_ _ ua: 150 7Sfl Book WASHINGTON LIBRA.RY. if THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA PRESENTED BY PROF. CHARLES A. KOFOID AND MRS. PRUDENCE W. KOFOID The American Health Primers. EDITED BY W. W. KEEN, M. D., Fellow of the College of Physicians of Philadelphia. This series of American Health Primers is prepared to diffuse as widely ano cheaply as possible, among all classes, a knowledge of the elementary facts of Preventive Medicine, and the bearings and applications of the latest and best re searches in every branch of Medical and Hygenic Science, They are intended to teach people the principles of Health, and how to take care of themselves, theh children, pupils, employees, etc. Handsome Cloth Binding, 50 cents, each. Sent, postpaid, upon receipt of price, or may be obtained from any bookstore. HEARING, AND HpW TO KEEP IT. With Illustrations. By CHAS. H. BURNETT, M. D., Aurist to the Presbyterian Hospital, Professor in the Philade) phia Polyclinic. LONG LIFE, AND HOW TO REACH IT. By J. G. RICHARDSON, M. D , Piofessor of Hygiene in the University of Pennsylvania. THE SUMMER, AND ITS DISEASES. By JAMES C. WILSON. M. D. % Lecturer on Physical Diagnosis in Jefferson Medical College. EYESIGHT, AND HOW TO CARE FOR IT. With Illustrations. By GEO C. HARLAN, M. D., Surgeon to the Wills (Eye) Hospital, and to the Eye and Ear Department, Pennsylvania Hospital. THE THROAT AND THE VOICE. With Illustrations. By J. SOLIS Co- HEN, M. D., Lecturer on Diseases of the Throat in Jefferson Medical College, Philadelphia, etc. THE WINTER, AND ITS DANGERS. By HAMILTON OSGOOD, M. D.. of Boston, Editorial Staff Boston Medical and Surgical Journal. THE MOUTH AND THE TEETH. With Illustrations. By J. W. WHITB, M. D., D. D. S., of Philadelphia, Editor of the Dental Cosmos. BRAIN WORK AND OVERWORK. By H. C. WOOD. JR., M. D., Clin ical Professor of Nervous Diseases in the University of Pennsylvania. OUR HOMES. With Illustrations. By HENRY HARTSHORNS, M. D., of Phil adelphia, formerly Professor of Hygiene in the University of Pennsylvania. THE SKIN IN HEALTH AND DISEASE. By L. D. BULKLEY, M. D.. 01 Yew York, Physician to the Skin Department of the Demilt Dispensary and of the New York Hospital. SEA AIR AND SEA BATHING. By JOHN H. PACKARD, M. D., of Phila dclphia, Surgeon to the Pensylvania and to St. Joseph's Hospitals. SCHOOL AND INDUSTRIAL HYGIENE. By D. R LINCOLN, M. D., of Boston, Chairman Department of Health, American Social Science Association " Each Volume of the 'American Health Primers' The Inter- Ocean has had the pleasure to commend. In their practical teachings, learning, and sound sense, these volumes are worthy of all the compliments they have received. They teach *vhat every man and woman should know, and yet what nine-tenths of the intelligem classes are ignorant of, or at best, have a scattering knowledge of." Chicago Inter Ocean. " The series of American Health Primers deserves hearty commendation. These handbook*: of practical suggestion are prepared by men whose professional compe- tence is beyond question, and for the most part, by those who have made the sub- ject treated the specific study of their lives." SCHOOL AND INDUSTRIAL HYGIENE. BY D. F. LINCOLN, M.D., Chairman Department of Health, Social Science Association. PHILADELPHIA: P. BLAKISTON, SON & CO., No. 1012 WALNUT STREET. 1896. COPYRIGHT. PRESLEY BLAKISTON. 1880. CONTENTS. i. SCHOOL HYGIENE. CHAPTER. PAGE I. GENERAL REMARKS 7 II. EMOTIONAL AND MENTAL STRAIN . . 14 III. FOOD AND SLEEP 19 IV. BODILY GROWTH 24 V. AMOUNT OF STUDY 28 VI. EXERCISE 34 VII. CARE OF THE EYES 48 VIII. SCHOOL-DESKS AND SEATS . . . .64 IX. A MODEL SCHOOL-ROOM . . . .79 X. VENTILATION AND HEATING . . .85 XI. SITE, DRAINAGE, ETC 94 VI CONTENTS. CHAPTER. XII. PRIVATE SCHOOLS XIII. COLLEGES 102 XIV. CONTAGIOUS DISEASE 105 PART II. INDUSTRIAL HYGIENE. I. INJURIOUS EFFECTS OF INHALING DUSTY AND POISONOUS SUBSTANCES . . . 107 II. INJURIES FROM ATMOSPHERIC CHANGES . 120 III. INJURIES FROM OVER-USE OF CERTAIN OR- GANS 127 IV. INJURIES FROM ACCIDENTS . . . -133 V. REGULATION OF HOURS OF LABOR . .136 VI. DURATION OF LIFE IN VARIOUS OCCUPA- TIONS 142 NOTE 145 INDEX 146 School and Industrial Hygiene. PART I. SCHOOL HYGIENE. CHAPTER I. GENERAL REMARKS. THE period at which we live is witnessing great changes in the theory and practice of education, from the lowest to the highest grades. The nature of the child's mind has been studied, his powers gauged, and his growth measured by a Pestalozzi, a Froebel, a Combe, a Chadwick, a Bowditch. Every- body knows that children do not like to sit still long at a time ; that their minds easily wander ; that they have an instinctive dislike to certain studies. This restlessness of mind and body, this dislike to certain mental foods, were regarded by the old masters as simply undesirable elements in character, to be curbed and chained, and overcome by force of dis* 7 8 SCHOOL AND INDUSTRIAL HYGIENE. cipline. The modern tendency is in a very different direction ; it studies the natural behavior of chil- dren, and deduces from multiplied observations cer- tain laws regarding their natural powers and apti- tudes, to which all educational processes are subor- dinated. To some extent the old masters were right \ curbs have their use, and " old-fashioned" hard work ought not to be forgotten. Nor is the newer education free from grave faults of its own ; or let us rather say, that right principles are not yet fully adopted by all. A great many teachers have found that emulation is a more than effectual substitute for the rod. This is one of the most characteristic of modern improve- ments ; but its potency has no sooner been discov- ered than it is abused, and many a promising child, within the past thirty years, has wrecked his physi- cal endurance for life, or has permanently enfeebled his mind by excess of study performed under the spur of emulation or an unregulated sense of duty. No theory of education is satisfactory thst does not claim the whole child. The State must leave a great many things to the parents in education ; but it is her duty to attend to such things as parents can- not be made to attend to. Religion is a thing which the State does not try to teach, assuming that parents and churches can more safely attend to it ; but mo- rality must be taught at school. All schools assume GENERAL REMARKS. 9 the immorality of falsehood and brutality, and the paramount obligation to perform school-tasks. It would be easy to take classes of ignorant, poor chil- dren, before they reach the age of street ruffians (which so many become after leaving the public school), and not only to show them, but to convince them of the necessity for truth, peaceable behavior, and respect for law, and of the necessary connection between duty or work performed and the prosperity of one and all.* In our public schools, I think this is hardly attempted. And yet, setting aside the moral, and assuming the sanitarian, ground as our sole basis, it is assuredly true that these branches of morals, and others that might be named, as punctu- ality, cleanliness, politeness, and faithfulness to en- gagements, are not things which can be neglected. Again : the food and sleep of the child are mainly beyond the control of public schools. They are not wholly so, however; and it is a teacher's duty to discourage working in improper hours. Still more imperatively is it his duty to regulate the child's needs in school-time, to see if he is faint from want of food, to encourage and teach good habits, and to give opportunity for bodily exercise. No lower aim should content the child's teacher than that of improving all his faculties and powers * For admirable illustrations of this kind of teaching, see George Combe's " Education," edited by Wm. Jolly, 1879. IO SCHOOL AND INDUSTRIAL HYGIENE. bodily, mental, and moral. The teacher should feel his obligation to his school a patriotic one, as did the Athenian office-holder, who swore, " o/wo TtapaScj^tj'," to transmit the city over which he ruled better than when it was put into his hands ; better in all respects. It is my strong conviction that this can be done by the public or the State to a greater extent than is now accomplished. The word " culture " is as badly abused to-day as the word " sentiment " was a century ago. For vast numbers of our people, the pursuit of culture resolves itself into the reading of books and the looking at pictures and bric-a-brac for the purpose of talking about them. We can easily widen this notion. The culture (or development) of children certainly means something better than this. But how much wider and better ? It is preposterous to educate all children in all branches of knowledge. We are already trying to do too much in that direction ; but it is equally preposterous to omit from culture the development of physical endurance, moral soundness, and a good practical judgment. In the case of myriads of poor children who leave school at the ages of ten or twelve, the opportunities for doing this are indeed limited and are made so by our absurd practice of making excessively large classes ; but the State should never lose from mind the object of training these GENERAL REMARKS. II children up to men and women. As regards those whose education is superior and protracted, there is a full opportunity for developing power and self-con- trol. How do we give a young man power to fight his way in the world ? We put him into a school which teaches only the brain, and only a corner of that. When he is thirty years old, he will, assuredly, not be groaning that his tutors gave him but too imperfect an acquaintance with the Greek lyrists, or Visigothic numismatology; he will probably be wondering (if he is an active American) whether it pays to know all that ; and at forty he will have discovered that the one thing which does pay in this life is life itself; that vital force and endurance and a good digestion are what are needed, as much as anything from books, to insure success in life. The President of Harvard College states this more strongly still. The element of self-control and guidance, in cul- ture, is quite as much a moral as an intellectual one. The boy is taught how to control his hand in writing or playing, his voice in speaking or singing, his organ of language in writing theses. He is not so taught in regard to the use of his moral faculties, his affections, emotions, and passions ; nor is he s-hown how a want of self-control, whether in the form of caprice, indolence, good-nature, affection, or ambi- tion, or even when veiled under the aspect of duty, may take away the half of the value of his talents 12 SCHOOL AND INDUSTRIAL HYGIENE. and knowledge. Perhaps these remarks would be more forcible if applied to girls and young women, in whom self-restraint is not commonly thought a necessity, and the feelings naturally take the place of reflection. All that can be said against over-study must be re- versed when we speak of moderate and rational study. Overwork ought not to be allowed, on the one hand ; and on the other, indolence must not be permitted. It is little to say that study ought not to be allowed to injure the health. We may say much more : it is capable of improving health ; and for many persons it is an indispensable means of health. A child who has been kept at suitable tasks unconsciously misses them when they come to an end. Civilized and reading beings (I assume that a civilized, awakened, informed, and interested mind is a desideratum !) must have something for the mind to work upon, or they fret themselves with ennui. Much study may be a weariness to the flesh ; it may give dyspepsia by being allowed to encroach on physical duties ; but when a person has learned to hold the proper proportion be- tween these two, there is nothing that he finds more conducive to peace, satisfaction, and comfort. This pleasant result always follows when one has accom- plished work which he is fitted for ; and to deny an individual his intellectual exercise is as truly a dam- age to the body as is the deprivation of physical ex- GENERAL REMARKS. 13 ercise. For want of accustomed mental stimulus and work, many a man (it is an old story) has found that his retirement from active business was his death- warrant. School-life, however, seems to have some injurious effects on the health and growth of some children. Very often it is not the school that injures a child, but the fact that the child is living in a city and has no place to run out-of-doors. Very often it is not study at all that hurts, but study in hot or close or badly-lighted rooms ; or study may be in excess of the powers of the system. Such points as these will receive our present attention. 2 CHAPTER II. EMOTIONAL AND MENTAL STRAIN. "C MOTIONAL STRAIN. Teachers are fully aware !_/ that this is a fluctuating factor in each child, de- pendent on the weather, fatigue, excitement, and other circumstances. Of these circumstances, those which affect the equilibrium of power are among the most import- ant. There is a large class of irregular mental or emotional states which are unfavorable to the com- plete health and steady activity of the mind. The so- called depressing emotions timidity, despondency, anxiety, and discontent often interfere with the mental health, producing actual and very marked lowering of the powers of execution. No scholar ought to be allowed to remain under the influence of them. It is the teacher's place to find out the cause, and remove it if possible. In a certain number of cases, they may be due to unkindness or neglect com- ing from the teacher or the playmates. A neglect to award merited praise either wounds or hardens the one who feels the injustice. Again, all these de- EMOTIONAL AND MENTAL STRAIN. 15 pressed states may be simply a sign of over-work, want of exercise, bad air, want of sleep or food, etc. A child must not be spared all that is irksome. Quite the contrary of this, the performance of irk- some duty is one of the best lessons taught in school. But it is undesirable that he should feel the, object of his study a worthless one, or should find his best efforts unsuccessful. I venture to suggest that, in these respects, the teacher needs as much of our sympathy as the scholar. Too much drudgery is laid upon her in correcting exercises, looking over examination books and papers, making up averages of marks, weekly and monthly reports, and other "school statistics." It is hard and unsatisfactory to have to give hours of the time needed for mental re- freshment to the production of a few numerical re- sults, which are probably destined to lie idle on a shelf. Mental Strain. There is a great deal of harm done by excessive urging or over-driving of children in school, as the reader must be aware. Yet, on the other hand, there are many scholars whose natures need this urging, and are not properly developed with- out it. If a given degree of "pressure" seems to the teacher's judgment moderate, how shall it be decided to be excessive by persons who are not wit- nesses ? Who is a better judge than the teacher of l6 SCHOOL AND INDUSTRIAL HYGIENE. what constitutes a fair amount of work ? In reply, it should be said that a parent knows more about a child, in the generality of cases, than a teacher.* It is a parent's eye that can best see when the child is "unlike himself;" and the parent is justified in feeling anxiety whenever the child loses sleep and the desire for food and play. The means by which children are urged are well known, consisting of credits, rank, prizes, public ex- hibitions, and the moral influence of a teacher of strenuous disposition. It will not do to condemn all of these at once, for they have arguments in their favor. But, as a general thing, the giving of prizes, or at least public displays upon the stage, may safely be forbidden in the case of girls as useless, if not harmful. Their nervous system responds too quickly to such stimuli. If there be novels which do harm " by giving false views of life," are there not schools for girls which do precisely the same thing, by the excessive im- portance which they allow the pupils to attach to a paltry gift, or, far worse, to success in beating rivals ? The scholar's future health cannot but be bene- fited by an effort to conquer indolence ; but to re- turn to our chief point children ought in some cases * Especially if the child be one among fifty-six, who remain only five months with one teacher. EMOTIONAL AND MENTAL STRAIN. I/ to be allowed to seem indolent, for reasons elsewhere indicated ; and it is palpably unsafe to subject all scholars to an equal pressure. "Over-driven" children will often study late and sleep poorly ; they then rise late, dress in haste, and rush for school in dread of a mark for tardiness, often not pausing to sit down at the breakfast-table. They thus enter on the day's work with an exhausted and irritable system, which does not have a chance during the forenoon so taken up is it with school-thoughts to remember its need for repair and rest. The lunch- eon-basket probably contains food suited to attract a jaded system and to produce dyspepsia cake and pie and doughnuts. The child finishes the school- tasks, and goes home with an armful of books and an aching head in need of food and rest and pjay, but hardly aware of either, and intent simply on learning the next day's lessons. There is no recovery from this strain, for the lessons are not learned until bed- time, when the experience of the day before is re- peated, and so on day after day until the fixed term expires. This over-work is unfortunately apt to occur at the very time of the year when the system is least able to bear it. The " exhibition's," the closing examina- tions, and the stress of the struggle for prizes, come in the months of April, May, and June, when the body craves fresh air and the eyes long for green 2* B 1 8 SCHOOL AND INDUSTRIAL HYGIENE. fields ; when, too, the powers of the system begin to flag from the withdrawal of the stimulus of cold, which has kept them strung up to a higher pitch all the winter. This constitutes a very serious objection to the present system of school-exhibitions. It is needless to say that teachers are not exempt from this strain. CHAPTER III. FOOD AND SLEEP. THIS is the place to finish what needs to be said regarding food and sleep. The logical connection is quite obvious. Study is a consuming of certain materials contained in the brain and the blood ; food and sleep are the means by which this loss is made good, and the mind placed in a fit condition to resume work. The system of a child who is studying to excess is becoming exhausted ; it loses its powers in various directions ; the muscu- lar endurance may be enfeebled ; the digestion is very apt to fail ; appetite for food is lost, with the power to digest food ; and sleep is very apt to be poor. It is pretty safe to say that a child who eats and sleeps well is not much over-driven. There is a natural antagonism between active study and active digestion. A nourishing meal indisposes a healthy person to ac- tive mental exertion ; and, vice versa, active study or mental excitement takes away appetite, or at least enfeebles the digestive power for a time. What we say of hard study is equally true of hard play. After 19 2O SCHOOL AND INDUSTRIAL HYGIENE. hard study or play there should be an interval for relaxation or cooling-down before a meal is eaten. Nothing could be more injudicious than a programme which allows only one hour for dinner, following a forenoon of study, and followed by an afternoon of study. If it be thought desirable for young adults to make the day as full as possible, it will be much better to have an intermission of two hours at noon-time. And persons not adults should always obey a rule which places an hour's interval between dinner and study, and at least half an hour between breakfast or tea and study. All the meals must be nourishing, and stimulants, such as tea, or coffee in particular, should form no part of them. If the proper amount of sleep is had, there is very little time for study in the evening. The child should sleep ten hours at the age of twelve years; nine hours at the age of fourteen or fifteen ; and eight hours at the age of seventeen or eighteen. It is not necessary that he should indulge in the habit (salutary for many adults) of taking a nap after meals. At the "Smith College, " at Northampton, Mass., the young ladies are expected to be in bed at ten o'clock, and are strongly advised not to rise before six o'clock. The students are of the usual "college age," say from eighteen to twenty-one. Study or exercise before breakfast is not generally to be allowed ; it will do harm to many children. FOOD AND SLEEP. 21 Excessively long intervals between meals are of course to be avoided, or to be broken by solid lunch- eons. If the above amount of sleep be allowed, there will not be time for more than three regular meals and a lunch. Late dinners are apt to interfere with children's sleep ; if, for instance, the family meal is from six to seven, and the children go to bed from eight to nine. A hearty, comfortable dinner about the noon-time is much better. It is perfectly true that the afternoon session is likely to be rather a sleepy one ; this should induce the judicious teacher to shorten the session, and to prefer manual tasks (writing, drawing, etc.) rather than those that call for thought. Afternoon lessons add very little to the child's stock of knowledge. Is there an antagonism between food and study ? Is the mind paralyzed by the contact with the gross material aliment? If it be so, why not make the practical inference, and reduce the amount of food in order to study better ? This proposition, insane as it looks to one who understands the physiological law of our living, is no doubt seriously acted upon by many ambitious scholars. To such I would say though with small hope of being heard that it is no disgrace to the mind that it is attached to a body. Its Creator has willed it so, and for this life it must be so. To give a body insufficient food, and to exact a full task from the brain, is slow suicide. The nour- 22 SCHOOL AND INDUSTRIAL HYGIENE. ishment goes to the brain, while the rest of the body grows puny, and the foundation of slow diseases, such as consumption, is often laid. True, there have been men and women with whom sedentary habits and a spare diet have agreed perfectly ; but with most men and women the result is dyspepsia, melancholy, and a tendency to consumption or insanity ; and as to children, or persons under twenty, a sedentary life with spare diet is a pure absurdity. There are telling maxims, indeed, insisting that we should rescue hours from the night and add them to our lives, and com- paring sleep to death : " Stulte, quid est somnus, gelidse nisi mortis imago ?" but, before you acknowledge their force, go and look at the sleep of a healthy child. If you are alarmed at being drowsy after eating, recollect that the bright- est fire is dulled for a little while after fuel is put on. In connection with institutions for large boys and girls, ' * colleges, ' ' as they are sometimes called, it may be desirable to establish a cheap lunch-counter, which furnishes an inducement to eat solid and whole- some food rather than a stale mess brought from homes at great distances. Americans, in general, eat a great deal of trash. They are brought up to it. The subject is rather a wide one, but it may be of service to indicate what is not trash : A plenty of roast and less of boiled FOOD AND SLEEP. 2$ meat; a few soups made secundum artem; a fair va- riety of plain vegetables; an occasional treat of the best fruit, with abundant supplies of apples ; good bread of more than one sort ; a daily and abundant ration of the simplest and most strengthening food, such as oatmeal or Indian-meal mush, with milk; and, for drinks, water, milk, coffee which contains as little of the original bean as possible, tea that is not too strong, or diluted cocoa. Such a dietary, without the compounds commonly used for dessert, but aided by fresh air, sunlight, and plenty of play, makes healthy children. Fish and eggs and milk are also necessary, but should not be eaten under the impres- sion that they "make brain." The boarding-schools of our country have a great opportunity for implanting habits of simple and whole- some living. If such schools furnish unwholesome diet, they do it in imitation of the ordinary habits of society. In a well-conducted school, on the other , hand, where enough of the best and simplest is given, it is not uncommon for pupils to come from the indulgences of home and holidays dyspeptic and flabby, and to become brighter and stronger as soon as they are subjected to the regimen of school. CHAPTER IV. BODILY GROWTH. IF youth be a formative period, whose product is simply the adult person, then, surely, that period when formation is most rapid, when a new being par excellence is developing, deserves the greatest respect and care. In the case of boys, growth goes on at a nearly uniform rate until manhood. Girls, however, concentrate a great deal of growth in a few years. They are shorter and weigh less than boys until the age of eleven or twelve, when they , suddenly shoot beyond them, and, for about three years, continue decidedly taller and heavier, after which they resume the former relative position.* It would seem reasonable to suppose that girls at this age are less capable of mental application than boys; for it is a general rule of Nature, that when a great demand is made on the system by one set of func- tions others must remain in comparative abeyance, * Prof. H. P. Bowditch, in " Eighth Annual Report of Mas- sachusetts State Board of Health." 24 BODILY GROWTH. 2$ and that when growth is very rapid, mental action is proportionally less so. If girls are often found quicker and brighter than boys at this age, it may, nevertheless, be questioned whether it is right to allow them to come in competition with boys ; for pluck and vivacity are not, necessarily, evidence of power. After this age that is, about fourteen and fifteen, in most cases comes the time when girls are under- going a change which affects the whole system in a different way from mere rapidity of growth, a change which, if effected quietly and normally, may be said to have laid the foundation of the happiness and health of an entire life. At this period, if at no other, a girl should be protected from the excitement of "society" and late hours, and should receive the support and steadying which regular habits of study impart. It is a more directly practical thing to say that she ought to be treated with leniency at certain times ; her work should be lightened, her errors ex- cused, her inattention or unreadiness overlooked, and absence from school allowed if requested. Many young girls have grown up to be strong and useful women, and have never been aware that their mental powers were less under control than those of boys of their own age, their school-fellows, or that there was any physical'necessity for their studying less than, or differently from, their brothers. Especially 3 26 SCHOOL AND INDUSTRIAL HYGIENE. is this true of country girls brought up without the excitements of society. The late Dr. E. H. Clarke, of Boston, was of the opinion that our system of public school education was ruining the health .of vast numbers of young women, by compelling them to study to excess, par- ticularly at the monthly period. His opinion was vigorously stated in a little book, published a few years since, entitled " Sex in Education," Equally vigorous counter-statements were made in the books called "Sex and Education," "No Sex in Educa- tion," "The Education of American Girls," and in other places ; and quite a salutary storm arose, which has resulted, it may be hoped, in leaving the public impressed with the importance of the subject, if nothing more. I would here refer the reader to two of the follow- ing chapters that on Amount of Study and that on Exercise. It seems to me fair to say that the growing girl would not generally suffer from her studies if they were restricted within the limits hereafter sug- gested, and if her physical development were cared for properly. A healthy girl such as nine out of ten ought to be need not suffer in health from reg- ular attendance on school for three or four or five hours a day, if she is protected from "society" and given a fair chance to grow strong. The harm is done when a girl goes to the theatre or concert, and BODILY GROWTH. 2*J appears the next morning in school with a worn and tired look and two great circles around her eyes. The harm, indeed, is done long before, when she first comes to live in a city where public parks are thought unsafe for her to walk in, and where play in the open air (except for "children" that is, very small girls) is an impossible or a forbidden thing. It begins with that substitution of artificial for natu- ral enjoyments, of society and its excitements for sports, of adult for childish interests, which is char- acteristic of city life. Many such girls are thought to be overworked if they lose their color, while study- ing four or five hours a day, at the age of fifteen. CHAPTER V. AMOUNT OF STUDY . "T^XCESS of mental application is any amount JI^ which interferes with the vegetative functions, /. e. } anything which, by its intensity or long continu- ance, or by any peculiarity of its own, interferes with digestion, sleep, nutrition, repair, or development. As the reader is perfectly aware, the cell-structure called brain is in need of constant repair, equally with other structures; and this repair is effected by processes termed " vegetative." Muscles, stomach, and brain equally require vege- tative activity in order to keep them in condition; and each may suffer from over-activity without im- pairing the health of the others. But, in general, overwork of one tells disadvantageous^ upon all, and an unsound or overburdened mind is apt to act like a burden upon the body. The amount of work to be assigned must be de- termined empirically, and we have no right to say of a given person, in advance of experience, that he is capable of doing a certain amount of work. But we 28 AMOUNT OF STUDY. 2Q can, as the result of experience, give an approximate statement of the amount which is suitable to the av- erage person at a given age. As has been said before, children can be aroused by modern methods to a great spontaneous activity of mind, which contrasts strongly with the listless and reluctant attention of old-fashioned schools. The effect is obtained by adapting the instruction to the child's capacity and nature. The kindergarten system is one of the most striking instances of this. I do not mention it either for praise or blame, but simply in order to point out the fact that, under the most favorable circumstances cheerfulness, pleasant and varied tasks, sympathy, and wholesome surround- ings a child at the kindergarten age has not the power to bear more than two or three hours of these tasks in a day consistently with health. If pursued longer, the work becomes too exciting. The late Mr. Edwin Chadwick, of England, is the chief authority for a definite statement of the num- ber of hours that a child should be allowed to do school-work. His statements are based on long and patient observation, and numerous inquiries made of teachers whose attention was especially called to the point ; and I do not think that any one has seriously attempted to refute his views, which were published a number of years ago. In the first place, he points out the obvious inabil- 3* 30 SCHOOL AND INDUSTRIAL HYGIENE. ity of the little child to pay attention for a length of time consecutively. The mind, like the body, must be in a continual change ; the efforts made must re- semble play in spontaneity, rapidity, and variety. Sedentary occupation is an enforced necessity with most adults, to some extent ; but it is always to be considered as involving possible danger, and for a little child is almost out of the question. His brain is imperfectly developed ; the power of attention is perfect, but incapable of sustained efforts ; the mind refuses to work long in one direction, as the body re- fuses to stand or sit still. There are certain classes of work which are utterly beyond his power ; and yet there is no doubt at all that a little child learns as much, if not more, in a year as an adult student. But he learns it in his own way, and it is not book knowledge. Let the adult reader try to attend to a new subject ; let him take, for example, a treatise on metaphysics, or anatomy, or vital statistics, or a " Student's Gib- bon/' or some other work which demands close at- tention ; let the work be unfamiliar, not beyond his comprehension, not too interesting, and let him see how soon his mind begins to flag in the effort to master the text, as if it were a lesson to be recited. He will find, perhaps, at the end of an hour, not that the subject is merely uninteresting, but that his mind does not take hold of it as sharply as when he began ; AMOUNT OF STUDY. 31 perhaps, if he is " tough/' he can stand two hours. This, by the way, is quite a different thing from an irresponsible, leisurely reading of the brilliant narra- tion of a Parkman or a Froude. If an adult can apply himself to the acquisition of knowledge in one direction for only one hour (and how much longer can an audience listen to a lecture?), the child can evidently do very much less. At the age of from five to seven he can attend to one subject a single lesson for fifteen minutes ; a child from seven to ten years of age, about twenty minutes ; from ten to twelve years, about twenty- five minutes ; from twelve to sixteen or eighteen years, about thirty minutes. (Chad wick.) The total of daily work corresponds with the limits of a single effort. Ten hours' work is a maximum average for young men ; and there is a regular grad- ation from this down to two and a half or three hours for children under seven. The most vigorous and healthy young men are se- lected for West Point, and they are severely win- nowed by the work required of them. They are excluded from dissipation and general society ; their active bodily exercise, their regular diet and sleep, and the healthful climate of the place, leave nothing to be desired. They have ten hours a day for the six cold months ; in summer much less. In our colleges, where the students are not picked for their physique, 32 SCHOOL AND INDUSTRIAL HYGIENE. the average actual work (study and recitation) among those who are faithful to their work will not probably exceed eight or nine hours, as far as my observation goes. In high-schools, during the period of rapid growth and sexual development, a lower figure must be as- sumed ; and it seems certain that five hours, or, under the most favorable circumstances, six, are all that should be required. The ages usually range from twelve to seventeen. Below the age of twelve years, four hours are prob- ably sufficient ; below ten years, three or three and a half; below seven years, two and a half or three hours. In England a very large number of children (over 100,000, at my latest information) are sent to school on the so-called half-time plan. This plan is the result of an attempt by the Government to suppress the evils of juvenile labor in manufactories. The children attend school about three hours a day during the school-year, and those hours are taken out of their factory-time. It is found that children thus taught make as good progress as those who attend school six hours a day. This result is probably a mixed one, due, partly, to the beneficial effects of change of occupation, and partly to the fact that six hours are clearly beyond the limit of profitable men- tal exertion. Something must also be ascribed to the AMOUNT OF STUDY. 33 regularity of attendance in half-time schools, which is enforced under the penalty of exclusion from the factory.* At what age should a child be sent to school? The kindergarten does not injure a child of four years unless carried to the point of over-excitement, which, I believe, is not often done. The common primary school, however, is decidedly objectionable. It takes very young children (six years of age), and compels them to remain twice as long as is good for them. By great ingenuity and vivacity, a teacher can keep them going upon various studies for three hours. This is all that is reasonably possible, yet the children are expected to come back for a second session in the afternoon. A school conducted by set lessons and recitations a mimic grammar-school, in fact should not receive children under seven or eight years of age. * See Reports of the Massachusetts Bureau of Labor for 1871, 1875, and l8 7 8 - C CHAPTER VI. EXERCISE. IN spite of all that may be justly said of the value of intellectual pursuits in promoting health, it remains true that a great many brain-workers are exposed to a serious danger. The effects of unre- lieved work with the mind are not always easy to trace. In the case of teachers, the system gets so gradually used to a low tone of physical life that one forgets the sensation of health, loses a standard for self- comparison, and does not become aware that ground is really lost until matters are already serious. To a person in vigorous health, with strong muscles, who feels his temper and digestion giving way under the influence of teaching, heavy gymnastics or field- sports of an active sort may be recommended. To the less vigorous or muscular person, and to most women who teach, a daily walk of from half an hour to two hours is necessary. It should be taken in company ; care should be left at home ; new scenes sought, and the object should be less to get fatigue by great exertions than to give the mind an oppor- 34 EXERCISE. 35 tunity to take a view of life which school-work does not give. One chief benefit of walking is that it breaks up trains of thought. It is certainly worth while for women to cultivate muscularity, if they can do so with safety. A great many could walk five miles a day, and be the better for it ; others could not : and the way to find out is by trying. Beginning with two miles, one may grad- ually work up to five in the course of five weeks. Perhaps it may be necessary to restrict the amount ; but this must be learned by trial. Some persons, especially teachers, ought to enjoy almost absolute rest on Sundays. Few are really aware of the value of the Sabbath as a physical agent of health. The teacher should so use it as to get a sense of renewed life every Monday, and, unless in most vigorous health, should certainly not teach jn the Sunday-school. It is difficult to state with accuracy the precise time when the frame of the body takes a permanent form j it certainly varies in different cases ; but it is plain enough that there is a great difference between the years before twenty and those after. The re- quirements of a growing body, it cannot be too often repeated, are very different from those of an adult body. We urge gymnastics upon the adult in order to preserve the constitution ; upon the child, in order to form it. Circumstances often forbid the systematic 36 SCHOOL AND INDUSTRIAL HYGIENE. pursuit of gymnastics by adults ; children have, or should have, no engagements or occupations to inter- fere with it. The benefits of gymnastics are of several sorts. Children are not to practise them chiefly for the sake of gaining great strength. They are to be used as a means of conferring grace of movement and the out- lines which indicate health and endurance; of en- larging the chest, thereby giving free play to the act of breathing and the motion of the heart ; of strength- ening the latter organ by degrees ; of fortifying the muscular walls of the abdomen against rupture and the joints against accident; of confirming the habit of liberal consumption and ready assimilation of food (though play is better for this object). All these are best attained by the use of few and light apparatus ; at least, in the commencement. The word "calisthenics" implies the imparting of strength and beauty. There is a proverb that " beauty is but skin deep;" a very superficial view, indeed. Beauty of form is not skin deep ; it depends on the bony frame, on the development of muscles over the bones, and on the fatty layer over the mus- cles. A straight back may be said to be an element of beauty ; round shoulders and a twisted spine are an element of the opposite quality, beyond a doubt. It is well known to physicians that a large number of young girls in cities have a perceptible tendency EXERCISE. 37 to distortion of the spine at the growing period of life. The case is certainly aggravated by confine- ment in school, by want of muscular exercise, and by improper positions in study. Boys do not exhibit this tendency to so marked an extent; but it is a thing to be constantly looked after in the case of girls. "In a school of 731 pupils at Neufchatel, 62 cases of deviation of the spinal column were observed among 350 boys, and 156 cases among 381 girls. These results are further stated not to differ materi- ally from those of examinations made in German schools. According to Adams, in 83 per cent, of 782 pupils (649 cases), in which this deviation oc- curred, it was towards the right probably in conse- quence of writing at unsuitable desks. According to Eulenberg, in 92 per cent. (276) of 300 cases, the curvature was also to the right. It is true that these curvatures are not always associated with public health, since they sometimes occur in a slight degree to the strong and well ; and it is true, also, that they may arise under influences not peculiar to school-life, such as the preponderating use of one or the other arm for any purpose. There can be but little doubt, however, that to the habit of writing at unsuitable desks belongs the largest share of blame. "In the statistics which I have given, the spinal curvatures were found to occur with much greater 4 38 SCHOOL AND INDUSTRIAL HYGIENE. frequency among girls than among boys, partly due, no doubt, to the fact that they play fewer active games, and are, in general, more restrained in their movements. In a brief report of a recent meeting at Berlin, of some of the highest authorities of Ger- many, called together to consider the entire subject of the school education of girls, I find a notice of an address by Herr Raaz, principal of a school in Berlin, in which he speaks of the common occur- rence of these spinal curvatures in his school, and says that he has found the use of gymnastics to be powerful in preventing them."* Children should have several hours of play every day in the open air, when possible. Vigorous and spontaneous action of this sort is better than gymnas- tics for the general run of children ; and if girls were allowed by social feelings to play as boys do, they would cease to be so subject to spinal deformi- ties. But a certain proportion of children are not suited by indiscriminate play. They have a tendency to distortion of the spine, which is easily brought out by many forms of sport. Any exclusive use of one side of the body is there- fore dangerous. Base-ball is a vigorous and useful sport ; but it is occasionally the cause of lateral dis- * James J. Putnam, M.D. " Gymnastics for Schools," in the American Journal of Social Science, No. VIII., 1876. EXERCISE. 39 tortion, owing to the excessive use of the right arm and hand. Bowling would seem likely to have the same tendency. Croquet is a very distorting game, unless both hands are used alternately, or one as much as the other, to strike the ball. The position of a woman on horseback is one which is apt to cause a "corkscrew" twist of the spine. And the common games of running and tossing, which do children so much good, are not so directly adapted to prevent or cure spinal deformity, or to make a girl full-chested and symmetrical, as is a course of gymnastic training under the charge of a competent person. Evidently, if we accomplish this greater object of correcting the weak points in the frame of a child, we gain at the same time those benefits improved appetite, complexion, sleep, mental briskness for which adult gymnasts so much prize their art. As for play, when can the girls in a city boarding* school, for example, play? Certainly not while on their daily walk, two by two, in the paved streets. " To establish a department for physical training demands but little change in the present school sys- tem, since almost any school-room may be trans- formed almost instantly into a gymnasium, no appa- ratus being required for the lower grades, and only a few light implements carried in the hands for the more advanced pupils, and each scholar needing only 4O SCHOOL AND INDUSTRIAL HYGIENE. space enough upon the floor for a step in each direc- tion, and room to straighten the arms in front and at the sides. Of the pupils the requirement is slight, being merely that the dress shall be short enough to leave the feet unencumbered, loose enough to admit of a full inhalation without feeling the clothes at the waist or across the chest, and large enough to permit the free play of every muscle in the body. For this no special costume would be required, except in the highest grades. Music is a great addition to the ex- ercise, but not a necessity. But the great difficulty, and, in fact, the only serious one, is the dearth of reg- ularly trained teachers of gymnastics, who are not only fully prepared for the work, but who are enthu- siastic in the cause, and able to impart their informa- tion to others. This arises from the low standard of physical culture admitted by public opinion. Let it once be required, that those who teach this branch shall of necessity be regularly trained, and there will be a supply of good teachers in a marvellously short time."* "In Sweden, the celebrated system of Ling is an obligatory study in all public schools, three to six hours a week being devoted to it, subject to the ad- vice of a physician, who is appointed to examine each scholar at the beginning of the school term. For the * Quoted by Dr. Putnam from a letter received from a teacher of gymnastics in a "girls, normal-school." EXERCISE. 41 education of teachers there is a great central institute at Stockholm ; and the graduates from the normal- schools must moreover have passed a special exami- nation in this branch. A large part of the instruc- tion is in the so-called 'free exercises,' including proper methods of sitting, standing, lying, walking, running, jumping, as well as exercises in concert, games, etc. The aim of these free exercises is to call into action in turn the greater part of the volun- tary muscles of the body ; and with an intelligent, earnest teacher to direct them, there is no end to the modifications and combinations that can be made, calling for precision and strict attention and skill on the part of the pupils." \Ibid J\ The city of Frankfort-on-the-Main is an illustra- tion of what may be done by an enlightened commu- nity, led by far-seeing hygienic genius. Gymnastic exercises were first introduced there nearly seventy years ago ; but the progress has been very slow in- deed, and it was only a few years ago that the regu- lar practice of such exercises, under trained teachers, was made obligatory upon the public-school children in that city. Most of the twenty-five schools already possess a " turn-halle," and others are building. The new halls are to be from 20 to 25 meters long (66 83 feet), 9 or 10 meters wide, and 5 5.6 meters high (about 17 18 feet); they are all well furnished with 4* 42 SCHOOL AND INDUSTRIAL HYGIENE. apparatus ; that used by girls differs somewhat from that used by boys. There were 12,101 children in the public schools in 1878, of whom 10,844 attended schools where gymnasiums existed and exercise was obligatory. A medical certificate of disqualification is required of those who are excused ; the number wholly excused amounted to two and a half per cent. The scholars exercise two hours every week. They are always un- der the charge of teachers specially qualified for the work by instruction received in gymnastic normal- schools, and in classes taught by the inspector of gymnastics. These teachers are not ignorant men, nor "pure specialists" of gymnastics; they are all regularly qualified teachers of the literary branches, and the hours during which they are engaged in teach- ing gymnastics are counted in with the twenty-six required weekly hours, just as so many hours of Latin or music would be counted. One hundred and four- teen teachers are thus employed, performing an amount of duty equivalent to \^ full time of seventeen teachers ; which may be estimated as costing the city 46,270 marks, or about one dollar for each child. The value of this exercise to the teachers is as great as to the pupils. It is thought desirable that the number of weekly hours should be increased. Another recommenda- tion is made by the authority from whom I quote EXERCISE. 43 this account,* to the effect that the city should pro- vide public places for children to play in, both for sanitary and moral reasons a recommendation which is as important in America as in Germany. It is interesting to remark that the youngest chil- dren use chiefly free-hand exercises; that the boys take the fixed apparatus by degrees, and at last use them chiefly; while the girls, who in the middle classes use fixed apparatus like the boys, in the upper classes return, for the most part, to the use of lighter instruments, suitable for young children. Public sentiment is not at present favorable to such thorough-going work in America. To the crowds of men and women in our large cities who were born in the country, and remember its free and natural sports, its days spent in the open air with the beasts* fowls, and fishes, a course in gymnastics will seem but a tame thing. Those city men who have been forced to use a gymnasium for their health, have not gener- ally a very cheerful impression of the place. In fact, the actual substitute, in our cities, for that immensely popular German institution, the Turn-Verein, is the volunteer militia company, which gratifies the love of exercise, the social instinct, and the love of rule, order, and co-operation in a very similar way. A gymnastic class in a school should consist of the * G. Danneberg : Das Stadtische Schulturnen zu Frankfurt a. M. 44 SCHOOL AND INDUSTRIAL HYGIENE. scholars in one room, or any suitable fixed number ; their teacher should have precisely equal authority with their class-teacher (in Amherst College, the teacher is a Professor and member of the Faculty) ; and the exercises should be controlled as those of a soldier are not with the same stiffness, but with constant care lest the boys injure themselves by am- bitious efforts. Even in Frankfort, the present complete system has only been introduced in the most gradual man- ner. If it is ever made a part of the American sys- tem, and I cannot see why it should not ultimately be, the same way must be followed. I would sug- gest, as a stepping-stone, the introduction of a very thorough gymnastic training in our normal-schools. In three years, a young woman cannot only much improve her own constitution, but can become im- pressed, from experience, with the value of gymnas- tics. The great difficulty to be overcome is the fact that few teachers really know what physical exercise can do for a person ; what elasticity and smoothness of temper ; what power of continued attention and work it is capable of imparting. Girls really need gymnastics more than boys, in cities, owing to the very great restraint placed on their freedom, and the improper modes of dressing which still prevail. One of the readiest ways to per- suade young women to dress rationally is to make EXERCISE. 45 them feel by contrast the comfort of living in bodily freedom, as must be done, for the time, at least, by those who practise gymnastics. Would it be too great a luxury for a democratic community to indulge in, if all children were in- spected by the quick and practiced eye of a medical expert, once a year, especially during the ages of rapid growth? and if the results of such examinations were made known to the teachers of gymnastics for their guidance? In every hundred children, there are always some who are tending to special deformity. It would be very easy, in most cases, to prevent this by suitable exercises, performed with very cheap ap- paratus, for a short time, every other day. Other children are weakly, and should have special exemp- tions. The adoption of special teachers in gymnastics is strongly to be urged. It is too much to expect of the literary instructors that they shall always be strong enough to perform the severe duties of in- structing in gymnastics three times a week. Such duties are much more toilsome for the teacher than for the pupil. There are plenty of most valuable instructors who could not bear the additional strain. But as regards calisthenics of a very light description, performed daily once or twice, for relaxation more than for development, the ordinary -teacher is per- 46 SCHOOL AND INDUSTRIAL HYGIENE. fectly competent to perform and teach them. I will give a specimen of the latter to illustrate : " Body erect, heels, together, feet at angle of 60, chin not protruding, eyes front, hands closed, knuc- kles touching shoulders as nearly as possible, elbows touching sides with exactness. " Right \\a.\\&down, up, down, up; left hand down, up, down, up; right down; right up and left down; right down and left up; right up; both down, up, down, up (16 movements). " The same alternation may be applied to forward movements resembling a boxer's blows, and to lateral and upward movements. This series is one of the most elementary, and when learned so that the whole class does it with prompt uniformity and in good time, the music, if possible, of a piano or drum, a slight- ly harder series may be undertaken. This course will bring into use, by degrees, all the chief muscles in bending and twisting the trunk, limbs, and neck." Military drill is an excellent thing in general ; it should, however, be restricted to the stronger boys. Small and weak fellows are easily injured by carrying a musket for a long distance. My friend, Dr, Buck- minster Brown, has mentioned to me one or two cases in which he believed congestion or inflamma- tion of the membranes of the spinal cord at the level of the shoulders to have been thus caused. In a long session, there should be a pause at the EXERCISE. 47 close of every hour, in which the scholars should be allowed to go out of doors. A short session of three hours may require only one pause, which should, however, be of twenty or thirty minutes, in the case of children. Clothing should at all times be easy and allow full inspiration by chest or abdomen, without any sense of pressure ; the feeling should be nearly the same as when no clothes are worn. The so-called " dress reform" for women effects this by making most of the weight depend from the shoulders. One of the chief faults of feminine attire -the pinching of the waist where the skirts are fastened is imitated by boys with a leather strap. It is dan- gerous to exercise with a tight strap or string around the middle. The feet are often neglected. Children (old enough to "study philosophy") will come to school in thin, wet shoes from simple negligence, or because they have "lost" their rubbers. They should be sent home by the teacher for dry shoes and stockings. On very wet days it would not be amiss for the pupils to bring at least a dry pair of stockings to school with them. This is especially important for older girls. CHAPTER VII. CARE OF THE EYES. THERE is no hygienic point where the teacher can render more distinct service than in rela- tion to the eyes of his scholars. The functions of this organ are so dependent for their perfection upon a thoroughly sound condition of health, that a complete account of their relations would bring us in contact with most points of hygiene. But, of all public servants, the teacher ought to be best informed of the dangers, and best able to assist the child in avoiding them. In the valuable little treatise on the " Care of the Eyes," by Mr. Brudenell Carter, we find these words, which may be laid to heart : "It is very worthy of note that, in the experience of ophthalmic surgeons, it is exceptional to meet with a child suffering from defective vision who has not, before the defect was discovered, been repeatedly and systematically punished by teachers or school- masters for supposed obstinacy or stupidity. The very reverse of this practice is what ought to obtain, 48 CARE OF THE EYES. 49 and apparent obstinacy or stupidity should lead, from the first, to the question, 'Can you see perfectly?' ' It may be added that deafness, due to causes easily removed if taken in time, is often misunderstood in the same deplorable way. Deafness, however, cannot be considered a " school disease " in the same sense in which many diseases of the eye are such. Both the eye and the ear, however, are peculiarly the instru- ments of school-education, and a teacher who is ig- norant of their essential construction and laws knows not the tools of his trade. There is one affection which is so common, and so directly dependent (in many cases) on school-life, that it may well occupy our first attention. I refer to short-sight, near-si to ht, or myopia. A child with normal eyes ought to be able to read this page, in a good light, at the distance of forty inches, and at all intervening distances down to four inches : this is a very moderate test for young eyes. Any child who cannot read it as far as fifteen inches off should have his eyes examined by a competent oculist. No disease is more certain to increase if neglected, and none is better understood by scientific experts, and r..ore susceptible of exact statement and ready correction. The near-sighted eye is 0ne which has too great a diameter from front to rear, so that the retina which lies at the rear is beyond the point at which pencils 5 D 5O SCHOOL AND INDUSTRIAL HYGIENE. of rays from far objects are focalized. This condi- tion is illustrated by the following diagram from Dr. Harlan's Health Primer, in this series, on "Eye- sight, and How to Care for It," in which the whole lines represent the outline of the normal eye with the lens, and rays of light from a distant object com- ing to a focus on the retina; while the dotted lines represent a near-sighted eye, with rays from a very near object coming to a focus. In near-sightedness, rays from distant objects may be represented by the whole white lines, which are focalized before reach- ing the retina, giving a diffused image, in which each point of the object is seen as a larger blurred point and each line as a wider blurred line. This defect is irremediable when it exists as an anatomical fault ; but very much may be done to prevent its increase when discovered, especially in children. It must be remembered that some chil- dren are looked upon as near-sighted because they have the habit of holding their work too close to CARE OF THE EYES. 5 1 their eyes. This habit may arise from the very oppo- site cause, namely, far-sight ; it may originate in sheer indolence, a faulty desk or seat, or poor light, and may be continued merely as a habit. And the degree of near-sight is easily over-estimated by those not able to apply the scientific tests of the professed oculist ; for in many cases there exists a temporary exaggeration of near-sight, due to the strain entailed by the effort to read or see fine objects, which easily passes away with change of occupation. In order to prevent, we must first understand some- thing of the causes of this complaint. There is a strong tendency for the malformation, once developed, to be transmitted to children. In all probability, near-sight begins, in many children, at a very early age ; but in most cases a great deal can still be done to prevent its increase. It is believed that an eye which is predisposed to near-sight has naturally a more yielding and delicate envelope, which, under the influence of close appli- cation to near vision, yields to the compression which that act necessarily causes (and causes, also, in a sound eye) ; and as the yielding occurs chiefly at the rear of the eyeball, that portion is very gradually pushed back, and the whole globe becomes elongated. This tendency to yield may exist as the result of three causes : first, as an inheritance from near-sighted parents ; second, as a characteristic of weakly, flabby 52 SCHOOL AND INDUSTRIAL HYGIENE. children, with tissues which do not resist pressure well ; and, third, as a general characteristic of child- hood, when all the tissues are soft. Of prevention, as applied to the first of these causes, I will not speak; but the second is at once suggestive of the great importance of preserving strong and lusty health for the sake of the eyes ; and as to the third, it affords a hint that childhood is not, perhaps, a suitable time for close application with the eyes. Robust and active children are less likely, on the whole, to be affected, both because their tastes lead them into the open air rather than to books, and be- cause they generally possess a tougher fibre. Any- thing which depresses vitality is capable of weakening the power of vision. Bad air in school-rooms is cer- tainly capable of causing bad eyes ; it provokes the general condition of listlessness and languid function which predisposes to near-sight and other diseases of the eye. Fresh air in the school-room is absolutely necessary for this reason. Delicate health, dyspepsia; catarrhal, and other weaknesses may be considered as aiding the tendency to near-sight. Convalescence from acute fevers, as measles, is often associated with a weakness of the eyes which should forbid their use for a time. Diphtheria not seldom causes a paralysis of sight, which should be very carefully looked after both by teacher and doctor, and all use be prohibited until complete recovery ensues. CARE OF THE EYES. 53 It is a false and mischievous view that considers the near-sighted eye a strong eye. Such an eye is " strong" only in respect to minute objects, while, for almost all the pleasures and duties of life, it is a half-blind eye. There is, too, a tendency, happily seldom realized, to destroy sight by separation of the retina from the outer coats of the eye a painless process, but frightful to contemplate as the possible, and in fact the logical, termination (so to speak) of near-sightedness. The mechanical pressure exercised in the act of looking at near objects by the muscles used in fixing the globe has been mentioned. The distention which this pressure tends to produce is quickly recovered from if the eye is rested often ; its effects are exag- gerated by the excessive fineness of the objects looked at (as in embroidering, and small maps and type), by poor light, by fatigue, by sleepiness, by an over- heated room, or cold feet ; by tight clothing around the neck, by the effect of a recent hearty meal, or by protracted use of the eyes ; and, in general, by any- thing which causes congestion of the eyes. The eyes are decidedly better able to bear fatigue in the fore- noon than in the afternoon. The position of the body is important ; stooping forwards should be pro- hibited, and the eyes not allowed to approach nearer than fifteen inches in general to the book or slate. The proper shape and proportion of a desk which 54 SCHOOL AND INDUSTRIAL HYGIENE. * will facilitate the fulfilment of these requisitions will be described hereafter, as well as the proper arrange- ments for lighting a room. The reader is referred to Dr. Harlan's work in this series for a fuller account of " How to Care for the Eyesight ' ' than can be given here. A few remarks, however, are here quoted : "It is well in reading to interrupt the strain of continuous gaze upon the page, and rest the eyes, by looking into the distance occasionally, even if only for a few seconds. In studying, or in reading any- thing that requires thought, this is likely to be done unconsciously; the natural condition in close thought is rest of everything except the brain. " As distant vision represents rest for the eyes, and near vision represents exertion, care should be taken, in reading, not unnecessarily to increase this exertion by holding the book too close. The book should not be held nearer to the eyes than is necessary to make the print appear perfectly sharp and distinct, and no print should be read continuously that cannot be seen clearly at about eighteen inches. " Without any optical or other discoverable reason, or, perhaps, merely in consequence of a careless and lounging way of sitting, young people often acquire the vicious habit of reading with the book held close to the eyes a habit which, if examination of the eyes proves it to be nothing more, should be strictly CARE OF THE EYES. 55 discouraged. It is very important, however, to de- termine positively that there is no physical cause for the habit, and to remember that true short-sight de- pends upon the form of the eyeball, which no amount of discipline can alter. Great injustice is often done to children by accusing them of obstinacy or inat- tention, when they are the subjects of physical defects of sight or hearing. Those with a high degree of long-sight are particularly liable to be misunderstood ; for, though they can see distant objects better than near ones, they sometimes hold the book close to the eyes to make the print appear larger, and thus par- tially compensate for their dimness of sight. Chil- dren with astigmatism often appear stupid or inatten- tive, because there is in this defect what the subjects of it sometimes aptly call ' slow sight ; ' that is, they do not recognize a word quickly on first sight, but ' it seems to come to them afterwards.' Astigmatism is that condition in. which all lines running in a given direction look blurred as all the upright or all the horizontal, etc. " In reading while lying down, it is hardly possible to hold the book in a favorable position, and the ex- ternal muscles of the eye are strained. In addition to this, when the head is on a level with the body, instead of erect, there is a tendency to an excess of blood in the eyes. " It is not well to persist in reading when overcome 56 SCHOOL AND INDUSTRIAL HYGIENE. with sleep, as there is a constant tendency for the muscles of accommodation to relax, and of the eyes to diverge, and they have to be forced back to their work by an effort of the will. The effect of this is soon shown in a congestion of the blood-vessels of the conjunctiva [white of the eye]." This is the place to speak of the excessively bad and trying character of the letters on many maps used in schools. Some most excellent works, as re- gards thoroughness and execution, are absolutely in- tolerable on account of the fineness of the engraving. Other maps, printed from old and worn plates, are sold, which it would require the microscope of an expert to decipher. Maps for children ought to con- tain few data; geography should be largely taught by wall-maps and outline maps; and long search for places, too often hidden like " the needle in the hay- stack/' should be discouraged. Greek letters are not harder to read than a clear manuscript, if they are well printed. There is an old Greek type which is very trying, however. Lex- icons are an indispensable part of a classical educa- tion, and the utmost care should be given to clearness of type. The most agreeable tint for paper is either a cream color, like that of this page, or a pale blue (which is commonly taken for clear white), produced by adding a pigment. The practice of calendering the sheets, CARE OF THE EYES. 57 to give a gloss, is altogether improper, for it causes them to throw a dazzling reflection in many lights. It should be remembered that drawing, when the eyes have frequently to look from the page to a dis- tant object, may be quite fatiguing. Drawing maps on a small scale must be forbidden ; no names, for instance, should be inserted in a smaller handwriting than that which is usual. A large handwriting for ordinary purposes should be taught. Fine embroid- ery and lace-work are notoriously destructive to the eyes. As an illustration of the effect of too close work with the eyes, I will mention a recent minute edition of Dante's Divine Comedy, which occupies a volume measuring 2 by \- inches. The type is so minute that it had to be destroyed after use, owing to the impossibility of distributing it ; and several work- men had to stop working on it on account of the injury it caused. Pale ink and greasy slates are trying to the eyes. Some other points will be mentioned hereafter. The connection of near-sight with school-life and work has received a great deal of attention within the past twenty years. Statistics were first published by Cohn, of Breslau, who examined the eyes of 10,060 school-children, and found that of this num- ber 1004 were near-sighted. Since then many ex- aminations of smaller numbers of children have been made in Germany, Russia, Switzerland, and America, 58 SCHOOL AND INDUSTRIAL HYGIENE. with strikingly similar results. It seems to be a uni- form fact, that the youngest classes have the fewest near-sighted children and the oldest the most. In Konigsberg, the difference was found to be as nearly six to one. In New York, the difference was nearly as eight to one.* It may be a matter for congratu- * Statistics by Drs. E. G. Loring and R. H. Derby, the ages ranging from 6 to 21 years. Percentages in the lowest classes, 3.50; in the highest, 26.78, near-sighted per hundred. Other American observations give the following results : Cincinnati, 630 students : District schools, 10; Intermediate, 14; Normal and High, 16, near-sighted persons in 100. Brooklyn Polytechnic, 300 students : Academic Department, 10 per cent. ; Collegiate Department, 28 per cent. New York College, 549 students : Introductory class, 29 ; Freshman, 40; Sophomore, 35 ; Junior, 53; Senior, 37 per cent. Buffalo public schools, 1003 pupils: the percentage of near- sightedness increased from 5 at seven years of age to 26 at eighteen years. It was further ascertained that one of every four graduates of the Buffalo High-School was near-sighted. Dayton (Ohio) public schools, 765 pupils : near-sighted, 18.96 per cent. In Amherst College, as has been shown by the very careful examination recently made by Dr. Hasket Derby, the percent- age of normal eyes, on entering, is 50.8; on graduating, 36. The percentage of far-sight on entering is 5 ; on graduating, 13.2; that of near-sight on entering, 44.2; on graduating, 50.8. Amherst students have the reputation of working well at their books, and they are certainly not a puny or unwholesome set. They are rather largely country boys. This refers to the class graduating in 1879. The statement for the class of 1880 (which I owe to the kind- CARE OF THE EYES. , 59 lation that we have in America fewer actual cases of near-sight, perhaps one-half as many as in Germany; but it would seem that the tendency of near-sight to increase rapidly as school- life advances is quite as marked here as there. It is really a serious question whether the attain- ment of high culture is necessarily attended by my- opia in a large percentage of persons. The German nation is a spectacled nation : it has not lost its mil- itary qualities nor its intellectual preponderance in certain directions ; but who likes to think of a uni- versal use of glasses for ordinary vision by children and adults alike? And yet, if it were possible to send the whole nation to school up to the age of eighteen (in their way), this result w r ould seem likely to follow. Perhaps among the drilled and orderly masses of Germany, where the boys (little old men) never throw stones or steal apples, the disadvantage ness of Dr. Derby, as it is not published) is to the effect that near-sight developed from previous normal sight in 7 per cent, of the whole class increased in amount in 3j/ per cent., and re- mained unchanged in 22.8 per cent. This is favorable, as com- pared with other statistics. Perhaps the mere fact of attention being paid to the subject has increased the care of the students; doubtless the gymnastic exercises have had a good effect. These statistics, except the first and last, are quoted from the re- port of Dr. Conklin, of Dayton, upon the " Effect of School-Life upon the Eyesight," printed by the School Board, 1880. They are not very extensive, but they should dispel the idea that near- sightedness will take care of itself in America. 60 SCHOOL AND INDUSTRIAL HYGIENE. of partial blindness is not so great as it would be here; yet who wants a near-sighted policeman, or sailor, or stage-driver, or a spectacled actor or singer? The effect of near-sight upon the character has not been studied. We would add, for the thoughtful consideration of parents, these words from Mr. Car- ter's book : "It will be manifest, on reflection, that the mat- ters which are lost by the short-sighted, as by the partially deaf, make up a very large proportion of the pleasures of existence. I am accustomed, on this ground, strongly to urge upon parents the neces- sity of correcting myopia in their children ; and I am sure that a visual horizon limited to ten or even twenty inches, with no distinct perception of objects at a greater distance, has a marked tendency to pro- duce habits of introspection and reverie, and of in- attention to outward things, which may lay the foun- dation of grave defects of character." Homer was, assuredly, the possessor of a good pair of eyes at least, in his youth ! If near-sight is at all connected with compulsory and protracted education, that is, with the methods by which modern civilization is supported, it be- comes a national question of a grave character, whether the connection is a necessary one, or whether means for preventing its growth are not feasible. These means do exist, and it is our duty to urge their adoption. CARE OF THE EYES. 6 1 Children are incapable, for physical reasons, of enduring long protracted effort. This is true not only of the mind, but of the eye, and for very tangible reasons. Their tissues are soft, bones, tendons, muscles, and skin alike,. and yield readily to pressure. Now, no fact is better known than that near-sightedness is increased by the yielding of the fibrous coats of the eye under the pressure of the act of reading ; and it is equally well known that child- hood is, par excellence, the period when near-sight- edness commences. Nature forbids the young child's brain to be used for a single task more than fifteen minutes or so ; and to this fact, now understood by most teachers, should be added that the child's eye will not bear anything like the continuous strain that an adult's will bear. Children differ greatly in this respect, no doubt ; but the State should not exact tasks which are likely to injure even a small proportion of the whole. A school for young children should present a very different aspect from that offered by an academy. The eyes should frequently wander. If academic tasks are given, the evidence of momentary fatigue and inattention should not be interdicted. If the school is held in the afternoon, in summer, what can prevent an occasional nap ? (It may be remarked, by the way, that no one should read while sleepy, or just after waking.) A rational regimen for children 6 62 SCHOOL AND INDUSTRIAL HYGIENE. should include vigorous play, or mechanical or agri- cultural instruction, for a considerable part of the day, with very limited hours of study. The latter must be interrupted, for the youngest children every quarter of an hour, by a change of position, stand- ing, walking about, and by change of study ; for older children the intervals may be less frequent; but until maturity is nearly reached (say until the age of sixteen), it is best to have a complete break at the end of every hour for a few minutes at least, with enforced cessation of eye-work. If it be proved, as it has been over and over again in England, Germany, and America, that children under twelve learn as much in three hours a day as in five, there would seem to be no excuse whatever for the cruel custom of confining them for the present period, with the consequent (we may fairly say the consequent) inevitable injury to the eyesight of many. Parents are not to be blamed for desiring that their children shall gain knowledge rapidly ; but it is to be feared that it will be long before they practically as- sent to the truth of the proposition, that young chil- dren become tired after three hours of study, and that Three hours of good work are better than five hours of poor work. Children not infrequently have far-sighted eyes, which are not fitted for continuous work upon near objects, and which, of course, cannot be made fit by CARE OF THE EYES. 63 any effort of the will. This defect is very liable to be neglected. It often causes headaches, which may easily be attributed to a difficulty of the brain. Convergent squinting is very liable to be the result of neglected far-sight in children. The remedy for far-sight is very. simple indeed, consisting in the use of convex glasses. It is utterly useless to spend time on other methods ; either the child must give up study, and all work requiring the inspection of near objects, or he must wear glasses constantly for such work. When near-sight is considerable, glasses should be worn "as a. part of the eye." If it is very consid- erable, two pairs must be used one for far objects, the other, much weaker, for use in writing and read- ing. It is certain that any degree of near-sight which compels the child to stoop to work at ordinary well-made desks is productive of congestion and strain in continued study, which is highly prejudicial to sight ; this injury may be avoided easily, comfort- ably, and safely by the use of weak glasses. It is proper to warn teachers of the contagious na- ture of certain cases of conjunctivitis (inflammation of the outer covering of the eyeball, ophthalmia), and of inflammation of the edge of the lids. A physician is the proper judge of such cases. All spectacles or eye-glasses should be selected by an oculist, /. e. , a physician trained to the special care of the eyes, and never by a mere optician. CHAPTER VIII. SCHOOL-DESKS AND SEATS. AMONG the prominent causes of deformity of the spine and of near-sight among scholars, is the disproportion or otherwise bad construction of these necessary pieces of furniture. "To bad positions in writing, drawing, at the piano, etc., also while standing during recitations (upon one foot) ; to carrying weights, heavy books, for example, more on one arm than the other; to too much exercise of one arm, while the other is comparatively idle, can undoubtedly be traced the majority of these curvatures (/. m in m CO t^\O VO O CO 00 oo TI-O inMco roo\ s cJ rT c? cT'w ro ro ro OOONOOHWNN g w 3q? Avopq jpqs jo OOOOWNNN ON ON ON ONVO vo vS^vO* 5 ro ro ro ro rf ^ ^- n- H 3 s^ooq aoj jpqs jo q^ddQ 8O O W N (N Tj- Th N W N CJ W N W t>. t> t>.oo' 06 od d> cf g '1TJ3S IO 3fDtJQ IO UIDBSJCT cooooooooooooooo m W ro CO *^S3p JO 9/?p3 ^D^q UIOJJ in rn in m co ^ o vo" ^ ^ Pea 2 W qi^as jo >[OKq jo aoue^siQ sr ? sash's vd txod 00 ON ON O M 5 1 S3 P P U ^ 5B3S n m m m 3 VO VO -^ CO CO VO VO OvO N Ox^O^ N gs U33AV13q ,^DU3a3JJtQ,, HMIHWCVINNCJ cd H vo vo t^ t^co ON ON O (^saa-jooj ao) aooy uiojj 5B3S jo ?qSpj| in m d rovd d 't- 1> M -4- 1 IH N <* m >co' d i- 1 ^ 04 CO < g* JOOU 3lp 3AOq 5(S3p jo s3pa jpijq jo jqSpjj in m in in ind ^Q ""^O in d 0) h Mfli fctt oo vo vo t^ m N \o %* jo sSps 3UOJJ jo ;qSi3j-j in invo vo tx t>oo oo MOVOONMHIlOO H o ** u *" O N ro -f uovo K ^i ON M moo M C) ON OX s t ! 1 i ' nm J,ILJ>Jl> ^ ON (N noO W NQ SMOISJ %^-^^^v3vo" 3 g 3 J ^>'sig-g HH^H > SCHOOL- DESKS AND SEATS. // rentrapp. The table is especially valuable as giving the correct heights for the chair and the desk-lid, which are the chief factors (see columns 3, 4, 5). The edge of the lid overhangs the seat by about two inches. If the height of the chair is reckoned from the foot-rest, the latter is supposed to be directly under the knees. The chair-seat is, in fact, much higher than is common in our schools, which en- courages the habit of keeping the knees at right angles. A rest may properly be placed under the desk. The figure represents a desk which raises the scholar a good deal (without interfering with comfort), the object of which seems to be to facilitate the master's inspection of the writing. To complete this account, it is necessary to describe the mode recommended by Liebreich.* 1. One and the same size and model of desk should be used for children and grown-up persons of both sexes. 2. The adaptation to the height of each child should be effected by varying the height of the seat and the foot-board. 3. The edge of the table is always to be perpen- dicular to that of the seat. * " School Life in its Influence on Sight ; " a lecture delivered before the college of preceptors at the House of the Society of Arts, July 13, 1872. London, 1872. 7* 78 SCHOOL AND INDUSTRIAL HYGIENE. 4. No seat is to be without a back, and the top of this is always to be one inch lower than the edge of the table for boys, and one inch higher than the edge of the table for girls. 5. In all classes where the boys change places, the height of the seat is to be regulated in proportion to the average height of the pupils. 6. In all girls' schools, in all those boys' schools where the children do not change places, in boarding- schools, and in private school-rooms, the seat of each child should be accurately regulated in proportion to its height. This is effected by a chair, the seat of which can be raised and lowered by means of a screw, while at the same time the back is brought forward in proportion. The present writer would say that it seems to him very desirable to select seats that suit individuals, and allow them to retain such seats, instead of shifting at the monthly or weekly change of rank. There is also, in some cases, much advantage in placing the near-sighted, the partially deaf, or the unruly near the front. CHAPTER IX. A MODEL SCHOOL-ROOM. T TNDER this heading, I wish to state a number of \U points which have various bearings on the health of scholars and teachers in an ordinary class-room. Shape. For reasons which will appear, a parallel- ogram is desirable, with the teacher's platform and desk at one end. This form is better for acoustic reasons than a square ; and it gives the teacher better command over the pupils than if the desk is in the middle of one long side. Length. The limit of distance at which large, clear writing on the blackboard is easily seen (with letters 2| inches in height) is about thirty feet. There should be a space between the rear row of desks and the wall, which may add two or three feet. The length of the room should, however, in no case ex- ceed forty feet (Erismann), and is limited by Var- rentrapp, wez, and others, to nine or ten meters (30 to 33 feet). Width. This is restricted by the fact that all the windows are supposed to be placed on one of the 79 8O SCHOOL AND INDUSTRIAL HYGIENE. long sides of the room ; and that these windows will not light up a room effectively if its depth exceeds a certain ratio to the height of the window. This ratio is commonly set as 3 to 2 ; so that if a window-head is fourteen feet above the floor (which is rarely the case), the light will penetrate effectively to a distance of twenty-one feet. Again, allow three feet for the width of the passage beyond the farthest desk, and twenty-four feet is seen to be the extreme allowable width; or, if the window is 13^ feet high, about twenty-three feet. Height. This is limited to thirteen or fourteen feet, by practical considerations, such as the expense of building and heating. Windows. The direction from which light comes to the desk of a scholar is of great importance. It is universally agreed that for general purposes that which comes from the left is best. Almost all au- thorities of scientific weight order that this be made the rule, and, in fact, the Germans generally forbid the use of windows upon any other side of the room. It may be said that light from the right hand is as useful to read by as that from the left. This is true ; but in writing, such a light is very annoying. And a combination of lights from the right and left throws a double set of shadows, which is also trying to the eyes. The same may be said of a combination of light from the left and rear. The worst light, in general, is that from directly A MODEL SCHOOL-ROOM. 8 1 in front of the scholar. It pains the eye, if intense. If moderate in amount, it still inflicts an unconscious strain on the retina, by throwing on it an illumination which would be healthful if the eye were not at work on small objects, but which is a needless tax on the endurance of the laboring organ. Practically, any one may prove that it is much harder to read with the book held towards a window than with the book held away. This difficulty is felt by the scholar, who tries to remedy it in his own way. Sometimes he holds the book closer to his eyes, which aids in developing near-sightedness. Some- times he twists his body around so as to receive the light on his book in the natural way, and this, if allowed, may contribute to " one-sidedness " or crookedness of figure. Windows in the rear, fronting the teacher, are very annoying to the teacher, and considerably lessen the power of watching the scholars ; while for the scholars they are exceedingly bad, as they throw the shadow of the person on the desk or book. The most agreeable light to write by is one which comes from a pretty high point, and strikes the page at a wide angle. An ordinary window will not give such a light, but may still be found very suitable if placed on the left of the scholars. Light entering horizontally has hardly any value for a student who has to use a flat desk. The ex- F 82 SCHOOL AND INDUSTRIAL HYGIENE. periment may easily be made by any one. Hence, the lower panes of windows are of little use as admit- ting light for study. The upper parts are by far the most important, because they throw light to the op- posite side of the room, and also light up the ceiling, which in reality is a principal source of light. By the use of iron beams, the window-heads may be brought within a few inches of the ceiling. The reader will easily see the objections to a semi- circular arrangement of the seats in a room (as is often the case in primary schools). It is not an advantage to the teacher to have to turn her head to the right and the left, as must be done if her chair is near the imagin- ary centre. Nor can such a group of seats be fairly lighted without throwing light directly in the faces of some of the scholars, not to speak of the teacher. The size of the windows, taken collectively, should equal at least one-sixth of the floor-space, and ought generally to be more. In the best American schools, it is very much more. Shades. The best protection against a hot sun is furnished by Italian canvas screens. Common cloth shades, with rollers, are good ; they had better be rolled at the bottom. Shades with slats are better. White daylight, the unaltered light of white clouds, or the clear sky is better than colored light to work by; hence, there is no advantage in tinting the ceil- ing, or in giving it any other than a clear-white color. But the walls at which the inmates of the room must A MODEL SCHOOL-ROOM. 83 be frequently looking, and which cast side-lights into the eyes at most times, may be tinted of a bluish, or semi-violet, or neutral hue. The blackboards should be so placed as to receive a good light. If put between windows, this is not the case, and the eye is fatigued by the bright light at the side. Polished, brilliant, dazzling surfaces, or light-col- ored surfaces on which the sun is shining, should never catch the eye while at work. The floor should be dark and without polish. The sun's rays should never fall on the scholar's work. Artificial light has to be used in some cases. It should be given by powerful burners at a considerable distance from the pupils. Ground-glass is bad for shades. Ground or ribbed glass is bad for windows. Gas-light is a very good illuminator when the gas is good. But there is a great deal of an injurious substance given off in burning, chiefly consisting of sulphurous acid, which ought always to be got rid of by a special ventilating-cap and flue applied to the gas-flame, so arranged as to lead the spoiled air straight to the house-chimney before it can mingle with the air of the room. The tube may be so managed as to have a powerful ventilating action on the at- mosphere of the room, also. Decoration. The sun is the best decorator, and should be let in when this is consistent with other points. Flowers, plants, colored prints, light and 84 SCHOOL AND INDUSTRIAL HYGIENE. pretty wood for desks, give an impression of great cheerfulness, which it is very desirable to maintain in the interests of health. The lower part of the wall may be wainscoted, to preserve it and facilitate cleaning. Wall-paper should not be used ; the walls should be finished with a material -that can be cleaned or else whitewashed. Architectural ornament is the last thing to be thought of in a school-house, which should be built, first and foremost, to do its work well as we build a locomotive-engine. "Architecture," /'. e., con- siderations of external appearance, may be considered a foe to the health of school-children when it is allowed to absorb school-funds to the neglect of essential internal parts. The use of flanking projec- tions, buttresses, pointed arches, or other features which cut off portions of light, is to be condemned entirely; the exterior appearance of a school-house must necessarily be rather plain in certain respects. Closets. The children's outer clothing and um- brellas should not be kept in the class-room, to pollute the air with their steaming exhalations. A closet must be provided with space enough for each child's clothing to hang free of the next one's; and the closet should be warmed, lighted, and ventilated. Its position will naturally be near the class-room in ordinary cases. The floor should be of hard, close-grained wood, of a kind which will not easily splinter. CHAPTER X. VENTILATION AND HEATING. IT is impossible to do justice to either of these subjects separately. The air breathed must be warmed for a large part of the year. The warmed air must be got rid of by ventilating apparatus, which, again, is often in close relation with that for heating. The annual bills for heating and for ventilation de- pend equally on the price of coal. In practice it is found that, unless planned to work together, the "system" of ventilation often contradicts the "sys- tem" of heating, and vice versa. Need we speak of careless masons, carpenters, and tinsmiths, who ren- der the best plans of the sanitary engineer void and of none effect ? In a word : All heating apparatus, with trifling ex- ceptions, ought to be apparatus for supplying fresh air. It is impossible to consider the problem of in- troducing air without considering that of discharging it. It is absurd to hire one man to get the air into a room, and another to get it out. And yet this is practically done in assigning contracts. 8 85 86 SCHOOL AND INDUSTRIAL HYGIENE. It is not necessary that the same party should do all the work, but that the different parties should be controlled by one authority. Quality of the Air. It is well to have the inlet of the air-duct for a furnace protected from the more violent winds. It is very desirable to place it at a sufficient height (say ten or twelve feet) from the ground, in order to avoid low-lying strata of polluted air. The neighborhood of privies is certainly not a desirable one ; yet even this circumstance may exist, as was recently the case in a school in one of the large northern cities, with most disagreeable results. The furnace ought not to leak gas. As a rule, the draught is constantly inward towards the fire and smoke, so that, even if there are small cracks in the furnace or flue, there is no discharge of gas. It is unsafe to have a valve in the flue above the furnace. Some valves are expressly made so as to shut only half-way, or to leave half of the flue always open ; but it is better to regulate the draught, if necessary, by dampers to the inlet of air under the fire-pot. A large furnace is best, one large enough never to need to be made red-hot. Slow combustion is economical ; but, much more than that, it seems to supply an air which has not been "killed" or " burnt/ 1 A little very hot air is known by expe- rience to be distressing, when a large supply of air heated only to about 90 is perfectly pleasant. The VENTILATION AND HEATING. 8/ discomfort is due to the want of fresh air; partly, also, it may be, to a chemical action of the red-hot iron on the air, or the transit of carbonic oxide. The addition of a liberal amount of water by evaporation, in dry, cold weather, is a necessity. At least, some people are very unpleasantly affected by air that is not so treated. Nevertheless, there are hospital-wards (as in the City Hospital at Boston) heated by the simple introduction of abundant sup- plies of fresh air that is simply warmed, and not made moist ; and the result seems eminently satisfactory. " Indirect radiation " is a term used for those cases where air is heated at a central point and conveyed in pipes to the rooms. "Direct radiation " is the use of radiators in the rooms ; it generally implies the absence of means for introducing fresh air, and as such is objectionable, unless for heating entries or very exposed points. Apparatus for heating by steam or by hot water are generally to be praised. The great point to attend to is, that the air be not heated in excess. Stoves have several objectionable pomts. In the first place, they overheat a part of the room, and leave other parts cold. This is obviated in a degree by a screen. But a still more important objection to most stoves is the want of a method for introducing fresh air. Almost any ordinary stove can be altered, however, at moderate expense, so as to give a large 88 SCHOOL AND INDUSTRIAL HYGIENE. supply of fresh warmed air. The "fire on the hearth" is an example of the way it is done. A cylindrical metal screen may be placed around the stove ; it should reach to the floor, and rise as high as the stove. Under the floor a pipe is to be led from the space enclosed by this screen to the outer air ; the pipe passes through the house-wall, and may have a valve at any convenient place. This converts the stove into what is commonly called (when placed in a cellar) a "portable furnace" with "hot-air box." The fresh air enters the room over the top of the screen. This plan removes the objections which attach to air-tight stoves. Further use may be made of the stove-funnel by causing it to warm another tube which serves for ven- tilation only. Thus, the smoke- funnel may be en- closed in a larger pipe, which is not closed either above or below, but, starting at a proper point in the room, rises with the funnel through the roof, and discharges its own quantum of impure air sucked from the room. If the chimney-place is bricked up, a hole may be knocked in the brick-work, or at a higher point in the chimney. A fire in a fireplace in an ordinary city house may be supposed to exhaust enough air from a room to make it wholesome for ten persons. If several gas-jets are burning, this is no longer true ; for a gas- jet of the ordinary kind spoils as much air as two or HEATING AND VENTILATION. 89 three persons. Of course, an open fire is but a par- tial means of ventilation for a large school-room, besides being very wasteful of fuel. The requirements for good ventilation in a school are, that the air shall be furnished in a fresh volume of from 40 to 100 cubic meters (1400 to 3500 cubic feet) hourly to each scholar. If the room is spacious, there may be 300 cubic feet of space per scholar, so that the whole air-contents of the room are required to be evacuated from five to twelve times an hour ! while, if the room is of moderate size, say 200 cubic feet per head, the change must go on faster the en- tire contents must be changed once every 8J minutes ! And this can be done, and is done, without causing a draught. But we can see at once, that if the room is crowded, and the air is wholly changed once mfour minutes to correspond, the draught will be great. A closely-packed room is not well ventilated for just this reason; the inmates cannot bear the draught. A certain amount of "elbow-room " must be given, or the air-currents will not be borne. There should be, therefore, about fifteen square feet of floor-space for each inmate of the room, or from fifteen to twenty. These considerations lead directly to a fact which, though it stares us in the face, is seldom fully compre- hended ; that fact is, the expensiveness of ventilation. Every house requires a considerable amount of heat to keep its walls warm. Let the house and contained 8* gO SCHOOL AND INDUSTRIAL HYGIENE. air be raised to 70, and let the supply of heat from the furnace be cut off, the whole amount will pass away through the walls in a day or two. This is a necessary waste ; or at least it can only be dimin- ished by furring and thickening the walls and by doubling the windows. But to extract every eight minutes a school-houseful of freshly heated air, and send it up over the ridge-pole, would seem extreme folly to any one unacquainted with the facts and the necessities of the case. This is not the place to ex- plain these necessities ; suffice it to say that the school- house is a peculiar place, a very closely packed place, and subject to those peculiar morbid influences which attend the close packing of human beings, and which are so distinctly proved to exist, that the death-rates of different cities are high or low in proportion to the number of people dwelling on the square acre. Fortunately, we have it in our power, by the judicious arrangement of flues and the liberal use of coal, to render these school-rooms as wholesome as the aver- age dwelling-house. I do not say that this is gen- erally accomplished, for it is not, even in enlightened cities. In a large school, with a thousand or more pupils (though it is certainly undesirable to have even as many as a thousand), a system of flues leading to a heated chimney is often used to carry off bad air. If the draught in this chimney could be maintained by HEATING AND VENTILATION. gl a little steam-engine and fan, an economy in fuel could doubtless by made, and the experiment should be tried in some school where there are already steam- boilers. The janitor, under proper oversight, may be made to feel the importance of his duties, and the impro- priety of those customary negligences by which he saves himself trouble and lessens the amount of coal burned. If he be found incapable of taking a proper pride in his duty, he should be replaced by another. One point is seldom conceded by this class of men. The cellar air is their native element, and they sel- dom realize that it is an impure element. They do not practically know that cellar air is generally un- suitable for the supply of the furnace air-box. If not prevented, they will at times close the outer orifice of the duct, and open a slide which admits the cellar air into the furnace box. It can rarely be safe to do this. There are certain contrivances for letting fresh air enter a room unwarmed without striking the scholars. One of the best and simplest is to place a narrow piece of wood under the lower sash. The effect is to leave a narrow opening between the sashes, which admits air in an upward direction. Another plan is to use a wider board, and pierce it with one or two wide pipes bent at right angles and provided with valves ; this, also, throws the wind 92 SCHOOL AND INDUSTRIAL HYGIENE. upward. This is called the " Maine " ventilator. Sometimes it is modified by covering the inlet with tin, perforated with fine holes. The object of doing this is to prevent the inflow of a great volume of air in the form of a draught ; but it really shuts out about three-quarters of the air. Then there is a contrivance for letting air enter through a sifter of. cloth, in the upward direction ; but the cloth can easily be per- ceived to lessen the ventilating effect most essentially. A better method for sifting the air (because simpler and cheaper) consists in simply tacking very thin flannel to a mosquito-frame, in the place of gauze, and inserting the frame as .is usually done. If it is thought desirable, both sides of the frame may be thus covered. The plan is "found effectual. Dr. Keen, the editor of this series, " tacks or pins a piece of cloth or newspaper across the lower ten or twelve inches of the window-frame and to the win- dow-sill ; then raises the lower sash one inch to six inches, according to the weather. By this means, the draught is made to pass in the upward direction, both from between the two sashes and from the open- ing beneath the lower sash." * These inlets for fresh air, however, will not always let air pass. On a "close day," when there is no wind, even wide-open windows will not sufficiently ventilate a room full of people. If windows are * See " Winter and its Dangers," Health Primer in this series, by Dr. Osgood, in which these various plans are illustrated. HEATING AND VENTILATION. 93 placed on two sides of a room, ventilation is much more likely to do good ; if on opposite sides, all the better ; but in school-rooms there is an objection to this plan, owing to the interference of the light. The true value of these window arrangements seems to me to depend on the existence of a chimney or other similar draught-compeller in the room. If air is sucked out by the flue, air will readily enter by even small openings in windows; but if not, a window opened a foot or two will often have but little effect. Temperature. It maybe proper here to call atten- tion to the disturbing effect which excessive heat has on the circulation in the brain, especially when the air at the floor is cold and the air at the level of the head is hot. A temperature of sixty-five is agreeable to healthy children, if they have an occasional chance to stir themselves, and if their clothes are dry. Sev- enty should not be exceeded ; and it is desirable that no two parts of the room should differ more than two degrees (2 Fah.). Wet clothing must not be allowed to remain on the scholar's person. This must be an imperative rule, enforced by the teacher's personal attention. It is hardly necessary to mention colds in the throat, head, and lungs as favored by such neglect. It is, however, easily forgotten that catarrhal affec- tions of the eye and ear, producing impaired sight and hearing, and menstrual irregularity, are also liable to be caused or aggravated by such neglect. CHAPTER XL SITE, DRAINAGE, ETC. SITE OF HOUSE. This should be as healthy as possible. The character of the sub-soil should be known, in order that proper precautions may be taken against dampness, if clay, hard-pan, or rock forms an obstacle to natural drainage. Some protection from the north winds is desirable ; but the bottom of a valley, or low-lying ground, is generally objectionable. The plan should be such that the sun may enter every room of the house in the winter as well as summer. The lot ought to include play-grounds in the city; at the least, there should be space enough about the house to allow sufficient light to enter the windows. This requires a considerable outlay for land, which seems to be regarded as superfluous in some large cities. In the recent competition between plans for model schools, at New York, this point was forced upon the notice of the committee of award. In their report, they claim that a public school building in a 94 SITE, DRAINAGE, ETC. 95 large and densely populated city should not occupy more than half the lot; and that, further, "at least two adjoining sides of the building should be freely exposed to light and air ; for which purpose they should be not less than sixty feet distant from any opposite building." The terms of competition in this case were, that the house should accommodate eight hundred chil- dren, and should be built on a lot one hundred feet square, facing north, enclosed by buildings of average city height on the other three sides. As a result of the competition, it appears to the committee that such a house cannot probably be built on such a lot consistently with the requirements of health. The children can be provided for, but the light will prob- ably be defective in many rooms even with the best arrangement. Height of House. One of the points to be aimed at in the sanitary reform of schools is a reduction in the height of buildings. A strict system of drill may prove the surest precaution against accident in case of fire, and deserves to be kept up. But there are many children particularly girls who ought not to be required to ascend many stairs. In the course of a forenoon, several lessons may have to be recited in different parts of the house, with going up and down ; and the recess or recesses are, or ought to be, taken in the school-yard. Decided injury from exer- 96 SCHOOL AND INDUSTRIAL HYGIENE. tion of this sort occurs; in occasional cases ; and it is a disadvantage to any girl to be placed so high that she is unwilling to take the trouble to go out of doors at recess. Sewerage. It is doubtful whether privy accommo- dations, or water-closets, for a large school, can safely be placed in the cellar. There will pretty surely be a nuisance of greater or less extent, which is much more serious than if it existed on an upper story, or in a yard, since the air of cellars must rise more or less into the house. If the plan be tried, let all pre- cautions be taken : if water-closets are used, they should not be of the pan variety, but rather hopper- closets, or some form made entirely of earthenware, and should provide a rapid, abundant discharge of water; if urinals, they should contain no wood-work in any place which can be reached by spattering, and should be made of impervious stone or glass not metal. A long trough of masonry, kept partly full of water, is a good substitute for water- closets. Some closets should be placed on the different stories, in any case. It is far the best if the whole can be put in a tower, semi-detached and accessible from every story of the main building. A correspondent from a distant city writes as fol- lows : " From considerable observation and inspec- tion of the public schools, I am sure that the water- closets, on the boys' side at least, are as filthy as they SITE, DRAINAGE, ETC. 97 can be ; so filthy, in fact, that no decent boy can or will use them." This state of things is familiar to me as a reminiscence of childhood ; at present my observation, confined to the city of Boston, points to a very great improvement, seconded in many cases by the very anxious care of the masters. But in many cases there is a truly shocking state of things,* descending in one case, reported by a correspondent, to the use of a common waterless privy in the second story of a school, while in country places there are numberless cases of shameful neglect. The old-fash- ioned plan, which allowed all the excrement to lie in a heap on the surface of the soil, is by no means the worst of all these. Where earth is plenty and waste land near by, there is no excuse for not "sanitating" the privy by throwing in a layer of fresh dry loam once in a week or two so as to cover up everything, and removing all the contents together, and burying them, every two or three weeks at longest. This plan, if faithfully pursued, will almost entirely destroy odor. 9 G CHAPTER XII. PRIVATE SCHOOLS. A FEW points may be added of special application to boarding-schools and private day-schools. Both classes of schools are very .often held in com- mon dwelling-houses, very slightly changed by adding an L, or something of the sort. Dwelling-rooms and parlors are very often not pro- vided with windows sufficient to light them well for school purposes. They are, unfortunately, often not provided with fireplaces an unpardonable fault. As regards light, much may be done to improve matters by using light colors for walls ; by whitening the ceiling ; by cutting down trees in front, and re- moving drapery-curtains within. A room with ten or a dozen pupils may be made comfortable (as regards the freshness of the air) by an open fireplace. For a larger number there are needed special arrangements for ventilation, such as openings in the flues at ten feet from the floor and at the floor ; or tin tubes, heated by one or two gas- jets, acting as flues. 98 PRIVATE SCHOOLS. 99 It is, of course, desirable not to let more than two pupils sleep in one ordinary room. A great deal of crowding, however, of a very reprehensible sort, may be found in boarding-schools. Under ordinary cir- cumstances, 1000 cubic feet of space should be allowed for one person to sleep in. The purity of the air depends on many external circumstances. A house with many windows, on a corner lot, with free exposure to wind and sun, and not very solidly finished in the wood- work, is likely to have much more and better air than one in a nar- row street, with the rear built around. Old houses are often musty ; I will not say incurably so, but their atmosphere is commonly tolerated rather than that trouble should be taken. Dormitories should be strictly supervised. A teacher should regulate, or oversee, the admission of air by windows at night. A good dormitory for boys may be made of a long room, with a row of small compartments on each side, each containing a bed and a window ; the partitions, not permanent but screens, not exceeding six feet in height, and the doors consisting of curtains. Ventilation by open windows at the ends may be safely practised in the case of healthy young folks. Supervision should be exercised, also, in the inter- ests of morality. Licentious practices are certain to be introduced, unless this is done. A late distin- IOO SCHOOL AND INDUSTRIAL HYGIENE. guished hygienist assured me, that in a boarding- school which he attended, he was sure that all the boys but one or two were guilty of such practices ; and he added that this was not an exceptional school. But a very great deal can be done, by mas- ters who are themselves of pure lives, in checking such tendencies. Teachers, and especially parents, can do incalculable good by suitable explanations to pupils of say twelve years and upwards, who sin far oftener from ignorance than from vice. Perhaps less needs to be said in regard to girls ; but it is well known that vicious persons occasionally enter the best establishments, and that the love of imitation misleads even those whose behavior and general intentions are good. It may be superfluous to say that girls at a board- ing-school need that kind of care which mothers should give. It may be safe to let steady young women of sixteen or upwards go to large colleges for girls ; but younger girls, in my opinion, ought not to be placed in large schools away from home. The tranquillity, the absence of exciting influences, or at least their absence during a greater part of the day, which prevail in a well-ordered house, are necessary at that age, if ever, in laying the foundations of a firm and steady nervous system. The constant presence of scores or hundreds of other girls, some critical, some vindictive, some too demonstratively PRIVATE SCHOOLS. IOI friendly, is a strain upon the nervous system of r child. Children ought to have some hours in the day in which to do exactly what they like, inventing their own amusement, and laughing as loud as they will. Boys should have a good gymnasium, and, in the country, place and means for out-door games. Girls should be obliged to have proper shoes (heels not over half an inch high), and should be let out (or led out, if necessary,) to walk twice a day; they ought to learn the habit of walking while at school. Music is a fatiguing occupation ; if the scholar is fond of it, it is not less an exertion, and should not be carried far (say not over an hour a day of prac- tice) without a corresponding reduction of study. Arid no prolonged practice should be allowed without suitable breaks, in accordance with general principles which have been fully explained. CHAPTER XIII. COLLEGES. IT may be questioned whether college students should be included in a work on "school ' ' hygiene. They are, however, very largely under age and in the grow- ing period. The average age at entrance in the best colleges is about nineteen. In the Amherst statistics it appears that during the four college years they grow in height 1.3 inches and in weight n.i pounds. The two lower classes, at least, are of the age which breaks down in military life. They are unformed, unconsolidated, and none know better than the au- thorities of colleges how ductile their minds are in certain directions not laid down in the curriculum of study. The inference from these remarks is plain : the students must not be left to themselves in physical matters. The younger classes, at least, should be compelled to attend regular exercises in gymnastics under the charge of some respected person. The title and position of professor may confer that re- spect, or distinction as an athlete and an ingenious COLLEGES. IO3 inventor of apparatus may give it ; but a mere prize- fighter or trapezist is not likely to do well. He should be chosen with the same care as a professor in Chinese. The exercises required of a whole class must, nec- essarily, be such as fall far within the capacity of some. They should include a brisk run, free-hand exercises, and exercise with wooden dumb-bells or light clubs. The class is divided into sections, each under the lead of a student. There is no reason why a hundred or more should not exercise at once in this way, with the assistance of music. Thirty or forty minutes a day is sufficient for the purposes of health for most students. Those whose larger mus- cular development craves more work should be put into special classes or allowed to use all kinds of apparatus, but always under the general control of the teacher. There will be students who could be trusted with instructing classes, but most of them have a propensity to lame themselves, and get dis- couraged over the hardest apparatus the moment they first enter the gymnasium ; and, in short, nine-tenths of them are no more fit to be trusted alone than little boys are with firearms. The use of the gymnasium is a necessity for those who intend to do boating. The latter exercise, as performed in swift shells, has very little tendency to develop the chest. It brings a great and sudden strain on the heart and lungs, which is very likely to IO4 SCHOOL AND INDUSTRIAL HYGIENE. be injurious in either of two cases : first, if the boy's frame is below a certain minimum of development ; and, second, if, being of fair natural growth, he is not specially trained to chest -power the capacity of the lungs and heart to receive a double amount of air and blood in a given time,. The pulse of oars- men after a race beats at twice the normal rate, and a long and careful training alone can make such a strain safe. If boating is to be encouraged, and I believe it should be, a gymnasium is a necessity. It is a great benefit to the students to have good, substantial "commons " provided for them. This is done at Harvard in a very satisfactory manner and at exceedingly cheap rates. Many students injure their health by "boarding themselves" in their own rooms, and this class especially need such a public provision. In regard to the structure of college dormitories, it would be well to place them running north and south, so that the sun shall enter every window. For further remarks on the site of buildings, see Chap- ter XL The public have been recently excited at the fatal epidemic in Princeton College. There is nothing at all new in such an event ; and if instructive, it is so only in one point, namely, that filth generates disease in seminaries of learning as readily as in New York tenement-houses. CHAPTER XIV. CONTAGIOUS DISEASE. IF a person residing in a school is attacked by small- pox, varioloid, scariet-fever, measles, diphtheria, or any contagious disease of "the eye or skin, such person should at once be removed or absolutely isolated. It should be left to the judgment of the physician to decide whether such isolation shall be considered sufficient to permit the other scholars to remain. Such may be thought the case if the school is in the country and has a separate building for an hospital. It may be thought safe for day-scholars to come (e. g., to the rooms in the lowest story, while the patient is in the top of the house) \ but, in gen- eral, prudence will lead to a suspension. After recovery, thorough disinfection of the room used by the patient is accomplished by burning two pounds of sulphur. Previous to doing this, all bed- ding is exposed as much as possible by spreading it on chairs, etc. ; and the windows and doors are closed tightly. The wood-work in the room, of all sorts, is then to be sponged repeatedly with solutions of chlorinated soda or carbolic acid. 105 IO6 SCHOOL AND INDUSTRIAL HYGIENE. In the case of public schools, the following rules are suggested : * "A certificate of vaccination to be required of every child entering the public schools. "Physicians to be required, under penalties, to re- port to local boards of health all cases of dangerous infectious diseases observed by them ; the board to inform principals of schools. " The existence of any case of such diseases in a house to exclude the inmates from attendance at schools for a sufficient length of time, the propriety of re-adrnission being certified to by a competent physician. "Disinfection of premises and clothing by the board of health in every house where the above dis- eases have prevailed. " Medical authority to be designated, for the purpose of advising teachers and pupils, and pointing out to the school committee matters in regard to which their authority might be used to improve the sanitary con- dition of schools." * See " Massachusetts State Board of Health Report," 1878, page 252. PART II. INDUSTRIAL HYGIENE. CHAPTER I. INJURIOUS EFFECTS OF INHALING DUSTY AND POISONOUS SUBSTANCES. IN the present brief sketch an attempt will be made to present some of the principal injuries which are inflicted on workmen in various trades by the noxious character of their work. Some remarks will also be made upon the number of hours of labor in occupa- tions which are not of themselves especially un- healthy; upon accidents from machinery; and, in conclusion, upon the " expectation of life" in differ- ent employments. The present chapter has to deal with a large num- ber of trades, and many striking facts. Among those which have excited most sympathy and which in truth are adapted to do so are those relating to the deadly effects of certain kinds of dust upon the lungs. The form of consumption which is 107 IO8 SCHOOL AND INDUSTRIAL HYGIENE. thus produced is apt to begin gradually ; though in some trades the artisan is affected in a few days. It is not exactly what is known as tuberculous consump- tion, for it is said that it is not hereditary, and that workmen who are suffering in its early stages are pretty sure to recover if they change their employment for a healthful one. There are a great many kinds of dust inhaled, and the effects are not all alike .in the different trades ; but, in general, there is a certain set of symptoms. In "grinders' asthma," for example, there is first an irritant, hacking, dry cough, with a scanty expec- toration of whitish, stringy mucus, from simple irri- tation of the interior of the lungs. This trouble in- creases in time, and the man becomes weaker, loses his breath easily, and breathes with less vigor; he perhaps begins to spit a little blood. If he leaves his dangerous trade at this point, he will probably recover ; if not, he passes into a third stage, where the tissue of the lungs breaks down in spots and is expectorated, leaving cavities; he then surfers from the usual symptoms of consumption, viz. : hectic fever, night sweats, loss of sleep, emaciation, and great difficulty of breathing. The effect of certain occupations in producing consumption may be estimated by the statement that, while among butchers, tanners, glovers, coopers, and brewers only from 7.9 to 11.2 in 100 have consump- INJURIOUS INHALATION. IOQ tion, brush-makers have 49. i, file-cutters 62.2, needle- polishers 69.6, and flint-workers 80, in 100. These figures represent European experience, and are taken from a large number of workmen of all classes enter- ing a large public hospital in Berlin. Expressed in words, they signify that while consumption is, unfor- tunately, a common disease, and may be expected to destroy ten per cent, of the population (more or less), there are certain trades so terribly noxious by the production of irritating dust, that those who work at them have consumption from five to eight times as frequently as is usual in other trades. It is fortunately the case that great relief can be given by mechanical appliances for carrying off the dust formed in the process of grinding. The stone is boxed in and connected with a flue, which rapidly exhausts the air and its dusty contents from the sur- face of the stone. Several stones can be connected with one common flue in this way. The draught is produced by a fan driven by a small engine of eight or ten horse-power. Articles which can be ground wet, as knife-blades, scissors, etc., do not produce this trouble to such an extent ; but the artisan is liable to rheumatism and pneumonia from the wetting of his clothes. Certain articles must be ground dry, owing to the necessity of carefully avoiding rust in the finishing process, as in the case of pins and needles. The 10 IIO SCHOOL AND INDUSTRIAL HYGIENE. more extended use of machinery, however, in grind- ing, has of late done away with most of the injury from this form of dust. File-cutters are still exposed to injury from inhala- tion of particles. You know that machinery is used to make files; but a better article is turned out by hand. Stone-cutters, especially cutters of mill-stones, suf- fer greatly from this kind of consumption ; and so do potters. In grinding the materials for earthenware and porcelain and glass, a great deal of the most in- jurious dust escapes. In preparing cotton for use in the mill by beating and carding, a vast amount of dust is generated ; but a proper arrangement of draughts ought to remove the danger of inhalation. The breathing of coal-dust in the process of mining changes the color of the entire lung in a few years to jet-black. This blackening of the lung is not con- fined to colliers, however, for it is always found in post-mortem observations of adults, to some extent, in patches of lung-tissue, and seems not to produce, ordinarily, any kind of disturbance. There seems, however, to be no doubt that, when in excess, it may injure a miner's lung, or, at all events, may aggravate other diseases. Provision is commonly made for ventilating mines, which affords considerable relief to this evil. INJURIOUS INHALATION. HI The chief poisonous substances used in the arts and inhaled in the form of dust are arsenic, mercury, and lead. In the present state of popular knowledge, little need be said of the effects of arsenic in wall-papers. It is quite generally known that almost all shades of color are producible by arsenical preparations, and that such are actually among the most popular for producing the favorite neutral tints of the day, green paper being scarcely more dangerous than any other. It is not the workmen, however, but the cus- tomers, who seem to surfer from contact with the arsenical colors ; at most, they have certain cuta- neous eruptions and ulcerations. It is said to be very hard to bring foreign paper- makers to terms on the subject of arsenic. There are importers who faithfully try to prevent the use of such arsenical pigments ; and it would be just to second their efforts by legislative action forbidding the use of arsenical wall-papers altogether. But it will not be found an easy task to overcome the indifference of public men to mere considerations of health. Very few persons die of this sort of poisoning, it is true. Instead of dying, the unhappy victim (who is usually unaware of the existence of such a cause) only drags out years of wretched invalidism ; and, at last, if removed from the injurious influence, is only ruined in health for the rest of life. 112 SCHOOL AND INDUSTRIAL HYGIENE. The symptoms of poisoning from arsenical wall- paper are quite various. They include soreness of the eyes, catarrh of the nose, throat, and lungs, dys- pepsia and bowel-complaints, eruptions on the skin, and great general depression and debility. It is often noticed that the sufferer is much worse in the morn- ing, after a night spent in the poisonous room. The danger is greatest when the colors can easily be brushed off, and is least when they are protected by a glazing. But it is impossible to say when danger begins ; and no arsenic should be allowed. A variety of the papers used for kindergartens has been found to be highly charged with arsenic. There is a green, very popular for this purpose, which almost betrays itself. Can it be necessary to insist that children of the age of four years should not be allowed to handle freely so dangerous a substance ? It is perfectly true that many escape. The same is true of all contagions and poisons, from yellow fever to the lead contained in drinking water. It is neces- sary to take such measures as will protect those who are susceptible, who are likely to be among the most valuable members of the community. Before wall- papers are purchased, it would be well to have them examined for arsenic. Any chemist, or indeed any intelligent doctor, can easily detect them by Reinsch's test, at least. An eruption of the legs, painful if not dangerous, INJURIO US INHALA TION. 1 1 3 has been known to be produced by wearing stock- ings dyed red with coralline, a substance which may contain arsenic. Artificial-flower makers are exposed to the poison of arsenite of copper or the arsenite and acetate of copper Scheele's and Schweinfurth green; they inhale it, and receive it by contact with the skin. The effects are, characteristically, enfeeblement of the muscular force, especially of the limbs ; also a loss of appetite, palpitation, pain in the stomach, diar- rhoea, and constant headache. Mercury is used by hatters to remove hair from skins. A solution is applied to the skin, and, after drying in a chamber, the hair is got rid of by beating or brushing, which liberates a great deal of some mer- curial compounds. The effects upon the health are those of chronic poisoning, of which one of the most prominent is that nervous complaint called mercurial trembling. Mirrors are silvered with an amalgam of mercury and tinfoil, which when heated parts with the mercury in the form of vapor. The process is so very inju- rious that in a certain French manufactory the work- men worked only six hours in a day, and only on two or three days in a week. The remedy for the trouble consists in abolishing mercury and coating mirrors with silver. A palliative has been found, consisting in the sprinkling of ammonia on the floors. 10* H 114 SCHOOL AND INDUSTRIAL HYGIENE. In fire-gilding, mercury and gold in the form of a paste are applied to the surface, and the mercury vol- atilized by heat ; this gives a much more solid and enduring surface than electro-plating, and the danger- ous steps of the operation can now be conducted in closed boxes. Both mercury and arsenic are driven off by heat in the process of roasting certain ores. Mercury seems to be very much the more dangerous to the health, causing sore mouth, loss of teeth, general debility, or "cachexia," acute pains, sleeplessness, spasm and tremor, and paralysis of the muscles, and intellectual feebleness, besides some symptoms resembling those of syphilis, eruptions, swellings over the shin-bone, and glandular enlargement, with deep ulcers of the mouth and nose. Altogether, the occupation of those who are forced to inhale mercury is one of the very worst. Lead is a very common poison one of the most common. Its poisonous effects are felt by workers in lead-mines, by painters, by those who grind and pol- ish flint glass containing lead, by enamellers, and to some extent by type-founders and printers. Those suffer most who have to do with the process of dry- grinding colors. The "body" which lead gives is so much thicker than that of zinc that the latter does not supersede it. You may have seen cases of the colic which occurs in lead-poisoning. There is an- INJURIOUS INHALATION. 115 other symptom which is more disabling, consisting in a palsy of the muscles, usually beginning with those which enable a person to open his fingers and throw the hand back, so that subjects of this palsy go about with their wrists drooping like those of a kangaroo or a begging dog. In fact, it is popularly called " wrist-drop." But there are a great many other substances which produce poisonous or other deleterious emanations. There are the irritating vapors of ammonia, chlo- rine, and several acids sulphurous, hyponitric, nitric, hydrochloric, and hydrofluoric acids. Etching produces fumes of hyponitric acid when done upon metal, and of hydrofluoric acid when done upon glass. Both acids are corrosive ; the latter is excessively so, and affects the eyes, the air-passages, and the hands. Bleaching produces fumes of chlorine gas, which is not injurious in small amounts ; nor is the sulphur- ous vapor from straw-hat bleaching of much con- sequence. The manufacture of various chemicals is injurious to workmen. Those who make sulphate of quinia are liable to an eruption which resembles eczema, not compro- mising life or health, but in some cases preventing workmen from continuing at the trade. The manufacture of potassium bichromate disen- Il6 SCHOOL AND INDUSTRIAL HYGIENE. gages caustic vapors, which destroy the mucous mem- brane of the nose and produce rapid-eating ulcers of the skin. One of the most terrible of diseases is produced by inhaling the fumes of phosphorus in the process of making matches a necrosis or death of portions of the upper and lower jaw-bones. A surgical operation is required for the removal of such dead bone. It is, fortunately, often successful, at least as to life; but an infinitely*better method is the preventive one. In addition to this, the fumes of phosphorus pro- duce catarrhs of the lungs and stomach in almost all the workmen ; they lose appetite and become pale, and weak, and thin. There are several precautions which should be observed, but the chief one is the substitution of a kind of phosphorus the amorphous which is not poisonous when swallowed, and does not give off vapors, as common phosphorus does, at the ordinary temperature of the air. Women suffer more than men from several of the poisons we have named. They not only lose their health more readily, from a greater susceptibility to morbid influences of certain kinds, but their sexual system is very liable to be injured. " They are much more susceptible than men to the influence of mercu- rial vapors, and those who are poisoned abort fre- quently, and even the children that are born to them are apt to be weak, sickly things, and die early." INJURIOUS INHALATION. The infants of female operatives in certain branches of china-making are almost all scrofulous, with an enormous mortality. Lead affects women more read- ily and more seriously than men. They suffer from excessive flowing at the monthly period, and have frequent abortions. With regard to workers in to- bacco, it is stated by Tracy, of New York, that they have very small families ; quite the reverse of what is usually the case with working-people. He found only four hundred and sixty-five children in three hundred and twenty-five families. It is not certain what the cause of this peculiar condition may be; but it is quite probably due in large measure to a prema- ture commencement of work, and to an influence which tobacco has in checking the sexual develop- ment of young girls. Tobacco is such an interesting subject that it is hard to avoid saying more. It will be safest, how- ever, to say but little, for we know that the whole subject of tobacco is to some extent an open one. It is hard to prove that the drug is injurious to health in the case of most adult persons who chew or smoke it, or of most operatives ; but there are some who are seriously, if not permanently, injured by it ; and it is certainly desirable to keep young persons under six- teen from its use. The chief practical points, in the prevention of dis- ease arising from dust, whether poisonous or not, are : Il8 SCHOOL AND INDUSTRIAL HYGIENE. 1. Removal of dust by ventilators, mechanical fans, etc. This is enjoined by the English law of 1878. 2. Wet-grinding, grinding in close vessels, etc., is sometimes practicable. 3. The wearing of masks over the face, composed of wire-gauze, wire frames covered with tarletan, res- pirators of carded cotton, etc. ; but these are hot and irksome. 4. If working with poisonous substances, the work- men should wash the exposed parts face, hands, hair, beard on leaving work, especially before eat- ing, and should never eat in the work-room. After work, they should change their outer clothes, and a daily bath is very desirable in some occupations. To protect from lead and other dusty poisons, a linen suit, frequently washed, may be worn. The effects of certain poisons on the female sex and on children are so injurious that special laws are re- quired to restrict their employment in manufactures where poisons are used. The restrictions of the Eng- lish Factory Act of 1878 are as follows: No woman, or person under sixteen, shall take meals in any part of glass-works in which the mate- rials are mixed, or where flint-glass is made, or where grinding, polishing, or cutting is carried on ; or in any part of lucifer-match works in which any manu- facturing process or handicraft (except that of cutting the wood) is usually carried on ; or in the dippers' INJURIOUS INHALATION. IIQ room, dippers' drying-room, or china scouring-room, in any earthenware works. There is absolute exclusion from labor in the fol- lowing cases : girls under sixteen, not allowed to be employed in an establishment where bricks or tiles (not ornamental tiles) are made or finished, or salt is made or finished. No child under fourteen to be em- ployed in a part of the building where dry-grinding in the metal trade, or the dipping of lucifer-matches, is carried on ; under eleven years, all metal grinding is forbidden, and fustian cutting. Persons under six- teen are forbidden to work at silvering mirrors by the mercurial process, or at making white-lead. Children under fourteen and girls under fifteen are excluded from parts where the process of melting or annealing glass is carried on. CHAPTER II. INJURIES FROM ATMOSPHERIC CHANGES. THE unquestionable benefit which free exposure to the air in all weathers confers is subject to cer- tain drawbacks. It is not necessary to consider sun- stroke, in the case of day-laborers, nor accidents by falling from roofs, or from railroad collisions, as forming an element in "industrial hygiene;" but there are certain causes which affect the health per- manently, as bronchitis and pneumonia ; and to this may be added a liability to paralysis of the facial nerve, which is especially the possession of drivers of carts, etc. Bronchitis and rheumatism are common enough also among those whose trade exposes them to great heat, as blacksmiths, stokers on steamships, forge- men, puddlers, glass-blowers, dyers, and washer- women. It is, in fact, neither heat nor cold that causes the trouble, but excessively rapid transitions from heat to cold. The trade of baker is apt to be very unhealthy, owing to the confined, close, dark, overheated quar- ATMOSPHERIC CHANGES. 121 ters in which it is carried on; also the night- work, and occasional excess of work. There is a peculiar and interesting class of disease which attacks those who work in diving-bells or cais- sons. It is caused by the excess of atmospheric press- ure which exists under water, which may equal several times that to which men are exposed on land. The symptoms do not, however, attack the laborer on going down, but rather on leaving work. The case, in fact, is parallel to that of the aeronaut when he rises in his balloon, or the climber of mountain peaks. The symptoms, dependent upon the removal of pressure, are as follows : Extreme pain ; sometimes nausea and vomiting ; sometimes paralysis ; sometimes headache and dizziness. They are frequently associated with a sudden rush of blood to the brain and spinal cord. The precautions to be observed are quite interesting. It is recommended that only wiry men be selected for the work ; that their time of labor be shortened in proportion to the pressure ; that they take all possi- ble care of themselves, never going to work on an empty stomach, eating meat and drinking coffee, and, when coming out of the caisson, taking time to do it gradually, passing into an intermediate atmosphere first, and resting an hour afterwards. Miners. The health of a miner is exposed to special causes of injury. In addition to the danger of being blown up, or knocked down by falling ii 122 SCHOOL AND INDUSTRIAL HYGIENE. stones, he is* constantly at work in the presence of great masses of minerals which generate noxious gases, not to mention the effluvia which arise from his own person, the flame of his candle, and the burn- ing of powder. To this is added, in many cases, an excessive heat, often a steaming, sultry heat, or else a continual cloud of dust proceeding from the coal or rock under the blows of his pick. And if we further consider the confined position in which he often works, the excessive exertion, the exposure to draught, and the total deprivation of sunlight, we shall be ready to admit that his life is an unnatural one, and full of singular risk. But man can adapt himself to almost anything. With proper precautions, it is said that the life of a miner is almost as safe, and his health quite as good, as those of other classes in general ; better, in fact, than those of his own family. If this be so, it is ' certainly a great triumph of the hygienic art. The precautions to be taken relate first and fore- most to ventilation. "Fire-damp" is a name given to light carburetted hydrogen, which is given off abundantly in the car- boniferous strata and in enormous quantities from the Pennsylvania gas-wells. In the English coal-mines it is much more abundant than it is at present with us. When mixed with seven or eight times its own volume of common air, it is highly explosive. After ATMOSPHERIC CHANGES. 123 an explosion, the passages are filled with the irrespira- ble mixture of nitrogen, carbonic acid, and the vapor of water, resulting from its combustion. " Choke-damp, " or "black-damp," is a name for carbonic acid, a common product of most combus- tions, and of respiration. It abounds in badly-ven- tilated mines. Nitrogen is not a poison, by itself. Carbonic oxide, however, is one of the most danger- ous of poisons, and so is sulphuretted hydrogen when present in any considerable quantity. Both the latter are called "white-damp." The heated flue, as a means of exhausting air from mines, has obvious dangers in coal-mines ; and its special disadvantage lies in the variations which dif- ferent atmospheric conditions produce in its working. The steam- fan, driven by a small engine, may be used either for drawing air from the mouth of a mine or for forcing it in through tubes to the places where it is most needed. It is, altogether, the best means of ventilating mines. Another reason for supplying abundance of fresh air to mines is furnished by the great heat which is found under ground. In the Cornish mines, the tem- perature is said to increase regularly about one degree Fahrenheit in every fifty feet in the upper parts, and one in every eighty-five feet in the lower parts ; and this is, with local exceptions, nearly the rate at which the temperature rises in other mines. Some of the 124 SCHOOL AND INDUSTRIAL HYGIENE. exceptions, however, are very remarkable. The deep levels of the mines on the Comstock Lode in Nevada have temperatures varying from 105 to 130 Fah. ; and this excessive heat is mitigated by blowing upon the men fresh air at 90 or 95, which seems to be most conducive to comfort. The men, under these circumstances, work with great vigor, but have to be frequently relieved. This great heat is said to be very productive of heart-disease. There is no doubt that this effect is intensified by excessive barometric pressure and by dampness of the air, preventing evaporation from the body. It is affirmed that the system in use at the Comstock is so thorough as to do away with most of the danger from all of these sources. To spare the men a needless and wasteful expen- diture of bodily force, it has been found best to use cages worked by engines to raise and lower those who are going to or from work. The excessive quantity of coal-dust which chokes the air of badly-ventilated mines has been previously alluded to as affecting the lungs. But there are other causes of pulmonary trouble, quite obvious in their nature, such as sudden changes from heat to cold, and deliberately sitting down in draughts to cool off after working in the high temperatures mentioned. On the whole, the principal diseases are miners' asth- ma, consumption, and rheumatism, and, among those ATMOSPHERIC CHANGES. 12$ who have worked long in badly-ventilated places, dyspepsia, tremors, vertigo, and other troubles arising from blood-poisoning. As regards accidents, they are due to a great many various causes ; but more than one-half of them, in the Pennsylvania coal-mines, are caused by falls of rock, coal, or slate. It is the opinion of good judges that a very large number of these casualties could be avoided by sufficient timbering of the roofs and sides. One and a quarter in every hundred, or 12 J men in every 1000 employed in these mines, are killed or wounded every year by accidents \ and it seems that here is a distinct and obvious field for a humane reform, either by legislation or by private effort. Soldiers and Sailors, In most of the European services great numbers of the men used to die of con- sumption and allied diseases, and fevers, probably chiefly typhoid. This lamentable result was not in the least due, however, to exposure to weather, but to what may be called a contrary condition the want of fresh air in barracks. In certain of the best English regiments the losses were from one-third more to twice as great as among men of the same age in civil life. The fearful loss of life from disease in the Crimea is well known and it is from that time that the reforms date which have brought down the total rates of death from disease to one-half of what they were. The 126 SCHOOL AND INDUSTRIAL HYGIENE. present allowance in England is 600 cubic feet of space to each man in barracks. The ills of sailors are, to a very great extent, caused by want of fresh air, dirt, and dampness. It is com- monly forgotten that, by washing down the deck fre- quently, a source of disease is introduced which is at least as dangerous, and in feverish localities ten times more dangerous than simple dry dirt. Good ventila- tion and scrubbing and drying are the cure for the chief of the curable ills of ship-life. CHAPTER III. INJURIES FROM OVER-USE OF CERTAIN ORGANS. IT is as true of the mind as it is of the body, that no one part can be exclusively used without injury to the individual considered as a whole. In the broadest possible division of our being, neither "mind" nor "body" has a right to exclusive cultivation; and such exercise is never in the interest of the best phys- ical health. The same is true if .we subdivide the faculties of body and mind. There are many ways in which the mind is exercised in daily life : book- study, concentration of attention on discourse, mem- orizing, reproducing, extemporary discourse; atten- tion to great single questions in business, and to mul- titudes of petty ones ; ciphering and copying by the day, and the vivid, sudden, mortal collisions of the street. None of these can properly be kept up to the exclusion of the others, unless there is a strong pre- disposition and fitness on the part of the individual : they should alternate with one another, for most per- sons are incapable of sustaining continued strain in one of these points. We say that "worry" kills a man; 127 128 SCHOOL AND INDUSTRIAL HYGIENE. but in saying so we mean simply that the mental ex- citement upon one subject, which is perfectly health- ful if continued for a few hours, becomes tyrannical and destructive if kept up for whole days. A man may be worried into illness by incessant, quiet cipher- ing as well as by attendance at the Brokers' Board. The care of the mental health has been sufficiently treated of in another of this series of Primers.* It is my purpose here briefly to mention some muscular affections which are caused by monotonous and ex- cessive work. The robust activity of the blacksmith and carpen- ter do not exempt them from the general law. They are liable to a disease termed "hammer-palsy," af- fecting the muscles which are overworked. A painful and very unfortunate affection sometimes attacks those who write a good deal. The premoni- tion is given sometimes by pain in the muscles em- ployed in holding the pen. There is apt to be a nervous condition of the system, a tendency to anxiety ; but this is not always the case. As seen in its typical form, the disease presents no token of its existence until the person affected begins to perform one special act, as, in the present instance, the act of writing. There may be great muscular vigor, and complete control of all the faculties and motions * " Brain- Work and Overwork," by H. C. Wood, M.D. OVER -USE OF ORGANS. I2Q except one ; but as soon as the patient undertakes to grasp the pen and write, he finds his fingers in a state of cramp ; they pinch the pen excessively, or they fly back from the pen, making it impossible to hold it. It is very desirable that this should be recognized in an early stage, as it is a malady somewhat difficult of cure, and absolutely disabling as respects clerical work. Some reader may thank me for saying that electricity has been applied of late with good success to the treatment of Writer's Cramp or Palsy. The affection here described is not confined, how- ever, to writers, but affects also pianists, violinists, engravers, seamstresses, telegraph-operators, tailors, type-setters, and many other classes who use one set of muscles almost exclusively. The theory has been put forward that writer's cramp is caused by an electric current generated in a metallic pen, or by the contact of pen and holder. This can- not be admitted. The disease is fundamentally the same, whether caused by work with the pen or on catgut or ivory. But a steel-pen may be found inju- rious, and can be replaced by gold or quill ; or a large pen-holder may be used, made of cork, of the size and shape of a large cigar, which is felt by many to be a great comfort in writing. A departure from the prescribed mode of holding the pen, and placing it between the forefinger and the middle finger, may also be a relief. Dr. Frank Woodbury, of Philadel- I I3O- SCHOOL AND INDUSTRIAL HYGIENE. phia, has lately invented an ingenious pen-holder to prevent writer's cramp, by regulating the pressure at which the pen is used by a slight spring. But if the disease has developed itself, no such palliation is of any avail ; and if the sufferer learns to write with the left hand, as has been done, the left hand also is liable to be attacked. The temporary use of the "type- writing machine " will often prove a great boon, per- mitting a continuation of work while resting the af- fected muscles. The effect of using sewing-machines is sometimes injurious. It is not worth while to mention any special effects. The muscular exertion, however, is of a monotonous character, and may produce mus- cular fatigue which is prejudicial to the general health. It has been known to cause neuralgia of the foot and leg. In general, the use of the machine two or three hours a day is probably beneficial to most women ; but a whole day's work, if the machine is run by the feet of the worker, is far too severe, and steam-power had better be used. Much has also been done by applying the principle of alternate effort, by a treadle which is moved both by the downward and the upward movement of the feet, and employs both feet at once or one at a time, at will. Many will find relief by alternate basting and sewing each for twenty to thirty minutes. Steam-power has been applied with success to run- OVER -USE OF ORGANS. 131 ning sewing-machines. I am told by the head of a large manufactory of ladies' dresses that the machines do one-third more work than when run by the foot ; and that the girls will work for less wages when steam- power is used. Those who use the voice a great deal in public speaking and singing are apt to suffer from the strain. The most common affection is follicular pharyngitis, or "clergyman's sore-throat." Much of this trouble is unnecessary, strictly speaking, or could be remedied if the right steps could be taken. The voice ought not to be used for continued and difficult efforts, un- less the possessor is in good health and strength. It ought not to be used in the crude, ignorant, and even unintentionally "affected" manner which is often heard, and which fatigues the throat without need. The services of a competent teacher in elocution are to be desired, not so much for rhetorical purposes as for training in the right way to work with the vocal organs. And by way of support, a little gymnastics, for developing the chest, shoulders, and abdomen, may properly accompany the process of developing the voice, in some cases. This is a fit place for a brief mention of the inju- rious effects of protracted labor in one position. Shoemakers and tailors, owing to their constrained attitudes, and the bad air of their shops, become dyspeptic, anaemic, and consumptive, and do a great 132 SCHOOL AND INDUSTRIAL HYGIENE. deal more thinking than is good for them. The sedentary life of literary people and clerks is apt to affect them similarly. Persons who stand all day at their work, as sales- people and hair-dressers, are apt to have pains in the soles of their feet, which may sometimes be relieved by a well-shaped steel-shank to the shoe. Varicose veins of the lower limbs, and uterine irregularities, are also caused by standing. It is a truly inhuman thing to require girls and women to remain on their feet all day, without regard to the presence or absence of customers an inhumanity that we are glad to believe is diminishing. A CHAPTER IV. INJURIES FROM ACCIDENTS. VERY considerable number of accidents are caused every year by machinery used in manu- facture. In England, in 1875, 2 -6 persons in every 1000 factory-hands were injured in this way. In the United States there were 420 reported deaths caused by machinery in 1870, and the number of injuries was of course very much greater. The English Factory Act appoints inspectors, who must not be interested in or connected with factories in any other way, and who are invested with the necessary powers for carrying the act into effect. Some of .the provisions of the act are here given, from an abstract published in Professor William Wat- son's paper in the Journal of Social Science, No. XI. Certain portions of a mill, as hoists, fly-wheels, wheel-races, mill-gearing, vats, etc., are required to be fenced, and whenever the machinery, by reason of its character or situation, is, in the opinion of the inspector, likely to cause accidents to the work- people, he is to serve on the occupier a notice 12 133 134 SCHOOL AND INDUSTRIAL HYGIENE. requiring him to fence the part of the machinery which he deems to be dangerous. The occupier may, by serving a requisition on the inspector within seven days of the receipt of the notice, refer the mat- ter to arbitration. A child (under fourteen) is not allowed to clean any part of the machinery of a factory while in mo- tion. A young person (from fourteen to eighteen) or woman (over eighteen) is not allowed to clean such part of the machinery as is mill-gearing, while the same is in motion. A child, young person, or woman is not allowed to walk between the fixed and travers- ing part of any self-acting machine while the same is in motion. Accidents causing death, or disabling the person more than forty-eight hours, must be reported to the inspector and visiting surgeon by the occupier of the factory or workshop. The surgeon is to examine at once the nature and cause of the accident, and report to the inspector within twenty-four hours. Neglect to keep a factory or workshop in conformity with the act is punishable by a fine not exceeding ;io; and the court (of summary jurisdiction) may inflict a fine, not exceeding ^100, for the benefit of the injured person or his family, or otherwise, in case of death or injury in consequence of neglect to fence machinery as required. Professor Watson, in the same paper, gives a very INJURIES FROM ACCIDENTS. 135 interesting account c^f an Association for the Preven- tion of Factory Accidents, existing at Mulhouse, in Alsace. It consists of twenty-four members, com- prising mill-owners, superintendents, manufacturing engineers, foremen, and workmen chosen by the In- dustrial Society of the city, with the aid of the work- men. The Association offers arbitration, in cases of claims for damage, and uses various means for spread- ing a knowledge of the dangers and their remedies. At the Paris Exposition of 1878, they exhibited twen- ty-seven examples of contrivances adapted to prevent very severe accidents such as commonly occur, especially from belts, shafts, pulleys, wheels, and circular-saws. It would be well if our employers of labor in large manufacturing centres, such as Phila- delphia, Fall River, Lowell, etc., would imitate this humane example. Railway accidents may be properly mentioned in this place, for they affect the employes in vastly greater proportion than the passengers. For instance, in France, from 1854 to 1869, the number of travellers killed and wounded on railroads was 2,832 ; but that of employes was 11,908. If we consider how few men are required to run a train carrying hundreds of passengers, we cannot help being struck with the great disproportion. CHAPTER V. REGULATION OF HOURS OF LABOR. THE application of machinery and steam-power to the manufacturing arts has made England the richest country in the world. But this wealth was attained, at first, at a cost of human suffering and death which makes a sad page in history ; a page which, fortunately, has not been paralleled in our country. No system of labor has existed here, upon a large scale, by which a boy of eight years could be carried daily to work for sixteen hours in a mill, with half an hour for meals. We have not seen large numbers of little children beginning a full day's work at six years of age ; nor have we frequently seen the consequent distortions and deformities known in England as the "factory-leg," due to standing an excessive length of time. No large numbers of women here work all day, leaving little infants in the charge of baby-farmers. It is useless to expect that these things will always go right of themselves. The absence of legislation on hours of labor, for the protection of women and 136 REGULATION OF HOURS OF LABOR. 137 children especially, is excusable in some of our States, on the ground of the subordinate nature of the in- dustry. But the want of uniformity which is seen in the laws of States which have attempted statutory regulation is a little startling, and obliges us to infer that American views are not so definite on some prac- tical points as they might be. From a communication sent me by Dr. Roger S. Tracy, of the New York Board of Health, I compile the following statements, which will give a nearly complete idea of what has been done hitherto. Dr. Tracy examined the statistics of the twenty-eight principal States, and found the following: Factories. Labor forbidden to children under 10 in Massachusetts and New Jersey ; under 1 2 in Rhode Island and Wisconsin ; under 13 in Pennsylvania. Coal-mines. Labor forbidden to children under 12 in Pennsylvania; to children under 12 and all women in Illinois, and under 14 in Colorado. Factories. Over ten hours' work daily forbidden to children under 14 in Michigan ; 15, in Connecti- cut; 16, in Maine and Maryland; 18, and all women, in Ohio. Factories. Over eight hours' daily work forbid- den to all under 18, and to all women, in Wisconsin. Educational requirements are made in eight of the twenty-eight States. The strictest are those of Wis- 138 SCHOOL AND INDUSTRIAL HYGIENE. cousin, where children are not to be employed while the public schools are in session. This is about all that has been done in our country for the protection of women and children from ex- cessive and improper labor. There are laws relating to the employment of children in fourteen of the twenty-eight States ; but a large number of the laws relate to educational and not to sanitary points. It is certainly a singular discrepancy that, in Mas- sachusetts, parents are allowed to send a child of ten years old to work ten hours in a factory, while in Wisconsin only eight hours of labor are allowed at the age of twelve to eighteen. The English legislation has been thorough and en- lightened, showing upon the part of its authors a degree of humanity, painstaking, and intelligence which go far to atone for previous sins of neglect. Its provisions are as follows : Children under 10 shall not be employed in any factory or workshop. A medical certificate is required, in the case of all persons under 16, of the fitness of such persons for employment in the factory specified. The employer procures this certificate, and is responsible for proving the age. The Government Inspector may require a certificate, if a person under 16 seems to him unfit, and may forbid his working again until recertified by the certifying surgeon. The examination is made REGULATION OF HOURS OF LABOR. 139 at the factory. Refusal to give a certificate must be accompanied by written reasons. Persons under 14 shall not be employed on Sunday in workshops or factories. Christmas, Good Friday, and eight half-holidays besides, are given. Children are employed (under 14) under one of two plans : (a) in alternate sets, morning and after- noon ; (^) on alternate days. The morning work ends at i, or at dinner if earlier. The afternoon work begins at i, or after dinner if later. The day is 12 hours long, viz. : from 6 to 6, or 7 to 7, for children, \oung persons, and women, with ij hours for meals. On Saturday the day ends at 2 o'clock. Children must not be employed more than five hours continuously without a meal (half-hour). All must eat at the same hour (children, young persons under 18, and women), and never where work is going on. Every child under 14 in a factory or workshop must attend a school, either on the alternate off-days or on the half-days when off work. If he fails to attend in any week, he shall not recommence work the next week until he has made up his absence from school. The employer obtains certificate of attend- ance. The parent selects the school. Proficiency in the elementary studies, which satisfies a certain standard I4O SCHOOL AND INDUSTRIAL HYGIENE. fixed by Government, enables a child at 13 to work as if over 14, as a " young person." The school is authorized to collect its fees from the occupier of the factory, to a certain extent, the amount to be deducted from the child's wages. It is not in my power to say whether the health of the rising generation is suffering from overwork or confinement in factories in our States. There is not much evidence to prove it. The investigation pub- lished in the Massachusetts State Board of Health Report for 1871 is not at all alarming in its results. It found that " the correspondence in death-rates be- tween the factory population and the whole popula- tion, at the same ages, was so remarkably close as to leave but little to be said M (page 422). There is in modern labor a tendency to aggregate persons and resources in great masses, which pro- duces town-life, large enterprises, and great factories. In many ways this is to be deplored ; but it is right to see the bright side also. The old system of inde- pendent workshops, where the weaver or other me- chanical toiler spent all the time he could possibly give in small, crowded shops, often in his own room, in narrow and nasty quarters at the best, has given way to the system of large shops, which are run for a much smaller number of hours, are far better lighted and warmed and aired, and, what is perhaps the root of the whole matter, are much more accessible to the REGULATION OF HOURS OF LABOR. 14! control of public opinion and to legislative inspec- tion. It is in the large shops that you find the large brains at the counting-desk men who can under- stand sanitary needs, and are not hampered by the petty necessity of domestic economy which weighs down the solitary workman. It is the large establish- ments that take the trouble to answer questions upon sanitary matters addressed to them by the State au- thorities. CHAPTER VI. DURATION OF LIFE IN VARIOUS OCCUPATIONS. AS everybody would like to know that he has a prospect of long life, everybody has a. certain curiosity in regard to the statements of science con- cerning the effect of his own work on the duration of life. There are a good many facts going the rounds, and if taken with allowances for the circum- stances, these facts are valuable. But there is so great a contradiction between the statements of dif- ferent authors, that the most meagre statements are, perhaps, the safest. From Hirt's tables I select a typical trade or two to represent each period of life, dividing life into periods of five years. My selection is, of course, arbitrary. Among the operatives who die on the average be- fore the age of 40 years, I find porcelain-turners, stone-cutters, and female mirror-makers. Under 45, goldsmiths, lead and quicksilver miners. Under 50, cabinet-makers and operatives in cotton- mills not very wholesome, and not particularly hurtful occupations. Under 55, to my surprise, come some trades which I should have put much lower. Needle-polishers are 142 DURATION OF LIFE. 143 said to average 50, file-cutters 54, engravers 54.6, and so forth. It is possible that a good many classes fall in here simply because it is rather a medium age at which to die, independently of other circumstances. Under 60 years (also a good medium age, on the favorable side,) we find blacksmiths, butchers and car- penters, machinists and turners, the watchmaker who measures our life for us, and the grave-digger who takes our measure for the last time. Under 65, it is interesting to find set down the classes of tanners, dyers, gas-men, catgut makers, and bone-boilers trades which may remind us that long life is not to be attained by shirking disagreeable or offensive tasks. Above 65, only three trades are mentioned. In England, the rates of mortality among different classes have been estimated by Dr. Farr, who states that the shortest lives are found among earthenware- makers, tailors, needle-makers, makers of files and saws, veterinary surgeons and farriers, railway em- ployes, coachmen and cabmen, commercial clerks, butchers, publicans, innkeepers. A good deal of this mortality is due to habits of excessive drinking and exposure to the weather. Physicians and surgeons, chemists and druggists, mercers and drapers, hair-dressers, barbers, wig-mak- ers, and hatters, miners, and some others, have a high, but not an excessively high, rate of mortality. Carv- ers and gilders suffer less than they did ; and manu- 144 SCHOOL AND INDUSTRIAL HYGIENE. facturers of wool, silk, and cotton no longer experience an exceptionally high mortality, owing to the zealous efforts made by Lord Shaftesbury and his enlightened colleagues in promoting sanitary legislation. Among the healthy classes may be named carpen- ters, wheelwrights, and workers in wood generally ; shoemakers, grocers, publishers, and booksellers. Among the healthiest and longest-lived are the agricultural classes, game-keepers, barristers, and the clerical profession. But solicitors and Catholic priests in middle and later life form exceptions. Metal workers, in the aggregate, do not experience the average rate of mortality under 45, but after this age the case is reversed ; miners have a still higher rate, and both classes have a much higher rate than agricultural laborers. From the " Massachusetts Registration Reports" I will quote the following statement of the average age at death of nine general classes of men, the average of all classes and occupations being 50.94 years : Average Age at Death. I. Cultivators of the earth . . . 65.13 II. Active mechanics abroad . . 52.62 III. Professional men .... 50.81 IV. Merchants, financiers, agents, etc. . 49.22 V. Active mechanics in shops . . 47-92 VI. Laborers, no special trades . . 47 .24 VII. Employed on the ocean . . . 46.09 VIII. Inactive mechanics in shops . . 43-64 IX. Factors laboring abroad . . . 35-42 NOTE. THE following works on gymnastics may be named as useful : Manual of Gymnastic Exercises, arranged on Hygienic Prin- ciples and adapted to music. By E. H. BARLOW. Amherst, Mass., 1866. Manual of Gymnastic Exercises for Schools and Families. By SAMUEL W. MASON. Boston, 1863. Handbook of the Movement Cure for Prevention of Spinal Deformities. By M. ROTH. Bow to Get Strong, and How to Keep so. By WILLIAM BLAIKIE. Training in Theory and Practice. By ARCHIBALD MACLAREN. 13 K 145 INDEX. PAGE ABORTION caused by mercurial poisoning 116 from lead poisoning 117 Accidents I 33~ I 35 legislation to prevent. 133, 134 precautions 134, 135 on railways 135 in mines 125 Adams's statistics of distorted spines 37 Afternoon schools 61,62 study 21 Age, as determining capacity for study 31, 32 Air, quality of supply for furnace 86 overheated 86, 87 from cellars 91 See Ventilation. American desks and seats for schools 67 factory and mining legisla- tion 137 Amherst College gymnastics 44 statistics of near-sight 58 Anxiety injurious to health 14 Apparatus for gymnastics 36 Appetite, failure of, sign of over- study PAGE Atmospheric changes, injury from 120-126, 143 Attention, power of, at different ages 30 BACK, support for 68, 78 Bakers 120 Base-ball, when injurious 38 Bigelow, H. J., on chairs 68 Blackboards, position 83 Black-damp 123 Bleaching 115 Boarding-schools, some good ef- fects on health 23 See pages 98-101. for girls 100 Application, capacity for contin- uous mental, at different ages.. 30 See Study. Architectural ornament subordi- nate to hygienic requisites 84 Arsenic in wall-paper in, 112 chronic poisoning, symp- toms in kindergarten paper in stockings in artificial flowers in certain ores Astigmatism mistaken for short- sight Boards of Health, duty in conta- gious diseases in schools 100 Bodily development, when com- plete 35 growth 24-27 Book-rest 70 Bowling, when injurious 39 Boys, rate of growth 24 Brain, constant repair of. 28 Breakfast neglected by children.. 17 study before 20 Bronchitis 120 Brooklyn, statistics of near-sight 58 Brown, Buckminster, injury caused by military drill 46 on origin of spinal de- formity 64 Buffalo, statistics of near-sight... 58 CAISSON disease 121 Calisthenics 36 specimen of 46 Carbonic oxide from furnace 87 Carter, Brudenell, on care of eyes 48 146 INDEX. PAGE Carter, Brudenell, on near-sight. 60 Catarrhs 93 Cellar air 91 water-closets in 96 Chadwick, Edwin, on hours of study 29-31 Chair-back, main use 68 Children, mental characteristics 7, 29, 30, 31 requirements in exercise 35 bodily peculiarities 61 sickliness owing to mothers' trade 116, 117 legal restrictions on labor... 119, 134-137, 140 See Ages. China-makers, scrofulous chil- dren 117 Choke-damp 123 Cincinnati, statistics of near- sight 58 City life, injurious to health of children 27 Clarke, E. H., on sex in educa- tion 26 Clergyman's sore throat 131 Closets for scholars' clothing 84 Clothing 40, 44, 47, 93 Coal-dust inhaled no Cohn's statistics of near-sight 57 Colleges. 102-104 for girls 100 study in 32 Color of walls 83 Commons at college 104 Competition between girls and boys 25 Comstock lode 124 Congestion as a cause of near- sight 53 Conjunctivitis 63 Conklin, effect of school-life on eyesight 59 Consumption caused by inhaling dust 107-110 among miners 124 soldiers 125 Contagious diseases 105, 106 of eyes 63 Coralline 113 Cotton-mills, dust no Croquet, how injurious 39 Cubic space required in school- room -. 80 FACE Cubic space for dormitories 99 in barracks 126 Culture, its true scope _ 10 Curvature. See Spinal. DAMPERS of furnace 86 Danneberg on gymnastics, at Frankfort 43 Dayton, Ohio, statistics of near- sight 58 Deafness often misunderstood by teachers 49 Decoration of school-room 83 Deformities from factory-work... 136 See Spinal. Derby, Hasket, statistics of near- sight 58 Desks, faulty construction.... 65, 66 height of. 74 assorted sizes 74 Development. See Growth. Diet of school-children 17 See Food, Commons. Dinner, time for 21 Discomfort as a cause of deform- ity.. 66 Discontent, effect on health 14 Disinfection 105 Distance for reading, etc. 49, 53, 54 Diving-bells 121 Dormitories in schools 99 i coll eges.. 104 Drawing 57 bad position in 64 Dress for gymnastics 40, 44 See Clothing. Drill of scholars 95 Drudgery of schools 15 Drunkenness, mortality from 143 Duration of continued mental ap- plication 31 of life in various occupa- tions 142-144 Dust, poisonous 111-119 prevention of 109, no, 117, 118 Duty, unregulated sense of 8, n training of sense of. 9 EARTHENWARE makers no, 143 Education, principles and theo- ries of. 7, 13 claims the whole child 8, 10 148 INDEX. PAGE Education should include morals and health 9, 10 should develop power, en- durance, self-control n should develop spontaneity 29 See Study. Educational legislation 137-139 See Half-time. Elbows en desk 70 Embroidery 57 Emotional strain upon pupils 14 Emulation, its power 8 injury from 8 methods of arousing it 16 Enamellers 114 England, half-time system 32 disease among factory -hands 136 English Factory Act of 1878 118, 119, 133, 138-140 Engravers 129 Equilibrium of mental powers, when disturbed 14 Erismann on size of school-room.. 79 Etching 115 Eulenberg's statistics of distort- ed spines 37 Evaporation of water 87 Examinations of schools 17 Excess of study defined 28 Exercise, physical 34~47 adapted to different temper- aments 34 by walking 34, 35 byplay 38 J. J. Putnam on 38 by military drill 46 See Walking, Gymnastics, etc. Exhibitions of schools 16, 17 Explosion of gas 122 Eyes of young children allowed to wander 61 care of. 48-63 ignorance of teachers about 48 Brudenell Carter on care of. 48 near-sighted 48, et seq. distance from book... 49, 53, 54 effect of general weakness of disease upon 52 See Near-sight, Weakness, Far-sight. FACTORIES, English.., 136 American 137 PAGE Factories, health of operatives... 140 Farr on life statistics 143 Far-sight 62 simulating near-sight 51, 55 Fatigue not the prime object of exercise 34 Fevers, prevention of spread 105 Field-sports 34 File-cutters no, 143 Fire-damp 122 Fire on the hearth, principles of 88 Fireplace, aid to ventilation.. 88, 98 See Open Fire. Floor of school-room 84 Follicular pharyngitis 131 Food 19, 23 trashy 22 litable deficient supply 22 See Commons, Meals. Frankfort, public school gymnas- tics 41-44 Furnace, supply of air to 86 valves 86 should be large 86 dampers 86 producing carbonic acid... .. 87 - water for 87 Furniture for schools. See Desks and Seats. GAS-LIGHT, ventilation of. 87 Gas. See Explosion. German school-seats 67, 68 Gilders 114 Girls, rate of growth 24 competition with boys 25 about age of 14 and 15, spe- cial care of. 25, 26 injured by " society" 26 choice of gymnastics for 43 should not have to climb many stairs 95 Glasses should be worn by some children 60, 63 to be selected by physicians only 63 when to be worn by children 69 Glass-makers no, 114 Grinders' asthma 108 Grinding, wet and dry 109 glass 114 colors 114 INDEX. 149 PAGE Ground glass 83 Growth of body 24, 27, 35 Gymnastics, Ling's system of..... 41 for girls 43 in Amherst College 44 in normal schools 44 in colleges 102, 104 precautions in 103 teacher for 103 for boating-men 103 HABITS of health taught in school 9 Hair-dressers 132 Half-time system of education in England 32, 62, 139 Hammer-palsy 128 Harlan, diagram to illustrate near-sight 50 Hatters 113 Health, laws of, taught in schools 9 Heart-disease in miners 124 Heat of mines 123 Heating. See Ventilation. High-schools, study in 32 Hirt's life-statistics 142 Holidays in factories 139 Horseback exercise sometimes 39 IMMORALITY in schools 99 Inhalation of dusty and poison- ous substances 107, 119 Ink, pale, bad for eyes 57 Inspection of schools by medical authority 45, 106 Irksome tasks 15 JANITOR'S duties 91 Juvenile labor on half-time sys- tem 32 KEEN, W. W., ventilation 92 Kindergartens 29, 35 green papers 112 Konigsberg, statistics of near- sight 58 PAGE LEAD-POISONING 114, 115 Lead, effects on women 117 Legislation. See English Fac- tory Act, Restrictions, Women, Children, Education. Length of life 142 Liebreich, construction of desks and seats 67, 77 on spinal curvature 74 Life, duration of. 142, 144 Light, defective, causes stooping 69 horizontal useless in read- ing 81 what constitutes good 82 dazzling eyes at work 83 direct rays of sun 83 artificial 83 - in private house - See Windows, Shades. -sight 58 Lot, size of, for school 94, 95 Lunch for children in school 22 Lungs affected by inhaling dust, 107, no MAINE ventilation 92 Maps 56,57 Masks to protect from dust 118 Massachusetts Registration Re- port on average age at death.. 144 State Board of Health on prevention of spread of conta- gion in schools 106 State Board of Health on health of operatives 140 Matches 116 Meals, interval between study and 20 intervals between 21 sleepiness after 21, 22 in factories 139 Medical inspection of schools, 45, 106 Mental application, excess de- fined 28 characteristics of children... 7 depression a symptom of over-study 15 See Study. Mercury, effect on hatters 113 mirror-makers 113 ISO INDEX. PAGE Mercury, effect of on gilders 114 symptoms of chronic poison- ing 114 effect on women 116 Military drill in schools 46 Miners 121, 125, 143 Mirror-makers 113 Morality taught in schools 8, 9 Mulhouse, Association for the Prevention of Factory Acci- dents 135 Muscles, affections caused by over-work 128 Music, practice 101 Myopia. See Near-sight. NEAR-SIGHT defined 49 tends to increase 49 diagram 50 prevention of increase... 50, 52 things mistaken for it.... 51, 54 causes of. 51, 53 inheritance of. 51 pathology of 51 favored by weakliness 52 bad air 52 is not strong-sight 53 dangerous tendency of. 53 Harlan on 54 caused by fine work, etc 57 statistics 57, 59 .increasing 59 effect on character 60 what is lost by it 60 should be corrected by glasses in children 60 as related to compulsory education 59, 60 related to spinal curvature.. 74 Necrosis from phosphorus 116 Nervous system injuredinschools 14, 18, 100 Neufchatel, statistics of distorted spine 37 Neuralgia from use of sewing- machine 130 New York, statistics of near- sight 58 Nitrogen in mines 123 OPHTHALMIA 63 Over-study, signs of, 16, 19 PAGE Over-study described 17 defined 28 Over-use of organs 127-132 PAINTERS 1 14 Paper, tint of .'. ...... 56 Paris Exposition of 1878, con- trivances to prevent accidents. 135 Phosphorus 116 Pianists 129 Piano, bad position at 64 Play, city children deprived of.. 27, 38, 39 advantages of. 38 when injurious 38, 39 when inferior to gymnastics 39 recommended 101 Play-grounds 43, 94 Pneumonia 109 Poisons and dust, effect of in- haling 107-119 Porcelain-makers no Position in reading 55 sitting 67-69 faulty in writing, etc., as re- lated to spinal curvature 64, 73, 74 in writing 68, 70 should be frequently varied. 70 Potassium bichromate 115 Primary schools 32 Principles of education 7-13 Print, bad 56 Printers 114 Private schools 98-101 Prizes to school-children 16 Professions, duration of life in 142-144 Putnam, J. J., on gymnastics 38, 40 RADIATION 87 Recesses in school 47, 62 Reading, position in 55 while sleepy 56 Regulation of hours of labor 136-141 Religion not taught by the State 8 Repair of brain and other organs 28 Rest of eyes during study 54 Restrictions on labor of women and children 118, 119, 134, 137, 139 Rheumatism 109, 120, 124 SABBATH ~ 35 INDEX. PAGE ... 126 ... 132 ... 113 94,95 Sailors Sales-people Scheele's green , School-house, site height School-room, a model 79-84 shape, dimensions 79, 80 Schweinfurt green 113 Seamstresses 129 Seats and desks 64-78 faulty construction 65,66 principles of construction 66-78 Liebreich's 67, 77 German 67 table of dimensions 76 Varrentrapp's model 75 should not be ranged in semi- circle 82 Sedentary life 131, 132 Sewerage of schools 96 Sewing-machines 130 Sex in education 26 Shades to windows 82 Shaftesbury, Lord, legislation.... 144 Shoemakers 131 Short-sight. See Near-sight. Singers 131 Slates 57 Sleep, loss of, a sign of over- study 16, 19 Sleepiness after meals 21, 22 should forbid reading 56 "Slow sight" 55 Society, injurious effect on school girls 26 Soldiers 125 Speakers 131 Spectacles. See Glasses. Spinal distortion in girls 36, 38 at Neufchatel, etc 37 prevented by gymnastics.... 38 Buckminster Brown on ori- gin of. 64 related to bad position in reading and writing 64 connected with school-seats 68 Liebreich on 74 Standing at work 132 State, duty of, in education 8-10 Statistics of schools 15 of spinal deformity 37 of near-sight 57~59 of consumption from inhal- ing dust 108, 109 PAGE Statistics of accidents 133 of length of life 142-144 of health of factory-hands... 140 Hirt's 142 - Farr's i Steam-fan 91 heating 87 Stone-cutters no Stoves 87, 88 Strain, emotional, upon pupils... 14 mental 15 Study before breakfast 20 in the afternoon 21 antagonism between study and meals 21, 22 interval between study and meals 20 amount of. 28-33 excess. See Over-study 28 modern methods 29 in kindergartens 29, 33 Chadwick on 29, 31 - wholesome 12 capacity for, at different ages 29-32 maximum average 31 at West Point 31 - in colleges.. in high-schools 32 by the half-time system 32 in kindergartens 33 in primary schools 33 with occasional rest of eyes.. 54 recesses in 62 See Education, Girls, Men- tal. Sulphate of quinia, manufacture of. 115 Sulphuretted hydrogen 123 Sulphurous acid produced by burning gas 83 Sunlight in rooms 83 inschools 94 TAILORS 129, 131 Teachers, walking exercise 35 Sabbath rest for 35 of gymnastics, dearth of. 40 in London 41 in Frankfort 42 special requirements for 45 for colleges 103 152 INDEX. PAGE Telegraph operators 129 Temperature of room 93 Theories of education 7-13 Tinting of walls 83 Tobacco 117 Trades, duration of life in... 142-144 Type 56, 57 Type-founders 114 Type-setters 129 Type-writing machine 130 URINALS for schools 96 VALVES forfurnace 86 Varicose veins 132 Varrentrapp on size of school- room 79 Ventilation and heating 85-93 of closets 84 quality of air 86 by furnaces 86 by radiation 87 by steam and hot water 87 by stoves 87 auxiliary use of stove-funnel 88 by fireplace 88 amount required 89 expense of. 90 by fan 90 by windows 91, 92 in private schools 98 of workshops 109, 118 of mines 123, 124 Violinists 129 WALKING 34 for women 34, 35 PAGB Walking for scholars 101 for teachers 34 Wall-papers 84 Walls, tint of. 83 Washing, to protect from dust... 118 Water-closets for schools 96 Water-supply for furnaces 87 Water, heating by 87 Watson, Wm., on accidents 133 Weakness of eyes after fevers.... 52 West Point, study at 31 White-damp 123 Windows 80-82 should be on one side of room 80 illuminating power 80 - position.. elevation 81 collective size 82 shades , 82 ventilation by 91 in private houses 98 Women, exercise for 34, 35 special susceptibility to poi- son 116-118 legal restraint on labor 118, 134, 137-139 standing in shops 132 Woodbury's pen-holder 129 Work, proper amount of mental . 16 Worry of mind 123 Wrist-drop 115 Writer's cramp 128, 129 Writing as connected with crooked spine 37 large hand 57 position in 64, 68, 70 See Desks. ZWEZ on size of school-room 79 THE END. CATALOGUE No. 5. NOVEMBER, 1895. BOOKS M NURSES. FOR NURSES AND ALL ENGAGED IN ATTENDANCE UPON THE SICK, OR THE CARE OF CHILDREN. Dealing exclusively in books on medicine and collateral subjects, we are able to give special attention to supplying books for nurses. We have a large stock of works on Nursing, Hygiene, Popular Medicine, etc., Temperature Charts, etc. Catalogues of Books on Medicine, Dentistry, Pharmacy, Chemistry, etc., free, upon application. Special attention given to orders to be forwarded to a distance, by mail or express. Upon receipt of the price, any book will be delivered, free, to any address. Money should be forwarded by Post- Office Order, Draft, or Registered Letter. P. BLAKISTON, SON & Co., 1012 WALNUT STREET, PHILADELPHIA. J8* The prices as given in this catalogue are net. No discount can be allowed retail purchasers. THE HYGIENE OF THE NURSERY INCLUDING THE GENERAL REGIMEN AND FEEDING OF INFANTS AND CHILDREN AND THE DOMESTIC MANAGEMENT OF THE ORDINARY EMERGENCIES OF EARLY LIFE. BY LOUIS STARR, M.D., Clinical Professor of Diseases of Children in the Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania; Physician to the Children's Hospital, Phila. FOURTH EDITION. ENLARGED AND IMPROVED. WITH TWENTY-FIVE ILLUSTRATIONS. i2mo. 280 Pages. Cloth, $1.00. ^* This book contains very complete directions for the proper feeding of infants: 1st, From the maternal breast. 2d. By wet- nurse, including rules for choosing the woman. 3d, Artificial Feeding. This part of the subject is elaborated carefully, so as to include everything of importance, and will be found of great service to the monthly nurse. General and specific rules for feeding are given, and Diet Lists from the first week up to the eighteenth month, with various recipes for artificial foods, peptonized milk, etc. Directions for the sterilization of milk, substitutes for milk, prepara- tion of food for both well and sick children, nutritious enemata. etc., and the general management of the Nursery. " Dr. Starr's experience as Clinical Professor of Diseases of Children in the University Hospital and as physician to the Children's Hospital, with his eminence in private practice among juvenile patients, is ample warranty for the satisfaction and instruction to be found in this book. The dedication " To my Little Patients," shows the sympathy with which the writer enters upon the important discussion. The volume is entirely in the modern lines of preventive medicine more important in the nursery than at any other time of life ; because constitution building is going on then and there. In this admirable treatise, so clearly written that no mother need be deterred by fear of medical terms from making its teaching her own, Dr. Starr carries out the highest ideal of the modern physician, so to regulate the lives of his professional clients that the occasions are less frequent when he need be called in to act for serious compli- cations. * * * * With the numerous good treatises on the subject that Philadelphia publications include, this intelligent work is the most distinguished, as it is also the latest work on complete Hygiene of the Nursery." The Led- ger, Philadelphia. HUMPHREY'S MANUAL OF NURSING. MEDICAL AND SURGICAL. A complete Text-Book for Nurses, including General Anatomy and Physiology, Management of the Sick-Room, Appliances used in Sick-Room, Antiseptic Treatment, Bandaging, Cooking for Invalids, etc., etc. Thirteenth Edition. With 79 Illustrations. BY LAWRENCE HUMPHREY, M.A., M.D. 12MO. CLOTH. PRICE $1.00. ST. JOSEPH'S HOSPITAL, SEVENTEENTH AND GIRARD AVENUE, PHILADELPHIA, March 15, 1893. Messrs. P. Blakhton, Son <5r Co. : Please send us six more copies of Manual of Nursing, by Humphrey. We do not know of any book that more completely meets the requirements of a Training Class than Dr. Humphrey's able Lectures, for they are at once clear, concise, and thoroughly practical. SISTERS OF CHARITY. From British Medical Journal, London. " Nursing literature is expanding, and, what is more to the purpose, it shows manifold signs of improvement with its growth. In the fullest sense, Dr. Humphrey's book is a distinct advance on all previous manuals. It is, in point of fact, a concise treatise on medicine and surgery for the beginner, incorporat- ing with the text the management of childbed and the hygiene of the sick-room. Its value is greatly enhanced by copious wood-cuts and diagrams of the bones and internal organs, by many illustrations of the art of bandaging, by tempera- ture charts indicative of the course of some of the most characteristic diseases, and by a goodly array of sick-room appliances, with which every nurse should endeavor to become acquainted The systematic arrangement of subjects adopted by the author is excellent." THE BEST GENERAL TEXT-BOOK. NURSING IN ABDOMINAL SURGERY AND DISEASES OF WOMEN. A Series of Lectures Delivered to the Pupils of the Training School for Nurses Connected with the Woman's Hospital of Philadelphia, comprising their Regular Course of Instruction on such Topics. BY ANNA M. FULLERTON, M.D., Physician-in- Charge of and Obstetrician and Gynecologist to the Woman's Hospital of Philadelphia, etc. SECOND EDITION, REVISED. 12mo. 300 Pages. 70 Illustrations. Cloth, $1.50. immediate success of Dr. Fuller-ton's "Handbook of Obstetric Nursing," a fourth edition of which has just been pub- lished, has encouraged her to prepare this manual on another and very important branch of the science and art of nursing. Dr. Fullerton has demonstrated that she not only knows what to say, but that she has the happy faculty of saying it in a plain, practical style that interests as well as instructs. SYNOPSIS OF CONTENTS. The Surgical Nurse The Germ Theory of Disease Asepsis and Antisepsis Abdominal Section The Pre- paration of the Room The Preparation of Sponges Sterilization of Instruments, etc. Preparation of the Patient Preparation of Operator and Assistants The Nurse's Duties During Operation The Nurse's Duties After Operation and During Convalescence Management of Complications The Pelvic Organs in Women Diseases of Women General Nursing in Pelvic Diseases Pre- parations for Gynaecological Examinations Preparation for Gynae- cological Operations Preparation of Patient, Operator and Assist- ants Duties of Nurse During Operation Special Nursing in Gynaecological Operations Diet for the Sick Supporting Treat- ment of Abdominal Sections Index. A HANDBOOK OBSTETRIC^ NURSING. Comprising the Course of Instruction in Obstetric Nursing given to the Pupils of the Training School for Nurses connected with the Woman's Hospital of Philadelphia. BY ANNA M. FULLERTON, M.D., Demonstrator of^ Obstetrics in the Woman' s Medical College of Pennsyl- vania; Physician-in-Charge and Obstetrician and Gynecologist to the Woman's Hospital of Philadelphia, and Superintendent of the Nurse Training School of the Woman' s Hospital of Philadelphia. 40 Illustrations, 12mo. Handsome Cloth, $1,00, FO UR TH EDITION RE VISED. SYNOPSIS OF CONTENTS. The Pelvis and Genital Organs Signs of Pregnancy Management of Pregnancy Accidents of Pregnancy Germs and Antisepsis Application of Antisepsis to Confinement Nursing Preparations for the Labor Signs of Approaching Labor and the Process of Labor Duties of the Nurse during Labor Accidents and Emergencies of Labor Care of the New-born Infant Management of the Lying-in Characteristics of Infancy in Health and Disease The Ailments of Early Infancy Index. " It is a book that I have recommended since I first saw it, and we are using it for our nurses at the N. Y. 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It has been prepared by one who is fully fitted by his work as Demonstrator in the Jefferson Medical College, and as Professor of Physiology in the Pennsylvania College of Dental Surgery, and by his experience as quiz-master, to compile such a book, and it has proved its utility by the acceptance it has already found. Its style is clear and distinct, its teachings are sound, and it is well suited to the purpose for which it is intended." Medical and Surgical Reporter. MATERIA MEDICA AND THERAPEUTICS. POTTER'S Materia Medica, Therapeutics, and Prescription Writing. Sixth Edition. Compend of Materia Medica, Therapeutics, and Pre- scription Writing. With special reference to the Phy- siological Action of Drugs. By SAMUEL O. L. POTTER, M.A., M.D., M.R.C.P. (LOND.), late A. A. Surgeon, U. S. Army ; Professor of the Practice of Medicine, Cooper Medical College, San Francisco. 121110. Cloth, .80 BOOKS FOR NURSES. HORWITZ'S Surgery. Minor Surgery and Bandaging. 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Altogether the books fulfills the objects for which it was written, and will materially assist the young married woman in the intelligent performance of new duties." From the Nurse, Boston. " The style is easy and fascinating. It should be in the hands of every nurse and married women." NEW EDITION. ACCIDENTS AND EMERGENCIES. A Manual for the treatment of Surgical and other Injuries, Poisoning and various Domestic Emergencies, in the absence of the Physician. By CHARLES W. DULLES, M.D., Surgeon to the Out- Door Department of the University and Presbyterian Hospitals, Philadelphia. Fourth Edition, Enlarged. New Illustrations. 12mo. ILLUSTRATED. . Cloth, $1.00 SHORT LIST OF CONTENTS. Preliminary Remarks. Obstructions to Respiration. Foreign Bodies in the Eye, Nose and Ear. Fits or Seizures. Injuries to the Brain. Effects of Heat. Effects of Cold. Sprains. Dislocations. Fractures. 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It should be in the hands of all officers charged with the public conveyance of passengers, to be read, in preparation for emergencies, and afterward to serve as a book of refer- ence." North Carolina Medical Journal. *' This little manual contains simple directions for the preliminary treatment of accidents to all parts of the body and of such diseases as persons are suddenly seized with. Without profuseness or an unintelligible vocabulary, it contains in a small space a deal of useful information." New York World. " This is a revised and enlarged edition, with new illustrations, of the manual, explaining the treatment of surgical and other injuries in the absence of the phy- sician. The simple and practical suggestions of this little book should be known to every one. Accidents are constantly occurring, and a knowledge of what should be done in an emergency is very valuable. Such a handbook should be in every home, placed where it can always be found readily. Boston Journal of Education. " I may say that Dr. E. P. Davis' Manual has proved useful to me in teaching obstetrics by its clearness and its many practical sugges- tions. "MARION E. SMITH, Chief Nurse Philadelphia Hospital. DAVIS. Manual of Practical Obstetrics. By EDWARD P. DAVIS, A.M., M. T \, Clinical Lecturer on Obstet- rics in the Jefferson Medical College, Professor of Obstetrics and Diseases of Children in the Philadelphia Polyclinic, Visiting Obstetrician to the Philadelphia Hospital. Second Edition, Enlarged. 351 pages; 150 illustrations, several of which are colored. Cloth, $2.00 *' I have carefully reviewed the * Manual of Obstetrics ' by Dr. E. P. Davis. " It is full, accurate, concise, and gracefully and clearly written. It is a most excellent Manual of the art it teaches." Prof. J. Snydam Knox, Rush Medical College, 2227 Calumet Avenue, Chicago. 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It gives the essentials, and I shall take pleasure in recommending it to my students. " Dr. M. R. Mitchell, Kan- sas Medical College , Topeka, Kan. " It is especially clear and pleasing in style and the subject matter is well chosen. It is a good text-book. " Dr. Clara Marshall, Philadelphia. " It is concise and accurate, and I cordially recommend it as admirably suited to the convenience of the medical student and busy practitioner. " Dr. De Laskie Miller, Rush Medical College, Chicago, III. " I consider it a very good book. " Prof. A. F. A. King, National Medical College, Columbian University, Washington, D. C. " I consider it a valuable work, especially for the recent graduates who are entering upon the practice of obstetrics and pursuing post-graduate studies. " I keep my copy where I can read it, and consult its pages almost daily, and generally find what I want in a few lines." Dr. P. C. Clayberg, American Medical College, St. Louis, Mo. 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They are intended incidentally to assist in curing dis- eases, and to teach people how to form correct habits of living, and take care of themselves, their children, employees, etc. I. HEARING AND HOW TO KEEP IT. With Illustrations. By CHAS. H. BURNETT, M.D., of Philadelphia, Aurist to the Presbyterian Hospital. II. LONG LIFE AND HOW TO REACH IT. By J. G. RICHARDSON, M.D., of Philadelphia, late Professor of Hygiene in the University of Pennsyl- vania. HI. THE SUMMER AND ITS DISEASES. By JAMES C. WILSON, M.D., of Philadelphia, Professor of the Practice of Medicine, Jefferson Medical College. IV. EYESIGHT AND HOW TO CARE FOR IT. With Illustrations. By GEORGE C. HARLAN, M.D., of Philadelphia, Surgeon to the Wills (Eye) Hospital. V. THE THROAT AND ThE VOICE. With Illustrations. By J. SOLIS COHEN, M.D., of Philadelj hia, Lecturer on Diseases of the Throat in Jef- ferson Medical College, an< I on the Voice in the National School of Oratory. VI. THE WINTER AND ITS DANGERS. By HAMILTON OSGOOD, M.D., of Boston, Editorial Staff Boston Medical and Surgical Journal. VII. THE MOUTH AND THE TEETH. With Illustrations. By J. W. WHITE, M.D., D.D.S., of Philadelphia, Editor of the Dental Cosmos. VIII. BRAIN WORK AND OVERWORK. By H. C. WOOD, JR., M.D., of Philadelphia, Clinical Professor of Nervous Diseases in the University of Pennsylvania. IX. OUR HOMES. With Illustrations. By HENRY HARTSHORNB, M.D , of Philadelphia, formerly Professor of Hygiene in the University of Penn- sylvania. X. THE SKIN IN HEALTH AND DISEASE. With Illustrations. By L. D. BULKLEY, M.D., of New York, Physician to the Skin Department of the New York Hospital. XL SEA AIR AND SEA BATHING. With Illustrations. By JOHN H. PACKARD, M.D., of Philadelphia, Surgeon to the Pennsylvania Hospital. XII. SCHOOL AND INDUSTRIAL HYGIENE. By D. F. 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The chapters in Part One on gynecological tech- nique and the principles of gynecological treat- ment are more minute in detail than is usual in such books, special attention being given to the duties of the nurse, to aseptic and antiseptic mat- ters, instruments, etc., etc. A series of eight illus- trations showing the various postures in which the patient is placed for examination or operating will prove exceedingly useful. GOULD'S POCKET MEDICAL LEXICON. 12,000 MEDICAL WORDS PRONOUNCED AND DEFINED. A Pronouncing Lexicon of Medical "Words Specially Adapted for Nurses, Including Many Useful Tables and a Dose List. BY GEORGE M. GOULD, M.D., Author of "An Illustrated Dictionary of Medicine, Biology, and Allied Sciences " " The Student ' s Medical Dictionary," etc. Pocket Size. 317 Pages. Gilt Edges, Full Morocco. Price $1.00 ; with a Thumb Index, $1.25. OVER 45,000 COPIES OF GOULD'S DICTIONARIES HAVE BEEN SOLD. 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