5-65" -NRLF 1t, ^ti^ ^=§« -jS I- Organic Matter, Humus, &c. Oxide of Iron Alumina Lime Magnesia Potash , Soda Phosphoric Acid Sulphuric Acid Chlorine Insoluble Silicates, and Sand) , (Clay Carbonic Acid and Loss. 10.08 6.30 9.30 1.01 .20 .01 .13 .17 72.80 .49 3.19 2.65 .24 .70 .12 .02 .07 trace trace 92.52 sand 3.38 8.82 6.67 1.44 .92 1.48 1.08 1.51 trace 72.88 L87 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 11.24 4.87 14.04 .83 1.02 2.80 1.43 .24 .09 .25 63.19 6.33 9.31 cost of lime 54.56 trace 1.03 trace trace 28.77 10.50 11.92 19.92 .25 .71 .38 .04 .76 55.52 100.00 loo.oa 18 (2.) Analysis of a Holland (Mnlder): very fertile soil, near the Zuyder Zee, Tons per acre 10 in. deep. Insoluble silica (sand) and alumina. Soluble silica 57.646 576.0 Soluble alumina 2.340 23.0 Peroxide of iron (iron rust) 9.039 90.0 Protoxide of iron 0.350 3.5 Lime 4.093 40.0 Magnesia 0.130 1.3 Potash 1.026 10.0 Soda 1.972 19.0 Chlorine 1.240 12.4 Ammonia 0.060 1200 lbs. Phosphoric acid 0466 4.5 Sulphuric acid 0.896 9.0 Carbonic acid , 6.085 61.0 Humusand water chemically combined... 12.000 120.0 Loss 0.828 100.000 (3.) Analysis of a remarkably sterile soil : Sand 95 843 Alumina 0.600 Oxide of iron 1.800 Lime combined with silica 0.038 Magnesia 0.006 Potash and soda.., 0.005 Phosphate of iron 0.198 Sulphuric acid.. 0.002 Chlorine 0.006 Humus, carbonic acid and water 1.502 Tons per acre 10 in. deep. 958.00 6.00 18.00 0.38 0.06 0.05 1.98 0.02 0.06 15.02 100.000 The poverty of this soil is apparent from the small amounts of lime, potash and phosphoric acid present. The addition of marl was found to produce a decided effect. A rough way by which the planter may determine whether his soil has sufficient lime is to take a small quantity, put it in a wine glass, and pour some muriatic acid over it. If the earth bubbles up, or if, on putting the glass to the ear, a fizzing is heard, there is enough lime ; if no disturbance occurs, lime is probably needed. 19 DESCEIPTION OF THE ORGANIC SUBSTANCES OF THE SOIL. The names of these in the order in which they occur in rela- tive abundance in an average fertile soil, are Silica (sand), Alumina, Oxide of Iron, Lime, Magnesia, Pot- ash, Soda, Sulphur, Phosphorus, Chlorine, Fluorine. Silica is a compound of 53.34 per cent, of oxygen, and 46.66 per cent, of a metal called silicon. This metal never occurs in nature, but was discovered by Sir Humphrey Davy, in 1813, and is obtained as a brown powder or as scaly crystals, like graphite. Silica has acid properties, that is it combines with alkalies, and exists in three forms, crystalline, amorphous, and jelliform ; when crystalized it forms hexagonal (six-sided) trans- parent, colorless prisms, which are called rock crystal ; when amorphous, it is .white, gritty and tasteless, as in flint and sand. Neither of these forms when pure are acted on by any of the acids except the hydrofluoric, nor even by the strongest fires. The jelliform variety is called soluble silica, and is a combina- tion of silica and water, which is slightly soluble in water and freely so in acids, even carbonic. This is the immediate source of the silica in plants, and it is formed from the akaline silicates of the soil ; thus, if we have a powder composed of silica, lime, potash, etc., such as powdered feldspar, and expose it to the ac- tion of water containing carbonic acid, as rain water, the latter will unite with the lime, potash, etc., and leave the silica in the soluble form, when it is readily appropriated by the plants. From the want of enough of this in the soil, those plants that need it largely in their straw, as wheat, oats, rye, etc., are unable to stand up, and fall down and rot. As the amount of soluble silica in soils is small, all the straw of the crops, and all the weeds that grow in swampy places, or running water, should be returned to the soil best through the compost pile. Alumina. — This substance, which is a compound of the metal aluminum and oxygen, exists in nature in two forms, crystal- line and .amorphous ; when crystallized, it forms the precious stones, as the ruby and the sapphire ; when amorphous, it is very like silica, white, gritty, hard. In the soil, however, it usually occurs as clay, which is a compound of silica and alumina. This substance does not form plant food, for it is seldom absorbed by the roots of plants, but its office is chiefly to absorb and retain moisture and all the soluble salts of ferti- lizing substances. When clay is present in large quantity the land must be drained, or it will be wet, cold, and heavy ; if de- 20 ficient, the land will be " hungry," and the fertilizing salts will be washed away from the roots of the plants. Instance the porus soils of the coast. A very important property also of clay is its power of absorbing ammonia from the atmosphere and conveying it to the roots of plants. The color of clay is caused by the presence of oxide of iron. Oxide of Iron. — This substance occurs in two forms, as pro- toxide, consisting of a combination of one equivalent of iron and one of oxygen, and peroxide or sesquioxide, which consists of two equivalents of iron to three of oxygen. The former is of a dark color, constituting largely the scales on the anvil of the smith, and exists in the blue clay lands. The latter is familiar as iron rust, and causes the red color of most clays. Lands which contain the protoxide should be frequently culti- vated, so as to expose this oxide to the atmosphere so that it can absorb oxygen and be converted into the harmless red oxide. During this oxidation, hydrogen is set free, which then combines with nitrogen to form ammonia, and as the red oxide has slightly acid properties, it fixes the ammonia for plant food. Soils which contain iron pyrites will have formed in them this protoxide, in the form of sulphate or copperas. The presence of this salt, in more than very small quantity, is poisonous to plant life; if, however, it be well cultivated, or still better, if it be limed, the injurious protoxide will, after a time, be converted into the harmless red oxide. The use of iron in plants seems to be in the formation of the green coloring matter in them. Lime. — This, one of the most important constituents of soils and also one that is very widely disseminated, is derived from the limestones, which are found in nearly every geological period, and also from gypsum, or land plaster, which in some places occurs in large beds. Limestone is a combination of lime and carbonic acid gas. When this is burnt in kilns, the carbonic acid gas goes off, and a hard, white, caustic substance remains. This is stone lime, or quick lime. If now water is poured on, (one part of water to three of lime,) it grows very hot, swells up and finally falls into an impalpable powder, called slacked lime. If it continue to be exposed to the air, it again absorbs carbonic acid and becomes reconverted into limestone; but it is in very fine powder, and not hard and massive as was the original rock. In this fine state it is readily absorbed and assimilated by plants. Gypsum is a combination of lime, sulphuric acid, and water. When this is burnt, the water is driven off^, and it is called plaster of Paris. In this state it reabsorbs water with great avidity, and sets or becomes hard, thus making an excellent material for taking casts, &c. If, however, it is burnt at too high a temperature, it loses this property and is incapable of reabsorbing water. Magnesia. — This substance resembles lime, and is generally 21 \:'-\ ^^^^ -^^ found with it in combination with carbonic acid, as in dolo- .^ / , mite, raagnesian limestone, serpentine, etc.; it is also found t'J/^^ combined with silica, a variety of which is familiar as meer- schaum, from which pipes are made. There are also two other forms, the carbonate of magnesia, and the sulphate, which is called Epsom salts. Magnesia must be present for plants to have health, but in abundance often acts injuriously; combined with phosphoric acid, it forms a large proportion of the ash of the cereals, as wheat, barley, etc., and it occurs chiefly in the bran. Potash. — When wood is burned, a greyish white ash is left: this is chiefly carbonate of potash ; by strong firing this is con- verted into the potashes of the shops, which is a mixture of carbonate and caustic potash. This more purified, that is, con- taining less carbonate and more caustic, is called pearlash ; and when pure, caustic potash, which i&a combination of oxygen and the metal potassium. The " lye " from wood ashes is a solu- tion of carbonate of potash, and is used largely in washing, as it softens hard water by precipitating the lime as carbonate, and the potash unites with all greasy matters to form soap. The potash of the soil is derived chiefly from feldspar, which con- tains sixteen per cent., and which, as we have stated, is a con- stituent of granite. Granite contains about one per cent, of pure potash. Soda. — This substance resembles potash, and appears to take the place in marine plants that potash does in land plants; the ash of sea weed consisting chiefly of carbonate of soda. In soils it occurs chiefly as chloride of sodium or common salt, and is found only in small quantity. Phosphorus. — This substance is a yellowish semi-transparent substance, soft as wax, and inflammable by the slightest friction ; on burning, it combines with oxygen and forms phosphoric acid. In combination with lime and magnesia it is found in soils; and in the same combination it constitutes a large part of the bones of animals. When bones are burnt a tine white ash is left. This is the " bone ash " of commerce and consists of about eighty per cent, of phosphate of lime. If this ash is mixed with charcoal, and heated in a retort, the phosphorus distils over and is caught by drops in water. This, however, is a dangerous experiment. As this substance is found in such small quantity in soils, and in such large quantity in plants, it is the one soonest exhausted, and, therefore, has to be replaced by the superphosphate of commerce. Sulphur^ also called brimstone, is a hard, yellow, brittle sub- stance, devoid of smell or taste. It is found around volcanoes mixed with earthy impurities : by melting the sulphur is freed from these, and imported for the purpose of making sulphuric acid. In the soil sulphur is generally found as sulphate of lime. Chlorine and Fluorine. Little need be said of these sub- 22 stances. They occur in soils combined with soda and lime, the first as common salt or chloride of sodium, and the latter as fluor spar, or fluoride of calcium. This is absorbed by plants and is conveyed to animals chiefly to form the enamel of the teeth ; it also exists in smaller quantity in the bones. Common salt occurs in large beds, known as rock salt: it is also found in the atmosphere near the sea, and also occasionally in the rain of places far interior, where it is supposed to have been carried by high winds. CHAPTER IV. PLANTS. All plants are composed as we have said, of two parts ; the organic and the mineral; the latter we have treated of in the preceding chapter, while the organic parts are those derived from the atmosphere, and are carbon, hydrogen, oxygen and nitrogen, and are built up into more complex forms by the vital force of the plant. Some plants require more of one substance than others, and on this is based the principal of rotation as has been said. Thus, thera are the potash plants, as corn, beets, turnips and potatoes, whose ash contains more than half its weight of potash. The lime plants, such as beans, peas, clover, tobacco, have their ash chiefly composed of lime and magnesia. There are also the silica plants, such as wheat, rye, oats, barley. In all these different ashes, of whatsoever class, phosphoric acid forms a large proportion, and is usually united with the predominant bases of the ash. Now as these ingredients are necessary for the plants to grow and mature, they must be present in sufficient quantity, and in a readily available form ; that is, there must be enough of them soluble in water. These mineral constituents of plants form but a small pro- portion of the weight of the plant, from three to six per cent., and they were for a long time considered of no consequence, but experience has proved their absolute necessity for the growth of crops ; and as surely as crops are continually grown and exported, so surely does the land diminish in productiveness, unless restored by artificial means. This is manuring. To show how large is the quantity of these necessary sub- stances which is removed, we transcribe several tables: 23 WHEAT. Twenty-five bushels of wheat, at 60 lbs. to the bushel, the product of an acre, weighs 1,500 pounds ; the straw of this grain will weigh 3,000 lbs. The wheat and straw removes from each acre of land the following weights of the elements : Grain. Straw. Total. Ammonia 41.71 lbs. 10.18 lbs. 51.89 lbs. Phosphoric Acid 15,00 " 11.10 " 26.10 " Sulphuric Acid 1.08 " 5.10 '* 6.90 '* Lime 1.35 « 12.00 " 13.35 " Magnesia 4.65 " 5.10 " 9.75 *' Potash 12.00 " 23 70 " 35.70 " Silica 1.05 « 143.10 " 144,15 « The table shows also the relative amounts of the different elements required to raise wheat. INDIAN COKN. Fifty bushels of corn — the estimated crop of an acre — of 58 lbs. to the bushel = 2,900 lbs. This weight of corn will require 3,000 lbs. of stalk and cob (when dry), and will contain: Grain. Stalk and Cob. Total. Ammonia 34.22 lbs. 6.06 lbs. 40.22 lbs. Phosphoric Acid 25.81 '' 13.50 " 39.31 " Sulphuric Acid 2.90 " 8.40 " 11.30 " Little 87 " 17.70 " 18.57 " Magnesia 7.83 " 9.30 " 17.13 " Potash 15.08 " 59.70 " 74.78 " Silica 2.32 " 81.60 " 83.92 « The reader will notice that Indiau corn requires much more phosphoric acid and potash than wheat, while the amount of ammonia is only a little more than half as much ; consequently, its nutritive properties as food are in about the same propor- tion; that is, in proportion to the ammonia. Corn stalks con- tain a large amount of potash and silica, and, when properly prepared as manures, will furnish these elements for other crops. From the comparatively small amount of ammonia required by the corn crop, it can be raised at less cost to the soil than wheat, because ammonia is one of the most costly of the organic elements. 8.10 « 21.75 3.00 « 10.50 12.30 « 13.35 4.50 " 6.75 24.00 *' 32.55 90.00 « 97.80 24 EYE. Thirty bushels— estimated product of an acre— of 50 lbs. to the bushel z= 1,500 lbs.; the same weight as 25 bushels of wheat. This crop requires at least 3,000 lbs. of straw. The grain and straw contain : Grain. Straw. Total. Ammonia 34.05 lbs. 8.70 lbs. 42.75 lbs. Phosphoric Acid 13.65 « Sulphuric Acid. 7.50 " Lime 1.05 " Magnesia 2.25 *' Potash ^ 8.55 *' Silica 7.80 " By comparing the above table with the one giving the com- position of wheat, the reader can understand why larger con- tinuous crops of rye than of wheat can be raised from the same soil ; because rye does not require so much of those elements which are first exhausted in soils as wheat does. In like man- ner, by studying the composition of different crops, and noting the amounts of the different elements required to produce them, we can understand why farmers should have a dollar for a bushel of wheat, when corn is selling at fifty cents, and rye at seventy-five. Such an examination shows that the quantity, and consequently the price of any crop, are naturally regulated by the amount of certain valuable substances required for its production. OATS. Fifty bushels of oats — the estimated product of an acre — of 33 lbs. to the bushel=l,650 lbs. This amount of grain re- quires about 2,000 lbs. of straw. The grain and straw contain : Grain. Straw. Total. Ammonia 37.45 lbs. 7.80 lbs. 45.25 lbs. Phosphoric Acid 10.39 Sulphuric Acid 6.62 Lime 1.81 Magnesia 3.47 Potash 7.59 Silica 2.14 4.00 " 14.59 " 3.20 " 9.82 " 7.40 '* 9.21 " 3.80 " 7.27 " 6.00 " 13.59 " 45.40 " 47.54 " The reader will note the large amount of ammonia required by this crop. This accounts for the nutritive properties of the grain and straw. The amount of phosphoric acid and potash is small compared with that of other cereals. 25 BAELEY. Thirty bushels of barley — the estimated product of an acre — of 48 lbs. to the bu8hel=i440 lbs. The straw weighs 2000 lbs. The grain and straw contain : Grain. Straw. Total. Ammonia 33.40 lbs. 7 60 lbs. 41.00 lbs. Phosphoric Acid 9.64 " 5 40 " 15.04 '' Sulphuric Acid 1.73 " 4.40 " 6.13 « Lime 72 '* 8.80 " 9 52 " Magnesia 2.44 " 2.80 " 5.24 '* Potash 6.33 " 25.80 " 32.13 " Silica 7.^3 " 68.80 " 76.43 " Oat and barley straw are good manures, as they are rich sources of nitrogen, containing, as they do, a large percentage of ammonia. From this cause also, they make good fodder for cattle. Only a small amount of phosphoric acid and potash is required for these straws, while the amount of silica is only one half of that required for wheat straw. POTATOES. One hundred bushels of potatoes, of 60 lbs. to the bushel= 6000 lbs. of tubers. The tops, when dry, weigh about 3000 lbs.; and the tops and tubers of such a crop contain : Tubers. Tops. Total. Ammonia 21.00 lbs. 1.50 lbs. 22.50 lbs. Phosphoric Acid 33.00 <' 18.00 " 5100 '' Sulphuric Acid 12.60 " 15.50 " 28.10 " Lime 4 20 " 55.00 " 59.20 " Magnesia 7.80 " 10.50 " 18.30 " Potash 109.00 " 70.00 " 179.00 " Silica 13.00" 30.00" 43.00'' Twenty bushels of wheat require 15 lbs. of phosphoric acid for the grain, and 11 lbs. for the straw; while 100 bushels of potatoes require double this amount. Hence, two medium crops of wheat exhaust only as much of this valuable element as one crop of potatoes. Also, only one-sixth the amount of potash required for potatoes is necessary for the wheat crop. In rais- ing potatoes, few farmers supply a sufficient amount of phos- phoric acid and potash. Hence, this plant and its tubers have become constitutionally deteriorated on most farms, and liable to speedy decay. A bushel of potatoes contains only about one-seventh the amount of nitrogen contained in a bushel of wheat, and its nutritive value for the production of blood and muscle is in the same proportion. 26 CLOVER HAY. Two tons, or 4,000 lbs., of dried clover may be considered an average crop per acre. This amount -contains : Ammonia 52 00 lbs. Phosphoric Acid .. .. 19.76 " Sulphuric Acid 7.50 " Lime 75 00 lbs. Magnesia 21.00 " Potash 80.69 " Silica 18.65 lbs. Clover requires a large amount of potash and ammonia, while the amount of silica required is small. G-reat benefits are real- ized by growing this crop; it sends its roots deep into the soil, and brings up the phosphate and sulphate of lime, also potash and magnesia; and when the clover is ploughed under, as a green manure, it furnishes a large amount of the nitrogen re- quired for a heavy crop of wheat. All root crops require a rich soil to do well. Twenty tons of turnips or carrots, with the tops — which is a large crop for an acre — require : Turnips. Carrots. Ammonia 42 00 lbs. 48.00 lbs. Phosphoric Acid 45.00 " 39.00 " Sulphuric Acid 50.00" 57.00" Lime 90.00 " 197.00 " Magnesia 14.00 " 29.00 " Potash 140.00 " 134.00 " Silica 55.00" 60.00" Tobacco and cotton require a rich soil to grow luxuriantly, as the following table, showing the amounts, in pounds, of inor- ganic elements contained in 1,000 lbs. of the stems and leaf of tobacco, and the fibre, seed, and stalk of cotton, in their air- dried state, will show : Cotton, Tobacco. Phsophoric Acid 8.6 Sulphuric Acid 9.3 Lime 88 8 Magnesia , 25.0 Potash 73.7 Silica 23.0 We regret that we could not obtain reliable analyses of cotton and tobacco, showing the amount of nitrogen or ammonia re- quired. The reader can see that in raising tobacco, a large amount of lime and potash is required, while the amount of phosphoric acid is small. The cotton plant requires more phos- Mbre. Seed. Stalk. 83 14.8 5.5 5.6 1.6 0.5 25.7 2.4 7.0 14.5 5.6 2.2 54.0 14.4 8.8 1.3 3.4 25 27 phoric acid, but either crop can be raised more readily and pro- fitably from ordinary soils, where climate is suitable, than either wheat or corn. The foregoing Tables are of great value to the farmer and planter, in showing them the amount of the different valuable elements required by different crops ; also, how far the commer- cial manures of a known composition are able to supply the material for these crops. If the reader wishes to know how much of those elements which are not usually applied as princi- pal constituents of manures, such as oxygen, hydrogen, chlorine, iron, soda, and carbon, is required by plants, he may refer to the Tables on pages 28 and 29 which will show him the percentage of these substances; and from these he can readily calculate the amount required by different crops for an acre. Every crop should be supplied with the full amount of all the substances needed to bring it to maturity. That this vital prin- ciple is not understood, or at least attended to, is painfully evi- dent from an examination of the statistics furnished in the re- ports of the Agricultutal Department, at Washington. By these reports we find that the average of the amounts of the different crops raised on an acre in thirty States of the Union, is as follows : Wheat 11,56 bushels. Indian Corn 28.00 " Eye 13.30 Oats 23.95 " Barley 19.14 bushels. Buckwheat 17.68 Potatoes 93.22 " Hay 1.28 tons. The above averages show conclusively that there is a great necessity for a more extended use of manufactured manures. Even Pennsylvania, that boasts of her fertile soils and the perfection of her system of agriculture, produces only the fol- lowing average of the above named crops per acre : Wheat 12.8 bushels. Eye 13.0 Barley 21.4 " Potatoes 88 " Indian Corn 35.0 bushels. Oats 27.8 Buckwheat 16.5 Hay. 1.3 tons. But this will favorably contrast with South Carolina, which shows the lowest average production, as follows: Wheat 5.6 bushels. Eye 5.0 " Barley 9.0 " Corn 10.2 bushels. Oats 9.7 " Potatoes 101.0 " 28 INOEGANIC ELEMENTS. TABLE showing the amount of inorganic and mineral substances usually found in 100 pounds of the plants named, in their marketable condi- tion ; serves as a key to the application of the proper elements as fer- tilizers. Wheat Wheat straw Eye Eye straw Barley Barley straw Oats Oat straw Buckwheat Buckwheat straw. Indian corn Corn stalks Peas Pea straw Beans..., Bean straw Potatoes Beets Carrots Turnips .. S 0.09 0.40 0.07 0.41 0.05 0.44 0.11 0.37 0.13 1.10 0.03 0.59 0.14 1.94 0.25 1.51 01 0.03 0.09 0.08 0.31 17 0.23 0.16 0.17 0.14 0.21 0.19 0.20 0.21 0.27 0.31 0.19 0.36 0.17 0.43 0.02 04 04 0.02 07 0.02 0.80 770 52 0, 01 0, 53 'o, 44 05 0.79 02j0.57 0410 80 01 0.44 11.29 .01 [0.46 0411.00 02|0 17 ...2.76 02 0.52 27 24 33 0. 01 020 020 oro 1.99 1. 00 1.07 1.34 1.96 0.20 0.21 29 0.32 1.00 0.37 0.91 0.27 0.67 0.27 0.63 0.20 1.00 0.61 0.89 0.45 0.87 0.35 96 0.47 0.06 0.06 0.08 0.12 0.17 0.50 0.10 0.12 0.22 45 0.16 0.44 0.31 0.10 0.28 0.11 0.80 0.13 0.13 0.02 0.02 0.05 0.070.08 29 Table showing the percentage of moisture ; of albuminous and glutinous compounds ; of starah. gum, sugar and woody fibre ; and of ash and nitrogen, and the equivalent in ammonia contained in the different pro- ducts. It also shows their relative value as food : 1 Aibuminous and Glutinous Compounds. Starch, Gum, Sugar, and Woody Fibre. CO i 1 i -to to . S B •;j ft 14 Common Grass 48.00 16.00 10.94 8.25 6.42 10.20 85.20 90.43 75.00 10.80 8.75 15.00 10.00 10.10 8.75 8 55 6.20 15.10 12 00 2.06 8.12 1.80 2.15 1 80 1.08 1.50 1.35 2.20 23 40 22.81 11.25 10.57 14.20 14.50 19.50 9.60 6.27 35 00 .47.74 68.38 82.12 84.50 86.66 88.22 12.40 7.72 21.90 62.70 65.04 70.75 77.33 67.20 78.10 69.10 83.10 78.23 34.50 2.20 7.60 5.14 5.10 5.12 5.50 0.90 0.50 0.90 3.10 3.40 3.00 2.10 3.50 8.65 2.85 2.20 0.40 4.50 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100 00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100 00 100.00 0.33 1.30 0.35 0.39 0.35 0.24 0.24 0.21 0.35 3.74 3.65 1.18 1.69 2.27 2.32 2.41 1.52 1.00 5.60 40 Clover Hay i 1.58 Barley Straw 0.42 Oat Straw 0.47 Wheat Straw 0.42 Corn Stalks 0,29 0.29 Carrots Turnips 0.26 Potatoes 0.42 Peas 4,54 Beans 4.43 Indian Corn 1 43 Kye Oats 2.05 2.75 Barley 2 81 Wheat 2 92 Buckwheat 1.84 Kice 1 21 Cotton Seed Cake 6 80 Plants by their vital force assimilate the elements of both the soil and atmosphere, and turn these elements into food for herbiverous animals, which in turn also serve for food for the carniverous animals and man, thus to borrow a simile, if we take a field and plant grass, and put a dog thereon he will starve, put a sheep, and the sheep will eat the grass, and then serve as food for the dog. The organic portions of plants are, as we have said, derived from the atmosphere, and are built up into 1st. Albumen and gluten, which contain nitrogen, and whose percentage in any grain is the test of its food value. 2d. Starch, sugar, gum^ and oil, which are rich in carbon, and whose functions are chiefly to make fat, and so to sustain the necessary heat of animals. This oil, or fatty matter, renders the grains in which they are found more easy of digestion, as in corn and the yolk of an Qgg. Carniverous animals are nearly destitute of fat, and should an animal be debarred from exercise, and fed on grain rich in carbon as corn, it rapidly increases in fat, as the carbon is not burnt out by the lungs, but is deposited in the tissures. 30 3d. Woody fibre, which is the part of plants that sustain them in their erect posture. This is also rich in carbon, but is not readily assimilated so as to serve for animal food. Ihe tender shoots, however, of young trees are consumed by ani- mals, of this material also paper is made, and in the laboratory of the chemist it can be turned into starch or sugar. Fourth and last portion is moisture, which constitutes the largest part by weight of nearly all plants and animals. CHAPTER V. COMPONENTS OF FERTILIZERS AND WHERE FOUND. From the preceding tables it will be seen how much min- eral matter is carried away by crops, and it can readily be understood that this deficiency cannot possibly be restored to the soil by atmospheric action. Therefore- it becomes necessary that those elements which are in least quantity should be arti- ficially returned. These substances are phosphoric acid, potash, ammonia, and lime. All experience has demonstrated that stable manure is about the best thing to restore worn out lands, and if enough of it could be gotten there could be no use for the commercial fer- tilizers of the market. But it cannot be obtained, and there- fore the farmer should try to save all he has and to make it go as far as possible by the use of adjuncts. The reason why this manure is so useful is because it con- tains all the elements of plant food in an easily soluble condi- tion. Solubility is nothing but minute division and the mineral refuse of the animal having passed through the system, has been acted upon by all the acids of the digestive organs, and is most minutely divided. But even stable manure can be helped for those plants which require some particular element, in large quantity, by adding that element to it in the compost pile. Thus all cereals requir- ing large quantities of phosphoric acid and potash would be increased in yield by the addition of a high grade superphos- phate, yielding a large amount of phosphoric acid, as the Etiwan Dissolved Bone, or better, by the Etiwan Crop Food, containing both phosphoric acid and potash in large quantities. We have said the principal elements to be restored to land are phosphoric acid, phosphate ammonia, and lime. Let us first examine the sources from which the farmer can obtain them on his own farm. His home resources of supply of phosphoric acid are very small, as will be seen from the accompanying tables. 31 Potash can be obtained in fair quantities from ashes and the leaves of trees. Bat where the tinabers supply a good ash, the soil, generally, contains a sufficient supply of potash. The barn-yard is also a good source of supplying the same. Ammonia is abundantly supplied by cotton seed, stable, and barn-yard manure. Nature also supplies an indetermin-ete quan- tity of this valuable gas from the atmosphere, which supply is brought by rain and dew?, and is also absorbed by the humus, or organic portions of soils. This amount of ammonia, which is variable in fact, varies from day to day, so that it is easy to see how useless would be the analyses of a soil to determine its fertility. While ammonia is necessary for all crops, and in compara- tively large quantities for the cereals, any farmer who grows cotton, and economizes his home s'upply, need never purchase a single pound. Lime is easily gotten in many places from marl, or from burnt lime. The remarkable action often seen from an application of this substance, can in no wise be explained by the idea of its simple deficiency in the soil. It is caused mainly by its chemi- cal action, by decomposing the organic and mineral constitu- ents of the soil, thus setting free plant-food which had been previously insoluble. These different substances have very different chemical ac- tions when mixed, and if done ignorantly may result injuriously. Thus, lime or ashes, mixed with ammoniacal compounds, sets the ammonia free, and it files off into the air, so that in a com- post of an easily decomposable substance, such as stable or farm-yard manure, or cotton seed, lime and ashes , should be excluded, and some retaining substance, such as dissolved bone or land plaster applied. The former preferable on account of the phosphoric acid con- tained, which unites at once with the ammonia, while the latter depends on a double decomposition. In the Etiwan Dissolved Bone both are present in large quantity, and have a powerful effect. The farmer thus should have two piles. In one of which he puts his easily decomposable substances, such as cotton seed, stable, and barn yard manure, with Dissolved Bone, which can be used in from three to four weeks, or less time ; and another, in which are put all the straw, corn stalks, cotton stalks, leaves, fence corner scrapings, muck, or swamp mud, etc., with lime and ashes. This should be kept wet with water and with all the drainings of the laundry and kitchen, and should be turned or replied in from four to six months, at which time Dissolved Bone should be added in liberal quantities. This is more fully explained in a subsequent chapter on com- posting. To show the value of the different substances which can be 32 obtained upon the fiirm, we give below some tables indicating their analyses. The following table shows the per centage of the substances named, contained in the different varieties of leaves in their dry state : Phosphoric Acid. Potash. Lime. Mulberry Leaves... .0.36 per cent. 0.69 per cent. 0.90 per cent. Horse-chestn't " 61 « 1.47 " 3 04 Walnut " 0.28 " 1.86 " 3.76 Beech " ....0.28 '* 0.35 " 3.03 " Oak " 0.40 " 0.17 " 2.38 " Fir • " 0.23 " 0.14 " 0.58 Ked Pine " 0.48 " 0.09 " 0.88 *' The following table shows the amount of phosphoric acid and potash cotained in one hundred pounds of the different varieties of ashes named, together with their values: Phosphoric Acid. Beech 5.3 lbs. Birch 8.5 " Oak 5.5. " Walnut 12,2 '' Poplar ...13.1 " Apple 4.6 " Eed Pine 5.1 '• Coal ashes {anthracite) 5 " Peat " 20 " We shall now show the value of one thousand pounds of well rotted and air-dried stable manure, calculated from the analyses of Dr. Yoelcker : Water and organic volatile matter Ammonia 30 " $7.50 Phosphoric Acid 18 " 2.25 Potash 20" 1.60 Yalue of Potash. 100 lbs. 16.1 lbs. $1,51 11.6 " 1.45 10 " 1.05 15.3 '' 1-77 14 " 1.71 12.0 " 1.16 5.2 " .64 0.15 « .3 0.2 " .11 !■ 670 lbs. Total $11.35 We shall now give the value of the urine of different animals, as shown by the fertilizing salts contained in one thousand pounds of each ; Water. Pig Urine. ..9.29 lbs. Horse " ...9.40 " Cow " ...9.28 '' Sheep " ...9.65 " Human*' ...9.57 " Phos'ric acid. Potash. Nitrogen. Ammonia. trace, 6.0 lbs. 11.8 lbs. = 14.3 lbs. trace, 2.8 " 15.4 *' — 18.7 '' trace, 4.5 " 4.4 '' = 5.3 " 1.3 lbs. 7.2 " 13.1 " = 15.9 " 4.0 '' 2.0 " 1.42 '* = 17.2 « 33 The following table shows the amount produced annually by a single animal of the kind named, and its value as manure, when fermented : Yearly Phosphoric amount. Acid. Potash. Ammonia. Value. Pig Urine. .. 1000 Ib'S. trace, 6.0 lbs. 14.3 lbs. $4 00 Horse " . . 2000 " trace, 5.0 " 37.4 " 9.79 Cow " ..2000 " trace, 9.0 " 8.8 " 2.92 Sheep "#. 500 '' 0.6 lbs. 3.6 " 8.0 " 2.35 Human" ... 750 " 3.0 " 15 " 10.7 " 3.16 The following table shows the amount of water and of the valuable constituents only contained in 1,000 lbs. of dung of the animals named in its natural or undried state : Horse '* Cow " 864 Chicken" 850 Sheep " 670 Human " 750 Water. 840 lbs. 743 " Pho8i)horic acid. Potash. Nitrogen. Ammonia. 8 lbs. 5.0 lbs. 7.0 lb8.= S.b lbs 12.2 " 28 « 5.4 « == 6.5 " 5 2 " 10.7 " 35 " = 4.2 " 15.2 " 5.5 " 21.5 '' =26.1 " 22.7 " 7.0 " 7.1 " = 8.5 " 3.3 " 1.0 " 15.0 « =18.2 *' The following table shows the amount produced annually by a single animal of the kind named, and its value, assuming the phosphoric acid to be soluble, and the nitrogen as actual am- monia. Amount. Pig 200 lbs. Horse 2,000 " Cow 2,000 " Chicken 5 " Sheep 50 " Human 100 " Phosphoric acid. 1.6 24.4 10.4 0.076 1.27 0.33 lbs. Potash. 1.0 lbs. 56.0 " 21.0 " 0.03 " 0.35 « 0.10 " Ammonia. Value. 1.7 lbs. 13.0 " 85 " 0.13" 0.42 " 1.80 " $0.62 994 5.15 .04 .42 .50 The solid and liquid excretions taken together, will show the following annual value of each animal : Pig Excrements, solid and liquid $ 4.62 Horse " " " 19.73 Cow " " « 8.07 Sheep " " " 2.75 Human " « " 3.66 It is exceedingly important that all these solid and liquid excrements should be retained, and for this purpose the stable 3 34 and barnyard should be well lictered, and the litter gathered up and placed under cover — as the most valuable ingredients are soluble in water, and would be leached out by rains. If the interior of a pile of manure becomes too dry, decora- position will cease, and the manure become " fire-fanged "^ when water should be poured on. The object to be obtained being not too much nor too little water. CHAPTER VI. THE AKT OF COMPOSTING. It is from the neglect of this highly useful and important art that our planters and farmers are responsible for so many ster- ile and uncultivated fields, and for so many high-priced and complicated fertilizers. As long as the planter takes from his fields all that they will bring and carries it away, so long will the land that he plants become poorer and poorer, until crop- ping is unremunerative. This is the present condition of most of the lands in the Southern Atlantic States; and in order to compete with the great cotton States of the Southwest, our planters have to fur- nish to their lands nearly all the elements required for plant food. Hence has sprung up a trade in so called "Commercial Fer- tilizers," in which all these elements, or the most important of them, are, or are said to be. These different elements occur in commerce in many and various forms, and are brought from different and widely separated places, so that to obtain them, import them, combine them, and sell them, requires considerable knowledge, judgment, capital and skill. It is evident that if any of these ingredients can be furnished and combined by the planter, the resulting fertilizer will be cheaper, and the saving will be proportional to the cost of the ingredient. if ih.Q whole Qvo^ were returned to the field as manure.*?? the ingredients would be furnished for the succeeding one; but in practice some (and that generally the richest in plant food) is exported, and the residue is too often tossed aside and neglected. Thus all that the planter can do is to save some of this plant food, while a large part of that exported has still to be bought from a manufacturer of those particular elements. Now it so happens that those elements which the planters f Having a dry frosted appearance. 35 can save, are just the most expensive of those which he pur- chases, so that it becomes a most important point for him to consider the ways and means by which this saving of those ele- ments can be effected. This is the art of composting. Kothing in this world is easy ; and all things to be well done, must be done with accurate knowledge and careful judgment. The art of composting is no exception to this, and in order to compost intelligently, the planter must know something about the chemistry of organic and inorganic substances, and the laws by which he must work. As, owing to the great differentiation of knowledge, we cannot expect all planters to acquire this knowledge, it becomes the duty of the chemist to interrogate nature, study her laws, and then impart to him the result. All plants or portions of thent when they die, and are left exposed to air and moisture, undergo decomposition, that is the highly complex arrangement of their atoms is broken up, and more simple forms are assumed. This decomposition may take place in two ways: First, by eremacausis, or slow decay, which is an oxidizing process ; second, by putrefaction or fermentation, which is a reducing process • the only difference between putrefaction and fermenta- tion being that in the former offensive odors are emitted, and in the latter, none. Eremacausis requires an excess of free oxygen, and therefore, takes place in bodies freely exposed to the air, while putrefac- tion, though it seems to require oxygen to commence, only proceeds in the absence of oxygen, or at least when that element is present only in small quantity. Thus, if we take a substance undergoing slow decay, and exclude the atmosphere, putrefaction sets in ; and vice versa, if we take a body in putre- factive decomposition, and expose it freely to the air, the rapid decomposition ceases, and slow oxidation ensues. The final results of these two methods of decomposition differ considerably, and are of especial importance, in this inquiry. In eremacausis, or slow decay, the carbon and oxygen unite to form carbonic acid; the hydrogen and oxygen to form water, while nearly all the nitrogen escapes as free gas, a small por- tion only forming nitric acid; while in putrefaction a portion only of the carbon unites to form carbonic acid, some of it escaping in combination with hydrogen as marsh gas, some as carbonic oxide, while a large portion remains as humus. The hydrogen also, though mostly combining as water, yet also forms marsh gas, and remains as one of the elements of humus; while aZ^ the nitrogen unites with hydrogen to form ammonia. Thus it appears that the object of the planter should be to arrange his materials so as to produce putrefaction, and at the same time to retain those valuable products which may escape as gas or in solution in drainage water. 36 The materials to be used, are nearly all the refuse of the farm, stable, cattle-pen, kitchen, and house; the only things to be avoided, are wood ashes and lime; these must not be put in a heap, because they evolve ammonia from any combination in which it is, but if they are desired on the land, can be sprinkled after ploughing and previous to harrowing, the lime, especially, doing most good when kept near the surface. Weeds also after seeding, should be excluded; as they will give endless trouble when they sprout. Straw, corn-stalks, cotton-stalks, muck, clearings of fence corners, leaves, all are useful; but in the South, the cheapest, most abundant, and most valuable ingredient is cotton seed; here we have an inexhaustible supply of that most costly ingredi- ent, ammonia, and also a considerable amount of potash and phosphoric acid; and it is to this compost that we now direct your attention. If cotton seed were wetted, piled, and left, in a short time it would "heat," and putrefaction setting in, nearly all the nitro- gen would escape as ammonia, while the other inorganic matters in small quantity, would be left ready for the next crop. The object, therefore, to be attained, is to reta.n the ammonia in an available state, and to increase the amounts of the other valuable elements. The one in least quantity is phosphoric acid, so that the object resolves itself, into retaining the ammonia of the seed and adding soluble phosphoric acid. This is done by composting the cotton seed with the soluble phosphoric acid of the manufacturer; and it is evident that the greater the percentage of soluble phosphoric acid in the pur- chased article, the greater the percentage of ammonia and soluble phosphoric acid in the compost. The ordinary way of retaining ammonia escaping from a compost heap, is to sprinkle with plaster, or put a la3'er of earth. In the former case a mutual decomposition ensues, and sulphate of ammonia and carbonate of lime are formed ; while in the latter case, the gas is absorbed by the earth, with probably the same and also other chemical reactions. In the retention, by means of the dissolved bone or acid phosphates of commerce, both phosphoric acid plaster being present, the ammonia can be retained both as phosphate and sulphate, so that there is very little danger of any of it escaping into the atmosphere and being lost. For the construction and management of a compost heap, the following mode of procedure is recommended : In selecting the location, a slight incline should be chosen ; and from any point as a centre, lay off on each side four feet ; now dig a small ditch on the centre line, say twelve inches deep, and twelve inches wide, as long as may be necessary, and sink a barrel or keg at its mouth to catch the drainings ; slope down the space from each outside line of the four feet radius to the 37 ditch, and if the planter be thrifty, cover loosely with plank the whole bottom ; haul the materials to the spot, and commence building the pile from below upwards. Having thoroughly soaked the cotton seed with all the water it will absorb, mix it intimately with the dissolved bone, and build up the pile to any convenient height, like the roof of the house, giving enough slope to shed rain ; finish each section to the top, sprinkle on the outside with dissolved bone, and cover with hay or straw like a stack; then proceed in like manner with the next section above; the advantage of j'znis/im^ each section being that decomposition starts sooner, so that by the time the last section is done, the first will the sooner be ready ; neatly finish up the job and leavQ to nature. In about a week or ten days, active putrefaction has set in and the interchange of elements above referred to goes on. The, drainage water in the barrel should be poured back on the pile from time to time, and the interior of the pile examined as to its temperature and dampness, by running a small grooved pole into it; should it be dry, and not moist, all action will cease, and water should be poured on the top ; after the interior of the seeds is disintegrated, the heat diminishes, and the compost may be used; but if the pile be composed of material other than cotton seed, and not so easily decomposable (such as straw, leaves, etc.,) when the heat nearly ceases, the pile should be turned. It is sometimes asked whether the mixture of seed and dis- solved bone could not be as advantageously made in the soil ; but it would appear not, for the following reasons : If the mixture is made in the soil, the conditions are more favorable for eremacausis, or slow decay, than for putrefaction, owing to the more free access of oxygen ; so that the nitrogen of the seed would go off as free gas, and any of it that would be inclined to form ammonia, from putrefaction occurring in some portion of the mass, would be induced by the presence of the carbonated bases in the soil to form nitric acid, which is much more readily lixiviated than ammonia. As also in the germination of seeds some nitrogen escapes as free gas, so in the soil, where the germination would proceed farther than in the pile, more nitrogen would be lost. In the pile, the seed, owing to moisture, sprouts, and the young plant, from contact with the acid of the dissolved bone, and from a want of oxygen, light, and from the heat, dies, and is then subject to the laws of putrefactive decomposition ; the valuable nitrogen uniting with hydrogen to form ammonia, which is immediately seized by the phosphoric acid and re- tained, the matter may be thus tabulated: Points in favor of the Pile. Objections against mixing in the Soil. Loss of Nitrogen. Less Humus. Formation of Nitric Acid rather than Ammonia. Nitrogen saved as Ammonia. Humus formed. Kapid decomposition. 38 In conclusion, the writer would suggest that the planters make some comparative experiments on the two modes, and give in- formation as to the results ; for though the chemical theory may- be in favor of the pile, the difference in the yield of the crop may not compensate for the greater expense of composting. DIEECTIONS TO MAKE AliD MANAGE A COMPOST PILE. Select a slight incline, if possible, and from any convenient point dig a ditch up the hill, say ten inclies wide and six deep, as long as may be necessary, and sink a keg at the mouth to catch the drainings. If the country be flat, just give the ditch a slight inclination to the keg, and locate the spot for the pile where the rain water will flow away from the pile and not make a boggy place, Now, on each side of the ditch, say six feet, lay off a line parallel to the ditch, with a string or pegs, and slope down the ground from each of these lines to the ditch, so that all the drainings will flow into the ditch ; cover the whole bottom with plank, taking care to cover the ditch so that the drainage water can get into it, and at the same time that it will not be choked by the compost falling into it. Now, in order to build up the pile straight, erect a temporary barricade with plank across the ditch, some two or three feet up hill from the keg; this can easily be done by putting two or three saplings in the ground for posts, bracing them from below, and resting the plank against them. Now haul the materials to the spot, and commence building the pile from the barricade upwards. Having thoroughly soaked the cotton seed with all the water it will abhorb, mix it intimately with an equal weight of dis- solved bone, and throw it against the barricade; build up the pile in sections, of say six feet, to any convenient height, sloping the sides so as to shed rain. Finish each section to the lop, sprinkle the outside with dissolved bono, and cover with boards or with h&j or straw, like a stack; then proceed in like manner with the next section above ; the advantage of finishing each section being, that decomposition starts sooner; so that by the time the last section is done, the first will be the sooner ready. A diagram would then look thus : 39 I 'Ditch. VIEW FROM LOWER END. The water which collects in the keg should not be suffered to waste, but should be poured back on the pile from time to time, and the cover of the pile be opened for the purpose ; and the temperature and dampness of the interior should be examined by running a small grooved pole into the mass at different places, twisting it round and round and withdrawing it, so as to bring out some of the stuff in the middle ; if this be done skil- fully, the planter can ascertain the condition of each individual inch from the outside to the centre. If anywhere the interior be found dry, water should be poured on the top over the part 90 found ; and when the interior of the seeds are thoroughly disintegrated, and the heat has nearly ceased, the compost may be used. If at any time the smell of ammonia is perceived, the part from which it emanates should be carefully ascertained and more dissolved bone put on, or a layer of earth. The proportions of dissolved bone and seed may be varied from those recommended above, but the dissolved bone should not be less than one-fourth of the weight of compost, provided the dissolved bone be one of a high grade of soluble phosphoric acid. The Etiwan Dissolved Bone contains the highest per- centage of soluble phosphoric acid in the market. THE APPLICATION OF COMPOSTED FBRTILIZEES TO DIFFEEENT GRADES OF LAIRDS. BY A FARMER. The only Commercial Fertilizers our people habitually com- post are the different superphosphates. For this purpose it is earnestly recommended to you to get the highest grade of dis- solved bone in your reach, as a dissolved bone of 24 per cent, solubility is worth twice as much as an acid phosphate of 12 per cent, solubility. Hence, 100 lbs. of the former will go as far as 200 lbs. of the latter. Many farmers used low grade 40 acid phosphates, 200 lbs. to the acre, and alongside the same number of lbs. of a dissolved bone, of high grade, and at the end of the year came to the conclusion that they are about equal in value. This conclusion comes from the fact that the acid phosphate was enough, or, in other words, had sufficient availa- ble phosphoric acid and sulphate of lime, while the other con- tained more than was wanted, and the excess was not taken up 'by the plant, but remained in the soil, where it is true it would not be lost, but remain the valuable property of the owner of the soil. As our capitals are short we are not able to make such large investments, and should only buy, pay for, and apply what will be returned to us in the crops of this year. It is true that high manuring will pay, but equally true that it will only pay when followed by a high state of cultivation and deep ploughing, etc : and, even then, it is not certain to pay, except on lands that have been brought up for some years past, and which are in a high state of cultivation, in farming language — well in heart — well educated lands. For the ordinary field crops of cotton, from 75 to 150 lbs. of a high grade manipulated Fertilizer will pay a better divi- dend on the money invested than will 200 lbs. A bale of cot- ton requires only about fourteen lbs. of phosphoric acid and about eighteen lbs. of potash to make it. A 24 per cent, dissolved bone will yield eleven lbs. per 100 of phosphoric acid, and we can always trust the soil to supply some ; hence, until all the other ingredients of the soil, the seasons, etc., are sufficient to pro- duce over one bale per acre, 100 lbs, will be found enough for common plantation use, and especially for the common field cultivation in vogue amongst us. Practical farmers will find 150 lbs., perhaps, the best quantity to apply. It will be best to concentrate your cotton seed and stable manure, supplying ammonia, on your poorer lands, and to use the Dissolved Bone on your fresh and improved lands. To aid the inexperienced, we give below a table for six different soils. Dissolved bone, 24 per cent Cotton seed Phosphoric acid Sulphate lime Ammonia from cotton seed about Potash from cotton seed about... No. l.lNo. 2.IN0. 3. [No. 4.IJSI0. 5.IN0. b. lbs. per acre 150 1000 30 lbs. per acre 160 800 24 6 lbs. lbs. per acre per acre 150 500 16| 67^ 16 4 150 300 67^ lbs. oeracre 150 16i- 67^ lbs. per acre 150 16^ 67^ No. 1 represents very poor and exhausted lands; Nos. 2 and 3 better grades ; No. 4 a good old land, capable of producing or growing a cotton stalk, without any fertilizer, eighteen to 41 twenty inches high ; Nos. 5 and 6, rich old lands, new grounds and bottona lands. The first line in the table shows the maxi- mum amount of Dissolved Bone of twenty-four per cent, solu- bility recommended for an acre ; the second line the amount of cotton seed for same; the third line the amount of phosphoric acid, in pounds, supplied by 150 pounds Dissolved Bone, twenty- four per cent.; the fourth line the amount of sulphate of lime, or land plaster, supplied by 150 pounds Dissolved Bone; the fifth line the amount, in pounds, of ammonia, approximately, sup- plied by number of pounds of cotton seed above, in same col- umn ; the sixth line the amount of potash in pounds, approxi- mately, supplied by the cotton seed in column above. Lands of the classes five and^ six will make crops without ammonia, and generally, except when sandy, have a sufiicient supply of potash. Of course the farmer may vary this formula, and may substitute stable manure, in whole or in part, for cot- ton seed. In the sand region, or on porous soils, it will be best to use Dissolved Bone and potash combined. This can be readily ob- tained by purchasing the Etiwan Chemical Crop Food. It may not be amiss for me to add that strong stable manure and cotton seed are about equal to each other in value, so far as ammonia is concerned. CHAPTER VII. COMMERCIAL FERTILIZERS, The raw materials used in the manufacture of commercial fertilizers are the different Phosphates of Lime, Ammoniacal matters, Salts of Potash, Sulphuric Acid, and Nitrate of Soda. The sources of the chief class, that is the phosphates, are all natural, being bone black, ashes, apatite, phosphorite, coprolites, and the various " marl stones" and " rock guanos." Bone Black. — This material, also known as animal charcoal, is made by calcining or burning raw bones in a closed retort, so as to drive off all volatile matter except carbon and phosphate of lime. This residue, when ground, is sold to sugar refineries for decolorizing their solutions. After having been used and " revived " several times, its bleaching power is exhausted, and it is then sold either as a manure itself or to the manufacturer of superphosphates. Bone Ash is a greyish white powder, obtained by calcining or burning raw bones in an open vessel, so that by the free ac- cess of oxygen all the carbon, organic matter and moisture is driven off, and but the mineral matter remains. This is composed 42 almost entirely of phosphate of lime and mai^nesia. The supplies of this material mostly come from the Li Plata districtsof South America and the Baltic, Mediterranean and Black Sea ports. In this manufacture lar^e amounts of ammonia are lost. These two materials, bone black and bone ash, have the phosphate of lime, in a peculiarly sen-itive or a-^similative condition, and it would be profligate to use them as raw materials for conversion into superphosphates. It seems as if the passing through the animal economy renders phosphate of lime sensitive to assim- ilation. It is only to be regretted that the available supply of these materials is so very limited. Apatite. — This is a hard mineral, sometimes crystalized, at others conchoidal. It is generally found in thin seams of crys- talline or volcanic rocks. It varies in color from light green to iron stone red. The principal localities in which it is found is Northern Europe, Canada, New York, and New Jersey. The close structure of this mineral, even when finely powdered, makes it unsuited for direct application to soils, and the com- mercial supply is limited, owing to the inaccessibility of its sources. Its conversion into superphosphate of lime is also attended with many manufacturing difficulties. . Phosphorite. — This substance is very much like the preceding. It is fibrous in structure, a light yellow color, and very hard ; generally found in thick beds, surrounded by apatite and quartz. It derives its name from becoming phosphorescent when heated ; and the best qualities come from Spain and Bavaria. The supply of this article is also very limited, owing to diffi- culty in mining. The German, French, and Prussian phosphorites are also in the market — but, as a general rule, the percentage of bone phosphate of lime is too low to make them an economi-oal source ot supply, the percentage of sand especially being so large. GoproUtes — True coprolites are not fossil excrements, but worn and rounded fragments of fossil bones. They are chiefly found in England, France, and Germany, and, to a small extent, in Canada. They contain large amounts of fluoride of calcium, carbonate of lime, oxide of iron, and alumina. They do not make a good superphosphate, and are not as good for this pur- pose as the South Carolina phosphate. Nevertheless, in Eng- land they are extensively employed, on account of their abun- dance and cheapness. Bossa, or Guayamas Guano. — This is a very superior rock guano, from the Island of Rossa, in the Gulf of California, It is peculiar in that it contains a portion of its phosphate of lime in the bi-calcic, or " reduced," state, and is almost wholly free from foreign constitueuts. It is in hard lumps, but easily powdered. 43 Sombrero. — This is a rock guano, \\hich constitutes the entire structure of one of the windward Islands in the Caribbean Sea. It is somewhat hard, and forms a light yellow powder when ground. It is not near so available for a superphosphate as South Carolina phosphates. Owing to the large amount of oxide of iron, there is a great waste of acid in the manufac- ture ; dangerous compounds are formed, such as copperas and the superphosphate " goes back." Navassa Guano. — This comes from an Island off the coast of Ilayti. It contains a large amount of phosphate of lime, but owing to the abundance of iron and alumina, its conversion into a superphosphate entails a large waste of acid, difficulty of manufacture, and the inevitable " going back " in large quantities. Orchilla Guano. — This material comes from an island in the Caribbean Sea. It is a damp, fawn colored powder. It is loose in texture, and could be applied directly to the soil, but its low percentage of phosphate of lime renders its money value small, and for conversion into superphosphates, the large amounts of carbonate of lime, iron and alumina, renders it uneconomical. There are also on the market the Phoenix island, Guanahaui, Eedonda, St. Martin's, and other phosphatio rock guanos, all of which, together with those above named, are inferior in fertili- zing properties to the South Carolina phosphates. South Carolina Phosphates. — This material comes from the vicinity of the Ashley and other rivers west of Charleston. It is ground without difficulty, and is readily soluble in acids. Of all the mineral phosphates of lime which are available, these are best suited for conversion into superphosphates. The mining and manufacture of these has assumed enormous dimensions, some $20,000,000 being invested and the works for the production of superphosphates and manipulated fertilizers are among the most complete and well arranged in the world. The combined capacity of the acid chambers is about 800,000 cubic feet: the largest single chamber being that of the Etiwan Company, who convert one hundred tons of sulphur per month into acid. They also manufacture the highest grades of superphosphates on the market. We here give a table of the analyses of these different Phos- phatic Guanos : CO o a TJ1 : ^ Tf CD CO ■»t* • -^ CO (•igjojv) 00 • cc r- CO Ol O : ^ c^ •ouisnf) Bi[iqoa() O ; a. CM , CO ;>; r 8 (iS-iow) 00 : Oi ro 00 O C^ O Cf »0 . T-l . ^ ^ : '"' Ci (•^«AV) oi :t-r-oo .t-oo-*»^o<-i 3 ; CO • Oi 00 05 •gSpijquiBO t^ : CO CO '^t O rH !>J 05 "^ : CD C5 's9ii|ojdoD enjx , ^ 05 <© : -^ t— ^lOCOOCO Oi CD :(N : 00 00 (•^gjoj^) O ' CO 05 CDCir-'-iOO -^ CO .«3 : CO o •ounnf) oagjtqcuog ^ JO-^ 00 <-l 00 1-1 »0 : CO 8 (•^yjoH) o : o r- . 00 s g Si g •s9U9ng9^ juSng 00 : 00 00 Oi^ Oi raOJJ >tD«lff-9U0J| ,-^^ — ' — (•)»J0H) CO : 00 r- § S SJ g CO •tjougniy o :o » C5 o qanog raojj qsy-^uog t^ : rH ,-^^ o (•snia989J^) CO : 'tf CO (M g^ 00 (M O CO CO : 00 o o •/CuBraJ9f) ■* : CO i-H o rH CD oo (M : "^ o raojj giiJoqdsoqj \ o (•uo^sSo) QO • CO CO rH CO : (M 00 T-H g CN : •^ . CO •ni'Bdg s I^"^ :(M 05 raojj 9iiJoqdsoqj ,-^^ Oi (•J9510190A) ^ i 05 : i-H CO op lO . CD CO 0^ CC : "^ . CD CD •^«M o : ^- irH- rH- § O 1 -jo^ raojj 9-^1 jBdy : o : O 00 ■ o 00 . (-^miH -S "X) CN : CD l>- : '^ 'Ttl •■BpBUBO raojj 9^l!^Bdv Oi 1 (ig-ioH) §§ O »0 O O O fM JNrHrH CO 00 CO •:B CO •mujojn^Ojojinf) S2 . d d 00 oi CO : CD Ci Oi aqi uiojj ouBnf) bso^ ^->-^ ,— ^ OS : 'i i c • be : « : a : as > C i'S : 3 :j3 I : ai ^3 : : H ffi 2 ; — "^ .R.^ : oQ : W : cR ■ Iz; i;2 • -o : ^ : o ^^ : o a : o O^ a anio um.. urn., imin n : S : 3 : i- 2 = : cs o ii; 1 : -i -IS a : ♦? oQ 'c ) : _c. i It: I ^5 * «Z!! )h ;^ Is. <^ IX 5 r l(i \S. ^ ? •^ 45 Peruvian Guano. The first commercial fertilizer known to the people of the South, now totally exhausted, came from the Chincha Islands, off the coast of Peru, and is believed to have been derived from the excrement of the fish eating bird, known on that coast as the Guano. Owing to the total want of rain the ammoniacal and other valuable salts which are soluble, were preserved. Genuine guano was exceedingly light, weighing only sixty-eight to seventy-two pounds per bushel. And its average composition was about — Water expelled at 212° 12.42 Organic matter and ammoniacal salts 52.98 Yielding ammonia 17 21 Phosphate Lime and Magnesia 25.06 Alkaline salts 8.26 Insoluble matter 1.50 From the above analysis we perceive that this substance was remarkably rich in fertilizing materials, all of which were in a readily soluble condition. It is to be regretted that these deposits are totally exhausted, the mining having extended down to the rock, so that the last shipments made contained over thirty per cent, of rock. Other localities have been discovered yielding the same sub- stance, but of a less valuable composition, as the Guanape islands, oft' the coast of Ecuador, were, owing to the heavy dews and occasional rainfall, the ammoniacal and soluble salts are considerably diminished in quantity. While it may be obtained to analyze fourteen per cent of ammonia, its amount of soluble phosphoric acid is small. Nor does it appear to compare with the Chincha Island Guano, as a fertilizer, at all relatively to their analysis. Lower down the Coast of South America, off Chili, islands are found containing quantities of guano nearly entirely desti- tute of ammoniacal and soluble salts, owing to the frequent rains. Quite recently another deposit has been discovered on the Falkland Islands and off the West Coast of Africa, of the same character. All of these are the raw materials which enter into the manufacture qf commercial fertilizers. For the manufacture of superphosphates alone in this coun- try, the South Carolina and Navassa phosphates are the only ones almost exclusively used. The source of ammonia for the manip- ulated fertilizers is chiefly a material called Azotin, which is composed of the dried flesh of animals ; dried blood is also a limited supply. In these materials the nitrogen does not exist in the form of ammonia, but is converted into that compound by decomposition. The different preparations of fish which are found on the mar- 46 ket are intended to supply both phosphoric acid and ammonia, but their chief value is for a supply of the latter. If applied alone to the soil, it benefits those crops which require larger amounts of ammonia; but as the bones of the fish are not com- minuted or finely ground, the phosphoric acid contained therein is of scarcely any use to growing plants, and the amount re- quired for the crop must be drawn from the store house of the soil. This has been sought to be remedied by treatment with sul- phuric acid previous to manipulation, but as the bones exist as bones, and not as powder, the solvent power of the acid is mate- rially diminished. The best grade of this material is what is known as fish scrap, as fish guano proper is nearly all water. Planters are often of the opinion that a bad smell arising from a fertilizer is a test of its manurial value, and especially that it indicates the presence of ammonia. This is entirely a mistake; the smell of ammonia is that of hartshorn, and in any fertilizer in which the ammonia exists as free carbonate of ammonia, this smell will be observed, as in Gnanape guano. If, however, the ammonia, is combined with a strong acid, no smell of hartshorn will be perceived as in the true Chincha or Peru- vian guano, or in sulphate of ammonia. The cause of the bad smell is not exactly ascertained, but seems to be due to the presence of the gases, sulphuretted and phosphoretted hydrogen, which gases are combinations of sul- phur and phosphorus with hydrogen. The sulphuretted hydro- gen is familiar as the odor of rotten eggs. Sulphate Ammonia is also a very concentrated supply of this material for crops. It is chiefly made from the refuse of gas works of large cities. Coal, from which gas is made, was origi- nally organic matter — trees, plants. These contained nitrogen, and when subjected to heat, in a closed retort, the nitrogen combines with the hydrogen to form ammonia. This, together with all the tarry matters of the coal distils over, and is con- densed in the "hydraulic main," which is a necessary process in gas making. The liquor containing most of the ammoniacal salts is then drained off, treated with sulphuric acid, and evapo- rated until the sulphate of ammonia crystalizes. It is allowed to cool, and is drained. The supply of this, howev^er, is limited, and its chief use is for the cereal crops, to which it is better adapted than to cotton. Nitrate of Soda. — Ammonia has generally been considered the form in which nitrogen is assimilated by crops, but nitrogen in the form of nitric acid, or any of the compounds of oxygen and nitrogen, gives excellent results, so that nitrate of soda forms one of the most regular and best supplies tor nitrogen for plants. This material is entirely obtained from the rainless desert of Atacama, in Peru. It there exists in vast beds, and 47 is mined, refined, and exported to foreign markets. It is indis- pensable in the manufacture of sulphuric acid, and is also used in the manufacture of gunpowder, by being previously turned into nitrate of potash, by a treatment with German muriate of potash. It absorbs moisture, and so cannot be used alone for gunpowder. Its chief effect appears to be upon grass crops, but the difficulty attending its use is that it more readily leaches out of soils than ammoniaeal salts, so that where it has been applied to a field, it is almost always to be detected in ditches, draining the same. Nitrate of Potash. — This material is a valuable source of both nitrogen and potash. It is chiefly imported from India, and, on account of its price, only used tor gunpowder or medicine. Ammoniaeal Plants. — Another source of ammonia, and by far the least expensive to the farmer to supply his land with, will be found in several plants, to be turned under as green crop. Amongst these, we find in our section of country red clover and peas, which appear to absorb nitrogen from the atmosphere, and, by some process, to store it in the soil. It is also asserted by an eminent chemist that some species of grass, weeds, and especially the vetch, accomplish the same result. Potash. — The supply of potash in the commercial fertilizers is almost entirely derived from the German Stassfurt salts. Here it is found in beds consisting of alternate layers of common salt and the salts of lime, magnesia and potash. It was evidently produced by the drying up of an inland sea. It has to be m4ned and refined, when different grades are exported to foreign markets. The best grade exported is the muriate, containing from forty-five to fifty per cent, pure potash. Of late years the unmanufactured salt has been largely exported and highly praised, but, in our opinion, a large amount of chloride of mag- nesium present would render it injurious to most crops. Many of these lower grades are sold under the name of Kainit. The soils which are first exhausted of potash are, first, sandy ; second, light clay ; third, marly ; fourth, heavy clay and allu- vial. Sulphate Lime, Gypsum, or Land Plaster. — This is extensively applied to soils as a manure, and is also found largely in all high grade superphosphates, or dissolved bone, as resulting from the process of their manufacture. Jt really seems to be a spe- cific for a clover crop, and its general action appears to be its power of fixing the ammonia contained in the soil and atmos- phere. Jn the presence of carbonate of ammonia a double de- composition ensues, resulting in the formation of su] ammonia and carbonate of lime. This substam burned, makes plaster of Paris. ^^ 48 CHAPTER VIII. THE iMANUFACTURE OF CCMMEROIAL FERTILIZERS. Previous to the formation of the Sulphuric Acid and Super- phosphate Company, it was maintained that the manufacture of Sulphuric Acid was impracticable in the latitude of Charles- ton, S. C. ; but the projectors of this Company, appreciating the great advantage ot manufacturing the acid near to the raw material, and seeing no scientific reason why it could not be done, applied for a charter under the above name on May 26th, 1868. In selecting a site for their works the greatest pains were taken, and the most advantageous locations in South Carolina and the adjoining States were carefully considered. After ma- ture deliberation, a point on the east of Charleston Neck, about four miles from the city, and lying on " Town Creek," a branch of Cooper River, was selected. This spot was where the '* John Adams," the first frigate of the United States, was built, and where subsequently was the Confederate Navy shipyard. The Creek is bold and deep, affording excellent harborage, and of depth sufficient to allow any ship to come to the Company's wharf which shall cross Charleston Bar. At this spot, on the 21st August, 1868, work was begun ; and on December the 8th, of the same year, the first Sulphuric Acid was manufactured south of Baltimore, The manufacture of fertilizers is by no means so easy a thing as some suppose, and the difficulties increase as the grade rises, in more than a geometrical ratio. This Company started out with the determination to make the highest grade of 'Soluble Phosphoric Acid possible for the South Carolina Phosphates; and after meeting and surmounting innumerable obstacles, both seen and unforseen, turned out the highest grade fertilizer ever manufactured in America. The good done the country by this action is incalculable, for since that time the grade of all fertil- izers manufactured in the United States has steadily improved, and to-day the farmers and planters of America have offered them commercial fertilizers not excelled by any made either in England or on the Continent. 'The process of manufacuure may be divided into four heads : 1st. The Manufacture of Sulphuric Acid. 2d. The Drying and Grinding of the Eock. 3d. The Mixing. 4th. The Disintegrating and Screening. The iVJanufacture of Sulphuric Acid ; Sulphuric Acid is a solid dissolved in a variable quantity of water, and consists of sulphur and oxygen, so that the object in 49 the manufacture of Sulphuric Acid is to make the oxygen of the atmosphere combine with sulphur in the presence of suffi- cient water to give it the required strength. If sulphur be burnt in the open air, it combines with two- thirds of the oxygen necessary to make Sulphuric Acid, and is called Sulphurous Acid ; the last third cannot be made to com- bine directly from the atmosphere, and so means have been de- vised by which it may be made to do indirectly ; these are the introduction of Nitric Acid vapor into a mixture of Sulphurous Acid and atmospheric air and steam ; the Nitric Acid parts with some of its oxygen to the Sulphurous Acid, which, becom- ing Sulphuric Acid, dissolves in the steam and falls as a rain, while tl^e Nitric Acid takes b^ck from the atmosphere the oxygien which it had lost, to give it again to another portion of Sulphurious Acid, thus acting as a carrier of oxygen between the two. All these conditions are ensured in the construction and man- agement of the Sulphuric Acid " chambers," as they are called. These chambers are vast rooms, whose sides, top and bottom, are composed of sheet lead, and all along on the outside run steam pipes for the admission of steam into the interior; ante- terior to the chambers is the furnace in which the sulphur is burnt and the Nitric Acid evolved. This Company has two sets of chambers, of an aggregate capacity of 180,000 cubic feet, and their consumption ot sulphur per day of twenty-four hours is 7,200 lbs. The set last erected contains the largest single chamber in the United States, having the following dimensions: 140 feet x 30 x 25 ; while the furnace of cast-iron is the only one in America, and the largest i» the world. They have also attached to their chambers the con- densers of Gay Lussac, thus reducing their consumption of Nitre from 10 per cent, to 4 per cent., and their production is from 280 to 285 lbs. of Monohydrated Sulphuric Acid to the hundred pounds of sulphur consumed. Drying and Grinding. — The rock, as it comes from the washers of the miners is loaded on sloops, schooners and flats, and trans- ported to the wharf of the Company, where it is discharged by a derrick, which is driven by a wire rope 320 feet from the en- gines. A shed 200 feet long, paved with brick and supported by iron pillars, extends backwards from the wharf. On this brick pavement is laid two rows of pine wood ; overhead is a railroad, on which* run the cars into which the rock is dis- charged, and from which it is dumped upon the wood beneath. When the cargo has been thus discharged, the wood is set fire to and the '' kiln " burns and is dried; by the well considered arrangements of this Company, the consumption of wood is reduced to one cord of wood to forty tons of rock, thus obvi- ating some of the damage done by too much heat, while iho rock is still thoroughly dried. 4 50 The dried rock is loaded into cars, which is then hoisted up an inclined plane into the mill, and dumped by the crushers. These are three in number, made of iron, by Baugh & Sons, of Philadelphia, and are mounted on heavy frames, independent of the mill building ; they are driven by belts from the main shaft, and run at a speed of 450 revolutions per minute ; a man feeds these crushers with the dried rocik, which passing though crushed, is picked up by elevators and delivered into the hop- pers of the mill-stones. Of these mill-stones there are six pair; they are of the best French buhr stone, and are driven by the crank shaft of one engine; they are four feet in diameter and are make 170 revo- lutions per minute. The amount ground depends entirely upon the degree of fineness to which it is ground ; in this mill the rock is ground so that all will pass through a screen of 80 wires to the inch, and the product is about 3 tons per pair of stones per day of 10 hours. After passing through the stones the powdered rock is received into elevators which deliver it into a box through which it is screwed from the mill house into the mixing house at an elevation of about 30 feet, and there is de- livered, not having been touched by hand since it was fed as crude rock to the crusher. The mixing is done in a tub of cast iron 8 feet in diameter, which revolves 20 times per minute, and in which are small ploughs, which revolve 160 times per minute. Into this tub a weighed quantity of the powdered rock is thrown by simply overturning a large scoop, which hangs from a steelyard, the scoop and steelyard being suspended from a frame which runs -on a trainway from the pile of ground rock to the mixing tub; a known weight of acid is now run in and the revolving ploughs thoroughly incorporate the phosphate and the acid. When a certain time has passed, an iron plug, which stops up a hole in the centre of the tub, is raised and the mixed mass, either in a semi-fluid or dry condition, depending on the amount of acid added, falls through into a space below. The amount of acid which is mixed with the phosphate depends upon the grade of solubility desired, the higher the percentage of Soluble Phosphoric Acid wanted the larger the amount of acid to be added, and here is the chief diffi- culty in the manufacture, for the higher the grade the more pasty is the mass, and, therefore, the more difficult is the after manipulation ; up to 5 per cent, of Soluble Phosphoric Acid the mass comes from the mixing tub dry, and can be screened at once and packed in sacks; but when enough acid is added to render 11, 12, and 13 per cent, soluble, the mass comes from the mixing tub a semi-fluid and will flow like mud 30 or 40 feet, and must be left for a time varying, from two weeks to two months, to harden before it can be handled ; the intermediate grades also of 6, 7, and 8 per cent., when left, harden into a rock 51 as 8olid as limestone, and have to be disintegrated in a powerful machine. Tnese difficulties have all been overcome by this Company, and they are now able to ship 13 per cent, of Soluble Phosphoric Acid in three days from the time of the order; this is called by them theEtiwan Dissolved' Bone; they also manufac- ture an ammoniated fertilizer, called the Etiwan, by adding to the mass in the mixinoj tub the proper quantities of Peruvian Guano, Ammoniacal Matter, and German Potash Salts ; they also employ a Chemist to analyze all material received, prescribe all formulas, and to analyze the fertilizers when ready for mar- ket; every ingredient is most carefully weighed and the results scientifically scrutinized. Their laboratory is among the most complete in the South, and as a fertilizer company they rank among the foremost in the world. Tke disintegrating and screening is the last process in the manu- facture; the mass from the mixing tub, after standing for a time, is mined out and loaded in cars, which are elevated to a machine called the disintegrator; of these there are two — one imported from England, and the other made in Baltimore ; this machine consists of two wheels, one within the other, and revolving vertically in opposite directions. The stuff is fed in at the centre, dashed to pieces by the bars at the periphery, and falling through these is received in a revolving screen, after passing through which it is ready for market. The power of driving all this machinery consists of two 80 and 100 horse power respectively, the former being made In Connecticut and the latter in Charleston. There is a set of boilers for each engine, and also another single one to generate steam for the chambers ; but the steam pipes are so arranged that any engine can be run from any boiler. Of donkey water pumps there are three — one small one to supply the boilers ; one of 450 gallons a minute capacity, which supplies a tank Qo feet high, from which water pipes are distributed all over the works ; and one of 1,200 gallons a minute capacity for fire insurance. There is also a donkey air pump which pumps air into a boiler in which it is retaiped under a pressure of 50 pounds to the square inch, and from which it is drawn for the purpose of forcing the acid up to the mixing tub and condensing towers. There are also, five heaters through which passes the escape stream from the engines and which heats the feed water to 200° Fahr., thus saving much fuel. The Works are also connected with the South Carolina and Northeastern Eailroads by a track laid down by the Company, so that they ship directly from their Works to any point in the interior. To the east of the Works, on a point commanding a most beautiful view of the harbor and sea, are four dwelling houses, in which live the families of seven of the white employees of the Company, including the Superintendent, Engineer, and sul- 52 phur burners, so that at all times the property of the Company is protected by the presence of a lar^e number of intelligent and efficient men ; the roofing of the difiPerent buildings covers an acre and a half of ground, and the total horse-power of all the engines is 320. The only dangerous material used is the N'itrate of Soda, which is the source of the Nitric Acid, used in the chambers; and this is stored in a fire-proof brick magazine. The capacity of these Works, for the high grade which they make, is 850 tons per month of the Btiwan Dissolved Bone, and 1,000 tons per naonth of their ammoniated fertilizer, the Eti- wan. APPENDIX. TABLE I. Composition of the Ash of Agricultural Plants and Products, giving the average of all trustworthy Analyses published up to August, 1865, by Professor Emil Wolff, of the Royal Academy of Agriculture, at Hohenheim, Wirtem- burg.* Substance. •3 ? % ^ \ '^ S .^ "^ Q 5 1 1 1 1 ^ -$-' ^ 2 II.— CLOVER AND FODDER PLANTS. Anthyllh 'vulneraria. Green vetches Green pea in flower . Green rape, young ... I 5.60 10 3 4.5 2 8.74 42.1 2 9 I 7.40 40.8 0.2 5 897 32.3 38 4 6168.9 6.8126.3 8.2 28.7 4.5 23.1 7.0 1.6 z 9 128 3-7 1.8 132 3 5 2.6 8.7 16.3 3-i III.— ROOT CROPS. Potatoes Artichokes Beets Sugar Beets Turnips Turnips* Ruta-bagas Carrots Chickory Sugar beet-headsf . 31 3-74 59.8 1.6 4-5 2.3 19.1 6.6 2 3 I 5 16 65.4 2.7 3 5 16.0 3-2 »5 6.86 53-1 14.8 5^ 4.6 9.6 3-3 3-3 44 4-35 49-4 9.6 8.9 6.3 H-3 4-7 3-5 15 8.28 39-3 II 4 3-9 10.4 13.3 H3 2.4 2 7.20 50.6 3.8 2.1 134 17.4 60 I.I 2 7.68 51.2 6.7 2.6 9.7 15-3 8.4 0.5 10 6.27 36.7 22 1 5-3 10.7 12.5 64 2.0 7 5.21 404 7.7 1 6.3 8.7 14.5 9.2 6.1 I 403 29.6 24.4 III.O 9 » 12.8 7.6 2.0 IV.— LEAVES AND STEMS OF ROOT CROPS. Potatoes, August.., " October. Beets Sugar Beets Turnips , Kohl-rabi Carrots Chickory Cabbage Cabbage stalk 3 8.92 145 2.7 16.8 390 6.1 56 I 5.12 6.3 0.8 22.6 46.2 55 5 5 6 1596 29.1 21.0 9-7 II. 4 51 74 7 17.49 22.1 16.8I18.3 19.7 7.4 8.0 16 13.68 22.9 7.8 4-5 32.4 8.9 9.9 I 16.87 14.4 3 9 40 33-3 10.4 II. 7 7 13-57 14. 1 23.1 4.6 33.0 4-7 7-9 I 1246 60.0 0.7 32 14.3 9.0 90 2 10.81 48.6 3-9 3-3 15-3 15.8 8.5 I 6.46 43 9 5 5 41 II-3 20 9 11.8 8.0 4.2 4.8 3^ 3.8 10 5 3 5.61 7, I o I, i.il I. REFUSE AND MANUFACTURED PRODUCTS Sugar beet cake a. Common cake b. Residue of maceration c. Residue from Centrifugal machine Beet molasses Molasses slumj Raw beet sugar Potatoe fiber|| Potatoe juice^ 53lPotatoe skii)s| 54lFine wheat flour | i Rye flour Barley flour.... Barley dust**. Maize meal.... 7 315 2 3-03 2 3-53 I 3" 3 11.28 I 19.02 I I 43 I II. 10 4 0.99 2 23-45 3 9 59 I 0.47 I 1.97 I 2-33 I 5.62 36.6 8.4 5.6 25-3 25.0 12.7 27.2 35-3 9-4 II. 8 27.9 455 9.8 25 3 71. 1 10. s 0.4 6.0 89.8 0.9 33-3 28.0 8-5 46.3 6.6 8.8 6.2 15.6 7.6 47.8 69 5 3-5 I.O 72.0 0.7 6.7 9.6 36.0 0.9 8.2 2.8 ■38.4 1.8 8.0 1.0 28.8 2-5 13-5 2.8 18.9J 1.4 7-7 25 28.8 3-5 14.9 6.3 10.2 12.9 6.0 13.0 05 0.1 20.0 23 9 16.3 3-4 52.0 48.3 47-3 28.9 45-0 3-9 5-8 2-3 65 2.1 1-7 229 7-3 "3'.6 0.4 6.2 0.7 0.9 3-4 31 0.1 2.7 48 13.0 09 lO.I 1.6 5.8 2 I 1-3 7-5 2 I 3 1 20.0 * White turnips in the original, but apparently no special kind, f Probably the crowns of tht roots, removed in sugar making. J The residue after fermenting and distilling oflF the spirit || Refuse of starch manufacture. ^ Undiluted. ^ from boiled potatoes. ** Refuse in making barley grits. 55 Composition of the Ash of Agricultural Plants and Products. Substance, V ^ «' "C 4 =§ Q* ^ s 59 6o 6i 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 lOI 102 103 104 V. -REFUSE Millet meal Buckwheat grits Wheat bran Rye bran Brewer's grains , Malt Malt sprouts Wine grounds , Grape skins , Beer Grape must Rape cake Linseed cake Poppy cake Walnut cake Cotton seed cake AND MANUFACTURED PRODUCTS. I 35 o 72 6.43 8.22 5-17 2.78 6.56 4.60 404 6.59 6.24 10 60 19 7 25.4 24.0 27 o 42 J73 34-9 53-4 49-4 37 5 62.8 24 3 23-3 20 8 2-3 5 9 0.6 1-3 0.8 5 36 33-1 6-95I35 4 VI.— STRAW. 0.5 2.2 7.8 09 0.1 1-4 45 25.8 12.9 16.8 15.8 10. 1 2-3 4-7 3-5 [I 6 1-5 '5-5 ■3 o 2.2 4-9 [0.9 8.6 Winter wheat Winter rye Winter spelt... Summer rye... Barley Oats .. Maize , Peas Field bean Garden bean.., Buckwheat...., Rape Poppy 4.96 481 5.56 5-55 5.10 5.12 549 5-74 7.12 6.06 6.1s 458 7.86 11.5 18.7 II. 2 23 4 21.6 22.0 35-3 21.8 44-4 37.1 46.6 25.6 38.0 2.9 3-3 0.4 45 5-3 1.2 5 3 38 6.0 2.2 10.3 1-3 Wheat Spelt.... , Barley Oats Maize cobs , Flax seed hulls. VII.— CHAFF, ETC. 1-4 3.2 6.1 4 9 5.6 "5 15.91 » 4. 3 28. 1 12 2, 6.7 4.3 I 46 2.6 S-i 0.9 2 8 2.4 4.0 5-5 7-7 7.8 5.2 3.6 5-7 6.5 47-3 48.1 51.8 47-9 38.0 36.5 21 o 15-5 20. g 3^7 17.7 36.9 35-2 37-8 43.8 48.3 2.7 1-7 I.I 1.6 0.8 ■'6:3 7.8 4-4 3-3 3-4 2 1.2 I I 32.2 33-2 29 5 3-5 10 2 '•3 8.7 6.5 48 I 6 4.0 0-5 0.6 06 2 0.6 2 6.2 5-4 2.9 7.7 4-7 1.9 4.8 6.3 18 8.9 6-5 2.6 Z' 4-3 3-7 8.2 4.2 3-5 10.5 8.1 5.2 37 9 7.8 5 6 23.1 7.0 0.2 27.4 7.8 3.6 18.4 11.9 5-3 26.5 7.0 7 1 30.2 3-5 5.1 66.3 581 71-4 55-9 53.8 48.7 38 o 5-7 5-4 4-7 5-5 6.7 II. 4 1 10.73 9.1 1.8 1.3 I 9 4-3 81.2 2 9 50 9-5 o-3| 2-5 2.4 7.3I 2 3 74.2 I 14-23 7.7 0.9 1.3 10.4 2.0 30I70.8 I 9.22 131 4.8 2.6 8.9 0-3 2.5 599 I 56 47.1 1.2 4-il 3 4 44 1.9 264 I 6.62 3I-I 4 3 28 I29.6 2.8 4.8 I7.2| VIII.— TEXTILE PLANTS, ETC. Flax straw Rotted flax stems . Flax fibre Entire flax plant... Entire hemp plant. Entire hop plant... Hops Tobacco 8 3 71 36 9 51 7.1 22.3 "•5 2 2.40 9.0 4.8 5.4 51-4 5-9 3 0.67 3-3 3-2 5-4 63.6 10.8 2 4-3° 34-2 4.8 9.0 M-5 23.0 2 4.60 18.3 3.2 9.6 43.4 11.6 I 9.87 26.2 3.8 5.8 16.0 1 2. 1 12 6.80 37-3 2.2 5-5 16.9 15.1 7 24.08 27.4 3-7 10.5 37.0 3.<' IX. Heath , 8 ^r 00m [Spar tium).,., 2 Fern {^Aspidium) | 5 -LITTER. 4-51 13.^! 5.3 36.51 2.5 42.8 I 4.5 2.25 7.01 18.4 17.8 12.4 I7.I 7.7 14.0 5.1! 8.6 9-7 31 6.0 1I13.8 71 6.2 9 ^.6 81 7.6 421.5 15-4 9.6 35.2 10.3 6.1 6 I 13.8 5-2 7-7 [24 2-5 61 4.0 0.4 5-9 2.5 4.6 3-4 4.5 2.1 2.7 10.2 56 Composition ok the Ash of Agricultural Plants and Products. Subs ?3 S ■^ ^ ^ «* 1 1 1 i:5 1 ft* 1 IX— LITTER. 105 106 107 108 109 no III 112 "3 114 "5 116 117 118 118 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 Scouring rush {Equisetum)... Sea weed [Fucus) Beech leaves in autumn Oak " •' Fir *' [Pinus sylvestris) Red pine leaves (Pinus Picea.) Reed [Arundo phrag. )., \ria \ Down Grass [Psamma area- Sedge, (Carex) Rush [yuncus) Bulrush [Scirpus] X.— GRAINS AND SEEDS Wheat I78 2 23-77 13.2 0-5 2.3 12.5 2.0 6.3 8 H-39 H-5 24,0 9-5 ^39 3.1 240 6 675 5 2 0.6 6.0 44 9 4.2 3 7j 4.90 3-5 0.6 4.0 4«.6 8.1 4.4 I 1.40 10. 1 99 41.4 ib.4 44 S.82 i.S 2.3 15.2 8.2 2.8 4.69 8.6 0.2 1.2 5-9 2.C 2.8 .. . . 29 8 40 3.« 165 7.2 36 II 8.08 33.2 7.3 4.2 5-3 6.7 3-3 s 30 36.6 6.6 64 9 S 6.4 ■87 2 8.65 97 110.3 3-° 7.2 6.5 5.6 OF AGRICULTURAL PLANTS. Rye Barley Oats . . Spelt with husk .. Maize. Rice with husk .. " husked Millet with husk, •' husked Sorghum Buckwheat Rape seed Flax " Hemp " Poppy " Madia " Mustard " Beet *' Turnip *' Carrot »' Peas '< Vetches Field Beans Garden '• Lentils Lupines Clover seed Esparsette seed 071 31. 1 03|30-9 55|2i 9 07I15.9 20 17.3 ,50 40 27.0 18.4 23 3 II 9 18.9 20,3 23 I ^3-5 32.3 20.1 13.6 9-5 15.9 187 21-9 19.1 40.4 30 6 45 40.5 06 44.1 06127.8 •••J33-5 ,11-37.3 4728. 6 3-5 12.2 1.8 10.9 2.8 8.3 3.8 7-3 1.8 5-« i-S 14.6 4-5 8.6 4.« ^34 I.O 8.4 S8 18 6 3-3 14.8 6.2 134 I.I 12.2 1.8 13.2 0.8 56 1.0 9-5 II. 2 15.4 .s.« 10.2 17-3 18.9 1.2 8.7 48 6.7 3-7 8.0 10.6 8.S 1.2 6.7 2.9 7-5 99 2.0 I7.« 6 2 0.6 12.2 2 8 6.6 31 2.7 2.5 46.2 47-5 32 3.8 20.7 2.6 2 7 51 2.9 1.0 13 3 3 13.8 84 23-5 35-4 7-7 18.8 15.6 17.4 38.8 42 4.8 5-2 7-7 S-i 7.8 6 2 XL— FRUITS AND SEEDS OF TREES, 20.0 44-7 47.2 51.0 23.4 536 50.9 48-0 43-9 40.4 36-3 31.4 55.0 390 15-5 40.2 15.8 363 38.1 39 2 304 29.1 25-5 33 5 239 ETC. 2.4 23 1.6 2 6 I.I 0.6 0.6 2 15 2.1 \\\ 2 1 9 1-7 1-5 27.2 46.4 44.0 2.2 0.6 3-0 523 7-5 I.I I.I 118 32 1-7 0.3 0.1 I 44 4-7 4.2 71 56 3-5 4 1 51 3.8 "'6.*"8 4-7 3-2 2.4 2.1 07 5-3 0.9 2.0 1.2 08 I.I 0.9 2.4 0.8 0.4 9.4 3-3 2 3 I.I 2.9 0.9 3-3 1.8 1-3 I.I Grape seeds Alder White pine Red pine Beech nuts Acorns Horse chestnut green husk 28.6 37-6 21.8 22.4 ,30'22 8 ....]64.5 3658.9 38176.4 I 6 7-1 I 3 lO.O 0.7 8.6 33-9 8.0 30.7 16.8 1-5 15. 1 1-9 II. 6 24.5 5-4 7.0 0-5 II. 6 1.0 10. 240 2.5 13.0 3-4 397 46.0 20.8 2.2 16.2 2.8 22.4 1.4 6.3 14 Composition of the Ash of Agricultural Plants and Products. Substance. 1 ~<5 s is ^ ^ '^ ^ • .2 •:: . Vj v.* 1 1 1 1 1 3 White turnip''*'...... Kohl rabi Carrot Sugar beet headsj*.. Chicory IV.- HI.— ROOT CROPS 915 6 I 31 0.2 0.1 877 9-5 49 0.6 0.2 860 8.8 3.2 1.9 s 840 6.5 1.9 1.6 0.7 800 10.4 4.2 o.'X 0.71 0.8 1 0.9 1 0.9. 0.6! 0.9 i I.I 1-4 I.I 08 1-5 0.4 0.8 0.6 0.5 i.o -LEAVES AND STEMS OF ROOT CROPS. Potato tops end of August. " first of October. Beet tops Sugar beet tops Turnip tops Kohl rabi tops Carrot tops Chicory tops Cabbage heads Cabbage stems 825 15.6 770 II. 8 907 148 897 18.0 898 140 850 25.3 808 26.1 8<;o 18.7 88<; 124 820 II 6 2.3 0.7 4 3 40I 3-2 3.6| 3-7 II. 2 6.0 5-1 0.4 2.6 51 1.0 0.9 O.I 2 7 5 5 06 0.6 3-1 1-4 1-7 0.8 I.I 30 3.3 3.6 1-3 1.4 I.I 0.6 4-5 I 3 I 4 1.0 1.0 «.4 2.6 3.0 6.0 I 2 8.6 1.2 21 0.1 6 2.7 1.7 1-7 0.5 0.4 1.9 2.0 II 0.6 0.5 1-3 2.4 0.9 04 0.3 0.1 0.4 v.— MANUFACTURED PRODUCTS AND REFUSE. Sugar beet cake a. Common cake, [machine b. Residue from Centrifugal c. Residue of maceration... Beet molasses Molasses slump* Raw beet sugar Potato slump* Potato fibref Potato skinsj Fine wheat flour Rye flour Barley flour Barley dust||. Maize meal Millet meal Buckwheat grits Wheat bran Rye bran Brewer's grains Malt Dried malt Malt sprouts Wine grounds Grape skins Beer Wine 692 692 820 885 175 9-7 9-3 5-6 4.1 93.1 907I17.7 43 13 7 947 806 300 136 142 140 113 140 140 140 135 131 768 475 42 92 650 600 900 866 5-9 1-9 67.1 4.1 16.9 20.0 49,8 9 5 II. 6 6.2 556 71.4 12 o 14.6 26.6 59 6 16.1 16.2 3-9 2.8 3.6 0.8 0-5 25 ^•3 1.2 ...... 2.5 2.6 0.5 1.4 1-5 04 0-5 I.I 66.2 9.8 04 .5-6 15.9 0.2 1 4.6 3.8 1.2 2.7 0.4 0.5 0.4 0-3 I 0.9 4«.3 0.5 45 6.4 1-5 I 3 0.1 6.5 0.3 1-4 0.2 5« 5 2.7 0.6 9.4 07 3.8 I 2 ^•7 0-3 1.4 0.6 2-3 3 3.0 1.6 0.4 0.8 0.1 13.3 03 94 2.6 193 09 "•3 ^•5 0-5 0.1 1.2 1.4 2-5 1.2 0-5 4.6 2.2 1.0 20.8 0.8 0.9 8.6 0.1 0-5 2.S 8.0 0.4 1.0 2.1 I 5 0-3 0,2 O.I 1.8 0.2 0.2 I o 1.2 07 0.3 0.6 1.2 0-5 2 3 2.1 8.5 9 5 4.4 4.3 5-5 3-0 28.8 34.2 4.6 5-3 0.7 12.5 2-5 34 1-3 05 07 0.6 0.4 0.5 1-7 0.5 1.0 1.2 0.5 1.0 1-9 14 0-3 0.3 0.5 0.1 0.4 0.5 0.4 0.1 2.0 0-3 3-1 04 0-3 06 5 1.2 "0*6 •v. 2 0.1 1.8 0.1 9-4 0-3 0.8 0.1 1-4 0.6 0-3 0,1 9-9 0.6 0.1 I 3-8 1.2 0.7 0.1 0.1 3.9 4.8 8.8 0.6 0.4 O.I 0.1 0.1 0.1 *No special variety, f Crowns of sugar beet roots. ''^Residue from spirit manu- facture. fRefuse of starch manufacture. jFrom boiled potatoes. [[Refuse from making barley grits. 60 Composition of Fresh or AlR- -Dry Agricultural Products, ■^' -Q ^ '^ Substance. .2 "JT _3 4.2 2.1 XI.— FRUITS 35,0 748 24,2 20,7 29,6 26,1 17,8 34,0 36.9 37<6 10,4 9»7 7,1 6,0 9,1 7,7 14,3 9,8 6,3 12,0 ",5 7,7 11,4 13.8 10,8 AND SEEDS 0,6 0,3 0,6 1,0 0,6 o,^ 3,1 02 0,4 0,7 0-5 0,6 0,4 0,6 0,4 o>5 22 8-4 0,3 3,6 0,9 2,2| 0,4 0,8 1,8 6,0 0,2 1,1 2,2 0,6 8,2 0,4 1,9 °,5 8 2 0.4 1,8 0,5 7,2 °,5 1,8 1,0 5.5 °,4 2,1 0,9 7.2 0,6 1,8 0,3 5-5 0.1 5,9 3'5 32,6 0,4 0,5 0,1 1,7 3,3 0,4 9,1 0,1 2,3 6,6 0,2 2,4 0,2 8,1 1,2 0,31 4,4 0,2 4,6 5 2 16,4 1,3 4,2 2,7 13,0 0,4 2,7 11,3 17,5 0,1 5-0 i«,5 16,4 i,o| 3,9 7,1 14,7 1,8 9.2 7,6 7.6 2,0 3.0 6,1 14,1 2,5 5,0 29,0 11,8 4.2 1,9 1,2 8,8 0,8 1,8 0,6 7'9 0,9 2,0 ^5 11,6 1,5 2,0 2,0 7,9 i,° 0,4 0,9 5,^ 2,1 2,7 8,7 2,3 4,5 2,3 12,4 1,7 2,5 ",9 9,0 1^2 0,3 0,3 5,9 12,3 i5>8 0,3 0,4 0,1 20,5 Grape seeds Alder " Beech nuts ,... Acorns, fresh " ' dried Horse chestnuts, fresh. " •' green husk Apple, entire fruit ... Pear, « '' .., Cherry, '« " ., Plum, " " .. Mulberry Horse chestnuts, spring . " " autumn. Walnut, spring " autumn Beech, summer " autumn Oak, summer autumn. OF 2,1 3,5 3.1 °,5 i,° 0,1 0,1 0,2 0,2 0,2 0,2 XII.— LEAVES OF TREES. 670 700 600 700 600) 750 550 700 600 TREES, ETC. 1,2 0,4 0,4 5,7 1^7 0,9 1,0 0,2 4,0 0,2 0,4 0,4 0,2 0,2 °,3 0,9 o>3 1,5 1,7 1,4 1,7 0,2 0,1 0,1 23 0,2 4.6 2,5 0,6 0,2 0,8 0.3 0,6 0,6 0.5 0,4 120 24,7 7,1 140 44.2 16,6 180 27,1 6,2 560 9,6 6,2 158 18,3 11,8 492 12,0 7,1 818 8,0 6,1 840 ^,7 1,0 800 4,1 2,2 780 4,3 2,2 820 40 2,4 7 2 7 I I 7 4 ' 8,4 13.6 6,7 5.9 5,7 5,6 0,6 1,5 0,6 °.3 1,4 0,7 1.6 0,2 0,2 1,3 1^4 0,8 3,3 2,7 0,5 0,5 0,2 0,1 °,4 0,1 0,1 0,4 0,2 0,1 0,3 0,6 0.2 0,1 0.3 1 0,4 °,7 0,6 0,2 0,2 0,4 0,1 ".7 2,3 21,5 «,3 30,1 5,9 23.2 9.9 28,4 7,6 12,1 2,2 30,5 1,6 13,8 4,6 19,6 0.7 0,2 0,2 0,6 3,0 1,2 0,1 4,1 0,8 4,6 5,0 1-3 0,6 2,4 12,2 2,5 0,5 4,2 1,1 6,2 4,9 0,6 0,3 2,8 15,3 I.I 0,8 0,6 1,1 4,4 0.9 0,4 1,8 1,8 13,7 1,3 1,1 10,31 1,9 3,6 1,7 o,4l o,6| 0,8 9,5 1,6 0,9 6,il 10,1 0,8 7,8 2.7 2,4 2,3 2 5 0,1 °,i 0,3 0,8 0,4 0,8 1,2 0,1 0,2 0,1 0,1 62 Composition of Fresh or Air-Dry Agricultural Products. •^' •^ ' Sub dance. 'Hi t .jj ^* •*; -«! a •S is / -«! Q -w' ^^ P ^ c -^ :^ !^ '^ <^ =o ^ •^ S; c^ ^ t5 c^ Fir, autumn Red pine, autumn. XII. •I550' XIII -LEAVES OF TREES. 6,31 o,6| I o,6| 2,61 26,2! 0,4! ' 0,6' 4,01 —WOOD, AIR-DRY. Grape Mulberry Birch Beech, body wood .. " small wood.. " brush , Oak, body wood " small branches with bark Horse chestnut, young wood in autumn Walnut , Apple tree , Red pine White pine Fir , Larch 150 23,4 7,0 1,6 1,6 8,7 150 i3'7 0,9 2,0 0,8 7,« 150 2,6 0,3 0,2 0,2 1,5 150 5,5 0,9 0,2 0,6 3,1 150 «,9 i»4 0,2 1.5 4,1 150 12,3 1.7 03 1.3 59 150 5>i o>5 0,2 0,2 3»7 150 10,2 2,0 0,8 5.5 150 28,1 5,5 1.5 143 150 ^5.5 3,9 2,0 14,^ 150 11,0 1,3 0,2 0.6 7,« 150 ^i 0,1 0,6 o,x 1,0 150 2,4 o>4 0,2 0,1 'A 150 2,6 0,3 0,1 0,2 1,3 150 2,7 0,4 0,2 0,7 0,7 Birch Horse chestnut, young in autumn Walnut, young in autumn Red pine... White pine Fir 150 150 150 150 150 150 XI\ .—BARK. .Ml 0,4 0,6 0,9 5,2 55,9 13,5 2,2 34,3 54,4l 6,3 5,« 38,1 23,9 1,31 1,0 *,* 14,9 28,1 2,3| 0,9 0,8 19,6 I7,il 0.5 0,2 0,2 7,5! 1,3 0,31 o,» 2,1 1 0,718,41 3-0 0,3 0,21 o,3| 1,0 1,51 0,3 1 0,9 59 3,1 0,5 0,1 0,1 0,2 0,1 o,3| 0,6 1,4 0,1 0,1 0,1 0,1 0,8 0,3 0,1 0,1 0,1 0,1 0,2 0'5 0,1 0,3 0,6 1,2 0,1 0,3 0,2 0,7 0,2 0,1 0,2 0,4 o 0,2 0,6 0.4 0.1 0,8 0,2 2,3 0,2 3,9 0,6 0,6 0,7 ... . 3.2 0,1 0,4 0,2 ... . 0,6 0,2 3.« 0,1 0,7 0,5 2,3 0,3 1,4 0,1 5,3 63 TABLE Iir. Proximate Composition of Agricultural Plants and Products, giving the average quantities of Water, Organic Matter, Ash, Albuminoids, Carbohydrates, etc., Crude Fiber, Fat, etc., by Professors Wolff and Knop.* -1-7 "^ Substance. 1 •M- k ? i J ■^ 54 ■^ ^ V, ^ o -is -a ^ fi; ^ S a ^= -^ ^ a HAY. Velvet grass {Holcus lanatus) ] g Spear grass Kentucky Blue grass [Poa pra- j S tensis) 1 °, Rough meadow grass [Poa tri'via/is) | ^ Yellow oat grass {A'vena Jla-vescens) 'Z Quaking grass [Briza media) J (j Average of all the grasses STRAW. Winter wheat Winter rye Winter spelt , Winter barley Summer barley " *• with clover Oat Vetch fodder Pea Bean Lentil Lupine , Maize , 14,3 80,2 5,5 9,9 36,7 33,6 H,3 80,6 5,1 8,9 39,1 32,6 14,3 78,6 7,1 8,4 37,6 32,6 14,3 79,8 5,9 6,4 42,6 30,8 14,3 78,3 7,4 5,2 42,8 3°: 3 14,3 79,9 5,8 9,5 41,7 38,7 14,3 j8o,2 14,3 14,3 14,3 14,3 14,3 14,3 14,3 14,3 17,3 14,3 14,2 14,0 82,5 79i7 80,2 78,7 77,7 80,7 79,7 81,7 77,7 79,2 81,4 82,9 5,5 1,0 30,2 48,0 3,2 1,5 27,0 54,0 6,0 2,0 27,7 50,5 5,5 2,0 29,8 48,4 7.0 3,0 32,7 43,0 8,0 b,o 34,7 37,5 5,0 2,5 38,2 40,0 6,0 7,5 28,2 44,0 4,0 6,5 35,2 40,0 5,0 10,2 33,5 34,0 6,5 14.0 27,2 36,6 4,4 4,9 34,7 41,8 4,0 3,0 39,0 40,0 CHAFF AND HULLS. Wheat. Spelt... Rye.... Barley. Oat 14,3 14,3 14,3 14,3 14,3 Vetch 115,0 Pea 14,3 Bean 15,0 Lupine .... 14,3 Rape 10,3 Maize cobr 10,3 GREEN FODDER. Grass, before blossom " after " , Red clover, before " « « full " White « « *' Swedish clover, early blossom " " full « Lucern, very young *• in blossom Sand lucern, early blossom Esparsette, in " Incarnate clover, in " [Trifolium incamatum Yellow clover, in blossom [Medicago lupulina).. Serradella, " '* i^Omithopus sativus).. 1^,1 12,0 77,2 8,5 78,2 7,5 72,7 130 67,7 18,0 77,0 8,0 79,7 6,0 77,0 8,0 829 2,8 77,5 8,5 83,2 2,8 4,5 2,9 3,5 3,0 4,0 8,5 8,1 10,5 2,5 3,5 1,4 33,2 32,8 28,2 38,7 29,7 32,5 36,6 29,5 47,2 40,0 44,0 36,0 41,5 46,5 30,0 34,0 36,0 35,0 37,0 33,0 34,0 37,8 75,0 22,9 2,1 3,° 12,9 7,0 69,0 29,0 2,0 2,5 15,0 ",5 83,0 15,5 1,5 3,3 7,7 45 78,0 20,3 1,7 3,7 8 6 8,c 80,5 17,5 i,o 3,5 8,0 6,0 85,0 13,5 1,5 3,3 5,7 4,5 82,0 16,2 1,8 3,3 6,3 6 6 81,0 17,3 1,7 4,5 7,8 5,0 74,0 24,0 2,0 4,5 7,0 12,5 78,0 20,1 1.9 4,0 6,6 9,5 80,9 18,5 ^5 3,2 8,8 6,5 81,5 16,9 1,6 2,7 6,7 7,5 80,0 i8,S 1,5 3,5 9,0 6,0 80,0 18,7 1,3 3,6 7,0 8,1 65 Proximate Composition of Agricultural Plants and ProdiTct!*. Subs ^I ^ u w •5 >3 "a 1 Q « •<} <5 a ^ <^ ^ •^ a 6 GREEN FODDER. Vetches, in blossom Peas, • " " Oats, early blossom Rye Maize, late end August u garly " '- Hungarian millet, inblos'm [Pant cum germankum] Sorghum sacckaratum Sorghum -vulgar e Field spurry, in blossom Cabbage " stumps Field beet leaves Carrot leaves Poplar and elm leaves Artichoke stem Rape leaves 820 16,2 1,8 3,1 7,6 5,5 81, s 17,0 i,S 3,2 8,2 5.6 81,0 17,6 1,4 2,3 8,8 6,5 72»9 ^5.5 1.6 3,3 14,9 7,3 «4,3 14,6 1,1 0,9 8,7 5,0 82,2 16,7 1,1 1,1 10,9 4,7 65,6 32,0 ^,4 5,9 15,0 "<5 740 25,1 0,9 2,5 15,3 7,31 77,3!^!, 6 1,1 2,9 ",9 6,7 80,0 18,0 2,0 2,3 10,4 5,3 89,0 9,8 1,2 1,5 6,3 2,0 82,0 16,1 1,9 1,1 I2,Z 2,8 9o>5 6,7 1,8 1,9 4,6 1,3 82,2 14,2 3,6 3,2 8,0 3.0 70 28,0 2,0 6,0 X5,5 6,5 80,0 17,3 ^,7 2,3 10,6 3,4 dry 75,5 44,5 20,0 47,5 8,0 0,6 0,6 0,5 0,9 0,5 0.5 1,5 1,4 ? 0,7 0,4 0,8 0,5 1,0 1,5 0,8 2,0 Potato Jerusalem Artichoke Turnip Chervil ? (Koerbelriibe). Kohl-rabi Field beets (about 3 lbs. weight) Sugar beets (1-2 lbs ) Ruta-bagas (about 3 lbs.) Carrot (about J lb.) Giant carrot (1-2 lbs.) Turnips (Stoppelriibe) Turnips (Turnipsriibe) Parsnip Pumpkin ROOTS AND TUBERS. 24,1 95,0 80.0 76,0 88,0 88,0 81,5 87,0 85,0 87,0 91 5 92.0 88,3 94 5 18,9 23,1 10,8 II, I 17,7 12.0 14,0 12,2 7,7 7,2 11,0 4,5 0,9 a,o 21,0 1,1 0.3 I.I 2,0 15,6 i»3 0,5 0,9 3>2 17,0 1,0 0,6 1.2 2,3 7,3 1,2 0,2 0.9 1,1 9,1 0,9 0,1 0,8 1,0 15.4 x,3 0,1 1,0 1,6 9,3 1,1 0,1 1,0 1.5 10,8 1,7 0,2 08 1,2 9,8 1,2 0,2 0,8 0,8 5,9 1,0 OtI 0,8 1,1 5,1 1,0 I 0,7 1,6 8,4 1,0 0,2 1,0 1,3 2,8 1,0 0,1 GRAINS AND SEEDS. Rice Winter wheat.., Wheat flour.... Spelt Winter rye Rye flour Winter barley.., Summer barley. Oats Maize Millet Buckwheat Vetches Peas Beans (field)..., Lentils 5 14,6 84.9 14,4 83.6 12 6 86,7 14.8 81,3 143 83,7 14,0 844 14-3 83^4 14,3 83.1 14,3 82,7 14.4 835 14,0 830 14.0 83,6 143 834 14,3 83,2 14,5 82,0 H,5 82,5 0,5 2,0 0,7 39 2,0 1,6 2.3 2,6 3,0 2,1 3-° 2,4 2,3 2,5 3'5 7-5 13,0 11,8 10,0 II. o 10,5 9,0 9.5 12,0 10,0 H,5 9,0 27,5 22,4 25 5 76,5 67,6 74-1 54,8 69,2 72,5 65.9 66,6 60.9 68,0 62 I 59 6 49,2 52,3 45,5 3o'23,8|52,o 0,9 3,0 o>7 '6,5 3'5 1,5 8,5 7,0 10,3 5 5 6,4 15,0 6.7 9,2 I o»5 ii5 1,2 1,5 2,0 1,6 2,5 2.5 6,0 7.0 3.0 2,5 2,7 2,5 2,0 6,91 2,6 66 Proximate Composition OF Agricultural Plants and Products. Substance. h 1 1 v.* vj a ') 34.5 33.0 H 5 78.4 1,6 S'O 68,8 4,6 43.0 i,oj 2,0 36,5 4,5 49,01 1,8 3.0 45.2 0,8 86,9 4,7 22,9 46,0 18,0 82,7 5.0 20,5 55,0 7,2 85,1 3-9 19.4 55'4 10,3 83,6 4,2 16,3 55.2 12,1 78.3 7.0 17,5 54,7 6,1 68,8 1,2 10,5 58,3 4,0 REFUSE. Sugar beet cake " " '" residue from centrifugal machine " •* " *♦ " maceration... Potato slum. Rye slum Maiseslum Molasses slum Brewer's grains Malt sprouts Fresh malt, with sprouts Dry malt, without sprouts Wheat bran Rye bran Rape cake Linseed cake Gold of pleasure cake Poppy cake Hemp cake Beechnut cake " ** without shells Beet molasses Potato fiber , Coffee bean Chocolate bean... Black China tea. Green " " . 18,5 12,2 4.4I 3,o| 6,8 7,21 5>H COFFEE. TEA. 12,0 11,0 15.0 150 6,3| 3,6 1,41 o,6| 1,6 i,3l 44,7|i7.5l 39,5 4»3! 76,31 8.o| 50,0 17,81 53,5|i5'0 33,5 i5'8 41,3 ii'O 37,i|i2.5| 37,7|",4| 36,5122,0 31.3 2o,5| 36,9! 5,5| 5,0' 1,31 93,01 7,o|io,ol49,o|34,oli2,o 85,0! 4,0 20,0 |52,o 1 1 3,0 44,0 79,o| 6,0 5,0,32,0,40,0 2,9 79,01 6,o| 5,0 127,0 |45,o| 2,0 70,0 26,6 3.4 1,8 82,0 16,8 1,2 1,0 92,6 6,6 0,8 0,8 94,8 4,6 0.6 1,0 89,0 10,5 0-5 2,1 89,0 10,5 0,5 2,0 92,0 63 1,7 1,2 76,6 22,2 1,2 4,9 8,0 85.2 6,8 23,0 47,5 4,2 50,8 93,1 1,7 2,7 6,5 8,8 13,1 81,8 5,1 14,0 12,5 83,0 4.5 14,5 150 77,6 7,4 28,3 ",5 80,6 7,9 28,3 15,0 781 6,9 28,5 10,0 81,6 8,4 32,5 10,5 85,5 4,0 27,0 10,0 848 5,2 24,0 12,5 79,8 7,7 37,3 16,7 72,5 10.8 8,0 82,6 71,1 0,3 0,8 6,0 4,3 2,3 2,5 41 o 37,0 40,0 33,6 41,0 23 o 0,2 0,1 0.1 0,1 0,4 1,2 7,6 2,5 1,5 2,5 3,8 3,5 9,0 :0,0 8,5 8,1 6,2 7,5 7,5 67 TABLE IV. DETAILED ANALYSES OF BREAD GRAINS. \4\ ^ I Ci ■^ » '^ .• 1:2 ^ vl <3 -4|i,i 6,0 1,1 i,7|i,6 2.5 1,6 8,3 1,8 1-7 2,3 1,7 1,7 14.0 156 10,8 14,6 15,2 14,8 13,2 14,5 14 8 Boussingault, Wunder. Poison. Peligot. From Hessia., " France. " Saxony RYE. [3 6150,51 8,9|o,9| 11,6 56,5 10,2 i,9| 9,i|64,9 0,412,31 9,6|56,7| 6,4l2,il BARLEY. 10,1 li, 8 3.5|2,2 3,5|i,4 8,513,3 15,0 ^8,3 ^6,5 From Salzmiinde, Prussia... 'o»5 5o,3| 5,5 '3,2 53,7 4,2 9,3|6o,4l 1,2 2,ol 13,6 = 1,5 9,7 2,o| 3,8| 2,8 2,4 15,7 I2,Oi I 5,0 I OATS. 8,8 55,4 2,5 6,4 9,6 2,7|i4,6| 15,7 32,2 4,1 12,9 10,2' 6,1 10,0 2,7 12,6' Husked, from Vienna. Unhusked. From Saxony " America... « Galacz *' Switzerland BUCKWHEAT. 2,6|78,9| 3,8|o,9l i,o|...| 3,676,7 4,31,3 1.3 — t3,i| 1 13,91 3,5l2,5l 8'5|37,8| |...| |2,o| 9,1145,0' 7,i'o,4'22,o'2,4' MAIZE. 8,8l58,o| 5,3|9,2l 4,9|3,2| 8,8|54,4| 2,7 4,6| 15,8 1,7 '1 9,i|49,5l 2,9|4,5|2o,4|i,8, 151,21 6,713,8112,51 ...| RICE. 12,7 13,7 13,0 14,2 14,0 Fresenius. Payen. A. Miiller. Wolff. Wolff. Poison. Grouven. A. Muller. Krocker. Anderson. iBibra. [Boussingault. Horsford & Krocker, 'Zcnneck. Hellriegel. Poison. 10,5 12,0 11,8 " 10,6 IBibra. From Piemont.... <' Patna " Piemont.... " East Indies. Husked, Hagenau,... " Nuremberg. 7,5 •• "0,5 0,9 0,51 ■| 7,279,9 i,6|o,i o,5|o,9 ■I 7,8| I |0,2| 3,410,3 I I 5,9173,9! 2,310,91 2,ol ...| MILLET. |20,6| I l3,o| 2.4l2,2| .|io,3'57,o'ii,o'8,o' 2,0' ..." 14,6 9,8 13,7 14,0 14,0 12.2 Boussingault. Poison. Peligot. Bibra. Boussingault. Bibra. 68 TABLE V. DETAILED ANALYSES OF POTATOES, by Grouven. {Agricultur-Chemie, %H Auf^pp, 495 ^ 355.) White Potatoes, newly dug. 1 Varioui Sorts^ A'ver- Unmanured. Manured. age of i<) Analyses. Water 74,95 o»47l 0,04 ! 0,29 ' 1,31, 0,76 2,00 0,07 17,33 11,90 0,88 78,01 0,89-] 0,25 r ^' y 2,02 1,56 1,50 0,05 13,40 1,24 1,05 76,00 Albumin Casein Gliadin & Mucidin [?] Veg. Fibrin 2,80 1,81 Fat 0,30 15,24 1,01 Starch Cellubose Ash 0,95 100 100. TABLE VI. DETAILED ANALYSES OF SUGAR BEETS. 11 -3 1 c « M 4^ v." 1 -5! Analyst. Hohenheim Moeckern , " 2 lbs. J lbs. Bickendorf, li Slanstadt, 2 lbs Lockwitz, i^ lbs Tharand, i^ lbs manured " 2 lbs. manured '* ^\ lbs. manured " 4 lbs. manured Silesia, unmanured ...., " manured with nitrate of soda. " man'd with phosphate of lime Average 81,5 0,95 5 84,1 81,7 79,5 70,0 80,0 79,9 82,7 81 82 82,5 84.4 82,7 84 0,87 2 0,84 0,90 0,70 0,68 0,65 0-93 1,16 i,H 1,05 1,14 1,42 1,20 11,90 9,10 11,21 12,07 12,90 13,37 13,32 12,34 10,15 9.25 8.45 9,80 11,57 9,82 11,5 3,47 3,90 3,86 5,09 5,00 1,33 1,05 1,36 1,52 1.20 5,21 5,53 3,24 5,77 6,36 7,07 3,96 3,63 4,04 0,89 0,99 0,94 0,88 0,70 0,74 0,60 0,79 1. 12 1. 15 0,93 0,69 0,68 0,77 Wolff, Ritthausen. Grou\ Stockhardt. Bretschneider. 3,7! 1,3 0.85 69 c^ •SJ3}WJ/\J -njosuj I 01 ysy Bjqnjosui •pso;j3j- puvsut^^ o o o o o o 9, ° 9^ d cT cT o o o o o o o o o o" o" o o o o o o o o o' o. o* o o o 1-1 o « o o o o o o o o o o o o o^ o" o" o" o o o o o o o o o o o^ o^ o" o" o" o o o U-( O -" OS 'i-OO ^ t-- <^ tv VO f< « Osrl- O t^ O v£) ro tn M V£> U", 00 r< ui M O T^ t^ M t^ VO U-.0O VT) O 00 tJ- ro On U-) u:;^rj- «i r;; f< O Ti- 00 lO « »r> o •^^ u-i\0 00 00 vnoo Tl-OO t-^ t^ t-~. roNO 00 oo 00 OO OO 00 OO OO OO 00 OO 00 00 00 t^ t-- t^ o VO CO o O O r^ ■ ^VO « o o O 00 O 00 u-1 ly^ ro CO On 00 r< r» •* 00 ro rooo vo rj- O VO r< O ON M O w vri ^'tjv;, ri^ rooo OO ^O NO lO ^r^ H ro rt- ro to VO ^ VO u-( rt ^ — ^ .- v^ , , ^^ N , — ^ ^ ^^ ^ s ,. — .. ^- v^ ^ ^ — ^, — ^, s VO On t^ O O CO H r<-> «ys H •* W-1 Wl '4- Tl-NO « ^ VO r*- O t^ ro H rt OO « « Tj-,W-» CO osoo O f< M o o" "l d o CO CO ^ « f» O o o o o O O w- o ^ O O O O O O ^ u^ O OS ti O ^ "<*■ M On O O O c< O On « H O u^ 0\ VO t-^oo »^ H U-1 On O O 00 O rh rl W-, rh r*l On ro O O^^O^ O o c< CO On « ir,0 O o >- o -o o. O O O O o O •j;;«S. •SJ3UPJ^ 'S)U3ipfu3uj •uoijvutqtuoj S I utsppy ssipoq umaj 'spiouiutnqjy \-ppy 33JJ, wSng -^[ On VO ON C» On "th ^ cf O c< O O COOO VO O i^ Ov O VO O S VO O H .- 00*^^^ C/J CO C» « O ON VO CO vnvO o c» OO M VO O U-, o ^ «i-V O "* CO lO CO CO c< 0\ O VO O tovo O c< COVO OO 00 OSOO O 00 hT ':!'i^. vooo c< M Ov -> O « OS O M VO t-- On t^oo t^ M •^ ^""^1- "o I~^ ro "T" t^ O Ti- "o" "o" t^ CO O O - O >^ vr, O W-1 ij~i cJ ir^ t^ c") O OO (--OO OO CO Th W-. c< rt U-l O d'^^d u-i o t^vo tJ- r< Tl- CO > O O O O O O O O o o o CO C< 11 c< C< CO CO >H w 00 fT cT o" OS t--00 I- O 11 I rT O ^ \ VO On On t--vo t-- •^ •* « O ■+ On 1^ O W IH t->. CO d d d ^ t^ ,^ 00 OnvO t-^vo O tr, CO CO On t^ On M VO VO VO VO CO VO fj- VO vovo d d d CO On r-.oo VO VO '4- lOVO 00 CO OO On C< lO VO -NO - c< - O H ^ VO CO CO VO CO II O NO VO 00 VO n On CO w « e O OS CO CO vO^OfT CO t^ CO OO O 00 CO VO rj- vfT tCviT rt- Tl-NO r-- o VO t^oo to •«^ VO t^ On O O c» VO VO VO t-~. r>. CO t}- t^ CO tJ- CO Tj- VO lO lO OO OO rj- lO VO VO VO lo 00 OO OO VO VO tJ- vovO VO VO VO VO VO 00 OO 00 00 00 rt- VO VO U-l VO VO 00 OO OO ^ r c c C "^ w •r 13 ^ « ^ 130 ^ JC « rt CO ■«*• io>o s • S CO •^t- ir^ VO t^od 70 ajqnjosuj /.oj; \ ■S}U3ip3u2uj •qsy djqnjosuj •3S0)33J pup iUI}/g ■Sp33S C§ 'S.t3}Wp\l 3iqnp^ jviox 'S)U3tp3j3ui U01}VUl(fUiOQ ui sppy JIUVSUQ ^UiTlQ ■S3ip0-i •vT O CTn t->- «J->00 O -J-i O O OO ro O H tJ- OO O * •<*;oo^ »^ o" o" d rj- vo m ■-.^ •"f vo cfJ o o o o o o o" o" o o r^ o o o o"© o o O vo O t^ r-. O CO t ^ ^ <=^«l. so ^ vo t^ t|- on "^ t^ r^ 00 t^oo t^oo ro O vo H « o o" o" « o T»- 'O On t-^ o'" o" O Tl- »o cJ O >-i vo n On t-~ H 00 Ov vo t^ O On O O CO 0\ rt ^^ "^ '^ OO Ov cT M f< vo'' CO O O O O O O O O O O O O o o o o o o o o o o o o O vo O ->*- vo « O r-~ lo O On CO rj- c» CO '^ t^ •* „ ^ vo cT Ov O HO i^ 00 r-~oo oo t-- 00 t-^ O OS O vo 00 O vo CO CO M r^ H O oo t--- t^ t-^vo O O O o" o" o~ c« OS r-. 00 CO CO O O O rhvo O^ o_ o" o" o" o*" o" M rhvo O vo T^ Ti-vo H O O OO « O O c^ tJ-VO 00 vo vo O ^ cooo OS O "^ t-^00 CO w vo 0_^ j o" o' "*" J .«*- O H tJ- cooo r«^ f^ 1 CO vo vo O O cl O OS oo vo vo Os d t^ H 00 M CO O O vo r< vo O 00 O CO O Os rj- vo ■-. r^ „ „ vo -^ O t-~ vo t^ CO CO vo O vo CO O vo 00 SO vo O 00 00 vo CO f-, I-. OS OS vo lO CO CO tJ- vo o <- t>. CO .so 00 1 O Tj-rJ- « OS OS »o t~~ CO o"~ d d vH C« 1 covo 00 vo o" o" J " } o J cooo cT vo vo O M C» O 00 «" d o o" o o r« c< O oo « « O w O ^ "^ t~~ vovo 1^ o" o" o" o" « O t^ vo vo r^ Os vo r< r. O O 00 so r^ vo OvOO o o o o o o o"~ o" o o O r< CO t-^ Os t< 00 oo Os O d OS Os o o CO rj- CO Os ^ vo CO O Os ■-> vo CO w SO tC CO Tp tJ- rf vo*" v,-> Tl-VO OvSO O O o" o"" O -^ Os n vo ! _•» " n ri O Os t-- OS OS O oo f Os OS O ■5T -^ so vo .* o vo M o o 5s vo -■ d d^ 'd CO vo ds t^ 00 O d VO O r^ vo t^ r-- oo" o' oo" ^ 2 X^ 00 vo O vo OS ^ OS H OS vo °- ^^ i-T tf vo r» 00 CO r^oo O o" OsOO o" o" CO O Os CO tJ-vo vovoQsO rj- vovow, 'T'4-vo vovo vovovovo vo lovovo vo ~CO tJ- U-) vn 00 OO VO O -* o' «" o" i^ •<*■ CO m CO 00 OO 00 00 OO so ^ 11 x> 2 W X 72 TABLE YIII. FRUITS ARRANGED IN THE ORDER OF THEIR CONTENT OF SUGAR. (average) Fresenius. Peaches Apricots , Plums Rcineclaudes... Mirabelles Raspberries Blackberries.... Strawberries.... Whortleberries. per cent. t.6 1,8 2,1 .3,6 .4,0 ■4 4 •5.7 ■5,8 per cent. Currants 6,1 Prunes 6,5 Gooseberries 7, z Red pears 7,5 Apples 8,4 Sour cheiries 8,8 Mulberries 9,2 Sweet cherries 10.8 Grapes 14,9 TABLE IX. FRUITS ARRANGED IN THE ORDER OF THEIR CONTENT OF FREE ACID EXPRESSED AS HYDRATE OF MALIC ACID, (average) Fresenious. per cent. Red pears o i Mirabelles 0,6 Sweet cherries 0,6 Peaches 0,7 Grapes 0,7 Apples 0,8 Prunes 0,9 Reineclaudes 0,9 Apricots 1,1 Blackberries 1,2 Sour cherries 1,3 Plums 1,3 Whortleberries 1,3 Strawberries 1,3 Gooseberries 1,5 Raspberries 1.5 Mulberries i,Q Currants 2,c TABLE X. FRUITS ARRANGED ACCORDING TO THE PROPORTIONS BETWEEN ACID, SUGAR, PECTIN, AND GUM, ETQ., (averages) Fresenius. Acid. I Sugar. | Pectin^ Gum^ etc. Plums I Apricots I I Peaches ..... i Raspberries i Currants | i Rcineclaudes I i Blackberries ! I Whortleberries | i Strawberries I i Gooseberries i Mulberries | I Mirabelles I i Sour cherries | i Prunes 1 i Apples. I I Sweet cherries I i Grapes i Red pears | i 1,6 1 3 J 1,7 1 6,4 ^,3 11,9 2.7 1,0 30 1 0,1 3-4 11,8 3 7 1 1,2 4-3 1 0,4 44 0,1 49 1 0,8 49 1 ^>i 6,2 1 9,9 6.9 1,4 7 4,4 11,2 5,6 17,3 1 2,8 20,2 2,0 94,6 44,4 73 TABLE XI. FRUITS ARRANGED ACCORDING TO THE PROPORTIONS BETWEEN WATER, SOLUBLE MATTERS, AND INSOLUBLE MATTERS. (averages) Fresenious. ''ater. Soluble Matter. lOO 9»i lOO 9>3 lOO 9.4 lOO 9»7 loo II, O lOO 12,1 loo 12,2 lOO 13.0 lOO i3»3 lOO 14,3 lOO 14,6 lOO 15,3 lOO 16,5 lOO 16,6 ICO 16,9 lOO 18,5 I Op 18,6 lOO 22,8 Insoluble Matter. Raspberries.... Blackberries... Strawberries,... Plums...,...,.. Currants Whortleberries Gooseberries... Mirabelles Apricots Red pears Peaches Prunes Sour cherries.. Mulberries Apples Reineclaudes.. Cherries Grapes 6,9 6.5 5.2 0,9 6.6 16,9 3,6 1,5 2,1 5»5 2,1 3,2 1,3 1,5 3,6 1,2 1.5 5,8 TABLE Xll PROPORTION OF OIL IN VARIOUS AIR-DRY SEEDS, according to Berjot. (Knop's Agricultur Chemie, p. 725.) (The air-dry seeds contain 10-12 per cent of hygroscopic water.) Colza, common 40- " Schirmraps " red India " white '' Flax Poppy 40- Sesame Mustard, white black Hemp Peanut Gold of Pleasure 35 Watermelon 36 Charlock 15-4^ Orange Colocynth.. Cherry Almond.... Potato Buckthorn. Currant Beechnut... 40 16 42 40 16 16 26 -4 IISTIDEX:. Page. AGRICULTURAL PLANTS AND PRODUCTS— Proximate — Composition of, giving average quantity of Water, Organic Matter, &c . 63 Hay 63 Straw 64 Chaff and Hullfl 64 Green Fodder 64 Roots and Tubers 65 Grains and Seeds 65 Refuse 66 Coffee and Tea 66 ALUMINA— In the Soil 19 AMMONIACAL PLANTS 47 APATITE .. 4l ASH OP AGRICULTURAL PLANTS AND PRODUCTS— Table of Composition of 53 Meadow Hay and Grass 53 Clover and Fodder Plants 53 Root Crops.- 54 Leaves and Skins of Root Plants 54 Refuse and Manufactured Products 54 Straw 55 Chaff, Etc 55 Textile Plants, Etc 55 Litter 55 GRAINS AND SEEDS OF AGRICULTURAL PLANTS 56 FRUITS AND SEEDS OF TREES, ETC 56 Leaves of Trees ... 57 Wood 57 Bark 57 BARLEY— Composition of 25 BONE ASH 41 BONE BLACK 41 BREAD GRAINS— Detailed Analysis of 67 CHLORINE AND FLUORINE~ln the Soil 21 COMMERCIAL FERTILIZERS 41 COMMERCIAL (FERTILIZERS— Their Manufacture 48 COMPOST PILE— How to Make and Manage 38 COMPOSTED FERTILIZERS— Application of to differ- ent Grades of Lands. By a Farmer 39 75 PAGE. COMPOSTING— Art of 34 COPEOLTTBS 42 DISINTEGRATING AND SCREENING OP COMMER- CIAL FERTILIZERS 51 FERTILIZERS— Components of, and where found 30 FRESH (OR AIR-DRY) AGRICULTURAL PEODUCTS— Table of Composition of 58 Hay 58 Green Fodder 58 Root Crops 58 Leaves and Stems of Root Crops 59 Manufactured Products and Refuse 59 Straw :. .... 60 Chaff 60 Textile Plants, etc 60 Litter 60 Grains and Seeds of Agricultural Plants 61 Fruits and Seeds of Trees, etc 61 Leaves of Trees 61 Wood, Air-Dry 6*4 Bark 62 FRUITS— Arranged in theOrder of their Content of Sugar 72 FEUITS — Arranajed According to the Proportions be- tween Acid, Sugar, Pectin and Gases, etc 72 FRUITS— Arranged in the Order of their Content of Free Acid 72 FRUITS — Arranged According to the Proportions be- tween Water, Soluble Matters and Insoluble Mat- ters 73 FRUITS -Composition of 69,70,71 G RO WTH OF PLANTS, AND MO DES OF IMPKOYING 10 INDIAN CORN— Composition of 23 INORGANIC ELEMENTS IN PLANTS 28 INTRODUCTION 5 LIME— In the Soil 20 MAGNESIA— In the Soil 20 MIXING OF COMMERCIAL FERTILIZEES 50 NATURAL (CEUDE) PHOSPHATES OF LIME— Analytical Table of the Comparative Composition.... 44 NAYASSA GUANO.. 43 NITRATE OF POTASH 47 NITRATE OF SODA 46 OATS— Composition of 24 ORCHILLA GUANO 43 OXIDEOF IRON— In the Soil 20 PERCENTAGE OF MOISTURE, ALBUMEN, &c., IN DIFFERENT PEODUCTS 29 PERUYIAN GUANO • 45 76 PAGE. PHOSPHATES— South Carolina 43 PHOSPHOEITE 42 PHOSPHORUS— In theSoil 21 PHOSPHATE ROCK— Drying and Grinding of 49 PLANTS— Composition of, i&c 22 POTATOES— Composition of 25 POTATOES— Detailed Analysis of. 68 POTASH— In the Soil 21 POTASH 47 PREFACE 3 ROSSA (ORGUAYAMAS) GUANO 42 RYE— Composition of 24 SEEDS— PROPORTION OF OIL IN VARIOUS- AIR DRY 73 SILICA— In the Soil 19 SODA— In the Soil 21 SOMBRERO 43 SOIL— Analysis of 16-17-18 SOIL— Origin of 14 vSOIL — Organic Substances of 19 SUGAR BEETS— Detailed Analysis of 68 SULPHATE AMMONIA 46 SULPHATE OF LIME (GYPSUM OR LAND PLAS- TER) 47 SULPHUR— In the Soil 21 WM. C. BEE Sl CO., Genl Agents, The Etiwan Grnano, Dissolved Bone, AND CROP FOOD CHEMICALS Of the ETIWAN WORKS, can be obtained from the follow- ing parties : AGNEWS & MATTISON, Donaldsville, S. C. Dr. JOHN A. BARKSDALE, Laurens, S. C BAILEY & BLAKELY. . / Clinton, S. C. J. ,A. CANNON, . . Pomaria, S. C. GEO. H. CORNELSON, Orangeburg, S. C. CLAYTON & CO., . . . . • Central, S. C. CONNOR & HODGES, Hodges' Depot, S. C. B. F. CRAYTON & SONS, Anderson. S. C. A. H. DEAN, Vernonsville, S. C. R. S. DESPORTES & BRO., Ridgeway, S. C. C. E. FLEMING, Spartanburg, S. C. J.D.HILL, Bennettsville. S. C. J. D. HOGAN & CO Doko, S. C. T. A. HUDGENS, Honea Path, S. C. W. H. KENNEDY, Williston, S. C. HUGH LEAMAN, Cross Hill, S. C. LEWIE, LEWIE & GRIFFITH, Summit, S. C LEWIE, LEWIE & OSWALD, . . . Barr's Landing, S. C. T. C. LIPSCOMB & SONS Ninety-Six, S. C. JOHN R. LONDON, Rock Hill, S. C. A. J. McCAUGHRIN & CO., Newberry, S. C. W. H. McCORKLE, Yorkville, S. C. JOHN H. McIVER, Cheraw, S. C. McMASTER & BRICE, Winnsboro, S. C. MERRITT & MERRITT, Ridge Springs, S. C MERRITT & PLUNKETT, Batesburg, S. C. T. P. MITCHELL, Blackstocks, S. C. W. G. MOOD, Aiken, S. C. T. C. MOODY, Marion, S. C. WM. C. BEE & CO., Genl Agents, The Etiwan Guano, Dissolved Bone, AND CROP FOOD CHEMICALS Of the ETIWAN WORKS, can be obtained from the follow- ing parties : OLDHAM & COLEMAN Greenwood, S. C. LORICK & LOWRANCE Columbia, S. C. J. B. ROGERS, Williamston, S. C. THOS. W. RUSSELL, Easley's Station, S. C. J. S. M. SMITH, Timmonsville, S. C. A. W. THOMSON & CO., .•......,. Union, S. C. WALLER, WATSON & CO., Walhalla, S. C. J. W. WATTS, Martin's Depot, S. C. WHITE BROS., Abbeville, S. C. WHITE. STEWART & CO., Fort Mills, S. C. L. WILLIAMS, Greenville, S. C. WYLIE & AGURS, • . Chester, S. C. BARNHART & KIMBROUGH Greensboro, Ga. EDWARD BANCROFT Athens, Ga. T. W. BAXTER Cartersville, Ga. BERRYS & CO Rome, Ga. B. F. BRIMBERRY, Camilla, Ga. T. W. BAGGERLY Senoia, Ga. D. R. CREECH, Quitman, Ga. J. B. CRIM, Dawson, Ga. P. H. COMPTON & SONS, MilledgeviUe, Ga. DANIEL & ROWLAND, Augusta, Ga. JOE DAVISON, Woodville, Ga. ECKLES & ABERCOMBIE, Social Circle, Ga. H. F. GRANT, Savannah, Ga. HUNT, RANKIN & LAMAR, Macon, Ga. HUNT, RANKIN & LAMAR, Atlanta, Ga. ARTHUR HUTCHISON, Palmettto, Ga. WM. C. BEE & CO., Genl Agents. The Etiwan G-nano, Dissolved Bone, AND CROP FOOD CHEMICALS Of the ETIWAN WORKS, can be obtained from the follow- ing parties : J. N. HUTCHINSON & BRO., Hogansville, Ga. RUS. P. JOHNSON, Griffin, Ga. J. W. JORDAN, Jr., * Americus, Ga. E. G. KRAMER Carrollton, Ga. MAXWELLS & HIGDON, Harrell, Ga. MOSS & WILSON, White Plains, Ga. T. W. POWELL, Newnan, Ga. J. R. SCOTT, West Point, Ga. G. B. STOVALL, Madison, Ga- W. C. TIMBERLAKE & CO., Fort Valley, Ga. WINTERS & WHITLOCK, Marietta, Ga. G. A. WIGHT, Whighan, Ga. WIGHT & POWELL, Cairo, Ga. W. T. YOUNG & CO., Eatonton, Ga. W. G. BARBEE, High Point, N. C. BURROUGHS & SPRINGS, Charlotte, N. C. P. C. CARLTON, Statesville, N. C. O. C. FARRAR & CO., Tarboro, N. C. GREGORY & GALLOWAY, ...... Goldsboro, N. C. H. P. HELPER, Davidson's College, N. C. J. E. HENDRIX, Hickory, N. C HILL, PAYNE & WELBORN, Lexington, N. C. J. LYNN McABOY, Columbus, N. C. McCORMAC & JACKSON, Shoeheel, N. C. MAUNEY BROS. & ROBERTS, . . King's Mountain, N. C. MELKE & JONES Lumberton, N. C. MILLER BROS., Shelby, N. C. MONTGOMERY & DOWD, Concord, N. C. WM. C. BEE & CO., Genl Agents, The Etiwan G-nano, Dissolved Bone, AND CROP FOOD CHEMICALS Of the ETIWAN WORKS, can be obtained from the follow- ing parties : J. T. MOORE, Mooresville, N. C. C. & W. H. MOTZ, Lincolnton, N, C. M. ROUNDTREE & CO., Wilson, N. C. H. H. SKINNER, Hertford, N. C. JAMES SLOAN'S SONS Greensboro, N. C. W. D. SMITH & CO., Fayetteville, N. C. ALEX. SPRUNT & SON, Wilmington. N. C. J. D. STEWART Monroe, N. C. WILLIAMSON, UPCHURCH & THOMAS, Raleigh, N. C. D. R GUNNELS & CO., Oxford, Ala. J.R.HORNER, Tuscaloosa, Ala. R. A. SOLOMON, Eufaula, Ala. R. L. HICKSON, Danville, Va. LEE, TAYLOR & CO., Lynchburg, Va. A. S. LEE Richmond, Va. J. I. MIDDLETON & CO., Baltimore, Md. 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