BERKEIIV LIBRARY UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA d¥^ '^'^ 'lejo ':^ u>honi, and how this volume was obtained, price paid, if any, may he found oppcsite ve number in the Register of Books, 'htch is always open to inspection. Extract from the Political Code, Skction 2296. Books may be taken frojn the Library >y the MKMBKRS OP THK Lkgislaturk, during thk skssions THKREOF, and by other State officers at any time. Skc. 2298 The Controller, if notified by the Librarian that any officer has failer a longer SHAM. NOT •act from No person shall lake or de^ ^ni <" more than two volumee i ' ' M two • th. / ^ d '. ^ "'/ CATALOGUE OF THE ^EEMONT STATE LIBRARY 1850. Arranged and prepared by the STATE LIBRARIAN, under the direction of the GOVERNOR, agreeably to an Act of the General Assembly. E. P. WALTON & SON, PRINTERS. 1850. y^-da RULES OF THE VERMONT STATE LIBEARY. Rule 1. Books may be taken from the State Library by the Governor, and Secretary of Civil and Military Affairs ; Members of the Senate and House of Representatives ; Heads of Departments ; Judges of the Su- preme Court ; State Superintendent of Common Schools ; Superintendent of the Vermont State Prison, and Superintendent of the Insane Asylum, Rule 2. The State Library shall be kept open during the session of the General Assembly or Constitutional Convention or while a Committee of the House or Senate may be in session, and at such other times as may be necessary for tlie convenience of Members ; and the privilege, to Mem bers of the General Assembly or Constitutional Convention, of drawing books from the Library is limited to the time they may be in session. Rule 3. No law works nor books presented by the United States or any State, or received through Vattemare's system of International and Literary Exchange, shall be taken from the Library except for the use of the two Houses of Assembly, and tlie Committees at tlie committee rooms during the sessions of the General Assembly. Rule 4. A minute of every book drawn out from the Library shall be entered upon a memorandum book kept by the Librarian, and all books so delivered shall be returned to the Library previously to the final adjourn ment of the General Assembly, and every person to whom books are de- livered shall be responsible for their return. Rule 5. The State Librarian shall keep a schedule containing all the books of the State Library, with the numbers of each, and shall keep a book of records, in which all donations and purchases of books, engravings or maps shall be recorded. Rule 6. The State Librarian shall procure to be bound ten copies of the session Laws, and ten copies of the Journals of tlie Senate and House of Representatives of the State of Vermont of each year, and one ' 446 RULES OF THE STATE LIBRARY. volume each of the session Laws and Journals of the different States in tlie Union, together with four copies of the Acts of Congress — all of which! shall be deposited and preserved in the Library. Rule 7. All necessary expenditures for the State Library shall be re- ported to the Governor and Joint Committee of tlie Library each year for their examination and allowance : and no money shall be expended except for purposes having for their object the improvement of, and desirable ad- ditions to, tlie State Library. Rule 8. The State Librarian shall make an annual report to the Gov- ernor on tlie condition of the State Library, embracing all additions and donations made during the year — which report shall be communicated to the Senate for the use of the General Assembly, and published in the Journals of the Senate. Rule 9. Every person shall be answerable for all damages done by him to any book, map or engraving belonging to the State Library ; and in case of tlie loss of any volume belonging to any set, he shall procure a new volume or pay the value of the entire set ; and all actions, biought for the enforcement of this rule, may be brought in the name of the State Librarian on behalf of the State of Vermont Rule 10. All Library rules and regulations, prescribed by the Gover- nor, agreeably to the statute in such case made and provided, shall be published in the annual Legislative Directory ordered by the General As sembly. PART I. MISCELLANEOUS BOOKS. AGRICULTURE AND BOTANY. GEOLOGY AND MINERALOGY. NATURAL HISTORY AND ZOOLOGY. HISTORY AND HISTORICAL COLLECTIONS. BIOGRAPHY AND MEMOIRS. EDUCATION AND EDUCATIONAL DOCUMENTS. PRISONS, ASYLUMS, &c. BIBLES, CATALOGUES AND LEXICONS. MISCELLANEOUS WORKS. IgricoUnre and Botany* Address delivered before the New-York State Agricultural Society, 1850. by Hon. John A. King. Presented by B. P. Johnson, Esq., Cor. Sec'y of said Society. Pamphlet. Agriculture of New- York, [JVatitral History of New-York,) vols. 13 and 14, by Ebenezer Emmons, M. D., 184G— 1849. 2 vols. Agricultural Abstracts of Massachusetts, 184G. 1 vol. 3 copies. Agricultural Survey of South Carolina, Ruffin's Report, 1843. American Agricultural Society, charter and by-laws of. Pamphlet, 184G. American Institute, Transactions of the, 1845, 1846, 1848. 3 vols. Pre sented by B. P. Johnson, Esq. Booth's Memoirs of the Geological Survey of Delaware, including the ap- plication of the geological observations to agriculture. 1 vol. Botany of New-York, {JVatural History of JVew-York.) vols. 6 and 7, by John Torrey, M. D. 2 vols. 1843. Botany, Geology, Mineralogy, and Zoology of Massachusetts, Report on by Edward Hitchcock. 1 vol. Botany of Vermont, [Thompson's Vermcnt, part I,) by Zadock Thompson 1 voL 42 copies. Lectures on the General Relations of Science to Agriculture, delivered before the N. Y. State Agricultural Society, by James F. W. Johnston, F. R. S., 1850, 1 vol. Presented by B. P. Johnson, Esq., Cor. Sec'y of the Society. New-York State Agricultural Society, Transactions of, 1842—1849, 8 vols. Presented by B. P. Johnson, Esq., Cor. Sec'y, in behalf of the Society. Trees and Shrubs of Massachusetts, Report on, 1846. 1 vol. GEOLOGY AND MINERALOGY. Geology and Mmeralogy# Geological Survey of Connecticut, Report of, by Charles U. Shepard, M. D. 1vol. Geology of Connecticut, Report on, by J. G. Percival. 1 vol. 2 copies. Geological Survey of Delaware, including the application of the geologi- cal observations to agriculture, by James C. Booth, A. M. 1 vol. Geology of Maine, Second Report of, by Charles T. Jackson. 1 vol. Geology, Mineralogy, Botany, and Zoology of Massachusetts, Report on, in four parts — 1. Economical Geology; 2, Topographical Geology: 3. Scientific Geology ; 4. Catalogue of Animals and Plants — by Ed- ward Hitchcock. 1 vol. Geology of Massachusetts, final Report of, in four parts — 1. Economical Geology ; 2. Sceno-graphical Geology ; 3. Scientific Geology ; 4. El ementary Geology, with a catalogue of the Minerals and Plants — by Edward Hitchcock. 1 vol. ]841. Geology and Scenery of Massachusetts, Plates illustrating, by Edward Hitchcock. Geology of New-Hampshire, first annual Report, by Charles T. Jackson. 1vol. Geology and Mineralogy of New-Hampshire, final report of, by Charles T. Jackson. 1 vol. Geology of New-Jersey, by Henry D. Rogers. 1 vol. 2 copies. Geological Report of the State of New-York, 1 840. 1 vol. Geology of New- York, {Mttural History of JVew-York.) First Geological District by William W. Mather, 1843. Second Geological District by Ebenezer Emmons, M. D., J 843. Third Geological District by Lardner Vanuxem, 1842. Fourth Geological District by James Hall, 1843.— 4 vols. Geological Map of New- York. Geological and Topographical Survey of Vermont, Report and Correspon dence on the subject of, 1838. 1 vol. 5 copies. PamphleL I GEOLOGY AND MINERALOGY. ^ Geology of Vermont, First Annual Report of the, by Professor Charles B. Adams. 1 vol. 8 copies. Second Report of the, by C. B. Adams. 1 vol. 150 copies. Third Report of the, by C. B. Adams. 1 vol. 250 copies. Fourth Report of the, by C. B. Adam$. 1 vol. 11 copies. Pamphlets. Geological Chart of. 2 copies. Mineralogy, Geology, Botany, and Zoology, of Massachusetts, Report on the, by Edward Hitchcock. 1 vol. of New- York, {JVatural History of J^eio-York,) by hewia C. Beck,M.D. 1842,1vol. 10 NATURAL HISTORY AND ZOOLOGY. Natural History and Zoology^ Mammalia and Ornithology, (Exploring Expedition,) by Titian R. Peale, one of the Naturalists of the Expedition. Natural History of Massachusetts, in four Parts, by Edward Hitchcock. 1vol. New- York, with a Geological Map of the State, 1842 — 1849. ISvo]^. — vol.VS waniing. ZooLoov- CONTENTS. Vol. 1. Mammalia, by James E. De Kay, M. D., with an introduction by William H. Seward, 1842. 1 vol. 2. Birds, by James E. De Kay, M. D., 1842. 1 vol. ' — 3. Reptiles and Amphibia, by'James E. De Kay, M. D., 1842. 1 vol ^ 4. Plates of Reptiles and Amphibia, by James E. De Kay, M. D., 1842. 1vol. . — 5. Mollusca and Crustacea, by James E. De Kay, M. D., ]843-(N. 1 vol -^6, 7. Botany, by John Torrey, M. D., 1843. 2 vols. ^ ^ 8. Mineralogy, by Lewis C. Beck, M. D., 1842. 1 vol. ^ 9. Geology, first Geological District, by Wm. W. Mather, 1843. 1vol. . — 10. Geology, second Geological District, by Ebenezer Emmons, M. D., 1843. 1vol. -^11. Geology, third Geological District, by Lardner Vanuxem, 1842. 1 vol ^"12. Geology, fourth Geological District, by James Hall, 1843. 1 vol 13,14. Agriculture, by Ebenezer Emmons, M. D., 1846,1849. S vols. Natural Histort — Natural History of Vermont, [Thompson's Vermont^) by Zadock Thomp- son, 1842. 1 vol. — 42 copies. Reports of Regents on Cabinet of New-York, 1848, 1850. 1 vol. Zoophytes, (Exploring Expedition,) by James D Dana, A.M., Geologist of the Expedition, vol. 7. 1 vol., with an Atlas of sixty plates. « I II HISTORY AND HISTORICAL COLLECTIONS. 11 History and Historical Collections* American Colonies, Marshall's — A History from their settlement to the commencement of the Revolutionary War, by John Marshall. 1 vol. Ancient Monuments of the Mississippi Valley — Smithsonian contributions to Knowledge, by E. G. Squier and E. H. Davis. 1 vol. Annals, Tryon County, New-York. 1 vol. Connecticut, Colonial Records of, 1636,- 1665. 1 vol. Georgia, History of, by Wm. Bacon Stevens, vol. 1. Maine, Williamson's History of. 2 vols. Maryland, History of, from its first settlement in 1633 to the Restoration in 1660, by John Lee Bozman. 2 vols. Middlebury, Semi-Centcnnial Sermon embracing a History of, 1840 pamphlet. New-Hampshire Historical Society, Collections of, vols. 2, 3, 4, tvUh du- pUcate vol. 2. New- York, History of the late Province of, from its discovery to the ap- pointment of Governor Col den in 1762, by the Hon. William Smith. S vols. New- York, Documentary History of, by E. B. O'Callaghan, M. D. 2 vols Pennsylvania, Colonial Records of, from the organization to the termina- tion of the Proprietary Government, 1683, 1800, by order of the Gov- ernment 3 vols. United States, Political and Civil History of, from 1763 to 1797, by Timo- thy Pitkin. 2 vols. United States, History and Topography of, from the earliest period to the present time, by John Howard Hinton. 2 vols. — vol. 1 wanting. United States, Bancroft's History of, by Geo. Bancroft. 3 vols. Vermont, History of, by Nathan Hoskins. 1 vol. History of, by Samuel Williams, 1794. 2 vols. History of, by Samuel Williams, 1809. 1 vol. History of, in three parts. Natural, Civil and Statistical, with a Map of the State and 200 Engravings, by Zadock Thompson. 1 vol. 42 copies. Deficiencies in the History of, — An Address delivered before the Vermont Historical and Antiquarian Society, by James Davie Butler, 1846. Pamphlet^ 2 copies. 12 BIOGRAPHY AND MEMOIRS. Biography and Memoirsi Allen, Ethan, Life of, by Jared Sparks, L. L. D. 1 vol. 6 copies. Chipraan, Nathaniel, Life of, with selections from his writings, by Daniel Chipraan. 1 vol. 6 copies. Chittenden, Thomas, Memoirs of, the First Governor of Vermont, with a History of the Constitution during his administration, by Daniel Chip- man, 1849. 1 vol. 6 copies. Heatli, Major General, Memoirs of, by himself 1 vol. ay, .Tohn, Life of, with selections from his correspondence and his Miscel laneous Papers, by his son William Jay. 2 vols. Lee, Richard Henry, Life of, and his correspondence with the most dis- tinguished men in America and Europe, illustrative of their characters and of the Events of the American Revolution, by his Grand-son. vols. Morris, Govemeur, Life of, with selections from his Correspondence and Miscellaneous Papers, by Jared Sparks. 3 vols. Statesmen of America in 1846, by Sarah Mytton Mauray. Presented by the Authoress. 1 vol. Warner, Seth, Memoirs of, by Daniel Chipman, to which is added the Life of Ethan Allen by Jared Sparlcs. 1 vol. 6 copies. Life of. Addresses upon the Battle of Bennington and before tlie Legislature of Vermont, by James Davie Butler and George Frederick Houghton. 1 vol. 3 copies. Washington, George, Life of, by John Marshall. 5 vols. Life of, by Daniel Ramsay, M. D. 1 vol. Wilkinson's Memoirs of My Own Times, by Gen. James Wilkinson. 3 vols. II 11 EDUCATION AND EDUCATIONAL DOCUMENTS. 13 Education and Educational Documents* American Art Union, Transactions of, 1847, 1848. Pamphlets. Ethnography and Pliilology, {Erplonng Expedition,) vol. C, by Horatio Hale, Philologist to the Expedition. 1 vol. Connecticut, Commissioners of Common Schools, Report, 1842. 1 vol. Illinois, Cooley's Appeal in behalf of the Common Schools of. Pamph- let, 1849. Report of the Superintendent of Common Schools. PampJdet, 1849. Synopsis of tlie School Laws of. Pamphlet, 1849. New-Hampshire, Report of the Commissioner of Common Schools of, 1848. Pamphlet. New- York, Digest of the Common School System of, by S. S. Randall, 1vol. Reports of the Regents of the University of New- York, 1835, ' 1850, 17 vols. 1842, 2 vols. Reports of the Regents upon the State Library, 1845, 1850. ) vol. Instructions of the Regents to the Academies, 1845. 1 vol. Pennsylvania, School Laws of, 1848. Pamphlet. Report of the Controller of Public Schools in the City and County of Philadelphia, ] 846. Pamphlet. Report of the Regents of the Smithsonian Institute, 1849. Pamphlet. to the Smitlisonian Institute on the discovery of Neptune. Pamph- let Smithsonian Contributions to Knowledge, Ancient Monuments in the Mis- sippi Valley, by E. G. Squier and E. H. Davis. 1 vol. Occultations, 1849. Pamphlet. Unity of Purpose^ by Augustus Young. 1 vol. 9 copies. Vermont, Annual Reports of the State Superintendent of Common Schools, 1846, 8 copies. 1847, 89 copies. 1848, 13 copies. 14 PRISONS, ASYLUMS, HOSPITALS, &c. Prisons^ Asylums, Hospitals, &c« Connecticut, American Asylum for the Deaf and Dumb at Hartford, Sev-j enteenth Report of, with the Annual Report of the Com-j mittee of the Philadelphia Association for alleviating the| miseries of the Public Prisons, 1833, and the Seventh Annual Report of the American Colonization Society, with an Appendix. 1 vol. Nineteenth Report of tlie American Asylum at Hartford for the instruction of the Deaf and Dumb, Seventeenth Annu- al Report of the Prison Discipline Society, Fifth Annualj Report of the House of Refuge, Ph'iladelphia, Seventh Annual Report of the American Colonization Society and Journal of Council of Censors of Vermont, 1820, '21. 1vol. Annual Reports of the Du-ectors of the American Asylum for the instruction of the Deaf and Dumb, 1836, 1849. Pamphlets. Massachusetts, Perkins Institution for the Blind. Pamphlets. New-York, Report of the Prisoners' Association of, mcluding Constitution, By-Laws, &c. in 2 parts. Pamphlet. Institution for the Blind, Report of the Managers, 1850, Pamphlet. Institution for the Deaf and Dumb, Report of, 1849. Pamph- let. Ohio, Report of tlie Lunatic Asylum of, 1840, 1849. 1845 wanting. Pamphlets. Prison Discipline Soc., Annual Reports of the, 182(3, 1850. Pamphlets. Vennont, Report of Committee on Finances of the Prison of, 1847. Pamphlet. Asylum for the Insane, Reports of. Pampldets. BIBLES, CATALOGUES, LEXICONS, &c. 15 Bibles, Catalogues, Lexicons, &€■ Bibles, Polyglot, 6 copies. Miissey's Quarto Edition. I vol. Biblica Sacra, (Vulgatse Editionis) 1686. 1 vol. Catalogues, Johnson's Law Library 1849. Pamphlet. Maine State Library, 1850. 1 vol. Massachusetts General Court Library, 1849. 1 vol. Mississippi State Library. Pamphlet. New-York State Library, 1850. 1 vol. Phi Sigma Nu Society, Vermont University, 1846. Pamphlet. University of Vermont Library, 1843. Pamphlet. University of Vennont, 1847, 1849. Pamphlet. Dictionary, Tomlin's Law Dictionary. 3 vols. Webster's English. 2 vols. University Edition. 1 vol. 3 copies. Register, Walton's Vermont, 1843 — 1850. Sundry copies. Vermont Almanac, Woodstock, 1846, 1847. 16 MISCELLANEOUS WORKS. Miscellaneous Workst American Almanac, 1830, 1848. 18 vols. Appendix to the Congressional Globe, First Session, Thirtieth Congress. 1 vol. 2 copies. Presented by the Hon. Lucien B. Chase. Brodhead, John Romeyn, Final Report of. 1 vol. Chesterfield, Lord, Letters of, to his son. 4 vols. Cooper's System of Tactics. 1 vol. Cushing's Manual. 1 vol. 16 copies. Eastman's Poems, by Charles G. Eastman. 1 vol. 2 copies. Present- ed by the Author. Encyclopedia Americana. 13 vols. Exploring Expedition, United States, ( Government Edition,) including two Atlases, 1838, 1842, 10 vols. 1, 5. Narrative. 5 vols, with Atlas. 6. Ethnography and Philology, by Horatio Hale, Philologist to the Expedition. 1 vol. 7. Zoophytes, by James G. Dana, A. M. Geologist of the Ex- pedition, witli a folio Atlas of sixty Plates. 8. Mammalia and Ornithology, by Titian R. Peale, one of the Naturalists of the Expedition. Fedcraliat, The, by Hamilton, Madison and Jay. 1 vol. Jefierson's Manual. 1 vol. 2 copies. Madison, James, the Papers of, purchased by order of Congress. 3 vols, Maine, a survey of, w ith reference to its Geographical Features, Statistics and Political Economy, by Moses Greenleaf. 1 vol. Marsh, George P., Address of, before the Burlington Mechanics' Institute, 1843. PampJUet. Memoir, Geographical, Political and Commercial, by A. H. Palmer, Pamphlet, 4 copies. Mexican War, Review of the, by William Jay. 1 vol. Poems, by Johw G. Saxe, second edition. 1 vol. Presented by the Au- thor. Prize Essays on a Congress of Nations. 1 vol. Reading, a course on, by the Rev. James Rycroft. 1 vol. Presented by G. W. COTTRILL. II « I MISCELLANEOUS WORKS. 17 Rural Magazine, edited by S. Williams', 1795, 1796. 2 vols. Sermon, preached in 173C. Presented by the Rev. Mr. Taylor. Manu- script. Sermons, Election, by the Rev. Tobias Spicer and Russel Streeter, PampMets. Smithsonian Contributions to Knowledge, Ancient Monuments of the Mississippi Valley, by E. G. Squier and E. H. Davis. 1 vol. Pre- sented. Statesman's Manual, Addresses, Messages, Memoirs, &c. of the Presi- dents of the United States, by Edwin Williams. 2 vols. Statesmen of America in 184G, by Sarah Mytton Mauret. 1 vol Presented by the Authoress. Statistics of Industry, Connecticut, 1846. 1 vol. 3 copies. Massachusetts, 1846. 1 vol. 3 copies. Unity of Purpose, by Augustus Young. 1 vol. 9 copies. Vattemare's Addresses, with proceedings of the Legislatures of New- Hampshire, Nortli Carolina and Vermont, relative to the System of Lit- erary and Scientific Exchanges. 1 vol. War, an Inquir)^ into the Accordancy of, with the principles of Christian ity, etc. by J. Dymond 1 vol. 2 copies. Weights and Measures, Report on the Standard of, by J. H. Alexander. 1 vol. PART II. LAW BOOKS. ELEMENTARY AND MISCELLANEOUS LAW. JUDICIAL REPORTS— SEPARATE STATES. STATUTE LAW— UNITED STATES. STATUTE LAW— SEPARATE STATES. Elementary and Miscellaneous Lawi Bingham on Infancy and Coverture. 1 vol. 2 copies. Chipman on Government, (Nathaniel Chipman.) 1 vol. 4 copies. Chipman on Contracts, (Daniel Chipman.) 1 vol. Chitty's Medical Jurisprudence. 1 vol. Kent's Commentaries. 4 vols. Oliver's Law Summary. 1 vol. Story's Commentaries on the Constitution. 3 vols. Tomlin's Law Dictionary. 3 vols. 22 JUDICIAL REPORTS AND DIGESTS. Judicial Reports and Digests of the separate States of the United States : ALPHABETICALLY AND CHRONOLOGICALLY ARRANGED. Note. — The following table includes many valuable Reports and Di gests which are not to be found in the State Library : and these are de- signated by a dagger — (f ). ALABAMA. fMinor's Reports, from 1820 to 1826. Stewart's Reports, from 1827 to 1831, vol. 3. Stewart and Porter's Reports, from 1831 to 1834, vol. 2. Porter's Reports, vols. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9. 1834—1839. Alabama Reports, New Series, vols. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10. fPhillip's Digest of Reports to 1849. fLigon's Chancery Digest, 1847. ARKANSAS. Pike's Reports from 1837 to 1842, vols. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. English's Reports, vols. 1, 2, 3. CONNECTICUT. fKirby's Reports, from 1785 to 1788. 1 vol. fRoot's Reports, from 1789 to 1798. 2 vols. fDay's Reports, from 1802 to 1813. 5 vols. Day's Connecticut Reports, vols. 13, 17, 18. tDutton's Digest fDay's Digest of Reports, 1840. DELAWARE. Harrington's Reports from 1832 to 1844, vols. 1, 2, 3, 4. FLORIDA. Branch's Reports, 1846 to 1848, vol. 1. Archer's Reports, 1848. 1 vol Hogue's Reports. 1 vol. fl I I I JUDICIAL REPORTS AND DIGESTS. 23 GEORGIA. fCharlton's (Thomas U. P.) Reports, 1810. 1 vol. fCharlton's (R. M.) Reports, 1811 to 1837. 1 vol. fDudley's Reports from 1821 to 1833. 1 vol. Superior Court Reports for 1842, 1843. 2 vols. Kelley's Reports, vols. 1, 2. fGeorgia Decisions to 1844. ILLINOIS. Breese's Reports from 1819 to 1830, vol. 1. Scammon's Reports from 1832 to 1843, vols. 2, 3, 4. Gilman's Reports, vols. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. fConover's Digested Index, 1834. fGilman's Digest of Reports, 1844. INDIANA. Blackford's Reports, vols. J, 5, 6, 7, 8. fConover's Digested Index, 1834. f Gilman's D'gest of Reports,- 1844. IOWA. Morris's Iowa Reports, vol. 1. Green's Iowa Reports, vol. 1. KENTUCKY. fHughes' Reports, from 1785 to 1801. I vol. f Kentucky Decisions, from 1801 to 1805. 1 vol. fHardin's Reports, from 1805 to 1808. 1 vol. jBibb's Reports, from 1808 to 1817. 4 vols. fMarshaU's (A. K.) Reports, from 1817 to 1821. 3 vols. fLittel's Select Cases, from 1795 to 1821. fLittel's Reports, from 1822 to 1824. 6 vols. fMonroe's Reports, 1794 to 1821. 7 vols. fMarshaU's (J. J.) Reports, from 1829 to 1832. 7 vols. fDana's Reports, from 1833 to 1849. 9 vols. B. Monroe's Reports, vols. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 8, 9. f Pirttle's Digest of Reports. 2 vols. 24 JUDICIAL REPORTS AND DIGESTS. LOUISIANA. fMartin's Reports, from 1809 to 1823. 12 vols. fMartin's Reports, new series, from 1823 to 1830. 8 vols. f Same, condensed. 20 vols, in 4. f Louisiana Reports, from 1S30 to 1841. 19 vols. fRobinson's Reports, from 1841 to 1843. 12 vols. f Benjamin & Slidell's Digest of Reports, J839. MAINE. f Maine Reports. fGreenleafs Reports, from 1820 to 1832. 9 vols. fFairfield's Reports, from 1833 to 1835. 3 vols. Shepley's Reports, vols. 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18. Appleton's Reports, vol. 19, 20. Shepley's Reports, vols. 21, 22, 23, 25, 26, 27, 28. fSmith's Court Martial Reports. fEastman's Digest, 1847. MARYLAND. Harris and McHenry's Reports, vols. 1, 2, 3, 4. Harris and Johnson's Reports, vols. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7. Harris and Gill's Reports, vols. 1, 2. Gill and Johnson's Reports, vols. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12. Gill's ReiJort, vols. 1,2. fBIand's Chancery Reports, from 1811 to 1832. fRaymond's Digest of Chancery Reports. MASSACHUSETTS. fMassachusett's Reports, from 1804 to 1822. 17 vols. fPickering's Reports, from 1822 to 1840. 24 vols. Metcairs Reports, vols. 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 1 1, 12. Cushing's Reports, vol. 1. f Minot's Digest of Reports, f Bigelow's Digest t " Supplement. fHilliard's Digest fMetcalTs Digest f Philip's Digest - I I JUDICIAL REPORTS AND DIGESTS. 25 MICHIGAN. Walker's Chancery Cases. 1 vol. Harrington's Chancery Reports, vol. 1. Douglass' Michigan Reports, vol. 1. MISSISSIPPI. fWalker's Reports, from 1818 to 1832. 1 vol. Howard's Reports, vols. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6. Sraedes and Marshall's Reports, vols. 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12. Freeman's Chancery Reports. J vol. fSmedes & Marshall's Chancery Reports. fSmedes' Digest of Reports. MISSOURI. McBride's Reports, — Missouri Reports, voL 1. Edward's Reports, — Missouri Reports, vols. 2, 3. Napton's Reports, — Missouri Reports, vol. 4. Bay's Reports, — Missouri Reports, vols. 5, 6, 7, 8. Stringfellow's Reports, — Missouri Reports, vols. 9, 10, 1 1. NEW-HAMPSHIRE. Adams' Reports, — New-Hampshire Reports, vol. 1. Richardson & Woodbury's Reports, — New-Hampshire Reports, vol. 2. New-Hampshire Reports, vols. 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 12, 13. Gilchrist's Digest of Reports, 1846. 1 vol. NEW-JERSEY. fCoxe's Reports, from 1790 to 1795. 1 vol. fPennington's Reports, from 1806 to 1813. 2 vols, in 1. fSouthard's Reports, from 1816 to 1820. 2 vols. Halsted's Chancery Reports, vol. 1. Green's Chancery Reports, vols. 1, 2, 3. fSaxton's Chancery Reports, 1830 to 1832. Harrison's Reports, vol. 4. Spencer's Reports, vols. 1, 2. Zabriskie's Reports, 1 vol. 4 26 JUDICIAL REPORTS AND DIGESTS. NEW-YORK. f Coleman's Cases, from 1794 to 1800. fLockwood's Reversed Cases, 1799 to 1847, 1 vol. f Coleman & Caine's Cases, from 1794 to 1805, 1 vol. fCaine's Reports, froni 1803 to 1805, 3 vols. fCaine's Cases in Error^ 1804, 1805, 2 vols. fYates' Select Cases. tAnthon's Nisi Prius Cases, 1808 to 1818, 1 vol. fWheeler's Criminal Cases, 3 vols. f Hall's Superior Court Reports, 1828 to 1829, 2 vols. ^Hoffman's Vice Chancery Reports, 1839 to 1840, 1 vol. fEdward's Vice Chancery Reports, 1831 to 1842, 3 vols. fClarke's Vice Chancery Reports, 1839 to 1841, 1 vol. fJohnson's Cases, 1799 to 1803, 3 vols. Johnson's Reports, vols. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11. f Cowen's Reports, 1823 to 1828, 9 vols. tWendell's Reports, 1828 to 1841, 26 vols. fHill's Reports, vols, 3,6, 7. fJohnson's Chancery Reports, 1814 to 1823, 7 vols. fHoward's Practice Reports, 1844 to 1845. 3 vols. Denio's Reports, vols. 1, 2, 3. fHopkins' Chancery Reports, 1823 to 1826. 1 vol. Paige's Chancery Reports, vol. 9. fSanford's Vice Chancery Reports, 1843 to 1846. 3 vols. Barbour's Reports, vols. 1, 2, 3. Comstock's Court of Appeals Reports, vol. 1. fCo wen's Digest. fNew-York Digest, 1822. fNew-York Digest, 1836. fClerke'fl Digest of Reports. NORTH CAROLINA. fMartin's Reports. fHaywood's Reports, from 1789 to 1806. 2 vols. fTaylor's Reports, from 1789 to 1802. 1 vol. tCaraeron & Norwood's Conference Reports, from 1800 to 1804. 1 vol. JUDICIAL REPORTS AND DIGESTS.. 27 fNorth Carolina Term Reports, from 18 J 6 to 1818. 1 vol. fMurphey's Reports, from 1804 to 1819. 3 vols. fHawks' Reports, from 1820 to 1826. 4 vols. fRuffin's Reports. f Devereux's Reports. f Devereux's Equity Reports. Devereux & Battle's Reports, vols. 3 and 4. Devereux & Battle's Equity Reports, Vol. 2. ' Cases in Supreme Court, 1834 to 1835. 1 vol. Iredell's Reports, vols. 2, 4, 5, 6, 7. Iredell's Equity Reports, vols. 3, 4, 5, and other parts. North Carolina Reports, — Iredell's Law, vols. 7, 8. flredell's Digest of Reports, 1847. 3 vols. OHIO. fHammond's Ohio Reports, from 1821 to 1839. 9 vols, t Wright's Reports, from 1831 to 1834. I vol. tVVilcox's Reports, from 1840 to 1841. 1 vol. Stanton's Reports, — Ohio Reports, vols, 11, 12. Gris wold's Reports, — Ohio Reports, vols. 14, 15, 16, 17. f Conover's Digest of Reports, 1838, 1 VoL fWilcox's Digest of Reports, 1844. l^yol. PENNSYLVANIA. fBrowne's Reports, from 1806 to 1814. 2 vols. fMiles' Reports, from 1835 to 1840. 2 vols. fAshmead's Reports, from 1808 to 1841. 2 vols. fDallas' Reports, from 1754 to 1806. 4 vols, t Addison's Reports, from 1791 to 1799. 1 vol. fYeate's Reports, from 1791 to 1808. 4 vols. fBinney's Reports, from 1799 to 1814. 6 vols, f Sergeant & Rawle's Reports, from 1818. to 1829. 17 vols. fRawle's Reports, from 1828 to 1835. 5 vols. t Wharton's Reports, from 1835 to 1841. . 6 vols. fPennsylvania Reports, from 1829 to 1832. 3 vols. fWatts' Reports, from 1832 to 1840. , 10 vols, t Watts' & Sergeant's Reports, from 1841 to 1844. 9 vols. fPennsylvania State Reports, by Barr, from 1844 to 1846. 3 vols. fWharton's Digest of Reports, 1843. \3 vols. 1» JUDICIAL REPORTS AND DIGESTS. SOUTH CAROLINA. fBay's Reports, from 1783 to 1804. 2 vols. f Dessaussure's Equity Reports, from the revolution to 1813. 4 vols. fBrevard's Reports, from 1793 to 1816. 3 vols. fSouth Carolina Reports, from 1812 to 1816. 2 vols. fNott & McCord's Reports, from 1817 to 1820. 2 vols. fMills' Constitutional Reports, for 1817, 1818. 2 vols, in 1. fHarper's Reports, 1823, 1824. 1 vol. fHarper's Equity Reports, 1824. 1 vol. fMcCord's Reports, from 1820 to 1828. 4 vols. fMcCord's Chancery Reports, from 1825 to 1829. 2 vols. fBailey's Reports, from 1828 to 1832. 1 vol. |l| fBailey's Chancery Reports, from 1830 to 1831. 1 voL " fHill's Reports, from 1833 to 1837. 3 vols. fHilPs Chancery Reports, 1838. 3 vols. fRiley's Chancery Cases, from 1836 to 1837. 1 vol. tRiley's Law Cases, from 1836 to 1837. 1 vol. fDudley's Law and Equity Reports, from 1837 to 1838. 1 voL fRice's Reports, from 1838 to 1839. 1 vol. f Rice's Chancery Reports, from 1838 to 1839. 1 vol. fCheves' Reports, from 1839 to 1840. 2 vols. Richardson's Law Reports, vols. 1, 2, 3. Richardson's Equity Reports, vols. 1, 2. McMnllan's Equity Reports, vol. 1. McMullan's Reports, vols. 1, 2. Spere's Equity Reports, vol. 1. Spere's Reports, vol. 1, 2. Strobhart's Equity Reports, vols. 1,2. fConstitutional Reports. fNott's Reports. Strobhart's Law Report, vols. 1, 2. fRice's Digest of Reports, 1838. 2 vols. I JUDICIAL REPORTS AND DIGESTS. 29 TENNESSEE. f Overton's Tennessee Reports, from 1791 to 1815. 2 vols. fCooke's Reports, from 1811 to 1814. 2 vols. fHaywood's Reports, from 1816 to 1818. 3 vols. fPeck's Reports, from 1822 to 1824. 1 vol. fMartin & Yerger's Reports, from 1825 to 1828. 1 voL fMeigs' Reports, from 1838 to 1839. 1 vol. Yerger's Reports, 1832 to 1837. 10 vols. Humphrey's Reports, vols. 6, 7, 8, 9. fHolman's Digest, 1835. 1 vol TEXAS. Webb and Duvall's Reports— Texas Reports, 1846, '47. 1 vol. VERMONT. Nathaniel Chipman's Reports, from 1789 to 1791. 1 vol, Tyler's Reports, from 1801 to 1803. 2 vols. Brayton's Reports, from 1815 to 1819. 1 vol. Daniel Chipman's Reports, from 1789 to 1825. 2 vols. Aiken's Reports, for 1826, 1827. 2 vols. Vermont Reports, from 1827 to 1837, 9 vols. Shaw's Reports, 1838, — ^Vermont Reports, vol. 10. Shaw and Weston's Reports, 1839, — Vermont Reports, vol. 1 1 . Weston's Reports, 1840 to 1 843,— Vermont Reports, vols. 12, 13, 14 Slade's Reports, 1843, — ^Vermont Reports, vol. 15. W^ashburn's Reports, from 1844 to 1850, — Vermont Reports, vols. 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21. Washburn's Digest, 1845. 1 vol. VIRGINIA. fJefferson's Reports, from 1730 to 1772. 1 vol. fVirginia Cases, from 1789 to 1826. 2 vols. fWythe's Chancery Reports, from 1790 to 1795. 1 vol. t Washington's Reports, from 1790 to 1796. 2 vols. fCall's Reports, from 1790 to 1818. 6 vols. tHening & Munford's Reports, from 1806 to 1809. 4 vols. 30 JUDICIAL REPORTS AND DIGESTS. fMunford's Reports, from 1810 to 1820. 6 vols. fGilmer's Reports, during 1820 and 1821. 1 vol. fRandolph's Reports, from 182J to 1828. 6 vols. fLeigh's Reports, from 1829 to 1841. 12 vols, f Robinson's Reports, from 1842 to 1844. 2 vols. fOrattan's Reports, from 1844 to 1846. 2 vols. fHall's Digest of Reports, 1832. 2 vols. Yates' Digest of Reports, 1847. 2 vols. WISCONSIN. Burritt's Reports. 1 I II I I STATUTE LAW. 31 Statute Law, United States. No. Vols. Copieg Digest of the Commercial Relations with Foreign Nations, 1 1 Gordon's Digest of the Laws of the United States, with His- torical and Explanatory Notes, 1 1 Little and Brown's Edition of tlie Laws of the United States, edited by Richard Peters, 1789, 1845, 8 1 Public Statutes, with Index, vols. 1 — 5. Private Statutes, with Index, vol. G. Indian Treaties, vol. 7. European Treaties, vol. 8. Statutes at large upon Treaties, Little & Brown'i edition, edited by Geo. Minot, Laws of the United States, 1796, Laws, including Treaties, 1821, 18-38, Laws, 1789, 1815, 1802, 03, 07, 08, 10, 1803, 1805, 1806, 07, 10, 1806, 09, 15, 2J, 1809, 1812, 1810, 17, 18, 1814, 16, 1816, 18, 19, 21, 1817, 18, 1819, 1823, (1820 t/jan/in^,) 1822, 1826, (1824 wanting,) 1822, 1827, {\S2i'want{ng,) 1826, 1830, 1827, 1831, 1828, 1828, 1832, Acts and Resolves, 1829, 1834, 1830, 1832, 1834, 1836, 32 STATUTE LAW. Acts and Resolves, 1837, 1 5 1837, 1838, 1849,— 1839 tTffnft'ng-, 11 4 The Library contains the Acts and Resolves unbound, from the 3d Ses- sion, 12th Congress, to the 2d Session of the 30th Congress inclusive, but not complete sets. Statute Law—Separate States. ALABAMA. Tolmin's Digest of the Laws, lb23, No. Vols. Copies. 1 2 Clay's Digest of the Laws, 1843, 1 1 Acts and Resolves, 1818, 1 1 1822, 23, 24, 25, 2G, 28, 1 1 1821, 22, 24, 27, 4 1 1828, 1829, 2 2 1832, 1 1 1834, 1 3 1835, 37, 2 2 1838, 40, I 1 1841, 42, 1 1 1843, 44, 1 2 1844, 45, 46, 2 I 1849, 50, 1 1 ARKANSAS. Revised Statutes, 1837, 1 3 Digest of Statutes, 1846, 1 2 Acts and Resolves, 1837, 1 3 1840, 1 2 1842, 1846, 3 3 1848, 1 2 CONNECTICUT. Revised Statutes, 1821, 1 2 1835, 1 2 1838, 1 2 1849, 1 1 STATUTE LAW. 33 No. Vols. Copies. Laws, 1769, 1 Private Acts and Resolves, 1789, 1836, 1 Laws, 1796, 1 Public Acts, 1821, 22, 29, 30, 31, 33, 35, 1 1821, 29, 30, 31, 33, 35, 1 1833, 35, 2 1836, 37, 2 3 1838, 39, 2 6 1842, 1 3 1845, 1 2 1847, 1848, 2 3 Public and Private Acts, 1841, 1842, 2 3 Public Acts, 1842, 43, 1 5 Public Acts and Resolves, 1843, 1846, 3 1 1849, 1 3 Private Acts and Resolves, 1844, 1 1 1845, 1 3 1846, 1 1 1849, 1 2 DELAWARE. Revised Laws, 1829, 1 2 Laws, 1700, 1813, 4 2 1813, 1818, 1 2 1821, 1827, 1 1 1829, 1835—1834 wanting, 1 2 1837, 39, 41, 43, 47, 49, 6 3 FLORIDA. Thompson's Digest of the Laws, 1847, 1 1 Laws, 1824, 25, 33, 35, 1 1 1833, 36, 39, 3 1 1842, 1844, 3 1 1845, 1 3 1846, 1849, 4 1 5 ^^u^^^ ■ 31 STATUTE LAW. GEORGIA. No, Vols. Copies. Compilation of the Laws, 1800, 1810, 1 1 Prince's Digest of the Laws, 1820, 1 1 Hodgkiss' Codification of the Statutes, 1845, 1 2 Cobb's Analysis and Forms, 1846, 1 1 Laws, 1823, 1826, 1 1 1829, 1832, 2 1 1834, 1835, 1 1 1835, 1836, 1 2 1837, 1839, 2 3 1842, 1843, 1848, 3 1 ILLINOIS. " Revised Code, 1829, 1 1833, 1 Revised Statutes, 1845, 1 Acts and Resolves, 1820, 1825, 1 1822, 1823, 1 1831, 1 1834, 1840, 3 1835, 3 1838, 1839, 2 1841, 1845, 3 1847, 1849, 2 3 INDIANA. Revised Laws, 1831, 1 3 Revised Statutes, 1838, 1 3 1843, 1 2 Acts and Resolves, 1817, 1823, 1 1818, 1823, 1 1823, '25, '27, '35, 1 1824, 1 J828, 1829, 2 1830, 1 2 1833, 1834, 2 3 1835, 1 1 STATUTE LAW. 35 No. Vols. Copies. Acts and Resolves, 1835, '36, I 1 1840, 1 2 ]841, 1843, 2 3 1843, '44, 1 1 1844, '45, 1 2 1846, 1848, 3 2 General Acts and Resolves, 1844, 1 3 . 1845, '49, 1850, 3 2 Local Acts and Resolves, 1844, '45, '49, 2 2 IOWA. Acts and Resolves, 1847, 1 2 1848,. 1 1 1850, 1 3 KENTUCKY. Morehead and Brown's Digest, 1834, 1 2 Acts and Resolves, 1815, 1817, 1 1 1820, '22, '23, 3 2 1824, 1 3 1825, 1 2 1826, 1 1 1827, 1845, 18 2 1846, 1 1 1847, 1850, 4 2 LOUISIANA. Acts and Resolves, 1823, 1824, 2 1 1826, 1828, 3 1 1830, '31, '33, 2 . 1 1833, '35, 1 1 1836, 1837, 2 3 1839, 1841, 3 3 1845, 1849, 5 1 1850, 1 3 Private Acts, 1841, 1 3 36 STATUTE LAW. MAINE. No. VolB. Copies. Revised Statutes, 1840, 1 3 Acts and Resolves, 1823, 1830— (1826 wanting,) 1 1 1 1832, 1846, 13 3 1 1847, 1 2 1 1848, 1 3 1849, 1 1 Special Acts, 1838, 1839, 2 3 Resolves, 1838, 1839, 2 3 MARYLAND. Kitty, Harris & Watkins' Compilation of the Laws from 1799, 7 Dorsey's Laws, 3 Testamentary Laws, 1 Index to the Laws and Resolutions, 1832, 1837, 1 Acts and Resolves, 1811, 1814, 1815, 1816, 1819, 1824, 1830, 12 1831, 1845, 11 3 MASSACHUSETTS. Revised Statutes, 1836, 1 2 General Laws, 1780, 1800, imp. 1 2 General Laws from the adoption of the Constitution to 1822, 2 Digest of Laws, 1807, 1816, Laws, 1816, 1817, 1825—1823 wanting, 1818, 1818, 21, 22, 24, 25, 26, 1821, 1822, 23, 24, 25, 26, 35, 1822, 1829, 1835, m same ro?. 18-23, 1831,-1828, '30 wanting, 1824, 1827, 1830, 1835,-1831, '33 wanting, 1832, '34, '35, 1835, 1836, 1837, 2 1838, 4 Acts and Resolves, 1839, 1850,-1842 wanting, 10 3 STATUTE LAW. 37 MICHIGAN. No. Vols. Copies. Revised Statutes, 1838, 1 1 Laws of the Territory, 1820, 1 1 1824, '25, '28, '29, 1 1 1827, 1 1 Acts and Resolves, 1837, 1842, 5 3 1843, 1847, 5 2 1848, 1850, 3 1 MISSISSIPPI. Poindexter's Revised Code, 1824, 1 1 Hutchinson's Mississippi Code, 1789, 1849, 1 ] Howard and Hutchinson's Statutes, 1840, 1 1 Public Acts, 1824, 1838, 1 3 Acts and Resolutions, 182'/, '28, '30, I 1 1827, '30, '31, '33, 1 1 1833, 1 1 1838, 1840, 3 3 1841, 1842, 1 2 1843, '48, 1 1 1850, 1 2 Local Laws, 1844, 1 3 MISSOURI Revised Statutes, 1825, 2 2 1835, 1 3 1845, 1 3 Acts and Resolves, 1821, '26, '28, '30, '32, 1 1 1821, '28, '30, '32, 1 1 1826, '28, '30, 'Sa, 1 1 1836, 1849,-1837, 1846, 1848 wanting, 7 3 NEW-HAMPSHIRE. Digest of the Laws, 1815, 1 2 Laws, 1792, 1 1 1797, 1 1 . 1817, 1 1 38 STATUTE LAW. No. Vols. Copies. Laws, 1817, '22, '23, '24, '25, '29, '31, 1835, 1 1823, 1825, '29, 1831, 1835, 1 1824, 2 1833, 2 ia36, 7 1837, 1 Acts and Resolves, 1838, 1839. 3 1841, 1 1842, 2 1843, 3 1844, June and November Session, 3 1845, 1846, 3 1848, June and November Session, 3 1849, 3 NEW-JERSEY. Revised Laws, 1821, 2 Revised Statutes, 1847, 2 Laws, 1703, Acts and Resolves, 1820, 1821, 1826, 1822, 1825, 1825, 1831,-1830 ivaniing. 1827, 1831,-1830 wanting, 2 1832, 1835, 2 18:35, 1850, 14 3 NEW-YORK. Revised Statutes, 1829, 3 2 Second edition, 1835, 3 2 Laws governing the Champlain and Erie Canals, with Re- ports of Canal Commissioners, and other important docu- ments, with Maps, 1825, 2 Laws, 1811, 1812, 1 1813, 1818, 4 1816, '17, '18, 1 1820, '22, '23, 1 STATUTE LAW. Laws, 1825, '26, 1827, 1828, J828, '29, 1849, 1850, Codes of Procedure, 1848, NORTH CAROLINA. Revised Statutes, 1837, Acts and Resolves, 1823, J 828, '34, '35, 1829, 1830, 1834, iaS5, 1828, 1837,-1830 wanting, 1842, 1849, OHIO. Revised Statutes, 1841, Laws, 1806, 1816, 1823,— vol. 22, 1824,— vol. 23, 1831,— vol. 29, 1834, '35,— vols. 32, 33, 1835, 1839,— vols. 34 to 38, 1641, 1848-'9— vols. 39 to 47, PENNSYLVANIA. Laws, 1700, 1808, Carey & Brown's edition, Laws, with notes and references, from 1700 to 1830, — vol. wanting, Thompson's Laws, vols, 5, 6, 7, 8, Dallas' Laws, 1781, 1790,— vol.2, 1818, '19, '23, 1818, '21, '22, 1823, '25, '26, 1826, '27, 1828, 1842, 1843, 1844, 1845, 1849,-1847 wanlitig, VoU. Copies 1 2 1 4 1 6 22 3 1 1 2 3 I 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 4 1 1 3 1 1 1 3 1 2 1 1 5 3 9 1 9 12 2 4 40 STATUTE LAW. RHODE ISLAND. No Vols. Copies. Revised Laws, 1798, 1 1822, 1 184^, 1 Public Acts'and Resolves, 1822, '25 1 1825, '27, '31, '33, 1 1835, 2 1837, 2 1840, 1842, 1 1844, '45, 2 1845, '43, 1848, 3 1850, 1 SOUTH CAROLINA. Cooper & McCord's Statutes, 1687, 1838,— vol. 1 wantiTig, 10 1 Cooper's Statutes at large. 1 3 Brevard's Digest of the Laws, 3 2 Acts and Resolutions, 1817, '19, '23, '29, 1 1 1817, 19, 22, 23, 29, 1 1 1833, 39, 40, ' 1 1 1836, w 1 2 1838, 1839, '41, 3 1 1842, '44, '45, 3 2 1846, 1 1 1874, '48, 2 2 TENNESSEE. Hay ward & Cobb's Digest, 1831, 1 2 Caruthers and Nicholson's Compilation, 1836, 1 3 Scott's Laws of Tennessee, 1715, 1820, 1 1 Public Acts and Resolves, 1819, 1822, 1 1 1820, 1822, 1 1 1823, 1829,-1828 ivanting, 4 2 1831, 1835,-1834 canting, 4 1 1839, 1 3- 1841, 1843, !.- •;— -'. ... . 2 1 STATUTE LAW. 41 No. VoU. Copies. Public Acts and Resolves, 1847, '48, 1 2 1849, '50, 1 1 TEXAS. Laws and Decrees of Texas and Coahuila, 1824, 1835, 1 1 Acts and Resolutions, 1846, 1848, VERMONT. 2 1 Revised Laws, 1798, 1 1 1806, 1816, vol. 3, 1 2 Revised Statutes, 1839, 1 57 Digest of Laws, to 1807, 2 3 Slade's Compilation, 1825, 1 11 Thompson's Compilation, 1834, 1 32 Constitution and Laws, 1779, 1788, 1 1 Acts and Resolves, 1784, 1 1 Statutes of Vermont, 1786, 1787, 2 1 Laws, 1787, '91, '92, '93, 1 1 1791, 1796, 6 1 1798, 1810, 9 1 1802,. 03, 04, 1 1 1803, 1818, /owmrt/1801, 1 1 1803, 1831, 7 1 1810, '11, '12, 1 1 1810, 1813, 4 1 1812, 1813, 1 1 1815, 1829, 1823 & '28 wanting, 3 1 1816, 1 2 1820, 1834, 1824 wanting, 3 1 1820, 1 5 1820, 21, 22, 24, 1 2 1822, 24, 2 5 1822, 26, 1 1 1825, 1 3 1826, '27, 2 2 1825, '26, '27, '28, 1 1 6 1828, '29, 2 1 42 STATUTE LAW. No , Vols. Copies. Laws, 1828, 1831, 1 1 1828, 1834, 1S30 wanting, 1 5 1831, 1 2 1832, I 6 1833, '34, 2 1 1835, 1836,. 2 5 1836, '37, 1 10 1837, 1 1 1838, 1 13 1829, 1 23 1840, 1849, 10 10 The Library contains the Laws of Vermont unbound, from 1806 to 1849 inclusive, except 1814, but not in perfect sets. VIRGINIA. Digest of Laws, 1794, 1 1 Henning's Statutes at Large, 1660, 1755, Vol. 2,3,5,6, 4 1 Revised Code, 1802, 2 1 1819, 2 1 Code of Virginia, 1849, 1 1 Acts and Resolves, 1810, '11, '12, 1815, 2 1 1822, 1850,-1883, '43, 46 wanting, 14 1 WISCONSIN, Revised Statutes, 1849, 1 1 Statutes of Territory, 1839, 1 1 Acts and Resolves, 1842, 1843, 2 1 1848, 1850, \ <-- ^ -— : 3 2 PART III. STATE PAPERS AND LEGISLATIVE DOCUMENTS. AMERICAN STATE PAPERS. CENSUS DOCUMENTS. CONGRESS DOCUMENTS. STATE PAPERS— STEVENS' COLLECTION. STATE LEGISLATIVE DOCUMENTS, &:c. AMERICAN STATE PAPERS. 45 American State Papers. American Archives : A collection of Records, State Pajxirs, Debates, Letters and other Notices of Public Affairs, by Peter Force, Fourtli Series, 1774, 1776, 6 vols. Same, Fifth Series, 1776, 1783, vol. 1. 2 copies. American State Papers, and Public and Confidential Documents of the United States, 1789, 1819. 12 vols., 11 and 12 wanting. American State Papers : Documents, Legislative and Executive, of the Congress of the United States, edited by Lowrie & Clarke : Class I. Foreign Relations, 1789, 1822. 4 vols. II. Indian Affairs, 1789, 1827. 2 vols. m. Finances, 1789, 1822. 3 vols. IV. Commerce and Navigation, 1789, 1823. 2 vols. V. MUitary Affairs, 1789, 1823. 2 vols. VI. Naval Affairs, 1789, 1825. 1 vol. VII. Post Office Department, 1789, 1833. 1 vol. VIIL Public Lands, with duplicate sets, 1789, 1834-5. 5 vols. IX. Claims, 1789, 1823. 1 vol. X. Miscellaneous, 1789, 1823. 2 vols. Digest of Patents isaued by the United States, 1790, 1839. 1 vol. 3 copies. Executive Journal, 1789, 1829. 3 vols. 2 copies. Laws, Instructions and Opinions respecting the Public Lands. 1 vol. Public Acts of Congress respecting the sale and disposition of the Public Lands, 1776, 1838. 2 vols. Laws, Resolves and Ordinances relating to Revolutionary Claims, 1775,1838. I'vol. List of Pensioners, 1820. 1vol. Reports of the Secretary of the Treasury, to which are prefixed the Reports of Alexander Hamilton on Public credit, on a National Bank, on Manufactures, and on the Establishment of a Mint, 1790, 1828. 1vol. United States Official Registers, 1822, 1824, 1830, 1832, 1833, 1835, 1838, 1839, 1841, 1843, 1845, 1847, 1849. 13 vols. 4« CENSUS DOCUMENTS. Census Documents* 1. Fifth Census : or enumeration of the inhabit- ■■ ants of tlie United States for 1830, with the propor- ■■ tional number of each sex, color, age, free or slaves, foreigners or citizens, deaf and dumb or blind, &c. to whicli is prefixed a schedule of the census of 1790, 1800, 1810, 1820. 1 vol. 15 copies. 2. Sixth Census : or enumeration of the inhabit- ants of the United States for 1840, with the pro- portional number of each sex, age, color, free or slaves ; number employed in mining, agriculture, commerce, the learned professions and engineer- ing ; number of revolutionary and military pension- ers ; deaf & dumb, blind, insane, idiots ; universi- ties and colleges, academies and grammar schools, common and primary schools, students and schol- ars ; and number of white persons over twenty years of age who cannot read and write, &c. 1 vol. 10 copies. 3. Statistics of the United States, showing tlie ag- gregate value and produce ; and the number of persons employed in mmes, agriculture, manufac- tures, &c., exhibiting a full view of the pursuits, industry and resources of the different States or Territories, as collected under tlie act for taking the sixth census, 1840. 1 vol. 8 copies. 4. Compendium of the Enumeration of the inhab- itants and statistics of the United States, as obtain- ed from the returns of the Sixth Census, 1840 ; ex- hibitmg tlie population, wealtli and resources of the country ; witli tables of the different represen- tative apportionments and abstracts of eacli prece- ding census. 1 vol. 13 copies. I I II CENSUS DOCUMENTS. 47 5. Statistical view of the population, &c. of the Uni- ted States, sliowing the relative increase of the military strength ; the free and slave population, and citizens and foreigners ; the aggregate popula- tion at different periods ; tlic number of votes giv- en for Presidents and Vice Presidents ; also statis- tics of taxation, clergy, roads and bridges, value of labor, subsistence, paupers, education, public libra- ries, public journals, &c. from 1790 to 1830 inclu- sive. 1 vol. 4 copies. 6. Census of Pensioners for revolutionary or milita- ry services, with their names, ages, places of resi- dence, &c. as returned by tlie Sixth Census, 1840. 1 vol. 8 copies. 48 CONGRESSIONAL DOCUMENTS. Congressional Documents and Journals, published since tiie formation of tlie Government. Note. The following tables have been carefully prepared and af- ford useful information to those who wish to complete collections of Congressional Journals, State Papers and Documents, and will be of service in supplying the deficiencies of the State Library from the Departments at Washington. Congressional Documents* First Congress : First Session— March 4, 1789, to Sept 29, 1789. Senate Journal. House Journal. Documents. Second Session— January 4, 1790, to August 12, 1790. Senate Journal. House Journal. Documents. Third Session— December 6, 1790, to March 3, 1791. Senate Journal. House Journal. Documents. Second Congress : Fu-st Session— October 24, 1791, to May 8, 1792. Senate Journal. House Journal. Documents. Second Session— November 2, 1792, to March 3, 1793. Senate Journal. House Journal. Documents. I i CONGRESSIONAL DOCUMENTS 49^ Third CongreBs : First Sessipn—December 2, 1793, to June 9, 1794. Senate Journal. House Journal. Documents. Second Session— November 3, 1794, to March 3, 1795. Senate Journal, House Journal. Documents. Reports. Fourth Congress : First Session— December 7, 1795, to June 1, 1796. Senate Journal. House Journal. Documents. Reports. Second Session— December 5, 179G, to March 3, 1797. Senate Journal. House Journal. Documents. Reports. Fifth Congress : First Session— May 15, 1797, to July 10, 1797. Senate Journal. House Journal. Documents. Second Sossion— November 13, 1797, to July 16, 1798. Senate Journal. House Journal. Documents. Reports. Third Session—December 3, 1798, to March 3, 1799 . Senate Journal. House Journal. Documents. 7 Reports. 50 CONGRESSIONAL DOCUMENTS. Sixth Congress : First Session— December 2, 1799, to March 14, 1800. Senate Journal. House Journal. Documents. Reports. Second Session— November 17, 1800, to March 3, 1801 Senate Journal. House Journal. Documents. Reports, Seventh Congress : First Session— December 7, 1801, to May 3, 1802. Senate Journal. House Journal. Documents. Reports. Second Session — December 6, 1802, to March 3, 1803. Senate Journal. House Journal. Documents. Reports. Eighth Congress : First Session— October 17, 1803, to March 27, 1804. Senate Journal. House Journal. Documents. Reports. Second Session— November 5, 1804, to March 3, 1805. Senate Journal. House Journal. Documents. Reports. CONGRESSIONAJ. DOCUMENTS. 51 Nintli Congress : J'irst Session— December 2, 1805, to April 21, 1806. Senate Journal. House Journal. Document*?. Reports. Second Session— December 1, 1806, to March 3, 1807. Senate Journal. House Journal. Documents. Reports. Tenth Congress: First Session— October 26, 1807, to April 25, 1808. Senate Journal. House Journal. Documents. Reports. Second Session— November 7, 1808, to March 3, 1809, Senate Journal. House Journal. Documents. Reports. Eleventh Congress: First Session— May 22, 1809, to June 28, 1809. Senate Journal. House Journal. Documents. Second Session— November 27, 1809, to May 1, 1810. Senate Journal. House Journal. Documents. Reports. Third Session— December 3, 1810, to March 3, 181L Senate Journal. 1 copy. House Journal. Documents. Reports. 52 CONGRESSIONAL DOCUMENTS. Twelfth Congress: First Session— November 4, 1811, to July 6, 1812. Senate Journal. 1 copy. House Journal. Documents. Reports. Second Session^Novembcr 2, 1812, to March 3, 1813. Senate Journal. House Journal. Documents. Reports. Thirteenth Congress : First Session—May 24, 1813, to August 2, 1813. Senate Journal. House Journal. 1 copy. Documents. Reports. Second Session — December 6, 1813, to April 18, 1814. Senate Journal. 3 copies. House Journal. 4 copies. State Papers, vols. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7. Third Session— September 19, 1814, to March3,1815. Senate Journal. 1 copy. House Journal. 2 copies. State Papers. Fourteenth Congress : First Session- December4, 1815, to Apra30, 1816. Senate Journal. 2 copies. House Journal. 1 copy. State Papers. 7 vols. 2 sets. Documents. 1 copy. Second Session— December S, 1816, to March 3, 1817. Senate Journal. 2 copies. House Journal. 2 copies. State Papers. 3 vols. 2 sets, 2 odd vols. .• Documents. 1 copy. I C0NGRE8SI0NAL DOCUMENTS, 53 Fifteenth Congress : First Session— December 1, 1817, to April 20, 1818. Senate Journal. 4 copies. House Journal. 4 copies. State Papers. 8 vols, and sundry copies. Documents. 2 copies. Second Session— November 16, 1818, to March 3, 1819. Senate Journal. 3 copies. House Journal. 5 copies. State Papers. 8 vols. Documents. 2 copies. Sixteenth Congress : First Session— December 6, 1819, to May 15, 1820. Senate Journal. 2 copies. House Journal. 1 copy. State Papers. 11 vols. Reports of Committees. 1 copy. Treasurer's Accounts. 7 sets. Second Session— November 13, 1820, to March 3, 1821. Senate Journal. 3 copies. Documents. 4 vols. House Journal. 5 copies. State Papers. 14 vols. Reports of Committees. 1 vol. Seventeenth Congress: First Session— December 3, 1821, to May 8, 1822. Senate Journal. 2 copies. Documents. 6 vols. House Journal, 4 copies. State Papers. 8 vols. Reports of Committees. 2 vols. 2 sets. Second Session— December 2, 1822, to March 3, 1823. Senate Journal. 3 copies. Documents. 2 vols and 2 sets. House Journal. 5 copies. Documents. 5 vols. 2 sets. 54 CONGHESSIONAL DOCUMENTS. Eighteenth Congress ; First Session— December 1, 1823, to May 26, 1824. Senate Journal. 3 copies. Documents. 3 vols. 3 copies. House Journal. 3 copies. State Papers. 12 vols. 2 copies. Reports of Committees. 2 vols. 2 cop. Second Session— December 6, 1824, to March 3, 1825. Senate Journal. 5 copies. Documents. 4 vols. House Journal. 1 copy. State Papers. 9 vols. Reports of Committees. 2 vols. 2 cops. Nineteenth Congress J First Session— December 5, 1825, to May 22, 1826. Senate Journal. 2 copies. Documents. 5 vols. 2 copies. House Journal. 4 copies. Documents. 10 vols. 2 copies. Reports of Committees. 2 vols. 2 cops. Second Session— December 6, 1826, to March 3, 1827. Senate Journal. 3 copies. Documents. 3 vols. House Journal. 3 copies. Documents. 10 vols. 2 copies. Reports of Committees. 3 vols. 2 cops. Twentieth Congress : First Session— December 3, 1827, to May 26, 1828. Senate Journal. 1 copy. Documents. 5 vols. House Journal. 1 copy. Documents. 7 vols. Reports of Committees. 4 copies. Second Session— December 1, 1828, to March 3, 1829. Senate Journal. 1 copy. Documents. 2 vols. 2 copies. House Journal. 4 copies. Documents. 6 vols. 2 copies. Reports of Committees. 2 copies. fl I CONGRESSIONAL DOCUMENTa 55 Twenty -First Congress: First Session— December 3, 1829, to May 31, 1830. Senate Journal. 2 copies. Documents. 2 vols. House Journal. . 2 copies. Documents. A^s. 2 copies. Report of Committees. 4 vols. 2 cops. Second Session— December 6, 1830, to March 3, 1831. Senate Journal. 3 copies. Documents. 2 vols. 2 copies. House Journal, 2 copies. Executive Documents. 4 vols. 2 cops. Reports of Committees. 1 copy. Twenty-Second Confess : First Session— Decembers, 1831, to July 16, 1832. Senate Journal. 2 copies. Documents, 3 vols, 2 copies. House Journal. 2 copies. Executive Documents. 6 vols. Reports of Committees. 5 vols. 2 copies. Second Session— December 3, 1832, to March 3, 1833. Senate Journal. 2 copies. Documents. 1 vol. 2 copies. House Journal. 2 copies. Executive Documents. 3 vols. 2 copies. Reports of Committees. 1 vol. 2 copies. Twenty-Third Congress : First Session— December 2, 1833, to June 29, 1834. Senate Journal. 2 copies. Documents. 14 vols. 2 copies. House Journal. 2 copies. Executive Documents. 6 vols. 2 copies. Reports of Committees. 5 vol. 2 copies. Second Session — December 1, 1834, to March 3, 183.'). Senate Journal. 2 copies. Documents. 4 vols. 2 copies. House Journal. 2 copies. Executive Documents, 5 vols. 2 copies. Reports of Committees. 2 vols. 2 copies. 56 CONGRESSIONAL DOCUMENTS. >c Twenty-Fourth Congress : First Session— December 7, 1835, to July 4, 1836. Senate Journal. 2 copies. Documents. 6 vols. 2 copies. . House Journal. 4 copies. Executive Documents. 7 vols. 2 copies. Reports of Committees. 3 vols. Second Session — December 5, 1836, to March 3, 1837. Senate Journal. 2 copies. Documents. (None.) House Journal. Documents. Reports of Committees. Twenty-Fifth Congress: First Session — September 4, 1837, to October 16, 1837. Senate Journal. 2 copies. Documents. 2 copies. House Journal. 4 copies. Documents. 1 vol. 2 copies. Reports of Committees. 1 vol. 2 copies. Second Session— December 4, 1837, to July 8, 1838. Senate Journal. 2 copies. Documents. 6 vols. 2 copies. House Journal. 3 copies. Documents. 12 vols. 2 copiee. Index to House Documents from 1831 to 1839. 2 copies. Third Session— December 3, 1838, to March 3, 1839. Senate Journal. Documents. House Journal. 2 copies. Documents. Reports of Committees. Twenty-Sixth Congress : First Session— December 2, 1839 to July 21, 1840. Senate Journal. 3 copies. Documents. 8 vols. 2 copies. House Journal. 3 copies. Documents. 7 vols. 2 copies. Reports of Committees. 4 vols. 2 copies. « CONGRESSIONAL DOCUMENTS. 57 Second Session — December 7, 1840, to March 3, 1841. Senate JoumaL 2 copies. Documents. 6 vols. 2 copies. House Journal. 2 copies. ' ' Documents. 6 vols. 2 copies. Reports of Committees. 2 copies. Twenty-Seventh Congress : First Session— May 31, 1841, to September 13, 1841. Senate Journal. 1 copy. Documents. 2 copies. House Journal. 3 cofwes. Documents. 2 copies. Reports of Committees. 2 copies. Miscellany. 2 vols. Second Session— December 6, 1841, to August 31, 1842. Senate Journal. 2 copies. Documents. 5 vols. 2 copies. House Journal. 3 copies. Documents. 6 vols. 2 copies. Reports of Committees. 5 vols. Third Session— December 5, 1842, to March 3, 1843. Senate Journal. 2 copies. Documents. 4 vols and odd vols. House Journal. 5 copies. Documents. 8 vols. 2 copies. — vol. 9 u^Vg Reports of Committees. 4 vols. 2 copies. Twenty-Eighth Congress : First Session— December 4, 1843, to June 17, 1844. Senate Journal. 1 voL Documents. 7 vols. / V*" House JoumaL 5 copies. Documents. 6 vols. 2 copies. Reports of Committees. 3 vol. 2 copies. Second Session — December 2, 1844, to March 3, 1845. Senate Journal. 2 copies. Documents. 11 vol. 2 copies. House Journal. 5 copies. Documents. 5 vols. 2 copies. 8 Reports of Committees. 2 copies. 58 CONGRESSIONAL DOCUMENTS. Twenty-Ninth Congress : First Sessiott— December 1, 1845, to August 10, 1846. Senate Journal. 2 copies. Documents. 9 vols. 2 copies. House]|Journal. 5 copies. Documents. 8 vols. 2 copies. Reports of Committees. 5 copies. Second Session — December 7, 1846, to March 3, 1847. Senate Journal. 3 copies. Documents. 3 vols. 3 copies. House Journal. 5 copies. Documents. 4 vols. 3 copies. Reports of Committees. 3 copies. Thirtieth Congress : First Session— December 6, 1847, to August 14, 1848. Senate Journal. 1 vol. 3 copies. Documents. 9 vols. 3 copies. Reports. 1 voL3 copies. Miscellany. 1 vol. 3 copies. House JoumaL 1 vol. 5 copies. Documents. 9 vols. 3 copies. Miscellany. 1 vol. 3 copies. Report of Committees. 4 vols. 4 copies. Second Session — December 4, 1848, to March 3, 1849. Senate Journal. 1 vol. 3 copies. Documents. 4 vols. 3 copies. I Miscellany. 2 vols. 3 copies. Special Session. 1 vol. 3 copies. Reports. 1 vol. 3 copies. House Journal. 1 vol. 3 copies. Documents. 7 vols. 3 copies. Miscellany. 1 vol. 3 copies. Reports of Committees. 1 vol. 3 copies. 4 m STEVENS' DOCUMENTS. Docaments and Papers, purchased of Henry Ste- vens, Esq. of Barnet* BUT FEW OF WHICH ARE AS TET DEPOSITED IN THE LIBRARY. Address of the Inhabitants of the towns of Plainfield, Lebanon, En- field, (alias Belham,) Canaan, Cardigan, Hanover, Lime, Orford, Haverhill, Bath, and LandafiT, to the inhabitants of the several towns in the Colony of New Hampshire, 177G. Animadversary Address to the inhabitants of Vermont — by Ethan AUen, 1778. Council of Censors — Journal of, 1787. Green Mountain Boys' Petition to the King, 1776 — Manuscript Green Mountain Repository — ^by Z. Thompson — 1832. Letters and Memoirs relating to tlie War of American Independence — by Madame De Riedesel — 1827. Narrative of the Proceedings of the Government of New York — ^by Ethan Allen— 1774. Natural and Political History of Vermont — ^by Ira Allen — 1798. Present State of the Controversy between Vermont and New Hamp- shire— 1784. Reflections on the Disputes between New York and New Hampshire — byJ.H.Lydius— 1764. Remonstrance of the Council of Vermont against the Resolutions of Congress, of Dec. 5, 1783. Sermons — Election — from 1782 to 1834 — including two pamphlets. State of the Right of the Colony of New York with respect to its Eastern Boundary on the Connecticut River, — 1773. State of the Expedition from Canada as laid before the House of Commons — ^by J. Burgoyne — 1780. Vermont's Appeal— by S. R. Bradley— 1799. Vindication of the Opposition of the Inhabitants of Vermont to the Government of New York— by Ethan Allen— 1779. Vindication of the conduct of the General Assembly of Vermont — by Ira Allen— 1779. 60 NEWSPAPERS. ■ Newspapers* American Whig, Woodstock — 1833, 1 vol. Asylum Journal, Brattleboro' — 1842, 1844 — unbound, 3 vols. Bellows Falls Journal, Bellows Falls— 1835, 1837 — utjbound, 3 vols. « « Gazette, « « 1838, 1845— wn^eunrf, 8 vols. Bennington News Letter, Bennington — 1812, 1815 — unbound^ 4 vols. Burlington Gazette, Burlington — 1814, 1815 — unbound, 1 vol. « Free Press, « 1831, 1833, 3 vols. « « 1834, 1847,— wn6ourw/, 14 vols. Caledonian, St. Johnsbury — 1837, 1847 — unbound, 11 vols. Champlain Reporter, St. Albans — 1809, 1810, 2 vols. Columbian Patriot, Middlebury — 1813, 1815, 2 vols. Democratic Statesman, Windsor — 1835 — unbound, 1 vol. Farmers' Library, Rutland— 1793, ]794, 2 vols. Farmers' Weekly Messenger, Brattleboro'— 1823 & 1829— unbound, 2 vols. Farmers' Herald, St. Johnsbury— 1628, 1831, 4 vols. Federal Galaxy, Brattleboro'— 1800, 1803, 3 vols. Flail, Brattleboro'— 1840— wnfcouw^, 1 vol. Franklin County Advertiser, St. Albans — 1810 — unbound 4 vol. Friend, St. Johnsbury — 1829 — unbound, 1 voL Green Mountain Patriot, Peacham— 1798, 1806, 10 vols. " « Farmer, Bennington— 1809, 1815, 6 vols. Independent Inquirer, Brattleboro' — 1833, 1 voL Literary Excelsior &. Musical World, Bellows Falls — 1848 — unbound, 1 voL Middlebury Mercury, Middlebury— 1804, 1809, 5 vols. National Standard, Middlebury— 1815, 1816, 2 vols. North Star, DanvilUe— 1807, 1832, 26 vols, " " « IS33,IS47— unbound— {^S3i wanting,) UvoU. Northern Sentinel, Burlington— 1810, 1822— {1817, '19, '20, wanting,) 11 vols. North American, Swanton — 1840 — unbound, 1 vol. Northern Galaxy, Middlebury — 1844, 1845 — unbound, 2 vols. NEWSPAPERS. 61 Orange County Nightingale, Newbury — 1797^-i*niou»M?, 1 vol. « « Republican, « 18A0— unbound, 1 voL People's Press, Middlebury— 1841, 1&4S— unbound, 3 vols. Post Boy, Windsor— 1805, 1806, 2 vols. Reporter, BratUeboro'— 1803, 1810, 8 vols. « « 1801, 1814— wniounrf, 4 vols. " « 1819— unbound, 1 vol. Repository, St Albans — 1833, 1835 — unbound, 3 vols. Rutland Herald, RuUand- 1794, 1821— <1815 wanting,) 26 vols. « " " 1822, 1848-^niourMM1828, 1834, tmnting,) 22 vols. Semi-Weekly Eagle, Brattleboro' — 1847 — unbound, 1 voL Spirit of Seventy-Six, Windsor — 1835 — unbound, 1 vol. Spirit of the Age, Woodstock — 1840, 1845 — unbound, 6 vols. Spooner's Vermont Journal, Windsor— 1783, 1815— (1813 wanting,) 32 vols. Statesman & Jackson Republican, Windsor — 1835 — unbound, 1 vol. State Journal, Montpelier — 1836 — unbound, 1 vol. State Banner, Bennington — 1841, 1845 — unbound, 5 vols. Topaz, Middlebury — 1842 — unbound, 1 voL Vergennes Gazette, Vergennes— 1800, 1801, 2 vols. Vermont Gazette, Bennington— 1783, 1804. 21 vols. " " " 1816, 1847— untounrf, 32 vols. Vermont Watchman, Montpelier — 1807, 1847, unbound, 41 vols. «' Centinel, Burlington— 1808, 1810, 3 vols. « Republican, Windsor— 1809, 1831, 23 vols. « Mirror, Middlebury— 1815, 1 vol. « Intelligencer, Bellows Falls— 1817, 1834, 18 vols. « Advocate, Royalton — 1827, 1 vol " Journal, (Spooner'e) Windsor — 1832 — unbound, 1 voL « Phcenix, Brattleboro'— 1834, 1847— unbound, 14 vols. " Chronicle, Windsor — unbound, 14 vols. « Patriot, Montpelier— 1836, 18i7— unbound, 12 vols. " Farmer, Windsor — 1836 — unbound, 1vol. « Mercury, Woodstock— 1837, 1838, 2 vols. « Times, Windsor— 1839, 1 vol. 62 NEWSPAPERS. Vermont Temperance Star, Montpelier — 1839 — unbound^ 1 vol. " Republican, St Albans — 1843, 1847 — unbound^ 5 vols. « Journal, Windsor— 1845, 1847, 3 vols. Vermonter, Vergennes — unbound^ 1 vol. Voice of Freedom, Brandon— 1842, 1847 — unbound^ 6 vols. Washingtonian, Windsor— 1810, 1812, 3 vols. Walton's Daily Journal, Montpelier — 1836 — unbound, 1 voL Washingtonian & Ladies' Miscellany, Bennington — 1842 — unbound, 1 vol. Weekly Wanderer, Randolph— 1801, 1809, 9 vols. « Messenger, St Johnsbury— 1832, 1833, 2 vols. Windsor Gazette, Windsor, 1801, 1804, 4 vols. " Statesman, Windsor— 1836, 1837— «n6oumi, 2 vols. STATE PAPERS. 63 State Papers. CONNECTICUT. Senate and House Journals, 1844, 1846, 3 vols. 1849, Message of Governor, 1846,1 Sundry Reports, 2 vols. Pamphlet. Pamphlets. FLORIDA. Senate and House Journal, 1848, 2 vols. ILLINOIS. Senate and House Journal, 1844, Senate and House Journal, 1839, 1840, 1 vol. 2 copies. 2 vols. 3 copies. 1840, '46, Message of the Governor, 1842, '44, 2 vols. Panq)hlet. INDIANA. Documentary Journal, 1849, '50,g 1vol. IOWA. House Journal, 1848, 1 vol. 3 copies. KENTUCKY. Senate Journal, 1848, 1850, House Journal, 1«48, 1850, 2 vols. 2 vols. Legislative Reports, 1843, 1850, 5 vols. LOUISIANA. • Debates of the Convention for Revising the Constitution, 1vol. Journal of the Convention for Revising the Constitution, Report of the State's Treasurer, 1846, 1vol. Pamphlet. MAINE. Legislative Documents, 1841, '42. MesMige of the Governor, 1849, North Eastern Boundary, 1841, 1 vol. 2 copies. Pamphlet. 1 vol. 2 copies. 64 STATE PAPERS. MASSACHUSETTS. Journal of the Provincial Congress, 1774, 75, 1vol. Abstract of the condition of the Banks, 1838, 1vol. MARYLAND. Conventions of Maryland, 1774, 1776, 1vol. Senate and House Journal, 1841, 1844, 4 vols. House of Delegates, Journal, 1842, 1844, 3 vols. Message of Governor, 1843, 1844, Pamphlds. MICHIGAN. Senate Reports, 1848, IvoL MISSISSIPPI. Senate Journal, 1840, 1841, 1850, 3 vols. House Journal, 1840, 1841, 1850, 3 vols. NEW-HAMPSHIRE. Senate and House Journals, 1848, 1 vol. 2 copies. 1849, 1 voL 2 copies. Sundry Reports. NEW-JERSEY. Journal of the General Assembly, 1841, 1847,- -1844 wanting f 6 vols. Joumal of the Legislative Council, 1841, 1843, 3 vols. 3 copies. Senate Journal, 1845, 1846, 2 vols. Journal of Constitutional Convention, 1844, 1 vol. 3 copies. NEW-YORK. Journal of the Provincial Congress, Committee of Safety, and Council of Safety of the State of New-York, 1775, 1776, 2 vols. Senate Journal, 1848, 1vol. Documents, 3 vols. Assembly Journal, 1848, 1vol. Documents, 1848, 7 vols. Senate Journal, 1849, I vol. Documents, 1849, 3 vols. Assembly Journal, 1849, 2 vols. Documents, 1849, 7 vols. STATE PAPERS. 65 Report of the Regents of the^ University of New-York, 1835, 1850— 1842, 2 copies, 17 vols. Report of the same upon the Cabinet of Natural History, 1848, | '49, '50, 1vol. Instructions from the Regents of the University to the Academies, 1845, 1vol. j Report of the Canal Commissioners, 1817, 1 vol. 1 1850, Pamphlet. Report of the Secretary of State on Criminal Statistics, 1848, 1 vol. Report of Comptroller, 1844, Pamphlet. NORTH CAROLINA. Journal of the Convention for Revising the Constitution, 1835, 1 vol. OHIO. Legislative Documents, 1843, 1844, 1vol. Auditor of Accounts, Report of, 1849, Pamphlet. RHODE ISLAND. Abstract of Bank Returns and Institutions of Savings, 1849. SOUTH CAROLINA. Senate and House Journals, 1841, 1843, 3 vols. 2 copies. Journals of the Assembly, 1844, 1848, 5 vols. 2 copies. VERMONT. Slade's State Papers, 1 vol. 6 copies. Assembly Journal, 1784, 1 vol. 2 copies. 1784, '5, 1vol. 1787, '91, 1 voL 1788, 1818, 20 vols. 1795, '99, 1vol. 1801, '10, '11, 1vol. 1803, '04, 1 vol. 1809, 1811, 3 vols. 2 copies. 1809, '10, 1vol. 1811, '16, '17, IvoL 1814, 1818, 5 vob. 1817, '22, '25, 1 vol. 9 1818, 1820, 1 vol. STATE PAPERS. Assembly Journal, 1821, '22, '25, " 1 vol. 1822, '24, '25, 1 vol. 3 copies. 1822, 1824, 1 vol. 2 copies. 1825, 1827, 1 vol. 4 copies. 1825, 1828, 1vol. 1825, '29, '30, 1vol. 1826, '28, '29, K ^0, 1 vol. 10 copies. 1826, IvoL 1828, 1830, 1 vol. 3 copies. 1831,34, 1 vol. 1 1 copies. 1835, 1 vol. 8 copies. House Journal, 1836, 1 vol 12 copies. 1837, 1 vol. 13 copies. 1838, 1839, 2 vols. 9 copies. 1840, 1 vol. 20 copies. 1841, 1849, 9 vols. 10 copies. Senate Journal, 1836, 1 vol. 16 copies. 1837, 1 vol. 6 copies. 1838, 1849, 12 vols. 10 copies. Journal of the Council of Censors , 1820, 21, 1vol. 1820, '21, ' 27, 1 vol. 1827, IvoL 1841, 1 vol. 5 copies. 1848, 1 vol. 6 copies. Journal of the Convention, 1836, 1 vol. 6 copies. 1843, Pamphlet, 46 copies. 1850, PampJdetj 50 copies. Report of the Auditor of Accounts 1842, 1848, 1 vol. 3 copies. 1849, Pamphkty 200 copies. Senate and House Rules and Directory, 1837, 1848, 1 vol. 1837, 1849, 1 vol. Governor's Messages, 1847, 1848, Pamphlet, The Library contains tlie Journals of the General Assembly, un- bound, from 1802 to 1836, inclusive, except 1803, '04, '05, 06, '07, '08, '09, '12, '13, '14, '15, '17, '18, '21, 22,— House Journals from 1836 to 1849 inclusive, except 1840— Senate Journals from 1836 to 1849 in- clusive STATE PAPERa «7 VIRGINIA. Executive Message with accompanying Documents, 1846, 1 vol. Assembly Documents, 1847, 1 voL Reports of Public Officers, Pamphlets, WISCONSIN. Journal of the Convention to form a Constitution, 1846, 1 voL Journal and Debates of the Convention, 1847, 1848, 1 voL .C2G): o PART lY. FRENCH EXCHANGES OBTAINED THROUGH M. VATTEMAHE'S Literary & Scientific International Excliange Agency i FRENCH EXCHANGES. 71 French Exchanges. Abrege sur la culture d'Olivier, suivi de la description et dea moyens de detruire les insects qui devorent cet arbre et d'un Tableau Syn- optique indiquant la culture particuliere de 111 varieties, avec un rameau d'Olivier Lytliographie— par J. P. Bompard— 1842. 1 vol. Agriculture Frangaise — Department des Coates-du- Nord, 1 vol. 3 copies. Department de la Haute-Gar- onne, 1 vol. 2 copies. Department du Tarn, 1 vol. 3 copies. Agriculture Frangaise, par M M. les Inspectuers de T Agriculture, public d'apres les ordres de le Ministre de I'Agriculture et du Commerce, Depart- ment de I'Isere, Paris, 1843, 1 vol. 2 copies. Department des Hautes-Pyr- rennes, 1843, 1 voL Ampelographie au Traite des cepages le plus estimes dans tous les vignoble de quelque renom, par le Corate Odant, Paris, 1845, 1 vol. Annalea des Haras et de 1' Agriculture, publiees par une societe d'eleveurs, de Professeurs et d'Anciens eleves de PEcole Royale des Haras, Paris, 1845, 2 vols. Biblia Sacra, vulgatffi editionis, Sixti V. Pontificis Maximi jussu re- cognita et dementis VIII. auctoritate edita, 1684, cum privilegio Regis, 1 vol. Chambre des Pairs, Proces Verbal des seances de la : Session 1842, 2 vols. 1843, 4 vols. 1844, 5 vols. Chambre des Pairs de France, Impressions Diverse : Session 1842, 3 vols. 1843, 4 vols. 1844, 4 vols. Colonization et Agriculture de I'Algerie, par L. Moll, Paris, 1845, 2 vols. 72 FRENCH EXCHANGES. Compte Rendu au Roi de I'emploi des fonds alloues, depuis 1839 ; pour I'enseignement religieux et eleraentaire des noirs, et de 1' exe- cution des lois des 18 et 19 Juillet, 1845 — relatives au regime des esclaves a I'introduction des traveilleurs libres aux colonies, etc. Paris, 1846, 1 vol. Commission, instituee par decision Royale, du 26 Mai 1840, pour I'examen des questions relatives a I'Esclavage et a la Constitution politique des colonies — Rapport fait au Ministre d'Etat de la Marine et des Colonies — Paris, 1843, 1 vol. Comraentaire sur les Lois Rurales Frangaises — expliquiees par la ju- risprudence et la doctrine des auteurs, suivi d'un essai sur les usa- ges locaux, par E. J. A. Neveu Derotrie — Paris, 1845, 1 vol. 2 copies. Conseils General du Department de la Seine — Sessions 1839, 1842, 1844, 1846, 1847, Proces Verbaux— Paris, 5 vols. Conseils Generaux de I' Agriculture des Manufactures et du Commerce, 1841, 1842, Proces Verbaux, 1 vol. 2 copies. 1845, 3846, 3 vol. 2 copies. Conseils auxnouveaux educateurs de Vers a Soie — Resume des meth- odes et des pratiques a suivre pour planter des Muriers, construire des Magnaneries elever les Vers a Soie et filer les cocons : par M. Frederic De Boullenois — Paris, 1842, 1 vol. 2 copies. Considerations sur les principes de la Police du Roulage, et sur les travaux d' entretien des routes ; survies d'un appendix contcnant un extrait de diverses enquetis parlementaries Anglaises, ainsi que du nouveau traite des routes de Sir Henry Parnell, et 1' instructions officielle pour le direction des travaux de la route de Londres a Holyhead — par M. Navier — Paris, 1835, 1 vol. Cours d' Agriculture — par Le C^c De Gasparin, 4 vols. Des Institutions de Credit Foncier en Allemagne et en Belgique — par M. Royer — Paris, 1845, 1 vol. 2 copies. Des Metaux en France — Rapport fait au jury centrale de I'exposition des produits de I'industrie Franfjaise, de I'annee 1827, sur les objfets relatifs a la metallurgie — par A. M. Heron de Villefosse — Paris, 1827, 1vol. De la Fabrication du Fromage— par le D'. Fo. Gera — Paris, 1843, 1 vol. 2 copies. Du Cheval en France—par De Boigno, 1843, 1 vol. 2 copies. Elements de Comptabilitie Rurale, theorique et pratique, par M. Ar- mand Malo— Paris, 1841, 1 voL FRENCH EXCHANGES. 75 Exposition des produits de 1' Industrie Frangaise en 1844— Rapport du jury central— Paris, 1844, parties 2 and .3. Histoire des Francaise depuis le temps des Gaulois jusqu'en 1830 : par Theophile Lavallee — 80 gravures sur acier, forraant I'galarie - complete des portraits des Rois de France et des Personages les plus celebres, d' apres les tableaux authentiquos du musee de Ver- sailles — cinquieme edition, revue et corrigee — Paris, 1845, 2 vols. Histoire de France — depuis Tetablishement delaMonarchie, jusqu'au regne de Louis XiV., 30 vols. L'Agriculture de I'Ouest de la France — etudiee plus specialement dans le Department de Maine et Loire — par O. Leclerc Chouin — Paris, 1843, 1 vol. L'Agriculture Raisonnee ou Manuel complet'et special du cultivateur, dans les Deux-Sevres et Department d I'Ouest — par Abbe Pic- card — 1844, 1 vol. 2 copies. La Normandie Agricole, Journal d* Agriculture pratique d' economie rurale et d' horticulture, 4 vols. L' Histoire du vieux et du nouveau Testament, 1768, 1 vol. L' Esprit des apologistes de la Religion Chretienne, 1 vol. La Logique ou I'Art de penser, 1763, 1 vol. La Maison Rustique du Siecle XIX^., 5 vols. Icr Agriculture, propreraent dite. 2e Cultures industrielles et Amimaux domestiques. 3© Arts agricoles. 4e Agriculture forestiere, Etangs, Administration et Legislation Rurale. 53 Horticulture. Libraire de Rey et Gravier — quai des Augustins, 45 — Paris, 1845, 1 vol. Manuel d'Agriculture a 1' usage des cultivateurs et des Ecoles pri- maires Du Nord de la France — ^par V. Rendu — 1838, 1 vol. 2 copies. Manuel d'Agriculture, par Jules Martinelli — deuxieme edition, revue et corrigee — Bordeaux, 1846, 1 voL Manuel elementaire du Cultivateur Alsacien — par J. L. Stoltz — Stras- bourg, 1842, 1 vol. 2 copies. Manuel populaire d'Agriculture, d 'apres I'etat actuel des progres dans la culture des champs, des prairies naturelles, de la vigne, 74 FRENCH EXCHANGES. des arbres fruitiers ; dans I'education du gros betail, du cheval, du pore, des abeilles— par J. A. Schlipf— Paris, 1844, 1 vol. 2 copies. Memoires d'Agriculture, d'Economie Rurale, et Domestique, — pub- lies par la Societe Royale et Centrale d'Agi'iculture, 1831, 1846, with duplicates of 1843 and 1846, 16 vols. Monumental Statistiques de Paris, 1 vol. Notes Economiques sur I'Administration des Richesses et la Statis- tique a*ricole de la France — par C. E. Royer, D. M. P. — Paris, 1843, 1 vol. 2 copies. Premiers elements d'Agi'iculture renfermant les trois parties qui trait- ent ; V des systemes de culture, des assolements et des rotations ; 2' de la culture speciale des plantes ; 3° de I'economie rurale, mais surtout de I'education du betail — par L. Bentz et A. J. Chretien — Paris, 1845, 1 vol. 2 copies. Preservatif d' Agromanie Empirique ou Lettres Agricoles addresses a un cultivateyr debutant — Manuel complet de I'agriculture prat- ique — par M. Le M'^. de Travanet — Paris, 1845, 1 vol. 2 copies. Poulineres Anglaises, 1 vol. Rapport sur les Questions Coloniales addressee a M. le Due de Brog- lie, President de la commission coloniale a la suite d'un voyage fait aux Antilles et aux Guyanes pendant les annees 1838 et 1839, — par M. Jules Lechevalier — Documents et pieces justieatives, tome 1 ; Premeire partie, pieces ecrites et oncueillies pendant le voyage — Duexieme partie, etude d I'emancipation dans les Colonies Anglaises depuis I'annee 1833 jusqu'au 1842 — Paris, 1843. 2 vols. Resume des principaux traites Chinois sur la culture muriers et I'edu- cation des vers a sole — ^traduit par Stanislas Julien — public par or- dre de Ministre des Travaux Publices de I'Agriculture et du Com- merce, Department de-L'Isere— Paris, 1838, 1 vol. 2 copies. Stud Book Frangaise, registre des Cheveaux de pur sang, nes ou im- portes en France — publie par ordre de Ministre de Travaux Pub- lies, de I'Agriculture et du Commerce — Paris, 1838, 3 vols. Traite complet de I'eleve du Cheval en Bretagne — par Houel — 1842, 1 vol. Traite elementaire de I'Agriculture du Department de la Seine— -par Edward Lecouteux—Paris, 1840, 1 vol. Traite sur la Maladie de Poitrene du gros betail connue sous le nom de Peripneumonie Contagieuse — par O. Delafond — Paris, 1844, 1 vol. 3 copies. FRENCH EXCHANGES. 75 Voyage a la partie orientale de la Terre-Ferme — par F Depons — 180G, 3 vols. Vues Pittoresques des Chatteaux de France ; dessinees d'apres na- ture et lithographiees — par les principaux Artistei de la Capitale, avec un texte historique et discreptif par A. Blancheton — Paris, 2 vols. ^ 76 FRENCH EXCHANGES. Pamphletsi Agriculture de partie du Poitou ; Niort, 1844, 2 copies. Annales des Haras, tome 2, 1846 — (set imperfect.) Au Pays et aux Chambres le comice hippique a Paris — 1843, 2 copies. Des Irrigations suivant la loi du 16 Septembre, ] 807 — Paris, 1844, 2 copies. Des Remontes de I'armee, et de leurs rapports avec I'agricul- ture,— Paris, 1842. De rinfluence des devens modes de location sur le produit des terres en France — 1844, 2 copies. Ecole Royale Veterinaire d'Alfort — 1845, 2 copies. Guide a la Cornices et des proprietaries,— Paris, 1843, 2 copies. Instructions sur la Pleuro-Pneumonie ou Peripneumonie contagieuse des betes bovines de la vallee de Bray — Paris, 1840, 2 copies. La Normandie Agricole, Journal d' Agriculture, etc.— 1847, 1848, — imperfect. Librarie de Rey et Gravier, quai des Augustins, 45 — Paris, 1845. Pratique des Semalles — a la volee, — 1845. Sur I'Etat de la Population Chevaline en France, et sur ses consequences — Paris, 1844, 2 copies. Vingt Pages a lire, ou la question chevaline simplifiee — Paris, 1843, 2 copies. ^_.(OS). PART Y. ENGRAYINGS, MEDALS, AND WOKKS OF ART. MAPS, CHAETS, &c. ENGRAVINGS, &c. 79 Engravings and Bronze Medals presented to John n. Peek, Esq., on behalf of the Vermont State Li- brary, by the " American Art Union," New- York City. 1. General Marion in his Swamp Encampment inviting a British officer to dinner. Painted by White, engraved by Siirtain, 184*2. (Presented through Gen. F. W. Hopkins, of Rutland.) 2. The Artist's Dream, 1841. Painted by Comeg}^8, engraved by Sartain. (Plate worn and impression imperfect.) 3. Caius Marius on the Ruins of Carthage. Painted by Vanderlyn and engraved by Schoff, 1842. 4. Farmer's Nooning, 1843. Painted by Mount, and engraved by Jones. 5. Sparking, 1844. Painted by Edmonds and engraved by Jones. 6. The capture of Major Andre, 1845. Painted by Durand and en- graved by Jones. Presented through Gen. F. W. Hopkins. 7. Escape of Capt. Wharton. Etching, 1844. 8. Sir Walter Raleigh parting with his wife. Engraved by Burt from a Painting by Leutze, 1846. 9. The Jolly Flat Boatmen. From a Painting by Bingham and engraved by Doney, 1847. 10. Rip Van Winkle, illustrated in six engravings (outlines.) De- signed and etched by Darley. IW. A Sybil. Painted by Huntington and engraved by Cassilear, 1848. 12. The signing of the Death Warrant of Lady Jane Grey. Paint- ed by Huntington and engraved by Burt, 1848. 13. The Voyoge of Life : Youth. Painted by Thomas Cole and engraved by James Smilie, 1849. 14. A bronze medal — Washington AUston, 1847. 15. A bronze medal— Gilbert Stuart, 1848. 16. A bronze medal — John Trumbull, 1849. 80 ENGRAVINGS, &c. Engravings and Woiks of Art received through the System of International and Scientific Echanges founded by M, Vattemare. 1. A representation of the tomb of Christopher Columbus, at Hav- ana, with an ideal bust of the celebrated navigator. 2. A portrait of the Marquis de la Rochejaquelein, by Formentin & Co., Paris. 3. A portrait of Thiers, autlior of the History of tlie French Revo- lution, by Formentin & Co., Paris. 4. A portrait of Christopher Columbus, by Formentin & Co., Paris. 5. A portrait of Duchatel, by Formentin & Co., Paris. 6. A Rural Scene — superior line engraving (proof impression) by A. Ravel, from a painting by Lepoittevin, presented in the name of His Excellency the Minister of the Interior, (France,) 1847. 7. A bronze medal of the Chamber of Deputies of France : (each member receives this medal and wears it as a badge ;) on the one side is the portrait of the King, on the other is an allegorical rep- resentatio« of Law protecting Agriculture, Commerce, Science and the Arts. By Petit, 183G. 8. A bronze medal commemorative of the Marriage of the Duke of Orleans, oldest son of Louis Phillipe, late King of the French. 9. A bronze medal commemorative of the Death of the Duke of Orleans, killed by falling from his carriage : on one side is the portrait of the Duke, tind on the other a view of the Monumelt erected on the spot where he fell. 10. A bronze medal : Portraits of tlie Duke of Orleans and the Princess Maiy of Wurtemburgh, children of Louis Pliillipe, both deceased. 11. An engraved plan of the Artesian Well, sunk to tlie depth of 1G86 feet, Crenelle, in Paris: with representations, in miniature, of the Cathedral of Strasburg, Catliedral of Notre Dame, and Basil- isk of St. Peters, at Rome. Painted by Merindol and engraved by Ollivier. ENGRAVINGS, &c. 81 12. Jesus Christ entrusting the Keys of Heaven to St Peter — a fine line engraving, proof impression, mezzotint, painted by Ingres and engraved by C. S. Pradier. 13. The Prophet Daniel in the Lions' Den — a proof mezzotinto en- graving. Painted by Ziegler and engraved by F. Girard. 14. A representation of a scene described in one of Cooper's Nov- els. Painted by Demahis and engraved by F. Girard. 15. A representation of another scene described in one of Cooper's Novels. Painted by Vandenberche and engraved by F. Girard. 16. Jesus Christ in the midst of tlie Doctors. Painted by Decaisne and engraved by F. Girard. 17. Jesus Christ adored by the Magi. Painted by Reubens and engraved by F. Girard. 18. The National Circus — a chromo-lithographic proof impression. Painted by Hittorf and lithographed by Kellerhoven. 11 82 ENGRAVINGS, &c. List of Engravings, &€. presented to, and purchased for the State Library* 1. Portrait of Henry Clay. Engraved by John Sartain from the original picture painted by John Neagle. 2, 3. A Fac Simile of the Declaration of Independence and a Tribute to the Memory of George Washington, by Benjamin Owen Tyler. 4. A Portrait of John Adams. Painted by Stuart and engraved by Longacre. 5. A Portrait of Gen. Andrew Jackson. Painted by Wood and en- graved by Longacre. 6. A Portrait [of .William H. Crawford. Painted by Jar\ds and en- graved by Durand. 7. A Portrait of John Mattocks, late Governor of Vermont A lithograph. 8. A Portrait of De Witt Clinton. Painted by Ames and engraved by Balch. 9. A Portrait of John Quincy Adams. Painted by King and en- graved by Kearney. 10. A Portrait of John C. Calhoun. Painted by King and engrav- ed by Longacre. 11. A Portrait of Martin Van Buren. Painted and engraved by Longacre. 12. A Portrait of Samuel S. Phelps. Engraved from a Daguerreo- type, by Whelpley. (Presented.) 13. A Portrait of Jacob Collamer. Daguerreotyped by Brady and engraved by Ritchie. (Presented.) ENGRAVINGS, &c. 83 Specimens of Foreign wool collected and framed, by Charles L. Fleischmann, 1845 and 1846, and presented by the United States Patent Office. Specimens of old paper currency of Vermont, collected, framed, and presented to the State Library by Henry Stevens, Esq., of Barnet Specimens of Continental Money, collected, framed and presented to the State Library, by Henry Stevens, Esq., of Barnet. 84 MAPS, CHARTS, &c. Maps, Charts, &Ci I I Alexandria Acqueduct, — Drawings accompanying the Report of Capt. Turnbull on the survey and construction of, 2 copies. Arkansas Territory, Illinois and Missouri, Map of, 1827. Atlas, Mitchell's Universal, 1846. to the Narrative of the Exploring Expedition, to Vol. 7 Exploring Expedition — Zoophites. British America and the United States, Map of the boundary line be- tween, 1843. Burlington, Map of the Village of. Georges Shoal and Chart, Lieut. Wilkes' Chart of, 1837. Georgia, Bonner's Map of, 1847. Illinois, Missouri and Arkansas Territory, Map of, 1827. Maine, Greenleafs Map of, 1844. 2 copies. Massachusetts, Hitchcock's Geological Map of, 1844. Mississippi, Tourrette's Map of, 1845. ■! Missouri, Illinois and Arkansas Territory, Map of, 1827. Hutawas' Map of, 1844. _. New-Hampshire, Map of. || New-Jersey, Gordon's Map of, 1828. New-York, Burr's Map of, 1829. Burr's Atlas of, 1829. Geological Map of, 1842. North Carolina, McRae's Map of, 1833. South Carolina, Wilson's Map of, 1822. Texas, Emory's Map of, and adjacent Countries, 1844. United States, Melish's Map of the, J 820. and British America— Map of the boundary line bC' tween, 1843. Mitchell's Map of the, 1846. MAPS, CHARTS, &c. Vermont, Geological Chart of, '2 copies. Whitelaw's Map of, 179C). 2 copies. Whitelaw's Map of, 1821, Whitelaw's Map of; 18-34. Whitelaw's Map of, 1838, 2 copies. Virginia, Baye's Map of, 1826. 86 INDEX. INDEX Rules of the State Library PART Agriculture and Botany, . Geology and Mineralogy, Natural History and Zoology, History and Historical Collections, . Biography and Memoirs, . Education and Educational Documents, Prisons, Asylums, Hospitals, &c. Bibles, Catalogues, Lexicons, &c. Miscellaneous Works, PAET II Elementary and Miscellaneous Law, Judicial Reports and Digests, Statute Law, United States, Statute Law, Separate States, PART III. American State Papers, . Census Documents, . Congress Documents, State Papers, — Stevens' Collection, . State Legislative Documents, &c. PART IV. French Exchanges, , PART V. Engravings, Medals and Works of Art, . Maps, Charts, &c. . 7 8 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 21 22 31 32 45 46 48 59 63 71 82 84 JUL I ^ 1958 STATE BOOK HIiNDERY. 1889.