/i E R K e I E Y LIBRARY UNIVERSITY OF V CALIFORNIA LIFE OF SIR RODERICK I. MURCHISON. VOL. I. y by fic/cersg til, R A. fry ramtfy Joseph- J3, LIFE OF SIR RODERICK I. MURCHISON BART. ; K.C.B., F.B.S. ; SOMETIME DIRECTOR-GENERAL OF THE GEOLOGICAL SURVEY OF THE UNITED KINGDOM. BASED ON HIS JOURNALS AND LETTERS WITH NOTICES OF HIS SCIENTIFIC CONTEMPORARIES AND A SKETCH OF THE RISE AND GROWTH OF PALEOZOIC GEOLOGY IN BRITAIN BY AECHIBALD GEIKIE, LL.D., F.KS. DIRECTOR OF H.M. GEOLOGICAL SURVEY OF SCOTLAND, AND MURCHISON PROFESSOR OF GEOLOGY AND MINERALOGY IN THE UNIVERSITY OF EDINBURGH. IN TWO VOLUMES VOL. I. Ellustratetr foitfj portraits anS SSEoolicuts LONDON JOHN MUREAY; ALBEMAELE STREET 1875. Right of translation reserved. EAR7T CClENCi UBRAF PREFACE. COMPARED with, foregoing periods of history, the nineteenth century has been marked by the extent and rapidity of its social transitions. These must undoubtedly be ascribed in great measure to the strides made by the physical sciences. Without claiming for Geology any prominent share in them, we may yet contend that this branch of science has done much to open out those wider views of nature and of man's place here, which have so powerfully influenced the tone and tendency of human thought and speculation at the present time. So that the history of a man who was a conspicuous actor in the drama of the establishment of Geology, as a science, may possess more than a merely individual interest. The life of Sir Roderick Murchison was cast in this time of notable transition. Living on terms of intimacy with not a few of the leading men of his day, he himself bore a part in the leavening of the community with an appreciation of the nature and 294 vi PREFACE. value of science. For many years he was in the habit of keeping a record of the events which he witnessed, or in which he took part. In the belief that the story of his life might have some interest and usefulness for those who should succeed him, he used now and then during his later years to de- vote his spare hours to the task of reading over his early journals, and superintending their transcrip- tion in whole or in abstract under his own eye. In the course of time a goodly series of closely- written volumes grew under the hand of the amanu- ensis, but their author at length perceived that their details could hardly possess sufficient interest for general readers. In the spring of 1871 he pro- posed to me that I should undertake the task of reducing his memoranda into a connected narrative. Having accepted the office of biographer, I found that, in addition to the journals, there existed a vast mass of miscellaneous letters and papers going back even into last century. It appeared that Sir Roderick for many years of his life never destroyed any piece of writing addressed to him, notes of invitation to dinner, and acceptances of invitations given by himself, being abundant among the papers. To these materials, through the kindness of his friends and correspondents, to all of whom sincere PREFACE. vii thanks are due, I was subsequently enabled to add a large series of his own letters. From the first it appeared likely that no narrative devoted merely to the personal events of Sir Roderick Murchison's life would be satisfactory. And as the work of arranging the voluminous mate- rials proceeded, the desirability of adopting a wider treatment became increasingly evident. His life, closely bound up with the early progress of geology in this country, was one of work and movement. Duly to follow its stages, the surroundings among which it was passed must be constantly kept in view, notably his comrades, their work, and its relation to his own. Accordingly I deemed it best, while keeping his story prominently before the reader, to give an outline of so much at least of these surroundings as would probably show with adequate distinctness what Murchison was, and what he did. With this view I have sketched some of the more salient features in the rise and growth of the geology of the older formations in Britain, including, at the same time, notices of Murchison's predecessors and contemporaries in the same branch of science. Obviously, however, even such a general outline as was alone admissible into a work like the present could not be continued into the later viii PREFACE. years when Murchison ceased to be the same pro- minent worker he had previously been, and when his labours were taken up and extended by others. To this historical aspect of the book, I believed that some additional interest might be given by a selection of portraits of some of the more conspicuous men to whom the establishment and spread of geology in Britain is due, more especially with reference to the study of the older rocks. Some difficulty was necessarily encountered in making the selection, arising in some cases from the want of available materials for the engraver, in others from the limited number of portraits admissible compared with that of the geologists deserving such recognition. Greenough, Fitton, and Lonsdale, for example, among the earlier luminaries, might have been most appropriately included in the list here given. To the friends who have supplied the paintings, drawings, and photographs from which this little gallery of scientific worthies has been engraved, my best acknowledgments are gladly given. Of Murchison's early contemporaries who outlived him, and from whom assistance was received in the preparation of his biography, two of the most illustrious have since been removed by death. PREFACE. ix Sir Charles Lyell furnished a series of letters on geological topics written to him by Murchison. Professor Phillips, besides supplying a large and most interesting collection of letters, which proved of great service in the preparation of the biography, kindly sent some memoranda of his own, which will be found incorporated in the book. To Mr. Poulett Scrope I am indebted for some interesting and useful notes respecting some of the older geologists of this country. My friend and colleague, Professor A. C. Ramsay, has laid me under much obligation by the notes and suggestions sent by him as he read over the proof-sheets, and which are incorporated into the text or embodied here and there in footnotes. To Mr. John Murray, Mr. K. R. Murchison, Mr. Tren- ham Reeks, and Professor T. Rupert Jones, F.R.S., my thanks are likewise owing for a similar revision. For the loan of letters written by Sir Roderick Murchison, acknowledgment is further due to Mr. Aveline, His Excellency Sir Henry Barkly, M. Barrande, Dr. Corbet, Lady Denison, Sir Charles Dilke, Sir Philip De Grey Malpas Egerton, Bart. ; Professor George Forbes, who supplied letters written to his father, Principal Forbes ; Professor Johnstrup of Copenhagen, who sent a series of letters x PREFACE. addressed to the late Professor Forchhammer ; Cap- tain Grant, Professor Harkness, Professor Hughes, who furnished the letters written to Sedgwick; Professor Huh 1 , Major-General Sir Henry James, Mr. Martin, Mr. Hugh Miller, who procured a series of letters written to his father ; Mr. K. R. Murchison, Mr. Murray, Mr. Lyon Playfair, C.B., M.P. ; Professor Ramsay, Rev. Mr. Symonds, Mr. Todhunter, from whom came the letters addressed to Dr. Whewell. CONTENTS OF VOL. I. CHAPTER I. PAGE ANCESTRY SCHOOL-DAYS, 1 CHAPTER II. FIRST YEARS OF A SOLDIER'S LIFE, . . . .16 CHAPTER III. SIX MONTHS OF THE PENINSULAR WAR, . . . .23 CHAPTER IV. MILITARY LIFE AT HOME, 55 CHAPTER V. ITALY AND ART, 73 CHAPTER VI. FIVE YEARS OF FOX-HUNTING, 88 CHAPTER VII. RISE OF GEOLOGY IN BRITAIN, . .96 xii CONTENTS OF VOL. I. CHAPTER VIII. PAGE FIRST YEARS OF SCIENTIFIC LIFE AT HOME, . . .117 CHAPTER IX. FIRST GEOLOGICAL RAIDS INTO THE CONTINENT, . .146 CHAPTER X. THE INVASION OF GRAUWACKE, 172 CHAPTER XI. THE GEOLOGICAL SOCIETY, AND SOCIAL LIFE IN LONDON, 193 CHAPTER XII. THE SILURIAN SYSTEM, 216 CHAPTER XIII. THE DEVONIAN SYSTEM, 244 CHAPTER XIV. A GEOLOGICAL TOUR IN NORTHERN RUSSIA, . . .289 CHAPTER XV. CENTRAL AND SOUTHERN RUSSIA, AND THE URAL MOUN- TAINS, 315 CHAPTER XVI. THE CHAIR OF THE GEOLOGICAL SOCIETY, . . .358 LIST OF ILLUSTEATIONS IN VOL. I. PORTRAIT OF SIR RODERICK MURCHISON, from a Por- trait by Pickersgill, Frontispiece. TARRADALE, ROSS-SHIRE, Sir Roderick Murchison's Birth- place, tofacepage 10 JAMES BUTTON, M.D., from a Portrait by Sir Henry Rae- bum, in the possession of Sir George Warrender, Bart., 98 PROFESSOR ROBERT JAMESON, from a Miniature in the possession of Dr. Claud Muirhead, Edinburgh, . . 108 REV. WILLIAM D. CONYBEARE, from a Photograph in the possession of the Family, 115 WILLIAM HYDE WOLL ASTON, M.D., from a Drawing by Sir Thomas Lawrence, 129 REV. PROFESSOR ADAM SEDGWICK, from a Photograph, 138 WILLIAM SMITH, LL.D., from the engraving of the Portrait by Foureau, 190 JOHN MACCULLOCH, M.D., from a Portrait by R. B. Faulkner, 202 PROFESSOR JOHN PLAYFAIR, from a Picture by Sir Henry Raeburn, 225 REV. PROFESSOR WILLIAM BUCKLAND, from a Sketch by Thomas Sopwith, Esq., 309 CHAPTEE I. ANCESTRY SCHOOL-DAYS. A MONG the Western Highlands of Scotland there is no *-" wilder tract than that which stretches between the Kyles of Skye and the line of the Great Glen. From the margin of the western sea the ground rises steeply into rugged mountains, which slope away eastward through many miles of rough moorland into the very heart of the country. The bold Atlantic front of these mountains is trenched by deep and narrow valleys, of which the upper parts rise above the sea-level into dark and rocky glens, the lower portions sink- ing under the water and forming the characteristic sea-lochs or fjords of that region. In the shelter of these hollows, alike in the glens, and as an irregular selvage along the margins of the lochs, lie strips of arable land with farm- houses and the cots of the peasantry; but all above and around are the wild rough hills, shrouded for great part of the year in mist, and catching the first dash of the fierce western rains, which seam their sides with foaming torrents. Even now, with all the appliances of modern travel, these tracts of Lochalsh and Kiutail are little known, except in so VOL i. A 2 SIR RODERICK MURCHISON. far as they can be seen from the sea, or from the few good roads which have been made through them. But some five or six generations back they were to all intents as remote from the civilisation even of the Scottish Lowlands as if they had lain in the heart of Eussia. No roads led across them then. They could be traversed only by bridle-tracks, too little trodden to be always easily traced among the bogs and crags over which they lay. Notwithstanding the noble inlets which bring the tides of the Atlantic far into these wilds, there was then but little navigation, even of the simplest kind. Save the boats used in ferrying the lochs and in fishing, almost the only vessels ever seen were the smacks and cutters which from time to time smuggled ashore brandy and claret for the lairds. Over this wild region the chiefs of the clan Mackenzie had for a long while held sway a fierce and warlike race, exemplifying on their territory the curiously mingled merits and defects of the old Highland patriarchal system. In their midst, however, lay one or two smaller septs, some- times in league with the dominant clan, sometimes in open arms on the side of their surrounding enemies. One of these septs went by the name of Mhurachaidh or Macmhurachaidh, that is, Murdoch or Murdochson, or, as it is now corrupted, Murchison. The first of the family must have been a Murdoch. Who he was, however, where he came from, and what he did to distinguish himself from the other abounding Murdochs of that part of Scotland, are questions to which no satisfactory answer seems now possible. . Perhaps he was one of the Mackenzies, or more probably of the Mathiesons, or clan Malghamna, who possessed these tracts before the Mackenzies, and among whom Murdoch was a frequent ANCESTRY. 3 name. 1 He may have been noted above his fellows for some characteristic, so that his posterity came to be called after him. In the early part of the sixteenth century we find the Murchisons in possession of land in Kintail. In the year 1541, Evin M'Kynnane Murchison was proprietor of Bun- chrew when he obtained a remission from James v. for having taken an active part, together with some of his neigh- bours, in burning the castle of Eilandonan, the stronghold of the Mackenzies, at the mouth of Loch Duich. It has been conjectured by a friendly genealogist, that for such deeds the sept received the soubriquet of " Chalmaon," or " brave ;" and that this title led to their being confounded with certain M'Colmans of Argyleshire. 2 There must at least have been a wonderful versatility about the race, for not many years after the raid on the Mackenzies, when the Reformation had already made way through the country, the churches of Kintail, Lochcarron, and Lochalsh were in peaceable possession of different members of the family. 3 In the following century (16"34) the Murchisons appear on the Eoss-shire rent-roll as holding land in Lochalsh, of which they had obtained charters from the Crown. By this time, 1 This suggestion has been made to me by Mr. W. F. Skene, who adds that " the small septs are often the remnants of the older popula- tion." 2 In the North-West Highlands the Murchisons are called in Gaelic M'Colman, and have been traced by some genealogists to an origin in Argyleshire, where a sept of that name occurs. The family traditions, however, insist on a more northern origin, as stated in the text. 3 In 1574, James vi. presented John Murchesoun " to the haill com- moun kirk, baith parsonage and vicarage, of Kintail." In 1582 the same King presented Donald Murcheson to the same church, then vacant by the demission of John Murcheson, and Master Murdo Murcheson to the parsonage of Lochalsh and Lochcarron. Register of Great Seal. For these references I am indebted to the courtesy of Mr. Skene. 4 SIR RODERICK MURCHISON. too, they seem to have settled their differences with the Mackenzies of Seaforth, for they then held rank as hereditary castellans of that same Eilandonan stronghold which about a hundred years earlier they had assisted to demolish. It is not, however, until the troublous times of 1715 that any member of the Murchison sept comes notably forward in Highland history. Up till that period the people of these wilds remained under the same clan-system which had prevailed from the earliest times. The word of their chiefs was their law, and they had but a feeble notion of any higher rule or greater authority outside the dominions of the clan. While this ancient obedience and attachment con- tinued on the part of the vassals, the chiefs themselves were more or less influenced by somewhat similar feelings towards the old line of the Stuarts. A new race of sovereigns had been installed by Southern and Saxon hands. It was re- garded by these mountaineers with distrust and fear. They had no great cause to look back with satisfaction to their treatment under the sway of the fallen house. But there appeared more risk than ever of molestation from the new and alien rulers ; and so, partly from loyalty to the Stuarts, and partly from distrust of the Hanoverian dynasty, there existed at this time among the Highlanders a wide-spread disaffection and longing for a restoration. At last these feelings found vent in open insurrec- tion, and the outbreak of 1715 began. Among the chiefs who appeared in arms came the Earl of Seaforth, head of the Mackenzie clan. With him marched a gallant company of Murchisons, including two of note, John and Donald, uncle and nephew, the former bearing a commission in the Prince's army, and bringing with him all the men he ANCESTRY. 5 could muster in Lochalsh, the latter holding rank as colonel, his commission having been sent over by the Pretender himself in a quaint large ivory " snuff-mull," inscribed with the words " JAMES EEX. FOKWARD AND SPAEE NOT." l Among those who fell in the disastrous battle of Sheriff - muir was the great-grandfather of the subject of this bio- graphy. Colonel Donald, however, made good his escape, and soon afterwards appeared in his native district, where, amid narrow inlets and bays, rough glens and lonely moors, he could bid defiance to the conquerors. Donald Murchison was certainly one of the most remark- able Highlanders of his day. 2 Bred a lawyer at Edinburgh, he united to the usual warlike virtues of the clansman a shrewdness and knowledge of the world, which gave him considerable influence as the agent and friend of the Earl of Seaforth. After the battle of Sheriffmuir, when the Earl went into exile in France, Donald appears to have gone back to the mountains of Kintail. Doubtless, in 1719, he took his share in the rude fortifying of Eilandonan Castle, of which, as we have seen, his family had been here- ditary castellans, and saw with dismay its walls battered to pieces by the guns of three English war -vessels. Nor was he likely to be absent from his chief when the luckless expedition of Spanish auxiliaries and Highlanders, marching eastward for the invasion of the country, encamped in Glen- 1 This box was in the possession of Sir Roderick up to the time of his death, and is now one of the family heirlooms in the keeping of his nephew and heir, Mr. K. R. Murchison. It forms a conspicuous feature in the picture of " Donald Murchison gathering Seaforth's rents in Kin- tail," painted for him by Sir Edwin Landseer, and bequeathed by him to the National Gallery at Edinburgh. * For an account of him see Chambers's Domestic Annals of Scotland, vol. iii. 6 SIR ROBERT MURCHISON. shiel. Seaforth escaped wounded, and Donald was not among the prisoners. The Seaforth estates were forfeited, but they lay in so remote and inaccessible a region that the Commissioners of the Forfeited Estates only in 1721 were able to procure a factor bold enough to march westward to take possession of them. Donald Murchison, however, had been intrusted with their keeping by him whom he and all the native popu- lation still regarded as the rightful laird. Hearing of the approach of the new factor with a body of the King's troops, he attacked them as they toiled through one of the savage glens of the district, and not only stopped their further pro- gress, but compelled the factor to give a bond of 500 that he would never again attempt to carry out his duties in that quarter. That he might have additional sanction for his own proceedings, Donald even extorted authority from the unfortunate official to act as deputy-factor for the Com- missioners of Forfeited Estates, so that he could draw his rents for the Earl either as the agent of the one Government or of the other, as might be needful in each case. Again, in the following year, a still larger party of sol- diers made another attempt to gain possession of the rebel- lious country. But once more Donald proved himself not unworthy of the colonel's commission and the ivory snuff- mull. By a clever piece of strategy he discomfited this new invasion, and forced it to retire to its starting-place at Inverness. For ten years Donald Murchison administered the Sea- forth estates. Even after his successful resistance to the royal troops, such was his boldness that he would go per- sonally to Edinburgh to see after the proper transmission ANCESTRY. 7 of the rents to the banished and attainted Earl. General Wade, in reporting to George I. in 1725, writes that "the rents [of the Seaforth lands] continue to be collected by one Donald Murchison, a servant of the late Earl's, who remits or carries the same to his master into France. . . . The last year this Murchison marched in a public manner to Edin- burgh to remit 800 to France, and remained fourteen days there unmolested. I cannot omit observing to your Majesty that this national tenderness the subjects of North Britain have one for the other is a great encouragement for rebels and attainted persons to return home from their banish- ment." l Though the " Coarnal/' as Donald was called then, and as he still lives in old Eoss- shire story, preserved the estates for the Seaforth family, risking often his life in the service of his master, the Earl, on regaining his position in his native country, treated his faithful ally with injustice and neglect. Taking advantage of the lawlessness of the time, he seized the charters and lands of the Murchisons. Donald, finding reparation hopeless, and despairing of success in any appeal to a Government which had no strong reason to be very active on behalf of a man who had given it so much trouble, retired to the east side of the island, and died of a broken heart, childless and in poverty. 2 He was buried by the Conon, but the memory of his deeds still lingers among the hills which he guarded so long and so well Nearly a 1 Wade's Report, in Appendix to Burt's Letters, 2d edit. (1822), ii. p. 280. 2 For these particulars I am indebted to Dr. Corbet of Beauly, whose grandfather was a grandson of Colonel Donald's brother, and who has made the family genealogy a matter of investigation. See also Chambers, op. cit., and Anderson's Scottish Nation, vol. iii. p. 731. 8 SIR RODERICK MURCHISON. century and a half after he had passed away, a monument was raised to him by his kinsman, Sir Eoderick Murchison ; and now, as the tourist sails through the narrow Kyles of Skye, and marks on one hand the mouldering barracks of the Hanoverian soldiery, on the other the crumbling walls of the castle of Eilandonan, a granite obelisk on one of the headlands of Lochalsh recalls to him the deeds of one of the most disinterested men of that wild time. Donald's brother, Murdoch, raised an action at law for recovery of the charters ; but the renewed outbreak of 1745 came on. He took part in it, and died from the effects of wounds received at Culloden. Thus the action disappeared, and so did the ancestral property of the Murchisons. 1 John Murchison, farmer at Auchtertyre, in Lochalsh, Sir Eoderick's great-grandfather, has been already referred to as one of those who fell at Sheriffmuir. Traditions still linger in the north as to his feats of strength; one large stone, in particular, weighing about half a ton, being pointed out as having been carried by him for some distance to form part of a wall which he needed to build on his farm. Of Alexander, grandfather of Sir Eoderick, little has been handed down. He continued to rent the farm of Auchtertyre, 1 Sir Roderick was never able accurately to trace his relationship to Colonel Donald. He seems to have regarded the hero as his great-grand- uncle, but the connexion was yet more distant. His grandfather was a third cousin of the Colonel, so that his own kinship was of that shadowy kind in which Highland genealogists delight. Sir Roderick belonged thus to an offshoot from the main stem of the Murchisons in whose hands the little paternal property had been. His grandfather's great-grandfather had owned it. Information from Dr. Corbet. Both Boswell and Dr. Johnson, in their narratives of their tour in the Hebrides, refer with gratitude to the attention shown to them by a Mr. Murchison, factor for the laird of Macleod, in Glenelg, who sent them a bottle of rum, and an apology for not being able to entertain them in his house. ANCESTRY. 9 and had to struggle with but slender means ; yet, like his predecessors who had not fallen in fight, he reached a good old age, living on even till he was ninety-nine, and saw the fortunes of the family retrieved by his eldest son, Kenneth, whom he actually outlived. It was in the year 1751 that this Kenneth came into the world at Auchtertyre. He studied Medicine at the Colleges of Glasgow and Edinburgh, took the diploma of the Eoyal College of Surgeons in London, and while still a young man went out as surgeon to India, where he remained for seventeen years. A lucrative appointment at Luckiiow enabled him to amass a competent fortune, with which, coming home again about the year 1786, he not long afterwards purchased from his maternal uncle, Mackenzie of Lentron, the small estate of Tarradale, in the eastern part of the county of Eoss. He appears to have been a man of much force of character, a thorough Celt, generous, yet with enough of worldly wisdom to keep him from losing his possessions as his forefathers had done. He wrote his journals in Gaelic, but used the Greek characters, which he held to express the sound of his native tongue better than Eoman letters could do. Having gratified the ambi- tion, so common in Scotland, to become a laird, he kept up old Highland ways, and as long as he lived at Tarradale had as one of his retainers a piper, who also played the harp. Fond of antiquities, he devoted himself to those of Tarradale and its neighbourhood, and made a collection of urns and other objects found in tumuli and elsewhere on the estate. He was one of the original members of the Highland Society of London, and a warm friend of the scheme of the British Fisheries for the employment of the people of the Western 10 SIR RODERICK MURCHISON. [1792-5. Highlands and Islands. In those days doctors were scarce in the Highlands, hence Dr. Murchison's house formed a centre of attraction to the sick and maimed for many miles round. As he took no fees, his popularity became more wide-spread than was wholly pleasant, so that in the end he set on foot an agitation which resulted in the erection of the present Northern Infirmary at Inverness. In the year 1791 he married the daughter of Mackenzie of Fairburn, lineal representative of the Kory More or Big Eoderick Mackenzie to whom these estates had been granted by James V. She as well as her brother, of whom more will be told in later pages was born in the old tower of Fairburn, the characteristic Highland fortalice of the sept, guarding the entrance of one of the glens which open upon the lowlands of the Black Isle. The first-fruits of this marriage appeared at Tarradale, on the 19th of February 1792, when the subject of this memoir saw the light. He received the name of Eoderick, after his maternal grandfather, Eoderick Mackenzie of Fairburn, a jolly old laird, who lived for more than ninety years, al- though, as he used to say of himself, in regard to whisky, claret, or other potations, he was " a perfect sandbank." 1 A second name was given to the boy that of Impey, after Sir Elijah Impey, an intimate friend of his father's. 2 For three years the family continued to reside at Tarra- i This expression has been handed down by Sir Roderick Murchison. With reference to it Dr. Corbet informs me that he is himself in posses- sion of old Fairburn's silver quaich or drinking-cup, and that it does not hold more than an ordinary wine-glass. But of course the size of the cup tells us nothing as to how often it was replenished. * In one of Sir Roderick's journals the following notice occurs bearing upon this period of his life : " Old John Gladstone's wife was the dearest friend my poor mother had. She was a Miss Annie Robertson, daughter jiri.ge 10. TARRADALE, ROSS-SHIRE THE BIRTHPLACE OF SIR RODERICK MURCHISON. 1792-5.] ANCESTRY. 11 dale. This period, however, was too brief to fix any early Highland impressions on the memory of the future geologist, although he used afterwards to say that he ought to have his Celtic proclivities fully developed, for he had been nursed by the " sonsie " miller's wife of Tarradale, who hushed him to sleep with Gaelic lullabies, and no doubt, after the fashion of the country, gave him now and then, when he whimpered, a taste of the famous whisky distilled on the adjoining lands of Ferrintosh. These three years of infancy formed the only prolonged residence which Sir Eoderick Murchison ever made in the Highlands. His later visits were only for a few weeks at a time in summer or autumn. That early stay at Tarradale might have been indefinitely prolonged, so as to change the whole tenor of his life, had his father's health continued good. A delicacy, however, brought on probably by his Indian experiences, induced Mr. Murchison to quit his northern home for a milder residence in the south of England. Among the earliest recollections which his son Eoderick retained was one dating from the time of this southward migration. These were the days of highwaymen, and the party had journeyed armed. The father, always anxious that his son and heir should be a manly little fellow, pre- sented one day a pistol at his head, bidding him stand fire. His wife, fortunately, was sitting by and snatched away of the Provost of Dingwall, Ross-shire. When my father married he pro- posed that the bride's great friend and bridesmaid should stay with them. Finding that she was in very delicate health, he attended to all her ail- ments for a year or more, and when I was brought into the world, the first young lady's lap on which I was dandled was that of the mother of the present Chancellor of the Exchequer. She has often told me this herself, and has expressed how much she owed to my father for his kind medical attention." 12 SIR RODERICK MURCHISON. [1792-5. the child, when the pistol, which was not supposed to be loaded, went off, and a volley of slugs passed through the window. In a jotting found among his papers, and bearing date August 14th, 1854, the son thus recalls the memory of his parents : " My father was a good violin-player, and had a fine Cremona, on which he brought out his native and Jacobite airs with much feeling ; whilst my mother, dear soul, though never a skilful musician, played her reels on the harpsichord with so much point and zest that even now I can bring her full to my mind's eye whilst I was dancing my first Highland fling to the tunes of ' Caber Fey ' or < Tulloch Gorum.'" The change from Tarradale to the south of England did not avert the malady from which the invalid was suffering. He died in the year 1796. Of his closing days the follow- ing notes have been penned by his son : " A recollection of him, doubtless often since brought to my memory by my dear mother, is that while my father was in the last stage of the disorder (liver- complaint and dropsy) of which he died, my little brother and self were sent from Bath to the then sequestered village of Bathampton, where he took leave of us. The opening of the red damask curtains of the lofty old-fashioned bed, the last kiss of my dying parent, and the form of the old-fashioned edifice to which the invalid had been removed, have been stereotyped in my mind." On the death of her husband, Mrs. Murchison moved with her two boys to Edinburgh, where she took the house No. 26 George Street. 1 As soon as age allowed they were 1 The younger son, Kenneth, became Governor of Singapore, and after- wards of Penang. 1799.] SCHOOL-DAYS. 13 placed under the instructions of Bishop Sandford. Most of the Jacobites being either Catholics or Episcopalians, she found herself among friends in the small gathering which the disestablished Church could muster at that time in the metropolis of the north. Two years before his death her elder son revisited the little chapel near Charlotte Square to which his mother used to bring him. The lapse of more than seventy years had not wiped away the recollection of these early days, and he could yet recall how, one Sunday, their fat little cook Peggie, having incautiously ventured westward to her mistress's chapel, returned abruptly to the house, inveighing with indignation at the profanity of an organ, " for she cou'dna bide to hae the house o' God turned intil a playhouse." The widow, still young and attractive, was not long in finding a second husband in Colonel Eobert Macgregor Murray, one of the younger brothers of the Chief of the Macgregors. He, as well as his brothers, had been on inti- mate terms with Mr. Murchison in India, so much so that the Chief and his brother, Colonel Alexander, with Sir Elijah Impey, were left as guardians to the two boys. The marriage of his mother broke up the home -life of young Eoderick. Her husband was called to Ireland to aid in suppressing rebellion there, and as she determined to accompany him, it became necessary to place the boy, now in his seventh year, at school. Accordingly, in the year 1799, he was sent to the grammar-school of Durham. More than half a century afterwards he spoke of the pang of the parting from his mother, and from Sally, the Dorsetshire lass, to whose tuition he used to attribute the English accent which he retained through life. Before 14 SIR RODERICK MURCHISON. [ITW- leaving Edinburgh he could already read the newspapers with emphasis, and recite various pieces of verse. But now a new and strange life opened out to him. At Durham he was domiciled, with some twenty other boys, in the house of one Wharton a kindly man, who taught them French, and who, though himself a strict Catholic, never attempted to taint any of his pupils with a bias towards Popery. Six years passed away at Durham. They could hardly be called years of study. The boy, indeed, toiled in some fashion into the sixth book of the Iliad, crossed the "pons" in Euclid, and picked up a little French, besides the ordinary rudiments of an English education. But the somewhat morose and severe manners of the head -master were not of a kind to make learning pleasant. Nor in the discipline of the school, stern enough in its way, and often aided from a bundle of hazel rods, was there check sufficient to control the waywardness of the wilder boys. Among these Eoderick, or " Dick," as they called him, was always a ringleader. Breaking bounds was the least of his offences. Many an expedition did he lead against the town boys, and when not engaged in actual offensive warfare, he would be found drilling his school-fellows in military exercises. Pranks, too, of the dare-devil kind were a favourite pastime. At one time he would be seen sitting on a pro- jecting ornament or corner-spout of the highest tower of the Cathedral, to the horror of his comrades, who lay down in abject fright upon the "leads." He filled up more than the usual list of boyish escapades with gunpowder and on treacherous ice. The broken ground on which the 1805.] SCHOOL-DAYS. 15 romantic old city of Durham stands lent itself eminently to such feats. There was one exploit which deserves a pass- ing mention, since it was, perhaps, his earliest attempt to explore what lies under ground. Just beyond the archway leading to the Prebends' Bridge lay the open mouth of a drain which had its other end on the banks of the Wear, some hundred yards below. It had been a boast among the boys to get down to the bottom of the vertical mouth. But " Dick" one day undertook to force his way down the whole length of the conduit to its farther opening at the side of the river. Having dropt into his hole he soon found, as he advanced on hands and knees, that to turn was impossible. So, scaring many a rat by the way, he crept down, and at last, with scratched skin and torn raiment, and probably with what Trinculo styled " an ancient and fish-like smell," he emerged to the light of day, amid the hurrahs of his expectant school-fellows. His stepfather and his mother, during part of his stay at Durham, rented Newton House, near Bedale, in the North Eiding, whither, in vacation-time, he repaired to exhaust him- self in the delights of a pony and terriers. There, too, it was that the military life distinctly shaped itself in his mind. His maternal uncle, General Mackenzie of Fairburn, seeing his active habits, told him that in due time he would make a good soldier. "From that day," he remarks, "I read and thought of nothing but military heroes." CHAPTEE II. FIRST YEARS OF A SOLDIER'S LIFE. THE six years' schooling at Durham, such as it was, formed all the connected general education which Murchison received, though he tried to supplement it after a fashion a couple of years later at Edinburgh. It was thought to be amply sufficient as a groundwork for the profession of a soldier ; the more special training needed for the military life could be obtained elsewhere. Accordingly, in the year 1805, being now thirteen years of age, he was taken to the Military College of Great Marlow. Late in life he could recall how his stepfather sang amusing songs to cheer him on the way ; how, on arriving in London, they " were quartered at the Spring Gardens coffeehouse;" and how surprised he was to see, " in the box next to us, gloating over his beefsteak and onions, the corpulent John, Duke of Norfolk." At Marlow his aptitude for study was not more marked than it had been at Durham. His six books of Homer and the Latin which had been flogged into him were no help in aiding him to solve even simple questions 1805.] FIRST YEARS OF A SOLDIER'S LIFE. 17 in geometry and arithmetic. He was rejected, or, in the language of his comrades, " spun," and sent back to " mug," or study. " I could not do," he says, " the commonest things in geometry, and was a bad arithmetician a foible which has remained with me." When at length he had passed as a Cadet, he continued to introduce a fair amount of frolic among his not very arduous duties. C. 26 for that was his number in the third com- pany became as conspicuous a ringleader among the boister- ous youths at Marlow as he had already been among the boys at Durham. He succeeded, however, at the same time, in acquiring some military habits, and a slender knowledge of tactics and drawing. He now, for the first time, had to learn subjects really interesting to him, and, as he had been formerly in the habit of drilling his school-fellows for mere amusement, it was now a congenial and not very diffi- cult task to become a good drill-serjeant. From this time, too, dates the development of that singular faculty he had of grasping the main features of a district. His exercises in military drawing at Marlow first drew out this faculty, and led to the future rapidity and correctness of his " eye for a country," to which, in his scientific career, he owed so much. As a reminiscence of these Marlow days he writes : " As each cadet cleaned his own shoes and belts, and black- balled his own cartridge-box, we really knew what a soldier ought to do. French polish was then unknown, and the blacking which we bought of old ' Drummer Cole' required much elbow-grease to bring out the shine ; so that I shall never forget, when the Duke of Kent (the father of our gracious Queen) reviewed us, how I admired his highly- VOL. I. B 18 SIR RODERICK M URCHISON. [isoe. polished, well-made Hessian boots, and his tight-fitting white leather pantaloons." Those who remember the veteran geologist in his later days, and recall the military bearing which marked him up to the last, will readily appreciate how strong an impress these Marlow days left upon him. While a cadet he was also somewhat of a dandy. He preserved memoranda of the names of the titled people he met when he paid a visit ; how he delighted in the " smart curricle" of one distinguished acquaintance ; how he rode " the well-conditioned hunters or chargers" of another; how he dined at a fine old mansion one day, and played at whist with the young aristocracy of the place the next. He had good opportunity for indulging these tastes during a visit which he paid in 1806 to his uncle, General Mackenzie, who was at that time command- ing a militia force at Hull. And yet other qualities of his nature were also developing themselves. His uncle, who kept a diary, made the following entry on 29th January 1806 : " This day my dear nephew Eoderick left me. He is a charming boy, manly, sensible, generous, warm-hearted in short, possessing every possible good attribute. I think he has also talents to make a figure in any profession. That which he has chosen is a soldier. He goes back to Marlow College on the 3d of next month." The following year, at the age of fifteen, he was gazetted Ensign in the 36th regiment, but did no regimental duty for some time after his appointment. He writes of this epoch in his life : " For the first six months after I became an officer I was supposed to be completing my studies ! In reality I was amusing myself with all sorts of dissipation at Bath, where I passed my holidays driving ' tandems' and wearing clanking spurs. i8os.] FIRST YEARS OF A SOLDIERS LIFE. 19 " On leaving Marlow I was removed to Edinburgh, where my mother and relatives lived, and was placed in the house of Mr. Alexander Manners, the respected Librarian of the Faculty of Advocates, where I was associated with five or six other youths all older than myself. Having a recruiting party in the city under my orders, and with plenty of money to spend and balls to dance at, it may be well conceived that I did not gather together much knowledge. Still I picked tip a few crumbs, which were destined to produce some fruit in after times. Unquestionably, this winter in Edinburgh materially influenced my future character. For example, I took lessons in French, Italian, German, and mathematics. I also attended a debating club, and wrote (such as they were) two essays on political subjects, of which of course I was profoundly ignorant. While the young powdered mili- tary fop (pig-tails and powder were then in the ascendant) affected to despise all dominies and philosophers, I could not be one of the table presided over by the bland and courteous old Manners without picking up many useful hints for future guidance." Though he may have made some progress with his books at Edinburgh, he does not appear to have been quite as sure of his success in that way as he was of his mastery over the kicking horse in Leatham's riding-school. At the same time he took lessons in thrusting and parrying with the foil from an old French valet-de-chambre in the service of the Comte d'Artois, afterwards Charles x., who was then living in exile at Holyroodhouse. As the result of these various accomplishments he came to have such a good opinion of himself that when, at last, in the winter of 1807-8, he joined his regiment at the barracks of Cork, great was his 20 SIR RODERICK MURCHISON. [isos. chagrin to find the officers very different from the high- bred dandies he had expected them to be. They seem to have been for the most part quiet, well- disciplined old soldiers, who knew their work and did it, and who, more- over, had seen a good deal of active service on the Continent, in India, and in South America. He was no longer the important personage he had lately been with the " recruiting party under his orders." But in a little while he discovered, that what his comrades lacked in outward show they more than countervailed in the best qualities of soldiers. He found that the regiment had been a favourite with Sir Arthur Wellesley in India. His messmates could tell many a story of the cool daring of their old Colonel, Eobert Burne ; how he led his men at the storming of Seringapatam ; and how, when at Buenos Ayres, the Spaniards had brought up eight guns that completely enfiladed the road by which the British force was retiring, he halted his brave fellows and said quietly to them, " Now, my lads, I Ve come to lead you once more to an assault. You see these guns ! If we don't take and spike them our regiment will be swept away;" and then how he plucked a flower, and coolly placing it in his button-hole, drew his sword, and in a quarter of an hour had, with his grenadiers, spiked every gun and driven the enemy back into the town. Such tales vividly impressed the imagination of the young Ensign. His ideal of a military hero had hitherto been his handsome young uncle, General Mackenzie, in the full blaze of martial uniform, and it was his ambition to become the General's aide-de-camp. But he now came into contact with a real tried hero, whom he thenceforth set up as his model. isos.] FIRST YEARS OF A SOLDIER'S LIFE. 21 Colonel Burne was an excellent specimen of a type of officer now probably extinct. Cool and daring on the field of battle, lie was a severe disciplinarian. His piercing dark- brown eye proved quick to detect a careless pig-tail, or a failure of pipe-clay either in gloves or breeches. He had drilled his men to the most perfect precision after the method then in vogue, insomuch that his had become what was called a " crack regiment" at the camp on the Curragh. But with all this attention to the laborious system of train- ing which prevailed in his time, he knew how to unbend after his day's work was past. At the mess-table he would sit habitually from five till ten o'clock, setting an example to all his officers in the potation of port. He could not tolerate a drunken man, and he despised a young fledgling Ensign to whom illimitable draughts of his own favourite beverage proved in any way disastrous. He himself never showed any indication of being in the least degree affected, save that " his nose was gradually assuming that purple colour and bottle-shape which rendered him so conspicuous in the sub- sequent Peninsular war." Such was the brave and jovial leader whom the young Ensign of the 36th set before him- self for imitation. The regiment moved to Fermoy in the spring of 1808 ; but shortly thereafter a small army of about eight thousand men assembled at Cork for foreign service. Its destination remained secret, though it was shrewdly suspected to be de- signed for South America to retrieve there the honour of the British arms. The charge of it was given to Sir Arthur Wellesley, with General Mackenzie as his second in com- mand. The latter resolved to take with him his nephew Roderick as an extra aide-de-camp. Such a post had been 22 SIR RODERICK MURCHISON. [im. the dream of the young Ensign's life ever since he had en- tered on his military career, and it seems to have impressed him more each time he saw his uncle in all the pomp of command. But the projects both of uncle and nephew were rudely broken. The unexpected successes of the rising of the people of Spain against their French invaders at once drew the attention of the British Government to that country. The expedition was ordered to proceed not to South America, but to Spain. With this change of destina- tion came also an alteration in the command. General Mackenzie was not to accompany the force, and the ex- pectant aide-de-camp had to bear his mortification as he best could. But it was still his destiny to join the expedition, not on the Staff, but carrying the colours of the 36th, for in passing through Fermoy to take the command, Sir Arthur Welles- ley left orders for that regiment to proceed to Cork within twenty-four hours. A hurried gathering of goods and chattels, a march of twenty miles, an inspection in the streets of Cork by Sir Arthur himself, and then a string of boats filled with the red-coats slipping down to the Cove and to the transports thus suddenly the young soldier of but sixteen summers found himself face to face with the stern realities of war. CHAPTEE III. SIX MONTHS OF THE PENINSULAR WAE. BRITISH expeditions had come to hold but a poor reputa- tion, when the present century began. The despatch of a new one created little enthusiasm, or even interest. Long years of war had made the minds of men familiar with campaigns and battles and sieges. And these warlike operations were now spread over so wide a field that it would have been hard to tell to what quarter a fresh expe- dition would, with most probability, be sent. With this low military prestige there existed also a wide-spread feeling of indifference, sometimes bordering on contempt, for the profession of a soldier. The rank and file of the army contained a large infusion of the lowest orders of the community. Enlistment was in the hands of agents who received a profit according to the numbers they could induce to join the service. A man who had proved himself unfit for any honest calling was yet good enough for a soldier. And thus it became common to regard the " listing " of a son or brother as a kind of family disgrace. Of the private himself but slender care was taken by the 24 SIR RODERICK MURCHISON. [isos, authorities. He enlisted for life, and could look forward to being permitted to leave the service on a small pension only when ill-health or age at last made him useless. As a rule, he could neither read nor write. There was then no daily newspaper press recounting to every town and village in the three kingdoms the doings of his regiment, men- tioning even his own name should he distinguish him- self ; no associations for the help of the sick and wounded ; no lady-nurses venturing from dainty homes into the rough scenes of war ; no frequent post bringing him letters and papers from the fatherland to show him that he was the object of kindly solicitude to his native country. "When he was carried away into service abroad, it was not in a roomy steam-transport, but in a sloop or brig drawn perhaps from the coasting trade. And yet in spite of all these wants, of many of which he was happily unconscious, in spite, too, of pipe-clay and blackball, of plastering his queue, and burnishing his musket, he could be trained into an excellent soldier, and he went through his hardships with that endurance and boldness which more than restored the reputation of the British army. On the 12th July 1808 the small expeditionary force set sail from Cork, and met with no mishap until it came to anchor off the coast of Gallicia. Owing to some uncertainty as to the state of affairs in the Peninsula, the disembarka- tion was delayed for a few days, and the transports moved southward to the Portuguese coast. The young ensign of the 36th regiment, cooped up in a small brig, had been in the surgeon's hands, and continued still an invalid. But at the order for landing his kit was soon packed. Like the other officers he took ashore three days' provisions, beside 1808.] LANDS IN PORTUGAL. 25 his greatcoat and knapsack, while he had to carry on his shoulders the colours of the regiment. Of this time he writes : "Early on the 1st of August, the 36th, forming part of the first brigade, disembarked with the 60th Eifles and other regiments under General Fane. Fortunately it was a fine calm hot day, with little or no surf on the sterile and uninhabited shore, with its wide beach and hillocks of blown sand. The inhabitants of Figuiera, on the opposite bank of the river, stood under their variously-coloured umbrellas, and my boat being to the extreme left, I could scan the motley group, in which monks and women predominated. Just as I was gazing around, and as our boat touched the sand, the Commodore's barge rapidly passed with our bright- eyed little General. Perhaps I am the only person now (1854) living, who saw the future Wellington place for the first time his foot on Lusitania, followed by his aide-de- camp, Fitzroy Somerset, afterwards Lord Eaglan. He certainly was not twenty paces from me, and the cheerful confident expression of his countenance at that moment has ever remained impressed on my mind. The disem- barkation being unopposed, you would think I had nothing to record. But the young ensign, with his glazed cocked hat, square to the front, his long white gloves, his tight belts, and well-filled knapsack and haversack, found it no easy matter to obey the orders of the fidgety General Fane, who, whilst our feet slipped back on the loose sand, was en- deavouring to make us move as if on the Brighton race- course ! " Of this toilsome march, and of the subsequent operations of the army, the young soldier wrote a minute and earnest 26 SIR RODERICK MURCHISON. [isos. account two days after the battle of Vimieira, in a letter to his uncle, General Mackenzie, which, with all its tediousness of detail, shows no ordinary powers of observation, and grasp of the general plan of the military proceedings : " VIMIEIRA, 23d August 1808. " MY DEAR UNCLE, Having been prevented so very long a time from writing to you, on account of not knowing to what part of the Mediterranean you are ordered, I am re- solved at last to send this letter to Sicily, and let it run the hazard of a ship sailing from Lisbon to that island. If you had been in England during the whole of the time in which we were acting against the French in this country, what pleasure it would have given me to have sent you from the scenes of action the last accounts of them ; but in such ignorance was I of the country you were in, that in the only letter which I have had from my mother since I left Ire- land, she informed me only of your having proceeded in the ' Pomona' frigate to the Mediterranean ; that it was probable you would touch at some of the Spanish ports, whither it was then supposed Sir Arthur Wellesley's expedition would proceed ; and that in case of meeting with me, you intended taking me on with you as your aide-de-camp. I shall en- deavour in this letter to give a detailed account of our pro- ceedings, as I am certain you will be pleased with it, incorrect as it may be in some respects, and far as it must be from being a general one, on account of my humble situation in the army. " Sir Arthur Wellesley, after having proceeded to Corunna in order to hear of the movements of the Spaniards, wrote to Admiral Sir Charles Cotton off the Tagus, and requested him to co-operate. The landing of the troops in Mondego Bay 1808.] LANDS IN PORTUGAL. 27 was then determined upon, and, on the 1st of August, the 36th and 40th infantry, and some rifles, disembarked on the south side of the river Mondego, under General Fane, exactly opposite the town of Figuiera. The troops passed the bar of the river chiefly in small schooners which trade along the coast, and also in Portuguese boats. " The brigade being formed was then marched in open columns along the coast, chiefly through very heavy sands, about two leagues, and encamped near the village of Lavaos, where Sir Arthur established head-quarters for the night. As by his orders two shirts and two pair of stockings and a great-coat were to compose the whole of the baggage of officers and soldiers, and that not such a thing as a donkey or any other animal was procurable, our whole kit, including three days' provisions, was on our backs, which, with a brace of pistols and the 36th regimental colours, loaded me abso- lutely to the utmost of my strength. Even our old Colonel was compelled to tramp through the sands this day, which he did with the greatest alacrity. In four days the whole of the troops and stores were landed without any loss. As we were now to wait at Lavaos for the arrival of General Spencer's force from Cadiz, we had it in our power to com- municate with the shipping, and I was thus enabled to land my boat-cloak and a few other necessary articles, which have since been of infinite use to me on outlying picquets (under walls and without tents) and guards, and to buy a donkey to carry them, which little animal is with me at present. In the course of three days General Spencer's force arrived and immediately disembarked. The army being then arranged and divided into six brigades, we were placed under General Ferguson with the 40th and 71st regiments. The 28 SIR RODERICK MURCHISON. [isos. appointment of this excellent officer (who, I think, is your particular friend) gave us, the 36th, great satisfaction. " Sir Arthur Wellesley's orders, previous to our landing, were most explicitly and clearly written, particularly in explaining to the troops the nature of the service they were about to enter upon, and directing the greatest attention to be paid to the religion and customs of the Portuguese. We were likewise given to understand by these orders, that through the whole of the war we should be en bivouac, and no tents allowed for officers or men. On the 10th the whole army directed its march to Leyria. It was intended at first to have marched only three leagues, but upon in- formation being received that a force had proceeded by the sea-coast, in order to have surprised some of our outposts, our march was continued until three o'clock next morning. We then halted and took up our stations on a cold, bleak moor, about two leagues from Leyria, having marched up- wards of twenty English miles. Next morning we marched to Leyria (where the inhabitants had been maltreated by Loison), and halted on the south side of the city, whence I went in to inspect it. There we were joined by the Portu- guese army, which did not exceed in strength 3000 men. From what I could observe, there were about four squadrons of cavalry, good-looking, well-mounted dragoons, being the garde de police of Lisbon, who had made their escape from thence on hearing of our disembarkation. The Portuguese infantry was in a most wretched state of discipline. On the 1 3th the army marched two and a half leagues, and halted at Lucero, about a mile and a half on the south side of the beautiful ancient abbey of Batalha, where the Portuguese gained that celebrated victory over the Spaniards which 1808.] JfTV THE BATTLE OF RORIQA. 29 secured the independence of their country. At this place, for the first time, we got hold of a few straggling Frenchmen. Next day, the 14th, we proceeded to AlcobaQa, and halted near it. The abbey is most magnificent, and delighted me more than any public building I have seen. The library and kitchen of the convent are well worthy of admiration. Part of the French army had just quitted this place. " We had proceeded next morning about half- way between this town and Las Caldas ; when, approaching the small town of Albaferam, the French appeared in sight. Their army was drawn up in close column, and was ready for action. They however continued their retreat, and we advanced and halted near Las Caldas. "Sir Arthur had received intelligence that the French General Laborde was strongly entrenched in the mountainous pass at the extremity of the valley in which the old Moorish fort of Obidos stands, and that General Loison was at no great distance from our right. The greatest part of the army was advanced from the valley to force the pass, while General Ferguson's brigade (with General Bowes's in its rear) was sent off to the mountains on the left, with the in- tention of cutting off Laborde's retreat. We were proceed- ing in this direction when the French appeared upon our flank, in consequence of which we formed line, and changing direction advanced, as the fog cleared, towards the enemy. We marched over about two leagues of hilly ground, and when within about one mile and a half of the pass we un- expectedly perceived the whole of the enemy in direct march to it, and immediately afterwards our riflemen opened their fire from the top of a hill upon one of the enemy's columns, who returned a volley and retreated a short distance. 30 SIR RODERICK MURCHISON. [isos. " It feU to the lot of the Eifles, 5th, 9th, and 29th regi- ments, to force the pass, and to the last regiment especially, who, from the nature of the ground, could in some places only ascend up the hill in single files. It was on this account that the 29th lost so many officers and men, including the gallant Colonel Lake, who was some paces in front of his regiment when he fell. Just as we arrived at the foot of the mountains our artillery was brought into play, which no doubt annoyed the enemy's retreating columns, and three companies of our regiment were detached in order to support our light infantry, with the other light infantry of the brigade. The enemy had moved off, however, from the shots of the rifles, and the distant fire of a few pieces of our artillery. The 40th regiment was then detached from our brigade to cover the baggage, and as soon as the firing ceased we pursued our march through the pass. Swiss and French- men were lying dead on all sides. As soon as we got through, General Ferguson's brigade, with the others which had not been much engaged, formed on a very extensive heath, and were advanced in front in order to charge the enemy if he would stand ; but Monsieur would only permit a few stray shots to be sent into his solid columns he had received beating enough to satisfy him for one day. 1 " On the 19th the army moved on to Vimieira, and passed over the very plateau on which we of the 36th were, two days afterwards, to have an opportunity of signalizing ourselves. " The village of Vimieira is situated in a narrow valley, amid rising hills. In our front, on to the south-east, is a wood upon a low eminence ; and in the rear, on towards the 1 This was the engagement of Rolia or Roricja. 1808.] THE BATTLE OF VIMIEIRA. 31 coast, are very high hills. On the summit of these hills, which lie exactly between Vimieira and the sea, the greatest part of the British army was posted. On a lower hill on the right, and a little in front of the town, was the Light Brigade, with the 20th regiment. This was an excellent post of observation. On the hill on the left was the 40th regiment, which was the left of our brigade, the 71st High- landers on their right, and the 36th being in the hollow exactly in the rear of the village. Close to our front was a small river. The position was rather more than two leagues from the sea. . . . We discovered some squad- rons and picquets of French dragoons. Several officers approached us, and one coming particularly near (I suppose he was sketching), Captain Hellish (General Ferguson's A.D.C.) offered the long odds to any one that, if permitted, he would dismount him. "On the following morning, the 21st, about nine o'clock, the drums of the 40th regiment beat to arms. This was occasioned by their outlying picquet being attacked by some small party of the enemy which was greatly advanced. In ten minutes we were formed. Our brigade, led by General Ferguson, immediately crossed the little river and ascended to the hill on which we were about to fight. We had hardly commenced our uphill move before the advanced posts of our centre, in the hollow near Vimieira, on our right, com- menced a very heavy fire. We proceeded up the hill and formed line under its brow. A brigade of artillery was brought up with the greatest promptitude, and two guns, under Lieutenant Locke, being placed on the rising ground on our right, and the others on the left, three companies of the 36th were detached to the edge of the hill on our right, 32 SIR RODERICK MURCHISON. [isos. in order to protect the guns, which were soon annoying the advancing French close columns in the finest style with shrapnell shells, whilst our rifles and light infantry were firing in extended files as videttes. " After some very hot and close work the centre of our army, at the village of Vimieira, repulsed the enemy. There General Anstruther's brigade, with the 50th regiment, re- ceived the enemy in front of the village. Colonel Taylor, who had charged with four troops, the only cavalry we had, viz., of the 20th Light Dragoons, was killed in a wood, whilst our heavy artillery, which was placed upon the hillock in front of the village, cut up the enemy most dreadfully. The 50th charged them with the bayonet ; the 43d met them in a narrow lane when in open column, and gallantly repulsed them; the 52d and 97th were likewise warmly engaged and thus the enemy was quite routed in their central or main attack. 1 " To return to our own part of the battle, i.e. to our left wing : the fire of the enemy soon became very hot, and even though the 36th were lying on their breasts under the brow, our men were getting pretty much hit, whilst the regiment in our rear, the 82d, which at that time could not fire a shot, suffered more than we did. General Spencer, who commanded the division, when moving about to regulate the general movements, was hit by a ball in the hand, and I saw him wrap his handkerchief round it and heard him say, ' It is only a scratch !' Soon after, the light infantry in our front closed files and fell in ; our guns were pulled back, 1 The original of the present letter appears to have been lost. In the copy of it from which the text has been printed, the remainder after the above paragraph is in Murchison's own handwriting of a much later date. 1808.] THE BATTLE OF VIMIEIRA. 33 and then came the struggle. General Ferguson waving his hat, up we rose, old Burne (our Colonel) crying out, as he shook his yellow cane, that ' he would knock down any man who fired a shot.' " This made some merriment among the men, as tumbling over was the fashion without the application of their Colonel's cane. ' Charge !' was the word, and at once we went over the brow with a steady line of glittering steel, and with a hearty hurrah, against six regiments in close column, with six pieces of artillery, just in front of the 36th. But not an instant did the enemy stand against this most unexpected sally within pistol-shot. Off they went, and all their guns were instantly taken, horses and all, and then left in our rear, whilst we went on chasing the runaways for a mile and a half, as hard as we could go, over the moor of Lourinhao. They rallied, it is true, once or twice, particularly behind some thick prickly-pear hedges and a hut or two on the flat table-land ; but although their brave General Solignac was always cantering to their front and animating them against us, they at last fled precipitately, until they reached a small hamlet, where, however, they did make a tolerable stand. " Here it was that Sir Arthur Wellesley overtook us after a smart gallop. He had witnessed from a distance our steady and successful charge, and our capture of the guns, and he now saw how we were thrusting the French out of this hamlet. Through the sound of the musketry, and in the midst of much confusion, I heard a shrill voice calling out, ' Where are the colours of the 36th?' and I turned round (my brother ensign, poor Peter Bone, having just been knocked down), and looking up in Sir Arthur's VOL. I. c 34 SIR RODERICK MURCHISON. |>os. bright and confident face, said, ' Here they are, sir !' Then he shouted, ' Very well done, my boys ! Halt, halt quite enough !' " The French were now at their last run, in spite of every effort of Solignac to rally them. Several of our bloody-minded old soldiers said in levelling, ' they would bring down the on the white horse ;' and sure enough the gallant fellow fell, just as the 71st Highlanders, who were on our left, being moved round en potence, charged down the hill, with their wounded piper playing on his bum, and completed the rout of the enemy, taking General Solignac of course prisoner. 1 " Had we possessed a squadron or two of dragoons on the left wing, all the remaining force of Solignac's division, which had been driven two miles to the north, or away from the main body of Junot (which had retreated to the south), would have been captured, for they were then a rabble. But Sir Arthur knew his weakness in cavalry. He had defeated a very superior force in crack style ; on our wing we had indeed taken the General, and all the guns brought against us; he also knew that the enemy had three full regiments of cavalry in the field, whilst we had none. Moreover, he was no longer commander, for old Sir Harry Burrard, already on the ground, was his senior, and had ordered a halt. " Think, my dear uncle, with what pleasure I got a sheet of long paper from the adjutant, and wrote my first account of this glorious victory to my mother on a drum in the field, 1 This appears to be a mistake. Solignac was wounded, but the French General taken prisoner was not he, but Brennier. See Wellington's De- spatches, vol. iv. p. 96; Napier's Peninsular War, vol. i. p. 215. 1808.] THE BATTLE OF VIMIE1RA. 35 in order that it might go home with the despatches. 1 We shall soon go on to Lisbon, and then I expect we shall finish off Monsieur Junot. I remain ever, my dear uncle, your most affectionate nephew." To this letter may be added one or two reminiscences which he used to tell of these first Peninsular days. It was no marvel if a stripling of sixteen, even though he had been a ringleader in all rough sports and adventures at school and military college, should have looked pale for a moment on going into actual battle. His face caught the eye of the bluff old veteran, Captain Hubbard, who gave him a good draught of Hollands gin out of his canteen, and patted him on the back, saying he would never feel so afterwards. " And he was quite right," added the narrator ; " the first start over, and you are ever afterwards one of a united mass of brave men." No trace of personal emotion was of course allowed to escape in the business-like letter to his uncle from the embryo aide-de-camp. And yet, brave and bold as he was, he could not help a shudder at the first sight of the dead and mangled bodies of the Swiss and French lying right and left as his corps marched through the Pass of Roriqa. But a more hideous recollection dwelt in his memory through life. " When halting at a bivouac before we reached Vimieira," he wrote, " a Portuguese volunteer on horseback coolly unfolded before myself and others a large piece of brown paper, in which he had carefully folded up like a sandwich several pairs of Frenchmen's ears, his occupation having been to follow us, and to cut off all these appendages 1 This letter, sealed with a bit of brown bread, has not been preserved. 3G SIR RODERICK MURCHISON. [isos. from men who were thoroughly well ' kilt ' doubtless to produce them in coffee-house in Lisbon as proofs of the number of the enemy he had slain ! " The conduct of the 36th regiment, and its gallant colonel, received high praise in the despatches of Sir Arthur "Wel- lesley, to which, in after life, Murchison referred with pride, as evidence that though his friends had almost all known him only as a civilian and a man of peace, he had yet had shared with his comrades in actual and successful fighting. 1 The subsequent events of this short campaign, with all their memorable results in the Peninsula and at home, left but little impress on the young ensign. He saw his favourite general superseded by Sir Harry Burrard, and then by Sir Hew Dalrymple. He was quite sure that the British forces could have compelled Junot to surrender, or at least that the French force never could have fought its way back to Spain. Like so many of his fellow-countrymen, he looked on the so-called Convention of Cintra " as stupid, if not dis- graceful" In spite of what he has described to his uncle as his " humble situation in the army," he seems to have had no hesitation in deciding that the brilliant successes in which he had taken part had been " shamefully lost " by subsequent diplomacy. And he no doubt found consolation in repeating 1 In the official despatch from the field of Vimieira, Sir Arthur writes thus : " In mentioning Colonel Burne and the 36th regiment upon this occasion, I cannot avoid adding that the regular and orderly conduct of this corps throughout the service, and their gallantry and discipline in action, have been conspicuous." Wellington's Despatches, by Gurwood, vol. iv. p. 96. Again, in a letter written next day to Lord Castlereagh, he says, "You will see that I have mentioned Colonel Burne of the 36th regiment iu a very particular manner ; and I assure you that there is no- thing that will give me so much satisfaction as to learn that something has been done for this old and meritorious soldier. The 36th regiment are an example to this army." Op. cit. p. 100. 1808.] LISBON IN THE PENINSULAR WAR. 37 to his comrades one or other of the contemporary squibs which expressed the popular estimation of the respective merits of the three commanders. With the political side of the military events he troubled himself but little. Of more interest at the moment were the sights of Lisbon, in which his regiment was now quartered, and the looks and ways of the inhabitants. The music of the French bands before Junot's forces were embarked and sent away from the Tagus, the black- eyed beauties of the coffee-houses, and the filth of the luxurious city these were the features of the sojourn in Lisbon which most impressed themselves on his memory. Night after night his room was perfumed by the burning of lavender in it, and he was thereafter left to wage war against domestic battalions hardly less numerous than those which he had encountered at Vimieira. Or if he ventured out of doors after nightfall, no little dexterity was needed to work his way safely among the discharges of filth, which, in accordance with the sanitary arrangements then in vogue, descended from the windows, too often followed, instead of being preceded, by the cry required by the police, of " Agua va ! " The month of September wore away. At home fierce outcry had arisen over the Convention by which the French were removed from Portugal. The three commanders and the leading generals were summoned back to England to un- dergo examination before a Court of Inquiry, while vehement denunciations were poured forth by the newspapers against the conduct of affairs after the battle of Vimieira. Mean- while events had transpired in Spain which wholly altered the aspect of the war, and gave occasion to the English Government to interfere more actively than ever 38 SIR RODERICK MURCHISON. [im. in the contest between Napoleon and the people of the Peninsula. After the French armies had traversed Spain and crushed the numerous but unconnected and ill-directed attempts of the patriots to resist the march of the invaders, the tide of war turned. A division of Napoleon's armies, eighteen thousand in number, which had penetrated into the most southerly province, was surrounded by the insurgents and forced to lay down its arms. The enthusiasm of the people blazed forth afresh from one end of the country to the other. In England the joy was great and loudly ex- pressed, that at last some check seemed likely to be placed on the career of conquest of the man whom the country hated and feared. Money, men, stores of every kind, were freely promised to the patriots, and as freely, though with sad want of judgment, supplied. The British army, whatever might be thought or said as to the mode in which the feat had been accom- plished, had certainly compelled the French to evacuate Portugal, and the Ministry of the day deemed it advis- able that their victorious expedition, now lying at Lisbon and watching the embarkation and removal of the French regiments, should put itself in motion, march across the country, enter Spain, and give effectual aid to the efforts of the Spanish patriots. Orders to this effect reached Lisbon early in October. Sir John Moore was put at the head of the expeditionary force. He was told that not a French soldier remained in the southern half of Spain, that Castanos in the south, and Blake in the north, had collected large armies, with supplies, and how enthusiastically the people were everywhere rising against the invaders. He was directed to enter Gallicia or Leon, and there to receive an ros] WITH SIR JOHN MOORE IN SPAIN. 39 additional force to be despatched under Sir David Baird from England. In Spain his further movements were to be regulated in concert with the Spanish generals. Through the long melancholy marchings and counter- marchings which began at Lisbon at the end of September, and ended at Corunna in the middle of January, Murchison took his place with the 36th. His regiment formed part of the force sent round by Talavera under Sir John Hope. The troops began to move as the rainy season was setting in. To the rain succeeded the snows and frosts of an inclement winter. From the Spaniards assistance neither in men nor in means of transport, nor information of the movements and strength of the common enemy, could be procured. To the last there came from them in abundance promises of powerful reinforcements, entreaties to the British commander to advance, glowing pictures of the vast enthusiasm and re- sources of Spain, and stories of the weakness and hesitation of the French. In the midst of so much uncertainty it was natural enough that the progress of the British force should be but slow, and that this tardiness and apparent hesitation, combined with the hardships of the weather, should have caused some murmuring in the ranks. Among the mur- murers was our Ensign of the 36th. His physical frame, though strong, was sorely tried during these long marches, with indifferent food, in the dead of winter. He could not then judge what were the real operations of the army. He was necessarily ignorant, as other subalterns were, of the almost incredible difficulties of the noble-hearted Moore. He could see only the toilsome and seemingly staggering marches and halts and retreats. It appeared as if at head- quarters there were no settled plan; as if the army were 40 SIR RODERICK MURCHISON. [IFOS. moved to and fro merely at random. So deeply was this impression of inadequate generalship fixed on his mind, that even late in life he continued to express himself as he might have done in the march from Lugo, or on the heights of Corimna. 1 Of the actual events of the campaign he has preserved notes, chiefly of the various stages reached by his division in its march from Lisbon through Portugal and Spain, with a few personal reminiscences. In a little pocket note-book, which went with him through the campaign, there are traces 1 The following note contains his deliberate judgment as to the general- ship of Sir John Moore. It was written about the year 1854 : " The chief mistakes of Moore can never, I think, be set aside, although, doubtless, he had a most difficult task to play, and was grossly deceived by the Spanish government. These mistakes were, 1st, sending round all his artillery and cavalry, when we entered Spain, by a long march, thus paralysing his exertions for a fortnight or three weeks ; 2d, making the hazardous and indecisive advance from Salamanca to Sahagun, which led him eventually to abandon the only true strategical plan of returning, as he himself intended a week before, on the strong ground of Portugal. Again, the detaching the Light Division to Vigo was an error which pre- vented his occupying a strong position before Corunna ; and, lastly, his forced night marches in order to escape from our enemy, who was re- pelled by us at all points, even after our horrible losses and disasters, and with two-thirds only of our army. "It must be recollected that I only had the knowledge of a young subaltern officer, and in resenting the stern general order of our chief, in which he reflected on the want of discipline, I simply express what all the poor sufferers felt who knew that the army so condemned was in an ad- mirable state a month before. ' To whom therefore,' said we, ' is this forlorn state due, but to the chief who commands us to do impossibi- lities i.e., to march without shoes and provisions, and in dark winter nights?' " For these reasons, notwithstanding all the praise of his admirers, in- cluding William Napier, who had been drilled under him, I have never been able to regard Moore as a first-rate general. As a general of division, as a disciplinarian, and as a noble type of unblemished character and un- flinching courage, he was without a rival. Peace be to his ashes ! and let glory be ever associated with the name of the hero who in Egypt contri- buted so much to the success of Abercromby, and who, like his gallant Scottish countryman, met his death in the arms of victory." is(K] WITH SIR JOHN MOORE IN SPAIN. 41 of some attempts to acquire a few words of Spanish. Such phrases as were likely to be of service in the march are carefully noted. He records how, having now been pro- moted to be Lieutenant, he made his first essay in horse- dealing, an unfortunate adventure, by which he secured an animal whose legs, when seen by daylight, turned out to have been all duly pitched below the knee, and whose most sprightly movement consisted in rolling himself on the ground, his feet in the air, and his rider sprawling in the sand beside him, amid the laughter of the regiment. From Abrantes to Castello de Vide he notes the broken features of the ground, which rises into heights crowned here and there with quaint old hill-forts, and sinks into fold after fold of cork-forest, with plenteous harbourage for the hairless black pig, " the best food in Portugal." Now and then during the halts he and a companion would sally out for the inspec- tion of castle, forest, village, or town, as might happen. At the venerable fortress of Marvao, for example, scattering troops of black swine, he climbed up to the fortifications of what seemed to be a forgotten tenantless hold, when a challenge suddenly came from a ragged sentinel in dingy brown, and with a sorely rusted musket, dangerous only to the hands that might venture to fire it. The strangers were reported to the " Governor," and they found, as the whole garrison, a score of men yet more patched than the sentinel, with hardly a lock to any one of their guns. The 36th regiment was the first of the division which crossed the frontier into Spain. He chronicles in the be- haviour of the natives a strong contrast to that of the Por- tuguese. Though received with shouts of " Long live the English ! Long live King George !" he found the people 42 SIR RODERICK M URGE I SON. [ieos. cold and distrustful; and he speaks of the disheartening effect upon himself and comrades of the indifference and reserve with which the houses on which they were billeted were opened to them. There was much in this march into the heart of Spain to arrest the notice of an observant eye the forms of the great table-land, with its sierras and river-gorges the antique towns and mouldering ruins going back even into Eoman times the ways and manners of the people. Of these various features no jottings occur in the journal, save only such scanty ones as to show that they were not passed wholly without notice. At the Escurial the force halted for six days. Many of the officers contrived during this interval to see Madrid. Murchison, being somewhat unwell, spent the time among the jolly brethren of the great gridiron convent. What seems to have made the most lasting impression on him were the large flasks of wine hung before the window of every cell to ripen for private use. But he retained a vivid recollection, too, of the splendours of the art collec- tion, then still untouched by French spoliation, and of the solemn resting-place of the Kings of Spain. It was while waiting at the Escurial for tidings of the Spanish forces, with which the British were to co- operate, that General Hope learned how utterly these forces had been routed and dispersed by the French, who, under Napoleon in person, were now rapidly approaching the capital. At once the route was changed, and by a skilful move the British division under Hope was united to the main body of the army led by Sir John Moore. In the course of this rapid march there occurred at the old Moorish city of Avila an incident, of which Murchison gives the 1809. J THE RETREAT TO LUGO. 43 following account : " Our poor fellows being well tired were either asleep or dozing against the walls of the houses, when they were roused by a tramping of horses' feet and loud clashing of metal, sounding just like a cavalry- charge, which caused a few to run for their arms, piled in the middle of the dark street, whilst many more made a sauve qui pent into the adjacent alleys. The charge having cleared the street, knocking down many a piled musket, our amuse- ment was great to find that one old vicious mule, breaking away from the muleteers, had carried with him a troop of his associates, who came full gallop clattering down the street, tossing our camp-kettles and all their burdens by the way. This was the enemy's cavalry that awoke us !" Hard winter weather and a continued retreat began to tell upon the discipline and the numbers of the British troops. On the 6th of January, on reaching Lugo, Sir John Moore issued a general order, beginning, " Generals and commanding officers of corps must be as sensible as the Commander-in-Chief of the complete disorganization of the army." Lieutenant Murchison, however, could see no signs of any such disintegration in the 36th regiment at that time, and it was only after the terrible night-marches which suc- ceeded the halt at Lugo that his division merited in his eyes the severe censure of the Commander-in-Chief. These toil- some nights, with the constant pressure of the French, and of even more resistless foes, bitter frost and snow, told, too, upon his own strength. On one occasion, after a fruitless midnight march against the enemy, who was supposed to be advancing to the attack, Murchison, commanding that night an outlying picquet, threw himself into a corner of a farmer's yard, and soon fell asleep. Day had scarcely broken when 44 SIR RODERICK MURCHISON. [isoo. the cry of " Picquet, turn out !" roused him from his rest, but not in time to escape the notice of the vigilant Colonel Packe, who, however, allowed him to escape with a severe reprimand. But after the halt at Lugo, when having vainly offered battle to the French, the British army retreated by a forced march to Corunna, the young lieutenant fairly broke down. The mule, which had hitherto carried himself or his kit, was lost ; his old soldier servant had gone back to seek among the snow for his wife and child. Of this sad time he has preserved the following recollections : " Never shall I forget the night which followed the abandoning of our position in front of Lugo. We marched through that city at dusk, and then blew up the bridge which was to check for awhile our foe. In darkness, with no food, and after sleepless nights, with worn-out shoes, and thoroughly disgusted with always running off and not fight- ing, this army now fell into utter disorder. Starved as they were, the men soon became reckless, and all the regiments got mixed together ; in short, the soldiers were desperate, in spite of the exertions of the few mounted officers. For my own part, I walked on, usually in my sleep, with the grumbling and tumultuous mass, until awakened by the loss of my boots in one of the numerous deep cuts across the road, which were like quagmires, so that with my bare feet I had some twenty miles still to march. Many of the soldiers got away from the road to right and left. Marching all that dreadful night my young frame at last gave way, the more so as I was barefoot, cold, and starved, and already the great body of troops had got far ahead of me. In short, I was now one of a huge arrear of stragglers when day broke, and the little hamlet was in sight. 1809.] NEARLY TAKEN PRISONER 45 " Seated on a bank on the side of the road, and munching a raw turnip which I had gathered from the adjacent field, and just as I was feeling that I never could regain my regi- ment, and must be taken prisoner, a black- eyed drummer of the 96th came by from the village, whither the young fellow had been to cater. Seeing that I was exhausted, and almost as young as himself, and not yet a hardened old soldier, he slipped round his canteen, which he had contrived to fill with red wine, and gave me a hearty drink. He thus saved me from being taken prisoner by the French, who were rapidly advancing, and who, if they had had a regiment of cavalry in pursuit, might at that moment have taken pri- soners, or driven into the mountains, a good third of the British forces. " With the draught of wine I trudged on again, and came in, at eleven o'clock of the 10th, into the town of Betanzos, and rejoined my regiment, which had marched in with about fifty men only, with the colours, though ere night it was made up to its strength of 600 and odd men. This fact alone shows better than a world of other evidence what forced night-marches with a starving and retreating army must infallibly produce. At Lugo the 36th regiment was fit to fight anything in two days it was a rabble. " Happily for me I tumbled into a shoemaker's house. His handsome young wife washed my feet with warm water, and furnished me with stockings, while her husband came to my further aid with shoes. But my swollen feet had no time to recover. On the following day the whole army, such as it was, passed over the river, blowing up the bridge, and taking up its last position. " There, remnant as it was, the army formed a respectable 46 SIR RODERICK MURCHISON. [ISOQ. line Corimna within two miles of us, and our fleet ready to back us. Provisions and shoes were served out to us, and with such luxuries the bivouac, even in the month of January, was well borne. In truth the army got into comparative good spirits, and when on the 15th the French crossed the last bridge we had blown up, and were defiling at a respect- able distance along our front, we were quite refreshed, and ready to repel them. The picquets indeed of our (Hope's) division had a sharp encounter on that evening, and when looking through the Colonel's glass, I saw Colonel Mackenzie of the 5th regiment fall dead from his grey horse, whilst leading an attack on two of the enemy's guns. " On the 16th, just after our frugal repast, and whilst leaning over one of the walls where we lay, my old Colonel after looking some time with his glass, suddenly exclaimed to me, ' Now, my boy, they 're coming on ;' and when I took a peep to the hills beyond on the right and south-west, I perceived the glitter of columns coming out of a wood. And scarcely had the Colonel given the word to fall in, when a tremendous fire opened from a battery of seventeen to twenty pieces, under cover of which the enemy was rolling down in dense columns from the wooded hills upon our poor fellows, who were in a hollow with their arms piled, like our own, until they were assaulted. " For our cavalry was extinct, as the horses and men, as well as most of our artillery, were embarked on the 13th and 14th ; yet never since Englishmen fought was there a more gallant fight than was made by the 4th, 42d, and 50th regi- ments (Lord W. Bentinck's brigade), who rushed on with the bayonet, and, supported by the Guards, held their own against a terrific superiority, until General Paget was ordered 1809.] THE BATTLE OF CORUNNA. 47 to move his brigade towards the enemy's flank, and com- pelled them to withdraw not, however, before poor Moore, galloping out from the town, fell, while encouraging the troops; and Baird, who marched his division out of the town, had lost his arm. My own brigade had much less to do, our front line and picquets being alone engaged. " As night fell, and after the firing had ceased, the enemy having returned to his own ground, we received the order to march into Corunna and embark. Our fires we're left burning to deceive the enemy, and make him believe that he must fight us again next morning if he hoped to beat us. " Silently and regularly we moved on on this our last short night-march in the dark tranquil night of the 16th, and passing through the gates reached the quay. The names of our respective transports had previously been explained to us, my own being the brig ' Reward,' which I found to be from Sunderland. I was on deck as light dawned, and then at once saw the danger of the position of this miserable little transport, as well as of a dozen or more of the same craft. They had been foolishly allowed to anchor im- mediately under the tongue of high land which forms the eastern side of the harbour, and on which there were no land defences. Knowing that this ground was only a continua- tion of the hilly track on which my division had marched a few hours beforehand being certain that the French would with the peep of day pass over our old bivouac to this pro- montory, I at once urged our skipper to get up his anchor betimes. But the grog had, I suppose, been strong that night. He exclaimed, ' Why, I tell you what, the brave High- landers are there ; they have not come away like you folks.' 48 SIR RODERICK MURCHISON. [isog. Scarcely had he spoken when a battery of field-pieces opened their fire and sent some balls through our rigging. Turning pale as death under the fire of these mere field-pieces, and seeing that his crew were ready to run below, he applied the axe to the cable, and in a few minutes we were drifting away as we best could. The wind being from the east, we were fast approaching the rocks on which the Castle of Antonio stands, and on which at least five transports similarly circumstanced to my own were wrecked, the men being saved with difficulty, after losing their arms, colours, and baggage. " I have often reflected on the extraordinary want of all due arrangement on the part of our Admiral, in command of a splendid fleet, who allowed those miserable transports to anchor in such a position without placing a frigate or two near them to silence the puny battery and prevent the dis- may which seized the skippers. " Not ' missing stays/ the ' Reward ' floated away, and was soon going fast before a strong nor'-easter, with the rest of the fleet helter-skelter for the Channel The retreat from Lugo could not be more confused than this flight of ships. On the night after our start I was awakened by a strange noise, and running on deck found the ship wearing off under a furious storm from amidst white foam and breakers. We had just avoided going ashore upon the Dodman a headland of Cornwall which that very night sent three or four of our careless transports to the bottom with their crews, and filled with poor soldiers who had escaped from the dangers and privations of the campaign. Such were our transports of the old war. We had been saved from this disaster solely by the watchfulness of an old grenadier." 1809.] GARRISON LIFE AT HOME. 49 So ended Murchison's first and last campaign. After the lapse of more than half a century spent in peaceful and utterly different pursuits, and when men had ceased to think of him as having tried in any degree the rough ways of war, he loved to recall those old Peninsular days. Many a time did the recollection of them furnish him with a telling point in an after- dinner speech, and give to some of his hearers a surprise when they learnt that the speaker whom they had known or heard of, perhaps from boyhood, only as a man of science, had fought with Wellesley and Moore before the year of Waterloo. From the end of January 1809 to nearly the end of October in the same year, Murchison remained with his regiment on home service, continuing to vary the routine of garrison life by visits to different parts of the country, among others to Tarradale, the paternal estate in Eoss-shire. London, too, lay so temptingly near to Horsham Barracks, that he was often to be found with some of his messmates at the Old Slaughter's Coffee-house, St. Martin's Lane, then a favourite military haunt. On one of these occasions, escorted by his commanding officer, Colonel Burne, he was parading Bond Street in the stream of fashionable loungers when Sir Arthur Wellesley came up. The hero of Vimieira had for the nonce turned his sword into the pen of the Chief Secretary for Ireland, and his military uniform into a civilian's garb so unique that it remained ever after in the young lieutenant's memory : " Coat double-breasted, with brass buttons, buff waistcoat, kerseymere shorts, and brown top- boots, leaving a good deal of daylight behind." Eecognising the Colonel, he stopped. His words not less than his dress made one of the reminiscences which Murchison liked most VOL. I. D 50 SIR RODERICK MURCHISON. [isog. to recall. " Ah, my dear Burne," said he, " glad to see you once more. One of your younkers eh ? Well, things won't do as they are. I shall soon be at it again, and then I can't do without the 36th." But though this prophecy came true enough, and though doubtless the subaltern went away re- joicing in the prospect of again having a chance of distin- guishing himself, he was not destined to take any part with his regiment in the brilliant adventures which ended with Waterloo. Curiously enough, the very advancement which he had all along contemplated as the height of military bliss became in the end the ruin of his professional prospects. He now attained his ambition, for in the autumn of 1809 he became aide-de-camp to his uncle. But the change, though it led him abroad, brought him no opportunity of advancing him- self in his career. General Mackenzie was then in Sicily, and his nephew had orders to join him there. On the 25th of October, George m.'s jubilee, he set sail. As the ' Salcette ' frigate, in which he had obtained a berth, slipped round the North Foreland and down the Channel, the shores of Kent from headland to headland, and from tower to tower, blazed with cannon, while a great fleet fronting the coast-line answered with one long flame of fire from ship to ship, as if to show not merely loyalty to the old King, but a front of defiance to be seen and understood by Napoleon on the other side of the strait. Life abroad wore now a pleasanter aspect than it had done for him in the Peninsula. " At Messina," he says, " I was soon set up as my uncle's aide-de-camp in a house of my own, with two horses, and little to do except make love and 1809.] GARRISON LIFE IN SICILY. 51 ride in the cool of the evening with my general." As one of his duties he had to copy an official correspondence be- tween his uncle and the agents of the Neapolitan Govern- ment, and thereby had an early opportunity of learning some- thing of the duplicity and broken faith with which the British in Sicily had to deal. Another correspondence also copied out by him was one with Admiral Collingwood, then in command of the Mediterranean squadron, whose de- spatches were pointed out to him by his uncle as models for imitation. A lull had come in the warlike operations in Italy. The hostile forces, looking at each other across the narrow Strait of Messina, contented themselves with a wearisome and profitless gun-boat bombardment. Murat came down into Calabria, and threats were given out that he would invade Sicily and call on the people to rise against the hated Bourbon ; but as no such move was made, the bombardment went on. This uninteresting duel was once enlivened by an inci- dent worthy of an older time. A flag of truce came sailing across from the French lines, and keen grew the interest on the Sicilian side to learn what new turn affairs had taken. Still greater, however, was the astonishment of everybody when the French officer, disembarking with a package under his arm, made known his mission thus : " Le Eoi mon maltre ayant appris que son bon ami le General Mackenzie se trouve en face, desire renouveler leur amitie', et lui envoye quelques livres de bon tabac de Paris !" It turned out that some years before, Mackenzie had obtained leave of absence to go from Minorca to visit Eome. While he was in the imperial city, the French army under 52 SIR RODERICK MURCHISON. [isog. Murat suddenly appeared. The young British brigadier re- solved not to flee, like most of his fellow-countrymen, but to trust to the effects of a bold bearing upon the generous and susceptible mind of Murat. On the evening of the French entry into Eome, a Princess, with whom Mackenzie was acquainted, gave a grand ball, at which he was an- nounced in full uniform as " The English General" Taking no notice of the French officers, who looked at each other in astonishment, he saluted the hostess, and had entered into conversation with her, when at last Murat, recovering from his surprise, tapped him on the shoulder, and begged for some explanation. Mackenzie easily satisfied him that he was what he pretended to be, a young British officer, "fond of pictures, pretty women, and amusement ; and that as he was simply amusing himself and learning Italian, he thought he had better trust to the generosity of a brave General-in- Chief than be captured by troops and treated as a spy." Murat not only granted him leave to stay in Eome, but gave him a passport to travel where he pleased, and formed a friendship which was now renewed even in the midst of actual war. As a further reminiscence of this friendship, his nephew writes, " When the General [Mackenzie] visited Paris at the peace of Amiens, he found in Murat a most useful and kind friend, who presented him to the First Consul, with whom he dined. It was my uncle's habit to eat slowly, and in short to dine like a gentleman, in conversing with his neighbours. Massena, who was next him, said, ' Depechez-vous, mon Ge'ne'ral le diner sera bientot fini et vous n'aurez rien a manger/ Such was Bonaparte's rapid and voracious mode of feeding (no wonder he died of a 1809.] GARRISON LIFE IN SICILY. 53 cancer in his stomach !), that before my worthy uncle had eaten the second dish, Napoleon was trotting by him, fol- lowed by all his clattering suite, to have coffee in the next room of the Tuileries." Although actual warfare was going on within sight of Messina, our young aide-de-camp began again to complain of monotony. He took pains to acquire some knowledge of Italian, and, what may surprise those who knew him only late in life, had lessons in singing. Of professional work there would seem to have been but little for him to do ; hence the arrival of a stranger, who needed to be taken round the outskirts of Messina, was no doubt a welcome excitement. His journals contain jottings of such short excursions, parties, and other gossip. The only incident beyond the usual routine relates to an English lady, one of the beauties of the place, who, however, had the misfortune to be extremely stout : " One day at the table of the Com- mander -in -Chief, the captain of a Turkish frigate being seated opposite to F , was so lost in admiration of her that D and myself, who were sitting on either side of him, asked him how much he would pay for her, and he instantly replied, with sparkling eyes, ' Fifty brass cannon/ in other words, his frigate's worth." General Mackenzie's health now required his return to England, and our aide-de-camp was soon relegated once more to home life. The journey homeward proved more circuitous and prolonged, as well as somewhat more event- ful, than the voyage out had been. They had berths on board a " miserable little packet, with some six pop-guns," and their route lay by Malta and Cagliari to Gibraltar. Off the coast of Sicily they ran a narrow chance of being sunk 54 SIR RODERICK MURCHISON. \im. by an Algerine squadron, the Algerines being then at war with the Sicilians. At Cagliari they beheld his Sardinian Majesty drawn down one of the steep streets of the place in a rickety coach by four black long-tailed horses. Ten days passed pleasantly away at Gibraltar, enlivened by an excursion into the hills of Eonda, in the wake of the retreating French, with the risk of being taken prisoners by them, or of being shot as Frenchmen by the guerillas. At Cadiz he made fresh acquaintances, witnessed a little further warfare in the attack and defence of Fort Matagorda, and enjoyed for a fort- night the evening stroll on the Alameda. The packet direct from Constantinople to England took him finally home. CHAPTEE IV. MILITARY LIFE AT HOME. THE military career of Lieutenant Murchison had now come wholly to depend for its shaping upon that of Lieut- General Mackenzie. As the latter on his return home was appointed to command in the north of Ireland, his prospects of future advancement suffered hopeless ruin, and with them went those of his young aide-de-camp. Both aspirants for distinction were doomed to inaction at home just as Wel- lington was beginning his brilliant successes in the Penin- sula, and they remained here through those eventful years 1811 to 1814 during which the British army established its prestige on the continent of Europe. With this forced inaction Murchison used to connect an incident illustrative of one phase of the society of England at the time. General Mackenzie had been a favourite with the Prince Eegent, and continued to be so until one fatal night after his return from Sicily. The story is thus told by his nephew : " My uncle was in the pit of the Opera when Sir A. Murray, the gentleman-usher of the Princess of Wales, came down to him from her box and conveyed the flattering 56 SIR RODERICK MURCHISON. [mi. message that her Eoyal Highness wished to see him. Hesi- tating for a moment, for he well knew how the Prince hated her, he unfortunately assented, in the belief that no one could refuse a royal command. Of course, the Princess having got one of the Prince's clique, and a handsome fellow, in hand, made the most of her conquest, not only by parading him in front of the box, but also by taking him home to sup with her. The late Lord Hertford, who was the constant gossip of the Prince, went at the usual hour next morning, and whilst H. E. H. was shaving said, 'Well, Sir, strange things come to pass. Mac was with the Princess in her box last night, and went home with her to supper.' The razor fell from the royal hand, and at once he took a dislike to my uncle, who never saw him afterwards. But to soften his fall the Grand Cross of the Hanoverian Order was sent to him, the Prince saying, ' Mac is a handsome fellow, and will look well in it.' " On his return from Messina, Murchison had again to betake himself to dull barrack-duty at Horsham with the second battalion of the 36th regiment, to which he belonged. He had not yet discovered any form of mental occupation which might serve to make even that monotonous sort of life not unprofitable. On his own confession, he gave him- self up to walking feats, lessons in pugilism, horses, and the other pursuits with which a young military dandy contrives to fill up his time. In the midst of this aimless life he gladly obeyed a summons from his uncle to join him as aide-de-camp in the north of Ireland, where the General had been appointed to the command of a division. Everything at first promised well in this new sphere of action. But when he had fairly settled down in his quarters i8ii.] GARRISON LIFE IN IRELAND. 57 in the town of Armagh, the aide-de-camp found them even more intolerably dull than Horsham, with a vastly greater distance from anything like the pleasures of society. His companion at this time, the Comte de Clermont, a young French emigre, holding the rank of captain in our service, had been appointed by General Mackenzie to be aide- de-camp with Murchison. With every disposition to be amused, the two young men found it no easy task to keep themselves in good humour in Armagh. Having no kind of military duty to perform, they spent their mornings in hare-hunting with slow beagles. During the day they were often to be found at a neighbouring rectory, drawn partly by the whimsicality of the jolly parson, and partly by the charms of his young ladies, among whom each of them con- trived to fall deeply in love. From the rector's humour and Miss B 's attractions the change to the dull lonely evenings at Armagh was no doubt intolerable. Now and then a tea- party came off in their honour. When that form of excite- ment failed they had the chance of a game at tric-trac with the General, who however would dismiss them at nine o'clock to their lodging over a bootmaker's shop. 1 In his journal of this period there occur allusions to the Cathedral Library, but he appears to have made little use of it, his chief mental exertions having been given to the dis- cipline of his stable and the doctoring of his horses. Such reading as he accomplished seems to have consisted of 1 An amusing glimpse into this Armagh life is furnished by the remark of a French cook whom the General had taken over to Ireland with him, and whose disgust with the want of resources for his art, and the intolerably pungent peat-smoke, found vent at last in the following words, duly chronicled by the nephew : " C'est avec infiniment de regret, M. le G6n6ral, que je voxis quitte : mais en v6rite si je reste ici je perdrai et ma reputation et ma vue." 58 SIR RODERICK MURCHISON. [mi. Shakespeare and any sensational form of literature which came to hand. At this time of his life Murchison was simply one of those numerous young men who, finding in the routine of their military duty occupation for but a small portion of the day, and having little inclination for pursuits requiring any degree of thought, yet happy in the possession of excellent health, strong bodies, and good spirits, need to get an outlet somehow for their superfluous energy. Nor does he seem to have been more fastidious than others in his choice as to the direction in which that outlet was to be sought feats of pedestrianism, hunting, or horsemanship offered a ready relief from the tedium of military idleness. Now and again he obtained leave to go to England, and on these occasions, when not following the hounds in the northern counties, he was usually to be seen dressed in the height of fashion and airing himself on the promenades of London. For he had now managed to pick up expensive tastes, and indulged in an extravagance which brought him a series of earnest expostulations both from his guardian and his uncle. On his own confession he spent treble and quadruple his allowance, and looked forward to his majority as an event which would enable him to gratify even more freely his fondness for display. He even talked of selling the patrimony in Eoss- shire so soon as it came into his pos- session a purpose which his guardian contemplated with horror as a frustration of the design of Dr. Murchison, who had purchased the property as an investment for the family, and who held that a small freehold estate gives a man a better position in the country than treble its value in the bank. Murchison of Tarradale would have a voice in his county, Murchison of the funds could have none. 1812.] COMING OF AGE. 59 In the midst of this purposeless extravagance it is plea- sant to find a glimpse of better things. On the 27th of January 1812, Captain Murchison became a Member of the Royal Institution, where he attended the lectures of Sir Humphry Davy. No notice of this part of his London doings, however, occurs in his journals. At last the long-wished-for 19th February 1813 arrived, and the young laird came of age. His guardian had urged him to go north, see the property with his mature eyes, and judge for himself whether he would act wisely in parting with it. He now resolved to follow this advice. In those days it was common to make the journey into Scotland on horseback, or to post in one's carriage. Young Tarradale combined the two kinds of locomotion, for he converted his tall hunter " Buckran " into a buggy horse, and with his groom " started off steadily in his high green dog-cart." After a short stay in Edinburgh he took the old Highland road, and had reached Blair- Athol by the last day in March. Next morning a loud thumping at his bedroom door, and the voice of his Yorkshire groom " Sir, I canna get in to Buckran ; the snaw 's blocked oop t' way to steable," brought before him in a way not to be forgotten one of the risks of Highland travelling in the old days. Half a century after- wards he was again driving with the writer of these lines along the same road, and recalled the picture of his escape how after incredible labours, and with a strong gillie or two at each wheel, he managed to reach the little wayside inn of Dalnacardoch ; how the stage-coach, trying to follow them late in the day, was capsized over the bank of the Garry, and the driver, guard, and passengers, after trudging for some miles through the snow, arrived with nightfall at his inn ; 60 SIR RODERICK MURCHISON. [isis. how next day, leaving Buckran and the groom snowed up at Dalnacardoch, and taking only a small supply of raiment with him, he and the other passengers toiled from breakfast- tinie to sunset through that most formidable of the Highland passes the defile of Drumouchter ; how one of the pedestrians, a sturdy sheep-farmer, would sometimes come to the help of two young school-girls who were of the party, lifting one in each arm through the heaviest drifts as if they had been a couple of sheep ; how, after reaching and resting at Dalwhinnie, they made their way finally to Inverness on a snow-carriage ; and how Buckran and the dog-cart did not turn up for nearly a fortnight after. Inverness now became for a short while his headquarters. There, as he writes, he had " long proses " with the Provost of the town, who was factor for the Tarradale estate. He went over the property, and "tasted" its soil with worthy Provost Brown of Elgin, who pronounced it to be " good and sharp." Like other Highland estates of the day, the land was miserably farmed. We can picture the young laird, mounted on Buckran, and riding among the wretched hovels of his crofters. Little about the place itself, save that it was his own birthplace and his father's choice, offered any opposition to the design he had half-formed of selling the estate. In his journal the following passage occurs : " When the whole of the poor little tenants came round me and said they would willingly pay any rent which their interpreter into English, Eory M'Lennan, said ' so just a man as the Provost would award,' I could not find it in my heart to turn them adrift, though I knew them to be wretchedly bad farmers, who hitherto had only paid their rents through illicit distillation of whisky." Whether it was prompted by IBIS.] TARRADALE RENTS. 61 mere good-nature or by youthful impatience, this hasty letting of the estate in the old way to poor crofters proved in the end to be as bad a piece of policy as the young laird's uncle, General Mackenzie, declared it to be when he heard what had been done. In a few years the rents got more and more into arrears, until the estate was gladly sold off. Near to Tarradale lay the lands of Ferrintosh, the property of Forbes of Culloden, to whom and his heirs, in considera- tion of services rendered and losses sustained at the time of the Revolution, had been granted the perpetual right of making and selling whisky at Ferrintosh, duty free. The temptation offered by such a traffic was too great to be resisted by the tenantry of the other estates in the neighbourhood, who readily found a sale in Ferrintosh for the whisky they had privately distilled in their cabins or in lonely hollows of the moors. As a consequence of such extensive evasions of the Customs, it became at last necessary to abolish the privileges granted to Ferrintosh, the sum of 21,500 being voted by Parliament in 1784 by way of compensation. But no Act of Parliament could readily change habits which entered so largely into the life of the peasantry of that far Eoss-shire region. And so the young laird of Tarradale had to wink at the distillation, and pocket his rents, or at least such proportion of them as he could secure. Two Parliamentary elections occurred while he was at Inverness, one of them for his own county of Ross-shire, in which he took part on the side of the Tory candidate. He notes that at one of the election dinners he had the old chief of Glengarry opposite to him. " I saw," he writes, " that he several times fixed me with his fierce grey eyes and bushy eyebrows, and when the dinner was a little advanced, he put 62 SIR RODERICK MURCHISON. [ISM. his hand across the table, and leaning over said loudly to me, ' Ye 're welcome, sir, to the land of your fathers ; may you never desert nor forget it,' giving me a Highland grip I can never forget." We may believe that a relative of Donald Murchison would not fail to receive a hearty welcome. Most of his time, indeed, during this visit to his native district, seems to have been passed in the enjoyment of the hospitalities of his friends and acquaintances fishing, shooting, and hunting, and abundant festivity. While amid such desultory employments and amusements time had been creeping onward with Murchison in Ireland, in London or elsewhere in England, and now in Scotland, events of world-wide importance had been shaping them- selves in the Peninsula. Step by step Wellington had driven the French armies out of that part of Europe ; Napoleon's prestige had fallen, and at last came his abdi- cation and retreat to Elba. Our young military aspirant says of himself that he was " for ever bewailing his fate at not being at his real work in the Peninsula." The cam- paign, however, had ended without his ever having had a call into active service, and now on the peace of 1814 he saw the final blow to all his hopes of military fame. As his uncle threw up his Staff appointment, he himself became a captain of the 36th on half-pay, his battalion having been promptly reduced. London became again his headquarters. Of this part of his life the following notice occurs in his journal : " In 1814 I was in London, living gaily at Long's hotel with a set of young dandies, dining now and then with Alexander Woodford of the Guards, at St. James's Palace, 1814.] LONDON IN 1814. 63 when the announcement of the arrival of the foreign Sovereigns (Eussia and Prussia) set all the metropolis in a ferment. I galloped out with many others to Shooter's Hill to see the Emperor Alexander in his little droschke, with his bearded Euss on the box, and certes, though there was no state reception, he was heartily cheered, escorted by a joyous cavalcade of well-mounted English gentlemen. "It being announced that the Eegent would visit the Opera accompanied by his imperial and royal guests, every cranny was bespoke, and I got a good central post in the pit ; for in those days there were no stalls (and no shopboys and tradesmen ever went to the pit then). The reception of their Majesties was of course most enthusiastic. They were really welcomed as our liberators from Gallic tyranny. " Suddenly there arose a sort of semi-applause, followed by murmurs, with some disturbance. It was the Princess of Wales, who had just entered a box directly facing that of the Eegent, and, as if she came to defy him and try her own strength, she came forward in her hat and feathers to show herself. A few cries were got up for her, amidst loud mur- muring at this unseemly attempt to disturb unanimity on such an occasion. " Then it was that the Eegent, on whose countenance I had my eye fixed, rose, and taking the Emperor and King on his right and left hands, advanced gracefully to the front of the royal box, the three personages bowing three times to the audience. The appeal was electric : the roar of applause lasted for minutes, and the Princess was so discomfited that she no more showed in the front of her box during the evening, and retired soon to her petit souper and her clique." 64 SIR RODERICK MURCHISON. [ISM. In the crowd of English travellers who eagerly availed themselves of the reopening of the Continent, Murchison found his way to Paris in the beginning of November 1814. He remained there for some weeks, which he employed with the most laudable assiduity in trying to make himself as French as he could. He dined and spent much of his time in a pension where no English was spoken, took lessons in dancing from one of the leading teachers, frequented the theatres, passed many an hour over the pictures in the Louvre (for he was now beginning to aspire to be a connois- seur in art), was presented at Court, and in company with his old friend and fellow-aide-de-camp De Clermont, who had returned to Paris with the Eestoration, saw everybody and everything which had any interest for " a young man about town." There occur among his memoranda notices of the actors and the acting at some of the theatres. " I could not," he says, " quite get over the solemnity and monotony of the French rhythm at the Theatre Francois, where I went, book in hand, to hear Talma in Corneille's ' Cinna,' supported, as he was, by Madlle. de Eancour and by Georges. It was gratifying, however, to see how he first broke the sing-song by his imitation of Kemble and the English style by ejacu- lations and stops in the middle of some of the long lines of Racine. " The best actor of high comedy I ever saw was Fleury. Having been taught before the Eevolution, he was every inch a gentleman, and his countrymen of good taste said despond- ingly of him, ' C'est le dernier des FranQais qui sait porter I'e'pe'e.' When I saw how vulgarly most of the other actors of the revolutionary breed dressed and acted, carrying their swords like butchers' knives, I felt the truth of the aphorism." 1814-15.] IN FRA NCE IN 1 8 1 4- 1 5. 65 His mother was then living at Tours, and Murchison paid her a visit there. His chief companion there seems to have been Francis Hare (elder brother of Augustus and Julius), whose versatility and dash captivated him, and with whom he made excursions. Among other places, they visited together Poitiers, where Hare introduced him to Walter Savage Landor, then resident at that place. " Landor lived at the summit of a large central tower, which overlooked the whole city, and there we found the impetuous but warm-hearted philosopher ensconced in a library filled with all the most curious old French works, Rabelais being his special favourite. He and Hare held a disputation on Louis the Eleventh and his doings, as we looked down upon the remnants of the palace of that craftiest of all the French kings." In such pursuits the last weeks of 1814 and the first two months of the following year passed away, until at the begin- ning of March he found himself again in Paris on his home- ward journey. The morning after his arrival, his Swiss servant roused him with the momentous tidings, " Napoleon has landed in France !" The following narrative of this part of his experience is given by himself : " To jump up, hurry on my clothes, rush out to the Cafe", already full of anxious and inquiring faces, was my first movement ; then to read the morning papers, most of them trying to make light of the affair, and saying it would be all soon put down. Next came reports that he had capitulated ; then that he was ad- vancing to Grenoble. Eight and left the English now were eyed iniinically in the streets, low and vulgar officers elbowed you, and things became mightily unpleasant in the course of that day. On the following day, when more news had arrived, hopes were up, the garrison at Grenoble had re- VOL. I. E 66 SIR RODERICK MURCHISON. [WM-IB. sisted, and Napoleon's cause was lost ; then a camp was to be formed at Melun, and the Due de Berri was to command it ; the Marechal Ney having sworn fidelity to Louis xvin. This last, which was true, seemed the best chance, for Key was beloved by the soldiers. Then followed a review of all the royal guards and regiments in Paris, 10,000 or 12,000 men, in the Carrousel in front of the balcony of the Tuileries, in which the fat old Louis waddled out in his velvet boots to be saluted by the loyal troops. "I attended on that occasion, and never saw such a farce. The soldiers of the line surrounding the National Guards were all cracking jokes with each other ; and though they still wore the white cockade, they were evidently all dying to mount the tricolor." He went to see his friend at Court, the young Comte de Clermont, and found him fully aware of the fact that the army would not stand by the King, and that resistance was therefore hopeless. Evidently Paris was no longer a desir- able domicile for an English officer. De Clermont advised him to leave at once. The English visitors were already in rapid flight thronging the usual road to Calais, and hiring every available conveyance that would take them to the coast. Captain Murchison rightly conjectured that by mak- ing a detour by way of Be"thune and St. Omer, he would have some chance of securing post-horses, and reaching Calais. Not without some risk, however, could English travellers make their way along the roads of France at that time. Coming out of Be"thune he met the head of an in- fantry regiment, which, from the narrowness of the roadway, had to pass the carriage in single file. " ' Que sont ces Messieurs,' they cried out ; ' Ce sont des d'Anglais. 1814-15.] BECOMES CAPTAIN OF DRAGOONS. 67 Aliens, renversez les a la baionette.' Drunken as they were, and all in the greatest excitement, they had raised the wheels, and were actually about to trundle us over into the ditch of the fortress, and were unharnessing the horses, just as the adjutant rode up and applied a thick cane to their shoulders, and rescued us. We afterwards met with others of these soldiers in detached parties, and in complete dis- order, but we kept close shut up in our machine. At Arras the captain of the guard sulkily let us pass the gates after looking at our passports, saying, ' Et bien, je n'ai pas encore reQU des ordres.' " The war-clouds having once more spread over Europe, there seemed now again some hope of obtaining active mili- tary service, and gaining coveted promotion. So the half- pay captain of infantry determined at once to enter one of the cavalry regiments which were to take part in the im- pending Belgian campaign. In doing so, however, he acted without the advice and indeed against the wishes of his uncle, General Mackenzie, who, vexed at this want of con- fidence, wrote to his mother that he considered the entering into the cavalry as a " measure full of the most stupid folly." Notwithstanding this protest, the exchange was made. Mur- chison joined the Enniskillen Dragoons, and seems now to have looked forward with tolerable confidence to a chance of distinguishing himself. But even though he had the promise of employment from the Colonel, who was his per- sonal friend, he was once more fated to disappointment, and the predictions of his uncle proved too true. Six troops only were ordered out, and every one of the service captains in- sisting on going ; he had no alternative but to equip himself with uniform and horses, and repair to the depot at Ipswich. 68 SIR RODERICK MUROHISON. [1315. Events crowded rapidly upon each other during the hundred days, Ligny, Quatre Bras, and, lastly, Waterloo. Then fell Murchison's hopes of an active military career. The war was at an end. Europe had now been so worn out with fighting that no new campaign was likely to take shape for many a long year to come ; and, in the meanwhile, he had no brighter prospect than the ennui of half-pay. He was now, however, nearing the event which, in the end, proved the turning-point of his career. His mother, like other English residents in France, had deemed it pru- dent to quit that country after Napoleon's return, and had settled for a little at Eyde, in the Isle of Wight. Thither her son went to visit her, and there, through the introduc- tion of Miss Maria Porter, he made the acquaintance of General and Mrs. Hugonin of Nursted House, Hampshire, and their daughter Charlotte. This young lady was, to use his own words, " attractive, piquante, clever, highly edu- cated, and about three years my senior." He first met her early in the summer of 1815, and, on the 29th of the following August, in the romantic little church of Buriton, in Hampshire, they were married. Want of success in the military life had disposed Cap- tain Murchison to look on that career with less enthusiastic feelings than those of earlier years. He had even gone so far as to think of retiring from the army ; and now this half-formed intention received a stimulus from two sources. His wife, herself the daughter of a soldier, had experienced some of the discomforts of a soldier's life, and discerning in her husband qualities of a higher kind than would be likely to be called out by the routine of barrack-duty, seconded his own inclinations. But perhaps the more immediate 1815.] RETIRES FROM THE ARMY. 69 cause of his final determination was an order to join his regiment at Eomford barracks. To take his bride there, that she might share the dulness with which his experience at Horsham and Armagh had made him only too familiar, was a most distasteful prospect ; so at last he made up his mind and sent in his resignation. His commanding officer re- monstrated with him, but in vain. He stuck to his purpose. After eight years' service he finally retired from the army and gave up all those visions of military glory which filled his whole soul in the old Marlow days. It is evident that, up to this period of his life, Murchison had not in any way given promise of future distinction. He would have been noted as merely one of the gentlemanly, intelligent, but by no means brilliant young officers, so plentiful in the British army. To one who judged him merely by externals, he would undoubtedly have seemed little else than a military fop, and he used in later years to confess that such an estimate would have been tolerably true. The circumstances which were to call out his special qualities of excellence had not yet arisen. Full of health and bodily activity, he had from the beginning looked on the military profession rather as an outlet for that part of his nature than as a career requiring any special mental training. In those days, indeed, professional study was not much in fashion in the army. After quitting Marlow he does not appear to have given himself in any degree to acquiring further knowledge of the principles of the art of war. In his journals there can be found no trace of pro- fessional study, nor indeed of solid reading of any kind. His leisure, which must often have hung heavily on his hands, was spent, as we have seen, in active field-sports, in 70 SIR RODERICK MURCHISON. [isis. feats of bodily exercise, or in gratifying that love of display which led him into culpable extravagance ; so that when he quitted the army, there was little to look back upon with unmingled satisfaction in that introductory part of his career. He had entered the service with high hopes of distinction, but by a series of unfortunate circumstances, and through no fault of his own, he had been grievously disappointed. The war had now come to an end, and with it went his visions of rising to distinction in a campaign. He had not qualified himself for distinction in any other way, and we can well imagine how he should have turned aside at last almost with repugnance from a career which at the beginning seemed to promise all that he most desired. Hitherto he had lived at his own free will. From this time he came under the influence of a thoughtful, cultivated, and affectionate woman. Quietly and imperceptibly that influence grew, leading him with true womanly tact into a sphere of exertion where his uncommon powers might find full scope. To his wife he owed his fame, as he never failed gratefully to record, but years had to pass before her guidance had accomplished what she had set before her as her aim. The wedding over, Murchison took his bride north to show her the Scottish Highlands, and to visit his friends and relatives there. Of course he did not fail to lead her over the paternal acres of Tarradale, and show her some of the scenes where his ancestors had distinguished themselves. Among other houses they visited that of an old lady, a grand-aunt of his, who had intended leaving her estate to him or his brother Kenneth, but unfortunately for him, as she confided to his young wife, " he had too much of the Baillies about him," his grandmother having been a Baillie ; 1815.] PROPOSES TO ENTER THE CHURCH. 71 and so the estate, which would have "been a welcome addi- tion to the badly paid rents of Tarradale, passed into other hands. Late in October, and in a storm of snow, they migrated southwards again. Having given up one fixed employment the retired cap- tain of dragoons began to look about for another. It will hardly be believed by those who only knew him in his later years that he now seriously thought of becoming a clergy- man. In this proposal, as in his choice of a military pro- fession, it seems to have been mainly his love of bodily activity and open-air exercise which swayed him. He says of himself, " I saw that my wife had been brought up to look after the poor, was a good botanist, enjoyed a garden and liked tranquillity ; and as parsons then enjoyed a little hunting, shooting, and fishing without being railed at, I thought that I might slide into that sort of comfortable domestic life." Among the letters which he preserved there occurs one from a friend whom he had asked to make inquiries for him, and who went into the question in the most earnest and business-like manner. This correspondent urges the necessity of getting a Greek Lexicon, and suggests the name of a clergyman who might be of service in helping the aspirant for holy orders to read the Greek Testament. So earnest is he about the Lexicon and other heavy tomes, that he insists upon Murchison's having them conveyed separately if he could find no room for them in the carriage with which he proposed to make a journey to Switzerland. 1 1 The gravity with which the question was viewed may be gathered from one or two sentences taken from this letter : " In consequence of the peace we may expect an irruption of officers into the Church, which may produce an additional strictness of regulation. I am not aware in what time a degree may be taken at Cambridge ; any Cambridge man 72 SIR RODERICK MURCHISON. [isis. Fortunately for himself' and his possible parishioners this notion soon died away. But while still undecided about enter- ing the Church he resolved in the meantime to see a little of the world with his wife. The winter was accordingly passed at Nursted House, in diligent preparation for a long and leisurely tour on the Continent. He had already attained considerable proficiency in French. As the tour was to be extended into Italy, he now set diligently to work to acquire further knowledge of Italian, and to read a quantity of litera- ture treating of the scenery and history of Italy. Probably this was the most industrious winter he had yet spent ; for he had now a definite incentive to work, besides the example and co-operation of his wife. A day now and then with the Hambledon fox-hounds, or old Tom Barham's beagles at Petersfield, or with his gun and his father-in-law at home, kept him from suffering from such an unwonted application to books. would tell you. The examination ia almost nothing. Not so at Oxford, where the whole system would present to you considerable difficulty." " Surely as you are so well known in Ireland you might find a favourable bishop in that country, and the journey would be the work of a fortnight. At any rate, pray do not give up your excellent plans, degotite." ' ' I will in your absence, without mentioning your name, make every inquiry I can. The stability and well-being of our Church depends so much upon the respectability and fitness of its ministers that we can only quarrel with those forms and preliminaries to ordination when they come in competi- tion with our own favourite wishes " ! In a note-book of 1815 there occurs a most formidable list of books which it seems Murchison had jotted down with the intention of using them in his proposed clerical education. They are in Greek, Latin, French, Italian, and English, and with his characteristic methodical habits he has classi- fied them under various heads, as ".Religion," " Eloquence," " History," " Belles-Lettres," etc. etc. CHAPTEE V. ITALY AND ART. WITH the proposal of a country parson's lot still undecided, and indeed with no settled plans for the future, Mr. and Mrs. Murchison had determined in the meantime to spend a year or two abroad. This resolution had been, in some measure, forced upon them by the state of their finances. The Tarra- dale rents, never very well paid, even at the best, had almost ceased to yield any income, and times were so bad that the tenantry petitioned for alleviation. His revenue from other sources was not great, certainly not enough to enable the young laird and his wife to live comfortably in England. It was sufficient, however, to permit them to enjoy comfort, and even elegance, in Italy. So that, until some decision had been come to regarding the fate of the Highland pro- perty, a sojourn on the Continent was deemed absolutely necessary. This enforced exile, however, proved in the end emi- nently advantageous in other than a pecuniary sense. Mrs. Murchison had shrewdly discerned her husband's true nature and the way in which it should be developed. She saw that 74 SIR RODERICK MURCHISON. [isie. with his tastes and habits he would be far less likely to break off from a useless kind of life at home than if placed amidst a totally new set of pursuits and acquaintances abroad. And thus the continental sojourn was planned and the notes of travel were prepared that the foreign scenery and associations should act as powerfully as possible on his mind. It was a sagacious experiment, and it suc- ceeded. In this chapter we have to trace how it was carried out. Its fruits will appear in later pages. On Good Friday 1816 the young pair sailed from Dover, and taking with them their own carriage, posted by easy stages from Calais to Paris. About a year had elapsed since the hurried flight from that capital noticed in the preceding chapter, and now the masons were found to be busy on scaffolds removing the letter N from the public buildings. On that previous visit Murchison had made himself tolerably familiar with the contents of the Louvre, then enriched with the spoils of Europe ; and his first object now was to see how the galleries looked after having been made to yield back their treasures to the rightful owners. He was " astonished to observe how rapidly the vacant places had been filled up, and not unfrequently by good old Italian pictures, which had also been stolen, but which not having been exposed in the Great Gallery were not known to exist in France." During a most systematic tour of the sights of Paris he attended a meeting of the Academy (which many years later was to enrol him among its foreign members), and saw Cuvier for the first time, who declaimed upon the influence of the sciences on the common occupations of man, and upon the leading share which France had taken in promoting this isle.] GENEVA SUNDAYS. 75 influence a share which would have been yet greater had it not been thwarted by the perfide politique of England. From Paris they journeyed in the same leisurely way by Dijon to Geneva. Though Murchison had as yet shown no special interest in science, .he now began to make the acquaintance of scientific men in the places he visited, and paid some attention to their museums. At Geneva, for example, he met among others Pictet the naturalist, and De Candolle the botanist. He found too that " the same rigid solemnity was observed there on the streets on Sunday as in Edinburgh all demure and starch." "I induced," he writes, " good Madame Peschier to go a drive (and we had been at morning service), but when descending the steep street from the house a grave-looking churchwarden, who was going to afternoon service in his black silk stockings and a gold chain, came up to us, and holding out his watch, pulled up our horse, and exclaimed, ' Madame Peschier, je suis etonne* ! vous auriez du connaltre que pendant les heures de 1'eglise on ne va pas en voiture/ " The summer was spent at Vevay, where he took a little villa. His wife's ancestors had come into England from that part of the Pays de Vaud about a hundred years before. She found some distant relations there who made the sojourn at Vevay a memorably pleasant one. Many excursions were made to surrounding parts of Switzerland, the ladies usually driving or riding, while Murchison himself delighted in keeping pace with them on foot. Leaving his wife in charge of her Swiss cousins, he undertook some feats of pedestrianism of which he used to boast in his old age. On one occasion he walked 452 miles in fourteen days, on 76 SIR RODERICK MURCHISON. [isie-17. the last day of which excursion he accomplished 57 miles. In another excursion to Mont Blanc he walked 120 miles in three days. Such rapid marching is suggestive rather of exultation in bodily activity than of intelligent appreciation of scenery. Yet his singular power of rapidly seizing the main features of a landscape enabled him to carry away some vivid impressions of what he saw, and even to note some of the details. In his itinerary journal, he speaks of the Grindel- wald glacier as a " river of ice," and among his notes there occurs a detailed narrative of the processes in use at one of the Swiss salt-mines. An interesting episode of their life at Vevay may be noticed here. A terrific thunderstorm broke one night (1 3th June) over the lake in front of them, and, roused from sleep, they sat watching from the window a scene never to be forgotten. Some months afterwards they read at Borne the now well-known lines in the then newly published Third Canto of Childe Harold : " And this is in the night ! Most glorious is the night, Thou wert not sent for slumber ! let me be A sharer in thy fierce and far delight, A portion of the tempest and of thee ! How the lit lake shines, a phosphoric sea, And the big rain comes dancing to the earth ! And now again 'tis black, and now, the glee Of the loud hills shakes with its mountain-mirth As if it did rejoice o'er a young earthquake's birth." The passage recalled their experience at Vevay, and brought to their recollection that they had met Byron walking from Vevay to Clarens on the day before the thunderstorm which he has immortalized. The winter of 1816-17 was passed at Genoa, studying Italian, and kindling a passion for art and art-galleries, which 1817.] ROME AND THE GALLERIES. 77 a few months later was to burst into a most portentous blaze at Rome. Murchison found opportunity too of practising his favourite exercise walking, in which, as his notes record, he outstripped two young officers since known as intrepid travellers Irby and Mangles. In one of his excursions marine shells were noted upon some of the hill-tops, and he infers that these high grounds were once under the sea. By the 21st of March, ere Holy Week began, the two travellers had reached Eome. Owing to the cessation of the war and the reopening of the Continent, the city happened to be at this time crowded with strangers. Established, however, in a private lodging in the Via Condotti, Murchison avoided gaiety, and became now a con- firmed dilettante. Day by day, accompanied and incited by his wife, he visited gallery after gallery, and church after church, making elaborate notes on the pictures and other works of art. He seems to have left little in Eome unseen, and his jottings, written at a time when the profuse modern literature of " Guide-books " and " Hand-books " had not yet made its appearance, show a creditable degree of zeal and intelligence. The general style and tenor of those art-notes and criticisms may be judged of from the following specimen of his journal : "Rome, June 13th, 1817. Palazzo Colonna. Four superb landscapes of Salvator Eosa (doubtful) ; marine views, with armed men and fishermen in the foreground. The light and distances have the light of Claude, the foreground less of the savageness of Salvator than usual. Two fine heads of Carlo Dolci, one St. Catherine, the other a saint chained. Some good heads of Guercino, and a fine small piece or two by Conca. Many good landscapes of Poussin 78 SIR RODERICK MURCHISON. [isir. in tempera, and one beautiful bluish landscape of Lucatelli, marine, with great depth : this is in his best style. The Bella Cenci needs no description. Guido is more expressive here than in his fine exuberant Madonna above stairs. There are two little Claudes, and a Titian, etc. There are a good many pictures of the inferior and later Eoman artists ; some of these are pleasing. Gaetano Lapis (1776), a scholar of Conca ; same light colouring, but no confidence in him- self. His best picture here appeared to me a Lazarus with Christ (doubtful). The frescos of Stefano Pozzi in first room are bright and pretty (Turk smoking). The column of Bellona (twisted) of rosso antico, with Pallas on the top, very beautiful. A Dead Christ by Franc Trevisani (d. 1746. Sc. Eom.), not Angelo Trevisani (Venet. Sc. same epoch). In this Christ the foreshortening is remarkable, the colouring Guidesco. He was a universal imitator." Of the acquaintances whom Murchison made at Rome the most notable was the sculptor Canova, with whom he had frequent intercourse at the house of Cavaliere Tambroni, then a sort of chief of art. From his journal and a pencil note written late in life the following reminiscences of the sculptor are given : "When asked what he thought the most wonderful structure in Britain (for he had recently visited England), he at once replied, ' Waterloo Bridge.' Of the antiquities in the British Museum he gave unquestionable precedence to the Ilissus of the Parthenon, preferring it on account of the inimitable schiena to the Theseus. "He narrated to me how he overcame Buonaparte's obstinacy, who at first insisted that the great sculptor should represent him in marble in the garb of the con- 1817.] REMINISCENCES OF CANOVA. 79 quering French General with cocked hat, straight cut coat, and top-boots hunting-boots ' a 1' Anglais.' Canova stood firm in refusing, and when he said to the future Napoleon, ' Then your Excellency must find other artists, and I can recommend both a tailor and a bootmaker in the Corso,' the Corsican at once saw a man of taste and genius must have his own way, and Napoleon came out in classical toga, etc. " Canova was a very active man, and when debarred of his exercise by too much work in the studio, he was in the habit of jumping backwards and forwards over his modest bed, and, proud of his agility, he did it before me. " This eminent sculptor passes an hour or two every evening at Madame Tambroni's ; at nine o'clock he invari- ably retires. Had a long conversation with him the other night. He observed to me, that when in London nothing offended his eye more than the smoky brick houses with clear painted windows, and was surprised they were not all white- washed. He spoke of the absolute necessity of our having a museum superior to that of Somerset House. The education of English women delighted him, and he the more regretted the state of his own compatriotes. He asked why all the English began their Italian with Dante and Boccaccio. Metastasio seems to be his favourite author. The style of the one in literature is similar to that of the other in sculp- ture both chaste, classical, graceful, and full of pathos. He said of Metastasio's critics, ' Quei che lo criticano, lo leggono ; e poi piangono.' " In Canova's studio no one appears more conspicuously than the distorted Giaccomino. Ask him where he has been, and he answers, ' We have been modelling above stairs, il cavaliere ed io.' Giaccomino was a poor, good-humoured 80 SIR RODERICK MURCHISON. [isir. countryman, whom Canova employed as a sort of lower ser- vant in the workshop. He sometimes hands the morsels of clay to his master whilst he is forming the cast, and from hence Giaccomino concludes that at least half the merit is his own. He freely canvasses every new attitude, and Canova says, ' E mio maestro Giaccomino,' and always asks for his opinion upon any new work. In these little traits the playful bonhomie of the great sculptor is pleasingly exhibited. " To judge of Canova's simplicity, examine his house. You will find every article neat and appropriate ; no luxury, but the utmost cleanliness and regularity doubly delightful in so filthy a country. Two of his bedrooms are ornamented with his own paintings. During the French invasion he occupied himself for eighteen months with the brush and palette. The compositions are in general just what you might look for from the graceful mind of the artist a sleeping Venus intruded upon by a peeping Satyr, Venus with Cupids, etc. The colouring is Titianesco, and very wonderful. These pictures have already the mellowed tone of the colouring of the old masters ; and a head of an old carter (a portrait from life) is painted expressly to deceive as an antique. " Madame T. related to me, that when Canova first imagined his group of the Graces, he happened to be in the country visiting the Cavaliere T. Here there were no fine models, but females must be found. Accordingly, two large and fat female domestics of Madame T. were paraded, who, with herself, formed the graceful trio. Their attitudes must have been most diverting to Canova whilst he drilled and practised them. Canova is now nearly sixty years of age, yet 1817.] ROME AND NAPLES. 81 constitution and physical powers are such that he can jump over his bedstead ct pie pari, and can extend a prodigious weight with his arm." Three months specially given up to fine art soon passed away in Borne. The journal in which the record of that time was so elaborately chronicled is, however, more a dry inventory of what the writer saw than of what he thought and felt. 1 Now and then he varied his researches by an excursion into the country, but an unfortunate event cut short these occupations. His wife caught a malaria fever, and became so ill that he despaired of her life. Eallying at last, she was able to be moved from Eome at the end of June to seek a change of air and the sea-breeze at Naples. Full of details though the journal is regarding the stay at Naples, little occurs of any general interest, or which throws any fresh light upon Murchison's own char- acter and development. He visited, of course, all the usual places of resort in that neighbourhood. The nearer excursions were made with his wife, but in company with a military friend he accomplished a series of boating expedi- tions to Pa3stum, Capri, Ischia, and Procida, seeing a good deal both of scenery and of Italian life outside of the ordi- nary beaten track of tourists. He was lucky enough to come in for an eruption of Vesuvius, and ascended the 1 No mention occurs in the journal of his havin at this time made the acquaintance of Mrs. Somerville and her husband. In her charming Personal Recollections (p. 122), she thus alludes to the incident: "Our great geologist, Sir Roderick Murchison, with his wife, were among the English residents at Rome. At that time he hardly knew one stone from another. He had been an officer in the Dragoons, an excellent horseman, and a keen fox-hunter. Lady Murchison, an amiable and accomplished woman, with solid acquirements, which few ladies at that time possessed. ... It was then that a friendship began between them and us, which will only end with lifo." VOL. I. F 82 SIR RODERICK MURCHISON. [m?. mountain when a current of lava was streaming down its side. To get the better view he made the ascent by night, and there being no moon, had an impressive view of the huge lurid crater, with its rocket-like showers of red-hot stones, and scrambled over the hardened but still hot surface of lava to see where the molten mass came out in a glowing stream from the side of the cone. His notes of this visit are simply those of an intelligent and interested spectator ; they betray not the slightest geological predilection. In Naples, as in Rome, his favourite occupation was to visit the art-galleries and altar-pieces in the churches, and to write out detailed descriptions of the pictures and statues in his journal. Even the sight of the miracle of the liquefying of the blood of St. Januarius could hardly inter- rupt the art-fever ; for though the saint gratified the curio- sity of the two travellers and the prayers of the orthodox by thawing the blood in three minutes instead of keeping them waiting for hours, the enthusiastic but irreverent dilettante writes in his diary, " We slipped away from the altar to admire, not the works of the saint, but the sublime repre- sentations of them by Domenichino." Early in October 1817 Murchison returned with his wife to Rome, and wintered there. Art again became his absorbing pursuit. Every gallery was once more visited, fresh notes were duly entered in his journals. His criticisms, after a few months of experience, are spiced with the dog- matism and the pet phrases of a confirmed connoisseur of many years' standing. Having taken his fill of art and the galleries, Murchison next set to work with equal industry upon the antiquities of Rome. A good part of the winter of 1817-18 was spent 1817-18.] ANTIQUARIAN RAMBLES IN ROME. 83 in sedulously tracing the lines of the several walls, and the position and remains of temples and public buildings. He entered with his characteristic zeal into the disputed locali- ties of the Forum, and not content with reading such of the lucubrations on this subject as he could reach, he wrote in his journal voluminous comments of his own upon previous writers, and gave the observations he himself had made, with the conclusions to which they had led him. He re- vived his long disused and never very familiar Horace, Virgil, and Juvenal, with whose allusions to Eome and Eoman sites he interspersed his notes. The following extracts may suffice as a specimen of the style of these antiquarian memoranda : " Grotto o 1 In vallem ^Egeriae descendimus atque spelimcas Dissimiles veris.' In Juvenal's day great had been the alteration of the little consecrated grot of old Numa, which was of tufa. Now this is the only tufa cavern in this valley. In the time of Cicero the simple old cavern was decorated with marbles and statues, and became ' dissimiles veris ;' now the present work as extant, and the reticulated brick, are all of the latter end of the Eepublic. The recumbent statue of the man proves nothing, as the figure evidently repre- sents a river (viz. the Almo, which rises here), from the urn under his arm. The goddess might have been placed in the same niche above him. Everything marks this distinctly to have been the sacred spot. " Templum Rediculi. Positively a temple and no tomb, Mr. Eustace. 1 The cella and component parts remain. 1 He refers to Eustace's Classical Tour a work which he studied 84 SIR RODERICK MURCHISON. [isir-is. Hannibal might first have appeared here, and then making a detour might have encamped on the other side of the town. It has been rebuilt in the age of Severus. Four styles of architecture are to be observed in it. "Baths of Caracalla. Double purpose, bathing and amusement. The baths were below ground, and had no communication with the halls above, no staircase having ever been discovered. The great portico to the west, with the various little chambers, was a quarter for troops, from which a spiral staircase conducted to a terrace above for parade and exercise ; but no communication took place by doors between these chambers. The grand central mass of building was entirely enveloped and shut in from sight by a still more vast pile. These covers or cases for buildings were common to the Romans, for in this exterior an uni- form height was preserved, which hid all the inequalities of height and construction of the internal pile. This will account for the arches of different elevations. . . . " Cecilia Metella. Eepublican work : crowned with an entablature, and formerly with an attic and a dome. " Forum Romanum. ' Vespertinumque pererro Saepe Forum.' HOR. Sat. I. vi. Old Horace could not have enjoyed his evening walk there more than I do, and one great delight consists in the ima- gining that I behold some relics of those very buildings which he admired. Away then, ye cold sceptics who drive everything to such an extreme that at last ye begin to doubt whether ancient Eome did really exist here, or before leaving England, and which he seems to have carried about with him in Italy, and to have found as unsatisfactory a guide as Byron did. (See Note xxxii. to Canto iv. of Childe Harold.) IBIS.] RAMBLES IN THE ROMAN CAMPAGNA. 85 whether the Tiber may not have changed its course ! They will tell you (even Nardin and others) that most part of the columns have been re-erected in subsequent ages on or near the spot where they had fallen or been pulled down. But, oh ye learned sceptics ! what Pope, Antipope, or Goth, may I humbly crave, would ever have had the genius of archi- tecture and the love of classical remains impressed so deeply on his mind that he should wish to raise up broken entab- latures of colossal size, and mutilated columns, in order that he might be called a man of taste ? If, therefore, none of these re -erections took place in the dark ages, which I think any reasonable man will allow, we can have little difficulty in proving that such attempts have not been made since the revival of letters in the fifteenth century. Private and public history are both silent on this point, whilst on a number of trivial little subjects, such as that Lorenzo di Medici robbed the Dacian captives on the Arch of Con- stantine of their heads, and other similar facts, we have abundant details." While this antiquarian fever lasted, he made an excur- sion on foot to Praeneste, walked along ancient highways now deserted, but still level and unbroken, looked into the memorable crater-hollow of the lake of Eegillus, with a half- antiquarian, half-military, but in nowise geological eye, remarking that the allies had much the better position, since the Ptomans had to charge up hill ; scrambled up to the Cyclopean walls of Prseneste, and from the summit of the town let his eye wander over that marvellous landscape, so rich in association, from the far southern Apennines away across the Alban and Volscian hills, into the limitless Campagna. 86 SIR RODERICK MURCHISON. [IMS. About the middle of March (1818) Mr. and Mrs. Mur- chison quitted Eome for a leisurely journey homewards. At Florence they lingered for three weeks, chiefly among the galleries and museums. Again his note-books teem with descriptions and criticisms of the pictures, his later studies at Eome having given him greater confidence than ever in his judgments oh art. Michael Angelo receives a special measure of his critical wrath. More interesting is it to mark that among his notes of Florence some space is given to an account of the Museum of Natural History, particularly that portion in which the successive stages in the growth of animals were illustrated. From Florence the journey led by short stages, and with many a halt, to Bologna, Modena, Parma, and Turin, thence by Mont Cenis into Switzerland, and then by way of Lyons to Paris, and so home. Eather more than two years had thus glided away on the Continent ; two memorable years in Murchison's life. They taught him, in a way which would have been little likely to occur to him at home, the superiority of such pur- suits as called for the exercise of thought and taste over the more frivolous employments of barrack-life. It is true that his wife was always at his side to share in his pleasures and incite him to further perseverance in the new line of occu- pation. But her influence was little needed after the first decided tendency had been given to his inclinations. He soon became a far more enthusiastic lover of art than she, and must no doubt have often tried her bodily strength to the utmost in his hunt through churches and galleries for Guidos and Eaphaels, Caraccis and Domenichinos, in all the stages and styles of each painter. For the time, he was 1818.] INFLUENCE FROM ART. 87 absorbed in art and Roman antiquities. It was the first taste he had yet had of the pleasures of continuous intel- lectual employment, and he threw himself into it with all the eagerness and enthusiasm of his nature. He had a natural weakness for display, which in his military days, as we have seen, took shape in fashionable clothes, horses, and the other extravagances by which a young man in the army contrives to get rid of his money. In Italy no such temptation came in his way. For the time he was left to the influence of his wife and his own better nature, with the result of receiving a deeper and better im- press on his character from these two years abroad than from his eight years in uniform. Unconsciously he was sowing seeds which would in after years bear fruit of a very different kind. Through art he first realized the advantage of a dis- tinctly intellectual life over one of mere desultory gaiety. It was not art which was to furnish his future stimulus, and, as we shall find, it did not even suffice to keep him from relapsing into some of his old ways when the tempta- tion came back again. But his art-studies in Italy formed the starting-point of a new life for him, and led the way to all the work and honours that were to come. CHAPTEK VI. FIVE YEARS OF FOX-HUNTING. WHEN Murchison and his wife found themselves in Eng- land again, two questions pressed upon them for immediate solution : Where were they to take up house ? and, What were they to do ? In spite of Mrs. Murchison's fortune, money was not so plentiful with them as they wished. The Tarra- dale tenants, owing to more stringent prohibition of illicit distillation, found many excuses for evading the payment of their rents, so that although the young couple could live comfortably enough in Italy, there seemed some difficulty in the way of their setting up house at home in the style to which they had all along been used. The rent of the property was at this time a little more than 500, but pro- bably not more than about the half of that sum could be collected. The long-threatened sale was therefore now finally resolved upon, and in August 1818, for 27,000, Baillie of Dochfour became the purchaser. Immediately after his return from abroad Murchison went north alone to make the concluding arrangements, and from that time ceased to be any longer a Highland laird. 1818.] BECOMES A FOX-HUNTER. 89 Having thus got rid of the troublesome tenants in the north, he had next to find a home somewhere for his wife and himself. Mrs. Murchison's grandfather, a veteran of the Flanders wars, had passed the last twenty years of his long life in an old mansion at Barnard Castle, in the county of Durham. This house, now tenantless, was chosen, and there Murchison set up his first manage in England. The change from the pursuits and sights of Eome and Naples to the dulness of a little country town in the north of England could not but prove a sore trial to the lately de- veloped tastes of the retired Captain. The old General, whose house they now occupied, had been a favourite in the district, and for his sake at first, and afterwards for their own, the new-comers had a hospitable reception from the county- folk of the neighbourhood. But receiving calls and paying them was hardly occupation enough for any reasonably active creature. Art- studies were no longer possible; his wife's gathering of plants and minerals had not yet sufficed to show him what a scientific pursuit really was ; there seemed but one path of escape from insufferable ennui, and Murchison chose it. He took heart and soul to field-sports, and became one of the greatest fox-hunters in the north of England. For five years this desultory life lasted. It seemed as if the influence of the foreign tour had vanished, and left no sign. At some of the houses of the neighbourhood Kokeby, for instance guests distinguished for culture and literary or scientific eminence used from time to time to be gathered, and in these gatherings Murchison and his wife gladly took part. They only just missed Sir Walter Scott. They formed an intimacy with Sir Humphry Davy, and made the ac- quaintance of other notabilities. These were pleasant inter- 90 SIR RODERICK MUROHISON. [isis-23. ludes, and helped to vary a little the dulness of Barnard Castle and the monotony of hunting. But field-sports con- tinued to be the main business of life, since they furnished the readiest outlet for that exuberant bodily activity which had all along formed one of Murchison's special character- istics. As a diversion from these more ordinary and engrossing pursuits, he on one occasion of a contested election for the county of Durham took an active part on the Tory side, scouring the country far and wide on horseback for voters, bringing them up to the poll ; but in the end beating an in- glorious retreat with the unpopular candidate, amid showers of cabbages, rotten eggs, and other electioneering missiles. A further variety was found in an occasional excursion to Scotland, or in visits to sporting friends in the north of England. It was not without concern that Mrs. Murchison marked this relapse into that purposeless kind of life from which her husband seemed for a time in a fair way of being weaned. She had some knowledge of botany, and had induced him in the course of their walks and excursions to assist her in form- ing a herbarium. But she could not make him a botanist. While residing in the north of England she took to the study of mineralogy, and made some progress in collecting and distinguishing some of the more common minerals found in that part of the country. Her husband looked on and helped her where he could ; but neither was mineralogy the kind of pursuit to enlist his sympathies, and call out his special powers. "The noble science of fox-hunting," he says of himself, "was then my dominant passion, and as I had acquired a little reputation in the north as a hard rider, I 1818-23.] THE FOX-HUNTING FEVER. 91 resolved to play the great game, increase my stud, and settle for a year or two at Melton Mowbray, in Leicestershire." Instead of calming down, therefore, the hunting fever broke out with renewed virulence. The migration south- wards duly took place, to the great mortification of his wife, who had reason to dread the effects of the change both upon his character and his purse. He rented a good house at Melton Mowbray, kept eight hunters, a horse for his wife, and a hack, and subscribed 50 a year to a pack of hounds. " These and other expenses were," he says, " more than enough for my means. Thus I was led to speculate by investing in foreign funds, and obtain an income of 2000 per annum, which, with occasional drafts upon my 'floating capital,' kept us going." He paid a visit to the north of Scotland in 1822, and his arrival in Edinburgh happened to coincide with that of George iv., whose entrance he witnessed from the Calton Hill, noting especially the beaming face and white hair of Walter Scott as he marched jauntily along in front of the royal carriage. Back at Melton, he recommenced the earnest business of the winter by resuming his place at the hunt, and indulging in further gaieties. 1 The following reminiscences of this time were written late in life : " On Sundays, after six days' hard work, we were necessarily very sleepy, and on one occasion when the sermon was preached for the Missionary Society, and the parson went on to describe the life of the savages to be Christianized hunting all the week, and lying 1 By way of compromise, apparently, and in compliance with his wife's more literary tastes, he kept his elaborate daily hunting journal this winter (1822-3) in French. 92 SIR RODERICK MURCHISON. [1822. exhausted and sleepy in their houses, all the ladies' eyes were turned upon their drowsy mates." " On one occasion I gave a dinner, and invited Scotch- men only, viz., Elcho, Graham (now Duke of Montrose), Grant, Melville, etc.; and as I could find no blacksmith to singe the head, I performed myself in my own stable-yard, to the great amusement of the groom and helpers." "I was the only person who regularly smoked at the covert- side, or when they went away, and the fox was lost. On one of the latter occasions, and when Graham was cast- ing and re- casting his hounds, and was unable to hit off the scent, he hollowed out sulkily, ' Tis no use trying to do any- thing when that pipe spoils the scent!' So strong was the feeling then against smoking as a bad and ungentle- manlike habit, that when Fernley painted a picture which we, the subscribers to the pack, presented to Graham, I was at first represented on my brown horse Commodore, turning my head round, with a cigar in my mouth. The cigar was afterwards, however, painted out. The picture is at Norton Conyers, in Yorkshire." Save gossip of this kind, with full notes of his almost daily hunts, and references to the companions with whom he rode, smoked, and dined, the visits which he and his wife occasionally paid, and the people whom they met on such occasions, no record of these five hunting years has been preserved. 1 There seems, indeed, to have been little else to chronicle. During the times of hard frost, when the usual 1 One of his journals gives a detailed narrative of every hunt from 3d November 1821 to April 11, 1822, during which period he was 110 times with the hounds. In his usual methodical style he has constructed a table with columns, in which is entered the work done by each of the twelve hunters which he used. 1823.] THE FOX-HUNTING FEVER. 93 out-of-door occupations were interrupted, he would take once more to books. On one of these occasions he seems to have revived for a while his antiquarian tendencies by reading and making extracts from Blunt's Vestiges of Ancient Manners and Customs in Italy and Sicily. But the books were ex- changed for the saddle when the weather suited again. The letters written during these fox-hunting years to his brother Kenneth, then in the East Indies, abound with grave moral sentences on the duty of submission to our lot, and the necessity for economy and care when our means are small ! Yet they teem with tender affection, and show their writer to have had an earnest love for his brother, with the fullest interest in all that concerned him. The solicitude with which he appears to have watched over a little niece confided to his care and that of his wife, and the almost fatherly delight with which he recounts all her ways and her progress, betoken great tenderness of heart, with much considerate feeling in the way of showing his kindness. His wife had from the first truly perceived that at bot- tom there lay in Murchison something more than the char- acter of a mere Mmrod. It was needful that his overflowing animal spirits and bodily activity should find adequate outlet, but she fully believed that when these parts of his nature had in some measure spent themselves, the higher part of his character would come to the surface. If he really had any more intellectual tendencies than were required for fox- hunting, he must needs in the end get tired of such unremit- ting application to that pursuit, and then those tendencies would be sure to claim a hearing from him. And so it came to pass. Forty years after the time at which we are now arrived, 94 SIR RODERICK MURCHISON. [isa. Mtirchison was sojourning for health's sake at the baths of Marienbad, in Bohemia, and penned there the following recollections of the events which brought his fox-hunting life to a close : " As time rolled on I got Uasd and tired of all fox- hunting life. In the summer following the hunting season of 1822-3, when revisiting my old friend Morritt of Eokeby, I fell in with Sir Humphry Davy, and experienced much gratification in his lively illustrations of great physical truths. As we shot partridges together in the morning, I perceived that a man might pursue philosophy without abandoning field-sports; and Davy, seeing that I had already made ob- servations on the Alps and Apennines, independently of my antiquarian rambles, encouraged me to come to London and set to at science by attending lectures on chemistry, etc. As my wife naturally backed up this advice, and Sir Humphry said he would soon get me into the Royal Society, I was fairly and easily booked. " Before I took the step of making myself a Cockney I sold my horses. The two best were put up at auction in the ensuing autumn, after dinner, at the Old Club at Melton, and were brought into the room after a jolly dinner, Maxse acting as auctioneer. In fact I threw them away, and Maker who bought the ' Commodore,' named him ' Potash,' as a quiz on me for taking so much of that alkali after our potations." The decision to sell his hunters and renounce the ex- pensive life at Melton was probably dictated more by a prudent regard to ways and means than by any special charms yet visible in the prospect of a life of scientific exer- tion. At all events we find, that when the Melton establish- 1824.] SELLS HIS HUNTERS. 95 ment was broken up he did not immediately set up another, but went to reside for a time with his father-in-law. The winter of 1823-4 was passed chiefly at Nursted House, and seems to have slipt away without much indication that he had resolved to change his main pursuits. Were not the Hambledon hounds at hand, with old Parson Richards at their head, and Wyndham's drove pack careering in close column up the steep faces of the downs ? Did not Up Park offer attractions in its pheasant covers such as few other pre- serves in England could show ? Need we wonder, then, that the necessity for a new horse became only too apparent ! It was but a low-priced hack-hunter this time, yet a service- able animal, which carried its rider to probably as many meets as took place that winter within access of Nursted. And not that winter only, but the summer following, went past without apparently any further action in the way of carrying out the projected scientific programme. We find the retired sportsman sojourning for a long time in the south of Scotland during that summer, visiting friends, shooting, and in short living as much after the old fashion as if he had never seen Davy at Rokeby, and no visions of chemistry lectures had ever floated before him. But the momentous epoch of his life was now fast ap- proaching. This summer of 1824 saw the last of his rambles wherein the rocks around him made no direct and urgent appeal to him. Henceforth he was to have an occupation even more absorbing than any which had yet held him in thrall, and into this new employment he was to carry all the energy which had hitherto marked his doings in other pursuits. CHAPTER VII. RISE OF GEOLOGY IN BRITAIN. AT last Murchison had found a calling wherein his love of out-of-door life, and his inclination towards an intellec- tual employment of some sort, could find fitting scope. From this time forward it was to be his good fortune to have one engrossing occupation, which, while furnishing abundant exercise and amusement, should ere long enable him to make his name a kind of household word among geologists in every part of the world. How it came about that a man with no previous scientific training should have been able to gain such a reputation, and gain it so rapidly, deserves our consideration. We might conjecture either that the science could have been no very recondite matter, or that the man must have been pos- sessed of very extraordinary powers. Neither supposition would be quite just. Such was the state of geological science at the time, that a great work could be done by a man with a quick eye, a good judgment, a clear notion of what had already been accomplished, and a stout pair of legs. It is of importance that the reader should see how this HUTTONIAN AND WERNERIAN WARFARE. 97 came to be the case, in order that he may adequately realize what Murchison's life-work actually was. I would ask him, therefore, to accompany me in a necessarily brief survey of the condition of geology in this country during the first quarter of this century, with a glance at some of the more salient characteristics of the leading geologists among whom the retired captain and fox-hunter was now to take his place. We shall in this way be enabled to follow more definitely the kind of work which lay open to his hand, and to note what incentives and obstacles surrounded him on his entry upon this new career. Looking back to the beginning of this century, we see the geologists of Britain divided into two hostile camps, who waged against each other a keen and even an embittered warfare. On the one hand were the followers of Hutton of Edinburgh, called from him Huttonians, sometimes also Vulcanists or Plutonists ; on the other, the disciples of Werner of Freiberg, in Saxony, who went by the name of Wernerians, or Neptunists. The strife lasted almost up to Murchison's time, though it had in its last years waxed faint and fitful. But many of the combatants who had been in the thick of the fight were still alive when he assumed the title of geologist, and the current of geological thought at that time had been largely influenced by the contest. The Huttonians, who adhered to the principles laid down by their great founder, maintained, as their fundamental doctrine, that the past history of our planet is to be ex- plained by what we can learn of the economy of nature at the present time. Unlike the cosmogonists, they did not trouble themselves with what was the first condition of the earth, nor try to trace every subsequent phase of its history. VOL. I. G 98 SIR RODERICK MURCHISON. They held that the geological record does not go back to the beginning, and that therefore any attempt to trace that be- ginning from geological evidence was vain. Most strongly, too, did they protest against the introduction of causes which could not be shown to be a part of the present economy. They never wearied of insisting, that to the every- day work- ings of Air, Earth, and Sea must be our appeal for an expla- nation of the older revolutions of the globe. The fall of rain, the flow of rivers, the dash of waves, the slowly- crumbling decay of mountain, valley, and shore, were one by one sum- moned as witnesses to bear testimony to the manner in which the most stupendous geological changes are slowly and silently brought about. The waste of the land, which they traced everywhere, was found to give birth to soil renovation of the surface thus springing Phcenix-like out of its decay. In the descent of water from the clouds to the mountains, and from the mountains to the sea, they recog- nised the power by which valleys are carved out of the land, and by which also the materials worn from the land are carried out to the sea, there to be gathered into solid stone the framework of new continents. In the rocks of the hills and valleys they recognised abundantly the traces of old sea-bottoms. They stoutly maintained that these old sea-bottoms had been raised up into dry land from time to time by the powerful action of the same internal heat to which volcanoes owe their birth, and they pointed to the way in which granite and other crystalline rocks occur as convincing evidence of the extent to which the solid earth had been altered and upheaved by the action of these sub- terranean fires. That a theory in many respects so bold and original, and ..TAJIKS 1IUTTON, M.D. From nil Original Portm.it (. KEY. WILLIAM I). CONVBKAltK, Kits. Photograph in //'. possession "jhi* t'untili/. FOUNDERS OF ENGLISH GEOLOGY. 115 leged with his more intimate friendship, fond of a joke and of a quiet corner in a pheasant cover, where his gun seldom failed to tell ; Warburton cautious and uncommunicative ; Fitton friendly and painstaking, an active leader in the affairs of the Society, but somewhat hasty in temper, and prone to what some of his colleagues thought "red-tape" formality, yet an admirable observer in the field, a most gifted debater, and one whose clear and elegant pen did good service to the infant science in popular journals, and whose house formed a pleasant centre for the geologists of town ; Conybeare clear-headed, critical, full of quaint humour and wit ; Buckland cheery, humorous, bustling, full of eloquence, with which he too blended much true wit, seldom without his famous blue bag, whence, even at fashionable evening parties, he would bring out and describe with infinite drollery, amid the surprise and laughter of his audience, the last "find" from a bone-cave; Leonard Homer mild, unpretending, and defer- ential, yet shrewd and systematic, a valuable member of the council of management of the Society ; Sedgwick with his well-remembered hard-featured yet noble face, and eyes like an eagle's, manly alike in body and mind, full of enthusiasm, ready and graphic in talk, generous and sympathetic, often depressed by a constitutional tendency to hypochondria, yet, when in full vigour of health, shrinking from no toil, either at home or abroad, in furtherance of his chosen branch of science, and laying up year by year a store of facts and of brilliant deductions from them, which have given him one of the most honoured places in the literature of geology. Later in advent than these magnates, or less prominent at the time with which we are now dealing, and therefore more of the standing of Murchison himself, came Lyell (now a house- hold name all over the world), even then noted among his 116 SIR RODERICK MURCHISON. fellows for those qualities the further development of which has been of such value to the spread of sound geology, and specially for his earnest pursuit of information on every sub- ject which could throw any light upon the problems of the science ; Henry De la Beche, then a handsome and fashion- able young man, just beginning to show that quick and shrewd observation of nature, and rare power of philosophical induction which eventually gave him so honourable a rank in British geology; Dr. Edward Turner young, open, un- assuming, but eager in quest of knowledge, and one of the first chemists to recognise the necessity of linking chemistry closely with mathematics ; G. Poulett Scrope full of geological zeal, which led him through the chief vol- canic districts of Europe, and stimulated him to produce an early series of writings which the avocations of a subse- quent political life have left all too few ; W. J. Broderip active and methodical, full of varied natural-history know- ledge, brimming with joke, yet taking a keen interest in the affairs of the Society, and keeping them in order, not with the severe rigour of Dr. Fitton, but with an easy good-humoured precision which pleased everybody and did the Society and its members most excellent service. Many other names of not less note should receive more than passing mention here among Murchison's early scientific contemporaries. Such were Whewell, Herschel, C. Stokes, Babbage, Webster, Lonsdale, Sir Philip Egerton, the Earl of Enniskillen (then Viscount Cole), and others, most of whom have passed away. Some of these men became intimate personal friends of the subject of this biography, and their names will therefore appear frequently in the subsequent chapters. CHAPTER VIII. FIRST YEARS OF SCIENTIFIC LIFE AT HOME. WE return to Murchison's career. He had now fairly resolved to cast in his lot with the men of science. Bringing his wife with him from Nursted, he came up to London, and rented the house No. 1 Montague Place, Montague Square. There, settling down to a much more serious employment than any he had yet undertaken, he entered upon his new life full of ardour and hope. " If in the last years of my fox-hunting," he says, " I began to sniff up a little scientific knowledge, and showed a willingness to turn my former rambles among the Alps and Apennines to some profit, it was only in the winter of 1824 that I buckled resolutely to the study of chemistry and the cognate subjects by attending Brande's early morning lectures at the Eoyal Institution. This I did by the advice of Sir H. Davy as a necessary preliminary. From this moment, all horses except a pair for my wife's carriage being dismissed, I got quite into another and to me an entirely new phase of society. My note-books chiefly refer, however, to the geological lectures, and before the spring came I became 118 SIR RODERICK MURCHISON. [ISM. acquainted, through books and lectures, with the chief phe- nomena of British geology. Though chemistry never had strong attractions for me, I kept regular notes of the lectures on its various branches, and, at the end of my course, knew as much about that science as was necessary for a field- geologist." * In later years he used to recall with no little pleasure an incident in that course of lectures. One day Dr. Brande did not lecture, and his place was taken by his assistant a pale thin lad, who began with some timidity, but gathering courage as he went on, soon proved himself to be an ad- mirable lecturer, and received from his delighted audience a hearty round of applause. It was Michael Faraday. 2 From the Eoyal Institution lectures the transition was easy to the papers and debates to be heard in those little rooms in Bedford Street, Covent Garden, where the Geological Society then held its meetings. We have in the preceding chapter noticed the place which the creation of this Society fills in the history of geological science in this country. Some further details of a more personal kind may here be given, partly because the men who started the Society were in great measure still living and active members of it when Murchison joined them, partly because Murchison's own scientific career was closely bound up with the subsequent history of the Society, and partly because the work done by 1 These notes, which still exist, show a vast deal of diligence, and a very fair amount of knowledge. They seem to have been carefully written out from day to day, and with equal fulness, whether the subject of the lectures was the composition of beef or the properties of oxygen. 2 In telling this story to the writer only a few months before his death, Murchison said it was Faraday's first lecture. A comparison of dates, however, shows that his memory had been at fault, for Faraday had already gained a reputation as experimenter and original investigator before this time. 1807.] THE GEOLOGICAL SOCIETY. 119 the Society, and its influence upon the progress of the science, have been so great that they claim grateful recog- nition, and deserve adequate record in any work which pro- fesses to sketch, even in outline, the growth of a portion of British geology. At the beginning of this century original research in natural science was promoted in London by two Societies, the Eoyal and the Linnean. Next in order of time came the Geological Society, which took its origin, as already mentioned, in 1807, and under the following circum- stances : l " Count de Bournon had written an elaborate monograph on carbonate of lime, and, in order to raise funds for its pub- lication, Dr. Babington invited to his house a number of gentlemen distinguished for their zeal in mineralogical knowledge, when a subscription-list was opened, and the necessary sum was collected. Other meetings of the same gentlemen took place for friendly intercourse, and it was then proposed to form a Geological Society. On Novem- ber 13, 1807, a meeting was held at the Freemasons' Tavern, Great Queen Street, at which resolutions were passed formally constituting the Society. Only eleven gentlemen were pre- sent, and their names deserve to be recorded. They were Arthur Aikin, William Allen, F.E.S., William Babington, M.D., F.E.S., Count Bournon, F.RS., H. Davy, Sec.RS.; J. Franck, M.D., G. Bellas Greenough, M.P., F.R.S., E. 1 This narrative is taken from an account of the Society written by one of its Fellows, Mr. W. S. Mitchell, just previous to its recent change of quarters to Burlington House, and published in The Hour of November 5th, 1873. It is the only narrative which has been published of the early struggles of the Society. Compiled from the minute-books of the Society, it presents a reliable account of events which must always have an interest for English geologists. 120 SIR RODERICK MURCHISON. Knight, J. Laird, M.D., J. Parkinson, Kichard Phillips. Two other supporters of the scheme, W. H. Pepys and William Phillips, were unavoidably prevented from attending the meeting, but their names were added to the list. The thir- teen names were read out, and these gentlemen constituted themselves the first members of the Geological Society, with the resolution, 'That there be forthwith instituted a Geo- logical Society for the purpose of making geologists acquainted with each other, of stimulating their zeal, of inducing them to adopt one nomenclature, of facilitating the communication of new facts, and of ascertaining what is known in their science, and what remains to be discovered.' " The customs of the new association were such that it would now be called a Club rather than a Society. The members were to meet on the first Friday of every month at five o'clock, at the Freemasons' Tavern, for a fifteen shilling dinner. Business was to commence at seven o'clock, and the chairman was to leave the chair at nine." After drawing up rules and other initial formalities, in- cluding the election of a Patron (Eight Honourable Charles F. GreviUe, F.R.S.) and a President (G. B. Greenough, M.P., F.RS.), the members, in accordance with one of their laws, set themselves to work in " contributing to the advancement of geological science, more particularly as connected with the mineral history of the earth." Their numbers increased, and among their early adherents they could count even the President of the Eoyal Society, who requested admission into their ranks. Specimens of minerals were presented to them with such liberality that within a year the idea took definite shape of securing some permanent place for the collections and meetings of the Society. Accordingly, in 1809, rooms HISTORY OF THE GEOLOGICAL SOCIETY. 121 were obtained at No. 4 Garden Court, Temple, and there the infant Society was enabled first to erect its household gods. But this step, so indicative of independence and activity, soon led to serious troubles. " The Society reckoned among its members many who were Fellows of the Eoyal Society, and so long as it aimed at nothing more than dining once a month and discussing geological subjects, there was nothing to which the Fellows of the Eoyal Society could raise any objection. But as soon as a separate habitation was proposed, with a separate collec- tion of specimens, it was at once objected that the dignity of the Eoyal Society would be impaired. At the meeting on March 3 (1809), Sir Joseph Banks sent in his resignation, and soon after a proposal was made by the Patron, the Eight Hon. Charles Greville, to make the Geological Society an assistant association to the Eoyal Society. The drift of the plan was, that the Geological Society should consist of two classes of members (1.) those who were Fellows of the Eoyal Society, and (2.) those who were not. That all papers should be sent to the Eoyal Society for them to select what they liked for publication, and that the Geological Society should be at liberty to publish the rejected papers if they wished. A special meeting to consider this proposal was held at the Freemasons' Tavern on March 10, when this resolution was passed : ' That any proposition tending to render this Society dependent upon or subservient to any other Society does not correspond with the conception this meeting entertains of the original principles upon which the Geological Society was founded.' The proposal was decided to be inadmissible, and it was pointed out that it was never intended to impose any obligations on members of. the Geo- 122 SIR RODERICK MURCHISON. logical Society inconsistent with their allegiance to the Eoyal Society. Mr. Greville sent in his resignation as Patron, but the firmness shown by a few of the promoters of the Society secured for it freedom and independence of action." This vigorous action no doubt helped to strengthen the Society both in numbers and in influence. Even so early as 1810 the first habitation at the Temple was found too small, and the chattels of the Society were in that year transferred to No. 3 Lincoln's Inn Fields. Further evidence of vigour was shown by the fact that the papers read at the meetings began in 1811 to be published in quarto volumes of the massive orthodox size, and with wealth of margin and illus- trations. After six years of great activity, the need for further space again became urgent. Another migration took place, the rooms selected being at No. 20 Bedford Street, Covent Garden. For twelve years, that is from 1816 to 1828, the Society continued to hold its meetings in that building. It was while there that "in 1825 a Charter of Incorporation was applied for and obtained from George iv., the date of affixing the royal seal being April 23, ' in the sixth year of our reign.' The five members named in the charter were, W. Buckland, Arthur Aikin, John Bostock, G. Bellas Greenough, and Henry Warburton. Dr. Buckland was by the charter appointed first President." The Geological Society of London " was, in its early days," to quote the words of one of its former most distinguished members, " composed of robust, joyous, and independent spirits, who toiled well in the field, and did battle and cuffed opinions with much spirit and great good will ; for they had one great object before them the promotion of true know- ledge and not one of them was deeply committed to any 1824-5.] JOINS THE GEOLOGISTS. 123 system of opinions." The same writer boasts of " the joyous meetings, and of the generous, unselfish, and truth-loving spirit that glowed throughout the whole body." l It was into this pleasant gathering of enthusiasts that Murchison found his way in the winter of 1824-25. "I entered the Society," he says, " Professor Buckland of Oxford being President, and on the 7th of January took my seat, and had my hand shaken by that remarkable man, who was then giving such an impulse to our new science, and was of course my idol. One of the honorary secretaries, then a young lawyer, was Charles Lyell, who then read his first paper, on the marl-lake at Kinnordy, in Forfarshire, the property of his father. " Among my scientific friends I was of course most proud to reckon Dr. Wollaston, who then and in subsequent years invariably took pains to make me understand the true method of searching after new facts, and often corrected my slips and mistakes. " I also owed great obligation to Mr. Thomas Webster. His acquaintance with minerals and ores, as well as with fossil animal remains, and his well-composed descriptions, were strikingly illustrated by his great powers as an artist. Born in the Shetland Isles, and there receiving a good education, Webster had never seen in that region a tree higher than a bush, so that in coming southwards, as he told me, he never could forget the astonishment and admiration he felt, when on reaching the valley of Berriedale, on the borders of Suther- land, he for the first time saw true forest-trees. Before these he kneeled down, as true a worshipper as Linnaeus when he first beheld in England the yellow blossom of our common furze. 1 Sedgwick, Brit. Pal. Fossils, Introduction, pp. xc. xcii. 124 SIR RODERICK MURCHISON. [i824 5. " Sedgwick, Whewell, Peacock, Babbage, Herschel, and all the eminent Cantabs of the time, came flocking in con- tinually to our scientific assemblies. From his buoyant and cheerful nature, as well as from his flow of soul and elo- quence, Sedgwick at once won my heart, and a year only was destined to elapse before we became coadjutors in a survey of the Highlands, and afterwards of various parts of the Continent." To show further the contrast between his employments in London and his amusements during previous winters in the country, it may be well to note that he not merely made a good many acquaintances among scientific people, but be- came a personal friend of not a few men who then or after- wards stood in the foremost ranks of literature. He met Thomas Moore, Hallam, Copley (Lord Lyndhurst), Lord Dudley, and others, who used to frequent the soire'es of Miss Lydia White, whose well-known ambition it was to gather round her the intellect and taste of London society. 1 With lectures on science, scientific papers and discus- sions, evening soirees, and the opportunity of hearing and talking to men who had already made themselves famous, he found enough fully to fill up his time, and to make Lon- don life a very different thing to him from what it had been in the old days when he used to escape to town from the monotony of a country barrack. With his characteristic ardour, he had not completed his first winter's studies before he longed to be off into the field to observe for himself. " My first real field work," he says, " began under Pro- 1 Sir Walter Scott, who knew this lady well, describes her as " what Oxonians call a lioness of the first order, with stockings nineteen times nine dyed blue, very lively, very good-humoured, and extremely absurd." Life, vol. ii. p. 137. 1824-5.] FIRST FIELD DAYS WITH BUCKLAND. 125 fessor Buckland, who having taken a fancy to me as one of his apt scholars, invited me to visit him at Corpus Christi College, Oxford, and attend one or two of his lectures. This was my true launch. Travelling down with him in the Ox- ford coach, I learned a world of things before we reached the Isis, and, amongst others, his lecture on Crustacea, given whilst he pulled to pieces on his knees a cold crab bought at a fishmonger's shop at Maidenhead, where he usually lunched as the coach stopped. " On repairing from the Star Inn to Buckland's domicile, I never can forget the scene which awaited me. Having, by direction of the janitor, climbed up a narrow staircase, I entered a long corridor-like room (now all destroyed), which was filled with rocks, shells, and bones in dire confusion, and, in a sort of sanctum at the end, was my friend in his black gown looking like a necromancer, sitting on the one only rickety chair not covered with some fossils, and clean- ing out a fossil bone from the matrix." The few days at Oxford were memorably pleasant. Buck- land's wit and enthusiasm glowed through all his scientific sayings and doings, and he had a rare power of description by which he could make even a dry enough subject fascinat- ingly interesting. Murchison heard one or two brilliant lectures from him, but what was of still more importance, he accompanied the merry Professor and his students, mounted on Oxford hacks, to Shotover Hill, and for the first time in his life had a landscape geologically dissected before him. From that eminence his eye was taught to recognise the broader features of the succession of the oolitic rocks of Eng- land up to the far range of the Chalk Hills ; and this not in a dull, text-book fashion, for Buckland, in luminous language, 126 STR RODERICK MURCHISON. [isa4-& brought the several elements of the landscape into connexion with each other and with a few fundamental principles which have determined the sculpturing of the earth's surface. His audience came to see merely a rich vale in the midst of fertile England, but before they quitted the ground the land- scape had been made to yield up to them clear notions of the origin of springs and the principles of drainage. This was the very kind of instruction needed to fan the growing flame of Murchison's zeal for science. He returned to town burning with desire to put his knowledge to some use by trying to imitate, no matter how feebly, the admirable way in which the Oxford Professor had applied the lessons of the lecture-room to the elucidation of the history of hills and valleys. While shooting and rambling, as he had so often done, at the house of his father-in-law, he had already noted many geological facts in the district around Peters field without paying much heed to them, or seeking in any way for their explanation; but from what he had learnt from Mr. Webster and Dr. Fitton as to the Isle of Wight, he could see that in that island he should most likely find materials for understanding the geology of Petersfield. Accordingly he determined that this should be his first essay in independent field-work. Of this time he writes : " I was totus in illis, and making every preparation for a thorough survey of all the South coast a project which was gladly backed up by my wife, who now saw that I was fairly bitten with my new hobby. Conybeare and Phillips' Geology of England and Wales had then become my scientific bible, and I saw that a fine field was opening for any zealous and active searcher after truth in completing many gaps which they had left to be filled up." 1825.] HIS FIRST INDEPENDENT FIELD-WORK. 127 The summer of 1825 brought Murchison and his wife back once more to Nursted House, but the Hambledon fox- hounds had now lost their charms for him. With the same zeal he had thrown himself into another kind of hunting, in which, instead of old Parson Eichards and his friends, he had for companion his own wife. Many a deep lane and rocky dingle did they explore together for fossils. Dr. Fitton came down to visit them and joined in the pursuit, tracing out by degrees the well-marked succession of cretaceous strata shown in that district. Seeing in this way the problems which he had to work out in the Petersfield district, Murchison started with his wife in the middle of August on a tour of nine weeks along the South coast, from the Isle of Wight into Devon and Cornwall. Taking a light carriage and a pair of horses, he made the journey in short stages, lingering for days at some of the more interesting or important geological localities. Driving, boating, walking, or scrambling, the enthusiastic pair signalized their first geological tour by a formidable amount of bodily toil. Mrs. Murchison specially devoted herself to the collection of fossils, and to sketching the more striking geological features of the coast-line, while her hus- band would push on to make some long and laborious detour. In this way, while she remained quietly working at Lynie Eegis, he struck westward for a fortnight into Devon and Cornwall, to make his first acquaintance with the rocks to which in after years Sedgwick and he were to give the name by which they are now recognised all over the world. It was in the course of this tour that he met with a man whom he has the merit of having brought into notice, and who certainly amply requited him by the services rendered 128 SIR RODERICK MURCHISON. [im. in later years. William Lonsdale had served in the Penin- sular war, and retired on half-pay to Bath. With the most simple and abstemious habits his slender income sufficed not only for his wants, but for the purchase of any book or fossil he coveted, and so he spent his time in studying the organic remains, and specially the fossil corals, to be found in his neighbourhood. Murchison met him accidentally in some quarries, " a tall, grave man, with a huge hammer on his shoulder," and found him so full of information that he stayed some days at Bath under Lonsdale's guidance. With the enlargement of view which so instructive a ramble had given him, Murchison prepared and read to the Geological Society, on 16th December 1825, his first scientific paper, " A Geological Sketch of the North-western extre- mity of Sussex, and the adjoining parts of Hants and Surrey." 1 This little essay bore manifest evidence of being the result of careful observation of the order of succession of the rocks in the field, followed by as ample examination of their fossils as he could secure from those best qualified to give an opinion upon them. In these respects it was typical of all his later work. Having shown by this first publication his capacity as an observer and describer, and being further recommended by the leisure which his position of independence enabled him to command, he was soon after elected one of the two honorary secretaries of the Geological Society. " Lyell being then a law-student, with chambers in the Temple, could only devote a portion of his time to our science, and was glad to make way as secretary to one who, like myself, had nothing else to do than think and dream of geology, and work hard to get on in my new vocation." 1 See Oeol. Trans., 2d ser., vol. ii. p. 97. VOL. 1 >age 1 ::>. WILLIAM HVUE WOLLASTOX, M.I>. Frum (t iJrun-imj hi/ Sir Tltonia* Lan-i-en 1826.] ENTERS THE ROYAL SOCIETY. 129 In the spring of 1826 he was elected into the Royal Society an honour more easily won then than now, and for which, as the President, his old friend Sir Humphry Davy told him, he was indebted not to the amount or value of his scientific work, but to the fact that he was an inde- pendent gentleman having a taste for science, with plenty of time and enough of money to gratify it. His acquaintance with the scientific men of London daily increased, Davy and Wollaston being specially attentive in their encouragement. Of his intercourse with the latter he writes : " Wollaston's little dinners of four or five persons were most agreeable, and you were sure to come away with much fresh know- ledge. A good dish of fish, a capital joint and some game, followed by his invariable large pudding, filled in with apples, apricots, or green-gages, all served on plain white porcelain by two tidy, handsome women, was the bill of fare. " This was perhaps about the happiest period of my life. I had shaken off the vanities of the fashionable world to a good extent was less anxious to know titled folks and leading sportsmen was free of all the cares and expenses of a stable full of horses and had taken to a career in which excitement in the field carried with it occupation, amuse- ment, and possibly reputation." But if distinction was to be won in this new kind of activity, it could only be by hard toil in the field. He had never had any of the special training which would have fitted him for working out geological problems indoors, such as the discrimination of fossils, or the characters and alterations of minerals and rocks ; hence, although stress of weather, not to speak of the pleasures of society, brought him to London and VOL. I. I 130 SIR RODERICK MURCHISON. [im. kept him there during the winter and spring, he soon saw that to insure progress in his adopted pursuit he must spend as much as possible of every summer and autumn in original field-exploration. He had begun well in this way by the tour along the South coast. Now that another summer had come round he prepared to resume his hammer in the field. As before, a definite task was given to him. Buckland and others advised him to go north and settle the geological age of the Brora coal-field, in Sutherlandshire. Some geologists maintained that the rocks of that district were merely a part of the ordinary coal, or carboniferous system; others held them to be greatly younger, to be indeed of the same general age with the lower oolitic strata of Yorkshire. A good observer might readily settle this question. Murchison resolved to try. Again he prepared himself by reading and study of fossils to understand the evidence he was to collect and interpret ; and in order to do full justice to the Scottish tract, he went first to the Yorkshire coast and made himself master of the succession and leading characters of the rocks so admirably displayed along that picturesque line of cliffs. The summer had hardly begun before he and his wife broke up their camp in London and were on the move northward. At York he made the acquaintance of two men with whom he was destined in after life to have much close inter- course and co-operation, the Eev. William Vernon (after- wards Vernon Harcourt) and Mr. John Phillips. The latter friend has kindly contributed the following reminiscences of this interview : " In a bright afternoon of early summer, while engaged in museum arrangements, a man of cheerful and distinguished aspect was presented to me by the Pre- 1826.] WILLIAM SMITH AND JOHN PHILLIPS. 131 sident of the Yorkshire Philosophical Society, Mr. W. Yernon (Harcourt), as Mr. Murchison, a friend of Buck- land, desirous of consulting our collections. The museum was tolerably well supplied with oolitic fossils, and espe- cially those of the coralline oolite and calcareous grit of Yorkshire. Some of these were amusing enough. A diligent collector at Malton, who supplied the museum with specimens, sometimes brought what were called ' beetles,' made by painting and varnishing parts of shells and crustaceans. After examining the ' fossils' with care, Murchison would see these 'curiosities.' As it happened, they were laid contemptuously at the base of vertical cases, and were rather difficult to get out ' Never mind,' said the old soldier, 'we will lie down and reconnoitre on the floor/ I knew then that geology had gained a resolute disciple, possibly a master-workman." Murchison's own record of the meeting is as follows : " Phillips, then a youth, was engaged in arranging a small museum at York. He recommended me strongly to his uncle, William Smith, who was then living at Scarborough, and had little intercourse with the Geological Society, for he thought that Greenough and others, in taking from him the main materials of his original Geological Map of Eng- land, had done hirn an injustice. The unpretending country land-surveyor, who had really the highest merit of them all, had been somewhat snubbed by such men as Dr. Macculloch and others, who, having a superior acquaintance with the chemical composition of rocks and minerals, did not appre- ciate the broad views of Smith. " From the moment I had my first walk with William Smith (then about sixty years old), I felt that he was just 132 8IE RODERICK MURCHISON. [ISM. the man after my own heart ; and he, on his part, seeing that I had, as he said, ' an eye for a country,' took to me and gave me most valuable lessons. Thus he made me thoroughly acquainted with all the strata north and south of Scarborough. He afterwards accompanied me in a boat all along the coast, stopping and sleeping at Eobin Hood's Bay. Not only did I then learn the exact position of the beds of poor coal which crop out in that tract of the eastern moorlands, but collecting with him the characteristic fossils from the calcareous grit down to the lias, I saw how clearly strata must alone be identified by their fossils, inasmuch as here, instead of oolitic limestones like those of the south we had sandstones, grits, and shales, which, though closely resembling the beds of the old coal, were precise equivalents of the oolitic series of the south. Smith walked stoutly with me all under the cliffs, from Eobin Hood's Bay to Whitby, making me well note the characteristic fossils of each formation." Though the main object of this summer tour was to work out the geological problem which had been assigned to him in Sutherlandshire, he sketched a most circuitous route, partly for the sake of showing Mrs. Murchison some- thing more of the Highlands than she had yet seen, and partly with the view of putting to use his new acquirements in geology ; so that after reaching Edinburgh, and having its geology expounded to him by Jameson, instead of striking north at once, he turned westwards to the island of Arran, and spent many weeks among the Western islands, from the Firth of Clyde to the north of Skye. The hills of his native country had now acquired an interest for him which they never possessed, even in the days when they drew him off 1826.] TOUR IN THE HIGHLANDS. 133 in eager pursuit of grouse and black-cock. At every halt his first anxiety was to know what the rocks of the place might be, and how far he could identify their geological position. In Arran he filled his note-book with observa- tions and queries about granite, red sandstone, limestone, and other puzzling matters, on which his previous expe- rience in field-work in the south of England and in York- shire could throw no light, and for the elucidation of which he wisely resolved to secure at some future time the guidance and co-operation of an older geologist than himself. It was in the fulfilment of this resolution that Sedgwick and he first became fellow-workers in the field. Sailing packets, small boats, and post-horses combined to make a tour among the Inner Hebrides and West High- lands in those days a leisurely affair. A geologist had many opportunities of using his hammer by the way, and Murchison seems always to have had his in his hand or in his pocket, and to have jotted down in detail what he saw. The itinerary of his journey shows that he scoured the hills and glens of Mull, peeped into every nook and cranny of Staffa, mounted to the top of Ben Nevis and recognised its curious crest of porphyry, went up to the Parallel Eoads of Glen Eoy, as- cended the Great Glen, and then turning west through Glengarry to Glenshiel, found himself in Skye. In that wildest and weirdest of the Western Islands he and his wife did excellent work in collecting fossils, and thereby obtain- ing materials for making more detailed comparison between the secondary rocks of the West of Scotland and those of England than had been attempted by Dr. Macculloch. The actual fossil-hunting was mainly done by Mrs. Murchison, after whom one of the shells (Ammonites Murchisonice) was 134 SIR RODERICK MURCHISON. [isze. named by Sowerby, while her husband climbed the cliffs and trudged over the moors and crags to make out the order of succession among the secondary strata. But the tour was not merely geological. Many a halt and detour were made to get a good view of some fine scenery, or to make yet another sketch. Friends and High- land cousins, too, were plentifully scattered along the route, so that the travellers had ample experience of the hearty hospitality of those regions. An occasional shot at grouse or deer varied the monotony of the hammering ; but even when stalking, Murchison could not keep his eyes from the rocks. Amid the jottings of his sport he had facts to chronicle about the gneiss or porphyry or sandstone through which the sport had led him. This characteristic, traceable even at this early period of his life, remained prominent up to the last autumn of his life in which he was able to wield a gun or a hammer. The summer had in great part passed before he reached that part of the eastern coast of Sutherlandshire where the scene of his special task lay; but that task proved to be eminently easy. From Dunrobin, where he was hospitably entertained, he could follow northwards and southwards a regular succession of strata, and recognised in them the equivalents of parts of the oolitic series of Yorkshire. The Brora coal, therefore, instead of forming part of the true carboniferous system, was simply a local peculiarity in the oolitic series. As in Skye, he made a collection of fossils which offered a means of satisfactory comparison with the oolitic rocks of England. The rapidity with which this piece of work could be done left time for a prolongation of the tour northwards through Caithness, even up into the Orkney Islands, but at 1826-7.] THE THAMES TUNNEL. 135 length the tourists had to prepare for a southward migration again. Beaching Inverness, they turned eastward to Aber- deen, and thence, with Boue's Essai in hand, down the eastern coast, by Peterhead, Bullers of Buchan, Arbroath, and St. Andrews. While in Fife they received tidings of the serious illness of the old General at Nursted. Abruptly closing this protracted ramble, they took their places in the mail-coach, and travelled without intermission into Hants. The imme- diate result of this summer's work was seen in the prepara- tion of a paper for the Geological Society. 1 As before, the winter was passed in London, and this became henceforth Murchison's practice. The summer and autumn usually found him in the country for fresh observa- tions, with visits to old friends and a renewal of field-sports ; but when winter began to set in, unless when abroad, he made his way back to town to renew the socialities of life, in which he delighted, and to elaborate his geological work for publication. Among the incidents of London life in the winter of 1826-27, he has preserved some notes of a hazardous de- scent into the Thames Tunnel, then in course of construc- tion. The river had burst in upon the works, and the two Brunels were organizing means for expelling the intruder. Considerable discussion went on in scientific circles as to the mode of procedure, or whether it was worth proceeding at all. Dr. Buckland organized a party to go down and 1 " On the Coal-field of Brora, iu Sutherlandshire, and some other stratified deposits in the north of Scotland" (Trans. Geol. Soc., 2d series, vol. ii. p. 293), an excellent memoir, in which the principles of William Smith were, for the first time, applied in detail to the oolitic rocks of Scotland, and which gave the first connected account of these rocks, with lists of characteristic fossils. 136 SIR RODERICK MURCHISON. [i826-7. inspect, including Charles Bonaparte (afterwards Prince of Canino) and Murchison. " The first operation we underwent (one which I never repeated) was to go down in a diving-bell upon the cavity by which the Thames had broken in. Buckland and Feather- stonehaugh, having been the first to volunteer, came up with such red faces and such staring eyes, that I confess I felt no great inclination to follow their example, particularly as Charles Bonaparte was most anxious to avoid the dilemma, excusing himself by saying that his family was very short- necked and subject to apoplexy, etc. ; but it would not do to show the white feather ; I got in, and induced him to follow me. The effect was, as I expected, most oppressive, and then on the bottom what did we see but dirty gravel and mud, from which I brought up a fragment of one of Hunt's blacking-bottles. We soon pulled the string, and were delighted to breathe the fresh air. " The first folly was, however, quite overpowered by the next. We went down the shaft on the south bank, and got, with young Brunei, into a punt, which he was to steer into the tunnel till we reached the repairing-shield. About eleven feet of water were still in the tunnel, leaving just space enough above our heads for Brunei to stand up and claw the ceiling and sides to impel us. As we were proceeding he called out, ' Now, gentlemen, if by accident there should be a rush of water, I shall turn the punt over and prevent you being jammed against the roof, and we shall then all be carried out and up the shaft !' On this C. Bonaparte re- marked, ' But I cannot swim !' and, just as he had said the words, Brunei, swinging carelessly from right to left, fell overboard, and out went of course the candles, with which 1827.] PROPOSES A JOINT TOUR TO SEDGWICK. 137 he was lighting up the place. Taking this for the sauve qui pent, fat C. B., then the very image of Napoleon at St. Helena, was about to roll out after him, when I held him fast, and, by the glimmering light from the entrance, we found young Brunei, who swam like a fish, coming up on the other side of the punt, and soon got him on board. We of course called out for an immediate retreat, for really there could not be a more foolhardy and ridiculous risk of our lives, inasmuch as it was just the moment of trial as to whether the Thames would make a further inroad or not." As the spring months wore away, short visits to the country could be resumed, as, for example, down to Oxford, to join in one of the galloping excursions of the merry Pro- fessor of Geology, or to Lewes to make the acquaintance of Dr. Mantell, then in full medical practice, but who had found time to distinguish himself as a zealous palaeontologist and collector. In the course of these short and desultory excursions, Murchison supplemented his former work in the Petersfield district, and made himself master of the full suc- cession of the cretaceous formations. But a much more lengthy and ambitious tour had already been planned. In the previous year, during the rambles in Arran and elsewhere in the north, he had met with many puzzling facts. Particularly had he been dis- comfited by the problems presented by the red sandstones of the west coast. And as we have already noted, he had determined to return to the attack, bringing with him a geologist of ampler knowledge and specially experienced in the complicated structure of the older rocks. Of all his geological friends none had won his respect and admiration so entirely as Sedgwick. Admirable as an observer, clear 138 SIR RODERICK MURCHISON. [1827. and brilliant as an expositor, the Woodwardian Professor was one of the kindliest, wittiest, merriest of companions. While Murchison's pursuit of science was now and con- tinued through life to be a serious earnest task, Sedgwick's enthusiasm and earnestness, on the other hand, were quite as great, his knowledge far greater, but he threw over his scientific work the charm of his own bright genial nature. Brimful of humour and bristling with apposite anecdote, his scientific talk was greatly more entertaining than the ordinary conversation of most good talkers, for he could so place a dry scientific fact as to photograph it on the memory while at the same time he linked it with something droll or fanciful or tender, so that it seemed ever after to wear a kind of human significance. No keener eye than his ever ranged over the rocks of England, and yet while noting each feature of their structure or scenery he delighted to carry through his geological work an endless thread of fun and wit. No wonder therefore that Murchison, who, though not himself gifted with humour, had a keen relish for it as it came from others, should have made choice of such a com- panion. But Sedgwick had already distinguished himself in the difficult labour of unravelling the structure of some of the older rocks of this country. And it was in the older rocks that the problems lay which had baffled Murchison during his first geological raid into Scotland. In every way the society of the Cambridge Professor would be an advantage to him ; it would give him at once a skilful instructor, a generous fellow-labourer, and a buoyant companion. His proposal that Sedgwick should return with him to Scotland was accepted, and the two friends, destined to achieve many ADAM SKIKJWK'K, F.K.8. I'l-inn it I'li 1827.] FIRST TOUR WITH SEDGWICK. 139 an arduous and hard-won success in after years in the field together, started on their first conjoint geological tour early in July 1827. The main object of this journey was to ascertain if possible the true relations of the red sandstones of Scot- land a subject in regard to which Murchison himself had observed many difficult or apparently contradictory facts in the previous year, and which the maps and writings of Mac- culloch had not fully explained. The route chosen agreed on the whole with that previously followed by Murchison and his wife Arran, Mull, Skye, thence through the north of Sutherlandshire to the east coast of Caithness, and then southwards by Elgin, Aberdeen, Forfarshire, Edinburgh, Dumfriesshire, Carlisle, and Newcastle, to York. Throughout by much the greater part of the country to be traversed in the Highland tracts comparatively little had been done by geologists beyond the maps and memoirs of Macculloch, and hence there was little in the way of pub- lished description to be read before starting. From a loose slip of paper found among Murchison's repositories, it appears that in the absence of geological memoranda he had taken to the acquisition of words and phrases in Gaelic, and had written down such as he judged would be most useful. The reader may think this list rather an ominous one when he is told that it begins with the question in Gaelic, "Where is the public-house?" and ends off with " ooshke clay hot water." From this long and well-worked journey Murchison profited greatly. Under Sedgwick's guidance he saw clearly enough now the meaning of things which had puzzled him not a little before. For example, even at that early time, HO SIR RODERICK MURCHISON. [1827. Sedgwick had distinguished that peculiar structure in rocks to which the name of "cleavage" is now given, and taught his companion to recognise it. 1 Fractures and foldings, with other broad features of geological structure in a region of old dislocated and altered rocks, were likewise unravelled. But with Sedgwick in the party the tour could not pos- sibly be all work and no play. They threw themselves heartily into the ways of the Highlanders, and made friends all along the route, ate haggises and drank whisky at one house, danced in rough coats and hobnailed boots in an- other, brightened with talk and tale the drawing-room of a third. Much of the journey was performed on foot over wild moor and mountain, or in a crazy boat through the winding fjords. Some of the expeditions too were under- taken in such storms of wind and rain as are seldom seen anywhere in Britain out of that north-western region. Hence they returned to the south country, not without adventures to boast of, how, for example, they were nearly lost in boating from Greinord to Ullapool, and saved, so Sedgwick said, by his vigorous help in bailing the leaky boat with his hat, or how, Sedgwick wearing a plaid which he had bought from a shepherd, they were taken by a bustling landlady for a couple of drovers, and got but scant courtesy, or how, to prevent a like mistake at Forfar, Murchison insisted on 1 Among the slate-quarries of Ballachulish they met with examples of cleavage which Sedgwick pointed out on the spot to K. von Oeynhausen and H. von Dechen, then rambling through Scotland and gathering ma- terials for the papers on various parts of Highland geology, which they afterwards published in Karsten's Archiv. He failed to convince them that there was any essential difference between the original stratification of the rocks and the lines of cleavage, even though the argument lasted long, in one of the deluges of rain so characteristic of that weeping climate. 1827.] FIRST TOUR WITH SEDGWICK. 141 going first into the inn, and, to his companion's delight, was shown into the tap -room ! from which, however, the retired captain of dragoons discharged such a characteristically mili- tary volley of denunciation as speedily brought both landlord and landlady with profuse apologies and a loud command of " wax-lights for the gentlemen." Among these incidents of travel one curious coincidence made an impression upon Murchison's Highland susceptibilities. His mother, as we have seen, was a Mackenzie of Fairburn, born in the ances- Red Sandstone Mountains on the West Coast of Sutherland. tral Tower. There had been a tradition in the district to the effect that the lands should pass out of the hands of the Mackenzies, and that " the sow should litter in the lady's chamber." The old tower had now become a ruin, and the two travellers turned aside to see it. " The Professor and I," says Murchison, " were groping our way up the broken stone stair-case, when we were almost knocked over by a rush of two or three pigs that had been nestling up-stairs in the very room in which my mother was born." 142 SIR RODERICK MURCHISON. [isw. After seeing most of the red sandstone tracts of Scot- land the two travellers re-entered England by Carlisle, crossed to Newcastle, and revisited some of the sporting scenes of earlier years. One of the friends they saw was Murchison's former fox-hunting chief, Lord Darlington, who, he writes, " laughed at my new hobby which had converted me into ' an earth-stopper ! ' " a simile worthy of a veteran Nimrod who hunted every day of the week except Sunday. With the winter came back the usual routine of London life. The Secretaryship of the Geological Society demanded a good deal of time and labour, and the President, Dr. Fitton, kept a sharp eye on his subordinates, so much so, indeed, that an actual rupture took place between him and Murchison, which was only healed after much correspondence, and by the intervention of friends, who endeavoured to convince the President that he was too exacting, and the Secretary that he was too insubordinate. Murchison kept all the letters he received on the subject, and inscribed on the outside of the packet, " 1827. Some months' waste of time Fittoniana, or disputes with my warm-hearted but peppery friend Dr. Fitton." But besides looking after the lucubrations of other writers aspiring to geological fame, he had plenty of work this winter in extending for the Society his notes of the Scottish tour with Sedgwick. The latter was full of work at Cambridge ; suffering, too, from weak eyes, and given to " water-drinking and dephlogisticating," apt, therefore, to delay what he could push aside for a time, and needing, as he said himself, an occasional nudge on the elbow. His pen was required for 1827.] SEDQWICK AS FELLOW-LABOURER. 143 the conjoint memoir as much as his hammer had been for the work in the field ; but who could expect much continuous literary labour from a man who could speak of himself thus ? " Behold me now !" he says, in a letter to Murchison (28th October), " in a new character, strutting about and looking dignified, with a cap, gown, cassock, and a huge pair of bands the terror of all academical evil-doers in short, a perfect moral scavenger. My time has been much taken up with the petty details of my office, and in showing the lions to divers papas and mammas, who, at this time of the year, come up to the University with the rising hopes of their families. This week I have to make a Latin speech to the Senate, not one word of which is yet written. I mean to write a new syllabus of my lectures, which commence in about a week ; in short, my hands are as full as they well can be. I will, however, do the best I can for our joint-stock work" The two friends had resolved to make their work in the Highlands the subject of two Memoirs for the Geological Society one on Arran, and one on the Conglomerates of the northern and eastern counties. The former of these was at last read to the Society in January 1828, but the second was kept back by Sedgwick's delay. In a later letter he refers to a hint from Dr. Fitton to make haste, lest Murchison should forestall him, and generously speaks of their joint share in the field-work thus : " You worked harder in many respects than I did myself, and till we reached the east coast, and indeed there also, you were my geological guide." Weeks slip away, and still no help comes from the Woodwardian Professor, who writes to his friend, " I fear 144 SIR RODERICK MURCHISON. [wa. you will think me a sorry coadjutor, for all the work is left to yourself. This is not as it ought to be, but I am at pre- sent almost a lame soldier." Still time passes, and brings April round without the completion of Sedgwick's contribu- tion. On the 7th of that month he says, " You call upon me ' for my own reputation and your peace of mind to make ready.' I promise, if God spare my health and preserve me of sane mind, to have all in good state before the reading ; but to expect that our documents should exactly tally, so that we have only to stitch them together, is to expect im- possibilities. One is making a key, and the other a lock, which never can fit till the wards are well rasped and filed. To rasp and file will be part of my office, as well as to fit on a head and tail." At last, on the 16th May, the conjoint paper 1 was fairly launched before the Geological Society. Murchison had left London for the Continent before that date. His fellow-labourer, however, sent him an account of the reception of their first conjoint work. " Our paper," Sedgwick writes, " increased to such a size that it was ob- 1 Among the excellent details in the paper on Arran (Oeol. Trans., 2d series, vol. ii.), the authors erred in identifying the various rocks with supposed English equivalents. The structure of the island is too com- plex to be worked out offhand in a week or two, and some of its problems are even yet not understood. The paper on the Old Bed Sandstone of the North of Scotland likewise showed great observing skill ; but the same risk of error, from compara- tively hurried examination of a few traverses, was shown in it. The authors massed all the red sandstones of the west and east coast an error which they committed, though knowing what Macculloch had written on the subject, and which Murchison many years later discarded. One special merit of the paper was the important announcement (con- firming that made in the Brora paper), of the abundant fossil fishes found in many parts of Caithness, and the plates and descriptions given of some of the forms, which in later years were to become so well known through the writings of Hugh Miller. 1828.] FIRST JOINT PAPER WITH SEDGWICK. 145 viously too large to be taken in at one meeting. . . . All went off well, and ended with the dish of Caithness fish, which were beautifully cooked by Pentland, and much D iptcnts. relished by the meeting. Greenough, Buckland, Conybeare, and all the first performers were upon the boards." These are confessedly details of no 'great moment in themselves. They seem, however, to find a fitting place here, inasmuch as they serve to show the hearty spirit of friendship and co-operation with which these two men worked together in the early years of their intercourse. VOL. I. CHAPTER IX. FIKST GEOLOGICAL RAIDS INTO THE CONTINENT. THE three years which had now passed away since his geological hammer was first buckled on had been to Mur - chison a time of hard work. Even in mere physical exer- tion his labour had been great, and would be inadequately represented by the statement that he had trudged on foot for many hundreds of miles over rough shores and still more rugged mountains. His enthusiasm had been so thoroughly awakened that there was now no risk of desertion from the scientific ranks. He had learnt a vast deal in that short interval, and learnt it too where alone it can be truly mastered in the field. Of the many avenues of research which the infant science of Geology was opening, he had already chosen that along which he was to rise to eminence. Whether in the south of England, among late secondary and tertiary rocks, or in the north and west of Scotland, among some of the oldest palaeozoic masses, his leading aim had been to unravel the true order of arrangement of the rocks, and show their relation to each other and to those of other and better known regions. In this pursuit he felt 1883.] SUCCESS IN GEOLOGY.. H7 that he could distinguish himself, and he had, dtene so. With leisure at command and a wide field for exertion, spurred too by a real love for the work as well as by a strong desire to be prominent, his first three years of geological labour at home had been a marked success. From a mere beginner he had speedily become one of the prominent men at the Geological Society, and one of the most ardent and pro- mising of the rising geologists of his day. So thoroughly had geology dispossessed, at least for the time, all other occupations, that his note-books for these years contain memoranda of hardly anything else. Elaborately does he detail every section which he saw ; minutely does he describe every step and stage of each of his journeys. The main scientific results have long been given to the world, and there remains, besides the mere dry itinerary, but the scantiest residuum of personal matters to show in what other ways his thoughts and time were engaged. Among his papers occur notes of invitation a dinner with Davy, a soiree at Fitton's, or memoranda of meetings and consultations with friends of the Eoyal or Geological Society, and jottings enough to show that his scientific pursuits had in no way slackened his general activity and energy, or lessened his pleasure in the convivialities of society. But having successfully essayed his strength among the rocks of his own country, it was not to be supposed that he would long refrain from making a dash at those of the Con- tinent, where it was thought that a good deal might be done in applying the principles of classification which had been so successfully used among the Secondary rocks of England. Accordingly in the winter of 1827-8 he began to 148 SIR RODERICK MURCHISON. [IMS. turn his thoughts towards a foray of that kind. The result was that, once abroad, he found so much of novelty and interest there as to bring him back again and again. Hence for the next three years the scene of his labours extended from the Straits of Dover through central and southern France to the shores of the Adriatic on the one hand, and through Rhineland, Bavaria, and Austria into Hungary on the other. The first of these continental excursions was planned to include the centre and south of France, the north of Italy, and parts of Switzerland. As usual, copious notes were made from the various authors who had treated of the geology of these tracts. " I induced my wife," he writes, " to accompany me as well as my associate, Charles Lyell. We were off in April, and on the 26th of that month were at work in the field with Constant Prevost, following his subdivisions of the Paris basin. The theoretical views of Prevost made a deep impression on Lyell, who, as far as I can judge, imbibed some of his best ideas of the operation [sic] of land and fresh water alternations with marine de- posits from the persevering and ingenious Frenchman." At Paris they met also Cuvier, Brongniart, Deshayes, FJie de Beaumont, Desmarest, Dufrenoy, and other scientific men of mark, and made further notes for the summer's work. By the beginning of June they found themselves among the wonderful extinct volcanic cones of Auvergne. This singu- larly interesting region had been admirably described shortly before, both with pen and pencil, by Mr. Poulett Scrope, whose memoir they carried with them. They were fortunate, moreover, in having an introduction to Count Montlosier, one of the noblesse of Auvergne, who, while taking part in the 1888.] AMONG THE PUYS OF AUVERGNE. 149 political struggles of his country, had devoted himself also to the study of the volcanic rocks of that district, which he had described with great spirit and accuracy. Amid the troubles of the time he had lost all his property, " except a portion of mountain which was too ungrateful a soil to find another purchaser." Eetiring to this retreat in his old age he had built himself a cottage in an extinct crater. " The tra- veller in approaching the door of the philosopher of Eandane had to wade through scoriae and ashes ; " but beyond these obstacles he found a hospitable roof and a host whose " lofty and vigorous presence accorded well with his frank and chivalrous demeanour." l A hearty welcome awaited our three tourists. Their coming had been anticipated by the old Count, from whom on reaching Clermont they found awaiting them a note of invitation and welcome (still extant) couched in that tone of mingled dignity, courtesy, and cordiality which seems now one of the lost arts. " He was charmed to see us," records Murchison, " and to go over all his old volcanic subjects, and instruct us on every feature around his residence, except on the post day when his papers and letters came. Then he flew to them, excusing himself with the old French politesse, ' Pardonnez, Mes- sieurs et Madame ; mais c'est ma vie.' " 2 The three gentlemen, on foot or on horseback, and Mrs. Murchison on a stout pony of the Count's, explored together the cones of cinders and cheires of lava. Even to one who is familiar with volcanoes the first sight of these marvel- 1 Whewell, Proc. Geol. Soc., iii. 70. 2 The Count Montlosier " died in 1837, at the age of eighty-three, on his way to Paris to take his seat in the Chamber of Peers, of which he was a member." See a brief sketch of him by Dr. Whewell, in the address referred to in the preceding note. 150 SIR RODERICK MURCHISON. [isas. lously fresh cones and craters and lava-rivers fills the mind with astonishment. He wanders perhaps up a narrow and picturesque valley feathered with birch and broom down the sides, and gaily green with meadow and orchard along the bottom. Suddenly he comes upon the rough black lava, usurping the channel of the stream, and still bare and bristling, as if it had only yesterday stiffened into rest. And then climbing further by the edge of the lava-torrent, he comes at last in sight of the marvel of the region the chain of Puys cones of volcanic materials still so perfect that he is tempted to watch if steam or smoke cannot still be seen rising from their tops. But when, crossing the lava stream, he mounts the steep sides of one of these old volcanoes, he finds it cold and silent. There beneath him lies the crater a deep hole sunk into the summit of the hill, no longer breathing out volcanic heat and fumes, but carpeted even to the bottom with turf, and fragrant with many a wild-flower. And from these depths, whence in old times came the snort- ing and bellowing of the volcano, there rises now on the breeze only the tinkle of the cattle-bells or the hum of the bee. These are the youngest of the volcanoes of Central France, but all round them lie fragments of older and yet older eruptions, pointing to a long protracted volcanic period so long, indeed, that the rivers of the district had been able to cut out in the older lavas deep and wide valleys, down which some of the later lavas flowed. Beyond measure instructive, therefore, is such a country to the geologist, inasmuch as it places before him admirable illustrations of the action both of subterranean and external forces. Amid such scenes as these, our travellers spent some six 1828.] IN SOUTHERN FRANCE AND ITALY. 151 weeks, riding, climbing, driving, and filling note-book and sketch-book with memoranda of rocks and scenery. These rambles bore fruit during the succeeding winter in papers which were read before the Geological Society. 1 Turning eastward, the travellers journeyed leisurely down the valley of the Ehone, looking at rocks and antiquities by the way, until they reached Montpelier, and thence passed on by Nismes to Aix, in Provence. 2 After quitting Toulon, an incident occurred to mar the good spirits and hinder the work of the party. Murchison caught a malaria fever, and became rapidly delirious. He soon recovered, however, and, except a temporary loss of strength, suffered no evil effects, escaping more fortunately than his wife had done, for the symptoms of the fever she was seized with at Eome used to return upon her at intervals all through life. To recruit him a halt of nearly three weeks was made at Nice, where the invalid soon regained his former activity, scouring the dis- trict all round the town under the guidance of Eisso the conchologist, who led him over the fossiliferous deposits. While recruiting his health at Nice, Murchison sent an account of the tour to the Woodwardian Professor, from which a few sentences may be quoted. In Central France " we left various things undone, consoling ourselves that such a case was to be worked out by Sedgwick next year. And here let me, by way of parenthesis, invoke the philo- sophical spirit of inquiry which prevails at Cambridge, and urge you, who are really almost our only mathematical 1 " On the Excavation of Valleys, as illustrated by the Volcanic Rocks of Central France." By Charles Lyell and Roderick I. Murchison. Proc. Oeol. 8oc., i. 89. See also p. 140. 2 See Proc. Oeol. Soc., i. 150, where their conjoint paper on this tract is given. 152 SIR RODERICK MURCHISON. [isas. champion, not to let another year elapse without endeav- ouring to add to the stock of your British geology some of the continental materials. Pray do it before you marry and settle for life ; pray even do it before you bring forth that long-expected second volume on the Geology of England and "Wales j 1 your comparisons will then have a strength and freshness which will quite electrify us." "We met with splendid cases of basalt and trap, rivalling in an- tiquity of aspect our northern acquaintances," " splendid proofs of the extraordinary amount of excavation in the valleys," two thousand feet or more of fresh-water strata, with apparently " everything which characterizes even the older secondaries" "red sandstones," "grits, shales," "an excellent cornstone, and beneath this lymnece and planorbes ;" little " coal-fields true chips of the old coal-block." " In dust and insufferable heat, which have never quitted us since, we descended the Ehone." " The only cool place we could find was Buckland's hyaena cave at Lunel. Our journey across to Aix en Provence was most interesting, and that place offered so much that we halted a week, our work being now reduced to four or five hours in the morn- ing, from four to nine, and a little in the evening. We hope to show you twenty or thirty species of insects !! from the gypsum quarries there. In this city of idleness we have been pent up during ten days, not daring to travel into Italy with these heats : it has not rained one drop here for eight months." After making a number of excursions together in the Vicentin, Mr. Lyell having finally resolved to abandon law and devote himself wholly to geology, turned off southwards 1 Conybeare and Phillips' Outlines being considered the first volume. 1823.] IN THE TYROL. 153 to pursue his inquiries among the tertiary rocks, while the other two travellers struck eastwards to Venice, and thence into the Alps. At Bassano, Murchison collected materials for a paper on the tertiary and secondary rocks of the Tyrolese Alps, which was read to the Geological Society in the following spring. Ascending by Botzen, he examined the now well-known earth-pillars tall pyramids of stony clay, each with a stone or big boulder on its summit, and conjectured their materials to have been accumulated by " powerful torrents coincident with the elevation of the chain." At that time the former extension of the glaciers of the Alps had not yet been realized by geologists. Hence not at Botzen only, but up the valley of the Inn, and in other parts of the mountains traversed in this tour, Murchison, following the prevalent notions of the time, looked upon all the masses of " drift," with travelled blocks, as the results of powerful deluges or delddes, which swept down the valleys or over the hills. Having recently supplied the Geological Society with what Sedgwick called " a dish of fossil fish" from the old red sandstone of Caithness, he took the opportunity of turn- ing aside to collect another meal of the same materials from the bituminous schists of Seefeld a little mountain village of the Tyrol, where some of the rocks were so impregnated with animal matter, from the abundance of fish remains imbedded in them, that for generations the villagers had been in the habit of roasting fragments of the stone, out of which they obtained oil for their lamps and cart-wheels. This little episode was turned to account in the following winter, and bore fruit in a paper upon these dark schists and their fish, read to the Geological Society. 154 SIR RODERICK MURCHISON. [ISSB. A leisurely journey, with many halts by the way to allow of the use of hammer and sketch-book, brought the travellers through the picturesque tract between the valley of the Inn and the Lake of Constance, and thence once more into Switzerland. But this time it was not fine scenery, nor even a field for feats of pedestrianism, which formed the chief attractions of the country. At every resting-place an attempt was made to ascertain the nature and sequence of the rocks, and as much time and labour were now given to hunt up an old quarry as in former days would have been gladly given to find out a half-hidden specimen of an old master. Eeaching Stein, Murchison set at once about ex- ploring the quarries of Oeningen, famous for having formerly yielded the skeleton which Scheuchzer gravely described as " Homo diluvii testis ;" but which more recent science has shown to be not human, but salamandrine. " To my joy I learnt," he writes, " that in the last two years the quarries had been re- opened, and that a very remarkable new quad- ruped had been recently exhumed. This splendid fossil had fallen into the hands of a doctor and a silversmith of the little town, and was in the house of the former, where I in- spected it, and counted twenty-three vertebras. On the whole it was like a dog, fox, or wolf. I resolved at once to acquire it, provided, on my return to Paris, M. Cuvier should pro- nounce upon its value, the sum asked being 30. It was however, essential that I should have a drawing, and there- fore my wife stole out with her pattens across the muddy street early next morning, before the doctor was up, and induced the servant girl to let her in to sketch the beast. The moment Cuvier saw the drawing he said it was in all probability a fox. Of course an old fox-hunter like me 1828.] FINDS A FOSSIL FOX. 155 could not resist the bonne louche of finding the first fossil fox, and, writing back from Paris, I acquired the animal, which I gave to the British Museum, 1 and which Owen has since turned into the ' dog of the marsh/ more nearly related to the civet-cat than any other living animal." 2 Journeying by Basle, Strasbourg, the Vosges mountains, and thence through France, with many a stop and detour to visit geological sections or the contents of museums, the travellers did not reach England until the end of October. They had thus been six months abroad. During that time Murchison seems to have done his best not to let a single day pass without adding to his stock of geological know- ledge. With an enthusiasm which must have made him a somewhat troublesome companion, he spared no bodily fatigue in pursuit of his inquiries, throwing himself as heartily into questions regarding the order of succession among the rocks of each town or valley he visited, as if the place had been his home. The work of these six months was reduced to form in two memoirs, which he himself pre- pared in the succeeding winter for the Geological Society, and in three conjoint papers written in concert with Mr. Lyell. But the results are to be measured not so much by these published records of them as by their influence in finally clenching his geological bent, and fixing him in that stratigraphical groove in which he had made his first essay in the south of England, and in which, with but short and not altogether successful deviations, he was to pursue his geological career to the end. 1 The counterpart slate he gave to the Geological Society. 2 Professor Owen named this unique specimen Galecynus Oeningensis, and regarded it as belonging to " an extinct genus intermediate between canis and viverra." See Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc., iii. (1847), p. 60 ; and Palceontohgy, 2d edit., p. 412. 156 SIR RODERICK MURCHISON. [isss-9. The winter of 1828-9 was spent as usual in London. The preparation of the five memoirs just referred to, as well as the business of the Secretaryship of the Geological Society, kept Murchison's hands full enough of work. 1 " M. Valenciennes, " he notes, " was in London this winter and helped me to describe the fossil fish of Seefeld, and I was gathering knowledge from Stokes, Broderip, Wollaston, Buckland, Greenough, Lindley, Curtis the entomologist, Konig, Webster, and Mantell." He found time, however, to do a little field-work now and then, for in visiting friends in the country he came no longer simply as a sportsman. Some of the notes of invitation of these years occur among his papers, and show that his new zeal for stones furnished many a point for a quiet joke at his expense, where the writers, while referring half deprecatingly to the use which they could wish to see him make of his gun, are at pains to assure him that he need not want opportunities of wielding his hammer. With spring and the prospect of fresh work in the field plans were vigorously sketched for a new campaign. Again an attack on the structure of the Alps was decided upon, but this time it was not to be single-handed. Professor Sedgwick had agreed to share in the toil and glory of the warfare, having determined to quit for a time his books at Cambridge and his vacation rambles at home, and trust him- self with his hypochondria to the rough fare of unfrequented routes abroad. It was again Murchison's task to collect all the information obtainable from papers or friends as to the geology of the tracts to be visited. 1 Among his note-books there is one with detailed notes of a series of lectures on the structure of birds, which he attended during the spring of 1829. 1829.] GOTTINGEN AND BLUMENBACH. 157 In June the two travellers set out together, and travel- ling rapidly by Bonn, the volcanic tract of the Laacher See, Coblenz, and Cassel, halted at Gottingen to geologize. There they chanced by a curious coincidence to stumble upon their two Prussian friends, von Oeynhausen and von Dechen, with whom they had held the fierce argumentation in a deluge of rain at Glencoe. " I was just about to sally out," Murchison writes to his wife, " when little Oeynhausen popped his nose into the room where S. and self were dress- ing. In an instant we were in each other's arms, and I can assure you that he kissed me on each cheek at least a score of times. And the Professor did not come off with a short allowance. Think of our good luck ! He with his nouvelle mariee, mother-in-law, and Dechen with his sposa are here. The vivacious little Prussian discovered me by the name upon my hammer, as it hung out of the old stone- bag in the carriage-yard." Again, he records that at Got- tingen " Our hero (Sedgwick specially rejoiced in him) was old Professor Blumenbach, then eighty-six years of age, on whom we called. He told us loads of amusing anecdotes. Among his numerous skulls he showed me one of a High- lander sent to him by Sir George Mackenzie, and he denied that my countrymen had higher cheek-bones than other people. We afterwards attended his lecture of the day on insects, and were astonished at his versatile powers, his extraordinary action, his fine deep voice, and impressive countenance. Whether he rolled out hard words with all the rapidity of a youth, or thumped his desk with all the vivacity of a youth, or suddenly paused abruptly to explain with a broad slow ' aber, aber/ before he finished by some reservations, I looked at him as the most original of God's 158 SIR RODERICK MURCHISON. [isa. works I had ever seen. As I had presented him in the morn- ing with some of my fossil insects from Aix, he launched out in illustration of these flies and bugs which had lived ' vor Menschen/ and then carried his pupils off to the British Museum and our gigantic Scarabeeus in granite. Drinking tea with him in the evening, Blumenbach equally astonished us by his extensive reading and wonderful memory, whether he adverted to metaphysics and Bishop Berkeley, to Scottish history and scenery and Walter Scott, or the vitrified forts and Sir George Mackenzie." 1 Turning northward the two travellers made their way through the Harz Mountains and thence by way of Halle to Berlin. At that early time the older palaeozoic rocks were all classed together under the uncouth title of " grauwacke," and among Murchison's notes reference is made to the " in- terminable grauwacke," which deprived so much of the journey of geological interest. Strange that before many years passed away it was among such rocks that he earned his chief title to scientific fame, and that they offered attrac- tion enough to lead him hundreds of miles from home, and to keep him busy over mountain and valley for months together ! This very region of the Harz, as we shall find, furnished, only ten years later, abundant interest and plenty of hard work for the two fellow-labourers among these same grauwacke masses. In the meanwhile, however, these rocks seem to have had somewhat of a depressing effect upon Murchison's spirits, so that the wit and sparkle of the Pro- fessor were never more welcome. The halt at Halle brought them in contact with a real 1 A brief biographical sketch of this remarkable man will be found in vol. iii. of the Proceedings of the Geological Society, p. 533. 1829.] WITH SEDGWICK EASTERN ALPS. 159 living specimen of a staunch Wernerian in the person of Professor Germar, who expounded the geology of the country after the system of his master, no doubt to the infinite delectation of the Cambridge Professor, who must have looked upon the old theorist as an interesting relic of a species of geologist that was gradually becoming extinct. But they succeeded in picking up a few scraps of informa- tion regarding some of the regions included in their pro- gramme of travel, and their visit to Berlin was similarly successful. Southward the journey lay by Dresden through Bohemia to Vienna and the confines of Hungary, and thence by the caves of Adelsberg to Trieste, "a hot hole, although it has some luxuries in it good ice and water-melons that would make any man ill except Sedgwick." From that point, which was the limit of their journey, the travellers bent their steps homeward again through the Carinthian Alps, the Tyrol, and the Salzkammergut, striking westward into Switzerland by the Lake of Constance, and descending the Ehine to Stras- bourg, whence they found their way across Prance, so as to reach England once more in the end of October. Some of the pleasantest days of this tour were those in which the travellers enjoyed the society of that remarkable man, the Archduke John, among his mountain retreats in Carinthia. " Our chief object in coming to Gastein," Mur- chison writes, " was to wait upon the most scientific Prince in Europe, the Archduke John, and he received us with cor- diality and frankness. We dined at the rural table-d'hote, at which the landlord presided, carved, and could boast with pride that his ancestors had kept the inn for 350 years. At this board, besides the Archduke, we had imperial minis- 160 SIR RODERICK MURCHISON. \\m. ters and generals, Prussian nobles, as well as professors and geologists. After dinner we set out to ascend, in a char a bane, with the Archduke and his chamberlain, to the upper cascades at Naasfeld. We passed the village of Bockstein, where the gold ore is washed, and thence viewed the snowy range of the Ankogel, to the summit of which the Arch- duke had ascended, viz., 10,000 feet high, and seven hours' good walk above the highest chalet. We reached the upper fall at sunset, and were then in the region of summer- chalets, and surrounded by snowy peaks and glaciers, the boundary between Carinthia and the Salzburg region. "The Archduke was a capital cicerone, and talked familiarly with every one we met. One of these was a rough Carinthian packman, whose broad lingo amused us, and reminded me of Goldsmith's line ' Or onward where the rude Carinthian boor ;' though I do not think that Oliver, for the sake of rhyme, had any right to add ' Against the houseless stranger shuts his door.' Nor would the Archduke allow that they were a bad set of fellows, though very inferior to his Styrians and Tyrolese. All the miners were ' hail-fellow ' with the Prince i.e. with perfectly good manners, but with no mauvaise honte. " On our homeward trip on foot we had a petit souper of fresh trout, which the Archduke had ordered for us in the village of Bockstein, and in approaching the cabaret several peasant girls ran out with their little nosegays, and to kiss his hand ; whilst he of course put the flowers into his broad- brimmed Styrian hat. As we walked down the valley in a fine starlight night we had much enlivening chat, and we soon perceived how honest a liberal the Prince was. He 1829.J THE ARCHDUKE JOHN IN CARINTHIA. 161 laughed at all the old stiffness and prejudice of the Austrian court, to the dress of which his Styrian jacket, black leather shorts, and long green worsted stockings presented a marked contrast. He is a first-rate chamois-hunter, and kills about forty bucks annually. . . . He talked with delight of everything in his dear Styria, the clean inns, honest inn- keepers, and pretty waiting-maids. He specially abused all men-waiters, who had found their way to Gratz, and whom he stigmatized as ' des hommes de deux maitres ' i.e. as waiters and ' agens de la haute police.' " Next morning we were at the door of the Archduke by appointment at 7. It was opened by a bluff Styrian jager, who beckoned us into the curate's small sitting-room, then the only residence of his Imperial Highness, whom we found on his knees, his hob -nailed boots taken off, and busily at work laying out on the floor the Austrian trigonometrical map of the surrounding Alps for our inspection. Showing us all the passes, he gave us many good instructions." The scientific fruits of this expedition have long been before the world. They were given to the Geological Society in four successive papers during the succeeding winter and spring. Such rapid work among the broken and contorted rocks of a complicated geological region could not but con- tain many errors. Yet it must remain as a striking example of keen and quick observation, and of often happy, though not always accurate, generalization. In addition to their re- searches on the structure of the Austrian Alps, the travellers were struck by two classes of facts which could not but arrest the notice of men whose geological types had hitherto been mainly English. In the first place, they found thick beds of good black coal, masses of millstone, oolite, and VOL. I. L 162 SIR RODERICK MURCHISON. [ia. other hard rocks, to be not older than some of the soft tertiary sands and clays at home. Well might Murchison write " Away went all our old notions of mineral terms applied to geological formations as any indications of their age." In the next place, they were again and again arrested, and as it were appalled, by the formidable ravines and chasms which bear witness to the enormous yearly waste of the Alps. At one part of the course of the Fella they noticed that a single night of heavy rain had buried the roadway under a vast pile of rubbish swept down from the mountain-sides. " As there are countless such torrents rushing down into the Tagliamento and its tributaries, which is one of the six chief rivers that flow into the Adriatic between Trieste and Venice, we can well imagine how that sea must be encroached upon, and at what a rate the sides and gorges of the Alps are wearing away." In another respect the tour had not been without its fruits. It brought the two English geologists into direct personal relation with the geologists of Germany, from whom they received much kind attention and assistance. A ground- work was thus laid for much pleasant and friendly inter- course in later years. In passing through France too they formed or renewed acquaintance with several brethren of the hammer in that country, notably with M. lie de Beau- mont, whom they met at Boulogne, and from whom, then in the early enthusiasm of his pentagonal theory, they received details regarding the order in which he supposed the moun- tains of the globe had been elevated details, however, which their own work among the Alps would hardly support. The winter months of 1829-30 were spent in London, 1829-so.] THE EASTERN ALPS REVISITED. 163 where the duties of the Secretaryship of the Geological Society, the preparation of his memoirs on the recent Con- tinental tour, and the ordinary but increasing social exigencies of his position, kept Murchison's hands fuller than ever of work, though he still found now and then an opportunity of escaping to the country to visit a friend and have a few days' shooting. Indeed, it would seem from a letter addressed to him in March that the old fox-hunting Adam was not yet wholly cast out of him. Nevertheless when summer had brought back sunshine and flowers to the Alpine valleys, he determined to revisit them. On the appearance of the abstracts of their papers on the Austrian and Bavarian Alps in the Proceedings of the Geological Society, the views which Sedgwick and Murchi- son had put forth were combated in British and foreign journals, notably by Dr. Ami Boue. Before the publication of their completed memoirs, the two fellow-labourers saw clearly that to meet the objections which had been urged, it would be necessary for one or both of them to revisit a few of their sections, and to examine some of the new localities which had been cited as adverse to their views. Murchison gladly undertook this congenial task. Accordingly, early in June he started with his wife, primarily for the purpose of clearing up these difficulties, but also to see a little more of German scenery and society as well as German geology and geologists. The tour lasted until the beginning of October, and em- braced, besides the old ground, some parts of Europe which he had not yet seen since he had taken to scientific pursuits. Crossing to Ostend, and proceeding by Antwerp to Brussels 164 SIR RODERICK MURCHISON. [isso. and Namur, where he "was enraptured with Omalius d'Halloy ;" Liege, where young Dumont, just beginning his career, lent the traveller his services ; Cologne and Bonn Murchison sped up the Ehine without any halt for geological exploration. At that time he still " despised the old slaty rocks/' though .before another year was over he was to begin the forging of that chain which kept him to them for the rest of his life. " I was then keen on one scent only, viz., greensands, chalk, and tertiary," and it was to study these rocks yet more fully that he had again set out for the eastern Alps. Instead, however, of striking at once into the mountains, the travellers made a detour through Bavaria, passing by Aschaffenburg, Bamberg, Bayreuth, and Eatisbon, to Vienna. Every museum on the way was examined, and notes were made of its contents in so far as they might throw light upon the secondary rocks of the Alps and surrounding regions. Every local geologist too seems to have been ferreted out and pressed into service. At Bamberg, by good chance, a name of more than local celebrity caught Murchison's eye in the visitors' book at the inn. " I instantly rushed to the museum," he writes, " where I introduced myself to the great geologist to whom Humboldt and all Germany bowed Leopold von Buch. We had at once a most interesting colloquy on dolomitization and many of the recent discoveries. The little vivacious man was then quite en tete with his monograph of Ammonites. Though turned of sixty, he had only of late begun to study organic remains, and at once he was endeavouring to generalize and group these animals by their sutures. I perceived at once how with all his great qualities, he was irascible if any contemporary criticised him, 1830.] TALK WITH METTERNICH. 165 and he was then in a particular rage about Buckland's having omitted to state that the bear-caverns of Muggendorf and Gailenreuth were in pure dolomite ! He had just under- gone a severe penance, owing to his obstinacy in never taking a guide. He was lost in a forest on a stormy night, and passed the hours of darkness under a tree, with no protec- tion but an umbrella which he then always carried. As he got old, however, he threw even that aside, and braved wet and cold in a plain black suit, and without any change of garments." 1 At Vienna, besides museums, picture-galleries, and geolo- gists, Murchison saw a good deal of " distinguished society," for which to the end he had a special fondness. He renewed his acquaintance with the Archduke John, dined with Lord Cowley, ambassador at the Austrian Court, and had an oppor- tunity of holding converse with Metternich. He has pre- served a record of part of the conversation at the ambas- sador's table. The talk had drifted into geology, and a lady present the same who had been the heroine in the incident at dinner in Messina (ante, p. 53) asked across the table a question about science and the Mosaic record. " I naturally had some difficulty in getting out of the dilemma, when Metternich, taking up the cudgels, gave them to my surprise a capital lecture, and quite to the purpose. On going into the drawing-room after dinner, and on sitting down on the sofa to converse with the great diplomatist who had over- thrown Napoleon, I soon learnt how and where he obtained 1 It was not until further experience of Continental geology and geologists that Murchison conceived that great respect for Leopold von Buch which he used often to express in his later years, adding at the same time a cordial recognition of what he conceived to be his own obli- gations to the influence of the German geologist. 166 SIR RODERICK MURCHISON. [isso. his geological knowledge. ' You will not believe me (said he) when I tell you that I love science more than politics. In my early youth I took honours in scientific studies, and intended to give up my life to such pursuits, and become a Docteur-es-Arts et Sciences. But the French Revolution startled all the old Austrian families, and my father insisted on it that as I had a name to sustain, I must, for the good of my country and the honour of my family, betake myself to public life. So I was sent as an attache" to the embassy at Paris. There, in the intervals of business, and when not occupied in the study of the doings and character of Napoleon, I was always an attendant at Cuvier's lectures. The words of that great master have never been forgotten, and hence my repetition of them, when I supported you at table, and showed to my diplomatic friends the great iisefulness of your science, for that is the only mode of ap- proaching them.' " In his conversation he showed that he had read and thought much on this subject, and particularly on the application of geology to the development of the mineral wealth of Austria. He endeavoured to make me believe that he was all in favour of a scientific meeting in Vienna next year, following those of Hamburg, etc., which had already taken place. He expressed his ardent hope that the people would become more scientific, and hoped that I would publish some work upon their country, and stir them up a little. " When I told the Archduke John afterwards of this conversation of Metternich's, he said it was all fudge, and merely intended to blind me !" Breaking away at last from these attractions in the 1830.] WORK IN THE EASTERN ALPS. 167 capital, Murchison betook himself to the serious work which had been the main object of the journey. He had written to Sedgwick that in order to prove their points he would, if possible, " riddle these Alps in all directions" a resolu- tion which he now proceeded to put in practice. Accom- panied by Professor Paul Partsch, an active geologist of Vienna, he made several minor excursions in the neigh- bourhood, and then, striking through the Leitha Gebirge as far as Gratz, turned back westwards into the Alps. 1 The wonderful little tertiary basins enclosed among the older rocks of Carinthia, and sometimes furnishing thick masses of lignite, first detained him. But the real hard work lay among the mountains of the Salzkammergut and Styria, the object being to clear up the relations of the supposed tertiary strata of Gosau and the structure of the secondary rocks of that part of Austria. In the state of the science at the time, it was no wonder that Murchison, though making out some new points in the structure of the mountains, still missed the meaning of the curious and puzzling assemblage of fossils at Gosau. Several weeks of very hard work were spent in those regions, with the result of confirming some main parts of the conjoint survey of the previous year, and of showing the need to modify others. From Ischl, in the midst of the rambling, he wrote to Sedgwick : " 0, what would I give that our sketch of the Alps was not out! I could make it so much more perfect in details and sections. . . . All these points neces- sarily involve important alterations in our sections, which I 1 Some excellent observations were made during this time on the age of the older rocks of Carinthia. They have been recently referred to by M. de Koniuck in his " Recherches sur les Animaux fossiles," 2de Partie, 1873, p. 2 (Sur les Fossiles Carboniferes de Bleiberg). 168 SIR RODERICK MURCHISON. [im hope have not been begun. After a great deal of hard work I have relieved my mind from a world of anxiety, and am now resting and thankful, and taking a vapour salt bath or two, enjoying right worshipful high Vienna society, who are all stewing themselves in salt here. I am at same time working out the details of the upper beds (upper grits and marlstones of the Alpen-kalk), which by a charming accident I have got within half a mile here." About three weeks later the same correspondent received a further detailed narrative of geological exploits in a letter dated from Sonthofen, and beginning thus : " Here I am, sticking to my scent like a true fox-hound. Since I wrote to you from Ischl I have done some marvellous good work. I made out a fine range of the Gosau beds near that place. ... At Hallein I found V. Lill all anxiety to see me. . . . The moment I twigged certain secondary black fossils like lias (in his den near the river), and ascertained that the section was not above a six hours' excursion, the post-wagen was ordered, and off we travelled. ... I soon made a most clear and instructive section, with lias shells and sufficient fossils to make out the case. . . . How I did pant and fag on the north side of Untersberg, for which I had glorious hot weather. I made four parallel transverse sections. I think I have the whole thing now most clear : it is cer- tainly a capital key." "I set out with a heavy heart to cross 120 miles of Bavarian pebbles, and exactly 100 back to Augsburg, in order that I, Rod. I. M., should heal my pricking conscience and that of my dear ' heilige freuud' Adam Sedgwick in re 'Sonthofen.' ... I natter myself I get to understand the valley, but with devilish ado and many perplexities nay, 1830.] NUREMBERG. 169 more than I ever encountered in my geological career. My throw off occasioned a hearty malediction upon Herren Sedgwick and Murchison, who as they drove up to Sont- hofen last year passed through a certain archway leading into that valley, with a rock close to them which they never hammered. This I found to be true genuine old greensand. . . . But when I came to go along the south flanks of the Grinten, and ascend to the iron mines, all my precognosced friends seemed to be sent topsy-turvy. What inversions and contortions ! . . . I left no gorge nor any mountain peak unexamined where I thought examination necessary." Quitting at last these puzzling rocks on the flanks of the Alps, he turned homeward by Munich, Nuremberg, Gotha, and Gottingen. At Nuremberg he notes in his journal " a change of scene : fossils and rocks were forgotten for a day or two." Curiously enough, however, in the next sentence he writes " A picture of Luther reminded me of Buckland in his jolliest moments, while the pensive and reflective Melanchthon is well represented in England by Henry Warburton." In Gotha he " passed an evening with the most remarkable man of the place, Von Hoff, whose works on physical geography and geology proved afterwards of such good service to Lyell." On the 1st October Mr. and Mrs. Murchison set sail from Eotterdam for London. And thus ended one of the pleasantest of the continental rambles which they had yet undertaken. They had accomplished the definite object which had given point and aim to the journey, and had besides seen much new country and made many new acquaintances. The tour was, moreover, the last of this early foreign series. The next nine years were to be em- 170 SIR RODERICK MURCHISON. [isao-ai. ployed at home in laying the foundations of that Silurian system by which the name of Murchison will be chiefly remembered in the history of geology. Before we turn to that point of the narrative, the work of the winter of 1830-31 remains to be very briefly noticed. During the preceding three years Murchison had filled many note-books with innumerable memoranda of sections, fossil collections, excerpts from published descriptions and verbal information, all bearing upon the geology of the secondary rocks of Germany, The long and elaborate memoir of Sedgwick and himself on the eastern Alps, still in the press, would, when published, contain all the main points of their work ; but many details remained which it seemed desirable to publish, especially in so far as they might bear upon English geology. To carry out this idea, and verify some parts of the larger memoir, he went to Paris to compare a collection of fossils from Germany, and partly, as he con- fessed, " to frequent the society of scientific friends." With Alexander von Humboldt, who happened to be there at the time, he made acquaintance, and got from him much infor- mation regarding some of the geological aspects of the great geographer's travels. How the foreign materials were produced at the Geo- logical Society may be partly gathered from the subjoined letter to his friend Sir Philip Egerton (28th January 1831) : " I am quite vexed that I should fire off all my Alpine crackers without your hearing the report of one. I finish on Wednesday next, when the whole of the meeting-room will be hung with sectional tapestry of the manufacture of Lonsdale 1 and Co., magnified from my smaller designs. If, 1 The worthy Curator of the Society's collections. 1831.] PAPERS AT GEOLOGICAL SOCIETY. 171 therefore, you have any intention of being in town for the meeting of Parliament, being Friday, perhaps you can accelerate your movements (particularly as it freezes hard), and be with us ; otherwise you will miss a golden oppor- tunity of learning how much deposit took place between the periods of our English chalk and London clay, and through- out such extensive regions that I verily believe our case in Western Europe will prove to be the exception and not the rule. Besides this, I will warm you with basaltic erup- tions which, though they only show the tips of their noses, have heaved up mountains of gneiss and granite against the greensand series, setting it, and the tertiary strata above it, all on end. " I was out of town for a fortnight, shooting at Charles Lefevre's, and at Up Park about the Christmas time, since when I have been working like a slave, previous to quitting office not with disgrace, however, as my friends are going to vote me into the President's chair, in which case I shall request you to be one of my councillors a post well befit- ting so grave a senator. Our anniversary, when all the jollification and election take place, is the 18th February so you may bow to the Queen in the morning, and to me at night." CHAPTER X. THE INVASION OF GRAUWACKE. FOR five years the Secretary of the Geological Society had worked energetically for the Society's behoof, catering for papers, arranging the reading and publication of them, and preparing, either alone or in conjunction with the Woodwardian Professor of Cambridge or Mr. Lyell, some able memoirs on structural geology. He had earned a claim to the Society's gratitude, which was acknowledged this winter (February 1831) by his election to the dignity of President. The chair had been previously filled by Sedg- wick, who, on quitting it, concluded his address with these words : " Mine has been indeed but an interrupted ser- vice ; but I resign it to one of whose powers you have had long experience, who can give them to you undivided, and whose hands are in no respect less ready than my own." The office is held for two years. How it was filled by Murchison will be told in the next chapter. We have now arrived at the great turning-point of his scientific life, and must look at it with some care, that its bearings may be clearly seen not only on his own career, but on the history of geology. Up to this time, his work in the field had lain almost 1831.] THE TRANSITION ROCKS. 173 wholly among Secondary rocks, whether in this country or abroad, insomuch that, as we have seen, the rocks of older date seemed to him to wear a dry, forbidding aspect, no matter where they might present themselves. But before the close of the first session of his Presidency at the Geological Society he had determined to look these old rocks steadily in the face, and see what after all might be their meaning and history. Every year brought fresh and often apparently con- tradictory facts to light about them. They evidently deserved to be studied, and would probably reward any adventurous spirit who chose resolutely to grapple with their problems. Murchison, at the instigation of Buckland and other friends, made up his mind to try. The labours which have now to be traced as they went on year by year, have a far wider interest than merely their relation to the life and work of the man by whom they were conducted. They unquestionably established a notable epoch in the progress of geology. They added a new chap- ter to geological history. They have been of infinite service in helping the interpretation of what are called the palaeo- zoic rocks in every quarter of the world. To gain an ade- quate notion of what they were and how they came to acquire the importance now justly ascribed to them, we may cast our eyes first of all, and very rapidly, over the know- ledge, or rather the ignorance, which existed in this part of geology before the date of Murchison's researches. Over the centre and south of England the great series of rocks now embraced under the term " Secondary" have undergone comparatively little disturbance from those sub- terranean movements which have in other regions heaved up these same rocks into some of the loftiest mountain-chains 174 SIR RODERICK MURCHISON. [mi. upon the surface of the globe. They lie one upon the other with almost the regularity of the shelves in a library. Their story, therefore, when once the key to decipher it had been given, was not difficult to read. The genius of William Smith had supplied that key, and thus the investigation of the Secondary rocks had made such enormous strides during the previous fifteen or twenty years, that it seemed as if little more could be done in that branch of geology, save to elaborate details. Starting from the types of the undis- turbed formations of England, men endeavoured by their means to reduce into order the complicated structure of such regions as the Alps. Among those who successfully essayed such a task, Murchison had taken an honourable place. But down below these Secondary rocks, and underneath the Carboniferous and Old Red Sandstone deposits, the suc- cession of which had been made out by William Smith, there lay others, so hardened, squeezed, and broken as seemingly to defy all attempts to classify them by the same minute and detailed method. Such rocks stretched over most of Wales, of Devon and Cornwall, of the Lake Country, and of the uplands of the south of Scotland. They covered wide spaces on the Continent, as for instance in Scandinavia, Rhineland, and Bohemia. It was known that they must be enormously thick. From year to year an increasing number of the remains of corals, crinoids, shells, and other organisms was reported from them. Evidently, therefore, they did not all date from a time anterior to the introduction of life upon the earth. Many were the names given to this vast and hetero- geneous series of rocks. That proposed by Werner had met with the widest acceptance, viz., Transition a name which implied the theory that these rocks had been formed at a i3i.] HISTORY OF TRANSITION ROCKS. 173 period of the world's history transitional between a time when rocks were laid down all over the globe by chemical precipitation from a hot ocean, and a time when conditions more like those at present in force permitted of the exist- ence of living creatures upon the earth. Another appellation which had been very generally applied to these old rocks was "grauwacke" an uncouth word origin- ally used by the Harz miners for a special kind of rock in CHARACTERISTIC FOSSILS FROM THE GRAUWACKE (LLANDEILO FLAGS). 1-10. Trilobites. 1. Asaphus tyrannus. 2. Ogygia Buchii. 3. O. Portlockii. 4. Stygina MurchisoniK. 5. Agnostus Maccoyii. 6. Trinueleus fimbriatus. 7. T. Lloydii. 8. T. con- centricus. 9. Calymene brevicapitata. 10. C. duplicata. 10. Beyrichia complicate. 11. Grap- tolithus Beckii. 12. G. tenuis. 13. Didymograpsus Murchisonii. 14. Diplograpsus tere- tiusculus. 15. Orthis alata. 16. O. striatula. 17. Siphonotreta micula. 18. Lingula attenuate. 19. L. granulate. 20. L. Ramsayi. 21. Theca reversa. 22. Monticulipora favulosa. the Transition series, and gradually adopted as a convenient name for a great part of the most ancient stratified masses. But though often used as if it signified a particular division of geological time, grauwacke was really the name of a par- ticular rock, and hence wherever that rock occurred, the name might be legitimately given to it, without reference to respective age, or under the mistaken impression that all grauwacke was of the same general geological date. 176 SIR RODERICK MURCHISON. [issi. Under such vaguely applied names, rocks of vastly differ- ent ages and characters were incongruously grouped together. Hence they presented so many contradictions and difficulties that geologists on the whole avoided them as much as possible. Murchison only reflected the common dislike of them when he hurried through the Ehine provinces to get away from what he called the " interminable grauwacke." Writers of text-books were sorely puzzled how to marshal the few discordant facts which were already known on the subject. Fanciful theory and mere trim naineralogical distinctions often supplied the place of geological knowledge. 1 1 No better illustration could be obtained of the state of this part of geological science at the time than the fact that the Principles of Geo- logy of Lyell, while devoting about 300 pages to the Tertiary deposits, dismissed all fossiliferous rocks older than those above the coal-measures in twelve lines. (Principles, vol. iii., published in the spring of 1833, and dedicated to Murchison.) The account there given of these rocks does not pretend to be more than a reference, but it may be quoted here as a curious commentary on the state of ignorance which prevailed at the time regarding the Palaeozoic rocks : " 6. Carboniferous Group, comprising the coal measures, the mountain lime- stone, the old red sandstone, the transition limestone, the coarse slates and slaty sandstones called graywacke by some writers, and other associated rocks. " The mountain and transition limestones of the English geologists contain many of the same species of shells in common, and we shall there- fore refer them for the present to the same great period ; and consequently the coal, which alternates in some districts with mountain limestone, and the old red sandstone, which intervenes between the mountain and tran- sition limestones, will be considered as belonging to the same period. The coal-bearing strata are characterized by several hundred species of plants, which serve very distinctly to mark the vegetation of part of this era. Some of the rocks, termed graywacke in Germany, are connected by their fossils with the mountain limestone." The third edition of a popular English geological text-book Bake- well's Introduction to Geology appeared in the year 1828, and contained the following table of the rocks now referred to : " TRANSITION CLASS (Conformable). "1. Slate, including flinty slate and other varieties. 2. Greywacke and greywacke slate, passing into old red sandstone. 3. Transition limestone. Mountain limestone." In the third edition of the excellent Geological Manual of the late Sir 1831.] HISTORY OF TRANSITION ROCKS. 177 When we consider the extremely perplexing character of the geology of many of the districts where these old rocks occur, we cannot wonder that they should have continued to be a stumbling-block in the progress of the science. The key furnished by William Smith for the secondary rocks might not have been found for many years later, if these strata had lain less regularly in England than they do. To men who came fresh from such undis- turbed deposits to the contorted, fractured, and hardened older rocks, it must have seemed well-nigh a hopeless task to reduce the apparent chaos to order. Professor Sedgwick, Henry De la Beche, all the fossiliferous rocks under the old red sandstone are thrown into the " Grauwacke Group," which is described as "a large stratified mass of arenaceous and slaty rocks, intermingled with patches of limestone, which are often continuous for considerable distances. The arenaceoiis and slate-beds, considered generally, bear evident marks of mechanical origin, but that of the included limestones may be more ques- tionable." The fossiliferous character of the group is insisted on, and 126 genera and 547 species of fossils are enumerated from the grauwacke rocks of this and foreign countries. When, however, we look into these fossil lists, we find that a large number of species belong to rocks which are now placed on the hori/on of the old red sandstone or Devonian system, and that others have been inserted which should have been placed on the still higher horizon of the carboniferous limestone. The confusion of the lists is only a faithful reflex of the utter confusion in which the strati- graphy of the rocks themselves still lay. Even as late as the year 1832, after Sedgwick had published his views as to the structure of the transition rocks of the Cumberland district, and after Murchison had made known the distinct order of succession in the upper portions of these rocks around the Welsh border, the able and well- informed Conybeare could report to the British Association but a meagre statement of the scanty knowledge then obtained on this part of British geology, and is found gravely discussing the " need of a term less barbar- ous than grauwacke-slate, which would conveniently denominate the characteristic rock of this era. Might not clasmoschist (from the Greek K\aa-pa) be conveniently adopted ? It would afford a term well contrasted to mica-schist, the characteristic rock of the primitive group. " (Brit. Assoc. Reports, vol. i. p. 382. On the Continent the ignorance was quite as dense as here, although, appearing under the guise of hard names and neatly arranged tables, it VOL. I. M 178 SIR RODERICK MURCHISON. [isa. indeed, nine years before the time at which we are arrived, viz., as far back as 1822, had begun to grapple with the rocks of his Cumbrian mountains, and, in spite of their broken and contorted character, was slowly unravelling their structure. But no amount of labour or skill in that region could possibly connect the history of the Transition rocks with that of the younger strata by which they are covered; for a great gap occurs there in the geological record, which is thus rendered as imperfect as a historical narrative would be if several important chapters were torn out of it and destroyed. A similar hiatus had been so fre- quently observed elsewhere that the notion had become general that the so-called " Transition " rocks belonged to a totally different and distinct order of things, and that they had been fractured and upheaved before any of the Second- ary formations were laid down upon them. Any attempts which had been made to subdivide the Transition series, and to connect those of one country with those of another, had been based hitherto wholly on the might have passed for exact knowledge. Thus the Eltonem de Geologic of J. d'Omalius d'Halloy, offered the subjoined table to its readers as showing the most advanced views in the year 1831 : / Terrain houiller. i Calcareux [mountain limestone, 30 Superieur, } species of fossils given]. ( Quartzo-schisteux [9 species]. Terrain anthraxifere, . ^ , , . -, ( Galcareux [7 species]. Infdrieur, < Quartzo-schisteux [old red sand- (. stone, 1 species]. / Schisteux. I Quartzeux. H Terrain ardoisier, ( [This series includes the grauwacke. Fossils rare and indistinct, belong chiefly to trilobites, spirifers, and encrinites.] mi.] HISTORY OF TRANSITION ROCKS. 179 mineralogical characters of the strata. But these characters, as is now well known, afford no sufficient test of geological age and position, the grauwackes and shales of one age being often in that respect undistinguishable from those of another. Besides, even when used in reference to one continuous series of rocks, though often most convenient and useful, they are liable to constant and rapid changes. They could not, therefore, be safely relied upon for a sound and generally applicable classification, such as had been established by means of fossil evidence among the overlying formations. And yet the transition rocks were far from being desti- tute of fossils. 1 These were to be had sometimes in great abundance. They seemed to be in the main of peculiar species, not found in the overlying strata. Hence it was evident that before any use could be made of the fossils in the way of grouping the rocks into divisions, the very order of succession among these rocks had first to be settled. But no one who had hitherto addressed himself to this task had been able to establish as a basis for paleeontological work any broad and serviceable divisions among the old grauwacke, or to connect it satisfactorily with the formations 1 Their fossiliferous character had been noted by Werner. In England fossils had been found by William Smith and Mr. Phillips in the upper- most Transition rocks of Westmoreland. These specimens were shown to Sedgwick in 1822, and slightly described by him in his paper on Craven in 1827. The fossiliferous character of some parts of the Transition series of Shropshire and Wales was likewise well known, though no one seems to have set about determining what the fossils were, and how far they agreed with or differed from those of the overlying formations. "Practically," to quote from some notes obligingly furnished by Pro- fessor Phillips, " before the summer of 1831 the whole field of the ancient rocks and fossils of Wales was unexplored ; but then arose two men par nobile, of all men fitted for the purpose Sedgwick and Murchison and simultaneously set to work to cultivate what had been left a desert." 180 SIR RODERICK MURCH1SOX. [isn. which succeeded it in time. So broken indeed and altered was it that if any one had proposed to apply to this puzzling old transition or grauwacke series the same tests by which the secondary and tertiary deposits had been brought into such clear and intelligible order, he would have raised a smile among his geological friends. Murchison knew of course no more about these ancient formations than his neighbours, but he now resolved with his characteristic energy and enthusiasm to see what he could make of them. At the end of the session of the Geological Society he started from Bryanston Square with his " wife and maid, two good grey nags and a little carriage, saddles being strapped behind for occasional equestrian use." Some preliminary skirmishing took place among the secondary and tertiary rocks by the way, for he could not resist the sight of a quarry or pit, being resolved to miss nothing on the road. The route lay by Oxford, where his old friend and preceptor Buckland received him, and led him over some of the ground where he had formerly received his earliest lessons in field geology. But it was not merely to renew old acquaintance that a halt was made at Oxford. " I took notes from Dr. Buckland," he writes, " of all that he knew of the slaty rocks, or grauwacke as it was then called, which succeeded to the Old Eed Sandstone, and the relations of which I was determined to begin to unravel ; and I recollect that he then told me that he thought I would find a good illustration of the succession or passage on the banks of the Wye east of Builth." This laudable custom of collecting all available infor- mation, published or unpublished, regarding any piece of geology, before himself attacking it, has already been fre- 1831.] BEGINS WORK IN THE GRAUWACKE. 181 quently apparent in the preceding narrative. It came forward prominently enough at the commencement of this new and momentous enterprise. He had already made notes in London, while Dr. Buckland furnished him with new and valuable suggestions. Quitting Oxford, he jour- neyed westward to visit the Eev. W. D. Conybeare, a name honourable in the history of geology as that of one of the joint authors of the Geology of England and Wales. From this kind and experienced friend he notes that he obtained " some good advice." Other local observers, who, though not aspiring to be called geologists, had been in the habit of looking at the rocks and fossils of their neigh- bourhood, gave him invaluable assistance. Among these helpers may be mentioned Dr. Dugard of Shrewsbury, Mr. Anstice of Madely, Dr. Lloyd of Ludlow, Mr. Davies of Llandovery, and above all the Eev. T. T. Lewis of Aymestry. From the first these friends enlisted readily in his service, and some of them continued their unremitting toil and kind- ness for years. To Mr. Lewis especially he was indebted for much of his knowledge of the rocks and fossils of the upper Silurian series, for that gentleman had made out the arrangement of the rocks in his district, and recognised their characteristic fossils before Murchison had begun to study the subject. On first taking the field this year Murchison had spent some time in a desultory series of visits to country friends and rambles after Secondary strata. His companion during a portion of the time was Mr. Phillips, who has given the following notes of the journey : " In the cool spring-time of 1831 we met by appointment at Staneford, and explored together the district of Collyweston and Ketton. It was 182 &IR RODERICK MURCHISON. [mi. a pleasant walk along the high grounds overlooking the Willand ; cigars contending with endless discussions on the rocks around us, and on their relationships to Alpine lime- stones which had begun to be recognised. We made care- ful measures of the slaty and sandy beds full of shells which here overlie the ironstone and the lias, and intended to give a joint memoir as to their position and numerous fossil con- tents. Collyweston has been again and again visited by me, but not I think by Murchison, who in that year had his attention drawn to a larger field of work, and began to dream of Siluria." The dream was soon to become a reality. For, crossing at last to Swansea, Murchison struck northwards into the hills beyond the coal-field, and there began to invade the Tran- sition rocks of South Wales. These hills consist of the Carboniferous Limestone rising out from under the Coal measures and resting upon thick masses of Old Eed Sand- stone, so that when one crosses the high ground and descends into the lower regions towards the north, one comes upon lower and lower strata cropping up from beneath the Old Eed Sandstone, and spreading for many a league over the undulating country to right and left and in front. It was near the town of Llandeilo that Murchison first broke into these older rocks with the purpose of making them dis- close their true place and order in the geological series. " Travelling from Brecon to Builth by the Herefordshire road, the gorge in which the Wye flows first developed what I had not till then seen. Low terrace-shaped ridges of grey rock dipping slightly to the south-east appeared on the opposite bank of the Wye, and seemed to rise out quite conformably from beneath the Old Eed of Herefordshire. 1831.] BREAKS GROUND IN SOUTH WALES. 183 Boating across the river at Cavansham Ferry, I rushed up to these ridges, and to my inexpressible joy found them replete with transition fossils, afterwards identified with those at Ludlow. Here then was a key, and if I could only follow this out on the strike of the beds to the north- east the case would be good." To and fro through the Welsh and border counties he worked his way as the rocks led him northwards over hill and valley into the plains of Cheshire. The expedition was Vale of the Towy, from near Llandeilo. (Sketched by Mrs. Murehison ) far more successful than he had dreamed it could be, for, by a happy accident, he had stumbled upon some of the few natural sections where the order of the upper parts of the transition rocks in Britain can be readily perceived, and where their strata can be traced passing up into the over- lying formations. No one could better appreciate the value of this "find" than the fortunate geologist himself. " For a first survey," he writes, " I had got the upper grauwacke, so called, into my hands, for I had seen it in several situa- tions far from each other all along the South Welsh frontier, 184 SIR RODERICK MURCHISON. [issi. and in Shropshire and Herefordshire, rising out gradually and conformably from beneath the lowest member of the old red sandstone. Moreover, I had ascertained that its different beds were characterized by peculiar fossils. I had, therefore, quite enough on hand to enable me to appear at the first meeting of the British Association, which I had promised to join at York in October, with a good broad announcement of a new step in British geology." His notes, however, show that he did not rush at once from the grauwacke to the York assembly, but journeyed so leisurely as to pay many visits to old north- country friends, and to fill up long pages of jottings by the way on the geology of the region between the hills of Wales and the sea-coast of Durham. At last, the same " pair of greys" which had carried the two travellers from London all through the Welsh border, and the midland and northern counties, deposited Mr. and Mrs. Murchison at the hospitable gates of Bishopthorpe, where they remained as guests of the Arch- bishop during the first meeting of the British Association. Of that memorable meeting, so important an event in the history of science in this country, Mnrchison has preserved the following recollections : " FIRST MEETING OF THE BRITISH ASSOCIATION AT YORK, 27th September to 3d October 1831. " This first gathering of men of science to give a more systematic direction to their researches, to gather funds for carrying out analyses and inquiries, to gain strength and influence by union, and to make their voice tell in all those public affairs in which science ought to tell, came about in this wise : Assemblies of ' Naturforscher' had been for two FIRST MEETING OF BRITISH ASSOCIATION. 185 years or more in existence in Germany, having begun in Hamburg. Thereon Sir D. Brewster wrote an article in the Edinburgh Philosophical Journal suggesting that such a meeting should be tried in Britain. On this the Eev. Wil- liam Vernon (afterwards Vernon Harcourt), the third son of the Archbishop of York, and a Prebendary of York, not only made the real beginning by proposing that we should meet at York, but by engaging his father to act as a Patron, and by inducing Earl Fitzwilliam to be the President, he gave at once a locus standi and respectability to the project. But he did much more ; for he elaborated a constitution of that which he considered might become a Parliament of Science, such as Bacon had imagined, and was thus our lawgiver. " The project thus elaborated having been transmitted to me in London in the spring of 1831, when I was President of the Geological Society, I at once eagerly supported it. Nay, more, I wrote and lithographed an appeal to all my scientific friends, particularly the geologists, urging them to join this new Association. But notwithstanding my energy, the scheme was for the most part pooh-poohed, and, among my own associates, I only induced Mr. Greenough, Dr. Daubeny, Sir Philip Egerton, and Mr. Yates, to follow suit. John Phillips of York, the nephew of William Smith, and the Curator of the York Museum, had very much to do in the origin of this concern, for he co-operated warmly with William Vernon, and, when we got together at York, was the secretary and factotum. He had previously corresponded with me in Lon- don, and stimulated me with a ready-made prospectus. I may say that it was the cheerful and engaging manners of young Phillips that went far in cementing us ; and even then he gave signs of the eminence to which he afterwards arose 186 SIR RODERICK MURCHISON. [isai. in the numerous years in which he was the most efficient assistant-general-secretary of the body, until when, as the distinguished Eeader of Geology in the University of Oxford, he presided over the British Association at Birmingham. "When/however, we were congregated from all parts, the feebleness of the body scientific was too apparent. From London we had no strong men of other branches of science, and I was but a young President of the geologists; from Cambridge no one, but apologies from Whewell, Sedgwick, 1 and others ; from Oxford we had Daubeny only, with apo- logies from Buckland and others. On the other hand, we had the Provost of Trinity College, Dublin, Dr. Lloyd, Dr. Dalton, from Manchester, and Sir David Brewster from Edinburgh. Thus there was just a nucleus which, if well managed, might roll on to be a large ball And admirably was it conducted by William Vernon, for, after opening the meeting in an earnest, solemn manner, the good Lord Fitz- william handed over the whole control to Harcourt and left us. " On my own part I had plenty of matter wherewith to keep my geological section alive, as, besides those I have mentioned, we had a tower of strength in old William Smith, the Father of English Geology, and then resident at Scar- borough; James Forbes, Tom Allan the mineralogist, and 1 " Sedgwick indeed sent his apology through me, in a letter from Llan- fyllin. It was his dkut among the North Welsh rocks. ' Cracking the rocks of Carnarvonshire for three weeks, and getting fond of the sport,' he writes, ' I should be a traitor to quit my post now that I am keeping watch among the mountains. It would be very delightful to mingle among the philosophers and commence deipnosophist, but it would be very bad philosophy in the long-run. You may tell Mr. W. Vernon that keeping away is a great act of self-denial on my part, and that I am in fact doing their work by staying away.' " FIRST MEETING OF BRITISH ASSOCIATION. 187 Johnston the chemist from Edinburgh, to say nothing of Harry Witham of Lartington (now an author on fossil flora), and others, including William Hutton of Newcastle-on-Tyne, then strong upon his ' whin-sill/ After all, however, we were but a meagre squad to represent British science, and I never felt humbler in my life than when Harcourt, in his opening address, referred to me as representing London ! " Indeed, William Conybeare, afterwards Dean of Llan- daff, had quizzed us unmercifully, as well as W. Broderip and Stokes, and other men of science. The first of these had said, that if a central part of England were chosen for the meeting, and the science of London and the south were to be weighed against the science of the North, the meeting ought to be held in the Zoological Gardens of the Eegent's Park ! It required, therefore, no little pluck to fight up against all this opposition, and all I can claim credit for is, that I was a hearty supporter of the scheme cotite que codte. 1 " This first gathering was in short much like what takes place at small Continental meetings we had no regular sections, but worked on harmoniously with our small force in cumulo. The excellent Archbishop was of great social use, and gave a dignity to the proceedings, whilst Lord Mor- peth, then the young member for Yorkshire, incited us by speeches as to our future. It was then and there resolved that we were ever to be Provincials. Old Dalton insisted on 1 As an illustration of the kind of taunts amid which the British Asso- ciation was born, the following sentence may be quoted from a letter written by J. G. Lockhart, editor of the Quarterly Review, to Murchisou just before the meeting : " I presume you are going to the colt-show at York. Don't make a fool of yourself among these twaddlers, who must, in such strength of re-union (considering what happens in all their minor associations), be enough to disturb the temper, if not brains, of the (ro^)coraroi, of which number is of course the P. G. S. L." 188 SIR RODERICK MURCHISON. [MSI. this saying that we should lose all the object of diffusing knowledge if we ever met in the Metropolis. " With all our efforts, however, we might never have suc- ceeded had not my dear friend Dr. Daubeny boldly sug- gested (and he had no authority whatever) that we should hold our second meeting in the University of Oxford ! ! It was that second meeting which consolidated us, and enabled us to take up a proper position. Then it was that, seeing the thing was going to succeed, the men of science of the metro- polis and those of the universities joined us." A letter written by Murchison from York, towards the close of the meeting, to Dr. Whewell, gives a glimpse of the enthusiasm with which some of the fellow-labourers worked for the Association : " Before I entered into the ' British Association ' which the meeting at York has given rise to, I was very desirous of weighing the men who were eventually to carry us through. I was really very mainly induced to join it in consequence of your letter to "William Vernon, and I was quite decided in so doing when I saw the calibre of the men he had assembled, and the promises of support from those who could not attend. , , . Brewster really astonished every one with the brilliancy of his new lights, old Dalton, ' atomic Dalton,' reading his own memoirs, and replying with straightforward pertinacity to every objection in the highly instructive conversations which followed each paper. . . . I had no memoir ready myself, and did not intend to rob the Geological Society of anything intended for them, but I found that a poor and hard-working druggist of Preston, 1 1 Mr. W. Gilbertson (see Brit. Assoc. Hep., 1831-2, p. 82). The shells referred to are in the museum of the Geological Society. FIRST MEETING OF BRITISH ASSOCIATION. 189 Lancashire, who had made some years ago a very important observation on the existence of shells of existing species in the gravels and marls of Lancashire at 300 feet above the sea, and at distances of fifteen and twenty miles from the sea, was present. I took the opportunity of turning lecturer, and having visited those parts this summer, I brought out my little druggist with all the e*clat he merited. This is another practical exemplification of the good arising from such a reunion. The Archbishop had all the party on one of the days, and it would have gratified the liberality of Cambridge to have seen old Quaker Dalton on his Grace's right hand. Pray act cordially with us, and if Adam [Sedgwick], my great master, and yourself will only go along with us, the third meeting will unquestionably be at Cambridge. Rely on it, the thing must progress, all the good men and true here present are resolved to make it do so." Fresh from the field, Murchison had not had time to pre- pare any important paper to inaugurate the birth of the new Association. But besides bringing forward the finder of the Lancashire shells, he took the opportunity of showing the general nature and tendency of his recent work, by hanging up the maps which he had used that summer in his tour, and on which he had coloured " the Transition Rocks, the Old Red Sandstone, and Carboniferous Limestone," etc., an ex - hibition of interest to geologists, since it was the first which gave promise that the uncertainty of the true relations of the Transition rocks to the later formations was now at length to be dispelled. At the close of the meeting the " pair of greys," which had done such good service already, were again in requisition 1 British Association Reports, vol. i. p. 91. 190 SIR RODERICK MURCHISON. [issi. to transport the travellers to the east coast. There, at Scarborough and its neighbourhood, Murchison once more availed himself of the ever ready co-operation of the illustrious " Father of English Geology," and renewed his acquaintance with the rocks of that interesting coast line. In a letter written at that time to Mr. Phillips, he reports the first germ of a proposal which in its completed form did honour to the men who made it, and to the Government which carried it into execution. It was one of the earliest of a long series of kind-hearted acts to meritorious but often poor men of science acts which, if they had not Murchison for their originator, never failed to find in him an active and influential supporter. We can picture him among these Yorkshire cliffs, with the kindly old man, who, though he had done more for geology than any man then living, was spending the re- mainder of his days in humble quiet at Scarborough. And those who knew Murchison will recognise how well fitted this sight was to touch him into active and considerate benevolence. " I have had a nice field-day with your uncle at Hack- ness. What is your opinion, your real opinion, as to what / or my friends could really do for him (i.e. for his benefit ) ? It would never do to bring him to town without something sure and good was offered. If we could persuade the Government to give him a little salary to be geological colourer of the Ordnance Maps published do you think I ought to suggest this ? I ask this as a preliminary : it would certainly be of national importance to have these well done, and lodged in the Tower and Geological Society." This proposal, as we shall see, was not a mere matter of form or of transient good-will. But before any further W11.UA.M SMITH. l.l;.l> I', '"in ,/ Portrait '>.('II, M.D. tin Kiiiji'in-imj iijt/i' Fvrtmil '-;/ If. /.'. 1832.] MACCULLOCH'S SYSTEM OF GEOLOGY. 203 field-work, he could not brook that any one should wield a hammer without some licence from himself. Murchison and Sedgwick had laid themselves open to his wrath by their unauthorized raid into his territory. He made no sign at the time; but a few years afterwards, viz., in 1831, he threw this System at the heads of his rivals, and in the face of the geological world. The book may be looked upon as almost the last expiring effort of the old mineralogical school of geology in Britain. In perusing it, the reader might suppose himself to be in the midst of the literature of the end of the previous century. Fossil remains are ignored, together with all the new lines of inquiry which they had opened, and the rocks are described according to their mineral characters, precisely as if William Smith had never lived. And yet the author assures the world that he had kept his manu- script beside him for ten years, "in the hope that some better man would stand forward to represent geological science as it is : but he grieves to say that, during that long period, geology has scarcely received a valuable addition, and not a single fundamental one." As President of the Geo- logical Society, it was Murchison's duty to repel this state- ment, and to point with just pride to the Transactions of the Society as a monument of what had been done during those ten eventful years. 1 1 He does not specially refer to Macculloch's treatment of his own work and that of Sedgwick. But no one can read the System without encountering passages which evidently refer, in by no means a compli- mentary tone, to the two fellow-labourers among the Scottish K,ed Sand- stones. Macculloch's ill health and acrimony seemed to increase with his years. In his last work, a pamphlet to accompany his Geological Map of Scotland (1836), published unfortunately after his sad and sudden death, his allusions became even more personal. (See, for example, the last sentence on p. 94, where he refers to " the very ignorant and hypothetical 204 SIR RODERICK MURCHISON. [ISB. One of the time-honoured customs of the Geological Society was then, and still is, to hold a dinner on the evening of the anniversary ; so that, after the President has given an exhaustive, and sometimes rather exhausting, address in the afternoon, he takes the chair and makes after-dinner speeches in the evening, surrounded with a goodly gathering of geolo- gists and friends, who are of course all agreed as to the great importance of the Society, and the unabating interest of the science which it cultivates. In performing this function Murchison seems to have been so well satisfied with the success of his first public geological dinner that he took some trouble to get it reported in the London papers, and even wrote to a friend in Inverness to secure a notice of it in one of the northern journals ! " The summer of 1832," to quote from his journal, " was begun with the Oxford meeting of the British Association, and of this I need say nothing more than that, under the presidency of Buckland, the body was then licked into shape, and divided into six sections. As the mass of the great guns of the metropolis had now joined us, and also Sedgwick, Whewell, and the best men of Cambridge, our success was assured. Altogether it was (thanks to its pro- poser, Daubeny) a most auspicious meeting, the more so as it terminated with an invitation, for the next year, from Cambridge, with my dear colleague Adam Sedgwick as presses. persons. ") He speaks of his own labours as completing the geological in- vestigation of Scotland, there being nothing further to be done save what could, after a few weeks of experience, ' ' be effected by a surveyor's drudge, or a Scottish quarryman " (p. 17). So far as Sedgwick and Mur- chison were concerned, there was no cause for this hostility ; for, though they had differed from him on some points, they had never ignored the great services rendered to geology by Macculloch. im] BEGINS TO MAP THE WELSH ROCKS. 205 " The remainder of the summer was entirely devoted to researches amidst my new loves, the ' Transition Eocks,' not only by revisiting the old ground to complete my sections, but by greatly extending my survey. I had now determined to set to and map out the region. But, alas ! the Ordnance maps of a large portion of the country I had determined to examine were only in the course of construction, or not begun. But I got hold of every scrap I could from the Map Office, then directed by Colby, or from my friend Major Robe at the Tower, and so I set to work in the terra incognita to which I afterwards (1835) applied the name of Siluria." If it be true, as Bacon asserted, that " writing maketh an exact man," it is no less true that mapping makes an exact geologist. Without this kind of training, it is not easy to grasp accurately the details of geological structure, and hence the literature of the science is sadly overloaded with papers and books which, had their authors enjoyed this pre- liminary discipline, would either not have been written, or would at least have been more worthy of perusal. Murchi- son wisely resolved not to trust merely to eye and memory, but to record what he saw as accurately as he could upon maps. And there can be no doubt that by so doing he gave his work a precision and harmony which it could never have otherwise possessed, and that, even though still falling into some errors, he was enabled to get a firmer hold of the structure of the country which he had resolved to master than he could have obtained in any other way. For, to make his maps complete, he was driven to look into all manner of out-of-the-way nooks and corners, with which, but for that necessity, he might have been little 206 SIR RODERICK MURCHISON. [iss. likely to make acquaintance. It often happens that in such half-hidden places the coiirse of a mountain torrent, the bottom of a tree-shaded ravine, the gully cut by the frosts and rains of centuries from the face of a lonely hillside lies the key to the geological structure of the neighbourhood. In pursuit of his quest, therefore, the geologist is driven to double back to and fro over tracts never trodden perhaps by the ordinary tourist, but is many a time amply recompensed by the unexpected insight which this circuitous journeying gives him into the less obtrusive beauties of the landscape. Though Murchison had already learnt something of the devious nature of a field-geologist's path through a country, he had never before tried anything on so detailed and ex- tensive a scale. At one time he might have been seen measuring sections in Shropshire; soon thereafter, led on by the rocks, he had got away west into Pembroke. Thence, following up his game, he tracked it through the wilds of Montgomery and Radnor, or south to the hills overlooking the great Welsh coal-field, and back again into the English borders. For weeks and months together this work went on. Much of the ground proved difficult to unravel, and cost its explorer many a restless night, for he had now got his head so full of grauwacke, transition rocks, and Old Red Sandstone, that he seems to have been able to think or dream of nothing else. From his notes, however, we may conjecture that though his days were given to hard work out of doors, the evenings were often pleasantly spent under the hospitable roof of the country gentlemen of the region, some of them old friends, who still enjoyed a quiet joke over the enthusiasm with which he now hunted " grau- wacke " instead of foxes. 1832.] JUBILANT OVER HIS EARLY SUCCESSES. 207 November, with the opening of the session of the Geolo- gical Society, brought him back to London and the usual routine of town life in winter. To Sir Philip Egerton he writes immediately after his return, full of excitement over the summer campaign : " I have done a fine stroke of work. I have coloured up all the Ordnance Maps I could procure, describing a zone of about twenty or thirty miles in breadth, from the Wrekin and right bank of the Severn to FOSSII-S FROM THE GRAUWACKE (CARADOC ROCKS). 1. Calymene Blumenbachii. 2. Homalonotus bisulcatus. 3. Phacops truncato-caudatus. 4. Tentaculites Anglicus. 5. Lingula crumena (Llandovery). 6. Orthis testudinaria, 7. O. vespertilio. 8. Strophomena tenuistriata. 9. S. grandis. 10. Bellerophon bilobatus. 11. B. nodosus. 12. Orthonota nasuta. 13. Nebulipora lens. 14. Diplograpsus pristis. 15. Grapto- lithus priodon. the mouth of the Towey, and I hope to show you four or five distinct natural fossiliferous formations of great thick- ness in our neglected ' grauwacke,' in which I have got abundance of fossils many quite new ; indeed, I have fished some out of the genuine Old Eed Sandstone which overlies all my system. I had a most delightful tour, de- spite certain premonitory choleritic attacks, which disabled me occasionally. My wife met me in Somersetshire, through which county and Wiltshire and Hants we re- 208 SIR RODERICK MURCHISON. [isa. turned, making visits to old friends till we reached our county near Petersfield, where in the month of October I laid low about sixty brace of cock-pheasants. We reached town on the 6th of this month to open the geological campaign. " Mantell has discovered great part of a nov. spec, of large Saurian in the Weald, which he supposes to be his dear Iguanodon, of which you know he never as yet found more than the head and teeth. His paper thereon is to be read next meeting (December 5th), after which I am going down to a battue at Up Park." From the mass of letters which he allowed to accumulate from month to month, some idea can be gathered of the multifarious and distracting calls which were daily made upon his time and attention during the years of his Pre- sidency. The undisturbed early hours before breakfast are given up to the elaboration of his notes. The morning post brings perhaps, among other epistles, a wail from some country geologist, because he has heard no tidings of an elaborate memoir which he had sent up to the President, in the confident belief that it would at once exercise the collective wisdom of the Society. In the forenoon he has to attend a meeting of committee for securing Abbots- ford to Sir Walter's family ; or of another committee which is busy organizing a subscription for a suitable memorial to Cuvier. Then he goes by appointment to meet Chantrey, who had made a design for the Wollaston medal. In the afternoon he may have purposed to get some of his Welsh notes into order ; but a foreign geologist, with letters of introduction from some of his friendly Con- tinental brethren of the hammer, appears at his door, whom, 1833.] LONDON WORK AND COUNTRY PASTIME. 209 after giving up an hour or two to him, he finally takes to Somerset House and consigns to the courtesy of the re- spected Curator, Lonsdale. In the evening, unless, as often happened, he had engaged himself to dine out, or to hold a geological reception at home, he could attend to his corre- ' spondence, or, if that had been already accomplished, he might snatch a few hours to prepare an account of his labours in the field for the Society, his wife at his side pre- paring his drawings and otherwise aiding in the work. And yet, despite these numerous avocations, time and opportunity were both found for a flight now and then from the bustle of London to the field- sports and friendly inter- course of a country house. Witness the following account of * himself, written on 22d January 1833 : " I met my wife on my return from Cheltenham, and we paid a visit of a week to Lord Milton, in Northamptonshire, and I must say that I never enjoyed a winter week more. He gave me a mount on a capital thoroughbred, son of Cervantes, but the day was unlucky. It was a woodland fox found in the Bedford pur- lieus, which took us right into the heart of old 's preserves, where the Earl and his Christmas friends were dropping the long-tails. You must excuse me if I say that the ex-Minister in his threadbare tartan, patch over his eyes, hat twisted up behind, on a cock-tailed pony, with large gambadoes, dis- tressed as he was by our irruption, looked a perfect pattern for H. B. to realize the c ould constitution' of Dan O'Connell. But the distress of the day was the death of a poor whipper- in. I am now writing seven or eight hours per diem, nay, even ten and twelve, to make up for lost time, and to enable me to take the last week of the best shooting in England at Up Park. So you see I am living a very sporting life for a VOL. i. 210 SIR RODERICK MURCHISON. [ISB. P. G. S. I am delighted you are coming to the anniversary. Greenough is to be my successor." The continuous writing to which he refers was required for the preparation of the presidential address at the forth- coming anniversary in February. In looking back over the pages of that forgotten document, we meet with notices of several landmarks in geology, showing in what an eventful period of the history of his favourite science the life of the writer had been cast. Among the names of those whose recent deaths he had to chronicle, and whose deeds it was his duty to record, were Sir James Hall and Cuvier the one standing at the head of physical geology, and linking that generation with the early glories of the Huttonian school ; the other acknowledged to be the great master of that newer school of palaeontology which had so greatly altered the aspect and the aims of geological inquiry. 4-roong the topics of then recent discussion, he alludes to the erratic boulders (" foundlings," as the Swiss have called them), which, strewn over the plains of Europe, were beginning to attract attention as evidence of some flood from the North the first beginning of the deciphering of that wonderful chronicle which has laid before us at last the story of the Ice Age in Europe. Among the announcements of new work he gives a sketch of his own labours among the old rocks of the West, and alludes to those of Sedgwick. But his most important item on this head was the reference to the foundation of the Geological Survey, that great national undertaking, over which, some two-and-twenty years later, he was himself destined to preside, and in charge of which he spent almost the last sixteen years of his life. Very modest was its earliest equipment. Mr. Henry de la Beche 1826-38.] LOCKHART AND BULWER. 211 had been appointed, in connexion with the Ordnance Survey, " to affix geological colours to the maps of Devonshire, and portions of Somerset, Dorset, and Cornwall." To the tact of that sagacious man the Survey owed its existence, and to his energy and skill it is indebted for its present importance, and the great work which it has so far accomplished. Writing late in life, and looking back upon this early part of his scientific career in London, Murchison penned the following reminiscences : " During all these years, viz., 1826-38, I inhabited No. 3 Bryanston Place, and, though I had but a small establishment, I saw very agreeable society, for, independent of my scientific friends, I was visited by men in public life, as well as by the lovers of science, letters, and the arts. With Hallam I was in constant intercourse, and also with Lockhart, and with both of these very different men I kept up an intimacy to their death. When Lockhart came to London every one was afraid of the author of Peter's Letters to his Kinsfolk, the more so as the Whigs were rabid against him ; but with intimacy his reserve wore off, and I declare that, amongst my friends, I never knew one who was more lively, amusing, and confiding in dual converse, nor one whose loss I more sincerely mourned. If he was a good hater he was assuredly a warm friend. " Shortly after Bulwer came to London I asked him to dine, but did not tell him whom he was to meet. He had just issued his Paul Clifford, and, meeting for the first time at my table, Lockhart, who had cut it up unmercifully, the young author took huff (for he was then a proud young dandy), and thought I had done so to annoy him. It re- quired all Chantrey's good-humour to keep the party to- gether. 212 SIR RODERICK MURCHISON. [MM-M. " Sydney Smith, Lord Dudley, Conversation Sharp, Lord Morpeth, the Parkes (now Wensleydales), Lord Lansdowne, even the sensible and aged Duchess Countess of Suther- land, did not disdain our small parties. Lady Davy rarely came, for she was too exclusive. " Among the foremost of our intimates was the all-accom- plished, sensible, modest, and retiring Mrs. Somerville, who with her jolly good husband the Doctor, then the Physician of Chelsea Hospital, was constantly with us. We also often visited them at Chelsea, and met there Mackintosh, and other leading characters, Mackintosh in particular being a great admirer of the lady philosopher. It was our pleasure to bring this remarkable woman and Wollaston together, and to gather from them crumbs of the profound knowledge which they unostentatiously let fall 1 When we called on Mrs. S. in the morning, and found her finishing off one of her fine landscapes, or instructing her daughters in music, we necessarily admired her feminine qualities, whilst we knew she was up to every line of La Place's ' Me"canique Celeste.' "With these notables let me associate my geological friends Charles Stokes and William Broderip. The former, a stockbroker, was one of the most remarkable men I ever knew, albeit he has left little behind him. Never out of England, and constantly occupied in the city, he gave up his evenings, nights, and mornings to other avocations, was versed in all languages and a proficient in most branches of Natural History. My little sketch of him in my anni- versary address to the Geological Society gives but an im- 1 Mrs. Somerville, in her charming memoirs, gives some particulars of her intercourse with Wollaston. See p. 128. 1826-38.] REMINISCENCES OF LONDON LIFE. 213 perfect idea of his versatile powers. He was the bosom friend of Chantrey, who also was his constant companion with us or at the sculptor's own house. Then there was dear old Major Clerke, the editor of the United Service Journal, my old Marlow chum, and last, not least, Theodore Hook, who first met Sydney Smith at my house, 1 and has often, when very far gone, extemporized his songs to us over the piano. But these things were my passing amusement, and I was pondering all the time upon turning everything into a geological use. " Opposite men of all parties were intermingled with my scientific cronies, Sedgwick, Buckland, Greenough, Fitton, and others. These parties were really intellectual ; but now that I live in a big house in Belgrave Square my grand dinners are dull horrors and it is only when I can manage to have a small one that I enjoy seeing company. " I meddled little in public matters or politics, though my feeling was Conservative, and I was one of those who was, I confess, alarmed at the great sweep about to be effected by the Eeform Bill. So I attended the debates both in Lords and Commons, and was present at the whole of the last day's debate in the latter, and which did not close till five A.M. " To resume my recollections of my earliest scientific friends in London : I must specially dwell on the great botanist Robert Brown, who was chiefly to be met with at the Sunday breakfasts of Charles Stokes in Gray's Inn, and who 1 It is said (Timbs's Lives of the Humourists, vol. ii. p. 276) that Sydney Smith and Theodore Hook met at table only twice : first at the house of Lady Stepney, where " they were both delightful and mutually delighted;" and secondly, soon after, on the occasion mentioned in the text, where they met in a somewhat larger party, but where poor Hook's failing became only too visible. 214 . SIR RODERICK MURCHISON. [MSB-SB. provoked my impatient temper because he never would pronounce upon the genus scarcely even upon the class of a fossil plant. Profound in his acquaintance with living plants, he knew too well the fine limits and subtle distinc- tions to be observed ; these being generally obliterated, and the fructification being rarely visible, he paused and looked again and again, and carne to no conclusion. Lindley, on the other hand, being of a less cautious temperament, often dashed off an opinion, and therefore gratified geologists. Eobert Brown, though a quiet sedate man, was full of dry humour, and told many a good story to his intimate friends, among whom I was delighted to be reckoned till the day of his death. I was one of the mourners at his burial at Kensal Green, when this illustrious man had but a few old friends to pay the last honours. How different was it but the day before yesterday, when the popular novelist was interred in the same place ! Doubtless, so good a master of English, so smart a satirist, so warm-hearted a friend, and so attractive a writer as Thackeray, merited all the eulogy which has been poured out on "his character by all the press. But if a man of science dies, however eminent he be, a passing commendation is all he obtains, and it is doubtful whether the compilers of such works as the Annual Register will ever think it right to allude to the death of the first botanist of our era. Nor can a different verdict be expected from the masses or the fashionable world. Every one knows Cornhill and Punch, Pendennis or Vanity Fair, or some one of Thackeray's good novels, and so that author obtained a good share of the public applause which the nation accorded to Walter Scott, whilst the Princeps Botanicorum of Europe dies unknown by English scribes. 1826-38.] LOUIS PHILIPPE. 215 "Among my intimates and correspondents of the first years of my geological career I must not omit to mention George William Featherstonhaugh. He has played a bustling and useful part through life, has published on a vast variety of subjects, and was a most lively, agreeable companion. He was the first to introduce our modern ideas of geology into the United States, which he did with great energy in the year 1831. Afterwards he induced General Jackson, then the President, to appoint him ' State Geologist,' in which capacity he made two extensive tours, illustrating them with long sections. . . . In the French revolution of 1848, when Louis Philippe fled from Paris and was hid in a cottage with Queen Ame'lie on the south bank of the Seine opposite to Havre, it was Featherstonhaiigh, then British consul at Havre, who managed to get the family of ' Mr. Smith ' over by night, and popped them into a British steam- packet. Even in this act the consul was the geologist, for he passed off the ex-King as his uncle William Smith, the father of English geology ! " CHAPTEE XII. THE SILURIAN SYSTEM. DURING the tenure of his Presidency of the Geological Society Murchison had greatly raised his scientific position in the country, both in regard to power of original geological work, and to that practical turn of mind and suavity of manner which fit a man to play a prominent and useful part among his fellow-mea He hardly as yet realized the real importance of the field-work which he had been carry- ing on among the Transition rocks. Very slowly as the years passed away did he come to see how full of signi- ficance were the sections which he had brought to light along the Welsh borders. A few weeks after resigning the Chair of the Society he gave the first detailed account of what he had been doing during the two previous years among the " transition rocks " and " grauwacke " on the border-land of England and Wales. The brief abstract of the paper to the Geological Society in which these details are communicated contains the first 1833.] CLASSIFICATION OF TRANSITION ROCKS. 217 imperfect and partly erroneous sketch of a classification which has since become so familiar to geologists. 1 Eeleased from work in town, Murchison sped back to his rocks on the Welsh frontier, and passed the summer of 1833 in constant travel and work among them, " rummaging the country," as he said, in search of fossils and evidences of the order of sequence among the formations. Again his wife became a partner in the tramp, and while he made more distant forays, employed her pencil on some of the sketches which afterwards appeared to such good purpose in the " Silurian System." On one occasion the monotony of " the perpetual cracking of stones " was pleasantly interrupted by the appearance at the inn of that " famous talker, Eichard Sharp," who, in taking leave of the enthusiastic geologist, remarked to him, " Well, my good fellow, I feel assured that you will end in becoming Lord Grauwacke." While increasing his knowledge of the rocks, Murchison managed also to augment his acquaintance with the in- habitants of the country. Not always, however, to the advantage of his scientific pursuits, for, as he used to say later in life, "Good living in an aristocratical mansion is hostile to geological research. I must honestly declare that 1 The subdivisions may be quoted here : " I. Upper Ludlow Rock Equivalent, Grauwacke Sandstone of Tortworth, etc. II. Wenlock Limestone Equivalents, Dudley Limestone, Transition Limestone, etc. III. Lower Ludlow Bock Equivalent, ' Die earth.' IV. Shelly Sandstones Equivalent, ? V. Black Trilobite Flagstone, etc, Equivalent, ? VI. Red Conglomerate, Sandstone, and Slaty Schist." Proc. Geol. Soc., vol. i. p. 475. In this table the Aymestry and "Wenlock Limestones are confounded, and hence the Lower Ludlow Rock is placed under instead of above the Wenlock Limestone. 218 SIR RODERICK MURCHISON. [1833. in general I have done twice as much work when quartered in an inn." It was in such a mansion, however, that a project took its rise during this autumn, which came in the end to make one of the landmarks of his life, and at the same time an epoch in the literature of geology. His friend Mr. Frankland Lewis had suggested that he should not be content with the limited circle of readers which perused View of the Breidden Hills noar Welsh Pool, from Powis Castle. (Sketched by Mrs. Murchison.) the ponderous Transactions of the Geological Society, but should appeal to a wider public, and elaborate into a separate volume his researches among the old rocks of the English and Welsh border -land. This idea found a warm supporter in Lord Olive, at Powis Castle, where Murchison agreed to undertake the task. Before the middle of November Lord Olive announced to him a list of eighty subscribers to the proposed work. 1833.] CUTTING UP OF ' OLD GRAUWACKE! 219 " I have truly done much work this summer," he writes to Mr. Phillips, " having been seventeen weeks hammering, with only one day of intermission. But you gallop when you suppose I am ready for the press. Absorbed in your own great undertaking, 1 you have not had time to think of the magnitude of mine. Imprimis, My inquiries range over seven counties, and they dive into the arcana of formations of which no precursor has written one line ! Hence each succeeding year in which I propagate the principles of our craft, and enlist raw recruits in provinces where the sound of the word geology was never heard before, I find on revisiting my fields of battle that my aides-de-camp have collected facts, and facts alter preconceived notions." And so the work went on from the Vale of Severn to St. David's. The proposed big book could not possibly make its appearance until after far more complete and detailed examination. Meanwhile each summer's labours were duly communicated in abstract to the Geological Society. From his friends there, such as Greenough, Lonsdale, and Phillips, came letters of encouragement which brought the enthusi- astic geologist back to London with renewed energy for work. The campaign of the autumn of 1833 ended by the despatch of five boxes full of specimens from the old " grauwacke " of .the west to the apartments of the Geologi- cal Society. Lonsdale, ever catering for the wants of the Society, looked forward with his quiet glee to ever so many evenings of amusement and instruction to be had out of these boxes and the notes by which they were to be illustrated. "We can picture him in his little den at Somerset House surrounded with books, papers, and specimens, rubbing his 1 The Geology of Yorkshire, now a classic work in British geology. 220 SIR RODERICK MURCHISON. [ISB. hands as he wrote to Murchison " Poor old Grauwacke will be cut up piecemeal." Poor old Grauwacke indeed ! With the Woodwardian Professor hewing at him in Cumberland and North Wales, and the President of the Geological Society hacking at him all along the Welsh border, his doom was evidently sealed. "Perhaps no one better than Lonsdale comprehended the true meaning of the work which Murchison undertook. Certainly no one gave more effectual assistance in the often delicate task of clearing up in the calmness of the closet the difficulties which frequently misled the eager enthusiast in the field. Murchison was never slow in acknowledging his great obligation to his patient and right-judging friend." 1 Mr. Lonsdale's anticipations were fully realized during that session of 1833-4. From the note-books of the previous summer Murchison furnished four separate papers on differ- ent parts of the geology of the districts among which he had been at work. One of these contained the first published table of the Transition rocks of England and Wales, in which they were parcelled out into distinct formations, each char- acterized by a peculiar assemblage of organic remains. The arrangement showed a considerable elaboration and im- provement upon that of the previous year. 2 1 From MS. reminiscences kindly contributed by Professor Phillips. 2 The subdivisions now adopted were as follows : Old Red Sandstone. ( Upper Ludlow rock. < / I. Ludlow rocks, . . < Aymestry and Sedgeley limestone. o I ( Lower Ludlow rock. - -1 II WenlockandDudlevrocks J Wenlock and Dudley limestone. C CO I -L-L* *V ClllUL-K. cllKL J_/UUltJ V l'-' ( -"-o. \ fir 11 l TV 11 11 S \ V. Longmynd andGwastaden rocks. 1834.] REPORTS TO GEOLOGICAL SOCIETY. 221 A characteristic account of those papers and their recep- tion was given by their author in a letter to Sir Philip Egerton (3d February 1834) : "Though I say it who should not, I must fairly tell you that the season [at the Geological Society] has not yet produced much, except the communica- tions I have made. I judge as much from our friend Lons- dale's estimate as from my own, perhaps perverted, vision. ... By accident I had a very good dress circle on my second night, for besides Buckland, Warburton, Lyell, De la Beche, The Caradoc Range. (Sketched by Mrs. Stackhouse Acton. and performers who could understand it, the President of H.M. Council, the M. of Lansdowne, dined with me at the club, having quitted a Colonial Council to do so, and he sat it all through the evening." Important as were these communications to the Society, they could only be abstracts of the work of the long summer campaigns. The full details were now to be elaborated for the opus magnum on which the energies of the next four years were to be concentrated. By the month of August all the preliminaries as to publication had been arranged with Mr. 222 SIR RODERICK MURCHISON. [ISM. Murray, and the forthcoming work was advertised as in preparation. But much still required to be done in the field in tracing out the geological changes in the long strip of country through which the Transition rocks extended. Hence as soon as he could get away from town Murchison buckled on his hammer again, and betook himself to a re-examina- tion of his old .ground in Shropshire and adjoining counties. Up till this time Sedgwick and he had been labouring independently among the old grauwacke rocks, as if each had got hold of a very distinct problem which could be, and indeed needed to be, separately solved. The domains which they had seized were conterminous, and tacitly a sort of 'bateable land had been allowed to stretch between them. It was in the summer of this year (1834) that they met to arrange, if possible, an amicable adjustment of boundaries. Sedgwick crossed over into his friend's territories to make with him a conjoint tour, which was thus described at the time in two letters from Murchison to Dr. Whewell, dated 18th July: " ' The first of men ' took leave of me and my little car- riage at Ludlow, on the 10th July, bending his steps (nearly as firm as I ever knew them) toward Denbighshire. We not only put up our horses together, but have actually made our formations embrace each other in a manner so true, and therefore so affectionate, that the evidence thereof would even melt the heart, if it did not convince the severe judg- ment, of some Cantab, mathematicos of my acquaintance." "Having dovetailed our respective upper and lower rocks in a manner most satisfactory to both of us, I hastened back to join my wife. ... I shall run down to Edinburgh just in time for the meeting, and the feast being over, the 1834.] SEDGWICK AND MURCHISON IN WALES. 223 Professor and self intend to look at some other border cases of transition, the whole to conclude with a lecture from him to myself on his strong ground of Cumberland. I was not a little proud of having such a pupil ; and although I think and hope he endeavoured to pick every hole he could in my arrangement, he has confirmed all my views, some of which, from the difficulties which environed me, I was veiy nervous about until I had such a lacker. But I will say no more of Number One than to assure you that we had a most delightful and profitable tour in every way, and that our section across the Berwyns, in which the Professor became my instructor, was of infinite use to me. Such are the fold- ings and repetitions that my ' black flags ' of Llandeilo are reproduced even on the eastern side of these mountains, and it is only as you get into them that you take final leave of my upper groups, and get fairly sunk in the old slaty systems of the Professor. " I will leave him to tell you of all our marches and countermarches in Hereford, Brecon, Caermarthen, Mont- gomery, and Salop. . . . Whether he fell in love with some of the Salopian lasses or not is in his own breast ; but I can assure you that a whole houseful of them are deeply smitten with him. When we parted at Ludlow it was found that he had left that beautiful brown coat of his in the very house where all these sirens were, so I left him posting back to recover the old garment, and perhaps to leave his heart." 1 - 1 From this letter it will be seen that Murchison at least was fully con- vinced of the dovetailing of his groups of rock with the older slaty masses on which Sedgwick had been at work more to the north and west. As we shall find, he published this conviction without note or protest from his friend, who indeed publicly accepted and declared the same belief (see postea, p. 230). Many years afterwards, however, when bitterness had arisen between these two comrades, and when perhaps the recollection of 224 SIR RODERICK MURCHISON. [ISM. The British Association held its meeting this year in Edinburgh. Thither the two fellow-labourers made their way, the one to resign the Presidency which he had held so successfully at Cambridge, the other to show his Grauwacke and Old Eed Sandstone maps, and to take a share in the task of still further consolidating and strengthening the infant Association. In a letter written to Sir Philip Egerton on his way south again to the Welsh and Shropshire rocks, Murchison thus refers to the doings at Edinburgh, and afterwards : " The meeting was most successful in every way. ... I may say, what actually took place at the time with which we are dealing had be- come in some measure indistinct, Sedgwick penned and published an account of this first conjoint tour in Wales, differing considerably from that given in the letter quoted in the text. He says, " There were early difficulties, both physical and palseontological, in distinguishing the Lower Silurian from the Upper Cambrian groups, and in fixing their true geo- graphical limits, and it was partly in the hopes of settling such points of doubt that in 1834 I went, during six weeks, under my friend's personal guidance, to examine the order of succession as established by himself in the typical Silurian country. Beginning therefore at Llandeilo, and end- ing the first part of our joint work at Welsh Pool, we examined many of his best sections. Occasionally, while he was working out minute details, 1 spent some days in collecting fossils. ... I believed his sections, so far as I saw them, to be true to nature ; and I never suspected (nor had he then suspected) any discordancy or break of continuity amongst his typical rocks from the Upper Ludlow down to the Llandeilo groups. I adopted all his groups, I may say, with implicit faith, never dreaming of a chance (during a rapid visit) of correcting those elaborate sections on which he had bestowed so much successful labour. . . . We never examined or discussed together the Silurian base-line in the country south of Welsh Pool ; and what- ever be the merit or demerit of the base-line afterwards published in the map of the ' Silurian system,' belongs exclusively to my friend. [See posted, p. 307.] As to this base-line, I neither gave nor had I an opportunity of giving any opinion, either good or bad. . . . North of Welsh Pool we reached a country (east of the Berwyns) with which I was previously acquainted. . . . My friend now made use of and interpreted some of my field sections of 1832. ... I guided my friend (as he in his Silurian country had guided me) over the Bervvyn chain to the Bala limestone, along the high road from Rhaiadr to Bala. We made no mistake in the section. . . . My friend then de- VOL. I FROFKSSOK .IOI1N I'l.AVKAll,. I-', '"in n I'liin/infi iri/ Sif IIi'inii Raeourn. 1834.] WITH SEDGWICK AT SICCAR POINT. 225 without vanity, that we geologicals were all the fashion, and engrossed by far the greater share of attention. Agassiz has pronounced that not one of the fossils of the Burdiehouse limestone are reptiles, but all belong to fishes. You will be amused to read old Buckie's lecture, given two nights before Agassiz made his decision against the reptiles, for in it the reptiles made a grand figure. My fishes in the Old Eed are baptized Cephalaspis, from their horse-shoe heads. ... I was a day at Lord Melville's, after which Sedgwick and self moved on together to Sir John Hall's at Dunglass to look at St. Abb's Head and the Siccar Point, both famous by the writings of Hutton, Playfair, and Hall. Whilst at Dunglass clared that the Bala limestone was no part of his Silurian system." The Professor points out the error in classifying the Bala rocks as underlying all the Silurian groups, their true place being the equivalent of that of the Caradoc rocks in the lower Silurian series. He asserts that for this error, hardly avoidable at the time it was made, Murchison was alone responsible. It is difficult to see on what evidence this charge rests. One fact at least is certain, that if Murchison started the error, Sedgwick adopted it and believed it for years, although, according to his own showing, the means existed in his own territory of putting the matter to rights at once. " A single traverse from Glyn Ceiriog to the northern end of the Berwyn chain would have settled this question on evidence not short of a physical demonstration. But we did not make this traverse." British Palaeozoic Fossils, Introduction, pp. xliii-xlv (1855). But evidence may be found in Sedgwick's own letters to show that he thought and wrote under at least the impression that his own Welsh rocks were older than those of Murchison. Thus even so far back as February 1833 he wrote to his friend in reference to a proposed dovetailing of their work : " The upper system of deposits, with its subdivisions, is as plain . as daylight, and entirely under your set." It would be easy to multiply quotations from contemporary geological literature to show that this was the general im- pression among geologists as to the views of the two pioneers in Wales. As an illustrative example, reference may be made to the first edition of Lyell's Elements of Geology, published in 1838, before the appearance of Murchison's Silurian System. See p. 464, where Sedgwick is given as the authority for calling Cambrian a vast thickness of stratified rocks, "below the Silurian strata in the region of the Cumberland lakes, in N". Wales, Cornwall, and other parts of Britain." This subject will come up again in later chapters of this biography. VOL. I. P 226 SIR RODERICK MURCHISON. [18S4. I fell in with my old friend Lord Elcho. who has set up a very crack pack of fox-hounds, and he so tempted me with the offer of a mount on his best nag, that I could not refuse ; and I am still suffering from the stiffness incident to this frolic, not having been accustomed to screw to my seat for the last ten years. Sedgwick and myself explored the head- land together, and in the boat we had with us our host, Sir John Hall, and Archibald Alison, a clever young Scotch View of the Cliffs near St. Abb's Head. (Sketched by Sir A. Alison.) advocate, who made sketches of the rocks in my note- book." 1 Murchison's journals of this period of his life read very much like the field notes of an active geologist. Personal detail is wholly wanting, and the gist of the scientific work has long been given to the world. From the letters which he has preserved, we can see what a voluminous correspon- 1 One of these sketches by the future historian and baronet was after- wards introduced into Siluria (4th edit., p. 149), and is reproduced here. 1834.] PROPOSES THE TERM ' SILURIAN: 227 dence he must have kept up with friends who lived among his grauwacke rocks, and from whom he derived continual assistance in the shape of notes on the geology, and of fossils. He acknowledged, in his published writings, the value of this co-operation, and gave the names of his principal coadjutors. Even the very children of some of his friends were enlisted in his service, and delighted to get away into the quarries to hunt for fossils for him ; and at a time when these fossils had never been systematically collected and described, it may easily be imagined that this juvenile help proved in many cases eminently serviceable. It was now plain, after all these campaigns, that though many details might be added afterwards, the grand order of succession of the grauwacke had only been made more clear by every new examination. It had been subdivided into four well-marked formations, each as defined by mineral characters and fossils as any members of the secondary series. To continue to apply the terms " grauwacke" or " transition" to these distinct fossiliferous formations, as well as to all the old crumpled unfossiliferous rocks, would evidently lead to endless confusion. They required a special name. The story of their nomenclature is thus told by Murchison himself : " At this time I proposed the term ' Silurian,' and it came about in this way. My friend, the eminent French geologist, filie de Beaumont, seeing what a clear classification I had made out by order of superposi- tion and characteristic fossils in each descending formation, earnestly urged me to adopt a name for the whole of the natural groups. Seeing that the region in which the best types of it occurred was really the country of the Silures of the old British King Caractacus, I adopted that name 228 SIR RODERICK MURCHISON. [isss. [Silurian]. I had seen that all geological names founded on mineral or fossiliferous characters had failed to satisfy, and that fanciful Greek names were still worse. Hence it seemed to me that a well- sounding geographical term, taken from the very region wherein the classification had been elabo- rated, and where every one might go and see the truthfulness of it, was the best." 1 The first publication of this new name took place in July 1835 in the pages of the London and Edinburgh Philo- sophical Magazine. In a brief article the author gives his reasons for the proposed term, with some improvements of his previous tabular statement, and a woodcut section to show the way in which the rocks are related to each other in their several subdivisions. As the parent of all subse- quent Silurian sections, the diagram possesses a peculiar in- terest : a facsimile of it is inserted on the opposite page. 2 Before leaving town for the usual summer work in Siluria he headed a deputation to Government to represent the urgent need of a good map of the northern half of the island a subject which had occupied the attention of the 'British Association at Edinburgh. Writing in later years of this incident, he remarks, " Spring Eice, the Chancellor 1 Murchison's extreme anxiety regarding the names to be chosen for his formations, is well shown in a letter of ten large pages which he addressed to Dr. Whewell on 20th November 1834, " as the great Geolo- gical Nomenclator," entreating his assistance in improving his tabular list of the grauwacke rocks. This section shows in a kind of rough general way the order in which the successive divisions follow each other. It is inaccurate, however, inasmuch as it represents a continuously conformable series from the coal- measures down to the base of the Llandeilo rocks, and places the latter rocks in a violent unconform ability upon those of older date. It was the general belief, as already remarked, that the " Silurian" formations described by Murchison belonged to a younger series of deposits than the rocks of North Wales investigated by Sedgwick. 1835.] 229 ^g i i-5 d .5 S oo PH that somewhere I will go in the middle of May. I may, however, defer my Scandinavian tour if I can meet with no playfellow; for in those cold and dreary wilds a solitary tour is out of the question. Belgium, the Ardennes, the Eifel, Taunus, and Harz may be a substitute, and most of this I can work away in until you join me, for I gather from your letter that some portion of this country is your aim. I must be at Birmingham, but I shall make it a stepping- stone to Ireland, where I shall remain till the rains drive me out. Thus we may unite at points of essential interest." On the 7th April, having meanwhile changed his plans again and again, he wrote once more to Sedgwick about the foreign tour, thus : " Your letter reached me at Christ Church before we left the Bucklands yesterday, where we passed three pleasant days I stuck like wax to B. to get knowledge from him about Normandy and Brittany, and ended by carrying off his maps and two or three sheets of memoranda You call me a weathercock, and so I am, but, I hope, for the only object about which I occupy myself in the world. My plan is now definitively arranged. On the 1st May or a few days after, start for Antwerp and Liege floor that tract in a week with Dumont and D'Omalius and Buckland's section ; traverse by Spa and make a round to Treves, perhaps taking a peep at the west side of the Eifel and back to Paris ten days there before any of the savans have left it, fill myself with knowledge and buy all maps, etc. ; down straight to Caen, and there meet Adam Sedgwick in first week of June at latest, and commence work forthwith by the coasts of Normandy amid the Silurians. In two months we shall have gutted 272 SIR RODERICK MURCHISON. [im everything, and bagged as many ' chouans ' in La Vendee as we please. It would be quite useless for you to go to Paris and lose time. I will get the lesson for us, and we shall do the trick quickly ; back to Birmingham for the 26th, and in the first week of September over to Ireland, where C. Hamilton and Griffiths will throw us in three weeks into every good cover, and we shall be home again for October shooting." In spite, however, of the minute detail of this " defini- tively arranged " plan, it was in the course of a week or two completely changed. The final arrangement settled that the two old friends and fellow-labourers should once more wield their hammers together on the banks of the Ehine. The chief point to be ascertained was whether or not there existed on the Continent a series of rocks having a peculiar assemblage of fossils, and passing upwards into the base of the Carboni- ferous and downwards into the top of the Silurian rocks. If such a series could be found it would amply justify the Devonian nomenclature. Murchison started first. Taking Paris on his way, he there attended a meeting of the French Geological Society, of which he had now become a member, and had a fight with some of his scientific friends over the claims of the so-called Devonian rocks to the dignity of being styled a " system." He stuck to his point, however, here as well as elsewhere, and, notwithstanding objections and protests, both at home and abroad, succeeded in establishing it in the general geological literature of his time. The halt at Paris was brief. Before the end of May the work had been begun in the heart of Ehineland. From Treves, Murchison wrote to his wife : " ' In fine respiro,' as 1839.] CAMPAIGN IN RHINELAND. 273 I said to myself whilst I walked up yesterday under the fine beech-trees from the little frontier station, and found myself in Prussian land, fairly free of the ' Grande Nation ' and all its lies, emeutes, and bombast. Thank God I am now in a country I like (people and landscape, with geology of all sorts in the fore and background). I blessed the first glimpse of the vine-tending nymphs, with their Swiss-like broad-topped white caps, and the men with their round slouch-hats, honest German faces, and great jack-boots. Thenceforward all was changed for the better capital macadamized roads everywhere, postilions with horns; the Prussian arms and eagle marking discipline, order, and comfort everywhere. " I leave to-morrow morning in a little carriage which I hire (I shall buy one at Frankfort, where they are excellent) passing to Bingen on the Rhine, by Oberstein and Kreuznach to Frankfort. I am here in Cambrian and Longmynd rocks, with overlying red sandstone and muschelkalk. Portez vous bien. I wish you were with me, and that we had to pass three or four months quietly in this delightful country, to which I hope indeed we may return, for I shall have plenty to do another year." From Frankfort on 2d June he informs Mrs. Murchison, " I have bought a Vienna carriage, and a very nice one, which I hope will please the Professor. Finding by his letter of this day that he does not leave London till the 12th, I had almost resolved running away to the Fichtelgebirge to see Count Miinster and his collections, and to make a section of that chain, where I believe there is much Devonian ; but second thoughts have convinced me that it is better to do one thing well than two things badly. So I stick to the right bank VOL. i. s 274 SIR RODERICK MURCHISON. [iss. of the Khine, the contents of which I hope to sweep out so as to fill two portmanteaux (now empty among my carriage boxes), and send them off to Lonsdale's care before the Professor meets me at Bonn." Meschede on the Ruhr, June 1839. "Having finished my ' Abendessen,' consisting of a fresh trout, some asparagus, and eggs, I am now smoking my pipe in a very neat clean: room overshadowed with trees in this little town of the Lower Ehine, which doubtless you never heard of before. This morning I came hither by Alpe and Bolstein. I have now gone clean across the- region, and have looked into the zoological and mineralogical contents of each zone of rocks, as well as their geological relations. What I have to say will surprise you. I do not believe there is a Silurian bed among them, and I am more than disposed to think that the whole is Devonian, except, perhaps, the westward flanks. There are no Eifel fossils here. The limestones are undis- tinguishable from those of Plymouth and North Devon, and the organic remains are all of the same classes which occur in those rocks Goniatites, large Spirifers, etc. To a person bothering and losing himself in details, the geometry of the countr} r is puzzling, as the same zones are repeated several times, both on the north-west and south-east side of the axis. To-morrow I march upon Arnsberg, and thence into the Diisseldorf coal-field. If my conjectures are right, I shall find there Devonian passing conformably under it, and I shall then retraverse to Cologne and Bonn, and prove the case again by other sections. So that, when Sedgwick joins me, I flatter myself that part of the campaign (and which I always thought would be the key to the whole thing) will be in my pocket, and I shall have swept the right bank of im] IS JOINED BY SEDGWICK. 275 the Rhine. So much for unfortunate Grauwacke and all its Kieselschiefer and Dachschiefer, in the midst of which I am writing. . . . You need not boast too much of my geologi- cal hits, as some of them may fail." The caution in the last sentence of this extract was not unneeded. For the writer had evidently determined to do as clever a piece of geological strategy as he could before his equal in command should join, and he was naturally desirous to make his sections bear out the interpretation which they first suggested to him. But he had already gone wrong in some of his notes, and further errors and correc- tions were in store for him. After about a fortnight of such marching and counter- marching in search of a good base-line of operations for further conjoint movements, he was joined by the Pro- fessor. We resume the extracts from the letters to Mrs. Murchison. Bonn, 15th June. " If I have my own way I shall not go near France again this season, at least not till the autumn, and after Birmingham. 1 The mine I have opened here is well worth all our time and attention, particularly when coupled with the Harz and the other ' transition ' tracts of N.-W. Germany. " As I was sitting under the linden-tree with Oeyen- hausen and his lady, not forgetting old Noggerath, up walked the Professor, and after drinking several jorums of 'Mai- trank,' he is now gone to bed. He is delighted with what I have done. I have already convinced him that our whole summer's work will and must be in Germany. We have a grand field before us, and I have already provided a certain 1 The British Association Meeting of 1839 at Birmingham. 276 SIR RODERICK MURCHISON, [iss. key. In this case I shall return by Belgium in the middle of August, and after settling Birmingham and our household affairs, may make a run of three or four weeks to settle the French affair, which is in a nutshell." Gottingen, 24A June. " Since I wrote to you at Bonn only a week ago, we have done stout work, and travelled over much ground. I took Sedgwick back to my key, and satisfied him of all the main points, which are, indeed, as clear as noonday, and we have since been puzzling out some minor difficulties, with which we shall have to contend when we revisit the region of the Rhine. ... A most capital tdble-d'hdte seems to have put the Professor into working order. I hope, therefore, that in a few days we shall hear no more of his dyspeptic symptoms, which far exceed in variety any which I ever troubled you with. He is, how- ever, in very good spirits, and we get on famously. I have become very rubicund and jolly, as I always do on work, with hands as brown as a gipsy's." Ballenstddt, 1st July. " We have, thank our stars! nearly cleared the Harz ; and, though the weather has been of the most oscillating nature, with severe frowns, we have had some charming smiles, which enabled us to do our work and peep into three of the most lovely valleys the Lauterthal near the western end of the chain, the Okkerthal near Goslar, and the Bodethal, about ten miles west of this place. . . . Sedgwick is as well as I ever knew him, eats, drinks, and digests like a Hercules, and is in great force. Indeed, we are both quite well, though the weather is most untoward, and fresh storms are gathering around. The geology of the Harz is very interesting, but complicated. . . . We sleep in a fresh Principality daily. All the kings and dukes of 1839.] HOUSE IN BELGRAVE SQUARE. 277 Germany seem to have slices of the Harz, and their respective strips of land run towards the Brocken, like the spokes to the box of a wheel." Frankfort, 15th July. " We have now done the Fichtel- gebirge ; and as we travelled here almost without stopping I have been my own bagman. Count Miinster was all attention, and his museums delighted us. The Upper Fran- conian geology was not quite so good as might have been ; but we did all that could have been done. The rocks are two-thirds Devonian, and some Carboniferous no Silurian." While these labours were in progress in Germany, other transactions, involving a good deal of Murchison's future comfort, were going on in London. Mrs. Murchison, with the full sanction of her husband, was negotiating for the sale of their house, now in Eccleston Street, and for the purchase of the well-known Belgrave Square mansion, in which he spent the last thirty- two years of his life, and which in his occupancy of it formed one of the hospitable scientific centres of London. This purchase is alluded to in the next letter of the series. Ems, Coblenz, 27th July. " The furnishing of our grande maison may be done so leisurely as not to fatigue you, and I trust we shall be there for the rest of our lives. At all events, you will have a good airy palace to live in, even should I prefer this tramping life, which I am destined to lead for the few years of bodily activity which remain for me, should I survive to middle age. " Our last traverse to and fro through the Nassau country has answered in some respects. We were both highly de- lighted with the work on both banks of the Rhine, between Bingen and Coblenz, which we performed in boats, carriages, 278 SIR RODERICK MURCHISON. [im. and on foot, disdaining all the smoking steamers. Here we are for the day, in this most picturesque watering-place by far the prettiest of all the Ehenish baths, and doubly inter- esting to me, because here the first true Silurian rocks which I have seen in any part of Germany on the further bank of the Ehine are in great force fine scarps and lots of fossils." Deutz, 31st July. " "We have made our last round in the Westphalian region and the right bank of the Ehine, and we are now on our way into the Eifel, in which, after certain zigzags, we shall reach Treves. I have little worthy to communicate except on geological subjects, and on these little new. In fact, I am quite tired of this bank of the Ehine, and am most anxious to break ground on the opposite. The only thing which annoys me in my work is, that although 'we have got excellent descending sections from the coal- measures to the bottom of the Devonian or Old Eed system, into which all the greywacke of the right bank of the Ehine falls, still not a trace can I obtain of Ludlow, though the Wenlock appears on points, and thus we want the connexion which exists in England. It is this which we are to find in the Eifel and the Ardennes. ... I am swollen out like a German, with hands as brown as tanned leather." As one of the General Secretaries of the British Asso- ciation, Murchison required to be present at the meeting, -which this year had been fixed for Birmingham. Very unwillingly he quitted the field-work on the Continent and hurried to London. Before joining his colleague in the Secretariate, Professor Phillips, he found time to send him a brief report of his doings with Sedgwick. London, 18th August. "I arrived last night from Lie"ge, ,in thirty hours, having left Sedgwick on the Meuse, in full 1839.] WITH SEDGWICK IN EHINELAND. 279 cry with D'Omalius and Dumont. I am happy to tell you that the Devonian system now rests on a basis quite unmoveable, and that the coal-field of Devon will after this promulgation of our new data, never more be contested. Even the sturdy Williams will be swept away ! It was the observance of the leading facts of the case during my first month's work, which led me to form a decided opinion that Sedgwick and myself ought to give up one whole summer to the establishment of our views, by devoting ourselves entirely to the Ehenish Provinces and Germany ; and no sooner did he see the outlines of the case than we resolved to abandon Brittany, at all events till the autumn, and to stick more to the classic regions of our science, in which as yet the alphabet of the oldest strata remained to be pointed out. To the Ehenish Provinces we have added the Harz and the Fichtel- gebirge, and I return, after having travelled the better part of 3000 miles, and satisfied with the results." Next day, full of his new work, he could not refrain from introducing it thus in a note to his friend Whewell : " To tell you of all the wonderful exploits of the Cambrian and Silurian knights, and how many a dreary rock of grauwacke they tapped before one of their followers could be found, must remain for another day. Grand, however, is the Devonian field on the Ehine, the Harz, and the Fichtelge- birge. So you see we have been moving." The geological doings at the Birmingham meeting of the British Association proved somewhat tame. No great paper made its appearance. Perhaps the most important communication in Section C was Murchison's own account of what Sedgwick and he had done on the Ehine and in .Westphalia. But that account was necessarily incomplete, 280 SIR RODERICK MURCHISON. [isso. and even inaccurate, seeing that the work had not been brought to a close, and the later rambles of the autumn led the two explorers in some respects to modify their earlier conclusions. The attention of geologists had now been seriously awakened to this settlement of the true age and meaning of the " Devonian System." Several other labourers were in the field, and there could now be no doubt that the problems would not be thrown aside until their solu- tion had been found. A shade of sadness hung over the gathering of the geologists at Birmingham. The day before they met, Wil- liam Smith died. He had lived to see his work bearing abundant fruit in every corner of the globe, and now, full of years and honours, he left the harvest to be gathered by younger generations. At the close of the Association meeting Murchison hastened to the Continent again. Before rejoining Sedgwick, however, he went to Boulogne to attend the " Reunion extraordinaire " of the Geological Society of France, which was held this year in that town. He had instructions from Mrs. Murchison, that while discussing " Devonians " and dinners with his French acquaintance, he should take this opportunity of obtaining some additional furniture for the "airy palace" in Belgrave Square. Here is a part of his report to her : Boulogne sur Mer, 1 2th Sept. "Having been out daily from half-past five till dark, I have had no time for ' furni- ture ' thoughts. It so happens that owing to my having more knowledge of the older rocks than other geologists here, I have been obliged to become a sort of cicerone and orator, and yesterday evening, in the great library, the Mayor of Boulogne and many French present, I delivered myself of an 1839.] RENEWAL OF RHENISH FIELD-WORK. 281 hour of Silurianism, and explained the relation of the old rocks of this country. The effect of my discourse was to destroy the coal-boring mania in rocks of Silurian age. They have a poor little coal-field here which lies low in the Carboniferous Limestone group, and this being immediately recumbent on my Silurian schists and shales, they have (their little upper concerns being about done up) been poking at great expense, and with the money of unfortunate shareholders, into my Stygian abysses. The 'actions' or shares fell 50 per cent, by my speech, and, notwithstanding that I told unpleasant truths, I was warmly applauded. 1 I should have been off to-day, but I was so pressed on all sides to remain that the departure was postponed till to- morrow, when I proceed [with De Verneuil] by Calais." Bonn, \/. 1840.] GLACIATION OF BRITAIN. 309 The " frost-biting " referred to the remarkable series of observations by Agassiz among ^he glaciers of the Alps, and the extension of them to Scotland by Buck- land, Lyell, and Agassiz himself. Many years earlier Sir James Hall had directed attention to the ; ay in which the rocks on the surface of the country had been smoothed, polished, and striated, by some great natural agent. He made a careful examination of these " dressed rocks," attributing them to the effects of some powerful debacles or earthquake- waves, sweeping over the land and hurrying along sand, gravel, and huge loose blocks and boulders. A study of the phenomena of the Swiss valleys, however, had taught Charpentier, and afterwards Agassiz, that the smoothing and scratching of the rocks could have been the work of but one agent glacier-ice. 1 Profiting by Swiss experience, Buck- land had already begun to identify some of Hall's " dressed rocks" and other superficial phenomena, as strictly parallel with those among the Alpine valleys and plains. And now, in the autumn of this year, the great Swiss naturalist, who had come to Scotland chiefly to study Old Eed Sandstone fishes, found everywhere, to his amazement, the counterparts of the ice- worn rocks and glacier debris which he had been so intently looking at among his own great mountains. He not merely corroborated Dr. Buckland's identifications, but went so far as to proclaim that Scotland, the north of Eng- land, and indeed a great part of the northern hemisphere, had once been actually buried under vast sheets of ice. So bold and startling a doctrine involved an intimate 1 It is common to attribute the first observation of this geological agency of glaciers to Agassiz. It was recorded by Charpentier, however, apparently as a known fact, five years before Agassiz's observations appeared. Annales des Mines, 1835, viii. 310 SIR RODERICK MURCHISON. [mo. acquaintance with the everyday life and motions of a glacier, which at that time British geologists did not possess. Con- sequently the views of Agassiz met with little favour. The opposition which Murchison promised them was joined in vigorously by other scientific leaders. Hence fully twenty years had to pass, and a new generation of labourers had to appear upon the scene, before the essential truth of Agassiz*s teaching was generally recognised. 1 But pleasant and useful though this Scotch tour proved to the busy General Secretary, it formed only a kind of interlude in the serious task of interpreting the geological structure of the older rocks of Eussia. As he said himself, he had returned from the shores of the White Sea to take his place in the Association at Glasgow. Hence, when once more back amongst his note-books and maps in London, he returned heart and soul to Eussian geology. While the incidents of travel remained still fresh in his recollection he wrote the article (already referred to) for the March number of the Quarterly Review, on " Tours in the Eussian Provinces." While reviewing the works of recent travellers in that part of Europe he reveals, in a characteristic way, his own identity. For there must have been few readers of the gossipy article who did not perceive that its author had been with Moore in Spain and Portugal, that he had sub- sequently dabbled in art at Eome, that he retained a senti- mental affection for the old Highland Jacobites and the doings of those who were "out in the '15," that he was addicted to geological pursuits, that he had spent the preceding sum- mer doing geological work in the north of Eussia, and that, 1 See a memoir on the Glacial Drift of Scotland, Trans. Oeol. Soc. Glasgow, vol. i. Part 2. 1840-41.] PLAN OF TOUR TO THE URALS. 311 in short, he could be no other than Roderick Impey Murchi- son, though under a somewhat different guise from that in which he was ordinarily known. The more serious work of this winter appears to have consisted partly in the preparation of the memoir on the continental Devonian rocks with Sedgwick (and, of course, with the repetition of delay at Cambridge and urgent entreaty from London), but mainly in drawing up an account of the Eussian journey for the Geological Society. This latter task helped to indicate more clearly the points of defective knowledge which were to be cleared up by the next tour. That tour had been partly planned before he and his companion, De Verneuil, had left Eussia. It was heartily entered into by the Eussian authorities, from whom, indeed, Murchison received a flattering request to continue his labours, with the promise of ample assistance. He deter- mined to avail himself of these offers, and strike across the Eussian Empire, into the heart of the Ural Mountains. So long and arduous a survey was evidently one which could not be accomplished in a short summer holiday. It would require longer time and more endurance than that of the previous year. Two Societies claimed and certainly received Murchison's firmest allegiance the Geological Society, and the British Association. His proposed absence from this country, how- ever, altered considerably his relations to both, and he accordingly made up his mind to resign the post of General Secretary to the British Association. In intimating this design to the President, Dr. Whewell, he could justify his absence this year by the importance of the work he had 312 SIR RODERICK MURCHISON. [i84i. undertaken abroad, as well as by the fact that he had not hitherto failed to take his share of work at every meeting of the Association since its foundation, and he concluded his letter with the assurance, that when the 29th of July came round, he would not forget the gathering to be held then at Plymouth under Whe well's leadership, but would " drink to their healths if any liquor can be had in the Ural Moun- tains." Things had turned out otherwise at the Geological Society, for there, at their anniversary in February, and with the knowledge that he would be absent from England dur- ing the greater part of the year, his associates once more placed Murchison in the President's chair, and sent him on his self-imposed travel with all the prestige which such a post of honour carries with it. As already mentioned, he had formed a wish to help the young geologist who had shown so much geological skill by his model and description of Arran, and that wish had to some extent taken practical shape in a plan to carry Mr. Ramsay abroad with him. The latter, accordingly, came to London about the middle of March ; but at the last moment the proposed plan of conjoint travel was changed. This change, at first so bitterly disappointing to his young friend and future colleague, but in the end so fraught with benefit to both, was thus announced by Murchison at the time : " Having decided upon going to Eussia, and not to America (and I shall be off in ten days), I have unwillingly given up the idea of taking you with me ; but, in doing so, I have secured for you a much more lucrative place than any which I could have offered you about myself. Mr. De la Beche has kindly promised to place you on his list of assistants of 1841.] GEOLOGICAL CLUB DINNERS. 313 the Ordnance Geological Survey. As the work in question is one for which you are particularly fitted, I hope you will approve of my endeavours to serve you." Mr. Eamsay has kindly furnished the following reminis- cences of these "early days of his intercourse with his future chief : " I think I must have dined five or six times with Mr. M. during my thirteen days' stay in London ; once at the Geological Club, at the Crown and Anchor by Temple Bar, where I first met some of the great geologists whom I had not previously seen in Glasgow at the B. A. meeting. Mr. M. introduced me specially to old John Taylor, a famous man in the mining world, and much respected and beloved by all the geologists, and indeed by every one. He was treasurer to the Club. I sat between him and Major Clerke an old warrior, with a cork leg, a man of perfectly polished manner, witty, and with a vast fund of anecdotes, some of which were of the complexion called blue. At that Club meeting, I recollect Sedgwick and Buckland, Phillips, Greenough, Fitton, Lyell, Sopwith, and Owen, and there were others that I forget. Forbes was then a young man just on the eve of starting to join Graves in the ^Egean. The dinner made a great impression on me. Mr. M., as President of the Society, was in the chair, but I do not recollect anything that took place except the mirth created at our end of the table by Major Clerke and old John Taylor's deep voice and pleasant laugh." A few days after that dinner the President was on his way to Eussia, while his friend joined the Geological Survey at Tenby, there to begin a long and distinguished connexion with that branch of the public service, of which he is now the honoured and esteemed chief 4 314 SIR RODERICK MURCHISON. [wi. Two days before starting Murchison sent a parting note to Sedgwick, in which he wrote : " To cleanse an Augean stable filled with Rhenish, German, and Eussian fossils, and to leave the home of the British Association clean swept and all in order, has been no light work for the last fort- night. To make the map for our memoir gave me no small trouble, but now all is done, and the whole concern is ready to go to press, if the Council does not turn crotchety and puzzle-headed. If they do, we must publish elsewhere without loss of time, for the data are good. ... I am off the day after to-morrow God bless you. Go to Plymouth and fight my battles. It is now your turn." CHAPTEE XV. CENTRAL AND SOUTHERN RUSSIA AND THE URAL MOUNTAINS. IT was with a more ambitious programme, and with the advantage of the previous year's experience of the country, that Murchison once more, in the spring of 1841, bent his steps to the Neva. De Verneuil again accompanied him, and shared in the honours and the toils of a still more eventful and successful campaign than any which they had yet undertaken together. The two friends had grown dear to each other. But apart from the ties of mutual esteem, they presented a singularly happy conjunction of qua- lities for their special scientific work. Murchison's quick eye in detecting the leading elements of geological structure would have been of comparatively minor value without De Verneuil's wide knowledge of the early forms of life, on the determination of which the comparison of the rocks yet unvisited with others already well known was mainly to be based. In their Eussian colleague von Keyserling they found an admirable travelling companion, and one to whose judgment and powers of observation the success of their conjoint work in the empire of the Czar was largely indebted. 316 SIR RODERICK MURCHISON. [mi. The route chosen, as before, lay by Paris and Berlin. During a short halt at Paris Murchison had an opportunity of gathering the opinions of the geologists there as to the work which Sedgwick and he had been doing in Devonshire and Ehineland. He lost no time in letting his friend know the result. " Every one here," he writes, " is most anxious for the appearance of our memoir, as well as Dumont and the Belgians. . . . Whatever dubiety may shroud the minds of some of our countrymen, the thing is already quite done as to the Continent. All the palae- ontologists are with us, and I am happy to tell you I saw yesterday in Elie de Beaumont's closet the copperplates of the table of colours of the great map of France, in which Devonian, Silurian, and Cambrian are all regularly engraved. " As you are going to Plymouth this year, I beg you will look about you both inside and outside of the Sec- tion C It may be the object of and to mystify our divisions. But stand to your guns. The types are clear and distinct, and beds of passage are not to frighten us. ... It would gratify me much if you could devote an hour to me immediately after the Plymouth meet- ing, and tell me how all went off. .... The geological sight here is the Artesian fountain at Grenelle, which I visited yesterday. It is a noble rush of smoking water quite a comfortable tepid bath. Portez-vous bien, my dear friend. Think of me when I am in Siberia, as I shall think of you holding forth on the Breakwater ; and wishing you a happy meeting, and an absence of all gout, believe me," etc, There would seem to have been only one incident of note in the early part of the journey : Murchison and De Verneuil 1841.] ST. PETERSBURG. 317 were all but arrested, in entering the Prussian territories, on the charge of issuing false notes, which they had unwittingly obtained at Paris. They were helped out of the difficulty by Humboldt. Such portions of their short stay at Berlin as could be spared from the hospitalities abundantly offered to them by their German scientific brethren, were devoted to the acquisition of additional information as to what was known of Eussian geology. They arrived at St. Petersburg on the 30th of April. The Eussian capital was at that time full of bustle and excitement, on the occasion of the marriage of the eldest son and heir of the Emperor Nicholas. A magnificent series of fetes had been organized to celebrate the event. Our geologists had determined to see these sights before begin- ning their work. Besides, Murchison looked forward to obtaining considerable official assistance for his survey. He judged it a good stroke of policy to make the acquaintance of as many of the leading ministers and heads of departments as possible. At the British Embassy he met many old acquaintances, and made not a few new ones, obtaining like- wise the much-coveted invitation to the Imperial Palace. How these days of festival were spent is best told in his letters to his wife : " The last few days have given us pleasant dinners, at Lord Clanricarde's, at the French Ambassador's, at General Tcheffkine's, where we settled our line of march, at the Minis- ter of Finance's, Count Cancrine, and, yesterday, at Prince Butera's. The last was the most sumptuous of all these feeds, many Circassian lacqueys, and mushrooms in every dish. From General Kisseleff, the Minister of the Imperial Domains, I had a history of the successive denudations of the 318 SIR RODERICK MURCHISOP. [mi. wood of each region of Russia, and how each denudation had proceeded from south to north. Herodotus describes the regions bordering on Turkey, now grassy steppes, as dense forests. This being for centuries the great line of march of Tartars and Easterns towards Europe, was cleared first ; secondly, a middle region, half wood, half arable, as at Mos- cow, etc. ; thirdly, the present forest region, all in the north." " The event which charmed me was the great Court ball of Wednesday, on the occasion of the marriage, to which we were invited by his Majesty's order. The entrances to the wonderful Winter Palace are so numerous that you are not surprised when you perceive how a thousand star-and-gartered eminences and well-dressed women have all within an hour found their way into the ' Salle Blanche/ The whole of this exquisite Palace being re-built and re-gilt, it is now in full beauty, and the blaze of light, the elegance of the candelabras, and the masses of gold, quite rivet attention. We have no notion of lighting, and I now understand the criticism of the foreigners who attended our Coronation. "We waited for our presentation, which took place in about half an hour, when the Emperor came up to Lord Clanricarde, and asked for me, saying to me, ' You have travelled a great deal in our country, and intend to do so again.' On my thanking his Majesty for the kindness of my reception, he cut me short by saying, ' C'est a vous que nous devons nos remerciments profonds de venir parmi nous pour nous ^claircir et de nous etre si utile. Je vous prie d'accepter mori per- sonnel,' etc. He then asked if that was not my companion near me, and De Verneuil had his talk ; but my excellent friend being short-sighted, had mistaken the Emperor, so that when his Majesty left us, De V. turned to me coolly and 1841.] THE EMPEROR NICHOLAS I. 319 said, ' Eh bien ! c'est un homme tres agre'able que ce Grand Due.' ' Mais c'est 1'Empereur, mon cher ! ' " It was however in the advanced part of the evening that I really became intimate with the Czar. I had glided through all the apartments, and was seated in converse with Count Strogonoff, when the Emperor appeared, and we were all on foot. He selected me, and leaning against a pilaster began a regular conversation, asking me my opinion on various parts of the country. After I had told him where I had been, he said, ' Great traveller as I am, you have already seen large tracts of my country which I have never visited.' He then got me to open out upon my own hobby, and put me quite at home ; I ventured on my first endeavour at explanation, by stating how dearly I was interested in the structure of a country the whole northern region of which was made up of strata which I had spent so many years in classifying and arranging in other parts of Europe ; how their vast scale in Russia had surprised me, and how they offered evidences which were wanting in the western countries. We then talked of coal, and I ventured on a geological lecture in order to ex- plain where coal would not be found, the uses of our science, etc. I ushered it in by saying that I was certain that his Majesty liked to know the truth, and my honest opinion, and he instantly said, 'Surtout, parlez franchement/ Having given him the Silurian reasons against any coal deposits worthy of the name in any of the very ancient rocks on which his metropolis was situated, and a general view of the ABC, to all of which he listened most attentively, I then comforted him about the great coal-field of the Donetz, in Southern Russia, to which I was destined to go. ' Coal,' I said, 'was to be looked for in the south, and not in the north, which seemed 320 SIR RODERICK MURCHISON. [mi. a providential arrangement, as the forests were still plentiful in the latter, but annihilated in the former tracts. ' Ah ! ' said he, ' but how we have wasted our forests ! What disorder and irregularity has existed ! It is high time to put a stop to such practices, or God knows what would have been the state of the Empire, even under the reign of my son ! ' I then offered a few words in favour of the Crown peasants of the north, against whom the wood-cutting remark was directed, and spoke of their intelligence, honesty, and the absence of all great crimes, and how it had astonished us to travel through so wide a space, sleeping with our doors open, and in lofts or where we could, without being robbed, and in tracts where no soldiers or police existed. ' Oh ! ' added he, ' we are not however so savage as to allow such things.' " After asking what was to be the length of our next tour, and what we hoped to find out and see, he desired me to express every wish to his officers, and all my wants should be supplied. " He inquired about my former career, in what arms I had served, where and when, whether I was married, whether my wife ever came with me. On my saying that the day was when you were always at my side, and sketched and worked for me, he added, ' C'est ainsi avec ma femme, mais helas sa saute* ne le permet plus, elle a eu quinze couches.' Thus he chatted away, and talked of his children, and the happiness of his social circle. " On my saying that I had served in infantry, cavalry, and staff in Portugal, Spain, and Sicily, his Majesty evidently took to me, for he said that his doctrine always had been that the army was the best school for every profession, and he was right glad to see that it made a good geologist. I then 1841.] THE EMPEROR NICHOLAS I. 321 expressed how strong a desire I had to see the Eussian army, adding that I had been out at six in the morning in the Champ de Mars, and had already seen his Majesty working some regiments of cavalry. ' What ! ' said he, ' talk of that morning drill ; we were all dirty and not fit to be seen : to-morrow you shall see us better.' And then calling General Benhendorff, ' Donnez un bon cheval a M. Murchison pour la Grande Parade.' He then added, ' Mais c'est a Moscou que vous deviez nous voir parmi nos enfants c'est ainsi que rimperatrice et moi nous appelons nos Eusses.' " He talked with favour of his good English friends, and how well they had always served him. ' Alas ! ' said he, ' we have just lost two in the space of a few days, and on Friday we bury Admiral -, an excellent officer and a very brave man, whom I greatly regret.' " Two days had passed, and amidst my thousand occupa- tions I had forgotten the Emperor's words. On Friday morning, when in my dressing-gown, a la Russe, at break- fast, the son of old Mrs. Wilson, our landlady, rushed in ex- claiming, ' La, mother, only think of it ! At eight o'clock the Emperor came in a single drosky to the English Church, and had to wait I know not how long before the parson came, and then he went through all the ceremony.' The old Ad- miral, being a Protestant, was buried in a vault under the English Church. I then bemoaned my want of tact in not having had my uniform on and ready at the church to meet the great man who thus honoured the memory of my coun- tryman." The letters and diaries written by our traveller at this season of rejoicing contain records of little else than the names of the great folks at whose houses he dined, or whom VOL. i. x 322 SIR RODERICK MURCHISON. [IMI. he met at the Imperial entertainments. During the day he seems to have found time for an occasional interview with some of the scientific men of St. Petersburg, and for desul- tory preparation for his journey. But evidently courtiers and court life had for the time quite dispossessed geologists and geology in the attentions of the author of the " Silurian System." At the beginning of the week following that in which he had made the acquaintance of the Czar and Impe- rial family, he attended a ball given by the newly married Czarewitch. From his reminiscences of that evening a few sentences may be quoted. " The Emperor talked to me again, asking me what I had been doing this morning. ' Four hours,' said he, ' at the School of Mines, and two hours with Professor Eichwald ! Why, you will quite tire yourself before you set out on your long journey. You must have good stout legs,' he continued, passing his hand at the same time to the side of my thigh, which he pinched. He then discoursed of discipline, system, etc., and alluding to the review of the morrow, he observed, ' You will see three of my sons in the corps of the cadets.' 'The Grand Duke Constantino will, I suppose, command them?' said I. 'Command!' replied he. 'No, indeed! he will not even be in the front rank of privates ; he is yet too young. The little fellow has plenty of talent, but requires to be kept in order. We must have a good bridle on him for some time to come.' His Majesty again spoke to me with gratitude concerning my labours, and said he had no doubt my success in my present profession was mainly due to my old military education, which he thought was the best school for all men. " The balls, parties, and reviews attendant on the Imperial 1841.] START FROM ST. PETERSBURG. 323 marriage being over, it was time to take to real work, and to begin the geological researches on the grand scale which had been devised through the departmental activity of General Tcheffkine, then serving under the Minister of Finance, Cancrine, and being chief of the School of Mines." Count von Keyserling was named by the Imperial Govern- ment as one of the geologists of the expedition, with the in- valuable Lieutenant Koksharof, who was again appointed to accompany the travellers, and smooth their way for them. The plan of operations embraced a series of traverses of the vast central and southern provinces of the empire, together with as full an examination as could be made of the chain of the Ural Mountains. The party was to divide for short periods, and meet again at given points, to compare and con- tinue its observations, with the expectation of being able, per- haps, to concentrate the work of even two summers into one. "All our inspections of collections, schools of mines, academies, etc., being over, and our notebooks filled with memoranda of things to be seen in Russia in Europe and the Ural Mountains, there was still one grand public fete to be witnessed. The Emperor, as Cancrine had reminded me, had asked me to see him among his true Eussians at Mos- cow. But this was not to take place for a fortnight, and in that time the geological division under my orders might effect much. So we galloped away to Moscow." Their object was to examine the various outcrops of limestone and thin seams of coal south of Moscow a task which was successfully accomplished without any note- worthy incident. Up and away to their labours, sometimes by three o'clock in the morning, the travellers contrived to get over a goodly number of leagues of country, and, rattling 324 SIR RODERICK MURCHISON. [mi. over the ground in their tilega, to raise many a thick cloud of dust from the " Tchornaia Zemlia " or black-earth of the Eussian plains, so that they returned to Moscow in a sadly- begrimed condition, but in time for the fetes. " The great event of the Emperor presenting the heir- apparent to his people was about to come off. At 10 A.M. we drove to the Kremlin. We were ushered through crowds of Eussian officers in the palace, and eventually found our way to the top of the building. I was on the balcony, close to the room whence the Emperor issued. He observed me, and nodded to me. At 1 1 he issued on foot and descended the steps in full Cossack dress to the Grande Place, which he had to cross to reach the great church, and at least 20,000 persons now filled it. A very narrow way had been formed up to this moment, but when the great bell tolled and Nicholas issued forth to the threshold, all line was broken, and the crowd presented itself in one dense mass before him like a wall He stepped down towards them, and some touching his clothes, others his hands, he waved his hand gently up and down, and the dense mass opened out before him. like a wedge he worked his way through the adoring multitude, who were clinging round his legs and touching his clothes. . , . " Profiting by Demidoff' s kindness, by half-past twelve we finally stormed the Kremlin, and forced on into the central tower, where we placed the niece of Napoleon [the Princess Mathilde] between De Verneuil and myself, like a Princess of the Kremlin, M. Demidoff acting as her Eussian marito, and we as her French and English aides-de-camp. We were destined to wait for the great sight an hour or two, during which excellent sandwiches and good Madeira and i84i.] FESTIVITIES AT MOSCOW. 325 sherry, and the French conversation, full of naive and sparkling sallies from the daughter of Jerome, made us pass the time most agreeably. At length the cortege arrived the good Marie in her caleche and four greys, the Emperor on her right hand, her brothers on the left, and the Grand Duke He'ritier passing close along the line of troops. When they entered the Holy Gate of the Kremlin, the sight of course closed for us. " As we descended the staircase, thinking all sights were over, the attendants stopped us at a doorway, and, in an instant, the Emperor, with the Grand Duchess on his arm, passed within a few paces of us. He at once recognised us with a gracious nod. Of this I should not have felt so cer- tain if Count Benhendorff had not told me two hours after- wards that his Majesty had informed him of our position. Nicholas's eye is everywhere, and long may it be so ! " Count Benhendorff gave us an account of the Imperial reception. At Ribinsk a thriving commercial town on the Volga, with 30,000 inhabitants it appears that the people who had never seen the Emperor kept up such a roar under the Imperial residence, that at last, when midnight came, they were requested to allow the Emperor to sleep. The hint was no sooner given than obeyed. But what followed ? Not a man slunk sulkily away ; the loyal mass lay down and slept at their posts till the return of day was ushered in by a general chanticleer from those sturdy monarch-loving Mus- covites. Well then may Nicholas exclaim, 'These good people are not yet so advanced as to have learnt not to love their sovereign ' words which he used to me in speaking of the Russians of the interior. " Benhendorff also informed me that the horse-artillery 326 SIR RODERICK MURCHISON. [mi. which we saw this morning had marched 110 versts the day before, i.e. seventy miles ! This beats the famous march of the old Fourth Dragoons, my father-in-law, General Hugonin's regiment, which marched from Canterbury to London in a day, and acted that evening in the Borough in quelling one of the Lord George Gordon riots in 1784." But it was now time to doff uniforms and court-dresses, and take to the more homely garb of travelling geologists. Murchison and his friends had planned their journey in such a way that it should comprise many minor lateral excur- sions, and they now proceeded to put the plan into execu- tion. Starting from Moscow, they crossed the empire by Vladimir, Kasan, and Perm into the Ural Mountains, and the edge of the vast steppes of Siberia. From these remote bounds they turned southwards to explore the southern Urals as far as Orsk, whence, bending their course once more in a westerly direction, they passed through Orenburg, re- crossing the Volga at Sarepta, traversing the country of the Don Cossacks to the Sea of Azov, and then turning north- ward to make another traverse of the empire back by Moscow to St. Petersburg. Five busy months passed away in these journeys. Mur- chison kept as usual a full diary. Being mainly geological, his memoranda were subsequently elaborated into the great work on " Eussia and the Ural Mountains." But among them occur records of incidents of travel and other notes, which give us glimpses of the scenery and people among whom he lived, and of the way in which this extensive and rapid survey of the Eussian domains was achieved. As on the previous journey, the main highways of the i84i.] THE START FROM MOSCOW. 327 country were followed. Provided with a formidable Imperial document, countersigned and double-sealed to enforce atten- tion from all persons in authority along their route, the travellers had usually little difficulty in procuring horses at the stations. In most cases, indeed, the chief dignitary of each place waited on them personally, and in not a few in- stances treated them with the frankest hospitality. The kindness which Murchison experienced in this way even in the wildest tracts of the empire, filled him with that deep affection for Russia and the Russians which used to show itself continually all through his life. But neither Imperial ukase nor kindly proffered assistance could wholly over- come the natural difficulties of the country. The geologists had made up their mind to a good deal of rough fare and sorry lodging, nor in these respects were their prognostica- tions unrealized. During the earlier part of the journey through Vladimir, Nijnii Novgorod, and Kazan, there was little either in the geology or the scenery to delay the expedition. Murchison, indeed, seems to have got so disgusted with the interminable red sandstones and marls as to break out into some doggerel lines in French, that being the language which was now his only mode of communication with his travelling companions and the natives of the country. These rocks were not yet understood by him. He became proud enough of them before long, for they furnished to him the type of a new geological subdivision, to which, from the province where they were so well developed, he gave the name of " Permian." In spite of these tedious red rocks, Kazan afforded some interest. The fat jolly Vice- Governor had instructions to look well after the travellers, and it would appear that he did his 328 SIR RODERICK MURCHISON. [mi. best. In their honour he donned his full uniform, white laced hat, and numerous orders, and arrived at their inn with the determination that they should see everything in Kazan forthwith. In vain they explained that one of the Professors had already kindly offered to escort them through the collec- tions of the University. What ! had he not received the Imperial command to look after them himself? and besides, had he not been a sailor in the days of the old war, when the British and Eussian fleets were allied, and did he not still remember a few broken words of English " I beg you, sare," " ver much wind," etc. ! He would show them the collections, and everything and everybody too. De Verneuil and von Keyserling had made a detour. Murchison, therefore, under the supervision of the Vice-Governor, took further notes for the Ural Survey from the specimens and informa- tion obtainable from the Professors, and attended sundry feasts into which the exuberant hospitality of Kazan broke out. When the party reunited, and all was ready for the march again, the Vice-Governor must needs give one fare- well banquet. " We sat down," Murchison writes, " forty- five in a small room, and the Vice-Governor was quite charming with his old sailor-loves of ' Sally Cox ' and ' Mary Dickenson ' when in England." Over many leagues of red rocks the party journeyed through the government of Perm towards the long low ridges of the Urals. They passed on the way a gang of manacled prisoners bound for Siberia, to whom, amid his notes of " Eoth-todt-liegende," " Nagelflue," and other geolo- gical matters, Murchison devotes a few words in his journal. About a hundred and fifty men and women, under a strong military escort, the men in some cases manacled in couples, ]84i.] SIBERIAN EXILES. 329 were marching to their exile. "Thank God!" he writes, " in England we have the sea for our high-road to banish- ment ; for such scenes are very harassing." While the exiles were tramping along the highway, the geologists, having gained a rising ground, were luxuriating in the first distinct view of the real crest, if it may be so called, of the chain of the Ural Mountains a long, slightly undulated line, rising behind a succession of wooded ridges, and forming a singularly unimpressive landscape, considered as a part of one of the leading mountain-chains of Europe. It was not easy to say when the mountain land was really entered, so gradual had been the ascent. " Though the Ural had been a chain in my imagination, we were really going over it at a gallop, the highest hill, indeed, not exceeding (in elevation above its base) our Surrey Lower Green-sandstone." With no rocks on either side of the dull road, and with dark rainy weather, the passage of one of the depressions in the low watershed of Europe and Asia became dreary and monotonous, till the travellers found themselves in the heart of the gold-mining region and in a comfortable inn at Ekaterinburg. Over vast tracts of Eussia the rocks lie in horizontal sheets, so little disturbed that, failing river gorges and other natural sections, it becomes no easy task to determine their proper order. Like a series of sheets of cloth laid on a table, the uppermost conceals those which lie beneath it. Eastwards, however, they have been ridged up into the long swell of the Urals, and our travellers, having already acquired a good deal of miscellaneous information from the labours of Humboldt, G. Eose, Ehrenberg, Helmersen, Hoff- man, and others, regarding that little-known tract, were now 330 SIR RODERICK MURCHISON. [mi. bent upon discovering how far the elevation of the Ural chain had exposed the edges of the strata, so as to allow their order and thickness and fossil contents to be determined in an easier and more satisfactory way than could be done over leagues of the flat lowlands. They lost no time in beginning their work, and before many weeks had passed, by dividing their forces into two parties, and moving upon separate but parallel lines of research, with occasional reunions by con- verging traverses at the chief mining establishments, they succeeded in ascertaining the general geological structure of the Ural Mountains, in such a way as to permit the main masses of the rocks in that chain to be effectually compared with the geological succession already established elsewhere in Europe. One great impediment in their way was the want of any even tolerable map on which to record their work a want, the paralysing effect of which only the geologist who has been similarly placed can adequately appreciate. " Were I Emperor of Russia," he writes, "I would make verily at least one thousand of my lazy officers work for their laced coats, and produce me a good map, or they should study physical geography in Eastern Siberia. Excepting General Tcheff kine and a few, very few, I never met with any man who knew how to handle a map. It is really an affair of an hour to get a governor to make his way upon a map along a well- beaten road. I never shall forget my surprise last year at Nijnii Novgorod, when the Government House was ran- sacked for a map, upon which my line of march to the south of Moscow was to be traced. At length what came forth from this centre of Eussian wealth and commerce, in the very fair of Nijnii, and in the Government House? A 1841.] RUSSIAN IGNORANCE OF MAPS. 331 district map of Schoubert's which I have so anathematized ? No, but one of the little three-rouble maps which the common traveller buys, with simply the names of the chief places and small towns ! The same occurred at Kostroma, where the Governor had no other. " If such be the case in the heart of Eussia, how are we to expect that the best-informed natives here in the Urals should have any idea of their broken and diversified region ? Eussia must produce geographers before she can expect to have geologists. The cost of a single regiment of cavalry- would effect this great national work ; and would that the Emperor could be led to see its desirableness and efficacy for all good measures of internal improvement ! I never yet heard a Eussian speak of any place as being east, west, north, or south of such a point, but merely as so many versts from this or that town. Ask him in what direction and he is dumb. First he will say it is to the right or to the left, according as he may have travelled; and it is only by a serious cross-examination, which would puzzle a barrister of the northern circuit, that you can guess at something like the fact. But alas ! after fancying myself informed, how wide have I found nature from their mark ! Here, for example, you will find people disputing as to whether a leading place, such as Stataoust, is to the east or west side of the Ural; and as for the roads, they trust to their clever peasants, stout horses, and ever-resisting taran- tasse." The absence of reliable maps, though it proved a con- tinual hindrance in the process of geologizing, was never allowed to retard the bodily activity of the party. Of that party and its local auxiliaries, as they started on one of 332 SIR RODERICK MURCHISON. [i84i. their exploratory tours, the journal gives the following account : " A route from the Zavod [mining-station] of Chresto- vodsvisgensk across the Ural chain to the valley of the Is, on the eastern watershed, was now to be undertaken, as arranged in our programme. But this was no slight affair, inasmuch as no party had travelled by this old and abandoned corduroy road through the forests and sloughs for many years, yet, by sending peasants across, arrange- ments were made. " At 3 A.M., 2d July, I roused the whole party, and at ^ past four we were in march from the Zavod, being a party of twenty cavaliers of most grotesque and varied outline. The President of the Geological Society need not describe himself. The Vice-President of the Geological Society of France sported his long blue Spanish cloak, and a broad- brimmed, round-topped, Moscow grey hat, which, on the back of a Wouvermanns' grey horse, formed an essential item in the motley group. Herr Graube, the Master of the Mint, who led us, had his long boots above his knees, and large furred coloshes, with his little German cap. Von Keyserling, in his green cap and jacket, bestrode a gallant brown, and his servant, Juan the Venerable, turned out on a Eussian saddle in a long black cloak, on a white Cossack- like beast. The Ispravnick of the district, who honoured us, was a sort of sub-military looking figure, with spectacles and Life-guard boots, superadded to a black shooting- jacket. The German doctor of the Zavod, a most obliging man, was mounted on a capital iron-grey, with high action. Lastly came our two Russian officers, Karspinski and Koksharoff, both of whom were knocked up by our rapid 1841.] GEOLOGIZING IN THE URALS. 333 ride of yesterday. The former, dreading the result, to-day had strapped a large pillow on his russia-leather red and yellow demi-peak saddle. Our bearded fellows were per- haps the best for the painter, with their caftans, double- coned hats, and long boots ; one armed with an axe behind ; another with De VerneuiTs gun in hand ; a third with long Turkish pipes ; and others astride of animals carrying sacks, bags, and beds. " Our start was somewhat cheerless as to weather, for the day looked lowering ; and in a few minutes we were in the interminable boggy forests which fringe the flanks of the Ural. It was soon evident that all haste was in vain. The sloughs exceeded all that my imagination had conjured up. The road was a sort of bridle-road, not to be described to English understanding, for it consisted in most parts, and for ten or twenty versts, of planks and round trees, most of them rotten and breaking, placed over the quag- mires here and there, the track along which seemed hope- less, but for the dexterity of a Eussian horse. If the plank broke and his leg went in up to the hock, he pulled it leisurely out, whilst with the other he was righting his way up the rounded slippery single plank which remained. If his tread on one end brought the other up in his face, he would gently and evenly move on till the equilibrium was estab- lished, and he gained another safe footing. Add to this, massive trees, including the noble Pinus cembra and others, lying across the road, immense roots branching in all directions, sedge and long grass up to the horse's belly, and you may have some idea of a bridle-road in the Ural." Not much geology could be done under such unfavourable 334 SIR RODERICK MURCHISON. [1841. conditions, nor could any clear notion be formed of the general aspect of the Ural chain, though the peculiarities of the wooded regions became only too familiar. Now and then the travellers succeeded in getting above the line of wood, so as to catch a glimpse of the summits of the Ural and the country beyond. Thus at the Katchkanar they " at last found a true mountain in the Ural " rough View from the Summit of the Katchkanar, North Ural, looking northwards. (From Russia in Europe, vol. i. p. 392.) splintered crags, shooting high over the damp sombre forests, and nourishing in their crevices and amid their slopes a bright and luxuriant vegetation which recalled that of some Swiss valley. From this peak they could look on one side over the far rolling sea of dark pine, with here and there a snow-streaked summit rising island-like out of it ; on the other side lay the vast plains of Siberia, with the level 1841.] GEOLOGIZING IN THE URAL RIVERS. 335 featureless surface, and to the eye at least with the bound- less horizon of a great sea. 1 At other places on the crest of the chain rocky scarps were encountered. From Stataoust the party reached some conspicuous rocks rising along the water parting between Europe and Asia. " Clambering up to the summit, and with one leg on either Continent, we sang ' God save the Emperor.' In this sequestered spot, however, neither officers nor workmen knew the present national air, which I had heard at St. Petersburg and Moscow, but began to chant our old ' God save the King,' which they had sung since the time of Peter the Great. I then hummed this new air, and this music of Levoff was thus first given out in the western borders of Siberia." But the most exciting and instructive work which they carried out in these remote regions was the exploration of some of the river- courses. Owing to the need of abundant water-power for mining purposes, the streams had been manipulated in many different ways, some being turned into a succession of dams and waterfalls, others deprived of their water to fill lateral reservoirs. It was in these natural sections that the true structure of the Ural might be most confidently searched for, and special care was given to them, though but for the active co-operation of the mining authorities, these defiles would have proved far more for- midable obstacles than the morasses and corduroy bridle- tracks. How the work was done may be judged from the following extract : " Descending the river Issetz in canoes, between rocky banks of micaceous schists and granite, we came to the 1 See Plate, p. 392 of Russia and the Ural Mountains. 336 SIR RODERICK MURGHISON. [is4i. mill of Paulken, where the miller offered us tea, observing that his first love was God and the Emperor, the next strangers ; for he had travelled in Russia, and knew the value of hospitality. The descent of this river is quite unique, for the water-traveller must quit his canoe at every one of the hundred mill-races. There are upwards of two hundred of these mill-dams between Ekaterinburg and Kamensk. At every one of these, one's goods, chattels, and self must go out and in, and his canoe be shoved over the rough roots, sticks, and blocks (often held together by large blocks of stones), and dropped some eight or fifteen feet as the case may be. No ordinary traveller can execute this journey without great loss of time and patience. For us the authorities were so active that at each stoppage a multitude was waiting to get us through. The sub-officer put every ' starosta ' in play, and our descent was a regular press. ' Stupai, pikarea, poshol ! ' and on we went (at what cost it matters not in this land), carrying with us the inmates of one village till we reached the next. No one who has not descended this Siberian river would believe how much comfort and industry appear on its banks. No mill, numerous as they were, was without six or more little carts before it. A dense population lives all along the Issetz. Good white large churches rise up here and there, and everywhere the cottages are nice and clean." More adventurous was the descent of one of the streams on the other or western slope of the Ural. Von Keyserling and De Verneuil had been making independent observations, and the party re-united at a mining station on the Serebrianska, a small stream flowing into the Tchussovaya, which descends into the great Permian lowlands. " The descent of the Sere- 1841.] PERILS OF URAL NAVIGATION. 337 briaiiska," he says, " was one of the most memorable days of my life. The distance to be accomplished by this winding stream was seventy versts, or nearly fifty English miles. When I went to rest, the bed of the river was almost quite dry, with not water enough to drown a rat, and yet we were to effect the miracle of floating down in a six-oared boat. When I awoke a furious stream was rushing down, and the Lake of Aushkul, South UraL (From Russia in Europe, voL i. p. 359.) natives were beginning to get canoes. The good comman- dant, having the Imperial order that I was to descend by water, had let off an upper lake, and thus made a river in a fine dry sunny day ! " The waters having been let off for us, and the river bed filled, we effected our embarkation amid three cheers. The river was muddy, and had rocks hidden, with very sharp VOL. i. Y 338 SIR RODERICK MURCHISON. [iwi. curves of the stream. With a hundred groundings and stoppages, we got tired of our big boat of honour, and took to the canoes. These answered well for a while, but trust- ing to shoot through some stakes and nets (myself on my back at the head of the canoe), we (i.e. De Verneuil and myself) were capsized in a strong current. I saved my note-book (see the stains), but my cloak, bag, pipe, etc., went floating down. A curious scene followed, after we had scrambled out to the shore. The other canoe shot by and picked up our floating apparatus. Fortunately this letting off the waters had brought down some natives to catch fish, and they had a fire, by which we dried ourselves, whilst their large wolf-dogs lay around us. When we re-em- barked, we shot several ducks (Merjanier), and here and there found limestones and shales striking to the N.N.W. Some of the limestones were charged with Devonian fossils. "After this, evening began to fall. Saddles, anticlinals, and synclinals arose in magnificent masses on the rocky banks, but our boat-bottom was soon knocked to pieces by grounding at least a hundred times, and whisking round as in a waltz at each shock. It now filled so rapidly that we had just time to escape. We had then a fine evening scene. We landed on shingle, and got into the forest, not having seen a house or hut for fifty miles. The dense wildness of the scene, the jungle and intricacy of a Russian forest, can never be forgotten. We had to cross fallen trees and branches, and to force through underwood up to our necks. "After our various night evolutions, sometimes by land and sometimes by water, we finally reached our ' derevna ' (Ust Serebrianska) at two A.M., wet up to the middle, by walking through moist jungle and meadow. Our men were 1841.] NAVIGATION IN THE URALS. 339 very amphibia, and required no food. They had been half the day in that stream, pulling, hauling, shoving, and shout- ing, and never eating or drinking. We had to awake the chief peasant's family, and were soon in a fine hot room, with children sleeping all about. " I awoke with the bright sun, after three hours' rest, and Gorge of the Tchussovaya, west flank of UraL Contorted Devonian and Carboniferous Kocks. (From Russia in Europe, vol. i. p. 386.) pulling my shoes out of the oven, and my dried clothes from the various long poles, proceeded after a warm tea to embark on the Tschussovaya, into which the Serebrianska flows. The Tschussovaya being a much larger river, we had 340 SIR RODERICK MURCHISON. [mi. no difficulty in boating down it, and we had a most instruc- tive and exciting day, as we passed in the deep gorges of Devonian and Carboniferous limestone, here thrown up in vertical beds to form peaks, then coiled over even like ropes in a storm, or broken in every direction. Making many sections, with many memoranda, the 17th June was finished." " On the following day we worked away down the river in the same great leaky boat as before, the boatmen singing their carols, and abusing the Ispravnicks and proprietors who force them to drink bad ' vodki ' or whisky by their monopoly. Other songs were gentle, plaintive love-ditties, so unlike what our coarse country fellows would sing. With no stimulants, getting but black bread, and working in wet clothes, for they were continually in the river shoving the boat on, they sang in rhymes, one of which as trans- lated by Koksharoff was : ' My love she lives on the banks of a rapid stream, And when she goes to the garden to pull a rose, she thinks of me.' Another of these ditties began ' Mary, come back from the bower.' A third was a comic song, quizzing a soldier who got into a house when tipsy. A fourth was a jollifica- tion of peasants in a drinking-shop, to beat the maker of bad brandy, with a famous loud refrain in which all the boatmen joined heartily." "When, after toils of this kind, the travellers found them- selves again in one or other of the busy mining stations, they met with much courteous, and even exuberant, hospitality. Thus before leaving Ekaterinburg a dinner was given in their honour, to which the chief officials of the place were asked. Delicacies of all kinds, as well as costly wines, appeared at 1841.] HOSPITALITY IN THE URALS. 341 the table. "The dinner," says Murchison, "finished by a bumper of champagne to my wife, and throwing all the glasses out of the building, that they might never again be used. I made a speech in reply, and begged to have a top and a bottom of the broken glasses, that I might reunite them with a silver plate in England, and inscribe on it my grate- ful thanks." Posts were neither frequent nor regular, or at least the geologists were too constantly on the move to be able to count upon many fixed addresses to which letters could be sent for them. Murchison, however, though busy, body and soul, in Russian geology, naturally found his thoughts many a time far away among his friends at home. On 28th July, by four Plain of Limestone in the South Ural (From Russia in Europe, vol. i. p. 439.) in the morning, he was up, had boiled his own kettle and breakfasted, and was writing up his journal notes : " This day the British Association is assembling at Plymouth, and I drank success to it. How few of the members there will have lighter hearts than their general secretary in Siberia ! .... In this poor dreary spot (for the Steppes are like the flat border counties of England and Scotland) I made two children at all events right happy by giving them new large copper pieces." It was in the southern parts of the Ural that the travellers had most experience of those grassy plains, to which the term Steppes is applied " wide, monotonous, 342 SIR RODERICK MURCHISQN. [isu. featureless plateaux, the withered grassy surface undulating to the south and west, while to the east all is boundless even. Not a glimpse of what may be called the Ural mountains. The country becomes more decidedly southern ; or, in other words, bare, barren, and bad. Dried dung, piled up, is now used in place of wood, and Kirghis and Calrnuck faces appear under the military uniform in very poor villages. The road now quits the low eminences on which the station is placed, defended by men of all arms, including Cossacks, and passes along the wide sea of the Steppe. Low bushes of a sort of Myrica are mixed with a little culture of oats and corn. The very road was grassy, and we galloped by the first armed mounted archer Bashkirs I had seen, with a stout double bow, and twenty heavy arrows. They are used in protecting the conveyance of goods." Notices of some of the most striking features of the tribes through which the journey led occur in the journal. " Our Bashkir drivers had a name for every hill, however small. The principal man, or coachman, was a fine long, aquiline- nosed, wild- looking, good-humoured fellow, with a cap of loose shaggy fur. He had the three wheelers in hand, pre- ceded by two postilions with a pair each, and all these were headed by a long lad riding a leader in advance. Our equipage and ponies measured fifty feet in length. The Bashkirs, being accustomed only to horseback, are not good whips like the Rushki, and their horses are too weak to charge a hill j but they go down one furiously, no slight danger for the riders, and for us also, who, in case of a fall, would have been well smashed." These Bashkir of the Ural had no sympathy with the geologists in their search after the mammoth and other bones 1841.] LIFE AMONG THE BASHKIR. 343 found in the gold-drifts and ancient alluvia of those regions. " These they considered as relics of their great forefathers, saying, ' Take our gold if you will, but leave us, for God's sake, the bones of our ancestors !'" One hot day the party arrived at a little station in the South Ural. " Dined at this lonely spot. All still as death at noon. Grasses all burnt up. People asleep, but soon awakened. The Cossack women of the Uralsk are fine broad creatures in red dresses. The confidence of these primitive people is very great, for they allowed us to grope for tea- spoons and bread in the cupboards in which their bank-notes and roubles were lying loose !" Living in Bashkir tents, the geologists learned to relish a sort of diet which anywhere else might have been deemed hardly tolerable. One staple article of food in summer among these simple people is " Koumiss," a preparation of mare's milk, " the staff of life, the bread, meat, and wine of the Bashkir." Of this liquor Murchison would appear to have become fond, and to have thriven on it. He tells how at one of the Bashkir stations, where the party had spent the night, " after a very good breakfast, all sorts of saluta- tions followed, such as the drinking of Koumiss to the prosperity of our host. Then we heard his story of losing sixty sheep, killed by three wolves last winter ; next we found that he paid so many roubles for his present wife, and that her dress cost him more than herself. I expressed a wish to him to have a Bashkir vest, belt, pouch, and cap, and he offered me his own. It was with difficulty that I got him to take the value to replace them." 1 1 " This dress I afterwards wore at a fancy ball at Stafford House, when I saluted the old Duke of Wellington in true Bashkir style. Not 344 SIR RODERICK MURCHISON. [mi. At last, with note-books laden with descriptions and sections of the various traverses which they had made of the Ural chain, the travellers began to move once more into the great western plain. They had succeeded in reaching the central masses of that chain, and in recognising, by fossil evidence, that from a nucleus of granite and crystalline rocks, Silurian, Devonian, and Carboniferous strata are suc- cessively thrown off. This evidence had been industriously gathered from river-channels, road -sides, mining operations, and every available source of information. For days to- gether they had been off soon after daybreak for renewed hammering, and many a time night descended upon them while they were still plying their task. Now and then, indeed, when pinched for time, they even essayed to use their hammers in the dark, after the manner of M. Boube'e, whose example Murchison used jocularly to quote, up to the end of his life. 1 It was now time to turn westwards, towards the coal- fields of the south of Russia, the exploration of which had been fixed as one of the chief objects of the expedition. But Orenburg lay in their way, with its governor, the brave, though unfortunate, hero of the Khivan expedition, General Perovski. He was then at his country quarters, in a picturesque wooded valley at the far edge of the Steppe, a long way to the north-east of the town. To see a little more geology, with a taste of Eussian sport, and the one of my intimate friends recognised me. The sword, etc., I had from Stataoust, and medals cl la fotsse, hung round me." 1 This geologist, said Sir Eoderick, used to maintain that a good deal of geological work could be done as well by night as by day. Rocks had three well-marked sounds under the hammer Plff, Paff, and Puff! The first of these indicated the hard crystalline rocks, the second the sand- stones, and the third the clays ! 1841.] GENERAL PEROVSKL 345 acquaintance of a noted Eussian soldier, were attractions Murchison could not resist. So he undertook the inter- minably tedious drive across the Steppe, and spent a few days with more thorough pleasure than he had enjoyed since leaving home. With all the comforts of civilized life, this place was yet quite in the wilds, Bashkir attendants, with their picturesque costumes, a blazing bonfire lighted in the encampment, and the moonlight glancing on the lances of the Bashkir guard. Perovski made a great impression on the retired officer of the 36th. One evening he gave him the following anecdote : " When the utter failure of the Khivan expedition become known, all Eussia turned upon me, and with any other master than my good Emperor I was a ruined man. But the Emperor declared he would not condemn me until the opinion of the Duke of Wellington was obtained, who, being a Marshal in the Eussian army, should have the whole case laid before him. This was done through Baron Brunnow, and then came the Duke's dictum : ' I am of opinion that General Perovski acted as a skilful general, and that if he had not retreated when he did, instead of losing a fourth part of his army, he might have lost the whole. Success was impossible under such intense cold.'" On this judgment being given, the Emperor not only absolved Perovski, but gave him the government of Oren- burg. The General added, " You see that I owe every- thing to your illustrious Duke, and I beg of you, when you return to England, to take some opportunity of letting him know what a grateful person I am." " This," Murchison adds, " I took care to do." The visit to the General led actually to yet another traverse of the Ural, for he showed the travellers a map of 346 SIR RODERICK MURCHISON. [1841. the southern part of the chain, so greatly superior to any- thing which they had yet been fortunate enough to meet with, that it prompted a strong desire to take one final look at the Ural geology, and with his help among the Bashkir popula- tion, they succeeded in once more crossing the chain in its central part, and collated their work in the southern and northern portions. At last, however, they had unwillingly to turn their The Gurmaya Hills, South Ural, approaching from the Steppes. (From Russia in Europe, vol. L p. 450.) backs finally upon those picturesque ridges and fertile valleys of the Southern Ural, and to speed westwards through the dreary monotonous country of the Steppes. In geology there was nothing either very interesting or com- plicated to detain them. They therefore hurried on through the Kirghis Steppes to Sarepta, crossing once more the great Volga, and tracing as they went some of the limits of the 1841.] IN THE STEPPES. 347 ancient sea of which the present Caspian is but a shrunk remnant. Through the plains of the Don, among Cossacks and Kalmucks, their course was yet more rapid. On 8th September the journal records, " De Verneuil sleeping in the hut, and myself in the carriage. What is a Cossack post station ? Everything about it is very different from a flaming great wooden Eussian station. First, you see a dot upon the Steppe, which magnifies as you approach it to a thing about the size of the smallest Irish hut, and not very unlike one in externals, being concocted of mud and reeds, with very little wood. But the interior is very different from an Irish cabin. I now write in a room ten feet square, and on the table lieth the regular sealed post-book. This official chamber is six and a half feet high, and has a large stove in the corner, a door four feet high, and two windows eighteen inches by nine. The walls are all well white- washed, the tables well scoured, and the floor well beaten and clean swept." Skirting the sea of Azov, they turned northwards into the coal-field of the Donetz. There they made a series of most important observations, bearing both on general questions of geology and on the industrial resources of the Eussian Empire. They found the coal-seams to lie, like many of those in the north of England and in Scotland, among the marine strata of the Carboniferous Limestone, there being, so far as they could see, no true "Coal-measures," in the geologist's sense of that term, in Eussia. They learnt, more- over, that though the coal was quite workable, and had indeed been mined for years, it lay among strata which, unlike those of the vast tracts in the centre of the Empire, had been subject to such underground disturbances as to 348 SIR RODERICK MURCHISON. [mi. present many large dislocations and many foldings. They traced it westwards until they found it die out again on ancient crystalline rocks, while northward and eastwards they learnt that it passed under sheets of Cretaceous and Tertiary deposits. In the course of this prolonged tour, while the main attention of the geologists had been given to the structure of the solid rocks, their ingenuity had been on many occa- sions called forth by the anomalous features presented by the surface deposits of the country. These difficulties started up in renewed force on the way north to Moscow. They are thus stated in the journal : " The surface of Russia affords some puzzling problems. In passing from south to north you first meet with the tract of the northern drift, the materials of which become more and more numerous at every ten versts. Still the old rule (applied by me last year) answers perfectly, viz., the diluvia are three- fourths derived from the subjacent rocks, so as largely and loosely to indicate the zone of country you are traversing, provided you have the key to the subsoils of Russia. Thus, whilst the loose stuff was all yellow in the country composed of yellow Devonians, so to-day, viz., from Lichvin to Kaluga, you are immersed either in ferruginous, or reddish, or white sands. The latter prevail in great quantity in the horrible tracts north and south of Peremyschl a most wretched town, and their presence is well explained by the destruc- tion of the yellow and white sands of the Carboniferous Limestone ; for, with the exception of the section opposite to Peremyschl, and one or two rare localities, the valley of the Oka is here denuded to a width of several versts, which space is flooded in spring-time. This is one of the numerous 1841.] BLACK EARTH OF RUSSIA. 349 cases which realize in modern times (viz., in spring-floods) the geologist's idea (mine at least) of the condition of the earth's surface during the intermediate period, viz., shortly after emersion from the sea, when the mammoth had left his bones sticking in the mud. " The drifting and excavation are explicable as in other places. The vast spaces denuded and broken up in the most horizontal districts explain perfectly the vast masses of local detritus in the northern governments, and their transport for 150 versts southwards. " But how explain the Tchornaia-zem which overlaps the diluvium of the north, and is also spread over vast regions of the centre and south of Eussia, sometimes in river valleys, sometimes on slopes, sometimes on high plateaux, and is always of precisely the same composition, without a trace of true pebbles, or, in short, of any extra ingredient ? What colours the black loam ? If it be of vegetable origin, whole forests of mighty extent must have been destroyed to pro- duce it. But how destroyed ? In all other superficial deposits, whether in bog, in mud, or in the youngest tertiaries, we find traces of the trees, branches, grasses, etc., but not a vestige have we in the Tchornoi-zem. All is a black, uniform, finely levigated paste, sometimes highly tenacious, and very much so when not worked into with the plough, for after labour it works into a fine black mould. In this virgin state it is seldom to be seen, for 90 to 100 parts of all that is good in soil, from the Ural to the swamps of Poland, is already in culture. The specimens I selected, however, had evidently never been touched by plough or man ; they were taken from the precipitous sides of the Oka, just after a subsidence of the cliffs which exposed the section, the lowest deposit of 350 SIR RODERICK MURVHI80N. [i84i. which is the iron sand which covers such large tracts in Vladimir, and many governments, and overlaps the truncated and denuded edges of the Devonian limestone in these parts. Perhaps it is Tertiary, but only perhaps, for we have similar ironstones under the chalk at Kursk, and similar limestones over the Lower Jura shales at SaratofF. " If the drift was, as I believe it to be, a great submarine operation, then are we to suppose that the Tchornaia-zem is the result of a great change of a pre-existing terrestrial sur- face ? To believe in this seems to me very difficult, and for this reason, that no imaginable destructive sub-aerial agency could produce a general wide-spread and uniform condition. By what conceivable sub-aerial agency can this very thick black cerate have been spread out as with a mighty trowel, and fashioned to the surface over millions of square miles ? If forests were destroyed to furnish it, how were they so triturated and reduced to this black cement, that no chemist could invent apparatus to produce such results, even in a crucible ? " I end, therefore, in believing that this black earth is the last covering of mud and slime which was left by the retirement of the Liassic sea, and was to a great extent derived from the wearing away of the shales of the Jurassic strata [sic]. " If such are some of the difficulties of the Tchornaia-zem, what are we to say of the great subjacent masses of clay and sand of South Eussia ? In this we have not a pebble of transport, nothing but a sort of clay or loam, which might well pass for ' loess.' If so, and if ' loess ' was pro- duced as Lyell thinks, then all South and Central Eussia was one vast pond, in which all was tranquil during two i84i.] RETURN TO ST. PETERSBURG. 351 epochs 1st, that of the so-called drift, with mammoths ; 2d, that of the black earth." By the beginning of October the various members of the party, who had separated for the purpose of making different traverses of the country, were once more brought together in Moscow. There several days were spent by Murchison " in condensing thoughts, comparing notes, examining Yon Key- serling and Koksharoff, consulting with De Verneuil and all the party, and preparing two general sections, a Tableau Ge'ne'rale, the map, and the report of fourteen pages to Count Caucrine on the results of the 'Expedition Ge*ologique.' Also a letter was concocted to old Professor Fischer, for publication in the Bulletin de Moscou and the German periodicals, giving a slight sketch of our doings, and in which I first suggested the term Permian." Petersburg was reached again on the 8th of October. Of his last few days in Eussia the journal records the following memoranda : " Having travelled 20,000 versts in the distant provinces without losing a pin, we were twice robbed between Novgorod and Moscow of our beds and things behind the carriage. One trunk only was left in the hinder parts, and this was viced on ; but besides this security, I resolved to guard it from the station where we detected our losses, and so letting down the head of the caleche, I laid De Verneuil's double-barrelled gun over the rear, and determined to bag the first thief who approached ; and in this form we reached Madam Wilson's house. Besides several interviews with the old minister, Count Cancrine (who was much gratified with my report, of which he had prepared a digest for the Emperor), and a dinner at his house, and the same at Tcheffkine's, we were occupied 352 SIR RODERICK MURCHISON. [mi. in looking after more than twenty cases of fossils, which had arrived from our distant parts, and were deposited in the magazine of the School of Mines. " All our reports and work being delivered in, official letters were received announcing the Second Class St. Anne in diamonds for myself, and a plain cross for De Verneuil, as a mark of the Emperor's approbation of our labours. " We were to sail in the Nikolai steamer on Saturday the 24th, and Friday was fixed by the Emperor for seeing us a great compliment, as it was His Majesty's working day with his ministers. On these occasions Nicholas uses no ceremony. After thanking us for taking so much pains about the Ural Mountains, and after asking if I thought the gold alluvia were likely to last much longer, he desired me to open out and explain the rolls of drawing and paper under my arm. This I did secundum artem. He was serious when he was receiving his lesson about the productive and non-productive tracts of coal, and the rationale thereof, and laughing when he saw the Productus Cancrini and the Goniatites Tcheffkini inscribed upon the roll, he asked, ' Quel espece de produit est celui-la de mon ami le Comte ?' 'And so you have seen General Perovski? He is my good and dear friend. I hope you were pleased with him ? ' I had then to sing the praises, which I naturally did con amore, of the frank and gallant soldier who had been so truly kind, and also so very useful to us. " When our geological talk was over, and he had asked us about our health, our travels, and many special points, I broached my desire to revisit Eussia in 1843, with my work in my hand, and on that occasion to explore the Altai 1841.] THE EMPEROR NICHOLAS I. 353 ' Come when you will/ was his reply, ' I shall always rejoice to see you, and to afford you a hearty welcome; and be assured that I am most particularly grateful for all your exertions to impart knowledge amongst us whilst you are studying the natural history of our country.' And then with as hearty an ' au revoir/ and as warm a shaking of hands as ever took place between the oldest familiar friends, we took our leave. " Such is Nicholas. Let those who criticise him look into his noble and frank countenance, and then let them try to tell me he is a tyrant. No ; utter ignorance of the nature of the man has led to this most unjust notion. Nicholas is above all deceit, and squares his conduct on more noble principles than that of any potentate of modern times. He disdains subterfuge, and is transparent as to all his emotions. Hence if ill -served (knowing perfectly what duty is) he does not suppress his feelings. He is sometimes quick in his anger, but like all such generous souls, his confidence in his friends is unbounded. Firm and unchanging in his resolves as an Emperor of Russia must be, if he desires to reign, his untiring aim is to ameliorate every institution which he can touch. But alas ! so bound up is everything in Eussia by forms, customs, and preju- dices, that he who supposes the autocrat powerful for all good, and capable of making every conceivable reform, would find himself most egregiously mistaken. The nobles and their privileges meet him here, the different bureau- cracies there. Here the Minister of the State Demesnes places a veto upon some great projected change ; there the Minister of the Finances tells him such a thing cannot be, or, in other words, cannot be paid for." VOL. i. z 354 S1E RODERICK MURCHISON. [mi. The official courtesy and real kindness shown to Murclri- son in the metropolis made the leave-taking more than a matter of mere form. From one and all of his friends he received the heartiest congratulations and good wishes, with the expression of a hope for his speedy return. He notes, for instance, that Count Cancrine, the virtual Prime Minister of the Empire, " embraced us, kissing me three times ; and thus encouraged with every promise if I would return, we took our leave." In spite of fogs and other delays, including a feverish attack, the result of the last week of excitement and conviviality in St. Petersburg, our traveller reached the mouth of the Humber on the 1st November. The last record in the Eussian journal, written while the vessel was within a few miles of the Yorkshire coast, is as follows : " Seven months and seven days have now elapsed since I left my home on a fine day in the end of March, and I hail Old England with a shining sun again after having travelled through space equal to the diameter of the earth. The Kirghis, the Kalmuck, and the Bashkir excitements are now to give way to plain English comforts, of which I have neither tasted nor thought since I bade adieu to them." Thus ended Murchison's Eussian campaign. The ample record which is given in the great work by his colleagues and himself has made the general scientific results long familiar to geologists. The geological structure of the Eussian provinces was now for the first time broadly sketched out and mapped so as to bring the rocks of one half of the European continent into family relationship with those of the other half. Nor were the benefits conferred 1841.] RESULTS OF RUSSIAN CAMPAIGN. 355 only on the country in which the long and arduous journey had been made. New light was thrown on questions of general geological import, such as the structure of moun- tains, the physical geography of the times of the Old Eed Sandstone, the classification of the Devonian and Old Red Sandstone rocks of Western Europe, the history of the earlier part of the Carboniferous period, the true order and relations of the red rocks lying between the Coal-measures and the base of the Jurassic series, the former extension of that ancient sea of which the modern Caspian and Sea of Aral are but the diminishing fragments, the southern extension of the ice-borne boulders carried during the Ice Age from Finland and the north far into the low plains of Europe, the occurrence of gold and its distribution in the old alluvia of rivers. The campaign indeed proved to be most fruitful in its issues. It raised Murchison to the same place with regard to the geology of Eussia that Pallas fills in its botany. 1 It opened out a new field for research, and paved the way for the good work which has since been done in Eussia by other and later observers. J On Murchison himself its influence was profound. It gave breadth to his method of dealing with palaeozoic rocks ; it increased his aptitude in applying the evidence of fossils to determine questions of geological chronology, and it strengthened his confidence in his Silurian and Devonian work, and in the principles on which that work had been based. Bringing him too into constant and intimate association with foreigners and foreign ways of life and thought, the Eussian campaign increased in a high degree 1 Helmersen, Bulletin de VAcad. Imp. de St. Petersbourg, torn. xvii. 1871, p. 295 et seq. 356 SIR RODERICK MURCHISON. [mi. his sympathy and respect for men and things abroad, removed from him much, if not all, of that insularity of feeling of which his countrymen are so often accused, and made him more than ever the considerate friend and cour- teous host of all scientific brethren whose lot brought them to this country, no matter from what quarter of the globe they might come. Whether the influences of this bold and skilfully con- ducted journey were altogether beneficial may be matter for doubt. In the course of a few months the geological structure of a vast empire embracing the greater part of Europe had been sketched out a feat to which there had probably been no parallel in the annals of geological exploration. The success of the campaign and the applause which that success brought from all quarters, were so great that a more than usually well-balanced nature might well have felt the strain too severe to keep its equipoise. From this time forward characteristics which may be traced in the foregoing narrative became more strongly developed in Murchison's character. In his letters and in his published writings his own labours fill a larger and larger space. His friends could trace an increasing impatience of opposition or contradiction in scientific matters, a growing tendency to discover in the work of other fellow-labourers a want of due recognition on their part of what had been done by him, a habit, which became more and more confirmed, of speaking of the researches of his contemporaries, specially of younger men, in a sort of patronizing or condescending way. He had hitherto been, as it were, one of the captains of a regi- ment ; he now felt himself entitled to assume the authority of a general of division. To many men who did not know 1841.] INFLUENCE OF SUCCESS. 357 him, or who knew him only slightly, this tendency assumed an air of arrogance, and was resented as an unwarranted assumption of superiority. But they who knew Murchison well, and had occasion to see him in many different lights, will doubtless admit that these failings were in large measure those of manner, and at the most lay openly on the sur- face of his character. You saw some of them at once, almost before you saw anything else. Hence it was natural enough that casual intercourse with him should give the impression of a man altogether wrapt up in his own work and fame. Yet underneath those outer and rather forbidding peculiarities lay a generous and sympathetic nature which inspired many an act of unsolicited and unexpected kindness, and which was known to refuse to be alienated even after the deepest ingratitude. The suc- cess of the Eussian researches probably quickened into undue prominence some of the less pleasing features in Murchison's character, but they in no way lessened the measure of kindly interest and sympathy which, in spite of the way he often chose to show them, were those of a true friend. CHAPTEE XVI. THE CHAIR OF THE GEOLOGICAL SOCIETY. WITH the prestige which the Eussian geological tour had given him all over Europe, Murchison returned to resume his town life in London. There lay a vast amount of work before him to be done this winter (1841-2). First of all the notes of the explorations in Eussia had to be carefully worked out in anticipation of the visit which it had been arranged should be paid to him by his fellow-travellers, with the view of settling their plans for the preparation of their conjoint volumes on the geology of the Muscovite dominions. The experience which the writing of the Silurian System had furnished warned him that his new literary venture would be no easy task ; we shall find, indeed, that just as in the case of the growth of that work, so in the elaboration of Russia and the Ural Mountains, the progress of his pen, slow enough of itself, needed to be con- tinually sustained by fresh arguments with the hammer. Only now, the intervals of field-work, instead of taking the geologist to old haunts, social and scientific, in Wales and the Border counties, led him to wide digressions into Scan- dinavia, France, Germany, Poland, Eussia in short, into many far separated tracts of the Continent, whence fresh evidence could be gathered bearing on what had come to 1841-2.] TOWN LIFE. 359 be his great geological quest the true order and classifica- tion of the older fossiliferous rocks of Europe. But besides this main piece of work, he had now to take his place and perform personally the duties of Presi- dent of the Geological Society, an office to which, as we have seen, he had been for the second time elected, just before he started on his second journey to Eussia. Since he had previously filled the chair he had vastly increased his reputation. Moreover, the fortune inherited by Mrs. Murchison had very considerably augmented his income ; hence, while eager to sustain his position with dignity and hospitality, he found himself much more able to do so on a large scale than in the old and more modest days at Bryanston Place. Add to these various avocations the numerous and exacting calls upon the time and thought of a man who occupies a prominent place in London society calls which, though now increasing enormously on Murchison's hands, he yet strove to meet as far as he could and we see what the change must have been from the wilds of the Urals to the turmoil of London. The narrative now to be followed will lead us through the doings of the busy years which culminated in the pub- lication of the work on Eussia. It was during that time that the classification developed in the Silurian System received its broad basis in Europe. In that time, too, the seeds began to germinate of the estrangement which utterly destroyed the ancient brotherly friendship between Sedgwick and Murchison. There is thus a special interest attaching to this period in relation both to Murchison's life and to the progress of palaeozoic geology. 360 SIR RODERICK MURCHISON. [im The following letter takes us at once into the midst of the work and play of the winter : "16 BELGKAVE SQUAB E, January 25th, 1842. "DEAR EGERTON, My ancient sympathies are not so entirely destroyed that I do not feel for your loss of twenty- five couple of good hounds ! and the only compensation is, that we have a chance of seeing more of yourself. Humboldt declines the proposed festival, thanking me for the offer of this ' noble mark of English kindness/ but as the King stays only eight or nine days, and has nine thousand things to do, the thing was impracticable. 1 Last week I was at Beaudesert trying to shoot in snow, but not prevented during two days fro'm geologizing the fine high wilds of Cannock Chase among the old Marquis's blackcocks, grouse, and big boulder- stones. Then I went to Lord Dartmouth's, where I met a large party and read an inaugural address to the Midland Geological Society, and made five speeches after dinner (Lord Ward in the chair) to all the ironmasters, the most effective hit being when, in the absence of other fighting men, I stood up for the army and navy, and talked of a withered laurel or two which I picked up under the ' Old Duke.' That name was a talisman among good loyal folks like the Dudleyites. " I shall see Humboldt, I hope, chez moi one of these days, but the devil is that I am losing the best shooting of the year. I shall read all my discourse 2 this year at the morning meeting, so that we may have a real jollification at the Crown and Anchor, after which I fear I shall scarcely be able to face the Earl's symposium." 1 The King of Prussia was then on a visit to England, with Humboldt as one of his suite. 2 The President's address at the anniversary of the Geological Society in February. SYDNEY SMITH'S ORANGERY. 361 Before the end of the year the inaugural address men- tioned in this letter had been printed and circulated among his friends. From one of these, the facetious Sydney Smith, he received the subjoined acknowledgment : " DEAR MURCHISON, Many thanks for your yellow book, which is just come down to me. You have gained great fame, and I am very glad of it ; had it been in theology, I should have been your rival, and probably have been jealous of you, but as it is in geology, my benevolence and real good- will towards you have fair play. " I shall read you out loud to-day. Heaven send I may understand you : not that I suspect your perspicuity, but that my knowledge of your science is too slender for that advantage a knowledge which just enables me to distin- guish between the Caseous and the Cretaceous formations, or, as the vulgar have it, to know chalk from cheese. " There are no people here, and no events, so I have no news to tell you, except that in this mild climate my orange- trees are now out of doors, and in full bearing. Immediately before my windows, there are twelve large oranges on one tree. The trees themselves are not correctly the Linnean orange-tree, but what are popularly called the bay tree, in large green boxes of the most correct shape, and the oranges well secured with the best pack-thread. They are uni- versally admired, and, upon the whole, considered finer than the Ludovican orange-trees of Versailles. Best regards to Mrs. M. Yours, my dear Murchison, very truly, " SYDNEY SMITH. " TAUNTON, December 26, 1841." Two other letters of the same correspondent, called forth 362 SIR RODERICK MURCHISON. [i842. by similar presents of copies of Murchison's memoirs and addresses, may be given here : " DEAR MURCHISON, Many thanks for your kind recol- lection of me in sending me your pamphlet, which I shall read with all attention and care. My observation has neces- sarily been so much fixed on missions of another description, that I am hardly reconciled to zealots going out with voltaic batteries and crucibles for the conversion of mankind, and baptizing their fellow- creatures with the mineral acids ; but I will endeavour to admire and believe in you. 1 " My real alarm for you is, that by some late decisions of the magistrates, you come under the legal definition of Strollers, and nothing could give me more pain than to see any of the Sections upon the Mill calculating the resistance of the air, and showing the additional quantity of flour which might be ground in vacua each man in the mean- time imagining himself a Galileo. We have had Mrs. Grote here : Grotius would not come. The basis of her character is rural, and she was intended for a country clergyman's wife ; but for whatever she was intended, she is an extra- ordinary clever woman, and we all liked her very much. " Mrs. Sydney has eight distinct illnesses, and I have nine. We take something every hour, and pass the mixture from one to the other, as Mrs. M. and you do the bottle. "About forty years ago I stopped an infant in Lord Breadalbane's ground, and patted his face ; the nurse said, ' Hold up your head, Lord Glenorchy.' This was the Presi- dent of your Society ; he seems to be acting an honourable and enlightened part in life ; pray present my respects to 1 Reference is here made to the proceedings of the British Association. Lord Breadalbane was President in 1840. A GEOLOGICAL PARADISE. 363 him and his beautiful Countess. Yours, my dear Murchison, very truly, SYDNEY SMITH." "DEAR MURCHISON, Many thanks for your address, which I shall diligently read. May there not be some one among the infinite worlds where men and women are all made of stone perhaps of Parian marble ? How infinitely superior to flesh and blood ! and what a paradise for you, to pass eternity with a Greywacke Woman ! ! ! Ever yours, " SYDNEY SMITH." The anniversary address given to the Geological Society in February 1842 was a laboured production, occupying forty of the closely printed pages of the Society's Pro- ceedings, and must have somewhat exhausted both reader and audience from its mere length. During the interval of ten years which had passed away since Murchison read a similar discourse, his favourite science had in some departments made rapid strides ; but in none had its progress been so remarkable as in the classification of the older fossiliferous rocks, a result which sprang in great measure out of his own labours. Naturally therefore he dwells upon his share in the triumphal progress of geo- logy. Giving his brethren of the hammer a sketch of the steps by which the classification had been worked out, he alludes to his adoption of the term " Silurian," re- marking that he had some pride in restoring that name to currency in remembrance of the boast of the Roman general Ostorius, who, on conquering Caractacus, declared that he had blotted out the very name of the British Silures from the face of the earth. He justifies the use of a geographical terminology, and very pointedly calls attention to the 364 SIR RODERICK MURCHISON. [im. absence of any zoological boundary between the Cambrian and Silurian systems, a fact which had already been ad- mitted by Sedgwick. 1 He gathers together with manifest satisfaction the evidence of the extension of the Silurian system in Europe, Africa, America, Australia, and the South Seas. The Geological Survey had been making progress in South Wales, and had begun to grapple with the problem as to the separation between Cambria and Siluria. While alluding to its progress under the leadership of De la Beche, Murchison refers again to the work of the Survey in Devon- shire, and to his own labours there and on the Continent in conjunction with Sedgwick. The rocks of Devonshire lead him to say a few kindly words of Hugh Miller's Old Red Sandstone, which had recently appeared, and to speak of the wonderful series of bone-cased uncouth fishes furnished by the Old Red Sandstone of Scotland and Russia. Among his allusions to fossils there occurs a reference to the re- markable announcement by Ehrenberg of the occurrence of still living species in the Cretaceous rocks, a fact which showed " the danger of as yet attempting to establish a 1 Proc. Geol. Soc., iii. 641. The principle on which Murchison had proceeded in his Silurian classification was that which had guided Wil- liam Smith among the Secondary rocks "Strata identified by their organic remains." If, therefore, he found a series of strata containing nothing but Silurian fossils, he was logically bound to class it as Silurian. This was the inevitable step in store for him, and that he saw it coming seems to be indicated in this address. He says that " the term ' Cam- brian' must cease to be used in zoological classification, it being in that sense synonymous with ' Lower Silurian,' " and adds that the line of divi- sion placed on his map between the two series has no longer any pakeon- tological significance. He hints that the Cambrian series is but a local subdivision of the same great palaeozoic group. Sedgwick's suscep- tibilities do not seem to have been roused at this time, but the subse- quent perusal of this address and that for the next year led him to protest against the proposal to wipe out the Cambrian system from geological nomenclature. See Sedgwick'a Letters to Wordsworth, Letter V. p. 86, and postea, p. 380, note. 1842.] THE GEOLOGICAL ANNIVERSARY. 365 nomenclature founded solely on the fauna and flora of former conditions of the planet." After eulogies of foreign geologists, and notably of L. von Buch, to whom he con- veyed the Society's Wollaston medal, he winds up his oration with a long disquisition on the glacial theories which had "been discussed at Glasgow, and regarding which he had then announced his intention " to show fight." He refuses to allow Agassiz to cover the northern parts of our hemi- sphere with sheets of ice, but admits that the evidence com- pels him to concede that the land was submerged beneath an ocean over which ice-rafts and icebergs sailed southwards. Here is Murchison's own report of his discourse and the meeting, as sent at the time to Sedgwick : 26th February 1842. "The anniversary went off glori- ously, though I say so. The morning discourse was well received, and in truth I put a deal of powder and shot into it, foreign and domestic, and took so much pains as to stop my original work on Russia. ... [I write] as well as a man can whose first soiree begins to-night with probably 200 or 300 people coming ! The morning room was full, and I read for two hours without losing a man. I entered at length into the Silurian and ' Palaeozoic' question. ... I defended the temporary division set up between your lower slaty rocks and my superior groups on the ground of positive observation of infraposition, and if in the end (as I now firmly believe) no suite of organic remains will be found, even in the lowest depths, which differs on the whole from the Silurian types, why then we prove the curious law that in the earliest inhabited seas of our planet the same forms were long con- tinued. " I took care to show that any other plan than that 366 SIR RODERICK MURCHISON. [im. which we adopted would have led to fatal errors, such as ' Systeme Hercynien ' and other hypotheses, and that now all must come right, to whatever extent (and the extent can probably never be defined) the base of the Lower Silurian zoological type may be extended. . . . " Our dinner went off ' con amore,' and every one says it was the best (Adam Sedgwick only wanted) which we ever had. I did my best to make it of a public character, and had my two Knights of the Garter, one on either side the President, and the representative of my Emperor Nicholas. Brunnow spoke admirably, and I never heard Lord Lansdowne speak so well as for the toast of ' The Universities of this Land.' . . . Having no science to go to and snore over at night, the ccena, et nox went off just as I could have wished it, and I so handicapped my running horses that they each made play where I wanted it. I send you a scrap from the Morning Post, possibly written by . . . Knowing that he was going to furnish some- thing, I popped my speech [about the Emperor and Baron Brunnow] into his hands, being well aware that words are weighed at St. Petersburg. Tell Whewell of our frolics." Among the survivors of that small band of enthusiasts who founded the Geological Society, one of the most promi- nent still took, even in his old age, a keen interest in the Society's affairs. No face was more familiar at the meet- ings than that of G. B. Greenough, no voice more often heard in the discussions. Every new theory, or proposed reform of an old one, every suggested change in the estab- lished nomenclature of geology, was sure to receive keen scrutiny, and probably more or less of active or at least passive opposition, from the veteran President of the Society. 1842.] G. B. GREENOUGH. 367 He used even to astonish the propounder of some novelty by demonstrating, or at least endeavouring to demonstrate, that what was thought to be new was really only another version of what had been known long before, had perhaps been even taught by "Werner himself. We have seen that this happened to be his mood of opposition when the Devonian question came up for discussion before the Society. And yet with this adherence to his early habits of thought, and with a doggedness of opposition which, though always courteous and good-natured, must often have been provoking enough, Greenough retained the deep respect and esteem of every member of the Society. This was manifested now by a movement to perpetuate his features in a bust, to be placed and preserved in the apartments at Somerset House. 1 Murchison took a leading share in the organization of this scheme, which when propounded to Greenough drew from him the following acknowledgment, addressed to Murchison : March 30, 1842. "For the exertions I have made in behalf of the Geological Society I have been most liberally remunerated by the confidence reposed in me at all times by the body at large, and by the invaluable friendships which I have formed with many of the members. I accept, however, with much pleasure, the distinction now presented to me, viewing it, as I do, not merely as an acknowledgment that I have faithfully discharged my duty, but also as a stimulant to exertion in others, and above all as a guaran- tee that those principles which, in the infancy of our estab- lishment, were resolutely insisted upon as essential to the well-being of every scientific institution, will continue to be cherished in the Geological Society, not only in the 1 It was intrusted to Westmacott. 368 SIR RODERICK MURCHISON. [is42. lifetime of its founders, but long after their decease. Yours sincerely, G. B. GREENOUGH." Whilst the geologists of Britain were in this graceful way crowning with honour the latter days of one of their earliest fellow-workers, another member of the brother- hood of hammerers was about to begin a career which has gained for him a high place in the annals of geological dis- covery, and with both of these events Murchison was intimately associated. The Provincial Legislature of Canada had voted a sum of 1500 for a geological survey of the province. With the view of securing a competent person to undertake the duties of such a survey, the Governor- General applied to the Home Government, mentioning in particular the name of Mr. W. E. Logan, and requesting Lord Stanley to ascertain whether, in the opinion of the Geological Society of London, or other competent authori- ties, he was considered to be qualified. This official request was communicated to Murchison, as President of the Society. Mr. Logan had already distinguished himself by some admirable surveys of the South Welsh coal-fields, and by observations on the formation of coal. He had worked enthusiastically as a volunteer in De la Beche's staff of the Geological Survey, and his large sections, drawn to a true scale of six inches to a mile, led to all the subsequent admir- able sections by De la Beche and his colleagues. Murchison, who knew these labours well, and had made use of them in his Silurian map, recommended the proposed appointment in the warmest terms, adding that it would " render essential service to Canada, and materially favour the advancement of geological inquiry." Shortly afterwards Mr. Logan re- 1842.] VON KEYSERLING IN ENGLAND. 369 ceived the appointment, and returned to Canada, his native country, to lay the foundations, and for about thirty years, in spite of many discouragements, to work out the develop- ment of one of the most important and successful geologi- cal surveys that have ever been carried on in any country. Summer had brought back leaf and blossom ere bags and hammers were furbished up anew for field-work. A plan which had been discussed the previous year in Eussia was now to be put into execution, viz., that Murchison should with his comrades make a careful examination of some of the best sections of the older rocks of Britain, for the sake of renewed and more definite comparison with those of the Continent, and especially of Eussia. Count Von Keyserling duly arrived, and after the usual and indispensable hospi- talities in London, Murchison and he started on their Eng- lish tour. Beginning with the Isle of Wight, they first worked their way over the Secondary formations westward as far as Cheltenham and the Malverns. Then they turned northwards into the old Silurian region, lingering at the rocks and country-houses which had been Murchison's favourite haunts ten years before, and passing across the undefined and increasingly indefinable line between Cam- bria and Siluria, away over Sedgwick's domains even to the far promontories of North Wales. Turning still north- wards, the two geologists halted in Durham to compare the rocks and fossils of that county with those of the Eussian province whence the term ' Permian' had been taken. The northern coal-fields, so like in some respects to those of Eussia, offered many points of interest for comparison. So intent, however, were the travellers in gathering materials for the illustration of their Eussian work, that they pro- VOL. I. 2 A 370 SIR RODERICK MURCHISON'. [i842. longed their journey into Scotland, tracing the red sand- stones which emerge from under the coal-bearing tracts, and in which they saw much to remind them of the great areas of Old Eed Sandstone in Eussia. Crossing to Carlisle on their southward journey, they worked their way through the Lake district, thence down the great Carboniferous Limestone tracts of Yorkshire and Derbyshire into the Staffordshire coal-field until they once more found themselves on the slopes of the Malverns. Such was the round of country examined. One or two parts of the journey deserve notice from the sequel to which they led. In the course of their traverse from the Silurian into the Cambrian region, the travellers were as unable as anybody had ever yet been to draw any satisfactory line between the two tracts. Mineralogically there was really no true boundary line, and zoologically it had been agreed even by Sedgwick himself that no distinct assemblage of fossils had been ascertained to belong to the Cambrian series. The Geological Survey under De la Beche had now been extended into Wales. When Murchison and Von Keyserling were on their tour, the Survey forces were at work among the Silurian and Cambrian strata, and had already, after much careful mapping, made out some important points regarding the relation of these strata. Some of these are referred to in the following extracts from a letter by De la Beche to Murchison. Llandovery, Zlst July 1842. "Touch- ing the Silurian system, heaven knows where it is to end northwards in this land ! it goes in great rolls, and no mis- take, a long way beyond the Caermarthen (Ordnance map) sheet. No want of fossils ; in fact, organics and sections all going to prove the same thing. The cleavage no doubt 1842.] THE GEOLOGICAL SURVEY IN CAMBRIA. 371 is abominable, but by very careful hunting of all the natural sections, and giving lots of time to it, the affair has at last come out clear enough. ... It would be a long story to go further into the old story hereabouts; that your Silurian system must have a jolly extension at our hands over the rocks of this land seems certain." The extension referred to was mainly due to the labours of Mr. Eamsay, who, since he left for Tenby, had been hard at work among the Welsh rocks. On the 7th August of this same year he reported progress to Murchison as follows : " I have gradually gone over the whole of the ci-devant Cam- brians between St. David's and Llandovery, and I can clearly show, particularly since I came here [Pumsant], that all your rocks, under a somewhat different form, spread over the surface of the land at least as far as Cardigan. . . . I should much like to show you some of the evidences of this Cambrian revolution." These were important labours in the progress of British geology ; but their special interest in the present narrative lies in their relation to Murchison and his views. It will be seen that they confirmed his belief in the extension of the Silurian forms of life among the older rocks, and they no doubt contributed not a little to foster that spirit of con- fident assertion which marked his next oration to the Geo- logical Society. He counted as personal friends the men by whom these researches had been conducted, but until this summer, when he took Count Von Keyserling with him, he had not become acquainted with the way in which their actual work in the Geological Survey was carried on. Phillips was then busy " running a section " across the Mal- verns. So Murchison and his Eussian companion went 372 SIR RODERICK MURCHISON. [iw. round to see. They found their friend, on a bright Sep- tember morning, on the summit of the Beacon, busy with his theodolite, and learnt something of the laborious detail of geological surveying, so different from the hop-step-and- jump kind of work with which their Eussian experiences had familiarized them. An important change took place this autumn in the Geological Society. Lonsdale, feeling the growing weakness of his health, and the increasing urgency of the calls of the Society upon his powers, had resigned his Curatorship, with the purpose of seeking rest in retirement. As Murchison had been the means of bringing him to London, and had enjoyed his close friendship, as well as the quite invaluable aid which Lonsdale cheerfully rendered in palseontological and other matters, he now took an active part in promoting the subscription for a testimonial to the worthy Curator, expressive of the universal regret at his retirement. A silver cup, together with a sum of 600, were presented by Mur- chison and Fitton, in name of the subscribers, to Lonsdale, who, unable at the time to find a vent for his feelings, sent a characteristically modest and grateful note to Murchison. " Should life be granted me," he said, " I purpose to pursue the study of fossil polyparies, and it will be a source of per- sonal gratification if my friends will transmit to me any speci- mens they may think me capable of examining, and for the means of conducting this inquiry I shall be indebted to them." For fourteen years Lonsdale had been in the midst of all the activity of the Geological Society. During that time not a publication had been issued by the Society which did not owe much to his careful supervision. But the official work which he performed so well, and which undoubtedly 1842.] RETIREMENT OF LONDSDALE. 373 had no small influence on the general progress of geology in England, represented only a part, and perhaps not even the chief part, of the obligations under which he placed the members of the Society. There were few of the geologists engaged, like Murchison, in active research and in inde- pendent publication, who had not recourse to Lonsdale as an ever ready and sagacious helper. In a body of men who, busy with the same pursuits, are always necessarily to some extent rivals, there must needs arise ever and anon occasions when unwarranted assertions on one side are met by more or less angry recrimination on the other, and when the truth of the question in dispute becomes clouded by the per- sonalities of the disputants. Such cases, despite the glow- ing eulogiums in presidential addresses, were not unknown in the Geological Society. Lonsdale's perfect impartiality and candour, and his tact and shrewd sense, enabled him to moderate these ebullitions, and to preserve the harmony of the brotherhood. Though he now retired from Somerset House, he could not so easily wean himself from the Society and the pur- suits of its members, with whom he had been so long and so intimately associated. He went down to Dartmouth to enjoy pure air and give himself up to the unremitting study of his favourite branch of inquiry, the structure of fossil corals. But we find him carrying on still, as of old, a voluminous correspondence with the President on affairs of finance, the preparation of the Society's Transactions, the choice of office-bearers, and other matters of business, be- sides the more strictly scientific subjects on which they were both engaged. Lonsdale's resignation brought into the service of the 374 SIR RODERICK MURCHISON. [i842. Society, and prominently into geological pursuits, another naturalist of greater knowledge and wider fame. When the Curator's determination to leave came to be known, various names were talked about in reference to the supplying of his vacant post, among them that of Hugh Miller. But, after some delay, the final decision among nine can- didates was made in favour of Edward Forbes, who had recently been chosen Professor of Botany in King's Col- lege, and whose brilliant researches in the ^Egean gave promise of a distinguished career as a naturalist and palae- ontologist. The appointment of Forbes to be Curator of the Geo- logical Society must be regarded as an event of considerable importance in the history of geological progress in Britain. While still an enthusiastic student of natural history under Jameson at Edinburgh, he had struck out into that little- trodden path of research in zoological and botanical distri- bution wherein he continued to be throughout his too short life the great pioneer. Already, by excursions in this country, in Scandinavia, and in Switzerland, he had been led to recognise the connexion between geological changes and the present grouping of plants and animals'. For- tunately provided with further and more advantageous opportunities of concentrated research, by being attached to Captain Graves's surveying ship in the -ZEgean Sea, he had thrown quite a fresh light on the way in which the pro- secution of zoological research might be made subservient to the elucidation of some of the most interesting questions in geology, such as the history of existing species of animals and the geographical changes of which they have been the witnesses. By "these bold and original investigations he 1842.] EDWARD FORBES. 375 had in a special manner attracted the notice of geologists. 1 And now that his duties at Somerset House brought him into direct relationship with the leaders of geological inquiry in Britain, his subsequent scientific work took thencefor- ward a more decidedly geological aspect. It is not, however, in his relations to the general pro- gress of the science, but in his connexion with the more limited field of palaeozoic geology, that the advent and work of Edward Forbes require notice here. His position as Curator at Somerset House undoubtedly led directly to his subsequent appointment as naturalist to the Geological Survey, 2 to the admirable arrangement of the palseontological collections placed under his charge in the Jermyn Street Museum, and to the good service which he rendered in working out the natural history of Silurian and Tertiary rocks. It brought him also into intimate personal relations with Murchison, De la Beche, Ramsay, and the others on whom the progress of palaeozoic geology in this country mainly depended. The winter of 1842-3 was with Murchison a very busy one. It was to be his last season of office as President of the geologists, and besides the proper official duties, which he conscientiously discharged, he entered with renewed zest into the social festivities for which the Belgrave Square * mansion had now become well known. There were few men of note in literature, politics, science, or art to whom 1 In 1841 he had received from the Geological Society the balance of the Wollaston fund, amounting to 30, to assist him in carrying on his researches. 2 The actual proposal of Forbes to De la Beche for employment in the Survey was made by Mr. A. C. Ramsay, who had known the young naturalist well since 1840. 376 SIR RODERICK MURCHISON. \iw. the soirees of the President of the Geological Society were not, or might not have been, familiar. At the anniversary in February, when he would resign office, he had determined to give an address to the Society containing a detailed report of progress, and in particular a more pointed statement of his position with regard to the impending changes in Cambrian and Silurian nomenclature. How he meant to proceed is shown in the subjoined letter of 16th October: " MY DEAK SEDGWICK, On the 1st of next month I go to press with the work on Eussia, which with amplifications and emendations is composed of the memoir referred to you last year, and two which I have read since on other parts of Muscovy and on the Ural Mountains. The country is described in ascending order, and I therefore must cast my Silurian chapter at once into type, with a preamble on ' Palaeozoic rocks,' which shall render my views intelligible to the Eussians, for whom the work is hereafter to be translated. In doing this I necessarily give a little sketch of our own operations in the British Isles and in the Ehenish Pro- vinces, and then go on to show how Eussia completes the proofs desired, and confirms our views. Now in effecting this to my satisfaction, I wish to have your own authority to speak out concerning the Cambrian rocks zoologically considered. You know as well as myself that on those parts of the Continent which we have seen together, there is but one type of fossil remains beneath an unquestionable Devonian zone, and that we have called Silurian. The same is still more clearly exhibited in Eussia in the lime- stones, sandstone, and shale, which lie beneath true Old Eed Sandstone, filled both with fishes of Scotland and shells 1842.] CAMBRIAN AND SILURIAN. 377 of Devon. The Silurian rocks of Eussia, Gothland, and Sweden rest at once on the crystalline slates of the north. The same succession has been recently established (zoologi- cally) in Brittany by Verneuil and d'Archiac this summer, though there they have inferior slaty rocks without fossils unconformable to Caradoc sandstone. Whilst these in- quiries have been deciding the zoological succession on the Continent, and extending it even into Asia, our own region at home has been silent. I was rejoiced therefore when I knew you had been again into North Wales, and that you had taken young Salter with you, because you could then make up your mind to put your oracle out, without having it trumpeted forth by others. " In the meantime, besides what Mr. Maclauchlan stated in respect to Pembrokeshire, De la Beche and his workmen assure me, that the whole of that tract is nothing more than Caradoc sandstone and Llandeilo flag, or Lower Silurian, folded over and over in troughs, and exceedingly altered by intrusive rocks and changed by crystallization and cleav- age. They contend also that the very same identical fossils, in the very same strata as those which I have described and figured as Lower Silurian at Noeth Griig, north of Llan- dovery (and only a few miles from the Old Eed escarpment), are repeated over and over, up to the sea-coast at Cardigan, and to the north of it. To this I cannot say nay, because in my work I have described descending passages into what I certainly conceived, without perhaps sufficient exami- nation, to be a great inferior slaty mass, and in which I never observed the fossils in question. If their position is true it would be in vain to contend for Cambrian rocks in South Wales, and certainly not as identified by organic 378 SIR RODERICK MURCHISON. remains, though I am certain there are inferior slaty grau- wackes at St. David's, like those of the Longmynd in Salop, which are much older than my fossil Silurian and of this you know I have decisive proofs in Salop, where the Cara- doc sandstone rests on the edges of the Longmynd. 1 "But the question is, If there are no rocks containing fossils differing from those published as Lower Silurian in South Wales, are there such in North Wales, where lime- stones appear in the oldest slaty masses, and the whole is expanded and broken up by the anticlinals you have so well described ? As to Bala, you know that its examination will do nothing in establishing a distinction, and fortu- nately I have said so very distinctly in my Silurian System, and have asked the question, To what extent will the Orthidce and Leptcence in question be found to descend into the Cambrian rocks, and if they really constitute the Proto- zoic type ? (p. 308, Sil. Syst) " I mention this now because I understand from Lonsdale that Mr. Sharpe is going to read a paper at the second meeting of the Geological Society, in which he is to show that the Bala limestone is nothing more than a calcareous course in the middle of the Caradoc sandstone. I do not see how he is to do this stratigraphically, but as I never made the transverse section but once, and in your company, I do not pretend to be armed with sufficient proofs that the limestone is inferior to the slaty flagstones on the eastern side of the mountain in which Asaphus Buchii and Silurian 1 This happened to be a blunder on Murchison's part ; he was right aa regarded the unconformability, but wrong in the position which he had assigned in the Silurian System to the overlying strata. These are what we now term Upper Llandovery (that is, at the base of the Upper Silurian series), and not Caradoc. CAMBRIAN AND SILURIAN. 379 OrtJiidce occur ; and on this point, by way of parenthesis, I should like to be furnished with your view, in order that I may keep the ' Sharp ' fellow in his place, should he trans- gress bounds. " But to come to the question : If Bala is zoologically Lower Silurian (and that you have yourself now stated in your Letters to Wordsworth), if Coniston Water Head and Ambleside (at the latter place Keyserling and myself con- vinced ourselves of "the same) is the same thing, and if no older rock is known to contain fossils in Cumberland, it follows, that the only fossil type which remains to be appealed to is that of the Snowdon slates. In our recent visit, Keyserling and myself collected a good many fossils both on the north and on the west flanks of that mountain, and my friend, who is a very good conchologist, came to the conclusion on the spot, that the prevalent and abundant forms are two or three species of Orthis (flabellulum and alternata) well known in Lower Silurian and Caradoc, with a rare new form of Leptcena ; and Sowerby, who has since seen our lot, writes to me to the same effect, and tells me that Salter's determinations with you came to the same results. " Now, I have no intention whatever of writing upon this point, except in my exordium on Palaeozoics touching Eussia, where I have to treat of them over an area as large as all our Europe together. On that occasion, and also in taking leave of the geologists on the 1 7th February, I must deliver my opinion. Your Wordsworth letter is before me, and is a meet subject for my comment, but I wish to have some- thing from you touching North Wales. If this is not done, De la Beche and Co., advancing from South Wales, will 380 SIR RODERICK MURCHISON. have the credit with the public of correcting you. But if you now say that the slaty region to the north-west of the Silurian rocks was left undefined as to fossils, on account of your never having examined the forms you so long ago collected (and take any line you please, either to contend or not for great thickness of the lowest fossiliferous strata), then I shall be at ease, and know how to use your authority as well as my own. 1 1 Murchison's anxiety to carry Sedgwick with him, if possible, in his change of the Silurian base-line, is well shown in this letter and in the following postscript to it : " In the part which specially refers to what I have been writing to you about, I should, in case you will authorize me, propose to write something such as follows : After asking ' if no efforts had been recently made to determine the point if there were or not a group of older fossils than the Lower Silurian, and some paragraphs relating thereto,' I go on to say, ' Judging from their infraposition, great thickness, and distinct lithological characters, it was presumed (when the Cambrian system was so named) that these greatly developed inferior slaty rocks would be found to contain a class of organic remains peculiar to themselves, the more so as the few forms then discovered in them seemed to' differ from the Lower Silurian types. Subsequent researches have, however, decided otherwise. In the slaty region of the north- west of England, of which by hard labours he so long ago rendered himself the master, Professor Sedgwick has now satisfied himself that the lowest organic remains which can be traced are no others than those published as Lower Silurian, whilst in revisiting the mountains of Cam- bria and Snowdon, whose framework he was the first to explain, he has come to similar conclusions respecting the oldest fossiliferous tracts of North Wales.' " ' In the meantime, through the labours of the Ordnance Survey,' etc. Then Mr. Sharpe et hoc genus omne. " This is the form in which I should wish to place the case, both because it is in my mind quite true, and also because, as I have said in my letter, I wish you to speak in your own place." Sedgwick made no objection at the time to this statement of his views. On the contrary, when he received the proof-sheets of the address he made comments on other parts, but, so far as can be judged from the letters still extant, offered no criticism whatever on the proposed narra- tive given in the preceding extract. He returned the proofs with the remarks, " The papers are excellent, and use my hints as you think right. ... I have looked over the slips and made marks. ... I did look over the peroration. It is very good." It was, to say the least, unfortunate CAMBRIAN AND SILURIAN. 381 " The triple zoological division of the Palseozoic rocks (exclusive of the Magnesian Limestone) is now so very gene- rally proved to the very eastern extremities of Europe, that it is well that we who have been the agents in first enun- ciating it should not be frightened and driven out of our fairly won views because the Cambrian tail-piece was not finished off. For my own part, I am as convinced as it is possible to be, that we have now thoroughly ascertained not that, if he had really any strong objections to the statements in the address, he did not frankly express them at the time when the proof- sheets were sent to him. Had he done so we can hardly believe that he could afterwards have found occasion to say of any sentence in that document: "I smiled when I read this strange passage; but I did not think it worth while formally to contradict it ; in omission and commis- sion it is a virtual mis-statement of the facts." (Letters to Wordsworth, later edition, p. 87.) Surely by first sending his friend a sketch of what he meant to say, and then the proof-sheets of what he had said, Murchison showed no common care to secure his concurrence. It is hard to understand why Sedgwick should have entered into verbal and other criticisms in the most friendly and even jocular style, and yet have left untouched a passage which raised a " smile," and which he felt to be " a virtual mis- statement of the facts." But what was the " strange passage " which called forth these sharp words ? As quoted and italicised by Sedgwick himself, it ran as follows : " We were both aware that the Bala limestone fossils agreed with the Lower Silurian ; but depending upon Professor Sedgwick's conviction that there were other and inferior masses, also fossiliferous, we both clung to the hope that such strata, when thoroughly explored, would offer a suf- ficiency of new forms to characterize an inferior system." On this passage he remarks as follows : " When the author states ' that we both clung to the hope that the Cambrian groups would offer a sufficiency of new forms to characterize an inferior system,' I can only reply, that the hope to which he clung was not derived from anything I had ever said or written; and that I had not, in 1842 and 1843, the shadow of a hope that any new system of animal life, any group of new forms ' marking an inferior system,' would be found among the Lower Cam- brian groups. I had constantly expressed, and repeatedly published, a directly contrary opinion." (The italics are in the original.) Now it will hardly be believed that Murchison's statement is not only borne out by passages in Sedgwick's letters, but seems actually based upon them. In support of this assertion two extracts may be given. Writing to his friend after his autumnal ramble in Wales in 1842, Sedg- 382 SIR RODERICK MURCHISON. only the Palaeozoic, but, as I ventured long ago to call it, the Protozoic type, and that that is no other than the strik- ing orthidian Lower Silurian group, which, first rising up on the flanks of old Caradoc, is extended to any thickness you please to contend for. In this last respect, however, you must have the fear of De la Beche and his trigonometrical forces before your eyes, who, whilst they give 12,000 or 15,000 feet thickness to the South Welsh coal-field, are cut- ting down our older rocks at a terrible rate. . . . "Before I left town I presented 600 to Lonsdale, in a silver vase with a suitable inscription. Fitton accompanied me, and the poor fellow was quite overcome. The deed how- ever had an excellent effect, for his eyes brightened up in the following days, and he wrote me a most affectionate note, saying ' that he was now enabled, even in his retire- ment, to carry on his studies, and that he would go on with that of the Polypifers." Among the miscellaneous correspondence of this period which the President of the Geological Society carried on, was one regarding a proposed purchase of the island of Staffa. It was represented urgently to Murchison that as wick says : "To my knowledge of the sections I added nothing last autumn, but I hoped to make out distinct fossil groups, indicating a descending series, and marking the successive descending calcareous junks. But, as I told you, I failed." The italics in this and the next quotation are underlined in the original. Again, just before the anniver- sary in February 1843, in reply to Murchison's request for information (in the letter quoted above in the text), Sedgwick remarks, " In regard to N. Wales you know my general views. I stated last year (see the abstracts) that on unpacking my Welsh fossils I could not discover any trace of a lower zoological system than that indicated in your Lower Silurian types. I did however expect to find certain definite groups indicating a succes- sion in the ascending steps of a vast section (certainly many thousand feet thick), and my hope was last September to prove this point, but I failed utterly, as I told you before, and at present I really know no sxich definite groups." ADDRESS TO THE GEOLOGISTS. 383 the island was likely to come into the market, no more fitting purchaser could be found than the Geological Society of London, and that in the hands of that learned body it would remain as a perpetual monument consecrated to the progress of science. It is needless to say that this project never took shape. There is little sympathy in Britain with any such fanciful notions regarding the acquirement of places of great natural interest by the State or learned societies for the good of the country and in the cause of scientific progress. Fortunately that fairy isle is too small and too barren to warrant the cost of protecting walls and notices to trespassers, and its wonders are of too solid and enduring a nature to be liable to effacement by the ruthless curiosity of the British tourist. And so it stands amid the lone sea, open to all comers, lifting its little carpet of bright green above the waves which have tunnelled its pillared cliffs, and which are ceaselessly destroying and renewing the beauty of the sculpture they have revealed. From the foregoing letter to Sedgwick it is clear that the preparation of the address to the Geological Society, and in particular the forcible enunciation in it of his views regarding the classification of the older rocks, engaged much of Murchison's attention during the winter. When at last the anniversary came he produced a most voluminous oration, extending over eighty-seven closely printed octavo pages, and discussing not only the question lying at the time nearest his own heart, but the general march of geo- logy all over the world. Again he presents to foreign geologists filie de Beaumont and Dufre'noy the Wollaston medal with due laudation. After a kindly and appreciative eulogy of Lonsdale and welcome of Forbes, he plunges at 384 SIR RODERICK MURCHISON. once into the palaeozoic rocks, and is soon in the midst of Silurian and Cambrian nomenclature, laying down with re- newed emphasis the view that his own Silurian deposits contained the records of the earliest type or fades of organized existence. In the early summer of the previous year Sedgwick had written his now well-known letters to Wordsworth on the Geology of the Lake District, in which he summarized in popular but accurate form the results of his long labours among these mountains. Another observer, Mr. Daniel Sharpe, already referred to, had been at work upon the Cumbrian tracts, and transferring his knowledge of them to the investigation of North Wales, had announced his belief that Sedgwick's Bala rocks were really, both by fossils and physical continuity, the very same as some of Mur- chison's Lower Silurian series. 1 Sedgwick himself had spent 1 In the beginning of his paper Mr. Sharpe stated that the view of the infraposition of the so-called Cambrian rocks of Sedgwick to the Lower Silurian of Murchison was adopted by the latter geologist on the autho- rity of the former. In long subsequent years, Sedgwick bitterly com- plained that this was a mis-statement, which Murchison never corrected, but, on the contrary, proceeded to profit by, though he had abundant opportunity of rectifying it in this address. And the inference drawn is, that Murchison was guilty of disingenuous conduct unworthy of a gen- tleman, still more of a friend (Introduction to British Palceozoic Fossils, p. Ixxiii.) But, so far from regarding it as a mis-statement, Murchison him- self repeats it in this very address. He says that he steadily relied on Sedgwick's original opinion, that great masses of the slaty rocks of North Wales lay below the Silurian rocks. His respect for Sedgwick's opinion was profound, and that opinion he believed to have been all along in favour of the infraposition of all the so-called Cambrian rocks. This belief, as we have already seen (ante, p. 225, note), was commonly held by geologists, and, if a mistake, Sedgwick never did anything to set it right until he found some of his Cambrian formations claimed as Silurian, when he maintained that he had never made any error in his work, except in being misled by his friend. The charge of unfair conduct on Murchison's part was utterly unfounded. Nothing could have been more candid than the way in which he acted in this matter. Equally groundless was the accusa- tion that he had " stolen a march " tipon Sedgwick, unless we are to be told that under such conduct we must include making our victim privy ADDRESS TO THE GEOLOGISTS. 385 part of the summer of 1842 in re-examining some por- tions of the North Welsh area, with the view of clear- ing up the difficulties in the way of reconciling his own work with that of his friend. But he could not establish any distinction by means of fossils between the rocks which he had called Cambrian and those which Murchison had termed Lower Silurian. He intimated this to the President, 1 who now, with evident satisfaction, announces it as further proof that the Silurian type of organic remains had been firmly established as the oldest in the geological record. Murchison further dwells on the important aid given to his interpretation by the labours of the Geological Survey, which, as we have seen, had now been extended into the Silurian tracts of South Wales. While eulogizing the work of the Ordnance Geological Surveyors in Wales, he turns to that of their fellow-labourers, and notably Captain (after- wards General) Portlock, in Ireland, adding words of praise to his notice of the geological map of Ireland by Mr. (now Sir Eichard) Griffith that wonderful achievement, which gives its courageous and undaunted author so honourable a rank among the great geological map-makers of this century. We need not follow the address through its review of contemporary foreign geology, with its elaborate analysis of what had then been recently accomplished in Eussia, the Caucasus, Asia Minor, Turkey, the Alps, Hindustan, Aff- ghanistan, China, Egypt, and North America, or through its beforehand to the theft, and submitting for his approval the plan by which he is to be cozened. Yet Sedgwick asserted that the first intima- tion he had of Murchison's claim over the Upper Cambrian rocks as Lower Silurian was obtained accidentally, some years after the seizure had been made ! l See p. 382, note. VOL. I. 2 B 386 SIR RODERICK MURCHISON. details regarding the progress of dynamical and palseonto- logical geology. Its main interest for us lies in its relation to the controversy, now imminent, regarding the palaeozoic nomenclature and to Murchison's position in that con- troversy. Writing of it many years afterwards he thus expressed himself : " That address embodied all my matured views on the classification of the older rocks, and par- ticularly as to the unity of the Silurian system and the im- possibility of manufacturing a fossiliferous Cambrian system separate from the well-recognised Lower Silurian types. Von Buch, Humboldt, and all the foreign geologists, as well as my colleagues in the work in Eussia, saw the necessity of this. I therefore openly proclaimed my conviction that the masses of hard and slaty rocks of Wales to the west of my Silurian map and sections, and which were supposed to be Cambrian, before their order and contents were elaborated by the surveyors and Sir H. de la Beche, were simply folds and repetitions of the already classified Silurian rocks of Shropshire, Hereford, Eadnor, etc. It is from this date that I considered my classification to be established on the broad European scale." Resigning the chair to one of the founders of the Geo- logical Society, Henry Warburton, Murchison concluded his second and last tenure of the office. " I bid you farewell," he said to his fellow-members, " as friends in whose society, whilst acquiring knowledge, I have passed the happiest days of my life. ... I have deeply felt the honour of presiding over men who in the course of a quarter of a century have demonstrated that there is no such thing as ' odium geologi- cum,' and whose members, rivals as they must be, have only sought to excel each other in their ardent search after truth." ODIUM GEOLOGICUM. 387 Did the enthusiasm of the moment lead the writer to forget the very marked ' odium ' which had been evoked during the early Devonian warfare ? Had the angry .words of Mac- culloch vanished from his memory ? It was well, indeed, that they should, but not without leaving behind them just trace enough to keep him, even in the glow of excitement, from painting in too rosy a hue the intercourse of men whom even the brotherhood of science could not save from the ordinary frailties of humanity. To his eulogistic language the geological doings of after years furnished a comment of bitter irony, since his own name, to his deep grief indeed, and most unwillingly on his part, came to stand out pro- minently in the most noted instance of the odium geologi- cuni which the history of British science has yet offered. END OF VOL. I. FEINTED BY T. AND A. CONSTABLE, PRINTERS TO HER MAJESTY, AT THE EDINBURGH UNIVERSITY PRESS. RETURN EARTH SCIENCES LIBRARY TO +> 230 McCone Hall 642-2997 LOAN PERIOD 1 1 MONTH 2 3 4 5 6 ALL BOOKS MAY BE RECALLED AFTER 7 DAYS Books needed for class reserve are subject to immediate recall DUE AS STAMPED BELOW FORM NO. 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