UC-NRLF B 3 5T3 DOS LIBRARY OF CALIFORNT* DAVIS New York State Education Department New York State Library CALENDAR OF THE SIR WILLIAM JOHNSON MANUSCRIPTS IN THB NEW YORK STATE LIBRARY COMPILED BY Richard E. Day M.A. Lit.D. PAGB Preface 5 Calendar 9 Index 541 ALBANY UNIVERSITY OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK 1909 LIBRARY OF CAUFORKJft DAVIS STATE OF NEW YORK EDUCATION DEPARTMENT Regents of the University With years when terms expire 1913 WHITELAW REID M.A. LL.D. D.C.L. Chancellor New York 1917 ST CLAIR MCKELWAY M.A. LL.D. Vice Chancellor Brooklyn 1919 DANIEL BEACH Ph.D. LL.D. Watkins 1914 PLINYT. SEXTON LL.B. LL.D. - - Palmyra 1912 T. GUILFORD SMITH M.A. C.E. LL.D. - - - Buffalo 1918 WILLIAM NOTTINGHAM M.A. Ph.D. LL.D. - - Syracuse 1910 CHARLES A. GARDINER Ph.D. L.H.D. LL.D. D.C.L. New York 1915 ALBERT VANDER VEER M.D. M.A. Ph.D. LL.D. Albany 1911 EDWARD LAUTERBACH M.A. LL.D. New York 1920 EUGENE A. PHILBIN LL.B. LL.D. New York 1916 LUCIAN L. SHEDDEN LL.B. LL.D. Plattsburg 1921 FRANCIS M. CARPENTER Mount Kisco Commissioner of Education ANDREW S. DRAPER LL,B. LL.D. Assistant Commissioners AUGUSTUS S. DOWNING M.A. Pd.D. LL.D. First Assistant FRANK ROLLINS B.A. Ph.D. Second Assistant THOMAS E. FINEGAN M.A. Third Assistant Director of State Library JAMES I. WYER, Jr, M.L.S. Director of Science and State Museum JOHN M. CLARKE Ph.D. LL.D. Chiefs of Divisions Administration, HARLAN H. HORNER B.A. Attendance, JAMES D. SULLIVAN Educational Extension, WILLIAM R. EASTMAN M.A. M.L.S. Examinations, CHARLES F. WHEELOCK B.S. LL.D. Inspections, FRANK H. WOOD M.A. Law, FRANK B. GILBERT B.A. School Libraries, CHARLES E. FITCH L.H.D. Statistics, HIRAM C. CASE Trades Schools, ARTHUR D. DEAN B.S. Visual Instruction, DELANCEY M. ELLIS State Library, Albany, N. Y., February 14, 1907 Hon. A. S. Draper Commissioner of Education DEAR SIR : I have the honor to transmit herewith and recommend for publication a Calendar of the Sir William Johnson Manuscripts in the New York State Library. This calendar was compiled by Dr Richard E. Day under the supervision of Mr A. J. F. van Laer, Archivist of the State Library. The work was begun while Dr Day was in the employ of the University of the State of New York and was continued after his transfer to the office of the State Historian with the consent and by the courtesy of the State Historian, Mr Hugh Hastings. Sir William Johnson played such an important part in the colonial history of New York, and these manuscripts throw such a flood of light upon the period, that historical students have a right to expect the State Library to make its treasures readily available. Very respectfully EDWIN H. ANDERSON Director State of New York Education Department COMMISSIONER'S ROOM Approved for publication this iqth day of February 1907 Commissioner of Education New York State Education Department New York State Library CALENDAR OF THE SIR WILLIAM JOHNSON MANUSCRIPTS IN THE NEW YORK STATE LIBRARY COMPILED BY Richard E. Day M.A. Lit.D. PREFACE The documents described in this calendar are preserved in 26 large volumes in the State Library and number about 6550. With the exception of those contained in the last volume nearly all were public and private papers in the possession of Sir William Johnson at the time of his death in 1774. Some were in the care of Guy Johnson when he was superintendent of Indian affairs, and of Daniel Claus, deputy agent, and were carried to Canada and Eng land. But a large number of papers were confiscated with other property belonging to the Johnson estate at the time of the Revolu tion and were put up at auction at Fort Hunter, where they were bought by John Tayler, who was an energetic actor in that struggle and subsequently occupied many public stations. Passing by inheri tance to his grandson, General John Tayler Cooper, they were given to the State by that gentleman in 1850 and the next year arranged and bound under the supervision of Dr E. B. O'Callaghan as vol umes i to 22 inclusive. In arranging the papers, "Dr O'Callaghan in corporated with them part of another collection of Johnson manu scripts which had been deposited in seven bundles in the office of the Secretary of State in iSoi 1 and which were printed in the Docu mentary History of the State of New York, 2: 543-1007; quarto edition, 2: 315-583 ; of the papers there printed, 128 are now in vol- 'Doc. Hist. N. Y. 2:1008; Q, 2:584. NEW YORK STATE LIBRARY times 1-22 of the Johnson Manuscripts, 56 are in the series of New York Colonial Manuscripts and 1 1 appear in both collections. The manuscripts contained in the three volumes that follow were owned by the elder William L. Stone, and some years after his death were sold to the State. William L. Stone, the younger, who com pleted the Life of Sir William Johnson begun by his father, men tions in these words in the preface to that work, the origin of the Stone collection: ''After years of search, my father procured from the Johnson family in England and from various other sources, a large portion of Sir William's manuscripts." The papers in volumes 23, 24 and 25 cover nearly the same period as those in the 22 volumes preceding and constitute a parallel col lection. In the calendar the entries for the several collections are combined chronologically. Volume 26 is made up chiefly of documents relating to the dis bursements of the Indian department under Sir William and in the period of Guy Johnson's superintendency. Many are warrants with the annexed accounts which had been sent to the commander in chief at New York. They of course have no part in the history of the companion records. In addition to these transcripts of official acts, the contents of volume 26 embrace a few papers associated directly with the war for independence, particularly with events in Tryon county. The manuscripts in this volume were obtained by Henry Stevens at a sale of public record papers in London, and were pur chased in 1866 by the State Library. The State Library possesses an office calendar of the 26 volumes, which was prepared in 1866. Mr D. J. Pratt, Assistant Secretary of the Regents, performed the labor on the first n volumes, while the remaining work was done by Dr H. A. Homes, librarian of the General Library. Certain papers which belonged to Sir William Johnson had a his tory less happy than that of the manuscripts which compose the bulk of the present collection. In a statement presented in behalf of Sir John Johnson at the English Court of Exchequer in 1788, it was declared that many of the accounts and vouchers of Sir William John son, covering public transactions, were buried by Sir John at the time of his flight from New York in 1776, and, when they were recovered a few years later by a detachment of soldiers sent from Canada to Johnson Hall, the documents had been ruined by the dampness of the earth. SIR WILLIAM JOHNSON MANUSCRIPTS 7 Several rules have controlled arrangement and expression in the construction of this calendar. Letters written between January i and March 25 before the estab lishment of the reformed chronology in England and her possessions in 1752, have a compound year date to denote both styles of dating or they are dated according to old style. All of these have been entered as regards the year in accordance with new style. With the exception of a few that are very well known and occur in many different forms, proper names, including Indian names, are spelled as in the documents. Titles before names are abbrevi ated in most cases. In entries representing letters, orders etc. addressed to Johnson, his name is omitted after the writer's name. When the name of the person addressed is wanting but can be inferred, it is supplied in brackets. W'hen the name of the writer does not appear in the manuscript but is ascertainable, it is inclosed in brackets. When the writer or the person addressed is the same as in the paper entered just before, the word same is substituted for the name. If, however, the name is wanting but can be inferred, it is inserted in brackets. In the case of papers which are printed in Documents relative to the Colonial History of the State of New York or in Documentary History of the State of Neiv York, or duplicates of which occur in the library collection known as New York Colonial Manuscripts, cross references denoting the place are inserted. The aim has been to exhibit the contents of each document suc cinctly, but to disregard nothing, allowing those who may consult the calendar to judge the value or interest of many particulars mentioned. The documents represented in this calendar cast a vivid light on military and political events and situations during a considerable period of the i8th century, while they reveal the attitude of colony and crown toward the Indian problem of that day and present a picture of the transactions in land which engaged the keenest in terest of English colonists. At the same time these letters, official and military reports and records of public proceedings are invaluable memorials of a strong and genial personality, around which ro mantic interest continues to gather with the movement of years. 8 NEW YORK STATE LIBRARY The preparation of the calendar was begun, under the direction of Mr Arnold J. F. van Laer, State Archivist, when its author was employed in the University of the State of New York; and, by the courtesy of Mr Hugh Hastings, State Historian, to whose depart ment he was transferred two years ago, the work has been carried on to completion. RICHARD E. DAY October 29, 1906 1733 Oct. 26 Oswegey 1738 Feb. 6 Albany Mar. 3 Albany May 10 1739 May 10 CALENDAR John Riley, letter accompanying present of four salmon. 23:1 Edward Clarke to Capt. Butler, at Fort Hunter, about Dr Dishington and Miss Dick. Same to same, about enlistments. 1740 Apr. ii 1741 Feb. 25 Albany May 28 Port Royal, Jamaica June 5 Killeen Sept. 7 Kingston 1742 June 4 Schinectite 1743 May 19 Oswego July 22 Albany Aug. I 1744 Apr. 21 New York May 29 Mount Johnjon Receipt from Eias Carlock for 155. Philip Livingston about purchase of wheat; thinks price, 33, 3d, will not be maintained. Lieut. Michael Tyrrell, Johnson's cousin, sending an ac count of the campaign at Cartagena and of Capt. War ren's successes on the water. [Much faded] Bryan Flood to Patrick Flood, of family matters. Record of conference between Esopus Indians and justices of peace: friendly assurances and presents exchanged. Col. Gilbert Livingston clerk. William Corry, asking a private meeting or arbitration by Peter Warren, to settle a difficulty, in preference to sacrificing friendship by invoking the law. .1 Hyde Clarke, discussing matters of deal. 1:1 Same to James Stevenson, Albany, concerning Capt. Butler's drawing pay. 3 [William Johnson] to his uncle [Capt. Peter Warren], justifying land purchase by mention of fertility and water power ; describing goods sent, and goods desired, trading facilities at Oquago, character of Mr Barclays petition, and the rage for land buying; and begging that he may be favored with a visit. 23:2 i:4a 23:54 3 3:53 Hyde Clarke about promised " cutlash." [Not dated] Summons issued by J. De Peyster and Philip Livingston Junr. to answer for selling rum to the French and Indians contrary to law. 1 15 Bond and judgment from George Swan. 6 S. Warren, aunt of Johnson, letter of condolence on the death of his mother January 26. II Wm. Johnson to E. Collins relative to a writ of certiorari. na IO NEW YORK STATE LIBRARY 1744 Sept. 1 6 Oswego 23 Oswego 1745 Jan. 15 New York 16 Albany 31 Fort William Mar. 15 Albany Apr. 6 Albany 9 Albany 25 Albany [May 26] 27 Albany June 7 New York II Albany 16 Halifax 19 Albany Thomas Butler to [Wm. Johnson], mentioning false alarm of attack by the French, and asking for a boat load of goods. 23:8 Same, concerning supplies. I :i2 Edward Holland about goods purchased for Johnson, newspaper (New York Evening Post) forwarded, price of wheat (35, id to 35, 3d a bushel), captures of French and Spanish vessels by Captains Warren and Frank- land, and hurricane at Jamaica. Edward Collins about proceedings against counselor Curry [William Corry?]. Capt. John Rutherford to Capt. Butler, at Oswego, call ing for an account of arms, stores etc. Edward Collins on payment of costs, a suit in prospect and a letter from Currey. J. Holland, announcing death of Emperor [Charles 7], movements of Capt. Warren and Capt. Rutherford, Capt. Butler's commission and Johnson's commission as justice of peace. Capt. John Rutherford to Capt. Butler, as to supplies for [Oswego] garrison; frugality of the Assembly, Butler's commissions of peace and commissary, expedition against Cape Breton. Same to same, concerning men to be sent to Albany. Ed. Collins to William Johnson, asking a letter to Harme Grote, Cornelis Grote and Johs. Veeder in the interest of Arent Bratt's election. Peter Van Alen and Robert Sanders on price of grain ; also giving news from Cape Breton. Edward Holland, acknowledging receipt of peltry, giving directions for shipping flour, asking discretion in mar keting the same, and reporting good news from Cape Breton. Capt. John Rutherford to Lieut. Walter Butler, Oswego, concerning Indian affairs, supplies, Cape Breton, etc. S. Ferrall, complaining of inability to find employment, and asking advice about a journey to supposed rich relations at Monseratt. Robert Sanders, regrets at his absence from home on occasion of visit; news of French and Spanish declara tions of war against the Dutch; statement of prices of wheat in Curasao and Jamaica; and expression of willingness to lend money to Johnson. 23:7 1:8 10 23:10 1:16 17 17:109 1:19 23:11 :20 23:13 12 SIR WILLIAM JOHNSON MANUSCRIPTS II 1745 June 25 Edward Holland on shipments, and political incident that New York demands a scrutiny. 1 122 Same, informing of shipment of flour to Curasao, sale [New York] o f deerskins and price of wheat. 21 Aug. 15 John De Peyster, asking letters of commendation and credit for his son in law, Volckert Douw. 23 Sept. 5 John Catherwood to [Wm. Johnson?], inquiring as to New York character of Jane Watson, servant, and estimating Commodore [Warren's] share of prize money. 23:14 Oct. 24 William Johnson to Col. Roberts, on preparations for sending out Indian parties, and need of soldiers to strengthen the frontier. 15 Nov. 5 Warren Johnson, brother of William, communicating Portsmouth f ac t that he is to sail on man-of-war Kinsale, escort ing a fleet of transports to Cape Breton ; and begging for letters to their father. 16 26 James Willson, entreating Johnson to exchange his home Albany f or a sa f e r one with him, the French having threatened his capture or destruction. 17 28 Robert Sanders, relating a night descent of 400 French- Albany men anc j 220 savages on Saratoga, and killing or cap turing of 100 persons ; also mentioning prices of goods, and consternation in Albany. 18 1746 Feb. 25 John Lynd on private affairs. I :i'4 Lyndsberry 28 Louis Schroedel, sending medicine and prescription. [In Albany German, year doubtful] 27 Mar. 6 George Swan, asking for instructions, also supplies, and Oswego sketching the condition of trade. 23:9 22 Price current of goods usually imported from America London an d from Albany. 19 Apr. 14 William Johnson to Capt. John Catherwood, acknowledg- Albany j n g receipt of notice of his selection by Assembly, on Governor's recommendation, to supply Oswego garrison. 20 May 6 John B. Van Eps, concerning goods. 1 125 Oswego 6 John Fairly, concerning goods. 25a Oswego 16 Anthony Duane about merchandise. 27a New York June 12 Capt. John Rutherford to [William Johnson?], sending Albany letters, and communicating information of expedition up the St Lawrence and other movements of troops. 23:21 July 7 Warren Johnson to [Wm. Johnson], announcing that he Boston j s raising a company of Irishmen for the Canadian ex pedition, expressing fears for William's safety, and conveying to his use, by direction of [Peter] Warren, four four-pounders^ at Warren's farm in New York. 22 12 NEW YORK STATE LIBRARY 1746 July 7 25 Albany 28 Albany 30 Albany Aug. II Boston 25 Boston 27 Albany 28 Sept. I Boston 16 Albany 17 Albany Oct. 3 Boston Dec. 10 New York Richard Shuckburgh, telling of defeat of the Pretender by the Duke of Cumberland, killing of a Cagnawaga, and reported arrival of Admiral Warren at Boston. 23:23 Gov. George Clinton on Indian affairs. 1 :28 Richard Shuckburgh, telling that an officer and 25 men are to be sent from Schohary to protect Johnson and adjacent settlements; mentioning alarm in Albany, and expected arrival of Gen. Gooch. 23:24 Gov. George Clinton to Maj. Glen, directing that two Cagnawages, suspected to be spies, be persuaded or compelled to visit him (the Governor), and that this policy be adopted with Indians from Canada, and giving general details of forces available for defense of Albany and the Mohawks. 25 James Willson, mentioning Boston's fear of smallpox, safe arrival of Antelope, with Johnson's goods, praising Capt. Warren Johnson, and suggesting a small shipment of flour and butter. 26 Warren Johnson, mentioning his success in recruiting, achievement of Cousin Terrell [Tyrrell?], and poor prospect of early expedition to Canada. 27 Gov. George Clinton, authorizing issue of supplies to Indian war parties. 1 :29 Same, instructions to William Johnson as colonel of forces raised among the Six Nations. 30 Warren Johnson to [Col. Johnson] mentioning appoint ment of James Rogers as sergeant in his company, asking for 10 or 12 able-bodied men ; offering congratu lations on influence with Six Nations, and reporting that 3000 Frenchmen had landed at Annapolis Royal. 23 :28 Gov. George Clinton, discussing attitude of Six Nations, relating conference with Oquago Indians, and mention ing arrival of troops ("above two thousand") from Philadelphia, the Jerseys and New York, orders to Col. Schuyler for relief of Oswego, and the dispatching of a party of Indians and whites against the enemy. 29 John H. Lydius to [William Johnson] reporting French and Indian successes and siege of Annapolis, and giv ing account of sales of skins. 30 Warren Johnson, intelligence of Vice Admiral Lestock's sailing for Louisbourg and supposed reduction of An napolis Royal; and request for news of friends in Ireland. 31 Gov. George Clinton, asking Col. Johnson to buy him a pair of black stallions, suggesting endeavors to hold the Indians up to the work of scouting, and mentioning that he has recommended Johnson to royal favor. 32 SIR WILLIAM JOHNSON MANUSCRIPTS 1746 Dec. 22 Albany New York 1747 Jan. 28 New York Mar. 6 ii 18 24 Mount Johnson 25 New York Apr. 21 Albany Warren Johnson, announcing arrival and purpose to visit William's home. 23:33 John Gather wood about voyage etc. 1:31 Albert Van Slyck's account of "goods disbursed" at Oswego and elsewhere in enlisting Indians against the French. 26 Arent Stevens, concerning lost rum kegs, etc. 9 Thomas Butler, at Mr Foaling's, about cattle etc. 13 Same, on a trivial business matter. 14 Warren Johnson, announcing arrival in New York, in tention to visit Philadelphia and expectation of going to Louisbourg. 23:34 On the forwardness of the colonial troops and Six Nations to engage in reduction of Crown Point. [Date uncer tain] i :ii7a John Lindesay, about deserters, news etc. 33 Receipt for work done by Pieter Cornu and Asuwerus Marselis; amount 23, 2s, ii^d. 56 Mary Riordon, petitioning for assistance. 34 Gov. Clinton to [Col. Johnson], commending employ ment of Indians, suggesting that they be sent to Sara toga for scouting, arguing that persons who buy their arms or clothing may be punished, ordering the capture of Jancour [Joncaire], and considering condition of troops. 23 :8o Same to [Col. Johnson], giving further advice for scout ing service. 81 Col. Johnson to Gov. George Clinton, representing the inclination of the Indian allies to go on the warpath rather than scout, reporting activity in sending out scalping parties, but bewailing want of blankets, paint, guns etc., and declaring readiness to assist in relief of Oswego when lake opens. 35 Col. Johnson to Col. Jn. Stoddard, mentioning Massachu setts bounty for killing or capturing enemies, and com mending other uses for Indian funds. 36 Gov. George Clinton, explaining difficulty of obtaining arms and goods for Indian service, expressing doubt as to permitting Lydius to divert the Mohawk strength to New England, and mentioning his advice to Assembly to build two forts at Carrying Place. 37 John H. Lydius, concerning business matters. 1 :35 NEW YORK STATE LIBRARY 1747 Apr. 25 Gov. George Clinton, inclosing paragraph of message to New York Assembly on endeavors of some people in Albany to maintain neutrality toward the French and persuade the Indians to the same purpose; also calling for informa tion touching the alleged scheme. May 12 John Johnson on private affairs. Smithstown 2'4 J. Roberts, commenting on behavior of companies whose Schaneghtadey pay is in arrears, and reporting his orders to Capt. Ross to occupy Fort William. 26 John Stoddard to Maj. Lydius (copy), relating to cor- North respondence with Gov. Shirley on the need of money Hampton to sustain the Indian service, explaining that disburse ments for that end must be described as payments for scalps and prisoners, giving quality and price of Indian goods in Boston, and asking the price of English bills of exchange in York money. John H. Lydius on Indian parties, and business. 29 Albany 30 Col. Johnson to Gov. Clinton, pleading for money to pay Indians for prisoners and scalps, appending list of 26 prisoners and 3 scalps, and pressing his excellency to meet the Mohawks at Albany or better Mount Johnson. /tine 2 Teady Magin, mentioning Indians whom he has per- Oswego suaded to enter the English service, and the intelli gence that " seven castles of the foreign nations '' will do the same. 6 John Craig, concerning supplies and private business. Oswego 8 Reyer Boin and his brother in law, Acos Van Schleyck, Burnetsfield asking for merchandise in order to trade at Oswego. [In Dutch] 16 John H. Lydius, giving report of a hostile advance, and Albany accounts of outbreaks against the French by Indians hitherto in the French interest. 20 Account [by British commanding officer] of numbers and Saratoga distribution of hostile forces north of Albany, and enemy's preparations for reduction of the post at Sara toga. July 2 Gov. Clinton, prohibiting Joseph Clements from selling Albany liquors to Indians and soldiers at Mount Johnson. 2 Same, ordering fort to be built at Canajoharee. Fort Frederick 30 John H. Lydius to [Col. Johnson], giving news of arrival Albany o f a fl eet at Louisbourg; and announcing loss of one man and recovery of 28 deserters. 23:38 1:36 23:39 40 37 23:41 42 1:38 39 23:43 1 140 41 23:45 SIR WILLIAM JOHNSON MANUSCRIPTS 1747 Aug. 13 Col. Johnson to Gov. Clinton : reports that he has sent Mount goods to Oswego for "the foreign Indians," incloses Johnson letter from Lieut. Butler at Oswego, and messages passing between New England Indians and Mohawks, announces approach of delegation of Senecas and foreign Indians, asks payment of account to Anthony Duane, describes difficulty of transporting goods to Oswego, disappointment of the Indians and his expense in entertaining them, and appends a list of goods re quired for Indian service. 22 J. Roberts, in relation to call for more men. Albany 22 H. Van Schaack about French blankets. Fort Hunter Evert Van Eps and others in relation to a murder. Sept. / Gov. Clinton, acknowledging Johnson's services and de- Ncw York nouncing insensibility of the Assembly, conveying re gret of Gen. Shirley that Johnson objects to Lydius's connection with Indian affairs, proposing plan to reim burse Johnson for outlays for public service, and an nouncing presence of Boston commissioners sent to confer about protecting the frontier. 13 Warren Johnson, declaring purpose to go to England in New York hope of obtaining commission, expressing concern over his brother's perils, thanking him for a present, and ex patiating on their uncle's victories by sea and conse quent great wealth in prize money. 14 Gov. Clinton, writing that he has recommended the Greenwich Oswego affair to Assembly, and has hopes of action by the Boston commissioners for the Indian service, but is uncertain about action of " ours." Oct. 19 John Catherwood, acquainting Johnson with action of New York Assembly in voting provisions for Oswego and with the form to be complied with in obtaining payment of 30 expended for " the far Indians" ; also inclosing copy of executive message. Governors Shirley and Knowles's order for disbanding troops raised for expedition to Canada; Philip Ryley, receipt for 60 for goods for the Cajugas. 28 31 Schenectady Nov. 6 William Peters, invoice of goods. New York 18 J. Roberts, writing that he will disband certain forces, b u t has given Thomas Butler a warrant to enlist a company, and will empower for the same purpose any one Johnson may recommend. Jacob Glen, urging acceptance of command of provincial forces and informing that the Assembly has provided for new levies and been dissolved. Albany 30 Schondy 23:46 1:42 43 44 23:47 49 50 i:45 46 47 23:51 i6 NEW YORK STATE LIBRARY 1747 Dec. 12 Thomas Butler, informing that Dow and Ricktman are Albany most talked of for assemblymen but are opposed by John Cuyler, John Glen, John Lansing and Hans Han son and mentioning the opinion that Johnson's influence will decide. 15:1 73 John B. Van Eps, describing life at Oswego, a conference of the Governor of Canada with men of the Five Nations and details of business at the fort. 1 148 Speech of Stockbridge Indian to the Mohawks, offering condolence for losses by war, and commending the alliance with the English. 23:53 John Rutherford to [Col. Johnson], giving information New York that Governor intends to reofficer Albany militia, ac cording to Johnson's suggestion, but not till after election. 55 Thomas Armstrong about price of goods, privateering etc. 1 132 15 Oswego 1748 Jan. 7 13 New York 25 Albany Feb. 4 Schonacten day 12 Albany 13 Albany 17 Oswego 29 New York 29 New York Mar. 3 New York 3 New York Evert Wendell, receipt for 9, 155. Memorandum of House resolve providing for Con necticut company. Albert Van Slyck, presenting request of Indians that Rev. [Johannes] Schuyler may be allowed to minister to them. Arent Stevens, giving news brought by Cayoegers touch ing intention of the French to strike Mohawk country, Schenectady and Albany, and describing indifference at the City Hall toward the messengers. John H. Lydius, commenting on Governor's absence from province, mentioning news from Oswego [no. 57] and his own act in compensating the messengers. Account of incidents at the post from December 10. [Year uncertain] Gov. Clinton, authorizing Johnson as colonel of the 14 companies raised for His Majesty's service to call regi mental courts martial. Report to Gov. Clinton of Council committee, James De Lancey chairman, on Duke of Newcastle's letter about Six Nations and destruction of French settlements at Crown Point. [Also in Council Minutes, 21 1290-93] Prayer of the Indians at Paumittunnauseu to the River Indians for help against the French. Reply of the River Indians, pleading their own distress and feebleness. Gov. Clinton to Sheriff Jacob Ten Eyck, Albany, order to deliver up to Col. Johnson a French Indian prisoner. Same to Henry Holland or Gerritt Van Den Bergh, order to deliver snowshoes and tents to Col. Johnsonf"" 23:56 57 1:52 53 23:60 55 SIR WILLIAM JOHNSON MANUSCRIPTS 1748 Mar. 12 Albany Col. Johnson's orders to the troops guarding the city. 23 159 15 Mount Col. Johnson to Gov. Clinton on barbarities of the Caghnawagas and disgust of the Mohawks at not being Johnson a jded by the militia [erased]. Also (March 16) to Capt. Catherwood, describing temper of the Mohawks, criticizing Collins and Col. Schuyler, expressing desire that his commission as colonel of the militia of Albany county may be sent him, and that he may have a guard on his mission into the Indian country. Gov. Clinton, ordering a conference with sachems of the Six Nations to dissuade the Indians from visiting Canada and to promise them an interview with the Governor of New York. Capt. N. Farrand, report of guard. Col. Johnson to Capt. Catherwood at New York, men tioning accounts, purpose to visit, attended by Capt. Thomas Butler, Lieut. Laury and 50 men, the castles as far as the Onondagas, and the propriety that he should have a salary for commanding soldiers. John Sloss, return of his company. James Willson about coat trimmings. 18 New York Apr. 4 9 12 21 Albany 29 New York May I New York Albany 9 New York 16 Albany June 6 * New York II Albany Capt. John Rutherford to Capt. [Walter?] Butler, on private affairs. William Johnson's commission as colonel of the regiment of militia for the city and county of Albany, vice Col. Philip Schuyler. John H. Lydius, inquiring about results of Onondaga journey; also sending copy of John Stoddard's letter on New York people, prisoners in Canada, and letter from Israel Williams, Hatfield, giving names of prisoners, and information of a projected French descent on Mount Johnson, and an interchange of belts and money between the Senecas and the French. Gov. Clinton to Col. Johnson, requiring that 50 "fitt Men " be directed to range the woods east of the Hud son for the protection of the settlements, an allowance for their pay to be made by Cornelius Van Schaick and Robert Livingston Junr. John H. Lydius about business and news. James J. Ross, informing of arrival of privateer, com manded by Capt. Burgess, with prizes ; and of his own facilities for doing business. Col. Johnson to Capt. Visgher, writing that he is sorry about behavior of David [an Indian], promising atten tion to the matter, and sending word to Mr Fry to stop sale of Hquor to Indians. i:57 58 59 23 :6i 1:60 61 18 62 23:62 26:125 1:63 23:63 l8 NEW YORK STATE LIBRARY 1748 July 5 Gov. Clinton, announcing peace preliminaries, and dis- New York cussing coming conference with Indians and supplies for the troops. 23:65 21 Albert Van Slyck, describing an Indian attack near Schonacten- Schenectady. 95 day 25 Answer of Six Nations [to Col. Johnson?], agreeing to keep away from the French and bring down French emissary, Jan Coeur [Joncaire] and pledging loyalty. 66 Aug. 6 Col. Johnson to Capt. Lindsay on relief of Oswego and Mr Collins and Col. Morris's investigations of com missary matters at that post. i :64 Fragment of petition of Indians to the Governor. 65 8 Capt. John Catherwood, notice that the Governor sends New York 533, I3s by Capt. Dowe, and that the Boston papers chronicle agreement of King of Spain to cessation of arms. 23 167 16 Joseph Clement to Col. Wylleni Gansen [William John- Old son], complaining that drink is sold in Fort Williams, Condacktedic contrary to Col. Johnson's promise. [In Dutch] i :66 31 Thomas Armstrong on news and business. 67 New York Sept. 3 Leonard Lockman, promising to make Johnson's services Boston known to Sir Peter Warren and the ministry, mention ing medicine sent, and expressing desire to obtain Indian dress and weapons. 23 :68 6 Col. Johnson to Capt. John B. Van Eps at Oswego advis ing of relief of garrison, and giving permission to remain, discussing prospects of trade, price of furs and skins and his own expected losses. 69 7 B. Stoddert on location of forces. i :68 Schonectady 9 Angelique Vitry, expressing gratitude for protection, ask- Montreal J n g the release of her sister [Catiche?], and mentioning that she has been robbed by the garde magasin at Cataracouis [Cadaraqui] of a purse given by Johnson. [In French] 24:33 16 Col. Johnson to Gov. Clinton, giving account of expected Albany French party under flag of truce, with names of pris oners of war at Montreal, and asking instructions. 23 :7o 16 Same to Capt. Catherwood, discussing commissions and Albany French party on the way, and declining to be a member of the Council. ! : gg Oct. 2 B. Stoddert, reporting apparent miscarriage of provisions, Schonectady f ea rs of officers in Albany about pay, and unwillingness of men to do duty. 23:71 SIR WILLIAM JOHNSON MANUSCRIPTS 1748 Oct. 3 Same about provisions, continuance of soldiers under Schonectady arms, Capt. Cleland's desire for " Two Cubb Skins," coming of French gentlemen [23:70], and purpose of Governor to prevent sending of letters from Albany to Canada under flag of truce. 5 Gov. Clinton to [Col. Johnson] condemning failure of New York commissioners to supply provisions, discussing his de pendence on the Assembly and the danger of premature disbandment, declaring determination not to exchange prisoners on terms offered, and asking aid to recruiting for Shirley's regiment. John H. Lydius about quantity of rum and flag of truce. 25 Albany 28 Mount Johnson Nov. 4 Dec. 7 Mount Johnson 30 Mount Johnson 31 Mount Johnson Col. Johnson to Samuel and William Baker, London, on mercantile affairs. Hubert Marshall, list of accounts due to Richard Arnold Marshall from men in Capt. Roseboom's command. Also statement of soldiers' pay. Col. Johnson to Col. Lydius, about M. Desligneris, of the truce party, and his friend, M. Repentigny. Same to [Capt. Catherwood?] mentioning weather (no snow as yet), preparations to build house, marriage of Tyrrel, etc. Same to Samuel and William Baker, London, ordering articles for house and inquiring cost of lead or slate for roof. [Gov. Clinton's] speech to the Indians, pledging protection and good faith and asking support. [Gov. Clinton's ?] speech to the Oneirlas, warning of the consequences if they permit the French to build a church by Oneida lake. P. Felinck, giving Col. William Johnson an option on his house, lot and barn, in the heart of the village near the Meulen kill (Mill kill) adjoining the property of Jan Coelon. [In Dutch] 1749 Jan. i Joseph Chew about journey to Maryland, trade with the New York West Indies and letters for Lacorn and Stoddert. i Christopher McGraw's order in favor of Arent Stevens and John Visger. I William Gof, order in favor of same. 6 Gov. Clinton, Fort George information as to mission of New York Capt. Stoddert to Canada ; mention of reports of Lieutenants Holland and Mills on invalids in Sche- nectady detachment, and of Collins's bad behavior ; discussion of Indian grievance in case of children held as pledges or slaves; and instructions for Stoddert. 2372 73 1:70 72 73 2374 75 76 77 17 49 74 75 23:106 20 NEW YORK STATE LIBRARY 1749 Jan. 9 David Schuyler about a copper mine, owned by an Indian, Canajoharie J n which Johnson is asked to invest. 15 Joseph Chew, denouncing the peace preliminaries and Philadelphia lamenting condition of officers who have entered the service at a sacrifice. 22 [Col. Johnson] to Gov. Clinton: Will forward to Gov- Mount ernor of Canada, by Capt. Stoddert, letter relating to Johnson release of prisoners; promises to furnish affidavits against Collins ; agrees to aid release of Indian children held as pledges; asks Governor's assistance to prevent Mohawks from going to war with Catabas ; and desires money for smiths in Indian country and recompense for his own disbursements. Feb. 2 Saber Duplessy, acknowledging the honor of acquaint- Montreal ance and friendship. [In French] 6 Gov. Clinton to [Col. Johnson], discussing compensation New York o f persons sent to Canada, redemption of prisoners, payment of smiths, and death of [Philip] Livingston, and giving a personal request of Mrs Clinton. Governor of Canada to Gov. Clinton, arranging an ex change of prisoners. Robert Sanders about goods and news. Mar. 6 Albany 6 Albany 7 New York 17 Albany 30 New York Apr. 26 London May 9 New York 13 Albany 27 New York 30 June 4 Oswego Robert Sanders and Capt. McGinn's bill of goods sold to Col. Johnson. Capt. B. Stoddert about French gentlemen [1:73], busi ness, and private affairs. Capt. Hubert Marshall to Capt. Roseboom, at Fort William, concerning disobedience of orders. List of Capt. Marshall's men under command of Lieut. Roseboom at the Mohawks. Cadwallader Colden [to Col. Johnson], commending his son John to notice, and mentioning tone of M. De Lignerie. Samuel & William Baker's invoice of merchandise con signed to John Watts for William Johnson. B. Robinson, forwarding letter and mentioning a cruise by the Greyhound. John Vanderheyden on business matters. Jonathan Stevens about prisoners. Cadwallader Colden, Fort George, introducing Prof. [Peter] Kalm, a learned Swedish traveler. Col. Johnson to Capt. Ross, directions for shipments and request for books and newspapers. John B. Van Eps on business matters. 1:76 23:83 84 102 1:113 77 77a 78 79 80 23 :86 1:81 23:87 1:82 83 23:88 89 1:84 SIR WILLIAM JOHNSON MANUSCRIPTS 21 1749 une 7 New York 8 New York July i Stockbridge 4 Oswego 7 Oswego 16 Gov. Clinton, touching his attempts to obtain release of Indians held by the French, artifices of Governor of Canada, and measures for retaining prisoners in hands of Johnson or the New York Indians. 23:90 Same to High Sheriff Thomas Williams, city and county of Albany, authorizing to receive prisoners in hands of Col. Johnson. 9 1 John Sergeant, seeking to create interest in project for educating and Christianizing Mohawk children; and mentioning patronage of Prince of Wales and Duke of Cumberland. 92 Capt. B. Stoddert, discussing trade and devices of traders. 93 John Ackerman and Paul Combes on shipment of goods. 1 :8s 24 New York Pieter D. Schuyler, for Hendrick, Indian chief, advising Cannagoharie o f invitation of Governor of Canada to the Indians and his threat against them for failure to deliver up pris oners. Col. Johnson to his uncle [Admiral Warren], explaining difficulty of obtaining repayment of sums expended in public service, mentioning his influence with German settlers and Indians, discussing superiority of French Indian policy, declaring intention to attend to his busi ness in view of neglect of his interests by home govern ment, and speaking of a lawsuit. Marquis de la Jonquiere, Governor of New France, to M. Beaubassin, order to proceed to Saratoga with David Abel, prisoner, to facilitate exchange of pris oners. Charles Lewis Reilly, letter of compliment [in Latin and English] in which a visit is proposed. Return of the first battalion of Albany county militia. [Date uncertain] Gov. Clinton, Fort George, discussing measures for ex change of prisoners and approving Johnson's course, mentioning letter of French engineer at Niagara, and " Doctor's " receipt for money, and considering Oswego garrison. Cadwallader Colden, best wishes for prosperity, and success in embassy to Canada. James J. Ross on business matters. Aug. 22 Quebec 26 Goshen Sept. 7 New York 8 Coldenghai 25 New York Oct. 12 London 14 Quebec 29 Samuel and William Baker on business. Anthony Van Schaick on needs of Indians imprisoned in Canada, and exchange of prisoners. John H. Lydius on business and news. 23:94 1:86 23:96 1:87 23:97 98 1:90 9* 23:99 1:92 22 NEW YORK STATE LIBRARY 1749 Oct. 29 [New York] Quebec 1750 Jan. 13 Dublin Feb. 19 24 Dublin Mar. 18 Albany Apr. 2 London 5 Newport IO Albany 24 New York 28 Oswego May 4 Germains Vitry to " Monsieur Jeanson, Orange," letter of thanks for kindness to his daughters. [24:33] [In French] 23:100 Le Chevalier de St Leger, at City Hall, referring to his printed account of his " hard situation/' and bespeaking Johnson's intercession. 101 Anthony Van Schaick, lamenting his condition as prisoner of war, and desiring efforts to procure his redemption. 103 Col. Johnson to Gov. Clinton, describing fears entertained by the Mohawks and seconding their request for a company of soldiers at each of their castles. 104 [Col. Johnson] to same, stating importance of having a capable agent, like Capt. Stephens [Stevens] or Lieut. Fisher, at Oswego. 105 John Johnson to [Col. Johnson], his brother, business affair of Sylvester Farrall, loss suffered by their father, transactions and generous acts of Sir Peter Warren, and reproaching for remissness in correspond ence. 82 Col. Johnson to Samuel and William Baker, London merchants, sending list of " trifles " desired works in history and natural philosophy, fiction, periodicals, music, pictures etc. [Stone's Johnson, 1:546] 107 Warren Johnson about Col. Johnson's desire for an inde pendent company, the latter's kindness, sentiment of friends at Smithstown, Johnson coat of arms, regi ment's orders. 108 John H. Lydius on boundary between British and French possessions; inclosing letter (i :93a) of February 9 by Thomas Hutchinson, at Boston, to Lydius on same subject. i :93 John Catherwood, announcing that Johnson's accounts have been allowed, but his commission not yet obtained, that he will have a place in colonial Council, and his Indian management will be considered by home govern ment. 23:111 William Cozzens, inclosing letters, etc. i :94 Samuel Cramer to [Col. Johnson], after a visit to Mount Johnson, recounting facetiously incidents of the return. 23:112 James J. Ross on personal affairs. i :95 Thomas Butler on business matters. 96 [Col. Johnson] to Gov. Clinton, representing the danger to the Fsv/e, Nations from threatened French .reprisals and emphasizing necessity of action for their defense. 23:113 SIR WILLIAM JOHNSON MANUSCRIPTS 1750 May 16 Mount Johnson 20 London 22 New York June 29 New York July 6 10 Oswego II Oswego 17 Oswego 17 Oswego Same, order for bacon in favor of Capt. Butler's negiro ; with entry [in Dutch] signed by Kasper Leip. 1:98 John Catherwood, acquainting Johnson of his appoint ment to provincial Council, and exhorting him to hold the Indians to their fidelity. 23:114 Gov. Clinton, on warning given in no. 113, legislation to authorize militia reviews, measures for protecting royal prerogative, condition of claims for reimbursement [1:86], and retention of officers on duty; with minutes of Council, in which Johnson is authorized to take measures for security of the Five Nations. 115 Gov. Clinton, giving instructions for exchange of pris oners and mentioning proclamation to stop a traffic in Indian children; with extract from Council Minutes of June 26, considering complaints of Governor of Canada and making complaints in turn. 116 Genevieve Lydius [in Canada?] to [Col. Johnson], send ing two French coverlets, mentioning A. Van Schaick and her husband [Col. Lydius?]. [In French] 117 Arent Stevens to [Col. Johnson] of a conference with sachems from Annodagah, in which they explain the visits of their people to the French, promising to oppose them, and express regret at learning so late of southern Indians' desire for peace. 118 Teady Magin, acknowledging receipt of goods, and men tioning packs sent. 119 Same, on business matters. I -.99 Thomas Butler on trading matters. Albert Van Slyke on pecuniary embarrassment. 100 101 17 Oswego 19 Thomas Cumming, thanks for hospitality and for knowl- Schenecktady ef jg e concerning the province. 23:120 23 Samuel and William Baker on prices of peltry. [Fragment] 1:102 Richard Miller, describing activity of opposition, and inviting Johnson to influence selections for the As sembly; Col. Schuyler, Peter Winne, Mr Collins, Mr Depester, Hans Hansa, Long John Cuyler and Suybrant Van Schoick mentioned in various relations. 23:121 Col. Johnson to farmers of Canajoharee, advising sup port of Philip Schuyler and Hance Hansen [for As sembly] in view of their pledges, but expressing some doubt of the fulfilment. 78 [London] 31 Albany NEW YORK STATE LIBRARY 1750 Aug. 5 New York 7 Oswego Sept. 7 Oswego New York 20 Oswego 24 New York Oct. 3 16 Mount Johnson Nov. 6 20 New York 29 Albany Dec. 19 New York 20 1751 Jan. 16 New York Thomas Armstrong, recommending George Armstrong for employment as clerk and storekeeper. Prof. Peter Kalm, acknowledging kind favors and prom ising some return. Capt. John Lindesay, congratulation on appointment to Council, and account of border incidents. J. Ayscough, conveying Governor's wish that Johnson will come down to swear to accounts laid before Assembly and inquiring about Mr Petrie's purpose as commissary. Capt. John Lindesay, desiring goods and the purchase of a negro woman, and mentioning death of Canossidego and Sadeganaughte, Onondaga chiefs, and the need of filling such vacancies with " true " Indians. Gov. Clinton, urging Johnson's presence in support of claims, exposing misstatement of treasurer, and ex pressing contempt for the Assembly. [Prof. Kalm], letter of courtesy, in which a matter of business is introduced. John B. Van Eps's receipt to William Johnson for 6, us. Col. Johnson to David Jones, speaker of General As sembly, letter to accompany a statement of disburse ments ; containing explanation of manner of dealing with Indians. Same, to Gov. Clinton about smiths sent to Onondagas and Senecas and expense attending his resignation. David Jones, informing of sum allowed by House for victualing Oswego garrison, and requiring to clear up charge of having paid Capt. Visher ^25 for certificate of provisions never sent. Richard Miller on business transactions. Memorandum of merchandise for Capt. Lewes. I. L, postscript about French and Indians. [Fragment] J. Ayscough, stating sum to be paid at once on Johnson's order, insufficiency of money in treasury to pay addi tional warrants now, and discussing conduct of Assembly. Col. Johnson to Gov. Clinton on failure of Assembly to repay him for maintaining and transporting French flag of truce parties, on Indian commissionership, French policy in Ohio country, Cajuga chief whom he has conciliated, right method in donations to Indians, and his pleasure in membership of his excellency's club. Gov. Clinton, inclosing bond to be executed in his favor for security of a debt. 23:122 123 1 1103 23:124 125 126 1:89 97 23:127 128 129 :i04 105 106 23:130 133 SIR WILLIAM JOHNSON MANUSCRIPTS 25 1751 Feb. 8 Conrad Weiser on visit of condolence to the Onondagas Philadelphia f or the death of Canasatego undertaken by order of Governor of Pennsylvania; coming treaty at Albany; and death of Col. [Thomas] Lee, president of the council of Virginia. 23:134 14 Warren Johnson, asking favor toward Matthew Ferrell, Waterford an d expressing desire for a commission and military service. 135 24 Col. Johnson to Gov. Clinton, explaining inability to pay debt [23:133] at once, and condemning act which im poses duty on goods sold between Albany and Oswego. 136 Mar. 20 Samuel Cramer to [Col. Johnson], begging assistance to New York obtain some specimen of Indian carving. 109 20 Gov. Clinton, discussing accounts, duty on goods sold be- New York tween Albany and Oswego, curtailment of Johnson's claims by Assembly, and embarrassment resulting from Johnson's withdrawal from Indian affairs. no 29 [Col. Johnson] to Gov. Clinton, discussing his personal Mount d e bt and public accounts and his resignation of Indian Johnson affairs, and introducing M. De Quaneay. 138 Apr. 2 [Col. Johnson] to Conrad Weiser, advice as to place of Mount condolence [23:134], with comments on present temper Johnson o f ${ x Nations, and praise of Col. Lee. 139 May 8 J. Ayscough, announcing the Governor's purpose to re- New York O pen question of reimbursement for provincial expenses and desire for Johnson's presence; also the granting of Johnson's petition for license to buy lands around Lake Canunda. 140 8 Arent Stevens, information as to ownership of land Schonectady [23:140] to be purchased, and advice regarding pro cedure. 141 8 Robert Sanders on desire of the Onagonques for a con- Albany ference, and Joh[anne]s Bradt's refusal to deliver up Indian boy except for a compensation. 142 14 Schuckburgh, news of death of Prince of Wales New York [Frederick Lewis], political and military gossip, desire for Indian secretaryship, and opinion that Johnson's interests require him to come to New York. 143 18 Gw. Banyar about license to purchase land, with descrip- New York tion o f requisite proceedings. 1:109 20 Capt. B. Stoddert, concerning trade and freight no Oswego 24 J. B. Van Eps on petty affairs. Hi Schenectady 29 Thomas Butler on dulness of the market for goods. 112 Oswego 26 NEW YORK STATE LIBRARY 1751 June 18 Le Chevalier de St Leger at City Hall, to [Col. John- New York son?], complaining of rigors of law and prison usage, and entreating to intercede with Governors about to meet in Albany. 23:144 June 30 Gov. Clinton to [Col. Johnson] about martens and squir- Gr[een]wich re l s . [Fragment] [Year doubtful] 1:1143 Sept. 2 John Colon, asking leave to pay note. 115 Oswego 2 Col. Johnson to Gov. Clinton, disavowing knowledge of matter alleged in a letter of Mr Ferrell, informing of French forces moving [in the west], and promising to attend Assembly in behalf of his claims. 23:145 John Shirl in Ireland to [Col. Johnson?], letter of friendship. 146 12 [Col. Johnson] to the Messrs Baker, London, on sending Mount beaver and bear skins and gentian root [ginseng?]. 147 Johnson 20 Gamaliel Smethurst [part] invoice of goods. 1:116 Manchester 21 Sergeant John Ackerman, stating grievances and asking Oswego aid in procuring discharge. 117 Oct. 8 [John Ayscough] of Governor's desire that Johnson will Flatbush be present to aid effort for reconsideration by Assembly of disallowed claims ; and that he will put in writing recollections of interview with Indians on Mr Barclay's land grant. [Mutilated] 23:148 13 Joseph Dwight on schools for Indian children instituted Stockbridge through patronage of Sir Peter Warren and others and Johnson's encouragement. 149 Nov. 13 Leonard Cozzens on Ferrol's departure for Halifax, hunt- Newport ing hounds. 150 23 Anonymous letter on character and record of Matthew Dublin Ferrall, supposed to be with Johnson. 24:30 Dec. 21 Jame Gimmel, intelligence, given by Indian, of French de- Burnetsfield s i gn to settle by Oneida lake. [In Dutch] 23:151 23 Martin Kellogg to Hendrick, inviting him and other Stockbridge chiefs to attend Boston conference, impressing im portance of English alliance and soliciting for the Indian schools. [23:92, 149] 152 31 William Corry to [Col. Johnson], promising covert Corrysbrook political aid; and open support, if necessary, on condi tion of protection against the opposition's resentment. 153 1752 Tan. 7 Account of communication from Onondaga sachem, re lating attempt of English to make peace between Cata- baws and northern Indians. [Signature lost] 156 21 John Seger about conference with Indians at Oneida Castle. i :I0 7 21 Capt. B. Stoddert, on the road to Oswego, asking the payment of 3, is to Thomas Butler. 23:154 SIR WILLIAM JOHNSON MANUSCRIPTS 27 1752 Jan. 29 Penelope Lindesay's affidavit that she is the widow of Albany John Lindesay, late lieutenant in Capt. Thomas Clarke's independent company of fuziliers, and has no other gov ernment allowance than that about to be granted, sworn to before Mayor Robert Sanders ; with certificate of minister, John Ogilvie, and wardens, Ed. Collins and Jatmes] Stevenson, St Peter's, Albany. 1:118 30 Arent Stevens on disputed votes depending on residence; Schonectady mentioning voter that "must be taken care of." 23:155 Feb. 2 Hendrick Frey on an election matter. 1:108 Canajoharee Mar. ii Col. Johnson to Dr Ascough, asking counsel for detec- Mount tion of frauds in reports of duties collected at Oswego, Johnson a nd in voting. Ii8a 15 William Printup to Col. [Johnson], sending names of Onondaga sachems who have signed a deed. 23:137 23 Arent Stevens, introducing Canawago Indians and asking Schonectady for them a view of perspectives. 1:119 To Lieut. William Helling [fragment, right hand half]. upa 24 Capt. B. Stoddert, account of observations by himself and Oswego Indians, near Cataraque, of scenes indicating murder and cannibalism. 23:157 Apr. i James Alexander, Jacob Vanthuysen and James J. Ross, New York asking William Johnson, John Henry Lydius and John Jacob Roasabone [Roseboom] to arbitrate a boundary dispute. 1:120 May 8 Gov. George Clinton : license to Teady Magin to pur- New York chase a tract of land (8000 acres) between the Canada creeks. 4 :2O3 June i William Peters about rum and sugar sent. I :i2l Schonoctady 3 John Ogilvie, acquainting Col. Johnson with arrival at Albany Ogilvie's house of four Catawbas, with Cayuga prisoner, sent to confer with Mohawks. 23:158 Aug. 4 Warren Johnson, sending intelligence of death of Sir London Peter Warren at Dublin July 29. 159 4 Col. Johnson to John George Libenrood, London, on Mount consigning ginseng and bearskins. 160 Johnson 15 Richard Miller about merchandise. 1:122 Albany 18 Thomas Benson to [Col. Johnson], before sailing for New York London ; desiring to obtain Indian dress, praising his entertainment at Mount Johnson, and telling of Mr Thomson's vengeance on an offending printer. 23:161 20 Col. Johnson to John George Libenrood, mentioning con- Mount signment of ginseng, and ordering goods ; also inclosing Johnson letter for Mr Shuckburgh, a London stationer, with order for Gentleman's Magazine, newspapers, etc. 162 28 NEW YORK STATE LIBRARY 1752 Sept. 16 Same to Gov. Clinton, expressing hope that the latter Mount w ill remain in the province, giving intelligence of Johnson French and Coghnawagee movement against Catabaws, mentioning requests of Indians, and inviting Governor's investment in a land purchase. Also letter to Dr Ascough, discussing land purchase and condemning transaction of [John] Depeyster and [Volkert P.] Dow as- a scheme of political revenge. 23:163 James Willson, on sending slave and sundry articles. 164 R. Shuckburgh, writing of Admiral Warren's death and session of Assembly, and asking for ginseng, with pur pose to introduce it into practice. 165 John Watts, informing of death of Admiral Warren. 166 Gov. Clinton, sending list of names submitted by Assembly for selection of an Indian commission, and craving advice. 167 Col. Johnson to William Baker, London, on goods for Indian market, ginseng and instruments for surveying. 168 Dedication of satirical comedy, St Helena in Distress, to Governor, Lieutenant Governor and Council of Con necticut; with prologue [anonymous]. 109 Col. Johnson to Goldsborrow Banyar, on sending 213 by Capt. Jacob Bentheusen proposing to enlist several persons, the Governor included, in a patent. 5 :I 9 Same to same about certain tracts of land one near the Susquehanna, one called the Stevens purchase, and one running along Scochary creek. 114 Gw. Banyar, discussing proposed exchange, between Gov. Clinton and Johnson, of a part of Stevens patent for Susquehanna land, recommending Mr Dies, and con sidering a risk in Susquehanna purchase. 117 R. Shuckburgh to Mr Pownall (copy), remarks on senti ments of Indians, as learned in conferences at Onondaga and Oswego, and need of a consistent policy in Indian affairs. [Doc. rel. to Col. Hist. N. Y. 6:805-6] 23:79 Gw. Banyar, concerning purchase of land of Gov. Clinton, i :i23 Same, concerning security for money advanced by him for Johnson in purchase of land of Gov. Clinton, also John son's proceedings at Onondaga, new rules to govern the taking up of lands and advisability of an early survey of Susquehanna tract. 5:i39 Dec. 5 Copy of obligation given by William Johnson to Golds- borrow Banyar to amount of 213. 1 1124 26 Albany Oct. 7 New York H Greenwych Nov. 5 Greenwich Dec. 24 Mount Johnson 1753 July 20 Albany Aug. 12 Sept. 7 New York [Oct. 30] Nov. 5 New York 17 New York SIR WILLIAM JOHNSON MANUSCRIPTS 1753 Dec. 5 1754 Jan. 10 Mount Johnson Mar. 19 Philadelphia Apr. 2 Col. Johnson to Gw. Banyar, inclosing note and acknowl edging favor. 1:125 May 9 New York June 6 June 19- July 1 1 July 23 New York 29 Mount Johnson Aug. 30 Mount Johnson Sept. 25 New York Oct. 2 New York 7 12 Mount Johnson Story of Stephen Coffin, for six or seven years a prisoner among the French and for a time in the French service : describing French movements and military preparations about Lake Erie and toward Belle River (Ohio). Sworn before Col. Johnson. 23:170 Gov. James Hamilton, informing of purpose of some people in Connecticut to seek an arrangement with the Six Nations for occupying certain lands in Pennsylvania, without the consent of that province or the sanction of their own. John Fitch and five others, committee of Connecticut government, explaining and justifying Susquehanna land scheme. Gw. Banyar on land transactions and military affairs. 171 172 i26 Col. Johnson's order to officers of 2d battalion on account of reported French advance. 23:174 Proceedings of congress of seven colonies at Albany on Indian affairs, with plan of union of n in one general government. [Not calendared in full; printed in Doc. Hist. N. Y. 2:545-617; Q, 2:317-60; also, except com missions, in Doc. rel. to Col. Hist. N. Y. 6:853-92; a portion of the minutes of 27 June in N. Y. Col. Mss, 78:i4S] 1:127 Extract from deed obtained by Connecticut people [23 : 171, 172] from Indians; giving Indian signers, consid eration, evidences, witnesses and boundaries. 23:172(2) Gw. Banyar, concerning Maj. Washington's defeat and affairs public and private. 1 1128 [Col. Johnson] to Gw. Banyar, replying on same subjects and criticizing Maj. Washington severely. 129 [Col. Johnson] to Capt. Jacobus Vanslyke, or the next commanding officer at Schenectady, orders for equipment and guard, in view of the French attack on Hosock. 23:175 Gw. Banyar on land grants, public defense and civil "appointments. I :i3O Same, concerning Albany civil appointments, land pur chases, etc. 131 Postscript to above on Maryland and Virginia affairs. I3ia Col. Johnson to Gw. Banyar, concerning Clock [George Klock?], who has gone to York with supposed fraudu lent designs. 132 NEW YORK STATE LIBRARY 1754 Nov. 6 Fort Frederick 30 New York Dec. 9 Boston II 17 Mount Johnson 18 New York 24 New York 27 1755 Jan. 21 27 27 New York Feb. 24 Boston Mar. 13 London 17 New York 28 London [Capt.l Hubert Marshall to Capt. John M. Roseboom, commanding Fort William, about truant drummer, and charges of delinquency. i:i33 Gw. Banyar on commissions of officers of Schenectady companies and Indian commissioners' claims. List of officers on back of letter. 134 Gov. William Shirley, sending letter from [John] Pow- nall; also communicating purpose of the crown minis ters to restore the Indian lands unjustly taken, sending a message to Chief Hendrick, asking advice in Indian matters, and mentioning his recent commendation of Johnson to members of home government. 23:176 Gw. Banyar, concerning Klock's proceedings and land matters, surveys, patent etc. I 11-35 [Col. Johnson] to Gov. Shirley on proper policy for securing good will of Six Nations. 136 Gw. Banyar on military news and affairs; also proposition of a colony from New England to Pennsylvania. 137 Same on military matters, including Braddock's appoint ment to command, and on Klock's patent transactions. 138 Col. Johnson to Gw. Banyar about Schenectady officers, land affairs (private), the Connecticut colony [23:171, 172 and i :i37] and territorial claims of the French king. 139 Same to same on defenseless state of the colony and Indian concerns. 141 Balance of account with David Quackenbush; memoran dum by Col. Johnson. I25a John Waldron's list of cannon and other ordnance stores in and near city of New York. 142 Gov. William Shirley to Lieut. Gov. James De Lancey, discussing movements against the French and proposing Col. William Johnson as commander of Crown Point expedition. 144 Dr Richard Shuckburgh on conference with Lord Halifax and his lordship's good opinion of Johnson. 145 [Col. Johnson] to Gov. Shirley, Gen. Braddock and Sir William Pepperel about expedition against Crown Point. [Extract in Doc. rel to Col. Hist. N. Y. 6 :946~47] 146 Gw. Banyar about conference with the Governor and [Thomas] Pownall, and begging acceptance of the chief command. 147 Dr Richard Shuckburgh on personal and public affairs. 148 SIR WILLIAM JOHNSON MANUSCRIPTS 1755 Apr. 14 15 Alexandria 16 16 New York 23 28 30 New York May I 3 New York 3 3 New York 7 Stratford, Conn. Minutes of council at Alexandria, Va., consisting of Gen. Braddock, Admiral Keppel and five governors. Woe. Hist. N. Y. 2:648-51; Q, 2:378-79] Extract from above mentioned minutes, recommending that Col. Johnson as Indian commissioner be intrusted with the distribution of 800 in presents to the Indian allies. [Col. Johnson] to Peter Wraxall, asking him to serve as secretary of Indian affairs. Gov. Shirley's instructions to Maj. Gen. Johnson. Johnson's commission as major general from Gov. Shirley. [Commission without names of signers found in N. Y. Col. Mss, 80:74 and printed in Doc. Hist. N. Y. 2:651-53; Q, 2:380-81] Draft of commission from Lieut. Gov. James De Lancey. [Doc. Hist. N. Y. 2:653-54; Q, 2:381] Gen. Johnson to George Croghan on securing aid of Scarooyady, or Half King. Same sheet contains esti mate of sundry expenses of Crown Point expedition. Record of vote by Massachusetts Bay representatives for payment of engineers. Estimate of train and ordnance stores for expedition. Jersey Assembly's estimate of expense for 500 men in expedition. [Gen. Johnson] to Gen. Shirley, provisions necessary to be made for Crown Point expedition; with estimate of expenses of officers and men. [Fragment] [Gen. Johnson] to Gov. Shirley about necessary vessel and forts. [Lieut. Gov.] James De Lancey, directing the building of two forts at the Mohawk castles. New York Assembly's resolutions on commander's pay. Gov. Robert H. Morris, of Pennsylvania, proposing, in order to defeat Connecticut scheme [23:171, 172], a sale to the Proprietors by the Six Nations of all lands within the crown grant to the Penns. [Gen. Johnson] to the several governors about artillery and bateaux. Gov. Shirley on officers' pay and other expenses of expedition. 149 7 Daniel Gaus, for Mohawk sachems, about Peter, the Canajoharee French Indian. Thomas Butler to [Gen. Johnson], mentioning move ments of French and Indians on Lake Ontario and reports about the Indians. 14 Oswego 152 153 154 156 157 159 155 3:8 i :i6o 161 162 23:179 1:163 164 165 166 NEW YORK STATE LIBRARY 1755 May 15 Hubert Marshall, giving orders and leave of absence to Fort I Lieut. Roseboom. Frederick 15 George Croghan, about Indian allies and personal losses. Fort Cumberland 16 [Gen. Johnson] to Gov. Shirley, conveying information obtained from M. Silvester and wife about immediate and also available strength of Crown Point. [Gen. Johnson's] record of examination of M. Silvestre [substantially the same as 1:169]. Mount Johnson 16 Mount Johnson 16 16 Mount Johnson 16 16 New York 17 Mount Johnson 18 19 19 20 New York 20 Mount Johnson 20 21 Mount Johnson 23 23 Portsmouth [Gen. Johnson's] memoranda for the several governors. Same to Gov. Shirley about personal expenses, officers' pay and Indian presents. [Gen. Johnson] to Lieut. Gov. De Lancey on same sub jects. Gw. Banyar, news of official proceedings. [Gen. Johnson] to Gen. Braddock concerning Six Na tions, etc. [Gen. Johnson] to same, Jean Silvestre's account of Canada forces. Same to Capt. Orme, aide-de-camp, on policy toward Six Nations. Gw. Banyar, about military preparations. Colden & Kelly, asking leave to send a young man with goods along with Crown Point expedition. Gen. Johnson to Gw. Banyar on public affairs. Instructions, articles 90-93, to Sir Charles Hardy relative to Five Nations and their confederates, especially in the matter of land grants and purchases. [Also in N. Y. Col. Mss, 81:91] Gen. Johnson to Oliver De Lancey, about troops sent to Oswego and need of funds for Indian presents. Same to Benjamin Stoddert, Thomas Butler and Jona than Stevens, tendering captains commissions for Indian commands. Gov. Wentworth, of New Hampshire, approving appoint ment of commander in chief and stating readiness of troops. Gw. Banyar to [Gen. Johnson] on London news, per sonal and public affairs. 1:167 168 169 23:182 i -.170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 3:30 1:180 181 182 183 SIR WILLIAM JOHNSON MANUSCRIPTS 1755 May 24 Boston 24 24 25 Boston 27 New York 28 28 New York 29 Oswego 29 Oswego 29 Albany 30 31 Boston 31 June i New York Mount Johnson [2?] New York 3 Albany 6 New York Gov. Shirley, pledging cooperation and influence. 1:184 Gw. Banyar, about military preparations. 185 Hints for commanding officer (per Mr Kennedy). 186 Gov. Shirley to Lieut. Gov. De Lancey on preventing intercourse of French Indians with Albany. 188 Gw. Banyar, expressing surprise at Gen. Johnson's failure to inform government of Indian matters. 189 Gw. Banyar, acknowledging letter and giving Council proceedings. 190 Oliver De Lancey, about sending money by Jacob Van Benthuysen. 191 John Bradstreet to Gov. Shirley, regarding route for troops via Oneida lake. [Extract] 192 Same to governors about French movements. [Copy] 193 [Gen. Johnson] to Gov. De Lancey, for artillery, quar termaster general and engineer. [Doc, Hist. N. Y. 2:654-55; Q, 2:382] 194 List of artillery stores at Fort Frederick. 195 Gov. Shirley's reasons for reinforcing the Niagara ex pedition with troops raised for Crown Point. 196 Hints adverse to that proposition. 197 Massachusetts Bay enactment on same. 198 Resolve of Governor and Assembly of Connecticut touching Susquahana settlement: justifying original title of colony to the land, defending purchase from Six Nations and appealing to public interest in behalf of settlement. 23:180 Gw. Banyar on preparations for the war etc. i:i99 [Gen. Johnson] to Gov. De Lancey for a law against selling rum to the Indians. [N. Y. Col. Mss, 81:7 and Doc. Hist. N. Y. 2:656-57; Q, 2:382-83] 200 Gen. Johnson to Mr. Banyar, replying to complaint of Governor and Council. i8pa Gw. Banyar, about application of May 29 [1:194], the success of the patent and a survey. 2OI Stephen Webster, reports as master boat builder. 202 Gw. Banyar, about engineer, Gov. Shirley, news from England, nonreceipt of letters, completion of the patent, French Indians at Albany, military affairs and telescope. 203 34 NEW YORK STATE LIBRARY 1755 June 6 [Gen. Johnson] to Gov. De Lancey about location of forts at Conhogoheny and Mohawk castles, gratification of Indians at proposal to fortify, anticipations of Indian conference, Capt. Mathews's arrival and lack of stores for his company. [N. Y. Col. Mss, 81:12 and Doc. Hist. N. Y. 2:657-58; Q, 2:383-84] 7 Golden & Kelly, invoice of powder, guns and other stores. New York 7 Lieut. Gov. De Lancey, about public proceedings, etc. New York 7 Massachusetts Bay allowance for pay of Indian officers and Maj. Gen. Johnson, and other expenses of Indian service. [Doc. Hist. N. Y. 2:667-68; Q, 2:389-90] Alexander Golden, about money advanced for fees. 8 New York 9 Albany [Gen. Johnson] to Golden & Kelly, New York, ordering supplies and trimmings. Gw. Banyar, on public and private affairs. 10 New York ii W. Alexander, as to obtaining consent of Indians to New York build storehouses between Mohawk river and Wood creek. Gw. Banyar, about commissions and artillery cariiages. ii New York II Mount Johnson 12 New York 12 Proclamation by Gen. Johnson, forbidding sale of spirit uous liquors to Indians going to and from the confer ence at Mount Johnson. Golden & Kelly, asking draft on Oliver De Lancey. [Gen. Johnson] to Thomas Pownal about Mr Kelly, the proposed Indian conference and preparations for Crown Point expedition. 13 Same to Lieut. Gov. De Lancey, about hostile Indians Mount lurking near Albany and measures for their capture, Jolmson also about proposed conference. 14 Benjamin Stoddert, announcing approach with friendly Harkermans Indians. 13 Capt. Will. Eyre, about troops and boats. Albany 14 Gw. Banyar, about telescopes, Assembly action respect- New York ing p aVj g un carriages, vessel from Bristol, etc. 14 Gen. Johnson to Gov. Wentworth about Gov. Shirley, New Hampshire troops, Capt Ayers [Eyre], etc. Mount Johnson 15 Mount Johnson [Gen. Johnson] to Mr Banyar about Gov. Wentworth and New Hampshire troops, throng of Indians coming to the conference, tardiness of governments concerned in Crown Point expedition and private business. 2:34 1:205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 22O 221 SIR WILLIAM JOHNSON MANUSCRIPTS 35 1755 June 15 Mount Johnson 15 Mount Johnson 15 New York 15 New York IS Boston 15 16, 18 New York 16 16 Mount Johnson 16 Albany 16 Mount Johnson 16 Mount Johnson 17 Albany 17 Portsmouth 18 York [Gen. Johnson] to Lieut. Gov. De Lancey about Cagna- waga Indians. [Doc. Hist. N. Y. 2:659; Q> 2:384] 1:222 Same to Capt. William Eyre about guns fit for use at Albany. 223 Gov. Glen, South Carolina, to the king of Catawbaws, warning of hostile designs on part of Six Nations. [Extract of speech, date uncertain] 204 Gw. Banyar, inclosing list of Massachusetts stores for Crown Point expedition, inquiring about gun carriages and giving substance of Massachusetts resolves appro priating funds. 2:1 J. Wheelwright's list of supplies provided by Massa chusetts committee of war for Crown Point expedition. [Other copies of same list are 2:19, 1:158 and 1:187, the last of which has also list of supplies furnished by New York] 17 Lieut. Gov. De Lancey, compliments and assurances. 2 Gov. Shirley, about march to Niagara, military stores, news from Gen. Braddock, Indian affairs, etc. 3 Duplicate of part of No. 3. 4 Gw. Banyar, about gun carriages. [N. Y. Col. Mss, 81 :30 and Doc. Hist. N. Y. 2:660-61; Q, 2:385-86] 5 Duplicate of part of No. 5. 6 Gen. Johnson to Oliver De Lancey, about remittances and the Indians approaching Mount Johnson. 7 Capt. William Eyre, expressing solicitude about Crown Point expedition. 8 Gen. Johnson to Lieut. Gov. De Lancey, about pursuit of Onogangeys, contract for building Mohawk castle forts and number of Indians obeying summons. [N. Y. Col. Mss, 81:28 and Doc. Hist. N. Y. 2:660; Q, 2:385] 9 [Gen. Johnson] to Gov. Shirley about New Hampshire troops, Capt. Ayers, a quartermaster general, certain provision for Indians, other needs of the expedition and provincial remissness. 10 Capt. William Eyre, inclosing letter from Gov. Shirley, with explanations as to alleged irregularity. n Gov. Wentworth, inclosing resolve of his government as to provision for commander of Crown Point expe dition; also treating of quota, movements of New Hampshire regiment and condition of the colonies. 12 Colden & Kelly, about shipments and purchases; complain that velvet and Indian corn are hard to obtain. 13 NEW YORK STATE LIBRARY 1755 June 19 Mount Johnson 19 Mount Johnson 19 Mount Johnson 19 Mount Johnson 19 19 Mount Johnson 20 Albany 20 New York 20 New York 21 21 Mount Johnson 21 Albany 21 Mount Johnson 21 Mount Johnson Gen. Johnson to Lieut. Gov. De Lancey about Gov. Shir ley's dispatches and Indian conference. [N. Y. Col. Mss, 81:34 and Doc. Hist. N. Y. 2:662; Q, 2:386] 2:14 [Gen. Johnson] to Gw. Banyar, about deficiencies in Boston list of supplies, the building of bateaux and gun carriages, allowances and Indian conference. 15 [Gen. Johnson] to Golden & Kelly about supplies re- . ceived and payments. 16 [Gen. Johnson] to Capt. Eyre, Albany, about Gov. Shir ley's diversion of troops from Crown Point to Niagara, his rebuke of Capt. Eyre [2:11] and the Indian con ference. 18 [Gen. Johnson] to Gov. Shirley, concerning efforts to secure Indian service, deficiencies in list of supplies, action of Massachusetts Legislature as to pay and equi page and relations with the Indians ; with list of things needed for expedition. [Doc. Hist. N. Y. 2:663-65; Q, 2:386-87 (Extract)] 24 [Gen. Johnson] to Lieut. Gov. De Lancey, inclosing copy of answer to Gov. Shirley [2 124] ; also announcing arrival of rest of Indians at the conference. 28 Ja. Stevenson about Gov. Shirley's movements, corre spondence, express messengers and transportation to New York. 20 Gw. Banyar, about books and telescope. 21 Arent Stevens to [Gen. Johnson], about arrears and in crease of salary, orders received, vermilion sent, route and treatment of Cayugas and Onondagas. 22 Gw. Banyar about general's pay, gun carriages and bateaux, ordnance, appointment of paymaster, etc. 23 Capt. William Eyre about expected arrival of Connecticut troops. 25 Gen. Johnson to Capt. Edmond Mathews or commander at Albany; orders prohibiting ill usuage of Cagnawaga Indians. 26 Capt. William Eyre, about grounds for encampment of troops, need of additional stores, suspicious traders from Canada, with more about Gov. Shirley's letter of cen sure. 27 [Gen. Johnson] to commanding officer of Sir William Pepperil's regiment, enjoining utmost caution lest any one should offend the Indians. 29 Same to David Vander Heyden, Albany, intrusting orders about Indians [26 and 29] and desiring that Cagna- wagas may be informed of the orders. 30 SIR WILLIAM JOHNSON MANUSCRIPTS 37 1755 June 21 Mount Johnson 22 Mount Johnson 24 New York 24 Albany 24 New York 24 New York 25 25 26 26 Mount Johnson 26 Albany 26 Mount Johnson 26 - Gen. Johnson to Indians, speech exhorting them to main tain covenant with the English, reminding of its past advantages and of injuries suffered from the French, acquainting them with action of southern Indians in joining Gen. Braddock, whose message to Six Nations he will soon deliver. Note of June 26 appended; re cording arrival of Cayouge and Chippewye delegations. [Doc. rel. to Col. Hist. N. Y. 6:964-89] 23:183, 184 Maj. Gen. Braddock to Gov. Shirley, concerning allow ance for supplying Indians with provisions and presents. [Extract] 2:32 [Gen. Johnson] to Capt. Eyre, Albany, concerning encamp ment grounds, need of . conciliating Cagnawagas, gun carriages and inspection of company returns. 33 [Gen. Johnson] to James Stevenson, Albany, authorizing him to press horses and men for carrying dispatches. 35 Lieut. Gov. De Lancey to Capt. Hubert Marshall, order to deliver brass mortar and shells to Maj. Gen. Johnson. 36 Capt. William Eyre, about fulfilment of instructions, en campment of New England troops, gun carriages and guns. 37 Gw. Banyar about conduct of Indian affairs, New England and Pennsylvania supplies, New York's provision, Lieut. Gov. De Lancey's commission and instructions, anti-rum law, policy toward certain Indians, military movements, etc. 38 Same, conveying absolute orders for building gun car riages at Albany; also information as to bateaux and ammunition, and suggestions as to strength of Johnson's command. 39 Vote of Massachusetts Bay province, making appropria tion in behalf of the Six Nations. 44 Duplicate of 2:44. 23:186 Vote of Massachusetts Bay province providing for rein forcement of Crown Point forces. 2:45 [Gen. Johnson] to Gov. Hopkins, Rhode Island, con gratulations a"nd statements respecting military and Indian affairs. 40 Capt. William Eyre, as to arrival and encampment of Rhode Island and Connecticut troops and information brought by a man from Canada. 41 [Gen. Johnson] to Capt. Eyre, Albany, expressing thanks, approval and views about encampment of troops and need of strict discipline. 42 Account of stores per sloop Stamford, consigned to Moses Emerson, Albany. 43 NEW YORK STATIC LIHRARY 1755 June 27 Albany 27 Mount Johnson 27 Mount Johnson 28 Mount Johnson 30 Mount Johnson 30 Albany July I New York 4 New York 4 New York Capt. William Eyre, replying to 42 and adding remarks about encampment, discipline, arrangements, etc. 2:46 [Gen. Johnson] to Lieut. Gov. De Lancey about Gov. Glen's letter to Six Nations, the Indian conference in progress, labor and damage incident to it, reinforcement for Gov. Shirley, gun carriages and bateaux and testi mony of John Hart. IN. Y. Col. Mss, 81 144, inclosure 81:45, and Doc. Hist. N. 7,2:665-67; Q, 2:388-89] 47 [Gen. Johnson] to Gen. Braddock, mentioning information given by John Hart and a warrior sachem from beyond Lake Ontario, the great conference, the posture of military affairs and commending Capt. Eyre. 48 Gen. Johnson's general orders for forces encamped at Albany. 49 [Gen. Johnson] to Lieut. Col. Ellison, explaining absence from Albany, stating favorable action of the nine nations in conference and giving orders for proper treatment of Indians (at Albany). 50 Capt. William Eyre, about building bateaux and gun carriages, delivery of orders to Lieut. Col. Cole and Col. Cockcroft, arrival of Commissary Pitcher, Maj. Gen. Lyman and Boston forces and insufficiency of Connecti cut boats. 51 Gw. Banyar, about delay of Assembly's action on quota of expenses, state of the gun carriages and bateaux, proposals for pay of artillery officers, gunners, patent for people of German Flats and Mr Dies's favors. 52 Invoice of ordnance carriages and stores shipped by John Dies by order of Lieut. Gov. De Lancey per sloop Christina, directed to Philip Schuyler and John De Peyster, Albany, subject to order of Maj. Gen. John son; receipted by Tobias C. Ten Eyk, master. 53 Similar invoice shipped per sloop Schongtade, Isaac Swits, master. 54 John Dies, inclosing above named invoices, noting for wardness of additional supplies and announcing English success in Bay of Fundy. 55 Gw. Banyar to [Gen. Johnson], announcing Gov. Shirley's arrival, capture of French fort, Beausejour, disposal made of the prisoners, the naval success, authority to draw on Gov. Shirley for deficiencies in supplies and offering congratulations on result of Indian conference. 56 Note of secretary of Indian affairs at the conference, about attempt of Col. Lydius to persuade Indians to go to Niagara, and Gen. Johnson's prohibition of such efforts. Woe. rci. to Col. Hist. N. Y. 6:986-87] 31 SIR WILLIAM JOHNSON MANUSCRIPTS 39 1755 July 5 New York 6 Portsmouth 7 New York 7 Philadelphia 8 New York 8 Albany 9 9 New York 9 New York 10 Albany 10 II II Albany 12 12 II Gw. Banyar, describing a measure which he will propose, mentioning the victories over the French, gun carriages, powder, telescope, Assembly's action and personal opinion on diverting troops from Crown Point to Niagara, passage of supply bill, use to be made of funds and news from Gen. Braddock. 2:57 Same to [Gen. Johnson], about commissioning officers and health of the army, with inquiries and suggestions as to sundry supply matters. 58 Gov. Wentworth, about movements of New Hampshire regiment under Col. Blanchard. 59 John Watts, stating pecuniary supplies voted by colonies and alluding to Admiral Boscawen's fleet. 60 Letter to [Gen. Johnson?] containing extract from letter of June 17 by Admiral Boscawen, off Cape Breton, mentioning accessions to French forces in " these parts " and his capture of the Alcide and the Lys. 23:187 Gw. Banyar, discussing Indian arms and a gunner ; giving description of Crown Point obtained from Indian trader, etc. 188 [Gen. Johnson] to Maj. Gen. Lyman, inviting him and the colonels in camp to his house. 2:61 Same to Moses Emerson, commissary general for Massa chusetts Bay, order to issue more provisions to carpen ters. 62 John De Peyster, New York commissary, to [Gen. John son], return of stores at Albany. 62% Colden & Kelly, bill of supplies. 97 Colden & Kelly, account current from September 21, 1753. 99 [Gen. Johnson], to Lieut. Gov. De Lancey, about recent good news, Gov. Shirley's near approach and the suc cessful issue of the Indian conference at Mount John son. 63 Moses Emerson, invoice of stores belonging to the Massa chusetts Bay. 64 Elihu Lyman, account of Connecticut commissary and other stores. 65 Chris. Champlin's memorandum of Rhode Island pro visions and military stores. 66 Capt. Rutherford, Camp on Laurel hill, to his wife; extract announcing Gen. Braddock's defeat and the cas ualties among British officers. 67 Edward Gray, captain of Rhode Island regiment guard, and Mathew Huntington, captain of Connecticut regi ment guard, to Col. Goodrich, officer of the day; re ports. 68 NEW YORK STATE LIBRARY 1755 July 12 Albany 13 Albany 14 14 New York 14 Albany 15 New York 15 New York 15 Albany 15 Albany 16 16 17 Albany 17 17 Albany 17 Albany [Gen. Johnson] to Capt. Broadstreet [John Bradstreet],' Oswego, inclosing order on Mr Mills for goods and making mention of Indian assurances. 2:69 Col. William Cockcroft, report of the camp guards. 70 George Gardner, Rhode Island camp, Ebenezer Billing, Connecticut camp, officers of guards, and John Pitkin, officer of the day, report to Maj. Gen. Johnson. 71 Surgeon William Hunter's list of sick in two companies of Rhode Island regiment. 73 Lieut. Gov. James De Lancey, introducing Capt. Patrick Boyle as candidate for gunner. 74 Peter Wraxall, aide-de-camp, to colonels of regiments, ordering rolls and weekly returns in specified form. 75 Gw. Banyar, recommending the bearer, Capt. Boyle, to gether with Edward Collard, and recounting recent news from Halifax. 76 Edward Collard and Gw. Banyar's agreement about pay of the first and length of service. 77 Gen. Johnson to Maj. Gen. Shirley, inclosing engineer's report of amount of powder necessary for Crown Point expedition and asking that deficiency in colonial supply may be repaired. 78 [Gen. Johnson] to Maj. Gen. Shirley, on correction of record of Mount Johnson conference [2:31] touching Niagara expedition. . 80 Capt. William Trent, at mouth of Conicocheg, to Gov. Morris,. Shippensburgh, Pa., repeating news of Brad- dock's defeat. 81 Memorandum of effective men in several regiments. 82 [Gen. Johnson] to Maj. Gen. Shirley, excusing delay in answering communications from his Excellency. 83 John H. Lydius's memorandum of transaction at Mount Johnson between Indians and himself; also Joseph Kel- logg's statement of transactions in which he was con cerned. 84 Memorandum of Lydius's and John Fisher's doings at the . Mohawks' castle, in presence of Capt. Ferrall and others. 8$ Isaac Staats's declaration relating to engaging Stockbridge Indians to go to Niagara. 86 Gen. Johnson to Maj. Gen. Shirley, about procuring Indians. 87 Same to Maj. Gen. Lyman, instructions regarding strength of command, review, construction of magazines, opening road, council of war, discipline, Indian scouts. 88 SIR WILLIAM JOHNSON MANUSCRIPTS 41 1755 July 17 Same to Col. Titcomb, or the commanding officer in Albany camp, about examination for gunners by Capt. Eyre, change of encampment and observance of camp duty. 2:89 17 John Dies, bill of charges to province of New York for New York ordnance carriages and stores shipped to Albany, care of Messrs Schuyler and De Peyster. 90 17 Golden & Kelly, bill of supplies. 96 New York 17 Maj. Gen. Shirley, criticizing secretary for Indian affairs Albany regarding note in record of Mount Johnson conference [2:31,80], complaining that Johnson should have ex punged note, indicating limitations of Johnson's com mission, asking an Indian escort, returns of suite and officers of Indians, also information about presents to western Indians, and promising to give commissions recommended by Johnson. IOO 18 John Dies, about stores just forwarded, gunners, bravery New York o f Capt. Boyle and advances of money. IOI 18 Richard Peters to Lieut. Gov. De Lancey, with news Philadelphia o f Gen. Braddock's defeat. IO2 19 James Kinneer, aide-de-camp, for returns of commissions Albany o f Indian officers, on behalf of Maj. Gen. Shirley. 103 19 Maj. Gen. Shirley, as to inducing Mohawks and other Albany Indians of Five Nations to prevent the passage of French Indian spies. 104 Lieut. Col. Ellison to Maj. Gen. Shirley; extract on same Schenectady subject as 104. 10$ 19 Gw. Banyar, about Braddock's defeat and its effects, the New York Niagara expedition and military supplies. 106 - 19 Richard Peters to Lieut. Gov. De Lancey, with more Philadelphia recent and more favorable news of the Braddock disaster. 107 19 Gw. Banyar to [Gen. Johnson], about caution to Brazier, Braddock's defeat, Niagara and Crown Point expedi tions, French fleet at Louisburgh, etc. 108 Peter Wraxall to [Gen. Johnson], mentioning gout and arrangement with Mr De Peyster for Indian supplies, discussing draft of answer to Gen. Shirley's censorious letter [2:100?] and counseling social reserve for the present. IOQ 19 Oliver De Lancey's account against Maj. Gen. Johnson. 91 20 Gen. Johnson to Maj. Gen. Shirley, about garrisons for Indian castles and means of supporting them. Ill 20 Maj. Gen. Shirley, answering letter of same date [2:111]. no Albany 20 Charles Read to Gov. Belcher, giving what purported to Burlington be favorable advices from Gen. Braddock. 112 NEW YORK STATE LIBRARY 1755 July 21 21 21 Albany 21 22 New York 22 22 New York 22 22 Albany 22 23 23 25 26 26 Gw. Banyar, about Gen. Braddock's defeat, mortar and shells ordered, regret concerning Niagara, Mr Dies's account and the payment of it. 2:113 [Gen. Johnson] to the Lords of Trade, on Indian affairs. [Badly mutilated and obliterated] [Doc. Hist. N. Y. 2:671-74; Q, 2:391-93 and Doc. rel. to Col. Hist. N. Y. 6:961-63] 114 Ja. Stevenson about sending letters. 115 Account of supplies lent to Mr Wraxall by John De Peyster [2:109]. II ^ Golden & Kelly, bill of supplies. 93 Joseph Greswold's bill of supplies furnished to Mr Gol den [Golden?]. 95 John Dies, mentioning shipment of mortars and shells and giving modified news of Braddock's defeat, personal speculations and warning against assassination by French Indians. 117 Gen. Johnson to Myndert Wemp, as smith for Senecas and Cayugas, instructions as to work, sending and receiving intelligence, interception of French spies and pay for services. 118 Maj. Gen. Shirley, summons in haste, on account of dispatches from Virginia. 119 Gw. Banyar, repeating more favorable news from Brad- dock and his army and discoursing about shipment of mortars etc. 120 Same, inclosing copy of Charles Read's letter to Gov. Belcher. 121 Dr Middleton's report of disabilities in New York regi ment. 122 Gw. Banyar, confirming Gen. Braddock's defeat, inclosing copy of Capt. Rutherford's letter [2:67], ; with reflec tions, counsel and encouragement. 123 Maj. Gen. Shirley to Abram Mortier, deputy paymaster at Boston, warrant for ^3000 in favor of Maj. Gen. Johnson. 124 [Gen. Johnson] to John Watts, inclosing Gov. Shirley's warrant on Mr Mortier, deputy paymaster at Boston, for 3000; with facts and comments about movements of forces, Braddock, provision for contingent charges and pressure of duties. 79 Col. Christo. Harris's weekly returns of Rhode Island regiment. 72 Col. Moses Titcomb's weekly return of his regiment. 125 SIR WILLIAM JOHNSON MANUSCRIPTS 43 1755 July 26 Col. William Cockcroft, camp at the Flatts, weekly return to [Gen. Johnson] of six New York companies; also Lieut. Col. Nathan Whiting's weekly report of Col. Elizur Goodrich's regiment. 26 Gw. Banyar, discussing causes of Braddock's defeat and advising a style of warfare after French and Indian fashion, with remarks on Niagara and Crown Point expeditions, etc. 26 Maj. Gen. Shirley to [Gen. Johnson], instructions to be Schenectady observed in case of retreat from Crown Point. 26 Colonels Moses Titcomb and Ephraim Williams, com plaint about commissary arrangements at Albany. 26 Arent Stevens, concerning Col. Lydius's and Mr Alex- Schonectady ander's efforts to enlist Indians. 27 [Gen. Johnson] to Maj. Gen. Lyman, giving caution Albany against surprise on the march, directions about Indians, punishment of offenses and immorality in camp, report about Braddock and time when next division will follow. Also an order to Col. Elizur Goodrich to move to the Flatts. 27 /vrent Stevens to [Gen. Johnson], about Gen. Shirley's Schonectady agents with the Indians. 28 Gen. Johnson's general orders, concerning absentees, Albany allowance of rum, license to sell liquor, inspection returns, field officers of the day, readiness for march ing orders and adjutant service. Peter Wraxall to [Gen. Johnson], on successful efforts to procure money and pocket pistols. [Date uncertain] 29 Capt. Matthew Ferrall, concerning Col. Lydius's be- Mount havior at the Mohawk castle. Johnson 29 [Gen. Johnson] to Maj. Gen. Shirley, inclosing extract from Capt. Rutherford's letter to his, Rutherford's, wife and discussing Indian matters at issue. [Gen. Johnson] to Capt. Eyre, orders to get artillery ready. John De Peyster's account of provisions drawn from New York stores. Gw. Banyar, more about Braddock's defeat, the Niagara and Crown Point expeditions, Pennsylvania's action, the fleet. [Gen. Johnson] to Lieut. Gov. De Lancey, excusing fail ure to write letters and send proceedings of Mount Johnson Indian conference, denouncing Gov. Shirley's mischievous Indian measures, considering policy sug gested by Braddock's disaster, the calling of a grand council of colonies, the virtues needed, invoking Divine aid and expressing hope of retaining Indian allies. 2:126 127 128 129 130 Albany 29 Albany 29 Albany 30 New York 30 Albany 132 133 23 :200 2:134 135 136 94 137 138 44 NEW YORK STATE LIBRARY 1755 July 30 Albany 31 Albany 31 Albany 31 Aug. i Albany Albany New York Albany I Albany 2 Albany New York Commissary Richard Smith 8 s list of military stores. 2:92 [Gen. Johnson] to Col. William Cockcroft, about Capt. Maginnis [William McGinn-is] and an offender. . 139 Same to Thomas Pownell, on Gov. Shirley's course with the Indians. 140 [Gen. Johnson] to Schuyler and De Peyster, order for commissary and paymaster and supplies for New York regiment. 193 [Gen. Johnson] to Capt. Robert Orme, on provincial allowances for Indians, Shirley's behavior and move ments of Johnson's command. 141 Same to Mayor Hansen, Albany, about preventing sale of rum to Indians. 142 Cornelius Cuyler's calculation of distance from Albany to Crown Point. [Doc. Hist. N. Y. 4:287; Q, 4:185] 143 Gw. Banyar, giving his sentiment as to the Six Nations, and the views of the Council touching disposition of forces. 144 Peter Wraxall to Col. Cockcroft, authorizing a detail of 25 men to guard workmen gathering wheat. 145 Gen. Johnson's orders and instructions for Col. Moses Titcomb, commanding 2d division of provincial forces, under marching orders. 146 [Gen. Johnson] to Gov. Wentworth, informing of non- arrival of New Hampshire troops and blaming Legis lature. 149 Same to Capt. Webster, superintendent of carpenters, and to Richard Smith, commissary of artillery, in structions to obey Capt. Eyre's orders. 150 Lieut. Gov. De Lancey, answering No. 138, regretting Gov. Shirley's interference with Indian affairs and Gen. Braddock's defeat and death and giving counsel and encouragement. 151 Col. Moses Titcomb's division returns at the Flatts. 152 Gen. Johnson to Col. Moses Titcomb, ordering detail of men for bateaux. 153 Maj. Eben'r Nichols, report as field officer of the day. I53a [Gen. Johnson] to Moses Emerson, commissary general for Massachusetts, order to furnish bags for powder. 154 Gw. Banyar, about panic, Governors "De Lancey and Shir ley, losses at Fort Duquesne, the importance of early operations against Crown Point, Council proceedings, etc. 155 Arent Stevens's account current of supplies furnished. 156 Gw. Banyar, urging attention to transportation matters, and the employment of carpenters, smiths and men knowing road. 157 SIR WILLIAM JOHNSON MANUSCRIPTS 45 1755 Aug. 6 6 New York 6 6 8 Albany 14 Portsmouth 15 Great Carry ing Place 15 Great Carry ing Place 15 15 New York 16 Great Carry ing Place 16 Great Carry ing Place 17 18 Same about Gov. Dinwiddie's dispatch, action of Pennsyl vania, ambuscades, Gov. Shirley's opposition and Mr Pownall's friendliness. 2:158 [Gen. Johnson] to John Watts, about money, Gov. Shir ley's doings, the intended march, breakage of gun car riage, etc. 159 Gw. Banyar, inclosing Assembly resolution to raise re inforcements, and intimating like action by Connecticut and Massachusetts. [N. Y. Col. Mss, 81:104 and Doc. Hist. N. Y. 2:676; Q, 2:394] 160 Richard Smith's list of stores sent to camp August 2 and of those remaining in Albany August 6. 161 Sundry accounts of bateaux delivered at Albany on ac count of Gen. Johnson. 98 Gen. Johnson to Lieut. Gov. De Lancey, censuring Gen. Shirley, denouncing scandalous conduct of Shirley's agents among the Indians and announcing that he will march on the morrow. 23:189 Jan Van Buren, Jacob van der Heyden, Peter Schuyler, Matthyas Vanderheyden and other freeholders north of Albany, petition that troops may be left for their pro tection till harvests are secured. 199 Gov. Wentworth, expressing surprise and regret at failure of New Hampshire troops to arrive. 2:162 [Gen. Johnson] to the several governors, inclosing minutes of council of war and urging speedy reinforcement. Woe. Hist. N. Y. 2:678-80; Q, 2:395-96] 164 [Gen. Johnson] to Hansen and Cuyler, commissaries, about supplies withheld from Col. Blanchard's New Hampshire regiment. 166 Minutes of council of war, held at Great Carrying Place, on subject of reinforcements. [N. Y. Col. Mss, 81 :n8 and Doc. Hist. N. Y. 2:680-81; Q, 2:396] 167 Gw. Banyar, about Col. Dunbar's forces, Council pro ceedings, disposition of troops, and erection of forts in Crown Point expedition, fast day, condition of Louis- burgh, Mr Pownall's opinion of Gov. Shirley's transac tions, etc. 168 Col. Timothy Ruggles, report as field officer of the day. 169 Gen. Johnson to Col. Joseph Blanchard, about procuring supplies and transportation. 170 Gw. Banyar, about change of Col. Dunbar's orders, re inforcements and pitch and oakum. 171 Minutes of council of war at the Great Carrying Place, providing for advance force under Gen. Lyman to cut road to South Bay and for erection of forts. 172 NEW YORK STATE LIBRARY 1755 Aug. 18 Surgeon Peter Middleton's list of sick in New York regiment. 2:173 18 Gen. Johnson to Col. Blanchard, orders to guard supply train. I 73 a 19 Benjamin Bancroft and Benjamin Wells's returns of Fort Connecticut commissary stores at Great Carrying Place. 163 Nicholson 19 John Dies, about shipment of oakum and pitch, with New York scheme for landing troops in face of enemy. 174 19 [Surgeon] William Hunter's list of sick and wounded in Col. Christopher Harris's regiment. I74a 20 Proceedings and sentence of general court martial on Lieut. Noble of Col. Pomroy's company, Col. Williams's regiment, for exciting mutinous disposition in soldiers. 175 20 [Gen. Johnson] to Gov. Hopkins, Rhode Island, per- Great Carry- milling Col. Harris, the bearer, to be absent on business ing Place and to state details to his Honor. 176 Same to Col. Moses Titcqmb and other officers named; warrant for holding general court martial. 177 21 Lieut. Col. Jonathan Bagley, officer of the day at Great Carrying Place camp, report to commanding general. 178 22 Gen. Johnson to Col. Blanchard, inclosing order on com missaries at Albany, for stores for his New Hampshire regiment and requiring him to convoy provisions to the camp. 179 22 Same to Moses Emerson, Lyman, Schuyler and other commissaries, order in favor of Col. Blanchard. 180 22 Wolter Groesbeck and Gysbert Oosterhoudt's list of wagoners deserting from Great Carrying Place camp. 181 22 Gen. Johnson to Sybrant Van Schaik about prosecution Great Carry- o f same. 148 ing Place 22 Proceedings of council of war held at Great Carrying Place camp, continuing two days, determining that ex pedition should proceed with utmost dispatch and re- * quiring reinforcements, clothing and bedding. [In part in Doc. rel. to Col. Hist. N. Y. 6:1000-2] 182 23 Peter Thomson, Great Carrying Place camp, return of prisoners under his charge. 183 23 Gw. Banyar, about the conduct of the expedition, device New York for landing troops, orders to Col. Dunbar for second attempt on Fort Duquesne, Gov. Shirley, allowance of Connecticut troops, armorer for expedition, care of health, news, reinforcements. 184 24 [Gen. Johnson] to the several governors, inclosing Great Carry- minutes of council of war, enforcing its conclusions and ing Place announcing immediate purposes. 185 SIR WILLIAM JOHNSON MANUSCRIPTS 47 1755 Aug. 24 Col. Edward Cole, report as field officer at Great Carry ing Place. 2:186 Jehosaphat Starr to Col. Cole, officer of the day, report of quarter guard in Col. Goodrich's regiment. 187 24 Geo. Gardner's report as officer of guard of Col. Harris's Rhode Island regiment. l87a 24 [Gen. Johnson's] order on Albany commissaries in favor of Indians. 188 25 [Gen. Johnson] to Thomas Pownall, about vexations from Great Carry- Ind ; ans, Gen. Shirley and desire to be fairly judged in ing Place England. 189 26 [Gen. Johnson's] instructions to Maj. Gen. Lyman, Great Carrying Place. 190 Capt. Eyre's list of artillery stores for second division. 191 29 Gen. Johnson to Maj. Gen. Lyman, about arrival, building Lake George fort, sending artillery and pioneers, care of wagons, desertion of wagoners. 192 Gw. Banyar to [Gen. Johnson], confidential note about discussions in Council. 147 B. Stoddert, description of Fort St Frederick (Crown Point). 194 Sept. i [Gen. Johnson] to Gen. Shirley, mentioning impaired Lake George health, work of defense at Great Carrying Place, (erased portion concerning Cagnawagas, council of war, etc.) march hither, fort in progress, advices from Gen. Lyman at Great Carrying Place, loss of two men, reinforcements from Connecticut, and Indians from Canada. 195 2 Robert Orme to [Gen. Johnson], about the expedition, Philadelphia Gen. Shirley, papers in hands of Col. Dunbar, copies of papers to be taken to England, means of properly repre- sentmg Johnson's services to English ministers, one Mr Shaw, etc. 197 3 Col. Timothy Ruggles, appointment of regimental court Lake George martial. 198 Daniel Claus's information as to efforts of Shirley's agents, Lydius and Fisher, to prevent Indians from joining Johnson, and action of Hendrick and others to defeat their influence. 3:17 3 [Gen. Johnson] to the Lords of Trade concerning Lake George messages to Cagnawagas urging neutrality, gross be havior of Gov. Shirley's agents among the Indians, Shir ley's pretext, writer's unwillingness to be charged with Indian affairs unless independent of colonial governors and progress of the Crown Point expedition. [Doc. Hist. N. Y. 2:684-89; Q, 2:309-401 and Doc. rel. to Col. Hist. N. Y. 6:993-97] 2:199 48 NEW YORK STATE LIBRARY 1755 Sept. 4 [Gen. Johnson] to Lieut. Gov. De Lancey about arrival, Lake George building of fort, defenses at Great Carrying Place, dis affection of troops about pay and work, inferiority of officers with few exceptions, imprisonment for selling rum to Indians, want of wagons, number of Indian allies, scouting parties and renaming of lake. 2:200 4 Same to Thomas Pownall, inclosing communication to Lake George Lords of Trade [199], and enlarging on Gen. Shirley's enmity, want of wagons, low morale of the expedition, patriotism of Albanians, newspaper misrepresentations, liberty of the press, publication of facts 'in Franklin's paper, Indian speech. 201 4 Gw. Banyar, about express, arrival of Sir Charles Hardy, lack of news, etc. 202 List containing names of places, Quebec etc., with unex plained column of figures. 202a 5 Proceedings of council of war respecting number of Lake George officers and men requisite to garrison the fort at Great Carrying Place, also forbidden sale of rum to Indians. 203 6 Gen. Johnson to Col. Blanchard, about disposition to be Lake George made of his regiment, now on duty at Great Carrying Place. 204 7 Proceedings of council of war : decision to build a fort Lake George here ; intelligence from Indian scouts through Mohawk sachem, Hendrick, indicating an attack at Great Carry ing Place; preparation for same. 205-7 Indians' draft of the French encampment. 208 9, 10 [Gen. Johnson] to the several governors, report of battle Lake George of the 8th, in which the several actions are described, forces and losses estimated, capture of Gen. Dieskau and death of [Legardeur de] St Pierre, also deaths of Colonels Williams and Titcomb, Captains Farrell, Stod- dert, Stephens and Magin [McGinnis] -and other officers, and Chief Hendrick mentioned. [Doc. Hist. N. Y. 2:691-95; Q, 2:402-5 (from London Mag. 24) and Gentleman's Mag. 25:518] 23:190 9? Examination of French prisoners taken in attack on Johnson at Lake George. 2 :209 9 Minutes of council of war, dispatches ordered to the Lake George several governments concerned, and better posture of defense for the present army. 211 Gen. Johnson to Capt. Peter Wraxall, instructions for mission to several governors, to convey papers (list given) and seek opinions. 196 10 George Croghan, Cumberland co., Pa., about Indian affairs in that region. 212 SIR WILLIAM JOHNSON MANUSCRIPTS 49 1755 Sept. 12 Maj. Gen. Shirley, about late correspondence, disappoint- Oswego ments, pressure of business incident to chief command, reinforcements, instructions to Col. Dunbar, Crown Point expedition, probable strength of the French, Indian affairs, and asking copy of instructions and com mission given by Gen. Braddock. 2:213 12 Hubert Marshall, offering congratulations on rumored Albany victory. 214 13 Gw. Banyar to [Gen. Johnson], mentioning report of the victory, official party about to visit Albany, and Gov ernor's good opinion of Johnson. 23:191 14 Col. William Cockcroft, about wagon guard, departure Great Carry- of John Thompson (Mohawk), allowance of rum, va- ing Place cancies in regiment, prisoners in charge. 2:215 14 Minutes of council of war, on reinforcing garrison at Lake George Great Carrying Place, and building more than a merely picketed fort at this camp. 216 Copy in part of same. 23:185 15 [Gen. Johnson] to the mayor and magistrates of Albany, Lake George warrant for impressing wagons and horses in Albany and other counties, also instructions regarding French prisoners. 2:217 Outer leaf of Gen. Johnson's letter to mayor and magis trates of Albany with warrant for impressing wagons etc. ; also, on other side of leaf, a fragment in French, about Baron de Diersau [Dieskau] and de Barnier, aide-de-camp. 210 15 Same to Col. Cockcroft, about vacancies in regiment Lake George [2:215], allowance of rum, care of French prisoners in cluding Baron Dieskau, and their removal to New York, wagons, stores, etc. 218 16 Same to Capt. Marshall, about custody of Baron de Lake George Dieskau and his aide-de-camp and their security against impertinent curiosity. 219 1 6 [Gen. Johnson] to Dr Middleton, instructions relative to Lake George care of Baron Dieskau. 220 Account of strength of French army copied from paper of the French general. [In French] 221 1 6 [Gen. Johnson] to Sir Charles Hardy, Governor of New Lake George York, about general letter to governors, particulars of recent engagement, Baron Dieskau's account of his plans prior to the battle, Indians' return home, wagons and provisions, forts and boats, prospect of pushing on, French prisoners and papers. [Doc. rel. to Col. Hist. N. Y. 6:1013-15] 222 1 6 [Gen. Johnson] to Col. Cockcroft, sent by Maj. Fitch, Lake George about suitable conveyance of Baron Dieskau, instruc tions to his guard, etc. 223 5O NEW YORK STATE LIBRARY 1755 Sept. 16 Minutes of council of war, in answer to message from Lake George Gen. Lyman proposing change of encampment, council action (adverse), and a penciled map, probably of the two sites. 2:224 17 Gen. Johnson to Lieut. Gov. Phipps, supplementing letter Lake George o f loth inst. [23:190] and revising statements respect ing strength of French; also considering vacancies, the wounded, number and spirit of the troops, etc. 225 18 [Gen. Johnson] to Robert Orme, replying to 197, dis- Lake George cussing Indian sentiment, and Indian trade, prospects of Crown Point expedition, forts erected, and mentioning curiosities, Evans's map of America, Mr Wraxall, Mr Shaw, correspondence. 226 18 Minutes of council of war on expediency of changing Lake George encampment. 227 19 Maj. Eleazer Fitch, mentioning arrival, departure of Great Carry- French general (Dieskau) for Albany, immorality in ing Place camp, orders depriving the sick of their clothing, and desire of New England companies to be separated from rest of regiment. 228 19 Maj. Gen. Shirley, administering reproof for neglect to Oswego transmit direct account of engagements of September 8, estimating defensive strength of the enemy and devis ing operations against Teronderoge and Crown Point. 229 19 Capt. Stephen Webster, report concerning carpenters for Lake George building scows. 230 20 Col. Cockcroft, about French prisoners, wagoners, etc. 231 Fort Lyman 21 Gen. Johnson to Col. Cockcroft, replying to No. 231, Lake George also giving name, Fort Edward, approving discharge of superfluous laborers and urging completion of the fort. 232 21 Same to commissaries, directing them to send supplies on Lake George horseback. 233 21 Same to commanders of Massachusetts and Connecticut Lake George reinforcements, directing them to remain at Albany. 233a 21 Oliver De Lancey to [Gen. Johnson], congratulations on Albany victory of September 8 and on slightness of wound ; also mention of Sir Charles Hardy. 234 2'i Gw. Banyar, congratulating on recent success and slight- Albany ness of wound, naming Sir Charles Hardy's suite, re peating conversation with Mr Pownall, and alluding to Col. Dunbar's movements and disposition. 235 21 Minutes of council of war, in which transfer of troops Lake George from Great Carrying Place, together with the action directed in Nos. 233, 2333, is recommended. 236 SIR WILLIAM JOHNSON MANUSCRIPTS 5! 1755 Sept.22,24 [Gen. Johnson] to [Maj. Gen. Shirley] about engagement Lake George o f September 8, capture and wounding of French gen eral, lack of zeal in the army, other obstacles to prog ress of expedition, the Indians' departure, trade between Albany and Canada; receipt of letters of September 12, reinforcements, strength of French, Gen. Brad- dock's commission and instructions, Sir Charles Hardy's arrival at Albany, inconsistency of council of war, spies to Crown Point ancTITcleserter to the enemy. 2:237 22 Minutes of council of war, in which- a speedy advance to Lake George Crown Point and the bringing of ordnance stores from Albany and " the Half Moon " are advised. 238 23 Gen. Johnson to Gov. Hardy, replying to his letter of the Lake George 2 ist [not in this collection] excusing neglect to send papers on account of danger of interception, soliciting a visit from his Excellency, which he would himself pay but for his wound, and asking for musket balls. 239 23 [Gen. Johnson] to Col. Cockcroft, giving intelligence Lake George from scouts and instructing him to send scouts toward South Bay and Wood Creek. 240 23 [Gen. Johnson] -to Col. Cockcroft, notifying him that Lake George Col. Ruggles will relieve him and his command, and summoning him hither with first convoy of wagons ; also giving orders for the care of bateaux and a de tachment to escort Sir Charles Hardy in case of his coming from Albany. 241 23 [Gen. Johnson] to commanding officers of provincial Lake George regiments in camp, orders to supply New Hampshire troops with provisions. 3:1 23 Gw. Banyar to [Gen. Johnson], informing him of disin- Albany clination of Mohawks to return, citizens' subscriptions for soldiers' refreshments, presence of Connecticut troops, condition of roads, recommending ovens and forts and announcing arrival of Doctors Shuckburgh and Ayscough. 2 23,24 Return of men fit for duty; on back, names of n New Lake George England men permitted to go home on account of sick ness. 23:192 24 [Gen. Johnson] to Lords of Trade on recent victory and Lake George capture of Gen. Dieskau, Indians' return to their home, suppression of trade between Albany and Canada, oppo sition of Dutch traders, interests of Cagnawagas. [Doc. Hist. N. Y. 2 1698-700 ; Q, 2 1407-8 and Doc. rel. to Col Hist. N. Y. 6:1009-10] 3:3 NEW YORK STATE LIBRARY 24 24 Lake George 24 Oswego 24,25 Albany 1755 Sept. 24 Capt. Robert Rodgers to Col. Joseph Blanchard, journal of New Hampshire scouts sent to reconnoiter Crown Point ; also Col. . Joseph Blanchard, Lake George, to Gen. Johnson, communicating the above journal. [Doc. Hist. N. Y. 4:259-60; Q, 4:169] 3:4 Duplicate of No. 4. 5 [Gen. Johnson] to Col. Timothy Ruggles, instructions to relieve Col. Cockcroft at Fort Edward, to prosecute the work to completion, maintain discipline and watch and furnish escort for Gov. Hardy. 6 Gen. Shirley, acknowledging receipt of letters, etc., re viewing Capt. Ayre's statements regarding fortifica tions, recommending " the other end of the carrying place " as the site of the strongest work and an ad vance against Tironderogue and expressing his hope to proceed on his own expedition in three days. 9 Gw. Banyar to [Gen. Johnson] about mission of Ogil- vie and Vanschaick to Mohawks and other tribes, with message to them from Governor, reported wavering of Caghnewages, lukewarmness of five upper nations, re inforcements, Capt. King's death, desirability of a colonel's commission, advices from London. 7 Gov. Hardy, soliciting advices by letter or trusty mes senger, explaining mission of Ogilvie and [Van Schaick] to Mohawks [3:7], regretting Johnson's orders to Col. Dyer [2:2333.], asking in what respect the Governor's presence at camp is desirable, mention ing supplies and the wounds of Gen. Johnson and Baron Deskieu. 10 Gen. Shirley, suggesting that, if Johnson's wound disable him for advancing against Tenonderoge, Gen. Lyman or Col. Ruggles command the earliest practicable ad vance. II [Gen. Johnson] to Gov. Hardy, informing him that coun cil of war advise that cannon be brought from Albany, and proposition about ovens is not favored by officers and acknowledging provision for hospitals. 12 26 Same to Col. Timothy Ruggles, Fort Edward, calling for Lake George returns of boats and troops, apprising of tracks of enemy near Wood Creek and South Bay, and giving caution against surprise. 13 Hugh Wallace to [Gen. Johnson] announcing Queens county's donation of 1000 sheep for army and Phila delphia's bounty, warning against needless exposure and mentioning Col. Dunbar's march to Albany from Philadelphia. 14 25 Albany 25 Oswego 26 Lake George 26 New York SIR WILLIAM JOHNSON MANUSCRIPTS 53 1755 Sept. 26 William Williams to [Gen. Johnson], offers congratula- Oneyda's tions, deplores death of Colonels Titcomb and Williams Carrying a nd solicits commission for a son in Williams's regi- Place ment, if worthy. 3:15 26 General Court of Massachusetts Bay, report acknowledg ing bravery and success of the army, calling for advices direct and for sending French general and other pris oners to Boston instead of New York. 16 27 Oliver De Lancey and Cornelis Cuyler, notification of Albany stores forwarded. 18 27 Proceedings of council of war as to supplies for Col. Lake George Blandhard's New Hampshire regiment, one Henry Cooke's assertion that expedition is held back by its general and a slanderous accusation of Capt. Eyre. 19 27 Col. Bagley's propositions regarding further progress, sick and wounded, reinforcements and fortification. ipa 28 Gen. Johnson to Gov. Hardy, reporting action of council Lake George o f war as to reinforcements and mentioning continued absence of Indians and number of men fit for duty, with indorsed minute about Capt. Eyre's plan of forts and Col. Bagley's description of picketed fort. 20 [Gen. Johnson] to Lieut. Col. Thomas Gilbert, instruc tions to proceed to Albany and forward supplies, im pressing wagons if necessary, also to arrest deserters. 21 28 Peter Wraxall's record of general's orders to surgeons Lake George i n army to report number of sick and wounded, most prevalent disorder and probable cause and remedy. 22 29 Capt. Robert Rodgers to Col. Joseph Blanchard, journal Lake George o f New Hampshire scout of five men sent to recon- noiter French camp at Toronduroque ; also Col. Blan chard to Gen. Johnson, communicating the above. Woe. Hist. N. Y. 4:260-61; Q, 4:170] 23 29 Duplicate of No. 23. 24 29 Gw. Banyar to [Gen. Johnson], advising Johnson to ac- Albany quaint Gov. Hardy with his personal needs and sacri fices, and to address Lord Halifax ; also mentioning the anxiety of Gov. Hardy, the importance of forts and the question of proceeding toward Crown Point. 25 29 Proceedings in council of war as to sick and wounded, Lake George f O rt building, soldiers' complaints, necessary supplies. 26 29 Capt. William Eyre, reporting ordnance supply insuffi- Lake George cient for investment of Crown Point, if received ac counts of French defenses be reliable. 23:193 29 [Gen. Johnson] to Capt. Eyre, desiring report [23:193] Lake George as to adequacy of the available ordnance for continu ing expedition. Guard report of September 26 by Col. Seth Pomeroy on the back. 154 54 NEW YORK STATE LIBRARY 1755 Sept. 30 [Gen. Johnson] to Gov. Hardy, introducing Mr Wraxall, Lake George aide-de-camp, as bearer of dispatches and confidential intelligence. .. 30 Same to Col. Timothy Ruggles, Fort Edward, calling for Lake George spades and shovels and authorizing to detain Massa chusetts or other troops, as needed. 30 [Gen. Johnson] to Gen. Shirley, inclosing army reports Lake George (\{ s \_ given), and advising of appointment of Mr Beamsly Glazier as adjutant general, Mr Wraxall's mission to Albany and Boston and recent incidents. CV.mcil to Gov. Hardy, report in favor of sending cannon for Crown Point expedition, building a better fort at Lake George and securing post at South Bay. Capt. Robert Orme to [Gen. Johnson], congratulations on victory and London address. Gov. Hardy to [Gen. Johnson], inclosing Council report [3'-3 I ] J instructions and recommendations about forts, Mr Ogilvie's report concerning the Mohawks and notice of a commission to [Sam]uel Bayard. Gw. Banyar to [Gen. Johnson], about cannon, boats, wagons, stores, reinforcements and public interest in the expedition; news. Same, report of quarrels among officers, particularly Gen. Lyman and Capt. Eyre. Peter Wraxall to [Gen. Johnson], relating conference with Gov. Hardy, Lieut. Gov. [De Lancey] and others ; criticisms, queries, desire for council of war, warm discussion of matters connected with expedition. [Gen. Johnson] to Gov. Hardy, tracing progress of de fenses at Lake George and Fort Edward, declaring the building of a fort at South Bay not practicable and explaining Mr Wraxall's mission to his Excellency. 3 Adjutant Philip Richardson to [Gen. Johnson], report Lake George about mounting guard. Oct. i Albany New York 2 Albany 2 Albany 3 Albany Lake George 4 Albany 5 Albany ^5 Jamaica, L. I. Albany Capt. Wraxall to [Gen. Johnson], saying that Gov. Hardy is averse to sending Wraxall to the several governors, as proposed, and reviewing reasons. [Unfinished] Gov. Hardy, opposing Mr Wraxall's mission to the governors and advising certain defensive measures. Jacob Ogden to Peter Wraxall, at or near Crown Point, proposing that an acknowledgment of Queens county donation of sheep be made to encourage public be nevolence. Gw. Banyar, mentioning arrival in New York of Sir John Sinclair, Capt Orme, Lieut. Miller and Mr Ogil- vie, coming of Col. Dunbar and offering comfort and counsel. 3:27 28 2C> 31 35 34- 35 37 38 40 41 43 SIR WILLIAM JOHNSON MANUSCRIPTS 55 1755 Oct. 6 [Gen. Johnson] to Gov. Wentworth, commending Col. Lake George Blanchard and his regiment on their return to New Hampshire, explaining retention of Col. Syms and Capt. Roggers, with their consent, and mentioning dis patches sent by Capt. Wraxall for the governors. 3:44 7 [Gen. Johnson] to Gov. Hardy, regarding road repair, Lake George forwarding of cannon from Albany, French deserter, available strength of force, scouts, indolence and in subordination of the soldiers, progress of forts and letter of late Capt. [William] McGinnis. 45 7 Peter Wraxall, aide-de-camp, to Capt. John Taplin, of Lake George Col. Bagley's regiment, order to repair roads. 47 7 Same to Capt. Rodgers, orders for scouting party, dis- Lake George patched toward the Carrying Place and Teonderogue. 48 7 Gen. Johnson to commissaries, order for broadaxes. 49 Lake George 7 Peter Wraxall, aide-de-camp, to commanding officers of Lake George Connecticut reinforcements, order to repair road from Albany to Seraghtoga with all possible dispatch. 50 7 Same to Col. Timothy Ruggles, order to repair road from Lake George F O rt Edward to Seraghtoga, also directions concerning request for leave of absence and soldiers pretending to be discharged. 5 1 7 Stephen Webster, report on carpenters and flat-bottomed Lake George boats. 52 7 Gw. Banyar to [Gen. Johnson], about a French deserter Albany from Tionderoga, advantage of taking fort at Tionde- roga, impeachment of Rogers's reports, spirit of officers and men. 54 8 [Peter Wraxall] to [Gov. Hardy], announcing illness of Lake George Gen. Johnson, conveying thanks for polite attentions, describing the character of Johnson and the acquies cence of the general in the Governor's views. 55 Philip Lord, report of scout. [Doc. Hist. N. Y. 4:262; Lake George Q ? 4:170] 121 9 John Pownall, secretary of Lords of Trade, acknowledg- London m g letters and papers, also eminent services as Super intendent of Indian Affairs, admitting necessity of ex amining into certain land patents as well as the im portance of a general plan for Indian affairs and in closing copy of instructions given to present governor of New York. [Doc. Hist. N. Y. 2:700-2; Q, 2:408-9 and Doc. rel. to Col. Hist. N. Y. 6:1017-18] 56 9 Chaplain Solomon Page, request for furlough to visit Lake George s i c k family. 6l 56 NEW YORK STATE LIBRARY 1755 Oct. 9 Gw. Banyar to [Gen. Johnson], informing him that Col. [Albany] Dunbar is on the way from Philadelphia, that Gov. Hardy will probably visit Gen. Johnson, and that Gen. Shirley has interfered with Gov. Hardy's department, also commending Col. Gridley and Capt. Bayard. 3:62 9 Gen. Johnson to Maj. Gen. Lyman, list of papers and Lake George subjects to be submitted to council of war. 63 9 Opinions of council of war: advance on Ticonderogo mi- Lake George practicable; workmen should not leave forts to build boats; all wagons needed for supplies; thanks due to Massachusetts for favorable mention of army and to New York city and Queens county for donations. 64 10 Gen. Johnson to Moses Emerson and other commissaries, Lake George Albany, order for axes. 66 10 Proceedings of regimental court martial at trial of Lake George William Caleb and Thomas Sear j ants, acquitting former and finding latter not deserving of punishment. 67 Memorandum of Lieut. Sawyer's desertion. 68 10 Gen. Johnson to Gov. Wentworth, mentioning illness, Lake George return of Wraxall and advices to be sent through Gov. Phipps. 69 10 [Gen. Johnson] to Gov. Hardy, sending minutes of coun- Lake George c ii o f war and protesting against Gen. Shirley's order to Capt. Wraxall, to repair to Oswego. 70 10 Same to Maj. Gen. Shirley, on condition of affairs in Lake George Johnson's department. 71 10 [Gen. Johnson] to Gov. Phipps, condemning popular Lake George government in military matters, disavowing ambition and punctiliousness and stating condition of the army. 72 10 Same to David Jones and Thomas Cornel, Queens county, Lake George inclosing extract from minutes of council of war re specting Queens county donation and expressing pious gratitude. [Doc. Hist. N. Y. 2:702-3; Q, 2:409-10] 73 10 Same to Messrs Robinson and Wallace, New York, Lake George acknowledgments and thanks for well timed donation from New York to the army. 73a 11 Moses Emerson, statement of rum, axes and provisions Albany forwarded by Samuel Gardineer. 74 ii Pteter] W[raxall], aide-de-camp, to Maj. John Hazelton, Lake George a t or near Albany, orders to oversee the wagon train of the army. 75 II, 15 Minutes of court of inquiry, investigation of alleged Lake George mutinous conduct of Capt. Esekial Peirce and finding of guilt. 76 ii Proceedings of council of war, with regard to state of Lake George the army, proper course to adopt and dismissal of in valids. 77 SIR WILLIAM JOHNSON MANUSCRIPTS 57 1755 Oct. ii Philip John Schuyler to Peter Wraxall, aide-de-camp, Lake George evidence given at court martial against William Caleb, accused of sleeping at his post. 3:60 ii [Gen. Johnson] to Thomas Hutchinson, about sending Lake George French general's order of battle to Lieut. Gov. De Lancey, general letter to governors, rank of Massa chusetts in the expedition, impossibility of making elab orate reports to the governors, apprehended disappoint ment of the provinces and his own sense of rectitude. 78 11 Christopher Champlin, report of camp guards. 79 Lake George 12 Gw. Banyar to [Gen. Johnson], on soldiers' demand to Albany be paid for working, effects of popular liberty, delay in work and prospects of the expedition. 80 12 Report of officers of the guard and day. 81 12 John Linscom's report as captain of artillery guard. 82 Lake George 12 Capt. Robart Rodgers, report of scouting party. [Doc. Hist. N. Y. 4:262-63; Q, 4:171] 46 12 Ensign Timothy Putnam to Capt. Rodgers, report as spy Lake George along the lake [George]. [Doc. Hist. N. Y. 4:266; Q, 4:i73] 57 12 Capt. Israel Putnam to Capt. Rodgers, report as spy sent to Tycondarogue. [Doc. Hist. N. Y. 4 :264-^6s ; Q, 4 1172] 58 12 Capt. Hunt to Capt. Rodgers, report of scouting party sent to Ticonderoga. . [Doc. Hist. N. Y. 4:265; Q, 4:172-73] 59 13 [Gen. Johnson] to Gov. Hardy about late council of war, Lake George messengers to Connecticut and Massachusetts, substance of letters to those governments, information by spies, bravery and honesty of Capt. Rodgers, need of tools to complete forts and of boats during wet season, need of holding reinforcements at Albany, want of provis ions, and continued illness. [Letter evidently com pleted by Wraxall] 83 13 John Taplin's report of scouts. [Doc. Hist. N. Y. 4:266; Lake George Q, 4:173] 65 13 Henry Babcock's report of scouts for west side of Lake George. [Doc. Hist. N. Y. 4:266; Q, 4:173] 84 13 [Gen. Johnson] to Gov. Fitch, of Connecticut, acknowl- Lake George edging congratulatory letter, mentioning condition of wound and disorder in head, Lieut. Col. Pitkin as mes senger to the Connecticut government, council of war minutes and other papers, army returns, information about enemy, from Capt. Rodgers and other spies, French deserter, application of officers for council of war with minutes of same, submitting future opera tions to the several governments and commending Mr Wraxall's services. 85 58 NEW YORK STATE LIBRARY 1755 Oct. 13 [Gen. Johnson] to Lieut. Gov. Phipps, about some matters Lake George discussed in No. 85, also excellent character of Col. Ruggles and officers in the same command, and request ing him to transmit papers to New Hampshire and Rhode Island governments. 3:86 13 Gen. Shirley, acknowledging letters and administering re- Oswego proofs in regard to dispatches and management of the expedition. 87 13 Reports of officers of guard and day. 88 Lake George 14 William Symes, report as captain of scouts, detailing en- Lake George gagement and loss. [Wrongly dated 22d] [Doc. Hist. N. 7.4:267-68; Q,4:i74] 89 14 Jelles Fonda, as captain of scouts, to [Gen. Johnson], Lake George reporting defection of men in danger. [Doc. Hist. N. Y. 4:267-68; Q, 4:174] 90 William Symes, report of scouts [sent in by messenger]. [Doc. Hist. N. Y. 4:267; Q, 4:173] 91 14 Leaf with indorsement : " Capt. Syms' report sent off by express." 92 14 P. Wraxall, aide-de-camp, to regimental commissaries, orders to supply Capt. Samuel Bayard and five men with provisions and rum by weekly rotation in follow ing order, New York, Rhode Island, Massachusetts, Connecticut. 93 14 [Gen. Johnson's] orders to commanding officers of pro vincial reinforcements to march to Albany, or to remain there (as the case may be), on account of shortness of provisions in camp; and directions for convoy of provision train. 94 14 Minutes of council of war, touching scarcity of provis- Lake George ions, measures to be adopted with reference to rein forcements, and plunder taken at engagement on September 8. 95 14 Pteter] W[raxall], aide-de-camp, to Col. Ruggles, in structions about Massachusetts reinforcements at Fort Edward, forwarding and care of provisions, permission to go to Boston, dispatches, etc. 96 14 [Gen. Johnson] to commanding officer at Fort Edward, Lake George orders about road repairs, garrison, Massachusetts re inforcements, weekly returns of garrison, Blanchard the French deserter and other deserters. 97 Petition of officers of the late Col. Williams's regiment, soliciting the appointment of Col. Pomeroy to fill the vacancy, and the filling of other vacancies, as far as practicable, from the regiment; indorsed with list of vacancies. 98 SIR WILLIAM JOHNSON MANUSCRIPTS 59 1755 Oct. 14 Col. Eliphalet Dyer's return of " wantage " of ammuni- Lake George tion in his regiment. 3:99 Account of deficiency of arms and ammunition in Col. Elihu Chauncey's regiment. 100 14 Col. William Cockcroft, petition in behalf of regiment, Lake George that justice may be done in reference to plunder taken in engagement of September 8. 101 16 Minutes of Council, respecting supply of bread for the Albany army. 102 1 6 Pteter] W[raxall], aide-de-camp, to Lieut. Col. Gilbert, Lake George orders about officers in command and vacancies in regi ment. 103 16 Testimony of Honorie Blanchard, a deserter from the French, as to force of French in late engagement and present strength and defenses. 104 17 Capt. (Engineer) William Eyre, plan and directions for completing Fort Edward. 106 18 Minutes of council of war with action on granting leave Lake George of absence to commissioned officers and completing flat- bottomed boats. 105 18 Gen. Johnson to Maj. Gen. Lyman, requesting him to Lake George preside at council of war and submitting questions of aggressive campaign, return of a part of the army to Albany and the granting of leave of absence to officers. 107 18 Pteter] W[raxall], aide-de-camp, to Moses Emerson and Lake George other commissaries at Albany, receipt for axes and order for augers. 108 18 Same to Lieut. Col. Gilbert at Fort Edward, acknowl- Lake George edging receipt of letter, giving orders about French deserters and mentioning commissions filled and sent herewith. lo8a 1 8 Gen. Johnson to Capt. Samuel Howe, order to repair Lake George rO ad near Fort Edward. 109 18 Sybrant G. Van Schaick to [Gen. Johnson], about cannon Albany a nd s hot to be sent to camp. HO 18 Surgeon Thomas Williams about Col. Pomeroy's indis- Lake George position. Ill 18 Proceedings of court of inquiry near Lake George, on conduct of officers sent as scouts. '. 112 1 8 Gw. Banyar to [Gen. Johnson], suggestions and specula- Albany tions about compaign. 113 18 Aaron Hitchcock to Col. Nichols, officer of the day, report Lake George o f guard at head of Gen. Lyman's regiment. 114 19,20 Return of the troops at Lake George. 23:195 Lake George 20 Gen. Johnson to Capt. Doolittle, orders to reconnoiter Lake George nea r Carrying Place and Tionderogo. 3:115 6O NEW YORK STATE LIBRARY 1755 Oct. 20 Minutes of council of war, at which letters from Gov. Lake George Hardy, Gov. Fitch, Col. Oliver Partridge and Col. Peter Gilman were submitted and a report thereon was prepared, returning reasons why the advance on Crown Point can not be made this season. . 3:116 20 [Gen. Johnson] to Gov. Fitch, concerning proceedings of Lake George late council of war, information by deserters and scouts, amount of provisions in camp, infamous character of Ezekiel Pcirce and insubordination of army, arising in part from its " democratical fabric." 117 21 Benjamin Green to [name not given], extract concerning Halifax detection of French scheme of capturing the town and putting inhabitants and troops to death. 118 Pelatiah Bliss and Amos Putnam, certificate of Col. Seth Pomeroy's continued illness and need of removal from camp. up 21 Gw. Banyar, about testimony of four French deserters, Albany employment of Indians against French settlements, en campment of regulars, Col. Ellison's illness, etc. 120 22 Capt. Robert Rodgers, report of scout to Crown Point George] an d Tianarago; signed also by Jonathan Buterfeild [Lake and Israel Putnam. [Doc. Hist. N. Y. 4:260-70; Q, 4:175] 122 22 [Gen. Johnson] to Oliver Partridge on proceedings of Lake George council of war, dispatches, want of provisions. 123 22 Same to Sybrant G. Van Schaik, [Albany], about trans- Lake George portation of shot from "the Half Moon." " 125 22 Same to Col. Peter Gilman, [Albany], orders for New Lake George Hampshire reinforcements at Albany. I25a 22 Same to Gen. Shirley, about intelligence gained by spies Lake George anc i French deserters, actions of councils of war and returns of army in camp. 126 22 [Gen. Johnson] to Gov. Fitch, about dispatches, obstacles Lake George to the expedition, justice to Connecticut troops, site of fort at Lake George. 127 22 [Gen. Johnson] to Gov. Hardy, mentioning French de- Lake George serters, disobedience of orders by officers in charge of them, number of men fit for duty and at work on the fort, disobedience of orders in regard to it, Gen. Lyman's opposition to the fort, houses for reinforce ments, memory of Capt. McGinnis, his successor, Capt. Morris's account of Indians, Dr Ascough's attendance on wounded Indians, intelligence by deserters and scouts, action of council of war, garrisons of regulars, Baron Dieskau's letters, mortality in camp, return of pain in head. 128 SIR WILLIAM JOHNSON MANUSCRIPTS 6 1 1755 Oct. 22 [Gen. Johnson] to Gov. Phipps, about Col. Richard Lake George Gridley's arrival and good character, information by deserters and scouts, council of war minutes, sickness, bad roads, etc. 3:129 23 Pelatiah Bliss and Timothy Warner's certificate of Lieut. Lake George James Tracy's sickness, with Gen. Lyman's permit to go home. I2a 23 James Brown, announcing a present of 12 cattle from his Bridge parishioners, and declaring a warm interest in the suc- Hampton, cess o f the expedition. 130 L. I. 24 [Gen. Johnson] to Gov. Hardy on building ferry boat at Lake George Seraghtoga, Col. Gridley's commanding at Fort Edward and repairing road, arrival of Mr Butler with a few Mohocks, homesickness of troops and Indians, proposed scalping expeditions into Canada, promotion of Mr Richardson, etc. 131 24 Thomas Gilbert's receipt for cannon. 132 Fort Edward 24 [Gen. Johnson] to Gov. Charles Lawrence, with thanks Lake George for honorable mention, statement of present obstacles to progress in the expedition, forts in process of erec tion, healing of wound, recent sickness, Capt. Wraxall's regards to Admiral Boscawen. 134 24 Thomas Gilbert to captain of guard, order to take into Fort Edward custody Abraham Loucket. I34a 25 Surgeon Thomas Williams, certificate of sickness of Lake George Corporal Ebenezer Moulton, Oliver Cole and Sergeant Hill. 136 26 Proceedings of regimental court martial for trial of Abraham Loucket. I34& 26 Capt. Doolittle, report of scouts to Crown Point and Tiondarogo. Also a list of names on back without explanation. [Doc. Hist. N. Y. 4:270-71; Q, 4:175-76] 133 27 Stephen Miller's report as field officer of the day. 135 Lake George Jelles Fonda and Philip Lansing; return of bateaux. 137 27 Minutes of court of inquiry, convicting Lieut. Asa Noble, Lake George charged with mutiny and plunder. 138 27 Gw. Banyar to [Gen. Johnson], accusing council of war Albany an d army of disinclination to go forward, Rogers and other scouts of falsehood, urging completion of forts to secure what has been gained, belittling Gen. Lyman's opinion and giving news. 139 27 Duplicate of No. 138. 140 27 Minutes of court of inquiry, investigation and acquittal Fort Edwar 1 m case of Joseph Gilbert, accused of discharging his gun, thereby killing and wounding several persons. 141 62 NEW YORK STATE LIBRARY 1755 Oct. 27 Nathan Dwight, asking that Stephen Davis may return Lake George home on account of destitution of family. 3:142 Amos Putnam and John Calef s certificate of sickness of Lieut. Ephm Hail [Hale]. I42a 27 Report of Massachusetts Bay in favor of prosecuting the Crown Point expedition with resolution and dispatch. 143 28 Joseph Park, William Throop, and Thomas Paine to Southold, Generals Johnson and Lyman, expressing prayerful L. I. interest in the expedition, and announcing donation of sheep, cheese and clothing from their parishioners. 144 28 Peter Wraxall, aide-de-camp, to Moses Emerson and Lake George other commissaries at Albany, order for nails. 145 28 Minutes of court of inquiry in relation to disorderly con- Lake George duct of Dr Peter Middleton. 146 28 Col. Ichd. Plaisted's report of arms and ammunition in Lake George regiment. 147 28 Col. Nathan Whiting, report of ammunition in regiment. 148 Lake George 28 [Capt. ?] Thomas Gage's report of ammunition in Col. Lake George Willard's regiment. I4<> 29 [Gen. Johnson] to Capt. Rodgers, orders for scouting. 150 Lake George- 29 James Reed, report of scouts. [Doc. Hist. N. Y. 4:271; Q, 4:176] 15' Dr Peter Middleton, asking leave to defend himself in Lake George writing or to be heard by a new and impartial court. 167 30 Minutes of council of war as to propriety of an attack Lake George on Tionderogo and dismissal of the New Hampshire reinforcements. 152 30 Gen. Johnson to Col. [Richard] Gridley, Fort Edward, Lake George about Joseph Gilbert's trial, Lieut. Col. Gilbert's list of officers to be commissioned, bread, furloughs, com pletion of fort. 154 Peter Middleton, asking copy of the proceedings of court of inquiry. 176 Peter Middleton, protesting against finding of late court of inquiry, and asking that he may be heard by a more impartial one. 161 31 Josiah Stanley, asking a furlough of 25 days. 153 Fort Edward 31 [Gen. Johnson] orders to commanding officers at Albany, Lake George to furnish guard for Lieut. Gov. Pownall, of New Jersey, as far as Fort Edward. 155 31 [Gen. Johnson] to Capt. Angel, orders about reconnoiter- Lake George ing near Carrying Place. 156 31 [Gen. Johnson] to Col. Gridley, Fort Edward, about Lake George forwarding trowels and hammers, sale of arms of French deserters for their benefit and guard for Lieut. Gov. Pownall from Fort Edward. 157 SIR WILLIAM JOHNSON MANUSCRIPJS 63 1755 Oct. 31 Same, orders to commander of Massachusetts reinforce- Lake George merits at Albany to expedite movement of wagons at Seraghtoga. 3:158 31 Gov. Fitch, about resolve of Assembly for discharging New Haven troops. 159 31 Gen. Johnson to Gov. Hardy, sending minutes of council Lake George o f war and report of scouts, presenting objections of council to an attack on the advanced encampment near Ticonderoga and to ordering any troops down to Albany, also mentioning progress of forts, garrisons, arms of deserters, Capt. Rodgers, bullets, flints and Indians in camp. 162 Connecticut resolve, dismissing troops no longer needed for Crown Point expedition. 160 Nov. i [Gen. Johnson] to Gov. Hopkins, Rhode Island, excusing Lake George himself for delay in writing, disclaiming responsibility for disappointment to provincial expectations, and dis coursing on the declining spirit of the army, forts, late visit of Gov. Hopkins's son to camp and the high worth of Col. Cole. 163 i Abraham Lansing about court martial proceedings. 164 Fort Edward 1 Capt. Henry Babcock and Lieuts. Henry Van Schaack Lake George and William Hunter to [Gen. Johnson], complaining against Col. Dyer for slanderous assertions; also against Lieut. Isaacs for "a most gross affront." 165 2 Roger Billings, report of scouts. [Doc. Hist. N. Y. Lake George 4 1274; Q, 4 1177] 166 2 [Gen. Johnson] to Capt. Rodgers, about attacking en campment near Tionderogo. 168 2 [Gen. Johnson] to Capt. Billings, orders to same effect. i68a 2 George Muirson, announcing present of fat cattle, stock- New York i n g s anc i mittens by people of Suffolk county and offering good wishes. 169 2 [Gen. Johnson] to Moses Emerson and other commis- Lake George saries at Albany, about lack of supplies (bread and rum) and need of utmost exertion to supply the army. 170 2 [Gen. Johnson] to Col. Gridley, with directions to for- Lake George ward inclosed letter to commissaries. I7oa 3 Samuel Angell, report of scout along Lake George. Lake George [Doc. Hist. N. Y. 4:274-75; Q, 4:178] 171 3 Capt. Robert Rodgers, report of scouts down Lake Lake George George, and brisk engagement ; signed by Israel Putnam and Noah Grant. [Doc. Hist. N. Y. 4:272-73; Q, 4:176-77! 172 4 Gen. Johnson's warrant for a rehearing of the case of Dr Lake George Middleton by court of inquiry. 173 64 . NEW YORK STATE LIBRARY 1755 Nov. 4 Minutes of council of war, consideration of points re- Lake George sumed and postponed. 3:174 4 [Gen. Johnson] to Gov. Wentworth, complimenting Col. Lake George Blanchard's regiment and considering lack of supplies, proper disposition of New Hampshire reinforcements, fort in progress, obstacles and substantial result of campaign. 175 4 Gw. Banyar, about Gen. Shirley's commission from Eng- Albany land, necessity of harmony among those in command, news of naval occurrences. 177 4 Same, about recourse to council of war, Gen. [Shirley's] Albany barracks at Albany, a company at Mount Johnson, Mr P[ownall]'s scheme of fort at Sacomdage, garrisons of regulars, presents for Indians, Gov. Hardy, supplies, care of stores and barrels. 178 5 [Gen. Johnson] to Col. Thatcher, Albany, orders about Lake George convoys, furloughs and troops at Scraghtoga. 179 5 [Gen. Johnson] to Col. Gridley, about illness of latter, Lake George wagons, enemy's triumph in taking a scalp, guards, spoils of war, Gov. Phipps's orders, complaint regard ing surgeon. 183 5 Moses Emerson, about nails, augers, wagons, bread and Albany borrowed provisions. 184 5 [Gen. Johnson] to Gov. Hardy, inclosing affidavit of two Lake George wagoners and giving judgment of council concerning matters attested. 185 5 Peter Middleton, protesting against ruling of court of inquiry and asking a new one. 186 6 Capt. Ichabod Phelps's report regarding deserters in Lake George charge. 180 6 Richard Smith, return of military stores. 23:196 Lake George 6 Maj. Christopher Champlin, report of main and camp guards. 3:181 7 [Gen. Johnson] to Col. Gridley, on court of inquiry, cus- Lake George tody of Lieut. Col. Gilbert, returns of garrisons and military stores for Gen. Shirley, continued work on forts, naming of that at Lake George (William Henry). 182 7 [Gen. Johnson] to Gen. Shirley, giving list of papers Lake George S en,t, with account of Fort William Henry and recon- noitering parties. 187 8 Michael Thodey, report of scout toward Wood Creek. Lake George [Doc. Hist. N. Y. 4:277; Q, 4:179] l88 8 James Connor's report of inspection of enemy's advance Lake George guard. [Taken by Peter Wraxall] [Doc. Hist. N. Y. 4:276; Q, 4:178-79] 189 SIR WILLIAM JOHNSON MANUSCRIPTS 65 1755 Nov. 8 Minutes of council of war touching dismissal of Con- Lake George necticut and Ne.w Hampshire troops and movement against enemy. 3:190 9 Philip Lansingh, report of guards. . 194 Lake George 9 Gen. Johnson to Baron Dieskau, mentioning reasons for Lake George delaying to write, gratification at Baron's prospect of recovery, skill and politeness of physician, intended visit to New York and to Baron Dieskau, Capt. Eyre's ill health, best wishes. 191 9 Same to Dr Magra, about Baron Dieskau. I9ia 9 Same to Gen. Shirley, congratulating him on receipt of Lake George commission as commander in chief, mentioning dis patches and council of war, suggesting regulars for garrison duty, avowing preference for the superin tendence of Indian affairs to the retention of a military commission, describing sickness of Capt. Eyre and mu tiny of Connecticut troops and referring to Gen. Shirley Maj. Hoare's complaint against Lieut. Col. Gilbert. 192 10 [Gen. Johnson] to commissary Emerson, Albany, about Lake George supplies of bread, padlocks etc. 193 11 Report of Indian scouts, Hendrick and Nicklas, after observations near Tiyondarog. [Doc. Hist. N. Y. 4:278; Q, 4:180] 195 ii [Gen. Johnson] to Col. Gridley, about mutiny of party of Lake George New York soldiers, with orders to take tliem prisoners if practicable. 196 ii [Gen. Johnson] to commanders at Albany, orders to Lake George march to east side of lake to meet enemy. 197 ii Gw. Banyar to [Gen. Johnson], on Shirley's commission, Albany Johnson's Indian commission, differences of Johnson and Shirley, spirit of the army, loss of letter by bearer, useful service of Capt. Rogers, roads from Carrying Place to South Bay, etc. 198 ii [Gen. Johnson] to Gen. Shirley about reports of enemy Lake George on eas t s ide of Lake George and orders issued. 199 11 Same to Col. Gridley, on nearness of enemy and need of Lake George good management. 200 12 Gw. Banyar, about expected arrival of commissioners [at Albany Albany], guards to accompany supplies and cover the country, inconsistency of council of war in detaining all the troops while in need of provisions, and trans portation of food. 201 12 Rondadikas and three other Indians, to [Arent] Stevens, Conajoharie stating threat of French governor against the Oneidas on account of capture of Gen. Dieskau, and asking the protection of a fort. 202 3 66 NEW YORK STATE LIBRARY 1755 Nov. 12 [Gen. Johnson] to Gen. Shirley, reporting conflicting Lake George opinions of Capt. Rodgers and an Indian scout regard ing position of enemy, the departure of new scouting parties to ascertain the truth, desire of officers for aid of regulars to garrison forts, etc. 3:203 12 [Gen. Johnson] to Col. Gridley, about contradictory tes- Lake George timony of Rodgers and Indians, with orders to for ward dispatches and be on alert. 204 13 Sergeant Thompson and Connor's report of scout. [Doc. Hist. N. Y. 4:279; Q, 4:180] 205 13 Lieut. Peiter Becker, report of scout to eastward. [Doc. Hist. N. Y. 4:278; Q, 4:180] 206 13 Minutes of council of war, about entrenchment around Lake George Fort William Henry and dispatches to Albany. 207 13 [Gen. Johnson] to Gen. Shirley regarding information Lake George given by scouts. 208 13 Gen. Shirley, about advices and reinforcements for sup- Albany port of army in present emergency. 209 13 [Gen. Johnson's] orders to reinforcements to hasten their Lake George march from Albany to camp. 210 15 Gen. Shirley, asking for news at the earliest moment, Albany a nd declining to accept Gen. Johnson's resignation dur ing the campaign. 213 15 Minutes of conference with Oneida Indians concerning Albany application for a fort, containing a reply to Oneidas from Gen. Shirley. 214 15 [Gen. Johnson] to Gen. Shirley, about reports by return- Lake George ing scouts, removal of artillery and stores to the new fort (William Henry), expiring term of enlistment of Connecticut troops, etc. 215 15 J. C. Maine to Capt. Wraxall, asking to be released from Fort Edward custody. 2l6 15 [Gen. Johnson] to Col. Gridley, orders to forward dis- Lakc George patches and guard against the capture of any prisoners by the French. Order regarding provisions to Capt. Thoody on back of ms; dated the i6th. 218 16 [Gen. Johnson] to Lieut. Rodgers, orders to go to Ti- Lake George onderago and Crown Point to reconnoiter those posts. [Doc. Hist. N. Y. 4:281; Q, 4:182] 217 16 Same to Col. Gridley about Maine's case, lack of news Lake George by scouts, guards. 219 1 6 Same to Gov. Hardy about reports of scouts, informa- Lake George tion from Canada brought by Onondaga Indian, in ability to devote time to Indian affairs, and proposal to send militia. 220 16 Same to Gen. Shirley on subject of scouts. 221 Lake George SIR WILLIAM JOHNSON MANUSCRIPTS 67 1755 Nov. 1 6 [Gen. Johnson] to Capt. Putnam, orders to latter as Lake George scout to Ticonderoga. 3:222 17 Lieut. David Waterbury's report of scouting expedition. [Doc. Hist. N. Y. 4:280-81; Q, 4:181-82] 211 17 Capt. Eliphalet Fales's report, as scout. [Doc. Hist. N. Y. 4:283; Q,4:i83] 223 17 Minutes of court of inquiry in case of Matthew Bright Fort Edward and six others, accused of deserting fort on Lord's day and using disrespectful and profane language; with the several punishments adjudged. 224 17 Testimony of George Braman against a prisoner by name Fort Edward o f " Whetmore." 225 17 Minutes of a council of governors and commissioners, Albany a t which an advance of the army under Gen. Johnson is recommended. 226 17 [Gen. Johnson] to Gen. Shirley and Gov. Hardy about Lake George refusal of Connecticut troops to serve longer and like disposition of New York and Massachusetts men. 227 17 William Alexander, inclosing minutes of council [3:226] Albany an( j asking report of action thereon. 229 18 Israel Putnam and Stephen Schuyler's report o* scout to South Bay. [Doc. Hist. N. Y. 4:279-80; Q, 4:181] 212 18 Gen. Johnson to inhabitants of Suffolk county, acknowl- Lake George edging receipt of donation of fat cattle, also note to George Muirson, high sheriff [3:169]. 230 18 Minutes of council of war, held to concert measures for Lake George garrisoning Forts Edward and William Henry, in view of purpose of Connecticut troops to leave. 231 18 Gen. Shirley, inquiring what number of men, what artil- Albany j e ry and boats are needed in a further advance against the enemy. 232 18 Gen. Johnson to Capt. Billings, orders to convoy wagons Lake George to and from Albany. 233 18 [Gen. Johnson] to [Gen. Shirley and Gov. Hardy] about Lake George scouts and bounty for capture of a French prisoner. 234 18 [Gen. Johnson] to Gen. Shirley, concerning council of war Lake George proceedings, fort at Oneida, and returns of army. 235 18 [Gen. Johnson] to Gov. Hardy, inclosing minutes etc. 236 Lake George 18 J. C. Maine, guard room, to Col. Richard Gridley, entreat- [Fort ing pardon. 237 Edward] 18 [Gen. Johnson] to Col. Gridley about relief from recent Lake George alarm and official misconduct of Lieut. Col. Gilbert. 238 18 Gen. Shirley, communicating intelligence of proposed visit Albany of commissioners to the camp. 239 68 NEW YORK STATE LIBRARY 1755 Nov. 18 Gw. Banyar to [Gen. Johnson] about late council pro- Albany ceedings, garrisons of forts, promotion of Capt. Brad- street, Jersey troops, the Indian fund, contrasting merits of Johnson's and Shirley's expeditions, appointed meeting of governors, Indian presents, Oneida fort, road from Fort Edward to Wood Creek, and road sug gested for avoiding Tionderoge and reaching Crown Point. 19 Sergeant John Freeman, report of scout. Lake George 19 Minutes of council of war, with action relative to the Lake George distribution of oxen donated by inhabitants of Suffolk county, and acknowledgment of the gift. 19 James Minot, in behalf of Massachusetts commissioners, Albany advising that a force be sent to guard wagons. 20 Minutes of council of war, held to consider the need of Lake George strengthening the detachment employed to guard the supply trains from Albany. 21 [Lieut. Gov. Thomas Pownall], introducing Mr Van Albany Schaik, commissioned to explore country between Hud son river and Crown Point, with additional remarks on Indian affairs, etc. [Mutilated] 21 Stephen Webster and Philip Combes's report as to number Lake George o f boats fit for use. Gen. Johnson to Maj. Gen. Lyman, requesting his presence at a council of war. 21 Minutes of council of war called to consider the proposed Lake George movement against Ticonderoga [3:226, 232]. 22 Minutes of council of war [continued from 248] giving reasons against attack on Tionderoger : state of weather, reduced health and spirits of army, want of boats and provisions. Gw. Banyar, in behalf of Gov. Hardy, directing care of boats and asking Johnson to report in person at New York the results of conference with Indians. Same, about Gov. Hardy, Indian affairs, etc. 22 Albany 22 Albany 22 Senecas Land 22 Myndert Wempel, about news of victory of September 8, French machinations among the Indians and need of presents with which to oppose them. Gen. Johnson to Capt. , orders to convoy provision train from Albany. 22 [Gen. Johnson] to Col. Gridley about donation of cattle, Lake George accounting for ammunition, custody of Maine (under arrest), sentence on prisoners, dispatch to Gen. Shirley and garrison of Fort Edward. 3:240 228 241 42a 242 243 244 124 248 249 245 246 247 250 251 SIR WILLIAM JOHNSON MANUSCRIPTS 69 1755 Nov. 22 O. Partridge to , asking for escort for commis sioners on way to Fort Edward. Samuel N. Nelson to , reasons for not sending above escort. 3:252 22 [Gen. Johnson] to Gen. Shirley and Gov. Hardy, inclosing Lake George minutes of council of war ; and stating reluctance of the soldiers to perform military service. 253 22 Gov. Charles Hardy's orders to Gen. Johnson, or next Albany commanding officer of Albany militia, for putting regi ment in readiness to march in emergency. 23:197 23 W. Shirley and Charles Hardy to commanders of Forts Albany Edward and William Henry, orders to furnish guard for engineers sent to survey lands in vicinity of Fort Edward. 3 '.254 23 Gen. Johnson to Col. Gridley, orders to acquaint the com missioners of the colonies with the necessity for their presence as the troops threaten to leave for home. 2502 24 Minutes of council of war attended by Massachusetts, Fort William Connecticut and New York commissioners, held to con- Henry sider what number of troops are needed to garrison Forts Edward and William Henry. 255 25 Further action, relative to officers and supplies for such garrisons. 255 25 Capt. William Eyre's instructions in case of artillery Lake George attack on Fort William Henry, providing against various plans of siege; also directions for repelling a storming party. 258 25 Richard Rodgers and Daniel Claus, report as scouts to Diontarogo and Crown Point. [Doc. Hist. N. Y. 4:281-83; Q, 4:182-83] 256 26 Council's recommendation of the appointment of another major for garrison duty. 255 26 Gen. Johnson to Col. Jonathan Bagley, instructions to Lake George latter as commander of Fort William Henry. 257 26 Gen. Shirley, requesting Johnpon to meet him in New Albany York at an early day. 259 27 Dr Shuckburgh to [Gen. Johnson], discussing manage- New York ment of Indian affairs, advisability of writing to ministry, mentioning appointments at court, death of Capt. John Shirley, son of Gen. Shirley, health of Baron Dieskau, character of his aide, good qualities of Col. Cole, the glorious success of September 8, nature of envy, etc. 260 28 Minutes of council of war held to consider expediency of Fort Edward furnishing an escort for engineering party. 261 28 Gen. Johnson to Gen. Shirley about meeting the latter in Fort Edward New York and progress of barracks in the two forts. 262 28 Same to Lieut. Col. Nathan Whiting, instructions to same Fort Edward as commander of Fort Edward. 263 NEW YORK STATE LIBRARY 1755 Nov. 29 Lieut Col. Nathan Whiting, giving returns of the gar- Fort Edward rison, statement of deficiencies, asking commission for [Ebenezer?] Dyer as fort major, and furlough for him self. Dec. 2 [Gen. Johnson] to the several governors, announcing the Albany close of the campaign, acknowledging the divine inter position and aid in defeating the counsels of the French, stating the impracticability of a further advance, making honorable mention of Captains Wraxall, Eyre and Glazier, and formally resigning his command ; also offering advice relative to the garrisons and mentioning returns transmitted. 2 Duplicate of 265. 2 Capt. William Eyre to commander of Fort Edward, Albany directions to be observed in case of attack. 3 Colden & Kelly, touching shipment of articles ordered, New York suspension of correspondence, reception on arrival at New York, and conveying compliments. 3 Gov. Morris to Gen. Shirley (extract), writing of bar- Philadelphia barities and threats of the Delawares and Shawonese, policy of the French, good disposition of Susquehanna Indians and propriety of enlisting them and the southern Indians in the English cause. 5 Myndert Wympel, about Indian raid on English, settlers. Senecas' [In Dutch] Land 6 Gen. Johnson to Lieut Col. Whiting, Fort Edward, about Fort Johnson commissions for officers and relief of garrison and con veying good wishes. 7 [Gen. Johnson] to Gov. Hardy about Indian affairs. Fort Johnson 8 Gw. Banyar and Peter Wraxall, urging Johnson to New York come to New York. 8 Gen. Johnson to Capt. Hendrick Fry jr, orders to with- Fort Johnson draw garrison and deliver ammunition to Indians. 9 Gw. Banyar, repeating request of No. 272, with addi- NewYork tional reasons. 9 John Watts, about Gilbert Marselis's receipt, a money New York transaction, Mr Wraxall and recent military affairs. Gen. Johnson's memorandum of information furnished by Arent Stevens and James Glen as to efforts of Shirley's agents to influence the Six Nations. 10 John Watts about pecuniary transactions. New York 3:264 265 266 267 268 23.: 198 3:269 270 271 272 273 274 275 23 :aoi SIR WILLIAM JOHNSON MANUSCRIPTS 1755 Dec. 10 Gen. Shirley, instructions relative to council of Six New York Nations, extension of Anglo-Indian alliance, com pletion of fort in Oneida country and coming con ference with Indians at Oswego. [Doc. rel. to Col. Hist. N. Y. 6:1026-27] 10 Francis Wade, applying for a commission in one of the Philad* regiments about to be raised. 11 Board of Trade to his Majesty (drawn up at Whitehall, London signed by Dunk Halifax, J. Pitt, James Oswald and Andrew Stone), adverse report on proposal of Thomas Penn and his brother to grant lands purchased of Six Nations to officers and soldiers. [Doc. Hist. N. Y. 2:704-7; Q, 2:410-12] 18 [Gen. Johnson] to Board of Trade about Indian affairs, containing protest against Shirley's order to meet him at New York or Boston. [N. Y. Col. Mss, 82:37 and Doc. Hist. N. Y. 2:708; Q, 2:412-13 and Doc. rel. to Col Hist. N. Y. 6:1023-24] 20 Same to Col. Bagley, Fort William Henry, about service Fort Johnson o f Indians, treatment of, when intoxicated, etc. Nondescript list of names, Bentincks, Yorks, Amhursts etc. 23 Gen. Johnson in account with Casper Springsteen and Albany affidavit of latter executed before Sybrant G. Van Schaick, recorder of Albany. 24 Gen. Shirley, instructions for engaging the Susquehanna New York Indians in the British service. [Doc. rel. to Col. Hist. N. Y. 7:10] 24 Same, letter accompanying No. 9, asking immediate reply New York and assurance of purpose to obey instructions. His Majesty's eighth instruction to Gen. Shirley, relative to cultivating friendship of Indians. [Copy certified by William Alexander and accompanying No. 10] Examination of Francis Beau jour, a French deserter. 27 frort Edward 1756 Jan. 3 Reading 3 New York Directions for household affairs each day. [Not intended for the camp. No date] Richard Peters to , reporting recent success of hostile Indians, discussing policy of the province and requesting Gen. Shirley's good offices to enlist aid of Six Nations and southern Indians. [Gen. Johnson] to Gen. Shirley, excusing failure to reply and declining a new commission for Indian affairs, old one being in force. [Doc. rel. to Col. Hist. N. Y. 7:11] 4:2 10 ii 13 3:42 23 :202 4:16 NEW YORK STATE LIBRARY 1756 Jan. 5 New ork Boston Fort Edward 10 New York 12 New York 13 New York '3 Staats- borough 15 Staats- borough 15 Staats- borough M. Bernier, in behalf of M. Le B. De Dieskau, to [Gen. Johnson], asking him to indicate manner in which money lent the baron by Johnson can be repaid. [In French] 4:18 Samuel Blodget, presenting a book written from a journal of the late campaign. 17 Gen. Shirley, instructions for Indian conference at Fort Johnson, in which are mentioned his succession to Gen. Braddock, cruelties of the Shawanese and Delawares, his desire to meet the Six Nations at Oswego, his pur pose to protect them and the purpose of the English to punish persistence of the Delawares in their crimes; also instructions for particular duties of the Indian superintendency. 23 : 1 77 Col. Whiting to Gen. Johnson, at New York, about com missions, garrison, lack of supplies, progress of build ing, examination of French deserters, etc. 4I4 Gen. Shirley to James Stevenson, Albany, order to deliver to Gov. Hardy clothing furnished by Pennsylvania for soldiers. Followed by Gov. Hardy's order to Stevenson to deliver same to Gen. Johnson for troops at Forts Edward and William Henry. 23 1203 Gen. Johnson to Capt. David Blauvelt, Orange Town, thanks for gift of coats to troops under his command. 178 Gen. Shirley, instructions relative to intended conference with sachems and warriors, and to various duties under Johnson's commission (accompanying speech to be de livered to Indians). Same as 23:177, with additions relative to trade and missionaries. 4:19 Same, speech to Indians of Six Nations, calling on them to punish Pennsylvania Indians for border outrages (communicated through Johnson). 12 Rev. Jtohn] Cthristopher] Hartwick, proposing a plan for better defending and governing the provincial frontiers. [Doc. Hist. N. Y. 4:294-96; Q, 4:191-92] 20 Same, to Abraham and Paulus Petersen and other Mo hawks, congratulation, consolation on account of their loss and counsel in regard to future conduct, with re quest for signatures to petition. [Doc. Hist. N. Y. 4:296-98; Q, 4:192-93] 21 Mohawk chiefs and others to King George 2, commending Mr Hartwick's plan of defense and petitioning that tract of land sold to him by the Mohawks may be granted him by the Crown. [Doc. Hist. N. Y. 4:298- 30i; Q, 4:193-95] 22 J. C. Hartwick, declaring gratitude for favors and pray ing for his patron's prosperity. 23 SIR WILLIAM JOHNSON MANUSCRIPTS 73 1756 Jan. 17 New York 17 Senecas country 17 Kingston 18 New York 2Q Fort William Henry 31 Dublin [Gen. Johnson] to Lords of Trade, declaring injury to Indian service from interference of unauthorized agents (Shirley's) and need of a fixed fund for service, mentioning enemies and congratulating himself on the approval of the board, asserting the need of provincial legislation to annul unjust land patents, introducing his personal expenses and sacrifices for the service, com mending secretary for Indian affairs and asking that he and Mr Wraxall may act he.-eafter under special royal commissions. [N. Y. Col. Mss, 82:58 and Doc. Hist. N. Y. 2:644-48; Q, 2:376^-78 and Doc. rel. to Col. Hist. N. Y. 7:7-9] Mindert Wemple, about Frenchmen, goods and scarcity of food. Petition of corporation of Kingston for [Johnson's] good offices with the Mohawks, to stay the barbarities of Delawares and Shawanese at Minisink and along the Delaware. (Signed by A. Gaasbeck Chambers and eight others) Gen. Johnson to Baron Dieskau, testifying appreciation and gratitude for the gift of a sword. B. Glasier to Capt. R. Rodgers, orders to reconnoiter Crown Point. [Doc. Hist. N. Y. 4:283-84; Q, 4:183] 4:24 Boleyn Whitney to [Gen. Johnson], congratulations on victory, news from home and recommendation of Capt. Mansel to favor. Richard Peters, asking that copy of Indian conference proceedings may be sent to Gov. Morris, questioning story of murder of Senecas by Pennsylvanians, praising Andrew Montour and his wife, and mentioning rumor of an alliance between Virginia and the Cherokees. Capt. William Eyre, congratulations on baronetcy, with comment on Boston enemies. Gw. Banyar to [Gen. Johnson] about union of Susque- hanahs with Six Nations, condition of Oswego, news from England, the baronetcy, etc. 4 Gov. Hardy, about threatened attack on Oswego, lack of Fort George provisions at that post, failure of commissaries and New York surveyors, need of scouts, Pennsylvania ravages and Iroquois influence. [6] Capt. Robert Rodgers's report of movements about Crown Fort William Point, capture of prisoner, burning of French village Henry and destruction of cattle, horses and hogs. [Doc. Hist. N. Y. 4:284-85; Q, 4:184] Feb. 2 Philadelphia 3 New York 4 New York 25 23 :204 4:26 23:205 206 l:i43 4:29 30 27 74 NEW YORK STATE LIBRARY 1756 Dec. 7, 1755 Conferences between Gen. Johnson and the Indians, to Feb. 28, Woe. rel to Col Hist. N. Y. 7'44~74] 1756 1755 Dec. 7 Gen. Johnson's speech at meeting of the Mohawks, Fort Johnson Oneidas, Tuscaroras and Senecas, concerning bar barities committed by Delawares and other de pendents of the Six Nations. Their answer. 26 Segwareesara, Tuscarora chief, at meeting of Mo hawks, Oneidas and Tuscaroras, to Gen. Johnson, acknowledging benefits received. Kanaghquiesa, Oneida, to same, promising to use in fluence with dependent nations. 27 Rev. Gideon Hawley, giving Delawares' account of Onoghqua- the quarrel between the English and themselves and gey their demand for release of captives held by the English. 1756 Jan. 29 Thomas's speech to Gen. Johnson in behalf of Susque- Fortjohnson hanna tribes and Tuscaroras. Feb. 2 Gen. Johnson's answer to the above through Can- adagaia, a Mohawk chief. 2 Adams's speech to Gen. Johnson in behalf of the several tribes on and about the Susquehanna. 6 Gen. Johnson's memorandum about courier sent to Six Nations. 9 Memorandum about courier (Jacobus Clement). 11 Memorandum regarding arrival of Onondagas and Caiyougas and invitation from Mohawks to attend meeting of condolence. 12 Memorandum regarding arrival of Senecas. 13 Memorandum regarding arrival of other Senecas. 14 Memorandum concerning visit of Tuscaroras and Oneidas. 16 Kanaghquesa's speech to Gen. Johnson excusing delay and asking cool deliberation. 17 Gen. Johnson's speech in answer to the above of December 26, 1755, in which he congratulates Oneidas on recovery of their senses, and prom ises to build fort. 17 Gen. Johnson's answer to the last speaker. 18 Speech of Abraham (Hendrick's brother) to Gen. Johnson about protection of Mohawk country. Reply of the latter. 18 Gen. Johnson to council of Six Nations and their allies, words of condolence, with gifts of belts, for losses in a recent fight with the English (accom panied by delivery of six Frenchmen for adoption in Six Nations). 19 Red Head to Gen. Johnson, answer to last, with many belts. Reply of Johnson. SIR WILLIAM JOHNSON MANUSCRIPTS 75 1756 Feb. 19 Kayandegaro (alias Kinda runty), Seneca chief, to Gen. Johnson. Reply of latter. 20 Gen. Johnson to council of the United Nations and other tribes, representing the necessity of con trolling the dependent tribes and declaring Gen. Shirley's good intentions. 21 Red Head, in behalf of the Six Nations, to Gen. Johnson, disavowing particular responsibility for behavior of Delawares and approving council to be held at Oswego. 23 Gen. Johnson to Six Nations in council, in regard to trading houses, French deceit and need of im mediate steps to stop border ravages (presenting very large pipe). 24 Red Head, in behalf of Six Nations, to Gen. John son, giving full pledges of fidelity to the English (bestowing a splendid belt). Reply of Gen. John son, calling for more explicit statement with regard to the road to Oswego; satisfactory response; fol lowed by distribution among the Indians of pres ents amounting to 1085, ps, S^d. 25 Red Head, in behalf of Six Nations, , to Gen. John son, announcing that the confederacy (instead of the Mohawks only) will undertake to accommo date the differences between the Delawares and English. Gen. Johnson's reply and a conclusion of the congress. 25 Knaghquiesa and the Tuscarora chief, at a private meeting of the Oneidas, to Gen. Johnson concern ing forts. Reply of latter. 25 Ganuskago Indians to Gen. Johnson, asking direction in trade. His reply. 26 Continuation of Johnson's reply (attended by gifts) to these Indians. Their response. 27 Onondagas to Gen. Johnson, regarding a fort, an officer and a smith. His reply. 27 Senecas, through Tageghsady, to Gen. Johnson, asking for a smith. Reply. 27 Conajoharees, through Abraham, to Gen. Johnson, lamenting loss of crops through an agent's neglect and asking relief. Reply, containing promise of help, and asking Indians to choose successors to their fallen chiefs. 28 Aughquageys, through Adam, to Gen. Johnson, asking that a trading house may be built in their country. The reply. (Copy of these proceedings certified by Robert Adems) 7 6 NEW YORK STATE LIBRARY 1756 Mar. 5 John Pownall, for Lords of Trade, about appointment of Whitehall Earl of Loudoun as commander in chief, of Johnson as sole superintendent of Indian affairs, redressing Indian grievances, etc. [Doc. Hist. N. Y. 2:710-11; Q, 2:413-14 and Doc. rel. to Col. Hist. N. Y. 7:40-41] 4:33 6 [Gen. Johnson] to Lords of Trade, on recent Indian con- Fort Johnson ferences, importance of establishing Indian trade on a sound basis, proposed congress at Oswego, forts and garrisons among several of the nations, usefulness of ministers as missionaries and chaplains among the In dians, Rev. Mr Ogilvie and fulfilment of pledges; a postscript conveying alarming news about Oswego. [Doc. Hist. N. Y. 2 712-15 ; Q, 2 :4i4-i6 and Doc. rcl. to Col. Hist. N. Y. 7:41-43! 32 Gen. William Shirley's order directing Abraham Mortier to pay Sir William Johnson 5000 sterling. 26:1 Duplicate of 26:1. 23:207 R. Shuckburgh to [Gen. Johnson] about agent for south ern Indians, attendance on Baron Dieskau and Quaker management of Indian affairs. 4:35 Daniel Claus to [Gen. Johnson], discussing a provincial 17 Boston 17 Apr. 4 New York Philadelphia 12 New York 20 New York [2 4 ] [Phila delphia] 24 24 Fort Johnson 25 New York commission, political troubles in Pennsylvania, govern ment offer for scalps and prisoners. 34 John Watts to Sir William Johnson at Albany, about finances and military movements. 36 Gw. Banyar to Sir William Johnson, Albany, care of Rev. Mr Ogilvie, about news from England, general opinion of Shirley and Dieskau, appropriations to the colonies, peril of Oswego, etc. 37 Gov. Robert H. Morris of Pennsylvania to [Sir William Johnson], expressing satisfaction with Johnson's labors at Indian conference, enlarging on sufferings of the province at the hands of the Delawares, explaining necessity of recent proclamation for Delaware scalps and prisoners, declaring willingness for peace with those Indians, emphasizing the agency of the French in the outrages, asking information touching the peace mediated by the Six Nations and wishing success in ex pedition for relief of Oswego. 23 :2o8 Duplicate of No. 208. 210 Gen. Johnson to Gen. Shirley, deploring Gov. Morris's proclamation offering rewards for Delaware prisoners and scalps [23:208]. 209 Gw. Banyar about remuneration of Johnson by Parlia ment, commissions of officers, new regiments, etc. 4:38 Extract from Boston letter of loth mentioning appoint ment of Generals Loudon, Abercrombie and Webb, and mortification of Shirley; also from Parliament pro ceedings, February 10, 1756, in relation to appropria tions and commissions. [Contained in 4:38] 38a 1756 Apr. 26 28 New York 29 30 New York May 2 New York 5 New York 5 New York Philadelphia 8 Albanv 10 New York 14 Albany SIR WILLIAM JOHNSON MANUSCRIPTS 77 ' [Gov. Morris's] message, by Newcastle, lagrea and William Lacquis, Indians, to Susquehanna Indians at Wyomink, acquainting them with the command of the Six Nations to lay down the hatchet, the desire of the province for peace and the safety in which peaceable Indians still reside among the white settlers. Response of the messengers to the Governor. 23:211 Gov. Charles Hardy, transmitting Gov. Morris's letter [23:208], censuring proclamation, expressing distrust of Iroquois friendship, approving Johnson's military proceedings and mentioning English advices as to Lord Louden and reinforcements. 212 [Gen. Johnson] to Sergeant Jeremy Quackenbush, war rant to distrain several of the militia for disobedience to orders. 4:39 Gw. Banyar to [Sir William Johnson] about news of military preparations in England, Gov. Morris's Indian policy, Capt. Bradstreet's expedition, care of the French neutrals, a guard to Onondaga, Indian presents, Shirley's criticism of Johnson, pecuniary matters. 40 William Kelly, congratulating on recent honors and giv ing news of Gen. Webb and an account of business transactions. 41 Gw. Banyar to [Sir William Johnson] about passage of war bills. 42 William Kelly, about scarcity and dearness of goods and arms. 43 Gw. Banyar to [Sir William Johnson] about arrival of some of Gen. Webb's party, embargo, orders sent to Colonels Glen and Renselaer, rates of land carriage, Indian affairs and a new governor for Pennsylvania. 44 Richard Peters, for Pennsylvania Council, to Gen. Shir ley, acknowledging criticisms of Sir William Johnson on Gov. Morris's proclamation [23:208], agreeing to advise Morris to suspend hostilities against Susque hanna Indians till after Onondaga conference, describ ing enormous barbarities and savage intentions of Ohio Delawares and mentioning Gov. Morris's attempt to conciliate Susquehanna Indians [23:211]. 23:213 William Corry about Gen. Shirley's arrival, payment of certain accounts, engagement between French and English fleet, the new general's residence, movements of Col. Marshal and Capt. Bradstreet. 4 :45 John Watts about remittances. 46 [Rev.] John Ogilvie to [Sir William Johnson] about Indian affairs, disputes of officers, news concerning Washington and the French. [Doc. Hist. N. Y. 4:301-2; Q, 4:195] 47 NEW YORK STATE LIBRARY 24 Albany 26 Albany 1756 May 16 Sir William Johnson to William Kelly, order for goods for personal use. 18 Gw. Banyar, giving the news, foreign and domestic. New York 24 Same, touching English opinion of Americans, move- New York ments of regulars, Indian affairs, finances etc. William Alexander, inclosing account of small arms ; account given. William Corry to [Sir William Johnson], mentioning goods sent up, Capt. Rogers's movements, Gen. Wins- low's orders as to sutlers and women, money expected by Gen. Shirley, Vanderpool vs. Emerson, injustice of Albany juries toward strangers, indignation of Boston commissioners, etc. 28 William Eyre to Sir \Villiam at Mount Johnson, about Schenectady Onondaga congress, warlike preparations at Albany, pay of gunners ; in postscript, mentioning a letter from Dublin and expected visit of Warren Johnson. 28 Sir William Johnson to magistrates of precinct of Fish Fort Johnson Kilns about removal of River Indians to the Mohawk country. Hugh Wallace to [Sir William Johnson], conveying in formation about pistols, courtesy and compliment, a pleasant word about Sir William's kinsman and recom mendation of Capt. Robert Ross. Gen. Shirley about Gov. Hardy's proposal to meet Indians. 29 New York June 2 Albany 5 Albany William Corry about disturbance in the provost jail, Indian depredations and a panic near Fort William Henry. 5 James Furnis, inclosing a letter from Mr Watts. Albany 5 Dr Richard Shuckburgh, by Guy Johnson, about news. New York 7 jasper Farmer about European army goods and foreign New York news. 8 John Ogilvie about packet for Lords of Trade, money with Mr Furnis and arrival of ship from London. Gw. Banyar, mentioning arrival of Col. Webb and Maj. Rutherford, relative rank of officers in the projected campaign, Johnson's appointments and pay, and favor toward German officers. John Ogilvie about letters received and sent and money paid to John Glen. Account of horse hire to carry provisions to Onondaga, Albany 8 New York 9 Albany 4:48 49 50 51 TO lurnetsficld f or Sir William Johnson and Capt. Patten's company of grenadiers. 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 SIR WILLIAM JOHNSON MANUSCRIPTS 79 1756 June 10 Fort Williams II Albany 12 Albany William Williams about Onondagas who have come to guard bateaux and escort Sir William, also about Canadian Indians. William Corry, reporting arrival of Gen. Webb, and dis suading Johnson from his journey to Onondaga country. John Ogilvie, congratulations etc. 4:65 66 67 14 Gov. Robert H. Morris to Ogaghradarisha, in answer to Philadelphia messages delivered to Col. Clapham, acknowledging good will of Six Nations, agreeing to Sir William Johnson's suggestion for protection of friendly Indians on the Susquehanna and promising to build forts at Shamokin and Adjouquay and inviting Ogaghradarisha to meet Governor and Council at capital. 23:214 19 Commissary Richard Smith, asking a lieutenancy and Albany giving news of Fort Edward. 4:68 [20] Intelligence given by an Oneida of French designs con cerning the Oswego falls, Oneida lake, German Flatts and Sir William Johnson. [Doc. Hist. N. Y. 2:727-28; Q, 2:423 and Doc. rel. to Col. Hist. N. Y. 7:i35~36] 78 21 William Corry to [Sir William Johnson] about goods Albany sent, arrival of troops, the American quota and troubles of Maj. Mathews. 69 27 Sir William Johnson to Gen. Shirley, on the outlook at Camp at On- the conference and unacceptableness of Capt. Williams, ondaga lake a t the Carrying Place, to the Oneidas, Tuscaroras and Onondagas. 7 Jchn Bradstreet about provisions forwarded and journey to Oswego; with mention of Captains Vanbarge and Patton and Mr Pitcher. ^\ William Corry to Sir William Johnson at Mount John son, about arrival of men-of-war in the St Lawrence, Fort Duquesne, arrival of English generals, billeting redcoats in Albany and sending supplies. 72 Sir William Johnson's memoranda as to early jealousy of English encroachments on the part of the Indians; embracing extract from the message of May 23, 1756, from the Onondagas; and extract from representation of Board of Trade, December n, 1755, on the Penns' colonizing project. [4:4] July 3 William Corry to Sir William Johnson, Mount Johnson, Albany asking relief for persons thought to be unjustly fined and imprisoned for selling rum to Indians and com plaining of Albany justice. John Abeel to Sir William Johnson at Mount Johnson, asking him to pay Senecas whom Abeel had employed. 75 28 28 Albany 23:215 473 6 Fort Williams 10 Cornel's Jno. Cuyler, assistant commissary, to Sir Wil- Schonectady lj am Johnson at Fort Johnson, list of supplies. 76 8o NEW YORK STATE LIBRARY 1756 July 1-12 Conferences between Sir William Johnson and the In dians. \Doc. re!, to Col. Hist. N. Y. 7:146-60] i Sir William Johnson's speech to Delawares and Onondaga Shawanees. Their reply, explaining hostilities and promising active assistance. 9 Same to Mihicanders, or River Indians, welcoming l-ort Johnson them to new home and to English alliance (arms and clothing bestowed). 10 Same to Shawanese and Delawares, relating barbari ties and treacheries of their kinsmen and charac terizing French intrigues. Reply by the Delaware king, deferring decision. A conference between Johnson and heads of the Six Nations follows. 11 Sir William Johnson to Delaware king, demanding speedy decision. Responses and peaceful assurances by Delaware king and Shawanese king. 11 Sir William Johnson to the Six Nations and others on the occasion of receiving his patent as baronet and his commission as Superintendent of Indian Affairs. Responses; drinking health of King George ; speech by Sir William to Delaware king ; giving of war belt ; war dance. 12 Mihicanders to Sir William. His response, in which with consent of Six Nations he restores Delawares and Mihicanders to rank of men, raising them from rank of women. John Bradstreet, inclosing an account, and asking pay ment to Capt. Schuyler. Capt. Robert Rogers, journal of a scout to Lake Cham- plain, with account of losses which he inflicted on the enemy. Woe. Hist. N. Y. 4:285-87; Q. 4:184-85] Duplicate of No. 80. Capt. Robert Rogers's report of examination of Michael Greenleaf, prisoner. 13 Albany 15 15 15 Fort William Henry 16 William New York 477 18 NC-.V Y~k 21 Bethlehem 2'2 Kelly, mentioning pecuniary matters, goods, and offering an interest in a privateer. Invoice of goods sent by William Kelly to Sir William Johnson. Timothy Horsefield to Gov. Hardy, relating account given by three Delawares of a visit to Fort Niagara, in which they describe fort, gunpowder mine, prisoners and supplies, repeat certain communications of the commander, and mention an effort of the Six Nations :o secure Delaware neutrality. [Sir William Johnson] to Messrs Petry and Harkemar about cutting road to Oswego. 79 80 23:216 4:82 23:217 4:84 SIR WILLIAM JOHNSON MANUSCRIPTS 8l 1756 July 23 Peter Wraxall to Sir William at Fort Johnson, relating New York interview with Lord Loudoun and impressions of Lou- doun and Mr Pownall, also touching business matters, health etc. 4:74 23 Lord Loudoun to [Sir William Johnson], acknowledging New York communication relative to Onondaga meeting. 23 :2i8 26 Arent Stevens, relating conversation with Senecas at Schonectady his house and mentioning sick child. 4:85 26 Peter Wraxall, commending Sir William and Capt. Cun ningham to each other's warm regard. 86 26 Same, aboat interview with Gen. Loudoun, Gov. Belcher's New York proclamation, Capt. Cunningham, Pownall etc. 87 26 Robert Leake, commissary, to Capt. Abercromby, aide-de- Albany camp, about guard to Oswego for cattle and drivers. 88 26 Cornel's Jno. Cuyler about means of transporting supplies. 89 Schonectady 26 William Kelly about defective and also missing goods. 90 27 William Clapham, to Daniel Claus, Fort Johnson, with Shamokin praise o ( Ogaghradarisha and civilities to Scarroyade, transmitting plans of forts at Shamokin and Arm strongs. 91 27 Cornel's Jno. Cuyler about supplies forwarded and re- Schonectady ceipt. 92 27 John B. Van Eps to [Sir William Johnson] about supplies Schinectady sen t. 93 27 William Kelly mentioning articles sent by John Hogan New York and sailing of five privateers. 94 27 Peter Wraxall, on cost of silver gorgets, on care of health, New York an d on his own willingness to respond to Johnson's call. 95 28 Complaint of Senecas against Capt. William Williams for Fort Johnson accusing their nation of being in the French interest. 96 25-31 Proceedings of Lieut. Gov. Robert Hunter Morris, of Easton, Penn., and William Logan, Richard Peters, Benjamin Penn. Chew and John Mifflin, of the Council, and conferences of the same and [Joseph] Fox, [John] Hughes and [William] Edmunds, commissioners, with Indian envoys. [Penn, Arch. 2:722-30; Penn. Col. Rec. 7 1207-20] 23 1224 25 Council receives letter from [Timothy] Horsefield concerning French preparations for defending Fort Niagara and similar information from Teedyus- cung. 26 Council minute: receives Major William Parsons's account of behavior of Teedyuscung since coming to Easton. 82 NEW YORK STATE LIBRARY 1756 July 27 Council minute: Conrad We her arrives, Capt. New Castle, Indian, informs Governor that he has been bewitched by the Delawares and wishes his state ment recorded. 28 Council minute: Mr Weiser's impression of Teedy uscung, conference arranged, Capt. New Castle ill of pleurisy. 28 Governor, in conference, welcomes Indians ; Teedy uscung replies in name of Delawares and Six Na tions ; explanation of " Whish shicksy." 29 Governor, in conference, expresses surprise at attack of previous fall, at request of Six Nations refrains from attack on Delawares and Shawonese and summons them to renew bonds, prisoners to be de livered up ; Teedyuscung in reply refers to treaty with Six Nations restoring them to manhood. 29 Council minute: deputation of Quakers from Phila delphia offer gifts to be given to the Indians. 30 Council minute: Governor receives and- publishes declaration of war, letter from Mr Spangenberg inclosing statement of Augustus, a Delaware ; Gov ernor, in conference, presents gifts, Teedyuscung promises to return with many nations in two months and warns against Ohio Indians. 30 p. m. Council minute : belt presented by Teedyuscung (sent by the Six Nations to the Delawares) to be kept with the council wampum, Indian women em ployed to make new belt, Teedyuscung interrupts meeting but is pacified. 31 Council minute: Six Nations' message to the Delawares, belt and other wampum presented, Teedyuscung and New Castle declared agents of the province, list of Indians present. Peter Wraxall, describing several persons mentioned for a deputy secretaryship and advising that the 5000 wait ing Johnson's order in England be promptly drawn. Jost Herchheimer and John Conrad Franck, declining to undertake to build road to Oswego and complaining of loss and injury at the hands of the military. Hanios Pettrie pleads infirmity of age in excuse [4:84] Aug. 5 Gw. Banyar to Sir William at Mount Johnson, suggest ing a letter of thanks to Lord Halifax for recent honors and discussing the fate of William Jere, killed by the soldiers at Schenectady. 5 Cornel's Jno. Cuyler to Sir William at Fort Johnson, about Schenectady provisions sent. 6 Oliver De Lancey about sending Indian presents and the Albany pay for them. 31 New York 4:98 97 99 100 101 SIR WILLIAM JOHNSON MANUSCRIPTS 1756 Aug. 6 William Corry to Sir William at Fort Johnson, mention- Albany ing transportation of provisions, the mobbing of Mr Mathews, and reports that the Duke of New Castle was in the tower and that Capt. Rogers had sent down a French deserter to be hanged. 6 Peter Wraxall to [Sir William Johnson], ment : oning New York Admiral Bing's (Byng) course in the Mediterranean and other foreign advices of a gloomy tenor. 7 Sir William Johnson to. Capt. John Bradstreet about trans- Fort Johnson portation of Indian supplies. 7 Same, to all the inhabitants of Scohare, concerning road Fort Johnson to OswegO. 8 William Eyre, asking Sir William to pacify Lord Loudoun, Schenectedy w ho is incensed at the killing of "Jerry'' [William Jere in 4:99]- 8 Peter Wraxall, announcing that he is about to start for New York p O rt Johnson, with mention of gorgets, Mr Farril, health of Johnson and the writer, intended matrimony, advices from Cadiz, Gov. Morris and the Delawares, etc. 9 Oliver De Lancey to [Sir William Johnson] about goods Albany for Indians and papers belonging to " Sir Peter's estate." 10 Sir William Johnson to Capt. Horatio Gates about com plaint against Harkemer for sale of liquor to Indians. 12 Gw. Banyar, mentioning appointment of Sir Charles Albany Hardy as admiral, and proceedings on foot against per sons who sold rum to Indians. 13 Maj. Cha. Craven, also Capt. James De Lancey, giving Oneida Carry- information about a suspected Indian. ing Place 15 Sir William Johnson to Capt. Thomas Butler about Fort Johnson Sergeant James Connor and Capt. Funda, rangers. 1 6 [Sir William Johnson] to Maj. Craven, discrediting ac- Fort Johnson cusations against the suspected Indian " Sam." 18 Thomas Butler to [Sir William Johnson], reporting siege and capture of Oswego forts. Burnets Field 26 Albany Lord Loudoun, speaking of powder supposed to be stolen and asking cooperation with Gen. Webb. 27 Capt. Thomas Butler, relating more about the fall of Great Carry- OswegO. ing Place 29 Same, to Sir William Johnson at Burnets Field, about Oneida Carry- the effect on the Indians of the news from Oswego and ing Place the difficulty of keeping them in the service. Sept. 2 Lord Loudoun, mentioning order given to Gen. Webb Albany and request made of Gov. Hardy for reinforcements. 4:102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 no III 112 H3 114 23:219 1x6 23 :220 8 4 NEW YORK STATE LIBRARY 1756 Sept. 3 Richard Peters to [Sir William Johnson], information Philadelphia upholding integrity of Delaware chief, Teedyuscung. 23:221 10 [Sir William Johnson] to the Lords of Trade, mentioning Fort Johnson the loss of Oswego and the effect on the Indians, call for another conference, scalping parties, discussing Indian presents, French cunning in Indian matters, the Pensilvania land grant, and expediency of surrendering the lands to the Indians and promising an early account of disbursements. [Doc. Hist. N. Y. 2:733-37; Q, 2:426-29 and Doc. rel. to Col. Hist. N. Y. 7:127-30] 4:117 11 [Sir William Johnson] to Earl of Halifax, testifying Fort Johnson thanks for his Lordship's favor and patronage, and pledging fidelity. 118 16 Lord Loudoun about new dispositions of forces, his pur- Albany pose to be at Fort Edward and Indian presents. 119 19 Same, discussing Mr Crogan's proposal to raise recruits Albany an d mentioning disposition of Indian presents and measures to prevent giving liquor to the Indians. 120 Oct. i Same, about departure of troops, and information given Albany by a prisoner. 121 13 Deposition of Cornelig Feeling, who had escaped from Fort Johnson captivity in Montreal; containing accounts of taking of Oswego and good treatment of English soldiers cap tured, also description of disposition of the Caghna- wagas toward the French, strategic value of the Nar rows near Tiyondarogo and French design against Fort Edward. 23 :222 Examination of one Wm. Johnson in Frederick county, Md., giving an account of a plot among Catholics to aid the French and a new account of battle of Fort Duquesne. (Before Col. Cresap) 4:122 John Watts to [Sir William Johnson] on Johnson's ac counts and deplorable state of the English cause. 23 :223 26 28 New York 4:123 Nov. 14 Lord Loudoun, authorizing payment of certain officers for Albany services as such prior to date of their commissions. 8-17 Conference of Lieut. Gov. Denny, of Penn., William Logan and Richard Peters, of the Council, and Benjamin Franklin, Joseph Fox, William Masters and John Hughes, commissioners, with Indian envoys ; with in terspersed council minutes. [Penn. Col. Rec. 7 :3i3~38] 23 :225 8 Opening speeches of Teedyuscung, the Delaware king, and of the Governor. 9 Teedyuscung, in conference, attests his good faith and recalls good relations between Indians and William Penn. 10 Conrade Weiser presents in council a message from Teedyuscung regarding a party of Indians in the neighborhood. SIR WILLIAM JOHNSON MANUSCRIPTS 85 1756 Nov. 12 Moses Tattamy delivers in council report of visit to Indian party. 12 Lieut. Gov. Denny, in conference, expresses satisfac tion with Teedyuscung's allusion to ancient league and asks how it came to be broken. 13 Teedyuscung gives belts to wipe away tears, clear away blood and heal wounds ; and explains how he took up the hatchet ; then charges fraud in land transactions against the Proprietors and others. 14 Conrad Weiser and Richard Peters, in Council, ex plain grievances cited by Delaware king and recall council of Six Nations at which complaints were examined and condemned. 15 Gov. Denny, in conference, reproves Delawares for striking the colonists without making their com plaint, shows how Indian grievance may be baseless, urges attendance at council fire at Fort Johnson and provides for bestowal on the Indians of 300 in goods. 16 Delaware king, under metaphor of corn planting and fire building, exhorts the white man to guard the work of peace begun, asks for assurances that In dians living in the Jerseys are at liberty and gives deer skins to the Governor. 17 Governor offers and Indians refuse instant reparation for wrongs, liberation of prisoners is discussed, also new fort at Shamokin, and death of the Indian, Capt Newcastle, is condoled. 21 Information given by Samuel Lamb, who was taken Fort Johnson prisoner [at Battle island] on Oswego river and es caped from Canada, indicating that Oswego was lost by treachery, 226 21 Information of John Walker, who escaped from Canada, Fort Johnson containing account of experiences in Ohio country and on St Lawrence, descriptions of forces and defenses and charges of treachery against British officers at Oswego. 227 Dec. 3 The Earl of Loudoun's warrant to William Johnston, Albany deputy paymaster general, for payment of 3000 sterling to Sir William Johnson. 26 :2 1 1 Observations of Proprietors of Pennsylvania on Johnson's London letter to the Lords of Trade [4:117], in which they deny that their land purchases are a ground of disaffection among the Susquehannah Indians and Six Nations. Woe. Hist. N. Y. 2:738-41; Q, 2:429-31] 4:124 ii Duplicate of No. 124. 13 [George] Croghan to Gov. Denny, advising prompt satis- Philadelphia faction of Indian grievance, in accord with recent offer [23:225]. 23:228 86 NEW YORK STATE LIBRARY 1756 Dec. 30 Capt. Jelles Fonda, seeking approval of engagement of Cachnawago Barent Weupel as interpreter of the Senneco tongue. 23 1229 Calculation of expense of maintaining Indian regiment. 230 Gen. Webb's request for estimate of ammunition. 2303 1757 Jan. 6 William Baker about collection and investment of funds London awarded by Parliament. 4:126 6 Capt. Thomas Butler, reporting friendliness of Oneidas, Oneida good intentions of Cinakas [Senecas], prevalence of intoxication among the former and their desire for the restriction of the sale of rum. 23:231 9 Same, "half way Connossaraga and Onondaga," to [Sir William Johnson], reporting as to uncertainty of In dian friendship, and dangers that threaten further progress. 232 14 Sir William Johnson to Maj. Gen. Abercrombie, dis- Fort Johnson cussing his commissions and salaries, desire of the Senecas, coming meeting at Onondaga, fight between soldiers at Fort Hunter and Mohawks, and presenting entreaty of the chiefs for withdrawal of this garrison. 233 14 William Corry to [Sir William Johnson] on billeting of Albany soldiers in New York [by Lord Loudoun], with anec dote about Oliver De Lancey's indignation and its punishment. 234 Oct. 27, 1756-Orders of commanding officer to storekeeper at fort Jan. 17,1757 (found in papers taken with Fort Niagara). [In Fort French] 24 :34 St Victor Dec.3O,i756-Capt. Thomas Butler and Capt. Jelles Fonda, report in Jan. 18, 1757 diary form on return from Onondagah, revealing much , , unfriendliness in Kiyogas and Sinakass. 4:128 country 27 W. Johnston about payment of balance to Lieut. Claus Albany an d a skirmish between Rogers's rangers and the enemy. 23 :235 31 Arent Stevens about an Indian suspected of being a spy. 4:129 Schonectady Peter Speelman's account of a force of French and In dians at the falls of the Ohio river, and of friendly disposition of Shawanese and Delawares on the Sus- quehannah. 2:165 Feb. 14 Intelligence brought by two Onondagas of Indian affairs Fort Johnson an( i military projects in Canada. 23:237 21 Capt. Jacob Cheeksonkun, showing what mental relief Stockbridge w iH follow the payment of arrears due to his com pany. 236 26 Capt. Mark Petry's return; list of 64 names. 4' 1 3 SIR WILLIAM JOHNSON MANUSCRIPTS 1757 Sir William Johnson's account with Andrew Montoor; Fort Johnson w ith receipts, May 3, 1758, of Hennery Montour. 4:144 Mar. 6 Information given by Alexander McCluer, indicating French sympathies of the Senecas and a French de sign to destroy the Mohawks. 131 9 Gw. Banyar, touching courage and conduct of the French, Indian trade and Lord London's eastward ex pedition. 23 :238 11 Capt. Thomas Butler to [Sir William Johnson], sending Onondaga reports of French movements and news of coming council. 239 Feb. 12 Proprietary of Pennsylvania to Gov. William Denny, Mar. 10 extracts from letters on charge of forgery in land title. 4:151 Feb. 12 Proprietors Thomas and Richard Penn to Richard Peters, Mar. ii extracts from letters, joint and individual, proposing 12 an investigation before Sir William Johnson of charges made by Delaware king [23:225] affecting a land purchase. [Doc. Hist. N. Y. 2:742-44; Q, 2:431-32] 13 Capt. Thomas Butler, writing from lodge of Old Kittle, Onondaga to [Sir William Johnson], about Indian incidents. 23 14 Same to [Sir William Johnson], repeating Indian warn- Onondaga mgs o f French designs against Fort William Henry and Indian criticism of the English. 16 Johan Conrad Franck to Capt. Claus, asking that money Bometsfielt to pay for transportation of provisions and to pay Andreas Klebsattel, Dietrich Stell and William Cunig- kum for oxen, may be sent by the son of Klebsattel. [In German] 20 Muster roll of Lieut. Sefferrines Deygert's company, sent to Fort William Henry. 4 20 Robert Leake to Sir William Johnson at Mount John- Albany sori) about cattle purchased at Livingstons Manor. 21 Capt. John Butler, sending Indian intelligence. 23 Oneida 27 Capt. Thomas Butler to [Sir William Johnson] about Onondaga threatened attack on Fort William Henry, disposition of the Indians and coming council at Onondaga. 4 Conclusion of 136. William Baker, sending account of investment of par liamentary grant to Sir William Johnson. [Stone's Johnson, i :554~55] 23:244 Duplicate of 23:244, including copy of letter of Jan. 6. 4:127 David Van Der Heyden to [Sir William Johnson], news of advance of hostile Indian force from Oswegatchie. 23:245 William Eyre on return of the garrison and retreat of the French besiegers from Fort William Henry. 246 28 London 31 Apr. i Herkemers 3 Albany 132 :240 241 242 134 135 136 137 NEW YORK STATE LIBRARY 1757 Apr. 4 Robert Livingston J.un'r to Sir William Johnson at Great Herkemans Flatts, on danger to the Mohawk river country and need of reinforcements. 23 1247 5 Information by Albert Rykeman of proposed attack at German Flatts by the French. 4:138 6 Capt. John Mac Neill, 42d regiment, in behalf of Maj. Cook, who reports for orders. 139 William Cleland to Col. Johnston, commending a friend. [Date uncertain] 140 6 Ferrall Wade to Sir William Johnson at German Fort Johnson Flatts, about supplies furnished. 141 7 Capt. Thomas Butler's account of a French and Iroquois conference at Montreal, the Indians declaring neu trality; related by chiefs. 133 Same, on threatening aspect of Indian proceedings, delay of the council and bad results of Dutch and English disputes. 142 Deposition of John Abeel, concerning conversation of Indians relative to French attack by way of Oswego. 143 Robert Catherwood, craving intercession with Lord Lou- doun, that he may be recalled from New York, to which he expects to be ordered. 23:248 Peter Wraxall, concerning a packet for Gen. Webb, a threatened descent on the river settlements and a cap ture of deserters. 173 Henry I. Wendell to [Sir William Johnson], reporting murder of Indian messenger and asking favor of a letter to Loudoun. 249 Capt. John Bradstreet to Capt. Philip J. Schuyler, Albany, order on Sir William Johnson in favor of P. V. B. Livingston and William Bayard for 359, 2s, 6d ; Liv ingston and Bayard's indorsement in favor of George Turner, and Turner's receipt. 4:145 Maj. Gen. Daniel Webb's warrant to Abraham Mortier for paying 2000 sterling to Sir William Johnson. 26:3 6 Pieter D. Schuyler and others, warning as to French Canajoharie Indians in Johnson's neighborhood with design to take or scalp him. 23 :25o 18 [Sir William Johnson] to Lords of Trade, considering Fort Johnson decline of English influence with Six Nations, a pro posed change of policy toward upper nations and present relations with Pennsylvania Indians. [Doc. Hist. N. Y. 2:745-48; Q, 2:433-35] 4:146 Maj. Gen. Daniel Webb's warrant to Abraham Mortier for paying 2000 sterling to Sir William Johnson. 26:4 Examination of Jean Nerban, French prisoner, contain ing statements as to French forces and defenses. 23:251 Oneida 27 May 13 Albany 19 24 Albany June 3 New York Albany 23 Albany 27 SIR WILLIAM JOHNSON MANUSCRIPTS 89 .. 1757 July i Lord Loudoun, mentioning inclosure of intercepted let- Halifax ters of Governor of Louisiana and making suggestions as to Indian management. 4:147 17 Sir William Johnson to Peter Wraxall on effect of Fort Johnson murder of Indians by whites, ravages of smallpox, scalping parties, protection of prisoners brought in by Indians. To Mrs Elizabeth .Wraxall about a bill of exchange. 23 1252 Aug. i Same to Gen. Webb, reporting his orders to militia for Fort Johnson defense of Albany and reinforcement of Webb, and mentioning a conference with southern Indians and efforts to obtain intelligence of enemy's movements. 4:148 6 Return of 2d battalion at Fort Edward. 150 12 Sir William Johnson's return of militia in camp near Fort Edward. 23:253 Memorandum as to affidavits to be made by Hance Becker and others regarding Edward Collins and John Dow. [Date uncertain] 254 14 List of deserters from Capt. Arnout Viele's company at Fort Edward. 255 19 Lieut. Gov. James De Lancey, requiring report on the Albany number of New York militia that went to assist Gen. Webb at Fort Edward and time of going, also explana tion of desertions. 256 27 Col. Glen's return of officers wanted in five Schenectady companies. 4:149 29 G. Bartman, aide-de-camp, by direction of Gen. Webb, Fort Edward asking that the state of Indian affairs be communicated to Lord Loudoun. 152 Sept. 5 Sir William Johnson to Lieut Gov. De Lancey, inclosing Albany \{ s ^ o { persons fit for appointment to regimental offices, suggesting creation of adjutant and recommending Henry Wendell, desiring that Assembly provide for army soldiers too poor to equip themselves and forbid purchase of arms and clothing from Indians, sending list of persons for a new commission of the peace and drawing attention to the claim of Widow Bratt. 23 1257 16 [Sir William Johnson] to Gen. Abercrombie about a Fort Johnson reproof to certain Indians, distress of Germans at Burnetsfield, need of rangers, erroneous statements relative to connection of Five Nations and River In dians with French at Lake George, and orders to Capt. Wraxall. 4^53 [16] Announcement of a reward for the capture of two Frenchmen escaped from the fort at Albany. Signed G. Christie, A. D. Q. M. G. 12:109 90 NEW YORK STATE LIBRARY 1757 Sept. 22 [Sir William Johnson] to the Lords of Trade, [inclosed in 4:i55]> remarks on observations of the Proprietors of Pennsylvania [4:124], on a paragraph of Johnson's letter [4:117]; Johnson adduces conferences, testi monies and admissions to prove Indian dissatisfaction with the transactions of the Proprietors and their agents. [Doc. Hist. N. Y. 1:412-20; Q, 1:270-74, also 2:748-56; Q, 2:435-39 and Doc. rel. to Col. Hist. N. Y. 7:329-33] 4:156 22 Duplicate of 4:156. 23:258 25 [Sir William Johnson] to Gov. Denny, of Pennsylvania, Albany mentioning deputies from the Cherokees, soon to pass through that province, and desiring that they be pro tected against " scheming Quakers " and intoxicating liquors. 4:154 28 [Sir William Johnson] to the Lords of Trade, about Albany differences with Proprietors of Pennsylvania, Indian jealousy of settlers, Mr Croghan's transactions, con duct of Quakers, Cherokee alliance, designs of French governor at New Orleans, loss of Fort William Henry and other disasters, and present state of Indian affairs. [Doc, rel. to Col. Hist. N. Y. 7:276-79] 155 George Croghan's remarks sustaining those of Sir Albany William Johnson [4:117] on causes of disaffection of Pennsylvania Indians and Six Nations. [Doc. Hist. N. Y. 2:756-61; Q, 2:439-42] 157 References to support charges of Indian complaint and discontent about lands said to be purchased in Pennsyl vania. [Doc. Hist. N. Y. 2:761-62; Q, 2:442] 158 Oct. 5 Chiefs of Onohaghguage, informing Sir William of a party of Indians going to war against the English. [Doc. Hist. N. Y. 2:763-64; Q, 2:443-44] 159 12 Thomas Gunter about money lent by him to Guy Boston Johnson. 23 .-259 17 Maj. Gen. Abercromby, by James Abercrombie, aide-de- Albany camp, to commanders at Fort Hunter, Canejohary and Herkemars, orders to furnish Sir William Johnson with forces to recapture two prisoners escaped from the fort. 4:160 19 [Sir William Johnson] to commanders at Forts Hen- Fort Johnson drick and Harkemar about Gen. Abercrombie's orders [4:160]. 161 19 Same to Captains Starmbergh and Swart, Scohare, orders Fort Johnson t o arrest the two Frenchmen [160 and 161]. 162 21 Gw. Banyar, expressing alarm at Lord Loudoun's hostile New York sentiment toward Six Nations. 23:260 26 John Reade about employment as overseer of Sir Wil liam's farm. 4:165 SIR WILLIAM JOHNSON MANUSCRIPTS QI 1757 Nov. 10 Gov. William Denny, mentioning entertainment of Philadelphia Cherokee deputies and proposal of Proprietors to lay Delaware complaint [23:225] before Johnson, discuss ing claim and conduct of Delaware king, also his offer to go to war in defense of the province, describing the tract desired by the Delawares and mentioning forts built or building. 23:261 ii Capt. Philip Townsend, intelligence of approach of 800 Herkymers Frenchmen. 262 Fort 13 Same to [Sir William Johnson], intelligence of destruc- Herkimers tion of Great Flatts by the enemy. 263 Fort 21 [Dr] J. Adair to Capt. Croghan at Fort Johnson, on Sir Albany William's illness. 264 Dec. 5 [Sir William Johnson] to Gen. Abercrombie, touching a Fort Johnson recent sickness, approach of the enemy and calling out of the militia, suffering of the people of German Flatts at the hands of the enemy and exposure of the in habitants of the Mohawk country and Cherry Valley. 4:166 8 Same to same, relating reports of scouts, fright of the in- Fort Johnson habitants and measures to prevent them from fleeing; also remonstrating against billeting troops in Johnson's house in Albany. 167 10 Same to Lord Loudoun about recent sickness, dispatches Fort Johnson to Gen. Abercrombie, Mr Wraxall's peculiar fitness for secretaryship of Indian affairs and a commission for Mr Croghan. 168 14 Same to Mai. Gen. Abercrombie about premature return Fort Johnson o f Mohawks, recent tetters and uneasiness of the set tlers. 169 19 Same to same, about return of Messrs Wendell and Fortjohnson Montour, raising rangers, probability of attack on Fort Edward, etc. 170 25 Lord Loudoun on sickness of Sir William, policy to be New York adopted in Indian affairs, Capt. Wraxall and the secre taryship of Indian affairs, Mr Croghan's commission. 171 29 Sir William Johnson to Maj. Gen. Abercrombie about Fortjohnson smith and traders for Senecas, interference of Penn sylvania with Indian affairs to the detriment of his Majesty's service and mischief done by an unregulated trade with Indians. 172 31 William Baker's account current with Sir William London Johnson. 173 William Printup's bill against province of Pennsylvania for services as interpreter at treaty with Delawares and Shawanese. 163 Memorandum of packs of skins. 164 92 NEW YORK STATE LIBRARY 1757 Speech of Pondiague [Pontiac], Outava [Ottawa] chief at Fort Duquenne, reporting efforts of Gorge Craane [George Croghan] to influence the Indians by false story of the fall of Quebec, reminding of promise to the Indians of advantage from French alliance, and de scribing his superiority to evil suggestions. [Fragment, in French] 24 132 1758 Jan. 14 Capt. Thomas Osborne, relating a pursuit by unfriendly Indians and declaring his apprehension of relief from duty. 4:174 30 Sir William Johnson to George Croghan, instructions for Fort Johnson fostering trade with Indians at German Flatts and pro curing information. 24:39(1) Feb. 9 Same to Capt. Jealous Funda, instructions about duties at Fort Johnson Conajohare Castle. 4:i75 Mar. 3 Same to commissary of ordnance at Albany, order to Fort Johnson deliver powder intended for Indian service. 23 1265 4 Maj. Gen. James Abercromby's warrant to Thomas Bar- Albany roWj directing payment of 2000 sterling to Sir Wil liam Johnson. 26:5 12 George Croghan to [Sir William Johnson], reporting as F rt to scouting parties. 23 1266 Herkemir 14 Sir William Johnson to Gw. Banyar, complaining of Fort Johnson Lieutenant Governor's slight, expressing hope of an early campaign, discussing unwillingness of Dutchmen to serve under English or Irish officers, and criticizing the Half King. 267 16 Same to William Kelly, explaining a business delay and Fort Johnson ordering corn, wine and other things. 268 19 William Trent to Gteorge] Croghan, inclosing speech of Lancaster February i, 1758, and August 8, 1757, by Cherokees ; censuring Indian policy of Virginia's Governor ; and introducing subject of trade with Ohio Indians. 270 24 Examination of James Campbell by Sir William Johnson concerning information gained while a prisoner in Can ada ; revealing scarcity of food and high price of horse flesh and corn. 4^7^ 24 Copy of message from Assembly to Governor of Penn sylvania about recovering persons still in captivity among Delawares and measures to confirm alliance with Indians. 23:271 24 Gov. Denny to [Gen. Abercromby?], inclosing no. 271, Philadelphia relating visit of friendly Delawares with belts and of fers of alliance from far western tribes, and seeking permission to treat with Indians at Philadelphia. 274 SIR WILLIAM JOHNSON MANUSCRIPTS 93 18-25 Fort Herkemir 28 Albany 28 Albany 1758 Mar. 25 Same to Col. [George] Washington (copy), advising of Philadelphia improved feeling toward the English on the part of Ohio Indians, and conveying a message from Delaware king for dissuading the Cherokees from hostile move ments toward the Ohio. 23 1275 George Croghan [for Sir William Johnson], journal of movements of Indian trading parties; containing in formation brought from Canada by James Campbell and an Oneida. 269 Lord Howe, commending Johnson's Indian speech; ad vising that a spy be sent to Cadaracqui ; and mention ing arrangements for strengthening Canajohary. 273 Rev. John Ogilvie to [Sir William Johnson], announcing military program: Loudoun recalled, Abercromby to . succeed, Admiral Boscawen to command Louisbourg expedition, British regiments to go on three expedi tions, 20,000 provincials to follow Abercromby, Oliver De Lancey to be colonel of New - York provincials ; also introducing Rogers's recent fight. 276 Jacob Orndt to Col. James Burd, report of work on fort, and visit of Mohicons and Monseys on peace errand. 277 Proceedings of council of officers called to consider pro posal of peace offered by Teedyuscung and other Dela- wares to Cherokees. [Inclosed in 23:278] 272 Capt. Thomas Bullit to Gov. Denny (copy), informing that he has forwarded letters to Col. Washington [23:275], but hesitates to negotiate peace or to check the Cherokee war parties zealously enlisted in British interest. 278 Sir William Johnson to Lieut. Gov. De Lancey, declining Fort Johnson new commission as colonel on account of failing health, inclosing a return of troops that lately marched with him to the German Flatts, reporting a fresh movement of the enemy in that direction and announcing deter mination to oppose it, and mentioning terror of inhabi tants along the Mohawk. 279 Lieut. Guy Johnson, report of a fruitless march, with mention of the fears and needs of the settlers. 280 Col. James Burd to Gov. Denny (copy), announcing arrival at Winchester, and numbers of southern In dians going out against Fort Du Quesne, also numbers of Creeks and Cherokees expected, and arrangement for their equipment. 281 Gov. Denny to Gen. Abercromby (copy), advising of notice to commanding officer at Winchester of Dela ware peace proposal [23 :275] ; and asking instructions for negotiating treaty with Susquahannah Indians. 282 29 Fort Allen 30 Fort Loudoun, Ya. 31 Fort Loudoun Apr. 2 Stonerabia 3 Lancaster 7 Philadelphi 94 NEW YORK STATE LIBRARY 1758 Apr. 10 Speech of River Indians to Sir William Johnson. 24:39(2) Fort Johnson 10 George Croghan, information as to scouts and prepara- Fort tion of Suskehanna and Ohio Indians to visit Phila- Herkemir delphia. 23 1283 10 Gen. James Abercromby, mentioning letter of the 7th New York from Gov. Denny, and his advice to him to temporize with Susquehanna Indians till Johnson can be heard from. 284 12 George Croghan about additional scout, preparation for Conjouerey journey to Pensylvania, Oneida war party and enlist ments with Capt. Johnson. 4:177 13 Sir William Johnson to Lieut. Gov. De Lancey about Fort Johnson warrants and orders, mentioning Captains Guy Johnson and Peter Conin, Barent Vrooman and Lieut. Col. Glen. 178 14 George Croghan, information, brought by an Onieda, as Fort to disgust of Pennsylvania Indians at neglect by Six Herkemir Nations and fear of the latter that the Pennsylvania tribes will form independent treaty with the English. 23 :285 28 Sir William Johnson to Gen. Abercromby, discouraging Fort Johnson separate negotiations with Tediuscung, advising that Ohio Indians be required to return to Pensilvania in order to share the benefits of a treaty, and that care be exercised in associating Cherokees and Delawares in any war movement, commending policy of officers at Fort Loudoun [23:272, 278], condemning ambition of Pennsylvania meddlers in Indian affairs, mentioning purpose of western Indians to be represented at Onon- daga council, and pronouncing the Six Nations, not the Delawares, the true mediators with western tribes. 286 30 Sir William Johnson to William Kelly about goods, with Fort Johnson mention of great council at Onondaga. 287 30 Commanding officer on Indian outrages in vicinity. Herkemers [Fragment] 288 May i John Butler, sending report of massacre near the fort. 24:1 Fort Hendrick 8 Benjamin Uncas for Mohegans, to Mohawks and Stock- Mohegan bridge Indians, agreeing to abide by ancient covenant with the English and pledging assistance in expedition against the French. 2' 18 John B. Van Eps about Capt. G. Christie's order for Schinectady wagons and boats. 4: 179 20 Maj. Gen. James Abercromby's warrant to Abraham Mor- Albany tier for payment of 1200 sterling for the Indian ser vice to Sir William Johnson. 26 :6 June 12 Joseph Tracy, asking favor of a letter to the King in be- Norwich half of the Mohegans, whose controversy with Con necticut waits to be tried before Lords of Trade. 24:3 SIR WILLIAM JOHNSON MANUSCRIPTS 95 1758 June 12 Information brought by Capt. Jelles Fonda from Oneida: Fort Johnson visit of Delawares and Shawaneese to Six Nations, kill ing of four men cutting timber for fort by Canistio Indians, delivery of Sir William's message to Five Nations, French and Indian conference to be held at Chenossia, etc. 24:4 14 Elias Hand to [Sir William Johnson?], reporting his Stone Robbia disposition of forces and asking directions in [Arabia] v iew of conflict of authority with Capt. Bagley. 5 20 Message of two Cherokee chiefs to Delawares, declaring Philadelphia friendship, but also a purpose to fight the French, and urging the Delawares to persuade their kindred on the Ohio to leave. f 8 21 Gen. James Abercromby, desiring Johnson to fetch up Fort Edward Indian party, communicating plan for defense of Mohawk region, and condemning illicit trade of Pensil- vanians. 6 May 30- [Capt. Jelles Fonda's] journal of trip to the Seneca June 24 country. 45 27 Gov. Denny, explaining errand of Cherokees, on their way Philadelphia to Fort Johnson [24:8, 9], describing umbrage taken by Senecas at a measure recommended by Delaware king, and suggesting the need to know the limits of his authority, also mentioning New Jersey's move to ad just Indian claims, and asking intervention with the Senecas. 7 27 Minutes, taken at Statehouse, of Cherokee message to Philadelphia Mohawks promise to fight the French, as Six Nations have desired. 9 July 5 Sir William Johnson, from camp near Fort Edward, to Gen. Abercromby, charging, with some disgust, the lateness of his arrival to effects of an illicit rum traffic among his Indians. II 5 Same to same, request for provisions and restraint on rum traffic. 12 5 Revised copy of no. u. I2a Return of killed, wounded and missing in attack of July 8 on works near Ticonderoga total 1947. I2b 19 Sir William Johnson to Gov. Francis Bernard, of New Fort Johnson Jersey, referring hostilities of Minnisinks to land frauds, characterizing Tediuscung [23:286], telling of efforts to bring back the scattered Delawares living on the Ohio, and to obtain a wide Indian representation at meeting with government of Pensilvania, and suggest ing that New Jersey obtain, at that conference, a ratifi cation of her preliminary arrangement at Burlington of Indian troubles. 14 96 NEW YORK STATE LIBRARY 1758 July 21 Same to Gov. Denny, of Pensilvania, mentioning visit Fort Johnson o f Qierokees [24:7, 9], his efforts to engage Six Nations in deliberations desired by Pennsylvania [24:7], message to distant Delawares [24:14]; impress ing the advantages of Indian trade, justice to grievances and clear boundaries; and discussing Tidiuscung. 24:15 Aug. i [Sir William Johnson] to Capt. John Lotteridge, in- Fort Johnson structions for scout to Oswego, by way of Oneida lake; with Lotteridge's commission as captain in Indian service. 16 2 Summary, with dates, of Sir William Johnson's trans actions with Indians from July 19, 1756. 52 2. Brig. Gen. John Stanwix's order to Abraham Mortier Fort Johnson to pay 500 to Sir William Johnson for the Indian service, particularly the employment of Indians in an expedition up the Mohawk's River under Lieut. Col. Broadstreet. 26 7 8 Lucas Van Veghte, report of taking of Louisbourg, move- F rt ment of English fleet and army toward Quebec and Hendrick destruction of 16 French sail of the line by Admiral Clark. 24:18 17 Commanding officer's orders to Maj. David Vander Albany Heyden to mount guard at blockhouses in view of reported French advance. 19 20 Maj. Gen. James Abercromby's warrant to Abraham Lake George Mortier for payment of 1000 to Sir William Johnson. 26 :8 28 Thomas Butler to [Sir William Johnson], account of" Cadaracquee capture of Fort Frontenac. 24:20 30 Gov. Denny, inviting attendance at Indian conferences Philadelphia a t Easton, acquainting with invitations sent to Gov ernors of New York, New Jersey, Maryland and Virginia, and giving intelligence regarding Fort Du- quesne expedition under Gen. Forbes. 21 30 Same to Lieut. Gov. De Lancey (copy), invitation to Philadelphia attend conference at Easton. 2^d New York currency, and regretting inability to give a draft on Albany for ^500. 202 Charles Jeffry Smith on a meditated missionary excursion into Mohawk country, and genius, wisdom and ami ability of Joseph [Brant] ; asking leave to employ Joseph as interpreter. [Doc. Hist. N. Y. 4:325-26; Q, 4:208-9] 203 Eleazer Wheelock (inclosing No. 203), praising char acter and proposed enterprise of Mr Smith, approv ing proposal to engage Joseph [Brant] as interpreter, and mentioning sites in New Hampshire and Mass achusetts under advertisement for location of the In dian school. Postscript of April 10 relating to a proposed journey with Joseph. [Doc. Hist. N. Y. 4:322-24; Q, 4:207-8] 204 158 NEW YORK STATE LIBRARY 1763 Jan. 20 [Sir William Johnson] to Attorney General Kempe, dis- Johnson Hall cussing action to be taken against traders at Toronto, and recent fraudulent behavior of Klock [24:148], and inclosing deposition of Forbes, interpreter [24:150], and letter of David Schuyler [24:152?]; also disclaiming any imputation against Attorney General. 24:156 21 Francis Wade about hunting dogs sent from Philadelphia New York m care o f Col. Cole; also a brickmaker wanted by Johnson. 6 :2O$ 21 Daniel Campbell, renewing offer of January 13. [6:200] 206 Schenectady 22 William Corry about writ against Burksdorff, accounts Albany to be collected, his slavery to business, and some grass seed expected from England. 207 24 Gw. Banyar, inclosing minutes of Council, and news ; New York also informing that notice of meeting advised by Coun cil should be inserted in Weyman's Gazete. 208 24 Same, sending Council minutes and two Indian deeds. 209 New York 29 Sir William Johnson to William Darlington, objecting to Johnson Hall Mr D. Bruls's price for printing and painting coat of arms as extravagant, subscribing for water and land views of New York, advertised by D. Bruls, with men tion of other matters intrusted to Darlington. 210 30 Witham Marsh, account of a success in his lawsuit, corn- New York ment on bearings of peace treaty with France on In dian relations, complaint of sufferings from gout and a word of pity for destitution of Mr Flood. 212 30 Daniel Campbell, arranging payments of money in Schenectady exchange for Johnson's warrant, informing of Far- rell Wade's arrest in action by Mr Corry for def amation, and offering congratulation on birth of granddaughter. 213 ' 30 Jacob Deyckman Jun'r, asking directions for sending New Bridge trees. 214 31 John Macomb to [Sir William Johnson] about blank- Albany ets and mistake in account, which he will rectify. 215 3r William Darlington on letters forwarded to England by New York Duke of Cumberland, Capt. John Goodridge, news of peace, and theft of Albany mail on the way to New York. 216 Feb. i John Duncan, inclosing letter brought by soldier, Albany an( i communication from Mr Corry, and asking Johnson's pleasure regarding the second. 217 3 John Macomb, craving intercession with Governor in Albany regard to trouble in which the writer is involved by resenting warmly Mr Wade's unbecoming words about Sir William. 218 1763 Feb. 4 New York Albany 10 12 Albany 13 Albany 14 Schenectady SIR WILLIAM JOHNSON MANUSCRIPTS 1 59 1% Sir William Johnson to Goldsborough Banyar, send ing notice, for publication, of proposed meeting of Conajohare sachems and chiefs, emphasizing neces sity of Klock's producing a paper in his possession [24:148], defending Indian evidence obtained by Johnson in dispute over patent, and considering value of land in Banyar's patent and his own estate. 6:219 [Sir William Johnson] to Witham Marsh: a cheerful frame of mind in illness and in litigation is com mended; and weather, preparations for building, birth of daughter to Mr and Mrs Claus, marriage of youngest daughter to Lieut. Guy Johnson, and neighborhood incidents are mentioned. 220 Attorney General J. T. Kempe, acknowledging de position of Forbes and letter of [late] David Schuyler, suggesting that offenses of Indian traders [at Toronto] are outside the jurisdiction of prov ince of New York, inquiring as to Johnson's au thority touching wrongs against Indians, and giv ing opinion as to a settlement of land trouble with Canajoharie Indians which Capt. Rutherford was said to have effected. 24:157 Lieut. Col. David Van Der Heyden, acknowledging commission, and relating brutal incident in which an Indian was the sufferer, but was soothed with two dollars and a bottle of rum. 6:221 William Corry on his efforts to collect debts, and the movements of the sheriff. 222 Record of notice, brought by three Onondagaes, of a visit by sachems of their nation on account of message re ceived at Onondaga from Sir William. 24:160 Advertisement of John Duncan, J. P. ; John Glen Jun'r, J. P.; Daniel Campbell, Justice; Isaac Vroman, Jus tice, that carriages on highway between Albany and Schenectady must be 4 feet 10 inches wide from outside to outside of wheel. 6 :223 H. Van Schaack, presenting account for ^280, i6s, ad vanced to De Couagne, interpreter. 224 Same to [Sir William Johnson], conveying current report that a number of bateaux are to be built at Pittsburgh and several regiments sent to the Mississipi to build fort, headquarters to be at Wil- liamsburgh, and mentioning arrival of Brig. Bur ton and other officers on their way to Canada. 225 John Duncan, inclosing notice regarding width of carnages [6:223] an d draft of memorial for estab lishment of post office. 226 i6o NEW YORK STATE LIBRARY 1763 Feb. 14 Thomas Burgie to [Sir William Johnson], informing New York that plants laurels, hollies, myrtles etc., meant for Johnson have perished on the way, and declar ing desire to obtain something " curious " for John son. [Inclosed with 6:233] 14 Gw. Banyar to [Sir William Johnson], notifying that New York notice of Indian meeting [6:219] has gone to printer and justices present at declaration of In dians concerning Livingston patent [24:148] should have opportunity to attend, and describing bound ary between French and English at mouth of Missisippi, as shown by preliminaries of peace. 16 Capt. Daniel Claus, asking advice as to sale of com mission, in view oM Lieut] Carr's readiness to pay a high price for it. 16 John B. Van Eps about arrangements for forwarding Schinectady letters. 17 John Macomb on intended journey to Montreal and Albany his recent alarm over complaint made by Mr Wade. 18 [Sir William Johnson] to Attorney General J. T. Johnson Hall Kempe, defining his own authority over offenses against Indians and responsibility of the province, and exposing pretense that Capt. Rutherford had effected a settlement with Canajoharie Indians. 21 Gw. Banyar, inclosing Indian declaration [24:148], [New York] anc i mentioning rumor that 20 regiments will be kept in America. William Darlington about land and water views of New York, coat of arms, plants and trees, a note [6 :22/] from Lord Sterling's gardener and land " on Stone Robby," in which he is invited to invest. 24 Sir William Johnson to Hennery Vanschaack, sending Johnson Hall draft on Abraham Mortier for balance of John B. De Coaugne's pay, and inquiring about claim of his own against estate of late Mr Hitchen Holland. 25 William Corry on collecting debts and transmitting Albany money to Johnson; informing of report that Gen. Amherst will build forts along the Oheeo the fol lowing summer. 25 Sir William Johnson to Gw. Banyar, denouncing charge Johnson Hall that one of the Indians who make a declaration before him on Livinsgston patent dispute was a woman and characterizing Capt. Rutherford's profession to have accommodated the dispute with the Indians, intimating that the French will not long respect terms of peace, asking how to proceed to gets his lands into a manor and giving an enthusiastic invitation to visit Johnson Hall. 6:227 21 New York 228 229 230 231 24:158 6:233 233 235 234 236 SIR WILLIAM JOHNSON MANUSCRIPTS 161 1763 27 Michael Furey, relating to mercantile adventures, which New York have lodged him in jail, charging unfaithfulness on (City Hall) the part of William Kennady, merchant, and mention ing willingness of Hugh Wallace to assist, hope of redress for violence exercised by creditors and hope of loan from Walter Goodman for firewood. 6:237 28 Witham Marsh on notice inserted in Weyman's paper, New York relief from gout, difficulty in way of coming to Johnson Hall, expectation of humbling opponent in lawsuit, Mr Hutchinson, farmer from near Belfast, who wishes to settle near Johnson, and can induce 40 Irish families to follow him, and condition of Judge Chalmers, who is stricken with palsy. 238 Mar. i Hendrick Frey Jun'r about notice of meeting at Canajo- Canajoharre harre March 10, and Johnson's note to Jacob Snell for land. 239 1 Theophilact Bache's receipt for 5, 5s, 3d paid by New York William Darlington for conveyance of baskets and trunk, by the Mary, Capt. Mears, from Dublin. 240 2 [Sir William Johnson] to William Darlington, declining Johnson Hall service proffered by Lord Sterling's gardener unless rendered with his lordship's consent, drawing attention to orders for seeds, plants, trees etc., that he may " put out all the country in a garden," asking more definite description of lands at Stoneraby, and suggesting neces sity of bringing a skipper to account for lost articles. 241 7 Alexander Golden (postmaster), considering postal ser- New York v i ce f or benefit of Schenectady [6:226] and advising employment of messenger to carry Schenectady and Mohawk river mail from and to Albany; also mention ing report that Gov. Dobbs of North Carolina will give way to Robert Morris. 242 8 H. Van Schaack about draft from Johnson on Mr Mortier Albany an( j Johnson's account against estate of late Hitchen Holland. 4 :200 10 Proceedings of meeting of Sir William Johnson and jus- Conajoharee tices of peace of Albany county with Conajoharee In dians, held in pursuance of order of Governor and Council of January 19; John Duncan represents white claimants; Indian speakers attribute Indian signatures to document of December 9 to liquor furnished by Klock, deny Klock's right to the land, vindicate right of Indian women to the land as being the persons who work it and call on Johnson to stop liquor traffic. 24:159 1 62 NEW YORK STATE LIBRARY 1763 Mar. 12 Capt. John Lottridge on precariousness of his position Montrial and his doubt as to wisdom of returning to the army, continued ill treatment of Caghnawageys by the officer at Ticonderoga, preparations to punish sutler respon sible for drunken debauch of the Indians at Connes- hadagey, Gen. Amherst's policy as to supplying Indians with ammunition, Gov. Gage's probable retirement, dejection of leading French families in Montreal over cession of Canada and satisfaction of the common people, marriage of Miss Polly to Lieut. Johnson, hunting dog sent down by Mr McCoumb, and draft on Johnson for 100. 6:243 15 Sir William Johnson to William Darlington, sending . Johnson Hall draft on Mr Mortier, paymaster, for 120 currency, with directions to pay Hugh Wallace 20 and send up beef, rice, bohea tea and American cheese and . learn price of Madeira. 244 18 Speech of Onondagaes relative to murder of two men [in Seneca country], informing of meeting to be held at Chenussio, asking that the General's sentiments may be announced there by Mohawk messengers, naming mem bers of several tribes authorized to bring Johnson report of Chenussio meeting, and seeking permission to send two principal warriors to confer with King George. 24:161 [18, 19] Sir William to Onondagas, suggesting that Onondaga is a better meeting place than Chenussio, agreeing to send word regarding Gen. Amherst's sentiments, approv ing Indian messengers named, and promising to con sider proposal to send deputies to King George. Speech of Ondagoes, announcing resolution of Cayugas to refrain from interference in affair of Elder Brothers [Mohawks, Onondagas and Senecas] and go out against Cherokees, and deprecating this resolve. Reply of Sir William, who delivered belt for Cayugas and message requesting their presence at Chenussio to assist in terminating trouble over murder. 162 20 John Glen Jun'r about payment of Indians employed by Schonectady him and by Schuyler. 6:245 20 Account of money paid by same to several persons for Schonectady bateauing under David Schuyler from Schonectady to the Littlefalls. 247 20 Lieut. Thomas Cottrell, desiring to buy piece of land in Fort Schyler which Lieut. Smith, deceased, was interested. [5:141, 142] 248 . 21 James Shuter, asking for ^50 due on bill. ?'* Schenectady 21 James Rivington, sending account for pictures, books etc. New York and promising to send magazines on arrival of packet. 2 > SIR WILLIAM JOHNSON MANUSCRIPTS 163 1763 Mar. 22 William Johnson's account against estate of the late Hitchen Holland. -, 6:159 22 John Duncan to [Sir William Johnson], agreeing to Schenectady Postmaster Colden's proposition [6:242] regarding a Schenectady mail service, for which Duncan is soliciting subscriptions, he to act as postmaster. 3 22 Witham Marsh to "Good Sir William," explaining de- New York tention by " fresh fit of the gout," discussing bad con duct of Ferrall Wade in affair with Mr Johnson [and John Macomb?], ostracism suffered by Wade on account of affair of Miss Corry, and suit for defama tion threatened by old Mr Smith against Mr W ce. 22 Peter Silvester (lawyer) on debt of William Printrup, Albany against whom he is proceeding for Col. Hoffman; offering to stay action if Johnson will give his word for the money. 5 23 Account of meeting with Mohawks and gentlemen from Fort Johnson Schenectady, in which the former laid claim to lands from Flatts of Schenectady to Gagawariuni, while the latter produced Indian deed of 1679, patent of 1684 from Gov. Dongan and several receipts. Account of proposal by Col. Eliphalet Dyer and Mr Woodbridge of Stock- bridge, sent to invite Six Nations to a conference at Albany in behalf of settlement on the Susquahana, and make them a present, and to invite Johnson to become a partner in Susquahana enterprise ; also of rebuke and warning uttered by Johnson. 24:160 24 William Corry about money matters, scarcity of fodder, Albany plentifulness of wheat, sufferings of Chesnut and Graham by robbery and incendiarism, arrival of Mrs Gage with two children from Montreal, expectation that Col. Burton will take command at Montreal. 7:6 25 Account of meeting with Mohawks relative to conference Johnson Hall a t Chenussio. Chief Abraham reveals concern of Six Nations at intended emigration of Connecticut people to Skahandowana or Wioming, and begs that John son will ask Governor of Connecticut and intending settlers to wait till the movement has been considered at Chenussio. Johnson approves this policy. 24:163 26 John Duncan to [Sir William Johnson] on new postal Schenectady arrangement [6 :242] and movements of Gen. and Mrs Gage. 7 7 26 John Macomb about molasses and salt which he will send Albany up, severe thaw, dog brought from Capt. Lottridge [in Canada] and Capt. Lottridge's draft on Johnson in favor of Macomb for i 100. 8 164 NEW YORK STATE LIBRARY 1763 Mar. 28 Gov. Horatio Sharpe of Maryland to Six Nations, Annapolis speech in answer to message and belt received through Governor of Pennsylvania: consents to Daniel Cresap's keeping a store for convenience of Indians and his sup plying provisions, at expense of province, to warriors passing through. 7:8 28 John Hambleton, offering to buy from 200 to 400 acres Newtown, L.I. o f land; and inclosing inquiry of John Springer and Isack Forshe about terms of settling on Johnson's land. 10 30 [Sir William Johnson] to Gov. Hamilton, making him Johnson Hall acquainted with interview with Col. Dyer and Mr Woodbridge, representing Connecticut company formed to settle lands on Susquehanna [24:160], and with message of Mohawks [24:163] to intending settlers; and asking his intervention. n 30 [Sir William Johnson] to Col. David Van Der Heyden, Johnson Hall approving employment of militia for protection of city against crime at night, but remarking that Albany is large enough to establish a night watch. 12 30 [Sir William Johnson] to Richard Peters on boundary Johnson Hall between Six Nations and Proprietaries, and interview with representatives of Susquehanna company. [24:160] 13 30 [Sir William Johnson] to Gen. Amherst, relating inter- . Johnson Hall v i ew with Col. Dyer and Mr Woodbridge [24:160] relative to settlement on Susquehanna, deploring results that will follow the rash and lawless enterprise, and asking advice and intervention. 24:164 Apr. i H. Van Schaack, acknowledging account against estate Albany o f Hitchen Holland and mentioning a slight matter to be set against it. 7:14 2 William Weyman (printer) to Dr Henry Barclay on New York ne w edition of Indian prayer book. [Doc. Hist. N. Y. 4:326-27; Q, 4:209] 15 4 John Macomb about molasses, the dog Prince, and loss Alban- o f account. 16 4 Alexander Colden on Schenectady mail service, and state New York o f Mr Cunningham's and other patents. 17 4 William Darlington about draft received and applied on New York account, trees, herbs, seeds etc. to be sent on Volkert Dow's sloop, and price of Madeira 70 per pipe. 18 4 William Corry, sending account of collections, with ac- Albany count of estate of Garret Van Antwerpe, and men tioning suit for slander to be brought under statute of Richard 2 in scandalum magnatum. 19 SIR WILLIAM JOHNSON MANUSCRIPTS 165 r 1763 Apr. 4 [Sir William Johnson] to John Pownall [London], in- Fort Johnson quiring about papers proceedings at Easton in dispute between Delawares and Proprietors of Penn sylvania, deeds etc. sent to Lords of Trade; describ ing his titles to two tracts, one on Susquehanna and \ the other on Mohawk [5:19]; and offering the former to the King for colonization or other public use, or to some land company, and asking such representation, by the Lords of Trade, of his labors in defending and settling the frontier as will procure him a royal patent for the latter, the Conajoharee tract. 7:20 5 William Priddie to [Sir William Johnson], offering to New York supply seeds or trees. 21 7 [Sir William Johnson] to Gw. Banyar, discrediting testi- Johnson Hall mony of several Indians on Conajoharee patent and expressing surprise that Governor and Council would hear such irresponsible declarations, condemning Indian signatures to original deed, and representing impatience of Six Nations, already irritated by new preparations to encroach on Susquehanna lands. 24:165 7 Record of meeting with Karaghijagiya, an Onondaga, who brings belts and friendly assurances, but expresses concern over Susquehanna settlement and troubles of Mohawks about possession of their lands. Departure of Mohawk ambassadors for Onondaga meeting. Re turn of express with answer of Gov. Fitch of Con necticut to Mohawk message and Johnson's letter. [24:163] 167 8 [Sir William Johnson] to Maj. Gladwin (commanding Johnson Hall a t Detroit), stating terms of peace with France and Spain, expressing wish that Louisiana had been taken for security of frontier, agreeing with opinion that frontier interests require more liberal expenditures, and sending compliments to a lady. 7 :22 8 Witham Marsh, reporting that he has transcribed from New York Johnson's letter of March 23 all relating to Indians and sent it to Weyman [printer], commending re strictions on trade with Chenussiaes, regretting neces sity of lingering till next trial of his cause, and describ ing party heat in England and short memory of the Jacobites. 23 9 Charges under 13 heads against Ury Klock. [Drawn up by Dominie J. G. Lappius] 24:166 9 Indenture binding Margriet " the Daughter of Jannetye an Indian Squaw " in service to Johannis Roorbach for seven years. Interest in service of Margriet as signed June 10, in consideration of 10, to Abraham Wendell. Assigned March 13, 1766, to Sir William Johnson. 7 124 1 66 NEW YORK STATE LIBRARY i 1763 Apr. ii Anthony Lamb, sending ivory scale and a dial to answer New York the latitude of 43 30' and seeds of apple of curious sort. 7 125 12 William Darlington about receipts and letter [7:25] New York inclosed, articles forwarded which came from Ireland, etc. 26 12 Volkert A'm Douw's receipt for articles from William New York Darlington, to be conveyed to Sir William Johnson or order at Albany. 27 12 Receipt of Alexander Wallace, for Hugh Wallace, for 20 New York received by hand of Mr Darlington. 22:147(2) 13 James Rivington, sending list of pamphlets and books of New York entertainment, and mentioning retirement of Lord Egremont as Secretary of State and succession of Charles Townsend. 7:28 14 [Sir William Johnson] to proprietaries of lowlands near Johnson Hall Schenectady, notice that Mohocks, in spite of meeting and discussion at his house [24:160], consider original price paid for those lands so trifling that further satis faction should be given them. 29 15 [Sir William Johnson] to William Darlington, mention- Johnson Hall jng draft, house that is building, pork and beef desired, trees, seeds etc., and snow which will linger 10 days longer in the woods. 30 16 Daniel Campbell, telling of imprisonment of McCord, a Schenectady blacksmith, for debt, and suggesting in what way John son may recover part of McCord's indebtedness to him self. 32 16 Elinora Cummins, acknowledging favor in regard to Schenectady house which she is about to give up, as she will leave this part of the country. 33 17 H. Van Schaack, giving news : 22 battalions to be kept Albany j n America, several regiments to go to Ireland, Gov. Ellis to be Governor of Canada, " our Governor " to go home. 34 18 Charles Williams to [Sir William Johnson] about New York papers which he will send and power of attorney from Mrs Cosby to Sir William to sell all her lands in the province, and rumor that Mr Pitt is made Secre tary of State. 35 18 Witham Marsh, announcing arrival from New York, and Albany hj s appointment of Jerry Renslaer as deputy, mention ing Mr Johnson, Gov. [Monckton's] departure, and prospect of soon finishing lawsuit. 36 18 Sir William Johnson to John Pownall [7:20], de- Johnson Hall fining his claim to tract on the Mohawk [5:19] and soliciting aid, through Lords of Trade or other channel, to obtain royal patent. 37 SIR WILLIAM JOHNSON MANUSCRIPTS i6 7 1763 Apr. 18 New York Dr Richard Shuckburgh, considering report that his regi- ment will be ordered to England or Ireland, and asking recommendation to Lord Hallifax, help in the sale of 640 acres rrr the Mohawks, and some household effects, and engaging in biblical and moral reflections of a humorous cast on his ill fortune. 7:38 21 Witham Marsh on Jerry Renslaer's mistake and timidity Albany i n legal movements, freight for Johnson that has come up the river, and effect on his health of fretting. 39 21 Speech of Asarondonges, chief of Onondagaes living at Otseningo, representing deplorable condition of his people from want of ammunition, and complaining of neglect by Sir William. Answer of Sir William, giving a small amount of ammunition, and reminding Onon- daga from Otseningo of lukewarmness of that settle ment when asked in 1760 to join expedition to Canada. 24:167 24 H. Van Schaack to [Sir William Johnson], informing that Albany definitive treaty between England and France was signed February 10, and mentioning destination of several regiments, 15th, I7th, 42d, 44th, 47th, Royal Americans and Frasers. 7:40 24 Charles Williams, inclosing letter from Col. Clinton rela- New York tive to lands belonging to Governor [Clinton]. 41 25 Hugh Wallace on receipt of 20, profit in producing New York potash and hemp, and premiums offered to American agriculture by Society for Encouragement of Arts, etc. 42 25 Thomas Flood about affairs in which zeal for Sir Wil- New York Ham's reputation has landed him in prison. 43 25 Daniel Campbell about attempt of McCord to leave in Schenectady clandestine manner, death of old friend, Mr Corry of Albany, enforcement of order concerning width of wagons on highways, price of nails, and money for which he would like a bill on Albany or New York. 44 25 William Darlington, mentioning draft on Mr Mortier, New York trees sent by Mr Dyckman, articles to be sent in charge of Garret Marselis, things delivered to Dr Stringer, and strong demand for fruit trees. 45 26 Abr. Lyle, sending bill of Capt. Montur in favor of Albany Francis Wade and inquiring about several accounts. 46 27 Daniel Claus about trees and other articles, from New York, brought in bateaux from Schenectady. 31 28 Gerrit Merselis's receipt to William Darlington for New York barrels and keg shipped to Albany for Sir William Johnson on Merselis's sloop. [Inclosed in 7:58] 59 1 68 NEW YORK STATE LIBRARY 1763 Apr. 29 [Sir William Johnson] to Gov. Hamilton, communicating Johnson Hall reply of Gov. Fitch to remonstrance against Connecti cut settlement on Susquehanna and letter from Earl of Egremont declaring his Majesty's disapprobation of the settlement, as well as information of Indian council at Onondaga, at which proposed settlement will doubt less be discussed. 7:47 29 [Sir William Johnson] to Mrs [William] Corry, con- Johnson Hall dolence on death of her husband. 48 29 [Sir William Johnson] to Rev. Dr Barclay on plan of Johnson Hall forthcoming Indian prayer book and advantage of mis sion work not only to Indians but to established church. Woe. Hist. N. Y. 4:330; Q, 4:211] 49 29 Witham Marsh of added obligations to Sir William for Schenectady espousing his cause, and intention of Mr Mcllworth and himself to set out for fort on following day in a wagon. 50 30 Samuel Tyms's bill and receipt to Daniel Campbell for Schenectady cloth. [Inclosed in 7:53] 54 May 2 Richard Allen, complaining of loss at hands of Indians Fort Stanwix an d asking that his grievance be laid before the nation responsible for murder and robbery. 51 Richard Allen's account of losses sustained from the Indians. 15 :2OO 2 Catherine Corry, informing that Mr Corry is dead [7 :44] and asking advice and assistance in settling his affairs. 7:52 2 J. T. Kempe, Attorney General, on testimony in council New York an d behavior in the Bowery Lane of certain Indians, charge against Klock awaiting trial, subpoenas and counsel and desirability of Johnson's attendance. 24:168 3 Daniel Campbell about black cloth sent up and difficulty Schonectady o f obtaining fine cloth or good tailor. 7:53 5 [Sir William Johnson] to Col. Clinton, giving facts of Johnson Hall purchase of land from father of the latter and offering any assistance regarding lands belonging to late [Gov.] Clinton. 55 5 [Sir William Johnson] to Charles Williams, transmitting Johnson Hall no . 55 for Col. Clinton. 56 5 Ab'm Lyle to [Sir William Johnson], inclosing communi- Albany cation from Hugh Wallace, and mentioning arrival of commodities for Johnson by sloop, return of draft to Mr Wade, and credit which the writer has too freely granted. 57 5 [Sir William Johnson] to Mr Henry Montour, instruc- Johnson Hall tions to proceed to Chilliequagey and endeavor to allay fears of Indians about lands, cooperating for that end with Mr McKee, assistant deputy agent. 24:169 SIR WILLIAM JOHNSON MANUSCRIPTS 169 1763 May 6 William Darlington, on sending copper plate and prints, New York inclosing receipt for articles previously sent, and de nouncing De Bruls's charge for plate and prints. 7:58 9 J- T. Kempe, outlining evidence required to convict New York George Klock of fraud in obtaining titles to Indian lands, speaking of Mr Scott and Mr Hicks as possible assistant counsel, and asking aid in getting witnesses for trial of John Henry Lydius, accused of intrusion on king's lands near Fort Edward. 24:170 11 [Sir William Johnson] to William Smith Jun'r (retained Johnson Hall j n behalf of tenants on Livingston patent), stating some evidence available for defense of those persons. 171 12 [Sir William Johnson] to J. T. Kempe, commenting on Johnson Hall Indian testimony in court, and requesting that [Wil liam] Smith jun'r may have access to evidence required in defending German tenants ejected from Livingston patent. 172 12 [Sir William Johnson] to Thomas Penn, acknowledging Johnson Hall approval of his efforts at Easton [24:133] to determine dispute between Proprietors and Delaware Indians [23:225; 4:190], and mentioning design of Connecticut people on Susquehanna lands [23:171, 172, 172 (2), 180], his discouragement of the project [24:160], and appeal to Gen. Amherst [24:164], Earl of Egremont's letter to Governor of Connecticut, ordering suspension of colo nizing movement, and resolve of Six Nations to send chiefs with belts and remonstrance to Connecticut. 7:60 14 Daniel Campbell about action against Will. Printup's son Schenectady f or a sma n d e bt to "a man in this town," and chance to obtain a sum due from the elder Printup to Camp bell. 61 14 John Byrne to [Capt. Warren Johnson] asking letters of Coventry introduction to persons in New York, to be inclosed Frigate m letter to Admiral Tyrrell or sent in his care. 62 Chatham 16 Abraham Wnupas (New England Indian), imploring in- Albany Jail tervention to procure speedy trial or release from con finement, in which he is held on false charge of mur der; describing sufferings; and attributing all to in humanity of his brethren. 63 16 Rev. Eleazar Wheelock on discontent produced in the Hartford mind of Joseph [Brant] by letter from his sister calling him home; speaking of purpose of Charles Jeffry Smith [6:203, 204], and asking directions. [Doc. Hist. N. Y. 4:330-31; Q, 4:211-12] 65 170 NEW YORK STATE LIBRARY 1763 May 1 6 Albany 17 New York Witham Marsh, giving results of conference with Mr Sylvester on wrongs of Indians and means of punish ing " Rogue Young " for slander, with description of Van Scheit [opponent in lawsuit] and enemies in Sche- nectady, whom the writer means to remember. 7:66 William Kelly, sending news, brought by way of Mar tinique, of surrender of the Minillas to British arms and capture of ship from Aquapulcha with 2,000,000 sterling in prize money, forwarding letter from London, brought by ship Beaulah Green, and mentioning goods arrived. 67 17 [Sir William Johnson] to Gov. Fitch, speaking of dele- Johnson Hall gation from Six Nations on the way to Connecticut and fatal consequences to follow neglect of Indian protests against settlement on Susquehanna. 68 Col. John Bradstreet, concerning provisions which he has ordered to be conveyed from Schenectady to Johnson Hall. 69 P. Sylvester, giving opinion that action for slander may be brought against Frederick Young by information or indictment, accompanied by reprisal suit for damages, and answering that he, himself, is not concerned in the cause of the King against Klock. 70 William Darlington, sending receipt by Capt. Wendell and promising accounts by post, also mentioning trees from Mr Dykeman. 71 Harmanus J. Wendell's receipt as master of sloop, for articles from William Darlington for Sir William Johnson. 72 Lieut. James Gorrell's certificate that Charles Gaultier Fort Edward DeVerville served as interpreter, August 23, 1/62, to Augustus May 20, 1763. [Copy inclosed with 12:132(1)] 12:132(2) 23 William Darlington, sending invoice of goods and state- New York ment of transactions, and mentioning letter from Sir William to [John] Pownal, forwarded by man of war Intrepid. 7 175 William Kelly, information that he has forwarded goods, as Mr Gilliland hesitated to do so without orders. 76 Philip Lansing's receipt for articles shipped on his sloop by William Kelly, to be delivered to Dr Stringer for Sir William Johnson. [Inclosed in 8:36; December 8] 8:39 Jacob Harsin, smith, asking authority to obtain provisions. 7:77 17 Albany 17 Albany 20 New York 20 New York 2\ 25 New York 25 New York 26 Niagara 27 Greg. Cunningham's bill and receipt to William Darling- New York ton for 17 for lace bought at venclue. 73 SIR WILLIAM JOHNSON MANUSCRIPTS 171 30 Hartford 30 Hartford 30 Albany 1763 May 28 Conference of Governor, Council and Assembly of Con- Hartford necticut with deputies of Six Nations; William Printup interpreter. Sagayenquaraghta, Mohock, discoursed on olden friendship between Six Nations and English, showed baselessness of Connecticut title to Susqua- hannah lands, and asked consideration of Indian re monstrance against meditated settlement. 24:173 Continuation of conference. Gov. Fitch assured deputies that settlers had renounced their project to occupy lands on Susquahanna till it had been con sidered by the King. Deputies expressed satisfac tion, promising, if they ever sold the lands, to let Connecticut people buy them. 174 Gov. Thomas Fitch, communicating fact of confer ence with deputies of Six Nations [24:173, 174], of his order from the King to stop movement to col onize Susquehannah lands, and acquiescence of colonists in King's order. 175 P. Silvester, advising that case against Frederick Youngs [for slander] be kept for the assizes, as it can not be brought before Court of Common Pleas or Circuit Court at approaching sessions, and ask ing full and precise information regarding action against Klock. [24:126] 6:40 Isaiah Corry about affidavits and other papers relating to Klock, together with some bonds and accounts. 7 164. June 2 Thomas McKee, suggesting that his commission be Philadelphia sent him and reporting that New Englanders are settling at Wyoming. 7& 2 Maj. W. Hervey (from Montreal), announcing that he Schenectady j s about to sail for England, and conveying good wishes of Gen. Gage and friends in the 44th. 7<> 3 Cornrat Lagranse to .Abraham E. Wendell, bill of sale of negro. Jacob, for 109 New York currency. 80 4 [Sir William Johnson] to [Maj. W. Hervey], ex- Johnson Hall pressing regret at failure to receive a visit, acknowl edging and returning compliments, and inclosing letters for England. 8l 4 Elinora Cummins to [Sir William Johnson] about ex- Frankfort pense and difficulty of living in Frankfort, neglect on the part of Frank and Ferrale Wade, and Indian outbreak against back settlements. 82 5 De Couagne, intelligence of Wapackcamigat's de- Niagara mand for rum and threat on refusal, also of Indian attack on several boat crews on the shore of " the big River where the Chippaways live." 83 172 NEW YORK STATE LIBRARY 6 Montreal 1763 June 6 Same, intelligence of Indian attack at night on Niagara Queen's Independents and detachment of the 6oth, 25 miles from Detroit, the Independents losing 40 men; likewise of message, with belt and three scalps, received by Senecas from Indians about Pittsbourg, inviting them to take up the bloody hatchet. 7 184 Capt. Daniel Claus, seeking advice as to sale of cap taincy, reporting visit to Caghnawageys and their 'anxiety over boundary of Chateaugay patent, in tended present of ammunition to Indians about De troit, transactions of Messrs Wells and Wade, cool reception in London of peace announcement, and talk that Gen. Murray will be Governor General of Canada. 85 7 [Sir William Johnson] to Gov. Hamilton, giving ac- Johnson Hall count of meeting [24:173, 174] between deputies of Six Nations and Gov. Fitch, and expressing hope that Connecticut people will desist from purpose to settle on the Susquehanna, and that contention will be settled by the King. 5:163 [Sir William Johnson] to William Darlington, ac knowledging services, and asking that a hogshead of West India rum, a cask of port and a hundred of loaf sugar may be sent him by an honest skipper. 7:86 Peter D. Schuyler's affidavit, before Justice Jacob Klock, repeating story of his father, David Schuyler, as to Surveyor Collins's trick against the Indians [24:152], and describing George Klock's method of persuading Indians to sign away land. 24:176 Samuel Stringer about goods forwarded and lodging which he is prepared to furnish. 7:87 Indenture by which Margrett, -" Daughter of Jannety, an Indian Squaw," binds herself, and any children she may have, in life service to Abraham E. Wen dell. Interest in such service transferred to Sir Wil liam Johnson March 13, 1766. [7:24] 88, 88a De Couagne, informing that sloop has brought news of siege of Detroit by Indians, valiant defense by Maj. Gladwin, fidelity of the French, and Indian bar barities, and mentioning relief expedition from Niagara. 89 Ab'm Mortier, acknowledging receipt of Sir [Gen.] Jeffery Amherst's warrant in Johnson's favor for 2923, 2s, 6d currency, regretting that he can not pay it through an Albany correspondent, and advising Sir William to draw on him in favor of some one in New York. nn n 13 Canajoharee 13 Albany 15 15 Niagara 2O New York SIR WILLIAM JOHNSON MANUSCRIPTS 173 1763 June 20 Copy of 7:90. [Inclosed in 7:253] 7:254 20 Gw. Banyar, saying that he will be unable for a time New York to visit Johnson Hall, expressing hope that Gen. Amherst and Sir William will succeed in pacifying Indians, and mentioning [Cadwallader] Golden and Gov. [Josiah] Hardy, late of New Jersey, in connection with official places to be filled. 91 21 William Darlington, concerning articles desired by John- New York son a nd Capt. Glaus. 92- 27 John' Macomb about articles sent in care of Mr Van Eps, Albany an( i others desired by Mrs Brant. 93 July i William Darlington, mentioning articles sent by Switts, New York illness of Isaac Low, son in law of [Cornelis] Cuyler, and " lace purchased out of the French Prize." 94 i Cornelius Swits's receipt for rum, pork and sugar to be New York delivered at Albany to Sir William Johnson or order. [Inclosed in 7:94] 95 i [Sir William Johnson] to the Lords of Trade, stating Fort Johnson grounds of hostility of Ottawas to the English, men tioning his endeavors to disarm their jealousy, his suspicion that Missisagas and Chippways have been in stigated to attack Detroit by emissaries from New Orleans, defeat of relief detachment from Niagara on its way to Detroit, destruction of settlements and posts, investment of Fort Pitt by Delawares, measures taken to redeem the situation, attitude of Six Nations, and his invitation to them to meet him at German Flatts, pointing out mistake of despising Indian strength, stating policy that should be pursued with Six Nations, and asking instructions. [Doc. rel. to Col. Hist. N. Y. 7 1525-27! 96 4 Sir William Johnson's account current with William New York Darlington. 97 4 William Darlington, concerning no. 97. 98 New York 6 Lieut. Col. John Campbell to [Sir William Johnson], re- Fort Stanwix porting theft of sheep by Oneida Indians from the royal blockhouse and their disappearance from their castle. 99 8 Letter of sachems, entreating interference to prevent Canajoharee George Klock's Indians from murdering old Brand and his wife, or prevent other mischief. 24:180 10 John Macomb, describing missionary purpose of Rev. Albany Mr Smith, bearer of the letter. 7:100 10 Daniel Campbell, offering to supply goods for Indians Schenectady an d pleading losses through stagnation of Indian trade. 101 174 NEW YORK STATE LIBRARY 14 New York 16 1763 July ii Intelligence, brought by a Waweotonan and confirmed by Twightwees from Meamies, of disaffection toward the English among St Joseph Indians, Puttewatimies and Ottawas, who have received presents from the French in Illinois country. 24:181 William Darlington, notifying that he will remit sum of money by Garrit Marselis, having received ^2598, 2s, 6d, from Mr Mortier. 7:102 Gerrit Merselis's receipt for 1007, 2s, 4d, received of CNew York] William Darlington to be delivered to Sir William Johnson or order at Albany. 103 16 William Darlington, sending receipt [7:103] for ^1007, New York 2 s, 4d, remitted per Garrit Marselis, and informing that balance will be remitted per Capt. Samuel Pruym. 104 Same about letter forwarded to Lords of Trade, on the Pitt packet, money remitted in care of Samuel Pruym, skipper, hinges and grass seed, Jersey money paid by Mr Mortier, medicines from Mr Lindner, and presents from Mrs Darlington. 105 Capt. Samuel Pruyn's receipt for wine and ^992, 175, 7^d, received on his sloop from William Darlington for Sir William Johnson. 74 Capt. Soverinus Deyger's " list of ye state " of his com pany, lately at the German Flatts. 106 Capt. Jacob Rlock's list of his company doing service at the German Flats, with names of those lawfully absent and one without lawful excuse. 107 Alexander McKee to George Croghan, at Fort Bedford, stating that the messenger between them, John Hudson, has been detained by Indians, and mentioning in effectual attack by savages on Fort Pitt. 109 Lieut. Gov. Fauquier [of Virginial to Gen. Amherst (extract), expressing opinion that late annoyances were committed by northern Indian bands returning from war with Cherokees. no Thomas Barton, declaring esteem and commending John Henry, gunsmith, who wishes to settle at Detroit. [No date] ill Capt Daniel Claus to [Sir William Johnson], concerning proceedings with Indians, particularly in congress at Caghnawagey, message of Caghnawageys to western Indians, assurances given by Mohawks and Ononda- goes, conference between Canada Indians and Governor at Montreal, peace movement of the Swegachies, arrival of Capt. Ethrington and Lieut. William Lassley with account of loss of Missilimakk, agency of Pontiac in that affair, action of Ottawas in rescuing prisoners, favorable attitude of Chipways at Falls of St Mary, of nations at La Bay and the Sioux, responsibility of 21 New York 21 New York .24 -24-28 Aug. 2 Fort Pitt 2 Williams- burgh 4 Montreal SIR WILLIAM JOHNSON MANUSCRIPTS 175 1763 Aug. 6 Detroit Canajoharie New York 8 Detroit Chenusios [Genesee Senecas], Delawares and Shawa- nese, expediency of a meeting at Detroit, suspected French agency in uprising, difference between Caghna- wageys and Mohawks over hunting grounds, Claus's commission, coming Indian conference in Canada, draft on Mr Darlington, necessity of large present to Indians, Gen. Gage's relation at Capt. Butler's, and ac count of proceedings to be sent by Peter. 7:112 Messages sent, with four belts of wampum (both by way of Lake Ontario and Ottawawa river) by the Caghnawageys, Caneghsad's, Arundax, Skaghquanes, Swegachies, St Francis and Three River Indians and Hurons near Quebec to the western nations : assuring them that Europe is at peace, French possessions as far as the Missisipi are ceded to the King of England, and Canadian Indians regard him as a common father, that he has power to destroy the Indians by suppressing trade, through his control of two great rivers leading from the sea, but he means to give them an advan tageous trade; and desiring them to lay down the hatchet. [Inclosed in 7:112. Printed in Doc. rel. to Col. Hist. N. Y. 7:544-45] 145 Memorial of Thomas Ninigret and other Narragansetts. [24:178, 178(2) ; Nov. 2, 1764] 24:182 Maj. Henry Glad win, of the 8oth, to George Croghan, certifying that 102, 7s, 6d, are due to Abraham Jones, gunsmith for the Indians, and his son Isaac. 183 Capt. Hendrick Frey Jun'r, return of officers and men in his company who marched with him to Fort Herkimer, also of those who did not march. 7 :II 3 Lieut. Goshin Van Alstein's return of his company, 85 men and officers (including 12 men to be fined). 114 Rev. Dr Henry Barclay (of Christ's church) to Rev. Samuel Johnson about advisability of Mr Bennet's going among Indians for missionary work, proposal of Boston commissioners, negotiations with Sir William Johnson regarding sale of Barclay's farm for missionary use, and matters, in a letter from Rye, regarding Mr Pal mer and Mr Punderson. [Doe. Hist. N. Y. 4:332-34; Q, 4:212-13] US Journal (sent by Robert Rogers) of officers at Detroit, narrating siege of fort, preceding Indian treachery, capture of Capt. Campbell and Lieut. McDougal, fall of Sanduskey with capture of commander, Ensign Pauley, and murder of garrison, heroic escape of three soldiers opposite Fort Detroit, defeat of relief expedi tion from Niagara under Lieut. Cuyler near mouth of Detroit river, loss of Fort Maimies under Ensign 176 NEW YORK STATE LIBRARY 1763 Aug. 15 Fort Chart 15 New York 17 Montrial 17 Montreal 17 Montreal 19 Claverack 19 Conajohary Holms by Indian artifice, fall of St Joseph's, with cap ture of Ensign Schlosser and massacre of garrison, fall of post at Ouiattanon, Lieut. [Edward] Jenkins and gar rison being taken and conveyed to the Ilonies, story brought from Capt. Etherinton and Lieut. Lessly of fall of Michilimakenac, destruction of blockhouse at Pres- queisle with capture of Ensign Christie and most of his soldiers, escape of .Lieut. McDougall, murder of Capt. Campbell, and report of fall of Vinango and La Beuf. [Diary of the Siege of Detroit, ed. by F. B. Hough; p. 125-35] 7:n6 Lieut. Edward Jenkins's certificate to the services of Constant View as interpreter. n:i55 William Darlington about oil sent in care of Harmanus Wendell, indentures and " price " of three servants, in cluding a gardener and his daughter, " purchased " for Johnson, articles sent per Sam Pruym, and Madeira already sent. 7:n? Capt. John Lottridge, describing character and purpose of four Caghnuwagey chiefs, who come to visit John son, mentioning letter carried by Petter the Mowhack, and expressing gratification at being retained in John son's employ. 118 Capt. Daniel Claus, recommending Caghnawageys who visit Johnson and bring this letter, describing favorable disposition of Caghnawagey warriors and message of Caghnawagey envoys to Missisages, and mentioning pressure of business with upper nations. 119 Same, mentioning proceedings with Ottawas from Missili- m'k [7:112] sent in charge of Peter, also annoyances of Indian society, belt and message to be borne by Ottawas on their return to the West, expectation of these Indians to receive some communication from Johnson, return of Caghnawagey deputies from Missis- agas, about Lake Ontario, friendly communication from Missisagas on Lake Huron, cost of present, about ;6oo, to Ottawas, money transaction with Mr Campbell in Schenectady, and with Messrs Wade and Welles, departure of Lassly and Corel for Albany and also of Mr Ogilvie. 120 Jer'h Hogeboom, complaining that young inexperienced men have been commissioned over his head in new regi ment, though he has served faithfully 21 years as cap tain, and inquiring whether it be true that the Governor rejected list of recommendations for militia appoint ments offered by Johnson, in favor of Col. Schuyler's list. 121 Capt. Jacob Klock, regarding offer of old Brand to fur nish Indian scouts and failure of scouts to appear, on occasion of late march to Fort Herkeman. 122 SIR WILLIAM JOHNSON MANUSCRIPTS 177 1763 Aug. 20 Gen. Thomas Gage to Capt. Glaus, authorizing present Montreal to Indians. [Inclosed in 7:138] 7-139 20 Daniel Oughnovra and Aron, or Aregheghta (Mo- Niagara hawks), telling of Maj. Wilkins's anger because he was not allowed to open letter for Capt Delyel at Detroit and their determination to go on to that post. 123 23 Capt. Jacob Klock, relating story of abuse and violence in- Conajoharie flicted on his four sergeants sent to enforce a fine against George Klock's son. 124 24 Gertruy Vander Heyden about goods forwarded to care Albany o f Mr Van Eps at Schonectady; indorsed Letter & Invoice from David Van Derheyden. 125 24 De Couagne, intelligence of arrival of Capt. Duel Niagara [Dalyell] and his command at Detroit; an engagen: y Sf 5( J. 74 30 [Sir William Johnson] to Lieut. Gov. Golden, giving his Johnson Hall opinion that the peace offers of western nations spring from an expectation that they will have redress of wrongs and be rewarded for tolerating army posts in their country, also that those nations can defy subjec tion, being supplied with ammunition by the French, arguing that it will be unwise to withhold ammunition from the Five Nations, or to undertake to punish the Chenussios [Genesee Senecas], and showing the diffi culty of raising two companies for the frontier because of the low pay of the officers and the bounty offered in Albany for enlistment in other companies. 75 31 Lieut. Gov. John Penn, giving information of the murder Philadelphia o f peaceable Indians of Conestogo Manor, Lancaster county, on the I4th and the 27th by rioters, and asking that the Six Nations be informed of these crimes and also of the proclamation for the discovery and appre hension of the murderers. 24:193 List of persons named for officers in 1st and 2d (Albany and Schenectady) battalions of the militia regiment. 6 :gg List of militia officers. 100 William Wormwood's deposition, before Sir William Johnson, regarding Collins's dishonest survey. [24:123, 152, 176] 24:177 Affidavit [deponent's name not given] regarding Col lins's dishonest survey. [24:123] 194 Sir William Johnson's category of charges and state ments bearing on the dealings of George Klock with the Indians, with a list of persons to be sub poenaed. 195 Recommendations for officers of ist and 2d battalions of Albany county militia. 7:i35 Pere Roubaud to [Sir William Johnson] (translation), declaring his esteem for Johnson and admiration for the English, giving his idea of the true British policy as to Canada, and describing papers left by M de Mon- calm, including a code of civil law for Canada, of which Roubaud has lost a part and now " must supply what is wanting." [Written before the peace was known in Canada] [Doc. Hist. N. Y. 4^336-39; Q, 4:215-16] 201 198 NEW YORK STATE LIBRARY 1763 Dec. 1764 Jan. 4 Niagaria 5 Montreal 10 New York 10 Albany 10 Albany II Schenectady II Schenectady 12 New York Memorandum [by Sir William Johnson] of a request by the inhabitants of Schachkock for the formation, in their district, of a new company with John Permer for captain; and of a proposal for the formation of a new company, to be commanded by Teunis Corn. Slinger- land, by a division of Adam Vroman's company. [Erased] 11:183 De Couagne, reporting his return from the Seneke castles, the daily visits of Seneke Indians with beaver and veni son and the good behavior of the Senekes and the Missasagoes. 8:76 Valentin Dorn to his " Honourable Excellence," begging a license "to keep a small Tavern for Christian and sober People and not for any Indians whosoever." [No date] 77 Gov. Ralph Burton's proclamation (copy) requiring all gunpowder in private keeping to be conveyed to the King's magazine, for the greater safety of residents, restricting the sale and the transportation of powder and attaching heavy penalties to violations of these orders. 78 William Darlington, mentioning money sent in care of Jacob Henry Ten Eyck, a tierce of ham and tongues, the good character of Skipper Garret Marselis, a groom, the negro sent on Pemberton's sloop, the tailor who ran away, etc. 79 John R. Hansen, informing the Right Worshipfull Sir Wm. Johnson Bart, that, after the resignation of Barent Fisher, a warrant to raise a company of volunteers had been offered to himself, and accepted, and he had already enrolled 40 men ; also that Dirck Van Alen and John Hunn had accepted lieutenant's warrants. 80 Recognizance of Martinus Dillenbag jun'r of Stoneraby, before Justice Hendrick Frey, to answer a charge of assault and battery committed before the house of Wil- helmus Dillenbag on William Laux, a sergeant of mili tia. (Copy) [7:209; 8:70] 81 Sir William Johnson's account with Duncan & Phyn. 82 John Duncan to [Sir William Johnson], inclosing account and wishing Sir William recovery from illness and strength to overcome the fatigue of public cares. 83 William Smith Jr to Witham Marsh, relative to the ex penses of a cause intrusted to him by the late Mr Corry, acting for Sir William Johnson. 84 SIR WILLIAM JOHNSON MANUSCRIPTS 199 1764 Jan. 12 [Sir William Johnson] to Lieut. Gov. Golden, concerning Johnson Hall Indian policy, recent conferences with representatives of the Six Nations, acts of undiscriminating vengeance on the part of the whites, the two companies raised for frontier defense, the need of restrictions on Indian trade, a grant of land to which Lieut. Johnson is en titled under the King's proclamation, and the illicit sale of ammunition to the Senecas. 8:85 13 Dr Richard Shuckburgh about the Indian department, Fort Stanwix his loss of the secretaryship, sickness at Fort Stanwix and a coming visit by Col. Campbell to Johnson Hall. 86 15, 16 Witham Marsh, congratulating Johnson on an enlarge- New York ment of authority by royal proclamation and on in fluence with the Five Nations, bemoaning his suffer ings by the weather and asthma, and speaking of vio lent political excitement in England and a riotous jail delivery in New York. 87 15 John Duncan, mentioning a letter from the Governor, Schenectady which he forwards, British feeling toward Gen. [Am- herst], the Albany sessions and the royal grenadiers. 88 15 Roba[r]t McKean, to say that he has completed his com- Schenectady pany and to ask that he may be quartered at Schorey and the lieutenant governor informed that the company is ready. 14:18 16 W. Weyman's bill for printing 50 copies of a royal [New York] proclamation, dated December 24, 1763. 8:89 16 John Stuart [Indian agent] about murders committed by Charles Town the Creeks, their plea, and conflicting policies of colonial governors. 90 17 Lieut. Gov. Cadwallader Golden to Andreas Witbeck, New York Gentleman : a commission as first lieutenant of the com pany in the ist or Albany battalion, of which Peter Vosbrough is captain. 91 17 Same to Jacobus Teller, Gentleman: a commission as New York quartermaster of the 2d or Schenectady battalion. 92 17 Same to Cornelius Van Schaack jun'r, Gentleman: a corn- New York mission as first lieutenant of the company in the ist or Albany battalion, of which Dirck Hoose is captain. 93 17 Same to George Klauw, Gentleman: a commission as New York second lieutenant of the company in the ist or Albany battalion, of which Dirck Hoose is captain. 94 17 Same to Omia Jacob Le Grange, Gentleman : a commis- NewYork s j O n as first lieutenant of the company in the ist or Albany battalion, of which Adam Vrooman is captain. 95 17 Same to John Jacob Le Grange, Gentleman: a commis- NewYork s i O n as ensign of the company in the ist or Albany battalion, of which Adam Vrooman is captain. 96 2OO NEW YORK STATE LIBRARY 1764 Jan. 17 New York 17 New York 17 New York 17 New York 17 New York 17 New York" 17 New York 17 New York 17 New \ ork 17 New York 17 New York 17 New York 17 New York 17 New York 19 Schenectady Same to Abraham Ten Brook Esq. : a commission as cap tain of the company in the 1st or Albany battalion, lately commanded by Rykert Van Franken. 8:97 Same to John Thomson, Gentleman : a commission as second lieutenant of the company in the 2d or Schenec tady battalion, of which Sufferinus Tyger is captain. 98 Same to Harmanus Peters, Gentleman : a commission as first lieutenant of the company in the 2d or Schenectady battalion, of which Daniel Campbell is captain. 99 Same to John Leaver [Seaver], Gentleman: a commission as ensign of the company in the 2d or Schenectady bat talion, of which John Welles is captain. 100 Same to Casper Huyck, Gentleman: a commission as second lieutenant of the company in the ist or Albany battalion of which John Van Housen [Johannes Van Hoesen] is captain. 101 Same to John Uppam [Upham], Gentleman: a commis sion as ensign of the company in the ist or Albany battalion, of which John Van Housen is captain. 102 Same to Abraham Bratt, Gentleman : a commission as second lieutenant of the company in the 2d or Schenec tady battalion, of which Daniel Campbell is captain. 103 Same to James Spencer, Gentleman : a commission as ensign of the company in the ist or Albany battalion, of which Johannes Hogeboom is captain. 104 Same to Johannes Jacob Lansingh Esq. : a commission as captain of the company in the ist or Albany bat talion, lately commanded by Abraham Van Arnam. 105 Same to Myndert Hoose, Gentleman : a commission as ensign of the company in the ist or Albany battalion, of which Peter Vosbrough is captain. 106 Same to Dirck Hoose Esq. : a commission as captain of the company in the ist or Albany battalion, lately commanded by Francis Klauw. 107 Same to Volgert Veeder, Gentleman : a commission as second lieutenant of the company in the ist or Albany battalion, of which Adam Vrooman is captain. 108 Same to Philip P. Schuyler, Gentleman : a commission as ensign of the company in the ist or Albany battalion, of which Abraham Ten Brook is captain. 109 Same to Barent Ten Eyck, Gentleman: a commission as second lieutenant of the company of grenadiers of which Abraham C. Cuyler is captain. no Capt. Robart McKean to [Sir William Johnson], asking that, if they attempt any injury or depredation, they be mustered. 1 1 1 SIR WILLIAM JOHNSON MANUSCRIPTS 2QI 1764 Jan. 19 [Sir William Johnson] to the officer in command of the Johnson Hall New York provincials at the German Flatts, advising of the nearness of a party of Senecas, and ordering that, if they attempt any injury or depredation, they be seized and sent down under guard; also commanding vigilance to prevent their trading with the inhabitants. 8:112 20 I Sir William Johnson] to Lieut. Gov. [John] Penn, ap- Johnson Hall proving measures taken for punishing the murderers of the Conestoga Indians [24:193], discussing the effect of the crime on Indian sentiment and pointing out the only policy which will remove Indian disaffection. 113 20 Ferrall Wade, asking a remittance for a draft on Capt. Philadelphia Clause and complaining of Monture's refusal to honor a draft. [8:45] 114 20 [Sir William Johnson] to the Lords of Trade: acknowl- Fort Johnson edges the receipt of the royal proclamation, reports the failure of Maj. Wilkins's expedition to Detroit, ex amines the causes of the war and of the peace pro posals made by the Senecas and western nations, sug gests separate treaties with the several confederacies, the retention of the Niagara carrying place by the English, the removal of the French from Michilimackinac and Miamis, the abolition of the Jesuit missions, the establishment of a resident bishopric and clergy in Canada, the keeping of small vessels on Lakes Erie and Huron and the righting of Indian grievances, and men tions his labors and losses, including that of the [Canajoharie] grant made by the Indians, the massacre of the friendly Conestoga Indians, and his giving the war belt to the Oneidas and Tuscaroras. [Doc. rel. to Col. Hist. N. Y. 7:599-602] 115 20 Joseph Knox, notifying that he has drawn on Johnson Niagara j n favor of Mr Shipboy for the amount of Lieut. Col. Gladwin's and Capt. Lehunt's accounts. 116 22 Col. John Bradstreet, inclosing a letter opened by mis- Albany take, and expressing pleasure at Johnson's recovery from sickness. 117 23 Duncan & Phyn's account, 57, igs. 118 Schenectady 23 John Duncan to [Sir William Johnson], expressing gratifi- Schenectady cation that a rumor affecting Johnson's safety was false, and a hope that the sacrifices of the latter for the public will meet a reward, also mentioning the expected visit of Col. Campbell and the indictment of John Glen, him self and other justices for quartering soldiers on Tobias Tenyck and others. 119 2O2 NEW YORK STATE LIBRARY 1764 Jan. 23 Witham Marsh about the publication of the King's proc- New York lamation, a friendly paragraph in Weyman's paper, the escape of Rogers to " precious " Connecticut by way of Hell- gates, articles to be sent by sled, patents, his law suit and a project of revenge in case of an adverse decision by the court, and a letter for Mr Croghan. 8:120 24 William McCracken, relating pecuniary misfortunes due Montreal to his being " bound " for Maj. Rogers, and Gov. Burton's kindness in appointing him sole vendue master, and asking Johnson's influence to secure his retention of the place in the event of Gen. Murray's becoming Governor of Canada. 121 24 John Glen Jun'r, informing that he sends by Symon Van Schonectady Antwerpen, in 13 sleighs, 30 barrels of flour and 20 of pork. 122 27 [Sir William Johnson] to Lieut. Gov. Colden, touching Johnson Hall the two companies that have marched for the de fense of Scohare and Cherry Valley, the orders of the Earl of Halifax for raising troops, the difficulty of ob taining redress for injuries from the Chenussios, the advisability of abolishing the Jesuit missions and using their possessions in Canada for a Protestant bishopric and missions, the labor of quieting the resentment ex cited in the Five Nations by the massacre of their brethren at Conestoga, and the commissions desired for officers of his regiment. 123 28 Robert Callbeck's bill on account of clothing furnished to Niagara Adam and David, two Mohawks. 124 28 H. Van Schaack to [Sir William Johnson], explaining Albany the failure of Mr Douw to pay Dr Stringer and plead ing the scarcity of money and the impossibility of getting it for bills on New York. 125 28 Affidavits of Martinus Sparbeck, Christ Young, Caspar Conajohary Keller, Hendrick Zander, Salomon Myer jun'r, Andreas, Hend'k and Jacob Zoller, Cunrad Clock, Lawranz Blasius, William Shnyder and others, disclaiming knowledge of the contents of a petition against Capt. Jacob Clok and Lieut. Hannikel Herkimer [7:108, August 1763], to which their names were attached by the procurement of George Clok and Roger Baxter; taken before Justice Hendrick Frey. 24:197 29 [Sir William Johnson] to Lieut. Col. Eyre, viewing Johnson Hall the grounds of Indian defection, advocating con cessions, as well as the removal of French settlers from the Indian country and the appropriation of the Jesuit lands for Protestant church uses in Can ada, and mentioning his employment of Oneidas, Tuscaroras and Mohawks, against the hostiles, and the favorable opinions of his policy expressed by the British government. 8:126 SIR WILLIAM JOHNSON MANUSCRIPTS 203 30 Albany 30 New York 1764 Jan. 19 Jacob Snell, in relation to a sum of money desired, Stonraby 29 Hendrick Frey, sending proceedings in relation to Conajohary Qok and Herkimer's affairs [24:197] and the com plaint of William Lauks [8:81], and the letter of [Jacob] Snell. Lieut. Col. David Van Der Heyden, informing that he sends up, by Mr Putnam, a negro belonging to John son. Ab'm Mortier, with the information that he has paid the balance due Johnson, 640, is, 2j4d, to Mr Dar lington and holds vouchers for other sums paid; and a request for the return of Mr Bayard's draft on [Abraham] Dow, which the latter has neglected to pay to Johnson. ,50 Sir William Johnson's account with Ab'm Mortier. New York 31 Capt. John Wells, expressing pleasure at Johnson's Chirrey recovery from illness and gratification at the arrival Valley o f a company for the defense of the settlement, recommending Daniel Clyd as suited for scouting, and mentioning the need of a supply of money. 31 William Darlington about accounts, a sum received New York from Mr Mortier and money sent up to Johnson Hall in care of Maj. William Hogan. 31 John Welles, giving a list of attested accounts Montreal against the estate of Capt. John Lotteridge, de ceased, and speaking of the effect in Canada of the King's proclamation. Feb. I Hendrick Frey, inclosing proceedings against Martin Canajoharre Dillenbagh [8:81], considering the prospects of his punishment and suggesting a device for his appre hension. 1 Capt. John R. Hansen, telling what disposition he has Schohare made of his force, and indicating the need of snowshoes for scouting parties. 2 De Couagne to [Sir William Johnson], telling of a Niagara visit by an Indian to the fort and the restriction on the sale of ammunition. 3 [Sir William Johnson] to Lieut. Gov. Colden, asking Johnson Hall attention to the design of two young Indians to visit England in the evident interest of some scheme of George Klock's, and to Mr Lydias's pur pose to go over in behalf of his land claims and the Connecticut title to a tract on the Susquehanna, and inquiring about Mr Johnson's grant. 8:127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 2O4 NEW YORK STATE LIBRARY 1764 Feb. 6 Francis Wade on the recent alarm occasioned by Philadelphia riotous attempts against friendly Indians under the protection of the city, an arrangement of the differ ence between his brother [Matthew] and Johnson [8:60], and Johnson's desire to draw settlers to his lands. 8 1139 6 Sir William Johnson's account with Duncan & Phyn. 140 Schenectady 6 John Duncan about goods sent, and to be sent. 141 Schenectady 6 A memorandum of goods from Mr Duncan. 142 Schenectady 8 James Phyn, mentioning goods sent in sledges to Schenectade Johnson and the inferiority of the Albany to the Schenectady " stores." 143 8 John Hansen, acquainting with English affairs : Lt. Col. London Lee, president of a club of officers who have been in America, criticizes Gen. Amherst in print ; the latter is advised by friends to publish his instruc tions and orders from the government; he censures the province of New York; public opinion favors conciliation of the Indians; Gen. Monckton's chance of the chief command in America impaired by his affiliations in the Commons; party spirit runs high; British officers would gladly return to America. 144 9 John Duncan to [Sir William Johnson] on goods sent Schenectady to Johnson, also declaring a purpose to enlarge his assortment. 145 9 Sir William Johnson to Capt. Montour, instructions for leading a party of Indians to Kanestio and destroy ing it. 24:198 9 John Duncan's account. 8:147 ii Lady G. Cosby to [Sir William Johnson], as to the dis- [London?] posal of her land and mining interests in America; sending Lord Halifax's compliments. [Doc. Hist. N. Y> 2:806; Q, 2:467] 146 ii Capt. Daniel Campbell, relative to the payment of money Sch'y- by Capt. Clause on account of Wells & Wade. 148 ii [Sir William Johnson] to Lieut. Gov. Ralph Burton at Johnson Hall Montreal, sending information that a party of 200 Indians has been despatched by him against the Dela- wares and Shawanese, and that he purposes to employ Canadian Indians in like enterprises, and referring for further knowledge to Capt. Claus, the bearer. 149 SIR WILLIAM JOHNSON MANUSCRIPTS 205 1764 Feb. ii Henry Monture, William Hare and John Johnston, Indian Burnuts Field officers, about obstacles to their expedition [24:198], created by Thomas Spencer, who has brought a small, iil equipped party from Cherry Vally. 8:150 ii Dirk Van Der Heyden to [Sir William Johnson], corn- London municating the fact of his failure in business, declaring that gifts to the savages will furnish the most solid basis of peace and inquiring as to the means, time and cost of procuring 5000 pounds of ginseng. 151 14 Christof Strobel (at the City Hall), asking aid as an old Albany servant and soldier of Johnson's and relief from the humiliation he suffers as a public charge. [In German] 152 14 Elioner Flood, imploring Johnson's intercession with a New York creditor, Joseph Greswold, with a view to release from prison. 153 14 Gilbert Tower, seeking a continuance of benefits and in* yoking divine aid to his benefactor in the performance of public duty. 154 15 Thomas McKee, condemning the massacre of the Con- Lancaster nestogo Indians [24:193], discussing the attempt of rioters to destroy certain Indians under the protection of the city of Philadelphia [8:139] and asking that warrants for money be sent to himself and his son. 155 16 Ferrall Wade, asking the money or a draft on New York Philadelphia j n payment of a draft on Capt. Clause. 156 17 Daniel Claus, requesting payment of 50 in currency to Albany Abraham Lyle. 157 17 [S ; r William Johnson] to William Smith Ju'r, excusing Johnson Hall delay, agreeing to charges in connection with un successful suits and mentioning war parties which he is sending out. 158 18 William Darlington, repeating a mention of money sent New York m charge of Maj. William Hogan, and informing that he sends up a butler, recommended by Lord Stirling's butler, and he has forwarded the letter for the Lords of Trade on the Halifax packet, Capt. Jeffery. 159 19 W[itha]m Marsh about orders executed for Johnson, New York j o hn Heath Mullis, a butler shipped with Capt. Gage, who sails to the Visch-Kilns, bodily sufferings, the machinations of disloyal " imps " regarding the K a patent [8:42], a new delay in the suit regarding his office, a scheme of the lawyers to exclude members of the established church from the profession, Quincey's Dispensatory, " which so particularly points out the proper Medicines for every Disorder," and French clover and La Lucerne seeds for Johnson Hall; with compliments to Brandt, Molly and others. T ^ rv 2O6 NEW YORK STATE LIBRARY 1764 Feb. 20 Capt. Daniel Campbell, recommending Capt. Tice [8:11] Schenectady an d mentioning Mr [Matthew] Wade's order on John son for a balance shown in Capt. Claus's account. 8:161 20 Robert Leake, speaking of Mr Byrne, whom he has con- New York tinued at the royal blockhouse [at Oneida lake] on Johnson's recommendation, congratulating Sir William on his remarkable success in keeping the Five Nations loyal, communicating certain military appointments to be made in England for America, complaining of long and laborious service, and asking suggestions for the pur chase of land, the "land jobbers" in New York re fusing to " let one into anything unless it be above Fort Edward." 162 20 Charles Williams to [Sir William Johnson], con- New York cerning a letter of recommendation to Admiral Tyrell and Capt. Delancey's thought of buying the lead mines. 163 20 John Duncan, commending Gilbert Tice for the com- Schenectady mand of a company of rangers or provincials, re porting that Col. Bradstreet is considered for a major generalship, speaking of an intended trip to New York and soliciting a letter in support of his claim for land under a grant made to provincial officers serving in the war in America. 164 20 James Rivington to [Sir William Johnson], of pub- New York lications which he can supply, Johnson's public services, Maj. Loftus's expedition up the Missisipi, the exchange by France of Louisiana for a Spanish settlement on the Gulph of Darien, the King's dis missal of Col. Barre, the vast popularity of [John] Wilkes and Gen. Amherst's discredit with the army. [Doc. Hist. N. Y. 2:806-8; Q, 2:468] 174 21 Henery Monture, William Hare and John Johnston, Kaun au Wau asking money to pay for a feast to their Indian Roharie warriors; also paper and sealing wax. 165 21 Same, describing the opposition of some Indians of Kaun a Wa Old Onida to their expedition [24:198] and sending Rohare messages from the warriors of their party about that opposition and the care and protection of their castle during their absence. 166 21 Sir William Johnson to [Henry Montour?] (letter sent by Thomas King and party of 12), exhorting to vigorous hostilities, offering bounties to Indians for the persons or heads of two Delaware chiefs, and speaking of the preparations of Oghquagoes, Otseningo Indians, Tuscaroras, StocKDridge Indians, Ondagoes and Cayugaes to act against the enemy. 24:199 SIR WILLIAM JOHNSON MANUSCRIPTS 2O7 1764 Feb. 23 John Duncan to [Sir William Johnson], mentioning Schenectady a n order which he is filling, discoursing on causes of Indian troubles, and the debt of the community to Johnson, and promising a visit. 8:167 24 James Phyn, explaining character of goods sent, Schenectady apologizing for defects, informing that six carpen ters will be sent to the Niagara carrying place, and touching on a story of an attempt against the life of Wilks [in England]. 168 24 George Croghan to [Sir William Johnson], describing London his reception by Lords Hillsborrow and Hallifax, the excitement over " Wilks and Liberty," the posi tion of Gen. Monckton regarding the American command, the friendship of Mr Penn, Mr Alen and Gov. Pownal for Johnson, the unpopularity of Gen. Amherst; and, in postscript, his shipwreck on the Norman coast; and sending the compliments of Col. George Armstrong and Lieut. McDonald from Detroit and of Maj. Gates. 169 24 Sir William Johnson's account with Duncan & Phyn. 170 Schenectady 25 Capt. Robert McKeen's monthly return of his corn- Cherry Valley pa ny of provincials, 53 officers and men. 172 25 Same, reporting on the condition of his company and Cherry Valley his efforts for the protection of the settlement. 173 26 George Wray, clerk of artillery stores, on powder and Albany carbine balls which he sends in J. B. Van Eps's sleigh, and musket balls which can be furnished. 175 27 David Van Der Heyden, correcting an error in an ac- Albany count and sending an account for the Schohare Indians. 176 27 Sir William Johnson's account with Duncan & Phyn. 177 Schenectady 27 Sampson Simson to William Darlington, informing New York that Hyam Myers, who has suffered by the Indian trade, has sailed for Europe, accompanied by Sychnecta and Trosoghroga, Mohawks, and request ing Darlington to apply to Johnson for a proper cer tificate for the Indians. 178 27 [Sir William Johnson] to Gov. Penn, assenting to the Johnson Hall proposal that the friendly Indians, threatened by lawlessness in Pennsylvania, be removed to the province of New York and suggesting passage by water from Amboy to Albany. 179 27 John Welles to [Sir William Johnson], congratula- Montreal tions on the view of Johnson's conduct which pre vails in England, a scornful estimate of Gen. Am herst, mention of Capt. Lotteridge's affairs, com- 2O8 NEW YORK STATE LIBRARY 1764 ment on the condition of Indian trade, the denial of preferment in Canada to any but Scots, and the report that the Bishop of America will reside in Albany, and a request for attention to a stock of Indian goods. [Inclosing 24:185, November I, 1763] 8:180 Feb. 28 Henery Monture, John Johnson and William Hare Auqvage about success in their expedition against Kanisto and the character of the prisoners whom they send. 181 28 Same (for the Indian warriors), relating the capture of Auqvauge 29 of the enemy, and asking protection for Oneida and Auqqvage, and a reinforcement of Indians. 182 28 [Sir William Johnson] to Lieut. Gov. Golden, asking Johnson Hall consent to bringing Indians from Philadelphia to the Mohawk [8:179], mentioning the activity of one of Lydias's sons in support of a claim, suggesting the location of the grant to Lieut. Johnson [8:85, 138], mentioning war parties despatched against enemies in the Susquehanna and Ohio countries, and recommending Mr Tice of Schenectady for a cap taincy. [Extract in Doc. rel. to Col. Hist. N. Y. 7:611] 183 29 Capt. John Wells to [Sir William Johnson], reporting Chirrey Valley favorably of Capt. [Robert] McKeen's company, and of the behavior of the Indians who come to that place. 184 Sir William Johnson's address to some Indians who will go out against the enemies' villages. [Date un certain] 24:258 Mar. I [Sir William Johnson] to His Excellency Gen. Gage, Johnson Hall concerning the number of the " Friend Indians " whom he can enlist, and the effect of their present operations on the Delawares, Shawanese and Sen- ecas, as well as western nations. 8:185 2 Henery Monture, William Hare and John Johnston, Oueqvage telling of the departure of the Onidais with their prisoners [8:182] for Johnson Hall, asking a rein forcement of white men and Indians in order to destroy the [Indian] settlement along the Dioagoa river, and commending Capt. Bull and his warriors, among the prisoners, to severe punishment. 186 3 Isaac Paris about Blassius [an interpreter] and two Stone Rabie Indians [8:138, 178] and Blassius's desire of a pass. 187 3 William Tongue about payment of interpreters whose New York services were certified by Lieut. James Gorrell at Fort Edward Augustus. 188 4 John Glen Jun'r, concerning provisions sent in charge of Schonectady Nicolas H. Veadir and calvancis which he has been ordered by Col. Bradstreet to send to the royal block house. ! SIR WILLIAM JOHNSON MANUSCRIPTS 209 1764 Mar. 4 Same, concerning an order from Col. Bradstreet to send Schonectady SO me calvancis to Johnson. 8:189 4 John Wells about a sachem who will visit Sir William, Chirrey a villainous tall Cayuga who is present, and money Valley needed to meet Indian demands. 205 4 Thomas Shipboy, inclosing a copy of a draft drawn by Albany Joseph Knox at Niagara and inquiring if it be agreeable to pay it. I9 1 Joseph Knox (copy), a draft on Johnson for 47, 75, lod [Niagara] i n favor of Thomas Shipboy. [Inclosed in 8:191] 192 5 William Darlington, inclosing a letter about two Mohawks New York w ho have gone to Europe [8:178] and speaking of a cabinetmaker's account and a negro sent up the river on Pemberton's sloop. 193 5 A. Mortier, concerning Sir William's draft on him in NT^W York favor of Mr Van Schaak, an expected warrant for Johnson from Gen. Gage and his regret at [Abraham] Dow's delay in paying Bayard's draft. 194 8 Sir William Johnson's account with Duncan & Phyn. 195 Schenectady 8 James Rivington, receipted bill for books, pamphlets etc. [New York] _ 25, 8s, 6d. 196 8 [Duncan & Phyn], a list of goods. 197 [Schenectady] 9 [Sir William Johnson] to Robert Leake, thanking him Johnson Hall for the provision made for Mr Byrne, telling of the return of a war party with 41 Delaware prisoners, including Capt. Bull, who are chiefly from Kanestio, describing the extent and origin of the Kayaderosseras patent and promising to aid Leake in making a pur chase of land. 199 10 Thomas Ackesen about men who have joined Capt. Hon- Schoharry san's company, Indians of Schohary who will go to war, and supplies for Indians who are on the war path. 200 Christian Hoofnagel to [Sir William Johnson], petition ing for advice in a quarrel forced on him by relations of children whom he has adopted and is rearing. (No date) 201 10 George Croghan, mentioning English neglect of American London affairs, which he attributes to the warmth of party spirit, an interview with Lord Halifax, his lordship's dcMre to make the Indian department independent of the commander in chief, the discussion of a boundary between Indians and settlers [7:248], the proposal of a colony from the mouth of the Ohio to the Ilo.nies, Gov. Pownal's opinion of Mr Harriss, and assumption of superior knowledge regarding North America, and de claring that he (Croghan) is sick of London and its vanities. 202 210 NEW YORK STATE LIBRARY 1764 Mar. 10 John Duncan, asserting his purpose to fill all of Johnson's Schenectady orders for goods, mentioning a false rumor about the good faith of the Onidas and asking a line to the Lieu tenant Governor in behalf of his claim to land under the grant. [8:164] 8:203 10 Gavin Cochrane to [Sir William Johnson], discussing New York Indian relations and status, asking particulars of the capture of 41 Delawares and Shawanese, arguing that happy results would follow a blow to the Genesees and suggesting that the promise of being presented at court might augment the zeal of the Indians. 204 12 John B. Van Eps, inquiring whether he shall receipt for Schinectady a supply of ammunition short in some particulars. 206 12 John Macomb, asking a pecuniary favor. 207 Albany 12 Daniel Qaus, drawing to the amount of 60 in favor of Albany John Macomb. [Inclosed in 8:207] 208 12 Abraham Lyle, sending Capt. Daniel Claus's bill and Albany Johnson's account, inquiring about Preinteic's bill on Johnson and contrasting Johnson's success against the Indians with Amherst's in the expedition of Maj. Wilkins. 209 12 Capt. John R. Hansen about a detachment sent to Onogh- Wisersdorp quago, two Indian prisoners taken by Mohawks and the discontent of his company at receiving no pay. 210 12 Joseyas Swart, writing in favor of two Indians [8:210] Schohary se nt as prisoners to Johnson by Capt. Hanson. 211 13 Thomas Harris to [Sir William Johnson] on Gen. Am- London herst's unpopularity at home, meetings with Col. Cro- ghan in London, the probability that the Board of Trade will adopt Johnson's views of Indian affairs, the pur chase of Indian goods in England a commission with which he asks to be intrusted the comparative value of mining and agricultural lands, copper and silver ore consigned to him from America, a consignment of potash from one of Johnson's tenants, also prices, re turns and shipment of that product. 212 13 Maj. Gen. Thomas Gage's warrant to Abraham Mortier New York directing payment to Sir William Johnson of 732, 2s, id New York currency on account of expenses in Capt. Claus's department and presents made by him to Indians. 26:21 14 Witham Marsh on a 13 weeks' illness, the publication in New York Weyman's paper of good news [capture of 41 Dela wares?] communicated by Johnson to Marsh and Mr Leake's effective reply to invidious comments. 8:213 SIR WILLIAM JOHNSON MANUSCRIPTS 211 1764 Mar. 14 H. Van Schaack, begging a few garden seeds, informing Albany that the colony of Connecticut has voted 300 men, Massachusetts none, and giving details of a riotous en counter between civilians and officers and men of the 55th and Royal Artillery. 8:214 15 [Sir William Johnson] to Lieut. Col. Elliot, delivering, Johnson Hall under escort of Capt. De Garmo with 50 New York provincials, 14 Delaware Indians, to be conducted to New York, and enjoining care to prevent their escape; also mentioning that the women and boys of the cap tive party [8:181,182] have been delivered to the Mo hocks for adoption. 215 15 David Van Der Heyden to [Sir William Johnson], giv- Albany j n g a circumstantial account of outrages committed by soldiers of Col. Elliot's command in the late riot [8:214], and asking for orders. 216 Lieut. Nath'l Hillyer, complaining that he has been superseded by younger officers and asking a few words in his behalf to the Governor. [Not dated, but earlier than 8:217; March 16, 1764] 12:21 16 [Sir William Johnson] to Lieut. Gov. Colden, acquaint- Johnson Hall i llg w ith the success of Thomas King's war party against a party of Delawares, his distribution of In dian prisoners among friendly nations, the consterna tion of the enemy at the operations of the friendly Indians, and his measures for protecting the families of Onoghquagos and Oneidas who have gone against the enemy, agreeing to Gen. Gage's proposal to give the Wyaloosins asylum in Burlington barracks, presenting Capt. Duncan's application for land [8:164], mention ing Capt. Johnson's, and drawing attention to Lieut. Hillyer, who desires to reenter military service. 8:217 18 Capt. John R. Hansen, further about two prisoners WisersDorp charged with making evil threats [8:210], a lieutenant's Scohare command sent to Onoghquago and supplies extorted from Capt. Eckerson [Thomas Ackeson] by Indians. 218 18 [Sir William Johnson] to J. Stuart (southern Superin- Johnson Hall tendent of Indian Affairs), informing that he has sent out scalping parties aggregating 300 warriors, whose success has alarmed the enemy, and compelled the Chenussios to make proposals of peace, and that he will despatch parties from the Five Nations against the Shawanese and Delawares, discussing Indian trade regulations, mentioning Indian hostilities in the South and the need of cooperation among the colonies and suggesting French instigation. 219 212 NEW YORK STATE LIBRARY 1764 Mar. 18 Chirrey Valley 19 New York 19 New York 19 19 [Schenec- tady] 19 New York John Wells about letters which he has forwarded to Onaquago and provisions which he has orders to con vey to that place. 8 :22O Ab'm Mortier, sending Gen. Gage's warrant to Johnson for 732, 2s, id New York currency 427, is, 2d sterling and notifying that Johnson has overdrawn 161, 145, 9d sterling. 221 Account of Sir William Johnson with Ab'm Mortier. [Inclosed in 8:221] 222 Duncan & Phyn's account and invoice. 223 [Schenectady] Dr John Stewart's bill to Sir William Johnson for medi cal service to Indians; Johnson's order on John Dun can to pay Stewart ; and Stewart's receipt. 224 Sir William Johnson's account with Duncan & Phyn for Indian goods, from November 26 to March 19 ^3934, 45, i id. 225 Robert Leake, intimating that he has silenced one of Johnson's detractors by the prospect of a duel, and mentioning that he would buy from 16,000 to 20,000 acres of land, that Col. Robertson has brought from Florida an unfavorable account of the soil, and Sir John St Clair will soon go home, out of health and in financial trouble. 226 19 Capt. Hendrick Frey on his execution of orders for Canajoharre stopping trade and the sale of rum at certain places. 227 19 Sir William Johnson's account, amounting to ^944, 2s, Schenectady w jth Duncan & Phyn. 228 19 John Duncan on his efforts to furnish goods, the sus- Schenectady pension of transportation by the closing of the rivers, and Johnson's continued success against the enemy. 229 20 James Phyn to [Sir William Johnson], sending ac- Schenectady counts and invoice. 230 21 Lieut. John Kees on the scarcity of provisions and Aughquaga apprehensions of the Indians at Aughquaga. 24:201 22 John Crean, seeking employment at Johnson Hall, Philadelphia an d mentioning that he is a " coardwinder " by trade, has been a soldier 20 years and can get recom mendations from the colonel of the 35th, the Gov ernor of Philadelphia and others. 8:231 Philip Jonathan, asking moral support in starting a school for Indians and enforcing discipline. [Doc. Hist. N. Y. 4:339-40; Q, 4:216-17] 232 Gen. Gage to Maj. Gladwin at Detroit (extract), authorizing terms of peace with the Indians, who are requested to meet Sir William Johnson at Niagara, bringing all prisoners and deserters with them. 233 22 Conajohary 23 New York SIR WILLIAM JOHNSON MANUSCRIPTS 213 1764 May. 23 John Gcorg Licbc'nrood on the demand for ginseng London a nd the high prices of furs, giving a list of market values. 8 1234 25 James Phyn, apologizing for the bad character of Schenectady goods supplied. 235 25 Capt. T. Moncrieffe (major of brigade), congratula- New York tions and favorable comment on the policy of em ploying Indians against Indians. 236 25 Sir William Johnson's account current with William New York Darlington. 237 26 Charles Williams to [Sir William Johnson], acknowl- New York edging a letter recommending [Charles and David Williams?] to Admiral Tyrell and describing the popular feeling at the arrival of Capt. Bull and the 13 other Indians under military guard. [8:181, 182] 238 26 Witham Marsh about the publication of a paragraph New York from Johnson's letter, the arrival of 14 Tndian pris oners [8:181, 182], his desire to have certain "carp ing scoundrels " punished with 100 lashes, public excitement over Johnson's triumph, and the appoint ment of a committee to consider a patent. 239 27 John Glen Jun'r, informing that he has sent up in Schonectady three bateaux 19 barrels of flour and nine of pork, to be delivered to Dowe Fonda at Coghnawagie. 240 27 Daniel Campbell, asking that a sum of money, due Schenectady on account of transactions with Capt. Clans, may be sent him, in care of Dr Constable, and offering to execute any commissions for Sir William in New York city. 241 28 John Macomb to [Sir William Johnson] about money Albany which he has lent to Mr Achilles Preston and referring to Nos. 207 and 208. 242 30 John Welles about the success of Johnson's war Montreal policy, the silence of Mr [Matthew?] Wade, Ferrall Wade's possible influence over him, a petition of Canadians [8:244], the French included, to the Lords of Trade, the enlistment of a Canadian regiment, with Frenchmen in command, suspension of trade, and the government's precautions to prevent its resumption, payment of [the late] Capt. Lotteridge's debts, marriages between British officers and Cana dian ladies, his indisposition and the prospect that the arrival of the bishop will bring good times to Albany. 243 Petition of the gentry, merchants, citizens and other Montreal inhabitants of the city and government to the Lords Commissioners of Trade and Plantations, asking attention to the action of people in Quebec in as suming to choose an agent for the province and 214 NEW YORK STATE LIBRARY Mar. 30 New York 1764 praying that the Indian trade may be free to all who observe the legal requirements, and there may be no monopoly of riparian rights on the St Law rence, and no customs restrictions at Quebec on Montreal commerce. [Inclosed in 8:243] 8:244 Lieut. Col. William Eyre, touching the effect of the success of Johnson's war parties, the disappoint ment of enemies, the approbation of Gen. Gage, the appointment of Gage as commander in chief, the arrangement for rotation in service of English regi ments ordered to America, and his expectation of being sent to England. 245 31 Duncan & Phyn's bill for articles bought by Sir Schenectady William Johnson. 246 31 Lieut. Col. John Campbell, reporting that he has, in Fort Stanwix obedience to orders, supplied the Oneida women with provisions, praising the appearance of the Indian, Capt. Bull, and mentioning his orders from the general to take the field with the I7th regiment. 247 [Schenectady] Duncan & Phyn], sending a list of goods and promising to send articles not now in stock. 198 Apr. i John Duncan to [Sir William Johnson] about business Schenectady orders, letters for Johnson, coming by way of Schenectady and the fatigues of the Indian superin- tendency. 248 William Tongue, inclosing Lieut. Gorrell's certificates concerning claims of Peter Souligny fils and Cha's - Gaultier as interpreters and Pierre Souligny fils as express, with suggestions as to the mode of pay ment. 249 Robert Leake, giving news from England: the minis try adopts most of the plans of the late commander in America, Gen. Gage will be commander in chief, Gen. Monckton declines to come over again, Mur ray's appointment as governor [of Canada] meets objection, men are being raised for America, the King continues in a masterful mood, officers, mili tary and civil, have been dismissed for caballing, money scarce, bankruptcy common, all officers to join their corps, Colonels Bouquet and Bradstreet to command separately, navy gentlemen to command cutters on the American coast. 250 H. Van Schaack to [Sir William Johnson], asking an order for 119, 145 currency to pay Bostwyck & Co. a claim certified at Michilamackinac by Lieut. Wil liam Leslie, and informing that preparations are making, by direction of Col. Robertson, to build forts, barracks etc. in " the Southern Conquests," and that the officers concerned in the late riot [8:214, 216] are ordered down to New York. 251 New York 2 New York 2 Albany SIR WILLIAM JOHNSON MANUSCRIPTS 215 1764 Apr. 2 Witham Marsh to [Sir William Johnson], relating an Bayard Hall interview with Capt. Bull [8:182] in jail, and giving his suspicions that Quakers originated the Delawares' outbreak. 8 1252 3 Frederick Sigismund Lentz to [Sir William Johnson], New York speaking of the works which he has erected for the manufacture of tobacco and soliciting custom. 253 3 Francis Wade, telling of the wrecking on the French Philadelphia coast of the vessel which carried Mr Croghan and Col. Armstrong [8:169], asking payment of a draft on Capt Clawes and mentioning a petition to the crown for a change of government and a pamphlet called the Con duct of the Paxtoners. [24:193, Dec. 31, 1763; 8:139] 9:1 4 Baynton, Wharton & Morgan, inviting attention to a Philadelphia stock of goods which they will sell for the account of [George] Croghan and mentioning his shipwreck. [8:169] 2 5 Duncan & Phyn, a list of goods forwarded by Mr Schenectady Van EpS. 3 5 John Duncan to [Sir William Johnson] on the difficulty Schenectady o f conveying goods by reason of rain and the impress ment ! of wagons, and his intended journey to New York; letter prefaced by a list of goods sent in a three- handed bateau by Jassen Hazzard, to be delivered to Barr't Vrooman at Caghnawaga for Johnson. 4 5 Duncan & Phyn's bill for goods bought by Sir William Schenectady Johnson ^OI, 35, 7^d. 5 6 A list of goods ordered [by Sir William Johnson] from Baynton & Wharton, Philadelphia. 6 6 [Sir William Johnson] to Lieut. Gov. Colden, mention- Johnson Hall ing war parties sent out, including one led by his son, the willingness of the Chenussios to deliver up two murderers at Kanestio, cede to the King all the land from Niagara to the falls on both sides of the strait and be employed against the Delawares and Shawanese, the preparations of the whole Confederacy to accompany the troops against those enemies, and a conference to be held the last of June with the western nations and Senecas, inquiring whether Capt. Johnson's grant may be made from lands near Scorticoke or Sanckaick patents, showing his own just claim to the tract made over to him by the Conajoharees and asking the Gover nor's acceptance of 10,000 acres in it. 7 7 H. Van Schaack to [Sir William Johnson], giving a sum- Albany mary of news: Sir Jeffrey Amherst kindly received at home, Wilkes expelled from the House, all American officers ordered to join their regiments, no regiment to stay longer than three years in America, pay of com manders at outposts advanced, Michilamackina to be reestablished, Gov. Monckton's return doubtful, Gen. 2l6 NEW YORK STATE LIBRARY 1764 Gage to retain chief command, the opposition in Par liament increased from in to 240, Col. Bradstreet to command the expedition, and the Assembly and Gov ernor of Pennsylvania at loggerheads over the taxation of the Proprietaries' uncultivated lands. 9 :8 Apr. 7 Henery Monture, William Hare and John Johnson Diogoa [24:198], reporting that the Delawares fled before their arrival at Kanestio, and they, with 140 warriors, des troyed three large Delaware towns, all the out villages and 130 scattered Indian houses, very large and well built, together with horses and cattle, and declaring that they have made "peaceable times " in that country. 24:203 8 James Phyn about the difficulty of obtaining desirable Schenectady Indian goods in Albany or York and the obstacles to transportation, also Mr Johnson's expedition [9 :7J and Sir William's kindness. 9:9 8 Capt. John Grant's certificate to the faithful services of Oughquago John Harper, interpreter and pilot. 11 9 John Glen Ju'r about his efforts to send pork to Ogquago Schonectady ^y way o f Cherry Vally. IO 9 James Rivington, concerning arrangements for furnish- New York jng books and papers, the weakness of the administra tion of Lord Halifax and Mr Grenville, the King's jealousy of popular statesmen and the victorious, serene ally [Charles William, hereditary prince of Brunswick-Liineburg?] who was lately in England, and the King's unfitness to be the head of the state. 12 9 Same, bill for reading matter and stationery. 136 9 Col. John Bradstreet, communicating the fact that he is Schenactady to command the expedition and asking that Capt. Grant and his company be enabled to join him, and that a Frenchman in the York company at Schohary be sent to him. 13 10 Capt. Daniel Claus, announcing that he will at once set Albany O ut for Lake George and saying that Col. Bradstreet is exasperated at the provinces for their backwardness in raising men and condemns Albany roundly, that John son's success in bringing the Chenusios to terms meets with public approval, that he will endeavor to send Canadian Indians to the help of Johnson, that 300 Canadians under their own officers will proceed to Oswego as soon as the ice is out of Lake St Pierre near Aughquisasne, and Oswego will be the rendezvous of all the troops. 14 12 George Wray about arms and ammunition which he has Albany se nt according to command. 15 SIR WILLIAM JOHNSON MANUSCRIPTS 217 1764 12 John Stuart on the condition of the North Carolina Charles Town Tuscaroras, as described by Gov. Dobbs [7:129; 8:41], the tardiness of the Creeks in giving satisfaction for crimes, the military posture of the southern provinces, the intention of 200 Cherokees to go out against the northern Indians and the success of Johnson's policy. 9:16 14 Robert McKeen, captain of rangers, reporting the return Cherry Vally of Lieut. Kees and his party from Aughquaga and his own efforts to get provisions to that place and asking orders relating to his company, as the time for which it was engaged has nearly expired. 17 14 Sir William Johnson to Gen. Gage, discussing the back- Johnson Hall wardness of provincial military preparations, indicating the success of his policy of conciliating the Senecas and crushing the Delawares, mentioning the need of Indian goods for Col. Bouquet's expedition and his intention to investigate some Indian mischief on the Pensilvania border and inclosing a sketch taken from a draft made by Thomas Hutchins, formerly in the Indian depart ment, now an officer in the Royal Americans. 18 14 George Croghan to [Sir William Johnson], touching a London conversation with Mr Rice, one of the Lords of Trade, relative to Indian affairs, the slight prospect that the Government will repair losses of Indian traders, or that the New Englanders' Susquehanna claim will re ceive countenance in England, fraudulent patents in the Mohock country, the decline of Gen. Amherst's in fluence, the approval by the Lords of Trade of John son's report on the charges against the Proprietary in Pensylvaine; mentioning the sickness of John Pownal, the marriage of Mr O'Bryan, an actor, to a nobleman's daughter, the dishonesty of parties, his dis gust with London's pride and pomp and his desire to live on a little farm in America. 19 1 6 [Sir William Johnson] to Gen. Gage, reporting the work Johnson Hall o f Capt. Montour's party in destroying all the Dela ware settlements on the Susquehanna [24:203] and sug gesting that Mr Stuart [Indian agent for the South] be directed to warn the Cherokees against receiving the Delawares, who are fleeing and are to be pursued by the Six Nations. 20 16 Baynton & Wharton, acknowledging the favor of a busi- Phiiadelphia ness order, promising attention, speaking of Mr Croghan's misfortune at sea, and expressing a sense of Johnson's services to Britain and her colonies. 21 2l8 NEW YORK STATE LIBRARY 1764 Apr. 17 Proclamation of Gov. Ralph Burton (copy), forbidding Montreal trade with the Indians of the upper countries, authoriz ing interior trade with the domestic Indians at Caril lon on the Ottowa and the Cedars on the St Lawrence, with due regard for the privileges of the seigneurs, prohibiting the sale of arms, ammunition or liquors to Indians, and agreeing to transport free to Montreal any merchandise at Oswego. 9:22 19 Resolution of an Assembly committee, providing corn- New York pensation for a captain, two lieutenants and 47 pri vates, to be employed in scouting near Cherry Val ley and Schoharry, at the rates paid for the same serv ice on the frontiers of Ulster and Orange. 23 20 A return enlistments and discharges of men employed in the Indian service at Onokquage. 24 20 [Sir William Johnson] to Lieut. Gov. Colden, informing Johnson Hall o f the destruction of the Delaware settlements by Capt. Montour's Indians and rangers [24:203] and the readi ness of friendly Indians to act against the enemy; also that the scalp brought by Montour's party is that of the chief Delaware's nephew, that a captive, Emanuel Hover, of the Raritans, has been recovered, and a Delaware put under arrest. [Dec. rel. to Col. Hist. N. Y. 7:628-29, where date is erroneously given as 28th] 25 22 Capt. John Grant, saying that he has thought it proper to Chery Vely order the making of canoes for transporting provisions, but he awaits instructions. 26 23 Sir William Johnson's receipt to Abraham Mortier, for 21,428 32/56 dollars (5000 sterling), received pursuant to Maj. Gen. Thomas Gage's warrant. . 27 23 Duplicates of No. 27. 28, 29 2'3 Col. John Bradstreet, apprising that hostilities are re- Schenactady newed at Detroit and Niagara, Indians threaten the carpenters building vessels at the latter place, and he has ordered to Niagara 240 men now at Oswego, be sides 300 Canadians on their way to Oswego from Mon treal, and asking that the friendly Indians will aid in the defense of carpenters and vessels. 30 23 James Phyn, explaining delay in transporting goods by Schenectady the impressment of " carriages " for bringing up the King's stores, and discrediting Col. Bradstreet's ad vices of the reinvestment of De Troit [9:30]. 31 24 Same to [Sir William Johnson] about success and ex- Schenectady pectations in filling orders and the expected sailing of 16 " Schenectady men-of-war " manned with provin cials. 32 SIR WILLIAM JOHNSON MANUSCRIPTS 2IQ 1764 Apr, 24 Duncan & Phyn's bill against Sir William Johnson. 9 133 Schenectady 24 [Sir William Johnson] to Col. Bradstreet, expressing Johnson Hall doubt that the western Indians are able to invest De troit in strength [9:30], and that the Senecas are troubling Niagara, mentioning a message sent by him to the western nations, and one to the Onondagas and Cayugas for the protection of the Niagara carrying place, approving the employment of Canadians for the defense of Niagara, and mentioning his orders to Capt. Grant at Onoghquago. 34 25 Baynton, Wharton & Morgan, concerning goods, Philadelphia amounting to ^2618, is, 6d, which they will send by way of New York ; mentioning that they have given to the printer the intelligence of the submission of the Senecas and the zeal of other tribes in the English cause. 35 25 Same, informing that they ship goods [9:35] with Philadelphia Capt. Ferguson, bound for New York, and mention ing the loss of the vessel which carried Mr Cro- ghan. [8:169] 36 Mar. 24- An account by several Indians of meetings held for Apr. 26 discussing the management of the Indian lands by Mohegan the sachem, Benjamin Uncas, and the overseers. 24:202 Apr. 26 Felix Myer, begging advice in the matter of resisting Canajohare Wilhelmus Dillebagh's design to dispossess him of the farm on which he lives. On back of letter a note from Hendrick Frey about seed peas and oats. 9:37 27 [Sir William Johnson] to Maj. Gen. Gage, informing Johnson Hall of the apprehension of a dangerous Mohican, and of his measures, pursuant to warnings from Col. Brad- street and Lieut. Col. Browning, for the security of the Niagara carrying place, charging the renewed hostility at Niagara to fleeing Delawares, discussing the late attack on Detroit, and the means of gaining over the western nations and recovering influence with the Senecas, also the expenses of his depart ment, and asking directions concerning numbers and destination of Indians. 38 28 [Sir William Johnson] to Lieut. Gov. Colden, announc- Johnson Hall ing that he is about to send Indians for the defense of Niagara, expressing the hope that his belts to the western nations and English preparations to take the offensive will check their movements, inclosing the pe tition of Capt. [Guy?] Johnson concerning a land grant [8:85] with a certificate from the general, and mention ing the patent and survey of the Canajoharie tract and the anxiety of Cherry Valley for protection. 39 22O NEW YORK STATE LIBRARY 1764 Apr. 28 Same to Capt. Henry Montour, instructions to take Johnson Hall his Indian party to Niagara, by way of Oswego, and guard the carrying place as well as Navy island and the vessels, to cooperate with Col. Bradstreet's expedition, taking command of all the Indians con nected with it, to require of friendly nations the de livery of " all whites, Negros and French Amongst them," and to communicate to the Indian Depart ment any news of consequence. 24 1204 28 Sir William Johnson's account of disbursements on account of the Indians from October 12, 1763. 26:22 30 Capt. Daniel Claus about a conversation with Gov. Montreal Burton, the journey of Canadian Indians to Johnson, a dangerous Jesuit at Aughquisasne, John Johnson's war party, condolence by the Caghnawageys for Capt. Lottridge and Sir William's message to them, a message to the Indians at Missilim'k acquainting them that public business must be transacted at Niagara and not Montreal, opposition to the selec tion of Gov. Murray for the government of Canada, the submission of the Chenussios, prevention of illicit trade, Mrs Burton's remembrance of Johnson's hos pitality, Pere Roubaud's recantation, the aversion of the Caneghsadageys for war, and the writer's desire to resign his deputy Indian agency. 9:40 30 John Meanner's receipt to Alexander McKee for six [Fort Pitt] months' pay as Indian interpreter. 10:159 30 Alexander McKee's receipt to George Croghan for [Fort Pitt] s ix months' pay as assistant Indian agent. 162 30 Alexander McKee's receipt to Sir William Johnson for six months' pay. 9' 12 4 May 3 Thomas Mcllworth, asking consent to purchase Mr Schenectady Marsh's clerkship [of Indian affairs]. 41 3 [Sir William Johnson] to Gen. Gage, acknowledgment Johnson Hall o f a warrant for ^5000 ; intelligence of Capt. Mon- tour's departure for Niagara [24:204], the arrest of a negro refugee, called Sam Tony, who has an evil influence along the Susqnehanna, and the recovery of a prisoner, Samuel Quinn, carried away from Minisink ; and reflections on present relations with the Senecas, the worth of prompt action for im pressing Indians, the value of rangers, the connec tion of Delawares with recent crimes, their desperate condition, Pondiac's attitude, the restlessness of Indians during delays ; and a suggestion for em ploying the friendly Indians against the Delawares about the Scioto and Muskingam. 42 SIR WILLIAM JOHNSON MANUSCRIPTS 221 6 Michilmak- inack 7 New York 7 New York 8 Paxton, Pa. 1764 May 5 [Sir William Johnson] to Col. Bradstreet, announcing Johnson Hall the readiness of the Indians for the expedition and making suggestions for their employment against Delawares and Shawanese on the Scioto plains and for preserving their confidence and good humor. 24:205 William Howard to Gen. Burton, commending a chief who has been loyal and mentioning the desire of the Indians concerned in the massacre at that place to make their submission. 9 143 William Darlington about an order, an unsatisfactory butler [John Heath Mullis] and a letter for Mr Hansen, delivered to Mr Vanderheyden, who promised to send it to his brother in London. 44 Robert Leake, sending good wishes for the success of Johnson's measures and the expedition led by his son, praising Capt. Montour, mentioning misfortunes that, impend over the colonies from rates and taxes and a restricted market and denouncing " a Fellow born at Boston named Husk," who has got on the blind side of Charles Townshend and thrust himself into Par liament. 45 John Harris to [Sir William Johnson] about payment of two notes given him by Andrew Montours and his son John, favors he has rendered to men of the Six Nations, the consideration heretofore paid to the " Basket & Broommaking Bandittey " in that province, one Hicks, who has voluntarily lived with the savages, and the confusion of his evil designs by friendly Indians under Johnson's influence ; sent by Capt. Thomas McKee. 46 8 Duncan & Phyn's bill against Sir William Johnson. 47 Schenectady John Welles about goods at Niagara, which he wishes Johnson to take for the discharge of a bond [8:60], stagnation of trade, want of news from [Matthew] Wade since his departure and Capt. Lotteridge's debts. 48 Daniel Horsmanden, expressing thankfulness for aid rendered to the restoration of peace and describing a tract of land near Connajohaire for which he desires a purchaser. 4Q Edward Chinn, for the Indian traders in the city and government of Montreal, concerning a memorial to Gen. Gage and the losses of traders at Michilimakinac. 50 Daniel Claus, describing the taking up of the hatchet by the Caghnawagey, Caneghsadagey and Aughquisasne Indians, Gov. Burton and Lieut. Colonels Manswell [Maunsell] and Christie being present, and the speeches made to stir them, asking the appointment of some one in Albany or York to answer drafts, and mentioning a 10 Montreal 10 New York 10 Montreal 10 Montreal 222 NEW YORK STATE LIBRARY 1764 measure to stop the Michilim'c Indians from coming to Montreal, the attempts of the merchants who traded at the upper posts to obtain compensation for losses, apprehensions of new hostilities about Detroit, and falsehoods circulated among the Indians by French men. 9:51 May ii [Sir William Johnson] to Gen. Gage, asking for a sail- Johnson Hall boat to convey him to Oswego, the use of a vessel from Oswego to Niagara and a guard of 25 or 30 men, also for tents and oilcloths, and suggesting that the Indians be permitted hereafter to buy rum at the posts and shorten their days as they like with it. 52 ii George Croghan on the neglect of Indian affairs by the London Lords of Trade, neglect of public interests by the people in power, Mr Pownall's remissness in pre senting Johnson's Indian grant to the Board of Trade, the diligence of Mr Allen in representing Johnson's services to the government, a proposal of Pownall's for creating an office of commissary general of Indian affairs, a theory invented by Gen. Amherst to belittle the capture of the 41 Delawares [8:181], Sir William Beaker's disinclination to use his influence in Johnson's behalf, the dismissal of Gen. Conaway and others from his Majesty's service, a projected visit to Ireland and goods left with Baynton & Warton. 53 ii John Ellison, inquiring about Gabriel Ellison, lately a London captive among the Senecas, and suggesting that this man is the writer's brother, who was kidnapped in London 10 years before. 54 ii David Vanderheyden Jun'r, reminding of a letter from New York his brother, D[irc]k Vanderheyden. [8:151] 55 11 [Sir William Johnson] to the Lords of Trade: mentions Johnson Hall duplicates of reports which he has sent under an ap prehension that the originals were lost when Mr Croghan suffered shipwreck [8:169]; details the advan tages gained by war parties which he has sent out and shows the good effect in the prompt submission of the Senecas; and speaks of his coming negotiations with the Senecas and western nations at Niagara and a policy for promoting a division between them, the prep arations of Pondiac for new hostilities, the alarm felt by the Delawares and his intention to pursue them fur ther, also of provisions for securing Niagara. [Doc. rel. to Col Hist. N. Y. 7:624-26] 56 12 [Sir William Johnson] to J. Kempe, Attorney General, Johnson Hall showing the injustice of the Kayaderosseras patent, the efforts of interested persons to uphold it, and the determined opposition of the Indians, and asking opin ion and advice in the matter of defeating that unjust claim. 57 SIR WILLIAM JOHNSON MANUSCRIPTS 223 1764 May 12 De Couagne to [Sir William Johnson], an incident at Niagara the fort which has disturbed the relations of the sol diers with the Ginesse Indians, the difficulty of accom modating Indians who visit that post, and the desire of the Ottawavs to obtain peace through the intercession of the Hurons. 9:58 12 Israel Horsfield's bill against [William] Darlington for goods. 68 13 Ab'm Mortier, acknowledging a warrant for ^5000 sterl- New York mg) inclosing receipts, agreeing to pay ^20oa currency to Mr Darlington and answer drafts for the remainder and mentioning that he can furnish dollars. 59 14 Duncan & Phyn's bill against Sir William Johnson. 60 Schenectady 14 Certificate of Henry Gladwin, commandant, stating that Detroit Peter and three other (Mohawks) arrived with letters May 6 and left with letters May 14; with a minute of articles given them. 6l 14 Frederick Sigismund Lentz's bill to William Darlington New York f O r a purchase of tobacco; receipted. 62 14 Elizabeth Bend's bill against William Darlington for goods. 63 15 A. M. C. Curot to the commander at Niagara (copy), Lac Huron commending the behavior of the savages at Lac Huron and la Claire and informing of the capture of four English people at Fort de Levi by Indians of Baie de quinte, the recovery of two, whom he will convey to Montreal, the pacific approaches of the Sauteux and the disposition of other tribes. [In French] 64 15 Francis Wade, offering to supply Indian goods more Philadelphia cheaply than New York merchants, asking a few lines by Capt. Magee and sending congratulations on the safe return of Capt. Johnson. 65 15 John Glen Jun'r, acknowledging commissions for officers, Schonectady mentioning stores which he has sent to Niagara by way of Oswego and his failure to obtain tents and asking directions about a boat which is to be made for John son. 06 De Couagne about a young Fox chief who complains of being enlisted by a deception, John Johnston on the same subject. [No date] 67 15 Elizabeth Naughton's bill against William Darlington for New York merchandise and for making flags. 69 17 [Sir William Johnson] to Mr Rivington about news and Johnson Hall reading matter, including A New History of the World by Guthrie & Gray, and the bad effect on the Indians of the delay of the Connecticut troops. [Doc. Hist. N. Y. 2:808; Q, 2:469] 70 224 NEW YORK STATE LIBRARY 1764 May 17 [Sir William Johnson] to Gen. Gage, touching the effects Johnson Hall O n friendly Indians of the delay of Col. Bradstreet's expedition, the sentiments of the western tribes and the Senecas, the machinations of the fugitive Delawares, the necessity of attacking the Delawares and Shawanese at Muskingum and Scioto plain, the possibility that the Cherokees will afford an asylum to the Shawanese, and the justice of furnishing a surgeon to the Mohocks. 9:71 17 Daniel Claus on the departure of 60 Caghnawagey and Caghnawa- Aughquisasne warriors, the excuses of the Canegh- gey Village s'adageys, Arundax and Alkonkins to avoid going on the warpath, Gov. Burton's measures to prevent the Michilimakinak and other western Indians from coming to Montreal, two parties of friendly Swegachy Indians, and the difficulties of Claus's position; inclosing a list of chiefs in the Caghnawagey party. 73 17 Jacob Roome's bill for pipes bought by William Darling- New York ton for Sir William Jonston; receipted. 74 18 William Darlington about a letter forwarded on the New York Harriot packet to the Lords of Trade, articles sent in charge of Garrit Marselis to the care of S. Stringer, and presents from Mrs Darlington; inclosing Mr Marsh's receipt. 72 18 James Phyn about goods sent, goods expected and his Schenectady desire to merit continuance of business orders. 75 18 Duncan & Phyn's bill to Sir William Johnson for goods. 76 Schenectady 18 [Mr Marsh's] receipt for 1661, us, pd [9:72] to be de- New York Hvered for William Darlington to Sir William Johnson. 77 21 John Glen Ju'r about the boat which is being made for Schonectady Johnson and pork which will be sent up on the follow ing day. 78 21 De Couagne to [Sir William Johnson], giving the Neagara Seneces' explanation of the killing of a man of the 8oth regiment, with accounts of the presence of Shawnous and Dilleways in the Ginnesee country, and praising Captains Montore and Johnston. 79 21 Cornelius Glen, regarding a voucher for provisions re- Schenectady ceived by Capt. Grant. 80 22 John Glen Jun'r about pork sent up in charge of John Schonectady Hassord and pork and flour sent to replace provisions furnished to Capt. Grant 81 22 Same about Indian goods sent off with Mr Van Eps, Schonectady ammunition, transportation for a Seneca squaw, pro visions, the delay of Col. Bradstreet's expedition, food and lodging for the Caghnawagie Indians and accouter- ments for the troop. 82 SIR WILLIAM JOHNSON MANUSCRIPTS 225 1764 May 22 [Sir William Johnson] to Gov. Burton, by Lieut. Donnel- Johnson Hall lan, late of the Royal Americans, mentioning the return of Capt. Johnson, the destruction of Delaware towns and villages by Capt. Montour [24:203] and his prep arations to furnish a force of Indians to accompany the expedition, and approving Burton's measures to sus pend trade with the western Indians and keep them away from Montreal. 9 183 22 [Sir William Johnson] to the Earl of Halifax, describing Johnson Hall the effects of recent operations of friendly Indians against hostile nations, speaking of the coming con ference at Niagara and discussing the true policy in Indian affairs. [Doc. rel to Col. Hist. N. Y. 7:632-33] 24 Col. John Bradstreet, announcing that the Connecticut Albany troops will soon arrive and expressing pleasure at the prospect of being joined before reaching Oswego by the Canada Indians. 85 24 George Wray about powder and musket shot sent to Albany Johnson and ammunition delivered at Montreal, for which he has taken Capt. Hare's receipt. 86 25 James Phyn, notifying of goods sent up and inclosing Schenectady invoice, also giving information, brought by Henry Hambach, lately " sent Prisoner to the Illinois," of the defeat of an army by Indians about 100 miles above New Orleans. 87 25 John Macomb, reminding of an unanswered letter, in Albany which he requested a business favor. 88 25 Duncan & Phyn's invoice of goods sold to Sir William Schenectady Johnson. 89 25 Eliphalet Dyer to the committees of the Susquehanna London and Delaware Company on the difficulty of obtaining a grant and the restrictions with which a grant must be incumbered if obtained. 24:206 26 Baynton, Wharton & Morgan, inclosing a letter, brought Philadelphia by Capt. Hammet from London, and asking payment for goods sold for the account of Mr Croghan. 9 :go 26 [Sir William Johnson] to Gen. Gage, saying that he will Johnson Hall sen d vouchers for expenditures of his subordinates if desired, discussing the expedition, the policy of pun ishing the hostile Indians about Scioto and removing such as live in the neighborhood of the settlements, mentioning a negro, a German and a Delaware in the Albany jail, who are likely to be released, and show ing that McKee's account should be paid. 91 27 William Darlington, advising of articles sent up on New York Lukas Van Veghter's sloop and shrub sent per Garrit Marselis. 92 8 226 NEW YORK STATE LIBRARY 1764 May 27 New York J. T. Kempe, acknowledging friendly action in the matter of certain costs and mentioning the Kayoderasseras patent, and court business which will call him to Al bany. 9 :Q3 Witham Marsh, informing of his arrival, after a seven days' passage, from New York, with a servant, a box of dollars and a bundle of paper currency, mentioning litigation about records, the gout, and offering felicita tions on the birth of a granddaughter. 94 Duncan & Phyn, acknowledging an order for goods and promising to " rival the Dutch " in meriting such favors. 95 Lieut. Col. William Eyre, concerning neglect which he has suffered from Sir Jeffery [Amherst]. 96 Col. John Bradstreet, asking that the Indians for the expedition may be ordered to Oswego and Niagara, and giving assurance of a vigorous forward move ment. 97 P. Silvester, informing that he has been appointed by Mr Marsh to officiate for him as town clerk, clerk of the peace, etc. and asking Sir William's favor in his present incumbency and his hope of being prin cipal in case of a vacancy. 98 Dr Samuel Stringer, mentioning goods from Philadel phia and from Mr Darlington [in New York], trouble with the quartermaster's understrappers, a patient, and a daughter born to Mr and Mrs [Guy] Johnson. 99 Col. John Bradstreet about Indians for his expedition and boats for Johnson's journey. 100 John Glen Jun'r, concerning goods sent and goods to be sent up, provisions to be sent to Cognawagie, Cherry Valley and Justice Franks for the use of In dians, the departure of Capt. Ticc and his company, and the coming of the remainder of the Connecticut troops. 101 Capt. Daniel Claus, to inform that messengers of dif ferent nations have been dispatched from Canegh- sadagey to Michilimakinac, he has rebuked the war riors at the former place for refusing to join John son and Gov. Burton means to punish those who have tampered with their fidelity, Assaregoa is lead ing a war party to Oswego, Menards is qualified for interpreter, and Claus has drawn in favor of John Leake. 14:200 31 [Sir William Johnson] to Col. Bradstreet, concerning Johnson Hall boats for his use and men to accompany him, also the Indians for Bradstreet's expedition. 9:102 28 Albany 28 Schenectady 28 New York 28 Albany 28 Albany 29 Albany 30 Albany 30 Schonectady 30 Montreal SIR WILLIAM JOHNSON MANUSCRIPTS 227 1764 May 31 [Sir William Johnson] to Lieut. Col. William Eyre on Johnson Hall the destruction of Delaware settlements along the branches of the Susquehanna [24:203], bad results of the tardiness of the Connecticut troops, and the advantage to public interests of allowing Eyre to visit England. 9:103 June i [Sir William Johnson] to Gen. Gage, informing that Johnson Hall he has directed the Six Nations to join Col. Brad- street at Oswego and Niagara, that 60 Caghnawaga Indians have arrived, and that many prisoners have been delivered up by Indians, representing good re sults which he expects from a conference with the Indians at Niagara, asking that an escort be given him, orders be given to engineers to run lines at Niagara, according to the preliminary articles [agreed to by the Senecas, 9:7], and English medals be furnished for Indians who now possess French medals, and mentioning Lieut. Col. Eyre's desire to visit England. 104 2 John Glen Jun'r about a certificate for Hendrick Schonectady Nellis, provisions for two Indians going to Stock- bridge, the arrival of the Connecticut troops, bateaux for Johnson, and provisions which he sends to Jus tice Franks, to Justice Fry for Capt. Wells at Cherry Valley and to Cognawagie for the Indians. 105 2 [Sir William Johnson] to Gen. Gage, regarding intelli- Johnson Hall gence of French perfidy at Detroit, an answer from the Hurons to his message and expenses which he is incurring for the public service, partly on his own credit. 106 3 [Sir William Johnson] to Col. Bradstreet, acquaint- Johnson Hall ing him with the receipt of despatches from Detroit, containing the answer of the Hurons and informa tion that many of the Ottawas have retired up the Miamis river; and telling of the good behavior of the Chenussios toward soldiers sent to their castle from Niagara in search of deserters, and of the ar rival at that post of Capt. Montour with his Indians. [24 1204] 107 5 Sir William Johnson's account with Duncan & Phyn Schenectady 1724, IOS, 4d. IO8 7 Sir William Johnson's account current with Duncan & Schenectady Phyn, from Nov. 26, 1763. 109 8 John Glen Jun'r, regarding tents, poles etc. and sails Schonectady an d oilcloths for the bateaux. 1 10 228 NEW YORK STATE LIBRARY 1764 June 9 [Sir William Johnson] to Gen. Gage, showing his need Johnson Hall o f an escort, and the necessity of placating the In dians about Detroit by liberality, the correction of wrongs and abuses and frequent renewal of engage ments, suggesting that Indian trade be confined to Oswego, Niagara, Detroit and Fort Pitt, and traders be obliged to give bonds for honest dealing, men tioning Maj. Loftus's repulse [on the Mississippi], suggesting the payment of tribute to the Indians for a post in the Illinois country, in accordance with a policy pursued toward barbarous African states, and announcing that he will set out about the I4th 9:111 9 [Sir William Johnson] to Lieut. Gov. Golden, advising Johnson Hall that trade with Indians be restrained awhile, that they may become more sensible of their dependence, and then restricted to Oswego, Niagara, Detroit and Fort Pitt, under sharp regulation, including a re quirement that traders enter into recognizance for good behavior. 112 10 [Sir William Johnson] to Col. Bradstreet, asking for Johnson Hall a n escort and showing reasons. 113 10 Maj. Gen. Thomas Gage's warrant to Abraham New York Mortier for payment of 8895, 8s, ii^d New York currency to Sir William Johnson on account of sundry expenses and presents to Indian nations. 26:23 11 James Rivington on prospective changes in the British New York ministry, Gen. Monckton's expected vindication, dis tribution of prize money from the Havana cam paign, military changes (with mention of Lord Clive), the handsome establishment designed for a bishop of Albany, the land tax and stamp duty im pending over the colonies, and their distressing con dition. 9:114 12 James Phyn, regarding provisions and sundry articles Schenectady which he will send. 115 14 Lieut. Col. A. Prevost about his petition for land, New York under the King's grant, near Kaatt's Kill ; asking John son's aid to prove that the Indian title is relin quished. On the back, a memorandum in pencil concerning Indians apparently written at Niagara. 116 15 Daniel Claus's account (copy) of the interview between Montreal messengers, sent to the Lake Huron nations, and Chipway and Skaghquane deputies whom they met at Lake Nipisin, and information of the consent of the deputies to proceed to Niagara instead of Montreal, also of the repentance of the lately hostile Missisagas and their surrender of two prisoners. 117 SIR WILLIAM JOHNSON MANUSCRIPTS 229 1764 June 1 8 German flatts 21 22 Caneghsa- dagey 2Q Oswego [2 9 ] July 2 Philadelphia 2 New York New York [Sir William Johnson] to Gov. Penn, acknowledging letter, approving the Governor's offer of a bounty for scalps, discussing the adventures of David Owens among the Shawanese and touching on the difficulty of holding the Indians in the English interest. Sir William Johnson's account with Duncan & Phyn. Daniel Clans, describing the difficulty of persuading a ' party of Ottawas, who had come to Carrillon, to attend the congress at Niagara, also the conditions which make for peace with the Ottawa nation in spite of Pondiac, discussing the character and position of chief Bedan- nowan, and of several chiefs at Caneghsadagey, and asking aid in obtaining his half pay. [Sir William Johnson] to Gen. Gage, reporting the movements of Indian parties, the killing of a soldier at the carrying place, the accident to an Indian band on the road to Fort Schlosser, the sudden death of the Redhead, of Onondaga, incidents of French policy in the West, and suggesting how the army may coop erate with the Indian allies. Last will and testament of Witham Marsh, making William Johnson, Robert Leake and Peter Silvester executors. [Draft; the will is in the office of the Court of Appeals and is dated June 29, 1764] Bill of Alexander McKee as assistant agent and John Meaner as interpreter against the crown ; with Henry Bouquet's certificate of correctness. [Mr Rivington], giving the finding of the court-martial which acquitted Maj. Gen. Robert Monckton of the charges brought by Coll in Campbell Esq., and mention ing ministerial and military changes in England, the passage of a bill extinguishing paper currency in America, and the appointment of a new chief justice for the province of New York. Gerardus Duyckink's bill to William Darlington for goods. Also William Ustick's and Tillman Cuyler's accounts. Tilman Cyler's account of goods bought by William [New York?] Darlington. New York 7 New York 9 New York William Ustick's account of goods bought by William Darlington. William Darlington about articles sent, by Garrit Mar- selis, to the care of Dr Stringer [at Albany], to be forwarded to James Fyns [Phyn] in Schenectady and thence to Fort Johnson. Lieut. Col. William Eyre, regarding his desire to visit England, Gen. Gage's contemplation of a conference with Indians at Niagara and the governor's trip to Albany, and Mr Duncan's interested motives. 9:119 120 121 122 10:75 9:123 126 127 128 129 131 230 NEW YORK STATE LIBRARY 1764 July [10] ii Norwich 12 London 13 [Niagara] 9-14 Niagara A plan for the regulation of trade and maintenance of justice between white men and Indians; with lists of tribes in the northern and the southern districts. [Doc. rel. to Col Hist. N. Y. 7:637-41] 24:235 Joseph Tracy to [Sir William Johnson], relating the his tory of the dispute between the Mohegans and the colony of Connecticut over the lands of the former. 208 George Croghan on the new plan of the Lords of Trade for the northern and southern Indian departments, the indifference of the ministers excepting Lord Halifax toward the Indian service, their jealousy of all Amer icans and their purpose to tax the colonies, the new regulations to govern purchases of Indian lands, the status of Johnson's claim [5:10]* the value of [John] Pownal's and his brother's friendship, the chances of compensation for losses sustained by traders [24:190, December 7; 191, 192, December 12, 1763], the Cayader- rasera and Corporation of Albany patents, the appoint ment of inspectors of Indian trade, and Mr Allan's effort to procure some consideration by the ministry of Johnson's services. 9:132 A conference between Sir William Johnson and Chip- pawaes from St Mary's, Lake Superior, who ask re sumption of trade and relaxation of the regulation as to rum. 24:214 Proceedings of Sir William Johnson's conference with Indians. 207 9 Opened by several Ottawas of Michilimackinac who declare their poverty and recall their kindness to the English prisoners the year before [7:112]. Sir William commends them, reminds them of a reward bestowed and promises to consider their wants. 10 Onondagas wait on Johnson. Later, Nipissins and Ottawas. He asks the latter if they come on private affairs or as deputies. They defer their business; and are entertained. ii Ottawas, Chipeweighs, Christineaux and Nipis sins, in conference with Johnson, seek permis sion to sell the furs which they have brought, and ask for ammunition, rum and other articles; they are exhorted to tell the cause of the war; and they receive pipes, tobacco and a dram. Sir William assures them that resumption of trade will depend on cessation of hostilities, but promises some immediate relief and gives per mission to sell the furs brought along. SIR WILLIAM JOHNSON MANUSCRIPTS 2 3 I 1764 July 12 A conference with the western Indians in presence of the Six Nations and officers of the post. A calumet of peace, sent by the Menominys and Folsavoins, was smoked. 13 Sir William Johnson announces to the Ottawas, Chipeweighs and Nipissins the military move ment against hostile nations and asks who were the promoters and what the causes of the out break. He promises a present and shows that trade depends on the restoration of peace. Chipeweigh chiefs proclaim peaceful sentiments. Bindanowan, an Ottawa chief, denies knowledge of the cause of the war and relates an incident of Pondiac's enmity. 14 A Chipeweigh chief disclaims relation with the hos- tiles about Michilimackinac and complicity with their acts, offers the service of 18 warriors and asks for an interpreter and " strong water." The war dance is danced. Sir William dispatches boats for 197 Menominays and Ottawaes at the carry ing place. 17 Treaty of Peace, Friendship, and Alliance between Niagara his Britannick Majesty and the Huron Indians near the Detroit entered into by Sir William Johnson Bart, with the Chiefs of the said nation, the former guaranteeing a " free, fair and open Trade," and the latter ceding land on both sides of the Detroit to Lake St Clair. [Draft of 24:210] 17 A meeting with Menominis from La Bay, at which they recite to Johnson their friendly action and ask consideration. On the back, a representation of the Detroit river. 18 Treaty between Sir William Johnson and the Hurons Niagara o f Detroit, of the same purport as 24:209; with seal and signatures. [Doc. rel to Col Hist. N. Y. 7:650-51] 18 A schedule of equivalents to govern barter of goods Niagara for furs; prepared by Sir William Johnson. A list of the nations represented at the general meet ing at Niagara in July 1764. Report by Six Nation messengers of a visit to the [Niagara] Chenussios. Message brought by two Chenussios to explain delay of their people in coming to Niagara. Request of the Chippawaes to strike the Senecas, Shawanese and Delawares, with an ac count of communications from the Menominis and Tawaes [Ottawas]. 24:209 2TI 210 213 212 236 232 NEW YORK STATE LIBRARY 1764 Aug. i [Niagara] I Niagara 2 Montreal 4 London 5 Niagara 10 Carlisle II Quebec Information as to prisoners among the Chenussios and Delawares, including accounts of Abigail Chapman, John Duncan, Eliza Carter, Benjamin Shephard, Sarah Carter, Abraham Baldwin and Isera Frim, de livered up by the Indians. Account of a meeting with Chenussios, with the re proaches of Sir William for their disregard of en gagements, and their excuses and promises and a petition from the Delawares for peace. Hugh Boyle's bill against Capt. John Butler. Daniel Claus's draft on Sir William Johnson for 200, New York currency, in favor of Welles & Wade. [Inclosed in 9:148] George Croghan to [Sir William Johnson], mention ing Dr Brown, chaplain to the Mohocks, by whom he sends some presents. [Sir William Johnson] to Gen. Gage, stating ap prehensions now set at rest by the arrival of the Chenussios, cessions made by those Indians, terms of agreement with the Delawares, strength and as surances of the Indians assembled at Niagara, the number that will accompany Col. Bradstreet, Pondiac's position, and the only practical policy toward the Indians. Caleb Graydon's receipt to Alexander McKee for ii6. 24:237 215 150 24:216 Q:i35 10:160 Lieut. John Donnellan, mentioning new appointments for the province [of Quebec], also the low state of trade, offering to render any possible service in London, asking to be favored with news and ad vising Sir William to send his son to England for a stay of a year or two. 12 Articles of peace between Col. John Bradstreet and Camp on the Shawnese, Delawares, Hurons of Sandusky, and Lake Erie the five nations of the Scioto plains, by which the Indians agree to the surrender of prisoners, the cession of land in their country for the maintenance of forts, and joint action against common enemies. 15 De Couagne, repeating request of Chipwa deputies for Niagara free trade, and informing of Col. Browning's order for inspection of venison and his statement that there are no more provisions to be dealt out to the Six Nations. 15 Thomas Lottridge's draft on Sir William Johnson for Niagara 2 oo, ios, 7*/ 2 d in favor of Thomas Walker. In dorsed by Walker to the order of Welles & Wade. [Inclosed in 9:148] 9' T 37 24:217 9:138 149 SIR WILLIAM JOHNSON MANUSCRIPTS 233 18 London 19 Schenectady 1764 Aug. 15 Sir William Johnson's account with Duncan & Phyn 3316, iis, ?y 2 d. 9:140 Duncan & Phyn's bill for rum delivered at Niagara. 22:182 16 S. B. Hertel to [Sir William Johnson], expressing Montreal thankfulness on account of a place given to his son and congratulating on the conclusion of a peace. [In French] 9 :I 39 16 Daniel Claus, expressing satisfaction at the result of Montreal Johnson's labors at Niagara, mentioning the affairs of the Caghnawageys and asking to be relieved of the care of Indian matters, and speaking of legal action contemplated against Mr Donnellan on ac count of his Quebec Delineated, and action begun against De Charme [Jean Marie du Charme], a Can adian trader who engaged in trade at Michilim'c. [9:151] J 4l Richard Preston to [Sir William Johnson], thanking Johnson for kindness to Achilles Preston, a brother, deprived of a lieutenant's commission for a slight offense, and asking intervention in his brother's be half. 142 James Phyn, explaining why an order for rum was not filled, and offering to make any purchases desired, on an intended trip to York. 143 22 Baynton, Wharton & Morgan, asking reimbursement, Philadelphia through New York agent, for money advanced to Mr McGee [Kee], Indian deputy, offering to supply goods and requesting payment for goods previously shipped. Indorsement by Johnson, recording pay ment made September 8. 144 22 [Sir William Johnson] to Gen. Gage, mentioning in- Johnson Hall disposition occasioned by hardships of the journey and discussing his dealings with the Indians at Niagara. 145 23 [Sir William Johnson] to Lieut. Gov. Golden about Johnson Hall a survey of land. . 146 23 [Sir William Johnson] to same on transactions at Johnson Hall Niagara and the proper course with Cobus Maybe and several other trespassers on Indian lands. 147 28 Welles & Wade to [Sir William Johnson] about regu- Montreal lation of Indian trade, goods lying at Niagara, ac counts of the late Capt. Lotteridge, Johnson's draft in favor of Mons. Le Charme, and drafts on John son by Capt. Claus and Thomas Lotteridge (in closed). [Incomplete] 148 Same, touching Gov. Murray's appointments, the petition of Quebec merchants for Indian trade privi leges and Mons. Le Charme's illicit trade [9:141] at Michilimackinac. [Completion of 9:148] 151 234 NEW YORK STATE LIBRARY 30 Montreal 1764 Aug. 29 [Sir William Johnson] to Lieut. Gov. Burton on re- Johnson Hall suits of Congress at Niagara and the right policy with Indians. 30 [Sir William Johnson] to the Earl of Halifax, ex- Johnson Hall plaining the value of the Seneca cessions, making " an humble offer " to his Majesty of several islands granted to himself, and upholding the policy of conciliation toward the Indian.s. [Doc. rel. to Col. Hist. N. Y. 7 1647-48] Daniel Claus, concerning a present to the Canadian In dians who went to Niagara, Indian criticism of Col. Bradstreet's conduct of his expedition, the Nipisinks' distrust, the complaint of the Arundax and Skaghquanes as to regulations governing travel, injuries suffered by " Domestick Indians " from the soldiery, Gov. Murray's favoritism and purpose to intrude on Johnson's depart ment, the two Du Charmes and the character of the offense with which one is charged. [9:141, 151] 30 [Sir William Johnson] to the Lords of Trade, stating Johnson Hall transactions at the Niagara congress, the results, and the grounds of a solid peace. [Doc. rel. to Col. Hist. N. Y. 7:648-50] 30 Maj. Alexander Duncan's pass to n Messisagoes to go Fort Ontario to Johnson Hall. With a note added September 4 by John Luke, of the 55th, regarding the arrival of the Indians at Fort Stanwix. Edward Cole's bill and receipt to Capt. Howard for I barrel of rum. William Darlington, applying for appointment to a trad ing post. Gen. Thomas Gage, acknowledging treaties of peace with Hurons and Chenussies, excusing the absence of the Sioux from the Niagara congress, and denouncing Col. Bradstreet's peace with the Delawares and Shawnese as unauthorized and derogatory to the honor of his Majesty's arms. [Inclosing 24:217; July 12] Abraham Mortier, acknowledging receipt of Gen. Gage's warrant in Johnson's favor for 5189 sterling and ex plaining arrangements made for paying it. Sir William Johnson's account with Abraham Mortier, drawn by William Newton. Alexander Colden, informing that he has ordered Isaac Vrooman to survey Johnson's Indian purchase, in con- formance with the directions of the King's Council of December 2, 1736. De Couagne, reporting inconveniences attending trade at the post, and Col. Bradstreet's arrival with his army at Detroit 153 Sept. i Detroit 2 New York 2 New York 3 New York 3 New York New York 3 Niagara 154 155 162 11:236 9:156 24:218 9:157 153 159 160 SIR WILLIAM JOHNSON MANUSCRIPTS 235 1764 Sept. 4 New York Philadelphia 6 Johnson 6 Montreal / Albany Detroit 8 New York New York 8' William Darlington, informing that he sends by Guysbert Marselis 2500, and two parcels from Rivington, and that a draft on Johnson for ico, drawn by Capt. Claus and now in the hands of Capt. John Leach, has been tendered him; also inviting Capt. Guy Johnson to be his guest while in New York. 9:161 Capt. Pat. Mapother, sending a letter from Mrs Dease, Johnson's sister; asking a recommendation to Gov. Sharp at Anapolis ; and mentioning that he is heir to an estate in Maryland formerly possessed by Gov. Talbot. 163 [Sir William Johnson] to Lieut. Col. William Eyre about Hall letters for the Lords of Trade and the Earl of Hali fax, which he desires Eyre to take charge of provided he can obtain immediate leave to go home. 164 Daniel Claus, in behalf of a trader who suffered by In dian depredations at Michilim'c, and about intended intrusions by [Murray's] government on Johnson's de partment and the creation of employments for " Cali- donian Gentry," also Catholic activity in Canada, and his impatience to return to Fort Johnson. 165 Hugh Eraser to [Sir William Johnson], announcing that he is coming to put himself under Sir William's pro tection, has married, and hopes to engage in the linen industry. 1 66 Transactions of a congress held by Col. Bradstreet with the chiefs of the Ottawas and Chippewas and other na tions. Wassong, a Chippewa, also representing the Ottawas. speaking on a green belt, ascribes hostilities to the old warriors and announces tha* the young chiefs will hereafter be in control; and, " on a string of Purple and white wampum, painted green and blue," declares the pacific purpose of the Miamis. Shamindawa repeats the humble terms used by Pondiac to Capt. Morris. Col. Bradstreet grants peace on condition that the In dians will acknowledge themselves subjects of George 3, enter into alliance with the English, deliver up offenders in the future, surrender prisoners and de serters ; and agrees to remove settlers, and pardon Pondiac. Subscribed to also by the Hurons, Miamis and Poutowattamies. 24 1220 William Darlington about annoyances arising from his attempt to get an accountant for Sir William through an intelligence office. 9:167 J. T. Kempe, recommending John Arthur for employ ment as a clerk. 168 Duncan & Phyn's bill against Sir William Johnson. 169 NEW YORK STATE LIBRARY 1764 Sep* 7-10 Transactions of a congress held by Col. Bradstreet. J >etroit 24:219 7 9 10 10 New York II New York 12 J Detroit 12 New York 12 Fort Pitt Same as 24 1220, but without the Indian signatures. Wapacomagat arrives with 90 young Missassagaes. The Missassagaes accept the same terms. Gilbert Forbes's bill for articles bought by William Darlington. 9:170 Samuel & William Baker's bill [fragment]. 173 Francis Bassett's bill for articles bought by Mr Darling ton. 174 Col. John Bradstreet, mentioning the peace with the Hurons of Sandusky, Shawanes and Delawars, the agreement reached with the Outawas, Chipewas and other nations, and Capt. Morris's expedition to the Illiones accompanied by Thorn King and 13 Indians. 175 William Darlington about Mr [Johnl Arthur [9:168], cash sent in care of Capt. Huyn ana articles that will go by the next conveyance. 176 John Marten's receipt to Alexander McKee for 12. 10:161 13 John Duncan to [Sir William Johnson], regarding his Schenectady account, goods to be furnished, and the need of vigi lance in the fur trade. 1 6 William Darlington, concerning letters intrusted to him, and money sent to Johnson, in charge of Capt. Huyn. 17 Duncan & Phyn's bill against Sir William Johnson 21, IDS. 17 Welles & Wade to [Sir William Johnson] about losses on Montreal goods at Niagara, the light punishment of Le Charme, the trader [9:151, 154], Scotch influence in Canadian affairs, Francis Wade's importunity, and the prospects of Indian trade. 17 Daniel Claus about arrears of pay, presents to Indians, Montreal accounts, news from home, his farm in Kingsbourgh, a meditated buying of white servants or young negroes, news from Detroit brought by Commodore Grant, an argument with Gov. Burton on expenses of the Indian service, a regulation as to Indian hunting, other ill treatment, mines on an island of Lake Champlain and on Aughquisasne creek, whose existence is made known by Indians, Gov. Murray's interference with justice in the affair of Du Charm [9:154, 180], a draft, and Mr St John, the bearer, who wishes employment and leave to trade among the Arundax and Nipisinks. 17 William Weyman, regarding a delay in the printing of New York the Indian prayer book, due to the death of Dr Barclay. [Doc. Hist. N. Y. 4:340-41; Q, 4:217] 17 Stephen Terhune's bill for articles bought by Mr Dar- [New York?] Hngton. 9:177 178 179 180 181 182 190 SIR WILLIAM JOHNSON MANUSCRIPTS 237 1764 Sept. 17 Isaac Sears's bill for iron bought by Nathan Darlinto. 9:191 18 Robert Andrews's bill for articles bought by William New York Darlington. 172 18 [Sir William Johnson] to Gov. Bernard, of Massachusets, Johnson Hall acknowledging a letter and commending Mr Bennet's mission. [5:208; 7:115] 184 18 Articles of agreement between Francis Rupperd, of Gen. Johnson's Bush, and Peter Remsen, of New York, by which the former agrees to make and deliver a quantity of potash in consideration of certain moneys paid or to be paid and the labor of a negro man for the space and time of one year, and the parties bind themselves in the penal sum of 400. 185 Francis Wade, relative to a difference concerning goods lying at Niagara, and to families that desire to settle on Johnson's lands. 187 John Holt's bill against William Darlington for a Ream of fine Cutt Paper i, i2s. 186 John Duncan to [Sir William Johnson] about goods and account. 188 Invoice of goods bought by William Darlington on account of Sir William Johnson and shipped per Brant Schovenhoven for Albany 134, is, S^d. 189 Dirick B. V. Schoonhove's receipt for merchandise shipped with him by William Darlington to be delivered at Albany. 192 John Heath's bill for gold buttons ordered by Mr Dar lington. 193 Joseph Drake's bill for articles bought by William Dar lington. 171 Jacobus Montany's bill for dishes bought by [William] Darlington. 219 Address of six chiefs and warriors of the lower Mo hawks, protesting against a settlement on the Kaya- derossres tract, and Sir William Johnson's promise to forward the protest to the Lieutenant Governor. [Doc. Hist. N. Y. 2:809-10; Q, 2:469-70] 194 Duplicate of 9:194. 24:221 Col. William Browning to [Sir William Johnson], re porting a friendly visit by a Chenussio chief. 9:i95 William Darlington about articles shipped per Brant Schovenoven. 196 [Sir William Johnson] to Lieut. Gov. Golden, conveying Johnson Hall the protest [9:194] of the Mohocks touching English occupation of the Kayaderosseras tract, discussing Indian trade and presenting the request of the new grenadier companies and troop of horse for legal es tablishment. 197 18 Philadelphia 19 New York 19 20 New York 20 New York 2O 20 20 Niagara 20 New York 21 238 NEW YORK STATE LIBRARY 1764 Sept. 23 John Duncan to [Sir William Johnson] about forwarding Schenectady letters for Johnson and money which may be sent him by Sir William in care of Col. Gladwin. Q:i99 23 Same to [Sir William Johnson] about goods in stock, Schenectady money and Indian trade. 200 23 John Ormsby about his losses by Indian depredations, Philadelphia goods preserved which he will sell, Johnson's family in Ireland and the effort to obtain in England, through Mr Croghan and Moses Franks, compensation for the losses of merchants. n .-128 24 Col. William Browning, saying that Col. Bradstreet is ex- Niagara pected to arrive in three days from Sanduskie, and that letters from Bradstreet for Johnson and Gen. Gage will be sent in charge of Thomas Wildman to Ontario, thence to be forwarded by Capt. Windpress. 9:198 7 A. Col. William Eyre, telling of the arrival of Capt. Gordon, New York Col. Vaughan, Col. Maitland and other officers at American posts, and offering to serve Johnson's inter ests in the event of a visit to London. 201 24 William Darlington about Brandt Schovenhoven's delay New York m sailing. 202 [28] List of John Fleming's effects, bought. 203 28 Duplicate of 203, with superscription to Thomas Penn, London. 204 28 [Witham Marsh], a memorandum suggesting the appoint ment of a deputy secretary of Indian affairs, in order that the writer may repair his constitution at Ber mudas or Bath. 205 29 Cornelius Glen, sending vouchers for provisions, thank- Schenectady J n g Johnson for a lieutenancy in the Albany troop of horse and asking directions about a company uniform. 206 29 An examination before Lieut. Col. Israel Putnam, Maj. Peter Daly and Maj. George Le Hunte of Henry Mon- teur and John Johnson [Johnston], captains in the Indian service, regarding instructions given them by Sir William Johnson; held at the camp near the carrying place of Sandusky lake. 24:222 29 A conference between the Wendots of Sandusky and Col. Bradstreet, at which the Wendots submit to the king of England and agree to remove to a place 36 miles from Detroit. Also a duplicate of that part of 24:219 in which the submission of the Missasagaes is recorded. 223 29 Duplicates of that part of 223 relating to the Wendots of Sandusky. 224, 225 Oct. i Lieut. Col. William Eyre, renewing an offer to be of ser- NewYork v ice to Sir William in England and presenting him with a small tent 9:207 SIR WILLIAM JOHNSON MANUSCRIPTS 239 1764 Oct. i Duncan & Phyn's bill for articles bought by Sir William Schenectady Johnson. 9 :2o8 T Lieut. Gov. Cadwallader Golden, announcing that he is New York preparing 1 , by direction of the Lords of Trade, a mes sage to the Assembly proposing that the Kayadeross- eras patent be vacated, discussing Indian trade, the sale of rum, and Johnson's land claim and mentioning that the King has made the Connecticut the boundary between the provinces of New York and New Hamp shire. 209 3 Testimony of Thomas King, an Oneyda chief, at a court Sandusky o f inquiry at the carrying place of Sandusky camp: relating the ill treatment of Capt. Morris, of the I7th, by the Miamis, together with expressions of hostility uttered by those Indians, and their accusation against the Senecas. 24 1226 3 John Duncan about money, which may be sent in care Schenectady o f Lieut. Phyn, and the fitness of the latter for some post. 9 :2io 8 William Darlington, concerning letters, goods, tiles and New York slates, and Madeira which soured on the journey to Niagara. 211 8 Abram Mortier, in relation to Gen. Gage's warrant in New York Johnson's favor. 212 8 Sir William Johnson's account with Abraham Mortier. 213 New York 8 Thomas Brookman's bill for furniture to Sir William Johnson. 214 8 J. Pryor to [William] Darlington, estimating the cost of New York covering with tiles and slate. 215 9 [Sir William Johnson] to Lieut. Gov. Golden, represent- Johnson Hall i n g the ill consequences of the Kayaderosseras land grant and repeating his statements to the Lords of Trade as to the amount of Indian trade in the territory under his superintendency, and his advice concerning the sale of rum, import duties and commercial regula tions, also mentioning trespassers on Indian lands, and his own claim. 216 10 Capt. John Luke, acknowledging a reinforcement, and Fort Stanwix mentioning trade with the Oneidas, road improvement, Col. Bradstreet and the report of Indian offenses be tween Pittsburgh and Detroit. 217 10 Thomas Brcokman's bill to Sir William Johnson for furniture. 218 13 William Darlington, relative to articles shipped on Garrit New York Marselis's sloop, price and quality of wine, and letters for England; with invoice. 227 240 NEW YORK STATE LIBRARY 1764 Oct. 13 Gerrit Merselis's receipt for freight received from Wil- New York Ji am Darlington, to be delivered to Sir William Johnson or order. 9 1228 14 Witham Marsh, to say that he is thankful for the appoint- Albany ment of a deputy, the mayor refuses to deliver up the common council records, and the fees of his Albany offices are insignificant. 220 14 Gen. Thomas Gage to [Sir William Johnson] (private), New York criticizing Col. Bradstreet's treaty [24:220] and pre dicting new employment for Johnson in mending what others put out of order. 221 15 Mattheus Ernest, to say that the people arriving on the New York Beulah had been sold to pay their passage, and that he would do his best to obtain settlers for Johnson's lands. 222 15 James Phyn, promising to make good the articles ab- Schenectady stracted from a pack sent in care of bateaumen and to send wine and beer. 223 15 Robert Sanders, arranging for the payment of a bond Albany executed by Johnson and Wells [John Welles] in 1762 and mentioning a marked improvement in his health. 224 15 [Sir William Johnson] to Mr Silvester, concerning debts Johnson Hall which he desires to recover and a fine of 300 to be col lected of a lieutenant for infraction of the militia act. 15:100 15 A list of debts, sent by [Sir William Johnson] to Mr Silvester for recovery by suit at law. 9:225 15 Sir William Johnson's account with Duncan & Phyn. 226 Schenectady 16 Duncan & Phyn's bill for goods bought by Sir William Schenectady Johnson. 22Q 16 [Sir William Johnson] to Lieut. Col. Eyre, acquainting Johnson Hall w ith the proposals of the Lords of Trade for putting the Indian service on a proper footing, mentioning the movements of Colonels Bradstreet and Bouquet and Capt. Morris, and thanking Eyre for a tent and a cov ered sled. 230 17 [Sir William Johnson] to J. Watts, approving the use of Johnson Hall the German vote to break the power of the Friends in Pensilvania, considering the chances of buying lands and advising that Mr Napier try to locate near the military tract about Lake Champlain. 231 17 [Sir William Johnson] to Gen. Gage, stating certain pro- Johnson Hall posals of the Lords of Trade for giving stability to Indian relations, and mentioning the arrival of Capt. Montgomery with dispatches from Bradstreet, French intrigue in the Illinois country, the difficulty of com pelling the Senecas to apprehend two Delaware chiefs, the probable course of. Delawares and Shawanese in Ohio and the expenses of his department 232 SIR WILLIAM JOHNSON MANUSCRIPTS 2 4 I Montreal 24 Lebanon 1764 Oct. 22 James Phyn about letters and newspapers and Mr Dun- Schenectady can's intention to visit Johnson Hall. 23 Welles & Wade, treating of business that concerns John son, Mr Sanders, Francis Wade, the late Capt. Lotter- idge, Thomas Lotteridge, Capt. Claus and Le Charme and advising of a draft on Johnson to the order of Samuel Stillwell, Bache & Simson and a draft by Capt. Claus. Rev. Eleazar Wheelock, saying that the bearers, Mr Kirt- land and Joseph Woolley, desire to learn the Mohock and Seneca languages and to teach Indian children, mentioning Mr Occum, who represents as a missionary the Society in Scotland for Propagating Christian Knowledge, also the progress of the Lebanon school, and Johnson's labors for establishing peace with the Indians. [Doc. Hist. N. Y. 4:341-43; Q, 4:217-18! Hugh Wallace, mentioning a sleigh left by Col. Eyre for Sir William and preferring a request that John Ander son, of Hallifax, may be made Indian deputy at St John's river in Nova Scotia. P. Silvester to [Sir William Johnson], informing that he has begun action against certain debtors, making sug gestions for a suit against a delinquent in Pensylvania, and discussing the case against Dillebagh, who failed to go on military duty [7:208, 209; 8:81] and by whom he has been retained. Francis Wade, expressing pleasure at the continuance of good relations notwithstanding his brother [Ferrall's] imprudence, asking a remittance and speaking of Ger man and Irish immigrants who might be desirable set tlers near Johnson Hall. Earl of Halifax to Gov. Murray [of Canada], cautioning against Chabet [de Joncaire], who proposes to reside at Montreal. Journal and map of a survey made for Sir William John son by Isaac Vrooman of lot 19 in a tract of land granted to Francis Harson and others, situate on the north side of the Mohaks river in the county of Al- baney. William Darlington on the balance of an account, Ma deira and port, slate and tile, a servant wanted by John son, the Irtter to the Lords of Trade, and Col. Croghan's departure. Sir William Johnson's account with William Darlington. 9 '-233 24 New York 24 Albany 2$ Philadelphia 27 25-27 27 New York 234 235 236 27 New York 28 Lieut. Francis Nartloo, acknowledging a supply of read ing matter and asking aid in obtaining satisfaction for the loss of 25 sheep driven away from his post by the Onetdas. 237 238 239 24:227 9:240 241 243 242 NEW YORK STATE LIBRARY 1764 Oct. 20 Hugh Wallace about the sleigh left for Sir William by New York Col. Eyre, dissatisfaction with [Col. Bradstreet], and a lady and gentleman whom Wallace wishes settled near Johnson's home. 9:243 31 John Meanner's receipt to Alexander McKee for 40, 35, [Fort Pitt] 7^ s i x months' pay as Indian interpreter. 10:157 31 Alexander McKee's receipt to George Croghan for ;8o, [Fort Pitt] 75, 2d, Pennsylvania currency, six months' pay as assist ant agent. 158 31 Constantine McMahon, declaring willingness to take into Fort Stanwix service a boy named Thomas Cooper recovered from the Indians. 9:244 31 [Sir William Johnson] to Gen. Gage (private), showing Johnson Hall that the savage nations regard themselves as independ ent and never as British subjects. 245 31 [Sir William Johnson] to Gen. Gage, acknowledging a Johnson Hall CO py of the treaty of Detroit [24:220], predicting the decline of Pondiac's power, discussing the attitude of the Delawares and Shawanese and mentioning a divi sion of his department into three parts. A postscript of November 6 mentions the arrival of five prisoners, four from the army and one from the Delawares near Chenussio. 246 Nov. 2 James Phyn to [Sir William Johnson], inquiring as to Schenectady the quality of Madeira sent and making a small present of stockings and olives. 247 2 Duncan & Phyn's bill for articles sold to Sir William Schenectady Johnson. 248 [June?] 1763 Petitions of Narragansett Indians and action thereupon -Nov. 2,1764 by the General Assembly of Rhode Island. 24:178 1763 [June?] Petition of 64 Narragansett Indians to Rhode Island General Assembly, that their sachem, Thomas Nin- igret, may be restrained from further sale of their lands. 16 Resolution of both houses of Rhodes Island Legisla ture that Thomas Ninigret be served with notice to attend next session and to refrain from selling lands in Narragansett country. Memorial of Thomas Ninigrett and 155 other Nar- ragansetts, denying charge of petitioners and offer ing terms of settlement. Aug. 5 Vote of both houses in favor of appointing committee to bound Indian lands as a basis of settlement of the tribal dispute. 6 Resolutions of the two houses appointing Joseph Lip- pitt, Thomas Church, Job Randall, William Potter and John Barker committee to bound Narragansett lands. SIR WILLIAM JOHNSON MANUSCRIPTS 243 1764 [June] Report of committee to bound Indian lands, explain ing dispute between petitioners and memorialists. 15 Resolution of both houses accepting foregoing report. Petition of Ephriam Coheis and Samuel Niles, Nar- ragansett Indians, alleging that Thomas Ninigret continues to dispose of lands and asking that he be restrained. 15 Resolution of both houses to restrain Thomas Nini gret, and refer petition to next session of Assembly. Sep';. 14 Resolution of lower house that petition be referred to next session, and Thomas Ninigret be cited to appear, meanwhile to refrain from sale of land. 15 Concurrent action of upper house. Nov. 2 Resolution referring petition to next session, and re straining Thomas Ninigret from selling land. Duplicate of part of 24:178. 24:179 Nov. 3 [Sir William Johnson] to the Lords of Trade, presenting Johnson Hall an elaborate review of the Kayaderosseras patent and declaring the necessity of righting the wrong which the Mohocks have suffered by it. Also showing the danger of treating the Indian nations as subjects of Great Britain [24:220] and offering suggestions touching the reorganization of his department. [Doc. rel. to Col. Hist. N. Y. 7:670-75; dated October 30] 9:250 3 [Sir William Johnson] to Lieut. Gov. Golden, refuting Johnson Hall arguments used in the Assembly to sustain the Kay aderosseras patent, mentioning the protest of the Cona- joharees against the trespass of Cobus Maybee, and speaking of his land claim now before the Lords of Trade. 251 3 Francis Wade, sending a small bill and asking a remit- Philadelphia tance for the balance of Welles & Wade's account. 10:6 4 H. Van Schaack to [Sir William Johnson] about Lieut. Albany William Lesly's certificate accepted by Johnson for payment, power of attorney given Van Schaack by De Couagne and Gov. Murray's chagrin at Brig. Burton's military appointments in Canada. 9 :253 6? John Macomb, sending an account. 252 6 Frey & Buttler, 5 miles up Canosorago creek, about dry roots stored at the royal blockhouse, an expectation that the Cayoucas and Sinnicas will soon arrive, and the business done by the Widow Maginnis in selling rum to Indians for their roots. 254 8 Sir William Johnson to Gen. Gage, exonerating the Johnson Hall Seneca nation from suspicion of treachery and distin guishing the eastern Six Nations from those of the Ohio, considering the temper in which the friendly Indians entered on the western campaign and hinting at circumstances which altered it. 255 244 NEW YORK STATE LIBRARY Albany 10 New York TO 1764 Nov. 8 Thomas Mcll worth, acknowledging sympathy in afflic- Schenectady tion. 9 Stephen Debrosses's bill for claret bought by William New York Darlington. 9 John Hansen, acknowledging a letter which was sent to London and has followed him to America, announcing that he will soon return to England and mentioning Peter Hansen, his brother, who proposes to carry on business at Albany. William Darlington, concerning some presents of which Mrs Darlington begs Sir William's acceptance, an Indian present received from Johnson, a letter for the Lords of Trade to be sent on the Duke of Cumberland, claret obtained of Mr Desbrosses and the difficulty of obtaining slate and tile. Isaac Vrooman, describing the lot which he has surveyed Caghenewago f or Johnson [24:227] and experiences with the Indians who accompanied him. Same to [Sir William Johnson] (postscript), continuing the account of his experiences with Indians while sur veying. lo-n A conference between Capt. Thomas McKee and In- Fort Augusta dians of the Six Nations, Conoys, Nanticokes and Muncies relative to peace and surrender of white prisoners. IT John Duncan to [Sir William Johnson], regarding the pay Schenectady o f an interpreter, the choice of a mayor, and a license which Duncan desires for Indian trade. P. Silvester, acknowledging the receipt of 50 in payment of Capt. Claus's draft in favor of Holmes & Morrison and indorsed to Charles McEvers. Robert Leake, acknowledging a favor and expressing warm admiration of Johnson's public services. Witham Marsh about his trouble with the mayor of Albany, his sufferings from gout, Johnson's account against Short, Capt. Claus's sister's son just arrived from Germany, the death of Attorney General Bordley, of Maryland, the appointment of a deputy for Indian affairs, and Abraham's speech on the Kayaderosseres patent, and advising the publication of the speech in the Gazette. Thomas Mcll worth, indicating his desire to be clerk if Schenectady the town is to be incorporated. 13 A. C. Cuyler, asking that he may have the office of deputy Albany agent of Indian affairs in Canada when it is resigned by Capt. Claus. 14 Cornelius Glen, sending vouchers for provisions. Schenectady 9:256 257 7:230 12 Albany 12 New York 12 New York 9:258 259 260 24:228 9:261 262 263 T2 10:1 2(O 2(2) 3 SIR WILLIAM JOHNSON MANUSCRIPTS 245 1764 Nov. 14 Isaac Vrooman, making suggestions for the completion of Schonectady Johnson's survey. 15 Matthew Robinson, presenting the cause of the Narra- S. Kingston, ganset tribe against its sachem, Thomas Ninnegret, R - L who is selling and leasing its lands. 15 Matthew Robinson to [Sir William Johnson], statement S. Kingston, o f the dispute between the Ninnegret [Narragansett] R - * tribe and the sachem, Thomas Ninnegret. 15 Samuel Niles, Ephraim Coyhies and others of the Narra- Rhode Island ganset tribe, petitioning for protection against the sachem, who is disposing of the tribal lands. Francis Nartloo to Col. Bradstreet, reporting the conduct of Indians of Connowaroherry, who have driven a flock of sheep away from the post. John Duncan about Lieut. Lessly's certificate, license to trade, rum and salt to be sent, Mr Mack'h [Mcllworth] painting a portrait at Livingston manor and the ex pected arrival of the " Great Commander " [Bradstreet]. Witham Marsh to [Sir William Johnson], suggesting Col. Moore's grandson for deputy Indian secretary, regret ting the infirmities which keep him from his duties and mentioning Sir James Ware's ethnologic discoveries touching the Irish and the English. Gw. Banyar, recommending John Moore, a grandson o f the late Col. [John] Moore of the Council, for deputy secretary of Indian affairs. Jacob Goelet, recommending Matthew Lyne for town c ierk or some other place. 16 1 8 Schenectady 19 New York 19 New York 10:4 24 1229 230 231 10:5 19 Kattskill c ierk or some other place. 10 Landing 2.) H. Van Schaack, recalling circumstances of a call on Sir Albany William, which may help the latter to remember an im portant paper delivered to him on that occasion, and mentioning money due Van Schaack from De Couagne. n 21 Welles & Wade to [Sir William Johnson], mentioning Montreal business correspondence and asking, in behalf of Cana dian merchants, whether New York and Philadelphia traders will be allowed to go West in the spring and on what footing trade is likely to be reestablished, and discoursing on laws regarded as too liberal to French Catholics and disagreements between civil and military authorities. [10:72] 12 22 John B. Van Eps to [Sir William Johnson], explaining Schinectady that he is not to be blamed for the damage to loaf sugar sent up on a bateau. 13 22 Gerrit Merselis's receipt for goods shipped by William New York Darlington for delivery to Sir William Johnson. 14 246 NEW YORK STATE LIBRARY 1764 Nov. 24 25 New York 26 New York 27 New York Schenectady 28 Albany 29 30 Schenectady 30 New York 30 New York Dec. i Montreal Remarks by [Sir William Johnson] on the conduct of Col. Bradstreet during the campaign of 1764 includ ing his harsh and contemptuous treatment of friendly Indians, indulgence toward enemies, his advances toward Pondiac, framing a treaty in which Indians accept the title of British subjects [24:220], failure to finish proceedings with the Shawanese or to fight them, abandonment of white persons held by Indians and two soldiers who were fishing by his orders, the loss of stores by wilfully encamping on the lake shore, failure to proceed to the Scioto plains, and favoritism toward French traders. 24:232' William Tongue, inquiring about two certificates for the pay of interpreters and asking for a draft on Mr Mortier. 10:15 Witham Marsh, considering illness, " Friend Croghan's " shyness, Col. Bradstreet, the Albany county clerkship and the deputy secretaryship of Indian affairs, com mending John Moore to favor and pronouncing a fer vent blessing on Sir William. 16 William Weyman, transmitting the copy of the Indian prayer book left on the death of Dr Barclay and sug gesting its revision under Johnson's eye. [Doc. Hist. N. Y. 4:343-44; Q, 4:219! 17 Cornelius Glen, with regard to provisions and vouchers. 18 John Macomb, regarding a mistake in an account drawn up by his son. 19 Duncan & Phyn's bill for articles sold to Sir William Johnson. 20 James Phyn, acknowledging a draft on Mr Mortier, men tioning goods and orders, and unfavorable public com ments on a certain [Bradstreet's] campaign. 21 Hugh Wallace, concerning the state of British politics, Bradstreet's campaign, Bouquet's soldierly qualities, and Johnson's good intentions toward John Anderson and kindness of Mr and Lady Susan OBrian. 22 William Darlington to [Sir William Johnson] about let ters for England which he has forwarded, money which will be sent to Johnson by the first safe conveyance, goods sent up the river, soldiers' clothes in the New York market and books from Rivington which Henry Cnyler will bring to Johnson. 23 Some incidents of Bradstreet's campaign, recorded by [Sir William Johnson] for his own perusal. 9:249 Francis Mackay to [Sir William Johnson], asking that he or his brother be made an Indian agent. 10:24 SIR WILLIAM JOHNSON MANUSCRIPTS 247 1764 Dec. i [Sir William Johnson] to Gen. Burton, promising to Johnson Hall furnish Mr Scott with instructions for acting as Indian agent during the absence of Capt. Claus, and to try to divert the western Indians from going to Montreal, commenting on the consequences likely to flow from Bradstreet's campaign and treaties and congratulating Burton on a promotion. 10 125 3 John Leake, advising of a draft, drawn by Capt. Claus, New York which is in his hands and asking payment. 26 4 Swain & Co.'s account, with Col. Henry Bouquet's order Fort Pitt for paying it. 165 4 Samuel Stringer about articles received by him for John- Albany S on, articles lost and things which he is forwarding to Johnson Hall. 27 5 John B. Van Eps about sugar lost in transportation and Schinectady tne condition of his cellar. 28 6 [Sir William Johnson] to Gen. Gage (private), express- Johnson Hall i n g fears lest Col. Bradstreet's retirement will embarrass Col. Bouquet and anticipating Bradstreet's defense of his campaign by pointing out his mistakes [24:232], par ticularly the reliance on a treacherous French pilot, by which he lost half his stores, and the straggling retreat ; also asking what course should be pursued toward the Senecas, mentioning their humanity to soldiers and speaking of the supplies which go up the Mississipi to the western nations. 35 6 [Sir William Johnson] to Lieut. Col. Charles Lee, Lon- Johnson Hall don, informing that arable land in the province is hard to obtain, but the vacating of the fraudulent patent between the Mohock and the Hudson [Kayaderosseras] will probably lead to the sale of about 200,000 acres by the Indians, and showing the failure of Bradstreet's undertakings. 36 6 Francis Wade, concerning business matters and the pos- Philadelphia s ible fate of a ship carrying Ferrall Wade and 1300 of the writer's property. 37 6 Hendrick Frey, John Butler and Piter Conyn, seeking a Conajohary hearing before commissioners touching the gates with which private persons obstruct the highways. 38 7 John Duncan to [Sir William Johnson] on the remarks Schenectady of military gentlemen returning from the campaign about the conduct of it, and Mr Duncan's imitation of the " Commander in Chief's " grand manner. 33 7 George McDougall to John Duncan, asking a word to New York Johnson in favor of McDougall's appointment to be one of the new Indian agents. 248 NEW YORK STATE LIBRARY 1764 Dec. 9 John Glen Jun'r about provisions for Indians which he Schonectady has sent to Barent Vrooman at Cagnawagie. 10:31 9 John Duncan, saying that Johnson's letters for New York Schenectady would go sealed up in the Schenectady bag, and that all agree that the " late great Commander in Chief has done for himself." 32 10 Abraham Mortier, to say that he has received the gen- New York eral's warrant in Johnson's favor and accepted a bill of 1500 in favor of Mr Duncan, and to explain an arrangement for remedying a mistake. 30 10 A printed circular issued by the Society for the Promotion New York o f Arts, formed to encourage husbandry and manu facture and suppress luxury; inviting correspondence and cooperation by the organization of local societies. Bearing the signature of Chs. W. Apthorp, Wm. Smith Jr, Wal'r Rutherfurd, Jno. Morin Scott and Jas. Duane. Woe. Hist, N. Y. 4:344-45; Q, 4:219-20] 39 11 [Sir William Johnson] to Lieut. Gov. Golden, to acknowl- Johnson Hall edge the receipt of a copy of the patent of Kayaderos- seras, express contempt for misrepresentations of his motives in upholding the dignity of the crown and the rights of the Indians, propose to associate John John son, Daniel Glaus and Guy Johnson with himself in a land grant, call attention to Maybe's trespass and schemes like Klock's for taking Indians to England, express the opinion that the colonists have " hurt their Interest at home by their Impotent Attempts to Intimi date the Government at home " and denounce Brad- street's treaties with western tribes. 29 13 De Couagne, to say that the Missasauges are dissatisfied Ginausee a t being denied the privilege of buying powder; adding that he is sent out by Col. Vaughall [John Vaughan] to recover horses that have been stolen. 40 15 John Constable to [Sir William Johnson], advising prepa- Schenectady ration of the children for inoculation and asking about the success of a course of medicine ordered for Sir William. 41 16 Daniel Campbell, saying that Collin Andrews has fur- Schenectady nished guns and Thomas Berrup " floured serge " to Capt. John Butler and Capt Monture has drawn a bill on Johnson, and that Campbell has a stock of Indian goods, and inclosing an account for sundries advanced to Indians by Mr Tarquharson. 45 16 John Duncan, hoping that communication with the fort Schenectady j s reopened and mentioning letters forwarded, the re turn of "the great Mr Maunt," the new bridge and a visit to be made to Johnson Hall. 46 SIR WILLIAM JOHNSON MANUSCRIPTS 249 1764 Dec. 17 [Sir William Johnson] to Hugh Wallace, exhibiting Johnson Hall pleasure at the advancement of "the family of Yorks " in British politics and a desire for a union of parties in England, contrasting the work of Col. Bouquet in the West with the failure and imposition attending Bradstreet's, mentioning a present and a coming con ference with Indians, his wish to aid Mr O Brien and Lady Susan to buy a suitable tract, and also an inclos- ure for Col. Eyre [in England]. 10:47 17 Duncan & Phyn's bill to Sir William Johnson. 48 Schenectady 17 Witham Marsh, speaking of Johnson's kindness to Mr New York Moore, and describing his terrible illness and a feast which followed, with observations on the civil law, politicians, friend Croghan and an item in the Gazette on Mohawk matters. 49 17 [Sir William Johnson] to Lieut. Col. Eyre, showing Johnson Hall Bradstreet's disasters and pretenses, the good results of Bouquet's expedition and the advantage derived by the Shawanese from trade between New Orleans and the western nations. 50 17 William Darlington, informing that he sends money and New York eight bottles of restorative balsam by Henry Cuyler, son of Cornelius Cuyler of Albany, and, by Capt. James Stevenson, a package of books, mentioning other busi ness and sending holiday greetings. 42 18 John Duncan to [Sir William Johnson] about Youry Schenectady Klock's accounts, trade licenses, Bradstreet's chagrin, the Schenectady charter and Mr Muckil worth [Mcll- worth], who is painting a portrait at Livingston manor. 43 18 [Sir William Johnson] to Lieut. Gov. Colden, declaring Johnson Hall gratification at the achievements of Col. Bouquet, sug gesting care in regard to Indian trade licenses granted in advance of the new regulations and giving the opinion that defeat will follow attempts to abridge the royal prerogative and Gen. Gage's establishment in the command will put a stop to many people's hopes. 44 21 John Glen Jun'r about provisions sent eight miles up Schonectady the river to Abram Van Antwerpen and pork and flour intrusted to the bearer, Frans Schimel, also provisions delivered to the Stockbridge and Cog- nawagie Indians. 51 21 Francis Wade, regarding a bill on Abraham Mortier, Philadelphia a delay due to the severity of the season in sending a servant to Johnson, Capt. Claus's nephew, sent with Dr Stringer, Col. Massy's arrival from Dublin, trade orders, and the prospect of a stable peace. 52 250 NEW YORK STATE LIBRARY 1764 Dec. 22 Duncan & Phyn's bill for goods sold to Sir William Schenectady Johnson. 10:53 22 Intelligence received from a Delaware Indian re- Fort Pitt garding French trade with the Shawnese and Dela- wares and French encouragement. 24:233 23 Maj. Murray's speech to Andrew, a Huron chief, re quiring the influence of his people to compel observ ance of engagements by the Shawanese' and giving directions for proceeding as soon as the Shawanese chiefs are brought to terms. 234 23 James Phyn, concerning letters and orders for gold Schenectady an 1765; receipted July 12, 1765. 26:24 23 John Glen Jun'r about his measures for supplying pro- Schonectady visions. IO :2O9 24 [Sir William Johnson] to Lord Holland, concerning Lady Johnson Hall Susan and Mr OBrien and extenuating facts about her marriage, conditions of land settlement in Albany county, calumnies invited by championing the rights of Indians, and the coming conference with 800 Indians. 210 24 William OBrien, asking if a visit from Lady Susan and New York himself will be agreeable, and when most so. [10:210] 211 24 Peter Hasenclever, saying that he is considering a pur- New York chase of lands beyond German flats from Oliver De Lancy, also touching on the possibility of mining in Johnson's neighborhood, the high wages of tradesmen and artificers, Frans Rupperts' potash business, and ex pressing a hope that England will yet buy her iron and hemp in America, and an opinion that the general trade balance will be in America's favor. 212 SIR WILLIAM JOHNSON MANUSCRIPTS 265 1765 Apr. 25 [Sir William Johnson] to Capt. William Howard, corn- Johnson Hall manding at Michilimackinac, on the new treasury orders for curtailment of Indian expenses ; sending a word of commendation to Mons'r Cadot. 25 :$ 26 Articles of agreement between Edward Cole and Henry Van Schaack of Albany and Daniel Campbell of Sche- nectady, by which Campbell is admitted to a half inter est in 92 packs of skins bought in Detroit, lying at Niagara and to be consigned to a correspondent in London. 4 26 Petition of the Mohegan Indians to Sir William Johnson, Mohegan regarding their suit against the colony of Connecticut [10:200], which they are unable longer to prosecute un aided. 5 26 Francis Wade to [Sir William Johnson] on conflicting Philadelphia statements about the goods destroyed in going to Fort Pitt [24:255], the need of cautioning Mr Croghan against permitting illicit trade, goods which he can supply and disappointments suffered through the con duct of his brother, F. 10:213 27 Dr Richard Shuckburgh, telling of Indian differences over Detroit the origin of the late war, a prisoner's experience among the Miamis, the writer's desire to return east, the friendliness of Lieut. Stewart, Lieut. Abbott's marriage to Miss De Riviere from Montreal and Col. Campbell's method with Indian affairs. 214 27 Capt. Harry Gordon, mentioning the charge against Cro- Aibany ghan, of putting the Crown to the expense of 15,000 for Indian presents, Gordon's defense of him to Brig. Bouquet and Johnson's regard for him. 21? 27 James Sterling, mentioning his marriage to Miss Cuiel- Detroit lierrie, sending her compliments and suggesting that he be employed in the Indian service. 2i 27 [Sir William Johnson] to Gen. Gage asking for an inquiry Johnson Hall j n to Mr Croghan's conduct and praising his past course, also reporting the arrival of the Senecas and Squash Cutter and Long Coat. 25 :C 29 Rev. Eleazar Wheelock, introducing David Fowler, who Lebanon purposes to teach school and follow agriculture among the Onoyadas, and asking a recommendation for Mr Kirtland and assistance to obtain English support for missionary labor in Johnson's country. [Doc. Hist. N. Y. 4:356-58; Q, 4:226-27] 10:217 29 John Duncan to [Sir William Johnson], introducing Mr Schenectady Booth of London and mentioning the suit between Col. Bradstreet and the Dutch church. 218 266 NEW YORK STATE LIBRARY 1765 May i Henry Glass and John Reily, inquiring as to the chances Evesham, f or sc hool teaching in Johnson's neighborhood. 10:219 [N. J.] Michilimack inac Alex'r Henry's receipt. bill to Capt. William Howard; with 11:239 2 Albany 2 Albany 3 Fort Pitt 10 :220 221 I3:i6o IO:222 Capt. Harry Gordon about Croghan's trouble [10:192, 213, 215] and the necessity of stopping the mouths of enemies. Col. Eyre Massy, commending Francis Wade of Philadel phia for commercial favors, rather than the Quakers, and mentioning Mr Flury and " poor Fenton." Chas. McClure's receipt to George Croghan for two notes of hand payable to Joseph Spear. 4 Sir William Johnson in account with Duncan & Phyn. Schenectady 4 [Sir William Johnson to Mr OBrien, to say that a visit Johnson Hall from Lady Susan and Mr OBrien will give him great pleasure and that his curricle will meet them at Albany. 223 4 [Sir William Johnson] to Gen. Gage, sending Mr Cro- Johnson Hall ghan's accounts, expressing the hope that Croghan will show that he had no interest in Indian trade, avowing the belief that the Kayaderosseras fraud will not be righted by the common law or lawyers and discussing his present negotiations with the Indians concerning peace, boundaries and exchange of prisoners. 6 Mercer & Ramsay about an account certified by Mr Gor- New York rell and examined by Col. Robertson. 6 John Glen Jun'r, regarding provisions to be sent to Mr Schonectady Fonda at Cagnawagie. 6 Henry Basstone, applying for the place of overseer at Albany Wood Creek, above Fort Edward, which will be left vacant by the return of Mr Jones to Wales. 7 William Darlington, concerning a letter forwarded by him New York to London and articles sent to Johnson Hall in charge of Capt. Ferrall. 7 William Gamble to [Sir William Johnson], saying that Albany he has given 30 rations to some Indians going to John son Hall and asking if he has acted properly. 7 [Sir William Johnson] to Lieut. Col. Eyre Massy, Johnson Hall touching the agreements just reached with the Indians, concessions made by the Delawares, Francis Wade, Mr Croghan's purchases for the service, Fenton's troubles with the " unCivil Authority " and the regard in which Massy is held at Johnson Hall. 229 8 Thomas Shipboy, asking payment of a draft drawn by Albany Hugh Scott at Montreal to the order of John Jacob Hertel. 230 257 10:224 225 226 227 228 SIR WILLIAM JOHNSON MANUSCRIPTS 267 1765 May 8 [Sir William Johnson] to Capt. Gordon, explaining the Johnson Hall enmities of which as superintendent of Indian affairs he is the object, mentioning the concessions of the Dela- wares of Susquehanna and the Senecas of Chenussio assembled with him and expressing a desire to be of assistance to Gordon. 10:231 8 Duncan & Phyn to [Sir William Johnson] about Indian Schenectady goods. 232 8 Gen. Thomas Gage, saying that he will discharge John- New York son's accounts as soon as he has power, that the mer chants discriminate against treasury bills in exchange, that the persons who destroyed the goods [near Fort Loudoun] have been acquitted, that he is informed from Fort Loudoun that the goods belonged to the Crown, and that he will examine the charge against Mr Croghan. 25:8 9 Joseph Davenport's bill of lading for Madeira wine con- Philadelphia signed by Baynton, Wharton & Morgan to William Darlington, New York. 10:253 10 John McClure's receipt to George Croghan for a bill of Fort Pitt ^57, 45, 6d on Philadelphia. 13=159 12 James Phyn to [Sir William Johnson], sending an ac- Schenectady count for sugar and asking permission to employ Branahan. 10:233 12 Samuel Monrow, appealing to Johnson to help him obtain New York release from imprisonment incurred by his efforts to obtain justice for some Indians who were dispossessed of their lands. 23. 12 William Darlington about articles shipped on Marselis's New York sloop, which has been seized. 'f 235 13 John Glen Jun'r about pork and flour which he sends to Schonectady F O rt Hendrick and Cagnawagie. 236 13 Lieut. B. Roberts, of French machinations among the Ontario Miamis, which his knowledge of French will enable him to inquire into. 23; 14 Francis Wade, informing of an attack by backwoodsmen Philadelphia O n a party conveying goods to the garrisons, and re porting a threat of interference with Johnson's con ferences with Indians. 238 14 Charles Williams, saying that William Cosby's lands can New York b e so ld only after legal proceedings to determine his sanity and mentioning the writer's sons and the be reavement of the admiral [Tyrrell] in the loss of his wife. [Doc. Hist. N. Y. 2:817-18; Q, 2: 475] 239 14 John Johnston about trouble in transportation of supplies Conrautt and feeding Indians. 240 Franks 268 NEW YORK STATE LIBRARY 1765 May 1 6 Howard Chinn & Bostwick's bill to Capt. Howard for Michillamack- merchandise ; receipted by Henry Bostwick, June 12, anac 1765. 11:247 17 Sir William Johnson's account with Duncan & Phyn. 28 [17] [Sir William Johnson] to Lieut. Gov. Golden about the Johnson Hall uncompleted survey begun by Mr. Vrooman. 10:247 18 [Sir William Johnson] to the Earl of Hillsborough, ex- Johnson Hall plaining the hostilities which beset his department, showing the cause of the great landowners' indifference to Indian uprisings and vindicating his right to the land bestowed by the Indians of Conajohare. 241 18 H. Van Schaack, presenting a small account and inquiring Albany about Mr Leslie's mislaid certificate for 119, 145. 242 18 John Watts, suggesting that Indians' complaints are often New York baseless and the vacating of patents may create a dangerous precedent; also introducing Mr Hassen- clever and speaking of his industrial enterprises. [10:69, 139] 244 18 [Sir William Johnson] to Gen. Gage, regarding the break- Johnson Hall i n g U p of the Indian congress and the rumor among western nations of the approach of a French army. 25 :g 19 Lieut. Jehu Hay, applying for a post and speaking of his Detroit unremunerated services to the garrison and Indians. 10^245 20 John Welles, telling of the origin and extent of a fire Montreal in Montreal, which has destroyed property worth 300,000, and of petitions to the King in Parliament and the provinces for aid. 246 20 Dr Richard Shuckburgh, expressing joy at the news that Detroit he is to succeed Mr Marsh as Indian secretary at an increased salary and relating stories of the warpath, including a rumor of Croghan's capture and burning. 248 20 Alex'r Henry's bill to Capt. William Howard for rum Michilimack- for Indians ; receipted. 1 1 :240 inac 24 [Sir William Johnson] to the Lords of Trade: The Johnson Hall slowness of the Shawanese in keeping the engagements to Col. Bouquet is attributable to the hope that the French will attempt the reconquest of the country. Mr Croghan is preparing the way for sending a garrison to the Illinois. The Delawares of Ohio have agreed to all terms proposed and the Delawares of Susque- hanna and the Senecas have given hostages for the ful filment of promises. The necessity of a boundary line has been brought before the Six Nations ; and the Mohawks have engaged the sympathy of the other Five Nations in the Kayadarussarus grievance. This patent is supported by persons of consequence, including the principal lawyers of the province, and its SIR WILLIAM JOHNSON MANUSCRIPTS 269 1765 supporters are indifferent to the danger to the frontier from Indian resentment. An inquiry into land grants would create astonishment that a single Indian remains in the English interest. His opposition to land frauds has exposed him to scurrility and detraction from men who aim to restore the old management of Indian affairs. He sketches the history of French-Indian policy and his own conduct of Indian affairs, shows the predominance of French influence at the Illinois, tells of the destruction of goods going to Fort Pitt and considers plans of gaining control of the West, the reorganization of his department and the separation of the Indians from the whites by a boundary line. [Doc. rel. to Col. Hist. N. Y. 7:711-18] 10:249 May 24 [Sir William Johnson to the Lords of Trade, duplicate Johnson Hall o f first part of no. 249, with addition of a paragraph on the dispute between the Mohegans and the colony of Connecticut. 250 24 [Sir William Johnson] to Gen. Gage, stating that the Six Johnson Hall Nations have taken up the grievance of the Mohawks over Kayaderosseras, giving the results of the late Indian congress, suggesting that a meeting the fol lowing summer to the westward would be advantageous and mentioning the difficulty of raising money on treas ury bills. 25:10 25 Duncan & Phyn's bill against Sir William Johnson for Schenectady goods 72, IOS, 8d. IO:2SJ 27 William Darlington, of articles shipped with Lukas Van New York Veghten, and others to go with Henry Bogard, fash- . ionable furniture which he expects to buy for Sir William, an inclosed letter from London and the price of corn. 252 William Darlington's account for articles bought at ven- [New York] due. 254 28 [Sir William Johnson] to Gov. Murray, declining to Johnson Hall recognize Murray's appointment of an Indian agent for Canada, unless his own territory shall be diminished by the plan under the consideration of Parliament, and pointing out that Capt. Claus is still deputy for that province. 25:1' 29 [Sir William Johnson] to Maj. Moncrieffe, mentioning Johnson Hall the exchange of prisoners under the terms of settle ment with the Delawares, promising that Lady Susan shall see some Indians when she visits the Hall, con demning republican ideas and declaring contempt for his enemies. 12 27O NEW YORK STATE LIBRARY 1765 May 29 [Sir William Johnson] to Lieut. Gov. Golden, concerning Johnson Hall the settlement with the Delawares 1 and the Chenussios, remonstrances of the Six Nations against the delay of justice in the Kayaderosseras fraud, the uncertainty of legal justice, the difference between his Indian policy and that which it superseded, apprehensions of the Oneidas over fraudulent patents. 10 1255 29 Duplicate of no. 255. 256 30 Samuel Weiser, to say that Jacob Hochstetler desires to know whether his son Christian has been delivered up by the Indians. 257 31 Gov. Golden (extract) to the Lords of Trade, regarding [New York] the tract given to Sir William Johnson by the Cono- johary tribe after the cession of Canada. [Doc. rel. to Col. Hist. N. Y. 7:741-43.] 258 31 James Rivington about an account with a person at [New York] Niagara who is indebted to him, a lottery scheme by which he hopes to dispose of some land in Maryland and the inflexible attitude of the English ministry toward America. 259 A petition of a number of the late inhabitants of Juniata to the Hon. John Penn, Esquire, Lieutenant Governor and Commander in Chief of the Province of Penn sylvania and counties of New Castle, Kent and Sussex, on Delaware, against allowing the Indians now in Philadelphia, under the government's protection, to settle on the Great Island up Susquehannah. (Copy) [Earlier than May 23, see 11:1] 25:46 June 2 [Sir William Johnson] to Gen. Gage, announcing the ap- Johnson Hall preaching visit of 20 Ottawas and Chippawas. 13 3 Gen. Thomas Gage, mentioning the murder of Cherokees New York by frontiersmen in Virginia, the western nations and Johnson's proposal to treat with them. 14 3 Matthew Graves, a missionary, begging for relief to the New London Narragansett Indians, mentioning the indifference of the Rhode Island Assembly and sending a list of 29 sales of the tribal lands made by the sachem, Thomas Ninegret. IS 3 Same, speaking of a design in England to establish in New London America the discipline of the Church " upon its truly Apostolic Basis " and asking influence to obtain for him appointment as a surrogate and commissary. 16 5 Peter Hasenclever, offering half the profit from his con- Johnson Hall tract with Frans Ruppert, Johnson's tenant, for the manufacture of pearlash. 10 '.260 5 Oliver De Lancey, introducing Lord Adam Gordon, who New York i s O n his way to Niagara. [Doc. Hist. N. Y. 2:818-19; 0, 2:475! 26r SIR WILLIAM JOHNSON MANUSCRIPTS 27! 1765 June 5 John Watts, introducing Lord Adam Gordon, uncle to New York the Duke of Gordon. 10:262 6 Alexander Henry's bill to Capt. William Howard for 30 Michiiimack- pounds of ball for the Indians; receipted. 11:241 inac 6 Monbrore's receipt to Capt. William Howard for 16. 242 Michiiimack- inac 6 John Porteous's receipt to Capt. William Howard for 16. 243 6 [Sir William Johnson] to Brig. Burton on the terms made Johnson Hall w ith the Delawares and Senecas, the delay of Parlia ment in reorganizing his department, two Mohock lads carried to England for exhibition, Mr Croghan's ex pedition to the Illinois, the vist from Wabbicommicott and other Chipeweighs, and Johnson's reply to Gov. Murray's letter touching the Indian agency for Canada [25:11] ; also mentioning repairs and additions to John son Hall made by his son. 10:263 7 [Sir William Johnson] to Lieut. Gov. Penn, concerning Johnson Hall Col. Croghan's departure, Croghan's exoneration of himself, the inexpediency of leaving the Indians at the Great Island when a boundary is set, the con sequences of indiscriminate revenge against Indians, or wrongful occupation of their country, transactions with Delawares, Chipeweighs and Shawanese and good results expected from the reorganization of his department. 11:1 7 [Sir William Johnson] to Messrs Baynton, Wharton & Johnson Hall Morgan [Philadelphia] on Mr Croghan's satisfactory explanation, prospects of trade, the unsettled state of his department, purchases for Sir William's household, his representations to Gov. Penn for the security of trade and his arrangement with the Delawares for reparation to traders for losses. 2 8 Ezekiel Solomon's receipt to Capt. William Howard for Michiiimack- 244 8 John Hansen about the clerkship of the city and county Albany o f Albany; inclosing a letter from John Blackburn, London, in Hansen's interest, and inquiring whether the offices of Albany clerk and Indian secretary are yet separated. 3 8 Duncan & Phyn's bill to Sir William Johnson. 4 8 William Allen, introducing Mr Ralph Izzard, an English Philadelphia gentleman, who possesses a large fortune in Carolina. 6 10 Deneije's receipt to Capt. William Howard for 12, 245 Michiiimack- inac 2/2 NEW YORK STATE LIBRARY 1765 June 10 Lieut. Jehu Hay, to express appreciation of an en- Detroit couraging letter and to say that Col. Croghan passed through Sandusky before May 22. 11:8 10 John Duncan about goods sent by wagon and an order Schenectady inclosed. 9 10 Sir William Johnson in account with Duncan & Phyn. 10 Schenectady 10 Duncan & Phyn's bill to Sir William Johnson.- 12 Schenectady 10 Cornelis Van Veghten's receipt for goods received from New York William Darlington to be delivered at Albany for Sir William Johnson and Capt. Claus. 177 11 [Mrs] G. Cosby to [Sir William Johnson] (duplicate), Hampton expressing surprise that Mr DeLancey's survey of Court the lands bought of her does not agree with the records, also a desire that her business affairs in America may be closed up. [Doc. Hist. N. Y. 2:819; Q, 2:475-76] ii 11 Alex'r Henry's bill to Capt. William Howard for Indian Michilimack- goods; receipted. 246 inac 12 Pier le Due's receipt to Capt. William Howard for 8. 248 Michilimack- inac 13 Lieut. Gov. Cadwallader Colden, suggesting that a policy Springhill t\ia.t will separate the western nations from the Six Nations be pursued, also that the information on which the Kayaderosseras patent may be vacated be laid before the Attorney General, mentioning a suspicion that the Earl of Ilchester, Lord Holland and Mr Upton intend to locate the King's grant to them in the lands given by the Indians to Johnson, mentioning what he has done for Johnson's interest in that tract and advis ing him to scorn calumny. 13 14 Daniel Claus, concerning French intrigue and trade Sabbath day among the western nations, impatience of Indian point traders, the Montreal fire [10:246], the quarrel between Gov. Murray and Gen. Burton and Capt. Ethrington's desire to get an Indian employment for his brother. 14 14 Alex'r Henry's bill to Capt. William Howard for rum Michilimack- for Indians ; receipted. 249 inac 15 Baynton, Wharton & Morgan about wine shipped to Sir Philadelphia William, electrical apparatus and seals to be for warded, articles for Capt. Closs, Mr Croghan's draft in their favor and Johnson's proposal to persuade the Six Nations to make some recompense to the traders who have suffered by the Indians' breach of faith. 15 SIR WILLIAM JOHNSON MANUSCRIPTS 273 1765 June 16 P. Desreuisseaux's receipt to George Cremche [Croghan] Vincenne for 4000 livres ; with account. [In French] 13:161 1 6 Alex'r Henry's bill to Capt. William Howard for blanket Michilimack- an d leggon for the use of the Indians; receipted. 11:250 inac 17 Robert Lettis Hooper Jun'r to Francis Wade (copy), Trenton stating his purpose to visit Sir William Johnson on business. 66 17 S. Kirtland on the unfeeling behavior of the Indians Canesedage with whom he lives, the scarcity of provisions, the un certainty of the future, Johnson's kindness. [Doc. Hist. N. Y. 4:358-59; Q, 4:227128] 16 18 Alex'r Henry's bill to Capt. William Howard for Indian Michilimack- goods ; receipted. 251 inac 18 Lieut. Col. Reid to Gen. Gage (extract), concerning the Fort Pitt murder of a trader by a Seneca. 25:17 19 [Sir William Johnson] to Gen. Gage on the visit and the Johnson Hall recent history of Wabbicommicott, the Miamis, Mr Croghan's journey to the Illinois, death of Mr Frasier, the necessity of checking the frontiersmen if renewal of hostilities is to be prevented, his weariness of the strug gle with difficulties created by the ignorance and im prudence of the people, the three. Delawares in New York who are to be exchanged, the distress due to want of money for his department, and smallpox among the Indians at his house. 18 19 Peter Hasenclever, mentioning hemp seed intended for New York j. g. y an JZbst [Eps] and Johnson, goods for Frans Ruppert, production of pearlash, and gentlemen who will visit Johnson. 11:17 20 Francis Wade about Robert Lettis Hooper, who comes Philadelphia to look at Johnson's lands, with a view of putting 20 families on them. 18 20 [Sir William Johnson] to Lieut. Gov. Colden, concerning Johnson Hall the Indians who have been returned from England, a talk about land with Lady Susan and Mr OBrien, a tract that may be bought of the Oneidas, Colden's ad vocacy of Johnson's claim with the Board of Trade [10:109, 258], news from Fort Pitt and the surrender of prisoners by Senecas and Delawares. 19 20 Sukkianggwaraghtace, warning Johnson against two In- Seneca Lake dians who are coming down with bad news ; interpreted by S. Kirtland. 21 20 Sir William Johnson's receipt for 959, 195, 6d sterling, Johnson Hall received of Maj. Gen. Thomas Gage by the hands of Gabriel Maturin. 26:25 274 NEW YORK STATE LIBRARY 1765 June 21 John Glen Jun'r about provisions sent in charge of An- Schonectady dries Wimple. 22 Albany 24 New York 25 New York Joh's Vanderheyden, praising Johnson's benefactions and pleading for the liberty of Joh's Ice [John Ece]. William Darlington about business instructions; in closing the resolves of the Virginia Assembly. Peter Hasenclever, saying that he has bought a fine ship and sending word to Frans Ruppert about a shipment of potash. 25 John Morin Scott, mentioning a claim against the Albany estate of [Witham] Marsh and asking Johnson to qualify as executor. 26 [Sir William Johnson] to Alexander Golden, describing Johnson Hall the course of Mr Vrooman's survey of the Mohawk grant to Johnson and inquiring about the course of the rear line as completed by Golden. 26 Peter Shryner's account of articles furnished to Lieut. Fort Erie John Wynne for destitute Indians ; with certificate of Robert Moore and Shryner. 26 [Sir William Johnson] to Gen. Gage, regarding prison- Johnson Hall ers delivered up by the Senecas, the approach of Shaw- anese and Mingo deputies, scarcity of food among the Six Nations, messages for the western tribes intrusted to Wabbicommicott and the death of Mr Eraser. 29 Lieut. Col. Eyre Massy, mentioning Capt. Campbe[ll?]'s Montreal ambition, attempts from Montreal to stir up the In dians at Michilamacinak, the behavior of the 46th on July 24, 1759 [at Niagara], the dispute between Gen. Burton and Gov. [Murray], Guy Johnson's jollity. 29 Alex'r Henry's receipted bill to Capt. William Howard Michilimack- for Indian goods. inac 30 Thomas Russell's receipt to Capt. William Howard for Michilimack- $ f 75, 6d. inac :20 22 26 229 25:20 Ii:27 252 253 30 Pierre Eneas Dubois's receipt to Capt. William Howard Michilimak- for {.2$, 6s, 8d. 254 inac 30 John Porteous's receipt to Capt. Will. Howard for 40. . 255 Michilimak- inac 30 Sejourne's receipt to Capt. William Howard for 7, 95, Michilimak- > 30 Capt. William Howard's account of articles bought for Michilimak- t he use of the Crown. 257 inac SIR WILLIAM JOHNSON MANUSCRIPTS 275 1765 July i Capt. William Howard's account of sundries furnished Michilimak- to Indians; with the certificate of officers. 11:235 nac 1 William OBrien to [Sir William Johnson] about his New York return to New York, letters, prints, a promised visit to America by the Duke of York and a possible visit to England by Mr Johnson. 29 2 Sir William Johnson's account with Duncan & Phyn. 30 Schenectady 2 John Christie, concerning Indian prisoners sent to John- Albany sorij anc } Ece, now in jail, who formerly lived among the Senicas. 31 2 [Sir William JohnsonI to Capt. Howard on restrictions Johnson Hall o f Indian trade, Mr Croghan's mission to the Illinois, French traders at Michilimackinac and peace with the Shawanese, Delawares and Mingoes. 25 :2i 3 James Phyn about business orders. 11:32 Schenectady 3 Daniel Claus, regarding an interview with Gen. Burton, Montreal Gov. Murray's appointment of Capt. Campbell as Indian agent, the character of Murray, Pondiac's activity, French machinations, Chabert's proposed trip, a deputa tion of Caghnawagey and St Francis chiefs to Johnson, the disposition of the Canadian tribes, the scarcity of money, Claus's household affairs and a suitable assist ant Indian agent. 33 4 James Phyn, mentioning an invoice inclosed, a packet ex- Schenectady pected, a merchantman arrived and the departure of Lord Adam Gordon and Col. Vaughan for Detroit. 34 5 [Sir William Johnson] to Lieut. Gov. Colden, mentioning Johnson Hall the surrender of 69 prisoners by Indians, his efforts to alienate the western nations from the Six Nations and the other Iroquois from the Senecas, information secured against Kayaderosseras and a mistake in a patent lying back of the German flatts. 35 5 Lisette Desmusaux to Monsieur Les Cononelle Jasont SauxSt Louis [Johnson], concerning trade and the [government] regulations. [In French] 36 5 [Sir William Johnson] to Peter Hasenclever about hemp Johnson Hall seed and potash and renewed transactipns with Indians. 37 5 [Sir William Johnson] to Gen. Gage on a quarrel be- Johnson Hall tween the Creeks and Choctaws, the new plan for the Indian department, new proceedings, communications to the western nations, and the needless insult to Pondiac the year before. 25 :22 6 Petrus Bogardus to [Sir William Johnson] about an old Fiskffls account for service to the department, which was left with Sybrant G. Van Schaick. 11:38 276 NEW YORK STATE LIJBRARY 1765 July 7 Baynton, Wharton & Morgan on the opening of trade, New York Mr Croghan's drafts in their favor, reconstruction of Johnson's department, Mr Frazier's and Mr Croghan's expeditions, a seal and electrical apparatus to be for warded by Darlington, Johnson's efforts to procure reparation from the Indians for depredations against traders and a letter from Surveyor General Lukens. 11:39 10 [Sir William Johnson] to John Morin Scott, renouncing Johnson Hall the administration of the estate of the late Mr Marsh, because of the pressure of business. [Erroneously dated June 10] 7 10 William Darlington, regarding articles received from New York Baynton, Wharton and Morgan, his method of securing delivery of articles shipped, and "a West India Bird called a Filimingo." 40 10 Cornelis Van Veghten's receipt for articles received of New York William Darlington, to be delivered to Mr Byrns at Albany for Capt. Claus and Sir William Johnson. 41 10 Robert Leake, regretting his inability to serve Messrs New York Byrne & Frazer and sympathizing with Johnson in troubles and perplexities. 42 n John Christie about prisoners sent to Gen. [Gage]. 44 Albany 11 [Sir William Johnson] to William OBrien, repeating Johnson HaTi that the land on the Mohawk is granted to Johnson, and the King could not consistently give away Indian lands, also considering a suggestion that his son visit England. 45 ii Daniel Clans, concerning Gen. Murray's remarks on the Montreal p j an f or Indian affairs sent over bby the Lords of Trade, trade at Michilimakinac with Hudsons Bay Indians, trouble with an Indian at St Jeans, Col. Van- derheyden's losses, the acquittal of the men tried for the Walker affair [10:12, 72], the withholding of trade privileges from Chabert Joncair, and the mirth of a surveyor general of customs at colonial interference with his Majesty's customs. 46 14 [Sir William Johnson] to Gen. Burton, mentioning inter- Johnson Hall preter Perthuis's prejudices, delivery of prisoners by Indians ahd peace with the Shawanese and Mingos. 47 14 Dr Richard Shuckburgh on new reports of Croghan's Detroit assassination, Indian desire for trade, French mis representations and the superiority of the Illinois French to the French at Detroit. 48 14 Meeting, at Brocks, of the proprietors of Kayderos- seras patent, at which they consent to surrender the western part to secure a settlement with the In dians. [11:51, 533 54 SIR WILLIAM JOHNSON MANUSCRIPTS 277 17 London 20 London 20 New York 22 22 Will'ms Bourgh 22 24 New York 1765 July 16 John Duncan, concerning expected mail. Schenectady John Liotard & Giles Godin's account of sales and net proceeds of 121 beaver skins and other furs sent from New York for the account of H. Van Schaack of Albany. Daniel Vealars's account of sales of beaver skins sold for Henry Van Schaack of Albany. Duncan & Phyn's bill for goods sold to Sir William Schenectady Johnson. 22 John Beekman, Adrian Renaudet, Benjamin Kissam, Adr'n Btncker Jun'r and Antho. Van Dam, offering for the Kayderosseras patentees to surrender the west part of the patent to the Indians. [11:54] Duplicate of no. 51. Lieut. Gov. Francis Fauquier, asking that the Cherokees be helped in their effort to make peace with the northern Indians. Copy of no. 25, in another hand and with date wrongly given as June. James MacDonald to [Sir William Johnson], sending a historical account from Ensign Hutchens of Col. a i Bouquet's expedition in 1764; also news that Capt. Sterling with 102 men has embarked at Fort Pitt for the Illinois in consequence of Croghan's negotia tions; and complaining of obstacles to his patent of 10,000 acres in Ulster county. 25 [Sir William Johnson] to Lord Adam Gordon, ac- Johnson Hall knowledging an invitation to Sir William's son to accompany Lord Gordon to England. Richard Shuckburgh on Col. Crogan's adventure and casualties, his own readiness to resign in Dr An- toine's favor and the inclination of the Indians for peace. 25 [Sir William Johnson] to Gen. Gage on his illness, Johnson Hall the treaty with the Delawares, Shawanese etc., in telligence obtained by Capt. Howard at Michili- mackinac of French intrigue among the Ottawas, like information obtained by Capt. Claus, Lieut. Frasier's escape, a deputation of Caghnawagas, Chabert Joncair's influence among the Indians and the distress of the Six .Nations through a failure of crops. Thomas Flood about his wanderings, the condition of Ireland, old friends, etc. Jon. McTavish's petition to the Lieutenant Governor and Council of New York for consideration in the 25 Detroit 27 London 28 Inverness 25:23 24 IH52 51 S3 25:25 19 11:50 55 25:26 [Scotland] bestowal of lands on reduced officers who have served in America. 58 278 NEW YORK STATE LIBRARY 1765 July 29 Sir William Johnson to Daniel Claus, mentioning the Johnson Hall visit of Coghnawageys and hinting that they should have been kept at home and mentioning letters from Michilimackinac. 25:27 29 Mon'r Marsac's account to Lieut. Col. Campbell of Detroit his proceedings among 1 the upper western nations under instructions from Monsieur Brastrek [Brad- street] and the commander at Missilimaquinac [in French]; also, in English, a speech to 18 chiefs, with their response. 24:257 30 Mercer & Ramsay, asking about Lieut. Gorrell's cer- New York tificate, held by them, which they understand John son is at liberty to pay. n:59 30 Sir William Johnson's account with William Darling- New York ton. 60 31 William Darlington about money received of Gen. New York Gage for Johnson, money sent up in charge of Guysbert Marselis, an inclosed account, lead for roof ing, servants, Dr Stringer's letter, and goods sent to Albany. 61 [Sir William Johnson] to the Lords of Trade on late Johnson Hall proceedings with Indians, surrender of prisoners at Fort Pitt, Croghan's expedition, Lieut. Frasier's venture and probable fate, lawless behavior of frontiersmen of Pennsylvania, Maryland, Virginia and Carolina, his messages to Pondiac and other western Indians, French influence over Pondiac, the prevalence of absurd opin ions touching Indian management, the danger of an un friendly Indian policy, Croghan's reported success at the Illinois and the unsettled state of the department. [Doc. rel. to Col. Hist. N. Y. 7:746-49] 43 [Sir William Johnson] to the traders at Michili- Johnson Hall mackinac, showing the difficulty of granting their re quest to be allowed to trade away from the posts. 25:28 Aug. i Capt. Daniel Claus on Perthuis's quick journey from Montreal Fort Johnson to Montreal, preparations to honor Lord Adam Gordon, conferences with Indians and Claus's efforts to keep them from Montreal, the de sire of the St Francis Indians for a priest and the anxiety of those at Misisqui over their lands, a Chipeway complaint, military jealousy of the pro posal to appoint Indian commissaries, condition of the Chipeways who took Michilinrc, the reason given by Canada Indians for going to Johnson, Perthuis's praise of Johnson, his disposition, a draft and some accounts. 11:62 SIR WILLIAM JOHNSON MANUSCRIPTS 279 Detroit 3 Philad'a 4 Detroit 6 New York 1765 Aug. 2 Indenture between Richard Askew and Con [nor] 3 Lieut. Col. John Campbell's account against Sir Wil- Rorke, by which the latter enters into service to the former for four years in America; assigned Novem ber 10 to Sir William Johnston. 11:63 liam Johnson for sums paid to Indian interpreters and smiths; with authorization to Hugh Wallace to receive the money. 227 Francis Wade, touching Mr Hooper and Johnson's lands, the slaughter of Mr Fraizor and his party by Pondiac, goods which Wade has in stock, a medi tated journey to Cannada and call at Johnson Hall and bad consequences of the " Stamp'd Act." [In closing 11:66, June 17] 65 Col. John Campbell to [Sir William Johnson] on ac counts for payment of interpreters and gunsmiths and his troubles from unpaid claims at the post. 67 Peter Hasenclever about Johnson's labors, his own shipments of provisions and pearlash, his iron works, the attitude of the province toward German immigrants, Ruppert's potash enterprise [10:260], Mr Allen's and Mr Yzard's visit to Montreal, the state of English politics, the necessity of submis sion to the stamp duty, the need of a bounty on ex ports of American iron and the assay of a piece of lead given by Johnson. 68 Frederik Hambach, reciting experiences in the army and among western Indians and asking to be con sidered for the place of commissary. 69 Stephen Forman, seeking payment for a slave who ran away from Johnson, was sold to Forman under the laws of Connecticut and afterward came into John son's possession again. 70 7 Duncan & Phyn's bill to Sir William Johnson. 71 Schenectady 9 [Sir William Johnson] to Gen. Gage, mentioning the Johnson Hall delay of letters at the Albany postoffice, arguing that he should choose the commissaries for the Indian service, laying before the general the memorial of the Michilimackinac traders and repeating the rumor that troops had followed Croghan to take possession of the Illinois country. 25:29 Francis Wade, transmitting a report, from Fort Pitt, that Mr Crogham and his party are taken by Indians, n 172 6 Albany 7 New York 10 Philad'a -28O NEW YORK STATE LIBRARY 1765 10 Harry Gordon, mentioning an intended journey to re- Schenectady pa i r the western forts, the delivery of Lieut. Fraser to Pondiac, Crawford's observation of French trade and intrigue in the Illinois country, a purchase, in which Gordon is concerned with Croghan, in the Susquehanna Manor, Babies's account at Detroit, Marsac's [24:257] deserts and changes in the British ministry. n 73 12 William Darlington, concerning an advertisement New York which has appeared in Weyman's paper and Game's Mercury and will be inserted in Holt's Gazette and be published in Philadelphia. 74 12 Lieut. Col. Roger Morris to [Sir William Johnson], New York stating the facts of a dispute with Samuel Monroe, guardian of Daniel Nimham, an Indian, relative to land in Dutchess county patented to Adolph Philipse, and sending proceedings of the Lieutenant Governor and Council. 25 -30 12 J. T. Kempe, Attorney General, transmitting an New York opinion as to the validity of the Kayaderosseras patent and asking to be supplied with information re quisite for proceeding agairrst it. 31 14 F. Joliette to Thomas Walker, complaining of ill usage Mirhilimack- f rO m the commandant. 34 14 [Sir William Johnson] to Lieut. Gov. Colden, draw- Johnson Hall i n g attention to a tract of 2000 acres near the Ger man flatts, desired for Captain Johnson, also a mat ter of boundary in Governeurs patent and Lieut. Fraser's desire for a land grant, and giving news of Croghan's adventure with Kickapous and Mascoutins. n:75 15 James Phyn, sending De Couagne's draft on Mr Schenectady Buttler in favor of Boyle. 76 16 John Hansen, explaining a financial difficulty misrep- Albany resented by John Glen Jun'r and Isaac Low and men tioning two men of high station in England who support his candidacy for the clerkship of Albany city and county. 77 16 Sir William Johnson to Peter Hasenclever, telling of Johnson Hall Croghan's adventure with Kickapous and Mas coutins, the submission of these Indians, an accident to Rupert and preparations for making pearlash. 78 16 [Sir William Johnson] to Gen. Gage, describing the Johnson Hall embarrassments due to the unsettled state of his de partment and want of funds, sending an account of disbursements, giving news of Croghan's expedition and advising a proper reception of the Illinois if they come to Detroit. 32 SIR WILLIAM JOHNSON MANUSCRIPTS 28l 1765 Aug. 16 Lieut. Aug. Prevost, seeking to know the facts of Mr Albany Croghan's misfortune among the western savages. H'79 16 Daniel Claus about trouble in dealing with the Caghna- Montreal wageys, the services of Perthuis and Claus's landlord as interpreters and Lord Gordon's visit to Canada. So 17 Sir William Johnson to Daniel Claus, inclosing a copy of Croghan's letter containing the story of his disaster [n 175] ; and saying that he will resign the superintend- ency unless he soon hears something favorable from the Lords of Trade concerning his department. 25 133 19 James Phyn, inquiring in what manner and from what Schenectady date Johnson wishes his account to be made out. II :8i 19 J. Alexander & Co., calling attention a third time to an New York unpaid bill of Mr Croghan's. 82 19 Barrak Hays, asking payment of a draft drawn on John Albany Levinston at Montreal. 83 22 Sir William Johnson to Stephen Forman, denouncing his Johnson Hall communication concerning a runaway slave [11:70] and declaring his own ignorance of the laws of Connecticut regarding such property. 84 22 Sir William Johnson's account with Duncan & Phyn. 85 - Schenectady 22 Account of same with same. 86 22 Account of same with same. 87 23 [Sir William Johnson] to Gen. Gage, regarding his ac- Johnson Hall count of Indian disbursements, which he sends, ad vances which he has made for the service, and expenses incident to it. 25 135 2 1 Sir William Johnson's account of contingent expenses Johnson Hall f rO m October 21, 1764. 26:26 24 Sir William Johnson's account with Hendrick Frey. Canajoharry Followed by Frey's receipt dated January 29, 1768. 11:88 24 [Sir William Johnson] to Lieut. Col. Morris, indicating Johnson Hall that he will take no part in the Indian land dispute in which Morris is involved [25:30] and stating the rules by which he is guided in relation to disputes over In dian claims. 90 25 Roger Baxter about troubles with Indian neighbors over Conajohary fences and cattle and the advice given the Indians by their solicitor; threatening reprisal after the manner of the " Paxton boys." 89 26 Duncan & Phyn's bill to Sir William Johnson. 92 Schenectady James Phyn about a bill of parcels. [Accompanying no. Schenectady p 2 ] 91 27 James MacDonald to [Sir William Johnson] on Mr New York Croghan's success, opposition to MacDonald's patent on the part of those interested in the Minisink patent and public excitement over the Stamp Act. 93 282 NEW YORK STATE LIBRARY 29 Norwalk 1765 Aug. 27 Hendrick Wempel, to say that the Indians at that place Burnets refuse to go with Hendrick, the Indian, on his journey, Feald but Wempel will accompany him. 27 William Bayley, sending a return of provisions furnished, Schenectady with receipts to be signed. 28 [Sir William Johnson] to Mr Allen of Philadelphia about Johnson Hall the agreeable visit of Mr Izzard and Lord Adam Gordon. 28 [Sir William Johnson] to Gen. Gage, regarding the In- Johnson Hall dian attack on Croghan, the petition of Michilimackinac traders and the advantages of confining trade with In dians to the posts. Asa Spalding, a lawyer, defending a lottery arrangement for raising money to enable Nimham, an Indian, to bring before the Privy Council of Great Britain his claim to lands in Dutchess county [25:30; 11:90] and proposing a form of contract by which buyers of tickets will not be liable under the laws against maintenance and champerty. John Watts, introducing John Reade, discussing a " help less couple " who lately visited Johnson Hall and touching on English politics and' the Stamp Act. William OBrien to [Sir William Johnson] on his diver sions in New York and on Long Island, his relation to plans for acquiring lands, Johnson's generosity, the Boston riot and ministerial changes in England. Tho. Hutchins, mentioning Mr Croghan's exploit among western Indians, Col. Bouquet's journal [11:50, 93] and a detachment of the 42d in readiness at Fort Pitt to follow after Croghan. Duncan & Phyn's bill to Sir William Johnson. 30 New York 30 New York 31 New York 31 Sch'y Sept. I Detroit Sch'y Lieut. D. Brehm's account against Sir William Johnson, certificate of Lieut. Edward Abbott and Lieut. Col. John Campbell and Brehm's draft. Duncan & Phyn's bill to Sir William Johnson. 11:94 95 96 25:36 37 Detr 5 Detroit George Croghan's account with A. D. Hemar 3, 6s ; receipted. [In French] George Croghan's account with same 379 livres ; re ceipted. [In French] 7 Sir William Johnson to Attorney General J. T. Kempe, Johnson Hall saying that he shall recommend to the Indians accept ance of the terms offered by the Kayaderosseras patentees [11:51, 54], explaining the discrepancies in the Kayaderosseras records by the character of Lord Cornbury's administration, denying the King's paramount right in unpurchased Indian lands [25:31] 99 97 101 226 64 13:162 163 SIR WILLIAM JOHNSON MANUSCRIPTS 283 1765 and discussing the nature of a provincial governor's commission, and asking an opinion on the case of Cobus Maybee, who is at variance with the Indians at Conajo- harre. 11:100 Sept. 7 Duncan & Phyn's bill to Sir William Johnson. 103 Schenectady 8 Gen. Thomas Gage on delay of letters, regulation of trade, New York Croghan's success and movements for military and commercial possession of the Illinois. 25 139 8 Hugh Wallace, inquiring about land near Conajohary be- New York longing to Capt. Will Cosby, condemning the provinces as mad in their resistance to Parliament and accusing the popular leaders of ambition, and promising to send up a harper and an Irish piper. II :io2 10 Alex'r Fraser to [Sir William Johnson] about a con- Schonectady tinuance of partnership with Abraham Van Eps. 104 10 [Sir William Johnson] to J. Watts, regarding the visits Johnson Hall o f ^/[ r Read, Lord Adam Gordon and Lady Susan and Mr OBrien, the disadvantages of marriage between persons of unequal stations, Mr Croghan's experiences with Paxtoners and Indians [n 75] and the disorder in the colonies, for which he blames persons who are " uttering their own Sentiments as the Voice of the People." 105 11 John Welles to [Sir William Johnson], concerning trade, Montreal the behavior of the commanding officer at Michili- machinac [25 134] and an attempt to obtain the removal of " Gov'r [Murray] & Judge." 106 11 [Sir William Johnson] to Lieut. Gov. Fauquier, promising Johnson Hall to use endeavors for peace between the Six Nations and the Cherokees and showing the difficulty of composing Indian feuds. 25:41 12 [Sir William Johnson] to Gen. Gage, concerning a draft Johnson Hall i n Mr Darlington's hands, a claim held by Mercer & Ramsay, for the services of an interpreter at La Baye, a successor to Indian Secretary Marsh, riotous behavior of some Americans, the necessity for the Stamp Act, the Inclination of " an Ignorant people " to accept republican principles, his own interests and sentiments in the differences between the colonies and England, and instructions to Col. Campbell. 40 13 John Duncan, congratulations on recovery from illness, Schenectady anc l on the birth of a grandson, pleasant words about Lord Adam Gordon, mention of a suit with Youry Klock which calls Duncan to New York, a recommenda tion of Mr Casity and an assurance of efforts to get the post service better regulated. 11:107 284 NEW YORK STATE LIBRARY 1765 13 [Sir William Johnson] to Lieut. Gov. Golden, saying that Johnson Hall " a modest state of the colonies " might have influenced the British ministry, but the government will not allow a " dangerous Precedent for the Independency of the Colonies," that the governors should act together and the authors of disturbance should be pointed out, and he will attend the Council if it be absolutely necessary. u:ic8 14 Dirk Van der Heyden, saying that he has a legal discharge London f rom d e bt s and asking Johnson's influence with Mr Duncan that he may have Duncan's London commis sions. 109 14 Duncan & Phyn's bill to Sir William Johnson. in Schenectady 15 Lieut Dan. Tucker, East End Omeida Lake Roy'l Block house, to Lord [Adam Gordon?], asking a word to Sir William Johnson in favor of Tucker's appointment as Indian agent or commissary. no 16 [Sir William Johnson] to the committee concerned in Johnson Hall Kayaderosseras, informing that the Mohocks will hold a public meeting to consider the proposal of the patentees for settling the land dispute. [9:250; 11:51, 54] 112 16 William Darlington to Sir William Johnson about money New York paid Robert Adams, scarcity of money, nails, paper hangings and a monkey sent in care of Mr Adams, the price of pork from 116 to 1205 per barrel and articles delivered to Capt. McDonald. 113 1 6 Duncan & Phyn's bill to Sir William Johnson. 114 Schenectady 16 Peter Hasenclever, sending directions for Rubbarth for New York the better manufacture of potash, mentioning a ship ment of pearlash, the tumults at Boston and prepara tions for a general congress at New York, and saying that the crisis affords a fine opportunity for the exercise of Mr Pitt's genius. 115 17 [Sir William Johnson] to Mr OBrien about the land Johnson Hall enterprise represented by OBrien, his own grant, the Kayaderosseras and the consequences of public dis turbance and the propagation of " Independent Senti ments." 116 17 Lawrence Ermatinger to [Sir William Johnson], asking Montreal permission to winter and trade among the Indians and complaining of discriminations. 25 :38 18 Capt. Daniel Claus, sending news of Pondiac's submis- Montreal sion, the anger of a Chippeway chief at an affront from Capt. Sinclair, dissatisfaction of traders with Capt. Howard [at Michilimackinac], smallpox at Caneghsadagey, also a report that Sir William will be made Lord Mount Johnson and Governor of Canada. 11:117 SIR WILLIAM JOHNSON MANUSCRIPTS 28 5 1765 Sept. 18 Lieut. B. Roberts, sending melon seeds saved from fruit Ontario grown at Niagara, the seeds of which were brought from the Havanna, and expressing pleasure that John son's son has gone to England with Lord Adam [Gordon]. 11:118 18 Dr Richard Shuckburgh on Crogan's success and Detroit diplomatic qualities and the chances of selling his sur geon's commission. up 18 [Sir William Johnson] to [Hugh] Wallace on Croghan's Johnson Hall success in getting control of the Illinois and bringing Pondiac to Detroit, land belonging to Capt. Cosby, Lord Adam Gordon, the lengths to which " a misguided populace" has been carried in its opposition to au thority, and his desire to encourage the formation of a " Hibernian Concert." 120 Three depositions regarding the circumstances of the signing of a Conajohare Indian deed September 20, 1765. 25 142 Daniel Claus, concerning a draft to the order of Welles & Wade and Mr Welles's application. 11:121 Same to same, draft to the order of Welles & Wade, indorsed to Ab'm Lyle. [11:158] 122 John Welles, renewing an application for employ ment in the Indian department. 123 J. T. Kempe, Attorney General, considering circum stances which may give validity to a land patent, also the case of Cobus Maybe, occupying land within the Indians' domain against their wish. 124 Charles Williams about Mrs Cosby's land affairs and Gov. Moore's intended passage. [Doc. Hist. N. Y. 2:821-22; Q, 2:477] 125 23 James MacDonald to [Sir William Johnson], men- New York tioning changes in the ministry and the Board of Trade, the effect on the people of New York city of strengthening the forts, the address of the Town of Boston to Lord Adam Gordon, Mr Croughan's re turn and the advantage to Mr [John] Johnson of seeing the world. 126 Peter Hasenclever, giving his opinion that the act for restriction of trade and the Stamp Act will be moderated or repealed, quoting a London opinion of Frans Ruppert's pearlash and discussing the potash manufacture. 127 Elias Henry's receipt to Daniel Claus for nine shil lings paid for ferrying over six Abinaquis Indians at the Longeuil ferry. 130 Thomas McKee's receipt for pay from March 24 to Sep tember 24, 1765. 13:158 21 Montreal 21 Montreal 21 Montreal 23 New York 23 New York 23 New York 24 Montreal 24 286 NEW YORK STATE LIBRARY 1765 Sept. 26 Henry, Farrell & Abbott's receipt to George Croghan Detroit for pay lor provisions and stores. 13:164 27 Ja. Peters, mentioning the destruction of his house at Grange Lancaster by fire, also the birth of a daughter. 11:129 Somerset co., N. J. 28 [Sir William Johnson] to the Lords of Trade: relates Johnson Hall Mr Croghan's success in getting possession of the Illinois and the failure of Mr Stuart's agent; men tions the danger of the Crown officers in America, denounces the lawyers engaged in popular agita tion and states his own position; mentions the pro posal of the Kayaderosseras patentees to settle their quarrel. [11:51, 54] [Doc. rcl. to Col. Hist. N. Y. 7765-67] 131 29 Lieut Gov. Cadwallader Golden, stating that the Fort George stamps have arrived at Boston, he has put the fort New York m a condition of defense, Sir Hary Moore, now gov ernor in chief, will soon sail for New York, com mittees from the other colonies have arrived, and a violent paper called the Constitutional Courant, which advises assassination of political enemies, has begun publication. 132 30 [Sir William Johnson] to Mrs Cosby, touching the Johnson Hall visit of his son to England, her transactions with [Oliver] De Lancey, Mr Croghan's success in ob taining control of the settlement of Illinois, the violence of popular resistance to the Stamp Act and the part played by lawyers in the disturbances. Woe. Hist. N. Y. 2:822-23; Q, 2:478] 133 30 John Watts, asking that Sir William's son may be New York his guest till he sails for England with Lord Adam Gordon. 134 30 William Murray's bill and receipt to Captain Close. 135 30 John Duncan about a certificate of land near Schohary, New York so ld by the Indians, the arrival of Lord Adam [Gor don] and of commissioners from Boston and Vir ginia. 136 Oct. i [Sir William Johnson] to Lieut. Gov. Golden, of his Albany son's visit to England, his own detention from at tendance on the Lieutenant Governor by illness and the expected coming of Croghan with Pondiac and Capt. Johnson's patent for 2000 acres. [11:75] 137 i Duncan & Phyn's bill to Sir William Johnson. 138 Schenectady i Caleb Beck's [?] bill and receipt to Mr Ellice for Schenectady ^g 8s. 139 SIR WILLIAM JOHNSON MANUSCRIPTS 28; 1765 Oct. i New York I Montreal I Montreal I Albany 2 New York 2 Albany 3 New York 4 Albany 4 Fort Pitt 4 New York 5 Fort Pitt New York New York William Darlington about money sent in care of Hendrick Ten Eyck Junior, also a carpenter who is the bearer of the letter, and a letter to Mr Preston that miscarried. 11:140 J. G. Fillet's bill for goods sold to Capt. Claus. [In French] 144 J. G. Fillet's bill for goods sold to Capt. Claus. [In French] 145 [Sir William Johnson] to Gen. Gage, asking that 450 York currency be paid to his son [John Johnson], who is about to attend Lord Adam Gordon to England. 25:43 William Darlington, concerning money, 2012, 155, 4d, intrusted to Henry Ten Eyck Junior for delivery to Johnson, papers sent by the General and a draft on Johnson which Darlington has paid. 11:141 T. Lansing's bill to Mr Monear for white lead. 142 James MacDonald to [Sir William Johnson], repeat ing conversations with Col. Maitland, Adjutant Gen eral, and Capt. Matterien, Gen. Gage's secretary, re garding Johnson's department and mentioning Mr Croghan, Lord Adam Gordon, Johnson's son and the King's satisfaction with Lieut. Gov. Colden. 143 Aug. Prevost, forwarding letters and sending the horn flower, " which grows at the River Missouri near the Illinois." 147 Joseph Spear's account against the Crown; with Spear's receipt and Capt. William Murray's certifi cate. 148 Robert Leake: congratulations on Croghan's success and thanks for advice about land, with mention of affairs in England and the expected arrival of the new governor with the stamps. 154 Account of Baynton, Wharton, Morgan & Co. for goods delivered to Indians by order of Mr Croghan; with receipt to Alexander McKee and William Mur ray's certificate. 150 James MacDonald, promising to amuse and advise Mr Johnson [Sir William's son] on their voyage, to execute any orders in England and to support the plan [for Indian affairs] with the Lords of Trade and mentioning the new gazette, the Constitutional Courant, and the deputies from the different provinces assembled in New York. 156 William Darlington, speaking of the visit of Johnson's son, funds with which Darlington will supply him, goods to be sent up and money now transmitted. 157 288 NEW YORK STATE LIBRARY 1765 Oct. 8 Abraham Lyle, inclosing Capt. Daniel Claus's draft to Albany the order of Welles & Wade and drawing attention to Capt. John Johnson's account sent to Sir William. 11:158 9 [Sir William Johnson] to Mr Watts, acknowledging Johnson Hall the invitation to John Johnson to be the guest of Mr Watts in New York and mentioning the ad vantages which his son will receive from his visit to England. 159 9 [Sir William Johnson] to Gen. Gage, acknowledging an Johnson Hall expression of sentiment on the American disputes and avowing opposition to "Antimonarchical Principles." 25 144 10 [Lord] Adam Gordon, expressing desire to be of service New York to Johnson's son and to Johnson, also distrust of the new ministry and admiration- of the Mohawks' me morial to the King and of Johnson's Indian policy, men tioning Lieut. Tucker's application and speaking of the universal taste for gardening in Britain. 11:160 10 [Sir William Johnson] to Peter Hasenclever on Rupert's Johnson Hall potash manufactory, the failure of the hemp seed sent by Hasenclever and the necessary effects of the Ameri can disputes. 161 11 [Sir William Johnson] to Lieut. Gov. Golden on mob Johnson Hall violence and abuses of liberty of the press, Capt. John son's and his own land claims and the uncertainty of his meeting Sir Harry Moore on the arrival of the latter at New York. 162 12 Francis Wade, relating an interview with Mr Forman New York concerning a runaway slave [11:70, 84], " Mast'r Johnny's " departure, and news from Philad'a of Quaker success in the elections and of the reception of the stamp papers. 163 12 Duncan & Phyn's bill to Sir William Johnson. 164 Schenectady 13 Alex'r Ellice about letters and orders. 165 Schenectady 14 William Darlington about the departure of [John] John- New York S on for England, money and a bill of exchange with which he was furnished and goods to be sent on Harry Bogart's sloop. 166 18 Receipt of four Frenchmen to George Croghan for Fort Ontario pa y as canoemen. 13:165 21 Eleazar Wheelock' presenting the grievance of the Nar- Lebanon ragansets against their sachem [24:178, 179, 244] and the thanks of the Board of Correspondents in the Colony of Connecticut for recommendation of the In dian school. [Doc. Hist. N. Y. 4:360; Q, 4:228] 11:167 SIR WILLIAM JOHNSON MANUSCRIPTS 1765 Oct. 21 John Watts, regarding Lord [Gordon], the Mohawks' New York address to the King and that of the French Indians, the Kayaderoceras patent, Croghart'j success and a visit from Pondiac, also the danger of allowing Johnson's son to protract his stay in England unduly. 11:168 *i Gw. Banyar about a blunder in a patent and the bearing New York o f the Stamp Act on some deeds to be executed. 169 23 William Darlington, giving a list of articles shipped per New York Henry Bogart. 170 24 Hasenclever, Seton & Croftes [ ?] to Peter Hasenclever, London an account of the prices of 45 casks of American pearlash and potash sold at public sale, with a discussion of the market. 171 25 Musick Honnywell's agreement to pay Sir William John son 20 or to serve him or his order or assigns till the debt is discharged; witnessed by Moses Ibbitt. 172 26 [Sir William Johnson] to Gen. Gage, mentioning the re- Johnson Hall turn of Col. Croghan, accompanied by Mr Maisonville, the good results of Croghan's mission, Lieut. Col. Campbell's and Capt. Howard's accounts of expenses, also accounts of Lieutenants Brehm and Wynne, Col. Croghan and Mr Maisonville. 25 145 27 Lieut. Aug. Prevost, expressing pleasure at Col. Cro- Albany ghan's return and accepting an invitation to meet him at Johnson Hall. Ii:i73 27 Abraham Lyle, asking that the money for Capt. Daniel Claus's draft and Capt. John Johnson's account may be sent him in care of Lieut. Prevoost. 174 28 John Duncan to [Sir William Johnson] on public excite- New York ment over the Stamp Act, honors to the "Great Con gress," unpopularity of the Lieutenant Governor, arrival of the stamps, town scandal and Schenectady's new charter and officers. 175 28 William Darlington about glass consigned to Johnson New York a nd not received, articles which will be sent, arrival of stamps in charge of Capt. Davis and threats against receivers and distributors. 176 30 Duncan & Phyn's bill to Sir William Johnson. 178 Schenectady 30 [Sir William Johnson] to J. Watts on the advantage to Johnson Hall Johnson's son of a year in England, Mr Croghan's success, Pondiac's ability and movements, the distinction between the speeches of the Mohocks and those of the Caghnawagas [11:168] and the proposal of the Kay- aderosseras patentees to conciliate the Indians. [11:51, 54] I7Q 31 Sir William Johnson's account of pay due himself and Johnson Hall his officers from March 24 to September 25, 1765. 26:29 10 290 NEW YORK STATE LIBRARY 1765 Nov. i Duncan & Phyn's bill to Sir William Johnson. n :i8i Schenectady 2 Duncan & Phyn's bill to Sir William Johnson. 180 2 Peter Hasenclever, regarding a visit with Johnson's son New York an d Lord Adam Gordon, Ruppert's pearlash, the failure of the hemp seed [sent to the Mohawk valley], the Chevalier de Freudenberg, who will make a tour up the Mohawk river, popular opposition to stamped paper and the resolution of New York merchants not to order goods from England. 185 5 Lieut. Jehu Hay to [Sir William Johnson] about In- Detroit dian jealousy of Pondiac, Pondiac's sickness, an "ac cident " to an Indian at Detroit and a hardship to which Hay is exposed by the General's disallowance of his claim for keeping the garrison and Indian accounts. 186 5" Lieut. B. Roberts to [Sir William Johnson] about Onondago a young eagle from Michilimackinac, also a calabash falls from Detroit, both intrusted to Sir Edward Picker ing for Johnson, wild geese which Mr Pfister will bring and Stanley Goddard's trip to La Bay with goods. 187 5 Duncan & Phyn's bill to Sir William Johnson for Schenectady goods. 189 6 [Sir William Johnson] to Attorney General J. T. Johnson Hall Kempe, discussing the relations of Indians to British law [25:31, August 12, 1765; 11:100],. the nature of grants made by the early Crown officers and the right of the Indians to protection against intrusion on their lands. 190 6 [Sir William Johnson] to Maj. Gen. Burton, regard- Johnson Hall ing Capt. Claus's absence from Montreal, Col. Croghan's success in gaining possession of the Illinois, the visit of Johnson's son to England and the excesses of republican opposition to Great Britain. 191 7 [Sir William Johnson] to Oliver DeLancey, mention- Johnson Hall i n g business of the latter with Mrs Crosby, explaining his relations with the late Sir Peter Warren and with his estate and proposing a plan of settlement, and offering to facilitate the survey of a certain tract. [Doc. Hist. N. Y. 2:825-26; Q, 2:479-80] 192 7 [Sir William Johnson] to Rev. Thomas Barton, ac- Johnson Hall knowledging a favor and accepting membership in a society for missionary work among the Indians. [Doc. Hist. N. Y. 4:360-61; Q, 4:228^9] 193 SIR WILLIAM JOHNSON MANUSCRIPTS 291 1765 Nov. 7 William Darlington about a draft and a temporary New York compromise by which the stamps have been taken from the fort and delivered to the corporation on security. II :iQ4 9 [Sir William Johnson] to Lieut. Gov. Golden, con- Johnson Hall gratulating on the royal approval of his late spirited course, contrasting Mr Croghan's success with the failure of Mr. Sinnot [11:131], sent by the southern department to the Ilinois, and inquiring about Capt. Johnson's patent. 195 9 Richard Duncan, mentioning some business and re- Schenectady lating news from New York about the doings of a mob at the expense of Maj. James's furniture and the Governor's effigy. 196 Lieut. B. Roberts, relating the loss of the geese in trusted to the crew of Myn Heer Van Pfister's boat and describing the scantiness of provisions at the post and among the Onondagos. 197 Peter Hasenclever, discussing the manufacture of pearlash by Rubbarth and arguing that Americans should show more submission to the mother country. 198 William Darlington, concerning Johnson's drafts on him in favor of John Duncan and George Croghan, barley, iron and millstones which will be shipped to Johnson, presents from Mrs Darlington sent in care of Henry Cuyler, arrivals and departures at the port and the appointment of a " Comptroller Generall of His Majesty's Stamp Office in N. America." 199 Peter Remsen, asking how he can obtain the return of a sum advanced to Francis Rubert for the potash manufactured. 200 Francis Wade, discussing proceedings under the power of attorney given him to collect debts for Johnson, soliciting business for his brother, who has dissolved partnership with Mr Welles, and showing the divisions in the province over the Stamp Act. 201 16 Abraham Mortier, sending account and explaining that York his delay was occasioned by the removal of his books for safe-keeping during the excitement over the Stamp Act. 202 16 Sir William Johnson's account with Abraham Mortier. 203 New York 16 Sir William Johnson to the Lords of Trade on Mr Johnson Hall Croghan's adventures in gaining possession of the Ilinois, French ascendancy in Indian trade, the French policy, the advantage to British interests of 9 Onondago Falls 10 New York II New York II New York 14 Philad'a Nei 292 NEW YORK STATE LIBRARY 1765 the reorganization of his department, the war be tween the Cherokees and the Six Nations, the be havior of the Virginia frontiersmen, his personal losses in the Indian service and the economy of his administration. Doc. rel. to Col. Hist. N. Y. 7775-79] 11:204 Nov. 16 [Sir William Johnson] to Mr OBrien, acknowledging Johnson Hall a letter delivered by the Chevalier de Freydenberg, discussing the advantage of landholding on the Con- necticut and censuring the authors of disturbance in New York city. 205 18 William Darlington, concerning Johnson's drafts in New York favor of Duncan & Phyn and Col. Croghan, money from the General which will be sent in charge of Mr Phyn and sundries to be sent per Hen. Bogart. 206 19 Proceedings of a court of inquiry, held by order of Niagara Capt. Hugh Arnott, of the 46th, to consider the fur ther detection of the bateaumen confined by Lieut. Williams of the I7th on suspicion of murdering an Indian at Detroit; Capt. John Clarke, 46th regi ment, president. 207 L. Perthuis to [Sir William Johnson], mentioning a re- [Montreal?] quest made by St Regis and other Indians that the General would furnish them with ammunition and ask ing whether Johnson has purchased a bell for the Indians in accordance with promise. (Received No vember 19) [In French] 182 20 John Duncan about a service to Mr Dyckman, the favor- Schenectady able impression made by the new governor, the pur pose of his excellency to visit Johnson and the arrival of the Schenectady charter. 208 20 William Darlington, regarding 900 currency intrusted New York by him to Mr Phyn for Johnson, a proposal to satisfy Johnson's draft on Gen. [Gage] with bills of exchange, and Achilles Preston's draft. 209 21 Hugh Wallace about Indian affairs, boundaries of Mr New York Cosby's lands, Stamp Act troubles, the difficulty of finding a harper in Ireland, Wales affording a better chance, the habits of pipers and the accounts of Col. Campbell and Capt. Howard. 211 22 John B. Van Eps about a woman who will do house- Schin'dy work and work which her son can do, and several business matters. 212 22 Peter Vergereau, asking information about purchases of New York l an d from the natives. 213 22 [Sir William Johnson] to the Lords of Trade on their Johnson Hall appointment, his past relations with the board and the Indian service, the opposition to British authority in the colonies, his own loyalty. {Doc. rel. to Col. Hist. N. Y. 7:790-91] 214 SIR WILLIAM JOHNSON MANUSCRIPTS 293 1765 Nov. 24 William Darlington, regarding orders for Sir William, New York Capt. Guy Johnson and Capt. Clans, Guy Johnson's patent, a draft in favor of John & Robert Stanhouse, a popular warning to Peter De Lancey, inspector of stamps, a pamphlet on the propriety of taxing the colonies, and two parrots soon to be sent to Johnson Hall. 11:215 25 Capt. Peeke Fuller, asking some compensation for a Ontario trader who has acted as interpreter and help in obtain ing the assignment of an interpreter to the post. 216 26 Hend. Ja. Cruger to Sir William Johnston, regarding New York Col. George Croghan's draft on Johnson for 271 cur rency in favor of Lieut. George McDugal ; indorsed with Johnson's statement that " the Acct must have been settled by Mr Groghan with the Gen'l." 217 26 Duplicate of No. 217. 218 27 Sir William Johnson to Abraham Mortier, concerning Johnson Hall money due to Johnson from the government, the con duct of the people in New York and the position of those in the interior, who " greatly condemn such rash and unwarrantable steps" [against the Stamp Act]. 219 27 Sir William Johnson's receipt for 7606, IDS, 7d New New York York currency paid by Gabriel Maturin. 26 127 28 John Brown's bill to Sir William Johnson. II 1220 Schonactady 29 Lieut. B. Roberts to [Sir William Johnson], reporting Onondaga the death of Silver Heels and the drowning of nine men Falls on Lake Erie. 221 29 Smith Ramadge, mentioning two servants purchased for New York Johnson from Capt. Askew, of the snow Prince George, and offering to- procure laborers and "tradesmen" from Ireland. 222 29 William Darlington about articles to be sent to Albany New York to the care of Dr Stringer and thence forwarded, also a patent which he has taken out and sends by the skipper, Henry I. Bogart. 223 29 [Sir William Johnson] to Gen. Gage, concerning accounts, Johnson Hall the aspect of Indian affairs and the policy of seeking redress from the British government by violence. 224 29 [Sir William Johnson] to Lord Adam Gordon, to ac- Johnson Hall knowledge kindness and mention recent riotous acts in New York. 225 30 Sundry accounts transmitted by Sir William Johnson to Johnson Hall Maj. Gen. Gage. 234 ,~o Sir William Johnson's receipts to Maj. Gen. Gage for Johnson Hall 954, 15$ sterling. 26:28 294 NEW YORK STATE LIBRARY 1765 Nov. [30] Lieut. Aug. Prevost, about a box containing electrical ap- Albany paratus which has gone astray, a ball to be given by the Sons of St Andrew, Mr Pauly's appointment, Col. Bradstreet's difference with the corporation of Albany, and the wants of the troops. 13:184 30 James Phyn, concerning money which he received for Schenectady Johnson from Mr Darlington and forwards in care of Mr Burns. n 1258 Dec. i Lieut. Dan. Tucker to Sir William Johnson, mentioning Roy'l Block- his application, through Lord Adam Gordon, for a . house place in the Indian department. 259 2 Alexander Golden to [Sir William Johnson] on the pro- New York ceedings of the Sons of Liberty, threats against his father [the Lieutenant Governor] and the danger of free speech. 260 3 Lieut. J. J. Schlosser, concerning letters sunk in crossing Fort Stanwix the lake. 261 3 Dr Samuel Stringer about a letter from Dirk Vander- Albany heyden and stores left in his care by Henry Cuyler. 262 5 Tho. Shipboy, with regard to paying a draft which a Albany gentleman in New York wishes him to collect. 263 it William Gamble, sending a letter from Mr Rivington and Schenectady saying that money can be sent him in charge of Mr Pfister. 264 13 Dr John Sayre, expressing a desire to be a surgeon in Lancaster Johnson's Indian regiment, the practice of physic at Lancaster be ; ng on " so poor and despicable a footing " that learning and integrity are disqualifications. 265 13 Baynton, Wharton, Morgan & Company's bill to Maj. Fort Pitt Thomas Smallman for articles for the use of the Crown; certified by Capt. William Murray; receipted by John Jennings. 152 14 [Sir William Johnson] to Gen. Gage on charges against Johnson Hall Capt. Howard [at Michilimackinac], the unfriendliness of the Ottawas, an alleged conspiracy of Pottewatamis and Chipeweighs, French artifices, the murder of an Indian at Detroit, suspicion of Matthew Gardner, con doling with the Shawanese and the cession of the [Niagara] carrying place by the Senecas. 266 14 Col. John Bradstreet, regarding compensation to the Albany owners of some French fusees which were taken at Oswego the year before for the Indian service. 267 15 Hugh Fraser to [Sir William Johnson], asking aid to Beverdam defend his claim in a land patent. 268 SIR WILLIAM JOHNSON MANUSCRIPTS 295 18 Schindy 20 Schcnactady 1765 Dec. 16 Wil'iam Darlington about the delaying of Henry Bogard's New York s loop by bad weather at Clavarac, Holland millstones, delay in obtaining money from the General, money sent in charge of Mr Phyn, Guy Johnson's patent and prices of W. I. rum and Jamaica spirits. 1 1:269 16 Alexander Golden, mentioning the absence of political New York activity in England and the suspension of business in New York on account of the nonenforcement of the Stamp Act. 270 John B. Van Eps, to say that he sends rope for halters etc. and has also filled Capt. Claus's order. 271 John Brown, Matthew Lyne, Richard Cullin and Jon athan Ogden, asking approval of a petition to the Gov ernor for a charter to a Church of England congrega tion, and acceptance by Sir William of a trusteeship under the charter. [Doc. Hist. N. Y. 4 -.362 ; Q, 4 1229] 272 ^j [Sir William Johnson] to Alexander Golden, asking for Johnson Hall a warrant for running out the lines of Caghnawaga, or Collins's patent, above Fort Johnson, inquiring about a tract south of the Mohock near the Little falls, present ing the claim of Mr Fraser, late of Col. Eraser's High landers [11:268] and mentioning the murder of an Indian by traders at Detroit. 273 20 [Sir William Johnson] to Col. Bradstreet, relative to pay- Johnson Hall ment for arms and strouds. [11:267] 275 21 Aug. Prevost, concerning a lost box containing electrical machines and the commissioning of Major Robert Bayard. 276 Jacob Sugar to Sir William Johnson, asking payment of 5, us, 3d owed him by an Indian. 277 Alexander McKee's account against the Crown; with receipt to George Groghan. 151 Capt. John Brown of the Royal American regiment, men tioning the receipt in England of the news of the Boston riot 278 Peter Hasenclever about Johnson's civilities to the Chevalier de Freudenberg, Mr Ruppert's potash, direc tions for making potash, the growth of Johnson's town, a letter for Justice Francs at Burnets fields, the issue between the mob and "the better sort of citizens," the purpose of the Sons of Liberty, the Assembly's moderate resolves, escape of 12 prisoners from the jail and the position of the new governor, Sir Henry Moore. 279 William Darlington, to say that he sends 825 currency by Jacob Henry Ten Eyck, of Albany, and will send more as soon as he can sell bills of exchange, that he will be glad to pay Achilles Preston's draft, and to Albany 21 Albany 22 23 Albany 23 Ne./York 23 New York 296 NEW YORK STATE LIBRARY 1765 mention mail for Falraouth, votes of the Assembly, intended reshipment of the stamps to England and escape of imprisoned debtors. n 1280 Dec. 23 Jacob H. Ten Eyck's receipt for 825 received from New York William Darlington to be delivered to Sir William Johnson. 282 25 Oliver DeLancey on the public disturbance and the alter- New York cation between Sir William and the heirs of the late Sir Peter Warren ; stating his readiness to forward to Lady Warren a copy of Johnson's letter of November 7 [11:192]. [Doc. Hist. N. Y. 2:826-27, Q, 2:480-81] 281 27 Declaration of mayor, recorder and aldermen (copy) Schenectady binding themselves to construe the charter liberally [12:4] and work for the remedy of any defects. 12:5 27 [Sir William Johnson] to Mr Duncan, concerning Mr Johnson Hall Dyckman's scheme for removing an oppression in the affairs of the province, disputes over the [Schenec tady] charter and the Governor's brief tranquillity. 11:283 28 Dr Samuel Stringer, regarding servants and articles on Alb'y Mr Bogert's sloop, which is stopped by ice at Living stons Manner, articles now forwarded and medicines from London which he can supply. 284. 28 [Sir William Johnson] to [Capt. John Brown], stating Johnson Hall that he has had no important news from England and expects none till the February packet. 278 31 Capt. Hugh Arnot to [Sir William Johnson], regarding Niagara the bearer Saquacoronga, and another Seneca, the killing of an Indian at Detroit, people from Montreal trading between Cadaraque and Torunto and letters for the garrison, lying at Albany, which he begs Capt. Johnson to obtain and forward. 285 Memorial of traders in behalf of free trade with the In dians, pointing out disadvantages of confining trade to army posts. [In English and French; no date] 12:1 An inscription for a monument, to be erected by Sir William Johnson, in honor of Oliver Warren, Sir Peter Warren and Christopher Johnson, father of William. 24:196 A schedule of equivalents for barter of goods and skins ; also a calculation of expense and profit for various sized cargoes of goods transported in bateaux from Schenectady to Detroit. [In Sir William Johnson's hand; probably 1765] 25:47 Memorandum of letters received per Franck. 11:184 Form of license to trade with the Indians, granted under the Governor's proclamation of January 31, 1765. [See 25:54(1)] 12:20 SIR WILLIAM JOHNSON MANUSCRIPTS 297 1766 Jan. i De Couagne, to say that men are reported to be trading Niagara a t Toronto and near Caterackque, and that many In dians are going to war against the Flattheads. 12 \2 3 John Brown and Matthew Lyne, considering the petition Schonactady to obtain a charter for a church [11:272] and the probable effect of the charter and Johnson's patronage on local opposition to the established church. 3 3 John Duncan to [Sir William Johnson] about Mr Dyk- Schenectady man's affair, disputes over the new charter, criticisms of the taxing and licensing powers, of the boundaries of the corporation and the life tenure of aldermen, the attitude of the Sons of Liberty and the coming mayor's feast. [12:5; Dec. 27, 1765] 4 4 Jacob Dyckman to [Sir William Johnson], describing the Kings Bridge paralysis of law and government, and the anger in Eng land over the Virginia resolves. 6 7 John Glen Jun'r, stating his readiness to furnish provi- Schonectady sions and relating acts of the Albany mob at the ex pense of John McComb, John Stevenson, William Gamble, John Hanson, Henry Van Schaack and Col. Van D Heyden and his son Jacob. 25 149 8 [Sir William Johnson] to Lieut. Gov. Golden, ex- Johnson Hall pressing the opinion that the Americans hope to enlist the English commonalty against the Stamp Act and the wish that the government will perceive that the real issue is the independence of America, showing that no royal governor will be popular and explaining the enmities incurred by Golden. 12:7 9 Francis Wade, transmitting an account and asking that Philad'a payment may be made through Mr Croghan and speak ing of the suspension of legal business. 8 9 [Sir William Johnson] to Mr Duncan on the [Schenec- Johnson Hall tady] charter and a public objection to charters. 9 10 Gen. Gage to Maj. Robert Rogers (copy), instructions New York f or the command of the garrison at Michillimackinac and for proper relations with the Indians. 10 10 Duplicate of no. 10. n 13 Daniel Maglander about events which forbid his coming Albany a t O nce to Johnson. 12 13 James Phyn, regarding errors in his accounts and their Schenectady rectification. 13 14 Jacob H. Ten Eyck about letters and papers sent in care Albany o f Franz Roophart, money for Johnson which he has brought from New York and a commission desired for his son Henry. 14 16 Capt. A. C. Cuyler, regarding commissions for the grenda- Aibany di er company, expense of clothing and arms, and the danger that his company will be depleted to fill up the troop of horse. 15 298 NEW YORK STATE LIBRARY 1766 Jnn. 17 John Duncan, concerning a vacancy in his company made Schenectady by the appointment of his son [Richard] as ensign in the 55 f h; recommending Harmanus H. Wendle. 12:16 18 William Darlington, mentioning money sent per Jacob New York Henry Ten Eyck, Col. Croghan's receipt, green cloth for a billiard table, masons who will come up in the spring, stagnation of business, the Governor's proclama tion and the purpose of the Sons of Liberty to protect persons concerned in burning stamps. 17 19 Peter Hasenclever, concerning Mr Rubbarth's and New York Mr Remsen's complaints touching sales of pearlash and potash, the method of calcining potash, an in tended visit to England, America's poverty, the people's want of industry and England's true policy, discussing the outlook for manufactures in America and hazarding the opinion that exports can never equal imports. 213 22 [Sir William Johnson] to Sir Henry Moore, Governor Johnson Hall o f New York, discussing recent acts of popular vio lence and promising to make an early return of his regiment. i3 23 [Sir William Johnson] to Gen. Gage (private), con- Johnson Hall gratulating on British occupation of the Ilinois, dis cussing the appointment of Maj. Rogers as com mandant at Michilimackinac [12:10] and disparag ing his character, and deprecating agitation against the authority of Great Britain. 22 23 Capt. Jas. Stevenson to [Sir William Johnson], to Albany sav that he will intrust to the care of his father two bundles of money delivered to him for Sir Wil liam by the commander in chief, and to mention ministerial appointments, the return of Wilkes to England and the reported ordering of several regi ments to America. 23 24 [Sir William Johnson] to OHiver] De Lancey, con- Johnson Hall cerning the delivery to Johnson of bonds in the hands of the heirs of Sir Peter Warren, and his claims against the Warren estate [11:192, 281], also an affair between Mr De Lancey and Mrs Cosby. ip 24 John Welles, sending a copy of Mons'r Vaudreuil's Montreal contract conveying to William Grant exclusive trading rights at La Baye [11:210], in virtue of rights conferred on Vaudreuil by the French King, also transmitting a letter from merchants against the monopoly, and mentioning Gov. Murray's re call. 24 SIR WILLIAM JOHNSON MANUSCRIPTS 299 1766 Jr.n. 28 Peter Vergereau to Sir William Jonson about a tract New York o .n the Breakabeen in which there is copper, a supply of cobalt at Philips Burrow, in West Chester, with descriptions of cobalt, and the process of making potash. 12 :25 28 Thomas McKee's bill to Sir William Johnson for sundries bought of Robert McCully; with Mc- Cully's receipt to McKee and McKee's receipt to Johnson. [January 28 the latest date on the ac count] n:i49 30 [Sir William Johnson] to Baynton, Wharton & Mor- Johnson Hall gan, concerning a boundary between whites and Indians, reparation to the traders for Indian depre dations, present restrictions on his authority to buy Indian goods, and money which he sends by Mr Croghan. 12:26 30 John Johnston to Sir William Johnson, regarding a ranger who has applied to Johnston for wages due for service in the last campaign. 12:27 30 [Sir William Johnson] to Maj. Moncrieffe, discussing Johnson Hall the appointment of Maj. Rogers [12:10, 22] and asserting the natural dependence of the colonies on the British power. 28 31 John Spangenbergh and Johannes Alt, promising to Albany discharge their indebtedness to Johnson and other City Hall creditors and begging release from prison. 29 31 Jacobus Van Slyck, sending a return of Capt. Jacob Schenectady Starnberger's company. 30 31 [Sir William Johnson] to the Lords of Trade, con- Johnson Hall cerning the means necessary for retaining possession of the Ilinois and other western posts in view of Indian and French jealousy, the need of a new In dian establishment, the proposed boundary, the ad vantages of the Ilinois country for settlement and Johnson's Conajoharee land claim. [Doc. rcl. to Col.} Hist. N. Y. 7:808-10] 31 31 [Rev.] Samuel Kirtland, mentioning the activity of a Kanassadaga French trader among the Chenesees, the danger of sending much intelligence about the Indians, letters from Niagara which he forwards and advantages which he hopes to gain by mastering the Indian tongue. 25:50 Feb. i Rev. Matt Grafves], presenting the cause of oppressed New London Indians, particularly the Mohagan tribe, and express ing the hope that Johnson will soon have the power to restore the lands of the Mohagans. [Mutilated] 12:32 2 James Phyn, trying to account for the delay of letters Schenectady expected by Johnson and suggesting that Mr Van Schaack, the Albany postmaster, may be in fault. 33 300 NEW YORK STATE LIBRARY Kingstor 7 London 10 New York 13 Bewerdaro 1766 Feb. 2 William Darlington about orders, which he will fill, New York t i le knighting of Johnson's son and the conferring of the red garter on Sir William. 3 Duncan & Phyn's bill for goods bought by Sir William Schenectady Johnson. 5 J. Hasbrouck, regarding millstones ordered by John son ; also mentioning Manuel Gunsalis's daughter, a captive eight years among the Indians. Mrs Gtrace] Cosby to [Sir William Johnson], acknowl edging a letter delivered by Johnson's son and author izing Sir William to sell her land. [Doc. Hist. N. Y. 2:829; Q, 2:482] Stephen DeLancey to [Sir William Johnson], regarding Johnson's recommendation of Mr I. Roorback to succeed Mr Silvestur. Petition to Sir William Johnson by inhabitants of Bewerdam, asking that they may have their own mili tary company and proposing names of officers. [In German] Maj. Robert Rogers, informing of his appointment as commandant at Michilamakana and saying that he will send his journals for Johnson to read. Normand MacLeod on the effects of hospitality at John son Hall, lawless actions in New York against the Stamp Act, the attitude of the Governor toward the act, and an appointment which MacLeod desires. George Croghan, relating conversations with the gen eral on deparment affairs, mentioning losses which he has suffered by advancing sums for the Indian service and recommending Mr Smallman, Mr McDugall and Capt. Burns for commissaries at Detroit, Labay and Oswego respectively. 14 [Sir William Johnson] to P. Hasenclever, touching Ru- Johnson Hall pert's potash manufacture, the stamp tax, high price of labor in the colonies and the difficulty of establish ing manufactures in America. 15 E. Moseley about proceedings for the recovery of a negro Onohoquague \vho had fled to the Indian country; giving the names of several Indians who took part in his apprehen sion. 15 Gen. R. Burton, concerning the sale of rum to Indians, Montreal death of the Duke of Cumberland, the writer's inten tion to return to Europe and his son's fortunate voy age. 1 6 John Duncan about delay of letters, which he conjectures Schenectady ma y be due to the troubles of Postmaster Vanschaack. 17 Mich. Thodey, asking that he may be considered in ap- New York pointing commissaries. 14 New York 14 New York 12:34 35 37 39 40 42 43 44 45 47 SIR WILLIAM JOHNSON MANUSCRIPTS 301 1766 Feb. 17 Barnaby Byrn, asking appointment to a commissaryship New York an d indicating a preference for Ontario as his station. 12:48 17 William Darlington, explaining the delay in a remittance New York an d relating the actions of a mob in the case of naval officer Williams and Lewis Pintard, charged with the issue and use of stamped paper. 49 18 S. Kirtland, speaking of his relations with the Indians, Kaunauda- repeating words of Tekanondo and asking for an al- sa g e manac. [Doc. Hist. N. Y. 4:362-63; Q, 4:230] 50 18 William Darlington, mentioning the receipt of a letter New York from John Johnson Bart, and also the arrival of letters for Guy Johnson and Col. Croghan. 51 19 John Jenison, saying that he represents a house which Quebec has given credit to Joncaire Chabert and asking John son to certify to the losses of Chabert at the surrender of Niagara, in order that he may obtain indemnity from the French government. 52 Statement of the losses of Lieut. Joncaire Chabert in the service of the French King, " dans le Petit fort de Niagara, du Platon au bas des grandes Cotes de Niagara et . . . dans la Cache de la Riviere de Chenondac ", in July 1759. [In French] 53 20 [Sir William Johnson] to Maj. Moncrieffe, discussing the Johnson Hall intolerant temper of the times, Mr Conway's letter and - English sentiment touching American disturbances. 54 20 [Sir William Johnson] to the merchants and traders at Johnson Hall Montreal, showing that they have little to fear from the attempt to establish a trade monopoly at La Baye on the basis of rights purchased of the Marquis de Vaudreuil. [11:210; 12:24] 55 20 [Sir William Johnson] to Gen. Gage, regarding posts to Johnson Hall be maintained, peace desired by the Cherokees and not by the Six Nations, a malady which may prevent his coming to New York, the proposed conference with Pondiac at Ontario, the policy of the western nations in allowing English possession of Fort Chartres, ap pointments for the Indian service at the principal posts and medals to be given to the Indians. 56 20 [Sir William Johnson] to Sir Henry Moore saying that Johnson Hall the season and a severe malady forbid a journey to New York at this time, and that the crisis in this coun try calls for measures to prevent disorder, also dis cussing the affairs and interests of the militia regiment which he commands. 57 21 [Sir William Johnson] to Mrs Gertrude Schuyler, offer- Johnson Hall jng a plea for Johannis Alter, imprisoned on a mort gage held by Mrs Schuyler, and asking acceptance of the mortgaged property for the debt. 50 3O2 NEW YORK STATE LIBRARY 1766 Feb. 21 [Sir William Johnson] to Mr Vanschaack, postmaster Johnson Hall [at Albany], giving directions about his letters and com plaining of delays in their transmission. 12:59 21 [Sir Wiliam Johnson] to George Croghan about Capt. Johnson Hall Stirling's misrepresentation of the occupation of the Ilinois, preparations for meeting Pondiac and other Indians at Oswego, appointments of Indian commis saries, silver trinkets, " colly flower " and turnip seeds. 60 21 Joncaire Chabert, petitioning Johnson to certify to his Montreal losses in property at the taking of Niagara, in order that he may obtain reparation from the French govern ment. 61 24 Will. Pagan, asking in behalf of Mercer & Ramsay, pay- New York ment of an interpreter's account certified by Lieut. Gorrell. 62 24 Hugh Wallace, asking that accounts and receipts may be New York sen t in order that the general may pay Col. Campbell and Capt. Howard, mentioning the prevailing hope that the Stamp Act will be repealed and expressing pleaure at the distinction conferred by the King on Johnson's son. 63 24 John Brown, sending bill for chocolate, and offering to Schonactady supply other articles. 64 24 H. Van Schaack, accounting for irregularities in the Albany ma ji an( j promising special attention to Johnson's letters. 65 26 James Phyn on the difficulty of getting gunpowder and Schenectady the scarcity of strouds and Indian blankets. 66 26 Peter Hasenclever, telling of the prospect that the trouble New York w ith England will be settled and of the defeat of Granville's coercion policy, and expressing the opinion that America should be treated with moderation. 67 28 Francis Wade, concerning a letter for Capt. John John- Philad'a s ton, Wade's relations with Mr Croghan and an un pleasant incident in trade. 68 28 John Duncan, expressing his pleasure at the knighting Schenectady o f Johnson's son and his sense of Sir William's services to King and country. 69 Proceedings of condolence with the Shawanese, whose deputies were killed June 8, 1765, while on their way with George Croghan to the Illinois. 11:5 Mar. i Francis Wade, to say that Capt. Johnson has been found Philad'a a t Neshameny in Bucks county. 12:70 i [Sir William Johnson] to Gen. Gage, laying before him Johnson Hall a dispute arising from the claim of one Cartier to the lands occupied by the Caghnawagas, near Montreal, and mentioning honors conferred on his son in England. 71 3 John Duncan, mentioning the receipt of letters for the Schen'y upper posts and the early departure of his son for Europe. 7* SIR WILLIAM JOHNSON MANUSCRIPTS 303 1766 Mar. 3 behind'/ 4 New York John B. Van Eps about land which the brothers Joseph, Robert and Abram Yattes [Yates] will sell. Harry Gordon on the colonial disturbances and the British connection, foolish opinions, including that of the late commander in chief, about Indian expenses, the quali ties of Johnson's son [Sir John] and of Lord Adam [Gordon]. 4 James Phyn, sending congratulations on the knighting of Schenectady Sir William's son. 4 John Macomb, congratulating on the honors to John Albany Johnson. Capt. Amos Ogden to [Sir William Johnson], saying that he will soon sail for England and asking a few words in his interest to people in that country. [Sir William Johnson] to Maj. Gen. Burton on Indian 12:73 74 75(1) 75(2) 4 Long Island 6 Johnson Hall complaints concerning the rum traffic, the trouble be tween Canada Indians and Mr Cartier overland [12:71], the need of a regular establishment for Indian affairs, death of the Duke of Cumberland, the recep tion of Johnson's son at court and the pleasure which a visit from Burton at Johnson Hall will give. 77 6 Nicklass and Paulus, sacheerns, asking redress for bodily Cornojo- injury done to themselves and other Indians by Peter harr y Schuyler and his son. .78 6 Deposition of Capt. Lemuel Barritt, of Cumberland Val ley, Pa., before Chief Justice William Allen regarding the murder of an Indian and circumstances that pointed to a certain Samuel Jacobs as the murderer. [Copy] [12:123] 79 Capt. Normand MacLeod to [Sir William Johnson], recommending a carpenter, who can find no employ ment in New York. 80 Dr Samuel Stringer, concerning a box brought up by John Ralph, skipper ; also matters of rent and storage. 81 Jacobus Ter Bos, asking assistance to obtain a writ for a township on the northeast branch of the Sasskahanna and offering to reward any service. 82 New York 7 Albany 7 Rombouts priceint Duthes co. 8 [Sir William Johnson] to Peter Hasenclever, discussing Johnson Hall the late violent proceedings in the provinces and ex pressing a desire that they may erjoy moderate power and reasonable liberty. 8 [Sir William Johnson] to the mayor of Albany, regarding Johnson Hall gates which obstruct the highways in defiance of the commissioners' orders. 8 [Sir William Johnson] to Sir Henry Moore, concerning Johnson Hall lands belonging to the Kats kill Indians and the unwill ingness of the Mohawks to sell land. 304 NEW YORK STATE LIBRARY 1766 Mar. 10 George Croghan about Hugh Crofford who is to con- Phi 11 - duct Pondiac to Oswego, Capt. Sterling's boast of surprising the Indians in the Illinois country, Cro- ghan's proposed return to that region, commissaries, smiths and interpreters, Croghan's accounts, a con dolence with the Shannas, Six Nation Indians mur dered near Fort Cumberland, and seeds and silver ware. 12:86 12 John Duncan, introducing Alex'r Ellice, a new partner, Schenectady am i inquiring as to the effect of nonimportation on the Indian trade. 87 13 William Darlington, concerning commissions for ser- New York vices to Johnson, the scarcity of money, effect of Stamp Act agitations on commercial honesty, servants that can be procured an defforts made for apprehending Connor ORourk. 88 13 Peter Hasenclever about the potash manafacture, a tour New York o f Canada and New England which he meditates and measures in England respecting the Stamp Act. 89 13 Abraham E. Wendell's bill of sale of negro Jacob to Sir William Johnson, consideration being 100 in New York currency. 7:8oa 14 Account of Philip Boyle's losses by Indians in 1763. 15 1202 Philadelphia 15 [Sir William Johnson] to Gen. Gage, touching Mr Cro- Johnson Hall ghan's losses in the Indian service, British policy toward America. Croghan's accounts and expenses and the fit ness of Mr (formerly Lieut. Col.) Cole, Lieut. Roberts and Lieut. Jehu Hay for Indian appointments. 12:90 15 [Sir William Johnson] to Lieut. Col. Eyre Massy about Johnson Hall the number of Johnson's children, an honor conferred on one, the republican tendency in America, harmony in the Iniskilling regiment, and the campaign of 1759. 9f 15 [Sir William Johnson] to Capt. McLeod on the effects Johnson Hall o f Johnson Hall hospitality, his son's reception in Eng land and an appointment desired by McLeod. 92 15 Sir William Johnson's account of disbursements to the Johnson Hall westward, principally pay of interpreters and smiths 1327, IDS, 9d. 26:30 Memorandum of account containing some of the items of 26:30 and nothing not contained therein. [No date] n:i53 Memorandum of account containing the same items as 26 :30 but as some of these are not reduced from Penn sylvania to New York currency the total differs. [No date] 146 SIR WILLIAM JOHNSON MANUSCRIPTS 30$ 1766 Mar. 16 George Croghan about a rumor that Johnson was dan- Phill'a gerously ill, medicines recommended by Philadelphia physicians, which he sends, and the benefits of a visit to the seashore. 12:93 17 Francis Wade, regarding Monture's draft, silver truck Phill'a which Wade would be glad to sell and men in hiding whose arrest Johnson desires. 94 18 Abraham Lyle, asking payment of the " Honbl " John Albany Johnson's account and a draft drawn by Capt. Claus and notifying that there will be a dividend for the bene fit of the creditors of Robert Adems. 95 18 William Bayley, to inform that applications for provisions Schenectady f or Indians should be made to Draper S. Wood, deputy commissary at Albany. 96 20 Volckert P. Douw [mayor], regarding gates on the high- Albany ways along the Mohawk and a misstatement of his posi tion. [12:84] 97 21 Aug. Prevost, regarding a captain's commission which Albany h e would like to purchase, and a recommendation from Sir William. 98 22 [Sir William Johnson] to Gov. Murray, discrediting the Johnson Hall claim of Mr Cartier to the lands of the Caghnawagas in Canada, under a French grant of 1750. [12:71, 77] 99 22 Sir William Johnson to Gen. Gage, concerning the claim Johnson Hall to lands held by the [Caghnawaga] Indians [12: 71, 77> 99] > a meeting with Pondiac and the desire of the Shawanese for immediate revenge. loo 22 [Sir William Johnson] to the Lords of Trade on the Johnson Hall occupation of Fort dartres, French designs, Mr Cro ghan 's intended journey to the Illinois, appointments made for the Indian service, necessity of considerable expenses in his department and William Grant's claim to La Baye de Puans. [11:210; 12:24, 55] [Doc. rel. to Col. Hist. N. Y. 7:816:18] 101 23 [Aug.] Prevost, relative to Johnson's becoming a " Mas- Albany ter " of a [Masonic lodge]. 102 24 Daniel Claus's account with Sir William Johnson for department expenses in Canada. 103 24 Alexander McKee's account of services rendered to the Crown in the Indian Department at Fort Pitt ; with receipt to George Croghan. 104 24 Robert Love's receipt to Alexander McKee for pay for attending the Indians. 105(1) 24 John Meanner's receipt to Alexander McKee for pay for services as interpreter. 105(2) 24 Alexander McKee's receipt to George Croghan for his pay as assistant agent. 105(3) 306 NEW YORK STATE LIBRARY 1766 Mar. 24 Dennis McElhenney's receipt to Alexander McKee for pay for attending the Indians. 12:105(4) 24 Thomas McKee's receipt to George Croghan for pay for services as assistant Indian agent. 125 24 [Sir William Johnson] to Joncair Chabert, relative to the Johnson Hall losses of the latter at the taking of Niagara in 1759. Also to Mr Jenison, sending a certificate concerning Chabert's losses. 106 24 Capt. Normand MacLeod to [Sir William Johnson] about New York the effects of conviviality, a billiard table cloth, English sentiment on military men who have not supported the Stamp Act, and a lieutenant who likened the Sons of Liberty to the rebellious Scots of 1745. 107 24 William Darlington, mentioning a statement in English New York papers that Sir John Johnson has been named for a governor's post in America. 108 24 Alex'r Pott's receipt for 78, los paid by George Croghan Fort Pitt for medical service to Indians. 202 25 William Weyman about continuing work on the Indian New York prayer book. [Doc. Hist N. Y. 4:364; Q, 4:230] no 25 [Sir William Johnson] to Mr Kissam on the difficulty of Johnson Hall inducing the Mohawks to relinquish claim to any part of the Kayaderosseras patent and the terms on which they may agree to a settlement, [n 151, 54] in 26 Capt. John Clarke to [Sir William Johnson], asking [Niagara] h ow he can be reimbursed for goods given to the Indians. 112 26 George Croghan, concerning the employment of Hugh Phi11 - Crofford to conduct Pondiac to Oswego, pay of smiths and interpreters, the Detroit commissaryship, Mr Small- man and Mr McDugall, purpose of the French to establish a trading post on the Misisipia, inexpediency of encouraging the Shannas to take immediate revenge for last year's injury [n '.75], arrangements for paying employes in the western department, and the coming Indian congress in the Illinois country. 113 26 [Sir William Johnson] to Lieut. Prevost about the appli- Johnson Hall cation of the latter [for a captaincy] and another affair [Masonic lodge, 12:102]. 114 26 Lieut. B. Roberts to Sir William Johnson, congratulating Onondago O n the King's recognition of Johnson's services and Falls mentioning the proposed abandonment of posts from Fort Stanwix to Ontario. 115 27 Petition of traders to Capt. John Clark, informing that Niagara two Canadians are trading with the Indians on the opposite side of the lake and asking the suppression of the grievance. 116 SIR WILLIAM JOHNSON MANUSCRIPTS 307 1766 Mar. 27 De Couagne, to say that all is well at the post, and, Capt. Niagara Arnett being indisposed, Capt. Cark is in command. 12:117 27 [Sir William Johnson] to J. Watts about the reception Johnson Hall o f his son in England, English political divisions, the course of true patriotism in America, the duty of Par liament, possession of the Ilinois. 118 27 [Sir William Johnson] to Lieut. Gov. Golden, discussing J'n Hall Amos Ogden's apparent desire for a grant of land about Wioming, a certificate of Ogden's services, the probable action of Parliament and the true way to preserve American liberty. 119 27 H. S. Con way to James Murray, Governor of the province St James's of Quebec, ordering the restoration of Mr Walker to [London] the commission of the peace and his protection, re minding of an order in council for the punishment of those who tried to assassinate him [10:12, 72; 11:46] and demanding the maintenance of army discipline. Copied by Alexander Mackenzie and George Allsopp at Quebec, May 25. 120 28 [Sir William Johnson] to G. Croghan about Thomas, the Johnson Hall bearer of the letter, Gov. Franklin, the murder of a Six Nation Indian [12:79], Maj. Earmarks arrival at the Ilinois, French intrigue and the coming meeting with Pondiac. 121 28 [Sir William Johnson] to Peter Remsen, assuring that it Johnson Hall w iH be unwise to buy an interest in the Kayaderosseras tract unless the dispute with the Indians is settled. 122 28 [Sir William Johnson] to Gov. Penn, expressing fear of Johnson Hall bad consequences unless the murder of an Ind ; an in Pensilvania [12:79] is avenged by law. 123 28 [Sir William Johnson] to Capt. Harry Gordon on the con- Johnson Hall sequences of resisting British authority, need of guard ing the Ilinois country, critics of Indian management and of obligations of his son to Lord Adam Gordon. 124 29 Lieut. J. T. Schlosser, relating a story of Indian violence and plunder at Rosco filds. 126 Fort Stanwix Phill. 70 Philad. 30 Montreal George Croghan, of a project for purchasing French grants in the Ilinois country, Gov. Franklin's interest, and Dr Franklin's influence with the ministry, also the governorship designed for Sir John Johnson. 127 Baynton, Wharton & Morgan on compensation to traders for Indian depredations, business desired, a pamphlet on a civil government for the Illinois country and a proposition to be submitted by Mr Croghan. [12:127] 128 Memorial of French and English merchants to James Murray, Captain General and Governor of Quebec, arguing that traders' passes should convey the privilege of wintering among the Indians. [Copy] 25:51 3 o8 NEW YORK STATE LIBRARY 1766 Mar. 31 Francis Wade, giving an unfavorable opinion of a young man who seeks employment under Johnson and advising as to the chance of disposing of some negroes in Penn sylvania. 12:129 George Croghan, recommending John Parrel, who carries on trade at Detroit. 130 Peter Vergereau, inclosing directions for making potash and mentioning land and a mine in which he is inter ested. 131 Will. Pagan to [Sir William Johnson], relative to the account held by Mercer & Ramsay and certified by Lieut. Gorrell. [Inclosing 12:132(2); May 21, 1763] 132(1) Peter Hasenclever about Sir John Johnson in England, the political situation in America, Mr Pitt's argument in the American cause, removal of powder and ball from the King's storehouses to the men-of-war, and Sir Henry Moore's license for plays, and the potash manu facture. 133 Hugh Crawford's account of losses sustained from the Indians in 1763 by Maj. Thomas Smallman ; with de position. 15:204 Capt. John Clarke's orders for regulation of trade with Indians expected at Niagara. 12:134 Petition of traders to Capt. John Clarke for license to trade with the Indians, their passes having expired. 135 4 [Sir William Johnson] to Gen. Gage, concerning improve- Johnson Hall nients at Fort Schlosser, letters for the posts, Mr Croghan's expenses, plans for meeting Pondiac and maintaining control of the Illinois country, trade at Michilimackinac etc. 137 5 Gov. James Murray to the merchants of Montreal, de claring his interest and an intention to prevent discrimi nation in licenses. [On page 4 of the memorial of the merchants of Montreal, March 30, 1765! [Copy] 25:51 Capt. John Clarke to the traders, granting temporary permission to trade with Indians at Niagara without government licenses. 12:138 Capt. John Clarke, mentioning a letter from Samuel Thrisland [Kirtland], Capt. Arnot's illness, the appli cation of traders for a temporary license, his orders for regulating trade [12:134] and his effort to seize the Frenchmen who are trading beyond Toronto. 139 6 John Glen Jun'r, regarding orders which he will fill. 140 Schonectady 6 Capt. John Brodhead and Samuell Gorsalus, asking John- Mamacocting son to dissuade the Indians from any thought of ven- Ulster co. geance against innocent people for the murder of an Indian in the Jerseys. [12:136; April 15] 142 Philad'a 31 Phill. 31 New York 31 New York 31 Cumberland county April i Niagara 3 Niagara Quebec 5 Niagara 6 Niagara SIR WILLIAM JOHNSON MANUSCRIPTS 309 / 1766 Apr. 6 Notice from Narraganset Indians to [Thomas] Ninegrett Charlestown that he is deposed from kingship. Signed by 156 Indians. 25 153 7 William Darlington, justifying his charge of commission New York f or services and mentioning articles shipped by Cor nelius Switts's sloop. 12:143 8 List (from Mr Darlington) of sundries sent, in charge New York o f Cornelius Switts, to Dr Samuel Stringer [Albany] to be forwarded to Sir William Johnson. 144 9 William Darlington about shipment of articles ordered. 145 New York 9 Speech of Ogastass, a Seneca chief; put in English by [Niagara] Mr Ryckman. 149 n Francis Wade, regarding his relations with Mr Croghan, Philad'a goods which Croghan will probably take of him and a visit from Mr Flood. 146 13 Richard Duncan, mentioning letters for Ireland intrusted Schenectady to him and expressing a grateful regard. 147 14 Capt. John Clarke to [Sir William Johnson], repeating Niagara intelligence, brought by chief Oghastass, of a coming meeting of Shawanese, Hurons, flatt heads and distant nations at Fort Pitt. 148 14 Capt. Normand MacLeod to [Sir William Johnson], New York mentioning the arrival of a vessel from the Havanna with money, delay in the repeal of the Stamp Act, car penters who wish employment and the purchase of jewels and utensils for the lodge. 150 j-i5 Papers relative to the murder of an Oneida Indian by Robert Simmonds. [Copies] 136 3 Abraham Van Campen to Gov. Franklin, ac- Pagequala quainting with the murder of an Oneyda at the Minisinks and the arrest of one Robert Simmonds on suspicion. 9 Deposition of Samuel Davis, constable of Montague, and two assistants, regarding the commitment of Robert Seamor for the murder of an Oneida Indian and Seamors rescue by a mob. ii Abraham Van Campen to Gov. Franklin, informing Sussex Court that the man imprisoned for the murder of an ' Blouse Indian has been delivered by a mob. 15 Proclamation of Gov. Franklin, of N. J., offering a reward for the arrest of Robert Simmonds, alias Seamon, or any person concerned in the murder of the Oneida. 15 Gov. Wm. Franklin to Col. Van Campen, informing Burlington that he has offered a reward for the apprehension of the murderer and will request Sir William John son to endeavor to accommodate the affair with the Indians. 3 io NEW YORK STATE LIBRARY 1766 Apr. 15 Montreal 16 Philad'a 16 Albany 17 Montreal 17 Montreal Memorial of merchants, asking the privilege of extending their trade beyond the posts and wintering among the savages and inclosing a new form of passport granted by the Governor of the province. [In English and French] Frances Wade, concerning the peculiarities of Mr Flood, failure to sell a negro boy, servants desired by Johnson and news of the repeal of the Stamp Act. John Spangenberg, saying that his creditors will grant him a year's release from jail, begging Johnson to become his bail and describing his miserable condition. L. Perthuis to [Sir William Johnson], informing that M. Chabert has given him 3000 livres for obtaining John son's certificate concerning Chabert's losses [12:53, 61, 106] at Niagara. [In French] John Welles, mentioning the satisfaction of Montreal and Quebec traders with Johnson's assurances touching Indian trade and recommending Benj. Frobisher, who will go to Michilimackinac, as worthy of confidence. [Inclosing 25:51, 52 and 54 (i)] 25 New form of license to trade with the Indians, granted under the Governor's proclamation of January 31, 1765- George Croghan on frontier crimes against Indians and the expediency of persuading Six Nation war parties going south to journey by the way of Fort Pitt. Elisabeth Maunsell, asking the return of [the late Peter Wraxall's] papers and mentioning Sir John Johnson's European tour and affairs of her family. P're Panet, giving an account of the land dispute between Rene Cartier and the Iroquois of Sault St Louis [12:71, 99], with a copy of a decision given at Ver sailles in 1737, confirming the Indians in possession of the land. [In French] Francis Wade about an indentured tailor whom he sends by his brother and a negro boy for whom he has failed to arrange a sale. Gen. Thomas Gage to [Sir William Johnson], mention ing a report of the repeal of the Stamp Act and asking advice about purchasing Indian lands. Lieut. Augustine Prevost, concerning a visit to Sir William which Capt. Prevost and the writer have been prevented from making. 20 [Sir William Johnson] to Lord Adam Gordon, asking Johnson Hall his influence in behalf of Lieut. Prevost, of the 6oth, who desires leave to purchase Capt. Schlosser's com mission. 25:52 12:151 15-2 18 Phill. Ne 18 York 18 Montreal 20 Philad'a 20 New York 20 Schenectady :54(2) 54(0 55 12:154 155 . ; 156 25^6 12:157 158 SIR WILLIAM JOHNSON MANUSCRIPTS 1766 Apr. 20 Col. Eyre Massy, introducing Capt. OBrien, recommend- . Montreal i n g Lieut. Madden for an Indian post and mentioning Gen. Burton, young Sir John, the 28th and 6oth regi ments ordered to Albany, the Stamp Act and the need that the Yankees be "brought down." 12:159 23 Lieut. B. Roberts, expressing thankfulness for an ex- Onondago pected appointment and mentioning Col. Vaughan's *'alls journey to Niagara by way of Ontario. 160 24 [Sir William Johnson] to Gov. Henry Moore on the Johnson Hall Governor's purpose in Indian affairs, the murder of friendly Indians by frontiersmen and the necessity of repairing the injury. 161 25 William Darlington about articles sent and to be sent. 162 New York 26 Sir William Johnson's receipt to Gabriel Maturin for New York 1327, IDS, gd, payment of annexed account of disburse ments for the Indians to the westward and for inter preters. 26:31 28 William Darlington about a church bell and other articles New\ork sen t per Mr Adams, two men servants obtained by Francis Wade of Philad'a for Johnson Hall, a painting, Susannah and the Two Elders, presented to Johnson by Darlington, and Pitt's speech, inclosed. 12:163 May i George Croghan to Gen. Gage (duplicate), concerning Philadelphia nonpayment for goods bought by Croghan of Baynton, Wharton & Morgan on instructions from Gage; tender ing his resignation of office. 164 2 P. Silvester, regarding action taken for Mrs Schuyler Albany against a debtor, also suits undertaken for Johnson against delinquents. 165 2 Ab'm Yates Jun'r, acquainting with the discharge of Jo- Albany hannis Aid and the amount of costs. 166 2 Joh's Vanderheyden, regarding his suit against Joh's Albany Alter, whose release he has ordered on Johnson's promise to assume Alter's debt. 167 2 William Darlington about some servants lately in Gen. New York Gage's employ, now sent up to Johnson Hall, and money remitted to Col. George Croghan at Philadelphia. 168 3 [Sir William Johnson] to Mr Perthuis, concerning the anxiety of the latter about the promise received from Mr Chabert 169 3 [Sir William Johnson] to Gov. Murray on the propriety Johnson Hall o f restricting trade to posts where inspection can be maintained. 170 3 William OBrien, announcing the intended journey of New York Lady Susan and himself to Niagara Falls, Montreal and Quebec, in the course of which they hope to see Sir William but shall not be able to visit Johnson Hall. 171 312 NEW YORK STATE LIBRARY 1766 May 3 [Sir William Johnson] to Gov. Franklin of N. Jersey, con- Johnson Hall cerning a scheme for making a settlement in the Illinois country, and the murder of an Oneida on the frontier, 12:172 3 [Sir William Johnson] to Gen. Gage on the con- Johnson Hall ditions of land investment in America, the ad vantages of the Illinois scheme [12:127, 172], Croghan's departure and Mr Grant's claim to a monopoly of trade about La Baye. [11:210; 12:24, 55] 173 6 Peter Hasenclever on repeal of the Stamp Act, an New York intended journey and recent public disturbances. 175 6 Francis Wade, notifying of Mr Croghan's departure Philad'a an d his drafts on Johnson and Capt. Clawes in Wade's favor and asking payment of these and smaller accounts. 176 7 R. Shuckburgh, touching the disagreeable relations of Detroit the garrison with the Poutowatimees and Johnson's invitation to western Indians to meet him at Oswego. 177 9 [Sir William Johnson] to Lieut. Gov. Golden, touch- Johnson Hall i n g the effect of Mr Pitt's speech and Colden's spirited attitude in the late popular disturbances. 178 10 [Sir William Johnson] to Mrs Maunsell on the papers Johnson Hall o f [Peter Wraxall], his son's reception in England and the character of the late Mr Stillwell.' 179 10 Account of Dennis Crohon's losses by the Indians in Carlisle 1763; sworn to before Wm. Lyon. 15:216 12 Sir William Johnson to Conradt Frank, an order for Johnson Hall two gallons of rum. 12:180 12 Invoice of stores forwarded to Sir William Johnson by New York William Darlington. 141 12 William Darlington's account of commissions due New York f rO m Sir William Johnson. 181 13 George Croghan's account of losses by the Indians Cumberland m 1763; deposition before Francis Campble. 15:212 county, Fa. Memorandum of Mr Croghan's goods. 213 15 Adr'n Bancker Jun'r, John M. Beeckman, Benj'n Kis- New York sam> Adrian Renaudet and Antho. Van Dam, re garding a settlement of the trouble with the In dians over the Kayadarosseras patent. [11:51, 54; 12:111] 12:182 17 [Sir William Johnson] to Sir H. Moore, Governor, Johnson Hall concerning a tract which Mr Hogan desires to purchase from the Oneidas. 183 17 [Sir William Johnson] to Maj. Gen. Burton, re- Johnson Hall gretting conditions which have prevented an in terview and wishing a safe and agreeable voyage to England. 184 SIR WILLIAM JOHNSON MANUSCRIPTS 313 1766 May 17 Account of losses from Indian depredations met by Bedford, Pa. John Ormsby in 1763; deposition before Jas. Max well. 19 Robert Leake, asking estimates as to the number of Indians who will attend the congress at Fort Ontario and the length of their stay. J. T. Kempe, declaring his interest in a proposed In dian land purchase, acknowledging the receipt of costs in certain suits and mentioning the repeal of the Stamp Act. John Watts, introducing Mr Cooper (president of [New York?] the college) and exhibiting pleasure at the repeal of the Stamp Act. [Without date] John Kelly, seeking employment as clerk to Johnson. New York 23 New York 24 New York 26 N. York 27 Niagara 27 Philad'a 27 New York 28 Montreal 28 Carlisle 29 Montreal Dr Peter Middleton, sending deputation for St Patrick's Masonic lodge. Jacob Harsin (smith) about difficulties in obtaining a shop, tools and provisions. Francis Wade, regarding Mr Croghan's drafts, ser vants sent by Wade to Johnson and Croghan's in tended journey down the [Ohio] river. James De Lancey, recommending John Kelly for em ployment as clerk. L. B. Hertel to Chevalier Johnson, generale des troupes Angloises, asking continued interest in her husband, who is trading at the upper posts. [In French] William Thompson's account of losses from the In dians in 1763; sworn to before John Armstrong. John Welles, mentioning Mr Antill's mission to Quebec, Col. Carlton's appointment as lieutenant governor, Mr Walker's arrival from London, judicial changes in the province, Col. Massy's worth and standing, trouble with Indians at Detroit and the slight prospect of relief from London for sufferers by the Montreal fire. Sir William Johnson's memorial to his Majesty in council, reciting his losses by his connection with Indian affairs, also his payments for the Indian grant near Canajoharee, and asking confirmation of that grant, increase of salary and an allowance for military services and expenditures for the public interest. [Indorsed: Memorial to the King presented May 1766] [Doc. rel. to Col. Hist. N. Y. 7:839-42; the date given, 8th of July, is that of its reference to the Lords of Trade] 15:205 12:185 186 12:187 188 189 190 191 192 15:217 12:193 174 NEW YORK STATE LIBRARY 1766 Burnets Feald June I Jost Herchheimer's account of liquors furnished to Indians by order of Sir William Johnson; receipted September 12, 1766, by Han Jost Herchheimer. 10:243 John Stuart, superintendent of the southern depart- Charles Town men t, on the Cherokees' desire for peace with their northern enemies, a boundary line, the ambition of the Creeks and a common Indian policy for the southern provinces. 25:57 3 [Sir William Johnson] to Gov. H. Moore, concerning Johnson Hall land which the Indians may be willing to sell and the efforts of Mr Remsen and George Klock to ob tain possession of the tract at Conajoharee which Johnson has bought of the Indians. 12:194 Dr R. Shuckburgh about border incidents and the satisfaction of the French and Indians at Fort Chartres with English government. 196 Joseph Wharton and others, presenting a communica tion in favor of establishing a colony " at the Illinois " and asking that the project be recom mended to the ministry. i.>7 Capt. Thomas Morris to [Sir William Johnson], re peating a message from a Seneca chief relating to the dissatisfaction of the Shawanese, Delawares and other tribes at the sale of lands on the Ohio by the Senecas; and giving Morris's reply. 198 Lieut. B. Roberts to [Sir William Johnson] about his arrival, dulness of trade, competition with Toronto and Little Niagara and Pondiac's stay at Miami. 204 John Wetherhead to [Sir William Johnson] to say that his purchase from the Mohawks may well be deferred till the dispute over the Caiderosseras is settled. 195 Baynton, W r harton & Morgan's recount against the Crown; certified by Alexander McKee and Capt. William Murray; and receipted to George Croghan. 199 Richard Butler's receipt to George Croghan for money paid for smith work; account certified by Capt. William Murray. 200 Account of goods left in the King's store by George Croghan in May of the preceding year; certified by Capt. William Murray. 201 Baynton, Wharton & Morgan's account against the Crown; with receipt to George Croghan, and certifi cate of Capt. William Murray. 203 George Croghan's account against the Crown for 2321, 95, 8d; with acknowledgment of payment by means of a draft in favor of Baynton, Wharton and Morgan. 206 4 Detroit 6 Philad'a 7 Niagara 10 Niagara [III Albany 12 Fort Pitt 12 [Fort Pitt] [12] [Fort Pitt] 12 Fort Pitt 12 Fort Pitt SIR WILLIAM JOHNSON MANUSCRIPTS 315 1766 June 14 Capt. Thomas Osborne to [Sir William Johnson], recommending to favor a young gentleman whom misfortune, not guilt, has compelled to flee his country. Johannes Lawyer and Jacob Zimmer about tracts of land for which these and other persons desire patents. Oliver De Lancey, declaring hesitation to purchase the lands bequeathed to William Cosby unless they were conveyed to his mother, Mrs Cosby, before he became insane. Doc. Hist. N. Y. 2:830; Q, 2:482] Wi.liam Darlington, concerning his recent visit to Johnson, business matters and a boy whom he will board for 20 a year, washing and mending in cluded. George Croghan's draft on Johnson for 2321, gs, 8d to the order of Baynton, Wharton & Morgan. William Darlington about sundries for Johnson and Capt. Claus and a schoolmaster for the boy who will be sent down to New York. [Sir William Johnson] to Messrs Wharton and others Johnson Hall [12:197], repeating the assurances given to Gov. Franklyn of his approval of a project for a settlement in the Illinois country. Lieut. Col. John Campbell, regarding the expenses of Mr Crawford's Indian negotiations, and the trouble with the Potowatamis. Gw. Banyar, asking information about vacant lands for which Francis Pfister and James Duane and associates have petitioned. Commissary B. Roberts to [Sir William Johnson], mentioning the capture and examination of Isaac Todd, charged with illicit trading at Toronto, other instances of such trade, the monopoly at La Baye [11:210; 12:24, 55], a complaint touching the in terpreter, and inconveniences arising from the com missary's limited means and authority. Commissary B. Roberts, regarding the murder of a chief by Powtawatamys, Indian jealousy of Pondiac and incidents at the post. Commissary Edward Cole, acknowledging his appoint ment, saying that he will go by the way of Fort Pitt to join Croghan on the Ohio and mentioning an Illinois chief whom Pondiac has stabbed. Lieut. Robert Johnston, to express regret that Mr Brown, the clergyman, has failed to return to Johnson a horse intrusted to his care. 14 Schoharry 15 New York 15 New York T6 Fort Pitt 19 New York 20 2O Dublin 2O New York 21 Niagara 23 Niagara 23 Detroit 25 Fort Stanwix 12 1207 208 209 210 211 212 214 215 216 12:217 218 219 NEW YORK STATE LIBRARY 1766 June 28 [Sir William Johnson] to Attorney General Kempe, Johnson Hall declaring a desire to serve his interests and dis cussing the failure of the Klayaderosseras patentees in the effort to accommodate their dispute with the Mohocks. 28 [Sir William Johnson] to Dr Middleton on the con- Johnson Hall ditions which favor the success of masonry in the Mohawk country. 28 Johnson 28 Johnson 30 Detroit 30 Albany 30 Fort Erie 30 Detroit [Sir William Johnson] to the Lords of Trade on the Hall appointment of commissaries, the coming meeting with Pondiac and other western chiefs, the murder of Indians by frontiersmen, a conflict growing out of antirent movements, the need of putting Indian affairs on a basis independent of local interference, the proposed boundary between settlements and Indian lands, and his request, here renewed, that Richard Shuckburgh may be appointed secretary for Indian affairs. [Doc. rel. to Col. Hist. N. Y. 7:837-38] [Sir William Johnson] to Hen'y Seymour Conway, Hall one of his Majesty's principal secretaries of state, showing the effect of crimes and encroachments in rousing Indian hostility, the need of a uniform plan in his department, the bad policy of the English colonists toward the Indians and the readiness of Frenchmen to take advantage of English mistakes. Woe. rcl to Col. Hist. N. Y. 7:834-36] Edward Cole to [Sir William Johnson] to say that he will go by way of the Meamies to join Mr Croghan, and that the St Joseph Indians have taken a prisoner at the Illinois. A. C. Cuyler's bill to Sir William Johnson for goods 99, 135, 6d. Lieut. John Garden, saying that Mr Crawford with Pondiack and other chiefs arrived the 27th and set out three days after for Oswego, commending Crawford and Chenes the interpreter, also Mr Cicote of Detroit, and recommending that Fort Erie be made a trading post. Account Sales of 124 Packs Deer Skins, Beaver and Peltry, received of Edward Cole at Detroit in August 1764 for account and risque of Said Edward Cole and Henry Van Schaack, also sales of Beaver & Peltry bo't at Albany for account & risque as afore said. With receipt of Edward Cole for his half of the furs shipped Messrs Bunyan, Turner & Laird. SIR WILLIAM JOHNSON MANUSCRIPTS 317 1766 June 30 Edward Cole's receipt to Henry Van Schaack for his Detroit note of hand for ^2228, 2s, 5d and Cole's agree ment to deduct certain advances from that amount. Witnessed by Sam. Fleming. 25:58 31 Lieut. B. Roberts, regarding his reception of Pondiack and Niagara the chief's words. 12:227 J. T. Kempe to Mr Wetherhead, advising delay in a land purchase from the Indians and discussing the claims in their legal aspects of the Cayaderosseras patentees. [Not dated but indorsed: June 1766. Pos sibly earlier than 12:195, June 11] 205 Edward Pollard's bill against Hugh Crawford for entertainment furnished to Pondiac and party; com missary B. Roberts's certificate; and Pollard's re ceipt, per Alexander Macomb, for Crawford's draft on Roberts. 228 Hugh Crawford's draft- on Lieut. Benj'n Roberts in favor of Edward Pollard. [Inclosed with 12:242(1)] 242(2) Edward Cole, commissary, in account with Edward Mumford. 13:95 J. Hasbrouck, notifying of shipment of millstones and arranging for delivery and payment. 12 :229 Duncan, Phyn & Ellice's bill to Sir William Johnson Schenectady for merchandise. 230 Duncan, Phyn & Co's account of articles furnished to commissary Normand MacLeod for Indians ^89, is, i id. 231 Lieut. B. Roberts about Lady Susan's journey to the Royal Blockhouse and a difference of opinion be tween him and Capt. Rogers as to Johnson's au thority in Indian affairs. 232 4 [Sir William Johnson] to Gen. Gage, regarding a sus- Joiinscm Hall picion which they entertain of a person not mentioned, offenses against Indians, want of provisions at Ontario, the need of instructions to officers at the posts to aid the Indian commissaries, and trade car ried on at Toronto, Kente and Cadarackqui in de fiance of regulations. 233 Rev. Eleazar Wheelock, discussing missionary and school work among Indians, mentioning the ambi tion in that direction of two Yale students and say ing that the Rev. Mr Pomeroy and Wheelock's son will confer with Johnson about the place for a school. [Doc. Hist. N. Y. 4:365-68; Q, 4:231-32] 234 Lorimier to [Sir William Johnson], asking that his son may be employed as an interpreter among the Iroquois. [In French] 235 July i Niagara Niagara I Detroit Kingston 2 3 Ontario 3 Ontario 4 Lebanon 5 Lachine NEW YORK STATE LIBRARY New 6 York 1766 July 5 Baynton, Wharton & Morgan, forwarding a letter Philad'a from Fort Pitt and Mr Croghan's draft, naming Henry White as their New York correspondent and mentioning a sudden rise of the Ohio of 15 feet. 12 '.236 5 John B. Van Eps's account 17, 173. 237 6 Gov. H. Moore, to say that he will defer his visit till New\ork the weather is settled, to ask what presents he shall bring for the Indians and to express a desire to serve Johnson with the Assembly in regard to his lands. 238 Dr Peter Middleton to [Sir William Johnson], making general suggestions for the conduct of a masonic lodge. 239 Mr Croghan, deputy agent of Indian affairs, to Maj. Gen. Gage (extract), of a present and a concession in trade which he has been obliged to make to In dians. 240 William Darlington, touching correspondence which he has forwarded to England, orders which he will fill and a boy for whose schooling he has made an arrangement. 241 Lieut. B. Roberts, sending Hugh Crawford's draft on Roberts in favor of Edward Pollard [12:242(2), July i] and asking instructions in the matter of presents to Indians. 242(1) Gw. Banyar about the sale of lands at Sackendage and North Hampton belonging to Maj. Clarke, the Gov ernor's interest in land enterprises, a tract north of the Mohawk and opposite Fort Hendrick in which Banyar and Johnson were once interested and a danger that the Governor will lop off valuable emoluments. 243 9 Capt. John Butler, reporting incidents of a journey to the Oneida country and his return. 25 159 9 Duncan, Phyn & Ellice's account against Sir William Schenectady Johnson. 12 1246 A blank form of testimonial, engraved, for Indians; certifying attachment to his Britannic Majesty's interest. [No date] 10 [Sir William Johnson] to H. S. Conway, principal secre- Johnson Hall tary of state, commending the scheme for a colony at the Ilinois. 13:1 Baynton, Wharton & Morgan, communicating favor able expressions from Doctor Franklin concerning the Illinois colonizing scheme. 2 Robert Adems's bill to Sir William Johnson 24, Fort Johnson I2 s, 6d. 3 12 Jacob H. Ten Eyck about a packet from Henry Albany White of New York, which the writer forwards. 4 Sciota 7 New York 7 Niagara 7 New York 12 Philada. 12 SIR WILLIAM JOHNSON MANUSCRIPTS 319 1766 July 13 Conrad Franck's pass to Jacob Ittig and Stoffel Strubel, Bornetsfield permitting them to drive some cattle to Oswego. With three additions by Daniel Claus, bearing on the faith fulness of the drovers. 13 John Miller's acknowledgment regarding the use of a horse belonging to John Thompson at Burnets'ld and his agreement to pay 20 shillings. Indorsed with Thompson's agreement; and also with the names of Rutholf Schumacher, Conrad Follmer and Thomas Follmer. [Sir William Johnson] to Gov. H. Moore, regarding the postponement of the Governor's visit, a present for Indians, lands desired by Johnson, murder of Indians by frontiersmen, and an application for a land grant by Mr Banyar and others. Lieut. B. Roberts, concerning advices from Capt. Howard of an intended Indian attack on Michili- mackinak, liberality toward the Indians at Niagara, some discourse with Maj. Rogers, and Mr Van- schaack's still. William Darlington's account with Ab. Duryee for goods bought for Sir William Johnson. Capt. Normand MacLeod about the difficulty of ob taining conveyance for Pondiac and suite. Francis Wade, inquiring about Mr Croghan's bill on Sir W r illiam and one on Capt. Clawes, also Mr John Johnson's note. Edward Cole, mentioning his good reception by the Indians and news from Mr Croghan. Edward Cole's account with Fr. Hamback. 14 German flatts 14 Niagara 14 New York 15 Ontario 15 Philada. 15 Miatnis IS Miamis 16 Fort Ontario 17 New York 17 New York 17 New York 17 12 1247 Capt. Daniel Claus, relating the failure of a design to send Pondiac to Johnson Hall, treacherous acts of the Senecas and success of an Onondaga war party. Cornelius Van Sanfort's receipt to William Darlington for goods to be delivered at Albany to Dr Stringer. William Darlington about letters forwarded to Eng land, articles sent in care of Hugh Fraser, etc. William Darlington's account against Sir Wiliam Johnson. Mich'l Byrne on the progress of farm work and Johnson Hall building enterprises. 21 Barnaby Byrn, mentioning the Indians' objection to New York his occupancy of Fort Brewerton by virtue of a warrant given him by Gen. Gage, and asking if their opposition has been overcome. 248 13:5 6 38(0 7 8(1) 8(2) 96 9 38(3) 10 12:245 13:11 12 320 NEW YORK STATE LIBRARY 1766 July 22 New York Order by Rich'd Maitland, Dep'y Adj't Gen., relating 23 23 Fort Erie 23 Ontario 25 Ontario to commissaries and interpreters and the appoint ment of Capt. Robert Rogers at Michillimackinac. [In closed in no. 56] 13 :57 Edward Cole's account with Joseph Paillies. [In French] 97 Lieut. John Garden to [Sir William Johnson], applying for appointment as commissary, explaining the alarm at Michilimakinack and inclosing a deed of land at Detroit given him by Pondiack. 13 James Gordon's bill to Robert Adams for articles bought for Sir William Johnson. 14 Proceedings of a congress of the Outawas, Hurons, Poudewat. and Chippeways with Sir William John son. The Huron chief expresses amity, thanks for the ex tension of trade and appointment of commissaries, interpreters and smiths, and a desire that Mr Craw ford may be an assistant to Mr Hay. " Pondiac, the Ottawa chief, declares his authority and sincerity, as well as his intention of giving up all white captives, his satisfaction with the trade regula tions, his intention to preserve a general peace and his desire for the retention of Mr Hay and the ap pointment of Mr Crawford. [Doc. rel. to Col. Hist. N. Y. 7:857-59] 25:60 Lieut. B. Roberts to [Sir William Johnson] on the state of affairs at the post and the Senecas' dis trust of Decouagne. 13:15 Joseph Simon and Thomas Mitchell's losses by the In dian war in 1763; deposition before Adam Simon Kuhn. 15:215 Mynd't My. Wemple's account against Sir William Johnson. 13:16 Myndert M. Wemple's account against Sir William Johnson. 18:56 Account of expenses attending the congress at On tario, and an account of goods bought for a present to the western Indians. 13:18 30 Account of goods received by Capt. Normand Mac- Fort Ontario Leod; acknowledged by MacLeod at Johnson Hall, November 15, 1766. 19 30 John Farrell & Co.'s note for 66 to Capt. William Michilimack- Howard. 176(2) inac 31 W. Johnson's order to Lieut. Jehu Hay to pay 40 to Ontario Elleopolle Chesne, interpter; receipted by Eleopolle Chense. 110(2) 26 Niagara 28 Lancaster county 29 Oswego 29 30 Ontario SIR WILLIAM JOHNSON MANUSCRIPTS 31 Ontario Aug. 4 Ontario 1766 July 31 Nicholas Capar's account against Edward Cole for Post Vincent 469 livres ; with receipt by Rich'd Winston for Nicholas Chapar. W. Johnson's order to Lieut. Jehu Hay to pay 10 to Jacko Bekier; receipted by Jaco Beki[er]. Robert Adems's bill to Sir William Johnson. John McKinley's bill and receipt to Sir William Johnson. Capt. Normand MacLeod to [Sir William Johnson] about his efforts to placate an offended Mishilimackina chief, the jealousy of Pondiac entertained by western Indians, dissatisfaction of French and Indian traders with the trade regulations, gifts to the Senecas, difficulties of MacLeod's situation, and dislike of the upper nations for Mr Hay as commissary. 4 Thos. Meares's receipt to Sir William Johnson for 15 Fort shillings for the hire of a horse. Stanwix 5 Conrad Franck's account of sundries furnished to Sir Burnetsfield William Johnson. 5 Robert Callender's account of losses in the Indian war Philadelphia i n 1763; sworn to before William Coxe. 7 Daniel Claus about a visit to Aughquisasne, and the fighting strength of that village, Indian complaints about the sale of rum between Three Rivers and Car- rillon, and the efforts of Col. Massey to procure them satisfaction, and also protection for their lands. Capt. Normand MacLeod to [Sir William Johnson] about the desire of Portier, a French trader, to engage in the ginseng trade with the Indians. A resolution of the Council ordering Geo. Allsopp to re move a house erected by him on the King's domain; and authorizing Peter Stuart, justice of the peace, to remove it. Signed by J. A. Potts, D. C. C. Thomas Mitchell's account of losses from Indians in 1763; deposition before Adam Simon Kuhn. 13:98 110(3) 22(1) 22(3) Montreal 7 Ontario 8 Quebec Council Chamber 8 Lancaster county 8 Lancaster county 9 New York 9 Susqua- hannah Thomas Mitchell's statement of losses by the French and Indians ; sworn and subscribed before Adam Simon Kuhn. William OBrien to [Sir William Johnson] on Sir Wil liam's recent illness, the writer's desire to purchase Indian land and his apprehension of the consequences of failure. Alexander McKee's draft on Sir William Johnson in favor of Baynton, Wharton & Morgan for 299, 43. [13:65] 11 21 22(2) 23 15:208 13:24 25 26 15:209 211 13:27 28 NEW YORK STATE LIBRARY 1766 Aug. 9 Niagara 9 Niagara IO Philadelphi II New York II Albany II New York II Fort Erie 12 New York 14 Ontario 14 Ontario 14 Ontario 17 Fort Erie Jehu Hay, informing of an order which he has drawn on Johnson in favor of John Bliker, asking if he is to draw for the pay of interpreters and mentioning dissi pation at the post. 13 129(1) Jehu Hay's draft on Sir William Johnson in favor of John Bliker; indorsed by John J. Bleecker and Lucas Van Veghten and receipted, Nov. 22, 1766, by A. C. Cuyler. 29(2) Baynton, Wharton & Morgan to Maj. Gen. Gage (ex- tract), informing of Mr Morgan's arrangement to send goods among the Shawanese without a license from the Governor of Pennsylvania but expressing their determination to be guided by Gage's commands in this matter. 30 Peter Hasenclever, concerning a proposal to buy from the Onida Indians some 40,000 acres of land near Cosby's manor, a scheme for establishing a company to trade with the Indians at Niagarra and Detroit and to victual the troops, dealings with Frans Ruppert in pearlash and potash, Peter Remsen's claim against Ruppert and London news, including the Duke of Graf ton's resignation. 31 Ab'm Lyle about an order for lemons and limes and other articles to be sent in care of J. B. Van Epps, an order drawn by Johnson on Col. Eyre Massy for goods for the Massauga Indians, and information which throws light on the death of Capt. J. Lottridge. 32 John Ramsay, complaining that a sum due on Lieut. Gorrell's certificate is still unpaid and begging that Johnson will draw on the general in his behalf for this money. 33 Joseph Annett's and Alex. Simpson's receipt to Jehu Hay for pay for labor. 111(2) Peter Hasenclever, concerning the business troubles of Ruppert and Remsen, and an affray between the Sons of Liberty and soldiers, illness of Sir Henry Moore, Mr Freidenberg's lease of land on Lake Champlain, the 28th regiment review, and the establishment of a company for Indian trade at Deitroit. 34 Capt. Normand MacLeod, concerning the desire of Joseph [Brant] that he may have a young Indian com panion. 36 ( i ) Same, concerning the intention. of Pertuis to yield the place of Indian interpreter unless he can have the priv ilege of trade, also the prices paid for peltry. 36(2) Same, concerning the bearer, Portier, and his desire to trade. 37 Peter Shryner's account against Lieut. Hay, receipted. m(i) SIR WILLIAM JOHNSON MANUSCRIPTS 323 1766 Aug. 17 Fort Erie 18 Albany 18 Albany 18 Albany 18 Montreal 18 Montreal 18 Montreal 19 Philda. Jehu Hay to Capt. MacLeod, describing his trouble with Mr Crawford, the illness of a Huron chief and a dis pute with Monsieur Fleurimon over trade restrictions. 13:40 John De Berniere to [Sir William Johnson], mentioning the failure of a land speculation and seeking appoint ment as commissary. 41 Thomas Lottridge about the accounts of the late Capt. John Lottridge, his brother. 42 Account of goods bought by Capt. John Lottridge in 1759 and 1760 for the use of the Indians at Oswego. [In closed in no. 42] 43(1) Memorandum of articles bought of Robt. McCoy by Capt. Lottridge for the Indians. [Inclosed in no. 42] 43(2) Capt. John Lottridge in account with Thomas Lottridge for goods purchased in 1759 and 1760. [Inclosed in no. 42] 44(1) John Lottridge's account with Joh's Beeckman, Aug. 20, 1763; attested by Beeckman before John Cuyler, alder man, in Albany. Indorsed with Beeckman's receipt to Thomas Lottridge of March 8, 1765. [Inclosed in no. 42] 44(2) Sir William Johnson's instructions to Capt. John Lot- teradge, given at Oswego, October 14, 1759. [Inclosed in no. 42] 45 Anthony Van Slyck's receipt to Capt. John Lot tridge for i, 6s; given April 2, 1760. [Inclosed in no. 42] 46(1) Capt. John Lottridge's account with Albart Ryckman for goods bought at Oswago in 1760. [Inclosed in no. 42] 46(2) Capt. Lotridge's account with Jno. Fitzgerald for articles bought May 12 and 15, 1760. [Inclosed in no. 42] 46(3) A list of articles supplied to a party of Indians going on service. [Inclosed in no. 42?] 47 Edward Chinn and Joseph Howard to [Sir William John son] on the trade monopoly at Chegotimi. 48 Deposition of Edward Chinn regarding trade abuses at Chegotimi and his dispute with Mr Stuart over the location of a house. Taken before Isaac Todd. [In closed in no. 50] 49 Daniel Claus on a late conference with Indians, influence exercised by priests over Canadian Indians and meas ures to lessen it, Edward Chinn's deposition, trade ad vantages and abuses at Tadoussac, the scarcity of money and uselessness of bills drawn on New York. 50 Account of losses sustained from the Indians by John Welch, deceased; with affirmation of Samuel Wharton, administrator, before William Coxe. 15 1201 324 NEW YORK STATE LIBRARY 1766 Aug. 19 Account of losses sustained by Baynton & Wharton and Philada. Callendar & Spear from the Indians; with affirmation by Samuel Wharton before William Coxe. 15 1203 19 Account of losses sustained from the Indians in 1763 Philadelphia by David Franks, Joseph Symons, Levy Andrew Levy and William Trent. 206 20 [Sir William Johnson] to the Lords of Trade, concerning Johnson Hall the conference with Pondiac, Indian jealousy of en croachments and resentment for murders of which the whites are guilty, the need of established methods for redressing these grievances, the recklessness of popu lar sentiment, violation of trade regulations and the desire of the Six Nations for a boundary between their lands and those of the whites. [Doc. rel, to Col. Hist. N. Y. 7:85i-53] 13:51 21 Lieut. John Garden's account of expenses incurred by Fort Erie Pondiack and the Indians going to the congress at Ontario. 90(2) 22 Baynton, Wharton & Morgan's receipt to George Croghan FortChartres for 113. 1 65 22 [Sir William Johnson] to Sir Henry Moore, mentioning Johnson Hall the journey to Ontario, Sir Henry's late illness and his coming visit to Johnson Hall. 52 24 Capt. Harmen Kneckerbacker and other officers, inform- Halfmoon ing of Col. Isaac Man's attempt to make them take and Schac- commissions in his regiment and avowing their takook preference to serve under Johnson. 53 24 Commissary B. Roberts on the improved honesty of the Niagara Indians about the post. 54 25 Wm. Smith Jun., John Morin Scott and Benjn. Kissam, Albany informing that they have a power of attorney from the Kayadorasseres heirs and offering new terms of settle ment to the Indians. 55 25 Capt. Normand MacLeod to [Sir William Johnson] on Ontario trading affairs at Ontario and the neighborhood of Toronto, dissatisfaction of the Five Nations at trade restrictions. 56 25 Ligonier's receipt to Edward Cole for 300 livres for Fort Chartres services as pilot and voyager. 99(2) 26 Lieut. Aug. Prevost, acknowledging courtesies. 58 Quebec 26 [Sir William Johnson] to Messrs Smith, Scott and Kis- Johnson Hall sam, mentioning the obstacles to a settlement of the Kayaderosseras dispute, particularly the bad faith with which the agreement about the Livingston patent is being carried out, suggesting a mode of settlement and promising cooperation. [13.55] 59 SIR WILLIAM JOHNSON MANUSCRIPTS 325 1766 Aug. 26 Lieut. Jehu Hay about a contention with Maj. Bayard Detroit over Hay's quarters, preparations for trade and offenses against the garrison committed by Puttawattamies of St Joseph. 26 Sir William Johnson's account with Gerardus Duyckinck New York for household and library articles. 26 G. Duyckinck about articles mentioned in no. 61. New York 27 Attorney General J. T. Kempe, considering three ways Albany o f settling the Cayaderosseras dispute [9:250], the claimants' renunciation of claim, act of Assembly and act of Parliament 27 Account of sundries furnished the Mississagas, Sauteaux Montreal anc j Outawas by Mr Pillet. Certified by Daniel Claus and Lieut. Col. Eyre Massy. 28 Capt. Daniel Claus, asking that 100 be sent him in care Montreal o f St John, informing of St John's services and fitness, and of infringements on trade regulations at Michilimc. 28 Baynton, Wharton & Morgan, urging payment of money Philada. advanced to Mr Croghan, quoting Doctor Franklin in support of the Illinois colony project, and discussing Mr Morgan's agreement to take goods to the lower Shawanese town; inclosing a draft by Mr McKee in their favor. 28 Capt. Normand MacLeod, inclosing Mr Hay's letter of Ontario August lj. 28 Gw. Banyar, recommending to Sir William's good offices New York Hugh Frazier, and saying that, a dispute about land between Mr Frazier and Mr Duane having been settled by the Governor as referee, his Excellency desires to assist Mr Frazier in obtaining an interest in an Indian purchase. 28 James M. Meen's and Isaac Williams's receipt for five Fort De dollars each to Edward Cole. Chartres 28 Charles McNamara's receipt to Edward Cole for 18 dol- Fort Chartres lars for pay as interpreter. 28 John Baptist Nodrie's receipt to Edward Cole for 60 Fort Chartres Hvres for the hire of a horse from Fort De Troit. 29 [Sir William Johnson] to Peter Hasenclever about the Johnson Hall l an d purchase which the latter desires to make in the Oneida country, the proposed Detroit company, a late popular disturbance and the effect of frontier crimes against the Indians. 29 [Sir William Johnson] to W. OBrien, mentioning his Johnson Hall desire to assist Mr OBrien in a land purchase, also the satisfactory result of the conference with Pondiac at Ontario. 13:60 61 62 12:2^9 13:64 65 66 67 99(0 100(1) 100(2) 68 69 326 NEW YORK STATE LIBRARY 1766 Aug. 29 Rich'd Winston's receipt to Edward Cole for 150 livres Fort Chartres for a horse furnished two Shawney Indians. 13:101(1) 30 Henry I. Bogert's receipt to William Darlington for New York articles received by him, to be delivered for Sir William Johnson to Dr Samuel Stringer at Albany. 38(2) 30 Peter Hasenclever, commenting on ministerial changes in New Yorck England, the late acts of Parliament for the regulation of trade, and asking assistance to make a purchase from the Onida Indians. 70 30 William Darlington, about an order for goods which he New York nas filled, and some business inclosures. 71 30 Rich'd Winston's receipt to Edward Cole for 160 livres Fort Chartres on account of St Marie. IOI (2) 31 Capt. Normand MacLeod, about movements of French Ontario canoes towards Beccanti, Detroit and Mishilimackina, and Indian expenses contracted at the post. 72 31 Edward Cole, commissary for the Ilinois country, in ac- Fort Chartres count with John Baptist Vodri and Antoine La Fran- boist for sundries 193 livres, 10 sols ; followed by receipt. 102 31 John Baptist Vodri's account against Edward Cole for Fort Chartres serv i ces as interpreter, 250 livres; with Vodri's receipt. 103(1) 31 Account of La Fraboist for services as interpreter Fort Chartres 250 livres; with receipt to Edward Cole. 103(2) Peter Remsen, concerning iron ore sent by Johnson New York to be assayed, also the defects of the potash made by Ruberd's son. 20 Rob't Russel's account for baking done for 53 Indi- tort Erie ans at two coppers per man; receipted. [Date prob ably August 1766] 110(1) Sept. i G. Maturin, notifying that he has paid Robert Adams New York 4271, 155, id York currency for the pay of Johnson and his officers from September 24, 1765, to March 25, 1766, and disbursements on account of the Six Nations, from August 26, 1765, to June 28, 1766. 73 i Maisonville's receipt to Edward Cole for horse hire. 104(2) Fort Chartres i Sir William Johnson's receipt to Gabriel Maturin for New York 1751, 75, nd in full of account of pay for himself and subordinates from September 24, 1765, to March 25, 1766. 26:32 i Sir William Johnson's receipt to Gabriel Maturin for New York 3216, ios, 6d in full of account of disbursements for the Six Nations, also the Canada and western con federacy, together with other expenses from August 26, 1765, to June 28, 1766. Accompanied by the account. 33 SIR WILLIAM JOHNSON MANUSCRIPTS 327 1766 Sept. 2 Instructions from Maj. Robert Rogers to Mr Desriviers Mkhilimak- for an embassy among the Fallesavoines, Puans, Sakis, inac Renards and Scioux : to notify them of Rogers's appoint ment to the command at Michilimackinac, of the friend ship of the English King and the opening of free communication between these nations and the English. [In English and French] 13*74 4 Matthew Wade, sending bill of exchange drawn by Col. Montreal Massy, and asking that payment may be made to Mrs Ann DeVisme of New York, and that Capt. Claus be requested to give Wade the preference in the purchase of goods. 75 6 Francis Wade, concerning Mr Croghan's bill on Johnson, Philada. debtors against whom Wade is authorized to proceed in Johnson's behalf, some articles of silver, goods at Fort Pitt, which are for sale, and excesses of party spirit. 76 8 Hugh Crawford's order in favor of Messrs Henry, Detroit Farrell and Abbott for 138, 45, 8d. Followed by a letter from Robt. Henry relating to the draft and a false complaint made to Mr Hay. 77 8 James Hill Clark, announcing that he has not formed Fort Detroit any partnership with Mr Robins, describing a quarrel between Hugh Crawford and Mr Tims, and mentioning Lieut. Scott and Capt. Turnbull. 78 8 Deed of a house by Thos. Smallman to Edward Cole, Chartres consideration, 600 dollars. 104 9 Capt. Normand MacLeod about the reported hostility Ontario o f the Skequanecks, friendliness of the Conasedagas, intentions of the Onondagas against the Cherokees, and limited accommodations for commissaries and interpreters. 73 10 George Croghan, mentioning a meeting at the Kaskas- Fort Chartres kias, a conference at the fort with the repre sentatives of eight nations, divided into 22 tribes, a peace between the northern and the western nations, a present to the Indians and the writer's illness. 80 10 Baynton, Wharton & Morgan's receipt to George Crog- Fort Chartres han for lIO. 167 10 Sir William Johnson to Daniel Claus, asking that atten- Johnson Hall ti on b e given to the affair of Tadousack, that a re monstrance be made to the Governor against the license taken by traders, giving discretion in the matter of em ploying [St John], mentioning accounts, some presents from Claus, an expected visit from the Governor, his son [Sir John's] visit to Ireland and the death of the Huron orator, Tiatas. 25 :6i 11 St John Rauseau, offering to carry money to Canada. 13:81 Albany 3 28 NEW YORK STATE LIBRARY 1766 Sept. 12 Philada. 12 Michilimack- inac 13 Whitehall 13 Albany Francis Wade, transmitting an account, also Mr Croghan's draft, and mentioning Mr Johnston's note and a draft on Capt. Clawes. 13:82 Capt. F. Spiesmacher to [Sir William Johnson], sending intelligence received from St Joseph, of belts sent by Monsr. St Anges for the purpose of inciting seven Indian nations to enmity against the English, and of the readiness of the warriors about St Joseph to strike the English. 25:62 Shelburne (duplicate), informing that he has laid before the King Johnson's letter respecting the discontent prevailing among the Indians, and that the King relies on Johnson's prudence and his own recent instructions to Gen. Gage and his governors in America to abate frauds and trespasses on the Indians till a plan for the control of such abuses is matured. 63 T. Brown about the instruction of Master Peter and preparations for a meeting between the Governor and some members " of the Fraternity." [Doc. Hist. N. Y. 4:368; Q, 4:233] 13:83 15 [Sir William Johnson] to Gen. Gage on the necessity of Johnson Hall maintaining the trade regulations, medals for the In dians, receipts returned from Mr Maturin, a report on the transactions with Pondiac, and a communication from the Lords of Trade. 84 Gavin Cochrane, describing the reception of Sir John Johnson in England, mentioning the visit of some [Scotland] Mohawks to London and their grievance against Mr Livingston, Cochrane's experience with Indian affairs in South Carolina, and the mania in England for Indian lands. 85 John Wendell, inquiring about land purchased by Abraham Wendell and Hermanns Wendell of Ebenezer Wilson. 133 Francis Wade, mentioning an inclosed letter from John son's brother, recommending a young man from Dublin, asking a remittance and informing that he has named a son after Johnson. 86 [Sir William Johnson] to Baynton, Wharton & Johnson Hall [Morgan], on the necessity of upholding the trade regu lations, accounts and drafts, a letter from the Lords of Trade, the boundary and his success with Pondiac and other western chiefs. 87 William Darlington about a bolting cloth which Alexander Stewart will deliver and a package which Darlington has forwarded by the Duke of Cumberland packet, Capt. John Goodridge. 88 15 Genoch 15 Albany 16 Philada. 16 18 New York SIR WILLIAM JOHNSON MANUSCRIPTS 329 1766 Sept. 18 Alexander Dundas's account of pork furnished the In- Fort Chartres dians ; receipted. 13 : 105 ( I ) 18 Deposition of Daniel Claus, deputy agent to Sir William Johnson, concerning seizure of the peltries of Jean Marie du Charme for violating Gen. Gage's proclama tion touching trade with hostile western nations. 25 -.64 20 An Account of Goods Given and Sent to the Different Indian Nations in the District of Michilimacknai by Robert Rogers Esq. Commandant of the Same &c from August 8th till September 2Oth, 1766. With Rogers's or der to pay the amount, 290, 55, 3d, to Stephen Groes- bick, and Stephen Groesbeck's order to pay Abraham C. Cuyler and Cornelius Glen. 13:89 20 Lieut. Aug. Prevost, asking that a letter to Mr Croghan Quebec may be forwarded. 90(1) 20 Finlay Miller's account of pork furnished the Indians; Fort Chartres receipted. 105(2) 21 Capt. G. Johnson about an inclosed statement of the case Guy Park o f the Mohocks, the Governor's visit to Montreal, the illness of an infant and the flight of a servant. 91 23 Francis Wade, mentioning Col. Eyre Massy's draft and Philada. asking whether one of Massy's drafts will be paid to Mrs Ann De Visme, agreeably to Matthew Wade's request. 92 2 4. Dan'l. Watson's account of milk furnished to sick In- Fort Chartres dians; receipted. 106(1) 24 Lieut. William Baugh's account of goods purchased for Kaskaskias the Indian service. 106(2) 24 Dr William Annesley's bill for medical service to In- Fort Chartres dians from January 12 to date 64. 107 24 Thomas McKee's receipt to Sir William Johnson for pay as assistant Indian agent. 158 24 Extract of a message from Netawetwelaman, head man New Comer's o f the Delaware nation, to the commanding officer at Town Fort pitt, asking that traders be sent to his town and expressing a preference for John Gibson. 25 165 25 Normand MacLeod to [Sir William Johnson] on a Ontario variance between Mr Roberts and the commanding officer, the remissness of the smith at Niagara, other troubles at that post, some Yanky horse dealers, presents to the Messesagas, the birth of a granddaughter to Johnson, Mr Newkirk's claim for articles given to the Indians, a harper expected from Ireland, a report from Detroit that Mr Cole is killed, a charge of the Oswegatchies and Conesedagas against Mr Carundache, Joseph's desire to go down, and the question of passes for Detroit 13 :gj 330 NEW YORK STATE LIBRARY 1766 Sept. 25 Account of Indian expenditures by Edward Cole, corn- Fort Chartres missary 19,608 livres and 10 sols ; followed by Edw. Cole's statement that he has drawn for this amount on Sir William Johnson in favor of Baynton, Wharton & Morgan. [Inclosing nos. 95 to 109, July i to Sep tember 25] 13:94 25 Baynton, Wharton & Morgan's account of goods delivered Fort Chartres to Indians by order of Edward Cole, commissary for Indian affairs at the Illinois ; attested by Col. Jno. Reed. 108(1) 25 Girardot's account for services as Indian interpreter, Fort Chartres w ith receipt to Edward Cole; Geo. Morgan, witness. 108(2) 25 Edward Cole's draft on Sir William Johnson for 1568, Fort Chartres ^5, 7d, New York currency, in favor of Baynton, Wharton & Morgan. 109 Jacques St Martin's receipt to Jehu Hay for 67, 45, pay as interpreter. 112(2) Elleopolle Chesnes's receipt to Jehu Hay for 67, 43, his pay as interpreter. 112(2) Pierre Chesne's receipt to Jehu Hay for 67, 45, his pay as interpreter. 112(3) Ben. James's account of rum, pipes and jew's-harps furnished to Jehu Hay for the Indians. 113(1) Memorandum of number of rations in 14 barrels of pork and 19 barrels of flour, i pound of flour and 12 ounces of pork or 3^ pounds of flour constituting a ration. 113(2) Theophile Lemai's receipt to Jehu Hay for 67, 45, his pay as smith to the different nations of Indians de pending on this post. 114(1) Alexander McKee, saying that trade at that post has been injured by the erecting of a store at the Scioto, and that the Delawares are chagrined at this indulgence to the Shawanese. 114(2) John Meanner's receipt to Alexander McKee, commis sary of trade, for pay as interpreter. 115(1) James Saunders's receipt to Alexander McKee for 29, i2s, for "attending on the Indians." 115(2) Gordon & Parlow's bill to Capt. MacLeod for Indian goods. 116(1) Duncan, Phyn & Ellice's bill to Sir William Jonson for arms and ammunition. 116(2) 30 Peter Hasenclever, saying that he must defer engaging in the Indian trade, that he looks for Johnson's aid in making a purchase from the Onida Indians, that he is advised by George Clock that a purchase has been effected; and mentioning Ruppert's ingratitude to the writer, and that of the ministry to Lord Chatham. 117 25 Detroit 25 Detroit 25 Detroit 25 Detroit 25 Detroit 25 Fort Pitt 25 Fort Pitt 25 Fort Pitt 27 Ontario 29 Schenectady New York SIR WILLIAM JOHNSON MANUSCRIPTS 331 1766 Sept. 30 Baynton, Wharton & Morgan, asking protection against Philada. legal consequences threatened for their act in sending goods to the Shawanese town, at the request of Mr Croghan, and mentioning the low condition of trade. 13:118 Oct. 3 Sir William Johnson in account with Thomas McKee Fort Augusta f or articles delivered to a party of Tuscaroras and to Capt. Henry Montour. 120(1) 3 Same in account with Joseph Nicholson for goods fur- Fort Augusta nished to Tuscaroras. 120(2) 4 [Sir William Johnson] to Gen. Gage informing that Johnson Hall he has effected a purchase from the Oneidas, con taining about 200,000 acres near the north side of the Mohawk river above the German flatts, reserv ing to himself a fifth part; also that the commis saries at the posts are not well supported in their authority by the commanding officers. 121 4 Jos. Spear and other traders, entering complaint and Pittsburgh asking redress against Baynton, Wharton & Morgan for a violation of trade regulations. 25:66 6 J. Pryor to [Sir William Johnson] about slates and New \ork tiles for covering a building, with directions for lay ing. 13:122 8 Sir William Johnson in account with David Vander Heyden ^301, 2s. 123 8 [Sir William Johnson] to Thomas Penn, inclosing a Johnson Hall survey of the Conajoharee tract, mentioning his efforts to settle lands bought from the Dutch inhabitants, his disbursements and gratuitous ser vices for the public interest and intrusting his case to Penn's influence; also mentioning the anxiety of the Indians for a boundary line, and his discourage ment of projects for settlement at Wioming. 124 8 [Sir William Johnson] to the Lords of Trade, report- Johnson Hall i n g on the state of trade at Michilimacanac, machina tions of French traders and the need of confining trade to certain posts; also condemning the claim made to land and exclusive trade at La Baye on the strength of a purchase from Rigaud de Vaudreuille [11:210; 12:24, 55], and showing the impossibility of obtaining justice for Indians before his authority is put on a firm basis. [Doc. rel. to Col. Hist. N. Y. 7:871-73] 125 8 [Sir William Johnson] to Lord Adam Gordon, con- Johnson Hall cerning his land grant, a tract of about 10,000 acres which Gordon can obtain in a recent grant near the German flatts [13:12^, the satisfactory meeting with Pondiac, crimes committed by frontier inhabitants, and French intrigues for the control of trade. 126 332 NEW YORK STATE LIBRARY 1766 Oct. 10 Theophilus Chamberlain to Rev. Mr Brown, asking Onowadagegh confirmation or denial of a report that Mr Brown lately christened at Johnson Hall several children who had been baptized by Presbyterian missionaries, declaring the necessity of presenting to the Indians an appearance of Christian unity, and saying that this report gives much uneasiness to the Rev. Mr Kirtland as well as himself. [Doc. Hist. N. Y. 4:368- 70; Q, 4:2.33-34] 13:127 10 Sir William Johnson's receipt to Maj. Gen. Thomas New York Gage for 1289, *4s, 3<1 sterling in bills of exchange drawn in favor of Thomas Lawrence, Junr on his Majesty's treasury. 26:34 11 John Duncan about the Grenadiers, new militia regula- Schenectady tions, and his intention to settle his difference with Mr Klock by accepting the arbitration of Isaac Vrooman, John Vansice and Mr Gansevoort. 13:128 ii [John Duncan's] memorandum of a plan for maintain- [Schenectady] i n g the strength of the Grenadiers by drafting from the battalion companies. [Inclosed in no. 128] 129 11 Shelburne [duplicate], ordering an examination of the Whitehall grievances of the Wappinger and Stockbridge tribes. 25 :6; 12 Disbursements on account of Indians in Sir William Johnson Hall Johnson's department from July to October, 1766 3120, us, lod. 26:35 12 Account of pay due to Sir William Johnson and his Johnson Hall subordinates. 36 13 Alexander Colden, informing that he has deputed Hen- New York drick Fry and Christopher Yates to run the bounds of the tracts purchased from the Indians on the north and the south side of the Mohawk, inclosing bond to be executed and oath to be taken by these officers, asking that Fry continue Vrooman's line be tween the two Canada creeks, and sending an assur ance to the Indians that no surveys will be made without his written orders. 13:130 13 Dr Richard Shuckburgh to [Sir William Johnson], Albany announcing the marriage of his daughter to Lieut. Stewart and mentioning the arrival of Capt. Mon- tresor, the appointment of a Presbyterian minister as surrogate of the bishop's court and Mr Aylmer's intention to advise with Johnson on the location of his land grant. I3 1 13 Capt. Normand MacLeod to [Sir William Johnson], Ontario concerning Mr Crawford, an expected visit from the chief men of the Onondagas, the story of the old Conosedaga chief about the Skequanecks, Mr New- SIR WILLIAM JOHNSON MANUSCRIPTS 333 16 Montreal 1766 kerk's incivility and the habits of an Onondaga orator. 13:132 Oct. 14 Indenture, made July 30, 1766, in Dublin, binding Joniont hall Andrew Hanlon in service to James Doyle; assigned to William Thompson, September 26, 1766; assigned to Sir William Johnson. 17 15 Daniel Claus's instruction to St John Russeau, in- [Montreal?] terpreter to the western nations, to proceed to cer tain Indian tribes and inform them of the restriction of trade to designated posts and of the appointment of a new governor for [Canada]; with a pass to Russeau and wife and child. [Instructions in both English and French] 25:68 Daniel Claus, condoling on the death of Admiral Tyrell, asking payment of a bill in favor of Beach & Simpson, New York, in consideration of a loan made by Mr Wade, and mentioning complaints of the merchants about trade restriction, Mr Grant's claim to La Bay, Maj. Rogers's liberality toward traders at Michilimakinac, and that of Gov. Carleton in his province. 13:134 Cornelius Duane, begging the favor of a letter to Lady Warren and others in behalf of his brother, an old officer of the navy, whose rank is below his deserts. 142 Peter Hasenclever, expressing gratitude for the al lowance of a share in the 200,000 acre purchase on the north side of the Mohawk [13:121], indicating its desired location, declaring a purpose to promote the settlement of the Mohawk country, asking intro duction to members of the ministry, mentioning an invalid deed obtained by George Klock from the Onida Indians, and commending Fred Weissenfels to regard. 135 Duncan, Phyn & Ellice, inquiring whether they shall Schenectady pay a note drawn by Hugh Crawfford and transmitted by one Gordon at Ontario. 136 25 L. Perthuis, expressing thanks for favor and mention ing the unprofitableness of his business ventures, particularly an investment in ginseng. [In French] 13'; Rob't Leake, thanking Johnson for including him among the purchasers of land from the Oneidas. 138 Tho. Mcllworth, mentioning the illness of his wife and his reduced circumstances and asking introduc tions to people in the south, and also Johnson's sup port that he may retain the clerkship of the borough of Schenectady, from which Harry Glen wishes to oust him. 15* 20 New York 22 New York 24 Montreal 26 New York 26 New York 334 NEW YORK STATE LIBRARY 1766 Oct. 30 New York 31 Ontario Nov. 2 New York 4 Montreal 4 New York Sir William Johnson's receipt to Gabriel Maturin for pay of himself and officers. 26:37 Normand MacLeod's draft on Duncan, Phyn & Ellice in favor of Edward Pollard for 137, 175, 2d. [Inclosed with 15:3(1)] 15:3(2) Tho's Bowden, advising that he has taken up the bill drawn on him by Johnson in favor of Robert Adems for the purchase of Col. Vaughan's land. I3-'I44 Power of attorney to John Stenhouse, given by Fran- gois Cazeau, for collecting all moneys due from Lieut. Col. John Broadstreet and other persons within the province of New York; witnessed by Wm. McCarty and Ja's Finlay. Followed by an invoice of sundries taken out of his Majesty's store at Oswego, August 27, 1763, by order of Broadstreet, being the property of Frangois Cazeau and Joseph Du Charme; with deposition of Cazeau before Isaac Todd. 145 William Darlington, about a transaction with Mr Adams, displeasure which he fears he may have given to Sir William, and an account transmitted. 146 Account of expenses incurred by Hugh Crawfford in a journey undertaken by him by order of George Croghan to bring Pondiack and other western Indians to meet Sir William Johnson at Fort On tario, and in the return journey to Detroit 262, 6s, 2d. 148 Sir William Johnson in account with William Dar lington '585, us. 150 George Croghan in account with Henery, Farrell & Abbott 81, I2s. 149 Ensign Chas. Morris, i7th regiment, asking appoint ment to a post at Michilimaquinac, mentioning his knowledge of French, and acquaintance with the French and Indian inhabitants. 151 William Baker, accounting for sales of consolidated bank annuities made in order to pay drafts to Capt. Warren Johnson, Capt. Daniel Claus, Lieut. Guy Johnson and Sir John Johnson; with comments on the Stamp Act and ensuing riots. 25:69 8 Sir William Johnson to Alexander Colden, about Johnson Hall deputy surveyors, the status in England of John son's land grant, and Indian complaints, with the request that a map be made of the patents from Albany westward to Fort Bull. 13:152 4 New York Tienderoga Lond. SIR WILLIAM JOHNSON MANUSCRIPTS 335 1766 Nov. 8 I. Sir William Johnson] to Lieut. Gov. Golden on Sir Johnson Hall Henry Moore's purchase from the Oneidas, griev ances of the Oneidas and the Mohocks, the Kaya- derosseras, the plan before the Lords of Trade for settling Indian affairs, and future correspondence. 13:153 10 Theophylact Bache and Sampson Simson inquiring as New York to payment of Capt. Daniel Claus's bill for 50. 15 j 10 Thompson & Alexander, asking payment for four New tfork pipes of " Maderia " wine. 155 12 Andrew Rentch, regarding a certificate from Maj. Philada. Henry Gladwin, for 102, 73, 6d, to Abraham Jones, which was assigned to Peter Smith, and afterwards to Rentch, and has not been paid. 156 13 Felix Sicard's receipt to George Croghan for 87 dollars New Orleans for the board and lodging of Croghan and servants. 157 14 Richard Winston's account of losses by the Indian Fort Chartres war i n ^63; sworn to before Col. Jno. Reed, 34th regiment. 15:210 15 Sir William Johnson to Alexander Colden, regarding Johnson Hall a survey which will run from the southwest corner of Cosby's Manor. 13:206 15 Hendrick Prey's account for completing the survey of Canajoharry the Canada Creek patent; receipted January 29, 1768. 170 15 " The humble Petition of his Majesty's most loyal & Lyme dutiful Subjects, ye poor, distressed Indians of Ne- hantick in ye Tow [n] ship of New-London & Colony of Connecticut in New England in North America," showing their loyalty to British interests, the tres passes of the whites and the failure of the courts to grant redress. 25 70 18 Daniel Campbell to [Sir William Johnson] about his Schenectady return journey from Detroit, and a draft drawn by Mr Hay for 436, 125, pd. 13:171 19 John Wetherhead, asking to be employed as John- New York son's business agent in New York, to succeed Mr Darlington. 172 20 [Sir William Johnson] to Lieut. Col. Massy on a letter Johnson Hall received through Capt. Claus, acquaintance with Gen. Carleton, the visit of Sir William's son to Lon don, interests which keep Sir William at home, and Mr Antle. 173 20 Extract from the minutts of the commissioners for Christiana running the division lines between Pennsylvania and Bridge Maryland; containing a provision that Sir William Johnson be requested to obtain the consent of the Indians to drawing a line west of the Allegany moun tains. 174 20 Copy of no. 174. X 75 336 NEW YORK STATE LIBRARY 1766 Nov. 22 Capt. William Howard, regarding goods seized, be- New York longing to persons seeking to trade without passes. 13:176(1) 22 John Glen Jun'r, concerning Jacobus Teller's commis- Schonectady s i O n as quartermaster. 177 24 Alexander Golden, regarding a map which he will have New York made and a survey which he can not change unless the deed is changed. 178 24 William Thompson's assignment to Sir William John- Kings son as security for money received. 179 Borough 24 Gw. Banyar, regarding Mr Clarke's lots in Sachen- NewYork dage, and lands there belonging to Henry Holland. 180 26 Draper S'n Wood on inclosed vouchers for provisions Albany sen |- to Oswego for the congress with Pondiac. 181 27 James Phyn, with regard to articles to be forwarded Schenectady by Mr Van Eps and a project for buying and set tling a tract of 10,000 acres. 182 27 Sir William Johnson's account with Duncan, Phyn & Schenectady Ellice 26, 175, pd. 183 30 Mark Feely, to say that he is engaged as clerk and New York manager by John W. Smith, lawyer, and that he can send Johnson two blacksmiths, lately arrived from Armagh. 185 Dec. i Robert Leake, discussing difficulties which beset New York claims for lands introduced for himself and his deputies. 186 i William Darlington, inclosing copy of letter of Novem- New York her 4, describing a business difficulty in which he has been placed by the rumor that he has lost the favor of Sir William and asking a remittance for the amount due him. 147 i Account of losses sustained from Indians by Ed- Cumberland mond Moran & Co. in 1763, with deposition be- county f ore Andrew Colhoun and certificate by Harm's Alricks, showing Colhoun to be a justice. 15 1207 4 John Brown and others, thanking for interest in their Schenectady church and informing that their petition has met with a favorable reception from the council and that a charter will shortly be granted. [Doc. Hist. N. Y. 4:371; Q, 4:234] 13:187 5 Duncan, Phyn & Ellice, informing that 14 skins have Schenectady been sent to Mr Van Eps, to be forwarded by him. 188 6 Rich'd McNeall to Is. Todd, complaining that Commissary Detroit Hay, with the support of the commandant, favors French at the expense of English traders. [Inclosed with 14:56] 189 7 John Christie, to say that the Indians are quiet, the Detroit garrison has been sickly, and eight persons have been drowned in Lake Erie. 190 SIR WILLIAM JOHNSON MANUSCRIPTS 337 1766 Dec. 7 Draper S'n Wood, making a return of provisions at Albany Albany and Schenectady. 13:191 8 Thompson & Alexander, asking payment by a sight New York draft on New York. 192 8 Gw. Banyar, concerning H. Holland's Sachendage [New York] lands, employment for a lad, Sir Harry's variance with the Assembly over the local magistrates and their jurisdiction, and a land purchase north of the Kayaderosseras. 193 Hugh Wallace, about a vessel loading for Ireland, an investment in land, lowered exchange, prices of wheat (6s, 6d a bushel), flaxseed and potash and Polish, and Russian competition. 194 Capt. Normand MacLeod to [Sir William Johnson], regarding a servant bought by Mr Adams for Johnson, who has gone into the army, engrav ing which is in charge, and forms for reports to be made from the different posts. 195 William Darlington about silver articles for Indians and an account transmitted earlier. 196 ii [Sir William Johnson] to [John] Wetherhead, in re- Johnson Hall sponse to his offer to manage Sir William's New York business. 197(1) John Wetherhead about a letter which he forwards at the request of Mr Cooper 197(2) 'Wm. Benson, secretary, to [Sir William Johnson], invit ing attendance of the " brethren at Johnson Hall " at the celebration at the feast of St John by Union Lodge of Albany. 25 72 15 Robert Leake, advising that provisions be obtained New York f rO m Fort Stanwix and Schenectady. 13:199 16 [Sir William Johnson] to Lieut. Gov. Fauquiere, say- Johnson Hall jng that he will endeavor to obtain the release of a Cherokee held by the Senecas, but the task is one of difficulty. 198 16 [Sir William Johnson] to the Earl of Shelburne, prin- Johnson Hall c ipal secretary of state, on opposition to his author ity, the difficulty of righting Indian wrongs, the grant made to him in 1760 by an Indian nation, the devices of Frenchmen to defeat trade regulations and recover influence with the Indians, the loyalty of Pondiac to his engagements, the immigration of 160 Tuscororas from North Carolina and frontier outrages against the Indians. [Doc. rel. to Col. Hist. N. Y. 7:880-83] 200 26 [Sir William Johnson] to [John] Wetherhead, prom- Johnson Hall ising assistance to defeat the schemes of Schermer- horn and to forward Wetherhead's interest with the Mohawks. 201 8 New York 8 New York New York [12] New York 12 Albany 338 NEW YORK STATE LIBRARY 28 Albany 28 28 New York 28 New York 1766 Dec. 26 [Sir William Johnson] to Attorney General J. T. Johnson Hall Kempe, assuring of all proper assistance in obtain ing a land grant and informing of royal instructions to the governors and generals for the prevention of wrongs against the Indians [25:63], and a proclama tion to the same effect issued by the governor of Pensilvania. 25 173 27 Peter Vergereau about the conduct of Ackerson, a New York purchase from the Indians and the distance of a mine from Break a Been, Scohare or Cobus Kill. 74 P. Silvester, informing that he proposes to have writs of inquiry executed to assess the damages in John son's suits against John Wasson and Arie Sante Newkerk, in which he has obtained ' interlocutory judgments. 13:202 Duplicate of no. 202. 203 Capt. Normand MacLeod, mentioning the governor's injustice in land affairs, the enlisting of Johnson's servant and his own intention of proposing to the deputy secretary of state for American affairs that a commissary general for the Indian department be created. 204 Baynton, Wharton & Morgan, considering vouchers and accounts, trade at the Shawanese town, Mr Croghan's arrival at New Orleans, French intrigue, with Spanish connivance, against British interests, a treaty obtained by Col. Cressap from 40 Six Nation warriors, with a deed to land about Green Brier on the Ohio, compensation for traders' losses by the Indians, a method for securing it, and the execution in Sussex county, N. J., of the murderer of an Oneida Indian. 205 29 Theophilus Chamberlain to [Sir William Johnson], Conajohare explaining his letter of October 10 to the Rev. Mr Brown concerning rebaptism ; deprecating Mr Brown's action in making his letter known. [Doc. Hist. N. Y. 4:371-72; Q, 4:235] 143 A list of losses by Indian depredations incurred by traders in 1763, who have petitioned Sir William John son to demand satisfaction from the Six Nations ; signed, William Trent, attorney. 15:199 Memorial of Fowler Walker (copy), representing the English and French of Montreal, to the Lords of Trade, touching trade regulations established by the commander at Michilimackinac [Capt. Howard] and the monopoly which certain traders claim in virtue of a pretended assignment by Monsieur Rigaud de Vaudreuil, late Gov ernor of Montreal, of lands west of Lake Michigan. [No date, probably 1766] 11:210 SIR WILLIAM JOHNSON MANUSCRIPTS 339 1766 Account of necessary expenses for one year at Niagara 140. [In English and French; no date, probably 1766] 13:35 Petition of the inhabitants of Noble Town to Sir Wil- Noble Town H am Johnson, regarding outrageous treatment suffered from Col. John Van Ransler, through his determina tion to eject them from their homes; begging John son's interposition. 39 Capt. Murray to Lieut. Gov. Fauquier (extract), con cerning a Cherokee prisoner in the hands of Senecas. [Probably inclosed with Lieut. Gov. Fauquier's letter of November i6th, not found, but mentioned by Sir William Johnson in 13:198] 119 Joseph Tracy's remarks respecting the Mohigan dis pute in Connecticut [10:200; 25:5], a bribe offered him by that colony and a fort built at Seabrook by Lords Say and Brook. [No date, probably 1766] 25 171 1767 Jan. i Jaques St Martin's receipt to Jehu Hay for 15, Detroit 125, 8d paid for steel and Indian axes. 14:111 2 Sir William Johnson to Gen. Gage, regarding the Johnson Hall burning of a vessel at Navy island near Niagara, the sickness of Mr Croghan and the garrison at the Ilinois, arrival of the former at N. Orleans, a treaty entered into there with eight nations, letters from Lord Shelburne on Indian grievances and secret artifices of the French. [Doc. Hist. N. Y. 2:831-32; Q, 2:483-84] i 3 [Sir William Johnson] to Capt. Gavin Cochrane, "to Johnson Hall the care of George Ross, Esqr., Conduit street, Lon don," thanking for civilities to his son, explaining that the Indians lately in England were Mohegans of Connecticut, and tribes east of Hudsons River, the latter of whom are concerned in a tract comprehended in Col. Philips's patent near N. York [25:67; 14:19], mentioning French intrigues and Mr Croghan's negotia tions at the Ilinois, and discussing the purchase of Indian lands in the province. 3 3 An account for postage, tea etc. [Fragment] 25:75 [5] [Sir William Johnson] to Mr Silvester, concerning Johnson Hall a letter of incendiary and slanderous character, on which it will be proper to institute legal proceed ings. 14:2 6 William Darlington, thanking for a remittance and plead- New York ing for a continuance of business relations on which he relies for support. 4 34 NEW YORK STATE LIBRARY 1767 Jan. 7 P. Silvester to [Sir William Johnson], discussing means Albany o f proceeding against the author of a libelous paper, the disadvantage of a prosecution and the propriety of obtaining a recantation before witnesses. 14:5 The humble address of William Cunningham asking assistance to get a discharge from the regiment. 6 7 Sir William Johnson's answer to a petition from traders Johnson Hall w ho have advanced goods to Maj. Rogers, at Michili- mackinac, in the expectation of exorbitant prices. 7 8 Lieut. Allan Grant to [Sir Willam Johnson] about the Ontario want of an interpreter and some stolen weapons. 8 10 James Phyn to Sir William Johnson, announcing a dis- Schenectady solution of partnership in the firm of Duncan, Phyn & Ellice, Mr Ellice's readiness to fill any orders and Mr Phyn's purpose to cross the Atlantic and return the following summer. 9 11 John Wetherhead, regarding an order of council granting New York to Bradstreet and others leave to purchase land in cluded in an application already made by Wetherhead ; with compliments and mention of Indian goods which he can supply. 10 11 Jains Batite Bodens's receipt to Jehu Hay for pay for 17 Detroit barrels of coals for the Indian smith. 113 12 Gw. Banyar, informing of the memorial preferred to New York the Governor by Daniel Nimham, chief of the tribe of Wappinger, and of the order of council appointing March 5 next for a hearing. n 12 George Croghan to Gen. Gage [copy], concerning the New York easiest manner of victualing the garrison at Fort Chartres, the necessity of cash transactions with the French farmers and the advisability of depending on those people for supplies rather than New Orleans, Pensacola, Mobile or Fort Pitt. 12 12 Sampson Simson, transmitting copy and asking payment New York o f Commissary B. Roberts's draft on Sir William in favor of Edward Pollard, dated November 13, 1766. 13:169 15 Pieter Dobson's receipt to George Croghan for 48 for New York transportation of Croghan and others from New Orleans. 168 15 [Sir William Johnson] to William OBrien, concerning Johnson Hall the share which OBrien can have in the recent [Oneida] land purchase, the intention of the shareholders to plant settlements and his willingness to assist OBrien in making a purchase. 14:13 SIR WILLIAM JOHNSON MANUSCRIPTS 341 1767 15 [Sir William Johnson] to Thomas Penn, promising to Johnson Hall seek the consent of the Six Nations to running the west boundary line of Pennsylvania over the Allegany moun tains [13:174] and estimating the expense, also men-, tioning the uneasiness of the Indians over the delay in establishing a line, Mr Croghan's good fortune with the western nations, Johnson's claim, now before the King, regarding land, rank, expenses and losses and his thought of proposing to the Lords of Trade the ap pointment of a commissary general and the selection of his son for the office. 14:14 15 [Sir William Johnson] to Gen. Gage, mentioning Mr Cro- Johnson Hall ghan's arrival at Philadelphia, money to be sent up from New York, French intrigues in West Florida, at Detroit, about Wabache and the Miamis and at Misere, names of French traders who defy the regula tions, a court of inquiry at Detroit concerning frauds practised by one Abbot, a trader, differences between commanding officers and commissaries at the posts and the need of military support for the commissaries, and the importance of Michilimackinac. [Doc. Hist. N. Y. 2:833-35; Q, 2:484-85] 15 15 [Sir William Johnson] to Sir H. Moore about Mr Johnson Hall OBrien's failure to make a purchase on the Connecticut river, the difficulty of obliging Lord Holland in a land grant, Johnson's desire to oblige him, the desire of the Indians of Conajoharee for redress in the matter of the trespass of Cobus Maybe and the encroachments of George Klock, and the commands of the Earl of Shel- burne for the righting of Indian wrongs. [25:63] 16 15 [Sir William Johnson] to Gov. Penn on the robbing of the Johnson Hall Tuscaroras in their passage through Pennsylvania and delays in establishing a general boundary between colonies and Indians; saying that the lowest cost of assembling the chiefs of the Six Nations to permit the running of a line [west of the Alleghenies] [13:174] will be 500. 17 15 [Sir William Johnson] to the Earl of Shelburne on the Johnson Hall situation and complaints of the Stockbridge and Wap- pinger Indians, the obstacles to redress, Mr Croghan's diplomatic victory at the Ilinois, troubles to be feared from French agents and dishonest traders, means of in suring tranquillity and the necessity of strengthening Johnson's department. [Doc. rel. to Col. Hist. N. Y. 7:891-94] 19 16 Capt. G. Maturin, advising that Capt. Stevenson, of the New York 2 8th, has in charge 1776, 45 for Johnson, which he will carry as far as Albany, 20 342 NEW YORK STATE LIBRARY 1767 Jrm. 17 George Croghan, speaking of ill health, an inclosed report, New York his intention of resigning because of ill treatment by Gen. Gage, and war dresses and specimens of the man drake plant which he has obtained. 14:21 17 Daniel Claus, commending Thayayake, from Caghna- Wms. burg wago, who aspires to a commission as a lieutenant under Asarigoa, and mentioning the state of the roads from the Germ'n flatts. 25 76 19 Capt. Normand MacLeod to [Sir William Johnson] about servants who have entered the army, Col. Croughcan's health and Guy's method of making reports. 14:22 19 Gen. Thomas Gage, regarding the burning of a sloop New York near Niagara, the worth to England of the Mississippi trade, Mr Croghan's expenses and money sent in care of Capt. Stevenson. [Doc. Hist. N. Y. 2. :835~36 ; Q, 2 1485- 86] 23 19 John Wetherhead, concerning the Attorney General's New York an( i his own petition for redress in land affairs, the serv ices Captains Butler and Claus can render them with the Indians, and the Governor's attitude. 24 20 Lieut. Col. Eyre Massy to [Sir William Johnson], men- Montreal tibning the expected arrival of Gen. Carleton, the com ing trial of St Luke Le Corne, Captains Campbell, Eraser, Disney, Lieut. Evans and Mr Howard for the Walker affair [10:12, 72], a message from Cockna- waga, party disputes in the province, Mr Antle at Quebec, Johnson's two nephews, the question of having a garrison at Michilamackanak, wheat speculation and the excessive severity of the winter. 25 ; [Sir William Johnson] to Lieut. Gov. Guy Carleton of Johnson Hall Quebec, discussing the complaints of the Indians, their causes, the arts and misrepresentations of the French, mistakes of the English policy, the Indians' power, Johnson's former representations on these heads, causes of the late Indian war, crimes against the Indians in the provinces to southward, the interest of Canada in the Indian trade, the former status and present behavior of the French traders, offenses against the regulations offered by Canadian traders and their opposition to Mr Croghan at the Ilinois. 26 24 Sir William Johnson's account for postage with Duncan, Schenectady Phyn & Ellice. 27 25 Gen. Gage, concerning Mr Croghan's departure for Phila- New York delphia, Mr Wharton's receipt, the slight value of the Mississippi trade and the Ilinois country to Great Britain, the necessity of military support for trade regu lations, disputes between commanding officers and com missaries, the consequences of Michillimakinak, trad- SIR WILLIAM JOHNSON MANUSCRIPTS 343 1767 ers' passes and the balance of Johnson's account. [Doc. Hist. N. Y. 2:836-37; Q, 2:486-87] 14:28 Jan. 26 William OBrien to [Sir William Johnson], regarding his New York hopes from Sir Henry Moore's and Mr Schyler's surrender of land, Lord Holland's disappointment, Sir H. Moore's opposition to OBrien's interest and the writer's hopes from Sir William's friendship. 29 27 Sir William Johnson's receipt for 3120, us, lod re- New York ceived of Gabriel Maturin. 26:38 27 Sir William Johnson's account with the Crown. 14:34 [New York] 28 Capt. Robert Noble to [Sir William Johnson], seeking Great advice in the matter of buying from the Indians a Harrington tract now claimed by Mr Ranslear and referring to Mr Bostwick. 30 28 Robert Leake, saying that he has advised Mr Byrne New York to obtain the Governor's " approbation and grant of a warrant of survey for land " and explaining why so few provisions have been sent up to Albany. 31 28 George Croghan, concerning delays which prevent New York his waiting on Johnson, his reasons for resigning, his regard for Johnson and Mr Abbot's account against the Indian department. 32 28 Capt. G. Maturin, informing that Mr Burns will de- New York lj ver the sum of ^766, is, 7d, New York currency. [Doc. Hist. N. Y. 2:838; Q, 2:487] 33 28 Will'm Johnston, explaining the circumstances of a Corrysbrook marriage ceremony which he has performed contrary to Johnson's pleasure. 25:77 29 [Sir William Johnson] to Gen. Gage, mentioning Mr Johnson Hall Croghan's desire to resign, his own high opinion of Croghan, means of diverting the Missisipi and west Florida trade from N. Orleans, letters from Capt. Maturin and Capt. Stevenson, the Indian deputies who accompanied Croghan to the Ilinois and merit a reward. [Doc. Hist. N. Y. 2:838-40; Q, 2:487-88] 14:35 29 [Sir William Johnson] to James Phyn, concerning Johnson Hall the dissolution of the partnership of Duncan, Phyn & Ellice. 36 29 Capt. Normand MacLeod about work in the en- New York graver's hands, the [enlisted] servant, a journey to Philadelphia and the offer of a post at Niagara. 37 29 [Sir William Johnson] to Lieut. Gov. Sharpe, of Mary- Johnson Hall land, concerning the divisional lines between that province and Pennsylvania and the expense of ob taining the Six Nations' consent [13:174]. 38 344 NEW YORK STATE LIBRARY 1767 Jan. 29 [Sir William Johnson] to Lieut. Col. Vaughan, congratu- Johnson Hail lating on the completion of a land affair, promising to obtain a survey in the spring and mentioning Mr Cro- ghan's treaty with 12 nations in the Ilinois country and an expected congress with Pondiac and other western chiefs. 14 :39 30 Rev. T. Brown, mentioning an attempt to collect money Albany i n the Mohawk country for the church at Great Bar- rington, asking consent to go to Barrington for one Sunday and suggesting that Master Peter return to his studies. [Doc. Hist. N. Y. 4:373; Q, 4:235] 40 31 Johannes Lawyer, suggesting that a line be run from two Schoharry miles below Albany to Cohose, and offering to survey the new patent. 41 Feb. i lulien Freton's receipt to Jehu Hay for pay for 24 bar- Detroit rels of coals. 114 2 Maj. Robert Rogers's account of Indian disbursements and Michiiimak- order to pay 429, 135, 6d, New York currency, to anac Stephen Groesbeck. 42 2 Henry Holland proposing his son in law, Winter Fargie, New York as Col. Croghan's successor. 43 4 [Sir William Johnson] to Matthew Robinson, attorney, Johnson Hall So. Kingston, R. I., considering the quarrel between the Narraganset Indians and Thomas Ninegrett. 25:78 8 Gen. Gage, mentioning Mr Croghan's desire to quit the New York service, suggesting that the only means to cut off the French Mississippi trade is to stop traffic on the Ohio, Ilinois and Ouisconsin rivers and considering the Indians' aversion to the regulation which confines trade to the posts. [Doc. Hist. N. Y. 2:840-41; Q, 488-89] 14:44 9 Hendrkk Frey, saying that he has examined Frans. Rup- Canajoharry pe rt touching his contract with Peter Remsen to deliver a quantity of potash at Albany; and giving Ruppert's testimony regarding his relations with Remsen and Mr Hassenclaver. 45 10 Robert Leake, regarding the need of army provisions at New York Albany, Mr Banyar's marriage to Mrs Appy and the difficulty of obtaining lands in competition with people who have the influence of the council and gentlemen of the gown. 46 11 John Wetherhead, expressing gratification that he and his New York friends are preferred by the Indians in a land purchase and mentioning the Annual Register and some jewels which he sends ; also inclosing Myer Myers's bill. 47 13 Matthew Robinson, declaring the hopes of the Narra- South ganset tribe that Johnson's influence will stop the Kingston waste of their lands by their sachem, and describing R- ! the sachem's pecuniary circumstances. SIR WILLIAM JOHNSON MANUSCRIPTS 345 1767 Feb. 14 [Sir William Johnson] to Sir H. Moore, concerning a Johnson Hall proclamation relative to the Indian trade of the prov ince, proceedings for the eviction of a trespasser on the Indian lands at Conajoharee, the qualifications of Mr Croghan, the intention of Mr Hanna, the dissenting clergymen at Albany, to practise law, the advisability of allowing traders' passes to be issued by the mayor of Albany and the refusal of George Klock to join in releasing a part of the Livingston patent at Conajo haree. Testimony of Jonathan Coburn and John Davis, also of a Delaware Indian concerning the killing of a Delaware, Captain Peters, by John Ryan ; a conciliatory address to the Delawares by Capt. William Murray ; and Murray's proclamation to settlers to remove from the Indian country of Redstone creek and Cheat river. Robert Leake to [Sir William Johnson], informing of a proposed commercial route between Otronta, on Lake Ontario, and Lake Huron, and the political situation in England. Hugh Wallace, mentioning ministerial changes, opposi tion to Lord Chatham, the retirement of Lord Hills- borough from the Board of Trade, scarcity of provisions in Europe, the writer's desire to invest in lands, and John Anderson, who lives on the St Johns river near the Nova Scotia Indians. Gen. Thomas Gage, introducing Maj. Gorham, appointed superintendent of Indian affairs in Accadie, and saying that Maj. Gorham will be subject to Johnson. [Doc. Hist. N. Y. 2 1841 ; Q, 2 1489] Thos. Shipboy about scarlet cloth, gold lace and gold thread. Thos. Shipboy's bill to Sir William Johnson for scarlet cloth and trimmings. John Watts, recommending Maj. Gorham. 15 Fort Pitt 16 New York 17 New York 17 New York 17 Albany 17 Albany 18 New York 18 Stoneraby 20 Montreal 20 Montreal [Sir William Johnson] to Capts. Butler & Fry, transmit ting the Governor's orders for the removal of Cobus Maybe and family from Indian lands where he lives in contempt of his Majesty's proclamation. Lieut. Col. Eyre Massy, speaking favorably of Mr Tod and Mr McNeal. Same, inquiring in behalf of the merchants if their causes are to be tried at Montreal or Michilamack- anak, and mentioning a visit from the Cauckna- wagaws, the Walker affair [10:12, 72], Mr Howard's embarrassment, severity of the season and a tragic affair at Pt Chegotine. 14:48 70 49 53 54 55 57 346 NEW YORK STATE LIBRARY 1767 Feb. 20 David Edgar's bill for 93 steel traps bought by Robert Albany Adems for Sir William Johnson. Followed by the receipt of Jack, John B. Van Eps's negro, for the traps. 14:58 20 Dan'l Steel, for David Edgar, sending invoice of 93 steel Albany traps, with an accompanying receipt. 59 20 Petition of the Albany traders, that regulations, violated Alba-iy by the opening of trade at Toronto and the Raplings, may be enforced. 25 :8o 21 Samuel Niles and John Shaddick, in behalf of the [Narra- Charlestown ganset] tribe, beseeching aid in securing measures to restrain the sachem from selling the tribal lands. 81 Ninegrett's grant (copy) to the Governor and company of her Majesty's colony of Rhode Island of all the vacant lands within its jurisdiction, with the exception of cer tain lands described, which he will not dispose of with out the government's consent. Dated March 28, 1709. [Inclosed with 25:81] 82 21 Gerret Van Sante June'r, giving amounts of provisions Albany sen t, by barrels and rations. 14:60 22 George Croghan, stating the losses which he has incurred Philadelphia for the Crown since 1757 through the failure of Gen. Gage and Sir Jeffery Amherst to reimburse him for necessary expenses, also complaining of the attacks of traders on his reputation and inclosing an account of losses and recent expenses. 61 George Croghan's account (copy) of expenses incurred for the Crown in his journey to the Ilinois. 62 23 George Croghan, regarding the losses and injuries stated Phill. i n his letter of February 22, the inclosed account, and his opinion of Gen. Gage. 63 23 Robert Leake, regarding the refusal of Lieut. Aylmer, at New York Fort Stanwix, to deliver pork and flour to Johnson's order and the extraordinary consumption of pork at that fort. 6.1 23 Matt Graves, interceding for the Indians of Narraganset New London an( i Nahantick, who are robbed by their " scandalous sachem" and are too ignorant to avail themselves of the means of legal redress. 25 :83 24 Francis Wade, concerning his interest in the Fort Pitt Philada. trade, sums due to him, drafts about which he has written to Heny White, of New York, and his want of favor with Mr Croghan. I4 : &5 24 [Sir William Johnson] to Sir Henry Moore, saying that Johnson Hall the state of his health prevents his hearing the com plaint of the Wappingers March 5, but that Deputy Agent Johnson will represent him. 66 SIR WILLIAM JOHNSON MANUSCRIPTS 347 1767 Feb. 24 [Sir William Johnson] to Gen. Gage, saying that Capt. Johnson Hall Johnson, who goes to New York to attend the hearing of the affair of the Wappingers, will confer with Gage about the Indian deputies that accompanied Mr Croghan, that the Indians have been prompted by traders to demand general freedom of trade, and that he concurs in the view that the Mississipi trade can be gained only by establishing posts at the mouths of the principal tributaries. [Doc. Hist. N. Y. 2:842; Q, 2:489] 14:67 24 Alexander McKee to George Croghan, concerning viola- Fort Pitt tions of the trade restrictions and a murder and a robbery of which Indians were the victims. 69 25 [Sir William Johnson] to John Watts about Maj. Gor- Johnson Hall ham, the hearing on the affair of the Wappingers and a desired visit. 68 27 Ro. Picken to [Sir William Johnson], reporting on the Schenectady progress of Master Peter in spelling, reading, punctua tion and grammar, and recommending Alexr. Cruck- shanks as a gardener. 72 Mar. 6 [Alexander McKee?] to Mr Croghan (extract), report- Fort Pitt m g information brought by Mr Plummer of the de termination of looo Virginians to force a settle ment on Red Stone creek, and, if expelled by the mili tary, -to destroy a Dallaway village. 73 7 Henry van Driessen Jr, informing that Joseph "ye Schonechtady Indian son to Brants wife " and William Peace have laid claim to some of his lands. 74 9 Gen. Gage, informing of Maj. Goreham's return and of New York his intention to proceed to Nova Scotia as soon as he receives his appointment and instructions. [Doc. Hist. N. Y. 2:842-43; Q, 2:490! 75 12 James Phyn to [Sir William Johnson] about a draft on Schinectady Col. Croghan for Mr St Martin's pay, Lieut. Roberts's running account, and Johnson's ill health ; with a list of orders, drafts and promissory notes held by Phyn & Ellice. B. Roberts's draft in favor of Edward Pol lard, made over by Pollard to Duncan, Phyn & Ellice, inclosed. 76 13 Jehu Hay's orders that persons trading outside the posts Detroit shall bring goods to them. 117 Jehu Hay's orders forbidding unfair methods in trade. 118 14 Baynton, Wharton & Morgan, regarding Mr Cressap's Philadelphia purchase of a tract about Green Briar from Six Nations warriors, assurances from the Earl of Shelburne of the King's interest in the Indian department, and a present of rappee. 77 348 NEW YORK STATE LIBRARY 1767 Mar. 14 Hugh Wallace about Maj. Gorham's request for an New York advance of 300, Johnson's kindness in the matter of a land grant and the observance of St Patrick's day. 14:78 14 [Sir William Johnson] to John Wetherhead, regarding Johnson Hall a conversation with Glen, Scermerhorn and others, articles that will be needed in the conference with the Six Nations at the German Flats, a draft on John Watts, and Mr Wetherhead's marriage. 79 16 John Wetherhead, concerning globes ordered from Lon- New York don and articles sent from New York. 80 16 Baynton, Wharton & Morgan, sending a draft drawn by Philada. Mr Cole for 1468, 135, 7d and asking that the General be requested to order immediate payment. 81 16 Lieut. Rd. Aylmer, informing that the royal blockhouse Fort Stanwix has been burnt, also mentioning a difference with Mr Leake and the coming observance of St Patrick's day. 82 17 Gw. Banyar, acquainting with the opinion of the council New York that the [Wappingers'] right was long ago extinguished, surveying the evidence for the present landowners and discussing pending land purchases in which Johnson, the Governor, Lord Holland and others are interested. 83 17 J. T. Kempe, Attorney General, commending Mr Fran- New York c is, who desires to succeed George Croghan as deputy agent. 84 17 John Watts about villainous affairs before the council, New York money lodged in his hands for the use of the pro prietaries of Pennsilvania [14:129], Mr Francis, recom mended for an Indian appointment, the proper conduct of Capt. Johnson and a flimsy case [the Wappingers' claim] which obtained support in England. 85 '17 Dr Richard Shuckburgh, thanking for his appointment New York a s secretary of Indian affairs and mentioning his city property, future residence, salary and land in Mohawk country. 86 17 J. T. Kempe, Attorney General, concerning the hearing New York before the Governor and council on Nimham's com plaint in behalf of the Wappinger tribe, and an anony mous letter unfriendly to Johnson addressed to the Sons of Liberty, Albany. 87 17 Jno. Jas. Beeckman's bill to Duncan & Phin for shot. 92 Alby. 18 Winter Fargie, explaining the applications made by New York friends in his behalf for the place which Mr Croghan holds and thinks of resigning. 88 18 John Glen's bill to John Duncan for " Pidgeon Shott." 90 1 8 Abram Cuyler's bill to John Duncan for gunpowder. 91 19 Daniel Campbell's bill to John Duncan for shot and flints. 93 20 John Duncan's bill to Sir William Johnson 69, i6s, 6d. 94 Schenectady SIR WILLIAM JOHNSON MANUSCRIPTS 349 1767 Mar. 20 Glode Landri's receipt to Jehu Hay for pay for 10 cords Detroit of wood. 14:115 20 Pier Braganier's receipt to Jehu Hay for pay for making Detroit charcoal. 116 21 John Duncan about Mr Klock, a method of serving Silver Schenectady Heels, a license to purchase land, the dissolution of part nership with Phyn and Ellice and an order for gun powder. 89 B. Roberts's account of expenses incurred in bringing some Seneca chiefs and other Indians from Niagara to Johnson Hall. 95 John Wetherhead, concerning an order for Indian goods, a land affair, Wetherhead's marriage to the daughter of John Kelly, the appointment of a chief justice who is a Bostonian, with a salary of 600, and some jewels recently sent. 96 Rich'd Winston's account for six months' rent of a house for the Indian interpreter; with receipt to Edward Cole. Indorsed with the certificates of Edward Cole and Col. John Reed, dated March 25, 1767. 97 Alexander Colden, regarding some warrants of survey for which Capt. Johnson inquired, and a map which Mr Cockburne is making. 98 John Glen Jun'r, inquiring whether Mr Wetherhead is to have the land which Glen has mentioned. 99 Capt. Normand MacLeod to [Sir William Johnson], re lating to Guy's adventures in the city, articles desired by Mr Roberts and the force at Niagara and a debt con tracted for Johnson, also the trouble Capt. Legg gives him about the [enlisted] servant. 100 Rachel Witherhead, acknowledging congratulations and sending a slight token of esteem. 101 John Wetherhead's account for goods bought for John son. 102 Lieut. Jno. Garden about his civil treatment of the Cock- newagas, and his bill of expenses at Fort Erie, includ ing cost of entertaining officers and their families. 105 John Wetherhead, mentioning a bill of parcels and an in closed letter from his wife, for the writing of which he apologizes. 104 Asa Spalding, a lawyer, upholding the case of Nimham and others before the council [14: 83, 85, 87], which regards Philips's patent, and asking if Johnson will concur in a proposal to carry the matter once more to great Brittain. 105 An account of disbursements for the Indian department; certified by Capt. Geo. Turnbull, Capt. 2d Batt'n 6oth Regt 106 21 Albany 23 New York 23 Fort Chartres 23 New York 23 Schonectady 23 N. York 24 New York 24 New York 24 Tienderoga 24 New York 24 Norwalk 24 Detroit 35O NEW YORK STATE LIBRARY 1767 Mar. 24 Tofile Leme's receipt to Jehu Hay for 72, 8s, New Detroit York currency. 14:107 24 Jacques St Martin's receipt to Jehu Hay for 72, 8s. 108 Detroit 24 Piere Chenne's receipt to Jehu Hay for 72, 8s. 109 Detroit 24 Elleopolle Chene's receipt to Jehu Hay for 72, 8s. no Detroit 24 Ben. James's bill and receipt to Jehu Hay for 33, 73. 112 Detroit 24 Form of instructions to the commissaries of Indian Johnson Hall affairs at Michilimackinac, Niagara, Ontario etc. for 1767; defining powers and duties relative to trade and the preservation of peace. 25 :8^ 24 Dr William Annesley's account for medical service to Fort Chartres Indians; receipted. 85(2) 24 Edward Cole's order to Sir William Johnson to pay Fort Chartres Baynton, Wharton & Morgan 3721, 125. 14:261 25 Certificate of Edward Cole, commissary of Indian affairs, Fort Chartres regarding Dr William Annesly's account for medical service. Certificate of Col. Jno. Reed, 34th regi ment, regarding Dr Annesly's account. 25:85(1) 26 Sir William Johnson in account with B. Roberts, com- [Niagara] missary. 14:119 26 Account of Indian disbursements by Benj'n Roberts, Nia &- commissary; followed by the certificate of Capt. John Brown, 6oth regiment. 120 29 [Sir William Johnson] to Sir H. Moore, saying that Mr Johnson Hall Fargie's application is fruitless, as Mr Croghan agrees to continue in the service, and mentioning the Indian case lately before the council, a mistake in surveying, by which the persons concerned in a tract south of the Mohawk, obtained 70,000 acres instead of 200,000 and a desired proclamation forbidding clandestine purchases. 121 Apr. i [Sir William Johnson] to the Earl of Shelburne, explain- Johnson Hall i n g that the old wound prevented his attending the hearing in New York on the Wappinger claim con sidering the circumstances which led to an adverse decision, agreeing with the view that the Indian super intendents should be in communication with the com mander in chief rather than the governors, and enumer ating difficulties attending the protection of the Indian lands and the enforcement of trade regulations. [Doc. rel. to Col. Hist. N. Y. 7:913-15] 122 i [Sir William Johnson] to Gen. Gage, concerning an Johnson Hall account of pay and disbursements, violation of trade restrictions, remedies, the Onondagas' need of food, the intention of Virginians to settle near Monongahala, SIR WILLIAM JOHNSON MANUSCRIPTS 351 1767 Maj. Gorham's application for ^300, the need of a cash reserve for Indian expenses, Mr Croghan's continua tion in office, new trade regulations and an exception of the region north of Lake Huron. [Doc. Hist. N. Y. 2:843-46; Q, 2:490-91! 14^23 Apr. i [Sir William Johnson] to J. Watts, to say that it will be Johnson Hall impossible to serve Mr Francis as Mr Croghan will continue to be deputy agent, and that he will give Mr Wetherhead a draft on Watts for the amount deposited by Mr Allen to defray the expenses of an Indian con ference concerning the boundaries of Pensilvania and Maryland; mentioning the adverse decision on the [Wappingers'] claim. 129 [Sir William Johnson] to Gen. Gage, concerning attacks Johnson Hall O n Mr Croghan, Mr Croghan's late expenses and former losses in the service. [Doc. Hist. N. Y. 2:846- 47; Q, 2:492] 130 3 P. Silvester about the cases against John Wasson and Albany Arie Sante Newkerk. 131 3 Account of expenses of Guy Johnson, deputy agent of Indian affairs in. going to, attending and returning from the New York hearing on the cause of the Wap- pinger Indians ; with receipt from G. Johnson. 134 4 [Sir William Johnson] to J. T. Kempe, regarding Mr johnson Hall Francis's application and Mr Croghan's continuance in office, Nimham's disposition to push the [Wappinger] case, and the offensive anonymous letter. 132 4 [Sir William Johnson] to Mr Wetherhead, concerning Johnson Hall Mrs Wetherhead's polite letter, some jewels, an in closed order on Mr Watts, commissions on New York business done for Johnson and a land dispute. 133 6 Gw. Banyar, concerning the claim of the Wappinger New York Indians and some means of forestalling frivolous pro ceeding, news of Sir William's son in England and Maj. Clarke's 2000 acres in Sachendage. 135 [6] John Wetherhead, acknowledging a letter brought by New York Lieut. Frasier, quoting the New York price of potash and offering to take charge of a foreign shipment of this product. 137 7 Same about a bill of parcels, tablespoons, a talk with New York Alderman Phil Livingston on the price of potash, a certificate of manufacture necessary in exporting, some Lisbon wine and an importation of Indian dry goods. 136 [7] Myer Myers to [Sir William Johnson (?)], to say that a silver tureen holding five quarts should cost, if plain, >3> i5s, and, if chased, 67, IDS. 138 8 Sir W'illiam Johnson's account with John Wetherhead. 139 New York 352 NEW YORK STATE LIBRARY 1767 Apr. 8 Qauyakoon, asking a small loan. Conojoharry ii Jas. Bloodgood about a carriage he is making for John- 25 :86 Albany 1.3 New York son. 14 : 140 [Sir] Htenry] Moore to [Sir William Johnson], regard ing an error in the Indian deed, a proposed division of the militia regiments, and the appointment of proper officers. 141 13 Jno. Monier, about a postage account which he sends. 142 Albany 13 John Watts, concerning money from Philadelphia, the New York Northhampton territory, a letter for Capt. Claus from Mr Baker, resentment in England against the province for opposition to the act for billeting troops, and a draft for 500 in favor of Mr Wetherhead. 143 15 John Munro to [Sir William Johnson] about a scheme Albany prejudicial to Johnson's interest, of which he has in formed Mr Burns. 145 15 George Croghan on a conversation with Gen. [Gage] New York about Indian traders, the murder of the Dellaway, ap proval of Indian accounts and a sum of money due Croghain; also on a land purchase from the Oneagh- quaga Indians, the concession by the patentees of Kay- aderrusera, rumor of a Spanish war, resentment in Eng land at opposition in this colony to the Billeting Act and issues of paper currency, Croghan's intended jour ney to Phill; inclosing a list of people employed at Fort Pitt, Detroit and Illinioes, and mentioning Mr Prevost's inclination to settle on the Mohock river. 146 Return of people employed in the Indian service at the Ilinioes, Detroit and Fort Pitt. [In the handwriting of George Croghan; not dated but probably the in- closure mentioned in no. 146] 1\ 15 David V. Derheyden's bill to Sir William Johnson for Alby. Indian goods. 14? 16 Geo. Croghan, asking that a draft on Capt. Maturin for the amount of Col. Cole's account be drawn in favor of Henry White, agent of Btaynton], Wtharton and] Morgan. !4^ 18 [Sir William Johnson] to Gen. Gage, regarding the mur- Johnson Hall der of traders by Cherokees in retaliation, the murder of the Delaware at Redstone Creek, the chances of any lasting peace between the northern confederacy and the southern Indians, commissary appointments affect ing Lieut. Roberts, Capt. Lieut. MacLeod and Mich'l Byrne, and drafts for Indian expenses at Montreal. [Doc. Hist. N. Y. 2:848-50; Q, 2:493-94] U9 SIR WILLIAM JOHNSON MANUSCRIPTS 353 1767 Apr. 18 [Sir William Johnson] to Sir H. Moore on the late pur- Johnson Hall chase of Mohawk land for Lawyer and others, and expenses of the Oneida purchase north of the Mohawk. 14:150 19 Chris'r Yates's bill to Sir William Johnson for sur- Schenectaday veying; receipted January 29, 1768. 152 20 Gw. Banyar about terms of payment for Maj. Clarke's New York lands at Sacondaga, Brackam's successful petition for 600 acres, a survey by Mr Cockburn, a variance be tween Lawyer and Duane and the attitude of the coun cil toward Indian land sales. 151 20 [Sir William Johnson] to Lord Adam Gordon, acknowl- Johnson Hall edging kindness and mentioning the Indians' resent ment for neglect and injustice, retaliation by the Chero- kees, effect of the repeal [of the Stamp Act], advan tages of the new Indian purchases and importance of the persons concerned [13:121], also the benefit to Sir William's son of foreign travel. 153 20 Scheme for forming several regiments out of the militia for the county of Albany. 154 21 [Sir William Johnson] to Lieut. Col. Massy about the Johnson Hall complaint against Commissary Hay at Detroit, the plan proposed by the Board of Trade for the Indian depart ment, the need of stringent trade regulations and the proper place for trying infractions. 155 22 Account of presents made to the Euriqua [Iroquois] and Quebec the Caughnawaga Indians by Matt'w Wade; with cer tificate of Lieut. Gov. Guy Carleton. 156 22 John Wetherhead's bill to Sir William Johnson. 127 New York 23 Daniel Campbell about an order for goods wanted at the Schenectady German Flats; with thanks for business favors. 157 23 R. Cartwright, informing that Lieut. Roberts has drawn Albany O n Johnson in his favor. 158 24 Myer Myers's bill to John Weatherhead for tablespoons. 125 Duplicate of Iso. 125. 126 24 [Sir] H[enry] Moore to [Sir William Johnson], intro- Fort George ducing Mr Grant, Mr Cuthbert and Mr Campbell, who are traveling to Niagara. 159 24 [Sir William Johnson] to G. Maturin, informing that he Johnson Hall sends to Com'y Gen. Leake an order on Maturin for the amount of Mr Croghan's account; that he sends Henry White an order for the amount of pay, expenses, etc. of Mr Cole, commissary at the Ilinois ; and that he needs money for disbursements and officers' pay. [Doc. Hist. N. Y. 2:852-53; Q, 2:495] 160 24 [Sir William Johnson] to Gen. Gage, regarding orders Johnson Hall se nt by the General to Niagara and Fort Pitt, instruc tions to Maj. Gorham and the commissaries, a provision 12 354 NEW YORK STATE LIBRARY 1767 for the pay of department officers and for retrenchment in the cost of Indian goods, the effect of frontier mur ders by which Indians are sufferers, the boundary de sired by the Governors of Pensilvania and Maryland, the intended trip of Chabert Joncair with goods to Niagara and clothing stored at the posts for the Indians. [Doc. Hist. N. Y. 2:850-52; Q, 2:494-95] 14:161 Apr. 25 [Sir William Johnson] to Sir H. Moore on the proposal Johnson Hall to increase the number of militia regiments and re organize the military force of the province, his own services in control of the local military and the diffi culty of finding good field officers. 162 25 Daniel Campbell about an order which he has filled ; men- Schectady tioning Capt. MacLeod and his wife, Capt. Lee of the artillery, Commodore Grant, Col. Grant and Col. Reade. 163 27 Capt. Normand MacLeod to [Sir William Johnson], ex- New York cusing his long delay at New York. 164 28 John Wetherhead's bill to Sir William Johnson for York New York rum. 128 28 Sir William Johnson in account with Caleb Graydon ; with an order, drawn April 15 at Fort Augusta, to pay Baynton, Wharton & Morgan. Receipted by Baynton, Wharton & Morgan at Philadelphia. 144 28 [Sir William Johnson] to Tim'y Woodbridge, concerning Johnson Hall the claims of the Stockbridge Indians and the evidence needed to support it. 25 :&? 28 John Wetherhead, mentioning letters forwarded to Lord New York Adam Gordon and the Earl of Shelburne, surveying instruments, a draft on Mr Watts, a shipment of two hogsheads of rum, and Indian goods expected from England. 14:165 28 John Wetherhead to [Sir William Johnson], concerning New York a draft on Mr Watts, commission on business, silver spoons sent in charge of Allan McDougall, who is journeying to Detroit, Sir William's letter to Mrs Wetherhead, surveying instruments for which he has written Aron Miller of Elizabeth Town, and articles that have gone astray. 166 29 John Glen Jun'r, to say that he will have a bateau and two Albany me n ready by May 3. 167 John Wetherhead about spoons and parchment, which he sends. 124 May i [Sir William Johnson] to Gov. Franklin, asking assist- Johnson Hall a nce and protection for the Delawares in his province who wish to remove to the Ohio country and mqutr- ing about an affair proposed to the home government, [12:127, 128] 168 SIR WILLIAM JOHNSON MANUSCRIPTS 355 1767 May I Sir William Johnson's account with Duncan, Phyn & [Schenectady] Ellice. I [Sir William Johnson] to Sir Henry Moore, concerning Johnson Hall the claim of the Stockbridge Indians, particularly as it conflicts with that of the Mohawks in lands west of the . Hudson. Matthew Wade, sending his account certified by Gen. Carleton, notifying that he has drawn in favor of Mr Farrell, and explaining that he was not responsible for a large present to the Indians. Lieut. Edw. Abbott, applying for the place of Indian com missary at D'Etroit. John Watts to [Sir William Johnson], regarding two orders which he has paid, the billeting of soldiers on the colony, the petition of the Mohawks laid before the ministry, a report that Johnson has a scheme for re ducing expenses at the outposts, the claim of the Stock- bridge Indians and Mr Allen's inquiries concerning sur veys and the boundary between Phila'a. and Maryland. Pyeter M. DeGarmo, to say that he has married the relict of the late Rev. Mr Lapius and to ask if his spouse's portion from Germany has yet come. Last will and testament of Grace Cosby. 3 Montreal 4 Montreal 4 New York 4 Tomhenack 4 London 5 John Wetherhead about letters from Lieut. Prevost, New York orders for the purchase of a negro girl, carpenters who will settle in Johnson's village, a young schoolmaster who wishes to come, laborers whom he will send, for warding goods through R. Cartwright and the failure of James Rivington. 5 Capt. A. C. Cuyler, recommending Benjn. Egberts for a Albany commission as 3d lieutenant, mentioning the growth of the company and inquiring about an account against Maj. Rogers. 7 Speech of the Mehamie Indians to some traders, express- Mehamies i n g pleasure at the arrival of traders and regret at orders for the removal of the goods and return of the smith to Detroit and resolving to send a protest to Commissary Hay. ii John Wetherhead, regarding the land dispute between Mr New York Duane and the Schoharry people, the application of the government's decision to a pending case in which the writer is interested, an accommodation proposed by Mr Schuyler and a report that the home government will remove Johnson from the superintendency in the in terest of economy. 14:169 170 172 171 173 174 175 176 177 25:88 14:178 356 NEW YORK STATE LIBRARY 1767 May 12 Daniel Campbell, mentioning an order for rum and nails, Schenectady an inclosed account for iron and steel, Indian corn for sale and Mr Rivington's failure. 14:179 12 Robert Leake, saying that he has paid Mr Croghan's draft New York i n favor of Lawrence & French, asking that orders for provisions may be sent early and mentioning Capt. Johnson's conversation and the slight prospect of a paper currency on the plan proposed in New York. 180 15 John B. V. Eps's bill to Sir William Johnson for trans- Schinedy portation. l8l 15 R. Cartwright, recommending Jno. Mallet for employment Albany and inquiring about the celebration of St John's day. 182 15 John Morin Scott, Win. Smith Jr and Benj'n Kissam, New York relative to the settlement of the Kayaderosseres dis pute with the Indians. 183 [Sir William Johnson] to Mr Wallace, asking that he will act as referee in a dispute between Capt. Johnson and Maj. Maclean, formerly of the Independents, relating to recruiting affairs. [No date] 184 16 Jno. Monier, concerning an account with the post office Albany sent some time ago. 185 19 Allan McDougall, concerning articles sent up by Mr Coghnawage Wetherhead, McDougall's expected journey to Detroit and an account of charges for goods sent to Johnson Hall. 186 19 William Gamble, recommending Mr Mallet, who is willing Schenectady to settle in Johnstown and mentioning the next lodge night 187 20 [Sir William Johnson] to Lieut. Gov. Penn, acquainting Johnson Hall with the success of his conference with the Six Nations at the German flatts, relative to the boundary line de sired by Pennsylvania and Maryland. [13:174] 188 20 [Sir William Johnson] to Gen. Gage, concerning the con- Johnson Hall ference with the Indians relative to the divisional line of Pensilvania and Maryland, peace established between the Six Nations and the Cherokees, the murder of squaws at Detroit, expenses of the service, a present made by Lieut. Gov. Carleton to Indians, the conduct of the Canadians in the west, the results of unregulated trade, the complaint against Commissary Hay, Gov. Carleton's insinuation against the commissaries and letters to Maj. Rogers and Henry Cuyler. [Doc. Hist. N. Y. 2 1853-55 ; Q, 2 1496-97] 189 21 Capt. Wm. Howard, reminding that his Indian accounts New York have not been paid and asking an order on Capt. Maturin. 190 24 H. Cuyler, saying that he will inform Johnson as soon as Albany he receives money from the General. 191 SIR WILLIAM JOHNSON MANUSCRIPTS 357 1767 May 25 John Wetherhead about an order which he will fill and New York surveying instruments which will be sent by the Albany sloop to the address of Mr Cartwright. 14:192 25 An account of goods given to the several Indian nations Michilimak- in the district of Michilimacanac, purchased of Stephen anac Groesbeck by order of Robert Rogers ; with Groesbeck's order to pay Farril & Habbit [Henry, Farrell & Abbot]. 193 25 James Collins, speaking of circumstances which interfere Schohare w ith his success as a teacher in this country, asking help to obtain employment as a tutor and referring to Captains Buttler and Fry. 25:89 26 Daniel Campbell about an order which he is filling, and Skenectady O ne Capt. Stevens, who is going up to Fort Stanwix "to dismantle the garrison." I4 :I 94 29 William Hanna, expressing thankfulness for a favor and Schenectady saying that he is acquainting himself with the for malities and proceedings of the court and designs to settle in Schenectady. [Doc. Hist. N. Y. 4'-373~74', 9,4:236] 195 29 [Sir William Johnson] to Sir Henry Moore, concerning Jounson Hall the county militia and its division into regiments; offering a scheme of division and proposing names of officers ; also discussing the formation of a new county and mentioning the evils of tippling houses and gates, and Col. Grant's reception by the Indians at the Ger man flatts. 196 29 [Sir William Johnson] to Gov. Henry Moore on the fraud Johnson Hall and informality of Maybe's Indian deed and the in dignation of the Conajoharees. 197 30 [Sir William Johnson] to J. Watts, concerning a money Johnson Hall affair, an unfounded report that Johnson will take the posts under his care, a report that he is to be removed from office, the malice of Mr Smith and others and the difficulties attending the Indian conference at the Ger man flatts. 198 30 [Sir William Johnson] to the Earl of Shelburne, de- Johnson Hall claring his gratitude to the King for his royal inten tions and mentioning the congress at the German flatts regarding the division line over the Allegany mountains [13:174], the need of a plan for correcting abuses complained of by the Indians, the irregular and in sidious practices of Canadian traders, and the conse quences of ill regulated traffic. 199 Apr.-May RETURNS CF THE REGIMENT OF ALBANY COUNTY MILITIA, SIR WILLIAM JOHNSON, COLONEL Return of companies in Albany battalion of militia which want officers and names of persons recommended to fill vacancies. [Canceled] 4:28 358 NEW YORK STATE LIBRARY 1767 Apr.-May Return of the ist (Albany) battalion, containing the Albany names of officers and number of sergeants and of rank and file of each company. May 18, 1767. 14:201 Capt. Abraham C. Cuyler's grenadier company. May i, Albany ^67. 202 Capt. Joacham Staats's company, from the east side. 205 Capt. Jeremiah Hogeboom's company. 226 Capt. Frederick Kortz's company. May 12, 1767. 228 East Camp Capt. John Wennee's [Winne's] company. May 4, 1767. 210 Capt. Jacobus Van Alen's company. 225 Kinderhook Capt. Fraens Claevw Jr's company. May 13, 1767. 227 Kinderhoeck Capt. Hendrick M. Roseboom's company. May 7, 1767. 203 Albany Capt. Cornelus Dubois's company. April 9, 1767. 230 Caskill Capt. Johannis Hogeboom's company. May 13, 1767. 229 Claverack Capt. Johannis Van Hoesen's company. May 9, 1767. 224 Claverack Capt. Marte Helenbeck's company. 212 Capt. Bernardus Bratt's company, in the first ward in the Albany c ity. 2O4 Capt. Jacob Halenbeck's company. 211 Capt. Rycart Van Vranka's company, in the colony of Albany Ranslars Wyck. May 7, 1767. 206 Lieut. John M. Veeder's company, in the colony of Rence- larswick. 208 Capt. Abraham Van Aernam's company, in the colony Rensselaer Wyck. 207 Return of the 2d (Schenectady) battalion containing Schenectady names of officers and number of rank and file of each company. 214 Capt. Jacob Sternberger's company. May 2, 1767. 219 Schohare Capt. Gerrit A. Lansing's (2(1 Schenectady) company. 213 Capt. Nicholas Groot's company. May 19, 1767. 217 Schend'y Capt. John Glen Jun'r's troop of Light Horse. May 7, Schonectady 1767. 21$ Capt. John Duncan's grenadier company. May n, 1767. 216 Sch'dy Capt. Thomas Ackeson's company. 220 Capt. Andries Truex's company. April 29, 1767. 218 Schonechtady Capt. Conrad Frank's company. May 8, 1767. 222 Capt. Marx Petry's company. May 9, 1767. 223 Bornets Field SIR WILLIAM JOHNSON MANUSCRIPTS 359 236 237 1767 Apr.-May Capt. Daniel Campbell's company. May 12, 1767. 14:209 Schenectady Capt. John Sanders's company. 231 May A speech sent from Miamies to the commander at Detroit, complaining that brandy has been brought to their village and begging that it may be kept away on account of their wives and children. [In French] 25 190 June i Capt. G. Maturin, to say that he will send by Captains New York Campbell and Lee to Henry Cuyler of Albany 5484, 6s, id for Johnson. 14*235 i [Sir William Johnson] to Lieut. Gov. Carleton, discussing Johnson Hall the loyalty of the King's French Canadian subjects, dis tinguishing between French merchants in towns and roving traders, considering the general interest of the colonies in the Indian trade, vindicating his own dis interestedness, defending the commissaries, particularly Mr Hay at Detroit, against charges, and promising a fair inquiry. i A list of sums transmitted to [Sir William Johnson] per [New York] Capt. Campbell by Capt. Maturin 5484, 6s, yd. i [Sir William Johnson] to Mr Wetherhead about letters, Johnson Hall Rivington's misfortune, orders to be filled, money to be paid to Capt. Gilbert Tice of Schenectady, a land affair in 'which Wetherhead and Mr Kempe are interested and the course to which he is bound by official rectitude, also the malice of Mr Smith and the appreciative letter of his Majesty's principal secretary of state. 238 i Sir William Johnson's receipt to Gabriel Maturin for New York 1008, i/s, 4d in full of disbursements to Indians from October 12, 1766, to March 25, 1767; with account appended. 26 139 i Duplicate of no. 39. 44 i Sir William Johnson's receipt to Gabriel Maturin for New York 1732, iis, iod in full of George Croghan's expenses and losses when taken prisoner by Indians in 1765 near the Ouabache ; account signed by Croghan appended. 40 i Duplicate of no. 40. 41 i Sir William Johnson's receipt to Gabriel Maturin for New York 6146, 95, sd for pay of himself and officers and of commissaries, interpreters and smiths. 42 1 Duplicate of no. 42. 43 2 John Wetherhead, regarding an order for metheglin, New York articles sent in care of Capt. Tyce of Schenectady, and a package of letters not yet received. 14 1230 3 Capt. Harry Gordon, considering the vanity of ambition Albany other than the desire to perform the immediate duty, foreign reports concerning Lord Chatham, Mr Green ville and Lord Hallifax and a land interest in which he is involved. 240 360 NEW YORK STATE LIBRARY 1767 June 3 George Croghan, informing of injuries against the Six Fort Pitt Nations and Delawares on the Virginia frontier and repeating the Indians' complaint regarding settlements west of the Allegany mountains, their agreement to await justice from Johnson and information given by one Maisonville. 25 :QI 4 [Sir William Johnson] to Benjn. Kissam, stating the re- Johnson Hall suit of a conference with the Mohawks held for the settlement of the Kayaderosseras dispute. 14 1241 6 Sir William Johnson to Sir Henry Moore, giving proofs Johnson Hall o f the irregular and fraudulent character of the deed obtained by Maybe from the Conajohareas. 242 7 Capt. Gavin Cochrane to [Sir William Johnson], saying London that he hopes to buy and settle in Sir William's neigh borhood, mentioning Johnson's public services, vindicat ing Indians against the term " savages " and discussing the newly discovered Patagonians. 243 7 John Wetherhead about honey and metheglin, surveying New York instruments, Mr M'Dougall and an affair at Detroit in which Wetherhead has been villainously used and which compels him to ask a business accommodation of Johnson. 244 7 Joseph Winn to [Sir William Johnson], inquiring about Nottingham his son, Micaiah, who was wounded and captured at West, N. H. Fort William Henry in 1757. 245 10 John Glen Jun'r about paying Mr ONiel and a certificate Schonectady that must be produced. 246 i'0 Daniel Campbell about an article which he is sending up Schenectady by ONeal and money for Johnson in the hands of Abraham Cuyler. 247 10 R. Cartwright to [Sir William Johnson], advising of Albany money in the hands of Abraham Cuyler and asking acceptance of an invitation from the lodge to attend the observance of St John's day. 248 12 Sir William Johnson to Capt. Maturin, acknowledging a Johnson Hall letter and sending receipts for money transmitted by the hands of Capt. Campbell. 249 12 [Sir William Johnson] to Gen. Gage, acknowledging a Johnson Hall letter, speaking of a murder committed at [Detroit] and discussing Lieut. Gov. Carleton's extraordinary attitude toward Indian commissaries and traders, the complaint against Mr Hay, the murder of Jadot and other ill con sequences of a lawless Indian trade, and violations of the restrictions at Toronto and elsewhere along the north shore of Ontario. [Doc. Hist. N. Y. 2:855-57; Q, 2 1497-98] 250 12 Capt. John Johnston's account against Sir William John son ^105, 175, gd. 13:140 SIR WILLIAM JOHNSON MANUSCRIPTS 361 1767 June 12 13 London 15 New York Capt. John Johnston's account against Sir William John son for vinegar, horse hire, etc. [Accompanying no. 140, in which it is included as one of the items] 13:141 James Syme, acquainting with the formation of a part nership with Christopher Kilby and soliciting business favors. I4 :2 5i 15 Hugh Wallace, concerning money which Maj. Goreham New York expects to receive and Lieut. Galland, who will reside at Fort Stanwix and is in need of some assistance. 253 John Wetherhead to [Sir William Johnson], regarding letters detained, Mr Kempe, the "Falsity to Billy Smith's Report," corn which he will try to obtain in the Jerseys, the expected return of Sir John, a loan requested, Mr Kelly's estate and Mrs Wetherhead's relation to the property. 254 15 Thos. Ellis about means which Baxter has taken to dis- Conard Clocks tress him and a favor, in Johnson's power, the grant ing of which will relieve the situation. 255 16 Sir William Johnson's account current with Daniel Camp bell. 9:118 19 Sir William Johnson in account with John Wetherhead [New York] f or sundries 186, los, 7d. 14:256(1) 19 Charles Bordman's bill to Wetherhead for 591 bushels of Indian corn; receipted. [Charged to Johnson in Wetherhead's account of same date] 256(2) Baynton, Wharton & Morgan about an account against the Crown for sundries supplied at Fort Augusta. 257 Hugh Wallace, asking for a draft or cash transmitted by some safe hand and mentioning Maj.Goreham's need of an advance of ^300. 258 John Wetherhead on a shipment of Indian corn, its scarc ity, pressure of business, also ale and hyson tea which he sends. 259 Shelburne (duplicate), assuring Johnson of the King's reliance on the prudence of his Indian policy, advising liberal treatment of Canadian traders and condemning the projected settlements near the Ohio. 25:92 Baynton, Wharton & Morgan, asking payment of a draft from Fort Chartres. [14:261; March 24, 1767] 14:260 Peter Krems, for Isaac Paris, denying any intention on the part of the highroad commissioners to lay out a road through Johnson's cleared land and saying that the course of the road is left to Johnson's discretion. 262 John Wetherhead, sending a bill and mentioning the multiplicity of business cares. 263 Isaac &c., explaining that the " sovereign " behavior of their people at Johnson's house was due to the influence of rum and thanking for one gallon brought home. 264 N York 20 Philada. 20 New York 20 New York 20 Whitehall 21 Philada. 22 Stoneraby 22 New York 22 Onohoqug 362 NEW YORK STATE LIBRARY 1767 June 23 [Sir William Johnson] to Mr Wetherhead, regretting and Johnson Hall explaining his inability to lend a sum of money and mentioning Mr MacDougal, metheglin and honey, Sir John's stay in New York and people who wish to settle on Sir William's estate. 14:265 24 [Sir William Johnson] to Lieut. Gov. Carleton, consider- Johnson Hall ing the interests of Monsr. Chabert, the behavior of Frenchmen who are British subjects and the true policy toward them. 266 26 A report (copy) from the Lords of Trade to the Lords Whitehall of the Committee of Council for plantation affairs, showing that the grant by the Conajoharee Indians [5:19] to Sir William Johnson is not in contravention of any Indian treaty or the royal proclamation of 1763. [Doc. rel to Col Hist. N. Y. 7:942-43] 267 28 Baynton, Wharton & Morgan, to say that they send some Philada. Lisbon wine, being informed that Sir William's physi cian has advised its use. 268 29 John Wetherhead, regarding corn which he has sent in New York C are of Capt. Barent Van Allen and some which he can buy at 35, 9d. 269 July i [Sir William Johnson] to Gen. Gage, mentioning a visit Johnson Hall from Mr Chabert and Lieut. Carleton, referring to the General the plea of the former for permission to trade and informing that the commanding officers at the post refuse to issue provisions to the commissaries, officers and smiths. [Doc. Hist. N. Y. 2:857-58; Q, 2 :498] 270 i [Sir William Johnson] to Sir H. Moore, relating his Johnson Hall efforts to restrain the [Mohawk] Indians from redress ing their wrongs, giving an account of the recent and earlier offenses of George Klock against these Indians and urging that he be compelled to sign a release to them of lands unjustly held. 271 i [Sir William Johnson] to same, notifying that he will Johnson Hall draw on him for 400, is, 6d (money for the Oneida purchase) in favor of Mr Banyar and for 60, 45, 6d in favor of Mr Wetherhead, commending Mr Fraser, informing of the progress of the survey in the Oneida purchase south of the Mohawk, also of a survey in the Mohawk country w ? hich is very advantageous to Mr DuBois and disadvantageous to Jacob Mentes. 272 I Maj. Jos. Gorham, concerning his pay, the history of Halifax Indian management and expenses in the district, the dif ferent tribes living there, the difficulty of withdrawing govermental subsidies from them and their need of a missionary. 25 :93 SIR WILLIAM JOHNSON MANUSCRIPTS 363 1767 July 3 Sampson Simson, reminding that Lieut. Roberts's draft New York has not been paid. IS- 1 3 Edward Cole, commissary, to George Croghan, commend- Fort Chartres ing Mr Messonville, mentioning an expected visit from Sakies, Reynards and other nations on the Messourie, praising young Dequoney, a new chief, and speaking of applicants for the post of interpreter. 2 4 James Phyn, concerning payment of Capt. McLeod's Schencctady draft in favor of E. Pollard. 3(1) 4 William Gamble to [Sir William Johnson], sending a Albany written book from Sam Williams and recommending the bearer, a brother Mason, for employment. 4 4 John Wetherhead about a shipment, cash or a draft New York desired and a transaction with John Van Seiss. 5 6 Hugh Scott to [Sir William Johnson], complaining of New York delay in the payment of an Indian account and blaming Capt. Claus. 6 7 John Wetherhead to [Sir William Johnson] about scare- New York ity of money, a remittance and the quality of honey sent. 7 7 Rev. Joseph Fish, giving an account of the Boston com- Stonington missioners' effort to maintain an Indian school at Charlestown, his religious labors there and the de pressing effect on the Indians of the sale of their lands by the sachem. 25 194 7 Samuel Niles and John Shattock, Narraganset Indians, Charlestown informing that, in spite of Sir William's interposition, R ! their sachem still disposes of their lands, and asking direction. 95 ii [Sir William Johnson] to Gen. Gage, relative to the Johnson Hall murder of Capt. St Clair's servant by Mississageys or Chippawaes at Lake Huron, the attempt of Capt. Mur ray to dissuade the Virginians from settling at Red Stone Creek and Cheat River, Mr Croghan's expenses at Fort Pitt and Mr Cole's at the Ilinois, and deserters who are stirring up trouble about Detroit and Michili- macinac. [Doc. Hist. N. Y. 2:858-59; Q, 2:499] 15:8 14 Sir John Johnson's account with Duncan & Phyn 123, . Johnson Hall 4S> 5 d ; receipted by James Phyn. 9 15 Hennery [Henry], Farrel & Abbot's receipt to Sir Johnson Hall William Johnson for Si, 12s, in full of an account; signed, Robert Henry & Co. 10 16 William Edgar's account of losses from the Indians Detroit a t Michelamackanac and other posts in 1763; sworn before Capt. Geo. Turnbull, 6oth regiment. 221 17 Extract from Mr Smith's journal, relating his discovery of some abandoned goods which seemed to testify to Indian depredations and a capture. [Probably inclosed with no. 72] II 364 NEW YORK STATE LIBRARY 1767 July 20 John Wetherhead, concerning money credited to John- New York son's account, some globes brought by Capt. Sinclair and the expected arrival of Sir John. 15 -.12 20 Daniel Campbell, giving news of Sir John and of the New York resolution of the House of Commons to withdraw legislative authority from all the provinces that oppose the Billeting Act or any other act of Great Britain and mentioning an accident to Capt. Johnson. 18 20 Dr Richard Shuckburgh, mentioning the arrival of Sir New York John's baggage, permission obtained by the writer to remain three months in the city, British official sanc tions necessary to Shuckburgh's receipt of salary and a reported movement of troops. 19 20 Gw. Banyar, mentioning a receipt of money, a deed and New York ma p, a resolution in the Commons restricting the right of legislation in the colony of New York, and a purpose to reward loyalty displayed during the Stamp Act troubles, a rumor of new taxation and the accident to Captains Johnson and Claus. 20 23 Major Isaac Swits, saying that he incloses a list of the Albany names of the men in the company of Capt. [Abraham] Van Aernam. 13 23 William Darlington to [Sir William Johnson], regard- New York ing two servants and sundry packages forwarded by Volkert Dawson's sloop. 14 24 John Wetherhead to [Sir William Johnson] about two New York globes which he sends and an account delayed by hurry of business. 13 27 R. Cartwright, giving information from Henry Cuyler [Albany] that Sir John does not come in the Amelia but in the next packet. 2: 28 John Wetherhead, saying that he sends articles on the New York sloop which conveys Col. Croghan. 16(1) 28 Gilbert Forbes's bill to John Weatherhed for nails. 16(2) New York 29 [Sir William Johnson] to Sir H. Moore, explaining that Johnson Hall Lieut. Col. Vanslyke's age is the reason that he did not propose him for a militia command, that preferment according to rank is not always practicable in " a young country," that his son [Sir John] would not choose any station which would give umbrage to Mr Vanslyke, that an act of legislature is advisable in or ganizing a regiment of horse out of the militia from Albany westward, and asking advice regarding an Indian deed unlawfully obtained. [14:242] 17 29 James Phyn, asking attendance at the funeral of Mr [Schenec- Duncan's daughter on the following day. 22 tady?] SIR WILLIAM JOHNSON MANUSCRIPTS 365 1767 Cornelius Swits's bill to Sir William Johnson for freight from New York to Albany. 7:132 Aug. i John Wetherhead, regarding bolting cloth which he sends, New York a bell for which he is negotiating, and corn which he can buy at 45 a bushel. 15 123 2 Capt. Harry Gordon to [Sir William Johnson], desiring Schenectady advice in making a purchase north of the Mohawk on Canada or Teiogo creek. 25 6 [Sir William Johnson] to Gen. Gage, concerning Lieut. Johnson Hall Johnson's misfortune, Capt. Claus's departure for Can ada, Lieut. Galland's information concerning the Oneidas, the Indians brought from Detroit on a charge of murder, information brought by an escaped prisoner touching French and Spanish influence over the western nations, Mr Croghan's and Mr Cole's accounts, drafts for the pay of Commissary Hay, interpreters, smiths, etc., besides accounts from Maj. Rogers and Lieut. Gov. Carleton. [Doc. Hist. N. Y. 2:860-62; Q, 2:499-500] 26 IT Lieut. John Galland, informing that the bad behavior of Fcrt Stanwix bateaumen and others threatens an Indian outbreak. 27 12 Commissary B. Roberts, mentioning his uneasiness oc- Michilimack- casioned by fear that rum will get to the Indians, the inac number of traders away from the post and a manuscript in some strange tongue which he incloses for Sir William or Guy Johnson to decipher. 28 14 Maj. Robert Rogers, relative to his journal of Indian Michiiimack- affairs, Mr Roberts, the new commissary, Rogers's ac- inac counts and the state of trade. 31 Discription of George and Thomas Archer two of the sons of John Archer (now of the Township of Ridley in the County of Chester in Pennsylvania) who with their Brother and Brother Joseph was Taken Captive by the Indians at Conecocheague Settlement in Cumber land County on the 4th day of Nov'r 1757 Soon after the taking & destroying the Kittannig by Coll. Arm strong. [No date] 32 14 Gerret Van Sante Jr about receipts for pork and flour. 33 Albany 14 Sampson Simson, asking payment of Commissary Rob- New York erts's draft.' 14:252 17 John Wetherhead to [Sir William Johnson] about gro- New York ceries which he will send in care of Dr Shucksborough. 15 :34 T 3 -I 7 Jehu Hay to George Croghan, informing that the Putta- Detroit wattamies have sent in John Ore and relating the prisoner's story, explaining why he pays 50 a year for the house that belonged to Bellestre and mentioning accounts, a valuable smith, the request of the Huron women for a bell, a dispute with Mr McDougal, the arrival of 14 Puttawattamies from St Josephs with 366 NEW YORK STATE LIBRARY 21 Michilimak- inac 21 1767 John Michan, a ransom paid by the Indians for his release. I7th : the arrest of the murderer of Mrs Fisher's child and his escape. 15 130 Aug. 19 Account of sundry articles sent to Sir William Johnson [New York] Bt by J. Wetherhead 902, ;s, 7^d. 35 19 John Wetherhead, regarding articles sent up, the drafts New York o f Mr McLeod, a bell that will be sent and Jersey corn at 35, lod for which he is bargaining; with an account. 36 20 B. Roberts, commissary of Indian affairs, to Capt. Lieut. Michilimak- Spiesmacher, commandant of the troops at Michili- inac makinac, impeaching Robert Rogers, commandant of Michilimakinac, for holding secret correspondence with the enemies of Great Britain and forming conspiracies, and desiring that his person and papers be seized. 37 The memorial of Benjamin Roberts, commissary for Indian affairs and trade for the district of Michili- mackinac to Capt. Lieut. Spicemaker, commandant of the troops, relating an instance of ill usage at the hands of Capt. Rogers and asking protection for his office and person. 38 [Sir William Johnson] to Gen. Gage, advising that Mr Croghan be sent from Fort Pitt to the Detroit to con duct the surrender of the Indians who are prisoners and to inquire into abuses and disputes, extenuating the Indians' offense, and mentioning an intended journey for his health to the lately discovered springs on the frontier of N. England. [Doc. Hist. N. Y. 2:862; Q, 2:501] 39 [Sir William Johnson] to Sir H. Moore, regarding pur chases from the Indians near Delaware river, the head of the Susquehanna and elsewhere, in which Col. Croghan is interested and for the completion of which the Governor's presence at Johnson Hall is requested; also a journey to the newly discovered medicinal springs. 4 Benjn. Kissam, asking information as to the disposition of the Indians to accept the proposals of the proprietors of the Kayoderosserus. 41 Capt. Daniel Claus, reporting his arrival, party strife among the Indians at Aughqtiisasne, an invitation to visit the Hurons, a land dispute affecting the St Fran cois Indians, mentioning a present of 1100 by Maj. Rogers to Indians and discussing the application of Lieut. Hughs for appointment as assistant to Claus. 42 Jehu Hay to George Croghan, describing an attempt to implicate Pondiac in the murder of a child, and giving information, received from Pon^r. * f t^ slaughter of a party of Englishmen on the Ohio, and a story of French encouragement to a coming Indian outbreak. 43 21 21 New York 22 Montreal 22 Detroit SIR WILLIAM JOHNSON MANUSCRIPTS 367 1767 Aug. 22 Proceedings of a court of inquiry held by virtue of a Michilimack- warrant from Maj. Robert Rogers; comprising the inac testimony of Commissary Benjamin Roberts, Sergeant Hugh McGann and Charles Lavoine regarding a seiz ure of rum unlawfully removed from the fort. (Copy) 15:44 23 Peter Hasenclever to [Sir William Johnson], acquainting New York w ith his arrival from England after a passage of 77 days, the delay in Sir John's arrival, and the unfavorable reception in England of the petition of New York mer chants in respect to trade, and mentioning the survey of lands bought from the Oneida Indians. 15 24 William Darlington to [Sir William Johnson], sending a New York letter brought by the Hallifax packet, from Warren Johnson ; and asking payment of a freight bill. 46 26 John Wetherhead, transmitting an account for a bell. 47 New York 27 Gilbert Forbes's bill to John Weatherhed for a bell and New York cartage. 50 28 Jehu Hay to George Croghan, reporting a visit from a Detroit Puttawattamee chief who came to beg mercy for the young men that took the English prisoners at the Chica- saws, Pondiac's expressions of regret at the behavior of the Saguinan Indians and a conversation between Pondiac and Hay relating to the murder of a child by young Cuellerie. 48 28 John W T etherhead about a bell, Mr Roberts's account and New York CO rn. 51 28 Dr Richard Shuckburgh, asking to be informed of any Albany facts touching his affair, offering to carry dispatches to any of the ministry and mentioning Lisbon wine, spirits and snuff forwarded. 49 29 John Watts to [Sir William Johnson], concerning money New York paid to Mr Wetherhead for expenses of the Indian boundary conference, action of Parliament in American affairs, organization of the board of customs, the se lection of Mr Smith as a member of the Council, the sentiments of the proprietors of Kayaderoceros, the settling of Northhampton and the accident to Johnson's family. 52* Jehu Hay, commissary, to Sir William Johnson. All but Detroit the first three lines a duplicate of 15 143. 24 G. Johnson, inclosing a letter and Robts's accounts and mentioning his recent injury and the return of Sir John. 29 Sept. 2 George Croghan's draft on Sir William Johnson in Albany f avO r of George Wray or order for 171, 8s, 6d,-the pay of the gunsmith at Detroit. (Copy) S3 368 NEW YORK STATE LIBRARY inac 4 Detroit 1767 Sept. 3 Goy. Guy Carleton to Capt. Daniel Claus, discussing the Quebec policy of his action in sending a party of soldiers to the Indians of the Lake of the Two Mountains and notifying of his appointment of Capt. Schlosser to enforce the ordinances against retailers of spirits. 3 Capt. Lieut. F. Spiesmacher, 2d battalion, 6oth regiment, Michilimak- transmitting intelligence of an affair between Maj. Rogers and Lieut Roberts [15:37, 38] and of their reconciliation. H. V. Schaack and nine other traders to Jehu Hay, com- missafy, complaining that trade is depressed and re mittances of pelfry reduced by regulations which do not control their French rivals, who bring Indian goods to St Vincent, the Highlands, Vermillion, Ouya, River Languille, Le Cour de Serf and the Miamies ; declar ing that the restriction of trade to the posts is grievous to the Indians, that the regulations bind only men of character, leaving the Indians under the influence of vagabonds and that Detroit is subject to peculiar restriction ; and begging to be allowed to carry their trade beyond the posts. Jehu Hay to the trading people of Detroit, showing that the regulations have not reduced the volume of trade, that enforcement would lessen the competition of roving French traders, that there is no undue restriction at Detroit and he is bound by rigid instructions. Elleopolle Chesne's deposition as to Pondiac's admission, in which is related the murder of a young child; sworn before Philip Dejean. 6 [Sir William Johnson] to Gen. Gage, mentioning his Johnson Hall return from the springs, the intended journey of Mr Croghan to the Detroit and the sum of Maj. Rogers's drafts. [Doc. Hist. N. Y. 2:863; Q, 2:501] 8 [Sir William Johnson] to Lieut. Gov. Colden, commend- Johnson Hall ing a pamphlet by Colden and mentioning a report that the King will confer special honor on him. 8 Captain Normand MacLeod about bad belts sent by the Niagara Delawares to other Nations. 9 Lieut. John Galland, reporting an instance of Indian Fort Stanwix insolence. 10 John Wetherhead to [Sir William Johnson], transmit ting an account for a compass and mentioning corn, money to be credited to Mr Roberts, money paid Capt. MacLeod and the ship which brings Sir John. Speech by Indians representing Dillaways, Shawnes and Waindots (copy) to the Governor of Virginia, asking for a mid-September conference at Fort Cumberland; interpreted by John Wolker. 4 Detroit 4 Detroit New York Old Town 15:54 55 57 25:96 15:58 59 60 61 25:97 SIR WILLIAM JOHNSON MANUSCRIPTS 369 1767 Sept. ii [Sir William Johnson] to Gen. Gage (private) on un- Johnson Hall warranted expenses at Michilimackinac, an offensive association forming among the Indian nations and the mischievous conduct of settlers and traders. [Doc. Hist. N. Y. 2:863-64; Q, 2:501-2] 15:63 12 P. Silvester, informing of Wasson's death and the state Albany o f the judgment against him, also of the payment of Newkerk's account by Guysbert Fonda. 64 13 Hendrick Frey, giving particulars of a journey to Fort Canajoharry Schuyler preliminary to a survey and of obstructions proceeding from the people of the flatts. 65 Aug. [29?] [Jehu Hay's] journal of Indian transactions, account of -Sept. 13 the killing of Mrs Fisher's child by Pondiac and young [Detroit] Cuellerie, conference with Indians looking to establish ment of better relations. [Fragment] 25 -.104(1), (2) 14 George Croghan about a note and some articles delivered New York J n Albany, a call on the general in New York, the gen eral's opinion of Gov. Carleton's Indian policy and of Maj. Rogers's behavior, Sir Harry Moore's desire to visit Johnson, Mr Braime's journey to Detroit and Col. Campble's certificate to old Labute for a year's pay. 15 :66 14 Abraham Mortier, informing that he transmits 2833, New York IS) 7^ O n a warrant from Gen. Gage and asking the return of signed receipts. 67 17 Benj'n Kissam, expressing the wish of the Kayodoros- New York seres patentees to settle at once their dispute with the Indians, in order to stop the depredations of timber thieves and to take advantage of an act of assembly for dividing the lands. 68 18 John De Berniere to [Sir William Johnson] about par- Saratoga ticulars of a land purchase. 69 19 Lieut. Geo. Phyn, relative to a journey to Fort Pitt, an Fort Pitt expedition which he is to make with stores and money to Fort Chartres, a further journey to Iberville, to Lake Mauripas and to Mobile 3000 miles, guide and interpreter, the low state of the Ohio, and pleasant hours at Johnson Hall. 70 20 [Sir William Johnson] to [Capt. Har]ry Gordon, regard- Johnson Hall i n g a tract, west of Canada creek and the prospective purchase near the headwaters of the Delaware and the Susquahana and Gordon's chance of obtaining an in terest. 71 20 A. McKee to George Croghan about a discovery made Fort Pitt by Devereaux Smith on his way up from Fort Char tres; information given by Monsr. Maisonville and Aron, a Mohawk, relative to the murder of eleven traders by a Chipawa party; and the coming meeting at the Lower Shawanese Town. 72 37O NEW YORK STATE LIBRARY 1767 Sept. 21 Memorial of Benjamin Roberts, commissary, to Capt. Michilimack- Lieut. Spiesmacher, protesting against his confinement inac and asking Spiesmacher not to acquiesce in an arbi trary proceeding. 15 173 21 Copy of letter of August 20, B. Roberts to Capt. Clause Michilimack- about an illegal rum traffic in which Mr Askin and others are implicated; with note of September 21, ab solving Mr Askin. [Inclosed in 15 178] 79 21 B. Roberts to Capt. Claus, Montreal, informing that he [Michilimack- i s imprisoned and is to be sent immediately to Detroit inac] because he asked an order in writing for a forge. 74 21 Gen. Thomas Gage, congratulating on benefit received New York from the medicinal waters, informing that Mr Cro- ghan will receive every assistance for discharging his commission in the west, and that the commander at Missilimakinak will be removed and his drafts pro tested, and mentioning the removal of the Virginians by force from Redstone. [Doc. Hist. N. Y. 2:865-66; Q, 2 1502-3] 75 21 Jehu Hay to George Croghan, transmitting transactions Detroit w i t h Indian nations from June to September, medals promised to certain chiefs, the Puttawa's, who took English prisoners, economy in presents to the Indians, and the affair of young Cuellerie [15:30, 43, 48]. 76 21 Gov. Sir H. Moore to [Sir William Johnson] on an New York invitation to visit Mohawk country and a proposal regarding sale of lands, brought by Col. Croghan: 5:121 22 [Sir William Johnson] to Gen. Gage, concerning Lieut. Johnson Hall Galland's troubles, Indian feeling toward settlers, the murder of Capt. Sinclair's servant, the Indians' attach ment to the French and one measure for overcoming it, complaints against Lieut. Hay, a remedy for Indian trade evils, removal of encroachers on Indian land, the. death of the chief of all the Senecas and Johnson's intended journey to the Onondaga country. [Doc. Hist. N. Y. 2:866-68; Q, 2:503-4] 1577 22 John Askin about an accusation and an acquittance signed Michilimack- by Mr Roberts, and his reasons for living on the old inac farm of the French priest. /S 22 F. Spiesmacher, acquainting with Mr Robert's confine- Michilimak- ment by Maj. Rogers's orders, Rogers's claim to inac authority and the difficulty of rr's own position. 80 24 Journal of Indian transactions at Niagara from July 2 Niagara to September 24, 1767: relating to a brawl between Sinecas and a Messesaga, a congress with Wabacom- megat, the illness of Ascushan, a visit from Castesh and 70 Sinecas, proceedings of a congress with Sineca chiefs, including, a mollifying speech by Monsr. Chabiere to the Indians, bad belts from the Delaways SIR WILLIAM JOHNSON MANUSCRIPTS 371 1767 to the Sinecas, horses stolen by Sinecas, a congress with Messesaga and Chippawa chiefs and a visit from Ascushan with " a quantity of Curious oyl, taken of the top of the water of some very small Leake." [Doc. Hist. N. Y. 2:868-80; Q, 2:504-11] 15:81 Sept. 25 Mich'! Byrne, commissary, regarding expenses for pres- Fort Ontario e nts and grievances settled. 82 25 George Croghan about the difference between the pro- Phill. prietors of Cayaderusos and the Mohocks, and the financial condition of Baynton, Wharton and Morgan. 83 25 George Croghan about a conversation with the general, Phill. the removal of Rogars, an assemblage of 12 western nations, the line run between " this province " and Merrayland, a message from the Governor regarding a boundary, and Croghan's license to purchase the tract between the lakes. 84 25 Jehu Hay to George Croghan, concerning accounts, Detroit Chesne's departure, drafts in favor of Mr Sterling and Henry Van Schaack, correspondence with traders at the post [15:56, 57] and the sale of rum. 85 28 John Wetherhead on the arrival of Sir John, money New York transactions and Mr Kempe's visit to England. 86 28 Hugh Wallace to [Sir William Johnson], mentioning Sir New York John's hasty visit, Maj. Goreham's need, expected de parture of Gov. Moore, and probability that Old Sil- verlocks [Cadwallader Golden] will take the helm till the arrival of a new governor. 87 28 Peter Hasenclever, congratulating on Sir John's safe New York return and mentioning the grant for billeting money, the survey of the Onida purchase, experience with Conrad Franck and Hasenclever's colony in the Mohawk country. 88 29 Daniel Claus, relative to an arrangement by which the Montreal Abenaquis retain their lands and receive a missionary, Gov. Carleton's complaisance to the writer at Quebec, a falling out between Maj. Rogers and Potter, Capt. Slosser's troubles at Caneghsady, and a possible post for Slosser at Carrillon. 89 Oct. i George Croghan, to mention the murder of 11 men by the Shagenon Indians and his intention to attend the great Indian meeting. 90 [i] B. Roberts, mentioning ill treatment, Maj. Rogers's Michilimack- designs, discovery of the river that " Runs from inak Lake Superior to the Mississipi," character of the Saguinay Indians, effect of the sale of rum on the fur trade, trading by soldiers, the prevailing idleness, the views of one Baxter, said to have been sent out by Toucmt and Charles Townsend, goods lost in transportation, Brown's insinuation against Roberts, 372 NEW YORK STATE LIBRARY 1767 Indian superstition, the insolent speech of the Grand Sauteux at Prairie de Chiin, the need of medals and commissions for Indians, losses by fire of La Force, chief of the Ottawas, the advisability of send ing Goddard to La Bay, a quarrel between Roberts and John R. Hansen, his clerk, drafts in favor of Mr Hay and Van Allen, a want of Indian corn and tobacco, their prices, accounts inclosed, money in Johnson's hands to the writer's credit and his ambi tion to settle down in Johnson's neighborhood. [Date reads 31 Sep'r 1767, but over the Sep'r has been written Oct'r; certainly written earlier than October 31, prob ably October i] 15:125 Oct. 2 John Wetherhead on a business favor, a transaction with New York Mr Roberts, Wetherhead's own affairs and money and goods furnished to Sir John. 91 2 Mich'l Byrne, concerning intelligence furnished by Capt. Fort Ontario MackLeod and Gaiasodon, an expedient for keeping Indians sober at the posts and the killing of Garughigoagh. 9^ John Lawyer, inquiring about two surveys and acquaint ing with a mistake in an Indian deed and warrant affecting Jacob Andras. 93 J. T. Kempe, acquainting with an intended visit to England made to obtain a better establishment of his office, asking assistance by letters to England and offering services. 94 Capt. Normand MacLeod to [Sir William Johnson] on the affair of Cuellerie, the departure from Detroit of Meni Chesne, the interpreter, without Mr Hay's con sent, the request of the western Indians to the French for powder and ball, complaints of Detroit traders about Mr Cole's indulgence to traders from the Illinois and the abuse of passes. 95 George Croghan, regarding Sir John Johnson's return, Capt. Guy Johnson's recovery and Mr Misonville's account for supplies. 96 John Wetherhead on corn ordered from the Jerseys and an order filled on a verbal message from Johnson. 97 Capt. Geo. Turnbull about trouble threatened for ar rests made in support of Commissary Hay's author ity and the confusion of affairs at Michilmakinac. 98 Jehu Hay to George Croghan, mentioning an attempt of the Saguinan Indians to obtain forgiveness for killing Englishmen on the Ohio river, Mr St Martin's fruitless search for Pondiac and visit to Chesne, Hay's purpose to arrest Chesne and Dorien, Mr Roberts's misfortune at Michilimackinac, the insults suffered by commissaries, the drowning of a Chip- pawa woman and a report of the peltry trade. 99 3 Scohare New York 8 Niagara 10 Bedford 13 New York 14 Detroit 15 Detroit SIR WILLIAM JOHNSON MANUSCRIPTS 373 1767 Get. 15 G. Johnson, announcing the arrival of Sir John, of Guy Park important letters and a favorable report by the board of trade and mentioning Potter's disclosure of Rogers's schemes, alarm of the Kayadeross's people and Sir John's narrow escape in the Channel. 25:98 17 Lieut. T. Webb, regarding an inclosed letter of Capt. New York Edmeston, who is interested in land; asking that Edmeston and his brother [Lieut. Robert] and Webb himself may be included in the Delaware purchase. 15:101 18 Sampson Simson, asking that the money on Commis- New York S ary Roberts's draft be sent in care of Isaac Moses. 102 18 George Croghan, regarding the discontent of the five Fort Pitt tribes on the Ouabache, the plundering of Baynton, Wharton and Morgan's boats, the coming great council, complaints of the Senecas, settlements on Redstone creek and Cheat river and certain lawless traders. 25:99 20 . jSir William Johnson] to the Lords of Trade, report- Johnson Hall jng his discovery of secret Indian machinations, his recent excursion to the Onondaga country, with the intelligence there gained, the killing and plundering of ii men on the Ohio, abuses in trade, the con tinuance of extravagant grants and lawless settle ments, growth of Indian jealousy and the effect of colonial mismanagement in Indian matters, and men tioning Attorney General Kempe's visit to England. [Doc. rel to Col. Hist. N. Y. 7:987-88] 15:103 22 Peter Ryckman and 10 other traders, certifying to the Niagara impartiality and mildness of the course pursued by Commissary Normand McLeod. [Inclosed with no. 109] 104 22 [Sir William Johnson] to Gen. Gage (private), consider- Johnson Hall i n g the depositions of Mr Potter relative to Maj. Rogers, and Rogers's romantic project. [Doc. Hist. N. Y. 2:883-84; Q, 2:513] 105 22 [Sir William Johnson] to Gen. Gage, concerning a peace Johnson Hall between the Cherokees and the Six Nations, sentiment of the Indians touching trade, the Kayaderosseras griev ance and other causes of discontent, the promise to the Indians to establish a boundary line, the settlers' ag gressiveness, the refusal of the Shawanese and Dela- wares to accompany Capt. Murray, the death of a remarkable Onondaga chief, a message to the Indians from an officer on the Mississipi exhorting them to rise up, and the inconvenience of the present method of paying his subordinates. [Doc. Hist. N. Y. 2:881-83; Q, 2:511-12] 106 22 [Sir William Johnson] to Sir Henry Moore, expressing Johnson Hall a wish for a visit from Sir Henry and reviewing the causes of Indian discontent. 107 374 NEW YORK STATE LIBRARY 1767 Oct. 22 [Sir William Johnson] to J. T. Kempe, in regard to Johnson Hall Kempe's coming voyage, letters from Johnson to Eng land, the troublesome affair of Klock and the prospect of an Indian outbreak. 15:108 23 Capt. Normand MacLeod, mentioning Gov. Carleton's Niagara charges against the commissaries of Indian affairs and the reply of the Niagara traders, exculpating MacLeod. 109 24 John Wetherhead about a shipment of Newark cider. no New York 24 Tho. Mcllworth, complaining of ill fortune and the slight Montreal demand for portrait painting, saying that he thinks of trying Quebec and asking to be considered in connection with an Indian commissaryship. in 25 Capt. Normand MacLeod to [Sir William Johnson], send- Niagara j n g and recommending a bottle of oil from a small lake near the Caiadeon Castle, in whose curative virtues the Indians have faith, mentioning his account sent to Capt. Johnson, his reconciliation of the Senecas and Messasagas, Wabacommegat's desire for a medal, the behavior of Castesh and Capt. Brown's interference with the Indians. 112 25 Edward Cole, commissary, to [George Croghan?], in- Fort Chartres forming that he has drawn on him for 7020, 155, lid, New York currency, that trade has suffered from an Indian war and French activity, and mentioning the arrival of the Spaniards and their purpose to erect two forts at the mouth of the Missouri, the smiths' want of tools, defective accounts returned, the two boats " cut off " in the Ohio and mysterious belts coming from the Iriquois, Shawanese and Delawares. 113 25 Joseph Howard, regarding payment of Maj. Rogers's note Montreal for 666 to Joseph Reaume and ill treatment which - he has suffered at the fort of Michelamackinac from his agent, Joseph Caron ; asking that Caron be sent down to Montreal. 114 26 Capt. John Brown, mentioning two Indian prisoners, the Niagara jealousy between the Senecas and Missisagoes and an offense committed by Castease. 115 26 [Sir William Johnson] to the Earl of Shelburne, prin- Johnson Hall c i pa l secretary of state, relative to the character, record and dangerous purposes of Maj. Rogers at Michili- mackinac, also the state of the department and the coming Indian Congress ; transmitting evidence against Rogers. [Doc. rel to Col. Hist. N. Y. 7:988-90] 116 28 Lieut. John Christie, concerning belts sent by two Ottawa Mlchiilimak- chiefs to the Fallavains, Puans, Reynards, Sackes and inac Suies on the Missipia, also one Bazlie, a mischievous fellow now maintained at the post. 117 SIR WILLIAM JOHNSON MANUSCRIPTS 375 30 New York 1767 Oct. 29 Peter Ryckman and seven other traders, accusing the Niagra Quebec traders of maintaining an illicit trade among the Indians, declaring their own fairness and asking that irregularities be stopped. 15:118 29 John Watts about the ambition of Lord Adam and other New York great people to colonize, the death of Charles Townsend, chancellor of the exchequer, the bad aspect of Indian affairs, and the Northampton territory. 119 30 [Sir William Johnson] to Gen. Gage, concerning ac- Johnson Haii counts of pay and disbursements, a quarrel be tween the commissary and commandant at Michili- mackinac and the advisability of summoning a gen eral Indian congress. [Doc. Hist. N. Y. 2:885; Q, 2:513-14] 121 Capt. Gavin Cochrane to [Sir William Johnson], re garding two farmers sent over by Lord Adam Gordon from Lincolnshire, the dearness of commod ities in England, the promises of Sir Jeffery Amherst to Cochrane, the death of Charles Townsend, the character of Maj. Rogers and Lord Adam's marriage to the duchess dowager of Athole. 122 30 Hugh Wallace, regarding Maj. Goreham's importunity, New York ^he disgust of Lord Wm. Campbell, Governor of Nova Scotia, with Goreham's appointment, Lord William's disoosition, a letter and picture from Sir William's brother and probable effects of Charles Townshend's death. 123 30 [Sir William Johnson] to Dan'l Horsmanden, saying Johnson Hall that buyers prefer new lands to patented tracts and estimating that Horsmanden's land may be worth 100 per 100 acres. 124 Nov. T Sir H. Moore to [Sir William Johnson], concerning New York civilities to Sir John and a visit to Sir William with which circumstances have interfered, Indian lands and Indian affairs. 126 5 Capt. Normand MacLeod, regarding complaining trad- Niagara ers in Quebec, war belts given by Wabacommegat, insolent French traders across the lake and the feeling of the commandants toward the commissaries. 127 5 [Sir William Johnson] to Lieut. Webb, declaring the Johnson Hall difficulty of serving Capt. Edmeston in the matter of lands, owing to grants already made and Indian uneasiness. 128 5 [Sir William Johnson] to Peter Hasenclever, regard- Johnson Hall ing the Indian state of mind and the survey of the purchase from the Oneidaes. 129 [7] J. Wetherhead about letters forwarded, a bond and [New York] judgment, a draft drawn by John Van Seice and letters from Mr Roberts. 130 376 NEW YORK STATE LIBRARY IO 10 14 Whitehall 1767 Nov. 7 David Cougar's receipt to John Wetherhead for 10 in payment for 20 barrels of cider. 15:131(2) 8 John Wetherhead about cider shipped with Capt. Van New York Allen, corn bought for Johnson, John Van Seice's draft, Mr Roberts's accounts and letters to be carried to England by the attorney general. 131(1) 9 Thos. Flood, declaring his sense of Johnson's great goodness to him, lamenting misfortunes and errors and craving advice. 25:100 A list of persons who request Sir William Johnson to pay certain specified sums on their accounts to John Moffatt; with Moffit's receipt. 15:132 John Moffit's account of work done for Sir William Johnson; receipted. 136 Lord Shelburne to Lieut. Gov. [Fauquier] of Vir ginia (extract), requiring that the boundary line be tween the Indians and the provinces of South and North Carolina, as also between them and the prov inces of Maryland and Pensylvania, be continued along the Virginia frontier; and that this be done by cooperation with Sir William Johnson and [Super intendent] Stuart. 133 James Popham, giving a list of woolens which he manufactures, mentioning his skill in dyeing and offering, with favor and encouragement, to start a manufactory in Johnson's town. 134 14 [Sir William Johnson] to Sir Henry Moore, with re- Johnson Hall spect to Indian grievances and resentments, Lord Shelburne's communication to the Governor, reorgan ization of the militia, Justice Fry's preparation for the practice of law, recent surveys and farmers sent over from England by the Duke of Athol and Lord Adam Gordon. 135 14 [Sir William Johnson] to Capt. Gavin Cochran, regard- Johnson Hall ing farmers sent by Lord Adam Gordon to view lands designed for a settlement, the prospect of Indian hos tilities, the public opinion of Maj. Rogers, consequences of the death of Charles Townsend and the marriage of Lord Gordon. 137 14 [Sir William Johnson] to Maj. Gorham, informing of Johnson Hall Lord Wm. Campbell's complaints against Gorham, asking for a vindication and criticizing Gorham's ex penses and accounts. 25:101 15 Daniel Campbell about articles sent back by Johnson as Schenectady unsatisfactory, a delayed invoice and a picture of John son's brother which Campbell will forward. 15:138 16 John Stevenson, for James Stevenson, presenting two Albany accounts, one due the estate of Peter Gronendyck. 139 14 Newark SIR WILLIAM JOHNSON MANUSCRIPTS 377 1767 Nov. 16 John Wetherhead about compasses and 460 which Mr New york Roberts has desired Sir William to pay to Wetherhead; inclosing account. 16 Abraham Mortier, transmitting warrant for 3633, IDS, New York i^d sterling, with receipts to be signed. 17 [Sir William Johnson] to Lord Adam Gordon, offering Johnson Hall congratulations to Lord Adam and his bride on their marriage and mentioning a tract in which Lord Adam is interested. 20 Maisonville to [Sir William Johnson], saying that he has Detroit been trading for English merchants on the Ouabache, and has advanced goods for the royal service by order of Monsr. Croghan, Monsr. Cole and Monsr. Col. Reed. [In French] 21 John Eisenlord, regarding a debt against Peter Young, Stoneraby a miller at Johnson's town, and Young's claim for service rendered by his son to Eisenlord; with ac count. 22 Capt. B. Glasier, about the departure of his interpreter, Fort Onterea provisions and rum for the Indians and [Maj.] Rog- ers's disbursements. 22 Hugh Eraser, concerning the proposals of an officer in Beverdam 22 Detroit 22 Detroit 23 Detroit 23 New York 24 Detroit 24 Detroit the 47th, an inclosed account and wheat and rye which Eraser can furnish to Johnson's tenants. . A memorial of traders to Sir William Johnson, stating the bad results of confining trade to the fort, particu larly the large consumption of brandy or rum by the Indians, and mentioning the liberty enjoyed by the traders of Michilimakinac. [In French] A petition to Monsieur le chevalier Johnson from the old and new subjects of his Majesty, traders of the fort, for liberty of trade within the fort, the consignment of liquor to a public storehouse, restriction of the right to winter among the Indians, regulation of the importa tion of liquor, and for the presentation of their request to the King. [In French] Commissary Jehu Hay, regarding his trouble with traders and a court of inquiry. John Wetherhead, saying that the bonds and judgments are bound up in two books, which will be sent in care of Billy Benson ; the mackerel, cod and candles went by Pemberton and the sloops are making their last trips. Certificate of the court of inquiry, consisting of Lieut. Daniel McAlpin, Ensign John Amiel of the 6oth regi ment and Ensign John Lewis Gage of the 3ist regiment, which sat on the conduct of James Abbott. John Lewis Gage to [Sir William Johnson] about pistols sent as a present in care of Col. Craughan. 15:141 142 140 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 ISO 152 378 NEW YORK STATE LIBRARY 1767 Nov. 24 Capt. Geo. Turnbull, saying that the two prisoners have Detroit been delivered up to the satisfaction of the Indians and that there will be no more complaints against Mr Hay. 15:153 24 Memorial of traders for reimbursement for goods ad- Detroit vanced to Maj. Rogers. 158 24 [Sir William Johnson] to Gen. Gage, considering the Johnson Hall popular tendency to encroach on the Indians, the weak ness of the governments, the settlement around Red Stone creek, Maj. Gorham's establishments and ex penses, numbers and salaries of officers, expenses of Indian commissaries, their want of power, propriety of a duty on spirituous liquors, Chabert's treachery, benefit of a general Indian congress, Potter's discovery, Maj. Rogers's creditors and Lieut. Roberts's confine ment. [Doc. Hist. N. Y. 2:885-88; Q, 2:514-15] 154 25 [Sir William Johnson] to the Earl of Shelburne, acknowl- Johnson Hall edging attentions paid to his son and interest in John son's own affairs, stating his claim to the grant made by the Indians and mentioning Dr Richard Shuck- burgh's presence in London. 155 26 Isaac Low, offering himself as a fit person to transact New York Johnson's business in New York; referring to his brothers in law, Henry and Abm. Cuyler, and to John Glen at Schenectady. 156 26 Memorial of H. V. Schaack and other English traders to Detroit Sir William Johnson, complaining of violation of trade regulations, injury done by the trade in rum, license enjoyed by the traders from Michilimackinak and the Illinoise, French and Spanish competition and inconvenience to Indians and injury to the honest traders from confining trade to the fort, and asking that the sale of liquor be restricted. 157 26 Patt Sinclair, Lieutenant I5th regiment, to [Sir William Pine River Johnson?], mentioning the release of two Indians who murdered his servant and suggesting that he " be in some measure considered." 159 26 Sir William Johnson to Mr Wetherhead, mentioning in- Johnson Hall closed drafts, Mr Roberts's account and indebtedness, the affair between Roberts and Maj. Rogers, an adver tised medicine and pork, rum and sugar desired. 160 26 Sam'l Nelson, regarding indebtedness which caused him Kingstown to leave Quebec, the place he occupies in the secretary's St Vincent office, his prospects, limes as large as lemons, ex perience among strangers and his hope of reconcilia tion with his parents ; saying that letters will be for warded by James Armstrong, merchant, New York. 161 27 [Sir William Johnson] to Mr Mcllworth about the ad- Johnson Hall vantage of learning French, and an office which it is not judged necessary to establish. 162 SIR WILLIAM JOHNSON MANUSCRIPTS 379 1767 Nov. 28 Jno. B. V. Eps to Dr James Wallece, informing that he Schindy j s sending by the hands of Josep Proctor, Ruben Simes and David Litell, molasses and cider for Sir William Johnson and chairs and cider for Sir John. 15:163(1) 28 John Stuart, superintendent, commending the bearers, Charles Town three Cherokee deputies, sent to negotiate peace with the northern Indians. 163(2) 30 William Kelly, expressing gratification at the discovery New York that he has not lost Sir William's friendship and his apprehension was due to the miscarriage of a letter. 164 30 Peter Hasenclever, concerning surveys of the Oneida New York lands, Indian grievances, ministerial changes, Boston zeal for manufacturers and war on English goods. 120 Dec. 2 W. Gamble, asking information as to the state of the Albany Albany county militia. 165 3 Capt. Normand MacLeod about an inclosed letter and the Niagara writer's wish to sell his army commission. 166 3 [Sir William Johnson] to Lord Shelburne, concerning Johnson Hall the extraordinary plan for a government devised by the commandant of Michilimackinac, the argument that self-interest will restrain traders from evil doing, de generation of the New York Independent companies, his call for a general Indian congress, increase of emi gration to Redstone creek and Cheat river, the need of trade restriction except northwest of the Lakes, com mercial jealousy among the colonies, the increased cost of labor in Quebec under British rule, the duplicity of Chabert Joncaire, advantages of the posts for trade, im portance of Toronto, consumption of British goods by the frontier inhabitants, causes and cure of Indian dis- t satisfaction, the influence of renegade Frenchmen over the Indians, the interference of civil or military officers with Indian commissaries, Maj. Rogers's behavior toward Roberts and the advantages of a religious establishment among the Indians. [Doc. rel. to Col. Hist. N. Y. 7:997-1003] 167 5 George Wray, to say that Mr Brown is the bearer of a Albany draft on Col. George Crohan in favor of Joseph White, deceased, and to ask payment. 168 6 Gen. Thomas Gage, informing that he has called on the New York governors of Pcnsylvania and Virginia to redress the Indians for insults and encroachments and considering the general boundary, the disputes of Kayadorosseras and lower Mohock flatts, the conduct of Canadian traders, salaries in Johnson's department and the quar rel" between Roberts and Rogers. [Doc. Hist. N. Y. 2:888-90; Q, 2:515-16] 169 380 NEW YORK STATE LIBRARY 1767 Dec. 7 W. McAdam, applying for payment of money advanced New York to Maj. Gorham, for which Gorham gave a bill on Hugh Wallace. 15:170 8 Hugh Wallace, asking drafts on Mr Mortier that he may New York pa y Maj. Goreham and Capt. Howard and mentioning Lord Wm. Gordon, a ship that will sail for Dublin in January, a land transaction, a service to be rendered to Capt. Johnson and the evasive attitude of the assembly toward the billeting act. 171 12 Dr B. Franklin to Thomas Wharton (extract), mention- [London] j n g the " accident to the Boat on the Ohio " and the necessity of a boundary. Also extract from B. Frank lin's letter of December i to [Joseph Gallaway] relating conversations with Lord Shelburn and Lord Clare on the boundary line. 172 13 Abhm Rosencrantz to [Sir William Johnson], acknowl- Stonarabia edging the invitation of a [Masonic] society to observe the day of St John the Divine and expressing a wish that he were better versed in the English tongue. [In Latin] 25:102 14 John Watts about expenses incurred by Lord Adam's New York "Ambassadors," the return of the Indians appointed to fix the Pensilvania line, their expenses, Cherokee depu ties on their way to Johnson and unfriendliness of the Shawnese, Delawares etc., to the Six Nations. 15:174 14 Gen. Thomas Gage, saying that the Cherokees, sent up New York the river, will probably land at the Manor or Claverack on account of ice near Albany, reciting some murders by Indians and advising payment of an old demand made by a French trader on account of arms taken by Col. Bradstreet at Oswego. [Doc. Hist. N. Y. 2:890-91; Q, 2:516-17] 175 15 Mark Feely, asking some more lucrative employment New York than that of clerk or assistant to John W. Smith. 176 15 Tim. Woodbridge, introducing two Indians who come to Stockbridge obtain a renunciation by the Mohocks of all claims to lands east of the Hudson and announcing the purpose of the Indians to appeal once more to the ministry against the province. 25:103 16 John Welles, acquainting with the partnership which he Quebec has formed with Geo. Allsopp and his interest in potash and pearlash works, with statement of prospects and offer of services. 15:177 16 Gen. Thomas Gage, concerning expenses incurred in New York sending the Cherokee,deputies to Johnson Hall. [Doc. Hist. N. Y. 2:891-92; Q, 2:517] 178 SIR WILLIAM JOHNSON MANUSCRIPTS 381 1767 Dec. ?-i7 Journal of conference with Indians relative to unauthor- [ Fort Pitt] i z ed settlements. LLast 2 pages only; in handwriting of Alexander McKee j indorsed in different hand : Jour nal of George Croghan Esqr. 1767] 25:104(3) 18 Petition of traders to George Croghan, complaining Pittsburgh o f trade violations, a settlement by lawless persons at Redstone creek and the machinations of Col. Crisip among the Indians. 15: 179 18 [Sir William Johnson] to William Kelly, assuring of con- Johnson Hall tinued friendship and regretting the existence of doubt. 180 18 [Sir William Johnson] to Sir H. Moore on the necessity Johnson Hall o f early redress of Indian wrongs, reorganization of the militia in accordance with location of population and recent surveys. 181 18 Sir William Johnson's scheme for forming the militia to the westward of Albany into six regiments; trans mitted to Sir Henry Moore. 14:232 [Sir William Johnson's] memorandum of the number of men in each of the companies of the Schenectady battalion and of the grouping of these companies in the proposed new regiments. On back, two memoranda, one about the decision of the Oneidas touching a line to be run from Cosbys Manner, the other about the formation of a new county extending from the west bounds of Schenectady to the upper settlements or Fort Stanwix. 234 19 Lord Shelburne to Gen. Gage (extract), regarding the Whitehall proposed boundary between the provinces and thi In dian hunting grounds. 15:182 19 Edward Cole to [George Croghan?], concerning ac- Fort Chartres counts rejected for defects in form, want of bellows at the fort, suggestions for arresting French trade, a hostile belt, suspension of payment by a certain house and the writer's desire to " smell salt water." 183 20 Gen. Thomas Gage, stating substance of his letters to New York Governors Penn and Fauquiere regarding encroach ments on Indian land and of Gov. Penn's reply. Woe. Hist. N. Y. 2:892; Q, 2:517-18] 184 21 John French to [Sir William Johnson], concerning lands Fort George O n the Mohawk bought by Col. Vaughan and the direc- New York tions which the lines of survey will take. 185 22 John Johnston, acknowledging favors, offering to take the place of smith at Misshanamokana and asking pecun iary assistance. 186 23 The Lords of Trade to the Earl of Shelburne (copy). Whitehall considering evidences of Indian discontent, proceedings preliminary to running a boundary line, the course of this line as described by the Indians and the advantages 32 NEW YORK STATE LIBRARY 1767 of its establishment ; advising that orders be sent to Sir William Johnson to settle this boundary and that in the survey no opportunity be created for encroach ments in the Cherokee country. Signed, Clare, Soames Jenyns, Ed. Eliot, Wm. Fitzherbert and Thomas Rob inson. [Inclosed with 15 -.225] [Doc. rel to Col. Hist. N. Y. 7:1004-5] i 5:I 8 7 Dec. 24 Abraham Mortier about money sent up, drafts which he New York has paid, future drafts and a birth in the home of Gen. Gage; list of drafts inclosed. 188 24 [Sir William Johnson] to Gen. Gage on the grounds and Johnson Hall extent of Indian resentment, the Kayadarosseras patent, the inapplicability of the common law to the redress of Indian grievances, the crime of the Saguinam Indians, complaints 01 the Delawares, the coming of the Cher okee deputies ana increase of salaries. [Doc. Hist. N. Y. 2 :8 93 -95 I Q, 2 1518-19] 189 26 [Sir William Johnson] to Gen. Gage on the arrival of Johnson Hall Lieut. Roberts, sent as a prisoner from Michilimackic, the commandant's interference with trade, the advis ability of Roberts's return to his post in the spring and propriety of indemnifying him for the expenses of his journey. [Doc. Hist. N. Y. 2:895-96; Q, 2:519-^20] 190 28 John Duncan [postmaster] about a letter, the seal of Schenectady which was accidentally broken. 191 28 John Stevenson, for James Stevenson, informing that he Albany has drawn in favor of Mr Cartwright for 47, 95, 6d. 192 28 Henry Cuyler, offering to be security for Isaac Low in Green bush the transaction of New York business for Johnson and inquiring about a draft drawn by Benj. Roberts in favor of Jehu Hay and indorsed to Cuyler. 193 28 Thos. Shipboy to Capt. Guye Johnson at Fort Johnson, Albany asking that a sum of money be sent by the bearer, Mr DeLancey. 194 28 Thos. Shipboy, asking that the amount of an inclosed Albany account may be sent in charge of Mr DeLancey. 195 28 A. C. Cuyler, recommending Mr Low for the manage- Albany ment of Sir William's New York business and asking advice in the matter of obtaining payment of Mr Rogers's bills. 196 29 Daniel Campbell about buckskins sent in charge of Mr Schenectady Cartwright and a procession which he was prevented from seeing. 197 2g John Wetherhead about pork sent and to be sent. ' 198 New York Consent by the Oneida Indians to the rectification of the boundary specified in the Indian deed of a tract south of the Mohawks River conveyed to Gov. Henry Moore. [Not dated or signed] 25:106 SIR WILLIAM JOHNSON MANUSCRIPTS 383 1767 Tobias Shaddick, a Narragansett, discussing the rela tion of sachem to the tribe, protesting against Rev. [Matthew] Graves's selection of Mr Cross to oversee the school, and describing the sachem's [Thomas Nine- grett] purpose to ruin the tribe by selling all the lands. [Date uncertain; indorsed in later hand, 1767] Plan of [Maj. Robert Rogers] for erecting a civil govern ment for Michillimackinac and its dependencies ; with arguments for extending the trade outside the post and an estimate of the fur and peltry trade within the bounds contemplated. Mr Watts to [Sir William Johnson], informing of efforts to enlist Lord Shebourn in a, service to Americans and sending an extract from a letter by Mr Penn relative to conversations with Lord Shelborne on the Indian boundary. Names of the field officers of Col. (Sir William) John son's regiment. On the back, some business memo randa. George Croghan's account of sundry losses and ex penses from 1757 to 1767. Map of the country between the Mohawk river and the Normans kill showing the number of men which it would furnish to the militia. [Probably 1767] 1763 Jan. 2 [Sir William Johnson] to Gov. J. Penn, concerning legis- Johnson Hall lation by Pennsylvania in behalf of Indian rights, the proposed boundary and a small gratuity ordered for the widow of Jacob. Capt. Norman d MacLeod about the mysterious behavior of Mr Magra, jealousy between the Senecas and the Messesagas, the consequences of 'hostilities, Mr Cha- biere, the interpreter and smith, the Indian desire for gunpowder, the birth of a daughter, and the Indian who brings the letter. John Wetherhead about drafts received from Johnson, Maj. Rogers's conduct toward Mr Roberts, articles to be brought from England, bonds sent in care of Billy Benson and honey sent by Mrs Wetherhead. Earl of Shelburne, signifying the King's pleasure that Johnson, in concert with the commander in chief and the governors concerned, establish a boundary between the several provinces and the Indian tribes. [Doc. rel. to Col. Hist. N. Y. 8:2] 5 [Sir William Johnson] to Gen. Gage, regarding expenses Johnson Hall o f the Cherokee deputies' journey and of their meeting with the Six Nations, Gov. Penn's intention to prevent intrusions on Indian lands and the like duty of Gov. Fauquiere. 25:107 108 20 :2O2 11:274 15:214 16:84 15:222 3 Niagara 4 New York 5 Whitehall 223 22 4 225 226 384 NEW YORK STATE LIBRARY 1768 Jan. 6 John Arbo, secretary to the Moravians, concerning the Bethlehem labors and missions of the Brethren, the Christian Indian settlement at Wiealusing and the Greenland his tory by David Cranz, of which a copy is transmitted to Johnson. [Doc. Hist. N. Y. 4:374-75; Q, 4:236-37] 15:227 7 Names of persons for filling the vacancies in the 2d battalion. 14 :233 8 R. Cartwright, regarding articles sent in care of Lieut. Albany Pfister, pork to be furnished by Mr Campbell of Scho- nectady, cattle expected from New England and a re port that Sir John will be set up for 3 a seat in the Assembly; promising the support of the Cuylers, Han- sens and others to Sir William's candidate. 15:228 8 [Sir William Johnson] to Sir H. Moore, considering the Johnson Hall deficiency of the tract north of the Mohawk, Lord Holland's disappointment, the difficulty of bringing the Oneidas to a further concession, Mr French's letter concerning Col. Vaughan's land and improvements in the militia. 229 8 [Sir William Johnson] to Lieut. Gov. Fauquiere on Col. Johnson Hall Cressap's interference with Indian matters, propriety of referring Indians to Johnson for redress of griev ances, causes of Indian discontent, the settlements about Redstone creek, the promised action of Gov. Penn and the necessity of checking encroachments on Indian lands. 230 9 H. Moore to [Sir William Johnson] on the proposed re- New York organization of the militia, the division of the province into two military districts, the one north of the High lands to be under Johnson's command, the proposed partition of the tract north of the Hudson among Mr Hasenclever, Mr Schuyler, Gen. Gage, Johnson's friends, and Lord Holland, and proceeding relative to the Schoharie tract. [Wrongly dated by Gov. Moore, 1767] 231 ii Capt. Gavin Cochrane to [Sir William Johnson] on let- New York ters expected from England, Philadelphia opinion re garding Indian wrongs, proper action in South Carolina toward Indian interests, Lord Adam Gordon's people and the settling of 300 families on Indian lands at Redstone creek; with postscript of January 15. 232 13 Extract from a message to the Governor from the [Philadel- Assembly of Pennsylvania, setting forth the advan- phia] tages of the proposed boundary between white and red men and asking that the sentiments of the House may be communicated to Gen. Gage and Sir William Johnson. 234 SIR WILLIAM JOHNSON MANUSCRIPTS 385 1768 Jan. 14 John Wetherhead, mentioning the arrival of the packet New York an d asking Sir William on his visit to York to make the writer's house his home. IS :2 33 15 Memorial of merchants and citizens of the province of Montreal Quebec to Guy Carleton, lieutenant governor and commander in chief, drawing attention to their rights under the British constitution and the King's procla mation of 1763, asking that the sale of spirituous liquors to the Indians be restricted and declaring that officers, commanders and commissaries of posts should not be allowed to interfere with passports from his Majesty's governors. 236 15 Orders and regulations respecting the Indian trade and (Montreal] duty of commissaries, issued by Sir William Johnson; with criticisms by traders and citizens. 237 19 Letter from the committee of .correspondence of the IPhiladel- house to Benjamin Franklin and Richard Jackson, phia] agents for the province of Pennsylvania at the court of Great Britain (copy), acquainting with proceedings for stopping encroachments on Indian land and pun ishing the authors of the massacre of Indians at Con- estogo and Lancaster; also with the opinion of the House that a boundary should be at once established between settlements and the native tribes. [16:4] 238 22 [Sir William Johnson] to Peter Hasenclever, agreeing Johnson Hall w ith the opinion that the country is not ripe for manufactures, discussing the division of the new land grant and inclosing an account of expenses in mak ing the purchase. 239 22 [Sir William Johnson] to Joseph Galloway, discussing Johnson Hall measures of the Pennsylvania government for re moving Indian discontent, Indian reprisals, diffi culties of legal redress, wrongs committed by frontier inhabitants and the need of a fixed boundary. 240 22 [Sir William Johnson] to Gen. Gage about arms taken Johnson Hall i n 1764 for the use of the Indians, a congress with the confederacies, accounts brought by Mr Croghan, the bell at Niagara desired by the Hurons and unjust aspersions on Mr Hay. 241 22 [Sir William Johnson] to J. French, secretary to Gov. Johnson Hall Moore, about the survey of Col. Vaughan's lands, objection by the Conajoharee Indians to the dimen sions of the tract and the license to practise law promised by the Governor to Hendrick Frey. 242" 22 [Sir William Johnson] to Sir H. Moore on the plan Johnson Hall for the militia and his own appointment to a com mand, Mr Hasenclever's and Lord Holland's share in * 13 386 NEW YORK STATE LIBRARY 1768 land to be divided, the Scohare tracts and Mr Rans- laer's caveat, the Michl Byrne tract at Scohare and John Brachan's triangle near Conajoharee. 15:243 Jan. 22 [Sir William Johnson] to Benjamin Kissam, repeating Johnson Hall the answer of the Mohocks to the offer of the Kaya- darosseras patentees and asking th.it a map to rep resent their patent be furnished. 244 22 [Sir William Johnson] to Mr Gamble about delayed correspondence and cash remitted in Mr Croghan's care. 245 24 Hugh Wallace, concerning Maj. Goreham's salary and New York bills, Capt. Howard's account, a vessel from Dublin, English news, newspaper flattery of Gen. Lyman, and candidates for the Assembly, including Phil Liv ingston, James Delancey, John Scott, John Cruger jun. and Jacob Walter. 246 25 John Wetherhead about books and letters from abroad New York an d Sir William's expected visit to New York. 247 26 R. Cartwright to [Sir William Johnson], concerning Albany an order for flour and pork. 248 2Q Hendrick Frey's bill to Sir William Johnson for costs Canajoharry o f surveying patent at Schoharie, dated April 20, 1767; receipted. 16 :6g 29 Hendrick Frey's bills to Sir William Johnson for survey- Canajoharry j n g between the two Canada creeks, dated November 15, 1766; receipted. 13:170 Feb. i D. Burton, [Secretary of the Society for Propagating the Westminster Gospel], inquiring what is suitable compensation for a missionary to the Indians. [Doc. Hist. N. Y. 4:376; Q> 4:237] 15:249 2 Henry Bostwick, communicating the fact that Monsr. London Cadotte and he have discovered mines on Lake Su- periour, that the Indians thereabout are friendly to mining operations and that a grant for these mines has been sought from the King, and offering a share to Johnson. [Duplicates] 16:1, a 2 George Croghan, informing of the murder of nine Indians New York on the Susquahanna above Harris Ferry, Pennsylvania's offer of a reward for the apprehension of the murderer, the general's fear of an Indian uprising, alarm in London from the same cause, correspondence between Gov. Franklin and his father [Benjamin Franklin], a prospect of a settlement between the Mohocks and the Kiaderuserus patentees and a rumor that pensylvaine will condole with the Indians on the Gunestoga affair. 3 6 Henrich Merckel jun'r's account to Sir William John son 17, us; receipted. 5 SIR WILLIAM JOHNSON MANUSCRIPTS 1768 Feb. 7 Philada. 7 London New York George Croghan on the capture of Frederick Stump and his servant who murdered 10 Indians and their rescue by a frontier mob; mentioning inclosures, including a letter from the Assembly to London agents respecting the Indian boundary. [15:238] 16:4 J. T. Kempe on Lord Hilsborough, who succeeds Lord Shelburne as secretary for the colonies, and Lord Adam Gordon's absence in Scotland. 6 John Wetherhead about articles sent up to Albany in a sleigh, Mr Roberts's accounts and Johnson's patent. 7 8 Same to same, about the progress of Johnson's patents. 8 [New York] 8 James Phyn, concerning Mr Roberts's drafts, Indian Schenectady goods on hand and the payment of certain drafts. 9 13 Alexander McKee to George Croghan, concerning the Fort Pitt murder of 10 Indians by white men, the intended council on the plains of Scioto, alarm of traders, irritation of the tribes on the Ouabache and a gathering of Shaw- anese and Delaware chiefs. 10 John Wetherhead to [Sir William Johnson], concerning official business which interferes with the drawing of Johnson's patent, also the survey of Col. Croghan's lands by Mr Fry. n S. Wharton to Mr Croghan, informing that the Assembly has voted ^2500 as a present of condolence to the Indians and quoting a paragraph in the Assembly's message to the Governor relative to the time of expend iture. 12 Capt. John Brown, relative to Mr Magra and jealousy between the Senecas and Missesagaes. 13 George Croghan, regarding money voted by the Assembly for a present of condolence and money for the arrest of Stump [16:3, 4], a debate in the House, Quaker con fidence in Johnson, a communication from the speaker, a message from the Governor to the Ohio Indians on the murder committed by Stump and his servant, and Capt. Thomas McKee's endeavor to pacify the Indians. 14 George Croghan to Gen. Gage, acquainting with the ac tion of the [Pennsylvania] Assembly in voting a present of ^3000 to the Indians, Gov. Penn's message to the Shawanese, Delawares and Six Nations, the alarm of settlers, the arrival of several parties of Senecas at Fort Pitt and Thomas McKee's conciliatory efforts among the Indians. 15, 16 Capt. Normand MacLeod on the strange behavior of Red mond Magra, trouble between the Senecas and Mes- sesagas, the want of steel and a bellows at the post, a change of interpreters and Wabacommegat's opinion of the Senecas. 17 15 New York 16 [Philadel phia?] 17 Niagara Phill. 17 Philada. 17 Niagara NEW YORK STATE LIBRARY 1768 Feb. 10 George Croghan about an inclosed petition from Detroit Phill. traders and payment for a negro which was promised in '59- 16:18 18 [Sir William Johnson] to Lieut. Gov. Penn, considering Johnson Hall the effect of the murder committed by Fredk Stump and of the seizure of some Tuscororas near the place of that crime. 19 18 ' [Sir William Johnson] to Sir H. Moore, regarding ex- Johnson Hall penses attending the purchase at Scohare, the ad mission of new shareholders, the militia, the murder of 10 Indians in Pensylvania. 20 18 [Sir William Johnson] to Gen. Gage, concerning the Johnson Hall murder committed by Fredk Stump and the seizure of Tuscororas by white people on the frontier, a proposed settlement on the Ohio, Lieut. Roberts's expenses, disbursements at Fort Pitt and Maj. Rogers's drafts, amounting to 4852, 125, 2d. 21 19 John Wetherhead about letters inclosed and letters to [New York] be despatched by the general. 22 22 Peter Hasenclever, to say that Gen. Gage will take New York i8,ooo acres and Sir Henry Moore will pay for Lord Holland; also that the Duke of Bedford will be at the helm, G. Granville, Chancellor of the Treasury, and Lord Sandwhich, Secretary of State. 24 22 John French about a commission inclosed and commis- New York s i O ns sent to Col. Johnson. 25 23 Capt. Turnbull to Gen. Gage (extract), reporting the Detroit murder of Rogers, a trader, and the theft of his goods by St Joseph Indians, also of one Hambach, formerly of the 6cth regiment, by Potowatamies and suggesting the complicity of Spaniards and French men. 26 29 [Sir William Johnson] to Joseph Galloway, speaker of Johnson Hall the House of Assembly of Pennsylvania, consider ing the use of the fund voted by Pennsylvania as a gift of condolence to the Indians and observing that the enforcement of law is the best security against Indian resentment. 27 29 [Sir William Johnson] to Lieut. Gov. Penn, consider- Johnson Hall jng the necessity of punishing crimes against the Indians and conciliating the Six Nations, the sum to be applied for that purpose and outlining his course in the coming general congress. 28 Mar. i George Croghan, concerning accounts and vouchers Phill. from Col. Cole, Cole's objection to orders received through Croghan, the pay of gunsmiths in Cole's de partment, the murder and scalping 9f 10 Indians, the temper of the Dallaway and Shannas, instructions re quired by Croghan, correspondence between prominent SIR WILLIAM JOHNSON MANUSCRIPTS 389 1768 men in Pennsylvania and Lords Shelburn and Clair relative to a boundary between white and red men, and money due the Six Nations for the lands occupied by the Conistoga Indians before the massacre. 16:29 Mar. i [Sir William Johnson] to Joseph Galloway on the Johnson Hall peace between the Cherokees and Six Nations and his successful efforts to pacify the latter. 31 1 Isaac Vrooman and 13 others, expressing their grati- Schenectady tude for the services rendered by Sir John and Capt. Johnson in the election of Mr Mynderse as a repre sentative for the township of Schenectady. 30 2 Crean Brush's receipt to Mr Wetherhead for fees of re- New York ceiver general on patents of Michael Byrne and John Brackan. 49 4 Francis Wade, expressing regret at the cessation Philada. o f correspondence and asking to be informed of the occasion of offense. 32 5 [Sir William Johnson] to Sam'l Wharton, congratulating Johnson Hall O n his extrication from business difficulties and men tioning the importance of conciliating the Six Na tions, particularly the Senecas, 1200 to be dis tributed by Mr Croghan at Fort Pitt, correspondence with Lord Shelburne pertaining to the boundary, and the opening of the Indian congress. 33 5 [Sir William Johnson] to the mayor of Schenectady, Johnson Hall answering an address of thanks for Sir John's and Capt. Johnson's assistance at the election, under Sir William's countenance. 34 5 [Sir William Johnson] to the Hon'ble John Watts, re- Johnson Hall garding an account against the province of Pennsyl vania, a congress with Cherokees, men of the Six Nations and chiefs from Canada, relation of the Shawanese and the Delawares to the Six Nations, the difficulty of pacifying Indian resentment with money, and quitrents for Northhampton lands. 35 5 [Sir William Johnson] to Gen. Gage, mentioning a Johnson Hall communication from Lord Shelburne, the boundary, the escape of Stump, an incident oi the Indian con gress and Gage's letters for Ontario and Niagara. 36 5 [Sir William Johnson] to George Croghan, inclosing Johnson Hall instructions for the Fort Pitt meeting, and mention ing the congress at Johnson Hall, the Pennsylvania subsidy to the Indians, the King's approbation of Johnson's proposals, and the traders' petitions. 37 5 John Wetherhead about articles sent in charge of New York Pemberton, Johnson's patents, official slowness, Roberts's indebtedness and Johnson's ailment. 38 10 Capt. James Cnsick, asking a letter to Gen. Gage in the Schenectady interest of road improvement at Fort Stamvix. 39 39 NEW YORK STATE LIBRARY 1768 Mar. 12 Abraham Van Eps, offering to sell a piece of land. 16:40 Coghnawago 13 Draper S'n Wood, informing of failure to obtain wagons Albany f or provisions from Capt. Schylor, D. Q. M. Gen. 41 14 [Sir William Johnson] to the Earl of Shelburne, express- Johnson Hall i n g gratification at the King's approval, relating the murder of 10 Indians in Pennsylvania and treating the subject of Indian relations. [Doc. rel. to Col Hist. N. Y. 8:36-38] 42 14 John Wetherhead, explaining the delay of Johnson's New York patents, describing devices of the Presbyterian party in the late election with the downfall of the lawyers and the Presbyterians and mentioning a negro woman who with her child can be bought for 70. 43 14 [Sir William Johnson] to the Lords of Trade, reporting Johnson Hall the murder of 10 Indians by an inhabitant of Penn sylvania, the congress with 760 Indians, the peace be tween the Six Nations and Cherokees and steps toward fixing a boundary between Indians and settlements. [Doc. rel to Col. Hist. N. Y. 8:53-54] 44 14 [Sir William Johnson] to Gen. Gage, informing of the Johnson Hall close of the Indian congress, peace between Cherokees and Six Nations and the present feeling of the Indians. 45 15 [Sir William Johnson] to Lieut. Gov. Penn, mentioning Johnson Hall the late Indian congress, Croghan's coming meeting with Indians at Fort Pitt and the determination of Connecticut to send an agent to England to " solicit the Susquahanna affair " [obtain ministerial support for a settlement on the Susquehanna]. 46 15 Jas. Downe's receipt to John Wetherhead for fees due to [New York] John Tabor Kempe, attorney general, for a. draft of letters patent to John Brackan for 280 acres of land in Albany county. 50 15 ' Jas. Downe's receipt to same for 54, fees due the attorney [New York] general for a draft of letters patent to Michael Bryne [Byrne] and 17 others for 18,000 acres of land. 51 1 6 John Wetherhead about articles to be sent in charge of New York Capt. Van Allen and progress of Johnson's patents. 47 1 6 [Sir William Johnson] in account with John Wetherhead. 48 New York 17 John Wetherhead about articles sent and to be sent. 52 New York 18 George Croghan, announcing that he sets out at once for Philada. Fort Pitt to meet the Indians, that he will be at Johnson Hall at an early day and mentioning the celebration by the Royal Irish Regiment the day before at Peg Mul len's. 53 SIR WILLIAM JOHNSON MANUSCRIPTS 39! 1768 Mar. 19 William Lupton, transmitting a letter from Col. Massey New York which has arrived by a schooner that left Dublin No vember loth and suffered great distress off the American coast for eight weeks. i6'S4 21 Cornelius Glen and A. C. Cuyler, requesting a draft on Albany New York in payment of Capt. Rogers's bills and an order on Gerrit Van Santie for pork. 55 23 Samuel Wharton, relative to the distribution of the Penn- Philada. sylvania donation to Indians, correspondence between Mr MacLeane and Dr Franklin on the boundary [15:172], Gov. Franklin's purpose to write, 'a present to Johnson of grafts of the best fruits in the province, threats of the Black Boys affecting Mr Croghan and a measure for his protection. 56 25 [Sir William Johnson] to Lieut. Gov. Sharpe, approving Johnson Hall the sale of the Nanticokes' lands in Maryland and the appointment of Capt. Ogden as their attorney and in dicating the necessary proceedings. 57 28 Benjamin Kissam, informing that Peter Remsen has a New York power of attorney to settle the disputes of the Indians over the Kayadorosseres and that steps are taken to ward the division of the patent. 58 29 Petition of the Lutheran congregation to Sir William Stone Raby Johnson, regarding the possession of church land, threatened by the Calvinists ; asking advice. 25:111 Apr. 3 Samuel Wharton, concerning the bearer, who comes from Philada. Lancaster by way of Philadelphia, New York and Albany. 16 .'59 5 [Sir William Johnson] to Hon'ble J. Watts, mentioning Johnson Hall illnesp due to discomforts of the Indian congress, money transmitted by Mr Allen, the proposed boundary, the Northampton tract and the Kayaderosseras dispute. 60 6 Sir William Johnson in account with John Wether- New York head. 6l 6 [Sir William Johnson] to Lieut. Gov. Penn, mentioning Johnson Hall recent illness, a list of presents to the Indians and com pensation to the Tuscaroras for horses seized when they came through Pennsylvania in 1766. 62 6 [Sir William Johnson] to Gov. Sir H. Moore about Johnson Hall recent illness, commissions for the militia, the territory of the Albany regiment and a journey which he will take to the seacoast for his health; recommending x Hend'k M. Roseboom and Peter B. Vroman Jun'r for places in the Albany and Scohare regiments and Col. Guy Johnson for adjutant general. 63 7 John Wetherhead about goods sent and others waiting New York and the completed patents. 64 39 2 NEW YORK STATE LIBRARY 1768 Apr. 8 [Sir William Johnson] to Gen. Gage, mentioning an Johnson Hall illness due to the Indian congress, proceedings and ac counts inclosed, Maj. Rogers's drafts, the Carolina and Georgia boundaries, the Indians' desire for a gratuity in connection with the boundary settlement, objections of Indian traders to the regulations [15:237]; defend ing the regulations, a'dvising the withdrawal of the commissary at the Ilinois and informing that he will make a journey to the seaside and Lieut. Johnson will discharge the business of the department during his absence; also approving Lieut. Roberts's expenses. 16:65 8 [Sir William Johnson] to H. Wallace, sending a draft Johnson Hall for Maj. Gorham's disbursements, and mentioning a vessel sent to Dublin, the late election, peace between the northern Indians and Cherokees, the murder of IO Indians in Pennsylvania, his own illness and pro jected journey. 66 n John Wetherhead about an order for oysters, spices and New York lobsters, a letter from Doctor Auchmuthy, one for Mr Byrne and Johnson's letters to the ministry, and the delayed patents. 67(1) 11 John Wetherhead's bill to Sir William Johnson for New York oysters and spices. 67(2) 12 Jost Herchheimer to [Sir William Johnson?] in re- Burnets Field gard to an inclosed list of men recommended for officers in the battalion. 68 15 Circular letter of Hillsborough to the governors in Whitehall America, informing them that the regulation of Indian trade will be left to the colonies. [This copy is ad dressed to the Governor of West Florida and marked: Duplicate.] [Doc. rel. to Col. Hist. N. Y. 8:55-56] 25:108(2) 15 Lieut. Geo. Phyn, considering the value of the Ohio and Mobile Illinois countries and showing that it depends on the possession of New Orleans, condemning the trial of Maj. Farmer and sending Gen. Haldimand's compli ments. 109 18 Commissary Edward Cole to [Sir William Johnson] Fort Chartres about accounts transmitted to Mr Croghan and recom mending the establishing of trade at Post Vincent, with Mr Rumsey [Lieut. James Ramsay] as agent. 16:70 2^ [Sir William Johnson] to Gen. Gage, discussing the pro- Guy Park posed Indian boundary, the interests involved, the coming conference, and trade regulations, and mention ing the journey he is taking for his health. 71 2.? [Sir William Johnson] to Lieut. Gov. Carleton, consider- Johnson Hall ing the objections of traders to trade regulations [15:237], aspersions on the commissaries, the character of Indian traders and the sale of liquor to Indians. 73 SIR WILLIAM JOHNSON MANUSCRIPTS 393 1768 Apr. 23 [Sir William Johnson] to John Blair, commander in chief Johnson Hall in Virginia, relative to the late congress, Johnson's im paired health, misapprehensions concerning the pro posed Indian boundary, instructions from the ministry for its completion, the Cherokee claim, and the journey which he will make to salt water. 16:73 25 [Sir William Johnson] to Sir H. Moore, concerning Schenectady officers for the militia, his journey to the islands about New London and the bounds of the Albany regiment. Attached to manuscript, a scrap showing the route to New London. 74 William Johnston's account of smith work for the Indians. 18 159 tMichilimack- William Johnston's bill to Sir William Johnson for smith inac] work. 6l May 6 Col. John Jost Herchheimer's return of persons chosen Bumets Field f or officers of his battalion. [Erroneously dated May 6, 1767] 14:221 7 A representation to the King from the Lords of Trade Whitehall on a petition for a grant of copper mines near Lake Superior. 16 176 8 Baynton, Wharton & Morgan, giving the reply of Mr Philada. Maturin, the general's secretary, to their letter regard ing Mr Cole's accounts and asking an order for pay ment. 77 9 A return of the officers to have commissions under Col. Jacobus V. Slyck for the township of Schenactady; a later memorandum gives a list of additional officers re turned May 1769, which is practically identical with 17:162. 79 9 Wm. Newton for Mr Mortier, sending warrants for New York money and a statement of charges against Johnson's account. 80 10 John Wetherhead, to Sir William Johnson, to the care New York o f Mr Chew, postmaster in New London, about letters forwarded to Mr Cartwright, the delayed patents, the purchase of a negro woman and child, Col. Croghan's accounts, the pardon of Wilkes by the interposition of the Duke of Bolton or Bedford, and .Lord Hills- borough's politeness to Kempe. 8l 13 J. DeBerniere to [Sir William Johnson], asking a letter New York to Lord Hilsborough on a matter of lands in which DeBerniere is interested. 82 14 A return of persons recommended for captains and subalterns in the new regiments of militia foot raised for the western parts of Albany county. 83 14 John Wetherhead to [Sir William Johnson], mentioning New York things which he has sent to New London, asking the pleasure of a visit, advising a short stay among the 394 NEW YORK STATE LIBRARY 1768 " canting, hypocritical " " Yankys," noticing the govern ment's intention to send over a regiment of light dragoons to quell riot and a rumor that James Otys will direct the Boston forces in shipping all the com missioners home to England, and mentioning Peter Remsen's ideas about a patent and Wetherhead's in terest in one. 16:86 May 17 John Stuart, Indian superintendent, acknowledging a Charles Town CO py of the proceedings relating to the Cherokees, con veying the gratitude of Ouconnastotah for Johnson's intercession with the Six Nations, considering frontier offenses against the Indians, attacks of the western nations on the Cherokee towns and white hunters and measures for drawing the boundary line. 87 22 John Wetherhead, concerning Johnson's orders, articles New York sen t by Capt. Lattimer's sJ<~>op to New London, the Governor's departure for Albany with Billy Bayard, his position on the Kaiaderosseras dispute, and the pack age for Doct'r Auchmuthy. 88 23 Sir William Johnson to Baynton, Wharton & Morgan New London about dealings with Mr Edward Cole, forms to be observed in obtaining payments from the government and an order on Mr , Mortier. On back, letter to Abraham Mortier about account due Baynton, Wharton & Morgan. Also order on same in behalf of Baynton, Wharton & Morgan. 5:88 24 Joseph Galloway, mentioning the late Indian congress, Philadelphia quoting Dr Franklin's letter of March 13 concerning an interview with Lord Hillsborough and a new In dian policy and mentioning the payment to Thomas Lawrence of Johnson's draft on the province. 16 190 30 John Wetherhead about a draft on Mr Mortier, articles New York to be sent in care of Capt. Kelly, letters transmitted, Col. Croghan's accounts and a desired visit. 91 30 Wm. Newton for Mr Mortier, acknowledging letters and New York a draft and explaining why a balance must be paid to Johnson's son in paper currency. 78 31 John Wetherhead about orders, a present from Mrs New York Wetherhead, good Glocester cheese, Doctor Auchmuthy and 10 pound bills inclosed. 92 Wm. Allen to John Watts, informing that the Quakers will make representations to England against Sir Wil liam Johnson and asking that Johnson may be warned. [No date] 93 Rev. Tho. Barton, concerning William's studies, the spirit of violence in the colonies, the devastation of the Indian town of Conestogo ; asking to be appointed overseer of the Indian plantation. [Doc. Hist. N. Y. 4:381-83; Q, 4:240-41] 89 SIR WILLIAM JOHNSON MANUSCRIPTS 395 Annapolis June 2 London 5 1768 List of names, being apparently a return of the company officers of Col. Jacob Sternberger's regiment of Al bany county militia; all the entries have been crossed out except the companies of Davit Becker and Isaac Vroman. [Probably May 1768] 16:85 Account of the Nanticoke Indians with Amos Ogden 100, 95, pd. 25:110 Address of the house of delegates to Gov. Horatio Sharpe, Robt. Lloyd, speaker, reviewing acts of 1704, 1711 and 1723 concerning Nanticoke lands and the re versionary rights of white people, and advising that the Indians be not permitted to sell. 112 Duplicate of no. 112. 114 Minutes of the meetings of the gentlemen petitioners for a grant of mines around Lake Superior, May 4 and June 2 ; certified by the chairman, Samuel Touchet, June 12. 16:75 Supplementary petition of the above limiting the rights previously petitioned for. [Not dated but presented between May 4 and June 2] 19 1221 Frantz Ruppert about papers sent to Mr Croghan, a bill Philadelphia f or I45) as h house, etc. 16:94 5 Mark Feely, informing that he is no longer employed by New London John W. Smith, asking a recommendation and mention ing an inclination to go- to Dublin by way of Liver pool. 95 6 Daniel Campbell, mentioning Johnson's account with Schenectady Phyri & Ellice, which Campbell has settled, his own journey to the spring for health and his promotion at Johnson's hands in the militia. 96 L. Macleane recommending Francis Bostwicke, agent for men concerned in Lake Superior mines. [16:75, ?6; 17:71] 97 Edward Chinn, concerning correspondence with Henry Bostwick in London. 98 Abraham Mortier, acknowledging receipts, sending receipts of Baynton, Wharton & Morgan and inform ing that the balance of Sir William's account has been paid to Sir John. 99 Joseph Chew to Sir William Johnson at Fishers Island, offering hospitality. 100 18 An act fo<* granting to the Nanticoke Indians compen- [Annapolis] sation for lands appropriated to their use and deserted and securing certain persons in reversionary rights to several tracts. 25:113 18 Duplicate of no. 113. 115 Acts of September 5 and October 3, 1704, vesting certain [Annapolis] lands in Dorchester county, Md., on the Nanticoke river in the Nanticoke tribe and securing reversionary rights, also providing for protection of timber. 116 10 London 10 Montreall 13 New York 15 N. London 396 NEW YORK STATE LIBRARY 1768 June 20 John Wetherhead about Mr Roberts's accounts. . 16:101 New York 21 Daniel Claus's authorization to Joseph Raymond to Montreal enumerate the inhabitants within the seigniory of the Iroquois, to lay out farms for their use, to inspect leases, report their yearly income and receive their rents, etc. [In French and English] [Copy of an or iginal dated October 9, 1767, and delivered to Gen. Carleton June 21, 1768] 102 27 Gov. Horatio Sharpe, relating the legislative proceedings Annapolis empowering the Nanticokes to sell their lands. 25:117 29 Joseph Chew, expressing thanks for kindness, mentioning New London Sir William's journey and telling how the Sons of Liberty called Joshua Elderkin to account for importing prohibited articles. 16:103 30 William Kelly, offering best wishes and hospitality. 104 New York 30 John Wetherhead to [Sir William Johnson] regarding New York Mr Wharton's demand on Col. Croghan, Michael Byrne's draft on Johnson, Johnson's patents, Peter Sarvis's patent and Lawyer's Schoharrie patent, Sir Henry Moore's observations on the Kaiaderosseras dis pute and the sale by the Indians cf the " intervening lands,'' with Mr Wetherhead's answer. 105 Fradrick Vesher's [Frederick Vischer] bill to Sir Wil liam Johnson for "going Express to New London." 18:51 July 13 Joseph Chew, concerning business with Col. Fitch at New London Windam, a political conversation with Col. Putnam at Norwich, one with Lieut. Gov. Trumbull's son, and Col. Dyer's sentiments on the Susquehanna and Dela ware purchases. 16:107 13 John Morin Scott and 12 other members of a committee, New York informing that Peter Remsen, assisted by Isaac Low, is authorized to settle with the Indians the dispute over the Cayoderoseras patent. 108 18 Sir H. Moore, asking assistance for a settlement of the Fort George Kanyaderosseras contention, complaining that he could not have access to the Indian records at Johnson Hall, calling for a copy of a report of a meeting held at Albany on this dispute when Mr Livingston was secre tary for Indian affairs, and urging Johnson to come to New York. 109 20 [Sir William Johnson] to the Earl of Hillsborough, re- Johnson Hall viewing his course under the plan of 1764 for Indian affairs, considering the proposal to commit to the colonies the charge of Indian expenses, stating the causes of increase in expenses, including French liberal ity toward the Indians, English ill treatment and the spread of English settlements, also the cause of the war f in 1763, promising to work under any plan and pointing SIR WILLIAM JOHNSON MANUSCRIPTS 397 1768 out the need of an ampler allowance for expenses in the northern department than in the southern. [Doc. Hist. N. Y. 2:896-904; Q, 2:520-24 and Doc. rel to Col. Hist. N. Y. 8:82-87] 16:110 July 20 Sir William Johnson to Mr Wetherhead, concerning an Johnson Hall expected visit, goods which Mr Adems will buy, ex penses for two patents, the Peter Servis patent, costs of a survey and money sent for the payment of Roberts's and Byrn's drafts. in 20 [Sir William Johnson] to Gen. Gage, mentioning im- Johnson Hall proved health, Mr Blair's letter concerning the bound ary, the necessity of continuing the line north of Owegy, disadvantages of colonial control of Indian expenses, the necessary inequality of expenses in the two Indian departments, an inclosed account of pay and disbursements, a blockhouse at Conajohare (Fort Hendrick) which the Indians desire for a church and the arrival of a Chi [ppe] weigh party. 112 20 fSir William Johnson] to Sir H. Moore, in regard to Johnson Hall plans for committing Indian trade to the management of the colonies, business which will prevent attendance at council, a boundary congress, the dispute about Kayadarosseras, the Klock affair and the claim of the Stockbridge Indians to land within the Mannor of Ranslaer. 113 20 Joseph Chew on the action of Maryland toward Lord New London Hillsbrough's commands and an evening with Capt. Oliver. 114 20 Capt. Amos Ogden, saying that he has disposed of Nanti- Reading Town co ke Indian lands to the amount of 250 and will give a New jersey particular account. 25:118 22 James Gray, showing the bad character of companies at Stockbridge New Canaan and the unfitness of their officers. 16:115 23 [Sir William Johnson] to Hector Theo's Cramahe, send- Johnson Hall ing a copy of his instructions to Maj. Rogers at Mich- ilimack'c and other information about Rogers's ex penses. 25:119 23 An account of losses sustained by Abraham Mitchel, Philadelphia James and Thomas Dundass & Co. by means of In dian depredations 1408, 155, i^d; sworn to before Isaac Jones, Mayor. 15 :2i8 23 Account of sales of the skins of the company [Mitchel, Philadelphia Dundass & Co.], brought from Detroit by Isaac Van- dervelden. 219 2T, Account of Isaac Vandervelden & Fredrick Hambugh Phiiiada. & Co. with Abraham Mitchell. 220 27 Sir William Johnson to Maj. Glen, asking that pro- Johnson Hall visions be sent and a boat be furnished to carry him self and company to Fort Stanwix, where he will hold the general congress. i6:n5 NEW YORK STATE LIBRARY 28 Johnson 29 Shamokin 1768 July 28 Capt. Forbes to Gen. Gage (extract), informing of the Fort Chartres murder of a party of Englishmen on the Shawanese river by Indians and the attacking of Virginia hunters on Green river. 16:117 28 [Sir William Johnson] to Dr Peter Middleton about a Johnson Hall tract in which Mr Upton is concerned and Johnson's visit to the seashore. 119 [Sir William Johnson] to Joseph Galloway on the corn- Hall ing boundary congress and the new plan of Indian affairs. 120 Andw. Lewis and Thomas Walker, Virginia commis sioners, about the time and place of the Indian congress and the coming meeting with the Cherrokees at Chis- well's mines on the North Carolina border ; commend ing the bearer, Capt. John Doudy. 121 John De Peyster's account against Sir William Johnson. 18 .57 John Wetherhead to [Sir William Johnson], mentioning Roberts's and Byrne's drafts, Col. Campbell's certificate in Mr La Bute's favor, sea water desired by Johnson, Edward Mum ford or Allan McDougall to take Harry Van Schaack's place as Wetherhead's representative at Detroit, fees for Peter Sarvis's patent (amounting to 623, IDS), a patent for Brackens and Mr Colden's charges. [Not dated but indorsed: July 1768] 16:106 Extract from a letter to Gen. Gage from the Ilinois, showing the debasing effect on the Indians of continual donations and the possibility of obtaining more cheaply the articles for necessary presents. 146 Daniel Claus, regarding an Indian boundary dispute, the trial of Maj. Rodgers, alterations in Johnson's depart ment, Gov. Carleton's misunderstanding, St Luc Le Corne's misrepresentation, the Governor's extravagant policy, French Canadian satisfaction at the Boston riots and Roberts's suit against Morrison over the Niagara trade. 123 4 Joseph Chew, concerning a demonstration by the Sons of London Licentiousness in Boston against John Williams, in spector general, the experience of Harrison, collector at Boston, the general turbulence and opposition in New York to a bishop; sending a copy of a notice by the Friends of Liberty of a meeting to be held July 16, which John Williams has promised to attend. 124 5 Jno. Brown, inquiring about Mr Murray, saying that the Schonactady congregation would be willing, if he be suitable and ap proved by Johnson, to pay him 40 a year and mention ing the rivalry of the Presbyterians. [Doc. Hist. N. Y. 4:383; Q, 4:241] I2 * Aug. 3 Montreal New SIR WILLIAM JOHNSON MANUSCRIPTS 399 1768 Aug. 5 [Sir William Johnson] to Sir H. Moore, informing that Johnson Hall he has persuaded the Mohocks to relinquish claim to the Kayadarasseras, the patentees paying them 5000 dol lars and releasing certain tracts, describing the state of former Indian records and communicating the request of the Mohocks that the possession of their village and plantation be secured to them. 16:130 7 John Wetherhead to [Sir William Johnson] regarding New York money sent in care of Mr Adams, Col. Croghan's ac counts, a conversation with Mr Maturin, the patent for Peter Servis, the fees, 624, IDS, business which detains the writer at home and a cask of sea water sent up. 131 7 Rob't Adems about an order for goods, which he will New York endeavor to fill. 132 8 [Sir William Johnson] to Col. Lewis and Mr Walker, commissioners for Virginia, to say that the general congress will be held at Fort Stanwix after the arrival of the Shawanese. 133 10 Daniel Claus, concerning the copper mine on Lake Su- Montrl. perior in which Mr Bostwick and Mr Baxter are inter ested, charges against Rogers, Goddart's circumstances, his influence with the Indians, Lieut. Pauli's idea of a northwest passage to the west of Lake Superior and Rogers's demand for Roberts's punishment. 134 11 Tho Penn, regarding a difficulty affecting Johnson's grant. i-r* Margate 12 Normand McLeod to [Sir William Johnson?] about the Niagara consequences of abolishing the office of Indian com missary. 135 12 John Wetherhead about W'm Me Adam's rage at the delay New York i n a payment. 137 15 John Watts about a boundary congress and Northampton. 138 New York 15 Joseph Chew, mentioning the embarking of troops at New London Halyfax for Boston, Boston resolves against importa tion irom Great Britain and parliamentary authority, the " important Mr Otis " and disparagement of John son's work by Sons of Liberty and others. 130, 15 Lieut. Col. Wilkins to Gen. Gage, writing about 150 miles below the Ohio falls (extract), sending intelligence of the destruction at or near the Ouabache of a party of men sent by Baynton, Wharton & Co. to kill buffalo. Attached is an extract relating to Joseph Gorham's bills on William McAdam. 140 16 Gen. Thomas Gage's warrant to Abraham Mortier for New York paying 6998, 155, lod New York currency, to Sir William Johnson. 26 145 4OO NEW YORK STATE LIBRARY 1768 Aug. 17 [Sir William Johnson] to the Earl of Hillsborough, corn- Johnson Hall municating intelligence received at the Chipeweigh con gress of French and Spanish machinations, discussing colonial management of Indian trade, Maj. Rogers's Indian policy, the Kayadarosseras settlement, the New York-Indian boundary, the need of deputies and interpreters and a proper allowance for them. [Doc. Hist. N. Y. 2:904-8; Q, 2:524-26 and Doc. rel. to Col. Hist. N. Y. 8:93-96] 16:141 23 Speech of Puant chief : declares his efforts to preserve Missilimack- peace in spite of French and Spanish endeavors and nc disappointment at failing to receive a laced coat, a hat and a flag. A reply by B. Glasier. 148 22 Robert Leake, concerning McMillan's departure from Fort New York pitt for the Illinois and the deputies removed from office. 140 24 Sir William Johnson to T. Penn on the boundary, John- Johnson Hall son's interest in a tract between the forks of Susque- hannah and the Delaware, his attachment to Penn's interest, his grant from the Crown and reform of the Indian department. 143 24 [Sir William Johnson] to Gen. Gage concerning Mr Johnson Hall Croghan's accounts, affairs at the Ilinois, account in curred by Rogers, the reform in Indian expenses, Rogers's scheme, the New York-Indian boundary, the congress at Fort Stanwix, French and Spanish officers among the nations and necessary expenses in the de partment. 144 26 H. Gaine to [Sir William Johnson], offering to complete N. York the work undertaken by the late Mr Weyman, of print ing the Indian prayer book and saying that the Rev. Mr Ogilvie will assist [Doc. Hist. N. Y. 4:384-85; Q, 4:242] I4S 27 Estimate of expenses for the officers to be continued in [Johnson the Indian department, transmitted to Gen. Gage. 147 Hall] 27 H. Moore, Governor, complaining of misrepresentation in Fort George the minutes of his proceedings with the Indians at Johnson Hall during Sir William's absence and of dis courtesy in his reception. 149 27 Jno. Brown, asking a recommendation to Doctor Auch- Schonactady muty mentioning guns for sale by Col. Broadstreet's tenant. 150 30 Speech of Le Force and all the Ottaway chiefs, reviewing Michiiimack- their good relations with the English. Reply of B. ina Glasier. Also a note by him testifying to the good be havior of these Indians. 151 SIR WILLIAM JOHNSON MANUSCRIPTS 4OI 1768 Aug. 31 H. Moore, discussing the proposed boundary between Fort George New York settlements and the Indians, mentioning the necessity of preserving communication with Ontario and asking for a statement of the plan for Indian trade, to be laid before the Assembly. 16:152: 31 Thomas Flood, craving relief in distress and mentioning hardship suffered at the hands of Mr Gamble in Shi- needy. 2:182(2) Sept. i [Sir William Johnson] to Mr Remsen, informing that the Johnson Hall proprietors of the Hansen patent are anxious lest the arrangement between the Indians and the proprietors of Kayadarosseras may infringe on their possessions and asking that the Hansen patentees may be secured. 16:153 6 Peter Remsen and Isaac Low, informing that the patent- New York ees of the Cayoderoseras are ready to confirm the recent settlement and that the balance due the Indians is sent in charge of Simon Remsen and Mr McCrea. 154 8 [Sir William Johnson] to Hugh Gaine about the expense Johnson Hall o f completing the printing of the Indian prayer book and making 400 copies. [Doc. Hist. N. Y. 4:386; Q, 4 :2433 !55 9 Proceedings of Council relative to the boundary of Pen- Fort George silvania and the desire of the Proprietaries to purchase New York to the northward ; quoting the charter of Charles 2 to William Penn and asking Sir William Johnson to oppose the northward extension. 156 10 John Watts, asking that Gov. Penn be accommodated New York with money and promising that Penn's drafts will be paid. 157 11 Francis Wade, mentioning magnolia seeds which he Philada. sends and plants which he can furnish. 158 12 Hugh Wallace, inquiring about bills given by Capt. Speis- New York maker and Benjamin Roberts. 159- 12 Gw. Banyar about lands which he has taken for debt, New York Mr Penn's claim and intention, action of the Council, intention of the proposed boundary and the coming congress. 160- 12 [Sir William Johnson] to Gov. Penn, saying that he will Johnson Hall start for Fort Stanwix on the I5th, marking out a course from Schenectady to the fort for the Governor and mentioning stopping places. 161 13 Account of Baynton, Wharton & Morgan of goods de- Fort Chartres livered to Indian tribes by order of Edward Cole, com missary; receipted; with Cole's certificate and statement specifying tribes and war parties benefited and Capt. Gordon Forbes's certificate. 25:120 15 Col. Nathan Whiting, commending Col. Fitch to Sir New Haven William's favor. 16:162 4O 2 NEW YORK STATE LIBRARY 1768 Sept. 16 William OBrien, commending Mr Bostwick to favor. 16:163 New York 17 H. Gaine, sending a memorandum, found among Mr New York Weyman's papers, on the cost of Indian prayer books and agreeing to finish the work satisfactorily. [Doc. Hist. N. Y. 4:386-87; Q, 4:243] 164 20 Sir William Johnson to Sir Henry Moore, explaining mis- Fort Stanwix understandings in regard to the minutes of proceedings at Johnson Hall during Sir Henry's visit [16:149], dis proving discourtesy on the part of Col. Johnson, vindi cating the integrity of his officers, adverting to the Kayadarosseras and Klock disputes and discussing the relations of Governor and Indian superintendent. 165 21 Thomas Moffatt, saying that the excitement in Boston has New London reached the point of mad resistance or humiliating sub mission, that two regiments with a company and ar tillery are expected from Halifax, that Gov. Bernard has received a call to London with permission to return, Lord Howe is coming with two frigates and three regi ments from Ireland, and that town meetings have ap pointed days of fasting and prayer and resolved to summon a convention. 167 25 [Sir William Johnson] to J. Stuart, Indian superinten- Fort Stanwix dent, informing that the congress awaits only the ar rival of the Shawanese and Delawares, that the Six Nations are likely to claim lands as far south as the Cheroke river, and advising delay in settling the Chero kee boundary. 168 26 Daniel Claus, saying that he has been detained at home W'msburg by the serious illness of his child, Nancy, and mention ing a boy, Thorn, a prisoner for some years among the Shawanese, money due to two Frenchmen for the arms taken by Col. Bradstreet, the approaching trial of Rodgers and Gen. Carleton's preparation to inspect Indian trade at Carillon and Riviere au Lievre. 169 28 Thomas Moffatt, communicating intelligence that the N. London troops ordered from Halifax to Boston will be joined by regiments from Great Britain and Ireland, with a squadron of war ships, predicting submission and men tioning a report that Otis, Rowe and Hancock will be required to embark in a war ship for London. 170 28 James Phyn about Madeira, ale, cheese and lemons, also Schenectady letters to be forwarded. 171 28 [Sir William Johnson] to Sir H. Moore, regarding the Fort Stanwix interests to be served in fixing a boundary between the New York Indians and the settlers, the unreasonable claim [of Pennsylvania] [16:156] and a statement that SIR WILLIAM JOHNSON MANUSCRIPTS 403 1763 transportation at the carrying place is performed by Indians. The certificate of Lieut. Galland follows, which states that the carrying is regularly done by Germans. 16:173 Sept. 30 Daniel Clans to [Sir William Johnson], acquainting with Williamsburg the death of his child, Sir William's grandchild. 172 30 Joncaire Chabert to [Sir William Johnson], detailing Detroit losses of goods, disputes with the commandant and Indians at Niagara and with creditors, also a mid night adventure with a suspicious visitor, and asking intervention in his behalf with Gen. Gage. [In French] 174 30 [Sir William Johnson] to Gen. Gage about arrivals at the Fort Stanwix congress and withdrawal of the garrison from Ontario; inclosing information of communications between the French and Indians. 175 30 Peter Hasenclever, concerning the ingratitude and treach- New York e ry of his copartners in the iron works, the output of his own and rival furnaces, his purchase on the Mo hawk, his intended trip in Pensilvania, Maryland and Virginia, an incendiary notice, the Governor's procla mation, the need of moderation in America and of in telligence in England, agricultural prospects in America and the great value of American trade to Great Britain. 176 30 Benj'n Price, regarding bills drawn by Maj. Robert Montreal Rogers in favor of Joseph Sanguinet. 177 Oct. i Joncaire Chabert to [Sir William Johnson], complaining Detroit that no one regards trade regulations and that his credit is impaired and asking permission to trade among the Indians. [In French] 178 i [Sir William Johnson] to Gov. Carleton, informing of Fort Stanwix the arrest of Lieut. Roberts at Montreal at the suit of one Morrison, showing that Roberts acted according to duty and asking that he be protected; mentioning persons and tribes in attendance at the congress. 179 7 Jacob W's Johnson, saying that he will wait on Sir William on the morrow at any time and place ap pointed. 180 9 Maj. Daniel Campbell about money advanced to Indians, Schenectady provisions to be had at Albany, expectations from the Indian congress and the effect in Boston of the ap proach of two regiments from Hallifax. 181 12 L. Perthuis to [Sir William Johnson?], asking that cer- Montreal tain sums of money may be included in Johnson's ac counts. [In French] 182 12 Lord Hillsborough, considering the new Indian trade ar- Whitehall rangement, requiring adherence to the Board of Trade's estimate of expenses, declaring that, if the expense of running the boundary line is to be 10,000, the colonies must provide for it, agreeing to the extension of the 404 NEW YORK STATE LIBRARY 13 Whitehall 14 Montreal! 1763 line northward of Owegy to include the province of New York, showing why the plan of 1764 for trade regulation is impracticable and approving that now pro posed by the Board of Trade. [Doc. Hist. N. Y. 2:908-11; Q, 2:526-28 and Doc. rel. to Col. Hist. N. Y. 8:101-3] 16:183 Oct. 13 [Sir William Johnson] to Gen. Gage on the cost of the Fort Stanwix congress, because of the numbers and tardy arrival of Indians attending, Gov. Penn's impatience and Lieut. McDougal's plan for getting the French traders out of the Indian country employing the Detroit militia, under McDougal's command, for that work. 184 John Pownall, informing that Johnson's dispatch to the Earl of Hillsborough has been received and will be laid before the King at the first opportunity. [Doc. Hist. N. Y. 2:911-12; Q, 2:528] 185 Henry Bostwick to [Sir William Johnson], sending copy of the proceedings held at London in behalf of a grant of mines about Lake Superior [16:75, 76], asking an early report should the subject be referred to Johnson's opinion and declaring the writer's persuasion that he will be able to hold the Indians about Lake Superiour to the British alliance. 186 15 Account current of Oliver Delancy, James Jauncey, Goldb. [New York] Banyer and Peter Remsen with Miss [Mrs] Grace Cosby. 187 15 David Van Der Heyden to [Sir William Johnson], send- Albany j n g letters received from his son at Montreal, relating to Maj. Rogers's bill in behalf of Monsr. Sanguinett. 188 16 Memorial of Eleazar Wheelock of Lebanon in Connecti- Lebanon cut, founder and director of the Indian Charity School, to Sir William Johnson and Governors Sir Henry Moore, Benjamin [should be William] Franklin and John Penn, convened at Fort Stanwix : stating the object and foundation of the school, his desire to extend the work among the Onondages and Tusca- roras, and introducing the Rev. Ebenezer Cleaveland and Allen Mather, who will represent this cause at the congress. [Doc. Hist. N. Y. 4:388-89; Q, 4:244-45] 189 17 Daniel Campbell about purchases which he will make in Schenectady Albany and articles which he sends. 190 17 Jacob W's Johnson and David Avery, missionaries, asking Fort Stanwix that the Indians may be secured in their lands for the better propagating of the Gospel among them. [Doc. Hist. N. Y. 4:390-91; Q, 4:245-46] 194. 18 Geo. Croghan, mentioning his efforts to accelerate the Onidea progress of the Indian deputies. 191 vilidge SIR WILLIAM JOHNSON MANUSCRIPTS 405 1763 Oct. 18 Daniel Campbell about goods sent up in two bateaux, a Schenectady present of English cheese and limes, a letter to Gen. Gage, Gov. Penn's return journey and anxiety for Johnson's health. 16:192 19 Jno. Brown, mentioning his pleasure and that of the vestry Schonactady a t a letter received from Johnson. [Doc. Hist. N. Y. 4:387; Q, 4:244] A 93 20 Rev. Jacob W's Johnson to Sir William Johnson, Gov. Fort Stanwix Franklin, the Rev. Mr Peters, Chief Justice Smyth, Col. Johnson and others, explaining his toast of the day before to the King, declaring his loyalty and also his purpose to resist tyranny. [Doc. Hist. N. Y. 4 1392-93 ; Q, 4:246-47] 195 20 Col. John Bradstreet, concerning provisions required at Albany Fort Stanwix. 196 21 Maj. Daniel Campbell about an interrupted journey, Albany blankets and strouds which he sends and 1000 dollars committed to the charge of a young man for Johnson. 197 21 John Glen on the scarcity of provisions at Albany and Schonectady land bought by Col. Butler. 198 22 Rev. Jacob W's Johnson, expressing apprehension of Fort Stanwix injury from the Senecas. [Doc. Hist. N. Y. 4:393; Q, 4:247] 199 23 Sir William Johnson to the Earl of Hillsborough, men- Fort Stanwix tioning obstacles to the boundary settlement interposed by the French and Spaniards, the delayed attendance of Shawanese, Delawares and Senecas, the great con sumption of food, Indian dissatisfaction, work of French and Spanish agents and their scheme for a Misisipi congress. [Doc. Hist. N. Y. 2 :9i2-i5 ; Q, 2:528-30 and Doc. rel. to Col. Hist. N. Y. 8:104-6] 200 23 John Levine, expressing his regret that an invitation to New York Johnson Hall is too late for acceptance. 201 24 John Wolf Barelett, complaining that William Markell Stoneraby h as accused him of stealing wheat brought to Barelett's mill for grinding. 202 25 Edward Cole, commissary, justifying the form and certi- Fort Chartres fkation of his accounts and the spirit in which he has executed his office, also mentioning Irequois, Shawanese and Deleware belts passing through the upper nations. 203 25 Col. John Bradstreet, informing that 70 barrels of pro- Albany visions from New York will soon be forwarded. 204 30 Jacob W's Johnson to Sir William Johnson, Gov. Frank- Fort Stanwix ii n> Col. Grahoon [Geo. Croghan?] and Col. Butler, asking that the Indians, specially the Onoida's may be preserved in the possession of their lands, in order that they may be reached by missionaries and teachers. [Dor. Hist. A". Y. 4-394; Q, 4:248] 205 4O6 NEW YORK STATE LIBRARY 1768 A mutilated scrap, containing remarks on Mr Hertel's right to reside in the village of St Regis. [In French; no date] 16 :2o6 Oct. 31 Rev. Jacob W's Johnson to the chiefs of the Six Confed- Fort Stanwix erate Nations, announcing that the Rov. Dr Eleazer Wheelock, of Lebanon, is about to set up a college for the Indians, under the patronage of the King, the Earl of Dartmouth and others and proposing that the Indians furnish a site on or near the Mohawk. [Doc. Hist. N. Y. 4:395; Q, 4:248-49] 207 Same to Sir William Johnson, asking that the Indians be [Fort informed that illness keeps him away from the congress. Stanwix] [Doc. Hist. N. Y. 4:391-92; Q, 4:246] 17:27 Nov. 3 Gen. Gage to Lord Hillsboroug (extract), considering the Boston petition of Henry Bostwick and others for a grant of copper mines near Lake Superior ; giving the opinion that these mines would soon be exhausted and unless the ore is impregnated with gold, it would not pay to work them. 16 :2o8 8 Rachel Wetherhead, informing that she sends a wench New York an d two children to Johnson Hall, besides a present of Virginia honey and a barrel of oysters. 209 Q Dr Thomas Moffatt, mentioning reports that G. Murray N. London w ju come to N. England with a civil and military com mand and the regiments from Ireland have arrived in Boston; also an incident of the commemoration of the popish plot. 2if 13 [Sir William Johnson] to Gen. Gage, mentioning diffi- Johnson Hall culties in the way of the boundary settlement, the at tendance of 3100 Indians, the expense and success of the congress. 211 14 [Sir William Johnson] to Abraham Mortier, complaining Johnson Hall o f embarrassments experienced at Fort Stanwix from failure to receive money due to his department. 212 15 Hillsborough, regarding the mischiefs wrought among Whitehall the Indians by French subjects, an inclosed copy of his Majesty's speech at the opening of Parliament, with the addresses of both Houses, and the birth of a princess. [Doc. Hist. N. Y. 2:916-17; Q, 2:530-31 and Doc. rel. to Col. Hist. N. Y. 8:109] 213 15 Sir William Johnson's certificate of service rendered by Johnson Hall Johannis Petry, Marcus Petry, Cathrina Petry and Daniel Petry in conveying Indian goods, boats etc. over the carrying place to and from Fort Stanwix ; re ceipted by Marcus Petrie, July 18, 1770. 12 1244 17 John Wetherhead to [Sir William Johnson], mentioning Albany th e arrival of some slaves, who will be sent to Mr Phyn, introducing Mr Wall, a schoolmaster, and send ing an apology to Miss Molly. 16:214 SIR WILLIAM JOHXSOX MANUSCRIPTS 407 1768 Nov. 17 Joseph Chew about incidents of the journey from John- Albany son Hall, the best road to New London, " a great Son of Liberty/' gratitude for favors, Sir William's benevo lence; with a word to Miss Molly. 16:215 17 James Phyn, acquainting with efforts to obtain money in Schenectady dollars in Schenectady and Albany and mentioning fair success in business in the upper countries. 216 18 John Wetherhead, explaining the delay in the payment Albany o f a bill of which Mr Roberts complains and mentioning several slaves, together with some articles, forwarded to Johnson. 217 18 [Sir William Johnson] to the Earl of Hillsborough, re- Johnson Hall garding the claims of the Six Nations and the Chero- kees, the policy which he pursued at the Fort Stanwix congress, the continuation of the boundary north of Owegy, the necessity of keeping faith with the Indians and expenses of the congress. [Doc. Hist. N. Y. 2:917-19; Q, 2:531-32 and Doc. rel. lo Col Hist. N. Y. 8:110-11] 218 18 Dudley Davis about lumber for furniture and a carpenter Schenectady whom he recommends for employment on the English church. On back, a memorandum of an Indian address. 219 18 Dr Peter Middleton about Mr Upton's mandamus for N. York 20,000 acres and the terms for acquiring property in the tract ceded to the King at the late congress. 220 18 [Sir William Johnson] to Gen. Gage, concerning letters Johnson Hall from Lieut. Roberts and Ensign Robert Johnston, the case of Ainse, arrested on a charge of Mr Bostwick, disorders about the Ouabache, the punishment of In dian offenders and the policy of unsupported threats against Indians ; with an opinion of Boston people. 221 19 Hugh Gaine, mentioning cost of binding and printing New York Indian prayer book, a set of Hutchinson's History of Massachusetts Bay, scarcity of gilt 4to Bibles, and the agreement to import no British goods before spring. [Doc. Hist. N. Y. 4 :396 ; Q, 4 ^49] 222 19 Maj. Daniel Campbell, concerning the birth of a son, Schenectady envious people in New York, Banyar's good will toward Johnson and the Assembly's attitude toward Indian trade. 223 20 Dr Richard Shuckburgh to [Sir William Johnson], men- N. York tioning a letter for Lord Hillsborough, spectacles for Johnson's use, Gov. Carleton and Generals Murray and Gage, the Assembly's position as to Indian trade and Jno. Delancy's selection as member for Westchester. 224 20 [Sir William Johnson] to Dr Moffatt, mentioning the Johnson Hall subsidence of disorder at Boston, the benefit of a journey to the seaside, the failure of the medicinal spring to help him and the necessity of an analysis. 225 4O8 NEW YORK STATE LIBRARY 1768 Nov. 20 [Sir William Johnson] to Gen. Gage, inquiring about the Johnson Hall continuance of Indian officers till the colonies form establishments for regulating trade. 16:226 20 [Sir William Johnson] to Wm. Allen, showing the im- Johnson Hall possibility of obtaining restitution from the Indians for traders' losses suffered before 1763, and the ad vantageous character of the grant to Mr Penn. 227 20 [Sir William Johnson] to William OBrien on the Fort Johnson Hall Stanwix treaty, Mr Bostwick's affairs and his own journey in pursuit of health. 228 20 [Sir William Johnson] to Lieut. Col. Eyre Massy, Dublin, Johnson Hall about his sickness and sojourn by the sea, the Fort Stanwix treaty, Massy's marriage, Guy's accident, a present of horse beans, pressure of business, the pain of his old wound, the " furious " Sons of Liberty and Spanish and French activity at the Misisipi. 229 21 Jno. Monier about corn which he will sell at 45. 230 Albany 23 R. Cartwright, concerning several slaves ana some articles Albany se nt up, orders to be filled in New York, the cheapness of oysters in Albany and the departure of Col. Fitch. 231 23 Mich'l Byrne, mentioning the change in the direction Fort Ontario o f Indian trade, extracts from a letter of Capt. Brown, at Niagara, to Lieut. Grant concerning the loss of two vessels on Lake Erie and asking to be informed whether he is to be retained in office. 232 24 [Sir William Johnson] to H. Moore on the settlement Johnson Hall o f the boundary line, Spanish and French opposition, that of N. England missionaries [16:194, 205, 207], the course of the line and the reservation to the Mohocks of villages and adjoining lands within the line; with mention of Lord Holland's lands. 233 24 Duplicate of first part of no. 233. 234 24 [Sir William Johnson] to same, discussing the trade Johnson Hall regulations of 1764, the French plan of regulation and causes of Indian wars. 235 24 [Sir William Johnson] to Gen. Gage, sending a copy of Johnson Hall the Indian deed of cession, considering rival claims of Six Nations and Cherokees, the New York-Indian boundary, difficulties of the settlement at Fort Stanwix, .obstruction offered by N. England missionaries, and their motives. [Doc. Hist. N. Y. 4 ^97-98 ; Q, 4 :24O~5o] 236 24 James Phyn, agreeing to exchange ^200 for an equivalent Schenectady in dollars and to send striped flannel for negro women and asking payment of De Coagnie's bill from Niagara in favor of Edward Pollard. 237 24 Maj. Daniel Campbell about the price of crimson damask, Schenectady goods not in the market and colors which can be ob tained. 238 SIR WILLIAM JOHNSON MANUSCRIPTS 409 1768 Nov. 24 Daniel Campbell's bill to Sir William Johnson for flannel, Schenectady velvet and damask. 16:239 25 Dudley Davis to [Sir William Johnson], concerning Schenectady carpenter work on a church, land owned by Mrs Harris, his disrelish for law practice, places which he might fill if favored by the Governor, relations with the late Mr French and family affairs. 240 27 Benj'n Humphreys, asking that a watch sold for 5 may New York be recovered and kept for him. 241 28 Rob't Adems, informing that he has received 2900 from New York Charles McEvers, he is paying Croghan and Funda, Indian corn is scarce, also dollars, Johnson's enemies are astonished at his recent success, and his letters are forwarded to London. 242 28 Abraham Mortier, acquainting that he is bound by special New York orders in the transmission of money and promising to pay Mr Adams as soon as he receives the general's warrant. 243 28 Maj. Daniel Campbell about flannel had from Mr Mynder- Schenectady S on, patterns inclosed, silver and gold buttons, cloth ordered from New York, an inclosed account and scarc ity of lemons. 244 28 Dr Richard Shuckburgh, concerning Indian prayer books N. York which Mr Gaine is printing and the advantage of send ing to England those that require morocco binding. [Doc. Hist. N. Y. 4:398-99; Q, 4:250-51] 245 28 George Croghan, mentioning the general's stay in Boston, New York Sir Henry Moor's affectionate interest in Sir William and proposed visit to Johnson Hall, grumbling in Boston, political quiet in New York and Sir Henry's desire that Johnson will frame a plan for Indian trade. 246 29 James Tilghman to [Sir William Johnson], saying that Philadelphia the money for the Indian purchase is being collected in dollars. 247 29 Col. John Bradstreet, asking a copy of a clause in the Albany agreement made with the Indians at the late congress and mentioning a conversation with Col. Croghan on the affair of the Flatts. 248 Dec. 4 Dr John Constable, concerning the means and benefits of Schenectady inoculation. 249 5 Rob't Adems, inclosing a list of sundries sent on board New York th e Capt. Pemberton and Roseboom, and mentioning the general's return, 2 hogsheads of oysters ordered, a vessel that brings Indian corn to port, and money which he will bring for Johnson. 250 5 Hugh Wallace, congratulating on success at Fort Stanwix New York an( j asking payment of bills drawn by Capt. Spicemaker and B. Roberts and compensation to Lieut. Galland at Fort Stanwix for Indian depredations. 251 4IO NEW YORK STATE LIBRARY 1768 Dec. 6 Gen. Thomas Gage's warrant to Abraham Mortier lor New York paying 7200, 175, 4<1 to Sir William Johnson. 26:46 6 Maj. Daniel Campbell, sending an account for tea and Schenectady velvet and giving the cost of painting a sleigh which will bear Johnson's arms. 16:252 6 John Brown about ceiling the church and other details Schonactady o f its completion. [Doc. Hist. N. Y. 4:399-400; Q, 4:251] 253 6 [Sir William Johnson] to J. Watts on the success of the Johnson Hall Fort Stanwix treaty despite fears of Indians and op position of N. England missionaries. [16:194, 205, 207] 17:1 7 Gen. Thomas Gage's warrant to Abraham Mortier for New York paying 905, 175, 6*/4d to Sir William Johnson. 26:47 7 [Sir William Johnson] to Col. J. Bradstreet, regarding Johnson Hall lands excepted in the boundary settlement [at Fort Stanwix] and lands in which the Mohocks wish to be secured by legislation. 17:2 9 Commissary Mich'l Byrne about his relations with Lieut. Fort Ontario Grant, his official future and the felicity of living near Johnson in independence. 3 9 [Sir William Johnson] to Gen. Gage, inclosing account of Johnson Hall expenses at the late treaty, recommending that about 6000 stand of French arms at Halifax be given to the Indians, considering the proposal to open a mine on Lake Superior and mentioning Lieut. Patt Sinclair's claim for compensation for the loss of a servant and particulars of French and Spanish artifices and Rogers's scheme. 4 10 Henry Bostwick, concerning mines around Lake Superior Montreall an d the character of Joseph Hans [Ainse], a French man at Michilimakinac, now employed as interpreter. Followed by testimony of Henry Bostwick and Cor poral Casper Cosmer, showing the behavior of Hans at the taking of Michilimakinac in 1763. 5 10 [Sir William Johnson] to Gen. Gage, introducing Mr Johnson Hall Adair, who has prepared a manuscript on the " Manners Customs and History of the Southern Indians, tending to prove their descent from the Hebrews." [Doc. Hist. N. Y. 4:400-1; Q, 4:251-52] 7 11 Jno. Monier about letters and newspapers. 6 Albany IT Abraham Mortier, transmitting warrants with receipts New York to be signed. 8 12 Daniel Campbell, informing that he has hired Abraham Schenectady Great to take up a load for Sir William and Col. Claus, and that four sloops are frozen up in the river 28 miles below Albany at Looningburg. 9 12 Dr Richard Shuckburgh, regarding a letter to Mr Jeffries New York by Capt. Richards, who sails for London. 10 SIR WILLIAM JOHNSON MANUSCRIPTS 411 178 Dec. 13 Col. John Bradstreet, asking help to obtain a grant free of Schenactady fees and quitrent. 17:11 16 [Sir William Johnson] to Dr Peter Middleton, describing Johnson Hall the New York boundary between settlements and Indian lands, and saying that he will advise Mr Upton in regard to a land application when the province has made a survey of Tienaderha creek. 12 16 [Sir William Johnson] to Gen. Gage about the Detroit Johnson Hall militia, the prosecution of Maj. Rogers, late transactions with the Shavvanese and Delawares, orders to Capt. McLeod, interpreters and smiths, continuation of the boundary to the Cherokee river, need of observing the boundary, and missionaries who oppose the Church of England. 13 16 [Sir William Johnson] to Col. Bradstreet about lands for Johnson Hall which Bradstreet desires a grant, deeds of gift and the prospect of Assembly action. 14 20 [Sir William Johnson] to the Earl of Hillsborough . on Johnson Hall the abundance and richness of Lake Superior copper ore, costs of mining and conveying and measures for obtain ing the Indians' consent to mining enterprises. [Doc. Hist. N. Y. 2 1920-23 ; Q, 2 1533-34 and Doc. rel to Col. Hist. N. Y. 8:140-42] 15 20 Gen. Thomas Gage's warrant to Abraham Mortier for pay- New York ment to Sir William Johnson of 21,923, 2s, 3^d, New York currency, for the expenses of the Fort Stanwix treaty, including 17,932, 75, 9^d paid to the Six Nations for territory; account appended. 26:48 21 [Sir William Johnson] to James Tilghman on the bound- Johnson Hall ar y treat)' as affecting Pennsylvania. 17:16 22 Lieut. B. Roberts, concerning a vexatious suit brought by Quebeck Morrison, social life in Montreal, the bailing of Ainse, the journey Perthui will take when the lakes are frozen, a draft on Johnson, scarcity of wheat, flour and vege tables, suffering of the poor and of the Indians of Lorette, Lieut. Sinclair's misfortune, employ of soldiers. 25:121 23 [Sir W r illiam Johnson] to Dr Richard Shuckburgh about Johnson Hall Mr Jeffries and Mrs Cosby's title. 17:17 24 [Sir William Johnson] to Lauchlan MacLeane on the Johnson Hall feasibility of Mr Bostwick's mining enterprise and the right course with the Indians. 18 24 Extracts from Col. Bradstreet's account of contingent ex- Albany penses of the army in the deputy quartermaster general's department at Albany from December 25, 1767. 20 25 George Croghan, concerning a remedy sent by Dr Evens Phi11 - and Mr Cole's accounts. 19 28 [Sir William Johnson] to Henry Bostwick, at Montreal, Johnson Hall O n the [Lake Superior] mines and the behavior of Ainse [at Michilimackinac]. 21 412 NEW YORK STATE LIBRARY 1768 Dec. 28 28 1769 Jan. i N. York Memorandum of tools and materials wanted by the smith for the Indian department at Niagara. 17 Duplicate of no. 22(2). [Inclosed with no. 29(1)] Register of military commissions issued by Sir Henry Moore for Albany county, Sir William Johnson, brig adier general; copied out of the Military Book. [In closed with 18:111] Description of the boundary of the Pensylvania purchase from the Indians in 1768; copy certified by James Tilghman Secr'y. Exemplified copy of the Delaware grant to Mr Penn of lands between Delaware and Susquehanna Rivers. Dated September 17, 1718; copy certified by Charles Brockden, Recorder of Deeds for Philadelphia. Alexander McKee to George Croghan, asking to have matters settled and uttering the opinion that the Dela- wares will gladly make peace. [No date] 2 New York 4 Niagara 122(2) 29(2) 25 : 122 123 17:25 James Rivington, considering the delay in the meeting of Parliament, the parallel between George 3 and Charles i, the revenue acts and the sacrifice of the chancellor and mentioning a cheese sent up by W. Blackburne to Johnson Hall. John Wetherhead about a vexatious journey, indisposition, information that the ministry will enforce the acts of Parliament, " flaming Resolves " by the Assembly and Johnson's account. 3 [Sir William Johnson] to the Rev. Wm. Smith, concern- Johnson Hall ing Mr Murray two young men mentioned for orders, lands for a church, effects of the new boundary on land grants, Sir William's desire to serve Mr Smith and Mr Barton and his election as a member of the Philo sophical Society. [Doc. Hist. N. Y. 4:401-2; Q, 4:252] 3 [Sir William Johnson] to Gov. John Penn, promising to Johnson Hall distribute money brought by Mr McClay among the Indians and send their acquittances. Capt. Normand MacLeod about a communication from a young Messesaga, dissatisfaction of the Indians with the post market, the bearer Carundawane, and tools and flour wanted. [Inclosing no. 29(2), December 28, 1768] 4 [Sir William Johnson] to Sir H. Moore, promising to Johnson Hall arrange a meeting of Indian chiefs for the Qth or 10th of next month and mentioning an arrangement for pay ment of fees for the Schohare and Oneida purchases. 4 [Sir William Johnson] to Gen. Gage, regarding letters for Johnson Hall Niagara, a schooner on shore at Sandousky, intelligence from Capt. Glasier, Lieut. Sinclair's utterances and the mines at Lake Superior. 24 25:124 17:26 29(1) SIR WILLIAM JOHNSON MANUSCRIPTS 413 1769 Jan. 7 Hugh Wallace, thanking for payment of [Lieut. B.] New York Roberts's draft and mentioning Lieut. Galland's grat itude, the determination of the. ministry to put an end to American pretensions, a struggle between the De- lancy or church party and the Livingstonian or dis senting party, arbitrary behavior of Col. Schuyler, and asking Johnson to oppose Schuyler's election and to get Sir John returned. 17:32 9 J. T. Kempe, attorney general, giving the history of a New York claim to a great tract granted by Charles I to Sir Robert Heath between 31 and 36 N., mentioning his wife's interest and the British government's offer of 100,000 acres in New York to her family and bespeaking Sir William's aid in locating the grant. 33 9 John Wetherhead to [Sir William Johnson] about New York pressure of business, Dr Auchmuthy's letter concerning the political relations and conduct in the Assembly of Phil Schuyler, Sir John's opportunity, Will Smith, J. M. Scott's attack on the Church of England, St Johns Day and antimasonry. 25:125 n Joseph Chew, touching preparations of the Susquehanna New London company to make settlements in the spring, a contest in [New] York between the whig and the church party, the effect in America of the King's speech. 17 '34 11 Samuel Wharton, thanking for kindness, asking mention Philada. to the Board of Trade, the Duke of Graf ton arid the Earl of Shelburne, considering Dr Coxe's petition, the distribution of the grant to sufferers by Indian depre dations in 1763, the indifference of the Assembly to its privilege of regulating Indian trade, disadvantage of colonial regulation, action of Governor and Assembly of South Carolina, Col. Scott's inquiry into the trade and wealth of Pennsylvania, the danger to Boston and Gov. Bernard's standing, in England. 35 12 Capt. Normand MacLeod, acknowledging letters and Niagara mentioning Capt. Brown's visit to little Niagara, Mac Leod's method of obtaining bread, a freshet at the Geneseeo Castle and a belt given to Grant's Indian. [Wrongly dated 1768] 15:233 12 [Sir William Johnson] to Thomas Wharton about ac- Johnson Hall counts intended for Samuel Wharton. 17:36 14 Notice to the freemen and freeholders of the town of Schenectady of election of a representative, to be held January 23, at the house of Robert Clench. Signed Har. Schuyler Sheriff. 37 14 Notice to the freemen and freeholders of the city and Albany county of Albany of election of representatives, to DC held January 26 at the city hall. Signed Har. Schuyler Sheriff. 38 414 NEW YORK STATE LIBRARY 1769 Jan. 15 R. Cartwright, promising to send poultry as soon as snow Albanny comes and mentioning the issue of election writs and political excitement in New York. 17:39 1 6 John Watts, mentioning Maj. Gorham's return to the old New York country, McClay's hard journey, ruinous effects of winter thaws, scarcity of silver, expenses of the Crown for the Pensilvania boundary, a warm canvass, disputes between House and Council and Lord Adam's friend ship for America. 40 20 R. Cartwright, mentioning election talk, a verdict of man- Albany slaughter against Legget for a crime at Claverack and two convictions for robbery. 41 20 Capt Amos Ogden, asking instructions relative to the sale Reading Town o f the Nanticoke lands. 4^ New Jersey 21 Phyn & Ellice to Maj. Funda about "fine drest skins," Schenectady bateaumen, wheat and guns. 43 (i) 22 Jumes Tilghman, concerning expenses of the boundary Philadelphia settlement, rivalry of the Yankeys and the Proprietors over Wioming, Montour's " writing of Preferrence " to the land at French Margarets and the writer's desire to purchase. 43(2) 22 Maj. Daniel Campbell about letters, a bill on Mr Mortier, Schenectady a harness, election excitement, the attempt to com promise on Mr Mynderse, Mr Schermerhorn's device, Isaac Vroman's disaffection, the selection of Mynderse and the rumor of a Johnson Hall candidate. 44 23 Capt. Normand MacLeod, mentioning the general's order Niagara concerning the commissary, trouble between Canun- daweea and the soldiers, a belt from the Five Nations to the Chippawas, provisions furnished to Indians, needs of the blacksmith, a present to Molly, Decouaigne's speeches to the Indians, MacLeod's need of a house away from the commandant and the chances of employ ment under the provinces. 45 23 Capt. John Brown, explaining that his order as to Indian Niagara officers was in harmony with orders from the com mander in chief. 46 23 Daniel Campbell and six others, informing of the Sch'y treachery of Vroman, the unreliability, of John Glen, Cornelius Cuyler and Abraham Van Eps and the uncer tainty of the election. 47 23 Maj. Jellis Fonda about a place which Barent Vrooman Cachnewago ma y sell, deer leather and Jacobes Mynderson's success in casting lots with Isaak Vrooman for membership [of the Assembly]. 4& SIR WILLIAM JOHNSON MANUSCRIPTS 415 1769 Jan. 23 John Wetherhead to [Sir William Johnson] regarding the New York election beginning this day, contest between the church and the Presbiterians, a silversmith's account and Mr Roberta's draft. 25:127 24 Daniel Claus about a message from Schenectady, trans- W'msburg portation of voters and preparations for an intended frolic. 128 24 Joseph Chew, concerning Col. Dyer's application to the New London General Assembly for a deed of the Susquehanna lands, exclusion of dissenters from the Seneca and Onondaga country, the fear in Boston of a lord chief justice's warrant, and a rumor that Lord George Sackvile will succeed [Gov.] Barnard. [Doc. Hist. N. Y. 4:402-3; Q, 4 :253l 17 :49 25 [Sir William Johnson] to Rev. Dr Auchmuty about a Johnson Hall person [Philip Schuyler] who desires his political support, the suddenness of the election notice, the prospect of a short session and progress of the Church of England in New York. [Doc. Hist. N. Y. 4 ^03-4 ; Q,4:253] 51 25 [Sir William Johnson] to Hugh Wallace about the can- Johnson Hall didacy of Phil. Schuyler, shortness of the election notice, state of the roads, Sir John's disinclination to have a seat in the House, uprightness of Johnson's con duct at Fort Stanwix and the want of meritorious can didates in this young country. 52 26 Samuel Wharton, to ask payment of Col. Cole's draft on Phila. Mr Croghan and to say that he will set off for England Monday. 53 26 [Sir William Johnson] to Lieut. Gov. Colden on intrust- Johnson Hail ing Indian trade regulation to the colonies, changes in Indian policy compelled by the reduction of Canada, obstructions to the boundary treaty, necessity of marking the boundary line, election of Myndertse and com pensation for Colden's losses. [Doc. Hist. N. Y. 2:923-26; Q, 2:534-36] 54 26 [Sir William Johnson] to Phil Livingston Jun'r on Sir Johnson Hall Henry Moore's illness and the intended meeting of his Excellency with the Indians. . 55 26 [Sir William Johnson] to John Watts on the extraordi- Johnson Hall nary season, expenses of the Pennsylvania Proprietaries for the Indian boundary and his contempt for political attacks. 56 26 [Sir William Johnson] to Maj. Moncrieffe, concerning a Johnson Hall tour in Ireland made by the latter, a land purchase, Phil. Schuyler's conduct toward Johnson, Johnson's in fluence, the election in York and " Shillelas." 25:129 30 Phyn & Ellice, asking payment in N. York drafts of bills Schenectady against the Indian department. 17 '57 - 41 6 NEW YORK STATE LIBRARY 1769 Jan. 31 J. T. Kempe, regarding Klock's refusal to release lands at New York Connajoharie to the Indians and the force of an act of Legislature in such a dispute. 17:58 31 Rev. Alex'r Murray to Matthew Lyne, explaining why he Reading can not take the Schenectady mission. [17:79] [Doc. Hist. N. Y. 4:406-7; Q, 4:255] 80 Feb. i Dr Peter Middleton to [Sir William Johnson], regarding N. York lands which he thinks of obtaining for Mr Upton and himself in Col. Croghan's Susquehana purchase. 59 2 H. Gaine, informing that the Indian prayer books are in New York the hands of the binders, that he will try to get good morocco binding in New York and Rev. Mr Ogilvie wishes copies for friends in England. [Doc. Hist. N. Y. 4:405; Q, 4:254] 60 4 Ferrall Wade, asking relief from a state of dependence Philadelphia due to the inconsiderateness of youth. 6l 6 Daniel Campbell about the arrival of the Governor, the Schenectady Duchess of Gordon and Col. Morriss at Albany and the success of Johnson's countrymen in the election. 62 7 Sir William Johnson in account with John Wetherhead. 68 New York 8 Peter Remsen about a release of the lowlands of Hansen's New York patent and negroes that he will buy. 63 8 Oliver DeLancey, Jas. Jauncey, Peter Remsen and Gw. Nw York Banyar, stating a claim against Mrs Cosby's estate and asking Johnson to certify in order that it may be re covered in England. [16:187] [Doc. Hist. N. Y. 2:926; Q, 2:536] 64 10 Daniel Campbell, offering to sell a lot and giving informa- Schenectady tion about building, renting and interest on real estate investment. 65 12 Edward Cole, commissary, to [Sir William Johnson], in- Fort Chartres forming that he has discharged his subordinates and will leave the [Illinois] country in two or three months. 66 13 John Wetherhead about a sum due to him from Mr New York Teice, payment of Mr Roberts's draft and drinking Johnson's health. 67 15 [Sir William Johnson] to the Earl of Hillsborough, con- Johnson Hall cerning the withdrawal of the department officers from the posts, the policy of committing Indian affairs to the colonies, the boundary settlement, a method of reim bursement to the Crown for costs of the Indian cession and a former plan from the Lords of Trade for regu lating Indian affairs. [Doc. Hist. N. Y. 2:928-32; Q, 2:537-39 and Doc. rel. to Col. Hist. N. Y. 8:150-53] 69 16 [Sir William Johnson] to the Earl of Shelburne, express- Johnson Hall ing gratitude for favor to his son, mentioning the change in the conduct of Indian affairs and intro ducing Samuel Wharton, of Philadelphia. 70 SIR WILLIAM JOHNSON MANUSCRIPTS 417 1769 Feb. 16 Henry Bostwick, concerning the quality of copper ore at Montreall Lake Superior, expenses of transportation and mining prospects; including a copy of instructions of June 10, 1768, from Samuell Touchet and three others. 17 71 1 6 [Sir William Johnson] to James Tilghman, regarding Johnson Hall danger to the rights of the .Proprietors in Pennsyl vania from the intrusion of Yankees and others, and the survey of Montour's tract. 72 17 [Sir William Johnson] to Samuel Wharton about an in- Johnson Hall closed letter to Lord Shelburne. 73 18 Capt. F. Spiesmacher, inclosing a journal of Indian trans- Quebec actions at Michilimak. 74 25 [Sir William Johnson] to Dr Peter Middleton, saying Johnson Hall that Mr Upton will have a share in the Governor's purchase, but Middleton's mandamus will not apply and he must come in as a purchaser. 75 25 [Sir William Johnson] to the Earl of Hillsborough, con- Johnson Hall sidering French and Spanish interest in exciting Indian discontent and disturbance, condemning the disputes created by turbulent zealots in this country and express ing pleasure at the tone of the King's speech and the addresses of Parliament. Woe. Hist. N. Y. 2:932-34; Q> 2:539-40 and Doc. rel. to Col. Hist. N. Y. 8:153- 54] 76 25 [Sir William Johnson] to Messrs De Lancey, Jauncey, Johnson Hall Banyar and Remsen about an alleged deficiency in an estate conveyed by the late Mrs Cosby. [17:64] Woe. Hist. N. Y. 2:934; Q, 2:541! 77 25 [Sir William Johnson] to J. T. Kempe, attorney general. Johnson Hall on the means of obtaining a release of lands to the Indians of Conajoharee. 7& 25 Matthew Lyne and three others, church wardens, about Schenectady disappointment in obtaining the services of Mr Murray and the success of the dissenters in drawing away members. [Inclosing no. 80, January 31, 1769] [Doc. Hist. N. Y. 4:405-6; Q, 4:255] 79 26 Daniel Campbell about lots in Schenectady, a trade, Schenectady scarcity of dollars, a draft on New York and a dec laration of war. 3l 26 Sir William Johnson to Mr Wetherhead, mentioning Johnson Hall loss of letters, result of the late election, " Ph. Liv- . ingstons meaness to come in for his Brothers Mannor," an affair once explained by Col. Claus, a draft on Mr Mortier, Mr Adems's potash manu factory, Col. Croghan and commissions to be executed. 82 26 Oliver DeLancey, sending an extract from a letter New York from Lady Warren in which she complains of a suit brought by Abraham Sterling, who married a sister 14 4iB NEW YORK STATE LIBRARY 1769 of Sir William, as legatee of Sir Peter Warren, be lieving Sir William to be in debt to the estate. [Doc. Hist. N. Y. 2:934-35; Q> 2:541] 17:83 Mar. 2 R. Cartwright, asking that money may be sent by Albany James Bennet for inclosed account and mentioning billiard balls got of Mrs Pemberton. 84 2 Volckert P. Douw, asking payment to Martin G. V. Albany Bergen, Geo. Wray and himself, executors, of Geo. Craghan's draft for 171, 8s, 6d due the estate of Joseph White. 85 8 Gen. Thomas Gage's warrant to Abraham Mortier for New York paying Sir William Johnson 3863, i6s, 6d, New York currency, for department expenses at Forts Chartres and Pitt. 26:50 9 George Croghan's receipt to Abraham Mortier for 9659 127/224 dollars. 51 [12] Resignation of [Solomon Hutchison] and five others [Spencer w ho have received commissions from Col. Renslaer, Town] Col. Schuyler and Mr Blecker to serve "in the Regi ment of Militia for that part of the Manner of Rens laer thy lyes at Claverack." [N. Y. Col. Mss, 95 :97^ *7 '-99 13 John Wetherhead, asking that Mr Roberts's draft may New York be paid and Roberts admonished in the matter of drawing, and mentioning Johnson's orders, lands which the writer desires to locate and petition for di vorce of Mrs Shehan, sister of Col. Butler. 86 16 Account of John Weatherhed with estate of Gilbert New York Forbes, deceased. 95 17 A pass given by Gen. Thomas Gage to Messrs Dan- New York forth and Willard, professors of mathematics, per mitting them to observe the transit of Venus in Lake Superior; addressed to the officers commanding at Fort Ontario, Niagara, Fort Erie, Detroit and Misili- makinak. [Doc. Hist. N. Y. 4:407-8; Q, 4:256] 87 17 John Wetherhead's bill to Sir William Johnson. 88 New York 17 Alexander Wilson's bill to John Wetherhead; re- New York ceipted. 89 17 Gerardus Duyckinck's bill to John Wetherhead; re- New York ceipted. 92 17 George Ball's bill to John Wheatherhead. 93 [New York?] 17 Perry Hayes and Sherbrooke's" bill to Jno. Weather- New York head. 94 18 Henry Bostwick, informing that he is directed from Montreall England to go to Lake Superior, where he will be followed by English miners, and asking a letter from Johnson to his subordinates. 9O SIR WILLIAM JOHNSON MANUSCRIPTS 419 1769 Mar. 18 John Wetherhead, concerning articles sent with Capt. New York Staats, a deed, 500 Indian prayer books, petitions for warrants of survey, a delay in the council and a petition granted for lands north of the Mohawk. 17:91 20 Sir William Johnson's receipt to Abraham Mortier for 54,807 44/56 dollars, equal to 12,788, gs, 8d sterling, expenses of the Fort Stanwix treaty. 26:49 20 Rev. John Siegfried Gerock, A. M., certifying that New York George Uleric, Jacob Moore and John Fagh are com municants in the German evangelical congregation. 17:96 20 [Sir William Johnson] to Oliver DeLancey, stating his Johnson Hall relations with the estate and legatees of Sir Peter Warren and denying indebtedness. [Doc. Hist. N. Y. 2:935-37; Q, 2:542] [Draft of 17:146, which is dated May 4, 1769] 97 22 [Sir William Johnson] to Gen. Gage, mentioning in- Johnson Hall formation that his Majesty declines an Indian cession bounded by the Cherokee river, explaining why he obtained it and discussing expenses at the posts. IOT 24 Baynton, Wharton & Morgan's account against the Fort Pitt Crown (674, 133, 4d, Penn. currency) for goods de livered to Indians ; with John Campbell's receipt to Alexander McKee, commissary, and Capt. Chas. Edmonstone's certificate. 102, 103 24 H. V. Schaack, mentioning Col. Renselaer's assertion Kinderhook that he can dispose of commissions for 10 com panies in the militia, and the apprehensions of people who have settled on the contested lands. 98 24 [Sir William Johnson] to Lieut. Roberts, regarding his Johnson Hall order for discontinuing the office of commissary, a journey to Michilimackinac and an advantageous pur chase which Roberts can make. 25:130 26 Jno. Monier, saying that he has given Mr Leake 21 Albany guineas for the King's writ and hopes as a reduced commissary to be allowed to take up land. 17:105 30 Henry Bostwick about an offer of a share in the Lake Montreal Superior company to Col. Croghan, treating with the Indians, transportation of necessaries and Johnson's report to his Majesty. 106 30 Ferrall Wade, imploring pity, forgiveness and assistance. 107 Philadelphia 30 [Sir William Johnson] to Sir Henry Moore about per- Johnson Hall sons recommended for the magistracy between Caghna- waga and Schenectady, militia commissions received from Mr Livingston and the swearing in of officers. 108 30 Sir William Johnson to Sir Henry Moore. Duplicate of Johnson Hall no. I08. IIO 42O NEW YORK STATE LIBRARY 1769 Mar. 30 Lieut. B. Roberts, reciting testimony given in the trial Quebec of Ainse, mentioning the traders' memorial and plan for a provision for collecting debts in the upper coun try and notifying that he will draw for ^200. 17:111 Petition to Sir Henry Moore of freeholders and inhabi- Kinderhook tants of the township of Kinderhook, who hold under patents disputed by John Van Renslaer, proprietor of Claverack, asking that the commissions in the militia may be so altered in form as to create no presumption in favor of Van Renslaer's claim. [N. Y. Col. Mss, 95 -99] ioo James Adair to [Sir William Johnson], attributing to Johnson's commendation his pleasant reception by Sir Henry Moore and reverend and learned people [in New York] and asking Johnson's patronage and a letter to Lord Hillsborough in behalf of his Indian Essays and histories. [177] Woe. Hist. N. Y. 4:413-15; Q, 4:250^-60] 104 Apr. 3 John Rand to Rev. Dr Auchmuty, rector of Trinity Rye Church in New York, with regard to leaving a school at Rye in order to teach at Fort Johnson, his prepara tion for holy orders and his employment by the Society for Propagating the Gospel in Foreign Parts. [Doc. Hist. N. Y. 4:408^9; Q, 4:256-57! 112 3 Lieut. Allan Grant, regarding favors to the Indians at Ontario the post. 113 3 John Wetherhead's account against Sir William Johnson New York 254, i6s, 2d. Il6 4 [Sir William Johnson] to Lieut. Gov. Golden on the Johnson Hall management of Indian trade, the pretense of patriotism in free governments and the proposal to erect his estate into a manor. [Doc. Hist. N. Y. 2:937-38; 0,2:543] "4 4 John Wetherhead about Johnson's draft on Mr Mortier, articles sent by Van Allen's sloop, price and quality of New York corn, a Physick Book, a weathercock and bell for a church, Virginia rattlesnake root and a man near Shrewsbury who cures dropsical disorders, whom John son is urged to visit. 115 6 Joseph Chew, informing of the expulsion of the adven- N London turers at Susquehanna by the high sheriff of North- hampton county and their preparations to take pos session in force, the threat in England to remove the seat of government from Boston to Salem, the seizure of rum belonging to the Saltonstalls and its recovery, also of the death of the writer's child. 117 ii Same to same, informing of a meeting of the Susque- New London hanna company at Hartford, Mr Wetherhead's encour agement of settlements at Fort Stanwix, a shipment of SIR WILLIAM JOHNSON MANUSCRIPTS 421 1769 fruit trees and slips for grafting for English cherries and plums and pears and the stir among the Sons of Liberty over the expulsion of Wilks from the House of Commons. 17:118 Apr. 12 Rev. Harry Munro, explaining his inability to wait on the Albany Indians at Easter and saying that he can give them Trinity Sunday or the Sunday before Whitsunday and mentioning the choice of Mr Cruger as Speaker in the Assembly and Dr Chandler's appeal. [Doc. Hist. N. Y. 4:409-10; Q, 4:257-58! 119 13 Peter Remsen, informing that he has bought at vendue a New York negro boy of about 19 for 51 and sent him to the care of Richard Cartwright in Albany to be forwarded. 120 14 [Sir William Johnson] to Sir Henry Moore, transmitting Johnson Hall names of persons in the Mohock and adjoining settle ments qualified for the magistracy. 121 14 [Sir William Johnson] to Gen. Gage, as to the en- Johnson Hall croachments of frontier people on the Indians and the probable effect of the King's rejection of a cession affecting the northern Indians and the Cherokees. 122 14 John Stuart, concerning officers of the Indian depart- Charles Town ments, Virginia encroachments, danger to the Cherokee hunting grounds, effect of removal of the commissaries, and a malicious message from the Cherokees to the northern Indians about the Catawbas. 25:132 16 Rev. John Albert Weygand, regarding his claim as execu- New York tor of an estate against Eliah Rollins, a gardener. 17:123 17 John Loney's bill to Sir William Johnson for shoes and harness. 124 17 A writ of Gov. Henry Moore, empowering Sir William New York Johnson, Guy Johnson and Hendrick Fry Junior to ad minister to militia officers in Albany county the oaths of allegiance and supremacy, oaths of abjuration, etc. 25:133 18 Jeremiah Hogeboom and 50 others, recommending Johon- Claverack n i s Plass for captain. 17:125 18 Joseph Chew, apprising of a meeting of the Susquehanna New London adventurers at Hartford and their purpose to drive out the Pensilvanians and settle at Wioming, Mr Wether- head's and Col. Croghan's land advertisements, inci dents which keep him away from Johnson Hall, Col. Whiting's inquiry after Johnson and excitement in Boston due to the letters written by Gov. Barnard and laid before the House of Commons. 126 19 [Sir William Johnson] to H. V. Schaack, concerning the Johnson Hall apprehensions of many persons, that Col. Ranslaer will make an improper use of appointments in his regiment, and the best proceedings for them. 127 422 NEW YORK STATE LIBRARY 1769 Apr. 20 Rev. John Siegfried Gerock, certifying that George Dey- New York bertsyer is a member of the German evangelical church and received the holy sacrament March 26. 17:128 20 Dr Samuel Stringer about seeds which he sends and Albany Johnson's disorders. 129 20 Timo. Woodbridge, inquiring as to sales of Johnson's Stockbridge lands, describing the New England plan of settling a township and mentioning a company of persons, repre sented by Messrs Pixley and Willard, who would like to purchase a tract of Sir William. 130 21 Dr Samuel Stringer about forwarding corn and making Albany bateaux or hiring wagons for the purpose. 13 22 H. Gaine, saying that 283 Indian prayer books have been New York sent) morocco for binding must be got in Boston, he sends a set of the laws of last session and will obtain Bayles General Dictionary from London as soon as " we are permitted to import any Goods from that Part of the World." [Doc. Hist. N. Y. 4:411-12; Q, 4:258-59] 132 26 [Sir William Johnson] to Henry Bostwick about the loca- Johnson Hall tion of mines on the Lake [Superior] and the establish ment of good relations with the Indians. 133 27 Daniel Campbell about a shaving equipage got in New Schenectady York and presented to Johnson, wine lost in con veyance by Isaac Swits, and Harry Van Schaack's business embarrassment. 134 27 [Sir William Johnson] to Ph. Livingston Jun'r, concern- Johnson Hall ing militia commissions and the qualification of officers. 135 28 John Glen, concerning bateaux and running the "out Schonectady Lines " of Cayaderossara. 136 28 Bill of John Glen Jun'r to Sir William Johnson for bateaux. 137 28 [Sir William Johnson] to Col. Bradstreet, hinting that Johnson Hall information of use in a dispute with Hardenbergh can be obtained from the Esopus Indians. 138 28 Speech of Massiggihash and 22 others (Chippawas) ask- Detroit ing compassion on themselves and some French people. 25:134 28 Copy of the same; with the answer. 135 30 James Adair, thanking for favor toward a production on N. York the " Origin of Ye Indian Americans " and attributing Gen. Gage's coolness to the supposed Stuart principles of the work. [17:7] [Doc. Hist. N. Y. 4:412-13; Q, 4:259] 17:139 30 Daniel Campbell, mentioning Mrs John Farley's refusal Schenectady to sell a lot and the intention of many Schenectady people to settle on the Big Patent. 140 30 Col. John Bradstreet, saying that he will seek information Albany from the Esopus Indians, that he has stated his posi tion to the patentees at York, that his lands between SIR WILLIAM JOHNSON MANUSCRIPTS 423 1769 Susquehanna and Mohawk Branch have many moun tains, that the survey will go on soon and Albany has petitioned for a new charter and confirmation of its claim to the Mohawk Flatts. 17:141 William Johnston's account for burning coals. 18:53 Michilimack- inac May i Speech of Indians to Louis Chevallier craving pardon for Saint Joseph the murder of his son and his reply refusing pardon. [In French] 25:131 i Speech of the chiefs of the village of St Joseph, ascribing the offenses of their young men to brandy and asking forgiveness for them. [In French] 136 3 W. Gamble, M'r In. L., informing of a petition preferred Albany to t he Ineffable Lodge by Brother David Smith and asking recommendation of Brothers March and Batch- eller to Col. Croghan. 17:142 3 James Rivington, mentioning a favorable turn in business, New York marriage, English publications, the struggle in England between landed and commercial interests, a riot at Manchester due to the suspension of American trade, effects on British policy of hostilities between the Otto mans and Russians and the disposition of the French to take advantage of " our disunited state." 143 3 Joseph Chew about grafting and gardening, the Susque- New London hanna settlement and the contents of a box. 144 4 John Johnston, relating ill treatment by his wife and her Kiuga family and his willingness to remain among the Indians as a smith. 145 4 Sir William Johnson to Oliver Delancey. Copy of Johnson Hall 17:97, which is dated March 20, 1769. 146 4 Col. Bradstreet's account of Hardenbergh's patent (1708), with the affidavits of sundry people relative to it. 18:102 Declaration of the Esopus Indians concerning the lands they sold to Hardenbergh. 103 5 Andrew Truax, saying that Thomas B rower Bancker Schonectady oldest Lieutenant, Petrus Van Der Volge youngest, and Caleb Truax Ensign will wait on Sir William to be qualified. 17:147 5 [Sir William Johnson] to Gen. Gage about the claims of Johnson Hall Virginia, failure of the corn crops on the Mohock and Col. Bradstreet's account for transportation of provi sions to Fort Stanwix. 148 5 [Sir William Johnson] to Mr Chew about the difficulty Johnson Hall o f rendering a service in his department. 149 5 J. T. Kempe, attorney general, inclosing the charges New York against George Klock filed in July, 1767, and asking a statement of facts and the names of witnesses required in the prosecution. 25:137 424 NEW YORK STATE LIBRARY 10 Niagara II Albany II II Montreal 1769 May 8 John Wetherhead, imploring Johnson to consider his New York health and take a jaunt to Shrewsbury. 10 [Sir William Johnson] to James Adair, consenting to the Johnson Hall dedication of a book to himself and sending subscrip tions. Woe. Hist. N. Y. 4:415-16; Q, 4:260-61] Normand MacLeod to [Sir William Johnson], reporting information that points to an Indian uprising at Detroit and mentioning strange behavior of Vergere and Cha- biere, Frenchmen. Dr Samuel Stringer, regarding the conveyance of corn to Montreal. [Sir William Johnson] to Sir H. Moore, regarding a Johnson Hall Dedimus Potestatem and recommendations for the magistracy. Lieut. B. Roberts, regarding a cheering letter, a draft for 100, a quarrel with Rogers, a challenge, the trial of Ainse, a visit to Johnson Hall, a location for his half pay land, disappointments and losses. 12 [Sir William Johnson] to Mr Gamble, M'r In. L., approv- Johnson Hall ing the admission of David Smith to the Ineffable Lodge and promising to serve Brothers March and Batchellor. Hillsborough, informing that the King will accept the cession of lands south of the Ohio below the Kanawa, fixes the Virginia line near the Kanawa, delays action on the Indian grants to traders and to Mr Croghan and desires Johnson to reconcile the Indians to the new plan of managing trade. Woe. Hist. N. Y. 2:938-39; Q, 2:543-44 and Doc. rel to Col. Hist. N. Y. 8:165- 66] Duplicate of no. 156. Hugh Wallace, asking payment of drafts drawn by Capt. Spicemaker and mentioning an affair of pistols between Col. Schuyler and Mr Walton, the dismissal of P. Livingston from the house, the expected failure of several Albany county bills, and a land purchase. Joseph Chew, mentioning a disputed election, the appoint ment of Mr Trumbull as lieutenant governor, letters from the colony agent in London, the dispute between the Mohigan Indians and the colony, regiments expected at Hallyfax and New Port and a protest of the select men of Boston against Gen. McKay. 17 [Sir William Johnson] to Col. Bradstreet on Dr Schuck- Johnson Hall burgh's impressions and the opinions of Mohawk and Oneida chiefs as to the boundary between Oneidas and Delawares. 17 John Stevenson's account against Sir William Johnson. Albany 17:150 25 .- 13 Whitehall 15 New York 16 Hartford 153 154 155 156 157 17:158 159 18:58 SIR WILLIAM JOHNSON MANUSCRIPTS 425 1769 May 18 John Stevenson, sending bill for iron, steel and files. 17:160 Albany 19 Plan for Indian trade proposed by the Assembly, provid- [New York] j n g f or duties to be laid by New York, Pennsylvania and Quebec on liquors and dry goods sold at Niagara, Detroit, Carrilon, Missilimackinack, Pittsburgh and Illinois. Also a resolution providing for interpreters and smiths at Niagara and Detroit. 161 20 John Loney, asking for money with which to buy leather. 163 21 Account of postage of letters to Col. Croghan, Col. Claus Albany a nd Col. Johnson, charged to Sir William. 18:50 22 Capt. Normand McLeod, sending news that inhabitants at Niagara Detroit had built a small fort across the river from the old fort and Capt. Turnbull has given them two cannon. 17:164 22 Joseph Chew about a visit to Johnson Hall, trees shipped New London by Capt. Caulkins, the Boston papers, death of Uncas, the Mohegan sachem, and the land dispute between the tribe and the colony; containing Samuel Calkins's re ceipt to Joseph Chew for fruit trees and other things. 165 25 Dr Samuel Stringer, concerning medicine sent, a dis- Albany appointment and rings delivered to Frank. 166 25 S. Kirkland, concerning an Indian murder, alarming news Fort Stanwix from Detroit and a recent proposal by Indians at Onoide to seize and secure Kirkland. 25 : 140 26 [Sir William Johnson] to Hugh Wallace, concerning Johnson Hall Capt. Spiesmacher's bills, a proposed duel, Col. Schyler's moderation, proposed division of Albany county, the purchase near the German flatts and a tract to be had north of Johnson's. 17:167 26 [Sir William Johnson] to Josiah Deane and Wallace Johnson Hall Heard of Richmond, Massachusets, offering land at 8s York currency an acre or a township, to be settled at once by at least 30 families, at the rate of 5s. 168 26 [Sir William Johnson] to Mr Rivington, congratulating Johnson Hall O n a happy turn of fortune, considering current litera ture and prevailing discontent and ordering Lord Little ton's [Lyttelton's] History of Henry 2 and the Annual Register. 169 27 Isaac Swits, sending a return of the Albany companies Albany an( j those at Kinderhock, Coatsackie and Katt Kills and reporting that orders have been forwarded to Col. Stephen Van Ranslar, Col. John Van Ranslar and Col. Phillip Schuyler. 170 29 John Wetherhead, inquiring about Mr Roberts's draft, New York mentioning cod that he will send and adding that the bass and blackfish are waiting to be caught at Shrews bury. 172 426 NEW YORK STATE LIBRARY 1769 May 29 Joseph Chew, regarding the memorial of Col. Dyer's corn- Hartford pany to the General Assembly for a Susquehanna grant, Gov. Fitch's opposition, preparations of the adventurers to resist Mr Penn, Lord Hillsbrough's remarks on the revenue acts and the right of Parliament to legislate for Americans, demands of the custom house officers to the superior court for writs of assistance, Col. Whiting's friendly expressions, Col. Fitch's compliments and Col. Putman's opinion of the Susquehanna adventure. 17-173 Col. John Bradstreet to Col. Croghan on Hardenbergh's claim, news from Niagara of an Indian outbreak at Detroit, and Croghan's farming. 174 J. W. Johnson, asking a fair consideration of the Susque- hana enterprise. 175 P. Silvester, sending copies of forms for administering governmental oaths and giving an opinion as to the best method of removing gates that obstruct highways. 177 William Gamble, asking a recommendation to the Gover nor for a county clerkship and mentioning St Patrick's Lodge. 178 P. Silvester to [Sir William Johnson], respecting a bond from Karman & Walter to Jacob Tramper and John son's offer to become answerable. 179 A return of officers for the 2d battalion of foot under Col. Jacobus Van Slyck. 162 John Wetherhead, concerning a bell, Dr Chandler's vindi cation of the appeal, and the leport of an Indian up rising at Detroit. 180 William Gamble, informing that Brother Stringer goes up the Mohawk to visit St Patricks and requesting St Patricks to join the Albany lodges in procession on St Johns day. 181 John Wetherhead, concerning inclosed warrants of survey. 182 James Rivington, respecting the pardon and influence of Wilkes, a reported European alliance, strained rela tions of France and England, disagreement between Lords Chatham and Temple and the ultimate demand on the colonies. 183 Lachovignrie paran to [Sir William Johnson?] about articles furnished to the Six Nations by order of mon sieur Closse. [In French; no date] 184 6 Col. George Croghan, respecting a rumor of Indian war, troublesome accounts, rheumatism, flowerpots, sheep and a lot in Springfield. 185 8 [Sir William Johnson] to Sir H. Moore on errors corn- Johnson Hall mitted by local magistrates, the Assembly's provision for smiths and interpreters, necessity of colonial har mony in the regulation of Indian trade and a commis sion for Col. Johnson as adjutant general. 186 29 Albany 29 Groton 30 Albany 30 Albany 31 Albany June 3 New York 5 Albany 5 New York 5 New York SIR WILLIAM JOHNSON MANUSCRIPTS 427 12 New York 1769 June 9 William Bowen's bill to Sir John Johnson. 13:43 10 James Phyn, regarding Johnson's draft on William New- Schenectady ton, Phyn's trip to New York, money which Ellice may send and the report of an Indian war. 17:187 12 [Sir William Johnson] to Wm. Gamble, explaining why Johnson Hall h e may be unable to accept an invitation from the Ineffable. 188 Gen. Thomas Gage, informing that the commissary general can purchase no provisions but in cases of ex tremity and mentioning certain expenses at Fort Stan wix, rumors of Indian discontent, Mr Sinclair's " good ness to the Indians," and want of money in New York. 25:141 13 Edward Cole, commissary, mentioning a 13 days' journey New Orleans from Fort Chartres, the killing of Pondiac and acts committed by the Ouabach Indians, and the Sacks and Reynards. 17:189 Extract from a letter of May 29 by BLenjamin] F[rank- lin], stating the objection of Lord Hillsborough to the ratification of the Fort Stanwix treaty and informing of a conditional ratification. A postscript of June 14, mentioning the overruling of Lord Hillsborough's ob jection by the ministry. 176 Extract from a letter by S[amuel] W[harton], showing, on authority of Mr Walpole, that Lord H [ills- borough] 's opposition to the boundary treaty is dis approved by the cabinet council. 176 Samuel Wharton to [Sir William Johnson], repeating remarks of the lord chancellor to Mr Walpole, show ing the cabinet council's disapproval of Lord Htills- boroug]h's attitude toward the boundary settlement de termined at Fort Stanwix. 190 Gen. Thomas Gage's warrant for the payment of ^7277, 2s, 7d, New York currency, to Sir William Johnson; account annexed. 26:52 Gen. Thomas Gage's warrant for paying 1204, 135, lod to Sir William Johnson; account annexed. 53 [Sir William Johnson] to James De Lancey, protesting Johnson Hall against the boundary proposed in an act for the division of Albany county and showing where a line should be traced. 17:191 Lieut. Allan Grant to [Sir William Johnson], concerning Andrew Wemple, smith and interpreter, boats from Detroit, Messesagaes at the post and " beggerly " char acter of the Five Nations. 192 Hugh Wallace, to introduce Mr Gossans and Mr Taylor, of the island of Jamaica. 193 H. V. Schaack to [Sir William Johnson] on commissions issued by Col. Renslaer and the wrongful extension which they give to Claverack. 25:126 14 [London] 14 [London] 14 London New York 14 New York 14 15 Ontario 16 New York 18 Kinderhook 428 NEW YORK STATE LIBRARY 25 Albany 25 Albany 26 1769 Tune 21 Capt. Wallis Kurd, accepting terms on which land for Richmond a township can be purchased of Johnson. 24 Maj. Daniel Campbell, mentioning an order for gun- Schenectady powder and the journey of Mr Taylor and Mr Gossans [from Jamaica] to Niagara. 24 [Sir William Johnson] to the Earl of Hillsborough, ex- Johnson Hall plaining that he accepted the Six Nations' cession to the Cherokee river to quiet the Cherokee claim and prevent Virginia encroachments, and mentioning the activity of French agents among the western nations and the alarm at Detroit. Woe. Hist. N. Y. 2:940-42; Q, 2:544-46 and Doc. rel to Col. Hist. N. Y. 8:172-74] Jno. Monier, postmaster, about letters and the Rev. Mr Seabury's sermon from John, I4th chapter, 6th verse. Col. John Bradstreet, concerning a deed given him by the Oquaga Indians for land between the Susquehanna and the Delaware and the dispute with Hardenbergh. [Sir William Johnson] to Gov. Moore, recommending a Johnson Hall different line from that described in the pending act for the division of the county and mentioning an appli cation for a patent which will be resented by the Conajoharee Indians, the visit of two West India gen tlemen and his own proposed journey among the Six Nations. [Sir William Johnson] to- James Delancey, declaring the Hall opposition of the people to the plan for a new county and asking that the interest of Delancey and his uncle may be cast against the scheme. John Wetherhead, begging Johnson to preserve his health and giving his reasons for discontinuing his importation and sale of goods. 28 Joseph Chew, regarding business with Beverley Robinson, New London Johnson's ill health, the migration from Connecticut to Wioming, a claim put forth by virtue of the charter granted to the colony of Connecticut and the purchase made by Lydius at Albany in 1754 and movements of the King's ships and troops. Cadot to [Sir William Johnson] about affairs at the post and his retirement from the service. inac Speech of Henry Bostwick, John Chinn, Caddot and Henry to the Indians, regarding mining on Lake Supe- inac ri or> Answer of the Indians, welcoming miners to their country. July 3 Cadot's order on Sir William Johnson in favor of St Marys Francis Caso. 3 Cadot's order on Sir William Johnson in favor of the St Maryi same; with John Watts's receipt to Johnson for this and the preceding draft 17:194 195 26 Johnson 26 New York 29 Michilimack- 30 m I 9 6 198 201 2O2 203 204 205 206 207 208 SIR WILLIAM JOHNSON MANUSCRIPTS 429 1769 July 3 Cadot, informing that he has drawn two bills in favor St Marys o f Mr Casew, of Montreal, for his pay. 17:209 5 James Phyn, mentioning his return from New York Schenectady an( i mO ney brought up for Johnson. 210(1) 5 Maj. Daniel Campbell, regarding gunpowder sent, the Schenectady heat and Mr Seberry's sermon. 210(2) 8 Capt. Allan Grant to [Sir William Johnson] about pro- Ontario visions given to Indians and their distressed condition. 211 ii James Rivington, regarding Mr Whately's pamphlet, the [New York] contest between whigg and tory, and Irish claret and bottled porter. 212 14 Maj. Jelles Fonda about provisions sent in care of Mr Caughnawaga Steel, association with Mr Adems in Indian trade, Ber'd Wemp's acquaintance with the Indians, haying and other business and the arrival of play actors at Albany from New York. 213 16 James DeLancey, consenting to advocate Johnson's plan New York o f dividing Albany county, provided it is amended to obviate jealousy of the eastern against the western part of the province. [17:191] 214 19 John Wetherhead about a draft on Johnson drawn by Mr New York Roberts. 215 20 James Tilghman, reporting the murder of Seneca George's son, an arrest for the crime, indictment of New England trespassers and intrusions by Johnson's tenants, and saying that the Governor will write about running the boundary from Susquehanna to Kittaning. 216 James Rivington, mentioning the intention of the English government to repeal the revenue acts, the abandon ment of Wilkes by the Bill of Rights association, the desertion of the Grenville family to the " Rockingham Squadron," the ministry's avoidance of the American issue, Counceller Wedderburn's change of sides, the re turn to England of Col. Pomeroy, Col. Gabbet, Capt. Vincent and Mr Izard, a plan of the Dissenters against the Church, and the restoration of tranquillity in New York. 217 Tuthill Hubbart to [Sir William Johnson], concerning a packet from Mr Franklin, which he forwards by way of New York. 218 Henry Dougan's bill to Sir William Johnson for medicine and attendance on the Indians at Cumberland, Nova Scotia; certified by William Monsell, Lt 29 Regt. 219 Extract from Lieut. Col. Wilkins's account of expenses at the Ilinois 60. [No date perhaps same date as no. 221] 220 Capt. Chas. Edmonstone's certificate, relating to the com pensation received by Peter, a Mohawk, who came from Fort Chartres with Silver Heels. 221 Phila 24 N. York 24 Boston 25 Boston 25 Pittsburgh 43 NEW YORK STATE LIBRARY 1769 July 26 Joseph Chew to [Sir William Johnson], concerning farm- New London e rs who wish to see Johnson's land, and the seizure at this port of Mr Shaw's brigantine and one Tinker's sloop by the revenue sloop, Liberty, and the destruction of the Liberty and the rescue of Tinker's sloop at Newport, also the whipping of informers by the Liberty People. 17 :222 26 Henry Bostwick, informing of a council with chiefs on Mishilmak- the south side of Lake Superior and their consent to inac mining operations. 223 Aug. 2 Gov. John Penn to [Sir William Johnson], to arrange Philadelphia for running the Proprietary Line from the head of the West Branch of the Susquehanna to Kittaning in the presence of a representative of the Six Nations. 224 5 Hillsborough, asking consideration for Maj. Gorham, who Whitehall has been discharged from his office of deputy Indian agent. 25:143 8 George Croghan, mentioning gout and a hurt, Mr Met- calf s return, inclosed letters from Mr Hay at Detroit, drafts by the interpreters and smiths at Fort Chartres, a council of Sinecas, Shannas and Dalaways with tribes on the Wabauch, Indian killings and depredations and the condition of Dr Lavine. 17:^5 8 Lieut. Allan Grant about drunkenness among the Indians, Ontario fortunes made by the traders, abundance of dollars, Wemple's smith work and want of repairs at the post. 216 g [Sir William Johnson] to Gen. Gage, mentioning his re- Johnson Hall turn from Seneca and an injury resulting from a fall and justifying the large Indian cession at Fort Stan- wix, the grants to Mr Croghan and to the traders and his own motives. 227 9 [Sir William Johnson] to Gen. Gage, relating a series of Johnson Hall conferences with Onondagas, Cayugas, Senecas and other Indians, bearing on the causes of Indian dis content. 228 10 [Sir William Johnson] to Sir H. Moore, concerning a Johnscn Hall petition relating to the division of the county and Col. Johnson's commission as adjutant general. 229 10 [Sir William Johnson] to the same about recent confer- Johnson Hall ences with Indians, their complaints and the need of inspectors, interpreters and smiths in the Indian country. 230 10 George Croghan about letters forwarded, gout and lame ness from an injury. 231 12 [Sir William Johnson] to Col. Bradstreet, saying that the Johnson Hall Six Nations complain of the intrusions of New Eng land people into Pennsylva. and the Aughquago chiefs " decline entering into any matter that is likely to give them any trouble." 232 SIR WILLIAM JOHNSON MANUSCRIPTS 43! 1769 Aug. 13 Jehu Hay, mentioning the escape of two Indian prisoners, Detroit a l so trade and prospective prices. 17:233 14 Col. John Bradstreet, saying that he drops the applica- Albany tion to the Onidas and has intelligence from home that he is to receive a mark of his Majesty's favor. 234 16 Volckert P. Douw, inquiring as to Col. George Croghan's Albany draft. 237 16 Tho. Wharton, informing of the seizure of goods near Philad. Fort Bedford by white men disguised as Indians, the assembling of Mingoes about Fort Pitt, their ill be havior, resentment of the whites, action by the council and Col. Cressop's embarking for London; also giving news from Corsica. 238 17 [Sir William Johnson] to Gen. Gage about the evil in- Johnson Hall clination of the western Indians, the coming council at Onondaga and the effect of his recent injury. 239 17 [Sir William Johnson] to Lieut. Gov. Penn on the murder Johnson Hall o f Seneca George's son and the necessity of running the boundary line from Owegy to Delaware. 240 17 [Sir William Johnson] to James De Lancey on the death Johnson Hall of De Lancey's sister, the creation of a new county to begin west of Schenectady and the privileges of manors. 241 17 [Sir William Johnson] to Henry Van Schaack, mention- Johnson Hall ing his return from the Seneca country, and popular dis satisfaction with certain appointments, and sending word to Wallis Hurd that he is ready to consider offers for land. 25:143 18 John Wetherhead, introducing Mr Griffiths, who desires New York to be a missionary at Schenectady. 17 1242 18 Sir William Johnson in account with Rudolph Shoemaker for expenses of the department; accompanied by a re ceipt dated March 7, 1770. 236 20 [Sir William Johnson] to Lord Wm. Campbell, Governor Johnson Hall of Nova Scotia, regarding the appointment of a deputy in the place lately filled by Maj. Gorham. 244 20 Joseph Chew, regarding a box sent to the care of Mr New London Wetherhead, containing sea water, with other articles. 245 20 [Sir William Johnson] to the Earl of Hillsborough, re- Johnson Hall garding an inclosed account of a journey and proceed ings, the Fort Stanwix treaty, reasons which compelled him to fix the boundary at the Cherokee river, the grant to Mr Croghan and to the traders who suffered losses in the war of 1763, the Indian sentiment of independence, pretensions to a knowledge of the Indians, and reasons why he has hesitated to decline a part of the Indian cession. [Doc. Hist. N. Y. 2 1943-48 ; Q, 2:546-49 and Doc. rel to Col. Hist. N. Y. 8:179-82] 246 432 NEW YORK STATE LIBRARY 1769 Aug. 21 A meeting of the Aughquisasne or St Regis Indians with Sault St Louis Daniel Claus, deputy agent to Sir William Johnson, at alias which the St Regis Indians complain of the presence Caghnawagey i n their village of St Francis Indians, whom they re ceived temporarily for shelter, and Claus refers them to Johnson. 18:1 21 George Croghan about news from Mr Wharton touching the grant for traders' losses, Croghan's grant, and con firmation of the boundary treaty. 2 21 John Wetherhead about Mr Roberts's draft in Mr Roose- New York ve lt's hands. 3 22 Frantz Ruppert, concerning illness, an order to Capt: Charles Town North, an account with Peter Rimson and a favor de- So. Car. sired. 4 22 H. V. Schaack, with regard to the bearing of certain Kinderhook irregular regimental commissions on a land dispute, and applications in New York and England for redress of injuries. [25:126] 25:144 23 [Sir William Johnson] to Col. Bradstreet, regarding a Johnson Hall grant. 1 8 :5 23 James Phyn, informing that he sends 2246, gs by Capt. Schenectady McLeod. 6 24 J. T. Kempe, attorney general, stating and reviewing New York obstacles to the location of his grant from the King on the south side of the Mohawk and bespeaking John son's favor. 7 25 Daniel Campbell, about wine sent in care of Albert May- Schenectady bee and Johnson's recovery. 8 25 Daniel Claus, acquainting with an interview with Gov. La Chine Carleton on the dispute between the Aughquisasne and the St Francis Indians [18:1], with the opposition of the Aughquisasne Iroquois to Kartell's living among them and their irritation at the Governor's interference, that officer's mistakes, a visit to Caneghsadagey and to a dying Arundax chief, the return of good harvests in Canada and Mathew Wade's failure. 9 26 [Sir William Johnson] to the Earl of Hillsborough, giv- Johnson Hall ing an account of proceedings with the Six Nations, causes of discontent and jealousy, Monsr. Verchere's inflammatory speech, his own relations with Indian commissaries, etc., frontier troubles and alarms and his policy of dividing the Indians. [Doc. Hist. N. Y. 2 ^48-54 ; Q, 2 1549-52 and Doc. rel. to Col. Hist. N. Y. 8:183-86] 10 27 [Sir William Johnson] to Lieut Gov. Penn, sending Johnson Hall receipts signed by Indian chiefs for the amount of the Proprietaries' purchase and mentioning the state of the Indian mind, the need of providing inspectors, interpre ters and smiths and his measures for the coming Onon- daga meeting. 14 SIR WILLIAM JOHNSON MANUSCRIPTS 433 1769 Aug. 28 Dudley Davis to [Sir William Johnson], writing on the Schenectady traits of Schenectady people and expressing a wish to rent of Johnson. 18:15 28 James Phyn to [Sir William Johnson], to correct an Schenectady error in an account. 16 28 List of Indian children in the free school at Fort Hunter; arranged by tribes. [Doc. Hist. N. Y. 4:417; Q, 4:261] 18 29 John Wetherhead about letters forwarded and a service New York which Johnson can render Mr Kempe in a matter of lands. 17 :243 29 Lieut. B. Roberts about trouble between Johnson [John Michilimack- Johnston?] and Capt. Glazier and affairs at that post. 25:145 inak 29 A speech to Indians, counseling peace and loyalty; with an account of a meeting with Hurons. 146 List of scholars at the free school at Johns Town 45. [Doc. Hist. N. Y. 4:416; Q, 4:261 no date] 18:17 30 [Sir William Johnson] to Gen. Gage, discussing the un- Johnson Hall justifiable behavior of frontiersmen, consequences of a free trade and the policy of dividing the Indians, also mentioning MacLeod's and Hay's accounts. 19 31 H. Gaine, explaining a delay in sending prayer books. New York [DOC. Hist. N. Y. 4:417; Q, 4:262] IT Ro. Picken about a charge for surveying a part of the Tienuderrah tract. 55 Sept. i [Sir William Johnson] to Sir H. Moore, concerning Col. Johnson Hall Johnson's commission and Maj. Vrooman's, the murder of an Indian by the whites and their robbery of a trader on his way to Fort Pitt, a French monopoly of western trade, the aggravation of the Indian problem by the re duction of Canada, the right policy for the present, and the propriety of fixing the lower bounds of the pro posed new county at the upper bounds of the township of Schenectady; inclosing an application. 12 4 James Rivington, regarding political activity in England, NYork Lord Chatham's interposition, East India affairs, Corsica and Paoli, resolutions of the Virginia Assem bly, a paper currency and illness of Sir Harry Moore and Judge Horsmanden. 13 9 Capt. Geo. Turnbull, sending a copy of a speech which Detroit Col. Wilkins sent to the Indians on the Ouabache and mentioning Mr Verchere's speech to Indians. 20 11 John Wetherhead about orders, interference of the Sons New York of Liberty with trade, exorbitant prices and Sir Harry Moore's serious illness. 21 12 [Sir William Johnson] to John T. Kempe, concerning the Johnson Hall obstacles to a grant desired by Kempe; denying that the Indians have been tampered with. 22 434 NEW YORK STATE LIBRARY 1769 Sept. 12 [Sir William Johnson] to Thomas Wharton on the causes Johnson Hall o f Indian discontent and unfounded Indian pretensions. 18:23 12 [Sir William Johnson] to Gen. Gage about the attack Johnson Hall "on the Boat in the Ouabache," disturbances among the western nations and the escape of Indian prisoners at Detroit. 24 14 Missionaries of the Society for the Propagation of the New Haven Gospel in Foreign Parts, asking Johnson's influence in favor of the selection of Partridge Thatcher as Gover nor of the proposed new province west of the Con necticut. 25 14 [Sir William Johnson] to Mr Rivington on the aspect of Johnson Hall affairs in England and the behavior of the Mississipi Indians under French influence. 26 15 John Wetherhead, concerning articles sent in Capt. New York Douw's sloop, a substitute for roof slate, " our Sovereign Lord the Sons of Liberty" and a recent infraction of their order, death, burial and estate of Sir Harry Moore, acts of the lieutenant governor and talk of Lord Charles Montague as Sir Harry's successor. 27 15 [Sir William Johnson] to Thomas Penn, concerning a Johnson Hall grant from the King and Penn's services in promoting it, a payment made to the Indians under the boundary treaty, disaffection of the western nations and the murder of a Seneca by a white man. 28 18 John Wetherhead, concerning Mr Roberts's bill to New York Edward Harrison. 29 18 James Rivington on the decline of East India stocks in N York consequence of Heyder Ally's victory, Lord Holland's return of 100,000 to the exchequer, Earl Bute's in fluence with the King, addresses to the throne on grievances and the right of election, Gen. Monckton's offer to the India company, the political alliance of the Earl of Chatham and the house of Grenville, bankruptcy of Peter Hasenclever, establishment of a government for the island of St John's and a rumor of war. 30 18 George Croghan about intelligence of Indian resentment [Otsega] obtained by Alexander McKee. 31 18 Alexander McKee, mentioning a visit to Col. Croghan Otsega and an inclosed account of Indian affairs at Fort Pitt. 32 [Alexander McKee's] account of Indian proceedings about Fort Pitt, denunciations of the boundary treaty by western nations and French and Spanish intrigues. [Inclosed in 18:32] 33 19 Daniel Claus's draft on Sir William Johnson in favor of Montreal St Luc Le Corne. 41 21 Words of warning given in private to Capt. Edmonstone Fort Pitt and officers, Simon Girty interpreter (copy). 34 23 George Croghan, regarding servants from Dublin whom he sends. 35 SIR WILLIAM JOHNSON MANUSCRIPTS 435 1769 Sept. 25 Sam Kemble, offering to purchase Indian goods for New York Johnson while on a trip to England. 18:36 25 John Wetherhead, advising that he can furnish Dutch New York pantiles. 37 25 John Watts on the nature of Johnson's patent received New York from home, the prospect of Indian troubles and Cadot's two drafts. 38 26 Sir William Johnson in account with Daniel Campbell. 39 Schenectady 30 Capt. Geo. Turnbull, sending a Shawanese speech and Detroit considering needs of the service. 60 Oct. 2 Dr John Levine, asking a letter to the lieutenant gover- New York nO r or Oliver Delancy in favor of his candidacy for coroner. 62 [2] John Wetherhead, advising that he is embarrassed by [New York] reason of an unpaid draft and that certain money is ready in Mr Newton's hands, and sending a list of bills against Col. Croghan. 63 2 Daniel Campbell, concerning orders and an account Schenectady current. 65 3 Daniel Campbell's bill to Sir William Johnson. 46 Schenectady 3 Description of bounds of lands petitioned for by John Bergen; by Robert Leake; by Peter Remsen and asso ciates ; by Dirck Lefferts and associates ; by Isaac Low and associates; by Thomas Palmer and associates; by Thomas Duncan and associates; and description of a tract in the county of Albany which Jeremiah Van Renselaer and others have license to purchase. 66 4 [Sir William Johnson] to John T. Kempe, attorney gen- Johnson Hall eral, showing that the objections of the Conajoharees make a certain grant impracticable. 67 4 [Sir William Johnson] to Capt. Kemble, regarding an Johnson Hall offer to furnish Indian goods from England. 68 4 [Sir William Johnson] to Lieut. Gov. Colden about his Johnson Hall late accident, measures for securing to the Conajoharees certain lands, the proposed plan of dividing Albany county, the reform of the militia as carried out by Gov. Moore and vacancies for which' he recommends Lieut. Augustin Prevost and Peter B. Vrooman. [Doc. Hist. N. Y. 2:954-56; Q, 2:552-53] 69 5 John Wetherhead about wines imported by Col. Fitch New York from Madeira and the arrival of Col. Cole from New Orleans. 70 6 Sir William Johnson to Mr Wetherhead on business in- Johnson Hall trusted to Mr Adems, the Lieutenant Governor's admin istration and Hamilton's receipt for the toothache. 71 6 Sir William Johnson's receipt to Thomas Gage, com- Johnson Hall mander in chief, for 2500. 73 436 NEW YORK STATE LIBRARY 1769 Oct. 7 Daniel Campbell's bill to Sir William Johnson. 18:47 Schenectady 7 William Johnston's account against Sir William Johnson ATichiiimack- for wages as smith and other charges. 52 inac 7 [Sir William Johnson] to Gen. Gage, regarding the pur- Johnson Hall chase of goods in England, expenses at the posts, fre quent meetings with the Indians, interpreters and smiths, Capt. MacLeod's and Hay's accounts and busi ness committed to Mr Adems. 73 7 Sir William Johnson's order to Robert Adems to pay Johnson Hall Capt. Normand MacLeod; indorsed with receipt. 74 7 Sir William Johnson's order to Robert Adems to pay Johnson Hall Col. Guy Johnson. 75 7 Daniel Campbell, regarding goods furnished to the bearer Schenectady and green cloth sent up in care of Mr Fonda's clerk. 76 11 Commissioners of highways, asking to be informed of Stonerabie their powers for enforcing work on the roads. 77 12 [Sir William Johnson] to Gov. Franklin, concerning criticism of himself, objections of the ministry to the grant for traders' losses, and Mr Croghan's account. 78 13 P. Silvester, concerning a bond given by one of Johnson's Albany tenants for which Sir William has assumed responsi bility. 79 15 [Sir William Johnson] to Richard Peters, regarding the Johnson Hall proceedings at Lancaster, a release given by the Pro prietaries, the use of natural boundary marks in sur veys that concern the Indians, the Assembly's remon strance against his course at Easton, and the settlement intended by the people of Connecticut. 80 17 George Croghan's bill to Sir William Johnson. 54 18 Two receipts by John Wetherhead to Sir William John- New York son and one to Michael Byrne. 64 18 Henry White's bill to Robert Adams; receipted by New York Charles Dickinson. 82 19 Templeton & Stewart's bill to Robert Adams; receipted New York b y j o hn Stewart Jun'r. 81 19 [Sir William Johnson] to Gen. Gage about intelligence Johnson Hall received from an Indian, the contemplated sending of Mr Croghan to Fort Pitt, Gov. Carleton's appointment of Monsr. Verchere to be interpreter to the Shawanese, interference of governments with Indian management, and the Onondaga meeting. 83(1) 20 John VanCortlandt's bill to Robert Adams; receipted by New Yorfc Andrew Stockholm. 83(2) 21 Samuel Broom & Co.'s bill to Robert Adams for 3000 New York pantiles. 83(3) 21 Smith Ramadge's bill to Robert Adems ; receipted Oc- New York tober 29. 84 SIR WILLIAM JOHNSON MANUSCRIPTS 437 1769 Oct. 24 [Sir William Johnson] to Lieut. Gov. Penn, regarding the Johnson Hall Pennsylvania surveyors, the condolence for Seneca George's son, clamor of the chiefs of Onoghquagey at a land enterprise of Col. Francis's, the necessity of regulating trade with the Indians and preventing offenses against them and an account that can be paid to John Wetherhead, merchant. 18:85 24 Capt. Sam Kemble to [Sir William Johnson], asking an New York order to shipping merchants in England to send by his ship. 86 24 Daniel Campbell's bill to Sir William Johnson. 48 Schenectady 25 John Morton's bill to Robert Adams for nails. 87 25 Daniel Campbell about an order for goods and dressing Schenectady o f deerskins. 88 28 Abraham Lett's bill of sale to Peter Remsen for two New York "Negro Men," 90; sold by Peter Remsen to Sir William Johnson. 89(1) 28 Abr'm Lett's certificate to Lucas von Beverhoudt for duty New York O n one slave named Abraham imported from St Croix. 89(2) 28 Abr'm Lott's certificate to Lucas von Beverhoudt for duty New York on a male slave named December imported from St Croix. 89(3) 28 Peter Remsen's bill to Sir William Johnson for two [New York] negroes and clothing. 9 1 28 Jeremiah Brewer's bill to Robert Adams; receipted. 90(2) New York 30 Sir William Johnson's order on Robert Adems in favor Johnson Hall o f Col. Edward Cole ; receipted November 13 by P. Silvester. 90 ( i ) 30 Joseph Chew about a proposed visit to Johnson Hall, New London his letters from Gov. Franklin, legal annoyance to Col. Fitch, articles sent and Col. Putman's compliments. 92 30 Sir William Johnson's order to Robert Adems to pay Johnson Hall Maj. Jelles Fonda 393, 35, 7d; receipted at New York November 8. 93 30 Capt. Normand MacLeod, regarding a letter which he has New York been persuaded to write, his failure to meet the general, a difference between Mr Mackivers and Mr Watts and the sickness of a child. 94 31 Dr John Levine to [Sir William Johnson], concerning a New York CU re for epilepsy for which Johnson is said to have a prescription. 95 Nov. 2 [Sir William Johnson] to Gov. Colden, introducing Mr Johnson Hall Croghan, who has land matters to settle. [Doc. Hist. N. Y. 2:956-57; Q, 2:554! 96 2 John Lamb's bill to Mr Adams; receipted. no New York NEW YORK STATE LIBRARY 1769 Nov. 7 Joseph Chew, concerning articles sent, a letter to Boston New London about Thomas Byrne, letters to Colonels Fitch, Whiting and Babcock, the expected visit and resentment of the Sons of Liberty against a printer. 10 A. Spence and And'w Ferguson, accepting an offer Snowhiil for the sale of land and mentioning neighbors who wish Maryland to settle near Johnson. 13 Wm. Newton about money which he has paid to Mr New York Adems. 13 Sir William Johnson's account with Wm. Newton. New York 14 Daniel Campbell to the Sons of Liberty (copy), explain- Albany j n g that goods brought in Capt. Cornelius Hayth's ves sel were ordered before the nonimportation agreement, showing that the province would suffer if importation of Indian goods were forbidden and denying that he has brought in goods for Sir William Johnson or under Sir William's name. James Adair, regarding the publication of his Indian pro ductions, the custom of granting general licenses to trade with Indians, the disposition of the Creeks and future correspondence. [Doc. Hist. N. Y. 4:418-19; 0,4:262] George Croghan, introducing William Andrews who is ambitious to serve the church, and mentioning a con versation with the general and news from England. [Doc. Hist. N. Y. 4:419-20; Q, 4:263] Gw. Banyar, commending William Andrews, from Ire land, who has thoughts of taking orders. [Doc. Hist. N. Y. 4:421; Q, 4:264] John Stevenson's account against Sir William Johnson for iron, steel and files. John Welles, mentioning losses in the manufacture of potash and pearlash, inquiring about the process and speaking of Mathew Wade's departure for London. Joseph Chew, mentioning Colonels Fitch, Whiting and Babcock, dissatisfied farmers, a boy for whom Johnson is desired to be a sponsor, and Thomas Byrne's passage. 23 Sir William Johnson to Lieut. Gov. C. Colden about Johnson Hall a method for securing the Mohock village lands, divi sion of the county, Sir H. Moore's reorganization of the militia; lack of returns from the regiments around Fort Edward and South bay, in Ranslaerwyck, in the Mannor of Livingston, at Claverack, Kinderhook, &c, and those below ; reorganization in Dutchess and Ulster counties, the regiment of horse given to his son, the particular fitness of gentlemen of property for military service, and vacancies to be filled. [Doc. Hist. N. Y. 2:957-59; Q, 2:554-55! 15 Savannah 16 New York 18 New York 2O Albany 22 Quebec 22 N London 18:97 98 99 IOO 101 104 105 106 40(2) 107 108 109 SIR WILLIAM JOHNSON MANUSCRIPTS 439 27 NYork 29 1769 Nov. 24 H. V. Schaack to [Sir William Johnson], concerning the New York militia appointments at Claverack, an interview with the lieutenant governor and the number of persons inter ested in the dispute. [Inclosing 17:23] 18:111 James Rivington, mentioning Dr Musgrave's address to the freeholders of Devonshire on the last peace and the resulting discussion, the resistance of the India com pany to demands of the Crown suggested by the Etarl] of Bute, the union of Chatham, Temple and Grenville, probable failure of the siege of Choczim, good rela tions between the Lieutenant Governor and the Assem bly, appointments and goods that will soon be released by the Sons of Liberty. 112 Daniel Campbell, sending signs, with an account for Schenectady frames and painting, discussing Mr Blackburn's mistake in mentioning Johnson's name in connection with im ported goods and commending the character and preaching of William Andrews. 113 29 Joseph Chew, concerning a check to the Susquehanna New London company, Col. Putman's position, the congress between Seneca George and Col. Francis, and Thos. Byrne's passage from Virginia. 114 [Robert Adems's] account of cash received for Sir William Johnson, with payments and balance. 115 John Arthur, eulogizing Sir William's qualities as warrior, encourager of peaceful arts, patron of learn ing, friend, gentleman and exemplar of the humane virtues. [In Latin and English] 116 i [Sir William Johnson] to Oliver DeLancey, saying that Johnson Hall he will buy Miln's patent of 500 acres, as Sir Peter Warren's children are now of age. [Doc. Hist. N. Y. 2:960; Q, 2:556] 117 John Wetherhead about articles received from New London and forwarded to Albany, inclosed letters, receipts for the toothache and a bill on Croghan. 118 James Rivington, giving news of the Grand Vizier, Prince Gallitzin, a Russian defeat at Choczim, a revolution hatching at Petersburg, Gallic intrigue, Dr Musgrave's publications, the India company, his Grace of Grafton, Paoli, the Empress Queen, Lord Holland and the Livery of London. 119 5 Jacob Dyckman, regarding an appointment which he de- Kings Bridge sires and Mr De Noyels's bill to exclude from the Assembly persons holding office under the Crown. 120 6 [Sir William Johnson] to Col. Turb't Francis, express- Johnson Hall ing gratification that a matter which gave concern to the chiefs of Onohghquage is cleared up. 121 7 Jelles Fonda's bill to Sir William Johnson. 51(2) Caughnawaga New York Dec. I London 4 frew York 4 NYork 440 NEW YORK STATE LIBRARY 1769 Dec. 9 Hillsborough, authorizing Johnson to declare the royal ratification of the treaty at Fort Stanwix, ex cepting private grants, commending Sir William's vigilance and expressing doubt as to French influence over the Indians. [Doc. Hist. N. Y. 2:960-61; Q, 2:556-57] 18:122 Duplicate of no. 122. 123 William Andrews, informing that he will soon return to Ireland and proposing that vacant missions in this prov ince be supplied by graduates of Trinity college, Dublin, in view of the want of clergy in England and the meager facilities for education in America. [Doc. Hist. N. Y. 4:421^22; Q, 4:264-65] 124 Wm. Newton about drafts which he has paid and Mr Mortier's arrival. 125 Gen. Thomas Gage's warrant for the payment to Sir William Johnson of 2483, 135, 9d, New York currency, in accordance with annexed account. 26 :54 Gen. Thomas Gage's warrant for the payment to Sir William Johnson of ^2377, 75, 9d, according to annexed account. 55 R. Cartwright about an order for oranges and cheese, petitions for and against the sending of rum farther than Niagara and plans for the division of the county. 18:126 H. V. Schaack on the neglect of the township in the granting of commissions, opposition in town meeting to Col. Rensselaer, and a petition to keep Schohary in the old county. 127 Gen. Thomas Gage's warrant for paying 933, 6s, 3f^d to Sir William Johnson. 26:56 John Wetherhead, concerning lands on the east side of Schohary creek, applied for under a purchase made from the Katts'Kill Indians by Scott, French &c. 18:130 Dudley Davis, regarding a loan which Johnson has prom ised and an embarrassment in which he is placed for the want of money. 129 [Sir William Johnson] to Mr Preston, a mercer in Lon- Johnson Hall don, regarding the history and merits of Lieut. Achilles Preston, now a tenant on Johnson's estate. 132 21 David Quackenbush's account against Sir William John son. 131 22 George Croghan, regarding business in New York, the Philadelphia general's advice, Mr McKee's mission, McKee's discov ery at Wiomen and the writer's lameness. 133 22 Same to same, concerning a meeting of the Ohio Senicas, Philadelphia Shawanese, Delawares, Hurons, Chepawas, Ottawas & Putiwatimies and the displeasure of western nations with the Six Nations. 134 Whitehall 9 10 Schenectady II New York 14 New York 15 New York 15 Albany 16 Kinderhook 16 New York 18 New York 19 Schenectady 2O SIR WILLIAM JOHNSON MANUSCRIPTS 441 1769 Dec. 25 New York 25 N York 26 Schohary Wm. Newton about inclosed warrant and receipts and a bill in the hands of Mr Wetherhead. James Rivington, mentioning an inclosed newspaper and sending Christmas greetings. Cornelius Vroman, offering to buy wood land. 27 Joseph Chew about the sickness. of his wife, expected visit New London from Col. Fitch, farmers who wished to buy land of Johnson, Boston papers and members of the lodge. 28 P. Silvester introducing William Goddard, printer and Albany publisher of the Pensylvania Chronicle, who proposes to publish a weekly paper in Albany. Speech of deputies from the Senecas, Cayougas, Onon- dagas, Onidas and Mohawks to Sir William Johnson, defending the Onida grant made at Fort Stanwix to Scano (Col. Bradstreet) and asking such representa tions to the King as will allow the Indians to do justice to Bradstreet. Message of Scano (Col. Bradstreet) to the Onidas, in forming them that the lands granted him at Fort Stan wix are claimed by white people, who profess to have purchased from the Mihiconders. 1770 Jan. 2 Mohawk River 5 Account of Crownidge Kinkead against Sir William Johnson ; receipted by Phil. Cromwell. Sir William Johnson to Lieut. Gov. Colden, concerning Johnson Hall irregularities in the commissions for Col. Ranslaer's regiment at Claverack, the neglect of Kenderhook in appointing officers, Col. Schuyler's officiousness and ignorance, a more equitable organization of the militia, Capt. Hogeboom's claim, to consideration, a disciplinary order required by the colonels of Johnson's brigade and commissions for Peter B. Vroman, Roseboom and Augustine Prevost. [Doc. Hist. N. Y. 2:962-64; 9, 2:557-58] 5 [Sir William Johnson] to Mr Rivington, acknowledging news characteristic of an " Era of Disputes." 5 [Sir William Johnson] to Gen. Gage, concerning an alter- Johnson Hall native " that ought to be shocking to humanity " and the expense of an Indian council which it seems necessary to summon. [Sir William Johnson] to H. V. Schaack, mentioning his Hall letter to the Lieutenant Governor on the state of the militia in Van Schaack's neighborhood and desiring a statement of the bounds of the regiment, with the names and residences of the officers, etc. Mary Grace, inquiring about a son who came to America on recommendation to Johnson and describing a condi tion of distress. 5 Johnson Dublin 18:135 136 137 139 17:199 2OO 20:33 18:140 141 142 143 144 442 NEW YORK STATE LIBRARY 1770 Jan. 6 New York Capt. Normand MacLeod to [Sir William Johnson] about an English cheese from Ashton Blackburn, the Sons of Liberty, a legislative grant, the King's appreciation of the Lieutenant Governor, a political division on the method of selecting members of the House, a sample of madeira and the " indifferent figure " made by St John. 18:145 9 James Tilghman to [Sir William Johnson], regarding Philadelphia Montour's reserve and a purchase which the writer desires to make of land held in trust by Johnson. 146 9 Thos. Shipboy about rugs and chairs for Johnson. 147 Albany 9 James Collins, regarding Thos. Ackerson's certificate and Scohare patent. 148 J. Collins's draft of land at Scohare. [Inclosed in 18:148] 149 10 John Johnston's order to Sir William Johnson to let Caugoa Adam Staring have 20 York currency. 151 11 James Bennett's bill to Sir William Johnson for labor; receipted. 17:171 12 Phyn & Ellice, concerning William Johnston's note, a Schenectady draft on Mr Adems, Capt. McLeod's bill, De Coagne's drafts and a demand on the quartermaster general. 18:150 13 Rudolph Koch's account against Sir William Johnson; receipted by Caspar Kock. 49 15 Abraham Mortier, concerning warrants, receipts and New York drafts, as well as a visit to England. 152 16 Dr Samuel Stringer about leather bought of Jno. Ris- Albany tine by John Looney. 153 16 John Petry's account against Sir William Johnson for transportation at the Little falls; receipted by John Pedrij. 40(1) 23 Robert Henry's account against Sir William Johnson Albany for articles furnished in 1767; receipted. 42 23 Robert Henry's account against Sir William Johnson; Albany receipted. 44 24 William Bowen's account for smith work; receipted. 154 24 Capt. Normand MacLeod, describing a disturbance be- New York tween soldiers and Sons of L ness. [Golden Hill riot] [Wrongly dated 1769] 17:50 27 An act for naturalizing Frederick Koose and 42 others. [New York] [20:47-59] l8:i55 27 Thos. Arnold's bill to Sir William Johnson for making Schanactady clothes. 156 28 Wm. Andrews, acknowledging a draft on Mr Mortier and New York mentioning an intention of visiting London and after wards preaching among the Indians. [Doc. Hist. N. y. 4:423; Q, 4:265] 158 SIR WILLIAM JOHNSON MANUSCRIPTS 443 1770 Jan. 28 H. V. Schaack, concerning the commissions obtained by Kinderhook Col. Rensselaer for his regiment, a contest in the Assem bly on this subject, the Kinderhook member, new justices of the peace for Albany county, the candidacy of Peter Vosburgh and Van Schaack, also of Isaac Goes and Peter Van Ness. 18:159 Rough sketch of the patent of Kinderhook, prepared by Mr H. Van Schaack; bearing on dispute with Col. Rensselaer over the extent of Claverack. 128 29 [Sir William Johnson] to Gen. Gage on the Indian Johnson Hall demand for a council, Lieut. Roberts's accounts and persecutions which he suffers for performance of duty. 160 29 Hannis Wert's account of tailoring for Sir William Johnson. 12:243(1) Capt. John Brown, saying that the Indians seem well disposed, and that he lost his boats on Lake Ontario. 18:157 Feb. 2 Dr Samuel Stringer about lost millstones which may be Albany waiting at Eusopus, and a ring from Mr Lansingh. 161 3 Account of expenses at Fort Stanwix in going to and Johnson Hall returning from the Senecas in 1769; receipted. 17:235 3 Jno. De Peyster's account of nails and files sold to Sir William Johnson. 12:243(2) 4 H. V. Schaack to [Sir William Johnson], concerning an Kinderhook interview with the Lieutenant Governor on the forma tion of a regiment between the manors of Livingston and Rensselaer Wyck. 25:147 4 Capt. Jas. Stevenson about trouble with " His Excel- Niagara lency " over trade and a sum which he has expended on the Indians. 18:162 4 De Couagne about an unpaid bill on Johnson in favor Niagara o f Edward Pollard. 163 5 Capt. Normand MacLeod about a liberty pole erected in New York defiance of the mayor and the corporation and an account presented by Phyn & Ellice. 164 6 Barent Van Alen's account current against Sir William Johnson ; receipted at Johnson Hall. 165 6 Peter W. Douw's bill to Sir William Johnson; receipted Albany by Barent Van Alen on account of P. W. Dow. 166 7 Lieut. B. Roberts to [Sir William Johnson], mentioning New York visits to Col. Croghan, Wallace, Magra and Mr Wil liams, Sir William's many friends, Magra's prescrip tion, Johnson's wound, a talk with Gen. Gage, Lord Shelburn's return to the ministry and Col. Croghan's illness. 167 8 James Rivington about Johnson's indisposition and NYork English news. 168 8 Volkart Dawson's receipt to Sir William Johnson for payment of account of April 16, 1765. 10:184 9 Little Peter, a chief, mentioning affliction and asking for Onohoquage black strouds for his wife and her sister. 18:169 444 NEW YORK STATE LIBRARY 1770 Feb. 9 P. Silvester, concerning the action against Hugh Den- Albany iston. 18:170 9 [Sir William Johnson] to the Earl of Hillsborough, re- Johnson Hall garding the retention of Maj. Gorham as deputy agent for Nova Scotia and Lieut. Benjamin Roberts's services and deserts. [Doc. Hist. N. Y. 2:964; Q, 2:558] 171 9 [Sir William Johnson] to Lieut. Gov. Golden, congratu- Johnson Hall lating on increase of salary, discussing militia reform, proposing the formation of regiments south of the Man- nor of Ranslaer and in Ulster and Dutchess and consid ering the appointment of new magistrates in the county, the swearing in of officers and a concerted plan for Indian trade. Woe. Hist. N. Y. 2:965-67; Q, 2:559-60] 172 10 [Sir William Johnson] to the Earl of Hillsborough on Johnson Hall the action of the Cherokees in the congress at Onon- daga, a proposed meeting of the Six Nations, the expense, the policy of permitting the Indians to " Cut each others Throats " and continued lawlessness on the frontier. [Doc. Hist. N. Y. 2:967-69; Q, 2:560-61 and Doc. rel to Col. Hist. N. Y. 8:203-4] 173 10 James Phyn, inquiring about a 10,000 acre tract which Schenectady Johnson will dispose of, also terms of payment, and asking a remittance for Johnston's account. 174 10 ' [Sir William Johnson] to Lieut. Roberts, regarding an Johnson Hall inclosed letter for Lord Hillsborough, in which Roberts is commended. 175 10 Sam'l Touchet, Alex. Baxter, Joshua Readshaw, Martin London Kuyck van Mierop and Jn. Townson, asking Johnson to pay 55 to Alexr. Baxter, his share in the preliminary expenses for opening a mine on Lake Superior. 176 10 [Sir William Johnson] to H. V. Schaack, informing that Johnson Hall he has advised the Lieutenant Governor to settle the militia dispute [25:126] in the way most satisfactory to the people, and asking recommendations for officers. 25 : 148 12 Wm. Newton, inclosing the general's warrant and sug- NewYork gesting that a balance in Johnson's favor be drawn early. 18:177 12 John Wetherhead, concerning an account, the late Daniel New York Deniston's share in the Oneida purchase, William Proc tor's claim against Deniston's estate and Mr Croghan's illness and contrition. 178 12 Lieut. B. Roberts about land which Capt. Glaus and the New York writer may have in the purchase of Achilles Preston and others, Mr Leake's petition for a tract between the two branches of the Hudson, Rogers's activity in England, the confinement of the American Wilkes and a pleasing concert. 179 16 H. V. Schaack, regarding reorganization of the militia Kinderhook and the Lieutenant Governor's demand on Col. Rens- selaer for a report of his regiment. 180 SIR WILLIAM JOHNSON MANUSCRIPTS 445 1770 Feb. 16 Jno. Monier about vouchers for provisions issued to Albany the Eusopus Indians. 18:181 1 6 [Sir William Johnson] to John Welles, at Quebec, re- Johnson Hall garding the method by which the manufacture of potash and pearlash is pursued on Johnson's estate. 182 Capt. Normand MacLeod on the imprisonment of Mr MacDougal, a victory of the Sons of Liberty in the erection of a liberty pole and their purchase of a house. 183 James Phyn, acknowledging a draft, also an offer of lands Schenectady about Scohare, and mentioning a journey to New York. 184 19 Lieut. B. Roberts, regarding Maj. Rogers's success in England and desire for a baronetcy, a recommendation which Roberts wishes to carry to that country, Billy Bayard's reception at court, Lord Dunmore's character istics, an insolent Boston publication and the vessel in which Roberts will sail. 185 James Rivington, giving general European news, mention ing the appointment of Lord Dunmore as Governor of New York and the jailing of a sham Wilkes, and quoting from an English letter a passage relative to Rogers's assurance. 186 Alexander McKee to George Croghan, considering the discontent of the Shawanese and Delawares and their scheme for redressing grievances suffered from the whites. [19:36] 187 Speech of the principal Shawanese by the mouth of Red Hawk, complaining of the sale of their country by the Six Nations and inviting Mr Croghan to meet them at this post in the spring to hear their complaints. 188 John B. Van Eps, mentioning Mr Van Schaick, Simon Brazen, Farrel Wade, Col. Clauss and Mad'm Molly. 189 23 Adam Staring's receipt to Sir William Johnson for 20 Johnson Hall paid on account of John Johnston, smith at Caiyua. 190 24 John Duncan about a visit which rain prevented, a patent Hermitage for land on Johnson's rear line and Duncan's inclination to have some rank in the militia. 191 24 Dr Samuel Stringer about some business with Thos. Hun Albany and Philip Lansingh, millstones coming from Esopus, and Gamble's melancholy. 192 24 [Sir William Johnson] to Gen. Gage, concerning the ex- Johnson Hall penses of a proposed meeting with Indians. 193 25 Sam'll Baldwin, William Warner, Solomon Deming and New Canaan David Wright to Henry Van Schaack, Kinderhook, approving the nomination of Cornelius Van Schaack, Ab'm Van Alstyne and Peter Vosburgh as field officers of the Kinderhook regiment, and asking that an in closed list of persons may be forwarded to Sir William Johnson and recommended as suitable for militia ap pointments. I94(i) 19 New York IQ New York 19 N York 20 Fort Pitt Fort Pitt 21 446 NEW YORK STATE LIBRARY 25 26 New York 1770 Feb. 25 List of persons recommended for militia commissions for the township of New Canaan and New Lebanon, captains Hezekiah Baldwin, Mathew Hawlley and Thomas Skinner. [Inclosed with no. 194(1)] 18:194(2) Receipted account of Hannis Empey. 194(3) Lieut. B. Roberts, saying that he waits for passage in the Brittania, complaining of Gen. Gage's desertion and the scant reward of faithfulness, and informing that the Chamber of Commerce is seeking a charter, that Otis may come from Boston to plead for McDougal and that Roberts's London address will be at the Messrs Davies, Strachan & Co. 195 26 James Rivington, mentioning an expedition to Pensacola, NYork provoked by the measures of Gen. OReiley, and an expected rupture with the southern Indians and one or both of England's "usual European foes." 196 26 A list of Officers Recommended to the Honorable Sir Kinderhook William Johnson Baronet to be appointed for a Regi ment of Militia to be formed at Kinderhook and its Neighbourhood for the Township of Kinderhook Cornelis Van Schaack Colonel. 197 26 Capt. Normand MacLeod about sickness in his family, New York hats to be made fashionable, an appointment desired and a thoughtless word concerning Phyn and Ellice. 199 26 Barent Van Alen, concerning a misplaced draft drawn by Albany Col. Massey in Montreal and indorsed by Matthew Wade. 200 26 Tobias Van Slick and others of the principal inhabitants, Kinderhook concerning a new regiment 201 26 John Dean and others, inclosing a list of persons suited Spencertown to hold commissions in a regiment of militia soon to be formed. [List not found] 202 27 Col. Nathan Whiting, explaining his inability to accept an Hartford offer to buy lands. 203 28 Sir William Johnson in account with Sir William Baker. London [Inclosed in 18:224] 204 28 Duplicate of no. 204. 205 28 Peter Hasenclever, concerning a contest with business London partners, clamor and scandal in English politics, the economic importance of the colonies to Great Britain as shown in a comparison of England's American trade with Spain's, the prospects of a European war, Russian designs on Turkey. 206 28 Isaac Lattouch, informing that he can furnish spaw NYork water, Lisbon wine, etc. 207 Mar. i John Dean, Samuel Hutchinson, Thomas Ranney, Simeon Spencertown Spencer to Henry Vanschaack, recommending officers for the Spencertown companies and for field officers of the regiment. 214 SIR WILLIAM JOHNSON MANUSCRIPTS 447 1770 Mar. 2 Sir William Johnson in account with Daniel Campbell Johnson Hall 517, gs, 6 l / 2 d; receipted. 18:208 2 Sir William Johnson in account with John B. V. Eps 164, 53, pd; receipted. 209 2 Dr Samuel Stringer, with regard to a spot of ground Albany which Mr Hun and Mr Lansingh will let Johnson have on his own terms. 210 3 Sir William Johnson's order to Abraham Mortier, deputy Johnson HaM paymaster general, to pay 150 to Golds Borrow Banyar. 211 3 William Gamble to [Sir William Johnson], inclosing re- Albany ceipts for the provisions consumed at Fort Stanwix and between the time of the treaty and April 10, 1769. 212 3 H. V. Schaack to [Sir William Johnson], concerning an [Kinderhook] inclosed list of persons recommended for militia ap pointments, the growth of Kinderhook, a list of the inhabitants on the west side of the river, recommenda tions of Spencer Town and New Canaan people. 213 A List of Persons recommended to be put in Commission Kinderhook i n A Regiment of Foot to Comprehend all the Inhab itants living within the following Boundaries (to wit) to Begin at the Creek by Major Abraham Staats's so along said Creek to the first Falls from thence East to the extent of the Colony and South of Rensselaer Wyck. [Inclosed with no. 213] 220 4 H. V. Schaack, making suggestions for reducing a list of Kinderhook officers previously sent. 216 5 H. V. Schaack to [Sir William Johnson], regarding al- Kinderhook terations in a list of officers sent to Sir William and a Landing journey which the writer must make to Pittsfield. [In closed in 18:216] 217 Officers recommended to complete the ist battalion of Albany militia. 218 Officers nominated for a company drafted from Joakim Stadts's. [Canceled] 219(1) A list of 102 names without place or description. 219(2) 5 Lieut. B. Roberts, complaining of neglect by the general, New York and his inability, for want of written authority, to locate land within Johnson's patent; also mentioning the elopement of Lieut. Litchfield of the i6th regiment with Miss Scot. 215 5 John Wetherhead, regarding medicine intrusted to New York Mr Shipboy and to Mr Cartwright, the late Mr Den- ison's share in the Oneida purchase, the slowness of collections, Col. Croghan's return home, dearness of pork, scarcity of spaw water, money received from the Governor of Pensilvania, wine held by Mr Shipboy subject to order and Sir John's expected visit to town. 221 448 NEW YORK STATE LIBRARY 7 London 8 1770 Mar. 5 Sybrant G. V. Schaick about an inclosed list of men Coxsakie qualified to serve as officers in the militia regiment to be formed between the Manner of Ranslear and the south bounds of Albany county on the west side of Hudsons River, and the qualifications of Marte Halen- beeck, Stephen Van Dyck and Jury William Dedirak for justice of the peace. 18:222 A list of officers for a regiment of militia foot to be formed within the districts from the south bounds of the Manner of Rensselaerwyck to the south bounds of the county of Albany on the west side of Hudson's river Col. Sybrant G. Van Schaick; 10 companies. [Inclosed with no. 222] 198 6 Daniel Campbell, relative to a land journey to New York Schenectady and his claim to a colonelcy in preference to a younger aspirant. [No. 191] 223 W'm, R'd and Sam'l Baker, executors of Sir William Baker, relative to an inclosed account current. [No. 204] 224 Arent N. Van Petten's bill to Sir William Johnson for Schonecentady m iH WO rk. 225(1) 8 Arent N. Van Petten's bill to Sir William Johnson ; re- Schonectady ceipted August 17, 1770. 225(2) 9 William Gamble to [Sir William Johnson] about framing Albany pictures and some writing for the Ineffable Lodge: 226 9 John Glen Jun'r, concerning the leasing of lands at War- Schonectady rinsburg under order from Col. De Lancey. 227 10 [Sir William Johnson] to Jas. Tilghman about terms for Johnson Hall land which Johnson has in trust and Tilghman wishes to buy. 228 Sir William Johnson's order on Ury Scramlin, at Cona- johare, for flour to be supplied to William; receipted June 25. 229 Sir William Johnson's order on Abraham Mortier, at Johnson Hall New York, to pay Golds Borrow Banyar 300. 230 10 George Croghan, asking assistance in obtaining a loan at Schonactady, with a property near Cherrey Valley as security, and mentioning embarrassment due to the fail ure of Tho. and John Shipboy and his inability to obtain large sums owed him in Pennsylvania. 231 Gerret Van Sante Jr, informing that he has sent 20 barrels of pork and 44 of flour to Rudolphus Schon- maker, in 16 sleds. 237 Dr Samuel Stringer to [Sir William Johnson], concerning a piece of ground which Johnson can secure and a cargo of goods " in the Claws of the Sons of Liberty amounting to about 800 Sterg." On back, a memor andum of a letter to John Blackburn, merchant, London. 232 10 10 [Otsego] 10 Albany II Albany SIR WILLIAM JOHNSON MANUSCRIPTS 449 1770 Mar. ii New York 12 Dublin 12 New York 12 New York 17 [Otsego] 17 Albany 17 Albany Lieut. B. Roberts about his coming departure, talks with the general, various disappointments and the Boston massacre. ^ [Capt.J Edwd. Downes, mentioning old acquaintance, health and Sir William's relations. Capt. Normand MacLeod, regarding Mr MacDougal's im prisonment, the Bostonians' affront to the Governor, Council and General Assembly of this province, un favorable news from Niagara, Capt. Brown's shipwreck and the failure of the "Bald Eagle" [Capt. Brown] to gain the affections of the Indians. John Wetherhead about an order for paper, the sailing of . Mr Roberts, a suit against Henry & Abbot and a patent in which Col. Claus and Mr Roberts are con cerned. George Croghan, concerning a desire for a loan, Col. Fitch, Mr Chew and Mr Pomery, visitors at his " Hutt," accounts of smiths and interpreters at .Fort Pitt and Detroit and effects of the gout. Rich'd Cartwright, speaking of misfortunes due to being involved with Crofton, Howard and McCracken and describing his house, which he wishes to sell for the satisfaction of creditors. Same to [Sir William Johnson] about wafers, a bottle from Mr Weatherhead, a letter for Jno. Taylor, Colonels Fitch and Pomroy, St Patrick and friends at the Hall. 18 John Sanders, regretting his inability to lend the money Schonectady desired by Johnson's friend. 19 John Stevenson, sending accounts. Albany 19 John Stevenson's account against Sir William Johnson [Albany] 85, 53, lid. 20 Edward Pollard's account against Capt. James Stevenson Niagara for the Indian department ; receipted. 22 David Van der Heyden's account against Sir William Johnson Hall Johnson ; receipted by Samuel Stringer. 22 [Sir William Johnson] to Isaac Low, inquiring whether Johnson Hall he can obtain a stock of Indian goods consigned to Dr Samuel Stringer, stored by a resolution of the Sons ef Liberty. 22 [Sir William Johnson] to Thomas Wharton, arranging Johnson Hall for the engraving of blank testimonials to be given to Indian chiefs and mentioning the ratification of the Foj-t Stanwix treaty, excepting the grants to the -traders and Mr Croghan. 23 [Sir William Johnson] to Samuel Wharton, mentioning Johnson Hall the ratification of the Fort Stanwix treaty, the un- ratified grant to traders, the coming congress with the 15 18:233 234 235 236 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 450 NEW YORK STATE LIBRARY Mar. 26 New York 26 New York 1770 Indian confederacy, Indian grievances, the " Squabble at our Capitals," Gov. Pownal's letter, Croghan's ill ness, New Englanders' schemes for planting settlements and cutting masts for the navy, timber depredations and the need of a department for forest preservation; suggesting his son for the office. John Wetherhead, regarding a matter to be mentioned to Mr De Lancey, business intrusted to Mr Campbell, money received from Mr Pen, a transaction in wine, an order for mill saws and a " location " for Mr Roberts and Col. Claus. Hugh Wallace, informing that Johnson's Indian deed is approved by the council and mentioning a patent for lands at Zedaghquida. 27 R. Cartwright's bill against Sir William Johnson; re ceipted. 27 Hugh Eraser's bill against Sir William Johnson; re- Johnson Hall ceipted. 27 P. Silvester, concerning a legal opinion which he gives on a peculiar instrument, the naturalization act and the competency of the Mayor's court for trying a case in point. John Bradstreet, concerning an expenditure [in the Oswego expedition] in 1756, and Col. Butler's receipt. [Col. Thomas Butler's] acknowledgment of money re ceived for the pay of Indian scouts accompanying the bateaumen on their first trip to Oswego in April 1756, under John Bradstreet. (Copy) [Inclosed with no. 255] H. V. Schaack, concerning appointments for the regiment Albany 27 Albany 27 Albany 28 Claverack [;81 Claverack 29 New Haven Apr. 2 Albany 2 Albany A List of .Persons recommended for Officering a Regi ment of Militia Foot within the following District viz to comprehend all the Inhabitants Living North of the Manor of Livingston and South of an East Line from the first Falls on the Creek which begins by Major Abraham Staats's, to the extent of the Colony. [In closed in 18:256] Joseph Chew about a journey over bad roads, a visit to Mr Robinson, " a small Rumpus " in Boston, Capt Preston's story, and Johnson's kindness. Col. David Van Der Heyden, concerning a commission for John Winne, a loan desired by Johnson's friend and goods which he can supply. Jno. DePeyster, sending a probate of the will of Daniel Danneston. D. Claus, concerning a request from Assarigoa and Saghsanageghte, that Thayayake may be furnished with a gorget and a coat, and an order on Vander- heyden. 18:248 249 250 252 253 254 255 25* 256 258 257 259 260 261 SIR WILLIAM JOHNSON MANUSCRIPTS 451 1770 Apr. 3 Sir William Johnson's order on Maj. Daniel Campbell Johnson Hall to pay John Stevenson 85, 55, nd; receipted. 18:262 3 Perry, Hayes & Sherbrooke's bill to Daniel Campbell for New York IO barrels of pork 42, los; receipted by John Farrah. 263 3 Thomas Wharton, concerning a contract for engraving, Philad. his brother Samuel, in England, the grants to Croghan and the sufferers of 1763 [traders] and the resignation of the Duke of Grafton. 264 3 Thomas Penn, acknowledging the bill on Harley & London Drummond for 545, 45, 4d in repayment of the sum advanced for Johnson's grant and mentioning the regulation of the Indian trade, and the Connecticut land scheme. 25:149 4 Joseph Chew, mentioning the efforts of a Society of Bill New London of Rights in New York to obtain opinions on the minis terial policy in Massachusetts Bay, thrifty people who are raising prices, and a pamphlet by an honest church man on the right of Connecticut to Susquehanna lands; also Col. Gardiner and Mr Terrill. 18:265 6 [Sir William Johnson] to Gen. Gage on the real object Johnson Hall o f the Cherokee embassy, the secret purpose of the Kickapous, Piankashaws and Wawiaghtonis, accounts for his department, continuance of smiths at Fort Pitt and Detroit and the effect of the nonimportation agree ment on the purchase of Indian goods. 266 6 [Sir William Johnson] to Col. John Bradstreet, concern- Johnson Hall ing money advanced by Bradstreet to Capt. Thomas Butler [in 1756] and repaid by Johnson, through Capt. Phil. Schuyler in 1757. 267 8 George Croghan on his failure to borrow, the extent of his lands, the delay in confirming his grant, Lord Hills- burgh's opposition, the " fray in Boston," popular dis like of the army, people and ministry, a troublesome outlook, and his own freedom from political ambition. 268 8 John Wetherhead, regarding his accounts which he will New York forward, articles sent by Mr Campbel, mill saws Dutch and English, and Deniston's share in the Oneida pur chase. 270 8 James Rivington on the resignation of the Duke of [New York] Grafton, " the prevalence of the Chatham Rockingham and the old whigg Squadron," Lord North and Lord Morden. 271 8 Hugh Heney to [Daniel Claus], describing the inter- La Chine ference of [Lieut. Christopher] Carleton with affairs of the Iroquois. [Extract forwarded to Johnson by Claus] 269(1) 452 NEW YORK STATE LIBRARY 177O Apr. 9 La Chin Kinderhook 9 Claverack A. Gordon, Jesuit, to [Daniel Claus], telling of his sum mons to Quebec because of representations of [Lieut. Christopher] Carleton and differences between the Iroquois and the Abinaquis. [Translation forwarded to Johnson by Claus] 18:269(2) H. V. Schaack, regarding a charge against Capt. Hoge- boom, an aspersion on Van Schaack, a scheme of Jus tice Quackinboss and Isaac Goes to remove the place of town meeting, and fees for commissions. 272 Capt. Jeremiah Hogeboom, regarding a charge that he has incited Indians to make unjust claims and dis turbances. 273 Ury Janner's bill, with receipt. 274 H. Gaine's bill to Daniel Campbell; receipted. 276 9 10 New York 10 Dirk Potman's bill for shoes. Johnson Hall 10 Sir William Johnson to Capt. Hogeboom, expressing con- Johnson Hall fidence in Hogeboom's military character and advising him to go to New York to discover the author of a calumny. n John Wetherhead's bill for 66, 35, nd to Sir William CNewYork] Johnson; payment by the hands of Daniel Campbell acknowledged. Col. John Bradstreet, regarding proof of a purchase which he made from Indians prior to the Fort Stanwix treaty, mentioning Col. Morris and Gov. Franklin ; also money advanced to Col. Butler [in 1756]. Lord Hillsborough, regarding an issue of peace or war proposed by the Cherokees and depending on Johnson's advice, the coming Indian Congress and the desirability of a just regulation of trade by the colonies. [Doc. Hist. N. Y. 2:969-70; Q, 2:561-62 and Doc. rel. to Col. Hist. N. Y. 8:211-12] Form of license for Indian trade issued by Gov. Guy Carleton; on verso, oaths to be subscribed, and certifi cate of commanding officer at Montreal. Form of bond to the King, in the sum of 1000, that the conditions of the above license and oaths will be faith- fully observed. [In English and French] John Wetherhead about his account, a charge on account of Sir John, Denison's share in the Oneida purchase and articles sent on Bloodgood's sloop. Abraham Mortier on the scarcity of money, an advance made for the i6th regiment, specie expected from "home" and Sir William's account. Sir William Johnson's account with Abraham Mortier. 12 Albany 14 Whitehall 15 Montreal 15 Montreal 16 fNewYork] 16 -Kew York 16 New York 16 New York 277 19:1 Sir William Johnson's account from January 23, 1767, to date with John Wetherhead. 8 9 10 SIR WILLIAM JOHNSON MANUSCRIPTS 453 1770 Apr. 17 George Croghan about a mason who will be sent to the [Otsego] Hall, pay of smiths and interpreters, a buyer of Capt. Montour's place on the Susquehanna, his own claim, and a fresh attack of the gout 19:11 1 8 Daniel Campbell on the paymaster general's want of Schonectady funds, inclosed bills, a balance to be sent up, Johnson's recommendation of Isaac Man for judge, Mr Duncan's political activity, a communication to the governor from Gov. Carelton regarding Indian trade, some new party songs. I* Dtaniel] Campbell's account of money received and paid out. [Inclosed with 19:12] 18:275 18 Joseph Chew about seeds and trees which he sends by X London wa y of New York. I9-I3 19 James Collins, informing of the whereabouts of one Schenectady Sponaberger [John Spangenbergh?] and offering assist ance in obtaining money owed by Sponaberger. 14 19 George Croghan, with regard to a mason whom he sends. 15 20 Thomas Shipboy about mill saws which can be got of Albany Mr Van Schaick and wine sent to Johnson the winter before. 16 20 Maj . Daniel Campbell to say that he sends 554, 145, 2d, Schenectady by Col. Cole. 17 21 Colin McLelland's receipt to Sir William Johnson for Johnson Hall 25, for a year's service as schoolmaster to the Mohawks. 18 21 James Tilghman, declining to buy Montour's land at the Phila. price named, and mentioning the New England claim and expenses of the Proprietaries in maintaining their own. 19 23 James Rivington, mentioning the resignations of the Duke [New York] o f Graf ton and Lord Granby, Sir Jeffery Amherst's grant of the Jesuit estates in Canada, the pensioning of Clive, the new premier, Lord North, the American revenue acts, trouble between Spain and Russia, pros pects of the Chatham, Rockingham, Rutland, Temple, Cavendish, Pelham interest, an inclosed protest at tributed to James Duane, a list of the jurymen before whom McDougal will be tried and Lord Dunmore's expected arrival. 20 23 Thunis D. Van Vechten, Casper Janse Hallenbeck and Loonenburgh Lanbart Van Valkenburg, protesting against selections made for officering their company. 21 23 John Wetherhead, concerning hams, tongues and biscake New York sen t by Bloodgood's sloop. 22 23 H. V. Schaack, concerning an inclosed account of money Albany due to his insolvent estate. 25:150 25 Capt. John Brown on the prospect of a rupture between Niagara Great Britain and the neighboring powers and the behavior of the Indians about the post. 19*23 454 NEW YORK STATE LIBRARY 1770 Apr. 26 Maj. Daniel Campbell, concerning goods sent up by Mr Schenectady Van Eps and a lost letter. 19:24 26 [Sir William Johnson] to Col. Bradstreet, naming the Johnson Hall witnesses to a deed in which Bradstreet is interested and declining to give further aid to a certain enterprise, in view of attacks which he has suffered from Brad- street's friends. 25 26 Thomas Wharton about a work of engraving, business in Philada. which he is engaged with his brother Isaac, a large English grant of western land by which the grants to the traders and Col. Croghan are secured, sending bill. 26 26 Extract from no. 26. 28 26 [Sir William Johnson] to Col. Fitch, asking immediate Johnson Hall consideration of terms for a land sale, inasmuch as Boston people are eager to buy. 27 26 Sir William Johnson to James DeLancey on the proposed Johnson Hall division of the county, the design of a road bill and perversions of the liberty of the press. 29 [26] [Sir William Johnson's] Remarks upon & Objections to the Proposed Road Bill ; mentioning Claverack and Kenderhook, Ranslaerwyck, Schachtikook, Hosick, Saratoga and Cambridge, Argyle, Kingsbury, Kayada- rossera, Cocksakie and Kats Kill, West Camp, Tion- deroga, Fort Johnson and Queens Borough, North and South Schohare, Brekabeen, Conajoharee and Caghna- waga. [Inclosed with no. 29] 38 26 Sam'l Sutton's account for labor, including work at the Red house at Johnstown. 30 27 Sir William Johnson's order on Abraham Mortier, deputy Johnson Hall paymaster general, to pay Robert Adems 60 York currency. 31 (i) 27 Sir William Johnson's order on Abraham Mortier to pay Johnson Hall Robert Adems 100 York currency; indorsed by Adems; made over by Daniel Campbell to Gerard Beekmari; receipted by Gerard W'm Beekman. 31(2) 27 Maj. Daniel Campbell about Indian goods which he can Schenectady supply. 32 27 H. V. Schaack to Abraham Van Alstyne (copy), notifying Kinderhook that Van Alstyne has been appointed a lieutenant colonel of foot militia and that commissions will be dis tributed at the house of Tobies Van Beuren. 33 28 Col. Daniel Claus, regarding inclosed letters, protested Will'msburg bills and Mr Shipboy's financial peril. 34 28 Wessel Van Schaick's bill to Thomas Shipboy for mill Albany saws ; receipted by Jno. G. Van Schaick. 35 28 George Croghan, regardmg an inclosed speech by the Shannaes and letter from Mr McKee. [18:187, 188] 36 SIR WILLIAM JOHNSON MANUSCRIPTS 455 1770 Apr. [29] Joseph Chew, mentioning undesirable settlers, fruit trees, seeds etc. shipped with one Rogers, a contest between Fitch and Trumbull for the governorship, backwardness of the season and scarcity of hay. Received the 29th. 19:37 May i Michael Klein's bill to [Sir William Johnson] for work; receipted. 39 i Daniel Campbell's account against Sir William Johnson. 40 Schenectady i Account current of Michael Klein, gunsmith, against Sir Johnson Hall William Johnson; receipted. 41 1 Sir William Johnson to [Col. John Bradstreet], regard- Johnson Hall ing a deed sent by Mr Butler in care of Maj. Fonda, and scurrilous attacks on Johnson, in which Mr Schyler is probably concerned. 25:152 2 Margaret Darlintcn, wife of [William] Darlin[g]ton, New York acquainting with misfortunes and distresses and ask ing pecuniary assistance. 19:42 3 James Rivington, informing that the revenue acts, except N. York those relating to tea, are repealed, mentioning Hutchin- son's appointment as governor of Massachusetts, an attack on Mr Pownal in the House and other English news. 43 3 George Croghan, considering the prospects" of the grants to Indian traders and himself, also the state of Indian affairs, and mentioning a claim of Mr Banyar's and a journey which Croghan will make southward for health and business interests. 44 [George Croghan] to [Sir William Johnson], asking a line to the general to procure for Mr Banyar a certifi cate for the rights of Capt. Christopher Limes and Capt. Thomas Hays. [Inclosed with no. 44] 93 3 Gen. Thomas Gage's warrant for the payment of 2031, New York 3 S) gi^d to Sir William Johnson; account annexed. 26:57 3 Gen. Thomas Gage's warrant for payment of 1686, us, New York iod to Sir William Johnson ; account annexed. 58 4 Isaac Paris's bill to Sir William Johnson; receipted. 19:45 Johnson Hall 4 Sir William Johnson's order on Abraham Mortier in Johnson Hall f av or of Golds Borrow Banyar for 236, 12s. 46 4 [Sir William Johnson] to Col. Bradstreet, relative to the Johnson Hall proving of a deed in which Bradstreet is interested and misrepresentations of which Johnson is the subject. 47 4 Paul Hoghstrasser's bill to Sir William Johnson for Johnson Hall several pairs of leather breeches; with an order to pay Isaac Paris, and Paris's receipt. 49 5 Sir William Johnson's order to Abraham Mortier to pay Johnson Hall Col. Guy Johnson 152, i6s. 48 456 NEW YORK STATE LIBRARY 1770 May 5 Lieut. Allan Grant to [Sir William Johnson], commend- Ontario ing Wemple as interpreter and smith and saying Grant is ordered to Niagara with the garrison, and the Indian chiefs are pleased at the rumors of a congress. !9-50 5 Daniel Claus, concerning letters from Canada and Gen. W'msburgh Carleton's course in Indian affairs. [18:269] 51 6 Col. John Bradstreet, concerning the Hardenbergh patent, a certificate sought from Col. Butler and Schuyler's denial that he ever wrote or spoke to Johnson's dis advantage. 52 7 Joseph Chew about various things sent to the care of Mr New London Cartwright, including trees and vines from the West Indians. 53 7 Hugh Deniston, regarding a debt to Samuel Broom & Co. CattsKill i n New York, their importunity and his ability to pay the latter end of the month. 54 8 Sir William Johnson Bart. To His Majestys Post Office Albany a t Albany, indebted; for postage from June 3, 1769, to date 11, 123, 8^d. Signed Jno. Monier, D P Mr. 55 9 Joseph Chew, informing that he has sent trees, vines, New London fowls and sundries by Capt. Kelly bound to Albany and that the morrow is election day. 56 10 George Croghan on the issue of a land enterprise in trusted to Sam. Wharton and Mr Trent, the 500,000 acres which he will soon possess, and explanation due to Hugh Wallice, Indian grievances and resentment, their general plan of action, and money advanced to smiths and interpreters. 57 10 [Sir William Johnson] to Gen. Gage on disputes of the Johnson Hall Caghnawaga and St Regis Indians with the Abenaquis, discontent of the Ohio Indians, messages to them from the French of Mississipi, a coming meeting between the Six Nations and the Cherokees and interference by the Sons of Liberty with the procuring of Indian goods. 58 11 [Sir W 7 illiam Johnson] to G. Croghan, discussing objec- Johnson Hall tions of the western nations to the Fort Stanwix treaty and making suggestions for Croghan's government toward the Indians at Fort Pitt. 59 ii Wessel Van Schaick about an order for brads, with bill. 60 Albany II Sir William Johnson's order to Abraham Mortier, New Johnson Hall York, to pay Thomas Wharton, of Philadelphia, 14, is, 2d. 6l ii [Sir William Johnson] to Thomas Wharton, mentioning Johnson Hall inclosed draft on Mr Mortier, the success of Wharton's brother [Samuel] in his English negotiat ; ons and the small allowance for the Indian department. 62 ii [Sir William Johnson] to Col. Bradst't, concerning cer- Johnson Hall tificates desired by Bradstreet from Butler an.! Croghan. 63 SIR WILLIAM JOHNSON MANUSCRIPTS 457 1770 May ii Rev. Dr Samuel Auchmuty, introducing Mr Forbes, New York a gentleman and a scholar." [Doc. Hist. N. Y. 4:423-24; Q, 4:265] 19:64 11 Sir William Johnson in account with Peter Young, miller, for grain 307 skipples. 65 12 Sir William Johnson's order on Abraham Mortier in Johnson Hall f av or of John Wetherhead for 60. 66 12 Samuel Stringer about millstones that came from Eusopus Albany an( i Mr Van Eps's delay in carrying them up, also Johnson's " Sackendaga Amusements." 67 12 Matthias Vanderheyden about millstones taken from the Sikhawik dock in Albany, for which he demands pay with lawful interest. 68 12 An Account of Monies Expended by John Dan'l Muller in Building a Church at Canajohary For the use of the Indians by the Direction of the Hon'ble Sir William Johnson 459, is, lid. 69 13 [Sir William Johnson] to George Croghan, per Maj. Johnson Hall Prevost. Duplicate of 19:59; with continuation under the date May 14, relating to ill-natured attacks on Croghan, pay of smiths and interpreters, two patents and ^150 sent in care of Maj. Prevost and a message for the Shawanese and Delaware chiefs. 70 Glb't Tice's bill to Farrel Wade for board and entertain ment. 71 John Watts, concerning- Johnson's grant from his . Majesty, Sir William Baker's death and estate and the need that his Lordship [the Governor] shall be a good state pilot. 72 James .Rivington on the repeal of the revenue acts, " the Whisperer, written by an insolent son of Sedition," popular dissatisfaction with the reply to the Remon strance, political effect of Russian successes, action of New York Republicans against European importation and movements of British regiments. 73 Names of officers who have declined commissions ; with Cornelis Van Schaack's recommendation of men for the places. Attached is a list of officers who declined commissions in Col. Syb't V. Schaack's regiment at Coksaky. 25:153 16 Sir William Johnson to Christopher Servis, proposing to give 200 and 1500 acres of land on the Adageghtinge creek for an occupied place with improvements and a wheat crop. 19^74 16 H. V. Schaack, regarding Abraham Van Alstyne's declina- Kinderhook tion of a commission, Col. Hogeboom's confutation of charges and the uneasy feeling in Coghsakie. 75 18 James Hill Clarck's bill for two batteaux; receipted by Johnson Hall John V. Antwerp. 76 14 Johnstown 14 New York 15 [New York] 15 Kinderhook 458 NEW YORK STATE LIBRARY Niagara 18 Niagara 18 Albany 1770 Mr.y 18 Receipt by Daneil Servos and Peter Grouse for money paid for ploughing at gs a day. 18 Sir Will : am Johnson's order to Abraham Mortier to pay Johnson Hall John Wetherhead 80; receipted by Allan McDougall. Jas. Stevenson to [Sir William Johnson] mentioning his services to the British interest, which include his mar riage to an "Amiable Seneca Grand daughter of Monsr. Chabert," his successful policy with the Indians and their liberality with venison. [Written shortly before no. 80] Capt. Jas. Stevenson, mentioning a visit from old Serchoa, a recommendation to Kaontawaueh, Saints and Episco palians on Johnson's estate. R. Cartwright, mentioning things received from New London and a consignment of claret, oil etc. which he has for sale. Extract of .a letter from Mr McKee about a claim to Indian land worked up by one Pendergrass, one Elliot and Montour. [Inclosed in Croghan's letter of May 19] Dr Samuel Stringer to [Sir William Johnson], concerning pay for millstones, goods in the hands of the Committee of Trade at New York, articles to be sent by post and a resolution of the merchants to import goods. Joseph Blanchard, regarding land in Catts Kill belonging to the estate of Daniel Deneston. Jno. Monier about a letter received from Mr Farringer, letters delivered to Capt. Isaac Bogart and Dr Stringer and a draft on New York for postage. George Croghan, regarding his journey to Fort Pitt, the murder of Shannas and Dalaways by the whites, intelli gence received from Mr McKee about an Indian council in June and a belt from St Ange, scarcity of provisions among the Indians, parties from the S : x Nations going southward and the purchase of Montour's place; [Rev. Dr] Samuel Auchmuty, discussing the prevalence of infidelity and false politics, faults of the Lords Tem poral and Lords Spiritual, the points of a good church man, opposers of monarchy, and conveying the thanks of the convention for Johnson's exertions in favor of the Church of England in America. [Doc. Hist. N. Y. 4:424-25; Q, 4:266-67] Elbt. Willett's bill to Sir William Johnson for riding equipment. Sir William Johnson's order to Abraham Mortier to pay 19 Albany 19 Albany 19 Albany 20 New York 22 Albany 26 ip'77 78 79 80 82 83 84 85 86 Johnson Hall John Monier of Albany n, 125, 8^d sterling, or York currency, 19, i8s, n s//d [postage account], 87 88 SIR WILLIAM JOHNSON MANUSCRIPTS 459 1770 May 27 [Sir William Johnson] to Dr Auchmuty, thanking for the Johnson Hall letter introducing Dr Cooper and Mr Inglis and declar ing his attachment to the National Church and his thanks for the sentiments of the convention. [19:87] [Doc. Hist. N. Y. 4:426; Q, 4:267] 19:90 27 John Monier, complaining of injury to his doors due to Albany Mr Farringer's night visit. 91 27 [Sir William Johnson] to John Watts, concerning a grant Johnson Hall from the King, death of Sir William Baker and the difficulty of a neutral position for a governor. 92 27 Ro. Picken's order on Sir William Johnson to pay Gilbert Tice 5 New York currency. 16:129 28 David Colden, concerning an application by Col. Tenbrook Fort George of Dutchess county to establish a troop of horse and proposal to divide Dutchess militia into two regiments. 19:94 28 James Carell's order on Sir William Johnson to pay Johnstown Gilbert Tice flO. 16:127 28 Samuel Sutton's order on Sir William Johnson to pay Capt. Gilbert Tice 4, ios. 128 Bi'l for toddy, bser, etc., [at Mr Denis-ton's, burial?] 126 Bill for toddy, etc., [when the ox was roasted] 125(2) 29 Sir William Johnson in account with Gilbert Tice 154, 175, 8d. [Inclosing nos. 125(2) 129] 125(1) 29 Jehu Hay about his pay, expenses incurred for Mr Roberts Niagara and Mr Johnston, the smith, private affairs, the Hurons' speech to Maj. Bruce at Detroit and the adventure of an Indian on the Wabache. 19-95 30 William Gamble about an order for an Indian medal and Albany a coming festival. 97 June i John Farlinger, apologizing for misconduct at Albany, promising amendment and sending account. 99 i [Sir William Johnson] to Gen. Gage on the discontent of Johnson Hall Canadian Indians, the Shawanese claim to ceded lands, the standing of 'the Cherokee deputies, the detention of Indian goods [by the Sons of Liberty] and accounts of Capt. Stevenson and Lieut. Roberts. IOO I- Sir William Johnson to John Blackburne, ordering Indian Johnson Hall goods, showing the need of them and sending a bill on Harley & Drummond and a draft on Messrs Baker. 101 1 Sir William Johnson to Col. Cornelis Van Sclmack, con- Johnson Hall cerning recommendations for commissions, which he has transmitted to the Governor. 25:15! 2 Sir William Johnson to Abraham Mortier, ordering pay- Johnson Hall m ent of 88, 175, 4d to Col. Guy Johnson. 19:102 3 Hugh Wallace, relative to a map of Adiquetange, Col. New York Bradstreet's claims south and east of Susquehanah, Capt. Glazier's order on Johnson, Lord Dunmore and Capt. Foy and a hautboy and jew's-harps from Dublin. 103 -4*JO NEW YORK STATE LIBRARY 1770 June 5 John Watts, to say that he sends the grant to the care New York o f Dr Stringer, that Capt. Kemble is lost on little Egg Harbour shoals; with some discourse on the rarity of commercial and political talent. 19:104 6 Maj. Daniel Campbell about the return of Johnson's Schenectady Surtout Coat, an inclosed- bill and Indian goods ex pected by the way of Montreal. 105 8 Capt. Brown to Gen. Gage (extract), informing of a Niagara v i s it by Chippewas, their speech to men of the Six Nations and the cheating of a Seneca by an Albany trader. 106(1) 8 Col. John Bradstreet on the appointment of a day for Albany .examining the claim of the Hardenberg patentees, damage to Lord Dunmore's baggage near Egg harbour and injury which Bradstreet will suffer if Johnson presses a claim to lands on the Susquehanna. 107 8 Sir William Johnson to Rev. Mr Munro, conveying a re- Johnson Hall quest from the two Mohawk villages to preach in the new church at Conajohare Sunday, the I7th. 108 9 Dr Samuel Stringer, regarding postage, parcels and a box Albany f rom New York. 109 May 13- Journal kept by Wade & Keyser, giving incidents of June 10 travel from Maj. Funda's to Terunto, including their troublesome navigation of Wood creek. no June 10 Maj. Daniel Campbell about an order for white lead, Schenectady Farrell Wade's account, swearing in of justices, move ments of Capt. McLeod, Capt. Eitherinton, Ensign Price, Maj. Bruce and Capt. Turnbull and the ground ing of Capt. Kimble's ship. in 12 Lieut. B. Roberts, relating an interview with Lord Hills- Ixmdon borough on the Indian department, mentioning Rogers's success in winning English favor, but predicting the triumph of honesty. 112 12 William Kelly, saying that he is establishing a house with London a New York branch, explaining how London merchants have grown rich at the expense of American importers, mentioning a partnership with Mr Lott and asking recommendations to business men. 113 12 [Sir William Johnson] to John Watts about his grant Johnson Hall from London, traits of the new governor and the importunities of Indians who fill his house. 115 14 Wade & Keiuser about prospects for trade, goods desired, Tcronto the character of articles bought of Mr Campbell. 116 List of goods asked for by Wade & Kyser. [Inclosed with no. 116] 137 14 Stephen De Lancey, informing that the original certificate Albany from Stone Arabia has been found and the Dedimus is in his hands and asking Johnson to stay with him on his Albany visit. 117 SIR WILLIAM JOHNSON MANUSCRIPTS 461 1770 June 15 N. York 15 Niagara 15 Niagara 15 Teronto IS New York 18 New York 18 N. York 18 Albany 20 New York 20 Teronto 21 New York 21 New York 21 New York 23 New York 23 New York Ennis Graham's bill to Mr Adams; receipted. 19:118 Capt. James Stevenson, concerning the purpose of "our Governor" [Capt. Brown] to compel the respect of Wade & Keyser. 119 Capt. [John] Brown to Gen. Gage (extract), telling of the examination of six employees of Wade & Keyzer [Kreuser], charged with carrying rum past the fort. 106(2} [Wade & Kreuser] to [Capt. Brown] at Niagara, explain ing failure to visit the post. 25 1154 Gerardus Duyckinck's bill to Robert Adams ; receipted by Walter Duggan. 19:120 Wm. Newton, saying that the balance of Johnson's ac count will be paid Mr Adems and Gen. Gage's warrants are transmitted. 121 James Rivington, mentioning Lord Lyttelton's History of Henry 2, " inflammatory accounts signed by Hancock, Adams, Cushing etc." of the affair [massacre] in Boston, newspapers to be read and forwarded to Niagara, an act of Parliament permitting governors in America to pass paper currency laws and the disposi tion of merchants to import. 122 Abrm. Cuyler, asking terms of purchase for lands at Schoharrie. 123 Robert Adems about articles sent in care of Capt. Pem- berton, a consultation of New York and Philadelphia merchants relative to importation, and Indian goods in charge of the committee [of the Sons of Liberty]. 124 Memorandum of sundries sent by Capt. Pemberton. [In closed with no. 124] 139 Wade & Keiuser about their excellent trade with the In dians. 125 Robert Adems's receipt to Abraham Mortier for 695, paid on account of Sir William Johnson. 126 Sir William Johnson's account with Abraham Mortier. i2// Hugh & Alexr. Wallace's receipts to Sir William John ston for 165, 135, 4d and 4, I2s, 9d and to Guy John ston for 9, i6s, 4d. i28 r Two bills of exchange for 1600 and 400 on the Right Hono'ble Thomas Harley & John Drummond Esqr., London, drawn by John Watts and Chas. McEvers in favor of Sir William Johnson ; payable 40 days after sight. J2 , Abraham Mortier, informing that Mr Newton has paid Mr Adems 695, that 1500 will be sent in care of Adems, and that Adems has invested 2000 in bills of exchange. 130- 462 NEW YORK STATE LIBRARY 1770 June 23 Robert Adeins, mentioning his effort to get Mr Stringer's New York goods out of the store, two bills of exchange inclosed, 1500 advanced by Mr Mortier, opposition of the Philadelphians to importation and his desire that goods may be shipped on board the London, Capt. Chambers. 19:131 23 [Sir William Johnson] to Col. Bradstreet, explaining the Johnson Hall circumstances of the patent to Susquehanna lands which he is getting out. 132 24 Daniel Campbell, concerning the account of Wade & Schenectady Cryzer and a visit prevented. 133 25 John Wetherhead, mentioning the want of blankets New York and snuffboxes in the New York market, letters for Col. Croghan and bills drawn by Jehu Haye. 134 27 Wade & Keiuser, concerning trade and goods. 135 Teronto 29 Wade & Keiuser, complaining of attempts by Mr De- Teronto quaney to prejudice the Indians against them. 136 29 John Wetherhead's bill to Sir William Johnson 46, New York JQS, 2d. 154 Edw'd Nicolls Jun's bill to Sir William Johnson for NYork dishes 6, 135, 3d; receipted. 138 July 2 . Wm. Newton, to inform that he sends vouchers for the New York account settled with Mr Adems, having paid him 1604, 135, 3d on Johnson's account. 141 A scrap containing memoranda of accounts and transac tions. [No date] 142 2 " Goods to send for to London for the use of my Family & Servants." On back, memorandum of articles for the Indians [canceled], dated October 24, 1769. 143 2 Memorandum of articles with quantities, prices and total value; signed W. J. 144 2 Sir William Johnson" to William, Richard and Samuel Johnson Hall Baker, acknowledging account, expressing regret at the death of their father and giving directions for the investment of funds. 145 4 [Sir William Johnson] to the Hon'ble Thos. Penn, thank- Johnson Hall ing for assistance in obtaining a grant from the king and mentioning his early departure to the upper settle ments for a meeting with Indians and his inability to obtain Indian goods. 146 5 [Sir William Johnson] to Thomas Pownall, discussing Johnson Hall the feasibility of establishing a colony on the Ohio and regulation of Indian affairs by the colonies and men tioning a forthcoming congress with the Six Nations, Canadian and Cherokee Indians. 147 5 [Sir William Johnson] to Col. Bradstreet, explaining why Johnson Hall he has sold a part of his [Susquehanna] tract to Hugh Wallace and Gw. Banyar and regretting that he did not know Bradstreet's disposition to buy. 148 SIR WILLIAM JOHXSOX MANUSCRIPTS 463 8 9 New York 9 New York 1770 July 6 [Sir William Johnson] to Gen. Gage about bills on Lon- Johnson Hall don, Lieut. Roberts's and Capt. Stevenson's accounts, the intended congress and disagreements between the French and the Spaniards. 19:149 6 Alex'r Baxter, to say that he has drawn on Johnson in Gloster in the favor of Edward Chinn, of Montreal, to describe his River observations of the mining regions around the lake St Marys [Superior] and to mention a place which he has con structed for shipbuilding. 150 7 Daniel Campbell about efforts to obtain wheat for John- Schenectady son ; presence of Whitfield [Rev. George Whitefield] at Albany and expected arrival at Schenectady. 151 Thos. Flood's receipt to John Mitchim. 152 Wm. Newton, acknowledging warrants and receipts and mentioning money intrusted to Mr Adems and pro vision for payment of the balance. 153 John Wetherhead about a bill of parcels, Indian corn which, he is seeking in the Jerseys and Mr Roberts's affair. 155 Sir William Johnson's receipt to Abraham Mortier for 5077 218/224 dollars. 26:59 S : r \Villiam Johnson's receipt to Abraham Mortier for 4216 107/224 dollars. . 60 Sir William Johnson's receipt to Abraham Mortier for 8571 24/56 dollars. 61 . Daniel Campbell, regarding wheat bought from Ryneer Mynderse, prices, bad appearance of crops, scarcity of Indian corn, osnabrugs, goods released at York, earth quake at Highspannola, and an elopement. 19:156 Sir William Johnson to the Earl of Hillsborough, ex- Johnson Hall pressing pleasure at the king's approval of his course and mentioning the coming Indian congress, destruction of crops by caterpillars, goods released by the committee of nonimporters at N. York, Indian misunderstanding of trade restriction, the Fort Stanwix treaty and a con templated alliance between the Cherokees and northern Indians. [Doc. Hist. N. Y. 2:970-72; Q, 2:562-63 and Doc. rel. io Col. Hist. N. Y. 8:222-23] 157 Abraham Mortier, concerning Gen. Gage's warrant, money paid by Mr Newton to Mr Adams and the resolve of New York merchants to import goods from England, tea excepted. 159 Sir William Johnson's account with Abraham Mortier, drawn by William Newton. 160 Jas. Stevenson about his transfer to the command of the Detroit post and the killing of a chief by traders. 161 John Wetherhead's bill to Sir William Johnson. 162 ii Schonectady 12 16 New York 16 New York 17 Niagara 23 New York 464 NEW YORK STATE LIBRARY 1770 July 24 John Wetherhead to [Sir William Johnson], considering New York the -action of trover brought against Mr Roberts for a quantity of rum ; giving a list of papers and proofs re quired by Mr Kempe for the defense. 25 Rudolph Shoemaker's bill against Sir William Johnson 380, 3S, 9d. 28 Thomas Caine's bill to Sir William Johnson; receipted. Johnson Hall 29 Donald McGrigor's account against Thomas Flood; re- Albany Bush ceipted. 30 Ch'r Hertel's receipt to John Ruff for pork and bread Fort Stanwix received for Indians. 30 W. McAdam, relative to inclosed bills drawn on Johnson N.York by Maj. Gorham. 31 Speech of the chiefs of the seven nations of Canada to Col. Claus, warning against misrepresentations by Her- tel and a party of Abenaquis. Aug. 3 Daniel Campbell, mentioning Gen. Carelton's departure Montreal for England, ill will of English merchants toward the general on account of his favoring the French, Gen. Amherst and the Jesuit estates, Col. Christie's law suits, heavy trade in the upper country and an action against Campbell brought by Mr Chinn for a certificate of Lieut. Lesley. 6 Wade & Keiuser about goods needed, trade prospects, Teronto " a three galln. Cag " selling " for 3 Beavers," and a message for Mr Campbell. 6 Same to Daniel Campbell about goods desired for the Teronto Indian trade. Wade & Keiuser's list of goods wanted from Mr Camp bell. [Probably inclosed with no. 170] 7 Dr Samuel Stringer's account against Sir William John- Albany son i 1844, 55, ii l / 2 d. 8 Lieut. B. Roberts, concerning Blackburn's qualities and his London services to Lord North, Lord Hillsborough's forgetful- ness, Rogers's influence and misrepresentations, the writer's losses, loyalty to Johnson and reliance on his good will. 10 Account of John B. V. Eps to Sir William Johnson for expenses for the treaty at Burnets Field ^93, ips, 6d. William Seeber ; s bill to Sir William Johnson; receipted. 19:163 164 16:118 19:165 166 167 10 Conajohary II Philada. 13 Caughna- wauga Francis Wade, expressing concern at reports that he has forfeited Johnson's favor, declaring loyalty and grati tude and inquiring about hrs brother [Ferrall]. Sir William Johnson in account with Jelles Fonda 169, 8s, 19:168 169 170 234 171 172 173 96 174 158 SIR WILLIAM JOHNSON MANUSCRIPTS 465 1770 Aug. 13 James Riving [ton], mentioning departure of the Princess N. York Dowager of Wales from England to Germany, com plaints of the Middlesex freeholders, dislike of Lord Townsend in Ireland, passage of a bill to enable the governor of New York to pass currency bills, other English news and Turkish affairs. 19:175 14 [Sir William Johnson] to the Earl of Hillsborough, re- Johnson Hall porting on the late Indian congress, the expense, fron tier outrages, the want of trade regulations, the bearing of the nonimportation agreement on Indian affairs, injury to the Indians from the sale of rum, their need of relig : ous teachers, the coming Indian congress on the plains of Scioto. Woe. Hist. N. Y. 2:973-78; Q, 2:563-66 and Doc. rel. to Col. Hist. N. Y. 8:224-27] 176 17 Account of money received and expended by Mr Adems in New York for Sir William Johnson. 177 18 [Sir William Johnson] to Partridge Thatcher, regarding Johnson Hall a sketch drawn by Col. Johnson and objections to a contemplated application for land. 178 19 Normand MacLeod, asking assistance to procure cattle Caughnawaga an d utensils for a farm. 179 22 Abr'm Lott about a partnership formed with Mr New York Kelly and the advantage of giving orders to their house. 180 22 [Sir William Johnson] to Gen. Gage on the late Indian Johnson Hall congress, injuries inflicted on the Indians by frontiers men, trade, effects of nonimportation, and the coming congress at Scioto plains. 181 24 George Croghan, concerning an outlay for wampum and Fort Pitt pay of Capt. Edmonstone and Mr McKee. 182 24 John Campbell's bill for wampum furnished to George Fort Pitt Croghan, 61, 45, receipted; with certificate of Capt. Chas. Edmonstone and Alexander McKee to the trans action. 183 25 Two invoices of goods consigned to John Weatherhead, London New York, by John Blackburn for account of Sir William Johnson; on board the Britannia, Capt. Thomas Miller. 184 25 William Fox's account against Sir William Johnson ; Johnson Hall receipted by Margaret Fox. 185 26 John Wetherhead, describing difficulties met in obtaining New York seed barley. 186 27 Receipts of Job Bullingham and son, Indians, for money paid for mowing. 187 28 John Searson, informing that he has lost a fortune and New York asking employment as accountant or tutor. 188 Sept. 3 Step'n DeLancey's certificate that he has administered the legal oaths to Sir William Johnson as Justice of the peace & Quorum for the City and County of Albany. 189 466 NEW YORK STATE LIBRARY 1770 Sept. 3 . N. York 3 Detroit 4 Highlands 5 London : James Rivington, mentioning danger to the Ottoman empire from Russia and Persia, troubles of the Dutch with Prussia and the Elector Palatine and bad con dition of the British navy. Collin Andrews, acknowledging an advance of 30 to his brother and remitting payment by a draft on Daniel Campbell. Joseph Chew, saying that he hopes to leave New London and is now at Beverley Robinson's and asking direc tion for bringing his family through Albany and Scho- nectady, where smallpox is prevalent. 4 Sir W r illiam Johnson to Rev. John Inglis on the request Johnson Hall G f the Mohocks at the German Flatts congress for clergymen, Presbyterians, the small part played by religion in the settlement of America, the missionary opportunity among the Six Nations, and a plan of work, with expenses. Invoice of clothing from John Blackburn, for Sir Wil liam's negroes, shipped on the Britannia, Capt. Israel Munds. [Sir William Johnson] to Samuel Touchet and others, Johnson Hall declining stock in the company formed to engage in mining on Lake Superior and refusing payment of a draft by [Alexander] Baxter. 5 [Sir William Johnson] to Alex'r Baxter, declining a share Johnson Hall j n the enterprise of the Lake Superior mining company. Invoice of merchandise from John Blackburn, shipped on board the Britannia for the account of Sir William Johnson 1040, i8s, id. Petition of Jacob Shiedt, Jacht (George) Koch and Jacob Mayer to Sir William Johnson, regarding a . teacher in New Philadelphia, disabled by a beating at the hands of women, who demands a full term's pay. Account of charges for the return of some Abenakis to St Regis. Certified by Ch. Hertel. [In French; certificate in English also] Gen. Thomas Gage's warrant for payment of ^3319, 155, 4 l /2&, New York currency, to Sir William Johnson for expenses of the general congress at the German Flatts. John Blackburn about orders for goods, elation of British manufacturers at the renewed demand from New York, allowances for the Indian service, and officers to com mand his Majesty's ships on the Lakes. Col. Daniel Claus, regarding Sir William Draper, Mr Stuard's [John Stuart] opposition to the Fort Stanwix treaty, Gen. Amherst and the Jesuit estate, Sanguinet's certificate, affairs at St Regis, Hertell's adventure and account,' experiences of an Ottawa attached to the 5 London 10 Johnstown [0 10 New York 12 London 12 La chine 19:190 192 193 194 195 I 9 6 197 108 2O2 26:62 19:199 SIR WILLIAM JOHNSON MANUSCRIPTS 467 1770 Sept. 14 14 15 London 16 New York 16 New York 17 17 N York 17 Teronto 18 Detroit 20 Closter St Maries 2O London 22 Schenectady 24 N York 24 24 24 New York English, the murder of an Indian at Michil'c, Maj. Fonda's goods, trade at Toronto, division among the Caghnaw's and Thorn Wileman's intended visit to Johnson. 19 :2Qi John Garrill's receipt to Sir William Johnson for 4, 4d paid by Thos. Flood. 203 A bill of articles bought by John Wetherhead from the estate of Peter Marschalk. 204 Dirk Van der Heyden, soliciting the privilege of filling commissions and mentioning preparations for war. 205 John Wetherhead, concerning orders to be filled and a patent. 206 Bill of same to same. 207 John Brackan's receipt to Sir William Johnson. 208 James Rivington, concerning the trial of Capt. Preston and his soldiers, the threat to take away the Massa chusetts charter, an act of assembly annulled at home, Hugh Wallace setting out for Fort Stanwix, and a heavy importation expected. 209 Wade & Keiuser about trade and want of provisions. 210 Capt. James Stevenson about good relations with the Indians, a silver medal promised to a Chippeway chief and an arrangement for carrying letters. 211 Alex'r Baxter about copper mines and a vessel which he is building. 212 B. Roberts's order to pay ico to John Blackburn. In dorsed with Blackburn's order to place to his credit. 213 Phyn & Ellice, mentioning orders, bateau men's wages, allowance of rum, death of Capt. Calderwood, suicide of Capt. Stobo and disappointment of Sinclair that he is not appointed " Superintendent on the Lakes." 214 James Rivington, acquainting with the progress of Russian arms in Greece and Turkey, a fire at Ports mouth arsenal, the warlike outlook in England, the ap proaching marriage of Sir William Draper and Col. Oliver De Lancey's daughter Sukie, Lord Mansfield's decline, Gov. Dinwiddie's death, Parson [John] Home's success at law against George Onslow and the spirited orders sent to Gov. Hutchinson. 215 John V. Douw and John Winne's bill for a fishing net bought by .Henry Glen 15. 216 John Wetherhead, asking for facts to be used in defend ing Lieut. Roberts against an action by Henry, Farrell & Abbot. 217 Abraham Mortier about an inclosed warrant from Gen. Gage and vouchers. 218 468 NEW YORK STATE LIBRARY 1770 Sept. 29 Niagara Oct. 2 St. Regis 2 Niagara 2 Ferrall Wade on trade and a meeting with Capt. Brown. 19:219 Thomas Flood's account of money paid to workmen. A. Gordon, Jesuit, to [?] on the stealing of a boat by Indians [in French]; m answer to a letter of com plaint from Oswego. Ferrall Wade about preparations for the winter trade. 220 223 224 2 NYork 3 London 3 Montreal Daniel Claus's report of a council, with the opinions of Sault St Louis the Iroquois of Sault St Louis and St Regis, relating to the stay of the Abinaquis and Monsr. Hertell at St Regis. [In French] 229(1) James Rivington, mentioning the marriage of Col. Oliver DeLancey's daughter and Sir William Draper, the victory of the Royalists in a city election over the McDougal party, the expectation that the Massachusetts constitution will be reformed, importation of specie from London and the quality of American paper. 21 153 3 Abram Lott, asking influence in favor of Mr Kelly's New York selection to succeed Rob't Charles, late agent of the colony at the British court. 19:225 Lieut. B. Roberts, explaining that he has drawn in favor of Blackburn for 100 because of trouble in getting payment from John Phillips for his lieutenant's com mission, and mentioning an encouraging interview with Lord Hilsborough, also Rogers's prospects. 226 Daniel Claus to H. T. Cramahe, concerning a disputed boundary between the seigneurie of Praierie de la Made leine and that claimed by Rene Cartie, the quarrel be tween the Iroquois of St Regis and the Abinaquis established among them, and the unfriendly inclina tions of the Indians about the Ilinois and Michilim'c. Also to Henery Kneller, concerning the rents in dispute betw'een Cartie and the savages of the Sault St Louis and his own relation to the controversy. Also [in French] A. Gordon, Jesuitte, to [?], certifying to an agreement between Monsieur le chevalier Hertel and the Iroquois of St Regis regarding his residence among them; dated September 30. 227 John Blackburn, concerning goods shipped on the Britannia [nos. 194 and 197], prospects of war with Spain and Capt Roberts's [Lieut. Benjamin Roberts] bill [no. 213] ; with copy of no. 199. 200 Copy of no. 200. 228 [Daniel Claus] to [A. Gordon], conveying Hertell's plea that he be allowed by the Iroquois to remain at St Regis till spring. [In French] 229(2) Philip Cuyler, informing of the grave illness of Mr DeLancey's father. 230 4 London 4 7 La Chine Albany SIR WILLIAM JOHNSON MANUSCRIPTS 469 1770 Oct. 8 P. Silvester, reminding of an engagement to pay the debt Albany and cost in a suit of Daniel Phoenix and Samuel Broome against Hugh Deniston. 21 155 9 Dr Samuel Stringer, asking that a draft for goods ex- Albany pected may be sent in charge of Walter Butler. 19:231 10 Daniel Claus's order to Sir William Johnson to pay Montreal Jacob Vanderheyden 23, 45, 9d. Indorsed to Dr Samuel Stringer; receipted. 232 10 Joseph Chew on the ravages of smallpox, indifference to New London inoculation and a disaster to the Susquehannah settlers ; with a copy of 19:192. 233 11 Thomas Flood's acknowledgment of the receipt from Johnson Hall Hugh Fraser of 329 pounds of beef, worth 3d a pound. 235 12 Wade & Keiuser about goods and remittances of skins. 236 Toronto 16 Niagara Capt. Brown to Gen. Gage (extract), concerning a message brought by an Ottawa chief who came from Fort Chartres by way of New Orleans, Pensacola, St Augustine, New York and Montreal. 17 Capt. John Brown, regarding an attack on soldiers by Niagara Senekes and the visit of a chief from Arbre Croche. 18 Same to same, informing that he has arrested the Indians Niagara who fired on the soldiers and wounded one. 22 James Rivington, conveying news of the victory of Gen. NYork Romanzer over 80,000 Turks, the plague in Constan tinople, Admiral Elphinstone's defeat of the Turkish fleet, the arrival and appearance of Lord Dunmore, de parture of Sir William Draper, death of Peter DeLancey, French designs toward Russia, Danish senti ment toward the French, Benzell's promotion to sur- veyorship of the woods in America, the situation of the ministry and the revival of business in England. Sept. 9 Daniel Claus's journal to and durng his stay in Canada: Oct. 24 mentioning the complaint of the ..arriors against Philip Assaregoa, the difference between Okeawess, the Ottawa, and St Luc and St Jeans, Hertell's arrangement with the Abinaquis, condolence with the Caghnaw'y chiefs, a journey with Major and Mrs Wharton and others to Caneghsad'y, news from Ilionois and Michili'c, trouble between the Indians of St Francis and the Seign'r, be tween the [Sault St Louis] Indians and Cartie, dis tress among the Nipisin Indians, Mr Finley's observa tion of the Hudsons Bay Indians, Hudsons Bay trade, Claus's lectures to Caghnaw'y visitors, the adventure of a captive among the Piankishas, unfriendly disposition of the Indians about the Ilinois and Michil'c and their displeasure at the peace between the Six Nations and Cherakies, a rent roll for the Caghnawageys, a new 237 238 239 240 47G NEW YORK STATE LIBRARY 177J mail road by way of Lake Champlain, the decision against Hertell and the Abinaquis [18:1], the Jesuit grants, Hertell's predicament, and opposition of the Caghnawageys to white settlers among them. 19:241 Oct. 26 Benj'n English's bill to John Weatherhed for 12 fire New York buckets. 242 26 Sir William Johnson's account with Johannes Ruff; receipted. 243 29 John Wetherhead about fire buckets which he has [New York] ordered. 244 29 Sir William Johnson's account with John Wetherhead. 245 [New York] 30 Robert Adems about articles which he forwards. 246 New York 31 Sir William Johnson's account with Jelles Fonda Caughnawga 279, 6s, 5^d; receipted by Dan'l Steel. 247 Nov. i Sir William Johnson's order to Robert Adems to pay Johnson Hall Guy Johnson 100 York currency. 248 i Bill of John Glen Jun'r to Sir William Johnson; receipted. 249 1 [Sir William Johnson] to the Earl of Dunmore, congratu- Johnson Hall lating on safe arrival. 250 2 Daniel Campbell, regarding a bill drawn on him by Col- Schenectady H n Andrews in favor of Johnson. 251 2 Capt. John Brown, regarding the attack on soldiers by Niagara Senekas. [19:238] 252- 4 Same to same, informing of the death of a soldier shot Niagara by a Seneke. [19:238] 255 5 Donald McGrigor's bill to Sir William Johnson. 254 7 [Sir William Johnson] to Ab'm Lottj .expressing regret Johnson Hall that he can not promote a scheme in which Lott is con cerned with Mr Kelly and commending Kelly's ambi tion to be agent of the colony. 255 7 Samuel Stringer's receipt to Sir William Johnson for Johnson Hall 1867, ios, 8d, cost of a cargo of English goods. 256 7 Edward Kessedy's bill to Sir William Johnson for 42^ Johnson Hall days' work; receipted. 257 7 [Sir William Johnson] to William Kelly, London, show- Johnson Hall ing that the meagerness and uncertainty of purchases for the Indian service prevent him from giving Mr Kelly commissions for English goods. 258 8 [Sir William Johnson] to Lieut. Gen. Gage, concerning Johnson Hall the Scioto meeting, his journey to the Seneca country, the Cherokee-Choctaw war, the shooting of a soldier by Senecas [19:238], the sale of rum to Indians, and his own, Andrew Wemple's and Capt. Stephenson's [James Stevenson] accounts. 259 SIR WILLIAM JOHNSON MANUSCRIPTS 471 1770 Nov. 9 [Sir William Johnson] to Oliver De Lancey, repeating Johnson Hall his assurance [17:97] that a strict accounting would show the Sir Peter Warren estate to be in his debt and saying that he will oppose in law any claim from that estate. [Doc. Hist. N. Y. 2:979-80; Q, 2:567] 9 [Sir William Johnson] to James DeLancey, concerning Johnson Hall a highway bill and the proposed division of the county. 10 Jno. B. Jno. Van Eps about articles which he has sent Schenectady to the care of Mr Fonda. 12 John Wetherhead, advising that the Brittania has reached port and that Capt. Phil Lansing's sloop will bring goods. James Rivington, mentioning Spain's seizure of Falkland's Island and England's preparations for war, the plague on the Island Hispaniola and Lord Dunmore's suit against the lieutenant governor for perquisites. Joseph Chew about an accident to himself, return of settlers from the Susquehanna, Gen. Molyneaux and benefits to Boston trade from the presence of ships of New York 12 NYork New London 15 '5 London 15 15 Whitehall Lavrance Bender's account with Sir William Johnson. John Blackburn on the prospects of war with Spain and supplies for the Indian service. Copy of no. 267. Lord Hillsborough, informing of the King's commands to the governors to impress the assemblies with the need of regulating Indian trade and redressing in juries. [Doc. rel. to Col. Hist. N. Y. 8:253-54] 15 Will Cockburn's bill to Jilas Funda for surveys; with re- Fort Johnson C eipt to Sir William Johnson. 16 William Johnston's receipt to Sir William Johnson for 15, 55 received by the hands of Thomas Flood. 16 Sir William Johnson's order to Robert Adems to pay Jeles Fonda ^279, 6s, 5 x ^d; drawn October 31. Receipted at New York by Daniel Steel November 16. 16 Sir William Johnson's account with Mich'l Klyne, gun smith. John Wetherhead about the trial of Mr Roberts, winter barley, payment for London goods, and goods soon to arrive. James Rivington, concerning Dutch twine for a seine sent by Capt. Vischer's sloop, and England's preparations against Spain and France. Gen. Thomas Gage's warrant for payment of 1952, 2s, 6d, New York currency, to Sir William Johnson ; account attached. Gen. Thomas Gage's warrant for paying 23 17, IDS, 3d to Sir William Johnson; account annexed. 19 New York 19 NYork 23 New York 23 New York 19 : 261 262 263, 264 265 266 267 270 268 269 271 272 273 274 275 26:63 64 472 NEW YORK STATE LIBRARY 1770 Nov. 24 Wade & Keiuser, mentioning trade prospects, the disposi- Teronto tion of the Indians about them toward Johnson, toward the Six Nations, the killing of a soldier at Niagara, and a promised remittance. 19:276 24 Christian Shick's bill to Sir William Johnson. 20:5 27 Major Daniel Campbell, informing that Mr Schermer- Schenectady horn and others have petitioned the assembly for a division of the town lands and asking a letter to Mr Delancy in opposition, repeating his words of re proof to Mr Mynderse regarding his course in the house. 19 1277 28 Joseph Chew, to say that he will visit Beverley Robinson New London and then Johnson, he will bring a painting from Col. Cole, all is quiet at Boston, England is likely to have a squabble with Spain and France, and the Russians are driving the Turks. 278 28 John Wetherhead's account with Sir William Johnson New York ^56, 73, 7^d; receipted. 20 :i 28 Dr Richard Shuckburgh on politics, mentioning Mr Camp- Schonectady be\l } [Jacobus Mynderse], Baptist V. Eps, Ryer Wemp, Isaac Vroman and Stopphele 'Yates. 2 29 Jacobus Mynderse, asking opposition to the petition of Schenectady Reyer Schermerhorn for the partition of the township. $ Harry Munro, introducing Daniel Urquhart, just arrived from Scotland. [No date] 4 [Sir William Johnson] to Rev. Chas. Inglis, regarding a Johnson Hall gift to an Indian boy, support of missionary work, the numbers of the Six Nations, instruction of Indians in mechanic arts and farming, Mr Stuart's mission to the Mohocks and Mr Hall's at Conajoharee and threatened trouble with Spain and France. [Doc. Hist. N. Y. 4:426-^29; Q, 4:267-69] 6 Dec. i [Sir William Johnson] to James De Lancey, discussing Johnson Hall Schermerhorn's project for dividing the Schenectady town lands and annulling grants, and suggesting a plan of highway improvement. 7 i [Sir William Johnson] to Jacob's Mynderse, assuring of Johnson Hall devotion to the interests of the township and exhorting to like faithfulness. 8 3 James Rivington, mentioning the harmony of the English, N York Irish and Scotch in opposition to Spain, the threatened ruin of the Ottoman empire, and an order for twine. 9 4 R. Cartwright about a letter to Robert Adams which he Albany has opened and goods which he has stored. 10 5 David McKinney, stating his choice of land for pur- Hunterdon chase and settlement. II Coun'y, West Jersey 8 John Stevenson about an order for iron. 12 Albany SIR WILLIAM JOHNSON MANUSCRIPTS 473 1770 Dec. 8 Albany 8 Albany IO Albany IO Albany IO Albany 13 Albany 15 Niagara 15 16 NYork 17 New York 17 New York P. Silvester's receipt to Sir William Johnson for 28, 6s, 7d, Hugh Deniston's debt. 20:13 Stephen De Lancey, concerning Johnson's Indian deed and a mortgage. 14 John Stevenson, saying that he sends 13, 2s, to the care of John B. Van Eps of Schonectady. 15 John Stevenson's bill to Sir William Johnson for i3> 2s. 16 Thomas Shipboy's account current with Sir William Johnson. 17 Dr Samuel Stringer, mentioning a draft, an order for con serve of roses, the want of qualified men for the assem bly, the candidacy of the late mayor [Volckert P. Douw], of Harry Van Schaack and Mr Ten Eycke. 18 Order of Jacob Harsin, smith to the Indian department, on Sir William Johnson to pay to Harsin or order 50, dated March 24, 1769; receipted by Cornelius Glen. 19 Account of William and Henry Staats for freight ; receipted by Cornelius Glen. 20 James Rivington on the prospect of war with Spain and the progress of Col. Bradst.reet's suit against the Hardenberg patent. 21 Abraham Mortier about inclosed warrants and receipts. 22 John Wetherhead, regarding goods received from London and goods sent in charge of Captains Lansing and John Fryer. Same to same, informing that goods brought by the Brit- tania are stored, and that Capt. Kimble has brought let ters, and a parcel for Mr Claus. James Cusick about an unsatisfactory meeting with the * magistrates of Schoharry. Col. John Bradstreet, mentioning a hearing before gov ernor and council on his land dispute with Hardenbergh and asking a letter in which certain remarks by Indians at Johnson's house may be stated. Sir William Johnson in account with Henrick Merckel Johnson Hall J un ; bill receipted. 1 23 Capt. John Johnston about minor matters among the Sinake Creek Indians. 24 James Rivington, touching the trifling behavior of the Spanish court and the appearance of plague at Dunkirk. Hugh Gaine, regarding two advertisements inserted in his paper, a book and printed votes. Sir William Johnson's order to Abraham Mortier to pay Hugh Wallace ^825; receipted by Hugh and Alex'r Wallace. Sir William Johnson's order to Abraham Mortier to pay Hugh Wallace 355; receipted by Hugh and Alex'r Wallace. 19 New York 19 Schoharry 20 Albany 2O NYork 24 New York 24 23 24 25 26 28 29 106 104 474 NEW YORK STATE LIBRARY 1770 Dec. 27 Sir William Johnson's order to Abraham Mortier to pay. John Wetherhead ^83, i8s, nd; receipted. 28 Sir William Johnson in account with James Davis ; re ceipted by Isaac Davis. 29 [Sir William Johnson] to Capt. Brown on the killing of Johnson Hall a soldier by Indians [at Niagara]. 31 [Sir William Johnson] to Lieut. Gen. Gage, regarding the Johnson Hall peace between the Six Nations and Cherokees, the mur der of a soldier at Niagara, the sale of liquor to Indians and the action against Lieut. Roberts, who opposed it. Sir William Johnson's account with John Loney. Thomas Morgan's account against Sir William Johnson; receipted. A list of seeds from Mr Chew. Sir William Johnson's account with William Bowen ; accompanied by an "order to Collin Andrews, Detroit, to pay Sir William Johnson 30; drawn at N. York January 8, 1770. An invoice of bales, boxes, casks etc. from [John] Blackburn which came in Capt. Miller's and Capt. Munds's ships. [19:184, 194] Account of surveying done for Sir William Johnson by Robert Picken in 1770; receipted. 1771 Jan. 2 Guy Park 4 G. Johnson, regarding answers to the letters of Gen. [Gage], Gov. Penn, Capt. Brown and Bradstreet. Hendrick Dogsteader's bill and receipt to Sir William Johnson Hall Johnson. 4 P. Silvester, advising in what manner Philip Pier of Albany Canajoharie can be compelled to perform an agreement. .4 [Sir William Johnson] to Lieut. Gov. J. Penn about a Johnson Hall conference with the Mounsey Indians. 5 Stephen DeLancey about spirits and Madeira, want of snow and ambition of the new mayor, [Abraham C. Cuyler] . John Wetherhead, concerning a draft on Mortier, receipts from Captains Munds and Miller, goods and Virginia tobacco. Hugh Wallace, concerning land offered by Sir William, jew's-harps from Ireland, the expected rejection of Judge Livingston, appointment of Bourke, cost of ex change, Sir John and newspapers from Lieut. Roberts. James Rivington, mentioning the death of Lord Granby, decline of the duke of Bedford, Admiral Knowles's entrance into the Russian service, siege of Bender, European preparations for war, excitement in Dublin and Judge Livingston's seat. Sir William Johnson's receipt to Abraham Mortier for 5793 43/56 dollars. 20:105 30 31 36 32 34 35 18:45 19:98 222 20:37 38 39 40 Albany New York New York 7 New York 42 43 44 26:66 SIR WILLIAM JOHNSON MANUSCRIPTS 475 1771 Jan. 8 Sir William Johnson's receipt to Abraham Mortier for 4880 70/224 dollars. James Bloodgood about an order for a chair. Albany 15 Albany II Albany 14 James Rivington, mentioning the death of George Gren- {NewYork] v ill, and the Duke of Argyle, English sentiments as to war, political and military appointments, marriage of Col. [John] Scott to Lord Errott's daughter, quarrel of Wilkes and Parson Home, failure of Peter Rob Livingston, appointment of Mr Burke as colony agent and a conspiracy against the empress of Russia. P. Silvester, inclosing a letter to be sent to Philip Pier and advising that proceedings against him be intrusted to Peter Van Schaack in New York. Certificates of naturalization of the following persons, signed by Abraham C. Cuyler, mayor, and Stephen De Lancey, clerk [18:155, 20:97]: Simon Schrader. [Indorsement and naturalization act read Shreider] George Bendor. [Indorsement and act read Binder] George Rupport. [Indorsement and act read Rupert] Phillip Pelet. [Indorsement and act read Philip Pilet] George Brons. [Indorsement and act read Bronce] George Sheep. [Indorsement reads Stieap, act reads Sharpe] George Crites. [Indorsement reads George Creitz,. act reads Han Ury Creitz] John Carren. [Indorsement reads Joh's Karne, act reads John Karne] Peter Young. Peter Foster. [Indorsement, 18:155 and 20:97 all read Foster but the printed act reads Forster] Frederick Cous. [Indorsement reads Kose, act reads Koose] Mathew Cook. [Indorsement and act read Kough] George Shink. [Indorsement and act read Skink] 15 Jelles Fonda about cloth delivered to Freel, a tailor, and Caughnawaga a bill inserted. Thomas Gage's bill of exchange on Cox & Drummond, Craigs Court, Charing Cross, London, in favor of Hugh and Alexander Wallace for 500; indorsed to Messrs Baker. Thomas Gage's bill of exchange on Cox & Drummond in favor of Hugh and Alexander Wallace for 206, i6s, nd; indorsed to John Blackburn. Gerret Van Sante Jr, regarding " Spow water " delivered to Capt. Pemberton and apples, " Matteglin " [metheg- lin], shot and paint in storage. 26:67 20:45 17 New York 17 New York 19 Albany 60 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 61 62 63 64 476 NEW YORK STATE LIBRARY 1771 Jan. 21 New York 21 New York 21 New York Hugh Wallace, mentioning inclosed bills of exchange and a talk with Tho. Wm. Moore about Mr Lane's Sacon- daga lands. Sam'l Deall, regarding pearl essence, dentrifrice and brushes which he sends. Sam'l DealPs bill to Sir William Johnson. 22 [Sir William Johnson] to Col. Bradstreet, recalling In- Johnson Hall dian declarations about the Hardenbergh patent and lands sold to Bradstreet. 23 Sir William Johnson's order to Abraham Mortier to pay 138 to Daniel Claus ; indorsed in favor of Phyn & Ellice; indorsed by them in favor of Peter V. B. Livingston ; receipted by Livingston. William Whitlock, saying that he wishes to buy and occupy land belonging to Johnson. 20:65 66 67 68 107 23 Frehold in occupy land belonging to Johnson. 69 Munmoth 24 Francis Wade, regarding Johnson's kindness to the Philaa'n writer's brother and family, Mr Fitzsimons, Johnson's nephew, and young Mr Teaf. 70 26 John Sanders and John B. V. Eps, concerning advice Schonectady given by Johnson, a petition of freeholders and a dis pute over a liberty pole. 71 Petition of the freeholders and inhabitants of the town- Schenectady ship of Schenectady to Messrs Jacobus Van Slyck, John Saunders, Isaac Vroman, and others, trustees for the township of Schenectady, against Ryer Scher- merhorn's proposal that all land titles later than 1684 be subject to examination. [Copy inclosed with no. 71] 72 27 Capt. Normand MacLeod to [Sir William Johnson] New York mentioning a " scandalous paper signed Brutus," fight ing between soldiers and Sons of Liberty and trouble between Gov. Franklin and New Jersey Sons and gos siping about various persons. 73 28 Joseph Chew, regarding a meeting with Mr Delancey and Highlands Henry Holland in Albany, Mr Robinson's kindness and the remarkable weather. 74 28 Stephen DeLancey, asking Johnson's influence in behalf Albany o f his appointment as clerk of the new county. 75 29 Thomas Wharton, introducing John Harper and men- Philad'a tioning the alliance of three powers against England and the message of the governor on Indian affairs. 76 29 Sir William Johnson to Hugh Wallace, authorizing the Johnson Hall purchase at stated terms of three lots which Mr Moore is to sell for Mr Lane. 77 29 Certificate of naturalization of John Farlinger, signed by Albany Abraham C. Cuyler, mayor, and Stephen DeLancey, clerk. [18:155, 20:97] 6:211(1) SIR WILLIAM JOHNSON MANUSCRIPTS 477 1771 Jan. 29 30 London 31 Johnson 31 Albany Feb. I Johnson Same, of Frederick Waggoner. 6:211(2) Sir William Johnson's order to Abraham Mortier to pay Hugh Wallace 500; receipted by Hugh and Alex'r Wallace. 20:103 John Blackburn's invoice of a quadrant shipped on the Hope, Capt. Benj. Davies. 78 [Sir William Johnson] to Samuel Baker, sending 500 Hall for investment in bank annuities and asking an account of a past transaction. 79 31 [S ; r William Johnson] to Lieut. Gen. Gage on Thomas Johnson Hall King's journey to the southern tribes, the Seneca who killed a soldier, a law to restrict sales of rum, the im portance of Okeyawass, Indian interest in the coming war and a lieutenancy for Aug'ne Prevost. 80 P. Silvester about a draft for a lease which he has drawn. 81 [Sir William Johnson] to Lieut. Roberts, concerning the Hall chance of advancement of the latter, a draft in favor of Roberts, money advanced him for a land purchase and the Indian congress at the German flatts. 82 i [Sir William Johnson] to George Croghan about ac- Johnson Hall counts, Thomas King's mission to southward, Mr Prevost's ambition and Crogan's indisposition. 83 i [Sir William Johnson] to Messrs Sanders and Van Epps, returning a petition and counseling a quiet and regular procedure. 84 i [Sir William Johnson] to John Blackburne on the delay Johnson Hall i n receipt of goods due to poor sledding, Capt. Munds's late arrival in port, a bill of exchange inclosed, the de mand for vessels on the Lakes, French policy with the Indians and Johnson's interest in the Ohio grant sought by Samuel Wharton. 85 Capt. John Brown, concerning letters given to two In dians for Johnson and the general and the disposition of the Indians. 86 Hugh Wallace, regarding Mr Lane's lands at Sacondaga, Judge [Livingston's] seat, a bill to prevent freeholders of Schenactady and the manors of Ranselaer and Livingston from voting for Albany county members, road bills, division of the county, maps to be sent by Corn's Grant, Irish potatoes and white oats. 87 John Wetherhead, concerning freight receipts, American balsam, price of tobacco and Lisbon wine bought of John Long. 88 James Rivington on the prospect of war, Portugal's atti tude, Lord Chatham's speech, Judge [Livingston's] speech and Col. Johnson's health. 89 [Johnson Hall] 3 Niagara 4 New York 4 New York N 4 York 478 NEW YORK STATE LIBRARY 9 Trenton O Philad'a 10 Philad. 12 Boston 12 1771 Feb. 8 Mr Stuart to Gen. Gage (extract), relative to Cherokee Charles Town disaffection, Shawnese machinations and the war be tween Creeks and Chactaws. Rob't Lettis Hooper Junr, concerning a journey to Fort Pitt, Col. Croghan's transactions in land, the value of land in the Ohio country between Laurel Hill and Red stone, and Hooper's desire to be surveyor general of the colony to be erected there. Thomas Wharton, introducing Carpenter Wharton, sent from home because of an unsuitable attachment. [20:93] Joseph Wharton, asking assistance in saving a son from an unfortunate marriage. Sam'l Fitch to Joseph Chew about Burns [Thomas Byrne], an indentured servant who has been sent to Virginia. [Sir William Johnson] to H. Wallace, concerning land Johnson Hall to be sold by Mr Moore, the disposition of the assem bly, the bill to divide the county, a snowfall, potatoes, oats and Col. Johnson's illness. 13 [Sir William Johnson] to James Rivington, saying that, Johnson Hall if England goes to war, she should act with spirit at the outset. Stephen De Lancey's bill for clerk's fees for naturalizing 15 of Sir William Johnson's tenants 12; receipted by Hend'k B. Ten Eyck. John Johnston, regarding the bearer, Kingwaurauto, good behavior of Sinakes, ill behavior of Cayugas and a letter from Capt. Brown. Address of the general assembly to the Earl of Dun- more, governor, explaining that the delay in legislation to regulat.e Indian trade arises mainly from the difficulty of securing cooperation among the colonies. Peter Van Schaack, sending a deed for a lot in Sachen- dage patent. Hugh Wallace about lands to be bought at Sacondaga, good relations of the governor and assembly and maps sent in charge of Mr Prevost. Abraham Mortier, saying that he sends ^2367, 135, 8d [York] currency, equal to 1381, 35 sterling, by Lieut. Prevost and returns sterling bills drawn on him by Johnson [nos. 103-7, December 24, 1770 January 30, 1771], amounting to 1108, 195, 4$4d. 18 Joseph Chew, mentioning high tides at New London, his New London wish to occupy Col. Johnson's house temporarily, a brush between Susquehannah adventurers and Pensil- vanians and the republication by the Blueskins of Mr Alexander's " fine piece " directed against the Delancy family and Johnson. 13 Albany 14 Sinake Country 15 New York .16 New York I? New York 18 New York 20:90 91 92 93 94 95 97 98 99. iex> 101 102 108 SIR WILLIAM JOHNSON MANUSCRIPTS 479 23 New York 23 1771 Feb. 18 [Sir William Johnson] to the Earl of Hillsborough, in- Johnson Hall forming that the Scioto plains council is ended, the influence of the Northern Confederacy favors good re lations with the English, a general union of the tribes would be dangerous, French intrigues continue, in the case of a European war he will be able to divide the Indians, and the continuance of the boundary line of 1768 northward will probably be permitted by the nations interested. [Doc. Hist. N. Y. 2:980-83; Q, 2:568-69 and Doc. rel. to Col. Hist. N. Y. 8:262-64] 20:109 19 Mr Croghan to Capt. Edmonstone, at Fort Pitt (copy), giving an instance of Shawnese uneasiness, in view of intimations of another French war, and mentioning the purpose of the Indians on the Ohio to retire toward Lake Erie. no John Wetherhead about employment which he has found for Mr Fitzsimmons, his failure to get balsam from Philadelphia and John Harpur of Yorkshire, who will settle in this province. in [Sir William Johnson] to the creditors of Gilbert Tice, Johnson Hall asking indulgence till Tice can perfect his conveyances of a tract near Fort Hunter which he owns. 112 24 An invoice of articles received per Jacobus Swart. 113. Schenectady 24 Capt. Edmonstone to Gen. Gage (extract), informing that Indians near Sandusky are communicating with Wabash Indians, traders are disquieted and Thomas King has held a council with Shawnese, Dellawares and Munsey's. 114 Hugh Wallace on lands advertised by Mr Moore, the bill to divide the county, bill relating to manors, orders for oats, pease and potatoes and the purchase of lands about Fort Stanwix, Sacondago and Lake George. 115 Hugh Gaine, to say that Johnson's lease is in the hands of James Duane, and receipts have been sent in charge of Mr Glen, of Schenectady. 116 James Rivington, inclosing news received by way of Boston and mentioning Lord Dunmore's preference of this government to Virginia. 119. [James] Rivington to [Sir William Johnson], mentioning failures in Dublin, a duel in Hyde park, loss of vessels off the British Isles, a difference between the peers and the commons, English war preparations and the arrival of Spanish troops at Porto Rico. [Inclosed with no. 119] 117 John Blackburn, regarding a quadrant shipped with Capt. Davies, Mr Roberts's claims and extravagances, re lations with Spain and goods sent with Capt. Munds. 118 25 Duplicate of no. 1 18. . 120 Fort Pitt 25 New York 25 New York 25 N York 25 London 480 NEW YORK STATE LIBRARY 1771 Feb. 28 I Sir William Johnson] to Rev. Mr Barton, mentioning Johnson Hall the work of Stewart, Hall and Andrews among the In dians and a church Johnson has built at Conajohare as well as one he has projected at Johns Town and discussing land purchase. [Doc. Hist. N. Y. 4:438-39; Q, 4:274] 20:121 28 [Sir William Johnson] to Dr Arthur Lee, discussing cus- Johnson Hall toms, manners, language and tribal condition of the In dians. [Doc. Hist. N. Y. 4:430-37; Q, 4:269-73 and Stone's Johnson, 2:479-86] 122 Mar. i [Sir William Johnson] to Messrs Cooper and Ogilvie, Johnson HaH concerning Mr Griffith's refusal of the Schenectady church, a suitable missionary for Johnstown and the success of Mr Stewart and Mr Andrews. [Doc. Hist. N. Y. 4:440-41; Q, 4:275] 123 i Wade & Keiuser on the discomforts of the season, ex- Teronto perience. with the Indians and goods taken of Mr Campbell. 124 4 Council minute, granting Edward and Ebenezer Jessup Fort George permission to purchase 40,000 acres on the west side of New York the most northerly branch of Hudsons River. 125 5 Joseph Chew, concerning his efforts to find Thomas New London Byrne in Virginia, Johnson's advertisement of lands, and friends at Johnstown. [Inclosing no. 94] 126 7 Information given by Mohikin John and Joseph before [Fort Pitt] Croghan and McKee, concerning a confederation form ing at the instance of the Six Nations to strike the English and intrigues of the French and Spanish. 127 7 Duplicate of 20:127. 25:156 Intelligence given to Mr Croghan by a Shawnese chief, [Fort Pitt] confirming the disclosures of Mohikin John. 20:128 9 Capt. Edmonstone to Gen. Gage (extract), describing the Fort Pitt bad behavior of Six Nation Indians and mentioning Mr Croghan's information [20:127, 128] and Croghan's unwillingness to give opinions. 129 9 David Becker's bill to Sir William Johnson for work done for Indians; receipted. 130 ii Edward Cole to Joseph Chew, to say that he has engaged Newport Hunter to find Mr Byrne. 131 11 Rob't Lettis Hooper Junr, about a box of scions for graft- Trenton i n g w hich he has sent and elk's horns which are lost. 132 12 John Glen about indisposition, business in New York, an Schonectady appointment to meet Indians and Col. Bradstreet's cause against Hardenberg. 133 13 Capt. Jas. Stevenson about his account, Johnson's message Detroit to the Hurons, rumors of Indian mischief and a boy whom he desires to recover from the Senecas. 134 14 Samuel Peisley, answering an advertisement for a school- New York master. 135 SIR WILLIAM JOHNSON MANUSCRIPTS 481 1771 Mar. 15 [Sir William Johnson] to Mr Wallace, giving new direc tions for the purchase of Mr Lane's Sacondaga lands. 20:136 15 Robert Davis, applying for the place of schoolmaster. 137 New York 15 Petition of Indians to Sir William Jonson, that their Schoharre lands, sold by a part of the tribe to the Vrowmans, may not be made over without consent of the peti tioners. *38 16 John B. V. Eps about an allotment of shares in a patent; Schenectady mentioning Waldrum Blaw and Abraham Fonda. 139 16 [Sir William Johnson] to Maj. Moncrieffe, saying that Johnson Hall only bad roads and bad weather keep Sir John from the society which the major so attractively describes. 140 16 [Sir William Johnson] to Wm. Nelson, Prest. of Vir- Johnson Hall ginia, touching colonial arrangements for managing Indian trade and the boundary line and deed of cession determined at Fort Stanwix. 141 1 6 Thomas Erving, asking employment as schoolmaster; Philadelphia mentioning education, family and misfortunes. 142 16 [Sir William Johnson] to Thomas Wharton, regarding Johnson Hall Mr Harper's visit to the Mohawk country, Carpenter Wharton's misplaced affection and regulation of Indian trade by the colonies. 143 1 6 [Sir William Johnson] to the Earl of Dunmore on the Johnson Hall proposed congress of colonial deputies for regulating trade with Indians, difficulties in the way of regula tion, particularly of the rum business, rules which he formerly maintained [20:149] an d the officiousness and misrepresentations of a N England missionary. 144 17 Daniel Campbell, to say that he will cooperate in putting Schenectady Mr Davis in a way to recover himself. 145 18 John Blackler, asking employment as a schoolmaster; New York mentioning liberal education. 146 18 [Sir William Johnson] to Joseph Wharton, relating Johnson Hall unavailing efforts to win Carpenter Wharton from an undesirable attachment. 147 18 Sam Brown Jun, about his experience in forming a Stockbridge company to buy land of Johnson. 148 22 [Sir William Johnson] to the Earl of Dunmore, inclosing Johnson Hall regulations made in 1761 for government of trade at Niagara and Detroit and general rules issued in 1767. 149 22 [Sir William Johnson] to H. Wallace, supporting Maj. Johnson Hall Fonda's application for land and mentioning Lord Dun- more's early retirement. 150 25 John Stevenson to [Sir William Johnson] about an order Albany for iron and a screw plate. 151 25 W. Me Adam, concerning Maj. Gorham's bill on Johnson N York for 200. 152 16 482 NEW YORK STATE LIBRARY 1771 Mar. 25 Walter Morris and William Bevan, saying that they are New York ' leather breeches makers, belonging to Masonic lodges, and would be glad to settle under Johnson's protection. 20:153 25 Francis Wade, informing that John Kain, a blind harper Philad'a indentured to Johnson, has committed murder and suggesting that the harper be conveyed to Ireland. 154 26 Joseph Chew, regarding oats which Mr McCurdy at New London Saybrook is collecting, an early removal to Johnson's neighborhood and seeds and young trees. 155 26 John Stevenson to [Sir William Johnson], sending his Albany account for iron and informing that he has ordered a screw plate in New York. 156 26 Peter Stoutenburgh's bill to John Witherhead for pork. 160 27 William Pemberton's receipt for articles shipped on his sloop, to be delivered to Sir William Johnson or his agent, John Van Eps. 162 27 [Sir William Johnson] to Rev. Charles Inglis on the Johnson Hall unwillingness of English churchmen to promote the growth of their church in the colonies, reasons for ex tending its work among the Indians and the desire of German Lutherans at Stoneraby to enter its com munion. [Doc. Hist. N. Y. 4:441-44; Q, 4:276-77] 157 28 Hugh Gaine, mentioning a copy of Knox's Campaigns in New York North America which he sends, together with leases, which Mr Duane had examined and altered. 158 28 [Sir William Johnson] to Gen. Gage, regarding the dis- Johnson Hall turbed and jealous state of the Indians, the right policy toward them, the journey and character of Thomas King, and Johnson's accounts. 159 28 Abel Hardenbrook's bill to John Witherhead for storage. 161 29 John Wetherhead about a shipment with Capt. Pember- New York ton, nonimportation of tea, price of nails and pork and the quality of New York rum. 163 James Rivington, informing of a pacific turn in the [New York] French ministry, preparations against New Orleans, and the advantage to Lord George Sackville Germaine of his duel with Gov. Johnstone. 164 John B. V. Eps about a map, wire, iron, lead and Aister Sunday guns. 165 James Rivington, mentioning the King's anger against the [New York] Spanish monarch, expected ministerial changes, aug mentation of the army, a new battalion of artillery of which [Thomas] Ord is to be colonel, [Thomas] James, lieutenant colonel, and [Abraham] Tovey, major, death of Lord Egmont, Capt. Tryon, who will succeed Lord Dunmore, grants that wait his Lordship's sig nature and Watson's Almanack & Registry. 166 Wm. Opey, a smith, to [Sir William Johnson], asking German flats relief in a difficulty into which he has been brought by defending Sir William Johnson's good name. 167 SIR WILLIAM JOHNSON MANUSCRIPTS 483 1771 Apr. i John Wetherhead about goods shipped and the loss or New York detention of freight. John Wetherhead's account 200, 175, lod. 2 John B. V. Eps, concerning lead and iron sent up by bateau in charge of James Carrel. 4 [Sir William Johnson] to Rev. Dr Samuel Auchmuty, Johnson Hall relative to Mr Stewart's and Mr Andrews's ministry, circumstances which hinder the Church of England, and the disposition of Lutherans at Stoneraby to unite with it. \Doc. Hist. N. Y. 4:444-46; Q, 4:277-78] John Blackburn to [Sir William Johnson], touching the chances of peace and war and [Lieut.] Roberts's ap plication. 4 Copy of no. 172. 5 [Sir William Johnson] to Lieut. Gen. Gage on the ex- Johnson Hall pense incurred in obtaining intelligence from Niagara. 5 John B. V. Eps, to describe the difficulty of getting a map from Mr Vrooman and obtaining suitable wire and to mention iron and lead intrusted to James Carel. Wade & Kriuuser, concerning trade with Mr Funda, dealings With Indians, gayety at Johnstotw]n and European affairs. Thos. Shipboy, asking payment of an account. 4 London Teronto 6 Albany 6 Teronto 8 New York Ferrall Wade (private), complaining of the incapacity of his partner and the habits of the Indian in their employ. Hugh Wallace about lands to be bought for Johnson, Lord Dunmore's uncertain position and correspondence with Maj. Funda. Joseph Chew, concerning garden seeds and fruit trees. 9 New London 10 Gen. Thomas Gage's warrant for payment of 4421, 195, New York id ? New York currency, to Sir William Johnson. 14 John B. V. Eps about a map from Mr Vrooman and pork, ammunition and grass seed. 14 John Wetherhead, regarding Mr Carpenter's qualifications New York as a schoolmaster. 15 James Rivington, mentioning English and Spanish senti- N York ment touching the late agreement. 17 Joseph Chew, regarding his indisposition, snow, articles New London shipped, death of Col. Nathan Whiting, illness of Col. Fitch and an assault on the collector of customs. 17 John Hansen, inquiring whether Sir William is admin- Albany istering the estate of Daniel Denniston, against which he is requested by John Roff to begin suit, and in forming that he has been licensed by Gov. Dunmore to practise. 20:169 182 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 26:65 20:181 183 25:157 20:184 185 484 NEW YORK STATE LIBRARY 1771 Apr. 17 Ab'm Ten Broeck, asking payment of an old account. In dorsed with Johnson's statement that the account is settled; also with a characterization of Ten Broeck. 20:186 17 Stephen DeLancey, regarding a legal instrument signed, Albany acknowledged and sent to New York, also goods which Mr Drake will sell. 187 18 [Sir William Johnson] to Lieut. Gen. Gage, discussing Johnson Hall the grievance of the Mohicoon tribe, the pretensions of the Shawanese, dissatisfaction of the Delawares with the treaty of 1765 and the Fort Stanwix treaty and the disposition toward the English of different Iroquois communities. 188 20 Sam Brown Jun, saying that he resigns the thought of Stockbridge making a settlement on Johnson's land. 189 22 Jno. and Wm. Imlay's bill to John Wetherhead. 193(2) [New York] 22 Win. Newton, inclosing, for Mr Mortier, the general's New York warrant. [26:65, April 10] 190 23 John B. V. Eps about Mr Brinkerhof's letter and articles Schenectady sent up in a bateau. 191 24 Henry Ten Eyck Junr to William Hanna, attorney at law in Schenectady, regarding a writ to be served at the request of Johnson. 192 25 John Wetherhead about hams sent with Capt. Pruyn and New York trees, from Mr Chew, sent with Pemberton. 193(1) 25 William Hanna, sending a blank bail bond and a sheriff's Schenectady wr it to be filled out with a deputy's name. 194 26 John B. V. Eps to Douwe Fonda, at Cagnawagoe, inform- Schindy ing of goods sent on in a bateau for Sir William John son ; receipt of goods acknowledged the 29th by Fonda. 195 26 H. V. Schaack about interviews between his brother and Kinderhook the Governor relating to the dispute between Col. Rens- selaer and the people of Kinderhook over military matters. 196 28 John B. V. Eps about accounts in the hands of Col. Glen, a bateau load forwarded to Mr Fonda, a talk with John Stevenson and promises from the people of Mr Curry's bush. 197 29 Joseph Chew, regarding his illness, attendance at a suit, N London a meeting with Col. Fitch and oats sent to Mr Wallace for Johnson. 198 29 Peter Fitzsimons, regarding a Mr Taffe who receives New York favors as a supposed nephew of Johnson. 199 30 John Stevenson to [Sir William Johnson], concerning a Albany screw plate bought and forwarded. 200 30 Francis Wade, concerning Kane, a servant of Johnson's, Philada. whom Wade has ordered to Virginia, Mr Teaf's lib erties with Johnson's name and Sir William's assist ance to Wade's brother [FerrallL 201 SIR WILLIAM JOHNSON MANUSCRIPTS 485 1771 May i William Pemberton about Mr Fitzsimmonds's journey to Albany Johnson Hall and a billiard table sent to the care of Van Eps. 20:203 4 John Blackburn, treating of orders for goods, the internal London quarrels of France, the Turks and Russians, Lord North's naval preparations, a bounty on staves and heading, a bill in the interest of the India Company and Lieut. Roberts's memorial. [Copy with no. 239] 204 4 H. V. Schaack to [Sir William Johnson], regarding a Kinderhook report that Rensselaer is reinstated in his command. 205 6 John B. V. Eps, mentioning goods sent in a bateau to Schindy Mr Fonda. 206 6 Testimonials (copies) of S. Finley (Nottingham, October Schenectady 2 , 1756), Robt Smith (Pequea, February 19, 1757), the Jersey College at Prince-Town (Philad'a, March 10, 1759) and Peter R't Livingston to the learning and good habits of William Hanna ; testimonial of Jonathan Lee,- pastor of Church of Christ in Salisbury (May 24, 1760) to membership and standing; of Jonathan Lee to lieensure as a preacher; and of John McCrea, John Munro and Rob't Henry, elders of the Presbyterian church in Albany, to an acceptable ministry. [Inclosed in 20 1209] [Doc. Hist. N. Y. 4 1447-49.; Q, 4 :279~8o] 207 6 James Rivington, mentioning England's relations with N York France and Spain, Bishop Lowth's public commenda tion of Johnson's missionary zeal and Gov. Lord Dun- more's application to remain. 208 8 William Hanna, concerning testimonials inclosed and as- Schenectady persions made by the Presbyterians on his leaving them. 209 9 Sir William Johnson to the Earl of Dunmore, reviewing Johnson Hall the dispute between Ranslear and the inhabitants of Kinderhook over commissions in the Claverack regi ment, suggesting an equitable arrangement and con sidering militia reorganization under Sir H. Moore. 210 9 Duplicate of no. 210. 211 ii John B. V. Eps about orders filled. -212 Schenectady 13 James Rivington, mentioning a contest of the mayor and N York two aldermen of London with the House of Commons, also the demands of France and Spain on England and war preparations of the Swedes and Danes and the Dutch. 213 16 Edward Wall on Lieut. Galland's condition, a meeting Fort Stanwix w ith Oneidas, their displeasure at Mr Kirkland for re fusal to marry and baptize, opposition of Phynn & Ellice to the writer and a payment to Mr Steel. 214 18 John B. V. Eps about a bateau load sent to Cagnawagoe, Schenectady timothy seed from Mr McMaster and interest paid Mr Golden. 215 486 NEW YORK STATE LIBRARY 1771 May 21 Dirck Brinckerhoff, concerning Gilbert Tice's indebted- New York ness, legal steps taken by Brinckerhoff and terms which he offers Tice ; also exchange of land with John son. 20 1216 24 [Sir William Johnson] to Rev. Dr Auchmuty, concern- Johnson Hall ing William Hanna's desire to take orders in the Church of England. [Doc. Hist. N. Y. 4:446-47; Q, 4:278-79] 217 25 [Sir William Johnson] to John Blackburn, London, giving Johnson Hall an order, sending a bill for his share of the Ohio tract and mentioning Lieut. Roberts's expenses and the effect on the Indians of the prospect of war. 218 25 Same to Robert Adems, ordering Long Island or Cowpen Johnson Hall tobacco for Indians and articles for himself. 25:158 27 Sir William Johnson's receipt for 11,054 198/224 dollars received of Abraham Mortier. 26:68 28 Samuel Baker, giving the state of Johnson's account and London offering to receive and invest funds if furnished with a power of attorney. 20:219 28 Duplicate of no. 219. 220 29 Capt. Turnbull to Gen. Gage (extract), regarding the Missilimack- misfortunes of Bruce, a trader, offenses of the Grand inac Sauteu, quarrels of Chippewas, Foxes and Puans and news of the Poutetamies brought by Ottawas from Arbre Croche. 221 A rude map without names. 223 29 Ferrall Wade about indebtedness to Johnson, Indian [Niagara] trade, an order to Mr Campbell, the difficulty of mov ing, a communication with wampum, a white otter, goods, provisions, and a letter to Funda. [No. 224(2) precedes no. 224(1)] 224 June i Joseph Gorham's order to Sir William Johnson to pay Philidilphia William McAdam 100. 225 i Alex'r Baxter, explaining why he has fortified his house, Gloster, River relating his proceedings with Indians in the mining St Maries country and describing discoveries and prospects; post script of June 3, comparing expense of mining with Cornwall. 226 Gov. Guy Carleton's pass to Alexander Baxter to go to Lake Superiour, given June 26, 1769 (copy). Report of a council between [Henry] Bostwick and others and the Chepawaa nation June 30, 1769, at Michilimakinac (copy). Baptiste Cadote's certificate [in French] to the correctness of the report. [Inclosed in 20:226] 227 7 Ferrall Wade, writing of a canoe trip to the post for Niagara goods, furs and skins to be sent according to John son's directions, Indian dissipation and competition with the Dutch. 228 Invoice of packs from Wade & Kreiser. 222 SIR WILLIAM JOHNSON MANUSCRIPTS 487 1771 June 7 Council minute, granting permission to Joseph Totten, Fort George Stephen Crossfield, and their associates to purchase New York a tract of land on the west side of the most northerly branch of Hudson River. 7 Lieut. B. Roberts, mentioning illness, a draft on Johnson, London an interview with Lord Hillsborough, claims against the government, a suit brought by an absconding debtor, ambition for rural retirement, a time-serving friend, money due at Michilimackinak. B. Roberts's petition (copy) to the Lords Commissioners of His Majesty's Treasury for reimbursement for losses and expenses in the Indian service. [Inclosed with no. 230] 8 John B. V. Eps, regarding articles sent to Mr Fonda in Schindy charge of Hans Rigtmeir and John Cammell and articles in Van Eps's care. 8 Daniel Campbell about Johnson's lodge at Mountjoy, Schenectady fishing and fowling, the reported loss of Capt. Grant's sloop, with packs belonging to Jacobous Teller, Nick Stevens & Co. and Jacobous and Abraham Van Eps, and preparations of the militia to receive the governor. 8 Lieut. John Galland, relating an outrage of which Mr Fort Stanwix Wall is the victim and John Ruff the author. 9 Capt. John Johnston to [Sir William Johnson], regarding Sinake the disaffection of the Indians at the Ilinoies, scalps Country taken by Onandagos, canoe making at Kanadasaga and the return of Otoangaut's party. ii Dr Samuel Auchmuty, quoting communications from Dr New York Burton and the bishop of London on the difficulty of extending missionary work in America and discussing the case of a Lutheran minister and of a dissenting clergyman [William Hanna] who wish to take English orders, and the demand for an American bishop. [Doc. Hist. N. Y. 4:440-52; Q, 4:280-81] ii Wade & Keiuser about packs sent down, rum and pro- Teronto vision from Niagara and competition with new traders. 15 John Blackburn, mentioning a bounty on white oak staves, London the Ohio grant, [Richard] Penn's death, the lord lieu tenancy of Ireland and a presaged peace between Russia and the Turks. [On back, copy of no. 204] [Copy with no. 238, July 3] 15 John B. V. Eps, regarding an inclosed voucher, corn Schindy to be sent to Canajogare and guns and powder to be forwarded to Fonda's. 18 Wade & Keiuser, regarding another letter and the bearer Teronto o f this. 18 Wade & Kreuser, giving a list of goods on hand and Teronto describing trade, as well as the character and habits of an Indian in their employ. 20:229 230 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 239 240 241 242 488 NEW YORK STATE LIBRARY 1771 June 19 Council minute, granting permission to Jelles Fonda and Fort George associates to purchase 40,000 acres on Wood Creek. New York 20 1243 20 Albany Johannes V. Douw, Joh's Beeckman, Aendres Truaex and John Visger, certifying that Abraham Van Antwerpen, at Oswego in 1750, bought a Pawny [Indian] of the Etwawas, who is now the slave of Harme Gansevoort, Albany. Ferrall Wade about business, bad behavior of an Indian and pleasant relations with Capt. Brown. Maj. Aug. Prevost about bills drawn by Col. Croghan and business in which Prevost is advised by Harry Cuyler and John Stevenson. James Rtivington], concerning the contest between Dun- more and Tryon for the governorship. Gw. Banyar, concerning a balance on account, sums due from the proprietors of Oriskene, Mr Adems's fees, money owed to Johnson by Gov. Gage and the Walker family, Jelles Fonda's purchase, Renselaer's commission, and Tryon's. Rev. Harry Munro, by Joseph Brent, concerning an at tempt to disturb the peace of his congregation. [Doc. Hist. N. Y. 4:452-53; Q, 4:282] [Sir William Johnson] to Dirck Brinkerhoff, supporting Johnson Hall the honesty of Mr Tice and advising acceptance of his land for debt ; also declining to purchase a gore [behind Kingsland]. 27 [Sir William Johnson] to Lieut. Gen. Gage, concerning Johnson Hall Thomas King's efforts to call a council at the Scioto plains, Johnson's invitation to chiefs to meet him and measures taken by the Creeks to restrain settlers. 28 Richard Shuckburgh, regarding intelligence brought by Schenectady J) r Muirson, of Long Island. Account of the battle at the Alamasa river, May 16, between the governor's [Tryon's] army and the Regu lators. [Inclosed with no. 252] Johanes Lawyer, concerning overpayment by Johnson and Sir Henry Moore for their interest in a patent. 22 Niagara 22 Albany 24 NYork 24 New York 25 Albany 27 28 Schoharry 28 Memorandum for files for the smith. 29 Wessel Van Schaick about an order hard to fill. Albany 29 John B. V. Eps about an order filled and the condition of Schindy Indian corn which he has in care. 30 Ferrall Wade about illness, parchment skins sent down Niagara and the reasons he does not correspond with his brother, Francis. July 3 Charles McEvers's account to Sir William Johnson for New York glass, paint and nails. 244 245 246 247 248 249 250 251 252 253 254 256 255 257 258 259 SIR WILLIAM JOHNSON MANUSCRIPTS 489 1771 July 3 Jacob Snell stating terms on which William Empie and Canajoharry Hendrick Wolleber will take up land in Johnson's tract. 20:260 3 John Blackburn, mentioning difficulties about the Ohio London grant, troubles of [Samuel] Wharton and Roberts, and [John] Wilkes's success. [On first page, copy of no. 239] 238 3 Copy of no. 238. 261 4 [Sir William Johnson] to Rev. Mr Inglis, stating the Johnson Hall obstacles to the Christianization of Indians and reasons for their conversion to the English church; mentioning a conference with 300 Indians. [Doc. Hist. N. Y. 4:453-^55; Q> 4:282-83] 262 4 [Sir William Johnson] to Dr Samuel Auchmuty, con- Johnson Hall sidering the English churches at Conajoharee and Johns Town, the Lutheran minister and [William Hanna] in connection with English orders, and the application of the Maryland and Virginia clergy for an American bishop. [Doc. Hist. N. Y. 4:455-57; 0,4:284] 263 4 Dirck Brinckerhoff, asking an answer to his proposal to Albany exchange a gore of land for another lot. 264 4 [Sir William Johnson] to Joh's Lawyer, regarding the Johnson Hall partition of a patent in which the late Sir H. Moore was concerned. 265 8 Capt. John Brown, regarding intelligence which Mon- Niagara sieur Maisonville brings from Detroit, lands granted to the latter by Pondiac and good professions by Indians at the post. 266 8 George Demler, thanking for a business favor and men- Bristol on tioning works at Philadelphia interrupted because the Delaware prospect of war is lessening. 267 8 James Rivington, acquainting with the arrival of Gov. N York Tryon from North Carolina and with a difference be tween France and Spain over the Jesuits. 21:1 10 Joseph Chew, explaining that his delay in removing is New London caused by the objection of creditors to a reasonable accommodation and mentioning Johnson's bounty to him. 2 11 [Sir William Johnson] to Hect'r Theo's Cramahe, Johnson Hall commander in chief of the province of Quebec, repre senting the objections of the Indians at Caghnawaga [near Montreal] to any settlement of French families among them. 3 17 Dr Peter Middleton to [Sir William Johnson], regarding N York Mr Middleton of S. Carolina, who is making a tour to the lakes. 4 18 Gw. Banyar, introducing Mr Middleton and mentioning New York Gov. Tryon's engaging qualities and Lord Dunmore's reluctance to leave the province and his lands. 5 490 NEW YORK STATE LIBRARY 1771 July 20 Schindy 21 Peterhead 22 Albany 22 25 London 2Q New York 29 Albany Aug. I London 2 Williams- burgh 5 New York John B. V. Eps to [Sir William Johnson] on articles to be sent by Mr Cartwright, articles in Van Eps's keeping and a bateau that can be bought for 6. 21 :6 Lord Adam Gordon, saying that signs point to contin uance of peace, Johnson's public services are of the highest value, the last peace should have given England sole control of the Missisipi, the rapid settlement of the Mohawk Valley is most interesting, but the loss of emigrants by England is serious, he has arranged for the expenses connected with his patent, but marriage puts off the improvement of his American properties ; mentioning Col. Morris, the Duchess of Atholl and Gov. Tryon. 7 Ebn'r Jessup, mentioning orders from Isaac Low to pur chase of the Indians lands described on a certain map and asking Johnson to learn the Indians' price for lands north of the west branch of the Hudson. 8 Henry Ten Eyck Jun'r, sheriff, about the demand of the attorneys against Capt. Tice that the bail bond be as signed them for prosecution. 9 John Blackburn's invoice of merchandise shipped on the Hope, Capt. Ch. Miller, to the care of Henry White, New York, for Sir William Johnson. 10 James Rivington, mentioning the deaths of Lords Hali fax, Strange, Shaftsbury and Elgin and the bishop of St Davids, political and ecclesiastical changes, move ments of British fleets, bankruptcy of the French gov ernment and Gen. Romanzow's campaign on the Danaub. n Jno. Monier, sending account of postage from May n, 1770, to July 4, 1771. 12 John Blackburn to [Sir William Johnson], to say that he has received a remittance and has lost track of Lieut. Roberts, that Russia and the Porte may draw England and France into their quarrel, Lord North is " fixd as Minister," goods are shipped by the Hope, and orders from Phila. and So. Carolina exceed the British supply. [Copy in no. 14, August 31] 13 Augustine Prevost to [Sir William Johnson] about Kats- kill lands which Mr Lett's advertisement prevents his selling, Col. Maitland's proposal, farms at Otsego Lake to be exchanged in a transaction with Lieut. Demler, a payment to Mrs DeVisme, a Canadian appointment which Maj. Skeene is trying to get for Prevost, Hugh Wallace and lady, the new governor and an expected letter from Croghan. 15 Hugh Wallace on Lord Dunmore's departure, the new governor's qualities, Maj. Warren Johnson, and Byrne's journey to Johnson Hall. 16 SIR WILLIAM JOHNSON MANUSCRIPTS 49! 1771 Aug. 9 [Sir William Johnson] to Lieut. Gen. Gage on the pro- Johnson Hall ceedings with the Six Nations and the sentiments of Chio Indians and Senccas. 21:1; 10 William Smith to Johannes Lawyer (copy), requiring New York that the title to the late Sir Henry Moore's share in a patent be conveyed to him, as representing the widow, in order that the lands may be divided ; and asking statement of objections to a will with proofs thereof. i& 13 Ferrall Wade on the skin trade just opening, an invitation Head of Lake to trade at Miskatiwa, boats ordered from Mr Funda, Ontario value of goods on hand, his debts and the loss of Mr Grant's vessel between Missilamackina and Detroit. 19 15 John Glen, William Hanna and Ab'm Wempel about the Schenectady purchase of a tract north of the Mohawk, on both sides of the upper Canada creek. 20 15 Petition of Adam Carson and Alexander Hamilton to Sir William Johnson, to say that they are settled on the west branch of Susquahana and to pray that Senecas who have stolen six horses may be compelled to make restitution. 25:159 16 Eben'r Jessup, asking if it will be agreeable to the Indians that a line be run west from Lake George for the new township. 21 :22 19 Rev. Charles Inglis, congratulating on the praises uttered New York by Bishop Lowth relative to services rendered the Indians, submitting a draft of a memorial, commending Gov. Tryon's character and religious zeal, and inquir ing as to the powers of the Bishop of Quebec under the treaty [of 1763] and a map of the Iroquois country. [Doc. Hist. N. Y. 4:457-59; Q, 4:285-86] 23 Minutes and vote of the commissioners of the Company for propagating the gospel in New England and parts adjacent [New England Company], conveying thanks to Johnson for encouragement of Mr Kirkland. [Doc. Hist. N. Y. 4:460; Q, 4:286] [Copy, inclosed with letter of Gov. Hutchinson of July 3Oth to which 25:160 is a reply] 24 21 [Sir William Johnson] to Gov. Hutchinson, asking ex- Johnson Hall tracts from Mr Kirtland's journal and vindicating his treatment of New England missionaries. 25:160 22 [Sir William Johnson] to John Glen &c., about the pur chase of a tract north of the Mohock. [On back of 21 :2o] 21 :2i 22 [Sir William Johnson] to Rev. Mr Kirtland, asking the Johnson Hall nature of a communication to the Committee at Boston for propagating Christian faith. [Doc. Hist. N. Y. 4:460-61, Q, 4:287] 25 22 [Sir William Johnson] to Lieut. Gen. Gage, explaining Johnson Hall his policy toward quarrels among tribes and expressing surprise at Lord Hillsborough's censure. 26 492 NEW YORK STATE LIBRARY 1771 Aug. 25 Niagara 27 New York 29 Teronto 2 9 Toronto 31 London 31 Sept. I London Capt. John Brown about a visit from Messrs Middleton & McQueen, a half-breed boy at Sault de St Louis and Lieut. Dysart's proposal to wait on Johnson. Hugh Wallace, regarding articles ordered by Johnson, the patent of Oriskany, Mr Prevost's lands, the Gov ernor's affability and his Indian purchase, division of Albany county, James Delancy's indolence and the fish at Mount Joy. Wade & Keiuser, regarding needs and condition of trade, the Indian recommended by Col. Claus and a difference between Matt and Francis [Wade], [Wade & Kreuser] to Jellis Funda, discussing charges for goods and other business matters. [Copy, inclosed with no. 29] John Blackburn to [Sir William Johnson], mentioning French political distraction, Spanish and English war preparations and carnage in the Turco-Russian cam paign. Copy of no. 13 and first part of no. 31. Lieut. B. Roberts, concerning Dr Cadogan's treatise against port, Carleton's partiality to Frenchmen, La Naudiere's office, Rogers's success, Roberts's suit and Wilkes's character, aspect and political designs. John Stevenson about an order for iron. Albany I Albany 10 IO London John Stevenson's bill to Sir William Johnson for iron and steel. [Sir William Johnson] to Rev. Charles Inglis, acknowl- Johnson Hall edging Bishop Lowth's commendation of his service to [the conversion of Indians] and considering Gov. Tryon's disposition toward the interests of the church, the rights of the bishop of Quebec and maps of the Indian country. [Doc. Hist. N. Y. 4:461-62; Q, 4:287-88] John Blackburn to [Sir William Johnson], regarding a shipment by the Britannia, a contemplated increase of the contingent money for America and prospective arrangement of the tea duty, a new government pro posed for the Missisipi, French retrenchment and Eng lish expansion, Lord North's position and a timber scheme for the benefit of the navy, in which Johnson is invited to take 'a share. Signed copy of no. 36. Wm. Younge, an imprisoned debtor, craving food and clothing, pleading hard treatment from creditors and asking Johnson to support a bill for relief of insolvent debtors. 10 12 City Hall, Albany 21:27 28 31 14 32 33 34 35 36 37 SIR WILLIAM JOHNSON MANUSCRIPTS 493 1771 Sept. 1 6 Capt. John Brown about a French medal which a young Niagara Indian from one of the branches of the Ohio wishes to exchange for an English one, also belts sent to the Six Nations. 21 139 16 Mohikin Abraham, asking that the sale by the Stock Bridge Mohikins of a tract " lying above Albany from the Mouth of Wood Creek or Auwgwasaga upwards " be forbidden, as it belongs to him. 40 19 [Sir William Johnson] to LieUt. Gen. Gage, mentioning Johnson Hall Croghan's desire to quit the service, forts built by the French in the west, Thomas King's bold and loyal words to western nations, McKee's journal, a Shawa- nese deputation to the Six Nations, the sale of rum, bad behavior of Indians of Ouabache and encroach ments of settlers beyond the boundary of 1768. 41 19 Hugh Wallace, mentioning Dr Dease, Johnson's nephew, New York the spring at Kayaderosseras, Lord Dunmore's amiable qualities, Gov. Tryon's politeness, James Delancy and the division of the county, the county town, and jew's- harps sent up with skipper Henry Marseiles. 42 21 Rev. Charles Inglis on Johnson's zeal for converting and New York civilizing the Indians, the right method of enlisting Gov. Tryon's cooperation, Gov. Franklin's proposal of a fund to be obtained from islands in the Delaware river, the necessity of a fund to the success of an intended memorial to the English government, Col. Johnson's map of the Iroquois country, Mr Stuart's journey, and sickness prevalent in New York. [Doc. Hist. N. Y. 4:462-65; Q, 4:288-89] 43 21 [Sir William Johnson] to Samuel Baker, London, sending Johnson Hall a power of attorney which will allow dividends to be received and invested in stock. 44 22 Ferrall Wade, relative to Keiuser's trade prospects at Teronto Pemiskittyon, a great chief's advice to his people, Wade's speech on 10 strings of wampum, goods in stock, Mr Campbell's and Mr Funda's charges, and the entertaining of the great chief. 45 24 Maj. Jelles Fonda about men to man a bateau, red and Cachnewago blue worsted, lands at Forth Stanwix which he wants, getting ginseng at Onondago and Cayugo, and a letter from Hon. Henry Wite. 46 24 [Sir William Johnson] to the Earl of Hillsborough, Johnson Hall recommending Rev. Charles Inglis's memorial [21 143] touching the Christianization of Indians and commend ing Rev. Dr Cooper, Presd't of N. York Colledge. Woe. Hist. N. Y. 2:987-88; Q, 2:572] 47 28 Rev. Wm. Andrews, soliciting patronage of a grammar Schenectady school which he has openecj. [)oc. Hist. N- Y. 4:466-67; o. 4:290! 48 494 NEW YORK STATE LIBRARY 1771 Sep'.. 28 [Sir William Johnson] to Rev. Charles Inglis, discussing Johnson Hall a memorial relative to conversion of Indians [21 :43l, showing why husbandmen and mechanics should be excluded from them and mentioning Dr Cooper's merits. [Doc. Hist. N. Y. 4:465-66; Q, 4:289-90] 21:49 29 Ferrall Wade about trade rivals, Keiuser's success with Teronto the Indians and the need of rum. 50 30 James Rivington on a rumor of fresh trouble between the N York courts of St James and Madrid. 51 Jelles Fonda, concerning lands which he has inspected Fort Stanwix am j a journal kept by Mr Wall. [Not dated but written shortly after no. 46] 52 Oct. 3 John Johnston, to inform that he is well received by the Baskootayan Indians and French traders of the Missasaugus country and that two leading Indians desire laced hats and coats. 54 5 Gen. Thomas Gage's warrant to Abraham Mortier for New York paying 4264, lod to Sir William Johnson. 26:69 9 Joseph Chew, to inform that he has petitioned the gen- New London era! assembly for release from his debts on assignment for the benefit of creditors, and [Beverly] Robinson, Mr McEvers, Mr Apthorp and Mr Bayard have in terested themselves in his behalf. 21 :$6 14 Turbutt Francis, asking that he may succeed Mr Cro- Philadelphia ghan, should the latter resign his office, and mention ing Gen. Gage's friendly interest. 57 14 Carpenter Wharton, regarding a china breakfast set Philadelphia which he presents to Sir William, the progress of china and glass manufacture in the province and news from Samuel Wharton that the establishment of a new government on the Ohio is nearly completed. 58 15 Abraham Mortier, to say that he incloses a warrant for New York 4264, lod and has arranged to accommodate Sir John with funds. 59 17 Joseph Chew, informing that the General Assembly has New Haven act ed favorably on his petition. 60 22 Dirck Brinckerhoff, renewing a request for an exchange New York o f lots and mentioning an assurance given him pre vious to his drawing the gore adjoining Johnson's royal grant. 61 23 Rev. Charles Inglis, acknowledging a courtesy, accepting New York suggestions for the memorial to be sent to England [21 .-43], reciting arguments introduced at Col. John son's direction and mentioning Gov. Tryon, Lord Hills- boro', the Bishop of Oxford [Lowth], Dr Cooper, Sir John and Col. Johnson, and Kirtland. [Doc, Hist. N. y. 4:467-69; Q, 4:291-92] 63 SIR WILLIAM JOHNSON MANUSCRIPTS 495 1771 Oct. 25 Hugh Wallace, mentioning a visit from Sir John and New York Col. Johnson, a journey to Philadelphia, where he will try to buy two servants for Sir William, and a 2000 acre purchase in Service's patent, suggesting bounds for the new county and inviting Johnson to spend the winter with him. 26 P. Silvester, regarding a charge and complaint against Albany a gentleman not named. 28 Ferrall Wade about Mr Keiuser's trade, losses due to Teronto failure to receive goods, Mr Campbell's neglect of letters, and Lieut. Poyntin's success in hunting and fishing. 30 John Stevenson's bill to Sir William Johnson for locks Albany an( j hinges ; with a note from Mrs Stevenson. Nov. 5 Rev. William Andrews, saying that he has changed his Schenectady grammar school to an academy, and the 40 paid him by the society and the 40 added by the mission are insufficient ; offering to preach at times in Johnson's church. [Doc. Hist. N. Y. 4:470-71; Q, 4:292-93] 6 [Sir William Johnson] to Turbutt Francis, expressing Johnson Hall the opinion that Mr Croghan should continue in office and assuring Mr Francis of high regard for his merit and capacity. 6 [Sir William Johnson] to Dirck Brinckerhoff, agreeing Johnson Hatt to exchange a lot for the gore [back of Kingsland]. 6 [Sir William Johnson] to Henry White, thanking for Johnson Hall care of articles received by the Hope and for civilities to Sir John and Col. Johnson. 6 [Sir William Johnson] to Hugh Wallace, regarding cour- Johnson Hall tesies to Sir John and Col. Johnson, boundaries of the new county, its capital, 2000 acres to be conveyed to Wallace, money due from Mr Mortier and Lord Ilchester's debt for land. 6 Ebenezer Jessup, agreeing that Johnson shall fix the price Albany f or a tract bought of Indians. 10 Capt. John Brown about the Seneka who wishes an Johns Town English medal, and his own and John Stedman's dis appointment in the hope of waiting on Johnson at Sacondago. Maj. Augustine Prevost about money advanced by Sir William and Sir John's installation in new dignities. Hugh Wallace, repeating an invitation and mentioning the line between Albany and Ulster counties, Gov. Tryon'i intended purchase, Mr Wallace's deed, Lord Ilchester's land, Mr Mover's }l}w an2 omitted."] 21 196 John Lamb to Gilbert Tice, to the care of Dr John Constable, Schenectady, urging payment of a debt, to the end that Lamb may meet obligations of his own. 98 Capt. James Stevenson, mentioning the murder of a trader's servant by a Wiandot of Sandusky, the In dians' desire for a church bell, and lawless behavior by traders. 99 Ebenezer Jessup, sending a description of lands to be conveyed by the Indians and mentioning efforts to ob tain good cider. 100 Map of lands bought for Totten & Crossfield in 1771, showing also names of owners on the south. 101 Map of lands on north and west branches of Hudsons River, being along the south bounds of Totten & Crossfield's purchase. 102 Another map of the same territory. 103 Map of Totten & Crossfield's purchase and lands to the south, showing the Totten & Crossfield's purchase divided into lots and numbered. 104 Hillsborough to Lord William Campbell (copy), ap- proving the choice of Mr Cunningham for Indian commissary in Nova Scotia. [Doc. Hist. N. Y. 2:989; Q, 2:573] 105 15 Phyn & Ellice's bill to Sir William Johnson. 106 Schenectady 15 Phyn & Ellice, concerning letters from Niagara, green Schenectady tea sent and Tenereeff wine which will be supplied at 55, 6d a gallon. 107 Isaac Low, repudiating Ebenezer Jessup's contract for lands on the west branch of Hudson's River and acquainting with the selection of Thomas Palmer to act for the writer and his associates. 108 Henry Ten Eyck Junr, sheriff, explaining that his process against Capt. Tice is an execution returnable in the Supreme Court and apologizing for the arrest of Mr Davis at Johnson's house. 109 Ph. Schuyler, asking to be furnished with a plan for dividing the new county into districts and a list of persons fitted to be justices and supervisors. 25:162 Oliver DeLancey, promising to support Johnson's scheme for a new county and advising a petition to the gov ernor in council, the county of Cumberland having been established through that authority. 163 John Lamb to Gilbert Tice, explaining that measures which he has taken against Tice are due to fear of liroilar action against himself for debt. 2HJJO 18 New York 18 Albany 18 New York 18 New York 20 SIR WILLIAM JOHNSON MANUSCRIPTS 499 1772 Jan. 22 Albany 23 Albony 27 Teronto 27 Abraham C. Cuyler, mayor, saying that the corporation council will not allow Capt. Tice to occupy their room during his imprisonment. 21:112 Capt. Gilbert Tice, asking Johnson's intervention for his release from prison and inclosing Mr Lamb's . letter. [21:98] 113 Ferrall Wade, mentioning the habits of " the Johnsons " among the Indians, the abundance of fish and game, a French and a Dutch rival in trade, peltry and goods on hand, the trade outlook. 114 List of skins on hand, with values. [Inclosed with no. 114]' 194 27 [Sir William Johnson] to Rev. Charles Inglis on the Johnson Hall means of placing Mrs Ellis on the list of beneficiaries of a fund for ladies whose connections have served the state, his want of influence in Ireland, Dr Cooper's mission to England and the growing reputation of N York College. [Doc. Hist. N. Y. 4:472-73; Q, 4:293- 94] H5 Gilbert Tice, showing that his release will enable him to satisfy his creditors temporarily. 116 [Sir William Johnson] to Isaac Low, mentioning his Johnson Hall efforts to assist Mr Jessup in a purchase from the In dians and asking wherein Jessup deviated from in structions. 117 29 [Sir William Johnson] to Col. Philip Schuyler, acknowl- Johnson Hall edging aid to the new county bill and considering the southern boundary and appointment of officers. 25:164 Draft of boundaries of precincts or districts of the new county. [Inclosed in 25:164] 165 Feb. 4 Tho. Penn, asking payment of 50 lent to Capt. Roberts SpringGarden O n Johnson's credit. 21:118 5 Henry Ten Eyck Junr, stating that he can not release Mr Tice without becoming liable to Mr Lamb. 119 Volckert P. Douw, Peter Lansingh and John Macomb, informing that they have appointed Johnson Hall as the place of balloting for lots belonging to the Hosack patent. 120 Capt. Gilbert Tice about his creditors and imprisonment, Mr Lamb's distress and the writer's disposition to arrest Carril for debt. 121 Dirck Brinckerhoff and D. Brinckerhoff Jun'r to Gilbert Tice, to say that they will take, in satisfaction of his debts to them, Maj. Fonda's bonds and, in default of such security, will proceed against him. 122 Isaac Low, showing that Mr Jessup exceeded his powers in purchasing land and agreeing to admit Fonda and Glen as partners in a purchase, 123 28 Alboney 29 Albany Albany 6 Albany New York 500 NEW YORK STATE LIBRARY 1772 Feb 8 Hugh Gaine about copies of " the Votes " sent in charge New York o f Mr Pemberton. 21:124 8 Hugh Wallace, mentioning progress of the bill for the new county, judges, assistant justices, justices of the - peace and other officers to be appointed, and invasion of Poland by Prussians. 25:166 Gw. Banyar on the proposed counties, qualifications for county clerk, Jessup's land purchase, Johnson's account with the late Abraham Mortier and money advanced by Banyar to Mr Adems. 167 Peter W. Yates, attorney for Mr Tice, acquainting with the expectation of the latter that Johnson will be his security for money due Mr Lamb. 21:125 Henry Ten Eyck Junr to Maj. Jellis Fonda, informing of the terms on which Messrs Brinckerhoff will dis charge Mr Tice's debt. 126 13 Maj. Jelles Fonda about letters from the Brincerhofs and Cachnewago the sheriff. 127 Capt. Gilbert Tice about an arrangement with creditors that will permit his release from prison, Sir William's efforts in his behalf and Mr Yates's kindness. 128 Samuel Baker, informing that a power of attorney sent him is inadequate, but he will purchase stock for John son in his own name and transfer it when he is ade quately empowered. 129 Duplicate of no. 129. 130 Peter W. Yates, informing that Mr Tice is released and inclosing an obligation for Johnson to sign. 131 A bond by which Sir William Johnson engages to pay John Lamb ^362 in one year; not signed. 132 15 [Sir William Johnson] to Lieut. Gen. Gage, mentioning Johnson Hall death of Thomas King and relating proceedings of Six Nation deputies at Fort Pitt with Shawanese, at Scioto with Shawanese and Cherokees and at Gohi with Creeks, Cherokees and Catawbas. 133 16 [Sir William Johnson] to William Gamble, explaining Johnson Hall that the clerk of the county should be a man living within its limits. 25:168 28 [Sir William Johnson] to John Blackburne, introducing Johnson Hall Alexander Ellice, of Schenectady. 21 :i34 Mar. 4 Thomas Shipboy about an order for corks which he has filled. 135 Dunlap Adems, mentioning loss of fortune and some en terprise by which he hopes to gain a livelihood. 136 Hugh Wallace, informing of the creation of Tryon and Charlotte counties, the governor and council to assign places for courthouses, the bad outlook for an effective militia law, Wallace's trip to Philadelphia and Banyar'j assurance concerning the Adigo deed. 137 New York 8 New York II Albany 12 Albany 13 Albany 15 London 15 Albany 15 London 4 Trenton 4 New York SIR WILLIAM JOHNSON MANUSCRIPTS 5OI 1772 Mar. 6 Hugh Courtney, mentioning alienation from his wife and Albany asking Johnson to effect his release and dispose of his children and property. 21 1138 8 Thomas Trickitt, describing a tract of 2000 acres " on the Montreal East Side of the Water running from Wood Creek into Lake Champlain," which he will sell to Johnson. 139 17 Isaac Low, advising of the cost of Michael McDonald's New York lot at Balston, at 8s an acre, and promising to send a deed. 140 17 Thomas Shipboy about an order for leather. 141 Albany 18 Montague Trimble for D. Campbell about two suits of Schenectady clothes which he sends. 142 18 Daniel Campbell's bill to Sir William Johnson for ma- Schenectady terials for clothes. 143 18 Josias Swart and John Becker, offering to buy 4000 acres on the Susquehannah at the rate of 15 a hundred acres. 144 20 Alexander White, informing that Gov. Tryon has ap- NewYork pointed him sheriff of Tryon county. 145 20 John Cottgrave, explaining a disagreement with Mr Johns Town Flood, whose abuse he will no longer endure. 146 21 Isaac Low, to inform that he forwards by Col. Schuyler, New York Michael McDonald's deed for lands in Balston. 147 21 Volckert P. Douw, Peter Lansingh and John Macomb, Albany describing a tract on the creek called Hossack, and announcing that eight lots which once belonged to Maria Van Rensselaer will be balloted for March 30. 148 24 Agreement (copy) among Isaac Low and five other New York patentees for the admission of John Glen and Chris topher Yats to the purchase. 149 24 Daniel Campbell, regarding an order for goods and a Schenectady visit to Detroit necessitated by the death of Samuel Tyms. 15 26 John Lyne, declaring his willingness to resign the judge's Lynesberrey place to Col. Butler. 151 26 John Blackburn to [Sir William Johnson], regarding the London appointment of Sir John [surveyor of the woods], Hatton's scheme [21:88], a projected settlement on the Mississipi, a marriage bill, Lord North's position toward the colonies and the European outlook. 152 26 Signed copy of no. 152. 154 26 Henry Ten Eyck Junr about proceedings for the sale of Albany Capt. Tice's lands on account of Maj. Fonda's refusal to sign a bond for the satisfaction of the Brinckeroffs. 153 30 Sir William Johnson to Hugh Wallace, regarding the Johnson Hall appointment of Stephen Delancy as clerk of Tryon county, other appointments and location of the court house. 155 502 NEW YORK STATE LIBRARY 1772 Apr. 3 Lieut. B. Roberts, complaining because Sir William London has not sustained him against a grievous prosecution and he is allowed to suffer for obedience to orders. 21 1156 8 Message to the Indians of the Ouabache (copy), New York acquainting them with the King's order to intruding settlers to remove from Indian lands. 157 ii Capt. Normand MacLeod, regarding a quarrel with a Coghnawage woman over a piece of land. 158 n Rudolph Shoemaker, informing of the disposition of Burnets field Col. Harkemer in the matter of continuing to be a justice. 159 13 P. Silvester on the steps to be pursued in obtaining title Albany to lands that belonged to Tice, and on titles derived from execution. 160 14 Same on methods of obtaining title by execution. 161 Albany 16 Jacob R. Hardenbergh, clerk, notifying of a meeting of Rariton the trustees of Queens College at New Brunswick, N. J. 162 17 H. V. Schaack, concerning attempts of Colonels Rensse- Kinderhook laer and Schuyler to interfere with militia arrange ments, a contest between Col. Hogeboom and Rensse- laer's eldest son, and the division of Kinderhook district. 163 21 Jonathan Brooks about terms on which he will make Albany bricks. 164 23 Ebenezer Jessup, concerning efforts to accommodate the Albany differences over land between Mr Low and partners and Mr Glen and others. 165 23 [Sir William Johnson] to Lieut. Gen. Gage, mentioning Johnson Hall intelligence from Mr Maisonville about seizures of white men by Kickapous, and inclosing account. 166 23 [Sir William Johnson] to Gregg & Cunningam about Johnson Hall the account of the late house of Lyle & Kennedy. 167 24 [Sir William Johnson] to H. Van Schaack, relative to Johnson Hall militia arrangements and choice of magistrates. 168 25 Egbert Dumond to Col. John Bradstreet, per A. Dumond, asking assistance in obtaining Sir William Johnson's approval of a list of persons recommended for officers of the first Ulster regiment. 169 28 Philip Van Home, introducing Adrian Hogeland, an in- Somerset Co. tending settler. 170 East N. J. 29 [Sir William Johnson] to Col. John Bradstreet, stating Johnson Hall ;hat he can not recommend appointments in the first Ulster militia until a return of the regiment is made to him. 171 29 Dr Richard Shuckburgh, in regard to brass cannon, N. York Major Clarke's contemplated trip to Conojohary, Lord Hillsborough, Dr Jones and the relief of the Royal Americans by other regiments. 172 SIR WILLIAM JOHNSON MANUSCRIPTS 503 1772 May i Albany 6 Albany 7 New York John Monier on delays in the mail occasioned by the ir regularity of the New York postrider. 21:173 [P. Silvester], on a sheriff's sale and conveyance, a fire near the New York shipyards, commissions of the pleas and the peace in the new counties, and a suit impending over Tice. 174 Hugh Gaine, printer, concerning sets of the laws sent in care of Abraham Yates. 175 8 [Sir William Johnson] to Mr Lawrence of Dutchess, Johnson Hall mentioning Joseph Teed's dissatisfaction with land sold to Lawrence, and others and offering release from agreement if a further examination shall show the land to be unsuitable. 17 Several inhabitants of Schohary, giving the opinion that Nicholas Becker has sold his land to two old Indian women at an excessive price. 177 [Sir William Johnson] to Rudolph Shomaker, reproach- Johnson Hall ing [Col. Harkemer] with ingratitude for political favors. 25:169 9 Sir William Johnson's account with Hugh and Alexander Wallace, January 17, I77i-May 9, 1772. 22:71 9 Invoice of earthenware sent to Sir William Johnson. 21:178 9 William Staat's receipt to Hugh & Alex. Wallace for wine, rum, sugar etc., to be conveyed to Sir William Johnson. 179 9 Jelles Fonda, asking Sir William's protection for his agreement with Mr Jessep and showing that New York land buyers are not entitled to particular advantages. 180 Invoice of sundries sent per Capt. Pemberton for account of Sir William Johnson by Hugh & Alex. Wallace. 181 [Sir William Johnson] to Samuel Baker, concerning a Hall power of attorney inclosed. 182 10 Hugh Wallace, informing that the county seat will be New York Johnstown, the judges and justices, but not sheriff and clerk, are persons recommended by Johnson, the articles desired at Johnson Hall are shipped, an ac count is inclosed, and Mr Barrow will succeed Mr Mor- tier as paymaster. 184 G. Maturin, transmitting a warrant for disbursements and offering to give an order on Watts and McEvers, the contractor's agents. 185 Gen. Thomas Gage's warrant to Gabriel Maturin for pay ment of 4705, 175, 324d, New York currency, to Sir William Johnson; account annexed. 26:70 Sir William Johnson's receipt to Gabriel Maturin for the money specified in the preceding warrant. 71 David Ramsey's declaration (copy) touching his ex perience among Indians at the river Choudier and the killing of eight [21:213] 25:170 8 Schohary 8 Cachnewago 9 N York 10 Johnson 13 New York 13 New York 15 Niagara 504 NEW YORK STATE LIBRARY 1772 May 16 Francis Wade, soliciting aid in obtaining payment of Philada. money owed by his brother, Ferrall. 21:186 18 John Cottgrave, to show the need of finishing the Johns- Johns Town town church, clothing poor children who attend it and providing a new free school building. [Doc. Hist. N. Y. 4:473-75; Q, 4:294-95] l8 3 18 Nicholas Becker, offering to accept 200 from Indians Schohary [f or land]. 187 19 John B. V. Eps about his efforts to recover a gun and Schindy pa ck lost by an Indian. 188 20 [Sir William Johnson] to Lieut. Gen. Gage, to say that Johnson Hall Alexander McKee is best qualified to succeed Mr Croghan in charge of the Indians on the Ohio and a commission of the peace would strengthen McKee's position. 189 21 [Sir William Johnson] to Mr Wallace, expressing Johnson Hall gratification at the selection of Johnstown for county seat and the appointment of persons recommended by him for office, also mentioning the construction of a courthouse, a draft on Capt. Gabriel Maturin inclosed, and matters of business. 190 27 Dirck Lefferts, to say that Thomas Palmer is empowered New York to purchase land of the Mohawks and draw on him for the cost of 20,000 acres at a price not exceeding 4, 6s per thousand. 191 27 Hugh Wallace, assuring that he will call on Maturin New York and Mrs Mortier, send Johnson 1000 and the ordinance for Tryon county and accompany the governor on his visit to the Hall. 192 27 [Sir William Johnson] to Gen. Gage, considering Ram- Johnson Hall say's admission that he has killed eight Missisagas, the killing of four Senecas in Virginia, the feeling of the Indians and the policy to be pursued by Johnson. 196 28 Wade & Keiuser about diversions at Johnstown, its ad- Niagara vancement, goods sent Maj. Funda, a payment to Mr Campbell, trade prospects and a scheme of Indian ven geance which a present has overcome. 193 28 Hugh Wallace, regarding goods shipped in charge of New York Hermanus Ten Eyck, silver and bills to be sent to Johnson and a present of Munster potatoes. 195 28 Capt. Turnbull to Gen. Gage, mentioning the death of Misselimak- O ne Houtelaas at the hands of a Chippewa, inflamma- inac tory words uttered to an Indian chief by St Luc la Corni and the examination of the chief before Turn- bull. 197 31 John De Peyster, regarding a payment and administration Albany O f Daniel Danielson's estate. 199 Sir William Johnson in account with estate of Abraham [New York] Mortier. 200 SIR WILLIAM JOHNSON MANUSCRIPTS 505 1772 June i Albany 3 Niagara 4 New York 6 Niagara Ebenezer Jessup about a survey to be made by Mr Camp bell, quality of the land and the use of Johnson's boat at Sackendaga. 21 1201 Wade & Keiuser, relative to the disposition and pro fessions of the Senecas and Teronto Indians, a present made to them by the major, goods on hand. 202 Gw. Banyar, asking, by order of the governor, that Johnson will examine the charges of maladministra tion made by Catharine Simpson of Burnets Field against John Joost Herchheimer, Coenrad Franck, Peter Ten Broeck and Hendrick Frey, justices of the peace. 203 Wade & Keiuser, mentioning the murder of five traders from Virginia by Senecas on Lake Erie and the ill will of the Indians against that colony. 204 7 [Sir William Johnson] to Maj. Etherington, or officer Johnson Hall commanding at Niagara, declaring that only responsible men should be allowed to trade with Indians, he has taken measures to pacify the Chipeweighs for Ramsay's crime, the offense deserves capital punishment, strag gling traders should be summoned to the posts and the Indians assured of justice. 205 Sir William Johnson's speech to the Chipeweighs, to be delivered by Maj. Etherington at Niagara; he prom ises that Ramsay will be tried for his crime and traders restrained from going among them and coun sels forbearance. 206 Will Cockburn, relative to a lawsuit which Mr Kempe will take charge of if ordered, and his own desire to be relieved of management of land business at Sager- tyes. 207 Hugh Wallace about the governor's visit and Mr Blagge, clerk of Tryon county, who has in charge 1000 for Johnson. 208 Wade & Keiuser, mentioning the arrival of a party of Indians, vengeance contemplated by the Missisaques, and a detachment of the loth setting out to relieve western garrisons. 209 20 John B. V. Eps about porter, "biscake" and rusk, and a Schinectady memorial by Col. Johnson to the governor. 210 25 [ Sir William Johnson] to Rev. William Andrews, inform- Johnson Hall ing that a suitable person for the Johnstown mission has been secured. [Doc. Hist. N. Y. 4:475-76; Q, 4:295-96] 211 25 [Sir William Johnson] to Beverly Robinson, mentioning Johnson Hall the arrival of Mr [Joseph] Chew and family, dis cussing the lottery mania and taking tickets in a scheme to promote the growth of the Church of England. 212 8 9 Kingston 9 New York IO Niagara 506 NEW YORK STATE LIBRARY Whitehall ^ Lachine 1772 June 29 [Sir William Johnson] to the Earl of Hillsborough, men- Johnson Hall tioning the second Indian congress at Scioto and recit ing the crimes of Ramsay against the Indians and the means pursued to avert their vengeance. [Doc. Hist. N. Y. 2:994-96; Q, 2:576-77 and Doc. rel. to Col. Hist. N. Y. 8:300-1] July i Hillsborough, considering the futility of conferences with Indians, the folly of accepting cessions from the Six Nations not sanctioned by other tribes and the wisdom of his plan for regulating trade. Woe. Hist. N. Y. 2:996-97; Q, 2:577-78 and Doc. rel. to Col. Hist. N. Y. 8:302] Capt. Daniel Claus, mentioning a visit to the Caghna- wageys, also to Lieut. Col. Templer of the 26th, com manding the district of Montreal, a discussion with Capt. Garden on the Indian superintendency in Canada, an expected meeting with Lieut. Gov. Cramahe, the kill ing of a trader by an Indian, trouble among the Augh- quisasnes over a sawmill, a talk with Dr Huntley about Peter, and messengers gone to the Miami country. John Van Rensselaer, apprising of his appointment as colonel and complaining that Mr Hogeboom con tinues to give orders to the militia at Claverack. Abra'm C. Cuyler, acknowledging receipt of power of attorney, recommending appointments for the Grenadier company, asking the majority of the battalion and con sent to " patronize " a double-deck vessel with John son's name. 9 [Sir William Johnson] to Col. John Van Rensselaer, dis- Johnson Hall cussing the circumstances of Van Rensselaer's original and recent appointment [21:216], the selection of Col. Hogeboom and his own acceptance of the major generalship. John Watts, regarding an order for a balance, business capacity of the governor and a sale of patents for quit- rents. Francis Panton, regarding wigs ordered by Mr Darling ton and Darlington's pecuniary distress. John Monier, mentioning a new arrangement of post- riders' routes between New York and Albany and in forming of a consignment of liquor waiting Johnson's call. Phyn & Ellice to [Sir William Johnson] about tea which is sent, money inclosed for a bill on New York and breakage for which they will allow. Hugh Wallace, mentioning Mr Blagge, fever and ague, the governor's departure for Johnson Hall, Wallace's intended journey to Philadelphia, location of the Tryon county courthouse, an account for metheglin and wine, Albany Albany IO New York 10 New York II Albany II Schenectady 14 New York 21:213 214 215 216 217 218 219 22O 221 222 SIR WILLIAM JOHNSON MANUSCRIPTS 507 21 [Albany] 23 Schenectady 27 Kinderhook 1772 a cask for Mr Chew, excitement over the sale of patents for quitrents and the injustice of it. 21:223 July 20 Rev. William Hanna, relating to his meeting with Colonel London Sharpe in Maryland, reception by Lord Fairfax, Col. George Fairfax and Col. Washington in Virginia, ordi nation in London, efforts of Samuel Wharton among the nobility to get him a parish in Virginia, visit to the Privy Council, Mr Wharton's influence, and the monu ment to Sir Peter Warren in Westminster Abbey. [Doc. Hist. N. Y. 4:476-79; Q, 4:296-98] 225 Statement of the dispute between George Klock and as sociates in a land purchase who have been unable to procure the division of the patent. Also an opinion by P. Silvester of the course to be pursued for obtaining their shares. 224 Rev. William Andrews declaring resignation at failure to obtain the Johnstown mission and considering hard ships of his present position. [Doc. Hist. N. Y. 4:480; Q, 4:298] 226 H. V. Schaack, sending a report that Colonels Rensselaer and Schuyler have submitted to the governor a list of men for officers of the Kinderhook militia and asking intervention to prevent Rensselaer from getting the command. 227 29 Gov. William Tryon's speech to the Conjaharees. [Doc. Johnson Hall re l to Col. Hist. N. Y. 8:307-8] 25:173 29 Same to the Mohocks. [Doc. rel. to Col. Hist. N. Y. Johnson Hall 8 : 308-9] 174 31 Cash, etc. to the Mohocks. 21 :228 July 28- Proceedings with the Conajoharees, Mohocks and Onei- Aug. i das. [For July 28-30, in Doc. rel to Col Hist. N. Y. Johnson Hall g :3O4~io; order varies somewhat] 25:172 July 28 Speeches of Conajoharees asking Governor for redress against George Klock and Mr Colden. 29 Replies of Indians to speeches of Governor. [173, 174] 30 Speeches of and to the Oneidas. 3[ Land purchases from the Oneidas. Agreement with the Oneidas to extend colony boundary to the St Lawrence river. Oliver De Lancey, sending 130 for his fifth of the pur chase made by Jellis Fonda near Fort Stanwix. 21 :229 Hugh Wallace on the Governor's visit to Johnson, prices of pork American, 5, los ; Irish, 4, 155, articles sent and a massacre of Indians in Maryland. 230 Samuel Baker, informing that he intends to withdraw from American business but will receive Johnson's dividends and place them to his account. [No. 232, August 14] 231 Aug. Aug. 3 Albany 4 New York 3 London 508 NEW YORK STATE LIBRARY 1772 Aug. 6 Johnson 8 Johnson Johnson 8 London 10 London II 12 Albany 13 14 New York 14 London 14 14 London !4 H London 14 H London 21 1233 234 235 230 238 [Sir William Johnson] to Lieut Gen. Gage about Hall treacherous work among the Indians ascribed to St Luc, an earlier instance, French and Indian hopes of war, the murder at Sandusky and affair of Ramsay [21:213], the congress at Scioto and the Governor's purchase on the Mohock. [Sir William Johnson] to the Earl of Dunmore, acknowl- Hall edging a letter brought by a Catawba Indian and men tioning Gov. Tryon's visit. [Sir William Johnson] to J. Watts, mentioning Gov. Hall Tryon's visit, a bill payable to John Blackburn, quick ness and secrecy in the sale of patents and the neces sity of paying off claims against them. John Blackburn, to mention a visit from Alex'r Ellice, as well as Lord Hillsborough's opposition to the Ohio colony, and explain why he did not advance 200 for Sir William's interest in that grant on Samuel Whar- ton's demand. [No. 237, September 2] Robert Rogers, asking Johnson to certify to his appoint ment in 1766 to manage Indian affairs at Michilimaki- nak and to the salary paid the commissary who suc ceeded him. Deposition of John De Peyster, ex-mayor, before Jacob C. Ten Eyck, reaffirming an earlier deposition touching a deed given to the corporation of Albany in the ad ministration of Gov. Cosby by the Mohawks. [25:171] 25:175 Ebenezer Jessup about a survey and map and Indians to accompany Mr Campbell when he runs the outlines of the purchase. [Sir William Johnson] to Lieut. Gen. Gage, acquainting with the desire of Capt. [James] Stevenson to retire on half pay and hold an Indian post; commending him. Hugh and Alex'r Wallace, concerning bills on Isaac Low, Mr Leffarts, wine, and 1000 York currency sent in charge of skipper Jacob Lancing. Samuel Baker, stating the investment of Johnson's money in consols and inclosing accounts with executors of Sir William Baker and with the writer; with copy of letter of August 5. 232 Copy of no. 232. 242(1) Samuel Baker, for William, Richard and Samuel Baker, executors of Sir William Baker, sending account. 242(2) Copy of no. 242(2). 243 Sir William Johnson's account with Samuel Baker. 245 Duplicate of no. 245. 244 Sir William Johnson's account with the executors of Sir William Baker. 247 Copy of no. 247. 346 21 240 241 SIR WILLIAM JOHNSON MANUSCRIPTS 509 1772 Aug. 14 Dartmouth, to inform that he is appointed one of the King's principal secretaries and has charge of colonial business. 25:176 Ebenezer Jessup, considering the place where Mr Camp bell will begin a survey and proposing that Johnson take a share in the purchase. 21 1248 Hugh Wallace, introducing Edward Nicholas, who pur poses to make " the fashionable tour " to Niagara. 249 Same about money sent the I4th and glass, paint, etc. for Johnson's mill. 250 Sept. 2 Shaw & Long, regarding Lisbon wine sent per Capt. New York Peter Vanbergen. 251 John Blackburn, mentioning Lord Hillsborough's resigna tion and Lord Dartmouth's appointment as his succes sor, the prospects of the Ohio grant, and England's late dispute with Denmark; with copy of letter of Augusts. [21:253, November 7] 237 Dartmouth, declaring his Majesty's purpose that a settle ment shall be made on the lands purchased of the Six Nations in 1768. [Doc. rd. to Col. Hist. N. 7/8:311] 25:177 Hugh Wallace's account of sundries sent Sir William Johnson per Cor's Van Sanford to the care of Jno. Monier, Albany. 21 1254 Hugh Wallace, concerning an account inclosed and a deed intrusted to Mr Ramadge. 255 A list of articles ordered by Johnson from Mr Wallace Johnson Hall [in New York]. 2211 14 James Smith, asking the appointment of Antoney Huff- Rinebeckat man to succeed Col. Martin Huffman in command of the Hook the north battalion of Dutches, rather than of Lieut. Col. Peteros Tenbrook. 2 16 Hugh Wallace about David Deas of South Carolina, who New York i s on his way to Johnson Hall, and the purpose of one Westbrook at Minisink to bring the Delaware Indians to the Governor without Johnson's authorization, also Tryon's course in the matter. 3 1 6 [Sir William Johnson] to Lieut. Gen. Gage (letter begun Johnson Hall September 2), touching the failure of the Six Nation deputies at Scioto to meet the Wawiaghtonos and Kickapous, a rumored visit of Shawanese to New Orleans, treachery of western and southern Indians; (letter continued September 16) mentioning John son's illness, indications of an Indian alliance against the English, St Luc's attitude, the need of a post at the Ilinois, and the circumstances of Captains Stevenson and McLeod. 21 :252 22 [Sir William Johnson] to John Blackburn (May 28), Johnson Hall acknowledging a friendly offer in behalf of Sir John [21 :i52], expressing a wish that Sir John may marry, Whitehall 15 Albany 20 New fork 26 New York 2 London 2 Whitehall 3 New York 4 New York II NEW YORK STATE LIBRARY Sept. 22 New York 23 New York 27 Whitehall 27 2 9 New York Oct. 2 1772 mentioning a new government on the Ohio, and send ing power of attorney to arrange for payment by Lieut. Roberts of money for which he has drawn; (letter continued September 22) explaining that an Indian conference, transactions in land and the establishment of a new county and courts have delayed the com pletion of the letter; also making a remittance. 21:198 Anthony Griffiths, secr'y to the Marine society of the city of New York, informing of election as a. member and soliciting patronage. 22:4 Hugh Wallace about an order for articles, courts held in Tryon county, the Governor's gout, exchange on Lon don, and Sir John's expected visit. 5 Dartmouth, declaring the necessity of Ramsay's conviction for the murder of Indians [21 1213] and of a judge's charge suited to that end. [Doc. rel. to Col. Hist. N. Y. 8:311-12] 25:178 Duplicate of no. 178. 179 Hugh Wallace, commending the Marine society and men tioning the Governor's recovery. 22:6 [Sir William Johnson] to Rev. Dr Burton, secretary to Johnson Hall the Society for propagating the Gospel, informing that he has accepted Rev. Rich'd Mosely for the Johnstown mission and mentioning the incumbents and condition of the English churches at Schenectady, Albany, the Mohawks and the Conajoharees. [Doc. Hist. N. Y. 4:481-82; Q, 4:299] 7 Hugh & Alex. Wallace, regarding an inclosed account and beer which Mr Lispinard is brewing. 8 Hugh & Alex'r Wallace's account of sundries sent Sir William Johnson by skipper Henry Wendell to the care of John Monier, Albany. 9 Sir William Johnson's account with Hugh & Alex. Wallace, May 9-October 7. 10 Hugh Wallace, concerning stores and account, servants desired at Johnson Hall, the Governor's course with the Delaware Indians, and persons who ask introduc tion to Johnson. n Henry Glen, regarding an action threatened by Douw & Winne for a defective fishing net sold by them to Glen for Sir William. 12 [Sir William Johnson] to John Hill, regarding a proposal that people from the north of Ireland settle on John son's lands. 13 [Sir William Johnson] to Gen. Gage, considering the Hall visit of a Seneca chief of Ohio, old claims for service to the Indian department and a suit against Lieut. Roberts, involving Mr Wetherhead, for seizure of rum at Michilimackinac. 14 2 New York N York New York New York 10 Sclionectady 12 New York 14 Johnson SIR WILLIAM JOHNSON MANUSCRIPTS 1772 Oct. 15 Credentials of David Jones, who wishes to be a mis- New York sionary west of the Ohio (copy) ; signed " Abel Mor gan Moderator " and " James Manning Clerk," for the Philadelphia association, representing 40 churches in Pennsilvania, Maryland, East and West New Jerseys and New York. Woe. Hist. N. Y. 4:482-84; Q, 4:300] 22:15 21 Hen. Williams, acquainting with the work of Rev. David New York Jones among the Ohio Indians and bespeaking aid and countenance to intended labors about Fort Pitt. 16 26 Gen. Thomas Gage's warrant to Thomas Barrow for pay- New York ment of 4803, 135, 2d to Sir William Johnson. 26 172 27 Charles Inglis, regarding Dr Cooper's interviews with New York Lord Hillsborough, approval of the memorial [21 :23, 43] by the Society for propagating the Gospel, Dr Lowth's approbation, Lord Dartmouth's religious character, creation of American bishops, education of an Indian boy and the rising military spirit in New York. Postscript: Further remarks on Lord Dart mouth and the education of the Indian boy. 25:180 28 Hugh Wallace, regarding the Marine society, Kayastoto, New York Sir John's coming visit to New York, the Governor's trip to Philadelphia, counterfeit dollars, John Cun ningham of Hallifax, beer and cider, a gardener and a shoemaker. 31 Albany Nov. 3 New York 3 New York Burnetsfield New York Rich'd Cartwright, saying that he has got passage to New York for the Indian chief and gave him an order on Wallace for glass wampum. Tho. Barrow, sending Gen. Gage's warrant in John son's favor. Hugh Wallace, to say that Donald Fraser is discharged and a man obtained for 20 guineas to go in his place. Edw'd Wall, asking permission for John Thompson and himself to sell dry goods to Indians and mentioning New England competitors. [Hugh Wallace] about Johnson's subscription to the fund of the Marine society, liquor shipped with Capt. Marseilis, the patent for Lieut. Roberts's land. 3 [Sir William Johnson] to the Earl of Dartmouth, engag- Johnson Hall ing to transmit all information concerning his depart ment and the welfare of the colonies. Woe. rel. to Col. Hist. N. Y. 8:313-14] 4 [Sir William Johnson] to same, mentioning the Scioto Johnson Hall congress, killing of Indians by Ramsay, Johnson's at tempts through the Six Nations to control western nations and obtain bad belts circulated among them, his representations to the Six Nations on the Fort Stanwix cession, and the need of a government on the Ohio to restrain the lawlessness of settlers. Woe. rel. to Col. Hist. N. Y. 8:313-14] 22:17 18 20 21 22(1) 25:i8l 182 512 NEW YORK STATE LIBRARY 1772 Nov. 6 Alexander Wallace, mentioning arrival of the Indian New York chief, his departure for Philadelphia, and expenditures on his behalf. 22:22(2) 7 John B. Van Eps about pork, pepper and indigo sent in Schenectady charge of Thomas Argin and crosses and wampum sup plied to the Sinnekoe Indian. 23 7 Richard Cartwright, to say that he can now supply none Albany but " blue point " oysters but hopes to have good ones soon. 24 7 John Blackburn, explaining that he has not actively London opposed the Ohio grant, praising Lord Dartmouth, mentioning the prospective repeal of the tea duty and consequent removal of friction with the colonies, Britain's preparedness for war and her disposition toward peace with the other powers of Europe ; with copy of letter of September 2. [22:25, Decembers] 21:253 12 Rev. Harry Munro on improvements made in an Albany Albany church, the growth of St Peters, fund for clergymen's widows and Dr Burton's resignation as secretary [of the Society for progagating the Gospel], [Doc. Hist. N. Y. 4:484-85; Q, 4:30i] 22:27 12 Testimony of Alexander Dunbar before Joseph Chew, Johnstown justice, regarding boards used in work for Mr Davis. 28 18 [Sir William Johnson] to Gen. Gage on the efforts of Johnson Hall Six Nation deputies at Scioto to obtain bad belts circulated by the French, Indian complaints against traders, conditions which demand a government on the Ohio, the murder of Pond the trader and his servant, the suit against Lieut. Roberts for enforcing trade regulations and the going of Sir John and Sir Wil liam's two granddaughters to New York. 29 19 Gw. Banyar's order on Sir William Johnson to pay to the New York order of Ebenezer Jessup ^104; made payable by Jessup to Maj. Jellis Fonda. 31 20 Hugh & Alex. Wallace about articles sent with Capt. New York Sandford and skipper Herm's Ten Eycke, " Made here a " wine, the Governor's slender constitution, expendi tures for the Shawaneese chief. 30 26 Alexander McKee, mentioning the demolition of Fort Pittsburg Pitt, satisfaction of the Indians, failure of Shawanese deputies to reconcile the Oussossees and Okawpas and the slaying of Delawares while hunting by Pianki- shaws. 25:183 Dec. i Thomas Wharton, informing that the Shawanese, Dela- Philad'a wares and Wyandots are trying to communicate through the Quakers with the King, are dissatisfied with Sir William and want a superintendent in their own country. 184 SIR WILLIAM JOHNSON MANUSCRIPTS 513 1772 Dec. 2. John Blackburn, mentioning Samuel Baker's refusal to London act for Guy Johnson in business, Lieut. Roberts's vexations in spirit and estate, Johnson's investment in the Ohio grant, Lord Dartmouth, and the free im portation of wheat from America ; with copy of letter of November 7. 2 Unsigned copy of no. 25. 3 Hugh Wallace about the visit of Sir John and the granddaughters of Sir William, proper persons to represent Tryon county in the Assembly, money which Mr Barrow holds subject to Johnson's order, and Mr Hill of Philadelphia, who wishes to buy land near Johnson. Same about nails and liquors, the quality of rum sent to Johnson, the reception of the young ladies at Mrs Bayoux's school, the civility of Mr and Mrs Ogilvie and Col. and Mrs Maunsall. Will. Temple, asking that an inclosed letter may be de livered to Mr Chew. Bryan Lefferty, informing that he will settle at Johns Hillsborough Town the beginning of February or soon after. 12 Hugh & Alex. Wallace, informing that they send 1000 in care of skipper Marseilis. Return of provisions at Fort Pitt turned over to Alex ander McKee by An's Mackay by order of Robert Leake, commissary general. John Johnson to [Sir William Johnson], asking employ- Sutton, Mass, ment and mentioning relationship. 23 Hugh Wallace about the representatives of Tryon county, situation of the Johnstown jail, the difficulty of ship- p ; ng rum to Johnson Hall, Mr Hill's request for land, Mr Sullivan's legacy. Alexander Ross to Alexander McKee (copy), suggesting that provisions left at Fort Pitt on its evacuation may be obtained for the Indians. Maisonville, reporting the murder of five Englishmen by Chickasaws and a peace movement among the Wabash tribes and mentioning trouble between Maj. Basset and himself. [In French] George Croghan on the satisfaction of the Indians at the abandonment of Fort Pitt and the dissatisfaction of traders at the commandant's disposition of public property, the Seneca chief's journey, the proposed bounds between Pensylvaine and the Ohio colony and the cost of land rights to settlers. Maj. Hen. Basset to Gen. Gage, relating a murderous attack by Pottywatomy Indians at St Joseph's on Mr Vensleck and servants and suggesting Louison Cha- ville's connivance. 17 22:25 32 New York 9 New York 10 Boston 10 New York 18 22 New York 23 Detroit 24 Pittsburg 24 [Detroit] 33 34 35 26 36 25:185 22:37 38 25:186 187 188 22:39 NEW YORK STATE LIBRARY 1772 Dec. 24 Detroit 25 Albany 25 26 31 Pittsburg Same to same (extract), informing that he is trying to recover the peltry of the late Mr Pan from the savages. 22 :4o William Gamble about the closing of navigation and the loss of a fine hog. 41 Moneys received of Maj. Fonda for Mr Jessop's pur chase. 42 [Sir William Johnson] to the Earl of Dartmouth, ex- Johnson Hall plaining a scheme of the Indians to southward to draw the Six Nations into an alliance against the English. [Doc. rel to Col. Hist. N. Y. 8:340-41] 25:189 Alexander McKee, mentioning a journey which he will take to enlighten the Indians with regard to the new Ohio colony, their pleasure at the desertion of Fort Pitt, Kayashuta's influence, refusal of Delawares and Shawa- nese to attend councils in the country of the Six Nations, quality of provisions delivered to McKee, claims of Abraham Jones and son. 190 Bounds of the 27,000 acres to be conveyed to John Bergen and his associates, and several other tracts. 22:43 G. Johnson, deputy agent for Indian affairs, for Sir William Johnson, stating the case of the Mohawks re specting the lands around their village as affected by a reversionary claim held by the corporation of Albany and the case of the Conajohare Indians touching the lands around their village as affected by the Livingston and Van Home patent. 25:171 1773 Jan. i [Sir William Johnson] to Gen. Gage, discussing proper Johnson Hall measures in regard to the late murder, French settlers and land titles about the Ouabache and a league of Shawanese and Delawares for turning the Six Nations against the English. 22:44 i [Sir William Johnson] to John Watts, by Col. Johnson, Johnson Hall who goes as a representative to New York ; mention ing the deed for Lord Adam Gordon. 45 Hugh Wallace about the reception to Col. Johnson and his colleague in the house, Sir William's influence, Dan'l Sullivan's will, money to be sent to Johnson per John Glen, Col. John Rensaler's disputed Claverack estate, a petition for dividing the Schenectady com mons, Mr Throgmorton and the insolvent act, Col. Schuyler's attention to Col. Johnson, opposition to Judge Livingston, admiration of Col. Claus's daughter, budding rosebushes. 46 16 Same, to say that he sends 500 to the care of the New York mayor of Albany. 47 17 Memorial of John Wetherhead to Lieut. Gen. Thomas New York Gage, showing that the memorialist is likely to suffer in an action against Lieut. Benjamin Roberts for seiz- 12 New York SIR WILLIAM JOHNSON MANUSCRIPTS 515 1773 ing rum at Michilimakinak belonging to Robert Henry, John Farrell and James Abbot, Wetherhead being bail for Roberts. 25:191 Jan. 19 William McAdams, mentioning the wish of Col. Gorham N. York to draw pay to September 25. 22 148 20 John Watts, informing that he has forwarded Lord Adam New York Gordon's deeds and paid Sir John ^456, i8d. 49 23 Daniel Campbell about a pair of elk horns which he Schenectady sends, also prices of wheat, pease, Cherivaly butter, mutton and beef. 5 23 Sir William Johnson to Samuel Baker [London], asking Tohnson Hall investment of certain funds in consolidated 3 per cent annuities and acknowledging kindness of the late Sir William Baker. Si 25 John Lamb, saying that Johnson's bond can be paid to New York him by draft. 52 Feb. 2 G. Johnson, mentioning his bill for quieting ancient pos- New York sessions, for courthouse and jail in Tryon county, for ferries, roads and excise, also Conajoharee and Mohawk land affairs, Judge Wells and Mr Brush, new members from Cumberland, strife over a money bill and the Massachusetts boundary, cost of an organ, and his ex penses for entertaining. 25:192 3 Dartmouth, expressing regret that the French on the Whitehall Mississippi are able to stir up the Indians against British interest, and the fear that some of the tribes within the proposed new colony will not consent to its establishment. [Doc. rel to Col Hist. N. Y. 8:348-49] 193 4 John Watts, introducing a lawyer and commenting on New York the profession. 22:53 4 Hugh Wallace, concerning Mr Throgmorton's release, New York money sent in care of Col. Ranselaer and Lord Ilchester's land. 54 13 John Trotter Jun'r, acknowledging payment for articles Albany ordered. 55 16 Hugh Wallace on Col. Ransalear's surrender of a grant, New York high price of wheat and the movements of Generals Gage and Haldimand. 56 16 G. Johnson about letters from home, Tom White's gout, New Yoric the alien list, means of righting the Conajoharees in their dispute with Klock, an act in behalf of the lower Mohocks in their contest with the corporation of Albany, the general's civilities, debates over paper cur rency and the New Hampshire intrusions, a tanner and currier and a servant wanted, scarcity of wheat. 25:194 17 Sir William Johnson's account with Thomas Barrow. 22 :57 20 And'w McFarlan, asking payment of Col. Claus's bill. 58 Schanactady NEW YORK STATE LIBRARY 1773 Feb. 20 John Stevenson, acquainting with the arrival of his Albany brother at Port Royall, Jamaica. 22:59 20 Jno. B. V. Eps about a patent and patentees and con- Schinectady gratulations on the birth of a daughter. 16:23 22 Lieut. J. Feltham about a dog lent him by Sir William. 22 :6o Schenectady 23 G. Johnson about bills in the Assembly, dinner discourse with the attorney general on land matters, pay of Tryon and Cumberland members, killing of Col. Walsh at St Vincent's and prospects of the Ohio grant. 61 Hugh Wallace on a transaction with Mr Barrow, Sir John's and Col. Guy's near departure and the stop put by Lord Dartmouth to land grants. 62 John Blackburn, mentioning the Ohio grant, the govern ment's demand for 3d per pound on teas imported into America, Lord Dartmouth on the New York-Connec ticut line, Sir John's engagement to Miss Polly Watts, Poland's troubles and the snow Sir William Johnson, commanded by Capt. Dean. [22 -.63, April 7] 64 Eleazar Wheelock, commending Basteen and Lewis, two Indian students of the tribe at Lorett, who wish to visit Johnson. 25:195 Maj. Jelles Fonda about difficulties of drawing stone and Caughnawaga obtaining dry boards. 22:66 3 Ebenezer Jessup, concerning delays in the payment of money for the Indians. 67 Hugh & Alex'r Wallace's account against Sir William Johnson. 68 Maj. Moncrieffe, congratulating on Sir John's approaching marriage and expressing the hope to see Sir William soon. 69 Hugh & Alex. Wallace, mentioning Sir John's and Col. Johnson's departure and an inclosed account. 70 12 Rev. Matt Graves, commending Rev. Mr Mosely [22:7] New London and informing that a grant made by Narraganset Indians for the service of the English church is per verted to a secular use. [Doc. Hist. N. Y. 4:485-86; Q, 4:301-2] 72 TT P. Silvester, regarding suits against Mr Davis brought by Capt. Wm. McLeod and Lord Livingston. 73 Dudley Davis to [Sir William Johnson] about methods for his release from a debtor's prison, and Johnson's kind interposition. 74 [Sir William Johnson] to Gen. Gage, acknowledging Johnson Hall pleasant words about Sir John's character and ap proaching marriage and mentioning the general's leave to return to England. 75 16 John Munro to [Sir William Johnson] about pay for mill stones sold him by Johnson. 76 New York 23 New York 27 London 27 Dartmouth College Mar. I 4 New York 4 New York New York Albany 16 City Hall Albany 16 SIR WILLIAM JOHNSON MANUSCRIPTS 517 1773 Mar. 20 Sir William Johnson to [Dudley] Davis, authorizing to Johnson Hall draw on him for 60 to settle with creditors. Followed by Davis's answer of March 30, informing that he avails himself of the privilege. 22:77 22 P. Silvester, touching actions against Deniston and Albany Palmer and that of the Albany corporation against Wemp. 78 23 [Sir William Johnson] to Maj. Moncrieffe, touching Sir Johnson Hall John's engagement and wedding. 79 23 [Sir William Johnson] to the Earl of Stirling, regarding Johnson Hall character and prospects of Bryan Lefferty. 80 27 P. Silvester to [Sir William Johnson] on the proper pro- Albany cedure with Palmer and the difficulty of obtaining by jury trial due satisfaction for slander. 81 29 Dudley Davis's order on Sir William Johnson for 32, Albany to be paid to Wm. McLeod. 82 29 P. Silvester, notifying that he has taken a draft drawn Albany by Dudley Davis on Johnson. 83 Apr. 6 [Sir William Johnson] to John Blackburn, justifying the Johnson Hall latter in his course toward the Ohio grant, also discuss ing the proposed government, business which Black burn will transact for Sir William and. Guy Johnson and Lieut. Roberts's behavior and obligations. 84 6 [Sir William Johnson] to Gen. Gage on Mr Wetherhead's Johnson Hall misfortune, a meeting with the Six Nations at Johns town and a disastrous fire in Fort Hunter. 85 6 Hugh Wallace, regarding Lord Ilchester's lands, also Mr New York Hessenclever's, a balance due to Johnson from the government, Capt. Sterling's patent, the Governor's gout, the New York-Massachusetts line and Johnson's granddaughters. 86 3-6 Extract from Alexander McKee's journal, relating an in- Plains of terview in which western chiefs express a hope that the Scioto proposed colony will be able to control foolish white men, and that Virginians will refrain from settling near the falls of Ohio. 25:204(1) 7 John Blackburn, mentioning Sir John's approaching mar- London riage, Lord North's declaration that the tea trade to America will be open, Prussia's ambition and Eng land's interest therein, war between the Turk and Russia; with copy of letter of February 27. 22:63 7 Copy of no. 63. 87 TO Dartmouth, declaring his fears of an Indian war and Whitehall asserting the necessity of preventing a general alliance of savage nations. [Doc. rel. to Col. Hist. N. Y. 8:36*0-61] 25:196 Lieut. Augustine Prevost about climate, planters, rum Kingston shipped by Captain Farqhuar, and the government on Jamaica the Ohio. [Not dated but earlier than 22:88] 22:184 5*8 NEW YORK STATE LIBRARY 1773 Apr. 10 Lieut. Augustine Prevost about 44 gallons of rum in Kingston charge of Capt. James Farqhuar, conditions in Jamaica, Jam[aica] differences with D. C. and J. P., and Sir John's engage ment. 22 :88 13 [Sir William Johnson] to Gen. Gage, relating to the con- Johnson Hall gress with the Six Nations, the unsatisfactory state of trade and the course to pursue toward the Powtewata- mies. 89 13 Hugh Wallace, mentioning an order, London news, e*vYork an( J a hope of visiting Johnson. 90 13 Gen. Thomas Gage's warrant directing Thomas Barrow New York to pay Sir William Johnson, or his assigns, 5604, 55, 7 l /2^-, New York currency; account annexed. 26:73(1) 14 Hugh Deniston to Peter Silvester about satisfying a debt Catts Kills to Sir William Johnson. 22 :pi 16 P. Silvester about an inclosed letter from Hugh Deniston. 92 Albany 17 Hugh & Alex. Wallace, sending invoice of goods and New York stating that bells can be cast in Elizabeth town, no lemons or oranges to be had; invoice of sundries sent by skipper Switz. 93 Mr Blagge about a chair returned and lemons presented. 94 17 Joh's Schrom, for John Monier, promising to take charge Albany o f goods when they arrive. 95 19 Neil McLean on the lies of a French trader, the corn- Niagara mandant's conceit and De Coughny's threatened blind ness. 96 21 Tho. Barrow, inclosing warrant and receipts and mention- New York m g payments on the last warrant. 97 21 Invoice of articles sent to Sir John by Mr Wallace. 98 New York 21 Hugh Wallace about orders filled and money to be sent New York j n charge of Mr Blagge. 99 21 Col. John Bradstreet, asking that the Auquege Indians be Albany dissuaded from parting with lands to the proprietors of Hardenberg patent before the announcement of the King's decision. 100 22 [Sir William Johnson] to the Earl of Dartmouth about Johnson Hall the importance of cultivating the friendship of the upper Senecas and about measures for bringing back such as have emigrated to the Ohio country. [Doc. rel. to Col Hist. N. Y. 8:361-62] 25:197 26 [Sir William Johnson] to Gen. Gage, presenting the de- Johnson Hall mands of bateau men who rendered service during the great Indian meeting at Fort Stanwix. 22:101 26 Hugh Wallace about Sir John's order and 65 paid Craw- New York f or d, the saddler. 102 so John Blagge, mentioning Miss Johnson and Miss Claus, New York a i so articles shipped per Swits, and balls and maces ordered. 103 SIR WILLIAM JOHNSON MANUSCRIPTS 519 1773 Apr. 30 Sir William Johnson to the Earl of Dartmouth, explain- Johnson Hall ing that the emigrant Senecas [25:197] whom it is de sired to recall from the Ohio country do not live within the proposed new colony. [Doc. rel to Col. Hist. N. Y. 8:368-^69] 25:198 Albany May I Albany 5 P. Silvester, informing that he is to receive 60, the sum which Mr Davis was allowed to draw for. 22:104 John Stevenson about an order for mill saws and brads. 105 New York Albany 10 London 9-12 Detroit Hugh Wallace, concerning money received of Mr Barrow for Johnson and Johnson's severe illness. 106 P. Silvester, regarding a remittance of 60, suits against Deniston, Wemp and Palmer and sermons preached in Albany by the Johnstown clergyman. 107 Samuel Baker, informing Sir William that he has made an investment in stock for him. 108 Maj. Henry Basset's proceedings with the Indian mur derers of Phineas Pond, the trader; copies certified by Maj. Basset, June 14. [25:207] 9 Speech of Ishwabame, Shawanese and Minitowabe chiefs and 16 Saguinan Indians who brought in the three murderers of Pond. 25:199 10 Maj. Basset's answer. 202 12 Confession of Kiokam, Sakikakabowe and Makutte Mingwa to the murder of Pond. 201 Copies of 25:199, 201 and 202, addressed to Gen. Gage. 200(1) (2) (4) Hugh Wallace, recommending William Dale, a gardener, and mentioning a barrel of potatoes sent in Dale's care. 22:109 Alexander McKee, Indians convinced of friendly disposi tion of English. [Fragment of only 7 lines] 25:204(2) [Sir William Johnson] to Gen. Gage, considering schemes Johnson Hall o f the French to the southward and difficulties in the way of regulating trade and inquiring whether Gage will stay in America. 22:110 W. McAdam, asking an order that he may take up bills drawn on him by Col. Gorham. in Hugh Wallace, recommending sea air and mentioning Sir John's chimney-pieces, the bell for the Oneydas, and the Governor's presence at Hartford on business con nected with the Massachusetts boundary. 112 A list of articles of wear ordered by Johnson from Mr Johnson Hall Blackburn in London. [Inclosed with no. 116] 113 22 Speech of four Poutewatamis chiefs from Fort St Jo seph to Maj. Henry Basset concerning the murder of Mr Van Slicke's two men and the plundering of his goods and of Louison Chevallier's share in the affair; copy certified by Maj. Basset, June 14. 25 :2O3 Copy of 25 :2O3, addressed to Gen. Gage. 200(3) 15 New York .15 Pittsburgh 15 19 N. York 19 New York 2O Detroit 52O NEW YORK STATE LIBRARY 1773 May 23 [Sir William Johnson] to John Watts, expressing satis- Johnson Hall faction at the coming marriage of Sir William's son and Mr Watts's daughter. 22:114 26 Hugh Wallace, asking if Sir William will go to Long New York Island, New London or Rhode Island and mentioning payments to Queens College [Rutgers] and the clerk of Tryon county and the settlement of the Massa chusetts line. 115 31 Sir William Johnson to Mr Blackburn about a meeting Johnson Hall with the Six Nations, illness, Lieut. Roberts's land, articles ordered, Sir John's marriage, and Mr Whar- ton. 116 June i John Blagge to [Sir William Johnson], informing that he has been appointed coroner of New York and in timating that he will soon marry. 117 i Hugh Wallace, informing that he sends 1000 with Capt. New York James Stevenson. 118 i [Sir William Johnson] to Rob't Goldsborough, concerning Johnson Hall efforts for the relief of the Nanticokes. 25 1205 4 Capt. James Stevenson, mentioning money intrusted to Albany him by the Messrs Wallace for Johnson. 22:119 6 [Sir William Johnson] to Col. Reid, concerning High- Johnson Hall landers who have settled on his lands without solicita tion on his part. 120 9 Hugh Wallace, mentioning articles sent to New London New York by sloop for Johnson, also Gen. Gage's sailing for England. 121 14 Henry Basset, mentioning his proceedings with the Indian Detroit murderers of Pond, measures which he has in view and the mischievous influence of Frenchmen. [25:199, 201-3] 25 :2o; 15 Frederick Haldimand, informing that he succeeds Gen. New York Gage, and the war between Creeks and Chactaws con tinues and assuring of his esteem for Sir William. 206 15 [Sir William Johnson] to Col. Eyre Massy on Massy's Johnson Hall promotion, his own ill health, his son's marriage, Guy Johnson's losses by fire and the rise of Johnstown. 22:122 16 Hugh Wallace about a shipment to New London, Sir New York John's wedding, Sir William's granddaughters, Gen. Haldimand's friendship for the writer, an organ from Jersey and a fall in " country truck." 123 19 Wade & Keiuser about sickness and death in their party, River Domine difficult rapids, good Indians from Hudsons Bay, scarcity and cost of food and business disappointment. 124 22 Samuel Stringer, recommending, and explaining the action Albany Q^ medicines. 25 :2o8 23 Hugh Wallace on Sir William's illness, Col. Johnson's New York loss by fire, Sir John's wedding, and an order for hams and tongues, 22:125 SIR WILLIAM JOHNSON MANUSCRIPTS 521 1773 June 24 London 30 New York John Blackburn on the Ohio grant, Lieut. Roberts's im prisonment and obligations to Johnson, Lord North as a guaranty of national peace, business done for Sir William and Col. Johnson, the King's satisfaction with his navy, the division of Poland and other continental affairs. [Inclosing no. 65] A power of attorney by which John Blackburn is author ized to accept Sir William Johnson's share and interest in 3 per cent annuities and sell, assign and transfer. John Watts, regarding his daughter, now the wife of Sir John. Gorge Cuck [George Koch?] and Jacob Mires [Meyer], admitting arrears of rent and offering terms of settle ment. Capt. Daniel Claus, concerning ice on June n, a land claim made by the Abinaquis of Misisqui, a dispute between Iroquois and Abinaquis, St Luke Le Corne's departure, the seizure of Du Charm by the Spaniards, death of Wm. Hare, Kreuser's success in trade and Peter's improvement at Montreal. Alexander McKee about trouble brewing between the Wabash Indians and settlers, between the former and southern nations, between Shawanese and Osossees, also between Lake Indians and Mississipi tribes. Capt. Hugh Lord to [Gen. Haldimand] (copy), inform ing of his efforts to prevent Mr Murray from getting all the land between the Wabashe and the Illinoise. Dr William Adems to [Sir William Johnson], regarding charges for medicine furnished to Indians, and like wise to Johnson's family and slaves. Same, explaining his communication of the previous day. Henry Dougan, former surgeon of the 29th, asking dis- New Bruns- charge of an account for service to the department, wick 27 Henry Dougan's affidavit before Wm. Oake concerning New Bruns- an account for medical service to Indians at Cumber- wick land, Nova Scotia. 27-29 Account of sundries sent to New London for Sir William New York Johnson by Hugh & Alex. Wallace. 29 Gov. Richard Penn, asking that Indians of the Six Philadelphia Nations be chosen to see the running of a line from the head of Susquehanna to Kittanning and mentioning an intended line from Owegy to Delaware. Hugh Wallace about mail to East Hampton and an ac cumulation of business. Same about newspapers forwarded, a ship of Mr Folliott's ashore near Islip, and Johnson's Long Island neighbors. July 3 La Chine 3 Pittsburgh 3 Fort Gage Illinois 15 Johnstown 16 Johnstown 26 22:126 65 127 128 25:209 210 211 22 : 129 130 Aucr. 2 New York 2 New York 132 133 25 :2I2 22:134 135 522 NEW YORK STATE LIBRARY II Stonington 1773 Aug. 4 Dartmouth, expressing the King's approval of Johnson's Whitehall course with the Senecas and approving his measures touching the Ohio colony. [Doc. rel. to Col. Hist. N. Y. 8:392-93] 25:213 H. Babcock to Rev. Miles Cooper, regarding the Lake George campaign, a visit to Sir William on Long Island, Johnson's mission to Indian civilization and his likeness to Solomon, his charms of character and manner, and the writer's scheme for establishing a seminary in the country of the Six Nations. [Doc. Hist. N. Y. 4:487-92; Q, 4:302-5] 22:136 G. Johnson to Lieut. Gov. Richard Penn, promising to notify the Indians of the running of a line from the Susquehanna to Kittanning [25 :2i2] and asking for a draft and description. 25 :2i4 Invoice of goods shipped by John Blackburn on the Sir William Johnson, Capt. George Deane, for Sir William Johnson, Bart. 22:137 Rev. William Andrews, explaining that failure in health compels absence from his mission and school at Sche- nectady and begging recommendations to a parish in Maryland or Virginia. [Doc. Hist. N. Y. 4:493-95; 0,4:365-67] 138 Hugh Wallace, mentioning Johnson's amusements at East Hampton and a promised visit. 139 Daniel Claus, mentioning a trip from Quebec in company with Gov. Tryon, illness of the latter, a land dispute between the Hurons of Lorette and the Jesuits, the Caghnawageys' loss of crops, the intrusting of Peter to the care of Lieut. Hastings of the 26th, ill health of Emily Prevost, death of Dr Shuckburg and the winning traits of Lady Johnson. 140 Bill of lading for goods shipped with Capt. George Dean for Sir William Johnson. 141 John Blackburn, regarding goods shipped on board Capt. Deane's snow, bills drawn by Rev. Mr Mosely, Lieut. Roberts's business, the Ohio grant, Europe's troubled outlook, and an Oxfordshire farmer who wishes to emigrate. 142 Lieut. B. Roberts to John Blackburn, showing how he may reimburse Sir William Johnson, complaining be cause Johnson has not advanced him and declaring him " the best man breathing." 143 Hugh Wallace about a load of bread and wine and a boat East Hamp- that will carry horses to New London. 1:44 ton Sept. 2 Gov, John Penn to Col. Guy Johnson, sending a sketch Philadelphia o f the country to be surveyed [25 :2i2, 214] and de scribing the origin of the line to be run. 25 1215 13 Guy Park 16 London 16 New York 16 New York 2O Schenectady 20 London 24 London 26 London SIR WILLIAM JOHNSON MANUSCRIPTS 523 1773 Sept. 8 Gov. Perm's answer to a message from the Cayuga chiefs. He explains that business prevents his meeting them at Shamokin, mentions the boundary provided for at Fort Stanwix and reminds that communications should come through Sir William Johnson. 25 1216 15 Frederick Haldimand, mentioning Mr Murray's purchase New York [25:211] and advising a course with the deputies from the west that will annul that transaction and prevent the like hereafter. 217 15 W. McAdam, mentioning Col. Gorham's message, a cask N York of Jamaica spirits for which direction is waited and Capt. McGillivray's tour of pleasure. 22:145 17 Rev. W. Andrews, showing how clergymen are maintained WilHamsburg an d presented to livings in Virginia and why there is no parish for him and asking to be appointed to the Johns town mission in the contingency of Mr Mosley's resignation. [Doc. Hist. N. Y. 4:495-97; Q, 4:307-8] 146 18 Answer of Pitchiboan, a chief of the Poutewatomis at Detroit St Joseph's, to the speech sent by Sir William Johnson and the Six Nations. He asks forgiveness for his people and explains that the chiefs have lost authority; copy certified by Maj. Basset, September 27. 25:218 22 [Sir William Johnson] to the Earl of Dartmouth on Capt. Johnson Hall Bullet's surveying expedition on the Ohio, French and Spanish representations to the Indians, Delaware move ments, effects of the intrusions and lawlessness of the whites and the death of Richard Shuckburgh. [Doc. rel. to Col Hist. N. Y. 8:395-97] 219 22 Hugh Wallace, regarding Johnson's return and improved New York health, East Hampton people and the Indians, looking- glasses, envy of Palmer the surveyor, an opening for Lord Dunmore to make money in Ohio lands and Ser geant Dean, who desires employment. 22:147(1) 26 Masonvill, estimating the number of warriors in the Wabas villages (940) and recommending means to over come their dissatisfaction. 25 :22O 30 [Sir William Johnson] to Mrs Shuckburgh on the death Johnson Hall o f Dr Shuckburgh and money lent him by Sir William. 22:148 30 [Sir William Johnson] to Mr McAdam, mentioning Capt. Johnson Hall McGillivray's visit and a cask of spirits that may be forwarded to J. Monier at Albany. 149 Oct. i Barnard Gratz, asking a draft for 413, gs, 4d on the pay- Philadelphia master general in New York in satisfaction of a draft in the writer's favor drawn on Johnson by Alex'r McKee. 150 9 John B. V. Eps, asking payment of 126, IDS, 3d and men- Schinectady ' tioning Gov. Tryon's advice about the ferry, and bar iron intrusted to John Poule. 151 5^4 NEW YORK STATE LIBRARY 1773 Oct. 15 Maj. Gen. Frederick Haldimand's warrant for payment by New York Thomas Barrow of ^5342, 55, 8d to Sir William Johnson. 26:74(1) 15 Copy of no. 74, not signed. 74(2) 16 John B. V. Eps about money paid by Hugg Wallace, mill- Schind'y stones, Col. Johnson's looking-glasses and the money of the patentees. 22:152 25 Alexander Wallace, mentioning his brother's journey to New York Philadelphia and Maryland and acquainting with the death of Miss Claus, Johnson's granddaughter. 153 25 Robert Adems on the death of Johnson's granddaughter, Katty. 154 25 Hugh Gaine, sending an account for paper and saying [New York] that he can obtain the Gentleman's Magazines. 155 26 Barnard Gratz about wild carrot seed directed to the care Philadelphia o f Robert Clinch, also Mr McKee's draft. 150 Nov. 10 Capt. J. Miller about a transaction with Mr Brown. 157 New London Allan MacDonell, considering several invitations to take up land in the province and asking questions as to Johnson's terms to settlers. 158 John Blagge on the recovery of a runaway slave, appoint ment of Mr Lefferty to succeed Blagge as surrogate and the death of Miss Claus. 159 19 [Sir William Johnson] to Henry Babcock, expressing Johnson Hall doubt of the opportuneness of the design [to found a seminary among the Six Nations]. [22:136] [Doc. Hist. N. Y. 4:497-98; Q, 4:308] 160 Francis Wade, discussing the education of Johnson's son [Peter] who is committed to Wade's care. 161 [Sir William Johnson] to Lieut. Gov. H. T. Cramahe, Johnson Hall informing of efforts to obtain from Indians restitu tion for the robbery of Chevalier Lorimier and procure the punishment of Indian murderers. 162 George Morgan, asking payment of 50 lent Alexander Maisonville and inquiring about a list of persons who presented demands to government on account of Indian depredations in 1763. 163 Peter Upsdell, acknowledging for Mr Penn a payment of 50 and recognizing a service to Pennsylvania in dis suading people from going to Wyoming. 164 Duplicate of 164; inclosing B. Roberts's note to Thomas Penn for 50, November 19, 1770. 165 i Dartmouth to Maj. Gen. Haldimand (extract), approv- Whitehall i ng Capt. Lord's opposition to forbidden sale of lands [25:211] and disallowing the transaction. [Inclosed in 25:222] 25:221 14 Albany 15 New York 19 Philad'a 25 30 Philad'a Dec. I Stoke Stoke SIR WILLIAM JOHNSON MANUSCRIPTS 525 1773 Dec. i Dartmouth, considering the danger that the trespasses of Whitehall the King's subjects and the influence of the French and Spaniards will excite Indian hostilities, inquiring about an alleged message from the French King to the Six Nations [25 1233] and mentioning the death of the Indian secretary. [Doc. rel. to Col. Hist. N. Y. 8 1404] 25 1222 Letter from gentleman in America to gentleman in Eng land communicating and commenting on alleged speech of the French King to the Five Nations, in which they are reminded of former French generosity and English oppression and are promised relief by French invasion by way of Canada. [Copy, inclosed in 25:222] 233 3 Stephen DeLancey, city clerk, asking that a meeting be ar- Albany ranged between the Mohawks and the corporation in order that the latter may explain its claim and inten tions regarding the 1000 acres at Tionnondoroge. 223 4 [Sir William Johnson] to Gov. Tryon on George Klock's Johnson Hall practices, a design to take three Indians to England to misrepresent land matters and a worse offense com mitted by one of Klock's friends. 224 A. Hasbrouck about millstones which must be transported on sleds and money paid to Winkoop and to be paid to Maj. Pauling. 22:166 Tho. Barrow, asking Johnson to draw on him at his early convenience for money and saying that he will give a draft on Mr McEvers for 2000 in favor of any person designated. 167 John Monier, inclosing accounts of Barrent Roseboom & Co. and Wessell Van Schaick. 168 13 Peter Johnson, writing of places which are open to him Philadelphia an d of Mr Wade's kindness. 169 Francis Wade, giving reasons why Johnson's son [Peter] should enter a house that imports and wholesales, and advising to take no notice of an application to be made by Wade's brother in law. 170 Isaac Adolphus, regarding an inclosed draft by George Croghan for 20, 155. [22:172, February 2, 1774] 171 [Sir William Johnson] to the Earl of Dartmouth, ap- Johnson Hall prising of the consent .of the Six Nations to make atone ment in accordance with English law for the murder of four Frenchmen, and of Klock's success in taking three Indians to England. Woe. rel to Col. Hist. N. Y. 8 :405-6] 25 1226 18 John B. V. Eps about an order for rope and a bateau load Schind'y o f rum, ale and fish. 22:173 John H. TenEyck, recorder, and Robert Yates, Thos. Hun [Albany] and John Ten Broeck to [Sir William Johnson], agree ing to an arrangement for meeting Indians. [Not dated but written between July 3 and 20; 25:223] 25:225 9 Kingston 9 New York IO Albany 13 Philada. 15 New York 16 NEW YORK STATE LIBRARY 1773 Dec. 20 Peter W. Yates, to say that four members [of the Albany Schenectady corporation] have arrived and wait the others in order to proceed to the Hall. 25:227 21-22 Meeting of a committee of the corporation of Albany with Johnson Hall the Mohock Indians. The committee reminds the Indians that the patent to 1000 acres at Tionnondorogoe given to Albany by Gov. Thomas Dongan was intended to secure the Mohocks while a nation in the possession of the land, and that the deed afterward received by the city and destroyed by Gov. Cosby had the same object. The committee offers the Indians a deed. Abraham, the Mohock chief, recalls the services of the nation to the English, objects to the deed and threatens retalia tion by the confederates of his nation. The committee retires. The Indians propose that Sir William lay their case before the King. He agrees to do so after waiting a reasonable time. 231 John Blagge about the capture and second escape of the slave, Dick, and Mr Lefferty's desire to succeed Blagge as surrogate. 22:174 Cornelius A. Van Slyck to [Sir William Johnson], relat ing to the murder of a companion and an attack on him self by Pottewatamies at St Joseph's, alleging the con nivance of Lewison Chevallier and charging the con stant complicity of French traders in Indian crime. 25 :228 Capt. James Stevenson, concerning the boldness of the Boston people in throwing the tea into the river. 22:175 Extract from a letter written by a gentleman at New York to one at Albany, relating proceedings of the Governor, mayor and citizens touching an expected cargo of tea. [Inclosed in 22:175] 176 Ab'm C. Cuyler, mayor, sending a resolution of thanks from the corporation for attending the meeting with the Mohawks. 25 :22Q Minutes of the common council, noting that the Mohawks are not satisfied with the proposal of the corporation as to lands at Tionnondoroge, and thanking Johnson for attending the negotiations. [Copy inclosed with no. 229] 232 [Sir William Johnson] to Ab'm C. Cuyler, advising that Johnson Hall the Mohocks demand an explicit engagement from the Albany corporation touching the possession of their lands, and acknowledging a resolution of thanks. 230 Col. Henry Babcock, arguing in favor of his design [to found a seminary among the Six Nations] and main taining that the preservation of Johnson's life in times of danger indicates a providential purpose. [22:136] [Doc. Hist. N. Y. 4:498-99; Q, 4:308-9] 22:177(1) 22 New York 24 Detroit 25-27 Albany New York 27 Albany 27 Albany 28 28 Stonington SIR WILLIAM JOHNSON MANUSCRIPTS 527 1773 Dec. 29 Albany Ebenezer Jessup, exp!ain : ng his inability to raise money due the Indians and promising to obtain that or security. 22 : John Monier about the lateness of the Johnstown post, also wild carrot and money to be sent in Dr Dease's sleigh. John B. V. Eps about beer and rum which he has sent, money paid Edward Early, Peter Bratt and John Lean and iron waiting transportation. Phyn & Ellice, informing of a remittance which they must make to New York and offering the money to Johnson in exchange for a draft. 30 Henry Glen about accounts for transportation of stores Schonectady w hich Gen. John Bradstreet, former quartermaster general, has refused to approve. John Stevenson about an order for iron. 30 Albany 30 Sohtn'dy 3" Schenectady 30 Albany 177(2) I 7 8 179 180 181 183 1774 Jan. 8 Albany 16 Albany T<8 New York 19 Albany 19 Albany Statement of the Mohocks' demand on the corporation of Albany a reversionary deed to 1000 acres, with pro vision for their voluntary withdrawal, or for the maintenance of farrrlies that may survive Mohock nationality. Sketch of boundary of Pennsylvania on the north. Stephen DeLancey, clerk, for the common council, ex plaining the departure of the committee from the con ference with the Mohawks and refusing to define the word, nation, in the deed which secures to the Indians while they remain a nation the lands at Tionnondoroge. Jacob Lansing Jun'r, asking payment of the accounts of Benjamin Egbertse and Egbert Egbertse; both de ceased. John Blagge, concerning a box held subject to order, the escaped negro and Johnson's letter to the Governor in behalf of Lefferty. John Monier, regarding articles forwarded per Mr Adams and the New York post John Stevenson about brass mounting which he furnishes. 25 : 235 20 Col. Cornelis Van Schaack to [Sir William Johnson], Kinderhook exonerating himself from the charge of remissness in making regimental returns. 20 [S : r William Johnson] to John Blackburn, reviewing his Johnson Hall relations with [Lieut. Benjamin] Roberts and mention ing Capt. Claus's and Col. Johnson's affairs, his son's marriage, freight for the snow [Sir William Johnson], quitrent of the royal grant, Kingsland, and the bill of Robert Pickens. 236 22 : 186 187 188 189 190 191 NEW YORK STATE LIBRARY 1774 Jan. 20 [Sir William Johnson] to John MacLeod, expressing Johnson Hall esteem for Capt. McLeod, and mentioning his appoint ment as commandant at Fort Ontario. 22:192 20 Sir William Johnson to Alexander McKee on the value Johnson Hall o f Kayaghshota's services, the necessity of prompt re ports from McKee, the prohibition of land grants and the need of economy. 25 1237 20 Sir William Johnson to George Croghan on Kayagh- Johnson Hall shota's services, disaffection of the Shawanese, sus pension of land grants and the advantage of the new [Ohio] colony. 238 30 Richard Preston, mentioning a disturbing lawsuit, John- London son's goodness to his brother and his own desire for that brother's return. 22:193 31 John B. V. Eps and others, trustees of Schenectady town- Schenectady ship, acquainting with success in the assembly and thanking Sir William, Sir John, Col. Johnson and Col. Claus for aid. 194 Feb. i Francis Wade, concerning a place obtained for Johnson's Philad'a S on, expenses, Mr Prendergast's behavior and habits and a report that Virginia lays claim to Fort Pitt. 195 2 Isaac Adolphus, again requesting payment of George New York Croghan's draft; with copy of letter of December 15, 1773- 172 6 George Morgan, asking names of the sufferers by Indian Philad'a depredations [in 1763] and complaining of Mr Whar- ton's treatment of his partners. 196 8 Dr Samuel Stringer, regarding a movement in behalf of Albany ^r Coale, who has suffered losses. 197 8 Henry Ten Eyck, high sheriff, regarding the applications Albany o f ^r Pemberton and Mr Cole for the place of jailer. 198 9 John Monier, sending freight bills from skippers. 199 Albany 9 Capt. James Stevenson, communicating the fact that the Albany Albany corporation has had a secret meeting with a Mohawk. 200 9 R. Cartwright, advocating the choice of John Cole for Albany jailer; and inclosing the certificate of Matthew Watson, Edward S. Willet and Matthew Visscher, committee of Union Lodge, in which Br. William Pempberton is shown to have sought the office of undersheriff and jailer after it was promised to Br. John Cole. 201 14 Alex'r Ross to Alexander McKee, demanding payment for Fort Pitt provisions issued to Indians and threatening legal action. 25 :24O 14 [Sir William Johnson] to Dr Huntley, acknowledging Johnson Hall kindness to his son and an expenditure for payment of which Johnson has provided. 22:202 SIR WILLIAM JOHNSON MANUSCRIPTS 529 20 Albany 24 New York 1774 Feb. 15 Alexander McKee, concerning the issuance of provisions Pittsburgh to Indians at that post and means of satisfying the con tractor's agent for that expense. 25:241 17 [Sir William Johnson] to Sheriff Ten Eyck and likewise Johnson Hall to Capt. Pemberton, suggesting that the latter withdraw from his candidacy for the post of jailer. 22 :203 18 Maj.Gen. Frederick Haldimand (February 10) on Shaw- New York nese refractoriness, fidelity of the Six Nations, the murderers of four Frenchmen, French interference with Indian affairs, appointment of Jehu Hay as com missary at Detroit; (February 18) directions for the discharge of Lewis Andrews. 25 :23Q William Pemberton, considering the accusation made against him by his lodge and intimating that he will still seek appointment as jailer. 22 :2O4 Frederick Haldimand on the attempt of the Creeks to obtain northern allies, the war between Creeks and Chactaws and the desirableness of keeping the Creeks and Cherokees apart. 25:242 25 Patt Smyth to [Sir William Johnson], regarding an order, Fort Edward delivered by Tom Wildman, for grain. . 22 :205 26 John Monier, to mention an account for receiving and for- Albany warding goods. 206 26 Dudley Davis about a pleasant stay in Albany and money Albany which he will bring up if desired to do so. 207 Mar. i John Collens, describing the condition of Mayfield and the Mayii-ld efforts of Wm. Bradley, Jno. Reynolds and James Reynolds to control the settlement and suggesting a plan for recovering lots the rights to which have been forfeited. 208 1 George Phealps's receipt to Alexander McKee for pay- Pittsburgh ment for smith work. [Inclosed with no. 244(1)] 25:244(2) 2 John Stevenson about orders for iron and gunpowder. 22:209 Albany 2 Stephen DeLancey, for the Albany corporation, refusing Albany to define the word, nation, in the deed to the Mohawks and offering alternative terms of settlement. 25:243 2 Alexander McKee, concerning an account of expenses, the Pittsburgh interpreter's voucher and an expected meeting with chiefs. 244 ( i ) 3 Alexander McKee, mentioning the demand of the Six Pittsburgh Nations on the Shawanese for the surrender of a hatchet belt, the promise of the latter to attend a coun cil with the former, the admission of a Shawanese chief that his people conceal a war belt and his charge that the Six Nations do the same, an expected meet ing of Cherokees and others at Muskingum, destruc tion of families on the Big Kanhawa and Ohio, Indian NEW YORK STATE LIBRARY 1774 Mar. 5 London 5 5 Balentine Dest'r 6 Philad'a resentment at the settlement of that country and the clash of authority between Virginia and Pennsylvania. 25 -. John Blackburn, considering the conduct of [Lieut.] Roberts, the arrival of George Klock with an Indian, the course to be pursued by Parliament on account uf the destruction of the tea at Boston, the dismissal of Dr Franklrn from the office of deputy postmaster and that of Mr Temple from the place of surveyor general of customs, and the price of stocks, and promising to pay Johnson's quitrent (two beaver skins) at Windsor. Signed copy of no. 210. William Nelles to [Sir William Johnson], offering to sell a lot of 185 acres and a mill site. 22 :2io 212 Francis Wade, informing of the arrangements he has made for the training of [Peter] Johnson, the occupa tion of Westmoreland county by Virginians led by one Connely, Mr Croghan's supposed complicity, resent ment of Pennsylvania authorities, rapid settlement of the Ohio country, Virginia's pretensions in that quarter, proceedings necessary to complete the new grant and Col. Mercer's irritation at the delay. 7 John Duncan, asking countenance for an application for Hermitage a civil or military appointment and reciting his services in the field and his losses in trade through Indian outbreaks. 8 [Sir William Johnson] to Rev. Dr Hind, secretary to Johnson Hall the Society for the Propagation of the Gospel, inform ing that Rev. Mr Mosley retires from the Johnstown mission because of ill health and showing that the field is inviting by reason of rapid settlement and the free dom of the newcomers from sectarian attachment. [Doc. Hist. N. Y. 4:500-1 ; Q, 4:309-10] 8 John Monier about accounts of Captains Holt and Samuel Albany Pruyne. 8 Jehu Hay, mentioning a secret mission to the West on New York which the general proposes to send him, a commotion in Boston the governor going home, the lieutenant governor lying at the point of death and the chief judge awaiting dismissal by the assembly also a bill of Lieut. Roberts's and his own pay as commissary. 8 Isaac Adolphus, drawing attention to a mistake of 155 in New York an order on the Messrs Wallace. 10 [Sir William Johnson] to the Earl of Dunmore, asking Johnson Hall that Joseph Chew may receive a grant of land as heir to his brother, Colley, who was in Col. Washington's regi ment and was killed in an action near Fort Pitt. 211 213 215 216 217 218 219 SIR WILLIAM JOHNSON MANUSCRIPTS 531 1774 New York PTnj. Gen. Frederick Haldimand's proclamation, citing the royal prohibition of October 7, 1763, against settling in the Illinois country or adjacent parts, and declaring void all purchases of land in that territory. 10 Duplicate of no. 246. [In French] Extract from his Majesty's proclamation given October 7> !763, forbidding governors of Quebec, East Florida or West Florida from granting warrants of survey or patents outside their governments and governors of other colonies from making grants beyond the sources of any rivers which fall into the Atlantic from the west or northwest. 11 Capt. James Stevenson, sending a sample of powder, Albany which he recommends. 12 John Glen, denying that he means to turn the widow Schonectady Petrie out of possession and explaining delay in running a line. 12 [Sir William Johnson] to John Duncan, agreeing to assist Johnson Hall i n obtaining an office but showing the linr'tation of his influence in England. 13 William Pemberton, informing that he has obtained the Albany place of jailer and defeated a design of breaking jail. 13 John Monier about accounts, New York letters, and ear Albany bobs to be mended. 20 John Duncan, informing that he will soon embark for Hermitage England, encouraged in his hope of preferment by Sir William's promise of support. 21 John Brown and Rob't Clench, churchwardens, about an Schenectady address which they have framed to the Society for the Propagation of the Gospel and unfriendliness of Dr Auchmuty and Mr Inglis to the Schenectady mission. [Doc. Hist. N. Y. 4:502-3; Q, 4:310-11] 24 George Mann, saying that Lawyer and Zimmer intend to Schohary hold a fourth part each of the patent and asking for the surveyors' statement as to its extent. 24 Peter W. Yates, indicating the hopelessness of Gilbert Albany Tice's suit against Taylor. 25 Barnard Gratz, concerning a draft on Johnson in his favor Philadelphia drawn by Mr McKee of Fort Pitt. 25 Alexander McKee, sending the interpreter's receipt for his Fort Pitt pay for six months.- 28 H. V. Schaack to John Moneer about the character of a negro now at Johns Town. 2^ H. V. Schaack to [Sir William Johnson], concerning the Kinderhook record and disposition of a negro in the Johns Town jail. 30 Col. Daniel Campbell, mentioning illness, commissions for Schenectady Col. Lansing and himself obtained through Johnson's influence and fees sent to Col. Fanning for the com missions. 25 : 247 248 22 :220 221 222 223 224 226 227 228 22Q 230 25 :24Q 22 1225 231 232 532 NEW YORK STATE LIBRARY Apr. I Albany Albany I Albany 1774 Mar. 31 Capt. James Stevenson, mentioning the appointment of Albany Capt. Campbell as manager of Indian affairs in Canada and citing St Matthew, 25 129. 22 1234 [Sir William Johnson] to the corporation of Albany, stat- Johnson Hall i ng the Mohock's objections to the deed offered them, their proposal to make counter releases of lands in con troversy and his own opinion that they would release lands on Scohare creek; exhorting the corporation to avoid worse contention. 25 1250 Capt. James Stevenson, discussing an Indian relationship which he formed at Niagara and pointing to early Albany precedent. Followed by a communication of April i condemning the appointment of Capt. Campbell and denouncing Gov. Carleton. 22:233 John Monier about mail delayed or injured in transmis sion. 235 John Stevenson, regarding mill iron expected and mill saws which Bristol vessels will bring. 236 1 [Sir William Johnson] to [Robert] Clinch and [John] Johnson Hall Brown, reassuring in regard to the friendly disposition of the Society for the Propagation of the Gospel toward the Schenectady mission. [Doc. Hist. N. Y. 4:503-4; 0,4:311-12] 237 2 Sir William Johnson's account with Samuel Baker. [In- London closed in 22:238] 239 4 Samuel Baker, advising of an investment in stock which London he is about to make for Johnson. 238 6 John Blackburn, describing Boston port bill and a bill London for changing the charter of Massachusetts Bay, Gen. Gage's new powers, efforts of men who sympathize with America and the unanimity of King, lords and com mons as to the port bill. 240 6 Maj. Gen. Frederick Haldimand's warrant directing New York Thomas Barrow to pay Sir William Johnson 4483, is, 2d, New York currency; account annexed. 26:75(1) 6 Copy of no. 75, not signed. 75(2) ii R. Mosley, declaring his gratitude for kindness experienced New York a t Johnstown. Woe. Hist. N. Y. 4:504; Q, 4:312] 22:241 ii John Monier about pork for the Indians, Johnson's suc- Albany cess in their management, eardrops and the arrival and departure of the post. 242 15-28 Proceedings of Johnson with the Six Nations, at which [Johnson they surrender two Indians concerned in the murder Hall] of four Frenchmen and declare the wrath of their war riors at the murder of Indians on the Ohio. 25:251 16 Richard Cartwright, mentioning plows, oysters, and lemons sent to Johnson Hall, the Governor's embark ation and the reported dismissal of the recorder of New York. 22:243 SIR WILLIAM JOHNSON MANUSCRIPTS 533 1774 Apr. 17 [Sir William Johnson] to Lieut Gov. Golden, congratu- johnson Hall lating on the fifth entrance on the government of the province and on the possession of a satisfactory degree of health. 22 1244 18 John Collens to [Sir William Johnson], apprising that an May^eld association has been formed to buy land and a com mittee appointed to negotiate, also warning that the project is not conceived in good faith. 245 20 Hugh Gaine, informing that the votes and laws of the New York last session and the laws of the province have been sent and the books written for are in the binder's hands. 246 20 Francis Wade, concerning a book written by a Philadel- Fhiiad'a p hia man, the quarrel between Virginia and Pennsyl vania over land settlements, and the operations of Croghan's land office in the Ohio grant. 247 20 John Stevenson about mill iron sent to the care of John Albany B. V. Eps at Schonectady. 248 20 John Stevenson's bill to Sir William Johnson for mill Albany i rO n. 249 21 [Sir William Johnson] to Maj. Edmestone on a delayed Johnson Hall letter and an expected visit 250 26 John Glen on the selection of a person to run a line Schonectady between his land and Johnson's at the Little falls. 251 27 [Sir William Johnson] to John Blackburn, inclosing Johnson Hall letters for Lord Adam Gordon and Gen. Gage, drafts from Col. Johnson, Mr Mosely and Colin McClellan, and mentioning letter and papers from Col. Johnson. 252 28 Sir William Johnson's receipt for 11,207 36/56 dollars to Thomas Barrow. 26:76 28 Duplicate of no. 76. 77 29 Gen. Frederick Haldimand, explaining Air Hay's mission New York to the Illinois and asking cooperation with Hay, sending his proclamation [25 1246] and asking that the Indians be made acquainted with the King's purpose to protect their lands. 25 1252 30 Peter Johnson to [Sir William Johnson] about Mr Hare Philadelphia from England and Mr Allen of Philadelphia, who will visit Johnson Hall, five hangings which he has wit nessed one for " Money making ", Gov. Franklin's arrival, Indian curiosities desired and books and a watch wanted. 22 1253 May 3 Francis Wade, introducing Rob't Hare and Wm. Allen Pbilad'a Junr. 254 6 Alexander McKee, regarding interruption of correspond- Pittsburgh ence, expenditure, emigration down the Ohio, bad state of feeling between white and red men and his need of an interpreter. 25:253 534 NEW YORK STATE LIBRARY 1774 May 9 Francis Wade, sending the proclamation of Gov. Dun- i'hilad'a more issued at Williamsburg April 28, to uphold V:/- ginia authority at Pitsburg and its dependencies; also mentioning violent proceedings by Dr Conolly and accusing Mr Croghan of connivance at Dunmore's usurpation. 22 1255 14 John Stevenson, concerning an order for saws and iron. 256 Albany 16 John Stevenson's bill to Sir William Johnson for bar iron Albany an d mill saws. 257 16 John Stevenson about iron and saws sent to the care of Albany Van Eps of Schonectady. 258 17 Hugh Gaine, regarding an order for books; inquiring about books to be used in Johnson's free school. 262 19 Rich'd Duncan, sending news of the action of Parliament Hermitage relative to Boston. 259 27 [Sir William Johnson] to John Blackburn, London, sending Johnson Hall Dudley Davis's draft, describing George Klock's recent offense toward the Indians and their retaliation, in quiring about a paper which Klock persuaded an Indian to present to the King, expressing the hope thai Gen. Gage will bring the refractory Boston people to their duty and the opinion that they are too much en couraged in England, and considering the case of Lieut. Roberts. 260 2^ H. V. Schaack to [Sir William Johnson] about a cart on Kmderhook which a wheelwright is engaged and the ill consequences of a frolic in which Capt. Philip Van Alstyne and others indulged. 25 1254 .1 1 Peter Johnson, mentioning the closing of stores " in Philadelphia Memory of the poor Bostonian[s] whose harbor is to be Shut up" June I, also a visit which Mr and Mrs Pre- vost will pay to Johnson Hall. 22 1261 Jr-e "; Frederick Haldimand's warrant to Thomas Barrow direct- New York jng payment of 269, i8s, 2d to Sir William Johnson for pay of a smith and interpreter at Pittsburg. 26 178 15 Copy of no. 78, not signed. 73(2) 20 [Sir William Johnson] to Alexander McKee, concerning Johnson Hall the murder of Indians by Capt. Michael Cresap and representations that should be made 10 the Indians. 25:255 2 T Letter of Tuscaroras, declaring their desire to lead a re- Cherry Valley Hgious life and asking that they, like the Oneidas, may have the word of God printed for their use. Answer of Johnson, in which they are exhorted to use the books provided and cultivate better relations with the Oneidas. 258 22 John Johnston about a deficiency in the skins delivered Sinakes up by the Indians and the killing of 15 or 16 Senecas Country by Virginians. 256 SIR WILLIAM JOHNSON MANUSCRIPTS 535 1774 June 23 Same to [Sir William Johnson] about an alarm among Sinake the Indians, arrival of Mr Kirtland and the desire of the Country bearer for a hat. 25 1257 28 Dartmouth to [?], acknowledging Sir William Johnson's London recommendation of Guy Johnson for a place not yet vacant and lamenting the proportions attained by emi gration. 259 July 12 Gen. Frederick Haldimand, introducing Maj. Blunt of the New York Welsh Fu;;iieers, and his lady. 260 13 A short sketch of the character, Cervices, death and funeral of Sir William Johnson Bart. 261 23 Address to Sir John Johnson by the officers of the militia Kinderhook regiment of Kinderhook and Kings districts, expressing regard for the character and public services of the late Sir William Johnson and tendering sympathy. [Stone's Johnson, 2:530-31] 26:94 Aug. 13 Alexander McKee to Sir John Johnson, expressing his Ohio sense of Sir William's services to the country and of the country's loss by his death. 95 Sept. 24 Guy Johnson's account of expenses of the Indian depart ment from March 25. 79 Oct. 4 A grant by the Oneidas of land to the Indians of Mohe- Guy Park gan, Naraganset, Montock, Pequods of Groton, and of Stonington, Nahanticks, Farmington; executed be fore Guy Johnson. 96 1775 Mar. 25 Guy Johnson's account against the Crown for pay of officers and disbursements in the department from Sep tember 25, 1774. 80, 93 20 G. Johnson to the magistrates of Palatine, Conajoharie Guy Park an d the upper districts, informing that a body of New Englanders proposes to make him prisoner and that preparations are made for his defense. 98 21 Committee of [Palatine] to committee of Albany, inform ing that Col. Johnson has called down the upper nations, fortified his house and cut off communication with com munities to the eastward, and asking to be supplied with ammunition. 100 May i8~[22] Minutes of meetings of committee of Palatine district. 99 18 Articles of association signed and standing committee headed by Christopher P. Yates appointed. [19] Approval given of letter of i8th to the Albany com mittee. 21 Letter from the Mohocks to the Oneydas read and resolutions adopted avowing sympathy with New England proceedings, agreement with the Continental Congress, disapproval of Col. Johnson's course in fortifying his house and surrounding himself with 536 NEW YORK STATE LIBRARY 1775 armed men, requesting cooperation from the people of German Flatts and Kingsland districts, and order ing letter to be sent to Albany committee. May [22] Joint meeting with committee of Canejohary, ordering that two men be sent to the upper nations of Indians to acquaint them with the true nature of the dispute with the mother country and dissuade them from coming down, appointing John Pickerd to act with appointee from German Flatts and Kingsland dis- tricts, and naming the 24th for next meeting of com mittee. [The minutes of this joint meeting are dated Monday the 2ist May 1778 which is clearly wrong as May 21 did not fall on Monday between 1770 and and 1781 ; from the fact that a joint meeting of the district committees of Tryon county was held May 24, 1775, and from the subject, it seems likely that the date should be Monday, May 22, 1775.] 22 Mayor, aldermen and commonalty to Col. Johnson, Albany assuring that he has nothing to fear from New Eng- landers or people of Albany or Schenectady and asking him to restore tranquillity among the Indians. 26:101 23 Samuel Stringer, by order of the committee, to the corn- Albany mittee of Palatine district, informing that a committee from Albany and Schanactady will wait on Col. Guy Johnston to learn the reason of his military preparations and the quarrel between the mother country and colonies will be explained to the Indians, that no ammunition can be furnished at present and Rev. Samuel Kirkland has been asked to exert a peaceful influence among the Onoidas. 102 25 Answer of the Oneidas to [the Mohawks?]. 103 Burneafeald June 5 Col. G. Johnson to the [committees of Tryon county], af- Thompsons firming liberty of opinion and defending the King's at- Cosby's titude toward the petition of the delegates as well as Manner his own course in convoking the Indians and fortifying his house. 104 8 Edw'd Wall to Christopher P. Yeates, declaring that he German flats can no longer act on the committee unless its resolutions are to be respected by all members of the association. 105 1.3 Address of Massachusetts Provincial Congress, Jos. Watertown Warren president, to New York Provincial Congress, Mass. informing that the Continental Congress has been de sired to take measures for quieting the apprehensions of the Canadians and Six Nations. 106 Julv i Indian conference regarding action of the Oneydas in Kingsland stopping provisions designed for a meeting of the Five district Nations at Col. Johnson's. 107 SIR WILLIAM JOHNSON MANUSCRIPTS 537 1775 July 8 Copies of letter of Guy Johnson to magistrates, May 20 [26 .-98] ; of Guy Johnson to P. V. B. Livingston, July 8, complaining of indignities actual and contemplated ; and of the Albany committee to the committee of Palatine, not dated, stating that they have written Samuel Kirk- land to exert his influence to maintain peace between the Oneidas and the whites. 26 197 11 Nicolas Herchheimer to Capt. Jacob Clock, Palatine, in- Conajohary forming that Col. Guy Johnson is ready with 800 or 900 Eiitr't Indians to cut off the settlements on the Mohawk and asking that all committees " till to the Moh'ks and Cherry Valley " be summoned to a meeting. 108 12 [Nicolas Herchheimer] to the committees in Schenectady Conajohary an d Albany, asking for 800 or 900 men to meet Col. District Guy Johnson's intended attack below the Little Falls. [Inclosed in 26:108] 109 Aug. Account written before the 29th, of a quarrel between Sheriff Alex'r White and the people and communica tions with Sir John Johnson on the subject. in Sept. 24 Col. Guy Johnson's account of expenses from March 25 for officers, rangers and bateau men, for fortifying his house and transporting goods and provisions to the Indian country and Canada and for presents to Indians ^17,081, 35, 6 l />d, New York currency. 81 24 Pay list of the Indian department from March 25 2988, 155, 8j4d, New York currency. 82 26 Nicholas Herkheimer to Sir John Johnson, for the Tryon county committee, inquiring whether the inhabitants of Johnstown and Kingsborough will be allowed to form companies according to the requirements of the Con tinental Congress and whether Johnson asserts pro prietorship in the courthouse and jail. [Stone's Johnson, 2:504] 112 Oct. 26-27 Minutes of a meeting of the general committee of Tryon county at the house of Gose V. Alstyne, at which mem bers are fined for absence, persons are delegated to question Sir John Johnson about recruiting for the Con tinental service among his tenants and about the use of the jail by the committee, his answer is received, and the answer of the Indians of Conajohary castle to a letter is presented. no 30 John Marlatt to Nichlus Harkamore, reporting a confer- Marlatts town e nce with the heads of the Mohawk Castle regarding violation of law by members of the tribe. 113 P c. 9 Nath'll Woodhull to Col. Nicholas Herkemer, for the Pro- New York vincial Congress, declaring it unnecessary to get Sir John Johnson's consent to the forming of his tenants into companies, proper to ascertain his attitude on the controversy with Great Britain, impolitic to use the 538 1775 1776 Mar. 24 Sept. 24 1777 Mar. 24 Sept. 24 1778 Mar. 24 July 18 Quebec Sept. 24 1779 Mar. 24 May 13 Quebec Sept. 2 Quebec 13 Quebec NEW YORK STATE LIBRARY Johnstown courthouse for confining persons inimical to the country, or to molest Sir John while he is in active, and advisable to petition the Governor for the removal of [the sheriff, Alexander White]. 26:114 Col. Guy Johnson's account against the Crown for pay of officers and sundry disbursements in Indian department from September 25, 1775. 83 Col. Guy Johnson's account against the Crown for pay of officers and sundry disbursements in his department from March 25. 84 Col. Guy Johnson's account against the Crown for salaries of officers from September 25, 1776. 85 Col. Guy Johnson's account against the Crown for salaries of officers from March 25. 86 Col. Guy Johnson's account against the Crown for 'pay of officers and sundry disbursements from September 25, 1777. 87 Information furnished by John Peters to show that Sir Guy Carleton is imposed on; containing charges of political or personal unreliability against John Grant, Hayzelton Spencer, Lieut. Green, Andrew Cheinett, Simson Jenny, Benj'n Haugh and Philo Hurlbut. 115 Col. Guy Johnson's account against the Crown for pay of officers and sundry disbursements from March 25. 88 Col. Guy Johnson's account for pay of officers and sundry disbursements in Indian department from September 25, 1778. 89 Frederick Haldimand to Sir John Johnson, concerning accounts, supplies and confinement of deserters. 116 Same to same, directing that an expedition be led by way of Carleton Island and Irondequot, or other point, to join forces intended for the relief of the Five Nations, designating the troops that will be taken and informing that Colonels Campbell and Claus will lead parties up the Mohawks. 117 Same to same, saying that Col. Mason Bolton has sent a company of the 34th to Maj. Butler's aid, the detach ment of the 47th will go to Detroit, rum must not be served to Johnson's men after passing Carleton Island, and grasshopper guns may do execution. 118 Memorial of Edward Bisshopp and W. Brummell to Gen. Conway, asking that Sir John Johnson's regiment, the King's Royal Regiment of New York, be established. 119 SIR WILLIAM JOHNSON MANUSCRIPTS 539 1783 May 20 Montreal Oct. 24 Quebec 1784P 1785 Apr. ii London Aug. 29 1788 June 7 1791 Feb. 22 1808 Mar. 30 Chelsea College Col. Guy Johnson's account against government from March 1779 to October 1782. 26:90 Statement of the account of Col. Guy Johnson, late super intendent of Indian * affairs, arranged in consequence of having received a report of the officers appointed by Gen. Haldimand to investigate his claims against the government. Address to Sir John Johnson from the officers of his Majesty's late provincial regiments and the principal inhabitants of Luneburg, expressing their sense of his sacrifices and services. Petition to the King from Sir John Johnson and others, in behalf of officers and soldiers of the provincial troops and Indian Department who served in the late rebellion, and other loyalists, now settled in Canada : praying that they may be relieved from the rules of French tenure and that the country from Lake St Francis westward may be comprehended in a district distinct from the Province of Quebec but subordinate to Quebec as Cape Britain is to Nova Scotia; and showing the advantages of such a colony in trade, Indian influence and at tractiveness to immigration. Col. Guy Johnson's account against the Crown for ex penses of the Indian department not embraced in pre vious accounts. A statement before the court of exchequer regarding accounts of Sir William Johnson for which the vouchers are lost, containing a history of certain records; with an order of the court to the commissioners for auditing to allow certain accounts of Sir William Johnson with out vouchers. Sir John Johnson to Capt. Joseph Brant (private), dis cussing the relations of the United States to the Indians and the claims of the former beyond the line estab lished in 1768. Lieut. Col. R. Mathews to I. L. Mallet, relative to the accounts of a corps of loyalists who served under Sir John Johnson in the Revolution and were paid by him from June 1776 to December 1779. 92 121 122 123 1 2O 124 CORRECTIONS p. II, 1:24, for Lynd read Lyne and for Lyndsberry read Lynesbeny p. 60, 3:122, transpose George] and [Lake p. 108, 5:26, for Cluas read Glaus p. no, 5:51, for Mohegans read Mahicans p. 113, 5:79, for Van Norst read Van Vorst p. 126, 6th entry, for I 92 read 192 p. 163, 2d entry, for 3 read 7:3 p. 163, ^d entry, add reference 4 p. 216, 24:203, for Johnson read Johnston p. 22C, 9:41, for Indian affairs read Albany P- 233, 9:139, for S. read L. and for his read her p. 243, strike out line 4 p. 244, 9:257, for Debrosses's read Desbrosses's p. 247, last entry, add reference 34 p. 270, transpose line 2 to beginning of following entry P- 330, Jacques St Martin's receipt, for 112(2) read 112(1) p. 358, 14:212, for Helenbeck's read Halenbeck's P- 369* 15:66, add Sept. to date P- 384, 15:231, for Hudson read Mohawk 540 INDEX Aaron (Mohawk), 177, 182, 184, 190, 3 6 9 Abbot (Abbott), James, frauds prac tised by, 341; account against In dian department, 343; court of inquiry on conduct of, 377; seizure of rum belonging to,. 515. See also Henry, Farrell & Abbot Abbott, Edward, lieut., 265, 282, 355 Abeel, Garret, 123 Abeel (Abell), John, letter from, 79; deposition of, 88; lands sold to, 134, 136; evil behavior, 196 Abel, David, 21 Abell, John, see Abeel, John Abenakis (Abanakis, Abenaquis, Abi- naquis Onagonques, Onogangeys, St Francis Indians), desire a con ference, 2 5 ; pursuit of, 35; John son's good feelings toward, no; trouble with Mohegans, no, in,. 114; to move to new hunting grounds, 120 ; interview with John son, 130; messages sent by, to western nations, 175; deputation sent to Johnson, 275; desire for a priest, 278; land dispute affecting, 366; to retain lands, 371; disputes with Aughquisasne and Caghna- waga Indians, 432, 452, 456, 468, 521; party of, warning against, 464 ; account of charges for the re turn of to St Regis, 466; trouble with the seigneur, 469; Hertell's arrangement with, 469; decision against, 470; of Misisqui, land claim, 521. See also Canadian Indians Abercrombie, James, capt., maj., let ter to, 81; message from Capt. Glaus sent by, 181 ; sailed for Eng land, 190; mentioned, 90 Abercromby (Abercrombie), James, ma], gen., letters from, 90, 94, 95; letters to, 86, 89, 91-95; appoint ment, 76; warrants to Thomas Barrow, 92 ; to succeed Loudon, 93 ; warrants to Abraham Mortier, 94, 96, 97; mentioned, 90, 96 Abraham (Mohawk chief), speeches, 74, 75, 163, 244, 526 Abraham (Mohikin), letter from, 493 Abraham (slave), 437 Acadia (Accadie), appointment of superintendent of Indian affairs, 345 Ackerman, John, sergeant, letters from, 21, 26 Ackeson (Ackerson, Ackesen, Ecker- son), Thomas, capt., letter from, 209; supplies extorted from by In dians, 2ii ; conduct of, 338; com pany, 358; certificate and patent, 442 Actors, arrival at Albany from New York, 429 Adageghtinge creek, land on, 457 Adair, Dr James, letters from, 91: manuscript on " Manners, Customs and History of the Southern In dians," 410, 420, 422, 424, 438 Adam, speech, 74, 75 Adam (Mohawk), bill for clothing furnished to, 202 Adams, Samuel, account of Boston massacre, 461 Adems, Dunlap, letter from, 500 Adems (Adams), Robert, letters from, 181, 399, 409, 461, 462, 470, 524; letters to, 472, 486; certifies to proceedings at Indian confer ence, 75; accounts, 284, 318, 320, 321,^326, 334, 346, 409, 436-39 442, 454, 461-63, 465, 470, 471, 500 ; dividend for creditors of, 305, church bell sent Johnson by, 311; transaction with Darlington, 334; servant for Johnson bought by; 541 542 NEW YORK STATE LIBRARY 337; will buy goods, 397; money sent in care of, 399; potash manu factory, 417; association with Maj. Jelles Fonda in Indian trade, 429; business intrusted to, 435, 436; fees, 488; articles sent by, 527 Adems, Dr William, letters from, 521 Adigo deed, 500 Adiquetange, map of, letter relating to, 459 Adjouquay, fort at, 79 Adjutant, Henry Wendell recom mended for position of, 89 Adolphus, Isaac, letters from, 525, 528, 530 Agriculture, low state of, 257 Ainse (Hans), Joseph Louis, arrest, 407 ; character, 410 ; behavior, 411; bailing, 411; trial, 420, 424 Alamasa river, account of battle at, 488 Albanians, patriotism of, 48 Albany, men to be sent to, 10; forces available for defense of, 12; alarm at, 12; endeavors of people in to maintain neutrality toward French, 14; French to attack, 16; orders to troops guarding, 17; St Peter's Church, 27, 497, 510, 512; civil appointments, 29; preventing in tercourse of French Indians with, 33; general orders for forces en camped at, 38; orders for treat ment of Indians at, 38; return of stores at, 39' commissary arrange ments at, 43, 47 : distance to Crown Point, 44; Johnson's letter to mayor and magistrates of, 49, 252 ; bringing of ordnance stores from, 5 1 ; trade with Canada, 5 1 ; orders to commanding officer of pro vincial reinforcements to march to, 58; return of part of army to, 59; commanders at, orders to march to east side of lake to meet enemy, 65; warlike preparations at, 78; justice, complaints of, 78, 79; orders to militia for defense of, 89 ; lays burdensome tax on new merchants, 99; politics, 113; and Fort Stanwix, delay in plotting patents between, 115; alleged dis loyalty of the Dutch, 146; militia for protection of at night, 164; bishop of America to reside in, 208, 228; riot, 1764, 211 ; con demned for backwardness in send ing troops, 216; mob, acts of, 297; need of army provisions at, 344; petition of traders that regulations be enforced, 346; petition for new charter, 423; arrival of actors at, 429; proposal to publish paper in, 441; Presbyterian church, 485; mayor of, mentioned, 514; action against Wemp, 517; mayor, alder men and commonalty of, letter to Col. Guy Johnson, 536; lands: 230; disputes with Mo hawks, 124, 156, 188, 379, 423, 514, 5 Z 5> 53 2 '. island claimed by city and Mohawks, 156; deed given to corporation by Mohawks, 508, 514, 526; meeting with Mohawks, 525, 526, 528; Mohawks not satisfied with proposal of. 526; patent at Tionnondoroge given to, 526, 527; statement of Mohawks' demand on, 527; deed to Mohawks, 529, 532. See also Indian conferences Albany, postmasters, See Monier, John; VanSchaack, Henry Albany Bush, letter from, 464 Albany committee, correspondence with Palatine committee, 535, 537; to wait on Col. Guy Johnson, 536; letter from Nicolas Herchheimer to, 537 Albany congress, 1764, proceedings of, 29 Albany county, warrant for impres sing wagons and horses in, 49; clerkship, 122, 271; commission of the peace, 136; sheriff, 148; jus tices, meeting with Canajoharie Indians, 161; letter to representa tives, concerning rum shops, 252, conditions of land settlement in; 264; notice of election of repre sentatives, 413; justices of the INDEX TO SIR WILLIAM JOHNSON MANUSCRIPTS 543 peace, 443; appointment of new magistrates, 444; members, bill to prevent freeholders of Schenectady and manors of Rensselaer and Livingston from voting for, 477; and Ulster county, boundary, 495 ; jailer, 528-31; division of: proposed, 425, 431, 435, 438, 440, 454, 47 1 - 477> 49 2 > 493, 497; boundary proposed in act for, 427, 428, 496; opposition to plan, 428; De Lancey's attitude, 429, 493, 498; petition, 430, 496, 497; bill, 478, 479. See also Militia Albemarle, Lord, conduct of, at Havana, 147; regulations pertain ing to trade at Havana, 149 Alcide (ship), capture of, 39 Alexander, , letters from, 184 Alexander, , publication against Delancey family and Johnson, 478 Alexander, , see Thompson & Alexander Alexander, James, letter from, 27 Alexander, John, & Co., letters from, 259, 263, 281; draft in favor of, 177 Alexander, William (called Earl of Stirling), letters from, 34, 67, 78; letter to, 517; efforts to enlist In dians, 43; lands, 136; mentioned, 71, 160, 161, 205 Alexandria, Va., minutes of council at, 31 Algonkins (Alkonkins), excuses to avoid going on the warpath, 224. See also Canadian Indians Allen, *-, news from Niagara of murder of two men, 150 Allen, , money sent by, 391 Allen (Alen), , friendship for Johnson, 207; diligence in repre senting Johnson's services to the government, 222, 230 Allen, John, visit to Montreal, 279 Allen, Richard, letters from, 168 Allen, William, letters from, 271, 394; letters to, 282, 408; money trans actions, 351', inquiries concerning surveys. 355 Allen, William (chief justice), depo sition before, regarding murder of Indian, 303 Allen, William, jr, 533 Allsopp, George, ordered to remove house erected on King's domain, 321; partnership with John Welles, 380; mentioned, 307 Alricks, Harm's, 336 Alsop, Richard, 100 Alt (Aid, Alter), Johannis, letter from, 299; plea for, 301; suit of Vanderheyden against, 311; dis charge, 311 Amelia (ship), 364 Amherst, Sir Jeffery, maf. gen., let ters from, 1014, I;r 3> nS H6, 118-21, 123, 128, 130-33, 135, 137, 139, 141, 142, i47~49 I 5 I *54; i55 190 ; letters to, 101, 103, 104, 108, 115, 116, 11820, 12225, I 3 I 3 I I 33~3 6 > !39-46, 148, 151, 153-56, 164, 174, 181; warrants drawn by, 100, 101, 105, no, 124, 148, 183, 184 ; Johnson advised to meet, 100 ; assurances of assistance to Indians, 102 ; Mohawks' claim to be re ferred to, 102; commendation of Johnson's services to the King, 108; discharge of Johnson's suite, no; attitude toward Indian ex penses, in; quoted, in; Dr Rich ard Shuckburgh desires to be rein stated by, 112; memorial to, by Capt. Claus, 120; conferring title on, 122; pass for George McMich- ael, 123 ; restriction on sale of arms to Indians, 129, 146, 162; to in vade Louisiana, 130 ; Van Schaack's interview with, 132; opposition to gifts to Indians, 133, 137; memo randa for, 139; retrenchment measures, 149; to build forts along the Ohio, 160; kindness to Michael Furey, 183 ; complaints of, 184; interview with Thomas Har ris, 184; has no longer authority in Indian affairs, 185; meeting with Johnson at Albany, 185; to return home, 185, 1 86; censured for 544 NEW YORK STATE LIBRARY posture of Indian affairs, 186; liberal Indian policy commended to, by Johnson, 188; departure, 189, 190, 192; general satisfaction at his going, 191; aid solicited of, for relief of traders, 192; British feeling toward, 199; criticized, 204, 207, 210; discredit with army, 206 ; kindly received at home, 215; decline of influence, 217; theory to belittle capture of Delawares, 222 ; neglect of Lieut. Col. Eyre, 226; failure to reimburse Croghan, 346; promises to Cochrane, 375; grant j of Jesuit estates in Canada, 453, 466 ; mentioned, 99, 108, no, 119, 120, 121, 124-26, 129, 135, 139, 141, 148, 152, 162, 169, 172, 173, 182, 210, 464 Amherst, William, col., arrival from England, 103; terms of surrender of St Jean signed by, 145; recon- quest of St John's, 147 ; success of Newfoundland expedition under, 148; sailed for England, 190 Amhursts, 71 Amiel, John, ensign, 377 Anderson, John, 241, 246, 345 Andras, Jacob, 372 Andrew (Huron), 250 Andrews, Collin, letters from, 179, 466; petition regarding sale of liquor to Indians, 130; to settle certain disputes, 130; money transactions, 470, 474; mentioned, 248 Andrews, Lewis, 529 Andrews, Robert, 237 Andrews (Andrews), Rev. William, letters from, 440, 442, 493, 495, 507, 522, 523: letters to, 496, 505; letter introducing, 438; com mended, 438, 439; success of, 480; work among Indians, 480; min istry, 483: school, 495, 496 Angell, Samuel, capt., orders to, 62; report of scout, 63 Annapolis Royal, 12 Annesley, Dr William, bill for medi cal services to Indians, 329, 350 Annett, Joseph, 322 Annodagah, see Onondaga Annual Register, 344 Anson, Lord, 179 Antelope (ship), 12 Antill (Antle), , 313, 335, 342 Antoine, Dr , 277 Appropriations for colonies, 76 Appy, Mrs , marriage to Mr Banyar, 344 Apthorp, , 494 Apthorp, Charles W., 248 Arbo, John, 384 Archer, George, 365 Archer, John, 365 Archer, Thomas, 365 Aregheghta (Mohawk), 177 Argin, Thomas, 512 Argyle, Duke of, death, 475 Armstrong, George, recommended for employment, 24 Armstrong, George, col., wrecked on French coast, 215; mentioned, 207 Armstrong, James, 378 Armstrong, John, 313 Armstrong, John, col., 365 Armstrong, Thomas, letters from, 16, 18, 24 Armstrongs, plan of fort at, 81 Army, list of Capt. Marshall's men under command of Lieut. Rose- boom, 20; commissions, 76; new regiments, 76; Capt. Patton's com pany of grenadiers, 78; payment of officers, 84: Inniskillings, 102, 304; Montgomery's Highlanders, 144, 156; consolidation of ist and 2d battalions of Royals, 148 ; list of offi cers in the 42 d and 77th regiments, 156; 20 regiments kept in America, 1 60; 22 battalions to be kept in America, 166; destination of sev eral regiments, 167; departure of 46th, 8oth and another corps from Fort Ontario for Niagara, 178; mutinous disposition of troops, 1 80 ; appointments to be made in England for America, 206; ar rangement for rotation in service of English regiments ordered to INDEX TO SIR WILLIAM JOHNSON MANUSCRIPTS 545 America, 214; no regiment to stay longer than three years in America, 215; pay of commanders at out posts advanced, 215; march of three companies of Royal Ameri cans to Fort Louden, 251 ; detach ment of 42 d at Fort Pitt ready to follow Croghan, 282; ordering of regiments to America, 298; 28th regiment, review, 322; degenera tion of New York Independent companies, 379; new battalion of artillery, 482 ; relief of Royal Americans, 502 ; address to Sir John Johnson from officers of loyalist regiments, 539. See also Militia Arnett, Hugh, capt., see Arnot, Hugh, capt. Arnold, Thomas, 442 Arnot (Arnett, Arnott), Hugh, capt., letter from, 296; court of inquiry held by order of, 292; illness, 307, 308 Aron, see Aaron (Mohawk) Arthur, John, recommended as clerk, 23 5; letter about, 236; statement of accounts, 254; eulogy of Johnson, 439 Artillery officers, pay, 38 Arts, Society for the Promotion of, 251, 257, 258, 260 Arundax Indians, messages sent by, to western nations, 175; excuses to avoid going on the warpath, 224; complaint, 234; St John wishes to trade with, 236 Asarondonges, speech of, 167 Aschenoch, speech, 118 Ascough, see Ayscough Ascushan, illness, 370; visit to ^ Niagara, 371 Askew, Richard, capt., 279, 293 Askin, John, letter from, 370; im plicated in illegal liquor traffic, 370 Assaregoa (Asarigoa, Assarigoa), > Philip, 226, 342, 450, 469 Assembly, candidates for, 23; con duct of, 24; . curtailment of John- son's_claims, 25; resolutions on commander's pay, 3 1 ; action re specting pay, 34; delay of action on quota of expenses for Crown Point expedition, 38; resolutions to raise reinforcements, 45; mes sage to Governor of Pennsylvania, 92; writs for election of , 1761, 108; measures for defense of Schoharie and Cherry Valley, 195 ; committee, resolution providing compensation for company of scouts, 218; atti tude toward Indian trade, 407; bill to exclude persons holding office undei the Crown, 439 ; address to Earl of Dunmore, 478 Athole, Duchess of, 490 Athole, Duke of, sends farmers from England, 376 Attorney general, see Kempe, John Tabor Auchmuty (Auchmuthy), Rev. Dr Samuel, letters from, 392, 457, 458, 487; letters to, 415, 420, 459, 483, 486, 489; package for, 394; letter concerning Col. Schuyler, 413; unfriendliness to Schenectady mis sion, 531 ; mentioned, 394, 400 Aughquaga, see Oquaga Aughquageys, see Oquagas Aughquisasne creek, mines on, 236 Aughquisasne (St Regis) Indians, take up the hatchet, 221; departure of, 224; request for ammunition, 292; strife among, 366; con ference with Glaus, 432; dispute with Abenakis, 432, 456, 468; agreement with Hertel, 468; trouble over a sawmill, 506. See also Canadian Indians Aughquisasne (St Regis) village, 321, 466, 468; letters from, 468 Augusta (ship), loss of, 127, 128 Augustus (Delaware Indian), 82 Auqquege, see Oquaga Austrians, defeat, 146 Avery, David, letter from, 404 Aylmer, Richard, Ueut., 332, 346, r^C Ayre, William, see Eyre, William, capt. Ayscough (Ascough), John, letters 546 NEW YORK STATE LIBRARY from, 24, 25, 26; letters to, 27, 28 Ayscough (Ascough), Dr Richard, 51, 60 Babcock, Henry, capt., col., letters from, 63, 522, 526; letters to, 438, 524; report of scouts, 57; men tioned, 438 Babies, , 280 Bache (Beach), Theophylact, letter from, 335; accounts, 161, 333 Bache & Simson, money transactions, 241 Backwith, John, ma/., see Beckwith, John, maj. Bagley, , capt., conflict of au thority with Capt. Hand, 95 Bagley, Jonathan, lieut. col., letter from, 53; letters to, 69, 71; re port to commanding general, 46; description of picketed fort, 53 ; mentioned, 55 Baie de Quinte, capture of English by Indians of, 223 Baker, Samuel (son of Sir William), letters from, 486, 500, 507, 508, 519, 532; letters to, 477, 493, 503, 515; refusal to act for Guy John son, 513 Baker, Samuel & William, letters from, 21, 23; letters to, 19, 22, 26; invoice of merchandise, 20; bill, 236. See also Baker, Sir William Baker, Sir William, letters from, 86, 87, 116, 334, 352; letters to, 28, 100, 152; accounts with Johnson, 91, 446, 448; disinclination to use influence in Johnson's behalf, 222; death, 457, 459; executors, 508; mentioned, 515 Baker, William, Richard & Samuel, sons and executors of Sir William, 448, 459, 462, 475, 5 8 Baldwin, Abraham, prisoner among Indians, 232 Baldwin, Hezekiah, capt., 446 Baldwin, Samuel, letter from, 445 Balfour, - , capt., speeches, 119, 128; promises aid to Sauteurs, 119; arrival at New York, 125; men tioned, 118 Ball, George, 182, 418 Ballston, deed for lands in, 501 Bancker, Adrian, jr, letters from, 277, 312 Bancker, Thomas Brower, 423 Bancroft, Benjamin, returns of Con necticut commissary stores, 46 Banyar (Banjar), Goldsbrow, letters from, 25, 28-30, 32-57, 59, 60, 61, 64, 65, 68, 70, 73, 76-78, 82, 83, 87, 90, 103, 105, 106, 108 10, 112, 114, 115, 121, 122, 125, 127, 129, 132, 136, 144, 152. J 5 6 > T 5 8 > 160, 173, 245, 257, 263, 289, 315, 318. 3 2 5. 33 6 . 337- 340, 348, 351, 353, 364, 401, 416, 438, 488, 489, 500, 505; letters to, 28-30, 32, 33, 34, 36, 92, 107, 109, 112, 114, 120, 122-24, 126, 128, 130, 133, 134, 152, 159, 160, 165, 250, 417; copy of obligation given by Johnson to, 28; agreement with Edward Col- lard, 40; reported engagement, 109; lands, 112, 125, 127, 128, 130, 319, 401, 462; partners in land purchase, 129, value of land in his patent, 159; proposed visit to Johnson, 114, 130; copy of proceedings of Council in regard to Kayaderosseras patent, 259; marriage, 344; money transac tions, 362, 404, 447, 448, 455, 500, 512; good will toward Johnson, 407; claim of, 455; assurance concerning Adigo deed, 500; men tioned, 136, 318, 455 Barclay, Rev. Dr Henry, letter from, 175; letters to, 128, 147, 164, 168, 184; petition of, 9; land grant, 26; sale of farm for missionary use, 175; death, 236; mentioned, 246 Barelett, John Wolf, letter from, 405 Barhuyt, Cornelis, 113 Barker, John, 242 Barnier, see Bernier Barnsley, Thomas, capt., 196 Barre", Isaac, col., 206 INDEX TO SIR WILLIAM JOHNSON MANUSCRIPTS 547 Barries, Isack, commission for, 112 Harrington (Barington), Lord, rumor concerning, 497 Barritt, Lemuel, capt., 303 Barrow, Thomas, letters from, 511, 518, 525; accounts, 92, 105, 511, 513, 515, 516, 518, 519, 524, 532- 34; to succeed Mortier as pay master, 503 Baitman, George, letter from, 89 Barton, Rev. Thomas, letters from, 174, 394; letters to, 290,480; men tioned, 412 Baskootayan, letter from, 494 Basset, Henry, maj., letters from, 513, 520; trouble with Maisonville, 513; speech of Pottawatamies to, concerning the murder of Van Slyck's men, 5 1 9 ; proceedings with Indian murderers of Pond, 519; mentioned, 523 Bassett, Francis, 182, 236 Basstone, Henry, letter from, 266 Basteen (Indian), commended, 516 Batcheller (Batchellor), - , 423, 424 Bateaumen, charges, 122, 124, 125, 518; bad behavior, 365 Baugh, Thomas, capt., letters from, 140, 141; letters to, 141 Baugh, William, lieut., 329 Baxter, - ,361 Baxter, Alexander, letters from, 444, 463, 467, 486; letter to, 466; views of, 371; interested in copper mines on Lake Superior, 399; requests Johnson to pay his share in open ing mine, 444; draft by, 466; pass to, 486 Baxter, Roger, 202, 281 Bayard, Robert, maj., commissioning of, 295; contention with Lieut. Hay, 325 Bayard, Samuel, letter to, 250 Bayard, Samuel, capt., commission to, 54; orders to supply him with provisions, 58; mentioned, 56 Bayard, William, accounts, 88, 193, 203, 209; departure for Albany with the Governor, 394; reception at court, 445; mentioned, 494 Bayard Hall, letter from, 215 Bayles' (Bailey's) General Dic tionary, 422 Bayley, William, letters from, 282, 305 Baynton, Wharton & Morgan, letters from, 215, 217, 219, 225, 233, 272, 276, 307, 318, 322, 325, 331, 338, 347, 348, 361, 362, 393; letters to, 271, 299, 328, 394; accounts, 287, 294, 314, 315, 321, 324, 327, 330, 35. 354, 361, 394, 395, 4oi, 419! memorial from, 194; Indian goods from, 195 ; goods ordered by John son of, 215; goods left with by Croghan, 222; consignment of wine to Darlington, 267; articles from, received by Darlington, 276; goods bought by, 371; account of losses from Indians, 324; violation of trade regulations, 331; agent, 352; financial condition of, 371; boats plundered, 373; destruction of party sent by, 399 Bayoux, Mrs - , school, 513 Bazlie, ,374 Beach, Theophylact, see Bache, Theophylact Beaker, see Baker Beaubassin, , 21 Beaujour, Francis, 71 Beausdjour, fort, capture of, 38 Becker, David, 395, 480 Becker, Hance, 89 Becker, John, letter from, 501 Becker, Nicholas, 503, 504 Becker, Peter, recommended for officer, 187 Becker, Peter, lieut., report of scout, 66 Beckwith (Backwith), John, ma/., 108, 113 Bedannowan (Bindanowan), charac ter and position, 229; at Niagara conference, 231 Bedford, Duke of, decline, 474; mentioned, 152, 388, 393 Bedford (Bedferd), Pa., letters from, 144, 150, 3 J 3> 372 Beeckman, Joh's, 323, 488 Beeckman, Jno. Jas., 348 548 NEW YORK STATE LIBRARY Beeckman. John M., 312 Beek, Caleb, 286 Beekman, Gerard William, 454 Beekman, John, articles sent by, 144 Beekman, John, accounts due estate of, 255 Beekman, John, 277 Bekir, Jacko, 321 Belcher, Gov., letters to, 41, 42; proclamation, 81 Belleisle, capitulation of citadel on, 116 Bellestre, 365 "Belt," the, speech of, 116 Bemiltasskottejang (Bemilliskolle- yang), letters from, 496, 497 Bend, Elizabeth, 223 Bender, Lavrance, 471 Bender, siege of, 474 Bendor (Binder), George, 475 Bennet, Cornelius, zeal in the interest of religion, 128; missionary work, i75, 237 Bennett (Bennet), James, bill to Johnson, 442 ; mentioned, 418 Benson, Billy (skipper), 377, 383 Benson, Thomas, letter from, 27 Benson, William, letter from, 337 Bentheusen, Jacob, capt., 28 Bentincks, 71 Benzell, Adolphus, lieut., 469, 497 Bergen, John, 435, 514 Bernard (Barnard), Gov. Francis, letters to, 95, 237; called to Lon don, 402 ; standing in England, 413; Lord George Sackville may succeed, 415; letters of, cause ex citement in Boston, 421; men tioned, 145 Bernier (de Barnier), (aide decamp to Dieskau), letter from, 72; men tioned, 49 Berniere, John de, see De Bernier-e, John Berrup, Thomas, 248 Berton, , capt. of ship York, 251 Bethlehem, letters from, 80, 384 Beulah (ship), 144, 240 Beulah Green (ship), 170 Bevan, William, letter from, 482 Beverdam (Bewerdam), petition to Johnson by inhabitants, 300; let ters from, 294, 377 Beyanton, see Baynton, Wharton & Morgan Bible, printing for Indians, 534 Bickel, Jacob, 127 Big Kanhawa river, destruction of families on, 529 Billeting act, 355 ; opposition to, 352 ; evasive attitude of assembly to ward, 380; resolution of the House of Commons concerning, 364 Billeting money, grant for, 371 Billing, Ebenezer, report, 40 Billing, Roger, capt., report of scouts, 63; orders to, 63, 67 Bindanowan, see Bedannowan Binder, George, see Bendor, George Bing, John, admiral, see Byng, John, admiral Bishop of America, to reside in Al bany, 208 Bishops, American, demand for, 487, 489; creation of, 511 Bisshopp, Edward, memorial to Gen Con way, 538 Black Boys, threats affecting Croghan, 391 Blackburn, Ashton, 442 Blackburn, John, letters from, 271, 466, 468, 471, 479, 483, 485, 487, 489, 490, 492, 497, 501, 508, 509, 512, 513, 516, 517, 521, 522, 530, 532; letters to, 459- 477' 486, 496, 500, 509, 517, 520, 522, 527, 533, 534 ; memorandum of letter to, 448 ; accounts, 467, 468, 475, 508; qualities, 464; consigns goods to Wetherhead, 465 ; invoice of mer chandise from, 466, 474, 490, 522; invoice of quadrant, 477 ; articles of wear ordered from, 519; author ized to recsive Johnson's share in annuities, 5 2 1 ; mentioned, 439 Blackburne, W., 412 Blackler, John, 481 INDEX TO SIR WILLIAM JOHNSON MANUSCRIPTS 549 Blagge, John, letters from, 518, 520, 524, 526, 527; clerk of Tryon county, 505; money to be sent in charge of, 518; mentioned, 506 Blair, John, 393.397 Blanchard, Honore, French deserter, 58; testimony, 59 Blanchard, Joseph, 458 Blanchard, Joseph, col., letters from, 52, 53 ; letters to, 45, 46, 48, 52, 53 ; regiment, 39, 45 ; orders in favor of, 46 ; orders to guard supply train, 46 ; supplies for his regiment, 53 ; commended, 55; regiment compli mented, 64 Blasius (Blassius), Lawranz, 202, 208 Blauvelt, David, capt., letter to, 72 Blaw, Waldrum, 481 Bleecker (Bliker), John J., draft en dorsed by, 322 Bleecker (Blecker), John R., 418 Bliker, John, see Bleecker, John J. Bliss, Pelatiah, 60, 61 Blodget, Samuel, letter from, 72 Bloodgood, James, letters from, 352, 475 Bloodgood's sloop, 452, 453 Bloody Bridge, action of, 177 Blueskins, publication of Mr Alex ander's piece against De Lancey family and Johnson, 478 Blunt, Harry, ma/., and wife, 535 Bodens, Jains Batite, 340 Bogardus, -, 113 Bogardus, Petrus, letter from, 275 Bogart, Isaac, capt.,. 458 Bogert (Bogard, Bogart), Henry I., capt., articles shipped by, 269,288, 289, 292, 293; sloop, 295, 296; re ceipt to Darlington, 326 Boin, Reyer,- letter from, 14 Bolton, Duke of, 393 Bolton, Mason, col., 538 Booth, , of London, introduced by Duncan, 265 Bordley, (attorney general of Maryland), death, 244 Bordman, Charles, 361 Boscawen, Edward, admiral, 39, 61, 93 Boston, fear of smallpox, 12; troops from, arrival at Albany 1755, 38; disturbances in, 284, 398, 402, 407, 421, 450, 451, 530; zeal for manu facturers, 379; resolves against im portation from Great Britain, 399; Johnson's opinion of people of, 407; danger to, 413; threat to re move the seat of government from, 420; selectmen, protest against Gen. Mackay, 424; papers, 425; affront to governor, assembly and council of New York, 449 ; action of Parliament relative to, 534 Boston commissioners, to confer about protecting the frontier, 1 5 ; indignation, 78; proposal of, 175; arrival at New York, 286. See also New England Company Boston massacre, 449, 461 Boston port bill, 532, 534 Boston riot of 1765, 282; receipt in England of news of, 295 Boston tea party, 526; course of Par liament in regard to the destruc tion of tea, 530 Bostwick, , 343 Bostwick, Henry, letters from, 386, 404, 410, 417-19, 430; letters to, 411, 422; receipts bill to Capt. Howard, 268; interested in copper mine on Lake Superior, 399, 411; commended, 402 ; petition for grant of copper mines, 406; charge against Ainse, 407; testimony concerning character of Ainse, 410; affairs, 408; speech to Indians regarding mining, 428; conference with Chippewas at Michilimack- inac, 486 ; mentioned, 395 Bostwicke, Francis (probably error for Henry), recommended, 395 Bostwyck & Co., account with John son, 214 Boullie, , 254 Boundaries, between British and French possessions, 22, 118, 152, 1 60; between private lands; 27; of Susquehanna -purchase, 29; New York-New Hampshire, 239; Penn- 550 NEW YORK STATE LIBRARY sylvania-Maryland, 335, 341, 343, 35i. 354, 355, 356, 3 6 7> 37i, 376, 380, 383, 4 14; between Oneidasand Delawares, 424; Pennsylvania- Ohio, 513; New York-Connecticut, 516; New York-Massachusetts, 515, 517, 519, 520; New York- Pennsylvania, 527; claims of United States beyond the line es tablished in 1768, 539; between whites and Indians: letters from Croghan on, 150, 209, 388; Johnson's letters concerning 164, 188, 255, 266, 268, 269, 299, 316, 324, 328, 331, 341, 373, 385, 389-93; draft of colonial frontiers, 182; southern colonies, 314, 376, 392, 402, 424; letter from Gen. Gage, 379; letters from B. Frank lin, 380; letter from Lords of Trade, 381; letters from Lord Shelburne, 381, 383; conversation between Penn and Lord Shelburne on, 383; message to the Governor from the Assembly of Pennsyl vania on, 384; letter from Penn sylvania Assembly to London agents on, 385, 387; correspon dence between Pennsylvanians and Lords Shelburne and Clair, 389; correspondence between Mr Mac- Leane and Dr Franklin, 391; In dians desire payment for cessions, 392; instructions from the min istry for its completion, 393 ; letter from Stuart, 394; use of natural marks in surveys that concern In dians, 436; continuance northward of line of 1768, 479, 507; Fort Stanwix, 1768: letters from Johnson concerning, 397, 398, 400, 402, 405-8, 410-12, 415, 416, 431, 434, 479, 481 ; conference, 397- 412 ; Blair's letter concerning, 397; letter from H. Moore, 401 ; proceed ings of Pennsylvania Council rela tive to, 40 1 ; letter from Gw. Banyar, 40 1 ; unreasonable claim of Penn sylvania, 402 ; expense of running, 403 ; letter from Lord Hillsborough, 403 ; obstacles to, interposed by French and Spaniards, 405; con tinuation to Cherokee river, 411; description, 411; treaty as affect ing Pennsylvania, 411, 412; Penn sylvania purchase, 412; effect on land grants, 412 ; expenses of Penn sylvania proprietors for, 414, 415; running line from Susquehanna to Kittaning, 429, 430, 521, 522; letters from Gov. John Penn, 430, 522; from Owego to Delaware, 43 1 , 52 1 ; at Cherokee river, reasons for fixing, 43 1 ; denounced by western Indians, 434; letter from Gov. Richard Penn, 521. See also Fort Stanwix boundary treaty Bounty for killing or capturing ene mies, 13 Bouquet, Henry, col., brig, gen., Pittsburgh expedition, 178; need of Indian goods for his expedition, 217; movements, 240; soldierly qualities, 246; work of, contrasted with failure of Bradstreet, 249; success, 249, 250; Mohawks sent to join, 255; notification of peace with Delawares and Shawanese, 256; defense of Croghan to, 265; slowness of Shawanese in keeping engagements to, 268; account of expedition, 277; journal, 282; mentioned, 214, 229, 247 Bourghsdorff, Fredrick, 123 Bourk, , the sutler, 141 Bourke, Edmond, see Burke, Ed mund Bowden, Thomas, letter from, 334 Bowen, William, accounts, 427, 442, 474 Boyle, Hugh, 232, 280 Boyle, Patrick, capt., candidate for gunner, 40 ; letter recommending, 40; bravery of, 41 Boyle, Philip, 304 Brackan (Brachan, Brackam), John, INDEX TO SIR WILLIAM JOHNSON MANUSCRIPTS 551 lands, 353, 386, 389, 390, 398; re ceipt to Johnson, 467 Braddock, Edward, maj. gen., letter from, 37; letters to, 30, 32, 38; appointment to command, 30 ; at council at Alexandria, Va., 31; news from, 35, 39; southern Indi ans join, 37; defeat, 39-44; death, 44 ; commission and instructions to Johnson, 49, 51 ; mentioned, 72 Bradley, William, 529 Bradstreet (Broadstreet), John, capt., col., letters from, 33, 79, 80, 88, 106, 132, 143, 170, 187, 189, 201, 216, 218, 225, 226, 236, 240, 250, 262, 294, 405, 409, 411, 422, 426, 428, 431, 450, 452, 456, 460, 473, 497. Si 8 : letters to, 40, 83, 135, 151, 154, 156, 187, 219, 221, 226, 227, 228, 245, 295, 410, 411, 422, 424, 430, 432, 451, 454-5 6 , 462, 474, 476, 497, 502 ; promotion, 68, expedition of 1756, 77; em ployment of Indians, 96 ; taking of Fort Frontenac, 1758, 96; con gratulations on success, 97; re monstrance against conduct of, 114; influence in county, 114; threatens to have Albany charter broken, 146; adjustment of diffi culties with Maj. Matthews, 148; criticisms on conduct of the war, 182 expedition of 1764, 189,214, 216, 224, 226, 234, 239, 263, 264; considered for major generalship, 206; statements of reinvestment of Detroit, 218; warnings to John son concerning Niagara carrying place, 219; Capt. Montour to cooperate with, 220; Iroquois to join, 227; articles of peace with Shawanese and other Indians, -232, 235; number of Indians to ac company, 232; arrival at De troit, 234; peace with Delawares and Shawanese unauthorized, 234; conference with Ottawas, Chip- pewas and other nations at Detroit, 1764, 235, 236; coming to Niagara, 238. conference with Wyandots of San dusky, 238: movements, 240; treaties with western tribes de nounced, 240, 248; dissatisfaction with, 242 ; expected arrival at Schenectady, 245 ; remarks on con duct of campaign of 1764, 246, 247, 250; effect of retirement, 247; imitation of manner by John Dun can, 247; mistakes, 247; chagrin, 249; disasters and pretenses, 249; work of Col. Bouquet contrasted with failure of, 249; expenses of expedition, 262; suit with the Dutch church, 265 ; difference with corporation of Albany, 294; collec tion of money from, 334; permis sion to purchase land, 340 ; demand made by French trader on account of arms taken by, 380; tenant, guns for sale by, 400; account of contingent expenses in the army, 411: account for transportation of provisions, 423; land claims con flicting with Hardenbergh's patent, 423, 441, 459, 473' 47 6 . 48o; men tioned, 131, 208, 209, 254, 278, 402, 527 Bradt, Johannes, 25 Braganier, Pier, 349 Braime, D., lieut., see Brehm, Diet rich, lieut. Braman, George, 67 Branahan, , 267 Brant (Brent), Joseph, capt., letter to, 539; application to study com mended, 145; proposal to engage as interpreter,, 157; proposed jour ney with Rev. Eleazar Wheelock, 157; genius, wisdom and amia bility, 157; desire for Indian com panion, 322; claims to van Dries- sen's lands, 347; mentioned, 121, 169, 205, 329, 488 Brant, Molly, articles desired by, 1 73 ; complaint regarding a stove, 180; apology of Weatherhead to, 406; present to, 414; mentioned, 205, 407. 445 552 NEW YORK STATE LIBRARY Brant (Brand), Nicolas, acknowledg ment relating to sale of lands, 106 ; offer to furnish scouts, 176; men tioned, 173 Eraser, , 133 Bratt, , (widow), claim of, 89 Bratt, Abraham, commission to, as second lieutenant in Schenectady battalion, 200 Bratt, Arent, 10 Bratt, Bernardus, capt., company, 358 Bratt, Peter, money transactions, 527 Brazen, Simon, 445 Brazier, . 41 Breakabeen, copper at, 299 Breese, Sidney, 182 Brehm (Braime), Dietrich, lieut., accounts, 282, 289; journey to De troit, 369 Brett, Sir Piercy, 129, 130 Bright, Matthew, 67 Brinckerhoff (Brinkerhof), Dirck, letters from, 484, 486. 489, 494, 499, 500; letters to, 488, 495; ex change of land with Johnson, 486 ; money transactions. 500; Maj. Fonda refuses to sign a bond for, 501 Brinckerhoff, D., jr, letters from, 499, 500; Maj. Fonda refuses to sign bond for, 501 Brittania (ship), 446, 465, 466, 468, 471, 473, 49 2 Broadstreet, John, col., see Brad- street, John, capt., col. Brockden, Charles, 412 Brocks, meeting of the proprietors of Kayaderosseras patent at, 276 Brodhead, John, capt., letter from, 308 Brons (Bronce), George, certificate of naturalization, 475 Brook, Lord, fort built by, 339 Brookman, Thomas, letter from, 183 ; bill to Johnson, 239 Brooks, Jonathan, letter from, 502 Broome, (Broom) Samuel, & Co., bill to Robert Adems, 436; account with Deniston, 456; suit against Deniston, 469 Brower, Jeremiah, 437 Brown, , 379 Brown, Arch. Mont., lieut., wounded, 177 Brown, Rev. James, letter from, 61 Brown, John, capt., letters from, 295, 374, 3 8 7 4o8, 414, 443, 453> 460, 461, 469, 470, 477, 478, 489, 492, 493, 495; letters to, 296, 461, 474; certificate of, 350; insinuation against Roberts, 371; interference with Indians, 374; visit to little Niagara, 413 ; failure to gain affec tion of Indians, 449 ; shipwreck, 449 1 meeting with Wade, 468 ; men tioned, 192, 461, 488 Brown, John (schoolmaster), 194, 195 Brown, John (Schenectady merchant and vestryman), letters from, 295, 2 97 336, 398, 400, 405, 410, 531; letter to, 532 ; accounts with John son, 293, 302; transactions with Capt. Miller, 524 Brown, Sam, jr, letters from, 481, 484 Brown, Rev. Thomas, letters from, 112, 252, 328, 344; letters to, 332, 338 ; fails to return horse, 315; men tioned, 232 Browne (Brown), William, letter from, 124; acceptance of Johnson's offer of lot, 126; history of a piece of land claimed by, 180 Browning, William, maf., col., letters from, 237, 238; orders against fir ing on small parties of Indians, 190 ; warnings concerning Niagara car rying place, 219; order for inspec tion of venison, 232 Bruce, Thomas, maj., 459, 460, 486 Brul (Debruls), Michael de, letter from, 157; charges for plate and prints, 158, 169 Brummell, W., memorial to Gen. Con way, 538 Brush, Crean, 389, 515 Bruyn, Jacobus, letter to, 119 Bryne, Michael, see Byrne, Michael INDEX TO SIR WILLIAM JOHNSON MANUSCRIPTS 553 Bull, Capt. (Delaware chief), pris oner, 208, 209, 213, 214; interview with Witham Marsh, 215 Bullingham, Job, 465 Bullit (Bullet), Thomas, capt., letter from, 93 ; surveying expedition, 523 Bunyan, Turner & Laird, receipt for furs shipped to, 316 Burd, James, col., letter from, 93; letter to, 93 Burgess, , capt., 17 Burgie, Thomas, letter from, 160 Burke (Bourke), Edmund, 474, 475 Burksdorff, , writ against, 158 Burlington barracks, asylum for Wyaloosins in, 211 Burnet, Gov., 107, 182 Burnet, Mary, 131, 153 Burnetsfield, see German Flats; Militia Burns, Barnaby, capt., see Byrn, Barnaby, capt. Burns, Michael, see Byrne, Michael Burns, Thomas, see Byrne, Thomas Burton, Mrs , remembrance of Johnson's hospitality, 220 Burton, Rev. Daniel, letters from, 386, 487 ; letter to, 5 10 ; resignation as secretary of missionary society, 512 Burton, Gov. Ralph, col., brig, gen., maj. gen., letter from, 300; letters to, 204, 221, 225, 234, 247, 257, 271, 276, 290, 303, 312; to take command at Montreal, 163 ; procla mation concerning gunpowder, 198; appointment of William Mc- Cracken as vendue master, 202 ; proclamation forbidding trade with Indians of the upper countries, 218; conversation with Capt. Glaus, 220, 275; measures to prevent western Indians from coming to Montreal, 224 ; to punish those who tamper with Indians, 226; argu ment with Daniel Glaus on ex penses of Indian service, 236; military appointments, 243; ap pointed colonel of the 3d regiment of foot, 257; quarrel with Gov. Murray, 272, 274; mentioned, 159, 221, 311 Bute, Lord, dissatisfaction of Eng lish people with his premiership, 152; influence with the King, 434; mentioned, 152, 439 Buterfeild, Jonathan, 60 Butler, , capt., col. (in most cases, probably John), letters from, 103; letter to, 345, 405; order for bacon for negro, 23; Canadian news sent by, 103 ; mentioned, 175, 342, 357; land bought by, 405; sister of, 418; Bradstreet desires certificate from, 456; mentioned, 455. 5 01 Butler, , lieut., accounts, 123 Butler, , maj., company for aid of, 538 Butler (Buttler), John, capt., col, letters from, 87, 94, 243, 247, 318; bill of Hugh Boyle against, 232; goods furnished to, 248, 254; ac counts, 262, 280 Butler, Richard, receipt to Croghan, 3U Butler, Thomas, capt., col., letters from, 10, 13, 16, 22, 23, 25, 31, 83, 86, 87, 88, 98; letter to, 83; war rant to enlist a company, 15; to visit Indian castles, 17; accounts, 26, 450, 451, 452; letter to, tender ing commission as captain, 32; arrival at Lake George, 61; ac count of capture of Fort Frontenac 96; acknowledgment for pay of Indian scouts, 450 Butler, Walter, 469 Butler, Walter, lieut., capt., letter from, 15; letters to, 9, 10, 17; pay, 9 ; commissions of peace and com missary, 10 Butler, William, 252 Butter-field, Jonathan, see Buter feild, Jonathan Button, , lieut., expedition to the Miamis portage, 107 Byng (Bing), John, admiral, 83 554 NEW YORK STATE LIBRARY Byrn (Burns), Barnaby, capt., letters from, 301, 319; recommended for commissary, 300 Byrne, John, letter from, 169 Byrne (Burns), Michael, letters from, 183, 193, 253, 319, 371, 372, 408, 410; letter to, 392 ; at royal block house at Oneida lake, 206; pro vision made for, 209; articles to be delivered to, 276; money for warded to Johnson in care of, 294; commissary appointments affect ing, 352; lands, 386, 389, 390; accounts, 396, 397, 398, 436; men tioned, 343, 352 Byrne, Thomas, letters concerning, 438, 478; passage from Virginia, 439; efforts of Chew to find, 480; journey to Johnson Hall, 490; mentioned, 438, 480 Byrne & Frazer, inability of Robert Leake to serve, 276 Cadaracqui (Cadarachqui, Cadarac- quee, Cadaraque, Caderockque, Cataraque, Caterackque), Capt. Stoddert's observations near, 27; spy to be sent to, 93 ; importance as an Indian rendezvous, 144; trade at, 296, 297, 317; letter from, 96. See also Fort Frontenac Cadogan, Dr - , 492 Cadot (Caddot, Cadote, Cadotte), Baptiste, letters from, 428, 429; [ commended by Johnson, 265; dis covers mines on Lake Superior, 386; money transactions, 428, 435 ; speech to Indians regarding mining, 428 ; certificate to report of council between Postwick and others, 486 Caghnawaga (Cachnawago, Cachne- wago, Caghenewago, Caghnawa- gey, Cagnawagie, Caughnawaga, Coghnawage, Coghnawago, Sault St Louis), congress at, 174; goods to be delivered for Johnson at, 215; supplies sent to, 267; letters from, 86, 224, 244, 275, 356, 390, 414, 429, 432, 439, 464, 465, 468, 470, 475 493 5 5 02 53> 5 l6 Caghnawaga patent, survey, 259; Johnson asks for warrant for running out lines of, 295 Caghnawagas (Caghnawageys, Cagh- nawagies, Caghnawy, Caghne- wages, Cagnawagas, Canawago, Caucknawagaws, Caughnawagas, Cocknawagas, Cocknewagas, Sault St Louis Indians), 35, 47; to visit the governor, 1 2 ; killing of, 12; barbarities, 1 7 ; letter introducing, 2 7 ; movement against Catawbas, 28; to be informed of Johnson's orders, 36; ill usage of, 36, 113; need of con ciliating, 37; message to, 47; in terests of, 51; wavering, 52; dis position toward French, 84 ; con ferences with Six Nations, 101; trade at Oswego, 104; sickness, 106; restriction of trade with Albany, 112, 113; dislike of, by those in authority, 122; relations with English, 126; land disputes with Jesuits, 126, 136, 142; de cision in favor of, 130; story of Indian plot told by, 136; confer ences, 137, 181; ill treatment by Capt. Ormsby at Ticonderoga, 153, 162; anxiety over boundary of Chateaugay patent, 172; messages to western Indians, 174, 175; dif ferences with Mohawks, over hunt ing grounds, 175; message of envoys to Missisagas, 176; depu ties return from Missisagas, 176; character and purpose of chiefs, 176; favorable disposition, 176, 177; return of, 180; condolence for Capt. Lottridge, 220; take up the hatchet, 221; departure of, 224; list of chiefs in party, 224; food and lodging for, 224; provisions to be sent to, 226, 227, 249 ; arrival at Johnson Hall, 227; affairs of, 233; complaints, 257; chiefs, deputa tion to Johnson, 275, 277, 278; trouble in dealing with, 281; speech, 289; disputes with Rene" Cartier and Indians concerning INDEX TO SIR WILLIAM JOHNSON MANUSCRIPTS 555. lands in Canada, 302, 305, 310, 468, 469; message from, 342; visit to Massy, 345 ; Garden's treatment of, 349; presents given by Wade, 353; disputes with Abenakis, 456; division among, 467; opinions re lating to the stay ot Hertell at St Regis, 468; condolence with, 469; rent roll for, 469 ; opposition to white settlers, 470; objections to settlement of French families among, 489; loss of crops, 522. See also Canadian Indians Caine, Thomas, 464 Calderwood, James, capt., death, 467 Caleb, William, 56, 57 Calef, John, 62 Calkins, Samuel, 425 Callbeck, Robert, 202 Callender, Robert, letter from, 251; account of losses in Indian war, 321 Callender & Spear, account of losses from Indians, 324 Calvinists, dispute regarding church lands, 391 Cammell, John, see Campbell, John Campbell, (traveler), 353 Campbell, (surveyor), letter in troducing, 144; survey of lands, 55- 5 8 > 509 Campbell, Collin, 229 Campbell, Daniel, capt., maj., col., letters from, 98, 123, 157, 158, 166-69, I 73> J 8o, I 9 I 2 4, 2 6, 213, 248, 251, 252, 335, 353, 354, 356, 357. 360, 364, 376, 382, 395. 403, 404, 405, 407-10, 414, 416, 417, 422, 428, 429, 432, 435-39. 448, 453, 454, 460, 462, 463, 464, 470, 472, 481, 487, 501, 515, 531; letters to, 464, 501; accounts, 178, 348, 361, 409, 435. 43 6 . 437. 447, 45 I- 55, 466, 486, 493, 501; visit with Croghan, 189; desires to be a major, 189 ; has a stock of Indian goods, 248; agreement with Cole and Van Schaack, 265; company, 359: pork to be furnished by, 384; hardship suffered by Flood at the hands of, 401; business intrusted to, 450; articles sent by, 451; neg lect of letters, 495; character of articles bought of, 460 ; action against, 464; message for, 464; commissions for, 531; mentioned, 159, 168, 176, 200, 464, 472, 480, 504 Campbell, Donald, capt., letters from, 115, 137; governorship of Detroit, 109; accounts, 120, 121; captured, 175 ; murdered, 176 Campbell (Campble), George, lieut., death, 181 Campbell, James, 92, 93 Campbell (Cammell), John, articles sent in charge of, 487 Campbell, John, receipt to Alexander McKee, 419; bill for wampum fur nished to Croghan, 465 Campbell, John, capt. in the 27th, appointed agent of Indian affairs, ' 264, 275; ambition, 274; coming trial, 342; mentioned, 359, 360 Campbell, John, capt., col., appoint ment as manager of Indian affairs in Canada, 532; appointment con demned, 532; to lead parties up the Mohawk, 538 Campbell, John, lieut. col. in 17th regiment, letters from, 173, 214, 279, 315; memorial of English traders to, 156; proposed visit to Johnson Hall, 190, 201; notified of peace with Delawares and Shawanese, 256; certificates in favor of interpreters, 262; certifi cate touching services of Lemyi, 262 ; certificates in La Bute's favor, 262, 369, 398; method with Indian affairs, 265; Marsac's account to, of proceedings among upper west ern nations, 278; accounts, 279, 282, 289, 292 ; instructions to, 283; mentioned, 179, 302 Campbell, Lord William, letters to, 431, 498; disposition, 375; com plaints against Gorham, 375, 376 Campble, Francis, 312 Cample, see Campbell Canada, expedition against, n, 12, 556 NEW YORK STATE LIBRARY 15; compensation of persons sent to, 20; military projects in, 86; scarcity of food, 92; reduction of, 101, 105, 112, 162; wretched con dition of French in, 127; code of civil law for, 197; British policy regarding, 197; establishment of a resident bishopric and clergy in, 201, 202; advisability of abolish ing Jesuit missions in, 202; effect in, of King's proclamation, 203 ; preferment to Scots in, 208 ; affairs, Scotch influence in, 236; ladies in, marriages with British officers, 114, 213; Catholic activity in, 235 ; appointment of Capt. Campbell as Indian agent, 264, 269, 271, 274, 275; claim of Cartier to lands in, discredited, 305; grant of Jesuit estates to Sir Jeffery Amherst, 4531 journal of Daniel Claus during his stay in, 469 ; Indian superin- tendency in, 506, 532; goods and provisions sent to, 537; petition to the King in behalf of loyalists of, 539; trade in: with Albany, 51, 112, 113; rum traffic carried on by traders, 131; dangers of unre stricted, 153 ; traders, outside juris diction of New York, 159; petition for indemnity of traders, 196; interest in, 342 ; offenses against regulations, 342, 357, 379; liberal treatment of traders, 361; procla mation of Gov. Burton regarding, 218. See also Indian conferences Canada, governor of, conference with Five Nations, 16; letter from, 20; artifices of, 21; complaints of, 23; appointment, 166, 333. See also Carleton, Sir Guy; Murray, Gov. James Canada creek, purchase of land near, 27, 106, 114, 491; accounts for surveys, 335, 386; lands on, Capt. Gordon asks advice in purchasing, 365; tract west of, 369 Canadagaia (Mohawk chief), 74 Canadasaga (Canesedage, Kanada- saga, Kanassadaga, Kaunauda- sage, Kaunaundasageah), Seneca village, canoe making at, 487; let ters from, 256, 273, 299, 301 Canadian Indians (French Indians), 86, 119; to visit the governor, 12; at Albany, 33 ; preventing inter course with Albany, 33 ; Mohawks to prevent passage of spies, 41; letter concerning. 79; designs on Johnson, 88; letter from Maj. Gen. Amherst regarding, 101 ; trading at Oswego, 104; agreement with Johnson, no; expenses, in; policy toward, 120; deputies invited to Onondaga, 138; conference with governor at Montreal, 174; em ployment by Johnson, 204, 216; journey to Johnson, 220; to join Col. Bradstreet, 225; present to, 234; disposition of, 275; reason for going to Johnson, 278; address to the King, 289; trouble with Cartier over land, 303; influence of priests on, 323; chiefs, conference with, 1768, 389; discontent of, 459; conference with Iroquois and Cherokee Indians, .7770, 462; speech of chiefs of seven nations to Claus, 464. See also Abenakis; Aughquisasne Indians; Caghna- wagas Canadian regiment, enlistment of, 213 Canadians, petition to the Lords of Trade, 213; ordered to Niagara, 218, 219; conduct in the west, 356; measures for quieting apprehen sions of, 536 Canajoharie (Canajohare, Canajo- haree, Canajoharre, Canajoharrie, Canajoharry, Canajohary, Caneiore, Canejohary, Canejore, Canna- goharie, Cannajoharie, Conajo- hare, Conajoharee, Conajoharie, Conajoharry, Conajohary, Cone- joharee, Conhogoheny, Conhogo- hery, Conjouerey, Connajohaire, INDEX TO SIR WILLIAM JOHNSON MANUSCRIPTS 557 Conojoharry, Cornojoharry), fort at, 14, 34, 397; Johnson's letter to fanners of, 23; orders to com- mandei at, 90; duties of Capt. Fonda at, 92; strengthening, 93; justices of the peace, 125; com panies ordered to reconnoiter the German Flatts, 141; complaint by people against their captain, 192 ; blockhouse at, 397 ; church at, 457, 460, 480, 489, 510; magis trates, letter to, 535 ; committee of, joint meeting with committee of Palatine district, 536; letters fiom, 20, 21, 27, 31, 65, 88, 94, TOI, no, 124, 129, 133, 140, 148, 153, 157, 161, 172, 173, 175-77, 196, 202, 203, 212, 219, 247, 251, 256, 257, 264, 281, 303, 335, 338, 344, 352, 369, 386, 464, 489, 537. See also Fort Hendrick; Indian conferen ces; Militia Canajoharie (Canajohare, Canajo- haree, Conajohare, Conajohareas, Conajoharees, Conajoharre, Cona- johary, Connajoharie, Conna- johary) Indians, speeches, 75, 507; warnings given by, 116; mis sion to, 472 ; answer to letter from committee of Tryon county, 537; lands; Banyar's purchase, 112, 125, 130; purchase of Peter du Bois, 1 2 1 ; Indian claims within Canajoharie patent, 150; pur chaser for tract desired by Hors- manden, 221; trespass of Cobus Maybee, 243, 255, 341, 345, 357, 360; survey of, 251, 252; deed of 1765 (Pickard's), circumstances of signing, 285; objections of Indians to dimensions of Col. Vaughan's lands, 385; Brackan's tract, 386; application for patents that will be resented by Indians, 428, 435; measures for securing village lands to, 399, 435, 43 8 ; proceedings of conference at Johnson Hall, 507; grant to Johnson (Royal grant) : gift by Mohawks, 107, 108, 109, 112, 115, 120, 166, 188, 201, 270, 276, 337; claims conflicting with, 109, 114, 115; Johnson's title to, 165, 166, 213, 215, 230, 239, 243, 254, 268, 284, 288, 299, 334, 341, 378; attempt to obtain royal patent for, 165, 166, 255, 270, 273, 313; testimony of Indians discredited, 165; Johnson asks the governor to accept part of grant, 215; survey, 219, 234, 255, 274, 331, 332; boundaries, 262; King could not give away lands al ready granted to Johnson, 276; payments for, 313, 451; report from Lords of Trade on, 362 ; letter from Thomas Penn on, 399; grant from the Crown, 400, 434, 435, 457, 459, 460, 462. See also Cosby, William; Klock, George; Livingston (Philip) patent Canasatego (Canossidego), death of, 24, 25 Canassadaga (Caneghsadagey), In dian village near Montreal, 130, 432 ; smallpox at, 284 ; letter from, 229 Canassadagas (Caneghsadageys, Caneghsad's, Conasedagas), 137; messages sent by, to western na tions, 175 ; friendliness of, 177, 327; aversion for war, 220, 224; take up the hatchet, 221; messengers sent to Michilimackinac, 226; character and position of chiefs, 229 Canawago Indians, see Caghnawagas Canestio (Kanestio), murders com mitted by Indians of, 95, 148, 150, 151, 153, 154, 155, 162; plan to destroy, 204, 205, 206, 208, 216; Delaware prisoners from, 209; wil ling to deliver up murderers at, 215 Canestoga, see Conestoga Cangine, John, see Couagne, Jean Baptiste de Cannock, Joseph, 109 Canowaroghare (Connowaroherry, 558 NEW YORK STATE LIBRARY Kaun a Wa Rohare, Kaun au Wau Roharie), conduct of Indians of, 245 ; letters from, 206 Canunda, Lake, 25 Canundaweea, trouble with soldiers, 414 Capar (Chapar), Nicholas, 321 Cape Breton, expedition against, 10, 1 1 Garden, John, lieut., capt., letters from, 125, 316, 320, 349; account of expenses of Indians going to congress at Ontario, 324; discus sion on Indian superintendency in Canada, 506 Carell (Carel, Carrel, Carril), James, accounts with Johnson and Tice, 459 1 goods intrusted to, 483 ; men tioned, 499 Carillon (Carrilon), trade at, 218, 402; duty on goods sold at, plan for, 425 Carleton, Christopher, lieut., 362,451, 452 Carleton (Carelton, Carlton), Sir Guy, col., gen., letter from, 368; letters to, 342, 359, 362, 392, 403 ; appoint ment as lieutenant governor, 313; liberality toward traders, 333; ex pected arrival, 342 ; present to In dians, 356; attitude toward Indian commissaries, 356, 360, 374; ac counts, 365; Indian policy, 369, 456; memorial to, 385; misunder standing, 398; preparation to in spect Indian trade at Carillon and Riviere au Lievre, 402 ; interview with Claus, 432; appointment of interpreter to Shawanese, 436; trade license issued by, 452; com munication regarding Indian trade, 453; ill will of English merchants to, 464 ; departure for England, 464 ; pass to Alexander Baxter, 486; partiality to Frenchmen, 492 ; denounced, 532; imposed on, 538; mentioned, 335, 353, 355, 371, 396, 407 Carlisle, plan of town of, 144; letters from, 312, 313 Carlock, Eias, 9 Carolina, lawless behavior of fron tiersmen, 278; boundaries, 392 Caron, Joseph, 374 Carpenter, , qualifications for schoolmaster, 483 Carpenters, provisions for, 39 Carr (Carre), , lieut., 142, 147, 152, 160 Carren, John, see Karne, Johannes Carriages, uniform width, 159, 167 Carson, Adam, petition to Johnson, 491 Cartagena, campaign at, 9 Carter, Eliza, prisoner among In dians, 232 Carter, Sarah, prisoner among In dians, 232 Cartier (Carrie"), Rene", claim to lands in Canada, 302, 303, 305, 310, 468, 469 Cartwright, Richard, letters from, 353- 35 6 . 3 6 . 3 6 4, 3 8 4, 3 86 > 4o8, 414, 418, 440, 449, 458, 472, 511, 512, 528, 532; goods forwarded through, 355; surveying instru ments to be sent to, 357; letters forwarded to care of, 393 ; medicine intrusted to, 447; bill against Johnson, 450; mentioned, 382, 421, 456, 490 Carundache, charge against, 329 Carundawane, 412 Carunghyachigoa, mission to Canada, 1 80 Casew, , 429 Casity, ,283 Caso, Francis, 428 Castesh (Castease), 370, 374 Castle Cumberland, letters from, 102, 105, 107, 111-14, I2 6, 128, 135 Cat Fish Creek, letter from, 179 Catawbas (Catabaws, Catawbaws), and northern Indians, attempt of English to make peace between, 26; arrival at Ogilvie's house, 27; movement against by French and Caghnawagas, 2 8 ; letter to king of , INDEX TO SIR WILLIAM JOHNSON MANUSCRIPTS 559 warning of hostile designs of Six Nations, 35; friendly disposition but military weakness, 193; mes sage concerning, 421; proceedings of conference at Gobi, 500 Cathcart (Catchart), Joseph, 258, 264 Catherine 2 of Russia, see Russia, Empress of Catherwood, John, capt., letters from, n, 13, 15,18, 22, 23; letters to, 1 1, 17, 18, 19 Catherwood, Robert, letter from, 88 Catholics, plot among to aid French, 84 Catskill (Cattskill, Catts Kills, Kaatts Kill, Katskill, Katt Kills, Katts Kill), lands, 228, 303, 440, 458, 490; letters from, 245, 456, 518. See also Militia Caughnawagas, see Caghnawagas Caulkins, , capt., 425 Cavendish, , 453 Cayaderossaras, see Kayaderosseras Cayuga (Caugoa, Kiuga), letters from, 423, 442. See also Indian conferences Cayugas (Cahugees, Caiyougas, Cay- oucas, Cayougas, Cayouge, Cay- ugaes, Cayugo, Cyuguas, Ki yogas), treatment of, 36; conferences, 37, 74, 117, 430; smith for, 42; un friendliness, 86; dissatisfaction over want of ammunition, 150; to refrain from interference in affair of Elder Brothers, 162; resolve to go against Cherokees, 162; incite western nations to war, 182; pre paration to act against enemy, 206 ; expected arrival at Albany, 243; to visit Johnson, 252, 264; speech of deputies defending grant to Col. Bradstreet, 441; ill behavior of, 478; Penn's answer to message from chiefs, 523 Cazeau, Frangois, 334 Cedars on the St Lawrence, trade at, 218 Cenices, see Senecas Chabert (Chabiere), see Joncaire Chabert Chalmers, Judge , stricken with palsy, 161 Chamber of Commerce, New York, seeks a charter, 446 Chamberlain, Theophilus, letters from, 332, 338 Chambers, , capt., 189, 462 Chambers, A. Gaasbeck, 73 Champlain, Lake, see Lake Cham- plain Champlin, Christopher, maf., 39, 57, 64 Chandler, Dr Thomas Bradbury, appeal, 421; vindication of the appeal, 426 Chapar, Nicholas, see Capar, Nicholas Chapman, Abigail, 232 Charles, Robert, 468 Charles 7, emperor, death of, 10 Charles William, prince of Bruns- wick-Liineburg, 216 Charlestown (R. I.), effort to main tain Indian school at, 363 Charlotte county, creation of, 500; commissions of the pleas and the peace, 503 Charme, see Du Charme Chateaugay patent, boundary of, 172 Chatham, Lord, opposition to, 345; reports concerning, 359; disagree ment with Temple, 426; interposi tion, 433 : alliance with house of Grenville, 434; speech, 477; men tioned, 330, 439, 453 Chauncey, Elihu, col., deficiency o f arms and ammunition in his regi ment, 59 Chaville, Louison, see Chevallier, Louison Cheat river, settlements on, 345, 363, 373. 379 Cheeksonkun, Jacob, capt., letter from, 6 Chegotimi, see Chicoutime Cheinett, Andrew, charges against, 533 Chenango (Otseningo) Indians, luke- warmness in joining expedition to Canada, 167; preparation to act against enemy, 206 560 NEW YORK STATE LIBRARY Chene, see Chesne Chenussio, see Geneseo Chenussios (Chenesees, Chenusios, Chenussiaes, Chenussies, Genesee Senecas, Genesees, Ginesses, Jen- nesie), 137; failure of their con spiracy, 1 2 1 ; English relations with, 126; restrictions on trade with, 165; responsibility of, 175; Volckert P. Douw asks directions for course in regard to, 185; at Albany, 185; at German Flatts to be arrested, 185 ; sent under guard, 1 86; unwise to punish, 197; re dress for injuries from, 202 ; results of attacking, 210; make proposals of peace, 2 1 1 ; to cede to the King land at Niagara, 215; to deliver up murderers, 215; to go against Delawares and Shawanese, 215; Johnson brings to terms, 216; sub mission, 220; relations of soldiers with disturbed, 223 ; good behavior toward soldiers, 227; delay in coming to Niagara explained, 231 ; report by Six Nations of a visit to, 231; meeting with Johnson at Niagara, 232; prisoners among, 232 ; cessions made by, 232 ; treaty of peace, 234; concessions, 267; settlement with, 270; activity of French trader among, 299 Cherokee river, continuation of boun dary to, 411; lands on, Johnson's reason for accepting, 428 Cherokees (Charokees, Cherakies, Cherrokees, Cherrokes), rumor of alliance with Virginia, 73 ; depu ties from, in Pennsylvania, 90, 91; alliance, 90; speech by, 92; numbers expected, by Col. Burd, 93; dissuaded from hostile movements toward the Ohio, 93 ; proposal of peace by Delawares to, 93; letter from Johnson con cerning, 94 ; message to Delawares, 95; visit to Fort Johnson, 95, 96; to fight the French, 95; message to Mohawks, 95; departure of 100 Indians to join, 109; war, in, 155, 156, 292; defeated by Col. Grant, 116; presents for, 120, 139; war party against, 138; French fort in territory of, 145; French activity in territory, 151; Cayugas resolve to attack, 162; attitude toward northern Indians, 193, 2I 7> 2 77. 379> 39 2 . 421, 463; warned against receiving Dela wares, 217; may give an asylum to the Shawanese, 224; murder by frontiersmen in Virginia, 270; peace with Iroquois, 283, 301, 314, 356, 373, 389, 390. 469, 474; intentions of Onondagas against, 327; prisoner in hands of Senecas, 339; murder of traders, 352, 353; place of landing, 380; deputies sent to Johnson Hall, 380, 382, 383; no opportunity for encroach ments in their country, 382; con ference 1768, 389; claims, 393, 407, 408; proceedings relating to, 394; towns attacked by western nations, 394; coming meeting at Chiswell's mines, 398; Johnson advises delay in settling boundary, 402; hunting grounds, danger to, 421 ; action in conference at Onon- daga, 444; embassy, object of, 451 ; issue of peace or war proposed by, 452; conference with Iroquois, 456; deputies, standing of, 459; conference with Iroquois and Canadian Indians, 462 ; war with Choctaws, 470; disaffection, 478; Indians at the Illinois refuse to combine with, against English, 496; hostilities against, 497; pro ceedings of conference at Gohi, 500; proceedings of conference at Scioto, 500; and others, meeting at Muskingum, 529 Cherry Valley (Chery Vely, Chirrey Valley), exposed to attacks of enemy, 91; justices of the peace, 125; defense of, 192, 195, 202, 203; party from, brought by Thomas Spencer, 205 ; ^scouting near, 218; anxiety for protection, INDEX TO SIR WILLIAM JOHNSON MANUSCRIPTS 219; provisions to be sent to, for Indians, 226, 227 ; mentioned, 537; letters from, 196, 203, 207-9, 2I2 217, 218, 534 Chesne (Chenes), , commended, 3i6 Chesne (Chene, Chesnes), Elleopolle, receipts to Jehu Hay, 320, 330, 350; deposition as to Pontiac's admission concerning a murder, 368 Chesne (Chesnes, Minichesne), Meni, certificate in favor of as interpre ter, 262; receipt for note, 262; departure from Detroit, 371, 372; St Martin's visit to, 372; Hay's purpose to arrest, 372 Chesne (Chenne), Pierre (possibly same as Pierre Labute), receipts to Jehu Hay, 330, 350 Chesnut, , 163 Chevallier (Chaville), Louison, In dians crave pardon for murder of his son, 423 ; connivance with In dians in attack on Van Slyck, 519, 526; mentioned, 513 Chew, Benjamin, 81, 117 Chew, Colley, killed, 530 Chew, Joseph, letters from, 19, 20, !45> 395-99 407, 413. 4i5. 420, 421, 423-26, 428, 430, 431, 437-39. 441, 450, 451, 453, 455. 456, 466, 469, 471, 472, 476, 478, 480, 482-84, 489, 494, 496; letters to, 423, 478, 480; Johnson's interview with, 145; postmaster in New London, 393; list of seeds from, 474; arrival at Johnson Hall, 505; testimony of Dunbar before, 512; request for grant of land for, 530; mentioned, 449, 484, 507, 513 Chickasaws (Chicasaws), friendly dis position but military weakness, 193; murder of Englishmen, 513 Chicoutime (Chegotim), trade mo nopoly at, 323 Chief justice, for province of New York, ^biD^appointing, 229; ap pointment, 349 Chilliequagey, 168 Chinn, Edward, letters from, 221, 323, 395; deposition regarding trade abuses at Chicoutime, 323; money transactions, 463 ; action against Campbell brought by, 464 Chinn, John, speech to Indians re garding mining, 428 Chinn, Howard & Bostwick, bill to Capt. Howard, 268 Chippewas (Chepawas, Cheppeways, Chipawas, Chipewas, Chipeweighs, Chippawaes, Chippawas, Chippe- ways, Chippeweighs, Chippewye, Chippways, Chipways, Chipwa, Sauteaux, Sauteurs, Sauteux), conferences, 37, 116, 118, 230, 235, 320, 371, 400, 440, 486; attempt to ally them against English, 115; requests, 116; Capt. Balfour's speech to, 119; regret for their part in the war, 119; instigated to at tack Detroit, 173; favorable atti tude, 174, 223; plans of vengeance of Sioux against, 178; deputies, interview with messengers sent to Huron nations, 228; request to strike Senecas etc., 231; request for free trade, 232 ; agreement with, 236; visit to Johnson, 270, 271; complaint, 278; who took Michili- mackinac, condition of, 278; con spiracy of, 294; articles furnished to, 325; murder of Lt. Sinclair's servant, 363; murder of traders, 369; arrival at Johnson Hall, 397; congress receives intelligence of French and Spanish machinations, 400; Iroquois send belt to, 414; speeches, 422; meeting with other tribes, 1769, 440; visit to Niagara, 460 ; speech to Iroquois, 460 ; quar rels, 486 ; Johnson's speech to, 505 ; measures to pacify, 505 Chiswell's mines, meeting of Cher- okees at, 398 Choctaws (Chachtaws, Chactaws), intention of John Stuart tojsound, 193; war with Creeks, 275, 478, 562 NEW YORK STATE LIBRARY 520, 529; war with Cherokees, 470; Indians refuse to combine with, against English, 496 Choczim, Russian defeat at, 439 Christiana Bridge, letter from, 335 Christie, Gabriel, capt., maf., lieut. col., announcement of reward for capture of French signed by, 89 order for wagons and boats, 94 intrigues against his superior, no law suits, 464; mentioned, 221 Christie, John, ensign, lieut., letters from, 275, 376, 336, 374; capture of, 176 Christina (sloop), 38 Christineaux, conference with John son at Niagara, 1764, 230 Chronicle, newspaper, first appear ance, 129 Church, Thomas, 242 Church of England, establishment in America, 270; at Schenectady, 295, 297, 398, 409, 480; missionaries who oppose, 411; J. M. Scott's attack on, 413; contest with Pres byterians at Schenectady, 398; progress in New York, 415; John son's exertions in favor of, 458; work of, 482; circumstances which hinder, 483 ; at Canajoharie and Johnstown, 457, 460, 480, 489, 504, 505; lottery to promote growth of, 505; incumbents and condition of, 510; grant made by Narragansett Indians for service of, 516. See also Brown, John; St Peter's church, Albany Churches, near Oneida lake, French propose to build, 19; letter from pastors in praise of Rev. Eleazar Wheelock, 140; lands, 412. See also Church of England ; Lutheran Church ; Presbyterians Cicote, , 316 Cinakaas, see Senecas Civil appointments, 29 Claevw, Fraens jr, capt., company, 358 Clapham, , murder of, 146; pun ishment of murderers of, 147 Clapham, William, col., letter from, 81; mentioned, 79 Clare (Clair), Lord, 380, 382, 389 Clark, - '-, admiral, destruction of French ships by, 96 Clark, James Hill, 327, 457 Clarke, - , maf., lands belonging to, 318, 336, 351, 353; contem plated trip to Canajoharie, 502 Clarke, Edward, letters from, 9 Clarke, Hyde, letters from, 9 Clarke (Clark), John, capt., letters from, 306, 308, 309; petition of traders to, 306, 308; in command at Niagara, 307; orders for regu lation of trade at Niagara, 308; mentioned, 292 Clarke, Thomas, capt., company of fuziliers, 27 Claus (Closs), Daniel, lieut., capt., col., letters from, 31, 47, 76, 106, 108 10, 11214, 119. 120, 122, 126, 136, 138, 142, 160, 167, 172, 174, 176, 178, 180, 181, 205, 216, 220, 221, 224, 226, 228, 229, 23336, 254, 272, 275, 276, 278, 281, 284, 285, 319, 321, 323, 325, 333, 342, 366, 371, 398, 399, 402, 403, 415, 432, 450, 454, 456, 466, 468, 506, 521, 522; letters to, 81, 87, m, 113, 121, 126, 177, 278, 281, 327, 352, 368, 370, 451, 452; report as scout, 69; accounts, 86, 120, 180, 181, 184, 194, 195, 201, 204-6, 210, 213, 215, 232, 233, 235, 241, 244, 247, 252, 285-89, 305, 312, 319, 328, 334, 335, 434, 469, 476, 497. 515; journal, 108, 120; offer of marriage to Nancy Johnson, 112; request for aid in buying a cap taincy, TI 2, 113; reproved for secretly paying addresses to Miss Johnson, 113; Johnson agrees to assist in purchase of captain's commission, 113; defrauded in purchase of commission, 119, 120; inclination to sell his commission, 122, 137, 1 60; expected sale of commission to Lieut. Carr, 142 ; inquiries at Canassadaga, 130; INDEX TO SIR WILLIAM JOHNSON MANUSCRIPTS 563 services, 146; birth of daughter, 158, 159; articles desired by, 173; commission, 175; desires to resign deputy Indian agency, 220, 233; difficulties of position, 224; arrival of sister's son from Germany, 244, 249 (see also Kreuser, C.); Lt. Hugh Scott to act as Indian agent during the absence of, 247; land grant, 248; plantation, 259; still deputy for Canada, 269; articles for, 272; Van Veghten's receipt for goods for, 272; household af fairs, 275; intelligence of French intrigue obtained by, 277; efforts to keep Indians from Montreal, 278; absences from Montreal, 290; drovers commended by, 319; re quested to give Wade preference in purchase of goods, 327; deposi tion concerning seizure of peltries, 329; instruction to St John Rus- seau, 333; accident to, 364; de parture for Canada, 365; assistant to, 366; authorization to Joseph Raymond concerning relations with Iroquois, 396; account of postage of letters to, 425; articles furnished to Six Nations by, 426; meeting with St Regis Indians, 432; interested in a patent, 449; location for, 450; speech of chiefs of seven nations of Canada to, 464; report of a council, 468; jour nal to and during his stay in Can ada, 469; lectures to Caghnawaga visitors, 469 ; Indian recommended by, 492 ; to lead parties up the Mohawk, 538; mentioned, no, 147, 204, 241, 244, 276, 293, 295, 3*5, 3 2 5. 335. 342, 363, 4io, 417. 444, 445, 473, 5 2 7- 5 2 8 Claus, Katty, 514, 518; death of, 524 Claus, Nancy, illness of, 402 ; death, 403 Claverack (Claverak), 380; wrongful extension, 427, 443, 514; letters from, in, 176, 421, 450, 452. See also Militia Cleaveland, Rev. Ebenezer, to rep resent cause of Indian school at the congress, 404 Cleland, , capt., 19 Cleland, William, letter from, 88 Clement, Jacobus, courier, sent to Six Nations, 74 Clement, Joseph, 14, 18 Clench (Clinch), Robert, letter from, 531 ; letter to, 532 ; mentioned, 413, 524 Clephane, James, ma/., letter from, 97; letter to, 98 Clergymen's widows, fund for, 512 Clin, Philip Heinrich, see Klein, Philip Heinrich Clinch, Robert, see Clench, Robert Clinton, Gov. George, letters from, 12-21, 23-26, 28; letters to, 14, 15, 17, 18, 20, 22, 24-26, 28; report of Council committee to, 1 6 ; speech to Indians, 19; to prevent sending letters from Albany to Canada under flag of truce, 19; contempt for Assembly, 24 ; license to Teady Magin to purchase land, 2 7 ; purchase of land of, 28; pro posed exchange with Johnson of part of Stevens patent, 28; lands belonging to, 167, 168 Clinton, Mrs George, 20 Clinton, Sir Henry, col., letter from, 167; letter to, 168 Clive, Lord, 228, 453 Clock, see Klock Closs, Daniel, capt., see Claus, Daniel, capt. Clyd, Daniel, 203 Coale, John, see Cole, John Cobalt in West Chester, 299 Coburn, Jonathan, testimony of, 345 Cochrane, Gavin, capt., letters from, 186, 210, 328, 360, 375, 384; let ters to, 122, 339, 376; promises of Sir Jeffery Amherst to, 375 Cockburn (Cockburne), Will, letter from, 505; bill to Funda, 471; making a map, 349 ; survey by, 353 Cockcroft, William, col., letters from, 49, 50; letters to, 44, 49-51; de livery of orders to, 38; report of 5^4 NEW YORK STATE LIBRARY the camp guards, 40; weekly re turns of six New York companies, 43; Col. Ruggles to relieve, 51, 52; petition in behalf of regiment, 59 Coelon, Jan, 19. See also Colon, John Coeyman's (Coyeman's) patent, lands near, 252, 256 Coffin, Stephen, story of, 29 Coheis, Ephraim, petition that Thomas Ninigret be restrained from selling lands, 243, 258 Golden, Alexander, letters from, 34, 107, 115, 161, 164, 234, 294, 295, 33 2 336, 349; letters to, 106, 108, 274, 295, 334, 335; position toward Albany surveyors, 107, 108; gen erosity of, 120; lands, 122, 127; proposition regarding Schenectady mail service, 163; charges, 398 Colden, Lieut. Gov. Cadwallader, letters from, 20, 21, 119, 131, 182, 192, 199, 239, 255, 259, 270, 272, 286; letters to, 115, 120, 121, 124, 125, 129, 132, 135, 183, 185, 192, 195, 197, 199, 202, 203, 208, 211, 215, 218, 219, 228, 233, 237, 239, 243, 2 4 8, 249, 253-55, 257, 259, 268, 270, 273, 275, 280, 284, 286, 288, 291, 297, 307, 312, 335, 368, 415, 420, 435- 437' 43 8 , 44i, 444, 533; death of wife, 125: proceed ings at Fort George, 131 ; death of daughter, 135; petition to, con cerning Capt. Klock, 177; paper war waged against, 259; advocacy of Johnson's claim with the Board of Trade, 273; appreciated by King, 287, 442; unpopularity, 289, 297; effigy, 291; threats against, 294; pamphlet by, 368; losses, compensation for, 415; acts of, 434; accident, 435 ; administration, 435; interview with Van Schaack, 439, 443; relations with Assembly, 439; advised to settle militia dis pute, 444; demand on Col. Van Rensselaer for a return of his regi ment, 444 ; suit against, 471 ; Cana- joharies ask redress against, 507; mentioned, 173, 371 Colden, David, letters from, 258, 459 Colden, John, 20 Colden & Kelly, letters from, 32, 34, 35, 70; letters to, 34, 36; invoice of powder, guns etc., 34; accounts, 39. 4i, 42 Cole, Edward, lieut. col., letters from, 188, 315, 316, 319, 363, 374, 381, 392, 405, 416, 427, 480; letter to, 47; delivery of orders to, 38; re port as field officer, 47; com mended, 63 ; good qualities, 69 ; accounts, 106, 234, 316, 317, 319, 320, 321, 324-26, 330, 348-50, 35 2 - 353- 363, 365. 388, 393, 411, 415, 437; agreement with Van Schaack and Campbell, 265; fit ness for Indian appointment, 304; deed of house to, 327; report of death, 329; certificates of, 349, 350, 401; indulgence to traders from Illinois, 372; dealings with Johnson, 394 ; arrival at New York, 435; money sent by, 453; men tioned, 158, 377, 472 Cole (Coale), John, 528 Cole, Oliver, 61 Colhoun, Andrew, 336 Collard, Edward, 40 College for Indians, proposed, 406 Collens, John, letters from, 529, 533 Collins, Edward, wo/., col., letters from, 10 ; letter to, 9; criticism of, 1 7 ; investigation of commissary matters, 18; bad behavior, 19; affidavits regarding, 20, 89; dishonest survey of Livingston patent, 125, 155, 172, 197; men tioned, 23, 27 Collins, James, letters from, 357, 442, 453 ; draft of land at Schoharie, 442 Collins's patent, 295 Colon, John, letter from, 26. See also Coelon, Jan Colvill, Lord, reconquest of St John's, N. F., 147; mentioned, 145 Combes, Paul, letter from, 2 1 Combes, Philip, 68 Commissaries, for New York regi ment, order for, 44 INDEX TO SIR WILLIAM JOHNSON MANUSCRIPTS 565 Commissaries for Indian affairs, mili tary jealousy of proposal to ap point, 278; appointment, 302, 316, 352; order relating to, 320; differ ences with commanding officers, 331, 341, 342, 375. 379; instruc tions to, 350, 353; Gov. Carleton's attitude toward, 356, 360; John son's defense of, 359; officers re fuse to issue provisions to, 362 ; insults suffered by, 372; charges against, 374, 392; expenses, 378, 400; want of power, 378; duties, 385; consequences of abolishing the office, 399; effect of removal from Cherokee country, 421; Johnson's relations with, 432 Commissary general of Indian af fairs, proposal for creating office of, 222, 338; Johnson's son pro posed for office, 341 Commission of the peace, list of per sons for, 89, 136 Commissioners, oath required of, 180 Conajoharee, see Canajoharie Conaway, Gen., dismissal from his Majesty's service, 222 Condacktedie, old, letter from, 18 Conduct of the Paxtoners, pamphlet, 2I 5 Coner (Cowner), Barnabas, 177, 186 Conesedagas, charge against Ca- rundache, 329 Conestoga, devastation of, 394 Conestogas (Conistoga, Gunestogas), murder of , 194, 197, 201, 202, 205, 262, 385, 386; money due Six Nations for lands occupied by, 389 Conferences, see Indian conferences Congalton, Henry, lieut., letter from, 256 Congress of colonial deputies for reg ulating Indian trade proposed, 1771, 481 Congress of colonies at Albany on Indian affairs, 1754\ proceedings of, 29 Congress of colonies proposed, 1755, 43 Conhogoheny, fort at, 34 Conin, Peter, see Conyn, Piter Conklin, Joseoh, 191 Connecticut, 'resolves to provide a military company, 16; messengers to, 57; letters to, 57; controversy with Mohegans, 94, 230, 265, 269, 339, 425; boundary, 239, 516; de fense against Gov. Dudley's de cree, alluded to, 263. See also Militia Connecticut, Board of Correspond ents, thanks for recommendation of Indian school, 288 Connecticut river, advantage of landholding on, 292 Connecticut settlements on Susque- hanna ^lands, see Susquehanna lands Conneshadagey, 162 Connins, Peter, see Conyn, Piter Connor, James, sergeant, 64, 66, 83 Connor, Timothy, see O'Connor, Timothy Connowaroherry, see Canowaroghare Conolly (Connely), Dr John, occupa tion of Westmoreland county led by, 53> 534 Conoys (Conogs), conference, 117, 244 Constable, Dr John, letters from, 248, 409; mentioned, 213, 498 Constantinople, plague in, 469 Constitutional Courant, newspaper, 286, 287 Continental Congress, agreement of Palatine district committee with, 535; to quiet apprehensions of Canadians and Six Nations, 536 Continental service, recruiting for, 537 Conway, , gen., memorial to, 538 Conway, Henry Seymour, letters from, 301, 307; letters to, 316, 318 Conyn (Connins, Conin), Piter, capt., 94, 112, 127, 247 Cook, , ma/., reports for orders, O Q oo Cook, Mathew, see Kough, Mathew Cooke, Henry, 53 566 NEW YORK STATE LIBRARY Cooper, Rev. Dr Myles, letters to, 480, 522 ; commended, 493 ; merits, 494 ; mission to England, 499 ; in terviews with Lord Hillsborough, 511; mentioned, 313, 337, 459, 494 Cooper, Thomas, 242 Copper, on the Breakabeen, 299; near Lake Superior, 393, 395, 399, 404, 406, 410, 411, 412, 417, 418, 422, 430, 444, 463, 467. See also Lake Superior Cornbury, Lord, character of admin istration, 282 Cornel, Thomas, letter to, 56 Cornu, Pieter, 13 Corry, Miss , 163 Corry, Mrs Catherine (widow of William), 168 Corry, Isaiah, letter from, 171 Corry, Ralph, maj., 130 Corry (Curry), William, letters from, 9, 10, 26, 77-79, 83, 86, 97, 99, 109, 113, 122, 127, 128, 130, 134, 148, 149, 152, 154, 158-60, 163, 164; letters to, 128, 136; proceedings against, 10; account, 109; pay ment of debt to, by David Schuy- ler jr, 129; action against Ferrall Wade, 158; death, 167, 168; mentioned, 97, 179, 198 Corrysbrook, letters from, 26, 343 Corry's (Curry's) bush, 484; letter from, 193 Corsica, news from, 431, 433 Cosby, Lady Grace, letters from, 204, 272, 300; letters to, 126, 179, 258, 286; lands, 115, 121, 122, 123, 124, 126, 127, 128, 129, 133, 134, 143, 204, 258, 285; Johnson authorized to sell lands, 166, 300; land trans actions with Oliver De Lancey, 127, 128, 134, 258, 272, 286, 290, 298, 315, 404; will, 355; accounts, 404; title to lands, 411; claim against estate of, 416; alleged deficiency in estate conveyed by, 4i7 Cosby, Gov. William, lands, 151; Albany land deed destroyed by, 508, 526 Cosby, William, capt., lands, 267, 283, 285, 292, 315 Cosby's Manor, petition for land purchases about, 114; survey of lands near, 335; line to be run from, 381 Cosgriff, Hugh, letter from, 112 Cosmer, Casper, corporal, 410 Gossans, , journey from Jamaica to Niagara, 428; mentioned, 427 Cottgrave, John, letters from, 496, 501, 504 Cottrell, Thomas, lieut., letter from, 162 Couagne (Cangine, Coagne, Cou- aigne, Coughny, Dequaney, De- quoney), Jean Baptiste de, letters from, 104, 137, 138, 150, 171, 172, 177, 178, 183, 184, 186, 190, 191, 198, 203, 223, 224, 232, 234, 248, 2 97> 37- 443'. dispute with Levy Solomon, 130; warned against tampering with Indians at To ronto, 136; indebtedness, 146; drafts presented by, not to be paid, 146; instructions to visit Senecas, 150; accounts, 159, 160, 180, 196, 245, 280, 408, 442; Senecas' dis trust of, 320; praised, 363; speeches to Indians, 414; attempts to prejudice Indians against Wade & Kreuser, 462 ; threatened blind ness, 518; mentioned, 136, 243 Cougar, David, receipt to Wether- head, 376 Council, proceedings, 33, 44, 45; views of, touching disposition of forces, 44; discussions in, 47; letter to Gov. Hardy, 54 ; powers of mem bers, 132; attitude toward Indian land sales, 353 Council committee, report on Duke of Newcastle's letter about Six Nations, 16 Council at Alexandria, Va., 1755, minutes of, 31 Council of governors and commis sioners, 1755, minutes of, 67 Council of war, 1755, 40, 57, 65; minutes, 45, 46, 48-51, 53, 56-69; INDEX TO SIR WILLIAM JOHNSON MANUSCRIPTS 567 at Great Carrying Place, 45-47; inconsistency of, 51; advise that cannon be brought from Albany, 52 ; action as to reinforcemsnts, 53 ; opinions, 56; actions, 60; accused of disinclination to go forward, 6 1 ; detains troops, 65 Council, see also Congress ; Indian conferences County, new, proposed formation, 357, 381, 428. See also Tryon county Courtland, , 151 Courtney, Hugh, letter from, 501 Courts martial, Johnson authorized to call, 16; warrant for holding general, 46 ; proceedings and sen tence on Lieut. Noble, 46 ; appoint ment of, 47; of William Caleb and Thomas Searjants, 56, 57; for trial of Abraham Loucket, 61; on challenge given by Lieut. Gambel to Capt. Charles Osborne, 108 Cous, Frederick, see Koose, Frederick Cowner, Barnabas, see Coner, Barna bas Cox & Drummond, money trans actions, 475 Coxe, Dr , petition, 413 Coxe, William, 321, 323, 324 Coxsackie (Coatsackie, Coksacky, Coxsakie), companies, return of, 425; regiment, list of officers who declined commissions, 457; letter from, 448. See also Militia Coyaderoseras patent, see Kaya- derosseras patent Coyemans, see Coeymans Coyhies, Ephraim, letter from, 245 Cozzens, Leonard, letter from, 26 Cozzens, William, letter from, 22 Craane, George, see Croghan, George Craig, John, letter from, 14 Cram (Indian), 123 Cramahe, Lieut. Gov. Hector Theo's, letters to, 397, 468, 489, 524; ex pected meeting with Claus, 506 Cramer, Samuel, letters from, 22, 25 Cranz, David, Greenland history, 384 Cratzinberger (Critzenberger), Coen- raet, 105, 115 Craven, Cha., maf., letter from, 83! letter to, 83 Crawford (Crafford, Crawfford, Crof- ford), Hugh, observation of French trade and intrigue in Illinois coun try, 280; to conduct Pontiac to Oswego, 304, 306; account of losses sustained from Indians by Maj. Smallman, 308; expenses of Indian negotiations, 315; com mended, 316; sets out for Oswego, 316; money transactions, 317, 318, 3 2 7 333. 334; trouble with Hay, 323; quarrel with Tims, 327; men tioned, 320, 332, 518 Crean, John, letter from, 212 Creeks, numbers expected, by Col. Burd, 93; jealousy felt by, 193; murders committed by, 199; tardi ness in giving satisfaction for crimes, 217; quarrel with Choc- taws, 275, 478, 520, 529; ambition of, 314; disposition of, 438; meas ures to restrain settlers, 488; pro ceedings of conference at Gohi, 500; attempt to obtain northern allies, 529 Creitz (Crites), Han Ury (George), 475 Cremche, George, see Croghan, George Cresap, Daniel, 164 Cresap, Michael, capt., 534 Cresap (Cressap, Crisip, Cressop), Thomas, col., obtains treaty from Six Nations, 338 ; purchase of tract about Green Briar, 347; interfer ence with Indian matters, 381, 384 ; embarks for London, 43 1 ; men tioned, 84 Crites, George, see Creitz, Han Ury Crofford, Hugh, see Crawford, Hugh Croftes, see Hasenclever, Seton & Croftes Crofton, Howard & McCracken, 449 Croghan (Craane, Craghan, Crau- ghan, Cremche. Crohan, Croughan, 568 NEW YORK STATE LIBRARY Croughcan, Grahoon, Grochan), George, capt., col., letters from, 32 48, 85, 92, 93, 94, 97, 105, 107, 109, 116, 120, 129, 134, 138, 140, 144, 146, 150, 153, 181, 182, 189, 194, 195, 207, 209, 217, 222, 230, 232, 260, 300, 304-8, 310, 311, 318, 327, 340, 342, 343, 346, 352, 360, 369, 37 J -73, 3 86 ~ 88 > 39. 404, 409, 411, 426, 430, 432, 434, 438, 440, 448, 449, 451, 453, 454, 455, 458, 465, 479, 490, 513 ; letters to, 31, 91, 92, 121, 135, 149, 155, 174, 175, 194, 202, 261, 301, 302, 307, 347, 363, 365, 366, 367, 369, 370-72, 374, 381, 387, 389, 405, 412, 426, 445, 456, 457, 462, 477, 528; proposal to raise recruits, 84; transactions, 90 ; remarks on disaffection of Pennsylvania Indians and Six Nations, 90; commission, 91; false story of fall of Quebec, 92 ; valu able assistance at Easton confer ence, 97; conference with western Indians, 103, 106; accounts, 106, 113, 123, 139, 140, 185, 190, 193, 215, 220, 242, 255, 256, 258-60, 263, 266, 267, 272, 273, 276, 282, 286, 288, 289, 291-93, 295, 297, 298, 304-6, 308, 311, 313-15, 3l8, 319, 324, 325, 327, 328, 334, 335, 340, 342, 346, 347. 35 1 , 35 2 35 6 . 3 6 3. 3 6 5. 3 6 7. 379- 3 8 3. 3 8 5. 393. 394, 399, 400, 415, 418, 431, 435, 436, 439, 488, 525, 528; return of those employed in department of Indian affairs signed by, 107; un generous treatment by Pennsyl vania, 122; journal, 129; offers resignation, 134, 181, 311, 342-44, 493; threatened by Quakers, 139; usefulness at Lancaster meeting, 151 ; commended by Johnson, 188; fiscal affairs in division of, 190; lands, 190, 280, 366, 370, 371, 387, 421, 424, 430-32, 449, 451, 454, 456, 478; efforts to obtain compen sation for losses, 190; to communi cate statement ol traders' losses to Lords of Trade, 192 ; habit of early rising, 193 ; meetings with Thomas Harris in London, 210; wrecked on French coast, 215, 217, 219, 222; payment requested for goods sold, 225; effort to obtain com pensation for merchants, 238; departure from New York, 241; alleged to have repeated unfavor able stories about Johnson, 253; expedition to Illinois, 261, 271, 273, 275, 276, 278, 280, 305; com munications with 'Pontiac and the Twightwees, 261 ; goods purchased by, 262, 266, 311; Johnson asks inquiry into conduct of, 265; need of cautioning against permitting illicit trade, 265; charge against, 265-67; preparing to send garrison to Illinois, 268; rumor of capture, 268, 279, 281; reports of assassi nation, 268, 276; exoneration of himself, 271; adventures and cas ualties, 277, 280, 282, 283, 291, 339; success at the Illinois, 278, 281, 285, 286, 287, 289, 290, 291; letter containing the story of his disaster, 281; unpaid bill, 281; success and diplomatic quali ties, 285; return, 285, 289; ex pected with Pontiac, 285, 286; Wade's relations with, 302, 309; account of losses and expenses, 304, 312, 346, 383; project for pur chasing French grants in the Il linois country, 307; memorandum of goods of, 312; departure, 312; intended journey down the Ohio river, 313; account of goods left in King's store by, 314; Commis sary Cole to join, 315, 316; news from, 319; conference with repre sentatives of eight nations at Fort Chartres, 1766, 327; arrival at New Orleans, 338, 339; sickness, 339, 342-44, 45: good fortune with western Indians, 341; arrival at Philadelphia, 341; diplomatic victory at the Illinois, 341; oppo sition of traders to, 342 ; departure for Philadelphia, 342; treaty with INDEX TO SIR WILLIAM JOHNSON MANUSCRIPTS 569 twelve nations in the Illinois country, 344; successors proposed, 344, 348, 494, 504; qualifications, 345; deputies accompanying, 347; agrees to continue in service, 350, 351; attacks on, 351, 457; return of people employed in the Indian service, 352; expenses and losses when taken prisoner by Indians, 359; journey to Detroit, 368; to receive every assistance for dis charging commission in the west, 370; petition of traders to, 381; journal of conference with In dians, 381; objection to orders received through, 388; to dis tribute money at Fort Pitt, 389; coming meeting with Indians at Fort Pitt, 390; threats of Black Boys affecting, 391; Col. Whar- ton's demand on, 396; offer to, of share in Lake Superior com pany, 419; account of postage of letters to, 425; farming, 426; visited by McKee, 434; contem plated sending to Fort Pitt, 436; invited to meet Shawanese at Fort Pitt, 445; return home, 447; Bradstreet desires certificate from, 456; news of confederation of Indians brought to, 480 ; report of conference sent by, 496 ; retire ment, 497; McKee qualified to succeed, 504; supposed complicity with occupation of Westmoreland county, 530; land office, operations in the Ohio grant, 533 ; connivance at Dunmore's usurpation, 534; mentioned, 99, 101, 149, 188, 246, 249, 272, 277, 279, 287, 299, 302, 3 2 9. 33L 334, 346, 353, 364, 366, 377, 3 86 392, 395, 409, 416, 417, 423, 437, 443, 465, 480, 495 Croghan Hall, letter from, 146 Croghans Forest, letter from, 495 Cromwell, Phil, 441 Cross, , 383 Crossfield, Stephen, 487 Crossfield, see also Totten & Cross- field | Grouse, Peter, 458 Crown Point, proposed reduction, 13; destruction of French settle ments, 1 6 ; strength of, 32 ; descrip tion, 39, 47; distance to Albany, 44 ; operations against, 50 ; orders to Capt. Rogers to reconnoiter, 73 ; report of movements about, 73 ; abandoned by French, 99 ; English fort building there, 99 ; fortifications at, 153 Crown Point expedition, 30-70; Johnson proposed as commander, 30; estimates of expenses and stores, 3 1 ; diversion of troops to Niagara, 33, 36, 39; tardiness of governments, 34; letter from Capt. Eyre on, 3 5 ; supplies and deficien cies, 35, 36; vote of Massachusetts Bay province providing for forces. 37; powder needed, 40; Banyar's remarks, 43 ; instructions in case of retreat, 43 ; importance of early operations, 44 ; erection of forts, 45, 48-50, 53-55, 57, 60-64, 66; Gen. Johnson announces intention of marching, 45; report on prog ress, 47; battle of Lake George, 48, 49, 50, 68; letter from Maj. Gen. Shirley on, 49 ; prospects of, 50, 57; map of two sites in attack of 1755, 50; spies, 51, 52; speedy advance advised, 5 1 ; question of proceeding with, 53; ordnance supply insufficient for investment, 53, cannon for, 54; return of troops, 59; obstacles to advance, 60, 61; report of Massachusetts Bay in favor of prosecuting, 62 ; troops dismissed, 63, 65, 66; mutiny of troops, 65, 67, 69; ad vance of army under Johnson recommended, 67; proposed move ment against Ticonderoga, 68; close of campaign, 70. See also Council of war ; Fort Edward ; Fort William Henry; Great Carrying Place Cruckshanks, Alexander, 347 Cruger, Hend. Ja., letter from, 293 NEW YORK STATE LIBRARY Cruger, John jr, candidate for as sembly, 386; choice of as speaker in the assembly, 421 Crump, -, 183 Cuagne, De, see Couagne, Jean Bap- tiste de Cuck, Gorge, see Koch, George Cuellerie, , murder of child, 366, 3 6 7 3 6 9- 37o. 37 2 Cuiellierrie, Miss , marriage, 265 Cullin, Richard, letter from, 295 Cumberland, Duke of, defeat of the Pretender, 1 2 ; patronage of, 2 1 ; death, 300, 303 Cumberland, Nova Scotia, Indians at, bill to Johnson for medicine and attendance on, 429 Cumberland county, N. Y., estab lishment, 498; new msmbers, 515; pay of members, 516 Cumberland county, Pa., Indian affairs in that region, 1755, 48 Gumming, Thomas, letter from, 23 Cummins, Elinora, letters from, 166, 171 Cunigkum, William, 87 Cunningham, , patent, 164 Cunningham, , tailor bought from, 182, 194 Cunningham, - , Indian commis sary in Nova Scotia, 498 Cunningham, , capt., Si- Cunningham, Greg., 170 Cunningham, John, 511 Cunningham, Waddell,. 127 Cunningham (Cuningham), William, 113 Cunningham, William, 340 Cunningham, see also Cunigkum; Gregg & Cunningham Curagao, price of wheat in, 10 Curot, A. M. C., letter from, 223 Currency, see Money Curry, William, see Corry, William Cushetunk, 117 Gushing, Thomas, account of Boston massacre, 461 Cusick, James, capt., letters from, 3 8 9. 473 Custom house officers, demand writs of assistance, 426 Customs, board of, organization, 367 Cuthbert, -, 353 Cuyler, , correspondence in trusted to, 1 80 Cuyler, , mishaps to party, 261 Cuyler, , lie lit., 142, 175 Cuyler, Abraham, letter from, 461 Cuyler, Abraham (skipper), 100, 121 Cuyler, Abraham C., capt., letters from, 187, 244, 297, 355, 382, 391, 499, 506, 526; letter to, 526; mil itia appointment, 146, 187; cap tain of grenadiers, 200, 358; ac counts, 316, 329, 348; money for Johnson, 360; ambition, 474; cer tificates of naturalization signed by, 475, 476; mentioned, 378, 384 Cuyler, Cornelis, letters from, 53, 146, 187, 253; calculation of distance from Albany to Crown Point, 44; pass for, 137; mention, 173, 249, 384 Cuyler, Cornelius, of Schenectady, 414 ' Cuyler, Cornel's Jno. , letters from, 8 1 , 82 ; supplies, 79 Cuyler, Henry, letters from, 250, 253, 356, 382; letter to, 356; appoint ment in militia requested, 146; mentioned, 246, 249, 252, 291, 294, 359, 364, 378, 488 Cuyler, Jacob, 187 Cuyler, John, letter to, 45 ; men tioned, 1 6, 23, 323 Cuyler, John, jr, request for com mission for, 187; refused first lieu tenancy in troop, 191 Cuyler, Philip, letters from, 253, 468; proposed for Indian secretary ship, 253 Cuyler (Cyler), Tillman, 229 Czar, rumors touching fate of, 146 Dale, William, 519 Dallaways, see Delawares Daly, Peter, maj., 238 Dalyell (Deale, Delyall, Delyel, INDEX TO SIR WILLIAM JOHNSON MANUSCRIPTS 571 Duel), James, capt., letter to, men tioned, 177 ; arrival at Detroit, 177 ; death, 177, 178; anxiety of Capt. Lottridge for, 178 Danes, sentiment toward French, 469; war preparations, 485; dis pute with England, 509 Danforth, Thomas, 418 Daniel (Indian), 178, 184, 186, 191, 197 Danielson, Daniel, 504 Danneston, Daniel, see Deniston, Daniel Danube (Danaub), Gen. Romanzow's campaign on, 490 Danvers (Davers), Sir Robert, 137 Darcy, Peter, capt., letter from, 146; letter to, 147 Darenton, William, see Darlington, William Darlington (Darlinton), Margaret, letter from, 455 Darlington, (Darenton), William, letters from, 121, 131, 134, 140, 141, 144, 146, 149, 150-52, 157, 158, 160, 164, 166, 167, 169, 170, 173, 174, 176-78, 181-83, l86 > l8 7 189, 191, 194, 196, 198, 203, 205, 209, 221, 224, 225, 229, 23439, 241, 244, 246, 249, 252, 256, 261, 263, 264, 266, 267, 269, 274, 276, 278, 280, 284, 287-89, 291-93, 295, 298, 300, 301, 304, 306, 309, 311, 315, 318, 319, 326, 328, 334, 336, 337. 339. 364, 367: letters to, 143, 158, 161, 162, 166, 172, 207, 239; accounts, 134, 141, 152, 161, 167, !73-75> J78, 180, 182, 183, 194, 196, 203, 213, 223, 224, 229, 236, 237, 241, 244, 245, 269, 278, 283, 296, 312, 319, 326, 334; goods shipped by, 174, 186, 226, 309, 312 ; servant sent to, 193 ; list of effects of Witham Marsh taken by, 252; list of trees and seeds consigned to, 254; bill of lading for wine con signed to, 267; Van Veghten's re ceipt for gaods received from, 272, 276; seal and electrical apparatus to be forwarded by, 276; presenta tion of painting to Johnson, 311; Wetherhead desires to succeed, 335; pecuniary distress, 506; men tioned, 166, 170, 189, 191, 237, 240, 250, 253, 294, 455 Darlington, Mrs William, presents from, 174, 224, 291; mentioned, 244 Darlinto, Nathan, 237 Dartmouth, Earl of, letters from, 509, 510, 515, 517, 522, 524, 525. 535; letters to, 511, 514, 518, 519, 523, 525; college for Indians under patronage of, 406 ; appointment as Hillsborough's successor, 509; re ligious character, 511; praised, 512; on the New York-Connecticut line, 516; stops land grants, 516; men tioned, 511, 513 Dartmouth College, letter from, 516 Daun, Count, 126 Dauw, Marshal, 146 Davenport, Joseph, 267 Davers, Sir Robert, see Danvers, Sir Robert David (Indian), 17 David (Indian boy), 260 David (Mohawk), 202 Davids, John, see Davis, John Davies, Benjamin, capt., 477, 479 Davis, Dudley, letters from, 407, 409, 433, 440, 5 l6 5 2 9; letter to, 517; money transactions, 517, 519, 534; arrest of, 498; testimony regarding boards used in work for, 512; suits against, 516; mentioned, 481 Davis, Isaac, 474 Davis, James, 474 Davis, (Davids), John, presumption in inviting Six Nations to Oswego, 137, 138, 140 Davis, John, 345 Davis, Robert, letter from, 481 Davis, Samuel, 309 Davis, Stephen, 62 Davis, William, capt., 289 Davison, John, 138 Dawsm (Dawse), Volkart, articles 572 NEW YORK STATE LIBRARY sent in charge of, 263, 364; receipt to Johnson, 443. See also Douw, Volkert A'm Dayton (Deyton), Abraham, lieut., death, 181 Deale, , capt., see Dalyell, James, capt. Deall, Samuel, letter from, 476; bill to Johnson, 476 Deart, , sergeant, 523 Dean, John, letters from, 446 Deane, George, capt., commander of snow Sir William Johnson, 516; bill of lading for goods shipped with, 522; mentioned, 522 Deane, Josiah, letter to, 425 Deas, David, letter concerning, 509 Dease, Mrs , letter from, men tioned, 235 Dease, Dr John, 493, 527 De Bernier, , see Bernier, De Berniere, John, letters from, 323, 369. 393 Deberts, , letter to, 140 De Bruls, Michael, see Brul, Michael de December (slave), 437 De Couagne, see Couagne Dedirak, Jury William, 448 Deer, penalties for killing in certain seasons, 254 DeGarmo, John, capt., 211 De Garmo, Pyeter M., letter from, 355 De Grois, Stephen, services as inter preter, 250 Deiger, Sefrinnes, letter from, 257 Deiger, see also Deyger Dejean, Philip, 368 De Lancey, ,382 De Lancey, , capt., proposes to lease lead mines, 206 De Lancey, Lieut. Gov. James, letters from, 31, 34, l -35"37*40, 44, 89, 96, 97; letters_to, 30/32-36, 38, 39, 41, 43, 45, 48, 89, 93, 94, 96; chairman of Council committee, 16; draft of commission to Johnson as major general, 3 1 ; commission and in structions, 3 7 ; orders for shipment of ordnance carriages and stores, 38; conference with Peter Wraxall and others, 54; French general's order of battle sent to, 57; charac ter as a politician, 124; tract of land belonging to heirs, for sale, 130; mentioned, 44 De Lancey, James, capt., letters from, 83, 313, 429; letters to, 427, 428, 431, 454, 471, 472; candidate for assembly, 386; death of sister, 431; petition to, concerning the division of Albany county, 497; mentioned, 450, 472, 492, 493 De Lancey, Jno., member for West- chester, 407 De Lancey, Oliver, col., letters from, 33, 5o, 53, 82 > 8 3> H5, 127, 129, 179, 270, 296, 315, 416, 417, 498, 507; letters to, 32, 35, 114, 126-28, 259, 290, 298, 417, 419, 423, 439, 471, 497; accounts against John son, 41 ; anecdotes about his indig nation and its punishment, 86 ; to be colonel of New York provincials 93 ; proposed visit to Johnson, 114; lands, transactions with Mrs Cosby 127, 128, 134, 258, 286, 290, 298, 315, 404 ; survey of lands bought of Mrs Cosby, 272 ; Peter Hasenclever considering purchase of lands from, 264; lands at Warrensburg leased under order of, 448; marriage of daughter, 467, 468; mentioned, 34, 435 De Lancey Peter, warning to, 293; illness, 468; death, 469 De Lancey, Stephen, letters from, 300, 460, 473, 474, 47 6 , 484, 5 2 5, 527, 529; desires position as Sec retary of Indian affairs, 253; cer tificate that he has administered oaths, 465 ; illness of his father, 468; certificates of naturalization signed by, 475, 476; meeting with Joseph Chew, 476; bill for clerk's fees, 478 ; appointed clerk of Tryon county, 501 De Lancey, Sukie, marriage, 467, 468 Delancey family, Mr Alexander's publication directed against, 478 INDEX TO SIR WILLIAM JOHNSON MANUSCRIPTS 573 Delancey party, struggle with Liv- ingstonian party, 413 Delaware king, see Teedyuscung Delaware river, Connecticut settle ment on, 114; destruction of settle ment on, 184; purchase of lands near, 366, 369, 373, 396 Delawares (Dalaways, Dallaways, Delawars, Delaways, Delewares, Dellawares, Dellaways, Dillaways, Dilleways), barbarities and threats, 70, 72-74, 77; purpose of English to punish, 72 ; quarrels with Eng lish, 74, 75, 153; Six Nations disa vow responsibility for behavior of, 75; proclamation offering rewards for prisoners and scalps, 76; suf ferings of province at hands of, 76 ; effort of Six Nations to secure neutrality, 80 ; complaints against Pennsylvania proprietors, 81, 83, 84, 91, 100, 101, 117, 118, 138, 149, 165, 169; Six Nations' message to, 82 ; reproved by Gov. Denny, 85 ; friendly disposition, 86; friendly, visit of, 92; prisoners among, 92, 117, 134, 232, 269, 273; relations with Cherokees, 93, 94, 217; living on Ohio, efforts to bring back, 95; visit to Six Nations, 95; distant, message to, 96 ; failure of Quakers to procure grant to, 144; dissatis faction over want of ammunit.on, 150; investment of Fort Pitt, 173; responsibility of, 175; treatment deserved by, 180; principals in the war, 195; on the Susquehanna, friendly, 195; eagerness of Five Nations to act against, 197; In dians despatched against, 204, 211; bounties offered for heads of chiefs, 206; capture, 208-11, 222; success of Thomas King's war party against, 211; outbreak, sus picions that Quakers originated, 215; Chenussios to go against, 215; towns destroyed, 21618, 225, 227; Johnson's policy of crushing, 217, 222; connection with crimes, 220; about Scioto and Muskingum, ex pedition against, 220, 221, 224; presence in Genesee country, 224; fugitive, machinations of, 224; re quest of Chippewas to strike, 23 1 ; petition for peace, 232; terms of agreement with, 232, 236, 256, 266, 267, 270, 271, 275, 277; peace of Col. Bradstreet with denounced, 234; probable course in Ohio, 240; difficulty of compelling Senecas to apprehend chiefs, 240; attitude, 242; French trade with, 250; reparation to traders for losses, 251, 271; desire of Senecas to ex change English prisoners for, 256; of Susquehanna, give hostages for the fulfilment of promises, 268; of Ohio, agree to terms proposed, 268 ; transactions with Johnson, 271; dissatisfaction at sale of lands by Senecas, 314; chagrined because of store at Scioto, 330 ; conciliatory address to, 345 ; Virginians threaten to destroy village, 347; murdered at Redstone creek, 352 ; protection for, 354; injuries against, on Vir ginia frontier, 360; send bad belts to other nations, 368, 370; refusal to accompany Capt. Murray, 373; belts from, 374, 405; unfriendli ness to Six Nations, 380; com plaints of, 382, 445; Gov. Penn's message to, 387; gathering of chiefs at Fort Pitt, 387; temper of, 388; relation to Iroquois, 389; transactions with, 411; grant to William Penn, copy of, 412; wish to make peace, 412; and Oneidas, boundary between, 424; message for chiefs, 457; murder of, 458, 512; dissatisfaction with treaties, 484; Westbrook's purpose to bring to Governor, 509; Gov. Tryon's course with, 510; dissatisfied with Johnson, 512; league for turning Six Nations against English, 514; refusal to attend councils in the country of the Six Nations, 514; movements, 523; conferences: with Governor and 574 NEW YORK STATE LIBRARY Council of Pennsylvania, 81-82, 84-85, 117, 138, 143, 165; with Johnson, 80, 118, 258, 264; at Kingston with New York special commissioners, 121; duplicity prac tised by, at Kingston conference, 12 1 ; with Shawanese, 1763, 190; with Iroquois, 255; deputies from Ohio, arrival at Johnson Hall, 257, Susquehanna, arrival at Johnson Hall, 257, 262; ask for conference at Fort Cumberland, 368 ; to attend conference at Fort Stanwix, 402 ; delayed attendance at conference, 405; with tribes on the Wabash, 1769, 430; with other tribes at Philadelphia, 1769, 440; at Fort Pitt with King, 479 See also Susquehannas De Lignerie, ,see Lignery, de Delyel, James, capt., see Dalyell James, capt. Deming, Solomon, letter from, 445 Demler, George, lieut., letter from, 489; mentioned, 490 Deneije, , 271 Deniston (Danneston, Deneston, Denison, Denniston,) Daniel, share in Oneida purchase, 444, 451, 452; probate of will, 450; land in Cats- kill belonging to estate of, 458 ; ad ministration of estate, 483 ; men tioned, 447, 459 Deniston, Hugh, letters from, 456, 518; action against, 444, 469, 517, 519; debt, 473 Denny, Gov. William, letters from, 91, 93-97, n6; letters to, 85, 87, 90, 93, 96, 97, 116; at Indian con ference, 84, 85 ; reproves Dela- wares, 85 ; speech to Teedyuscung, 98 De Noyelles (De Noyels), John, 439 Depaiba, , 255 De Peyster (Depester), John, letters from, u, 39, 184, 450, 504; letter to, 44 ; summons issued by, 9 ; criticism of, 28; arrangement with, for Indian supplies, 41; account of supplies lent to Mr Wraxall, 42 ; account of provisions from New York stores, 43 ; accounts against Johnson, 398, 443; depo sition touching a deed given to Albany by the Mohawks, 508; mentioned, 23, 38, 41 Dequaney, see Couagne Desbroses, Elias, 195 Desbrosses, Stephen, 244 Deserters, information by, 60; from Capt. Viele's company at Fort Edward, 89; among Senecas, 150; Indians to bring to Niagara, 212 See also French deserters Desligneris, - , see Lignery, de Desmusaux, Lisette, letter from, 275 Desreuisseaux, P., 273 Desriviers, , 327 Detroit, condition, 104; Maj. Rogers's success, 106; natural advantages, 107; governor, 109; Indian meet ings, no; articles to be sent to In dians at, 113; plot against English at, 115, 116; rum trade, 116; Sir William Johnson's meeting with Indians, 118; publishing treaty of, 123; return of persons necessary for Indian affairs at, 142; depart ure of troops for, 147; complaints of Indians, 149; demand made by smiths, 153; siege and defeat of relief expedition, 172, 173, 175; journal of officers, 175; engage ment outside the fort, 177; expe dition to sail for, 181; return of expedition, 190; news from, 194, 236 ; failure of Maj. Wilkins's expe dition to, 201; hostilities at, 218, 219, 222 ; reinvestment, 218; John son doubts ability of western In dians to invest, 219; French per fidy at, 227; necessity of placating Indians about, 228; arrival of Col. Bradstreet at, 234; treaty of, 235, 242, 246; inclination of French garrison to yield to Eng lish, 256; report of killing of four men of the garrison, 256; French INDEX TO SIR WILLIAM JOHNSON MANUSCRIPTS 575 at, superiority of Illinois French to, 276; commissaryship, 300, 306, 529; relations of garrison with Pottawatamies, 312; trouble with Indians at, 313, 363; deed of land at, 320; passes for, 329; French intrigues at, 341; return of people employed in Indian service at, 352; Indians brought from on a charge of murder, 365; arrival of Pottawatamies at, 365; certificate of court of inquiry on conduct of James Abbott, 377; militia, 411; Indian uprising at, 424-26, 428; duty on goods sold at, plan for, 425; inhabitants build small fort 425; interpreters and smiths at, 425, 449; escape of Indian prison ers at, 434; James Stevenson in command, 463 ; detachment to go to, 538; letters from, 106, 115, 118, 119, 137, 156, 175, 182, 185, 188, 223, 234-36- 256, 257, 262, 265, 268, 272, 276-79, 282, 285, 286, 290, 312, 3M-I7, 3 2 5. 327. 33. 336, 339. 340, 344, 347. 349, 35, 363, 3 6 5-72, 377, 378, 388, 403, 422, 431, 433, 435, 466, 467, 480, 496, 498, 513, 514, 519, 520, 523, 526 trade at: 228, 322, 347, 368, 372, 378, 481; commandant favors French traders, 336; court of in quiry concerning frauds by traders, 341; correspondence with traders at, 371; complaints of traders about Mr Cole, 372 ; bad effects of confining trade to the fort, 377; petition from traders to Johnson, 377, 378, 388; troubles of traders with Commissary Hay, 377; trad ers ask reimbursement for goods advanced to Maj. Rogers, 378; militia to be employed in remov ing French traders from Indian country, 404 ; lawless behavior of traders at. 498 See also Indian conferences Detroit company, proposed, 325 j Detroit river, lands on, ceded by Huron Indians, 231 De Verville, Charles Gaultier, 170 Devil's Hole, ambuscade at, 181 De Visme, Mrs Ann, letters from, 185, 187; letter to, 189; payments to, 327, 329, 490; mentioned, 140 De Visme, Philip, letter from, 100; mentioned, 100 Deybertsyer, George. 422 Deyckman, Jacob jr, see Dyckman, Jacob jr Deyger (Deygert, Tyger), Soverinus (Sefferines, Sufferinus), lieut., capt., 87, 1 12, 174, 184, 200 Deyger, see also Deiger Deyton, Abraham, lieut., see Dayton, Abraham, lieut. Dick (runaway slave), 524, 526, 527 Dick, Miss , 9 Dickinson, Charles, 436 Diefendorff, Hannes, letter from, no Diell, John, 133 Dies, John, letters from, 38, 41, 42, 46, 1 1 1 ; letter to, 130 ; accounts, 38, 41, 42 ; lands, 127 ; mentioned, 28, 38 Dieskau (Deskieu, Diersau), Baron de, letters to, 65, 73; capture, 48, 49, 51, 65; account of his plans prior to the battle, 49 ; instructions regarding care of, 49 ; departure for Albany, 50; suggestion that he be sent to Boston, 53 ; health, 69 ; money lent to by Johnson, 72; gift of sword to Johnson, 73 ; at tendance on, 76; opinion of, 76; mentioned, 49, 52, 60, 65 Dihaga, 117 Dillabach, Wilhelmus, see Dillen- bach, Wilhelmus Dillenbach (Dillenbagh), Christian, 118, 157 Dillenbach (Dillenbag, Dillenbagh, Tillbag), Martinus jr, 196, 198, 203 Dillenbach (Dillabach, Dillebagh, Dillenback, Dillenbag), Wilhelmus, lieut., order to levy on goods of, or imprison, 184 ; case against, 241 ; legality of proceedings against, 261; mentioned, 198 576 NEW YORK STATE LIBRARY Dillenbach (Dillebach, Dillebagh, Dillenback, Tillebach, Tillebagh), Wilhelmus, justice of the peace, treatment of Rev. John Casper Lappius, 123; upholds fraudulent practices of Ury Klock, 124; case of, 126 ; exclusion from commission of the peace, 127 ; malpractice, 128; certificate of, 131 Dillenbach, Wilhelmus, witness to an agreement, 118 Dillenbach (Dillebagh), Wilhelmus, effort to dispossess Felix Myer, 219 Dimler, , 99 Dinwiddie, Gov. Robert, despatch, 45; death, 467 Dioagoa, see Tioga Dishington, Dr , 9 Disney, Daniel, capt., coming trial, 342 Dissenters, excluded from Indian country, 415; plan against the Church, 429. See also Presbyterians Dobbs, Gov. Arthur, 161, 217 Dobie, Richard, 177 Dobson, Pieter, 340 Dogsteader, Hendrick, 474 Domine river, letter from, 520 Dongan, Gov. Thomas, patent given to Albany by, 526; mentioned, 163 Donnellan, John Ormsby, lieut., let ter from, 232 ; letter to, 261 ; letter to Gov. Burton sent by, 225 ; legal action against contemplated, 233 Doolittle, , capt., orders to, 59; report of scouts, 61 Dorien, , 372 Dorn, Valentin, letter from, 198 Doudy, John, capt., 398 Doue, Abram, see Douw, Abraham, capt. Dougan, Henry, letter from, 521 ; bill to Johnson, 429; affidavit concern ing account for medical service, 5 2 i Douw (Dow), , 1 6 Douw (Doue, Dow), Abraham, capt., money transactions, 112, 113, 124, 125, 189, 190, 193, 202, 203, 209 Douw, Johannes V., letter from, 488; bill to Glen, 467 Douw, Peter W., 443 Douw (Dow), Volckert P., letters from, 109, 124, 185, 186, 252, 305, 418, 431, 499, 501; letters to, 122, 303; criticism of, 28; certificates that certain men have taken the abjuration oath, 105; candidate for assembly, 473 ; mentioned, n Douw, Volkert A'm, skipper, 164, 434; receipt for articles from Darlington, 166. See also Dawson, Volkart Douw & Winne, action threatened by, 510 Dow, John, 89 Dowe, , capt., 18 Downe, James, 390 Downes, Edward, capt., letter from, 449 Doyle, Charles, 496 Doyle, James, 333 Drake, , 484 Drake, Joseph, 237 Draper, Sir William, letter regard ing, 466; marriage, 467, 468; de parture from New York, 469 Drummond, John, 461 Drummond, see also Cox & Drum mond; Harley & Drummond Drunkenness among Indians, 430. See also Liquor traffic with Indians Duane' Anthony, letters from, 11,15 Duane, Cornelius, letter from, 333; brothers of, 333 Duane, James, petition for lands, 315; variance with Johannes Law yer- 353; land dispute with Scho- harie people, 355; protest at tributed to, 453 ; Johnson's lease in hands of, 479; leases examined by, 482; mentioned, 248, 325 Dublin, failures in, 479 Du Bois, , lands, 127, 128; sur vey of lands, 362 Dubois, Cornelis, capt., company, 187, 358 Du Bois, Peter, letters from, 115, 121 Dubois, Pierre Eneas, 274 INDEX TO SIR WILLIAM JOHNSON MANUSCRIPTS 577 Du Charme (Du Charm, Le Charme), Jean Marie, action against, 233 ; illicit trade at Michilimackinac, 233, 234; Gov. Murray's interfer ence in affairs of, 236 ; light punish ment of, 236; seizure of peltries of, 329; seizure by Spaniards, 521; mentioned, 241 Du Charme, Joseph, 233, 334 Dudley, Gov. Joseph, 263 Duel, , cap!., see Dalyell, James, capt. Duggan, Walter, 461 Duke of Cumberland (ship), 158, 244, 328 Dumond, A., 502 Dumond, Egbert, letter from, 502 Dunbar, Alexander, 512 Dunbar, Thomas, col., orders, 45; forces, 45 ; orders to for second attempt on Fort Du Quesne, 46; papers in hands of, 47; instruc tions to, 49 ; movements and dis position, 50; march to Albany from Philadelphia, 52 ; mentioned, 54, 56 Dunbar, William, capt., 178 Duncan, Alexander, maj., letters from, 178, 1 81 ; letters to, 140, 143, 145; pass to Messisagoes, 234 Duncan, John, capt., letters from, 158, 159, 163, 178-80, 186-88, 190, 193, 194, 196, 198, 199, 201, 204, 2O6, 2O7, 210, 212, 214, 215, 236- 39, 244, 245, 247-49, 251, 258, 265, 272, 277, 283, 286, 289, 292, 297, 298, 300, 302, 304, 332, 349, 382, 445, 53, S3 1 : letters to, 195, 247, 252, 258, 296, 297, 531; qualifica tions for justice, 130; recom mended for captaincy, 142, 143; at Indian conference, 161; son de sires to be lieutenant, 182 ; sugges tions for establishing grenadier companies, 187; accounts, 189, 204, 212, 248, 291, 348; visit with Croghan, 189; misunderstanding with Capt. John Glen, 193; memo randum of goods from, 204; land claims, 206, 210, 211; interested j motives, 229; intention to visit Johnson Hall, 241; assignment by John Macomb to, 256; Van der Heyden asks Johnson's influence with, 284; grenadier company, 332, 358; funeral of daughter, 364; political activity, 453 ; mentioned, 159, 254. See also Duncan & Phyn ; Duncan, Phyn & Ellice Duncan, John, prisoner among the Indians, 232 Duncan, Richard, letters from, 291, 309, 534; recommended for lieu tenancy, 187; misunderstanding with Capt. Glen regarding appoint ment, 193 ; appointment as ensign, 298; departure for Europe, 302 Duncan, Thomas, 435 Duncan & Phyn (John Duncan and James Phyn), letters from, 226, 267; accounts, 177, 178, 180, 181, 189, 195, 197, 198, 201, 204, 207, 209, 212, 214, 215, 219, 221, 223, 224, 227, 229, 233, 235, 236, 239, 240, 242, 246, 249-51, 256, 259, 261, 266, 268, 269, 271, 272, 275, 277, 279, 281-84, 286, 288-90, 292, 300, 348, 363 ; invoice of goods, 179, 209, 214, 215, 225 Duncan, Phyn & Co., see Duncan, Phyn & Ellice Duncan, Phyn & Ellice (John Dun can, James Phyn and Alexander Ellice), letters from, 333, 336: accounts, 317, 318, 330, 334, 336, 342, 347, 355; dissolution of part nership, 340, 343 Dundas, Alexander, 329 Dundass, James and Thomas, ac count of losses sustained by Indian depredations, 397 Dunkirk, plague at, 473 Dunlop, Samuel, letter from, 196 Dunmore, Earl of, letters to, 470, 481, 485, 508, 530; characteristics, 445, 460, 493 I appointed governor of New York, 445 ; expected arrival, 453 ; arrival and appear ance, 469; suit against lieutenant governor, 471; assembly's address 578 NEW YORK STATE LIBRARY to, 478; prefers this government to Virginia, 479; retirement, 481; Capt. Tryon to succeed, 482 ; un certain position. 483; interview with Van Schack, 484; applica tion to remain, 485 ; contest with Tryon for governorship, 488; re luctance to leave New York, 489; departure, 490; opening to make money in Ohio lands, 523 ; procla mation to uphold Virginia author ity at Pittsburg, 534; mentioned, 459, 460, 483 Duplessy, Saber, letter from, 20 Duryee, Ab., 319 Dutch, traders, 5 1 ; unwilling to serve under English or Irish officers, 92 ; troubles with Prussia, 466; war preparations, 485; com petition with English, 486 Dutch church, suit with Bradstreet, 265 Dutchess county, dispute of Lieut. Col. Morris with Monroe regarding land in, 280; claim of Nimham to lands in, 282; militia: reorganization, 438; dis cussion of formation of new regi ment, 444 ; proposal to divide into two regiments, 459; appointment of colonel requested, 509 Duties, on goods sold between Albany and Oswego, 25; import, 239; to be laid on goods, plan for, 425 Duyckinck (Duyckink), Gerardus, letter from, 325; accounts, 229, 325, 418, 461 Dwight, Joseph, letter from, 26 Dwight, Nathan, letter from, 62 Dyckman (Dykeman), Jacob, let ters from, 259, 297, 439; scheme for removing oppression in prov ince, 296; mentioned, 292, 297 Dyckman (Deyckman, Dykeman), Jacob jr, letter from, 158; trees sent by, 167; mentioned, 170 Dyer, Ebenezer, 70 Dyer, Eliphalet, col., letters from, 183, 225 ; Gov. Hardy regrets John son's orders to, 52; return of "wantage" of ammunition, 59; complaints against,. 63; intended visit to England, 156; Johnson's interview with, relative to Susque- hanna settlement, 164; sentiments on Susquehanna and Delaware purchases, 396; application for deed of Susquehanna lands, 415; company, memorial to General Assembly for Susquehanna giant, 426; mentioned, 163, 164 Dysart, Richard, lie tit., 492 Earl of Halifax (packet), 255 Early, Edward, 527 East Hampton, people and Indians, 523; letter from, 522 East India Company, 433, 439, 485 Easton, meeting to investigate charge against Pennsylvania Proprietors, 132, 133, 135; Pennsylvania as sembly's remonstrance against Johnson's course at, 436. See also Indian conferences Ece (Ice), John, 274, 275 Eckerson, Thomas, capt., see Acke- son, Thomas, capt. Edgar, David, 346 Edgar, William, letter from, 185; account of losses from Indians at Michilimackinac, 363 Edmestone, Robert, lieut., 373 Edmestone, William, capt., maf., 373, 375. 533 Edmonstone, Charles, capt., letters from, 479, 480; letter to, 479; cer tificates, 419, 429, 465; warning to, 434; pay, 465 Edmunds, William, 81 Education, see Schools Eeman, Laurens, naturalization, 105 Egbertse (Egberts), Benjamin, rec ommended for commission as lieutenant, 355; accounts, 527 Egbertse, Egbert, accounts, 527 Egmont, Lord, death of, 482 Egremont, Earl of, letters from, 122, 1 68; succeeds William Pitt, 122; retirement as Secretary of State, INDEX TO SIR WILLIAM JOHNSON MANUSCRIPTS 579 1 66; orders suspension of coloniz ing movement of Connecticut peo ple, 169; death, 184; mentioned, 135 Ehll, Joh's, 148 Eisenlord, B., letter from, no; men tioned, 113 Eisenlord, John, letter from, 377 Elderkin, Jed'h, letter to, 183 Elderkin, Joshua, 396 Election writs, issue of, 1769, 414 Electrical apparatus, to be for warded to Johnson, 272, 276; lost box containing, 294, 295 Elgin, Lord, death, 490 Eliot, Ed., 382 Elizabeth, Czarina, death, 121 Elizabeth (ship), invoice of goods shipped on, 97 Ellice, Alexander, letter from, 288; bill and receipt to, 286; readiness to fill orders, 340; visit to Lon don, 508; mentioned, 304, 427, 500. See also Duncan, Phyn & Ellice; Phyn & Ellice Elliot, ,458 Elliot, Robert, lieut. col., letter to, 2 1 1 ; outrages by soldiers in com mand Of, 211 Ellis, Mrs , 499 Ellis, Gov. Henry, of Georgia, 106; to be Governor of Canada, 166 Ellis, Thomas, letter from, 361 Ellison, , lieut. col., letter from, 41; letter to, 38; illness, 60 Ellison, Gabriel, 222 Ellison, John, letter from, 222 Ellison, Thomas, col., letter to, 119 Ellwood, James, 149 Elphinstone, , admiral, 469 Emerson, Moses, letter from, 64; letters to, 39, 46, 56, 59, 62, 63, 65 ; account of stores consigned to, 37 ; invoice of stores, 39; order to furnish bags for powder, 44 ; state ment of supplies furnished, 56 Emerson vs. Vanderpool, 78 Empey, Hannis, 446 Empie, William, 489 Engineers, payment of, 3 1 England, military preparations in, 1756, 77; rejection of French offer of peace, 1758, 97; attitude of ministry toward America, 126, 270, 429; operations in Portugal, 146 ; treaty with France, 1763, 167 ; ministerial changes in, 282, 326, 482; politics, 279, 282, 345, 433; sentiment touching American dis turbances, 301, 304; resolution of House of Commons relating to opposition of provinces to its laws, 364; action of Parliament in American affairs, 367; economic importance of colonies to, 446 ; warlike outlook in, 1770, 467, 471, 479, 492 ; relations with Spain and France, 426, 471, 472, 479, 485, 494; expansion, 492; dispute with Denmark, 509; attitude toward other powers, 512; interest in Prussia's ambition, 517 English, Benjamin, 470 English, opinion of Americans, 78; encroachments, Indian jealousy of, 79, 143; Indian criticism of, 87; decline of influence with Six Na tions, 88, 1 88; successes in the west, 108; officers, marriages with Canadian ladies, 114, 213; traders, trickery, 122; ill treatment of In dians, 134, 196, 396; administra tion in Montreal, corruption, 185; neglect of American affairs, 209; prisoners, kindness of Ottawas to, 230; petition of Pequot Indians for relief from oppression by, 258; policy, mistakes of, 342 ; on the Ohio, slaughter of, 366 ; goods, war on, 379, 407; settlements, spread of, 396; on the Shawanese river, murder of, 398; Indian alliance against, 480, 509, 514; competition with Dutch, 486 ; hostility of west ern Indians to, 515; Indians con vinced of friendly disposition of, 519 English navy, engagement with French fleet, 77; sails for New York, 97 ; bad condition, 466 NEW YORK STATE LIBRARY Erie, Lake, French military prepara tions about, 29 Ermatinger, Lawrence, letter from, 284 Ernest, Mattheus, letters from, 115, 240 Errott, Lord, marriage of daughter, 475 Erving, Thomas, letter from, 481 Esopus, probable attack on, 183; melancholy occurrence at, 184 Esopus Indians, conference at Kings ton with justices of peace, 9 ; Brad- street to seek information from, 422; declaration concerning lands sold to Hardenbergh, 423 Etherington (Etherinton), George, capt., way., letter from, 251; letter to, 505 ; account of fall of Michili- mackinac, 174, 176; arrival at Montreal, 1 74 ; failure to pay draft of, 196; desire to get Indian em ployment for his brother, 272; movements of, 460 ; to deliver Johnson's speech to Chippewas, 505 Etherington, Thomas, 272 European alliance reported, 426 Evans, , map of America, 50 Evans, Simon, lieut., 342 Evens, Dr , 411 Eyre (Ayre, Ayers), William, capt., lieui. col., letters from, 34-38, 53, 70, 73, 78, 83, 87, 133, 178, 183, 214, 226, 229, 238; letters to, 35- 37. 43. 53. !53> l8 3. 202 . 22 7. 2 35. 240, 249; censured by Gov. Shir ley, 36 ; commended by Gen. John son, 38; examination for gunners by, 4 1 ; orders to get artillery ready, 43 ; instructions to certain officers to obey his orders, 44 ; list of artil lery stores, 47; statements regard-- ing fortifications, 52 ; plan of forts, 53 ; plan for completing Fort Ed ward, 59; quarrel with Gen. Lyman, 54; sickness, 65; instruc tions in case of artillery attack on Fort William Henry, 69 ; honorable mention, 70 ; fortifications at i Crown Point under charge of, 153 ; desire to visit England, 227; sleigh for Johnson left by, 241, 242; mentioned, 34, 35, 53, 249 Fagh, John, 419 Fairfax, Lord, 507 Fairfax, George, col., 507 Fairly, John, letter from, 1 1 Fairservice, Peter, capt., 128 Fales, Eliphalet, capt., 67 Falkland's Island, seizure by Spain, 47i Fallavains, Fallesavoines, see Menom- inees Fanning, Edmund, col., 531 Fargie, Winter, letter from, 348; proposed as Croghan's successor, 344; application fruitless, 350 Farley, Mrs John, 422 Farlinger (Farringer), John, letters from, 458, 459 ; complaint against, 459; certificate of naturalization, 476 Farly, Jac., 148 Farmar (Farmer), Robert, ma/., 307, 39 2 Farmer, Jasper, letter from, 78 Farmers, petition from, 45 ; sent over from England, 376 Farmington, Indians of, grant of land to, 535 Farqhuar, James, capt., 517, 518 Farquhar, William, lieut. col., 99, 100 Farrah, John, 451 Farrand, N., capt., 17 Farril, , 83 Farrell, , 355 Farrell, John, 308, 320. See also Henry, Farrell & Abbot Farrell, see also Ferrall Farringer, John, see Farlinger, John Fauquier (Fauquiere), Lieut. Gov. Francis, letters from, 174, 277; letters to, 155, 283, 337, 339, 376, 381, 384; to prevent intrusions on Indian lands, 383; extravagant policy, 398 Feeling, Cornelig, 84 Feely, Mark, letters from, 336, 3 80, 395 INDEX TO SIR WILLIAM JOHNSON MANUSCRIPTS Feild, , 261 Felinck, P., letter from, 19 Feltham, Jocelyn, lieut., letter from, 5i6 Fenton, , 266 Ferdinand, Prince, successes, 146 Ferguson, Andrew, letter from, 438 Ferguson, Daniel, capt., skipper, 219 Ferrall, , capt., 115 Ferrall, , capt,, skipper, receipt, 264; articles sent to Johnson Hall in care of, 266 Ferrall (Farrell, Ferrell, Ferrol), Matthew, capt., letters from, 26, 43; character and record of, 26; departure for Halifax, 26; death, 48; mentioned, 25, 40 Ferrall, Silvester, letter from, 10; business affairs of, 22 Finchly, Thomas, 137 Finlay, James, 334 Finley, , 469 Finley, S., 485 Fish, Rev. Joseph, letter from, 363 Fish Kill (Fish Kilns, Fiskills), letter to magistrates of, 78; people at, owe Indians for land, 182; letter from, 275 Fisher, Mrs , murder of child of, 366, 369 Fisher, Barent, 198 Fisher, John, memorandum of trans actions at the Mohawks' castle, 40; efforts to prevent Indians from joining Johnson, 47 Fisher, John, see A^isscher, John Fitch, John, letter from, 29 Fitch, Eleazer, ma;'., letter from, 50; mention, 49 Fitch, Samuel, letter from, 478 Fitch, Thomas, col., letters to, 438, 4541 Johnson's interview with, 145; business with Joseph Chew, 396, 441, 484 ; commended to John son's favor, 401; departure from Albany, 408 ; wines imported by, 435; legal annoyance to, 437; ill ness, 483 ; mentioned, 426, 438, 449 Fitch, Gov. Thomas, letters from, 60, 63, 171 ; letters to, 57, 60, 151, 169, 170, 263; proclamation regarding settlement on Susquehanna lands, 137; attitude concerning settle ment on Susquehanna lands, 151, 165, 168, 426; speech at conference with Indians, 171; meeting with Iroquois deputies, 171, 172; con test with Trumbull for governor ship, 455; mentioned, 151 Fitz Gerald, John, 130, 323 Fitzherbert, William, 382 Fitzsimons (Fitzsimmons), Peter, letter from, 484 ; employment for, 479 ; journey to Johnson Hall, 485 ; mentioned, 476 Five Nations, see Iroquois Fix, Peter, 105 Flatbush, letter from, 26 Flatheads (Flattheads), war party against, 138, 297; conference at Fort Pitt, 309 Fleming, John, 238 Fleming, Samuel, 317 Fleurimant (Fleurimon), , letter to, 189 ; dispute with Hay, 323 Flood, Bryan, letter from, 9 Flood, Elioner, letter from, 205 Flood, Patrick, letter to, 9 Flood, Thomas, letters from, 105, 167 J 79> 2 77. 37 6 > 4oi ; letter to, 496; live stock, etc., delivered to Mad- din by, 134; affair of, 135 ; destitu tion of, 158; successor to, 255 ; visit to Wade, 309 ; peculiarities of, 310; receipt to Mitchim, 463 ; Mc- Grigor's account against, 464; ac counts, 467, 468; acknowledgment of receipt, 469 ; abuse of Cottgrave, 501 ; mentioned, 471 Florida, royal proclamation concern ing land grants, 194, 531 ; unfavor able account of soil, 212; French intrigues in, 341; means of divert ing trade from New Orleans, 343 ; letter to governor of West Florida concerning trade, 392 Flury, , 266 Foaling, ,13 Folliott, ,521 Follmer, Conrad, 319 NEW YORK STATE LIBRARY Follmer, Thomas, 319 Folsavoins, see Menominees Fonda (Funda), , associated with Klock in litigation concerning lands, 128, 129, 130, 135, 136 Fonda, Abraham, 481 Fonda, Douw, letter to, 484 ; articles sent to, 190, 213, 260, 262, 266, 436, 484, 485, 487; trade with Wade & Kreuser, 483; boats ordered from, 491. (In business with his son, Jelles, to whom some of these -entries may refer) Fonda, Guysbert, 369 Fonda (Funda), Jelles, capt., maj., (son of Douw), letters from, 86, 98, 101, 414, 429, 475, 493, 494, 5> 53, 5 l6 ; letters to, 92, 96, 414, 486, 492, 500; re port as captain of scouts, 58; ranger, 83 ; report on return from Onondaga, 86; journal of trip to Seneca country, 95;. information brought by, 95; receipt for six months' pay, 97; journal, 103; accounts, 437, 439- 464, 47, 47 X 512, 514; goods, 467; application for land, 481 ; correspondence with Hugh Wallace, 483 ; goods sent to, 504; permission to purchase land on Wood Creek, 488; land pur chases, 488, 499, 507; charges, 493; refusal to sign a bond, 501; mentioned, 61, 409, 455, 460, 471, 499, 501. See also Fonda, Douw Forbes, , 457 Forbes, Eli, 143 Forbes, Gilbert, 236, 364, 367, 418 Forbes, Gordon, capt., letter from, 398; certificate, 401 Forbes, Jacob, 155, 158, 159 Forbes, John, gen., expedition against Fort Duquesne, 96, 97 ; death, 98 Forest preservation, need of depart ment for, 450 Forman, Stephen, letter from, 279; letter to, 281; interview with Wade, 288 Forshe, Isack, 164 Forster, Peter, see Foster, Peter Fort Allen, report of work on, 93 Fort Augusta, trade at, 144; bill for supplies, 361; letters from, 244, Fort Beause'jour, capture of, 38 Fort Bedford, seizure of goods near, Fort Brewerton, affair at explained, 145, objection of Indians to Byrne's occupancy, 319; letter from, 143 Fort Chartres, English possession of, 301, 305; satisfaction with English government at, 314; manner of victualing the garrison at, 340; arrival of Spaniards at, 374; drafts by interpreters and smiths, 430 : letters from, 176, 324-27, 329, 330, 335. 349, 35. 3 6 3. 374, 3 Sl . 392, 398, 401, 405, 416. See also Indian conferences Fort Cumberland, Delawares and other Indians ask for conference at, 368; letter from, 32 Fort Detroit, see Detroit Fort Duquesne, losses at, 44; second attempt on, 46; new account of battle of, 84; southern Indians going out against, 93; expedition under Gen. Forbes, 96 ; facts about, 97 ; mentioned, 79. See also Brad- dock, Edward, maf. gen. ; Fort Pitt Fort Edward, name given, 50, Col. Ruggles to relieve Col. Cockcroft at, 52; defenses at, 54; Massachu setts reinforcements at, 58, order to repair road near, 59; plan and direction for completing, 59; Col. Gridley commanding at, 6 1 ; garri son. 67-70; engineers to survey lands in vicinity of, 69; instruc tions to commander of, 69, 70; news of, 79 ; French design against, 84 ; militia to assist Gen. Webb at, 89 ; returns of militia in camp near, 89 ; returns of 2d battalion at, 89 ; probability of attack on, 91 ; letters from, 61-63, 66, 67, 69-72, 89, 95, 529. See also Great Carrying Place; Lake George, forts INDEX TO SIR WILLIAM JOHNSON MANUSCRIPTS 583 Fort Edward Augustus, trade at, 137 ; letters from, 137, 170 Fort Erie, Lieut. Garden recom mends making trading post at, 316; letters from, 274, 316, 320, 322-24, 326 Fort Frederick, artillery stores at, 33 ; letters from, 14, 30, 32 Fort Frontenac (Caderockque), ac count of capture, 96 ; military con dition, 100. See also Cadaracqui Fort Gage, Illinois, letter from, 521 Fort Hendrick, letter to commander at, 90 ; provisions for Mohawks at, 102; left without garrison, 104; supplies sent to, 267; blockhouse at, 397; letters from, 94, 96, 99. See also Canajoharie Fort Herkimer (Harkemar, Harke- mer, Harkermans, Herckheimer, Herkeman, Herkemans, Herke- mers, Herkemir, Herkermers, Herkimers, Herkman, Herky- mers), letter to commanding offi cer at, 90; commanding officer on Indian outrages, 94 ; goods and ; stores to be taken to, 97; march to, 175, 176; letters from, 34, 87, 88, 9194, 97, 98 Fort Hunter, fight between soldiers and Mohawks, 86 ; orders to com mander at, 90 ; provisions for Mo hawks at, 102; left without garri son, 104; tract near, for sale, 130; lands near, granted to Scott, 134; school at, list of Indian children in, 433; disastrous fire at, 517; letter from, 15. See also Mohawk Flats ; Tionnondoroge Fort Johnson (Mount Johnson), pro jected French descent on 17; memorandum of transactions be tween Col. Lydius and Indians at, 40; garrison at, 104. See also Indian conferences Fort de Levi, capture of four English people at, 223 Fort Loudon, policy of officers at commended, 94; Royal Americans march to, 251 ; destruction of goods near, by Paxton rioters, 261, 267; letters from, 93 Fort Lyman, letter from, 50 Fort Miamis (Maimies, Mehamies), news from Twightwees of, 174; loss of, 175 ; removal of French from, 201; letters from, 319, 355 Fort Newport, 133 Fort Niagara, see Niagara Fort Nicholson, letter from, 46 Fort Ontario (Onterea), French';de- sign to take, 102 ; precautions for strengthening, 102 ; lack of pro visions, 317; trade, 324; Indian ex penses at, 326 ; Onondaga chiefs to visit, 332; instructions to com missaries, 3 50; favors to Indians at, 420 ; distressed condition of Indians, 429; need of repairs, 430; appointment of commandant, 528; letters from, 103, 177, 178, 181, 234, 267, 285, 288, 293, 317, 319-22, 324-27, 329, 330, 332, 334, 340, 371, 372, 377> 4o8, 410, 420, 427, 429, 430, 456. See also Indian conferences ; Oswego Fort Pitt, Indian irritation at build ing, 10 1 ; plot against, 115; sur render of prisoners, 120, 278; return of persons necessary for Indian affairs, 142; attacked by savages, 173, 174; accounts and journal of transactions, 194; trade, 228, 330, 346,347; companies to march to, 251; account and re ceipt for expenses of the Indian department at, 260; goods sent to, without the government pass, 261; destruction of goods on the road to, 262, 265, 269; news from, 273; detachment at, ready to fol low Croghan, 282; goods for sale at, 327; list of people employed at, 352; orders sent to, 353; arrival of Senecas at, 387; alarm of traders, 387; disburse ments at, 388, 389; meeting, in structions for, 389; assembling of Mingoes near, 43 1 ; Indian affairs at, 434; accounts of smiths and NEW YORK STATE LIBRARY interpreters at, 449; Johnson's suggestions for government of Indians at, 456; expenses at, 497; proceedings of Iroquois deputies with Shawanese, 500; demolished, 512; provisions left at, 513; satis faction of Indians at abandonment of, 513, 514; claimed by Virginia, 528; letters from, 105, 107, 109, 120, 129, 134, 146, 153, 174, 177, 182, 185, 190, 220, 236, 242, 247, 250, 260, 266, 267, 273, 287, 294, 306, 314, 3*5. 330- 345. 347. 3 6 . 3 6 9. 373. 381, 3 8 7. 4i9. 434, 445. 465, 479, 480, 528, 531. See also Fort Duquesne; Indian confer ences; Pittsburg Fort St Frederick, description of, 47. See also Crown Point Fort St Victor, letter from, 86 Fort Schlosser, improvements at, 308. See also Niagara Fort Schuyler (Schyler), lands at, 120, 131, 133; sutler's store plun dered, 140; riotous behavior of i Oneidas at, 141, 142; letter from, 162 Fort Stanwix, designs against, 98 ; Iroquois at, 104; and Albany, delay in plotting patents between, 115; design of Indians to surprise, 140; repairing bridges at, 189; sickness at, 199; refusal of Lieut. Aylmer to deliver provisions to Johnson's order, 346 ; road improvement at, 389 ; difficulties of settlement, 408 ; grant to Col. Bradstreet, 441; ac count of expenses at, 443 ; receipts for provisions consumed at, 447; lands at, 479, 493, 507 ; letters from, 97, 98, 100, 120, 133, 140, 153, 168, 173, 179, 187, 199, 214, 239, 242, 256, 294, 307, 315, 321, 348, 365, 368, 402, 403-6, 425, 464, 485, 487, 494. See also Indian conferences Fort Stanwix boundary treaty, 397- 412, 420, 431, 434, 463, 481, 523; obstructions to, 405, 406, 415, 466; expenses, 406, 407, 419, 466; con ditional ratification in spite of Hillsborough's opposition, 427! Indian cession at, 430 ; confirma tion, 432, 440, 449; denounced by western nations, 434, 456; pay ment to Indians under terms of, 434 ; dissatisfaction of Delawares with, 484; Johnson's representa tions to Six Nations concerning, 511. See also Boundaries, Fort Stanwix Fort William, orders to Capt. Ross to occupy, 14; letters from, 10, 79 Fort William Augustus, Capt. Wil liam Dunbar at, 178 Fort William Henry, completion, 62 ; account of, 64 ; naming, 64 ; en trenchment around, 66 ; removal of artillery and stores to, 66; garrisoning, 67, 69; instructions to commander of, 69; panic near, 78; attack and retreat of French be siegers, 87; loss, 90; Maj. Rogers's pay for duty at, 104; letters from, 69, 73, 80. See also Lake George, forts at Forts, erection of, near Lake George, 13. 3 1 . 45, 48-51, 53-55. 6 . 61, 63, 64; at Canajoharie, 14, 397; at the Mohawk castles, 31, 34, 35; at South Bay not practicable, 54; at Ticonderoga, advantage of taking, 55; at Sacondaga, 64; in Oneida country, 65-68, 71, 74, 75; gar risons, 68; for Onondagas, 75 ; pro posed establishment, 76; at Sha- mokin, 79, 81, 85; at Adjouquay, 79; at Armstrongs, 81; built or building, 91; at Oswego, 100; at Pittsburg, 133; Indians entreat that they be pulled down, 143; building by French in Cherokee territory, 145; at Crown Point, 153; at the Mississippi, 159; along the Ohio, Gen. Amherst to build, 1 60; at Schenectady, 186; in the southern conquests, preparation to build, 214; lands ceded by Indians for maintenance of, 232; regula tions concerning trade, etc., at, 253; effect of strengthening, 285; INDEX TO SIR WILLIAM JOHNSON MANUSCRIPTS from Fort Stanwix to Ontario, pro posed abandonment of, 306; at Seabrook, 339; Spaniards propose to erect at mouth of the Missouri, 3 74 ; built by French in the west, 493 Foster (Forster), Peter, 475 Fowler, David, 265 Fox, Joseph, 81, 84, 117, 138 Fox, Margaret, 465 Fox, William, 257, 465 Foxes (Renards, Reynards), chief complains of being enlisted by de ception, 223; embassy to, 327; to visit Fort Chartres, 363; Ottawas send belts to, 374; acts committed by, 42 7 ; quarrels, 486 Foy, Edward, capt., 459 France, relations with England, 426, 471, 472, 485, 492; designs toward Russia, 469; Danish sentiment to ward, 469 ; pacific turn in ministry, 482; internal quarrels, 485, 492; difference with Spain over the Jesuits, 489 ; bankruptcy of gov ernment, 490 ; alleged speech of King to Five Nations, 525. See also French Francis, Turbutt, lieut. col., letters from, 190, 494 ; letters to, 439, 495 ; recommended for Indian appoint ment, 348; desires to succeed Croghan, 348, 351; application fruitless, 351 ; land enterprise, 437 ; conference with Seneca George, 439 Franck (Francs, Frank, Franks), Conrad, capt., justice of the peace, letter for, 295; accounts, 139, 321 ; instructed to apprehend Chenussio Indians 185; provisions to be sent to, for Indians, 226, 227; order for rum, 312; pass to Ittig and Stru- bel, 319; company, 358; charges against, 505; mentioned, 371 Franck, Johan (John) Conrad, letters from, 82, 87 Frank (messenger), 296, 425 Frankland, , capt., 10 Franklin, Benjamin, letters from, 380, 394, 427; letter to, 385; paper, 48; at Indian conference, 84; petition to the King in council, 98; order referring his petition to the Lords of Trade, 98; report of Lords of Trade on his petition, 99 ; influence with the ministry, 307; support of Illinois colony project, 318, 325; correspondence with his son, 386; correspondence on boundary, 391; packet from, 429; dismissal from office of deputy postmaster, 530 Franklin, P., 261 Franklin (Franklyn), Gov. William, letters from, 309, 437; letters to, 309, 312, 354, 405, 436; proclama tion offering reward for arrest of Robert Simmonds, 309; corre spondence with his father, 386; memorial to, concerning Indian school, 404; trouble with New Jersey Sons, 476; arrival at Phila delphia, 533; mentioned, 307, 315, 391, 452, 493 Franks, Conrad, see Franck, Conrad Franks, David, letters from, 177, 194; letters to, 121, 179; money transactions with George Croghan, 109; account of losses from In dians, 324 Franks, Moses, letter to, 194; to communicate statement of traders' losses to Lords of Trade, 192, 194, 238 I Fraser, Alexander, letter from, 283 I Fraser, (Frasier, Frazier), Alex ander, lieut., expedition and probable fate, 273, 274, 276-80 Fraser, Donald, 511 Fraser (Frazer), Hugh, lieut., letters from, 235, 294, 377; commended, J 79. 3 2 5- 362; letter introducing, 1 80; desire for land grant, 280; claim of, 295; articles sent in care of, 319; letter brought by, 351; bill against Johnson, 450; men tioned, 469 Fraser, John, capt., 342 Fraser, Simon, col., 295 Frazer, William, lieut., death, 181 586 NEW YORK STATE LIBRARY Frazer, see also Byrne & Frazer Frazier, Alexander, lieut., see Fraser, Alexander, lieut. Frazier, Hugh, lieut., see Fraser, Hugh, lieut. Frederick, Peter, 105 Frederick Lewis, Prince of Wales, death, 25 Frederick the Great, military move ments, 100, in, 126, 129; con spiracy of officers against, 130; extricated from trouble by new Czar, 136; successes, 146 Fredericksburgh (Federicksburgh) , Dutchess co., letter from, 195 Freel, , 475 Freeman, John, sergeant, 68 Freidenberg, Charles (Chevalier de Freudenberg, Freydenberg), 290, 292, 295; lease of land on Lake Champlain, 322 French, John, letters from, 381, 388; letters to, 384, 385; relations with Dudley Davis, 409; lands pur chased by, 440 French, see also Lawrence & French French, outbreaks against by In dians, 14; intention to strike Mo-, hawk country, etc., 16; exchange wampum with Senecas, 17; In dians held by, attempt to release, 21 ; possessions, boundaries, 22, 118; to settle by Oneida lake, 26; movement against Catawbas, 28; attack on Hoosick, 29; military preparations about Lake Erie and toward Ohio river, 29 ; discussion of movements against, 30; terri torial claims, 30; movements on Lake Ontario, 3 1 ; reports of move ments, 33, 87; victories over, 39; encampment near Lake George, Indians' draft of, 48; account of strength of army, 49-51, 59; camp at Ticonderoga, men sent to recon- noiter, 53 ; governor, threat against Oneidas, 65; adoption of six Frenchmen by Iroquois, 74; and English fleet, engagement be tween, 77; news concerning, 77; preparations for defending Fort Niagara, 81 ; plot among Catholics to aid, 84 ; account of force at the falls of the Ohio, 86 ; courage and conduct of, 87; designs against Fort William Henry, Indian warn ing of, 87; design to destroy Mo hawks, 87; attack by way of Os- wego, 88 ; conference with Iroquois at Montreal, ,7757, 88; forces and defenses, information regarding, 88; proposed attack on German Flats, 88; connection with River Indians and Five Na tions at Lake George, 89; escaped from fort at Albany, reward for capture, 89 ; advantage to Indians of alliance with, 92 ; conference with Indians at Geneseo, 1758, 95; destruction of ships by Admiral Clark, 96 ; to be driven from west ern frontier, 98; preparations for deserting Lake George, 99 ; aban don Crown Point, 99 ; purpose and condition, 101 ; design to take Fort Ontario and destroy Five Nations, 102; settlers, efforts to bring to Fort Pitt, 107; privateers, in; women, marriage to British offic ers, 114, 213; posts in Indian country, strength and trade, 118; in Canada, wretched condition, 127; subdue South Carolina, 134; in Hanover, reverses of, 146; es cape of fleet off Newfoundland, 148; terms of peace with, 150, 158, 165, 167; possessions as far as the Mississippi ceded to King of Eng land, 175; persecutions of English residents at Montreal, 185, 190; supply western Indians with am munition, 197 ; removal from Mich- ilimackinac and Miamis, 201; John son advocates removal of settlers from Indian country, 202 ; ex change of Louisiana for a Spanish settlement, 206; Catholics, laws concerning, 245; army, rumored approach of, 268; grants in Illinois country, project for purchasing, INDEX TO SIR WILLIAM JOHNSON MANUSCRIPTS 307; move towards Beccanti, De troit and Michilimackinac, 326; farmers, necessity of cash transac tions with, 340; Canadians, loyalty to English King, 359; British sub jects, behavior of, 362; Indians' attachment to, 370; officers among Indians, 400; obstacles to boun dary settlement interposed by, 405, 408; of Mississippi, messages to Ohio Indians, 456; disagree ment with Spaniards, 463 ; war, intimations of, 479; forts in the west built by, 493 ; hopes of war, 508; bad belts circulated by, 512; settlers about the Wabash, 514; schemes to the southward, 519; murder of, 525, 529, 532; policy and intrigues with Indians: 1755, 70; 1756, 76, 84; 1763, 175; 1764, 222; 1765, 291, 294; 1766, 305, 37> 33*. 338, 339; MM > 341, 342, 370, 379; 1768, 400, 405, 406, 410; 1769, 417, 434, 440; 1771, 477, 479. 48o; 1773, 520, 523, 525; 1774, 529; in the west, 1162, 134, 146; 1763, 174; 1764, 229, 250; 1765, 255, 272, 275; 1767, 341,365. 366; 1769, 428, 433, 434; Johnson's opinion on superiority of French policy, 21, 188, 196, 250; in Ohio country, 24; intrigues with Del- awares, 76, 80; Indians contrast French liberality with English neglect, 1 3 4 ; in Cherokee territory, 145, 151; in Illinois country, 153, 174, 240, 254, 269, 276; at Detroit, 227, 256, 276; relations with Shaw- anese, 261; among Miamis, 267; history of French Indian policy, 269; among the Ottawas, 277; influence over Pontiac, 278; at the Mississippi, 306, 405, 408, 496, 515; liberality toward Indians, 396 French deserters, orders concerning, 59 ; testimony, 60 ; sale of arms of, 62, 63; examination of, 71, 72; hung, 83 French Indians, see Canadian Indians French neutrals, care of, 77 French prisoners, taken in attack at Lake George, 48; instructions re garding, 49, 50; bounty for cap ture, 67 French traders, honorable, 122; in Illinois country, 151, 280; unre stricted privileges, 156; favoritism toward, 246; among Shawanese and Delawares, 250; at Michili mackinac, 275; ascendancy of, 291; among Genesees, 299; dissatisfac tion with trade regulations, 321; intrigues for control of trade, 331, 337; defy regulations, 341; be havior, 342; interference with other traders, 368, 378; insolent, 375 ; plan of trade regulations, 381, 408; plan for removing from In dian country, 404 ; monopoly of western trade, 433 ; Miamis con sent to removal of, 496 ; complicity in Indian crimes, 526 French vessels, capture of, 10 Freton, lulien, 344 Freudenberg, Chevalier de, see Frei- denberg, Charles Frey (Fry), Hendrick, sr (d. 1763), letters from, 27, 133, 140; to stop sale of liquor to Indians, 1 7 ; mentioned, 141 Frey (Fry), Hendrick, jr (son of above), capt., justice of peace, let ters from, 124, 148, 157, 161, 196, 203, 212, 219, 243, 247, 251, 256, 264, 344, 369; letters to, 70, 345; commission for, 112; return of officers and men in his company, 175; recognizance of Martinus Dillenbach jr before, 198; pro visions sent to, 227 ; goods shipped to, 254; to survey lands purchased from Indians, 332; accounts with Johnson, 281, 386; account for completing survey cf Canada creek " patent, 335; preparation for prac tice of law, 376; license to practise law promised to, 385; survey of Col. Croghan's lands, 387; empow NEW YORK STATE LIBRARY ered to administer oaths to militia officers, 421; charges against, 505; mentioned, 202, 357 Frey (Fry), John, 112, 119 Freydenberg, Chevalier de, see Frei- denberg, Charles Friends of Liberty, meeting, 398 Frim, Isera, 232 Frobisher, Benjamin, 310 Frontenac, see Fort Frontenac Frontiers, plan for defending and governing, 72 Fry, see Frey Fryenmoet, Johann Casparus, letter from, in Fryer, John, capt., 473 Fuller, Peeke, capt., letter from, 293 Funda, Jellis, see Fonda, Jelles Fur trade, see Trade Furey (Furry, Fury), Michael, letters from, 161, 183, 189; introduced to Johnson, 105, 107 Furnis, James, letter from, 78; money with, 78 Fyns, James, see Phyn, James Gabbet, Jos., lieut. col., 429 Gage, Mrs - , arrival from Mon treal, 163; mentioned, 163 Gage, John Lewis, ensign, capt., 193, 205. 377 Gage, Thomas, capt., 62 Gage, Thomas, brig, gen., maf. gen., lieut. gen., letters from, 101-3, 155, 177, 212, 234, 240, 267, 270, 283, 297, 310, 342, 344, 345. 347, 37. 379-81, 406, 427; letters to, 101-3, 190, 191, 195-97, 208, 217, 219, 220, 222, 224, 225,227-29,232,233, 238, 240, 242, 243, 247, 251, 252, 255, 256, 258, 260-62, 264-66, 268-70, 273-75, 277, 279-83, 287- 89, 293, 294, 298, 301, 302, 304, 305, 308, 311, 312, 317, 318, 322, 3 28 , 33 1 - 339-41, 343, 347, 350-53. 356, 360, 362, 363, 365, 366, 368- 70- 373> 375, 37 8 > 3 8l ~ 8 3> 3 8 5> 3 8 7~ 90, 392, 397-400, 403-8, 410-12, 419, 421, 423, 430, 431, 433, 434, 436, 441, 443, 445, 45 r > 45 6 > 459~ 61, 463, 465, 469, 470, 474. 477- 80, 482-84, 486, 488, 491, 493, 497, 500, 502, 504, 508-10, 512-14, 516-19, 533 ; restriction of Caghna- wagas trade with Albany, 112; criticized by Johnson, 113; con gratulatory address to, with re sponse, 124; passes issued by, 126, 134, 137, 138, 153; determination to prevent intercourse between priests and English subjects, 132; required to prohibit trade with Indians except at fixed posts, 135 ; warning to De Couagne against tampering with Indians at To ronto, 136; on Lake Champlain, 136; reprimands Ormsby, 153; probable retirement as governor of Montreal, 162 ; movements, 163 ; proposes to give ammunition to Indians, 178; proposed return to England, 189; aid solicited for re lief of traders, 192 ; money trans actions, 209, 210, 212, 218, 228, 234, 239, 273, 278, 292, 293, 332, 399, 410, 411, 418, 427, 435, 440, 444, 455, 46i, 463, 466, 467, 471, 475, 483, 488, 494, 503, 511, 518; approbation of Johnson's war par ties, 214; appointment as com mander in chief, 214, 216; memo rial to, 221 ; contemplation of con ference with Indians at Niagara, 229; effect of establishment in command, 249; correspondence with John Duncan about trade, etc., 251; prisoners sent to, 276; papers sent by, 287; secretary, 287; servants in employ of, 311; proclamation concerning trade with western nations, violation of, 329; ill treatment of Croghan, 342, 346; Croghan's. opinion of, 346; conversation with Croghan, 352; opinion of Gov. Carleton's Indian policy, 369; to take land, 388; let ters for Ontario and Niagara, 389; stay in Boston, 409 ; return to New York, 409; pass to Danforth and Willard, 418; advice, 440; talk INDEX TO SIR WILLIAM JOHNSON MANUSCRIPTS with Lieut. Roberts, 443 ; com plaint of, 446; memorial of John Wetherhead to, 514; copiec of pro ceedings with murderers of Pond addressed to, 519; copy of speech of Pottawatamie chiefs addressed to, 519; succeeded by Haldimand, 520; sails for England, 520; pow ers, 532 ; mentioned, no, 131, 136, i37. 151. i55. J 7i> i75. T 9i> 211, 319, 328, 369, 382,' 384, 389, 400, 403, 407, 422, 494, 515, 534 Gaiasodon, intelligence furnished by, 37 2 Gaine, Hugh, letters from, 400, 402, 407, 416, 422, 433, 473, 479, 482, 500, 503, 524, 533, 534; letter to, 401 ; Mercury, 280 ; printing Indian prayer books, 409; bill to Camp bell, 452 Galland, John, lieut., letters from, 365, 368, 487; to reside at Fort Stanwix, 361; information con cerning Oneidas, 365; troubles, 370; certificate of, 403; compen sation to, for Indian depredations, 409; gratitude, 413; mentioned, 485 Gallitzin, Prince, 439 Galloway, Joseph, letter from, 394; letters to, 380, 385, 388, 389, 398 Gamble (Gambel), Thomas, lieut., 108 Gamble, William, letters from, 266, 294, 356, 363, 379, 423, 426, 447, 448, 459, 514; letters to, 386, 424, 427, 500; mentioned, 297, 445 Gansevoort, , 332 Gansevoort, Harme, 488 Ganuskago Indians, speeches, 75 Gardineer, Samuel, 56 Gardiner, , col., 451 Gardner, George, 40, 47 Gardner, Matthew, 294 Garlick, Adam, 258 Garrill, John, 467 Garritse, Marte, 134 Garritson (Gerritsen), Martin, capt., 107, 109 Garughigoagh, killing of, 372 Gates, Horatio, capt., ma/., 83, 105 207 Gaultier, Charles, 214 Gazette (newspaper), 280 General assembly, see Assembly Generals, royal instructions to, 328, 338 Genesee (Ginausee), letter from, 248 Genesee Senecas, see Chenussios Geneseo (Chenussio), proposed con ference at, 162; freshet at, 413. See also Indian conferences George 2, king, petition of Mohawk chiefs and others to, 72; orders directing agents to examine Dela ware claim, zoo, 101; death, 107, 108 George 3, king, marriage, 119, 127; Indian deputies to be sent to, 162 ; oath of allegiance to, 181; com mends Johnson's report on Indian affairs, 195; jealousy of popular statesmen, 216; support of min istry, 264; copy of speech at open ing of Parliament, 406; compared to Charles i, 412 ; will accept lands south of the Ohio, 424; anger against Spanish monarch, 482 ; approval of Johnson's course with Senecas and Ohio colony, 522; proclamation of 1763 concerning land grants, referred to, 193, 195, 201, 202, 531; petition to, from Sir John Johnson and others, 539 George (Seneca Indian), speech, 117; murder of his son, 429, 431; con dolence for son, 437; conference with Col. Francis, 439 George, Lake, see Lake George Georgia, boundaries, 392 Germain, Lord George Sackville, see Sackville, Lord George German Flats (Bornetsfield, Burnea- feald, Burnets Feald, Burnetsfield, Burnuts Field, Conrautt Franks, German Flatts), patent for people of, 38; order to Col. Goodrich to move to, 43 ; returns of Col. Moses Titcomb's division at, 44 ; French designs concerning, 79, 88; suffer- 590 NEW YORK STATE LIBRARY ing of people, 89, 91; destruction by French and Indians, 1757, 91; trade with Indians at, 92; return of troops sent to, 93 ; land trans actions near, 115, 280, 331, 425; justices of the peace, 125; false alarm at, and march of militia to, 1762, 140-42; sale of liquor to Indians at, 141, 142 ; Capt. Klock's company at, 174; Capt. Deyger's company at, 174; letter to com manding officer at, 201; patent of 1725, 263; mistake in patent lying back of, 275; murder of Indians, 319; state of roads from, 342; treaty at, 464; Mohawks request cooperation of people of, 536; letters from, 14, 26, 78, 83, 87, 205, 229, 267, 282, 314, 319, 321, 392, 393, 482, 502, 511, 536. See also Fort Herkimer; Indian con ferences German Lutherans, see Lutheran church Germans, officers, favor toward, 78; immigration to Mohawk country, 115; vote used to break power of Friends in Pennsylvania, 240; farmers, purchase of land for settle ment of, 252 ; immigrants, attitude of province toward, 279. See also German Flats Gerock, Rev. John Siegfried, letters from, 419, 422 Gerritsen, see Garritson Gibson, John, 329 Gienke, Jochim Albrecht (King, Yockem Albright) ,128 Gilbert, ,(a smith), 138 Gilbert, Joseph, 61, 62 Gilbert, Thomas, lieut. col., letters to, 53, 59; orders from Peter Wraxall to, 59; order to captain of guard, 6 1 ; receipt for cannon, 6 1 ; list of officers to be commissioned, 62 ; custody of, 64 ; complaint against, 65; official misconduct, 67 Gilliland, William, 170, 178, 183 Gilman, Peter, col., letter from men tioned, 60 ; letter to, 60 Gimmel, Jame, letter from, 26 Ginseng, 26-28, 108, 205, 213, 254, 2 56, 3 2I > 333. 493 Girardot, , (interpreter), 330 Girty, Simon, (interpreter), 434 Gladwin, Henry, ma/., lieut. col., letter from, 175; letters to, 165, 212; illness, 118; gives notice of Indian plot, 130; defense of De troit, 172; to report affairs at the post, 182; accounts, 201; certifi cate that Mohawks have arrived at Detroit, 223; mentioned, 118, ^ 134, 135. 136, 238, 335 Glasier (Glazier), Beamsly, capt., letters from, 73, 377; appointed adjutant general, 54; honorable mention, 70 ; reply to speech of Puant chief, 400 ; reply to Le Force and Ottawa chiefs at Michili- mackinac, 400; intelligence from, 412; trouble with John Johnston, 433 ' order on Johnson, 459 Glass, Henry, letter from, 266 Glen, Cornelius, letters from, 184, 190, 224, 238, 244, 246, 250, 258, 391; appointment as lieutenant, 191, 238; order for payment to, 329; receipt by, 473 Glen, Henry, letters from, 510, 527 ; recommended for second lieu tenant, 191; wishes to oust Mc- Ilworth from clerkship of Schenectady, 333 ; Douw & Winne's bill to, 467 Glen, Jacob, ma/., lieut. col., letter from, 1 5 ; letter to, 1 2 ; order sent to, 7 7 ; return of officers wanted in Schenectady companies, 89; land belonging to, for sale, 130: death of, 142; mentioned, 94, 114 Glen, Gov. James, letter from, 35; letter to Six Nations discussed, 38 ; information furnished by, 70 Glen, John, opposition to certain candidates for assembly, 16 Glen, John, money paid to, 78 Glen (Gelen), John, jr capt., ma/., lieut. col., letters from, 126, 127, 132, 162, 182, 184, 187, 189, 191, INDEX TO SIR WILLIAM JOHNSON MANUSCRIPTS 591 i93> 2 2, 208, 213, 216, 223, 224, 226, 227, 248, 249, 256, 260, 262, 264, 266, 267, 274, 297, 308, 336, 349. 354, 3 6 , 405, 422, 448, 480, 49 1. 53 1. 533', letters to, 397, 491; statement by, 126; money due from, to a party of Indians, 129; articles ordered of, 182 ; misunder standing with Capt. John Duncan, 193; indictment of, 201; bill to John Duncan, 348; company, 358; unreliability of, 414; money trans actions, 422, 470; land purchase, 499, 501, 502; mentioned, 119, 159, 191, 280, 348, 378, 479, 484, Gloster, in the River St Marys (Gloster St Maries), letters from, 463, 467, 486 Godard, Norris, 146 Goddard (Goddart), James Stanley, letter from, 137; trip to La Bay, 290; 372; influence with Indians, 399 Goddard, John, 259 Goddard, William, 441 Godin, Giles & Liotard, John, 277 Goelet, Jacob, letter from, 245 Goes, Isaac, 443, 452 Gof, William, 19 Gohi, proceedings of Iroquois depu ties with Creeks and others at, 500 Golden, , 485 Golden, see also Golden Goldsborough, Robert, letter to, 520 Gonsalus, Samuell, letter from, 308 Gooch, Sir William, gen., 12 Goodman, Walter, 161 Goodrich, Elizur, col., 39, 43, 47 Goodridge, John, capt., 158, 328 Gordon, Duchess of, 416 Gordon, Duke of, 271 Gordon, A., letters from, 452, 468; letter to, 468; certifies to agree ment between Hertel and Iroquois I of St Regis, 468 Gordon, Lord Adam, letters from, 288, 490; letters to, 277, 284, 293, 310, 331, 353, 377, 533; on his way to Niagara, 270; introduced by John Watts, 271; departure for Detroit, 275; preparations to honor, 278; visit to Canada, 281; visit to Johnson, 282, 283; John Johnson accompanies to England, 285; address of Boston to, 285; arrival at New York, 286; visit with Has- enclever, 290; qualities of, 303; obligations of Sir John Johnson to, 307; land transactions, 331, 497, 514; letters forwarded to, 354; marriage, 375, 376; ambition to colonize, 375; sends farmers from England, 376, 384; absence in Scotland, 387; friendship for America, 414; money transactions, 515; mentioned, 283, 285, 286, 287, 289, 294, 375, 380 Gordon, Harry, capt., letters from, 265, 266, 280, 303, 359, 365; letters to, 267, 307, 369; arrival in America, 238 Gordon, James, 320, 333 Gordon, Lord William, 380 Gordon & Parlow, 330 Gorel, James, see Gorrell, James Gorham (Goreham), Joseph, maf., col., letter from, 362 ; letter to, 376; deputy superintendent of Indian affairs in Nova Scotia, 345 ; return to New York, 347; request for money, 348, 351, 361; instruc tions to, 353; importunity, 375; establishments and expenses, 378; money transactions, 380, 392, 399, 464, 481, 486, 519; salary, 386; return to England, 414; dis charged from office, 430; appoint ment of deputy in place of, 431; retention as deputy agent for Nova Scotia, 444; message, 523; mentioned, 345, 347, 361, 371, 380. 5i5 Gorrell (Gorel), James, lieut., certifi cate that De Verville served as interpreter, 170; departure for Albany, 176; certificates concern ing claims of interpreters, 208, 214,254; account certified by, 592 NEW YORK STATE LIBRARY 263, 266, 308; mentioned, 137, 149, 278, 302, 322 Governeurs patent, boundary in, 280 Governors, Johnson's memoranda for, 32; Johnson's letters to, 45, 48, 49, 57; and commissioners, minutes of council, 67; appointed meeting, 68; conflicting policies, 199; provincial, nature of com mission, 283^ royal instructions to, 328, 338; permitted to pass paper currency laws, 461; extract from his Majesty's proclamation regulating land grants by, 531 Grace, Mary, letter from, 441 Grace (ship), 189 Grafton, Duke of, resignation, 322, 451, 453 ; mentioned, 413, 439 Graham, , 163 Graham, Ennis, 461 Grahoon, George, see Croghan, George, Granby, Lord, resignation, 453; death, 474 Grand Sauteux, 372, 486 Grant, , col., from Jamaica, 353, 354, 357 Grant, - , commodore, 236, 354; reported loss of sloop, 487, 491 Grant, Corn's, maps to be sent by, 477 Grant, Allan, lieut., letters from, 340, 420, 427, 429, 430, 456; extract from letter to, 408; relations with Commissary Byrne, 410; ordered to Niagara, 456 Grant, James, lieut. col., campaign against Cherokees, in, 116 Grant, John, charges against, 538 Grant, John, capt., letter from, 218; Col. Bradstreet asks that he be allowed to join his expedition, 216; certificate to services of John Harper, 216; Johnson's orders to, 219; provisions received by, 224 Grant, Noah, 63 Grant, William, claim to La Baye de Puans, 298, 305, 312, 333 Grant's Indian, belt given to, 413 Granville, George, see Grenville, George Gratz, Barnard, letters from, 523, 524, 53 1 Graves, Rev. Matthew, letters from, 270, 299, 346, 516; selection of Mr Cross to oversee the school, 383 Gray, Edward, letter from, 39 Gray, James, letter from, 397 Gray, Robert, capt., 177 Gray, Samuel, letter to, 183 Gray don, Caleb, 232, 354 Great Barrington, church at, 344 Great Carrying Place, Fort Edward, minutes of council of war at, 45- 47 ; Connecticut commissary stores at, 46 ; list of wagoners deserting from, 46; defenses at, 47, 48; offi cers and men requisite to garri son fort at, 48; preparation for attack, 48; reinforcing garrison at, 49 ; transfer of troops from, 50; orders to reconnoiter near, 59, 62 ; letters from, 45-47, 49, 50. See also Fort Edward Great Carrying Place, Oneida, see Oneida Carrying Place Great Island, Susquehanna river, petition against allowing Indians to settle on, 270; inexpediency of leaving Indians at, 271 Green, , lieut., 538 Green, Benjamin, letter from, 60 Green Bay, see La Baye Green Brier, on the Ohio, deed to land about, 338; purchase of tract near, 347 Green river, Virginia, hunters at tacked on, 398 Greenbush (Green Bush), letters from, 258, 382 Greenleaf, Michael, 80 Gregg & Cunningham, 256, 502 Grenadiers, see Army; Militia Grenville (Granville, Greenville), George, weakness of administra tion, 216; defeat of coercion policy, 302; death, 475; mentioned, 359, 388, 439 INDEX TO SIR WILLIAM JOHNSON MANUSCRIPTS 593 Grenville family, desertion to " Rock- ingham squadron," 429; alliance with Earl of Chatham, 434 Greswold, Joseph, 42, 205 Greyhound (ship), 20 Gridley, Richard, col., letters to, 62- 69 ; arrival and good character, 61 ; commanding at Fort Edward, 6 1 ; mentioned, 56 Griffith (Griffiths), Rev. David, 431, 480 Griffiths, Anthony, letter from, 510 Griffiths, John, letter from, 255 Grimes, Peter, 112 Groat, Abraham, 410 Grochan, George, see Croghan, George Groesbeck (Groesbick), Stephen, 329, 344, 357 Groesbeck, Wolter, 46 Gronendyck, Peter, 376 Groot (Grote), Nicholas, capt., letter to, 122; company, 358 Grote, Cornelis, 10 Grote, Harme', 10 Groton, letter from, 426; Pequots of, grant of land to, 535 Guadeloupe, capitulation, 98 Gunestoga, see Conestoga Gunn, Elisha, letter to, 99 Gunners' pay, 38, 78 Gunpowder, governor's proclamation concerning, 198 Gunsales (Gunsalis), Manuel, daugh ter of, in, 300 Gunter, Thomas, letter from, 90 Guthrie & Gray, A New History of the World, 223 Guy Park, letters from, 329, 373, 392, 474, 522, 535 Haasbrouck, Abraham, lieut. col., letter from, 121; letter to, 119 Hackett, John, col., 183 Hagerty, John, letter from, 261 Hail, Ephraim, see Hale, Ephraim Haiti, earthquake at, 463 ; plague at, 47i Haldimand (Haldiman), Frederick, col., maf. gen., letters from, 520, 523, 529, 533, 535, 538; letters to, 102, 105, 521, 524; information received from, 102 ; orders regard ing Indian trade, 103; contem plated trip to Lake Champlain, 178; friendship for Wallace, 520; money transactions, 524, 532, 534; proclamation concerning settle ments in Illinois country, 531; mentioned, 104, 136, 392, 515, 539 Hale (Hail), Ephraim, lieut., 62 Halenbeck, Jacob, capt., company, 358 Halenbeck (Halenbeeck), Marte, capt., 358; considered for justice of the peace, 448 Half King, see Scarouady Half Moon, letter from, 324 Half Moon (ship), 51, 60 Halifax (Hallifax), Earl of, letter from, 241; letters to, 84, 188, 225, 234; good opinion of Johnson, 30; Banyar wishes Johnson to address, 53 ; aid solicited of, for relief of traders, 192; orders for raising troops, 202 ; compliments to John son, 204; reception of George Cro ghan, 207, 209; weakness of ad ministration, 216; land interest, 359; death, 490; mentioned, 82, 152, 154, 167, 230, 235 Halifax, Dunk, 71 Halifax (Halyfax), news from, 40; detection of French scheme of capturing, 60; affairs at, 362; troops, embarked for Boston, 399 Halifax (ship), 205, 367 Hall, Rev. , 472, 480 Hallenbeck, Casper Janse, letter from, 453 Hambach (Hamback, Hambugh), Frederik, letter from, 279; ac counts, 319, 397; murder of, 388 Hambach, Henry, 225 Hambleton, John, letter from, 164 Hamersly, , 144 Hamilton, Alexander, petition to Johnson, 491 Hamilton, Gov. James, letters from, 29, 114, 118, 119; letters to, 102, 594 NEW YORK STATE LIBRARY 114, 118, 132, 151, 164, 168, 172; conference with Indians, 117-18; mentioned, 144 Hamilton's receipt for the toothache, 435 Hammet, , capt., 225 Hancock, John, account of Boston massacre, 46 1 ; mentioned, 402 Hand, Elias, capt., letter from, 95 Hanlon, Andrew, 333 Hanna, Rev. William, letters from, 357, 484, 485, 491, 507; letter to, 484; testimonials in favor of, 485; desires to take orders in the Church of England, 485, 486; mentioned, 345, 487, 489 Hans, Joseph, see Ainse, Joseph Louis Hansen (Hansa, Hanson), Hans, letters to, 44, 45; candidate for assembly, 23; mentioned, 16, 23 Hansen, Hendrick, 106 Hansen (Hanson), John, letters from, 192, 204, 244, 271, 280, 483; letter to, 221 ; recommended by Johnson for clerk, 253 ; mentioned, 297 Hansen (Hanson, Honsan), John R., capt., letters from, 198, 203, 210, 2ii ; men in company of, 209; Indian prisoners sent to Johnson by, 210; quarrel with Roberts, 372 Hansen, Nicholas, capt., 112 Hansen, Peter, 244 Hansen patent, 401, 416 Hansens, mentioned, 384 Hardenbergh, Jacob R., letter from, 502 Hardenbergh, Johannes, col., letter to, 119 Hardenbergh patent, Col. Brad- street's suit against, 422, 426, 428, 456, 473, 480; account of, 423; Indian declarations about, 423, 476; claims of patentees to be examined, 460; lands involved in dispute, 497 ; proprietors of, 518 Hardenbrook, Abel, 482 Hardy, Sir Charles, Gov. of New York, letters from, 52, 54, 60, 73, 77; letters'to, 49, 51-57, 60, 61, 63, 64, 66, 67, 69, 70, 80; instructions to, 32, 55; arrival at New York, 48; at Albany, 50, 51; escort for, 51,52; Johnson advised to acquaint him with his personal needs, 53 conference with Peter Wraxall and others, 54; averse to sending Peter Wraxall to several governors, 54; orders to commanding officer of Albany militia, 69; orders to commanders of forts, 69; order about clothing for soldiers, 72; proposal to meet Indians, 78; ap pointment as admiral, 83 ; request for reinforcements made to, 83 ; mentioned, 50, 56, 64, 68 Hardy, Gov. Josiah, 173 Hare, Robert, 533 Hare, William, capt., letters from, 205, 206, 208, 216; receipt foi ammunition delivered at Montreal. 225 ; death, 521 Harkemer, see Herchheimer Harley, Thomas, 461 Harley & Drummond, 451, 459 Harper (Harpur), John, 216, 476, 479. 48i Harriot (ship), 224 Harris, Mrs , 409 Harris, Christopher, col., 42, 46, 4?^ Harris, John, letter from, 221 Harris (Harriss), Thomas, letters from, 184, 210; Gov. Pownall's opinion of, 209 Harris's Ferry, letter from, 186 Harrison, , collector at Boston, 398 Harrison, Edward, 434 Harrison (Harson), Francis, 241 Harsin, Jacob, letters from, 170, 313 ; order on Johnson, 473 Harson, Francis, see Harrison, Francis Hart, John, 38 Kartell, John Jacob, see Hertel, John Jacob Hartford, meeting of Susquehanna company at, 420, 421. See also Indian conferences Hartwick, Rev. John Christopher, letter from, 72; Mohawk chiefs. INDEX TO SIR WILLIAM JOHNSON MANUSCRIPTS 595 petition to King that land may be granted him, 72; plan for defense of frontiers, 72 Hasbrouck, A., letter from, 525 Hasbrouck, J., letters from, 300, 317 Hasenclever (Hassenclaver, Hassen- clever, Hessenclever), Peter, letters from, 251, 252, 258, 264, 270, 273, 274, 279, 284, 285, 290, 291, 295, 298, 302, 304, 308, 312, 322, 326, 33. 333. 3 6 7. 37*. 379. 3 88 > 403, 446; letters to, 260, 275, 280, 288, 289, 300, 303, 325, 375, 385; Johnson considers proposal of, 255; lands, 264, 330. 333. 3 8 5. 5 J 7; introduced by John Watts, 268; colony in Mohawk country, 371; bankruptcy, 434; mentioned, 344, 384 Hasenclever, Seton & Croftes, letter from, 289 Hassord, John, 224 Hastings, Robert, lieut., 522 Hatton, Thomas, 501 Haugh, Benjamin, 538 Haussonville, Le Cte.d', 145 Havana (Havanah, Havanna, Ha- vannah), movement against, 132; capture of, 144, 145; arrival of 14 transports from, 144; sufferings of besiegers at, 145; regiments re turning from, 146; trade at, 149; mortality among troops, 149, 150; physical state of soldiers returning from, 153; list of officers in regi ments lost at, 156; campaign, dis tribution of prize money from, 228 Hawley, Rev. Gideon, letters from, 74, 99 Hawley (Hawlley), Mathew, capt., 446 Haxton, George, 143 Hay, Jehu, lieut., letters from, 257, 268, 272, 290, 322, 323, 325, 365- 68, 370-72, 377, 430, 43 1 . 459. 53; letter to, 368; fitness for Indian appointment, 304; money trans actions, 320-22, 330, 335, 339, 340, 344, 349, 350, 372, 382, 433, 43^, 462 ; dislike of upper nations for, 321; complaint to, 327 ; account of goods furnished to, 330; favors French traders, 336; orders re garding trade, 347; complaints against, 353, 356, 360, 370; protest of Miamis to, 355; defense of, 359; drafts for pay of, 365; journal of Indian transactions, 369; arrests made in support of authority of, 372; to arrest Chesne and Dorien, 372; no more complaints against, 378; unjust aspersions on, 385; appointment as commissary at Detroit, 529; mission to Illinois, 533; mentioned, 320, 372 Hayes, see Perry, Hayes & Sher- brooke Hays, Barrak, letter from, 281 Hays, Thomas, capt., 455 Hayth, Cornelius, capt., 438 Hazelton, John, maj., 56 Hazzard, Jason, 215 Heard, Wallace, 425 Heath, John, 134, 237 Heath, Sir Robert, 413 Helling, William, lieut., 27 Helmer (Hellmar), Lenerd, letter from, 257; patent, 133 Hemar, A. D., 282 Hendrick (Indian chief), 21; letter to, 26; message to, 30; efforts to defeat action of Gov. Shirley's agents, 47; intelligence from In dian scouts through, 48 ; death, 48 Hendrick (scout), report, 65 Hendrick (Indian), 282 Heney, Hugh, letter from, 451 Henry, Alexander, bills to Capt. William Howard, 266, 268, 271- 74; speech to Indians regarding mining, 428 Henry, Elias, 285 Henry, John (gunsmith), 174 Henry, Robert, letter from, 327; receipt signed by, 363; accounts against Johnson, 442 ; testimonial in favor of William Hanna, 485. See also Henry, Farrell & Abbot Henry, Farrell & Abbot (Robert Henry, John Farrell, James 596 NEW YORK STATE LIBRARY Abbot), account with Croghan, 286, 334; Crawford's order in favor of, 327 : Groesbeck's order to pay, 357; receipt to Johnson, 363; suit against, 449; action against Lieut. Roberts, 467 ; rum at Macki- nac, 515 Henry & Mary (sloop), 140 Herchheimer (?Iarkemar, Harkemer, Hercheimer, Herkimer), Johan Jost (Han Jost, John Joost, Jost), col., (justice of the peace), letters from,' 82, 392; directions about road to Oswego, 80 ; complaint against, 83 ; instructions to appre hend Indians, 185; account of liquors furnished to Indians, 314; return of officers of his regiment, 393 ; declines to continue as justice, 502, 503; charges against, 505 Herchheimer (Harkamore, Herke- man, Herkemer, Herkheimer, Herkimer), Johan Nicholas (Hanni- kel, Han Nichles, Nichlus, Nico las), lieut., col., letters from, 537; letters to, 537; charges of severity toward company, 177; affidavits disclaiming knowledge of contents of petition against, 202 ; proceed ings in relation to affairs of, 203 ; mention, 141 Herchheimer (Harkemer) patent, 112 Herkimer (village), see Fort Herki mer; German Flats Hermitage, letters from, 445, 530, 53 1 - 534 Herring, , lieut., letter from, 102 Hertel (Kartell, Hertell), John Jacob, letter from, 263; money transac tions, 254, 266; living among Aughquisasne Indians, 406, 432, 468; adventure and account, 466; arrangement with Abenakis, 469 ; decision against, 470; mentioned, 464, 466 Hertel, L. B., letters from, 233, 313 Hervey, William, way., letter from, 171; letter to, 171; directions for care of an Indian prisoner, 98 Heyder Ally, see Hyder Ali Hicks, (lawyer), 169 Hicks, , lived with savages, 221 Highlanders, settle on Johnson's lands, 520 Highlands, letters from, 466, 476 Highways, see Roads Hill, , sergeant, 61 Hill, John, letter to, 510; wishes to buy land near Johnson, 513 Hillsborough (Hillsborrow, Hills- brough, llillsburgh), Lord, letters from, 403, 406, 424, 430, 440, 452, 471, 498, 506; letters to, 268, 396, 400, 405-7, 411, 416, 417, 428, 431, 432, 444, 463, 465, 479, 493, 506 ; reception of George Croghan, 207; retirement from Board of Trade, 345; succeeds Lord Shel- burne, 387; circular letter to gov ernors in America concerning trade, 392 ; politeness to Kempe, 393 ; interview with Dr Franklin, 394; action of Maryland toward commands of, 397; remarks on revenue acts, etc., 426; objection to ratification of Fort Stanwix treaty, 427; objection overruled, 427; opposition to conferring Croghan's grant, 451; interviews with Lieut. Roberts, 460, 468, 487; successor, 497; opposition to Ohio colony, 508; resignation, 509; in terviews with Dr Cooper, 511; mentioned, 393, 404, 420, 464, 491, 494, 502 Hillsborough (village), letter from, 5 13 Hillyer, Nathaniel, lieut., letter from, 2 1 1 ; desires to reenter military service, 211 Hind, Rev. Dr Richard, 530 Hip, George, 105 Hip, Stephen, 105 Hispaniola (Highspannola), 463, 471 Hitchcock, Aaron, 59 Hoare, , ma/., 65 Hochstetler, Christian, 270 Hochstetler, Jacob, 270 Hoffman (Huffman), Antoney, 509 Hoffman (Hofman, Huffman), Mar- tinus, col., 163, 179, 187, 509 INDEX TO SIR WILLIAM JOHNSON MANUSCRIPTS 597 Hogan, John, 81 Hogan, William, ma/., 203, 205, 312 Hogeboom, Jeremiah, capt., col., let ters from, 176, 421, 452; letter to, 452; company, 358; claim to con sideration, 441; charge against, 452; confutation of charges, 457; contest with Van Rensselaer's son, 502; continues to give orders to militia at Claverack, 506; men tioned, 506 Hogeboom, Johannes, capt. in Albany battalion, 200; company, 358 Hogeland, Adrian, 502 Hoghstrasser, Paul, 455 Holdiman, Frederics, see Haldi- mand, Frederick Holland, Lord, letter to, 264; inter ested in lands, 341, 348, 384, 385, 408; return of funds to the exchequer, 434; mentioned, 272, 343, 384, 388, 439 Holland, Edward, letters from, 10, n Holland, Henry, letters from, 261, 344 ; letter to, 16 ; Sacandaga lands, 336, 337; meeting with Joseph Chew, 476 Holland, Hitchen, lieut., report on invalids in Schenectady detach ment, 19; claim against estate of, 160, 161, 163, 164, 180 Holland, J., letter from, 10 Holmes (Holms), ensign, 175-7''' Holmes & Morrison, 244 Holt, , capt., 530 Holt, John, 237 Holt's Gazette, 280 Honnywell, Musick, 289 Honsan. John R., see Hansen, John R. Hoofnagel, Christian, letter from, 209 Hooper, Robert Lettis, jr, letters from, 273, 478, 480; comes to look at Johnson's lands, 273; desires to be surveyor general of Ohio colony, 478; mentioned, 279 Hoose, Dirck, capt. in Albany bat talion, 199, 200 Hoose, Myndert, ensign, 200 Hoosick (Hosock), French attack on, 29 Hoosick (Hossack) creek, land on, 5 01 Hoosick (Hosack) patent, balloting for lots, 499 Hope, Edward, capt., 179 Hope (ship), 259, 477, 490, 495 Hopkins, Gov. Stephen, letters to, 37, 46, 63 ; son, visit to camp, 63 Hornbeck, Cornelius, 119 Horn beck, Jacob, 119 Home, Parson, see Tooke, John Home Horsneld, Israel, 223 Horsfield, Timothy, letters from, 80, 81 Horsmanden, Daniel, letter from, 221 ; letter to, 375; illness, 433 Hosack, Hosock, Hossack, see Hoo sick Houtelaas, , death of, 504 Hover, Emanuel, 218 Howard, Joseph, letters from, 196, 323, 374; coming trial, 342; em barrassment, 345 Howard, William, capt., letters from, 221, 336, 356 ; letters to, 265, 275; accounts, 234, 253, 254, 266, 268, 271-75, 289, 292, 320, 386; intelli gence of French intrigue obtained by, 277; dissatisfaction of traders with, 284; charges against, 294; advices from, 319; mentioned, 302, 338, 38o Howard, see also Crofton, Howard & McCracken Howe, Samuel, capt., 59 Howe, Lord William, letter from, 93; coming to America, 402 Hubbart, Tut hill, letter from, 429 Hudson, John, messenger, 174 Hudson Bay Indians, trade with, 276, 469 Hudson river, map of lands on north and west branches, 498 Huffman, see Hoffman i Hughes (Hughs), James, lieut., 366 59B NEW YORK STATE LIBRARY Hughes, John, 81, 84, 139 Humphreys, Benjamin, letter from, 409 Hun, Thomas, letter from, 525; land, 447; mentioned, 445 Hunn, John, 198 Hunt, , capt., 57 Hunter, William, surgeon, R. I. pro vincials, 40, 46; letters from, 63, 179; to find Thomas Byrne, 480 Huntington, Countess of, 260 Huntington, Mathew, letter from, 39 Huntley, Dr , 506, 528 Hurd, Wallis, capt., letter from, 428; mentioned, 431 Hurlbut, Philo, 538 Huron, Lake, see Lake Huron Hurons, messages sent by, to western nations, 175; coerced into hostility by Ottawas, 182; Ottawas* desire to obtain peace through interces sion of, 223; answer to Johnson's message, 227; messengers sent to, 228; treaty of peace, 231, 232, 234- 36; conference at Fort Pitt, 309; conference with Johnson at Onta rio, 1766, 320; desire a bell, 365, 385; invitation to Capt. Claus to visit, 366; conference with Lieut. Roberts, 433; meeting with other tribes, 1769, 440; speech to Maj. Bruce at Detroit, 459; Johnson's message to, 480; of Lorette, dis pute with Jesuits concerning land, 522 Husk, , 221 Hutchins (Hutchens), Thomas, en sign, letter from, 282 ; journal, 146, 151; sketch from drafts made by, 217; account of Bouquet's expe dition, 2 7 7 ; mentioned, 149 Hutchinson, (farmer), 161 Hutchinson, Samuel, letter from, 446 Hutchinson, Gov. Thomas, letters from, 22, 491; letters to, 57, 491; History of Massachusetts Bay, 407 ; appointment as governor of Massa chusetts, 455; orders sent to, 467 Hutchison, Solomon, 418 Huyck, Casper, 200 -, capt., 236 Huyn, Hyde (packet), 264 Hyder AH (Heyder Ally), victory of, 434 lagrea (Indian), 77 Ibbitt, Moses, 289 Ice, John, see Ece, John Ilchester, Lord, lands, 272, 495, 515, Si? Illinois (Elonies, Ilinioes, Ilinois, Iliones, Illinoise) country, French in, 151, 153, 240, 254, 269, 276, 280; payment of tribute to In dians for a post, 228; expedition of Capt. Morris, 236; necessity of gaining possession of, 250, 299; inclusion in Johnson's department, 258; Croghan's expedition, 261, 268, 271, 273, 275, 278, 283, 285, 286, 290, 291, 305, 339, 341; Capt. Sterling embarks for, 277; rumor that troops take possession of, 279 ; British occupation, 298, 307, 308; advantages of, for settlement, 299; misrepresentation of occupation, 302; Indian congress, 306; project for purchasing French grants, 307; pamphlet on civil government for, 307; proposed colony, 312, 314, 315, 318; Dr Franklin's support of colony project, 318, 325; garrison, 339; slight value to Great Britain of trade in, 342 ; return of people employed in Indian service, 352; traders, 344, 372, 378; value of, 392 ; Johnson advises withdrawal of commissary, 392 ; affairs at, 400, 469 ; plan for duty on goods sold, 425 ; need of post, 509 ; purchase of land in declared void, 531; royal prohibition against settling, 531; Jehu Hay's mission, 533. See also Fort Chartres; Indian conferences Illinois Indians, desire peace, 256; reception of, at Detroit, 280: Capt. Sterling's boast of surpris ing, 304; chief stabbed by Pontiac, 315; treaty with Croghan, 344; unfriendliness, 468, 469, 487 INDEX TO SIR WILLIAM JOHNSON MANUSCRIPTS 599 Imlay, John and William, 484 Import duties, 239 Importation of goods, resolutions of merchants regarding, 458, 463; consultation of merchants regard ing, 461; opposition of Philadel- phians to, 462 ; bearing of nonim portation agreement on Indian affairs, 465 India company, see East India com pany Indian affairs, secretary of: Peter Wraxall to serve as, 3 1 ; criticism, 4 1 ; secretaryship vacant through Wraxall's death, 99; Shuckburgh asks to be reinstated as, 106, 112, 114, 122, 123, 132; Shuckburgh to perform duties of, 133; secretary ship promised to Lieut. Johnson, 134; deputy secretary, 244, 245, 246; qualifications for, 250; appli cants for position, 253; Johnson intends to recommend Shuck burgh, 253, 316; appointment of Shuckburgh, 254, 268; successor to Marsh, 283; death of, 525. See also Marsh, Witham; Shuckburgh, Richard; Wraxall, Peter Indian children, held as pledges or slaves, 19; held as pledges, release of, 20; proclamation to stop traffic in, 23 Indian commissaries, see Commis saries Indian commission, names submitted by assembly for, 28; claims, 30; commissionership of Johnson, 24 Indian conferences, ordered by Gov. Clinton, to dissuade Indians from visiting Canada, 1748, 17; Indian deputies from Ohio head waters and English generals and gover nors, 1759, 98; Six Nations and French Indians, 1760, 101; Ohio Indians with Croghan, 1760, 106; Shawanese and Dela wares, 1763, 190; expected meeting with Pon- tiac and other western chiefs, 1767, 344; with Mohawks for settlement of Kayaderosseras dispute, 1767, 360 ; with Onondagas and others on causes of Indian discontent, 1769, 430; council of western nations, 1769, 440; Gov. Penn with Munsee Indians, 1770, 474; Albany: 1746, Oquago Indians with Gov. Clinton, 12; 1748, with Six Nations, 18, 19; 1755, with Oneida Indians, 66; 1773, with Mohawks, 526; Caghnawaga, 1762, 137; 1763, 174; 1769, 432; 1770, 468; Canada, proposed, 1763, 175: Canajoharie, 1763, Johnson with Canajoharie Indians and justices of the peace, 161; Cayuga, 1762, 142; Detroit: 1761, 107, in, 115, 1 1 8, 120, 143; 1764, Col. Brad- street with Ottawas, Chippewas and other nations, 235, 236; 1767, 3 6 9'. Easton, Pa.: 1756, Delawares with Pennsylvania council and commissioners, 81, 84; 1758, 96, 97; 1761, Lieut. Gov. Hamilton of Pennsylvania, members of Council and others with Onondagas and other tribes, 117-20; 1762, 138, 139, 143, 148, 165; Fort Augusta, 1764, 244; Fort Chartres, 1766, Croghan with representatives of eight na tions, 327; Fort Cumberland, 1767, Dela wares and others ask for, 368; Fort Johnson (Mount Johnson) : 1756, 34, 3 6 -39. 4i, 43. n?: ^55- 56, 72, 74-76; 1756, So; 1757, with southern Indians, 89; 1762, 133, 135, 143; 1763, 181; Fort Pitt: 1760, western Indians with George Croghan, 103; 1766, 309 ; 1767, relating to unauthorized settlements, 381; 1768, with Cro ghan, 389, 390; 1771, Thomas King with Shawanese and others, 479; 1772, 500; Fort Stanwix: 1768, 397-412, 6oo NEW YORK STATE LIBRARY 420, 431, 434, 463, 481, 523; 1771, meeting with Oneidas, 485. See also Fort Stanwix boundary treaty in main alphabet Geneseo: 1758, 95; 1762, 133; 1763, 163; German Flats: 1763, 181; 1767, 348, 356, 357; 1770, 441, 443, 444, 449, 45 2 . 456, 45 8 > 462, 463, 465, 466, 477; Gobi, 1779, 500; Hartford, 1763, governor, coun cil and assembly of Connecticut with deputies of Six Nations, 171, 172; Illinois: 1766, 306; 1767, 344; 1771, 496; Johnson Hall: 1763, 195; 1764, 199, 249; 1765, 255, 258, 262, 264, 267, 269; 1768, 373-75, 378, 379, 385, 388-90, 393, 394; 1771, 489, 491; 1772, 507; 1773, 517, 518, 520; Kingsborough, 136 Kingsland district, 1775, 536; Kingston: 1741, Esopus Indians j and justices of peace, 9; 1761, New York commissioners and Dela wares, 121; Lake Superior, 1769, chiefs with Henry Bostwick, 430; Lancaster, 1762, 144, 146, 148, 149; 1769, 436 Lower Shawanese Town, 1767, 369: Michilimackinac, 1771, between Bostwick and Chippewas, 486; Montreal: 1757, French and Iro- quois, 88; 1763, Canada Indians and governor, 174; 1763, Missisa- gas, 181; 1765, with Glaus, 278; Niagara: 1761, 116, 143; 1764, Johnson with several tribes, 212, 215, 222, 225, 227, 229, 230, 232- 34; 1767, 370, 37i; Oneida Castle, 1752, 26; Onondaga: 1752, 28; 1756, 78; 1757, 87; 1758, 94; 1762, 127, 129, 138, 151; 1763, 162, 168; 1765, 260; 1769, 431, 432, 436, 444; Ontario, 1766, 301, 312, 320, 324, 325, 336; Oswego: 1747, 16; 1750, 23; 1753, 28; 1756, 71, 76; 1760, 117; 1762, 137, 138, 140; Philadelphia, 1761, no, m, 114; Sandusky, 1764, with Wyandots 238; Scioto plains: 1768, 387; 1770, 465, 470, 479; 1771, 488; 1772, 500, 506, 508, 509, 511 ; Seneca, 1762, 142 Indian Lake settlements, report of tour through, 151 Indian prayer book, printing, 112, 400,401, 409; Capt. Claus's correc tion of, 126; new edition, 147, 164; plan of, 168; difficulties in printing in Indian language, 184; delay in printing, 236 ; sent to Johnson. 246, 422, 433; work of William Wey- man on, 306; cost of binding and printing, 402, 407, 416; mentioned, 419 Indian Queen tavern, proceedings of meeting of traders at, 192 Indian regiment, expanse of main taining, 86 Indian schools, see Schools Indian superintendent, sse Johnson, Sir William; Stuart, John Indian trade, see Trade Indians, orders for proper treatment at Albany, 38; provincial allow ances for, 44; good relations with William Penn, 84; jealousy of settlers, 90 ; bill' for medical services to, 212 ; allies, cooperation of army with, 229 ; list of tribes in northern and southern districts, 230; do not regard themselves as British sub jects, 242 ; hostages, escape of, 253 ; physician for, 253; essentials to a lasting peace with, 257; right to protection against intrusion on their lands, 290; complaints of rum traffic, 303 ; murder of, by frontiersmen, 310, 316, 319, 337, 342, 354, 394, 465; blank form of INDEX TO SIR WILLIAM JOHNSON MANUSCRIPTS 601 testimonial certifying attachment to King's interest, 318; royal in structions to governors and gen erals on prevention of wrongs against, 328, 338; war, causes, 342, 408; discontent, 342, 353, 373, 379, 381, 382, 384, 430, 432, 434, 482; aversion to trade regulations, 344; clothing for, 354; complaint re garding settlements west of Alle- gany mountains, 360 ; offensive association among, 369; medals promised to chiefs, 370; need of medals and commissions for, 372; superstition, 372 ; jealousy, growth of, 373; tendency to encroach on, 378, 421 ; advantages of a religious establishment among, 379; neces sity of redressing wrongs, 381 ; dis content, measures for removing by Pennsylvania government, 385; money for condolence of, 387; re sentment, difficulty of pacifying with money, 389; Johnson's policy of dividing, 432, 433 ; Johnson dis- | cusses customs, manners, language j and tribal condition of, 480 ; ob stacles to Christianization of, 489 ; memorial regarding the Christian ization of, 493, 494; relations of United States to, 539; claims of United States beyond the line established in 1768, 539; northern : attempt of English to make peace between Catawbas and, 26; friendliness, 141; list of tribes, 230 ; peace with west ern nations, 327; peace with Cherokees, 392 ; contemplated alliance with Cherokees, 463 ; presents to, 32, 37, 64, 68, 77, 84, 102, 106, 116, 139, 163, 175, 184, 236, 249, 253, 319, 327, 353, 355, 357. 37. 3Qi ; expenses, 31, 75, 85, 176, 210, 265, 371, 537; to western Indians, 4 1 ; distribution at Easton conference, 118; bill for, repudi ated, 120; Gen. Amherst's oppo sition to, 133, 137; from Quakers, 82, 136; from French in Illinois country, 174; authorized by Gage, 177; charges against Croghan for large expenditures, 265; made by Lieut. Gov. Carleton, 356; by Maj. Rogers, 366; debasing effect of, 398; overcome Indian vengeance, 504; southern: join Gen. Braddock, 37; conference with, 89; hostile movement against, 154; list of tribes in southern district, 230 ; crimes against, 342, 394; treach ery, 509 ; scheme for alliance against English, 514; trouble with Wabash Indians, 521; western: presents for, 41, 320; to be represented at Onondaga council, 94; wavering, 103; confer ence with, 103, 107, 120, 215; friendliness, 109, 141 ; disposition, no, 116, 224, 262; conditions and needs, 116; information concern ing, 118; hostility toward English, 134, 515; Oswegatchies influence with, 138; duties of deputy agent, 144; messages from eastern In dians to, 175; displeasure with Six Nations, 178, 440; incited to war by Cayugas and Senecas, 182 ; should indemnify traders for losses, 196; peace offers, 197, 201; effect of operations of opposing Indians on, 208; means of gaining for Eng lish, 219; negotiations with John son at Niagara, 222, 231; attempt to divert them from going to Mon treal, 224, 247; measures to sus pend trade with, 225; trade with Shawnees, 249; French influence with, 250, 272, 365, 428; Johnson's relations with, 270, 275, 278, 312, 511; separation from Six Nations, 272; messages for, 274, 275; Mar- sac's account of his proceedings among, 278; experiences of Ham- bach, 279; Croghan's exploit, 282; policy of, in allowing English possession of Fort Chartres, 301; peace with northern nations, 327 ; Croghan's good fortune with, 341 ; 6O2 NEW YORK STATE LIBRARY Spanish influence, 365; assemblage of, 371; request for powder, 372; attacks on Cherokee towns, 394; evil inclinations, 43 1 ; denunciations of boundary treaty, 434, 456; dis affection, 434, 496; propriety of attacking, 497; treachery, 509; interview of chiefs with McKee concerning Ohio colony, 517 See also Albany congress ; Schools ; Trade; Traders; also names of places and tribes Inglis, Rev. Charles, letters from, 491, 493, 494, 511; letters to, 466, 472, 482, 489, 492, 494, 499; memorial regarding the Christian- ization of Indians, 493, 494; un friendliness to Schenectady mis sion, 531 , mentioned, 459 Inglis, Rev. John (probably refers to Rev. Charles), letter to, 466 Inniskilling regiment, harmony in, 304 ; soldiers of, captured at Crown Point, 102 Insolvent act, 514 Instructions, royal, see Generals; Governors Intrepid (ship), 170 Ireland, lord lieutenancy of, 487; proposal that people from settle on Johnson's lands, 510 Irish opposition to Spain, 472 Iron industry, 258, 279. See also Hasenclever, Peter Iroquois (Five Nations, Six Nations), enter English service, 14; agree to keep away from French, 18; peti tion to Governor, 18; held by French, attempts to release, 2 1 ; imprisonment in Canada, needs of, 2 1 ; Johnson authorized to take measures for security of, 23; letter to Gov. Shirley on securing good will of, 30 ; garrisons for their castles, 41; efforts of Gov. Shir ley's agents to prevent their join ing Johnson, 47; employment against French settlements, 60; union with Susquehannahs, 73; disposition toward English, 75, 115, 484, 529; con nection with French at Lake George, 89; true mediators with western tribes, 94 ; French design to destroy, 102 ; at Fort Stanwix, 104; humanity of, under John son's command, 105; medals for, 108, in, 328; plot of Senecas to combine other nations against English, 115; agreement to sur render captives at Philadelphia, 138; duties of deputy agent, 144; remonstrance against Connecticut settlement, 169 ; delegation to Con necticut, 170; territory formerly held by, 188; Johnson's Indian policy, 173, 186, 188, 192, 199, 206, 225, 232, 234, 270, 288, 361, 415, 433, 482, 504; memorandum by Johnson on, 188; relinquish inten tion to send deputies to England, 191; desire that the Senecas be pardoned, 195; attitude toward Shawanese and Dela wares, 195, 197, 204, 211, 215, 389; resent ment at massacre of Conestoga Indians, 202 ; report of visit to Chenussios, 231; distinguished from Ohio Indians, 243; confer ence with Capt. McKee, 244; sepa ration from western Indians, 272, 275; Johnson proposes to make them recompense traders, 272; smallpox among, 273; scarcity of food, 274; efforts to alienate Sene cas from, 275; failure of crops, 277; relations with Cherokees, 283, 292, 35 6 > 373' 3 8 3 3 8 9> 39. 45 6 . 469, 474; murdered near Fort Cumber land, 304; dissatisfaction at trade restrictions, 324; injuries suffered on Virginia frontier, 360; belts from, 374, 405, 414; Gov. Penn's message to, 387; importance of conciliating, 389; claims of Iro quois and Cherokees, 402, 407, 408; chiefs, letter to, 406; payment to, for land, 411; complain of intru sion of New England people into INDEX TO SIR WILLIAM JOHNSON MANUSCRIPTS 6o 3 Pennsylvania, 430; displeasure of western nations with, 440; differ ences with Abenakis, 452, 468, 521 ; parties going southward, 458; missionary opportunity among, 466; numbers of, 472; instruction in mechanic arts and farming, 472 ; bad behavior, 480; belts sent to, 493; extent of lands, 497; scheme of southern Indians to ally against English, 514; surrender murderers of Frenchmen, 532 ; measures for quieting apprehensions of, 536; expedition for relief of, 538. See also Cayugas; Indian conferences; Indians; Mohawks; Oneidas; On- ondagas; Senecas; Tuscaroras Iroquois country, map of, 49 1 ; Col. Johnson's map of, 493 Irwin, Joseph, 188 Isaac (Indian), letter from, 361 Isaac (Tuscarora), 131 Isaacs, , lieut., 63 Ishwabame chiefs, speech, 519 Isle Galot, 100. See also Oswe- gatchie Ittig, Jacob, 319 Izzard (Izard, Yzard), Ralph, 271, 279, 282, 429 Jack (negro), 346 Jackson, , capt., 180 Jackson, Richard, letter to, 385 Jacob (negro), 171, 304 Jacob, small gratuity for widow of, 383 Jacob, capt. (Mohawk), 186, 191 Jacobs, Samuel, 303 Jacobson, , capt., 259 Jadot, , 360 Jamaica, West Indies, hurricane at, 10 ; price of wheat in, 10; govern ment of, 123; letters of Prevost concerning, 517, 518 James, Benjamin, 330, 350 James, Thomas, maf., lieut. col., 291, 482 Jan Coeur, see Joncaire Janner, Ury, 452 Jannetye (Indian squaw), 165, 172 Jaqueri, Daniel, letter from, 113; mentioned, 113 Jauncey, James, letter from, 416; letter to, 417; account with Mrs Cosby, 404 Jeffery, , capt., 205 Jeffreys (Jeffries), James, 410, 411 Jenison, John, letter from, 301 ; letter to, 306 Jenkins, Edward, lieut., capture of, 176; certificate as to services of Constant View as interpreter, 176 Jennings, John, 294 Jenny, Simson, 538 Jenyns, Soames, 382 Jeoquanta, 118 Jere, William, 82, 83 Jessup (Jessep, Jessop), Ebenezer, letters from, 490, 491, 495, 498, 502, 505, 508, 509, 516, 527; per mission to purchase land, 480; contract for land repudiated, 498 ; land purchased, 499, 500 ; agree ment with Fonda, 503 ; money transactions, 512, 514 Jessup, Edward, 480 Jesuits, dispute with Caghnawagas concerning lands, 126, 136, 142; decision against, 130; missions, proposed abolition, 201, 202 ; lands in Canada, appropriation for Pro testant uses advocated, 202 ; a dangerous Jesuit at Aughquisasne, 220; estates in Canada, Sir Jeffery Amherst's grant of, 453, 464, 466, 470; difference between France and Spain regarding, 489; dispute with Hurons of Lorette concerning land, 522 John (Indian), 123, 480 Johnson, , capt., killed at Nia gara, 181 Johnson, Ann (Nancy, daughter of Sir William), Claus's offer of mar riage to, 112; Claus reproved, 113; mentioned, 114 Johnson, Christopher, monument, 296 Johnson, Edward, letter from, 131; mentioned, 11 604 NEW YORK STATE LIBRARY Johnson (Johnston), Guy, lieut., capt., col., letters from, 93, 329, 367. 373. 474, 5M-I6, 522, 533, 535-37'. letters to, 264, 301, 382, 405, 522,- 536; accounts, 90, 334, .35 1 , 43 6 , 455, 459, 461, 47, 533, 535-39 1 acting secretary for Indian affairs, 1 19 ; preparation of records. 12 1 ; Gen. Amherst declines to ap point to secretaryship of Indian affairs, 133 ; employment as Indian secretary promised to, 134; acci dent, 134, 135, 364, 365, 307, 372, 408; Gen. Amherst wishes him to join his company, 131, 135, 137; fitness for place of deputy agent of Six Nations, 144; wishes to sell commission, 146, 147, 154; ex change of military service for deputy agency of Indian affairs, 147, 148; intended journey to On- ondaga, 148, 153; Dr Shuckburgh desires to obtain commission of, 152; Senecas receive wampum from, 154; efforts to obtain sur render of murderers, 154; results of Onondaga visit, 155, 157; marriage, 159, 162; land grant, 199, 203, 208, 215, 219, 248, 280, 286, 288, 291, 293, 295; birth of I daughter, 226; invited to be guest of William Darlington, 235 ; knowl edge of Indian customs and man ners, 250; Indian secretary, 250; plantation, 259; jollity, 274; method of making reports, 342 ; to represent Sir William Johnson at Indian conference, 346; to confer with Gage, 347; conduct, 348; ad ventures in New York, 349; dis pute with Maj. Maclean, 356; service to be rendered to, 380; commissions sent to, 388; services rendered by, in the election of Mynderse, 389; recommended for adjutant general, 391 ; to discharge business of department during absence of Sir William, 392; em powered to administer oaths to militia officers, 421; account of postage of letters to, 425; com" mission as adjutant general, 426, 430, 433; sketch drawn by, 465; health, 477, 478; house belonging to, 478, 496 ; map of Iroquois coun try, 493; visit to Wallace, 495; memorial to the governor, 505 ; Baker's refusal to act for, 513; goes as representative to New York, 514; reception to, 514; Col. Schuyler's attention to, 514; de parture from New York, 516; business transactions for, 517, 521 ; losses by fire, 520; looking-glasses, 524; calls down upper nations and fortifies his house, 535; Indians disapprove his course in fortifying house, 535 ; grant of land by Onei- das executed before, 535; provi sions for meeting of Iroquois at home of, 536; committees to wait on, 536; to cut off settlements on the Mohawk, 537; intended attack below Little Falls, 537 ; mentioned, 78, 94, 151, 153, 154, 155, 166, 185, 211, 254, 293, 296, 349, 356, 365, 374, 389, 402, 494, 495, 527, 528, 535 Johnson Rev, Jacob W's, letters from, 403-6, 426; kept from con ference at Fort Stanwix by illness, 406 Johnson, James, letter to, 124 Johnson, John, from Smithstown, letter from, 14 Johnson, John, from Sutton, Mass., letters from, 513 Johnson, John (brother of Sir William), letters from, 22, 189; brother of Sir William (John or Warren), 328, 376 Johnson, Sir John, capt., col., letters from, 301, 53 9; letters to, 535, 357, 538; appointments in company of, 1 06; ensigncy in Royal Americans, 132 ; offer of ensigncy to declined, 133 ; draws a prize, 191 ; war party led by, 215, 216, 220; 221; con gratulations on safe return of, 223, return, 225; land grant, 248; may INDEX TO SIR WILLIAM JOHNSON MANUSCRIPTS 6o 5 visit England, 275; invitation to accompany Lord Gordon to Eng land, 277; visit to England, 285, 286, 288, 290, 310, 335; benefit of foreign travel to, 285, 288, 353; John Watts asks that he may be his guest, 286; MacDonald prom ises to amuse on voyage, 287; accounts, 287-89, 305, 334, 363, 372, 395. 427, 452, 494, 5i5> 5i8; danger of allowing him to protract his stay in England, 289; visit with Hasenclever, 290; knighting of, 300, 302, 303; reception at court, 303; reception in England, 304, 307, 312, 328; named for governor's post, 306, 307; obligations to Lord Adam Gordon, 307; visit to Ire land, 327; appointment as com missary general desired, 341 ; news of, 351, 364; expected return, 361, 364; stay in New York, 362; re turn of, 364, 367, 368, 371, 372; arrival at Guy Park, 373; narrow escape in the Channel, 373; civili ties to, 375; candidate for assem bly, 384; services rendered by, in the election of Mynderse, 389; disinclination to have a seat in the House, 415; favors to, by Earl of Shelburne, 416; regiment of horse given to, 438; visit to New York, 447, 510-13; installation in new dignities, 495; visit to Wallace, 495; Sir William Johnson desires him to become surveyor of New York and Canadian woods, 497; engagement and marriage, 497, 516-18, 520, 527; appointed sur veyor of woods, 501; offer in be half of, 509; departure from New York, 516; chimney pieces, 519; address of officers to, concerning Sir William Johnson, 535; persons delegated to question, 537; com munications to, concerning Sheriff White, 537; not to be molested while inactive, 538; regiment, 538; accounts of loyalists who served under, 539; petition to the King, 539 ; address of officers of regiments to, 539; mentioned, 179, 232, 254. 287, 288, 302, 303, 308, 311, 364, 37 1 . 37 8 . 379, 3 8 9- 4i3> 45, 474, 481, 494, 495, 516, 528 Johnson (Johnston), John, note held by Wade, 319, 328 Johnson, Lady Mary (wife of Sir John Johnson), 516, 520-22 Johnson, Mary (Polly, daughter of Sir William), offer of marriage to, 125; marriage, 159, 162 Johnson, Mary (Polly, daughter of Guy Johnson), 518 Johnson, Peter, letters from, 525, 533, 534; education, 328, 347, 524; improvement at Montreal, 521, intrusted to Lieut. Hastings, 522; plans for, 525, 530; place obtained for, 528; mentioned, 344, 506, 528 Johnson, Rev. Samuel, 175 Johnson, Warren (brother of Sir William), capt., maf., letters from, 11-13, T 5> 22, 25, 27, 367;letterto, 169; commended, 12; arrival in New York, 13 ; to visit William's home, 13; going to Louisburg, 13; to go to England to obtain com mission, 1 5 ; desire for a commis sion and military service, 25; ex pected visit to William Eyre, 78; brother of Sir William (John or Warren), 328, 376; mentioned, 189, 334, 490 Johnson, Sir William, col., maf. gen., death of his mother, 9; commis sion as justice of peace, 10; selec tion by assembly to supply Oswego garrison, 1 1 ; French threaten capture or destruction, 1 1 ; officer and 2 5 men sent from Schoharie to protect, 12; instruc tions to, as colonel, 12; recom mended to royal favor, 1 2 ; claims for reimbursement for provincial expenses, 15, 20, 23, 25; curtail ment of claims by assembly, 2 5 ; authorized to call regimental courts martial, 16; commission as colonel, 1 7 ; asks for guard on his 6o6 NEW YORK STATE LIBRARY mission into Indian country, 1 7 ; claim for salary, 17, 78, 100, 101, 108, 116, 147, 152, 154, 313, 510; orders to troops guarding Albany, 1 7 ; declines to be a member of the Council, 18; option on house, lot and barn of P. Felinck, 19; prepa rations to build house, 19; neglect of interests by home government, 2 1 ; Indian management to be con sidered by home government, 22; appointment to provincial Coun cil, 22, 23; coat of arms, 22, 157, 158, 160; authorized to take meas ures for security of Five Nations, 23; Indian commissionership, 24, 31, 65; resignation of Indian affairs, 25; order to officers of ad battalion, 29; proposed as com mander of Crown Point expedi tion, 30; commendation by Shirley to members of home government, 30 ; commission as major general, 3 1 ; instructions to, as major gen eral, 31; speeches to Indians, 37, 74-75, 80, 162, 208, 505; announces intention of starting on Crown Point expedition, 45 ; letter to the several governors, urging rein forcements, 45 ; unwilling to be charged with Indian affairs unless independent of colonial governors, 47; illness, 47, 55-57, 60, 61, 91, 122, 133, 198, 301, 305, 321, 347, 389, 391-93, 407. 422, 428, 443, 509, 519, 520; recovery, 201, 203, 432, 523; wounded, 50, 52, 57, 121, 443; character and purpose, 55, 117; differences with Shirley, 65; preference for superintendence of Indian affairs to retention of mili tary commission, 65; Shirley de clines to accept resignation, 66; expedition, contrasted with Shir ley's, 68; announces close of campaign of 1755, 70; resignation of command, 70 ; declines new commission for Indian affairs, 7 1 ; petition of corporation of Kings ton to, 73 ; request to Lords of Trade that he may act under special royal commission, 73 ; con gratulations on baronetcy, 73 ; appointment as sole superintendf ent of Indian affairs, 76; remunera tion by Parliament, 76; criticisms on Morris's proclamation, 76, 77; appointments, 78; French designs concerning, 79; speech to Indians on occasion of receiving patent as baronet and commission as super intendent of Indian Affairs, 80; investment of Parliamentary grant to, 87; French Indians' designs on, 88; declines new command as col onel, 93 ; message to Six Nations, 95; summary of transactions with Indians from July 19, 1756, to Aug. 2, 1758, 96; can not attend Easton conference, 97; sugges tions and defense of his policy to the Lords of Trade, 98; son at school in Philadelphia, 98; applies for ammunition, 101; boats for, 102, 223, 224, 226, 227; promises to collect war party of Indians, 103 ; promises to join Amherst at Oswego, 104; conduct of Indian affairs, 105; letter to William Pitt asking to be relieved from Indian affairs, 105 ; return to Albany, 106 ; draft of letter to provincial govern ments, asking reimbursement for expenses incurred in war, 107 ; pro poses to seek private tranquillity, 1 08; recommended for governor of New York, 108; commended to the King by Amherst and Pitt, 108; agreement with Canadian Indians, no; discharge of suite, no; criticizes Gage, 113; reproves Glaus, 113; standing with British ministry, 114; asks return of bonds and deed, 114; journey to Detroit, 1 16; complaints against, 118, 120; instructions to officers, 119; liber ality of, 121 ; generosity to Richard Smith, 131; orders for recruiting militia, 132; may employ secre tary, 137 ; injury received at Onon- 1NDX TO Sift WILLIAM JOHNSON MANUSCRIPTS 607 daga, 142; garden, 147; injury of Indian superintendency on health and fortune, 152; asks reappoint- ment for Dr Shuckburgh, 156; Wade's expressions concerning, 158; value of estate, 159; claim against estate of Kitchen Holland, 1 60; Indian policy, 173, 186, 188, 192, 199, 206, 225, 232, 234, 270, 288, 361, 415. 433. 482, 504; serv ants for, 176, 181; on the protec tion of the frontiers and true course toward Indians and French, 1 86 ; plan for government of his three departments, 188; memorandum on the Iroquois and the Ottawas, 1 88; favorable opinions of his policy expressed by British gov ernment, 195, 202 ; enlargement of authority by royal proclamation, 199; expected warrant from Gage, 209; success against the enemy, 210, 212, 213; message to Caghna- wagas, 220; executor of Witham Marsh's will, 229; attempt to get accountant, 23 5; family in Ireland, 238; vouchers required of, 258; new settlement, 263 ; plans to gain control of the West, 269 ; threatens to resign superintendency, 281; interests and sentiments in dif ferences between colonies and England, 283; report of honors to be conferred on, 284; loyalty to British authority, 292; monument to be erected by, 296; altercation with heirs of Sir Peter Warren, 296, 298; on efforts of colonists for independence and unpopularity of royal governors, 297; conferring of the red garter on, 300 ; number of children, 304; letters relative to his becoming a master of a Masonic lodge, 305, 306; congratulations on the King's recognition of his ser vices, 306; memorial to the King presented May 1766, 3 13; grand daughters, 329, 512, 513, 517, 520, 524; grandchild, death of, 403; answer to petition from traders, 340; nephews, 342, 493; scheme prejudicial to interests of, 352; report that home government will remove him from the superin tendency, 355, 357; returns of his regiment, 357-59; intended jour ney to Saratoga Springs, 366; ex cursion to Onondaga country, 370, 373; request that he cooperate in fixing boundary lines, 376, 383; salaries in department of, 379; field officers of regiment, 383; to be in command of military dis trict, 384; appointment to military command, 385; expected visit to New York, 386; journey to the seacoast, 391, 392, 393, 396, 398, 408; Quakers to make representa tions to England against, 394; disparagement of work by Sons of Liberty, 399; to go to Fort Stan- wix, 40 1 ; election as a member of the Philosophical Society, 412; report to his Majesty, 419; pro posal to erect his estate into a manor, 420; empowered to admin ister oaths to military officers, 421; proposed journey among the Six Nations, 428, 431; injury from a fall, 430; eulogy of, by John Arthur, 439; remarks upon and objections to the proposed road bill, 454; attacks on, 455; " Sacan- daga amusements," 457; exer tions in favor of Church of Eng land, 458; departure to upper set tlements for meeting with Indians, 462 ; oath as justice of the peace and quorum for Albany county administered to, 465; journey to Seneca country, 470; Mr Alex ander's publication directed against, 478; message to Hurons, 480; missionary zeal, 485, 493; lodge at Mountjoy, 487 ; efforts in behalf of Capt. Tice, 500; invoice of earthenware sent to, 503; in vestment of moneys, 508 ; attempts to control western nations, 511; subscription to fund of Marine 6o8 NEW YORK STATE LIBRARY Society, 511: certain Indian tribes dissatisfied with, 512; influence, 514; birth of daughter, 516; list of articles of wear ordered by, 519; residence on Long Island, 521, 522; amusements at East Hamp ton, 522; charms of character and manner, 522; mission to Indian civilization, 522; course with Sen- ecas and Ohio colony, 522; return to Johnson Hall, 523; agrees to lay the case of Mohawks before the King, 526; address of officers of militia concerning, 535; sketch of character, services, death and funeral, 535; statement before court of exchequer regarding ac counts of, 539 lands: license to buy, around Lake Canunda, 2 5 ; proposed ex change with Gov. Clinton of part of Stevens patent, 28; Susque- hanna purchase, 109, 165, 462; offers to lease lots to Oliver De Lancey, 114; proposal to Banyar T and Golden regarding land pur- [ chase, 120, 121, 122, 123; offer concerning land purchase to Ban yar and Golden accepted, 122; offer for lot to W. Browne ac cepted, 124; gift of land for par sonage, 127; power of attorney to, to sell Mrs Cosby 's lands, 166; desires to draw settlers to his lands, 204, 240; offers lands to the King, 234; interested in land pur chases, 240, 319, 348; survey of Harrison tract, 241; proposes to associate John Johnson, Daniel Claus and Guy Johnson with him self in a land grant, 248; survey of lands about Canajoharie, 251, 252; lands sold to, by Johannis Vroman, 254; Mr Hooper's idea of settling 20 families on his lands, 273, 279; Gov. Moore promises assistance, 318; purchase from Oneidas, 331; patents (Brackan and Byrne), letters from John Wetherhead concerning, 387, 389, 390-93, 396; interest in tract between the forks of the Susquehanria and the Dela ware, 400; sale of lands, 422, 425, 43 i, 444 ; Indian deed for land near Schoharie approved by the coun cil, 450; land transaction with Christopher Servis, 457; land to be bought by Hugh Wallace, 474, 476, 481, 483; Whitlock wishes to buy land of, 476; interest in Ohio grant, 477, 513; lease in hands of James Duane, 479; advertisement of lands, 480 ; company to buy land of, 481, 533 ; exchange of land with Brinckerhoff, 486; proposal that people from Ireland settle on lands of, 510; boundary between his land and John Glen's, 533; Canajoharie tract (royal grant) : gift by Mohawk Indians, 107-9, II2 > I][ 5' I2O Z 66, 188, 201, 270, 276, 337; claims con flicting with, 109, 114, 115; petition for land, 115; title to grant, 165, 166, 213, 215, 230, 239, 243, 254, 268, 284, 288, 299, 334, 341, 378; attempt to obtain royal patent for, 165, 166, 255, 270, 273, 313; offers part of tract to Gov. Golden, 215; survey of royal grant, 219, 2 34, 255, 274, 331, 332; boundaries, 262; King could not give away lands already granted to him, 276; payments for grant, 313, 451; report from Lords of Trade on, 362; letter from Thomas Penn regarding a difficulty affecting, 399; grant from the Crown, 400, 434, 435, 1 457' 459> 4^0. 462. See also s Indian conferences Johnson, William (son of Sir Wil- 1 liam), studies, 394 Johnson, William? in Frederick county, Md., examination of, 84 Jolmson Hall, orders for garrison at, 190; completion, 191; repairs and additions to, 271. See also Indian conferences INDEX TO SIR WILLIAM JOHNSON MANUSCRIPTS 609 Johnston (Johnson), John (Indian capt., smith), letters from, 138, 154, 205, 206, 208, 216, 223, 252, 262, 267, 299, 381, 423, 473, 47 8 . 487, 494, 534, 535; letters to, 99, 302; praised, 224; examination re garding instructions given by Sir William Johnson, 238; at Nesha- meny, 302; accounts with John son, 360, 361, 442, 445, 459; trouble with Capt. Glazier, 433 Johnston, Robert, ensign, letter from, 315; mentioned, 40 7 Johnston, William, 442 Johnston, William (deputy paymas ter general), 85, 86 Johnston, William (justice), letter from, 343 Johnston, William (millwright), 471 Johnston, William (smith), accounts, 393, 423, 436 Johnstone, Gov. , duel with Lord George Sackville, 482 Johnstown, list of scholars at free school, 433 ; church at, 480, 489, 504; missionary for, 480, 505, 507, 510, 530; gaiety at, 483; advan tages of for capital of new county, 497, 498; to be county seat, 503, 504; need of new school building, 504; construction of courthouse, 504; advancement, 504, 520; situation of jail, 513; clergyman, sermons preached in Albany by, 519; military companies at, 537. See also Indian conferences ; John son Hall Joliette, P., letter from, 280 Jonathan, Philip, letter from, 212 Joncaire Chabert? (Chabiere, Jan- cour, Jan Coeur, Joncair), lieut.. letters from, 302, 403; letter to, 306; Gov. Clinton orders capture of, 13; Iroquois to bring, 18; earl of Halifax cautions Gov. Murray against, 241; proposes to reside in Montreal, 241; proposed trip, 275; withholding trade privileges from, 276; influence among Indians, 277; statement of losses in the service 20 of the French king, 301; losses at taking of Niagara, 301, 306; John son's certificate concerning losses, 306, 310; intended trip to Niagara, 354; interests of, Johnson's letter concerning, 362; visit to Johnson, 362; speech to Indians, 370; treachery, 378, 379; strange be havior of, 424; granddaughter of, 458; mentioned, 311, 383 Jones, , recommended to John son's service, 255 ; return to Wales, 266 Jones, Dr -- , 502 Jones, Abraham, 175, 335, 514 Jones, David (speaker of assembly), letter from, 24; letters to, 24, 56 Jones, Rev. David, 511 Jones, Isaac (son of Abraham Jones, gunsmith), 175 Jones, Isaac (mayor of Philadelphia), 397 Joseph (Indian), information given by, 480 Juniata, petition of inhabitants to Lieut. Gov. Penn, 270 Justices, in Mohawk country, ob noxious, suggested removal, 123; appointment, 124, 126; list of names for, 125,498; John Macomb recommended, 129; list of, pre sented by Albany members, 129; opinion for guidance of, requested, Kain, (Kane), John, 482, 484 Kaller, Jacob, letter from, no Kalrn, Prof. Peter, letter introducing, 20 ; letters from, 24 Kanadasaga, see Canadasaga Kanaghquiesa (Knaghquiesa), Oneida chief, speeches, 74, 75 Kane, John, see Kain, John Kanestio, see Canestio Kaontawaueh, recommendation to, 458 Karaghijagiya (Onondaga Indian), meeting with, 165 Karman & Walter, 426 Karne (Carren). Johannes, 475 6io NEW YORK STATE LIBRARY Kaskaskias, letter from, 329; meet ing at, 327 Kass, George, 105 Katt Kills, see Catskill Kaunaundasageah (Kaunaudasage), see Canadasaga Kaun au Wau Roharie, see Canowa- roghare Kayaderosseras, claim of people at, 373; spring at, 493 Kayaderosseras (Cayaderossara, Cay- aderrasera, Cayoderoseras, Coyade- roseras, Kaiadarusseras, Kaiaderos- seras, Kanyaderosseras, Kayada- rasseras, Kayadarussarus, Kay- adarusseras, Kayaderoceras, Kay- aderoceros, Kayaderosseres, Kaya- derosses, Kayaderossres, Kayade- ross's, Kayaderrusera, Kayoderas- seras, Kayoderosseras, Kayoderos- serus, Kayodorosseres, Kiaderuse- rus, Kyaderossara) patent, wrongly obtained, 127, 181; complaints of Mohawks concerning, 143, 237; history of, 188, 209, 243; John son's enemies charge that his pat ent includes part of, 193, 205; boundaries, 209, 262, 422; attor ney general's opinion requested, 222; message to assembly con cerning vacating, 239; ill conse quences of, 239, 258; Johnson refutes arguments used to sustain, 243; Abraham's speech on, 244; probable result of vacating, 247; receipt of copy by Johnson, 248; trespassers on, 257; letter for Council relative to, 257; laid be fore the Plantation Board, 259; proceedings of Council in regard to, 259, 260; consequences that would follow failure to annul, 259; measures to be taken for vacating, 259, 261; insinuations of people interested in, 260 ;failure of proceed ings against, 262; Johnson's belief that it will not be righted by com mon law, 266; Iroquois take up grievance of Mohawks, 268, 269; remonstrance against the delay of justice, 270; information concern ing, to be laid before attorney- general, 272; information secured against, 275; meeting of propri etors at Brocks, 276; patentees offer to surrender west part to Indians, 277, 286, 289, 306, 312; opinion of Kempe as to validity of, 280; acceptance of terms- offered by patentees recommended to Indians, 282; discrepancies in records explained, 282; conference with Mohawks for settlement of, 284, 360; difficulty of inducing Mohawks to relinquish claim to,. 306; terms of settlement, 306, 312, 324; unwise for Peter Remsen to- buy interest in, 307; failure of patentees to accommodate dis pute, 316; sentiments of propri etors, 317, 352, 367, 369; obstacles to settlement of dispute, 324; ways of settling dispute consid ered by attorney general, 325 ; statement of case of Mohawks, 329; land purchase north of, 3.577 letters relating to settlement, 356; answer of Mohawks to offer of patentees, 386; prospect of settle ment, 386; Remsen authorized to- settle dispute, 391, 396; governor's position on, 394 ; Sir Henry Moore's observations on, 396; sale by In dians of intervening lands, 3 96; set tlement of dispute, 399-401 ; men tioned, 226, 230, 260, 284, 289, 335,. 366,371,373,379,382,391,397,402- Kayandegaro, see Kindarunty Kayashuta (Kayaghshota), 514, 528- Kayastoto, 511 Kees, John, lieui., letter from, 212; return from Aughquaga, 217 Keiuser, C., see Kreuser, C. Keller, Caspar, 202 Kellogg, Joseph, 40 Kellogg, Martin, letter from, 26 Kelly, , 34 Kelly,. , capt., 394, 456 Kelly, John, letters from, 254, 313;. recommended as clerk, 313 INDEX TO SIR WILLIAM JOHNSON MANUSCRIPTS 611 Kelly, John, Watherhead marries daughter of, 349; estate, 361 Kelly, William, letters from, 77, 80, 8r, 100, 121, 124, 150, 170, 379, 396, 460 ; letters to, 78, 92, 94, 122, 128, 381, 470; invoice of goods, 80; accounts with Johnson, 97 ; articles for Johnson shipped by, 170; Lieut. Francis recommended to, 190; partnership with Abraham Lott, 465 ; ambition to be agent of - the colony, 468, 470 Kelly, sec also Golden & Kelly Kemble (Kimble), Samuel, capt., let ters from, 435, 437: letter to, 435; grounding of ship, 460 ; mentioned, 473 Kempe, John Tabor, attorney gen eral, letters from, 145, 156, 159, 168, 169, 226, 235, 258, 261, 280, 28 5- 3'3. 3i7> 3 2 5. 348, 372, 387, 413, 416, 423, 432; letters to, 154, 158, 160, 169, 222, 260, 282, 290, 3 l6 . 33 8 - 35i- 374, 417. 433 435; prosecutions for fraudulent land transactions, 131, 262; petition for redress in land affairs, 342, 359; visit to England, 371, 373; Lord Hillsborough's politeness to, 393 ; land grant to his wife, 413 ; service which Johnson can render in a matter of lands, 433 ; to take charge of lawsuit, 505; mentioned, 361, 390, 464, 516 Kenerick, , 146 Kennady, William, 161 Kennedy, Archibald, 33 Kennedy & Lyle, letters from, 112, 113, 143; accounts, 502; men tioned, 140 Kente, trade at, 317 Keppel, Augustus, admiral, 31 Kessedy, Edward, 470 Keyser, , 135 Keyser (Keuiser, Keyzer), C., see Kreuser, C. Kickapoos (Kickapous), Croghan's adventure with, 280; purpose of, 451; seizure of white msn, 502; failure of Iroquois deputies *o meet at Scioto, 509 Kilby, Christopher, 361 Killbuck, 260 Kimble, Samuel, see Kemble, Samuel Kindarunty (Kayandegaro, Kinda- runti, Kinderunta, Kinderunty), speech, 75; returns with Cherokee prisoners, 134; good sense, 144; death, 149 Kinderhook, sketch of patent of, 443 ; growth of, 447; list of inhabitants on west side of river, 447 ; division of district, 502; letters from, 419, 420, 427, 432, 440, 443, 444, 446, 447, 452, 454, 457, 484, 485, 502, 57> 527, S3 1 - 534, 535- See also Militia, Kinderhook King, , capt., death, 52 King, Thomas (Oneida chief), am bitions, 151; letter sent by, 206; success of war party against Dela- wares, 211; accompanies Capt. Morris on expedition to Illinois, 236; testimony at court of in quiry, 239; payment of, 250; in timidation by Pontiac, 256; jour ney to southern tribes, 477, 482; conference with Indians, 479; character, 482 ; efforts to call council at Scioto plains, 488; words to western nations, 493 ; mission, 497; death of, 500 King, Yockem Albright, see Gienke, Jochim Albrecht Kingsborough, meeting of Six Na tions at, 136; patent said to in clude part of Kayaderosseras grant, 193; military companies at, 537; letter from, 336 Kings Bridge, letters from, 259, 297, 439 Kingsland, Mohawks request co operation of people of, 536. See also Indian conferences; Royal grant Kingston, petition of corporation to Johnson concerning Indians, 73 ; letters from, 317, 505, 525. See also Indian conferences 6l2 NEW YORK STATE LIBRARY Kingwaurauto, 478 Kinkead, Crownidge, 441 Kinneer, James, letter from, 41 Kinsale (ship) , 1 1 Kiokani (Indian), 519 Kipimisaming, speech, 119 Kirtland (Kirkland, Krisland, Thris- land), Rev. Samuel, letters from, 256, 273, 299, 301, 308, 425; letter to, 491; desires to learn Mohawk and Seneca languages, 121, 241; recommendation for, requested of Johnson, 265; interprets warning from Indians, 273; Oneidas' dis pleasure at, 485 ; extracts from journal, 491 ; asked to exert peace ful influence among Oneidas, 536; mentioned, 260, 332, 491 494, 535. 537 Kissam, Benjamin, letters from, 277, 312, 324, 356, 366, 369, 391; let ters to, 306, 324, 360, 386 Kiyogas, see Cayugas Klauw, Francis, captain in Albany battalion, 200 Klauw, George, second lieutenant in Albany battalion, 199 Klebsattel, Andreas, 87 Klein (Klyne). Michael, 455, 471 Klein (Clin), Philip Heinrich, 102, 105 Klock (Clock), Conrad, 361 Klock (Clock), George (Urie, Ury), fraudulent designs, 29, 158; land transactions, 30, 108, 109, 115, 123, 124, 126, 129, 130, 136, 341, 362 ; Colden's suspicions concern ing license obtained by, 107; Mrs Magin warns Johnson against, 108 ; 'evidence concerning his meth od of obtaining deeds from In dians, 123, 124, 155; treatment of Rev. John Casper Lappius, 123, 196; origin of title obtained from Livingston, 125; excluded from interest in certain lands, 126; charges against, brought before Council, 127-30; pernicious in fluence, 128, machinations to strengthen land title, 129; reso lutions of Council against, 13134; papers read in Council in behalf of, 131; trial of, 131, 133, 156, 171; ejectment suit against ten ants on Canajoharie lands, 135; can be prosecuted, 135; should produce a paper in his possession, 159; rights to land denied by In dians, 161; charges against, 165, 168, 423; evidence required to convict, 169; papers relating to, 171; method of persuading Indi ans to sign away land, 172; In dians of, misbehavior, 173; fine against son of, 177 ; obtains sig natures to petition against certain officers, 177, 202; Indian inter ference with land survey instigated by, 186, 190; character of petition procured by, 196; dealings with Indians, charges and statements bearing on, 197 ; scheme for taking Indians to England, 203, 248. 525, 530; accounts, 249, 251; asper sions regarding Johnson's survey about Canajoharie, 252; arrange ment for release of patent of, 257 ; attorney general's bill for defend ing claims of Indians, 258, 260, 262; suit with Duncan, 283, 332, 349; efforts to obtain possession of Johnson's tract at Canajoharie, 314; invalid deed obtained from Oneida Indians, 333 ; refusal to join in releasing part of the Liv ingston patent, 345, 416, 417; dispute with associates in land purchase, 507; Canajoharies ask redress against, 507; means of righting Canajoharies in dispute with, 515; persuaded an Indian to present a paper to the King, 534; mentioned, 170, 330, 374, 397, 402, 525, 534. See also Liv ingston (Philip) patent Klock (Clock), Jacob, capt., letters from, 176, 177; letter to, 537; witness to declaration of Cana joharie Indians regarding land patent, 153; declaration of, re- INDEX TO SIR WILLIAM JOHNSON MANUSCRIPTS 6i 3 garding George Klock's land trans actions, 155; list of his company, 174; charges of severity toward company, 177; affidavits dis claiming knowledge of contents of petition against, 202, 203; mentioned, 172 Klock, Johan Joost, deposition of, "4jj Klock, Ury, see Klock, George Kneckerbacker, Harmen, capt., letter from, 324 Kneller, Henry, 468 Knowles, Sir Charles, admiral, gov ernor of Louisburg, order for dis banding troops, 1 5 ; enters Rus sian service, 474 Knox, John, 196 Knox, John, capt., Campaigns in North America, 482 Knox, Joseph, letter from, 201; draft on Johnson, 209 Koch (Kock), Casper (Gaspar), 442 Koch (Cuck), George, letter from, 521; petition concerning a teacher in New Philadelphia, 466 Koch, Mathew, see Kough, Mathew Koch, Rudolph, 442 Koose (Cous, Kose), Frederick, 442, 475 Kortz, Frederick, capt., company, 358 Kough (Cook), Mathew, 475 Krems, Peter, letter from, 361 Kreuser (Cryzer, Keiuser, Keyser, Kreiser, Kriuuser), C., letters from, 496, 497; arrival from Germany, 244; trade, 493, 495, 521; success with Indians, 494. See also Wade & Kreuser Ki island, Samuel, see Kirtland, Samuel Kriuuser, C., see Kreuser, C. Kuhn, Adam Simon, 320, 321 La Baye, nations at, 174; inter preter at, 283; commissary, 300; Grant's claim to a monopoly of trade about, 298, 301, 305, 312, 3i5. 33L 333 La Beuf, see Le Boeuf Labute, Pierre (possibly same as Pierre Chesne), 262, 369, 398 La Chauvignerie, Marie de, see Paran, Marie de Lachovignerie Lachine, letters from, 317, 432, 451, 452, 466, 468, 506, 521 La Claire, behavior of savages at commended, 223 La Corne St Luc, , Chevalier de, death, 128 La Corne St Luc, Luc de Chapt de, letters from, 128, 147; letters to, 19, 134, 149; return from New York, 106; coming trial, 342; misrepresentation, 398; draft in favor of, 434; difference with Okeawess, 469 ; inflammatory words of, 504 ; treacherous work among Indians, 508; departure, 521; mentioned, 109, 112, 138, 59 Lacquis, William (Indian), 77 La Force (Ottawa chief), losses by fire, 372; speech, 400 La Forge, - - (interpreter), Mis- sisagas request that he be allowed to trade with their village, 181 La Franboist, Antoine, 326 La Galette, sec Oswegatchie La Grandeur, Marianne, 253 Lagranse, Conrat (Cornrat), 171 Laird, see Bunyan, Turner & Laird La Jonquiere, Marquis de, 2 1 Lake, Robert, see Leake, Robert Lake Canunda, Johnson's license to buy lands around, 25 Lake Champlain, mines on an island of, 236; Freidenberg's lease of land on, 322; mail road by way of, 470 Lake Erie, French military prepara tions about, 29 Lake George, forts at, 45, 48-50, 53-55, 57, 60-64, 66; battle of, 48-50, 68; renaming, 48; French preparations for deserting, 99; settlement on, 115; lands around, 123 ; purchase of lands about, 479; campaign, letter concerning, 522. 6i 4 NEW YORK STATE LIBRARY See also Crown Point Expedition; Fort Edward; Fort William Henry Lake Huron, shipping and naviga tion on, ii 8; letter from com mending behavior of savages, 223 ; proposed commercial route be tween Toronto and, 345 Lake Indians, trouble with Missis sippi tribes, 521 Lake Michigan, shipping and navi gation, 118 Lake of the Two Mountains, party of soldiers sent to Indians of, 368 Lake Ontario, importance of con trolling, 100 Lake St Clair (Lac de la Claire), 223 Lake Superior, shipping and navi gation, 118; mines: petition for grant of copper mines near, 386, 393; minutes of meetings of petitioners, 395; Bostwick appointed agent, 395; letter from Claus, 399* pro ceedings at London, 404; opinion of Gage, 406; letters from Bost wick, 410, 417-19; letters from Johnson, 410-12, 422, 466; quality of ore, 411, 417; English miners to go to, 418; company, offer of share in to Croghan, 4 19; location of mines, 422; speeches to In dians and their replies, 428; con ference of chiefs with Bostwick, 1769, 430; expenses of opening, 444; letters from Baxter, 463, 467, 486; Johnson declines stock in mining company, 466 Lamai, Theophile, see Lemai, Theo- phile Lamb, Anthony, letters from, 157, 166 Lamb, John, letters from, 498, 499, 515; bill to Adems, 43 7 ; distress, 499; payments to, 500; men tioned, 499, 500 Lamb, Samuel, 85 La Naudiere, ,492 Lancaster, treaty, 146, 148, 149; letters from, 92, 93, 205, 294. Sec also Indian conferences Lancaster county, Pa., massacre of Indians at, 194, 197, 205, 385 ; letters from, 320, 321 Landri, Glode, 349 Lands, transactions, 28-30, 106, in, 114, 257, 260, 263, 338, 339, 348, 375) 3^o; new rules to govern taking up of, 28; claimed by French, 30; unjustly taken from Indians, purpose of Crown min isters to restore, 30; instructions to Sir Charles Hardy relative to grants, 3 2 ; letter from John Pownall concerning patents, 55; adverse report on proposal of Thomas Penn to grant to officers and soldiers, 71; need of provin cial legislation to annul unjust patents, 73 ; act of Rhode Island Assembly repealing laws restrict ing Indians from disposing of their lands, 99 ; petitions for license to buy Indian lands, 100; warning from Banyar of contro versy over claims, no; vindica tion of Crown interest in patents, 115; Amherst's purpose to pro tect Indian rights, 116; frauds, investigation, 125; royal instruc tions of 1761 concerning, 127, 128, 132, 134, 135; opposition of In dians to grants, 130, 133, 134; surreptitiously obtained of Indi ans, proclamation to remove occu pants from, 132; difficulty of defending rightful Indian title against patentees, 145; Indian deeds. 158; formerly held by Iroquois, 188; royal proclamation of 1763 concerning, 193, 195, 201, 202, 531; attitude of "land job bers" in New York, 206; meet ings of Indians for discussing management of, 219; taxation, 228, 263; regulations to govern purchase, 230; ceded by western Indians for maintenance of forts, 232; trespassers on, 233; granted to Francis Harrison and others, 241; re:ommendation by Golden INDEX TO SIR WILLIAM JOHNSON MANUSCRIPTS 6i-5 337. 343-46, 356, 400; letters to, 127, 130, 209; Michael Byrne asks letter to, 183 ; land purchase, 209, 212; reply to invidious com ments, 210; executor of Marsh's will, 229; difference with Aylmer, 348 ; boundaries of lands petitioned for by, 435 > petition for land, 444 ; mentioned, 353, 419, 513 Lean, John, 527 Leaver, John, see Seaver, John Lebanon, letters from, 143, 144, 157, 241, 260, 265, 288, 317, 404. See also School for Indians Le Boeuf (La Beuf), fall of, 176 Le Charme, see Du Charme Le Due, Pier, 272 Lee, Dr Arthur, 480 Lee, Charles, Ueut. col., 204, 247 Lee, Jonathan, 485 Lee, Thomas, col., death, 25; praise of, a 5) Ml to >!., Lee, William, capt., 354, 359 Lefferts (Leffarts), Dirck, letter from, 504; boundaries of lands petitioned for by, 435 ; mentioned, 508 Lefferty, Bryan, letter from, 513; character and prospects, 517; to succeed Blagge, 524, 526; John son's letter in behalf of, 527 Le Force, see La Force Legge (Legg), Francis, capt., 349 Legget, , 414 Le Grange, John Jacob, ensign in Albany battalion, 199 Le Grange, Omia Jacob, first lieu tenant in Albany battalion, 199 Le Hunte, George, capt., maf., 201, 238 Leip, Casper (Kasper), 23 Lemai (Lamai, Leme), Theophile (smith at Detroit), 262, 330, 350 | Lentz, , 147 j Lent/, Frederick Sigismund, letter from, 215; bill to William Darling ton, 223 Leslye (Laslye, Lassley, Lassly, Les ley, Leslie, Lesly, Lessly), William r Ueut., letter from, 148; arrival at Montreal, 174; account of fall of Michilimackinac, 174, 176; de parture for Albany, 176; certifi cate, 180, 214, 243, 245, 268, 464 Lestock, Richard, vice admiral, 12 L'evesque, F's, letter from, 263 Levine' (Lavine), Dr John, letters from, 405, 435, 437; condition of, 430 Levinston, John, see Livingston, John Levy, Levy Andrew, 324 Levy, Trent & Co., letter from, 251 Lewes, , capt., 24 Lewis (Indian), commended, 516 Lewis, Andrew, col., letter from, 398; letter to, 399 Liberty (sloop), 430 INDEX TO SIR WILLIAM JOHNSON MANUSCRIPTS Liebenrood, John Georg, letters from, 213, 254; letters to, 27 Liddeas, see Lydius Lignery (De Lignerie, Desligneris), de, 19, 20 Ligonier, , 324 Limes, Christopher, capt., 455 Lindesay (Lindsay), John, lieut., capt., letters from, 13, 24; letter to, 1 8 ; petition of widow, 2 7 Lindesay, Penelope, affidavit that she is the widow of John Lindesay, 27 Lindner, , 174 Linscom, John, 57 Liotard, John, 277 Lippitt, Joseph, 242 Liquor, traffic with Indians, 9, 17, 2 39. 3oo 39 2 . 465, 470. 474, 493; Johnson's request for law against sale, 33 ; proclamation by Johnson relating to, 34; law, 37, 252, 477; .allowance of rum, 43, 49; license to sell, Johnson's orders, 43 ; letter to mayor of Albany concerning, 44; sale forbidden by council of war, 48; imprisonment for selling, 48; persons unjustly fined and imprisoned, 79 ; complaints against Herchheimer, 83 ; proceedings .against persons selling, 83 ; restric tion of sale to Indians, 84, 86, 95, 117, 131, 137; Indians complain concerning, 86, 117, 303, 321; Johnson requests protection for Cherokees, 90 ; action by Pennsyl vania government, 107; Sauteurs reproached for selling peltry for rum, 119; letter from Amherst on, 123; Johnson's reply to Am herst, 123 ; disposition to be made of unsold rum at posts, 125; traders petition for relaxation on rder prohibiting sale, 130 ; undue advantage given to traders, 130; conveyance to frontier posts, 132; rum put in store, 133; difficulty of preventing traffic by military force, 143; Indians call on John son to stop sale, 161; orders for stopping, 212; sale in Canada pro hibited, 218; Johnson suggests that Indians buy rum and shorten their days as they like, 222; In dians ask for relaxation of regu lations, 230; sale by widow Magin, 243 ; regulations concern ing care and sale, 253 ; Jost Herch- heimer's account of, 314* Miamis' complaints, 359; ordinances to be enforced. 368; effect of sale on fur trade, 371; duty on, 378, 425; petitions concerning sending rum farther than Niagara, 440; diffi culties in regulating, 481; at Detroit, 116, 330, 371, 377, 378; at Fort Williams, 18; at German Flats, 141, 142 ; at Michil- imackinac, 370, 510; in Montreal, 261; at Mount Johnson, 14; at Quebec, 385; at Toronto, 137, 154, 155 Lispenard (Lispinard), , 510 Litchfield, John, lieut., elopement, 447 Litell, David, 379 Little Falls, lands, 533 ; attack near, 537 Little Niagara, see Niagara Little Peter (Indian chief), letter from, 443 Livingston, , 97 Livingston, Gilbert, col., 9 Livingston (Levinston), John, 281 Livingston, Peter Robert, 475, 485 Livingston, Peter Van Brugh, 88, 476, 537 Livingston, Philip, letter from, 9; death, 20; mentioned, 396. See also next entry Livingston (Philip) patent, Klock's title obtained from, 125; evidence regarding Collins 's survey, 125, 155; ejectment suit against ten ants, 128, 135, 169; fraudulent purchase will be laid before Lords of Trade, 128-29; Canajoharie Indians complain of frauds, 131, 181.328; prosecution by attorney general ordered, 131; proposed 6i8 NEW YORK STATE LIBRARY investigation by governor and Council, 149, 15052, 156,159, 160; Indians wronged by, may recover lands by force, 150; testimony of Canajoharie Indians relative to, 150, 152, 153, 160; testimony of Jacob Forbes regarding declara tion of Canajoharie Indians, 155; bad faith in carrying out agree ment concerning, 324; lands of Canajoharie Indians affected by, 514. See also Klock, George Livingston, Philip, 2d (son of above), summons issued by, 9; gift of land to certain persons, no; talk with Wetherhead, 351; candidate for assembly, 386; dismissal from the assembly, 424; mentioned, 121, 417 Livingston, Philip, jr (secretary to Gov. Moore), letters to, 415, 422; commissions received from, 419, 422 Livingston, Robert (3rd lord of the manor), letter from, 88; suit brought by, 516; mentioned, 1 7 Livingston, Judge Robert R., ex pected rejection of, 474; speech, 477'. opposition to ;> 514; men tioned, 474, 477 Livingston, William (Billy), lands 136 Livingston manor, 109, 380, 477 Livingstonian party, struggle with DeLancey party, 413 Lloyd, Robert, 395 Lockman, Leonard, letter from, 1 8 Loftus, Arthur, maj., expedition up the Mississippi, 206, 228 Logan, William, 81, 84 London, contest of mayor and alder men with House of Commons, 485 ; news, 518 London, Bishop of, communications from, 487 London (ship), 462 Loney (Looney), John, letter from, 425; accounts with Johnson, 421, 474; mentioned, 442 Long, John, 477 Long, see also Shaw & Long Long Coat (Indian), 252, 265 Longeuil, Capt. Claus's company at, 138 Loonenburgh, letter from, 453 Lord, Hugh, capt., letter from, 521; opposition to sale of lands, 521, 524 Lord, Philip, 55 Lorette, suffering of Indians of, 411; Hurons of, dispute with Jesuits concerning land, 522 Lorimier, , Chevalier, letter from, 317; son of, 317; efforts to obtain restitution for robbery of, S 2 4 Loring, , commodore, 179 Lott, Abraham, letters from, 465, 468; letter to, 470; clerk of the assembly, 136; bill of sale to Peter Remsen for two negroes, 437; certificates to von Bever- houdt for duty on slave, 437; partnership with Kelly, 460, 465; mentioned, 490 Lotteradge, John, see Lott ridge, John Lotteries, scheme of James Riving- ton, 270; for raising money for Nimham, 282; to raise money for Church of England, 505 Lottridge (Lotoridge, Lotteradge, Lotteridge), John, capt., letters from, 100, 102, 103, 113, 128, 132, I 47> J 53 J 62, 176, 178; letter to, 96; commission as captain in In dian service, 96; Canadian news sent by, 103 ; testimony regarding Indian trade, 103; fears for safety of, 106 ; trip to Albany, 109 ; money transactions, 163, 177, 323; disappearance of, 186; supposed to be drowned, 19092, 322; ac counts against estate of, 203, 213, 221, 233; condolence by Caghna- wagas for, 220; Johnson's instruc tions to, 1759, 323; mentioned, 134, 135, 163, 207, 241 Lottridge (Lotteridge), Thomas, letter from, 323; money transactions, 232, 233, 323; mentioned, 241 INDEX TO SIR WILLIAM JOHNSON MANUSCRIPTS 619 Loucket, Abraham, 61 Loudoun, Lord, gen., letters from, 81, 83, 84, 89, 91 ; letter to, 91 ; appoint ment as commander in chief, 76; English advices as to, 77; interview with Peter Wraxall, 81 ; warrant for payments to Johnson, 85 ; billeting soldiers in New York, 86; east ward expedition, 87; hostile senti ment toward Six Nations, 90; recalled, 93; mentioned, 83, 88, 89 Louis 15, alleged speech to Five Nations, 525 Louisburg (Louisbourg, Louisburgh), arrival of a fleet at, 14; French fleet at, 41; condition of, 45; Admiral Boscawen to command expedition, 93; report of taking of, 96 Louisiana (Louisainia, Luisania), Amherst to invade, 130; ex changed by France for a Spanish settlement, 206; mentioned, 130 Louisiana, governor of, letters inter cepted, 89; designs of, 90 Loups d'Orange, see Stockbridge Indians Love, Robert, 305 Low, Isaac, letters from, 378, 401, 498, 499, 501; letters to, 449, 499; illness, 173; son in law of Cornelis Cuyler, 173; recommended for management of Sir William's New York business, 382 ; to assist Rem- sen in settling Kayaderosseras dis pute, 396; land, transactions, 435, 490, 501; differences with John Glen over land, 502; mentioned, 280, 382, 508 Lowrey, Alexander, letter from, 251 Lowth (Louth), Robert, bishop of Oxford, 485, 491, 492, 494, 511 Luke, John, Capt., letter from, 239; note regarding arrival of Indians at Fort Stanwix, 234 Lukens, John (surveyor general of Penn.), letter from, 276 Lunenburg (Luneburg), Nova Scotia, inhabitants of, address to Sir John Johnson, 539 Lupton, William, letter from, 391 Lutheran church, agreement with Reformed church regarding par sonage, 127; petition to Johnson regarding possession of lands, 391 ; certain communicants in New York church, 419; at Stone Arabia, 482, 483; minister, 487, 489 Lydius (Liddeas), , 122 Lydius, Genevieve, letter from, 23 Lydius (Lydias), John Henry, maj., col., letters from, 12-14, 16, 17, 19, 21, 22; letters to, 14, 19; diversion of Mohawk strength to New Eng land, 13; Johnson objects to his connection with Indian affairs, 15; asked to arbitrate boundary dis pute, 27; attempt to persuade Indians to go to Niagara, 38; memorandum of transactions at the Mohawks' castle, 40; memo randum of transactions at Mount Johnson, 40 ; efforts to enlist Indians, 43 ; behavior at the Mohawk castle, 43 ; efforts to pre vent Indians from joining John son, 47; fraudulent land purchase, 135: intrusion on Crown lands, 136; witnesses for trial of, 169; proposes to go to England, in behalf of land claims, 203 ; activity of son in support of claim, 208; purchase made at Albany 1754, 428; mentioned, 33 Lyle, Abraham, letters from, 167, 168, 2jo, 288, 289, 305, 322; money transactions, 205, 285 Lyle & Kennedy, see Kennedy & Lyle Lyman, Elihu, letter to, 46; account of Connecticut commissary and other stores, 39 Lyman, Phineas, maj. gen., letters to, 39, 43, 47, 56, 59, 62, 68; arrival at Albany, 38; instructions to, 40, 47; advance of force under, 45; advice from, 47; answer to mes sage from, 50; suggested as com mander of attack on Ticonderoga, 620 NEW YORK STATE LIBRARY 52; quarrel with Capt. Eyre, 54; opposition to fort at Lake George, 60; newspaper flattery of, 386; mentioned, 59, 61 Lyme, Conn., letter from, 335 Lyne, John, capt., letters from, n, 501 ; mention, 106 Lyne, Matthew, letters from, 295, 297, 417; letter to, 416; recom mended for town clerk, 245 Lyon, William, 312 Lys (ship), capture of, 39 Lyttleton (Littleton), Lord, History of Henry 2, 425, 461 McAdam, William, letters from, 380, 464,^481, 515, 519, 523; money transactions, 399, 486 McAlpin, Daniel, lieut., 377 McCarty, William, 334 McClay, , 412, 414 McClellan, Colin, 533 McCloud, Normand, see McLeod, Norman d McCluer, Alexander, 87 McClure, Charles, 266 McClure, John, 267 McCoard (McCord), James, letters from, 179, 180; imprisonment for debt, 1 66; attempt to leave in clandestine manner, 167 McColm. Dr John, letter introducing, 98 McComb, John, see Macomb, John McCoy, Robert, 323 McCracken, William, letters from. 152, 202; recommended for sheriff, 142 McCracken, sec also Crofton, Howard & McCracken McCrea, , 401 McCrea, John, 485 McCully, Robert, 299 McCurdy, -, 482 McDonald, , lieut., 207 McDonald, , capt., (skipper), 284 MacDonald, James, letters from, 253, 277, 281, 285, 287; patent in Ulster county, 277; opposition to his patent, 281 McDonald, Michael, 501 ! MacDonell, Allan, letter from, 524 ! MacDougall, Alexander (the Ameri can Wilkes), imprisonment, 444, 445, 449'. Otis may plead for, 449 ; list of jurymen for trial of, 453 McDougall, Allan, letter from, 356; may take Van Schaack's place, 398; receipt by, 458; mentioned, 354, 3 6o > 3 62 McDougall (McDugal, McDugall), George, lieut., letter from, 247; capture of, 175; escape, 176; recommended for commissary, 300; dispute with Jehu Hay, 365: plan for getting French traders out of the Indian country, 404; money transactions, 259, 263, 293; men tioned, 306 McElhenney, Dennis, 306 McEvers (Mackivers), Charles, money transactions, 244, 409, 461, 488, 503, 525; difference with John Watts, 437; mentioned, 494 McFarlan, Andrew, letter from, 515 i McGann, Sergeant Hugh, 367 McGee, see McKee McGillivray, -, capt., 523 McGinn, Mrs - , see Magin, Mrs Sarah McGinn, , capt. (Teady Magin?), 20 McGinnis (Magin, Maginnis), William, capt., letter about, 44; death, 48; mentioned, 55, 60 McGraw, Christopher, 19 McGrigor, Donald, 464, 470 Mcll worth (Mack'h, Muckilworth), Thomas, letters from, 194, 220, 2 44, 333- 374; letters to, 195, 378; painting a portrait at Livingston Manor, 249; mentioned, 168, 245 Mackay (McKay), Alexander, gen., 424 Mackay, An's, 513 Mackay, Francis, letter from, 246 McKean (McKeen), Robert (Robart), capt., letters from, 199, 200, 217; willing to take captaincy, 156; monthly return of his company, 207 ; favorable report of company, 208 INDEX TO SIR WILLIAM JOHNSON MANUSCRIPTS 621 McKee (McGee), Alexander, letters from, 174, 330, 347, 369, 387, 412, 434, 445, 454, 458, 512, 514, 519. 5 2 i. 5 2 9. 53i. 533- 535: letters to, 191, 513, 528, 534; journal, 153, 493, 517; money transactions, 177, 182, 185, 186, 220, 225, 229, 232, 233, 236, 242, 260, 287, 295, 305, 306, 314, 321, 325, 330, 419, 465, 523, 524, 529, 531; character, 194; journal of Croghan in handwriting of, 381; discovery at Wyoming, 440 ; mis sion, 440; pay of, 465; qualified to succeed Croghan, 504; men tioned, 144, 434, 458, 480, 513 McKee (Magee), Thomas, capt., let ters from, 149, 171 194, 205; proposed appointment as assistant at Fort Augusta, 144; conference with Indians, 244; accounts, 255, 256, 285, 299, 306, 329, 331; con ciliatory efforts among Indians, 387; mentioned, 135, 168, 221, 223 Mackenzie, Alexander, 307 Mackinlay, Robert, letter from, 98 McKinley, John, 321 McKinney, David, letter from, 472 Mackivers, Charles, see McEvers, Charles McLean, Allan, capt., maf., court martial to try, 100; dispute with Capt. Johnson, 356 Macleane, Lauchlan, letter from, 395; letter to, 411; correspond ence on boundary, 391 McLean, Neil, lieut., letter from, 518 McLelland (McLeland), Colin, letter from, 123; affidavits regarding George Klock's land transactions, 155; receipt to Johnson, 453 MacLeod, John, letter to, 528 MacLeod (McCloud, MackLeod), Normand, capt., lieut., letters from, 300, 303, 306, 309, 319, 321, 322, 324-27, 329, 332, 337, 338, 342, 343. 349. 354, 3 6 8, 37 2 , 374, 375, 379- 383. 3 8 7> 399. 412-14, 424, 425, 437, 442, 443, 445, 446, 449> 465, 476, 502; letters to, 304, 323; return to Niagara for provisions, 1 1 8 ; account of goods received by, 317, 320; money transactions, 33, 334, 3 6 3, 3 66 > 3 68 > 433, 43 6 > 442 ; commissary appointments affecting, 352; intelligence fur nished by, 372; impartiality of, 373; orders to, 411; need of a house away from the commandant, 414: movements of, 460; cir cumstances of, 509 ; appointment as commandant at Fort Ontario, 528; mentioned, 119, 354, 432, 528 McLeod, William, capt., 516, 517 McMahon, Constantine, letter from, -, 485 242 McMaster, McMeen, James, 325 McMichael, George, 123 McMillan, , 400 McNamara, Charles, 325 McNeall (McNeal), Richard, letter j from, 336; mentioned, 345 I MacNeill, John, capt., letter from, 88 j McNutt, - , 150 I Macomb, Alexander, 317 ! Macomb (McComb,McCoumb), John, letters from, 158, 160, 163, 164 173, 180, 191, 192, 210, 213, 225, 246, 256, 263, 303, 499, SOT; recommended for justice of the peace, 129; qualifications for jus tice, 130; money transactions, 163, 210, 243; affairs, 256; mis fortune and good character, 258; mentioned, 149, 162, 163, 297 McQueen, , 492 McTavish, Jon., 277 Madden, Edward, lieut., 311 Maddin, , 134 Magee, see McKee Magin (McGin, McGinn, Maginnis), Mrs Sarah (widow of Teady), letter from, 108; letter to, 105; land purchase, 103, 106, 108, 109, in, 112, 115; payment by, 136; sell ing rum to Indians, 243 622 NEW YORK STATE LIBRARY Magin (Maginis), Teady, letters from, 14, 23; license to purchase land, 27; sale of land to, 106. See also McGinn Magin, William, see McGinnis, William Maginnis, Mrs , see Magin, Mrs Sarah Maglander, Daniel, letter from, 297 Magra, Dr Redmond, letter to, 65; strange behavior of, 383, 387 ; pre scription, 443 Mahicans (Mahicanders, Mihicanders, Mohiccoons, Mohickans, Mohick- ons, Mohicons, River Indians), reply to prayer of Indians at Paumittunnauseu for help, 16; removal to Mohawk country, 78; Johnson's speech, 80; speech to Johnson, 80, 94; restored to rank of men, 80 ; connec tion with French at Lake George, 89; visit to Fort Allen, 93; at Easton conference, 117; meet ings with Johnson, 118; grievance of, 484. See also Stockbridge Indians Mail, see Post Maimies, see Miamis Maine, J. C., letters from, 66, 67; letter concerning, 66 ; under ar rest, 68 Mair, Arthur, 190 Maisonville (Masonvill, Messonville, Misonville), , letters from, 377' 5 X 3 5 2 3 accompanies Cro- ghan, 289; accounts, 289, 372, 524; receipt to Cole, 326; infor mation given by, 360, 489, 502; commended, 363; gives informa tion relative to murder of traders, 3 6 9 Maitland, Richard, col., arrival at post, 238; McDonald's conversa tion with, 287; order relating to commissaries, 320; proposal, 490 Makutte Mingwa, confession to mur- f der of Pond, 519 Mallet, I. L., 539 Mallet John, 356 Mamakating (Mamacocting), Ulster co., letter from, 308 Mamies, see Miamis Man, Isaac, col., attempt to make officers take commissions in his regiment, 324; recommended for judge, 453 Manchester, Eng., riot due to sus pension of American trade, 423 Manila (Minillas), surrender to British arms, 170 Mann, George, letter from, 531 Manning, James, 5 1 1 Manors, privileges of, 431; bill re lating to, 479 Mansel, John, see Maunsell, John Mansfield, Lord, decline, 467 Manswell, John, see Maunsell, John Manufactures in America, outlook for, 258, 298; difficulty in estab lishing, 300; country not ready for, 385 Mapother, Patrick, capt., letter from, 2 35 Maps, of America, Evans's, 50; of two sites in attack of 1765, 50; sent by Frank Pfister, 133; of land grant to Francis Harrison, 241; of patents from Albany to Fort Bull, request for, 334; to be made by Alexander Golden, 336; Cockburne's, 349; of the country between Mohawk river and Nor mans kill showing number of men it would furnish to the militia, 383; of Adiquetange, 459; to be sent by Corn's Grant, 477; sent in charge of Prevost, 478; from Isaac Vrooman, 483 ; without names, 486 ; of Iroquois country, Col. Johnson's, 491, 492, 493; of Totten & Crossfield purchase, 498; of lands on north and west branches of Hudsons river, 498; letter of Jessup concerning, 508 March, , 423, 424 Margaret (Margrett, Margriet), daughter of Jannetye, an Indian squaw, 165, 172 Margarets, French, land at, 414 INDEX TO SIR WILLIAM JOHNSON MANUSCRIPTS Marine society of the city of New York, 510, 511 Markell, William, 405 Marlatt, John, letter from, 537 Marriage bill, 501 Marsac, , 254, 278, 280 Marschalk, Peter, 467 Marselis (Alarseiles, Marseilis), , capt., (skipper), 511, 513 Marselis, Ahasuerus (Asuwerus), 13 Marselis (Marsealus, Merselis), Ger- rit (Garret), capt., (skipper), goods sent by, 151, 167, 174, 178, 183, 224, 225, 229, 239; receipts, 167, 174, 1 86, 240, 245; good character, 198 Marselis, Gilbert, 70 Marselis, Guysbert, capt., (skipper), 141, 235, 263, 267, 278 Marselis (Marseiles), Henry, capt., (skipper), 493 Marsh, Witham, letters from, in, 113, 129, 146, 147, I49-5 1 . i57 158, 161, 163, 165-68, 170, 182, 184, 185, 191, 193, 199, 202, 205, 210, 213, 215, 226, 240, 244-46, 249; letters to, 159, 198; legal troubles, 122; Dr Shuckburgh wishes to buy Indian secretary ship, 132; sickness, 133; Thomas Mcllworth asks to purchase his clerkship, 220; receipt, 224; ap pointment of P. Silvester as deputy town clerk, etc.,226; will, 229, 254; memorandum suggesting appoint ment of a deputy secretary of Indian affairs, 238; death, 252; funeral, 252; list of effects, 252; Peter Silvester desires to succeed as clerk, 253; Shuckburgh recom mended as successor as secretary and Hansen as clerk of Albany, 253; Shuckburgh to succeed to secretaryship, 268; claim against estate, 274; Johnson renounces administration of estate, 276; suc cessor to secretaryship, 283 Marshall, Hubert, capt., col, letters from, 19, 20, 30, 32, 49; letters to, 37, 49 ; list of men under command of Lieut. Roseboom, 20; move ments of, 77 Marshall, Richard Arnold, 19 Martin, , 189 Martinique (Martinico), reduction of by British, 125, 126, 129-31* plunder from, 132 Marton, John, 236 Mary (ship), 161 Maryland, affairs, 29; lottery scheme to dispose of land in, 270; lawless behavior of frontiersmen, 278; extracts from minutes of commis sioners for running division line between Pennsylvania and Mary land, 335; boundary, 343, 35 1 354~56, 371. 376; Nanticokes' land in, 391, 395; house of dele gates, address to Gov. Sharpe, 395; action toward Lord Hillsborough's commands, 397; application of clergy for American bishop, 489; massacre of Indians in, 507 Mascoutins, Croghan's adventure with, 280 Mashpee, letter from, 99 Masonic lodge, letters relative to Johnson's becoming a master of, 305, 306; jewels and utensils for, 309; St Patrick's deputation for, 313; conditions which favor suc cess of masonry in Mohawk country, 316; suggestions for conduct of, 318; Albany, Union Lodge, cele bration of feast of vSt John, 337, 360; mentioned, 328, 356, 363 Massachusetts, payment of en gineers, 3 1 ; act relative to Niagara expedition, 33; allowance for ex penses of Indian service, 34; vote making appropriation in behalf of the Six Nations, 37; letters and messages to, 57 ; report in favor of prosecuting Crown Point expedi tion, 62; ministerial policy, 451 1 threat to take away charter, 467; constitution may be reformed, 468; boundary, 515, 517, 519, 5 2 * 624 NEW YORK STATE LIBRARY bill for changing charter, 532; address of provincial congress to that of New York, 536. See also Militia Massiggihash, speech, 422 Massy (Massey), Eyre, maf., lieut. col., letters from, 100, 266, 274, 311, 342, 345, 391 ; letters to, 266, 34i. 335- 353. 4o8, 520; capture of servant by Indians, 102 ; wounded, 130; arrival from Dub lin, 249; regard in which he is held at Johnson Hall, 266; worth and standing, 313; efforts to satisfy Indians, 321; order on for goods, 322; bill of exchange drawn by, 32 7; money transactions, 329, 446; marriage, 408, mentioned, 325 Masters, William, 84 Mather, Allen, 404 Mathews, Edmond, capt., maj., letter to, 36 ; arrival, lack of stores for his company, 34 ; troubles of, 79 ; mob bing of, 83 ; adjustment of diffi culty with Col. Bradstreet, 148 Mathews, R., lieut. col., letter from, 539 Maturin (Matterien), Gabriel, capt., letters from, 326, 341, 343, 359, 393 5 3; letters to, 353, 360; ac counts, 273, 293, 311, 326, 328, 334, 343. 352, 356, 359. 53. 54I mentioned, 262, 287, 399, 504 Maunsell (Maunsall), Mrs Elisabeth (wife of John), letter from, 310; letter to, 312; mention, 513 Maunsell (Manswell, Maunsall), John, caft., maf., lieut. col., 73, 221, 513 Maunt, , 248 Maxwell, James, 313 Maybe (Maybee), Cobus, trespasser on Indian lands, 233, 243, 248, 255, 283, 285, 341; order for removal from Indian lands, 345 ; fraudulent Indian deed, 357, 360 Maybee, Albert, 432 Mayer (Meyer, Mires), Jacob, peti tion of, 466; letter from, 521 Mayfield, letter from, 529; condition of, 529 Meanner (Meaner), John, receipts to> Alexander McKee, 185, 220. 242,. 260, 305, 330; bill of, 229 Meares, Thomas, 321 Mears, , capt., 161 Mehamie Indians, see Miamis Meiear, Heinrich, letter from, no Meier, Salamon, letter from, no Menards. - , qualified for inter preter, 226 Menominees (Fallavains, Fallesa- voines, Folles avoines, Folsa- voins, Menominays, Menominis r Menominys), 231, 327 374 Mentes, Jacob, 362 Mercer, , col., 530 Mercer & Ramsay, letters from, 254, 263, 266, 278; claim held by, for services of interpreter, 283, 302, 308- Merchants, see Traders Merckel, Henrich jr, 386, 473 Mercury (newspaper), 280 Merselis, Gerrit, see Marselis, Gerrit Mershe, , (counselor), 130 Messigger, Abraham, 123 Messonville, , see Maison- ville, Metcalf, , (a surveyor), 430 Metrall, , (Lewis de Mestral?)^ lieut,, 103 Meulen kill, 19 Meyer, Jacob, see Mayer, Jacob Miamis (Mames, Mamies, Mehamies, Tweetwees, Twightwees, Twight- wys) portage, expedition of Lieut. Button to, 107; friendly, 139", news brought by, 174; subscribe- to conditions of peace, 235; ill treatment of Capt. Morris, 239; Croghan's communications with, 261; prisoner's experience among, 265; French machinations among, 267, 341; speech to traders, 355; speech complaining that brandy has been brought to their village, 359; consent to have French traders removed, 496; hostilities- against Cherokees, 497 ; mentioned,. 273. See also Fort Miamis Michan, John, 366 INDEX TO SIR WILLIAM JOHNSON MANUSCRIPTS 625 Michigan (Mitchigan), Lake, ship ping and navigation, 118 Michilimackinac (Machilimackinac, Michilamacinak, Michilamacka- nak, Michilamackina, Michilimac- anac, Michilimachinac, Michili- macinac, Michilimackinak, Michili- macknai, Michilimak, Michilima- kana, Michilimakenac, Michilima- kinac, Michilimakinack, Michili- makinak, Michilim'c, Michilla- mackinac, Michillimackinac, Michillimakinac, Michillimakinak, Mishilimakinac, Misimilinaack, Missilimack, Missilimackinack, Missilimak'k,Missilim'k). departure of Maj. Rogers and Capt. Montour for, 107; Capt. Balfour's speech at, 128; fall of, 174, 176; proceed ings with Ottawas from, 176; re moval of French from, 201 ; to be reestablished, 215; messengers sent to, 226; hostilities about, 231; French intrigue, 277; behavior of commanding officer, 283; instruc tions for command of garrison, 297 ; appointment of Capt. Rogers, 298, 300, 320, 327; intended In dian attack on, 319; alarm at, 320; importance, 341, 342; question of having a garrison, 342 ; instructions to commissaries of Indian affairs, 350; trouble at, 363; commissary, 365, 375; commandant impeached, 366; proceedings of a court of in quiry, 367; affair between Rogers and Roberts, 368, 375; unwar ranted expenses, 369; commander to be removed, 370; imprisonment of Roberts, 370; Roberts petitions for release, 370; illegal rum traffic, 370; confusion of affairs at, 372; plan for government devised by commandant, 379; plan for erecting civil government, 383; speech of Le Force and Ottawa chiefs at, 400 ; journal of Indian transactions at, 417; duty on goods sold at, plan for, 425; affairs at, 428, 433, 469; appointment of Rogers to | manage Indian affairs, 508; seizure of rum, 510, 515 ; letters from, 119, 148, 221, 266, 268, 271-74, 280, 320, 327, 328, 344, 357, 365-68, 370, 37i. 374, 393. 400, 423, 428, 430, 433, 43 6 > 486, 504; trade at: 233, 276, 308, 331, 33 8 365. 378, 3 8 3; tosses of traders, 221; French traders, 275; letter to traders, 278; petition of traders, 279, 282; dissatisfaction with Capt. Howard, 284; infringe ments on regulations, 325; Maj. Rogers's liberality toward traders, 333> 3771 commandant's inter ference with, 382 See also Indian conferences Michilimackinac Indians, presents to, I 7 8 , 3 57; message to, 220; desire to make submission, 221 ; measures to prevent them from coming to Montreal, 222, 224, 225; depreda tions, 235; attempts to stir them up, 274; account of goods given and sent to, 329; account of losses from, 363 ; unfriendliness, 468, 469 Middlesex (Eng.), complaints of free holders, 465 Middleton, , of South Carolina, 489 ; visit to Niagara, 492 Middleton, Dr Peter, letters from, 62, 180, 313, 318, 407, 416, 489; letters to, 49, 316, 398, 411, 417; report of disabilities in New York regiment, 42, 46; disorderly con duct, 62 ; asks leave to defend himself or have new trial, 62 ; warrant for rehearing case of, 63 ; protest against ruling of court of inquiry, 64 Mifflin, John, Si Mihicanders, see Mahicans Militia, forces a~ ailable for defense of Albany and the Mohawks, 12; arrival of provincial troops at Albany, 1 2 ; troops to engage in reduction of Crown Point, 13 ; order for disbanding troops raised for expedition to Canada, 15; orders to troops guarding Albany, 626 NEW YORK STATE LIBRARY 17; soldiers' pay, 19, 57; legisla tion to authorize reviews, 23 ; matters relating to Crown Point expedition, 30-70; officers' pay, 32; diverting troops from Crown Point to Niagara, 36, 39; general orders for forces encamped at Albany, 1755, 38; memorandum of effective men in several regi ments, 40 ; letter to colonels of regi ments ordering rolls and weekly returns, 40; disobedience to or ders, 60, 77; resolve of assembly for discharging troops, 63 ; rank in projected campaign, 78; or ders to, for defense of Albany, 89; legislation required for dis cipline and training, 185; sug gested law for improvement of, 192; new regulations, 332; reor ganization of, 352, 354, 376, 381, 384, 385, 435, 438, 441, 444, 485 ; Albany county battalion and city: governor intends, to re- officer, 1 6; Johnson's commission as colonel, 17; returns, 21, 144, I 5o 357-59. 425; return of militia in camp near Fort Edward, 89 ; return of troops that marched with Johnson to German Flats, 93; officer's commissions, 39, 41, 89, 106, 112, 192, 195, 197, 199- 200, 202, 352, 391, 393, 412, 447; commissary arrangements, 43 ; di rections for calling out companies and promoting levees, 131 ; orders to lieutenant colonels for recruit ing, 132: officers censured, 142; John R. Hansen's company of volunteers, 198; commanded by Johnson, affairs of, 301, 388; scheme for forming several regi ments out of, 353, 357; names of officers proposed for new regi ments, 357,*39i, 393; scheme for forming militia west of Albany into six regiments, 381; map of country between the Mo hawk river and the Normans kill showing the number of men it would furnish to, 383; names of field officers of Johnson's regiment, 383; territory of, 391, 393; re turn of persons recommended for captains and subalterns in the regi ments for western part, 393 ; com missions received from Philip Livingston jr, 419, 422; oaths of officers, power to administer, 421; lack of returns from certain regi ments, 438; grenadiers: 187, 192; ap pointment of officers, 192; re quest for legal establishment, 237; plan for maintaining strength, 332; Capt. A. C. Cuyler's company, Albany, 187, 200, 297, 358, 506; Capt. John Duncan's company, Schenectady, 190, 199, 358; troops of light horse: 192; proposed organization of a regiment, 364; Capt. John Glen jr's troop, Schenectady, 187, 190, 224; Beverdam, inhabitants of pe tition for military company, 300 ; Canajoharie: Capt. Klock's company at German Flats, 174; Lieut. Van Alstein's company, 175; return of officers and men in Capt. Frey's company, 175; Cattskill: return of companies, 425; return of Capt. Dubois's company, 187, 358; Claverack: return of Capt. Johannis Van Hoesen's company, 358; return of Capt. Johannis Hogeboom's company, 358; resig nations from, 418; recommenda tions for captain, 421; irregu larities in commissions for regi ment, 427, 439, 441, 443; Golden advised to settle dispute, 444 ; list of persons recommended for offi cers, 450; review of dispute, 485; attempts of Col. Van Rensselaer and Schuyler to interfere with arrangements, 502 ; Van Rens selaer 's appointment as colonel, 506; Hogeboom continues to orders to, 506; INDEX TO SIR WILLIAM JOHNSON MANUSCRIPTS 627 Connecticut troops: resolve pro viding for company, 16; for west ern expedition, 1764, 211, 223, 225-27; in Crown Point expedition: 36-38; report of officer of guards, 39, 40; Col. Good- rich's regiment, 39, 43, 47; reinforcements, 45, 47, 50; allowance of, 46 ; letters to officers, 50, 55; at Albany, 51; justice to, 60; dismissal, 63, 65; mutiny, 65, 67; ex piring term of enlistment, 66 ; Coxsackie companies : return of, 425 ; list of men qualified to serve , as officers in regiment to be formed ' between the Manor of Rensselaer and the south bounds of Albany county, 448; list of officers who declined commissions in, 457; Dutchess county : reorganiza tion, 438, 444, 459; appointment of colonel requested, 509 ; East Camp: return of Capt. Kortz's company, 358; German Flats (Burnetsfield), return of Capt. Petry's company, 86, 358; return of persons chosen for officers of Col. Herchheimer's battalion, 392, 393; Kinderhook: return of Capt. Claevw jr's company, 358; return of Capt. Van Alen's company, 358; disputes with Van Rensselaer over commissions, 418-21, 427, 439-41, 443, J44, 484, 485, 502; petition of freeholders and inhabitants to Sir Henry Moore concerning com- | missions, 420; return of, 425; j proposed formation of a new regi ment, 443, 446; officers recom mended for new regiment under Col. Van Schaack, 445, 446, 457 ; alterations in list, 447; nomina tion of field officers approved, 445 ; letters from certain residents con cerning a new regiment, 446 ; names of officers who have de clined commissions, 457; list of officers submitted to the governor, 507; Johnson's intervention re quested to prevent Van Rensselaer from getting command, 507; ad dress of officers on character and services of Johnson, 535; Kings district, address of officers on character and services of Johnson, 535; Massachusetts; failure to send, troops, 1764, 21 1 ; in Crown Point expedition: 35~37> 39. 45. 50; Col. Moses Titcomb's regiment, 42, 44; letter to commanders of, 50; report of general court ac knowledging success of the army, 53 ; Col. Ruggles au thorized to detain troops, 54; rank in expedition, 57; rein forcements at Fort Edward, 58; reinforcements at Albany, orders to commander of, 63 ; refusal to serve longer, 67; New Canaan, 397, 446, 447; New England: encampment of troops, 3 7 ; companies desire to be separated from rest of regiment, 50 ; permitted to go home, 51 ; New Hampshire, in Crown Point expedition: 32, 34, 35, 39, 60; Col. Blanchard's regiment, 39, 45, 64; nonarrival, 44, 45*. supplies, 45. 46, 53; disposition to be made of, 48, 64; orders to supply with provisions, 51; journal of scouts, 52, 53; commended, 55, 64; orders for reinforcements at Albany, 60; dismissal, 62, 65 ; New Jersey: assembly's esti mate of expenses for Crown Point expedition, 31; troops, 68; New Lebanon, 446 ; New York provincials: list of sick in, 42, 46; weekly returns, 43; supplies for, 44; mutiny of party, 65; refusal to serve longer, 67; 1758, 93; 628 NEW YORK STATE LIBRARY Oquaga, return of men employed in Indian service, 218; rangers: 17, 89, 91, 220; cap tured at Crown Point, 102 ; for defense of Schoharie and Cherry Valley, 192; frontier companies, | 197; Capt. McKean's company, j 199, 207, 217; assembly resolution providing compensation for fron tier company, 218; Rensselaerswyck : return of Capt. Van Aernam's company, 358, 364; return of Lieut. Veeder's company, 358; return of Capt. Van Vran- ken's company, 358; return of Capt. Staat's company from the east side, 358; officers nominated from a company drafted from Staat's, 447; Rhode Island, in Crown Point expedition: 37; report of officer of guards, 39, 40, 47'. provisions and military stores, 39; list of sick in two companies, 40 ; Col. Harris's regiment, 42, 46, 47; Schenectady battalion and town : report of invalids in, 19; orders to officers, 29; officers' commissions, 30, 89, 197, 199, 200, 384, 393, 426; return of, at Fort Edward, 89; Mohawk river militia, 112; return of captains, lieutenants and en signs belonging to, 145; Capt. John Glen jr's troop of light horse, 187, 190, 224; Capt. John Dun can's company of grenadiers, 190, 199, 358; return of, 358-59; mem orandum of the number of men in each of the companies, 381; prep arations to receive the governor, 487; Schoharie : return of Capt. Stern - berger's company, 299, 3 58; recom mendations for his regiment, 391; return of officers, 395; Spencertown, officers recom mended for, 446, 447; Stone Arabia: Lieut. Deyger's company, 87; new company set off from Capt. Deyger's, 112; Capt. Deyger's company, 174, 184; Ulster county : reorganization r 438, 444; persons recommended for officers, 502. See also Army Mill kill (Meulen kill), 19 Miller, , lieut., 54 Miller, Aaron, 354 Miller, Ch., capt., 490 Miller, Daniel, 123 Miller, Finlay, 329 Miller, J., capt., 524 Miller, Jacob, 112, 113 Miller, John, 319 Miller, Richard, letters from, 23, 24,. 27 Miller, Stephen, 61 Miller, Thomas, capt., 465, 474 Mills, John, order on, for goods, 40 Mills, John, lieut., report on invalids in Schenectady detachment, 19 Miln, John, lands, 126, 127, 259, 439* Mines, on an island of Lake Cham- plain and on Aughquisasne creek, 236; in Johnson's neighborhood, 264; letters of Peter Vergereau concerning, 308, 338. See also Lake Superior Mingoes (five nations of Scioto Plains; Ohio Senecas), evil dispo sition, 129; articles of peace with Col. John Bradstreet, 1764, 232; reparation for injuries inflicted by on traders, 251; deputies, 274;. peace concluded with Johnson. 1765, 275, 276; sale of lands, 314; assemble about Fort Pitt, 43 1 ; meeting with other tribes, 1769, 440; measures for buying back from Ohio country, 518, 519- See also Ohio Indians Minichesne, see Chesne, Meni Minillas, see Manila Minisink, barbarities of Delawares and Shawanese at, 73 Minisink patent, 281 Minisinks, hostilities on account of land frauds, 95; captives held by 123 Minitowabe Indians, speech, 519 Minot, James, letter from, 68 Mires, Jacob, see Mayer, Jacob INDEX TO SIR WILLIAM JOHNSON MANUSCRIPTS 629 Misere, French intrigues at, 341 Misimilinaack, see Michilimackinac Misisqui. Indians at, anxiety over lands. 278; Abenaki of, land claim, 521 Misonville, , see Maisonville, Missionaries, 168, 188, 265, 317, 440, 466 ; journey into Mohawk coun try proposed, 157; purpose of Rev. Charles Jeffry Smith, 173; ad visability of Mr Bennet under taking work, 175; two men recom mended for, 260; beg for relief to Narragansett Indians, 270; to Abenaki, 371; compensation, 386; request that Indians be secured in possession of lands, 404; who oppose the Church of England, 411 ; at Schenectady, 416, 431, 531, 532; work, support of, 472; for Johnstown, 480, 505, 507, 510, 530; difficulty of extending the work, 487; credentials of David Jones, 511; New England : opposition to Fort Stanwix treaty, 408, 410; officiousness and misrepresenta tions of, 481; Johnson vindicates treatment of, 491 See also Jesuits and names of individuals Missionary Society, see New England Company; Society for the Prop agation of the Gospel in Foreign Parts Missisaugas (Massauga, Messesaga, Messesagaes, Messasagas, Messes- agas, Messisagoes, Missasagoes, Missasauges, Missassagaes, Mis- sesagaes, Missisagas, Missisages, Missisageys, Missisagoes, Mis- sisaques, Mississagaes, Mississagas, Mississageys), efforts to obtain news from, 104; meeting with Johnson, 116; requests, 116; in stigated to attack Detroit, 173; message of Caghnawagas to, 176; return of Caghnawagey deputies from, 176; friendly assurances, 176, 177; peace offers to Capt. William Dunbar, 178; conference at Montreal, 1763, 181; good behavior, 198; repentance, 228; pass for, 234; arrive at Detroit, 236; accept terms of peace, 236; submission to King of England, 238; dissatisfied, 248; expediency of selling ammunition to, 253; goods for, 322; account of sun dries furnished to, 325; presents to, 329 ; murder of Lieut. Sinclair's servant, 363; chiefs, conference at Niagara, 1767, 371; and Sen- ecas, jealousy between, 374, 383, 387; reconciliation with Senecas, 374; at Detroit, 427; killed by Ramsey, 504: contemplate ven geance, 505 Mississippi (Massasippe, Misisipi, Mis- isipia, Missisipi, Mississipi), re moval of regiments from Mon treal to, 109; boundary between English and French possessions^ 152; forts at, 159; French settle ments on, 306, 496; conference, scheme for, 40 5 ; Spanish and French activity at, 408; new government proposed for, 492; projected settlement on, 501 Mississippi (Mississipi) Indians, be havior under French influence, 434, 515; trouble with Lake Indians, 521 Mississippi trade, value to Great Britain, 342 ; means of diverting from New Orleans, 343 ; means of cutting off French trade, 344; manner of gaining, 347 Missouri river, Spaniards propose to erect forts at mouth of, 374 Mitchel (Mitchell), Abraham (of Mitchell, Dundas & Co.), accounts, 397 Mitchell, Thomas, letter from, 320; statement of losses by French and Indians, 321 Mitchim, John, 463 Moffatt (Moffat), Dr Thomas, letters from, 402, 406; letter to, 407 Moffit (Moffat), John, 150, 188, 376 630 NEW YORK STATE LIBRARY Mohawk castles, request for a com pany of soldiers at each, 22 ; forts at, 31, 34, 35; memorandum of Lydius's and John Fisher's doings at, 40. See also Canajoharie; Fort Hunter Mohawk country, protection of, 12, 74, 95 ; intention of French to attack, 16; exposed to attacks of enemy, 91; terror of inhabitants, 93 ; competition for landholdings, 107; justices of the peace, 125; suggestions for obtaining patents, 126; probable attack on settle ments, 183; fraudulent patents, 217; want of enterprise in, 257; condition of artisans, 260; surveys, 362 ; Hasenclever's colony in, 371 ; bought by Col. Vaughan, 381; rapid settlement of, 490 ; petition of freeholders and inhabitants con cerning the division of Albany county, 496 ; threatened by Guy Johnson, 537; letters from, 86, 262, 441. See also Militia Mohawk (Mahock) Flats, claimed by Mohawks and Albany, 124, 188, 379, 423, 514, 515, 532. See also Albany, lands; Fort Hunter Mohawk river, survey of lands on both sides of, 106, 107, 332, 334; instructions forbidding grants on 60,000 acre purchase, 129; map of land on north side of, 234, 241, 244; land purchase on north side of, 318, 331, 333; mistake in sur veying tract south of, 350; survey south of, 362; boundaries of tract south of, 382; proposed partition of tract north of, 384, 385 ; petition granted for lands north of, 419; Governor's purchase on, 508 Mohawks (Mohocks), efforts of Lydius to divert strength to New England, 13 ; not aided by militia, 1 7 ; temper of, described by John son, 17; children, educating and Christianizing, 2 1 ; to prevent pas sage of French Indian spies, 41; disinclination to return to Lake George, 51 ; mission of Ogilvie and Van Schaack to, 52; Ogilvie's re port on, 54 ; arrival at Lake George, 6 1 ; letter of chiefs to King George 2, 72; invitation from, to attend meeting of condolence, 74; meet ings with Sir William Johnson, 74, J63; fight with soldiers at Fort Hunter, 86; French design to de stroy, 8 7 ; premature retuni of, 91; provisions for, 102 ; claim for dam ages for destruction of crops, 102; visit to Fort Johnson. 125; sent against Spanish settlements, 144; deputy, mission to Senecas, 154; deputy makes accusation against John Johnston, 154; message to intending settlers pn the Susque- hanna, 164; assurances given by, 174; vindicated against certain charges, 195; side with English, 202 ; carried to England for ex hibition, 207, 209, 271: captured Delawares delivered to, for adop tion, 2 1 1 ; furnishing a surgeon to, 224; chaplain, 232; accusation against, 251; sent to join Col. Bouquet, 255; assured of good will of Lieut. Gov. Colden, 259; memorial to the King, 288, 289; speech, 289; visit to London, 328; petition laid before the ministry, 355' Johnson's efforts to restrain from redressing wrongs, 362; opinion of chiefs as to the bound ary between Oneidas and Dela wares, 424; request for clergymen, 460, 466; mission to, 472; cash to, 507; proceedings at Johnson Hall, 507; Gov. Tryon's speech to, 507; church among, 510; letter to Oneidas, 535; answer of Oneidas to, 536; conference with, regarding violations of law by, 537 ; lands: unwilling to sell more land, 115, 303; grievances con cerning, 143, 165, 181, 335; claimed by, near Schenectady, 163, 1 66; difference with Caghnawagas over hunting grounds. 175; pur- INDEX TO SIR WILLIAM JOHNSON MANUSCRIPTS 631 chase for Johannes Lawyer, 353; claim conflicts with that of Stock- bridge Indians, 355; proposed re nunciation of claim to lands east of the Hudson, 380; request that village and plantation be secured to them, 399; reservations within the Fort Stanwix boundary line, 408; wish Indian title to be ren dered secure, 410, 435, 438; speech defending Oneida grant to Col. Bradstreet, 441 ; Thomas Palmer empowered to purchase land of, 504. See also Albany, lands ; Aughquisasne Indians ; Canajoharie Indians; Cosby, Gov. William ; Kayaderosseras patent Mohegan (Conn.), letters from, 94, 219, 265 Mohegans (Mohagans, Mohigans), dispute with Connecticut over lands, 94, 230, 265, 269, 339, 424, 425; letter from, pledging assist ance against the French, 94; cause of, presented by Graves, 299; in i England, 339; grant of land to, 535 Molyneaux, , gen., 471 Monbrore, , 271 Monckton (Monkton), Gov. Robert, maj. gen., letters to, 141, 142, 150, 152, 154; governor of New York, ii i ; dogs, 113; departure, 121, 166; inclination to do justice to Indians, 132; action concerning Indian claims to Canajoharie patent, 150; hearing on land patents, 152; expected arrival in New York, 189; aid solicited of, for relief of traders, 192; chance of chief command in America, 204; position regarding American com mand, 207; declines to come to America, 214; return doubtful, 215- expected vindication, 228; ac quitted, 229; offer to the India company, 434; mentioned, in, 136, 151 Moncrieffe (Moncrief, Moncrieff), Thomas, capt., maj., letters from, 213, 516; letters to, 269, 299, 301, 415,481,517; mentioned, 179, 181 Money, passage of a bill extinguish ing paper currency in America, 229; opposition to issues of paper currency, 352; slight prospect of paper currency on plan proposed in New York, 356; governors per mitted to pass paper currency laws. 461, 465; importation of specie from London, 468; strife over bill, 515; paper currency, mentioned, 433 Monier (Monear, Moneer), John, letters from, 352, 356, 408, 410, 419, 428, 445, 45 8 > 459. 53' 5 6 > 5 2 5. 52732; letter to, 531; accounts, 287, 456, 458, 490; goods sent to, 510; mentioned, 509, 518, 523 Monrow (Monroe), Samuel, letter from, 267; dispute with Lieut. Col. Morris, 280 Monsell, William, lieut., 429 Montague, Lord Charles, 434 Montany, Jacobus, 237 Montauk (Montock) Indians, grant of land to, 535 Montcalm (Moncahn), Gen., men tioned, 99, 197 Montgomery, Archibald, col., Royal Highlanders, 144; regiment, list of officers, 156 Montgomery, Richard, capt., 240 Montour (Monteur, Montoor, Mon- tore, Montours, Montur, Monture), Henry (alias Andrew), capt., let ters from, 205, 206, 208, 216; let ters to, 168, 204, 206, 220; praised, 73, 97, 221, 224; wife, commended, 73; accounts, 87, 109, 134, 167, 194, 201, 221, 248, 262, 305, 331; return of, 9 1 ; departure for Michilimackinac, 107; pay, 140, 144, 149; distressing circum stances, and his integrity and faithfulness, 194; destruction of Delaware towns, 216, 217, 218, 225; departure for Niagara, 220; arrival at Detroit, 227; examina tion regarding instructions given by Johnson, 238; writing of preference to land at French Margarets, 414; tract, purvey of, NEW YORK STATE LIBRARY 417; reserve, 442; buyer of his place on the Susquehanna, 453; Tilghman declines to buy land at price named, 453 ; claim to land, 458; purchase of place, 458 Montour, John (son of above), 221, 262 Montreal, names of prisoners of war, 18; and New York, travel between, 1 06; affairs in, 106, 185, 190; move ment of regiments from, to the Mississippi, 109; commerce, cus toms restrictions at Quebec on, 214; public business of certain In dians must not be transacted, 220; measures to keep away western Indians, 222, 224, 225; sale of liquor to Indians, 261, 385; mer chants, petition for removal of Gen. Murray, 263; '[fire, 268, 272, 313; Governor's visit, 329; drafts for Indian expenses at, 352; me morial of merchants and citizens to Carleton, 385 ; social life, 411: trade at: 233, 385; petition of inhabitants to Lords of Trade, 213, 338: Johnson's letter to traders, 301; Gov. Murray's letter to trad ers, 308; memorial of merchants, 310; -traders' satisfaction with Johnson's assurances, 310; 'orders and regulations issued by John son, 385 See also Indian conferences Montresor, John, capt., arrival at Albany, 332; mention, 179 Moore, Sir Henry, governor, letters from, 318, 352, 353, 370, 375, 384, 396, 400, 401; letters to, 298, 301, 33> 3 11 . 3 I2 > 3 I 4, 3*9. 3 2 4, 34i, 345. 346, 350, 353-55, 357, 360, 362, 364, 366, 373, 376, 381, 384, 3 8 5 3 88 > 3Qi 393. 397. 399. 402, 408, 412, 419, 421, 424, 426, 428, 43. 433 ; to sail for New York, 286 ; uncertainty of Johnson's meeting, 288; position of, 295; proclama tion, 298, 403 ; attitude toward Stamp Act, 300 ; license for plays, 308; illness, 322, 415, 433 ; visits Montreal, 329; land transactions, 335. 343. 348, 382, 489, 491; vari ance with the assembly, 337; in justice in land affairs 338; oppo sition to O'Brien's iruerest, 343; desire to visit Johnson, 369; ex pected departure of, 371; scheme for forming militia into regiments transmitted to, 381; secretary, 385; to pay for lands for Lord Holland, 388; departure for Al bany, 394; observations on Kayad- erosseras dispute, 396; memorial to, concerning Indian school, 404; interest in Johnson, 409; register of military commissions issued by, 412; to meet with Indians, 415; arrival at Albany, 416; petition of freeholders and inhabitants of Kin- derhook to, 420; reception of James Adair, 420; writ concerning administration of oaths, 42 1 ; death, 434; reorganization of militia under, 435, 438, 485; overpayment for interest in patent, 488 ; men tioned, 285, 296, 342, 497 Moore, Jacob, 419 Moore. John (grandson of Col. John Moore of the Council), recom mended for deputy secretary of Indian affairs, 245; commended, 246; kindness of Johnson to, 249, 250; Johnson promises to provide a place for, 250 Moore, Robert, 274 Moore, Thomas William, 476, 478, 479 Moran, Edmond, & Co., 336 Moravians, labors and missions, 384 Morden, Lord, 451 Morgan, Abel, 511 Morgan, George, letters from, 524, 528; agreement to take goods to lower Shawanese town, 322, 325; mentioned, 330. See also Bayn- ton, Wharton & Morgan Morgan, Thomas, 474 Morris, , capt., 60 Morris, , col., 416, 452, 490 Morris, Charles, ensign, letter from, 334 Morris, Lewis, 18 IXDEX TO SIR WILLIAM JOHNSON MANUSCRIPTS 633 Morris, Lieut. Gov. Robert Hunter, letters from, 31, 70, 76, 79; letter - to, 40 ; proclamation offering re ward for Delaware prisoners and scalps, 76; attempt to conciliate Susquehanna Indians, 77; Indian policy, 7 7 ; proceedings of Council, and conference with Indians, 81; mentioned, 73, 83, 161 Morris, Roger, lieut. col., letter from, 280; letter to, 281; land dispute, 281 Morris, Thomas, capt., letter from, 314; expedition to the Illinois, 236 ; ill treatment by Miamis, 239; movements, 240; mentioned, 235 Morris, Walter, letter from, 482 Morrison, , Roberts's suit against, 398, 403, 411 Morrison, - , see also Holmes & Morrison Mortier, Abraham, letters from, 112, 124, 148, 157, 172, 189, 203, 209, 212, 234, 239, 248, 253, 291, 369, 377. 382, 395. 409, 410, 442, 45 2 , I 461, 463, 467, 473, 47 8 . 4941 let ters to, 42, 125, 293, 394, 406; money transactions, 42, 76, 88, 94, 96, 97, 100, 101, 105, no, 148, 150, 157, 160-62, 167, 172, 174, 183, 184, 194, 196, 203, 2IO, 212, 218, 223, 228, 234, 239, 246, 249, 253 254, 291, 377, 380, 393, 394, 399, 410, 411, 414, 417-2. 442, 447, 448, 452, 454-59. 461-63, 473-77. 484, 486, 494, 495; mis understanding with Capt. Barns- ley, 196; business call of Darling ton on, 261; arrival at New York, 440: illness, 495; accounts with estate of, 500, 504 ; Barrow to suc ceed, 503 Mortier, Mrs , 504 Morton, John, 437 Moseley, E., letter from, 300 Moses, Isaac, 373 Mosley (Mosely), Rev. Richard, let ter from, 532 ; appointed to Johns town mission, 510; commended, 516; bills drawn by, 522; retires from Johnstown mission, 530; money transactions, 533 ; men tioned, 523 Moulton, Ebenezer, corporal, 61 Mount Johnson, see Fort Johnson Mountjoy, Johnson's lodge at, 487 Muckilworth, Thomas, see Mcll- vvorth, Thomas Muirson, Dr , 488 Muirson, George, letter from, 63 ; letter to, 67 Mullen, Peg, 390 Muller, John Daniel, 457 Mullis, John Heath, 205, 221 Mumford, Edward, 317, 398 Munds, Israel, capt., receipt from, 474; late arrival in port, 477; goods sent with, 479; mentioned, 466, 474 Munro, Rev. Harry, letters from, 42 1, 472, 488, 512 ; letter to, 460 Munro, John, letters from, 352, 516; testimonial in favor of William Hanna, 485 Munsees (Monseys, Mounseys, Moun- sies, Muncies, Muncy, Munseys), visit to Fort Allen, 93 ; captives held by, 123 ; to deliver up prison ers, 135; dissatisfaction over want of ammunition, 150; conference with McKee, 244; conference with Johnson, 474; conference at Fort Pitt with King, 479 Murray, , land purchase, 521, 523 Murray, Rev. Alexander, letter from, 416; mentioned, 398, 412, 417 Murray, Gov. James, gen., letter from, 308; letters to, 241, 269, 271, 305, 307, 311 ; defeat, 103 ; Governor of Canada, 172, 202, 214, 220; ap pointments, 233; favoritism, 234; intended intrusions on Johnson's department, 235; interference in affair of Du Charme, 236; dispute with Gen. Burton, 243, 272, 274; jealousy of Johnson's superintend- ency, 252, 264; at Montreal, 252; attempt to remove from office, 263, 283; appointment of Capt. Camp bell as Indian agent. 264, 275; 634 NEW YORK STATE LIBRARY remarks on plan for Indian affairs, 276; recall, 298; memorial to, 307; to come to New England, 406; mentioned, 407 Murray, John, lieut., 130 Murray, William, capt., ma/., letter from, 339; speech to Andrew, a Huron chief, '250; accounts certi fied by, 260, 287, 294, 314; address to Dela wares, 345 ; proclamation to settlers, 345; attempt to dissuade Virginians from settlements, 3^3; Shawanese and Delawares refuse to accompany, 373 Murray, William, bill and receipt to Capt. Claus, 286 Musgrave, Dr Samuel, address to freeholders of Devonshire, 439; publications, 439 Muskingum (Muskingam), Dela wares at, suggestions for employ ing Indians against, 220; necessity of attacking Delawares and Shaw anese at, 224; meeting of Chero- kees and others at,- 529 j Musseaux, du, letter to, 112 Myer, Felix, letter from, 219 Myer, Salomon, jr. 202 Myers, Hyam, 207 Myers, Myer, letter from, 351; bills, 344, 353 Mynderse, , 244 Mynderse (Mynderson, Myndertse), Jacobus, letter from, 472 ; letter to, 472 ; election as member of assem bly, 389, 414, 415 ; attempt to com promise on election of, 414; re proved by Maj. Campbell, 472; mentioned, 472 Mynderse, Ryneer, 463 Nahanticks (Nehanticks), petition of, regarding the trespasses of the whites, 335; intercession for, 346; grant of land to, 535. See also Narragansetts Nanticokes (Nanticockes), at Easton conference, 117; conference with McKee, 244; lands in Maryland, 391, 395; act granting compensa- j tion for lands, 395 ; review of acts, concerning, 395; transactions with Amos Ogden, 395, 397, 414; legis lative proceedings empowering them to sell lands, 396; efforts for relief of, 520 Napier, James, 240 Narragansetts (Naraganset, Narra- ganset), request for a school, 259; grant for service of English church, 516; grant of land by Oneidas to, 535'. lands, sale by sachem, Thomas Ninegrett: memorial of sachem and other Narragansetts, 175, 242 ; petition to Rhode Island general assembly, 242, 257-58; action of general assembly on, 242, 259; presentation of cause of Indians by Matthew Robinson, 245: his tory of possession by the sachem, 259; intercession for. 270, 346; in-- difference of assembly, 270; griev ances presented by Wheelock, 288; notice to the sachem that he is deposed from kingship, 309; hopes of Johnson's influence with their sachem, 344; letter to Robinson concerning, 344; the sachem's grant of lands within jurisdiction of Rhode Island, 346; sachem still persists in selling lands, 363, 383 Narrows near Ticonderoga, strategic value of, 84 Nartloo, Francis, lieut., letters from, 241, 245 Naturalization, petition of 26 per sons for, ii i ; act, 442, 450, certifi cates, of 475-77 Naughton, Elizabeth, 223 Navy, schemes for cutting masts for, 45o Navy island, burning of a vessel at, 339 Nehanticks, see Nahanticks Nelles, Willem, letter from, 257; patent of, arrangement for re lease, 257 Nelles, William, letter from, 530 Nellis, Hendrick, 227 INDEX TO SIR WILLIAM JOHNSON MANUSCRIPTS 635 Xellus, Christiane, jr, 155 Nelson, Samuel, letter from, 378 Xelson, Samuel X., letter from, 69 Xelson, William, letter to, 481 Xerban, Jean, 88 Xetawetwelaman, message from, 329 Xew Brunswick, N. J., meeting of trustees of Queens College, 502 X'ew Canaan, letter from, 445. See also Militia New Comer's town, letter from, 329 New England, trespassers, indict ment of, 429; people, migration to Pennsylvania, 430; schemes for planting settlements, 450. See also Militia; Susquehanna com pany; Susquehanna lands New England Company (Boston commissioners), to establish Indian school at Chariest own, 363 ; thanks to Johnson for encouragement of Mr Kirkland, 401 Xevv Hampshire, boundary, 239, 515. See also Militia Xew Jersey, Indian affairs, 95. See also Militia New Jersey Sons of Liberty, troubk with Gov. Franklin, 476 Xew Lebanon, militia commissions, 446 Xew London, Ct., petition of Nahan- tick Indians concerning trespasses of whites, 335 ; route to, 393 Xew Orleans, designs of French gov ernor at, 90 ; defeat of army by Indians near, 225; Spanish ac quirement, 254; value of Ohio and Illinois countries depends on pos session of, 392; preparations against. 482 Xew York assembly, see Assembly Xew York city, donations to the army, 56; merchants, resolve not to order goods from England, 290; opposition to a bishop, 398; politi cal excitement, 414; rector of Trinity Church in, 420; sickness in, 493 Xew York College, president, 493; growing reputation, /'eg Xew York Independent companies, degeneration of, 379 Xew York militia, see Militia Xew York Provincial Congress, let ter from, 537; address of Massa chusetts Provincial Congress to, 536 Xew York Republicans, action against European importation, 457 Newcastle, capt. (Indian), message sent by, 77; bewitched by Dela- wares, 82 ; declared agent of the province, 82 ; illness, 82 ; death condoled, 85 Newcastle, Duke of, letter about Six Nations, 1 6 ; mentioned, 83 Newfoundland expedition, congratu lations to Amherst on success of, 148. See also St John's Newkerk, Arie Sante, Johnson's suit against, 338, 351; payment of ac count, 369 Newkirk (Newkerk), John, claim for articles given Indians, 329; in civility, 332 New r kirk, William, murdered, 150 Newton, William, letters from, 393, 394, 438, 440, 441, 444, 461-63, 484; money transactions, 234, 427, 435, 438, 461, 463 Niagara, account by three Dela- wares of visit to, describing fort, etc., 80; French preparations for defending, 8 1 ; orders of command ing officer to storekeeper, 86; facilities for shipbuilding, 100; per mit to certain persons to settle near, 113; plot of Senecas against, 115; Amherst intends to maintain post, 116; encroachments on In dian territory, 116; petition against allowing settlement at carrying place, 150; relief expedi tion for Detroit, 172, 173, 175; disaster at Devil's Hole, 181, 183; action near rapids, between Maj. Wilkins's detachment and the sav ages, 1 86; retention by English, 201 ; carpenters to be sent to, 207; Chenussios cede land at, to the 6 3 6 NEW YORK STATE LIBRARY King, a 1 5 ; hostilities renewed, 2 1 8, 219; soldiers ordered to, 218; Cana dians and Indians for defense of, 218, 219; Senecas troubling, 219; Capt. Montour to take Indian party to, 220; public business of certain Indians must be trans acted at, 220; provisions for secur ing, 222; request of Bradstreet that Indians be ordered to, 226; Iroquois to join Col. Bradstreet, 227; cession of carrying place by Senecas, 294; incidents, 315, 320; liberality toward Indians, 319; dissipation, 322; honesty of In dians, 324; troubles, 329; account of expenses for one year, 339; burning of sloop near, 342 ; force at, 349; instructions to commis-' saries of Indian affairs, 350; orders sent by Gen. Gage, 353; journal of Indian transactions, 1767, 370; Hurons desire bell, 385; materials wanted by smith, 412; interpret ers and smiths, 425; unfavorable news from, 449; Senecas attack soldiers, 469; letters from, 99, 116, 118, 130, 133, 137, 138, 146, 147, 150, 152, 170-72, 177, 178, 183, 184, 186, 190, 191, 198, 201-3, 209, 223, 224, 230-32, 234, 237, 238, 256, 292, 296, 297, 306-9, 313-15, 317-20, 322, 324, 350, 368, 370, 37 2 -75 379. 3 8 3. 3 8 7. 399. 412-1^, 424, 425. 443. 449. 453. 45 8 ~ 61 . 463, 468-70, 473, 477. 486, 488, 489, 492, 493, 5 3-5. 5 l8 : trade at: 99, 104, 118, 119, 150, 228, 233, 234, 251, 252, 308, 314, 322, 481, 486, 504; at Little Niagara, 125 ; trading passes, 133; Capt. Clarke's orders for regula tion of, 308; traders certify to im partiality of McLeod, 373, 374; Quebec traders accused of illicit trade, 375 ; lawsuit over, 398; duty on goods sold at, plan for, 425. See also Indian conferences Niagara expedition, 1755: reinforc ing with troops raised for Crown Point, 33, 39; letter from Gov. Shirley, 35 ; attempt of Col. Lydius to persuade Indians to go, 38; en gaging Stockbridge Indians, 40; record of Mount Johnson confer ence concerning, 40; Banyar's remarks, 41-43; 1759: reduction of fort recom mended, 98; Johnson congratu lated on taking of, 99 ; orders and instructions regarding captured fort, 99 ; valuation of Indian war riors in reduction of, 100 Niantics, see Nahanticks Nicholas, Edward, 509 Nichols, Ebenexer, maf., lieut. a?/., 44. 59 Nicholson, Joseph, 331 Nick (negro), 191 Nickis, col. (Indian), unfavorable stories about Johnson told by, 253 Nicklas (scout), 65 Nicklass (Indian sachem), asks re dress for injuries, 303 Nicolls, Edward, jr, 462 Niles, Samuel (Narragansett Indian), letters from, 245, 346, 363; peti tion to Rhode Island general as sembly concerning sale of lands, 243, 258 Nimham, Daniel (Indian), guardian of, 280; lottery for raising money for, 282 ; memorial preferred to governor by, 340; complaint in behalf of Wappinger tribe, 348; case of, before the Council, 349; disposition to push Wappinger case, 351 Ninegrett (Ninegret, Xinigret, Nin- negret, Ninnegrett), Thomas, let ter from, 259; memorial of, 175; sale of tribal lands of Narragan sett Indians, 242, 243, 245, 259, 270, 344, 346, 363, 383; grant of vacant lands to governor and company of Rhode Island, 346; disregard of assembly's order re lating to, 25758; deposed from kingship, 309; pecuniary circum stances, 344 INDEX TO SIR WILLIAM JOHNSON MANUSCRIPTS 637 Nipissings (Xipisin, Nipisinks, Nipis- sins), conference with Johnson at Niagara, 1764, 230; distrust. 234; St John wishes to trade with, 236; distress among, 469 Noble, Asa, licut., proceedings and sentence of court martial, 46, con viction, 6 1 Noble, Robert, capt., letter from, 343 Noble Town, petition of inhabitants to Johnson, 339 North, , capt., order to, 432 North, Lord, new premier, 453 ; Blackburn's services to, 464 ; naval preparations, 485; position, 492, 497, 501; declaration concerning tea trade, 517; guaranty of national peace, 521; mentioned, 451, 490 North Carolina, immigration of Tus- caroras from, 337; boundary line with the Indians, 376 Northampton (Northhampton) lands, 129, 318, 352, 375, 391, 399; sett ling, 367; quitrents, 389; disad vantages, 497 Nova Scotia, deputy agent for, 444; commissary in, 498 Oake, William, 521 Oath, of persons qualifying as com missioners, 1 80; of allegiance to King George 3 , 1 8 1 ; of a privy councillor, 185 ; govermental, forms for administering, 426 O'Brien, Edward, capt., 311 O'Brien (O'Brian), Lady Susan, kind ness of, 246; visit to Johnson, 283 ; intended journey, 311; journey to the Royal Blockhouse, 317; men tioned, 249, 264, 266, 269, 273 O'Brien (O'Brian, O' Bryan), Wil liam, letters from, 264, 275, 282, 311, 321, 343, 402; letters to, 266, 276, 284, 292, 325, 340, 408; mar riage, 217, 264; kindness of, 246; land enterprise, 249, 284, 325; letter of Johnson concerning, 264; visit to Johnson, 283; failure to make a purchase on the Connecti cut river, 341 ; mentioned, 273 O'Connor (Connor), Timothy, letter from, 192 ; mentioned, in Occum, Samson (missionary), 241 Oel, Rev. John Jacob, letter from, 125 Officers, sec Militia Ogaghradarisha, letter to, 79 ; praise of, 8 1 Ogastass (Oghastass, a Seneca chief), 39 Ogden, Amos, capt., letters from, 303, 397, 414; desire for grant of land about Wyoming, 307 ; certificate of services, 307; appointment as at torney of Nanticoke Indians, 391; account with Nanticoke Indians, 395 Ogden, Jacob, letter from, 54 Ogden, Jonathan, letters from, 101, 295 Oghquaga, see Oquaga Ogilvie, Rev. John, letters from, 27, 77~79' 93> letter to, 480; mission to Mohawks, 52; report concern ing Mohawks, 54; departure for Albany, 176; to assist in printing Indian prayer book, 400 ; wishes copies of Indian prayer book, 416; mentioned, 27, 54, 76, 513 Ogilvie, Mrs John, 513 Ohio country, French military prepa rations directed toward, 29; trade in, 92, 344; meeting between In dian deputies and English generals and governors, 98; grant, 98, 487, 489, 509, 512, 516, 521, 522; forts to be built, 160 ; war parties against enemies, 208; request of traders for a tract, 260; sale of lands, 314; sudden rise of river, 318; projected settlements, 361, 388; killing and plundering, 366, 373 ; value of, 392 ; lands south of river ceded to the King, 424; colony, 462, 514, 515; Johnson's interest in grant, 477, 513; value of land, 478; new gov ernment, 494, 510, 511, 512, 517; Lord Hillsborough's opposition to colony, 508; colony, proposed boundary between Pennsylvania 6 3 8 NEW YORK STATE LIBRARY and, 513 ; Blackburn's course justi fied, 517; interview with western chiefs concerning colony, 517; King's approval of Johnson's atti tude, 522; opening for Lord Dun- more to make money in lands, 523 ; surveying expedition of Capt. Bullet, 523; advantages of colony, 528; destruction of families, 529; Indian resentment at settlement, 529-30; rapid settlement, 530; murder of Indians, 532; opera tions of Croghan's land office, 533 Ohio Indians, warning against, by Teedyuscung, 82; improved feel ing toward English, 93 ; prepara tion to visit Philadelphia, 94; re turn to Pennsylvania, letter con cerning, 94; conference with Mr Croghan, 106; assembled at Sus- quehanna, preparing for an attack, 1 83 ; Dela wares agree to terms proposed, 268; message from the governor to, 387; discontent, 456; to retire toward Lake Erie, 479; sentiments of, 49 1 ; McKee quali fied to have charge of, 504; work of Rev. David Jones among, 511. See also Dela wares; Mingoes; Shawn ees Ohio Senecas, see Mingoes Ohquandageghte, commission to, 137 Ojibwas, see Chippewas Okawpas (Quapaws), failure to rec oncile with Oussossees, 512 Okeawess (Okeyawass), Ottawa chief, 469, 477 Old Town, letter from, 368 Oliver, , capt., 397 Onagonques, see Abenakis Oneaghquaga Indians, see Oquagas O'Neal (O'Niel), , 360 Oneida (Onidea, Onidia), fort at, 67, 68, 71, 74, 75; competition for landholdings in, 107; protection for, 208; letters from, 86-88, 404 Oneida (Oneyda's) Carrying Place, building up trade at, 96; petition for land purchases about, 114; letters from, 53, 83, 96. See also Fort Stanwix Oneida Castle, see Indian conferences Oneida (Onoyda) lake, French pro pose to build church near, IQ; French designs concerning, 26, 79; land buying on, in, 114; letter from, 183 Oneidas (Oneidaes, Oneydas, Oni- dais, Onidas, Onidia. Oniedas, Onoidas, Onoyadas), threat of French governor against, 65; con ferences with, 66, 74, 117, 485; Shirley's reply to request, 66; friendliness, 86; war party, 94; letters to, 101, 535; scouts, 104; visit to Fort Johnson, 125; teach ing, 131 ; behavior at Fort Schuy- ler, 140-42; losses suffered in Cherokee country, 186; Johnson gives war belt to, 201 ; side with English, 202 ; departure for John son Hall with prisoners, 208; good faith, 210; measures for pro tecting families, 211; women sup plied with provisions, 214; trade with, 239; David Fowler purposes to teach among, 265; murdered by Simmonds, 309; grievances of r 335; information concerning, 365; decision touching a line to be run from Cosbys Manor, 381; consent to rectification of boundary, 382; difficulty of bringing them to a further concession, 384; and Del- awares, boundary between, 424; propose to seize Kirkland, 425; proceedings at Johnson Hall, 507; speeches, 507; agreement with, to extend colony boundary to St Lawrence river, 507; bell for, 519; answer to Mohawks, 536; stop provisions designed for a meeting of Five Nations, 536; Rev. Samuel Kirkland asked to exert peaceful influence among, 536, 537; lands : opposition to grants, 130 ; Hasenclever's share in, 251, 333; apprehensions over fraudulent pat ents, 270; tract that may be bought of, 273; Hogan desires to- purchase tract from, 312; pro posal to buy lands of, near Cosbys. INDEX TO SIR WILLIAM JOHNSON MANUSCRIPTS 639 Manor, 322; purchase north of Mohawk river, 331, 353; Sir Henry Moore's purchase from, 335 ; share of O'Brien, 340; payments for, 362, 412; surveys, 362, 367, 371, 375, 379; request that Onei- das may retain possession, 405; grant to Col. Bradstreet at Fort Stamvix, 441; speech of deputies defending grant to Col. Brad- street, 441 ; Deniston's share in, 444, 447, 45i. 45 2 ; purchases, 507; grant to other Indians, 535 O'Niel, , see O'Neal Onogangeys, see Abenakis Onondaga (Onandago, Onondago Falls), guard to, 77; account of horse hire to carry provisions to, 78; Lieut. Johnson's mission to, 153; exclusion of dissenters from country of, 415; letters from, 27, 80, 87, 252, 290, 291, 293, 306, 311. See also Indian conferences Onondage lake, camp at, letter from, 79 Onondagas (Annodagah, Onandagos, Ondagaes, Onondages, Ononda- goes), conferences with, 23, 74, 116 18, 230, 430; promise to op pose French, 23; smiths sent to, 24; sachem's account of attempt of English to make peace between Catawbas and northern Indians, 26; treatment of, 36; speeches, 75, 162; extract from message, 79; to guard bateaux and escort Sir William, 79; demand sur render of English captives, 117: visit Johnson, 125, 159, 252; op position to grants of land, 130; assurances given by, 174; prep aration to act against enemy, 206; need of food, 291, 350; war party, success of, 319; intentions against Cherokees, 327; to visit Ontario, 332; death of chief, 373; desire of Eleazar Wheelock to ex tend his work among, 404 ; speech of deputies defending grant to Col. Bradstreet, 441 ; scalps taken by, 487 ! Onowadagegh, letter from, 332 Onslow, George, 467 Ontario, see Fort Ontario; Oswego Ontario, Lake, importance of con trolling, 100 Oosterhoudt, Gysbert, 46 Opey, William, letter from, 482 Oquaga (Aughquaga, Auqqvage, Auqvage, Auqvauge, Oghquago, Onaquago, Onoghquagey, Onogh- quago, Onohoquage, Onohoquague Onohoqug, Onokquage, Oquago, Oueqvage, Oughquago), trading facilities at, 9; letter to Oneidas and Tuscaroras about, 101; letter asking for protection, 208; de tachment sent to, 210; lieuten ant's command sent to, 211 ; scarcity of provisions, 212; pro visions to be conveyed to, 212 ; enlistments and discharges of men employed in Indian service at, 218; letters from, 74, 143, 208, 212, 216, 300, 361, 343 Oquagas (Aughquageys, Aughqua- gos, Auquege, Oghquagoes, One- aghquaga, Onoghquagey, Onogh- quagos, Onohaghguage, Onohgh- quage, Oquago), conference with Gov. Clinton, 12; ask for trading house, 75 ; information from chiefs, 90 ; preparation to act against enemy, 206; measures for protect ing families, 211; apprehensions. 212; lands, 352, 518; give deed for land to Col. Bradstreet, 428: chiefs quoted by Johnson, 430; chiefs clamor at a land enterprise of Col. Francis, 43 7 ; chiefs, matter concerning, settled, 439 Ord, Thomas, colonel of artillery, 482 Ore, John, 365 O'Reiley, , gen., 446 Oriskany (Oriskene, Oriskeny), 114, 488, 492 Orme, Robert, capt., letters from, 47, 54; letters to, 32, 44, 50; ar rival in New York, 54 Ormsby (Ormsbay), , capt., news from West Indies brought bv, 133; at Ticonderoga, 153, 162 640 NEW YORK STATE LIBRARY Ortnsby, John (Indian trader), letter from, 238; account of losses from Indian depredations, 313 Orndt, Jacob, capt., letter from, 93 O'Rourke, see Rorke, Connor Osages (Osossees, Oussossees), fail to be reconciled with Okawpas, 512; troubles with Shawnees, 521 Osborne, Charles, capt., 108 Osborne, Thomas, capt., letters from, 92, 3 J 5 Osossees, see Osages Oswald, James, 71 Oswegatchie (La Gallete, Oswe- gotche), advance of hostile Indian force from, 87; military condition, 100 ; Indian designs on, 135; com ing treaty at, 177 Oswegatchies (Swegatchies), informa tion received from, 102, 136; trade at Oswego, 102-4; peace oilers, 104; English relations with chief, 126; list of chiefs who re ceived French belts, 137; influence with western Indians, 138; peace movement, 174; messages sent by, to western nations, 175; friendly, 224; charge against Carundache, 3 2 9 Oswego (Oswegey), account of arms and stores requested, 10; supplies for, 10, ii ; orders to Col. Schuyler for relief of, 12; Johnson's readi ness tojassist, 13; goods disbursed at, 13; 'goods sent to, 15; affair, recommended to assembly and provisions voted, 15; news from, 16; relief of, 18; investigation of commissary matters, 18; garrison, 21 ; agent at, 22; stun allowed for victualing garrison, 24: frauds in reports of duties collected at, 27; troops sent to, 32; condition, 73, 103; threatened attack on, 73; alarming news about, 76 ; siege and capture, 83, 84; effect on Indians of news from, 83, 84; lost by treachery, 85; fort building, 100; danger, 102; trading, 102, 104, 118, 119, 228 ; Johnson to join Amherst, 104: food and clothing for Indians, 104; French Indians trading, 104; threatened by French, 104; In dians, 105; no Indians, 177; to be the rendezvous of all the troops, 216; war party advancing, 226; request of Bradstreet that Indians be ordered to, 226 ; Iroquois to join Bradstreet, 227; commissary at, recommended, 300 ; preparations for meeting Pontiac, 302 ; invoice of sundries taken out of store at, by order of Bradstreet, 334 ; letters from, 9-11, 14, 16, 20-27, 31, 33, 49, 50, 52, 58, 100, 105, 229, 320. See also Fort Ontario; Indian conferences Oswego falls, French designs con cerning, 79 Otis (Otys), James, 394, 399, 402, 446 Otoangaut, 487 Otquandageghte, 142 Otsego (Otsega), letters from, 434, 448, 449, 453 Otsego lake, farms to be exchanged, 490 Otseningo, see Chenango Ottawas (Ottawaes, Ottawavs, Ot- tawawas, Ottawavs, Ottowas, Out- awas, Tawaes, Taways), disposi tion of, 1 06; attempt to ally them against English, 115; meetings with Johnson, 118, 230, 270, 320; Capt. Balfour's speech to, 119; hostility to English, 173, 174, 294; rescue of prisoners, 174; proceed ings with, 176; coerce Hurons into hostility, 182; memorandum by Johnson on, 188; principals in the war, 195; desire peace, 223; have retired up the Miamis river, 227; conditions of peace, 229; difficulty of persuading them to attend con gress at Niagara, 229; conference with Johnson at Niagara, 1764, 230; communications from, 231; Johnson sends boats for, 231; conference with Bradstreet at De troit, 1764, 235; agreement with, INDEX TO SIR WILLIAM JOHNSON MANUSCRIPTS 641 236; at Michilimackinac, French intrigue among, 277; conference with Johnson at Ontario, 1766, 320; account of sundries furnished to, 325; chiefs send belts to nations on the Mississippi, 374; chiefs, speeches at Michilimackinac, 400; meeting with other tribes, 1769, 440. See also Pontiac Otter creek, land on, 136 Ouabache, see Wabash Ouaxacamigatte (Mississague), mis sion of, 191 Ouconnastotah, 394 Oughnovra (Oughnour), Daniel (Mo hawk), letters from, 177, 179 Ouiattanon, see Wawiaghtonon Oussossees, see Osages Outavas, see Ottawas Ovell, Thomas, 99 Owens, David, 220 Pagan, Will, letters from, 302, 308 Page, Solomon, chaplain, 55 Pagequala, letter from, 309 Paillies, Joseph, 320 Paine, Thomas, letter from, 62 Palatine (Balentine) district, letter to magistrates, 535 ; letter from, 530; committee: letter to committee of Albany. 535; letters to, 536, 537; minutes of meeting, 535 Palmer, , proper procedure with, 517; action against, 517, 519 Palmer, Solomon, 175 Palmer, Thomas, boundaries of lands petitioned for by ; 435; to act for Isaac Low, 498 ; empowered to pur chase land of Mohawks, 504; men tioned, 523 Pan, Peter, see Pond, Peter Panet, Pierre, letter from, 310 Panton, Francis, letter from, 506 Pany, see Pawnees Paoli, 433, 439 Paper currency, see Money Papoonan (Papoman), 117 Paran (Parent), Jean Baptiste, letter from, 261 Paran, Marie de Lachovignerie (wife of Jean Baptiste), letters from, 261, 426 Paris, Isaac, letter from, 208; money transactions, 455; mentioned, 361 Paris, Point, military condition, TOO Park, Joseph, letter from, 62 Parker & Weyman, accounts, 112 Parliament, acts for regulation of trade, 326; course of, in regard to the destruction of tea, 530; action relative to Boston, 534 Parliamentary grant to Johnson, account of investment of, 87 Parsonage, agreement between Lu theran and Reformed churches concerning, 127 Parsons, William, maj., Si Partridge, Oliver, col., letters from, 60, 69; letter to, 60 Passports, exactions for, 263. See also Traders Patagonians, 360 Patton (Patten), David, capt., 78, 79 Pauli (Pauley, Pauly), Christopher, ensign, lient., capture of, 175; appointment as assistant drafts man, 294; idea of northwest pas sage to the west of Lake Superior, 399 Pauling, , maj., 525 Paulus (Paules, Indian sachem), 124, 33 Paumittunnauseu, prayer of Indians at, for help, 16 Pawling, Levi, letter to, 119 Pawnees (Pany, Pawny) girls, 109, no; held in Canada, 113; slave, 488 Paxtoners, pamphlet on, 215; sub sidence of, 251; destruction of goods by, 261, 262; Croghan's ex periences with, 283; mentioned, 281 Pearlash, production, 273 Peckwell, Henry, letter from, 262; commended as schoolmaster, 263 Peepe, Joseph (Indian), letter from, 98 642 NEW YORK STATE LIBRARY Peeples, Robert, letter from, 251 Peeples, Sarah, carried off by Wyan- dots, 251 Peese (Peace, Pease), William, de fense of, 1 80; ejectment suit against, 184; proposed stay of ex ecution in behalf of, 187; claim to van Driessen's lands, 347 Peirce, Ezekiel, capt., 56, 60 Peirce, Paul, 116 Peisley, Samuel, letter from, 480 Pelet (Pilet), Phillip, 475 Pelham, , 453 Pemberton (Pimberton), Israel, 138, 144, 15 Pemberton, William, capt., letters from, 485, 529, 531; letter to, 529; negro sent on his sloop, 209 ; ar ticles sent in care of, 461, 475, 482, 503 ; receipt for articles shipped on his sloop, 482 ; application for place of jailer, 528; mentioned, 196, 198, 377 : 389, 409, 484, 500, 528 Pemberton, Mrs William, 418 Pemiskittyon, trade prospects at, 493 Pendergrass, , 458 Pendergrass, see also Prendergast Penn (Pen), John (Lieut. Gov. of Penn. Nov. 1763-April 1771 and Aug. 1 773- July 1776] proprietor from .7770, letters from, 197, 381, 430, 522; letters to, 201, 207, 229. 262, 271, 307, 341, 356, 381, 383, 388, 390, 391, 401, 412, 431, 432, 437, 474, 522; offer of bounty for scalps, 229; petition of inhabitants of Juniata to, 270; representations of Johnson to, for the security of trade, 271; message regarding a boundary line, 371; to prevent intrusions on Indian lands, 383; extract from message to, 384; promised action, 384; message to Shawanese, Delawares and Six Nations, 387; message to Ohio Indians, 387; claim and intention, 40 1 ; request for money for, 40 1 ; memorial to, concerning Indian school, 404 ; journey, 405 ; grant to, 408; resistance to, by Susquehanna adventurers, 426; money received from, 447, 450; answer to message from Cayuga chiefs, 523; men tioned, 404 Penn, Richard (proprietor of Penn.), letter from, 87; aid solicited of, for relief of traders, 192 ; death, 487 Penn, Richard (Lieut. Gov. of Penn., Oct. 1771-Aug. 1773}, letter from, 521 ; letter to, 522 Penn, Thomas (proprietor of Penn.), letters from, 87, 383, 399, 451, 499; letters to, 169, 331, 341, 400, 434, 462 ; proposal to grant lands pur chased from Indians to officers and soldiers, adverse report on, 71, 79; aid solicited for relief of traders, 192; friendship for Johnson, 207; money transactions, 524; men tioned, 238 Penn, William (founder of Penn.), relations with Indians, 84 ; charter referred to, 401 ; copy of Delaware grant to, 412 Pennington, George, licut., letter from, 112; maltreatment of In dians, 112, 113 Pennsylvania (Pennsilvania, Pensil- vania, Pensylvaine, Pensylvania) , action, 1755, 43, 45; ravages, 73; political troubles, 76; new govern or, 77; complaints of Delawares against 81, 83-85, 87, 91, 100, 101, 114, 117, 118, 126, 138, 149, 165, 169, conference of Delawares with governor and council, 81-82, 84-85, 117, 138, 143, 165; land grant, 84, 90; observations of proprietors re garding land purchases, 85 ; letters to Gov. Denny on charge of forgery in land titles, 87; remarks on observations of proprietors, 90 ; differences with proprietors, 90 ; proposal to lay Delaware complaint before Johnson, 91; interference with Indian affairs, 91, 94; mes sage from assembly to governor. INDEX TO SIR WILLIAM JOHNSON MANUSCRIPTS 643 9>; illicit trade, 95; Johnson's effort to engage Iroquois in de liberations desired by, 96 ; breach of contract, 97; Franklin's peti tion to the King relating to lands, 98; report of Lords of Trade on Franklin's petition, 90; proprie tors' victory over people, 106; sale of liquor to Indians, 107; in vestigation of complaints against proprietaries, no, 132; commis sioners repudiate bill for Indian presents, 120; withdrawal of as sistance, 136: government's con duct with Indians condemned, 149; aid solicited of, for relief of traders, 192; dispute between assembly and governor over land taxation, 216; charges against the pro prietary, approval by Lords of Trade of Johnson's report on, 217; lawless behavior of frontiersmen, 278; money for, 348; proceedings for stopping encroachments on lands, 385; account against, 389; desire to purchase to northward, 401, 402; Col. Scott's inquiry into trade and wealth, 413; receipts of Indian chiefs for amount of pur chase, 432 ; release given by pro prietors, 436; surveyors, 437; ex penses in maintaining claim, 453 ; sketch of northern boundary, 527; quarrel with Virginia, 530, 533 ; resentment of, at occupation of Westmoreland county, 530; proc lamation of Gov. Dunmore to uphold Virginia authority at Pitts- burg, 534. See also Boundaries; Susquehanna lands Pennsylvania assembly, message to Gov. Penn, 384; letter to London agents respecting the Indian bound aries, 385, 387; votes money for condolence of Indians, 387, 388; remonstrance against Johnson's course at Easton, 436 Pennsylvania Chronicle, 441 Pennsylvania council, letter from, 77; proceedings relative to bound ary, 401 Pennsylvania Indians, relations with, 88; dissatisfaction with transac tions of proprietors, 90; causes of disaffection, 90 ; disgust at neglect by Six Nations, 94 ; under the protection of Philadelphia, at tempt to destroy, 204, 205; pro posal to remove friendly Indians to New York for safety, 207, 208; proclamation of governor regard ing wrongs of, 338; governor asked to redress wrongs, 379; legislation in behalf of, 3 83 ; measures for re moving discontent, 385; murder of, 386-88, 390, 392; subsidy to, 389; donation to, 391. See also Susquehannas Pepperel, Sir William, letter to, 30; letter from Johnson to command ing officer of his regiment, 36 Pepy, Joseph, interpreter, 117; speech, 117 Pequots (Pequods), petition that Johnson will relieve them from oppression by English, 258; of Groton and Stonington, grant of land to, 535 Permer, John, 198 Perry, Hayes & Sherbrooke, 182, 418, 45i Persia threatens Turkey, 466 Perthuis (Perthui, Pertuis), L. (In dian interpreter), letters from, 255, 292, 310, 333, 403; letter to, 311; pass to trade at Toronto, 136 ; con flicting engagements of, 189; em ployment in an expedition by Johnson, 263; prejudices, 276; journey from Fort Johnson to Montreal, 278; praise of Johnson, 278; services of, 281; intention to yield place of interpreter, 322; journey, 411 Peter 3, Emperor of Russia, de thronement, 146 Peter (French Indian), 31 Peter (Mohawk Indian), present to, 142; proceedings with Ottawas sent in charge of, 175, 176; arrival at Detroit, 223; compensation, 429 644 NEW YORK STATE LIBRARY Peter (Indian), commended by Wheelock, 260 Peter (Oneida Indian), address, 143 Peterhead, letter from, 490 Peters, , capt., killed by John Ryan, 345 Peters, Harmanus, commission to, as first lieutenant in Schenectady battalion, 200 Peters, James, letters from, 120, 286 Peters, John, 538 Peters, Rev. Richard, letters from, 41, 71, 73, 77, 84; letters to, 87, no, 126, 130, 132, 148, 164, 405, 436; at Indian conference, 81, 84, .117; speeches at Indian con ference, 85; nephew, 126 Peters, William, letter from, 27; in voice of goods, 1 5 Peters, William (notary public), 116 Petersen, Abraham, letter to, 72 Petersen, Paulus, letter to, 72 Petry (Petrie), , widow of, 531 Petry, Cathrina, 406 Petry, Daniel, 406 Petry (Pettrie), Hanios, 80, 82 Petry (Petrie), Johan Joost, 24 Petry (Pedrij), John, 406, 442 Petry (Petrie), Mark, capt., company, 86, 358; certificate of service ren dered by, 406 Pfister, Francis, lieut., letters from, 133, 153; money to be sent in charge of, 294; petition for lands, 315; articles sent in care of, 384; mentioned, 290, 291 Phealps, George, 529 Phelps, Ichabod, capt., 64 Philadelphia, bounty, 52 ; captives to be surrendered at, 138; pro ceedings of meeting of traders at, 192 ; works at, interrupted, 489. See also Indian conferences Philipse, Adolph, col., patent in Dutchess county, 280, 339, 349 Phillips, John, payment for commis sion, 468 Phillips, Phillip, deed from, 114 Phillipsburgh (Philips Burrow), co balt at, 299 Phipps, Lieut. Gov. Spencer, letters to, 50, 56, 58, 61; orders, 64; mentioned, 56 Phoenix, Daniel, 469 Phyn, George, lieut., letters from, 256, 369, 392; money sent in care of, 239 Phyn (Fyns), James, letters from, 181, 195, 196, 204, 207, 213, 216, 218, 224, 225, 228, 233, 24042, 246, 250, 251, 256, 264, 267, 275, 280, 281, 294, 297, 299, 302, 303, 336, 340, 347, 363, 364, 387, 402, 407, 408, 427, 429, 432, 433, 444, 445 ; letter to, 343 ; accounts with Johnson, 212, 363; articles for warded to, 229; money sent in charge of, 292, 295; project for buying and settling lands, 336; to cross the Atlantic, 340; slaves to be sent to, 406. See also Duncan & Phyn; Duncan, Phyn & Ellice; Phyn & Ellice Phyn & Elliee (James Phyn and Alexander Ellice), letters from, 414, 415, 442, 467, 496, 49 8 56. 527; money transactions, 347, 395, 443, 476, 498; dissolution of partnership, 349; opposition to Edward Wall, 485; mentioned, 446. See also Duncan, Phyn & Ellice Physician for Indians, appointment suggested, 253 Piankashaws (Piankishas, Pianki- shaws), purpose of, 451; adven tures of a captive among, 469 ; Dela wares slain by, 512 Picken (Pickens), Robert, letters from, 347, 433; accounts with Johnson and Tice, 459; surveying for Johnson, 474; bill of, 527 Pickerd, Mrs Eghye (Eve), letter from, 196 Pickerd, John, 536 Pickering, Sir Edward, 290 Pier, Philip, 474, 475 Pilet, Philip, see Pelet, Phillip Fillet, J.G., 287, 325 Pimberton, see Pemberton INDEX TO SIR WILLIAM JOHNSON MANUSCRIPTS 645 Pine river, letter from, 378 Pintard, Lewis, 301 Pitcher, , 79 Pitcher, James (commissary), 38 Pitch iboan, 523 Pitkin, John, lieut. col., 40, 57 Pitt, J., 71 Pitt, William, letter to, 105; com mendation of Johnson's services to the King, 108; inattention to letters, 116; resignation as secre tary of state, 122; again in the ministry, 166, 184; prospects of recovery of power, 192; argument on American cause, 308, 311; effect of speech, 312; mentioned, 119, 284 Pitt (packet), 146 Pittsburg (Pitsburg, Pitsburgh, Pittsbourgh, Pittsburgh), news from., i o i , 102; high water at, 125; fort, 133; violation of trade regu lations, 331, 381; plan for duty on goods sold at, 425; provisions for Indians, 529; Virginia author ity at, proclamation of governor to uphold, 534; letters from, 331, 381, 429, 512-14, 519, 521, 529, 533 Pixley, , 422 Plaisted, Ichd., col, 62 Plantation Board, see Trade, Lords of Plass, Johonnis, 421 Pleas, commission of, 136 Plummer, , 347 Pt. Chegotine, tragic affair at, 345 Point Paris, see Paris Poland, invasion by Prussians, 500 ; troubles, 516; division of, 521 Pollard, Edward, money transac tions, 317, 318, 334, 340, 347, 363, 408. 443, 449 Polly (brig), 189. 192 Pomeroy (Pomery, Pomroy), , col, 449 Pomeroy, John, col., return to Eng land, 429 Pomeroy (Pomroy), Seth, col., guard report, 53; petition of officers of Col. Williams's regiment soliciting his appointment, 58; illness, 59, 60; mentioned, 46 Pomroy (Pomeroy), Rev. Benjamin, letter from, 145; letter to, 147; to confer with Johnson about a school, 317 Pomroy, Seth, see Pomeroy, Seth Pond (Pan), Peter, 514 Pond, Phineas, murder of, 512; proceedings with murderers, 519, 520 Pontiac (Pondiac, Pondiack, Pon- diague), speech, 92; agency in loss of Michilimackinac, 174; at titude, 220, 232; preparations for new hostilities, 222 ; humble terms used to Capt. Morris, 235; to be pardoned, 235; decline of power, 242; influence, 250; intimidation of Thomas King, 256; Croghan's communications with, 261; ac tivity, 275; insult to, 275; John son's messages to, 278; French influence over, 278; slaughter of Lieut. Fraser and party, 279; sub mission, 284; at Detroit, 285; expected with Croghan, 286; visit from, 289; Indian jealousy of, 290, 315, 321; sickness, 290; stay at Miami, 314; stabs Illinois chief, 315 ; gives deed of land to Garden, 320; loyalty to engagements, 337; proposed conference, 1767, 344; killing of Mrs Fisher's child, 366, 368, 369; regret at behavior of Saguinan Indians, 367; fruitless search for, 372; killing of, 427*. lands granted to Maisonville by, 489; mentioned, 195, 229, 231, 246, 289, 328, 336, 367; conference with Johnson at Ontario (Oswego), 1766: pro posed, 301; preparations, 302, 304-8 ; Pontiac at Fort Erie on the way, 316; reception and enter tainment at Niagara, 317; diffi culty of obtaining conveyance for, 319; failure of design to send to Johnson Hall, 319; speech, 320; 6 4 6 NEW YORK STATE LIBRARY reports of meeting, 324, 325, 328, 331; expense of Crawford's trip with Pontiac, 334. See also Detroit Popachtunk branch of Delaware, Iroquois lands extended to, 497 Popham, James, letter from, 376 Port Royal, see Annapolis Royal Porteous, John, 271, 274 Portier, , 321,322 Porto Rico, arrival of Spanish troops at, 479 Portsmouth arsenal, fire in, 467 - Portugal, British operations in, 146; attitude, 477 Post, Frederick, 98, 102 Post Vincent, establishment of trade at, recommended, 392 ; letter from, 321 Post, delays, 503 ; route between New York and Albany, 506 Postal service at Schenectady, 159, 161, 163, 164, 283 Postmaster at Albany, sec Monier, John; Van Schaack, Henry Postmaster at New York, see Golden, Alexander Potash business, 153, 156, 210, 264 Potman, Dirk, 452 Pott, Alexander, 306 Pottawatamies (Potawatamies, Poto- watamies, Potowataniis, Potte- watamies, Pottewatamis, Potty- watomy, Pouteowatamis, Poute- tamies, Poutewatamis, Poutewato- mis, Poutowatimees, Poutowatta- mies, Powtawatamys, Powtewata- mies, Powtewatamis, Putiwati- mies, Puttawas, Puttawattamies, Puttewatimies), attempt to ally them against English, 115; meet ings with Johnson, 118; disaffec tion toward English, 174; sub scribe to conditions of peace, 235; kill four men of the Detroit gar rison, 256; conspiracy of, 294; relations with garrison at Detroit, 312, 325; trouble with , 315; mur der of chief, 315; conference with Johnson, 1766, 320; arrival at Detroit, 365; took English prison ers, 367, 370; murder of Hambach, 388; meeting with other tribes, 1769, 440 ; news of, 486 ; attack on Van Slyck, 513, 526; course toward, 518; chiefs, speech con cerning murder of Van Slyck's men, 519; answer to speech sent by Johnson, 523 Potter, Nathaniel, 371, 373, 378 Potter, William, 242 Potts, J. A., 32 1 Poughkeepsie (Poughkipsy), people at, owe Indians for land, 182 Poule, John, 523 Powel, Malachia, receipt to Alex ander McKee, 260 Pownall (Pownal, Pownell), John, letters, from, 30, 55, 76, 100, 404; letters to, 165, 166, 170, 188; sickness, 217; remissness in pre senting Johnson's Indian grant to Board of Trade, 222 ; proposal for creating office of commissary gen eral of Indian affairs, 222; value of his friendship to Croghan, 230 Pownall (Pownal), Lieut. Gov. Thomas, letters from, 68, 450; letters to, 28, 34, 44, 47, 48, 108, 190, 462; conference with Banyar and the governor, 30; opinion of Shirley's transactions, 45; friendli ness, 45 ; conversation with Ban yar, 50 ; guard for, 62 ; scheme of fort at Sacondaga, 64; affairs of, 114; friendship for Johnson, 207; opinion of Harriss, 209; value of friendship to Croghan, 230; attack on. 455; mentioned, 81, 123 Poynton (Poyntin), Brereton, lieut., 495 Prairie de la Madeleine, seigneurie, boundary of, 468 Pratt, Chief Justice Benjamin, death, 157 Preinteic, , 210 Prendergast (Pendergrass), , 528 Prendergast, see also Pendergrass Presbyterians, minister at Albany, appointment as surrogate of INDEX TO SIR WILLIAM JOHNSON MANUSCRIPTS 647 bishop's court, 332; party in the election, 390; at Schenectady, 398; contest with Church of Eng land, 415, 429; church in Albany, 485; mentioned, 466. See also Hanna, Rev. William Presque Isle (Presqu Isle, Presque- isle, Prisque Isle), Indians sent from Niagara to, 104; destruction of blockhouse at, 176; letter from, 105 Preston, Achilles, lieut., letter to, 287; money transactions, 187, 213, 292, 295; kindness of Johnson to, 233, 528; letter concerning, 440; land purchase, 444; mentioned, 528 Preston, Richard, letters from, 233, 528; letter to, 440 Preston, Thomas, capt., 450, 467 Pretender, defeat of, by Duke of Cumberland, 12 Prevost, Augustine, lieut. col., letter from, 228; letter to, 496 Prevost (Prevoost), Augustine, en sign, lieut. maj., letters from, 281, 287, 289, 294, 295, 305, 310, 324, 329, 355, 488, 490. 495. 5i7. 5i8; letter to, 306 ; desires to purchase Capt. Schlosser's commission, 305, 306, 310; to settle on the Mohawk river, 352 ; recommended for major ity in militia, 435, 441; ambition, 477; return to regular army lieu tenancy, 477; maps sent in charge of, 478 ; money sent by, 478 ; lands, 490, 492 ; to visit Johnson Hall, 534; mentioned, 289, 457, 496 Prevost, Emily, ill health, 522 Prevost, James Marcus, capt., letter from, 252; letter to, 256; exami nation taken by, concerning Indian trade, 103; mentioned, 310 Price, Benjamin, letter from, 403 Price, George, ensign, 460 Priddie, William, letter from, 165 Prideaux, John, gen., 98 Prince George (ship), 293 Prince of Wales, patronage of, 2 1 Princeton (Prince-Town), Jersey Col lege, 485 Printup (Prentup, Printrup), Wil liam, letters from, 27, 177 ; bill for services as interpreter, 9 1 ; case of Hoffman against, 163, 179, 187; action against his son, 169; debt to Daniel Campbell, 169; inter preter at conference, 171 Prisoners, list of, 14; exchange with French in Canada, 17-23; at Montreal, names of, 18; letter of Jonathan Stevens about, 20 ; meas ures for retaining in hands of Johnson, 2 1 ; sheriff of Albany county authorised to receive, 2 1 ; Cayuga, 27; French, taken in attack on Lake George, 48 ; French, instructions regarding, 49 ; in charge of Col. Cockcroft, 49; sug gestion that they be sent to Boston, 53; sentence on, 68; protection of, 89 ; among Delawares, recov ering, 92 ; Delawares and Shaw- anese to deliver, 134; recovery of , 107, 119; surrender of , demanded 119, 121, 235; given up by Indians at Fort Pitt, 120; held by In dians, 124; released by Senecas, 133. i35. 2 73. 2 74; surrender by Delawares, 273; Spanish, 144; rescued by Ottawas, 174; Oneidas take to Johnson Hall, 208; from Kanestio, 209; Indian, sent to Johnson, 210, 275; Indians to bring to Niagara, 212; Indian, arrival at New York, 213; de livered up by Indians, 227, 232, 246, 275, 276; surrendered by Missisagas, 228; English, kind ness of Ottawas to, 230; among Chenussios and Delawares, 232; arrival at Johnson Hall, 242 ; sur rendered by Indians at Fort Augusta, 244; .Sarah- Peeples car ried off by Wyandots, 251; Eng lish, Senecas desire to exchange for Delawares, 256; Cayugas and Delawares bring to Johnson Hall, 264; among the Miamis, . ex perience of, 265 ; exchange of, 266, 269; sent to Gen. Gage, 276; sur- 648 NEW YORK STATE LIBRARY render^of, at Fort Pitt, 278; Cherokee, in hands of Senecas, 339; Pontiac's intention of giving up, 320; at Detroit, 366, 434, English, taken by Pottawatamies, 367,370. See also French prisoners Proclamation of 1763 concerning land grants, 193, 195, 201, 202, 531 Proctor, Joseph (Josep), 379 Proctor, William, 444 Provoost, David, lands, 131, 153 Prussia, treaty of peace with Russia, 141 ; treaty of fjeace with Sweden, 141; troubles with Dutch, 466; invasion of Poland, 500 ; am bition, 517 Prussia, King of, good fortune, 97; victory over Austrians, 106, 108 Pruyn (Pruym, Pruyne), Samuel, capt., accounts, 174, 530; articles sent by, 176; mentioned, 174, 184, 484 Pryor, J., letters from, 239, 331 Puans (Puant), embassy among, 327 : Ottawas send belts to, 3 74 ; speech of chief, 400 ; quarrels, 486 ^ Punderson, Ebenezer, 175 Putnam, Amos, 60, 62 Putnam, Israel, capt., lieut. col., re port as spy, 57; report of scouts signed by, 60, 63; orders to, as scout to Ticonderoga, 67; report of scout to South Bay, 67; negro sent to Johnson by, 203 ; examina tion of Henry Montour and John Johnson before, 238; political con versation wth Joseph Chew, 396; opinion of Susquehanna adven ture, 426, 439; mentioned, 437 Putnam, Timothy, ensign, 57 Qauyakoon, letter from, 352 Quackenbush (Quackinboss), , justice, 452 Quackenbush (Quack, Quackbos, Quackinbush), David, accounts with, 30, 109, 140, 258, 440 Quackenbush, Jeremy, sergeant, 77 Quackenbush (Quackenboss), John ^ Scot, 140 Quakers, management of Indian affairs, 76, 151; offer gifts for In dians, 82 ; conduct of, 90 ; Johnson desires protection of Cherokees against, 90; present to Indians, 136; have accommodated land dis pute with Delawares, 138; remon strance against Johnson's course at Easton, 139; mortification and division, after Easton investiga tion, 140; failure to procure grant to Delawares, 144; failure to retain control of trading privilege at Fort Augusta, 144; interference in In dian affairs, need of action in England to curb, 149; suspicions that they originated Delawares' outbreak, 215; in Pennsylvania, use of German vote to break power of, 240; success in elections, 288; confidence in Johnson, 387; to make representations to England against Johnson, 394 Quaneay, de, 2 5 Quapaws, see Okawpas Quebec, false story of fall, 92 ; move ment of English fleet and army toward, 96; attack on, by Gen. Wolfe, 99, 100 ; report of reduction, 100; condition of, 103 ; rumor that French had taken, 104; Welsh troops in, 106; royal proclamation concerning land grants, 194, 385, 531; agent for, 213; customs re strictions at, 214; appointments for, 232; merchants, petition for Indian trade, 233 ; merchants, petition for removal of Gov. Mur ray, 263; traders, 310, 375, 420; resolution of Council ordering All- sopp to remove a house erected on the King's domain, 321; increased cost of labor in, 379; memorial of merchants and citizens to Lieut. Gov. Carleton, 385; bishop of, 491, 492 Queens College, meeting of trustees, 502 ; payments to, 520 Queens county, donation of sheep for army, 52, 54, 56 INDEX TO SIR WILLIAM JOHNSON MANUSCRIPTS 649 Queen's Independents, Indian at tack on, 172 Queensborough patent, see Kaya- derosseras patent Queter, Korah, 138 Quincey's Dispensatory, 205 Quinn, Samuel, 220 Quinonchaming (Ottawa chief), speech, 119 Ralph, John, 303 Ramadge, - , deed intrusted to, 59 Ramadge, Smith, letter from, 293; bill to Robert Adems, 436 Ramsay, James, see Rumsay, James Ramsay, John, letter from, 322 Ramsay, see also Mercer & Ramsay Ramsey (Ramsay), David, declara tion touching his experience among Indians, 503 ; Indians killed by, 504, 506, 508, 511 ; deserves capital punishment, 505; to be tried for crime, 505; necessity of convic tion, 510 Rand, John, letter from, 420 Randall, Rob, 242 Rangers, see Militia, rangers Ranney, Thomas, letter from, 446 Ranselaugh, Gulian, see Van Rensse- laer, Kiliaen Raplings, violation of trade regula tions at the, 346 Rariton, letter from, 502 Raubaud, see Roubaud Rauseau, St John, see Russeau, St Jean Raymond, Joseph, 396 Read, Charles, letters from, 41, 42 Read, John, see Reid, John Reade, John, letter from, 90 Reade, John, letter introducing, 282; visit to Johnson, 283 Reade, John, see Reed, John, Readshaw, Joshua, letter from, 444 Reaume, Joseph, 374 Recorder of New York, reported dis missal, 532 Red Haw r k, speech complaining of sale of lands of Shawnees, 445 Red Head, speeches, 74, 75; death, 229 Redstone creek, proclamation to settlers to remove from, 345; de termination of Virginians to force a settlement on, 347; murder of Delaware at, 352; attempt to dis suade Virginians from settling at, 363; removal of Virginians from, 370; settlements on, 373, 378, 379, 381, 384 Reed, James, 62 Reed (Reade), John, col. of the 34th, certificates of, 349, 350; men tioned, 330, 335, 354, 377 Reformed church, agreement with Lutheran church regarding par sonage, 127 Reid (Read), John, maj., lieut. col., of the 42d, letter from, 273 ; letter to, 520; mentioned, 130, 179 Reighman, Albert, 103 - Reilly, Charles Lewis, letter from, 2 1 Reilly (Reily), Luke, letter from, 155; kindness of Johnson to, 156 Reily, John, letter from, 266 Remsen (Rimsen), Peter, letters from, 291, 326, 401, 416, 421; letters to, 307, 401, 417; trans actions with Ruppert, 237, 322, 344, 432; complaints touching sales of potash, 298; efforts to obtain possession of tract at Cana- joharie, 314; business troubles, 322; power of attorney to settle disputes of Indians, 391, 396; ideas about a patent, 394; boun daries of lands petitioned for by, 435; Abraham Lott's bill of sale of two negroes to, 43 7 ; account with Mrs Cosby, 404 ; bill to Johnson, 437 Remsen, Simon, 401 Renards, see Foxes Renaudet, Adrian, letters from, 277, 312 Renslear, John, see Van Rensselaer, John Rensselaer, Kiliaen, see Van Rens selaer, Kiliaen 6 co NEW YORK STATE LIBRARY Rensselaer manor, see Van Rens- selaer manor Rensselaerswyck militia, see Militia Rentch, Andrew, letter from, 335 Repentigny, , 19 Revenue acts, see Taxation Reynards, see Foxes Reynolds, James, 529 Reynolds, John, 529 Rhinebeck (Rinebeck) at the Hook, letter from, 509 Rhode Island, act of assembly re pealing laws which restrict Indians from disposing of their lands, 99 ; Ninegrett's grant to governor and company of vacant lands in, 346. See also Militia ; Narragansetts Rice, Asaph, 143 Rice, George, 217 Richards, , capt., 410 Richardson, , 61 Richardson, Philip, adjutant, letter from, 54 Richmond, letter from, 428 Ricktman, , 16 Rigtmeir, Hans, 487 Riley, John, letter from, 9 Riordon, Mary, letter from, 13 Ristine, John, 442 River Indians, see Mahicans Riviere, Miss de, marriage, 265 Riviere au Lievre, trade at, 402 Rivington, James, letters from, 162, 166, 192, 206, 216, 228, 229, 255, 264, 270, 294, 412, 423, 426, 429, 433, 434, 439. 441, 443. 445. 446, 451, 453. 455. 457. 461, 465-69, 471-75, 477, 479. 482, 483, 485, 488-90, 494; letters to, 223, 425, 434, 441, 478; kindness, 189; receipted bill, 209; failure, 355, 356,359 Roads, condition of, 51; orders to repair, 55, 59, 61; from Carrying Place to South Bay, 65 ; suggested for avoiding Ticonderoga and reaching Crown Point, 68; from Fort Edward to Wood Creek, 68; to Oswego, 75, 80, 82, 83; law for improvement of, 122; fine for refusing to work on, 124; work on, 125; to Schoharie, 193; improve ment, 239; obstructed by gates, 247, 303, 305, 426; commissioners, 252; through Johnson's cleared land, 361; commissioners ask to be informed of their powers for en forcing work on, 436; bills, 454, 471, 477, 5*5; Johnson suggests plan for improvement of, 472 Roasabone, Jacob, see Roseboom, John Jacob Roberts, , 254 Roberts, Benjamin, lieut. (commis sary), letters from, 267, 285, 290, 291, 293, 306, 311, 314, 3 J 5. 3 J 7- 20, 324, 365, 366, 370, 371, 375, 407, 411, 420, 424, 433, 443-47 449, 460, 464, 468, 487, 492, 502, 522; letters to, 419, 444, 477; fit ness for Indian appointment, 304; certificate, 317; money transac tions, 317, 340, 3*47, 350, 353, 363, 365. 367. 368, 373, 376, 378, 382, 387,' 388, 392, 396-98, 401, 407, 409, 413, 415, +16, 418, 425, 429, 432, 434, 443, 459, 463, 467, 468, 486, 499, 510, 524, 530; variance with commanding officer at On tario, 329; articles desired by, 349 ; account of expenses in bring ing Indians to Johnson Hall, 349; commissary appointments affect ing, 352; memorial to Capt. Lieut Spiesmacher, 366; testimony re garding a seizure of rum, 367; affair with Maj. Rogers, 368, 372, 378, 379, 383, 399, 424, 463 ; confine ment by orders of Maj. Rogers, 37. 378', memorial protesting against his confinement, 370; ac cusation and acquittance signed by, 370; insinuation against, 3/1; quarrel with Hansen, 372 ; sent as a prisoner to Johnson Hall, 382; indebtedness, 389; suit against Morrison, 398; arrest at Montreal, 403 ; services, 444 ; interested in a patent, 449; location for, 450; expenses incurred for, 459 ; action INDEX TO SIR WILLIAM JOHNSON MANUSCRIPTS against, for a quantity of rum, 464 ; defense, 467; trial, 471; opposes sale of liquor to Indians, 474; action against, 474, 492, 510, 512, 514; newspapers from, 474 ; claims and extravagances, 479; applica tion, 483; memorial, 485, 487; troubles, 489 ; patent for land, 511, 520; behavior and obliga tions, 517, 530; imprisonment, 521; business, 522; relations of Johnson with, 527; case of, 534; mentioned, 365, 372, 377, 449, 49. 5i3 Roberts, John, col., letters from, 14, 15 ; letter to, n Robertson, James, col., unfavorable account of soil of Florida, 212; preparation to build forts, 214; account certified by, 266 Robins, , 327 Robinson, , letter to, 56 Robinson, Beverly* letter from, 20; letter to, 505; engages John Brown to teach school, 194,' 195: business with Joseph Chew, 428, Joseph Chew visits, 450 : kindness, 476; mentioned, 466, 472, 494 Robinson, Matthew, letters from, 245, 259, 344 Robinson, Thomas, letter from, 258; document signed by, 382 Rockingham, , 453 Rodgers, Robert, see Rogers, Robert Roff, John, 483 Rogers, escape, 202 Rogers, (trader), murder of, 388 Rogers, (brother of Maj. Rogers), lands, 127 Rogers, James, appointment as ser geant, 12 Rogers (Rodgers), Richard, lieut., orders to go to Ticonderoga and Crown Point, 66; report as scout, 69 Rogers (Rodgers, Roggers), Robert, capt., maj., letters from, 52, 53, 104, 182, 300, 365, 508; letters to, 55. 57, 63, 73.JJ97, 356; retention of, 55; impeachment of reports, 55, 6j; bravery and honesty, 57; reports of scouting party, 57, 60, 63 ; information from, 5 7 ; orders for scouting, 62 ; useful service of, 65 ; opinion regarding position of enemy, 66; report of move ments about Crown Point, 73; movements, 78; report of exami nation of Michael Greenleaf, 80; journal, 80 ; sends French deserter to be hanged, 83; rangers, skir mish with the enemy, 86; com mission, 99; should be paid, 104; success at Detroit, 106; departure for Michilimackinac, 107; project for a settlement on Lake George, 115; lands, 127; objection of Indians to, 129; journal of officers at Detroit sent by, 175; return from Detroit, 191; appointment as commandant at Michilimackinac, 298, 299, 320; opinion as to John son's authority in Indian affairs, 317; discourse with Lieut. Rob erts, 319; instructions to Desri- viers, 327 ; account of goods given and sent to Indians in Michili mackinac, 329; liberality toward traders, 333; traders advance goods to, 340; accounts, 344, 355, 365, 368, 377, 382, 388, 391, 392, 400, 403, 404 ; present to Indians, 366; plan for a government de vised by, 366, 379, 383; charges against, by Lieut. Roberts, 366, 399; affair with Lieut. Roberts, 366, 368, 370, 378, 379, 383, 399, 424; warrant for court of inquiry, 367; behavior, 369; to be re moved, 370; removal, 371; fall ing out with Nathaniel Potter, 37t; designs, 371, 373, 410; evi dence against, 374; note of, 374; record and dangerous purposes, 374; character, 375; public opinion of, 376; creditors, 378; traders ask reimbursement for goods advanced to, 378; John son's instructions to, 397; trial, NEW YORK STATE LIBRARY 398, 402, 411; Indian policy, 400; activity in England, 444; success in winning English favor, 445, 460, 492 ; influence and misrepresen tations, 464: prospects, 468; men tioned, 63, 93, 106, 113, 202, 357, 445. 455 Rollins, Eliah, 421 Romanzow, , see Rumiantzeff, Rombouts precinct, letter from, 303 Rondadikas, 65 Roome, Jacob, 224 Roophart, Franz, see Ruppert, Frantz Roorbach, Johannis, 165 Roorback, I., 300 Roosevelt, , 432 Rorke (O'Rourke), Connor, 279, 304 Rosco, John, Ueut., death, 181 Rosco fields, Indian violence at, 307 Roseboom, , capt. (skipper), 409 Roseboom, Barrent, & Co., ac counts, 525 Roseboom, Hendrick M., capt., com pany, 358; recommended for place in regiment, 391; commis sion for, 441 Roseboom (Roasabone), John Jacob, asked to arbitrate boundary dis pute, 2 7 Roseboom, John Mynders, Ueut., capt., letters to, 20, 30; list of men, 20; leave of absence, 32; mentioned, 19 Rosencrantz, Abraham, letter from, 380 Ross, , capt., letter to, 20; or dered to occupy Fort William, 14 Ross, Alexander, letters from, 513, !- 528 Ross, George, 339 Ross, James J., letters from, 17, 21. 22, 27 Ross, Robert, capt., recommended to Johnson, 78 Rossiter, Rev. Ebenezer, letter from, 140 Roubaud (Raubaud), (Jesuit), letters from, 106, 120, 197; letter to, no; aid for, no, in; opinions of Johnson and Gen. Amherst con cerning, 1 1 1 ; troubles and vision ary schemes, 122; Johnson's pres ent to, 126; recantation, 220 Rouseau, St Jean, see Russeau, St Jean Rowe, , 402 Royal Americans, see Army Royal Blockhouse, Lady Susan O'Brien's journey to, 317; burned, 348; mentioned, 143, 243; letter from, 294 Royal grant, 362, 400, 434, 435, 457 459, 460, 462; survey, 219, 234, 255, 274, 331, 332; quitrent of, 527. See also Canajoharie In dians, lands Royal instructions of 1761 concern ing lands, 127, 128, 132, 134, 135 Royal proclamation of 1768 con cerning land grants, 193, 195, 201, 202, 531 Ruff, John, 464, 470, 487 Ruggles, Timothy, col., letters to, 52, 54, 55, 58; report as field officer, 45; appointment of court martial, 47; to relieve Col. Cock- croft, 51, 52; suggested as com mander of attack on Ticonderoga, 52 ; character, 58 Rumiantzeff (Romanzer, Roman zow), , gen., victory over Turks, 469 ; campaign on the Danube, 490 Rumsay (Rumsey), James, Ueut., 392 Ruppert (Roophart, Rubbarth, Ru- berd, Rubert, Rupert, Rupperd), Frantz, letters from, 395, 432; articles of agreement with Peter Remsen, 237; potash busines , 264, 279, 285, 288, 290, 291, 295, 300; goods for, 273; message from Hasenclever, 274; accident, 280; directions for the manu facture of potash, 284; money advanced to, 291; letters sent in care of, 297; complaints touching sales of potash, 298 ; dealings with, 322; defects of potash made by INDEX TO SIR WILLIAM JOHNSON MANUSCRIPTS 653 his son, 326; ingratitude to Hasen- clever, 330; contract with Rem- sen, 344; mentioned, 270. See also Rupport, Francis Ruppert, John (son of Frantz), 326 Rupport, Adam, naturalization, 105 Rupport, Francis, naturalization, 105. Sec also Ruppert, Frantz Rupport (Rupert), George, naturali zation, 475 Russeau (Rauseau, St Jeans, St John), St Jean, letter from, 327; wishes employment, 236; services and fitness, 325; employment by Glaus, 327; Claus's instruction to, 333; pass to, 333; difference with Okeawess, 469; mentioned, 442, 497 Russel, Robert, 326 Russell, Michael, naturalization, 105 Russell, Thomas, 274 Russia, treaty of peace with Prussia, 141; revolution in, 148; war with Turkey, 446, 466, 467, 472, 485, 490, 492, 517; trouble with Spain, 453; successes, 457; French de signs toward, 469 : presaged peace with Turks, 487 Russia, Empress of, accession of, 146; dethroned, report concerning, 184; conspiracy against, 475 Rutgers College, see Queens College Rutherford, John, capt.< maj., letters from, 10, n, 16, 17, 39, 42, 43; movements, 10; arrival in New York, 78 Rutherfurd (Rutherford), , capt., examination taken by, concerning Indian trade, 103; permit to settle near Niagara, 113; lands, 136; settlement of land trouble with Canajoharie Indians, 159, 1 60 ; gratitude for good offices, 190 Rutherfurd, Walter, circular letter from, 248; letter to, 257 Rutland, , 453 Ryan, John, 345 Ryckman (Rykeman), Albert, 88, 323 Ryckman, Peter, letters from, 373, 375; speech of Ogastass trans lated by, 309 Rye, letters from, 175, 420 Ryley, Philip, letter from, 15 Sabbath day point, letter from, 272 Sackville, Lord George (assumed surname Germain in 1770), rumor that he may succeed Gov. Bar nard, 415; duel with Gov. John- stone, 482 Sacondaga (Sacandago, Sachendage r Sackendage, Sacondago), land patent lying near, 129; sale of lands at, 318, 478, 479; lands'of Henry Holland, 336, .337; Maj. Clarke's land, 336, 351, 353; Lane's lands, 477, 481; deed for lot, 478; plan for settlement, 496 Sacs (Sackes, Sacks, Sakies, Sakis), 3 2 7. 363. 374, 427 Sadeganaughte (Onondaga chief), death, 24 Sagayenquaraghta (Mohawk Indian), 171 Saghsanageghte, request from, 450 Saguinan (Saguinam, Saguinay) In dians, Pontiac's expressions of regret at behavior of, 367: charac ter, 371; attempt to obtain for giveness for killing Englishmen, 372; crime of , 382; speech, 519*1 St Andrew, Sons of, ball to be given by, 294 St Anges (St Ange), , belts sent by, 328, 458 St Clair (Sinclair, Sinclare), Sir John, arrival in New York, 54; to go home, 212; mentioned, 97 'f'^' "' St Clair, Patt, see Sinclair, Patt St Davids, bishop of, death, 490 Ste-Foy, Gen. Murray's defeat at, 103 St Francis (St Francois), hanging^of a New England man for cruelties at, 113; letters from, 106, 120 St Francis Indians, see Abenakis St Helena in Distress, satirical comedy, dedication, 28 St John, see Russeau, St Jean 654 NEW YORK STATE LIBRARY St John's (St Jean), terms of sur render of garrison and troops, 145 ; expected news from, 146; recon- quest, 147, 148; establishment of government, 434 St Joseph, fall of, 176; letter from, 423 St Joseph Indians, disaffection to ward English, 174, 328; take prisoner at the Illinois, 316; mur der of Rogers, 388; speech of chiefs, 423 St Lawrence river, expedition, 1 1 ; riparian rights on, 214; extension of New York boundary to, 50 7 St Leger, Le Chevalier de, letters from, 22, 26 St Luc La Corne, see La Corne St Luc St Martin, Jacques (James), receipts for pay as interpreter, 262, 330, 339. 35'. draft for pay of, 347; fruitless search for Pontiac, 372 St Mary, Falls of, Chippewas at, 174 St Marys, letter from. 428, 429 St Patrick's day, observance of, 348 St Patrick's masonic lodge, 313, 449 St Peter's church, Albany, 27, 497, 510, 512 St Pierre, Legardeurde, death, 48 St Regis, see Aughquisasne Sakikakabowe (Indian), confession to murder of Pond, 519 Salem, threat to remove the seat of government from Boston to, 420 Salmon creek, 104 Saltonstalls, seizure of rum belong ing to, 420 Sam (Indian), charges against, 83 Sanckaick patent, 215. See also Schaghticoke Sanders, John, capt., letters from, . 449, 476; letter to, 477; company, 359; petition of freeholders and inhabitants of Schenectady to, 476 Sanders, Robert, letters from, 10, n, 20, 25, 149, 240; bill of goods, 20; mentioned, 27, 195, 241 San dusky (Sandouski, Sanduskey), trading house, 107; blockhouse to be built at, 116; encroachments on Indian territory, 116; fall of, 175; conference with Wyatidots, 238; murder at, 508; letter from, 2 39 Sandusky Indians, communicating with Wabash Indians, 479 Sandwicn (Sandwhich), Lord, 388 Sanguinet (Sanguinett), Joseph, 403, 404, 466 Saquacoronga, 296 Saran (Indian woman), 131 Saratoga, attack on, n; prepara tions for reduction of post at, 14; letters from. 14, 369 Sarvis, Peter, see Servis, Peter Sault St Louis, see Caghnawaga Saunders, James, 330 Sauteux, see Chippewas Sawyer, , lieut., desertion, 56 Say, Lord, fort built by, 330 Sayre, Dr John, letter from, 294 Sayre, Stephen, letter from, 156 Scano, see Bradstreet, John Scarouady (Scarooyady, Scarroyade, Half King), 31, 8 1, 92 Scermerhorn, Simon, set Schermer- horn, Simon Schaghticoke (Schachkock, Schaeta- kook, Scorticoke), request for for mation of new company at, 198; patent, 215; letter from, 324 Schaghticoke (Scaghticoke, Shorti- coke) Indians, border outrages, 154; provisions advanced to, 253 Schenck, George (Jorg), 118 Schenectady (Schanactady, Schon- ectady), intention of French to attack, 16; Indian attack near, 1 8 ; draft cf memorial for estab lishment of postoffice, 159; postal service, 161, 163, 164, 283; guard to be mounted in, 185; report on condition of fort, blockhouses and stockades, 186; petition to gov ernor for charter to Church of Eng land congregation, 295, 297, 336; clerkship, 333; letter to mayor, 389; church, 398, 410, 480, 510; notice of election of representative, INDEX TO SIR WILLIAM JOHNSON MANUSCRIPTS 655 413; mission, 416, 431, 531, 532; people, intention to settle on the Big Patent, 422; traits of people, 433; bill to prevent freeholders from voting for Albany county members, 477; school, 493, 495, 496; township trustees, letter from, 528; committee from, to wait on Col. Guy Johnson, 536; letter to committee, 537; charter: 249, 259; Johnson opposes a charter extending limits of, 257; revised, 258, 289; arrival of, 292; disputes over, 296, 297; declaration of mayor, recorder and aldermen concerning, 296; letter to Mr Duncan on, 297 ; lands: 163, 417; Mohawks' dissatisfaction at price paid for, 1 66; petition for a division of town lands, 472, 514; petition of freeholders and . inhabitants to trustees against proposal that land titles be subject to examination, 476 Schenectady (Schongtade} (sloop), 38 Schenectady battalion, see Militia, Schenectady battalion Schermerhorn, Jacob, 191 Schermerhorn, Ryer, petition for partition of Schenectady, 472 ; proposal regarding land titles, 476; mentioned, 414 Schermerhorn (Scermerhorn), Simon, 337, 348 Schimel, Frans, 249 Schlosser, Francis, ensign, capture of, 176 Schlosser (Sclosser, Slosser), John Joseph, capt., letters from, 146, 147, 152 ; letter to, 154; purchase of commission, letter from Lieut. Carre concerning, 147; failure to pay draft of, 196; Lieut. Prevost desires to purchase commission, 310; appointment to enforce ordi nances against retailers of spirits, 368; troubles at Canasadaga, 371 Schlosser, J. J., lieut., letters from, 294, 37 Schoharie (Schohare, Schoharre, Schoharrie, Schoharry, Schohary, Scohare, Scohary, Wisersdorp), letter to inhabitants of, 83; jus tices of the peace, 125; defense of, 192, 195, 202; road to, 193; scouting near, 218; petition to keep in the old county, 440; meeting of magistrates with Cu- sick, 473; letters from, 98, 203, 209-11, 315, 344, 357, 372, 441, 442, 473, 48i, 488, 503, 504, S3i; lands: 384, 386, 388; petition for land purchases about, 114; certificate of land near, letter from John Duncan, 286; dispute with James Duane, 355; Michl. Byrne's tract, 386; bill for surveying, 386; Johannes Lawyer's patent, 396; purchase, payment of fees for, 412; draft of land at, 442 ; terms of purchase, 461. See also Militia Schoharie (Scohare, Scochary) creek, lands near, 28, 440, 532 Schoharie (Schohare, Schohary) In dians, accounts for, 207; to go to war, 209; petition to Johnson concerning lands, 481 Schongtade (sloop), 38 Schonmaker, Rudolphus, see Shoe maker, Rudolph School, Johnson about to establish, 262; at Johnstown, 433, 504; of Rev. William Andrews at Schenec tady, 493, 495, 496 Schoolmasters, B. Eisenlord asks aid, no; John Brown's engagement to teach, 194, 195; three Indians recommended for, 260; Henry Peckwell commended, 263; David Fowler purposes to teach among Oneidas, 265; inquiry of Henry Glass and John Reily as to the chances of teaching in Johnson's neighborhood, 266; letter from John Wetherhead concerning a young schoolmaster, 355; to Mo hawks, Colin McLelland, 453; in New Philadelphia, petition regard ing, 466 ; Samuel Peisley answers NEW YORK STATE LIBRARY advertisement, 480 ; application of Thomas Erving, 481; John Black- ler asks employment, 481 ; applica tion of Robert Davis, 481; Car penter's qualifications, 483 Schools for Indian children, 21, 26, 121, 260, 317; purpose of Boston people to educate New York Indians, 125; at Oneida, 131; Rev. Eleazar Wheelock's labors and motives, 140; bequest for, 144; on Susquehanna purchase, proposed, 145; location, 157, 317; proposed by Philip Jonathan, 212 ; Lebanon school, 241, 404; request of Narragansetts for, 259; efforts to maintain at Charlestown, 363; selection of Mr Cross to oversee, 383; proposed college, 406; at Fort Hunter, list of Indian chil dren in, 433; attempt of Henry Babcock to found seminary among Six Nations, 522, 524, 526. See also Wheelock, Rev. Eleazar Schovenhoven, see Van Schoonhoven Schrader (Shreider), Simon, certifi cate of naturalization, 475 Schroedel, Louis, letter from, 1 1 Schrom, Johannes, letter from, 518 Schuckburgh, Richard, see Shuck- burgh, Richard Schumacher, Rutholf , see Shoemaker, Rudolph Schuyler (Schyler), , surrender of land, 343 Schuyler, , land transaction, 355 Schuyler, - , to receive part of tract north of Mohawk, 384 Schuyler, , capt., 390 Schuyler (Schyler), Mrs Cornelia, letter to, 129 Schuyler, David, letters from, 20, 158, 159; evidence regarding sur vey for Livingston patent, 125, 155; story regarding fraudulent land transactions, 172 Schuyler, David jr, letter from, 129; receipt to John Glen, 119; men employed in the bateau service under, 126, 162; charges for trips to Fort Stanwix and Little Falls, 126; payment of Indians em ployed by, 127, 162 Schuyler, Mrs Gertrude, letter to, 301; mortgage held by, 301; action against a debtor, 311 Schuyler, Harmanus, sheriff of Albany county, 114, 148, 413 Schuyler, Rev. Johannes, request that he may minister to Indians, 16 Schuyler (Schyler), P., col., 179 Schuyler (Schyler), Peter, col, letter to, 99; petition, 45; lands, 142; Indians seek redress for injuries by, 33 Schuyler, Peter (Pieter) D., letters from, 21, 88; statement regarding fraudulent land transactions, 172 Schuyler, Philip, (commissary and paymaster), letters to, 44, 46; ordnance, carriages, etc., directed to, 38, 41 Schuyler, Philip, col., (died 1758}, orders to, 12; criticism, 17; suc ceeded as colonel by Johnson, 1 7 ; candidate for assemblyman, 23 Schuyler (Schyler, Scyler), Philip (Philip John), capt., col. (later general in the Revolution), letters from, 57, 498; letters to, 88, 499; recommendations for militia ap pointments, 176; Mortier prom ises to send money to Johnson by, 253; arbitrary behavior, 413; political relations and conduct in the assembly, 413; conduct to ward Johnson, 415, 455, 456; candidacy of, 415; duel with Walton, 424; moderation, 425; ofnciousness, 441; attempt to interfere with militia arrange ments, 502 ; list of men for officers of Kinderhook militia, 507; at tention to Col. Johnson, 514; mentioned, 80, 418, 425, 451, 501 Schuyler, Philip P., commission to, as ensign in Albany battalion, 200 Schuyler, Stephen, capt,, 67, 184 INDEX TO SIR WILLIAM JOHNSON MANUSCRIPTS 657 Scioto, Delawares at, suggestions for employing friendly Indians against, 220; necessity of attacking Dela wares and Shawnees at, 224, 225; store, 330; Thomas King's efforts to call council, 488; interview of western chiefs with McKee, 517; letters from, 318, 517. See also Indian conferences Scioto plains, five nations of, see Mingoes Scorticoke, see Schaghticoke Scot, Miss, elopement, 447 Scotch influence in Canadian affairs, 208, 236 Scotch opposition to Spain, 472 Scotia, letter from, 114 Scott, , 169 Scott, , Ueut., 327 Scott, Hugh, lieut., letters from, 254, 363; to act as Indian agent, 247; money transactions, 266 Scott, John, lands granted to, 134, 136 Scott, John, candidate for assembly, 386 Scott, John, col, inquiry into trade and wealth of Pennsylvania, 413; marriage, 475 Scott, John Morin, letters from, 274, 324, 356, 396; letters to, 276, 324; attack on Church of England, 413 ; lands purchased by, 440 ; men tioned, 248 Scramlin, Ury, 448 Seabrook, fort at, 339 Seabury (Seberry), Rev. Samuel, sermon, 428. 429 Seamon, Robert, see Summon ds, Robert Searjants, Thomas, trial of, 56 Sears, Isaac, 237 Searson, John, letter from, 465 Seaver (Leaver), John, commission to. as ensign in Schenectady bat talion, 200 Secretary of Indian affairs, see In dian affairs, secretary of Seeber, William, 464 42 Seger, John, letter from, 26; pass for, 137 Segwareesara (Tuscarora chief), speech, 74 Seisberger David, see Zeisberger, David Sejourne, receipt to Capt. Howard, ^ 274 Seneca (Sinachais, Sinaches, Sinake) country, exclusion of dissenters from, 415; journal of Capt. Fonda's trip to, 95; letters from, 68, 70, 73, 154, 273, 473, 47^, 487, 534. 535- $ ee a l so Indian con ferences Senecas (Cenices, Cinakaas, Senekas, Senekes, Senicas, Senneckees, Sin- akas, Sinakes, Sinecas, Sinicas, Sinnekoe, Sinnicas), side with French, 17, 81, 87; smiths sent to, 24, 42, 91; murder by Pennsyl- vanians, 73 ; employed by Abeel, Johnson requested to pay, 79; complaint against Capt. Williams, 81 ; good intentions, 86, 133, 134, 198; desire of, 86; unfriendli ness, 86 ; umbrage taken at measure recommended by Dela ware king, 95; starving, help for, 104; plot against English, 115, 153; disavow plot, 118; renew covenant chain, 135; surrender captives, 135, 256, 273, 274; in jury of captain, 150; dissatisfac tion over want of ammunition, 1 50 ; deserters among, 150; mission of Mohawk deputy to, 154; com plain after receiving wampum from Guy Johnson, 154; message received from Indians about Pitts- burg, 172; defection, 177; action with party of, 179; incite the western nations to war, 182; assembled at Susquehanna, pre paring for an attack, 183; began the war, 190; Iroquois desire that they be pardoned, 195; desire of the friendly nations touching, 195; illicit sale of ammunition to, 199; near German Flats, 201; peace NEW YORK STATE LIBRARY proposals made by, 201; effect of operations of opposing Indians on, 208; Johnson's policy of concili ating, 217; recovering influence with, 219; troubling Niagara, 219, 469, 470; submission, 219, 222; English relations with, 220; sen timents of, 224, 491; explanation concerning a murder, 224; request of Chippewas to strike, 231; ces sions of land, 234; accusations of Miamis against, 239; difficulty of compelling them to apprehend Delaware chiefs, 240; exonerated from suspicion of treachery, 243; expected arrival at Albany, 243; humanity to soldiers, 247; give hostages for the fulfilment of promises, 268; terms with, 271; Johnson's efforts to alienate other Iroquois from, 275; cession of Niagara carrying place, 294; sale of lands on Ohio, 314; treacherous acts, 319; distrust of De Couagne, 320; presents to, 321; death of chief, 370; receive bad belts from Delawares, 370; complaints, 373; trouble with Mississaugas, 374, 383, 387 ; arrival at Fort Pitt, 387 ; importance of conciliating, 389, 518; behavior, 478, 505; killed by Virginians, 504, 534; murder of traders, 505; crosses and wampum supplied to, 5 12 ; journey of chief, 513; Johnson's course with, 522; conferences with: 74, 116, 405, 430; speeches, 75; at Oswego with Davids, 137; proposed visit to Johnson, 178, 264; arrival at Johnson Hall, 265; with western Indians, 215; negotiations with Johnson at Niagara, 222; at Niagara, 370; with tribes on the Wabash, 430; speech of deputies defending grant to Col. Bradstreet, 44i Senecas, Genesee, see Chenussios Senecas of Ohio, see Mingoes Serchoa, visit to Niagara, 458 Sergeant, John, letter from, 21 Servis, Christopher, letter to, 457 Servis (Sarvis, Service), Peter, land patent, 396-99, 495 Servos, Daniel, 458 Servos, Peter, 127 Seton, see Hasenclever, Seton & Croftes Seues, see Sioux Shaddick (Shattock), John, letters from, 346, 363 Shaddick, Tobias, letter from, 383 Shaftsbury, Lord, death. 490 Shagenon Indians, murder by, 371 Shamburn, Christian, 103 Shamindawa, at Detroit conference. 235 Shamokin, fort at, 79, 81, 85; prob able attack on, 183 Sharpe, George, see Sheep, George Sharpe (Sharp), Horatio, gov., letter from, 396; letters to, 156,343,391; speech to Six Nations, 164; Capt. Mapother asks recommendation to, 235; address of house of dele gates to, 395; meeting with Rev. William Hanna, 507 Shattock, John, see Shaddick, John Shaw, , 47, 50 Shaw, , 430 Shaw & Long, letter from, 509 Shawnee (Shawanese) river, murder of Englishmen at, 398 Shawnees (Shannaes, Shannas, Shan- nes, Shany, Shawanees, Shawan- eese, Shawanes, Shawanese, Shaw- nas, Shawnese, Shawnesse, Shaw- onese), barbarities and threats, 70, 72, 73 ; Governor Morris requests them to renew bonds, 82 ; friendly disposition, 86; visit to Six Na tions, 95; murders by, 130, 146; scalps taken by, 133; to deliver prisoners, 134; instructions to agent sent to, 146; disgust at Pennsylvania government, 149; plot against English, 153; respon sibility, 175; treatment deserved by, 1 80; principals in the war, 195; Iroquois to act against, 197, INDEX TO SIR WILLIAM JOHNSON MANUSCRIPTS 659 204, 211 ; effect of operations of opposing Indians on, 208; capture, 2 TO ; Chenussios to go against, 215; expedition against, 221; repara tion for injuries inflicted by, on traders, 251; necessity of attack ing at Muskingum and Scioto plains, 224; presence in Genesee country, 224; adventures of David Owens among, 229; request of Chippewas to strike, 231: articles of peace with Bradstreet, 232, 236; peace with Bradstreet denounced, 234; probable course in Ohio, 240; attitude, 242, 260, 388; failure of Bradstreet to finish proceedings with, 246; advantage to, of trade with western nations, 249; French trade with, 250; kill four men of the Detroit garrison, 256; peace with, 256, 275-77; hostages, es- . cape, 257; relations of French with, 261; slowness in keeping engagements to Col. Bouquet, 268; condolence with, 294, 302, 304; desire for revenge, 305; inex pediency of encouraging to take revenge, 306; dissatisfaction at sale of lands by Senecas, 314; ar rangement to send goods among, 322- trade with, 338; refusal to accompany Capt. Murray, 373; belts from, 374, 405; relation to Iroquois, 380, 389; Gov. Penn's message to, 387; interpreter to, 436; discontent, 445 ; message for chiefs, 457; claim to ceded lands, 459; machinations, 478; uneasi ness in view of intimation of another French war, 479; preten sions, 484 ; deputation to Six Na tions, 493; rumored visit to New Orleans, 509; expenditures for chief, 512; trouble with Osages and Okawpas, 512, 521; dissatisfied with Johnson, 512; league for turning Six Nations against Eng lish, 514; disaffection, 528, 529; Iroquois demand surrender of hatchet belt, 529; murder of, 458; conferences with : 118,271,274, 369, 387, 411; Johnson's speech to, 80 ; reply to Johnson, 80 ; with Delawares, 1763, 190; at Fort Pitt, 309, 479, 500; ask for conference at Fort Cumberland, 368; at Fort Stanwix, 399, 402, 405; with tribes on the Wabash, 1769, 430; meeting with other tribes, 179, 440; speeches, 445, 454, 519; pro ceedings at Scioto, 500; refuse to attend councils in country of Six Nations,. 514 Sheep (vSharpe), George, certificate of naturalization, 475 Shehan, Mrs , 418 Shelburne (Shelbourn, Shelburn), Lord, letters from, 328, 332, 339, 361, 376, 381, 383, 389; letters to, 337, 34i, 350, 354, 357, 374, 37 8 , 379- 3 8l > 39> 4i6, 417; com mands for righting Indian wrongs, 341; assurances of King's interest in Indian department, 347 ; com munication to governor, 376; con versation on the boundary line, 380; correspondence relative to boundary, 389; efforts to enlist in a service to Americans, 383 ; Lord Hillsborough succeeds, 387; re turn to the ministry, 443 ; men tioned, 413 Shephard, Benjamin, 232 Sherbrooke & Hayes, bill to Wether- head, 418. See also Perry, Hayes & Sherbrooke Sherlock, James, 117 Shick, Christian, 472 Shiedt, Jacob, 466 Shink (Skink), George, certificate of naturalization, 475 Shipboy, John, 448 Shipboy, Thomas, letters from, 196, 209, 266, 294, 345, 382, 442, 453, 483, 500, 501; money transactions, 201, 209, 345, 454, 473; medicine intrusted to, 447; failure, 448; financial peril, 454 Shirl, John, letter from, 26 Shirley, John, capt., death, 69 66o NEW YORK STATE LIBRARY Shirley (Shirly), Gov. William, maf. gen., letters from, 30, 31, 33, 35, 36, 4i-43 49. 5. 5 2 > 5 8 . 66 6 7, 69, 72, 76, 78; letters to, 14, 30-33, 35-37 40, 41. 43. 47. 5 1 , 54, 5 6 . 60, 6466, 67-71, 76, 77, 79; order for disbanding troops, 15; regrets that Johnson objects to Lydius's connection with Indian affairs, 15; regiment, governor asks aid in recruiting, 19; Johnson's commis sion as major general from, 3 1 ; instructions to Johnson as major general, 3 1 ; diversion of troops from Crown Point to Niagara, 33, 36; letter about, 36; rebukes Capt. Eyre, 36; authority to draw on for deficiencies in supplies, 38; rein forcement for, 38; arrival, 38, 39; warrant on Mortier, 42 ; agents with Indians, 43 ; Indian policy denounced, 43, 44, 45; behavior, 44; Pownall's opinion of, 45; scandalous conduct of his agents, 45, 47, 70, 73 ; opposition to John son, 45, 48; order to Capt. Wrax- all, 56; interference with Gov. Hardy's department, 56; barracks at Albany, 64 ; returns of garrisons and military stores for, 64; com mission as commander in chief, 64, 65 ; differences with Johnson, 65; reply to Oneidas, 66; expedi tion contrasted with Johnson's, 68; orders to commanders of forts, 69 ; death of son, 69 ; His Majesty's instructions relative to cultivat ing friendship of Indians, 71; in structions for engaging Susque- hanna Indians in British service, 71 ; Johnson's protest against order to meet him, 7 1 ; instructions for conference at Fort Johnson, 72 ; speech to Indians of Six Nations, 72; opinion of, 76; mortification, 76; arrival at Albany, 77; criti cism of Johnson, 7 7 ; money ex pected by, 78; mentioned, 33, 34, 41, 44-47. 75. I2 4, 127 Shnyder, William, 202 Shoemaker (Schonmaker, Schu macher, Shomaker), Rudolph, let ter from, 502 ; letter to, 503 ; ac counts with Johnson, 431, 464; mentioned, 319, 448 Short, , 244 . Shorticoke Indians, see Schaghticoke Indians Shreider, Simon, see Schrader, Simon Shryner, Peter, 274, 322 Shuckburgh, Betsy, marriage, 332 Shuckburgh (Schuckburgh, Shuck- burg, Shucksborough), Dr Rich ard, letters from, 12, 25, 28, 30, 69, 76, 78, 106, 108, 10914, 122, 124 26, 132, 152, 157, 167, 179, 187, 199, 256, 265, 268, 276, 277, 285, 312, 314, 332, 348, 364, 3 6 7 407, 409, 410, 472, 488, 502; letters to, 27, 123, 134, 154, 411; Indian secretaryship, 25, 112, 114, 123, 132, 133, 137, 253, 316; arrival in Albany, 51; to visit New York, 10 1 ; reappointment as army sur geon requested, 123, 156; surgeon in the i7th regiment, 157; regi ment ordered to England or Ire land, 167; lands. 167; loss of the secretaryship, 199; appointment, 254; chances of selling his sur geon's commission, 285; groceries sent in care of, 365; in London, 378; impressions as to the bound ary between Oneidas and Dela- wares, 424; death, 522, 523, 525 Shuckburgh, Mrs Richard, letter to, 523 Shultz, Frederick, 127 Shuter, James, letter from, 162 Sicard, Felix, 335 Sikhawik, letter from, 457 Silver Heels (Silverel), money for, 141 ; present to, 142 ; news brought by, 153; sisters, 186; reported death, 293 ; method of serving, 349 ; mentioned, 191, 429 Silver mine in an Acadian river, discovery, 120 Silvester (Silvestur, Sylvester), Peter, letters from, 163, 170, 171, INDEX TO SIR WILLIAM JOHNSON MANUSCRIPTS 66l 179, 184, 187, 226, 241, 244, 253, 254, 258, 264, 311, 338, 340, 351, 369, 426, 436, 441, 444, 450, 469, 474, 475, 477, 495, 502, 503, 516- 19; letters to, 240, 339, 518; ac counts, 140, 473; conference with Witham Marsh on wrongs of In dians, 170; executor of Witham Marsh's will, 229; suits committed to, 240, 254; successor to, recom mended, 300; mentioned, 437, 507 Silvestre (Silvester), Jean, 32 Simes, Ruben, 379 Simmonds, Robert, 309 Simon Joseph, letter from, 320 Simpson, Alexander, 322 Simpson, Catharine, 505 Simson (Simpson), Sampson, letters from, 207 335, 340, 363, 365, 373; bill in favor of, 333. See also Bache & Simson Sinakas, see Senecas Sinclair, James, capt., 284 Sinclair, Sir John, see St Clair, Sir John Sinclair (St Clair), Patt, lieut., capt., letter from, 378; servant murdered, 363, 370; claim for compensation, 410; misfortune, 411; mentioned, 412, 427, 467 Sinclair, Robert, capt., 364 Sinnot, , 291 Sioux (Scioux, Seues, Suies), murder of traders, 137; favorable attitude, 1 74 ; buffalo blanket made by, 178; plan vengeance against Chippe- was, 178; absence from Niagara congress excused, 234; embassy to, 327; Ottawas send belts to, 374 Sir William Johnson (snow), 516, 522, 527 Six Nations, see Iroquois Skaghquanes, messages sent by. to western nations, 175; interview of deputies with messengers sent to the Lake Huron nations, 228; complaint, 234 Skahandowana, intended emigration of Connecticut people to, 163. See also Wyoming Skene (Skeene), Philip, maj., 190* 490 Skequanecks, 327, 332 Skink, George, see Shink, George Skinner, Thomas, capt., 446 Slaves, arrival, 406 ; sent to Johnson, 407, 408 ; bought by Peter Remsen, 421- Slingerland, Teunis Corn., 198 Sloss, John, 17 Slosser, John, see Schlosser, John Joseph Small, John, ma/., 179 Smallman, Thomas, maf., letter from, 251; bill of Baynton, Wharton, Morgan & Co. to, 294; recommended for commissary, 300 ; losses sustained from Indians, 308 ; deed of house to Edward Cole, 327 ; mentioned, 306 Smallpox, ravages of, 89, 273, 466, 469; at Canasadego, 284 Smethurst, Gamaliel, 26 Smith, Rev. Charles Jeffry, letter from, 157; missionary purpose, 157, 169, 173 Smith, Cornelius, 250 Smith, David, 423, 424 Smith, Devereaux, 363, 369 Smith, Henry, 153, 154 Smith, James, letter from, 509 Smith, John W., 336, 380, 395 Smith, Peter, 335 Smith, Richard, lieut., letters from, 79, 97, 12 1 ; letters to, 44, 120; list of military stores, 44, 45, 64; Johnson's generosity to, in matter of land at Fort Schuyler, 131; condolence for death of, 133; mentioned, 162 Smith, Robert, 485 Smith, Samuel, 131 Smith, Rev. William, letter to, 412 Smith, William, sr, 163 Smith, William, jr, letters from, 198, 324, 356, 491; letters to, 169, 205, 257, 3 24; malice, 357, 3 59; member of Council, 367: mentioned, 134, 169, 248, 413 Smyth, Edward, 252 662 NEW YORK STATE LIBRARY Smyth, Rev. Frederick, letter to, 405 Smyth, Patt, letter from, 529 Sneider, Andreas, naturalization,. 105 Snell, Jacob, letters from, 157, 203, 489; Johnson's note to, for land, 161 Society for the Promotion of Arts, 167, 248, 251, 257, 258, 260 Society for the Propagation of the Gospel in Foreign Parts, Johnson accepts membership in, 290; secre tary, 386; employment of John Rand, 420; letter from mission aries, 434; memorial approved, 511; resignation of secretary, 512; letter to secretary, 530; address to, 531; friendly toward > the Schenectady mission, 532 Society of the Bill of Rights, 451 Soldiers, see Army; Militia Solomon, Ezekiel, 271 Solomon, Levy, 130 Sons of Liberty, proceedings, 294; purpose, 295; attitude, 297; to protect persons concerned in burn ing stamps, 298; likened to rebel lious Scots, 306; affray with soldiers, 322; letters to, 348, 438; call Joshua Elderkin to account, 396; demonstration against John Williams, 398; disparage John son's work, 399 ; stir over expulsion of Wilkes from House of Commons 421; interference with trade, 433, 456; resentment against a printer, 438; goods to be released by, 439; disturbance with soldiers, 442 ; erection of a liberty pole, 445; detention of Indian goods, 448, 449, 459. 46i ; fighting with soldiers, 476; trouble with Gov. Franklin, 476; mentioned, 408, 434, 442 Sootes, John, see Suts, John Souligny, Peter, 214 South Bay, post at, 54 South Carolina, expedition for, 106; subdued by Spaniards and French, 134; boundary line between In dians and, 376; action toward In dian interests, 384; action of governor and assembly, 413 Sowers, , capi., 103 Spain, agreement to cessation of arms, 18; war with, 130, 352, 471 73, 492; terms of peace, 165; trouble with Russia, 453; seizure of Falkland's Island, 471; rela tions with England, 471, 472, 479, 485, 494; difference with France over the Jesuits, 489. See also Spaniards; Spanish settlements Spalding, Asa, letters from, 282, 349* Spangenbergh (Spangenberg, Spona- berger), John, letters from, 82, 299, 310; mentioned, 453 Spaniards, movements against, 132; subdue South Carolina, 134; ac quire New Orleans, 254; influence over western nations, 365; arrival at Fort Chartres, 374; competition with other traders, 378; artifices, 400, 410, 434, 480; officers among Indians, 400; work of agents, 405 ; opposition to boundary line, 405, 408; activity at the Mississippi, 408; excite Indian disturbance, 417; disagreements with French, 463 ; arrival of troops at Porto Rico, 479; influence with Indians, 5 2 3 5 2 5 Spanish settlements, Johnson offers to send hostile parties against, 133, 135; Mohawks sent against, 144 Spanish vessels, capture of, 10, 144 Sparbeck, Martinus, 202 Spear, Joseph, 260, 266, 287, 331 Spear, see also Callender & Spear Speelman, Peter, 86 Spence, A., letter from, 438 Spencer, Hayzelton, 538 Spencer, James, ensign in Albany battalion, 200 Spencer, Simeon, letter from, 446 Spencer, Thomas, 205 Spencertown, militia, officers recom mended for, 446, 447 ' letters from, 418, 446 INDEX TO SIR WILLIAM JOHNSON MANUSCRIPTS 66 3 Spiesmacher (Speismaker, Spicemak- er), Fred. Christ., capt. lieut., capt., letters from, 328, 368, 370, 417; letter to, 366; accounts, 142, 401, 409, 424, 425; memorial of Roberts to, protesting against his confine ment, 366, 370 Sponaberger, John, see Spangen- bergh, John Spring Garden, letter from, 499 Spring Hill, letters from, 182, 272 Springer, John, 164 Springsteen, Casper, 71 Squash Cutter (Indian), message from, 252; arrival at Johnson Hall, 265 Staats, Abraham, maj., 447, 450 Staats, Henry, 473 Staats, Isaac, 40 Staats (Stadts), Joachim (Joacham, Joakim), capt., 358, 447 Staats, William, capt. (skipper), 137, 419, 473, 53 Staatsborough, letters from, 72 Stamford (sloop), 37 Stamm, George, naturalization, 105 Stamp act, proposed, 228; passed the House of Commons, 263; comments on, 263, 300, 311, 334; bad consequences of, 279; neces sity of submission to, 279; public excitement over, 281, 289; letter concerning, 282; necessity for, 283; opinion that it will be mod erated or repealed, 285; popular resistance to, 286; bearing on deeds to be executed, 289; divi sions in province over, 291; dis turbances caused by, 291-93, 300; nonenforcement, 295; Americans hope to enlist English commonalty against, 297; hope of repeal, 302; measures in England respecting, 304 ; agitations, effect on commer cial honesty, 304 ; military men who have not supported, 306; de lay in repeal, 309; repealed, 310, 312, 313; effect of repeal, 353; loyalty displayed during troubles to be rewarded, 364 Stamps, arrival, 286, 288, 289; popu lar opposition, 290; taken from fort and delivered to city, 291 ; intended reshipment to England, 296; Sons of Liberty to protect persons concerned in burning, 298; persons charged with issue and use, 301 Stanhouse, John & Robert, 293 Stanley, Josiah, letter from, 62 Stanwix, John, brig, gen., order to Abraham Mortier, 96; excursion to westward, 98; mentioned, 139 Staring, Adam, 442, 445 Starnberger, Jacob, see Sternberger, Jacob Starr, -Jehosaphat, 47 Staten Island, political news of, 109 Stedman, John, 495 Steel, Daniel, invoice of goods, 346; provisions sent in care of, 429; receipt by, 470, 471; payment to, 485 Stell, Dietrich, 87 Stenhouse, John, 334 Stephens, Arent, see Stevens, Arent Stephens (Stevens), James, capt., 357 Stephens, Jonathan, see Stevens, Jonathan Stephenson, James, see Stevenson, James Sterling, Earl of, see Alexander, William Sterling, Abraham, 417 Sterling, James, letter from, 265; drafts in favor of, 371 Sterling, Thomas, see Stirling, Thomas Sternberger (Starmbergh, Starn berger), Jacob, capt., col., order to arrest two Frenchmen, 90; com pany, 299, 358; regiment of, return of the company officers, 395 Stevens (Stephens), Arent, letters from, 13, 16, 23, 25, 27, 36, 43, 81, 86 ; letters to, 65 ; order in favor of, 19; suggested as agent at Oswego, 2 2 ; account of supplies, 44 ; in formation furnished by, 70 Stevens, James, see Stephens, James 664 NEW YORK STATE LIBRARY Stevens (Stephens), Jonathan, capt., letter from, 20 ; letter to, tendering commission as captain, 32; death, 48 Stevens, Mary, letter from, 192 vStevens, Nick, & Co., 487 Stevens patent, 28 Stevenson, James, letters from, 36, 42, 107, in, 126, 180, 184; letters to, 9, 37, 72, 124; mentioned, 27, 376, 382 Stevenson (Stephenson), James, lieut., capt., letters from, 298, 343, 443, 458, 461, 463, 467, 480, 49 8 > 520, 526, 528, 531, 532; offers to buy Claus's commission, 137; Darlington sends books by, 249; money sent in care of, 341, 342, 520; accounts, 449, 459, 463, 470; desires to retire on half pay, 508; circumstances of, 509 Stevenson, John, letters from, 376, 382, 425, 472, 473, 481, 482, 484, 492, 49 6 > 5i6, 519, 527, 529, 532, 533 5341 accounts with Johnson, 424, 438, 449. 45 1 . 473. 49 2 , 495. 496, 533 534; talk with Van Eps, 484; brother of, 516; mentioned, 297, 488 Stevenson, Mrs John, note from, 495 Stewart, Alexander, 328 Stewart, James, lieut., friendliness to Shuckburgh, 265; marriage, 332 Stewart, Dr John, 212 Stewart, John, jr, 436. See also Templeton & Stewart Stewart, John (southern superin tendent), see Stuart, John Still, Isaac, 98, 117 Still well, , 312 Still well, Samuel, 241 Stirling,. Earl of, see Alexander, Wil liam Stirling (Sterling), Thomas, capt., embarked for the Illinois, 277; misrepresentation of occupation of Illinois, 302 ; surprises Indians in Illinois country, 304; patent, 517 Stobo, Robert, capt., 467 Stockbridge, letters from, 21, 26, 86, 2 54, 380, 397, 422, 481, 484 Stockbridge Indians (Loup d'Orange), speech to Mohawks, 16; to go to Niagara, 40; killed, 106; trouble with Abenakis, no, in, 114; letter to, 129; preparation to act against enemy, 206; provi sions delivered to, 249; address and petition, 254; petition con cerning the manor of Rensselaer, 257; Golden answers complaint of, 259; examination of grievances, 332; claims of, 341, 354, 355; claim to land within the manor of Rensselaer, 397; sale of lands, 493. See also Mahicans; Wappingers Stockholm, Andrew, 436 Stoddard, John, col., letters from, 14, 17; letter to, 13 Stoddert, Benjamin, capt., letters' from, 1 8, 20, 21, 25-27, 34; mission to Canada, 19 ; instructions for, 19 ; letter for, mentioned, 19; letter sent to governor of Canada by, 20 ; letter to, tendering commission as captain, 32; description of Fort St Frederick, 47 ; death, 48; affairs, Stoke, letter from, 524 Stone, Andrew, 71 Stone Arabia (Stonarabia, Stone Rabia, Stone Rabie, Stone Raby, Stoneraby, Ston Rabi, Stonraby, Stone Robbia), justices of the peace, 125; lands, 160, 161; original certificate from, has been found, 460; Lutherans at, 482, 483; letters from, 93, 95, 118, 157, 203, 208, 345, 361, 377, 380, 391, 405, 436. See also Militia Stonington Indians, grant of land to, 535 Stoutenburgh, Peter, 482 vStrange, Lord, death, 490 Strechey, = , capt., 103 Stringer, Dr Samuel, letters from, 149, 157, 172, 189, 190, 193, 226, 247, 278, 294, 296, 303, 422, 424, 425, 442, 443, 445 447. 448. 457 INDEX TO SIR WILLIAM JOHNSON MANUSCRIPTS 66 5 458, 460, 469, 473- 520, 528, 536; articles sent in care of, 140, 170, 183, 224, 229, 261, 293, 309, 319, 326; failure of Abram Douw to pay, 202 ; Capt. Claus's nephew sent with, 249: visits St Patrick's lodge, 426; accounts, 449, 464, 470; letters delivered to, 458; mentioned, 167, 191, 449, 460, 462, 469 Strobel, Christof, letter from, 205 Strubel, Stoffel, 319 Stuart, , 323 Stuart (Stewart, Stuard), John (southern superintendent of In dians), letters from, 193, 199, 217, 314, 379, 394, 421, 478; letters to, 177, 211, 402; to warn Cherokees against receiving Delawares, 217; failure of agent, 286; request that he cooperate in fixing boundary lines, 376; opposition to Fort Stanwix treaty, 466 Stuart (Stewart), Rev. John, mission to Mohawks, 472 ; work among In dians 480; success, 480; ministry, 483 ; intended journey, 493 Stuart, Peter, 321 Stump, Frederick, murder committed by, 388; reward for apprehension, 386, 387; capture, 387; escape, 389 Suffolk county, presents from, 63, 67, 68 Sugar, Jacob, letters from, 253, 295 Sukkianggwaraghtace, letter from, 273 Sullivan, Daniel, will, 514 Sullivan, John, in Superintendents of Indian affairs, see Johnson, Sir William; Stuart, John Superior, Lake, see Lake Superior Supervisors, list of persons fitted for, 498 Surveying instruments, 354, 357, 360 Surveys, 30, 376; of lands on both sides of Mohawk river, from Al bany to Fort Stanwix by Golden, 106, 107, 108. 115, 332, 334; of Livingston patent by Collins, 125, 155, 172, 197; of Royal grant, 219, 234, 255, 274, 331, 332; letter of Johnson to Lieut. Gov. Golden concerning, 233 ; by Vrooman, 234, 241, 244, 259, 268, 274, 332; of Harrison tract, 241, 244; of land at Canajoharie, by Frey, 251; about Canajoharie, aspersions by Klock regarding, 252; of Mrs Cosby's lands, 272; by Frey and Yates authorized by Golden, 332; near Cosby's Manor, 335; Canada creek patent, 335; war rants for which Capt. Johnson inquired, 349; by Cockburn, 353; in Oneida purchase south of Mohawk, 362, 367, 371, 375, 379; advantageous to Dubois, 362; Vaughan's lands, 381, 385; Frey's bills for, 386; Crogh- an's lands, 387; costs, 397; Mon- tour's tract, 417; petitions for warrants of, 419 ; Tienaderha tract, 433; Pennsylvania surveyors, 437; letter of Jessup concerning, 508; Bullet's surveying expedition on the Ohio, 523 Susquehanna company, 156, 164; interview of representatives with Johnson, 164; measures for bene fit of, 183; letter to committee, 225; preparations to make settle ment, 413; meeting at Hartford, 420, 421; check to, 439. See also Susquehanna lands, Connecticut settlement on Susquehanna (Susquahana) lands, proposed exchange of part of Stevens patent for, 28; advisa bility of an early survey, 28; Ban- yar urges attention to purchase, 108; Johnson's purchase, 109; petition for purchases, 114; war parties against enemies in country, 208; purchase of lands near head waters of Delaware river, 366, 369; Col. Dyer's sentiments on, 396; Col. Dyer's application for deed of, 415; effect on Bradstreet 666 NEW YORK STATE LIBRARY if Johnson presses claims to, 460; sale by Johnson, 462 ; patent, 462 ; Swart and Becker offer to buy, 501; Connecticut settlement on: ex planation and justification of scheme by committee of Connecti cut government, 29; extract from deed obtained from Indians by Connecticut people, 29; proposal of governor of Pennsylvania to defeat scheme, 3 1 ; resolve of gov ernor and assembly of Connecti cut regarding, 33 ; hostile feeling of Pennsylvania and Teedyscung to ward settlers, 1 1 1 ; Indian oppo sition, 113, 135, 139, 145, 163, 165, 170, 183, 430; letter from Gov. Hamilton, 114; obstinacy of set tlers, 114; Gov. Hamilton's exon eration of Pennsylvania, 117; number of families, 135; purchase made through Lydius in wrongful manner, 135; proclamation of governor of Connecticut, 137, 141; Johnson's interviews with Fitcn and Chew, 145; letter from Am- herst on, 148; insinuation that settlers had Johnson's encourage ment, 150; Indians to repel tres pass by force, 151; settlers return home, 151, 471; Johnson invited to become partner, 163; disappro bation of the King, 168, 171; let ter of Gov. Fitch, 168; suspension of colonizing movement ordered, 169, 171; Johnson's discourage ment of project, 169; conference of governor, council and assembly of Connecticut with deputies of Six Nations, 171; letter to Gov. Hamilton, 172; Connecticut's title to lands, 203 ; claim will not receive countenance in England, 217; Connecticut seeks ministerial sup port for, 390; danger to Pennsyl vania from intrusion of Yankees, 417; expulsion of adventurers, 420, 421; Col. Putnam's opinion, 426; memorial of Col. Dyer's company to general assembly for grant, 426 ; indictment of New England tres passers, 429 ; rights of Connecticut, pamphlet on, 451; disaster to settlers, 469; trouble of settlers with Pennsylvanians, 478;. men tioned, 29, 30, no, 139, 169, 423, 428, 436, 451. See also Susquehanna company Susquehanna Manor, purchase in, 280 Susquehanna (Suquohanah, Susqua- hana, Susquehannah) river, failure of Gov. Hamilton to obtain Indian concession for navigating, 144; plan for school on. dis couraged by Johnson, 1 48 ; Thomas McKee Indian agent on, 149; Delaware settlements destroyed, 217, 227; Great Island, petition of inhabitants of Juniata against allowing Indians to settle on, 270 Susquehannas (Suskehannas, Sus- quehanahs, Susquehannahs), friendly disposition, 70, 86, 195; instructions for engaging in British service, 71; union with Six Na tions, 73 ; Adams's speech in behalf of, 74; speech to Gen. Johnson in behalf of, 74; hostilities against, 77; Gov. Morris's attempt to con ciliate, 77; agreement between Gov. Morris and Johnson regarding protection of, 79; observations of proprietors of Pennsylvania re garding land purchase, 85; in structions asked for negotiating treaty with, 93 ; preparation to visit Philadelphia, 94; Gen. Aber- cromby advised to temporize with, 94; condition of , 129; conferences with, 181, 257, 262; preparing for an attack, T 83 ; Delawares, con cessions, 267; Delawares give hostages for the fulfilment of promises, 268; murder of, 386. See also Delawares Sussex Court House, letter from, 309 Suts (Sootes), John, letter to, 184 Sutton, Samuel, 454, 459 INDEX TO SIR WILLIAM JOHNSON MANUSCRIPTS 667 Swain & Co., account, 247 Swan, George, letter from, n; bond and judgment from, 9 Swart, , capt., go Swart, Jacobus, 479 Swart, Joseyas, letter from, 210 Swart, Josias, letter from, 501 Sweden, treaty of peace with Prussia, 141; war preparations, 485 Swegatchies, see Oswegatchies Swits (Switz), , (skipper), 518 Swits (Switt, Switts, Switz), Cor nelius (skipper), articles sent by, 173, 309; bill to Johnson, 365 Swits, Isaac, (skipper), goods shipped by, 38; mentioned, 422 Swits, Isaac, ma/., letters from, 364, 425; disobedience to Johnson's order, 141 Sword, gift of Baron Dieskau to Johnson, 73 Sychnecta (Mohawk), sailed for Europe, 207 Sylvester, Peter, see Silvester, Peter Syme, James, letter from, 361 Symes, William, 58 Symons, Joseph, 324 Syms, , col., 55 Tadoussac (Tadousack), trade at, 323 ; affair of, 327 Taffe-(Teaf), , supposed nephew of Johnson, 484; liberties with Johnson's name, 484; mentioned, 476 Tageghsady, speech, 75 Takaheico, see Tokahaio Takayuharonwe creek, 109 Talbot, Gov. , 235 Taplin, John, capt., 55, 57 Tarquharson, , 248 Tattamy, Moses , 85 Tawaes, see Ottawas Taxation, of colonies, 230, 364; on land, 228, 263; pamphlet, 293; revenue acts, 429, 453, 455. See also Stamp act; Tea Taylor, (of Jamaica), 427, 428 Taylor, , 531 Taylor, John, 449 Tea, tax on, 455, 492, 516; nonim portation, 463, 482; prospective repeal of duty, 512; trade, 517; proceedings at New York in re gard to an expected cargo, 526; Boston tea party, 526; Parlia ment's course in regard to destruc tion of, 530 Teachers, see Schools Teaf, , see Taffe, - Teed, Joseph, 503 Teedyuscung (Tediuscung, Tedyes- cung, Teedyuscunck, Tidiuscung), letters to, 126, 152; information from, 8 1 ; account of behavior of, 8 1 ; declared agent of the prov ince, 82 ; speeches at Indian con ference, 82, 84, 85; belt presented by, 82 ; Weiser's impressions of, 82 ; information upholding in tegrity, 84; charge against Penn sylvania proprietors, 85, 87, 114; claim and conduct, 91; message from, 93 ; proposal of peace, 93 1 negotiations with Abercromby, 94; characterization, 95; letter of Johnson concerning, 96; speech of Gov. Denny to, 98; examina tion of complaint against pro prietaries, no, 118, 126, 132, 133; hostile feeling toward settlers from Connecticut, 1 1 1 ; investigation desired by, 114; declares amity and relinquishes claim to lands at Wyoming, 117; demands pay ment for lands, 117; reply of Gov. Hamilton to, 117; proposed meet ing with, at Easton, 133, 135; speech at Easton conference, re lating to charges against Pennsyl- vania proprietors, 138, 143; de nounced by Croghan, 139 Teice, Gilbert, see Tice, Gilbert Tekanondo, 301 Teller, Jacobus, recommended for quartermaster, 191; commission as quartermaster, 199, 336; men tioned, 487 Temple, , 530 668 NEW YORK STATE LIBRARY Temple, Lord, disagreement with Lord Chatham, 426; mentioned, 439. 453 Temple, Will., letter from, 513 Templer, Dudley, Ueut. col., 506 Templeton & Stewart, bill to Robert Adems, 436 Ten Broeck (Ten Brook), Abraham, capt., letters from, 124, 252, 484; letter to, 122; commission as cap tain in Albany battalion, 200 Ten Broeck, Cornelis (justice), 128 Ten Broeck, John, letter from, 525 Ten Broeck, John Jacob, recom mended for officer, 187 Ten Broeck, Peter (justice of the peace), charges against, 505 Ten Broeck (TenbrooK), Peter (Pe- teros), Ueut. col., application to establish a troop of horse, 459', mentioned, 509 Ten Broeck, Wessel, recommended for officer, 187 Tendkendocta, 134 Ten Eyck, Barent, commission to, as second lieutenant of grenadiers, 200 Ten Eyck, Henry, commission de sired for, 297 Ten Eyck, Henry, jr (sheriff), letters from, 484, 490, 498-501, 528; letter to, 529; money sent in care of, 287; receipt of bill, 478 Ten Eyck (Ten Eycke), Hermanns (skipper), goods shipped in charge of, 504, 512 Ten Eyck, Jacob (sheiiff), ordered to deliver up a French Indian prisoner, 1 6 Ten Eyck, Jacob C., 508 Ten Eyck (Ten Eycke, Tenyke), Jacob Hendrick, letters from, 109, 124, 196, 252, 297, 318; letter to, 122; money sent in care of, 194, 198, 295, 298; receipt from, 296; candidacy of, 473 Ten Eyck, John H., letter from, 525 Ten Eyck (Tenyck), Tobias, 201 Ten Eyck, Tobias C., 38 Ter Bos, Jacobus, letter from, 303 Terhune, Stephen, 236 Terrell, see Tyrrel Terrence, Adam, 177, 186 Terrill, , 451 Thatcher, , col., letter to, 64 Thatcher, Partridge, letter to, 465; proposed as governor of the new province west of the Connecticut, 434 Thayayake, 342, 450 Thayendanegea, see Brant, Joseph Thodey (Thoody), Michael, letter from, 300; report of scout, 64; order to, regarding provisions, 66 Thorn, , prisoner among Shaw- anees, 402 Thomas (Indian), speech, 74 Thomas (Indian), drunkenness, 195 Thomas (Indian), 307 Thompson, , sergeant, report of scout, 66 Thompson (Thomson), John, lieut., commission as lieutenant in Sche- nectady battalion, 200; horse belonging to, 319; mentioned, 511 Thompson, John (Mohawk), depart* ure, 49 Thompson, William, 313, 333, 336 Thompson & Alexander, letters from, 335. 337 Thompsons Manor, letter from, 536 Thomson, , 27 Thomson, Peter, return of prisoners under his charge, 46 Thoody, Michael, see Thodey, Michael. Three River Indians, messages sent by, to western nations, 175 Throgmorton, , 514, 515 Throop, William, letter from, 62 Tiatas (Huron orator), death, 327 Tice (Teice, Tyce), Gilbert, capt., letters from, 499, 500; letters to, 498,499; recommended for a cap taincy, 206, 208; articles sent in care of, 359; accounts, 359, 416, 457, 459; letter to creditors, 479; indebtedness, 486, 500; honesty, 488 ; demand of attorneys against, 490; action against, 498, 503; re- INDEX TO SIR WILLIAM JOHNSON MANUSCRIPTS 669 leased, 500; sale of lands, 501; title to lands, 502; suit against Taylor, 531; mentioned, 226, 499, 500 Ticonderoga (Tenonderoge, Teron- deroga, Tienderoga, Tironderogue, Tiyondarogo, Torondurogue) , op erations against, 50, 52, 62, 63, 68; commander of attack, 52; men sent to reconnoiter French camp at, 53; advantage of taking fort at, 55; advance on, impracticable, 56; report of scouting party sent to, 57; orders to reconnoiter near, 59; objections to attacking en campment, 63, 68; strategic value of the Narrows near, 84; return of killed, wounded and missing in attack, 95 ; ill treatment of Indians at, 162; letters from, 334, 349. See also Crown Point expedition Tienaderha (Tienuderrah, Tiyonon- derra) lands, Capt. Rutherford desires, 136; survey referred to, 411; charge for surveying, 433 Tilghman, James, letters from, 409, 414, 429, 442, 453: letters to, 411, 417, 448; mentioned, 412 Tillbag, Martinus, see Dillenbach, Martinus, jr Tillebagh, Wilhelmus, see Dillen bach, Wilhelmus Timber for the navy, 492 Timmerman, Conrad, 123 Tims, , 327 Tinker, , 430 Tioga (Diogoa, Teiogo, West Canada) creek, Indian settlement on, 208; lands on, Capt. Gordon asks advice in purchasing, 365; letter from, 216 Tionnondoroge (Fort Hunter) lands, 525-27 Titcomb, Moses, col., letter from, 43; letters to, 41, 44, 46; returns of his regiment, 42, 44; orders and instructions for, 44; death, 48, 53 Tiyononderra, see Tienaderha Tobacco, manufacture. 215 Todd (Tod), Isaac, letter to, 336; capture and examination of, 315; mentioned, 323, 334, 345 Tokahaio (Takaheico), speech, 117 Tomhenack, letter from, 355 Tongue, William, letters from, 208, 214, 246 Tony, Sam, 220 Toob, Jacob, 182 Tooke, John Home, success of suit against Onslow, 467; quarrel with Wilkes, 475 Torgau, battle of, 1 1 1 Toronto, trade at, 136-38, 154, 296, 2 97. 3 J 5> 3 J 7> 467, 487, 492; In dians at, 137; violation of trade regulations, 151, 153, 346, 360; complaints against Albany traders, 155; action to be taken against traders, 158; traders outside juris diction of New York, 159; trading affairs near, 324; proposed com mercial route between Toronto and Lake Huron, 345; importance, 379; disposition of Indians, 472, 505 Totten, Joseph, permission to pur chase land, 487 Totten & Crossfield purchase, map, 498 Touchet (Touchit), Samuel, letter from, 444; letter to, 466; instruc tions from, 417; mentioned, 371, 395 Tovey, Abraham, maj., 482 Tower, Gilbert, letter from, 205 Townsend, Philip, capt., letter from, 9i Townshend (Townsend), Charles, becomes secretary of state, 166; death, 375, 376; mentioned, 221, 371 Townshend (Townsend), Lord, 465 Townships, New England plan of settling, 422 ; land for, 428 Townson, Jn, letter from, 444 Tracy, James, lieut., 61 Tracy, Joseph, letters from, 94, 230; remarks respecting the Mohegan dispute, 339 670 NEW YORK STATE LIBRARY Trade, quality and price of Indian goods, 14; importance of estab lishing on a sound basis, 76; Lon don prices of furs, 213, 259, 277; suspension of, and government's precautions to prevent resump tion, 2.13 ; pennission to Indians to sell furs at Niagara conference, 230 ; inspectors, 230; request of Chip- pewa deputies for free trade, 232; statement of Johnson as to amount in territory under his superintend- ency, 239; decline of British, 264; effect of nonimportation on, 304, 451 ; Gage's proclamation concern ing, 329; French intrigues for control of, 331, 378; Canada's in terest in, 342 ; proclamation relat ing to, 345 ; Indians demand general freedom of, 347; powers and duties of commissaries, 350; provision for retrenchment in cost of goods, 354; unfavorable recep tion in England of petition of New York merchants, 367; remedy for evils, 370; sentiment of Indians, 373; abuses in, 373; Spanish com petition, 378; advantages of posts, 379; circular letter of Hills- borough to the governors in Amer ica, 392 ; attitude of assembly toward, 407; French monopoly in the west, 433; comparison of Eng land's American trade with Spain's, 446 ; communication from Carleton, 453; competition with Dutch, 486; unsatisfactory state of, 518; men tioned, 87, 96, 112, 208, 237, 238, 239, 254, 258, 276; regulations : restriction to cer tain places, 135, 228, 333; need of, 91, 199, 353, 379, 437- 465, 47U with Indians of upper countries forbidden, 2 1 8 ; plans for, 230, 404, 408, 444; schedule of equivalents to govern barter of goods, 231; orders, 253, 385; acts of Parlia ment, 285, 326; complaints of, 321, 333, 368, 392; necessity of uphold ing, 328; devices of Frenchmen to defeat, 337; necessity of military support for, 342; Indian aversion to regulations confining trade to- the posts, 344; difficulties in en forcement, 350, 519; violation, 35. 35 6 . 357. 403; new, 351; defended by Johnson, 392 ; plan for committing to management of colonies, 396, 397, 400, 403, 408, 413, 415, 416, 420, 481; Johnson asked to reconcile Indians to new plan of managing, 424; plan pro posed by assembly, 425; necessity of harmony, 426 ; Indian misunder standing, 463; delay in legislation, 478; Hillsborough's plan for regu lating, 506; suit against Lieut. Roberts for enforcing, 512; men tioned, 143, 211, 392, 451. See also Detroit; Fort Chartres; Fort Pitt; Illinois; Importation; Liquors ; Michilimackinac ; Mon treal; Niagara; Oswego; Post Vin cent; also other localities and In dian tribes Trade, committee of, at New York, goods in hands of, 458 Trade, Lords of, letters from, 76, 328, 381; letters to, 42, 47, 48, 51, 71, 73, 76, 84, 85, 88, 90, 98, 143, 173, l8l, l88, 201, 222, 224, 234, 235, 241, 243, 244, 250, 253, 255, 259, 268-70, 278, 286, 291, 292, 299, 305, 316, 324, 331, 373, 390; re port on proposal of Penn to grant lands to soldiers and officers, 7 1 ; extract on the Penns' colonizing project. 79; report on Benjamin Franklin's petition, 99; petition to, against allowing a settlement at Niagara Carrying Place, 150; requirements as to regular reports, 193; memorial of merchants to, 194; proclamation mentioned by, 194; commend Johnson's report on Indian affairs, 195; proba bility of adopting Johnson's views of Indian affairs, 210; petition of Canadians to, 213-14; approval of Johnson's report on the charges INDEX TO SIR WILLIAM JOHNSON MANUSCRIPTS 671 against the proprietary in Penn sylvania, 217; neglect of Indian affairs, 222 ;plan for Indian depart ments, 230; statement to, regard ing Indian trade, 239; message of Gov. Golden concerning Kayad- erosseras patent prepared under direction of, 239; proposals to, for putting Indian trade on a proper footing, 240; MacDonald asks a recommendation to, 253; Kayaderosseras patent laid before, 259; Johnson's claim brought be fore, 273; plan for Indian affairs, 276, 335, 353, 4i6;changesin ? 285; memorial of English and French of Montreal to, 338; retirement of Lord Hillsborough from, 345; re ports from ; on Canajoharie grant, 362 ; representation to the King on a petition for a grant of copper mines, 393 Traders, passes and licenses, no, 113, 137, 249, 296, 307, 310, 342- 43- 345. 37 2 . 3 8 5> 43 8 - 45 2 i me morial of English traders, regarding unrestricted trade privileges en joyed by French, 156; proceedings of a meeting of, at Indian Queen tavern, Philadelphia, 192; claims for compensation for loss by In dian depredations, 194, 196, 230, 238, 251, 299, 307, 338; slight prospect that government will repair losses, 217; request for tract in the Ohio country, 260; Johnson's efforts to procure rep aration from Indians for depre dations against, 272, 276; me morial of, in behalf of free trade with Indians, 296; objections to regulations, 321, 392; list of losses by Indian depredations, 338; John son's answer to petition from, 340; French defy regulations, 341; troubles to be feared from dis honest traders, 341; murdered by Cherokees, 352; Carleton's atti tude toward, 360; petitions of, 389; character of, 392; difficulty of obtaining restitution for, 408; Indian complaints against. 512; grants to, for losses: 413, 424, 431, 432, 451, 455; objections of ministry to, 436; not ratified in Fort Stanwix treaty, 449 ; secured by western lands, 454; letter in quiring about a list of persons presenting demands, 524 Tramper, Jacob, 426 Treaties, at Albany, 25; of Detroit, 123, 235, 242, 246: between Prus sia and Sweden, 141; between Prussia and Russia, 141; Lan caster, 146, 148, 149; with France, 158, 167; between English and Huron Indians at Niagara, 1764, 231; with Hurons and Chenus- sios, 234; with Delawares, Shaw- nees, etc., 277; from Six Nations, obtained by Col. Cresap, 338; be tween Croghan and twelve nations in Illinois country, 344; at Burnets field, 464; of 1765, dissatisfaction of Delawares with, 484. See also Indian conferences; Fort Stanwix boundary treaty Trent, William, capt., letter from, 40, 92 ; account of losses from Indians, 324; document signed by, 338; land enterprise, 456 Trent, see also Levy, Trent & Co. Trickitt, Thomas, letter from, 501 Trimble, Montague, letter from, 501 Trinity Church in New York, rector, 420 Trosoghroga (Mohawk), sailed for Europe, 207 Trotter, John, jr, letter from, 515 Truax (Truaex, Truex), Andrew (Aendres, Andries), capt., letters from, 423, 488; company, 358 Truax, Caleb, 423 Trumbull, Lieut. Gov. Jonathan, Joesph Chew's conversation with son of, 396; appointment as lieu tenant governor of Connecticut, 424; contest with Fitch for governorship, 455 6 7 2 NEW YORK STATE LIBRARY Tryon, Gov. William, capt., letter to, 525; will succeed Lord Dunmore, 482; account of battle between army of, and Regulators, 488; contest with Dunmore for gover norship, 488; commission, 488; arrival from North Carolina, 489; qualities, 490; commended, 491; disposition toward the interests of the church, 492 ; affability, 492, 493 right method of enlisting his cooperation, 493 ; intended pur chase, 495 '- appointment of sheriff of Tryon county, 501; visit to Johnson Hall 505-8; business capacity ,506; speech to Mohawks, 507; purchase on the Mohawk, 508; course regarding Delaware Indians, 509, 510; illness, 510, 517, 522; trip to Philadelphia, 511; at Hartford, 519; trip from Quebec in company with Claus, 522; ad vice about the ferry, 523; em barkation, 532; mentioned, 489, 490, 494, 512 Tryon county, proposed formation, 381, 431, 438, 440; opposition to plan, 428; boundary, 433, 495, 499; county seat and courthouse, 495, 497, 498, 501, 503, 506, 515; petition concerning, 496, 497; De Lancey promises to support scheme, 498; letter concerning, 498; Johnson aids establishment, 499 ; creation, 500; clerk, 500, 501, 505, 520; sheriff, 501; officers, 503; commissions of the pleas and the peace, 503 ; ordinance for, 504; courts, 510; representatives, 513; jail, 515; pay of members, 516; joint meeting of district commit- tess, 536; letter to committees of, 536; letter of committee to Sir John Johnson, 537; minutes of meeting of general committee, 537 Tucker, Daniel, lieut., letters from, 284, 294; application, 288 Turkey, quarrels with Russia, 446, 465, 466, 485, 490, 492, 517; de feat, 469, 472 ; presaged peace, 487 Turnbull, George, capt., letters from, 372, 378, 388, 433, 435. 486, 504; mentioned, 327, 349, 363, 425, 460 Turner, George, 88 Turner, see also Bun van, Turner & Laird Tuscarora (Tuscarara) Castle, letters from, 131 Tuscaroras (Tuscororas), speech to Gen. Johnson in behalf of, 74; at conference, 74; letter to, 101; interviews with, 116; visit to Fort Johnson, 125; opposition to land grants, 130 ; teaching, 131; purpose to come north, 177; friendly pro fessions and offers, 191; numbers and condition, 193, 217; gives war belt to, 20 1 ; side with English, 202 ; preparations to act against enemy, 206; account for articles delivered to, 331; immigration from North Carolina, 337; robbing, 341; seiz ure, 388; compensation for horses seized, 391; desire of Wheelock to extend his work among, 404; relations with Oneidas, 534; letter from, asking to have the Bible printed, 534 Tuteloes, conference, 117 Twightwees . (Tweetwees, T wight- wys), see Miamis Tyce, Gilbert, see Tice, Gilbert Tyger, Sufferinus, see Deyger, Soven- nus Tyms (Tymes), Samuel, bill and re ceipt to Daniel Campbell, 168; recommended for appointment as lieutenant, 187; death, 501 Tyrrel (Terrell, Tyrrell), Michael, lieut., capt., (Johnson's cousin), letter from, 9; marriage, 19; like ness to Johnson, 109; mentioned, 12 Tyrrel (Tyrell, Tyrrell), Richard, capt., admiral, letter to, 108; re ports of death, 108, 153; is alive and will soon be an admiral, 108; promotion, 126; Charles and David Williams recommended to, 206, 213; bereavement, 267 ; death, 333 ; mentioned, 169 INDEX TO SIR WILLIAM JOHNSON MANUSCRIPTS 673 Uleric, George, 419 Ulster county, MacDonald's patent in, 277; boundary with Albany county, 495. See also Militia Uncas, Benjamin, letter from, 94; management of lands by, 219; death, 425 Uniforms for troops and grenadiers, 187 ; for troops of light horse, 189 Upham (Uppam), John, commission to, as ensign in Albany battalion, 200 Upsdell, Peter, letter from, 524 Upton, Clotworthy, interested in land purchase, 272, 398, 407, 411, 416, 4i7 Urquhart, Daniel, 472 U stick, William, accounts, 183, 229 Vaccination, means and benefits of, 409 Van Aernam (Van Arnam), Abraham, captain in Albany battalion, 200; company, 358, 364 Van Alen (Van Allen), Barent, capt. (skipper), letter from, 446; corn sent in care of, 362 ; drafts in favor of, 372 ; sloop, 420 ; account against Johnson, 443 ; mentioned, 376, 390 Van Alen, Dirck, accepts lieuten ant's warrant, 198 Van Alen, Jacobus, capt., company, 358 Van Alen (Van Allen), John, 144, 261, 263 Van Alen, Peter, letter from, 10 Van Alstein, Goshin, licut., return of his company, 175 Van Alstyne, Abraham letter to, 454; appointed lieutenant colonel, 445, 454; declines commission, 457 Van Alstyne, Gose, meeting of gen eral committee of Tryon county at house of, 537 Van Alstyne, Philip, capt., 534 Van Antwerp, capt., 150 Van Antwerp (Van Antwerpen), Abraham, 249, 488 Van Antwerp (Van Antwerpe), Gar ret, 164 43 Van Antwerp, James, 457 Van Antwerp (Van Antwerpen), Sy- mon, 202 Van Antwerp (Van Antwerpen), Wil- hilmus, capt., 150, 186 Van Arnam, Abraham, see Van Aernam, Abraham Vanbarge, , capt., 79 Van Benthuysen, Jacob, money sent by, 33 Van Bergen, Martin G., 418 Vanbergen, Peter, capt., 509 Van Beuren, Tobies, 454 Van Buren, Jan, 45 Van Campen, Abraham, col., letters from, 309; letter to, 309 Van Cortlandt, John, 436 Van Dam, Anthony, letters from, 277, 312 Van Den Bergh, Gerritt, letter to, 16 Van Der Heyden, David, mo/., lieut. col., letters from, 87, 100, 109, 128, 142, 155, 159, 177, 180, 184, 187, 203, 207, 211, 404, 450; letters to, 36, 164; orders to, 96; recom mended to succeed Glen, 142; draft presented by, 151; commis sion for, 152, 159; losses, 276; accounts with Johnson, 331, 352, 449; order on, 450; mentioned, 97, 187, 297 Vanderheyden, David, jr, letter from, 222; mentioned, 221 Van Der Heyden, Dirck, letters from, 205, 222, 284, 294, 467 Vander Heyden, Gertruy, letter from, 177 Vanderheyden, Jacob, petition, 45 Vanderheyden, Jacob, money trans actions, 469; mentioned, 297 Vanderheyden, Johannes, letters from, 20, 274, 311 Vanderheyden, Mathias, letter from, 457 Vanderheyden, Mathyas, petition, 45 Van Der Volge, Petrus, 423 Vanderpool vs. Emerson, 78 Vandervelden, Isaac, 397 Van Derwerken, Johannes, 118 Van Driesen, Eva, 184 6/4 NEW YORK STATE LIBRARY Van Driessen, Henry, jr, letter from, ! 347 Van Dyck (Vandick), Cornelus, 101 Van Dyck, Dirk, 187 Van Dyck, Stephen, 448 Van Eps, Abraham, letter from, 390; continuance of partnership with Fraser, 283; mentioned, 414, 487 Van Eps, Evert, letter from, 15 Van Eps, Jacobus, 487 Van Eps, John B. John (son of fol lowing), letter from, 471 Van Eps, John Baptist, capt., letters from, n, 16, 20, 25, 81, 94, 113, 160, 210, 245, 247, 292, 295, 303, 379, 445, 476, 481-85, 487, 488, 490, 504, 505, 512, 516, 523-25, 527, 528; letters to, 18, 477; accounts, 24, 318, 356, 447, 464; goods sent by, 128, 215, 224, 322, 336, 454; goods forwarded to, 173, 177, 191, 273, 296; neglect to forward medicines, 193 ; powder and carbine balls sent by, 207; mentioned, 336, 346, 457, 47 2 . 473, 482, 485, 533, 534 Van Franken, Rykert, see Van Vrancken, Rykert Van Hoesen (Van Housen), Johannes, captain in Albany battalion, 200; company, 358 Van Home, Abraham, lands claimed by heirs of, 131, 153, 514- 'See also Livingston patent Van Home, Philip, letter from, 502 Van Mierop, Martin Kuyck, letter from, 444 Van Ness, Peter, 443 Van Petten, Arent N., 448 Van Rensselaer (Van Ransiler), Henry, 258 Van Rensselaer (Renselaer), (probably Jeremiah), col., orders to, 77 Van Rensselaer (Renslaer, Van Ren- slaer), Jeremiah, appointment as deputy, 1 66; mistake and timidity in legal movements, 167; has license to purchase tract in Albany county, 435 Van Rensselaer (Ranselaer, Ran- slaer, Ranslear, Rensaler, Ren selaer, Rens]aer, Rensselaer, Van Ranslar, Van Ransler), John, lieut. col., letter from, 506; letter to, 506; treatment of inhabitants of Noble Town, 339; land claimed by> 343 I can dispose of commis sions, 419; dispute with people of Kinderhook, 420, 484, 485; ap pointments in his regiment, 421, 427, 441, 443; opposition to, 440; disputed Claverack estate, 427, 443, 514; governor demands re port of regiment, 444; reinstated in command, 485, 488, 506; son, contest with Col. Hogeboom, 502 ; attempt to interfere with militia arrangements, 502 ; opposition to his obtaining command of militia, 507 ; list of officers for Kinderhook militia submitted by, 507; money sent in care of, 515 ; surrender of grant, 515; mentioned, 418, 425 Van Rensselaer (Ranselaugh, Van Ranselaugh), Kiliaen (Gilian,Gul- lian), 97, 100 Van Rensselaer, Maria, land of, 501 Van Rensselaer (Ranslaer, Van Ran slar), Stephen, capt., col., 191, 386, 425 Van Rensselaer (Ranselaer, Ran slaer, Renslaer) manor, 109; Stock- bridge Indians' claim, 257, 397; resignations from militia at, 418; bill to prevent freeholders from voting for Albany county mem bers, 477 Van Sanford (Sandford, Sanfort), Cornelius, capt., 319, 509, 512 Van Sante (Santie), Gerret, jr, letters from, 346, 365, 448, 475; order on, 39 1 Van Schaack (Van Schaick), Cornelis, col., letter from, 527; letter to 459; nomination as field officer approved, 445 ; recommendation of men for places as officers, 457; mentioned, 17, 445, 446 INDEX TO SIR WILLIAM JOHNSON MANUSCRIPTS 675 Van Schaack, Cornelius, jr, commis sion to, as first lieutenant in j r Albany battalion, 199 Van Schaack, Henry, lieut., letters from, 15, 63, 97, no, 114, 132, 133, 145-48, 150, 159, 161, 164, 166, 167, 180, 184, 188, 190, 191, 193, 202, 211, 214, 215, 243, 245, 263, 302, 368, 419, 427, 432, 439, 440, 443, 444, 447- 45, 452~54, 457, 484, 485, 52, 507, 531, 534; letters to, 160, 188, 302, 421, 431, 441, 444-46, 502; accounts, 209, 268, 316, 317, 371; sale of furs, 259, 277; agreement with Cole and Campbell, 265; postmaster at Albany, 299; delay of letters attributed to, 299, 300; still, 319' memorial of, 378; business em barrassment, 422; sketch of Kin- derhook patent, 443; candidate for justice of peace, 443 ; mill- saws can be obtained of, 453 ; candidate for assembly, 473 ; men tioned, 297, 398 Van Schaack, Peter, letter from, 478; mentioned, 475 Van Schaick (Van Schaik), -, letter introducing, 68 Van Schaick, Anthony, letters from, 21, 22; mentioned, 23 Van Schaick, Jno. G., 454 Van Schaick (Van Schaack, Van Schoick), Sybrant G., col., letters from, 59, 97, 448; letters to, 46, 60; mission to Mohawks, 52; regiment, 457; mentioned, 23, 7i, 275 Van Schaick, Wessel, letters from, 456, 488; accounts, 454, 525 Van Scheit, , 170 Van Schoonhoven (Schoonhove, Schovenhoven), Dirck Bratt, re ceipt for merchandise shipped with him, 237; delay in sailing, 238 Van Seice (Van Seiss, Vansice), John, to arbitrate between Duncan and Klock, 332 ; transaction with, ! 363; draft drawn by, 375, 376 Van Slyck (Vansleck, Van Slicke), , attacked by Pottawatamies, 513; murder of men, 519 Van Slyck (Van Schleyck), Acos, letter from, 14 Van Slyck, Albert, letters from, 13, 16, 18, 23; letter describing In dian attack near Schenectady, 18 Van Slyck, Anthony, 323 Van Slyck, Cornelius A., letter from, 526 Van Slyck (Van Slyke, Vanslyke), Jacobus, capt., maj., lieut. col., letters from, 156, 299; letters to, 29, 185; to succeed Vander Hey- den, 142; commission for, 152;' not proposed for militia com mand, 364; return of officers to have commissions under, 393, 426; petition of freeholders and I in habitants of Schenectady to, 476; mentioned, 155 Van Slyck (Van Slick), Tobias, letter from, 446 Vanthuysen, Jacob, letter from, 27 Van Valkenburg, Abraham, 100 Van Valkenburg, Lanbart. letter from, 453 Van Vechten, Thunis D., letter from, 453 Van Veghten, Cornelis, letter from, 276; receipt for goods received from Darlington, 272 Van Veghten, Ephraim, 137 Van Veghten (Van Vachten, Van Vaghta, Van Veghte, Van Vegh- ter), Lucas, report of taking of Louisburg, 96; letters in care of, 100; pass for, 137; articles shipped with, 225, 269; draft endorsed by, 322 Van Vorst, Jacobus Johannes, 113 Van Vrancken (Van Franken, Van Vranka), Rykert, capt., in Albany battalion, 200; company, 358 Vaudreuil, Pierre Rigaud, Marquis de, commission to Ohquanda- geghte, 137; contract conveying trading rights to William Grant 298; right of trade at La Baye purchase of, 301; purchase of 6/6 NEW YORK STATE LIBRARY land from, 331; pretended assign ment of lands by, 338 ; mentioned, 120 Vaughan (Vaughall), John, lieut. col.,' 'letters to, 253, 344; arrival at post, 238; sends De Couagne to recover horses, 248; departure for Detroit, 275; journey to Niagara, 311; lands, 334, 381, 384, 385 Veadir, Nicolas H., 208 Vealars, Daniel, 277 Veeder, Johs., 10 Veeder, John M., lieut., company, 358 Veeder, Volkert, commission to as second lieutenant in Albany bat talion, 200 Venango, fall of, 176 Verchere (Vergere), , strange behavior, 424; speech, 432, 433; appointed interpreter to Shaw- nees, 436 Vergereau, Peter, letters from, 292, 299, 308, 338 Verville, Charles Gaultier de, 254 Vesher, Frederick, see Vischer, Fred erick Vetter, Lucas, 105 Viele, Arnout, capt., 89 View, Constant, 176 Vincent, Richard, capt., 429 Virginia, affairs, 29; rumor of alli ance with Cherokees, 73; lawless behavior of frontiersmen, 278, 292, 360; commissioners, arrival at New York, 286; determination to force a settlement on Redstone creek, 347; intention to settle near Monongahela, 350; attempt to dissuade from making settle ments, 363; removal from Red stone, 370; boundary, 376, 424; hunters attacked on Green river, 398; encroachments, 421, 428; claims of, 423; application of clergy for American bishop, 489 ; clergymen in, 523; claims Fort Pitt, 528; quarrel with Pennsyl vania, 530, 533 ; occupation of Westmoreland county, Pa., 530; pretensions in Ohio country, 530; proclamation of governor to up- ' hold authority at Pittsburg, 534; Senecas killed by Virginians, 534 Virginia assembly, resolutions of, 274, 433; anger in England over resolves of, 297 Virginia, governor of, Indian policy, 92 ; letter relating to passage of Six Nations through that province, 154; speech of Indians to, 368; asked to redress wrongs of Indians, 379 Vischer, , capt., (skipper), 471 Vischer (Vesher), Frederick, 396 Visscher (Fisher, Vischer, Visger, Visgher, Visher), John, lieut., capt., letters from, 99, 180, 488; letter to, 17; order in favor of, 19; sug gested as agent at Oswego, 22; payment for provisions, 24; copy of pass certified to by, 137 Visscher (Visger), John, jr, 191 Visscher, Matthew, 528 Visscher's tract, 127 Vitry, Angelique, letter from, 1 8 Vitry, Catiche, 18 Vitry, Germains, letter from, 22 Vodri, John Baptist, accounts with Edward Cole, 325, 326 Voiseagamigate, power of, 190 Von Beverhoudt, Lucas, 437 Vosburgh (Vosb rough), Peter, capt., captain in Albany battalion, 199, 200 ; candidate for justice of peace, 443 nomination approved, 445 Vroman, Cornelius, letter from, 441 Vrooman, , 256 Vrooman (Vroman), Adam, capt., division of company proposed, 198; captain in Albany battalion, 199, 200 Vrooman, Barent, goods to be de livered to, 215; provisions for In dians sent to, 248; mentioned, 94 414 Vrooman (Vroman), Isaac, letters from, 244, 245, 389; survey of Mohawk grant, 234, 259, 268, 274; to arbitrate between Duncan and Klock, 332; treachery, 414; peti tion of freeholders and inhabitants of Schenectady to, 476; map from, INDEX TO SIR WILLIAM JOHNSON MANUSCRIPTS 6 77 483 ; difficulty of getting map from, 483 ; mentioned, 159, 332, 395, 414, 472 Vrooman (Vroman), Johannes, wo/., lands sold to Johnson by, 254; commission, 433 Vrooman, Johannis Hendrickse, 115 Vrooman (Vroman), Peter B. jr, recommended for place in regi ment, 391, 435; commission for, 441 Vroomans (Vrowmans), petition of Indians concerning lands sold to, 481 Wabash (Ouabache, Wabache), French intrigues at, 341 ; trade on, 377 ; destruction of a party at, 399 ; disorders about, 407; King's order to settlers to remove from Indian lands, 502 ; land titles, 514 Wabash (Ouabach, Ouabache, Ou- bache, Wabas, Wabauch) Indians, discontent, 373, 387; acts com mitted by, 427; conferences of Senecas, Shawnees and Delawares with, 430; Sandusky Indians com municate with, 479; hostile, 493, 497 message to, 502 ; peace move ment among, 513; trouble with southern nations, 521; trouble with settlers, 521; number of warriors, 523 Wabbicommicot (Wabacommegat, Wabbicommicott, Wapackcami- gat, Wapacomagat), demand for rum, 171; visit to Johnson, 195, 271; arrival at Detroit, 236; visit and recent history of, 273; mes sages for western tribes intrusted to, 274; congress with, 370; desire for a medal, 374; war belts given by> 3755 opinion of Senecas, 387 Wade, Ferrall, capt., letters from, 88, IO2, 194, 201, 205, 416, 419, 468, 483, 486, 488, 491, 493-95. 4991 letter to, 496; commission, 106; appointments in company, 106; accounts, 109, 112, 140, 457, 460, 504; ingratitude and recklessness, 153 ; arrest in action by Corry, 158 ; criticism of Johnson, 158; com plaint made by, 160; criticism of, 163; imprudence, 241; possible fate of ship carrying him, 247; conduct of, 265; Johnson's assist ance to, 484 , speech on wampum, 493 ; mentioned, I2 5 J4 6 . I 49 I 5 171, 187, 189, 213, 445, 464 Wade & Kreuser (Ferrall Wade and C. Kreuser) letters from, 460- 62, 464, 467, 469, 472, 480, 483, 487, 492, 504, 505, 520; list of goods asked for by, 460; journal kept by, 460 ; employees charged with carrying rum beyond Niagara 461; accounts, 462; list of goods wanted from Campbell, 464; in voice of packs from, 486; men tioned, 461 Wade, Francis, letters from, 71, 107, 140, 149, 158, 187, 192, 204, 215, 223, 237, 241, 243, 247, 249, 265, 267, 273, 279, 288, 291, 297, 302, 305, 308-10, 312, 313, 319, 327-29, 346, 389, 401, 464, 47 6 . 482, 484, 504, 524, 525, 528, 530, 533, 534; letter to, 273; accounts, 107, 143; negro received by Johnson from, 191 ; birth of son, 192 ; importunity, 236 ; money to be remitted to, 261 ; commended for commercial favors, 266; obtains servants for Johnson Hall, 311; difference with Matthew Wade, 492 ; kindness to Peter John son, 525 ; mentioned, 121, 134, 146, 148, 167, 168, 171, 182, 241, 266, 488 Wade, Matthew, letters from, 195, 3 2 7 355i to leave for Mohawk country. 182; money transactions, 194, 446; difference with Johnson, 204; order on Johnson, 206; no news from, since departure, 221; dissolves partnership with John Welles, 291; loan made by, 333; presents to Indians, 353; failure, 432; departure for London, 438; difference with Francis Wade, 492 ; mentioned, 138, 213, 329. See also Welles & Wade Waggoner, Frederick, 477 6;8 NEW YORK STATE LIBRARY Waggonnor, Peter, capt., 112 Wagoners, excessive charges, 124, 125; legislative regulation of charges, 122 Wagons, width of, 159, 167 Waindots, see Wyandots Waldron, John, 30 Walker, Fowler, 338 Walker (Wolker), John, 85, 368 Walker, Thomas (justice), assault on, 252; affair, 276, 342, 345; restora tion to commission of the peace ordered, 307 ; arrival from London, 3 J 3 Walker, Thomas (Virginia commis sioner), letter from, 398; letter to, 399 -'%! ? - < Walker, Thomas (trader), letter to, 280; money transactions, 232 Walker family, money owed Johnson by, 488 Wall, Edward, letters from, 485, 511, 536; schoolmaster, 406; journal kept by, 494; mentioned, 487 Wallace, , letter to, 56 Wallace, , order on, for glass wampum, 511 Wallace, , tieut., 145 Wallace, Alexander, letters from, 508, 510, 512, 513, 516, 518, 524; money transactions, 166, 473, 475, 477. 53. 5 10 . 5!6, 5 20 S 2 *. 53 Wallace (Wallice), Hugh, lieut., letters from, 52, 78, 124, 143, 153, 156, 167, 241, 242, 246, 250, 253, 283, 292, 302, 337, 345, 348, 361, 37i. 375. 3 8 . 386, 401, 409, 413. 424, 427, 450, 459, 474. 47 6 -79. 483, 490, 492, 493, 495, 500, 503-23; letters to, 142, 249, 285, 356, 392, 415, 425, 476, 478, 481, 495, 497. 501, 504; money trans actions, 166, 279, 380, 473, 475, 477. 497. 53. 59. 5 J . 516, 520, 521, 524, 530; explanation due to, 456 ; sale of land to, 462 ; deed, 495 : trip to Philadelphia, 500, 506, 524; list of articles ordered from, 509; invoice of articles sent by, 518; mentioned, 161-63, 168, 443, 467, 484, 490 Wallace, Hugh and Alexander, as signment to, 256; receipts to John son, 461; account of sundries sent Johnson, 510 Wallace, Mrs Hugh, 490 Wallece, Dr James, letter to, 379 Wallon, Jacob, lands, 127 Walpole, ,427 Walsh, Ralph, lieut. col., killed, 516 Walter, Jacob, 386 Walter, see also Karman & Walter Walters, William, maj., letters from, 115, 133; letters to, 115, 119, 133; mentioned, 130 Walton, , capt., letter to, 99 Walton, Jacob, 424 Wamash, Hendrick, 182, 185 Wapagamats, proposed trip of De Couagne among, 184 Wappingers, examination of griev ances, 332; memorial to governor by, 340; complaints, 341, 346, 348, 351; hearing on claim, 347, 350, 351; obtain support in England, 348; adverse decision, 348, 350, 351 ; Nimham's disposition to push case, 351. See also Nimharn, Daniel ; Stockbridge Indians Ware, Sir James, ethnologic dis coveries, 245 Warner, Timothy, 61 Warner, William, letter from, 445 Warrahiaga (Sir William Johnson), 2 S3 Warren, Joseph, 536 Warren, Oliver, monument, 296 Warren, Sir Peter, capt., admiral, letters to, 9, 21; successes on the water, 9 ; difficulty with Corry, 9 ; movements, 10 ; captures of French and Spanish vessels, 10; share of prize money, 1 1 ; cannon sent to Johnson under direction of, 1 1 ; reported arrival at Boston, 12; to be informed of Johnson's services, 18; generous acts and transactions, 22 ; interest in schools for Indian children, 26; death, 27, 28; papers belonging to estate, 83: INDEX TO SIR WILLIAM JOHNSON MANUSCRIPTS 679 bonds given to, 114, 126, 127; lands, 126; tenants on lands of heirs, 135; brass gun presented to Johnson by, 139; bequest for education of Indians, 144; Oliver De Lance}'' agrees to pay money due estate of, 179; relations of Johnson to estate of, 259, 290, 296, 418, 419, 471; monument, 296, 50 7; bonds in hands of heirs of, 298; children are of age, 439 Warren, Lady, extract from letter from, 417; mentioned, 115, 296, 333 Warren, Susan, letter from, 9 Warrensburg (Warrinsburg), leasing of lands at, 448 Washington, George, col., letter to, 93; defeat, letter about, 29; John son's criticisms of, 29; news con cerning, 77; mentioned, 507, 530 Wasson, John, proceedings against, 264, 338, 351; death, 369 Wassong (Chippewa), speech at Detroit conference, 235 Waterbury, David, lieut., 67 Waterford, letter from, 25 Watson, Andrew, letter from, 180 Watson, Daniel, 329 Watson, Jane, n Watson, Matthew, 528 Watson's Almanack & Registry, 482 Watts, John, letters from, 28, 39, 70, 76-78, 84, 260, 268, 271, 282, 286, 289, 313, 345, 348, 35 2 355, 367, 375, 3 8 o, 383, 399, 401, 414, 435, 457, 46o, 506, 515, 521; letters to, 42, 45, 151, 240, 262, 283, 288, 289, 307, 347, 351, 357, 389, 391, 394, 410, 415, 459, 460, 497, 508, 514, 520; merchandise sent to, 20; money transactions, 348, 351, 354, 428, 461, 503; differ ence with McEvers, 437 Watts, Mary, see Johnson, Lady Mary Wawiaghtonon (Ouiattanon), fall of post at, 176 Wawiaghtonons (Ouiatonos, Waweo- tonan, Wawiaghtonis, Wawiagh- tonos), news brought by, 174; purpose of, 451 ; hostilities against Cherokees, 497; failure of Iroquois deputies to meet at Scioto, 509 Wayondotts, see Wyandots Webb, Daniel, col., maj. gen., letter to, 89; appointment, 76; arrival of some of his party, 77; news of, 77, arrival in New York, 78, 79; Lord Loudon asks cooperation of, 83 ; request for estimate of ammu nition, 86; warrant to Abraham Mortier, 88; reinforcements at Fort Edward, 89; mentioned, 83, 88, 89 Webb, Thomas, Ueut., letter from, 3 73; letter to, 375 Webster, Stephen, capt., letter from, 50 ; letter to, 44 ; reports as master boat builder, 33; report on car penters and boats, 55; report on boats fit for use, 68 Wedderburn, Alexander, 429 Weiser, Conrad, letter from, 25; letter to, 25; impressions of Teed- yuscung, 82 ; at Indian conference, 82, 84; speeches, 85 ; deceased, 117 Weiser, Samuel, letter from, 270; in terpreter, 117; appointed to place held by his father, 117 Weissenfels, Fred, 333 Welch, John, 323 Welles (Wells), John, capt., letters from, 124, 127, 146, 153, 182, 186, 190, 203, 207-9, 2I2 > 2I 3> 22I > 2 5 2 256, 261, 263, 264, 268, 283, 285, 298, 310, 313, 380, 438; letter to, 445; captain in Schenectady bat talion, 200; provisions for, 227; bond executed by, 240; Matthew Wade dissolves partnership with, 291 ; mentioned, 285 Welles & Wade (John Welles and Matthew Wade), letters from, 233, 236, 241, 245; transactions, 172; money transactions, 176, 204, 232, 243, 285, 288; accounts for dona tions to Indians, 178; bondsman for, 195 Wells, Benjamin, 46 Wells, Judge Samuel, 515 Wemp, , action against, 517, 519 68o NEW YORK STATE LIBRARY Wemp, Bernard, 429 Wemp, Ryer, 472 Wempel. Abraham, letter from, 491 Wempel (Wemple), Andrew, 427. 470 Wempel (Wenpel), Barent, inter preter, 86 Wempel, Hendrick, letter from, 282 Wempel (Wemp, Wemple, Wympel), Myndert (smith), letters from, 68, 70, 73 ; letter to, 42 Wempel (Wemple), Myndert My. (smith), account against Johnson, 320; work, 430; commended, 456 Wemple (Wimple), An dries, 274 Wendell, , 91 Wendell, Abraham E., Margaret in service to, 165, 172; sale of negro Jacob to, 171; sale of negro Jacob to Johnson, 304; land purchased by, 328 Wendell, Evert, 16 Wendell (Wendle). Harmanus H., 298 Wendell. Harmanus J., capt., 170, 176 Wendell, Henry (skipper), 510 Wendell (Wendall), Henry I., letters from, 88, 96; letter to, in ; recom mended for position of adjutant, 89 Wendell, Hermanus, 328 Wendell, John, letter from, 328 Wendots, see Wyandots Wennee, John, see Wynne, John Wentworth, Gov. Benning, letters from, 32, 35, 39, 45; letters to, 34, 44. 55. S 6 , 64 ; mentioned, 34 Wert, Hannis, 443 Wert, Johannis, 105 Wesel (ship), sailed for England, 190 West, Margery, 185 West Florida, French intrigue in, 341; letter to governor of, con cerning trade, 392 West Indies, news from, 133 Westbrook, , 509 Westchester, political news of, 109; cobalt in, 299 Westmoreland county, Pa. occu pation by Virginians, 530 Wetherhead (Weatherhead, Wither- head), John, letters from, 314, 335, 337 340, 342, 344, 348, 349, 35i 354, 355, 357, 359~68, 371, 372, 374-77. 382, 383, 385-94, 396, 398, 399, 406, 407, 412, 413, 415, 416, 41820, 42426, 428, 429, 43135, 439, 440, 444, 447, 449~53, 462-65, 467, 470, 471, 473, 474, 477, 479. 482-84; letters to, 317, 337, 348, 35 1 , 359, 362, 378, 397, 417, 435; land affairs, 342, 344, 349, 359, 394, 421; marriage, 348, 349; accounts, 349, 351-54, 361, 362, 3 6 4, 3 6 7, 37 6 , 389-92, 416, 418, 420, 436, 437, 452, 457, 458, 462, 463, 467, 470, 472, 474, 482-84; articles sent by, 356, 366, 465; representative at Detroit, 398; encouragement of settlements at Fort Stanwix, 420; suit involving, . 510; memorial to Gage, 514; mis fortune, 5 1 7 ; mentioned, 431, 441, 449 Wetherhead, Mrs Rachel (wife of John), letters from, 349, 351, 406; letter to, 354; present from, 394; mentioned, 361, 383 Weygand, Rev. John Albert, letter from, 421 Weyman, William, letters from, 112, 164, 184, 236, 246, 306; paper, 158, 161, 202, 210, 2 80; bill for printing, 199; printing Indian prayer book, 400, 402 ; mentioned, 165 Weyman, see also Parker & Weyman Wharton, Carpenter, letter from, 494 ; mentioned, 478, 481 Wharton, Isaac, 454 Wharton, John, maj., 469 Wharton, Mrs John, 469 Wharton, Joseph, letters from, 314, 478; letters to, 315, 481 Wharton, Samuel, letters from, 262, 387, 391, 413, 415, 427: letters to, 389, 417, 449; money transactions, 260, 342, 413; demand on Col. Croghan, 396; in England, 451; land enterprise, 456; success in English negotiations, 456 ; troubles, 489; news from, 494; treatment of INDEX TO SIR WILLIAM JOHNSON MANUSCRIPTS 68l partners, 528; mentioned, 323, 324, 416, 432, 477, 57 5 8 > S 2 ^- See also Baynton, Wharton & Morgan Wharton, Thomas, letters from, 431, 451, 454, 476, 478, 512; letters to, 380, 413, 434, 449, 456, 481; ac count with Johnson, 456 Whately, , pamphlet, 429 Wheelock, Rev. Eleazar, letters from, 143, 144, 157, i6c, 241, 260, 265; 288, 317, 516; letters to, 121, 148, motives and acts commended, 140, 145; Johnson's confidence in, 147* Johnson's approval of plan for Indian education, 148; proposed journey with Joseph Brant, 157; son, 317; memorial relating to In dian school, 404; to establish col lege for Indians, 406 Wheelwright, John, 35 Whetmore, , 67 White, Alexander (sheriff), letter from, 501 ; quarrel with the people, 537' governor to be petitioned for removal of, 538 White (Wite), Henry, [letter from, 493; letter to, 495; lands, 127; packet from, 318; New York cor respondent for Baynton, Wharton & Morgan, 318; money transac tions, 346, 352, 353, 436; men tioned, 490 White, Joseph, 379, 418 White, Tom, 515 Whitefield (Whitfield), Rev. George, 463 Whiting, Nathan, lieut. col., letters from, 70, 72, 401, 446; letters to, 69, 70, 438; weekly report of Col' Goodrich's regiment, 43 ; report of ammunition, 62; inquiry after Johnson, 42 1 ; death, 483 ; men tioned, 426, 438 Whitlock, William, letter from, 476 Whitney, Boleyn, letter from, 73 Wiandots, see Wyandots Wiealusing. see Wyalusing Wildman (Wileman), Thomas, 238, 467, 529 Wilkes (Wilks), John, North Briton, 185; popularity, 206; excitement over, 207 ; expulsion from House of Commons, 2 15, 42 1 ; return to Eng land, 298; pardon, 393, 426; in fluence, 426; abandonment by Bill of Rights association, 429; quarrel with Home, 475: success, 489; character, 492 Wilkes, the American, see McDougall, Alexander Wilkins (Willkins), John, capt., ma/., lieut. col., letter from, 399 ; letter to, 148; instructions to De Couagne, 1 50 : information regarding traders at Toronto, 151; not allowed to open letter for Capt. Dalyell, 177; excursion, 184; detachment of, action with savages, 186; expedi tion to Detroit, 190, 201, 210; ac count of expenses at the Illinois, 429 ; speech to Indians on the Wabash, 433 Willard, , 422 Willard, , col, 62 Willard, Joseph, pass to, 418 Willet, Mrs , death, 135 Willet, Edward S., 528 Willett, Elbt., 458 William, 448 Williams, , 443 Williams, , lieut., 292 Williams, (naval officer), 301 Williams, Charles, letters from, 166, 167, 206, 213, 267, 285; letters to, 123, 1 68; recommended to Ad miral Tyrrel, 213 Williams, David, 213 Williams, Ephraim, col., letter from, 43; death, 48, 53; petition of officers of his regiment, 58; men tioned, 46 Williams, Henry, letter from, 511 Williams, Isaac, 325 Williams, Israel, letter from, 1 7 Williams, John, 398 Williams, Sam, 363 Williams, Thomas (surgeon), letter from, 59 ; letter to, 21; certificate of sickness of certain soldiers, 61 682 NEW YORK STATE LIBRARY Williams, Thomas, accounts, 153, 154 Williams, William, capt., letters from, 53 79 unacceptable to Indians, 79; complaint of Senecas against, 81 Williamsburgh, headquarters at, 159 Williamson, - , col., letter to, 139 Willson ; James, letters from, n, 12, 17, 28 Wilmot (Willmot), Montagu, col, Wilson (Willson), suit of Michael Furey against, 183, 189 Wilson, Alexander, 418 Wilson, Ebenezer, lands, 134, 136, 328 Wilson (Willson), Thomas, letter from, 108; bankruptcy, 153 Wimple, An dries, see Wemple, An- dries Winepress (Windpress), William, capt., letter from, 141; letters to, 135, 141; letters to be forwarded by, 238 Winkoop, , 525 Winn, Christopher, 189 Winn, Joseph, letter from, 360 Winn, Micaiah, 360 Winne. (Wennee), John, capt., com pany, 358; commis.sion, 450; ac counts, 467 Winne, Peter, 23 Winne, see also Douw & Winne Winslow, John, gen., 78 Winston, Richard, 321, 326, 335, 349 Wioming, see Wyoming Wisconsin river, trade on, 344 Witbeck, Andreas, commission as first lieutenant in Albany bat talion, 199 Wite, Henry, see White, Henry Witherhead, Rachel, see Wether- head, Mrs Rachel Wnupas, Abraham (Indian), letter from, 169 Wolfe (Wolf), James, gen., 99, 100 Wolker, John, see Walker, John Wolleber, Hendrick, 489 Wood, Draper Simon (deputy com missary), letters from, 336, 390; applications for provisions to be made to, 305; return of provis ions at Albany and Schenectady, 337 Wood, Urius, 140 Wood creek, lands near, 114, 133, 488 Wood creek near Fort Anne, letter from, 255 Woodbridge, Timothy, letters from, 254, 380, 422; letter to, 354; men tion, 163, 164 Woodhull, Nathaniell, letter from, 537 Woolley, Joseph, 241 Wormwood, William, capt., 112, 197 Wraxall, Mrs Elisabeth, letter from, 131; letters to, 89, 133 Wraxall, John, letter from, 105 Wraxall, Peter, capt., letters from, 40, 41, 43, 44, 54-56, 5 8 > 59. 62 70, 81-83, 88 . 9 8 > 99; letters to, 31, 48, 54, 57, 66, 89; asked to serve as secretary of Indian affairs, 31 ; supplies lent to, 42 ; record of general's orders to surgeons in army, 53; introduced to Gov. Hardy, 54; mission to governor, 54; mission to Albany and Boston, 54; mission to governors opposed by" Gov. Hardy, 54; dispatches sent by, 55; return, 56; ordered to Oswego, 56; commended, 57, 70; orders to regimental commis saries, 58; orders to Lieut. Col. Gilbert, 59: regards to Admiral Boscawen, 61; request that he may act under royal commission, 73; orders to, 89; fitness for sec retaryship of Indian affairs, 91 ; death, 99, 105; article on the colonies, 131; Johnson's permis sion to read manuscript, 133 ; papers, 310, 312; mentioned, 50, 64, 70, 97, 100 Wray, George, letters from, 179, 207, 216, 225, 379; letter to, 125; draft in favor of, 367; payment to, 418 Wright, David, letter from, 445 Wyaloosins, 211 INDEX TO SIR WILLIAM JOHNSON MANUSCRIPTS 683 Wyalusing (Wiealusing, Wieloosing), i94, 3 8 4 Wyandot (Wiandot) town, proceed ings at, 115 Wyandots (Waindots, Wayondotts, Wendots, Wiandots), attempt to ally them against English, 115; meetings with Johnson, 118; of Sandusky, conference with Col. Bradstreet, 238; submission to King of England, 238; reparation for injuries inflicted by, on traders, 251; ask for conference at Fort Cumberland, 368; dissatisfied with Johnson, 512 Wympel, Myndert, see Wempel, Myndert Wynne, John, lieut., articles furnished to destitute Indians, 274; accounts, 289 Wyoming (Wiomen, Wioming, Wyo- mink), Gov. Morris's message to Susquehanna Indians, 77; speech of Gov. Denny to Indians, 98; claim to lands relinquished by ] Teedyuscung, 117; emigration of Connecticut people to, 163, 171, 331, 414, 421, 428; McKee's dis covery at, 440 ; people dissuaded from going to, 524. See also Sus quehanna lands Yates, Abraham, 109 Yates (Yattes), Abraham, 303, 503 Yates, Abraham, jr, letters from, 255, 3ii Yates, Christopher (Stopphele), 332, 353. 47 2 . 5oi Yates (Yeates), Christopher P., let ter to, 536; on committee of Pala tine district, 535 Yates (Yattes), Joseph, 303 Yates, Peter W., letters from, 500, 526, 531; kindness to Capt. Tice, 500 Yates, Robert, letters from, 261, 525; will sell land, 303 Yates, Stopphele, see Yates, Chris topher Yeates, Christopher P., see Yates, Christopher P. York, Duke of, may visit America, 275 York (ship), 251 Yorks, 71 ; Young, Christ, 202 Young (Youngs), Frederick, 170, 171 Young, Henry, ice Young, Peter, accounts, 377, 457; certificate of naturalization. 475 Younge, William, letter from, 492 Yzard, Ralph, see Izzard, Ralph Zander, Hendrick, 202 Zedaghquida, patent for lands at, 45o Zeisberger (Seisberger, Zisberger), David, letter from, 130; interpre ter, 117 Zimmer, Jacob, letter from, 315; land, 531 Zoller, Andreas, 202 Zoller, Hendrick, 202 Zoller, Jacob, 202 THIS BOOK IS DUE ON THE LAST DATE STAMPED BELOW RENEWED BOOKS ARE SUBJECT TO IMMEDIATE RECALL LIBRARY, UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, DAVIS Book Slip-20m-8,'61(C1623s4)458 r t 228^73 Call Number: EL95 y, J6? A3 New York. State Librai Albany. ralnn^airi n-P -fVi* O-? M EI9S 298573