M8. 1 Gr., 2 C., (*) 4_2,>) 14 3 H.L., 1 Ox. T.C., 1F.C. 835 Middle Sch. (End.), &M* 80 4 M. 2 M. 1 Gr. castle -undci - Lytnc, B. 836 Repton Sch., B 300 (10 to 19) 20 M. 5 M. 20 Gr., 1F.R.C.O., 1 M.I.M.E. BURTON-ON-TRENT C.B. 837 Grammar Scb., B. 176 (8 to 17) 9 M. 7Gr. HANLEY C.B. 1 838 Municipal Secondary Sch., M. () B. 7, G.6, (ft)?. 220. 13 M., 12 Ms. 5M.,5Ms. 13 Gr., 4 Int., 1 A.C.P., ) 20, 3 M. 3 M. 1 lut. Ho !), B. (c) 3=48 847 Framlingham, B. 250 (9 to 19) 13 M. 2 M. 9Gr. 848 Lowestoft, B () 24, (i) 60, 6 M. 1 M. 1 Gr., 1 Int. (c) 12=96 849 Fauconbeige Sch., Beccles, B. (a) 11, (*) 17, (c) 7-35 3 M. 3 M. 4Gr. HIGHER EDUCATION. 249 How Governed. Annual Fees. Endow. mcnts. Annual Grrant from L.E.A. Government Grant, 1905. 834 Bd. G. (8 Mana- Under 10, 6 gs. ; 10 to 16, None S. & A. gers, incl. the 9 gs. : over 16, 12 gs. Tchrs. Mayor) 835 As High Sch. From 4 gs Shares in 55 16s. 6d above End. 8. &A. 836 Bd. G. 15 Ent. 5. Tuition, 35. Endowed Bd., &c., 68 5s. -f ex. 4 5s. Army class, 5 gs. ex. per term. Ex. for sp. sub. 837 Bd.G... 10 Endowed 838 Bd. G. 13, Higher' 4 (1 10s. for children of None 1,500. 2,094 15s. Ed. Com. -f- 1 rep. C.C. ratepayers, who remain at least 1 year) Ma'ntain'c by L.E.A. 839 Bd. G 8 Endowed . . 468 16s. 840 Bd. G.\ . 119 8s. 6d " S. &A. 841 Higher Ed. Com. ofL.E.A. 10s. (5 for boys frotn out- side the Boro') " Ab. 1,000 maintain'd 756 10s, by L.E.A. 842 Bd.G. 11, under 3 .. Maintain"? 702 15s. L.E.A. by L.E.A. 843 Bd. G. 15 Prep. Dept., 7 10s. ; Sen., End. land Under con. 240 844 L.E.A 13 10s. Brds.,40 to 50 None at presenl 3,000. 637 Maintain'c byLE.A 84") Ed. Com. of None M;iiiitain'd L.E.A. by L.E.A. 846 Private.. 10 to 15 gs., ace. to age . . None None 847 Bd. G. 26 Under 12, 33; over 12, 36; County Boys, 27 Only for Ss. None . . 441 and 30 + ex. Keduc. for brothers. Day Boys, 12 (over 12, 15) 4- ex. for books, sp. sub., &o. 848 Private . . Day, under 12, G gs. ; over None None 12,9gs. Brds.,.t;42 ; ind48 849 Bd.G., 3 Visitors Day, 10 gs.+ex. :! gg. Brds., and Trustees 00 gs'. -f ex. 2 as., also End. 4,500 invested for sp. sub. 250 HIGHER EDUCATION. School. No. of Pupils, (a) Under 12. (b) 12 to 16. (c) over 16. No. of Teachers. Qualifications of Staff. Resident or Regular. Visiting or Sp. Sub. 350 Grammar Schools : Bungay, B j 31 (8 to 17) 3 M. 1 M. 3Gr. 851 ->',B (a) 20, (U) 46, 3 M., 1 Ms. ; 1 Tr. C., 1 Int. (c) 4=70 352 St. Felix Sch., South- 100 10 Ms. 7 Ms. 7 Gr- wold, G. 353 Secondary Day Sch., () B. 6, G. 9, 8 M., 2 Ms. 1 Ms. 5 Gr., 1 Int., Lowestoft, M. (U) B. 36, G. 1 Cam. H.L. 51, (c) B. 5, G. 7=113 (+81 P.T.'s.) & Cam. T. Dip., 1 Sp. Sub. Dip. 354 Woodbridge Sch., B. .. 134 9 M. 3 M. 6Gr. 355 Preparatory Sch. (Evers- 40 (7 to 14) 4 M., 1 Ms. 1 Gr. ley House), South- wold, B. IPSWICH C.B. 356 High Sch., G 10 Ms. 4 Ms. 4 Gr., 2 T.C., 2 Fr. C , 2 L.R.A.M., A.R.C.M.,&c. $57 Municipal . Secondary 255 (7 to 17) 8 M., 1 Ms. 3 Ms. 2Gr. Sch., B. 353 Municipal Secondary Sch., G. (") 52, (V) 74, (f) 12=138 5 Ms. 2 Ms. !Gr.,lT.C.D., 1 H.F. Cert. 359 Ipswich Sch., B 40 (7 to 19) 6 M., 1 Ms. 1 M. Gr, W. Suffolk Ad.C. 860 County Sch. (W. Suffolk). (a) B. 3, (//) B. 3 M., 2 Ms. 2 Gr., 4 C., Bury St. Edmunds, D. 24, G. 25, (c) 2Int.,lL.L.A. B. 4, G. 33=89 (4-52 P.T.'s) 861 East Anglian Sch., Bury 99 (10 to 17) 6 M. 2 M. 1 Gr. St. Edmunds, B. Grammar Schools : 862 Sun/ St. iSdmunds (King's Edward VI.), 54 (7 to 19) 5 M., 1 Ms. 3 M. 4Gr. B. 863 Cavendish (Grey'?), B. () 3, 0) 15, 1 M. 1 Gf. (c) 1=19 864 Sudbury, B 44 (7 to 18) 4 M. 1 M. IGr. SURREY. Surrey Ad.C. 865 Charterhouse, Godalming, 560 37 M. 1 M. 35 Gr. B. Colleges : ^ 866 Epsom, B. .. . . 240 (10 to 19) 17 M. 4 M. 15 Gr. HIGHER EDUCATION. 251 How Governed. Annual Fees. Endow- ments. Annual Grant from L.E.A. Government Grant, 1905. 850 Bd. G Day, 6. Bids., 36 to 42 Endowed 851 Bd. G., 6 rep., Day, 7. Brds., 33 to 40 60p.a.from None . . ll617s.Gd. 5 co-op. farm and land 852 Gov.Cl. ll,und. Day, under 15, 21 gs. ; Proprietary Co.'s Acts over 15, 27 gs. Brds., under 13, 99 ; over 13, Sch. 105 853 L.E.A., Higher 4 10s. + ex. for boots . . None 500. 271 Ed. Com. Main- tained by fc . L.E.A. 854 Bd. G. 20 Tuition, under 13, 6; Endowed over 13, 8. Bd., 45 855 Private.. and 50 -f- ex - for S P- sub. 54 to 75 gs. 856 Cl. of G.P D.S. and Local Coin. Ent., over 7, 1 gn. 4 to 7, 6 gs. ; 7 to 10, 10 gs. ; Proprietary 36 18s. 60. S. & A. over 10, 13-10s. (if ent, over 13, 16 10s )+ex. 15s. and for sp. sub. 857 L.E.A 5 10s. to 6 15s Endowed . . Maintain'd 342 7s. byL.E.A. 858 L.E.A Under 7, 3 ; 7 to 10, 5 : Endowed.. Maintain'd 106 4s. Gd. ent. over 10, 6. Terms byL.E.A. S. & A. 859 forbd. at homes on applcn. Bd. G., under Day, under 12, 12; over Endowed.. 236 S.C.C., 7 rep.j 12, 15; 6th and Sp. Mun. Trustees, Form, 18. Army class, 4 Town Cl., 3 25 10s. -f ex. 1 10s. Univs. Bd., under 12, 36 ; over 860 Higher Ed. Com. of C.C. 12, 45 4- ex. 3 (P.T.'s free) .. None Maintain'd byL.E.A. 52 861 Managers app. 31 10s Proprietary 224 2s. by Wesleyan School Seo. Sch. Bd. 862 Bd. G. . 48 Endowed.. m t 45 17s. S. & A. 863 Bd. G Day, 4 , End. land 20 to 30 20 Os. 60. 'and urouertv S. & A. 864 Bd. G 6 to 8 Endowed 8G5 Bd. G. 14, und. Tuition, 31 10s. Bd., 84 Endowed Pub. Sch. Act ! 8GG Gov. Cl. 32 . , Ent. 2 gs. Day, 26 f>s. ; None None Brds., 7-") gs. "Jtcduc. of 10 gs. to sons of medical men. 50 Foundationers free. Reduc. lor brothers Ex. for sp. sub. JO^J mmmm 252 HIGHER EDUCATION. School. No. of Pupils, (a) Under 12. (6) 12 to 16. (c) over 16. No. of Teachers. Qualifications of Staff. Resident or Regular. Visiting or Sp. Sub. 867 We y bridge (St. 118 (7 to 18) 17 M. 4 M. George's), B. 868 Wimbledon (Sacred 120 (10 to 18) 13 M. , , IGr. Heart R.C.) 869 870 Wimbledon (King's), B. College Sch., (King's), Wimbledon Common, B. 50 (6 to 18) 300 (9 to 19) 3 M., 1 M.S. 17 M. I'M. 2Gr. 12 Gr., 1 A.R.C.S. 871 Collegiate Sch., Wimbk- (a) 30, (A) 30, 3 M. 2 M. 1 Gr., 1 Int., don, B. 00 2=62 1 Matric. 872 Commercial Schs., Ripley, 140 (6 to 17) 5 M. . . M. 873 Congregational Sch., 128 (10 to 17) 7 M. . . 5Gr. Cater Jt am, B. County Schools : 874 Richmond, B. . . () 50, (i) 137, 8 M. 2 M. 8 Gr., 1 A.M. (c) 16=203 875 Sutton, B 102 (10 to 18) o M. 1 M. 3Gr. 876 Cranleigh Sch., B. 250 (8 to 19) 11 M. 2 M. 10 Gr., 1 F.R.C.O. 877 Elmhurst 8cla..,/Kwa8lon, 75 (8 to 16) 3 M. 2M.,lMs. lGr.,2L.C.P., B. 1 L.R.A.M. Grammar Schools : 878 Farnham, B. . . 125 (8 to 18) 7 M., 1 Ms. 3Gr. 879 Farnham, G. . . . . () 26 (ft) 56, G M.S. 2*M. 2 Gr., 1 Int., (c) 30=112 2 Can.. H.L., 1 Cam. T.C., 1 H.F., 1 F.C.O. 880 Guildford (Royal), B. 158 (8 to 18) 7 M. 2 M. 5Gr. 881 Kingston - on - Thames, 64 (7 to 18) 5 M. 4Gr. B. 882 Reigate B 1^9 (8 to 18) 9 M. 4 Gr. 883 Highfield Sch., Chertsey, 90 6 M. 1 M. B. 834 High Sch., Dorking, B. 66 (8 to 18) 4 M. 2 M. 2Gr. High Schs. : i 885 Guildford, G 110 10 Ms. lM.,5Me. 3Gr.,lFr.C., 1 A.R.C.M., 1 L.R.A.M. 886 Reigate, G 91 .6 Ms, 6 Ms, 1 Gr., 2 A.R.C.M., 1 L.R.A.M. i 887 Surtriton, G 130 9 Me. 9 Ms. IGr. 888 Suit on, G. .. .. 197 13 Ms. 7 Ms. 5Gr., 2 Univ. T.C., 2Fr.C., 1 ArtC., 2 L.R.A.M., 2 A.R.C.M., : &c. HIGHER EDUCATION. How Gorerned. Annual Fees. Endow- ments. Annual Orant from L.E.A. Govern imnt Grant, 1905. 867 Josephites 50 8s. to 89 5s. 868 ; Jesuit Fathers Dav, 14 to 18 gs. Brds., 73 to 85 869 Private . . 9 to 15 gs. 870 jGov. CL, 14 Ent. 1 11s. 6d. Dar, None None Govs. -}- 25 i Entg.underl2,21gs.; 12 co-op. ! to 16, 24 gs. : over 16, 30 gs. Bd., 63 871 Private.. Djiy,4Jto9gs. Brds., 30 None None to 45 872 Private.. 25 to 30 873 Congregational ! Sch. for sons of Congrega- 229 8s. Sen. tional ministers 874 L.E.A. & Boro' Ent. 1. 6 ; boys from None 700 305 lls. d Ed. Com. outside county, 10 + Maintnin'cl 1 10s. ex. by L.E.A. 875 L.E.A 7 10s Maintain'*! ! 274 4s. byL.E.A. +84 6s. Sch. of Art 876 Gov. CL 39 to 55 877 Private Day,9gs. Brds., 36 gs. 878 Bd. G. Day, 9 gs. Brds., 40 gs. . . Endowed . . 170 10s 879 Bd. G., app. by 6 -f- ex. for piano, books, None 250 115 L.E.A. &c. 880 Bd. G .. .. 311- 881 Bd. G. 20 Day, 10 to 16 gs. Brds., 45 Endowed 88 16s. 6d. to 50 gs. 882 Bd. G. 18 8 to 10 .. .. 237 10s. 883 Private.. Tuition. 6 gs. Brd*., 31 10s. 884 Bd. G.12 6 to 8 ; Prep.. 4 . . . , 151 2s. 6d. 885 CL of Church Schs. Co. Ent. 1 gn. Under 7, 6 gs. ; 7 to 9, 9 gs. ; 9 to 13, Proprietary School 12 gs. ; over 13, 15 gs.-f- ex. for sp. sub. Bdg. house attached 886 CL of Church Schs. Co. Kut. 1 gn. Under 9, 9 gs. ; over 9, 12 gs. ; if ent. over Proprietary School ' 13, 15 gs. Reduc. for sisters. K.G. (under 7), 6 gs.-j-ex. 15s., also for books, &c. 887 CL of Church Do Proprietary Sclis. Co. School 888 Cl.of G.P.D.S.C. Ent. (over 7) 1 gn. ; 4 to 7, 6 gs. ; 7 to 10, 10 gs. ; Proprietary School ' 137 Is. 6d. S. & A. over 10, 13 10s.; if ent. over 13, 16 10s-fex.l5s., also for sp. sub. I Bd. Q. 6 Life Gova., Bishops of London and York, id. Chancellor, Ld. Chief Justice, Ho me Sec., Speaker, Lord Mayor, Deana of St. Pauls and Westminster. 254 HIGHER EDUCATION. School. No. of Pupils, (a) Under 12. (6) 12 to 16. (c) over 16. No. of Teachers. Qualifications of Staff. Resident or Regular. Visitinjsor Sp. Sub. 889 Wimbledon (Hansel- 276 18 Ms. lM.,6Ms ! 8Gr., road, and Prep. Div., Prep., Prep. Sell., 2 Univ. T.C., 74, The Hill), G. 84=360 6 Ms. 1 A.R.A.M., 1 A.R.C.O. 890 Richmond Hill Sch., 65 (7 to 17) 5 M. 1 Ms. Richmond, B. . . 891 Royal St. Anne's Society's 200 (7 to 15) 7 M. 1 M. 2Gr. Sch., Redhill, B. . 892 Rutlish Sch., Merton, B. 206 (10 to 18) 7 M. 1 M. 5Gr. 893 St. John's Sch., Leather- 262 (9 to 19) 14 M. 1 M. 12 Gr., head, B. 1 A.R.C.M. 894 St. John's Diocesan Sch. (*) 10, (. for Sussex Fdn. Sch. boys and 4 gs. for second or more brothers 917 Private C.-.C, 14s. 91 S Private .. Day, 12 gs., 15 gs., and ' None .. None IS gs. Brds., under 12, 51; 12 to 15, 60; over 15, 69 -j- *x. for sp. sub., &c. Reduc. for brothers, wtek or day 919 Bd. G. . brds., and boys ntder 10 Under 10, 4 10s. ; over Ab. 60 from 40 10, 5 6s. 6d. farm. &c. 920 Bd. G. 14 Day, 6. 7, or 8, ace. 1o 120 p.a. 220 ! 83 7s. 6d. age. Bd., 40 from inves- , ted funds 921 Private Day, 12. Brds., 36 922 Bd. G. 25 (average) None. ' Woodard Fdn.Sch. i 923 Private 94 10s. 924 Private 105 925 Private 94 10s. to 105 926 Private 78 to 90 gs. 927 Private 120 j 928 Gov. Cl. 6 incl Proprietary Sch. Ab. None .200 j.a. contd. for maintfnce. 9'2!) Private C90 to 105 930 126.. . None. Pro. Iprietary Sch. I 258 HIGHER EDUCATION. School. No. of Pupils, (a) Under 12. (6) 12 to 16. (c) over 16. No. of Teachers. Qualifications of Staff. Resident or Regular. Visiting or Sp. Sub. 31 BRIGHTON C.B. College, B 0) 30, (*) 66, 0) 39=135 11 M. 3 M. 10 Gr., 1 A.R.C.O. 32 Grammar Sch., B. 350 (8 to 17) 18 M. 1 M. 6 Gr. 33 Municipal Secondary Sch., B 0) 196, (b) 444, (c) 25=665 25 M. 8 M. 6 Gr., 14 C., 4 Int., 1 A.M High S^hs. : 934 I Brighton and Hove, G. 935 Kemp Town (St. Mary's HaU), G. 936 ! Taunton House Sch., B. Preparatory Schools : 937 ! Cottesinore Sch., B. . . 938 Mowden Sch., B. 939 i Windlesham House, B. HASTINGS C.B. 940 Grammar Sch., B. . . 941 | Modern Sch., B 942 University Sch., B. 943 Highbury House Sch., at. Leonards, B. 944 Summer Fields Prep. Sch., St. Leonards, B. 945 Uplands Sch., St. Leo- nards, G. 260 100 15 Ms. 14 Ms. 62 (7 to 17) i 3 M. ()26, (6 12 to M. 14) 19=45 0) 22, (12 to 3M., 1 Ms. 14) 8=30 61 (7 to 14) I 5 M., 1 Ms. lM.,5Ms. 7Gr.,lCam. T.C.,2Fr.C., 1 ArtC., 1 L.R.A M., 1 A.R.C.M. 2M.,2Ms. ! 6 Gr., 4 Cam. ;X.C.,1 Art C., 2 A.R.C.M., 2 L.R.A.M. 4 Tchrs. 1 Gr. 2 M. ! 4 Gr. 3 M. 3 Gr. I 1 M. 4 Gr. 95 (8 to 17) 30 (6 to 15) 75 (8 to 19) 110 (7 to 19) 33 (8 to 14) 96 5 M. West Sussex Ad.C. 946 Christ's Hospital, 7T. '(*) 167, (*) 586, Jfftra/iam, B. , (e) 67=820 6 M., 4 Ms. 4 M. Ms. 41 M. 2 M. 3 M. 1 M. 2 M. 7 Tchrs. 3 M. 4Gr. 5 Gr. 3 Gr. 4 Gr. 2 Gr., 1 Fr.C. 35 Gr. . 947 ! College (SS. Mary and Nicholas), Lancing, B. 142 (10 to 19) | 12 M. ." M. | 12 Gr. | ' HIG IEK EDUCATION. 259 How Governed. 931 Gov. Cl. 17 933 Directors L.E.A.. 934 Cl.of G.P.D.S.C. 935 936 937 938 939 940 941 942 943 944 945 946 917 8 Trustees (4 being Clergy- men) Private Private.. Private. . Private. . Bd. G. Private. Private . Private.. Branch of Sum- mer Fields Sch., Oxford Cl.of Ch.Educ. Corp. '1. of Almoners of Christ's Hospital, und. S.C.C. Bd. G., Fellows of St. Nicholas Coll. Annual Fees. Tuition, under 13, .24; over 13, 30. Bd., 57 and 63. For sons of clergy & officers, Tuition, 21 and 24. Brds., 51 and 54 -f- ex. for books, &c., and for sp. sub. Tuition, 8 to 14. Bd., 35 to 40 3 gs. ; children from out- side the Boro', 4 Us. 6d. Ent. (over 7), 1 gn. ; 4 to 7, 6 gs. ; 7 to 10, 10 gs. ; over 10, 13 10s. (if ent. over 13, 16 10s.) -f ex. 15s., also for sp. sub. Brds., 45 to 50 gs. Und. 14, 23 14s. ; over 14, 25 16?. for bd.. and tuition -\- music ex. Day, 15 gs. Bd., 42 to 66 gs. Under 10, 135 ; over 10, 150 Ent. under 9, 84 ; over 9, 105 105 to 136 10s. 9 Day, 6 to 12 gs. Brds., 30 to 60 gs. Day, 21 gs. Brds., under 10, 69 gs. ; 10 to 14, 75 gs. ; over 14, 81 gs. Sen., 135 gs. -{- ex. 9 gs. and for sp. sub. Day, 12 to 16 gs. Brds., 48 to 60 gs. 135 Endow- ments. None. Prop. Sch. None. Prop. Sch. None Proprietary Sch. (For daugh- ters ( 1 1 clergy) 616 2s. S. & A. Maintain'd 2,355 10s. 6d byL.E.A.B.&G. Schs. (2, 800 for B. & G. Schs.) None None None , : None 563 from 150 Fdn.-f210 for SB. Bd. and Tuition, 45 ; Ex. ab. 3 3s. At least l-3rd pay no fees, remainder from 10 to 20 for bd., tuition, &c. 70, S5, or 95 gs., ace. to house + ex. for sp. sub., &c. Proprietary Sch. Endowed . . None Wood arc! Fdn. Sch. 172 260 HIGHER EDUCATION. School. No. of Pupils, (a) Under 12. (6) 12 to 16. (c) over 16. No. of Teachers. Qualifications of Staff. llesident or Regular. Visiting or Sp. Sub. 948 Grammar Schools : HorishaiHj, B. . . () 33, (b} 88, 0?) 12=133 7 M. 2 M. ! 4 Gr., 1 Int., 1 Lang. C. 949 Midhnrst (Gilbert Han- nain), B. () 25, (b} 32, (c) 4=61 3 M., 1 Ms. 2 M. 2Gr. 950 Steyning Sch., B. () 9, (/>) 27, (e) 4=40 3 M. 1 Gr., 2 Int. 951 952 953 St. Michael's Sch., Bognor, G. Preparatory Schools : Bognor (Royal Naval Academy), B. Worthing (St .Ronan's), B. 50 60 (8 to 15) 36 (7 to 14) 12 Ms. 6 M. 5 M. 1M.,2M.<. i Gr. 5 Gr. 4 Gr. WARWICKSHIRE. Warwick Ad.C. 954 Couutv Sch. (King's), (ft) 35, (/') l.">0. 9 M. !M.,lMs. 6Gr. U'u't'Wtck, B. (c) 40=205 Grammar Schools : 955 : Alcester, B 42 (8 to 17) 2 M. 1 M. 956 Atherstone. B 44 (7 to 18) 4 M. 3 Gr. 957 Cokshill. B 40 (8 to 17) 3 M. 2Gr. 958 Ni.mcaton, B 61 (8 to 17) 4 M. 2 M. 4Gr. 959 i Sotihttll, B ! 150 (8 to 19) 10 M. 4Gr. 960 ; Sntton <7o&(/&?^ (Bishop : 160 (8 to 17) 9 M. ,lM.,lMs. 4Gr., Vesoy's), B. 1 A.R.C.O. 961 High Sch. (King's) , Wr- 240 14 Ms. lM.,4Ms. 8Gr.,2H.L., wick, G. 1 H.F., 2 A.R.C.M. 962 High Sch., Leamington, 8 Ms. 2M.,4Ms. 4 Gr., 1 Fr.C., G. 1 A.R.C.M. 963 King Edward's Sch., 83 (8 to 18) 6 M. 4Gr. Stratford-on-Avon, B. 964 King's Sch., Warwick, B. 100 (8 to 19) 8 M. 2 M. 6Gr. 965 Lower Sch. of Lawrence 90 (8 to I!) 6 M. 2 M. 3Gr. Sheriff, Rugby, B. 966 ; Municipal Day Sch.. 97 5 M., 1 Ms. 3 M. 4Gr. 967 Leamington* B. Rugby Sch., B 570 (12 to 19) 37 M. 4 M. 37 Gr. Preparatory Schs: 968 Dunchurch (Hall), B. 47 (8 to 14) 6 M., 1 Ms. 1 Ms. 6 Gr. 969 Stiffby (Hillbrow), B. () 26 (b 12 to 5 M. 2 M. 5 Gr. 14) 14=40 T-IIGTTEK EDUCATION. How Governed. Annual Fees. Endow- L_i?I ll V!i ' Government ments. Gr * n * f 010 Grant, 1905. I Li. tii. 9. 948 Bd. G., 2 ox- ])ay, under 10. 6; over 700 p.a.. 100 3i9 18s. 9d. off., 5 Mercers' 10, 8. Reduc. for from M.-r- -f 7 12s. Co., 6 rep., 4 brothers. Bd., 30 ccrs' Co. S. & A. co-op. 949 Bd. G. 13 Tuition, 7 gs. Bd., 40. 80 p.a. .. ; 160 .. 81 7s. 6d. Weekly, 30. Day Bd., 9 950 Bd. G., 11 rep. Tuition, 8. Bd., 42 190 from None Parish Cl., J. (over 12, 44 2s.) Consols P.'s and co-op. 961 Bd. G Ent. 1 pi. ; Bd. arid-Tui- Proprietary tion, 63 gs.-f-ex. ab. 5gs., (Woodward also for sp. sub. Fdii.) Sch. i 952 Private.. 75 963 Private 105 951 Hd. G. 14, und. 4 ' 260 p.n., 300 . . 416 i S.C.C. from end. 955 Bd. G ! 6 gs . . findowod . . 956 Ed. G Tuition, 9. Bd., 40 . . i Endowed . . S:; <>f>7 Bd. G. lf> . . ; ])siy, 7 4s. Brds., I 12 . . Kndowed 958 Hd. G Day, 7 10s. to 9 , Endowed. . : 178 8s. -f 19 4s. (Art.) 969 Bd. G. 13 Tuition, 9. Bd., 45 . . Endowed . . 251 19s. 960 Bd. G. 14 Tuition, 6 to 9. Bd., Endowed . . 216 36 961 Bd. G., 8 Mana- Ent. 5s. K.G., 4 ; under Ab. 120 p.a. 350 . . 99 2s. 6d. gers 12, 5 ; over 12, 6 (girls from King's ,S. ; & A. from outside the Boro', Sch. Fdn. 6 15s. and 8) + ex. for books, &c., and for sp. sub. Bd., 4S !)02 Gov. Cl. 15 . . Ent. 1 gn. ; und. 9, 9 gs. ; .. 68 11s. 9 to 11, 12 gs. : 11 to 13, S. & A. 15 gs. ; over 13, 18 gs. + ex. 1 17s. 6d., also for sp. sub. Brds., 48 to 60 :$. Endowed 966 Higher Ed. I);iv, 4 10s. to .(!. 1'mls., .. Maintain'd 458 13s. Com. 12 to 48 g-s. byL.E.A. 967 Bd. G. 12, under Ent. 7 gs. Tuition, i*i. Endowed . . Pub. Sch. Act, Bd., 73 10s. Ent. house, Trustees, 12 i! gs. -f~ PX - Army Class, and for sp. sub. 968 Private 105 969 Private 105 None None 262 HIGHEK EDUCATION. School. No. of Pupils, (a) Under 12. (6) 12 to 16. (c) over 16. No. of Teachers. Qualifications of Staff. Resident or Regular. Visiting or Sp. Sub. BIRMINGHAM. C.B. 970 Bourne College, B. 71 (10 to 18) 5 M. 3 M. IF., 1 C. 971 Church of England Col- % . 12 Ms. 2M.,9Ms. 8Gr., IFr.C. lege, Edgbastoii, G. Grammar Schs. (King Ed. VI.} : 972 Aston, B 300 (8 to 16!) 10 M. 1 M. 8 Gr. 973 Aston, G (a) 34, (i) 198, 11 Ms. lM.,3Ms. 2G-., (c} 14=246 4 Univ. T.C. 974 Bath Row'G (a) 24, (i) 156, 10 Ms. >> 2 Gr., 2 Int., (c) 10=190 5 Cam. H.L. 975 Camp Hill,~B (a) 228, (U) 53, 12 M. 2 M. 8 Gr. (c) 8=289 976 Camp Hill, G (a) 55, (b) 236, 12 Ms. 2 Ms. Various De- 977 Five Wai/s,~B (c) 9=300 350 (8 to 16) 13 M. 3 M. grees & certs. 6 Gr. 978 979 St. Philip's (R.C.), B. High Sch. (King Ed. 130 (9 to 10) 450 (8 to 19) 6 M., 1 Ms. 23 M. 2 M. 2 M. 2Gr.,lL.C.P. 19 Gr., VI.), B. 1 F.L.S. 980 High Sch., Edgbaston, G. 214 13 Ms. 7 Ms. 9 Gr., 2 Cam.T.C., 1 Fr.C., j 1 L.R.A.M. 9S1 Oratoiy Sch. (R.C.), B. 80 (12 to 19) 11 M. 1 M. 8 Gr. i Secondary Schs. : 982 I Central, Suffolk-street, 256 (12 to 17) 12 M. 8 M. 7 Gr. B. 983 Waverley-road, D. . . | ()B.29,G.37, 23 Tchrs. 22 C., 9 Gr., (b) B. 230, G. 1 L.L.A., 284, (c) B. 2, 1 A.C.P., G. 9=591 1 Int., 4 Mat., 2 A.C.T.C. 10 Adv. So., and Sp.Sub.Certs. 984 i Preparatory Sch., Edg- 70 (7 to 15) 5 M. 2 M. 3 Gr. baston, B. COVENTRY C.B. 9S;> Bablake Sch., B. fa) 41, (A) 265, 11 M. 1 M. 7 C., 6 Gr., (c) 14=320 1 Int., 1 A.K.C., 1 C. & G. Cert. 986 King Henry VIII. Sch. : 101 (8 to 19) 7 M. 2 M. 5 Gr. B. WESTMORLAND. Westmorland Ad.C. 987 i College (Alwyn), Arnside, (a) 12, (b) 11 3 M. 1 Ms. 1 T.C.D., B. (c) 10=33 M.C.P., 1 R.U.I. HIGHER EDUCATION. How Governed. | Annual Fees. Endow- ments. Annual Grant from L.E.A. Government Grant, 1905. 970 Directors 40 to 46 Proprietary 971 Gov. Cl. 17 . Tuition, 7| gs. (K.G.) to 21 gs. Bd. 42 to 51 gs.-f- ex. for sp. sub. 972 Bel. G. 8, rep. Govs. appt. by Ent., 2s. 6d. 410?. .. End. (King Ed. Fein.) CityCI.,4nom. & 9 co-op. 973 Ent., 2s. Gel. 4 10s. .. End. (King None ^., Ed. Fdn.) 974 Ent., 2s. 6d. 4 10s. .. End. (King Ed. Fdn.) None 975 ,, Ent., 2s. 6d. 4 10s. .. End. (King None | Ed. Fdn.) 976 ,, ,, Ent,, 2s. 6d. 4 10s. .. End. (King None I ! Ed. Fdn.) 977 Kat., 2s. Gel. 4 10s. .. End. (King Ed. Fdn.) 978 Oratorian Fathers 6 to 7 10s 1:1.33 16s. 979 Bel. G. 21 (see Ent., 10s. 15 -f books ex. End.' (King- Gram. Schs. Ed. Fdn.), above) uncl. sp. value tib. Act of Parl. 39,000 from land, &c. -\- sp. end. for Ss. 9SO Gov. Cl. 19 .. Tuition, 7 to 10, 12 gs. ; 10 to 14, 15 gs. ; over 14, 18 gs. + ex. 15s. Bd., 54 ; Weekly, 45 ; Laundry, 3 gs. Ex. for sp. sub. 981 OratorianFathers 84 982 City Ed. Com. 3 .. Maintahi'cl 14731 2s. 2d. by L.E.A. 983 Hr. Ed. Cora. 3 None 1,980 1720 10s. 9d. of L.E.A. Maintain'*! by L.E.A. 984 Private Day, 15 to 21 i;s. ; Brds., 60 to 70 gs. 985 Bd. G. 20 und. Prep. Cl., Is. 6d. weekly ; Ab. 2,000 100 1,288 7s. 2<1. S.C.C. incl. 5 reps, of City Up. Sch., Is. weekly ; Matric. form, 3 gs. per p. a. from old legacies Cl., 2 Ed. Com. term & 2 Guardians 986 Bd.G. Inom. by C.C.,4byBoro Day, Lower Sch., 7 10s. ; Up. Scb., 10 o-s. Bnls., Endowed 101 4s. (| yr. only) Cl.,1 Kd.Com., 52 10s. G Trustees, 1 13'ham. Univ., 1 Rugby Hd.M. 987 Private.. Tuition, 15. Brds., 60 None None -4- ex. for sp. sub. 264 HIGHER EDUCATION, No. of Pupils. No ' of Teachers. Sfhnr.1 ( ft ) Under 12. 01 ' (b) 12 to 16. I Resident or Qualifications Visiting or of Staff. (c) over 16. Regular. Sp. Sub. 988 Casterton Low Wood 36 Sch., G. Grammar Schs. : 989 Appleby, B. 00 10, (i) 28, ; 3 M., 1 Ms. i 1 M. 3 Gr. (c) 8=46 990 Hevt'rsham, B. 00 4, (4) 19, 3 M. 4 M. 3 Gr. 00,2=25 991 j Am'/"/, B , 00 15, (A) 80, 7 M. 2 M. 7 Gr. (V) 8=103 992! Xir/,-byJ.us(1aic (Queen ' (a) B. 7, G. 2. 2 M., 2 Ms. 1 M. 2 Gr., Elizabeth's), D. (4) B. 10, G. 8. i , 1 Cam. H.I,., 00 B. 4, G. 15 i 1 Fr.C. =46 1 A.C.T.C. 993 Kirkly Stephen (a) 4, (/,) 12, 1 M. Gr. 00 1=17 994 Winder mere, B. . . | 45 3 M., 2 Ms. 3 M. 1 Gr., j 1 F.R.C.O. 995 High Sch., Kendtil, G... 77 5 Ms. ,lM.,3Ms. 3 Ur. 3 Cam.T.C. 1 Fr.C. Stramongate Sch., Km- 00 41, (4) 64, , (i M. 3 Gr. dal, M. (c) 16=121 , B. 70, G. 51 i 997 Preparatory Sch. (Earn- 20 (8 to 14) 3 M. 2 M. 3 Gr. seat), Arnsidc, B. WILTSHIRE. Wilts. Ad.C. 998 Agricultural Sch.(Daunt- 60 (13 to 19) 6 M., 1 Ms. !M.,lMs. 1 Gr., 999 sey), W. Lavington, B. College (Marlborougli), B. 589 36 M. 3 M. 1 A.R.C.S. 36 Gr., 1 F.R.H.S., 1 F.S.A., "2 F.C.S., 1F.R.G.S., 1 F.Z.S. County Schools : 1000 JBradford-on-Avon, M. () B. 33, G. 22 2 M., 1 Ms. 3 M. 1 C., 1 Gr., =55 1 Int., 1 A.M.C., j 1 C. & G. Cert. 1001 Calne, D (a) B. 12, G. 8, 4 M., 3 Ms. 1 M., 1 Ms. 4 Gr., 2 Int., (&YB.46,G.28, 2 A.C.P., (c) B. 1, G. 4 1 A.R.C.Sc., =99 1 A.M.C., 1002 ChippenJiam, I). ()B. 11, G. 10, 5 M., 3 Ms. 2M.,lMs. 1 Cookery Dip. 7C., 3Gr., (V)B.50, G.49, 1 L.L.A., 0B. 3, G. 2 1 A.C.P., =125 2 Sp. Sub. Cts. 1003 Mahnesbury (Secondary) B. 44, G. 17 3M.,2Ms. ! 2 Gr. M. =61 1004 Tfowbi-idffc, M. . . 1 B. 60, G. 50 6 M., 3 Ms. j 2 M. 2 Gr. 3'BW '<.!; =110 1 ! 1005 Wartmnster' M. . . (*) B. 2, G. 1, 2 M., 1 Ms. t 1 Ms. 1 C.Tr., 1 Jt. '(//) B. 18, G. 13, ]Bd. C., 1 H.L. i (0 G. 1=35 HIGHER EDUCATION. 265 How Governed. Annual Fees. Endow- ments. Annual Grant from L.E.A. Goveinment Grant, 1905. 988 Brds., 23 2s Endowed 989 Bd. G. . Tuition, 6. Bd., 35 Ab. 200 150 87 to 40 p. a. from i 1 a ii d e d j property ! 990 i Bd. G. lo . . Tuition, 12 gc. Bd., 12 Endowed . . 20 6s. to 52 10s. S. & A. 991 Bd. G Tuition, under 10, 5 gs. ; Endowed 225 278 15s. 10 to 12, 7 gs. ; over 12, 10 g^. Bd., 45 (mainly for i 8s.) 992 Bd. G.2ex-<>ff., Tuition, under 8, 6; Ab. 80 100 3 rep. C.C., 4 U.D.C., 1 8 to 12, 8; over 12, 10. Bd., 42 10s. from land, rent, &e. Ox., 1 Cam., 1 J.P.'s,4 co-op. 993 Bd. G Tuition, 4 gs Endowed 991 Bd. G. 14 .. Tuition, 6 to 8. Bd., Endowed. . i 114 5s. ! 42 to 47 5s. + 1 gn. ex. 995 CL of Church Ent., 1 gn. Tuition, 6 to None. Pro- Schs. Co. 15 gs. Bd., 36gs. + ex. prietary j Sen.. 996 Trustees Tuition, 9 to 15 gs. (K.G., Endowe 6gs.) Bd., 63 to 73 10s. | (3X. 997 Private . . Brds., 63 998 | Bd. G. 19 Day, 6. Brds., 30 lo 40 Endowed 234 5s. !<>';) Gov. CL 25 ..'85. Fdn. Ss., 50 + Endowed 4 5s. Gd. ex. In bd-. honses, 110; homebrd*., 35 ; rcduc. of 5 if norn. -j- ex. for sp. sub.. Army ciass and piivate tuition 1000 Bd. (J., 3 from 6, incl. ('.('., 8 from! i U. B.C. ,4 co-op. 1001 i Bd. G., 5 rep. 5 gs., iiu-1. .. C.C.j Dist. I CL, 3 co-op. 50 270. Maintain'd byL.E.A. i I 400. Maintain'd ibyL.K.A. 71 5s. 157 1002 Bd. 4 10s. 1-WSs. orlj; 350. ! Maintain'd byL.E.A. 1003 Rural & U D.C. ;>gs iMtintainM 148 15s. byL.E.A. 1004 Ed. Com . of 5 gS. Trnns tor bd. on; .. Maintain' d 263 10s. C.C. application b\- L.E.A. 1005 Bd. G. 20, undo' 5 gs None . . 200. 64 L.E.A, MaintainM byL.E.A. HIGHER EDUCATION. School. No. of Pupils, (a) Under 12. (5) 12 to 16. (c) over 16. No. of Teachers. Qualifications of Staff. Resident or Regular. Visiting or Sp. Sub. 1006 Westbury, M () B. 1, G. 1, 1 M., 2 Ms. 2 M. 2 Gr., 1 Int., (/>) B. 15, G. 12, 1 A.R.C.A (c) B. 1, G. 4, =34 1007 EmwellSch., War minster, 40 (7 to 18) 2 M. !M.,lMs. B. 1008 Godolphin Sch. , Salisbury, 153 15 Ms. lM.,9Ms. 1 Gr., G. 1 Cam.T.C. 1 Fr.C., 2 A.R.C.M., 1 L.R.A.M. 1009 Grammar Sch. (Lord 72 (8 to 19) 6 M. 1 M. 4Gr. Weymouth's), Jf'trr- minfiter, B. 1010 High Sch., Trowbridgc, B. () 8, (b) 24, 4 M. 2 M. 1 Gr., 1 Int., (c) 7=39 2 Mat., 1 Art C. 1011 Modern Sch., Salisbury, B. 71 (8 to 18) 4 M. .. 3 Gr. 1012 Salisbury Sch., B. 70 (8 to 19) 4 M. 2 M., 1 Ms. 3Gr., 1 L.R.A.M., 1 F.R.A.M. 1013 Secondary Sch. (Swindon Ab. 200 10 M., 13 Ms. 2 M. 10 Gr., andN. Wilts), Swindov. (12 to 17) 1 A.R.C.S., N. 1 A.R.C.A. 1014 Wilsford House Sch., 40 (8 to 16) 2 M. 1 M. .. Devizes, B. WORCESTERSHIRE. Worcester Ad.C. 1015 Bromsgrove Sch., B. 127 (14 to 19) 9 M. 2 M. 9 Gr. 1016 College (Malvern), B. .. 490 (13 to 19) ;u M. 6 M. 35 Gr., 1 A.R.C.A., 1 M.I.M.E. 1017 College (Bourne), Quintan, 78 4 M. 3 M. B. 1018 Dresden Housa Sch., (a) B. 2, G. 11, 4 Ms., 2 1 Ms. 1 Gr., 1 H.L., Ercsham, G. (A) 25, (0 1= Stud. Tchrs. 3I.S.M. 39 Grammar Schools : 1019 Bewdley, B 22 (8 (o 17) 2 M. mf 1 Gr. 1020 Evesham, B. 30 2 M. . . 1021 Haksowcn, M. B 27 (8 to 17) 3 M.,2 Ms. 1 M. 1 Gr. 1022 Hanky Castle, B. (a) 15, (*) 25, 3 M. 2 M. 1 Gr., 1 Int., (c} 5=45 1 Mat., 1 C. & A.C.P. 1023 liiirtlebwy (Queen ' 52 (8 to 17) 6 M. 1 M. 2Gr. Elizabeth's), B. 1024 Kidderminster (King Charles I.), B. 100 (8 to 17) 6 M. 2 M. 6Gr., 1 A.R.C.A. 1025 Malvern (Lyitelton), B. 47 2 M. 1 M. 1 Gr. 1026 Stourbridge (King 148 (8 to 19) 7 M. 1 M. 6 Gr., Edward VI.), B. 1 A.M.C. HIGHER EDUCATION. 267 - How Governed. Annual Fees. Endow- / ments. Annual Jrant from L.E.A. Government Grant, 1906. 1006 L.E.A 5 gs 250. 130 Maintain'd by L.E.A. 1007 Private Day, 6 to 9 gs. Bids., 30 to 36 gs. 1008 Bel. G. 11, Ent. 1 gn. Under 12, Endowed under S.C.C. 12 gs. ; 12 to 15, 1.5 gs. (ent. over 15, 18 gs.). Books, &c., 30s. -f- ex. for sp. sub. Bd.,45ta.65. 1009 Brds., 36 to 48 gs. . . Endowed 1010 Bd. G., under Day, 9 gs. Brds., 36 gs... S"one None . . ; 67 5s. Wes. Sec. Schs. Bd. 1011 Private.. Tuition, 6 to 9 gs. Bd.,30gs. 1012 Bd. G. 12 Tuition, 15 to 18 gs. Bd., 30 to 33 gs. 1013 Boro' Ed. Com. Day, 5. Terms for bd. Maintain'd : l,2259s.4d. on applcn. Sen. Class by L.E.A. for sp. tuition, 10 gs. -j- ex. for books, &c. 1014 Private. . Day, 6 to 15 gs. Brds., 30 to 50 gs. 1015 Bd. Trustees (11 Day, ent., 3 gs., 16 gs. ; No money None Govs.), under Day brds., 32 gs. Brds., end. except S.C.C. ent. 4 gs., 84 (a few for Fdn. places at reduced fee of 65) Ss. 1016 Gov. Cl. 12, Ent. 3 gs. Tuition, 30. None. Pro- None elected by share- holders Bd., 68 9s. -f ex. for books and sp. sub., ) 63, 4 Gr. 3 Gr. 3Gr. 2 Gr. 9 Ms. 5M.,3Ms. 3Gr.,lL.L.A., 2H.L.,1H.F., 1 ELF. (3 with T.Dip.), 1 A.R.C.A., 1 A.R.C.S., 1 L.R.A.M., &c., &c. 7 M. :4M., 1M.V 5 Gr., ! 1 L.R.A.M. College (Barbournc), B. High Sch., G. .. 60 (7 to 19) 4 M., 1 Ms. B. 5, G. 200 ' 20 Ms. =205 I HKJS Grammar Sch. (Royal ! (,/) 58, (b 12 to 9 M., 1 Ms. free), B. | 19), 152=210 1039 Grammar Sch., G. . . (, 3 gs ; 5 to 8, None .. Maintain'd 91 10s. Ct I4s.6d.; S to 12. {.is.; by L.E.A. 12 to 14, 9 gs.; over 14, 12 (if entering over 6) -\- ex for sp. sub., &c. 1035 Bd. G. 9, Dean Eiit. 1. Bd. 45 (King's 600 p.a. N one and Chapter with Mayor, 1 rep. C.C., 1 Scholars and Sons of from Clergy 39). Day, under Cathedral 12, 12 gs.; over 12 (if City CL, and entg. over 11), 15 gs. -|- ' 1 Ox. Univ. ex for sp. sub. 1036 Private Day, 9 gs. Brds., 50 1037 Local CL, mid. Exit. 1 g. Und.lO, 9 gs.; None .. None .. 44 10s. BdJG. over 10, 12 gs (if ent. S. Ac A. over 13, 15- gs )-f-ex. for books, (.V:c.,aiid for sp. sub. Junr. Dept., 3 gs. to 9 gs. \ Training Dept. for Sec. Scli.Tchi's., IS gs. Hdg. . House; terms on applica- tion 1038 Bd. G Tuition, I!'). Bd. C45 to End. much 691 12s. (id. C51, aCC. lo age reduced for + 111 15s. building S. ^ A. 1039 Private. .. (i gS. bo 9 gs None 1040 Ed. Com. of 3 .. Maintain'd 4S2 10s. L.E.A. byL.B.A. 1)11 Private .. Day, und.9, (i RS.; 9 l> 11, None . . None 9gs.; over 11. 12gs. IJrds. und. 11, 11 2s.; "over 11, 50 Ss. (weekly ISrds., 40 19s. and 47 5s. )-f : ex. for SM. sub., &e. i 270 HIGHER EDUCATION. School. No. of Pupils, (a) Under 12. (6) 12 to 16. (c) over 16. No. of Teachers. Resident or Regular. Visiting or Sp. Sub. Qualifications ol Staff. i Grammar Schools : 1012 1 Bern-ley, B. . . ) 10, (1} 36, 3 M. (<) 1=47 1043 Bridling ton, B. I (tt) 20, (A) 106, ! c 32=158 9 M. 3 M. 2 Gr., 1 A.R.C.S. 2M., IMs.i 8Gr., 1 A.M.C., 1 F.R.C.O. 1044 J)n.ffield t E (a) 10, (b) 30, 3 M. 1 M. 1 Gr.. i> Mat. 1045 Howdcn, B. (c) 5=45 20 (7 to 16) 1 M. 1046 Pocklington Sch., B. . . 150 (8 to 18) 6 M. 4 M. 5 Gr. 1047 Silcoates Sch. (Northern 60 (8 to 17) , 5 M. .. H Gr. Congregational Gram- mar Sch.), Saltbtirn, B. 1048 Spring Hill Sch., Whitby, 35 (9 to 17) 3M.,1 M,s. 1 M. 2Gr. B. i HULL C.B. 1049 College (Hyrner's), B. . . (a) 50, (*) 140, 14 M. ] M. 12 Gr. fa 45=235 1050 Eton House Sch., B. (<5 42, (*) 46, 5 M., 1 Ms.,| 2 M. i 1 Gr. and C., (e) 12=100 3 Stud. Ms. i Cam. Certs .&c. 1 A.R.C.O. 1 051 Grammar Sch., B. () 69, (b) 167, 8 M. 3 M. 3 Gr., 3 Int., (6-> 15=251 1 A.C.TC. 1 Mat. 1052; High Sch., G 211 10 Ms. 5 Ms. 2 Gr., 1 Fr. C., 2 L.R.A.M. 1053 Municipal Technical Sch., B. (i) 183, (0 1 =184 9 M., 1 Stud. M. 2 M. 6 Gr., 6 C., 1 Int., 2 C. & G. Certs. 1054 Navigation Sch., B. . . 150 6 M. Sc. Cert*. 1055 Secondary Sch. (Central), M. Lower Sch., B. 95, G. 231 ; * 2o Tchrs. 1 Ms. 3 Gr., 4 Int. nearly all C. Mid. Sch., B. 89, G. 155 ; P.T. Centre, B. 39, G. 161 i =770 1050 Secondary Sch., (.'rurni- (a Jun. Dept.) 6M.,(5 M- . . All C. street, M. 135, (*) B. 74, G. 104, (<-)B. 1, G. 1=315 1057; Vicar's Choir Sch., B. .. 51 1 M. 1 M. 2 Gr. 1 YORK C.B. 105* i Bootham Sch., B. 80 (12 to 19) 8 M., ;iM.,3Ms. 8 Gr 2 Stud. M. 8 of these are in the Preparatory Dept., and 4 in the P.T. Centre. HIGiIEK EDUCATION. 271 1 How Governed. Annual Fees. Endow- ments. n^rSLJ Government urant irom p_ or .+ -lonr TWA > Grant. 1905. L.E.A. 1042 Bd. G., und. Day, und. 12, 6 ; over 12, Ab. 300 Ab.320to 66 S.C.C..' 5 rep. S (Brds., 34 13s. and p.a. from Aug. 1905, BoroCl.,2C.C., 38). Weekly Brds., property now ab. 3 Trustees, 1 31 10s. and 34 13s. 20 for Leeds Univ., apparatus 3 co-op. ^ 1043 Bd. G. und. Day, und. 12, 9; over 12, Ab. 70 500 ' 451 5s. S.C.C. 12. Brds. 66. p.a. from , rents, &c. 1044: Private Tuition 4 10s. to 7 10s 1045 Bd G 3 3 gs. . . . . .* Endowed 1046 Bd. G. 13 Day, 15. Brds., 65 or Endowed 55, ace. to house 4/- ex. for sp. sub. V 1047 Bd. G. 16 Brds. 45 to 51 gs None. Pro- prietary sch. 1048 1 Private Brds. 35 to 45 gs. 1049 Bd. G. 28 Und. 10, 8 5s.; 10 to 12, Ab.800p.a. 125 from 349 2s. 6d. 10 15s.; over 12, 15 gs. C.C. 1050 Private Day, und. 9, 6 ; 9 to 12, None . . None 7 10s.; over 12, 10. Brds., und. 12,33gs.; over 12, 36 gs. (weekly 27 and 30 gs)4~ex for sp. sub., books, &c. Reduc. for brothers 1051 Bd. G., Mayor Und. 10, 4 gs.; over 10, 5 gs. Old end. .. None . . 119 6s. & Corporation S. & A. 1052 Cl. of Ob. Sebs. K.G., Ggs. ; und. 9, 9gs.; Proprietary Co. 9 to 13, 12 gs. ; over 13, Sch. 15 gs. -{- tx. 15s., also for books, . sp. sub., &c. Bids., 30 to 40 1053 Hr. Kd. Com. 3 gs None Maintain'd 258 6s. 8d4- of L.E.A. by L.E.A. 684 15s. 6d. S. &A. 1054 Bd. G. (mem. of All places free Endowed. . None . . 445 14s. Hull Trinity S. & A. House) 1055 Hr. Ed. Com. 1 10s. to 3 None Maintain'd 644 15s. of L.E.A. by L.E.A. 1056 Hr. Ed. Com 1 10s to 3 None Maintain'd 323 17s. 6d. of L.E.A. by L.E.A. 1057 1058 Sooty, of Friends None. Pro- prietary Sch. 272 HIGHER EDUCATION. No. of Pupils. No. of Teachers. School. (a) Under 12. (6) 12 to 16. Resident or Qualifications Visiting or! of Staff. ; (c) over 16. Regular. Sp. Sub. [ 1059 College (Elnifield), B. .. (a) 5, (b) 60, ' 7 M. 2 M. 1 Gr., 2 Int. (c} 13=78 1060 Grammar Sch. (Arch- ;' 175 (8 to IK) 9 M. 6 M. 6 Gr., 1 F.C.P. bishop Holgate's) B. LQ61 High Sch., Petersya'e, G. ; 105 (4 to 19) 9 Ms. 1 M.,2Ms. 4 Gr., 1 H.L., 1 F.C., 1 Art, C., &c. 1062 Monk Bridge Sch., B. .. 60 (6 to 16) i 2 M., 1 Ms. 1 M. Hd. M. C. 1063 St. Peter' Sch., B. (fl) 48,. 0)50, 8 M. 1 M. 4 Gr. (c} 27=125 North Riding Ad.C. Colleges : - 1064 AmpUforth (R.C.), B. 16 M. 2 M. 9 Gr. 1065 Scarborough, B. () 8, (b} 41, 5 M. 5 M. 4 Gr., (c) 12=61 1 A.R.C.M. 1 A.M.C. 1066 Friends Sch. , Great At/ton. () B. 16, G. 7, 4M.,5Ms. 2M.,2Ms. 3 Gr., 1 Int. M. 0)B.41, G.35, 1 A.M.C., (c) B. 3, G. 1 1 A.R.C.M. =103 - Grammar Schs.: 1067 Beddlf (Queen Eliza- 28 (8 to 18) 1 M. 1 M. beth's), B. i 1068 Coat h 'am, Redcar, (Sir 95 (8 to 18) 6 M. ... 5 Gr. W. Turner's), B. 1069 Eaxiw/wold, B. . . () 3, 0) B. 24, 2 M. 1 M. 2 Gr. G. 3=30 1070 1071 GitisboroHffli, B. . . 45 (8 to 16) Pickering' (Lady Luni- () B. 7, G. 4, 3 M. 2 M. 2 M., 1 Ms. 1 Ms. 3 Gr. 2Gr., 1 C. ley's) ' '(/>) B. 33, G. 32, ' (<} B. 2, G. 2 =80 1072 Richmond, B. . . . . i 50 (8 to 18) 5 M. 4 Gr. i 1073 Sen-Ion, B 40 (8 to 16) i M. 1 M. 1 Gi-. 1074 *Mofrfsl#i/, Preston, B. (a) 10, 0) 27, 2 M. 1 M. ' 1 F.C.S., (c)l=38 1 A.C.P. 1075 Ytn-Hi, M B. 66 (7 to 17 4 M., 1 Ms. ;3 Gr., 1 L.C.P. 1076 Municipal Sch., Scar- (a) B. 9, G. 4, borough, M. (b) B. 114, G. 12 M., 9 Ms. 3M.,2Ms. 2 Gr., 4 Int., 1 L.L.A., 152, (c) B. 7, 1 A.R.C.S. G. 27=313 1077 Sedburgh Sch., B. .. (4)114, (c) 127 20 M. 2 M. 20 Gr., =241 1 R.C.A., 1 A.R.C.O. * Arrangements are being made to organise this Sch. as a Mixed Scb. HIGHER EDUCATION. How Governed. Annual Fees. Endow- ments. Annual Grant from L.E.A. Government Grant, 1905. 1059 Trustees appt. Day, 15. Brds., under 12, Only for Ss. None byPrim.Meth. 27 ; over 12 (if ent. over Conference 11), 32+ex. 6 3s. and for sp. sub. 1060 Bd. G Day, 8 3s. 6d. Brds., 33 Endowed.. 351 10s. to 39 1061 G.P.D.S.C. .. Ent., 1 gn. Under 10, Proprietary 63 9s. 10 gs. ; over 10, 13 10s. ; Sch. S. & A. if ent. over 13, 16 10s. Prep., 4 to 7, 6 gs. 1062 Private.. Day, 4| to 7 gs. Brds., 30 Xone to 36 gs. Weekly, 2^.. to 30 gs. 10 p.c. reduc. for brothers 1063 Bd. G., under Tiiition, 18. Bd.,5210s. End. of land, None . , 157 6s. 6d. S.C.C. 2 rep. -f-ax. for games, &c., and &c. Archbishop & for sp. sub. Prep., Tui- Dean & 4 rep. tion, 9 gs. ; over 8, 12 gs. Chapter, 5 rep. E.,W.,&N.R., Bd., 42+ex. City, & Leeds Univ. 1064 Benedictine Fathers 1065 Directors act as Bd. G. Day, 15 to 18 gs. Brds., 60 to 69 gs. Proprietary Sch. None 1066 Friends' Quar- terly Meeting Day, 12. Brds., 31 10s. (reduc. ace. to circs.) Proprietary Sch. Ab. None 70 5s. 6d. S. & A. 160 p.a. from prpty 1067 Select Vestry of 6to9gs Endowed Bedale 1068 Tuition, 5 to 10. Bd., Endowed . . 262 os. 45 1069 Bd. G. and Day. C6. Brds., 30 .. Ab. 60 p.a. 75 43 16s. L.E.A. fromConsols S. & A. 1070 Bd G Dav, 6 to 9 gs. Endowed 93 2s. 6d. 1071 Bd. G., 2 rep. Day, 5 gs. -4- ex. 7s. 6d. 100 to 150 100 ('.('.. 7 U.D.C.'s, Brds., 40incl. p.a. from 1 Leeds Univ., rents and 3 co-op. 1072 Bd. G Tuition, 10 to 15. Bd., Endowed 58 6s. 8d. 39 to LI 5 Q yr. only) 1073 Bd. G. 10 Tuition, 5 Endowed . , 32 14s. S. & A. 1074 Bd. G., under Tuition, under 12, 3 gs. ; Bldgs. and 20 23 14s. 6d S.C.C. over 12, 4 gs. 3,000 in S. & A. Consols 1075 Bd. G Dav, 4 g*. Brds., 42 .. Endowed 1076 Bd. G. 15, appt. by Boro' 10, ") C'< ",-,'... . . . . None Ab. 950 Maintain'd 1,377 fo and ('.('. 5 by L.E.A. -f 750 from C.C. 1077 Bd. G Eot., 1. Dav, 22 10s., End. land, None Brds., under 13, C<>8 10s.; &c. over 13, 77 K)s.+7 16s. ex. and for sp. sub. 274 HIGHER EDUCATION. School. No. of Pupils, (a) Under 12. (b) 12 to 16. (c) over 16. No. of Teachers. Qualifications of Staff. Resident or Regular. Visiting or Sp. Sub. 107 Sir W. Turner's Sell., 14 (7 to 16) 1 M. 1 Gr. Kirkleatham, B. Preparatory Schs.: ! 107 Sedburgh, B. .. (a) 14, (*; 24 3 M. 2M.,lMs. 3 Gr., =38 1 Woodwork C. 108 Scarborough (The 21 (7 to 15) 3 M. 2 M. 3 Gr. Mount), B. 108 Queen Margaret's Sch., 160 11 Ms. 12 Ms. 2 Gr., Scarborough, G. 2 L.R.A.M. MIDDLESBROUGH C.B 1082 High Sch., B (a) 42, (*) 205, 13 M. 4 M. 10 Gr., 2 Int., (<) 37284 1A.M. ,1A.M. I.M.E., &c. 1083 High Sch., G (4) 180 11 Ms. lM.,2Ms. 5 Gr., 1 Mat., 4 Cam.H.L., 1 L.R.A.M., i 1 A.R.C.M. 1084 High Sch. (Preparatory), (a) B. 41,0.21 2 Ms. 1 Ms. | 1 C., 2 Fr.C. M. =62 1085 West Riding Ad.C. Academy, Wakejield, B. 00 25, (A) 50, 4 M. 1M. 1 F.G.S., (0 6=81 1 A.M.C. Colleges : 1086 Harrogate, B 60 (8 to 18) -1 M. 2 M. 1 Gr., 1 L.K.A.M. 1087 JET0n-0,;fffc(Asliville), B. 75 (9 to 18) \ 4M. .. 4 G;. 1088 Harrogate (New) 80 (8 to 18) 6 M. 2 M. 1 Or. 1089 Commercial Sch., Hors- B. 33, G. 20 1 M., 2 Ms. 1 M. fortli, M. =53 (4 to 15) 1090 E. Hard wick Sch., nr. 00 6, (V) 10, 2M. 2 M. 1 Gr. 1091 Pontefract Endowed Sch. (Grace 0-) 2=18 00 14, (*) 21 1 M. 1 Gr. Kamsden's), J?$W, B. =35 1092 Friends' Sch., A.ckwwth, B. 00 32, (b) 11 M., 8Ms.,l 3M., IMs. 1 Art. Ceit,, D. 113, 00 4 ; 2 Stud. M., 1 L.R.A.M., G. (a) 21, (A) 6 Stud. Ms. 1 A. Mus. 98, 00 7 (T.C.L.) =305 1093 Friends' Sch., Rawdon. B. 39, G. 42 3 M. D. =81 (11 to 14) 1094 Fuhieck Sch., nr. Leeds, 80 (8 to 18) 6 M. 3 M. 3 Gr., B. 1 F.R.C.O. 1095 Giggleswick Sch., Kettle, 00 9 > CO 69, i 11 M. 4M. 11 Gr. B. 00 41=119 HIGHER EDUCATION. 275 How Governed. Annual Fees. Endow- ments. Annual Grant from L.E.A. Government Grant, 1905. 1078 Bd. G Brds., 33 gs. 1079 Private Brds., under 10, 75; over None 10, 78+3 gs. ex. 1080 Private Tuition, 21. Bd., 59 None 1081 Gov. Com. 16.. Ent., 1 gn. Day, und. 7, Woodward 6 gs. ; 7 to 12, 12 gs. ; 12 Fdn. Sch. to 15, 18 gs. ; over 15, 24 gs. Brds., 75, 99, or 105, ace. to hoi*ee. Ex. 2 5s., also for sp. sub., &c. 1082 Bd. G. under Jun., 6 gs. ; Upper, 7 gs. Freehold 1,100 .. 1,153 3s. + S.C.C., 12appt. and 8 gs., ace. to form buildings 65 (Tech.) byBoro' Cl., 2 byC.C., & Iby Dur.Coll.ofSc. 1083 ,, ,, 6.u's., 7gs., or 8 gs., ace. to None 300 . . 284 form+1 gn. ex. if ent. over 14 % 1084 99 99 4 gs. ; K.G. Students, ; None Deficit 10 made up byCl. 1085 Private Under 10, 4 10s. ; 10 to 13, 6gs. ; over 13, 7 10s. 1086 Bd. G. 6 Day, 15 to 18 gs. ; Brds., Proprietary 55 gs. Sch. 1087 Bd. G. 21 Brds., 45 to 50 Proprietary Sch. 1088 Private Brds., 50 to 60 gs. .. None 1089 Private 3 to 9 gs. .. .. None 1090 Private Day, 5 to 8 ; Brds. 30 None None to 40 1091 Bd.G 5 82 p.a. + | sell, bldgs. & master's house 1092 Com. Of46appt. by Society of Bd. and Tuition, 18 to 48, ace. to circs, of Ab. 1,000 p.a. None Friends parents 1093 Com.of28appt. Graded scale, ace. to ciros. Proprietary None 646 by Society of of parents Scb. S. A: A. Friends lo! M Bd. of Moravian .t:5<; to t-H Proprietary , , 76 2s. 6d. Church S. ,V \ 1095 Bd. G. 18 Ent., Day, 1; Brds., Cl ; Endowed Tuition, til I 2s. Brds., under 13, 66; over 13, 78 +ex. for sp. sub. HIGHER EDUCATION. 1096 School. No. of Pit pil s. (a) Under 12. (b) It to 16. (c) over 16. No. of Teachers. Qualifications ol Staff Hesident or Regular. Visiting or Sp. bub. Grammar Schools : Barmley (Archbishop Holgat&'s), B. (0)20, (4)117, (c) 44=181 8M. 4M. 8Gr.,l A.M., 1 A.R.G.M. 1097 1098 Batley,~B Bentham, B 150 (8 to 19) (*) 3, 0) 24, . (c) 229 3M. 2M. 3M. 1M. 3Gr. IGr., 1 A.R.C.O. 1099 1100 Bingley, B Briyhouse (Rastrick) B. () 23, (*) 14, (c) 4=71 98 (8 to 18) 4M. 5M. 3M. 3M. 3Gr.,lMat., 1 French Cert. 3Gr. 1101 & 1102 Deii-shiry (Wheel- wright), B. Dewabury (Wheel- wright), G. B. 1'24+P.T*. 16=140 G. 130+P.T s. 58=188 7 M. 10 Ms. 5 M. 4M.,2Ms. 6 Gr., 1 A.R.C.O. 3 Gr., 1 Fr.C., 1 A.R.C.O. 1103; Doncatter, B () 40, (A) 80, (c) 51=171 7 M. 1 M. 5Gr. 1104! EUand 9 K. .. .. (a) 11, (V) 43, (V) 5=59 1105 Hippcrhohne, B. .. 60 (7 to 17) 3 M. 4 M. 3 M. 2 M. 2Gr. (laleoC.) 1 Int. 3 Gr. 1106 Ill-ley, B. .. .. ' 95 (8to 18) 5 M., 1 Ms. 3 M. 5 Gr. 1107 1108 Kdghktf (Trade and Gram'. Sch.), B. MirfaM, D (*) 169, (<) 12 =181 56 (8 to 18) , 8 M. 4 M. 3 M., 1 Ms. i M. 5 Gr., 30., 2Int.,3A.M.C., 1C.&G. Certs., &c. 4Gr. 1109 NoTMQ/nt6n t B. .. : (rr) 11, (b) 5 i 1 1116 T/iornc, B. .. (,/) H, (/;) 68, 4 M. 1 M. 2 Gr., 2 C., (0 4=78 i c.r. HIGHER EDUCATION. 277 How Governed. Annual Fees. Endow- r nients. A TL Goveinment LE.A Grant, 1905. 1096 Bel. G., 5 rep. 1 Under 13, 5 5s. ; over 13, ! 700 ! 200 280 Os. 6d. C.C., 5 Boio' 6 6s. i CL, 1 Univ., 2 Triistees, 2 Archbishop 1097 Bd. G. 15 < 6 to 9 , Endowed.. 50 .. 441 los. 1098 ' Bd. G. 12, inch Day, 4; Brds., 33 12s. I 120 p.a. 2 rep. C.C. Weekly, 27 6s. from lands i and invest- ment s -f- . *. ainount for [maintenance 1099 Bd. G 3 gs. to 4 gs Property & 150 ! 144 7s. 6d. ; consols 1100J Bd. G. 15 .. 6 gs. Endowed.. ; .. 260 5s. 1101 Bd. G. under ! Under 12, 6; over 12, 8 Fdn.End.+ C.C. ,335 Boys' Sch., k S.C.C., rep K.G. and Prep. Dept. ab. 200 bothSchs. 373 1102 public bodies under 8, 3 gs. (uioroings each Sch. in return. Girls' Sch. '' (majority appt.' only) 4-ex. for games. for Ss. for 40 free 264 7s. 6d. by Boro' Cl.) I places; 1 Boro' Cl. 20 both Sch.s. 1103 Bd. G 6 to 8 Ab. 123 in 200 from 220 14s. 6d. Consols C.C.,350 i fromBoro. Cl. 1104 Bd G 13 3 o- s 150 . . 126 . , 157 1105 Bd. G. 15 6 Endowed . . . . 52 6s. S. & A. 1106 Bd. G. 12 .. Day, If). Brds., 60 to 70 Endowed.. .. 154 os. 1107 ! Hr. Ed. Com. of j 4+15s. for book*, &c. . None .. 750 (Id. 822 11s. 5d. Hum' Cl. + 2 : , rate) rep. C.C. 1108 Hr. Ed. Com. of ' .4 to 6 Endowed .. 1 2)J 10s. 6d. Boro' Cl. + 2 rep. C.C. 1109 Bd. G. .. 7 16s.-j-ex. for yaiues . Ab. 500 Ab. 200 i 146 j p.u. 1110 Bd. G. .. Tuition, 4 to 5. Bd. , Endowed.. .. 128 27 to <::;;; 1112 Bd. G. .. .Day, 6 to 12. Brds., 19 Endowed.. 194 18s. (id. to 55 1113 Bd. G. o * * ' * Endowed 1111 lid. G. .. . Day, Cl to 19 . Endowed.. .. ' 179 17s. 6.1. 1115 B.I. (J. under K.G., under 8, 3 10s. ; S Ab. 510 None 8.C.C. to 12, 5; 12 to 14 !>.;;. 7 10s.; ovtr 11, 9 + ex. for sp. sub.,&C. Brds. i Li: 1 , 12s. (id. Reduc. for: sisters. j 1116 Bd. G. .. . :) 38, . mo p.a. Ab. 130 (vl 5s. from ppty. S. A: A. and lands 278 HIGHER EDUCATION. School. No. of Pupils, (a) Under 12. (6) 12 to 16. I (c) over 16. No. of Teachers. Qualifications of Staff. .esidentor Visiting or Regular. Sp. Sub. 1117 Thornton, M 58 (7 to 16) i> 1 M., 2 Ms. 1 M. 1 Gr. 1118 Wakcfield (Queen 180 (8 to 19) 9 M. 4 M. 8 Gr., 1 F.C.S Elizabeth's), B. \ 1119 Hall-gate Sch. (Don- 58 (9 to 17) 3M., 1 Ms. 4 M. cv/\/Vr), B. 1 High Schs.: 1120 Barnsley t G () 20, (6) 160, 12 Ms. 1 M., 1 Ms. 9Gr., 1 L.L.A., (c) 80=260 1H.F., 1 +36 P.Ts. 1 A.M.C. 1121 Doncastcr (Municipal), (a) 5, (&) 55, (c) 68=128 Ms. !M.,lMs. 4 Gr. 1122 Wakefield (Endowed), 290 15 Ms. 4 Ms. 4 Gr., 2 C., G. 2 Cam. T.C., 1 Fr. C., 1 Art C. 1123 Jepson's Hospital, Itipon, T> 70 M. 1124 King's Sch., Pontefract, 150 (7 to 18) 8M., 1 Ms. M. 7Gr. B. 1125 Pocklington Sch., B. . . 150 (8 to 18) i i 6 M. 4 M. 5 Gr. 1126 Read's Sch., Drcuc, B. . . 45 . . Hd. M. Gr. 1127 Salt Sch., Shipley, B. . . 70 (8 to 18) '. M. 2 M. 3 Gr., 1 A.R.C.A. Secondary Schools : 11281 Hcbdtn Bridge, M. . . (*) B. 26, G. 2 M., 1 Ms., 2 M. 3Gr,, 3C., 1 29 ; (c) B. 4, G. 5=64, (incl. 2 Ms. A.M., 2 Sp. Sub. Dip. 16 P.Ts.) 1129 HecJcmondicikc, M. . . () B. 15, G. 11 M., 7 Ms. 2 M. 9 Gr.. 5 C., 18 ; (/>) B. 188, - 1 Ms. 1 F.E.I.S., G. lf>5; (r) B. 1 A.R.C.Sc., 15, G. 18=409.; 1 A.C.P., 1 LX.A., 1 French Dip., 1 A.M-C., 2 j 1 Sp. Sub. Dip. 1130 3 Ms. !M.,lMs: 3Gr., &C., "=43 1 A.M. 1131 Normanton, G. . . Ab. 30, incl. 3 Ms. 1 Ms. 2 Gr., 1 Hon. Girl P.Ts. for Eng. & Lit. Boro.' ! (Oxon.) 1132 Fudscy (Municipal), M. () B. 9, G. 14; 3 M., 3 Ms. 2 M. 5 Gr., 1 H.L., (J)B.39,G.59; 1 Ms. ' 1 A.M., 2 Sp. (0)B. 2, G. 11; Sub. Dip. HIGHER EDUCATION. 279 . How Governed. Annual Fees. Endow- ments. Annual Grant from L.E.A. Government Grant, 1905. 1117 Bd. G Boys, 2 ; Girls, 1 10s. . . Endowed 1118 I Bd. G., 5 rep. Town Cl., 3 Tuition, under 12, 6 gs. ; 12 to 14, 9 gs,. ; over 14, Endowed . . 224+ 150 17s. 6d. L. E. A., 1 12 ff s. Brds., 39 to 42; S. & A. Leeds Univ., 2 weekly, 33 to 36 C.C., Chair- man Ed. Com., Mayor, and 8 co-op. 1119 Private Day, 9gs. Brds.,36gs. 1120 Bd. G. 18, 6 rep. 7 10*. incl None Fees of 78 C.C., 6 Town \ P.Ts., 68 Cl., 6 out dist.<. int.P.Ts. and 15 Ss holders 1121 Local Ed. Com. 8 las None Fees of 34 65 int.P.Ts. 35 P.Ts. and 6 Ss holders 1122 Bd. G. 26 5 to 8, 6; 8 to 12, 10; 473 13s. over 12, 12. Brds., under 12, 33 gs. ; over 12, 36 gs. Weekly, 30 and 33 gs. Laundry, 3 gs.-f- ex. 15s. also for sp. sub. 1123 Bd. G., inrl. Endowed Mayor 1124 Bd. G. 15 Tuition, 6 to 10. Bd., Endowed . . 296 2s. 29 to 39 1125 Bd. G. 13 Day, 15. Brds., Sell. Endowed House, 65 ; Hostel, 55 -f- ex. for games, sp. subs., &c. 1126 Day, 7. Brds., 40 .. Endowed -1127 Bd. G 6 to 10 gs Endowed . . .. 118 15s : . 112S Hr. Ed. Com. of > .. j None Maintain'd L.E.A. by L.E.A. 1129 Bd. G. 10, appt. 4+ 3s. for sports . . None 1,000 fin. 1546 18s. 6d by Dist. Cl. + i rates 2 from C.C. 1130 L.E.A None . . Maintain'd by L.E.A. 1131 L.E.A 6 fjs. . None . . Maintain'd by L.E.A. 1132 JJd. G. 11 .. ; n None Maintain'd 162 7s. by L.E.A. 280 HIGHER EDUCATION. No. of Pupils. No. of Teachers. School < a > Under 12 - ; Qualifications 1100U (6) 12 to 16. Resident or Visiting or , of Staff. (c) over 16. Regular. Sp. Sub. 1133 Tod warden (Roomfield) () B. 2, G. 1 ; 4M., 1 M. 4 Gr., 7 C., M. (*)B 48,0.69, ! Ms. 2 Int., P.Ts., B. 2, 2A.T.C. G. 25=147 1131 SkellfieldSch,,.RipoH, G. (a) 13, (V) 9, 4 Ms. + 2 2M., 3H.L,lGr.. '(c) 8=30 Ms. (part- 3 Ms. 1 L.RJLM.,' work) 1 Cam. T.C., i 1 French Dip. 1135 Woodhouse Grove Sch., ! (a) 19, (U) 101, 8 M. 3 M. 6 Gr. Apperlcy Bridge, B. (c) 16=136 1136 Preparatory Sch. (Ghyll ()B.20,G.2; 3 M. 5 Tchrs., ; 1 Gr., 1 Irish Royd), HMey, M. (fl) B. 8, G. 3, Univ. =33 BRADFORD C.B Grammar Schools : 1137 Manor-row, B. () 129, (A) 3 43, (e) 64=536 21 M. 4 M. 2 > Gr. 1138 Girls' Grammar Sch. 388 19 Ms. lM.,3Ms.' 8 Gr.,2 CTniv. , T.C.,2 Fr.C., 1 A.M.C., j 1A.R.C.M. 1139 St. Bede's (R.C.), B. .. () 24, (i) 66, 6M. 2M. !2Gr.,lT.C.D., (c) 12=102 1 T. Dip, &c. 1140 Thornton. M () B. 6, G. 9 ; (#)B.18.G.19; 1 M., 1M. ! !Gr.,lTr. C., 2 Ms. 1 Mat., (r) B. 1=53 1 A.M. Secondary Schs. : 1141 Belle fuc, B I (((} 82, (4) 408, 24M.,lMs. 1 M. 7Gr.. 2Tnt.. i (c) 21=511 25 ('.. fee. 1142 Be'le Vxe, G ' () 27, (A) 320. 20 Ms. 5 Ms. ;](;,... l Int.. : (r) 51=398 13 ('.. 1 ( A.C.T.c'., cVc. 1143 Carlton- street, G. (a) 7, (i) 217, i 12 Ms. 2 Ms. 3 Gr., 8 C., 1 (6-) 65=289 I,.L.A.,1 Mat., 1 French Dip., 1 A.M.C. 1144 If arson, B. Prep. 193, 14M.,lMs. AllTr. C. Sec. Sch., 125 = 318 HALIFAX C.B. 1145 Crossley and Porter En- 163 (8 to 15) 6 M. 2 M. do wed Orphan Sch., 13. 1146 Crossley and Porter En- (a) 18, (i) 65, 5 Ms., 1 . ! 5 H.L., dowed Orphan Sch., G. (r) 10=93 1 Stu. Ms. S. & A. Certs., &c. ' 1147 Grammar Sch . (Heath) ,B. 183 (8 to 19) ! 7 M. .. 6 Gr. 1148 High Sch., G ()B. 12, G.22, 8 Ms. :1 M., 3 Ms. 2 Gr., 1 H.L., (/;) 52, (r) 19 2H.F., =105 1 El.Fr., ( ' 1 A.M.C.,&c. HIGHER EDUCATION. 281 How Governed. Annual Fees. Endow- ments. Annual Grant from L.E.A. Government Grant, 1905. 1133 Bd. G., meins. Non. All place* free . . None C.C.,150; 625 16s. lOd. Boro' Cl. and Boro' Cl., C.C. residue fm. rates 1134 Private Tuition, 6 gs. to 15 2s. Brds. , 66 to 84-f-ex. for sp. sub., books, 6cc. 1135 1 Bd. G Day. 9 us. Urds., under 12 .School pre- None . . 270 6s. 3!); 12 to 15, 42; over mises 15, 115 + 2 5s. for books, Arc., and exM'or sp. sub. 1 130 Private Dav, 18 to 25. Brds., None . . None 175 to 90 1137' Bd. G.. 5 rep. . Under 10, 7 10s. ; Jun., Ab. fJ/iOp.a. l,700fm. 1,651 13s. City CL, 1 Cli. 10 ; Sen., 16 -}-f550 p. a< L.E A. + of Com., 1 Ed. ; for Ss. at, 170 to Com., 1 Univ., Univs.. ,V-e. C200 fronj 1 C.C., 5 co- ; c.c. op., and 2 ex. I ! off. 1138 Bd. G. under K.G.,5to8, 6gs. ; 8 to 10. ; 250 p.;t. ' 698 3s. (id. s.c.c. 9 gs. ; 10 to 12, 12 gs. ; from Boys' if ent. over 12, 15 gs.-f- Sell. End. ex. 7s. 6d. to 15s., also for sp. sub. 1139 Bd. G Day, 7 Us. 6d. Brds. 1 None 100 . . 261 10s. terms on application 1140 Bd. G Ent., 2s. 6d. Boys, 2; Ab.280p.a. 20 from 26 15s. 6d. Girls, 1 10s. L. E. A. ; S. & A. 10 from C.C. ,1904 1141 L.K.A 2 None Main- 1 tained by i L.E.A. I 2370 4s. 6d. 1142 L.E.A 2 None Main- f B. & G. tained bv 1 L.E.A.' J 1143 L.E.A 2 None Maintain'd ^'797 by L.E.A. Ml! L.E.A 2 None Maintain'd 1503 8s. Gd. by L.E. A. B. & G. 1145 Bd. G. 18 10 gs Endowed 1146 Bd. G. 10 to l'20-j-ex. f'orsp. sul). E (lowed . . None 1147 1 iid. G. 1 1 9 to C12 Endowed., BlOOp.a. 233 for Ss. 1148 Private Ent. 5s., K.G. (i gs. ; 7 to to in, <) g s . ; over 10, 12 1'orsp. sub.. 1 looks, 282 HIGHER EDUCATION. School. No. of Pupils, (a) Under 12. (b) 12 to 16. (e) over 16. No. of Teachers. Qualifications of Staff. Resident or Regular. Visiting or Sp. Sub. 1149 New Sch., B 78 (8 to 18) 5 M. 1 M. 1 Gr. 1150 Secondary Sch. (Council), () 10, (b) 200, 17 M. .. 14 C., 4 Gr., B. (c) 7=217 4Int.,lL.C.P., 1 A.R.C.S., 1 A.R.C.A. 1151 Technical Sch. (Munici- 1,445, all Day, Evg. 8 Gr., pal), M. over 14 19 M.,'."> Ms 14 M., 1 A.R.C.S., 7 Ms. 1 F.C.S., lA.R.C.A.,&c. HUDDERSFIELD C.B. 1152 College Higher Grade (b) B. 141, G. 8M., 4 Ms. lM.,2Ms. 5 Gr. Sch., D. 191, (c) B. 10, G. 17=359 Grammar Schs.: 1153; A1)>Htiiry, B. 74 (8 to 16) 4 M. 2 M. 3 Gr. 1154j' Fat-tout 1 1 D. . B. 76, G. 54= 2M., 4 Ms. !M.,lMs. 2 C. 130 (5 to 16) 1155 -Lonytcood, D (a) B. 10, G. 7, 3 M., 1 Ms. 3 M. 2 Or., 1 C., 1153 AJmondbwry, B. 74 (8 to 16) 4 M. 2 M. 3 Gr. 1154 Fartoicn, D. . .* B. 76, G. 54= 130 (5 to 16) 2M., 4 Ms. !M.,lMs. 2 C. 1155 )B.13 r ),G.92, (c) B. 2, G. 2, =240 Preparatory Sch. (Moor- 18 (8 to 14) 2 M. .. 2 Gr. letl-LUCM., J.II/ J.J ('(ft c iffU It '/, B. ROTHERHAM C.B. 1166 Grammar Sch., B. .. 100 (8 to 17) : 5 M. 2 M. 3 Gr. 1167 High Sch., G 109 7 Ms. 1 Ms. Hd. Ms., L.L.A. SHEFFIELD C.B. 1168 High Sch , Eu'tlaHcl Park, Prep.. 70, MM.-. 1 M., 9 Gr., G. Upp. 305=375 11 Ms. 1 L.L.A., 3 Cam. T.C., :>, Fr. C., 1 L. It. A.M., &c. 1169 High Sch. (Notre Dame '() B. 11, G.48, S Ms. 2 Ms. 1 L I- A .2 Int. K.C.), G. (/,) 42, ((.) 23' 1 Miit, v =124 1170J King Edward VII. Sch., 300 (8 to 19) 14 M. 1 M. 13 Gr. B. 1171 Secondary Sch. (Central) , M. (a) B.2, (b) B. 21 M., 13Ms.'6M.,2 Ms. 22 C., 14 Gr.. 314, G. 429, (r) 2 L.L.A., B. 30, G. 93 1 A.M., =868 1 French Dip., i 3 Sp. Sub. Certs. WALES. Anglesey Ad. C. County Schools: 1172 Beaumaris, D i (a) B. 3, (*) B. i 3 M., 2 Ms. ' 1 Ms. i 5 Gr., 1 33, G. 14, (c) \ 1 R.A.M. B. 7, G. 4=61 1173 Holy head, D (rt)B. 1, G.2, 5M.,2Ms. 2} [..1MX 1 5 Gr., 1 Int., (b) B. 44, G. 34, ! 1 Art. C., (c) B. 10, G. 5 1 R.A.M. , =96 2 Sp. Sub. Certs. 1174 Llangefiii, D. . . (a) B. 2, G. 2, , 4 M., 3 Ms. 1 M. 3 Gr., 1 Int., (/>) B.69, G.43, 1 C., 1 L.L.A., (c) B. 19, 'G. 10 1 L. R.A.M., =145 1A.R.C.S., 1 A.C.T.C. BRECKNOCKSHIRE. Brecon Ad. C. Christ's College. Brecon, 103 (9 to 19) 6 Gr. 1 County Schools : 1176 Brecon, B (b) 55, (c) 21 ; 5 M. :! M. 5 Gr. | 76 1177; Brecon, G. (a) 2, (A) 51, 5 Ms. 1 Ms. 3 Gr. (<) 17=70 117S Bryntnawr, D. () B. 4, G. 2, 3 M., 2 Ms. 1 Ms. 4Gr., 1 Int., (i)B.47, G.43, 1 1 C., 1 Cooky. 00 G. 23=1 19 , Dip. i HIGHER EDUCATION. 285 How Governed. Annual Fees. Endow- ments. Annual Grant from L.E.A. Government Grant, 1905. 1164 L.E.A Free None Maintain* d by L.E.A. 1,305 4s. 7d 1165 Private Tuition 24 gs. 1166 1167 Bd. G 8 gs. to 12 6 to 15 gs., ace. to form. K.G. 3 15s. to 5 gs.. Endowed . . 231 5s. 1 168 Cl. ofG.P.D.S.C. Ent., 1 gn. 4 to 7, 6 gs. : 7 to 10, 10 gs. ; over 10, tlI-5 10s. (if cntg. over 13, 16 10s.). Ex. 15s., also for sp. sub. Proprietary Seh. t;277 17s. 6d. S. A: A. 1169 Bd. G. & Lur,d Sub. Com. o gs. to 6 gs. None None .. 66 1170 Bd.G. 15, under Tuition, 10 to 16 es. 382 L.E.A. 1171 Bd. G. 11, appt. ' 2; children of non-rate- by L.E.A. payers, 5 1172 Bd. G. (local) under L.E.A. 1173 Bd. G. (local) under L.E.A. 1174 Bd. G. under L.E.A. L75 Bd. G. 1176 1177 1178 Bd. G. L.E.A. Bd. G. L.E.A. Bd. G. L.E.A. under under under Tuition, 5. Bd., 35+ ex. for books, . Bd., 30+ 15s. for books, &c., and ex. for sp. sub. 4 10s. Aided by L.E.A. 560 207 16s. 170 10s. 181 286 HIGHER EDUCATION. No. of Pupils. No. of Teachers. School. (a) Under 12. (b) 12 to 16. Resident or Visiting or Qualifications of Staff (c) over 16. Regular. Sp. Sub. 117J ) Smith, M ()B.25, G. 12, 2M., 2 Ms. 3 Gr. (c) B. 6, G. 7 =50 118( ) Grammar Sch. (Hamp- ton), Glasbury, D. (a) B. 3, G. 6, (b) B. 20, G. 11, 1 M., 1 Ms. ; 2 M. rc., 2 C.P., Sc.C., &c. (c) B. 6, G. 3 =49 CARDIGANSHIRE. Cardigan Ad. C. County Schools : 1181 Aberayron, D ()B.28, G.21, 3 M., 2 Ms. 1 Ms. 5Gr., (c) B. 11, G. 11 1 Cookery C. =71 1182 Aberystwyth, D. .. (a) B. 1, G. 1, 4M.,2Ms. !M.,lMs. 5Gr., 1 Int., (b) B. 65, G. 34, 1 A.M. (c) B. 19, G. 12 =132 1183 Cardigan, D. . . B. 73, G. 54= : 4 M., 3 Ms. 1 M. 4 Gr. 1184 Llandyssul, D 127 (10 to 19) (rt) G. 1, (b) B. 1 3 M., 3 Ms. 2 M., 2 Ms 4Gr., 1 Int., 49, G. 48, (c) I 1 A.R.C.A., B. 23, G. 10* 1 A.R.C.M. =131 1185 Tregaron, D 70 (11 to 18) 3 M., 3 Ms. 3Gr. 1186 St. David's College Sch., (a) 4, (b) 23, ! 4 M. M. 4Gr. Lampeter, D. (c) 30=57 CARMARTHENSHIRE. Carmarthen Ad. C. 1187 College, Llandovery, B. . . (a) 15, (b) 65, 12 M. 11 Gr. (c) 75=155 County Schools : 1188 Llandilo, D B.70, G. 50= 5M., 3 Ms. 1 M. 3 Gr. 120 (9 to 18) 1189 Llanelly, B 186 9 M. .. 6^Gr. 1190 Whitland, D 59 (9 to 17) 2 M., 3 Ms. 2 M. 2Gr. Grammar Schools : 1191 Carmarthen, B. () 4, (b) 54, 5 M. 3 M. 5 Gr., 1 A.M. (c) 19=77 1192 1193 Pencader, B. Gwynfryn Sch., Amman- ford, B. 45 (10 upwards) 50 (12 to 20) j 3 M. 2 M. !M.,lMs. 1 Gr. CARNARVONSHIRE. Carnarvon Ad. C. County Schools : 1194 Bethesda, M. . . . . 100 (10 to 19) 3 M., 5 Ms. 1 M. 3 Gr. 1195 Bofavnog, D 54 (10 to 18) 2 M., 2 Ms. Tchrs. i 3 Gr. 1196 Carnarvon, D (a) B. 2, G. 2, 5 M., 4 Ms. 2M.,2Ms. 7 Gr., 2 C., (b) B. 47, G. 45, 1A.C.T.C., (ns None None 1181 Bd. G. under 4gs. .. L.E.A. None 500 118 1182 Bd. G. under 5+7s. 6d. ex. for books, None . . Ab. 700 259 15s. L.E.A. &c. Iteduc. for relations +salary j ofCook- ery Ms. 1163 Bd. G. under 3+7s. 6d. ex. for books, None .. 1 Aided by 180 L.E.A. &c. L.E.A. 1184 Bd. G. appt. by 4 gs. Ud., 27; weekly, None .. j 250 + 147 4s. 6d. C.Cs., .Ed. '24 300 fm. Coin., & Dist. Carmar- Cl. thenC.C. 1185 Bd. G. 11 under 4 None Aided by 105 L.E.A. L.E.A. 1 1S6 Bd. G 9 None . . None . . 116 15s. 6d. 1187 Bd. G. 5 Tuition, 8 gs. Brds., 50 Ab.600p.a. None 18s.+4 14s. 6d. and ex. for sp. sub. 1188 Bd. G. under 4 10s Aided by 262 L.E.A. L.E.A. 1189 Bd. G. under ', Aided by 335 L.E.A. ! L.E.A. 1190 Bd. G. 12 under 4 . . Aided by 106 5s. L.E.A. L.E.A. 1191 Bd. G. under Tuition, 5 gs. Bd., :{.'> None Ab. 600 144 L.E.A. incl. Reduc. for brothers 11 9-2 Private Tuition, G gs. Bd., 28 gs. 1193 Private^ '"' KS. 1194 Bd. G. under 5 Aided by 127 L.E.A. L.E.A; 1195 Bd. G. 15 under Tuition, 3 .. Aided bv .162 12s L.E.A. L.E.A. 1196 Bd. G. 14, iiid. 6+10s. ex. .. .. None Ab.i,rj<> 6282 reps, of Town and C.C., Ed. Com., &c., un- der L.E.A. 288 HIGHER EDUCATION. School. No. of Pupils, (a) Under 12. (6) 12 to 16. (c) over 16. No. of Teachers. Resident or Visit! Regular. Sp. 8 Qualifications ngor of Staff, ub 119' Llanberis, D (a)B.2, (*)B. ; 4M., 2 Ms. M.J Ms. 6 Gr., 1 C., 1 38, G. 28, (c) 2 Sp. Sub. C. B. 10, G. 21 =99 1198 Llandudno, D. . . 80 (10 to 19) 4 M., 1 M.S. 2 M. 5 Gr. 119S Pen-y-Groes, D. () B. 38, G. 2 M., 3 Ms. 1 M., 1 Ms. 5 Gr., 1 C. 20, (c) B. 16, G. 14=88 1200 Po)'tW(l'loc 1) ins nn t.n i 70 gs None . . i None 1204 Private.. .. 90tollOgs. l?05j Bd. G. (Provost Ent., 1 gn. Brds., 45. Woodward I and Chapter) j Ex. for sp. sub. Fdn. Sch. 1206 Bd. G. 15, under 5-}-8s. 6d. and ex. for sp. None 900 . . 221 L.E.A. sub. 1207 Bd. G. 16, under 4 10s None Aided by 162 11s. L.E.A. L.E.A. 1208 Bd. G., under 6 None Aided by 177 12s. 6d. L.E.A. L.E.A. 1209 Bd. G., under 5 None Aided by 167 L.E.A. L.E.A. 1210 Bd. G., under 7 to 9 gs None 1,200 332 19s. L.E.A. (( Bounty Fand) + 206 fin. L.E.A. 1211 Bd. G., under Tuition, 7 gs. Bd., 30 None Aided bv 280 9s. L.E.A. incl. Weekly, 24+ex. L.E.A: for sp. sub. 1212 Private From 63 : None None 1213 Bd. G Day, 8 to 10. Brds., 36 Endowed . . 157 7s. 6d. to 45 S. & A 1214 16 Local Govs., Ent,, 10s. Dav, 8. Endowed app. by Drapers' Brds., 60 to 80, ace. Co. to age -f- ex. for sp. sub. 1215 Bd.G. 21, appt. Proprietaiy by Wes. Conf. 1216 Private . . 75 gs. 10 290 HIGHER EDUCATION. School. No. of Pupils. (a) Under 12. (6) 12 to 16. (c) over 16. No. of Teachers. Resident or Regular. Qualifications Visiting or of Staff Sp. Mib 1217 FLINTSHIRE. Flint Ad.C. County Schools ; Hau-arden, D j 145 (10 to 19) 5M., 2 Ms. ! !M.,lMs. 5 Gr., 2 Int. 1218 1219 Holywell, D J/bW(Alun),D. () B. 2, G.I, (*) B. 50, G. 59, (c) B. 14, G. 12 =138 147 (10 to 19) 4 M., 3 Ms. 1 M. 4 Gr. i 5M.,2Ms. .. 7 Gr., 2 C. 1220 Xhy!, D ; 137 (10 to 19) 5M.,2Ms. ' 1 M. 5 Gr. 1221 1222 1223 St.Asaph, B Preparatory Sol is. : Khyl (Colet House), B. Prcstatyn (St. Chad's), B. ' () 1, 0) 25, (c) 4=:30 B. 40, G. 1= 41 (8 to 14) () 5, (*) 4= 3 M. 4 M. 2 M. 1 M. 3 Gr., 2 C. 3M.,lMs. 4Gr., 1F.R.C.O., &c. 1 Gr. 1224 1225 GLAMORGANSHIRE. Glamorgan Ad.C. Cathedral Sch., Llandaff, B. County Schools ; Aberdare, D (a) 18, (A) 35 =53 300 (10 to 19) 5 M. 8 M., 7 Ms. 2 M. 3 Gr. 1 M. j 7 Gr. 1226 Barry, D 302 (10 to 19) 7 M., 6 Ms. 4 Tchrs. 6 Gr. 1227 JBridyena, D 208 (10 to 17) 4 M., 3 Ms. 5 Gr. 1228 1229 Gelligaer, B Gowirton, D 142 (10 to 18) 166 (10 to 19) 7 M. 5 M., 2 Ms. 6 Gr. 5 Gr. 1230 1231 Merthyr Tydfl, D. . . Penarth, B B. 110, G. 90 5 M., 4 Ms. 3 Gr., =200(10 to!9) 1 A.R.C.S. 55 (10 to 19) i 4 M. 2 M. 4 Gr. 1232 Penarth, G 5 Ms. 3Ma.,lM. 3 Gr., 1 R.A.M. Cert. 1233 Pontypridd, D. 360 (10 to 19) 9 M., 5 Ms. 8 Gr. 1234 Portk (Rhondda), D... B. 130, G. 137 8M., 6Ms. =267 4 M. 7 Gr. 1235 1236 Port Talbot D Ystalyferu , D. . . B. 110, G. 118 7M., 4 Ms. =228 (10 to 19) 150 (10 to 19) 5 M,, 3 Ms. 1 M. 3 Or. 1M..,2M>-. -) Gr. HIGHER EDUCATION. 291 How Governed. Annual Fees. Endow, ments. Annual Grant fron L.E.A. Government Grant, 1905 121 Bd. G., under ' Day, 6. Brds., Boys, und. None 900 . . 310 18s. 6d. L.E.A. 12, 33. over 12, 36; weekly, 30 -j- ex. for books. Reduc. for rela- tions 1218 Bd. G., under i 6 None Aided by 268 Is. 6d. L.E.A. fc . L.E.A. 1219 Bd. G. 17, under 6 None Aided by 224 19s. 6d. L.E.A. L.E.A. 1220 Bd. G., under 6 , ' None Aided by 259 8s. 6d. L.E.A. L.E.A. 1221 Bd. G. 14, under Day, 6. Brds., 45 incl. ; None Aided by 56 L.E.A. weekly, 35 L.E.A. 1222 Private.. . .!76 gs. ; if ent. over 10, None None 86 gs.-f-ex. for sp. sub. 1223 Private Und. 10, 100; over 10, None None . 120 -f ex. 30s., also for sp. sub. 1224 Dean & Chapter 75 gs. Day brds., 45 gs.-f- ' None None a.s Bd. G. 5 8s. and ex. for sp. sub. 1225 Bd. G., under 3 15s. ; pupils from out- None . . ' Aided by 337 1226 L.E.A. 3d. G., under side the County, 10 gs. 3 . . i None . . L.E.A. Aided by 479 L.E.A. L.E.A. 1227 Bd. G., under 3 15s. ... None Aided by 242 5s. 6d. L.E.A. L.E.A. 1228 Bd. G. 12, under Tuition, 4. Bd., 30 . . None Aided by 335 L.E.A. L.E.A. 1229 Bd.G. 13, under 4 .. None Aided by 177 4s. L.E.A. L.E.A. 1230 Bd.G. 11, under 3 None Aided by 249 L.E.A. L.E.A. 1231 Bd. G., under 8 . . , None , ! Aided by I 7 10s. 6d. L.E.A. i L.E.A." S. & A. 1232 Bd. G., under 8; 6 for second or more None .. Aided by 20 19s. 6d. L.E.A., incl. sisters-f-15s. and ex. for L.E.A. S. & A. reps, of C.C., sp. sub. Dist. Cls., Ed. Com., &c. 1233 Bd. G. 12, under 3 to 4 10s. /None , Aided by 383 13s. L.E.A. L.E.A. 1234 Bd. G . 13, under ' 3 . . I L.E.A. . . None . . ' Aided by L.E.A. j 439 !': 1235 Bd. G. 13, under 4 10s. L.E.A. None .. Aided by L.E.A. ; 349 1230 Bd. G., under 3 L.E.A. , None; , i Aided by L.E.A. ! 232 10* 292 HIGHER EDUCATION. School. No. of Pupils, (a) Under 12. (61 12 to 16. (c) over 16. No. of Teachers. Qualifications of Staff. Resident or , Regular. Visiting or Sp. Sub. 1237 Cowbridge Sch., B. 4 M. . . 3 .Gr. 1238 He-well's Sch., Llandaf, (a) 11, (V) 112, 13 Ms. 3M.,lMs. 5 Gr., G. j ()45= L68 1 Cam. H.L., 2 L.R.A.M, &c. 1239 Intermediate & Technical ! 240 (10 t< ) 19) 6 M., 5 Ms. 2 M. 4 Gr. Sch., Neath 1240 Secondary Day Sch., (b) B. 34 Ferndale, M. 73, (c) E G. 4 M., 2 Ms. 1 M. .4, 2 Gr., 6 C., 2 Mat,, G. 15= 126 1 A.C.P. +B. 63, < 1.80 in H.G. i fch., Elera . CARDIFF C.B. 1241' Higher Grade Sch. (Sec. B. 170, G. 194 ! 2 M., 1 Ms. '5 Tchrs. 16 Gr., allC. Uept.) =364 (14 to . +15 Assts. 18) 1242 Intermediate Sch., B. .. 255 (10 to 19) > 16 M. 1 M. 13 Gr., ! 1 A.R.C.O. 1243 Intermediate Sch., G. .. () 35, (i) 197, 16 Ms. 6 Tchrs. Nearly all Gr. (c) 48=280 .1244 Monkton House Sch., B. 70 3 M. 2 M. 1 Gr. 1245 P.T. Centre . . . . B. 27, G . 150 3 M., 3 Ms. 4 Tchrs. 6 Gr. =177 SWANSEA C.B. 1246 Grammar Sch., B. . . 268 (8 c o 19) 13 M. 2 M. 12 Gr., ! 1 A.R.C.S. 1247 High Sch., G (a) 23, (b) 147, 12 Ms. 8M., 1 Ms. 7 Gr., 1 Int., ; (c) 45=215 i 3H.L.,3Mat. Others sp. sub. MERIONETHSHIRE. Dips., &c. i Merioneth Ad.C. County Schools ; 1248 Bala, B 56 (10 to 18) 4 M. { 4 Gr. 1249 Bala,G (i) 39, (c) 13 3 Ms. !M.,lMiv 2 Gr., =52 il Sp. Sub. Dip. 1250 : Yarmouth, D 62 (10 to 19) 2 M., 2 Ms. 3 Gr. 1251 Volgelly, B j 37 (11 to 19) ; 3 M. 1 M. 3 Gr. 1252 Dolgelly (Dr. Williams' (a) 6, (*) 61, 6 Ms- lM.,2Ms. 3 Gr., Higli Sch.), G. (c) 35=102 j 2 Cam. T.C. 1 L.R.A.M. 1H.F. 1253 Festinioff, D 133 (12 to 19) 4M., 5 Ms. .. 3 Gr. 1254' Towyn, D ! () B. 12, (A) 5 M., 3 Ms. 1 Ms. ' 6 Gr., 2 C., B. 63, G. 22, i 1 A.R.C.S., (c) B. 30, G. 1 L.R.A.M 17=144 MONMOUTHSHIRE. Monmouth Ad.C. County Schools ; 125,' > Abertilkry,D. .. () G. 1, (A)B. 4M., 2Ms. 1 Ms. 5 Gr., 1 C 58, G. 66, (c) B. 7, G. 11, j =143 'i HIGHER EDUCATION. How Governed. Annual Fees. Endow- ments. Annual Grant from L.E.A. Government Grant, 19C5 1237 Follows of Jesus Day, 6 10s. Brds., 38 Endowed Coll., Ox. 1238 Bd. G., under Ent., 10s. Tuition, 8; 2,400 p.n. Nono S.C.C. under 12, 6. Bd., 20. -\-Gs. and ex. for sp. sub. 1 1239 Bd. G. 13, under 3 10s None Aided by 415 L.E.A. ! L.E.A. 1240, Rhondda Ed. None , None .. 300 .. 432 Com., under L.E.A. 1241 L.E.A 6d. weekly ; Is. to children None . . Sec. Dept. 1867 7s lOd of non-residents. 6 and 1,200 9 resp. if pupil does not remain to end of Sch. yr. g 1242 Ed. Com. 7 10s. + 1 5s. 6d. and 1 ,2Sf5 338 9s. ex. for books and sp. snb. 1243 IM. G., under .7 iQs.+los. and ex. for s:!(i . . 274 L.E.A. 1211 Private.. 124o L.E.A.. books and sp. sub. Day. (i to 10 .<. Brds., 42 700 .. 843 10s. 124G Bd. G. . . 7 10s. Endowed.. : 381 1247 L.E.A... Q 10s.-|-ex. for sp. sub... i End., mines Aided by and land L.E.A.' 1248 Bd. G., under Day, 4 10s. Brds., 36 None Aided by 124 L.E.A. L.E.A. 1249 Bd. G., under 4-f-ex. music None Aided by 75 L.E.A. L.E.A: 12-">0 Bd. G., under 4 10s None Aided by 161 9s. L.E.A. L.E.A.' 1251 Bd. G., under Tuition, 5. Bd., 35 .. None Aided by 74 L.E.A. L.E.A! 1252 Bd. G. (12), half Tuition, 5. Bd., 26 + 300 p.a. . . 100 to 130 - app. by tees of Trus- End., 1 16s. and ex. for sp. subs. 200 half by L.E.A. \ : 1253 I5d. G., under 3 None .. Aided by 207 L.E.A. L.E.A. 1254 Bd. G., under Tuition, 5. Bd.,29gs.+ None . . Ab. 700 372 L.E.A. ex. nm.^ir 12.1.-) Bd. G., under 2 5s. L.E.A. ,t900 186 Is. 294 HIGHER EDUCATION. School. No. of Pupils, (a) Under 12. (b) 12 to 16. (c) over 16. No. of Teachers. Resident or Regular. Qualifications Visiting or of Staff. Sp. Sub. 1256 Ebbw Vale, D. G. 125, B. 65 6M., 2 Ms. 6Gr., 1L.L.A. =190 (10 to 18) 1257 Ponfywaun, D. (*) B. 39. G. 3 M., 2 Ms. 1 Ms. 5 Gr. 48, (c) B. 4, G. 7=98 1258 Tredegar, D (b) B. 24, G. 3 M., 2 M*. 1 M, 4 Or., 3 (.'. 48, (c) B. 2, G. 14=88 1259 Grammar Sell., Mon- 150 (8 to 19) 9 M. 1 M. 4 Gr., mouth, B. 1 F.R.M.C. 1260 King Henry VIII. Sch., 66 (8 to 18) 4 M. 1 Gr. -A'b&Yu&vMiwy 13. 1261 West Monmouth Sch., (a) 24, (b) 79, 7 M. 1 M. | 4 Gr., 1 C., Fontypool, B. (() 6=109 1 A.C.Sc. NEWPORT C.B. 1262 County Intermediate Sch., (a) 15, (*) 120, 11 M. 4M.,lMs. 6 Gr., B. ' (e) 35=170 1 C. (Gmnau), 1 A.R.A.M., 1 A.C.O., 1 Sp. Sub. C. 1263 County Intermediate Sch., 141 (10 to 19) 9 M*. 2'M.,2Ms. *9 Gr., G. or equivalent MONTGOMERYSHIRE. Montgomery Ad.C. County Schools : 1264 Llanfair, M 28 (10 to 19) 2M., 1 Ms. .. 3 Gr. 1265 Llanfyllin, M. . . 44 (10 to 18) 3M., 2 Ms. 3 Gr. 1266 Llanidloes, M. . . 50 (10 to 19) 2 M., 3 Ms. . . 3 Gr. 1267 1 Machynlteth^l. 60 (10 to 19) 3 M., 1 Ms. .. 2 Gr. 1268 Newtown (Intel-mediate) 50 3 M. 1 M. 2 Gr., 1 Tr.C., B. 1 Int. 1269 Newtown, G. . . . . () 2, (*) 35, (c} 16=53 3 Ms. 1 Ms. 3 Gr., 1 Sp. Sup. Dip. 1270 Welshpool, B 60 (10 to 19) 3 M. 1 M. 2 Gr. PEMBROKESHIRE. Pembroke Ad.C. Coxmty Schools : 1271 Fishguard, M. . . 50 (10 to 19) 3 M., 2 Ms. 4 Gr. 1272 Milford Haven, D. . . (a) B. 10, G. 9, 2 M., 2 Ms. 2 M. 2 Gr., 1 Int., (//)B.20, G. 19, 1 L.R.A.M., (c) G. 4=62 &c. 1273 Narberth, D B. 31, G. 45 3 M., 1 Ms. . . 3 Gr. =76 (12 to 17) 1274 Pembroke Deck, U. .. (a) B. 3, G. 7, 4 M., 4 Ms. , . 7 Gr. (V) B. 32, G. 70, (s.-fex. 4s. 6d. None 1000 136 L.E.A. 1259 Bd. -G ; (i?), Tuition, 10 (Memmtile Endowed under S.C.C. side,7).Brds.,50(Hd. M.'s house, 60) -f- OK. 1260 Bd. G. for sp. subs., &c. Day, 7^ to 9 gs. Brds.,37 Endowed. . 80 to 42 gs. 1261 Bd. G. (12) 5 1000 p.a. None 82 (Haberdashers' froniHab- Co.'s Sell.) erdashers' Co. (250 being for 1262 1263 1264 1265 1266 1267 12<>S 1269 L.E.A. L.E.A. Ss.) ; ])ay, 9+booksab. n Is. None .. Ab. 500 379 12s. Ex. for sp. snbs. Bd.,40 I I ine. Day, 9-|-booksab. 1 Is. Ex. for sp. subs. Bd.,40 inc. Bd. G. 13, under L.E.A. Bd. G., under L.E.A. Bd. G., under 5 5 gs. . . L.E.A. Bd. G., under ' 5 .. L.E.A. Bd. G., under ! 5 #s. incl. L.E.A. Bd. G., under 5 ys. in el. L.E.A. Non None None None None None None .. Ab. 300 C'205 1270 Bd. G., under 5 gs. .. L.E.A. 1271 Bd. G. 10, under L.E.A. Aided by 52 L.E.A. Aided by 88 11s. L.E.A. Aided by 110 5s. (id. L.E.A. Aided by ; 122 L.K.A. { Aided by 1117 L.K.A. 350 + saliirv of sp.subs. Ms. Aided by L.E.A. 118 1272 1273 1271 Bd. G., under L.E.A. Bd.G. 12, under 13 L.E.A. Bd. G., uml.-r C i L.K.A., ind. reps, of Town ;md ('. (Is. None None \idfd by L.E.A." Ab. C312 69 61 5s. S. ,V A. Aided by 94 ],.!:. A! 890 C221 !; 296 HIGHER EDUCATION. School. No. of Pupils, (a) Under 12. (b) 12 to 16. (e) over 16. No. of Teachers. Qualifications of Staff Resident or Regular. Visiting or Sp. Sub. 1275 St. Dai-ii's, M. 0) G. 1, (/>)B. 2 M., 2 Ms. 3 Gr., 22, G. 20, (r) 1 L.L.A. B. 5, G. 7=55 1276 Tcnlij, 1) 83 (10 to 18) 3 M., 2 Ms. !M.,lMs. 2 Gr., 3 Int., 4 1 A.M. 1277 Grammar Soli., Haver - (<0 6, (//> 41, 4 M. ' 1 M. 2 Gr., 1 Int., fordwext, B. (,-) 15=62 1 A.M.C. 1278 Preparatory Scli. (St. () 12, (/>) 8 2 M., 1 Ms. 1 M. 2 Gr. Andrew's), Tenby, B. =20 RADNORSHIRE. Radnor Ad.C. County Schools : Llandrindod Welly, D. | 0) G. 1, 3 M., 3 M*. 1 M. 5 Gr., 1 Int. (4)13.30, G.35, | (f) B. 9, G. 7 ; =82 ! . lL 29 2 M., 1 Ms. .. 1 Gr., 1 L.L.A. HIGHER EDUCATION. 207 How Governed. Annual Fees. Endow- ments. Annual Grant from LE.A Goveinment Grant, 1006 1275 Bd. G. 10, under 4 ; 3 for sec. nd and more None 2:51 + !)5 147 L.E.A. from one family+ex. for "(iv-ii. sp. sub., books, 5ce. Grant) 1276 Bd. G., under 6 Xone- 300 138 18s. 6d. L.E.A. 1277 Bd. G., reps, of : TuitioD, 5. Bd., 35 to Ab. 010 105 C.C.,J.Ps.ex.-' 40 ]>.a. from off. and cc-op. house pro- 10-Q . R perty. S;'e. "V,,,, Vrv,,,. .. Brds., 70 gs.; day l>rds.. X. 39 gs. 1279, Bd. G., under L.E.A. 1280 Bd. G., under L.E.A. 6 360 Aided by 1,K.A. 174 18.s. 69 3s. 29* HIGHER EDUCATION. SECTION \\\.-(contmued). CURRICULA AND SCHOLARSHIPS. BEDFORDSHIRE. Beds. Ad. C.- Modern Sch., Bedford, G. Curriculum, $c. Eng. Sub., Mathematics, Bookkeeping, Natural Science, French, German, Latin, Drawing, &c. Scholarships, $c. 1 Ss. ann., for girls under 14, value fees for 3 yrs. 1 Lvg. Exh. ten. at High Sch., value fees for 2 years. Modern Sch., Bedford, B. Curriculum, $c. Und. Bd. Ed. Reg. Enr. Sub., French, Mathematics, Chemis- try, Physics, Drawing, Bookkeeping, Shorthand, . Prep, for Ox. and Cam. Locals, &c. Eng; Sub., Mathematics^ Science, French, German, Latin, Greek, Shorthand, &<. Wallingford Grammar Sch., M. Scholarships, $c. 2 Ent. Ss. ami. Wantage Grammar Sch. (King Alfred's), B. Curncu'um, i\V. Uud. Bd. Ed. Reg. Ox. Locals taken; Scholarships, maiics, French, Latin, Science, &c., prep, for Cam. L. and other public exams. Scholarships, $r. 2 free places. Soham Grammar Sch., B. Curriculum, $c. Und. Bd. Ed. Reg. Cam. Locals taken. Scholarships, Qc. 7 Ent. Ss. close. Isle of Ely Ad. C. Grammar Sch., Wisbech, B. (urrioilutti, $c. Und. Bd. Ed. Reg. Sch. is a Centre for Cam. L. Eng. Sub., Mathematics, Latin, Greek, French, Natural Science, Drawing, &c. Scholarships, $c 3 Lvg. Exh. to Magdalene Coll., Cam., value 70 p.a., for 4 yrs. 1 Lvg. Exh to any Univ., value 70 p.a. for 4 yrs Grammar Sch., March, B. curriculum, $c. Und. Bd. Ed. Reg. Cain. Locals taken. Scholarships, $c.l6 Ent. Ss. King's Cathedral Sch., Ely, B. Curriculum, $c. Prep, for Cam. Locals. Scholarships, $c. 6 Ent. Ss., 4 Lvg. Ss. CHESHIRE, Chester Ad. C- College, Bebington, B. Curriculum, $-c. Prep, for Commercial and Prof, life and for the Univs. Classics, Mathematics, General Elem. Science, Eng. Sub., French, German, Drawing, Music, &c. Ox. Locals taken. Grammar Sch., Audlem, B. Curriculum, $c. Bug. Sub., Mathematics, Bookkeeping, Mensuration, Art, Theo. retical and Practical Chemistry, Agriculture, Na'ure Study, L-md Surveying, French, Latin (optional), Geometry, Singing, Drill. Scholarships. &c. 1 Fdn. Ss. for every 10 byys in the Sch. 3 C.C. Ss. are ten. at the Sch. Grammar Sch., Mottram, B. Curriculum, $c. Und. Bd. Ed. Reg. Ox. Locals taken. Scholarships, $c. 1 free place for each 10 boys in the Sch. Grammar Sch., Knutsford, B Curriculum, e. Und. Bd. Ed. Reg. Prep, i r Ox. L., C.P., &c. Scholarship*, $c.~5 Ent. Ss. Grammar Sch., Lymm, M Curriculum, $c. Uod. Bd. Ed. Reg. Prep, for Cam. L., C.P., &c. Scholarships, n, fees, books, &c. Coubty Ss. also ten. at the Sch. King's Sch., B. Curriculum, $-c. Prep, for Univs., Army, Prof, or Commercial life 4 yr&'. S -.ience Course und. Bd. Ed. Reg. Catu. Locals lakeu. Scholarships, $. 12 Ent. Ss., 2 offered ann. to buys und. 12. 3 Lvg. Ss., value GQ p.a., ten. fcr 3 yi\s. at a Univ., 1 do,, value 3 > p.*>. Queen's Sch., G. Cnrr'ti-Hltttit, >\r. Eng. Sub., (' assies, Mo 1 '. Langr., Mathematics, Xat. Science Drawing, Arc. I 'rep. tor .It. lid. Exmns., Loud. Mat., Arc. Scholarship*, 4V. 9 Ss. value tuition tecs, 2 valuo \ tuit'on fee-, ton. al the Scb. 1 Ss. value 30 p.a., ten. at Girton. Technical Day Sch. and Sch. of Science, B. (' ricu/um, 4'v Eng. Sub., Frenc i. Practical Science, Drawing, Manual Work, Are.; LaHn and Shorthand optional. Higher Forms examined by Joint M itiic. Bd. of Viet. Univ. Scholarships, $c, 20 free Ss. f r boys from E'. Schs. Stockport C. B. Grammar Sch., B. Curriculum, $c. Und. Bd. Ed. Reg. Prep, for Jun. and Sen. Locals and Matric. 304 HIGHER EDUCATION. Scholarships, $c. Fdn. Ss. not exceeding 10 p.c., exempting from fees, awarded on results of admission or ami. Sch. Exam. 2 L.E.A. Major SP., covering fees and books, &c., open to boys und. 15 already in the Sch. Also a number of Minor SP., C.C. Day Ss., ten. at the Sch. 1 Exh., value 40 p.a., ten. at place of Hgr. Ed. ; pupils may also compete for one other Exh. High Sch., G. Curriculum, $c. Urd. Bd. Ed. Reg. Eng. Sub., Arithmetic, Algebra, Geome- try, French, German, Latin, Natural Science (Botany, Chemistry, Physics). Draw- ing-, Bm-hw., ten. at the Sch. Technical Sch. Curriculum, $c. Sec. Sch. und. Bd. Ed. Reg. Scholarships $c. About 60 Ss. (Major and Minor) offered by the Ed. Com. are held in the Sch: ; 2 Lvg. Ss. CORNWALL. College, Launceston (Dunk wed), B. Curriculum, $c. Prep, for Cam. Lccals, Lond. Ma*, and Int. Scholarships, -$c. 1 Ent. Ss., value 21 ; 3 Ss. for pupi's in the school, value 15, and 10 (2). College, Truro, B. Curriculum, $c. Utd. Bd. Ed. Reg. Eng. Sub., Mathematics, Bookkeeping, Natural Science, Chemistry, Drawing, Latin, French, Natural Khilosophy, Mechanics, Hj drostatics, &c. Extras Greek and German, Adv. Drawing, Short- hand, Muf-ic, Prac. Chemistry and Physics, &c. Prep, for Cam. Locals, Lond. Mat.^ Sp. Prof. Exam?., &c. Scholarships, $c. - 1 Ent. Ss., value 33 gs., open to boys from the Wes. El. Day Schp. of Cornwall and Devon. 1 Ent. Ss. (day), value 9 9s., open to boys from the Truro Day Sch. 2 open Exh., value 15 and 10, tec. for 2 yrs. in residence. 2 Ss., value 15 and 10, ten. for 1 yr. in residence. 1 Ss., value 25, offered ann. to boys who have been 2 yrs. in the College. C.C. Ss. also held at the Sch. County Secondary Sch , Bodmin, B. Curriculum, <$c. Piep. for Cam. Locals. Grammar Sch., Camelford, B. Curriculum, ^r. Cam. Locsls taken. S. and A. Classes und. Bd. Ed. Reg. Scholarships, ^.6 Ent. Ss., value 10 each. Grammar Sch , Falmouth, B. Curricu'um, $c. Und. Bd. Ed, Reg. Pnp. for Univ., Lond. Mat., Cam. Locals, Civil Service and other Exams., and for the public Schp. Scholarships, $c.2 Ent. Ss., value 20, and 2 value 10. Grammar Sch., Fowey, M. Curriculum, $c. Prep, for Ox. Locals. Sch. is also P.T. Centre. Scholarships, $e.W Ent. Ss. Grammar Sch., Truro, B. Curriculum, c^. Cam. Locals taken. Scholarships, $ HIGHER EDUCATION. Grammar Sch. (Lady Manners), Bakewell, M. Curriculum, $c. Uud. Bd. Ed. Reg. Eng. Sub., Latin (optional), French, Mathematics, Natural Science, Physics, Chemistry, &c. Cam. Locals taken. Scholarships, c. 10 Ent. Ss. Grammar Sch., Helper, B. Curriculum, $c. Prep, for Cam. Locals and College of Perceptors' Exams. Grammar Sch., Chesterfield, B. Curriculum, $c. Und. Bd. Ed. Reg. Eng. Sub., Latin, French, Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, Drawing, &c. Scholarships, $c.26 Ss. held in the Sch., viz. 2 C.C. Int., 3 Fdn. (6 p.a. for 3 yrg.), 10 Ss. (10 p.a. for 3 yrs. to boys who have attended Pub. El. Schs. in the Boro' 3 years), 11 C.C. Ss., held by boys from Pub. El. Schs. in the County. Grammar Sch., Dronfield. M. Curriculum, $c. Und. Bd. Ed. Reg. Eng. Sub., Latin, French, Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, Drawing, &c. Scholarships, $c. 12 Fdn. Ss. of 5 p.a., with free tuition. 12 C.C. Minor Ss. held at the Sch. Grammar Sch. (Netherthorpe), Stavely, M. Curriculum, $c. Und. Bd. Ed. Reg. En7 Scholarships, #?. 15 C.C. Minor Ss. held at the Sen,, also 15 Boro' Ss. 9 given by Local Co-operative Societies. Derby C. B. Municipal Secondary Sch., B. and G. Curriculum, $c. Und. Bd. Ed. Reg. Prep, for Cam. Locals, Lond. Mat., Lond. Cham, of Comto., &c. Eng. Sub., Mathematics, French, German, Drawing, Elem. Science, Chemistry, Physiology and Hygiene, . Grammar Sch., Crediton, B. Curriculum, $c. Und. Bd. Ed. Reg. Prep, for Cam. Locals. Scholarships, $c. 4 Ent. S*., 3 Lvg. Ss., value 60. Grammar Sch., Kingsbridge, B. Curriculum, ^r. Und. Bd. Ed. Reg. Prep, for Ox. Locals. Scholarships, $c. 8 Ent. Ss., value tuition less. Grammar Sch., Newton Abbot, B. Curriculum, 0. Grammar Sch., Beaminster, D. Curriculum, $r. Und. Bd. Ed. R p g. Prep, for Cam. L jcals. Scholarships, $c. Local En>. Ss. ann. in December Grammar Sch. (Milton Abbas), Blandford, B. Cii'riculuin, $c. Prep, for Cam. Local?. Grammar Sch., Gillingham, D. Curriculum, $c. Und. Bd. Ed. Reg. Prep, for Ox. L cals, Univs., Prof, or Comme'cial life. Eng. Sub., French, Classics, Mathematics, Science (Th. and Prac.), Drawing, Commercial Subjects, Prac. Land Surveying, &c. Scholarships, c. Ent. Ss. (10 p.c. of places), exempting from tuition fee?, one half to local candidates and one half open. Grammar Sch., Shaftesbury, B. Curriculum, ^c. Und. Bd. Ed. R^g. Prep, for Cam. Locals. Scholarships, <$c. 4 Ent. Ss., value tree tuition ; 4 do. value 3. Grammar Sch. (Foster's Endowed), Sherborne, BL Curriculum, $r. Und. Bd. Ed. Reg. 4 yrs.' course. P ep. for Locals. Scholarships, $c. 10 p.c. of places free, awarded on exim. 1 Lvg. Ss., value 21, ten. at King's Sch. Grammar Sch. (Queen Elizabeth's), Wimborne, B. Curriculum, $c. Und. Bd. Ed. Reg. Prep, for Ox. Locale. Sandecotes Sch., Parkstone, G. (C.E.C.) Cu riculum, $c. Adapted to suit individual cases. Prop, for Univ. Exams., &c. Secondary Sch., Poole, M. Cwricutim, $c Und. Bd. Ed. Reg. Scholarships, \v. Und. B '.Ed. Reg. Systetuuticiris'ruot'oniu Practical Science,n's work. Gateshead C B - Secondary Day Sch., M. Qitr/icutwn $C Cud. I; 1 , l-'.il. i: g. Kn^. Sul.., Fn-i ch, Lat'n, Mathematics, Science, Drawing, Cookery, Woodwoik, tfco. P French, Science, Drawing, Drill, Litin or B okkeeping, Shorthand, ., Engineering, &c- Eng. Sub., Classics, Mathematics, French, Natural Science, &c. (German or Physics may be taken instead of Greek.) HFOHER EDUCATION. 315 Scholarships, $<. 2 Ent. Ss. of 50 p. a., 2 do. of 40, offered ann. in July. Also House Ss., value 10 eich. 1 Lvg. Ss., value 30, 1 do. value 20, off-red ann., ten. at Ox. or Cam. Endowed Sch., Chipping Sodbury, B. Currtculunt) A' " -SyU^Lus of Cum. Jun, Local followed. Endowed Sch. (Marling), Stroud, B. Garricithim, i\r. Und. Bd. Ed. Reg. EH?. Sub., Greek, Latin, French, German, Mathematics, Chemistry and Physics, Geometrical Drawing, Bookkeeping, Short- hand, &c. Prep, for Lond. Mat., also, if required, for lot. Sc. Scholarships, $c. 2 8s., value 50 ann. each, tan. for 2 yrs. at Leeds Univ. (Dyeing Dept.). 1 do. value 30 a yr. for 3 JK. Cand. must have passed Lond. Mat. 1st Class, and Int. Sc. Lond. Govs. may maintain Exhs. ana. value not more than 30, ten. at approved place of Hgr. Education. Cand. must have been 3 yrs. in the Sch. At present there are 7 83. from El. Scan. County High Sch., Cheltenham, G. Curriculum, fa. Und. Bd. Ed. Reg. i j rep. for Ox. and Cam. Locals, Lond. and B'ham. Mat., and, if desired, Int. B,A. or B.Sc. Grammar Sch., Cheltenham, B. Cin-i-ir/ilitin, ^V.^Uml. Bd. Bd. Re?. Prep, for Uiiivs., Woolwich and Sandhurst, Navy, Lond. and B'hrtm Mut., Prof. Prel. Exams., Lond. Int. and Degree, Civil Service, King's Ss., Ox. Locals, &c. Scholarships, $c.l Ss., value 90 to 100 ann., for 4 yrs., ten. at Ox. Univ. ; 1 ten. for 3 yrs. at a Uaiv., open to boys who have been at the Sch for 3 yrs. or more ; 2 giving free tuition, open to boys who have been at least 3 consecutive terms in the Sch. ; 10 Fdn. Ss., value feee, I Exh., value tuition for 1 or 2 yr*>., open to boys who have attended Pub. El. Scho. in the boro' for at least 2 yrs. B -ys und. 10 and 13 may be nom. for admission to Christ's Hospital. Grammar Sch., Chipping Campden, B. Cwmriculttm, $c. Prep, for Ox. Locals. HchohirxhijjN, fa. 1 Lvg. Ss., ten. for 4 yrs. at Pembroke Coll., Ox. Grammar Sch., Cirencester, B. ('ai'i'ii-nltiin, i\v. Und. Bd. Ed. Reg. Prep, for Ox. Locals. Scholarships, fa. Ent. Ss., ami. value 25. Grammar Sch., Tewkesbury, B. C'urrifttlwst, fa. Und. Bd. Ed. Reg. Eng. Sub., Aiithmetic, Algebra, Geome- try, Chemistry, Physics, Drawing, Latin, Mod. Lang., 'Shorthand, Bookkeep- ing, Land Surveying, Agrjulti/re, &c. Prep, for Univs., Cam. Local?, Prel. Prof. Exams., &c. Scholarships, fa. 20 Free 8 ., 8 being reserved to the Boroughs of Tewkesbury and A^hchurcb. Secondary Sch., Lydney, M. Curriculum, $c. UK!. Bd. Ed. Reg.~Sp. Sub., English, Mathematics, Art and Science. Scholarships, fa. 4 free Ss. for children of employees in the cin-plate works. C.C. Jun, S.. held at the Sch. Bristol C. B.~ Clifton College, B. Curriculum, c. Classical, Modern, and Military Sides, also Engineering Class. Eog. Sub., French, Latin (Greek, Class. Side; German, Mod. Side), Mathematics, at the College as follows : 2 or more of 100 ; 1 or more of 50 (wh. may be inc. to 70) ; 1 or more of 2f> (wh. may be inc. to 50) ; 1 of 25 for excellence in Music ; and not more than 6 Hojse Exh. of 25. Also Council 89. of 25 and 50 (wh. may be inc.), open to boys whether in the College or not, ten. for 2 yrs as follows: 2 or more to boys und. 17, 2 or more to boys und. 16, 2 or more to boys und. 15, and 1 or more to boys und. 14. 1 Jun. Sch Ss. of 25 p. a. for 2 yrs., open to boys in the Jun. Sch. "l Mathematical Ss. of 20, ten. for 1 yr. 1 Mod. Lang. Ss. (Erg., French, and German), value 20 for 1 yr. ; 1 or more French and German Ss., value 25, for 1 yr. ; 1 Ss. of 25 a yr. for 2 yrs. at the College, open to the sons of Old Cliftoniana between 13 and 17 who entered the Sch. before 15, and have been at least 3 full terms at the Sch. (Also nominations reducing tuition fee by 5 p.a.) Lvg. Ss. 2 of 50 a yr. for 4 yrs., ten. at Ox. or Cam. (1 ann.), 3 Exb. ann., value 25 p.a. each (wh. may be inc. to 50), ten. at an Eng. Univ. 316 HIGHER EDUCATION. Cathedral Sch,, B Curriculum, $c.- Arithmetic, Algebra, Euclid, Bookkeeping, Eng. Sub., Latin, French, Nat. Science, Shorthand, Drawing &c. Greek and German extra?. Scholarships, $e.2 Exit. Ss. of 4 10?., ten. for 2 yrs. ; Card, must be utd. 12. 2 Sen. do., open to boys und. 14 who have been, in the Sob. for 2 yrs. 1 Musical Sf . of 3, ten. for 1 yr. ; Cand. must have been in the Sch. for 2 yrs. 1 Ss., entitling to free tuition in the Sen. Day Classes of the Merchant Venturers' Coll. for 3 or 4 yrs., open to the boy obtaining most marks in the highest form during the yr. Jun. SP. of the C.C. and the C.B.C. are ten. at the Sch. Colston's Sch., B. Curriculum, $c. Und. Bd. Ed. Reg. Scholarships, # litrships, 4'r. Fdn. S*., value freeluition to 16 years of age (subject to favour- able report ann. from Hd.M.) to the extent of 10 p.c. of number on roll. Also 10 p.c. half free places. Isle of Wight Ad- C - County Secondary Sch., Sandown, M. Curriculum, Qc. Und. Bd. Ed. Keg. Prep, for Trade, Commercial, or Prof, career, Public Exams., Arc. Scholarships, $e. 125 Ss., v*lue free tuition (including 20 Ss. for intending P.Ts., to which an allowance of 5 p.a. is added). Travelling expenses also allowed where necessary. HEREFORDSHIRE- Cathedral Sch., Hereford B. Curriculum, $r. Classical Side prepares for Univs., Public Schs., Arc. Mod' m Side for Commercial life. Sp. Courses arranged for Sp. Exams. Eng. Sub., French, Latin, Greek (Modern Side: German, Drawing, Shorthand), Mathematics, &c. Prep, for Exams, of Ox. and Cam. Bd. Scholarships, $c. 4 Sen. Ss. ann. for boys und. 14 ; 4 Jun. do. for boys und. 12 ; 4 Ent. Ss. open to Hereford boys und. 14 all value tuition fees. Also 2 Hou^e Se. unn., ten. with or without a Jun. or Sen. Ss., value 20 p.a. 2 Lvg. Ss., value 60 p.a. each ; 4 do., value 52 p.a. each, ten. for 4 >rs. at Braseoose Coll., Ox. 2 Kxh., value 50 p.a. each, ten. for 3 yrs. : and 3 do., value 40 p.a. ech, teo. for 4 yrs. at St. John's Coll., Cam. 3 Exh., value 50 p.a. each (or 6 value 2) p.a.), ten. at any Uoiv., with or without a Ss. Grammar Sch., Bromyard, B. f', (l -rii-iifwn, <$ Sc. and Art Classes und. Bd. Ed. Reg. Prep, for C.P. Exame., ); 2 do. for Brds., value fees (35). A yearly sum of 50 may be applied in establishing Exh., ten. at approved place of Hgr. Education, open to boys who have attended the Sch. for 2 yrs. Also 10 to help a boy or boys into any profession or employment. Scholars of special promise and teaching aptitude may be apptd. as P.T.'s, receive instruction, and assist in ordinary work ; reasonable remuneration may be awarded. Grammar Sch., Spalding, M. Curriculum, $c. Und Bd. Ed. Reg. Prep, for Cam. Locals, A:r. Scholarships, $c. 4 each yr., open to scholars from the El. Schs. of the district, Kesteven Ad, C. Grammar Sch., Corby, M. Curriculum, $e. Prep, for Univ. Locals, &c. Scholarships, $c. 12 Ent. Ss., value fees. Grammar Sch. (Carre's), Sleafprd, B. Curriculum, $c. Und. Bd. Ed. Reg. Prep, for Cam. Locals, &c. Scholarships, $c. 3 Ent. Ss. ann., ten. for 3 yrs. Grantham Sch. (King Edward VI.), B. Curriculum, je. Und. Bd Ed. Reg. Classical and Modern Sides. Prep, for Univs., Mat., Army, Navy, Civil Service, Prof, and Business life. Eng. Sub., Mathematics, French, Latin, Greek (Modern Side, German). Drawing, Shorthand, and Bookkeeping (if required). Scholarships, $c. 10 Ss., value tuition fees for 3 yrs. 12 Boarding Ss ann value 15 p.a. 3 Exh., value 12, 10, and 8 resp. 8 Exh. of 10 p.a. open to boys und 11. 1 Lvg. Exh. of 40 p.a., ten. for 3 yrs. at Cam. ; 2 do. of .35 p.a. (open only to boys from Grantham or Oakham Schs.) ; 3 do,, value 25 p.a., ten. at either Univ, 336 HIGHER EDUCATION. High Sch., Stamford, G. Ctwrieulum,) $c Und. Bd. Ed. Reg. 4 yrs.' Course. Scholarships, $c. 4 Ent. Ss., value free tuition for 2 yrs. ; Cand. must be und. 14. 2 do. on results of ann. exam, to girls already in the Sch. County Ss. ten. at the Sch. Sedgebrook Secondary Day Sch., B. Curriculum, $c. Und. Bd. Ed. Reg. Sp. Course. Scholarships, $c. None from Trust. County Ss. ten. at the Sch. Stamford Sch., B. Curriculum, $c.~ Und. Bd. Ed, Reg. Prep, for Cam. Locals, boys between 11 and 16 who have been 3 yrs. in the Sch., and remain for 2 yrs. after election ; if then proceeding to a Univ., 25 p.a. is allowed for not more than 4 yrs. longer; 1 Ss. value 30 gs. p.a. ; 2 Ss. value 25 and 20 p.a. ; 1 Ss., value 40 p.a., ten. for 3 yrs. at this or Uiiiv. Coll. Sch. ; 1 Ss., value 45 10s. p.a. ; 1 Nat. Science Exh., value about 12 10s. p.a.-; 1 Ss., ten. in the Sch., subject to ann. exam, in Political Economy, value 13 p.a.; 4 Ent. Ss., ten. 4 yrs., value 10, 15, 20, and 35, for 1st, 2nd, 3rd, and 4th yrs. (cand. must be und. 13) ; 1 Mod. Lang. Exh., ten. for 1 year, value 20 ; 1 Ss., ami. value 15, ten. for 2 years (cand. must be und. 14) ; 2 Ss. ann., value 20 each p.a., ten. for 2 yrs. on Modern Side, open to boys und. 16 ; 4 Ss. ann., for boys und. 13, 14, and 15 respoe., ten. on the Modern Side for 1 yr., value 15 15s. p.a., open to boys not in the Sch. ; 2 Ss. ann. for boys und. 14 aud 15, ten. on Classical Side for 1 yr., value 15 15s. p.a., open to boys in or out of the Sch.; 2 Lvg. Ss. ami., value 50 each, ten. for a yr. on the Continent. The following are ten. at the Univs., &c. : 1 value 17 p.a. ; 1 (Ox. or Cam.) of 30 p.a. ; 4 (Cam.) of 47 p.a. ; 5 (Ox., Cam., or Lond.) of 50 p.a.; 1 (Lond.) of 40 p.a.; 1 (Ox., Cam., or Lond.) of 42 p.a.; 1 Medical Ss., ten. for 2 yrs. at St. Thomas's Hospital, value 90 to 100 ; 4 (Ox. or Cam.) of 50 p.a. ; 1 of 25 p.a. ; 1 (Eng. or Foreign Univ.) of 54 p.a. ; 3 (Ox. or Cam.) of 40 p.a. ; 1 (any place of Hgr. Education) of 50 p.a.; 1 for Nat. Science (Ox., Cam., Lond., or Durham) of 80 p.a. ; 1 for Chemistry and Physics (any approved Science Coll.) of 25 p.a. City of London Sch., G. Curriculum, Sfc. Eng. Sub., Latin, French, German, Mathematics, Nat. Science, Drawing, *fcc. 338 HIGHER EDUCATION. Scholarships, $c. 4 Ss.,. value 10 10s. for one yr., to girls who have been 1 yr. at the Sch,, awarded on results of Jt. Bd. Lower Cert. Exam.; 1 Ent. Ss. of 12 gs. p.a. for 2 yrs., open to cand. und. 14; 1 Ss. of 30 for 1 yr., awarded on results of Jt. Bd. Higher Cert. Exani. : cand. must have been a yr. at the Sch. ; 1 Ss. of 40 p.a., ten. in the Sch. for 3 yrs., awarded on results 6f Jt. Bd. Lower Cert. Exam.: cand. must have been 2 yrs. in the Sch. ; 1 Lvg. Ss. of 50 p.a. for 3 yrs., ten. at Ox. or Cam. ; 1 do. of 50 p.a. for 2 yrs., ten. at any Univ. Coll.: cand. must have been 3 yrs. in the Sch. City Sch,, Westminster, B. Curriculum, $c. Prep, for Cam. Locals, &c. Scholarships, $c. 20 Ent. Ss. ; also Lvg. Ss. to total value of 500 p.a. Coborn Sch., Bow-road, G. Curriculum, $c. Und. Bd. Ed. Reg. Eng. Sub., Nat. Science, Mathematics, French, Latin, German, &c. K.G. Training. Prep, for Froebel Certs., Cam. Locals, Lond. Mat., &c. Scholarships, $c. 3 Lvg. Ss., value 20 to 30 p.a., ten. for 3 yrs. at approved place of Hgr. Education. ; 1 do. of 30 p.a., ten. for 2 yrs. Coborn Ss., ten. for 3 yrs, at the Sch., are awarded arm., value free tuition and books ; some are given to girls from Pub. El. Schs. of the district. College (Christ's), Blackheath, B. Curriculum, $c. Prep, for Lond. Mat., Univ. Ent., Und. Bd. Ed. Reg. Scholarships, $c> 20 Ent. Ss., value fees ; 3 Lvg. Ss., Value 30 each ; 1 do., value 1 40 p.a. Emmanuel Sch,, Wandsworth Common, B. Curriculum, Prep, for Public Schs., Univ. Locals, Lond. Mat., Prof, and Commercial life. CLihsical and Modern Sides. Foundation Sch. (Raine's), Cannon -street-road, E., M. Curriculum, $c. Und. Bd. Ed. Reg. Prep for Ox. Locals, &:c. Scholarship*, $r. Ab. 120 Ent'. Ss., and 7 Lvg. Ss. Foundation Sch., Whitechapel-road, Stepney, B. Curriculum, $c. Und. Bd. Ed. Reg. Eng. Sub., French, Spanish, Mathematics, Prac. and Theo. Science, Drawing, Bookkeeping, &c. Latin in sp. cases. HIGHER EDUCATION. Scholarships, $c. Fdn. Ss., value tuition fees, books, &c., ten. at the Sch. from yr. to yr., subject to satisfactory progress, 8 being awarded to pupils of at least a yr.'s standing who are highest at the annual exams. (At present there are ab. 20 receiving free ed., 20 do. + 30s. p. a., and 16 Exh. of 15 p.a. each.) Lvg. Exh. ann. value 30, ten. for 3 yrs. at approved place of Hgr. Education, open to boys who have completed Sch. course. George Green's Sch., Poplar, D. Curriculum, $c. Und. Bd. Ed. Reg. Prep, for Ox. Locals, &c Scholarships^ $c. 15 Ent. Ss., value fees. Lvg. Ss., value 20 p.a. for 3 yrs. Grammar Sch. (St. Clement Dane's), Aldwych, B. Curriculum, $e. Prep, for Ox. and Cam. Locals, c. Scholarships, $c. Ent. Ss., value fees, open to boys from Public El. Schs. Grammar Sch., Battersea, B. Curriculum, $c. Und. Bd. Ed. Beg. Eug. Sub., French, German, Latin, Greek (if required) , Science, Mathematics, Drawing, Bookkeeping and Business Methods^ Commercial Correspondence, Shorthand, Typing (if required), Prep, for Civil Service, Univs., Lond. Mat., Prof. Prel. Exams., Cam. Locals, &c. Scholarships, $c. Ent. Ss. offered ann., also L.C.C. Ss. ten. at the Sch. Lvg. Exh. and Ss. ten. at places of Hgr. Education awarded by Go vs. Grammar Sch. (Colfe's), Lewisham, B. Curriculum, $c. Prep, for Cam. Locals, &c. Scholarships, $c. 3 Ent. Ss. ann., vahie fees; 25 Fdn. Ss. ann., open to boys already in the Sch. Lvg. Ss. to value of 100 p.a. Grammar Sch., St. Marylebone, B. Curriculum, $c. Prep, for Cam. Locals, &c. Scholarships, $.- 3 Ss., value 6 each p.a. Haberdashers' (Aske's) Sch., Hatcham, G. Curriculum, $c. "Und. Bd. Ed. Reg. Prep, for Univs., Ox. and Cam. Locals, and other public exams. Eng. Sub., French, German, Latin, Mathematics, Nat. Science, Drawing, &c. Scholarships, $c. Exlis. granting remission of fees awarded by Govs. on results of exams. Also Fdn. Ss. granted on certain conditions (to be had on application) . 1 Ss. value 20 p.a., ten. for 3 yrs. at the Schs. open to children of members of Haberdashers' Co., who have been 6 months 'in the sch. Ab. 200 to 300 p.a. awarded ann. in Exh., ten. at places of Hgr. Education, value 30 to 50 p.a. each. Haberdashers' (Aske's) Sch., Hatcham, B. Curriculum, $c. Und. Bd. Ed. Reg; Prep, for Cam. Locals, &c. Scholarship)^ $c. 7 Ent. Ss., value 10 each p.a. Lvg. Ss., ten. at places of Hgr. Education, awarded to ann. value of 200. Haberdashers' (Aske's) Sch., Hampstead, B. Curriculum, $c. Und. Bd. Ed, Reg. Prep, for Cam. Locals, &c. Scholarships, $c. 3 Ent. Ss., value fees (close). Lvg. Ss. value 30 to 80 p.a* for 3 or 4 yrs , ten. at place of Hgr. Education. High Schs. : Blackheath, Clapham Common, Dulwich, S. Hampstead, Highbury, Kensington, Notting Hill, Paddington and Maida Vale, E. Putney, Streatham Hill, and Sydenham, G. (all G.P.D.S. Schs.) Curriculum, $c. Eng. Sub., Mathematics, French, German, Latin, Greek, Chemistry, El. Phy. Science, Drawing, &c. Prep, for Univs k Jt. Bd. Exams., Lond. Mat., Froebel Cert., &c. At Clapham there is a Training Dept. for Sec:. Sch. Tchrs., and for Art. At Blackheath, Clapham, Notting Hill, and Streatham Hill there are special Domestic Economy Courses for girls who have completed the Sch. Course. Scholarships, $c. 1 or 2 Ss. ann. at each Sch., value 12 to 15 p. a for 2 yrs., open to girls between 15 and 17. 1 Bursary of 10 for 1 yr. open to girls of any of the Co.'s Schs. Also Sp. Ss. at Clapham. 1 Ss. value free tuition for 2 yrs., ten., at Dulwich Sch., open to girls who have been a yr. in the sch. ; 2 Ss. arm., value 15 and 10 resp., ten. at Highbury Sch.; 1 Musical Ss. aim.', awarded to the best pianoforte pupil, value free Musical tuition for 1 yr., ten. at Streatham Hill Sch. High Sch. (Church of England), Graham-st,, Eaton-sq., G. Curriculum, $r. Eng. bub., French, German, Latin, Greek, Mathematics, El* Pby . Science, Drawing, &c. ' iftjiolarshipi, $c. '2 S,s., value 30 and 15 resp., ten. at Ox. or Cam., and open to gills who have been 3 yrs. at the Sch. HIGHER EDUCATION. Ui High Sch., Colville-sq., Kennington Park, G. (C.S.C.) Curriculum, $c. Eng. Sub., Mathematics, Chemistry, Botany, Pliy. Science, French, German, Latin, Greek, Drawing, &c. Prep, for Ox. and Cam. Locals, Loud. Mat., &c. Scholarship*. $c. 1 Ss. value 15 p. a. for 2 yrs., awarded on results of exam, to a girl bet wee a 15 aud 17. High Sch. (Church of Eng.), Upper Baker-st., G. Curriculum, $c. Eng. Sub., Mathematics, French, German, Latin, Phy. Science, Drawing, &c. High Sch. (Howrah House) (R.C.), Poplar, G. Curriculum, Und. Bd. Ed. Reg. Prep, for Cam. Locals, Lond. Univ. Lvg. Certs., &c. Scholarship, $c> 30 Ent. Ss., value fees; 6 Lvg. Exhs., ten, at places of Hgr. Education. Parmiter's Sch., Bethnal Green, B. Curriculum, c. Und. Bd. Ed. Reg. Prep, for Ox. Locals, &c. Scholarships, $c. 40 Ent. Ss., value 10 each; 3 Lvg. Ss., value 30 p.a., ten. at places of Hgr. Education. Polytechnic Secondary Sch., Woolwich, M. Curriculum, $c. Und. Bd. Ed. Reg. Eng. Sub., French, German, Latin, Mathematics, El. Science, Physics, Chemistry, Botany, Art, &c. Prep, for L.C.C. Ss,, Lond. Mat., C.P., Cham, of Comm. Exams., &c. Queenswood Sch., Clapham Park, G. Curriculum, $c. Eng. Sub., Mathematics, Science, French and German, or Latin or Greek, Drawing, &c. Prep, for Cam. and Lond. Univ. Exams. Roan Schs., Greenwich, B. & G. Curriculum, $c. Und. Bd. Ed. Reg. Eng. Sub., Latin, French, German, Mathematics, Nat. Science, Drawing, &c. 'Boys Prep, for Univ. Locals, Lond. Mat., Navy, Civil Service, &c. Scholarships, $c. 3 Lvg. Exh., value 50 each, open to boys in the Sch, ; similar Lvg. Exh. for girls, ten. at places of Hgr. Education. Royal Naval Sch. (Eltham College), B. Curriculum, $c, Prep, for Univs., Prof es -ions, and Public Servic?s, Sp. classes Navy and Army, Scholarships, $c.~ Ss,, value 33 6s. 8d. p.a., tni. at the Sch. for 3 yrs, ; Opeti Ent. Ss., value 20 to 40 p.a., open to boys between 13 and 15 (Seniors) and 11 to 13 (Juniors) ; Cl. Exh., value 10 for 3 yrs., ten. at the Sch. ; Fdn. Ss., open only to sons of Naval and Marine Officers ; 1 Lvg. Exh. value 40 p.a., 1 do. 30 p.a,) 1 do. 15 p.a., all ten. for 3 yrs. at Ox. or Cam., open to boys who have been 3 yrs. at the Sch. ; 1 Ss,, value about 40, ten. for 1 yr. ou the " Britannia " or at Osborne by a son of a Naval or Marine Officer. St. Olive and St. Saviour's Sch., Tower Bridge, B. Curriculum, $c. Eng. Sub., French, German, Greek, Latin, Mathematics, Chemistry, Physics, Drawing, Short band, Bookkeeping, &c. Prep. for. Univ. Ent., Lond. Univ. and Civil Servica Exams., &e. Scholarships, $c. A number of Fdn. Ss., value fees, awarded on results of Ent. Exams. ; also Fdn. Maintenance Ss. to ann. value of 400, open to all boys in the Sch. ; Lvg. Exh. to total ann. value of 500, ten. at Univs., Medical Coll/, or other places of advanced education, value 30 to 80 each p.a. St. Paul's Sch., Kensington, B. Curriculum, $c. Eng Sab., Classics, Mathematics, French, German, Drawing, &c. Sp. classes prep, for Univ. Mathematical Ss., Woolwich, Civil Engineering Coll., &c. Also sp. classes for Chemistry and Physics, prep, for Univ. Science Ss, Lond. Mat., &c. Scholarships, $r. 153 Fdn. Ss., exempting from cut. and tuition fees. Jua. Ss., open to all boys uud. 15, and ten. to the age of 17. San. Ss. open to all boys und. HIGHER EDUCATION. 343 17, and ten. to the age of 19. Also a number of Capitation Ss., as determined by Govs. St. Paul's Sch., Brook Green, G. Curriculum, f desired), Mathematics, Chemistry, Physics, Drawing, Piep. for Commercial life. Scholarships, $c. 3 SP., covering fees and ten. for 3 yrs., open to boys from the El. Schs. of the district; 2 do., ten. for 2 yrs., and 1 do., ten. for 1 yr., open to boys under 14 who have attended the Sch. at least 1 yr. Mill Hill Sch. B. Curriculum, $c. Classical and Modern Sides. German may bo substituted for Greek, and on Modern Side Chemistry, Bookkeeping, and Shorthand take the place of Latin. Prep, for Jt. Bd. Exams., &c. Scholarships $c 10 Ent. Ss. ann., value 15 to 90 p.a. 1 Exh. for each 10 boys in the Sch. nouse granted to the sons of Protestant Christian Ministers on the rec. of the Hd. M.. value 20 to 44 gs. p.a., ten. at the Sch. house. Jun.. and Sen. Ss., value 10 and 20 ann. 3 Lvg. Ss., value 70 p.a. each, ten. at Ox. or Cam. for 3 yrs. ; 1 do., value 15 p.a. for 3 yrs., ten. at a Brit. Univ. ; 1 do. of 50 p.a., ten. at Univ. Coll. or New Col'., Lond.. for 3 yrs. ; 1 do. of 30 p.a.. Govs. Ss. of 20 and 30 p.a., and 1 of 20 p.a., all ten. at a Brit. Univ. for 3 yrs. Stationers' Co.'s Sch., Hornsey. B. Curriculum, $c. Und. Bd. Ed. Reg. Eng. Sub. French. German, Latin, Mathe- matics. Chemistry, Nat. Science, Drawing, &c. Greek and Shorthand optional. Prep, for C.P. Exams., &c. Scholarshi}38, $c.G Ss., value 20 p.a. each (4 ten. for 4 years and 2 for 2 yrs. at the Sch.). 20 Exh. exempting from half fees, ocen to boys who have been for at least 3 yrs. pupils in London or Hornsey Public E). Schs. 1 Lvg. Ss., value 40 p.a. ; 1 do., value 80. Polytechnic Secondary Sch., Hounslow, M. Curriculum, ^r. Und. Bd. Ed. Reg. Prep, for Prel. Cert, and Lond. Mat. Exam, Scholarships, fie. Free places for recognised P.T.'s from the county. HIGHER EDUCATION. 845 Technical Institute, Brentford, M. (evgs. only). Curriculum, $r. Intermediate Sch., Domestic Classes, Commercial Classes, and Instruction in Manual and Industrial trade* of the locality. Technical Institute, Baling (evgs. only). Gurricttlum, $c. Art, Science, Technology, Commercial, Domestic and Continua- tion Classes. * ug Scholarships, $c. 3 P.T. Ss. have been given by the Eali Ed. Com. to boys from the Tech. Inst., ten. at the County Sch. NORFOLK. Norfolk Ad. 0. College (Saham), Walton, B. Curriculum, $c. Eng. Sub., Latin, French, MathemVic?, Bookkeeping, Short- hand, Drawing, Science (Greek ex.). Prep, for Univ. Locals, C.P. Exams., &c. Grammar Sch., Banham, B. Curriculum, $c. Prep, for Cam. Locals, Lond. Mat., &e. Scholarships, $c.C.C. Ss. are ten. at the Sch. Grammar Sch. (Hall's), Snettisham, B. Curriculum, $c. Eng. Sub., Mathematics, Science, Latin, Greek, French, German, Drawing, Bookkeeping, Shorthand, &c. Prep, for Cam. Locals, Lond. Mat., fec. Classical and Modern Courses. Scholarships, $c. 6 Ss. granting free tuition, open to boys from the parish. Grammar Sch. (Hamond's), Swaffham, B. Curriculum, $e. Und. Bd. Ed. Keg. Prep, for Cam. Locals, &c. Scholarships, $c.& Ent. Ss. Gresham's Sch., Holt, B. Curriculum, $c. Eng. Sub., Mathematics, Nat. Science, French, German, Latin, Greek (if required), Drawing, &c. Prep, for Univs., Army, Navy, and Professions. Scholarships, $c. 1 or more open Ss. ; 4 to boys living within 5 miles of the Sch., value tuition fees (2 also granting 10 p.a.), 4 to boys whose parents reside in County, ten. only by brds., value tuition fees-f- 21 p.a. ; 1 open competitive Ss. of 30 p.a. ; 2 Ss. ann., value 50 p.a. each, preference being given to sons of members of the Fishmongers' Co. All. Ss. ten. for 2 yrs. and renewable for not more than 3 yrs. longer. 1 Exh. at least each yr., ann. value 60, ten. for 3 yrs. at a Univ. Lydgate House Prep. Sch., Hunstanton, B. Curriculum, $c. Prep, for Public Schs., Naval Coll., &c. Eng. Sub., Mathe- matics, Latin, French, Greek or German, Elem. Science, &c. Municipal Technical Inst., King's Lynn, M. Curriculum, $c. Courses in Art, Science, Mathematics, Mechanics, Commercial Subjects, Mod. Lang., Manual, Cookery, &c. Norwich, C.B. Bracondale Sch., B. Curriculum, &c. Eng. Sub., Classics, Mod. Lang., Mathematics, Physical and Nat. Science. Prep, for Civil Service, Cam. Sen. Locals, C.P. Exams., &c. Scholarships, $r. Boys are occasionally taken without fee. At present there are three. High Sch., G. (G.P.D.S.) Curriculum, c. Eng. Sub., Mathematics, French, German, Latin, Greek, Chemistry, Physical Science, Drawing, &c. Prep, for Jt. Bd. Exams., Lond. Mat. and Int., Froebel C., &c. Scholarships, $c. One or 2~Ss. ann., value 12 to 15 p.a. each, ten. for 2 yrs. Also a Bursary of 10 for 1 year, open to pupils at any of the Go's. Schs. Municipal Secondary Sch., Duke-street, D. Curriculum, d|V. Und. Bd. Ed. Reg. Prep, for Cam. Locals, Prep, for Cam. Locals, &c. Scholarships, $c. 5 Ent. Fdn. Ss. Also Lvg. S?. to ann. value of 150. Magdalen Coll. Sch., Brackley, B. Curriculum, $c. Und. Ed. Ed. Reg. Eng. Sub., Mathematics, Science, French, Latin, Greek, German and Commercial Sub. (if required). Prep, for Ox. Locals, Civil Service, Lond. Mat., Univ. Ss., &c. Scholarships, $c.-~ Ss. Scheme being revised. At present 10 Ent. Ss., value 5. Oundle Sch., B. Curriculum, $c. Classical, Modern (incl. Army and Navy Classes), Science, and Engineering Sides. Prep, for Univs., Lond. Mat., Prof. Prel. Exams., Civil Service, Science Exams., Civil, Mechanical and Electrical Engineering, &c. Scholarships, $c. 12 Jun. Ss., open to boys und. 14 ; 9 Sen. do., for boys und. 16, ten. at the Sch. for 3 yrs., value 30 to 40 p.a. 4 Exh., value 50, for 4 yrs., ten. at Ox. or Cam. Univ. Northampton C. B.- High Sch., G. (C.S.C.) Curriculum, 24 Ss., open to boys from Boro' El. Schs., and 24 do. to boys from County El. Schs. who are between 10 and 13, giving free tuition fur 3 yrs. and books 1st yr. 9 of above are Maintenance Ss., and holder receives in addition 15 or 10 p.a. for 5 or 3 yrs., ace. to ability. Soke of Peterborough Ad. C. Deacon's Sch., Peterborough, B. Curriculum, $c. Und. Bd. Ed. Reg. Eng. Sub., Mathematics, Bookkeeping and Shorthand, French (German and Latin if required), Prac. and Theoretical Science, Drawing, &c., Prep, for Prof. Ent. Exams., Civil Service, Business Life, and Engineering. Scholarships, $c. 15 Fdn. Ss., open to boys from Public El. Schs.j giving free tuition and 2 p.a. 6 C.C. Ss., open to boys from the County area. County Tech. Sch., Peterborough, M. Curriculum, $c. Courses of instruction in Art (incl. Architecture), Engineering, Building Construction. General Science, and French. Scholarships, $c> 50 Free Ss. awarded on results of Exam., ten. for 1 jr. and re- newable for a 2nd yr. on the rec. of the Hd. M. Cand. must be over 12 and reside in the County. HIGHER EDUCATION. 347 King's Grammar Sch., Peterborough, B. Curriculum, $c. Prop, for Ox. Locals, &c. Scholarships, $e. 10 Ent. Ss., 2 Lvg. do. NORTHUMBERLAND. Northumberland Ad. C. Duke of Northumberland's Sch., Alnwick, B. Curriculum, 0. Und. Bd. Ed. Reg. 4 yrs.' Course in Lang. (French., Latin, Greek, if 'desired), Literature, Science and Mathematics. Prep, for Cam. Locals, .), one-half open to all boys und. 15, and one-half closed to boys und. 13 from Public- El. Schs. of the district. Also 2 do. open to all boys und. 13, 3 Lvg. Exh. value 30 p.a., 1 do. value 50 p.a., ten. at a Univ. Newcastle C. B. Armstrong Coll., M. Scholarships, $c. 10 Ss. open to either sex, ten. for 2 yrs. and renewable if progress satisfactory, admitting to any ordinary day courses. Cand, must be resident in the Boro'. Bursaries may be granted by Ed. Com. in necessitous cases. 12 Art Ss. (2 day, 10 evg.) ten. for 1 yr. and renewable for a 2nd and 3rd year. College (Rutherford), D. Curriculum, ^r. Und. Bd. Ed. Reg. Eng. Sub., Latin, French, German, Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, Mechanics, Drawing, &c. (Physiology and Hygione for Girls.) Prep, for Mat. and other Univ. Prel. Exams., C.P. Exam., and Durham Locals. Scholarships, $r. 30 Corporation Ss. ann. to children from Public El. Schs. in the Boro', value fees and books, ten. for 4 yrs., C.C. Ss. also ten at the Sch. Between 50 and 60 pupils at reduced fees. Elswick Inst., M. Curriculum, c. Open to children who have passed St. VI. of a Public El. Sch. Subjects include Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, Drawing, Eng. Sub., &c. Scholarships, $c. All places free to children of those engaged at the Elswick Works. Endowed Sch. (Allan's), B. Curriculum, $c. Eng. Sub., French, Latin (alternative), Mathematics, Chemistry, Geometry, Drawing, &c. Ditto, G. Curriculum, ^r. Eng. Sub., French, Latin (in highest forms only), Mechanics, Botany, Physiology, Hygiene, Drawing, &c, Prep, for Cam. Locals. Scholarships, $c. 30 Fdn. Ss., value tuition fees -f- 3 p.a. each; 30 do., value tuition fees (20 of each awarded to bnys and 10 of each to girls), ten. to the age of 16 boys, 17 girls, half awarded to pupils already in the Sch. on results of Sch. exam., andtbe other half to pupils who have attended Public El. Sch. in the district for 3 yrs., preference being given to Schs. where Religious Instruction is in accordance to jibe doctrines of the Church of England. Exhs., ann. value not more than 20, ten, 348 HIGHER EDUCATION, for not more than 3 yrs. at an approved place of Hgr, Education, may be awarded at the discretion of the Govs. Grammar Sch. (Royal), B. Ourrieulum, $v.~ Und. Bd. Ed. Reg. Eng. Sub., Latin, French, German, Greek (extra), Mathematics, Physicp, Chemistry, Drawing, c. Prep, for Cam. Locals and Univ. Ss. Scholarships^ $e. 15 Ss., value free tuition and books, ten. for 3 yrs., op^nto boys who have attended Public El. Schs. in the Boro' for at Ifast 3 yrs, Fdn. Ss. to 1 boy in every 10, value total exemption, and to 1 boy in eveiy 10 partial exemption from fees. 5 Lvg. Ss., 1 value 75 p.a., 3 ,40, and 1 30, each ten. for 3 yrs. Grammar Sch. (St. Cuthbert's R.C.), B. Curriculum, $c. Und. Bd. Ed. Reg. Ener. Sub., Latin, Greek, French, Mathe- matics, Physics, Chemistry, Drawing, &c. Prop, for Lond. Mat. Scholarships, $c. None, but in virtue of grant received from the City Cl. the Govs. provide a certain number of free or partially free studentships, High Sch. (Central Newcastle), G. (G.P.D.S.) OurrictttMmj c. Und. Bd. Ed. Reg. Eng. Sub., Latin, German, French, Nat. Science, Physics, Chemistry, Botany. Prep, lor Lond. Mat., etc. Scholarships, $c. 1 Ss., value 16 p.a., ten. for 2 yrs, awarded ami. to a girl between 15 and 17 who has been at least 1 yr. at one of the Company's Schs. High Sch., Newcastle, G. Curriculum, #c. lmd. Bd. Ed. Reg. Eng 1 . Sub., Latin, German, French, Greek, Mathematics, Nat. Science, Botany, Physics, Drawing, &c. Prep, for Cam. Locals, Lond. and Durham Mat , &c. Scholarships, $c. 1 Ss.. value 10 p. a., ten. for 1 yr., awarded to the pupil und. 18 who is first at the ann. Sch. Exam. St. Anne's B.C. Sch., G. Curriculum, $c. Eng. Sub., French, Latin, Nat. Science, Drawing, Domestic Economy, &c. Tynemouth C. B. Municipal Secondary Sch., D. Curriculum, $c Und. Bd. Ed. Reg. General Education 1st 2 yrs., specialised in 3rd and 4th yrs. Literary and Scientific prep, for Univs., Civil Service, Teaching and other profs. Business and Commercial prep, for Mining, Engineering, or Commercial life. Domestic for girls. Scholarships, $c. 27 free places granted for 1st and 2nd yrs. Ss. to all showing special merit in 1st and 2nd yrs., value 8 and 10 -j- free tuition, &c., in 3rd and 4th yrs. of course. NOTTINGHAMSHIRE. Notts- Ad. C.- Grammar Sch. (Queen Elizabeth's), Mansfield, B. Curriculum, &c, Ond. Bd. Ed. Keg. Eng. Sub., Latin, Greek, French, German, Mathematics, Nat. Science, Chemistry, Physics, Drawing, Corrfspondeice, and Precis Writing. Boys may follow Modern, Classical, Com., or Scientific Course. Prep, for Lond. Mat., Prof. Exams., Cam. Locals, and Univs. Scholarships, $c. Fdn. Ss., not exceeding 1 for each 10 boys, value partial or total exemption from tuition fees. C.C. Ss. ten. at the Sch. 1 Sch. Ss. of 20, I Exh., value 20 p.a., ten. at Ox. or Cam. Grammar Sch., Newark, B. Curriculum, $c. Und. Bd. Ed. Reg. Prep, for Ox. and Cam. Locals, &c. Scholarships, $c. 10 Ent. Ss., 1 Lvg. do., value 45. Grammar Sch., Retford, B. Curriculum, $c. Und. Bd. Ed. Reg. Prep, for Cam. Locals, &c. Grammar Sch., Southwell, B. Curriculum, $c.Sc. and Art. Classes und. Bd. Ed. Reg. Prep, fcr Ox. Locals, &c. Scholarships, $c. 12 boys taken at reduced fees. 1 Ss. of 10 a yr. open to boys from the district who have attended the Sch. for 2 yrs. Grammar Sch., Tuxford, B. Curriculum, $c. Urd. Bd. Ed. Reg. Prep, for Ox. Locals, &c. Scholarships, $c.6 Fdn. Ss. of 4 p.a. each, open to boys from Tuxford Cl. Sch, HIGHER EDUCATION. 349 Nottingham C. B. Secondary Schs. (Mundella and High Pavement), M. CUD ' matics, the , _ *.. L^,^ a . * *v,~~~ ~.^, ~ Com. life, &c. At the end of the 2nd yr. pupils may follow Literary, Com., or Scientific Side. Special 5th yr. Course prep, for Lond. Mat. Scholarships, $c. L.E.A. Ent. Ss., value free tuition, books, &c., open to children of residents who have attended a Public El. or recognised Sch. in the City, end who are in Standard V., or above, provided they pass the admission exam, and agree to complete the 4 yrs'. coarse. Also 21 Special Ss., ten. at the Sec. Scbs. for 1 or 2 yrs. value from 3 10s. to 10. Cand. must be over 13 and be the children of residents, must have attended a recognised Sch. in the City for 12 preceding months and submit satisfactory testimonials from the Hd. Tehrs. of the Schs. They must undertake to complete the prescribed Course and must pass an Ent. Exam. Cand. P.T. Ss., value fees-}-l or 5 p.a., awarded oft result of exam, at the end of 2nd yr.'s Course. Lvg. Ss., value class fees and 10 p.a. for 3 yrs., ten. at the Univ. Coll. or Sch. of Art Day Classes. Do., value class fees and 2 p.a. for not exceeding 3 yrs., ten. at the Evening Classes. (In the Mundella Sch. two- thirds of the children, and in the High Pavement 580, are Ss. holders.) High Sch. B. Curriculum, $c. Eng. Subs., Mathematics, French, Latin, Greek (if desired), Science, &c. There are 4 sections () Classical; (b) do., but excluding Greek; (o) Modern; (d) Scientific and Mathematical. Prep, for Univ. Ss. and other special exams. Scholarships, $c.~ 33 Fdn. Ss. ten. at the Sch., viz. 5 Sen. Ss., value fees and 10 p.a., open to boys in the Sch. und. 13 ; 5 Jun., value Sch. fees and 8 p.a., open to boys in the Sch. und. 13 ; 10 Fdn. Ss., value fees (3 given to boys entering the Sch. und. 11) ; 10 Ss., value fees and 5 p. a., open to boys und. 11, preference being given to boys from El. Schs. ; 3 Ss., value 14 p.a., open to boys in the Sch. Also ab. 24 other Ss., ten. at the Sch., mostly open to boys from the district or from local El. Schs. C.C. Jun. and Int. Ss. are also ten. at the Sch. 12 Exh., ten. at Ox. or Cam., viz. at least 2 value 60, ten. for 4 yrs. ; 1, value 50, ten. for 3 yrs., offered ann., mostly confined to boys who have been 3 yrs. in the Sch. High Sch., G. (G.P.D.S.)- Curricitlum, $c. Eng. Sub., Mathematics, French, German, Latin, Greek, Chemistry, Phy. Science, Drawing, &c. Prep, for Jt. Bd. Exams., Lond. Mat. and Int., Froebel, &c. Scholarships, $c. One or 2 Ss. ami., value 12 to 15 p.a. each, ten. for 2 yrs. Also a Bursary of 10 for one yr. Open to girls at any of the Co.'s Schs. OXFORDSHIRE. Oxford Ad. C.- All Saints' Sch., Bloxham, B. Curriculum, c. Prep, for Ox. Locals, &c. Scholarships, $c. 3 Ent. Ss. ann. Grammar Sch., Burford, B. Curriculum, c. Und. Bd. Ed. Reg. Prep, for Ox. Locals, &c. Grammar School (Royal), Henley- on-Thames Scholarships, $<-. 4 Ent. Ss., value 20 ; 10 free places. Grammar School (Lord Williams), Thame- Curriculum, $c. Und. Bd. Ed. Reg. Prep, for Ox. Locals, &c. Scholarships, $c. Gov.s. may grant free places to the extent of 1 in 10 if they deem it advisable. Grammar and Technical Sch., Witney, D. Curriculum, $e. Und. Bd. Ed. Reg. Municipal Sch., Banbury, M. Cwni-HltoH, 4V-. 4 yrs.' Course und. Bd. Ed. Reg. Prep, for Cam. Locals, Lond. Mat., Prof., Com., industrial, and Agricultural pursuits. Eng. Sub., French, German, Mathematics. Science (Physics, Chemistry, &t-. ; girls take Physiology, Hygiene, and Domestic Economy), Drawing, &c. Scholarships, $c.\2 Ss., value free tuition for 3 yrs., offered ann. to boys irom the Public El. Schs. of the Boro' (these are renewable) ; 4 do., value half fees for 3 yrs., offered ann., open to boys from the County area. Cand. for all above musl 350 HIGHER EDUCATION. be 13 yrs, of age. 1 Jun. Ss. ann., to enable a boy to continue his education after the termination of his El. Sch. Ss, ; at the end of a yr. a Sen. Ss. may be awarded on the rec. of the Hd. M., total value 2 \ . Queen Anne's Sch., Caversham, G Curriculum, $c, Eng. Sub., French, Botany, Domestic Economy, Laws of Health, Drawing, &c. ; Greek, Latin, and German if required. Scholarships, $c. Fdn. Ss., value total or partial tuition and boarding fees, granted to scholars in Grey Coat Hospital, Westminster, orphans and necessitous cases, selected by merit, or by the Govs. Also Exh. granted by Govs. to enable girls leaving Sch. to continue their education. Oxford C- B High Sch., B. Curriculum) $c. Eng. Sub., Latin, French (Greek and German ex 11 ten. for 3 yrs. at a Univ. 2 Ss., ten. at a Univ. or Academy of Art (Cands. for these must have been 7 terms in the Sch. and produce satisfactory report). 1 Exh. for Languages, value about 10 p.a. 2 Univ. Ss., open to boys from the district who have attended the Sch. for 3 yrs. High Sch., Stafford, G. Curriculum, ^c. -Eng. Sub., Mathematics, Science, French, German, Latin, Drawing, Art, Cookery, &c. $c C.C. Ss. ten. at the Sch. Middle Sch. (Endowed), Newcastle -under-Lyme, B. Scholarships^ $<'. A number of free places for boys from the El. Schs. of the Boro', 4 Ss. ten. at the High Sch., open to boys from the Sch. who are und. 15. Repton Sch., B. Curriculum, $c. Classical and Modern Sides. Eng. Sub., Latin, French (Classical Side, Greek), (Modern Side, German), Mathematics, Drawing, Nat. Science, Mechani- 356 HIGHER EDUCATION. cal or Electrical Engineering, Sp. Army Class prep, for San 1 hurst and Woolwich. Prep, for Univs., Public Services, or Com. life. Srhofftrfikips, $c. Ab. 30 Ent. Ss., of which G to 10 are awarded ann., valuo 20 to 80, ten. during stay in Sch. ; Canda. must b^ between 12 and 15, and must not be already in the Sch. 4 Close Fdn. Ss. (1 ann.), value 40 p.a., ten. at the Sch. for 4 yrs., granted on nom. of Govs. to boys between 10 and 15. 4 Open Fda. Ss. (1 ann.) of the name value, open to all members of the Sch. who are und. 16. 1 Ss.. value 33. ani 1 Exh., value ab. 13, ten. for 1 yr., awarded on result of Classical Exam. 1 Local Ss., value 10, ten. for 4 yrs., awarded ann. to boys between 10 and 14 whose parents have lived at least 3 yrs. in the district. A number of Reward Exh., value 10 to 30, may be granted by the Hd. M. to boys already in the Sch. and in need of assistance. 1 Ss. for Mathematics, value 30, ten. at Cam. 2 Exh. ann., ten, at a Univ. (1 value 50 p.a. for 3 yrs.. the other 25 p.a. for 2 yrs.). 1 Exh. of ab. 13. Also other Ss. and Exh. of the total value of 30 to 40 p.a. Burton- on-Trent C- B, Grammar Sch., B. Curriculum^ $c. Prep, for Cam. Locals, &c. Scholarships, $c. 1 Lvg. Ss., value 50. Hanley C- B Municipal Secondary Sch., M. Curriculum, $c. Und. Bd. Ed. Reg. Eng. Sub., Mathematics, Science, French, Latin, Art, Shorthand, &c., German and Greek if desired. Prep, for Ox. Locals, Lond. Mat., Bd. Ed., and other Exams. Scholarships, $c. L.E.A. Ss., ten. at the Sch., viz., 15 of 2 each (1st yr's. course), 8 of 9 (2nd yr.), 6 of 12 (3rd yr.), 4 of 15 (4th yr.). Also Ss. of 10 (1st), 12 (2nd), and 15 (3rd yr.). for intending P.T.'s ; 2 other Ss. 1 Lvg. Ss. of 30 p.a., for 3 yrs., ton. at a Univ. All the above are open only to Hanley children. C.C. Ss. open only to children from the County area, viz.. Minor Ss., open to pupils und. 12| from El. Schs., value 8 p.a. ; do., open to children under 13, already in the Sch. lot. Ss. for children und. 16, value 15 p.a. Major Ss., for pupils between 16 and 21, value 20 to 40 p.a. Walsall C- B - Queen Mary's High Sch., B. Curriculum, $c. Und. Bd. Ed. Reg. Prep, for Ox. Locals, Prof, and Com, life, &c. Scholarships, $c.1 Lvg. Ss. Technical Day Sch., B. Currioulurh, $c. Und. Bd. Ed. Reg. Eng. Sub., French Correspondence, Com. Geography, Mathematics, Shorthand, Type writing, Prac. and Theor. Chemistry and Physics, Mensuration, Drawing, local industries, &c. Prep, for Lond. Mat. and Civil Service Exams. Scholarships, $v. 20 Minor Ss., value free tuition for 1 yr.+2, open to boys who have been a yr. at the Sch. 20 Major Ss., value free tuition for 1 yr. -f- 3, for boys who have been 2 yrs. at the Sch! 5 Science and Art Ss., value free tuition for 3 yra. 4. 9 (1st), 12 (2nd), and 15 (3rd yr.), open to boys who have been 3 yrs. at the Sch. 2 S. and A. Exh., value 50 p.a. for 3 yrs., ten. at a Univ. or place of Hgr. Education, open to boys who have been 4 yrs. at the Sch. C.C. Ss. are also ten. at the Sch. West Bromwich C- B- Municipal Day Technical Sch., M. Curriculum, $c. Und. Bd. Ed. Reg. Prep, for Ox. Locals, &c. Wolverhampton C- B-- Grammar Sch., B. Curriculum, $c. Und. Bd. Ed. Reg. Prep, for Cam. Locals, Univ. Ss., Civil Service, Army, Navy, Prof. Prel. Exams., Engineering, Com. life, &c. Classical and Modern Sides. Eng. Sub., Latin, French (Classical Side, Greek), (Modern Side, Mod. Lang.). German, Mathematics, Mechanics, Science, Book- keeping and Shorthand (Mod.), Spanish if desired. Scholarships, $c. 3 Ss., value 60 p.a. each, ten. for 3 yrs. at Ox. or Cam. 1 do., value 40, ten. for 3 yrs. at any place of Hgr. Education at home or abroad. 1 Exh. of 25 p.a. for 3 yrs., ten. at Ox. Bays fron the Sch. may also compete for the Hatherton Ss. of 40 p.a. for 3 yrs. HIGHER EDUCATION. 35? Higher Grade Secondary Sch., M. Curriculum, $e. Una. Bd. Ed. Reg. Ordinary and Special Courses. Prep, for Ox. Locals, &c. Scholarships, <$;c, 25 per cent, of places are free. New Ss. scheme und. consideration. Science and Technical Sch. (Evgs.), M. - Ciiri-iciilitnt, i\v.~ -( Bourses in Art (including Design, .Wood Carving, Painters' and Decorators' Class, Technical Classes, Building Construction, & (.-.), Science, Tech- nology, Com. and Domestic Subjects. Scholarships, $c. About 30 free Admission Ss. were awarded last yr. to successful students of the PWg. Cont. Schs. SUFFOLK. East Suffolk Ad. C- College (Eastward Ho!), Felixstowe, B.w Crr\a/lttm, $v. Eng. Sub., Latin, French, German (Greek, if desired), Bookr keeping. Shorthand, Science, &c. Hcholat-xhips, i, AY. Eo.u'. Sub., Classics, Modern Lang., Matliematics, Drawing, &c. Secondary Day Sch., Lowestoft, M. Curriculum, Av. Und. Bd. Ed. Reg. Prep, for C*m.] Locals, Scientific Prof., l-lngineering. *.^c. Eng. Sub., Matheiaatics, Foreign Langs., Latin, Botany, Chemistry, Physics, Manual Instruction, and Drawing. Hch,,!nrxli))>x, i\v. Tf a student attends regularly during first 2 yrs., fees may be remitted for the 3rd yr. Ss. offered by the Charity Bd., ten. at the Sch. Particu- lars on application. Woodbridge Sch., B. ('iirru-KliiiH, $c. Prop, for Ss. and Mat. at Univs., Prof. Prel. Exams.. Civil Service, and for business. Special Army Class, prep, for Woolwich or Sandhurst: Mat. Class, prep, for Lond. Mat. Nat. Science is alternative to Greek, and German and Shorthand to Latin. Joint Bd. Exams, taken. SehofaraMps, $c. Several Exh. offered ami., ten. for 3 yrs. at a Univ. or approved place of Hgr., Education, value oO, open to boys who have been at least 3 yrs. in the Sch. Ent. Ss., awarded ann. on results of exam, in May, value 20 to 32 p. a. ; also 15 Ss., open only to sons of local residents. Ipswich C. B. High Sch., G. (G.P.D.S.) Curriculum, $c. Eng. Sub., Mathematics, French, German, Latin, Greek, 858 HIGHER EDUCATION. Chemistry, Phy. Science, Drawing, &c. Prop, for Jt. Bd. Exams., Lond. Mat. and Int., Froebel, &c. Scholarships, $c. 1 or 2 Ss. ann , value, .12 to .15 p. a., each tea. 2 yrs. Also a Bunsary of 10 for 1 yr., open to girls at any of the Co.'s Schs. Also 2 8s. ann,, value tuition fees for 2 yrs. ; 1 do. awarded biennially. Middle Sen.; B. ('Hrrii-'ifiim-, fyc. Und. Bd. Ed. Reg. Prep, for Cam. Locals, &c. Hclmlm-xld})*, $c. 33 Ent. Ss., also 3 Choir do. (close). Middle Sen., G. >-Ua.3 Curriculum, $c. Eng 1 . Sub., Latin, French, German, Mathematics, Science, Drawing. &c. Prep, for Cam. Locals, C.P., Civil Service, &c. Xrltfilorxhips, #.3 Exh. to be established, value 20 p.a. each; 3 do., value 10, ten. for 3 yrs. at an approved place of Hgr. Education, open to girls who have attended the Sch. for at, least 3 yrs., the 10 Exh. restricted to girls who are in need of such assistance. 1 Ss., giving free education for 2 yrs. at the Hi*h Sch., awarded every other yr. to the best pupil. Queen Elizabeth's Sch., B. Curriculum, $c. Eng. Sub.. Latin, Greek, 2 or more Mod. Langs., Mathematics Nat. Science. Drawing, &c. (Greek and German alternative.) Prep, for Univ. Ss. and Mat., Woolwich, Sandburg*-, Navy, Engineering Studentships, Prof. Prel. Exams., &c. Jt. Bd. Exams taken. fir/toIfti-Nhipfj. $c. 2 opei Ss. of 15 p.a. each. 10 Ss. (open only to local resi- dents), value 15 p.a., ten. at the Sch. Eut. House Ss. of 25 or 30 also awarded. 3 Lvg. Exh. of 50 p.a., ten. for 3 yrs. (1 antO ; 1 do. of 25 p.a. for 3 yrs. ; 1 do. of 21 for 1 yr., all ten. at a Univ. or place of Hgr. Education. 1 Studentship ten. for 3 yrs, at Ox. W. Suffolk Ad. C.~ County Sch. (West Suffolk), Bury St. Edmunds, D. . Curriculum, $c. Leads to Lond. Mat. (P.T.'s to King's Ss.) Scholarships $c. 5 of 6 each for intending P.T.'s from the Boro'. East Anglian Sch., Bury St. Edmunds, B. Curriculum, $c. Science and Art Classes und. Bd. Ed. Reg. Prep, for Cam. Locals. Eng. Sub., French, Latin, German, Elein. Nat. Science, Mathe- matics, Com. Sub., Drawing, &c. Scholarships, $c. 1 Ss. ami., awarded by the Hd. M., value 10, ten. for 1 yr. Congregational Sch., Caterham, B. Curriculum, >$>. Und. Bd. Ed. Reg. Lond. Univ. Jun. and Sch. Lvg. Exams. taken. County Sch., Richmond, B. Curriculum, $c. Und. Bd. Ed. Reg. Eng. Sub.. Mathematics, French, German, Latin, Chemistry, Physics, Mechanics, Shorthand, Drawing, Com. Subs., &<. Scholarships, ^V. C.C. Ss., ten. at the Sch. for 3 yrs., offered aim., open only to boys from the County ; also Exh. covering cost of train fare, open to boys und. 14 (in special cases 15), who reside in the County at least 3 miles from the Sch. 2 Exh., value 8, and 1 value 10, awarded to deserving boys in attendance at the Sch. who are in need of assistance. Boys from the Sch. may compete for 8 Major Ss. of the C.C., value 60 p. a. for 3 yrs., ten at a Univ. or Hgr. Tech. Coll. Cands. must be between 16 and 18, reside in the County, and have attendad the Sch. for 2 yrs. County Sch., Sutton, B. Curriculum, $c. Und. Bd. Ed. Reg. Lond. Univ. Schs. Exams, taken. Cranleigh Sch., B. Curriculum, $. Prep, for Cam. Locals, &c. Scholarships, $c.'l Ent. Ss., value 20 each (close). Lvg. Exhs., 1 value 20 to 30, 1 of 50. Elmhurst Sch., Kingston-on-Thames, B. Curriculum, $e. Prep, for Cam. Locals, C.P. Exams., &c. Grammar Sch., Farnham, B. CnrrirHhiiH., (;(> HIGHEK EDUCATION. High Sch., Dorking, B. Curriculum, $c. Und. Bd. Ed. Reg. Prep, for Cum. Locals, &c. High Sch., Guildford, G. (C.S.C.) Curriculum, $c. Prep, for Lond. Mat., Ox. Locals, &c. Scholarships, $c. 1 Ss., value free tuition for 3 yrs. at the Sch., open to girl* und. 13. High Sch., Reigate, G. (C.S.C.) Curriculum, $c. Prep, for Ox. and Cain. Locals, Lond. Mat., &c. Eng. Sub., Mathematics, Physical Science, French, German, Latin, Drawing, &c. High Sch., Surbiton, G. (C.S.C.) Curriculum, $c. Prep, for Jt. Bd. Exams., Cam. H.L., Univ. Ent., &c. High Sch., Sutton, G. (G.P.D.S.) Curriculum, $c. Eng. Sub., Mathematics, French, German, Latin, Gre k, Chemistry, Physical Science, Drawing, &c. Prep, for Jt. Bd. Exams., Lond. Mat. and Int., Froebel, <1n), SfC. Prep, for Ox. Locals, &c. Preparatory Sch. (St. Saviour's Choir Sch.), Eastbourne, B. Curricttlum, $-0. -Prep. for Ox. Locals, &c. Eng. Sub., Mathemati* s, Latin, French, Greek (if desired), Shorthand, Bookkeeping, Drawing (Chemistry, Elec- tricity, Mechanics, German and Hebrew, at evening classes, if desired) . Scholarships, $c. 10 Choral Ss., value fees, ten. during stay in Sch.; 12 do., reducing fees to 1 10s., 3, or 4 10s. p.a., open to competition for boys with good voices. Brighton C. B. College, B. Ciii-i-h-iilmii, $c. Classical and Modern Sid^s. Sp. prep, for Navy, Sp. Army Classes for Woolwich and Sandhurst. Prep, for Univs., Civil Service, Engineering and Learned Profs. Eng. Sub., French, German, Latin, Science, Mathematics, Drawing (Shorthand and Bookkeeping if required). Scholarships, c. 3 Open Ss., and 1 Ss. open only to sons of Army Officers who are nom. by Trustees, each ten. at the Sch. for 3 yrs., value 20 p.a., which may be raised by Council to 30 in tbe case of day boys and 50 to 70 in the case of brds. (There are usually 'at least 1 Ss. value 70 and 2 of 50 offered ann.) Cands. must be und. 15, and the Ss. may be extended one or two yrs., subject to satisfactory conduct and progress. 2 Lvg. Ss., value 60 p.a. each, ten. for 2 yrs. at Cam. and renewable for a 3rd jr., open to bojs who have been at least 2 yrs. at the Coll. ; 3 do., value 30 p.a. each. ten. for 3 yrs. at Ox. or Cam., open to boys who have been at least 3 yrs. at the Coll. Grammar Sch., B. $c. Prep, for Cam. Locals, &c. $c. 1 Ent. Ss., open to sons of Clergy. High Sch., Brighton and Hove, G. (G.P.D.S.) Curriculum, $c. Eng. Sub., Mathematics, French, German, Latin, Greek, Chemistry, Phy. Science, Drawing, &c. Prep, for Jt. Bd. Exams., Lond. Mat. and Int., Froebel, \'c. Scholarships, $c. 1 or 2 Ss., ann. value 12 to 15 p.a., each ten. 2 yrs. Also a Bursary of 10 for 1 yr., open to girls at any of the Co.'s Schs. Also Local Ss. ten. at the Sch. Municipal Secondary Sch., B. Curriculum, i\'r. Und. Bl. Ed. Reg. Eng. Sub., Mathematics, French, German or Latin, Mecbnni s, Chijxiistry, Electricity, Art, Typewriting, Shorthand, Book- keeping, &o. Cam. Locals taken. SV7/oA// i .s7//yyv_ c\r- Scheme under revision. At present ab. 70 Ent. Ss. St. Mary's Hall, G. . Curriculum, cfr. Prep, for Ox. Locals, Lond. Mat., and Int. Arts, &c. Scholarships, 4V;. 2 Ss., value 50, for 2 yrs. ; 1 value 35 p.a. ; 2 value 17 10s. p.-. ; 1 v-tlue ab. 20, ten. at the Sch. for 1 or 2 yrs. Also 2 Ss. ann., value 30 cue! i, for 2 yrs., awarded to the best pupils who have taken Matric., or Honours in Senior Locals, and are entering and training as El. Sch. Tchrs. Taunton House Sch. Curriculum, #<. Prep, for Cam. Locals, C.P. Exams., &<. Hastings C. B - Grammar Sch., B. ('nrr'tciil/dit $('. Und. Bd. Ed. Keg.- 4 yrs.' Course. Scholarship*, ''^. 20 Ss., ten. at the Sob. 1 Lvg. Ss., value GO p.a. for 3 yrs., 3 do., value 50 p.a. for 3 yrs., all ten. at Univs. University Sch., B. Citn'iculHiii, (.\v. Eng. Sub., French, German. Classics, Mathematics, Chemistry and Physics, Drawing (Shorthand and Bookkeeping if desired). Prep, for Public Schs., Lond. Mat., Univ. Eut.^Exams., Medical and Legal Profs., and Com. life. Uplands Sch., St. Leonards, G. (C.E.C.) f'tu'ficulum, $c. Prep, for Ox. Locals, Jt. Bd. Exams., &c. ti-holarxhips, $c.Z Ent. Ss. ann., open to competition. HIGHER EDUCATION. West Sussex Ad- C. Christ's Hospital, West Horsham, B. Curriculim^ <\V. Classical and Modern Sides. Eng. Sub., French (Classical Side, Latin and Greek), (Modern Side, Herman), Mathematics. Science, Drawing, Drill, Bookkeeping, and Shorthand. Prep, for Univs., Ami}-, Navy, and Merchant Ser- vice, Com. life, &c. Royal Mathematical Seh. (number of places limited), prepares specially for Sea Service. Scholarships, $c. At least one -third of the places are entirely free, and the remainder at a fee of from 10 to 20 p. a. for bd., luition, clothing-, fire. Und. Scheme boys are admitted, aged from 9 to 11, by presentation; from 9 1o 13 by competition (on the nom. of a Gov., or from Public El. Schs. within certain parishes or the L.C.C. area, or from certain Endowed Schs.). College (SS. Mary and Nicholas), Lancing, B. Curriculum, $c. Classical and Modern Sides. Prep, for Army, Navy, and Sp. Exams. Eng. Subs., Classics, French, German, Mathematics, Nat. Science, Geometrical Drawing, &c. Scholarships, $e. Open Exh. (about 7) ot the total value of 200 gs., offered ann. to boys between 10 and 14 ; 2 Choral Exh., offered to boys with good voices who can read music. 1 Lvg. Exh. not exceeding 25 for 4 yrs., given to every boy -who gains from the Sch. an open Ss. to Ox. or Cam., and is in need of such assistance. Grammar Sch., Horsham, B. (/inicidtun, $c. Und. Bd. Ed. Reg. Prep, for Ox. Locals, &c. Eng. Sub., Latin, Greek, French, German, Mathematics, Chemistry, Physics, Drawing, &c. Scholarships, $c. 20 Fdru Ss., value free tuition. 1 Mercers' Lvg. Exh., value 50 p. a. Grammar Sch., Midhurst, B. Curriculum, c. Und. Bd. Ed. Reg. Prep, for Univs., Fullic Exams., Locals, &C, Eng. Sub., Latin, French, Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry (adapted to Agricultural Students), Drawing. (Extras, Shorthand, Greek, German, &c.) Scholarships, $c. 4 Ent. Ss., value fees, ten. for 3 yrs. and upwards. 3 Ss. of 5 p. a. for 3 yrs., open to all boys und. 13 ; 1 Ss. ann., value 5, open to all the Sch, Boys und. 13 may also compete for C.C. Ss., value 15 p. a. for 2 yrs. St. Michael's Sch., Bognor, G. Curriculum, $c. Eng. Sub., French, Latio, Mathemat'es, El. Science, &c. Prep, for Univ. Locals. Scholarships, c. 1 Ss., value 25 p.a. ; 1 do., value 12 p. a., towards feis. Also 2 or 3 Exh.s. at the disposal of the Lady Warden and Chapter. Steyning Sch., B. Curriculum, $c. Eng. Sub., Classics, Mod. Lang., Ma 1 . hematics, Nat. Science, \-<-. Prep, for Ox. Locals, Lond. Mat., Prof. Prel. Exams., &c. Scholarships^ i\V. Ss. (not more than 10 p. c. of number of pupils) offered to hoys from the El. Schs. cf the district, exempting from payment of fees. WARWICKSHIRE. Warwick Ad- C. County Sch. (King's), Warwick, B. Curriculum. $e. Und. Bd. Ed. Reg. Prep, for Univ. Ss., Lond. Mat., and Int., Cam. Locals and County Ss. Scholarships, $c. 4 Exh., value 7 p.a. for 3 yrs., open to boys from El. Schs. 2 Lvg. Ss., value (J15 p.a. for 3 yrs. Grammar Sch., Alcester, B. Scholarships^ t\v. 3 Ent. Ss. Grammar Sch., Atherstone, B. Curricultm, $c. Und. Bd. Ed. Reg. Prep, for Univ. Locals, &<. Scholarships, $c. 5 Ent. Ss., value 4 to JtG p.a. 2 Internal Ss., value l.'> each. Grammar Sch., Coleshill, B, ('ni-fn-iilii)n 4'r. Prep, for Cam. Locals, ^-c. Scholarships^ 4'v. <> Ihit. Ss., value <> each. Grammar Sch., Solihull, B. Curriculum Jfr. Und. Bd. Ed. Reg. Prep, for Cain. Locals, &c. Scholarships^ i\Y. 10 Phit. Ss., value ices. 2 Lvg. Exh., value Uud. Bd. Ed. lleg. Kt : /i(jf-'.inhip*, i\r. Quarter of places are free. Secondary Sch., Waverley-road, D. Currieuk^n, AV. Und. lid. Ed. llcg.- -General Course. X<-lu>ltir*hii>*, $c. Not less than one-quarter nor more than one-third of place must be free. Coventry C. B- Bablake Sch., B. Curriculum, i\'r- Und. Bd. Ed. llog. Eng. Sub,, French, German (if lequired), Mathematics, Nat. Science, Drawing, &c. 4 yrs.' Course. Sch. is also a P.T. Centre and Senr. Form are prep, for Lond. Mat. 366 HIGHER EDUCATION. Scholarships, $c Free Day Ss. (at present 87), ten. for 2 jrs., value free educa- tion and a suit of clothes each yr., open to boys who have attended a Public El. Scb. in the Boro' for the 3 preceding- yrs., and aged ab. 13. Also free Boat ding Ss., ten. for 2 yrs., value free education, bd., lodging, and clothing, open to boys who have attended the Upper Sch. at least 2 yrs., and are in need of such assistance. 2 Major Exh. ann., value 30 p. a. each, ten. for 3 yrs. at a place of Hgr. Education. A number of Minor Exh., ten. for 3 yrs. at Evg. Classes at the Sch. of Art and Tech. Inst., open to boys who have attended the Sch. at least 3 yrs. King Henry VIII. Sch., B. Curriculum, $c. Und. Bd. Ed. Reg. Eng. Sub., Latin, Greek, French, German, Mathematics, Chemistry, Pbysics, Drawing, each), ten. for 4 yrs. ; 2 Ss. aim., open to children from Warley Wigom, value fees, books, tfce. (ab. 16 each), ten. for 2 yrs. and renewable for another 2 yrs. C.C. Ss. for intending P.T.'s and others are also ten. at the Sch. Preparatory Sch. (Malvern Link), Malvern, B. Curriculum, $c. Prep, for Public Schs., &c. Eng. Sub., Latin.. French, Mathe- matics, Greek if desired. Preparatory Sch. (St. Michael's College), Tenbury, B. Scholarships, c. 8 Ent. Choral Ss. for boys with good voices. Dudley C. B. Grammar Sch., B. Carr ict< ni, 4V- Und. Bd. Ed. Reg. Prep, for Ox. Locals, &c. Scholarships, $r. 6 Ss. total value 120. 1 Lvg. Ss. aim., value 30 to 50 p.a. Municipal High Sch. G. (Jiirru'itliiiit, I.V- Und. Bd. Ed. Reg. Eng. Sub., French, Latin, Mathematics, Geometry, Botany, Physiography, Drawing, &c. Prep, for Ox. Locals, Student Teaehership, Froebel Exams., &c., if desired. Schohrrx/ii/M, i, i\r. Eng. Sub., Greek (if desired), Latin, French (German extra I, Mathematics, (hid. Mechanics and Trig nometry), Shorthand, . Bookkeeping, Drawing, &c. (Science extra.) Prep, for Prof, and Com. life, C.I'., Cam., and Loud. Univ. Exams. /V/W///-.S////AV, ,\c. -- I Ss., value "2-"), '.', Kxh., value CIO each, all ten. at the Coll., and awarded on the results of aim. exam. 372 HIGHER EDUCATION. Grammar Sch. (Archbishop Holgate's), B. Curriculum, $r. Und. Bd. Ed. llcg. Prep, for Cain. Locals, Lend.., and Victoria Mat., Prof. Prel., and Civil Service Exim*., &c. Scholarships, $c. 8 Ent. Ss. High Sch., G. (G.P.D.S) Curriculum j $r. Und. Bd. Ed. Reg. Prep, for Lond. Mat., Joint Bd. Exams., ire: Eng. Sub., Mathematics, French, German, Latin, Physical Science, Drawing, &c. Scholarships, $e. 1 or 2 Ss., value 12 to 15 p.a. for 2 yrs. 1 Bursary, value 10 for 1 yr;, open to pupils of any of the Co.'s Schs. Also sp. loctil Ss. Monk Bridge Sch., B. Curriculum, $c. Eng. Sub., Latin, French, Mathematics, Shorthand, and Book- keeping. Prep, for Lond. Mat., Univ. Locals, C.P., and Prof. Prel. Exams. St. Peter's Sch., B. Curriculum, $c. Eng. Sub., Latin, French, Greek or German, Mathematics, Nat. Science, Drawing, &c. Shorthand and Bookkeeping extra. Prep, for Uiiivs., Army and other Gov. Exams., Lond. Mat. and Joint Bd. Exams. ScholrtrNhijjs, (S^c. (S Fdn. Bd. Ss., value, 35 p.a. each, ten. so long as holder is a brd: in the Sch. 2 Ss., value '15 p.a. each, ten. for 1 yr. 4 Day Ss., value tuition fe'es, ten. for 4 yrs., open to day scholars only. 3 Exh., value 50 p.a. each, ten. for not more than 3 yrs. at" a Univ. or approved place of Hgr. Education, and open to boys who have been at least 2 yrs. at the Sch. Cand. from the Sch. may also compete for several other Ss. and Exh., value 50 to 100 p.a., ten. for 3 or 5 yrs. North Riding Ad- C - College (E.G.), Amplefprth, B. Curriculum, $c. Joint Bd. Exams, taken. College, Scarborough, B. Curriculum, $d Prep, for Cam. 'Locals, C.P. Exams., &c. Friends' Sch., Great Ayton, M. Curriculum, $c. Science and Art Class mid. Bd. Ed. lle'g. Prep, for Ci-m, Locals, ice. Scholarships, $fi-i->r/tl/ti, tfr. - Prep, for Cam. Locals, c. Sedburgh Sch., B. Curriculum, $c. Classical and Mathematical Course, Prep, for Univs.,' Army, Civil Service, <1um, $c. Und. Bd. Ed. Reg. Eng. Sub., Latin, French, Mathematics, Nat. Science, Shorthand, Drawing, Prep, for Com. or Prof, life, Mat., Ox. Locals Civil Service and Pharmaceutical Exams. Mtol(f)-shi/>s, $e. 4 Fdn. Ss., value fees, offered ann. to boys who have attended any Public El. Sch. in the parish for at least 3 yrs., have passed 4th Standard, and are und. 13 yrs. of age. Pupils may enter for Ackroyd Ss. and Freestone Exh., each ten. for 3 yrs. at a Univ. Grammar Sch., Penistone, B. $c. Und. Bd. Ed. Reg. Prep, for Cam. Locals, CY.C. , i\V. 8 Ss., value 7 each. 1 Lvg. Ss., value 15. Grammar Sch., Ripon, B. Curriculum, $e. - Und. Bd. Ed. Reg. Scholarships, $e. 1 Ent. Ss., value 15 to 21. 1 Lvg. do., value 50 p. a. Grammar Sch., Rish worth, D. Curriculum, $c. Prep, for Ox. Locals, ice. Sc/tolitmhipx, $c. 2 Ent. Ss., 2 Lvg. do. Grammar Sch., Skipton, B. Curriculum, c. Prep, for Ox. Locals, &c. Scholars/tips, $c. Ent. and Lvg. Ss. to total value of 180 p. a. Grammar Sch., Skipton, G. (H,-i-'ir>ihnn, $c. Eng. Sub., French, German and Latin, El. Geometry and Mathematics, Nat. Seienee. Domestic Keonomy and Laws of Health, Drawing.' \'e. Scholarships, $c. -A certain number (ab. 18) of Fdn. Ss., exempting partially/or totally from fees, offered to cand. for admission, or to girls already in tbe Sch. Also ab. 12 Ss., ten. for not more Mian 3 yrs. at the Sell., entitling the' holder to not more than 5 p.a., open to girls who* re and have been for at least 3 yrs. at a Public El. Sell, in the parish. 1 Ss. ami., value 45, ten. for 2 yrs., open to cand. of not more than 12 yrs. who have attended a Public El. Sch. lor at least 2 yrs. within the previous 3 yrs. C.C. Minor Ss. also held at the Sell. 376 HIGHER EDUCATION. Grammar Sch., Thorne, B. Curriculum, $c, Und. Bd. Ed. Reg. C.P. Exams, taken. Kf-holarships, $c. 10 Ss., open to cliildron from tlio parish, granting free tuition. Grammar Sch. (Queen Elizabeth's), Wakefield, B. Curriculum, $c. Und. Bd. Ed. Reg. Classical and Modern Sides. Eng. Sub., French, Latin (Classical Side, Greek), (Modern Side, German), Chemistry, Mathe- matics. Prep, for Univ. Ent. Ss., Ox. Locals, A.T. Scholarships, $c. Ab. 25 Ss., open to boys from Public El. Schs. in the Boro', value 11 to 17 gs. p.a. Ab. 15 Fdn. Ss., awarded partly to cand. for ent. and partly to boys already in the Sch. 8 Choral Ss., awarded by Com. of Cathedral Choir. Ab. 20 C.C. Ss., ten. at the Sch. 6 Ss., value 16 to 21 gs. p.a., may be held at the Sch., open to boys from certain parishes ; also Iloyston Ss. of the same value. 4 Lvg. Exh., each value .50 p.a. for 3 yrs., ten. at the Univs. 3 Exh. of 50 p.a. each for 5 yrs., ten. at Ox. by boys who have been 2 yrs. at the Sch. 2 Exh., value 40 p.a. each., ten. for 4 yrs. at Cam. by boys who have been 2 yrs. at the Sch. Boys from the Sch. may also compete for other Ss. and Exh., ten. at the Univs. for 3 yrs,, value 50 to 100 p.a. High Sch., Barnsley, G. Curriculum, $c. Und. Bd. Ed. Reg. Eng. Sub., French, German, Latin, Mathe- matics, Nat. Science, Domestic Economy, and Laws of Health, Drawing, &c. Scholarships, $c. C.C. Minor Ss. and Bursaries for intending P.T.s are ten. at the Sch., and pupils nny compete for C.C. Major Ss., ten. at Univs., &x-. High Sch. (Municipal), Doncaster, G. Curriculum, dfr. Und. Bd. Ed. Reg. Eng. Sub., French, German, Latin, Mathe- matics, Nat. Science, Laws of Health, &c. Scholarships, $c. C.C. Minor and Intending P.T. Ss., ten. at the Sch., and scholars may compete for C.C. Major Ss., ten. at Univs., &c. High Sch. (Endowed), Wakefield, G. Curriculum, $c. Eng. Sub., French, German or Latin, Greek (if required), Science, Mathematics, Domestic Science, &c. Scholarships, $c. 1 Ent. Sa. granted aon. on results of Ent. Exam., value half fees for 2 yrs. Also Fdn. Ss., ten. at the Sch. for one yr., value f alf fees. These Ss. are renewable. One Lvg. Exh., value 50 p.a., ten. at a College for Women, Training College for Tchrs., or other approved place of Hgr. Education, open to girls who have been at least 3 yis. at the Sch. King's Sch., Pontefract, B. Curriculum, $c. Und. Bd. Ed. Reg. Prep, for Ox. Locals, &c. Scholarships, $c.'3 Ent. Ss. (close). Pocklington Sch., B. Curriculum, $c. Classical and Modern Sides. Prep, for Univs., Army, Navy, Medical and Legal Profs., and Business life. Eng. Sub., French, Latin (Classical Side, Greek, and Hebrew if desired ; Modern Side, German), Mathematics, Science, &c. Sp. Classes for Bookkeeping, Shorthand, and Typewriting. Scholarships, $c. 8 lr. 9, 2nd yr. 12. 6 Ent. Ss., ten. for 1 yr., value 9. C.C. Minor Ss. held at the Sch. Skellfield Sch., Ripon, G. Curriculum, $c. Eng. Sub., Latin, French, German, Mathematics, Drawing, &c. Woodhouse Grove Sch., Apperley Bridge, B. Curriculum, $c. Und. Bd. Ed.- Reg. Eng. Sub., Latin, French, Mathematics, El. Drawing, Chemistry, Physics, German, and Bookkeeping. Boys in 5th Form and above may be prepared for sp. exams. Scholarships, c. 3 elected day scholars. Preparatory Sch. (Ghyll Royd), Ilkley, M. Curriculum, $e. Prep, for Public Schs., Cam. Locals, .Vie. Preparatory Sch. (Wharfedale), Ilkley, B. Curriculum, $c. Prep, for Public Schs. and for Royd Naval Coll., Osbomo. Bradford C. B- Belle Vue Secondary Sch., B. and G. Curriculum, $c. Und. Bd. Ed. Reg. Pivp. for higher institutions, Commercial, Industrial, and Prof . life. Prof. Prel. Exams., Loud. Mat., .Vic. Scholarships, $c\ L.E.A. Ss., ten. at the Schs. At present there ere in the Boys' Sch. 125 Free Ss., 9 Minor Ss., and 13 Bursary holders (P.T.s). In the Girls' Sch. there are held 123 Free Ss., 17 Minor Ss., and 44 Bursary holders (P.T.s). Grammar Sch., Manor-road, B. Curriculum, c. Und. Bd. Ed. Reg. Joint Bd. Exams, taken. Prep, for Tiiivs., Prof, and Mercantile life, Civil Service, Mat., cVic. Classical and Modern Sidi's. Eng. Sub. (Classical Side, Classics; Modern Side, German), French, Mathe- matics, Science, Bookkeeping, and Shorthand if desired. SrJittJursliii**, d(r. 175 Knt. Ss., value free tuition, usually ten. in the first instance for:] yrs., and renewable under certain conditions np to ttie age of 19, 100 being open only to boys from the Public El. Schs. of the Boro'. Usually 4 to 6 Lvg. Ss. ami., awarded on result of ami. exam, by Joint Bd., ten. for 3 yrs. at a Univ. Exh. also offered by L.E.A. and " Grants in Aid" to students proceeding to Univs. Boys from the Sch. may also compete for Hastings Exh. (5 or G offered aim.), ten. at Ox., value 100 p. a. each. Grammar Sch. (St. Bede's R.C.), B. Curr.icukm) \c. Und. Bd. Ed. Reg. 4 yrs.' Course. Prep, for Ox. Locals, Mat., &c. Scholarships, ijr. L.E.A. and C.C. Ss. are ten. at the Sch., also local Science and Art Ss. Grammar Sch. (Thornton), M. Curriculum, (\-r. Science and Art Classes und. Bd. Ed. Reg. Eng. Sub., Latin, French, Mathematics, Physiogr-phy, Mechanics, Hygiene, Art, cVic. Scholarships^ $c. There are 5 Fdn. scholars, and L.E.A. Ss. are ten. at the Sch, Grammar Sch,, Carlton- street, G. Ourriculum, <\V. Und. lid. Ed. Reg. Kng. Sub., Mathematics, Latin, Greek, French, German, Science, Drawing, &c. Prep, for Joint Bd. Exams., Loud. Mat., Cam. ILL., &c. Scholarships, ^c. There are 180 free places as follows: Ed. Com. Ss., granted on the result of an exam., value fees, books, and stationery; Maintenance Ss., granted HIGHER EDUCATION. on the result of a special exam, to children of parents in need of such assistance, value fees, books, &c., and from 12s. 6d. to 1 per month in addition ; P. T. Bur- saries for intending P.T.s, ten. * for 2 yrs., value fees and 12 1st yr., 16 2nd yr. Also Govs. Ss., value free tuition for 1 yr., renewable ann. up to the age of 19. Lvg. Ss. value 50 p. a. for 3 yrs., and Bursaries of smaller value, ten. at a Univ. or place of Hgr. Education, and open to girls who have been 3 yrs. at the Sch. Halifax C. B.- Crossley and Porter's Endowed Orphan Sch., B. Curriculum, $c. Prep, for Cam. Locals, &c. Scholarships, fyc. Sch. is endowed for the benefit of orphans. 1 Lvg. Ss., value 40; 1 do., value 30. Do., G.- Ctirriculitm,$c. Prep, for Cam. Locals, &c. Eng. Sub., Mathematics, French, Physiology and Hygiene, Drawing, Domestic Subjects, Typewriting, Shorthand, and Bookkeeping it' desired. Scholarships, $p\ Ab. 5 free places. 1 Lvg. Ss., value 40 p.a., ten. for 1 to 3 yrs. at an approved place of Hgr. Education. 1 do., value ab. 30 p.a., awarded alternate 4 yrs. Grammar Sch. (Heath), B. Curriculum, $c. Und. Bd. Ed. Reg. Senr. Dept. Prep, for Univs., Civil Service, Legal and Medical Prel. Exams., and any other special exams, required. Junr. Dept. gives sound commercial education, including Mod. Lang., Science, Mathematics and Bookkeeping, or prep, for Senr. Dept. Greek is optional. Scholarships, $c, 10 Ss. ann., value tuition fees. 2 Lvg. Ss., value 30 each. High Sch., G. Curriculum, $c. Eng. Sub., Latin, French, German, Mathematics, Nat. Science, Drawing, &c. Prep, for Univ. Locals and other Exams. Scholarships, $c. C.C. Minor and Intending P.T. Ss. are ten. at the Sch. New Sch., B. Curriculum, $c. Prep, for Cam. Locals, &c. Secondary Sch. (Council), B. Curriculum, c. Und. Bd. Ed. Reg. Scholarships, c. Not more than 35 p. c. of places to he free (not including intend- ing P.T. 's). Ss. scheme is being revised. Technical Sch. (Municipal), M. Curriculum, $c. Day and Evg. Cl. prep, for Mechanical, Civil, and Electrical Engineering, Textile Industries, Commercial life, Art, Domestic Sub., Lond. Univ. Exams,, Physics, Chemistry, Women's work, Science, &e. Huddersfield C. B - College Higher Grade Sch., D. Curriculum, $c. Und. Bd. Ed. Reg. Sp. Course. Scholarships, $c. All places in the Sch. are free. 48 Bursaries for intending P.T.'ss granted by L.E.A., and 48 do. granted by the C.C. are held at the Sch., also 2 Bd. Ed. Science and Art Ss. Grammar Sch. (Almondbury), B. Curriculum, $c. Und. Bd. Ed. Reg. Literary and Commercial Sides. Eng. Sub., French (Literary Side, Latin), (Commercial Side, Bookkeeping and Short- hand), &c. Prep, for Cam. Locals and Lond. Mat. Scholarships, $c. 12 Ent. Ss., 8 open to boys who have attended a Public- El. Sch. in the parish for 3 yrs., and 4 open to boys who have resided 3 yrs. in the parish ; also a Maintenance Fund of 50 p.a., from which grants are made to boys from the parish who are in need of assistance to continue their education (Internal Ss. usually granted, value 10 each). Grammar Sch. (Fartown), D. Curriculum, $c. Science and Art Classes und. Bd. Ed. Reg. Prep, for C.P. Exams., &c. Scholarships, $c. 2 Ss., value G p.a., open to boys und. 12 who liuve reached the 5th Standard of an El. Sch. in the Boro', ten. for 3 yrs., and may be renewed for a fourth yr. Grammar Sch. (Longwood), D. Cttrficitlmt, &c. Und. Bd. Ed. Reg. Prep, for Cam. Locals, O.P. Exams., Prof, or Com. life, Eng. Sub., Latin, French, Mathematics. Nat. Science, Drawing Bookkeeping, Shorthand, &c. Scholarships, $c. 7 Ss., value tuition fees. HIGHER EDUCATION. 379 Leeds G. B. Church Middle Class Sch., B. Curriculum, $c.~- Und. Bd. Ed. Reg. Prep, for Cam. Locals, &<. S<'//(i///r*//ij>*, $r. 12 Ss., ten. for 3 or 4 yrs., op3n to boys from Public El. Schs. ; also :j Science ;iud Art Ss. Do., G. Curriculum, $c. Und. Bd. Ed. Reg. MiolantJiipii, $r.6 8s., value 6 6s. each, ten. for 3 yrs. at the Scb. Grammar Sch., B. Citrricnlnnt, (SfC. Und. Bd. Ed. Keg. Classical and Modem Sides. Ppep. for Univs., Learned Profs., Corn, life, Civil Service, and other public exams. Eng. Sub., Latin, French (Classical Side, Greek), (Modern Side, German), Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry, Drawing, Shorthand, Bookkeeping, r/,fif(D-x!<>i>x e\V'. 12 Ent. Ss. offered by L.E.A., value 24, ten. for 3 yrs. Higher Grade Sch. (Central), M. Curriculum $c. Und. Bd. Ed. Reg. Eng. Sub., Mathematics, Latin, French Science, Drawing, &c. Classical and Professional, Modem and Mercantile, Scientific nnd Technical Courses. Scholarships, c. 200 Junr. Ss., value free tuition for 4 yrs'. Course, open to boys and girls between 12 and 14 who have attended a Public El. Sch. in the Cjty and are the children of ratepayers. 50 Int. Ss., value fees, and in necessitous cases maintenance allowances of not more than 10 p. a., during the 3rd and 4th yrs.' cmii-se, awarded for 1 yr. and renewable for a 2nd yr. Pupils may compete for 14 Senr. Ss., open to students between 17 and 30, ten. at a Univ. or approved place of Hgr. Education for 3 or 4 yrs., and in exceptional cases for a further period, value 50 p.a. Science Sch. (Coburn), M. Curriculum, %c. Und. Bd. Ed. Reg. Rotherham C. B. Grammar Sch., B. Curriculum, c. Un'd. Bd. Ed. Reg. Prep, for Ox. Locals, &c. Scholarships, c. 6 Ent. Ss. ; 1 Lvg. do., value 30 p.a. High Sch., G. Curriculum, $c. Eng. Sub., Mathematics, Lat ; n, French, German, El. Science, Drawing, &c. Prep, for Public Exams. Sheffield C B - High Sch., G. (G.P.D.S.)- Curriculwn, $c. Eng. Sub., Mathematics, French, German, Latin, Greek, 380 HIGHER EDUCATION. Chemistry, Physical Science, Drawing, e. Prep, for Jt. Bd, Exams., Lond, Mat. and Int., Froobel, &c. Scholarships, $c.\ or 2 83. ann., value .12 to 15 p. a., each ten. 2 yrs, Also !\ Bursary of 10 for 1 yr., open to girls at any of the Co.'s Schs. High Sch. (Notre Dame R.C.), G. Curriculum, $c. Und. Bel. Ed. Reg. 4 yrs'. Course. Scholars/iips, . 4 Ss., value fees, given by the Sister Superior. 1 Bursary Ss, Pupils may compete for L.E.A. Ss. King Edward VII. Sch., B. Curriculum, $c. Prep, for Joint Bd. Exams., Science Classes und. Bd. Ed. Reg. Inspected by Central Welsh Bd. Scholarships, $c.5 or 6 Ent. Ss. aim., value fees. Do., G. Curriculum, $c. Eng. Sub., Latin, French (Greek and German if required), Mathematics, Nat. Science, &c. Scholarships, $c. Ss. awarded ami., value fees. Pupils who have been at least 2 yrs. at the Sch. may compete for C.C. Exh., ten at Univ. or approved place of Hgr. Education. County Sch., Pontypridd, D. Curriculum, $c Und. Bd. Ed. Reg. and Central Welsh Bd. Scholarships, $c. 24 Ent. Ss., value 3 to 5, offered ann. HHI1IKU EDUCATION. ;;*;, County Sch., Rhondda, Forth, D. Curriculum, i\v. - I'nd. Bd. Ivl. Reg. and Central Welsh Bd. Scholarships, Sec. Sell., 1)...: Assts. by lid. M. c B. . L.E.A. See. Srh MX. County Boroughs. a High Seh., G. j Assts. by Hd. Ms. L.E.A. See Seh., B. ,, ' By Kd. Com. after eonsul- ! tation with Hd. M. ft Gram. Sdi. ; V, Asst.- M. Asst M. by Hd. : ub. to ; appeal to i Go vs. against dismissal IV. Ad. County. b Mod. Seh., B. a Gram. Seh.,B. Y. Ad. County. L.E.A. County By Bd. G. Sch., B. Teachers' Salaries per annum. Asst. Ms. with degree (morning \y>rk only), ,165, 180 (full work), 150, 125, 120 (4), 105 (2), Cert., Hr. L., Froebel, &C., 105 (3), 100; scale, 105 to 120, cornm. sal., rising by 15 every 2 yrs. to 150, then by special arrangement Hd. M., 360 (non-res.) ; 2ndM., 300 (do.) ; Assts. M., 250 (2), 200 (2) (non res.), 200, 160, 170, 150 (res.); Ms., 200, 150 (2), 100 (2) (all re*.) ; M. Carpentry, 120 Asst. M. highest salary, 140 Hd. M., 100 -f 2 cap. (100 pupils) and 30 p. a. for P.T. Class supervision ; Assts. M. vary from 120 to 175; Ms. from 110 to 120; Art. M., 150 Hd. Ms., 100 -f cap. (180 pupils) ; Asst. Ms., 135 (2), 120 (2), 115 (2), 110, and 3 with sals. varying from cS() to 120 ; Vis. Math. M., 5s. per hour; Art. M., 120 for 17 hrs. per week Asst. M. from 192, with max. ! of 272, to 120, with max. < t , 150 i lid. M., 300 to 400 by 20; 2nd M., 185 by 10 to' 23o ; :; Sen. Asst. M., 150 to 175 by 5-f 10 for degree; 4 Asst . M.. 125 to 150 by 5-f 10 for degree ; 7 Jun. M., 100 to 125 I by 5 + 10 for degree ; 2 Stu- dent Tehrs (J time), 17 each Hd. M., ah. 600 and res. &c. ; 2nd M., 260; Asst. M., 1S7-J, i 160 (2), 145, 130, 100 ; Vis. Art. (4 hrs.), 42; French (3 ! hrs.), 31| Hd. M., 80 + 24s. cap. (200 , pupils) rr 300 to 375; Asst. M., 190, 180 4- 20 for extra. duty, 155, 150, 140 -f- 10 for extra duty. 130 (2). 110 No Asst. M., from 110 to 280, increments variable i Yes, there is a Asst. M., from 160 to 495, Scheme 1 increments variable No | Hd. M., 250+cap. (265 pupils) ; 1 Asst. M., 120 to 200 SECONDARY EDUCA1TON. Schools. By whom are Teachers Appointed and Dismissed ? Are Teachers Eligible for Pensions ? Teachers Salaries per annum. L.E.A. County Sell., G. Hd. Ms. by Govs., Assts. by Ud. Ms., with right qf No Hd. Ms., 150 to 250+cap. (230 pupils); Asst. Ms., 160, 125, 120 (2), 110 (2), 10o (2), 100; Vis. M., 120; Drawing appeal to Govs. (vide Scheme. In practice ;ill arc app. and dis. by Govs.) c Gram. Sell., B. j Assts. by lid. No income for M. pensions .. VI. Ad. County. b Grain. Sell., 15. At present all Assts. by Hd. M. In future subject to , veto by L.E.A. It ,, B. Assts. by Hd. M. sub. to appeal to Govs. against dis. MX. e Sec. Sch., MX. L.E.A. Higher GradeSch.,Mx. b High Sch., G. By Govs. Hd. M. consulted in ease of Assts. All app. and dis. f-ub. to veto of L.E.A. Assts. by Bel. Hy L.E.A. Und. Scheme Govs. and Hd. M. may contri- bute an equal sum towards a pension No G. Assts. by Hd. Ms. G. L.E.A. Tech. Imt. See. Sch., MX. County Borough. L.E.A. See. Day By L.E.A. . Seh., MX. Ms., 40 ; Dressmaking and Needlework, 5s. per hour; Cookery, 10s. per lesson Hd. M., ab. 300 (75 + cap. on 60) ; Asst. M., 130, 50 (res.) ; Vis. M., 15 15s., 15; Ms., 9 9s. Hd. M., !20+4 cap. (140 pupil*); Asst. M., 170, 160, 13/> (3), 100 (2); Vis. Art, 25 (5 hrs. weekly): Manual, 20 (4 hrs.) ; Music, 12 (1 hr.) Hd. M., 130 + 4' cap. (145 pupils); Aest. M., 275, 165, 150 (3), 133; Vis. Music, 15; Drawing, 33 Hd. M., 587 ; total sals, of As&ts. (12 M.), 2,012 Hd. M., 400; total sals, of Assts. (4 M.), 695 Assts. M., 150; Ms., 120, 100, 15 Hd. M., 263 (100 + cap.); Assts. M., 160, 140; Ms., 100 (2) Assts. M., 150 (2), 140, 135 (3), 125; Ms., 120, 105 Hd. M., 270; total sals, of Assts. (2M., 7 Ms.), ('.:>:{ Total sals, of all tchrs. (6 Ms. and 4 stud, tchrs.), 806 Hd. Ms., 300; total sals, of Assts. ((i Ms., I Vis.), 1'5SS Hd. M., 300; total sals, of A.-sts. (3 M., 2 Ms.), 208 Hd. M., 300; total sals. Assts. (5M., 1 Ms.), 170 of Assts. M., 110 to 155; Ms., 100 to 125 396 SECONDARY EDUCATION. Schools* By whom are Teachers Appointed and Dismissed ? Are Teachers Eligible for Pensions. Teachers' Salaries per annum. L.E.A. Sec. Soh., By L.E.A. . . Not at present. Hd. M.. 400 to 500 by 25 MX. Scheme for ! ann. ; Assts. M., 100 to 170 ; Officials of Cl. Ms., 90 to 120 (Assta. scale being con. under revision) L.E.A. Sec, Day By Hr. Ed. No Hd.M., 350; Assts. M., 200, Sell,, MX. C o in . of 160 to 180 (4), 150, 140, L.E.A. 110; Ms., 140, 120, 110; Cookery Ms., 90 VIL Ad. County. L.E.A, Sec, Sen., By L.E.A. ., No lid. M., 210 ; Assts. M., 120 MX, i to 140; Ms., 85 to 110 VIII. Ad t County, Private Prep. Assts. by Hd. No Asst. M., 150, 120, 100, 50 Sch., B. M. End, Sch., B... Ansts. by Hd. No AsKt. M., 50 (res.) M., sub. to approval of . Govs. a College, B. .. Assts. by Hd. M. No i Hd. M,, 600 ; Asst, M., 150, 140, 100 (2), 80, 60 (2); L j.A. County Sch., G. ! J b Gram. ScK,B. t B. Assts. by Hd. Ms., sub. to appeal to Local and County Com- mittees All app. and dis. subject to veto by L.E.A. Assts. by Hd. Ms., sub. to veto by L.E.A. Assts. by Hd. } M. at pre- | sent, b u t | new scheme being pre- pared Assts. by Hd. M., sub. to appeal to Govs. agnst. dismissal No Scheme present N" No Yes i Hd. M,, Jun. Sch., 120 (all | res.) ; Vis. M., Music, 150 ; ! Drawing, 50 ; Engineering, 150; Carpentry, 50 ; Gyranas- i tics, 2 5s. weekly i Lay Asst. M., 120, 100, 80, | 70, 60 ; Vis. Drawing, 50 ; : Commercial, 40 ; Violin, 20 at Hd. Ms., 180, by 20 ann. to 200; then by 10 aim. to 250; Asst. Ms., 115, 100(3), | all rising by 5 aim. to 150 ; Vis. ArD M., 1^ gs. per day; Piano, 1 5s. per pupil Hd. Ms., 180 to 250 (inc. as ; above); Asst. Ms., 110, 100, 90, all rising by 5 aim. to 150 Hd. Ms., 180, riskig to 250 (as above) ; Asst. Ms., 100 to 150 by 5 ; Vis. Science M., 60 ; Art. M., 10s. per lesson; Phys. Trng. Ms., 10s. per lesson and trav. exps. Hd. M., cap. of 6 (36 pupils) ; Asst. M., 120, 80 (res.) SECONDARY EDUCATION. $97 Schools. By whom are Teachers Appointed and Dismissed? Are Teachers Eligible Teachers' Salaries per annum, for Pensions ? a Gram. Sch. ,13. Assts. by Hd. No Asst. M., 180 (non-res.), 170, M. 150, 120, 105 (all res.) Private Prep. , , No Asst M., 100, 120, ami. inc., Sch., B. 10 11 11 ,, No Asst. M., 120 and part bd. ; lies. M., 75, 35; Res. Ms,, % 10 11 11 J5 No Asst. M, (res.), 130. 105 Private Si-li., B. tt No Asst. M., 80, 60, 50 6- Sec. Sch., B... -j No Asst, M. from 170 down to 1 at 120, and 1 at 100 b B... } } No - Asst, M., 190, 170, 120, 105, 100, 90 B... Assts. by lid. Only by Grant M., sub. to made by Govs. appr. of Gov. body from Sell. Fund, any such allo- cation requiring approval of Bd. of Ed. L.E.A. Tech. By Com. (after No ! lid. M., 325 (incl. supervision of Day Sell., B. consult, with ! Evg. Classes, &c.) ; Asst. M., Hd. M. in i 150 (-i), 130, 100 (scale 150 ease of Assts) ; to 200) all app. and dis. sub. to veto by L.E.A. L.E.A. Mun. By L.E.A. .. No* i lid. M., 300; Asst, M., 150, Tech. Inst. 60; Ms., 60, 50, 30 (Sch. of Art) IX. Ad. County. b County Sch., B. Assts. by Hd. Asst. M., 140 to 160, 110 to M., sub. to 150, 115 to 135 (2), 130, approval of 120 to 130, 110 to 125, Govs. 110 to 120 b High Sch., G. ByBd. G. .. No Asst, Ms., from 80 to 150 Private Prep. ByHd. M. .. No Asst. M., 150 (2), 135, 120, Sch., B. all-j-bd. and res., cVe. County Boroughs. c Gram. Sch., G. Assts. by Hd. No Scheme, but Ms., sub. to pensions some- approval of times granted ! Govs. by Govs. c G. Assis. by Hd. No definite Asst, Ms., 75 to 150 Ms., sub. to Scheme I appeal to Govs. against dismissal c G. Assts. app. l>v No Scheme, but lid. Ms.. 260: Asst. Ms.. 1 25, Hd. Ms., with some pensions 110 (2), 100(2), 90 (2), 85, approval of have been Govs. ; dis. g r a n t e d by during 1st (JOYS. yr. without appeal, after- wards Assts. may appeal to Govs. SECONDARY EDUCATION. Schools. By whom are Teachers Appointed and Dismissed ? Are Teachers Eligible Teachers' Salaries per annum. for Pensions ? c Grain. Sell., B. Assts. by Hd. At goodwill of Asst. M., from 125 to 300 M. Govs. only. Noj Scheme, but pensions are allotted L.E.A. Sec. Sch., By L.E.A., 3 Yes. TJnd. City Chief Asst. M. and Ms. rise to D. names' placed] Council's 200* before Hr. Scheme 3 p.c. Ed. Sub- p. a. is charged, Com. from and the pen- which they sions are on / select Civil Service basis b Sec. Sch., B. .. Hd. M. con- Hd. M. contri- Hd. M.,500 and house ; 2nd M., sulted with regard to butes tojSuper. Fund arranged 300; Asst. M. mostly on a scale cornm. at 120 to 200 app. of Assts. between Govs. dis. must be and himself sanctioned by j Govs. a B. . J f . Hd. M., 400 and house-j-l cap. | (100 pupils) ; 2nd M., 200 X. Ad. County. b College, B. ..j Assts. by Hd. M., gub. to No Asst, M., 120 (2nd M.) 100, 65 (2), 60, 50: Vis. Art, 30 confirmation by Govs. j b B. .. Assts. noin. . . Asst. M., 40 to 90 (res.) by Hd. M., sub. to appr. of Directors c Gram. Sch., B. Assts. by Hd. No Hd. M., 150-f5 cap. (65 M. pupils) ; Asst. M., 150, 140 ; Student Tehr., 20 ; Vis. j French, 12 12s. ; Music, 7 17s. 6d. XI. Ad. County. a College, G Apsts. by Hd. ' Compulsory Ms., pub. to ; Scheme. Grants approval of made by Coll. Govs. towards pre- mium on poli- trie* to secure pension or endowment at the age of 55, varving from ! i to | of total aim. premium cEnd. Sch., B. Assts. by Hd. No M. Hd. M., 100 + entire fees to 100, then half fees B No Hd. M., av. sal., 320; Asst. M., >5 120 (4), 1004-bd. ; Vis. Art Ms., 15 b High Sch., G. Assts. by Hd. No Asst. Ms., 140, 135 (2), 130, Ms. 120, 110, 100 (2) SECONDARY KDITATION. Spools. , By whom are Teachers Appointed and I Dismissed ? c Gram. Sell., B. Assts. by lid. M. L.E.A. Sec. Sell., By Staffing M. C o m ., o n ! I whichHd.M.i 1 has a seat | I Imtnotavote County Boroughs Are Teachers Eligible for Pensions ? No No Teachers' Salaries per annum. Hd. M., 260; Asst. M., 100, 80 ; Vis. Science M., 30+ex- penses Hd. M., 230; Assts. M.. 130, 120 ; Ms., 140, 100, 80 A Grain. Sch., U. Assts. 1>y Hd. No Hd. M., ab. 640 ; Asst. M., from M. 150 to 2,50 c End. Sch., B. ByGovs. .. Hd. M.^puly, Asst. M., 30 to 200+bd. and half contribtt res., &c. tions paid l>y himself and half by Govs. L.E.A. Sec. Sch., By L.E.A. No MX. after con- sidering re- commenda- tions of Hd. M. c High Sch., G. Assts. by Hd. No Asst. Ms., 80 to 125 Ms. XII. Ad. County. a Gram. Sch. , B. Assts. by Hd. : No Asst. M., ab. 120 (res.) -f bdg. M. house profits; Vis., 3 to 5 per term (1 hrs. weekly) XIII. Ad. County. Sec. Sch., MX. ByGov. Com., No .Hd.M. con- sulted in case of Assts. e Gram. Sch., B. By Govs. No Hd. M., 250 c ,, MX. Asets. by Hd. No Hd. M., 100+3 cap. (80 M., with! pupils) ; Asst. Ms., 110 (2) sanction of Govs. c MX. By Govs. No L.E.A. Mun. Assts. by Hd. No Asst, M., 240, Math. & P.T.'s; Sec. Sch., MX. M., in consul- 170, Chem. ; 150, Physics M. tation -w ith & Manual M. ; 130 (2\ 120, Gov. Com. 105 (3) ; Asst. Ms., 160, 110 of L.E.A. n (2), 95 (5), 85 ; Vis. Art M., 40 (orce weekly) ; Lab. Asst., County Borough. 40 b High Sch., B. Assts. hy Hd. No Hd. M., t200+30s. cap. (280 M., sub. to pupils) ; Asst. M., 250, f25() confirmation t220, 160 (4), 150, 140' by Govs. 135, 130 (2) ; Engineering M f200, f!20; Art M., 170; L ' Asst., 25s. weekly b G. Assts. by Hd. No Hd. Ms., 330; Asst. Ms., from MR. 95 to 130 High Sch. (Prep.) Assts. by Hd. No Hd. Ms.. 140 ; Asst. Ms., 80 to MX. Ms. 90; Vis. Ms., 30 t Salary includes work of teaching or organising some Evening Technical Classes ; 5 other Assistants receive additional salaries for evening work. 400 SECONDARY EDUCATION. Schools. XIV. By whom are Teachers 'Appointed and Dismissed ? Are Teachers Eligible for Pensions ? Ad. County. L.E.A. County Hd. M. and No Sch., D. Chairman of Gov. Com. consult to- gether L.E.A. High By L.E.A. .. No Sch., G. A Sec. Sch., B... All app. and No Scheme at dis., sub. to present, liut veto by lute Hd. M. L.E.A. j draws a pen- sion Teachers' Salaries per annum. Assts. M., 100 to 150; Ms., 120 to 150, and 100 to 130 ; inc. 10 or 5 Hd. Ms., 175 to 225; Asst. Ms., 100 (3), 45 (scale not yet fixed) Hd. M., 70-fcap. (53 pupils); Asst. M. (res.), 100, 70, 50 XV. Ad. County. L.E.A. County I By L.E.A. Sec. Sch., MX. e End. Sch., B. & Asste. app. by G. Hd.M., dis. . with consent of Go vs. c Gram. Sch., B. B. B. B. B. I B. B, B. b High Sch., G. c Q. L.E.A Sec. Day Sch., MX. L.E.A. Tech. Sec, Sch., MX. Asste. by Hd. M. By Local Com. of L.E.A. after consult. with Hd.M. No No Sum for each tcbr. from Re- tirement Fund,' founded bycon-i tributions from Masters, with bonuses from Go vs. L.E.A. Tech. | By L.E.A. Day Sch., MX. after consult. Sec. Sch., B. .. B. . , with Hd.M. Assts. M., 120 to 200 by 10 ; Ms., 100 to 150 by 10 Assts. M. and Ms , from 105 to 200; av. sal., 128 Asst. M., av. sal., 73+bd. & res. ; Asst. Ms., av. sal., 45-|- bd. & res. Asst. M., av.sal;, 1004-bd. &res, Asst. M., 70 to 140; av. sal., 110+bd. &res. Asbt. M., av. sal., 102-fbd. & res. Asst. M., av. sal., 50-fbd. & res, Asst. M. (2), av. sal., .-fillO+bd. & res. Asst. M. (2), av. sal., 72 10s. + bd. & res. Asst. M.,G5-f-bd. & re?., 65 No Av. sal. of Asst. M., 150 Asst. Ms., 75 to 110 ; av. 91 Asst. Ms., 80 to 90 (all res.) Asst. Tchrs., from 85 to 177| No ! Hd. M., 350; Art, Chemistry & Physics M., 185; French ! Mathematics & English M., 160; 2 Asst. M. & Manual Instructor, 150; Sen. Ms., 150; Domestic and Erench, Ms., 110; 2 Aest. Ms., 100 No Hd. M., 375; Aests. M., 130 to 200 by 10 ami. ; Ms., 120 to 200 by 10 aon. Asst. M., av. sal., 190 Asst. M., from 120 to 400, av. sal., ,l75-f-bd. & res. SECONDARY EDUCATION. 401 Schools. By T l v a X r f e Are Teachers ! 'ors P TeaCher8 ' Salftrie * ^ ^ e Sec. Sdi., MX. Av. sal. of Asst. M., 122 h B .. t > Asst. M., av. sal., 148+bd. & res. (2 have also bdg. house profits) County Borough. c Gram. Sch., B. By Govs. after Xo ! Asst. M., 90 to 150 consult, with Hd.M. r Tech. Sch.,B. Assts. by Hd. No Asst. M., min. 150; max. not M. sub. to fixed veto by Govs. 6 High Sch., G. Assts. by Hd. No - Ms. sub. to appr.of Govs. L.E.A. Mun. Sec. By L.E.A. .. There is a Hd. M., 400 to 500; Sen. Ms., Sch., MX. Scheme 200 to 250 ; Assts. M., 180 to 280; Ms., 140 to 200; ann. inc., 10 L.K A. Mun. Tech.Inst.,Mx. Principal, 500 to 600 ; Heads of Depts., 250 to 400 ; 1st Assts., i 200; 2nd Assts., 150; sals, of other Tchrs. fixed on app. XVI. UJ.3 Ad. County. *v"i " c Sec. Scli.,B... Assts. by Hd. Pension for Hd. Hd. M., 100 -f 30s. cap (85 M., sub. to M.und. Scheme. pupils) ; Asst. M., 155, 100, approval by Late Hd. M. 80; Asst. Ms., 55, 50; Vis. L.E.A. of app. of tchrs. receives 50 p. a. Carpentry, 15 15s. ; Singing 5 5s. of Tech. Sub c G... Assts. by Hd. No. Hd. Ms., 50 + cap. (90 pupils) ; Ms., sub. to Assts. Ms., 90, 75, 70, 60 approval of L.E.A. and Govs. b Sec. Sch., MX. By Govs., af- Ye.-?. 200 p.a. Sals, of Assts. range up to 300 ter con. of i* set aside by & res. lld.M's.roc. Govs. for a fund c Sec. Sell., MX. Assts. by Hd. Xo. M. in consult. with Govs., Hd.& Science M., sub. to approval of L.E.A. Private Sch., By Hd.M. No. Asstp. M., 30+bd. and res.; B, Drill M., 3s. per hour c Gram. Sch., B. By Hd. M. No. Hd. M., ab. 200 and house; Asst. M., 110 (2), 5 inc.- c Gram. Sch.,B. By Hd. M., No. Asst. M., 140, 130, 110, 100; sub. t appr. Student M., 30, 20; French of Govs. M., 27 c Gram. Sch., B. By Hd. M., Xo. sab. to con- firmation by Govs. County Borough. L.E.A. Sec. Day By Sab- Com. Xo. Sch., 1) of L.E.A. 402 SECONDARY EDUCATION. Schools. By whom are Teachers Appointed and Dismissed ? Are Teachers Eligible for Pensions ? Teachers' Salaries per annum. XVII. Ad. County. c Gram. Scli.,D. Assts. by Hd. No. Assts. M., 100 res. ; 75 non- M. res; Ms. 50; Vis. Drill, 3s. 6d. per hour ; Music M., 4s. 6d. per Hour. c Gram. Scli.,13. Assts. by Hd. Und. Scheme Asst. M., 150 non-res.; 55 M., sub. to approval of Govs. may pay i and Hd. M. res.'(2) ; Vis. M., 10 (2 hours weekly) Govs. | contributions for Pension L.E.A. Sec. Sch., Hd. M., by MX. L. E . A. , assts. by Hd. M., sub. to veto of L.E.A. XVIII. Ad. County. c Grain. Sch., MX. Assts. by Hd. No. Ms. sub. to c ,, MX. appr.ofGovs. Assts. by Hd. Fund contribu- Hd M., 75-f-portion of fees and M. ted to equally house; Asst. Ms. ab. 50; Vis, by Govs. and M. (S. & A.), 40 Hd. M. B. Assts. by Hd. No. Asst. M., 85, 50, 40 M. at pro- sent B. Assts. by Hd. No. Hd. M., 165; Asst. M., 85 M. c B. 1 small pension is paid from Endowment c D. Assts. by Hd. No. Hd. M., 100 + 2 cap. (110 M. at pro- pupils) ; Asst. M., 100; Ms., sent 80 c B. No. Hd. M., 150 + 1| cap. (95 pupils) ; Asst. M., 180, 170, 110 (2), 100 ; Vis. Singing M., 5s. per hour c B. No. Asst. M., 80-f-bdg. house profits, 80 ; Student Tcbr., 20 ,, B. By the Govs. No. Hd. M., 200 ; Asst. M., 105 only a See. Sch., B... Assts. by Hd. No. No definite scale. Min. sal. for M. Asst. M., 150 a B... Hd.M.byGov. Cl., Assts. by Hd. M., sub. to veto of Cl. L.E.A. Mini. Sec. By the L.E.A. No. 2nd M., 150 to 222 by 8 ami. ; Sch., MX. ' Asst. M., 110 to 155 by 5 or 10 ami. ; 1st Ms., 105 to 140 by 5 ami. ; Asst. Ms., 100 to 125 by 5 ami. j? No. Hd. M., 300; Asst. M., 200, 130, 120 ; Ms., 105, 100 (2) SECONDARY EDUCATION. 403 Schools. By whom are Teachers Appointed and Dismissed ? Are Teachers Eligible for Pensions ? Teachers' Salaries per annum. L.E.A. Sec. Day BytheL.E.A. Sch., MX. County Boroughs. L.E.A.Sec. Sch., D. b High Sch., G. Assts. by Hd. M., sub. to j confirmation i by Govs. c Sec. Sch., MX. ! Assts. by Hd. M. b Grain. Sch., B. L.E.A. Mun. Sec. Sch., MX. L.E.A. Int. Day Sch., B. b Gram. Sch.,M. a Gram. Sch., G. a High Sch., G. Assts. by Hd. M. By L.E.A., Hd. M. con- sulted in case of Assts. b College, G. . . b B. .. i Gram. Sch.,B. Assts. by Hd. Ms. Assts. selected by Hd. Ms. ! and app. on j prob. for 1 j yi-. when app. is confirmed [ by Go vs. ; j dis. only by i Govs. usually after consult.! Hd. Ms. Assts. by Hd. Ms. Assts. by Hd. M. No. Hd. M., 360; Asst. M., 200 (2), 180; Ms., 150 (2), 120 : (2), 100(2) No. ! Hd. M., 300; Assts. M., 140, ' 130, 120(3), 110; Ms., 130, 1 105(2) No Hd. M., 300; A*st. M., 130, 120 (2), 115, 110; Ms., 130, 110 (3), 75 (Cookery) No Hd. M., 300; Asst. M., 160, i 155, 145, 140 (2), 130; - i Ms., 135, 125, 120, 110, i 100, 85 No Asst. M,, 100 to 170; Ms., 90 to 130 by 10 ami. i Hd. Ms., 200+cap. (150 pupils); Asst. Ms., 130 (2), 120 (2), 110 (2), 105, 100. No Hd. M., 100 -f 2 cap, (210 pupils), Asst. M., 150, 135, 120 (2); 1st Ms., 165; Assts. Ms., 100 (2), 90 (3), 80. No Hd. M., 280; Asst. M., 180, 150 (2), 145 (2), 135 (2) No Hd. M., 600; Assts. M., 204, 165, 160, 150 (2), 145, 130 (2), 125 (2), 120 (3), 110 (2), 100; Ms., 120 (2). 115(3), 100, 90; French M., 160; Manual, 120; Gymnastics, 95 ; Cookery Ms., 84, 78 Total sals, of reg. staff (10 M.), 1,600 Hd. M., 500: Assts. M., 160 to 200 by 10 ami. ; 140, 130 (3), 100 ; Ms., 140, 100, 90 Asst. Ms., 90 to 120 Minimum sal. of reg. Asst. Ms., 100 ; Vis. tchrs. receive 75 p.c. of fees No There is a Pro- vident Fund in which tchrs.' savings are augmented by Govs. No No Fund approved, to be estab. ! as soon as ! funds permit j No fixed scale, Asst. Ms. from 90 to 120 Lay Asst. M., 250, 156, 150 (4), 120, 104 ; Asst. Ms. Prep. Sch., 120 404 SECONDARY EDUCATION. Schools. Appointed and f pSins ? Teachers' Salaries per auaum. Dismissed ? a Gram. Sell., B. Assts. by Hd. Pension Scheme Form M. commence at 180 and M., sub. to being prepared, rise 20 every 2nd yr. to 300. report to Govs. and funds are in hand for as- Higher sals, for heads of depte. (4 special sals, up to 550) tablishingsame Prep. Grain. Assts. by Hd. Not at present Hd. M., ah. 430; Asst. M. 180 Sch., B. M. at pre- sent ; pro- 4- allowance ; 105 rising 5 p.a., 90 ; Ms., 84 -f part bd. ; i bably altered Vis. French Ms., 30 under new Scheme a High Sch., G. By Govs. Savings fund Hd. Ms., 150 + cap. of from 10s. Assts. app. after consult. contributed to by Govs. ; un- to 2 as fixed by Govs. (480 pupils) with and not der Scheme without appr. of Hd. Ms.; Govs. may pay not more than dis. on report | contributions of Hd. Ms. to Pension for Hd. Ms. L. E. A. Mun. By L.E.A., Tcbrs. contri- Principal, 650; 1st Science M., Sec. Seh., D. after consult. bute 3f p.c? of 200 ; Asst. M., 190, 180 (6), with Hd. M. salary aim. to 170 (2), 165, 155 (3), 150, Corporation 145, 140 (3) ; 1st Ms., 225 ; Thrift Fund Asst. Ms., 150, 135, 130, 120, 115, 110 (4); Drawing M., 150 (2), 100 (2), Manual, 130, 120; Chemistry, 80; Drill Ms., 150; Drawing Ms., 90, 70 ; Cookery, 130 ; Dressmaking, 85. L.E.A. Sec. By L.E.A. .. No Hd. M., 320; Asst. M., 170, Sch., MX. 160, 125, 120 (3), 115 ; Ms., 105, 100 (2), 95, 90 c College, B. .. Assts. by Hd. No M., sub. to appr. of Govs. L. E. A. Mun. By L.E.A., No Asst. Ms., from 90 to 150 Sec. Sch. and after consult. P. T. Centre, G. with Princi- pal L. E. A. Mun. By L.E.A. .. No Asst. M., min. 130; no definite Sec. Sch., B. Scale, but proposed to increase by 10 arm. to 180 ; extra for special masters L.E.A. Tech. }> No Hd. M., 300 to 400; Asst. M., Sch., MX. 140 to 175 (3), 120 to 165 (2) ; 1st Ms., 110 to 155 ; Asst. Ms., 115 to 140, 110 to 130 (2), 110 to 125 I Gram. Seh., B. Assts. by Hd. ,. Being revised M., after consult, with Govs. (| of whom are apptd. by L.E.A.) L.E.A. Tech. By Govs. Q 4 1 Hd. M., 350; Asst. M., 160' Seh. (P.'T. of whom (2), 120 (2); Ms., 170, 120, Dept.) rep. C.C., 115, 110, 100 andJC.B.C.) SECONDARY EDUCATION. B y !j^ * re Are Teachers Spools. iAp^tedLd OT E jifc Teachers' Salaries per annum. Dismissed ? XIX. . Ad. County. L.E.A. Count v By Govs. . . No lid. M., 300-fl cap. over 100 Sch., B. (180 pupils); Asst. M., 120, 125, 130, 145 (2), 150, 170, 180 b College, B. Assts. bv lid. No M., sub. to Asst. M., 250. 200 (2), 150 (2), 115, 105, 100, 80.' a p p r . o f (These eals. are under revision.) Govs. b Gram. Sch.,B. Assts. by lid. Hd. M. oifly, lid. M., 400; Asst. M., CKiO M. ! 5 contributions (4), 135, 120; Vis. Arh M. paid bv Govs., (2 afternoons), 45 ; Drill, 15 | by HAM, High Sch., G. Assts. bv Hd. No Asst, Ms., 120(4), 110, 100, Ms. (3), 90, 80 b G. Assts. by II d. No Hd. Ms., 225; Asat. Ms., 120 Ms., sub. to (2), 105 (3), 100, 90, 75, confirmation 70; av. sal. of Vis. Ms., 7s. 6d by Govs. per hr. b Sec. Sch., B. .. Assts. by Hd. There is a Pen- M. sion Fund for Assts. L.E.A. Sec.Sch., By L.E.A. .. No Principal, 200; Asst. M.. 160, MX. Ms., 120, 100 ; Vis. M., Science, 60: Art, 60; Drill, 40; Vis. Ms., Drill, 20 L. E. A. Tech. ?> No Responsible M., Int. Sch., 30s. lnst.,Mx.(evgs. weekly; French and Manual only) M., lUs. per evg. XX. Ad. County. c Gram . S eh . , MX . Assts. by Hd. M. Hd. M. under Scheme (not in Hd. M., 60+2 cap. (SO pupils-) ; Assts. M., 120; Ms., 100 force) c ,, 1). Assts. by Hd. M. sub. to No Hd. M., 100+3 cap. (40 pupils) and house ; Asst. M., 100 amjr.ofGovs. All app. and dis. sul>. to veto b y L.E.A. b B. Assts. by Hd. M. No Scheme at present Hd. M., 200-fcap. (100 pupil*); As. By lid. M. .. No Asst. M., 50 to 60 (res.) c Gram. Sch., .15. Assts. by lid. Yes, Hd. M. and Hd. M., 300 M. Govs. contri- bute equally to Fund b ,, B. Assts. by Hd. No Asst. M., av. sal. 130 + bd. and M., sub. to res., ami. inc. of rept.to CJovs. 1 Mvate Gram. By Hd. M. .. No Asst, M., 371, ^35 (both res.) Sch., B. County Boroughs. r Gram. Sch., 1>. Aests. by lid. No Hd. M., ab. 450; Asst. M., M. 100, 130 (4), 120, 95 to 100; Vis. M., 75 12s. (after- L.E.A. Mun. By Hr. Ed. No noons only), 45 (6 hours weekly). 18 18s. (1| hours weekly). Hd. M., 350; Asst, M., 210, Tech. Sch., B. Com., sub. to veto by 200 (2), 140 (2), 130 (2), 120, 110, 105 L.E.A.; Hd M. consulted cEnd. Toch. Gov. Corn. . . Yes, from End. Sch. funds ; Iate2nc M. receives a pension of 100 L.E.A. Sec. Sch., Hr. Ed. Sub- No 'Assts., 150, 135 (2), 140, 110, MX. . Com. of ' 100 (2) 90, 80 (2); Prep. L.E.A., who consult Hd. Dept., 47J to 100 ; P.T. Centre, 85, 126, 150 (2) M. in case of Assts. > ,, No Hd. M.,f350; Assts. M., 100 to 150*; Ms., 80 to 140 4 College, B. . . Assts. by Hd. No M. and Res. Gov., sub. tt confirmation by Bd. of Trustees 408 SECONDARY EDUCATION. Schools. By whom are A T - hftr Teachers FI?WA Appointed and . S&2J? 9 Dismissed? for Pensions ? Teachers' Salaries per annum. XXIII. . Ad. County. b Gram. Soli., B. Assts. byHd. Xo Asst. M., from 85 0-j-r,ip. (MO pupils) ; Asst. M., 250, 130, 110 (2), 100, 90 B. M Xo funds avail- Assts., 70, 40 (res.) able XXVII. Ad. County. b Sec. Sch.,B. .. Assts. l).v H'l. No Asst. M., 80 to 100 (res.) M. sui>. to appeal to (JOYS, agst. dismissal !> G. .. By Govs. No Asst, Ms., 80, 70, 65, 60, 50, inc. o ami. (all res.) 410 SECONDARY EDUCATION. Schools. By whom are Teachers Appointed and Dismissed? Are Teachers Eligible for Pensions ? Teachers' Salaries per annum. e Gram. Sch., B. Assts. by Hd. M. withappr. No Hd. M., 804-3 cap. (40 pupils) ; Asst. M., 120, 100; Vis., Art, of Govs. " M., 30 ; Singing and Drill, 10 b B. Assts. by Hd. No Hd. M., 150-f2 5s. cap. (100 pupils) ; Asst. M., 150 (2), 130, 100; Vis., Art., 60; Drill, County Boroughs. 13|; Singing, 12 * College, D. . . ft Av. sal. of 30 Assts. (24 M., 6 Ms.), (incl. payment for evg. work in 8 eases), 141! ; highest sal., incl. evg. work, 275 ; without evg. work, 150; lowest sal. (Dress- making Ms.), 60 cEud. Sch., B. . . Asst. M., from 100 to 160 (av. sal., 120) c G. Asst, Ms., from 80 to 120 b Gram. Sch., B. \ \ m t Asst, M., from 120 to 245 (av. sal., 171) b ,, B. Asst. M., from 80 to 140 (av. sal., 107) a High Sch., G. . . Asst. Ms., 60 to 105 (av. sal., 93|) L. E. A. Mun. By L.E.A. . . No Hd. M., 275 pro tent, (not yet Sec. Sch., D. definitely fixed); Assts. M., 150 to 200, by 10 ami. ; Ms.. 120 to 150, by 6 ami. XXVIII. Ad. County. c Gram. Sell., B. Assts. by Hd. Not at pi eseiit . . Hd. M., 2004-30s. <-ap. (So and G. M., sub. to pupils) ; Assts. M., 150, 100; appr. of Gov. Ms., 150 to 170, 100; Vis., Body on which Art, 1 per week (2 days) L.E.A. has a ruling voice c Gram. Sch., B. Assts. by Hd. No Asst. M., 50 (res.) M. c ,, B. No Hd. M., 1004-| fees; Asst. M., 20, 40 (res.) XXIX. Ad. County. a College, B. Assts. "by Hd. . . Asst, M., 100 (2), 90, GO M. (2), all res. c Gram. Sch.,B. Former 2nd M. receives Pen- sion of 40 from End. Funds. Hd. M. eligible for 1 'elision nnd. Scheme b Gram. Sch., MX. Hd. M., 300; 1st Asst,, 160 (inel. Evening work); oilier Assts., 100, 95, 90 (2), . 27 p. a. from income SECONDARY EDUCATION. 411 Schools. By whom are Teachers Appointed and Dismissed ? Are Teachers Eligible for Pensions ? Teachers' Salaries per annum. e Grain. Sch., MX. b Grain. Sch., B. Assts. by Hd. M. )> Hd. M. eligible for Pension und. Scheme No Hd. M., 150+3 fees (40 pupils, Sch., G. Assts. by Hd. Ms. Sec. Sell. L.E.A Sec. Sell., By L.E.A. . . MX. L.E.A. Sec. Miid By Governing Tech. Scli., MX.' Cornm. County Borough. L.E.A. Mun. By L.E.A. .. Sec. Sch., B. L.E.A. Mun. Sec. Sch., G. XXX. Ad. County. c Gram. Sch., B. Assts. by Hd. M. Lute Hd. Ms. received 40 p. a. from End. Funds L. E. A. Sec. Sch., MX. Private Prep. Sch., B. ByGovs.(Hd. M. consul ted in case of As?ts.), sub. to appr. of L.E.A. By Hd. M. . . County Boroughs. L. E. A. Mun. By Ed. Com. I High Sch., G. b High Sch., G. XXXI. By (in case of Assts. after rec. of Hd. j Ms.) Assts. selected bylld.Ms., appointed & d i s . by Council Ad. County. r Gram. Sch., B. Assts. by Hd. M. No * No Day fees, 4 10*. to 6 p.si.) : Asst. M., 125, 100; Vis. Manual, 20; Art. 8 (2 tonus only) 2 Hd. Ms., 6C each +bd., res. and bonus at discretion of Conun. (ab. 80 -for the two Ms.) Assts. M., 150, 140, 115, 110, 100; Ms., 100(2), 90; Vis. Manual M. 30 (1 day) Hd. M., 380; Asst, M., 160, 1,55 (3), 150 (2), 145 (2), 140, 120 (Manual) Hd. Ms., 220; Asst. Ms., min. ace. to acquirements and ex- perience, max. 150 Hd. M., 120+2 cap. (45 pupils; i and house; Asst. M., 75, 65 ! (res.) i Hd. M., 225 ; Assts. M., 135, 100 ; Ms. 115 (2) ; Drawing Ms., 90; Drill Sergt., 2s. Gd. ' per hour Asst. M., 120(2), 100 (all res.) Hd. M., 120; Asst. M., 100, 30 (all res.) : 1 ait pair ; Vis. Music, 30 412 SECONDARY EDUCATION. School" By whom are Teachers Appointed and Dismissed ? Are Teachers Eligible for Pensions? Teachers' Salaries per annum. c Grain. Soli., B. Assts. by Hd. M. Private Prep. ., Soh., B. a See. Soh., B. Yfs Asst. M., 65, 60, 40 (all res.), ann. inc., 10 Asst. M., 90, 80 (res.) ; Vis. Drill, 6 Gs. County Borough. Private Sob., B. L. E. A. Mun. Sec. Sch., D. By L.E.A. Asst. M., 100 (non-res.), 75, 50, 25 (nil res.) XXX IT. Ad. County. B. ..! Asste.bjHd. Xo M., sub. to ' approval of Go vs. n ,, B. . Assts. by Hd. No M. c County Sch., B. Assts. by Hd. Xo M., but re- port must be made to the i Go vs. and also to the L.E.A. 1> Gram. Sch., B. Assts. by Hd. Xo M. under ; Scheme, but \ \ Govs. and L.E.A. are always con- sulted b ,, B. Assts. hyHd. Xo M., app. sub. to veto by L.E.A. c B. By Govs. . . Xo < Sec. Sch., B. .. Assts. bylld. Xo M. c Sec. Sch., B. \r New Scheme Xo G. being pre- > pored L. E. A. Tech. ByGov. Cou Sch.. MX. on report of Hd. Tc.hr.; all app. and dis. must be reported to the L.E.A. Asst. M., from 105 (res.) to 250 (non-res.) Hd. M., 250-f house ; Asst. M., 120, 90 + 30 as Chaplain. 70, 75; Vis. Music M., ah 20 Tld. M., 80-r-5 cap. (50 pupils) and house; Asst. M., 130, 90, 60 ; Vis. Art, 26 Hd. M., 254-eap. ; Asst. M., 80, 35 Xew Scheme being prepared. Proposed sal. of Hd. M., 100 -fcap. of from 2 to 4; Hd. Ms., 70-j-same cap. Present wil. of Hd. M., 80+cap. (40 pupils) of 1 to 3 as fixed by Govs. Sal. of Assts. to be arranged by Hd. Tchrs. with the appr. of the Govs. Hd.M.,100; Asst. M., 10, 6 SECONDARY EDUCATION. 413 Schools. By whom are I Teachers Appointed and Dismissed ? , Are Teachers Eligible for Pensions ? Teachers' Salaries per annum. County Boroughs. b College, B. L. E. A. Mun. Tech. Sch. (Evgs. only). a Gram. Sch., B. Assts. by Prin- 1 cipal, sub. to veto by Gov.; Board By L.E.A. c Sec. Sch., B. .. e G. .. XXXIII. Ad. County. b Gram. Sch., B. Assts. by Hd. Xo provision lid. M., M., sub. to yet made pupils) appeal to , Govs. against dis. : L.K.A. require evi- , dence of quali- i fieations L.K.A. Mun. ( By L.E.A. No ILL M., Sch., MX. acting as (2), 121 Govs. County Borough. tt High Sch., U. Assts. by Hd. No Hd. M., M., sub. to 175, . appeal to 90; Vi Go vs. against (3 hours dis. L.K.A. Tech. Day Sch., MX. By L.E.A. on rec. and ad- Xo ILL M., Assts. vice of Hd. 20; }] M. grant) ; Asst.M., from 130 to 200 (av. 167), 3 have furnished rooms and 1 bd. and res. in addition to sal. Asst. M., ab. 120 ; Stud. Tcbrs., first yr., 15; second. 20; third, 25 Asst, Ms., 100 (2), 90, SO. 75, 60, 50 (2), 45; Jun. Ms., 24 (2) l.-,0-f e'ip. of 2 (OS XXXTV. Ad. County. L.K.A. (bounty Sch., MX. L.K.A. Coun'y Sch., D. L.K.A. County Sd.., D. L.K.A. County Sri,., MX. L.E.A. County Sch., MX. By L.K.A. 3-|-cap. ; Asst. M., 175, 16e|, 120, 110, 100, 90 ; Vis. M. (5 hours) 17 5s., 100, 75, 70, Ms., 22 (all-j-share of Vis. Drill and Manual M., ii 10 each (these sals, are for work in both Day and Kvg. Scb.) lid. M.. 220 ; Assts. M., 130 Ms., 130 Assts. by lid. ILL M., if funds ILL M.. 270; Assts. M.. 1 15, Tchr. permit 115, !>5 : Ms., 105, 95, !). Vis. Art M., .!*; <'..>kfr> Ms . 20 No Assts. M., 150, 130, 120 (2) : Ms., 130, 110, 100 (2) Assts. by Govs. Xo lid. M ., ISO ; Ass's. M., 100 ; in consult, Ms., 75* with Hd. M. Bv L.K.A... Xo Hd. M., 200: Asst. Ms., 100, SO: Vis. Art M.. 35 * These salaries include work in Pupil Teacher Centre and Evening Classes. 414 SECONDARY EDUCATION. Schools. By whom ar.e Teachers Appointed and Dismissed? Are Teachers Eligible for Pensions ? Teachers' Salaries per annum. cHigh Sob., B. TYYV Assts. by Hd. M., sub. to approval of Go vs. No Hd. M., 200 and bd. and res. ; Asst. M. 60, 55, 42 (all res.) ; Vis. Art M., 30; Drill, ab. 7 Ad. County. < Grain. S<;h., B. Assts. by IM. No Aast. M., 170 (2), 160, 150, M. 140, 120, 80 (Scale 80 to \ 170 at present) ; Asst. "Ms., 1 80; Vis., Drawing, Singing, and Gymnastics, 25 eacb c B. , , Late Hd. M. re- Asst. M., 100 (res.), 70 (fur- ceives Pension nished rooms) of 60 p. a. from End. L. E. A. High Hd. M., 250; Hd. Ms., 150; Sob., MX. total sals, of Assts. (3 M., 3 Ms., i 4 Vis.), 650 a High Sch., G. Assts. by Hd. Xo Asst. Ms., 60, 55, 50 (2), 30 MS. (all res.) a B. Assts. by Hd. M. Under Scheme Govs. may ar- Hd. M., 200+3 3s. cap. (170 pupils) ; Asst. M., from 150 to range Pension 250 j for Hd. M. a G. Asst. Ms., 100, 90 (2), others varying L. E. A. Mun. By L.E.A. .. . School of Art: Hd. M., 300; Tech. and Art Assts. M., 110; Ms., 40; Sch. (evenings P.Ts., 35 & 20. ^Science: only) M., 250, 160, 40 (2). t Tech- nology and Commercial: M., 170 (Boot and ShoeManufac.) ; ' French, English, and Cookery, 15 eacb ; Shorthand and Type- writing, 21 ; Bookkeeping, Ambulance, and Dressmaking, 10 each County Boroughs. L. E. A. Mun. By L.E.A. (Hr. No Sec. Sch., MX. Ed. Com.) L.E.A. Tech Assts. by Hd. Nn Hd. M., 300; Asst. M., 120 to Day Sch., B. M., sub. to li O 150 by 10 ann. ; Science a p p r . of Demonstrators, 100, 20 (2), Sub-Comm. and veto of Carpentry (4 days), 80; Art (1 day), 20 L.E.A. a Gram. Sch.,B. Assts. by Hd. No M., sub. to appr. of Go vs. L.E.A. Higher, By L.E.A. .. No Hd. M., 325; Assts. M., 190, Grade Sec. 165, 155 (3), 125 (2); Ms., Sch., MX. 115, 105, 100, 95 L.E.A. Sci. and j j Permanent Tchrs. : 300 (Art), Tech. Sch. 200 (Science), 165 (Tech.); (Evenings), MX. Vis. Tchrs., 2s. 6d. to 7s. 6d. per hr. * These amounts are at the rate of 20 per session.'one night per week, t These amounts are at the rate of 15 per session, one night per week. SECONDARY EDUCATION. 415 !?L r e Are Teachers Teachers' Salaries per annum. XXXVI. Ad. County. c Gram. Sch., B. b Sec. Day Sch., B. L.E.A. Tech. Inst., MX. County Boroughs. L.E.A. Sec. Dav Sch., MX. Assls. by Hd. Assts. app. by Hd.M.;dis. sub. to sanc- tion of Go vs. By the Gov. Comm. By L.E.A. No No No No a High Sch. and P.T. Centre, G. L.E.A. Mini. Tech. Day Sch., B. Hd. M., 150+cap. (50 pupils); Asst. M., 75, 50, both+bd. and residence Hd. M., 260; Asst. M., 140, 110; Ms., 90 Prin.,340; V.-Prin.,200; Assts. M., 200, 180, 160, 150, 140, 120, 115 (2), 105, 100, 95, 80; Ms., 150, 110 (2), 100, 95 (2), 90; Lab. Asst., 30, 17J; (Scale Assls. with Degree M., 120 to 170; Ms., 110 to 150 by 10 . ami . ; Non - Grads . ace . to L . E . A . ! scale for Cert. Tchrs.). Prep. \ Dept.Hd. M., 185; Assts. M., 120, 105 ; Ms., 105, 95 i ('2) ; Manual M., 150 ; Gyni- i nasties, 110; Dressmaking Ms., : 77 10s. Asst. Ms., 130, 120, 115 (2), 110, 105 (3), 100 (2), 90 Asst, M. from 140 to 210 (in- cluding Evg. work) Assts. by Hd. I Ms. By Gov. : Comm. after consultation withHd.M. and sub. to veto by L.E.A. XXXVII. Ad. County. c College, B. .. Assts. by Hd. No, but Gov*. Asst. M., 100, 90 with 1x1. and M. have power res. 1. Srlien mid. Scheme to provide c College, B. . . ,, b College (Pri- Assts. by Hd. vate), B. M., sub. to arbitral ion if desired Private Prep. Assts. by Hd. Sch., B. M. with Hd. M. No No Asst. M., 100, res. Asst. M., 60-fbd. and res. 410 SECONDARY EDUCATION. Sshools. Are Teachers XXXVIII. Ad. County. b Sec. Sch., D In case of No Assts. Hd. M.j Hd. M., 600 (res.) ; Asst. M. (non-res.), 270 (2), 220; Art confers with' M., 150; (res.), 180, 150 Go vs. and act.' (3), 145, 120; Ms. (res.), 150, under their 110, 100, 95, 90, 80 (2), direction 70 ; Music Ms. (res.), 70, 60, 50; 'Vis. M., Gymnastics, 45, 40 ; Apprentices, 16 to 25 b Gram. Sch., B. Assts. by Hd. ' . . Asst. M., 120 to 200 M. c B. Hd. M. by No Hd. M., 130+1 cap. (30 pupils) ; Go vs. ; Assts. Asst. M., 50-}-bd. and res. by Hd. M. c B. Assts. by Hcl. No Asst. M., 75 to 140 M. b B. No Hd. M.,120+ fees (170 pupils, Fees 6 to 8 p. a.); Asst, M. (res.), 145, 125, 120, f 100; (non-res.), 180, 120; Drill M. (4 hours weekly), 15 c ,, B. By Govs. . . No Asst. M., 120, 100 L.E.A. Gram. By Higher Ed. No Sch., B. Sub - Com. ; \ Hd. M. con- sulted in case of 'Assts. * b Gram. Sch., B. Assts. by Hd. M. No Hd. M., 100+4 cap. (80 pupils) ; Asst. M., 145 (2), 100, 80; Gymnastic M., 2s. 3d. per lesson b G. Assts. by Hd. No Asst. Ms., 85 to 150 (non-res.) Ms.' c B. Assts. by Hd. No Hd. M., 160; Asst. M., 85, M. 50, 25 (aU -j- bd. and res.) b High Sch., G. Assts. on rec. Not at present. . Hd. Ms., 300; Asst. Ms., 125, of Hd. Ms. ; i 110, 105, 100 (7) ; Art M. I all app. and 1 (1 day weekly), 40; Singing dis. sub. to M. (1| hours weekly), 20 veto of i L.E.A. L.E.A. Mun. By L.E.A. .. No ' IM. Ms., 230; Asst, Ms., 120 High Sch., G. ; (2), 90; Vis. Art. M., 40; Art. Ms., 20 Private Prep. Assts. by Hd. No : Asst, M., 100, 30 (res.) Sch., D. M. Private Sec. Sch., Assts. by Hd. No Asst . Ms., 55, 45, 25, 20 (all G. Ms. -j-bd. and res.) L.E.A. Sec, Sch., Hr. Ed. Sub- No Hd. M., 250; Assts. M., 120; Mx. Com., sub. Ms., 100; Vis. Art M., 18; to veto of Needlework Ms., 15 ; Manual L.E.A. M. and Cookery Ms., 11 each By Govs.; Mi- No Miii. for Asst, M., 120; Asst. nutes must Ms., 100. Scale being con- be confirmed sidered bv Dist. Cl. L.E.A. Sec. Sch., By L.E.A. .. No Hd. Ms., 200; Asst. Ms., 100 G. " No Hd.Ms.,150; Asst. Ms., 100 (2) SECONDARY EDUCATION. 417 Schools. By whom are i Teachers ' Appointed and ! Dismissed ? I Are Teachers Eligible for Pensions ? Teachers' Salaries per annum. L.E.A. Sec. and ': Hd. M. by No Tech. Sch., MX. Govs.; Assts. by Hd. M., confirmed by Govs.; all 1 sub. to veto by L.E.A. L.E.A. Sec. Sch., By L.E.A. .. No MX. n See. Sch., B...J Hd. M. by No Govs. ; Assts. bv Hd. M. Assts. M., 120 to 140 by 5 ami.; Ms., 100 to 120 by 5 atm. Hd. M., 2.50; 2nd M., 130; Aests. M., 85 to 120; Ms., X.") to 10;) B. L.E.A. Sec. Sch., G. e End. Sell., G. Assts. by IM. Ms., sub. to approval of Govs. Private Hi-h Asste. by Hd. Sdi., G Ms. L.E.A. Sec. Sch.. B. By L.K.A.OU case of Assls. lid. M. is consulted) L.E.A. Sec. Sdi.. By L.E.A. .. G. Xo ! Asst. M., Gr. (res.), 115, 85, ! 80 (2), 45; Xon-Gr. 54 (2) ; Gymnastic M. (non-res.), 30; Drawing M., 35 (both 4 hours weekly) County Boroughs. a Gram. Sch., B. Assts. by Hd. No M. B. Assts. by Hd. M. sub. to approval of Govs. MX. By Govs. . . L.E.A. Sec.Seh., By L.E.A. B. Xo Xo Hd. M., 1,250; Asst, M., 350 (3) , 325 (2) , 300 (2) , 280, 240, 230, 220 (5), 210 (2), 200 (3), 190, 170 (2) ; total sals, of Manual and Gymnastic M., Lal>oratoiy Assts.", &c., 420 Assr. M., 180, 140, 130, 120, 100 (2) ; Art, 75 ; Music, 25 Hd. M., 200+house ; Asst. Ms., 75, 60 ; Vis. Art. M., 25 Hd. M., 390 ; Asst. M., Physics, 10, 140, 110; Chemistry, 170, 160, 135; Gorman, 180; Art, 155; Manual, 165, 145, 95: Form M., 160(2), 155 (2), 150, 145 (4), 140 (2), 130 (3), 125, 105; I'Yencb. Ms., 105; inc., 5 Asst, Ms., 90, 60, 50, 40 Xo Asst. Ms., 100 (4), 90, 80, U25; Siii-iii.u- M., 9 gs. ; Piano and Solo Sinidii"-, 35s. a term per pupil There is ; , Hd. M., .300: Asst, M., 160, Scheme 160, 156 (2), 152 (3), 150, 144, CHI, 132, 126, 122, ,120, 110, 108 Assts. Ms., 126, 110, 102 (2), SI; Cookery, 90 14 418 SECONDARY EDUCATION. Schools. By whom are Teachers Appointed and Dismissed? Are Teachers Eligible for Pensions ? Teachers' Salaries per annum. L. E. A. Mun. ! By L.E.A. Tech. Sch., MX. No L. E. A. P. T. Centre Gram. Sch., MX. L.E.A. Higher Grade Sch., MX. Aests. bv lid. By L.E.A. ; Hd.M. con- sult, in case of Assts. a Gram. Sch., B. Assts. by Hd. M. L.E.A. Higher ; By L.E.A. ; Grade Sch., MX. Hd. M. con- 1 suit, in case of Assts. c High Sch., G. By Govs. in con junction with Local Sub-Corn. L.E.A. Sec.Sch,, By Govs. (in MX. case of Assts. on advice of Hd. M.) sub. to veto by L.E.A. Sch.,B,.. XXXIX. Ad. County. c College, B. . c Gram. Sch., B. L.E.A. Sec. Day Sch., MX. Assts. by Hd. I M. y Hd. M. by i Govs. ; Assts. i by Hd. M. ' By Ed. Com. i of L.E.A.; i Assts. on rec. ! of Hd. M. No No No Principal, 450; Art Dept. M., 250 (Hd.), 120, 15 (4) ; Ms., 25 ; Textile: M., 200 (Hd.); 83, 70, also 4 M. at Is. to 6s. Gd. per evg. ; Engineering, 200 (Hd.), 150, 145, 12',, 104, 80*, 20; Buildingt, 115, 90+, 20, also 15 M. at 3s. 6d. to 16s. 4d. per evg.; Chemistryt, 140, also 5 M. at Gs. to 12s. Gd. per evg. ; Foreign Lang., 215 ; Science]], 30, also : 6 M. at 10s. to 1 per evg. ; Commercial, 15 M. at 2s. 6d. to : 1 per evg.; Dressmaking Ms., I 110; Cookery, 100, also a Ms. at 10s. per week Principal, 200; Asst, M., 120; Ms., 130, 120 ; Hd. M., 50 -f cap. (65 pupils); i Assts. M., 100 (2) ; Ms., 45 ; Vis. Art, 15 ; Shorthand, 10 ; French, 12 Hd. M., 400; Asst. M., Chem., 185; Physics, 170; Mathe- i matics, 135 ; Manual, 120 ; Form M., 130, 125, 120, i 110 ; 1st Ms., 120 ; Form Ms., \ 85 (3); Dressmaking, 2 per week ; Asst. M. from 150 to 300, inc. | variable i Special M., 180 to 250; Form M., 100 to 190; Ms., 90 to I 140, inc. 5 for G years, then 10 Asst, M., Class I., 220 to 250 ; Class II., 180 to 200; Class III., 150 to 200, aun. incs. 10 Asst. M., 95, 60 (res.) ; Vis., 25, 15 (2) Assts. M., 50 (2); Ms., 50 Assts. M., 160 (2), 120 to 150 (-1), 120; Ms., 100 to i;!0 (2); Cookery, 75 * September to May, 3 evenings per week, t September to May, 4 evenings per week. J September to May, 2 evenings per week. II October to May, 1 even ing per week. SECONDARY EDUCATION. 419 Schools. By whom are Teachers Aopointed and Dismissed ? Are Teachers Eligible for Pensions ? Teachers' Salaries per annum. L.E.A. County Sch., D. In eft'd are app. by Hd. M., but No Hd. M., 250-fcap. of 10s. over 100 (90 pupils); Assts. M., 170 to 200 by 10, and 140 to app. and dis. 1.30 by 5; Ms., 150 to 180 are subject by 10, and 100 to 130 by 5 to veto by L.E.A. County Borough. ; c Sec. Sell., G. . . Assts. by Hd. No Asst. Ms., 105, 90, 80, 50 M.S., but Sch. is being trans. to L.E.A. XL. Ad. County. b College, B. Assts. by Hd. .. Asst. M. from 80 to 100 -f bd. M. and res., &c. B. .. .. Pensions pro- vided out of school fmids a 13. .. Assts. by Hd. i No Scheme, but Asst. M. from 250 to 450 M. pensions given out of school funds B. .. By Go v s . Govs. and staff Asst. M., from 180 to 350, inc. (Assts. on contribute variable, no scale r e c . of equally to fund Hd. M.) b B. . Assts. by lid. Each M. pays Asst. M., 160, rising by 10 ami. M. 1 p.c. of his to, 200 or 250 salary towards End. policy, and Govs. pay like amount c ,, (Private) By Hd. M. . . No Assts. M., 90 + bonus, 80 + MX. bonus, 70; Ms., 60, 40, 30 r College, MX. . . By Gov. Com. 1 End. Sch., B. lid. M. by Assts. contribute' Hd. M., 500; Asst. M., 200, Govs.: Assts. at least 10 190, 150 (5), 144 (2); Vis. by Hd. M. aim. towards .M. Art, 90; Carpentry, .172: for a proba- purchase of tionary yr., lite annuity, Spanish, 7s. per lesson (salary scale, Gr. 1.50, bv 10 ami. to afterwards maturing at 180; iion-Gr., 120 to 150, sub. toappr. 00, in society by 10 ami.; 10 extra for of Govs. appr. by Govs. special qualifications; Science M., 170 to 240, by 10; 2nd M., 180 to 2-50, by 10 f> End. Sdi., B. Science M., 150 to 200 b Grain. Sch., B. Assts. by Hd. . . Hd. M., 650; Asst. M., 210, M., who re- 200, 170, 141, 120, 102, ports to Govs. 90, 87, 84, 80; Via. M., 71, 56, 38, 15; Drill M., 18 High Sch., G. By Gov. Cl. There is a Tclws' (Assts. on rer. Pro vide 11 1 Of lid. Ms.) Fund G. By G o v s . No Asst. Ms., from 60 to 150 (Assts. on 1 rec. ol Hd. Ma.) 14' 420 SECONDARY EDUCATION. i By whom a re W- iApS&d Dismissed ? Are Teachers Eligible for Pensions? Teachers' Sa1aries.per annum. aS&c. Sdh.,B. .J Sec. Sch., B. . . By Govs. . . a Sec. Sch., B. .. ,, G. .. Assts. by Hd. Ms. 5 B. .. a ,, G. ..By Go vs . (Assts. on i ree. of Hd. ! Ms.) b f B. .. ! By Govs. : (Assts. on | rec. of Hd. i M.) B. .. Hd. M. by Govs. ; Assts. >y J ho There is a Fund to which. M. contribute 2| p.c. of salary Pensions granted to all M. after ' 20 yrs'. service No Scheme to pro- vide pensions from Founda- tion under con. There is a Scheme who reports i to Govs. , , MX. . . By Govs. Sec. Sch., B... Hd. M. by : Govs. ; Assts. by Hd. M., with appr. of Govs. only ,, G. . . By Go vs. ; Assts. on i'ec. of Hd. Ms. e Private Sch., B. By Hd. M. L.E.A.P.T.Sch., By L.E.A. . MX. i No Scheme beinj prepared No Asst. M., min. sal., 150 to 200, max. 450 ; 2nd M,, 600 Assts. M., lower ech., 150 to 200 ; upper sell., 180 to 300, ann. inc., 10 Asst, M., min. 250, max. 450 to 500 (1 M., 650), inc. usually ah. 50 every 5 years Asst. M., from 120 to 240 Asst. Ms., com. sal., 100 to 120, ace. to qualifications. (No scale) Hd. M., 150-1-1101186 and cap. of 2 for brds., 1 for day boys (370 pupils 150 being brds.) ; Asst. M., 240 to 250, 230 to 240, 220, 210 to 220, 175 to 220 (all non-res.), 160 to 220, 160 to 200, 130 to 200, 110 to 200, 100 to 200 (2), 90 to 200, 80 to 200 (2) (all res.) ; Vis. M. Art, 80 ; Manual, 42 ; Drill, 42 ; Piano, 1 Is. per pupil ; medical officer, 120 Hd. M., min. sal., 315; Asst. M., 170, 150, 140, 130, 120, 117i; Vis. M., 30, 10 Assts., 140 to 170, and 100 to 150 Hd. Ms., 200 to 250 by 10 ami.; Asst, Ms., 120 to 150 by 5 ami., 90 to 140 by 5 ami. (5) ; Vis., Art M., 5s. per lesson ; Needlework and Drill Ms., 6s. per lesson Asst. M., 130, 115, 105 (all non-res.), 100, 70, 60 (all res.) II d. M., 350 to 400 by 5 ami. ; Assts. M., 150 10 200 by 5 ami. ; Ms., 130 to 165 by 5 ann. Hd. M., 385; Assts. M., 280, 175; Ms., 165, 155 SECONDARY EDUCATION. 421 Schools. By whom are Teachers Appointed and Dismissed ? Are Teachers Eligible for Pensions? Teachers' Salaries par annum. XLL Ad. County. b College, 13. . . Lay Assts. by No . Hd.M.;Cleri- eal Asst. sub. to agreement of Bishop c Gram. Sell., B. Assts. by Hd. No Asst. M., 135, 130, 120, 90 M. Private 1'rep. No* Asst. M., 200 (2), 120, 100 Seh., B. XLII. Ad. County. c Grain. Sell., B. Assts. by lid. No Hd. M., 100+cap. (50 pupils); M. Asst. M., 140, 130 b B. Assts. by Hd. No Scheme M., sub. to report to Go vs. ?> MX. Assts. by Hd. No Hd. M., 50-4-house and eap. (50 M., sub. to pup'ls); Assts. M., 100; Ms., confirmation 50, 30 (res.) by Govs. WALES. XLIII. Ad. County. County Sell., D. Hd. M. by No Hd. M., 180 + 2 cap. (110 L.E.A. pupils); Assts. M., L10,.i;jO, 120(2); Ms.. 110 B. Assts. by lid. No Asst. M., 200 (2), 155, 150, M. \vlio re- 140, 130 ports to (Jovs. G. By Govs. No Hd. Ms., 100 -f 2 cap. (190 pupils) ; Asst, Ms., 135, 120, 115, 100 (3), 95, 1)0 ; Vis. >N. Music, 40 (2 brs. weekly); Drawing, 30 (2 hrs. weekly) _, g XLIY. Ad. County. County Seli.,*B. .. No lid. M., 160 -f- 2 to t:i ip. (50 puj.ils); Asst. M.. 1 :',(). ,120, 11115 ' (j. II. 1. Ms. by No Hd. Ms.. 120 -f- 2 cap. (50 Ilr. Ed. Com. of L.K.A.; pupils); Assl. Ms., 110. 105 ; Ms. Domestic Subjects, 100 Assts. by lid. Ms. 422 SECONDARY EDUCATION. Schools. XLV. By whom are Teachers Appointed and Dismissed? Ara Teachers Eligible for Pensions ? Teacher*' Salaries per annum. Ad. County. Comity Sch., L>. Assts. by lid. 1). MX. Hd. M. by L.E.A.: Assts. by lid. M. b Gram. Sell., B. Assts. by Hd. M. Private Prep. Assts. by Hd. Sell., B. M. (Private School) No No No No Hd. M., 120 + 1 10s. cup. (60 pupils); Assts M., 100; Ms., 90, 70 Hd. M., 120 + otip. (total last yar, 396) ; Assts. M., 180 + 10 for Woodwork instruction, 130, 120 ; Ms., 200 (1st Asst,), 100, 90, 80 Hd. M., 120 + 1 10s. cap. (60 pupils); Assts. Ml, 120; Ms., 100, 80 i Hd. M., 120 + 2 eap. (80 : pupils) Hd. M., 150 +2 5s. nip. (60 pupils): Asst. M., 150, 105, !)0: Vis. Art M., 15 Assts. (res.)-M., 60 ; Ms., 35 XLVI. Ad. County. County Sell.. A-sts. by II d. M., sub. to veto b v L.K.A. Asst-. by lid. M. Hd. M., 120 + 2 cap. (60 pupils) ; Assts. M., 10?i (res.) (2); Ms., 95, 90 (non-fes.) ; Vis. Music Ms., 10 Hd. M., 150 + 2 cap. (100 pupils;; Assts. M., 130 (2), 110, 100; Ms., 120, 100: Vis. Music, 21 ; Drill, 9 ; Cookery, 10 Assts. M., 150, 120(2); Ms., f125, 110, 90; Vis. Art M., 10 Assts. by Hd. ( M. (3 Fdn. Masters app. i by Govs.) Assts. by Hd. M. XL VI I. Ad. County. a College, 15. b Gram. Sch.,B. XLYIII. Ad. County. County Seh., D. j Assts. by Hd. D. No No Asst. M., from 120 to 205+bd. and res. (2 private rooms) Asst. M., 140, 135, 130 (2) Vis. M., Art, 10; Drill, 15 : Woodwork, 7 4s. Hd. M., 285; Assts. M., 150 (2), 130 (all rising to 180); Ms., 150 to 160, 110 to 120 Hd. M., 150 +1 cap. (190 pupils) ; Assts. M., 130, 120 (3); Ms., 160, 105 t Plus 10 per annum towards residence in France for a fortnight. SECONDARY EDUCATION. 423 Schools. By whom are Teachers Appointed and Dismissed ? Are Teachers Eligible for Pensions ? County Soli., D. Assts. by Hd. M. D. c Sec. Sch., B. .. County Sch., 15. G. L. E.A. P. T. By L.E.A. . Sch., MX. XL IX. Ad. County. County Sch., B. Assts. by lid. M. D. Assts. by Hd. M., sub. to appeal to L.E.A. MX. Assts. by Hd. M. L. Ad. County. County Sell., G. Hd. Ms. app. by L.K.A. : A <-ts.by Govs. County High By Gov's. Sch.,B. County Sch., I). : LT. Ad. County. County Sch.. I). Teachers' Salaries per annum. Hd. M., 120+1 Is. cap. (100 pupils) ; Assts. M., 140, 1:55 ; Ms., 120, 90; Cookery Ms.. 95 ' Assts. M., 140 (2) ; Ms., 120, 110; Vis. M., 100 Hd. M., 100+cap. (100 pupils) ;. Asst, M., 150, 14"), 120, (2), 110, 105 lid. M., 200 + 2 cap. (170 pupils); Asst, M., 195, 175, 170, 165 (2), 160, 150, 140 (2), 135; increases 10 after first year's service, 5 p. a. after- wards Hd. Ms., 150+ cap. (ab. 330 total); Asst. Ms., 140, 130, 125 (2), 110 (2), 95, 90; Vis. Ms. Cookery, 10s. per lesson (2 hrs.) ; Singing, 5 5s. per term; Violin, 1 17s. per pupil per term ; Piano, 1 10s. per pupil per term. ' Hd. M., 300 ; Assts. M., 140 : Ms., 100; Vis. Art Ms., 5s. per hr. Hd. M., 150 + 1 cap. (100 pupils); Asst. M., 150, 120, I 100(2) : Hd. Ms., 120 + 1 cap. (70 ! pupils); Asst. Ms., 100, 95, i 90, 80 Hd. M., 150 + 1 cap. (110 pupils) ; Assts. M., 135, 100 ; Ms., 120, 90; Vis. Ms., Cookery, 20 Hd. M., 150 + 25s. cap. (50 pupils); Assts. M., 120; Ms., 100 (2) Hd. Ms., 100 + 30s. cap. (50 pupils); Asst, Ms., 100 (2), 90 Salary scale for Ms., 150 to 200 lid. M., 150 +1 .-up. (140 pupils); Assts, -M., 1SO (2), 80 (res.) (2) ; Ms., 110 (2), 75; Vis. Cookery M.., 25 Hd. M., 150+c !q >. (70 pupils); Assts. -M., .CISO, t:iOO: M .. 6100(2) 424 SECONDARY EDUCATION, By whom are ' Q . Teachers Schools. Appointed and Dismissed? ' Are Teachers Eligible for Pensions ? Teachers' SaJaries per annum. County Soli., D. I). LIL Ad. County. o Sec. Sell., B. .. L.E.A. Sec.Day Soli., MX. County Soli., B. P.T. Sch. County Soli., G. LIIL Ad. County. County Sch., D. D. D. By Bd. of Local Mana- gers under Welsh lut. Scheme Local Go vs. (on rec. of Hd. M. in ; case of Assts.) Assts. by Hd. M. Assts. by Hd Ms. By L.E.A. No Hd. M., 180+cap. of 30s. on first 100 pupils, then 1 for each pupil (130 pupils) ; Assts. M,, 150, 130, 120; Ms., 130, 90 ; Vis. Art M., 42 ; Cookery Ms., 100 Hd. M., 150 + 1 cap. (130 pupils) ; Assts. M., 130, 120 ; Ms., 100 (2), 75; Vis. M., Singing, 10 (I hr. weekly) ; Art, 30 (2 hrs.) ; Ms., Cookery and Laundry, 80 ; Music, 3 gs, per pupil Asst. M,, 130, 110, 80, 60 (all res) . Yes ;und. County [ Sals, of 12 res. Aest. Ms. vary I Scheme now | from 60 to 115 (with bd, and being'prepared I res.) ? min. sal. Ms. with degree, ! 80 ; res. Music Ms., 90 ; Jim. Music Ms., 60 ; Phys. Trng. Ms., 60; Needlework, &c., 60 Hd. M.. 270: Assts. M., 120 to 150 by 5 ; 115 to 140 by 5 (2) ; Ms., 100 to 120 by 5 By L.E.A. .. No (2); Manual M., 110 I i Asst, M., 140 to 300 j Prin., 350; Assts. M., 180, 130 ; Ms., 150, 120 (2) Assts. by Hd. Fund to be es- Av. sal. of Asst. Ms. (11), 125 Ms. tablished by Go vs. as soon as funds avail- able Hd. M. by Govs. ; Assts. by Hd. M., sub. to appr. of Go vs. Hd. M. by L.E.A.'; Assts. by Hd. M., with appr. of Govs. - /Wr'- -''T Assts. by Hd. M., siib. to veto of Go vs. Hd. M., 342 ; Assts. M., 153, 130, 113; Ms., 130, 113, 73; Vis. Music M., 20 Hd. M., ab. 270; As.ste.--M., 150, 110, 95; Ms., 100, 95 ; Vis. M., Woodwork, 20 ; Cookery Ms., 15 (3 hrs. weekly each) Hd. M., 120+cap. (90 pupils) ; Assts. M:, 145; Ms., .110, 100 (2) ; Vis. M., Music, 12 S! ;C( )NI)ARY EDUCATION. Schools. By whpm are Teachers Appointed and Dismissed ? ! Are Teachers Eligible for Pensions ? Teachers''Salaries per annum. LIV. Ad. County. County huh., D. Assts. l.y 11' I- lid. M., 150 + 30s. cap. (00 M. pupils) ; Assts. M., 150, 111 'Jo ; Ms., 120, 110, 80; Vis. M., Music, 15s. per term per pupil .l(Piano) ; 21s. do. (Violin) LV. fc Ad. County. Comity Sch., 1). Hd. M. bv No Assts. M., 150 (2), 110, 80 L. E. A/; (res.); Ms., 120, 110 Assts. appt. bv Go vs.. (Ik by lid. M., sub. to confirmation % of Govs. B. ^ Xo Asst. M., 150, 120 D. AsBts. by lid. M. ; all appt. and dis. sub. No Hd. M., 120+ 2 cap. (140 pupils) ; Assts. M., 140, 120, 110; Ms.. 120, 115, 100 to Veto Of (Scale 100 to 120 by 5 aim.) ; L.E.A. Vis. Music M., 50 SCALES OF SALARIES ADOPTED BY LOCAL EDUCATION AUTHORITIES FOR TEACHERS IN L.E.A. SECONDARY SCHOOLS. COUNTIES. Cornwall. L.E.A. County Secondary Schs. : ][>tiiJi)i(ixter>j Comiueiicinjr sal., 200 + cap. grant of 1 for each scholar (incl. P.Ts.) over 50 attending the Sch. Headmistresses Commencing sal., 170. .IsKixftfttfMltt Asst. Ms. iii a Mixed Sch., 130 to L3(), by 5 ann. ; 2nd A (whether M. or Ms.), 100 to 120, by 5 ann. Kent. L.E.A. County Schs. for Girls : Jl*"stinixf,,-rxx(>, 180 to 250, by inc. of 20 ami. to 200, then 10 ann. to max. Asst. J/i.sYm-.s 100 to 150, by 5 ann. Middlesex. L.E.A. Secondary Scha. : .7W. .lA/.sYo'.v Initial sal. 120, rising (1) by sun. iucs. of 10 to 150, on satis- hictory re-port of Hd. M. ; (2) by special votes of the Govs. from lime to time. from 150 to 200 (not automatic) ; (3) by ami. iucs. of 10. from 200 to 250. Asst. Miytfesses Initial sal. tor Grs., 100, rising- (1) by aim. iucs. of CIO to 1 10, .on satisfactory ivport of Hd. Ms.; (2) by special votea of the Govs. from time to time, from 140 to 160 (not automatic); (3) by ann. incs. of .10, from 1 GO to 200. Izritinl sal. for Non-Grs., 90, rising (1) by aim. inc.--. of 5 to 120, 011 satisfactory report of Hd. Ms. ; (2) by special vote^ of the Govs. from time to time, from 120 to 150 (not automatic). Tchrb. who are trained Mill commence 10 above the min. SECONDARY EDUCATION. COUNTY BOROUGHS. BarrOW-in-Fumess. L.E.A. Higher Grade Sch. : Asst. Masters 100 to 160, by 10 aim. ; Aunt. Ms. 90 to 130 by 10. Birmingham. L.E. A. Higher Grade Sclis. : Aunt. MasUrs and Asst. Science Demonstrators 1st Asst. M., 130 to 180: other Asst. M., 100 to 145; Asst, Ms., 80 to 120. Bradford L.E.A. Higher Grade Schs. : A*st*ft(Ht'&L t 100 to 180; Ms., 80 to 150. Bristol. L.E. A. Secondary Schs.: Htadmast*r83W to 400, by 10 sum. Assistant* M., 130 to 170, by 10 umi. ; 1st Asst. Ms. (Gr.), 120 to 140: other Assts. Ms., 90 to 110, by 5 mm. Art Teachers With A.M.C., 65 to 100, by 5 mm. ; with A.C.T.C., 60 to 80, by 5 aim. One-half of previous service in Sec. Schs. mid. the Regulations of the 13d. of Ed. will be counted in fixing commencing sal. P.T. Centre : Principal 300 to 400, by 10 unn. Assistants M., 130 to 180, by 10 aim. : Ms., 90 to 130, by 5 aim. Gateshead. L.E.A. Secondary Day Sch. and P.T. Centre: Assistant* M.* 110 to 155, by 5 aim. : Ms., 100 to 125, by 5 aim. . L.E.A. Municipal Secondary Sch. : Headmasf*r3W to 350, by 10 aim. Assistants (Grs.) M,, 120 to 170 ; Ms., 110 to 1;H) : aim. inc., 10. Halifax.- -L.E. A. Secondary Sch. : Headmaster 300. Assistants M., 120 to 156 ; Ms., 84 to 126 ; aim. inc., 10. Hull. L.E.A. Secondary Sch. : Assistants M., 100 to 150 ; Ms., 80 to 140. Leeds. L.E.A. Secondary Schg. : Assistants (trained) M., 100 to 190 ; Ms., 90 to 140. Manchester. L.E.A. Secondary Sch. : -- Assistants !Q in excess of sal. on app. to M., 160 ; Ms., 120. ^Nottingham. L.E.A. Secondary Schs. : - Headmasters 360 to 410. Assistants 1st Assts., M., 120 to 160; Ms., 100 to 130} other Assts., M., 100 to 150; Ms., 90 to 120 + aim. bonus (subject to satisfactory work) of M., 10; Ms., 5. P;T. Centre: Principal 350. A*iHt(tntKI*t, Assts., M., 130 to 170 ; Ms., 100 to 140 ; other Assts., M., 110 to 160 ; Ms., 100 to 130 -f aim. bonus in Sec. Schs. Oldham. L.E.A. Secondary Sch. : Assistants No uiiu. fixed; max. for M., 160; Ms., 120. P.T. Centre: Assistants No niin. fixed ; max. for M., 175 ; Ms., 140. Plymouth L.E.A. Secondary Sch. and P.T. Centre : Headmaster 170 to 270 : Science M., 150 to 200. Assistants M., 120 to 180 ; Ms., 100 to 160 ; aim. inc., 10, Technical Day Classes : Assistants M,, 100 to 170; Ms., 100 to 140; ami. inc., 10. Intermediate Sch. : lleadmnxttr 180 to 300, by 10; 2nd M., 140 to 200, by 10. Head Mistress 140 to 200, by f) : 2nd Ms., SO to 130, by <>, Assistants*!., 100 to 160, by 10; Ms., 75 to 120, by 5. SECONDARY EDUCATION. 427 Salford. L.E.A. Secondary Sch.: A*si8t(mt9~-lQ in excess of sal. mi app. to M., 160; Ms., {.'120. Southampton.- P.T. Centre : Headmaster 200 to 240. Assistants M., 120 to 180; Ms., .100 to 140. Stockport. L.E.A. Secondary Sch. : Assistants 10 in excess of sal. on app. to M., 160 ; Ms., 120. Wallsall. L.E.A. Technical Day Sch. : Asst. Masttrs\2Q to 150, by 5 ami. West Ham. L.E.A. Secondary Sch. and P.T. Centre : Amstante-H.., 180 to 280; M*., 140 to 200; ami. inc., 10. Wolverhamptqn. L.E.A. Secondary Sch. : Assistants 5 in excess of scale for Tohrs. in Elementary Sobs. Cardiff. P.T. Centre : Headmaster 230 to 350, by 10. - Assistants lit A*ts., M., 170 to 200, by 10; Ms., 130 to 150, by 5- other Asst*., M., 130 to 150; Ms., 120 to 150, by 5 mm. L.E.A. Secondary and Higher Elem. Sch. : Headmaster 400 to 500, by 20. Assistants 1st Asst. and Science M., 160 to 200, by 10 ; other Assts., M., 100 to 160, by 5 and 10; Ms., 90 to 140, by 5 and 10. NON-COUNTY BOROUGHS AND URBAN DISTRICTS. Aecrington (Lanes ). L.E.A. Secondary Sch. : Assistants 2nd M., 150 to 222, by 9 aim. ; other M., 110 to 155, by 5 or 10 ; 1st Ms., 105 to 140, by 5 ami. ; other Ms., 100 to 125, by 5 aim. Beckenham (Kent). L.E.A. Technical Day Sch. : Aunt. Matter* 150 to 200. Colne (LaBCS.). L.E. A. Secondary Sch.: Asst. Masters 120 to 200. Lowestoft (E, Suffolk). L.E.A. Technical Sch. : A*st. Masters \20 to 150. Richmond (.Surrey). L.E.A. County Sch. : A.t. Masters '2nd M., 275 (iiu-1. sonic- cvir. work) ; other M., 160 to 200, by is ami. ; 150 to 180, end 110 to 150, by 5 ami. WalthamstOW (Essex). L.E.A. Technical Institute . t. M., 130 to 200; Ms., 120 to 200 ; ami. inc., 10. Llanelly (Carmarthenshire).- L.E.A. Sch. of Science :-- ^Wa#* M. (with spedftl qualifications), 120 to 150; other Asst. M., 90 to 140. Ms., 80 to 110. Higher Grade Sch. : M., 85 to 135 ; Ms., 75 to 105. P.T. Centre: M . . e 1 20 t u 1 50 ; Ms. , 95 to 120. Rhondda (Qlam.)-~I > -T. Centre :- Assistants 1st Asst *., M., 120 to 150 ; Ms., 110 to 130 ; other Assts., M., 115 to 140 ; Ms., 100 to 120. Science Schs. : Science M., 120 to 150 ; Ms., 110 to 125. Lanr/HaffeM., 115 to 140 ; Me., 100 to 120. Tli-hcv (Iradc Sch. : . I Distant s 1st Assts., M., 110 to 130; Me., 90 to 110; other Asst?., M., 90 to 130; Ms., 80 to 100 ; ami. in<-., .">. 428 ADVERTISEMENTS. PITMAN'S NEW ERA GEOGRAPHY READERS With specially written chap- ters on- the History of the chief Countries, thus combining the teaching of H i s t o ry and Geography. PITMAN'S GEOGRAPHY CORRELATED WITH OBJECT LESSONS, Book I., 128 pp. lOd. Book II., 144 pp. Is. Od. ENGLAND AND WALES Is. EUROPE Is. AFRICA Is. ASIA ls . AMERICA Is. OUR IMPERIAL HERITAGE (The British Empire) Is 8d. THE WORLD Is. lOd. These books are lavishly illustrated in Colour and Black and White, and contain a selection of the Principal National Songs. Handbooks to tho above, 3d. each. KING EDWARD - HISTORY READERS. ON THE CONCENTRIC PLAN. Book I. Stories -from Early English History! 128pp. Price led. Book II. Stories from Modern English History. 144pp. Price Is. The Introductory History of Eng- land, for Standard III., 192 pp., fully illus- trated. Price Is. 3d. The Story of England, for Standard IV., or a groupad class of III. and IV., 244pp., Maps. Illustrations & Summary. Price Is. 4d. The Complete History of England, for Standards V. and VI., 256 pp., with many Illustrations and Maps, in Colour and Black and White. Price Is. 6d. The Story of "Our Own Time," for Standards VI. and VII.. 272 pp., with numer- ous Illustrations in Colour and Black and White. Price Is. 6d. The Evolutionary History of Eng- land, its People and Institutions, for Standard VII., 272 pp., 125 Illustrations. Price Is. ICd. Handbook to the History of Eng- land. From 55 B.C. to 1906. 3d. PITMAN'S METHOD" ARITHMETICS. Containing Interesting and Accumulative Examples in Arithmetic for all Classes, and Illus- trating the Principles explained in ^ie Handbook for Teachei s, "Method in Arithmetic." Price Is. 6d. Special features are: 1. The questions are interesting, and are based on possible events. 2. All the examples are expressed in words. 3. 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They include exercises in Spelling, Word-Building, Grammar, Composition, and the correct Writing of English. PITMAN'S LATEST READERS. THE LONDON READERS. Primers for Infants' Schools. First Primer. 33 pp. Price, cloth, 3d. Second Primer. 40 pp. Price, cloth, 4d. Infants' Readers and Reading Sheets ready shortly. SUPPLEMENTARY READERS. Stories for Little Readers. By ALICE GIBBONS. Chiefly in words of one syllable. Richly illustrated throughout in three colours. Book I. Price, paper, 3d. ; cloth 4d. Book II. Price, paper, 3d. : cloth, 4d. Book III. Price, paper, 3d. ; cloth, 4d. Book IV. Price, paper, 3d. ; cloth, 4d. LOCAL READERS. Middlesex and London North of the Thames: their Geography and History. Westward of the Wash : the Geography and History of the Counties of Lincoln, Northampton, Huntingdon, and Rutland. Northumberland and Durham: their Geography and History. Each Reader: Price, paper, 4d. ; cloth, 5d. SIR ISAAC PITMAN & SONS, Limited, 1, AmeiTcorner, London, E,C, l-2'.t REGULATIONS FOR THE CONDUCT OF SCHOOLS. SECTIONS "V. TO XI. The practice adopted by certain Local Authorities of publishing a large number of detailed Regulations, to be observed by all connected with .their schools, is open to grave abuse. In the interests of the orderly and expeditious despatch of business, it is no doubt necessary to formulate Regulations upon some of the more important features of school life. But, as a rule, Local Education Authorities have recognised that any attempt to go beyond that which is essential, and to strive to frame Regulations which shall cover every conceivable incident in school life, must result in the infliction of serious injury upon the schools. If teachers are fit to discharge the responsible task of training the children committed to their care without the direction of a multitude of Regulations, they are equally capable of fulfilling their other duties associated with the school, many of which are best dealt with by the exercise of intelligence and common sense. Multitudinous Regulations rob the schools of elasticity and deprive the teachers of interest in their work, for, if private judgment may never be exercised, but must invariably give way to a published Regulation, the habit of thinking out the best way of meeting difficulties falls into disuse, the teacher becomes more or less of a machine, and the education of the children necessarily suffers. The seven sections which follow furnish a few notes upon those questions which are generally the subject of Regulation by Local Authorities. 430 SCHOOL ATTENDANCE. SECTION V. SCHOOL ATTENDANCE. The object of this note is constructive rather than critical. Those for whom it is intended are familiar with the condition of school attendance, and the consequences of irregularity. Perhaps, however, it may not be amiss to remind those who are not in daily touch with the schools that the irregular children constitute a comparatively small minority, of those on the register. But this minority is persistently irregular. Yet the regular children who constitute the majority suffer almost as much from the casual attendance of the irregular children as do the actual offenders them- selves. Hence, when the effect of remedial measures is considered, the benefit to the majority, rather than the punishment of the minority, should be the determining factor. Its Financial Aspect. Annual Parliamentary Grants, the Fee Grant, and the Aid Grant under the Act of 1902, are payable upon the average attendance, and it appears probable that in certain counties it is possible to secure an increase in attendance sufficiently large to so increase the Parliamentary grants as to pay for the whole cost of the machinery for enforcing attendance. Attendance Law. Attendance is regulated by (1) Act of Parliament; (2) Bye-Laws made by Local Attendance Authorities. Children must comply witb^ both, and meet whichever requirement may be the higher. No Compulsion (1) Before the age of five ; and where the Local Education Authority have so determined in the case of any school maintained by them, children who are under five years of age may be refused admission to that school ; (2) After the age of fourteen. Compulsion absolute between the ages of five and twelve. (Exception. The Agricultural Clause of Robscn's Act, if included in the local bye-law.) Half-Time. Half-time exemption may be secured at the age of twelve if the local bye-law makes provision for it. Such provision must require twelve years of age and the local standard of proficiency, or, in lieu of a proficiency standard, 300 attendances in not more than two schools in each year for five preceding years, whether consecutive or not. Full Time. Total exemption may be secured at the age of twelve on passing full-time bye-law standard. If bye-laws do not extend to the age of fourteen, then between the maximum bye-law age and fourteen, full-time exemption may be claimed at thirteen if Standard IV. or a higher standard has been passed, or if 350 attendances have been made for each of five years in not more than two schools. Children who have taken advantage of any bye-law permitting half-time at the age of eleven cannot claim full-time exemption until the age of thirteen. Local bye-laws may exclude total exemption up to the age of fourteen unless the child has passed the full-time Standard (bye-law), and this may be the Seventh. (N.B. Between the age of twelve and thirteen there can be no employment in a factory, laundry, workshop, or mine, on a standard qualification lower than the fifth ; nor may such children be employed underground at all.) A partial exemption bye-law is never approved except on the condition that it is granted for the purpose of beneficial employment. It is important to notice that if the local bye-laws are in advance of statutory regulations, the child must satisfy the bye-law. If, on the other hand, antiquated bye-laws have been superseded by legislation, the child must satisfy the latter. Statutory Peculations. These are bey >nd the scope of the Local Authority, but it must be recollected that where exemption from attendance is permitted under certain statutory regulations, it does not follow that the Local Authority must construct a bye-law to that effect; and if there be no bye-law with regard to exemption, the Statute does not operate, and no exemption can exist. SCHOOL ATTENDANCE. Oil Local Bye-laws. As a consequence of the Act of 1902, the school attendance problem has been simplified by the unification of bye-laws throughout large areas. During the last six years bye-laws covering the greater part of the country have been submitted to the Board of Education and have received approval. The majority of the changes have been of a progressive character. The age of fourteen as a qualification for total exemption has been very generally adopted. The standard approved for total exemption is in only one case lower than the Fifth, nor with very few exceptions is that for partial exemption lower than the Fourth. But both these standards are far too low. The majority of the great progressive authorities have adopted the age of fourteen or a pass in the Seventh Standard as the requirement for total exemption, and declined to frame any bye -law dealing with partial exemp- tion, and in nearly every instance this reform has been accomplished without a murmur of dissent. Several of the administrative counties have scheduled districts under their control, and have so drafted their bye-laws that the standard of exemption varies in different portions of the area. In such case's it has been the rule to construct only two divisions, certain urban areas being scheduled for the application of a bye-law of a higher educational value than the remainder of the district. This plan possesses the advantage of enabling the Local Authority to maintain the high standard which they found had been established by their predecessors (the School Board) , and such maintenance often encourages the application of a similar bye- law to the rural area. It should be recollected that should a Local Authority determine to revise existing bye-laws the labour of draftsmanship may be reduced to a minimum by consulting the draft form issued by the Board of Education. There are but few principles to be determined in connection with such bye-laws, and there is no reason why bye-laws which have not been recently revised should not come under immediate inspection with the object of bringing them up to the general standard observed throughout the country. The advance in public opinion during the last few years towards the age of fourteen as the sole qualification for exemption of any kind from the school has been remarkable. Under a revised form of bye -law a child withdrawn from religious instruction may also be withdrawn from the school. Local Authorities are not bound to adopt the bye-law in this form. They may omit all reference to it, leaving the conscience clause to operate as it has done for the last thirty-six years. Whether the bye-law should be adopted in its new form must depend on local circumstances. Experience has shown that advantage is already being taken of it to keep children away from school during the first hour of each day, generally for domestic purposes, without reference to religious teaching, and school discipline suffers accordingly. To obviate this it is suggested that where the bye-law is adopted an attempt should be made to have religious instruction taken as the last lesson in the morning session. Organisation. In large urban districts one attendance committee is sufficient. In counties it may be necessary to appoint district committees for detail work, but the responsibility for general organisation, and particularly for prosecutions, should rest with the central authority. The committee, whether central or district, should meet frequently on well-known dates to deal promptly with all cases reported. They should recollect that there is no warrant for the notion, far too prevalent, that every child is allowed two half-days off per week. It is this inexcusable leniency with the parents of children who habitually are away their two half -days which leads to the more difficult cases, and makes the attendance problem one of euch magnitude. It should not be forgotten that in many parts of the Continent un- excused absence on two half-days per month inevitably leads to prosecution. Attendance committees should carefully inquire into the validity of the excuses offered, and not decide simply upon the number of times a child has been absent during a given number of weeks. It is possible that the parent of a child who has been absent ten times in five weeks that is, has lost one week out of the five may be more deserving of punishment than one whose child has been absent more frequently, and the practice of taking into Court only the most irregular in point of number is reprehensible. I'M SCHOOL ATTENDANCE. Attendance Officers. The idea that anybody will do for an attendance officer ought by this time to be exploded. They should be tactful, but determined. A few words to a thoughtless mother may prevent many prosecutions. They must be impartial as between parent and parent, and school and school. They should learn to know their cases, and hunt them down systematically. It is useless to expect them to properly work an area too large, and their whole time should be devoted to their work. To attempt it in spare time is too frequently to leave it undone. Teachers' Duties. If the Local Authority would decide that no excuse for absence can be accepted unless a note be presented on behalf of the parents at the school at the time the registers are marked, considerable difficulty and labour would be at once removed. Certainly in urban districts the parents of a child unable to attend can almost always find some other child who could take such a note to the school, and generally this is the case in rural districts. This practice is enforced in many parts of Germany and Switzerland. It often enables the attendance officer to deal with the absent child before the meeting of the school terminates. The attempt to keep the child at home is unsuccessful. It is useless to repeat it. With us the attempt frequently succeeds, and the possibility of punishment is far too remote. Marking Registers. Cannot local authorities unite in an effort to induce the Board of Education to drop the demand for marking registers on account of the children who are present ? The absent mark and the number present are quite sufficient for all returns, and as effectively prevent fraud as the present method. In a school of several classes and few teachers an enormous amount of time is wasted iu marking the children who are present. "The Slip System. A plan better than that of sending children after absentees or demanding a note from the parent is known as the " slip system," which has been adopted with marked success in Leicester and elsewhere. It may be thua briefly described : A central school is selected in each officer's district, and to this school the officer proceeds each morning and, if possible, each afternoon also. A separate form is filled up for each case by the class teacher, upon which is given the name and address of every absentee, together with his or her attendances for the four previous weeks, and any special circumstances known to the teacher. This is done immediately the registers are closed, and the forms are promptly forwarded by messenger to the central school. The cases are at once arranged by the officer in street order for visitation. This process occupies very little time, and the officer is enabled to spend most of his time in the streets. "When the street work is com- pleted the officer at once proceeds to the central office and performs any clerical work which may be necessary, and records his proposed movements for the following day to enable the street superintendent to find him if necessary. Weekly Returns. Managers must furnish the attendance officer with such statement respecting attendances as the authority may require, or the authority may demand full freedom for the officer to inspect the registers. The former is the better plan. But in carrying it out some authorities are making the grave mistake of needlessly increasing the labours of the teacher, and this, too, without any commensurate gain. They have supplied the teachers with a form of return to be filled in every Friday afternoon with respect to every child absent more than a given number of times, and with respect to every child, his name, address guardian's name and occupation, and other particulars must be written. A child who is absent with typhoid fever will have these particulars written in probably for thirteen weeks in succession, though every one knows that the child is in bed It must be recollected that the irregular children are persistently irregular, and hence the same names and same addresses are written everv week. And then, after all, the paper shows only one week of attendance ; it gives no record of the child over a long period. Duplicate registers are far preferable m rural districts. In these the names SCHOOL ATTENDANCE. !;;;> and addresses are written once every quarter, guardians' names written only when they are not the parents of the child. If then it be also agreed that in filling up these registers on Friday afternoon, those who have attended full time should pass unnoted, and those who have attended full time, less the number of times excused by the teacher, should also remain unnoted, then there would be a return extending over three months of all the irregular children with which the teacher may be dissatisfied. This duplicate can be sent to the attendance officer every Eridav. It should be incumbent on him to return ifc to the school not later than the following Wednesday, indicating thereon the results of hia visits to the parents, and while it is undesirable to encourage complaints by teachers of attendance officers, or vice versH, teachers should have not merely the power, but the duty of reporting to the Attendance Committee any systematic failure to record the results of such visits. Special Courts. The changes in our educational system, brought about by the Act of 1902, render possible a reform -which many educationists have long ardently desired. There should be no difficulty in the county or town council making arrangements for a special court to be held at convenient place and hour to deal with attendance cases. Parents frequently attend existing courts with their children, or send their children to |explain the absence of the parent. It is eminently desirable that an effort should be made to keep these parents, and particularly their children, free from that contact with criminality which is inseparable from the proceedings of the ordinary police-court. Special courts for dealing with youthful offenders exist in many British Colonies, and the plan has already been adopted with marked success by several Local Education Authorities in England. Attendance cases should not be left to be taken at the close of a long day of police work. They need careful attention, a wise discrimination, an impressive procedure. Prosecutions. It is recommended that when it becnmes necessary to prosecute a parent for the non-attendance of a child, proceedings should be taken under statute rather than under bye -law. When this is done, subsequent proceedings are simplified and rendered more effective. Encouragement to Attendance. A well-equipped school and intelligent teachers are the best encouragements any Authority can offer to the ehildten. Medals for perfect attendance sometimes produce phenomenal results and much serious illness. It is a system only possible in the hands of a strong' -minded teacher, for it is an unpleasant duty to send home a child who has come wrapped in a blanket. Prizes and attendance cards are familiar enough to all. Used discreetly they are helpful ; scattered broadcast they are rao4 objectionable. The Local Authority should aim at cultivating the idea that to send a child regularly to school is one of the first duties imposed on every citizen, and the child should early understand that he must attend. REGULATIONS ADOPTED BY LOCAL AUTHORITIES. Bucks. Notice to be sent by head teacher, in the caee of a scholar's absence, to the parents on form provided, but teaehers are at liberty to use any other means for securing regular attendance not expressly forbidden Under no circumstances are teachers to send children during school hours to ir quire after absentees, nor must children be sent where there is any suspicion of infectious disease. Weekly returns of the attendance of each child must be sent to tho school attendance officer every Friday on form provided. Teachers must use all persuasive means in their power for securing- improvement in the attendance of the child. Teachers must sign attendance certificates when required to do so by the attendance officers. In the absence of the head teacher, the assistant in charge must sign as the principal teacher. 431 SCHOOL ATTENDANCE. JaiTOW The attendance officers will attend at the schools at 9.40 a.m. and 2 p.m. on certain days to be arranged, for lists of absentees. The morning list should be returned to the head teacher at 2 p.m., and the afternoon list on the following morning. It is not desirable that the officers be sent after children who as a rule make 10 attendances per week. When the foregoing system is impracticable or unnecessary, lists of irregular attenders should be forwarded to the Clerk of the Board on the Monday and Thursday evenings in each week. The lists will be returned to the head teachers by the attendance officer on the following day. Tynemouth. Each officer shall attend a school in his Group at 9 a.m., and obtain from the head teachers the names of children whom they require to be visited. Each school in the Group shall be visited in turn. Reports shall be sent to the schools not later than the close of the day of visitation. ESS8X. School attendance officers must make periodical reports of all cases of default to the school attendance committee, and to the local advisory sub- committee, and attend meetings of both committees and take directions as to prosecutions, and act in accordance therewith. The attendance officer must visit each school at least once a week in urban, and once a fortnight in rural districts, and head teachers are to be notified that, if failure be made in that respect, they are without delay to report the omission to the clerk of the local advisory sub-committee. The attendance officer must visit the home of the parent or guardian of any child not attending school, in order to ascertain the reason for non-attendance, and to warn the parent or guardian of the legal consequences which may follow if the child's attendance does not become regular. If illness be alleged as the cause of the irregularity, the officer must satisfy himself as to the accuracy of the allegation. In cases of doubt the attendance committee or the local advisory sub-committee should require the production of a medical certificate as to the existence of illness, and may pay the fee of the medical attendant for obtaining the certificate. Careful watch must be kept for cases of illegal employment. Bournemouth. Duplicate registers are supplied for the use of the attendance officer. Basting's. Registers to be closed immediately after religious instruction, and the names of absentees, with addresses, to be at ooce forwarded to the central school of the district. Attendance officers shall be waiting, and shall arrange the names of absentees in street order, and shall visit every absentee, unless a satisfactory reason for absence is known. The list of absentees, with officer's remarks on each case, shall be returned to the head teacher the day succeeding that on which sent. Names of children absent with reasonable excuse are not to be included in these lists. Afternoon absentees should have the letter A placed after their names, which should be sent to the central school next morning. Leeds, West Ham, and Leicester have adopted the slip system, similar to that described in the Hastings regulation quoted above, COMPULSORY ATTENDANCE. THE PRACTICE IN SOME OTHEB COUNTRIES. N.B. The following notes on education in other countries have been taken from sources which the Editors have every reason to accept as reliable. But as changes take place in educational law and practice abroad as well as at home, it is not possible to say that these statements are now in every resgect exact, though the Editors have no reason to doubt their accuracy. SCHOOL ATTENDANCE. l:J". Canada. Ontario. All children between the ages of 8 and 14 are compelled to attend school for the full term during which the school is open. Reasonable excuses for non-attendance arc (1) That the child is under efficient instruction at home ; (2) that he id unable to attend through sickness or other unavoidable cause ; (3) that he is excused by a Justice of the Peace or by the Principal of the school; (4) that he has passed the High School Entrance Examination, and is attending such school. Any person employing a child under 14 years of age during school hours is liable to a penalty of 20 dollars. When the services of the child are deemed urgent an absence from the school for six weeks of the term may be granted. Truant officers must be appointed for every city, town, village, or school section. They are vested with police powers, and have authority to enter factories, workshops, stores, and other places where children may be employed, and ascertain whether there is any violation of the Act. Regulations may be made by the local authorities for the better enforcement of the statute. United States. In thirty States attendance is compulsory. In Indiana the statutory period is from 6 to 14, in Pennsylvania from 6 to 16, in Wisconsin 7 to 13, in Massachusetts,^ Kentucky, Illinois, and N. Dakota 7 to 14, in Maine and Rhode Island 7 to 15, in Connecticut, Michigan, and Wyoming 1 to 16, in New Hampshire, Vermont, Nebraska, Kansas, Montana, District of Columbia, W. Virginia, S. Dakota, Colorado, Utah, Nevada, Idaho, and Oregon 8 to 14, in Washington 8 to 15, and in New York, Ohio, Minnesota, and New Mexico 8 to 16 that is In 1 State the age for exemption is 13 ,, 18 States ,, ,, 14 ,,3 ,, ,, ,, ,, ,,15, and 8 1 ft it J >> 1D * The length of the compulsory school term varies from 70 days per annum in North Carolina to 189 days per annum in Massachusetts and Connecticut. In Minnesota ''Factory Law" prohibits the employment of children under 14 years of age who have not attended school at least 12 weeks during the year. Fourteen States have no legislative enactments on this matter, and for five States no information is available. The age limits for free attendance are as follows : Wisconsin 4 to 20, Rhode Island and New Hampshire over 5, Maryland and Michigan 5 to 20, Maine, Vermont, New York, Virginia, Mississippi, Minnesota, Iowa, Nebraska, Kansas, New Mexico, and Idaho 5 to 21, District of Columbia 6 to 17, Louisiana, Utah, and Nevada 6 to 18, Kentucky and JV. Dakota 6 to 20, Pennsylvania, Delaware, W. Virginia, N. Carolina, S. (,'arolina, Florida, Tennessee, Arkansas, Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, Missouri, S. Dakota, Montana, Wyoming, Colorado, Washington, Oregon 6 to 21, Alabama 1 to 21, Tr.cas 8 to 17, Massachusetts no limit, Connecticut no limit fixed by law. Australia. New South Wales. Ml children between 6 and 14 years of age must attend school not less than 70 days in each half ytar, unless exempt on account of (a) being under regular and efficient instruction elsewhere, (&) sickness or other unavoidable cause, (c) non-existence of any school within two miles, (d) having reached a prescribed standard of general education. Western Australia. Every child of not less than six or more than fourteen must attend an efficient school on the days on which the school is open. The following are k< reasonable excuses " for non-attendance : (1) That the chi'd is under efficient instruction elsewhere (whether such instruction is efficient or not shall be decided by the Minister, who may reqiiire the report of an Inspector of Schools thereon) , (2) that the child is prevented by sickness or other unavoidable caue (but such excuse shall not be entertained unless the parent has given the teacher notice thereon in wribng within seven days after the occurrence of s\ich prevention, and a medical certificate produced if required). The Minister may, at his discretion, excuse from attendance children who are required to help in the fields at harvest time, or other special periods of the year. Attendance officers are empowered to aocost children in the streets or other public places, and obtain the names and addresses of those apparently not in attendance at schools. 43C SCHOOL ATTENDANCE. Denmark. Children generally leave the elementary schools at the age of fourteen. France. The Certificate of Elementary Studies (Leaving Certificate), which exempts from further attendance, can now be obtained at the age of eleven on passing successfully an examination in elementary subjects. No pupil can enter a higher primary school unless he holds this certificate. Hungary. All parents and guardians are compelled to send their children to school from their sixth to their fifteenth year, unless special arrangements are made for home education. Until the twelfth year a child must attend an elementary school, and then until the fifteenth year a revision school, unless he has entered on a course of secondary education. Fines are enforced in the case of non-compliance, which are doubled in amount for each successive offence. Children educated at home must produce a certificate to show that they are being properly educated, and they are required to attend an annual public examination in the public schools. Netherlands. Every child must attend pchool as soon as it has reached the age of 7, and must remain for six years as a pupil of a primary school, and go through all the classes, or when instruction is given in classes which take up longer time than aix years the child must pass through so many classes as include a period of six years, providing that in the last case the obligation does not cease until the child has reached the age of 12, and has passed through the class in which it was placed on reaching that age. The obligation to attend ceases in any case if the child has passed through the class in which it was placed on reaching the age of 13. There are no half-time schools. But the T ocal inspector may grant a temporary exemption from attendance at school in behalf of work in or for the occupation of agriculture, gardening, tending cattle, &c., to children who in the last six months preceding the application have regularly atterded school for not more then six weeks only, not reckoning the vacations. A child is considered to have attended regularly who for two consecutive months has not been absent on more than two occasions without reasonable excuse. A child must be at least ten years old before it can obtain such leave of absence, and there must be substantial reasons for the application. New Zealand. Attendance is compulsory for all children between the ages of 7 and 13, and the public elementary schools are open to all children between the ages of 5 and 15. Norway. There is no obligation to attend the public primary school, but the obligation (/ attendance exists in that every child between 8 and 15 in the country, and between 7 and 15 in the towns, who is not in receipt of instruction calculated to bring it up to the standard of the primary school instruction within its fifteenth year, is referred to the primary school, and the attendance of the child there can be enforced by a fine imposed upon the parents or guardians. Portugal- Elementary instruction is divided into two grades. In the first grade attendance is compulsory for all children between the ages of (i and 12. Attendance in the second grade is a condition of admittance to secondary and technical schools. Children living more than a mile from the school, or who can prove that they are receiving equivalent instruction elsewhere, are exempted from attendance All elementary instruction is free. Prussia. The State takes cognisance of all elementary instruction,, public and private. Private schools are systematically inspected, and inspectors have power to acquire into the instruction given to children in their own homes. The "school age" has become fixed at six to fourteen, not by any general law, but partly by separate laws affecting various parts of the kingdom, and partly by the practice of the Regierungen as confirmed by legal decisions. Children are admitted in the towns usually twice a year at Easter and Michaelmas, and in tte country once a year at Easter. If the child's sixth birthday falls before June 1st he has to go to school at Easter in the same year ; if after June 1st, at the succeeding Easter. He is released from schcol at the corresponding date eight years later. Very few exceptions are allowed, but in rare cases a child is permitted to defer entering on account of bodily weakness, or to leave in the course of his last year on the ground of poverty or other pressing circumstances. The total number of these' exceptions is only 1'28 per cent, of the number of enrolled children. SCHOOL ATTENDANCE. [; > 7 SW6den. Attendance is compulsory from the completion of ttoe child's seventh year to the completion of hi* fourteenth year, but even then he is not exempt unless he has attained the required standard. Children being educated at any public or private institution giving instruction similar to the primary schools, and children (fficiently educated at home, maybe exempted by the School Board from attendance at the public schools, but children must not be k^pt away from school by their parents or by any employment, and employers of children of school age must so arrange their hours that they do not interfere with the school time. Switzerland. The employment of ^ children in factories throughout all Switzerland before the completion of their fourteenth year is forbidden, and for children in their fifteenth and sixteenth years the work in the factory together with the time given to the school and to religious instruction must not exceed eleven hours in the day. The limit of age for compulsory attendance is fixed by the individual cantons. In some attendance is compulsory between the ao-es of six and fifteen years, and in many cantons evening schools are compulsory. Zurich. Every child must attend school from May 1st following its sixth birthday until he has reached the age of fourteen. The school attended may be either a public or a private school, bat all schools, public or private, are under Government supervision. The general course is for each child to attend the public school in its own ward to which it is assigned by the authorities For six years the child remains in the primary school with children of either sex and of every social rank. At the age of twelve the parents may select such course of training as they consider desirable. Three courses are open. The child may be gent to (1) the boys' high school (not free), (2) the higher grade school (free) or (8; Classes VII. and VIII. of the primary school (free). ATTENDANCE AT CONTINUATION SCHOOLS. PRACTICE IN SOMB OTHER COUNTRIES. Saxpny Continuation Schools. After leaving the elementary school which is usually about the age of fourteen, attendance for three years at a con- tinuation school is compulsory for boys, and any communal body may make attendance obligatory for all male workers in their district up to the age of eighteen. The manters in any branch of industry are bound to allow their workers under the age of eighteen the time fixed by the authorities as necessary for instruc- tion in the continration i-chools. Any breach of this law is punished by a fine iiot exceeding twenty marks, or three days' imprisonment. The period of attendance is either for two hours a week all the year round or four houra a week in the winter half-year. Local School Committees have the power to extend the time to s ix hours. They may also establish compulsory attendance for girls for two years. Exemption from these requirements is only granted to scholars who have regularly attended a higher grade elementary school up to the completion of the fifteenth year of the scholar's age, or in exceptional cases the Board of Management of the school can free a scholar from attending on account of exceptional ability and maturity. A decision, as to the proper standard of education having been reached is to be made by the teacher in conjunction with the Local In pector or Director' and every such case must be reported to the District Inspector. Absence at home or trade employment is never accepted as as an excuse for exemption. Switzerland. If the authority decide to have adult courses they must be compulsory. The register of attendance is kept by each teacher, and at the end of the month the total of unexcused absences is forwarded by the School Commission to the Cantonal Police Bureau in the neighbouring town, they in turn set in notion the police in the commune, and the fine is claimed or a summons to the County Court is presented as the case may be. For the adult course the fine is 20 cents for each hour missed. The young workman can, it is true, earn more than this pum during the hours missed, but there are court fees in addition, and fees are cumulative, and there is the nuisance of going to the court in the town during work hours. So that the compulsory system is very fairly effective. SCHOOL ATTENDANCE. Zurich. The School of Industries, where instruction is free, corresponds roughly to one of our evening schools of science and art. Employers send their apprentices to the school twice a week for the whole morning (7 a.m. to noon). There are also commercial continuation classes, and employers grant their appren- tices leave from business hours to the extent of four hours per week, and the apprentices make a corresponding sacrifice of their leisure. Netherlands. The commune is obliged, as far as possible, to establish adult continuation schools for all those who have completed the course of ordinary primary instruction in public schools. The course of study is merely a repetition of the subjects taught in primary schools, but it miy be extended by the addition to the regular coiirse of these subjects which are merely optional in tbe primary schools. These continuation schools are under Government inspection. ATTENDANCE BYE-LAWS. i:;: ATTENDANCE BYE-LAWS ADOPTED BY EDUCATION AUTHORITIES THROUGHOUT ENGLAND AND WALES, WITH JN FORMATION RESPECTING SPECIAL COURTS FOR HEARING NON-ATTENDANCE CASES, A XI) BYE-LAWS ADOPTED UNDER THE EMPLOYMENT CHILDREN ACT, 1903. 3STS- 1) AOE AND STANDARD QUALIFYING FOR TOTAL EXEMPTION. Column 1. The (*) indicates that the Bye-laws provide for the total exemption (if beneficially employed only) of children between 13 and 14 who have obtained Certificates that they have made 350 attendances after 5 years of age in not more than two schools during each year for five years, whether consecutive or not. (2) AGE AND STANDARD QUALIFYING FOR HALF-TIME EXEMPTION. Column 2. To claim half -time exemption a child must have reached the standard specified, or have made 300 attendances in not more than two schools in each year for five preceding years, whether consecutive or not. (3) Is the Agricultural Bye-law included, and if so, what is the standard specified ? (4) Is the new form of the Conscience Clause (allowing the withdrawal of a child from the school premises during Religious Instruction) included. (5) Number of miles from a child's home to the school, residence beyond which shall be regarded as a reasonable excuse for non-attendance. (6) Have Bye-laws been adopted under the Employment of Children Act, 1903 \ (7) Are Special Courts established for the hearing of non-attendance cases ? a. Bye-laws adopted by the New Authoiity. b. Bye-laws of the late School Board (or Attendacce Committee) still in operation. Un. Con. Under consideration. For a Summary of the Laiv relating to School Attendance and Child Lubutir, f,ec. N.U.T. Edition of the Code (" The lied Code"}, published by the Educational Supply Association, Ltd., 41, Jlolborn Viaduct, London, E.C. \ 10 ATTENDANCE BYE-LAWS. (1) i (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) Administrative Counties. , Total Exemption. ^i^^L Agric. Bye- Conec. I - Em- ploy- 11 I Law. Clause '2 ment Ho i Age. Stnnd. Age 1 Ptand. Stand SHJ Act. a BKIU-OUD .. .. ( *12 to 14 v . IV, Yes Ze (5 parities) . . '( *T2 to 14 VI. a BERKS (8 districts) . . (12 to 14 VI. 12 y V. No .) (9 districts) . . '( 12 to 14 V. 12 IV,' IV. Xo 2 a BUCKS (nome districts) { *12 to 14 V. .. IV. No 01 Xo Xo (other districts) 1 *12 t'. 14 VI. a CAMUS 12 to 14 VI. 12 V, No Yesrf 3 Xo No It, C H E ST K R * 1 2 to 1 4 VII. 12 -y V. Yes< 3 Xo Xo a CORNWALL 12 to 14 VI, 12 -y V, Yes 2 . 3 >- Xo a CUMBERLAND 12 to 14 VI. 12 v. V, No 3 Xo a DERKV *12 to 14 VI. 12 v. v. No 3 a DEVON (some districts) 1 *12 to 14 VI. .. No Yes 3 (other districts) { *12 to 14 Y, a DORSET .. .. . . 12 to 14 V. 12 IV, IV. 2 Xo Xo a DURHAM 12 to 14 VI. . . No Yes 3 a ELY, ISLE OF *12 to 14 V. 12 IV, IV, Yes 3 Xo Xo a ESSEX *12 to 14 V. .. No No 3 No a GLOUCESTER (some districts) 12 to 14 VI. (other districts) 12 to 14 v. a HEREFORD *12 to 14 V. 12 IV, IV. No '- ' Xo Xo a HERTFORD (13 districts). . 12 to 14 V, >4 IV, Yes ty Xo Xo (16 districts) . . /12 to 14 VI. . . IV. (5 districts) J }!^ |j } : j VII. VI. IT. a HUNTS *12tol4 V, 12 IV. IV. No '3k a KENT 12 to 14 VI, 12 V, v. Y* sd 3; Xo Xo a LANCASHIRE *12tol4 VII, 12 V, V, Yes 3 a LEICESTER (some districts) j .*12 to 14 V. IV, No/; 3 (other districts) j ,*12 to 14 VI. .. v. a Lixcs. (Holland) (populous districts) ( i 12 to 14 VI, 12 V. V, No 3 (rural districts) \ 12 to 14 V. 1 2 IV. IV. a LINCS. (Kesteven) .. ..12 to 14 V. I 12 IV. IV, Xo 2 Xo Xo a Lixcs. (Lindsey) (populousdi&tiicts) ( *12 to 11 VI. 12 v. V. No 3 No Crural districts) ( * 12 to 14 V. 12 IV. IV. b LONDON 12 toll VII, .. JSo Xo > Yes Ytst a MIDDLESEX 12 to 14 VI. 12 V. V, Xo 3 Yes a NORI-OLK (2 parishes) ( *12 to 14 VII, .. v. Yes 3 No (49 parishes) *12 to 14 VI. .. . . v. (other parishes) ( 1*12 to 14 V. .. v. a NORTHAMPTON . . . . |*12 to 14 VII. . . V. Yes 3 a NORTHUMBERLAND (rural districts) ( *12 to 14 V, . . . IV. Yes 3 Xo Xo (urban districts) \ *12 to 14 VI. .. IV, (boroughs) ( * 12 to 14 VII, .. IV. a NOTTS (16 districts) . . . . *12 to 14 V. 12 IV. IV, Xo '2\l (9 districts) .. ..*12tol4 VI. .. V. v. 'a OXFOKD *12to 14 V, .. No Xo 2(* , . Xo a PETERBOROUGH, SOKE OF . . *12 to 14 V. .. , , No 3 (c) Tbree if conveyance provided. (d) This applies only when a child is withdrawn " for the purpose of enabling tush child to receive Religious Instruction elsewhere." (el This proviso shall not apply where the managers provide efficient Secular Instruction in a separate room in the school during the time in which Religious Instruction is given. (f) Or aged thirteen, and having reached Standard v. f it' beneficially employed. <0) Conveyances provided as L.E.A. consider necessary. (li) Children under bcven years of age, 1 mile. ( i ) In some districts. ( j) Children under eight years of age, 2 mi'es. (*) But Secular Jnt traction must be provided in a fep?.rate room during the time eet apart for Religious Instruction. (1) Children under seven years of age, 1 miles. * See Note (!) on Page 439. ATTENDANCE BYE-LAWS. 441 Administrative Counties. (1) Total Exemption. Age. | Stand. (2) J-Time Exemption. Age | Stand. (3) Aerie- Bye - Law. Stand. (4) Consc. Clause ("Distance ^ 1 Limit. (6) Em- ploy- ment Act. (7) |3 a RVTLAND * 12 to 11 V. 12 IV. IV, No 3 s> No a SALOP (some districts) | 12 to 11 VI. 12 V. V, Yesrf 3 No (other districts) \ * 12 to 11 V. 12 IV, IV. SCILLY I-SLE8. . a SOMERSET (some districts) i *12t-ill V. 12 IV, IV, No 3 No (other districts) ( *12tol4 ' VI. (Xo |-time 2 distr icts) a SOUTHAMPTON 12 to 13 VI, . , 3A No No a STAFFS. . /12tol4 VI. . . No No 3 No No a SIFFOLK (East) * 12 to 11 V, IV. Yeg 3 No a SUFFOLK (West) *12 to 1 1 V. ; * * IV. Yearf :; No a SURREY 12 to 11 VI. No , , Yes a SUSSEX (East) * 12 to 14 V. 12 IV. No Yes 3 No No a SISSF.X (West) 12 10 1 1 V. 12 IV. No Yes :; No No a WARWICK *12 to H i VI, . . No Yee^ 2 No No a WESTMORLAND *12 to 11 VI. 12 IV, No No 3 No No a WIGHT, ISLE OF *12tol4 VI. 12 V. V, No WILTS (some districts) ( 12 to 11 VI. 12 V. V. NoA- 3 Yes No (other districts) ( 12 to 14 V. 12 IV. /iv. a WORCESTER *13 to H VI. 12 V. No Yes 2e a YORKS (East Riding) 12 to 1* VI. 12 IV. IV. Yes 3 No a YORKS (North. Biding:) *12 to 11 VII. V, Yes 3 a YORKS (West Riding *12t<>14 VII. i'2 V. No No 3 WALES. a ANGLESEY 12 to 11 VI. . . V. Yes 3 No a BRECON *12 toll , VI. i'2 V. No Yes 3 Yes No a CARDIGAN . . \'i to 11 VI. 12 V. V. Yes :; Yrs a CARMARTHEN 12 to 11 VI. V. Yes ; a CARNARVON .. *12 to 14 VI. 12 V. No Yes 3 No No b DEXRIGH 12 to 14 VI. . . No . . No b FLINT (two districts) / 12 to 11 YII. 12 VI,' (2) Yes (2 districts) (five districts) i 12 to 14 , VI. 12 V. (1) No (9 distri cts; (four districts) i 12 to 11 V. 12 IV. (4) ( 12 to 13 ". -(1 distr ic O a GLAMORGAN 12 to 14 VI. 12 V, No Yes :; Uncon No a MERIONETH 12 to 14 VI. . V, , No 3 No No b MONMOUTH (some districts) / *12tol4 V. 12 IV. No No 2 No No (other districts) ( 12 to 1* VI. 12 V. . , 3 a MONTGOMERY *12 to 11 VI. 12 V. V. Yes 3 No No a PEMBROKE *12 to 14 VI. 12 \V V. Yes 3 a RADNOR 12 to 14 VI, 12 V, No Yes :',< No No County Boroughs. a BARROAY-IN-FVRNF.SS 12 to 14 VI. 12 IV. No No 3 * BATH *12 to 11 VI. 2 IV. No No 1 Yfs No b BlRKKXHKAD *12 to 11 VII, O 12 IV. No 2 Uncon No b BIRMINGHAM 12 to 11 VII. No No I.',// Yes Yes i BLACKHrUN *12toM VI, 12 IV. No No r YCS No a BLACKPOOL 12 to 14 VI. 12 IV. No No 2 (c) Children under eight years of ajje, 2 miles. (cl) This applies only when a child is withdrawn "for the purpose of enabling such child to receive Religious Instruction elsewhere." (e) Children under seven years of age, 2 miles. (h) Children under seven years of ae, 1 mile. (A-) But Secular Instruction n^ust be provided in a separate room diving the tiire set apart for Religious Infcti action. (m) Or aged thirteen, and having made 350 attendances, &P., in some parts of County only/ (n) btandard V. for Girls hating certificates of competency in Cookery. Laniulrywork, Dairy- work, or Sewing. (o) Standard VI. if thirteen and beneficially employed. (p) In part of the County the Agricultural Bye-law is not adopted, *See Note (1) on Page 439, 442 ATTENDANCE BYE-LAWS. 0) (2) (3) (4) (6) (6) | (7) Administrative Counties. Total Exemption. w l^f_ "Bye-' Consc. pfcy- ! ' Law. Clause -g g ment j g Age. | Stand. Age | Stand. Stand. S3 -Act. i 020 b BOLTON *12 to 14 vn./ 12 IV. Yes Yes BOOTLE *12tol4 VI. . . . , No , . No a BOURNEMOUTH 12 to 14 VI, 12 V. V. Yes 2 UncoD No b BRADFORD 12 t6 14 VII. 12 V. No No Yes No 6 BRIGHTON 12 to 14 VII. ( No Yes 1 Yes No b BRISTOL 12 to 14 VII. 12 V. No No 3 Yes? No b BURNLEY * 12 to 14 VII. 12 IV. No No 1 Yes No a BURTOX-OX-TREXT . . . . *12 to 14 VII. , . No No 2 No NoA b BURY *12 to 14 VI. 12 IV, IV. No 2 Yes a CANTERBURY *12 to 14 V. No No 2 a CHESTER 12 to 14 VII, 12 VI. No Yes* 2 No No b COVENTRY 12 to 14 VI. 12 V. No No 1| No No b CROYDOX' *12to 14 VI. 12 v. No Yes No b DERBY . . 12 to 14 VI. 12 No No \\ No Yes b DEVOXPORT 12 to 14 V. No No b DUDLEY 12 to 14 VI, 12 V, No No 2 Yes No EXETER 6 GATESHEAD *12tol4 VII. ,, No No It b GLOUCESTER *12toU VII. . . .. ; No No No No n GREAT YAKMOUTH .. ,.:*12tol4 VI. 12 IV. No Yes . . Yes Yes b GRIMSKY 12 to 14 VI. No No 2 Uncon No b HALIFAX i*12 to 14 VII. 12 IV. No No 3 No No ft HAXLEY . . . . . . ;*12 to 14 VI. 12 IV No No 1 b HASTINGS 12 to 14 VI. 12 V. No No 2 Yes No b HUDDERSFIELD . . . . |*12 to 14 VII. No No 2 b IPSWICH .. .. . . ; *12 to 14 VII. No No 3 b KlNGSTON-ON-HuLL ..! 12 to 14 VII. ', .] No No 3 Yes No b LEEDS .. .. . *12t.nl4. VII. 12 IV No No 2 No Yes b LEICESTER 12 to 14 VII. 12 V. No No Yes No A LINCOLN *12 to 14 VI. No No Yes No /; LIVERPOOL 12 to 14 VII. 12 IV. No No i' b MANCHESTER 12 to 14 VII. 12 IV. No No 1 Yes a MIDDLESBROUGH 12 to 14 VII. 12 VI. No Yes Yts b NEWCASTLE-OX-TYXE 12 to 14 VII. , . No No 1| b NORTHAMPTOX *12tD 14 VI. 12 IV, No No 2 . No b NORWICH 12 to 14 VII. 12 V. No No Yes o NOTTINGHAM *12 to 14 VII. 12 IV. N. No 2 Yes Yes b OLDHAM *12 to 14f? VII. 12 IV. No No 1 Uncon No OXFORD 12 to 14 VI. 12 V, No e. Ptand. Acre | Stand. ' Stand. RJ Act " tb i b SfXDERLAXD 12 tO 14 VII. No No No b TYXEMOTTH .. 12 to 14 VI. 12 V, y. No 2* , No b WALSALL *12 to 14 e 1 2 and VII. or V. No No 2 Yes b WARUIXGTOX *12 to 14 VII. 12 IV. No No 1J Yes b "WEST BBOMWICH *12 to 14 VI. X. No a WEST HAM 12 to 14 VII IV. Yes 2 Uncori Yes b WEST HARTLKPOOL. . * 12 to 14 VII. i'2 VI, No No 2 b WK;AX *12 to 14 VI. 12 IV. No No 1 No No WoLVKRHAMl'TOX .. 12 to 14 VII. No No No No /> WOR< KSTER 12 to 14 VI. .. Uncoil No 2* b YORK 12 to 14 VI. No No 2 Yes/ WALES. b CARDIFF .. .. .. 12 to 14 Vll. No No ... Uncon Yes b NEWPORT 12 to 14 VI. t , No No b SWANSEA 12 to 14 Vll. No No 2* Yes/ Yes Non- County Boroughs. It ArCRIXGTOX 12 to 11 VI, 12 IV. IV. No ') No No b ASHTOX-UXDER LYXE 12 to 14 VI. 12 IV. No No 2 No No a ASTON MANOR 12 to 14 i VII, 12 VI No No 1 *12 to 14 VI. 12 IV. I No No 2 Yes No BAXHURY 12 to 14 VI. No No No b BARXSLEY *12 to 14 VI. .. ' No No ii No No a BARNSTAPLE .. .. -12 to 14 VI, 12 V. No Yes b BATLEY *12 to 14 VI. 12 IV. No No li ft ..BEDFORD *12 to 14 VI. No No 2 No No a BERWICK-OX-TWKED *12 to 14 VI. i'2 V, k V, Yea 3 a BEVERLEY *12 to 11 V. 12 IV. No Yes a BEXHILI. 12 to 14 V, 12 IV, IV, Yes li liOSTON .. . . 12 to 14 VI. 12 V, No. a BRIIH; \VATKR *12 to 11 VI. 12 V. No No 2 b BRIDLINGTOX 12 to 14 VI. 12 V' No No 3 /> BlUGHOl SE *12 to 14 V, 12 IV, No No 9. a BROMLEY 12 to 14 VI. 12 V. No No 2 b BVRSLEM 12 to 14 VI, 12 IV, No No 1 b BURY ST. EDMUXDS 12 to 14 VI. 12 IV, No No 1 No b CA.MHKIDGE *12 to 14 v. . . No No 2 No No a CAKLISLK 12 to 14 VII. Xo No o Yes a CHATHAM *12 to 14 VI, 12 v; x,, Yes 8 Yes No a Cn I.-.I.MSFOKD .. 12 to 14 V, 12 IV. No Yes 2 a Cll F.l.TKXHAM . . . . 12 to 14 VI. . . , . No Yes Uncon a CiiKi'pixG WYCOMHF. *12 to 14 V. No Yes a Cn F.STF.RFIELD *12 to 14 VII. No Yes ClIK ULSTER ((') b CllORLEY *12 to 11 VI, 12 IV. No No 2 b CLITH KROE 12 to 13 V. 12 IV, No No 2 No No a COLCHESTER 12 to 14 VII. No Yes H Uncon a COI.M; *12 to 14 VI, 12 IV. No Yes 2 b COXGLETOX *12 to 14 VI. 12 IV, No No Xo No a CREWE *12 to 14 VII, L2 v. No Yes 2* Yes No a DARLINGTON 12 to 14 VII, , t < No Yts 2 Jncon Yes b DARWEX *12 to 14 VI, 12 IV. ' No No 2 No No a DEAL 12 to 14 V. 12 IV. No Yrs >> Xo No a Di;\vsHt RY *12 to 14 VI. 12 IV. ' Xo y. u I) DoNCASTKR .. 11 to 13 V, 11 IV. Xo Xu 2 No No b DOVI.R 12 to 11 V, 12 IV, IV. Xo 3 neon No (c:) Has formed ;i joint scheme with the County Council. Eye-laws as under West Sussex Authority. (e) If beneficially employed. (/) Under Local Act. * See Note (1) on Page 4W. Ml ATTENDANCE BYE-LAWS. 0) (2) (3) (4) (5) i (6) (7) Administrative Counties. Total Exemption. i-Time Exemption. Agric. Bye- Law. Consc Claust g 1 Em- 3 ment Age. | Stand. Age I Stand. Stand. 3 Act. OQO DUKIN FIELD .. b DURHAM .. .. ..*12tol4 VI. 12 IV. No No It b BALING 12 to 14 VII, 12 V, Xo Xo 2~ EASTBOURNE 12 to 14 i VI, No Xo T. Yes Xo a EAST HAM 12 to 14 i VI. No No .. Xo No b EAST RETFORD . . . . 12 to 14 V. 12 IV. IV. Xo a ECCLES , 12 to 14 VI, 12 IV. No Yes 1 Xo Xo b FALMOUTH 12 to 14 V, 12 IV. IV, Xo 2 b FAVERSHAM 11 to 13 VI'. 11 V, V, No 3 b FOLKESTONE .. < ,.> (> * 1 cl3 and VI, or IV. .. No No 2 Uncon No a GlLLINGHAM *12 to 14 VI. 12 IV, IV. Xo 3 No No b GLOSSOP *12 to 14 V. 12 III, Xo No .. No No b GRANTHAM 12 to 14 VI. 12 V. No No 3 No b GRAVESEND 12 to 14 VI. 12 V. No No 2 a GUILDFORD 12 to 14 VI. t No No 2 No b HARROGATE ' 12 to 13 V. 12 IV. V, No 3 No No b HARTLEPOOL .. .. 12 to 14 VI. Xo No 3 b HARWICH 1 12 to 13 ' V. 1-2 IV, No No .. No No a HASLINGDEN *12 to 14 V, 12 IV, Xo Y.S 2 b HEMEL HEMPSTEAD.. ..*12tol4 IV, No No 2 No No HEREFORD | a HEYWOOD *12 to 14 Vl.rf 12 IV, IV, Xo 2 b HORXSEY ! 12 to 14 VII. No No 2 Yes ' No b HOVE .. . '*12tol4 VII. i'2 V, Xo No 2 Yes a HYDE ,*12 to 14 VII.0 12 IV. No Yes 1| Uncon Uncon b ILKESTOX .. . .: 12 to 14 V.or 3,5 ()n,t,t, No No ~ Yes b JARROW 12 to 14 VII. No No g b KEIGHLEY ; *12 to 14 VI. i'2 IV. No No 2 Xo Xo b KENDAL 12 to 14 VII. 12 VI. No No 2 No Xo / K i 1'^ ^ 1^ VII. or 12 IV. No No 2 DERMINSfER .. < ^g and VI. KING'S LYNN a KINGSTON OX-THAMES .. 12 to 14 VI, . . Xo Yes Yes Xo b LANCASTER 12 to 14 VI, i ( 2 V, No No 2 No b LEIGH .... . *12 to 14 VI, 12 IV. No No 2 No No LEWES . . 12 to 14 V No b LONGTON j*12 to 14 VII. 12 V. Xo 1 No 2 a LOUGHKOROUGH .. . 12 to 14 VI, 12 V, Xo Yes 2 b LOWESTOFT * 12 to 14 VI. Xo No 2 No Xo a LUTOX *12 to 14 VI. 12 V. Xo Yes 3 ft MACCLESFIELD .. ..*12tol4 VI, 12 IV. No No 2 Xo a MAIDENHEAD . . .. 12 to 14 VI, 12 V. ,Xo Yes 3 6 MAIDSTONE .. .. ..*12tol4i VI, Xo Xo .. Xo Xo b MANSFIELD .. *12tol4 i VI i2 V. No No 3 Xo b MARGATE 12 to 14 V. Xo Xo b MIDDLKTON 12 to 14 VII. i'2 IV. IV, 1 Xo 9 b M.OUECAMHE ! 12 to 14 V. 12 IV, No Xo 2 Xo Xo MORLEY a MOSSLF.Y *12 to 14 V. 12 IV, No | Yes 1.! a NELSON *12 to 14 VI. 12 IV. Xo i Yes 3~ Xo Xo b NEWARK 12 to 14 V. 12 IV. Xo No 2 a NEWHLRY 12 to 14 ' V 12 IV, No Yes 2 Xo b NEWCASTLE UNDER-LYME.. *P2tol4 VI. 12 V. No Xo NEWPORT, I.W *'T2 to 14 VI . 12 V. No No g No 6 NEW WINDSOR .. .. l^to!4 V, 12 IV. IV, Xo 2 Xo Xo b OSSETT 10 to 13 V. 10 111, Xo Xo 2 (c) If beneficially employed. (d) Standard V. if aged thirteen and beneficially employed. (e) Standard VI., if aged thirteen, and beneficially employed. * See Note (1) on Page 439. ATTENDANCE BYE-LAWS. 445 (0 (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) Administrative Counties. Total Exemption. i-Time JJJJ" Exemption. La * w> Conec Clause S S Em- ploy- ment || Age. 1 Stand. Age | Sta^d. Stand, Act. OQO b Pl.\/AXC'K 12 to 14 VI. U V, Ne No 2 l> PETERBOROUGH 12 to 14 V. 12 IV. No No 2 b POXTKI UACT 12 to 14 V. 12 IV. No No 2 No No l> POOLI; 12 to 13 V. ; 12 IV, No No 3 a PrnsKY *12 to 14 VI. 12 IV. No Yes 2 b RAMNGAT E 12 to 14 VI. 12 IV. No No 2 No No b RAWTENSTALL *12 to 14 VI. 12 IV. No No 2 Yes No a REIGATE 12 to 14 V, 12 IV. No No 2 No No a RICHMOND *12 to 14 VI. No No 3 O, ROCHESTER . . *12 to 14 VI, B, .. V. G. * .. No No 2 No No a ROVAL LEAMIXGTON SPA . 12 to 14 VII. No Yes 1 Yesi b RYDS (Isle of Wight) 12 to 14 v. 12 IV. IV. No 3 ST. ALBAXS (c) b SALISBURY *12 to 14 VI. 12 V, No No 1 b SCARBOROUGH 12 to 14 VII, No No Yes ^SHREWSBURY 12 to 14 V, i'2 IV. No No 2 No No " S\ii;TinviCK f *12 to 14 VII. No No 2 a SOUTHEXD-OX-SEA .. 12 to 14 VI, No No 2 Yes STAFFORD (D) b, STALYBRIDGB *12 to 14 VI. 12 ', iv. No No 1 b STOCKTON-ON-TBBB . . 12 to 14 V, No No Yes No b STOKK-UPOX-TKEXT.. *12 to 14 VII, 12 V. No No 2 f- Si TTON COLDFIELD .. 12 to 14 VI, 12 V. No No 3 J S\V1M)()X 12 to 14 VII. 12 V. No No 3 Yes No ft TAIXTOX- *12 to 14 VI. 12 V. No Yes 2 No Yes THOUXAHY-OX-TEES (E) .. _ b TIVEHTOX *12to 14 VI 12 IV, No No 3 l> Tnn.MOKDKX . 12 to 13 VI. or 12 IV. No No 2 Yes No 1 350 att. b ToUQlAY 12 to 14 VI, No No 2 Yes No Turuo (F) b TrxmuiHJK WELLS .. 12 to 14 VI. tt No No 3 b WAKEFIELD 12 to 13 V. 12 IV, No Yes .. No No a W \LLSFXD 12 to 14 VII. No No 1 .', WAKWICK (G) ^.i \j 2, WKDXKSHUUY .. ..*12tol4 VI. a WKXI.OCK *12 to 14 VI. 12 V. V, Yes/ 3 No No b WHYMOTTH 12 to 13 y 12 IV. IV, No 2 b WllITKHAVEX .. .. 12 tO 14 \\ 12 IV, IV, No 1 b WIDXKS ; 12 to 14 VII. No No 2 No No b WlMHLEDON 12 to 14 VL i'2 V. No No 2 Yes a WIXCHKSTKU *12to 14 VI. 1 12 V. V. Yes 2 No No b AVoKKIXGTOX 12 to 14 VII, No No 2 No WORTHING 12 to 14 VI, V, No 2 No No YKOYIL WALES. LAXGOK (H) CARMARTHEN | h MKKTIIYU TYDFIL .. *12 to 14 V. No 1 No 1 .. No (c) Has relinquished its powers as an Education Authority to the Herts County Council. (D) Has relinquished its powers an an Education Authority to the Staffs County Council. IE) Has relinquished its powers as an Education Authority to the Yorks (W. R.) County Council. (v) Has relinquished its powers as an Education Authority to the Cornwall County Council. (G) Has relinquished its powers as an Education Authority to the Warwick County Council, (ir) Mas relinquished its powers as an Education Authority to the Carnarvon County Council. (i) Under Local Act. (j) Providing the child is withdrawn in order to receive Religious Instruction elsewhere, t Smethwick became a County Borough April 1st, 1907. * See Note (1) on Page 43'J. 446 ATTENDANCE BYE-LAWS. (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) i (7) Administrative Counties. Total Exemption. i-Time Exemption. Agric Bye- Law. Consc Clausi 8 . s- 3 .1.1 Em- <-< a - Ploy- || ment g Acre. | Stand. Age | Stand. Stand Act. ofo 1 b NEATH *12 to 14 V, 12 IV. IV. Yes 1 No No * PEMBROKE 12 to 14 VI. 12 V. No No 2 No No WREXHAM . . . . No Urban Districts. a ACTON *T2 to 14 VI 12 V No Yes 2 Yes iTJncon b ALDERSHOT *12to 14 i VI. 12 T, No No 3 No i No a BARKING :*12 ro 14 VI. IV, Yes 2 No b BECKENHAM *12 to 14 VI. i'2 V. No No 2 b BILSTON ; 12 to 14 12 No No b CANNOCK ' 12 to 14 V. No No 2 No b CHADDERTON *12 to 14 VILA i'2 IV. ti tt tf No CHISWICK a COSELEY VI. B 12 V. B No No Ik 1 V. IT t % IV. G. b EDMONTON 12 to H VI, 12 IV. No No 2 Uncon No b ENEIELD *12 to 14 VI. j No No 2 b ERITH . . . . . J2 to 14 VT 12 V, No No 2 UHCOD No b FARNWORTH *12tol4 VII./ 12 IV, No No 2 No No b FELLING 12 to 14 VII, 12 VI, VI, No ji b FENTON * 12 to 14 VII, 12 v. No No > b FINCHLEY . . . . ' .. 12 to 14 VII. No No Yes a GORTON . . . . . . '*12 to 14 VI. 12 IV. No Yes L>' a GOSPORT AND ALVERSTOKE 12 to 14 VI. 12 V, No Yes 2 No No b HANDSW r ORTH . . . . 12 to 14 VII, t> No No 2 No No a HEBBURN 12 to 14 VII, No Yes 3 AHENDON .. .. | ^ tO 14 VII. B. VI. G. No No 2 No j No a HESTON AND ISLEWORTH . *12 to 14 i V. 12 IV, IV, Yes 2 No I No HlNDLEY 12 to 14 V, '2 IV. IV, No 2 a ILFORD :.*12t:14 VI, 12 V. V. No 2 b INCE-IN-MAKEREIELD . .*12tol4 V. 12 IV. No No 2 No No a KETTERING *12to 14 VII, No No 2 Uncon No a KING'S NORTON .. ..i 12 to 14 VI. No Yes 2 a LKYTON 12 to 14 VII. No No 2 No ; No Moss SIDE (E) b Nl'NKAToN AND CuiLYKUS 12 to 14 j V. 12 IV. IV, No 2 COTON '; a OLDBURY ' 12 to 14 ' VI, No Yes 2 No No PEMBERTON (c) a PENGE .. 12 to 14 VII No No 2 No No b RADGLIFEE *12tol4 VI, i'2 IV, No No 9 Yes No ROWLEY REGIS .. { * 12 to U :\n.B. 12 VI, B, V. G, No No o a SHIPLEY *T2 to 14 VI. i'2 IV, No No 2 j .. No SWINTON AND PENDLEBURY *12 to 14 j VI, 12 IV, No No 2 TIPTON *12 to 14 VI, No b TOTTENHAM ;*12 to 14 VI, tt No No 2 Uncon No (j a TUNSTALL *12tol4 VI. V. No 2 (C TWICKENHAM .. .. ! *12tol4 V. 12 IV. No Yes b WALLASEY | 12 to 14 VI, 12 IV, No No 2 b WALTHAMSTOW . . .. 12 to 14 VII. 12 V. No 2 Uncon No b WATERLOO- WITH- SEAEORTH 12jto 14 VII. 12 IV. No No/ 1 (c) Incorporate! with Wigan, November 9th, 1904. (E) Incorporated with Manchester, November 9th, 1904. (/) Standard V. if a^ad thirteen and beneficially employed. (<,) But non-attendance cases are taken first. (k) Standard IV. if thirteen and beneficially employed. (1) But children withdrawn from religious instruction do secular work in separate classroom, and under another teacher where possible. * See Note (1) on Page 439. ATTENDANCE BYE-LAWS. 447 Administrative Counties, (I) Total Exemption. Ace. | Stand. (2) VTime Exemption. Age I Stand. (8) Agric. Bye- Law. Stand. (4) Consc. Clause Distance -s 1 Limit. (6) Em- ploy- ment Act. Special CJ 1 Courts. " /; WATFORD (D) 12 to 14 VI, No No 2 Uncon No b WlLLKSDKN .. 12 to 14 VI, .. No No 2 No i No WlTHINOTON (B) a WOLSTANTON.. *12 to 14 VII. No No 3 WOOD GHKKN *12 to U vr. . . No No 2 WALES. No No Xn I A r.KKTii.LKRY (somedists.) / *12 to 13 VI. . . No No \\ Uncon No (other dists,) \ 1 10 to 13 v, in- III. | No No 2* a BARRY . . 12 to 14 VII. . . . . No Yes 3 No No a Enmv YALE . . *12 to 14 VI, . . No Yes 3 , No /; LLANELLY *12 to 14 VI. 12 V, No No 3 No No a MOUNTAIN ASH 12 to 14 VI. . . . , No No 2 No No I) PONTYPHIT)]) .. 12 to 14 VI, . . , . No No 2 Yes ; No b RHONDDA . . 12 to 14 V. .. No No 2 No No (D) Has relinquished its powers as an Education Authority to the Herts County Council. (K) Incorporated with Manchester, November 9th, 1904. * See Not3 (1) on Page 439. Summary. TOTAL EXEMPTION Under 13 Authorities!, the ago qualifying for total exemption is 13 ; elsewhf ro it is 14. 1 Authority, the standard qualifying for total exemption is IV. ,, 79 Authorities, ,, ,, 172 ,, ,, ,, 89 HALV-TIME EXEMPTION 200 Authorities allow half-time exemption, 113 ,, do not allow half-time exemption. Under 3 Authorities, the standard for half-time exemption is 112 \, 84 ,, . ,, ,, Q * > 5> ) > V. VI. YIT. III. IV. V. vr 'A. AGRICULTURAL BYELAW 70 Authorities have adopted the Agricnltnral Byelaw. 233 ,, have not adopted the Agricultural Byelaw. Under 40 Authorities, the Standard adopted for this pinpoie is IV. ' U V. YT. 448 APVERTISEMErvTS. CHEMICAL & PHYSICAL APPARATUS. VICTORIA BRLDGR, MANCHESTER. \\ (Catalogue (over 600 pages) free to Science Iseaerjers. AYANT & CO., BSU* 200, TOTTENHAM COURT ROAD, W. Writing Tables. Bookcases. NEW AND SECOND HAND. WRITE FOR PRICE. LIST. Telegrams: "Avant 5 ca, London." Telephone: 11985 Centra*!. Th PLENTY OF POWDER LEFT. War on the Old-Fasbionvd School IKK. War is Not OVER. Original Blue Black. 1/6 per gallon. COLOURED POWDER FOR BRUSHWORK. 2;- per tin., to make from 2 pints to 3 gallons. 10O,OOO Tins Sold to the London School Board. HORLE'S SNOW WHITE POWDER For the highest c'ass of brushwork. 1/6 per $lb. tin. Free Samples from F. HORLE & CO., Harpenden, Herts. SCHOOL MATERIAL. 1 in SECTION VI. SCHOOL MATERIAL. The methods under which Local Authorities maintain the supply of school material necessarily differ according to local circumstances. Where the whole of the schools of an Authority are within easy reach of a central office it is possible to arrange for prompt delivery direct from the publishers, or to concentrate stores and supply the schools as demand arises. In Administrative County areas other methods must necessarily prevail. The following notes are founded on the experience of a large number of Authorities. They indicate risks to be" avoided and plans which are suc- cessful : Quality Of Material Any regulations on this subject should have for their object primarily the sufficient supply to eveiry school within the district of school material of modem pattern and of good quality. In the struggle after economy there is a great danger that quality may be sacrificed, and the schools supplied with articles so unsatisfactory in quality as to render thoroughly efficient instruction an impossibility. No economist would desire to create such a position, but as many members of Education Committees are unfamiliar with some of the materials required for school work, this danger may easily arise. It is hoped that managers will request the teachers to acquaint them if any deterioration in the standard of quality be- noticed. Contracts. Local Authorities often contract .with one or more publishing firms for the supply of school material at special rates. It is desirable- that these 'contracts should be spread over at least three or four firms, and in no case should they be exclusive. Com petition between firm and firm will main- tain a high standard of quality, and the Local Authority should reserve the right to freely purchase outside the contracting firm. There is already some evidence that under the contract/ing system . the quality of school materials rnay fall off, and such a decline should be dealt with promptly. Stores.' The adoption of the contract system, and the general conveni- ence of the schools, may require tihe formation of a central store, from which supplies of certain materials may be obtained. But such stores should be limited to articles which are in constant use, and of which it is difficult to forecast accurately the amount which will be required. Within this descrip- tion would be found exercise books, drawing-books, pens, pencils, chalk, school stationary, etc. But apparatus, such as school reading-books, maps, diagram, models, and similar material, should be supplied direct to the schools by the contracting firm. Schools seldom have accommodation for the storage of large quantities of such articles, and on hygienic grounds it is undesirable that air space should be occupied by unnecessary cupboards. Nor is it desirable that there .should be stored in the school expensive materials, which ultimately may not be required, and equally is it undesir- able that any rule should be laid down so limiting the supply of goods of this character ais to leave the teacher at some period of tihe year tunable to cope wi(tih the necessities of the school, arising peiihaps from increased attend - ance. Nor moist it be forgotten that the advent of an (infectious disease may call for the destruction of school materiails. Such difficulties are avoided when requisite material may bo obtained direct from the publisher. List Of Books, &C.--A list of materials permanently kept at ajiy central store should be supplied to every head tear ho r. This list should be con- veniently catalogued and numbered, in order to simplify botih the work r>.f TV. pi i.s it ion and supply. Turf, 1 1, -a i lingers and teachers should not have their lia.iids unnecessarily tied by any such list. They should be free to requisition articles which do not appear thereon. Requisitions. The plan of requiring requisitions to cover a period exceed' ing three months is objectionable. Few schools are supplied with proper storage accommodation, and many articles of school use deteriorate on long exposure. There is the danger of over-supply and consequent 15 450 SCHOOL MATERIAL. waste, and the even greater danger of insufficient supply. Head teachers should, therefore, be allowed to send in a requisition list at least once in three months, and if storage space be limited once a month. This list should be countersigned by the managers, and upon teachers and managers should rest the responsibility. The practice of revising these lists at the central office by a clerk who has never seen the schools, and knows nothing of their conditions, or -by some organising inspector whose acquaintance with the schools is only a trifle less imperfect, has only to be mentioned to be condemned. There can_ be no justification for the practice. Managers and teachers will not desire to hamper the schools with unnecessary material, and should by chance an instance of extravagance occur^ it can be dealt with on its merits, without resorting to a practice which cripples the schools, and is, in fact, an insult to both managers and teachers. CpSt per Scholar. It appears difficult, if not impossible, to frame any satisfactory scheme by which school materials m'ay be supplied in accord- ance with a pre-determined amount per scholar in attendance. Schools not only differ in size, bint in curriculum. Average attendance is a most un- certain guide to the amount of material required. It not only penalises the small school, tout imposes serious difficulties o,n schools where the actual attendane departs widely at irregular intervals from the average, as in infants' departments, amd the upper standards in schools for older -scholars. The better plan is to treat every school on its own merits. But if a fixed sum per head be decided on, 'head teachers should be permitted to spread the cost of certain apparatus, such as reading-books, maps, and other compara- tively expensive mla/terials, over more than one year, in order to average the cost year by year. In all these regulations it may well be kept in mind that if a ^ competent teacher has been selected one who can be trusted to manage his school he can also be trusted to select the tools he requires in order to carry out has work. Stocktaking". Teachers should be held responsible for checking goods on delivery, both in respect of quality and quantity. Yearly stocktaking should be ample. The method of keeping stock and store books, and the system of stocktaking, will necessarily vary in different districts. Plans applicable to compact county boroughs may be unsatisfactory in a large administrative county. But caire should be taken that men amd women who' have been specially trained; to discharge the difficult and important duties which are the_ special function of the teacher, should not have their time wasted and their energies occupied as booking clerks. Wear and Tear. A certain amount of wear and tear is inevitable, and the extent ito which it may be necessary to recognise this fact will depend very largely on purely local circumstances. Schools in very poor districts often contain a number of children whose clothing is in such a condition that they will render unfit for use books, stationery, etc., which under more favourable circumstances would serve for a lomger period, and any general rule is bound therefore to lead bo serious difficulties. Instances of extravagance can be suitably dealt with by managers and the Local Authority, whenever they arise, without the formation of any general regulations. Such regulations have proved difficult, to carry out, full of injustice, and generally ineffective. The cost of supervising, check- ing, and rejecting is often greater than the total possible margin of waste. Soiled Material. It would probably be desirable tihafc material no longer suitable for school purposes should be disposed of without delay. Occasion- ally, books no longer fitted for school work may be given to the pupils, a& for example, when a change in reading books is effected ; but every teacher should be empowered to destroy without hesitation all school material which from any cause is likely to spread infectious disease. This applies particu- larly to needlework specimens. Wherever a, school has been closed on account of epidemic sickness, it may be taken as a general rule that all needlework specimens should be immediately burnt, lest their subsequent use or sale should lead to further disa-siter. SCHOOL MATERIAL. 451 Interchange Of Reading Books. Some Local Authorities have tried the plan of passing reading-books from one school to another, with the very praiseworthy object of increasing the range of the scholars' reading. The pl'an has proved to be open to serious abjection. The number of times a school reading-book is handled by different scholars before the class can be held to have completed their study of that particular work is so great that, notwithstanding the exercise of all possible care, a certain amount of dilapidation must ensue. To take these finger-marked, broken-backed books and place them in the hands of other scholars as a new reading book destroys the child's idea of freshness, neatness, and order. An adult finds pleasure in the handling of a new, well-bound book. The influence on the child is probably much greater. He opens a book for the first time with great curiosity. It is a strong incentive to persevere with the reading. This encouragement is largely lost when second-hand books are placed before the average scholar. REGULATIONS IN OPERATION. The following notes are a precis of the regulations adopted by the 'authorities indicated : Burnley. Managers meet monthly, first week 'in the monitlh. Requisition sent to them by 1st of month. Passed by managers, and order at once placed. If the requisitions are extraordinary in their character, the chairman and clerk aire generally asked to make inquiries. The store room is used for sta/tionery only. Other materials are supplied by two contracting firms. There are no set regulations for teachers, and no list of materials limiting the discretionary choice of the teacher. Bournemouth Requisition forms are filled up by head teacher, and signed at a meeting of managers. Requisitions are sent in monthly, and goods supplied from central office. Cheltenham. List of articles required must be submitted by head teacher in the managers, signed by the correspondent, and forwarded to the Education Secretary. School requisites are supplied or ordered by the Education Com- mittee. DaPWCn. Each head teacher forwards requisition sheet monthly to the secretary of the Education Committee, and all goods are supplied by contract. Goods are checked at the Education Office before being sent to the ischools. Dorset. A book of requisition forms is supplied to each head teacher. List of goods required is submitted to the managers, signed by the cor- respondent or chairman, and forwarded to the County Education Office, where it is examined, and, if approved, countersigned and forwarded to the contractor mentioned on the form. The tenders of four firms have been accepted, and goods are obtained from whichever firm is approved. GlOSSOp. Detailed list of all goods required by any school during each month is sent to the Education Office by the managers before the last Monday in each month. Each requisition receives the careful attention of the Primary Education Sub-Committee, and, if approved, secretary obtains and forwards the required goods to the managers before the first Monday in the following month. Gloucestershire. Furniture, apparatus, books, stationery, and all other educational requirements are ordered by the secretary on receipt of requisi tion form signed by the correspondent. These forms are received every three months. Supplementary requisitions, if urgent, may be forwarded to the secretary by the official correspondent without having been formally submitted to the managers. Needlework materials may be obtained from a local tradesman. Articles regularly required for the heating, lighting, and cleaning of the schools may be ordered by the managers. Torquay. Requisition forms are filled in by teachers, countersigned by correspondent, and forwarded to the Education Secretary for order every three months. 15* 452 SCHOOL STAFFING. SECTION VII. SCHOOL STAFFING. The Staff should be "sufficient" and "efficient." Education committees have no question more important to consider than the sufficiency and efficiency of the teaching staff. It must be Sufficient. Article 12 of the Elementary School Code runs as follows : "12. (a) In no case will a staff be considered sufficient if it is not at least equivalent for the average attendance measured by the following scale : Number of Children in Teacter. Average Attendance. The Head Teacher 50 Each Assistant Teacher (Certificated or Uncertificated under Schedule I., C 6)* 60 Each Assistant Teacher (Uncertificated or Provisionally Certificated)*.... 45 Each Supplementary Teacher* ... Each Provisional Assistant Teacher* 30 Each Pupil Teacher* , 30 Each Probationert 20 The above scale must not be understood to indicate that a school thus staffed will necessarily be regarded as complying with the requirements of Article 10. In every case the sufficiency and suitability of the staff will be viewed in the light of the various considerations specified in that article. This Article does not apply to Greenwich Hospital or to Marine Schools. " (b) For the purpose of Article 32 (b), the following scale is substituted for that given in la] above. Number of Children in Teacher. Average Attendance. The Head Teacher 40 Each Assistant Teacher (Certificated or Uncertificated under Schedule I., C. 6) _ ... 40 Each Assistant Teacher (Uncertificated or Provisionally Certificated) 30 Each Supplementary Teacher ... ... ... 20 Each Provisional Assistant Teacher ... ... ... ... 20 Each Pupil Teacher 20 Each Probationer ... ... 10.'' The above regulation is, however, the minimum which under ordinary circum- stances will be recognised by the Board of Education as sufficient to enable the Board to pay to the local authority the Parliamentary Grant due on account of a public elementary school. On this subject the Secretary of the Board of Education, in the prefatory memorandum to the Code, 1903, writes : " The rule under which each teacher counted on the staff as sufficient for a certain number of children in average attendance has been altered. Hence- forth the scale set forth in Article 73 (now Article 12) will indicate a minimum * Article 32." Where the population of the parish in which any Public Elementary School is situate, or the population within two miles, measured according to the nearest road from the school, is less than 500, and there is no other Public Elementary School recognised by the Board as available lor that parish, or that population, as the .case may be, the Board may make n addition to all other grants : (a) a special grant at the rate of 10 a year if the said population is less than 300 and exceeds 200, or at the rate of 16 a year if the said population does not exceed 200 ; and (b) a special grant at the rate of 10 a year, provided that the latter grant is not payable in respect of any period during which the staff has not satisfied the conditions of Article 12 (b), subject to the conditions of Articles 9 (iU and 11 (b) as to vacancies ." SCHOOL STAFFING. school staff in the sense that, subject to unforeseen or unavoidable contingencies as provided for in Article 92 (now Article 30 (6)) no public elementary school in which the regular staff is below that tcale can be considered eligible for grants at all." . . . " The Board desire it to be clearly understood that in future a staff confined to the scale set out in Article 73 is not to be regarded as universally, or even generally, sufficient to justify the payment of the State subsidy. The various circumstances and requirements of each particular school will in every case be carefully considered, and the sufficiency and suitability of the staff thus measured and estimated will be deemed to be a condition precedent to the payment of any annual grant at all for that school." Article 10 of the Elementary School Code, 1906, is as follows . 10. The school or department must have a sufficient and suitable staff. J The "staff" of a school or department consists, for the purposes of this Code, of all the teachers whose employment in the school or department is recognised by the Board (see Articles 11 and 15). "In considering the sufficiency and suitability of the staff of a school or department, the Board will have regard to the circumstances and requirements of the locality and the organisation and co-ordination of the various schools in the area, the arrangement of the premises of the school for teaching purposes, the number of children in attendance, their organisation and proficiency, the nature of approved course of instruction, the qualification of each member of the staff and his suitability for the work assigned to him, and the regular absence of any teacher during the school hours for the purpose of receiving professional training or otherwise." In the "Suggestions for the consideration of Teachers and others," published by the Board of Education in 1905, the following paragraphs are found : *' The first condition in determining the sufficiency of a staff must be the numbers in average attendance; but the special circumstances of every school or department, and the efficiency of the individual members of the staff, must in every case be taken into account. "The number of scholars is only one factor in the case ; their age and sex, their intellectual capacity, their health and condition in life, and the planning and equip* ment of the buildings have each an important bearing on the number or quality of the staff required. Infants and the lower classes of other scholars should be taught by women, and the presence of experienced women teachers in mixed schools other than infant schools is indispensable. Moreover, there are some teachers who are quite capable of teaching infants and the lower classes of younger scholars, but are not capable of undertaking the instruction of the higher classes. In general, a " Supplementary Teacher" as defined in the Code will not be recognised by the Board as a suitable teacher of any of the upper classes of a School." In determining, therefore, the staff required in a particular school, Education Authorities will find it necessary to consider, not merely the average attendance, but the circumstances of the particular school. Schools. No school should be so large as to make it impossible for the head teacher to exercise complete supervision. Wherever the school has an attend* ance sufficient to justify the appointment of a teacher to each class, the head teacher should not only be in excess of the numerical minimum required by Article 12, but should not be required to attach himself permanently to any particular class. He should be left free to organise, prepare schemes of work, and to advise parents respecting the future career of their children. It is essential that he should be able to acquire personal knowledge of every child in the school. A Local f Authority having desired to depart from the plans under which the loan for buildings was sanctioned, and to open such School with one large depart^ ment, objection was raised by the Board of Education, and such objection was sustained in the following terms, which are extracted from a letter of the Board, dated July 7th, 1906: "It appears to the Board that if there is to be a sound educational organisation there must be in every school, or separate department of a school, a real Head Teacher whose duties are confined to that school or department, and who himself takes an active part in the work and gives a certain amount of definite teaching. And in order that such a man should be in any real sense the Head Teacher, he must 454 SCHOOL STAFFING. be himself directly responsible to the Managers or the Local Education Authority for the efficient working of the school, and must be able to exercise effective personal supervision and control of all the staff. To ensure this, it is obviously necessary that the tqtal number of teachers under such a Head Teacher should be no more than he can thus properly supervise the number of children, in turn, being of course such as can properly and efficiently be taught by that staff including all the Assistant Teachers and himself. " After giving the most careful consideration to this question, the Board have decided that as at present advised they cannot properly sanction any new school in which the average attendance exceeds 550 being placed under one such Head Teacher with his staff, on the grounds above set out, and that even this number is larger than is generally speaking desirable, and must not be taken as one which will- regularly be sanctioned . " I am particularly to point out that the arrangement proposed at the interview, that there should be one Chief Teacher over the two departments of 740 children, under whom there should be two subordinate Head Teachers, one for the Senior Mixed and the other for the Junior Mixed, does not appear from an educational point of view satisfactory. "Such a Chief Teacher could not be in any true or effective sense a Head Teacher. The interposition of such an official between the actual working Heads of those departments and the Managers would be fatal to the authority of those subordinate Head Teachers, would greatly lessen their sense of responsibility, and would tend to neutralise that personal influence which a good Head Teacher should have over his staff and his scholars. " The personal influence of the teacher is one of the most important elements in the educational life of a school. This personal influence can only be secured where the Head Teacher is himself directly responsible to the Managers or the Local Education Authority, and knows that the credit for success and the responsibility for failure will mainly rest upon his own individual efforts. The regulations which he establishes between himself and his staff, and in particular the acquaintance that, in his association with the scholars in the various classes, he is able to make with the characters and capabilities of individual scholars, are of great educational value, and promote that corporate life and esprit de corps which is so important a feature in the growth and development of a good school. Whereas, if the staff and children know that the Head Teacher is himself subordinate to another official, they will not look up to or respect him in the same way, and the teacher himself will lack the stimulus which the sense of real and ultimate responsibility can alone give him. "The Board of Education for these reasons must decide that they cannot recognise the proposals now put forward by your Authority for organising the School as one department of 740 children under one Head Teacher, with two sub- ordinate heads, over the Senior and Junior Sections respectively. But, as the building has already been erected, they are willing that, so long as the total number of children in both sections together does not exceed 550 children, they may be placed under one Head Teacher. The school will then be considered a one-depart- ment school, not two departments, and no subordinate Head Teacher under the real Head Teacher can be recognised. It must however be distinctly understood that when the attendance exceeds 550, the organisation of the school must be altered, and the school must be conducted in two separate departments, each under its own separate Head Teacher." Small Schools. The staff of a small school is necessarily expensive. There is no reason why the pupils in such schools should receive teaching less efficient than is given in larger schools. They have rights equal to those of scholars in larger schools. Even in the smallest schools children vary considerably in age and attainments, and it is a grave mistake, both economically as well as educationally, to attempt to conduct a small school with an insufficient staff. In no school should there be less than two adult teachers. It is possible that the classes may be much smaller than in a large school, but inasmuch as they will of necessity be composed of children in at least two or three stages of the school course, the task of the teacher is even more difficult than with a single class numerically large, and the opportunities for giving individual instruction are fewer. SCHOOL STAFFING. 455 Size Of Classes. No class should exceed forty in average attendance. Under the more educational methods of training children, now happily adopted in public elementary schools, it is of vital importance that the class master should he ahle to analyse the mental capacity of every pupil, and to give individual attention to the development of physical and intellectual strength. With large classes, this difficult but exceptionally important duty cannot be adequately performed. Classes of unwieldy size encourage objectionable disciplinary methods. It seldom happens that more than forty children can be found in any school, no matter how large, so near the general average of attainments as to enable them all to progress at the same rate. In large classes an appreciable proportion must always mark time, and another portion be unduly urged forward. The secret of much of the success of many Continental schools lies in the manageable size of the classes. Thus the classes in the elementary schools in France and Switzerland do not average more than fifty ; in Holland and Sweden, forty ; Denmark, between thirty and forty ; Italy, between twenty-five and fifty- five ; Saxony, forty : America, between thirty and forty ; and in the Colonies, between thirty and forty. Granted that these averages, covering as they do wide areas, may not be strictly applicable to particular districts, yet they show that on the whole classes in good foreign schools are very much smaller than those usually found in England and Wales. Distribution Of Staff. The Board write in the " Suggestions for 'the Consideration of teachers and others " : " In large modern schools a separate room is provided for each class in charge of its own teacher, and this is the most effective arrangement. But such an arrange- ment is impossible in small schools, and in many large schools of older types. Whatever be the circumstances, each separate group of scholars ought to be in the definite charge of some one teacher, though in small schools it may be necessary for the same teacher to be responsible for more than one group. If there is more than one class, the Head Teacher, though he ought to take some definite part of the work of one or more of the classes, should never be so fully occupied in teaching that he cannot have the school as a whole under observatiou. There must be very great difficulties where a teacher has scholars of varying degrees of proficiency, and it is hoped that Local Education Authorities will be able to provide effective assistance in a school attended by children of all ages, even though the total number of scholars is small." The Head Teacher. The head teacher of each department should be held responsible for the general control and supervision of the instruction, discipline, and organisation. It is his duty to draw up a general scheme of instruction for thfl department, to see that its details are properly worked out by the teacher of each class, and to supervise the keeping by the staff" of notebooks for containing brief summaries of the chief oral lessons. He must watch over the effectiveness of the instruction given ; and, in matters connected with teaching or discipline, he ought to give to the younger members of the staff such assistance as their inexperience may require. Peripatetic Teachers. The staff of a large school should be sufficient for the curriculum adopted, and if educational efficiency be alone considered, a similar principle should apply to every school. But while in small schools the demand for a staff sufficient to meet ordinary requirements can be amply justified, yet the addition of special subjects, such as Physical Drill, Manual Training, Cottage Gardening, Technical Lessons on Local Industries and Occupations, may with advantage be met by the appointment of special teachers attached to a group of schools. Wherever such appointments are made, the following conditions should be observed : There should be no disturbance of the authority of the head teacher . He must remain in charge of the general organisation and discipline of the school. The special teacher should accept responsibility for the teaching of the subject to the same extent, and under like conditions as a class teacher. He would be in fact a class teacher appointed for the time being for a special purpose. If this plan be adopted, teachers who have had special training in special subjects would be able to teach them in a number of small schools, thereby relieving the pressure upon the ordinary staff, and consequently secure greater efficiency. 45fi SCHOOL STAFFING. Supply Teachers. It is almost essential that every Education Authority ihould engage a staff of unattached teachers to (cf) Fill vacancies caused by illness or unexpected resignation. (b) Tp fill the places of teachers granted leave of absence in order to visit other schools. These unattached teachers would probably recruit the permanent staff. The Staff must be Efficient. The head of every department, with trifling exceptions, must, in accordance with the Code, be a certificated teacher, and in a well-organised school there should be no place for any but teachers holding the full diploma of the Board of Education or some certificate of equal merit. Uneertifieated Teachers. Assistant teachers who have not obtained a certificate should be required, within a short number of years, to secure such a certificate or give up school teaching. Exceptional cases might be treated excep- tionally. Supplementary Teachers. These were recognised by the Board of Educa* tion under a system which is now passing away. The poverty which brought about their existence has been removed by the Act of 1902. Wherever these teachers give evidence of teaching capacity, they should be required to obtain a certificate within a fixed period, or, failing such certificate, should be required to resign. Those who do not give evidence of teaching capacity should be removed from the schools as quickly as possible, Pupil Teachers. These young persons are apprentices, and should be treated as such. They have a potential and not a present value. In no case should tLey be counted as on the school staff, and their engagement should only be permitted in schools specially equipped for their training. A large number of Local Authorities now exclude pupil teachers when determining the strergthof the staff. The Training 1 Of Teachers. This subject will be more fully discussed in Section XII. But there is one phase of the question which may well find inclusion in this chapter. A young teacher having completed his or her apprenticeship by passing the preliminary certificate examination, or some other equivalent test, should be encouraged to seek admission to a training college, and thus proceed to gain full equipment as a trained certificated teacher. The practice of retaining these young people as uncertificated teachers in the schools in which they have been apprenticed .is open to very serious objection. Successful teaching is the outcome of a knowledge of life and of public affairs, as well as of academic learning and school training ; and this wider knowledge will not be obtained if the young teacher be retained continuously within one narrow environment. This warning is as necessary in the interests of teachers themselves as it is in respect of the schools. If young teachers who desire to remain at home instead of going to college, or to go back home on leaving college, were only conscious of the injury they are inflicting on themselves they would quickly adopt another course of action. The vitalising influence of a good teacher is largely the result of his own knowledge of life. The narrower his own mental horizon, the less his influence and the smaller his personal satisfaction. Teachers should also recognise that on the termination of apprenticeship the contract into which their guardians entered with the school managers or the Local Education Authority is terminated, and they have no right to expect or anticipate retention in the school. Uncertificated teachers who obtain their certificates should o recollect that their contract is to give service in the capacity of an uncertifi- f ;itcd teacher at the stipend received by such teachers, and if they obtain the certificate and thus enter a higher grade in the profession they have no inherent right to appointment as a certificated teacher or to the emoluments of such grade. Their old contract remains good, and alteration of conditions must necessarily depend upon the execution of a new contract of service. The attitude adopted by certain local authorities in connection with this phase of the teacher's life calls for some comment. The services of A,B. are required for a. SCHOOL STAFFING. i:7 certain class containing say thirty or forty pupils. A.B. obtains her certificate, and instances have arisen where local authorities have then said '' A.B. is no longer necessary for this particular class. She must go, and another teacher be secured, who will be sufficient and not more than sufficient for the class in question." This action arises from the uneducational view which such authorities have taken of Article 12 of the Code. It cannot be too emphatically stated that the question of sufficiency does not depend upon numbers alone. A.B. is as necessary for the education of the children in this school after she has obtained her certificate as she was before. The knowledge that the engagement may be terminated on the ground that the teacher having gained a certificate is no longer "necessary" to the staff of the school will often induce young teachers who wish to remain at home to refrain from seeking those higher qualifications 'which in the interests of national education it is most desirable they should secure at the earliest possible date. Indeed, Local Education Authorities may well recollect that they enjoy re- sponsibilities which extend beyond the schools of their own area. Collectively they are the most important factor in the organisation of Popular Education, and hence the desirableness of increasing the number of well-trained teachers should be with thorn an ever present consideration. 458 DISCIPLINE IN SCHOOLS. SECTION VIM. DISCIPLINE IN SCHOOLS Order, diligence, and obedience must be secured and maintained in every school, or educational progress becomes impossible. us, ir *XL,l obvious thalt the assertion needs no support. But ^.^jJ^^SSl^f imply the maintenance of a statuesque position for an indefinite period ot timef Indeed, such a position may cultivate both physical and men^l .deformity. Good discipline, on the contrary, is not incompatible wtih i exercise of very considerable freedom on the paiit of the scholars. Un tuns phase of the question regulations by a Local Authority are impracti cable Everything must depend upon the moral strength and skill of the teacher and the readiness with which the pupils respond to his direction. Regulations. Centain Local Authorities, however, nave endeavoured by published regulations to restrict the methods by which teachers may attempt to obtain the observance of those rules wlhich in their totality constitute school discipline. Not infrequently these regulations, are of such a compre- hensive character that one of two results must necessarily ensue either the regulation must be broken, in spirit if mat in leltter, or tihe maintenance of dis- cipline becomes an impossibility. The absurdity of such regulations would become apparent if the Local Authority, having prescribed what the teacher shall not do, would go on to state what he may do, in ordetr to secure good habits amongst his scholars. Such an attempt would show that the power left within the hands of the teacher is insufficient to attain, the object which the Local Education Authority recognise as essential, but which they are unconsciously rendering impossible of accomplishment, by faulty regulation. Indeed, there is no phase of school life which needs more anxious thought than the establishment' of regulations connected with the maintenance of school discipline. On other subjects a faulty regulation may produce em- barrassment without inflicting positive injury. Bart defective regulations on school discipline lead to positive mischief, which may be exceedingly difficult to eradicate. Expulsion Of Scholars- It is often alleged that many excellent schools maintain good discipline without the exercise oil' corporal punishment, and this is used as an argument in favour of the total prohibition of corporal punishment. But when the assertaoin is submitted to close examination it is generally found to be valueless. For the purposes of that argument the term corporal punishment receives an interpretation so narrow that the inaccuracy of the assertion becomes instantly apparent. Punishment with a cane or like instrument may be excluded, butt if other forms wheireiby bodily pain is caused (be adopted it can hardly be said, that corporal punishment is ex- cluded, and these other forms are often far more objectionable than punish- ment with a cane if administered judiciously and judicially. If a school be carried on under ideal conditions, punishment of all kind may. be reduced to such a narrow minimum as to justify the assertion that for' all practical purposes punishment is unnecessary. Thus, if there be a thoroughly comipateTit teacher for every class, .and very class be of small dimensions, taught in rooms designed to preserve the health of the scholars, and if these scholar come from homes where habits of discipline are the rule and mot the exception, then the teacher's task is comparatively an easy one, and he may hope to avoid being called upon to discharge the teacher's most objectionable duty. But even in such schools the power to inflict corporal punishment is generally reserved, while the power of expulsion is almost invariably placed in the hands of the governors or of the head master, and is so specifically expressed in the trust deed or other instrument relating to the control of the school. This, too, is the great power wielded by teachers DISCIPLINE IN SCHOOLS. 459 and Education Authorities in other countries where the law prohibits the infliction of corporal punishment. Discipline in Secondary Schools. Not infrequently the conditions above described prevail in English Secondary Schools. TJtie classes are small and tihe dhildiren come from good' homes. Yet it is the rule for the head teacher to have full power to punidh his pupil if the interests of the school call for the exercise of such a disciplinary measure. In these schools the head teacher usiially also possesses and exercises the right to expel an unruly child. This power is of enormous value to the teaJcher. The parents of children attending 'suclh school's are not only anxious thiat the child shall remain at school, but very frequently strongly desire the child shall remain at a par- ticular school. The expulsion of the child is regarded ais a dishonour to the family, an act which will arouse the indignation o>f the parents and thus act as a strong corrective toiwiaird the child. This right o>f expulsion is not merely a penalty held in terrorem over the child : it is an act which removes from the school a source of evil. Punishment may be inflicted not only in the interests of ithe delinquent himself , but as a protection to other scholars, and corporal punishment is obviously leas necessary where this power of ex- pulsion exijs/tis. Prdbalbly if the Jiild could be consulted he would infinitely prefer to meet the judicial action of the schoolmaster rather than the indig- nation of his own father. In Public Elementary Schools. -That a teacher enjoys the same right as a parent with regard to the punishment of a scholar during the hours in which sutch scholar is under his direct control will not be contested. Judicial decisions have made the law quite clear on this point. The iteacher has the right to pumiislh. Whether the offence is one whiidh calls for punishment resits almost entirely within his discretion, and so long as the punishment be not excessive, be administered in a proper spirit, with due regard to the safety of the ohiild, the law will protect tibe teacher in the exercise of his duty. In Elementary Schools no general right of expulsion exists. The parent is under obligation to send the child to school until the age defined by the local bye- law. It is a serious thing to prevent the parent discharging that obligation, and such a step should not be taken .excepting under very rare circum stances when all other measures have failed. The conditions which prevail in Elementary Schools are not calculated to minimise punishment. Classes are far too large. The attainments of the scholars in these large ^classes differ. The attempt to drive the slow child at too great a rate miay lead to his open revolt, while the fact that the brightest children are not sufficiently occupied is an inducement to mischief with obvious consequences. With smaller classes the amount of punishment will be reduced. Frequently, also, children are taugtht in overcrowded rooms, badly lighted arid wretchedly ventiMed. 8uch influences acting on scholars and teacher encourage disorder and make the preservation of discipline a matter of considerable difficulty. It must not be forgotten that the ELemenltary School must admit every child who comes, though in some cases the home influences may go far to encourage a rebellious spirit. Some of the children are brought up under circumstances which leave but little room for the strict observance of the decalogue, and indeed sometimes under conditions which treat fraud and theft as smart things to be encouraged naitiher than discredited. We would not say thait the home training, of which there is none, is against the child, but the street training is against him. The child may, in fact, be admitted to the school under mngisteriail order. These _ oases are extreme, comparatively few in number, but it is upon these children that punishment may be expected to fall if the interests of the majority of the children in a Public Elementary School are to be preserved. In framing regulations on this subject for such schools the Local Educa- tion Authority may well keep vividly before their minds the interests of the children who are not likely to be punished as well as the interests of those who render punishment necessary. 460 DISCIPLINE IN SCHOOLS. Illicit Punishment. The prohibition of punishment likely to produce bodily injury ought not to be necessary. In law there is no protection tor the teacher who is guilty of such methods. Throughout the teaching profes- sion they are recognised as unjustifiable. But if a Local Authority feel that by the publication of' a regulation they can ensure the exclusion of such punishment from their schools, no one would object. It is, however, notorious that these illicit punishments are resorted to where by regulation a L.E.A. prohibits the infliction of justifiable punishment. School Tasks- 'The habit of giving a disobedient child an exercise to write or learn, generally the former, a task to be accomplished out of school hours, has been associated with disciplinary measures in schools, bo>th Ele- mentary and Secondary, from the earliest periods. It is a most questionable form of punishmenit, tending to make the child ,aibhor the studies which have been used -as a punishment. To write the same word many times is a mean- ingless, irritating exercise, to write long passages leads to bad handwriting and to detestation of the subject matter of the exercise. If children are to be taught to love to study, their work should be aonaeoted with pleasurable associations, and should not be the means for effecting punishment. The Board Of Education's Views. In the "Suggestions for the Con- sideration of Teachers and Others," the Board publish the following note : "Wii'th many children the reproof of a teacher whom they esteem is_in itself a punishment which makes positive penalties unnecessary ; with .ortlhers the most sympathetic teacher miay find' that punishment in some shape or other must be resorted to. When iifc is neoessairy to punish a scholar for faulty school work or for breaches oif school rules, the prin- cipal abject .should be the benefit oif the sclhlokr, though the vindication oif school discipline is often necessary in difficult oases. The penalty assigned must therefore be just, that is, it must be a, reasonable and natural conisequ-ence of the faul)t in the aise of the particular child. For example, faults due to carelessness or wiiHulneiag may merit a punishmemt which is not deserved if the same faults arise from that slowness of mental developmenit which may often appear in children from poor homes. If the bodies of such children are not actually ill-nourished, their inltel- leictuial development is often retarded by uncongenial surroundings. The punishment of such children, for faults of school work is a matter which calls for the exercise of judgment. The TeaeheP*S Responsibility; A teacher, so long as he holds authority over a child, has the power, and is, indeed, charged with the responsibility of inflicting corpora,! punishment whenever, in the judgment of the teacher, such punishmentt is neceissiary. In the exercise of this power, the teacher must conform to the regulations made by the Local Authority. Otherwise, though in the punishmemit of a child he may receive the protection which the law affords should legal proceedings be taken against him, yet the tenure of his office may become involved through failure" to carry out the regulations of his employers. Though it is the duty of a Local Authority to protect the children against illicit forms of punishmenifc, 'ais well as against the abuse of legitimate forms of (punishment, yet the obligation also resits upon the authority of seeing that the general discipline of the school is maintained, aad that the majority of the pupils are effectively protected against the consequences of evil habit exercised by any pupil. On the Local Authority "rests the responsibility of maintaining for the competent teacher that freedom of action which the law allows, which parents voc.ojnn.Ke, and which the scholars are quite prepared to admit. In the exercise of this power Local Education Authorities may well consider the f ollowdng suggestions : (1) A consciousness on the part of the children that assistant teachers are prohibited from inflicting corporal punishment often incites them so to act as to need such punishment. (2) The removal of restriction is the most effectual means for suppress- ing illicit, irregular, and improper forms of punishment DISCIPLINE IN SCHOOLS. ir.l (3) Experience shows that the complaints of parents usually result from irregular punishment, and dio not arise when punishment is inflicted in a legitimate manner under well-known regulations. Permission to* so in- flict punishment woukl therefore teind to improve tlie relations existing between parents and teachers. (4) It is undesirable that children should regard the head teacher in a most unfavourable light as being the sole administrator of corporal punish- ment. (5) Regulations by wihiah the infliction of punishment is restricted to the head teacher often render bard-working assistants liable to dismissal at any moment, for they are driven either to break the regulations, or to see their work ruined through the disorderly conduct of two or three of their pupils, who not infrequently destroy the discipline of an entire class. The Board of Education state: ''It would appear to be advisable that Local Education Authorities and man/agens should, as a rule, place the responsibility for the discipline of a school in this, as in other respects, upon the head teacher,' and leave him some considerable discretion in the matter. In regard to his or her school or department the head teacher will be the most suitable person to decide whether or not the righlt to administer cor- poral punishment should be extended to certain members of the staff. The Jiciad teaicher will also be in a position to judge whether tlhe circumstances make it advisable to keep a record of all occasions when corporal punishment is resorted to." Suggestions for tlie Uixid ofhrrs, etc. This is the practice usually adopted by Local Authorities. They have by regulation recognised the duty which rests upon the head teacher, though for such recognition no regulation was necessary, aind they have explicitly con- ferred upon the head teacher the duty of determining the conditions under which assistant teachers may be entrusted with the duty of maintaining discipline in their own classes. The Assistant Teacher's Duty. -The mistaken notion that an assistant teacher is a young person commencing duty in school, a person of immature judgment, of imperfect discretion, is gradually passing away. It never had any existence, and yet it was the only possible excuse for some of the absurd regulations affecting assistenlt teachers promulgated some years ago by Education Authorities. It must be recollected that a teacher does not secure his certificate until after the expiration of some years of training, and of no little practice and exorcise of personal responsibility within the school. The certificated teachers may have seen, several years 'of successful service, may be themselves parents, hold high public office outside their schools, even be entrusted with the administration of justice from the Magisterial Bench. How absurd becomes the regulation which tells such men that they cannot be trusted to cane a child, but may be trusted to sentence an adult to imprisonment! The class in a large school tends to become a little school in itself under the care of one teacher, for rarely are the whole of the scholars brought together. Between the scholars of the class and their teacher grow iip relationship's which it is unwise to interrupt by the unneces- sary inlerventnon of a third person. Experience abundantly proves Mi.it the knowledge of the t earlier' s poweir pfiereufaa any anil for the exercise of Mi;it power, and equally the knowledge that _the Local Authority have. rend. that teacher incapable increases his difficulties and causes the* frequent use of corporal punishment. To correct unruly children the head teacher should not be called a<\vay from other important duties, nor is it possible for him to estimate accurately upon a verbal report presented by the (< i the fault of which the .child has been ,giiility, and the punishment which should therefore bo inflicted. The fiiyn'l _a.ct of insubordination w'hirh domands tlie infliction of punishment may. in itself, lie e-ompapa.f ively small, yet may be part, of some general long coin'ninned misconduct . of \vhi, h the elfi^is fcidicr alone can have full cognisance. Loca.l Authorities would be well advised in 402 DISCIPLINE IN SCHOOLS. permit/ting those at 1 their teachers who possess the diploma of the Education Department to admind alter that degree of punishment which experience has shown to be absolutely necessary. The views expressed in the above note are supported by the action of the more important Education Authorities throughout England and Wales. In London, Birmingham, Bristol, Cardiff, Nottingham, and o'tlher town and in County areas, the Local Authorities have by regulation explicitly placed responsibility i*n tlhe hands of head and assiistamt certificated teachers/twhale in places like Bedfordshire, Cambridgeshire, Devonshire, North umber-lain d, Nottinghamshire, Bath, Salisbury, Chester, etc., etc., the Local Authority have not thought it wise to unduly restrict the power to maintain discipline by the issue of any regulations on the subject. This Memo'iaindiim is no apology for the umreeirioted use of punishment in schools. We desire to assist in the rigid exclusion of all Conns of punish- ment which lead to evil. But in dealing with a ' subject of this importance we are bound to recall our own experience, confirmed as it is by reports from all parts of the country which for many years havo pnppod thi'ough our hands. APPOINTMENT AND DISMISSAL OF TEACHERS. !<;:; SECTION IX. THE APPOINTMENT AND DISMISSAL OF TEACHERS APPOINTMENT. Council Schools. Both the appointment and the dismissal of teachers in Council Schools are technically vested in the Council itself. But it is one of the duties which, under section 17 of the Education Act of 1902, shall stand referred to the Education Committee, though in exceptional circumstances, if, in the opinion of the Council, the matter is urgent, the Council may act without the intervention of the Committee. The appointment of teachers in Council Schools may be by written agreement, or by resolution of the Committee, recorded in the minutes of proceedings. Under the Act of 1902, local education authorities in boroughs and urban districts arc not required to appoint managers for Council Schools. Where they refrain from appointing managers, the teachers of the schools will naturally be selected and appointed by the Local Education Committee, subject, if necessary, to confirmation by the Council. As a rule the local managers notify to the Education Committee the necessity for appointment. In some cases the Education Committee recommend to the managers some person already in the employment of the local authority, but it is usually provided that the vacancy shall be advertised. In some instances the applications are considered by a sub -committee of the Education Committee. The names of three persons are selected, one of whom is appointed by the committee. In other instances the task of selection is left to the local managers, who submit three names to the Education Committee, from which the Education Committee appoint one. Notice should at once be given to the Board of Education of any change in the school staff occurring during the school year, the date of birth of the new teacher, the name of the school in which he or she was last employed, and of that, if any, in which he or she served as pupil teacher should be specified. (Code, Art. 16.) Forms for supplying these particulars may be obtained from the Board of Education. In view of the provisions of the Elementary School Teachers' Superannuation Act, 1898, attention to this rule is especially necessary in the case of certificated teachers (Art. 16, Elementary School Code). A copy of Form 75 for elementary schools will be found on page 378 of the 1906 Edition of the N.TJ.T. Code, and Form 75 (H.E.) is reproduced on page 407 of the 1906 Edition of the same Code. Voluntary Schools. The consent of the local authority is required to the appointment of teachers, but the consent may not be withheld except on educational grounds. (Education Act, 1902, 7 c.) It is usual, when the managers of a Voluntary School propose to appoint a teacher, to inform the local authority that they desire to make such appointment, and inas- much as section 7 (1) (a) of the Education Act, 1902, provides that the local authority may give directions with respect to the number and educational qualifi- cations of the teachers to be employed for secular instruction, the managers must give their reasons for desiring to make such appointment. It may be that the appointment is necessary in the place of a teacher resigned, or in addition to the present staff of the school. Managers are also required to inform the authority of the salary they propose to pay the teacher. Managers usually take their own steps, by advertisement or otherwise, to secure candidates for the vacant office. Having made a suitable selection, they avo required to submit the name, qualifications, and testimonials to the local authority. No appointment can be regarded as completed until the consent of the local authority has been signified, In some instances the local authority themselvea advertise vacancies for Voluntary School teachers. hi! APPOINTMENT AND DISMISSAL OF TEACHERS. Notice of appointment must be sent to the Board of Education in manner prescribed for Council Schools above. AGREEMENTS. Conditions Of Employment. Article 15 of the Elementary School Code, 1906, provides as follows : "15. Teachers must be employed tinder written agreements, provided that in the case of a school provided by a local education authority a teacher may be employed under a minute of the authority. (a) Any agreement or minute of appointment dated on or after August 1st, 1901, under which a teacher other than a pupil teacher is employed in a public elementary school, must include, either expressly or by reference to this Article of the Code, one or other of the alternative Clauses set out below : The Board will not recognise, as part of the staff of a school or department, any teacher, other than a pupil teacher, unless this condition is complied with. Clause (1). The teacher shall not be required to perform any duties except such as are connected with the work of a public elementary school, or to abstain, outside the school hours, from any occupations which do not interfere with the due performance of his duties as teacher of a public elementary school. Clause (2). The teacher shall not be required to perform any duties except such & are connected with the work of a public elementary school and with the instruc- tion of pupil teachers and probationers, or to abstain, outside the school hour?, from any occupations which do not interfere with the due performance of his duties as teacher of a public elementary school or with the instruction of pupil teachers and probationers. () Clause (2) must be included only if the teacher is required to instruct pupil teachers or probationers who are not receiving instruction in a Centre recognised by the Board. In other cases Clause (1) must be included. (>) Sub -section () of this Article does not apply to Marine Schools or to schools which are attached to institutions in which children are boarded and lodged. (d] The agreements or minutes under which pupil teachers are employed must be in accordance with the Regulations for the Instruction and Training of Pupil Teachers." Teachers about to be appointed should carefully scrutinise the form of agreement which they are required to sign. In the case of Voluntary Schools it should show that the contract is wich all the managers and not with one person. It should include Art. 15 of the Elementary Code (quoted above), and it should be so drafted as to secure to the teacher the full benefits of the Act of 1902. Suitable forms may be obtained on application to the Secretary of the N.U.T. Should the agree- ment provide that part of the teacher's emoluments shall be possession of a house free of rent charge, care should be taken to see that satisfactory arrangements are made with the managers with regard to rates and repairs. Appointments made by minute are not liable to stamp duty. The terms of a memorandum of agreement are decided by arrangement between the parties concerned, excepting that in cases where the local education authority- require that they should be added as parties to an agreement between the managers of a Voluntary School and the teacher in such school, it is obvious that the terms must be settled by arrangement between the three parties concerned. Failing agreement, the managers or local authority may appeal to the Board of Education. The requirement that all teachers must be employed under written agreements is retrospective. If written agreements do not exist they must be executed. His Majesty's Inspector may call for their production on visiting the school, and if it be found that members of the Htaff are serving without written agreements, the Board may refuse to recognise such teachers as part of the staff. This may result APPOINTMENT AND DISMISSAL OF TKACIIFJIS. l;:, in the school being insufficiently staffed; the grant payable on account of the instruction in such school would thus be placed in jeopardy, and the teacher may lose the benefit of the Superannuation Act. Should aoy doubt arise as to the interpretation of the terms of an engagement, it can be removed, failing agreemeat, by legal process. Existing agreements remain in operation unless and until tbey are terminated in the manner prescribed therein. The engagements of teachers ia schools attache! to institutions in which children are boarded and lodged must be in writing if such schools are subject to inspection by the Board of Education, or are in receipt of parliamentary grants. The managers and teachers of such schools make their own terms. Higher Elementary Schools. As such schools are subject to the regulations of the Elementary School Code so far as sudh regulations are applicable, it follows that the regulations with regard to the appointments of teachers in elementary schools apply also to appointments in higher elementary schools. Secondary Schools. Where the local authority are the governing body such teachers are usually appointed bv minute. As the Board of Education require that every secondary school shall have a Board of Governors, it is often the practice of local education authorities to appoint one of their Committees as the Body of Governors. In secondary schools, upon the governing body of which the local education authority is largely represented, the appointment of both head and assistant teachers usually rests with such governing body. But there are instances where the governing body select, but the appointment cannot be made definite without the sanction of the local ediicatiori authority. With regard to schools whose governors are appointed under the terms of a Trust, the head teachers are appointed in accordance with the terms of the scheme under which the school exists. With regard to assistant teachers in such schools, the practice varies consider- ably. These appointments are sometimes made by the governing body, but as a rule they are made by the head teacher, subject generally, but not always, to the sanction of the local authority. Assistant teachers in secondary schools ask for as full certainty with regard to their tenure of office as teachers in elementary schools and secondary school teachers employed by local education authorities now enjoy. There is widespread dispatisf action with regard to the method under which the assistant master becomes, as it were, a personal servant of the head teacher, liable to be removed by him at pleasure, and liable also to find his tenure of office abruptly terminated on the removal of the head teacher. Teachers qualified for service in secondary schools are now showing a decided disinclination to accept service in schools where their tenure of office or emoluments are in constant uncertainty. Very frequently these appointments are made by the interchange of letters, which should be stamped in accordance with Inland Revenue Regulations. It is, however, desirable that the terms of such letters should be translated into a memorandum of agreement, stamped in the usual form, and describing in full the conditions of service. Local education authorities may often bring about reform by attaching conditions to any grant that they may make in aid of schools managed under the terms of a Trust. DISMISSAL. Council Schools. The local managers may recommend the dismissal of a teacher. This, however, should be reserved for extreme cases. It is the practice under large authorities to transfer from one school to another teachers who, though of good character and high qualifications, may not work smoothly under purtic.ular conditions. By caution, reprimand, or transfer to another school, local authorities having control of many schools can generally effect necessary changes without terminating the teacher's engagement. It should never be forgotten that the dismissal of a teacher involves something 466 APPOINTMENT AND DISMISSAL OF TEACHERS. more than the mere removal of the teacher from the post he occupies. Frequently other education authorities regard it as evidence of incapacity for employment else- where, and hence it is the practice to give the teacher an opportunity of resigning. Inasmuch as the teacher is under contract with the local education authority, notice of dismissal may not be given by the managers, but must be given, if at all, by the Education Committee acting under the power delegated by the local authority. The teacher may appeal from the Local Education Committee to the local authority against such dismissal. It is the custom in the profession for head teachers to receive notice three months before it becomes effective, and for assistant teachers to receive a notice of one month's duration. Teachers giving notice are usually required to observe the same periods. It is the custom for the managers of the schools in which the teacher has been employed, and for the local education authority for the district, to furnish the teacher who is leaving with suitable testimonials on the application of the said teacher. Voluntary SehOOlS. The local authority may require the dismissal of any teacher on educational grounds. (Sec. 7 (1.) (a) Education Act, 1902.) The consent of the authority is required to the dismissal of a teacher, unless the dismissal be on grounds connected with the giving of religious instruction in a school. When the managers of a Voluntary School propose to take the extreme course of dismissing a teacher, they must first notify the teacher and Education Committee, giving in full their reasons for dismissing such teacher. It is the practice of local education authorities to investigate by means of a sub -committee every such case. If the managers allege that the dismissal is based upon grounds connected with the giving of religious instruction in a school, they may be required to prove the allegation. The religious instruction referred to here is that given in the ordinary day school, and has no connection with Sunday-school or any othar religious work outside the day school time-table. If the managers can prove to the satisfaction of the local authority that the proposed dismissal is based on these grounds, and on none other, then the formal consent of the local authority will not be required. But if they cannot so prove, then no dismissal can be effected without the formal consent of the local authority signified through the Education Committee. Before such consent is given, full opportunity should be given to the teacher to state his defence^ and the Education Committee should seek such other evidence as they think fit with a view to arriving at a just decision. The consent referred to must be formally given by resolution of the education authority ,. and must be signified to the managers in the ordinary official manner. If the consent be obtained, then the managers may proceed to give notice to terminate the contract. Should the local authority withhold consent, then the managers must retain the services of the teacher, and must in every respect continue to comply with their existing contract with him. (This phase of the subject is more tally discussed in Section XIV.) Questions frequently arise as to the power of a local authority to call upon managers of Voluntary Schools to remove certain teachers and appoint others. In connection with these cases the powers which are conferred by Section 7 of the Education Act, 1902, should not be forgotten. The managers must carry out any directions of a local education authority with respect to the number and educational qualifications of the teachers to be employed for such instruction ; and if the local authority, therefore, are of opinion that the educational qualifications of existing members of the teaching staff are not satisfactory, they may issue directions to the managers, which directions the managers are bound to obey, even though it may involve the dismissal of certain teachers and the appointment of others. These difficulties usually occur in connection with proposals to terminate the engagement- of supplementary teachers and to employ certificated teachers in their place. It would not appear that the Voluntary School managers can resist an instruction having this object in view. In cases where the local authority desire to proceed in the otter direction, and to reduce the strength of the staff, they have the power to reduce the sum which they contribute towards maintenance, though here, again, APPOINTMENT AND DISMISSAL OF TEACHERS. 467 such reduction may not proceed to an extent which would jeopardise the efficiency of the school. Usually these conflicts between managers and local authorities as to the strength of the staff are best settled by a reference of the dispute to the Board of Education. REGULATIONS ADOPTED BY LOCAL AUTHORITIES. Bournemouth. All appointments are subject to the approval of the Education Committee, to whom any intended vacancy should be at once notified. In Voluntary Schools applications for confirmation must be accompanied bv application and testimonials of teacher proposed to be appointed. In Council Schools all appointments shall be made by the Education Committee. Managers may not dismiss a teacher without the consent of the Education Committee. In the event of them requiring the dismissal or resignation of a teacher, at least one month's notice must be given to the Education Committee, accompanied by a statement of the reason or reasons for such dismissal, or demand for resignation, in order that a fall investigation may be made. Buckinghamshire. Council SehOOlS. Vacancies are to be notified by correspondent to the secretary of the Education Committee, together with recommendations from the managers. If Elementary Education Sub-Committre consider vacancy may be filled by transferring teacher in the employ of the committee, name of such teacher to be notified to the managers, and, if approved, such teacher to be appointed. If not approved, the secretary shall advertise the post, and the local managers shall select three candidates, whose names shall be forwarded to the secretary. Sub-committee to see selected candidates and nominate one for appointment. Managers are not at liberty to call upon a teacher to resign without first obtaining the sanction of the Education Committee, to whom reasons for desiring such resigna- tion must be submitted. Voluntary Schools. Managers to appoint all teachers, but such appointment will not take effect until confirmed by the Education Committee. Names of persons provisionally appointed to be sent immediately to the secretary for confirmation. Managers have no power to dismiss a teacher without the consent of the Educa- tion Committee, unless such dismissal be on grounds connected with the giving of religious instruction in the school. Any serious complaint against a teacher to be investigated by a sub-committee, notice being given to the managers and the teacher concerned, in order that the latter may be present and the managers represented. Coventry. When managers in a Non-Provided School wish to appoint a teacher, they shall communicate his or her name and qualifications to the Education Committee, on prescribed forms, and the Education Committee will inform managers whether or not they consent to the proposed appointment. When managers in a Non-Provided School wish to dismiss a teacher, they must make full representations on the subject to the Education Committee, and give their reasons ; and if it, is a case where the Education Act, 1902, recognises the right of the Education Committee to intervene, the Education Committee will in form managers of their assent or dissent. If the Education Committee wish to remove a teacher in a Non-Provided School, on educational grounds, they will notify managers ; and should managers within a reasonable time make any representations on the subject, the Education Committee will take such representations into due consideration before arriving at a final decision. GlOSSOp. All vacancies shall be advertised by the Education Committee, who shall forward applications to the local managers, but any appointment made must lie subject to the consent of the Education Committee. All advertisements shall ;ip|)(.'ar in the Schoolmaster or ,SV///^/r.v\. No notice of dismissal served by the managers shall be valid until the same haa been approved by the Education Committee. 4(>8 APPOINTMENT AND DISMISSAL OF TEACHERS. Teachers must send resignations to the managers, who must report same to the Education Committee. Three months' notice shall be required by the Education Committee from the managers of the latter's intention to dismiss a head teacher on the grounds of religious instruction, in. order that a full inquiry may be made with a view to satisfying the Education Committee that the managers are acting within the power given to them under the Act. Gloucester. The Authority, before giving its consent to any appointment made by the managers of a Non-Provided School, may require any one or more of the candidates to attend before the Education Committee, and may require production of the applications and testimonials of any candidates. Kent, On a vacancy occurring the managers shall at onee give notice to the Secretary of the Education Committee, and shall take necessary steps for filling the vacancy at such salary and subject to such educational requirements as the Com- mittee may specify. A form will be issued by the committee, upon which particulars of proposed appointment are to be made. No teacher is to be appointed unless this form has been received, and the committee's approval notified to the managers. Managers may not dismiss or require the resignation of a teacher without previously obtaining the sanction of the committee upon a statement of the managers* reasons. In the case of a dismissal on religious grounds of a teacher in a Voluntary School, the correspondent shall at once report the dismissal to the Secre- tary of the Education Committee, and shall, with such report, send a full statement of the reasons for it. Somerset- A register of teachers will be kept at the County Education Office for the information of managers when requiring teachers, and in order to give teachers who have done good service in the county opportunities of promotion within the county. When vacancy occurs it is suggested managers should inquire whether a suitable teacher for the appointment can be suggested from the County Education Office. When managers apply for approval of the appointment of a teacher they must furnish full particulars or qualifications on form supplied, and must attach testimonials. In all applications for the approval of the dismissal of a teacher, very full particulars of the reasons for such dismissal must be furnished. In every instance the teacher concerned will be invited to send a statement of his case to the County Education Committee. ADVERTISEMENTS. 469 THE TEACHERS' PROVIDENT SOCIETY In connection with the N.U.T. .~^>~w^^~^v^^~v^v>^-. TOTAL FUNDS exceed 250,000. ANNUAL INCOME exceeds 70,000. Have you Realised that one out of every two Members who have joined the Government Superannuation Fund will reap no benefit from it, as the death statistics prove that at least 50 per cent, of the Teachers who have joined must die before reaching 65, the age at which the pension commences ? Have you Calculated what a serious financial loss this will prove to your family or dependents, as a man joining at age 25, and dying, say, at age 60, would lose at least 105, as this amount would have been paid to the Government Annuity Fund, and in the event of death none of these contributions are returnable ? Have you been Informed that this serious loss may be guarded against by joining the Fund established by the Union, whereby, for a small annual (quarterly or monthly) payment, the whole of the contributions to the Government Superannuation Fund, together with all premiums paid to the Society, will be returned in the event of death before the age of 65 ? Have you Dec! tied to know more of this Fund ? If so, SEND A POST CARD AT ONCE to the GENERAL SECRETARY, Teachers' Provident Society, 71, Russell Square, and full information will be forwarded by return of post. wise! Provide in time, and you will be thankful in your later years. 470 ADVERTISEMENTS. A TEXT=BOO OF Needlework, Knitting, and Cutting=0ut. WITH METHODS OP TEACHING. By ELIZABETH ROSEVEAR, Training College, Stockwell. With Illustrations. Or. 8vo, 4s. 6d. " It has been carefully prepared by an intellectual teacher, expert in the art of demonstration lessons, and anxious to impart to others the result of her experience as senior teacher and lecturer at Stockwell Training College." Queen. MACMILLAN & CO., LTD., LONDON. MASTERS' "VERACITY. A GOOD for 3O/- on EAST TKEMS. Send WATCH 2,'fi, pay a further sum on receipt, and 2/6 monthly, or 27/- Cash. With a Masters' VERACITY " Watch you liave "perfection in time- keeping," not one day gaining or another day losing time or stopping, but 20 years True Timekeeping. Strong Silver Case, Leve Jewelled, compensation Balance, dust-proof Cap, bold Dial, Gold hands, 7 years signed Guarantee. LADY'S SII/VKB WATCH, 3O/~ WATCH BOOKLET POST FREE. SEND 2/6 with order. movement, IUC A Off DO 1 4-Al MASTERS, LtCl.) LEO, JULY ZODIAC SIGN". A"~ l/Al Rings far below London Prices. Cash or Easy Terms. Pictures of 255 New Rings and List of Birth-Month Stones Free. Shield Ring, 18ct. Gold, 62/6; 10/- monthly; 67/- cash. 9ct.,30/-; 2/6 deposit; 5- monthly ; 2T/- cash. Engraved with any crest, monogram, DVC" Tn/{ or Zodiac Sign Free. MASTERS, JUttl., , Klfc, bflg. 24 A , Hope Stores, Bye, En. Estd. J869. Examinations Board OF THE National Union of Teachers. Commercial and Graft Examinations (Recognised by the Board of Education, &c.). Modern Languages examined on Modern Lines. Speed Tests in Shorthand from 40 to 160 words a minute. Advanced Commercial Students should note the Syllabuses in Banking and Currency, Theory and Practice of Commerce, and Commercial Law. Special arrangements made for Typewriting to meet the difficulties in Provincial Schools. New Subjects just added : Commercial Law, Esperanto, Vocal Music. Nearly 10,000 Candidates Examined in 1906. Syllabus and full information may be obtained on application to W. HOLLJNGSWORTH, B.A., Secretary, Examinations Board, 67_and 71, Russell Square, London, W.C. SALARIES. 471 SECTION X. SALARIES. Period Of Payment. It is the custom to pay the salaries of teachers in Public Elementary Schools monthly, such payment being made, as a rule, on the last day of the calendar month. It is also the practice whenever the date for payment falls within a holiday period to make such payment on the last day upon which the school is open for instruction. This method is recommended by custom and convenience, It is very desirable, however, in order to avoid conflict with the Auditor, that the Local Education Authority should take power to make payment in this manner, either in the Memorandum of Agreement with Teachers or in some resolution of the Local Authority with which the teachers shall be acquainted, and which consequently can be read into their agreements. Salaries Should be Fixed in Amount. The Board of Education stated in the "Revised Instructions" " Managers should consider whether it is wise to continue the custom of making the teacher's salary vary with the grant. The reason, which was not very satisfactory, formerly alleged in favour of this custom, namely, that it acted as a stimulus to vigorous exertion, no longer exists. Teachers, like other persons in steady employment, ought to know what salary they can expect." Salaries in Elementary Schools are now but rarely dependent upon grants. But the recommendation that salaries should be fixed in amount retains its full force, and is specially applicable to those scales of salaries which are so framed as to leave the Local Authority complete discretion as to future payments, a discretion which for the teacher implies much anxiety. Naturally, improvements in salary are dependent upon the faithful discharge of duty, but given such service the salary should be assured. In Secondary Schools under management determined by Scheme, the salary of a Head Master consists frequently of a comparatively small fixed sum and a capitation grant dependent on the number of registered scholars. The justification for such a practice disappears when Secondary Schools are brought under the control of a Local Education Authority. In such cases the funds necessary to cover expenditure are assured, and the Head Teacher can be freed from uncertainty, a fact which Local Authorities now generally recognise. Assistant Teachers in Secondary Schools under management determined by Scheme, find the system of payment which generally prevails most objectionable. They ask for that regularity and certainty -which generally exist in Secondary Schools under public control. Many Local Authorities have now adopted special scales of salaries for teachers engaged in the Secondary Schools under their control, and they sometimes make their grants to schools not under their control conditional on the establishment of satisfactory regulations respecting the teaching staff. Scales. With a few exceptions Local Education Authorities have constructed scales of salaries which provide for a fixed minimum, annual increments, and a fixed maximum for the teachers in their employment. Such scales apply as a rule to teachers in both Council and Voluntary Schools. In a few instances scales are established for teachers in Evening Schools and Secondary Schools. It is evident that as the number of Secondary Schools under public control increases the practice of framing a scale of salaries for teachers in such schools will extend. In Evening Schools improved organisation under Section 34 of the Eegulations of the Board of Education for such schools should bring about the establishment of regular payments. Amendments Of Scales. The process of amending scales originally drafted soon after the establishment of Local Education Authorities continues. The following suggestions may therefore prove of service : (1) Elasticity. Upon whatever basis a scale may be constructed the Local Education Authority will be well-advised in reserving power to deal with excep- tional cases. Many serious objections can be urged against the far too common \l-2 SALARIES, practice of making scales of salary depend mainly on the average attendance of the scholars. (2) Small Schools. Full recognition should be given to the fact that a email school requires the services of teachers of experience, and the labour of conducting such a school is often of a most exacting character. Full regard should be had to the position of those teachers who will work with but one or, at the most, two assistants, and wbo will be themselves not only responsible for the conduct of the school, but will be required under existing conditions to teach daily two or three small classes. (3) Schools of Special Difficulty* In certain districts the nature of the surround- ings, the character of the children's homes, and possibly other circumstances, will make a school so situated far more difficult to work than one of average type. Such schools are usually known as schools of "special difficulty." Provision should be made in any scale for recognition of the exceptional difficulties which teachers in these schools have to meet. (4) Grading Unjustifiable. Certificates granted V>y the Board of Education are of one class. The many changes made by the Board in regard to their own examinations, and the variety of University examinations now also recognised for the purposes of the certificate, make it quite impossible to determine the relative values of certificates issued in different years. The Board of Education make no distinction between them. They treat them as all of one clasp. The practice which at one time prevailed of restricting the instruction of pupil teachers to those who held a certificate of a particular class has been abandoned, and the Board have gone so far as to declare that where Local Education Authorities who are administering a scale of salaries for teachers make a distinction between the rates -of pay of those who were and these who were not so qualified under previous Cod c s to superintend pupil teachers, they would do well to revise such scale and adapt it to the conditions now laid down by the Board. (5) Collegiate and Non- Collegiate Teachers. Attempts have sometimes been made to differentiate between salaries paid to teachers who have studied in a training college and those who have prepared for their certificate by other means. A classi- fication of this character cannot claim to be based on any satisfactory foundation. It is frequently most unjust, and almost invariably gives rise to unnecessary irritation. (6) Large Areas. Where it is intended to apply one scale to a wide area it should not be forgotten that even within the boundaries of one County the cost of house accommodation, and other living expenses, may vary considerably as between district and district. In France this is recognised by a marked difference in the (subvention granted in lieu of house accommodation in different districts. (7) Small Towns. In Non- County Boroughs and Urban Districts which are autonomous for the purposes of Elementary Education, it is generally found that the local scale of salaries must be not less favourable than that which exists in neigh- bouring County Boroughs, otherwise there is naturally adrift of teachers from the smaller to the larger Boroughs. A similar selection is exhibited by students leaving Training Colleges. (8) Mistresses (Girls' and L/fant.^}. There is no good reason for differentiating between the salaries of Head Mistresses of Girls' and Infants' Departments. As a general rule the class teachers in both departments are paid at the same rate, and a large majority of the Local Authorities now pay Head Mistresses (Girls' and Infants') at equal rates. (9) .Previous Service. The majority of Authorities make allowance for service rendered in Voluntary or in Board Schools within their area, and also recognise service which has been given in public Elementary Schools beyond their area. Such allowance is in the nature of recognition of experience, and enables Local Authorities to obtain the service of masters and mistresses who otherwise would not relinquish their present positions. (10) Additional Payma/ts. University degrees and a third year of college i raining' are often recognised by Local Authorities by a substantial increase in salary, but the practice of making additions for a variety of certificates in special subjects is open to objection, as it tends to create au impression that success a* a student is of greater value than the application of thought and ekill to the teacher's duty. SALARIES. 473 (11) Proftxx'mnal Trantlt/g. The importance of adding professional training to Academic equipment prior to recognition as a qualified teacher in generaTy recognised. The Board of Education have given notice that they will require as a condition of grant payment to Secondary Schools, that a certain proportion of the teachers in such schools shall have been trained. To meet the needs of the school and also to satisfy the requirements of the Board, Local Authorities are commencing the practice of paying Secondary School teachers who can furnish evidence of training in the art of teaching at an increased rate. (12) Salary during Illness. Subjoined are specimens of Regulations now in operation : Many of the most important Education Authorities have not considered it wise to make any special regulation for dealing with teachers absent through illness. They recognise that from the nature of his calling a teacher runs many risks from contictwith pupils who may have contracted an infectious disease outside school. After illness, the period of absence from duty must often be longer with a teacher than is usual in other walks of life, owing to the evident necessity of protecting the children against risk. On these grounds these authorities reserve to themselves the right to deal with all cases as circumstances justify. Others have, however, considered it wise to make special provision. Medical certificate required after absence for three days. Full pay is allowed to certificated teachers absent from duty in consequence of personal illness in accordance with a scale, under which the number of days of full pay to which a teacher is entitled varies according to the length of service, the number of such days being 1,030 after 45 years. This rule is, however, limited as follows : A teacher who has not more than 20 years of service may not be absent on full pay for more than 90 days during the three years preceding the last absence. A teacher with more than 20 but not more than 30 years' service is entitled to 110 in the three years, and with more than 30 years' service to 130 days in the three years preceding the last absence. Holidays are not included. The Education Committee deal specially with prolonged absence after consultation with the medical officer. London. In case of absence through illness no reduction shall be made for the first month, and in special cases one-half or other portion of the salary maybe continued for the second month, or in extreme cases for the third month. Berkshire. If a teacher is continuously absent through illness or any other cause for more than one week, the managers shall be at liberty to appoint some other person to perform the duties of the teacher, and may deduct from the teacher's salary such sum as shall suffice for the reasonable remuneration of such other person. Provided that where illness is the cause of such absence no deduction shall be made for the fir /// <- //// adopted the same method of grading, therefore the Scales should be read with the Notes ichiclt follow. 470 CCCTNTY SALARIES. Administrative County. Average Attendance To 100 101 to 150 151 to 200 < 201 to 250 1 BEDFORD *100 135 f!15-155 +140180 150-190 2 BERKS .. 105135 120150 140175 160190 3 BUCKS *90 115 flOO 130 J120 150 6140170 4 CAMBS *110-150 115155 125165 135175 6 CHESTER 6 CORNWALL 95115 * 1271-157 J *115 145 +142i 172i f!40 170 1574-187^ +.160 200 7 CUMBEBLAND ... *115-140 125160 140180 160 8 DERBY .. N. S. 9 DEVON *90 110 +100-130 1115 150 130170 10 DORSET *100 130 +115150 + 130-170 150200 11 DURHAM 100135 125160 145180 165200 12 ELY (Isle of) Un. con 13 ESSEX f A*90 120 { B 90120 + 110130 110-135 +120145 120150 132|-1 62A 140170 14 GLOUCESTER *88-110 +110130 +.125 150 140180 15 HEREFORD N. S. 16 HERTFORD * 100 135 120-155 +140175 J160 17 HUNTS .. N. S. * 18 KENT 100125 115145 130165 150190 19 LANCS *100-130 120150 135150 150180 20 LEICESTER *1'20 134 151 170 21 LINCS (Holland) 115135 120140 140160 170190 22 ,, (Kesteven) *ne 23 (Lindsey) .. .. 90 220 24 LONDON * 200 200 25 MIDDLESEX 120160 150 200 180 26 NORFOLK 27 NORTHAMPTON 28 NORTHUMBERLAND .. 110130 * 100 125 *108 143 +120-140 +110135 148163 + 140160 f 120 150 168-183 6160180 J130r-165 178193 29 NOTTINGHAM N. S. *70 280 30 OXFORD N. S. 31 PETERBOROUGH (Soke of) . . N. S. 32 RUTLAND N S 33 SALOP *105-130 130150 150180 180200 34 SCILLY ISLES N. S. 35 SOMERSET *90 110 +100-130 +115150 $130 17" 36 SOUTHAMPTON *90-120 +110135 1120-150 140170 37 STAFFS *110 130 +115140 J120 160 6140- 180 38 SUFFOLK (East) 39 (West) *90 120 *90 120 +100-130 +110-140 1120160 +130160 6150190 6150180 40 SURREY 41 SUSSEX (East) *108 140 * +124165 +110140 1148200 J120 155 6156225 130170 42 (West) *105 111 120156 135171 150-186 43 WARWICK ( *105 133 UHO 138 115143 125153 150-185 175-210 44 WESTMORLAND N. S. 45 WIGHT (Isle of) 100140 130160 150180 170200 46 WILTS .. *105-125 +115135 +.130 160 145180 47 WORCESTER N. S. 48 YORKS (East Riding) N. S. 49 (North Riding) * 100- 130 flJC 155 145 50 (West Riding) N. S. WALES. 51 ANGLESEY * 10") 120 110130 +130150 +.150 175 52 BRECON N. S. 53 CARDIGAN N. S. 54 CARMARTHEN *95 120 115135 135170 170200 55 CARNARNON .. * 140 160 170 180 56 DENBIGH N. S. For Explanation of Signs and Notes on Scales, see page 482. IFKAD MASTERS. (77 251 to 300 301 to 350 351 to 400 401 to 450 451 to 500 Ann. Inc. I 1 1 II 160 4 2 175225 (a) 3 ||160-200 i 5 4 145185 (a) 5 172 202^ 190220 210-240 220-250 3 6 j 6 7 210 1902:0 5 o 9 11150200 5 10 '170220 5 11 i 185220 200235 215250 5 12 13 C || 150 210 11170240 5 1 160220 ISO 250 14 II 5 15 16 202 184240 (a) 17 18 170-215 200250 # 5 19 165180 180220 200220 220250 5 20 185 f200-220 j 21 4 22 | 23 24 300 300400 t -500 10 25 230 210 - 275 250-320 (a) 26 ||180200 5 27 || 1.50 190 f 170 220 **200 240 1 1200 260 iJ200 280 28 .188-203 198213 208223 218233 228243 () 29 30 31 32 33 -i 34 35 ||150200 5 36 |160220 11180 5 37 170 - 210 200250 5 38 11170200 5 39 5 40 P64-250 11172275 ** 132 300 (a) 41 ||140 190 5 42 W w 43 200250 44 ! 45 . 190-220 00 46 ; 17 IS 19 200 175225 I 50 51 ;,1 : 190220 2 j 55 200 56 478 COUNTY SALARIES. Administrative County. Average A To' 100 itendance 101 to 150 151 to 200 201 to 250 57 FLINT 58 GLAMORGAN 59 MERIONETH . N. S. Un. con. *100 140 N. S. *72 tlOO 150 tlOO 140 *107 +130180 +120160 200 $ 130 200 61 MONTGOMERY . 62 PEMBROKE 63 RADNOR , *80 110 N. S. N. S. HEAD MISTRESSES. 1 BEDFORD *80 100 f90-llO 195115 $100120 2 BERKS *90-120 100130 120150 ' 130160 3 BUCKS *70 95 f80 100 +.90110 $100120 4 UAMBS *80 85125 95135 105-145 5 CHESTER 80-100 * 105- 125 1 115 135 125-145 6 CORNWALL 80 95 * 90-105 1 105 120 +115-130 7 CUMBERLAND *85 105 90110 100130 120 8 DERBY N. S. 9 DEVON 10 DORSET *75- 95 *80 110 t80 110 f90 120 +.90-120 +100130 100-130 110140 11 DURHAM 80100 90115 100125 110135 12 ELY (Isle of) Tin. con. 13 ESSEX | g *75 95 75 95 t90 100 90105 + 100110 100115 $102i 117| 110125 14 GLOUCESTER *80 100 195110 +.110-130 $125145 15 HEREFORD , N. S. 16 HERTFORD *80 101 90-118 tlOO 135 JUS 17 HUNTS .. N S. 18 KENT 80 100 90 U5 100 130 110 - 145 19 LANCS .. *80 100 100 120 110120 120140 20 LEICESTER *79 88 98 103 21 LINGS (Holland) *80-100 85 - 105 95115 110130 22 ,, (Kesteven) *73 23 (Lindsey) 70 125 24 LONDON * 150 150 25 MIDDLESEX 90115 115 150 150200 26 NORFOLK *85-101 f90 106 + 100-116 $110-126 27 NORTHAMPTON *80 100 t85 105 {90115 $100125 28 NORTHUMBERLAND .. *92 107 102117 112127 122137 29 NOTTINGHAM N. S. *50 130 30 OXFORD N. S. 31 PETERBOROUGH (Soke of) . N. S. 32 RUTLAKD N. S. 33 SALOP *90 105 105120 120-140 34 SCILLY ISLES .. N. S. 85 SOMERSET 36 SOUTHAMPTON *75 96 *75- 95 tso no t90 105 +90120 +100115 $100130 $110125 37 STAFFS *80 90 t85 100 |95110 H 05 120 38 SUFFOLK (East) .. .1 *85 100 t90 110 +100115 $120145 39 (West) *85 100 t90 110 +100120 $110135 40 SURREY *88 120 fl04140 +128165 $136175 41 SUSSEX (East) *80 104 t90 118 +.100 132 $110-146 42 (West) *90 117 105132 120147 f!23 150 43 WARWICK *80 104A 90 114f 100135 110150 44 WESTMORLAND .. . i N. S. 45 WIGHT (Isle of) . . . j *90 110 100130 120150 140170 46 WILTS 1 *90 110 flOO 120 +.110-140 $120150 47 WORCESTER . . . . . i N. S. 48 YORKS (East Riding) N. S. 49 (North Riding) *90 105 tlOO 120 110 50 (West Riding) N. S. I or Explanation of Signs and Notes on Scales, see page 482. HEAD MASTERS. 479 231 to 300 301 to 350 351 to 400 401 to 450 451 to 500 Ann. Inc. ; : t - : L' 0 151 to 200 201 to 250 WALES, <: e ) till) l'_>0 120- K'.l 52 BRECON N. S. 53 CARDIGAN . . . . . . Un. con. 54 CARMARTHEN *8() -100 85-110 95120 105125 55 CARNARVON .. .. .. * 135 15 ) Ki5 175 56 DENBIGH N. S. 57 FLINT X S *70 130 58 GLAMORGAN .. .. .. i Un. cmi. 59 MERIONETH ! *80 100 f85-H5 90130 CO MONMOTJTH ; N. 8. 61 MONTGOMERY ! *65- 90 f80- 110 +100130 i 62 PEMBROKE N. S. 6J RADNOR N. S. *78 ! 1 Administrative Certificated Assistant Masters. County. I. [I 1 BEDFORD 85 130 75130 85130 75 130 2 BERKS 85 130 80 i 120 *70 90 3 BUCKS 85 130 80 120 *70 90 4 CAMBS 95 135 85 125 5 CHESTER 85 140 75 120 G CORNWALL 85 105 80 100 7 CUMBERLAND 100 130 90 120 8 DERBY 85 130 75130 85130 75 130 9 DEVON 80 - 110 70 110 10 DORSET 85 120 75 110 11 DURHAM 95 130 85 120 12 ELY (Isle of) . . 13 ESSEX 85 130 *70- 90 80 120 i *70 90 14 GLOUCESTER 90 120 85 120 15 HEREFORD N.S. 16 HERTFORD *85 125 80 125 75105 85 105 80 1(10 18 KENT 90 140 i *80 115 85 f!20 *80 115 19 LANCS 80 140 75140 70 115 20 LEICESTER 85 130 75-120 85-130 75 120 21 LINCS (Holland) 80 100 80 100 22 ,, (Kesleven) *95 23 (Lin&ey) { *85 130 ' 75120 t85 - 120 75100 85130 75 85120 75 120 100 24 LONDON 100 200 85200 90 - 2 7-") 200 25 MIDDLESEX 90 150 85 135 26 NORFOLK 90 110 80 110 27 NORTHAMPTON 85 . 110 85 110 28 NORTHUMBERLAND .. 90 120 85 120 29 NOTTINGHAM 85 liO* 75 lOOf 85110* 75 loot 30 OXFORD N.S. 31 PETER.r.ORO' (Soke Of) N.S. 32 RUTLAND N.S. 33 SALOP ',)(> 130 SO 120 ?4 SCILLY ISLES ... N.S. 35 SOMERSET 8(1 110 70 110 30 SOUTHAMPTON Kf> 131) 80 , 120 *70- !><> 37 STAFFS 85 130 " r. 120 38 SUFFOLK (East) 100 130 no 110 39 (West) 90 110 ! 80100 SO 100 70 90 For Explanation of Signs and Notes on Scales, see page 482. HEAD MISTRESSES. 181 251 to 300 301 to :'>.')() ;;.")! to 400 401 to 150 -15 1 to 500 Ann. Inc. 51 4 52 53 54 125140 2J 55 190 6 56 57 58 59 (a) 60 61 62 63 Certificated Assistant Mistresses. I. II. Annual Increase. """* 1 75 - 95 i 65-^ 95 75 95 65 95 3 2 75 110 70 100 *60 75 M. 4, Ms. 3, *2k 3 75 110 70 100 *60 75 M. 4, Ms. 3, *2| 4 75 115 1 70 - 110 (a) 5 75 110 65 100 i ' o 6 70 85 65 80 M. 5, Ms. 3 7 75 ! 100 70 90 M. 3, Ms. 2J 8 7-i : 95 65 95 7.3 95 65 95 5 9 70 95 60 95 id 10 ;o 100 60 95 5 11 80 95 70 85 5 12 I 13 t70 - 105 60 75 65 95 60 75 M, 4, *3, Ms. 3 14 70 90 I 65 90 5 15 i 16 *75 105 70 105 65 90 M. 4, Ms. 3 () 17 70 90 65 < 85 M. 3, Ms. 2 18 80 110 *7C 95 . 75 _ loot *70 95 5, *4 19 70 - 110 65110 60 90 5 20 75 - 95 65 90 i 75 95-65 90 M. 5, Ms. 2 21 70 85 70 85 M. 4, Ms. 3 22 *55 23 *75 - 95 65 90 75 95 65 90 5 t75 - 95 65 80 ' 75 95 65 80 24 88 ' 150 76-150 80 150 70150 () 25 80 120 75 100 M. 5, Ms. I. 4; 11. 2 A 26 75 90 65 90 4 27 70 90 70 90 5 28 80 100 70 100 29 75 ! 95 65 90 75 95 05 90 it 30 31 32 33 80 95 70 90 M. 0), M 34 35 70 95 60 95 5 36 75 110 70 100 *60 75 M. 4, Ms. 3, *2f 37 To 95 65 85 5 38 80 100 I 70 90 5 39 90 100 ' 70 85 80 90 60 75 5 16 482 COUNTY SALARIES. Administrative Certificated Assistant Masters. County. 40 SURREY 90 130 85 120 *80 115 41 SUSSEX (East).. 90 133 *70- 90 80 120 *70 90 42 (West) 90 126 81 120 43 WARWICK 95 120 90 110 80105 44 WESTMORLAND 80 no 75 100 45 WIGHT (Isle of) 90 130 85 130 46 WILTS .. 85 130 75 100 47 WORCESTER .. 85 130 80- 130 85-130 80 130 48 YORKS (East Riding) 49 (North-Riding) N.S. 85 130 75 - 120 85130 75 120 50 (West Riding) 90 135 75 UO 85-130 75 110 WALES. 51 ANGLESEY . *80 95 75 90 75 90 70 85 52 BRECON . 80 105 70 95 70 - 95 65 85 53 CARDIGAN . Un. con. 54 CARMARTHEN . 80 115 75 - 110 75- 95 55 CARNARVON . ! *90 120 80 90 56 DENBIGH . N.S. 57 FLINT .. . ! 90 130 80 120 58 GLAMORGAN . ! 90 120 1 85 115 51) MERIONETH 80 110 75 110 60 MONMOUTH . N.S. 61 MONTGOMERY . 60 100 55 95 62 PEMBROKE . N.S. 63 RADNOR . N.S. NOTES ON COUNTY SALARY SCALES. ABBREVIATIONS. Ace. Accom. Adv. : Ann. : Assts. Av. att. Bi. : Cert. : Com. : Dept. ; Div. Elem. : Inc. : According. : Accommodation. Advanced. Annual (ly). Assistants. : Average attendance. Biennially. Certificate (d). : Education Committee. Department. : Division. : Elementary. : Increments. M.: Max.: Min. : Ms. N.S. : P.S. P.T. Sch. Tchr. : Tr. : Un. con, : Untr. : Yr. : : Masters. : Maximum. : Minimum. : Mistresses. : No Scale. : Previous service. : Pupil Teacher. . : School. : Teacher. Trained. : Scale under consideration . Untrained. : Year. Scales for Cert. Assts. I., indicates Tchrs. trained In a Training College. II., Tchrs. not trained in this manner. The columns represent the Divisions into which Tchr.'s Certificates were formerly divided. 1. BEDS. Heads : Av. att. under 65, Ms., 75 to 95. *Av. att., 81 to 95, 96 to 120; M., 105 to 145, Ms., 85 to 105, f 121 to 150, 151 to 180, M. 125 to 165, Ms. 95 to 115 ; J 181 to 210, $ 211 to 250 ; || Max. fixed by Cum. ; 66 to 80, M. 100 to 130, Ms. 75 to 95. Max. may bn increased in cases of long and meritorious service by amount not exceeding 10 Assts., 25 Heads. P.S. considered. 2. BERKS. Service in same capacity since June, 1903, counted. Heads: M. fa,/ Ann. inc. 5 (10 if av. att. over 250) ; Ms., av. att. to 75, 80 to 110. * 75 to 99. Cert. Assts. : -Degree 10. Untr. Tchrs. rank as tr. after 10 yrs/ satisfac- tory service. Increments granted only on application and recommendation by Managers. 3 BUCKS. Not more than 3 yrs.' P.S. counted. Degree 10 Heads : Av. att. to -M), M. 80 to 110, Ms. 70 to 90. * Av. att. 51 to 80, f81 to 120, + 121 to 180, 181 to 250, || over 250. 10 for 3rd yrs'. training. Untr. Tchrs. 5 below scale. CERTIFICATED ASSISTANTS. 482 Certificated Assistant Mistresses. I. | II. Annual Increase. _ 40 80 110 75 100 *70 95 5, *4 41 80 110 *65 85 70 100 *65 85 M. 4, Ms. 3, *2t 42 7s 1 05 Tl 99 (*) 43 80 100 75 90 70 85 M. 5, Ms. I. 4, II. 3 44 65 90 60 80 5 45 70 100 65 K'O 5 46 75 100 65 80 47 70 100 65100 70100 65 100 5 48 49 75 95 65 90 75- 95 65 90 5 50 80 105 65_ M., 140 Ms. Principal Tchrs. of all special echs. 10 in excess of sal. as Asst. -\- 10 for schs. of one class, 20 (2 to 4 classes) and 30 (5 and more classes). Manual Instructors, 100 to 155; Assts. 80 to 100, by 5 ami. Tchrs. of Domestic Subjects 80 to 120, by 5 ami- Drawing Tchrs. with Art Master's Cert. M. 175 to 200, Ms. 125 to 150, by 5 ann. Supply Tchrs., M. 6s. 5d. to 8s. 9d., Ms- 5s. 6d. to 7*. lOd. per day. 25. MIDDLESEX. (a) Ann. inc. for Ileadu one-tenth of the difference between min. and max. P.S. may be considered in fixing commencing salary, but addition must not exceed the amount of 3 yrs.' annual increment. Tchrs. trained 3 yrs., or with Degree, 5 p. a. above scale. 20. NORFOLK. ffawfo : Ms., av. att. to 40, 65 to 81 ; 41 to 60, 75 to 91. * Av. att. 61 to 100, f 101 to 140, J 141 to 180, 181 to 240, \\ over 240. 27. NORTHAMPTON. Heads: Commencing salary dependent on qualifications. Av. att. 31 to 60, Ms. 75 to 90 ; * av. att. 61 to 95, f96 to 135, + 136 to 180, 181 to 240, || 241 to 300, f 301 to 400, ** 401 to 500, ft 501 to 600, JJ 601 to 700. Assts. : 5 extra lor 3 and 10 for 6 of specified Certs. 28. NORTHUMBERLAND. Heads:* Min. M. 105, plus Superannuation Fee and 8s. for each unit of av. att. over 50 and under 200, then 4s. for each unit up to 500 ; Ms. 90, plus Superannuation Fee, and 4s. for each unit in av. att. over 100. Special consideration will be given when av. att. is affected by epidemics, &c. The, figures given are for the max. av. att. of each grade. Headmasters of schools with under 75 av. att. who have served in the County for not less than 3 yrs. prior to March, 1904, may have their salaries fixed at 118 on receipt of special recommendation from H.M.I., but no increment will be given unless by reason of service or improved av. att. salary exceeds 118 under the scale. (a) Inc. 5 for each 5 yrs. recorded service under Authority up to 15 yrs. Assts.: 1st Assts. in schs. of over 200 av. att., M., tr. 110 to 130, untr. 85 to 130; Ms., tr. 80 to 110, untr. 70 to 110. Tchrs., tr., 3 yrs:, or with Degree, commence 5 above scale. P.S. considered in making appointments. Assts. taking charge of ech. during absence of Head Tchr. shall have their salaries increased to the rates for 1st Assts. during each month they are eo in charge. 29. NOTTS. Head* :* No Scale, but salaries range, M. from 70 to 280, and Ms. from 50 to 130. A*tt. M. :* Salary may increase to 130 (f 120) in large echs., if specially recommended by the Managers. 3'?. SALOP. Heads :* A.\. att. under 50, 82 to 95. Asstx. : fa) Ann- inc., M. 2J to 100, then 5. P.S. counted at the rate of 2| for each yr, of approved" service in an Elem. Sch. to an amount not exceeding 10. 35. SOMERSET. Inc. subject to the receipt of favourable reports, and granted on application only. Heads : Av. att. under 30, Ms. (50 M.), specially considered. 30 to 50, Ms. 70 to 85. * 51 to 80, f 81 to 120, ; 121 to ISO, $ 1KI to 250, || over 250. In exceptional cases salary beyond max. may be recommended. Classification by av. att. is approximate only. Assts. :- Senior tr. Assts. in large schools may riee to 120 M., 100 Ms. Commencing salary will not necessarily be the miu. of scale, but will depend on length of experience, Are. 36. SOUTHAMPTON. Managers are not precluded by scale from offering a lower commencing or final salary. Inc. granted only on application, and 486 NOTES ON COUNTY SALARY SCALES. recommendation of managers. Heads : * Av. att. to 75, f 76 to 120, J 121 to 175, 176 to 220, ||221 to 310, Hover 310. Max. of this grade at the discretion of Ed. Com. Assts. /Degree 10. After 10 yrs.' satisfactory service untr. Tchrs. rank as tr. Extra payments may be made for special work or responsibility. 37. STAFFS. After 10 yrs.' Heads (3 yrs. Assts.}, service at the max. salary may be increased by 10. Tehrs. tr. 3 yrs. or with Degree, Heads, 10, Assts. 5 above scale, Art Master's Cert. 5, Art Class Tchr's. Cert. 2J. Heads / * Av. att. to 80, f 81 to 120, J 121 to 180, 181 to 250. Assts. ; Tchrs. with parchment commence 5 above scale. 38. SUFFOLK, E. 10 p.a. extra to Tchrs. tr. 3 yrs. P.S. counted at the rate of 5 above min. for each 2 yrs.' satisfactory service since obtaining parchment, such increase not to exceed 15 Heads, 10 Assts. Heads: Av. att. to 40, Ms. 70 to 90; 41 to 60, 80 to 100. * 61 to 90, f 91 to 130, 1 131 to 200, 201 to 280, || 281 and over. Untr. Tchrs. 10 less than scale. A bonus may be paid to Head Tchrs. whose sch. is recommended for the Higher Grant as follows : 5s. for each unit of av. att. in excess of 90 per cent, of the number on registers, and a further 5s. for each unit of av. att. in excess of 92 per cent, of the number on registers. Assts. : 5 for " D " and 2 Adv. Sciences or equivalents. 39. SUFFOLK, W. Heads : Ms., av. att. to 30, 70 ; 31 to 60, 80 to 95. * Av. att. 61 to 90, |91 to 130, J131 to 180, 181 to 240, over 240 special scale. Bonus of half P.T. Grant when P.T. is instructed by Head Tchr. Assts. / Inc. granted only on receipt of satisfactory reports from Managers and Head Tchr. 5 above Scale for certain special Certificates. P.S. counted at the rate of 5 for each 2 yrs.' service since receipt of Parchment, up to 10. 40. SURREY. Degree 10. Heads : Av. att. under 40, Ms. 80 to 100 ; 40 to 69, M. 104 to 130, Ms. 84 to 107. * Av. att. 70 to 99; 100 to 129, M. 112 to 150, Ms. 92 to 130 ; f 130 to 159; 160 to 189, M. 130 to 185, Ms. 110 to 150; % 190 to 219; 220 to 249; || 250 to 279; H 280 to 310; ** over 310. M. 4, Ms. 3, addition to Com. salary for each year of approved service as Head Tchr. in the County. P.S. outside the County for a period not exceeding 10 yrs. may be counted in fixing commencing salary. Untr. Head Tchrs. shall receive 5 lees than scale, but after 10 yrs.' approved service in the County shall rank as tr. (a) Ann. inc. Ms. 4 (under 5 yrs.' service), 5 (5 to 10 yrs.) ; M. 5 (under 10 yrs.) ; M. and Ms. 7 (10 to 20 yrs,;, 10 (over 20'yrs). Assts : 10 yrs.' approved service in the County phall be considered as equivalent to College training. P.S. in or outside County is counted at the rate of M. 4 (3rd Div. 3), Ms. 3 per ann. up to 10 yrs. 41. SUSSEX, E. Heads : * M., no scale for schools of this grade. Ms., av. att. to 60, 1 61 to 135, J 136 to 180, 181 to 240, ||241 to 300. Special arrangements for schools over 300 av. att. 1 for each candidate who is successful at the Bd. of Ed. Exam. 2 per ann. for the satisfactory training of each P.T. who does not attend a Centre. 42. Susaux, W. () M. 4 inc. of 6, and 4 of 3 ; Ms. 3 inc. of 6, and 3 of 3. Hi nch ; * Scale is on the basis of 102 for M. of schs. not exceeding 90 av. att., and 75 for Ms. of scbs. not exceeding 50 av. att., plus 3 for each additional 10 children in av. att. The figures given ure for the max. av. att. of each grade, f Av. att. 210, there are no scbs. of a higher grade in charge of Ms. 43. WARWICK. Degree 10. P.S. in County considered. Heads: (a) Ann. inc. M. 4, Ms. 3* (av. att. to 150), 5 over 150). M. *Mixed Schs. without Infants' Dept. (up to 50 av. att. 85 to 95, by 2J). f Mixed Schs. with Infants' Dept., 3 Dept. Schs., and Boys' and Infants' Schs. Ms. :* Av. att to. 50, 75 to 95, by 2 ann. f This is the max. for Head Ms. of Mixed Schs. without Infants' Dept. Assts. .-1st Assts., M. 100 to 130 ; Ms. 85 to 109. 44. WESTMORLAND. Assts. /Tchrs. with 1st Class Cert. 5 above scale when parchment received. Extra payments may be made for special work or responsibility. P.S. under other Authorities considered. 45. WIGHT, ISLE OF. Com. reserve right to vary scale in any particular case. Heads : (a) Ann. inc. 10 (5 if av. att. below 100). Ms. / Av. att. to 50, 70 to 85, *51 to 100 av. att. Assts. : 1st Assts. in schs. with av. att. over 250, M. 90 to 140, Ms. 80 to 110. NOTES ON COUNTY SALARY SCALES. 487 46. WILTS. Heads : Tr. Tchrs. in schs. of over 50 av. att. commence 10 above min. Av. att. under 50, Ms. 75 to 95 ; 50 to 74, M. 90 to 110, Ms. 80 to 100. *Av. att. 75 to 99, f 100 to 124, +125 to 174, 175 and ovor. Astts. : 2$ added to min. for each yr. of P.S. After 2 yrs.' service at the max., untr. Tchrs. may be placed on scale for tr. Assts. 47. WORCESTER. Assts. : Tchrs. will be placed on scale ace. to their yra. of service in their present rank. 49. YORKS, N.R. This scale applies to new appointments only. Heads : Av. att. to 40, M. 95 to 105 (Uncert. Tchrs., 80 to 90), Ms. 85 to 100 (TJncert. 70 to 80). *Av. att. 41 to 90, f91 to 150. Assts : 1st Assts. in Depts. over 300 av. att., rise to M. 150, Ms. 125, by 10 ann. after the max. of ordinary scale is reached. 50. YORKS., W.R. Assts. : Tchrs. may be promoted to a higher grade for special merit. P.S. elsewhere considered up to a max. of 3 yrs. 51. ANGLESEY. * This scale applies to Council Schs. only. Heads: Basis accom., not av. att. f 151 to 240, J over 240, accom. and on roll. 2| for the instruction of each P.T. Head Tchrs. must be tr. at least 2 yrs., not lower than 2nd Div., 3 yrs.' experience since receipt of parchment, and Drill, Tonic Sol-fa, " D " or equivalent, and (in Infants' Schs.) K.G. Cert. ; Degree, Art Cert., Adv. Science or Froebel Certs., accepted in lieu of above. Tchrs. without one of these qualifications, 5 below scale, more than one 10 below scale. Reduction of initial salary will not apply to Tchrs. with G yrs ' experience since receipt of parchment, and high testimonies of efficiency. Inc. stopped if unfavourable report received from any Inspector. Assts.: P.S. elsewhere counted at the rate of 2 for each yr. up to M. 10, Ms. 6 ; and P.S. under the Authority at the rate of 2| M., 2 Ms. up to max. 52. BRECON. Not more than 2 yrs.' P.S. under this or any other Authority counted. 54. CARMARTHEN. This scale applies only to Council Schs. and to new appoint- ments in Voluntary Schs. Heads : Av. att. under 50, M. 85 to 100 ; Ms. 70 to 90. * Av. att. 50 to 100. 5 extra for Degree, or 3 yrs.' College training. 55. CARNARVON. * This scale comes into operation, April 1st, 1907. Heads: The figures given are the maxima for the various grades. No rnin. have been fixed. Under 50 av. att. 110 M., 105 Ms. Untr. Tchrs. 10 less than scale (over 250 av. att. 20 less). Assts. : This scale is likely to be revised. 57. FLINT. Heads:-* No Scale, but salaries vary from M. 72 to 200, and Ms. 70 to 130. 58. GLAMORGAN. Assts. : Each distinction gained in the Certificate exam, ranks as 1 yr's. service. P.S. in the County counted. 59. MERIONETH. (a) Inc. granted only on application, and on recommendation of Com., after consideration of work done. P.S. considered. 4 per ann. extra to any Tchr. in an Infants' Sch. or Class possessing Senior Froebel Cert. Heads /Scale is for tr. Tchrs. Div. I. or II., untr. Tchrs. (Div. I. or II ) commence 5 below min. Basis, no. on roll, not av. att. In grading Schs. children under 15 atteiiIdg County Intermediate Schs. shall be included in the number oa the registers of the Elem. Sch. from which they came. M. under 60 on roll 90 to 120,* 60 to 95 on roll (Ms* to 95), t 95 tc 120, J 120 and over. Assts. : Degree 5, 2i extra for 3 yrs.' College training. 61. MONTGOMERY. This scale does not apply to existing Tchrs., but is to serve as a fuide in making new appointments. Heads : Av. att. under 40, 65 to 80. Av. att, 40 to 80, f 80 to 120, J M. 120 to 160, Ms. over 120, over 160. Untr. Tchrs. 5 less than scale. 63. RADNOR. * Heads : No Scale. The figures given ara the average of the salaries paid to Head M. and Head Ms. throughout the County. 10 for the instruction of one P.T. and 5 for each additional P.T. 488 COUNTY BOROUGH SALARIES. Average Attendance County Boroughs. To 100 101 to 150 ' 151 to 200 201 to 250 . C C 1 BARROW- ix -Fu RX ES.*, * 170210 175215 2 BATH * 150 200 3 BlRKENHEAD 170220 4 BIRMINGHAM 190 200 210 220 5 BLACKBURN 120 170 130190 140210 6 BLACKPOOL . . . . 130 180 140 7 BOLTOX * 120 150 f!50 180 8 BOOTLE *200 (fixed) 9 BOURNEMOUTH 170 250 LO BRADFORD *150 200 ll BRIGHTON .. .. ., 160 200 *180 225 12 BRISTOL 160 175 180-200 13 BURNLEY *110-150 120140 130170 140180 14 BURTON-ON-TREXT 120 180 140-200 15 BURY *140 160 160-180 180210 16 CANTERBURY 120150 150-170 160190 180200 17 CHESTER, 150 210 160220 170-230 18 COVENTRY 105-155 120 - 170 135185 150200 19 CROYDON *160 180 170200 180220 20 DERBY *- 180 190 21 DEVONPORT 140 200 160 . 22 DUDLEY 120 170 130 180 23 EXETER 110 -130 130 190 160 24 GATEHHEAD *160 190 t!90 25 GLOUCESTER 120 150 130180 150200 26 GREAT YARMOUTH . . 125 160 160 195 27 GRIMSBY *T20 200 ! f!40 28 HALIFAX * 240 29 llANLKY N.S. 30 HANTIXGS *150 175 t!50 200 31 HUDDERSEIELD N.S. 32 IPSWICH *150 175 175 33 KINGSTON -'UPON-Hpi/L *157| 207 34 LEEDS * 160 175 11170 195 180 35 LEICESTER 150 175 180 36 LINCOLN 37 LIVERPOOL * *160 190 1 170-205 38 MANCHESTER *160 195 160205 160-215 170225 39 MIDDLESBROUGH *120-170 tloO 180 1 150 220 40 NEWCASTLE-ON-TYNE *150 200 200 41 NORTHAMPTON *U5 140 125-150 130175 42 NORWICH (A 150 (B 175 *175 200 160 185 43 NOTTINGHAM,. * 170 44 OLDHAM 140180 140185 145190 45 OXEOKD * 105 125 13C 160 ] 50200 46 PLYMOUTH *130 (fixed) 130200 150 220 47 PORTSMOUTH 170 48 PRESTON . . . . 120 lisot 110 49 HEADING . . . . .. *120-150 140170 160 50 ItoCII DAI, I". *140 170 f!50 200 +100-225 $170-210 51 HOTHERHAM 160 200 180 52 ST. HELENS N.S. 53 SALEOKD *140 195 150205 160-215 170225 51 SllEEEIELD * 180 55 SOUTHAMPTON* *150 200 fl SO- 220 1180 66 SOUT-HPORT N.S. 57 SOUTH SHIELDS 150 ii 150 150 i t!50 58 STOCKPORT *130 195 f 150 205 1GO 215 170225 59 SUNDERLAXD *200 225 60 TYXEMOUTH *150 180 170200 For Explanation of Signs and Notes on Scales, see page 496. HEAD MASTERS. 251 to 300 301 to 350 351 to 400 401 to 450 451 to 500 501 & over Ann. Inc. C -C C -C 1 180-220 185225 190230 195235 200240 205260 5 2 (a) 3 180-230 190240 200250 210-260 *240 300 t260-320 5 (* & 1 10) 4 250 *275 tsoo +.325 5 150220 160230 170^240 180250 10 6 230 150 240 * 160 250 f200 280 +260300 10 7 8 +.180 t200 250 220 $220 250 11250350 10 5 9 ffi\ 10 t200 . 250 ;2y 0-300 5 00 11 t200 250 12 205-225 230250 5(0 13 150190 160200 170210 180220 190230 230 300t 10 14 160220 180-240 200-270 5 16 180210 ;) 10 200230 10 17 180240 10 18 165215 180-230 195245 210260 19 190240 200-260 210280 5 20 220 250 f280 +325 . $350 (a) 21 220 190-250 5 22 140190 150200 160-210 170250 23 220 t 24 230 +200 250 $210 .2fiO 5 25 155210 160220 170230 180-2-10 190 'AH 200270 5 26 175 215 190-230 5 27 220 () 28 f300 29 30 ^150220 (a) 31 32 200 200 225 225' 250 t275 300 10 33 t230 280 10 li. 34 35 215 205 240 210 t230 270 *215-245 +260-300 1-250280 5290-330 ;2S5 330 ^ 3fi 37 38 + ISO -225 180235 $195250 I87i-242| I|2202S.') 195250 11290335 200255 **315 370 205 200 tt34.)_440 &c. fcj 39 10 40 250 250-300 10 41 140-200 150-225 160250 71 42 t!85 B 200-1225 215 C 225250 $260-300 5 43 200 200 210 240 250 t260 290 5 44 115-195 150200 150105 155210 1 55 2 ! ., 160250* 10 45 5 46 150 230 165745 (") 47 210 t!80 215 J190-230 $200240 5 (a) 48 1 180+ ; 170210$ 18022011 5 49 1)0 180 21U 200 230 f215 275 10 50 11180250 10 51 220 190235 200240 5 52 53 180235 187i-2l2', 19(5 -250 1 200-2.).-, 205260 () , 54 220 KM) '':;o 200 210 200- 2i: 200250 t 280 5 55 210 10 56 10 57 170 +170200 5200230 |i2:',o 260 58 59 180-235 225-250 is;,' 242J 250 275 [96 27-"' ::<") 200 255 :;oo 32 f, 260 325 ;;5o &c. 5 60 I! 10 220 210 2:;o i 10 490 COUNTY BOROUGH SALARIES. Average Attendance- County Boroughs. To 10Q 1Q1 fo 15Q 151 to 200 ; 201 to 250 i 61 WALSALL | *160 180 t!80 62 WARRINGTON : 150 175 150-200 175225 63 WEST BROMWICH .. 64 WEST HAM *1SO 220 180250 65 WEST HARTLEPOOL.. *140 66 WIGAN *120 150 tloO 180 67 WOLVERHAMPTON .. 160 185 180 68 WORCESTER 150 200 160220 69 YORK. ( *120 160 130 - 170 150 \fllO 160 130-170 140 WALES. 70 CARDIFF 175 225 230 71 NEWPORT * 250 72 SWANSEA *160 175 180195 HEAD MISTRESSES. 1 BARROW-IN-FURNESS *95 1 15 100120 105125 110130 2 BATH # 100 120 3 BlRKENHEAD .." 70100 85120 100130 110140 4 BIRMINGHAM P It 120 135 130 140 140 160 5 BLACKBURN 90 - 130 100140 105145 6 BLACKPOOL 90 120 100150 7 BOLTON / *80 I t90 120 120 +110130 100150 130 8 BOOTLB *115 (fixed) 9 BOURNEMOUTH *100 125 flOO 160 10 BRADFORD *100 140 11 BRIGHTON j 100 130 *120 140 12 BRISTOL j 105 110125 13 BURNLEY *80 100 85105 90110 100120 14 BURTON-ON-TRENT .. *100 130 120150 15 BURY / *90 {tios 110 120 100120 12013.5 135150 16 CANTERBURY 85- 115 105125 120145 140165 17 CHESTER 100135 110145 120155 130165 18 COVENTRY *70 100 80110 90120 100130 19 CROYDON *110 130 115140 120150 20 DERBY * ff!30 U120 HO 130 21 DEVONPORT 102 150 122 22 DUDLEY *90 120 100130 23 EXETER 80110 105 150 120 24 GATESHEAD *100 110 flOO 120 25 GLOUCESTER 90 110 100115 105120 26 GREAT YARMOUTH .. *100 125 110 135 27 GRIMSBY 105 140 28 HALIFAX * 150 N. S. 30 HASTINGS *115 160 fllo 180 31 HUDDERSFIELD *N. S. 1 32 IPSWICH ( *80 \ t80 105 1051 85115 85110 100 90115$ 33 KlNGSTON-UPON-HULL *90 140 tioo 34 LEEDS 100115 no 130 120 35 LEICESTER *100 110 fU5 36 LINCOLN * 37 LIVERPOOL I A IB *95 120 $95120 100130 POO 130 For Explanation of Signs and Notes on Scales, tee page 49G. HEAD MASTERS. 491 251 to 300 i 301 to 350 351 to 400 401 to 450 ; 451 to 500 501 & over Ann. Inc. 61 210 1210 225 $225 250 5 62 200250 22.5 275 250 300 t c; 63 * 210 t 225 + 250 * 270 5 fi4 7i 65 190 t!50 200 +200 250 $220 ||250 *& + 5,;l 66 180 220' 220250 5 67 205 200225 () 68 180240 200260 10 69 200 170 250 200300 5 200 160 250 70 300 10 71 (a) 72 200215 215230 225240 5 HEAD MISTRESSES. i 115135 120140 125145 130 150- 135155 140175 5 2 () 3 115150 120160 125170 130180 5 4 180 190 160 180 190 5 110150 115155 120160 -10 6 5 7 10 140 140150 8 fllo 155 5 9 (a) 10 fl40 160 + 160-175 .5 (tf) 11 f!30 IfcO 5 12 130145 150165 .5 (a) 13 10512.5 110130 115135 120140 5 14 140170 150180 5 15 5 135157* 16 160 1S5~ 5 17 140175 7 18 110140 120 InO ir.o 160 140-170 3 19 125160 130170 135180 5 20 160 180 () 140 150 190 21 170 142192 4 22 110140 120140 ' 130140 23 170 t 21 25 1.115 - 110130 135 115140 s ^120 . 120150 145 125160 130170 "> 135180 .5 26 125 150 135160 6 27 .5 28 f200 29 30 +115 200 (a) 31 32 125 120145 (a) 95120 110135 33 140 10 />;, 34 145 1:50 160 140175 0*) 35 130 135 150 155170 i 36 37 105140 tl!5 155 [125-170 ', ,V 10 () f 110 145 ** 120 160 ft!35 - 180 i COUNTY BOROUGH SALARIES. Average Attendance County Boroughs. To 100 , 101 to 150 15l to 20Q ; 201 to 250 t 38 MAXCHESTEK * 120 120125 130130 130135 39 MIDDLESBROUGH *90 115 t90 150 40 NEWCASTLE-ON-TYNE * 100 120 110130 120135 1201421 41 NORTHAMPTON 75 90 f90 110 90120 42 NORWICH (A 90 I B 115 *115 135 100 125 43 NOTTIXGHAM * 110 44 OLDHAM { flOo 115 120140 110120 120-112! 110122! 125145 115125 45 OXFORD * 100 IK) 100140 120170 46 PLYMOUTH -75 (fixed) 90120 " 100 140 47 PORTSMOUTH *115 48 PRESTOX 120 f 95 *c in 1 1 o 100130 120 , 50 KOCH DALE * 110-130 115140 120115 51 ROTHERHAM 110 120 115 52 ST. HELENS N. S. 53 SALUORD *90 120 95125 100130 105135 54 S]l EEITELD . . * 105 140 110140 55 SOUTHAMPTON <'.M -135 100140 tlOO 155 110160 56 SOUTHPORT N. S. 67 SOUTH SHIELDS * 100 100 100 115 58 STOCKPORT 110 110115 110120 110125 59 Sl'N DKRLAND . . .. *100 125 60 TYNEMOUTH 110 150 61 AVALS ALL 1 A ' 100 - \ B 100 - 105 105 flOo 105 120 115 62 WARRIXGTON.. 100 120 105130 110140 63 AVEST U ROM \Y1CH .. 120 125 6-1 AVEST HAM 'MO 160 140180 t>5 AVi.s'r HARTLEPOOL.. *110 130 fllo 66 AVlGAN 90 110 100 120 67 AVoLYERHAMPTOX .. 110 120 120 68 AVORCESTER 80100 80110 90120 100 ( *80 110 90 120 100 69 YORK . . . . .. { f80 110 90 120 100130 WALES. 70 CARDIFF 100 150 f!30 71 NE-N POUT * 160 72 SWANSEA *100 110 110120 1 Certificated Assistant Masters. County Boroughs. I. II. *' 1 BARRONV-IX-FURXKS> 80 140 70 130 2 1> \TII iS '5 150 1 70 130 3 blKKKXHEAM . . . . 85 4 BIRMINGHAM .. .. 85 150 150 65120 75 15( 65120 75 Jot ) 65 120 f ) 65120 5 BLACK HURX .. .. 85 140 7" 140 6 BLACKPOOL .. .. 80 150 75120 75 12( ) 70100 7 BOLTOX .. ..80 150 70 150 8 B no 5 1 80 HO 70 95 G5 90 60 80 M. 5 (a), Ms. 2 A 19 85 120 60 90 75 110 60-- DO 5 () 20 75100 71100 65100 65100 60100 55100 M. 5, Ms. 3 21 68 100 56 80 56 SO (a) 22 60 100 55 !K) 28 70 100 60 DO 60 " 90 50 so 24 70 100 60 100 5 25 70 no GO 110 5 26 70 100 no 100 5 27 75 100 70 100 M. (), Ms. 5 28 7-") -110 75 105 65 95 65 90 6 (<(.) 29 75 S5 65 85 5 30 7"> 130 75115 i 70 125 70110 5 31 75 100 60 90 65 100 55 90 5 32 *70 DO GO 90 M. 0), Ms. 5 33 70 100 60 80 ' 65 100 55 80 M. 5, Ms. 3 ;;i 80 _ 110 ! 65 90 5 (a) 36 80100 70100 70100 70100 65100 60-100 M. 5, Ms. 5 bi r 75 90 30 l-j *90 115 70-75 62|-67| 70 75 *75 90 +90105 62J 67i 55 GO \ ( *75 100 65 75 *76 100 65 75 < 55 65 5 (a) 37 1 180110 +80110 38 75 110 50 85 5 39 70 100 60 90 65 100 60 90 5 (rt) 40 75 105 65 105 5 41 70 90 60 90 5 ( *70 75 55 60 *60 65 55- 60 5 42 f+80 - 100 +70 _ 100 43 65 100 55 70 50 65 I. 5, II. 2* 44 70 100 65 100 5 45 75 110 60 85 75 110 60 85 5 46 *65 100 65 100 M. () Ms. 5 47 70 100 70100 *60 80 45 65 5 48 65 105 60 95 60 90 5 49 75 100 *60 75 65 100 *60 75 (*) 50 70 110 *60 100 5 61 52 ,-,;; 75 75-110 G5 70110 110 105 5 110 ;GO - 85 60 70110 55 105 60 75 65 90 60 90 110 *50 85 9. f*70 - '.Ml' GO 90$ 60 70 5 (*) 54 | DO 0) io^>. 55 70 lo: 70 105 5 5fi 70 . 110 65110 65100 GO 90 -") 57 70 100 70- 95 GO !0 60 85 6 58 G5 110* 60 85| 55 | Hi)* 50 85f 5 59 75 . 110 70 90 (") 60 75 105 GO 105 .1 (il 62 75100 75115 70-100 70-105 56 loo G5 95 65 -100 65 no 60-lOD 55 KID 60100 55 90 M. (a), Ms. 5 63 70 100 70 90 C,5 90 65 S5 M. V), Ms. 5 j *80 130 70 ISO (',)( 64 1 170 10) <;:> 100 66 70110 80 110 70110 70 110 65- 110 /> 66 100 G5 90 5 (a) 496 COUNTY BOROUGH SALARIES. County Borough. Certificated As I. jistant Masters. II. 67 WOLVEBHAMPTON . . 851-50 80145 75140 80140 75135 70130 68 WORCESTER .. 80 130 75 130 69 YORK 80 140 75 140 WALES. 70 CARDIFF 80 100 70150 70 160 65130 71 NEWPORT .. j *80 to - 140 120 70100 70 95 80140 80120 75130 75110 70100 70 95 72 SWANSEA *80 135 75130 65 90 70130 65125 60 85 NOTES ON COUNTY BOROUGH SALARY SCALES. ABBREVIATIONS. Arc. zz: According. Accom. Accommodation. Adv. zz: Advanced. Ann. zz: Annual(ly). Assts. zz: Assistants. Av. att. Average attendance. Bi. = Biennially. Cert. Certificate^). Com. zz: Education Committee. Dept. zz: Department. Div. zz: Division. . Elein. zz: Elementary. Inc. zz: Increments. M. = Masters. Max. Maximum. Min. zz: Minimum. Ms. =z Mistresses. N.S. = No Scale. P.S. zz: Previous service. F.T. = Pupil Teacher. Sch. School. Tchr. zz: Teacher. Tr. = Trained. Un. con. zz: Scale under consideration. Untr. zz: Untrained. Yr. zz: Year. Scales for Cert. Assts. : I. indicates Tchrs. trained in a Training College. II. Tchrs. not trained in this manner. The columns represent the divisions into which Certificates were formerly divided. 1. BAHHOW-IN-FURNESS. Heads :* Initial salary, M. av. utt. 200, 170 to .210; Ms. av. att. 100, 95 to 115 ; Scha. below 200, M., 100 Ms. will be treated as special schs. At the end of each yr. 1 added for each additional 10 scholars in av. att. up to max.'of M. 220 to 260 ; Ms. 155 to 175, for scbs. with av. att. of 700. The figures given are for the max. av. att. of each grade. 2 per ann. for each P.T. Assts. in Higher Grade Sch. (Elem. Section), 10 above scale. Inc. 10. Cookery Ms. 70 to 90; Woodwork M., Head 170 to 210, Assts. (Cert.) 80 to 100 ; (Uncert.) 65 to 90. Inc. 5. 2. BATH. P.S. under any Authority considered. Heads :* Schp. under 100 av. att. specially considered, (a) Ann. inc. 5 to M. 200, Ms. 120 ; then M. 10, Ms. 5 for each completed 5 yrs. of service. Assts. : Intermediate 5, Degree 10 ex. p. a. Under special circumstances the salary of an untr. Tchr. may be raised to that of tr. Assts. 3. BIRKENHKAD. P.S. elsewhere coneidered. Heads: M. *Av. att. 451 t 650, t over 650. Addition of 10 to Head Tchr. of approved Dept. in which P.T's. are being trained. Degree 5 (Ms. 3 for L.L.A. or Higher Froebel). Head Tchrs must hold 1st or 2nd Div. Cert. Assts.: t Tchrp. cert, before Jan. 1st, 1891, having passed 1st yr.'s Cert. Exam, will be placed in this class. (a) Ann. inc. M. 5 to I. 130 (II. 120), then 10; f5 Ms. 5, t 5 Bi. 1st Div. Assts. (both parts) have one yr.'s service counted. Time beyond 2 yrs. at a Training College counts as service. 1st Asstp. in Mixed Dept. of 500 or more, tr., with 3 yrs.' experience and having obtained parchment, M. 110 to 150 by 5 to 130, then 10 ann. Ms. 100 to 125 by 5 ann., 5 extra to 1st Assts. in Dept. of over 250, 3 for Matric., or Preliminary of Liverpool or Victoria University (Ms. L.L.A. or Higher Froebel). Degree 5, 1 for each of not more than 3 Advanced Science Certs. Untr. Tchrg. in Div. 3 who pass one of specified exams, shall be raised to the next class. CERTIFICATED ASSISTANTS. I 1 .)' Certificated Assistant Mistresses. I. II. Annual Increase. 67 75110 70-105 65100 70100 65 95 60 90 5 (a) 68 65 100 60 100 5 and 10 () 69 70 100 65 100 5 70 70 - 130 60120 60 130 50110 M. (a), Ms. 5 71 (*70 - 110 60 85 70110 65100 60 85 M. (), Ms. 5 It70 100 60 75 70100 65 85 60 75 72 *65 105 65100 55 65 60100 55 95 50 60 M. (), Ms. 5 4. BIRMINGHAM. Heads : M., * av. att. about 375, f M. of Mixed Dept. of class- room sens, of about 600, % about 700. Ms. * Girls or Mixed, t Infants' Schs. Assts. : (#) M. Ann. ine. 10 if cert. 5 yrs. Tchre. tr. 3 yrs. commence ,5 above min. 1st Assts. M. 100 to 160 by 10 ann. (Boys' Schs.), 100 to 185 by 10 ann. (classroom schs.), Ms. 85 to 115 (Girlb' und Infants' Schs.), 85 to 130 by 10 ann. (Girls' Dept. of classroom schs ), Ms. Cert, on 1st yr.'s papers before 1891, rise to max. of 80. Assts. Science Demonstrators, M. 100 to 155 (1st Aests. 130 to 190). Manual Instruc- tors, 80 to 130 ; Aastn. do., 75 to 100 ; Cookery Ms,, 70 to 90. Tchrs. of Mentally Defective Children Asst. MB., tr., 80 to 110; unir., 70 to 100 ; Tchrs. in charge of schs., 10 extra. 5. BLACKBURN. 10 p. a. for Degree, or 1st Class Drawing and three 1st Class Adv. Science or other approved Certs. P.S. elsewhere considered. Heads must be Cert, in 1st or 2nd Div., 3 for each male P.T. recognised by the Board of Education. Assts : () 5 to M. 120, Ms. 90, then 10. 3rd yr.'s training counts as service. 6. BLACKPOOL. P.S. in same capacity counted in fixing commencing salary. Heads : M. *Av. att. 401 to 600, f 601 to 800, + over 800. Assts. .-Senior Assts. in schs. with av. att. over 400 5 above scale. 7. BOLTON. Heads : M. under 100 av. att. specially considered, * 100 to 125, 1 126 to 249, + 250 to 399, 400 to 499, | 500 to 599, 250 to 280 ; 600 to 699, 280 to 320; 700 and over, 320 to 350. Ms., * Girls or Mixed, t Infants' Sobs. Av. att. to 125; + 126 to 199. Assts. : 3rd yr.'s training- counts as service. P.S. considered. M. in Depts. of over 500 av. att. a Senior Asst. may be appointed 2nd M. at a salary of 135 to 175 by 10 ann. () Inc. to untr. Tchrs. is 10 in 5th and 6th yrs. of service. 8. BOOTLE. When a Tchr. has served 11 yrs. under Authority salary will be favourably reconsidered. Additions: 5 for Degree (or L.L. A. Asst. Ms., Art. Class Tchr.'s Cert. Asst. M.), 3 for full "D,'' or 10s. for each subject in which qualified (or 1 10s. for Cert, of qualification to earn Drawing grants, Heads), 1 for each of not more than 3 Adv. (or Training College) Science Certs. Heads : Basis Accom. not av. att. * Under 300 accoin. f Over 300. Assts. : 1st Assts. M. 100 to 150 ; Ms. 70 to 115 ; 2nd Assts, M. 90 to 140 ; Untr. Ms. serving in Boys' Depts. (other than Junior) and 2nd Assts. shall rank as tr. (a} Inc. for 1st and 2nd. Assts., tr. tclirs., and those with Univ. qualifications, 10 ann., reaching 100. 9. BOURNEMOUTH. Heads : (#) Ann. inc 10 if Tchr. has had 15 yrs.' experience in the Borongh as Head. Ms. * Av. att. under 140, f over 140. P.. under any Authority may be counted. 10. BRADFORD. This scale is und. con. Heads : Sobs, under 100 av. alt. specially considered. *Av. att. 100 to 224 ; t M. 225 to 400, Ms. 225 to 300; I M. over 400, Ms. over 300 ; 10 above scale in schs. of .special difficulty. () Max. to be increased by 5 after 10 yrs.' satisfactory service as Head, 10 after 15 yrs., 15 after 'JO yrs., and 20 after 3<> yrs., but no salary shall be increased by more than '_'() in 1 yr. Assts. : * Tchrs. in this class may rise' to the next on obtaining full " D " and 2 teaching Certs, for (Science subjeets. (Ms. may substitute Froebel for one of Sc. Certs.). Time beyond ^ yr*- at a 1!)8 NOTES ON COUNTY BOROUGH. SALARY SCALES. Training College counts as service. 10 above min. for 1st Class Degree, 5 for 2nd Class. Salary of Tchr. of special merit may, after 5 yrs. at max. of grade, be speciallv considered from time to time. Assts. in Special Schs., M. 100 to 160, Ms: 80 to 130. 11. BRIGHTON. Heads : *Av. att. 150 to 230. f Over 230. Head Tchrs. must be tr., but any Tchr. who has passed London Matric. or equivalent, and any Asst. who has been 12 yrs. in the service of ths late Board, shall rank as tr. Assts. : 1st Assts. (tr.) in schs. over 150 av. att. rise to 15 (in Boys' Schs.) and lO (Girls' and Infants') above scale. Tchrs. having passed Matric., or equivalent rank as tr. Tchrs. with parchment, commence 10 above scale. Tr. Agsts. receive 10 for B.A. or B.Sc., and 5 for Intermediate.. Cookery Ms., 80 to 110. Manual Instructors. Director, 120 to 170; Chief Instructor, 100 to 125 ; Assts., 80 to 95. Inc., 5 per ann. 12. BRISTOL. Heads :(a) After 1st 7 yrs. as Head inc. of 10, and after 12 yrs. further inc. of 5, in addition to the max. salary of each grade. Assts. : (a) Ann. inc. M. 5 to 100, then 10 ; Ms. I. 2| to 90, then 5, II. 5. 13. BURNLEY. P.S. under any Authority considered. Heads: * Fixed salary. M. av. att. under 500 90 to 130, over 500 110 to 150, plus 4s. per unit in av. att., max. not to exceed 300. Ms. av. att. under 200 70 to 90, over 200 75 to 95, plus 2s. per unit in av. att., max. not to exceed 140. The figures given are for the max. av. att. of each grade. M. fav. att. 500 to 600, 230 to 270 ; 600 to 700, 250 to 290 ; 700 and over, 270 to 300. Assts. .-(a) Inc. I. max. to be reached in M. 10 yrs., Ms. 6 yrs., II. 5 ann. Tr. or untr. Assts. holding Science or Art Degree commence at M. 90, Ms. 80, and reach max. in M. 9, Ms. 5 yrs. 14. BUIITON-ON-TRENT. Heads : Ms. * This is the scale for Girls' or Mixed Schs. Max. for Head Ms. of Infants' Schs. 10 less in each grade. Assts. : * Tchrs. in this class may be promoted to the next on obtaining specified certs., and the commencing salary will be 5 higher for Tchrs. with parchment, and 10 if with parchment and 3 yrs.' experience since certification. Additional pay- ments to the amount of 15 for certain qualifications, including Art Class Cert., full "D," Pitman's Shorthand Cert., 1st Class Adv. Science Certs., Matric., or Degree (and for Ms. L.L.A. and in Infants' Schs. Froebel Cert.). 15. BURY. Heads : Tchrs. with 10 yrs.' service and over begin 10 per ann. above the min. Where av. att. is affected by epidemic the av. shall be increased as the Com. consider just. M. * Untr. Tchrs. 10 below scale. Ms. * Infants', t Mixed Schs. Assts. : P.S. recognised. 16. CANTERBURY. Assts. : Untr. Tchrs. with at least 3 jrs.' practical experience, and holding Degree, rank as tr. 17. CHESTER. Assts. : 1st Assts. in schs. of 200 and over av. att. 5 above scale. 5 for Degree (due regard being had to practical ability as Tchrs.). 18. COVENTRY. Degree 10. Heads : Addition of Is. per unit in av. att. (subject to vote of Com.) ; 3rd Div. Head Tchrs. 10 less than scale. Ms. * Head Ms. of Infants' Schs. 5 below scale. Assts. : M. (a) Ann. inc. I. 5, II. 5 to 100, then 5 bi. 19. CROYDOX. Heads :* Basis accom. not av. att. P.S. may be counted at discretion of Com. Assts. : 5 for Intermediate and a further 5 on obtaining Degree. Ms. 5 for Lower Froebel and further 5 for Higher Froebel Cert. Tchrs. tr. 3 yrs. commence as at 2nd yr. of service, (a) M. Ann. inc. 10 for Div. 1 and 2 Tchrs. who have been 3 yrs. in the service of the Authority. 20. DERBY. Heads : * Max. scale only adopted. Salaries of Head Tchs from all sources are subject to the max. quoted, (a) No scale of inc. adopted. The granting of any inc. is within the discretion of the Com. M. f Av. att. 401 to 600, J601 to 900, over 900. Ms. t Girls or Mixed, J Junior or Infants' Schs. A. att. 401 to 600. 21. DEVONPORT. Assts. : M. in charge of Dockyard Class, 10 above scale' After 3 yrs.' service untr. Tchrs. of 1st and 2nd Div. rise to the next grade, (a) Ann. inc. M. 5 to 110, then 10, Ms. I. 1st and 2nd Div. 3; 3rd Div. and II. 2. In schs. over 300 av. att., 1st Assts. may be appointed. Min. and max. salary fixed on appointment, inc. 10, but no inc. will be NOTES ON COUNTY BOROUGH SALARY SCALES. 499 fiven for special qualifications. P.S. considered. Tchrs. tr. 3 yrs. commence 5 above scale. 10 for Matric., Degree, or Art Class Tchrs.' Cert., max. of Tchr. who passes the whole of these exaniP. will be M. 180, Ms. 140. 22. DIDLEY. This scale applies to new appointments only. Head Ms. :* Max. for Head Ms. of Infants' Schs. 10 less in each grade. 23. EXETER Possession of Degree or Art Master's Cert, counts for an increase of salary. Heads : f Over 300 av. att. specially fixed. Assts. : Untr. Tchrs. may rank as tr. on sufficient reason being shown, but 3rd Div. Tchrs. remain one grade lower than that to which service would raise them, except by permission of Com. 24. GATESHEAD. Heads: Basis accoin., not av. att. The various scb.s. in the Borough have been divided into grades as follows : *M. Junior Schools, Ms. , Accom. about 100 to 150; tAccom. M. 200 to 300, MB. 150 to 230; JM. 300 to 400, Ms. 230 to 300 ; M. over 400, Ms. over 300. Assts. : Tchrs. tr. 3 yrs., or with Degree, 5 above scale. In Mixed Scha. under M., the Asst. Ms. responsible for needlework shall receive from 5 to 10 extra according to the number of girls. P.S. elsewhere considered. 25. GLOUCESTER. Heads .-Max. salary to be 10 more if Tchr. has obtained Art Class Tchr.'s Cert., or 3 1st Class Adv. f-cience Certs. (M. 2 Certs, in Inorganic Chemistry and 1 in Physiology : Ms. 2 Certs, in Hygiene and Physiology, and a practical Cert, in Physiology from Science Master). Assts. : Max. shall be 120 M., 90 Ms., unless Tchr. has obtained full '-D" or 2 Adv. Science Certs., and is qualified to teach Drill or Music. 26. GREAT YARMOUTH. *Head Ms. of Infants' Schs. 5 below scale. 27. GIUMSHY. Heads: Untr. Tchrs. commence 10 below scale. M. * Junior Boys, f Senior Boys, (a) Ann. inc. 10 to *180, f 200, then 5. Axsts. : M (ff) Ann. inc. 5 to 100, then 10. 28. HALIFAX. Heads:* No scale for Head Tchrs. Salaries fixed individually, each case on its merits. Present max., M. 240, Ms. 150. fHead of Higher Elem. Sch. Assts. : (a) After 7 yrs.' service inc. may be at the rate of 10 per ann. at the discretion of the Com., subject to excellent reports. 1st Assts. in schs. of 200 and over av. att. 5 above scale, 5 addition to min. for 3 yrs.' training. 10 per ann. for Honours or 1st Class Degree, 5 for Pass Degree. 3 to 6 extra to Ms. employed in Boys' Depts. This scale applies to Council Schs. only. A much lower scale has been adopted for Voluntary Schs. 30. HASTINGS. P.S. elsewhere considered. Heads: * Basis av. roll, not av. att. tav. roll 150 to 275, jover 275. (a) Ann. inc. *5, f and + 5 to M. 1 SO Ms. 160, then 10. An addition of 10 for each 10 yrs.' service after max. is reached. 4 ann. for the instruction of one P.T., Probationer, or Candidate who passes the exam, of H.M.I., 7 for 2, 10 for 3, and 3 for each additional one. Grants on examination to be divided between Tchr. and P.T. 31. HUDDERSFIELD. Heads : * Salaries are revised ann. inc. granted only by the direct vote of the Com. Axsts. : P.S. elsewhere counted as service under Aiithority. Degree (or Froebel, Infants' Ms.) 5. Tchrs. tr. 3 yrs. commence C5 above seals. 32. IPSWICH. * Tchrs. tr. one yr. min. 5 less. Untr Head Tchrs. min. 10 less. Degree counts as 2 yrs.' training, Inter, as one yr. Heads ; Basis Accom. not. av. att. M f Higher Elem. Sch. Ms. *Girls or Mixed, flnfants' Scbs , I Accom. to 165, $200 to 22.') (a) Ann. inc. 5 (*accom. to 200, fto 225) 6 1 10, then 10 (accom. to 300), 10 (over 300). Assts. : (a) Ann. inc. 5 to 6 1 10, then 10. 1st Assts. M. 110 to 150, Ms. 80 to luO (in Mixed Schs. 90 to 110). Higher Elem. Sch., 1st Assts. M. .135 to 160, Ms. 110 to to 130; 2nd Assts. M. 125 t> 150, Ms 80 to 100; 3rd Asst. M. 110 to 140; Ann inc. 10. Other Assts. M. 105 to 140, Ms. 75 to 95 ; if tr. one yr. min. 5 less, if untr. min. 10 less throughout. .T3. KiNusroN-ON-HuLL. Heads : M. * Boys' Schs., f Schools over 500 accom., Ms. * Girls' Schs., f Junior,and Infants' Schs. 34. LEEDS. Heads : M. * Junior Schs. H Other Schs., av. att. to 200. fAv. att. 401 to 600, J601 to 800, $over 800. () Revision bi. inc. MX) NOTES ON COUNTY BOROUGH SALARY SCALES. granted on vote of Com. after consideration of reports on sch. work. Manual Instructors Head M. 100 to 130 and 100 to 160 (10 extra if in Secondary Schs. Head Ms. of Special Scbs. 100 to 130. Assts. : P.S. considered, (a) After 6 yrs.' service ann. inc. may be 10 at the discretion of the Com. Assts. who have been 5 yrs. at max.* may have their salaries increased at the discretion of th^ Com. I. 5 for Degree or 3 yrs.' College training, 10 extra to Assts. in Elem. Dept. of Secondary Sch. Tchrs. -without qualifications to teach Drawing, Singing, Hand and Eye work, and Physical Exercises will be expected to attend classes (in not more than 2 subjects at the same time) for one session in order to obtain Certificates. Asst. Manual Instructors 70 to 100, Cookery Ms. 60 to 90. 35. LEICESTER. Heads: T&. *Av. att. 401 to 600, f601 to 850, J over 850. Ms. * Av. att. to 175, 1 176 to 300. Assts. : 1st Assts. in schs. with av. att. of 400, M. (350, Ms.) 10, M. (5, Ms.) above salary on appointment to M. 165 (or 175 in schs. with av. att. of 800 and over), Ms. 115 by 4 ann. 36. LINCOLN. Heads : * No scale is published. Each Head Tchr. receives an intimation of his or her max. salary, apart from strict considerations of uv. att. or accom. Assts.: * Tchrs. with 3 yrs.' experience, f Tchrs. with 6 yrs' experience. Max for untr. Tchrs. may be increased by special resolution. After each 3 yrs.' satisfactory service Assta. rise to the next higher grade. Tchrs. tr. I yr. and untr. Tchrs. who have not served as P.T.s rank one grade lower. A 3rd yr. of training counts as a year of service. Assts, in Higher Elem. Schs. 10 above scale. Assts. are not entitled to any increase after 3rd yr. unless they have obtained 3 specified qualifications. Success in specified examinations raises Tchr. one or two grades, according to exam. 37. LIVERPOOL. Heads :!&. *Min. size Seniors 150, Ordinary 160; f Seniors 180, Ordinary 200 ; + Seniors 220, Ordinary 250 ; Seniors 270, Ordinary 320 ; || Seniors 350, Ordinary 420. Schs. of less size will be specially considered. Scsilo for Mixed Schs. under Principal If min. size 600, ** 1,000, tt 1,500, 345 to 410 ; 2,000, 370 to 440 by 10. Ms. A. Junior or Infants. * Min. size 160, t320, J420. B. Girls' or Mixed. $ Min. size Seniors 160, Ordi- nary 160 ; || Seniors 180, Ordinary 200 ; If Seniors 220, Ordinary 250; ** Seniors 270, Ordinary 320 ; tf Seniors 350. Ordinary 420. (a) Ann. inc. M. 5 for * 4 yrs. ; f, j, and If, 5 yrs ; and **, 3 yrs. ; || and ft, lyr. ; and then 10. Ms. *, $, ||, and If, 5; f and ** 5 for 6 yrs. (+ and ft, 5 yrs ) ; and then 10. No reduction shall be made in a Tchr.'s salary by reason of a diminution in the size of the sch. unless the av. att. falls to the extent of 5 per cent, below the min. size fixed by the scale, and where the nominal accom. falls short of min. in the case of a Tchr. who has been in charge of the sch. for at least 3 yrs., 7J percent. Note A Head Tchr., after reaching the highest amount specified in the scale for the sch. in which he or she is serving, shall receive a further sum of 5 per ann. for each 5 yrs. of approved service subsequently completed. Additions 3 for full " D " or 2 Adv. Science Certs. 5 for full ' D " and one Adv. Science Cert. 6 for Art Class Tchr.'s Cert. 3 for Matric. 5 for Inter. (Ms. L.L.A., or Higher Froebel Cert.). One half the amount of Superannuation contribution. 3 for each male and 2 10s. for each female candidate P.T. or candidate. 2 for each male and 1 10s. for each female P.T. 3 for each P.T. passing the King's Scholarship in the 1st or 2nd Div. or equivalent exam. 5 to a Head Ms. in a ech. which consists of two or more independent depts., and who is entrusted with the duties assigned to a Head M. by the General Rules. Assts. : f" Tchr. with 3 yrs.' experience and 1st Div. in Cert. Exam. All Tchrs. rise to next higher class after 3 yrs.' service. A 3rd yr. of tr. counts as a yr. of service. Success in certain exams, raises the class of Cert. Additions 3 for full " D," 2 Adv. Sciences or Matric. 5 for Inter. Degree (Ms. L.L.A., Higher Froebel), &c., and. 7 per ann. to an Asst. Tchr. appointed to give the whole of the demonstrations to Standards V. and upwards in the Science subjects prescribed by the Syllabus of Science Instruction. 1st Assts. (being Tchrs. in Class *) 5 above Scale. 1st M. (Claris * tr.) in Mixed Sch. under Principal, rnin. .size, 600, 130 to 170 (1st Ms. 100 to 130) ; 1,000, 135 to 180 (Ma. 105 to 140) : 1,500, 145 to 190 (Ms. 115 to 155 by 5 for 6 yrs , then 10) ; 2,000, 155 to 200 by 5 for 5 yrs., and then 10 (Ms. 125 to 170 by 5 for 5 yrs., then 10). (a) An Asst. Tchr., after reaching the highest amount specified in the scale for the class in which he (or she) is serving, shall receive a further sum of 5 NOTES ON COUNTY BOROUGH SALARY SCALKS. per ana. for each 5 yrs. of approved service subsequently completed. M., 1. t Inc. 10 after 5 yrs.' service. ; Scale tor T< hr.-. certificated in 1906 or after, AI. tr. 90 to lo6: Ms. tr .70 to .110. Inc. .3 aim. M. untr.,.iiiin. 7"); .Ms. untr., min. '>0, rising to next class, &<., as. above. Also additional payments as above. 38. MANCHESTER. Heads : ~* Fixed salary. M. 120 to 175, Ms. 80 to 110. Additions -For the first 300 iu av. att. M. 4s., Ms. 2s. per unit; for the newt 100 M. 3s., Ms Is. 6d. ; and for each unit over 400 M. 2s., Ms. Is. lo for higher principal grant, 5 for lower principal grant, 2 per ann. for each P.T. recognised by the Board. Note Initial total salary not to be less than M. 160, Ms. 120 (130 in schs. over 1,30 av. att). (The figures given are for the max. av. att. of each grade.) (a) Inc. M. 15 (Ms. 10) after 5 yrs.' service, another 15 M. (10 Ms.) after 10 yrs., and a further 25 M. (10 Ms.) after 1.3 yrs. Assts. /Additions 5 for special Cert*. ; 10 for 1st Degree, 15 for Higher Degree. 39. MIDDLESBROUGH. Heads: M. * Grade A, f Grade B, j Grade C. Ms. * Somll Schs., t Larger Sehs., J Max. for Higher Grade fSch. Assts.; (#) Ann. Inc. M. 1st and 2nd Div. 5 to 100, then 10. 40. NEWCASTLE-ON-TYNE. Heads :* Basis accom. not av. att., Ms. (a) Ann. inc. C 7': for 2 yrs., then 5 (under 150 accom.), 7| (over 150). Assts. : P.S. counted by reckoning 5 f the completed yrs. of service in the same capacity, but not exceeding max. of scale. 1st Assts. M. 150 to 160, Ms. 10;} to 110. 41. NORTHAMPTON. P.S. elsewhere may be considered. Heads: * Basis not av. att. JAs. :f Girls' Schs. Max. for Head Ms. of Infants' Schs. 10 less each grade (ac< -oni. over 150). 42. NORWICH. Head* : A. Tchrs. with less than 5 yrs.' experience as Head. B. Tchrs. with over 5 yrs.' experience. C. Tchrs. with over 10 yrs.' experience. (Grade C applies only to Tchrs. in schs. over 325 av. att., and to Central Hall Schs. Head Tchrs. may be raised to this grade after 10 yrs.' satisfactory service.) Min. salary ot Grade A, Untr. Tchrs., 5 below scale. Head Ms. of Infants' Schs., 10 les-t than scale. * Av. att. under 225, t 225 to 325, t over 32.3, ^ Central Hall Schs. Assts. : * Tchrs. without Parchment, t with Parchment. Tchrs. with Degree commence 5 above scale, if with Inter. 3. Tchrs. obtaining Degree while in service of Authority receive bonus of 10 (and Ms. 5 for Higher Froebel). Such Tchrs. (alto those who have matriculated or hold Lower Froebel) will rank as tr. ; 3rd yr's. training counts as service. In special cases max. may be increased to M. 150, Ms. 120, but there shall not be more than 3 M. and 3 Ms. in this special class. 43. NOTTINGHAM. Heads : * Basis accom. not av. att. Bonus not exceeding 10 for Highest Grant. M., t Av. att. 500 to 599, 260 to 270 ; 600 and over, 280 to 290. Higher Elern. Sch.. M. 300 to 350 by 10 ann , Ms. C2ou to 220, by 5 aim., 10 extra to Head Tchrs. of " Special Difficulty" (Note : Head Tchrs. in Voluntary Schs. with an av. att. of less than 200 are paid on the scale for principal Assts.). Assts. : Salary shall not be in- creased beyond M. 95, Ms. 85, unless excellent reports received. After 2 yrs.' excellent service at the max. of each grade Tchrs. shall be promoted to the next higher grade, subject to special reports for excellent work; 5 extra to Tehrs. iu "Special Difficulty" Schs., 5 extra for certain qualifications. Principal Assts. (holdiug Parchment) in schs. with accom. over 300, M. 100 to 150, Ms. 90 to 120. Higher Elem. and Science Centres : Senior A.^K, M. 100 to 150, Ms. 90 to 120; Principal Assts., M. 120 to fKii', Ms. t:iOOto130. Cookery and Laundry Tchrs. (both qualifications) 60 to <:s3, by 5 ann.; other Asstj. 10 to <;:> by fifrbi.; \Yoo.j\vork A-I. Instructors 7-3 1> l' (| 3 b> 1-3 ann. 44. OL]>HAM.-//,,/,/V; M. , jjir.i) to 220; .3.31 to (U)(). ei60 (101 to (i.3(), L'Ui.3 to G-J:K); C.,31 to Too, 165 to _':;:> ; 71 to 7-30, l7o i<> 2-10 ; 7.31 to 800, 170 to {J21.3; 801 to 850, 17-3 to 2-30. Ms. J Mix,,l - t Girls' and Infants' Schs.. Asats. : Tchrs. tr. 3 yrs. commence 5 above soale. Untr. Tchrs. rank as tr. on obtaining Degree. .3 extra for Dt .. . Klcm. Drawing Cert. (Ms. 2 for Froebel) ; Cert. Ms. in charge Infant^' class in a Mixed Dept. <"> abu\. P.S. 502 NOTES ON COUNTY BOROUGH SALARY SCALES. in other schs. may be counted in fixing commencing salary. Supply Tchrs. and Tclirs. in Special Schs., 5 above scale. Asst. Manual Instructors 60 to 100, by 5 for 2 yrs., then 10. 45. OXFOK.D. P.S. under any Authority may he counted at discretion. Annual increase granted 1st Jan., April, July, or October. Heads: *No fixed number taken in grading, but grades are applied roughly to av. att,, as indi- cated. Assts. : Max. of a 1st Asst. may be increased by 10. 46. PLYMOUTH. Heads : M. (a) Ann. inc. Av. att. to 150, 5 ; 150 to 450, 10 to 200, then 5 ; av. att. over 45<>, 10 to 205, then 5. Basis av. 110. on roll, not av. att. Assts. : * Scale applies only to Tclirs. appointed before November, 1906; scale for future Tclirs. mid. con., also salaries in Special Schs. (a) Ann. inc. M. 5 to 100, then 10. 5 extra p. a. for Degree. 47. 'PORTSMOUTH. Heads : *Av. att. to 320, M. f321 to 480, Ms. f 321 to 550, M. J480 to 550, oyer 550. (a) In addition to scale, inc. of M. 10, Ms. 7 after 10 yrs.' service, and 5 for each succeeding period of 6 yrs. up to 25 yrs. P.T. Grant divided between Head Tchr. and P.T. Assts. : 2nd Assts. in schs. over ,320 accom. M. 155 to 165, Ms. 105 to 110. * Untr. Assts. (2nd and 3rd Divs.) receive the following additions subject to satis- factory service : 5 after each 5 yrs.' continuous service up to 10 yrs. (3rd Div.), 20 yrs. (2nd Div.). 48. PBESTON. P.S., efficiency, and qualifications considered. Heads : Ms. * Infants Ms. 5 less than scale throughout. Additions: M. 4, Ms. 1 for each complete 10 of av. att. above f 150, M- 2, Ms. 1 for each 10 above J 200, $ 350, || 400. 3 for each male P.T., and 2 for each female P.T. 49. READING. Heads : * Basis not altogether av. att. Salaries in Council Schs. fixed ace. to size of sch, and circumstances; Voluntary Scbs. fixed ace. to av. att. M. f Schs, of 500 to 600 215 to 245 ; 600 to 700 230 to 260 ; over 700 245 to 275. Assts. /Degree 10. Tchrs. tr. 3 yrs, commence 5 above scale. 1st Assts. tr- M. 95 to 160, Ms. 85 to 110; untr- M. 85 to 160, Ms. 70 to 110. * Tchrs. in this class shall be raised to th next on obtaining one of certain specified qualifications, (a) Ann. inc M. 1st and 2nd Div. 5 to 120, then 10. An additional 5 p. a. is granted for each complete 5 yrs. service after reaching max. 50. ROCHDALE Heads : The various Schs. in the Boro' are divided into Grades. * Grade I., t II., j HI., IV., || V. After 3 yrs.' service further inc. only granted for noticeably able and efficient service, &c. Salary of Ms. in Grade I. 10 above salary as Asst. Assts. : P.S. in t-imilar capacity con- sidered in fixing commencing salary. Untr. Tchrs. mark time for 1 yr. at M. 115, Ms. 90. Asst. M. in Higher Rlem. Sch. 80 to 140, Ms. 70 to 110 ; iac. 5 ann. Max. increased by 5 for Matric., a second 5 for Int. or L.L.A., and a further 10 for Degree. Supply Tchrs., M., 35s., Ms. 30s. weekly. Cookery Ms. 70 to 100. Manual Instructors, 70 to 120 by 5 ann. 51. ROTHERHAM, Assts. :(a} M. tr. ann. inc. 5 to 110, then 10. Untr., 5 ; Ms. 5 (Untr. 3rd Div. 2|). Tchrs. tr. one yr. commence 5 less, 3 yrs. 5 more. 1 r. with B.A., B.Sc., or full A.M.C. 10 more. P.S. considered. Tr. tchrs. who have not served as P.T's. or had other adequate experience com- mence 5 less ; Tchrs. tr. one yr. will not rise beyond 130 M., 90 Ms., with- out very special recommendation, and 3rd Div. tr. Tchrs. beyond M., 110, Ms. 90. Untr. Tchrs. with at least 6 yrs.' experience, and with Degree, shall rank as tr. Untr. Ms., Divs. 1 and 2, rise from 90 to 105 on special recommenda- tion. 52. ST. HELENS. Assts. : (a) No ann. inc. Revision in April and October. 53. SALFOBD. P.S. considered. Heads :* Fixed salary M. 120 to 175, Ms. 80 to 110. Additions For each of the first 300 scholars in av. att. M. 4s., Ms. 2s. per unit ; for the next 100 M. 3s., Ms. Is. 6d. ; and for each unit over 400 M. 2s., Ms. Is. 10 for Higher principal grant, 5 Lower principal grant. 2 for each P.T. or Candidate. Note. The initial salary shall not be less than M. 160, Ms. 120 ; but a Head Ms. of a sch. under 120 av. att. shall receive not less than 110, or more than 120. (The figures given are for the max. av. att. of each grade.) (a) Inc. M. 15, Ms. 10 after 5 yrs.' service, another 16 M., 10 Ms., after 10 yra., and a further 25 M., 10 Ms. NOTES ON COUNTY BOROUGH SALARY SCALES. 503 after 15 yrs. Assts. : 3rd yr.'s training; counts as service. *Tchrs. in this class will be raised to the next on passing specified exams. 10 for B.A. or B.Sc. ; ,-15 for higher Degree, or 1st Degree with 1st Class Honours ; 5 for passing certain specified exams. 54. SHEFFIELD. P.S. at the rate of 5 per ann. counted in fixing commencing salary. Heads : * This scale is for tr. Tchrs. Special and small sens, dealt with by separate resolution. M. f Max. increases 5 for each 50 in av att. to 280. Assts. .' Tchrs. appointed direct to Sheffield Schs. on leaving College commence o higher throughout. * Tr. Tchrs. who have not served as P.T's. commence 5 below scale. Tchrs. trained 1 yr. M. 75 to 110, Ms. commence 5 below scale. Tchrs. tr. 3 yrs. commence 5 above scale, or with Degree or Art. Master's Cert. 10 above scale. Untr. Tchrs. of at least 6 yrs.' practical experience and holding Degree, rank as tr. M. Selected Tchrs. may be appointed to Class B (Div. 3 Tchrs. are not eligible for appointment to this class without special recommendation) and to Class A (Tchrs. tr. 1 yr. not eligible for appointment to this class without very special recommendation). fMax. may be increased on special recommendation for good service to 130 (1st and 2nd Div.), or 110 (3rd Div.). Ms. J Salary of specially selected Assts. may rise to 105. Tchrs. ir. 1 yr. and untr. Tchrs. not eligible for appointment to this class except on special recommendation. On special recommendation for good service, salary may advance to 105. () Ann, inc. M. Classes A and B 10, Ms. untr. (3rd Div.), 2|. 55. SOUTHAMPTON. 2J for London Matric., 5 for Inter., 10 for Final. Meads: * Small schs., f Medium schs., J Large schs. Assts, : 1st Asst. M. may rise to 150; Ms. 110. Cookery Ms. 80 to 130 ; Manual M. 90 to 150, by 5 and 10. 56. SOUTHPORT. Assts. : P.S. elsewhere since certification counted. 5 p. a. for Degree, 3 for Inter. A.R.C.S., &c., and 1 for full " D " or for each of not more than three 1st Class Adv. Science Cert. 57. SOUTH SHIELDS. Heads : Basis accom. not av. att. * Schs. under 200 accom. M. 150 fixed, Ms. max. 100. t Accom. 201 to 270, + 271 to 340, $341 to 399, || 400 and over. No min. fixed. The figures given are the max. for each grade. Reduction of 10 when Dept. fails to obtain Higher principal grant. Assts, : 5 extra for each of the following : 3 yrs.' training Art Class Tchrs. or Art Master's Cert, Intermediate, and B.A. or B.Sc. (Ms. L.L.A.) 10 for B. Litt. Tchrs. with Parchment may commence 10 above scale. Untr. Tchrs. in the service of the Authority before May, 1904, having reached the max. of their grade, may be placed on the scale f or tr Assts. 58. STOCKPORT. P.S. may be counted at the discretion of ihe Com. Heads: * Fixed salary, M. 120 to 175, Ms. 70 to 1( 0, but min. total salary shall not ho loss than 110. Additions: For the first 300 in av. att., M. 4s., Ms. 2s. per unit ; for the next 100, M. 3s., Ms. Is. 6d. ; and for each unit over 400, M. 2s., Ms. Is. 10 for Higher and 5 for Lower principal grant. 2 for each P.T. or Candidate. (The figures given are for the max. av. at*, of each grade.) (a) Inc. M. 15 Ms. 10 after 5 yrs.' eorvice; another 15 M., 10 Ms. after 10 yrs. ; and a further 25 M., 10 Ms. after 15 yrs. Assts. :* This is the scale for Class B Tchrs., who must have received 3 marks of distinction at the Cert. Exam. Aests. specially appointed to Class A receive 10 in excess of salary on appr. (5 if at max. <>Y their class), rising to M. 160, Ms. 120. t 3rd Div. Tchrs. are only paid on this scale if specially appointed to Class C, otherwise their salary in Class D is M. 60 to 80, Ms. 40 to 65. 3rd Div. Teachers (Class C) are raised to . next higher grade after 10 yrs.' service. 5 per ann. for certain specified Certs., 10 for 1st Degree, 15 for Higher Degree. 59. SUNDERLAND. Heads : * Basis accom. not av. att. Assts. : (#) Ann. inc., M. 5 to 100, then 10 ; Ms. I. 2| to 80, then 5 ; II. 2. 60. TYNEMOUTH. P.S. in any Public Elem. Sch. counted in fixing commencing salary. Tchrs. holding or obtaining Degree shall receive 1 yr.'s advance on the scale. Heads : When av. att. falls through epidemic or other unavoidable cause, special consideration will be given. M. * Scale is 150 to 180 for/ 504 NOTES ON COUNTY BOROUGH SALARY SCALES. av. att. to 200, and 8s. for each unit in av. alt. above 200, max. in no case to exceed 230. (The figures given are for the max. av. att. of each grade over 200.) Assts. : Tchrs. tr. 3 yrs. commence 5 above scale. 61. WALLSALL. All arm. inc. are dependent on satisfactory report from the Director of Education. Heads: The various schs. in the Borough have been divided into different grades: * Grade 1, f Grade 2, J Grade 3, $ Grade 4. No sch. shall be placed in a lower grade while the same Head Tchr. is in charge. P.S. counted in fixing commencing salary. Ms. A. Girls' and Mixed Schs. ; B. Infants' Schs. Assts. : M, Senior Assts. may rise to 140. 62. WARRINGTON. Heads : f Salary for schs. over 500 av. att. specially fixed. M. () Ann, inc. 5 for 4 yrs., then 10. Assts. ;-*T<>:> Assts. : M (a) Ann. inc. 5 to 100, then 10 to UO, then 5 (1st and 2nd J)iv.). 3rd Div., 5. P.S. in other schs. considered. o for passing exam, of the University of Wales or London. Assts. in Hr. Elem. S:h., M., tlOO to 155: Ms., 80 to 125, by 5 to M. 110, Ms. 90, then 10 to M. 110, Ms. 110 ; then 5 to max. 71. NEWPORT. Heads: * Commencing salary fixed on appointment, (a) No ann. inc., each case considered individually. Applications for inc. must be made before the 1st March in each yr. Assts. : This is the late Sch. Board scale continued by the new Authority. * Grade A (Tchrs. showing special aptitude and skill may be placed in this class at discretion of the Authority). t Grade B (a) Ann. inc. M, Grade A, 1st and 2nd Div. 5 to 100, then 10 ; 3rd Div. and Grade B 5. Cert. Ms. tr. at a recognised Kindergarten College, and possessing Higher Froebel Cert., shall rank as tr. Extra payments (not exceeding 10 in all) maybe made for the following: 7 10s. for Degree or Art Masters' Cert. ; 5 for Art Class Tchrs. Cert. (Ms. Higher Froebel) or Matric. London (2 10s. elsewhere) ; 2 for 1st Class " D " (or M. Woodwork Adv.); 1 for M. Woodwork (Elem.); Ms. Elem. Froebel, or for each of not more than 5 1st Class Adv. Science Certs. Cert. Tchrs. who have not had 2 yrs.' training in a Public Elem. Sch will be engaged under Art. o I on probation. After 2 yrs.' service no advance will be granted to Ms. in Infants' Sch. who do not obtain a recognised Kindergarten Cert. 72. SWANSEA. * This is the scale of the late Sch. Board, adopted by the new Authority for Council Schs. only. Heads : Reduction in salary on account of a fall in the av. att. shall not exceed 5 in any one yr. Reduction of 5 if highest grant not obtained. Tchrs. who have rendered satisfactory service as Head Tchrs. under Authority for 10 yrs. M., 5 yrs. Ms., shall receive a sum of 10 M.. 5 Ms. per ann. in addition to scale, but total shall not exceed 250 M , 165 Ms. Assts. : M. (a) Ann. inc., I. 5 for 4 yrs., then 10 for 3 yrs., then 5 (1st Div.) ; 5 for 5 yrs., then 10 (2nd Div.). II. 5 for 6 yrs., then 10 (1st Div.) ; 5 for 7 yrs., theu 10 for two yrs., then 5 (2nd Div.). I. and II., 3rd Div., 5. Note: The above inc. are granted after 2 yrs ' service. 2nd Div. tr. Tchrs. having passed Matric. (London 1st or 2nd, elsewhere 1st) will rank as 1st Div. 5 for B. A. or B.Sc. Assts. in Higher Elem. Sch. 10 above scale. Chief Assts. in charge of Infants in Mixed Schs. where av. att. of Girls and Infants exceeds 100 receive addition of 10 if responsible for Girls' Sewing. P.S. elsewhere may by special resolution rank as service under Authority. 506 NON-COUNTY BOROUGH SALARIES Non-County Boroughs. Average At To 100 tendance 101 to 150 151 to 200 201 to 250 ' 1 ACCRINGTON.. * 120 170 130180 140190 150200 2 ASHTON-UNDER-LYNE 120150 140 170 160 f 3 ASTON MANOR 200 300 4 BACUP 110120 110130 120150 140180 5 BANBURY 135 165 150 ^00 6 BARNSLEY *150 210 7 BARNSTAPLE N.S. 8 BATLEY N.S. 9 BEDFORD N.S. 10 BERWICK-ON-TWEED 80100 120150 140190 180225 11 BEVERLEY .. 150 210 150 12 BEXHILL 120145 130200 13 BOSTON *160 14 BRIDGWATER * 100150 120170 140190 15 BRIDLINGTON *150 200 f250 16 BRIGHOUSE N.S. 17 BROMLEY 150 200 * 175 225 18 BURSLEM N.S. 19 BURY ST. EDMUNDS tHO 140 +130 -160 150180 20 CAMBRIDGE *160 280 21 CARLISLE 138 192 144 22 CHATHAM 160 200 185225 23 CHELMSFORD /-Af 150 i B 120 24 CHELTENHAM 140165 , s 155185 175205 25 CHEPPING WYCOMBE 26 CHESTERFIELD * 90120 *150 tlOO 130 +120150 140170 27 CHICHESTER * 28 CHORLEY 29 CLITHEROE * 160 14711724 155180 16211871 30 COLCHESTER. . * 100 170 150 31 COLNE 120 160 150 32 CONGLETON .. tHO 140 +150180 6190220 33 CREWE 34 DARLINGTON *120 150 *140 t!30 150 T150 180 250 170200 35 DARWEN 100120 120150 130180 140210 36 DEAL . . . . .' '. " 160 200 37 DEWSBURY *150 180 t!70 38 DONCASTER 140 170 170 39 DOVER . . . . \ . * 150165 160175 180200 40 DUKINFIKLD.. *120 160 160 41 DURHAM .. .[ \ #lf)0 180 f!80 220 42 BALING *120 160 150 200 180 43 EASTBOURNE 160200 1*0220 44 EAST HAM 175 190 45 EAST RETFORD *150 180 \ t!70 46 ECCLES *140 170 160190 47 FALMOUTH * 95 . . 115 48 FAVERSHAM N.S. 49 FOLKESTONE 100150 150180 *180 230 50 GlLLINGHAM *160 ^- 210 flSO >')l GLOSSOP 155 180 170 5'2 ORANTHAM .. 140 220 53 GRAVESEND .. 150 200 54 GUILDFOHD .. *108 140 t!24 Ki5 +.148200 156225 55 HAKROGATE * 150 150 150 200 56 HARTLEPOOL *120 150 f!25 175 +150200 57 HARWICH 100 150 110160 120170 58 HASLINGDKN 100120 120150 135150 150180 59 HEMEL HKMPSTEAD *100 135 120155 f 140 175 ! +160 60 HBKEFORD N.S. i For Explanation of Signs and Notes on Scales, see page 520. HEAD MASTERS. 507 251 to 300 301 to 350 351 to 400 401 to 450 451 to 500 Ann. Inc. i <: 1 160210 170220 180230 190240 200250 10 2 i 200 180 230 200260 5 3 4 180200 ' (a) 5 5 6 10 7 8 9 ! 10 200250 (a). 11 230 b 12 5 13 j 14 150200 i 5 (a) 15 300 10 16 17 200-250 225275 , 250300 275325 300-350 10 IS 19 5 20 5 21 204 156216 6 22 210250 220260 5 23 { - 220 1 200 j 10 24 195225 215250 5 25 26 ||150190 H160 200 180 1170215 5 5 27 28 170 '95 177|-202| 185210 188| 21 3| 192^217! 5 29 ("0 30 220 f200 270 1250320 10 31 200 160 220 180250 10 32 (a) 33 190225 210250 230-27.'. ;> 34 35 150220 160230 5 36 ;'? 37 200 5 38 216 ISO 21!.". 200275 5 39 20522:. 230250 5 40 200 200225 5 41 5 42 230 210275 fa) 43 185230 190240 * 195250 200260 205-270 5 44 175 210 * 175 235 1 180 260 10 45 200 180210 5 46 180210 200 2:;o 220250 240270 260-290 (a) 47 5 48 49 f220 250 5 50 240 200270 10 () 51 200 185 225 200250 5 () 52 10 53 5 54 55 P64250 200 mi 72 27.) ' 182 -300 200 WO f 250 270 5 5 (a) 56 250 1\\ MO 57 8 58 165180 180220 200-220 220 250 6 59 202 1SI 210 1 ( fl ) 60 )08 NON-COUNTY BOROUGH SALARIES. Average Attendance Non- County Boroughs. To 100 | 101 to 150 151 to 200 201 to 250 .C . 1! t! 61 HEYWOOD .. N.S. 62 HORNSEY *150 200 f200 63 HOVE 110150 * 160 200 tiso 225 64 HYDE *140 170 150 - 19Q 100 65 ILKESTON . . N S 66 J ARROW 160 200 67 K EIGHLEY N.S. 68 KENDAL 165 190 69 KlDDERMINSTF.R .. N.S. 70 KING'S LYNX *120 160 *170 71 KlNGSTON-ON-TlfAMKS looi ;,o 120-170 140190 160220 72 LANCASTER 16C 200 165205 73 LEAMINGTON *180 230 74 LEIGH 150 -180 160190 170200 75 LEWES N.S. 76 LONGTON *155 200 77 LoUGHBOROrGH *160 250 78 LOWESTOFT 150 200 79 LI-TON .7 160 200 80 MACCLKS FIELD 110140 140 170 170 81 MAIDENHEAD : * 100 82 MAIDSTONE . . !! , N.S. 83 MANSFIELD .. 140 190 84 MARGATE 160 225 85 MIDDLETON .. 110 110 120 170 tUO 190 8G MORECAMBE. . ( * 100 160 ' (t 90130 130 120 190 160 150 110 87 MORLEY N.S. 88 MOSSLEY .. i 120 150 150180 89 NELSON 150 90 NEWARK 150200 91 "NF: \VUUHY .. 170 92 NEWCASTLE -UNDER-LYAIE N.S.* 93 NEWPORT, I. W. . . 120 150 140170 1 GO -190 94 OSSETT .. 150 200 95 PEN/ANCE 130 160 160 180 96 PETERBOROUGH N.S. 97 PONTEFRACT .. ! 125 155 140175 155-190 98 POOLB .. 160 250 99 PUDSEY ! * 175 100 RAMSGATE .. 150 200 160 101 RAWTEN STALL 110120 110130 120150 140180 102 REIGATE *100 130 fllO 170 130 200 103 RICHMOND 123153 153 203 1832:.;; 104 ROCHESTHR . -155-1110 1 165 200 105 R-SDE, I.W *100 140 130160 150180 106 ST. ALBANS * 1 00 135 120155 f!40 175 107 SALISBURY .. 120150 130 220 108 SCARBOROUGH 180 4v 200 109 SHREWSBURY 130 150 170 190 110 SMETHWICKf 115 111 SOUTHEND-ON-SFA * S5 115 1 105 130 J115-145 $135105 112 STAFFORD .. 113 STALVBltlDGE 140 170 160 114 STOCKTON-ON-TEES 150 115 STOKE-ON-TUENT .. N.S. 116 SUTTON COLDFIELD 110-138 125153 150185 175210 117 SwiNDON m \ * 100 130 110140 120150 130160 118 TAUNTON * 11 0150 f 120 160 130180 150200 119 THORNABY-ON-TEE-S ! * 120 TIYERTON !! N.S. For Explanation of Signs and Notes on Scalea, aee page 520. HEAD MASTERS. 509 251 to 300 301 to 350 351 to 400 401 to 450 151 to 500 Ann. Inc. 73 5 74 180-210 190220 200230 210250 5 7. 76 77 78 5 79 160210 170220 180230 210260 5 & 10 () 80 200 200 230 230260 5 si 5 82 1 10 83 160 210 200 230 220250 81 85 +160210 170220 ||175225 H180 230 5 op i 210 100 220 5 ou '( 180 150 190 5 87 88 2.V 89 200 160 225 * 1 75 250 f200 275 id ( fl > 90 160210 170220 ISO 230 * 190- -240 200250 91 210 5 (a) 92 93 180200 C* 7 ) 94 ;-, 95 175200 185220 5 96 97 165205 175 220 185230 195-215 5 98 5() 99 100 210 1 75 225 5 (a) 101 180200 (aj 102 150230 5 103 (<0 101 +165210 ;1!)0 230 105 5 106 - 1 (jo 202 1S1 210 107 I 00 108 10!) 210 110 200 155 -210 10 (lastyr. 5) 111 ||155215 11175 2ir. / X 112 5 113 200 170 -230 5 00 111 200 160 210 -17(i 220 turn 210 115 116 200250 Crt 117 110 170 150180 160190 170 200 iso -210 10 118 II 119 120 t Smethwick became a County Borough, April let, 1907. 510 NON-COUNTY BOROUGH SALARIES. Average Attendance Non- County Boroughs. To 100 ! 101 to 150 151 to 200 201 to 250 j i i 121 TODMORDEN N.S. i 122 TORQUAY 160 175 180200 123 TRURO *- 124 TUNBRIDGE WELLS J 53 213 163 223 125 WAKEFIELD 120 200 150 126 WALLSEND *160 180 t200 127 WARWICK * 128 WEDNESBURY * 250 129 WENLOCK N.S. 130 WEYMOUTH *170 131 WHITEHAYEX 120 130 140170 170 132 WIDNES 150 175 160200 175 220 133 WIMBLEDON N.S. 134 WINCHESTER * 1-20 135 1 130 155 +150 185 f 170 195 135 WINDSOR 135175 155 200 175 136 WORKINGTON * 140 160 155 137 WORTHING 120160 130 170 140 138 YEOVIL N.S. WALES. 139 BANGOR * 140 CARMARTHEN *100 120 120150 150 f 141 MERTHYB. TYDFIL *125 200 t!50 142 NEATH N.S. | 143 PEMBROKE *100 107 tllO 117 1120-147 150167 144 WKEXHAM 280 (fixed) HEAD MISTRESSES. 1 ACCRINGTON *80 100 95115 100120 105125 2 ASHTON-UNDER-LYNE 80110 *95 130 100140 120170 3 ASTON MANOR *100 220 4 BACUP 70 90 80 110 5 BANBURY 100 125 120 145 6 BARNSLEY .. *110 130 7 BARNSTAPLE N.S. 8 BATLBY N.S. 9 BEDFORD N.S. 10 BBRWICK-ON-TWEED 80-110 90130 120150 11 BEVERLEY .. *100 100 120 100 12 BEXHILL 90115 *100 170 13 BOSTON 70 100 80120 14 BRIDGWAT 3R * 80120 90130 100140 15 BRIDLINGTON * 90 no tno 16 BRIGHOUSE N.S. 17 BROMLEY 120 160 < +1391 i"-'; >' 18 BURSLEM N.S. ( + ' -a '-2 19 BURY ST. EDMUNDS f 90110 J100 120 s s HO 135 20 CAMBRIDGE * 95 150 ! flOO 21 CARLISLE 96 126 102 22 CHATHAM 100 140 115155 23 CHELMSFORD J A 80105 ( B 70 90 * 85 75 110 : f!20 95 1 10 24 CHELTENHAM 80120 90125 100135 110140 25 CHEPPING WY*COMBK * 75 95 t 85105 t 95115 $100 125 26 CHESTERFIELD *100 115 27 CHICHBSTBR * 28 CHORLEY .. { f 85- 92 110 127* 100115 im 135 125142* 105120 110125 For Explanation of Signs and Notes on Scales, see page 520. HEAD MASTERS. 511 251 to 300 301 to 350 351 to 400 401 to 450 451 to 500 Ann Inc. 121 122 5 (a) 123 121 125 220 1 50 250 200 280 10 126 240 *10, to 127 128 12!) 130 260 i : 5 131 200 250225 (#) 132 i 200240 230260 5 133 134 5 (a) 135 220 195 250 5 136 180 170 200 185215 5 137 190 150200 5 138 139 140 5 141 250 200275 W 142 143 170_180 $ 200 31 144 ! i HEAD MISTRESSES. 1 110130 115135 120140 125145 130150 5 2 5 3 4 (a) 5 5 6 5 7 8 n 10 (*) 11 135 5 12 5 13 5 14 110150 5 (a) 15 150 10 16 17 I 1 57, 1 , -197* 1 145185 176^ 2 HI 1 , 157^-197* It 5 -235 i7<> 210 2135 25:;-} 2:12', -272} 182? 222} 19.! 235" 8 18 1!) 6 20 200 5 21 138 108150 6 22 130170 140180 5 150 A 5,t 7^, 23 130 H 5 24 130160 6 25 || 105 130 HI 10 140 4 26 110 120 110130 5 27 28 ( 132 .',150 \ 115130 HO 157i 120135" 1471165 125140 l.-.li |,;s : ; 155172} 13(1 -145 135150 t2J NON-COUNTY BOROUGH SALARIES. Average Attendance Non-County Boroughs. To 100 101 to 150 151 lo 200 201 to 250 '" 29 CLITHEROE * 120 t 135 30 COLCHESTER * 80104 .100 120 120 31 COLNB * 80 100 100140 32 CONGLETON * 80100 t 90110 +100 120 33 CREWE 80100 *110 130 t!30 150 140-160 34 DARLINGTON *100 180 35 DARWEN 75100 80110 85120 36 DEAL 90 122 37 PBWSBURY * 80 95 t 95 38 DOXCASTER * 85100 100 120 110 39 DOVER * 100125 115 135 40 DUKINFIKLD * 80 110 100 41 DURHAM f A 90105 ( B||80 95 *100 120 IT 85100 tlOO 130 ** 90105 +110130 42 BALING *100 120 110 130 120 43 EASTBOURNE . . * 100130 110150 44 EAST HAM 130 145 45 EAST RETFORD * 60 70 t 90-110 100120 46 ECCLES *100 122* 105 127i 1101321 1151371 47 FALMOUTH * 80 95" 48 FAVERSHAM N.-*. 49 FOLKESTONE 80120 110130 *120 150 50 GlLLINGHAM *100 130 f!20 51 GLOSSOP 80 110 52 GRANTHAM * 80120 t 90130 +.100140 53 GRAYESEND 110 135 54 GUILDFOUD * 88120 f!04 HO +128165 6136175 55 HARROGATE * 95 100 110 130 56 HARTLKPOOL * 70 90 tlOO 120 +100130 57 HARWICH 80 120 90 . 58 HASLINGDEN 75- 95 85105 90120 95 59 HEMEL HEMPSTEAD * 80101 90118 tlOO 135 j.115 - 60 HEREFORD N.S. 61 HEY woo]) N.S. 62 HORNSEV *120 150 floO 63 HOVE 100110 *100 130 f!20 140 64 HYDE 100120 110 130 120 65 ILKESTOX N.S. 66 J ARROW .. .. .. 110 130 67 KEIGHLEY N.S. 68 KENDAL . . . . 80 90 90100 95110 100120 69 KIDDERMINSTER .. .. N.S. 70 KING'S LYNN * 80 110 flOO 71 KINGSTON-ON-THAMES .. 90130 100140 110160 , 125180 72 LANCASTER .. .. 90 110 95115 100120 73 LEAMINGTON *100 150 74 LEIGH 90110 100120 110130 120140 7-") LEWES N.S. 76 LONGTON * 80 125 77 LOUGHBOROUGH * 80 130 78 LoAVESTOFT . . 110 140 79 LUTON / * 80105 t 70 90 90115 80100 100 90 135 125 80 MACCLESFIELD QQ 105 105120 120- 135 81 MAIDKXHEAJ) *100 145 120 165 140185 82 MAIDSTOXE N.S. S3 MANSFIELD 80 100 95 125 84 MARGATE flOO 125 tl lo175 + 120180 85 MlDDLKTON 75 95 * 85 115 90120 86 MORECAMBE * 80 95 t 75 90 90 85 110 105 100 95 87 MORLEY N.S. For Explanation of Signs and Notes on Scales, see page 520. HEAD MISTRESSES. 513 251 to 300 301 to 350 351 to 400 401 to 450 451 to 500 Ann. Inc. I ~ 29 (a) 30 150 140170 ftj 31 5 & 10 (a) 32 <) 33 150170 160180 170190 ^s 5 34 35 5 36 ' *' 4 37 110 5 38 140 120 150 5 39 125140 140160 5 40 140 140150 5 / $120160 5 41 42 160 1 50200 (a) 43 115155 120160 125165 130170 135175 4 44 130 155 * 130 165 t!40 180 10 45 5 46 120 H2.i 125147^ | 130152^ 132.] 155 135 1571 (a) 47 3 48 49 t!40 170 5 50 160 140180 lr, (a) 51 I 5"() 52 *&t5,J10 53 5 54 ||144_200 HI 52 225 ** 160 250 4 55 5 56 M20 150 5, $ 10 . 67 120 8 5S 125 5 59 150 138180 (a) 60 1 61 62 185 185 225 - 225265 5 63 + 130160 ,") 64 150 130170 5 65 66 130150 10 67 68 ( rt ) 69 70 130 5 71 140200 155225 170250 ('0 72 105125 110-130 115135 120 HO *125 150 5 t ) g 74 130150 140160 5 76 76 77 78 ' "Q | 110145 ,) ' \ 100135 80 135 -150 150 170 5 81 (") 82 83 110 140 120 150 1:50 -ICO 5 84 5 85 5 86 ) 135 115 150 ."> 1 130 105 140 5 87 514 NON-COUNTY BOROUGH SALARIES. Average Attendance Non- County Boroughs. To 100 101 to 150 i 151 to 200 201 to 250 88 MOSSLEY * 65 90 . f tioo 89 NELSON 100 90 NEWARK 100 120 110130 91 NEWBURY { f 75 95 80100 100120 100120 115 92 NEWCASTLE-UNDER-LYME N.S.* i 93 NEWPORT, I.W 10G 120 110140 130160 94 OSSETT * 60 100 t 85 95 PENZANCE 80100 100 120 115130 96 PETERBOROUGH N.S. 97 PONTEFRACT 90 115 100125 110135 98 POOLE 80110 90 150 99 PUDSEY 75 85 85 1 105 100 RAMSGATE 90140 110 160 125 101 RAWTENSTALL 70 90 80 120 102 REIGATE * 85115 t 90130 J110 150 103 RICHMOND 1091 13*?!. 1?2* 152* 142-1182! 104 ROCHESTER ml - 135 2 tl lo145 105 RYDE, I.W * 90110 100120 110130 106 ST. ALBANS * 80101 90118 tioo 135 107 SALISBURY 85110 90 150 108 SCARBOROUGH . . . . * 120 t - 150 ]09 SHREWSBURY 90 100 110 120 110 SMETHWICKU .. .. j !j^JJj 111 SOUTHEND-ON-SEA . . * 70 90 -j- 85100 + 95110 f 105 120 112 STAFFORD i * 113 STALYBRIDGE .. .. * 80110 f 90120 90130 114 STOCKTON-ON-TEES .. 115 115 STOKE-ON-TRENT .. .. N.S. 116 SUTTON COLDFIELD * 80 104* 90114| 100135 110150 117 SWINDON * 90110 95115 100120 105125 118 TAUNTON * 80110 t CO 120 +100130 $110140 119 THORNABY-ON-TEES * 120 TIVERTON N.S. 121 'i ODMORDEN N.S. 122 TORQUAY * 90105 105 120 120135 123 TRURO * 124 TUNBRIDGE WELLS 92i 122* 102*, i 142| U2| 125 WAKEFIELD 80 105 85 126 WALLSEND 110 140 127 WARWICK .. * 128 WEDNESBURY * 130 Jv 140 129 WENLOCK N.S. 130 WEYMOUTH *100 131 WHITEHAVEN 80 95 9"5 110 110 132 WIDXKS 105 115 110120 115125 133 WIMBLEDON N.S. 134 WINCHESTER * 85105 f 95120 +110135 135 WINDSOR 100125 | 110 140 125 136 WORKINGTON * 85 IdO i>0 110 100 137 WORTHING .. ( * 80115 ( t 80110 90 90 130 120 100 100 138 YEOVIL N.S. j WALES. 139 BANGOR * j 140 CARMARTHEN * 90110 100120 120 t 141 MERTHYR TYDFIL. * 90 120 t!05 142 NEATH N.S. 143 PEMBROKE .. * 93100 +103 110 +113120 123130 144 WHEXHAM 140 (fixed) For Explanation of Signs and Notes on Scales, see page 520. HEAD MISTRESSES. 515 2/)l to 300 ! 301 to 350 351 to 400 401 to 450 451 to 500 Ann. Inc. 88 e 140 <: .<: 89 140 10 90 120140 j 2 91 i 140 5 (a) 92 93 150170 (a) 94 110 2$ 95 5 96 97 120115 130155 135160 5 98 ; 5(0) 99 5 100 101 175 135185 5 (a) (a) 102 $130 170 5 103 w 104 jllo 150 ! $125160 P30165 105 5 106 J115 150 138180 (a) 107 (a) 108 109 130 110 )' 120 \ _ 110 100130 HO 120 + 120130 $130 140 5 111 HI 25 175 (*) 112 113 * 5 114 140 125 150 135 160 5 (a) 115 116 125 175 () 117 110130 115135 120140 125145 130150 10 118 5 119 120 121 122 5 (a) 123 124 1624 5 125 105 90110 . 5 126 6 127 128 !29 130 160 , 5 , 131 125 125-1 10 (a) 132 120130 125140 ."> 133 5 (a) 134 155 ,") 135 120 105 130 5 136 140 110150 . 137 ( 130 110140 138 \ 139 6 140 141 150 +135 1N7-! 142 3 1 143 144 Smethwick became a County Borough April 1st, 1907. NONCOUNTY BOROUGH SALARIES. Non- County Certificated Ass Boroughs. I. istant Masters. II. 1 ACCRINGTON. . , 90- 186 871135 86130 SO 125 77^-125 75-120 '2 ASHTON-I XDEK-LVXE 80 . 130 75 125 3 ASTON MANOR .. 90 140 8590* S5 140 8590* 4 BACII- .. .. 80 125 75110 70 - 100 5 BANHURY .. .. 80 110 80 110 6 BAKXSI.KY .. t . 80 120 75 ^_ 120 7 BARNSTAPLE . . : 70 . 100 8 BATLEY .. .. 80 120 75 120 9 BEDFORD . . . . 85 150 80 140 10 BERWICK-ON-TWEED 90 130 80 ~ 130 11 BEYERLEY .. ... 85 . 130 80 125 12 BEXHILL .. ..85 120 85115 75 110 13 BOSTON .. .. 70 100 60 85 14 BRIDGAVATF.K .. 80 110 70 110 15 BRIDLINGTON .. 80 110 70 100 16 BRIGHOUSE .. .. 85 110 70 94 17 BROMLEY .. .. 100 160 90 150 18 BUIIHLEM .. .. 85 150 80 130 19 BVKY ST. Ei).Mixj)s 85 105 85 105 20 CAMBRIDGE .. . . * 85 110 *75 100 21 CARLISLE .. .. 95 135 90135 85135 85135 80135 75135 22 CHATHAM .. .. 90 130 85130 80 130 75130 23 CHELMSFOI;]) .. 90 125 85 115 24 CHELTENHAM .. 90 150 75 120 25 CHEI'J-IXG WVCOMUE 85 130 H) 120 70100 26 CHESTERFIELD .. 90 ' 130 85 120 27 CHICH ESTER.. .. * 28 CHORLEY .. .. 95 . 135 90 130 29 CLITHEKOE .. . . j 80 110 70 90 30 COLCHESTER . . 85 140 70 95 31 COLNE .. .. 85 140 80135 75 130 70125 32 CONGLETON .. .. N.S. 33 CREAVK .. .. 100 140 85 125 34 DARLINGTON . . 85 125 80120 80120 75115 70110 i-5 DARKEN .. .. ' 80 140 80110 75 120 36 DEAL j 83 127 74 111 37 DEWSHURY .. . . < 90 i;;o 80 120 38 DONCASTKR . .. 85 130 80120 80 120 75110 39 DOVER . ..90 )50 80 135 40 DVKINFIELD . .. ; 85 130 75 130 41 DURHAM . .. ! 95 130 86 ___ 120 42 EALING . .. * 95 160 83 150 43 EASTJJOURNE . . 95 ] 15* 85135 80 130 75 120 44 EAST HAM .. .. >100 175 +00 146 *95 165 f85140 45 EAST RiTFOKD . . 95 105 85 95 46 ECCLES .. . . 85 140 75 110 47 FALMOUTH .. . . , 85 105 80 100 48 FAVEKSHAM 80 105 49 FOLKESTONE .. 8.) 135 80 133 50 GlLLINGHAM . . < 90 140 ! 80120 80 140 70110 51 GLOSSOP , t . . 85 1)0 70 95 52 GKANTHAM .. .. 80 120 70 110 53 GllAYESENJ) .. . . ' 90 140 85 130 64 GVILDFORD . . . . 90 150 85 120 *80 115 55 HARROGATE . . 90 120 7-'> 110 56 HARTLEPOOL .. 80 135 70 125 57 HARWICH .. ., S,'> 126 75 115 58 HASLINGDEX .. 90 130 75 100 59 HEMEL HEMI-NTEAD 85 125 *75 90 80 120 *75_ 90 60 HEREFORD .. .. * 90 120 80 110 For Explanation of Signs and Notes on Scales, see page 520, CERTIFICATED ASSISTANTS. 517 Certificated Assistant Mistresses. I. II. Annual Increase. , I 1 80125 77i_ 125 | 75120 70-115 67^115 65110 5 2 70 110 65 " 100 5 3 75 110 | 65 70* 70 110 65 70* 5(a) 1 70 100 65 90 60 60 85 5 5 70 100 70 100 5 6 75 100 70 100 5 7 * 60 90 5 8 70 90 65 90 5 9 75 120 70 110 5 10 70 100 60 100 5 11 75 100 70 95 5 12 80 100 70 95 6 13 65 80 55 65 5 14 70 95 60 95 5 () 15 70 90 60 80 5 16 70 90 57i 75i (a) 17 80 120 70 , 110 10 (a) 18 75 100 65 85 M. 5, Ms. 2| 1'.) 75 85 75 85 5 20 * 75. 100 65 90 5 21 85105 80105 75105 75105 70105 65105 5 22 80 100 75100 70 100 65100 5 (a) 23 75 105 65 90 5 24 80 120 65 110 5 () 25 75 110 70 100 65 75 ! (a) 26 80 . 95 75 90 I 5, II. 3 '27 * 28 75 105 70 100 5 29 70 90 60 80 5 (M., I. 7i) () 30 70 114 60 80 M. 5, Ms. 4 31 75 100 70 95 65 90 60 85 M. 5 & 10 (a), Ms. 5 32 70 90 60 75 () 33 85 120 75 110 6 :;i 80 100 75 95 75 95 70 90 65 85 4 (1. 1st & 2nd Div. 5) 35 70 . 120 70120 60 90 5 36 74 102 67 99 2A to 4 37 70 100 60 90 i M. (a), Ms. 2i 38 75 115 70100 70 105 65 95 5 39 80 110 70 100 5 (a) 40 70 110 65 110 5 41 SO 95 70 85 5 42 * 85 130 76 120 (") 43 85 125* 75115 70 105 6-5 95 M. 5, Ms. (a) 44 * 85 130 t75-110 *80 125 f 70 100 j (a) 45 75 85 65 75 5 46 66 110 55 110 5 47 70 85 65 80 M. 5, Ms. 3 (a) IS 65 80 (a) 49 75 100 70 100 5 50 SO 110 75 95 70 110 65 90 5 (a) 51 70 95 60 85 5 52 75 100 60 80 6 53 80 110 75 100 5 54 80 120 75 100 *70 95 M. 4, MB. 3, *2 55 70 100 65 95 5 56 75 105 65 95 5 57 70 90 60 80 M. 5, Ms. 4 58 70 100 65 90 I. 5, II. 2J 59 7.') - 105 60 75 65 95 *60 75 M. 4, Ms. 6, *2J 60 * 75 100 65 90 5 518 NON-COUNTY BOROUGH SALARIES. Non- County Certificated Assistant Masters. Boroughs. I. II. \ 61 HEYWOOD .. N.S. 62 HORNSEY .. 95 200 85 105 i 63 HOVE 85 135 75115 ; 75 125 70110 64 HYDE 90 140 80" 140 65 ILKESTOX 85 135 85125 80 125 75120 66 J ARROW 90 140 i 70 120 67 KEIGHLEY .. * 90 135 75110 85130 75 no 68 KENDAL * 85 125 80 105 69 KIDDERMINSTER .. N.S. 70 KING'S LYNN 90 125 80 110 70100 71 KlNGSTON-ON-1 HAMES *90 or 95 150 *80 or 85 150 72 LANCASTER .. 80120 ' 80110 70100 65 90 60 80 73 LEAMINGTON * 80 130 80 130 74 LEIGH 80 140 75140 70125 70115 75 LEWES * 90 110 90 110 76 LONGTOX * 85 120 80 110 77 LOUGHBOROUGH . . 80 115 80 115 78 LOWESTOFT .. 85 130 80 120 77^115 79 LUTON Kl 135 80 125 75110 80 MACCLESFIELD 90 120 80 110 81 MAIDEXHEAD 90 135 90 135 82 MAIDSTOXE .. .. 85 140 ! 80 130 83 MANSFIELD .. .. 85 130 ' 75120 85130 75 120 84 MARGATE .. .. ; 100 130 90 120 85 MIDDLETOX . . .. 90 120 85115 80 110 75105 86 MORECAMBE . . . . ' 85 140 80 _ 120 87 MORLEY .. ..85 125 75120 75 120 70110 88 MOSSLEY .. .. 70 90 i 70 90 89 NELSON .. .. .90 140 ! 75 120 90 NEWARK 90 120 80 . 110 91 NEWBURY .. 90 120 80 110 92 NEWCASTLE-U.-LYME 80 120 75 110 93 NEWPORT, I.W. .. 75 100 70 100 94 OSSETT .. .. 90 130 80 120 95 PENZAXCE- .. .. 85 130 75 120 96 PETERBOROUGH .. i 85 120 85 120 97 PONTJBFRACT . . 85 135 80125 80 120 75] 10 98 POOLB 85 115 85 115 99 PUDSEY 75 110 ! 75 110 100 RAMSGATE .. 88 140 83 130 101 RAWTENSTALL .. 80 125 75110 70 - 100 102 REIGATE .. .. I 90 130 80 125 103 RICHMOND .. !)3 153 88 153 104 ROCHESTER 90 130 85130 80 130 75130 105 RYDE, I.W 80 110 75 100 106 ST. ALBAXS * 85 125 80 125 75105 107 SALISBURY 80 120 80 120 108 SCARBOROUGH 80 135 80 135 109 SHREWS HUEY 90 125* 90 125* 110 SMETHWICKf 80 130 75120 80 130 75120 ill SOUTH END -ON -SB A j 90 140 85135 80 130 ; 75125 ( T ^ ^ 2 * 137| 7 7 / 1 12 7 ~ 112 STAFFORD 9 113 STALYBRIDGE 85 130 80 130 114 STOCKTOX-OX-TEES 95-130 90130 75100 85110 80105 75100 115 STOKE-ON-TREXT . . 85 130 80 120 116 SUTTON COLDFIELD 85 120 80 110 75105 117 SwiNDON 85 140 70 100 118 TAUNTON .. 80 110 70 110 119 THORNABY-ON-TEBS # For Explanation of Signs on Notes on Scales, see page 520. CERTIFICATED ASSISTANTS. r>io Certificated Assistant Mistresses. I. II. Annual Increase. ,^-fc. -" "" \ \ ^ - 61 N.S. 62 85 150 75 87 (a) 63 80 100 70 90 65 95 60 85 5 64 80 110 70 110 b 65 80 100 75100 75 100 70100 M. (a), Ms. 5 66 75 100 65 90 5 67 * 80 105 65 90 75100 65 90 5 68 * 70 95 65 85 5 69 N.S. 70 70 100 60 90 55 80 5 71 *80 or 85 130 *75 or 80 130 (VJ. (a), Ms. 5 72 70100 70 90 60 85 55 80 50 70 5 73 70 110 70 110 5 74 70 110 65110 60100 60 90 5 75 * 85 105 85 105 5 76 * 75 90 60 75 2| 77 65 90 65 90 5 78 75 __ 110 70 100 67|- 95 (a) 79 75 105 67i - 90 62.i- 80 M., I. 5, 11.4; Me. 4 80 80 lOo 70 90 g 81 75 120 75 - % 120 (a) 82 75 110 70 105 M. (a), Ms. 5 83 75 100 65 95 75_100 i 65 95 5 84 90 1(5 80 100 5 8r> 75 95 70 90 65 85 60 80 5 86 65 100 60 80 5 87 75 100 65 90 65 90 60 85 5 88 55 7 70 90 60 80 M. 5, Ms. 2| 106 * 75 105 70 105 Go 90 M. 4, Ms. 3 (<*) 107 60 100 GO 100 5 108 70 90 70 90 5 H) 1 .) 70 80 70 80 5 110 70 90 60 80 70 90 60 80 M. (a), Ms. 5 / 80 110 75105 70 105 65100 M. 5, Ms. 4 , \ t77i 1071 67i 102| 112 * L13 (55 110 60 110 ."> 114 80100 75 95 G,-)_ 80 70 90 65 85 60 80 5 (a) 116 75 100 65 85 n lie 75 100 65 90 55 70 M. 5 Ms., 1 .4, II. 117 70 110 60 90 5 (a) us 70 - 95 60 95 5 119 it 1 t Smethwick became a County Borough April 1st, 1907. 520 NON-COUNTY BuROUGH SALARIES. Non- County Certificated Assistant Masters. Boroughs. I. II. ~ ; 120 TlVERTON .. .. ! N.S. 121 TODMORDEN.. .. 8010-3 75105 !* 60 75 ! 65 90 60 90 *60 75 122 TOBQUAY .. .. i 85 130 80 120 123 TRURO .. .. * 124 TUNBRIBGE WELLS ! 88 133 ! 83 _ 133 125 WAKEFIELD.. .. 80 110 I 70 90 126 WALLSEND .. .. 100 140 85 110 127 WARWICK .. .. * 128 WEDNESBURY .. 80 125 70 110 129 WENLOCK . . . . [ 90 (30 80 120 130 WEYMOUTH .. .. : 90 135 85 125 131 WHITEHAVEN .. 85 130 75 110 132 WIDNES .. .. ! 80 150 80145 70 HO i 70100 133 WIMBLEDON . . . . 95 140 85 130 134 WINCHESTER .. 90 130 *70 90 80 120 , *70 90 135 WINDSOR .. .. 85 135 80 135 136 WORKINGTON .. 90 130 80 120 137 WORTHING .. .. 85 120 75 120 138 YEOVIL .. .. N.S. i WALES. 139 BAN-GOB .. .. * 140 CARMARTHEN . . 75 <)> 65 85 141 MERTHYR TYDFIL . . * 8t) 140 80120 ! 70 90 142 NBATH .. .. N.S. : 143 PEMHHOKB .. .. 88 124 ; 75 100 144 WREXHAM .. .. 85 150 S5 150 NOTES ON NON-COUNTY BOROUGH SALARY SCALES. N.B The Non-County Boroughs of Bangor, St. Albans, Stafford, Thornaby-on- Tees, Truro and Warwick have relinquished their powers as Education Authorities to the^ Councils of their respective counties. The Non-County Borough of Chichester has formed a joint scheme with the County Council. ABBREVIATIONS. Ace. = According. Accom. Accommodation. Adv. Advanced. Ann. =. Annual(ly). Asets. r= Assistants. Av. att. = Average attendance. Bi. Biennially. Cert. = Certificate (d). Com. z= Education Committee. Degree Extra annual payment for Degree or equivalent. Dept. =. Department. Div. = Division. Elem. Elementary. Scales for Cert, Assts. : I. indicates II. Tchrs. not trained in this manner, which Certificates were formerly divided. 1. ACCRINGTON. Degree 10 Heads :* Fixed salary. M. 100 to 130, Ms. av. att. below 100 70 to 90, over 100 80 to 100. In each cafe an addition of M. 4s., Ms. 2s. per unit in av. att., but this shall not apply to Head M. of Mixed Srhs. of less than 150 av. att. (Note. The ligures given are for the max. av. att. of each grade.) Inc. = Increments. M. = Masters. Max. = Maximum. Min Minimum. Ms. Mistresses. N. S. No Scale. P.S. Previous service. P.T. = Pupil Teacher. Sch. = School. Tchr. = Teacher. Tr. = Trained. Un. con. Scale under consideration. Untr. =2 Untrained. Yr. = Year. Tchrs. trained in a Tmining College. The columns represent the divisions into CERTIFICATED ASSISTANTS. 521 Certificated Assistant Mistresses. I t n m Annual Increase. 120 N.8. 121 75 95 70 95 *55 65 60 80 55 80 *55 65 5. *2 122 75 95 60 85 5 (a) 123 * 121 77 i 117; 72.' 117; 5 125 70 90 " 60 80 5 126 80 100 70 90 5 127 * 128 75 100 50 70 , M. (.), Ms. 5 129 70 110 65 100 2t (a; 130 75 100 70 95 5~ 131 70 95 65 90 (a) 132 70 100 : 70 90 60 85 60 75 5 133 90 130 SO 120 5 134 75 110 *60 75 70 100 *60 75 5, *2 (a) 135 75 115 70 1 15 5 136 70 100 65 90 5 137 70 90 60 90 5 138 N.S. 139 * 140 * 65 85 55 75 5 141 *70 110 70100 60 80 (ft) 112 X.S. 1 lo 75 85 60 75 2i (M., I. 4) 141 70 120 70 120 (V) 2. ASHTON-UNDER-LYNE. Head Ms. : Av. att. 100 to 124 90 to 120. *Av. att. 125 to 150. Assts. : 5 for Degree, Double First in Cert. Exam., or 3 yrs. college training. 3 ASTON MANOR Assts. : M. 1st Assts. 10 in excess of salary on appointment to 170, by 10 ann. Ms. 5 above salary OH appoint meiit to 125. * 3rd Div. TohrSi are promoted to next class after 5 yrs.' service. P.S. counted in fixing' commencing 1 salary. In the Higher Elementary Sch. all Cert. Tchrs. rank as 1st Assts. (/i) Ms. 3rd Div. ann. inc. 5 after 2 yrs.' service. 4. BACUP. Exceptional circumstances may be recognised by special increase of salary beyond scale. Heads :(a) Ann. inc. M. under 100 av. att. 2i; 100 to 150, 5 ; 151 to 200, 7* ; 201 to 250, 10 ; over 250, 5. Ms. av. att. to 100 5 ; over 100 7| to lib, then 5. Assts. : P.S. considered. 5. BANBURY. P.S., qualifications, &c., considered in fixing commencing salary. 6. BABNSLEY. * Head Tchr*. are expected to take a class. Assts. /Senior Asat. in each Dept. 5 above scale. Tchrs. in Central Sch. 10 above scale. 7. BAHKSTAPLE. * No scale for tr. Assts, 9. BEDFORD. Assts.: Intermediate 5, Degree 10. P.S. in any sch. since certification counted at discretion. First Assts., being experienced College Tr. Tchrs. M. 110 to 160, Ms. 100 to 130. 10. BERWICK-ON-TWEED. Heads :(a) Ann. inc. one-tenth of the difference between min. and max. Aastts. : P.S. considered in fixing commencing salary. 11. BEVERLBY. P.S. counttd in fixing commencing salary. 12. BEXHILL. Head Ms. : *Max. for Ms. of Inlr.nt Sc-hs. in this grade is 140. Assts. : Untr. Tchrs. who pass the London Matriculation or other exam, approved by Com. may rank as tr. 13. BOSTON. Head Jf. ;* This is the fixed salary. Addition of one-tenth of the grant on the ann. av. att. 522 NOTES ON NON-COUNTY BOROUGH SCALES. 14. BRIDGWATER Commencing salary will not necessarily be the inin. of scale, but will depend on number of yrs. Tchr. has been qualified in same grade, &c. (a) Inc. are subject to the receipt of favourable reports from managers, and in the case of Assts. from Head Tchr. also. Heads : * Schs. tinder 100 av. att. specially considered. Classification is approximate only, Com. will decide in which grade sch. shall be placed. In exceptional cases salary beyond max. may be recommended. Ansts. : Salary of senior tr. Asst. in large schs. may be increased to M. 120, Ms. 100. 15. BRIDLINGTON. Heads : This scale is for tr. Tchrs. M. * Boys' Schs. t Central Mixed Sch. Ms. * Infants' Schs. t Girls' Schs. Assts. .-Scale un. con. 1st Assts. in Central Mixed Sch., M. 110 to 140, Ms. 90 to 110, by 10 ann. 16. BRIGHOUSE. Assts, :(a) Ann. inc. M. tr. 5, untr. 4 ; Ms. tr. 4, untr. 3. 17. BROMLEY. Heads : Basis, av. roll, not av. att. In schs. where the av. number on roll exceeds 200, a grant shall be made to the Head Tchr. in respect of each child over that number as follows : * 10s, in Boys and Mixed Schs. under a M., f 7s. 6d. in Girls' and Junior Mixed Schs. J 5s. in Infants' Schs. (Note. The figures given are for the max. number on rolls of each grade over 200.) Assts :(a) Ann. inc. 5 for the first 2 yrs. under Authority, then 10. 18. BUBSLEM. Axsts. / 5 for Art Class Tchrs.' Cert, or Matriculation, and a further 5 for Degree. 19. BURY ST. EDMUNDS. JTwwfe ; f Av. att. 91 to 130, J 131 to 180, $ 181 to 240. 20. CAMBRIDGE. Heads : * No fixed scale for Head Tchrs. Each case judged on its merits. Salaries range from M. 160 to 280, Ms. 95 to 150 (Infants' Schs.) and f100 to 200 (Girls' Schs.). Assts. / * Commencing salary will depend on experience of Tchr. Min. and max. may be increased in special 21. CARLISLE, The salaries of Tchrs. of exceptional merit, who have received the max. of their grade for at least 5 yrs., shall be open to special consideration from time to time. Tchrs. with Parchment are appointed at scale min., but after 6 months' satisfactory service 4 is added to salary for each complete yr. of P.S. Heads /Degree 10. Assts. / - In Higher Grade Sch. M. tr. 100, (untr. 90) to 150 ; Ms. tr. 85, (untr. 75) to 120. Tchrs. tr. 1 yr. commence 5 below scale. Time beyond 2 yrs, at a Training College counts as service. ' 22. CHATHAM. Assts. :(a) After 10 yrs.' service (1st and 2nd Div.), or 12 yrs. (3rd Div. tr.), 14 (3rd Div. ointr.), in any sch. in Chatham, Rochester, or Gillingham, salary shall rise to M. 140, Ms. 110. P.S. in any Elem. Sch. counted in fixing com. salary. 23. CHELMSFORD. After 10 yrs.' satisfactory service in the same capacity, untr. Tchrs. shall rank as tr. Heads : A. Tr. Tchrs, B. Untr. Tchrs. * Av. att. 100 to 175, f 175 to 400. 24. CHELTENHAM. Assts. ; (a) Inc. commence after 2 yrs.' service. 25. CHEPPING WYCOMBE. P.S. elsewhere not exceeding 5 yrs. may be counted. 5 extra for B.A., B.Sc., or full " D." Heads : *Av. att. to 75, f 76 to 120, j 121 to 180, 181 to 250, || 251 to 325, f over 325. Untr. Tchrs. 5 less than scale. Assts. : Tchrs. with Parchment commence 5 above scale. Assts, in charge of sch. during absence of Head Tchr. receive addition at the rate of 10 per ann. for such time, if not less than a month, (a) Ann. inc. M. 4. Ms. 3. (3rd Div. untr. M. and Ms. 2|.) 26. CHESTERFIELD. Cookery and Laundry Ms., 75 to 90. 27. CHICHESTER. * This Authority has formed a joint scheme with the County. Scale is the same as under the West Sussex County Authority. 28. CHORLEY -.-Heads / *Fixed salary M. 125 to 150, Ms. * Girls' Schs. 87| to 105 (where av. att. exceeds 100) plus 3s. for each unit m av. att. to 400~ and Is. 6d. per unit in av. att. over 400. Ms. t Infants' Schs. av. att. to 75, 85 (fixed), above 75, 85 to 100 (fixed) plus 2s. per unit in av. att. (The figures given are for the max. av. att. of each grade.) 2 ann. for each P.T. P.S. in the Borough as Head Tchr. shall be counted. Assts. /Degree 5. Not exceeding 2 yrs. P.S. in the Borough may be counted. 29. CLITHEROE. (a) Any recommendations for increase must come from the managers NOTES ON NON-COUNTY BOROUGH SCALES. 523 of the sch. Heads .-Max. only has been fixed (irrespective of numbers). *.Ms. Infts. Dept. ; fMixod. 30. COLCHESTER After 10 yrs.' satisfactory service untr. Tchrs. rank as tr. Heads : * Basis accom. not av. att. f Accom. 400 to 600, Jover 600. Head Tchrs. must be tr. Ms. (a) Ann. inc. 4 (accom. to 200), 5 (over 200). Assts. : 1st Asst. M. in echs. with accom. above 400, 100 to 152| by 7 ann. 1st Asst. Ms. in sch. under Head M. with accom. 200 to 400, 90 to 125 by 5 ann., and above 400 accom. 100 to 135 by 5. 31. COLNE. P.S. elsewhere counted at discretion of Com, Heads: Ms. *Av. att. under 50, 80 (fixed) and inc. by special resolution, (a) Ann. inc. 5 (av. att. 50 to 150), 10 (.over 150). Assts : M. (a} Ann. inc. 5 for 4 yra , then 10 for 2 yrs., then 5 to max. 32. CONGLETOW. (a) Increments will be given at the discretion of the Com., they are neither annual nor automatic. Heads : *Av. att. 100 to 125, f 126 to 150, JMs. 151 to 175. M. av. att. 151 to 175 130 to 160, 1176 to 200, 201 to 225 170 to 200, 226 to 250. Where infants are counted with elder scholars in reckoning av. att. 17 infants count as 15 adults. Ms. This scale is for Infants' Depts. only, special scale for Girls' or Mixed Depts. 33. CREWE. Heads : M. *Av. att. to 125 f 126 to 150, 151 to 175 140 to 170; + 176 to 200. Ms. Av. att. 101 to 125 100 to 120; * Av. att. 126 to 150, '151 to 175 120 to 140; f Av. att. 176 to 200. Over 400 av. att. specially considered. ^ 34. DARLINGTON.-^- Heads : * No definite scale for Head Tchrs. Salaries range from M. 140 to 250, Ms. 100 to 180 ace. to length of service. Assts, : 1st Assts. rise to M. 135, Ms. 105 by 5 ann. Degree 5, 5 for 3rd yr.'s training. P.S. in the Borough considered at its full value, elsewhere at a somewhat less rate. 35. DARWEN P.S. considered. 37. DEWSKURY. P.S. elsewhere considered. Heads: * Small schools, f Large schools. Where a Head M. is provided with a house max. salary shall be 20 less. An addition of 6d. per head in av. att. is given only to those Tchrs. who are at present receiving this grant. Assts. : Tchrs. may be raised to the higher grade on account of superior teaching ability on the recommendation of the managers and the Head Tchr. M. (a) Ann. inc. 2| to 100, then 5. 39. DOVER. Heads ; *Av. att. under 100 specially considered. Assts.: P.S. is reckoned from the date of Certificate. Time spent at a University is counted if a Degree is obtained, (a) Last inc. of tr. M, is 10. No increase granted without a recommendation from the Managers. 40. DTJKINFIELD. Qualifications and P.S. considered in fixing commencing salary. Heads : * Basis Accom., not av. att. 41. DURHAM. P.S. considered infixing commencing salary. Heads: The various schs. in the Borough have been divided into different classes, av. att. is roughly as indicated : M. * Scale for 3 schs. av. att. between 100 and 150, 1 2 schs. av. att. between 150 and 250. Ms. A. Girls' or Mixed Schs. B. Infants' Schs. * av. att. 100 to 130, f 130 to 225, J special sch. av. att. over 225 || under 75, If 75 to 130, * over 130 and special sch. 42. BALING Three-fifths of P.S. in the same capacity counted to an extent not exceeding 10 yrs. or lees than 1 yr. Heads : * Basis accom. not av. att. () Ann. inc. M. 4 (Grade 1), 5 (Grades 2 and 3), 6| (Grade 4) ; Ms. 2 (Grades 1 and 2), 4 (Grade 3), 5 (Grade 4). Assts. : *This scale is for Tchrs. with Parchment. Probationers M. 80 to 90 by 5 ann., Ms. 75 to 83, by 4 ann. (a) Ann. inc. M. tr. 5, untr. 4; Ms. tr. 4, untr. #',. After 10 yrs.' service untr. Tchrs. rank as tr. 43. EASTUOURNE. One-half P.S. counted. Heads : Scale is for tr. Tchrs. only. Untr. Heads and Tchrs. in Special Schs. dealt with separately. Ms. * Head Tchrs. of Infants' Schs. 10 less than scale throughout. Assts. : Tchrs. tr. 1 yr. M. 5 below scale. Ms. max. 5 below scale. * After reaching this figure salary may advance M. (on account of attainments and work) by 5 ann. to 165, and then (on account of exceptional attainments and excellent work) by 5 ann. to 185 (Ms. 130). Tr. Tchrs. who have not served as P.T,'s commence 5 below scale; 3rd yr. of training counts as service. (/O Inc. Ms. 2 (1st and 2nd Div. tr. 4.). 44. EAST HAM. Heads : *Av. att. 401 to 500, fever 500. At*ts. : Tchrs. ia this class must possess Intermediate Tonic Sol-Fa, and M. El. Sch. Tchrs. 524 NOTES ON NON-COUNTY BOROUGH SCALES. (or 1st Class El.) Drawing Cert., or 2nd,Grade Art. Cert, or 2 let Class Adv. Science Certs. (Ms. a recognised Cert, for at least one of the following Swedish Drill, Kindergarten, or Plain Needlework) ; 3rd Div. Tchrs. may be placed in this grade if with 5 yrs.' cert, service, f Tchrs. not possessing above qualifications will be placed in this grade. After 10 yrs.' cert, service untr. Tchrs. shall rank as tr. 10 above min. if holding Parchment at least 6 months. 2 10s. addition to com. salary for each yr. of cert, service after the second, such addition (including the 10 mentioned above) not to exceed 15. Degree 10. (a) Ann. inc. 5 for 5 yrs., and then 10. 45. EAST RETFORD. Heads: Untr. Tchrs. 5 less than scale. *Av. att., M. to 175, Ms. below 50, fM. 175 to 300, Ms. 51 to 150. Asst*. .-After 7 yrs.' service application for increase beyond max, will be specially considered. 46. ECCLES. 5 per ann. for passing certain exams., 10 for B.A. or B.Sc., 15 for Higher Degree (or if obtaining 1st Degree with 1st Class Honours). Heads : * Fixed salary M. 140 to 170, plus 8s. for each scholar above the first 200 in av. att. Ms. 90 to 112|, plus 2s. per unit in av. att. to 400, and Is. for each unit in av. att. over 400. The figures given are for the max. av. att. of each grade. (Note. In calculating, the mean of number in av. att. and number on books is substituted for av. att.) (a) Inc. M. 10. Ms. 7|, after each five yrs.' service as Head Tchr. up to 15 yrs. Assts. : P.S. in any ech. may be counted. Time spent at a Training College counts as service. 47. FALMOUTH. Heads : *Untr. Tchrs. 5 less than scale. Assts. :(a) Any inc. beyond max. to be ace. to merit, matter to come up for revision every 3 yrs. 48. FAVEKSHAM. Assts. :(a) Applications for increase may be made at the half- yearly meeting of the Council. 49. FOLKESTONE. P.S. elsewhere in a similar capacity may be counted at the discretion of the Com. Heads : *Av. att. 151 to 230, f over 230. 50. GILLINGHAM. Tchrs. possessing Degree will receive an extra 10 per ann. after 12 months' receipt of max. salary, (a) After 10 yrs.' (Head Tchrs.) service under Com. in the same capacity, (Assts. M. tr. 12 yrs., untr. 14 yrs. ; Ms, 1r. 10 yrs., untr. 12 yrs.) a further inc. of 10 will be given in addition to the max. salary of each grade. Heads : Basis accom. not av. att, *Accom, 100 to 229, f 230 to 350. Head Tchrs. must be either 1st or 2nd Class College Tr. Assts. : Tchrs. possessing Parchment for 2 yrs. commence 5 above scale, and for 5 yrs. 10 above scale. P.S. counted at the rate of 5 for each yr. of service under any Authority up to 6 yrs., dating from receipt of parch- ment. 51. GLOSSOP. Heads : (a) In addition to max, a further inc. of 5 per ann. is given for each complete 5 yrs.' subsequent service under Authority. 52. GRANTHAM. Heads : In applying this scale further consideration may be given under exceptional circumstances, on the recommendation of the managers, to long service and the eize of sch. Head Tchrs. must be tr. Ms. * Infants' Schs., f Lower Mixed, J Girls. 54. GUILDFORD. Degree 10. Heads : 4 M., 3 Ms. pr ann. for each yr. of P.S. in the Borough as Head Tchr. Untr. Tchrs. 5 less than scale, but 10 yrs.' approved service in the Borough or County ranks as training. Av att under 40, Ms. 80 to 100 ; 40 to 69, 84 to 110 (av. att. under 70, M. 104 to to 130); *av. att. 70 to 99 ; 100 to 129 M. 112 to 150. Ms. 92 to 130 ; fav. att. 130 to 159 ; 160 to 189, M. 130 to 185, Ms. 110 to 150; Jav. att. 190 to 219, 220 to 249, || 250 to 279, IT 280 to 310. ** Over 310. Assts. : 10 yrs.' approved service counts as College Training. 55. HARROGATE. .E^ds : * Maxima only have been fixed. M. fMax. for schs. of 400 to 600 av. att., Jover 600 av. att. (a) In schs. above 200 av. att. a further inc. of 10 will be given for each 10 yrs.' service after the max. is reached. Assts. : 10 per ann. to Tchrs. who obtain Degree while in the service of the Com. 56. HARTLErooL. Heads : *Av. att. to 120, f 121 to 160, + over 160, Clipper Standard Sch. Assts. in Upper Standard Sch. tr. M. 100 to 135 Ms 80 to 105 ; untr. M. 90 to 125. 58. HASLINGDEN. Heads : 10 extra if Higher principal grant earned throughout sch. or dept. for which Tchr. is responsible, or 5 if Higher principal grant earned by standards and lower grant by Infants' class in sch. under one Head Tchr. NOTES ON NON-COUNTY BOROUGH SCALES. 59. HEMKL HEIII-STEAD. P.S. may be counted at the discretion of the Com. In cases of long and meritorious service salary may be increased beyond max. Heads: Av. att. to 50, M. 90 to 118, Ms. .70 to 91. *Av. att. , r )l to 100, t!51 to 22 r ), J226 to 300. Salary shall not be reduced when av. att. diminishes quite apart from any cause connected with the Tchr. Assts. : 5 extra for Degree, Registration in Column B of the Tchrs.' Register, or 3 yrs.' College Training. In special cases Chief Assts. may be appointed at additional remuneration. 60. HEREFORD. Assts. : * No definite scale has been adopted, but all appointments are made on this basis. 02. HORN SB Y. Heads : 5 will be paid for the instruction of each P.T. *Av. att. to 180, f!81 to 300. M. j Scale for Higher Elementary Schs. Note. The Head M. of all Higher Elementary Schs. must possess a Degree. Assts. : Head Assts. in Depts. accommodating 600 or over, 15 extra, other Depts. 10 extra. Higher Elem. Schs. 1st Assts. M. 120 to 200, Ms. 100 to 150 by 10 ann. Other Assts. M. ,100 to 200 by 10, Ms. 90 to 150 by 5. Untr. Tchrs. who have served not le^s than 2 yrs. under Authority rank as tr. Degree 5. () Ann. inc. M. I. 5 to 110, then 10. ; II. o. Ms. I. 5, II. 3. 63. HOVE. Heads : Av. att. 101 to 160, f 161 to 260, jover 260. Hd. Ms. of Jun. Mxd. or Infts.' Sch. max. 5 less than scale. No payment f or av att. in excess of accom. P.T. Grant divided between Hd. Tcbr. and P.T. when P.T. instructed by Hd- Tchr. Assts. : Asst. Ms. (I stand 2nd Div. tr.) in Jun. Mixed or Infts.' Sclis. commence 5 below scale. 1st Assts. in ache, over 160 av. att. M. 10, Ms. 5 above scale. Tchrs. with Parchment commence 5 above min. Untr. Tchrs. passing Matric. or other appiovod examination rank as tr. 64. HYDE. P.S. not counted except by special resolution of the Com. Heads : *Basis no. on roll, notav. att. Assts. : Third yr.'s training counts as service. 65. ILKESTOX. Assts. : M. () Ann. inc. 5 to 100 (1st and 2nd Div.), 95* (3rd Div.), then 10. 66. J ARROW. P.S. in any Public Elem. ?ch. may count as service under Authority. Assts. : 5 for Matric., Degree, Art Class Tchr.'s Cert., or Art Master's Cert. Untr. Tchrs. with 6 yrs.' practical experience and holding Degree rank as tr. ; 3rd yr. of training counts as service. 67. KEIGHLEY. Assts. : Com. may promote Tchrs. for special merit to the next Higher grade. P.S. elsewhere considered. *Tlris scale is under revision. It is reported that the scale for tr. Assts. will be abolished, and the max. for 1st and 2nd Div. untr. tclirs. raised to 120 M., 95 Ms. 69. KENDAL. Degree 10. Salaries of Tchrs. of special merit who havo received max. of their grade for at least 5 yrs. may be specially considered. P.S. in salary. 350 7, without Parchment 5 less than scale. 70. KING'S LYNN. Heads : The various schs. in the Borough are placed in class * or f, according to th circumstances of each sch. Head Ms. of Infants' Sch. 10 less than scale. M. (a) Ann. inc. * 5, f 10 for 3 yrs., then 5. 71. KINGSTON-ON-THAMES. Heads: (a) Ann. inc. M. 5 (av. att. to 350), 10 (over 350). Ms. 5 (av. att. to 200), -'4 (200 to 250), 6 (250 to 300), 7 ^300 to 350), 8 (over 350). Assts. : * Commencing salary at the discretion of the Com. and ace. to qualifications, &c. P.S. in the Borough counted, also elsewhere at the rate of not more than 2 p. a. up t<> a total <>I L' 10. () Ann. inc. M. 5 to 120, then ,7i. No. inc. granted beyond 120 M., 1110 Ms. unless certain Certificates are obtained. 72. LANCASTER. When Tchrs. have reached the max. of their grade, salary may be further increased in cases of exceptional efficiency. P.S. in a pimilar capacity counted in fixing commencing salary. Heads: *Av. att. 451 to 500 M. LT.'b to 230, Ms. 125 to 1-15; over 500 M. 195 to 235, Ms. 130 to 6160. 73. LEAMINGTON. This is the scale of the late School Board continued for Council schs. only. Head Ms. of Infants' Schs. 5 less than scale. Assts.: P.S. counted. 10 to Senior Asst. Ms. who have charge of sewing in large Mixed Schs. 74. LEIGH. P.S. in a similar capacity shall be taken into account. 01 tneir graae tor at least o yrs. may oe specially considered. r.S. in capacity under any Authority may be counted in fixing commencing y. Heads: (a} Ann. inc. M. av. att. to 250 5, 251 to 300 6, 301 to 57, over 350 JG8. Ms. av. att. to 150 4, over 150 5. Assts. :* Tchrs. NOTES ON NON-COUNTY BOROUGH SCALES. 75. LEWES. Assts. : No definite scale adopted. Each case considered on its merits. The figures given are the basis upon which appointments are being made. 76. LONOTON. Heads :- * Fixed salary is M. 155, Ms. 80, plus one-sixth of the Block Grants (one-fifth in Infants' Schs.). Max. M. 200 (excepting the Higher Elem. Sch.). Ms. (Girls' Dept.) 125. Assts. : * Tr. Tcbrs. with B.A.,or B.Sc. (or Ms. L.L.A.) M. 100 to 130, Ms. 75 to 100. Untr. Tchrs. passing Matric. (or Ms. L.L.A.) rank as tr., and tr. Tchrs. passing Matric. (or Ms. L.L.A.) receive an increase of 5 per arm. P.S. elsewhere or exceptional qualifications may be considered in fixing commencing salary. Asst. Ms. responsible for Needlework in Mixed Sch. may receive an addition not exceeding 10. 77. LOUGHBOROUGH. Heads: * No fixed scale has been adopted. Salaries range from M. 160 to 250, Ms. 80 to 130. Assts. : P.S. elsewhere taken into consideration. 78. LOWESTOFT. Com. may at discretion increase commencing salary by reason of Tchrs.' experience, ability, or other special circumstances. Assts. : (a) Ann. inc. M. tr. 5, untr. 4; Ms. i. 79. LUTON. Heads : M. (a) Ann. inc. 5 (av. att. to 400) 10 (over 400). Ms. * Girls' Schs. t Infants' Schs. Assts. :- P.S. as acting Tchr. may be counted under other Authorities at 50 percent., and in the Borough at two- thirds. Tchrs. tr. one yr. 5 less than scale. Untr. Tchrs. with 5 yrs.' satisfactory service under Authority may at discretion rise to a max. of 5 above scale. Additions may be made on account of special qualifications, but not exceeding the following: Art Class Tchrs.' Cert.. Inter. B.A., or Inter. B.Sc., 10 ; 1st Class Elem. Drawing Cert., Prelim. B.A. or B.Sc., 5. 80. MACCLESFIELD. Assts. : P.S. counted .it the rate of 2| for each 5 yrs.' service since certification. 81. MAIDENHEAD. (a) Ann. inc. 5 for 3 yrs., then 10. Heads : Basis, number on roll, not av. att. 82. MAIDSTONE. Assts. : Inc. depends upon efficiency of Tchr. as reported on by Managers. M. (a) Ann. inc. 5 to 100, then 10. 83. MANSFIELD. Scale is und. consideration. Max. may only be exceeded by special resolution of the Com. on account of special qualifications and experience. Assts. : P.S. as Cert. Asst. under other Authorities considered. R4. MARGATE. P.S. in similar capacity may be counted in fixing commencing salary. Head Ms. :* Girls' Sob., t Infants' Sch., + Mixed Schs. 85. MIDDLETON. Heads: Av. att., length of P.S., and efficiency considered in fixing commencing salary. P.S. as Head Tchr. considered at the discretion of the Com. M. Av. att, 151 to 175, 115 to 160 ; *av. att. 176 to 200 : 201 to 225, 130 to 180 : f av. att. 226 to 250 ; 250 t > 275, 150 to 200 ; J av. att. 276 to 300; 300 to 325, 165 to 215; av. att. 326 to 350; || 350 to 375; U over 375. Ms. av. att. 100 to 125, 80 to 100 ; * av. att. 126 to 150. 86. MORECAMBE. Heads : *Tr. Tchrs. t Untr. Tchrs. Aasts. : P.S. since certifi- cation taken into account in fixing commencing salary. 87. MORLEY. Assts. : P.S. und. another Authority counted up to 3 yrs. 5 extra for Degree, 3 yrs.' College training, or (Ms. employed in Infts.' Schs. only) Higher Froebel Cert. 88. MOSSLEY. Head Ms. : *In Schs. where Head M. is engaged, f Where no Head M. is engaged. 89. NELSON. 5 p.a. for Matric. Head M. : * Av. att. 401 to 600, fover 600. (a) Inc. for last 3 grades is 15 in last yr. Assts. : M. (a) Ann. inc. 5 to 110 (tr.), 100 (untr.), then 10. 9 1 ). NEWARK. 5 for Degree or Art Class Tchrs.' Cert., 3 for Elem. Drawing Cert. Aft?r reaching max. Com. may for special reasons make annual extra grant to any Tchr. Headt:W extra for College Training. Assts. : P.S. in the Borough taken into account. 91. NEWBURY. This scale applies to new appointments only, (a) Increases granted only on receipt of recommendation from Managers, and in the case of Assts. a satisfactory report from Head Tchr. Heads : M. scale applies only to f.chs. with av. att. exceeding 200. Ms. * Girls' Schs. ; f Infants' Schs. 92. NEWCASTLE-UNDER-LYME. *llead Tchrs. are paid a fixed salary ace. to tlie sJze of the sch. NOTES ON NON-COUNTY BOROUGH SCALES. r.i'7 93. NEWPORT, I.W. Heads: (a) Ann. inc. o (av. att. to 150), .10 (over 150). Assts. : 1st Assts. in schs. with av. att. over 250 M. 90 to 110, Ms. 80 to 100. 94. OSSKTT. P.S. under other Authorities considered in fixing- commencing salary. Head Ms. : * Mixed Dept. f Infants' Dept. 95. PENZANCK Heads : Salary shall not be reduced on account of a fall in the av. att. unless the results of the yr. are unsatisfactory. 96. PETERBOROUGH. Assts. : () Inc. granted only on application, sent through Managers, with their recommendations, and a report from the Head Tchr. 5 for Matriculation, and a further 5 for Intermediate. 97. PONTEFRACT. Assts. : Untr. 1st Class Cert. Tchrs. may rise to the max. for tr. Assts. 98. POOLE. P.S. in other sens, may be counted at the discretion of the Com. Heads: (a) When a Tchr. has had 15 yrs.' experience in the Borough as Head Tchr. inc. will be 10 ann. 99. PUDSEY. Heads : M. * No min. has been fixed. Ms. This scale is for Infants' and Junior Schs. 100. RAMSGATE. Salaries may be increased or decreased at the discretion of the Com. on a special report, (a) Ann. inc. may be granted or withheld on consideration of Government report, and in the case of Assts. that of Head Tchr. 101. RAWTENSTALL. Com. may recognise exceptional circumstances by special inc. of salary beyond max. Heads : (*) Ann. inc. M. (av. att. to 100), 2. J , ; 101 to 150, 5 ; '151 to 200, 7 ; 201 to 250, 10 ; over 250, 5. Ms. (av. aft. to 100) 5 (over 100), 7J to 110, and after 5 yrs.' service 5 ann. to max. A.'2. TORQUAY. Heads: (a) After 7 yrs.' service under Com. as Head Tchr. max, will be inc. by 10, with a farther inc. of 5 after 12 yrs.' service. Ms. Below 50 av. att. 70 to 90, * av. att. 51 to 100. Assts. :(a) Ann. inc. for untr. M. 10 for first 2 yrs., then 5. 123. TRURO. * This Borough has relinquished its powers as an Education Authority to the County Council. Scale is as under the Cornwall Com. 124. TUNBRIDGE WKLLS. In special cases P.S. may be considered in fixing commencing salary. Heads : Com. may at. discretion grant further inc. to Head Tchrs. who have reached max. of their grade. M. Ann. inc. 8 to 193 (av. att. under 100) or 203 (av. att. over 100), then 10. 126. WALLSEND. P.S. or any special qualifications may be taken into account. Head.M. : * Junior Schs. f Senior Schs. 127. WARWICK. * This Borough has relinquished ils powers as an Education Authority to the County Council. Scale is as under the Warwick Com. 128. WFDNESBURY. Heads: *Min. fixed ace. to size and character of sch. No Head M.. receives less than 150. M*. * Girls' Dept<. f Infants' Depts. jissts. : M. (a) Ann. inc. 5 to 100, then 10. 1213. WENLOCK! Assts. : (a) Inc. are subject to the receipt of favourable reports from Managers, Inspectors, &c. P.S. under other Authorities subsequent to April 1st, 1904, ehall be considered in fixing commencing salary. 130. WEYMOVTH. P.S. under other Authorities may be counted at the discretion of the Com. Hea'ls .-Scale bhall not apply to Schs. with av. att. below 160. *Av. att. over 160. Assts. : Degree 10. 131. WHITEHAVEN. (a) Inc. considered yearly on the recommendation of the Managers and Secretary, NOTES ON NON- COUNTY BOROUGH 8CALKS. ;,i><.) 13'J. WiJ>XH*.- Ail appointments are conditional upon residence in the Borough. Heads : Salary shall not be reduced on account of a fall in the av. att. unless results are considered unsatisfactory. 1->1. WINCHESTER. Extra payments may be made for special work or for positions of special responsibility, (a) Inc. are granted only on application and recom- mendation of Managers after sanction by Com. Heads : * Av. att. to 90 t91 to 135, J136 to 225, $ over 225. Tears, salary shall not be reduced on account of a drop in the av. att. unless such loss is attributable to the fault of the Head Tchr. A.asts. : 10 yrg.' satisfactory service may be counted as equivalent to College Training. 1st or 2nd Div. Tchrs. 10 for Degree or equivalent. 135. WINDSOR. P.S. is taken into consideration. 136. WORKINGTON. P.S. elsewhere will generally be considered in making new appointments. Heads : *25 is deducted from salary for rent, rates, coal, and gas, where Tchr. occupies sch. house. 137. WORTHING. Heads: No reduction shall be made of the first 3 months on account of a fall in the av. att., nor then unless the Com. so decide. Additions for extra subjects and for the tuition of P.T.'s. Ms. * Girls', t Infants' Schs. ^Lssts. : Additions for extra subjects authorised by Com. 139. BANGOR. * This Borough has relinquished its powers as an Education Authority to the County Council. Scale is as under the Carnarvon Com. 110. CARMARTHEN. *Itis reported that the Com. have withdrawn this Seal?, and decided to fix all salaries according to qualifications, experience, and work. Heads : f No max. fixed for this grade. Assln. : Scale under cousidrnition. 111, MKRTHYR TYDFIL, * This scale applies to Council Schs. only. Heads: Basis accuin., not av. att. f Accjm. 201 to 500, lover 5UO, (a) Inc. M. 12i, Ms. 7, quinqnentiially up to 10 yrs.. then annually. A**ts. in Higher Eit-m. Sch. and P.T. Centre rise to M*. 150; Ms. 90 10 120 by Co ann. to 100, then 10. For tr. Assts. 2 yrs,' P.S. in any Public Elein. Scb. is recognised. After 10 yrs.' service uutr. Tchrs. are paid on the scale for 3rd Div. Tr. Assts. (a) Ann. inc. M. tr. 1st and 2nd Div. 5 to 100, then 10 ; 3rd Div., 5; untr., 2| Ms. tr. 5, untr. 2J to 70, then 5. 143, PEMBROKE. Heads : M. *Av. att. to 120, 1 121 to HO, j HI to 160, i20 to 127; 161 to 180, 130 to 137 ; 181 to 200, 140 to H7. $ Head Tchr. of the Coronation Senior Sch. Head M. of 20 yrs.' s-rvice shall receive at lea-t 147 per ann., and of 10 yrs.' service at least 120 per ann. Ms. *Ar. att. to HO, f HI to 160, 161 to 180, $181 and over. This is the scale for Girls' Depts. Head Ms. of Infants' Depts. 5 less than scale throughout. Head Ms. of 20 yrs.' service shall receive not less than 125. and of 10 yrs,' service at least 100. Asms.: 2 yrs.' P.S. under other Authorities counted. Asst. Ai. of 20 yrs.' service shall receive at lea^t 124 per annum. U4. WHEXHAM. Assts. :(a) Ann. inc. 5 to 100, then 10. Additional pay- ments may be made for instruction given in special subjects by Tchrs. qualified to give such instruction. 530 URBAN DISTRICT SALARIES. Average Attendance Urban Districts. To 100 101 to 150 151 to 200 201 to 250 .- 1 ACTON *150 220 2 ALDERSHOT 150 3 BARKIXG 160 200 180 220 4 BECKEXHAM 90 150 5 BILSTOX 180 200 6 CAXXOCK 120 140 140 7 CHADDERTOX 100130 *127| 150 tH2|-170 J157 190 8 CHISWICK 160 200 9 COSELEY * 160 10 EDMOXTOX *180 11 EN FIELD *160 12 ERITH 180 240 13 FARN WORTH *160 14 FELLIXG i 180 15 FEXTOX N.S. 16 FlXCHLEY 120160 150 200 180 17 GORTOX *160 195 160205 160215 170225 18 GOSPORT AXD ALYERSTOKE 150 230 19 HAXDSWORTH *200 120 140 140170 21 HEXDOX 100165 *1 10175 fl60 200 22 HESTOX AXD ISLEWORTH . . 140160 160 200 23 HIXDLEY *140 200 ! t!70 240 24 ILFOKD * 180 25 IXCE-JX-MAKERFIELD 120 150 150 180 26 KETTERIXG 27 KIXG'S NORTON 110160 120180 130200 150 28 LEYTOX 150 250 29 NUN EATON &CHILVERSCo*ON N.S. 30 OLDBURY *150 31 PEXGE *175 200 200 32 RADCLIFFE *120 150 140170 160190 177|207| 33 ROWLEY REGIS N.S. ' 34 SHIPLEY * 200 35 STRETFORD * 160 195 160205 160215 170225 36 SWINTON AND PKNDLKBUllY *160 195 160205 160215 170225 37 TIPTOX *160 38 TOTTENHAM *175 200 f200 39 TUNSTALL * 110 130 fllo 140 t 12 16 \J140-180 40 TWICKENHAM 150 230 41 WALL AS EY 160 210 170220 42 WALTHAMSTOW 160 . 43 WATERLOO- WITH-SEAFORTH * 160 190 fl70 205 J180 225 4-1 WATFORD *150 45 WILLESDEX 170 220 200 46 WOLSTANTOX *110 130 fiis Uo 1120 160 N S 140180 47 WOOD GREEN *175 200 200 WALES. 48 ABERDARE 130180 140190 150200 160210 49 ABEKTILLEKY 170 230 50 BARRY 180 250 51 EBBW VALE 120 ] 15* 52 LLAXELLY *120 140 53 MOUXTAIX ASH 120 150 130180 160 54 POXTYPRIDD *170 250 *150 190f For Explanation of Signs 'and Notes on Scales, see page 536. HEAD MASTERS. 531 251 to 300 301 to 350 351 to 400 401 to 450 451 to 500 Ann. Inc. | C e 1 180 270 210320 5 2 210 5 3 200 240 220260 10 4 , 5 5 5 6 160 160180 5 7 8 172^210 200 JJ190 220 11210220 **220 260 250 ; *250 300 f300- 350 5 5 9 170 190 10 255 f210 | 300 + 320 71 11 210 t200 250 *5, flO 12 (a) 13 180 f200 220 no, ts { 210 210 240 t220 250 ::230 260 5 I 140 180 15 ! 16 230 200300 200350 V' 17 180235 1 87 J 2 1 2 ! 1 95250 200255 21 '5260 18 4 19 250 f200- 30d 10 20 160200 180220 200-210 5 () 21 200 240 240 2SO 22 180 . 230 5 ,V- 10 (a) 23 24 +178-218 260 183253 200 188 25S 193263 2SO 220300 198268 5 10 25 180 230 5 26 >)() * 240t * 260+ 10 27 220 160 230 170250 10 28 10 29 30 200 iso -230 5 31 250 250 300 (a) 32 195225 210240 () 33 31 35 18023*5 187 * - 2 1 2 ! 1 95260 200255 205260 (ft) 36 ISO -235 1S7! 212| 195-250 200255 205260 (a) 37 38 250 250- 325 5 cV 10 (ff) 39 170 210 210- 250 (") -10 8 41 180230 190-210 200-250 210260 220-280 f) 42 255 170 2S5 '190-305 (a) 43 ^195 250 11220- 2S5 () 44 200 200-250 10 15 250 H230-280 1260310 ^90 310 (<*) 46 170 210 200250 () 47 250 ;250 325 48 170220 g 49 ."> 50 5 & 10 (rt) 51 2^ 52 (a) 53 220 .> 54 5 vV 10 (-/; 55 5 URBAN DISTRICT SALARIES. Average Attendance Urban Districts. To 100 101 to 150 151 to 200 201 to 250 c c 'J 1 ACTOX i: T'0 190 2ALDERSHOT ft] 861 11 H 901 15 93f 118f 33 ROWLEY REGIS 85 90 9U 95 34 SHIPLEY * 120 t 130 35 STRFTFOUD * 12U 120 125 130130 180135 36 SWINTON AND PE\DLEHUUY * 120 120125 120130 120135 37 TIPTON .. .. .. *80 t 105 110 115 38 TOTTENHAM *110 . 150 t!30 39 TUNSTALL *80 90 f85 ICO 95110 x lug 120 40 TWICKENHAM 115 1H5 41 WALLASEY 85110 85120 100130 110-1 i.) 42 WALT ii AM STONY 130 43 WATERLOO-WITH-SEAFORTH (B 120 195-120 flOO 130 100 130 +110-145 105 14u *100 150 (til 5 ( tllO 45 WILLESDEN ( *130 t!3Q 180 '160 46 WOLST ANTON ' * 80 SO f85 100 "95110 5105120 47 WOOD GKEEN .. .. : *110 150 t!30 WALES. 48 A HERD A It E 80100 85110 90-115 95120 49 ABERTILLERY 100 140 50 BARRY 140 __ 200 51 Eiiii\v YALE *90 110 52 LLANELLY *66 t75 53 MOTJM-AIN ASH *80 110 tioo 54 PONTYPRIDD *110 110 55 RHONDDA *100 120t 1 For Explanation of Signs and Notes on Scales, see page 536. HEAD MISTRESSES. 533 251 to 300 301 to 350 351 to 400 401 to 151) 451 to .".(in Ann. Inc. I 140 J 220 160250 6 2 160 5 150 $130160 3 150 2CO 170220 10 4 4 ' i 120 5 6 105 95115 5 7 $135 140 145160 U 155 160 ** 160 180 5 8 ' 150 - 185 *185 225 t225 260 9 $110115 '-"., t3|, i&}5 10 180 *160 ' 225 + 240 11 155 tUO 200 *5, flO 12 (rt L3 2* 14 ( 135 125 140 1 110 140 15 16 150200 5 17 130140 1301433 1301471 130150 &c. (a) 18 3 1Q ( 175 120185 71 J :i no-170 20 . 110140 115145 120150 5 21 140 1S5 185225 n 22 120 160 5 23 110140 115145 120150 120155 130 ICO 5 24 180 110 200 160220 10 25 120 150 5 2(i 140 * 150 10 27 150 100 160 110170 5 28 10 29 30 120 120150 6 31 185 185 225 5 32 33 971120 95 100 100105 105110 (a) 21 34 35 l W } \ 1301 1 :'>< 1301 1 7 - 1 . 130150 c. (4) 3(5 12 140 123 143? 127', 1 17' 130 150 &c. w 37 120 38 175 +150- 250 5 & 10 (flf) 39 115 140 130- 150 (") 40 41 120155 130165 140-175 150- 1 Mi 6 42 170 . 140180 *160 200 W ,., | ^120160 ||135180 I ,115 155 125170 44 . jgQ 10 210 190 246 (a) 4;> 1 160 " 210 jl'H) 210 46 115 140 130150 (") 47 175 150 250 W 48 , 100125 5 49 3 50 5 fc 10 () 51 2 52 53 136 6 54 55 1 'I URBAN DISTRICT SALARIES. TTVKo n T>i i--f vi n+a Certificated Assistant Masters. UrDtLll IslauJTlCuS* I. II. . - : 1 ACTOX 95 ISO 80140 85 175 1 80140 2 ALDERSHOT 85 120 80 110 3 BARKIXG 95 150 90 150 4 EEC KEN II AM .. 85 1 of) 75 150 5 BlLSTOX 90150 So !,")() 75 130 6 CANXOCK 85 1 1:> 80 100 7 CHADDERTOX . . 80 140 75 130 70130 8 CHISWICK 95 1HO 85 150 9 CoSELEY 85 140 75 125 10 EDMONTON 95 180 87i 180 11 ENFIELD 95 170 80130 ! 85" 170 i 80130 12 ERITH . <),) 170* 90145 90 f!4/, 80110 13 FARNWORTH 90 150 80 150 14 FELLING 90 130 80 120 15 FEXTOX 85 130 80 120 16 FINCHLEY 95 160 85 130 17 GOUT ox 90 146* 75 140 18 GOSPORT AND ALTER - 85 12o 75 105 STOKE 19 HANDSWQRTH 90 140 80 140 20 HERRURX .. 90 150 i '"> 110 21 HENDON *100 Id;') 9;, K;0 f90 90 85 22 HESTOX & ISI.KWOUTII *100 150 '100 150 23 HlNDLEY 90 150 90 150 24 ILEOHD.. 100 180 90 180 25 INCE-IN-MAKERFIELD 85 140 , 8O-135 75 130 26 KETTERIXG . . 90 130 or 150 85 130 or 150 *-130orl50 27 KING'S NORTON 90 145 80 145 28 LEYTOX 100 17-") 801301 95 175 80 130t 29 NVXEATON AXD CTIIL- 85 140 80 110 VERS COTOX 30 OLDBURY 85 140 75 130 31 PENCE *93 175 85 160 32 RADCLIFF 9 110 80 115 33 ROWLEY REGIS 80 115 75 105 34 SHIPLEY s:> 125 75 120 35 STRETFORD . . 90 45* 75 110 36 SWINTON & PEXDLK- 85 i i.y 75 140 BURY 37 TIPTOX 85 1 1 5* 85 115* 38 TOTTENHAM .. *35 190 SO 90 95 190 80190 39 TUN STALL 85 ;>,() 75 120 40 TWICKENHAM 90 to . V 5 125 41 WALLASEY .. ( .K) - 1 IT) 8;-> -15 80130 75 130 42 WALTHAVSTOW 90 *105 7 ; "> 190 90 105 175 190 43 WATERLOO -WITH- ) 105 4.Q/5 150 130 ( q,5 100 SEAFORTH i | /^ g;") !()() 70 80 44 WATVORD f *9."> 150 85120 90 140 85120 j 95 9QO 85 200 45 WlLLESDEX .. *80 120 80 120 46 WOLSTANTOX 85 130 7o 12 47 WOOD GREKN 9.') 200 75150 95 200 75150 WALES. 48 ABERDARE 80 130 75120 75 125 70110 49 AHERTILLEKY 90 140 80110 75 120 70100 50 BARRY 90 160 80 150 51 EBBW VALE .. 85 110 75110 75 110 65 85 52 LLAXELLY 80 130 70115 75 120 70105 53 MOUNTAIN ASH 85 150 85 150 54 PoNTYpRinn . . *8S 160 80 IfiO 55 RHOXDDA *80 130 80110 M) 120 80100 1 !. ^.^. . * For Explanation of Signs and Notes on Scales, see page 530. CERTIFICATED ASSISTANTS. 1 Certificated Assi stant Mistresses. II. Annual Increase. "V " \ _ I C C I! C C 1 hf> 140 70120 7-") 135 70120 M, (a), Ms. 5 > *80 loo *75 90 5 ;; 85 130 75 130 00 i 7o 115 65 115 5 () 5 75 '.)() 05 80 M. (), Ms. 5 6 65 S5 65 80 5 70 110 65 100 60100 5 8 85 135 75 125 5 (a) ( j 75 100 65 90 5 10 80 1-10 75 140 M. 7i, Ms. 5 11 S5 140 65110 75 140 65110 5 12 s:> 140* 80130 80 130f 70 -Hid I. (a), II. 5 i:; 75 110 65 110 5 1 I 70 '.<> 65 85 5 lf> 7-"> 100 65 85 M. 5, M,^. 2; Ki Sf> 130 75 105 5 17 7.) 110* 55 110 5 1 S 76 100 66 90 M. 5, Ms. 3 1!) 70 110 65 110 (a) 20 7-"> 95 65 85 5 ^ 2\ *95 125 90110 f85 85 80 *7|, t5 22 80 120 80 120 5 23 70 100 70 100 6 2 1 9i 140 80 140 () 25 7-"> 100 7095 65 90 26 80 115 or 125 75 115 or 125 *-115orl25 o 27 75 i 105 65 105 M. 5 cV 10 (), Ms. 5 28 S5 130 70 105f 80 130 70 105t (a) 2!) 70 100 65 100 5 30 70 110 65 100 5 31 *85 140 80 130 M. (), Ms. 5 32 70 110 65 90 5 33 hO 80 6') -- 80 M. 5, Ms. I. 3, II. 2| 31 75 100 (55 90 5 35 65 110* 85 110 5 36 65 110* 55 110 5 37 65 751 65 75f M. 5, Ms. 2,' ; 38 *85 110 65140 85 140 140 5 cV 10 (ft) 39 7o '.() 65 80 () 40 80 120 75 100 5 !1 80110 75 110 70105 C>5 105 5 75 1 :JO 75 130 () 42 115 90 145 *80 110 i:; t75 - 100 65 75 5(a) f 65 75 55 i 65 1 1 '-,SO 120 70 95 75' - 110 7< .') 85 150 80 150 M. (.), M, 15 i '75 115 75 115 i ' ; ii i 7,) 95 65 S5 .M. .', M . 2 17 "> 111) (15140 I Til.'. 140 651 10 110 M. (j, M~ 48 70 110 65 i;.. 95 60 M. 00, W-- |'l M) 100 70 JO 7o ,s5 65 SO 50 80 1301 75 120' A: 10 .')] 75 110 65 85 65 S5 (iO 80 ,)2 70 100 65 85 60 90 55 80 M y; 7,", 106 65 100 M. fa), M- 51 *75 _ ill) 70 110 M. G 55 > : 7o 100 65 85 70 90 i 65 75 5 0) NOTES ON URBAN DISTRICT SCAMS. NOTES ON URBAN DISTRICT SCALES. N B. Moss Side Urban District and Withington U.D. have been amalgamated with Manchester, and Pemberton U.D. has been amalgamated with Wig&n. Watford U.D, has relinquished its powers as an Education Authority to the County Council, ABBREVIATIONS. Ace. =i According. Inc. zz Increments. Accom. zz Accommodation. M. Masters. Adv. Advanced. Max. zz Maximum. Ann. = Annual(ly). Min. = Minimum. Assts. = Assistants. Ms. zz Mistresses. Av. att. Average attendance. N.S. zz No Scale. Bi. i= Biennially. P.S. = Previous service. Cert. = Certificate (d). P.T. = Pupil Teacher. Com. Education Committee. Sch. zr School, Degree zz Extra annual payment for Tchr. = Teacher. Degree or equivalent. Tr. zz Trained. Dept. zz Department. I Un. con. zz Scale under consideration. Div. = Division. Untr. = Untrained. Elem. zz Elementary. Yr. zz Year. Scales for. Cert. Assts. : I. indicates Tchrs. trained in a Training College, II. Tchrs. not trained in this manner. The columns represent the divisions into which Certificates were formerly divided. 1. ACTON. Heads:* Basis no, on books, not av. att. Assts.: Degree 5. 1st and 2nd Div. Tchrs. are expected to obtain Elem. Drawing Cert., 2 Adv. Sciences, Inter. Tonic Sol-fa, and a recognised Drill Cert. (Ms. in Infants' Schs. may substitute Kindergarten Cert, for one of Adv. Sciences). Existing 3rd Div. Tchrs. may rise to the higher grade on special recommendation. 2| may be added to min. for each yr. of P.S. as Cert. Asst., up to 20 M. (a) Ann. inc. 1st and 2nd Div. 5 to 140 tr., 135 untr., then 10; 3rd Div. 5. Ms. 1st Asst. Ms. in Mixed Sch. under M. 10 above scale. 2. ALDEKSHOT. P.S. may be counted at discretion of Com. Head MX. :* Scale for all Girls' Scbs , f Infants' schs. av. att. to 100, jav. att. 101 to 500, over 500. Asst. Ms. : -* Assts in Infants' schs. commence 5 below scale. 3. BARKING. Assts. :(a} Ann. inc 5 to M. 120, Ms. 110, then 10. 1st Assts. 5 per ann. above scale. 4. BECKENHAM. Assts. : (a) Inc. 10 in M. 6th and llth yra. of service (Ms. 6th yr.). 1st Assts. 5 above scale. Tchrs. -with Parchment commence 5 above scale. 2| added to min. for each yr. of P.S. since obtaining Parchment up to 6 yrs. 5. BILSTON. Head* : P.S. in present schs. in the district to count. M. 25 ann. for B.A. orB.Sc. Ms. * Infant schs. (tr. Tchrs,), f Infant cchs. (untr. Tohr?.), I Mixed or Girls' schs. Assts. : 10 ann. for B.A., B.Sc., or 3 yrs.' College training, (a) Ann. inc. for M. 5 to 100, then 10. 6. CAXNOCK. Heads: 10 bonus if higher grant is earned and av. att. is satisfactory. 7. CHAUDKKTON. P.S. in same capacity taken into account in fixing com. salary. Heads /Scale advances for each 25 in av. att. Av. att. 100 to 124, M. 120 to 140, Ms. 100 to 120; * 125 to 150; 151 to 175, M. 135 to 160; Ms. 110 to 130 ; 1 176 to 200 ; 201 to 225, M. 150 to 180, Ms. 120 to 140 ; ; 226 to '250; 251 to 275, M. 165 to 200, Ms. 130 to 140; 276 to 300; 301 to 325, M. 180 to 220, M*. 140 to 160; || 326 to 350; 351 to 375, M. 200 to 220, Ms 150 to 160 ; II 376 to 400 ; **over 400. 8. CHISWICK. P. S. may be counted at the rate of 1 yr's. inc. for each 2 yrs. of such service up to 10 yrs. Heads : *Av. att. 351 to 500, f over 500. Assts. : (a) Inc. of 10 on obtaining Parchment, then 5 ann. 9. COSELEY. Heads : M. * No definite scale adopted. Max. only- fixed for grades as indicated. Ms. *Av. att. to 180, f 181 to 200, 1 201 to 240, over 240. Assts.: P.S. under any Authority considered. 5 p. a. extra to Tchrs. tr. 3 yrs,, or with Degree, and to Asst. Ms. in charge of sewing. 10. EDMONTON. Heads : Basis accom. not av. att., * Accom. to 365, "j-366 to 520, t In Schs. over 520 ann. bonus of M. 20, Ms. 15 is allowed after 16 yrf>.' service as Head Trhr. under Authority (ihis is included in figure quoted). Afsts. : Tchrs. with Parchment commence 5 above scale, 11. ENFIELD. P.S. may be counted ai discretion of Com. Heads : * Basis accom. not av. att., Schs. under 200 accom. salary specially fixed. Assts. : 3rd Div. NOTES ON URBAN DISTRICT SCALES. 537 Tchrs. will be raised to the next class on passing London Mafcric. or Oxford or Cambridge Higher Local Exams. 12. ERITH. P.S. elsewhere considered. Degree 5. Heads:- (a) Ann. inc. 5 ID M. 200, Ms. 180, then 10. Asstt. :* Tchrs. in this grade must possess Inter. Tonic Sol-t'a, full "D," 3 Adv. Science Certs, (or for Tchra in Infants' Schs., a Kindergarten Cert.), and a recognised Drill Cert, f Tchrs. in this grade must possess Inter. Tonic Sol-fa, 3 Drawing Certs., 2 Adv. Science Certs, (or for Tchrs. in Inf. Bchs. Kindergarten Cert.}, and a recognised Drill Cert. Tchrs. without these qualifications will be placed on the scale for 3rd Div. Tchrs. Tchrs. may be raised from one grade to another for natisfactory service under the Com. Com. may defer any increase until Tchr. has Cert, in Music and Drill, (a) Ann inc. to tr. Tchrs. 1st and 2nd Div. 5 to M. 120, Ms. 110, then 10. TJntr. Tchrs. and 3id Div. tr., 5. 13. FARNWORTH. Heads: M. * No fixed scale adopted. Appointments have been made at the following rates : Ms. * Untr. Tchrs. 10 less. 14. FELLING. P.S. may be considered in fixing commencing salary. Heads : Basis accom. not av. att. M. * Mixed and Boys' Schs., f Accom. 401 to 500, Jover 6liO. $ Scale for Junior Schs. with accom. of 300 and over. Ms. * Infants' Schs., t Junior and Girls' Schs. with accom. of 300 and over. Assts. : 1st Assts. tr. M. 12.") to 140, Ms. 85 to 100 ; untr. M. 120 to 140, Ms. 80 to 100. 15. FENTON. Assts. : Max. is increased by 5 for Matric , Inter., and Degree. 16. FINCHLBY. 5 extra for Degree or 3 yrs.' College training. Heads : M. *Head master of Higher Elem. Sch. (a) Ann. inc. 10 to 270, then 5 (av att. over 300). *15 to 310, then 10. Assts. : Untr, Tchrs. n.ay rank as tr. if Com. consider length of service and general qualifications justify that course. An addition may be made to the min., at the discretion of tho Com., for P.S., to an amount not exceeding 15. Assts. in Higher Elem. scbs., M. 100 to 200 by 7| ann., Ms. 90 to 160. 17. GORTON. Heads : * Fixed salary M. 120 to 175, Ms. 80 to 110. Addition of 4s M., 2s. Ms., for each unit of av. att. up to 300, 3s. M., Is. 6d. Ms. for the next 1 00, and 2s. M., Is. Ms., for each unit, over 400. 10 for higher and 5 for lower principal grant 2 for each P.T. or candidate. Min. salary not to be less than M. 160, Ms. 120, 130 in schs. with av. att. exceeding 151). (Note The figures given are for the max. av. att. of each grade.) ("> Inc. : After 5 yrs.' eervice M. 15, Ms. 10 ; after another 5 yrs. M. 20, Ms. CIO ; and after a further 5 yrs. M. 20, Ms. 10. Assts. : * In special cases salary may rise to M. 160, Ms. 120. 5 for Matric., 10 for Degree, or 15 for Degree with 1st Class honours. Time spent at a Training College counts as service. 18. GOSPORT AND ALVEBSTOKE. .2i added to ruin, for each yr. of P.S. as Head M., 2 for each yr. of P.~S. as Head Ms. in the district, and 1 for each yr. elsewhere, 2 for each yr. as Cert. Asst. M. in the district, and 1 for each yr. as Cert. Asst. Ms. Heads : Head Tchrs. must be tr. 19. HANDSWORTH. Heads: Basis accom. not av. att. M. *Av. att to 500, foOl and over. Ms. * Junior or Girls' Depts. f Infants' De-pts. Assts.: (a) Ann. inc. 5 to M. 105, Ms 85, then 7',. 1st Assts in schs. with accom. under 500, M. 100 to 150, Ms. 80 to 120; accom. over 500, M. 100 to 160, Ms. 80 to 130. Ann. inc. 5 to M. 115, Ms. 95, then C7 ' . 20. HEIUURN P.S. under Into S-h. Bd. will be considered in fixing com. palaiy. Heads : Tchrs. with 20 yrs.' service under Authority will not sutler any reduction through a fall in the av. att. from any cause beyond their control. (ft) After 12 yrs.' service salaries of II. -ad Ms. arc increased by C5, after 16 yrs.' by a further 5, and after 'JO yrs.' by another .">, but in no ease shall max.* exeeed C255. Assts. : Tchrs. tr. 3 yrs. commence as at 2nd yr. of service. 1st Assts. 5 above scale, regard being had to qualifications, ability, and service. 21. HENDON. Heads : *Av. att. 101 to 170, f 171 to 250. Tchrs. of schs. in grades 1 and 2 must have had not less than 3 yrs.' recorded service, and Tchrs. of schs. in Higher grades not less than 6 yrs. Asts. : * Teachers with Parchment, t Without Parchment. For specially good service Com. may promote Div. 3 Tchrs. to the next high or grade. P.S. under any Authority considered. 22. HESTON AND ISLF.WORTH. Superannuation contributions paid by Com. J leads : M. (ft) Ann. inc. 5 (av. att. to 250), 10 (over 250). Asxt*.: M. *90 until Parchment is obtained, then as per erale. 23. HINDLEY P.S. consider* d. llea~ t> tor Art Class Tchr.'s Cert., 5 for Degree, Inter. (Ms. L.L.A. or Higher Fro^bel), &<;,, 3 for full"D," 2 Adv. Science Cert*., Prelim, Matric., &c. 3rd yi. of tr. counts as service. Heads: Head Tchrs. must be 1st Div. tr., or if 2nd Div., have passed one of specified exams., or be a Graduate with Teaching Diploma. In each case Tchr. must have 6 yrs.' subsequent experience, or 3 yrs.' experience and Degree (Ms. L,L.A , or Higher Froebel). *Min. size, Seniors 150, Ordinary 16u ; f S. 180, 0. 200; J S. 220, 0. 25*; $ S. 270, 0. 320 ; |J S. 350, O. 420. Smaller schs. specially dealt with. Ms. : A. Senior and Mixed Schs. ; B. Junior and Infants' Schs. The grading of Junior and Infants' Schs. is the earne as Ordinary. 5 to Head Ms. in charge of 2 or more independent depts. Extra payments to Head Tchrs. on account of P.Ts. or Candidates, (a) Ann inc. M. 5 to 180, 195, 1205, 210, and 1225 respectively, then 10. Ms. First 3 grades 1'5, last 2 grades 5 for 6 yrs. and 5 yrs. respectively, then 10. Assts : * Class A Tr. 1st Div. (or 2nd Div., and having passed one of specified exams, or Graduates with a Teaching Diploma); having 3 yiv.' subsequent experience in scb. f Class B (tr.) and ,C (untr.). 1st Div. (or 2nd Div., and having passed one of specified exams.). % Class C (tr.) 2nd Div. or Graduates with a Teaching Diploma, and I) (untr.) 2nd or 3rd Div. After :j yrs.' approved service at the max. of their grade, Tchrs. may rise to the next grade, but 3rd Div. Tchrs. may not rise to Class A without passing a University exam. 1st Assts. (Class A) 5 above stale. Half superannuation paid by Com. (a) Ann. inc to M. tr. * (Class A) 5 to 130, then 10. 540 NOTES ON URBAN DISTRICT SCALES. 44. WATFORD. * This Authority has relinquished its powers to the County Council, who have continued the following scale (being that of the late School Board), for Tchrs. in Council Schs. Tchrs. in Voluntary Schs. are under the scale of the Herts Com. Heads: Basis X<>. on roll, not av. att. Ms. f Girls' Schs. J Infants' Schs. Assts. : 1st Assts. mav receive 5 above scale ; 1st and 2nd Div. Untr. Tclirs. rank as tr. after 10 yrs.' service. Untr. Tchrs. cert in and after 1906, having- passed with distinction in certain subjects, shall rank as Div. 1 and 2 in previous exain. 45. WILLESDEN. Heads : Basis acc^ui., not av. att. Where the number on roll, is not equal to acoom., salary will be specially settled. Head Tchrs. must have taken 2nd yr.'s papers and held Parcbment not less than 6 yrs. (a) Ann. inc. 5 for 4 yrs., then 10. M. t Accom. 351 to 500, + 500 to 600, $ over 600. Ms. * Girls or Mixed, t Infants' Schs. j Accom. 401 to 600. Assts. : * Tr. or untr. Cert, on 1st yr.'s papers. (Tclirs. in this class will be promoted to the next on the completion of 10 yrs.' service from the date of Parchment.) 1st Assts. in Mixed Schs. will receive 5 per annum above scale, 5 addition to the iuin. for each yr. of active service as Asst., but such addition shill not exceed 20. M. (a) Ann. inc. 5 to 150, then 10. 46. WOLSTANTOW. Notes as for Tunstall, above. Asst. Tchrs. in charge of a sch. for at least 2 months during absence of Head Tchr. receive at the rate of 10 p. a. extra for such period. 47. WOOD GIIEEN. Heads : * Basis accom., not av. att. t Accom. 201 to 360. j Over 360. (a) Ann. inc. 5 for 5 yrs., then 10. Assts. : 2nd M. and Ms. 10 in excess of salary on appointment to M., 210 by 10 ann. ; Ms. 150. M. (a) Ann. inc. 5 to 120, then 10 (1st and 2nd Div.); 5 (3rd Div.). Inc, granted only on receipt of satisfactory report from Head Tchr. * Tclirs. in the employ of the Com. on the " appointed day." t Tchrs. appointed after that date, 48. AKERDAUE. 2 yrs.' P.S. under other Authorities may be counted. Degree 10. Higher Grade Sch. : Head M. 170 to 220, Head Ms. 100 to 125, Asst. M. 85 to 135, Asst. Ms. 75 to 115. Assts. : 1st yr.'s Cert. M. 65 to 80, Ms. 55 to 65. M. (a) Ann. inc. 5 to 100, then 10. 49. Ai'.KRTiLLKKY. 4 yrs.' service elsewhere counted. 10 extra has been granted to M. after 10 yrs.' service. Assts. (a} Ann. inc. to tr. M., 5 for 4 yrs. then 10. 50. BARRY. This scale applies to Council Schs. only, (a) Ann. inc. 5 for 3 yrs., then 10. 5 per ann. for passing any of the exams, set out in Appendix B of the Order in Council, and a further 5 for Degree or passing any of the exams, set out in Appendix A. Ms. 5 for Elem. Froebel Cert, and a further 5 for Higher Froebel (except Head Ms. in Infants' Schs., who will not be appointed unless holding this Cert., and 1st Assts. in Infants' Schs. who must hold Elem. Froebel Cert. After 3 yrs.' service no advance of salary will be granted to Tchrs. in Infants' Schs. who do not obtain a Froebel Cert.). P.S. under other Authorities at the rate of 2f per ann. may be counted to an amount not exceeding 5. Com. may in special cases increase salary beyond max. Assts. : Same scale applies to Secondary Tchrs. registered in Column B, and qualified under the Code, t Cert. Tchrs. holding Higher Froebel, and tr. at a recognised Kindergarten Training College, shall be placed in this class. JAsst. Tchrs. tr. at a Kindergarten Training College, and having obtained Elem. Froebel, shall be placed in this class. Manual Instructor, 130 to 150; Assts., 90 to 110. Cookery Tchrs., 80 to 110; Assts., 75 to 90. 51. EJIHW V ALB. This scale applies to Council Schs, only. Heads : M, *Plus J of the Government Grant (if full Grant is earned Head M. will be entitle! to 4). Ms. *Plus of the Government Grant. Head Ms. of Infants' Schs. 5 less than scale. Assts. : P.S. counted to the extent of 4 yrs. (a) *Ann. inc. M I. 5 to 100, thf-n 10. 5 for Matric. and a further 5 on passing subsequent Degree exams. 52. LLANELLY. Heads: * Fixed salaries, plus of the Government Grant. Ms. * Infants' Schs. f Girls' Schs. (The min. salary of Head Tchrs. in Infants' Schs. is 100.) M. (a) Inc. 5 after each 5 yrs.' service up to 20 yrs. Assts. : P.S. in other schs. considered in fixing commencing salary; 3rd yr. of tr, counts as service. Assts. in P.T. centre M, 120 to 150, Ms. 95 to 120; in Sch. of Science M. (with special qualifications) 120 to 150 (other Assts.) 90 to 140, Ms. 80 to 110; in Higher Grade Scb, M. 85 to 135, Ms. C7-) to 105, (a) Ann. inc. M,, 1st and 2nd Div, tr. 5 to 100, then 10. 53. MOUNTAIN ASH. Heads: Basis accom,, not av. att. Addition of 6', per NOTKS ON UIMJAN IHSTI.'KT SCALES. ..11 head on ay. alt. if highest grant earned (for schs. above 200 ac 'om.), Ms. * Girls' Schs. flufauts* Schs. Assts. : M. () Ann, inc. 5 to 1UU, then 10 to 140, then 5 to max. 2 yrs.' service elsewhere counted lor tr. Tchrs. Cookery Ms., 80. 54, PONTYPRIDD. * This scale applies to Council Schs, only. Degree 10, Inter- mediate 5 (Ms. 5 for Higher Froebel and ,2 for Elem. Froebel). Tchrs. in Upper Standard Sch. 10 above scale. Heads: M. (a) Ann. inc. 5 to 200, then 10 to 240, and a further inc. of 10 after 15 y.' service as Head under Authority, Assts.: M. (a) Ann. inc. 5 to 100, then 10 to 140, and a further inc. of 20 after 10 yrs.' service under Authority. 55. KHONDDA. * This scale is tmder revision. Head*: t -}- payments for units in siv. att., but Hilary shall not exeeed M. 260, Ms. 170. Deduction of M. 5, Ms. 3, where hi^liot ^rant is not obtained. Awtx. ; (a} Inc. for ti'. M., 5 to 100, then 10; 3rd Div. imtr. Tchrs., .2.1. PJ3. elsewhere considered. Ms. responsible for Needlework in Mixed Schs., with av. att. up to 300, 5 extra ; tiv. att. 300 to 400, 7| ; over 400, 10 extra. Cookery Tchrs. r< 3rd class railway fare. SCALE OF SALARIES ADOPTED BY THE NATIONAL UNION OF TEACHERS. Girls' and Infants' Mistresses of the same Professional Status, working in the same School, should , be paid the same rate of Salary. Class Mistresses working in Mixed or Boys' Departments should receive the same rate of Salary as the Class Masters in the same Department. HEAD TEACHERS. That the Minimum Salary of a Certificated Headmaster should not be lews than 150, and of a Certificated Head Mistress not loss than $120. Head Teachers in the Extra -Metropolitan area should be paid subject to a Scale not inferior to that of the London Teachers of similar rank. PROVINCIAL CLASS TEACHERS. MEN. Minimum, 1)0 ; Maximum, 180, by annual automatic increments of C5 to 100, and then by annual automatic increments of 10 to the Maximum. II'OMEX. Minimum, 80; Maximum, 145, by annual automatic increments of 5 to 115, and then by annual automatic increments of 10 to the Maximum. METROPOLITAN AND EXTRA-METROPOLITAN CLASS TEACHERS. M I-'.N. Minimum, 100; Maximum, 220, by annual automatic increments of f defending himself, some Local Authorities have de- cided that these reports shall be shown to the teacher after they are made; but this is not sufficient, and by no means satisfies justice. The teacher concerned may be able to put in a thoroughly satisfactory defence, he may be acquitted, the Authority may even come to the conclusion that the report ought not to have been made ; but the memory of the fact that the teacher was reported upon, that he was the subject of some inquiry, will remain on the minds of all concerned long after the recollection of the result of the inquiry has passed away ; and therefore, without any malicious motive on the part of any one concerned, serious injury may be done to the pro- fessional career of an unoffending teacher. Warning to Young Teachers. It seems also desirable that, wherever these reports are required upon the professional work of the teacher, the offioer making the report should be expected to point out the defects in the work, and the circumstances which lead to dissatisfaction in order that the teacher concerned may have the opportunity of avoiding further com- plaint. The methods of one school are not always those of another. The regulations of one Authority differ from those prevailing elsewhere. The young teacher may be fulfilling the conditions which prevailed in the school he has left and be quite unconsciously acting at variance with the regulations which prevail in the school he has recently entered. This should be pointed out to him, and time for alteration given before the reports are made. CONFIDENTIAL REPORTS. 548 It seems also "exceedingly unfair to require judgment to be passed upon a teacher after a period, say, of only three months' probation. With teachers fresh from college with high educational ideals, but a little out of touch with the practice of the schools, it may be that striving after an ideal, the over- zealous attachment to a theory, may prevent that teacher realising at once the aims of the school in which he is serving. To spoil his career by a report written prematurely is an action open to grave condemnation. Conditions Governing 1 Reports. It would, therefore, appear advisable that reports adversely criticising teachers should be shown to the teacher concerned at the time such reports are made. He should then have full opportunity oif defending Mnnselif, of taking a copy of the report so far as it concerns himself, and of submitting to the Authority with the report a statement of defence. Should tihe reiport then become the subject of inquiry the inculpated teacher should be present, and it may be desirable that he should have the assistance of a friend. Is Frequent Reporting Necessary ? We suggest that the systematic writing of these reports is entirely unnecessary. It is undoubtedly the duty of the head teacher to report to the Authority responsible for the control of the school not only any serious failure of duty, but also any continuous, particularly if wilful, failure in comparatively small matters. Cannot the Authority take it for granted that, having appointed a head teacher capable and conscientious, it may safely be left to him to furnish these reports when necessary, and may it not therefore be assumed that when such a report is not received tihexe is no reason for inviting the a'tltenitioin of tJhe Local Authority to the conduct of the teaching staff? A similar argument may well be n15 SECTION XII. THE TRAINING OF TEACHERS. Importance Of the Subject. The character of the education given to future generations of scholars will be largely determined by the manner in which the student teacher of to-day is prepared for his work. From the standpoint of educational efficiency, this question of teacher- training is, therefore, one of supreme importance ; it is of direct concern to those who contemplate placing their children in the teaching profes- sion ; and as the solution of the problem may involve large expenditure on professional schools and colleges, the subject is one which demands the anxious attention of the ratepayer. Object Of Training. That those whd are about to join the teaching profession should be well equipped for the duties they will have to discharge is generally recognised, but the nature of that equipment will to a very'* large extent depend on a right appreciation of the teacher's duty. He must be a good disciplinarian, and whatever may be the subjects he may be called upon to teach, it must not be forgotten that all his efforts must be directed to the cultivation of intellect, the development of faculty, and the formation of character. An adequate fulfilment of this great obligation cannot be expected from teachers imperfectly trained, and having regard to the tendencies which exist in certain quarters, it is necessary to emphasise the fact that a knowledge, theoretical and practical, of the teacher's art is as essential to the complete equipment of a teacher as academic success. It is not surprising, therefore, that Local Authorities regard with anxiety proposals which, in their judgment, will tend to weaken, if not destroy, those opportunities which every young teacher ought to enjoy of acquiring pro- fessional aptitude. Old Methods- At one time pupil teachers received the whole of their training, professional and academic, in the schools where they were apprenticed. This system was defective on the academic side, though under it many collegiate and even University students were trained : in fact, many of the most capable teachers now serving in Elementary and Secondary Schools were prepared under this method. Under that now happily discarded system, a scholar stepped out of one class in a Public Elementary .School to become the teacher of another. The supervision of his work as a teacher was often imperfect, owing to the inadequacy of the staff supplied to the school. His academic studies were pursued under the direction of the head teacher "out of school hours." At the close of the period of apprenticeship, he might enter a training college, or continue teaching in school as an ex-pupil teacher, obtaining at a later date the acting teachers' certificate. In tne training college he met those destined to follow, like himself, a teacher's career. Throughout the whole period of training there was little or no escape from the atmosphere of the Public Elementary School. Skill was purchased by bitter experience, the training was solid, but could hardly be described as liberal. Secondary School Preparation. Educationists are now fully anve to the advantages which may be expected as the conse- quence of placing the intending teacher during some portion of his career within the atmosphere of a good Secondary School, and though tin's ndvnn{;iL!,e is apt to be over-estimated, yet then- is ;i common agreement in favour of proposals under which the boy or girl who may contemplate becoming 1 a pupil teacher shall spend tlio yoars from the age of twelve to the age of sixteen in a well-organised school, following a course of education of a character more advanced than ie permitted In the ordinary Elementary School. 18 546 THE TRAINING OF TEACHEKS. Scholarships- The manner in which students should be admitted to such a school calls for serious consideration. In the interests of the community, every facility should be given to promising pupils to secure that educational development which may enable them subsequently to render good service to the- State. But whether the system under which scholarships and bursaries' are now being granted is free from error is open to serious question. This, however, is a subject which it would not be desirable to discuss at length in the present Memorandum. There is, however, one phase of this question to which it is necessary to call atten- tion. It is the practice of some Local Authorities to ear-mark certain scholarships for intending pupil teachers. This is a practice open to the gravest objection. Who can tell that a child, selected too often by com- petitive examination, at the early age of twelve, will, on attaining the age of sixteen, care to enter the teaching profession, or be a suitable subject for training as a teacher? Is it right to impose upon the parents of such a child a sort of moral obligation to bring the child at the age of sixteen to redeem the pledge given four years earlier? Changes in the position, of the family, and the great development of the intellectual capacity of the child may make it clear that while the child may be qualified to repay the ratepayer by "service in som other walk of life, yet he is totally unfit to become a school teacher. Nor is this the way to recruit a great profession. The dearth of teachers does not arise from diffi- culties in the way of entering the teaching profession, but is conse- quent on the low social recognition given in England to teachers in our public schools, the absence, of any scheme of promotion within the field of public education, together with the totally inadequate salaries offered to highly-skilled experts discharging a difficult and important task. Kecruit- ing may be encouraged by improving the position of the adult ; it will not be accomplished by scholarships to children, and nothing could be of greater disadvantage to the schools than to place therein a number of young people with positive dislike for the work, brought in to fulfil a moral obligation from which they will escape at the earliest moment. Apart, however, from this question of admission to the Secondary School, there can be no doubt that the pupil, particularly if he be brought from the Elementary School, will profit largely by contact with other students entering other walks of life. The years from the age of twelve to that of sixteen should be regarded as a period of general educational development. There is no question at this stage of professional training ; indeed, the young student has not definitely determined upon his future career. He may or may not become a pupil teacher. The Pupil Teacher. It is eminently desirable that before he does become bound as an apprentice the intending pupil teacher should have an opportunity of showing whether he -has any teaching capacity, and an equal opportunity of discovering whether he is likely to become attached to the work. This period of probation may well follow the completion of the Secondary School course, and it is obvious that it should precede any formal engagement as a teacher. While the necessity of some such trial is generally recognised, the difficulties in the way of securing it are not easily overcome. It is not desirable that during this period of probation the academic studies of the young pupil should entirely cease, and yet the greater part of his time should be spent in schools specially selected for this work, where the teacher-aspirant may work under the guidance of some well-qualified professor of education. It is possible that during this probationary period the pupil may remain upon the registers of the Secondary School, though under such a plan it is obvious that his attendance at such school will be greatly broken ; he will not be able to follow any regular course himself, and, it is probable that his irregularity will interfere with the progress of other pupils in the school. The Professional School. Is it, however, desirable that the intend- ing teacher should continue as a student in an ordinary Secondary School ? The pupil is now seriously contemplating a special career, one for which THE TRAINING OF TEACHERS. :>17 a definite form of training is necessary. He must not only become a man of liberal culture, but must, by long and patient study, become a skilled h-acher. There is no greater mistake than that of imagining that any educated person can teach young children. That education is necessary goes without saying, but it does not give teaching skill. The problem ho fd re us is how to isecure that form of training which shall combine, both academic and professional development. The Pupil Teacher Centre .system was established to improve academic equipment, while preserving professional training, and there is abundant evidence that the object is being accomplished. It would appear, therefore, that the proper place for the young probationary teacher w.puld be the preparatory class of the professional school, commonly known as the Pupil Teachers' Centre, fiucn a .school or centre might well be organised for a two years' conn-ci of training, coterminous with apprenticeship, preceded by a probationary period. During that probationary period the candidate might be rejected or might resign. He would not then be spoiled for other occupations, would not have drawn further education at the expense of the ratepayer, to whom he would subsequently render no service as a teacher. The percentage of failure amongst ex-pupil teachers would be smaller, owing to the weeding out which would take place in the probationary period. Specialisation. The pupil teacher has reached a stage when specialisa- tion commences. He is following a course intended to lead to a definite result. This cannot be pursued along general lines, nor upon lines leading to a result of a totally different character. Tihe Grammar School and the Girls' High School both have their place in our educational system. But neither can, with advantage to itself nor to the pupil teacher, absorb a number of pupils who ought to be trained in a professional school of a distinctly technical character. Technical Training. 'The pupil teacher has to pursue a technical as well as professional training, and there can be no doubt that, whatever arrangements are made for the future, it will be essential that the young teacher should spend a fairly considerable portion of every year in a school, acquiring by practice, and under the guidance of experienced teachers, some knowledge of the metdiods by which alone teaching becomes effective. Can the ordinary Secondary School be organised to meet these require- ments? Is it possible to arrange a time-table or draw up a syllabus, on the assumption that a proportion of the ischoiars will attend full time, and the remainder, that is the pupil teachers, be absent for a period varying from one-third to one-half the year? The troubles of the hah time school are known to everybody. But it is better to have a school consisting entirely of half-timers than to have one in which a consider- able proportion of the scholars are absent while the others are continuing the school course,. Yet such must be tlhe case if the pupil teachers aro sent into an ordinary Secondary School. It is alleged that proposals to transfer pupil teachers to Secondary Schools are founded on the desire to avoid the evils of segregation, and, no doubt, the continuous segregation of the teacher throughout the period of training is to be great] v deplored ; but a, partial remedy is being found in the transfer of pupils from the Klement.ary School for a four years' course in a Secondary School prior to apprenticeship, and some-thing more will be done as the university character of our training colleges is developed. But it is during tin- period of apprenticeship that the teacher of the future is made or spoiled, and this necessity for securing adequate technical training in the teacher's craft must, outweigh the disadvantages of segregation during these \ And, further, if the pupil teadher be employed as a student teacher during part of his time in a Secondary School, the evils of segregation will be still further diminished. But. is segregation avoided by sending pupil teachers to a Secondary School? It is reported that in' several cases where such transfers have been made the Secondary School has be"ii compelled to adopt a form of organisation which has made segregation notorious. Separate cl: 18* r>4 THE TRAINING OF TEACHERS. even separate play time, have had to be arranged, and the pupil teacher division is marked off as distinctly as though it were being maintained in a separate school. In many instances the only Secondary School available provides for a school course which terminates for ordinary scholars long before the age of eighteen, and consequently the pupil teacher, if sent for training to such a school, will be left in the building after the other scholars have departed, forming a class alone. This will not remove the evil of segrega- tion. The Board of Education are probably wise in using the phrase "A Centre may be attached to a Secondary School." It appears to admit that the Centre cannot be an integral part of a Secondary School. Indeed the regulations of the Board declare that the Centre need not be "carried on in the same premises or under the same management." In these cases it is evident that the evils of segregation are not avoided. For a Centre the Board require : (a) A fixed number of attendances. (6) An approved course of instruction. (c) An approved leaving examination. (d) An approved time-table and syllabus. (e) Separate registration of pupils. (/") An approved teaching staff. These are conditions difficult to satisfy in an ordinary Secondary School. Professional Training". Nor can the Pupil Teacher Centre become a wing of the existing Grammar School. The Centre teacher is no doubt comsoiouis of the fact that every lecture given to Itthe pupil iteiachens assumes a form somewhat different to that which the same lecture would take if given to ordinary popil.s, becausei the- Centre teaiciheir must always emphasise the methods which are adopted in teaching. The young teacher must be trained to adapt himself to the capacity o laid down no general rule. Obviously, it would be undesirable that they should do so. But certain Officials of the Board of Education appear to have adopted for themselves a, very rigid rule. There is considerable evidence of a tendency on their part to coerce Local Authori- ties into '.sending pupil teachers into Secondary Schools. It becomes the duty of the Local Authority to resist such recommendations where they niv' clearly at variance with tho best interests of Iho locality. Only by independence af tli ought, and resolute decision may the Local Authority io preserve professional training far Mie pupil teacher, and THE TRAINING OF TEACHERS. on educational lines, a sound system of Secondary Education for those other pupils for whom specialisation is either not desirable or is required on lines which differ from those which should be followed by the pupil teacher. In Rural Districts. The problem of teacher training in rural dis- tricts presents peculiar difficulties. Neither the Secondary School nor the Pupil Teacher Centre can we hope to find within easy reach of the imtne of every child who desires to become a pupil teacher. Yet the village child should not bo denied the opportunity of -joining the teach- ing profession. A step will be made in the right direction when it is recollected that the village child need not of necessity be trained in tlio nearest village school. Indeed, the school nearest to his home may be quite unfit to train pupil teachers. In very many cases it will be, no doubt, necessary to bring intending pupil teachers together in some contra! school at a distance from their homes. The question then arises whether or not these young people should be required to travel backwards and forwards every morning and evening, or whether it may not be better to house them in the professional school from Monday to Friday each week, or even for whole academic terms. It is on these lines that we may hope to find a solution of many of the educational problems which present themselves with peculiar force in rural districts. The Training College. Wither every male student should proceed to the acquisition af a University degree, whether our Universities might establish, degrees in Pedagogy, what [proportion of female students may be expected to travel along University lines, these are questions far too large for discussion in the scope oif the present article. But while it may be admitted that the attractions of a University rtegf the attain- ment af University distinction must be resisted with determination. Tlhe pupil teacher oif the near future, witlh four years' tnaininig in a Secondary School and two years in a professional school or centre, should be well nn the way with University work, ;aud .should have no difficulty in closing the training college career by acquiring a generally recognised mark of academic distinction, together with such further evidence of pedagogic training las may Tbe required to start ihrim in 'his (professional career. It is unnecessary at tihis stiage to discuss tlhe position occupied by either residential or day training colleges. Some o>f tlhe difficulties associated with the admission oif students to these colleges are being removed }\\ lisnimeiiijti oif hostels. T.m considering this question oi college acoommodaitiion , it should not be forgotten that recent inquiries indicate thlalt there are now sufficient col- lege pllaces 1 for those who at present exjpresis their 'desire to enter a college. But these places are not distributed in proportion to the demusind iu:nle hy stiidentfi professing different creeds, nor are the places now available sufficient to sujpply the number of teachers who ought to receive collegiate braining. This is a phase of the question which urgently demands tihe attention of Local Authorities. The practice in certain districts of appoint- ing ex-P.T.'s ais uncertificated teachers, coupled Avith the continued exist- ence oif the acting teachers' examination, form a, serious discouragement to professional training. The studenit who entersi college has to forego salary for two .years and 'Siuibmiit to oomsiidemible restrictions and expense; whereas the P.T. who is retained in school enjoys freedom and salary, and whether the opinion be well founded or not, there is throughout the teaching prorfessibn an idea that alt the present time it is easier to paiss the acting teachers' examination thian to secure success iis that the Bound recognise that it would be to tlhe interests oif education generally if this declaration Avere satisfied 1 by service in any school main- tained or aided by public money and local ifunds, in other words, that service in 'a Secondary School should be accepted by the Board of Edin-a- tioii ;ais sufficient recognition by tihe studenlt of the obligation incurred by him iu having [part of thecoisit of his training provided out of public fund:!. This chanige brings an inevitable corollary. The State will at an early daite, no doulbt, hiave to face the question of training Iteae.lx'rs who at the outset look forward to service in Secondary Schools alone. Tlie addi- tional finianicial burden would be but is-lighit compare.-! \\iih the money already expended on the training of tea-chens, while it hr advantage of enlarging the (recruiting-area, and of training candidates so roll together for common work, would increase the supply, simplify the work of Local Authorities, and greatly benefit the schools. 552 PENSIONS TO TEACHERS. SECTION XIII. PENSIONS TO TEACHERS. Elementary School Teachers' (Superannuation} Act, 1898. Be it enacted, etc. : Elementary School Teachers Certificated after Commencement of the Act. 1, (1.) A teacher certificated after the commencement of this Act shall not be recognised by the Education Department as a certificated teacher until the Depart- ment are satisfied in the prescribed manner of his physical capacity. (2.) In the case of a teacher who becomes a certificated teacher after the commencement of this Act, the following provisions shall, subject to rules under this Act, apply : (a) His certificate shall expire on his attaining the age of sixty-five years, or if the Education Department, on account of his special fitness, allow his services to continue for a further limited time, then on the expiration of that limited time ; (6) The teacher shall, while serving in recorded service, contribute to the n ff , i if\ Certificated Teachers only. This Act applies only to certificated teachers o \ P that IB, to those teachers who are recognised under the Education Code as certificated for service in public elementary schools. Thus it does not apply to those who, are certificated for service as teachers of cookery, manual instruction, drawing, &c. SeC 1 (7). Commencement of the Act. This Act " commenced " on April 1st", 1899. o 7 (1\ Department's powers now exercised by Board of Education. The " Depart- oeo. j. (I). men f does not now exist, but its functions and powers under this Act are exercised by the Board of Education. o _ -j /7\ Physical Capacity. Evidence as to "physical capacity" is required for 0CH/ J. \i). ever y person who applies for recognition as a certificated teacher. Such person must be examined by a medical officer nominated for the time being by the Board of Education. Lists of the medical officers so nominated for the time being can be obtained on application to that Board. The examination must take place (a) in the case of a person who applies to be examined for a certificate, not earlier than the 1st day of April and not later than the Is* day of June in the year in which the second year's certificate examination is to take place. (6) in the case of a person who applies to be recognised as a certificated teacher without examination (see Art. 60 (b) of this Code), within the time fixed by the Board of Education when the application for recognition is received. Ckj*. 1 n\ Women teachers may now be examined by doctors of their own sex, for the &CC. J. (/). purposes of the Act. 1 (0\ Medical Fees. The Medical fee of 10s. 6d. has to be paid by the person j. (*f. applying for recognition as a certificated teaclur. 1 fO\ (n\ Special Extensions. The Special Extensions are allowed only on the J. \*j (a). app ii ca tion of the Managers of the School in which the teacher is engaged. */ 1 fO\ lh\ Definition of Recorded Service. " Recorded Service" is defined by oeo. J. i*j (0). Section j_ (5 j of the Act> together with Kuie 9 of the Rules under the Act; and the effect of the provisions made therein is to include as recorded service service in the following capacities : (a) Of a teacher in a Public Elementary Day School (including Schools for the Blind and Deaf certified by the Board of Education, and Certified Efficient Schools). (&) Of a teacher in a Training College .,,. ., (c) Of an organising teacher . ... Y^hm the m ean- (d) Of a teacher of a Central Class for pupil-teachers J lng of the Code - (e) Of a teacher of a Central Class in any of the subjects in which the attendances of scholars are registered for the purpose of Article 12 (f.) of the Code. (f) Of a teacher in a certified Reformatory or Industrial School. Recorded service is also limited in point of the time during which it may continue ; no service after a teacher attains the age of sixty-five years cau be recoided service for the purpose of the Act. *?/>/ 7 { 9\ lh\ Payments by Teachers. Every teacher, while sarving in recorded service r ' V y /' after April 1st, 1899, must contribute to the Deferred Annuitj Fund (Sec- tion 1 (2) (b)) ; and he may contribute to it for a break in his employment which does not exceed six months (Section 6 (1) (a) ). The rate of contribution at present is 3 5s. per annum for men, and 2 8s. for women. The contributions will in ordinary cases be deducted by the Board of Education from the grant due to the school or institution in which the teacher is serving ; and the Managers have the power to deduct the amount of the contribution from his salary. " The receipt of the Board of Education for the amount of a contribution paid by the employer of a PENSIONS TO TEACHERS. ;,-,:; deferred annuity fund under this Act at the rate, if a man, of three pounds, and if a woman, of two pounds a year, or at such increased rate as may for the time being be fixed by the Treasury in accordance with this Act ; (c) On his attaining the age of sixty -five years, or on any later date at which his certificate expires, he shall be entitled, out of the deferred annuity fund, to such annuity for the remainder of his life in respect of his contributions to that fund as may be fixed by the tables under this Act, but he shall not be entitled to any return of contributions, or to any benefits in respect of his contributions other than that annuity ; (d) On his attaining the age of sixty -five years, or on any later date at which his certificate expires, if he has contributed to the deferred annuity fund, in accordance with this Act, and his years of recorded service are not less than half the number of years which have elapsed since he became certificated, the Treasury may grant to him, out of moneys pro- vided by Parliament, an annual superannuation allowance calculated at the rate of ten shillings for each complete year of recorded service. teacher, shall be a good discharge for the like amount of remuneration otherwise payable to the teacher." (Section 3 (1).) Upon the teacner's attaining the age of 65 years, he will become entitled to such Annuity for the remainder of his life as is fixed by the Tables under the Act (Section 1 (2) (c) ). The amount will depend on the Lumber of his contributions and the various times at which they were paid ; in order to ascertain it, the Tables should be consulted. a fft i in\ /L\ No Return of Contributions. It should be clearly understood that no \* I \ u l' return of any kind can be made for a teacher's contributions, unless he lives to the age of 65 years. The only return which can be then made is the annuity due to himself. Under no circumstances whatever can the teacher or his relations have the contributions or any part of them returned in a lump sum. On the other hand, how- ever few or broken a teacher's contributions may have been, the annuity, to which they entitle him will be payable upon his reaching the prescribed age, whether he ia then in recorded service or not. SW 1 19\ lh\ Contributions by Women Increased. The rate of contributions by 1 v ' women was increased to 2 4s., by Treasury Warrant, dated December 26th, 1900, and to 2 8s. on 9th January, 1907, as it was found that since the passing of the Act their average salaries had been increased 20 per cent. The annuity awarded to women will be Increased proportionately. G -g , ,,* Contribution! by Men Increased. The rate of contributions by men ()' was similarly increased by Treasury Warrant, dated November 12th, 1904, to 3 5s., with a proportionate increase in the amount of annuity in the case of men. -I io\ /*} Amount of Annuity. The tables at present in force are appended to 1 (2} (c}. thia cha p t e r on pp. 561-2. 1 to\ ( r i\ Annuity and, Superannuation. When a teacher reaches the age of v?J \ a l m 65 (if he does not obtain a special extension) be is entitled to an annuity and a superannuation allowance. But the annuity is payable, even if the teacher has made only one payment to the fund, while tbe superannuation allowance is only payable to the teacher whose years of recorded service upon his reaching the age of 65 are not less than half the number of years which have elapsed since he became certificated (Section 1 (2) (d) ). Ihus, a teacher, who at the age of 65 has been certificated for 44 years, must have served 22 years in recorded service, if any allowance is to be awarded to him. The years of service, however, need not be continuous, nor is a teacher obliged to remain in service up till the ape of G5. As soon as be has completed the minimum amount of service required, he may, if he chooses, give up teaching. If he lives till the age of 65, the allowance due in respect of his recorded service will be paid to him. *i<*r 1 O\ (H\ X atc f Superannuation. This rate is different for two classes of eVt * ( ^> (a) ' teachers, those certificated before April 1st, 1809, and those certificated after that date. For those certificated on and after the date named it is calculated at the rate of ten shillings for each complete year of recorded service. If he serves -40 complete years, he may thus be granted an annual superannuation allowance of 20 for the remainder of his life. Any fractions of a year over the number of complete years served must be disregarded. For those certificated before that date the following is the mcde of calculation : The rate of ten shillings is augmented In the case of a man by threepence, and in the case of a woman by twopence, for each complete year of recorded service served before the commence- ment of the Act (Section 5 (2) (a) ). The effect of this provision is that the allowance for each year of service In the case of an existing teacher Js- For men, 10s. + :5d. x number of complete years of service before 1st April, 1899 ; For women, 10s. -f- 2d. x number of complete years of service before 1st April, 1899. The annual pension due to masters at the age of (>5 will thus be found by adding to 10s. as many threepences as years of service previous to 1st April, 1899, and multiplying the sum thus obtained by the total number of years of service, whether before or after 1st April, 1899. Tbe annual pension due to mistresses will be found similarly, 2d. being substituted for 3d. To illustrate this scale, suppose a total service of 40 complete years, then the annual allowance 554 PENSIONS TO TEACHERS. (3.) If at any time the Education Department find that the average salaries of the certificated teachers calculated in the prescribed manner exceed by ten per cent., in the case of men, one hundred and nineteen pounds thirteen shillings and threepence, or in the case of women seventy-six pounds eleven shillings and nice- pence, per annum, they shall certify accordingly to the Treasury, and the Treasury may by warrant, in the case of either sex, increase the rate of contribution to the deferred annuity fund under this Act by an amount not exceeding five shillings a year for each full ten per cent, of the excess. (4.) Any such certificate may be given, and warrant made from time to time, and if in any year the Education Department consider that the average emolu- ments have been so reduced as no longer to justify any increase of contribution made by any such warrant, they may certify the same to the Treasury, and the Treasury may cancel their warrant accordingly. (5.) " Recorded seivice" for the purposes of this Act shall be such service in the capacity of certificated teacher in a public elementary school, not being an evening school, as is recorded by the Education Department, and may include such service as is so recorded in the capacity, within the meaning of the Education Code, either of a teacher in a training college, or of organising teacher, or of teacher of a central class for pupil teachers, or in such other capacity in or connected with public elementary schools as may be for the time being prescribed, or in the capacity of a certificated teacher in a certified reformatory or industrial school ; but no service after the teacher attains the age of sixty- five years shall be recorded service for the purpose either of contribution to the deferred annuity fund, or of determining the amount of any allowance under this Act. ^Allowances to Incapacitated Teachers. 2. (1.) Where a teacher satisfies the Treasury in the prescribed manner that he: (a) has served a number of years of recorded service not less than ten and not If ss than half the years which have elapsed since he became certificated ; and (b) has not at the date of the application been for more than the prescribed time unemployed in recorded service ; and which will be obtained will be the sum entered in the following table, according to the varying length of service before the 1st April, 1899. S umber of years served State Pension. Number of years served State Pension. before 1st April, 1899, out of the total of before 1st April, 1899, out of the total of 40 years. Masters. Mistresses. 40 years. Masters. Mistresses. s. d. s. d. s. d. s. d. 1 20 10 20 6 8 10 25 23 6 8 2 21 20 13 4 15 27 10 2f> () 3 21 10 21 20 30 26 13 4 4 22 21 6 8 30 35 30 5 22 10 21 13 4 40 40 33 6 8 Sec 1 (3} Average Salaries. The average salaries of certificated teachers are calcu- v *" lated for the purpose of the Act by dividing the total of the sums given in the returns made by the managers of schools to the Board of Education as the professional incomes of men and women teachers respectively by the number of men or women teachers in respect of which the returns are so made. Sec. 1 (3). Increase of Women's Contributions. See Note to Sec. (1) (2) (b), supra. See. 1 (3). Increase of Men's Contributions. See Note to Sec. (1) (2) (b), supra. Sec. L (5). Recorded Service. -See Note to Sec. (1) (2) (a), supra. Teachers in Poor Law Schools. Service in Poor Law Schools for periods i OD g enough to entitle to superannuation under the Poor Law Officers' 1 (3). L (5). & * {K\ co. j. \ Application for a Disablement Allowance. A teacher desiring to apply for a Disablement Allowance should communicate with the Secretary of the Board of Education, Whitehall, S.W., who will forward a form upon which the application must be made. This form is given in an appendix to this chapter, on p. 563. Conditions upon which a Disablement Allowance will be granted: o An incapacitated teacher must satisfy the following further conditions : oct< /^ j^ jj e must have served "a number of years of recorded service not less than 10 and not less than half the years which have elapsed since he became certificated." (Sec- tion 2 (1) (*)). Thus, a teacher in whose case 20 years or less have elapsed since he became certificated must have actually served at least 10 years. If he has been certificate! for 22 years, the minimum period of actual service which is required will be raised to 11 years ; if for 40 years, to 20 years. 2. At the date of his application for a Disablement Allowance he must not have been for more than the prescribed time unemployed in recorded service (Section 2 (I) (6)). In normal cases, the application must be made within one year from the date of the teacher's last employ- ment in recorded service, though an extension of this time may be granted under exceptional circumstances. 3. H must produce evidence to show that he is not subject to certain disqualifications (Section 2 (1) (d)) which are prescribed as follows : "(1) A teacher shall be disqualified for the grant of an allowance if he is not in pecuniary need of it, and shall be disqualified for a grant of part of an allowance if he is not in pecuniary need of that part. " (2) A teacher shall be disqualified for the grant of an allowance if his infitmity has been wholly caused by his own misconduct or default, and if his infirmity, though not wholly so caused, has been increased by his own misconduct or default, shall bd disqualified for the grant of such part of the allowance as the Treasury think fit. "(3) A teacher who is a woman, and has married since her last employment in recorded service, shall be disqualified for the grant of an allowance." o " Pecuniary Need." The following official letter, dated April 7th, 1899, deals acv ^. with the interpretation of this phrase : " In the administration of the Elemen- tary School Teachers' (Superannuation) Act, 1898, My Lords do not regard the words ' not being in pecuniary need ' as applicable to a teacher on the sole ground that he or she has laid by some savings out of his or her professional income. They read the words as limited to persons who, from whatever cause, are so well off as to be obviously improper subjects for a compassionate allowance from the State. Similarly unless in exceptional circumstances My Lords consider that the fact of a teacher's husband or wife being in receipt of a professional income should not be taken into consideration in dealing with an application for a disablement pension. The only object of the above limitations is to guard against serious abuse in the administration of public fuads." ^ ff By a subsequent ruling, given in a letter from the Treasury, dated 31st Juty, <3CC. # 1905i My Lords have fixed 300 a year instead of 200 as the limit of other income possessed by a male teacher, or his wife or both together as removing need for the award of a Disablement Allowance. *>/ 9 H\ ( n \ Amount of Disablement Allowance. The amount of the annual allowance bC. 4 (1) (a). ig thus calculated: _ (a) If the tencher is a man, twenty pounds for ten complete years of recorded service, with the addition of one pound fur each complete additional year of recorded service ; and (b) It the teacher is a woman, fifteen pounds for ten complete years of recorded st-rviee, with the addition of thirteen shillings and fourpence for each complete additional year of recorded service. Thus a man who has served twenty complete years before breaking down may obtain 30 as his annual allowance; and a woman, who has served the same period, 21 13s. 4d. Under no 556 PENSIONS TO TEACHERS. (2.) If the grantee of a disablement allowance attains the age of sixty-five years, any annuity which would otherwise be payable to the grantee out of the deferred annuity fund shall, except where the allowance has ceased by reason of the grantee being again employed as a teacher in recorded service, be paid to the Treasury and applied as they direct towards the piyment of disablement allowances, and in that case the Treasury shall not award any superannuation allowance to the grantee. (3.) A disablement allowance shall be reconsidered by the Treasury at intervals not exceeding three years ; and the rules shall provide for the suspension, cessation, or reduction of the allowance, in whole or in part, if the prescribed conditions are not complied with or the prescribed disqualifiaations apply, and those disqualifi- cations shall deal with the cases of persons who have caused or increased their infirmity by their own misconduct or default, or who marry, or cease to be incapable, or become in such a position as not to be in pecuniary need of the allowance. Collection of Contributions and Deferred Annuity Fund arising therefrom. 3. (1.) The contributions under this Act from certificated teachers shall be paid to the Education Department at the prescribed time and in the prescribed manner by the teachers or their employers ; and the receipt of the Education Department for the amount of a contribution paid by the employer of a teacher circumstances, however, can the Disablement Allowance exceed the t'jtal annual sum which the teacher might obtain from an Annuity and Superannuation Allowance under the Act, by con- tinuing to serve until the age of 65 years. C *J O\ Neither Annuity nor Superannuation Alloivance to the recipient of a oec # \^)- Disablement Allowance. It should be observed, that a teacher who is in receipt of a Disablement Allowance is excluded from obtaining any other benefit under the Act. If he still retains his allowance at the age of 65 years, no Annuity or Superannuation Allowance can be paid to him (Section 2 (2) ). /pv A teacher who gave lip a Disablement Allowance calculated on x years of aec. & {). recor( j e( j service and returned to school work would, on attaining the age of 66, be entitled to a Superannuation Allowance calculated on the same x years of recorded seivice plus any subsequent years of such service which he may have made. (Official letter, Board of Education, 5th October, 1903.) Of, P o IQ\ Suspension or Determination of a Disablement Allowance. The Treasury A3co, # \o). can gugpg,^ determine, or reduce any Disablement Allowance if, at any time after the grant thereof, whether on the periodical reconsideration of the allowance or not, they are satisfied that any of the following disqualifications apply, namely (o) that the teacher has ceased to be Incapable, owing to infirmity of mind or body, of being an efficient teacher in a public elementary school ; (6) that the teacher has ceased to be in pecuniary need of the allowance, or of any part of it; (c) that the teacher, if a woman, has married. Any application on behalf of a teacher for the resumption of the payment of a Disablement Allowance which has been suspended shall be made to the Treasury tnrough the Board of Education. o /o\ Triennial Reconsideration of Disablement Allowances. A Disablement &ec ^ (o). j^u owa nce will be reconsidered by the Treasury every three years, when the teacher must produce evidence to show that he is still qualified to retain it (Section 2 (3), and Rule 24). If he is, then or at any other time, found not to be so qualified, or if he is guilty of misconduct, it may be suspended, reduced, or forfeited (Sections 8 and 10, and Rule 23 (1) ). C / 9 (V\ Particulars to be f vanished at the time of Reconsideration of a Disablement SCC A \ Kran ted to a teacher in England is not necessarily forfeited by transfer of services to the Colonies, so long as the requisite evidence of identity and continued life is supplied to the Treasury. C 3 (/) Payment of Contributions. (a) Public Elementary Schools. The Board of Education deduct from any giant payable by them to any public elementary school at the close of any school year an amount PENSIONS TO TEACHERS. shall be a good discharge for the like amount of remuneration otherwise payable to the teacher. (2.) The contributions so received by the Education Department shall be paid to the National Debt Commissioners, and be invested by them so as to form a fund, in this Act referred to as " the deferred annuity fund." (3. ) The National Debt Commissioners shall pay out of the fund to the Treasury the sums required by the Treasury for the payment of annuities under this Act, but otherwise shall invest the contributions, and all income of the fund for the time being, in any securities in which money held by the Commissioners on account of savings banks may be invested. (4.) Separate subsidiary funds shall be kept in respect of the contributions and annuities of men and women teachers respectively, and any part of the assets of one subsidiary fund may be used for meeting the liabilities of the other, and in that case the amount lent by the one to the other shall be a debt bearing interest at the rate used for the computation of the tables for the time being in force under this Act. (5.) A return showing the state of the fund at the end of every financial year, distinguishing the said accounts, shall be annually laid before Parliament. (6.) At the end of every seven years an actuarial inquiry into and report upon the assets and liabilities of the fund shall be made under the direction of the Treasury and the Education Department, and the report shall be laid before Parliament. Tables of Deferred Annuities. 4. (1.) The Treasury shall cause tables to be constructed, showing the amount of annuity payable out of the deferred annuity fund to men and women teachers respectively in respect of the contributions made by them from time to time under this Act, and so framed as to secure the fund against loss. (2.) If it appears from any actuarial report under this Act that the assets and liabilities of either account of the fund are such as either to require a reduction or to justify an increase of the annuities, the Treasury may cause fresh tables to be constructed, and those tables, when approved by the Treasury, shall come into force and shall be laid before Parliament, and the former tables shall cease to be in force, and so on from time to time as occasion requires. Application of Act to Existing Teachers. 5. With respect to the application of this Act to certificated teachers who became certificated before the commencement of this Act (in this Act referred to as "existing teachers") the following provisions shall have effect : (1.) The Education Department shall, in the prescribed manner, give to each equal to the contributions due from the certificated teachers employed in the school for that year, or any part of that year, iu which they have been so employed (b) Training Colleges. The Board of Education make a similar deduction from grants payable to the governing body of any training college. (c) Reformatory or Industrial Schools. The Secretary of State deducts from ary "rant payable by him to any reformatory or industrial school at the close of the year ending the 30th day of September, an amount equal to the contributions due from the certificated teachers employed in the school for that year, or any part of that year in which they have been so employed, and shall pay the amount so deduc-tad to the Board of Education. o n\ Teacher Entitled to a Copy of Receipt for hi* Contribution. The Board of . t> (/) Education or Secretary of State, in forwarding any grant payable by them to the managers of the school or college, shall forward with it the receipt of the Board of Education for the deductions made, specifying separately the deduction made on account of each teacher, and the managers of the school or college shall, if required by any such teacher within one year of the receipt being so forwarded, give the teacher a copy of so much of the receipt as relates to him. * n\ -Annuity Table*. The tables now in force are given at the end of this * * (I)' chapter on pp. 601-2. * it)\ Revision of Annni'i/ Tables. \'p to the date of the issue of this volume no \f)t change has been made in the Tables issued at the commencement of tv Act, but it is confidently hoped that experience will enable the Government actuaries to revise the existing rates in an upward direction. ttc/. fi d\ Certificated Teachers to whom the Act cannot appli/.The Board of Education (00. This, of eourse, only applies to teachers who were certificated before April 1st, 1S9 ( J ; all thosa eertiticated on and after that date have no option, but are compelled to come under the provisions of the Act. f>58 PENSIONS TO TEACHERS. existing teacher the option, within the prescribed time, not being m re than one year after the commencement of this Act, of accepting, in the prescribed manner, this Act. (2.) If an existing teacher does not so accept this Act, it shall not apply to him. If an existing teacher does so accept this Act, it shall apply to him -with the following modifications ; that is to say : (a) The rate of ten shillings, upon whi^h the superannuation allowance is calculated, may be augmented in the case of a man by threepence, and in the case of a woman by twopence, for each complete year of recorded service served before the commencement of this Act ; (b) If the teacher has at the date of the acceptance attained the age of sixty -five years, or any greater age, and has served in recorded service throughout the seven years next before the commencement of this Act, the provisions with respect to the expiration of the certificate shall apply as if the date of the acceptance were substi- tuted for the date at which the teacher attained the age of sixty -five years ; (c) If the teacher has not at the date of the acceptance attained the said age, he must serve in recorded service after the commencement of this Act, and where, during any part of the seven years next before the commencement of this Act, h Q , was not in recorded service, the duration of the recorded service after the commencement of this Act must not be less than the said part of the seven years. (3.) Nothing in this section thall authorise the grant of any allowance to any teacher who at the commencement of tbis Act is in receipt of a pension out of moneys provided by Parliament for the service of education. Rules. 6. (1.) The Treasury and the Education Department may make rules for carrying into effect this Act, and shall provide thereby (ft) for permitting certificated teachers to pay contributions to the deferred annuity fund during any interval not exceeding six months in which they are not employed in recorded service, and for reckoning the time in respect of which such contributions are made, as if it were recorded service ; (b) for the application of an annuity or allowance under this Act when payable to a person who is of unsound mind, or otherwise incapable of giving a receipt ; (c) for the suspension of all or any part of an allowance when the grantee ia wholly or partially maintained out of any public money ; and . 5 (2) (a) Superannuation Atloivance for "Existing Teacherx."See note to fi 13\ This section applies to those teachers who are in receipt of a pension under W- the provisions of Art. 130 of the Code. fi H\ Rules. A copy of these ".Rules" can be obtained from the Board of . O (I). E< j ucat iou on application. &> > fi I1\ (a} Interval. It should be noted that the word used is "Interval," and hence that the time must be between two periods of recorded service. Payment of Contributions during an Interval between Services. A certificated teacher shall be permitted to pay contributions in respect of any interval not being longer than six months between hi employments in recorded service, and, where contributions are so paid in respect of any such interval, that interval shall, tor the purpose of determining the amount of any annuity or allowance, be reckoned as recorded service. Mode of Payment. Where a teachei' desires to pay any such contributions in respect of an interval, he shall, on resuming recorded Service, give notice to the Board of Education that contributions are to be paid in respect of the interval, and the amount of contributions so due shall be added to the payment or deduction next made on account of contributions. . . Payment of Annuity when Annuitant is of Unsound Mind. Where Sec. 6- (/) (0). u^ Treasury are satisfied, by the certificate of a justice of the peace, or minister of religion, and of a duly qualified medical practitioner, that a teacher iu receipt of an annuity or an allowance under the Act is of unsound mind, or otherwise incapable of giving a receipt, they authorise the Paymaster-General to pay any sum due on .account ot any such annuity or allowance, partly to the institution or person having the care ot ihe teacher, partly for the benefit of the wife, husband or relatives of the teacher in such propoi tiou and in such manner as the Treasury direct. Payment of Superannuation AUoivance ivhen Grantee is in a Rate-aided Sec, 6 (I) (c) . institution. Where any teacher is maintained in any asylum or other institution supported out of local rates, any sum due on account of a superannuation or PENSIONS TO TKAC'TIEK'S. :,:,!) (d) f jr the payment of any sum under one hundred pounds due on the death ot a person without the production of probate or other proof of the title of the personal representative of such person. (2.) All rules made under this section shill be laid, as soon as may be, before both Houses of Parliament. Decision of Treasury and Education Department. 7, Any question which arises as to the application of any section of this Act to any person, or as to the amount of any annuity or allowance under this Act, or as to the grant, refusal, suspension or ceasation of any such allowance, shall be referred to the Treasury, and any question as to the reckoning of any service for any purpose of this Act shall be referred to the Education Department, and the decision of the Treasury or Education Department on any question so referred shall be final. forfeiture for Misconduct. 8. (1.) Where the certificate of a teacher is suspended or cancelled by the Education Department, the teacher shall not be entitled to any disablement allowance under this Act unless the certificate is restored by the Department. (2.) Where the Education Department certify to the Treasury that a recipient of any superannuation allowance or disablement allowance under this Act has been proved to them to have been guilty of any act or conduct which, if he had con- tinued to serve as a teacher, would have justified them in suspending or cancelling his certificate, the Treasury shall suspend or determine the allowance in whole or in part. As to Payment and Assignment of Annuities and Allowances. 9. (1-) Every annuity and allowance under this Act shall be payable quarterly at suoh times, and payable and apportionable in such manner, as the Treasury may fix. disablement allowance is applied towards the maintenance of the teacher before it is applied for the benefit of the wife, husband, or relatives of the.teacher, and any sum due on account of an annuity is applied towards the maintenance of the wife or children (if any) of a teacher dependent on him before it is applied towards the maintenance of the teacher. o f. 11\ ir]\ Payment of sum under 100 without production of probate of deceased tt/is. o \i ) (u). teacher. Where on the death of any teacher any sum is due to his estate on account of any annuity or allowance under the Act, the Treasury, if probate or other proof of the title of the personal representative of the teacher is not produced to them within three months of the death, authorise the Paymaster-General to pay the sum due to, or distribute it amongst, the persons appearing to the Treasury to be. beneficially entitled to the personal estate of the teacher, and the Treasury and the Paymaster-General shall be discharged from any liability io respect of such payment or distribution. Any perssn claiming; to have a payment made to him under this provision must transmit to the Treasury, through the Paymaster-General, a statutory declaration showing the title under which he makes the claim, and such other particulars in relation thereto as the Paymaster- General requires. I1\ (,J\ Ifc has been obtained that where the grantee of a Disablement &eu. n (I) (a), Allowance dies before the date of the first payment, the Paymaster- General will pay to the estate of such deceased teacher the sum represented by the period between the date of the allowance being awarded and the date of death. o / Departmental Decisions of a final character. Litigation as to the claim of Sec. / - any person under the provisions of this Act is prevented by this section, which renders final the respective decisions of the Board of Education and the Treasury. W/>/ W I1\ Recall or Suspension of Certificate. By Article 67 ' ot the Day Schools Code, fjec. a . tne E 0ar( i O f Education are empowered at any time to recall or suspend a teacher's certificate, but not until the Board have informed the teacher of the charges against him and given him an opportunity of explanation. C^ O m Mode and Time of Claiming Payment of Annuity and Si^erannuation >3et/. ./ \i) Aiiou>anc9.& teacher who claims to be entitled to an annuity, must send to the Treasury, through the Board of Education, an application for the payment of the annuity, and if he wishes for the.grant of an annual superannuation allowance, for the grant of that allowance, and shall send with the application particulars as to his age and his years of recorded service since he became certificated. As soon as the Treasury are satisfied that the teacher applying for the payment of an annuity is entitled t > the annuity, thay will direct the Paymaster-General to py the annuity in manner provided by these rales, and send notice to the teacher, through the Bjard of Education, that the direction has been given. The Treasury will, as soon as may be, through the Board of Education, send notice to the teacher applying for the grant of an annual superannuation allowance of their decision in the matter, and if the allowance is granted will direct the Paymaster-General to pay the allowance in manner provided by these rules. A teacher making an application under this section must give the Treasury any information they may require in addition to the particulars furnished by him on his application. 560 PENSIONS TO TEACHERS. ( % 2.) Every assignment of, or charge on, and every agreement to assign or charge, any annuity or allowance to a teacher under this Act, whether payable presently or at some future date, shall be void, and on the bankruptcy of the teacher the annuity or allowance shall not pass to any trustee or other person acting on behalf of the creditors ; but this provision shall be without prejudice to any order of the Court made under section fifty -three of the Bankruptcy Act, 1883, or any corre- sponding enactment in Scotland or Ireland. Punishment for Fraud and Personation. 10. - If any person () for the purpose of obtaining for himself or any other person any annuity or allowance under this Act, personates any person, or makes any false certificate, false representation, or false statement, or makes use of any false certificate, or document, false representation, or false statement, knowing the same to be false ; or (b) by means of any such false certificate, document, representation, or state- ment, or by other fraudulent means, or by any personation obtains or attempts to obtain for himself or any other person any annuity or allowance under this Act, he shall on conviction or indictment be liable to imprisonment, with or without hard labour, for a term not exceeding two years, and on summary conviction be liable to imprisonment, with or without hard labour, for a term not exceeding three months, or to a fine not exceeding twenty-five pounds, and any penalty und' r this section may be in addition to any suspension or determination of his allowance under this Act. For the purposes of this section the obtaining of an annuity or allowance includes the increase of any annuity or allowance, and the prevention or rescission of any cessation or suspension of an annuity or allowance, and the obta ning of any sum in respect of any annuity or allowance. Definitions. 11. In this Act, unless the context otherwise requires The expression "certificated teacher " means a teacher who is recognised under the Education Code as a certificated teacher for public elementary schools : The expression "certificate" includes any document issued by the Education Department which recognises a teacher as a certificated teacher : The expression" Education Code" means such Minutes of the Education Department as are for the time being in force for the purpose of the Elementary Education Act, 1870 : The expression "prescribed " means prescribed by rules under this Act. Application to Scotland. 12, I n the application of this Act to Scotland the following provisions shall have effect : (1.) The expression " Education Department" means the Scotch Education Department, and the expression " Education Code" means the Scotch Education Code : (2.) The expression "public elementary school " means a public or oth r school in receipt of annual Parliamentary grant : (3.) Section one hundred and forty-nine oi the Bankruptcy (Scotland) Act, 1856, shall be substituted for section fifty-threa of the Bankruptcy Act, 1883: (4.) The Education (Scotland) Act, 1872, shall be substituted for the Elemen- tary Education Act, 1870 : (5.) Nothing contained in or done under this Act shall apply to or affect any teacher of a public school in Scotland appointed before the passing of the Education (Scotland) Act, 1872, unless the teacher has accepted this Act in pursuance of the provisions of section five hereof : (6.) It shall not be lawful for a School Board in Scotland to grant, under the powers conferred by section sixty-one of the Education (Scotland) Act, 1872, a retiring allowance payable out of the school fund to any teacher of a public school under their management who has accepted this Act in pursuance of the provisions of section five hereof, er to whom this Act otherwise applies. PENSIONS TO TEACHERS. 501 13. This Act shall not extend to Ireland. 14. This Act shall come into operation on the first day of April next after the passing thereof, or on such day, not more than three months later, as may be fixed by Her Majesty in Council. 15 This Act may be cited as the Elementary School Teachers' Superannuation Act, 1898. OFFICIAL ANNUITY TABLE. MEN. TABLE showing the AMOUNT OF ANNUITY, payable quarterly, from the attainment of the Age of 65 years, in return for a Contribution made by or on behalf of a Man Teacher of the Age undermentioned. Note. Fractions of Fourpence are to be omitted in the Total Annuity to be granted for any series of Contributions. Age at which a Contribution is treated as having been paid. (Rules 10 (5), 11, 12, and 13 of ls'M>.) Amount of Annuity for a Contribution of 3. s. d. 1 13 8 12 9 11 9 10 10 9 11 9 8 1 7 3 6 5 5 7 4 9 3 11 3 2 2 5 1 1 8 1 11 103 19 6 18 10 18 2 17 6 16 11 16 3 15 8 15 1 14 6 13 11 13 5 12 10 12 4 11 10 11 4 10 10 o 10 r> 9 11 d i> <; 091 088 8 3 7 10 076 072 069 065 061 20 and not 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 , 5C) , 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 exceeding 21 ... 22 23 24 , 2(5 27 28 2!) , 30 31 32 33 , 34 . ... 35 ,36 ... , 37 38 .'W , 40 41 42 43 44 45 .. 46 17 48 . . 4nt*tvn l ' The foundations specified in the schedule hereto shall be tionof administered by the trustees thereof in conformity with the Foundations P rovi8ion8 of th . e deeds respectively specified in the said schedule, 2. If the local education authority refuge to rent, under the letting of provisions of section 7 (1) (rf) of the Education Act, 1902, the Dwelling- teacher's dwelling -houee belonging to the foundation, the trustees house-. may (so long as the school of the foundation is conducted as a Public Elementary School) let the same as hereinafter provided. In that case the trustees shall give the head teacher of the school the option of renting the said dwelling-house at a fair rent for such time as he or she shall continue to hold office. If the head teacher declines to rent the house as aforesaid, the trustees may let it at the be&t rent obtainable to any other person for a period determinable by six months' notice expiring on any of the usual quarter-days. Provided that, if the local education authority agree with the managers under section 7 (1) (d) of the Education Act, 1902, to rent the hou, the tenancy shall be determinable by three months' notice expiring on any of the usual quarter-days, and the trustees shall give notice accordingly. The trustees shall require every tenant (other than a head teacher) to covenant that the house shall not be used so as to cause obstruction or annoyance to the managers of the school. Repair and 3. The trustees shall out of the rent received for the teacher's Insurance, dwelling-house keep it in repair and insure it against fire. 4. Subject to the payments aforesaid, the said rent shall be Application applied by the trustees for the maintenance (including insurance) Of Income, and improvement of the echoolhouee of the foundation. For this purpose the trustees may, after providing for the purpose of the last foregoing clause, pay the balance of the rent to the managers of such school ; and in that case the managers shall render a yearly account thereof to the trustees in such form as the trustees may from time to time direct. Provided that no part of the rent shall in any case be applied for those purposes of the school for which in pursuance of any Act of Parliament provision is to be made by the local education authority. 5. A minute book and books of account shall be provided and Minutes kept by the trustees. All proper accounts in relation to the and foundation shall in each year be made out and certified, and Accounts, copies sent to the Board of Education in such form as the Board may require. 6. Unless the context otherwise requires, any expression to J.nterpreta- w bich a special meaning is attached in the Education Acts, tion. 1870-1902, shall have the same moaning in this scheme. 7. Any questions as to the construction of this scheme, or as Questions to the regularity or the validity of any acts dene or about to be " under done under it, shall be determined conclusively by the Board of Scheme. Education, upon such application made to them for the purpose as they think sufficient. . II. TENURE IN PROVIDED SCHOOLS. Teachers in provided schools hold office direct from the local Transferred authority. Those who were formerly in the service of a School Teacher S Board transferred to the local authority are " transferred officers " within the meaning of the Education Act, 1902. The Board of Education have ruled that by section 35 of the Elementary Education Act, 1870, teachers are among the officers which a School Board is empowered to appoint, and are therefore included in the officers referred to in Clauses 16 and 17 of Schedule 2 TMNUllti OF OFFICE. of the Education Act, 1902. Every officer so transferred holds office by the same tenure and on the same terms and conditions as before the transfer, and while performing- the same duties is entitled to receive not less salary or remuneration than theretofore. If any such officer is required to perform duties not analagous to, or which are an unreasonable addition to, those which he was required to perform at the date of the transfer, he may relinquish his office, and he is entitled to compensation, as is every officer whose office is abolished. There is no statutory provision for appeal by teachers in New provided schools, but in view of the fact that much of the work of Teachers administration must be delegated, and that in serious cases not only the teacher's office but his certificate and means of obtaining a livelihood are at stake, it is clearly to the advantage of all parties that a proce- dure similar to that outlined above should be followed in all cases, and some of the local educational authorities have already formulated rules providing that this should be done. The following regulations have been adopted by the London County Council with respect to complaints made against teachers : Regulations Respecting Appeals by Teachers, (i.) In the event of any complaint against a teacher, or any misconduct on the part of a teacher, coming to the knowledge of an official correspondent, teacher or other officer, he shall at once report it to the executive officer (Education). (ii.) When any complaint against a teacher, or any misconduct on the part of a teacher, is brought to the knowledge of the executive officer (Education), he shall forthwith notify the chief inspector (Education) thereof, and shall, after consultation with him, arrange for it to be brought before the managers of the school in which the teacher is employed. (iii.) The managers shall inquire into the matter at the earliest possible moment, and shall forward a report to the executive officer (Education) together with any recommendation they may think fit to make. They shall also depute one repre- sentative to attend the hearing by the Teaching Staff Sub -committee. (iv.) The chief inspector (Education) shall, unless the matter is of a trivial nature, either personally or by deputy specially appointed for the purpose, attend the meeting at which the managers hold their inquiry, and shall be entitled to take part in the inquiry, and to ask any questions with a view of elucidating the facts. (v.) The chief inspector (Education) may, independently of the inquiry by the managers, make such investigation into the case as he deems necessary, in order to enable him to assist both the managers and the Teaching Staff Sub-committee in arriving at a just decision. (vi.) It shall be the duty of the chief inspector (Education) in all investigations to make himself, as far as possible, acquainted with the facts of the case. (vii.) When the charge of misconduct brought against a teacher is of sufficient gravity and of such a nature as to require the decision of the teaching staff sub- committee, such charge shall be made in writing in the form of a report by the executive officer (Education) giving particulars of the acts or defaults complained of, and the names of the persons who are able to speak to such acts or defaults, and containing (if he thinks fit) recommendations for adoption by the sub -committee. Such report shall be based upon a statement of facts prepared bv the chief inspector (Education) after the investigation provided for in regulations (ii ) to (vi.). (viii.) A copy of the above report shall be sent to che teacher at least seven days before the day of hearing by the Teaching Staff Sub-committee. (ix.) Within three days (or such longer period as the chairman of the Teaching Staff Sub-committee shall alluw) the teacher may send in a written reply to the charge, giving the names of witnesses (if any) whom he may desire to call. (x.) At the hearing by the Teaching Staff Sub -committee, which shall take place at a fixed hour and at an early period in the m jeting, the chairman, shall first read aloud the charge and the taacher's reply thereto ; the chairman shall then examine any witness. s that appear in support of the charge, and the teacher shall be entitled to cross -examine them. The teacher may then call any witnesses whose names he shall have sent in prior to the hearing and other witnesses with the consent of the cli lirrnan. The chairman and any memb3r of the sub -committee, and, with the leavo of the sub -committee, the representative of the manager*, and any other 570 TENURE OF OFFICE. officer concerned, may ask questions of the witnesses. The teacher may then addresjthe sub -committee, and thereupon the sub- committee shall deliberate in private. (xi.) In serious cases the teacher, and, if necessary, the complainant also, may, with the permission of the Teaching Staff Sub -committee, be accompanied by a friend who, with l^ave of the sub -commit tee, but not otherwise, may address them. (xii.) Whenever the Teaching Staff Sub-committee shall have resolved to recom- mend the dismissal or degradation of a teacher, a copy of the report which the sub-committee proposes to submit to the Education Committee shall be sent to the teacher, and he shall be informed that he will be allowed, if he so desire, to send in, within three days, a written statement, which will be submitted to the Education Committee. (xiii.) "When the recommendation of the Teaching Staff Sub-committee is presented to the Education Committee, and before the chairman of the sub -committee moves its adoption, the teacher's statement shall be read aloud by the clerk to the committee. (xiv ) Nothing in these regulations shall prevent the Teaching Staff Sub-committee or the executive officer (Education) from suspending a teacher in the event of grave misconduct, or from taking such other action as may be necessary in cases of extreme urgency. EXAMINATIONS. 571 SECTION XV. EXAMINATIONS FOR LABOUR CERTIFICATES AND AS A TEST OF SCHOOL EFFICIENCY. Individual Examination. For many years it was the practice of the Board of Kducation to test the efficiency of a school by the examination of every scholar in reading, writing, and arithmetic. The school was divided into so many standards or classes, and in each of these standards the scholars were supposed to exhibit at the examination a certain level of efficiency. Those who succeeded on the annual examination day were promoted to the next higher standard, and so on year by year. At one time it was considered that the progress of a child in this manner should bear an intimate relationship to his age. Thus, a child of seven was supposed to be able to pass the First Standard, a child of eleven the Fifth Standard, and so on. The system was proved to be exceedingly unsatis- factory, the results educationally and financially were deplorable, for labour and money were wasted. It was ultimately abandoned, and a system of inspection substituted. Labour Certificates. () Their Origin. During the time that the above system was in operation it became the duty of Local Authorities, School Boards, or Attendance Committees to frame bye-laws under which the attendance of pupils at Public Elementary Schools might be regulated, and these bye-laws usually made provision for the exemption, either partially or wholly, of scholars whose parents desired to send them to industrial occupations. Under these bye-laws the Local Authority usually fixed the age at which the scholar might be so exempt, or as an alternative to the age or in addition to the age the Local Authority required the scholar to secure from an Inspector of the Board of Education a certificate showing that the child had reached a particular standard, the standard so selected being generally the standard which under the conditions which tin ii prevailed the child was supposed to reach at the age specified in the bye- law. (l>) An Anachronism. It will be observed that this method of exempt in- children from attendance at school was associated very closely with the old system of individual examination. This system o'^f examination has passed away, but the q\d method of granting exemption for labour purposes survives. The Code .Standards have disappeared, and for the purposes of the Labour Examination they have to be artificially re-created. The Day School Code, roughly indicates in Schedule VI. a level'of etticiem y in reading, writing, and arithmetic which a child may attain. Should he in each of these subjects reach that level, the child 'is certified to have passed in a particular standard ; if a higher level, then a higher standard. (<") AS a Test Of Efficiency. An attempt is now being made by a few Local Authorities to utilise these fragments of an obsolete system means of gauging the general efficiency of the school. The proposal is grotesque, the results fallacious, and the attempt positively injurious. Even in the days \vhen the individual examination system prevailed, no educationist would have dreamed of selecting the results shown bv the children who weiv proposing to leave under the Mvemption I'.ye Li\v*. and of weighing up these results as an evidence of the general efficiency of the school. 572 EXAMINATIONS. The children who were required by their parents to enter industrial life at an abnormally early age were usually those who throughout their school career had been irregular in attendance, oftentimes engaged in labour out of ischool hours, and thus to a large extent incapacitated for serious and continuous educational effort. They could never be regarded as a fair sample of the school. The results following their examination were never treated as an illustration of the general efficiency of the school. To make such an attempt to-day, now that the conditions of school life and methods of examination have largely changed, is ludicrous. View Of the Board- "These examinations are not intended to be used for testing the general attainments of scholars in Public Elementary Schools, and candidates will not be admitted to the examination by the Inspectors unless the Inspectors are satisfied that they are presented for examination for the purpose of obtaining certificates of 'proficiency " (Code 1906, Schedule VI., Section 4). The Object Of School Teaching. True education implies the forma- tion of character, the development of intelligence, the cultivation of a child's faculties, the creation of a desire to improve ; and all educational critics now realise that the best work of a teacher cannot be ganged by examination. Power to read with a certain facility may be tested by a visiting official, though even in this he may often fail to arrive at the truth, but whether that child has acquired a delight in reading Avould never be disclosed by the pupil's effort, limited to a few moments bol'on; a. stranger. Mechanical accuracy, and even a certain power of applying mathematical rules, may be exhibited at an examination, but the intelligence of a scholar, his insight to mathematical problems, his power to apply the school teaching to the work of after- life none of these will be shown with certainty in the three sums worked for an Inspector. The child may write a fairly good hand, may write a dictated passage comparatively free from error, and yet be incapable of putting into coherent Language his own thoughts upon some simple topic of daily life. In fact, the individual examination may secure the husks but fail to obtain the grain of school cultivation. It would be monstrously unfair to judge of a school by the individual examination of even all its scholars, when such an examination is limited to the tests above described ; and if it be unfair to try to form a judgment on such tests applied to the whole of the school, then bow much greater is the injustice of estimating school efficiency by the standard examination of a few who have reached the age for school exemption. Results obtained by this method are clearly worthless, within them there is no particle of the best work done in the school. The spirit of school life cannot be reached by such clumsy methods. But the attempt is injurious. Teachers know how to obtain that glibness of reading, that mechanical accuracy in arithmetic, that absence of error of dictation ; years ago they worked for such results and obtained them, and employers of labour to-day puffer the consequences. If the schools are to be so tested the teachers can so labour again, but it will bo at the sacrifice of all that is best in the school, to the injury of the children, the waste of the funds supplied by taxpayer and ratepayer. ( Character and brain-power must go uncultivated if standard examinations are to be passed with ease. Conflict Of Methods. It is impossible to reconcile the inspection methods of the Board of Education with this examination test. It cannot be too clearly stated that no school can work for both results at one and the same time, for the methods required are mutually destructive one or the other must go to the wall, and if those who control and finance the school locally, who employ and can dismiss the teachers, insist on having the one, then the nation must lose the other. In school work quick returns and small profits are inseparable ; the larger profit comes in after life, when tho child is beyond the reach of the school examination. The Use Of Examinations. It must not be assumed that _ educa- tionists are opposed to all forms of examination. They have their usee, EXAMINATIONS. 573 but "they are at best a concession to the weakness of the human memory and understanding. If everything we learned was immediately assimilated, placed in its right relation to the rest of our knowledge, and never for- gotten, the purpose of examinations would be gone." (Suggestions for the consideration of Teachers, Board of Education, 1905.,) "The purpose of examinations is two-fold. They help alike the teacher and the scholar ; the teacher uses them as an instrument to ascertain whether the instruction he has given is established in the mind of the pupil." (Ibid.) It is obvious that an examination when the child is leaving the school will prove of no service to the teacher" so far as that child is concerned. "But examinations have been largely discredited by their mechanical use for the inspection of schools. The assessment of the Parliamentary Grant on the results of an examination which became more and more formal as the numbers of children in the classes increased led inevitably to cram. To put a pecuniary value on the success of a child giving correct answers to questions ranging over a precise and limited field was a sure way to destroy teaching, to weaken or destroy the interest of the pupil, and to misdirect the whole purpose of school life." Such is the deliberate view of the Board of Education as expressed in the "Suggestions to Teachers and Others." It is a declaration made on witnessing the de- plorable results which attended the examination system during a quarter of a century. It is a pronouncement influenced by the overwhelming evidence secured from all parts of the country as to the value of the inspectorial system, which has happily prevailed during the last decade. It seems incredible that any Local Authority should, in face of a judg- ment so far-reaching, and yet so precise, seek to re-establish a discarded and universally condemned system. Labour Examinations Should be Abolished. The conclusion that the Labour Examination should be abolished is inevitable. Founded on an obsolete system, a survival now out of place amidst modern educational methods, the Labour Examination -stands discredited, useless in itself, a source of injury to school life. School Examinations- The individual examination of scholars by a local Inspector, whether such examination be restricted to the upper classes or be extended to the whole school, is but an enlargement of the Labour Certificate Examination principle. The imposition of such a test compels the adoption of school methods destructive of the higher educational work now encouraged by the Board of Education and annually submitted to review by their Inspectors. As stated above, school examinations have their proper place, but the practice may be easily so abused as to destroy all that is worth labouring for in popular education. Where it is necessary that a scholar shall be furnished with some recognised evidence of having reached a certain stage of proficiency, a record of regular attendance at a good school, satisfactory reports by his teachers respecting conduct, intelligence, and general aptitude, will furnish far more reliable testimony than the child's success at a brief examination conducted by a stranger unacquainted with the ehildien and imperfectly informed as to the course of study followed in the school. Examinations in Secondary Schools. There is no greater ob- stacle to the progress of Secondary Education in England than the necessity which at present exists of preparing the various pupils for a number of exam illations. If the Universities and learned societies could be induced to accept one or two examinations of recognised standard in lieu of the several admission examinations now required the benefit to the children would be enormous. Those who are interested in this <|iieslion may be advised to read a report on the subject prepared by the Consultative Committee and published by the Board of Education. 574 REGISTRATION OF TEACHERS. SECTION XVI. THE REGISTRATION OP TEACHERS. For the last thirty-five years various efforts have been made by associa- tions of teachers to raisei teaching to the dignity of a profession by the establishment of a register of teachers. Although the word "teachers'' was never exactly defined, yet there existed a general understanding that it was intended to apply lo persons qua lined to teach in secondary and elementary schools, and with the majority of people it had a further limitation, in so far as they excluded persons who were not on the regular stall' of such schools. The subject was considered by committees and commissions, and abortive attempts were made ,in Parliament to bring, about the establishment of a register. Outside the teaching profession the proposals received considerable support, in order that some means might be found of improving the beaching staff in secondary schools. It was generally thought that if a register were established it would be possible to provide that schools receiving State or rate aid should contain a certain number of registered teachers as members of the staff, and this would indicate that at least that proportion of the staff was thoroughly well qualified, particularly if a course of satisfactory training were a necessary precedent to registration. By the Board of Education Act, 1899, the Consultative Committee then created was charged with the duty of framing, with the approval of the Board of Education, regulations 'for the establishment of a register of teachers. Effect was given to their recommendations by Order in Council. Slight modifications were subsequently made. Appended to this note are the regulations as they exist at the present date. It is, However, of interest to note that the regulations in their present form have failed bo secure any wide measure of support from the teaching pro- fession. Vigorous protests against certain of the provisions 'have been made repeatedly on behalf of the teachers in public elementary schools, while in many secondary schools the proposals were regarded with suspicion, if not disfavour. It became also exceedingly doubtful whether the decisions of the Registration Council would be upheld if challenged in a court of law, while it seemed probable that the action of the Board in connection with these regulations failed to secure the object which registration had in view. The whole question is one of extreme difficulty, and this was not fully dis- closed until the attempt was made to frame detailed regulations. The Board of Education came, therefore, to the conclusion that it would be desirable to abandon the attempt, and a clause was placed in the Education Bill of 1906, whereby the obligation which rested upon 'the Consultative Committee to frame regulations for the establishment of a register would cease and determine. During the discussion of this Bill in the two Houses of Parliament, those who believed in the possibility and desirability of constructing a good register redoubled their efforts. The prospect of losing the register altogether, or, on the other hand, the prospect of continuing the regulations in their present form, led to a renewal of effort amongst "the leaders of the teaching profession to find some basis of general agreement. As a consequence, the clause in the Bill of 1906 was amended by .general consent, and it was agreed that while the obligation to form or keep a register of teachers under paragraph (a) of Section 4 of the Board of Educa- tion Act, 1899, t should cease, yet it should be lawful for His Majesty by Order in Council to Constitute a registration council representative of the teaching profession, to whom should be assigned the duty of forming and keeping a register of such teachers as satisfy the conditions of registration established by the council for the time being, and who apply to be regis- tered. The register should contain the names and addresses of all registered teachers in alphabetical order in one column, together with the date of their IJEGISTRATION OF TEACHERS. :>;:> registration, and such further statement as regards their attainments, train- ing, and experience as the council might from time to time determine that it is desirable to set forth. It will be noted that under this clause the council would consist of representatives of the teaching profession, that the classification of teachers in two columns as at present would disappear, that experience need not necessarily be acquired in some particular type of school in order that it should be recognised as qualification for registration. With the withdrawal of the Bill this scheme fell to the ground. Conse- quently the regulations now being administered by the Teachers' Registration Council remain in force. Some teachers may desire to register under them, while others, including the various professional organisations., will continue their efforts to find a satisfactory solution of this problem in school organisation. It has been considered desirable, therefore, to include the regulations as a section in this book of reference. STATUTORY RULES AND ORDERS, 1903. No. 384, as amended to March 1st, 1905. Board of Education. Teachers' Registration Regulations REVISED UP TO MARCH IST, 1905, CONSISTING OP THB REGULATIONS FOE TUB FOBMATION OF A REGISTER OF TEACHERS ESTABLISHED BY THE SCHEDULE TO THE OBDEE IN COUNCIL OF MABCH GTH, 1902, TOGETHER WITH MODIFICATIONS MADE UP TO MABCH IST, 1905. [NOTE. Modifications made since the leaf revision are indicated ly italics.'] 1 . As soon as may be after the establishment of the registration authority there shall be established a register of teachers which may be cited for all purposes as " the Teachers' Register " (hereinafter called " the register ") in which the name of every registered teacher shall be set forth in alphabetical order. In addition to this alphabetical list, there shall be two columns distinguished as Column A and Column B. Column A shall contain the names of all persons for the time being recognised by the Board as certificated teachers under the code of regulations for elementary day schools. Column B shall contain the names of all persons who fulfil the conditions of registration hereinafter set forth. There shall also be recorded in the register in respect of each teacher, when registered thtrein, his postal address, the date of his registration, and a brief statement of his qualifications and teaching experience, in the following form : Alphabetical List. Column A Column B. Address. Date of i Qualifica- Registration. ! tions. Experience. Additional qualifications and experience may be added from time to time when verified by the registration authority. 2. A person shall be entitled to be placed on Column B of the register of teaciieis if he satisfies the registration authority that he fulfils the conditions set forth in regulation three ; or if he applies at any time within four years from the establish- ment of the registration authority to be placed on Column B of the register, and satisfies the registration authority that he fulfils the condition set forth in regula- tion four. REGISTRATION OF TEACHERS. 3. A person shall be entitled to be placed on Column B of the register if he fulfils the following conditions : (1) He must have obtained a degree conferred by some University of the United Kingdom, or have obtained a recognised degree conferred by some other approved University, or have obtained one of the diplomas or certificates mentioned in Appendix A to these regulations, or have attained some other approved standard of general education. (2) He must either (i.) have resided and undergone a course of training (a) for at least one year, or (I) for periods amounting altogether to not less than one year under circumstances which, in the opinion of the regis- tration authority render the periods equivalent to a continuous year, or (c) in the case of a student who has taken honours in the Final Examination for a degree after spending four academic years at some University in the United Kingdom, for two terms at least taken continuously, at one of the Universities or Training Colleges mentioned in Appendix D to these regu- lations or some other recognised institution for the training of Secondary Teashers and have passed the examination for one of the diplomas or certi- ficates in the Theory and Practice of Teaching mentioned in Appendix C to these regulations, or (ii.) have passed an approved examination in the theory of teaching, have spent at least one yeir as a student -teacher under supervision at a recog- nised school (net being an elementary school), and have produced evidence of ability to teach, or (iii.) have passed an approved examination in the theory and practice of teaching, and have spent at least five years as a student -teacher under supervision at a recognised school (not being an elementary school), where the Head Master has entered into an approved agreement with him for his proper training as a student- teacher, or (iv.) have passed an approved examination in the theory of teaching, and have, with the sanction of the Board, undergone training at one of the Universities or Training Colleges mentioned in Appendix D to these regula- tions or some other recognised Institution for the training of Secondary Teachers, and served as a student-teacher under supervision at a recognised school (not being an elementary echcol), for periods which amount in the aggregate to not less than one year, and have produced evidence of ability to teach. (3) He must, unless he has spent at least five years as a student- teacher under sub-section iii., have spent at lea&t one year of probation as a teacher at a recognised school (not being an elementary school) and must satisfy the registration authority that he has shown fitness for the teaching profession. i. A person shall be entitled to be placed on Column B of the register if at any time within four years from the establishment of the registration authority he makes application to be so placed, and fulfils the following conditions : (1) He must have obtained a degree conferred by some University of the United Kingdom, or have obtained a recognised degree conferred by some other approved University, or must show to the satisfaction of the registration authority that he has obtained one of the diplomas or certificates, or has passed one of the examinations mentioned in Appendices A and B to these regulations, or has attained some other approved standard of general education ; and (2) He must either (i.) have been engaged as a teacher at a recognised school or schools (not being an elementary school or schools) (a) throughout the three years next preceding his application, or (b) for periods amounting altogether to not less than three years under circum- stances which, in the opinion of the registration authority, render the periods equivalent to a period of three years next preceding his applica- tion, or (ii.) have passed the examination for one of the diplomas or certificates in the theory and practice of teaching mentioned in Appendix C to these regulations, and produce evidence satisfactory to the registration authority REGISTRATION OF TEACHERS. 577 of experience in teaching (other than teaching in an elementary school or teaching of a purely elementary character) extending over a period of not less than three years. Provided that a headmaster or headmistress of a recognised school (not being >m elementary school) shall be entitled on application to be placed on Column B of the register without fulfilling the above conditions, if the applicant has held the office for at least One year previous to the date of his application. 5. (1.) The registration authority may place on Column B of the register the name of any person who does not fulfil all the conditions of registration but who, in their opinion, would have fulfilled all the necessary conditions but for the fact (a) that part of the period of his study or training was spent in an approved course of study or training at a foreign university, college, or school, or (b) that part of the period of his study, training, or probation was spent in original research certified to have been conducted under proper supervision and to the satisfaction of the registration authority. *(2.) The registration authority may, if they think fit, at any time within three years from the establishment of the registration authority, place on Column B of the register the name of any person who does not fulfil all the conditions of registration but who has either (a) in their opinion proved himself to be an exceptionally qualified teacher ; or (b) has had experience extending over a period of not less than ten years of teaching (other than teaching in an elementary school or teaching of a purely elementary character), and has in their opinion shown ability to teach. (3.) The registration authority shall report to the Board every three months the name of every person registered under this regulation and the grounds of his registration. Supplemental Registers.-f 6. There shall be annexed to the register supplemental registers of teachers of music, drawing, physical training, manual instruction, cookery, needlework, and such other special subjects as may be from time to time approved. A person shall be entitled to be placed on a supplemental register if he produces evidence satisfactory to the registration authority (i.) That he has acquired special knowledge of the subject after a thorough course of training. (ii.) That he is competent to teach the subject, and (iii.) That he has taught the subject for a period of not less than two years. A person may be placed on one or more than one supplemental register whether he is or is not placed on the register. The form of a supplemental register shall be the same as that of the register, except that Columns A and B shall be omitted. 7. A person whose name is placed on one or more of the supplemental registers, but not on either column of the register, shall not be entitled to describe himself as a registered teacher without also indicating the supplemental register or registers on which his name is placed. Any person proved to the satisfaction of the registration authority to have wilfully so described himself, shall be liable to have his name removed from any supplemental register on which it is placed, and shall not be entitled for a period of two years to have his name placed on any register of teachers. General. 8. In the case of any person applying to be placed on Column B of the register, or any supplemental register, the registration authority may, if they think fit, and after giving the applicant an opportunity of being heard, refuse to register him on the ground that his moral character renders him unfit to be employed as a teacher, or that he has, been guilty of felony or misdemeanour, or, if he has been a teacher before btcoming registered^ of conduct unbefitting a teachtr. 9. The registration authority may at any time remove from Column B of the register, or from any supplemental register, the name of any person proved to their satisfaction, and after such person has had an opportunity of being heard, to have been guilty of felony or misdemeanour, or of conduct unbefitting- a teacher. * ObhOlete on March 6th, 1906. fThe establishment of supplemental registers is for the present postponed. 19 578 REGISTRATION OF TEACHERS. 10. Every person applying and qualified to be placed on Column B of the register, or on a supplemental register, shall, before he is so placed, pay to the registration authority the sum of twenty-one shillings. A further fee of two shillings and sixpence shall be paid by a teacher registered on Column B before any additional qualification or experience is recorded on the register or any supple- mental register. 11. No fee shall be payable for placing a person on Column A of the register, but if any person so placed applies to have registered any qualifications and ex- perience other than those required by the Board from certificated teachers, he shall, before any such qualification or experience is recorded, pay the sum of two shillings and sixpence. 12. In approving or recognising a degree, diploma, certificate, examination, or other standard of education, for the purpose of Column B, or in recognising an institution for the purpose of training, or'in approving subjects for a supplemental register, the Board shall act after taking the advice of the consultative committee. 13. The registration authority shall from time to time, and at least once every year, present a report of their proceedings to the Board, together with their obser- vations on the working of these regulations. 14. The register and every supplemental register shall be published annually, and shall be open at any reasonable time to public inspection on the payment of the proper fee, at>d any person shall, on payment of the proper fee, be entitled to take copies of and make extracts from the register and any supplemental register, and to have delivered to him extracts from any such register certified by the registrar to be true. The fees for the purpose of this regulation shall be such as may be fixed by the registration authority with the approval of the Board. 15. In these regulations " The Board " means the Board of Education. "Approved" or " recognised " means approved or recognised for the time being by the Board for the purpose of the regulation in which the expression is used. The ' ' registration authority ' means the body to be established for forming and keeping the register. A " student -teacher " means a student in training for the teaching profession who does not count as part of the school staff, and in respect of whom a fee is paid, or some other definite provision for the expense of training is made, and in respect of whom approved provision is made for (a) Adequate opportunity for the study, under supervision, of the theory of education, including the principles of Teaching, Discipline, and School Management ; (b) Sufficient practice, under supervision, in the actual work of managing school classes and in the application of theory to practice. Provided that a student-teacher in a school recognised for the purpose of Regula- tion 3 (1) iii., may receive a salary and count as part of the school staff. 16. These regulations may be from time to time modified and altered by regula- tions framed by the consultative committee with the approval of the Board. APPENDIX A. A Tripos certificate granted by the University of Cambridge to women. A diploma or certificate showing to the satisfaction of the registration authority that the applicant, if a woman, has fulfilled all the conditions which, if the University of Oxford granted degrees to women, would entitle her to a degree in that university ; or that under the conditions prescribed by the Delegacy for Local Examinations she has ^1) passed the second public examination of the University, or (2) has obtained honours in the Oxford University Examination for Women in Modern Languages. The associateship of the Boyal College of Science, London. The associateship of the City and Guilds of London Institute. The fellowship of the College of Preceptors. A special honours certificate of the Higher Local Examinations (Oxford and Cambridge), granted under the following conditions : REGISTRATION OF TEACHERS. 579 (i.) that the holder has passed in four groups or sections and obtained a first or second class in at least two of them ; and (ii.) that the certificate includes at least a pass in two languages, and at least a pass either in Mathematics or in Logic. APPENDIX B. London University Intermediate Arts. ,, ,, Intermediate Science. Oxford University Pass Moderations. ,, Law Preliminary. ,, ,, Science Preliminary. ,, ,, The Second Examination for Women (Pass). Cambridge University The General Examination. In the case of women : (i.) " Moderations" or " finals " in the University of Oxford, (ii.) Tripos examinations of the University of Cambridge or the * ' standard of the ordinary degree." Oxford and Cambridge Higher Local Examinations (Honours Certificate). Birmingham University Intermediate Arts. ,, ,, Intermediate Science. Victoria University of Manchester Intermediate Arts. ,, ,, ,, Intermediate Science. Liverpool University Intermediate Arts. ,, Intermediate Science. Leeds University Intermediate Arts. ,, ,, Intermediate Science. University of "Wales Intermediate Arts. ,, ,, Intermediate Science. Dublin University Final Examination of Senior Freshman year. Royal University of Ireland The Second University Examination in Arts. Durham University (a) The Second Pablic Examination in Letters. ,, (b) The Final Examination for the title of A. So., Durham. St. Andrews' University A Certificate of the University of St. Andrews, granted under the conditions regulating the L.L.A. diploma examinations and bearing : Either that the holder has obtained honours in at least two of the subjects classed under Departments A B C of the L.L.A. diploma scheme of examinations ; or that the holder has obtained at least a pass in each of two languages (other than English) and in Logic or Mathematics. The subjects included under Departments A, B, and C are : A Latin, Greek, English (with Anglo-Saxon), French, German, Italian, Hebrew, Comparative Philology. B. Logic, Moral Philosophy, Political Philosophy, Political Economy, ./Esthetics, Political Science, Comparative Religion. C. Mathematics, Natural Philosophy, Chemistry, Astronomy, Geology, Physiology, Zoology, Botany. College of Preceptors Licentiateship APPENDIX C. Diplomas or Certificates in the Theory and Practice of Teaching granted by the following institutions : Oxford University. Cambridge ,, London , , Victoria Durham ,, Birmingham,, (Higher Diploma). Edinburgh ,, (Secondary School Diploma). Aberdeen ,, (Diploma with Distinction) . Glasgow ,, University of Dublin. 19* 580 REGISTRATION OF TEACHERS. Royal University of Ireland. College of Preceptors (Fellowship or Licentiateship, together with the certificate of ability to teach). The National Froebel Union (Higher Certificate). University of Wales (a) Certificate and (b) Diploma in Education. APPENDIX D. INSTITUTIONS, &c., FOE THE TEAINING OF SECONDARY TEAOHEES. Course of training for secondary teachers at Oxford for the Oxford University Diploma. (This training would be accepted provided that students stayed for three terms, of which the vacation course may be reckoned as one.) University of Cambridge (Day Training College) , Secondary Department, Durham University (including Armstrong College}. Birmingham University. Owens College, Manchester. University College, Liverpool. Yorkshire College, Leeds (provided the training were of one year's duration). University College of North Wales, Bangor. University College of South Wales, Cardiff. University College of Wales, Aberystwith. Cambridge Training College. Maria Grey College, London. Cheltenham Ladies' College. Bedford College for Women, University of London. Mary Datchelor College, London. St. George's Training College, Edinburgh. Catholic Trail) ing College, Cavendish Square, London. St. Mary's Hall, Mount Pleasant, Liverpool. University College, Bristol. Royal College of Science, London. Course for Teaching Associateship. St. Mary's College, Paddington. Cherwell Hal], Oxford. St. Mary's Hall, Stonyhurst, provided that one year's practical training be given at one of the following schools : (1) Stonyhurst College, Blackburn. (2) Mount St. Mary's College, Chesterfield. (3) Beaumont College, Old Windsor. (4) St. Francis Xavier's College, Liverpool. (5) St. Ignatius College, Stamford Hill. (6) Wimbledon College. (7) The Catholic College, Preston. (8) St. Aloyfius' College, Glasgow. (9) St. Ignatius College, Malta. Clapham High School, Secondary Training Department. London Day Training College, Secondary Department. The Incorporated Froebel Educational Institute. LIST OF SCHOOLS RECOGNISED FOR THE PURPOSES OF : (n) REGULATION 3 (2) (ii.). Croydon : High School for Girls, Wellesley Road. Exeter : The High School for Girls (Maynard's Foundation). London : School for Girls, Convent of the Sacred Heart, Roehampton. High School for Girls, Wemyes Road, Blackheath, S.E. High School for Girls, Norland Square, Netting Hill, W. High School for Girls, West Hill, Sydenham, S.E. North London Collegiate School for Girls, St. Pancras. Streatham Hill and Brixton High School for Girls. Liverpool : High School for Girls, Belvidere Road. East Liverpool High School for Girls REGISTRATION OF TEACHERS. 581 Manchester : High School for Girls, Dover Street. Oxford : High School for Girls, Banbury Road. Reading : Leighton Park School. Sheffield : High School for Girls, Rutland Park, Clarkehouse Road. Sutton : High School for Girls, Cheam Road. Wimbledon : High School for Girls, Mansel Road. Winchester : The High School for Girls. Windsor: St. Stephen's College (Girls), Clewer St. Stephens. Winscombe : Sidcot School. York : Bootham School. ,, The Mount School (Girls). (b) REGULAtlON 3 (2) (iv). Long Eaton : Trent College. Addendum to Statutory Rules and Orders, 1903- NO- 384 (< amended to March 1st, 1905). Board of Education. Teachers' Registration Regulations. APPENDIX A. The Board of Education have amended Appendix A by striking out the words : " A special honours certificate of the Higher Local Examinations (Oxford and Cambridge), grunted under the following conditions : (i.) that the holder has passed in four groups or sections and obtained a first or second class in at least two of them ; and (ii.) that the certificate includes at least a pass in two languages, and at least a pass either in Mathematics or in Logic " ; and substituting the following : " A special honours certificate of the Higher Local Examinations (Oxford and Cambridge) granted under the following conditions : (i.) that the certificate includes at least a pass in two languages (other than English) and a pass either in Mathematics or in Logic ; and (ii.) that the holder either (a) has passed in four groups or sections, obtaining a first or a second class in at least two of them ; or (b) has passed in three groups or sections, obtaining a first or a second class in at least two of them, and holds in addition either (1) an Oxford or a Cambridge Senior Local Certificate in Honours, including at least one subject not included in the three Higher Local groups or sections, or (2) a Higher Certificate of the Oxford and Cambridge Schools Examination Board, gained in one year exclusive of Drawing and Music, and including at least one subject not included in the three Higher Local groups or sections." APPENDIX C. The following addition has been made to Appendix C : Birmingham University (Secondary Teachers' Diploma). APPENDIX D. The following additions have been made to Appendix D : Edinburgh University (Secondary School Practical Course). Trinity College, Dublin. Alexandra College, Dublin. Queen's College, Cork. The following schools have been recognised by the Board of Education for the purposes of Regulation 3 (2) (ii.) Bournemouth : Endowed High School for Girls, Norwich Avenue. Highgate : The Grove School. Sherborne : Sherborne School for Girls. 582 POSTAL ADDRESSES. SECTION XVII. POSTAL ADDRESSES OF CERTAIN EDUCATIONAL AND OTHER INSTITUTIONS AND BODIES. Alliance Frangaise, Secretary of, 186, Boulevard Saint Germain, Paris. London Secre- tary, M. Minssen, 8, Barnard's Inn, Hoi born, E.G. Amateur Athletic Association, Hon. Secretary, C. Herbert, Esq., 10, John Street, Adelphi, W.C. Telegraphic Address : " Athlete, London." Army Schools, Director of, War Office, 68, Victoria Street, London, S.W. Art for Schools Association, Secretary of, 46, Great Ormond Street, Bloomebury, London, W.O. Assistant Teachers, National Federation of, Secretary, J. T. Boulter, Esq., Warwick House, Warwick Street, Leicester. Association of Education Committees, Hon. Secretary, T. Groves, Esq., Leicester. Association of Headmasters of the Endowed Schools of the Midland Counties, Secretary, R. Deakin, Esq., King Edward's School, Stourbridge. Association of Municipal Corporations, Secretary, A. Goring Fritchard, Esq., 9, Bridge Street, Westminster, S.W. Association Phonetique Internationale, Secretary, Professor Paul Passy, 20, Rue de la Madeline, Bourg-la-Reine, Seine. For Kngland : Dr. Lloyd, The University, Liverpool ; or, Professor Baker, University College, Sheffield. Association of Preparatory Schools, Secretary, T. Riches. Esq., Bradbourne Villas, Sevenoaks. Association of Teachers in Secondary Schools of Scotland, Secretary, J. A. Grant, Esq., M.A., Royal High School, Edinburgh. Association of Technical Institutions, Hon. Secretary, Principal S. H. Wells, Battersea Polytechnic, London, S.W. Association for the Oral Instruction of the Deaf and Dumb. Training: College for Teachers of the Deaf, and School for Children, Director, 11, Fitzroy Square, London, W.O. Bibliographical Society, Secretary, A. W. Pollard, Esq., 10, Lauriston Road, Wim- bledon, S.W. Birmingham Athletic Institute, Secretary, J. Adams, Esq., John Bright Street, Birmingham. Board of Education, Secretary of, Whitehall, London, S.W. Board of Examinations for Educational Handwork, Secretary, John Cooke,. Esq., Office of the Froebel Society, 4, Bloomsbary Square, W.C. British and Foreign School Society, Secretary of, 114-116, Temple Chambers, Temple Avenue, London, E.G. British Archaeological Association, Hon. Secretary of, 32, Sackville St., London, W. British Association for the Advancement of Science, Secretary of, Burlington House, London, W. Cambridge University, Local Examinations, Secretary of, Syndicate Buildings, Mill Lane, Cambridge. Catholic Education Council, F. R. Anderton, Esq., 28, Ashley Place, S.W. Catholic Headmasters' Association, Ireland, Secretary, Rev. A. Murphy, St. Munchin's College, Limerick. Central Welsh Board, Clerk of the, 4, St. Andrew's Crescent, Cardiff. Charity Commission, Secretary of, Ryder Street, St. James's, S.W. Chemical Society, Hon. Secretaries of, Burlington House, Piccadilly, London, W. Childhood Society for the Scientific Study of the Mental and Physioal Conditions of Children, Secretary, W. H. Durrie Mnlford, Esq., Parkee Museum, Margaret Street, W. Church Education Corporation, Secretary, Charles C. Osborne, Esq., 82, Victoria Street, London, S.W. Church Schools Co., Ltd., Chief Secretary and Inspector, Rev. G. E. Mackie, M.A., Church House, Dean's Yard, Westminster, S.W. Church Schools Emergency League, Secretary, Canon Cle worth, Middleton Rectory, Manchester. POSTAL ADDRESSES. 583 City and Guilds of London Institute, Hon. Secretary, Sir John Watney. Assistant Secretary, A. L. Soper, Esq., Gresham College, Basinghall Street, E.G. Civil Service Commission, Burlington Gardens, Bond Street, London. W. College of Preceptors, Secretary of, Bloomsbnry Square, London, W.O Committee on Wap-c Earning Children, Hon. Secretary, Miss N. Adler, 0, Craven Hill, Hyde Park, London, W. Conforence of Catholic Colleges, Secretary, Rev. R. Eaton, The Oratory, Edgbaston, Birmingham. Consultative Committee of the Board of Education, Secretary, Board of Education, Whitehall, S.W. Cookery, Training: Schools of, List given on page 57 of N.U.T. Code, 1906. County Councils' Association Education Committee, Secretary, G. Montagu Harris, Esq., Parliamentary Mansions, Westminster, London, S.W. Domestic Subjects, Training Schools for, List given on page 68, N.U.T. Code 1906. Educational Handwork Association, Secretary, W. McWeeny, Esq., 13, Springfield Avenue, Bradford, Yorks. Educational Institute of Scotland, Secretary, J. Lawrence, Esq., Old Monkland, Coatbridge, Scotland. Entomological Society, Secretaries of, H. Rowland Brown, M.A.,and Com. J. J. Walker, R.N., M.A,, ll.Chandos Street, Cavendish Square, London, W. Federation of London Teachers, (Association of Secondary, Art, Technological and University Teachers), Hon. Secretary, P. Abbott, Esq., B.A., Tne Polytechnic, Regent Street, W. Federation of Teachers in Pupil Teachers' Central Classes, Secretary, J. Buckley, Egq., B.Sc., Pupil Teachers' Centre, Wigan. Geographical Association, Secretary, A. J. Herbertson, Esq., 4, Broad Street, Oxford. Gilchrist Educational Trust, Secretary, R. D. Roberts, M.A.., D.Sc., 1, Plowden Buildings, Temple, W.C. Girls' Public Day School Trust, Offices, 21, Queen Anne's Gate, London, S.W. Guildhall School of Music, Secretarv of, Victoria Embankment, London, W.C. Tel. No. 1943 Holborn. Telegraphic Address, "Euphonium, London." Guild of Organists (Incorporated), Hon. General Secretary, F. B. Townend, Esq., 11, Queen Victoria Street, London, E.G. Headmasters* Association, Secretaries: Rev. R. D. Swallow, Chigwell School, Essex, and Dr. J. D.McClure, Mill Hill School, N.W. Headmasters' Conference, Secretary, W. A. Evans, Esq., 12, King's Bench Walk, Temple, E.G. Home and Colonial School Society, Hon. Secretary of, Wood Green, London, N. Incorporated Association of Assistant Masters in Secondary Schools, General Secretary, C. J. Mackness, Esq., 27, Great James' Street, W.C. Incorporated Association of Assistant Mistresses In Public Secondary Schools, Secretary, Miss Macklin, 22, Berners Street, London, W. Incorporated Association of Headmasters Assistant Secretary, H. Bendall Esq. M.A., 37, Norfolk Street, W.C. Incorporated British College of Physical Education, Hon. Secretary, F. H. Gelling, 5 & 7, Johnson Street, Notting Hill Gate, W. Incorporated Phonographic Society, Secretary of , 100, Mattison Road, Harringay, N. Incorporated Society of Authors, Secretary, G. H. Thring, Esq., 39, Old Queen Street, Storey's Uate, S.W. Institute of Actuaries, Assistant Secretary, S. H. Jarvis, Staple Inn Hall, Holbora, London, W.O. International Correspondence, Secretary, Miss Lawrence, English Headquarters, "Review of Reviews " Office, Mowbray Hovwe, Norfolk Street, Strand, W.C. Joint Scholarships Board, Secretary, H. Bendall, Esq., M.A., 37, Norfolk Street, London, W.C. "Journal of Education, The," 3, Broadway, Ludgate Hill, E.G. Laundry Work, Training Schools for, List given on page 58, N.U.T. Code, 1906. Linnean Society, General Secretary of, Burlington House, London, W. London County Council Education Department, Executive Officer of, Victoria Embankment, W.C. London Mathematical Society, Secretary of, 22, Albemarle Street, London, W. London Progressive Education Council, Secretary, Miss C. Williams, Surrey House, Victoria Embankment, London, W.C. London Pupil Teachers' Association, Secretary (Boys), P. Pritchard, Esq.. Toynbee Hall, Commercial Street, London, E. Secretary (Girls), Mr*. Briggs, 48, Wetherby Mansions, S.W. 584 POSTAL ADDRESSES. London Teachers' Association, Secretary of, 9, Fleet Street, E.G. London University Extension Board, Registrar of the Board, University of London, South Kensington, S.W. Mathematical Association, Hon. Secretaries, C. Pendlebury, Bq., M.A., St. Paul's School, London, W. ; and H. D. Ellis, Esq., M.A., 12, Gloucester Terrace, Hyde Park, W. Metropolitan Centre Teachers' Association, Secretary of, Pupil Teachers' School, William Street. Hammersmith. Midland Education League, Secretary, J. W. Harvey Theobald, Esq., 11, Quadrant. Chambers, New Street, Birmingham. Modern Language Association, Hon. Secretary, W. Osborne Brigstock, Esq., 31, Cornwall Road, Bayswater, London, W. National Association for the Promotion of Technical and Secondary Education, Secretary, F. Oldman, Esq., 10, Queen Anne's Gate, Westminster, S.W. National Education Association, Secretary, A. J. Mundella, Esq., Surrey House, Victoria Embankment, W.C. National Federation of Head Teachers' Associations, Hon. Sec., E. F. Farthing, Esq., 9, Eastern Road, Brockley, S.E. National Froetoel Union, Secretary, Miss E. H. Maclean, 4, Bloomsbury Square, W.C. National Home-Reading: Union, General Secretary, Vere Collins, Esq., B.A., Surrey House, Victoria Embankment, London, W.C. National Society for Promoting: the Education of the Poor in the Principles of the Established Church, Secretary of, Broad Sanctuary, Westminster, London, S.W. National Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children, Director, R. J. Parr, Esq., Leicester Square, W.C. National Training: School of Cookery and other Branches of Domestic Economy, Secretary of, Buckingham Palace Road, Lonlon, S.W. National Union of Teachers, Secretary of, 67 and 71, Russell Square, London, W.C. Northern Counties Educational League, Secretary, J. Hirst Hollowell, " Castle- mere," Rochdale. Oxford University Extension Delegacy, The Secretary, University Extension Delegacy, The Examinations Schools, Oxford. Oxford University Local Examinations, Secretary of, Merton Street, Oxford. Parents' National Educational Union, Secretary, Miss F. Noel Armfield, 26, Victoria Street, S.W. (Telephone, 479 Victoria.) Peace Society, Secretary of, 47, New Broad Street, London, E.G. Photographic Societies, Affiliation of, Secretary of, 66, Russell Square, W.C. Printers of Government Publications, Messrs. Wyman & Sons, Fetter Lane, E.G. Private Schools Association, General Secretary, H. R. Beasley, Esq., 9, Bedford Court Mansions, Bedford Square, W.C. Pure Literature Society, Secretary of. 11, Buckingham Street, Strand, London, W.C. Quekett Microscopical Club, Secretary of, 20, Hanover Square, W. Recreative Evening: Schools' Association, Secretary, J. E. Flower, Esq., M.A., 37, Norfolk Street, Strand, London. Royal College of Music, Registrar of, Prince Consort Road, South Kensington, S.W. Royal Geographical Society, Secretary of, 1, Saville Row, London, W. Royal Historical Society, Secretary of, 3, Old Serjeants' Inn, Chancery Lane, London, W. Royal Meteorological Society, Secretary of, 70, Victoria Street, Westminster, London, S.W". Royal Microscopical Society, Secretary of, 20, Hanover Square, London. W. Royal Normal College for the Blind, Secretary of, Upper Norwood, London, S.E. (Telephone No. 320 Sydenham. Telegraphic address : " Braillifet, London.") Royal Numismatic Society, Secretary of, 22, Albemarle Street, London, W. Royal Photographic Society, Secretary of, 06, Russell Square, W.C. School Attendance Officers' National Association, Hon. Secretary, E. A. Cook, Esq , 115, St. John's Road, St. John's, S.E. 41 School Government Chronicle," 21, New Bridge Street, E.G. " Schoolmaster " Newspaper, Editor of, 3 Racquet Court, Fleet Street, London, E.G. "Schoolmistress" Newspaper, Editor of , 149, Fleet Street, London, E.G. Scottish Class Teachers' Association, Alex. Sivewright, Esq., M.A., 31, Broughton Place, Edinburgh. Societe des Langues Etrangeres, Secretary, 88, Rue Serpente, Paris. Society for the International Exchange of Children and Young People for the study of Foreign Languages, Directeur, M. Toni Mathieu, 36, Boulevard de Magenta, Paris. POSTAL ADDRESSES. 585 Societe Nationale des Professeurs do Franqafs en Angleterre, Secretary, M. Barlet, Mercers' School, London. Office : 8, Barnard's Inn, Holborn. E.G. Society of Antiquaries, Secretary of, Burlington House, London, S.W. Society of Art Masters, Secretary, F. Ford, Esq., 50, Broom House Road, Fulham, S.W. Society of Arts, Secretary of, John Street, Adelphi, London, W.C. Society of Schoolmasters, Secretary, A. Llewelyn Roberts, B.A., Royal Literary Fund Chambers. 40, Devison House, Westminster, S.W. Stationers' Hall (for copyright registry), Clerk of. Stationers' Hall Court, London, E.O. Teachers' Guild, Secretary of, 74, Gower Street, London, W.O. Teachers' Registration Council, Registrar, G. W. Rundell, Esq., M.A., 49 and 50, Parliament Street, S.W. The International Guild, Secretary, Mdlle. Lalouette, 6, Ruede la Sorbonne, Paris. The Public Schools Science Masters' Association, Secretary, W. A. Shenstone, Esq., F.R.S., Clifton College, near Bristol. The Urban District Councils Association, Secretary, Solicitor, and Parliamentary Agent, R. H. S. Butterworth, Esq., Palace Chambers, Bridge Street, Westminster. (Telegrams ' Leebut, London." Telephone 868 Westminster.) Tonic Sol-Fa College, Secretary, W. Harrison, Esq., M.A., Mus. Bac., 27, Finsbury Square, London, B.C. Training Colleges. List given on pages 231 to 233, X.U.T. Code, 1906. (Also given under their respective Counties, in Section II. of this book, page 69 et seq.) Training College Association, Secretary, H. E. Griffiths, Esq., St. John's College, Battersea, S.W. Training School of Domestic Economy, Principal, Batteraea Polytechnic, Battersea Park Road, London, S.W. Union of Directors of Music in Secondary Schools, Secretary, Dr. Buck, The Chalet, Harrow. University of Aberdeen, Registrar of the University, Aberdeen. University of Birmingham, Registrar of the University, Birmingham. University of Cambridge, Registrar of the University, Cambridge. University of Dublin (Royal University of Ireland), Registrar of the University, Dublin. University of Durham, Registrar of the University, Durham. University of Edinburgh, Registrar of the University, Edinburgh. University of Glasgow, Registrar of the University, Glasgow. University of Leeds, Registrar of the University, Leeds. University of Liverpool, Registrar of the University, Liverpool. University of London, Registrar of the University, London. University of Manchester, Registrar of the University, Manchester. University of Oxford, Registrar of the University, Oxford. University of St. Andrews, (for L.L.A. degree) Secretary. L.L.A. Scheme, University, St. Andrews, N.B. University of Wales, Registrar of the University, University Registry, Cathays Park, Cardiff. University Extension Authorities (Cambridge Syndicate), Secretary, Rev. H. S. Cranage, M.A., Syndicate Buildings, Cambridge. University Extension Authorities (University of London), Dr. R. D. Roberts (Registrar), University of^London, South Kensington, S.W. University Extension Authorities (Manchester University Committee), S. Waterlow, Esq., M.A., Victoria University of Manchester. Welsh County Schools' Association, Secretary, W. Jenkyn Thomas. Esq., M A., Aberdare, County School, Glamorgan. Welsh Language Society, David James (Defynog), Treherbert, Glamorgan. Zoological Society, Secretary of, 3, Hanover Square, London, W. Zweigverein London des Allgemeinen Deutschen Sprachvereins, Hon. Secretary, Dr. L. Hirsch Bonna, 25, Gleneldon Road, Streatham, S.W. 586 EVENING SCHOOL SALARIES. SCALES OF SALARIES ADOPTED BY LOCAL EDUCATION AUTHORITIES FOR TEACHERS IN EVENING SCHOOLS. ADMINISTRATIVE COUNTIES. Cambridgeshire- Average Attendance. Ordinary Subjects. Practical Subjects. Salaries per Hour. 7-5 to 9 7'5 to 8 .. 2s. 6<1. 9 to 12 8 to 10 . . 2s. 9d. 12 to 15 10 to 12 . . 3s. Od. 15 to 20 ' 12 to 14 . . 3s. 3d. 20 to 25 over 14 . . 3s. 6d. Assts. in schs. with av. att. exceeding 25 . . Is. 6d. Travelling expenses allowed for distance exceeding 2 miles. London Responsible Tm^rs Ordinary Schs. : 2 evgs. weekly, 26 13s. 4d. ann. ; 3 evgs. 40 ; 4 evgs., 53 6s. 8d. ; 5 evgs., 66 13s. 4d. -f Is. per evg. of actual service for the first 100 scholars in av. att., and another Is. per evg. for each 50 scholars beyond 100 in av. att. Tchrs. employed between Whitsuntide and the commence- ment of next session,'.7s. per evg. Evg. Schs. for the Deaf, 7s. per evg. Com- mercial and Science "and Art Evg. , Schs. : 3 evgs. weekly, 75; 4 evgs., 100; 5 ev8., 125. Between "Whitsuntide and commencement of next session, 15s. + Is. per evg. of actual service for the first 200 in av. att., and another Is. per evg. for each 50 scholars beyond 200. Assistants 1st class, 5s. per evg. ; 2nd class, 4s. per evg. Assts. who were working the session 1903-4 for the same no. of evgs. per week receive in addition Is. per evg., if they had an average of 20 students per lesson from September to Whitsuntide. Science and Art and Language Instructors Ordinary Schs. : 4s. for 1 hour, 6s. for 2 hours. Commercial Instructors Science and Art Centres : 7s. 6d. per evg. of 3 hours (10s. 6d. for certain subjects.) Science and Art Principal Instructors Science and Art Centres : 10s. 6d. per evg. of 3 hours. Assts. 7s. 6d. per evg. Manual Training and Metalwork Teachers 4s. per evg. of 2 hours (5s. for each evg. over 2 weekly). Wood- carving and Prel. Mechanical Drawing Teachers 5s. per evg. of 2 hrs. Repousse Metalwork Teachers -5s. per evg. of 2 hours (7s. 6d. for 3 hours in Science and Art Centres) . Gymnastic Teachers 7s. 6d. and 5s. per evg. Assts. 4s. per evg. Literature Lecturers -10s. 6d. per. evg. Swimming Teachers 6s. and 5s. per evg. Cookery and Laundry Teachers 4s. per evg. (5s. after 3 sessions satisfactory service). Housewifery Teachers 5s. per evg. (6s. after 3 sessions satisfactory service). Nursing and Health Lecturers (Medical Practitioners)! gn. per evg. of 1J hours. Home Nursing (Trained Nurses) 10s. 6d. per evg. of 1| hours. Northampton Head Teachers Av. att. over 20, 4s. per hour of actual teaching + Is. per hour for subjects for which more than 3s. 6d. grant per unit is earned. Assistants 3s. per hour. (This is the suggested scale.) Breeonshire Evening Sch. Tchrs. receive not less than 3s. 6d. per hour. EVENING SCHOOL SALARIES. 587 COUNTY BOROUGHS. Barrow-in-Farness Heads Gs. 6d. per evg. -f- bonus on av. att. at end of session. Assistants 5s. per evg. Oldham Headmasters Schs. taking 2 yr. course, 7s. 6d. per evg. of 2 hours ; 3 yr. course, fcs. 6d. ; 4 yr. course, 10s. Headmisti-esfsett Av. att. uiid. 100, 6s. 6d. ; over 100, 8s. 6d. Certificated Assistants M., 5s. ; Ms., 4s. Special Subjects Teacher* Commercial Subjects, 6s. ; Cookery, Dressmaking and Millinery, 6s. ; Gymnastics, 5s. ; Industrial Course (3rd yr.) 6s. ; Workshop Mathematics and Practical Drawing (4th yr.), 7s. 6d. ; French (4th yr.), 7s. 6d. ; Elern. Science (Theo. and Prac., 4th yr.), 10s. ; Manual, 3s. per hour, 5s. 6d. for 2 consecutive hours. Plymouth Head Teachers s. 8d. per evg. of 2 hours. Asst. Teachers 4s. per evg. of 2 'hours. Teachers in charge of Handicraft Centre 5s. 6d. per evg. of 2 hours ; Special Tchrs., 5s. 6d. for the first evg. of 2 hours, and 4s. for each subsequent evg. in the same week. If engaged by the hour Head Tchrs. , 3s. lOd. per hour; Assts., 2s. 6d. per hour ; Special Tchrs., '3s. 3d. per hour for 1st evg. and 2s. 6d. per hour for subsequent evgs. in same week. NON-COUNTY BOROUGHS. Lancaster Head Teachers 7s. 6d. per evg. (if actually teaching during one-half of session only, 5s. per evg.) -f- cap. of 2s. 6d. per head on all students over 40 who qualify for grant in at least three subjects and make 80 per cent, of attendances. 2s. extra per evg. when required to be present at other than class hours prior to exam. Certificated Assistants 5s. per evg. of 2 hours. Lowestoft Head Teachers \ per week. Assistants 12s. 6d. per week. URBAN DISTRICTS. Chadderton Headmasters 9s. per evg. of 2 hours. Headmistresses 7s. 6d. Art Teachers 9s. Science Teachers 10s. Music Teachers Is. 6d. 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