UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA AT LOS ANGELES CATALOGUE OF THE BOOKS OF Till. UNIVERSITY OF VERMONT UURIjINGTON: V E It N O N HARRINGTON. 1836. I CATALOGUE . THEOLOGY. Form. 8 . ACTS of the Apostles, in modern Greek. F. Ainsworth, H., Annotations on the five Books of Moses. F. Alesius, Alexander, super tertium senten- tiarum. F. Ambrose, Isaac, Works. S. American Preacher. 4 vols. F. Anselmus, Cantuar. archiepiscopus, opera. 8. Austin, Samuel, View of the Church. S. Backus, Isaac, History of the Church of N. England. 3 vols. 4. Balduinus, F., Apostolica ministrorum, ec- clesia institutio. 12. Balguy, Thomas, Divine benevolence as- serted. Ballou, H. Universalism. 12. Barclay, Robert, Catechism &t Confession of Faith. 8. Apology for the true Christian Divinity. F. Bates, Wm. Works. F. Baxter, Richard, Works. 4 vols 4. Bebelius, B. Ecclesia antediluviana. 4. Behmen, Jacob, Works, by Law. 4 vols. 8. Bellamy, Joseph, Works. 3 vols. Edition. Malta 1827 Lond. 1639 Venet. 1475 Lond. 1582 Elizabetht'n 1771 Paris 1721 Worcester 1807 Bost. 1777-96 Wittenberg 1630 Lond. 1803 New York 1813 Philad. 1805 Lond. 1723 ib. 1707 Argent. 1706 Lond. 1764 New York, 1811 THEOLOGY. Form 12. 8. 8. 12. F. F. 4. 8. 8. 8. 12. 12. F. F. F. 8. 8. 4. 12. Belsharn, Thomas, Vindication etc. Bentley R. On free-thinking. Edition. Bost. 1809 Cambr. 1743 Lond. 1809 Philad. 1796 Oxon. 1776-80 Basil 1534 Pontefract s. a. Amsterd. 1705 Lond. 1822 Philad. 1814 Lips. 1834 Amsterd. 1725 Ven. 1506 Augsb. 1748 Geneve 1638 New York 1815 Lond. 1824 Brattleboro.' 1816 Beveridge, Wm. Private Thoughts. Biblia Hebraica, Kennicotti. ed. Vander Hooght. 2 vols. ed. Vander Hooght c. Novo Tes- tamento hebraice. 9 vols. sine punctis. 2 vols. Pfl A HIT l-fllm D. Millius. 2 vols. pretatione. 2 vols. Bible, la Sainte. Biblia al Espagnol de S. Miguel. Bible, the Holy. Bielby. Bp. Evidences of Christian rev- elation. Bingham, Joseph, Antiquities of the Christian Church. 10 vols. Bishop, Thomas, Sermons on Arianism. Blair, Hugh, Sermons. 2 vols Bogue and Bennet, History of the Dissen- ters. 4 vols. Bossuet, Exposition de la doctrine de 1'eglise catholique. NewBedfd 1802 Lond. ib. ib. 1710-22 1726 1792 ib. 1808 Paris 1822 Bowden, John, Letters on Episcopacy. 3 volsN. York, 1808-11 Boston, Thomas, Fourfold State. Philad. 1814 Bragge, Francis, On the miracles of Christ. 2 vols. Lond. 1710 Bradbury, T. on baptism. N. York 1810 Brown, J. Dictionary of the Bible. Brattleb. 1824 Brown, John, Oracles of God. Albany 1793 Browne, Simon, Defense of Religion. Lond. 1732 THEOLOGY. 4. F. 8. 8. 8. 8. 18. F. 12. 8. F. 8. 8. 12. 8. 8. Buchanan, C. Researches in Asia. Bunyan, John, Works. 2 vols. Burcler, Samuel, Oriental Customs. Burkitt, Wm., Exposition of the New Testament. Bunyan, John, Pilgrim's Progress. Burnet, Gilbert, History of the reforma- tion. ib. 6 vols. Burgess, Ant., the Doctine of Original Sin. Butler, Charles, Works. 5 vols. Butler, Joseph, Works. 2 vols. Sermons. Calmet, Dictionary of the Bible. 5 vols. Calvin, J., Commentarii in Epistolas Pauli. In Nov. Testamentum commentarii. 7 vols. Institutio Christianas relijiionis. Campbell, G., on Miracles. Cecil, Richard, Works, by Pratt. 4 vols. Celestial Comforter. Charnock, Stephen, on the existence and attributes of God. Chauncey, C., Sermons. Chaplain. Ebenezer, on the Sacraments. Chillingworth, Wm., Works. 3 vols. Clarendon, Earl of, Tracts. Columbian Preacher. Clarkson, Thomas, Portraiture of Qua- kerism. 3 vols. Common Prayer. Clarke, Saml., on the attributes of God. Condor, J., on Protestant non-confor- mity. 2 vols. Conferences on the Idolatry of the Ro- mish church. Edition. N. York 1812 Lond. 1767 Philad. 1804 Philad. 1796 Philad. 1811 i Lond. 1681-1715 ib. 1820 Lond. 1658 ib. 1817 Cambr.N.E. 1827 Lond. 1749 Oxford 1816 Charlestown 1812 Geneva 1554 Berol. 1833 Berol. 1834 Lond. 1834 ib. 1811 Philad. 1814 Lond. 1682 Bost. 1765 Worcester 1802 Lond. 1820 ib. 1727 Catskill 1808 N. York 1806 N. York 1813 Lond. 1732 ib. 1818 ib. 1679 THEOLOGY. Form. 12. Constitution of the reformed Dutch church. 8. Cranmer, Thomas, Remains, by Jen- kyns. 4 vols. 4. Cremer, B. Sebast. Prodromus Criticus. 12. Crenius, Thomas, Collection of Latin Tracts. 3 vols. 8. 12. 4. 8. 12. 18. 8. 8. 8. 12. Dana, James, Sermons to young people. Dell, Wm., on Baptism. Diez, Phillippe, Sermons. Doddridge, Philip, Works. 10 vols. Diary and Correspondence. 5 vols. Family Expositor. 2 vols. Rise and progress of religion etc. 8. Education Society, Am. Register & Journal 1829 to 1835. 8. Edwards, Jonathan, on free will. Dissertation on liberty and necessity. On original Sin. On a revival or religion. -Miscellaneous observations on theology. -On the Millennium. 8. 12. Edwards, Peter, on Baptism. 8. Essays on Episcopacy. 8. Faber, G. S., View of the prophecies, 2 copies. 2 vols. 8. Fawcett, Joseph, Sermons. 2 vols. 8. Fiske, Nathan, Sermons. F. Flavel, John, Works. 2^4s. 12. Fleming, Robert, Fulfilling of the Scrip- tures. 18. . Epistolary discourse. 8. Fletcher, Wm., Sermons, 12. Fordyce, James, Addresses to young men. Edition. N. York 1793 Oxford 1833 Amstelod 1727 Lugd. B. 1698 N. Haven 1806 Philad. 1811 Leeds 1802 Lond. 1829 Hartford 1807 N. York 1812 Brookfield 1810 Andover &t Bost. Wilm'ton D. 1790 Worcester 1797 ib, ib. 1808 Edinb. 1793 Elizabetht'n 1794 Wilmington 1806 N. York 1806 Bost. 1809 Lond. 1801 Worcester 1794 Lond. 1740 Bost. 1743 Lond. 1692 Dublin 1772 Boston THEOLOGY. 7 Form. Edition. F. Fox, John, Book of Martyrs. Lond. 1732 4. Frankius, Johannes, Tenebrae lucidae. Lips. 1710 1-2. Fuller, Andrew, reply to B. Philad. 1810 F. Fuller, Thomas, Church History of Britain. Lond. 1655 4. Gale, Theophilus, court of the Gentiles. 4 vols. Oxon. 1659 8. Gerard, Institutes of Biblical criticism. Bost. 1623 8. Gibbs, J., Manual of Hebrew and English Lexicon. Andover 1829 F. Gibson, Edmund, Codex Juris Ecclseias- tici Anglicani. 2 vols. Oxford 1761 12. Gisbome, T., Survey of the Christian re- ligion. N. York 1807 12. Gray, J., Priesthood of Christ & Mel- chisidec. Philad. 1810-3E 8. Gregoire, Histoire des sectes religieuses. 2vs. Paris 1810 F. Grotius, Hugo, Opera omnia theologica. Amstelos 1679 12. Guthrie, Wm., Christian's great interest. Andover 1815 8. Halyburton, Thomas, Inquiry into the principles of modern Deists. Albany 1812 F. Hammond, Henry, Works. Lond. 1684 8. Harris, T. M., Discourses on Free ma- sonry. Chaiiestown 1801 8. Haweis, T., History of the church of Christ. 2 vols. ^-Baltimore 1807 12. Hay, Bp., Pious Christian instructed. Philad. 1800 4. Heerebord, Adrian, Meletemata philo- sophica. Neomagi 1665 12. Herder, J. G., Spirit of Hebrew Poetry, by Marsh. 2 vols. Burlington 1833 F. Hildebertius, opera. Paris 1703 12. Hindmarsh, James, Dictionary of Corre- spondences. Lond. 1794 8. Hobart, J. H., Apology for the Apostol- ick order. N. York 1807 F. Hooker, Richard, Laws of ecclesiastical Politic. Lond. Glh ed. 4. Hoornbeek, J., Theologia practica. 2 vols. Ultraj. 1663-4 THEOLOGY. Form. Edition. 8. Hopkins, Ezekiel, Works. 4 vols. Lond. 1809 8. Hopkins, Saml., System of Doctrine. 2 vols. Bost. 1811 8. Newport 1773 8. Horneck, A., on the Kord's Supper. Edinb. 8. Horsley, Saml., Sermons. 2 vols.' Lond. 1824 8. Howe, John, Works. 8 vols. ib. 1822 8. Hug, J. L. Introduction to the New Tes- tament, by Wait. 2 vols. Lond. 1827 8. Kurd, Richard, Works. 8 vols. ib. 1811 8. Hutchinson, J., Works. 12 vols. ib. 1748 8. Hymns and Liturgy of the Lutheran church. Philad. 1814 12. Hymns of the reformed Lutheran church in German. 2 vols. Germantown 1813 8. Jackson, John, Existence and Unity of God. Lond. 1734 4. Jenkyn, Wm., Exposition of Jude. ib. 1652 12. Jerment, G., Parental Duty. Philad. 1794 F. Johnson, Samuel, Works. Lond. 1710 8. Johnson, Stephen, on everlasting punish- ment. New London 1786 8. Jones, Wm., History of the Waldenses. Lond, 1812 8. Jortin, John, Works. ib. 1810 F. Josephus Judasus, opera, versio lat. R. Goullet. Paris 1514 8 Koran, by Sales. 2 vols. Lond. 1801 8. Lardner, Nath. Works, anil life by Kippis. 10 vols. Lond. 1835 8. Lathrop, J., Sermons. Worcester 1793 8. Latimer, Hugh, Sermons. 2 vols. Lond. 1758 8. Law, William, Works. 8 vols. ib. 1762 F. Leigh, Edward, Critica Sacra. ib. 1650 8. Leighton, Rob't., Works, and life by Pearson. 4 vols. ib. 1830 4. L'Enfant, Jaques, Histoire du concile de Constance. Amst. 1727 8. Leland, John, Necessity of a revelation. 2vs. Glasgow 1819 Q Lnnd 1755 O 8. Linn, W. Signs of the Times. JLJwlIvl* X t-/v/ New York 1794 THEOLOGY. Form. Edition. 12. Locke, John, Reasonableness of Christian- ity. Boston 1811 4. Lowth. Robert, Translation of Isaiah, Lond. 1779 de sacra poesi heb. praelectiones ed. Michaelis Lips. 1815 8. Letter to Warburton. Lond. 1766 8. Luther, Martin, Werke. Hamb. 1827 4. Loci communes ex ipsius scriptis collecti a T. Fabricio. Lond. 1651 F. Colloquia Mensalia. Lond. 1791 8. Comment, on Galatians. Philad. 1801 4. Maccovius, J. Polemic tracts. 12. Maclaine, A., Letters to J. 18. Marloratus, Aug., Novi Testament! ca- thol. expositio. 12. Marshall, W. on Sanctification. F. Mason, John, Select Memoirs of. 12. Wm., Spiritual Treasury. 12. Maxwell, James, Version of the Psalms in Metre. 12. M'Laurin, John, Sermons &; Essays. 8. M'Leod, A., on the Revelation. 2 co- pies. 8. Mennais, Pabbe de la, sur PindifTerence en matieres de la religion. 12. Messinger, R. on resignation. 8. Michaelis J. D. Commentary on the Laws of Moses, by Smith. 8. Middleton, Conyers, Works. 12. More, Hannah, Practical Piety. F. More, Henry, Theological Works. 8. Morris, J. Sermons. 12. Murray, Lindley, Power of religion. F. Musculus, Wolfg. Commentarii in Mat- theum. 8. Neander, A., History of the Christian religion and Church, by Rose. Amst. 1659 Dublin 1777 s. 1. 1620 Kilmarnoch 1788 Brattleb. 1810 Bost. 1809 Glasg. 1773 Philad. 1811 New York 1814 Paris 1820 Portsmouth 1807 Lond. 1814 ib. 1754 Burling'nN.j.1811 Lond. 1707 ib. 1743 New York 1808 Basil 1567 Lond. 183J THEOLOGY. 12. Necker, Importance of religious opin- ions. 8. Newcome, Wm., Harmony of the Gos- pels. 12. Newton, John, Gluey Hymns. 8. Newton, Thomas, on the prophecies. 12. id. F. Nicodemus Agioreites, Synacharites. 8. Niles Saml. on original sin. 8. Nitzsch C. L. de revelatione. 8. Noble, F. on the inspiration of the Scrip- tures. 4. Novum Testamentum, Syriace. ed. Tros- tius. 8. Greece, Griesbacchii. 8. Modern Greek. 12. Arabice. 8. Ogden, S. Sermons. 8. Orton, Job, Exposition of the Old Testa- ment. 8. Osborne, Benj. Truth displayed 8. Osgood, D. Sermons. 8. Osterwald, John F. Christian Theology. 8. Owen, John, Works, ed T. Russel. 21 vols. 8. Exposition of Hebrews. 4 vols. 12. Paley, Wm. Natural theology. 8. Horae Paulinas. 8. Evidences of Christianity 4. Parcus, David. Comm. ad Romanos. 12. Corpus Doctrinae Christianas. 8. Parr, Dr. Saml. Works. 8 vols. 8. Pascal, Blaise, Oeuvres. 5 vols. F. Penn, Wm., Select Works. 8. No cross, no crown. F. Perkins, Wm. Works. 8. Phipps, J. State of Man. F. Picus de Mirandola, de rerum praenotione Edition. Bost. 1796 Andover 1814 New York 1810 Lond. 1826 Philad. 1813 Venice 1819 Bost. 1757 Wittenberg 1830 Bost. 1828 1622 Cambr. N. E. 1809 Lond. 1817 Lond. Lond. 1805 Charlestown 1805 Rutland 1816 Bost. 1824 Hartford 1788 Lond. 1826 Bost. 1811 Albany 1803 Dublin 1790 Phila. 1795 Heidelb. 1620 Hannov. 1651 Lond. 1828 Lahaye 1779 Lond. 1771 Philad. 1807 Lond. 1626 Trenton 1793 THEOLOGY. 11 Form. libri ix. pro veritate religionis. 12. Pinkerton, R. State of the Greek Church. Fr Piscator, Johan., Comm. in Vet. et Nov. Testamentum. 3 vols. 8. Planck, D. G. T. Geschichte der c. Kir- chenverfassung. 5 vols. 12. Polanus, A. Didascalia. F, Pol us, Mattheus, Synopsis Criticorum. 6 vols 12. Price, R. Sermons. 8. Priestley, J. History of the corruptions of Christianity. 2 vols. 12- Pseaumes de David. Edition. s. 1. 1506 N. York, 1815 Herb. Nov. 1638 Hannov. 1803 s. 1. et a. Lond. 1669-76 Bost. 1794 Birmingham 1793 Amsterd. 1729 8. Rambach, J. Meditations on the sufferings of Christ. 2 vols, 12. Religious Conference, 8. Reynolds, Edward, Works, by Chalmers. 6 vols. 4. Rhemes Testament. 12. Rollocus, Rod., Comm. in Johannem. 24. Rowe, Elizabeth, Devout exercises. 12. Rush, Jacob, charges on moral and reli- gious subjects. F. Sanderson, Robt., Sermons. 4. Sarpi, Fra Paolo, Historia del. cone. Tri- dentano, 8. Saurin, James, Sermons. 4 vols. 12. Select Sermons. 12. Schabalie J. Phil. Die wandlende Seel. -4. Scharpius D. M. Joh. cursus theologia. 8. Schleiermacher, J., Reden ueber Religion. 4. Schmidt, S. in lib. Juridicum comment. 8. Scientia Biblia, a collection of parallel pas- sages. 3 vols. 4. Sclaterus, Gul. Epist. ad Corinthios expli- catio. 24. Scribanus, Carol. Amor divinus. 8. Second Advent. New York 1811 ib. 1808 Lond. 1826 Rhemes 1582 Harrisb. 1811 Lennox 1815 Lond. 1671 Ven. 1629 N.York 1805 Concord 1806 Germant'n 1805 Augsb. 1622 Berlin 1831 Argentor 1706 Lond. 1824 Oxon. 1633 Lugd. 1617 Trenton 1815 12 THEOLOGY. Form . 8. Seed, Jeremiah, Posthumous works. 2 vols. 8. Semple, R. B., History of the Baptists in Virginia. 8. Sermons and religious pamphlets. 9 vols. 8. Sermons by sundry authors. 12. Sermons on the solemn league and cov- enant. 8. Sermons, occasional. F. Sliepard, Thomas, Parable of the ten Vir- gins. 8. Sherlock, Bp. Works. 5 vols. 8. Shuckford, Saml., History of the world. 2 vs. 8. Smalley, J., Sermons. 12. Smith, John Pye, Letters to Belsham. 4. Smith, John, Select Discourses. 4. Stackhouse, Thomas, History of the Bible. 3 vols. 8. St. George, Arthur, examination for holy orders. F. Still ingfleet, Edward, Origines sacrae. 8. Strype, John, Annals of the reformation. 7 vols. 8. Stuart, Moses, Hebrew Grammar. 8. Hebrew Chrestomathy. 8. Swedenborg, Em. Wisdom of Angels. 18. Athanasian creed. 18. On Sacred Scripture. 18. On faith. 18. On the Lord. 18. On divine love. 18. doctrine of life. intercourse of soul and body. 4. Syntagma theologiae christianae. 8. Sumner, John B., Records of the creation. 2 vols. Edition. Lond. 1750 Richmond 1810 Stockbridgel812 Glasg. 1741 Bost. 1812 Lond. 1695 ib. 1830 Philad. 1824 Hartf. 1803 Bost. 1809 Cambr. 1673 Lond. 1817 ib. 1766 Cambr. 1702 Oxford 1824 Andover 1828 Andover 1829 Bost. 1796 ib. 1828 ib. 1829 ib. 1828 ib. 1821 ib. 1828 ib. 1821 ib. 1828 Lond. 1833 F. Taylor, John, Hebrew concordance. 2 vols. Lond. 1754 8. Taylor, Jeremy, Works. 3 vols. ib. 1835 8. Thayer. E., Sermons. Exeter 1813 12. Thomas, Bp., Dialogues on Christianity. Lond. 1754 THEOLOGY. 13 Form. F. Thomas a Kempis, opera. 12. F. F. 12. 12. F. 8. 12. 12. 4. 8. 12. 8. 4. Imitation of Christ. Thomas Aquinas, Summa totius theologiae. Supra quarto libro sententiarum. Thomson, Robt., Answer to Paine. Tilenus, Danl. Syntagma Disput. Theolog- icarum. Tillotson, John, Works. 2 vols. Titmann, J. A. H., Libri Symbolici. Toplady, Augustus, Doctrine of predesti- nation. Trumbull, Benj., Discourses on divine reve- lation. Turretinus, F. de satisfactione Christi. Tyndale, Wm., and Frith. Works. 2 vols. Upham, C. W., on the Logos. Usteri, L., Paulinische Lehrbegrif. Edition. s. L 1523 Lond. 1769 Paris 1615 Venet. 1481 Bost. 1807 Geneva 1618 Lond. 1735 Misena 1827 Philad. 1793 Lugd.B. 1696 Lond. 1831 Bost. 1828 Zurich 1834 Van Till, Solomon, Comment, in libros propheticos, et acta apost. 3 vols. Lugd. B. 1744 8. Verdict upon the Dissenters plea. Lond. 1681 12. Vincent, Thomas, on the catechism. Northampt'n 1805 8. Warburton, Wm., Works, by Kurd. 12 vs. 8. Wardlaw, R., Discourses. 8. Waterland, Danl. Sermons. 12. Watson, Richard, Apology for the Bible. 4. Watts, Isaac, Works, 6 vols. 12. Wesley, John, Preacher's Experience. 4. Whitaker, G., de sacramentis. 12. de peccato originali. 8. Whitman, Saml., Key to the doctrine of atonement. 12. Wilberforce, Wm., Practical view of Christianity. 8. Williams, T., translation of Solomon's Songs. 4. Wollaston, Wm., Religion of nature deline- ated. Lond. 1811 Andover 1815 Cambr. 1720 N. York. 1796 Lond. 1810 Barnard, VT. 1812 Cantab. 1600 Bost. 1814 ib. 1803 Philad. 1803 Loud. 1725 14 CHURCH FATHERS. Form. Edition. 12. Wollebius, Johan., Compendium theo- logiae christianae. Lond. 1760 8. Wrangham, Francis, Works. 3 vols. ib. 1816 8. Young Minister's Companion. Bost. 1813 8. Zollikoffer, G. J., Sermons. Worcester 1807 8. Zouch, Thomas, Works, and life by Wrangham. 2 vols. York 1820 CHURCH FATHERS. F. Athanasius, Archiepisc. Alexandria?, opera omnia. 2 vols. Coloniae 1686 F. Augustinus, Hipponens. episcopus, opera 11 vols. Paris 1637 F. Bernardius Claraevallensis, opera omnia.- ib. 1640 F. Chrysostomus, Johannes, opera graece. 8 vols. Etonae 1613 F. Clemens Alexandrinus, opera qua? extant. Paris 1641 F. Cyprianus, Caecilius, opera ed. N. Rigaltius, accedunt Marcus Minucius, de idolorum vanitate- Arnobius, adversus gentes. Julius Firmicus, de errore profanarum religionum. Commodianus, Instructiones. Paris 1666 F. Works, translated by Marshall. Lond. 1717 F. Eusebius Pamphilus, Evangelica Praeparatio et Demonstratio. Paris 1544 F. Historia ecclesiastica. Accedunt Ejusdem de vita Constantini Magni. Oratio in laudem Constantini Magni. Constantini Magni oratio ad sanctorum costam. Socratis historia ecclesiastica. Theodoriti ead. Theodori ead. Hermiae ead. Evagii ead. Colonia 1612 LAW. POLITICS. POLITICAL ECONOMY. 15 Form. Edition. F. Gregorius, Nazianz., omnia quae reperiuntur. 1550 F. Hieronymus Stridonensis, opera omnia. 12 vols. Francf. 1684 F. Justinus, Philosophus et Martyr, opera, accedunt Athenagorae apologia. Ejusdem de resurrectione mortuorum. Theophili Antiocheni contra columniatores Christiana? religionis, Tatiani oratio ad Grsecos. Hermiae gentilium philosophorum irrisio, Paris 1615 Tertullianus, Q. Sept, Florens, opera c. notis Rigaltii. Paris 1641 LAW. POLITICS. POLITICAL ECONOMY. 8. Adams, John, Defence of the American '*. , Constitution. 3 vols. Lond. 1787 8. Ames, Fisher, Works. Bost. 1809 4. Ayeen Akbery, or institutes of the Emp. Akber. 2 vols. Lond. 1800 8. Blackstone, Wm. Commentaries on the laws of England. 4 vols. Philad. 1825 British State papers viz. F. Statutes of the realm. 12 vols. Lond. 1810-28 F. Acts of the parliament of Scotland. 10 vols. ib. 1814-1824 F. Parliamentary Writs. 4 vols. ib. 1827-34 F. Foadera. 6 vols. ib. 1816-30 F. Domesday book. 2 vols. ib. 1783 F. Index. ib. 1816 F. Additamenta. ib. 1816 F. Calend. inquisitionum post mortem. 4 vols. ib. 1806-28 F. Valor ecclesiasticus. 6 vols. ib. 1810-34 16 LAW. POLITICS. POLITICAL ECONOMY. Form. F. Mss. in the Harleian collection. 4 vols. F. Catalogue of the Lansdowne Mss. in the British Museum. F. Rotuli literarum clausarum. F. Ducatus Lancastri. calendar to plead- ings. 3 vols. F. Proceedings in chancery. 3 vols. F. Inquisitionum retornat. abbreviatio. 3 vols. F. Placita de quo warranto. F. Placitorura abbreviatio. F. Nonarum inquisitiones in curia Scaccarii, F. Liber Feodorum in curia Scaccarii. F. Rotulorum original, in curia Scaccarii abbreviatio. 2 vols. F. Rotuli Hundredorum. 2 vols. F. Rotuli Scotiae. 2 vols. F. Registrum Magni Sigilli. 8. Sir H. Ellis' introduction and indexes to Domesday. 2 vols. 8. Proceedings and ordinances of the pri- vy council of England. 4 vols. 8. Rotuli Normannise in turn Londonensi. 8. Rotulus cancellarii. 8. Rotulus magnus Pipae. 8. Fines. 8. The original authority of the kings council. 8 . Rotuli selecti ex archi vis. Burgh, J., Political disquisitions. 3 vols. 12. Burlamaqui, J. J., Principles of natural law. 2 vols. 8. Cartwright, John, appeal on the English constitution. 8. English constitution produced and il- lustrated. 8. England's Aegis. F. Census of the U. States for 1820. F. for 1830. 1 2. Chipman, Natha'l. Sketches of the principles of Government. Edition. Lond. 1808-12 ib. 1819 ib. 1833 ib. 1823-34 ib. 1827-32 ib. 1811-16 ib. 1818 ib. 1811 ib. 1807 ib. 1807 ib. 1805-10 ib. 1812-18 ib. 1814-19 ib. 1814 ib. 1833 ib. 1834 ib. 1835 ib. 1833 ib. 1833 ib. 1835 ib. 1834 ib. 1834 Philad. 1775 Dublin 1776 Lond. 1799 ib. 1823 ib. 1804 Rutland 1793 LAW POLITICS. POLITICAL ECONOMY. 17 Form. Edition. 8. Chipman, Nath'l, Principles of Government. Burlington 1833 4. Corpus Juris civilis c. notis Gothofredi. . 2 vols. Lugd. 1662 8. Coxe, Tench, View of the United States. Philad. 1794 8. Crabb, George, History of English law. Burlington 1831 8. DeLolme, J. L., Constitution of England. Lond. 1822 8. Federalist. Hallowell 1831 8. Foster, Michael, Report and discourses. Lond. 1776 4. Gaius et Justinianus, Institutiones juris ro- mani. Berol. 1829 4. Goguet, Origine des loix, des arts et des sci- ences. 3 vols. Paris 1758 8. Grattan, Henry, Speeches. 4 vols. Lond. 1822 8. Grotius, Hugo, de jure belli et pacis. Amstel. 1712 F. Harrington, James, Works. Lond. 1737 8. Historical law tracts. Edinb. 1761 8. Hoffman, David, Legal outlines. Baltimore 1819 8. Huskisson, Wm. Speeches. 3 vols. Lond. 1831 8. Jefferson, T., Memoir, correspondence etc. 4 vols. Boston 1830 8. Journals of Congress and State papers. 90 vols. 8. Kent, James, Commentaries on American law. 4 vols. N.York 1834 F. Laws of New York from 1691 to 1751 ib. 1751 8. Malthus, T. R., Essay on the principles of population. 2 vols. Lond. 1806 8. Definitions in political economy. ib. 1827 8. Principles of political economy. ib. 1820 F. Manley, T., Interpreter of terms in Common and Statute law. 12. Macintosh, James, on the law of nature and nations. Lond. 1835 3 18 LAW. POLITICS. POLITICAL ECONOMY. Form. Edition. 8. Montefiore, Joshua, Commercial Dictionary. 3 vols. Philad. 1804 8. Montesquieu, Spirit of laws. 2 vols. Worcester 1802 4. More, Sir Thomas, Utopia, with notes by Dibdin. Lond. 1808 8. New York State Convention. Albany 1821 8. Old Whig. 2 vols. Lond. 1739 12. Parecbolae, sive excerpta e corpore statu- torum Universitatis Oxoniae, 2 copies. 2 vols. Oxon. 1794 8. Pecchio, Giuseppe. Storia della economia publica in Italia. Lugano 1829 F. Pufendorf, Baron, Law of nature and na- tions. Lond. 1729 8. Ricardo, David, Principles of political econ- omy, ib. 1817 8. Rossi. M. P., Traite de droit penal. 3 vols. Paris 1829 8. Royer-Collard, sur la cour de la chancel- lerie d'Angleterre. ib. 1830 8. Say, Jean Baptiste, Treatise on political economy. Philad. 1827 8. Savigny, F., Geschichte des romischen Rechts. 6 vols. Heidelb. 1834 Beruf unsrer Zeit. ib. 1828 4. Seybert, Adam, Statistical annals. Philad. 1818 F. Sidney, Algernon, Discourses concerning Government. Lond. 1698 8. Sparks, Jared, Diplomatic Correspondence of the American revolution. 12 vols. Bost. 1829 F. State Trials, by Francis Hargrave. 11 vols. Lond. 177G-79 4. Statutes of the State of Vermont. Windsor 1787 4. Steuart, Sir James, Inquiry into the principles of political economy. 2 vols. Lond. 1767 8. Story, Joseph, Commentaries on the con- stitution of the United States. 3 vols. Bost. 1833 8. Vattel M. D. Law of nations. Northh. 1805 PHILOSOPHY. METAPHYSICS MORALS. 19 Form. Edition. 8. Ward, Robert, Law of nations. 2 vols. Lond. 1795 8. Williston, E. B., Eloquence of the United States. 5 vols. Middletown 1827 PHILOSOPHY. METAPHYSICS. MORALS. 8. Aenesidemus, oder ueber die Philosophic von Reinhold. 1792 12. Aldrich, Artis logicae compendium. Oxon. 1696 8. Antoninus, M. Aurel. Meditations, by R. Graves. Lond. 1792 F. Bacon, Francis Lord, Works, by Mallet. 4 vols. ib. 1740 F. Bacon, Roger, Opus majus. Venet. 1750 12. Baumgarten, A. G. Acroasis logica. Halle 1761 4. Baumgarten-Crusius, de homine sibi Dei conscio. Jena 1813 8. Bentham, Jeremy, Introduction to the prin- ciples of morals and legislation. 2 vols. Lond. 1823 8. Rationale of punishment. ib. 1830 8. Berkeley, George, Works. 3 vols. ib. 1823 8. Boeckh, August, Philolaos des Pythagoreers Lehren. Berl. 1819 12. Bouterwek, Fr. Ideen zur Metaphysik des Schoenen. F. Brown, Sir Thomas, Works. Lond. 1686 4. Bruckerus, Jacobus, Historia critica Philos- ophies. 6 vols. Lips. 1767 8. Bruno, Giordano, opere. 2 vols. Leipz. 1830 8. Scripta quae latine confecit. 4 vols. Stuttg. 1835 F. Buffier, le Pere, Cours des sciences sur des principes nouveaux. Paris 1732 8. Buhle, J. Gottlieb, Geschichte der neuen Philosophic. 7 vols. Getting. 1800 18. Burgerdisius, Francon.Institutionurn meta- physicorum libri duo. Lugd. B. 1640 20 PHILOSOPHY METAPHYSICS. MORALS, Form, Edition, 8. Burton, Robert, Anatomy of Melancholy. 2 vols. Lond. 1813 4. Campanella, Thomas, de sensu rerum et maia. Francf. 1620 O 4. Realis philosophise epilogisticae par- tes iv. ib. 1623 8. Carus F. Aug. Psychologie der Hebraeer. Leipz. 1809 F. Chubb, Thomas, Collection of Tracts. Lond. 1730 8. Claudius, Matthias^ Werke. 4 vols. Wandsbeck. 1774 8. Coleridge, S. T., Aids to reflection. Burlington 1829 8. The Friend. ib. 1831 12. Statesman's Manual. ib. 1832 8. Cousin, Victor, Oeuvres de Platon. 8 vols. Paris 1822 8. Creuzer, F. Symbolik and Mythologie der alter Voelker. Atlas. 6 vols. Leipz. 182Q Cudworth, Ralph, The true intellectual sys- tem of the universe, by Birch. 4. vols. Lond. 1820 8. D'Alembert, Oeuvres. 5 vols. Paris 1821 8. Daub and Creuzer, Studien. 6 vols. Francf. 1805 8. Des Cartes, Oeuvres, publiees par Victor Cousin. 11 vols. Paris 1824-26 4. Principia Philosophise. Amstelod. 1677 4. Digby, Sir Kenelm, Nature of bodies and of man's soul. Lond. 1645 4. Divine history of the genesis of the world. ib. 1670 4. Enfield Wm., History of Philosophy. 2 vs. ib. 1791 F. Erigenae, Scotus, de divisione Naturae. Oxon. 1681 12. Eschenrnayer, C. A. Saeze aus der Natur- Metaphysik. Tuebing 1834 8. Die Hegel'sche Religions-Philosophic. ib. 1834 12. Feder J. G. H., ueber Raum und Cau- salitat. Gotting. 1735 8. Feltham, Owen, Resolves divine, moral and political. Lond. 1820 12. Ferguson, Adam. Institutes of Moral phi- losophy. Edinb. 1735 PHYLOSOPHY. METAPHYSICS. MORALS. 21 Form. 12. Fichte, J. G., Ueber das Wesen des Gelehrten. 12. Die Bestimmung des Gelehrten. 8. Fries, J. F., System der Logik. 8. System der Philosophic als evidente Wissenschaft. 8. System der Metaphysik. 8. Die mathematiche Natur-Philosophie. 8. Anthropologische Kritik der Vernunft. 3 vols. 4. Froemmichen, C. H.,de philosophia acad- emica. 8. Fuelleborn, Beytrage zur Geschichte der Philosophic. 9 vols. 12. Fuller, Thomas, on Prudence. 8. Gabler, G. A., System der theoretischer Philosophic. 4. Glanville, J., Scepsis scientifica, or confest ignorance the way to science. 8. Godwin, Wm., Inquiry concerning political justice. 2 vols. 8. Gregoire, H., Inquiry into the intellectual and moral faculty of negroes. 8. Hamann's Schriften. 7 vols. 8. Harris, James, Works. 4 vols. 8. Hartley, David, Observations on man. 3 vs. 8. Hegel, G. W. F., Werke. 13 vols. 8. Herbart, J. F.,Psycologieals Wissenschaft. 2 vols. 8. Einleitung indie Philosophic. 8. Herder, J. G., Philosophy of the history of man. 2 vols. 12. Heydenreich, K. H., Natur and Gott. 12. Mann and Weib. F. Hobbes, Thomas, Works, moral and political. Hutcheson, Francis, Introduction to moral philosophy. Edition. Berlin 1806 Jena 1794 Heidelb. 1811 Leipz. 1804 Heidelb. 1824 ib. 1822 ib. 1828 Getting. 1770 Jena 1799 Lond. 1815 Erlangen 1827 Lond. 1665 ib. 1796 Brooklyn 1810 Berlin 1821 Lond. 1781-86 ib. 1801 Berlin 1832-36 Konigsb. 1824 ib. 1834 Lond. 1803 Leipz. 1789 ib. Lond. 1750 Glasg. 1747 22 PHILOSOPHY. METAPHYSICS. MORALS. Form. Edition. 8. Hutcheson, F., Inquiry into the original of our ideas of beauty and virtue. Lond. 1726 8. Jacobi, F. H., Vemischte Schriften. Breslau 1781 8. Werke. 6 vols. Leipz. 1812 8. Von der goltlichen Dingen. ib. 1811 4. Joannes Salisberiensis, Policraticus. Paris 1513 8. Kant, Immanuel, Vermischte Schriften. 4 vs. Halle 1799 8. Critik der reinen Vernunft. Leipz. 1818 8. Critik der Urtheilskraft. Berlin 1799 8. Critik der praktischen Vernunft. Leipz. 1827 8. Kirwan, R., Logic. 2 vols. Lond. 1807 8. Klein, G. M., Studium der Philosophic als Wissenschaft des All. Wuerzb. s. a. Krug, W. T., System der theoretischen Philosophic. 3 vols. Konigsb. 1833 System der praktischen Philosophic. ib. 1 830 F. Laurentius Valla, opera. Basil s. a. 4. Leibnitz, Gothofr. G., opera omnia. 6 vols. Geneva 1778 8. Lichtenberg, G. C. Vermischte Schriften. 9 vols. Getting. 1800 F. Locke, John, Works. 3 vols. Lond. 1759 12. Essay concerning the human under- standing. 3 vols. Bost. 1803 8. Lully, Raymund, opera quae ad inventam ab ipso artem universalem pertinent. Argent. 1 598 8. Mackintosh, Sir James, General view of the progress of ethical philosophy. Philad. 1832 12. Malebranche, N., de la recherche de la verite. 4 vols. ib. 1712 F. Search after truth. Lond. 1700 12. Mandeville, Fable of the bees. 2 vols. Edinb, 1753 12. Mendelsohn, Moses, Phaedon. Berlin 1821 4- Monboddo, Lord, Ancient Metaphysics. 6 vols. Edinb. 1779 F. More, Henry, Collection of philosophical. Writings. Lond. 1712 PHILOSOPHY. METAPHYSICS. MORALS. 23 Form. Edition. 4. Moses Maimon, More Nevochim, a Buxtorf. Basil 1679 12. Nicole, Essais de Morale. 8 vols. Paris 1732 8. Norris, John, Essay towards the theory of the ideal, or intelligible world. 2 vols. Lond. 1701 8. Miscellanies. Oxford. 1687 12. Olshausen, J. W., Prolegomena zu einer Kritik der Beweise der Offenbarungen. 8. Lehrbuch der Moral and Religion. 8. 8. 8. F. 8. 8. 8. 8. 4. 8. 8. 8. 8. 12. Paley, Wm., Principles of moral and politi- cal philosophy. Plainer, Ernest, Anthropologie. Plutarch's Morals, translated from the Greek. 5 vols. Pomponatius, Pet. de immortalitate animae. Portalis, J. E. M., de 1'usage et de 1'abus de Pesprit philosophique durant le 1 8me siecle. 2 vols. Price, Richard, Review of the principal questions and difficulties in morals. Reid, Thomas, Inquiry into the human mind. Essays on the intellectual powers of the man mind. Essays on the active powers of man. Ritter, H., Geschichte der lonischen Phil- osophie. Abriss derphilosophischen Logik. Richter, H., de ideis Platonis libellus. Rhode, J. G., Dieheilige Sage des Orients. Schelling, Fr. W. J., ueber die Methode des academischen Studium. 8. Denkmal der Schriften der gottlichen Dingen. Ueber die Gottheiten von Samothrace. 8. 8. Schleiermacher, F. Kritik der bisherigen Sit- tenlehre. Kopenh. 1791 Schlesw. 1799 Philad. 1794 Leipz. s. a. Lond. 1704 Bonon. 1519 Paris 1820 Lond. 1769 Edinb. 1814 hu- Lond. 1827 Edinb. 1778 Berlin 1821 ib. 1829 Lips. 1827 Francf. 1820 Stuttg. 1830 Tubing. 1012 Stuttg. 1815 Berl. 1834 24 LAW. POLITICS. POLITICAL ECONOMY Form 12. 8. 8. 8. 8. 8. 8. 8. 8. 8. 12. 4. 4. 4. 4. 8. 3. 8. 8. 8. 8. 8. 8. 8. Edition. Schubert, G. H. Altes und Neues. 3 vols. Leipz. 1825 Ansichten von der Nachtseite der Na- turwissenshaft. Dresden 1827 Ahndungen einer allgemeinen Geschichte des Lebens. 3 vols. Leipz. 1806 Schulze, G. E. Encyclopaedic der philoso- phischen Wissenschaften. Getting. 1823 Shaftesbury, Anthony Earl of, Characteris- ticks. 3 vols. Lond. 1737 Smith, S. Stanhope, Lectures on moral and political philosophy. 2 vols. Trenton 1812 Spinoza, Benedict de, opera quae supersunt, ed. Paulus. 2 vols. Jena 1802 Staeudlin, C. F., Geschichte und Geist des Skepticismus. 2 vols. Leipz. 1794 Steffens, H. Anthropologie. 2 vols. Breslau 1822 Stewart, Dugald, Elements of the philoso- phy of the human mind. 3 vols. Bost. 1821 Synopsis Metaphysicae. Glasguae. 1780 Taylor, Thomas, Philosophical and mathe- matical commentaries of Proclus. 2 vs. Lond. 1788 Metaphysics of Aristotle. Lond. 1801 The six books of Proclus. 2 vols. ib. 1816 Commentaries of Proclus on the Tim- aeus of Plato. 2 vols. ib. 1820 Rhetoric, Poetic and Ethics of Aristotle. 2 vols. ib. 1819 Select \vork of Plotinus. ib. 1817 Ancient Pythagorean fragments. ib. 1822 Jamblichus on the mysteries of the E- gyptians. Chiswick 1821 Ocellus Lucanus on the nature of the universe. Lond. 1831 Translations from the treatises of Plo- tinus. ib. 1834 Two treatises of Proclus. ib. 1833 Tiedemann, D., Geist der Speculativen Phil- osophic von Thales bis Socrates. 6 vs. Marb. 1791 Griechenland's erste Philosophen. Leipz. 1780 MATHEMATICS. NATURAL PHILOSOPHY. Form. Edition. 12. -System der Stoischen Philosophic. 2 vols. Leipz. 1776 8. Idealistische Briefe. Marburg. 1798 8. Tucker, Abraham) Light of Nature pursued. 2 vols, Lond. 1834 8. Vico, Giambattista, principle de Scienza nuova. Napoli 1744 F. Vincent de Beauvais, Speculum Mundi. 4 vols. Duaci 1624 8. Watts, Isaac, Logic. Lond. 1745 8. Wedekind, Georg, von der Pythagoraeischen Orden. Leipz. 1820 4. Wendelinus, M. F., Contemplationes phy- sicae. Cantab. 1648 8. Wollstonecraft, Mary, Vindication of the rights of woman. Lond. 1796 MATHEMATICS. NATURAL PHILOSOPHY. 8. Adams, George, Astronomical and Geo- graphical Essays. Whitehall 1800 4. Agnesi, Donna Maria, Analytical Institu- tions, by Colson. 2 vols. London 1801 8. Airy, George B., Mathematical tracts on physical astronomy. Cambridge 1826 F. Apollonius Pergaus, See Greek authors. 4. Arbogast, L. F. A., Du calcul des Deriva- tions. Strasbourg 1800 8. Atwood, G., Treatise on the rectilinear mo- tion and rotation of bodies. Cambridge 1784 4. Bailly, Histoire de 1'astronornie ancienne, In- dienne et moderne. 5 vols. Paris 1781-87 |8. Barlow, Peter, Mathematical Dictionary. Lond. 1814 8. Elementary investigation of the Theory of numbers. Lond. 1811 8. Essay on the strength and stress of timber. ib. 1826 -26 MATHEMATICS. NATURAL PHILOSOPHY. Form. Edition. 8. Barrow, Dr. Isaac, Mathematical Lectures, Lond. 1734 Geometrical Lectures. ib. 1734 8. Becke, David von der, Experimenta et me- ditationes circa naturalium rerum prin- cipia. Hamburg 1683 4. Bernoulli, Daniel, Hydrodynamica. Argent. 1738 4. Bernoulli, Jacobus, Ars conjectandi, accedit trajectus de seriebus infinitis. Basil 1713 4. Bernoulli, Johannes, opera omrria. 4 vols. Lausanne 1742 8. Biot, J. B., Traite de Physique experimen- tale et mathematique. 4 vols. Paris 1816 F. Bode, J. E., Allgemeine Beschreibung und Nachweisung der Gestirne. Description: generate des Constellations, with atlas. 2 vols. Berlin 1801 4. Boscovich, Roger Joseph, Opera pertinentia ad Opticam et Astronomiam. 5 vols. Bassano 1785 4. Opuscula. Roma 1755 4. Philosophia naturalis Theoria. Vienna 1759 4. Voyage Astronomique et geographl- que. Paris 1770 8. Bossut, 1'abbe, Traite theorique et experi- mentale d'Hydrodynamique. 2 vols. Paris 1786 8. General history of Mathematics. Lond 1814 8. Boucharlat, J. L. Elemens du calcul inte- gral. Paris 1834 8. Bourdon, Elemens d'Algebre. Paris 1834 8. Elemens d'Arithmetique. ib. 1835 8. Application de 1'algebre a la geometric. ib. 1831 4. Bouvard, Tables de Jupiter, de Saturn et d'Uranus. ib. 1821 4. Bowditch, Nathaniel, Mecanique Celeste of La Place, 3 copies. 9 vols, Boston Practical Navigator. 4. Boyle, Robert, Philosophical works, by Shaw. 3 vols. Lond. 1738 8. Brewster, David, Treatise on New philo- sophical Instruments. Edinb. 1813 4. Burckhardt, Tables de la Lune. Paris J812 MATHEMATICS. NATURAL PHILOSOPHY. Form. f8. Callet, Francois, Tables portatives de Log- arithmes. 8. Cambridge Mathematics. Algebra and Ge- ometry . S. Trigonometry and Topography, Differential and Integral calculus, 8. Camus, Treatise on the teeth of wheels and pinions. 8. Carnot, L. N. M., Principes fondamentaux . N. E. 1821 Lond. 1799 New Haven Petropol. 1755 ib. 1768 ib. 1769 ib. 1736 ib. 1739 -Methodus inveniendi lineascurvas. -Opuscula varii argument!. Lausanne 1748 Laus. et Geneve 1744 Berol. 1746 MATHEMATICS. NATURAL PHILOSOPHY. -29 Form. 4. 8. 4. 8. 8. 8. 8. 8. 8. 8. 8. 4. F. 8. 4. 4. 8. 4. 8. Opuscula, Conjectura physica circa propagationein soni. Nova Theoria magnetis. Elemens d'Algebre par Gamier. 2 vs. Tlieorie complete de la construction et de la raanosuvre des vaisseaux. Scientia Navalis seu tractatus de con- struendis ac dirigendis navibus.2 vols. Ewing, Alexander, Practical Astronomy. Farrar, John, Elementary treatise on Me- chanics. Elements of Electricity, Magnetism and Electro-magnetism. Elementary treatise on Astronomy. Experimental treatise on Optics. Fenn, J., Complete Accountant. Ferguson's Astronomy, with notes by Brewster. 3 vols. Quarto vol. of plates. Flint, Abel, System of Geometry and Trig- onometry. Furlong, Lawrence, American Coast Pilot. Galilei, Galileo, Opere. 13 vols. Mathematical Discourses, by Weston. Gassendi, Petrus, Opera omnia. 6 vols. P., Institutio Astronomiae. Gauss, C. F., Recherches Arithmetiques. Opuscula varii argumenti. Gibson, Robert, Treatise on practical sur- veying. Gilbert, Wm., Tractatus de magnete. Gregory, Olinthus, Treatise of Mechanics. Edition. Berlin 1746-51 Paris 1807 ib. 1776 Petropol. 1749 Edinb. 1797 Camb. N. E. 1825 ib. 1826 ib. 1827 ib. 1826 Dublin Edinb. 1811. ib. Hartford, 1813. Newburgh, 1804. Milano, 1808. Lond. 1730. Lugd. 1658. Loud. 1653. Paris, 1807. Gotting, 1818. New York. 1803. ib. 1818. Lond. 1826. 4. Halley, Edmund, Astronomical Tables. Lond. 1752. 4. Hcrsche], J. F. W., Treatise on Light and Heat. ib. 12. Preliminary Discourse, on the study of Natural Philosophy. ib. 1835 30 MATHEMATICS. NATURAL PHILOSOPHY. Form. Edition. F. Hevelius, Johannes, Selenographia, sive Lunje Descriptio. Gedani, 1647. 8. Hirsch, Meyer, Integral Tables. Lond. 1823. 4. Hugenus, Christianus, opera varia. 2 vols. Ludg. B. 1724. 4. Opera reliqua. 2 vols. Amst. 1728. {4. Hutton, Charles, Mathematical and Philo- sophical Dictionary, 2 vols. Lond. 1795. 8. a course of Mathematics. 2 vols. ib. 1810. f8. Mathematical Tables. ib. 1804. 8. Jopling, Joseph, Practice of isometrical per- spective, ib. 1834. 8. Keill, John, Introduction to the true Astro- nomy, ib. 1778. F. Kepplerus, Joannes, epistola? exMss. edita. Lips. 1717. 4. Dioptrice. Ang. Videl. 1711. 4. De cometis libelli tres. ib. 1619. F. Harmonices Mundi. ib. ib. 4. 8. 8. 8. 8. 8. 8. 8. 8. 8. 4. 4. La Croix, S. F., Traite du calcul differen- tiel et du calcul integral. 3 vols. Paris, 1810. Complement des elemens d'algebre. ib. 1825. Traite elementaire de calcul differentiel et de calcul integral. ib. 1828. Traite elementaire d'Arithmetique. ib. 1826. Elemens d'Algebre. ib. 1825 de Geometric. ib. 1825 Traite elementaire de Trigonometric rectiligne et spherique et d'application de 1'algebre a la geometric. ib. 1857 Essais sur 1'enseignement en general. ib. 1828 Traite elementaire du calcul des pro- babilites. ib. 1822 Essais de Geometric sur les plans et les surfaces courbes. ib. 1822 Lagrange, J. L., Mecanique analy- tique. 2 vols. ib. 1811 ib. 1813 -Theorie des fonctions analytiques. LaPlace, Marquis de, Mecanique celeste. See Bowditch. MATHEMATICS. NATURAL PHILOSOPHY. 31 ib. 1813 Lond. 1817 Paris 1810 Edinh. 1742 Paris 1810 Lond. 1769 Form. Edition. 4. Exposition du Systeme du monde. Paris 1813 8. Leslie, John, Geometrical analysis and geometry of curve lines. Edinb. 1821 8. Elements of geometry and plane trigo- nometry, ib. 1817 8. Short account of experiments and in- struments depending on the relations of air to heat and moisture. 8. Leybourn, Thomas, Mathematical questions of the Ladies Diary. 4 vols. 8. Libes, A., Histoire philosophique des pro- gres de la Physique. 4 vols. 4. MacLaurin, Colin, Treatise on Fluxions. 2 vols. 4. Malus, Theorie de la double refraction. 8. Martin, Benj., Philosophical Grammar. 8. Maupertius, M. de, The figure of the earth determined from observation at the po- lar circle. 4. Mayer, Tobias, Tabulae motuum soils et lunae, improved byMason. 4. Monge, G., Geometrie Descriptive. 4. Montucla, J. F., Histoire des Mathemati- ques. 4 vols. 8. Moore, J. H., Practical Navigator. 4. Mudge, Wm., Trigonometrical Survey of England. 2 vols. f8. Mueller, Elements of the Science of War. 3 vols. 8. Nautical Almanack for 1836 '37 '38.3 vols. 4. Newton, Sir Isaac, Opera qua? extant, ed. Horsley. 5 vols. 4. Optics, or a treatise on the reflection, refractions etc. of light. 4. Lectiones opticse. 8. Philosophise naturalis Principia, studio P. P. Le Scur et Jaquier. 4. vols. 8. Mathematical principles of Natural Philosophy by Motte. 3 vols. Lond. 1738 ib. 1770-87 Paris 1820 ib. 1799 Lond. 1791 ib. 1799-1801 ib. 1811 ib. 1835 ib. 1779 il). 1704 ib. 1729 Glasg. 1822 Lond. 1803 3-> MATHEMATICS. NATURAL PHILOSOPHY. Fin-in. Edition. Newton, Sir Isaac, Arithmetics Univcrsalis. 2d Ed. Lond. 1722 8. Oersted, H. C., Recherches sur 1'identitc des forces chimiques et electriques. Paris 1813 8. Olmsted, Denison, Introduction to Nat- ural Philosophy. 2 vols. New Haven 1831 4. Pingre, Cometographie, ou traite historique et theorique des cometes. 2 vols. Paris 1783 8. Playfair, John, Works. 6 vols. Edinb. 1822 8. Poisson, S. D., Traite de Mecanique. 2 vs. Paris 1811 12. Porta, Gio Battista, clei miracoli emaravig- liosi effetti dalla natura prodotti. Venet. 1588 |4. Prony, M. de., Nouvelle architecture hy- draulique. 2 vols. Paris 1790 Ptolemaeus, See Greek Authors. 8. Robertson, John, Treatise on mathematical instruments. Lond. 1775 8. Rohault, System of Nat. Philosophy illus- trated. 2 vols. ib. 1723 8. Rowning, J., compendious system of Nat. Philosophy. 2 vols. ib. 1765 8. Saxe. Maurice Count de, Reveries. Edinb. 1759 4. Scheiner Christopher, Oculus, h. e. funda- mentum opticum. Lond. 1652 8. Simson, Robert, Elements of Euclid. Philad. 1811 8. Elements of Conic Sections. New York 1804 8. Singer, G. J., Elements of Electricity and Electro-Chemistry. Lond. 1814 8. Small, Robert, account of the astronomical discoveries of Kepler. ib. 1804 4. Smith, Dr. Robert, Compleat system of Op- ticks. 2 vols. Cambr. 1738 4. Spence, Wm., Essay on the theory of loga- rithmic transcendents. Lond. 1809 8. Taylor, Brooke, New principles of linear perspective. Lond. 1719 MATHEMATICS. NATURAL PHILOSOPHY. 33 Form. Torricellius, Evang., Opera geometrica. 8. Tredgold, Thomas, Practical Essay on the strength of cast iron. 8. Tracts on hydraulics. Practical treatise on rail-roads and carriages. F. Tycho Brahe, Astronoraiae instauratae me- chanica. |4. Vauban, M. de, de 1'attaque et de la de- fense des places. 8. Venturoli, Giuseppe, Elements of the The- ory of Mechanics, by Creswell. Hydraulics, see Tredgold's Tracts. 4. Vince, S., Complete system of As- tronomy. 3 vols. 8. The principles of fluxions. 8. Wallace, J., New treatise on the use of globes. 4. Wallis, J., Mechanica, sive de motu. 8. Webber, Saml., Mathematics. 2 vols. 8. Whewell, Win., Elementary treatise on Me- chanics. 8. Treatise on Dynamics- 8. Winston, Wm., Astronomical lectures. 8. Astronomical principles of religion, natural and revealed. 12. Winthrop, Prof., Two lectures on comets,, etc. 8. Wood, Dr. James, Principles of Mechanics. 8. Woodhouse, Robert, Treatise on Astrono- my. 3 vols. 4. Principles of analytic calculation. 8. Woolhouse, Tables of Continental measures. 8. Workman, Benj., on Guaging. 8. Wright, J. M. F., Commentary on New- ton's Principia. 2 vols. f4. Young, Dr. Thomas, Course of lectures on Nat. philosophy and the mechanical arts. 2 vols. Edition. Florent. 1644 Lond. 1831 ib. 1826 ib. 1825 Noriberg. 1602 La Haye 1737 Cambr. 1822, Lond. 1823 Philad. 1812 New York 1812. Lond. 1670. Bost. 1801 Cambr. 1824i ib. 1828 Lond. 1715. Lond. 1717 Bost. 1811 Cambr. 1818: ib. 1821 ib. 1803 Lond. 1836 Philad. 1788. Lond. 1828 Lond. 18O7 NATURAL HISTORY. MEDICINE, Form. Edition. 4. Adanson, Histoire naturelle du Senegal. Paris 1757 12. Accum, Fr., Practical Essay on the analy- sis of minerals. Philad. 1809 2. Aikin, Arthur, Mineralogy, ib. 1815 8. Andralj G., Clinique medicale. 5 vols. Paris 1834 8. Bakewell, Robert, Introduction to Geology. Lond. 1815 8. Barnwell,, Wm., Physical investigations and deductions from medical and surgical facts. Philad. 1812 4. Barton, . W. P. C., Vegetable materia medica ofthe UnitedStates. 2 vols. ib. 1817 8. Bergman, Torbern, Opuscula physica et chemica. 5 vols. Lips. 1788 8. Dissertation on Elective Attractions. 2 vols. Lond. 1824 8. Berthollet, C. L., Essay on chemical Sta- tics. 2 vols. ib. 1804 8. Elements ofthe art of Dyeing. 2 vols. ib. 1824 4. Blumenbach, J. F., Collectio craniorum diversarum gentium. Gotting. 1820 8. Manual of the elements of Nat. His- tory. Lond. 1825 12. Ueber den Bildungstrieb. Gotting. 1791 4. Brocchi, G., Conchyologia Fossile Suba- pennina. 2 vols. Milano 1814 8. Brogniart, A., Tableau des terrains qui composent 1'ecorce du globe. Paris 1829 8. et Desmarest, Histoire naturelle des crustaces fossiles. ib. 1822 4. Buckland, Revd. Wm., Reliquiae Diluvi- aniae. Lond. 1824 NATURAL HISTORY. MEDICINE. 35 Form. 8. Candolle, Aug. P. de, Prodromus syst. nat. regni vegetabilis. 4 vols. 8. Organographie vegetale. 2 vols. 8. Physiologie vegetale. 3 vols. f4. Memoires pour servir a 1'histoire de la regne vegetale. 8. Sprengel, Elements of the philosophy of plants. F. Catesby, Marc, Natural history of Carolina. 2 vols. 8. Cheyne, Dr. George, Essay on health and long life. 8. Conybeare and Phillips, Outlines of the ge- ology of England and Wales. 8. Curtis, John H., Treatise on the physiology and diseases of the ear. |4. Cuvier M le baron de, Recherches sur les ossemens fossiles. 7 vols. f et Valenciennes, Histoire naturelle des Poissons, avec 10 livraisons de planches 10 vols. 8. The animal Kingdom arranged in con- formity with its organization, translated by M'Murtrie. 4 vols- 8. Da Costa, E. M., Elements of Conchology. 8. Dana, Freeman and Samuel, outlines of the mineralogy and geology of Boston and its vicinity. 8. Daniell, J. F. , Meteorological Essays. 8. Darwin, Dr. Erasmus, Zoonomia, or the laws of organic life. 8. Phytologie, or philosophy of agricul- ture and gardening, 8. Davy, Sir Humphrey, Elements of chemical philosophy. 8. De Luc, J. A., Recherches sur les modifica- tions de 1'atmosphere' 4 vols. 8. Desault, P. J., Treatise on fractures, luxa- ations etc. Edition. Paris 1824-30 ib. 1827 ib. 1832 ib. 1828-34 Edinb. 1821 Lond. 1731 ib. 1745 ib. 1822 ib. 1826 Paris 1824 Paris 1828-36 New York 1831 Lond. 1776 Bost. 1818 Lond. 1827 Dublin 1800 ib. 1800 Lond. 1812 Paris 1784 Philad, 1805 36 NATURAL HISTORY. MEDICINE. Form. 8. Deshayes, G. P., Description des coquilles characteristiques des terrains. fS. Desmarest, A. G., Considerations sur les classes des crustaces. 8. Dillwyn, L. W., Descriptive Catalogue of recent shells. 2 vols. 4. Du Hamel du Monceau, Traite des arbres et des arbustes qui se cultivent en France en pleine terre. 2 vols. Physique des Arbres. 2 vols. Semis et plantation des arbres. 12. Eaton, Amos, Manual of Botany. 12. Zoological Text book. 12. Botanical Dictionary. 8. Eclectic Dispensatory. 8. Edinburgh New Dispensatory. |4. Ellis, John, Natural history of Zoophytes, arranged by Dr. Solander. 4. Evelyn, John, Silva, or a Discourse of for- est trees. 2 vols. Edition. Paris 1831 Paris 1831 Lond. 1817 Paris 1755 ib. 1758 ib. 1760 Albany 1818 ib. 1826 New Haven 1819 Philad. 1827 ib. 1796 Lond. 1786 York 1786 8. Featherstonhaugh, G. W., Geological Re- port. Washington 1835 4. Forskael, Peter, Descriptiones Animalium etc. in itinere orientali observatorum. Hamb. 1 775 4. Flora Aegyptiaco-Arabica. Havn 1774 8. Foster, Thomas, Researches about Atmos- pherical phenomena. Lond. 1813 8. Gallup, Jos. A., Sketches of epidemic dis- eases in the State of Vermont. Bost. 1815 8. Godman,Dr. John, American Natural His- tory. 3 vols. Philad. 1826 8. Goring and Pritchard, Microscopic illustra- tions of living objects. Lond. 1730 8. Greenough, G. B., Examination of the first principles of geology. ib. 1819 8. Hales, Stephen, Statical experiments on the sap in vegetables. ib. 1738 NATURAL HISTORY. MEDICINE. 37 Form. 8. 8. 8. F. Hamilton, Wm., History of Medicine, Surg- ery and anatomy. 2 vols. Harlan, Richard, Fauna Americana. Haiiy, 1'abbe, Traitfc de Chrystallographie. 2 Vols. Hitchcock Ed. Report on the geology, min- eralogy , botany, &c, of Massachusetts. Atlas to ditto. Holland, Philemon, Natural Historic of C. Plinius Secundus. Edition. Lond. 1831 Philad. 1825 Paris 1822 Amherst 1835 Lond. 1634 8. Johnson, Laura, Botanical teacher for N. America. Albany 1834 8. Kirby, Wm. History, habits and instincts of animals. 2 vols. Lond. 1835 8. and Spence, Introduction to Entomol- ogy. 2 vols. Lond. 1818 F. Kircher, Athanasius, Mundus subterraneus. Amst. 1688 F. Knoop, Jean Hermann, Pomologie. Amst. 1871 8, La Marck, M. de, Histoire naturelle des an- imaux sans vertebres. 7 vols. Paris 1815 8. Lawrence W., Lectures on Physiology etc. Salem 1828 8. Lepelletier, Aim., Traite de Physiologic medicale et philosophique. 4 vols. Paris 1831 8. Lindley, George, Guide to the orchard and Kitchen Garden. Lond. 1831 8. Link H. F., Die Urwelt u. das Alterthum erlaiitert durchdieNaturkunde. 2 vols. Berl. 1834 8. Elementa philosophise botanicse. ib. 1824 8. Lind, James, Essay on diseases in hot cli- mates. Philad. 1811 8. Linneus, Carolus, Systema Naturae perreg- na tria Naturae, cura J. F. Gmelin. 10 vols. Ludg. 1789-96 8. Philosophia botanica. Cologne 1787 8. Loudon, J. C., Encyclopedia of Gardening. Lond. 1835 4. Observations on laying out Farms. ib. 1812 8. Lyell, Charles, Principles of Geology. 3 vols. Lond 1830 38 NATURAL HISTORY. MEDICINE. Form. Edition. 8. Macculloch, John, a geological classifica- tion of rocks. Lond. 1821. 12. Magendie F. on the use of prussic acid. N. Haven, 1820 F. Malpighi, Marcellus, opera omnia. Lond. 1686 7 Mawes, J. Treatise on diamonds and pre- cious stones. Lond. 1823 f4. Miller, J. S. Natural History of the Crinoi- dea. Brislol 1821 8. Montfort, Denys de, Conchyliologie Syste- matique. 2 vols. Paris 1808 8. Morton, Dr. Edward, remarks on Lacta- tion. Lond. 1835 4. Mueller, Otho F. Vermium terrestrium et fluviatilium historia. Havn et Hal. 1773 8. Nicholson Wm. First principles of Chem- istry. Lond. 1792 f4. Olivi. 1' Abate Giuseppe, Zoologica Adri- atica Bassan. 1792 8. Paine, Martyn, Letters on Cholera as- phynxia. New York 1832 f4. Parkinson, James. Organic remains of a former World. 3 vols. Lond. 1808-11-20 8. Pritchard, A., Microscopic Cabinet. Lond. 1832 8. Play fair, John., illustrations of the Hutto- nian theory. Edinb. 1832 8. Priestley, J., Experiments on Air. 5 vols. Lond. 1781 8. Prout, William. Inquiry into the treat- ment of Diabetes. Philad. 1826 8. Richard, Achille, Nouveaux elemens de Botanique. Paris 1833 4. Richardson, John, Fauna Boreali-Ameri- cana. 2 vols. Lond. 1829 8. Robinson, Saml., Catalogue of American minerals. Boston 1825 8 Roget, P. M., Animal aud vegetable Phy- siology. 2 vols. Lond. 1834 8. Rumford Benj. Count, Essays, political, economical and philosophical. 2 vols. Boston 1798 NATURAL HISTORY. MEDICINE. 39 Sageret, Pomologie physiologique. Saumarez, Richard, Dissertation on the uni- verse. 8. Principles of physiological and physi- cal science. New system of Physiology. 2 vols. f8. Say, Thomas, American entomology. 2 vols. 12. Seaman, Valentine, Dissertation on the mineral waters of Saratoga. F. Schreibers, Carl von, Beytraege zur Ges- chichte und Kenntniss meteorischen Steine. 8. Shaw, George, General Zoology. 14 vols. 8. Smith, James E., English Botany, or co- lored figures of British plants. 8 vols. 8. Smith, Samuel S., Essay on the causes of the variety of complexion and figure of the human species, f F. Soemmering, Samuel Thomas., Icones Em- bryonum Humanorum. 12. Sprengel, Kurt, Anleitung zur Kenntniss der Gewachse 3 vols. 8. Neue Entdeckungen im ganzen Um- fang der Pflanzenkunde. 3 vols. 8. Von dem Bau und der Natur der Ge- waechse. 4. Stahl, George Ernest, Opusculum chymico- Physico-Medicum 8. St. Pierre, Bernardin de, Studies of Nature. 3 vols. 12. Swainson. Wm., On the Natural History and Classification of Quadrupeds. 12. Geography and classification of ani- mals. 12. A preliminary Discourse on the study of Natural History. 8. Naturalists' Guide. 8. Sweetser, Wm., A treatise on con- sumption. 8. Swieten, Gerard van, Commentaries upon the Aphorisms of Boerhave 17 vols. Edition. Paris 1830 Lond. 1795 ib. 1812 ib. 1798 Philad. 1824 New York 1809 Wien- 1820 Lond. 1800 ib. 1790-99 N. Brunsw. 1810 Francf. 1799 Halle 1817 Leipz. 1820 Halle 1813 Halle 1715 Philad. 1808 Lond. 1835 Lond. 1835 ib. 1834 ib. 1822 Bost. 1836 Lond. 1744 40 NATURAL HISTORY. MEDICINE. Form. Edition. 12. Taxidermy, or the art of preserving ani- mals. Lond. 8. Temminck, C. J., Manuel d'ornithologie. 3 vols. Paris 1820 8. Thompson, Thomas, Attempt to establish the first principles of Chemistry 2 vols. Lond. 1825 8. Thomson, A. T., Lectures on the Elements of Botany. ib. 1822 12. Torrey, John, Compendium of the Flora of the Northern and Middle States. New York 1826 12. Troxler, Versuche in in der organischen Physik. Jena 1804 8. Wells, Wm. Charles, T\vo Essays, one up- on single vision with two eyes, the other on dew. Lond. 1818 12. Werner, A. G., Traite des caracteres exte- rieurs des fossiles. Dijon 1790 8. New theory of the formation of Veins, by Anderson. Edinb. 180i> 8. Whiston, Wm.,'A New theory of the Earth. Lond. 1755 8. White, Gilbert, Works on Natural History. 2 vols. ib. 1802 f F. Wilson, Alex., American Ornithology. 9 vols. Phil. 1809 8. Withering, Wm. Botanical arrangement of British plants. 4 vols. ib. 8. Woodward, John, Attempt towards a natu- al history of the fossils of England. ib. 1729 Natural History of the Earth. ib. 1723 HISTORY OF LITERATURE. 8. Bentley, Richard, Dissertation upon the epistles of Phalaris. Lond. 1713' 4. Berrington, Rev. Joseph, Literary history of the middle ages. ib. 1814 8, Blackwall, Th. Inquiry into the life and writings of Homer. ib. 1736 HISTORY OF LITERATURE. 41 Form. Edition. 8. Bowles, W. L. Invariable principles of po- etry. Lond. 1819 8. Vindication and further observations on the invariable principles of poetry. ib. 1821 8. Final appeal relative to Pope. ib. 1825 8. Boyle, Charles, Examination of Bentley's Dissertation upon Phalaris. ib. 1699 8. Bryant, Jacob, Observations upon the po- ems of Thomas Rowley. ib. 1781 8. Byron, Lord, Letter on the Rev. W. L. Bowies' strictures on the life and wri- tings oi Pope. ib. 1821 8. Charactere der Dichter aller Nationen. 8 vols. Leipz. 1792 8. Collier, J. P., Poetical Decameron, or ten conversations on English poets and poetry. 2 vols. Lond. 1820 8. Creuzer G. F. historische Kunst der Grie- chen. Leipz. 1806 8. Dunlop, John, History of Roman Litera- ture. 2 vols. Phila. 1827 8. Eichhorn, J. G. Allgemeine Geschichte der Cultur und Litteratur des neuen Eu- ropa. 2 vols. Getting. 1796 4. Ellis, H. Account of Ccedmon's metrical paraphrase. Lond. 1833 8. Fabricius, J. A. Bibliotheca latina, ed. Er- nesti. 3 vols. ; Lips. 1773 12. Franceson, C. F., Essai sur la question si Homere a connu 1'usage de Pecriture. Berlin 1818 8. Floegel, C. F. Geschichte der Komischen Litteratur. 4 vols. Leipz. 1784 4. Gravina, V. Delia ragion poetica, e della tragedia. Venet. 1731 8. Grimm, Baron de, Correspondanee litte- raire. 16 vols. Paris 1829 1-2 HISTORY OF LITERATURE Form. 8. 12. 4. 8. 8. 8. 8. Harles, T. C. Introductio in historiam lin- guae Graecae. 3 vols. Brevior notitia literatures Rornanae c. supplementa. 4 vols. Hazlewood, Joseph, Ancient critical essays upon English poets and poesie ; con- taining Puttenham's Arte of EnglishPoesie. Gascoigne's notes concerning the ma- king of verse. Webbe's Discourse of English Poetrie. K. James' Treatise on the Airt of Scottis Poesie. Sir John Harrington's Apologie of poetrie. Mere's comparative Discourse of our English poets with Greek, Latin, and Italian poets. Campion's observations on the art of English poetrie. Daniel's Defense of Rhyme. Bolton's hypercritica. Spenser and Harvey's wittie and fa- miliar letters. 2 vols. Heeren, A. H. L., Geschichte des Studi- ums der Grieschischen und Romischen Literatur. 2 vols. Heine, H. Zur Geschichte der neuern Scho- nen Literatur. Horn, F., Poesie und Beredsamkeit der Deutschen. 4 vols. Hoffinann, S. F. G. Lexicon bibliographi cum sive index editionum et interpre- tationum scriptorum Gr. 4 vols. Hug, Die Erfindung derBuchstabenschrift. Kanngiesser, P. F., Die alte komische Biihne in Athen. Knight, R. P., Prolegomena ad Homerum. Mohnicke, G. C. T., Geschichte der Lit- cratn r der Griechen. Edition. Altenb. 1792 Lips. 1789-1817 Lond. 1811 Getting. 1797 Hamb. 1835 Berlin 1822 Lips. 1832-36 Ulm 1801 Breslau 1817 Lips. 1816 1813 HISTORY OF LITERATURE. 43 Form. Edition. 8. Mueller, C. G., de cyclo Graecorum epico et poetis cyclicis. Lips. 1829 1 2. Rosetti, G, Antipapal spirit, its secret influ- ence on the literature of Europe and of Italy in particular. 2 vols. Lond. 1834 8 Saxius, Christoph., Onomasticon literara- rium. 8 vols. Traj. ad n. 1775 8. Schneider, G.,deorigibusComo2di3eGraecae. Vratisl. 1817 8. de originibus tragoediae Graecae. ib. 1817 12. Spence, J., Essay on Pope's Odyssey. Lond. 1747 8. Anecdotes, observations and characters of books and men, by Singer. ib. 1821 4. St. Croix, Examen critique des anciens his- toriens d'Alexandre le Grand. Paris 1804 12. St. Palaie, M. de, Histoire litteraire des Troubadours. 3 vols. ib. 1774 8. Taylor, W., Historic survey of German poetry. 3 vols. Lond. 1830 4. Tiraboschi, Storia della litteratura Italiana. 10 vols. Modena 1782 8. Tyrwhitt, Vindication of the appendix to the poem called Rowley's. Lond. 1782 8. Warton, Joseph, Essay on the genius and writings of Pope. 2 vols. ib. 1806 8. Thomas, Obervations on the Fairie Queen of Spenser. ib. 1754 8. Wolf, Fr. A., Prolegomena ad Homerum. Halae. 1835 4. Wood, Rob't., Essay on the original genius of Homer. Lond. 1775 8. Wotton, Wm., Reflections upon ancient and modern learning. ib. 1697 8. Young, Dr. Thomas, account of some re- cent discoveries in hieroglyphical lite- rature, ib. 1823 PHILOLOGY. RHETORIC. Form. Edition. 8. Adams, J. Q., Lectures on Rhetoric and oratory. 2 copies. 2 vols. Camb. 1810 8. Aristarchus, on the principles of composition Lond. 1822 8. Aucher, P., Armenian and English Gram- mar. Venice 1819 8. Benedict, T. F, Observationes crit. in Soph- oclis septem tragoedias Lips. 1820 8. Benson, T., Vocabularium Anglo-Saxoni- cum. Oxon. 1701 8. Blair, H., Lectures on Rhetoric and Belles- letters. 2 vols. Philad. 1793 id. Boston 1802 8. Bo3tticher, G., Lexicon Taciteum. Berlin 1830 8. Bopp, F., Vergleichende Grammatik der Sanskrit, Zend, Griechischen, Latein- ischen etc. 2 vols. Boston 1833 8. Bos, Lambert, Ellipses Graecae. ed. Schaef- fer. Lips. 1808 8. Bosworth, J., Elements of Anglo-Saxon Grammar. Lond. 1823 4. Briegleb, J. A, Commentatio de momentis moralibus religionum Graecarum et Ro. manarum. Getting. 1799 12. Buchanan, J., A regular English Syntax. Phila. 1792 g > Buttman, P. Lexilogus, oder, Beitrage zur Worterklarung lur Homer u. Hesiod. 2 vols. Berlin 1825 8. Ausfuhrliche Gram, der Griechischen Sprache. 2 vols. ib. 1830 8. Buxtorf, J. Epitome Gram, hebraicae. Lugd. B. 1672 8. Campbell, G., Philosophy of Rhetoric. Boston 1823 PHILOLOGY. RHETORIC. 45 Form. 8. 12. 8. 8. 8. 8. 8. 8. 4. 8. 8. 8. 4. 4. F. F. 8. 4. Edition. Casaubon, J., desatyrica Graecorum poesi et Romanorum satira. Halae 1774 Chambaud. L., French exercises. Lond. 1795 Champollion, le jeune, Precis du systeme hieroglyphique des Anciens Egyp- tiens. 2 vols. Paris 1823 Chardon de la Rochette, Melanges de cri- tique et de philologie. ib. 1812 Classical Examination papers of the Uni- versity of Cambridge. Camb, 1830 Cobbett, W., Grammaire reguliere de la langue Anglaise. Phila. 1805 Creuzer, F. Commentationes Herodoteae. Lips. 1809 Crombie, A. Gymnasium sive symbola cri- tica. 2 vols. Lond. 1830 Dawes, W. Miscellanea critica. ed. T. Kidd. Lond. 1827 Drummond, W., Herculanensia, or archeo- logical and philological dissertations. ib. 1810 Dufief, Universal pronouncing Dictionary of the French and English languages. 3 vols. Phila. 1810. Nature displayed in her mode of teach- ing language to man. ib. 1804 Dumesnil, G. Synonymes latins- Paris 1833 Duvivier, C. P. Girault, Grammaire des Grammaires, 2 vols. Eckermann, N. G. C. Observationes criti- cas in obscuriores quosdam Horatii et Sophoclis locos. Etymologicum Magnum. Faber, B., Thesaurus eruditionis scholas- tics. 2 vols. Forcellini, Aegid. Totius latinitatis Lexi- con, ed. in Germania prima. 4 vols. Forster, J.,Dictionarium ITebraicum novum. Foster, J., Essay on the different nature of accent and quantity. Funccius, J. N. , de origine et pueritia La- tinae lintru;i'. ib. 1819 Berol. 1813 s. 1. et a. Francf. 1749 Schneeberg 183J Basil. 1557 Lond. 1820 Marburg. 1734 46 PJTILOLOfiY. RHETORIC. Form. 4. 4. Funccius, J. N., de pueritia Latinae Linguae. de imminent! L. lingua; senectute. 12. Goodrich, C. A., Elements of Greek grammar. 8. Hartung, J. A., Lehre von den Partikeln der griechischen Sprache. 2 vols. 4. Heeren, A. H. L.,de fontibus et auctoritate Vitarum parall. Plutarchi. 4. Commentationes varii argument! 8. Heindorf, L. F., Des Q. Horatius Satiren erklart. 8. Heyne, C. G. Opuscula academica. 6 vols. 12. Kurd, Bp. On the epistles of Horace. 2 vols. 8. Jablonskius, P. E. Opuscula. 4 vols. 8. Jamieson, John, Hermes Scythicus, or the radical affinities of the Greek and Latin to the Gothic. 8. Jones. Sir Wm. Poeseos Asiaticae commen- tariorum libri VI. Edition. Marburg. 1720 ib. 1736 Hartford 1828 Erlangen 1832 Gotting. 1820 ib. 1827 Breslau 1815 Gotting. 1785 Cambr. 1757 Lugd. B. 1804 Edinb. 1814 Lond. 1794 8. Kenrick, Wm. Rhetorical grammar of the English language, Lond. 1784 12. Koester, H. de cantelenis popularibus vete- rum Graecorum. Berlin 1831 12. Kuster. Clericus et Schmidius, de verbis Grae- corum mediis. 8. Lachmann, F. de fontibus historiarum T. Livii. 12. Latin Tutor. 4. Leland, T., Dissertation on Eloquence. 12. Lily's Latin Grammar. 8. Lipsius, J., Opera omnia. 2 vols. 8. Lowndes, Modern Greek Lexicon. 12. Lowth, R., Introduction to English gram- mar. 8. Mattaire, M., Graecse linguae Dialecti. Lips. 1752 Gotting. 1822 Newburgpt. 1813 Lond. 1764 ib. 1793 Vesal. 1675 Corfu. 1827 Dublin 1786 Lips. 1807 PHILOLOGY. RHETORIC. 47 Form. Edition. 8. Monboddo, Lord, Of the origen and progress of language.6 vols. Edinb. 1674 8. Museum criticum, or Cambridge classical researches. 2 vols. Cambr. 1826 12. Neilson, Win., Greek exercises. New York 1810 12. Noehden, G. H., Grammar of the German language. Lond. 1830 8. Owen's Welsh Grammar. s. a. et 1. 8. Palfrey, J. G., Elements of Chaldee, Syri- ac, Samaritan and Rabbinical Grammar, Bost. 1835 8. Parerga Horatiana. Hake 1818 8. Passow, F., Handworterbuch der griechis- chen Sprache. 2 vols. Leipz. 1831 12. Perrin, J., French exercises. Lond. 1780 8. Petroni, S. E. e Davenport, G., Nuovo Di- zionario Italiano, Inglese, Francese. 2 vols. ib. 1828 8. Poppo, E. F., Observationes in Thucydidem. Lips. 1815 8. Port Royal Greek grammar. Lond. 1769 4. Pye, H. J., Commentary illustrating the Poetic of Aristotle. ib. 1792 8. Quatremere, E., Recherches critiques et historiques sur la langue et la littera- ture de 1'Egypte. Paris 1808 4. Richardson, J. Grammar of the Arabic lan- guage. Lond. 1801 8. Roquefort, J. B. B., Glossaire de la langue Romaine. 2 vols. Paris 1808 4. Rosenmueller, E. F., Institutions ad funda- menta linguae Arabicae. Lips. 1818 12. Ross' Latin Grammar Philad. 1814 8. Rost, C. F., Kleine Grammatik des Attisch- cn Dialects. Getting. 1834 8. Ruhnkenius, D., Opuscula varii argumenti. 2 vols. Ludg. B. 1823 48 PHILOLOGY. RHETORIC. Form. Edition. 8. Ruperti, G. A., Commentarius in Taciti Annales. 2 copies. Lond. 1825 4. Rutherford, J., The principal orations of Cicero translated, with notes. ib. 1781 12. Sanford, Sir D. K., Rules and exercises in Homeric and Attic Greek. Edin. 1831 12. Schmidt, J. A., Russisch-Deutches Hand- woerterbuch. Leipz. s. a. 8. Schweighaeuser, J., Lexicon Herodoteum. 2 vols. Argentor. 1824 8. Opuscula Academica. 2 vols. ib. 1826 8. Schrevelius, C., Lexicon manuale. Philad. 1808 8. Smith, J., Hebrew grammar. Bost. 1810 8. Schultz, O., Ausfuhrliche Lat. Gramatik. Halle 1834 8. Servius, M., Commentarii in Virgilium. ed. Lyon. 2 vols. Gotting. 1726 4. Seyffarth, G. De hieroglifica j^Egyptiorum scriptura. Lips. 1825 12. Sheridan, T., Rhetorical grammar of the English language. Philad. 1783 4. Spangenberg, E. De veteris Latii religipni- bus domesticis. Gotting. 1806 12. Spence, J. observations on the Greek and Roman classics. Lond. 1753 8. Sturz, F. G., De dialecto Macedonico et Alexandrine. Lips. 1808 8. Theatre of the Greeks. Cambr. 1830 8. Thiersch, F., Griechische Grammatik. Leipz. 1818 8. Greek Tables, by Patton. Andover 1822 4. Twining, F., Aristotle's Treatise of Poetry translated, with notes. Lond. 1689 8. Valcknaer, L. C. Opuscula philologica, cri- tica, oratoria. 2 vols. Lips. 1808 8. Vater, J. S. Praktisqhe Grammatik der Russischen Sprache. ib. 1814 8. Vigerus, F. De praecipuis Grascae Dictionis idiotismis. ed. Hermann. ib. 1834 GREEK AUTHORS. 49 Form. Edition. 8. Vigerus, F., de prsecipuis Graecae Dictionis idiotismis. ed. Hermann. 2 vols. Lips. 1834 4. Webster, N. American Dictionary of the English language. 2 vols. New York 1828 8. Dissertations on the English language. Bost. 1789 12. WhitenhalPs Latin Grammar. Phil. 1773 8. Wilson, J., French and English Dictionary. Paris 1834 8. Wyttenbach, D. Opuscula varii argumenti. 2 vols. Lugd. B. 1821 Animadversiones in Plutarchi opera moralia. 2 vols. Lips. 1820 8. Zumpt, C. G., Lateinische Grammatik. Berl. 1834 GREEK AUTHORS. 8. Achilles Tatius, de Clitophontis et Leucipis amoribus, edidit Fr. Jacobs. 2 vols. Lips. 1821 8. Aelianus, Varia historia et fragmenta. ed. Kuehn. 2 vols. ib. 1780 8. de Natura animalium. ed. Schneider. ib. 1784 Aeschines, vide Oratores Graec. ed. Reiske. 8. Aeschines, Socrat. Dialog! tres ed. Fischer. Lips. 1786 8. Aeschylus, Dramata septem. ed. C. G. Schiitz. 5 vols. Halae 1809-21 8. Eumeniden von K. O. Mueller. Getting. 1833 8. Aesopus, Fabula quales ante Planudem ferebantur. ed. Franciscus deFuria. Lips. 1810 Fabula. Bost. 1812 Agathias,vide Corpus script.historiae Byzant. Alcaeus, fragmenta^ vide Museum Criticum. 8. Alciphron Rhetor, Epistolae, ed. Wagner 2 vols. Lips. 1798 Anacreon vide Analecta Poetarum Gaerc. ed. Brunck. 50 GREEK AUTHORS. Form . 8. Analecta veterum poetarum graecorum, ed. Brunck. 3 vols. 8. Anecdota graeca ed. Imm. Bekker. 3 vols. 4. ed. D'ansse de Villoison. 2 vols. 8. Anthologia graeca ad fid. cod. Palatini ed. F. Jacobs. 3 vols. 8. Apollodorus, Bibliothecae libri III. cur. C. G. Heyne. 2 vols. 8. Apollonius Alexandrin. de constructione orationis, ed Bekker. F. Apollonius Pergaeus, Conicorum libri IV. ed. Richardus. F. Conicorum libri VIII ed. Halleius. 8. Apollonius Sophista, Lexicon hornericum ed. Bekker. 8. Apollonius Dyscolus, de pronomine ed. Imm. Bekker. 8. Apollonius Rhodius, Argonautica ed. Shaw. 8. ed. Wellauer. 2 vols. 8. Appianus Alex. Rom. Historiarum quae su- persunt etc. ed. Scbweighaeuser. 3 vs. 8. Aratus cum scholiis, recogn. J. Bekker. Archilocbus vid. Analect. Graec. ed. Brunck. 12. Aristaenetus, Epistolae. curante Cornelio de Pauw. 8. Aristophanes, Comoediae a Ph. Invernizio. 13 vols. 4. Aristoteles, Opera, ex recens. Bekkeri ed. Acad. reg. Borussica. 4 vols. 12. Aristoteles, Organum ed. Jul. Pacius. 8. de aite poetica ed. Hermann. 8. Arrianus, de expeditione Alexandri ed. Schmieder. 8. Indica ed. Schmieder. 8. Athenaeus, Deipnosophistorum libri XV. ed. Sch weigh aeuser. 14 vols. 12. Babrius, fabularurn choliambicarum libri 111. colleg. F. X. Berger. Bacchylides vid. Analect. graec. ed. Brunck Edition. Argent. 1785 Berol. 1814-21 Venet. 1781 Lips. 1813-17 Gotting. 1803 Berol. 1817 Antwerp. 1655 Oxon. 1710 Berol. 1733 ib. 1811 Oxon 1779 Lips. 1828 Lips. 1785 Berol. 1828 Traj.adRh. 1737 Lips. 94-826 Berol. 183] Hanov. 1611 Lips. 1802 ib. 1797 ib. 1799 Bipoiit. 1801 Monachii. 1816 GREEK AUTHORS. Form. Edition. Bion etMoschusvid. Analect. et Poet. gr. minores ed. Gaisford. Callimachus vid. Analect. grsec.ed.Brunck. 12. Cebes. Tabula, ed. Tauchnitz. Lips. 1826 Cleanthes, Hymnus in Jovem vid. Analect. gr. ed. Brunck. 8. Collectio epistolarum grsecarum ed. Orellius. Lips. 1815. 8. Conon, Narrationes et Parthenii narrat. amatoria ed. Teucher. ib. 1802 8. Corpus Scriptorum historiae Byzantine editio consilio B. G. Niebuhrii instituta. 23 vs. Bonnse 1828 Agathias, historiarum libri v. ed. Nie- buhr. ib. 1828 Cantacuzenus, hist, libri iv. ed Scho- penus. 3 vols. ib. 1828 Constantinus Porphyrog. rec. Reiskius. 2 vols. ib. 1829 Chronicon Paschale ed. Dindorfius. 2 vs. ib. 1832 Dexippus, Eunapius, Petrus Patricius, Priscus, etc. edd. Bekker et Niebuhr. ib. 1829 Ducas, Hist. Byzantina, ed. Bekker. ib. 1834 Georgius Pachymeres, recogn. Bekker. 2 vols. ib. 1835 Joannes Cinnamus, Nicephorus Bryen- nius. rec. Meineke. ib. 1836 Joannes Malalas. ex recens. Dindorfii. ib. 1831 Georgius Syneellus. ex recens. Din- dorfii. 2 vols. ib. 1829 Leo Diaconus ed. C. B. Hasius. ib. 1828 Nicephorus Gregoras, cura Schopeni. 3 vols ib. 1829 Nicetas Choniata, ed. Bekker. ib. 1835 Procopius, ex recens. Dindorfii. 2 vs. ib. 1833 Theophylactus Simocatta, Genesius. recogn. Bekker. ib. 1834 Demosthenes vid.Oratores Gra-ci ed.Rciske. 8. DioCassius, hist, rom.ed. F. G. Sturz.8vs. Lips. 1824 8. DioChrysostornus, Orationes. Reiskii. 2 vs. ib. 1798 51 GREEK AUTHORS. Form 8. 8. 8. F. 8. 8. S. 8. Edition. Diodorus Sicul. Bibliotheca historica ed. Heyne etEyring. 11 vols. Bipont. 1793 Diogenes Laertius, de vitis Philosophorum. Lips. 1759 Dionysius Halicarn. Opera omnia c. Reis- kii. 6 vols. ib. 1774-77 Rom. antiquitt. pars hactenus desid- erata ab A. Maio restituta. vid. Scrip- torum Vet. Vaticana Collectio. Diophantus Alexand., Arithmeticorum libri. VI ed. Bachet. Paris. 1621 Dioscorides, de materia med. Sprengel. 2 vs. Lips. 1829 Draco, Stratonicensis, Liber de metris poeticis. ib. 1812 Empedocles Agrigent. ed. Sturz. Empedocles, Carmina vide. Poesis philos. ed. H. Steph. Epictetus, Dissertationum libri IV. Enchiri- dion et fragmenta Simplicii comment. ed. Schweighaeuser. 5 vols. Epicurus, physica et meteorologica ed. Schneider. Fragmenta ed. Orellius. Etymologicon Magnum, opera Fr. Sylburgii. Etymologicum Guianum ed. Sturzius. Etymologicon Orionis Theb. ed. Sturzius. Euclides, opera ed. Peyrard. 3 vols. Euripides, Tragoadiae et fragmenta ed. Aug. Matthiae. 9 vols. Iphigenia in Aulide, et Taurica ed Hermann. Hecuba ed. Hermann. Galenus, adhortatio ad artes ed. Willet. Gnomiei Poetae graeci ed. Brunck. Gregorius Corinth, de dialectis ling, graecae. ed. Schaeffer. 8. Hellanicus Lesb., fragmenta. ed. Sturz. 8. Heraclides Ponticus. fragmenta ed. Koeler 8. Heraclides, Allegoriae homericae. ed. C. G. Heyne. ib. 1805 ib. 1799-1800 ib. 1813 ib. 1818 ib. 1816 ib. 1819 ib. 1820 Paris. 1814 Lips. 1813 ib. 1831-33 ib. 1831 Ludg.B. 1812 Argent. 1784 Lips. 1811 ib. 1826 Hate. 1804 Gotting. 1782 GREEK AUTHORS. 53 Forto. 8. Heraclitus, de incredibilibus. ed Teucher. 8. Herodes Atticus, quae supersunt ed. Fiorillo. 8. Herodianus, historiarum libri VIII. ed. Bekker. 8. Herodotus, Musae ed. Schweighaeuser. Hesiodus, vid. Poetse Minores graeci ed. Gaisford- 8. Hesychius Miles, opuscula quse supersunt ed. Orellius. 8. Hierocles Comm. in aurea Carmina. ed. Needham. 8. Himerius sophista, Eclogae et Declam. ed. Wernsdorf. 8. Historicorum antiquissimorum graec. frag- menta (Hecateus, Charon et Xanthus) ed. Creuzer. 8. Homerus, Carmina ed. Heyne. 9 vols. 8. Opera ed. Emesti. 5 vols. 8. Iliad cum comment. Eustathii ed. Mueller. 2 vols. 8. Odyssea c. scholiis ed. Baumgarten- 8. Crusius. 3 vols. 8. Hymni et epigrammata ed Hermann. 8. Ilias. ed. Clarke. 2 vols. 8. Jamblichus, adhortatio ad philosophiam ed. Keisling. 8. de vita Pythagorica ed. Kiesling. F. Joannes Gram. Philoponus. Comm. in priora analytica Aristotelis. ed. Trinca- velius. 8. Josephus Hebrseus, opera oinnia. ed. Ober- thuer, 3 vols. Isasus vid. Oratores Graeci ed Reiske. 8. Isocrates, opera omnia ed Coray. F. Julianus Imp. opera quas supersunt omnia. Animadv. Cyrilli ed. E. Spanhemius. 2 vols. Edition. Lemgo. 1796 Lips. 1801 Berol. 1826 Arg. et Paris. 1816 Lips, 1820 Cantab. 1709 Gotting. 1790 Heidelb. 1807 Lips. 1802 Glasg. 1814 Misen. 1819. Lips. 1822 ib. 1806 Lond. 1768 Lips. 1813 ib. 1815 Venet. 1615. Lips. 1782. Paris 1807. Lips. 1696. 8. Lesbonax, Declamationes II. ed. Orellius. ib. 1820. F. Libanius, Epistola, ed. Wolfius. Amstel. 1738 54 Form. Edition. 8. Libanius Orationes et Declamationes ed. Reiske. 4 vols. Altenb. 1791 4. Longinus Dionys. de sublimitate ed Tollius. Traj. ad Rh. 1694 8. de sublimitate ed. Weiske. Lips. 1809 8. Longus,Pastoralia,ed.D'anssedeVilloison. Paris 1778. 8. Lucianus Samosat. opera, ad ed. Hemster- husii et Reitzii accurate expressa. 10 vols. Bipont. 173993 8. Lycophron, Alexandra sive Cassandra ed. Richardus. Lips. 1788 Lysias vid. Oratores Gr. ed Reiske. Magentinus, comm. in priora analytiea Aris- totelis vid. Joannes Philopon. 8. Maximus philosoph. crspi xarap^wv ed. Ger- hardius. Lips. 1820 Meleager vid. analecta poetarum gr. ed. Brunck. 5. Maximus Tyrius, Dissertationes ed. Reiske. 2 vols. ib. 1774 8. Memnon, Historiarum Heraclese Pont, ex- cerpta servata, ed. Orellius. ib. 1815 8. Menander Rhetor. Comm. de Encomiis. Heeren. Getting 1785 Mimnerus, vid. analect. poet. Graee. ed. Brunck. 4. Mulierum gracarum prosa. ed. Wolfius. Hamb. 1735 4. Musaeus, de Herone et Leandro carmen. ed. Schsefer. Lips. 1825 8. Nicander Coloph. Theriaca ed. Schneider. ib. 1816 8. Nonnus Panopol., Dionysiacorum libri XL VIII. ed. Graefe. 2 vols. ib. 1807 8. Oppianus, Cynegetica et Halieutica ed. Schneider. ib. 1813 8. Oratorum graecorum monumenta quae super- sunt, ed. J. J. Reiske. 12 vols. ib. 177075 Vol. I. II. Demosthenes. III. Aeschines. GREEK AUTHORS. 55 Form. Edition. IV. Dinarchus, Lycurgus, Demadas. Andocides. V. VI. Lysias. VII. Isaeus, Antiphon. VIII. Lesbonax, Herodus, Anti- sthenes, Alcidamas, Gorgias. Orion vide Etymologicum. 8. Orphica rec. G. Hermann. Lips. 1805 8. Palsephatus, de incredibilibus. ed. Fischer. ib. 1786 8. Pausanias, Grseciae descriptio. ed. Siebelis. 5 vols. ib. 182228 8. Phanodemus, Demonis, etc. fragmenta. ed. Siebelis. ib. 1812 F. Philo Alexandr. Opera omnia, e Biblio- thecareg. Paris 1652 F. Philostratorum quse supersunt omnia ed. G. Olearius. Lips. 1709 F. Photius, Bibliotheca, ed. A. Schotus. Genev. 1611 8. Lexicon, ed. R. Person. 2 vols. Lond. 1822 Philochorus, fragmenta ed Siebelis. Lips. 1811 4. Pindarus, opera quae supersunt. ed A. Boeckh. 4 vols. ib. 1811 8. Plato, op. omn. quae extant, ed. F. Ast. 11 vols. ib. 181932 8. Plutarchus, opera qua? supersunt omnia, ed Reiske. 12 vols. ib. 177432 8. Poetse minores graeci ed. Th. Gaisford. 4 vols. Oxon. 1814 Hesiodus, Theognis, Archilochus, So- lon, Simonides, Mimncrmus, Tyrtaeus, Phocylides, Naumachius, Linus, Pa- nyasides, Rhianus, Euenus, Theocri- tus, Bion, Moschus. 8. Poesis philosophica ed. Henr. Stepharius. Paris 1573 8. Polemo Laodicen. Sophista, Laudationes ed. Orellius. Lips. 1819 4. Pollux Jul. Onomasticum ed. Seberus. Francf. 1608 8. Polybus, Historiarum libri. ed. Schwcig- haeuser. 10 vols. Lips. 1789 95 fragmenta vid. Collectio vat. cd. Mai. F. Proclus. in Platonis theologiam libri vi. Hamburgi 1618 56 Form. 4. 4. 4. 4. 8. 4. F. 4. 8. 8. 8 F. 8. 8. F. GREEK AUTHORS. Ptolomaeus, Compositio mathematica ed. Halma. 2 vols. Tabula cbronolog. ed Halma. hypothesis planetarum, ed. Halma. et Theonis tabulae, ed. Halma. Pythagoras, Carmen aureum vid. Poesis philosophica. Salustius, de diis et mundo, ed. Orellius. Sappho Lesb., carmina et fragmenta vid. Mus. Grit. Scriptores physiognomiae veteres gr. et lat. ed. Franzius. Scriptorum veterum Nova collectio ab An- gel. Maio. Sextus Empiricus, opera, ed. Fabrius. Simonides, vid. Poetae minores gr. ed. Gais- ford. Simplicius. Comm. in Enchiridion Epicteti edd. Wolfius et Salmasius. Scolia h. e. carmina convivialia Graecorum ed. Ilgen. Socratis et Socraticorum quae feruntur epis- tolae, ed. Orellius. Solon, carmina vid Poetae minores gr. Sophocles, Dramata quse supersunt et frag- menta ed. Bothe. 2 vols. tragoediae VII. ed Brunck. 3 vols. Stephanus Byzant. deurbibus, ed. Berkelius. Stobaeus, Florilegium ed. Gaisford. 4 vols. Strabo, rerum geographicarum libri XVII. ed. Siebenkees. 7 vols. Suidas, Lexicon, ed. Aemil. Porta. 2 vols. Edition. Paris 1813 ib. 1819 ib. 1820 ib. 1823 Turici 1821 Altenb. 1780 Ronice. 1827 Lips. 1718 Lugd. Bat. 1640 Jena? 1793 Lips. 1815 ib. 1816 Argent. 1787 Ludg. B. 1688 Lips. 1823. ib. 1796 Col. Aflobr. 1619 4. Theocritus, Reliquiae c. scholiis gr. ed. Reiske. Lips. 1765 8. Theodorus Metochita, Miscellanea philoso- phica et historica ed. Mueller. Lips. 1821 8. de politia Cyrenaeorum et Carthageni- ensiutn. ed. Orellius. ib. 1811 Theognis carmina vid. Poetae minores gr. LATIN AUTHORS. 57 Form. 8. 8. 4. 8. Mition. 8. Theophrastus, quae supersunt omnia ed. Schneider. 5 vols. Theopompus Chius, fragmenta ed. Wichers. Thucydides, de bello peloponnesiaco. edd. Gottleber et Bauer. 2 vols. Timee de Locres parle Marquis d'Argens. Tyrtaeus, carmina vide Poetae gr. minores. Tzetzes.J. Exegesis in Homeri Iliadem, vid Draco, Xenophon. quae extant, ed. Schneider. 5 vols. Lips. 1818 Lugd. R 1829, Lips. 1780 Berlin. 1763 Lips. 1825 LATIN AUTHORS. 8. Apuleius, Lucius, Opera ad optimas edi- tiones collata. 2 vols. Bipont. 1788 Opera. Amsterd. 1624 8. Ausonius, Magnus, Opera ad optimas edi- tiones collata. Bipont. 1785 12. Boethius de consolatione philosophies, rec. Renat. Valinus. Lugd. B. 1656 8. Caesar, Julius, Opera cura et studio Franc. Oudendorpii. 2 vols. Stuttg. 1822 quae extant, ill. J. Godvinus. Lond. 1634 8. Celsus, A., Com. de Re medica c. not. L. Targas. 2 vols. Bipont. 1806 8. Cicero, Marc. Tull., Opera quae supersunt omnia. ed. Christ. Gododfr. Schiitz. 28 vols. Lips. 1814-21 De officiis. ed. Carol. Beierus. 2 vols. ib. 1820 De natura Deorum ed. Creuzer. ib. 1818 De oratore ed. J. Smith. Walpole 1804 Orationes quaedam selecta. J.G. Smart. Philad. 1826 58 LATIN AUTHORS. Form. Edition. Cicero, Orationes quaedam selectae. M. Campbell. N. York 1804 Orationes notis anglicis illustrate. Phil. 1815 8. Claudianus, Claud., quae extant illustr. Jo. Math. Gesner Lips. 1759 Columella vid. Scriptores rei rusticae. 8. Cornelius Nepos, mit Anmerkungen von J. H. Bremi. Zurich 1827 8. Curtius,RufusQ.,historiaAlexandriMagni. Lugd. B. 1658 8. de rebus gestis Alexandri Magni, cum supplementis Jc. Freinshemii. Argent. 1801 Dares, Phrygius, de excidio Trojae vid. q. s. 8. Dictys Cretensis, de bello Trojano. c. inter- pretatione Annae Daceriae etc. Amstel. 1702 g. Ennius, Q. , Annalium libb. xvm . fragmenta ed. E. S. Lips. 1825 8. Eutropius, Flav. ed. Havercampus. Ludg. B. 1729 8. Florus L. Ann. rerum romanarum Epito- me, in us. Delphini. Lond. 1714 8. Historia romana edd. Graevins et Sal- masius. 2 vols. Amstel. 1702 8, et Lucii Ampelii liber memorialis. Argent. 1710 8. Frontinus, Sex. Jul., opera adoptimas edi- tiones collata, Bipont. 1788 8. Gellius, Aulus, Noctes Atticae, rec. Albertus Lion. Getting. 1825 8. Horatius, Q. Fl. opera recensuit et illus- travit F, G. Doering. Oxon 1831 8. Historiae Augustae Scriptores sex stud, so- cietatis Bipont. 2 vols. Biponti. 1787 Julius Capitolinus vid. Script, hist. Aug. 8. Justinus, Historiae Philippicae. Argent 1 802 8 f Juvenalis, Dec. Jun., Satyrae XVI. ed. Achaintre. 2 vols, Paris 1810 etPersius. in usum Delphini. Philad 1814 Lampridius vid. Script, hist. Aug. LATIN AUTHORS. Form. 4. Livius, F., Historiarum ab urbe condita libri qui supersunt omnes, cur. A. Draken- borch. 7 vols. 8. Lucanus M. Ann., Pharsalia ed. Carol. Fred. Weber. 3 vols. 4. Lucretius T. Cams, de rerum natura. Text, and translation by John Mason Good. 4. Manilius, Marc. Astronomicon, interp. 59 8. 8. 8. 8. 8. 8. 8. 8. Mich. Fay us. Edition. Lugd. B. 1738 Lips. 1821 London 1805 Paris 1679 Ovidius, P. Naso, opera et textu Burmanni c. notis Harlesii, Gierigii, Burmanni, Lemairi etc. 5 vols. Oxon. 1825 Metamorphoseon. ed. Helvetius. London 1719 Persius, Aul. Flacc., Satyrae VI. ed. A- chaintre. Pervigilium Veneris c. notis Pithoei et Jus- ti Lipsii ; itemque ex alio codice anti- quo c. notis Salmasii etc. Petronius T. Arbiter, Satiricon. studiis so- cietatis Bipont. Phaedrus, Aug. lib., Fabulse Aesopise. Plinius Cai. Sec., Historia naturalis, c. J. G. F. Franz. 10 vols. Plinius, C. Csecilius Sec. Epistolarum libri x et Panegyricus. ed. Schaeier. Poetas latini minores ed. Wernsdorf. 8 vols. Item, aliud exemplar. 8 vols. Pollio vid. Scriptores hist. Aug. Priscianus, Th., Opera quae extant ed. Krehl. 2 vols. Paris 1812 HagaeCom. 1712 Biponti. 1790 Argent. 1810 Lips. 177691 ib. 1805 ib. et Helm. 178099 Lips. 1819 8. Quintilianus, Marc, Fab., Institutio oratoris. Aldus. Venet. 1521 de institutione oratoria ed. Spaldiiig. 6 vols. Lips. 1798 60 LATIN AUTIIOHS. Form Edition. Rufus Sextus, Breviarium. vid. Eutropius. 8. Sallustius C. Crispus, Opera, in us. Delphini. Philad. 1804 id. 2 copies. ib. 1814 4. Opera qua? extant ed. Gerlach. 2 vols. Basil. 1823 Scriptores VI. Histories Augustas, nempe Ael. Spartianus, Jul. Capitolinus, Ael. Lampridius, Vulc. Gallicanus, Treb. Pollio, Flav. Vopiscus vid. Histor. Aug. Scriptores. 4. Scriptores Rei rusticae ed. Gessner, q. s. Cato, Varro, Columella, Palladiusetc. Lips. 1735 8. Seneca, Luc. Ann. Philos., Opera omnia. ed. Ruhkopf. 5 vols. ib. 1797 8. Trag., Tragrediae. ed. Bothe. 3 vols. ib. 1819 8. Silius Italicus, Punicorum libri XVII. ed. Ernesti. 2 vols. Ib. 1791 8. Statius, P. Papinius, Opera studiis societa- tisBipont. Bipont. 1785 8. Suetonius, C. Tranquillus, Opera stud. soc. Bipont. Argent. 180 8. Tacitus C. Corn., Opera ed. Imm.Bekker. 2 vols. Lips 1831 8. Opera ed. Gronovius. 2 vols. Glasg. 1743 8. Terentius,Pub.,Comcedia3 VI. ed. Bothe. Berol. 1806 8. Valerius Maximus, dictorum factorumque memorab ilium libri novem acced. J. Obsequentis opera. 2 vols. Argent. 1806 8. Varro M. Terentius, de lingua latina. ed. Mueller. Lips. 1833 8. Vegetius Flav. de re militari libri V. Argent. 1806 8. Vellius Paterculus, op. quas supersunt. ib. 1811 8. Virgilius Publ. Maro, Opera ed. Chr. G. Heyne. 4 vols- Lips. 1788 4. Vitruvius, Marc. Pollio, de architectura, ed. Rode. Berol. 1800 ANTIQUITY . ART F. Adam, R., Ruins at Spalatro. Lond. 1764. F. Barbault, Recueil de divers monumens an- ciens. 2 vols. Rome 1770 4. Barry, James, Works. 2 vols. Lond, 1809 8. Barthelemy, J. G., Oeuvres. 8 vols. Paris 1813 F. Bellorius, J. P.-, Ichnographia Veteris Romae. Romas. 1764 12. Bottiger, C. A., Sabina. 2 vols. Leipz. 1806 8. Bouterwek. F. Aesthetik. 2 vols, Gotting. 1825 12. Caussinus, N., De symbolica Aegyptiorum sapientia. Colon. 1600 4. Caylus, Comte de, Recueil d'Antiquites Egyptiennes, Greques et Romaines. 7 vols. Paris. 1771 8. Cellini, B , Opere. 3 vols. Milano. 1806 4. Chambers, W., Dissertation on Oriental gardening. Lond. 1772 F. Chandler, R., Inscriptiones Antiques. Oxon. 1774 F. Chambers, Sir W., On civil Architecture. Lond. 1791 4. Charnock, J., History of Marine Architec- ture. 3 vols. Lond. 1801 12. Clarac, Comte de, description des Antiques du Louvre. Paris. 1830 4. Creuzer, Dionysus. Heidelb. 1808 12. Cumberland, R., Anecdotes of Spanish painters. 2 vols. Lond. 1787 4. Dale, A. Van, De oraculis veterum ethni- corum. Amstel. 1700 8. Descamps, J. B., La vie des peintres Fla- mands etc. 5 vols. Paris. 1753 12. Du Bos, M., Abbe, Sur la poesie et sur la peinture. 3 vols. ib. 1754 (J2 ANTIQUITY. ART. Form. Edition. 8. Elmes, J., General and bibliographical Dic- tionary of the fine arts. Lond. 1826 12. Felibien, Entretiens sur les vies des Pein- tres. 6 tomes. Treveux. 1725 8. Fiorillo, J. D., Geschichte der zeichnenden Kiinste in Deutschland. 4 Bde. Hanov. 1815 8. Flaxman, J., Lectures on sculpture, Lond. 1839 8. Fuseli, H., Life and writings by J. Knowles. 3 vols. Lond. 1831 8. Gell, Sir W., Pompeiana. 2 vols. ib. 1835 4. Hirt, A., Geschichte der Baukunst bei den Alten. 3 vols. Berl. 1821 8. Heyne C. 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Nardini, F. Roma Antica, 4 vols. Roma. 1818 F. Neralco, P. A., I tre ordini d'Architettura. ib. 1744 4. Ottley, W. Y., Inquiry into origen and early- history of engraving. 2 vols. Lond. 1816 8. Papillon, J. M., Traite historique de la gravure enbois. 2 vols. Paris 1766 8. Quatremere de Quincy, Histoire de la vie et des ouvrages des plus celebres Ar- chitectes. 2 vols. ib. 1830 8. Histoire de la vie et des ouvrages de Raphael. ib. 1835 8. Reynolds, Sir J. Literary Works. 3 vols. Lond. 1819 8. Rose, H. J., Inscriptiones Grascae. Cantab. 1825 8. Rumohr, C. F. von, Italienische Forschun- gen. 3 vols. Berl. 1827. 8. Hans Holbein der jiingere. Leipz. 1836 12. Shee, M. A., Rhymes on Art. Lond. 1805 F. Spence, J., Polymetis, or the agreement be- tween the Roman poets and the re- mains of ancient artists, ib. 1747 F. Stanhope, J. S., The plain of Olympia and the ruins of Elis. ib. 1824 F. Stuart and Revett, Antiquities of Athens. 3 vols. ib. 1762 F. Supplement by Cockerell and Kinnard. ib. 1830 8. Thiersch, F., Epochen der bildenden Kunst unter den Griechen. Miinchen 1829 4. Venuti, R., Antichita di Roma. 2 vols. Roma 1824 8. Vinci, Lionardo da, Trattato della Pittura. Milano 1804 8. Visconti, E. Q. Iconographie Grecque. 3 tomes. Paris 1811 64 MODERN LITERATURE. FOREIGN. Form. Edition. 4. Visconti Iconographie Romaine. 4 tomes. Paris 1817 F. Atlas to the above work. 2 vols. 8. II Museo'Pio -Clementine illustrate. 7 vols. Milano 1818 12. Webb, D., Inquiry into the beauties of Painting. Lond. 1760 12. West, G., Dissertation on the Olympic Games. ib. 1766 8. Wheatley, Observations on modern Gar- dening, ib. 1777 4. Wilkins, W., Civil Archeticture of Vi- truvius. ib. 1812 8. Winckelman, J., Werke. heraug. von Fer- now. 8 vols. Dresd. 1808 8. Wolf and Buttmann, Museum der Alter- thumswissenschaft. 2 vols. Berl. 1807 8. MuseumAntiquitatis studiorum. 2 vols. Berl. F. Zoega, G. De origine et usu Obeliscorum. Roma. 1797 MODERN LITERATURE. FOREIGN. 8. Arnim u. Brentano, Des Knaben Wunder- horn. 3 vols. Heidelb. 1819 12. Baggesen's Blandede Digte. Copenh. 1807 4. Berni, F., Orlando innamorato. Venet. 1545 4. Boccaccio, G. II Decamerone. Vinegia. 1546 F. Boileau, N., Ses Oeuvres. Amsterd. 1729 8. Bourdaloue, Ses Oeuvres. 3 vols. Paris 1834 8. Bracciolini, F., Lo Scherno degli Dei. Milano 1804 8. Brantome, Seigneur de, Ses Oeuvres. 8 vols. Paris 1787 . 8. Briefwecksel zwischen Schiller and Goethe. 6 vols. Stuttg. 1828 MODERN LITERATURE. FOREIGN. 65 Form. 8. Casti, G., Gli Animali parlanti. 3 vols. 8. Chateaubriand M. de, SesOeuvres. 4 vols. 8. Chiabrera, G., Rime. 3 vols. 8. Corneille, P., Ses Oeuvres. 2 vols. 4. Dante Alighieri, Opere. 5 vols. 8. Delisle, J., Ses Oeuvres. 8. Faereyinga Saga. 8. Fenelon, Ses Oeuvres. 3 vols. 12. Filicaia, V. da, Poesie Toscane. 2 vols. 8. Fontenelle, Ses Oeuvres. 8 vols. 12. Forteguerri, N., II Ricciardetto, 3 vols. 8. Fornmanna Sogur. 12. 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Parigi 1802 Paris 1834 Milano 1807 Paris 1834 Venezia 1757 Paris 1835 Copenh. 1832 Paris 1835 Firenze 1827 Paris 1790 Venezia 1789 Copenh. 1828 Francf. 1817 Stuttg. 1827 Milano 1821 Milano 1812 Copenh. 1829 Leipz. 1798 Copenh. 1827 Paris 1811 Lyon 1530 Paris 1834 Paris 1779 Berlin 1796-1825, Milano 1807 Paris 1529 Milano 1825 Paris 1835 il>. ib. Zurich 1825 Paris 1835, MODERN LITER ATI 'KE. FOREIGN. 8. Montaigne M. de, Essais. 5 vols. 8. Montesquieu, Oeuvres completes. 12. Musaeus, J. A., Volksrnarchen der Deutsch- en. 8. Novalis, Schriften. 2 vols. 12. Oehlenschlager, A., Nordiske Digte. 8. Pascal, La Rochefaucauld, La Bruyere, Edition. Paris. 1818 ib. 1835 Gotha 1825 Berlin 1826 Copenh. 1807 Vauvenargues, Oeuvres. Paris 1834 8. Pellico, Silvio, Opere complete. 2 vols. Parigi 1835 4. Petrarca, Sonnetti e Canzone. Vinegia 1558 F. Opera Omnia. 2 vols. Basil 1554 F. Opera Latina, Venet. 1501 8. Pulci, L., Morgante Maggiore. 3 vols. Milano 1805 8. 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L T tica 1834 8. CorregSo, Memorie istoriche de, 3 vols. Parma. 1817 8. Cromwell, T., Oliver Cromwell and his times. Lond. 1832 4. Cumberland, R., Memoirs of, by himself. ib. 1806 1 2. Doddridge, P., Life of Col. James Gardiner. Philad. 1 795 8. Dumont, E., Recollections of Mirabeau. Lond. 1832 8. Duppa, R., Life of Michael Angelo Buon- arotti. Lond. 1832 BIOGRAPHY. Form. 12. Edwards, Jonathan, Life and character of. 8. Evelyn, J., Memoirs of, comprising his diary and correspondence. 5 vols. 8, Fichtes Leben and Brief wechsel, von sei- nem Sohne. 2 vols. 12. Fuller, A., Memoirs of the Rev. S. Pearce. 4. Fuller, T., History of the Worthies of Eng- land. 2 vols. 8 Genlis, Madame de, Memoirs inedits. 8 vs. 8. Godwin, W., Life of Geoffrey Chaucer. 4 vs. 8. Good, J. M., Memoirs of the life and wri- tings of Alexander Geddes. 5. Hazlitt, W., Conversations of James North- cote. 8. Hess, J. C., Life of Ulrich Zwingle. 8. Holland, R. Lord, Life and writings of Lope Felix de Vega, 4. Hollis, Thomas, Memoirs of. 2 vols. 8. Holmes, A., Life of Ezra Stiles. 79 Edition. North-H. 1804 Lond. 1827 Sulzbach 1830 New- York 1809 Lond. 1811 Paris 1825 Lond. 1804 ib. 1803 ib. 1830 ib. 1812 ib. 1806 ib. 1780 Boston 1798 8. Jamblicus, Life of Pythagoras, by T.Taylor. Lond. 1818 8, Jeffreys, Judge, Memoirs of his life by Woolrych. ib. 1827 8. Jones, J. Paul, Life and correspondence of. New- York 1830 8. Kelly, M., Reminiscenses. ib. 1826 8. King, Lord, Life and correspondence of John Locke. 2 vols. Lond. 1830 8. Lee, R. H., Life and correspondence of. 2 vols. Phil. 1826 8. Linnaeus, Life of, and general view of his writings, by Pulteney, together with his Diary. Lond. 1805 8. Lives of Pecocke, Pearce, Newton and Skelton. 2 vols. ib. 1816 8, Llorente, J. A., La vie et les oeuvres de Don Baethelemi de las Casas. 2 vols. Paris 1822 80 BIOGRAPHY. Form. Edition. 8. Memorials of Columbus. Lond. 1823 M'Crie, T., Life of John Knox. 2 vols. Edinb. 1818 Life of Andrew Melville. 2 vols. ib. 1819 8. Monk, J. H., Life of Richard Bentley. 2 vs. Lond. 1833 8. Nelson, Lord, Biographical Memoirs of, by Charnock. Boston 1806 8. North, R., Lives of Baron Francis North, Sir Dudley North, and Dr. John North. 3 vols. Lond. 1826 8. Nugent, Lord, Some memorials of John Hampdeiijhis party and times. 2 vols. ib. 1832 12. Osborn, Sarah. Memoirs of her life, by Hopkins. Cattskill 1814 8. Paine, T., Life of, by J. Cheetham. New- York 1819 8. Pepys, Samuel, Diary and Correspondence of. 5 vols. Lond. 1828 4. Petrarche, Frangais, Memoires pour sa vie, par 1'Abbe de Sade. 3 vols. Amst. 1767 4. Philips, T., History of the life of Reignald Pole. Oxford 1764 8. Plutarch's Lives, by Wrangham. 6 vols. Lond. 1819 8. Patter, M. de, Memoirs of Scipio de Ricci, By Roscoe. 2 vols. ib. 1829 8. Roland, Madame, Memoires de 2 vols. Paris 1820 8. Roscoe's translation of Cellini's life by him- self. 2 vols. Lond. 1823 8. Russel, Lord John, Life of Lord William Russel. 2 vols. ib. 1820 8. Salvator Rosa, Life and Times of, by Lady Morgan. 2 vols. ib. 1724 F. Saladini Sultani vita et res gestae, ed. Schultens. ib. B. 1855 8. Scott, Sir W., Life of Napoleon Buonaparte 3 vols. Philad. 18:27 8. Sparks, J., Life of Gouverneur Morris. 3 vs. Boston 1832 8. Stapleton, A. G., Political life of Canning. 3 vols. Lond. 183 1 VOYAGES AND TRAVELS. 81 Form. Edition. 8. Stebbing, H., Lives of the Italian Poets. 3vols. Loncl. 1832 8. Struensee, Count, Narrative of his conver- sion and death. ib. 1824 8. Strype, J., Life and Acts of John Whitgift. 3 vols. Oxford 1832 8. Temple, Sir W.. Memoirs of his life, by T. P. Courtenay. 2 vols. Lond. 1836 8. Todd, H. J., Memoirs of the life and wri- tings of Brian Walton. 2 vols. ib. 1821 8. Toland, J., Life of John Milton. ib. 1761 8. Vaughan, R., Life and opinions of John de Wycliffe. 2 vols. ib. 1831 8. Washington, G., Life of, by Ramsey. New- York 1807 8 Watson, Richard, Anecdotes of his life, by himself. 2 vols. Lond. 1818 8. Wheelock, E., Memoirs of his life by M'Clure. Newburypt. 181 1 8. Wilson, W., Memoirs of the life and times of Daniel Defoe. 3 vols. Lond. 1830 F. Wood, A., Athense Oxonienses. 2 vols. ib. 1721 12. Woolman, J , Life and Travels of. Philad. 1806 4. Zouch,T., Memoirs of the life and writings of Sir Philip Sidney. York 1808 VOYAGES AND TRAVELS. 4. Anson, Lord, Voyage round the world. Lond. 1749 8. Bartram, W., Travels through North and South Carolina etc. Dublin 1793 4. Barrow, J., Travels into the interior of Southern Africa. 2 vols. Ixmd. 1806 VOYAGES AND TRAVELS. Edition. Barrow, J., Travels in China. Lond. 1806 Beaumont, A., Travels to Italy through the Lepontine Alps. ib. 1805 4. Beechey ,F. W., Expedition to explore the Northern coast of Africa. ib. 1828 8. Bell of Antennony, Travels to various parts of Asia. Edinb. 1806 4. Benyowski. Count de, Memoirs and Trav- els. 2 vols. Lond. 1790 4. 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Chardin. Voyages en Perse. 10 vols. |F. Atlas to the above. 8. Chastellux. Marquis de, Travels in North America. Edinb. 1820 Lond. 1830 ib. 1781 Paris 1833 Lond. 1817 Paris 1811 New- York 1829 VOYAGES AND TRAVELS 83 Form. Edition. 1 2. Clarke, E. D., Travels in Europe, Asia and Africa. 3 vols. New York 1815 8 Cochrane, J. D., Pedestrian through Russia Tartary. 2 vols. Lond. 1825 8 Columbus, Personal narrative of his first voyage. Boston 1827 f4. Cooke. Capt. Voyages and life by Kippis. 9 vols. Lond. 1773-88 12. D'Arvienx, le Chevalier, Memoires, conte- nant ses Voyages en Asie. 6 vols. Paris 1735 8. Deguignes, Voyages a Peking, Manille etc. ib. 1808 f F. Atlas to the above. 8. Denham and Clapperton's Travels and Dis- coveries in Northern and central Afri- ca. 2 vols. Lond. 1828 8. Denon, V., Voyage dans labasse et la haute Egypte. 2 vols. Paris 1829 8. Dibdin, T. F., Bibliographical Tour in France and Germany. 3 vols. Lond. 1829 4. Dodwell, E. 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Lamartine, A. de, Souvenirs d'un voyage en Orient. 4 vols. Paris 1835 VOYAGES AND TRAVELS. 85 Form 8. 4. 8. 8. 8. 8. 4. 8. Edition. Las Casas, Don B. de. Account of the first voyages of the Spaniards in America. Lond. 1699 Lawson, J.,New voyage to Carolina. ib. 1709 Leake, W. M.. Journal of a Tour in Asia Minor. ib. 1824 Lerminier, E., Au-dela du Rhin. 2 vols. Paris 1835 Legh. T., Narrative of a Journey in Egypt. Lond. 1817 Linnaeus, Lachesis Lapponica, or Tour in Lapland. 2 vols. ib. 1811 Lyon, G. F., Narrative of travels in North- ern Africa. Lond. 1821 Mackenzie, A., Voyages from Montreal to the frozen and Pacific Oceans. 2 vols. ib 1802 8. Mackenny, T., Tour to the Lakes. Bost. 1827 8. Mill, C., Travels of Theodore Ducas, at the revival of letters and Art. 2 vols . Lond. 1822 4. Niebuhr, C., Voyage en Arabic. 2 vols. j-4. Pallas, P. S., Travels through the Southern provinces of the Russian Empire. 2 vs. 4. 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Scoresby, W., Voyage to the North Whale Fishery. Edinb. 1823 F. Shaw, T., Travels inBarbary and the Le- vant. Oxford. 1738 12. Smith and Dwight, Researches in Armenia. 2 vols. Boston 1833 8. Sonnini, Voyage en Grece et en Turquie. 2 vols. Paris 1801 8. , Voyage dans la Haute et Basse Egypt. 2 vols. ib. 1799 4. Atlas to the above. 12. Spon et Wheler, Voyage d'ltalie, de Dal- matie et de Grece. 3 vols. La Haye. 1724 8. Tanner, J., Narrative of thirty years resi- dence among the Indians of North America. New- York 1830 8. Tournefort, P. de. Voyage au Levant. 3 vs. Lyon 1717 4. Tuckey, J. K., Expedition to explore the river Zaire. Lond. 1818 f4. Valentia,G. Viscount. Voyages and Travels to India, Ceylon, the Red Sea etc. in 1802-6. 3 vols. ib. 1819 Vincent, W., Voyage of Nearchus and Pe- riplus of the Erythrean sea. 4 vols. ib. 1797-1800 Voyages of the disciples (of Linnaeus, viz. 8. Thunberg in Europe, Africa and Asia. 4 vols. ib. 1795 8. 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Piano del reale Palazzo di Caserta. Tafeln der Inscriptionen von Boeckh. MISCELLANY AND BOOKS OMITTED. 18. Alden, T., Collection of American Epitaphs. 5 vols. New York 1814 8. Allgemeines Bucherverzeichniss, Oster Messe 1836 8. Antimasonic Review, by H. D. Ward. New York 1828 12. Barclay, R., Short account of his lifo and writings. Phil. 1805 92 MISCELLANY AND BOOKS OMITTED. Form. Edition. 8. Brunei, J. C., Manuel de Libraire. 4 vols. Paris 1820 8. Supplement au Manuel. 3 vols. ib. 1734 8. Bockh, A., Staatshaushaltung der Alhener. 2 Bde. Berlin 1817 4. Carmina Quadrigesimalia. Oxon. 1623 8. Catalogue of the Library of Harvard Uni- versity. 4 vols. Camb. 1830 8. Choron, M. Methodes d'Harmonie et de Composition. 2 vols. Paris 1830 12. Ciceronis Selectae Epistolae, cura M. L. Hurlbut. Phil. 1836 12. Comstock, C., On Education. Hartford 1810 8. Cousin, V., Rapport sur 1'etat de I'instmc- tion publique en Allemagne. 3 vols. Paris 1833 8. Enslin, T. C. F., Bibliotheca Historica geographica. 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