THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LOS ANGELES // (< I u , L REGULATIONS FOR THE ARMY OF THE UNITED STATES 1913 CORRECTED TO APRIL 15, 1917 (CHANGES, Nos. 1 TO 55) WASHINGTON GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE 1917 WAS DEPARTMENT, Document No. 454. 501 WAR DEPARTMENT, Washington, November 15, 1913. The PRESIDENT OP THE UNITED STATES directs that the following Regulations for the Army be published for the government of all concerned, and that they be strictly observed. Nothing contrary to the tenor of these Regulations will be enjoined in any part of the forces of the United States by any commander whomsoever. LINDLEY M. GARRISON, Secretary of War. 3 945871 The following paragraphs embody material changes in the 1910 edition of the Army Regulations, which have not been published in Changes. i 9 194 521 1009 1139 1346 32 198 549 1012 1147 1350 49 223 563 1013 1148 1361 51 224 572 1021 1152 1362 53 2241 573 1023 1167 1365 71 242 633 1029 1174J 1366 93 327 634 1036 1184 1375 103 329 648 1057 1186 1376 106 370 671 1073 1188 1377 107 371 709 1095 1189 1378 114 376 727 1098 1201 1383 138 381 733 1116 1205 1387 169 382 734 1120 1215 1403 170 383 742 1122 1217 1505 171 386 803 1123 . 1218 15051 173 387 837 1127 1221 1551 174 388 907 1128 1223 1561 175 391 918 1130 1239 1573 191 449 957 1135 1244 193 499 962 1136 1284 1931 512 989 1138 1340 TABLE OF CONTENTS. ARTICLE I. Military discipline, 1-5. ARTICLE II. Precedence of regiments and corps, 6. ARTICLE III. Rank and precedence of officers and non- commissioned officers, 7-12. ARTICLE IV. Command, 13-20. ARTICLE V. Appointment and promotion of commis- sioned officers, 21-37. ARTICLE VI. Details, 38-42. ARTICLE VII. Chaplains, 43-46. ARTICLE VIII. Transfer or exchange of officers, 47, 48. ABTICLB IX. Leaves of absence to officers, 49-67. ARTICLE X. Officers traveling on duty, 68-75. ARTICLE XI. Retirement of officers, 76-78. ARTICLE XII. Resignation of officers, 79-82. ARTICLE XIII. Deceased officers, 83-87. ARTICLE XIV. Veterinarians, cavalry and field artillery, 88-92. ARTICLE XV. General noncommissioned staff, 93-103. ARTICLE XVI. Detached soldiers : Service records, 104, 105. ARTICLE XVII. Furloughs to soldiers, 106-113. ARTICLE XVIII. Transfer of enlisted men, 114, 115. ARTICLE XIX. Deserters, 116-133. ARTICLE XX. Retirement of enlisted men, 134-138. ARTICLE XXI. Discharges. Certificates of disability, 139- 161 : Discharges and final statements, 139-158; Certificates of disability, 159- 161. ARTICLE XXII. Deceased soldiers, 162-167. ARTICLE XXIII. Working parties : Extra and special duty men, 168-177. ARTICLE XXIV. Soldiers' Home, 178-181. ARTICLE XXV. Medals of honor and certificates of merit, 182-189. ARTICLE XXVI. Territorial departments, 190-200. ARTICLE XXVII. Military posts and reservations, 201-214 ; Posts, 201-210; Post records, 211; Res- ervations, 212-214. AETICLE XXVIII. Flags, colors, standards, and guidons, 215- 244. ARTICLE XXIX. Regiments and battalions, 245-264 : Bands, 260-264. ARTICLE XXX. Troops, batteries, and companies, 265-302 : Interior economy of companies, 283-295 ; Messing and cooking, 296-302. ARTICLE XXXI. The Coast Artillery Corps, 303-315: The Chief of Coast Artillery, 303 ; The coast defense command, 304-309 ; Noncommis- sioned staff officers, 310-312 ; Coast ar- tillery practice, 313-315. ARTICLE XXXII. Councils of administration, 316-321. ARTICLE XXXIII. Regimental, company, and mess funds, 322- 330: General provisions, 322-324; Regi- mental fund, 325, 326 ; Company and mess funds, 327-380, 1 8 CONTENTS. ARTICLE XXXIV. Libraries, reading rooms, post laundries, 331-341. ARTICLE XXXV. Post gardens, 342-344. ARTICLE XXXVI. Post exchanges, 345, 346. ARTICLE XXXVII. Visits to lake and seacoast defenses, 347, 348. ARTICLE XXXVIII. Field artillery, machine-gun, and small-arms practice, 349-354. ARTICLE XXXIX. Roster, detachments, and daily service, 355- 374 : The roster, 355-364 ; Detachments, 365-369; Daily service, 370-374. ARTICLE XL. Honors, courtesies, and ceremonies, 375- 440 : Honors, 375-392 ; Salutes with can- non, 393-397 ; National salutes, 398, 399 ; Personal salutes, 400105 ; Visits and courtesies, 406-415 ; Escorts of honor, 416 ; Funeral honors, 417-434 ; Ceremo- nies, 435-440. ARTICLE XLI. Guards, 441-443. ARTICLE XLII. Route maps and journals of march, 444448. ARTICLE XLIII. Military education, 449. ARTICLE XLIV. The Organized Militia, 450-463. ARTICLE XLV. The Government Hospital for the Insane, 464-470. ARTICLE XLVI. Indians, 471-483 : Indian country, 471- 477 ; Purchases from Indians, 478 ; In- dian scouts, 479-483. ARTICLE XLVII. Employment of troops in the enforcement of the laws, 484-489. ARTICLE XLVIII. Cemeteries, 490-498 : National cemeteries, 490 ; Battle-ground cemeteries, 491, 492 ; Post cemeteries, 493-498. ARTICLE XLIX. Advertising and printing^ 499-514 ; News- paper advertising, 499-509 ; Job printing, 510-514. ARTICLE L. Purchase of supplies and engagement o services, 515-566 : General provisions, 515-521 ; Advertising for proposals, 522- 526; Proposals, 527-543; Award, 544- 548 ; Abstracts of proposals, 549 ; Forms of agreement, 550-554 ; Contracts, 555- 565 ; Marking supplies by contractors, 566. ARTICLE LI. Bonds of disbursing officers, bidders, and contractors, 567-581. ARTICLE LII Money accountability, 582-656 : Public moneys, 582, 583 ; Disbursing officers, 584-596; Transfers, 597, 598; Checks, 599-607 ; Official check books, 608-610 ; Certificates of deposit, 611-616 ; Pro- ceeds of sales, 617-619 ; Appropriations, 620-630 ; Money vouchers, 631-652 ; Pe- cuniary responsibility of officers, 653, 654 ; Administrative examination of money accounts, 655, 656. ARTICLE LIU. Public property accountability and respon- sibility, 657-703 : General provisions, 657681 ; Property damaged, lost, de- stroyed Rewards, 682-692 ; Property accountability, 693-701 ; Administrative examination of property returns, 702, 703. ARTICLE LIV. Lands, buildings, and improvements, 704- 709. ARTICLE LV. Surveys on property, 710-726. ARTICLE LVI. Civilian employees, 727739 : General pro- visions, 727-731 ; Traveling expenses 732-739. ARTICLE LVII. Staff administration, 740-751. ARTICLE LVIII. General Staff Corps, 752-773 : War De- partment. General Staff, 759, 760; Chief of Staff, 761-769; The General Staff serving with troops, 770-773. ARTICLE LIX. Adjutant General's Department, 774. ARTICLE LX. Military correspondence, 775-790. ARTICLE LXI. Orders, 791-806. ARTICLE LXII. Muster rolls, 807-810. CONTENTS. 9 ARTICLE LXIII. Returns of troops, records, 811-824 : Bat- tle reports, returns of effectives, casual- ties, 815-819; Records, 820-824. ARTICLE LXIV. Personal and efficiency reports, 825-833. ARTICLE LXV. Penalty envelopes, 834-839. ARTICLE LXVI. The recruiting service, 840-877 : Medical examination, 864-871 ; Recruits sent to organizations, 8J2-877. AKTICLH LXVII. Inspector General's Department, 878-914 : General provisions, 878-884 ; Special du- ties, 885 ; Classification of inspections, 886 ; Annual tactical inspections, 887 ; Annual garrison inspection, 888-892 ; Special and miscellaneous inspections, 893-899 ; Reports, 900 ; Disbursements and accounts, 901, 902 ; Property for con- demnation, 903-914. ARTICLE LXVIII. Judge Advocate General's Department, 915- 921. ARTICLE LXIX. Arrest and confinement, 922944. ARTICLE LXX. Courts-martial, 945-988 : Subpoenas to wit- nesses, 950, 951 ; Writs of attachment, 952 ; Charges and specifications, 953- 960; Trials, 961, 962; Sentences, 963- 978; The record, 979-984; Reporters, clerks, interpreters, 985-988. ARTICLE LXXI. Civilian witnesses, 989-994. ARTICLE LXXII. Employment of civil counsel Summons by civil court, 995-999. ARTICLE LXXIII. Quartermaster Corps, 1000-1385 : General duties, 1000-1009 ; Barracks and quar- ters, 10101023 ; Allowance and assign- ment of quarters, 1024-1035 ; Fuel and stoves, 1036-1049 ; Illuminating supplies, 1050-1061; Stationery, 1062-1065; Pur- chase of public animals, 1066-1073 ; Veterinary medicines, 10741076 ; Forage and straw, 1077-1085; Care and ac- countability for property, 1086-1094 ; Horses of mounted officers, 1095-1099 ; Military attache's, 1100 ; Transportation, ARTICLE LXXIII Continued, general provisions, 1101-1109 ; Trans- portation of persons, 1110-1115 ; Trans- portation requests, 11161125 ; Ferries, turnpikes, and bridges, 1126 ; Street-car and ferry tickets, 1127 ; Parlor and sleeping car accommodations, 1128-1134 ; Transportation of baggage, 1135-1139 ; Transportation of supplies, 11401145 ; Clothing and equipage, 1146-1183; Tele- graphing, 1184-1193 ; Telephoning, 1194 ; Subsistence stores in bulk, 1195-1199 ; Fresh meats, 1200 ; Bakeries, 1201 ; The ration, 1202-1207 ; Liquid coffee, 1208 ; Ration returns and accounts, 1209-1214 ; Extra issues, 1215-1218 ; Issues of sub- sistence stores, 1219-1222 ; Commutation of rations, 1223-1238 ; Sales, 1239-1252 ; Blank forms, 1253; Payments, general provisions, 1254, 1255 ; Payments to offi- cers, 1256-1266; Additional pay, 1267- 1271 ; Mounted pay, 1272-1274 ; Pay during absence, 12751278 ; Mileage, 12791298 ; Commutation of quarters, 1299-1307 ; Stoppages, 1308-1311 ; Pay- ment of cadets, 1312-1314 ; Payment of enlisted men, 1315-1337 ; Reenlisted and continuous-service pay, 1338-1340 ; Cer- tificate of merit, 1341 ; Additional pay to enlisted men, 1342-1346 ; Allotments, 1347-1360; Deposits, 1361-1369; For- feitures and deductions, 1370, 1371 ; Pay of deserters, 1372-1374 ; Payment of dis- charged soldiers, 1375-1383 ; Miscella- neous, 1384, 1385. ARTICLE LXXIV. Medical Department, 1386-1492 : General provisions, 1386, 1387 ; Appointments, 1388, 1389 ; Contract surgeons, acting dental surgeons, 1390-1394 ; The Dental Corps, 1395-1403; The Hospital Corps, 1404-1420; Nurse Corps (female), 1421- 1426 ; Garrison service, ambulances and litters, 1427-1432 ; Field service, 1433- 1438; General hospitals, 1439-1446; Service of hospitals, 1447-1463 ; Hospital buildings, 1464-1470; Sick call, 1471, 1472 ; Medical attendance, 1473-1485 ; Medical supplies, 1486-1488; Returns, 1489; Artificial limbs, 1490-1492. ARTICLE LXXV. Corps of Engineers, 1493-1510. ABTICLB LXXVI. Ordnance Department, 1511-1555 : General provisions, 1511, 1512 ; Issues and sales, Expenditure of ammunition, Surplus and damaged stores, Inspection of ordnance and 1513-1527 1528-1531 1532-1542 ordnance stores, 1543 ; Packing and transportation, 1544-1548 ; Returns and reports, 1549-1552 ; Tests and experi- mental trials, 1553-1555. 10 CONTENTS. ARTICLE LXXVII. Signal Corps, 1556-1568. AETICLH LXXVIII. Uniform, 1569. ARTICLE LXXIX. Manuals of staff departments and blank forms. 1570-1572. ARTICLE LXXX. The Army Reserve. Regulations govern- ing, 1573. Articles of War (Revised Statutes, section 1342). ARTICLE LXXX Continued. Sections 1202 and 1343, Revised Statutes. Act of Sept. 27, 1890, 26 Stat., 491. Act of July 27, 1892, 27 Stat., 278 (sec- tions 2, 3, and 4). Act of June 18, 1898, 30 Stat., 484 (sec- tions, 3, 4, 5, and 6). Act of^Iarch 2, 1901, 31 Stat., 950 (sec- tion 1). Act of March 3, 1911, 36 Stat., 1044. Act of March 2, 1913, 37 Stat., 721 (ex- tract) . Memorandum. Index. REGULATIONS FOR THE ARMY OF THE UNITED STATES. ARTICLE I. MILITARY DISCIPLINE. 1. All persons in the military service are required to obey strictly and to execute promptly the lawful orders of their superiors. 2. Military authority will be exercised with firmness, kindness, and justice. Punishments must conform to law and follow offenses as promptly as circum- stances will permit. 3. Superiors are forbidden to injure those under their authority by tyrannical or capricious conduct or by abusive language. While maintaining discipline and the thorough and prompt performance of military duty, all officers, in deal- ing with enlisted men, will bear in mind the absolute necessity of so treating them as to preserve their self-respect. Officers will keep in as close touch as possible with the men under their command and will strive to build up such relations of confidence and sympathy as will insure the free approach of their men to them for counsel and assistance. This relationship may be gained and maintained without relaxation of the bonds of discipline and with great benefit to the service as a whole. (C. A. R., No. 35.) 4. Courtesy among military men is indispensable to discipline ; respect to superiors will not be confined to obedience on duty, but will be extended on all occasions. 5. Deliberations or discussions among military men conveying praise or censure, or any mark of approbation, toward others in the military service, and all publications relating to private or personal transactions between officers, are prohibited. Efforts to influence legislation affecting the Army, or to procure personal favor or consideration, should never be made except through regular military channels ; the adoption of any other method by any officer or enlisted man will be noted in the military record of those concerned. ARTICLE II. PRECEDENCE OF REGIMENTS AND CORPS. 6. On occasions of ceremony, except funerals and reviews of large forces, troops will be arranged from right to left in line, and from head to rear in column, in the following order : First, Infantry ; second, Field Artillery ; third, Cavalry. Artillery, Engineer, and Signal Corps troops, equipped as Infantry, 11 12 BANK AND PRECEDENCE OF OFFICERS. are posted as Infantry ; dismounted Cavalry and marines attached to the Army are on the left of the Infantry in the order named ; companies or detach- ments of the Medical Department and mounted detachments of Engineers are assigned to places according to the nature of the ceremony; mounted com- panies and detachments of the Signal Corps are posted as Cavalry. When Cavalry and Field .Artillery are reviewed together without other troops, the Artillery is posted on the left. Troops in column in funeral escorts will be arranged from head to rear in the following order : First, Cavalry ; second, Field Artillery ; third, Infantry. In the same arm, Regulars, Militia in the service of the United States, and Volunteers are posted in line from right to left, or in column from head to rear, in the order named. In reviews of large bodies of troops the different arms and classes are posted at the dis- cretion of the commanding general, due regard being paid to their position in camp. On all other occasions troops of all classes are posted at the discre- tion of the general or senior commander. (C. A. R; No. 55.) ARTICLE III. RANK AND PBECEDENCE OF OFFICEES AND NONCOMMISSIONED OFFICEBS. 7. Military rank is that character or quality bestowed on military persons which marks their station and confers eligibility to exercise command or au- thority in the military service within the limits prescribed by law. It is divided into degrees or grades which mark the relative positions and powers of the different classes of persons possessing it. 8. Rank is generally held by virtue of office in an arm of the service, corps, or department, but may be conferred independently of office, as in the case of retired officers and of those holding it by brevet. 9. The following are the grades of rank of officers and noncommissioned officers : 1. Lieutenant general. 2. Major general. 3. Brigadier general. 4. Colonel. 5. Lieutenant colonel. 6. Major. 7. Captain. 8. First lieutenant. 9. Second lieutenant. 10. Aviator, Signal Corps. 11. Cadet. 12. (a) Sergeant major, regimental; sergeant major, senior grade, Coast Artillery Corps; (b) quartermaster sergeant, senior grade, Quartermaster Corps; master hospital sergeant, Medical Department; master engineer, senior grade, Corps of Engineers; master electrician, Coast Artillery Corps; master signal electrician; band leader; (c) hospital sergeant, Medical Department; master engineer, junior grade, Corps of Engineers; engineer, Coast Artillery Corps. 13. Ordnance sergeant; quartermaster sergeant, Quartermaster Corps; sup- ply sergeant, regimental. 14. Sergeant major, squadron and battalion; sergeant major, junior grade, Coast Artillery Corps; supply sergeant, battalion, Corps of Engineers. 15. (a) First sergeant; (&) sergeant, first class, Medical Department; ser- geant, first class, Quartermaster Corps; sergeant, first class, Corps of En- COMMAND. 13 gineers; sergeant, first class, Signal Corps; electrician sergeant, first class, Coast Artillery Corps ; electrician sergeant, Artillery Detachment, United States Military Academy; assistant engineer, Coast Artillery Corps; (c) master gunner, Coast Artillery Corps ; master gunner, Artillery Detachment, United States Military Academy; band sergeant and assistant leader, United States Military Academy band ; assistant band leader ; sergeant bugler ; electrician sergeant, second class, Coast Artillery Corps ; electrician sergeant, second class, Artillery Detachment, United States Military Academy ; radio sergeant. 16. Color sergeant. 17. Sergeant ; supply sergeant, company ; mess sergeant ; stable sergeant ; fireman, Coast Artillery Corps. 18. Corporal. In each grade and subgrade date of commission, appointment, or warrant determines the order of precedence. (C. A. R., Nos. 15, 25, and 4&) 10. Officers of the same grade of the Regular Army, of the Organized Militia in the service of the United States, and of Volunteers take precedence in the order named. Officers of the Marine Corps, when detached for service with the Army by order of the President and while serving with the Army under that order, are upon equal footing with officers of the Regular Army and take precedence in each grade by date of commission. 11. Between officers of the same grade and date of appointment or commis- sion, other than through promotion by seniority or appointment of enlisted men to the grade of second lieutenant under the act of July 30, 1892, relative rank is determined by length of service, continuous or otherwise, as a commissioned officer of the United States, either in the Regular Army or, since April 19, 1861, in the volunteer forces. When periods of service are equal, precedence will, except when fixed by order of merit on examination, be determined, first, by rank in service when appointed ; second, by former rank in the Army or Marine Corps ; third, by lot. 12. The relative rank between officers of the Army and Navy is as follows, lineal rank only being considered : General with admiral. Lieutenant general with vice admiral. Major with lieutenant commander. Major general with rear admiral. Captain with lieutenant. Brigadier general with commodore. 1 First lieutenant with lieutenant (jun- Colonel with captain. ior grade). V" Lieutenant colonel with commander. Second lieutenant with ensign, ABTICLE IV. COMMAND. 13. Command is exercised by virtue of office and the special assignment of officers holding military rank who are eligible by law to exercise command. Without orders from competent authority an officer can not put himself. on duty by virtue of his commission alone, except as contemplated in the twenty-fourth and one hundred and twenty-second articles of war. 14. The following are the commands appropriate to each grade : 1. For a captain, a company. 2. For a major, a battalion. 3. For a colonel, a regiment. 4. For a brigadier general, a brigade. 5. For a major general, a division. 1 The grade of commodore ceased to exist as a grade of rank on the active list in the Navy of the United States on Mar. 3, 1899. By sec. 7 of the act of Mar. 3, 1899 (30 Stat. L., 1005), the nine junior rear admirals are authorized to receive the pay and allowances of brigadier generals in the Army. 14 APPOINTMENTS AND PROMOTIONS. 15. The designation "company," as used in these regulations, applies to troops of Cavalry, batteries of Field Artillery, and to companies and bands of all arms and corps. The designation "battalion" applies in like manner to squad- rons of Cavalry. 16. The functions assigned to any officer in these regulations by title of office devolve upon the officer acting in his place, except when otherwise speci- fied. An officer in temporary command shall not, except in urgent cases, alter or annul the standing orders of the permanent commander without authority from the next higher commander. 17. An officer who succeeds to any command or duty stands in regard to his duties in the same situation as his predecessor. The officer relieved will turn over to his successor all orders in force at the time and all the public property and funds pertaining to his command or duty. 18. An officer of Engineers not on duty with Engineer troops, or of Ordnance, or of the Adjutant General's, Inspector General's, or Judge Advocate General's Department, Quartermaster, or Signal Corps, or of the line, detailed to fill a vacancy in these staff departments or corps, though eligible to command, accord- ing to his rank, shall not assume command of troops unless put on duty under orders which specially so direct, by authority of the President. 19. An officer of the Medical Department can not exercise command, except in his own department; but any staff officer, by virtue of his commission, may command all enlisted men like other commissioned officers. 20. When an officer is charged with directing an expedition or making a reconnaissance, without having command of the escort, the commander of the escort will consult him touching all arrangements necessary to secure the success of the operation. ARTICLE V. APPOINTMENT AND PROMOTION OF COMMISSIONED OFFICERS. 21. Notices of appointments and promotions are issued by the War Depart- ment through The Adjutant General of the Army. 22. Appointment to the grade of general officer is made by selection from the Army. 23. Oaths of office of officers of the Army will be taken before an officer of the Army authorized by the provisions of the one hundred and fourteenth article of war to administer oaths ; or before an officer authorized by the laws of the United States or by the local municipal law to administer oaths. (C. A. R., No. 55.) 24. Promotions in established staff corps and departments are limited to officers holding permanent appointments therein and to include the grade of colonel will be made by seniority, subject to the examinations required by law. 25. Promotions in the line of the Army to include the grade of colonel, in each arm of the service, will be made by seniority, subject to the examinations required by law. 26. Whenever any officer is ordered before an examining or retiring board the originals or copies of all official records affecting his character or efficiency, on file in any bureau of the War Department, will be furnished to The Adjutant General of the Army and by him forwarded for the consideration of the board. APPOINTMENTS AND PROMOTIONS. 15 27. Rescinded. See Special Regulations No. 1. (C. A. R., No. 55.) Rescinded. See Special Regulations No. 1. (C. A. R., No. 55.) Rescinded. See Special Regulations No. 1. (C. A. R., No. 55.) 30. Rescinded. See Special Regulations No. 1. (C. A. R., No. 55.) 31. Rescinded. See Special Regulations No. 1. (C. A. R., No. 55.) 32. Rescinded. See M. C. M., pars. 41, 43, and 311. (C. A. R., No. 55.) 33. Rescinded. (C. A. R., No. 26.) 16 DETAILS. 84. Rescinded. See Special Regulations No. 1. (C. A. R., No. 55.) 85. Rescinded. -See Special Regulations No. 1. (C. A. R., No. 55.) 36. Rescinded. See Special Regulations No. I. (C. A. R., No. 55. ) 87. Rescinded. See Special Regulations No. 1. (C. A. R., No. 55.) ARTICLE VI. DETAILS. 88. Regulations respecting details of line officers to the staff, together with such rules as may be prescribed by the President in regard to examinations therefor, will be announced in orders from time to time by the War Department. 39. In making details for detached service and for duty in the several staff corps and departments in which vacancies are filled by details from the line, consideration will be given to long service with troops and to the efficiency and peculiar fitness of an officer as evidenced by his compiled efficiency record and as far as practicable to his desires as expressed in his Personal Report and Statement of Preferences. (C. A. R., No. 20.) 40. Except as otherwise specifically provided for in the acts 01 Congress approved August 24, 1912, March 2, 1913, and April 27, 1914, no officer holding a permanent commission in the line of the Army with rank below that of major, who shall not have been actually present for duty for at least two of the last preceding six years with a troop, battery, or company of that branch of the Army in which he shall hold said commission, shall in time of peace be detached or permitted to remain detached from such troop, battery, or com- CHAPLAINS. 17 pany for duty of any kind ; nor shall any officer holding a permanent com- mission in the line of the Army with rank of colonel, lieutenant colonel, or major, who shall not have been actually present for duty for at least two of the last preceding six years with a command composed of not less than two troops, batteries, or companies of that branch of the Army in which he shall hold said commission, be detached or permitted to remain detached in time of peace from such command for duty of any kind, except as otherwise specifically provided for in the acts cited in this paragraph. (C. A. R., Nos. 5, 8, and 10.) 41. Except when detailed in the General Staff Corps, general officers are authorized to have aids as follows : The lieutenant general, two aids and a military secretary who have the rank of lieutenant colonel while so serving; a major general, three aids to be taken from the captains or lieutenants of the Army ; a brigadier general, two aids to be taken from the lieutenants of the Army. An officer assigned to duty in accordance with his brevet rank as major general or brigadier general may, with the special sanction of the War Department, be allowed the aids of the grade. General officers may select their aids from officers serving in their com- mand subject to the restrictions prescribed in paragraph 40, but appointments as aids of officers serving without such limits must receive the approval of the War Department. 42. The laws, regulations, and instructions governing the details of officers of the Army, active and retired, at educational institutions will be published from time to time by the War Department. ARTICLE VII. CHAPLAINS. 43. Regimental chaplains and chaplains of the Coast Artillery Corps will be assigned and transferred by the Secretary of War. 44. It will be the duty of commanders of regiments, hospitals, and posts to afford to chaplains, assigned to the same for duty, such facilities as may aid them in the performance of their duties. One enlisted man will be detailed on special duty by the commanding officer of any organization to which a chaplain is assigned for duty, for the purpose of assisting the chaplain in the perform- ance of his official duties. At posts where school-teachers are provided from the Quartermaster Corps the school-teacher will be detailed as assistant to the chaplain in place of an enlisted man of the line. The instruction of the enlisted men in the common English branches of edu- cation is made by law one of the duties of chaplains. They will not be em- ployed on duties other than those required of them by law or pertaining to their profession, except when the exigencies of the service, a result of deficiency in number of officers present, require it. (C. A. R., No. 23.) 45. Chaplains will render monthly reports of the duties performed by them, and of all births, baptisms, marriages, and deaths occurring in connection with the command with which they are serving. At a station where there are two or more chaplains on duty the commanding officer will designate the chaplain to report these occurrences that pertain to the station and not to an organiza- tion to which a chaplain is assigned. The reports will be made on the pre- scribed form and will be forwarded by the post commander directly to The Adjutant General of the Army. (C. A. R., No. 28.) 90651 17 2 18 TRANSFER OR EXCHANGE OF OFFICERS. f 46. Chaplains will not be required to turn out with troops on occasions of ceremony, but will be inspected at chapels, schoolrooms, libraries, or such ^places as may be designated by commanding officers. 4,, 1909 (35 Stat. L., 1090). SEC. 14. * * * In every case in which a vessel is fitted out and armed, or attempted to be fitted out and armed, or in which the force of any vessel of war, cruiser, Or other armed vessel is increased or augmented, or in which any military expedition or enterprise EMPLOYMENT OF TROOPS. is begun or set on foot, contrary to the provisions and prohibitions of this chapter ; and in every case of the capture of a vessel within the jurisdiction or protection of the United States as before defined ; and in every case in which any process issuing out of any court of the United States is disobeyed or resisted by any person having the custody of any vessel of war, cruiser, or other armed vessel of any foreign prince or state, or of any colony, district, or people, or of any subjects or citizens of any foreign prince or state, or of any colony, district, or people, it shall be lawful for the President, or such other person as he shall have empowered for that purpose, to employ such part of the land or naval forces of the United States, or of the militia thereof, for the purpose of taking possession of and detaining any such vessel, with her prizes, if any, in order to enforce the execution of the prohibitions and penalties of this chapter, and the restoring of such prizes in the cases in which restoration shall be adjudged ; and also for the purpose of preventing the carrying on of any such expedition or enterprise from the territory or jurisdiction of the United States against the territory or dominion of any foreign prince or state, or of any colony, district, or people with whom the United States are at peace. Act of March k, 1909 (35 8 tat. L., 1090, 1091). SEC. 15. It shall be lawful for the President, or such person as he shall empower for that purpose, to employ such part of the land or naval forces of the United States, or of the militia thereof, as shall be necessary to compel any foreign vessel to depart the United States in all cases in which, by the laws of nations or the treaties of the United States, she ought not to remain within the United States. Act of March 4, 1909 (35 Stat. L., 1091). INSURRECTION. SEC. 5297. In case of an insurrection in any State against the government thereof, it shall be lawful for the President, on application of the legislature of such State, or of the executive, when the legislature can not be convened, to call forth such number of the militia of any other State or States, which may be applied for, as he deems sufficient to suppress such insurrection; or, on like application, to employ, for the same purposes, such part of the land or naval forces of the United States as he deems necessary. SEC. 5298. Whenever, by reason of unlawful obstructions, combinations, or assemblages of persons, or rebellion against the authority of the Government of the United States, it shall become impracticable, in the judgment of the President, to enforce, by the ordinary course of judicial proceedings, the laws of the United States within any State or Terri- tory, it shall be lawful for the President to call forth the militia of any or all the States, and to employ such parts of the land and naval forces of the United States as he may deem necessary to enforce the faithful execution of the laws of the United States, or to sup- press such rebellion, in whatever State or Territory thereof the laws of the United States may be forcibly opposed, or the execution thereof forcibly obstructed. SEC. 5299. Whenever insurrection, domestic violence, unlawful combinations, or con- spiracies in any State so obstructs or hinders the execution of the laws thereof, and of the United States, as to deprive any portion or class of the people of such State of any of the rights, privileges, or immunities, or protection named in the Constitution and secured by the laws for the protection of such rights, privileges, or immunities, and the constituted authorities of such State are unable to protect, or, from any cause, fail in or refuse protection of the people in such rights, such facts shall be deemed a denial by such State of the equal protection of the laws to which they are entitled under the Con- stitution of the United States ; and in all such cases, or whenever any such insurrection, violence, unlawful combination, or conspiracy, opposes or obstructs the laws of the United States, or the due execution thereof, or impedes or obstructs the due course of justice under the same, it shall be lawful for the President, and it shall be his duty, to take such measures, by the employment of the militia or the land and naval forces of the United States, or of either, or by other means, as he may deem necessary, for the sup- pression of such insurrection, domestic violence, or combinations. Among the laws to be enforced under sections 5298 and 5299 are the following : (1) Section 201, act of March 4, 1909 (35 Stat. L., 1127), which prohibits the obstructing or retarding the passage of the mail, and all other laws relating to the carrying of the mails. 42) The following sections of an act approved July 2, 1890. entitled : AN ACT to protect trade and commerce against unlawful restraints and monopolies. SEC. 1. Every contract, combination in the form of trust or otherwise, or conspiracy, in restraint of trade or commerce among the several States, or with foreign nations, is hereby declared to be illegal. Every person who shall make any such contract or engage in any such combination or conspiracy shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and, on 110 EMPLOYMENT OF TROOPS. conviction thereof, shall .be punished by fine not exceeding five thousand dollars or by imprisonment not exceeding one year, or by both said punishments, in the discretion of the court. SEC. 3. Every contract, combination in form of trust or otherwise, or conspiracy, in restraint of trade or commerce in any Territory of the United States or of the District of Columbia, or in restraint of trade or commerce between any such Territory and another, or between any such Territory or Territories and any State or States or the District of Columbia, or with foreign nations, or between the District of Columbia and any State or States or foreign nations, is hereby declared illegal. Every person who shall make any such contract or engage in any such combination or conspiracy shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and, on conviction thereof, shall be punished by fine not exceeding five thousand dollars or by imprisonment not exceeding one year, or by both said punish- ments, in the discretion of the court. (3) The following section of an act approved July 2, 1864, entitled : AN ACT granting lands to aid in the construction of a railroad and telegraph line from Lake Superior to Puget Sound, on the Pacific coast, by the northern route. '"* SBC. 11. And lie it further enacted^ That said Northern Pacific Railroad, or any part thereof, shall be a post route and a military road, subject to the use of the United States, for postal, military, naval, and all other Government service, and also subject to such regulations as Congress may impose restricting the charges for such Government trans- portation. (4) The following section of an act approved July 1, 1862, entitled : AX ACT to aid in the construction of a railroad and telegraph line from the Missouri River to the Pacific Ocean, and to secure to the Government the use of the same for postal, military, and other purposes. [The Union and Central Pacific Railway Companies.] SBC. 6. And be it further enacted, That the grants aforesaid are made upon condition that said company shall pay said bonds at maturity, and shall keep said railroad and telegraph line in repair and use, and shall at all times transmit despatches over said tele- graph line, and transport mails, troops, and munitions of war, supplies, and public stores upon said railroad for the Government, whenever required to do so by any department thereof, and that the Government shall at all times have the preference in the use of the same for all the purposes aforesaid. * * * (5) The following sections of an act approved July 27, 1866, entitled : AN ACT granting lands to aid in the construction of a railroad and telegraph line from the States of Missouri and Arkansas to the Pacific coast. SBC. 11. And be it further enacted, That said Atlantic and Pacific Railroad, or any part thereof, shall be a post route and military road, subject to the use of the United States for postal, military, naval, and all other Government service, and also subject to such regulations as Congress may impose restricting the charges for such Government transportation. SBC. 18. Be it further enacted, That the Southern Pacific Railroad, a company incor- porated under the laws of the State of California, is hereby authorized to connect with the said Atlantic and Pacific Railroad, formed under this act, at such point, near the boundary line of the State of California, .as they shall deem most suitable for a railroad line to San Francisco, and shall have a uniform gauge and rate of freight or fare with said road ; and in consideration thereof, to aid in its construction, shall have similar grants of land, subject to all the conditions and limitations herein provided, and shall be required to construct its road on the like regulations, as to time and manner, with the Atlantic and Pacific Railroad herein provided for. SBC. 5316. It shall be unlawful to take any vessel or cargo detained under the pre- ceding section [section 5315] from the custody of the proper officers of the customs, unless by process of some court of the United States; and in case of any attempt other- wise to take such vessel or cargo by any force, or combination, or assemblage of persons, too great to be overcome by the officers of the customs, the President, or such person a,s he shall have empowered for that purpose, may employ such part of the Army or Navy or militia of the United States, or such force of citizen volunteers as may be necessary, to prevent the removal of such vessel or cargo, and to protect the officers of the customs in retaining the custody thereof. EMPLOYMENT OF TROOPS. Ill GUANO ISLANDS. SEC. 5577. The President is authorized, at his discretion, to employ the land and naval forces of the United States to protect the rights of the discoverer [of a guano island] or of his widow, heir, executor, administrator, or assigns. HAWAII. SEC. 67. That the governor shall be responsible for the faithful execution of the laws of the United States and of the Territory of Hawaii within the said Territory, and when- ever it becomes necessary he may call upon the commanders of the military and naval forces of the United States in the Territory of Hawaii, or summon the posse comitatus, or call out the militia of the Territory to prevent or suppress lawless violence, invasion, insurrection, or rebellion in said Territory, and he may, in case of rebellion or invasion, or imminent danger thereof, when the public safety requires it, suspend the privilege of the writ of habeas corpus, or place the Territory, or any part thereof, under martial law until communication can be had with the President and his decision thereon matie known. Act of April SO, 1900 (31 Stat. L,, 153). ALASKA. SBC. 29. An act entitled "An act to define and punish crimes in the District of Alaska, anil to provide a code of criminal procedure for the District," approved March third, eighteen hundred and ninety-nine, be, and is, amended, by adding to section three hundred and sixty-three thereof the following : " Provided, [That] section fifteen of an act entitled 'An act making appropriations for the support of the Army for the fiscal year ending June thirtieth, eighteen hundred and seventy-nine, and for other purposes,' approved June eighteenth, eighteen hundred and seventy-eight, shall not be construed to apply to the District of Alaska." Act of June 6, 1900 (31 Stat. L., 3SO) . Section 15 of the act of June 18, 1878 (20 Stat. L., 152), above referred to, reads as follows : From and after the passage of this act it shall not be lawful to employ any part of the Army of the United States, as a posse comitatus, or otherwise, for the purpose of executing the laws, except in such cases and under such circumstances as such employment of said force may be expressly authorized by the Constitution or by act of Congress ; and no money appropriated by this act shall be used to pay any of the expenses incurred in the employ- ment of any troops in violation of this section. 486. Officers of the Army will not permit troops under their command to be used to aid the civil authorities as a posse comitatus, or in execution of the laws, except as provided in the foregoing paragraph. 487. If time will admit, applications for the use of troops for such purposes must be forwarded, with statements of all material facts, for the consideration and action of the President ; but in case of sudden and unexpected invasion, insurrection, or riot, endangering the public property of the United States, or in case of attempted or threatened robbery or interruption of the United States mails, or other equivalent emergency so imminent as to render it danger- ous to await instructions requested through the speediest means of communica- tion, an officer of the Army may take such action before the receipt of instruc- tions as the circumstances of the case and the law under which he is acting may justify, and will promptly report his action and the circumstances requir- ing it to The Adjutant General of the Army, by telegraph, if possible, for the in- formation of the President. 488. In the enforcement of the laws troops are employed as a part of the military power of the United States and act under the orders of the President as Commander in Chief. They can not be directed to act under the orders of any civil officer. The commanding officers of troops so employer! are directly responsible to their military superiors. Any unlawful or unauthorized act on their part would- not be excusable on the ground of an order or request received by them from a marshal or any other civil officer. 112 CEMETERIES. 489. Troops called into action against a mob forcibly resisting or obstruct- ing the execution of the laws of the United States or attempting to destroy property belonging to or under the protection of the United States are governed by the general regulations of the Army and apply military tactics in respect to the manner in which they shall act to accomplish the desired end. It is purely a tactical question in what manner they shall use the weapons with which they are armed whether by fire of musketry and artillery or by the use of the bayonet and saber, or by both, and at what stage of the operations each or either mode of attack shall be employed. This tactical question will be decided by the immediate commander of the troops, according to his judgment of the situation. The fire of troops should be withheld until timely warning has been given to the innocent who may be mingled with" the mob. Troops must never fire into a crowd unless ordered by their commanding officer, except that single selected sharpshooters may shoot down individual rioters who have fired upon or thrown missiles at the troops. As a general rule the bayonet alone should be used against mixed crowds in the first stages of a revolt. But as soon as sufficient warning has been given to enable the innocent to separate themselves from the guilty, the action of the troops should be governed solely by the tactical considerations involved in the duty they are ordered to perform. They should make their blows so effective as to promptly suppress all resistance to lawful authority, and should stop the destruction of life the moment lawless resistance has ceased. Punishment belongs, not to the troops, but to the courts of justice: ARTICLE XLVIII. CEMETERIES. NATIONAL CEMETERIES. 490. National cemeteries, and the records pertaining thereto, are under the charge of the Quartermaster General. All correspondence between his office and the officers of his department in charge thereof, and the civil engineers and agents especially employed in connection therewith will be direct, and the monthly reports of superintendents will be forwarded directly to him. (C. A. R. No. 10.) BATTLE-GKOUND CEMETERIES. 491. In order to secure, as far as possible, the decent interment of those who fall in battle and to establish beyond doubt their identity should it become de- sirable subsequently to disinter the remains for removal to a national or post cemetery, or for shipment home, it is the duty of commanding generals to set apart a suitable spot near every battlefield, and to cause the remains of the killed to be interred therein and, when practicable, to cause to be placed in the coffin or grave a glass bottle, corked and sealed, containing a slip of paper on which shall be written the name of the decedent, giving the cause and date of death and burial, and in the case of an officer or enlisted man, his rank, com- pany, regiment, or corps, and bearing the signature of the surgeon or officer in charge of the interment. It is the duty of the commanding officer to cause to be made a sketch as accurate as the means at hand will permit of the burying places of those falling in battle. 492. Where conditions make it possible, the company commander will be held responsible that every grave of the men of his company who die or are killed on the field is carefully marked with a headboard, or with such other marker as may be authorized for use on the field or in the insular possessions, ADVERTISING AND FEINTING. 113 giving the name, rank, and organization of the decedent. He will report, through the proper military channels, the date and cause of death, which re- ports will include a sketch showing the location of the grave, and how marked, in such manner as will enable the same to be readily found by a disinterring corps. When a soldier or civilian employee dies in hospital, the surgeon will be held responsible for similar action and report* POST CEMETERIES. 493. The commanding officer of every post situated on public lands of the United States will see that a suitable portion of such land is, when practicable, set apart and properly maintained for the burial, of deceased officers and soldiers and their families, and of Government employees. 4-94. Post cemeteries will be suitably inclosed with a wall or fence of the best material available, and will be maintained by the labor of the garrison. Materials for the construction and repair of fences and headboards will be furnished by the Quartermaster Corps. 495. At each grave will be placed a headboard, plainly marked with a num- ber and with "the name, company, regiment, and date of death of the decedent, the number to correspond to the number in the record of interments. Head- boards will be of well-seasoned wood, painted with three coats of white paint, 4 feet long, 10 inches wide, If inches thick, and stand 2 feet out of the ground ; the inscriptions in black letters 1 inch long. 496. Walks will be 4 feet wide, neatly rounded, and properly drained and graveled when the material is at hand. When practicable, good grass sod should cover the rest of the ground, including the graves, and native trees and shrubs will be preserved or planted for ornament and shade. 497. A record of interments will be kept by the quartermaster, which will be turned over by him, when relieved, to his successor, or transmitted to the Quartermaster General if the post be discontinued. (C. A. R., No. 10.) 498. A report containing the names of persons buried during the calendar year, giving in each case number and locality of grave, date of death and burial, and in case of an officer or enlisted man, his rank, company, and regiment or corps, will be forwarded to the Quartermaster General. (C. A. R., No. 10.) ABTICLE XLIX. ADVERTISING AND PRINTING. NEWSPAPER ADVERTISING. No advertisement, notice, or proposal for any executive department of the Government, or for any bureau thereof, or for any office therewith connected, shall be published in any newspaper whatever, except in pursuance of a written authority for such publication from the head of such department ; and no bill for any such advertising, or publication, shall be paid, unless there be presented, with such bill, a copy of such written authority. (Sec. S828, Revised Statutes.) 499. No official advertisement will be published in any newspaper except under prior written authority, special or general, from the Secretary of War. Special authority authorizes the publication of a given advertisement a specified number of times in a designated newspaper or newspapers. General authority authorizes the publication, during a fiscal year, in designated newspapers, of such advertisements for proposals as may be required by the duties of officers engaged in making frequent purchases or contracts. All authorities to advertise will be granted to the office, not to the officer. In making application for au- 9065117 8 114 ADVERTISING AND PRINTING. thority to advertise, officers will specify the newspapers in which it is deemed advantageous to advertise. Due economy both as to the number of newspapers and as to the number of insertions will be observed by all officers, whether ad- vertising under special or general authority, no greater number being used in any case than may be necessary to give proper and sufficient public notice. 500. Requests for authority s to advertise will be made upon the prescribed blank forms, except that in case of great emergency, the nature of which will be stated, authority to advertise may be requested by telegraph. 501. When necessary to readvertise, owing to rejection of proposals received in accordance with a special authority to advertise, the approval of the Secretary of War must be obtained, as in the first instance ; the approval of the original authority to advertise does not confer authority to readvertise. 502. Ordinarily advertisements will be given six insertions in daily, or four in weekly, papers. When more than 10 days are to intervene between the date of the first publication and the date of opening, those in daily newspapers invit- ing proposals will at once be given four consecutive insertions, and immediately before the date of opening two consecutive insertions. In case of emergency, advertisements may be given one or more insertions, as time and circumstances permit. 503. Advertisements in newspapers announcing sales of property or inviting proposals for furnishing labor or supplies will, as a rule, allow 30 days to intervene between date of first publication and date of sale or opening of bids. If necessity require, a shorter period may be allowed, but no period of less than 10 days will be designated except in case of emergency. The officer who is accountable for property which is to be advertised for sale, or who is author- ized to invite proposals for furnishing labor or supplies, is the one upon whom devolves the duty of determining whether an emergency exists warranting the designation of a period less than 10 days for the publication of the advertise- ment. No officer will authorize the publication of an advertisement beyond the morning of the day on which the sale or opening of bids is to occur, and no pay- ments will be made for continuing such publication beyond the period authorized. 504. Officers will observe conciseness in wording advertisements, and the matter, including the heading, must be set up close in one paragraph, without dash or blank lines, leading or display, and in type no larger than that ordi- narily used in advertisements. Dates should be omitted from the headings. It is not necessary to publish the conditions usually imposed upon bidders and contractors ; a statement that they will be furnished on application will suffice. Names or titles of signing officers should not appear in advertisements. The fol- lowing is a sample of advertisement set up in accordance with these requirements : PROPOSALS FOR PIRH HOSB. Office of De- pot Quartermaster, Washington, D. C. Sealed proposals will be received here until 11 a. m., Dec. 28, 1914, and then opened, for furnishing 700 feet cotton-covered rub- ber-lined fire hose, 2-inch, in 50-foot sec- tions, with couplings. Further informa- tion on application. Any unnecessary expense to the Government resulting from failure to observe the requirements of this paragraph may be made a charge against the pay of the officer responsible therefor. Advertisements for quartermaster's supplies will conform to the requirements of section 3716, Revised Statutes. (C. A. R., No. 24.) 505. Newspapers officially designated for publishing War Department and Army advertisements are required to forward to the Assistant and Chief Clerk of the War Department sworn statements of the commercial rates charged by them to individuals, with their usual discounts, and of any changes made in the ADVERTISING AND PRINTING. 115 same, except that in cases originating in the jurisdiction of a department com- mander such sworn statements will be forwarded to the department commander concerned. These statements will give the size of type used in the advertise- ments and show whether the charges are made by the inch, line, square, or folio, the rate for the first and subsequent insertions, and if by the square or folio, the number of lines or words constituting a square or folio. Fractional parts of an Inch, square, or folio will be paid for at proportionate rates. Line rates are preferred, as they offer fewer opportunities for mistakes and misunderstand- ings in the settlement of bills. 506. Vouchers covering bills for advertising in newspapers must, prior to payment, be submitted to the Assistant and Chief Clerk of the War Department, except that in cases originating in the jurisdiction of a department commander they will be submitted to the department commander for his approval before payment. They will be prepared upon the prescribed forms and forwarded in accordance with the instructions printed thereon. 507. Accounts presented to officers for advertisements which they did not order, but which are shown to have been ordered by the Secretary of War to be published in the newspaper presenting the accounts for payment, will be pre- pared upon the official forms and transmitted to the Assistant and Chief Clerk of the War Department in the same manner as other accounts for advertising, except that in cases originating in the jurisdiction of a department commander such accounts will be forwarded to the department commander concerned. The following form of certificate will be used in such cases : I certify that the annexed advertisement was cut from the newspaper named in the above account, and that it was inserted in that newspaper for the period stated. Claims of publishers of official newspapers for advertisements copied from other papers without authority from the Secretary of War will not be paid. 508. In the event of an officer's death or removal, the outstanding bills for advertisements pertaining to his office will be prepared, certified, and forwarded by his successor, who is authorized to vary the form to correspond to the facts. Officers changing stations will leave with their successors complete records relative to unsettled accounts for advertising. 509. The heads of bureaus of the War Department and department com- manders will furnish officers charged with the publication of advertisements the necessary blanks for compliance with these regulations. JOB PRINTING. 510. The printing required at the several department, brigade, and district headquarters will be executed under contract, 30 days' notice, when practicable, being given of the opening of proposals. Bids will be invited and contracts made in accordance with the form of proposal and circular of instructions furnished by the Quartermaster General. The period of the contract will not extend beyond the end of the fiscal year in which made, and the contract will be submitted to the department commander concerned for the scrutiny required by paragraph 751. (C. A. R., No. 10 and 1.) 611. Vouchers covering bills for printing for department, brigade, and dis- trict headquarters and for printing done in foreign countries near the Philip- pine Islands will, prior to payment, be submitted for approval to the depart- ment commander concerned. They will be made out on the prescribed forms and forwarded in accordance with instructions printed thereon. 512. Printed letter and note heads for department, brigade, and district headquarters will contain the designation of the headquarters ; the office to which the correspondence pertains ; post-office address ; blank date ; on left mar- 116 PURCHASE OF SUPPLIES. gin the words " From," " To," and " Subject " ; margin marks ; and in the upper left cornei' a brief request for reference to the file number in making reply. Those for posts, regiments, and schools of instruction will contain the designa- tion of the post, regiment, or school ; post-office address ; blank date ; on left margin the words " From," " To," and " Subject " ; margin marks ; and in the upper left corner a brief request for reference to the file number in making reply. Names of officers or other persons, telephone numbers, or any other printing except such as described above, will not be printed on letter or note heads for use in any branch of the military service without prior authority therefor in writing from the Secretary of War. 513. Necessary printing not covered by contracts will, as far as practicable, be secured after competition, or under written proposal and acceptance, awards being made to the lowest responsible bidders. All vouchers covering the service will, prior to payment, be submitted to the Assistant and Chief Clerk of itoe War Department, except that in cases originating in the jurisdiction of a de- partment commander they will be forwarded to the department commander concerned for approval, accompanied by the original proposal and acceptance. (C. A. R., No. 41.) 514. Officers, as a rule, will obtain all blank forms, blank books, etc., by requisition upon the heads of the proper staff departments. Department com- manders will furnish to officers in their jurisdiction, charged with the securing of job printing, the necessary blanks for compliance with these regulations. ARTICLE L. PTTRCHASE or SUPPLIES AND ENGAGEMENT OF SERVICES. GENERAL PROVISIONS. 515. No contract or purchase on behalf of the United States will be made unless it is authorized by law, or is made under an appropriation adequate to its fulfilment, except for clothing, subsistence, forage, fuel, quarters, transpor- tation, or medical and hospital supplies, which, however, will not exceed the necessities of the current year. No officer of the United States will accept voluntary service for the Government or employ personal service in excess of that authorized by law, except in case of sudden emergency involving loss of human life or the destruction of property. 516. The labor of troops or Government employees, or Government means of transportation, will not be used to enable contractors to fulfill contracts, except in cases of manifest necessity, and then only on the written authority of the proper commander. Full deduction will be made for Government services when rendered. 517. Articles of foreign production or manufacture for the service of the United States will not be purchased abroad for importation without special authority from the Secretary of War. 518. Articles of domestic production or manufacture will be preferred to those of foreign origin, cost and quality being equal. 519. Supplies and services not personal, required for the use of the Army, will be procured where they can be purchased the cheapest, quality and cost of transportation and the interests of the Government considered. Except as indi- cated in paragraph 551 and in the special regulations of the several staff departments, they will be procured only after public notice inviting proposals for the same. PURCHASE' OF SUPPLIES. 117 Whoever works personally as a servant of the Government renders personal service under the meaning of section 3709 of the Revised Statutes. Personal services may be either skilled or unskilled ; may be rendered pursuant to informal agreement or contract, by individuals or firms, or their agents ; but all consideration of material is excluded. 520. An officer charged with the duty of making a contract or purchase is responsible under the laws and regulations for his action. Permission or orders to make a contract or purchase without inviting competition will not justify the procedure, and will not be given. 521. Officers or agents in the military service will not purchase supplies for the Government from any other person who sustains, at the time, an active relation to military or civil administration under the War Department, nor con- tract with any such person to furnish supplies or service to the Government, except military publications and maps approved by the War Department for the official use of the Army and the National Guard, nor make any Government purchase or contract in which such person shall be admitted to share or receive benefit. (C. A. R., No. 51.) ADVERTISING FOB PROPOSALS. " "." 522. In cases of large purchases a period of 30 or more days should inter- vene between date of first publication and of opening proposals. In small pur- chases from 7 to 30 days should intervene, and when the public exigency (con- stituting an emergency) does not permit 7 days to intervene, the period should be for as many days as the circumstances will permit. The existence of such emergency is to be determined by the officer upon whom the duty of making the purchase devolves. Advertising for proposals by newspapers, in accordance with Article XLIX. will be adopted when time permits, and the quantity or value of the purchase, or character of the services, in the opinion of the pur- chasing officer, will justify the expense. In such cases paragraph 503 governs as to the number of days to intervene betw r een the first publication and the date of opening proposals. When notice of less than 30 days is given, advertising by circulars (sent to principal dealers in the localitie's where the supplies or services are desired, and posted in public places) is permissible. A purchasing officer may advertise by newspapers and circulars at the same time. 528. When advertisements or specifications thereunder do not announce fixed standards for articles reqxiired, they should be so worded as to permit bids to be considered item by item and awards to be made for the most suitable articles of each kind offered. 524. Whenever it is intended to require that guaranties or certified checks shall accompany proposals, that fact, the amount in which the guarantors are to justify, or, if certified checks are substituted for the guaranties, the amount required and the periods to be allowed after the award for the execution of contract papers and bonds will be stated in the advertisement or specifications. 525. Advertisements inviting proposals will ordinarily be issued by the officer who is to make the contract or purchase; in special cases, if competent authority so direct, they may be issued by any other officer. 526. A copy of each advertisement arid specification will be promptly for- warded by the officer issuing it directly to the proper bureau of the War Depart- ment, together with all information required for a complete understanding of the necessity for the proposed contract or purchase, and in case of notice by circular there will be indorsed on it the names of persons to whom sent, and if issued for a period of less than seven days the reason why a longer period was 118 PURCHASE OF SUPPLIES. not allowed will be stated. The forwarding of these notices at time of issuing may be dispensed with at the discretion of the chief of bureau to which the proposed contract or purchase pertains. PROPOSALS. 527. Information in regard to supplies or services for which proposals have been invited will be furnished, on application, to all persons desiring it, but no person who sustains, at the time, an active relation to military or civil admin- istration under the War Department will render assistance in the preparation of proposals. (C. A. R,, No. 51). 528. Bidders for supplies will be informed of the kind, quantity, and qual- ity of articles required, the place, time, and rate of delivery, and conditions of payment. They will be furnished with such specifications as have been adopted, and will be permitted to examine the standard samples at the places where deposited. 529. Bidders for labor will be informed of the nature and extent of the services required, where they are to be performed, and the time allowed for performance. They will be furnished with or allowed to examine plans and specifications of all works upon which they desire to bid, and in general will be furnished with any information needed to enable them to act understandingly. 530. No person will be informed, directly or indirectly, of the name of any- one intending to bid or not to bid, or to whom information in respect to pro- posals has been given. 531. Proposals should be prepared in duplicate, or in triplicate if required, in strict accordance with the requirements of the advertisement or specifica- tions. They should make specific reference to the advertisement and to any plans or specifications which may have been furnished. Each proposal should give the place of residence and post-office address of the bidder, with county, State, or Territory, and should be signed by the bidder with his usual signature in full. 532. A proposal by a person who affixes to his signature the word " presi- dent," " secretary," " agent," or other designation, without disclosing his prin- cipal, is the proposal of the individual. Proposals by a corporation should be signed with the name of the corporation, followed by the signature of the president, secretary, or other person authorized to bind it in the matter, who should file evidence of his authority to do so. Proposals by a firm should be signed with the firm name by one of the members of the firm. If the signature to a proposal is that of an officer, attorney, or agent of the corporation, or of an attorney or agent of a firm or individual, and his authority to act on behalf of his principal is not a matter of general notoriety in the locality where the proposals are opened, the officer who opens such proposals should, before con- sidering the same, satisfy himself that the signer is vested with sufficient authority to represent his principal in the transaction. 633. In proposals numbers and prices will be written in words as well as expressed in figures ; but when a great variety of articles, such as stationery, hardware, etc., is required, quantities and prices may, if the amounts involved are inconsiderable and the forms of proposals so indicate, be expressed in figures only. It will be sufficient if specifications are referred to and are declared to form part of the proposal. 534. Erasures or interlineations should be explained by the bidder, in the proposal, over his signature. 635. Guaranties, signed by two responsible parties, or by a qualified surety company, will be required to accompany proposals whenever, in the opinion of PURCHASE OF SUPPLIES. 119 the officer authorized to make the contract, they are necessary to protect the public interest, and when so required, no proposal unaccompanied by a guar- anty, made in manner and form as directed in the advertisement or specifica- tions, will be considered. At the option of bidders certified checks for the amount of the guaranty required may be received in place of the written guar- anty. These checks will be kept in a secure place, and will be returned to bidders by the purchasing officer when no longer required to protect the inter- ests of the Government. 536. The guaranty will be in duplicate, or in triplicate if required, and will be made out and executed with the necessary justification, in accordance with blank forms furnished by chiefs of bureaus. The certificate of sufficiency of guarantors will be executed in the manner prescribed in paragraph 578. 537. Proposals, with their guaranties, will be securely sealed in suitable envelopes indorsed and addressed as required by the advertisement, and must be in the possession of the officer addressed before the hour appointed for the opening. No responsibility will attach to an officer for the premature opening of any proposal not so indorsed as to clearly show its character. 538. When an advertisement calls for proposals to furnish labor or supplies at more than one place, a separate proposal will be made for performance at each place, but all may be submitted in the same envelope. 539. Proposals received prior to the time of opening will be securely kept. The officer whose duty it is to open them will decide when that time has ar- rived. No proposal received thereafter will be considered, except that when a proposal arrives by mail after the time fixed for the opening, but before the award is made, and it is clearly shown that the nonarrival on time was due solely to delay in the mails for which the bidder was not responsible, such pro- posal will be received and considered. 540. Before the time for opening any bidder may, without prejudice, with- draw from competition by giving written notice of his decision to the officer holding his bid, and when his bid is reached at the opening it will be returned to him or his authorized agent unread. 541. Proposals will be opened and read aloud at the time and place appointed for the opening (bidders having the right to be present), and each proposal will then and there be numbered and entered on an abstract, the articles being entered, after the reading of all proposals, and with the least practicable delay, in the order in which they are to appear on the returns. Articles to be pro- cured by contract will be abstracted separately from those to be procured on written acceptance. If the number of proposals is large, those relating to spe- cific articles or classes of articles may be entered on separate abstracts. The number of each proposal, with the quantities and prices of articles offered and dates of delivery, will appear in the proper columns, and a copy of the adyer- tisement or notice under which the proposals are received, with a copy of the specifications, if any, will be attached to the upper left-hand corner of the abstract. When two or more sheets are used for the abstract, they will be properly fastened together and paged on the upper right-hand corner. 542. Proposals will be separately numbered as vouchers to the abstract. They will not be fastened together nor to contracts, except to the copy re- quired to be sent to the Returns Office of the Department of the Interior. (C. A. R., No. 41.) 543. When proposals are received at a post, unless by an officer authorized to make the award, as in cases involving small expenditures, they and the ab- stract will be forwarded to department headquarters, with the recommendations of the receiving officer and the post commander as to the person to whom the award should be made. When a purchasing officer, acting under the direct 120 PURCHASE OF SUPPLIES. supervision of a chief of bureau, has invited and received proposals, he will make the award and execute the necessary papers, unless otherwise directed by the chief of bureau. AWABD. 544. When proposals for supplies for the general service of a department are received at its headquarters, the chief officer of that branch of the stuff to which they pertain will submit them to the department commander, and, under his supervision, will make the award and execute the necessary papers, unless under existing orders the action of higher authority is necessary. 545. Except in rare cases, when the United States elects to exercise the right to reject proposals, awards will be made to the lowest responsible bidder, provided that his bid is reasonable and that it is in the interest of the Govern- ment to accept it. 546. Slight failures on the part of a bidder to comply strictly with the terms of an advertisement should not necessarily lead to the rejection of his bid, but the interests of the Government will be fully considered in making the award. 547. When no guaranty is required, bidders must, if called upon by the awarding officer, furnish satisfactory evidence, before the award is made, of their ability to carry their proposals into effect. 548. The accepted quantity and price will be noted on the abstract of pro- posals in the column of " Remarks," opposite the name of the bidder. If a bid is rejected and one at a higher price accepted, the reason for the rejection will be written in the column of remarks. When contracts are made, the fact will be stated in the abstract. ABSTBACTS OF PROPOSALS. 649. Abstracts and duplicate numbers of proposals will be forwarded to the proper bureaus of the War Department when specially directed by the heads of such bureaus or required by the regulations thereof. ; . FORMS OF AGREEMENT. 550. A purchase of supplies or engagement of services may be made : 1. By contract, " reduced to writing and signed by the contracting parties with their names at the end thereof." Agreements of this character only are termed " contracts " in these regulations. This method will, subject to such exceptions as may be authorized by regulations of particular staff departments issued in accordance with law, be used when delivery or performance does not immediately follow an award or bargain, as contemplated by section 2 of this paragraph or by section 1 of paragraph 551. 2. By written proposal and written acceptance, when authorized by the regu- lations of particular staff departments issued in accordance with law, or when the entire amount of supplies or services reasonably to be anticipated does not exceed $500 and delivery or performance immediately follows an award or bargain. 3. By less formal agreement, when no formal contract is required under the foregoing exceptions, and the supplies or services have been procured without advertising under circumstances indicated in paragraph 551. (C. A. R., Nos. SO, 41, and 46. ) PURCHASE OF SUPPLIES. 121 551. An open-market purchase of supplies or engagement of services is one made without advertising, and is authorized in the following cases : 1. In an emergency, as when the public exigencies require immediate delivery or performance and there is no time to advertise by newspapers, posters, or circulars. 2. When it is impracticable to secure competition. 3. When proposals have been invited and none have been received. 4. When proposals are above the market price or otherwise unreasonable. 5. When exceptional articles of subsistence stores are purchased. 6. When the aggregate amount of supplies or services to be procured does not exceed $500, as authorized by the act of Congress approved June 12, 1906. \C.A. R., No. 30.) 552. Before making a purchase in open market the officer will inform him- self concerning prevailing prices by inquiry among principal dealers in his locality. 653. Open-market purchases for the military service on or near an Indian reservation will be made as far as practicable from the Indians, under the con- ditions set forth in paragraph 478, when fair and reasonable rates, not exceed- ing the market prices in the locality, can be obtained. 564. Every open-market procurement of supplies or services not personal, from appropriations other than those for rivers and harbors and fortifications under the Engineer Department, exceeding $100 in amount will be reported on the prescribed blank form, in accordance with instructions thereon, to the proper chief of bureau, who will submit such reports to the Secretary of War. CONTRACTS. 555. Contracts will be made on forms furnished by the chiefs of bureaus, in cases where such forms are applicable, and those forms will be modified only to such extent as is necessary. AVhen modifications are made they must be fully explained over the signatures of the contracting parties. All conditions of the contract will be stated therein as fully and clearly as possible. 556. Contracts will be made in the name of, and will be signed by, the officer designated by the chief of bureau to which the contracts pertain. They will not be made at posts unless ordered by superior authority, and they will not be so ordered unless the stores or services required, of proper quality or kind, can be procured as cheaply there as elsewhere. . 557. Contracts may be made by quartermasters serving under the jurisdic- tion of department commanders for supplies and services other than personal, where the same have been designated by proper authority to be secured under such contracts. The contracts will be made under the direction and supervision of the department commander, who will scrutinize them carefully as required by paragraph 751, but will not be made subject to formal approval. The authority to make such contracts is subject to the proviso that the apportionments and allotments made for these supplies and services will not be exceeded. (C. A. R., Nos. 21 and 41.) 558. Purchasing officers of the several staff corps and departments, who are under the direct supervision of the chiefs of their respective bureaus, are authorized to make contracts for the purchase of supplies and for the engage- ment of services other than personal, without the approval of the chief of bureau, except in such specific cases as may be designated by the chief of bureau to be made subject to his approval, when such purchase of supplies or engagement of services is properly authorized. (C. A. R., No. 21.) 122 PURCHASE OF SUPPLIES. 559. When- a contract is entered into with a partnership, the individual names of the partners should be given in the body of the instrument, with the recitation that they are partners composing a firm, which should be named. The contract may be signed in the name of the partnership by one of the part- ners, who will append bis own signature as one of the firm. A contract with a partnership doing business in the Philippine Islands through a local representative or agent may be executed in the name of the firm by such local representative or agent, in which case the contracting officer will file with the contract a properly certified copy of the power of attorney showing the authority of such representative or agent, or will certify on the contract that he has satisfied himself of the signer's authority to bind the firm and has waived the requirement as to furnishing evidence of such authority. - 560. A contract of a corporation should have the name of the corporation written in the body of the instrument, as one of the parties thereto, and should be signed by the officer or person who has been authorized to contract in its behalf, who should sign the corporate name and his own. The contracting officer, will, in all cases, satisfy himself that the signer has authority to bind the corporation, and will either require from him satisfactory evidence thereof, and file the same with the contract, or will certify on the contract that he has satisfied himself of the signer's authority and has waived this requirement. If evidence be filed with the contract, it should consist of extracts from the articles of incorporation, the by-laws, or the minutes of the board of directors, duly cer- tified by the custodian of such records under the corporate seal (if there be one), showing the signer to be properly vested with authority to bind the corporation. 561. All contracts will be executed in triplicate. One number is for the Auditor for the War Department, one for the head of the bureau to which the contract pertains, and one for the contractor. Two copies will be made, one for the contracting officer, and the other for the Returns Office of the Department of the Interior. 562. The three numbers of the contract will be forwarded to the head of the proper bureau for examination and for approval, if such approval is required. Should any illegality be discovered, it will be submitted to the Secretary of War. 563. The copy of the contract for the Returns Office of the Department of the Interior will be transmitted directly thereto by the officer who signs the contract, as soon as possible after the contract has been made and approved, and within 30 days after approval, together with one original of all bids, offers, and proposals made by persons to obtain the contract, and by a copy of the advertisement ; all of which will be fastened together with a ribbon and seal, and numbered in regular order, with the affidavit of the contracting officer appended in the following form : I do solemnly swear that the copy of contract hereto annexed is an exact copy of a contract made by me personally with ; that I made the same fairly, with- out any benefit or advantage to myself, or allowing any such benefit or advantage cor- ruptly to the said or any other person ; and that the papers accompanying include all those relating to the said contract, as required by the statute In such case made and provided. . [ SEAL. ] Subscribed and duly sworn to before me this day of , 19 When the copy .of contract for the Returns Office can not be forwarded within the period of 30 days, as required by the statute, the contracting officer should transmit the same, with an explanation of the causes of delay, directly to the chief of bureau or other officer who approved said contract. This copy will then BONDS OF DISBURSING OFFICERS, BIDDERS, ETC. 123 be forwarded by such officer to the Returns Office, with a notation of his views as to whether or not the reasons set forth for the delay by the contracting officer are satisfactory. In the case of contracts that are not subject to approval, copies thereof for file in the Returns Office will be forwarded directly to that office after such delay as may be deemed sufficient to receive advice from department commanders and chiefs of bureaus concerning any changes that may be directed to be made, but within the required 30 days. There will be stamped or noted at the bottom of such copies the words "Execution completed - (date)," showing the date on which the execution or signing of the contract was completed. (C. A. R., No. 21.) 664. The number of the contract for the Auditor for the War Department will be sent to him by the head of the bureau to which the contract pertains, and in case of a purchase made by an officer of the Quartermaster Corps after public notice of seven days or more, this number must be accompanied by a copy of the advertisement, a certificate of the contracting officer as to the time and manner of its publication, and his certificate that the award was made to the lowest responsible bidder for the best and most suitable article. 565. All papers relating to or affecting the performance of any contract will finally be transmitted to the bureau of the War Department to which the con- tract pertains, except as provided in paragraph 705. MARKING SUPPLIES BY CONTRACTORS. 566. Contractors furnishing supplies will mark and distinguish them with their names and with such other designations as shall be directed by the pur- chasing officer. ABTICLE LI. BONDS OP DISBURSING OFFICERS, BIDDERS, AND CONTRACTORS. 567. Officers of the Quartermaster Corps, before enterfng upon duty which involves accountability for public funds or public property, will give bonds as required by law. The Quartermaster General will see that such bonds are examined as to sufficiency of sureties at least once in two years, and renewed once in four years, or more frequently if necessary- (G. A. R., No. 53.) 568. Sureties to bonds given by disbursing officers will be bound jointly and severally for the whole amount expressed therein, and must satisfy the Secre- tary of War that they are worth, jointly, double such amount, each surety making affidavit that he is worth that sum over and above his debts and liabili- ties, and stating in the affidavit his place of residence. 569. Bonds for the faithful performance of contracts for supplies or service will be required when the consideration is $5,000 or more and the contract can not be fully performed within 60 days from its date. Bonds may be exacted or, in the discretion of the chiefs of bureaus concerned, waived in all other cases, except that bonds required under paragraph 572 will not be waived. The amount of penalty in a contractor's bond will be fixed by the contracting officer, and will not be less than one-tenth nor more than the full amount of the consideration of the contract ; except that the penalty of bonds required under the provisions of paragraph 572 will not be less than 50 per cent of the con- sideration of the contract. 570. When bonds for the faithful performance of contracts are exacted they will be made and executed with the necessary justification and certification 124 BONDS OF DISBURSING OFFICERS, BIDDERS, ETC. of sufficiency of sureties, in accordance with the instructions printed on the blank -forms of contractors' bonds furnished by the chiefs of bureaus. Such bonds must be executed by the contractor as principal and by a surety company or by at least two sufficient and responsible persons, who must be citizens of the United States, as sureties. Each must affix his signature and seal, and each signature must be attested by at least one witness. When practicable there will be a separate witness to each signature. Sureties to bonds executed in any foreign country, or in the Philippine Islands, Porto Rico, or Hawaii, for the performance of contracts entered into in those places need not be citizens of the United States. 571. Contractors' bonds will be executed in duplicate, one to accompany the mimber of the contract which is sent to the Auditor for the War Department, and the other forwarded to the head of the bureau to which the contract pertains. -^ 572. When a contract is entered into for the construction of any public building, or the prosecution and completion of any public work, or for repairs on any public building or public work, the contractor or contractors will be required, before entering upon performance of the same, to include in the bond given for the faithful performance of the contract the further obligation that lie or they will promptly make payments to all persons who supply him or them with labor or materials for the prosecution of the work provided for in such contract. If no suit should be brought by the United States within six months from the completion and final settlement ef said contract, then the person or persons supplying the contractor or contractors with labor or mate- rials will be furnished with a copy of the contract and bond upon his or their application to the War Department, accompanied by an affidavit that the labor or materials have been supplied by him or them and have not been paid for by the contractor or contractors. 673. A company duly incorporated under the laws of the United States, or of any State, and legally authorized to guarantee bonds, may be accepted as surety, subject to the limitations prescribed in paragraphs 575, 576, and 577. Lists of such surety" companies as have conformed to the requirements of law and these regulations will be furnished by the chiefs of staff bureaus concerned to disbursing and contracting officers, who will apply directly to the chiefs of their respective bureaus for the necessary copies. A firm, as such, will not be accepted as surety, nor a partner for a copartner or firm of which he is a member. Stockholders who are not officers of a corporation may be accepted as sureties for such corporation. 574. When the principal of the bond is a corporation, a copy of the record of the selection of the officers executing the bond in its behalf, and a copy of the by-law or other record of the proceedings of the governing hody of the cor- poration, showing their authority to execute the same, will be attached to the bond ; these copies to be certified by the custodian of such records, under the seal of the corporation, to be correct copies. These papers, however, may be dispensed with where the bond is executed by the president, vice president, general manager, or superintendent of the corporation, under the corporate seal, and attested by the secretary, and the contracting officer certifies that he has satisfied himself after due inquiry that the person who executed the bond is in active management of the business of the corporation and has been in such management for a considerable period prior to the execution of the bond. (C. A. R., No. 54.) 575. Before a corporation will be accepted as surety it must obtain authority in writing from the Secretary of the Treasury to do business under the act of August 13, 1894, as amended by the act of March 23. 1910, and before it will be BONDS OF DISBURSING OFFICERS, BIDDERS, ETC. 125 accepted as surety on the bond of a principal residing in a State or Territory other than the one in which incorporated it must comply with the require- ments of section 2 of said amended act as to the appointment, etc., of an agent on whom process may be served. The certificate of the Treasury Department will be accepted as to the qualification of surety companies in both respects. In foreign countries and in the Philippine Islands foreign corporations who are authorized to act as sureties on bonds may be accepted as sureties on bonds executed in those places in an amount of penalty not exceeding 10 per cent of the paid-up capital and surplus of said corporation, although they have not qualified before the Treasury Department as hereinbefore provided. C. A. R., No. SO.) 576. Surety companies must furnish to the War Department, to be filed in the Office of the Judge Advocate General, powers of attorney as evidence of the appointment of, or changes in, the authorities of their officers or agents. These powers of attorney are required to be upon individual cards which will be furnished for that purpose. In cases where the officers or agents of a com- pany are appointed periodically, powers of attorney must be promptly furnished as evidence of each of such appointments. Surety companies must furnish promptly proper evidence of the revocation of such powers of attorney. All bonds and contracts shall be examined, as to the authority of the officers or agents executing the same on behalf of surety companies, by a reference to this file of powers of attorney. All bonds or contracts required to be approved or filed elsewhere than at the War Department in Washington shall be ex- ecuted in duplicate, and the duplicate shall be forwarded to the War De- partment for examination. (C. A. R., No. 53.) 577. 1. No surety company shall be accepted under the provisions of the act of Congress approved August 13, 1894, as sole surety on any recognizance, stipulation, bond, or undertaking under the War Department for an amount greater than 10 per cent of its paid-up capital and surplus. 2. No such company shall be accepted as surety on any recognizance, stipu- lation, bond, or undertaking under the War Department which shall execute any such obligation, on behalf of any individual, firm, association, or corpora- tion, for an amount greater than 10 per cent of its paid-up capital and surplus, unless such company shall be secured as to such excess to the satisfaction of the Secretary of War, by reinsurance, or by deposit with such company in pledge or conveyance to it in trust, for its security or indemnity, of property equal in value to such excess ; or, if such bond is executed in behalf or on account of a fiduciary holding property in a trust capacity, the liability thereon in excess of 10 per cent of the paid-up capital and surplus shall be secured by such deposit or other disposition of a suitable and sufficient portion of the estate so held that no sale, mortgage, pledge, or other disposition can be made thereof without such company's approval : Provided further, That such portion of any such bond which shall have been reinsured by said company in another surety, trust, or guaranty company or companies, authorized to do business under the act of Congress of August 13, 1894, shall be deducted from the penal sum of such bond in determining the limitation of risk prescribed herein, if the same is within the 10 per cent limit of said reinsuring company or companies. 3. Two or more companies may be accepted as sureties upon any recogni- zance, stipulation, bond, or undertaking under the War Department, the penalty of which does not exceed 10 per cent of their aggregate paid-up capital and surphis, but in all cases the sureties must, where the law requires it, execute such obligation jointly and severally. 126 BONDS OP DISBURSING OFFICERS, BIDDERS, ETC. 4. The amount of paid-up capital and surplus of sucli companies shall be determined by the quarterly financial statements filed with the Secretary of the Treasury pursuant to section 4 of the act hereinbefore referred to, after copies of such statements have been filed in the War Department. 5. If the amount of said capital and surplus shall at any time during the intervals between the dates of the rendition of such statements, as required by law, become less than the amount determined in the statement last filed, then every such company shall file, within 10 days after such diminution of its capi- tal and surplus, a condensed statement, sworn to by one of its principal officers at the home office, showing the nature and extent of such diminution, and the amount of such capital and surplus remaining shall be the basis for risks until the rendition of the next quarterly statement. 6. Every such company shall file in the War Department, during the months of January, April, July, and October of each year, a report giving an itemized statement of all recognizances, stipulations, bonds, or undertakings which such company shall have executed during the previous three months in excess of 10 per cent of its paid-up capital and surplus, showing the character and penalty of such obligations, the nature and amount of indemnity, collateral, or reinsur- ance thereon, and such other information in regard thereto as may be required. 7. Any violation of the provisions of this order or failure on the part of any company to comply promptly with its requirements will be considered ground for refusing thereafter to accept such company as surety upon any recognizance, stipulation, bond, or undertaking under the War Department, and for recommending to the Secretary of the Treasury that the authority of such company to do business under the act hereinbefore referred to be revoked. 678. The sureties, if individuals, must jointly justify in double the amount of the penalty. The affidavit of justification must be taken before a person authorized by the laws of the United States, State, Territory, or District to administer oaths. Justification will be followed by the certificate of a judge or clerk of a United States court, a United States district attorney, a United States commissioner, or a judge or clerk of a State court of record, with the seal of said court attached, that the sureties are known to him, and that, to the best of his knowledge and belief, each is worth, over and above all debts and liabilities, the sum stated in his affidavit of justification. If found necessary, separate certificates may be furnished as to each surety. The affidavits of justification of sureties to contractors' bonds executed in any foreign country, or in the Philippine Islands, PorfH*Rico, or Hawaii, may be taken before a notary or any other officer having a seal and who by the laws of the place is authorized to administer such oaths, the official seal of the notary or other officer to be affixed. The certification of sufficiency of such sureties may be made by a United States consul, if any, by a notary, or by the judge or clerk of any court in such place having a seal, the official seal of the officer or court to be affixed. The regular blank forms of bonds when used as above will be modi- fied accordingly and the changes will be fully explained over the signatures and seals of all parties to the bond. 579. A guarantor, or the guarantors, to a bidder's guaranty may be accepted as surety, or sureties, to the bond of the same person as contractor, provided such guarantor or guarantors are able to justify as required for the bond. 580. The principal and surety must sign and seal the bond. The corporate seal of the corporation must be affixed to the bond by some person duly author- ized, who must also affix the name of the corporation to it, followed by his own signature and official designation written after the word " by." The names and places of business of the principal and surety must be written in the body of the bond. MONEY ACCOUNTABILITY. 127 581. Iu case of financial embarrassment, failure, or other disqualifying cause on the part of the surety to a bond, the Secretary of War will require the bond to be renewed to his satisfaction, upon notification to the principal. Official bonds may not be renewed at the will of the principal or surety, but only by direction of the Secretary, and the substitution of one corporate company for another as surety on a bond will not be permitted except by direction of the Secretary, or after the bond has run for a period of four years, when a renewal thereof is required by law. ARTICLE LII. MONEY ACCOUNTABILITY. PUBLIC MONEYS. 582. The use of moneys for purposes other than those for which appropria- ated, liquidation of liabilities of one fiscal year by use of moneys appropriated for another, and expenditures in a fiscal year of any sum in excess of appro- priations for that year, or involving the Government in any contract for future payment of money in excess of appropriations, except as authorized by para- graph 515, are prohibited. 583. Chiefs of bureaus will see that funds in the hands of a disbursing officer are limited to his requirements for a brief period. DISBURSING OFFICERS. 584. When an officer disburses money in different capacities, his deposits and accounts will be kept distinct, according to the bureaus to which they pertain. 585. Disbursing officers will not pay an account until it is due. In cases of contracts for the performance of service or delivery of articles, payment will not exceed the value of services rendered or articles actually delivered. 586. Public money, subject to disbursement, coming into the hands of an officer from any source will be promptly placed by him to his credit with the Treasurer of the United States, or else transferred to a disbursing officer of that branch of the public service to which the money pertains. Exceptions to this rule are allowed in the cases and to the extent authorized by paragraph 587, and in cases where an officer, when stationed on the extreme frontier or at a place far remote from depositaries, has been specially authorized by the Sec- retary of War to keep at his own risk such money as may be intrusted to him for disbursement. Money in hand, subject to disbursement, may be disbursed at once without being placed in depositaries if a payment is due. 587. Recruiting officers and officers doing quartermaster duty at posts or independent stations are authorized to keep on hand, at their own risk, moneys pertaining to the appropriation " Subsistence of the Army " in such restricted amounts as may be necessary for facilitating payments of small amounts to public creditors. When it becomes necessary to draw a check for obtaining subsistence funds to be kept in personal possession, the officer will draw it in his own favor and enter under the heading thereon, " Object for which drawn," or " On account of," the following : " To hold funds in personal possession under A. R. 587." Such checks will not be stated to be for " payments under $20." 588. A disbursing officer who ceases to act as such will inform the Secretary of the Treasury at once what checks drawn against the public funds to his 128 MONEY ACCOUNTABILITY. credit, if any, are still outstanding and unpaid. He will also comply with the requirements of paragraphs 630 and 902. 589. The accounts of a bonded disbursing officer must l>e kept separately under each bond except when the second bond is cumulative, in which case the accounts will be stated under both bonds. When a new bond is given the officer will close his accounts under the former bond and will deposit to the credit of the Treasurer of the United States, or transfer to a bonded officer of the same department who is authorized by law to handle the same class of funds, any unexpended balance before an advance is made under the new bond, in order that the liability of the sureties on the respective bonds may be definitely fixed. In all cases where a transfer is made to a bonded officer there must be an actual transfer of funds and not a mere paper transaction. The date of the bond of a disbursing officer is the date on which it is approved by the Secretary of War, and such date is to appear on all requisitions for funds issued under such bond and also on the account current on which such funds are accounted for. 590. All amounts of money held at the end of each fiscal year by the Treas- urer, an assistant treasurer, or a designated depositary, credited to a disburs- ing officer whose account has remained unchanged, either by deposit or payment, for the space of three years, shall be covered into the Treasury, to be placed to the credit of such officer, if it be found that he is entitled to the credit. 591. No officer disbursing money for the military service, or directing the disbursement thereof, shall be concerned individually, directly or indirectly, in the purchase or sale of any article intended for, used by, or pertaining to the department of the public service in which he is engaged. 592. No officer or clerk of a disbursing officer shall be interested in the pur- chase of any soldier's certificate of pay due, or any other claim against the United States. 593. If any disbursing officer shall bet at cards or any game of hazard, his commanding officer will suspend his functions, require him to turn over all public funds in his keeping, and will immediately report the case to the proper bureau of the War Department. He will also report the case to the depart- ment commander, who will at once convene a court-martial for the trial of the officer. 594. Every disbursing officer, in opening his first account and before issuing any checks, will furnish the depositary on whom the checks are to be drawn with his official signature, duly verified by some officer whose signature is known to the depositary. 595. For every Treasury draft received by a depositary to be placed to the official credit of a disbursing officer, and for every deposit of funds made by the officer to his official credit, subject to payment of his checks, a receipt, num- bered in serial order, and giving the place and date of issue, will be furnished him by the depositary, setting forth the character of the funds, i. e., whether coin or currency. If the credit is made by a disbursing officer's check trans- ferring funds, the essential items of the check will be enumerated, and if by a Treasury draft, the warrant number. The title of the officer will be expressed, and the title of the account will also show for what branch of the public service it is kept. The receipt, called "a disbursing officer's receipt," will be retained by the officer in whose favor it is made. 596. An officer is not authorized to insure public money or property, and he will not be allowed credit for any expense paid for the collection of money on checks, except as provided in paragraph 1100 for military attaches serving abroad. MONEY ACCOUNTABILITY. 129 TRANSFERS. 597. Public funds will, as a rule, be transferred as follows: The officer making tlio transfer will draw his check directing the depositary to place a stated amount to the official credit of the officer named on the check. The check will be sent to the depositary and not to the officer in whose favor it is drawn. If it is necessary that the officer to whom the funds are transferred fchall receive them without delay, the transferring officer may draw his check and transmit it directly to the -payee. In either case an invoice will be sent to the receiving officer, but no receipt will be given by him except for cash transfers. 598. Funds will not be transferred from one appropriation for the use of another by borrowing or otherwise, except as authorized by law. 599. A disbursing officer may draw his check in favor of himself (1) to make payments of amounts not exceeding $20; (2) to make payments at a distance from a depositary ; or (3) to make payments of fixed salaries due at a certain period. In the first and last named cases the check will be drawn not more than two days before the payments become due. In all other cases the checks will be drawn only in favor of the persons, firms, or corporations, by name, to whom the payments are to be made. 600. On the face of each check that he draws a disbursing officer will slate his address, the object of the expenditure, the number or other necessary de- scription of the voucher, and, in case of payment to an officer, enlisted man, or civilian employee, the period for which the payment is made. Such statements will be brief, but clear, as, for instance, " pay," " pay roll," oc " payment of troops," adding the post or station ; " purchase of subsistence," or of other supplies, naming them; "on contract for construction," mentioning the fortifi- cation or other public work for which the payment is made; "payments under $20." Payment is refused on all checks where regulations are not complied with, aud report of the fact is made to the Treasury Department. In writing checks on the protective surface-tinted blanks furnished by the Treasury De- partment the ordinary typewriter with plain type, or rubber stamps, may be used. Only typewriter record ribbons, writing black or blue, the ink of which must be heavy and of the most permanent nature, or stamp pads inked with a permanent black ink. shall be used for the piirpose, so as to secure clear, well- inked impressions which can not be easily erased without removing the pro- tective surface-tinting at the same time. The data on the check stub or register of checks issued will be the same as on the check to which it relates. 601. Officers serving in and disbursing funds pertaining to more than one staff department, and officers assigned to duty in any of the staff departments, in issuing checks, will confine the designation of their official capacity to their rank and the particular staff department on account of which the checks are drawn. 602. Whenever an original check of a disbursing officer is lost, stolen, or destroyed, the owner, to better protect his interest, should, in writing, notify the office or bank on which it was drawn of the fact of such loss, stating the name of the disbursing officer or agent by whom it was drawn, describing the check, giving if possible its date, number, and amount, and requesting that payment of the same be stopped. In order to procure the issue of a duplicate check the party in interest must furnish the disbursing officer or 9065117 9 130 MONEY ACCOUNTABILITY. agent who issued the original check with an affidavit explaining the loss, and an indemnity bond, both of which should be prepared on the form furnished for the purpose by the Treasury Department. The form contains full instruc- tions as to the proper method of preparation. Upon these papers a duplicate check may be issued after the expiration of thirty days and within three years from the date of issue of the original, and such duplicate check, with the- affidavit and bond, will be forwarded directly to the Secretary of the Treasury for approval. In case the disbursing officer who issued the original check is no longer in the service, the notice and proof of loss and the indemnity bond will be sent to the Secretary of the Treasury, and it becomes the duty of the proper accounting officer, under section 3647, Revised Statutes, to state an account in favor of the owner of the lost check and to charge the amount thereof to the account of the disbursing officer. No disbursing officer or agent is authorized to issue a duplicate check except as prescribed in this paragraph. (C. A. R., Nos. 27 and 44-) G03. In case of death, resignation, or removal from active service of a dis- bursing officer, checks previously drawn by him will be paid from the funds to his credit, unless such checks were drawn more than four months before their presentation, or reasons exist for suspecting fraud. A check previously drawn by him and not presented for payment within four months of its date will not be paid until its correctness shall have been attested by the Comptroller of the Treasury or by his chief clerk. 604. A check drawn by a disbursing officer still in active service, presented before it shall have been issued three full fiscal years, will be paid in the usual manner by the office or bank on which it is drawn, and from funds to the credit of the drawer. 005. Upon receipt of the statement of his disbursing account for the month of June of each year, from the office or bank in which his funds are kept, each disbursing officer will immediately make a return to the Secretary of the Treasury, through the chief of his bureau, of all checks drawn by him which have been outstanding and unpaid for three full fiscal years on June 30 of that year, stating the number of each check, its date and amount ; in whose favor, on what office or bank, and for what purpose drawn ; the number of the voucher in payment of which it was drawn, and, if known, the address of the payee, and he will inclose in the return all checks described therein that may be in his possession. 606. At the close of each fiscal year all amounts remaining to the credit of a disbursing officer, represented by checks or drafts drawn upon the Treasurer, an assistant treasurer, or any designated depositary, three or more years prior thereto, will be covered into the Treasury and there stand to the credit of the payees in an appropriation account denominated "outstanding liabilities." 607. A check which has been issued for a period longer than three full fiscal years will be paid only by the settlement of an account in the Treasury De- partment. For this purpose an officer who receives such a check will transmit it, through the proper channels, to the Secretary of the Treasury. If a check is lost, proof of ownership and loss and a bond of indemnity will be furnished. OFFICIAL CHECK BOOKS. 608. Official check books are issued by the Treasurer of the United States directly to disbursing officers who have public money on deposit with him. Rules for issue, transfer, etc., of these check books accompany each book. In making payments only official checks will be used. MONEY ACCOUNTABILITY. 131 609i Every disbursing officer or agent snail retain with his official records the stubs or register of checks issued by him. Should a disbursing officer or agent make an erasure or alteration on any of his checks, however slight, he shall cer- tify to the correctness of such erasure or alteration on the upper margin of such check. The greatest care will be exercised in the custody of blank checks. They will be kept under lock and key when not in use. No disbursing officer will issue a check on the Treasurer of the United States until after he shall have ascer- tained from said Treasurer his individual numerical symbol, which shall be printed, stamped, or written in the lower right-hand corner of each check. 610. Spoiled or canceled official checks shall be sent quarterly by each dis- bursing officer directly to the Auditor for the War Department. A record of the dates of both cancellation and transmission will be entered on the stub. CERTIFICATES OF DEPOSIT. 611. Public moneys are transferred to the General Treasury by being depos- ited to the " credit of the Treasurer of the United States," either at the Treas- urer's office, or at the office of one of the assistant treasurers, or at one of the designated depositaries. Alf " miscellaneous receipts on account of proceeds of Government property" (par. 618) must be deposited; also, when required by chiefs of bureaus to which the funds pertain, the public moneys in the posses- sion of or to the credit of disbursing officers or others. For each deposit made a " certificate of deposit " in duplicate will be given, showing the full name, rank, regiment, or corps of the depositor, and to what appropriation or fund the amount belongs, the depositor giving the necessary information when mak- ing the deposit. 612. The " originals * of all certificates of deposit are required by law to be forwarded by the depositaries directly to the Secretary of the Treasury ; the " duplicates " will be filed by the depositing officers with their retained papers. Immediately upon making a deposit to the credit of the Treasurer of the United States the depositing officer will notify the proper chief of bureau of the fact, stating the name of the depositary, the amount, the appropriation to which the money pertains, when known, and whether the amount arose from proceeds of sales, or is a repayment of an unexpended balance, or a refund- ment on account of an error in the accounts or returns. The number of the certificate of deposit will also be stated if known, but the report will not be delayed for the purpose of obtaining such number. If the deposit is on ac- count of the indebtedness of any person other than the depositing officer, the source from which the money was derived and the object of the payment will be distinctly stated and reference made to the vouchers, if any, to which the deposit pertains. 613. A disbursing officer of one staff, department making stoppages on account of the funds or property of another staff department . will, in the absence of special instructions to the contrary, deposit the funds so received, and not leave them to be transferred upon the settlement of his accounts at the Treasury. 614. Nothing in paragraphs 612, 613, -and 615 will be construed to affect the existing system of depositing collections by quartermasters of the Army. When- ever an officer refunds money to the Government by payment to an Army quartermaster, duplicate descriptive receipts will be issued by the latter for the amount refunded. The quartermaster, with the least practicable delay, will forward, without letter of transmittal, the original receipt directly to the Quartermaster General and furnish the officer with the duplicate, (C. A, R., No. 10.) 132 MONEY ACCOUNTABILITY. 615. When a disbursing officer of the Army receives any moneys of the United States as the proceeds of sales, as miscellaneous receipts, or funds of like character, not available for disbursement, he will deposit, without delay, such funds to his official credit with an authorized depositary or, if more con- venient, to the credit of the Treasurer of the United States, at the nearest authorized depositary. In the former case, at the close of the month in which such funds are received the total will be made the subject of one check issued by him in favor of the depositary, and marked " for deposit to the credit of the Treasurer of the United States." The disbursing officer will indorse on the back of the check issued for this purpose the title of the appropriations and the amount that pertains to each into which the several sums embraced in the deposit should be covered into the Treasury. ^ The number, date, name, location of the depositary, and amount of the certificate of deposit will be noted on the account current upon which the depositor desires to be credited with the money deposited. 616. Certificates of deposit must be recorded in the proper bureaus of the War Department. The " originals," upon their receipt at the Treasury, are immediately forwarded to the Secretary of War, who refers them to the proper bureaus to which the deposits pertain for verification and designation of the appropriation. PROCEEDS OF SALES. 617. Moneys received from authorized sales of property (except property, other than river and harbor, mentioned in pars. 679 and 680) will be de- posited to the credit of the Treasurer of the United States, and respectively revert to the appropriations out of w^iich originally expended. But the moneys urising from the authorized disposition of serviceable ordnance and medical and hospital property and the sales of useless ordnance material are expended under conditions prescribed by law. All moneys arising from sales of sub- sistence supplies or stores, authorized by law and regulations, shall be covered into the Treasury to the credit of the proper appropriation and shall remain available throughout the fiscal year following that in which the sales were effected, for the purposes of that appropriation from w-hich such supplies or stores were authorized to be supplied at the time of the sales. (C. A. R., Xo. 10.) 618. The proceeds of sales of all public property the disposition of which is not provided for by paragraph 617, after the expenses of sale have been de- ducted will be deposited to the credit of the Treasury of the United States as " Miscellaneous receipts on account of proceeds of Government property," for which certificates of deposit will issue, showing the name, rank, regiment, or corps of the depositor, the nature of the deposit, the kind of property, and the bureau to which it pertained. 619. The transfer of public property other than subsistence stores is not regarded as a sale. Vouchers for property so transferred will be sent through tiie chief of the bureau concerned to the proper accounting officer of the Teasury Department for settlement, as prescribed in paragraph 671. If credit is received therefor the money may be used to replace the property transferred. APPROPRIATIONS. 620. The fiscal year ends on June 30. The quarters of the fiscal year are as follows : First quarter, July 1 to September 30 ; second, October 1 to December 31 ; third, January 1 to March 31 ; fourth, April 1 to June 30. MONEY ACCOUNTABILITY. 133 621. Chiefs of bureaus, in notifying officers of remittances, will inform them of the amount remitted under each head of appropriation, giving the designation by liscal years when necessary. 622. All accounts of a disbursing officer shal be rendered and stated in one consolidated account for each bureau under which he is disbursing, without regard to the number of appropriations or headings involved. 623. Money received and disbursed under the appropriation for contingent expenses of the Army will be accounted for by officers authorized to disburse it, on special accounts current, in which funds belonging to other appropriations will not be entered. 624. When an article purchased is not named in the appropriation act, the purpose for which it is intended determines the appropriation from which pay- ment is made. 625. All public funds on hand at the close of a fiscal year, except those required to pay outstanding liabilities incurred during such year (a schedule of which will, if possible, accompany the last account current for the year), and except balances in cash in the hands of disbursing officers of the Quartermaster Corps in the Philippine Islands, Alaska, and in other places outside of the conti- nental limits of the United States, who are located at points remote from deposi- taries, and appropriations not limited to any fiscal year or years, will be de- posited to the credit of the Treasurer of the United States and the disbursing officers account closed by a credit for such deposit. In case of funds in cash in the hands of disbursing officers of said corps who come within the foregoing exception, said officers will, at the close of business on the 30th day of June each year, or as soon thereafter as possible, inform the department quarter- master of the department in which they are serving, or, if not under the juris- diction of a department quartermaster, inform the Quartermaster General di- rectly of the amount of cash in their hands in excess of what is needed to pay outstanding liabilities, and that they will credit and charge themselves on their accounts current for June and July, respectively, with such amount as trans- ferred from the old to the new fiscal jear appropriations. Upon receipt of this information in each case the department quartermaster will make a debit entry on his account current for the amount under the former fiscal year and a cor- responding credit entry under the latter fiscal year for the purpose of adjusting the disbursing officer's fiscal year appropriation account, thus accomplishing the same result as if an actual transfer of funds had taken place. The Quarter- master General will arrange to have similar action taken in each case reported to him directly. Where an account is closed in the manner above described, the balance in cash in the officer's hands should be counted, wherever practi- cable, by three disinterested persons and their certificates, as to its correctness should accompany the account current. (C. A. R., No. 10.) 626. An account current, accompanied by abstracts and vouchers, will be forwarded to the chief of the bureau to which it pertains, and a memorandum copy thereof retained by the officer. A disbursing officer who for any reason (e. g., separate bonds, etc.) is required to render separate accounts will keep separate and distinct accounts of his funds in the Government depositaries and will unmistakably designate such several depositary accounts on his vouchers, requisitions, deposits, and accounts current. The balances acknowledged by a disbursing officer and his analyses thereof must actually represent the state of his business at the close of the last day for which the account is rendered. He will so arrange his business that he may, when called upon to do so, close his accounts and analyze his acknowledged balances. All transactions coming within the time covered by the account will be reported therein. No payments or collections not actually made, and not in tne hands of the officer during the 134 MONEY ACCOUNTABILITY. period of the account, will be included therein. An officer disbursing in part by cash and drawing official checks to obtain cash to make payments will render with his account current a stibsidiary cash account, the balance of which will agree or he reconciled with his cash as shown by his analysis of balance with his account current. 627. Disbursing officers who render accounts which eventually pass to the Treasury Department for settlement are required to prepare their accounts, with abstracts and vouchers complete, and deposit them in the post office, ad- dressed to the chief of the bureau of the War Department to which they pertain, on or before the 10th day of each mouth. Irregularities in the mail service or want of blank forms will not excuse a failure to comply with this paragraph. When vouchers are not sent with the account to which they belong, but are sub- sequently rendered, suitable explanations will be made. 628. Original vouchers will, if possible, accompany the accounts ; copies 'Will not be accepted unless duly certified and accompanied by satisfactory evidence of the loss or destruction of the originals, or that their retention is indispensable to the performance of duty by an officer. 629. With the accounts will be forwarded all orders of commanding officers and all other papers upon which the officer accountable relies to relieve himself from responsibility. 630. When an officer is relieved from duty in a staff department at any station he will certify outstanding debts, if any, to his successor, and transmit a list of the same to the head of the proper bureau. Unless otherwise ordered, he will turn over to his successor the public money, property, books, and papers pertaining to the service from which he is relieved. He will also comply with the requirements of paragraphs 588 and 902. MONEY VOUCHERS. 631. A voucher will not be made in duplicate or in triplicate unless the instructions on the proper blank require it, in which case the original only will be certified. 632. The correctness of the facts stated on a voucher and the justness of the account must be certified by an officer, except when some other mode of authenticating the same is authorized in these regulations. 633. Every voucher in support of a payment for supplies or for services, except as provided in paragraph 634, will be made out in favor of the creditor, giving his address, and will show (if for supplies furnished) the date of the purchase (or the order number), the quantity and price of each article, and the amount, or (if for services) the character of the services, the date or dates on which they were rendered, and the amount. When a purchase is made as a result of a written proposal and a written acceptance, the voucher (if there be only one) will be accompanied by a copy of the public notice, the accepted bid, and a copy of the letter accepting the bid, and will contain a certificate showing that the procurement of the articles or service was made in the manner indicated thereon ; if two or more vouchers are made, the papers required will be filed with the first voucher paid and reference thereto made on the other vouchers. A voucher for service rendered by the day or month will show the character of the service, the inclusive dates thereof, the time for which payment is made, the rate of pay, and the amount. The certificate of a creditor to a voucher for supplies furnished or for services rendered will contain the words " I certify that the above bill is correct and just and that payment therefor has not been received." MONEY ACCOUNTABILITY. 135 634. Vouchers for supplies or for services other than by the day or month submitted in support of payments for all work carried on under the War Depart- ment or any bureau thereof may, if desired, be accompanied by the original bills submitted by the creditor and dated and signed by him or by his authorized representative, and vouchers with such bills attached will be made out in favor of the creditor, giving his address, and stating the account in general terms, with the aggregate amount only extended, and the words " as per bill hereto attached," or words of like import added, except that such original bills need not be attached to vouchers in tile following cases, viz : Where under a contract quantities delivered or amounts due are determined by a duly authorized inspector, and his certificate as to the facts is filed with the voucher to which it pertains ; where a bill of lading or transportation request accompanies a voucher for transportation services performed under public tariffs; where a voucher is for telegraphic services at rates fixed by the Postmaster General ; when the account is small and the creditor does not submit a bill. The certifi- cate of a creditor to a voucher for supplies furnished or services rendered will contain the words " I certify that the foregoing account is correct and just and that payment therefor has not been received." When desirable, the creditor may place the foregoing certificate upon the original bill and, when so placed, the certificate upon the voucher need not be signed, provided that the bill be attached to and made a part of the voucher before the same .is signed by the disbursing officer. 635. Money amounts will be expressed in terms of dollars and cents. When a fraction of a cent less than one-half occurs in the footing of a voucher it will be disregarded. If the fraction be one-half or greater it will be reckoned as a cent. If the agreement calls for foreign currency, the account shall be stated in that currency. The total amount will be reduced to its equivalent in United States currency at the current rate of exchange at the date of payment. The amount in United States currency having been determined, checks may be drawn there- for by disbursing officers to their own orders in United States currency and by them exchanged at local fiscal agencies of the United States where possible, or at local banks, for the necessary amount in the currency or exchange required to pay the creditor in the money originally agreed upon where the creditor de- clines to accept check payable in currency of the United States. The vouchers for accounts will be made to show the debt as actually incurred in the coin in which payment is made and the reduction from this coin to United States currency, the rate of exchange being stated on the voucher and the amounts stated on abstracts and account current in United States currency. 636. A voucher for purchases and services not personal will show thereon the mode of purchase or engagement, using the form of notations on the stand- ard prescribed forms. 637. The giving or taking of a receipt for public money in blank or in advance of actual payment, or the signing of a check for public money in blank, is prohibited. 638. A voucher for funds disbursed will be made out in full before being certified by a public creditor. If paid with check no receipt will be required, but if paid with cash one receipt will be obtained. 639. An invoice of funds transferred will show the place and date of transfer, the name and title of the officer to whom transferred, the character of funds, and the amount transferred under each head of appropriation. If the transfer is of cash, a receipt will be obtained and filed with the account current. If the transfer is for the correction of errors, whether arising upon 136 MONEY ACCOUNTABILITY. the settlement of accounts or otherwise, the facts will be noted in detail on the invoice. 640. A voucher for a payment made or an invoice for money transferred will have noted thereon the number, date, and amount of checks given and the depositary on which drawn. If payment or transfer is made with currency, wholly or in part, the facts will be stated and a receipt given for the currency. 641. Vouchers must be stated in the name of the corporation, company, firm, or person rendering the service or furnishing the articles for which payment is made. 642. Payment with currency will not be made to the holder of a power of attorney or to a holder of an instrument operating as a transfer or an assign- ment. If payment with currency is made to an incorporated or to an unincorporated company, the money will be delivered to and the voucher certified and receipted by a duly authorized officer or agent of the company ; the certificate and receipt to be signed with the company name, followed by the autograph signature of the officer, with his title, or of the agent, to whom the money was delivered, and the receipted voucher will be accompanied by evidence showing his authority. This evidence will consist of extracts from the articles of incorporation or association, the by-laws, or the minutes of the board of directors duly certified by the custodian of such records (under the company seal, if there be one), showing that the signer is properly vested with authority to receive and receipt for money due to the company. If payment of currency is made to an individual or to a copartnership doing business under a company title, the certificate and receipt will be signed with the company name, followed by the autograph signature of the individual pro- prietor or of one of the members of the firm with the words " proprietor" or " one of the proprietors " affixed thereto. If payment with currency is made to a copartnership doing business as such, the certificate and receipt will be signed with the firm's usual signature by one of the members of the firm, who will be reqiiired to affix his own signature as " one of the firm." If payment with currency is made to an individual creditor, the certificate and receipt will be signed by him in person. 643. If payment is made with check to the order of any company (incor- porated or unincorporated), or firm or individual by name, and the fact that the check has been so drawn is stated on the voucher, giving its number, date, amount, and United States depositary on which drawn, the certificate to the voucher may be signed by an officer, attorney, or agent of the company, or by an attorney or agent of the firm or individual, stating the capacity in which he signs, without filing with the voucher evidence of his authority to sign. The disbursing officer in all such cases will deliver the check to such person only as he is satisfied is axithorized by the principal to certify to the voucher and receive the check. 644. Receipts for small sums paid with currency to a corporation, such as a railroad, telegraph, turnpike, transfer, express, steamboat, hotel, newspaper, or ice company, for an occasional service rendered may be signed and the vouchers certified by the local agent in charge of the business of the company at the place where the service is rendered or where it begins or terminates, and the crtificate of the officer who made the payment that the person to whom pay- ment was thus made was then the local agent of the company in charge of its business at the place designated will be sufficient evidence of the agent's authority to certifiy to the vouchers and to receipt for the money paid. MONEY ACCOUNTABILITY. 137 645. When an account is presented by an individual who is not known to the disbursing officer, the latter will require him to be identified. 646. The form of the signature to the certificate, and to the receipt when required, and the name of the person or business firm as entered at the head of an account must be literally alike. 647. When a signature is not written by the hand of the party it must be witnessed by a disinterested party, a commissioned officer when practicable. 648. In final statements, receipts for money, and papers of like character, money amounts will, in all cases, be written out in full and also expressed by figures in parentheses. This requirement does not apply to pay rolls of military organizations, pay rolls of other descriptions, nor to lists of deposits on final statements. 649. Fees of civil officers for administering oaths in matters of military administration (where the services of department judge advocates, or judge advocates of courts-martial, or trial officers of summary courts were not ob- tainable) will be paid from the appropriation applicable to the subject matter of the oaths, and in case there be no appropriation applicable thereto the fees will be paid by the Quartermaster Corps. 650. Disbursing officers will not issue vouchers for unpaid accounts as due- bills against the United States, but a certified statement of personal services and of wages due may be given to a discharged employee who for want of funds was not paid at time of discharge. 651. When applicable, the following rules for the computation of time in payment for services will be observed : 1. For any full calendar month's service, at a stipulated monthly rate of compensation, payment will be made at such stipulated rate without regard to the number of days in that month. 2. When service commences on an intermediate day of the month, 30 days will be assumed as the length of the, month, whatever be the number of days therein. 3. When the service terminates on an intermediate day of the mouth, the actual number of days during which service was rendered in that calendar month will be allowed. 4. When the service embraces two or more months or parts of months but one fraction will be made, thus: From September 21 to November 25, inclusive, will be calculated September 21 to October 20, inclusive, one month ; from October 21 to November 20, inclusive, one month; from November 21 to 25, inclusive, five days, making the time allowed two months and five days. 5. W T hen two fractions of months occur and both are less than a whole month, as from August 21 to September 10, the time will be determined thus : August 21 to 30, inclusive (ignoring the 31st), 10 days; from September 1 to 10, inclusive, 10 days ; making the time allowed 20 days. 6. Service commencing in February will be calculated as though the month contained 30 days, thus: From February 21 to 28 (or 29), inclusive, 10 days. W T hen the service commences on the 28th day of that mouth, 3 days will be allowed, and if on the 29th, 2 days. 7. If service commences on the 31st day of any month, payment will not be made for that day. 8. For commutation of subsistence and for services of persons employed at a per diem rate, payment will be made for the actual number of days. 9. When services are rendered from one given date to another, the account will state clearly whether both dates are included. 10. In computing the wages of persons employed at a per diem allowance the day on which service begins and the day on which it ends will be allowed in the computation. 138 PUBLIC PROPERTY ACCOUNTABILITY AND RESPONSIBILITY. 11. Unauthorized absence on the 31st day of a month results in the loss of one day's pay. 652. Disbursing officers, except those serving in the Philippine Islands, will not settle with heirs, executors, or administrators except by authority of the proper bureau of the War Department, and upon accounts that have been duly audited and certified by the proper accounting officers of the Treasury. In the Philippine Islands disbursing officers may settle directly with executors or administrators upon accounts accruing in those islands, which are accom- panied by the duly attested copies of the decrees appointing said executors or administratyrs in conformity with the civil laws of the archipelago governing such matters. The settlement thus made by any disbursing officer is, however, subject to review by the accounting officers of the Treasury when his accounts shall come before them for adjustment. -* PECUNIARY RESPONSIBILITY OF OFFICERS. 053. An officer will have credit for an expenditure of money made in obedi- ence to the order of his commanding officer. Every order issued by any military authority which may cause an expenditure of money in a staff depart- ment will be given in writing. One copy thereof will be forwarded by the officer receiving it to the head of his department, and the other will be filed by the disbursing officer with his voucher for the disbursement. If the expenditure be disallowed, it will be charged to the officer who ordered it. 654. If a payment made on the certificate of an officer as to the facts is afterwards disallowed for error of fact in the certificate, it will pass to the credit of the disbursing officer and be charged to the officer who gave the cer- tificate ; but the disbursing officer can not protect himself in an erroneous pay- ment made without due care by charging lack of care against the officer who gave the certificate. ADMINISTRATIVE EXAMINATION OF MONEY ACCOUNTS. I 655. The chief of a bureau to which accounts pertain will cause each account current, with its accompanying papers, to be examined and transmitted to the Treasury Department, with his decision indorsed thereon, within 60 days from the date on which such account was received at his office. He will bring to the notice of the Secretary of War all matters of account that require or merit it. When a suspension or disallowance is made, the bureau will notify the officer that he may have an opportunity to submit explanations or take an appeal to the Secretary of War. 656. In case of discovered error or disallowance in an account upon its ex- amination by the proper authority, the officer responsible will, upon notification thereof, unless able to furnish evidence to correct or remove the same, make the proper correction in his next account current, and refer therein to the particular voucher in which the error occurred or the disallowance was made. ARTICLE LIII. PUBLIC PROPERTY ACCOUNTABILITY AND RESPONSIBILITY. GENERAL PROVISIONS 657. Accountability and responsibility devolve upon any person to whom public property is intrusted, and who is required to make returns therefor. PUBLIC PEOPERTY ACCOUNTABILITY AND RESPONSIBILITY. 139 Responsibility without accountability devolves upon one to whom such property is intrusted, but who is not required to make returns therefor. An accountable officer is relieved from responsibility for property for which he holds a proper memorandum receipt. A responsible officer is not relieved from responsibility for public property for which he has given memorandum receipt until he has returned the property to the accountable officer or has secured memorandum receipt from a successor, or until he has otherwise been relieved by the opera- tion of regulations or orders. 658. The officer in permanent or temporary command of a post or station is responsible for the security of all public property of the command, whether in use or in store, and, although for purposes of periodical accountability to the War Department it may all have been officially receipted for by subordinate officers, the commanding officer is nevertheless responsible and pecuniarily liable with them for the strict observance of the regulations in regard to its preserva- tion, use, and issue. He will take care that all storehouses are properly guarded, that only reliable agents are employed, and only trustworthy enlisted men are detailed for duty in them or in connection with property. 659. If an officer in charge of the public property of a command (not prop- erly pertaining to a company or detachment) is, by order, leave of absence, or sny other cause separated from it, the commanding officer, or an officer desig- nated by him, will receipt and account for it. 660. If it becomes necessary to remove all officers from the charge of public property, the commanding officer will take measures to secure it and report the circumstances to the proper authority. 661. A company or detachment commander is responsible for all public prop- erty pertaining to his company or detachment, and will not transfer his account- ability therefor to a successor during periods of absence of less than a month unless so ordered by competent authority ; when such absence exceeds a month, the question of responsibility is settled by the proper authority. 662. The officer in temporary or permanent command of a company or de- tachment is responsible for all public property used by or in possession of the command, whether he receipts for it or not. 663. The property responsibility of a company commander can not be trans- ferred to enlisted men. It is his duty to attend personally to its security, and to superintend issues himself or cause them to be superintended by a commis- sioned officer. 664. An officer will not when it can be avoided be detailed for duty which will separate him from public property for which he is accountable. 665. A transfer of public property involves a change of possession and accountability. In ordinary cases of transfer the transferring officer will fur- nish the receiving officer with invoices in duplicate, accurately enumerating the property, and the latter will return duplicate receipts. In cases in which com- plete transfer of property occurs, instead of exchanging separate invoices and receipts, as above provided, the receiving officer may make direct entry on the final return (both original and duplicate) of his predecessor that all the prop- erty thereon enumerated as on hand and transferred to successor was received by him. The transferring officer may make similar entry on his final return, stating that all the property therein enumerated as on hand and transferred to* successor was actually turned over by him. 666. When an officer to whom stores have been forwarded believes them to have miscarried he will promptly inform the issuing and forwarding officers. 667. If an officer to whom public property has been transferred fails to receipt for it within a reasonable time, the invoicing officer will report the facts 140 PUBLIC PROPERTY ACCOUNTABILITY AND RESPONSIBILITY. to the commanding officer of the former for action. Copies of all papers relating to the transaction will be filed with his returns. 668. Upon the receipt of public property by an officer he will make careful examination to ascertain its quality and condition, but will not break original packages until issues are to be made, unless he has reason to believe the con- tents defective. Should he discover defect or shortage, he will apply for a sur- vey to determine it and fix the responsibility. Should he consider the property unfit for use, he will submit inventories in duplicate and request the action of an inspector. The same rule will be observed in regard to packages when first opened for issue, and for property damaged or missing while in store. 660. When packages of supplies are opened for the first time, whether because of apparent defect or for issue, the officer responsible or some other commissioned officer will be present and verify the contents by actual weight, count, or measurement, as circumstances may require, and in case of deficiency or damage will make written report of the facts to the post commander. If only the officer responsible be present and make the report, he will secure the sworn statements in writing of one or more civilians or enlisted men regarding the condition of the property when examined. Should a survey be ordered, the post commander will refer to the surveying officer the report made by the examining officer, together with the sworn statements. At arsenals and depots, where there are persons whose special duty it is to receive and issue public stores, the reports herein required may be made by them instead of officers of the Army. 670. The giving or taking of receipts in blank for public property is pro- hibited. 671. Supplies procured by one bureau will not be furnished to another bureau except on special authority of the Secretary of War, except in the Philippine and Hawaiian Departments, where the authority of the department commanders is sufficient. When restored in kind, the supplies will be de- livered at the post from which they were received or at such other post as department commanders or chiefs of bureaus concerned may determine. If the transaction is between two bureaus of the War Department or between a bureau of the War Department and a bureau of another executive depart- ment (except in case of subsistence stores, payment for which shall be made in cash by the proper disbursing officer of the bureau, office, or department concerned, or by the employee to whom the sale is made, and in the case of transactions to which either the Engineer Department or the Signal Corps is a party, in which case payment shall be made by the proper disbursing officer of the bureau, office, or department concerned), the transferring officer will prepare itemized bills or invoices, in triplicate, accurately enumerating the supplies transferred, and will present them to the receiving officer, who Avill acknowledge receipt of the supplies thereon, designate the appropria- tion and allotment chargeable, and return the original and duplicate to the transferring officer. The transferring officer will indicate thereon the appro- priation to be credited, and will forward the papers to the chief of his bureau in Washington, by whom they will be transmitted, through the chief of the bureau chargeable with the bill, to the proper accounting officer of the Treasury Department for settlement, except that in the case of ordnance and ordnance stores when transferred or sold to another bureau of the War Department, or to another executive department, the chief of the bureau chargeable with the bill will forward it to the proper disbursing officer for direct payment, the check being drawn payable to the Chief of Ordnance, U. S. A. The different copies of the bills will be plainly marked " Original," " Duplicate," or " Triplicate," and the statement " Settlement to be made on the original PUBLIC PROPERTY ACCOUNTABILITY AND RESPONSIBILITY. 141 only " will appear on the original copy issued. The original copy must always be the ribbon copy. When the trasaction is between two bureaus of the War Department, the prices to be charged will be regulated by the contract or invoice price of the stores. When the transaction is between a bureau of the War Department and a bureau of another executive department, the price to be charged will include the contract or invoice price and the cost of transportation, and in case of subsistence stores for another executive department of the Government or em- ployee thereof 10 per cent additional to cover wastage in transit. For regula- tions governing sales of subsistence supplies to officers and enlisted men of the Navy and the Marine Corps, see paragraph 1241$. When the trasaction covering the transferor sale of ordnance and ordnance stores is between two bureaus of the War Department, the price to be charged shall be the cost price of the stores, including the cost of inspection. When the transaction is between the Ordnance Department and another executive depart- ment of the Government, the price to be charged shall include the cost price of the stores and the costs of inspection and transportation. In requests for transfers of appropriations under the provisions of this paragraph, the original invoice and the duplicate copy will be forwarded with the request for transfer. The original invoice will be signed by the invoicing officer and will be supported by an acknowledgment on the part of the proper official of the receipt of the supplies or of the services rendered as shown by the invoice. The invoice will also show units and unit prices where practicable. (C. A. R., Nos. 2, 10, 22, and J,6.) 672. In no case will means of transportation or other property of any branch of the military service be taken as a part of the outfit of surveying or explor- ing expeditions for which Congress has made appropriations without the express authority of the Secretary of War. 678. When it is Impracticable for an officer to personally superintend his issues as may be the case with one charged with disbursements or the care of depots he should choose with great caution the agent to whom he Intrusts the duty. 674. The keys of storerooms or chests will not be intrusted to enlisted men or civilians without great vigilance on the part of the accountable officer and a resort to every reasonable precaution, including frequent personal inspections, to prevent loss or damage. 675. An officer in charge of public property in use or in store will endeavor by timely repairs to keep it in serviceable condition. For this purpose the necessary means will be allowed on requisition, and property in store so repaired will be issued. 676. All movable public property will, if practicable, be conspicuously branded "U. S." before being used. 677. Public property will not be used nor will labor hired for the Govern- irient be employed for any private purpose whatsoever, except as authorized in these regulations. 678. Unserviceable property is, with reference to its disposition, divided into classes as folows: 1. Property worn out by fair wear and tear in the service, which has no salable value.. 2. Property worn out by fair wear and tear in the service which presumably has some salable value. 3. Property which has been rendered unserviceable from causes other than fair wear and tear in the service, 142 PUBLIC PROPERTY ACCOUNTABILITY AND RESPONSIBILITY. Property of the first class may be submitted to a surveying officer and dis- posed of as indicated in paragraph 717, or it may be submitted to an inspector without prior action of a surveying officer. Property of the second class will be submitted to an i/spector without prior action of a surveying officer. ^^. Property of the third class will be submitted to a surveying officer, except as provided in paraagraph 1073 in case of public animals, and unless destroyed tinder the provisions of paragraph 717 will subsequently be submitted to an inspector. The inventory and inspection reports will be accompanied by the report of the surveying officer. In the application of this paragraph to articles of the unit accountability equipment furnished by the Engineer or Ordnance Department, articles per- taining to the reconnnaissance and surveying equipment of posts and forts, and miscellaneous stores covered by Class X, Ordnance property classifica- tion, the following will be considered property of the first class: 1. Articles, not under the supervision of an armament officer, rendered un- serviceable, due to fair wear and tear in the service, which have no salable value after parts useful in repair have been removed. 2. Unserviceable articles not under the supervision of an armament officer, which can not be economically repaired with the facilities available and for the disposition of which specific instructions have been given by the Engineer or Ordnance Department. 3. Unserviceable articles pertaining to artillery and machine-gun materiel, tinder the supervision of the armament officer when specifically given in Wai- Department publications or orders as falling within the provisions of this para- graph. All other unserviceable articles and parts of artillery and machine-gun materiel under charge of armament officers, including guns, mounts, vehicles, sights, and fire-control instruments, will, when replaced, be shipped to an arsenal or submitted to a surveying or inspecting officer with a view to con- demnation, as directed by the armament officer under the instructions of the Chief of Ordnance. Arms for which a test for determining unserviceability is definitely pre- scribed, and which have not been subjected to the same, are excepted from the application of the above. Property falling under the classifications indicated in paragraphs 913 and 1566 will not be considered subject to the provisions of this paragraph until the nec- essary permission for its submission to a surveying officer or inspector has been obtained. (C. A. R., No. 30.) , 679. Empty barrels, boxes, crates, and other packages, together with metal turnings, scrap metals, ground bone, and other weste products which accumu- late at arsenals, depots, and military posts, which are unsuitable for the public service, will be disposed of in the manner prescribed for property condemned and ordered sold in paragraph 680. At arsenals and depots where such accu- mulations have considerable money value proposals will be invited for specific lots and quantities, or for the accumulations of definite periods, as the head of the department to which the property pertains may deem best suited to the public interest. 680. Military stores and public property condemned and ordered sold will be disposed of for cash at auction, or to the highest bidder on sealed proposals, on due public notice, and in such market as the public interests may reqiiire. The officer making the sale will suspend it when in his opinion better prices can be obtained, except in the case of condemned animals, the disposition of which is provided for in paragraph 1073. The auctioneer's certified detailed account of the sale, and the vouchers for the expenses attending it, will be PUBLIC PROPERTY ACCOUNTABILITY AND RESPONSIBILITY. 143 reported on the proper forms to the chief of the bureau to which the property pertained. 681. Public property which has been condemned, or the issue price of which has been reduced as the result of a survey or inspection, will not be purchased by an officer who was responsible therefor at the time of condemnation or reduc- tion of price, nor by an officer who bore any part in such condemnation or reduction. PROPERTY DAMAGED, LOST, DESTROYED REWARDS. 682. Causes of damage to, and of loss and destruction of, military property are classified as follows : 1. Unavoidable causes, being those over which the responsible officers have no control, occurring (a) in the ordinary course of service, or (6) as incident to an active campaign. 2. Avoidable causes, being those due to carelessness, willfulness, or neglect. 683. Officers responsible for public property will be charged for any damage to or loss or destruction of the same, and the money value will be deducted from their monthly pay, unless they show, to the satisfaction of the Secretary of. War, by their own affidavits, or by their certificates, supported by one or more affidavits, that the damage, loss, or destruction was occasioned by un- avoidable causes and without fault or neglect on their part. 684. Oaths, where required in the administration of the affairs of the Army, will be taken (except when otherwise specially provided) before an gfficer of the Army authorized by the provisions of the one hundred and fourteenth article of war to administer oaths ; or before an officer authorized by the laws of the United States or by the local municipal law to administer oaths. (C. A. R., No. 55.) 685. If an article of public property be lost or damaged by the neglect or fault of any officer or soldier, he shall pay the value thereof, or the cost of repairs, at such rates as may be determined by a survey of the property. 686. The amount charged against an enlisted man on the pay rolls on account of loss or damage of, or repairs to, Government property shall not ex- ceed the value of the article or cost of repairs ; and such charge will only be made on conclusive proof, and never without a survey, if the soldier demand it. He will be informed at the time of signing the pay rolls that his signature will be regarded as an acknowledgment of the justice of the charge. 687. When a deserter carries away public property, or when such property is lost through his desertion, its value will be determined by a survey and charged against him on the next pay rolls, as prescribed in paragraph 116. 688. If articles of public property are embezzled, or lost or damaged through neglect, by a civilian employee, the value or damage as ascertained (and by a survey if necessary) shall be charged to him and set against any pay or money due him. 689. Whenever information is received that animals or other property belonging to the military service of the United States are unlawfully in the possession of any person not in the military service, the quartermaster or other proper officer will promptly cause proceedings to be instituted and diligently prosecuted before the civil authorities for the recovery of the property; and, if the same has been stolen, for the arrest, trial, conviction, and due punishment of the offender and his accomplices. 690. Upon satisfactory information that such United States property, unlaw- fully in the possession of any parties, is likely to be taken away, concealed, or otherwise disposed of before the necessary proceedings can be had in the civil tribunals for its recovery, the post or detachment commander will at once cause the same to be seized, uud will hold it subject to any legal proceedings that may 144 PUBLIC PROPERTY ACCOUNTABILITY AND RESPONSIBILITY. be instituted by other parties. Persons caught in the act of stealing public property will be summarily arrested by the troops and turned over to the civil authorities for trial. 691. When public property has been lost or stolen and the officer responsible therefor has failed to get possession of it by the ordinary means, the post com- mander may authorize the quartermaster to offer a reward for its recovery, such reward not to exceed one-fifth of the value of the property lost or stolen, and in no case shall it exceed $50. If the property has been stolen, the reward shall include payment for such information as the claimant possesses in regard to the larceny and recovery of the property as may lead to a conviction of the guilty party. 692. The expenses necessarily incurred by any action under the three preced- ing paragraphs, with the exception of attorney's fees, will be paid by tlie Quartermaster Corps, upon proper vouchers approved by the department com- mander. Officers will promptly report their action to department headquarters. PROPEBTY ACCOUNTABILITY. 693. All public property, whether paid for or not, must be accounted for on the proper returns. All public property unaccounted for when discovered by an accountable officer will be taken up and the usual returns rendered therefor. When discovered by officers not accountable for that class of property, or by enlisted .men or civilian employees, they shall report the same as soon as prac- ticable to an officer so accountable, who will take it up and account for it. In the absence of such an accountable officer the senior officer, enlisted man, or civilian employee present will take charge of such property and report it to the commander of the department wherein it may be located with a view to its proper disposition. 694. An officer accountable for the public property of two or more companies will account for that pertaining to each, except quartermaster supplies, on a separate return. 695. Accountability for public property will not be transferred to enlisted men, except to ordnance sergeants and quartermaster sergeants, senior grade, und quartermaster sergeants, Quartermaster Corps, at ungarrisoned posts and sergeants of the Signal Corps or enlisted men acting as such. (C. A. R., No. 52.) 696. Vouchers for issues or expenditures of property not authorized by regu- lations will be accompanied by copies of the orders directing the issues or ex- penditures. 697. An officer will have credit for an expenditure of property made in obe- dience to the order of his commanding officer. If the expenditure is disallowed, it will be charged to the officer who ordered it. 698. Public property expended in the military service will be accounted for by the certificate of the accountable officer, and property lost or destroyed will be accounted for by the affidavit of the responsible officer, or by his certificate supported by one or more affidavits. These certificates and affidavits will ac- company the return covering the period during which the expenditure occurred or the loss or destruction was discovered ; but in exceptional cases, when it is impracticable to submit such certificate, and affidavits with the return, these delayed vouchers, together with the reasons for not transmitting the same, will be specified upon the return, and they will be forwarded, as soon as practicable, properly numbered and indorsed, to the proper bureau of the War Depart- ment. , 699. When an enlisted man has, by a court-martial, been convicted of losing or damaging public property, the officer accountable for the property will send LANDS, BUILDINGS, AND IMPROVEMENTS. 145 with his property return a certified copy of so much 'of the court-martial order as refers to the case, giving number, date, and place of issue of the oi'der, and stating on the face of said copy the rolls on which the charges are made. 700. Should an officer or agent of the Government charged with public prop- erty fail to render the prescribed returns thereof within a reasonable time, a settlement of his accounts will be made by the proper bureau of the War De- partment, and the money value of the property with which he is charged will be reported against him for stoppage. 701. All returns of stores or supplies will be rendered as required by regula- tions or orders. Those of subsistence stores will be forwarded within 10 days after the expiration of the accounting periods and those of other classes of stores and property within 20 days to the chiefs of bureaus to which they per- tain. In cases in which complete transfer of property from one officer to an- other occurs within an accounting period, a return will be forwarded by the officer making the transfer within 20 days after the date of such transfer ; but when ordnance property is transferred by a commanding officer of an ordnance establishment, by a coast defense ordnance officer, or by a post ordnance officer, end when submarine mine property is transferred by a coast defense artillery engineer, within an accounting period, the transfer of accountability will be made on the current return, which will be completed and rendered by the officer accountable at the close of the accounting period. ADMINISTRATIVE EXAMINATION OF PROPERTY RETITRNS. 702. As soon as possible after the receipt of a return by the proper chief of bureau, it will be examined in his office, and the officer making the return will be notified of all errors and irregularities found therein and granted three months to correct them. Suspensions or disallowances will not be made on account of slight informalities which do not affect the validity of a voucher, but the officer's attention may be called to them. Whenever the errors have been corrected or compensation has been made for deficient articles, and the action of the bureau chief is sustained or modified by the Secretary of War, the return will be regarded as settled, and the officer who rendered it will be notified accordingly. 703. If the necessary corrections in the return be not made within the pre- scribed time, the facts will be reported to the Secretary of AVar. When it shall have been determined that the money value of the property for which an officer has failed to account shall be refunded to the United States, the proper chief of bureau will forward to the Auditor for the War Department a certificate setting forth the condition of the officer's property return, with the statement that it includes all charges made up to its date and not previously certified, and that he has had a reasonable opportunity to be heard and has not been relieved of responsibility. Such certificate, when received, will raise a charge on the books of the Treasury Department against the officer until refundment shall have been made. ARTICLE LIV. LANDS, BUILDINGS, AND IMPROVEMENTS. 704. Land shall not be purchased for the United States except under an act of Congress authorizing the purchase, nor shall public money be expended for the erection of armories, arsenals, forts, fortifications, or permanent buildings of any description thereon, until the written opinion of the Attorney General 9065117 10 146 LANDS, BUILDINGS, AND IMPROVEMENTS. shall have been obtained announcing the validity of the title thereof in the Gov- ernment, nor, if the land be within any State, until jurisdiction over it shall have been ceded to the United States by the legislature of the State, or such cession of jurisdiction shall have been expressly waived by Congress. 705. All papers relating to the Washington Aqueduct and public buildings and grounds in the District of Columbia will be filed in the office of the Chief of Engineers. All other deeds and papers pertaining to the title or sale of, and any lease, grant, license, or easement of, upon, or over any military reservation or other lands under the jurisdiction of the War Department will be filed in the office of the Judge Advocate General. When any such papers come into the possession of any bureau they shall within five days thereafter be transferred to the office of the Judge Advocate General. 706. Permanent military buildings, will be constructed only under special authority granted by an act of Congress, unless the work or labor connected therewith is performed by troops, and in such case the authority of Congress must first be obtained if the estimated cost of the building or structure exceeds $20,000. 707. Permanent barracks, quarters, or other buildings, or piers or wharves, will not be erected or constructed except by the order of the Secretary of War, and in accordance with plans approved by him ; nor will any material altera- tions be made in public buildings unless like authority is first obtained ; nor will any expenditures exceeding $500 be made upon any building or grounds at any post, fort, arsenal, or depot without the approval of the Secretary of War and upon detailed estimates submitted to him. 708. A copy of the plat of the lands at each post, fort, arsenal, and depot, furnished from the proper bureau, will be carefully preserved in the office of the commanding officer. 708^. The route and location of duct lines and trenched cables on posts and other military reservations will be carefully recorded and copies of these records, obtained from the department concerned, will be furnished by the com- manding officer to the respective post quartermasters. Coast defense and post commanders will exercise care in issuing instructions or granting permits for digging in the vicinity of any military underground electrical cable in order to diminish the possibility of damage thereto. Officers in charge of construc- tion will in all cases see that no excavating or trenching is done on any post or other military reservation without previously ascertaining the location of the cables and ducts installed thereat and determining that these will not be injured by the contemplated work. (C. A. R., No. 55.) 709. Whenever a public building at a military post or station in the United States is destroyed or seriously damaged by fire, storm, or other natural cause, the post or station commander will make immediate report of that fact by telegraph directly to The Adjutant General of the Army, stating the numerical or other designation of the building involved and the date and cause of the destruction or damage, and will make a like report to the department com- mander if the post or station is under his command. When the destruction or damage occurs at a general depot of supply, a general hospital, or an arsenal or armory, or involves a building owned or leased by the Government and used for military purposes, but not located on a military reservation, the officer in charge, in addition to making the telegraph report hereinbefore prescribed to the head of the staff bureau of the War Department to which any such building may pertain, will make a like report by telegraph directly to The Adjutant General of the Army. In the Philippine and Hawaiian Departments telegraphic report of the dam- age or destruction of such buildings will be made to the department com- SURVEYS OP PROPERTY. 147 manders, who will cable the report to The Adjutant General of the Army if the case is of more than minor importance. In addition to the foregoing, the estimated damage and the cost of repairs or reconstruction will be reported upon by a board of officers, to be appointed for the purpose by the post commander when the building is located at a mili- tary post, and to be appointed in orders from the office of The Adjutant General of the Army in all other cases, except in the Philippine and Hawaiian Departments, where the board will be appointed by the department commanders. In the event that the destruction or damage is not due to natural causes, the board will make a thorough investigation with a view to fixing the respon- sibility for such destruction or damage, and will make such recommendation with respect thereto as the case may demand. The report of the board will be forwarded through military channels to The Adjutant General of the Army. The action contemplated by this paragraph will apply, as far as practicable, in the case of loss or destruction of or damage to an Army transport. Army mine planter, cable ship, or other vessel owned or operated by the War Department. ARTICLE LV. \ SURVEYS OF PROPERTY. 710. Public property which has been damaged, except by fair wear and tear, or is unsuitable for the service, before being submitted to an inspector for con- demnation, will be surveyed by a disinterested officer, preferably the summary court officer. 711. The surveying officer will be designated by the commanding officer of the regiment, separate battalion, post, or station, from the field officers of his com- mand whenever practicable. Such officer may, however, be appointed by the commanding officer of a department, field army, division, brigade, or district. If none but the commanding officer and interested officers be present for duty, then the commanding officer will survey the property. When only the respon- sible or interested officer is present, he will not appoint himself surveying officer, but will furnish the next higher administrative commander his certificate of facts and circumstances, supported by the sworn testimony of witnesses, or by the affidavits of enlisted men or others who are cognizant thereof. Should the case thus presented not be considered satisfactory, or in a case in which only interested officers with opposing interests are present for duty at the post or station, the next higher administrative commander may make the necessary investigation. In cases where the property in question has been previously acted upon, the officer making the investigation will be so informed and the previous reports will be considered. (C. A. R. No. 30.) 712. The surveying officer must fully investigate matters submitted to him. He will call for all evidence attainable, and will not limit his inquiries to proofs or statements presented by parties in interest. He will rigidly scrutinize the evidence, especially in cases of alleged theft or embezzlement, and will not recommend the relief of officers or soldiers from responsibility unless fully sat- isfied that those charged with the care of property have performed their whole duty in regard to it. He should hear in person or by deposition all persons con- cerned in the subject matter before him. ^n. no case, however, will his report take the place of the evidence required in paragraph 683. 718. The person responsible for public property to be surveyed will, in all cases, furnish the original certificates and affidavits upon which he relies to be relieved from responsibility, together with the duly attested copies of such 148 SURVEYS OF PROPERTY. certificates and affidavits that are to accompany the report of survey. When- ever loss or destruction of, or damage to, public property, requiring the action of a surveying officer, occurs, such action will be requested by the responsible officer as soon as practicable and in every case withiu 30 days after discovery of the loss, destruction, or damage, unless exceptional circumstances, which will be explained by the officer's certificates, prevent such action within that period. 714. Any officer of the Army detailed to conduct an investigation, and the recorder, and, if there be none, the presiding officer of any military board appointed for such purpose, shall have authority to administer an oath to any witness attending to testify or depose in the course of such investigation. 715. The surveying officer can not condemn public property. His action is purely advisory. He will ascertain and report facts, submitting opinions and. making recommendations upon questions of responsibility which may arise through accident, mistake, or neglect. For example, he investigates and deter- mines questions involving the character, amount, and cause of damage or deficiency which public property may have sustained in transit, store, or use, and which is not the result of ordinary wear and tear of the service, and reports the investigation made, his opinions thereon, and fixes responsibility for such damage or deficiency upon the proper party. He makes inventories of property ordered to be abandoned when the articles have not been enumerated- in the orders for abandonment. He recommends the prices at which damaged clothing may be issued and the proportion in which supplies shall be issued in con- sequence of damage or deterioration that renders them, at the usual rate, unequal to the regulation allowance, fixing in each instance responsibility for actual condition. He verifies the discrepancy between invoices and the actual quantity or description of property transferred from one officer to another, fixes definitely amounts received for which the receiving officer must receipt, and ascertains, as far as possible, where and how the discrepancy has occurred. 716. The report will be prepared in triplicate and will then be submitted to the convening authority for approval or disapproval. Separate reports will be made for each staff department concerned. 717. On the approved recommendation of a surveying officer the following classes of property may be destroyed: (1) Clothing infected with contagious disease; (2) stores that have become so deteriorated as to endanger health or injure other stores; and (3) unserviceable property of no salable value sub- mitted to a surveying officer under the provisions of paragraph 678. The deci- sion of the commanding officer will be final as to whether such property has salable value. When in the application of this paragraph under (3). to ordnance stores, the value of the stores to be destroyed on any survey shall bring the total for the quarter for any organization in excess of the amounts hereinafter given, the approval of the next higher administrative commander shall first be obtained. Cavalry troops and Engineer and Signal Corps companies, $300. Batteries of Field Artillery, $500. Infantry and Coast Artillery companies and all other cases, $150. When the disposition of unserviceable articles is covered by specific in- structions of any of the supply departments, they will be disposed of in accordance with such instructions in lieu of being destroyed under the pro- visions of this paragraph, but requests for specific instructions will not be submitted in individual cases instead of placing the property before a sur- veying officer or inspector. SURVEYS OP PROPEETY. 149 Before ordering the destruction of property or stores under the provisions of this paragraph the commanding officer will personally inspect the same and will be held responsible that the conditions justify the action. In case the invoice value of the stores involved exceeds $500, the approval of the next higher administrative commander will be obtained before destruction of the property, as provided in paragraph 719. A certificate of the witnessing officer that the property has been destroyed as authorized will be appended to the report. (C. A. R., No. 30.) 718. When the value of the property submitted for survey or the loss or damage to be inquired into does not exceed $500 the report will be considered complete, for submission as a property voucher, upon the approval of the ap- pointing authority, if the interested officer does not request the action of the next higher administrative commander. One copy will then be forwarded to the commanding officer of the post, if a general officer, otherwise to department headquarters, and the others delivered to the officer accountable. 719. Should the appointing axathority be the responsible or interested officer, or should the report be disapproved by the appointing authority, or should the report hold the accountable officer responsible, or should the value of the prop- erty submitted for survey or the loss or damage to be inquired into exceed $500, or should the officer pecuniarily interested request it, the report in triplicate will be forwarded to the next higher administrative commander for review, and with his action is complete. But all reports of surveys of property, whatever their nature or the amounts involved, are subject on call to such review of the next higher administrative commander as the merits of the case or the interests of the Government may require. When a next higher administrative commander acts on a report of survey as herein contemplated he will cause such action to be noted on all three copies of the report. One copy will then be filed at depart- ment headquarters and the others sent to the accountable officer, except when the latter is held responsible, when one copy only will be sent to him and the remaining copy forwarded directly to the chief of bureau to which the property pertains. 720. The reports of a survey which recommend the relief of officers and enlisted men from responsibility should not be approved unless full and careful investigation and convincing proof to sustain the findings appear. 721. When the approved report of a surveying officer holds a common car- rier, or a person not in the military service of the United States, responsible for the loss of or damage to public property or stores, steps will at once be taken to make collection from the party so held responsible. Public property that has been in transit will be carefully checked upon arrival at its destination by the receiving quartermaster with the bill of lading or manifest in order to ascertain whether the carrier has fully carried out all obligations imposed upon him. Should any discrepancy, loss, or damage be found, the receiving quartermaster will at once make application for a surveying officer by whom the facts will be fully investigated (unless the carrier voluntarily assumes liability for the loss) and the money value of the damage or deficiency will be charged to the party responsible therefor, whether it be the invoicing officer or the carrier. The property will be delivered by the receiving quartermaster to the officer to whom it is invoiced or to other proper consignee with a state- ment of the deficiency or damage and that action by a surveying officer has been requested. Upon approval, the authority that approves the reports of the surveying officer will transmit 1 copy to the receiving quartermaster, 1 copy to the officer to whom the property is invoiced, and 1 copy to department head- quarters. 150 SUEVEYS OF PROPERTY. In case the report of the surveying officer finds the invoicing officer respon- sible, 1 copy of the report will be sent to the' invoicing officer instead of to the receiving quartermaster. In case the responsibility is fixed upon the carrier the receiving quartermaster will note on the bill of lading the deductions which shall be made for such loss or damage by the quartermaster who pays the ac- count, and will attach to the' bill of lading 2 copies of the approved report of the surveying officer. The quartermaster who pays the account will make the de- duction and refund the amount stopped to the proper department in the follow- ing manner, for example : If from an account of $100 for transportation services there is a deduction of $25 for ordnance stores lost, the quarteTmaster will take credit under the proper item number of " Supplies, services, and transporta- tion," for $75 paid to the carrier, and also for $25 deposited to the credit of the Treasurer of the United States on account of " Replacing ordnance and ordnance stores " ; but if the' deduction is on account of supplies lost by the carrier, per- taining to the appropriation " Barracks and quarters," he will take credit on his account current, under the proper item number of " Supplies, services, and transportation," for $25 as carried to " Barracks and quarters," under which head he will charge himself with that amount. If, in any instance, collection can not be made, that fact, together with reasons therefor, will be reported to the proper chief of bureau. (C. A. R., No. 42.) Should the officer to whom the property is invoiced on receipt of the same discover loss, damage, or discrepancy not noted by the receiving quartermaster, he will at once make application for a surveying officer, notifying the receiving quartermaster of the action. In the case of shipments to the Philippine Islands via commercial lines, the receiving quartermaster is authorized to accomplish bills of lading on the receipt of stores, noting thereon the value of the stores lost or damaged, as shown by the invoices, plus the cost of transportation, settlemetit to be made with the. carriers with proper deduction to cover the value of the stores and the cost of transportation, final settlement to await the action of a surveying officer, to be called for immediately by the receiving officer. 722. Properly approved reports of surveys of property may be submitted as vouchers to property returns. They are not to be considered as conclusive until accepted by the' Secretary of War. Until then they are to be regarded simply as the opinions and recommendations of disinterested officers, to aid in the settle- ment of questions of accountability between the Government and the individuals concerned. If, on examination in the proper bureau, they exhibit serious errors, or defects either of investigation or of finding, they will not be accepted as suffi- cient vouchers, and the officer submitting them will be duly notified, that he may have opportunity to make explanations or appeal to the Secretary of War. 723. At posts or stations not under the control of department commanders commanding officers will be governed by these regulations in appointing sur- veying officers and acting upon their reports, but in cases referred to in para- graph 719 will forward the papers to the chiefs of bureaus to which the prop- erty pertains. 724. Whenever a report of a survey recommends a stoppage against an enlisted man and the recommendation is approved, the appointing authority will cause a copy of the report to be furnished to the company commander, who will charge the amount on the next pay rolls of the company. 725. If an inspection of property follows the report of a survey thereon, one copy of the proceedings will accompany the inventory and inspection report which is transmitted for approval, and will afterwards be returned to be used ns a voucher to the officer's returns, and another, with the inventory and inspec- tion report, will be filed by the officer with his retained papers. CIVILIAN EMPLOYEES. 151 726. Compensation may be made under the provisions of the act of Congress approved March 3, 1885, as extended by the act of Congress approved March 4, 1915, for private property of officers or enlisted men lost or destroyed in the military service under any of the following circumstances: 1. Without fault or negligence on the part of the claimant, and on account of some exigency or necessity of the military service. 2. Where the private property so lost or destroyed was shipped on board an unseaworthy vessel by order of an officer authorized to give such order or direct such shipment. 3. Where it appears that the loss or destruction of the private property of the claimant was in consequence of his having given his attention to the saving of the property belonging to the United States which was in danger at the same time and under similar circumstances. 4. For the loss of or damage to the regulation allowance of baggage of officers and enlisted men sustained in shipment under orders, to the extent of such loss or damage over and above the amount recoverable from the carrier furnishing the transportation, provided such loss or damage occurred on or after March 4, 1915. Compensation will not be made for losses sustained in time of war or hos- tilities with Indians, and claim for compensation must be presented within two years from the occurrence of the loss or destruction. Each claim for compensa- tion will be forwarded, through military channels, to the Auditor for the War Department and will, if possible, be accompanied by the proceedings of a board of officers showing fully the circumstances of the loss. All personal property for the loss or destruction of which payment is claimed must be enumerated and described in the proceedings of the board of officers, but the board will recom- mend payment for only such articles as in the opinion of the board were rea- sonable, useful, necessary, and proper for the claimant to have in the public service in the line of duty. As in most cases the property for which compensation is claimed has been more or less worn, the board will determine the value of each particular article and recommend the amounts to which claimants may be entitled. (C. A. R., No. 25.) ARTICLE LVI. CIVILIAN EMPLOYEES. GENERAL PROVISIONS. 727. In the staff corps and departments the employment of civilians will be regulated by the respective chiefs of bureaus under the direction of the Secre- tary of War. Those whose services are engaged with the intention or proba- bility of retaining them in the service are considered permanent employees. Their appointment, dismissal, promotion, or reduction will be made, under the supervision of the respective chiefs of bureaus, by the officers employing them, except as controlled by statute or the civil service rules ; but in selections for such employment preference will be given, as far as practicable, to applicants who have served meritoriously as enlisted men in the Army, and the appoint- ments and promotions of all permanent employees, except laborers, teamsters, and others of similar or kindred occupations, will be submitted for the ap- proval or confirmation of the Secretary of War. 728. The clerks and messengers authorized by the act of Congress of August 6, 1894, will be employed and apportioned to the several headquarters and stations by tne Secretary of War, and will not be transferred without his 152 CIVILIAN EMPLOYEES. authority. All messenger service at the several department headquarters, ex- cept for staff officers not assigned to the headquarters staff, and, as far as prac- ticable, all clerical services thereat, will be performed by this class of employees. 729. Department commanders will confine expenditures for civilian em- ployees within the allotments for the purpose made under the direction of the Secretary of War. 730. Civil engineers, clerks, inspectors, storekeepers, packers, watchmen, messengers, teamsters, mechanics, and laborers will, as a rule, be engaged by the month, day, or piece, and paid at the end of each calendar month. They will be designated upon the rolls in the capacity in which employed and at the rates established. When discharged and not paid, certified statements will be given them. 731. Eight hours shall constitute a day's work for all mechanics, laborers, and workmen employed by the several staff departments. The service of me- chanics and laborers employed by contractors in the execution of public works, including the construction of barracks, quarters, or other buildings on military reservations, is also limited and restricted to eight hours in each calendar day, and no officer or contractor shall require or permit any such laborer or mechanic to work more than eight hours in any calendar day except in cases of extraor- dinary emergency. There are excepted from the operation of this rule: (1) The officers and crews of vessels; (2) teamsters, packers, and other employees belonging to wagon and pack trains when engaged in field service or in the pros- ecution of military operations ; (3) persons employed as cooks and cooks' helpers, overseers of labor of prisoners, and others who, owing to the nature of their employment being peculiar, may be decided by the Secretary of War, upon the iacts being reported to him, to be neither laborers nor mechanics within the meaning of the eight-hour law. All exceptions on the ground of extraordinary emergency wilj be promptly reported to the Secretary of War. All contracts for the execution of public works, including the erection of build- ings for the use of the Military Establishment, will contain a stipulation restrict- ing the service of mechanics and laborers to eight hours per day. and officers charged with the supervision and execution of such contracts will report all violations of such stipulation to the head of the bureau charged with the prose- cution of the work. TRAVELING EXPENSES. 732. For authorized journeys of civilian employees of any branch of the military service transportation requests will be obtained when practicable, but will be obtained in every case for travel over bo'nd-aided railroads. 733. Reimbursement of actual expenses when traveling under competent orders will be allowed, under the following heads, to civilians in the employ of any branch of the military service, excepting the expert accountant of the In- spector General's Department and those mentioned in paragraph 734, viz : 1. Cost of transportation over the shortest usually traveled route, when it was impracticable to furnish transportation in kind on transportation requests. 2. Cost of transfers to and from railroad stations, not to exceed 50 cents for each transfer. 3. Cost of one lower berth in a sleeping car, seat in a parlor car, or customary stateroom accommodations on boats and steamers when extra charge is made therefor. 4. Fees to expressmen and porters on arrival at and departure from hotels pnd stations not to exceed 10 cents in each case when the service is rendered in connection with the transportation of baggage; fees for checking baggage at stations and hotels not to exceed 10 cents for each piece checked ; and fees CIVILIAN EMPLOYEES. 153 to sleeping-car and parlor-car porters not to exceed 25 cents per day, or 10 cents when the car is used in daytime only. 5. Cost of meals, including tips, not to exceed $4.50 a day while en route when meals are not included in the transportation fare paid, and not to exceed $4.50 a day for meals, tips, and lodgings during necessary delay en route, and when meals are included in the transportation fare paid tips for meals not to exceed 15 cents each. 6. Cost of meals and lodgings, including baths, tips, and laundry work, not to exceed $4.50 a day for the first 30 days while on duty at places designated in the orders for the performance of temporary duty and a flat per diem allow- ance of $1 a day after the first 30 days of temporary duty at any one place. In time of actual war no such reimbursement of expenses or per diem allowance will be allowed to the civilian employees specified who accompany troops in the field, but in lieu thereof the allowance of tents prescribed by the War Depart- ment and a ration will be furnished such employees. 7. In lieu of reimbursement for the actual expenses provided in sections 5 and 6, civilian employees, when their orders so prescribe, may be allowed a flat-per diem allowance not exceeding $4 when traveling and when on duty for the first 30 days at places designated in their orders for the performance of temporary duty, but no per diem allowance will be allowed for temporary duty to civilian employees who in time of actual war accompany troops in the field, nor for travel on Army transports. Where a period of travel or temporary duty includes fractional parts of a calendar day the allowance for fractional parts will be as follows: 1. If in travel status, the day will be divided into three fractional parts, and allowance of $1.33i being made for each meal. 2. If not in travel status, the day will be divided into four fractional parts, an allowance of $1 being made for each of 3 meals and $1 for lodging. A statement will accompany each voucher showing the following data : Time of departure from permanent station. Time of arrival at temporary station. Time of departure from temporary station. Time of arrival at permanent station. The pi*ovisions of paragraph 735, in so far as they require the keeping of a memorandum of the actual expenses incurred and taking of receipts, have no application to civilians operating under conditions which entitle them to a per diem allowance, except for the period while actually traveling and then only for such items of expenses as are not embraced within the per diem allowance. (C. A. R., Nos. 18, 18, 2-5, 27, and J,5.) 734. Mechanics, laborers, teamsters, and employees of similar character, traveling under competent orders, 'will be entitled to such actual and necessary expenses of transportation and subsistence or per diem allowance in lieu of subsistence, not exceeding $4, as may be authorized by the chief of bureau which pays the accounts. Those entitled to rations under paragraph 1203 will not be allowed commutation therefor, and if it be impracticable for them to carry food,- a ration and savings account will not be opened for them for the period during which they are traveling. Commanding officers of troops in the field may order civilian employees to nearest Army hospital for treatment when adequate medical service is not available at their stations. On recovery such employees should be returned to their stations for duty by the proper commanding officer. In all cases, where practicable, orders should be issued based on a medical certificate. (C. A. R., No. 13.) 154 STAFF ADMINISTRATION. 735. None but the authorized iteins of traveling expenses of civilians will be allowed. A true memorandum of the actual expenses paid from day to day will be kept and the expenses will be fully itemized upon the voucher, which will be properly sworn to by the person rendering it. Receipts for lodging (European plan) or for board and lodging (American plan) must be furnished when practicable to obtain them, showing the dates for which the charge is made and the first and last meal or lodging. Charge for lodging pertains to the day in which the night for which the lodging was procured began. Receipts will not be required for meals except where included with lodging on the American plan, nor for railroad or steamboat fares, hack fares, baggage trans- fers, car fare, tips, or fees, or similar expenses. For all other expenses receipts will be taken, unless it is impracticable to obtain them, when the reason for not obtaining receipts must be explained on the voucher. The usual Pullman berth check or seat check will be a sufficient receipt for sleeping-car or parlor- car accommodations. 736. The allowances hereinbefore provided for the subsistence of civilian employees cease upon the arrival of the employees at the destination mentioned in their orders for travel ; they must then subsist on their rations, if entitled to them, or provide for their subsistence out of their regular pay. 737. Pay clerks, Quartermaster Corps, and the expert accountant, Inspector General's Department, will be entitled to mileage at the same rates and under the same conditions as is provided by law for officers of the Army. 738. Actual traveling expenses, as contemplated in the preceding paragraphs, are paid by the following departments, viz : ORDNANCE DEPARTMENT. To employees at arsenals and armories (cost of transportation included), from appropriations for the service of the Ordnance Department. ENGINEER DEPARTMENT. To employees on public works and fortifications (cost of transportation included) from appropriations made specifically for the work. QUARTERMASTER CORPS. To civilians summoned as witnesses before, and authorized civilian reporters of, military courts ; to employees of the Quarter- master Corps, and to other employees of the Army not above provided for. 739. When officers of the staff departments change station the transfer of clerks or other employees to the new stations at the expense of the United States is prohibited, except in cases of urgent necessity, for which the sanction of the Secretary of War will be first obtained. ARTICLE LVII. STAFF ADMINISTRATION. 740. The supply, payment, and recruitment of the Army, and the direction of the expenditures of the appropriations for its support, are by law intrusted to the Secretary of War. He exercises control through the Chief of Staff and the bureaus of the War Department. He determines where and how particular supplies shall be purchased, delivered, inspected, stored, and distributed. 741. The exercise by the President of his power to call the Organized Militia into the service of the United States, or to raise volunteers, authorizes the chiefs of the supply departments of the Army to equip and supply said forces in the manner authorized by the Army and Field Service Regulations, limited only by available appropriations. 742. When a chief of bureau of the War Department desires to change the station of an officer or enlisted man of his department, or to send him on duty STAFF ADMINISTRATION. 155 peculiar thereto (except as hereinafter authorized), he will apply to The Adjutant General of the Army for the necessary orders, setting forth the rea- sons for the change or the purpose of the journeys. Journeys, not involving change of station, to be performed by officers of the Corps of Engineers on duty peculiar to fortification work or to river and harbor or other civil work, may be ordered by the Chief of Engineers when such officers are subject to his imme- diate orders, and similarly may be approved by him under paragraph 73. Dis- trict engineer officers may issue orders to their military assistants for journeys to be performed by them on duty peculiar to fortification work or to river and harbor or other civil work within the geographical limits of their respective districts and may approve such travel under paragraph 73. 743. The assignment to stations of officers or enlisted men of the staff departments, except as provided in the Field Service Regulations, will be made by the War Department or by commanders of territorial departments under the special authority of the War Department. The commander of a depart- ment who, in consequence of the movement of troops or other necessity of service, removes an officer from the station to which he has been assigned by the War Department will promptly report the case to The Adjutant Gen- eral of the Army. (C. A. R., No. 52.) 744. When business upon which a board of officers is to be assembled is solely within the sphere of duty of a particular staff department, and the mem- bers thereof are to be selected from the same, the chief of such department will call the board if it is to meet at a post or station under his immediate control and is to be composed only of officers serving thereat; otherwise the order appointing it will be issued by direction of the Secretary of War. 745. Copies of all important communications from a bureau of the War Department to a disbursing officer on the staff of a department commander, which concern service in such department, will be sent direct to the department commander. 746. Staff officers assigned to the command of an officer are under his super- vision and control in all matters pertaining to or affecting the command and in all other matters which are not specially excepted from such control by the regulations or orders of the War Department. 747. Commanders of departments, in order to avoid unnecessary clerical labor and accumulation of papers, will call upon officers under their orders for only such abstracts or reports, in addition to those required by regula- tions, as may be needed for proper admiustration, but will not require regular reports and returns at stated times without the authority of the War De- partment. 748. Commanding officers will cause returns, requisitions, and estimates pertaining to their respective commands to be promptly made and forwarded. 749. Officers doing duty as staff officers of military posts and commands will submit their estimates and requisitions for supplies, property, and money to their immediate commanding officers for revision and approval, who will carefully examine estimates and requisitions and satisfy themselves that money or articles asked for are in amount, quantity, and kind actually required for the public service during the period covered. 750. The chief of each branch of the staff of any command will carefully revise the estimates and requisitions for money and supplies for the command in so far as his particular branch is concerned. He will ascertain and recom- mend the cheapest markets and most economical roxites of transportation. Such officers will receive from their commanders timely instructions as to all contemplated movements of troops and as to any probable increase or diminu- 156 GENERAL STAFF OBPS. tion of the garrison at any particular post, that a proper and economical dis- tribution of supplies may be made. 751. It is the duty of commanding officers to enforce rigid economy in public expenditures and to correct all irregularity and extravagance which they may discover ; to see that disbursements are economically made and that public property is protected ; to scrutinize carefully all contracts and vouchers for disbursements ; and to guard the public interests in every particular. ARTICLE LVIII. 1 GENERAL STAFF CORPS. 752. The General Staff Corps, created in conformity to the act of Congress approved February 14, 1903, is composed of officers of the grades and number specified in said act, detailed for service in said corps for a period of four years unless sooner relieved, under rules of selection prescribed by the President. Upon being relieved from duty in the General Staff Corps officers return to the branch of the Army in which they hold permanent commissions, and except in case of emergency or in time of war are not eligible to further detail therein until they have served for two years with the branch of the Army in which commissioned. This ineligibility does not apply to any officer who has been relieved prior to the expiration of four years' duty with the corps; but such officer will become ineligible as soon as he shall have completed a total of four years of said duty. While serving in the General Staff Corps officers may be temporarily assigned to duty with any branch of the Army. 753. The law establishes the General Staff Corps as a separate and distinct staff organization, the chief of which has supervision, under superior authority, over all branches of the military service, line and staff, except such as are exempted therefrom by law or regulations, with a view to their coordination and harmonious cooperation in the execution of authorized military policies. 754. The General Staff Corps, under the direction of the Chief of Staff, is charged with the duty of investigating and reporting upon all questions affect- ing the efficiency of the Army and its state of preparation for military opera- tions, and to this end considers and reports upon all questions relating to organization, distribution, equipment, armament, and training of the military forces (regulars, volunteers, and militia), proposed legislative enactments and general and special regulations affecting the Army, transportation, com- munications, quarters, and supplies; prepares projects for maneuvers; revises estimates for appropriations for the support of the Army and advises as to disbursement of such appropriations ; exercises supervision over inspections, military education and . instruction, examinations for the appointment and promotion of officers, efficiency records, details and assignments, and all orders and instructions originating in the course of administration in any branch of the service which have relation to the efficiency of the military forces ; pre- pares important orders and correspondence embodying the orders and instruc- tions of the President and Secretary of War to the Army ; reviews the reports of examining and retiring boards, and acts upon such other matters as the Secretary of War may determine. 755. The General Staff Corps, under like direction, is further charged with the duty of preparing plans for the national defense and for the mobilization of the military forces (including the assignment to armies, corps, divisions, ami other headquarters of the necessary quota of general staff and other staff 1 This article is subject to the provisions of the order of the Secretary of War of April 34, 1906. GENERAL STAFF CORPS. 157 officers), and incident thereto with the study of possible theaters of war and of strategic questions in general ; with the collection of military Information of foreign countries and of our own ; the preparation of plans of campaign, of reports of campaigns, battles, engagements, and expeditions, and of technical histories of military operations of the United States. 756. To officers of the General Staff Corps are committed the further duties of rendering professional aid and assistance to the Secretary of War and to gen- eral officers and other superior commanders and of acting as their agents in informing, and coordinating- the action of, all the different officers who are subject under the provisions of law to the supervision of the Chief of Staff. They perform such other military duties not otherwise assigned by law as may from time to time be prescribed by the President. Under the authority here conferred officers of the General Staff Corps are intrusted with the executive duties hereinafter indicated. 757. Officers of the General Staff Corps assigned to duty with commanders of armies, divisions, separate brigades, and territorial departments are collec- tively denominated the General Staff serving with troops. They serve under the immediate orders of such commanders ; those not so assigned perform duty under the immediate direction of the Chief of Staff and constitute the Wai* Department General Staff. 758. The assignment of duties to the General Staff Corps does not involve in any degree the impairment of the initiative and responsibility which special staff corps and departments have in the transaction of current business. WAR DEPARTMENT GENERAL STAFF. 759. To facilitate the performance of its duties, the War Department General Staff will be arranged in sections, each under the direction of an officer of the General Staff Corps to be designated by the Chief of Staff. Such committees will be designated in the sections from time to time as may be necessary to facilitate the transaction of business in hand. 760. The War Department General Staff in its several sections and commit- tees stands in an advisory relation to the Chief of Staff in the performance of the duties herein devolved upon him. The distribution of duties to the several sections and committees is regulated by the Chief of Staff. CHIEF OF STAFF. 761. Under the act of February 14, 1903, the command of the Army of the United States rests with the constitutional Commander in Chief, the President. The President will place parts of the Army, and separate armies whenever con- stituted, under commanders subordinate to his general command ; and, in case of exigency seeming to him to require it, he may place the whole Army under a single commander subordinate to him ; but in time of peace and under ordinary conditions the administration and control of the Army are effected without any second in command. The President's command is exercised through the Secretary of War and the Chief of Staff. The Secretary of War is charged with carrying out the policies of the President in military affairs. He directly represents the President and is bound always to act in conformity to the President's instructions. Under the law and the decisions of the Supreme Court his acts are the President's acts and his directions and orders are the President's directions and orders. The Chief of Staff reports to the Secretary of War, acts as his military adviser, receives from him the directions and orders given in behalf of the President, and gives effect thereto in the manner hereinafter provided. For 158 GENERAL STAFF CORPS. purposes of administration the office of the Chief of Staff will constitute a supervising military bureau of the War Department. Exceptions to this ordinary course of administration may, however, be made at any time if the President sees fit to call upon the Chief of Staff to give information or advice, or receive instructions, directly. Wherever in these regulations action by the President is referred to, the action of the President through the Secretary of War is included ; and wherever the action of the Secretary of War is referred to, the Secretary of War is deemed to act as the representative of the President and under his direction. The Chief of Staff is detailed by the President from officers of the Army at large not below the grade of brigadier general. The successful performance of the duties of the position requires what the title denotes a relation of absolute confidence and personal accord and sympathy between the Chief of Staff and the President, and necessarily also between the Chief of Staff and the Secre- tary of War. For this reason, without any reflection whatever upon the officer detailed, the detail will in every case cease, unless sooner terminated, on the day following the expiration of the term of office of the President by whom the detail is made; and if at any time the Chief of Staff considers that he can no longer sustain toward the President and the Secretary of War the relations above described, it will be his duty to apply to be relieved. The provisions of paragraph 752 regarding the redetail of an officer who has not completed a total of four years' service apply to the Chief of Staff. 762. The Chief of Staff is charged as limited and provided by law with the duty of supervising, under the direction of the Secretary of War, all troops of the line, the Adjutant General's, Inspector General's, Judge Advocate General's, Medical, and Ordnance Departments, the Quartermaster Corps, the Corps of Engineers, and the Signal Corps. He performs such other military duties not otherwise assigned by law as may be assigned to him by the President. 763. The supervisory power vested by statute in the Chief of Staff covers primarily duties pertaining to the command, discipline, training, and recruit- ment of the Army, military operations, distribution of troops, inspections, arma- ment, fortifications, military education and instruction, and kindred matters, but includes also, in an advisory capacity, such duties connected with fiscal ad- ministration and supply as are committed to him by the Secretary of War. In respect to all duties within the scope of his supervisory power, and more particularly those duties enumerated in this and the following paragraph, he makes and causes to be made inspections to determine defects which may exist in any matter affecting the efficiency of the Army and its state of preparation for war. He keeps the Secretary of War constantly informed of defects dis- covered, and under his direction issues the necessary instructions for their correction. 764. Supervisory power is conferred upon the Chief of Staff over all matters arising in the execution of acts of Congress and executive regulations made in pursuance thereof relating to the militia. This supervision is especially directed to matters of organization, armament, equipment, discipline, training, and in- spections. Proposed legal enactments and regulations affecting the militia and estimates for appropriations for its support are considered by him, and his recommendations submitted to the Secretary of War. 765. The Chief of Staff is charged with the duty of informing the Secretary of War as to the qualifications of officers as determined by their records, with a view to proper selection for special details, assignments, and promotions, in- cluding detail to and relief from the General Staff Corps; also of presenting recommendations for the recognition of special or distinguished services. ADJUTANT GENERAL'S DEPARTMENT. 159 766. All orders and instructions emanating from the War Department, and all regulations affecting the Army or the status of officers or enlisted men therein, are issued by the Secretary of War through the Chief of Staff, and are communicated to troops and individuals in the military service through The Adjutant General of the Army. 767. The assignment of officers of the General Staff Corps to stations and duties is made upon the recommendation of the Chief of Staff. 768. In case of absence or disability of the Chief of Staff the senior officer of the General Staff present for duty in Washington shall act as such chief unless otherwise specially directed by the Secretary of War. 769. In the performance of the duties hereinbefore enumerated and in repre- sentation of superior authority, the Chief of Staff calls for information, makes investigations, issues instructions, and exercises all other functions necessary to secure proper harmony and efficiency of action upon the part of those placed under his supervision. THE GENERAL, STAFF SERVING WITH TROOPS. 770. The general staff of a command consists of general staff officers of such number and grades as may be assigned to it on the recommendation of the Chief of Staff. 771. The senior general staff officer on duty with a command shall, unless otherwise directed by the War Department, be the chief of staff of the com- mand. Ordinarily he will be so assigned by the War Department. 772. The duties of the chief of staff of a command are as prescribed for officers of the General Staff Corps in paragraphs 754 to 757, and in addition he will, under direction of the commander of the troops, perform all duties analo- gous to those devolved by paragraphs 762 to 769 upon the Chief of Staff of the Army. The other general staff officers serving with troops are employed under the direction of the commanders thereof upon the duties prescribed for officers of the General Staff Corps, and they shall perform such other duties within the scope of general staff employment as may be directed by such com- manders. General staff officers will not be assigned to other than general staff duties except by special authority of the War Department. 778. The two general officers authorized for the General Staff Corps are detailed by the President from officers of the Army at large not below the grade of brigadier general. All vacancies that may occur in the General Staff Corps in grades below that of brigadier general will be filled on the recommendation of a board of five general officers of the line, not more than two of whom shall be members of the General Staff Corps, convened by the War Department at such times as may be necessary. The board will be sworn to recommend offi- cers solely on their professional efficiency, and on their probable aptitude and fitness for general staff service, and will select such number ef officers of the proper grades to fill existing or expected vacancies as the War Department may direct. ARTICLE LIX. ADJUTANT GENERAL'S DEPARTMENT. 774. The Adjutant General's Department is the department of records, orders, and correspondence of the Army and the militia. The Adjutant General is charged, under the direction of the Secretary of War, and subject to the supervision of the Chief of Staff in all matters pertaining to 160 MILITARY CORRESPONDENCE. the command, discipline, or administration of the existing Military Establish- ment, with the duty of recording, authenticating, and communication to troops and individuals in the military service all orders, instructions, and regulations issued by the Secretary of War through the Chief of Staff ; of preparing and distributing commissions ; of compiling and issuing the Army Register and the Army List and Directory ; of consolidating the general returns of the Army ; of arranging and preserving the reports of officers detailed to visit encampments of militia ; of preparing the annual returns of the militia required by law to be submitted to Congress ; of managing the recruiting service, and of recording and issuing orders from the War Department remitting or mitigating sentences of general prisoners who have been discharged from the military service. The Adjutant General is vested by law with the charge, under the Secretary of War, " of the military and hospital records of the volunteer armies and the pension and other business of the War Department connected therewith " ; and of the publication and distribution of the Official Records of the War of the Rebellion. He also has charge of the historical records and business of the permanent Military Establishment, including all pension; pay, bounty, and other business pertaining to or based upon the military or medical histories of former officers or enlisted men. The archives of The Adjutant General's Office include: All military records of the Revolutionary War ; the records of all organizations, officers, and enlisted men that have been in the military service of the United States since the Revo- lutionary War ; the records of the movements and operations of troops ; the medical and hospital records of the Army ; all reports of physical examination of recruits and all identification cards ; the records of the Provost Marshal Gen- eral's Bureau ; the records of the Bureau of Refugees, Freedmen, and Aban- doned Lands; the Confederate records, including those pertaining to the legis- lative, executive, and judicial branches of the Confederate government. Upon the muster out or discharge of volunteers or militia from the service of the United States all the records that pertain to them, and that have not already been filed in The Adjutant General's Office, will be transferred to and filed in that office. The Adjutant General takes such steps as are necessary to complete or correct the records in his custody, and answers all calls or inquiries that are answer- able from those records and that do not require administrative action by other bureaus of the War Department. ARTICLE UL. MILITARY CORRESPONDENCE. 775. An official letter should refer to one subject only. Letters of trans- mittal will be used only when necessary, and when used must refer only to the matter transmitted ; none are required with rolls, returns, estimates, requisi- tions, or periodical reports. Telegrams will be followed by official copies sent by first mail in cases of financial transactions of more than trifling importance and in cases in which chiefs of bureaus of the War Department may deem it necessary themselves to send, or to require officers serving under their imme- diate control to send to them, such copies. 776. Letters will be written, folded, numbered, briefed, marked, and signed; indorsements will be written, numbered, and signed ; and inclosures will be numbered and marked as prescribed in orders from the War Department. Models illustrating the system are furnished from The Adjutant General's Office. MILITARY CORRESPONDENCE. 161 777. The post-office address of an officer's station will be given in his official letters. Indefinite expressions of locality, which do not Indicate where the letter was written, will not be used. 778. In order to reduce the possibility of confidential communications falling Into the hands of persons other than those for whom they are intended, the sender will inclose them in an inner and an outer cover ; the inner cover to be a sealed envelope or wrapper addressed in the usual way but marked plainly " Confidential " in such manner that the notation may be most readily seen when the outer cover is removed. The package thus prepared will then be inclosed in another sealed envelope or wrapper addressed in the ordinary man- ner with no notation to indicate the confidential nature of the contents. The foregoing applies not only to confidential communications entrusted to the mails or to telegraph companies but also to such communications entrusted to messengers passing between different offices of the same headquarters, including the bureaus and offices of the War Department. Government telegraph operators will be held responsible that all telegrams are carefully guarded. No received telegram will ever leave an office except in a sealed envelope, properly addressed. All files will be carefully guarded, and access thereto will be denied to all parties except those authorized by law to see the same. 779. Official communications will be signed or authenticated with the pen and not by facsimiles, and if written by order, it will be stated by whose order. Signatures will be plainly and legibly written. By virture of the commission and assignment to duty, the adjutant general or adjutant of any command transacts the business or correspondence of that command over his own signa- ture ; but when orders or instructions of any kind are given, the authority by which he gives the order must be stated. In the absence of a commanding general, his chief of staff, or, if there be none, his adjutant general, in signing the communications to be forwarded to higher authority, will add to his signa- ture the words, " In the absence of the commander." 780. An officer will not be designated in orders nor addressed in official communications by any other title than that of his actual rank. 781. Private correspondence from persons in the military service which they may desire to have forwarded through the dispatch agents of the United States will be addressed, under cover, to the War Department. 782. Except as otherwise specially authorized or required by Army Regu- lations, all official communications from officers and enlisted men of the Army outside of the War Department intended for the Secretary of War or for any bureau or office of the War Department will be in writing and addressed to The Adjutant General of the Army, who will submit all business, coming to him from the Army, which requires action in the War Department or by the President and which does not come within the jurisdiction of chiefs of bureaus, to the Chief of Staff, to be acted upon by him in conformity to the rules duly prescribed for that purpose by the President or the Secretary of War. Correspondence of the War Department with the Army will be through or by The Adjutant General of the Army. 788. Communications, whether from a subordinate to a superior, or vice versa, will pass through intermediate commanders. This rule will not be inter- preted as including matters in relation to which intermediate commanders can have no knowledge, and over which they are not expected to exercise control. Chiefs of War Department bureaus are intermediate commanders between higher authority and the officers and enlisted men of their respective corps or departments, who are serving under the exclusive control of themselves and 9065117 11 162 MILITARY CORRESPONDENCE. tlieir subordinates. Verbal communications will be governed by the same rules as to channels as written communications. When necessity requires commu- nications to be sent through other than the prescribed channel, the necessity therefor will be stated. Communications from superiors to subordinates will be answered through the same channel as received. 784. Correspondence between an officer of a staff corps or department and the chief of the War Department bureau in which he is serving, which does not involve questions of administrative responsibility within the supervision of commanding officers outside that staff corps or department nor relate to indi- vidual interests or status of a military nature requiring the action of author- ity outside that staff corps or department, and which is concerned exclusively with the business of that staff corps or department, will pass directly. ^All business emanating from the bureaus of the War Department requiring the action of higher authority will be submitted to the Chief of Staff for his con- sideration, either orally in person, or in writing through The Adjutant General of the Army. In all cases the action of higher authority thereon will be com- municated in writing by The Adjutant General of the Army to those concerned. Matters, however, of a purely civil nature will be submitted by chiefs of bureaus directly to the Secretary of War unless otherwise required by their subject matter. 785. Except as provided in paragraph 783, all communications, reports, and estimates from officers serving at a military post, and communications of every nature addressed to them relating to affairs of the post, will pass through the post commander. 786. Officers who forward communications will indorse thereon their ap- proval or disapproval, with remarks. No communication will be forwarded to the War Department by a department commander or other superior officer for the action of the Secretary of War without some recommendation or expression of opinion. 787. A commander or chief of bureau may communicate with those under his command or direction through a staff or other suitable officer. With all others he will himself make the communication. 788. Unless otherwise expressly authorized by statute, an application for the official opinion of the Judge Advocate General or of an officer of any Executive Department of the Government other than the War Department will be ad- dressed to The Adjutant General of the Army. Abstract questions will not be presented. 789. Unimportant and trivial communications need not be forwarded to The Adjutant General of the Army simply because addressed to him. Department, brigade, and district commanders should decide whether a communication is of sufficient importance to be forwarded. 790. In official correspondence between officers or between officers and offi- cials of other branches of the public service, and especially in matters involving questions of jurisdiction, conflict of authority, or dispute, officers of the Army are reminded that their correspondence should be courteous in tone and free from any expression partaking of a personal nature or calculated to give offense. Whenever questions of such character shall arise between officers and officials of other branches of the public service, and it is found that they can not be reconciled by an interchange of courteous correspondence, the officer of the Army, as the representative of the interests of the War Depart- ment in the matter involved, will make a full presentation of the case to the Secretary of War through the proper military channels, in order that the same may be properly considered. ORDERS. 163 ARTICLE LXI. OKDEES. 791. The routine orders of commanders of armies, divisions, brigades, regi- ments, battalions not< organized into regiments, posts, departments, and dis- tricts are denominated "general (general court-martial or special) orders" of such army, division, etc., according to character, and are numbered in separate series, each beginning with the calendar year or at the time of the establish- ment of the headquarters. Orders issued by commanders of battalions forming parts of regiments, companies, or small detachments are simply denominated " orders," and are numbered in a single series, beginning with the year. Cir- culars issued from any headquarters are numbered in a separate series. The orders of commanders of armies, divisions, brigades, regiments, separate battalions, and companies in the field, relating entirely to tactical or strategical operations incident to a state of war, are denominated " field orders " and are numbered in series. 792. General orders publish matters of importance to the whole command which are of permanent interest or are to be constantly observed, such as hours for roll calls and duties, police regulations and prohibitions, laws and regulations for the Army, aud eulogies or censures. 793. Special orders are such as concern individuals or relate to matters that need not be made known to the whole command. 794. General orders and all important special orders must be read and approved, before issue, by the officer whose orders they are. 795. An order will state the source from which it emanates, its number, date, place of issue, and the authority under which issued. It may be put in the form of a letter addressed to the individual concerned through the proper channel. 796. Orders for any body of troops will ordinarily be addressed to its commanding officer, the address naming the office and not the individual. They will be executed by the commander present, who will publish them and dis- tribute copies when necessary. 797. Orders eulogizing the conduct of living officers will not be issued except in cases of gallantry in action or performance of especially hazardous" service. Obituaries of commissioned officers will be limited to statements of service as shown by the records. (C. A. R. No. 1.) 798. In the field, verbal and important written orders are carried by officers. Dispatches for distant corps should be intrusted only to officers to whom their contents may be confided. 799. Mounted enlisted men will be employed: to carry important dispatches only in special and urgent cases. The precise hours of departure and the rates at which they are to be conveyed will be written clearly on the covers of all dispatches transmitted by mounted orderlies. 800. Orders to an officer involving travel on duty, as for the inspection or payment of troops, etc., will designate the troops and posts to be visited and the order in which he will visit them. 801. Orders and instructions will be transmitted through intermediate com- manders, in order of rank, except when they are of such character that the commanders have no power to tnodify or suspend them. In such cases the orders or instructions will be sent directly to the officer by whom they are to be executed, copies being furnished to the intermediate commanders. 802. Printed orders are generally distributed directly to posts by the head- quarters from which issued. Files of such orders will be kept by each regiment 164 OKDEKS. and company and at each military post, and will be turned over by a com- mander, when relieved, to his successor. If general orders in regular succes- sion are not received within a reasonable time, commanding officers will report missing numbers to the proper headquarters. 803. General orders of the War Department issued from the Office of The Adjutant General of the Army will be distributed by The Adjutant General's Department. The distribution will be made, first, by The Adjutant General of the Army directly, and, second, under the immediate direction of The Adjutant General of the Army, by the department adjutants of the several territorial departments, each department adjutant to make the distribution within his own department 1. BY THE ADJUTANT GENERAL OF THE ARMY. (a) To the department adjutants of the several territorial departments, such number of copies as will enable them to make the distribution hereinafter pre- scribed, (b) To the Chief of Staff and to the chiefs of bureaus and offices of the War Department, for use in the official files and for the personal files of such officers as are on duty in Washington in the War Department General Staff, the bureaus and offices of the department, and the Army War College, (c) To each military attache, one copy for his personal file. 2. BY THE DEPABTMENT ADJUTANTS OF THE SEVERAL TERRITORIAL DEPARTMENTS. (a) To the several offices at department, brigade, and district headquarters for the official files thereat, (b) To each regimental, coast defense, and post headquarters for the official files thereat ; to each troop, battery, or company organization for its official file; and to each officer, whatever his duty or sta- tion, who is under assignment to or is serving within the geographical limits of any territorial department and who is not supplied directly by The Adjutant General of the Army as hereinbefore provided, including every officer absent sick, on leave of absence, or otherwise temporarily absent, for his personal file, (c) To each civil educational institution to which an officer of the Army is detailed, two copies, one of which is for the file of the institution and the other for the personal file of the officer, both copies to be sent directly to the officer, who will deliver one of them to the head of the institution. ( d ) To the follow- ing institutions, depots, stations, and other establishments that may be located within the geographical limits of any territorial department, for official and per- sonal files, to wit, the United States Military Academy, the service schools (except the Army War College), the United States Military Prison or any branch thereof, general recruit depots, general recruiting stations, general hospitals, arsenals, armories, general depots of supply, and Signal Corps sta- tions, (e) To the Army transports, mine planters, and cable ships serving within the geographical limits of any territorial department, or having home ports therein. In making the distribution hereinbefore provided for the following rules will govern : An official file or a personal file consists of one copy of each general order of the series. Only one personal file will be allowed in any individual case and the number of official files will be as follows: (1) To department and military district headquarters, such number as may be neces- sary. (2) To a coast defense or a regimental headquarters, five; to a post, one for the post, one each for the adjutant, quartermaster, surgeon, and ordnance officer, and one for the post artillery engineer at each coast artillery ORDERS. 165 post that is not coast defense command headquarters. (3) To each troop, battery, or company organization, one. (4) To an Army transport, mine planter, or cable ship, one. The requisite number of copies of orders to supply all authorized official and personal files at a post will be sent to the post commander, who will distribute them in accordance with the provisions of this paragraph. When a regiment is serving in the field it will be furnished with three copies of each geaeral order, in addition to the number for the official and personal files hereinbefore authorized. In all cases in which the number of orders to be supplied for official files is not definitely fixed by this paragraph, the number of such files to be maintained and supplied will be determined by special instructions from The Adjutant General's Office. Chiefs of bureaus and offices of the War Department will not supply copies of War Department orders for the official or personal files of any of their subordinates, except such as are on duty in their respective bureaus and offices in Washington. The official files of general orders will not be removed from the stations or organizations to which they belong. Individual officers serving, or under assignment to duty, within the geo- graphical limits of any territorial department, but not reporting to the head- quarters thereof, will make application to the department adjutant of such de- partment for their supply of War Department general orders, and will there- after keep him informed of any change in their respective addresses, such application to show in each case the number of the last general order of the officers' files, in order that his files may be brought to date and kept complete. Officers failing to receive copies of general orders of the War Department, or desiring to replace copies that have been lost or destroyed, will make applica- tion for the desired copies to the officer by whom such orders are ordinarily furnished to them. SPECIAL OBDEBS. Full copies of special orders will be furnished directly from The Adjutant General's Office to the chiefs of bureaus and officers of the War Department and, for use in the official files, to the headquarters of each department, brigade, and district. Extracts of special orders will be furnished from the Office of The Adjutant General of the Army directly, or through intermediate commanders, only to those concerned. When a special order involves travel, the office issuing it will furnish the person concerned with a copy for his personal file and an additional number of copies sufficient to enable him to meet the requirements of regulations. 804. In camp or garrison, orders that affect a command will, as a rule, be read to the troops at the first regular parade after they are received. In the field, when orderly hours can not be observed, they will be sent directly to the troops, or commanders of regiments or corps will be informed when to send to headquarters for them, or during a halt orders will be read to troops, without waiting fo the regular parades. 805. Commanding generals of territorial departments will forward to The Adjutant General of the Army, as soon as issued from their headquarters, such number of copies of general orders and circulars and special orders, with indexes thereto, and rosters of troops as may be directed from time to time by the War Department. 166 MUSTER ROLLS. Commanding officers of separate brigades will forward to The Adjutant Gen- eral of the Army two copies of all orders and circulars as soon as issued from their headquarters. 806. The date of any appointment, detail, or removal affecting the pay of sjtaff officers or acting staff officers will be immediately reported by the officer making the same to The Adjutant General of the Army and to the quarter- master of the department or command to which such officers belong. ARTICLE LXII. MUSTEK Roixs. 807. At every monthly muster of troops pay rolls will be prepared, signed, and disposed of in accordance with instructions published in orders from fime to time by the War Department, and at each bimonthly muster on the last day of February, April, June, August, October, and December muster rolls will be prepared, signed, and disposed of in accordance with the instructions on the blank forms furnished by The Adjutant General of the Army. There will be reported on the coast defense muster rolls, the noncommis- sioned staff of the Coast Artillery Corps ; on band muster rolls, the mem- bers of the Coast Artillery Corps and Engineer bands ; on the noncommis- sioned staff and headquarters detachment muster rolls of each regiment of engineers, the noncommissioned staff officers and other enlisted men of the regiment not borne on company rolls ; and on company muster rolls, the officers and enlisted men belonging to the company. Enlisted men of the Medical De- partment, Quartermaster Corps, Ordnance Department, and Signal Corps, not belonging to companies will be borne on detachment muster rolls, separate rolls being prepared for each corps or department. When detachments of enlisted men are serving at a post or station and are not under the immediate command of an officer of their respective arm, corps, or department, the muster rolls for such detachments will, unless otherwise authorized by instructions from the War Department, be prepared and signed by the adjutant, who will also keep the accounts and prepare the final statements of the men borne thereon. The names of officers will not be borne on pay rolls of Regular Army or- ganizations or detachments, nor on muster rolls, except as provided herein for officers belonging to companies. (C. A. R., Nos. 10 and J$.) 808. A soldier on duty or in a hospital at a post or station where his com- pany is not mustered will be mustered on a detachment roll, a separate muster roll being prepared for each regiment or corps. Where two or more "of such sol- diers are at a post or station their names will be borne on one consolidated pay roll, which will show in a column ruled for that purpose the organization to which each soldier belongs. 809. Companies will be designated on the rolls by letters or numbers, and regiments or corps. 810. Corrections on muster and pay rolls, after muster and before they have been forwarded, will not be made except with the approval of the mustering officer. Retained rolls will not be changed without authority from the War Department. Calculations on the pay roll are made by the quartermaster and copied on the retained roll by the company or detachment commander, who will certify that he witnessed the payment, and will enter thereon the name of the quartermaster. RETURNS OF TROOPS RECORDS. 167 ARTICLE LXIII. RETURNS OF TROOPS, RECORDS. 811. Commanders of territorial departments, posts, subposts, field armies, tactical divisions, separate brigades, regiments, companies, detachments, gen- eral hospitals, field hospitals, and mine planters will make monthly returns of their respective commands on forms furnished by The Adjutant General of the Army and in accordance with directions printed thereon. Chiefs of staff corps and departments will make similar monthly returns of their corps and depart- ments, and transport quartermasters will make similar monthly returns of officers and enlisted men serving on transports under regular detail in the trans- port service. In the case of a subpost the returns will be prepared by the commanding officer of the main post, unless the detachment at the subpost is in command of a commissioned officer, in which event such officer will prepare the returns and forward them through the commanding officer of the main post. Commanders of brigades and districts will forward each month to depart- ment headquarters a statement of any changes occurring during the month in the status of the brigade or district commander and his staff. . , , 812. In addition to the monthly returns required by paragraph 811, com- manding officers of regiments, companies, and detachments will make similar returns of their commands to The Adjutant General of the Army and to their immediate commanding officer whenever they leave or join a station, or when they sail from a port of embarkation or arrive at a port of destination. When leaving station the return to the immediate commanding officer will be accompanied by a report from each organization on the monthly return blank showing alterations since last return only, with record of events to date. The commanding officer of troops on a transport will, before sailing and on reaching port of destination, make a special return to the department com- mander and to The Adjutant General of the Army of all casuals and unattached officers and enlisted men passengers on the ship. 813. When a field officer is serving with detached companies of his regiment or corps the commanders thereof will forward their returns through him. 814. Whenever the strength of a separate command is temporarily or perma- nently increased by the arrival or decreased by the departure of any organi- zation, the commanding officer will immediately report by telegraph to the next higher commander the designation of such organization moved and the names, with arm of the service, of officers accompanying it who do not belong thereto. BATTLE REPORTS, RETURNS OF EFFECTIVES, CASUALTIES. 815. In campaign two columns will be added to the monthly return in the space reserved for remarks, in which shall be entered the effective strength of the organization. In determining such strength only those who are available for service in the line of battle will be included. Officers or enlisted men who are sick or disabled, on duty in any of the staff or supply departments, or for any cause not available in line of battle, will be excluded. 816. After every battle or engagement with the enemy, written reports thereof will be made by commanders of regiments, separate battalions or squadrons, companies or detachments, and by all commanders of a higher grade, each in what concerns his own command, which reports will be for- warded, through the proper channel, to The Adjutant General of the Army. It shall be the especial duty of all general staff officers attached to commands in 168 RETURNS OF TROOPS RECORDS. the field to keep careful journals of the operations, from which they will com- pile reports of said operations for their immediate commanders. 817. Whenever upon marches, guards, or in quarters different corps of the Army happen to join or do duty together, and an officer of the Marine Corps or the militia shall command the whole, such officer shall report his action and the operations of the force under his command, through military channels, to the Secretary of War, as well as to his superiors in his own branch of the service. 818. Immediately after any engagement in which casualties have occurred the commanding officer of each organization that participated therein will submit, by telegraph, if possible, to his immediate superior commander a report showing by name each person killed, wounded or otherwise injured, or missing, officers and enlisted men to be reported separately, and wounds and other injuries to be classified, if practicable, as slight or severe. If telegraphic c$m- munication can not be had, the report will be sent by the most expeditious means available. The report will be consolidated, if necessary, at the proper headquarters and telegraphed to The Adjutant General of the Army. In addi- tion to the foregoing report, commanding officers of posts, regiments, or sepa- rate organizations will prepare and forward by mail a return in triplicate, showing the name, rank, and organization of each person killed, wounded or otherwise injured, or missing, the date and place of the engagement, and, in the case of wound or other injury, the location of the wound or the nature of the injury, and whether slight or severe. Whenever necessary, commanding officers will call on their senior medical officers for all information that can be sup- plied in this connection. One copy of the return will be forwarded by the officer making it to his immediate superior commander, 1 copy will be retained for file with the records of the post or organization, and 1 copy will be sent by mail directly to The Adjutant General of the Army. 819. A return of all captured property will be rendered to The Adjutant Gen- eral of the Army, through intermediate channels, by the immediate commander of the troops making the capture. RECORDS. 820. All military records must be carefully preserved. 821. All public records, reports, and papers, such as document files, files of general and special orders and circulars, correspondence books, guard reports, morning reports, the records of enlisted men as kept in descriptive and deposit books or on loose leaves, and sick reports, are the property of the United States and will be required by the War Department in the settlement of claims against the Government and for other official purposes. Whenever posts, dis- tricts, territorial divisions, departments, corps, divisions, brigades, regiments, and companies are discontinued, all such records will be carefully labeled, packed, and marked, showing the command to which they pertain, and will be forwarded to The Adjutant General of the Army, who will be promptly advised of the date of shipment and furnished with a schedule of records shipped. Records of discontinued depots of the staff departments will be forwarded directly to the chief of the staff department to which they pertain. 822. The use of colored inks, except as carmine or red ink is used in anno- tation, ruling, or compliance with specific instructions issued by the War Department on blank forms or otherwise, is prohibited in the records and correspondence of the Army. 828. Sections 128 and 129 of the Federal Penal Code of March 4, 1909, pre- scribe penalties for the willful and unlawful concealment, removal, mutilation. PERSONAL AND EFFICIENCY REPORTS. 169 obliteration, falsification, or destruction of any record, proceeding, map, book, document, paper, or other thing, filled or deposited in any public office. 824. No information will be furnished by any person in the military service which can be made the basis of a claim against the Government, except it be given as the regulations prescribe to the proper officers of the War, Treasury, or Interior Departments, or the Department of Justice. Information con- cerning sick and wounded officers and enlisted men may be freely conveyed to allay the anxiety of friends; and, in time of peace, when, in the opinion of the surgeon, the condition of an officer or enlisted man, by reason of injury or disease, is such as to indicate the probability of fatal termination, the surgeon will report the circumstances to the immediate commander, who will promptly communicate the fact to the nearest relative. The fact of death may be communicated to relatives, but not circumstances connected therewith which could be made use of in prosecuting claims against the Government. If any person in the military service has knowledge of facts pertaining to the service of an individual who is an applicant for a pension, he may, upon request, if not pecuniarily interested, furnish a certificate or affidavit setting forth his knowledge, but such certificate or affidavit will be furnished only to The Adjutant General of) the Army to be forwarded to the proper officer of the Interior Department. Record evidence will be furnished by the War Department only. The surgeon of a post, through the commanding officer thereof, is authorized to furnish to the health authorities of the State or locality in which the post is situated, in accordance with existing State laws or local ordinances, informa- tion concerning all births and deaths occurring in the post, such information to be given on the proper blanks furnished for the purpose by the State or local authorities. (C. A. R., Nos. IS and J t O.) ARTICLE LXIV. PERSONAL AND EFFICIENCY REPORTS. 826. When any officer arrives at Washington, D. C., or at the headquarters of a territorial department, he will report at the office of The Adjutant General of the Army, or of the department adjutant, and will register his name and address, and the authority for his presence there. 826. 1. An officer detached from his regiment or corps for duty will report immediately upon arrival at his new station to The Adjutant General of the Army and to the chief of his corps or to his regimental commander the date of departure from former station and of arrival at new station, the date of departure from or arrival at a foreign ^station, and date of departure from or arrival in the continental limits of the United States, when going to or returning from a foreign station, citing the authority for the change and giving his post-office address. As soon as practicable thereafter he will report the nature of his duties. Thereafter any such officer not carried on any regular return as present for duty will report to The Adjutant General of the Army and to the chief of his corps or to his regimental commander any material change in his duties and any change of address immediately after such change in his official status; and any such officer who may incur any sickness or injury will make report of that fact as soon as practicable, giving the nature and cause of such sickness or injury. 2. Any general officer not carried on any regular return as present for duty will make to The Adjutant General of the Army the reports required by section 1 of this paragraph. (C. A. R., No. 24.) 170 PERSONAL AND EFFICIENCY REPORTS. 827. 1. An officer of a staff corps or department, or an officer serving therein by detail, will make report to the head of the corps or department on the last day of every month, giving his address, a statement of the duties on which he has been employed during the month, the date of his assignment thereto, and the authority by which so assigned. He will report to The Adjutant General of the -Army, at the time of change, any change of station during the month, giving dates of departure and joining ; also the dates of departure from and arrival at foreign stations and of departure from and arrival in the conti- nental limits of the United States when going to or returning from a foreign station. 2. An officer on the retired list assigned to duty by War Department orders will make a like report to The Adjutant General of the Army as soon as prac- ticable after such assignment ; thereafter any such officer, if not carried og any regular return as present for duty, will report to The Adjutant General of the Army any material change in his duties and any change of address immedi- ately after such change in his official status. An officer on the retired list not assigned to duty by War Department orders, unless specially exempted, will report his address to The Adjutant General of the Army on the last day of every month and will also report promptly any change of address. (C. A. R., No. 24.) 828. Regimental field officers not serving at the headquarters of their regi- ments will make monthly reports to their regimental commanders. These reports will embrace everything essential to a correct record of their services and of the services of the battalion staff and noncommissioned staff officers serving under them. 828. A Personal Report and Statement of Preferences will be made on De- cember 31 of each year by each officer of the Army except general officers. This report will be forwarded directly to The Adjutant General of the Army. In the event that an officer, after the rendition of this report, wishes to change any of the preferences that he has expressed therein, he should promptly notify The Adjutant General of the Army directly of the change desired, in order that proper notation thereof may be made on the Personal Report and Statement of Preferences in The Adjutant General's Office. (C. A. R., No. 20.) 829. 1. Efficiency reports are intended to cover, as far as practicable, the whole of the calendar year to which they refer, and will be prepared by report- ing officers as named below and forwarded, subject to the exception stated in section 5 of this paragraph, on December 31 of each year to The Adjutant Gen- eral of the Army through intermediate commanders, who will indorse thereon such remarks as may be proper in each case: (a) By the commanding officer of each territorial department or mobilized division respecting each general officer serving under his command and each officer of the department or division staff; by each department commander respecting each post commander not reported on by a subordinate commander ; and by each brigade or district commander respecting each regimental or coast- defense commander under his command and each officer of the brigade or dis- trict staff. (ft) By the chief of each staff department or corps and each staff bureau respecting each officer of his department, corps, or bureau not otherwise re- ported on. (c) By the department surgeon of a territorial department respecting each officer of the Medical Department serving in the department and by the head of each other staff department or corps at the headquarters of a territorial depart- ment respecting each officer attached to his office or serving under his Immediate direction. PERSONAL AND EFFICIENCY REPORTS. 171 The report of the department surgeon concerning officers of the Medical De- partment not attached to his office or serving under his immediate direction will be made in the form of an indorsement on the efficiency reports of such officers. (d) By each officer of the Corps of Engineers serving as division engineer respecting each officer in charge of an engineering district within his division, and by each district officer respecting each officer on duty under his orders. (e) By each coast defense commander respecting each fort commander in his command, each coast defense staff officer, and the commanding officer of any mine planter on duty in his coast defenses. (/) By each post or fort commander respecting each officer of his command not otherwise reported on at the post or fort. (g) By each surgeon of a post respecting any officer of the Medical Depart- ment serving under his direction. (h) By each company commander respecting each subaltern officer on duty with the company. (i) By each field officer commanding a battalion respecting each company commander and battalion staff officer serving with the battalion. By each regimental commander respecting each officer serving with the regiment at regimental headquarters not otherwise reported upon. (;') By the Superintendent of the Military Academy, the commandant of each service school, the commandant of the disciplinary barracks and of any branch thereof, the commanding officer of a general recruit depot, and the commanding officer of a mine planter, respecting each officer serving under them, respec- tively, not otherwise reported on. (fc) By the commanding officer of each arsenal, armory, and general depot of supply respecting each officer on duty thereat. (I) By the recruiting officer on duty at each general recruiting station re- specting each officer serving under his supervision. (m) By the commanding general, Philippine Department, respecting officers on duty with the various branches of the civil government in the Philippine Islands. (n) By the professor of military science and tactics at each civil educational institution respecting each officer serving under his supervision. 2. Whenever an officer is permanently relieved from duty at a post or station, or is detailed on temporary duty elsewhere, the probable period of which duty may exceed 30 days, the reporting officer will make the required entries on the efficiency report blank and, after signing the certificate attached thereto, will forward the report through intermediate commanders to the officer upon whom the duty devolves of continuing or completing the report. 3. Whenever a reporting officer is permanently relieved from duty, or is tem- porarily relieved for a period that will probably exceed 30 days, he will make the required entries on the efficiency report blank and turn it over to the officer upon whom the duty devolves of continuing or completing the report. 4. The continuation of an efficiency report may be made in the form of a statement under "Remarks," in the following cases: (a) Where the period to be covered is less than 30 days; (b) where a reporting officer is required to report a second time on an officer during the same year. 5. On December 31 of each year the report of each officer of Cavalry, Field Artillery, and Infantry, assigned to a regiment but not serving at the same station with the regimental commander, will be referred directly to the regi- mental commander by the officer making the final entries on the efficiency report, for the information of the regimental commander and for such remark as he 172 PENALTY ENVELOPES. may desire to make. The report will then be returned directly to the officer from whom it was received, to be forwarded through military channels. 6. Whenever the brigade and division commanders at maneuvers in time of peace are not the same officers as are regularly assigned to those units during other periods of the year, special reports as to the efficiency of regimental com- manders and the brigade staff officers, as judged by the performance of their duties at such maneuvers, will be made by the temporary brigade commanders on the blank forms used for the preparation of efficiency reports of officers. Similar reports will be made upon the brigade commanders and division staff officers by the temporary division commanders. These reports will be for- warded at the conclusion of the maneuvers to The Adjutant General of the Army. (C. A. R., Nos. 1, 4, 23, S3, and 53.) 829$. In order that suitable data may be available in making details for detached service and for duty in the several staff corps and departments in which vacancies are filled by details from the line, particular care will be taken in preparing efficiency Yeports to enter thereon a statement as to the peculiar fitness of the officer reported on for detail in any of the staff corps or depart- ments, or other detached service to which officers may be assigned, notation being made of the corps or department, or other duty, in the order of apparent fitness. Intermediate commanders through whom these reports are forwarded will indorse thereon their opinions as to the qualifications of the officer re- ported on. (C. A. R., No. 20.) 830. Each officer who makes the annual inspection of the military depart- ment of any civil institution of learning will, immediately after the inspection, forward to The Adjutant General of the Army, through the department com- mander, an efficiency report respecting the senior Army officer on duty at the institution. Officers who inspect the Natioanl Guard under the provisions of paragraph 892 will make similar reports respecting inspector-instructors on duty with the National Guard inspected by them. (C. A. R., Nos. 48 and 53.) 831. The Inspector General will forward to The Adjutant General of the Army extracts of all inspection reports that relate in any way to the efficiency of an officer. Extracts respecting officers of the staff corps or departments will be sent through the respective chiefs of bureaus. (C. A. R., No. 4.) 832. In preparing efficiency reports, reporting officers Avill exercise the greatest care to set forth all facts concerning each officer and his record which may aid the department in forming a true estimate of standing, ability, and special fitness for any military duties. 833. Chiefs of staff corps and departments will note the correctness of the reports received and will add any data known to them which will contribute to the completeness of the record in each case. All efficiency reports will be trans- mitted to The Adjutant General of the Army as soon as practicable after their receipt, verification, and completion. (C. A. R., No. 4-) ABTICLE LXV. PENALTY ENVELOPES. 834. Official communications and other mailable matter relating exclusively to the public business will be transmitted through the mails free of postage, if covered by the " Penalty envelope." Where an officer writes to a private party on official business he may inclose with his letter an official penalty envelope, properly addressed to himself, to cover the reply. 835. Information which is intended to be used in the performance of official duty only is official information, while that which is intended to be used for the THE RECRUITING SERVICE. 173 furtherance of private interest, ends, or business in any way whatever, though called for by a public officer, is private information. The official envelope may be used to give or obtain the former, but not the latter. 836. Envelopes for official mail matter for the War Department will have " War Department," the designation of bureau or office, and "Official Business," printed in three or four lines, as may be required, in the upper left corner, and in the upper right corner the following: "Penalty for private use, $300." En- velopes for the use of the headquarters of a territorial department, for a post, station, armory, arsenal, depot, or school of instruction, will be of the same form, with the proper substitution for the designation of the bureau or office, and with the address when necessary. Envelopes required for the transmis- sion of printed matter may also have printed thereon " Printed matter." Other printing or ruling on such envelopes at public expense is prohibited unless printed at the Government Printing Office. For the official business of officers not embraced in the foregoing classes, and officers on the retired list, the head- ing " War Department," " Official Business," will be placed across the left end of the envelope, with the officer's official signature written immediately below it, and with the"penalty clause in the upper right corner. 837. Packages of public property partaking of the characteristics of fourth- class mail matter, weighing not more than 4 pounds and not greater in size than 84 inches in length and girth combined, may be sent through the mails under cover .of the penalty envelope. Packages weighing more than 4 pounds which conform to the limit of size indicated and which do not exceed 50 pounds in weight when sent to the first or second zone or 20 pounds in the other zones, are transmissible in the mails provided postage is paid thereon at the appropriate rate. Penalty envelopes with return address may be furnished to any person from whom official information is desired, but will not be furnished to merchants or other dealers to cover the transmission of public property, or the return of official vouchers. (C. A. R., No. 54.) 838. The use of freight or express lines for transmitting letters or packages that can be sent under penalty privilege in accordance with section 11, act of May 18, 1916, is forbidden ; packages that can not be so sent may be shipped by express when that method is more economical than shipment by mail. (C. A. R., No. 54.) 839. The penalty envelope will not be used for foreign correspondence. ARTICLE LXVT. THE RECBUITING SERVICE. 840. Recruiting for the Army will be conducted by 1. An officer for each regiment, post, or detachment, detailed by the proper commanding officer to enlist for the regiment, post, or detachment, or, when authorized by the department commander, for any troops in the department, or, when authorized by the War Department, for any organization in the Army. 2. An officer detached from any organization by its commander, with the ap- proval of the War Department, to make enlistments for that organization and, when authorized by the War Department, for any organization in the Army. 3. Officers detailed on recruiting service by the War Department. The regu- lar details will be ordinarily for four years. (C. A. R., No. 88.) 841. General recruiting stations are places at which applicants for enlist- ment are examined and from which, if found to be qualified for service, they are forwarded to recruiting depots for final examination and enlistment. Recruiting depots are of two classes, viz, general recruit depots and recruit depot posts. General recruit depots are depots at which applicants for enlist- 174 THE RECRUITING SERVICE. ment are finally examined, enlisted, and retained for instruction, and from which recruits are distributed to the Army. Recruit depot posts are the desig- nated military posts to which are sent, from general recruiting stations, for final examinaion, enlistment, and distribution to the Army, such applicants for enlistment as are not sent to general recruit ^depots. In all matters of police and discipline recruits at recruit depot posts are under the command of the post and department commanders, but in all other matters, including discharges for disability, they are directly under the orders of the War Department. All records pertaining to recruit administration at recruit depots and depot posts will be so kept that a change may, without interference, be made at any time in the post personnel. 842. Recruits at general depots will be organized for instruction into recruit companies as may be directed by the War Department, the instruction being given by officers detailed and noncommissioned officers appointed for that pur- pose. Commanding officers of all recruit depots and depot posts will forward directly to The Adjutant General of the Army trimonthly reports of recruits. 843. All enlisted men prior to their assignment to general recruiting duty will be transferred to the general service, Infantry. The recruiting officer in charge of each general recruiting station, having first satisfied himself of the soldiers' fitness for the positions, will announce in orders from his station, and muster from the date of such announcement, one member of his recruiting party as sergeant and one as corporal. Such orders will be entered in the records of the recruiting station and a copy of each order will be forwarded to The Adjutant General of the Army ; a copy will also be furnished to each soldier concerned. 844. Members of recruiting parties announced and mustered as sergeants or corporals will not be reduced while performing such duty without the ap- proval of The Adjutant General of the Army. Their appointments as sergeants or corporals will, however, terminate whenever they are relieved from recruit- ing duty, or when the stations at which they are serving are discontinued, unless they shall be assigned to other recruiting stations at which there are vacancies in their respective grades. The recruiting officer will in every case announce in orders the date of the termination of an appointment as sergeant or corporal and furnish copies of each order, as indicated in paragraph 843. 845. All assignments of enlisted men to the general recruiting service will be as privates, first class, the question of their promotion as sergeants or cor- porals being for determination after their fitness and capacity shall have been demonstrated. Individual applications for transfers to the general recruiting service will be forwarded, whenever practicable, through the proper command- ing officers, who will indorse thereon their recommendations, based upon service and merit, and also a statement of the soldier's fitness for recruiting duty, especially as regards clerical ability and knowledge of Army papers. The transfers will be made from time to time, as the interests of the service re- quire, in orders from the War Department. (C. A. R., No. 55.) 846. Any male citizen of the United States or person who has legally de- clared his intention to become a citizen, if under the age of 35 years, able- bodied, free, from disease, of good character and temperate habits, may be en- listed or accepted for enlistment under the restrictions contained in this article. In regard to age or citizenship this regulation shall not apply to soldiers who have served honestly and faithfully a previous enlistment in the Army. (C. A. J{., No. 55.) 847. With the exceptions indicated in paragraph 859, the date on which the enlistment or reenlistment of any man is actually completed, by administering the oath, is the date of that enlistment and must invariably be shown on the THE RECRUITING SERVICE. 175 enlistment paper, above the signature of the officer who administers the oath, and thereby enlists the man. (C. A. R., Nos. 51 and 55.) 848. Applicants for original enlistment and men who apply to reenter the Army after an interval of more than three months from date of discharge will be required to furnish evidence of good character. To determine an applicant's fitness and aptitude for the service and to give him an opportunity to secure testimonials of character he may, after having signified his intention to enlist and passed the required examination, be retained and provided for not to exceed six days before being accepted or rejected. At recruiting stations at which no medical officer or recruiting officer is on duty an examination by the senior noncommissioned officer on duty at the station will be sufficient to deter- mine whether the applicant may be retained for the period named, but such examination will not take the place of that to be made by the recruiting officer under paragraph 847. 849. The enlistment or acceptance with a view to enlistment of persons of any of the following classes is prohibited : Insane or intoxicated persons ; deserters from the naval service of the United States; persons who have been convicted of felony or who have been imprisoned under sentence of a court in a reformatory, jail, or penitentiary, but the fact that an applicant for enlist- ment has been confined in an institution for the education and control of minors will not debar him from enlistment, provided that he was not confined therein because of the commission of any crime or misdemeanor ; for original enlistment, persons over 35 years of age ; for first enlistment in time of peace, any person (except an Indian) who is not a citizen of the United States or Porto Rico, or who has not made legal declaration of his intention to become a citizen of the United States, or who can not speak, read, and write the English language ; and, except as provided in paragraph 861, a former soldier whose service during the last preceding term of enlistment has not been honest and faithful, or whose discharge certificate from the last preceding enlistment bears the notation " is not recommended for reenlistment," and deserters from the military service of the United States. (C. A. R., Nos. 14 and 55.) 850. Recruiting officers will be very particular to ascertain the true age of every applicant for enlistment. If any doubt exists as to the applicant's state- ment regarding his age, his oath will not be taken as conclusive evidence of the fact, and if he can not furnish competent proof to support his statement, he will be rejected. A minor under 18 years of age may be enlisted or accepted with a view to enlistment with the written consent of the father, only sur- viving parent, or legally appointed guardian to the minor's enlistment, but no person under 16 years of age will be enlisted or accepted without special authority from The Adjutant General of the Army. When a minor under 18 years of age presents himself for enlistment or acceptance under the pro- visions of this paragraph, his parents or guardian, should he have any, will be found and informed of the application ; should he be without parents or guardian, the recruiting officer must" reject him unless the applicant shall procure the legal appointment of a guardian and obtain his written consent. (C. A. R., No. 55.) 851. Recruiting officers will be held to a rigid accountability for accepting and forwarding men who may be found unfitted for the service, and officers who enlist such applicants will be held to a like accountability. If a man after having been enlisted at a military post, or accepted at a general recruiting station and forwarded to a depot or depot post for enlistment, be discharged or rejected, and it appear that the enlistment or acceptance was carelessly made or in violation of these regulations, the expenses incurred in consequence 176 THE BECBTJITING SERVICE. of the enlistment or acceptance of the man may be stopped against the pay of the officer responsible. 852. The enlistment or reenlistment of married men for the line of the Army is to be discouraged, and will be permitted only for some good reason in the public interest, the efficiency of the service to be the first consideration. Appli- cations for such enlistments or reenlistments will be finally determined by the regimental commander, or other proper commanding officer if there be no regi- mental organization. 853. Rescinded. (C. A. R., No. 55.) 854. Recruiting officers will not allow any man to be enticed into the service by false representations, but will, in person, explain to every man before he signs the enlistment paper the nature of the service, the length of the term, the amount of pay, clothing, rations, and other allowances to which a soldier is entitled by law. 855. Rescinded. (C. A. R., No. 55-) 856. The Articles of War enumerated in the one hundred and tenth article of war will be read and explained to each applicant just before administering to him the oath of enlistment. (C. A. R., No. 55.) 857. Enlistment papers and recruiting returns will be made on printed forms furnished by The Adjutant General of the Army, and will be executed and disposed of in accordance with directions thereon. 858. Rescinded. (C. A. R., No. 55.) 859. An enlistment will not be antedated so as to allow a soldier additional pay for reenlistment who applies after the period of three months from date of discharge has expired, nor does an application for reenlistment, made within three months, entitle the soldier to such increase. The benefit granted by law to soldiers who reenlist within three months from date of discharge can be obtained only by actual reenlistment before the expiration of the three months' limit. Where, however, the reenlistment of a soldier, who has applied in per- son within the period of three months to a proper recruiting officer for reen- listment, is delayed beyond the period of three months, through no fault of the soldier, but for the convenience of the Government, the date of the soldier's reenlistment as shown on the enlistment paper will be that of his application for enlistment. 860. An officer who enlists or reenlists a man who has been discharged from the Army will immediately give notice of the fact to the commanding officer of the company from which the man was last discharged, stating, if practicable, designation of the organization to which he has been assigned. On receiving this notice the commander of the company from which the man was discharged will enter the fact of enlistment or reenlistment on the soldier's record. Should it appear that deception has been practiced he will report the case to The Adju- tant General of the Army. The recruiting officer will enter the fact of enlist- ment or reenlistment, with date and place, upon the certificate of discharge from former enlistment, which the soldier should have in his possession. 861. Application to reenter the Army from persons of any of the following classes will not be granted without special authority from the Secretary of War: 1. Former soldiers who have been discharged before expiration of term of service, excepting those discharged by purchase or for the convenience of the Government 2. Former soldiers who have been discharged with character other than good, or its full equivalent, or whose discharge certificates from their last preceding enlistments bear the notation " is not recommended for reenlistment." THE KECRUITING SERVICE. 177 3. Former soldiers over 40 years of age who were last discharged as privates and have failed to reenlist within three months thereafter. In such cases the applications must show that the enlistments will be for the interests of the service. 4. Former soldiers who can not pass the required examination in all respects. Applications of this nature should show that any existing defects will not pre- vent the performance by the applicant of full military duty. 5. Former soldiers who deserted the military service of the United States in time of peace and former soldiers whose service during the last preceding term of enlistment was not honest and faithful. Authority to enlist persons of either of 'these two classes will be granted only in view of the good conduct of the applicant subsequent to his desertion or last preceding service, as provided for in section 1998, Revised Statutes, as amended by the act of Congress approved August 22, 1912. (C. A. R., No. 14.) 862. An applicant will be subjected to the required examination before ap- plication is made for special authority for his enlistment or reenlistment. The result of the examination will be stated in the application. Commanding offi- cers forwarding applications from men of their commands for permission to reenlist for some other organization will report in each case whether the appli- cant is married or single, what character will be given him on discharge, and whether or not he can pass the required examination. 863. Enlisted men of good character and faithful service who, at the expira- tion of their terms, are undergoing treatment for injuries incurred or disease contracted in the line of duty, may be reenlisted if they so elect, and if the dis- ability prove to-be permanent, they will subsequently be discharged on certifi- cates of disability. An enlisted man not under treatment, but who has con- tracted in the line of duty infirmities that may raise a question of physical eligibility to reenlistment, but not such as to prevent his performing the duties of a soldier, may be reenlisted by authority of the War Department on applica- tion made through the surgeon and proper military channel in time to receive a decision before the date of discharge. MEDICAL EXAMINATION. 864. The physical examination of applicants for enlistment will be con- ducted in accordance with the authorized rules for the examination of recruits. 865. An applicant for enlistment at a garrisoned post, camp, or arsenal, where there is no medical officer or contract surgeon, will be physically exam- ined before enlistment by the civilian physician employed by the Medical Depart- ment, who will immediately vaccinate the man if he is accepted. 866. As soon as a recruit joins any organization, depot, post, or station he will be examined by the surgeon to ascertain whether vaccination is required. In all cases where there is not unmistakable evidence of successful vaccination wi.thin a reasonable period the operation will be performed immediately. Vac- cine virus is supplied by the Surgeon General. 867. Upon the arrival at a recruiting depot of an accepted applicant for enlistment he will be examined and enlisted or rejected with the least practi- cable delay. If in the opinion of the surgeon or the commanding officer the disqualification in the case of any rejected applicant is- of such a character that it should have been discovered by the recruiting officer who accepted and forwarded the appli- cant to the depot, the commanding officer will convene a board of three officers, one of whom shall be a medical officer if such officer is available, to examine 9065117 12 178 THE RECRUITING SERVICE. into the case and report whether the disqualification existed prior to acceptance, when, where, and by whom the applicant was accepted, and whether in the opin- ion of the board the disqualification should have been discovered by the recruit- ing officer. If the board is of the opinion that the recruiting officer was at fault in accepting and forwarding the applicant, it will, before making its re- port, communicate with him and give him an opportunity to be heard in the case, but if he fails to respond ^with reasonable promptness, the board will pro- ceed with the case and render its report without further delay. -In those cases in which the board finds that the recruiting officer was at fault the record of the proceedings of the board, together with the report of the surgeon and the original form for examining a recruit, will be forwarded directly to The Adju- tant General of the Army with the recommendation of the commanding officer ; but if the board finds that the recruiting officer was not at fault, it will so advise him, and no further action will be taken. If in the opinion of both the surgeon and the commanding officer the disqualification is not of such a char- acter that it should have been discovered by the recruiting officer at the time of acceptance of the applicant, the case will not be referred to a board of offi- cers. All military posts to which applicants for enlistment may be sent from general recruiting stations without previous medical examination will be regarded as depots within the meaning of this regulation. Accepted applicants for enlistment who are found unfit for service on final examination at recruiting depots will be regarded as remaining under military observation until they have been returned to the recruiting stations at which they were accepted, or until they should have arrived at those stations after having been forwarded for them. 868. Every detachment of recruits ordered from a recruiting depot to any organization or post will, immediately preceding its departure, be critically inspected by the post commander and the senior medical officer present, and any sick or otherwise disabled will be held at depot A recruit deemed unfit for continuance in the service will not be sent to an organization, but the nec- essary action will be taken by the commanding officer of the depot or depot post with a view to the discharge of the recruit on a surgeon's certificate of dis- ability, or otherwise, as the case may require. 869. Before recruits are forwarded from a depot to organizations the post commander will cause the character of each recruit to be entered upon the service record; also the date and result of last vaccination. Officers in charge of detachments, if called upon, will exhibit the entries relative to vaccination to authorized inspectors of State boards of health. (C. A. R., No. 55.) 870. Upon arrival at a post each recruit who has not undergone examination by a medical officer, contract surgeon, or civilian physician will be examined, and defects will be recorded by the medical officer, with his opinion as to whether they existed prior to enlistment. A certificate of disability will be submitted if the recruit is disqualified for the service. 871. A monthly report of the medical examination of applicants for enlist- ment in the Regular Army will be made by the medical examiner for each garrisoned post or recruiting depot, and forwarded, not later than the sixth day of the niouth following that in which the examinations are made, directly to the Surgeon General of the Army, who will furnish blank forms for the purpose. (C. A. R., No. 55.) BECRtttTS SENT TO ORGANIZATIONS. 872. Recruits will be assigned to regiments and other organizations by The Adjutant General of the Army, under the direction of the Secretary of War, from recruit depots and depot posts. Recruits designated for assignment will INSPECTOR GENERAL'S DEPARTMENT. 179 be borne on the rolls and returns of the depots and depot posts until the date of departure therefrom, when the assignment will take effect. Prior to that date they will not be taken up on the rolls of companies, regiments, or other organizations. Correspondence between officers or enlisted men of the general recruiting service and other officers or enlisted men of the Army with a view to furnish- ing or obtaining recruits for particular organizations, either by the acceptance of applicants at general recruiting stations or by the assignment of recruits from recruit depots or depot posts, is prohibited. 873. Rescinded. (C* A. R., No. 55.) 874. Rescinded. (C. A. R., No. 55.) 875. An officer intrusted with the command of recruits ordered to regiments or other organizations will, on arriving at destination, forward the following papers : 1. To The Adjutant General of the Army, a report of date of arrival at the post, the strength and condition of the party when turned over to the com- manding officer, and all circumstances worthy of remark which occurred on the journey. 2. To the commanding officer of the post or organization, the service records furnished him with the recruits, properly completed by noting in the column for remarks time and place of death, desertion, or other casualty that may have occurred. ((7. A. R., No. 55.) 876. Rescinded. (C. A. R., No. 55.,) 877. Soldiers enlisted by special authority for particular organizations will be sent to their proper stations without delay. An applicant will be subjected to the required examination before application is made for special authority for his enlistment. ARTICLE LXVII. INSPECTOR GENERAL'S DEPARTMENT. GENERAL PROVISIONS. 878. The sphere of inquiry of the Inspector General's Department includes every branch of military affairs except when specially limited in these regula- tions or in orders. Inspectors general and acting inspectors general will exer- cise a comprehensive and general observation within the command to which they may be respectively assigned over all that pertains to the efficiency of the Army, the condition and state of supplies of all kinds, of arms and equipments, of the expenditure of public property and moneys, and the condition of accounts of all disbursing officers of every branch of the service, of the conduct, disci- pline, and efficiency of officers and troops, and report with strict impartiality in regard to all irregularities that may be discovered. From time to time they will make such suggestions as may appear to them practicable for the correc- tion of any defect that may come under their observation. 879. Inspectors general or acting inspectors general assigned to a military command are under the immediate direction of its commanding general ; when not so assigned, they are under the orders of the War Department. They will make the garrison and such special inspections as the commanding general may direct within the limits of his command, and will each be allowed the necessary clerks and one messenger, who will be assigned by the Secretary' of War. (C. A. R., No.' 9.) 180 INSPECTOR GENERAL'S DEPARTMENT. 880. Inspectors general and acting inspectors general will report by letter on arriving at their stations to the Inspector General of the Army. Thereafter they will furnish to him copies of all orders and written instructions received for tours of inspection or for investigations, giving the nature of the duty they are going to perform, the probable time they will be at each -place to be visited during their tour, and the probable date they will return to their stations. At the close of each fiscal year the inspector general assigned to a military command will submit to its commanding general a report covering the opera- tions of the Inspector General's Department within the command during the preceding year, together with such recommendations for the improvement of the service as he may deem fit, and will forward a copy thereof, through mili- tary chanels, to The Adjutant General of the Army, who will transmit it to the Inspector General of the Army. ~ 881. Inspectors general or acting inspectors general will make known their orders or instructions to commanding and other officers whose troops and affairs they are directed to inspect, and these officers will see that every facility and assistance, including clerical aid, if requested, is afforded. When making inspections within the territorial limits of the command of an officer subordi- nate to the officer ordering the inspections, they will, prior to the inspections, furnish to the subordinate commander a copy of their orders and an itinerary of their route in so far as they relate to the inspection of parts of his command. 882. An inspector general or acting inspector general will not give orders unless specially authorized to do so, and then only in the name of the superior giving such authority. He will report with strict impartiality all irregularities'. He should refrain from informal conversation or comment upon subjects under investigation. 883. An inspector general or acting inspector general will exercise the great- est care that he does no injustice to organizations or individuals. When investi- gating accusations prejudicial to the character of an officer, he will make known to the officer their nature, and give him an opportunity to make his own state- ment in writing, which will be appended to the report. Copies or extracts from an inspection report reflecting upon or commending the character or efficiency of an officer may be furnished him by the commander to whom the report is submitted. 884. An inspector general or acting inspector general detailed to investigate alleged attempts to defraud the Government, or any irregularity or misconduct of any officer or agent of the United States, has authority to administer oaths to witnesses. SPECIAL DUTIES. 885. Inspectors general will, from time to time, designate the articles which, in their opinion, should be procured and kept for sale by the Quartermaster Corps to officers and enlisted men while in garrison or permanent camps and while in temporary camps or on active campaign. These recommendations will be submitted to the Secretary of War for his action. CLASSIFICATION OF INSPECTIONS. 886. Inspections are classified as follows : 1. Annual tactical inspections of troops of the mobile army by department and brigade commanders. 2. Annual garrison inspections. 3. Inspection of the National Guard. 4. Special and miscellaneous inspections. ANNUAL INSPECTIONS. 181 Inspections of the Coast Artillery troops will include the annual garrison in- spection, the inspection to be made by the Coast Artillery district commander as prescribed in the Regulations for the Instruction and Target Practice of Coast Artillery Troops, and such other inspections as may be directed. (C. A. R., Nos. 9 and 48.) ANNUAL TACTICAL INSPECTIONS. 887. The responsibility for the annual tactical inspections is imposed upon the department and brigade commander by paragraphs 193 and 194. As far as practicable, the assistants of these commanders will be inspectors general or acting inspectors general of the arm to be inspected. (C. A. R., No. 9.) ANNUAL GAREISON INSPECTION. 888. The annual garrison inspection will be conducted by officers of the In- spector General's Department during the period of garrison training. When practicable the inspector will belong to the arm to be inspected. The object of these inspections is to determine the state of discipline and efficiency attained in garrison training and the degree of efficiency and economy exercised in gar- rison administration. 889. All garrisons and posts shall be inspected at least once in each fiscal year by the inspector of the department or by his assistants. Ungarrisoned posts will be inspected at such times as the department commander may direct, ordinarily once in two years. Inspections of garrisons and posts will embrace the following subjects : 1. Officers present, those absent on detached duty or otherwise, and those permanently incapacitated for any duty from any cause ; whether the number of enlisted men in ranks at inspection corresponds to returns, how absentees are recounted for, and how many appear under arms at inspection ; the number of men in the band, and if any are not musicians. 2. Whether the post is adequately armed and supplied, and maps of the post and of the country in its vicinity are kept. 3. Whether the commanding officer observes the system of instruction and treatment of subordinates enjoined by the regulations and properly executes the laws relating to neutrality, quarantine, and the regulations concerning international courtesy, so far as applicable to his post ; whether justice is promptly and legally administered ; the zeal of the commanding officer and his ability to perform his duties ; whether due attention has been given by the commanding officer to the tactical training of the command, and whether field efficiency is made subordinate to routine administration ; amount of corre- si>ondence and whether matters of routine are disposed of by personal interview or by official correspondence. 4. Whether officers are efficient, including a report as to any intemperance or immorality, and mentioning any officer or soldier who has distinguished himself or shown special efficiency in any department of study or duty. 5. The manner in which chaplains perform their duties. 6. The efficiency of administrative and staff officers, the correctness of their accounts; whether payments and issues are made in accordance with law and regulations; whether surplus supplies are taken up on returns and deficiencies accounted for. 7. Proficiency of troops in drill in the use of the bayonet as a fighting weapon, and the use of the saber in mounted and dismounted exercises and in mounted and dismounted fencing; proficiency in riding of officers of the staff corps and mounted officers of infantry ; proficiency of officers and men of mounted organi- 182 INSPECTOR GENERAL'S DEPARTMENT. zations in jumping hurdles, ditches, fences, and other obstacles, simulating those ordinarily found in cross-country riding; discipline and appearance of troops; state of arms, equipments, and accouterments of all kinds, and their fitness for field service ; economy exercised by organization commanders in care and preser- vation of arms and equipment of all kinds ; the character of recruits received, sources from which obtained, dates of arrival, and number received for each consignment ; sufficiency, uniformity, and fit of clothing ; the sufficiency of shoes for fitting and equipping enlisted men and the suitability of the place provided by the quartermaster for fitting purposes ; failures of organization commanders to secure proper shoes for their commands or proper facilities for fitting and the causes for same ; whether the schools for enlisted men are held as prescribed and properly conducted ; nature and amount of drills, target practice, and gym- nastic exercises ; the amount of guard duty required and whether it is deemed excessive; efficiency in signaling; regularity of payment of troops, their health, and whether the sick are properly cared for ; the number and percentage of desertions from each organization during the 12 months preceding the inspection and, if abnormal, special inquiry as to the cause therefor will be made and the result briefly reported. 1\. Whether the annual obstacle ride for Cavalry and Field Artillery officers is held as prescribed, reporting all officers who fail to take it and giving reasons therefor. 7*. The extent and thoroughness of the instruction of the troops will be tested by tactical problems or exercises appropriate to the size of the command and to the available terrain. 8. Police and sanitation of the post ; cleanliness, state of repair, and sauitarj condition of all buildings ; the number, character, and cost of buildings con- structed since last annual inspection ; economy exercised in care and preserva- tion of public property. 9. Whether there are suitable rooms for use, respectively, as a library, readinj room, chapel, and school ; sufficient quantities of newspapers and periodical?, schoolbooks, stationery, and school material for the use -of enlisted men,; whether the newspapers, periodicals, and schoolbooks are solely used by enlisted men ; whether the library rooms are used at all by officers, and, if so, whether it interferes with their use by enlisted men ; the attendance and progress of pupils and the system of instruction. See also paragraph 337. 10. System of messing ; sufficiency, variety, and preparation of food. 11. Whether labor of the supply departments is performed by troops or civilians; if by the latter, their number, cost attending and reasons for their employment, and kind of labor performed by them. 12. Means of transportation, its condition and fitness for field service ; train- ing, grooming, shoeing, suitability, veterinary treatment and condition of public animals, and number unserviceable ; also the suitability for military purpose? of horses^ owned by officers. 13. Condition of all public property, and whether used for private purposes; whether buildings and property are properly secured against fire, theft, and damage. 14. Whether sales of subsistence stores are made to enlisted men according to regulations ; whether there are damaged stores, and, if so, in what quantities and how damage was caused. 15. Water supply, facilities for laundry work, bathing, and swimming; system nnd condition of sewerage and drainage, and means of extinguishing fire. 16. Management and success of post exchange, and whether properly supplied and conducted according to regulations ; extent, necessity for, and kind of gar- dens, success attending, and number of men employed therein. INSPECTION OF THE NATIONAL GUABD. 183 17. Management and application of the regimental, company, mess, and post exchange funds, and whether the provisions of Article XXXIII are complied with. 18. Whether regimental, post, and company books, papers, and files, and those of the post staff departments, including chaplain's records, are properly kept, and the prescribed rolls and returns are properly prepared and promptly forwarded. 19. Condition of post cemetery and its records. 20. Efficiency of enlisted men, Medical Department, in ambulance and litter- bearer's drill, and methods of rendering first aid to the wounded. (C. A. R., Nos. 9 and 55.) 890. Inspectors while inspecting a command will call upon post, coast de- fense, regimental, battalion, and company commanders and the surgeon for a report by name of any officer under their immediate command who is in- capacitated for service, either mentally, morally, or physically. When any officer is so reported the inspector will thoroughly investigate the case and submit his conclusions thereon to the officer ordering the inspection. 890^. Inspectors will especially inquire into and report by name, affirma- tively or negatively as the case may be, whether the field officers of the com- mands they inspect are believed to be physically fit to perform all their duties in the field. The words " field officers " include all officers of the line and staff below the grade of brigadier general and above the grade of captain. (C. A. R., No. 55.) 891. The written reports of inspectors will set forth a correct return of the troops, the number present at and absent from the station and the absentees from inspection, and whether irregularities, etc., reported at last inspection have been remedied, after which will follow a statement of the results of the inspection, dealing only with defects, deficiencies, irregularities, recommenda- tions, and commendations whereof the various items will be paragraphed and stated separately. These items will be grouped under the department within whose sphere the responsibility for the conditions stated falls, viz : Commanding officer, Quartermaster Corps, Corps of Engineers, etc. Brief statement will be made of the various drills and exercises held for the inspector and the report concluded with an exposition of the conclusions arrived at as to the state of discipline and efficiency attained in garrison training and the degree of efficiency and economy exercised in garrison administration. 892. On completion of an inspection of a garrison, post, or other command of troops, the inspector will furnish its commanding officer a written statement of all irregularities and deficiencies observed, which will be kept on file for the information of commanding officers and inspectors. The commanding officer, as soon as practicable, will submit to the next higher commander a copy of this statement, with a report showing what remedies he has applied or will apply to correct each of the irregularities or defects found, and will recommend the proper action with regard to those that he has not power or authority to remedy. These reports and statements will be promptly forwarded, through military channels, to The Adjutant General of the Army, by whom they will be transmitted to the Inspector General. At arsenals, depots, and stations not under the supervision of department commanders inspectors will furnish like statements, and commanding officers will forward copies thereof, with their replies, to The Adjutant General for file with the inspection reports to which they pertain. INSPECTION OF THE NATIONAL GUABD. 892*. (a) Inspections of the National Guard will be made at least once each year by inspectors general and, if necessary, by other officers of the Regular 184 INSPECTOR GENERAL'S DEPARTMENT. Army detailed by the Secretary of War, or department commanders acting under instructions from the Secretary of War, to determine whether the amount and condition of the property in the hands of the National Guard are satis- factory ; whether the National Guard is organized as prescribed by the act of Congress approved June 3, 1916; whether the officers and enlisted men possess the physical and other qualifications prescribed ; whether the organization and the officers and enlisted men thereof are sufficiently armed, uniformed, equipped, and being trained and instructed for active duty in the field or coast defense, and whether the records are being kept in accordance with said act. The re- ports of such inspections shall serve as the basis for deciding as to the issue to and retention by the National Guard of the military property provided for by said act, and for determining what organizations and individuals shall be considered as constituting parts of the National Guard within the meaning, of said act. Blanks and memoranda for use in making these inspections will be furnished by the Inspector General of the Army. (6) Inspectors will inquire into and report upon the character and amount of work done by officers and enlisted men of the Regular Army on duty with the National Guard ; the manner in which they perform their duties ; their fit- ness for their positions ; and whether the inspector-instructors comply with the War Department regulations and instructions relating to their duties. (c) Inspectors general will inquire into and report upon the necessity, econ- omy, and propriety of all disbursements of the National Guard property and disbursing officers for the United States, their strict conformity to the law appropriating the money, whether these officers comply with the law in keeping their accounts and making their deposits, and whether their property records are complete and properly kept, and the required reports and returns rendered. (d) The inspector will verbally inform the organization commander of all irregularities and deficiencies noted in connection with the subject of organiza- tion, armament, and equipment, and will at the same time offer such assistance, advice, or suggestions as may be practicable looking to their correction. (e) Reports of these inspections will be forwarded to the department com- mander, who will examine them with a view to the detection of errors and in- completeness, and correction of the same by the responsible inspectors, and then forward them to The Adjutant General of the Army. (C. A. R., No. 48.) SPECIAL AND MISCELLANEOUS INSPECTIONS. 893. Special inspections and investigations within the limits of a command (territorial or tactical) may be made under orders of the commander thereof; but in all cases involving travel his selection of officers to perform such duty shall be restricted to inspectors general, acting inspectors general, or officers of the General Staff Corps on duty as such, at his headquarters under War De- partment assignment. 894. The annual inspection of the Soldiers' Home in the District of Colum- bia will be made by the Inspector General of the Army, in person, as required by law; and that of the National Home for Disabled Volunteer Soldiers, its records, disbursements, management, discipline, and condition, will be made by an officer of the Inspector General's Department under the provisions of the act of Congress approved August 18, 1894, who will report in writing, through the Inspector General of the Army, to the Secretary of War, the results of such inspection. 895. All armories, arsenals, depots, general hospitals, general recruiting stations, the proving ground at Sandy Hook, N. J., and the military prisoners in the United States penitentiary at Leavenworth, Kans., will be inspected annually and all national cemeteries once in two years. These inspections and the in- REPORTS. 185 spections of accounts of officers disbursing funds under the Secretary of War, and such special inspections of posts and commands as may be deemed ad- visable, will be directed by the Secretary of War to be made by officers recom- mended by the Inspector General of the Army, with a view to their special fitness for the work enjoined. 806. Inspections of the military departments and business methods of the Military Academy and of the service schools will be made annually by the Inspector General or officers recommended by him under specific instructions of the War Department. 8964. Inspections of the United States Disciplinary Barracks or any branch thereof will be made annually by an officer on duty in the Office of the Inspector General of of the Army. (C. A. R., No. Sj.) 897. The inspection of disbursements and money accounts of disbursing officers required by act of April 20, 1874, will be made by officers of the Inspec- tor General's Department or by others detailed for that purpose, and, as far as practicable, at irregular intervals, but no officer so detailed shall be in any way connected with the corps or staff department making the disbursement. The inspection of the accounts and records of the National Guard property and disbursing officers of the United States, required by section 67 of the act of June 3, 1916, will be made at least once each year by officers of the Inspector General's Department. The frequency of these inspections will be regulated by the Secretary of War. (C. A. R., No. 48.) 898. Just prior to the departure of an Army transport from a terminal port, and immediately upon its arrival at such port, it will be minutely inspected by an officer of the Inspector General's Department, or, if no officer of that de- partment is available, by an officer previously designated for the performance of this duty. In making this inspection all irregularities and deficiencies found by the inspector or mentioned in the report of the commanding officer of the troops, required by paragraph 234, Army Transport Service Regulations, will be investigated. 899. The Inspector General of the Army will keep the inspectors of the several military departments informed, through the proper channels, of such inspections of accounts of disbursing officers and of places not under the imme- diate command of the department commander as the Secretary of War desires shall be made by them. Department commanders in issuing orders for inspec- tions involving travel will consider the most advantageous and economical plan. BEPORTS. 900. Reports of prescribed inspections of troops, stations, and accounts of disbursing officers under the authority of the department commanders will be forwarded, through military channels, to The Adjutant General of the Army and transmitted to the Inspector General of the Army. In case irregularities, deficiencies, or misconduct are reported, a commander in forwarding a report will state what remedies he has applied or will apply to correct them, adding any recommendations that he may desire to make. Unusual delays in forwarl- ing a report will be explained. When a report contains any item requiring prompt administrative or disciplinary action beyond the power or authority of the department commander, an extract thereof will be forwarded at once by him. All other reports of inspectors will be forwarded directly to the In- spector General of the Army, except when otherwise specially directed, and all inspection reports not confidential will be fihtl in his office. The Inspector General will submit to the Chief of Staff all reports that contain matters re- quiring correction. (C, A, R., No, 55,) 186 INSPECTOR GENERAL'S DEPARTMENT. DISBURSEMENTS AND ACCOUNTS. 901. Inspectors general and acting inspectors general will inquire as to the necessity, economy, and propriety of all disbursements, their strict conformity to the law appropriating the money, and whether the disbursing officers comply with the law in keeping their accounts and making their deposits. A statement of receipts and expenditures and of the distribution of funds, with lists of outstanding checks, on forms furnished by the Inspector General of the Army, will be submitted by the disbursing officer to the inspector, who should imme- diately transmit the lists of outstanding checks to the several depositaries. Upon return from a depositary balances will be verified and noted on the inspection report, which will then be forwarded to the Inspector General, with a copy of each list of outstanding checks and the indorsements thereon. The original lists will be retained by the inspector to be used at the next inspection of the officer's accounts and then sent to the Inspector General. 902. When an officer ceases to act as a disbursing officer, or for any reason closes his accounts, he will prepare a closing statement of his money accounts from date of last inspection to and including the closing of his accounts, with a separate list of outstanding checks. If he is under the command of a depart- ment commander, or his accounts are assigned for inspection to the department inspector, he will forward the statement and list of checks to department head- quarters, through military channels, for the usual action. If disbursing under the direction of the Secretary of War without such assignment, he will forward, his papers directly to The Adjutant General of the Army, who will transmit them to the Inspector General of the Army. He will also comply with the requirements of paragraphs 588 and 630. PROPERTY FOR CONDEMNATION. 903. Except as provided in paragraph 717, inspections having in view the' condemnation of property will be made by inspectors general or acting in- ' specters general ; but in cases of emergency, such as when a station is aban- ! doned or when troops change station, such inspections may be made by officers specially designated by the commander of a department, or the commander of, a division, or army in the field, or higher authority. 904. Officers will prepare and sign in duplicate, on blank forms furnished by the Inspector General of the Army, inventories of public property requiring inspection, and present them, with the property, to the Inspector General or Acting Inspector General at the time of his visit. In the case of rapidly de- j teriorating siibsisteuce stores or of unserviceable public animals, or of pressing emergency, such inventories will be prepared whenever necessary, and one copy i will be forwarded to the commander having authority to appoint an inspector, i Public animals will be inventoried singly, with a brief description of color, sex, ! age, and distinguishing marks. Public buildings which have become un- serviceable and can not be kept in repair at reasonable cost, or which occupy ground required for new buildings or other improvements, will be entered upon a separate inventory and brought before an inspector for his action. 905. For inspection the property will be arranged in the order of enumera- tion in the inventory, every article will be examined by the inspector, and the officer responsible will accompany him and be prepared to give all necessary information in regard to it. 906. Inspectors will examine all property presented for condemnation. When all property presented has been destroyed, the two copies of the inventory and inspection report will be delivered by the inspecting officer to the account- able officer. In cases in which the inspector recommends the sale of any prop- erty, or its transfer to depots, he will forward both copies of the inventory PROPERTY FOR CONDEMNATION. 187 and inspection report to department or division headquarters, and if the in- spector's action is approved by the department or division commander, both copies will be returned to the accountable officer ; and, in similar cases, when the accountable officer is not serving under the department or division commander and all the property has been destroyed, both copies of the inventory and inspec- tion report will be forwarded to the accountable officer, or if sale or transfer of the property is recommended, the inspecting officer will forward both copies of the inventory and inspection report to the Inspector General of the Army, who will forward them to the Chief of Staff through the chief of the bureau concerned ; both copies will be returned to the accountable officer. 907. Inspectors will exercise great care in examining property submitted to them for condemnation and in making recommendations regarding its disposition. Articles " to be continued in service " are such as are still serviceable. Those M to be dropped " from the returns are such as can not be sold at the post and are not worth cost of transportation to an arsenal or depot for repair. If worthless, they must be so far destroyed as to prevent any possibility of future presenta- tion. Such articles as can not be destroyed will, when practicable, be marked "I. C." (inspected condemned), or will be broken up and the serviceable parts retained. Condemned animals will be branded " I. C." on the neck under the mane. Should the inspector's recommendation be disapproved in regard to articles marked " I. C." the marks will be canceled and a certificate of the fact given to the responsible officer. Suitable brands and stencils will be kept for use of inspectors at posts and depots. Articles " to be sold at post " are such as are of no further public use or not worth cost of transportation to a depot. Those " to be turned in to depot " are such as can not be repaired at the post and are worth cost of transportation. Small arms found to be unfit for service and hand arms and personal and horse equipments ordered turned in to depot will first be turned in to the post ordnance officer, who will, when sufficient stores have accumulated to make an economical shipment, send them to an arsenal desig- nated by the Chief of Ordnance, As unserviceable surveying, reconnaissance, or instruments have generally some salable value and can usually be repaired or utilized in part, such property will be submitted to an inspector with a. view to being turned in to an engineer depot for repair or for final disposition under the provisions of this paragraph. Property will not be turned in to depots without authority from the head of the staff department to which the property pertains, except in the Philippine and Hawaiian Departments, where such authority may be given by the commanding generals of those departments. The authority herein referred to, of heads of staff departments, will usually be given in general terms in the form of approved memoranda indicating the most advantageous method of disposing of various classes of unserviceable property, which memoranda will serve as guides to department and higher commanders and inspectors, or surveying officers. When property ordered "to be turned in to depot " on the recommendation of an inspector or surveying officer is found, upon receipt at the depot, to be in such condition that It can not be made suitable for issue, it may be destroyed or broken up under such instructions as may be given by the head of the department concerned, or by the commanding generals, Philippine and Hawaiian Departments, so far as pertains to property turned in to depots at Manila, Philippine Islands, and depots in Hawaii Terri- tory. When property is turned in to an arsenal or depot suitable reference will be given on the invoice to the authority for turning it in ; when property is turned !n to a depot to be sold on the recommendation of an inspector the invoice will >e accompanied by extract copies of the approved inventory and inspection re- ports. (C. A. R., Nos. 6, 30, and 37.) 18& JUDGE ADVOCATE GEXERAI/S DEPARTMENT. 908. Public property in use will not be reported as unserviceable nor con- demned by an inspector merely because worn or shabby in appearance when really strong and serviceable. 009. Great care will be taken to prevent property once condemned and ordered dropped from the returns from being again presented for inspection. When public property is presented to an inspector for condemnation, the officer responsible will certify on the inventory that the property has not been previ- ously condemned. 910. Inspectors will, when practicable, cause the destruction, in their pres-^ eiice, of all property found to be worthless and which is without money value at or near the place of inspection, except small arms, and will state in their reports that " the articles recommended to be destroyed have no money value at or near the post." The action of an inspector on property of this character will be final, and his report will be a valid voucher for the responsible officer. In- spectors will be held responsible for their action in this particular. When prop- erty thus condemned is not destroyed in the presence of the inspector or a dis- interested officer representing the inspector, the responsible officer will certify to the fact of subsequent destruction in his presence. 1 911. An inspection report on damaged clothing will set forth the amount of damage to each article ; also a list of such articles as are fit to issue to prison- ers, or, at reduced prices, to enlisted men willing to receive them. 912. Department commanders may give orders, on the reports of authorized inspectors, to make such disposition of condemned property as the case may require, except public buildings, for which the order of the Secretary of War is required. If the property be of considerable value and there be good reason to suppose that it can be more advantageously applied or disposed of elsewhere than within the command, the report will be forwarded for the action of the War Department. 1 913. The following-mentioned property will not be presented for the action of an inspector without the authority of the Secretary of War : j- 1. Cannon and their carriages, machine and automatic guns with their car- riages and mounts, but not including spare parts, accessories, implements, and equipments required in their maintenance and operation ; also ammunition for cannon. 2. Electrical and mechanical installations and appliances furnished to the Coast Artillery Corps by the Engineer Department, the Signal Corps, or the Torpedo Depot, and forming part of the permanent seacoast defenses, including submarine mine cable, but not including supplies such as wiring, tools, clamps, and battery fluid, fragile articles like battery jars and cai'boys, or spare parts and accessories not essential to the operation of the installation, such as bat- tery syringes and hydrometers. All of the copies of the inventory and inspection report on such property will be forwarded by the department commander directly to the chief of the bureau concerned for the final action of the Secretary of War. (C. A. R., No, 55.) 914. Orders for the final disposition of condemned property will be indorsed by the proper authority on the inspection reports, each copy being made com- plete in itself. Both copies will be forwarded, through military channels, to the accountable officer, who will forward one with his accounts and file the other with his retained papers. ARTICLE LXVIII. JUDGE ADVOCATE GENERAL'S DEPARTMENT. 915. The Judge Advocate General is the custodian of the records of all gen- eral courts-martial, courts of inquiry, and military commissions, and of all ARREST AND CONFINEMENT. 189 papers relating to the title of lands under the control of the War Department, except the Washington Aqueduct and the public buildings and grounds in the District of Columbia. The officers of this department render opinions upon legal questions when called upon by proper authority. 016. The judge advocate of each department, or the officer acting as such, will, as soon as practicable after June 30 of each year, render to the Judge Advocate General a report for the year terminating on that date, giving the number and character of cases tried by courts-martial in the department during the period, with his recommendations and remarks touching the administration of military justice. This report will also contain such data and information as may from time to time be directed by the Judge Advocate General. 917. Rescinded; see M. C. M., paragraphs 367 and 474. (C. A. R., .No. 55.) 918. Judge advocates and acting judge advocates will forward to the Judge Advocate General, on June 30 each year, with the reports prescribed in para- graph 916, lists of the law books for which they are responsible. \ 919. Applications of officers, enlisted men, and military prisoners for copies of proceedings of general courts-martial, to be furnished them under the one hundred and fourteenth article of war, will, when received by post or other commanders, be forwarded directly to the Judge Advocate General. j|{ 920. Communication between department commanders and the Judge Advo- cate General in respect of proceedings of military courts received and filed in the office of the Judge Advocate General will be direct. Judge advocates, under the terms of section 1201, Revised Statutes, are required to perform their duties under the general direction of the Judge Advocate General. In routine matters judge advocates and the Judge Advocate General may correspond directly. (C. A. R., No. 9.) 921. The reports which the Judge Advocate General of the Army may render upon cases received by him, and which require the action of the President, will be transmitted to The Adjutant General of the Army for record and for sub- mission to the Chief of Staff for the consideration of the Secretary of War and the President. After final action is had by superior authority in such cases, all the papers will be returned to The Adjutant General of the Army, who, before publishing the action taken, will refer the papers to the Judge Advocate General of the Army for further scrutiny. ARTICLE LXIX. ARBEST AND CONFINEMENT. 922. Only commanding officers have power to place officers in arrest, except as provided in the sixty-eighth article of war. An officer is placed in arrest by his commanding officer in person or through another officer, by a verbal or written order or communication, advising him that he is placed in arrest, or will consider himself in arrest, or words to that effect. (C. A. R., No. 55.) 923. An officer arrested will repair at once to his tent or quarters, and there remain until more extended limits have been granted by his commanding officer. Close confinement will not be enforced except in cases of a serious nature. (C. A. R., No. 55.) 924. Officers will not be placed in arrest for light offenses. For these the censure of the commanding officer will generally answer the purpose of disci- pline. Whenever a commanding officer places an officer in arrest without pre- ferring charges, he will make a written report of his action to the brigade or Coast Artillery district commander, stating the cause. The brigade or Coast Artillery district commander, if be thinks th.e occasion requires, will call on the 190 AEKEST AND CONFINEMENT. officer arrested for any explanation he may desire to make, and take such other action within his authority as he may think necessary, forwarding the papers, with his recommendation, to the officer exercising general court-martial juris- diction, who will, in case a trial is not deemed advisable, forward the papers to The Adjutant General of the Army for file with the officer's record, or for further action, stating the reasons why he deems trial inadvisable. In the cast of officers belonging to organizations not attached or belonging to a brigade or Coast Artillery district, the report will be sent directly to the officer exercising general court-martial jurisdiction. (C. A. R., No. 55.) 925. In ordinary cases where inconvenience to the service would result from it, a medical officer will not be placed in arrest until the court-martial for his trial convenes. 926. An officer in arrest can not exercise command of any kind. He -will not wear a sword nor visit officially his commanding or other superior officer, unless directed to do so. His applications and requests of every nature will be made in writing. (C. A. R., No. 55.) 927. On the march, field officers and noncommissioned staff officers in arrest will follow in the rear of their respective regiments, and company officers and noncommissioned officers in arrest in rear of their respective companies, unless otherwise specially directed. 928. Enlisted men against whom charges have been preferred will be desig- nated as " awaiting trial ;" enlisted men who have been tried will, prior to the promulgation of the result, be designated as " awaiting result of trial ;" enlisted men serving sentences of confinement, not involving dishonorable discharge, will be designated as " garrison prisoners." Persons sentenced to dismissal or dis- honorable discharge and to terms of confinement at military posts or elsewhere will be designated as " general prisoners." 929. Noncommissioned officers will not be confined in company with privates if it can be avoided. When placed in arrest they will not be required to perform any duty in which they may be called upon to exercise authority or control over others, and when placed in confinement they will not be sent out to work. (C. A. R., No. 55.) 930. Except as provided in the sixty-eighth article of war, or when restraint is necessary, no soldier will be confined without the order of an officer, who shall previously inquire into his offense. It is proper, however, for a company commander to delegate to noncommissioned officers of his company the powe. to place enlisted men in arrest as a means of restraint at the instant whet restraint is necessary, but such action must be reported to the company com- mander at once. (C. A. R., No. 55.) 931. The arrest or confinement of an enlisted man will be reported, as soon as practicable, to his company or detachment commander by the officer authoriz- ing the arrest or confinement. 932. Prisoners awaiting trial by, or undergoing sentence of, general court- inartial and those confined for serious offenses, will be kept apart, when prac- ticable, from those confined by sentence of an inferior court, or for minor offenses. General prisoners will not be confined with other prisoners except in cases of necessity. Enlisted men in confinement for minor offenses, or await- ing trial, or the result of trial for the same, will ordinarily be sent to work under charge of unarmed overseers instead of armed sentinels, and will be required to attend drills unless the commanding officer shall direct otherwise. (C. A. R., No. 55.) 933. An officer charged with crime or with a serious offense under the Articles of War shall be placed in arrest by the commanding officer, and in exceptional cases an officer so charged may be placed in confinement by thej ARREST AND CONFINEMENT. 191 same authority. A soldier charged with crime or with a serious offense under the Articles of War shall be placed in confinement, and when charged with a minor offense he may be placed in arrest. Any other person subject to military law charged with crime or with a serious offense under the Articles of War shall be placed in confinement or in arrest, as circumstances may re- quire ; and when charged with a minor offense such person may be placed in arrest. Any person placed in arrest as hereinbefore specified shall thereby be restricted to his barracks, quarters, or tent, unless such limits shall be enlarged by proper authority. (C. A. R., No. 55.) 934. In the absence of special instructions, the old officer of the day will, at guard mounting, release all garrison prisoners whose sentences expire that day. If there are any prisoners with no record of charges against them, the old officer of the day will report that fact to the commanding officer, who will give the necessary instructions. (C. A. R., No. 55.) 935. Prisoners will not be placed in irons except in the extraordinary case of a prisoner who, in the judgment of the commanding officer, is a desperate or dangerous character, in which case report of action and the circumstances will be immediately made to the department or tactical division commander. W T hen a prisoner is removed from irons a report of that action will be made to the department or tactical division commander. A prisoner may be shackled or handcuffed while being transported from one post to another, or from a post to a penitentiary when, in the judgment of the officer in charge, the escape of the prisoner can not otherwise be prevented. (C. A. R., No. 31.) 936. Special rules and regulations will be promulgated by the Secretary of War to govern the enforcement of discipline, the methods of guarding, and the treatment of general prisoners confined at posts ; also the measure of labor to be imposed and the character of clothing and diet to be furnished them. 937. The commanding officer at posts where general prisoners are confined will forward, on the last day of every month, directly ta The Adjutant General of the Army and to the department commander, a return of general prisoners. Blank forms for this return will be furnished by The Adjutant General's De- partment. General prisoners will be reported under the following headings: (a) General prisoners under sentence for purely military offenses alone. (&) General prisoners under sentence for statutory or common-law crimes or misde- meanors either alone or in connection with purely military offenses. 938. Prisoners will not be transferred from places of trial to places at which they are sentenced to confinement except on orders of department commanders or higher authority. The strength of guards to accompany them will be limited to the necessities of safe delivery. Orders detailing guards in charge of pris- oners will provide for the return journey of the guard and for commutation of rations when such commutation is necessary. The commanding officer of a place from which a prisoner is transferred will send, under seal, to the com- manding officer of the place to which the prisoner is transferred the following papers in his case, namely: Service record (in case of a garrison prisoner); orders promulgating and modifying sentences ; statement of conduct while under sentence to date of transfer ; complete inventory of personal property, with signature of prisoner acknowledging its correctness, and list of clothing in possession of the prisoner when forwarded. Personal property not accompany- ing the prisoner will be assembled, carefully identified, and securely packed before shipment. In case of a general prisoner (who is not under suspended sentence of dishonorable discharge) transferred from a place in the United States the commanding officer will send the discharge papers of the pris- oner, together with all the other papers hereinbefore described except the 192 ARREST AND CONFINEMENT. service record. In lieu of the service record the commanding officer will send a certified copy of the prisoner's record as recorded on the form furnished by the Adjutant General's Department for keeping such records. In case a pris- oner convicted of purely military offenses is transferred to the United States from the Philippine or Hawaiian Department, China, the Canal Zone, Alaska, or from any other place outside the continental limits of the United States, his service record, completed to date of transfer if the prisoner is under a sus- pended sentence of dishonorable discharge, or to date of dishonorable discharge if he has been dishonorably discharged, will be sent, under seal, in addition to the other papers hereinbefore described. ( C. A. R., No. 55. ) s\ 939. All serviceable clothing which belongs to a prisoner,, and his blankets, will accompany him to the place designated for his confinement, and will be fully itemized on the clothing list. The guard in charge of the prisoner during transfer will be furnished with a duplicate of this list and will be held re- sponsible for the delivery, with the prisoner, of all articles itemized therein. At least one serviceable woolen blanket will be sent with every such prisoner so transferred. (C. A. R., No. 55.) 940. The personal effects of military prisoners who have escaped from con- finement, except such as possess some special value as keepsakes, may be dis- posed of by sale as in the case of effects of deceased soldiers, and the proceeds thereof, together with any money left by the prisoner in the hands of the com- pany commander, be turned over to a quartermaster, who should account for the same in the manner provided for quartermasters' collections. The officer will take the quartermaster's receipt for the amount paid him and forward the same to the Auditor for the War Department. 941. No general prisoner will be released from confinement except on an order communicated by the commanding officer, who, before giving such order, will verify the date of expiration of the prisoner's sentence by examining all orders fixing or modifying his term of confinement. 941|. All orders from the War Department remitting or mitigating the sentences of general prisoners, except in cases where remission is granted in connection with honorable restoration to duty, will be signed by an officer of The Adjutant General's Department, will bear the seal of the War Department, and will be recorded in and issued from The Adjutant General's Office. When- ever the custodian of a general prisoner is in doubt as to the authenticity of an order for the remission or mitigation of the sentence of such prisoner, he will, before carrying the order into effect, make telegraphic inquiry of The Adjutant General's Office as to the authenticity of the order. In cases where the remission is granted in connection with honorable restoration to duty, the action of the Secretary of War will be published in a special order of the War Department bearing the seal of The Adjutant General's Office. (C. A. R., No. 65.) 942. General prisoners, other than those confined in penitentiaries, will be allowed in abatement of their terms of confinement when serving sentences of over three months, and not over 12 months, five days for each complete period of 25 days during the whole of which their conduct has been good ; but the abate- ment of five days so authorized shall not have the effect in any. case of reduc- ing the confinement below three months. On sentences exceeding one year they will be allowed the foregoing abatement for the first year of the sentence in- cluding abatement, and thereafter 10 days for each complete period of 20 days during the whole of which their conduct has been good. Abatements thus au- thorized may be forfeited, wholly or in part, by subsequent misconduct, such forfeiture to be determined by the commanding officer of the post where the ARREST AND CONFINEMENT. 193 prisoner is confined. A general prisoner serving sentence in a penitentiary will be allowed the abatement authorized for convicts in that penitentiary. Garrison prisoners will be allowed in abatement of their terms of confinement when serving sentences of one month five days for good conduct. On sentences exceeding one month they will be allowed the foregoing abatement for the first month of the sentence, and thereafter 10 days for each complete period of 20 days during the whole of which their conduct has been good. Abatements thus authorized may be forfeited, wholly or in part, by subsequent misconduct, such forfeiture to be determined by the commanding officer of the post where the prisoner is confined. In order to secure uniformity in computing abatement of terms of confine- ment the following method of computation will be used : A general prisoner or garrison prisoner will be credited at the beginning of his confinement with all the good-conduct time that can be earned in his case during the entire period of his sentence. All months will be assumed to con- sist of 30 days. When forfeitures of good-conduct time are imposed, they will be deducted from the amount of the prisoner's credit, but care will be taken not to impose or deduct a forfeiture in excess of the amount of good-conduct time that has actually been earned at date of forfeiture. Where a prisoner is serving two or more sentences the whole of all the sen- tences will be added together and treated as one sentence for the purpose of the computation of good-conduct time. (C. A. R., Nos. 3 and 55.) 943. After a garrison prisoner has served one-half of his sentence he may, if his enlistment has not expired, submit to the commander of the post where the sentence is being executed a request to be put on probation for the remainder of the term of confinement adjudged. If the conduct of the garrison prisoner has been good in all respects, this request will be granted by the commander of the post ; and, if it be granted, the soldier will be restored to duty upon con- dition that if his conduct is not good while on probation he will be required to serve such part of his sentence as remained unexecuted at the time that he was put on probation. After a general prisoner who is serving sentence at a post has served one-half of his sentence, he may submit to the commanding officer of the post an applica- tion to be placed upon parole during working hours for the remainder of the term of confinement. Such application will contain a pledge on the part of the applicant to comply with all general conditions under which general prisoners may be paroled, and also with any special requirements that may from time to time be made of him. Upon receipt of such an application the post commander may, in the exercise of his discretion, parole the prisoner during working hours for work upon condition that if the prisoner's conduct is not good the parole status will be forfeited. The granting of the qualified parole here authorized does not constitute a release of the prisoner from military custody or control, but merely authorizes a relaxation of the strict rule which would otherwise require the presence of a guard whenever the prisoner is outside of the guard- house. In determining what constitutes one-half of a sentence the calculation will be based upon the prisoner's term without deduction for good conduct. The abatement for good conduct authorized in paragraph 942 will continue to accrue during the good conduct of a garrison prisoner on probation or of a general prisoner on parole. The parole of garrison prisoners is authorized in the discretion of the post commander, and he may also authorize certain garrison prisoners to leave the 9065117 13 194 COURTS-MARTIAL. guardhouse, not under charge of a sentinel, for the purpose of working outside under such surveillance and restrictions as he may impose. (C. A. R^ Nos. 12 and, 39.) 94:4. Rescinded ; see M. C. M., pars. 381, 382, and 402. (C. A. R., No. 55.) ARTICLE LXX. COUBTS-MARTIAL. 945. Rescinded ; see M. C. M., pars. 7 and 12. (C. A. R., No. 55). 946. Rescinded; see M. C. M., par. 81. (C. A. R., No. 55.) 947. Rescinded; see M. C. M., par. 89. (C. A. R., No. 55.) 948. Rescinded; see M. C. M., par. 86. (C. A. R., No. 55.) 949. Rescinded; see M. C. M., pars. 91 and 99. .(C. A. R., No. 55.) 950. 951. 952. 953. 954. 955. 956. 957. 958. 959. 960. Rescinded ; Rescinded ; Rescinded ; Rescinded ; Rescinded ; Rescinded ; Rescinded ; Rescinded ; Rescinded ; Rescinded ; Rescinded ; see pars. 1 see A. R., see M. C. see M. C. : see M. C. see M. C. 1 see M. C. see M. C. see M. G. see M. C. see M. C. : SUBPCENAS TO WITNESSES. 95, 160, and 161. (C. A. R., No. 55.) , 996*. (C. A. R., No. 55.) M., par. 168. (C. A. R., No. 55.) M., pars. 333 and 336. (C. A. R., No. 55.) M., par. 75. (C. A. R., No. 55.) M., pars. 35 and 76. (C. A. R., No. 55.) M., par. 75. (C. A. R., No. 55.) M., pars. 43, 44, and 351. (C. A. R.. No. 55.) M., pars. 43 and 349. (C. A. R., No. 55.) M., par. 351. (C. A. R., No. 55.) M., pars. 350 and 358. (C. A. R., No. 55.) 9G1. Rescinded; see M. C. M.. pars. 108 and 109; (C. A. R.. No. 55.) 962. Rescinded; see M. C. M., par. 306. (C. A. R., No. 55.) 964. 965. 966. 967. 968. 969. 970. (C. A. 971. 972. 973. 974. 975. 976. 977. 978. Rescinded ; Rescinded ; Rescinded ; Rescinded ; Rescinded ; Rescinded.; Rescinded ; Rescinded ; R., No. 55.) Rescinded ; Rescinded ; Rescinded ; Rescinded ; Rescinded. Rescinded ; Rescinded ; Rescinded ; SENTENCES. see M. C. M., par. 348. (C. A. R., No. 55.) see M. C. M., par. 345. (C. A. R., No. 55.) see M. C. M., par. 394. (C. A. R., No. 55.) see M. C. M., pars. 396, 397, and 398. (C. A. R., No. 55.) see M. C. M., par. 389. (C. A. R., No. 55.) see M. G. M., par. 386. (C. A. R., No. 55.) see M. C. M., par. 401. (C. A. R., No. 55.) see M. C. M., par. 401, and A. R. 1371. as amended. (C. A. R., No. 55.) (C. A. R., No. 55.) (C. A. R., No. 55.) (C. A. R., No. 55.) see M. C. M., par. 389. see M. C. M., par. 401. see M. C. M., par. 401. see M. G. M., par. 320. (C. A. R^ No. 12.) see A. R. 1370$. (C. A. R., No. 55.) see A. W. 50. (C. A. R., No. 55.) see A. R. 1370. (C. A. R., No. 55.) EMPLOYMENT OF CIVIL COUNSEL ; SUMMONS BY CIVIL COURT. 195 THE KECOBD. 979. Rescinded ; see M. C. M., pars. 354, 358, and 363. (C. A. R., No. 55.) 980. Rescinded; see M. C. M., par. 117. (C. A. R., No. 55.) 981. Rescinded; see M. C. M., pars. 366 and 370. (C. A. R., No. 55.) 982. Rescinded ; see M. G. M., par. 367. (C. A. R., No. 55.) 983. Rescinded ; see M. C. M., pars. 352 and 364. (C. A. R., No. 55.) 984. Rescinded; see M. C. M., par. 400. (C. A. R., No. 55.) KEPOKTERS, CLERKS, INTERPRETERS. 985. Rescinded; see M. C. M., par. 105. (C. A. R., No. 55.) 986. Rescinded ; see M. G. M., pars. 112, 113, 115, and 116. (C. A. R., No. 55.) 987. Rescinded; see M. C. M., par. 118. (C. A. R., No. 55.) 988. Rescinded ; see M. C. M., par. 119. (C. A. R., No. 55.) ARTICLE LXXI. CIVILIAN WITNESSES. 989. Rescinded; see M. C. M., par. 184. (C. A. R., No. 55.) 990. Rescinded; see M. C. M., par. 185. (C. A. R., No. 55.) 991. Rescinded ; see M. C. M., pars. 172 and 193. (C. A. R., No. 55.) 992. Rescinded; see M. C. M., par. 186. (C. A. R^ No. 55.) 993. Rescinded; see M. C. M., par. 187. (C. A. R., No. 55.) 994. Rescinded; see A. R. 996|. (C. A. R., No. 55.) ARTICLE LXXLT. EMPLOYMENT OF CIVIL COUNSEL; SUMMONS BY CIVIL COURT. 995. The employment of counsel at the expense of the United States is under the direction of the Department of Justice. 996. When a necessity arises for an attorney or counselor to defend or advise officers and others connected with the military service in cases connected with their public duties, request, with report of the facts, will be made to The Adjutant General of the Army through the regular military channels, but in cases which will not admit of delay the request may be sent direct. The Adju- tant General will promptly submit all such requests to the Secretary of War for reference to the Department of Justice. Officers and others in the military service employing an attorney or counselor without being specially authorized to do so will be required to pay the expenses attendant upon such employment. 996. An officer or enlisted man who receives a summons to attend as a wit- ness before any civil court, or other civil tribunal competent to issue subpoenas, will, before starting to obey the summons, request authority from his com- manding officer to obey the same. (C. A. R., No. 55.) 996J. Compensation to civilians in or out of Government employ for attend- ance upon civil courts is payable by the civil authorities. (C. A. R., No. 55.) 997. Rescinded; see M. C. M., par. 478. (C. A. R., No. 55.) 998. Rescinded; see M. C. M., par. 478. (C. A. R., No. 55.) 999. Rescinded; see M. C. M., par. 479. (C. A. R., No. 55.) 196 QUARTERMASTER CORPS. ARTICLE LXXIII. QUARTERMASTER CORPS. NOTE. Regulations for the government of the Quartermaster Corps, prepared and published under the authority of the Secretary of War, are distributed to its officers by the Quartermaster General. Only such regulations are herein given as are general in their nature or affect other branches of the service. (C. A. R., No. 10.) GENERAL DUTIES. 1000. The Quartermaster Corps is charged with the duty of providing means of transportation of every character, either under contract or in kind, whinal baggage specified in the table above. The maximum money allowance for'packing and crating for each grade, exclu- sive of professional books and papers, will be as follows, and will not be ex- ceeded. When less than the maximum allowance for each grade is transported a proportionate decrease in the cost of packing and crating will be made. Rank. Permanent change of station. Lieutenant general ... $90 00 Major general . ... '. . 63.00 Brigadier general - . 50 40 Field officer .. . . . 43.20 Captain 36.00 First lieutenant, contract surgeon, and acting dental surgeon 30.60 Second lieutenant and veterinarian " 7 27.00 Noncommissioned officers above grade 17, paragraph 9 . . 18.00 Noncommissioned officers, grade 17, paragraph 9, upon change of station without troops 9.00 Pay clerk, Quartermaster Corps. ...IT ". .....:... T .* 18.00 Civilian employees of the classified service transferred for the good of the service 18.00 The maximum tare weight of any of the foregoing allowances will not exceed one-fifth of the gross weight. Any saving in tare weight effects an increase in net, weight. With this end in view, burlap and excelsior should be used as much as possible as a substitute for crating, and the use of lumber should be limited as much as possible. Should the owner desire lighter packing or crating than the quartermaster deems sufficient, the lighter crating or packing will be used only upon written request of the owner. (C. A. R., Nos. 10 and 32.) 1137. Tlie Quartermaster Corps will pack, crate, and transport the author- ized change of station allowance of baggage and professional books and papers for officers or enlisted men upon retirement, or who die in the service, from their last duty stations to such places within the limits of the United States as may be the homes of their families, or as may be designated by their legal representatives or executors ; also 150 pounds of baggage, inclusive of the quan- tity carried free by transportation companies, for enlisted men below grade 17, paragraph 9, Army Regulations, who die in the service, from their last duty stations to such places within the limits of the. United States as may be the homes of their families, or as may be designated by their legal representatives or executors. An honorably discharged officer is not entitled to the transportation allow- ance mentioned in this paragraph, but he will receive 4 cents a mile for travel allowances from the place of his discharge to the place of his residence at the time of his appointment, or to the place of his original muster in to the service. (C. A. R., No. 13.) 1138. Packing, crating, and transportation of the authorized allowance of baggage for permanent change of station is authorized for officers of the Medical Reserve Corps when joining for duty under the order placing them upon active duty in the service of the United States, for officers of the Medical Corps ap- pointed from officers of the Medical Reserve Corps on active duty in the service of the United States, from the place of their appointment to their first stations on joining for duty, and for such contract surgeons and acting dental surgeons 9065117 15 226 QUARTERM ASTER CORPS. as may be employed when they join for duty under the first order, and also on return to their homes on the termination of their contracts, if provided for in the contracts. Packing, crating, and transportation for 1,500 pounds of bag- gage will be furnished to graduates of the United States Military Academy and officers promoted from the ranks on their first assignment to duty as commis- sioned officers. With these exceptions, transportation of baggage at public ex- pense is not authorized when joining for duty on first appointment to the mili- tary or civil service, nor upon reinstatement or reappointment, nor to effect transfers from one station to another, at the request of those transferred. Offi- cers on temporary duty are entitled only to the allowance for temporary change of station as authorized in paragraph 1136. In lieu of the allowance author- ized for permanent change of station, an officer detailed as attache 1 or an officer, noncommissioned officer, or civilian employee entitled to an allowance of bag- gage under the provisions of paragraph 1136, under orders for extended service over the sea or for duty in Alaska is entitled to have his full allowance trans- ported from the station he leaves to his home or to the nearest convenient place of storage, and, upon resuming duty in the United States, from such places to his post of duty, or, if he so desires, a portion of his allowance may be shipped abroad and the balance to such point as may be designated in the United States for storage. Officers, noncommissioned officers, and civilian em- ployees desiring to make shipment of baggage under the preceding clause will furnish shipping officers with a certificate showing whether other shipments have been made or are contemplated at public expense to or from other points, and if so the weight of such property. In case of either permanent or tempo- rary change of station of enlisted men under conditions that rendered it imprac- ticable or inadvisable to take their personal effects with them at the time, sub- sequent transportation of the personal effects of such enlisted men, not to ex- ceed 150 pounds for a man, is authorized, upon approval by department com- manders, or by commanding officers of posts, stations, or commands that are exempted from the control of department commanders. (C. A, R., No. 16.) 1139. The Quartermaster Corps will pack, crate, and furnish transportation for the prescribed regimental and company desks, for the books, papers, and instruments of staff officers necessary to the performance of their duties, and for the medical chests of medical officers ; also for the professional books, including standard works of fiction, of officers changing station, officers ordered home for retirement, graduates of the United States Military Academy, and officers joining on first appointment, which they certify belong to them and pertain to their official duties. Invoices of packages turned over to the ship- ping officer will be accompanied by the certificate of the officer as to character of books, and a certified copy will be attached to the bill of lading issued at the initial point of shipment. Shipment of professional books will be made at released valuation except as provided for the baggage allowance in paragraph 1136. (C. A. R., No. 10.) TBANSPOBTATION OF SUPPLIES. 1140. Transportation of supplies within a department, from a department to a depot, or from a department to a station or mobilization or concentration point to which troops stationed within the department are ordered or have been sent, is accomplished under the authority of the department commander. Trans- portation of supplies from the place of purchase to a depot or to a station of troops, from one depot to another, or from any depot to a station of troops, is accomplished under the authority of the Quartermaster General. Officers turn- ing over public property to a quartermaster for transportation will plainly CLOTHING AND EQUIPAGE. 227 mark each package with the name and address of consignee, a list of its con- tents, its weight, and " U. S." (C. A. R. t No. 49.) 1141. An officer who turns over supplies to another for transportation in the best condition in which it is possible to put them is relieved from any further responsibility therefor by the receipt of the officer to whom they are intrusted for transportation. Procedure in case of loss, damage, or deficiency found on arrival at destination will be as prescribed in paragraph 721. 1142. Transportation by express, when in excess of cost by ordinary freight, must be limited to emergencies and shipments of delicate instruments, public funds, and other public property of such small weight or dimensions as is likely to be damaged or lost when shipped by ordinary freight, vouchers in payment must show the emergency or the character of the package transported and au- thority for such transportation. In making shipments of funds a quarter- master will receipt only for so many sealed packages said to contain so much public money. When an absent disbursing officer sends his check to the order of the quartermaster, requesting him to express the amount named therein, the latter will receipt for the actual amount to be transported. In case of loss of funds by unavoidable accident the shipping officer will not be held responsible, and the officer accountable for the funds must seek relief through application to the Court of Claims pr to Congress. (C. A. R., No. 49.) 1143. Supplies issued to the several States and Territories under the laws for arming and equipping the militia will be turned over to the Quartermaster Corps for transportation and delivery at the railroad depot or steamboat dock nearest to the point within the State or Territory designated by the governor thereof. Separate bills of lading will be used in shipping this property. 1144. A quartermaster is authorized to transport books and musical instru- ments purchased for, or donated to, post chapels or to post or company libraries, and gymnastic and athletic appliances purchased with regimental, exchange, or company funds, for the use of troops, from the nearest market to the post or station of the troops. Also to furnish transportation at public expense for reading matter donated for use of the enlisted men of the Army, or the United States Disciplinary Barracks at Fort Leavenworth, Kans., or any branch thereof, such transportation to be furnished from place of donation to the post, hospital, or barracks where intended for use. All such packages will be im- personally addressed and consigned to the proper commanding officer of troops or hospitals, or the commandant of the barracks. (C. A. R., No. 55.) 1145. The Quartermaster Corps is authorized to ship (under the regulations governing the transportation of military property, and on the same forms of bills of lading) articles donated, to the Medical Museum at Washington, the library and museum of the Military Service Institution at Governors Island, N. Y., or the United States Military Academy at West Point, N. Y. Packages will be marked with the name of the institution, and sent in care of the depot quartermaster at Washington or New York, or the quartermaster at West Point. CLOTHING AND EQUIPAGE. 1146. Tables showing the price of clothing and equipage for the Army, the allowance of clothing in kind to each soldier for each year of his enlistment, and his clothing money allowance for each year, month, and day, also the allow- ance of equipage to officers and enlisted men, will be published in orders from the War Department. (C. A. R., No. 6.) 1147. Estimates of clothing will be made quarterly, as follows: On January 1 for the quarter ending June 30 ; on April 1, for the quarter ending September 228 QUARTERMASTER CORPS. 30 ; on July 1 for the quarter ending December 31 ; on October 1 for the quarter ending March 31. 1148. Based upon the minimum and maximum quantities of the various articles of clothing, as determined between which limits the stock of clothing will be maintained, and upon the probable necessities of the command to be supplied, as shown by previous issues, the quartermaster will prepare the quar- terly estimates of clothing in triplicate and submit them to the commanding officer for his action. These estimates will show the number of each article on hand (giving size) and the number probably required for the period for which the estimate is made. It will also show the number of each article surplus that can be spared for issue at other posts. When approved by the commanding officer, two copies will be forwarded to the department quartermaster. 1149. The department quartermaster, upon receipt of the several estimates, will carefully revise the same and note the articles reported as surplus and available for issue at other posts. He will then submit the estimates with his recommendations to the department commander. Surplus articles at any post in the department should be recommended for transfer to other posts where they are required. Articles that can not be supplied from a surplus should be recom- mended for supply from the depot designated to supply these articles. 1150. After approval by the department commander, the estimates amended to show the number of each article not filled from surplus at other posts will be disposed of as follows : One copy will be retained in the office of the department quartermaster and the other one forwarded directly to the depot designated to supply these articles, so as to reach it not later than February 1, May 1, August 1, and November 1, respectively. 1151. Should the quantity of clothing and equipage supplied upon the quar- terly estimates prove inadequate, a special requisition in triplicate, giving rea- sons therefor, should be made and forwarded to the department quartermaster, and after approval by the department commander one copy will be retained for record in the office of the department quartermaster and the remaining two copies forwarded directly to the supply depot, except requisitions for band instruments or parts thereof, which will be sent to the Quartermaster General directly. In case of absolute necessity, call for such articles as are urgently needed may be made by telegraph. (C. A. R., No. 10.) 1152. Officers of the recruiting service will forward special requisitions for such articles of clothing and equipage as may be needed directly to such depots of the Quartermaster Corps as may be designated by the Quartermaster General. Care will be exercised to prevent unnecessary accumulations of cloth- ing and equipage and other supplies. Lists of such surplus property as may be on hand and not required will be submitted directly to the Chief of the Quartermaster Corps. (C. A. R., No. 10.) 1153. To enable post quartermasters to form an approximate basis as to the sizes required, each company or detachment commander will, whenever called upon, furnish that officer with a statement of the sizes of the various garments worn by the enlisted men composing said commands. 1154. All officers making estimates or requisitions for clothing and equipage will conform to regulations and orders fixing allowances. The sizes furnished require very little, if any, alteration, and estimates should be made as near the exact requirements of the men as possible. 1155. Should any of the sizes of clothing supplied prove inadequate, meas- urements stated upon prescribed blanks will be forwarded with the estimate CLOTHING AND EQUIPAGE. 229 for the garments. A certificate that the enlisted man for whom such cloth- ing is intended can not be fitted with the sizes of clothing furnished should accompany each requisition. Additional cost of manufacturing these special- ineasuremeiit garments will not be charged against the enlisted man. (C. A. R., No. 4.) 1156. The clothing estimated for by each company or detachment com- mander should, as a rule, be held subject to its wants, but in case of need it m;iy be otherwise issued, and the quartermaster will then call for a sufficient quantity to replace it if necessary. i 1 ">7. When clothing is required, issue will be made by the quartermaster either to the individual soldier or in bulk to the organization commander, or an officer representing him, for issue to the enlisted men of his command. In either case the soldier will make request (single copy) on individual clothing slip to his organization commander. For this purpose the original and duplicate slips will be detached and used indiscriminately. When the issue of clothing to the individual soldier is desired individual clothing slips in duplicate, numbered serially for the month or i>eriod and enumerating the articles needed, will be prepared by the organization com- mander by carbon process. The quantities and sizes desired will be entered by the organization commander, except that for men not yet fitted sizes may be filled in at the time of issue after proper size has been determined by try on. Clothing issued to the individual soldier and removed from the quarter- master's storehouse will not be received back by the quartermaster. If a large number of men of an organization are to draw clothing, individual clothing slips will be sent to the quartermaster in advance to permit-the clothing to be prepared for issue. At the time of issue the quartermaster or his representative will enter by carbon process the quantities, sizes, and unit prices of the articles issued, initial the slip in space " Issued by," and obtain the soldier's receipt on both copies. A line will be drawn through each blank space in column " Quantities issued " on original and duplicate by the quartermaster or his representative before the soldier signs the receipt. The " original " will be retained by the quartermaster and the " duplicate " returned to the organization commander or his representative at the time of issue or returned at the close of the business day in a sealed envelope to the organization commander. The original will be abstracted daily by the quartermaster on abstract of clothing issued. The duplicate, after havinp been returned by the quartermaster, will be re- tained by the organization commander, who will immediately determine the total money value and enter the transaction on abstract of clothing drawn, statement of clothing charged to enlisted men, and service record. The soldier's request will then be destroyed. At the end of the month or whenever an organization leaves the vicinity of the issuing quartermaster for an extended period, the organization commander will compare his abstract of clothing drawn with the quartermaster's abstract of clothing issued. After satisfactory settlement of all differences an additional copy of the abstract will be prepared by the organization commander and delivered to the quartermaster not later than the fifth of the succeeding month. The quartermaster will note fact of signature on his retained copy. The organization commander will file his retained copy of the abstract with the corresponding duplicate individual clothing slips and statement of clothing charged to enlisted men. The quartermaster will forward the copy of abstract signed by the organiza- tion commander to the Quartermaster General of the Army as a voucher to his property account and will retain the other copy. 230 QUARTERMASTER CORPS. When clothing is desired in bulk, the organization commander will prepare a requisition in triplicate on the prescribed form enumerating the articles and sizes needed and showing the total required. The three copies of the requisi- tion will be sent to the quartermaster, who will prepare the items for issue, enter in columns " Issued " on all copies the quantities which can be actually supplied, and enter the unit prices. The quartermaster will send due notice to the organization commander when the clothing is ready for issue. After verifying the quantities of clothing entered in columns " Issued," the organiza- tion commander or an officer designated by him will sign on all copies a receipt to the effect that he has received the articles enumerated in columns " Issued." The quartermaster or his representative issuing the clothing will sign a state- ment on all copies to that effect. The articles will then be removed from the quartermaster's storehouse. One copy of the requisition will be turned over to the organization commander or his representative at the time of issue of clothing. The organization commander or an officer designated by him will at once issue the clothing to the enlisted men. The issuing officer will enter on the request submitted by the soldier the quantities issued, initial the slip, and obtain the soldier's receipt at the time of issue. All clothing not actually issued to enlisted men will be returned by the organization commander or an officer designated by him to the quartermaster within 24 hours after the clothing was drawn and the quantities so returned entered in columns " Returned to quartermaster " on the three copies of requi- sition. The officer will sign a statement on all copies that the articles enumer- ated in columns " Returned to quartermaster " were so returned, and the quartermaster or his representative will sign the receipt on all copies to the effect that the articles have been received. A line will be drawn through each blank space on all copies in columns " Returned to quartermaster " before sign- ing. The difference between the quantities received and the quantities returned to the quartermaster will be entered in columns " Net issued " and total money value determined. The organization commander or his representative will sign certificate on the copy of the requisition retained by the organization, to the effect that the articles enumerated in columns v Net issued " have been duly issued, stating total money value of clothing issued to the enlisted men. The organization commander will prepare the statement of clothing charged to enlisted men and enter the date and money value of clothing issued in the clothing account on the soldier's service record. The soldiers' requests, requisi- tion, and the statement of clothing charged to enlisted men will be kept filed together by the organization commander. The quartermaster will forward one copy of requisition to the Quartermaster General of the Army as a voucher to his property account and will retain the other copy. (C. A. R., Nos. 26 and 55.) 1158. In the case of a soldier serving at an ungarrisoned or isolated station the officer who keeps the soldier's service record will prepare the requisition and sign the receipt for the clothing. (C. A. R., No. 55.) 1159. Each soldier's clothing account will be kept by the company or de- tachment commander on the blank provided for that purpose. The account will show the money value of the clothing received by the soldier at each issue and his receipt therefor will be taken on the blank. Gratuitous issues will be entered separately, but their money value will not be deducted from the soldier's regular clothing allowance. 1160. Company and detachment commanders will settle the clothing account of every enlistd man of their commands on June 30 and December 31 of each year, without regard to date of individual enlistment. The entire amount found CLOTHING AND EQUIPAGE. 231 due the United States will be charged to the soldier upon the pay rolls for the period embracing the date of settlement and on subsequent rolls until the whole amount is deducted. 1161. The clothing money .allowance will consist of an initial allowance and a yearly allowance. The initial allowance is intended to cover the cost of all clothing required between date of enlistment and the date upon which the re- cruit is taken up for full duty, but will not be considered as fully earned by the soldier until he shall have completed six months' service. The yearly allowance and the initial allowance will be determined by the annual estimated value of the clothing. One-sixth of the initial allowance will constitute the monthly share, and one-thirtieth of the latter the daily share of the initial allowance actually accruing to the soldier. When the clothing account of a soldier is opened in the organization to which he has been assigned, he will be credited with the initial allowance. At the first settlement thereafter he will be credited with the portion of the yearly allowance accruing between date of enlistment and date of settlement as determined by the monthly and daily rates. At each succeeding settlement he will be credited with half the yearly allowance, and at the expiration of his term of service will be credited with the amount due from last settlement as determined by the monthly and daily rates. 1162. When a soldier is separated from the service during the first six months of his enlistment, any clothing allowance which may have been pre- viously credited to him will be disregarded, and the allowance to be credited in the settlement of his clothing account will be determined from date of enlist- ment to date of separation from the service, the initial allowance according to the table of allowances in force at the date of enlistment, and the yearly allowance according to the table of allowances in force at the date of separation from the service; if, however 1 , the service includes a June 30 settlement date, that part of the yearly allowance applicable to the service terminating on June 30 will be determined according to the table of allowances in force on that date, and the remainder of the service by the table of allowances in force at the date of the separation from the service. He will be given no credit for clothing not drawn in kind unless the total value of the clothing charged to his account shall be less than the amount of credit accruing between date of enlistment and date of separation from the service. This will be determined by adding to the allowance due at the yearly rate the portion of the initial allowance correspond- ing to the number of months and days of service. Thus, if such soldier has had three months and three days' service the allowance to be credited from date of enlistment to date of separation from the service would be the sum of three times the monthly allowance, three times the daily allowance, three times the monthly share of the initial allowance, and three times the daily share of the initial allowance. No deduction will be made from the initial allowance be- cause of unauthorized absence prior to the date of separation from the service. Should the clothing charged to the soldier amount to less than this sum, the difference will be due him; but the final account of such soldier shall show no indebtedness to the United States for clothing overdrawn unless the total amount charged for clothing shall exceed the entire initial allowance increased by the portion of the yearly allowance accruing between date of enlistment and date of separation from the service, in which case the excess shall be charged as due the United States for clothing overdrawn. When a soldier is separated from the service at any time after the expiration of the first six months of an enlistment, he will be credited in the settlement of his clothing account with the allowance accruing between date of last settlement and date of separation from the service as determined by the monthly and daily rates. When for the convenience of the Government a soldier is retained in the service after the 232 QUARTERMASTER CORPS. expiration of his term of enlistment, his clothing money allowance at the regu- lar rate will be credited for the period of such retention. 1163. The balance due the soldier at date of settlement will be credited to him upon his clothing account. It will not be placed upon the pay rolls, but the final balance due at date of discharge will be entered in words and figures upon his final statements. (C. A. R., No. 55.) 1164. The clothing account of a soldier who deserts should be settled in full to date of desertion. The balance due to him or to the United States will be entered on the next pay roll after date of desertion. In determining this balance, where the desertion occurs within the first six months of enlistment, any clothing allowance which may have been previously credited will be dis- regarded and the allowance to be credited will be the portion of the initial and yearly allowances accruing from date of enlistment to date preceding date of desertion as indicated in paragraph 1162. Where the desertion occurs after the first six months of enlistment, the settlement to last regular settlement date, June 30 or December 31, will not be disturbed, and in settling the account to date of desertion additional credit will be given for the portion of the yearly allowance accruing from date of last settlement to date preceding date of deser- tion as shown by the monthly and daily rates. 1165. A soldier in desertion or absent without leave is entitled to clothing allowance from the date of his return to military control if such date is prior to the expiration of his term of enlistment; if subsequently thereto, no clothing allowance will be due him unless he is retained in the service, in which case he will be entitled to clothing allowance for his actual service in making good the time lost, which, under paragraph 130, commences with the date on which he is restored to a duty status. Should the term of enlistment expire while the soldier is in confinement awaiting trial or serving sentence, his clothing allow- ance ceases on date of expiration of term of service and will not again accrue until he is restored to a duty status. In the foregoing cases the amount due the soldier will be obtained from the tables then and subsequently in force. In the case of a soldier against whom a charge of desertion is sustained by action of a court-martial, or who is restored to duty without trial on admitted desertion, a new clothing account will be opened without reference to the account of the soldier at date of desertion, but no portion of the initial allowance will be credited. In the case of a soldier who is charged with desertion and the charge is not sustained by the action of a court-martial, or in whose case the charge is removed as having been erroneously made, the clothing settlement made at com- mencement of the unauthorized absence will be ignored and his clothing account will be adjusted by simply omitting any credit for the annual allowance, as distinguished from the initial allowance, for the period of unauthorized absence and for any period subsequent to the expiration of term of enlistment during which he may have been in confinement. 1166. Clothing allowance accruing to a soldier after return to the service from desertion will not be used to reduce the amount of the soldier's indebted- ness at date of desertion ; the full amount of the soldier's indebtedness must be charged on the roll, to be deducted by the quartermaster when he settles the soldier's account. 1167. Articles of band uniforms, including music pouches, that do not form part of the annual clothing allowance may be issued, but not charged, except in case of loss or damage. These articles will remain the property of the United States, and be accounted for upon the returns of the accountable officer. ( C. A. R., No. 3. ) 1168. There will be issued to troops stationed in extremely cold regions, when the necessity for such issue is certified by the post commander, blanket- CLOTHING AND EQUIPAGE. 233 lined overcoats, winter caps, winter gauntlets, and arctic overshoes, but only to men performing guard duty or other necessary outdoor duty when exposure to weather would jeopardize life or limb by freezing. These overcoats, winter caps, and winter gauntlets will not be charged to the enlisted men, but will remain the property of the United States. In case of loss or damage, except by fair wear and tear incident to the service, they will be charged to the enlisted men at regulation prices. The arctic overshoes, however, will in all cases be charged at regulation price. 1168$. Gratuitous issues of field clothing will be made to troops whose field service has been of such a nature as to make the usual clothing allowances insufficient. Gratuitous issues will be made only under the following con- ditions : 1. Requests for gratuitous issues will be made by organization commanders to the department commander throxigh military channels. Intermediate com- manders will recommend action in each case. 2. Requests for gratuitous issues will not be submitted unless the clothing allowances, accrued from the beginning of the enlistment period up to the time of the request, have been entirely exhausted. 3. Requests for gratuitous issues will be accompanied by a statement as to whether or not previous gratuitous issues have been made to the same indi- viduals. If such have been made, full details will be given to include the time, place, and amount of previous gratuitous issues. 4. Department commanders will approve gratuitous issues only when the evidence submitted clearly indicates that unusually severe conditions of field service have made the ordinary clothing allowances insufficient, and that due economy has been exercised by those concerned. 5. On receipt of requisitions for gratuitous issues, approved under the pre- ceding regulations by department commanders, field clothing will be issued without charge to enlisted men. (C. A. R., No. 54-) 1169. The Quartermaster Corps is authorized to pay from the appropriation for clothing and equipage a sum not to exceed $1.50 per month for the laundry work of each recruit who has no funds of his own at recruiting stations, recruit depots, and recruit depot posts. The expenditure will be charged on the cloth- ing, account of the recruit and so noted on his service record. (C. A. R., No. 55.) 1170. General prisoners will not be permitted to wear as an outer garment or have in their possession any clothing which is a distinctive article of the uniform worn by enlisted men. Commanding officers may order necessary issues of clothing to prisoners who have no clothing allowance from clothing specially provided for the purpose. The receipt of the officer in charge of the prisoners to whom the issues are made will be the quartermaster's voucher for such issue. The issue of articles of the uniform under this paragraph will be avoided if possible. Upon the release of a general prisoner from confinement the Quartermaster Corps will issue to him a suit of citizens' outer clothing to consist of hat, or cap, coat, pair trousers, shirt, necktie, vest, collar, and overcoat (when re- quired), cost not to exceed $10, but any articles of outer uniform clothing (other than shoes) issued to a general prisoner while in the service or during confinement will be regarded as the property of the United States and will not be taken away with him upon his release. (C. A. R., No. 27.) 1171. The issue to general prisoners employed at outdoor labor in severe weather at military posts of such overcoats, .overshoes, and woolen mittens as, in the judgment of the post commander, may be necessary to prevent suffering is authorized. 234 QUARTERMASTER CORPS. 1172. Gratuitous issues of clothing raay be made, under the provisions of section 1298, Revised Statutes, to replace articles destroyed to prevent the spread of contagious diseases, upon the certificate of an officer that the clothing was so destroyed upon the recommendation of the medical officer named. 1173. Should it become necessary to issue new clothing for use in the burial of a deceased soldier, as in the case of a man who dies away from his proper command and under circumstances rendering such issues imperatively neces- sary, the expense of the issue will be borne by the United States, and the clothing will be dropped from the returns of the issuing officer on the orders of the commanding officer, which must recite the necessity for the issue. 1174. Officers of the Army, members of the Officers' Reserve Corps, contract surgeons, and veterinarians may purchase from the Quartermaster Corps such articles of uniform clothing, clothing materials, and equipage as they need, provided the property is available. They will certify that the articles aro for their personal use. (C. A. R., No. 49.) 11744. A post exchange may purchase, upon the certificate of the officer in charge that they are for sale only to enlisted men of his post in such quantities as are needed by them, the following articles of uniform clothing: Belts, waist. Laces (all kinds). Chevrons (all kinds). Leggings, canvas. Cords : Ornaments, cap and collar. Hat. Stockings. Tying, for service hats. Post commanders will regulate the purchase and resale of such articles. Selling (except by the post exchange) or bartering these articles purchased or drawn from the Quartermaster Corps is forbidden. 1175. Officers' servants will not be permitted to wear clothing intended for troops, except underclothing and shoes, which may be purchased in limited quantities, if available, upon the officer's certificate that they can not be other- wise obtained. 1176. Quartermasters are authorized to drop from their property accounts tent pins, and ax, pickax, and hatchet helves, upon officers' certificates that the articles have been worn out in service. 1177. Estimates for tableware and kitchen utensils will be prepared and submitted to proper authorities not later than 30 days in advance of the quarter for which required. They will be limited to such articles as, with those on hand at the time an estimate is submitted, shall not exceed in kind and quantity the mess outfit as announced in the general orders prescribed in paragraph 301. Special estimates may be made when necessary to meet emergencies, and in such cases the circumstances constituting the emergencies will be stated. 1178. Commanding officers of posts and of all organizations supplied with tableware and kitchen utensils will exercise a rigid supervision and economy in the care and preservation of all such articles, and any damaged, broken, destroyed, or lost through the carelessness of enlisted men will be charged 'against their pay, as explained in paragraph 686, and a " statement of charges " on the prescribed form will be filed as a voucher with the property account from which the articles are dropped. Loss through breakage of china and glass ware, not due to carelessness, may be replaced at public expense on proper requisition, provided it does not exceed 20 per cent per annum, or 5 per cent per quarter, of the total value of china and glass ware to which the mess is entitled (value to be determined by the prices given in the annual price list), and the articles so replaced will be destroyed and dropped from property ac- counts in the manner prescribed in paragraph 1176. Any excess of breakage CLOTHING AND EQUIPAGE. 235 will be replaced only under extraordinary circumstances, or when values have been charged as herein provided, and requisitions calling for such excess must show clearly the circumstances or the fact that charge has been made. Esti- mates calling for articles other than china and glass ware must show the neces- sity for them, and if to replace articles lost or stolen, must be accompanied by the report of a surveying officer, unless values have been charged as herein- before directed. 1179. There will be furnished by the Quartermaster Corps to all duly author ized bands of the Army the following-named musical instruments, viz : Db piccolo, terz and concert flutes, Eb and Bb cornets, Eb and Bb trumpets, Eb and Bb clari- nets, Eb altos, Bb trombones (valve or slide), Bb baritones, Eb, Bb, and BBb bassos, bass and snare drums ; cymbols, triangles, music stands, and extra parts for the repair of the instruments ; also batons with suitable cords and tassels for the use of drum majors of all dismounted bands. Mounted bands may be sup- plied with a pair of kettledrums in lieu of the bass and tenor drums, cymbals, and triangles, and also with altos, trombones, and bassos of helicon shape. A fliigelhorn may be furnished in lieu of the Eb trumpet, a euphonium in lieu of one alto, one Eb alto saxophone and one Eb baritone saxophone in lieu of two cor- nets, and one tenor saxophone in lieu of any other authorized instrument ; but under no circumstances will more than a complete .instrumentation for the author- ized number of musicians be supplied except to recruit bands. In making requisi- tion for band instruments a statement showing the number and kind on hand and their condition should accompany the same. The commanding officer of the band will be responsible for all the property specified. When any instrument has become unserviceable it will be submitted to a surveying officer. A copy of his report will be forwarded to the department commander with a view to having the instrument repaired, if practicable, or otherwise disposed of. Instruments not worth the cost of repairs will be submitted for the action of an inspector. When an instrument needs minor repairs, involving only a slight expense, and the work can be done in a workmanlike manner in the vicinity of the post, it will not be necessary to submit the instrument to a surveying officer. Such repair may be secured upon the written order of the commanding officer. Requisitions for band instruments will be submitted to the designated supply depots through the department headquarters. (C. A. R., Nos. 26 and 30.) 1180. In addition to the B flat bugles with slings prescribed for field musi- cians in Equipment Tables, Quartermaster Supplies, published in War De- partment general orders, foot troops may use drums, or drums and fifes, if desired by regimental or district commanders. Bronze whistles with suitable chains will be furnished by the Quartermaster Corps for sale to officers at cost price and for issue to such sergeants, corporals, or musicians as are required to use them. The foregoing articles will conform to patterns in the office of the Quartermaster General and will be accounted for as equipage. (C. A. R., Nos. 13 and 38.) 1181. The allowance of corn brooms, scrubbing brushes, and mops will be as follows : For each organization having an authorized maximum strength of 100 en- listed men or over, 9 brooms, 6 brushes, and 3 mops a month. For each organization having an authorized strength of less than 100 enlisted men and over 60, 6 brooms, 4 brushes, and 2 mops a month. For each organization having an authorized strength of 60 men or less, 4 brooms, 3 brushes, and 2 mops a month. Three brooms and 2 brushes per annum for each non-commissioned officer entitled to a room as quarters and for each room occupied as quarters by 236 QUARTERMASTER CORPS. enlisted men, other than noncommissioned officers, entitled to a room as quarters. Six brushes and 4 mops per annum to each post bakery. Twelve brooms and 8 brushes per annum to each city recruiting station. For cleaning casemates, storerooms, and loading rooms, 3 brooms a quarter. To each troop of Cavalry for cleaning grain und saddle rooms, 3 brooms per quarter. To each battery of Field Artillery for cleaning grain and saddle rooms and gun sheds, 9 brooms per quarter. To each Cavalry and Field Artillery band (mounted) for cleaning grain and saddle rooms, 1 broom per quarter. Commanding officers may, when necessary, order the issue of not to exceed 6 brooms and 6 mops per annum to each public office and building heated by the Government. " .,. The necessity for and the fact of issue will in all cases be certified to by the officer commanding the organization or in charge of the office or building and be verified by the commanding officer. The articles mentioned above will habitually be drawn quarterly but may be drawn when needed. If less than the maximum allowance be drawn in one quarter, credit can not be given in another quarter. (C. A. R., No. S.) 1182. Commanding officers may, when necessary, order the issue of 4 cans of concentrated lye and 6 cakes of sapolio per month to each company, and one-half that quantity to each band, and the necessary quantity for buildings heated by the Government and not thus provided for. The use of concentrated lye upon the floors and woodwork hi all modern barracks, kitchens excepted, is forbidden. 1183. The use of serviceable tents or other canvas for any purpose other than that for which such articles are furnished is prohibited, except in cases of emergency when necessary to protect public property. Any tent furnished for recreation purposes will be available for religious services by the chaplain on suitable occasions. The prescribed allowance of tentage and equipage will habitually be kept in the hands of the organizations to which it is issued. After use, and before being put away, teutage and equipage will be thoroughly aired, dried, and put in serviceable condition, so as to be ready for immediate use when again required. (C. A. R., No. 23.) TELEGRAPHING. 1184. The telegraph and cable will be used only in cases of urgent and imperative necessity, in which the delay consequent upon transmission by mail would be prejudicial to the public interests. Day telegrams will not be sent when night telegrams would serve the purpose, consideration being given to the difference between eastern time and that of the zone to which the message is sent. Except in cases of great urgency, night telegrams will not be sent when the delivery can be made by mail the following morning. Night telegrams will be plainly indicated by the words " Night telegram " stamped thereon. Wher- ever practicable the consolidation into one message of several telegrams to be sent to a single officer in course of a day's business should be effected. 1185. The War Department Telegraph Code and all instructions relating thereto are issued by The Adjutant General of the Army. The War Department Telegraph Code will be guarded with the greatest care and will never be out of the immediate possession or control of the officer to whom issued or his confidential agent. Care will be taken to prevent theft, TELEGRAPHING. 237 loss, use, or inspection, except by those whose duties require them to employ the code. Special pains will be taken to prevent the code from falling into the hands of unauthorized persons or of the enemy. When issued, receipt of the code will be acknowledged by the officer to whom it is issued directly to The Adjutant General of the Army. All officers having the code in their possession will render a semiannual return therefor on Jan- uary 1 and July 1 of each year in the form of a letter to The Adjutant General of the Army. When the code is transferred from one officer to another, the officer to whom it is transferred will receipt in duplicate for the same to the officer making the transfer. Immediately upon the completion of the transfer the officer to whom it is transferred will notify The Adjutant General of the Army of the fact, and the officer making the transfer will forward the duplicate copy of the receipt to The Adjutant General of the Army. When military necessity causes it to be destroyed, it should be burned leaf by leaf. (C. A. R., No. 40.) 1186. Government blanks will be used when practicable in sending official telegrams by those in the service of the War Department authorized to send such telegrams, except in the Engineer Department, on river and harbor, or other civil business, and will be marked " Government paid " ; in no case " Government collect." Commercial blanks, if used officially, should also be marked " Government paid." Accounts for telegrams on military business pre- pared on the prescribed form in the name of the telegraph company rendering the service, and accompanied by the original telegrams, will be paid by the Quartermaster Corps, with the following exceptions : 1. Accounts for reimbursement of amounts paid by officers for telegraphic service, which will be prepared upon prescribed forms. 2. Accounts for telegrams on public business of a confidential nature when in the opinion of the officer receiving or sending them it is improper that copies should accompany the accounts, or where copies can not be procured. When it is questionable whether the telegrams are on official business or that the tele- graph should have been used, such accounts will be accompanied by full ex- planations from the officer who sends or receives the telegrams. The accounts excepted in this paragraph except in the Engineer Depart- ment, on river and harbor, or other civil business, will be forwarded to the Quartermaster General for settlement. In settling accounts for telegrams which pass over the lines of more than one company (bond-aided excepted), payment may be made on the original tele- gram to the initial company for the entire service. (C. A. R., No. 3.) 1187. Telegrams making application for leave of absence or extension of leave, or of inquiry whether leave has been granted, and the replies made thereto by telegraph, will not be sent or paid for as public dispatches. 1188. In framing telegrams and cablegrams all words not important to the sense will be omitted, addresses condensed, and the official title of the sender omitted or reduced to the minimum, thus bringing the message, so far as prac- ticable, within the limit of 20 words. The last name of the officer addressed, or his title, and the last name of the sender are generally sufficient. Expres- sions such as " The Secretary of War directs." " By order of the Secretary of War," or " Reference your telegram of the instant," and kindred expres- sions will be omitted. Telegrams sent within the limits of the United States, except those of an extremely confidential character, need not be coded or en- ciphered. 1189. All telegraph accounts pertaining to the War Department, except as may be otherwise directed, originating in the United States, which are payable 238 QUARTERMASTER CORPS. from funds of the Quartermaster Corps, will be paid in Washington, D. G., under the instructions of the Quartermaster General. (C. A. R., No. 10.) 1190. Blank forms for official telegrams will be furnished by the Quarter- master General. (C. A. R., No. 10.) 1191. Nothing is required of officers sending telegrams beyond the delivery of the message to the company. The proper quartermaster will receive from telegraph companies their accounts, with proofs of service (which should be original telegrams whenever practicable), and will prepare and certify vouchers for the same and pay them, or forward them for settlement, as is required in paragraph 1186. Information desired by telegraph companies in regard to military business will be obtained from the Quartermaster Corps. 1192. When telegrams are sent " collect " by private individuals, the nature of the telegrams should govern the action of the disbursing quartermaster. If strictly on Government business, payment will be made by the United States. 1193. Whenever special delivery is necessary to expedite the delivery of an official telegram, or where the place of delivery is located beyond the estab- lished free-delivery limits, the officer filing the telegram for transmission should mark it " special-delivery charges paid." The special-delivery charges, which should be included in the bill of the telegraph company for the transmission of the telegram, will be paid by the quartermaster designated to pay the telegraph accounts in the department in which the telegram originated. If the addressee lives at such a distance from the telegraph office as to make the special-delivery charges excessive, and the delay will not be of a serious nature, the telegram should be marked : " By mail from ," indicating the name of the telegraph office from which the telegram should be mailed. TELEPHONING. 1194. Where telephoning is practicable, accounts for the same may be paid from the appropriation for the payment of telegraphic service. SUBSISTENCE STORES IN BULK. 1195. Subsistence stores consist of articles composing the ration, those for other authorized issues, and those furnished for sale to officers and enlisted men. 1196. Stores longest on hand, if in fit condition, will be first issued, sold, or shipped. 1197. Subsistence stores in good condition, but not required for use, will be disposed of under the direction of the Quartermaster General. In urgent cases, such as sudden abandonment of a post, liability to rapid deterioration, etc., they may be sold, or otherwise properly disposed of, on the recommenda- tion of an inspecting officer, approved by a commanding general. (C. A. R., No. 10.) 1198. Subsistence stores will not be transferred gratuitously to another staff department, nor obtained, issued, sold, or otherwise disposed of except as au- thorized by regulations. 1199. Coal oil, gunpowder, quicklime, or other articles of like dangerous nature will not be kept in or near storehouses containing other public property. FRESH MEATS. 1200. Fresh meats from the block will usually be provided for troops by contract. Beef cattle will ordinarily be purchased only when necessary for supplying beef to troops in campaign or on the march. BAKERIES THE RATION. 239 BAKERIES. 1201. Bakeries are operated by the Quartermaster Corps under the direc- tion of the quartermaster. All accounts and supplies pertaining to the bakery are reported on the account current and the return of subsistence stores of the quartermaster. Bread is sold at cost price in the same manner and subject to the same regulations as are other articles of subsistence stores. At posts or stations where a bakery is operated by the Quartermaster Corps the baking of bread by companies is prohibited. Enlisted men and others entitled to a ration who are allowed to mess separately from companies or organizations are not required to purchase bread from the Quartermaster. Cost price. The cost price of bread is determined in the following manner on the form provided for the purpose. The cost of all flour and other ingredients used in the preparation of the bread baked as shown on the last day of the month, increased by the cost of power used in operating the bread-baking machinery, is divided by the total number of pounds of bread baked, and the result is the cost of 1 pound of bread. When the baking of bread is commenced for the first time at any post or station by the Quartermaster Corps the price of 1 pound of bread is fixed until the close of the month at the price of 1 pound of flour, provided, however, that the price of bread for the succeeding month is fixed at the cost price of that baked in the preceding month and determined on the last day thereof. Facilities for baking. At all permanent posts a suitable building for baking bread, and in the field the tentage prescribed for the purpose, is provided by the Quartermaster Corps. Bake ovens and apparatus appertaining to the baking of bread are also provided by the Quartermaster Corps. Personnel. The necessary number of bakers, assistant bakers, and baker ap- prentices or laborers, not in excess of the numbers given in the following table, is furnished by the Quartermaster Corps. Average daily production of bread (pounds). Bakers. Assistant bakers. Baker ap- prentices (or labor- ers). 300 or less 1 1 300 to 500 . 1 1 500 to 1.000 1 1 1 1,000 to 1,500 ...' n 1 2 1 1,500 to 2,000 1 2 2 2,000 to 2,500 2 2 2 2,500 to 3,000 2 2 3 3,000 to 3,500 . 2 2 4 When the daily production is in excess of 3,500 pounds the number of bakers, assistant bakers, and baker apprentices or laborers is fixed by the Chief of the Quartermaster Corps, according to the necessities of the case. (C. A. R., No. 4.) , THE RATION. 1202. A ration is the allowance for the subsistence of one person for one day. The garrison ration is intended for troops in garrison, and, in time of peace, for troops in maneuver camps; the ration to be issued to troops on the march an time of peace will be prescribed by the commander, and will not exceed the allowances prescribed for the garrison ration ; the travel ration is for troops traveling otherwise than by marching and separated from cooking facilities; the reserve ration is carried on the person of the men and in the 240 QUARTERMASTER CORPS. trains, and constitutes the reserve for field service; the field ration is the ration prescribed in orders by the commander of the field forces ; the Filipino ration is for use of the Philippine Scouts ; and the emergency ration for troops in active campaign for use on occasions of emergency or in the field for purposes of instruction. In time of war when Philippine Scouts are serving in the field they will be subsisted the same as are regular troops. When impracticable for Philippine Scouts to use the Filipino ration while traveling otherwise than by marching, on account of the lack of cooking facilities or for other reasons, the travel ration may be prescribed. (C. A. R., No. 8.) 1203. Enlisted men, applicants for enlistment while held under observation, prisoners of war, military prisoners at posts, hospital matrons, and nurses in the Nurse Corps are each entitled to one ration a day, according to the station or the nature of the service; and when the rate of pay of a civilian employed with the Army does Hot exceed $60 a month, if the circumstances of his service make it necessary and the terms of his engagement provide for it, there may be allowed him one ration a day, according to the exigencies of the case. Civilian employees traveling with- organizations of troops will be rationed as are the organizations. Members of the Regular Army Reserve, while at place of annual field training and when mobilized in the event of actual or threatened hostilities, shall be allowed one ration a day, based on the allowances as fixed by orders and regulations for troops of the Army. (C. A. R., No. 51.) 1204. Rations will be furnished to officers and men of the Marine Corps and to officers and seamen of the Navy when acting, or proceeding to act, in cooperation with the land forces of the United States, in conformity to the requirements of section 1143 of the Revised Statutes. 1205. The kinds and quantities of the component articles of the Army ration and the substitutive equivalent articles which may be issued in place of such components shall be as follows : 1. GARRISON RATION. Component articles and quantities. Beef, fresh. Flour. Baking powder. Beans. . . Potatoes*. 20 dunces 18 ounces 0.08 ounce. . 2.4 ounces.. Substitutive articles and quantities. Mutton, fresh . Bacon 1 . 20 ounces. 12 ounces. 16 ounces. 16 ounces. 14 ounces. 18 ounces. Fish, canned I 16 ounces. Turkey, dressed, drawn, on Thanksgiving ! 16 ounces. Day and Christmas, when practicable. Canned meat, when impracticable to furnish fresh meat. Hash, corned beef, when impracticable to furnish fresh meat. Fish, dried Fish, pickled Soft bread. Hard bread, to be ordered issued only when the interests of the Government so require . Corn meal /Rice 1.6 ounces . \Hominy 1 .6 ounces . Potatoes, canned 15 ounces. Onions, in lieu of an equal quantity of pota- toes, but not exceeding 20 per cent of total issue. Tomatoes, canned, in lieu of an equal quan- tity of potatoes, but not exceeding 20 per 20 ounces { cent of total issue. Other fresh vegetables (not canned) when they can be obtained in the vicinity or transported in a wholesome condition from a distance, in lieu of an equal quan- tity of potatoes, but not exceeding 30 per cent of total issue. 1 In Alaska, 16 ounces bacon, or, when desired, 16 ounces salt pork, or 22 ounces salt beef. * In Alaska the allowance of fresh vegetables will be 24 ounces instead of 20 ounces, or canned potatoes, 18 ounces instead of 15 ounces. 18 ounces. 16 ounces. 20 ounces. GARRISON, TRAVEL, RESERVE, AND FIELD RATION", l. GARRISON RATION continued. 241 Component articles and quantities. Substitutive articles and quantities. Prunes 1.28 ounces. . 1.12 ounces.. Apples, dried or evaporated 1.28 ounces. 1.28 ounces. 1.12 ounces. 1.4 ounces. 0.32 ounce. 0.014 ounce. 0.014 ounce. 0.014 ounce. 0.64 ounce. 0.5 ounce. 0.014 ounce. Peaches, dried or evaporated Jam, in lieu of an equal quantity of prunes, but not exceeding 50 per cent of total issue. [Coffee, roasted, not ground Coffee, roasted and ground Sugar [ Coffee', green . .' " 3.2 ounces... [Tea, black or green Milk,evaporated,unsweetened Vinegar Salt 0.5 ounce 0.16 gill 0.64 ounce {Pickles, cucumber, in lieu of an equal quan- tity of vinegar, but not exceeding 50 per cent of total issue. I'epper, black 0.04 ounce Cinnamon 0.014 ounce.. 0.64 ounce. . . 0.5 ounce 0.32 gill {Cloves . . Ginger Lard Nutmeg Butter '.. Sirup Oleomargarine Flavoring extract, lemon 0.014 ounce.. Vanilla NOTE. Food for troops traveling on United States Army transports will be prepared from the articles of subsistence stores which compose the ration for troops in garrison, varied by the substitution of other articles of authorized subsistence stores, the total daily cost per man of the food consumed not to exceed 20 per cent more than the current cost of the garrison ration, except on Thanksgiving Day and Christmas; when 60 per cent increase over the same current cost is authorized. 2. TRAVEL RATIONS Componeat articles and quantities. Substitutive articles and quantities. Soft bread 18 ounces Hard bread 16 ounces. Beef, corned Beans, baked 12 ounces 4 ounces Hash, corned beef 12 ounces. Tomatoes, canned 8 ounces Jam . . . .... 1.4 ounces Coffee, roasted and ground 1. 12 ounces. . Sugar. " 2. 4 ounces . Milk, evaporated, un- 0. 5 ounce sweetened. 3. RESERVE RATION. Component articles and quantities. Substitutive articles and quantities. Bacon 12 ounces or meat canned. . . . 16 ounces Hard bread 16 ounces Coffee, roasted and ground 1.12 ounces Sugar '. ." . . . . 2.4 ounces Salt 0.16 ounce One day in each alternate month of the season of practical instruction, not exceeding three days in each year, the use of the reserve ration with individual cooking will be required by all troops in the field for purposes of instruction. 4. FIEU) RATION. The field ration is the ration prescribed in orders by the commander of the field forces. It consists of the reserve ration in whole or in part, supplemented by articles of food requisitioned or purchased locally, or shipped from the rear, provided such supplement^ or substitutes correspond generally with the com- ponent articles or Substitutive equivalents of the garrison ration, 0065117 16 242 5. FILIPINO RATION. Component articles and quantities. Substitutive articles and quantities. 12 ounces 8 ounces 0.32 ounce. (Bacon 8 ounces. 8 ounces. 12 ounces. 12 ounces. 8 ounces. 8 ounces. 8 ounces. Canned meat Flour FiSh, canned Fish, fresh .... .. ... /Hard bread Baking powder, when in field and ovens are- not available. Rice, unpolished \Soft bread 20 ounces Potatoes 8 ounces... Onions Coffee, roasted and ground Sugar 1 ounce 2 ounces Vine ff ar 08 gill... Salt... . .... O.C4 ounce. . . 0.02 ounce Scout organizations will be required to use the entire allowance of the meat component, and not more than 16 ounces of rice per day to be used for each ration. The purchase of 1.6 ounces of beans per ration in substitution of the portion of the rice ration not drawn will be made, and use of as large an extent as possible of native products, such as camotes, mongos, and squash will be required. 6. EMEBGENCY RATION. The emergency ration is furnished, in addition to the regular ration, as required for troops on active campaign or in the field for purposes of instruction, and will not be opened except by order of an officer or in extremity, nor used when regular rations are obtainable. Ration returns upon which emergency rations are drawn will bear the certifi- cate of the organization commander that such rations are required for the enlisted men of his organization and that the money value of any rations pre- viously drawn by him, and improperly opened or lost, has been charged against the person responsible. Company and detachment commanders are responsible for the proper care and use of emergency rations carried on the person of the soldier. (C. A. R., No. 8.) 1206. When it is contemplated to grow vegetables in a post garden, the post quartermaster, with the approval of the post commander, will notify the de- partment quartermaster of the period during which the post garden may be relied upon to supply vegetables, and that period will be excepted from the pperation of any contract that may be made for supplying vegetables to the post 1207. In adjusting charges to be made against enlisted men or others oil account of increased expense to the Government for their subsistence, the value of the garrison ration will be estimated at 30 cents, the Filipino ration at 20 cents, and the travel ration at 40 cents. (C. A. R., No. 42.) LIQUID COFFEE. 1208. When an enlisted man or an applicant for enlistment, supplied with cooked or travel rations, travels unaccompanied by an officer, and it is imprac- ticable to cook coffee en route, he may be supplied with funds for the purchase of liquid coffee in lieu of the coffee, milk, and sugar components of the travel ration, at the rate of 21 cents a day for the number of days that the travel is expected to cover, to be paid to each man on the order of the commanding officer who directs the journey, a copy of the order being filed with the voucher on RATION RETURNS AND ACCOUNTS. 243 which payment is made. When an enlisted man or an applicant for enlistment, supplied with cooked or travel rations, travels under the command of an officer, and it is impracticable to cook coffee en route, funds at the rate of 21 cents a day for a similar purpose may be transferred to the officer to be disbursed and accounted for. At the end of the journey all money in excess of 21 cents a day for each man for the actual number of days traveled will be transferred to the nearest Quartermaster. Should any part of the 21 cents a day for the actual number of days traveled be unexpended it will be transferred to company com- manders pro rata, to be taken up by them as part of the company fund. When recruits en route to different organizations or corps serving at over-sea stations arrive at a recruit depot, however, the unexpended funds will be transferred to the mess officer and taken up by him as part of the mess fund. (C. A. .R., No. 53.) RATION RETURNS AND ACCOUNTS. 1200. Ration returns for troops and applicants for enlistment while held under observation will be signed by the immediate commanders of the organi- zations, and approved by the commanding officer. After approval they will be presented at the quartermaster's office for action. Single ration returns will be submitted for organizations, including persons permitted to mess separately, and will embrace all persons actually present. Individual " Ration and savings accounts " will not be opened for enlisted men or civilian employees permitted to mess separately. Company and detachment commanders will personally verify the additions and deductions of rations on the returns on account of men join- ing and leaving during the ration periods immediately preceding, and the proper authority before approving such returns will cause them to be verified. In the field, during active operations, company officers, upon request, will be included by name on the ration returns of the organization to which they be- long ; field and staff officers who do not belong to organizations having messes, upon request, will be included by name on the ration returns of such organiza- tions as may be designated by their commanding officer ; the cost of the rations so obtained will be charged against the officers concerned. (C. A. R., No. 8^.) 1210. The ration for the enlisted men of the Medical Department, hospital matrons, and others attached entitled to rations will be the same as that for the troops with which they serve. Their ration returns will be signed by the medical officer in charge and approved by the commanding officer. .(C. A. R., No. 55.) 1211. The ration for civilians employed with the Army will be the same as that for the troops with which they serve. Their ration returns will be signed by the officers in charge of the employees and approved by the com- manding officer. 1212. While sick in hospital, the ration of enlisted men, of applicants for enlistment, and of general prisoners will be commuted at the rate of 30 cents a ration, except that at the General Hospital at Fort Bayard, N. Mex., com- mutation at the rate of 50 cents a ration, and at other general hospitals 40 cents a ration, is authorized for enlisted patients therein ; the ration of members of the Nurse Corps while on duty in hospital will be commuted at the rate of 40 cents a ration. The commutation herein referred to will be paid to the sur- geon in charge by the post quartermaster or such officer of the Quartermaster Corps as may be designated. 1213. When any considerable detachment of enlisted men leaves a post or command, the detachment commander will be furnished by the quartermaster 244 QUARTERMASTER CORPS. with a ration certificate giving the number of men and the organization to which they belong, and setting forth the date to which, and by whom, their ration and savings account has been settled, which certificate will be presented to the commanding officer at the station where rations are next furnished. Civilian employees entitled to rations are, when detached, furnished with ration certificates. 1214. When a person entitled to rations leaves an organization the rations allowed for him for any period beyond the date of his leaving and not taken with him will be deducted on the next ration return of the organization. EXTRA ISSUES. 1215. The following issues are authorized when necessary for the public service and, with the exception that vinegar and rock salt for public animals will be included in requisitions for forage, will be made on ration returns ap- proved by the commanding officer, who will determine what quantities, within the limits prescribed below, shall be issued. 1. Soap : To organizations of enlisted men For each ration, 0.64 ounce. For use in bakeries, and for use of prisoners in guardhouses and military prisons Such quantities as the commanding officer may order as necessary. For each ration issued to troops in the field, in active campaign only, in addition to the foregoing, 0.25 ounce hand soap to be issued in ounce cakes. 2. Candles, when other illuminants are not furnished by the Quartermaster Corps : To organizations of enlisted men For each ration, except the Filipino ration, 0.24 ounce. In Alaska, 0.32 ounce. For each Filipino ration, 0.12 ounce. To headquarters in the field of organizations larger than a company, to hospitals, bakeries, depots of supply, guards, and telegraph stations Such quantities as the commanding officer may order as necessary. 3. Lantern candles : For use in lanterns furnished to the Army by the Government and used in the public service Such quantities as the commanding officer may order as necessary. 4. Matches : For lighting fires and lights, for which fuel and the illuminating supplies are issued Such quantities as the commanding officer may order as necessary. 5. Toilet paper : For use of enlisted men stationed at military posts, camps, and rendezvous provided with modern water-closets, with sewer connections, or where sanitary conditions require its use. To organizations of enlisted men One package or roll of 1,000 sheets for every 60 rations. For use in water-closets of offices, post gymnasiums, guardhouses, bakeries, and post exchanges Such quantities as the commanding officer may order as necessary. EXTEA ISSUES. 245 6. Salt, rock : For each public animal, a day, 0.8 ounce. 7. Vinegar : For each public animal, a day, 0.1 gill. 8. Flour: For paste used in target practice For each troop or company, 50 pounds, and for each battery of field artillery, 100 pounds during the practice season. 9. Towels, huck: For use in the offices of regimental headquarters when adjuncts of post headquarters, and in the offices of post and coast defense staff officers, in bakeries, and in offices of department and depot quartermasters, when the necessity for the issue is certified to by the commanding officer For each person whose employment therein is authorized, not to exceed two towels a year. 10. Ice: To organizations of enlisted men, when practicable For each ration, 4 pounds, the maximum allowance to any organi- zation or detachment of less than 100 men to be 100 pounds a day, and to organizations of 100 men or more to be 1 pound a day for each man. To troops stationed north of the thirty-seventh parallel of nortii latitude and where from any cause it is impracticable to cut and store ice for their use, the allowance will be for seven months only, beginning April 1 and ending October 31, except in the States of Washington, Oregon, and Idaho, where during the remainder of the year one-half of such allowance may be issued, and in the State of California, where the full allowance may be issued for the entire year. To troops stationed south of the thirty-seventh parallel of north latitude the full allowance may be issued for the entire year. At posts where it is practicable during the cold season to cut and store ice required, no issues of ice will be allowed from funds of the Quartermaster Corps as long as such stored ice is available. For the preservation of subsistence stores Such quantities as the commanding officer may order as necessary. When ice plants are in operation the issue of ice therefrom will be made upon requisition approved by the commanding officer and not supplied by purchase. 11. Housewives : To each squad annually, when the necessity for the issue is certified by the commanding officer, for service in the field, 1 housewife. Department commanders are authorized to increase or decrease, without ref- erence to the War Department, but with due regard to the interests of the service and existing law, the various allowances specified in this paragraph. Whenever such action is taken the department quartermaster will be in- formed thereof and will submit a copy of the authority directly to the Quarter master General. When issues are made under the increased or decreased allow- ances herein referred to, the issuing quartermaster will note on his return the letter of authority for the issue, but a copy of the authority will not be required with the return. (C. A. R., Nos. 12, 17, 35, and 41.) 1216. Such of the following-named articles as may be necessary, not to exceed in value 50 cents a month for each general prisoner confined at a mili- tary post or in the United States Disciplinary Barracks or n branch thereof 246 QUARTERMASTER CORPS. without pay or allowances, will be issued by quartermasters on the 15th day of each month to the officer in charge of prisoners, viz : Beeswax. Handkerchiefs, cotton, Scissors. Brooms, whisk. blue. Shoestrings, linen. Brushes, hair. Mugs, shaving. Soap, shaving. Brushes, shaving. Needles. Soap, toilet. Brushes, shoe. Polish, shoe. Thread. Brushes, tooth. Powder, tooth. Toweling, unbleached. Buttons, bone. Razors. Combs, medium. Razor strops. Requisitions for these articles will set forth the number of general prisoners present at the post and must be approved by the post commander. The receipt of the officer in charge will be the quartermaster's voucher for dropping the articles from his property account. No articles issued under this paragraph, except toothbrushes, tooth powder, combs, one needle, one towel, toilet ^oap, buttons, shoestrings, handkerchiefs, and thread, will be carried away by general prisoners when transferred or discharged. Towels used by general prisoners will be laundered by those who use them. When specially authorized by the Secretary of War, the Quartermaster Corps will supply to posts where 30 or more general prisoners are confined a sewing machine and other necessary tailors' utensils for use in mending their clothing. When necessary, similar issues, in value not to exceed 50 cents per man per month, may be made, on requisitions approved by the post commander, to other prisoners without funds ; the value of the articles so issued to be charged on the descriptive lists of such prisoners. Articles issued in pursuance of this paragraph will not be accounted for on property accounts by officers receiving them, but will be continued in use until worn out. (C. A. R., Nos. 23 and 43.) 1217. The following-named articles will be issued gratuitously to each re- cruit upon his first enlistment at a recruiting depot or upon his arrival at his permanent station : One razor. One brush, shoe. Two towels, huckaback. One brush, shaving. One broom, whisk. One package polish, shoe, One brush, hair. One brush, tooth. russett. One comb, medium. One housewife. One cake soap, toilet. These articles will be issued by the quartermaster on requisitions submitted by the company commander and approved by the post commander ,and when the issue has been made that fact will be entered upon the service record. The receipt of the company commander will be the quartermaster's voucher for dropping the articles from his property account. (C. A. R., No. 55.) 1218. A recruiting officer stationed elsewhere than at a military post is authorized to purchase such of the following-named articles as may be neces- sary for the use of applicants for enlistment, while held under observation at a recruiting station or a station subsidiary thereto, at an expense not exceeding 70 cents a month for each station : Brooms, whisk. Combs, medium. Towels, huckaback. Brushes, blacking. Polish, shoe, russet. Soap, laundry, white. float- Brushes, hair. Toilet paper. ing. If the recruiting officer is supplied with funds under proper appropriation he will pay the vouchers. If not supplied with funds, he will send the duly ISSUES OF SUBSISTENCE STORES. 247 certified vouchers for payment to the officer of the Quartermaster Corps desig- nated to settle his accounts. At a recruiting station at a military post such of the above-named articles as may be necessary for use exclusively by applicants for enlistment while held under observation, and newly enlisted men awaiting transfer to permanent stations, will be issued to the recruiting officer at the post by the quarter- master upon requisition, approved by the commanding officer, at an expense not exceeding 70 cents a month for each station. The receipt of the recruiting officer will be the quartermaster's voucher for dropping the articles from his return. Articles issued in pursuance of this paragraph will be accounted for on property accounts by officers receiving them. Shoe polish, toilet paper, and laundry soap will be expended when issued. The remaining articles will be continued in use until worn out by fair wear and tear in the public service, when they will be dropped upon the certificate of the accountable officer. The towels will be laundered at the expense of the Quartermaster Corps. (C. A. R., No. 2.) ISSUES OF SUBSISTENCE STORES. 1219. Subsistence will not be issued to destitute persons except when the commanding officer assumes the responsibility of ordering the issue to relieve starvation or extreme suffering. In such cases the circumstances will be fully stated in a written order, specifying the articles and quantities to be issued. This order, bearing a certificate of an officer that the stores have been issued, will be filed by the quartermaster, with his return of subsistence stores as his authority for dropping, them. 1220. All articles of the garrison, travel, or Filipino ration due a company, or other organization, will be retained by the quartermaster and credit given to the organization for the money value of these articles at the current price of the articles ; and the quartermaster will pay as savings to the organization com- manders any excess in value of the stores so retained over those purchased by the organization. Such savings shall be used solely for the purchase of articles of food. When on the march in time of peace, a daily issue of rations will be made in the manner prescribed in the Field Service Regulations for time of war. The ration to be issued to troops on the march in time of peace will be prescribed by the commander, and will not exceed the allowances prescribed for the garri- son ration. In time of peace the ration savings privilege will be suspended for troops on the march, except that when so ordered by the commander, the savings privi- lege will be allowed on certain specified articles of the ration. Upon arrival of troops at mobilization or concentration camps the ration savings privilege will be suspended and entirely replaced by issue of rations in. kind. This same restriction also applies during the period of field operations. The commanding officer will designate the periods for which ration re- turns are to be submitted. Immediately upon 'the receipt of a ration return by the quartermaster, duly signed and approved, he will enter it, together with the ectual cost of the ration as computed on the back of the ration and savings ac- count. The stores required will be purchased from the quartermaster on charge sales slips, in the name of the organization, against their credit shown on the account. At the end of the month, or whenever necessary, the organiza- tion commander will settle the account with the quartermaster, when the sav- 248 QUARTERMASTER CORPS. ings due the organization, or the amount due the quartermaster, as the case may be, will be paid and the account certified as required. All articles of the ration required for the supply of troops will be obtained" from the quartermaster when on hand, but if any article be not in stock, a temporary supply may be purchased elsewhere. When necessary to renew reserve rations, or to avoid loss of ration articles that have accumulated, the quartermaster will report the facts to the command- ing general or tlie commanding officer, as the case may be, who, if he considers it necessary to prevent loss, will give in writing the necessary orders looking to the issue of such supplies to troops. Such issues will not exceed the ration allowance, and will be continued until the surplus is exhausted, or until such other action as may seem advisable can be taken to protect the interest of the Government. (C. A. R., No. 8.) 1221. On the first of each month, or whenever necessary, the quartermaster will compute on the back of the ration and savings account the actual cost of the ration in use at his post at the following rates : Garrison ration. Per cent. Beef, fresh 70 Bacon, issue 30 Flour, issue 100 Baking powder 1 100 Beans 50 Rice 50 Potatoes, fresh 70 Onions, fresh 20 Tomatoes, canned 10 Prunes 30 Jam 50 Apples, evaporated 10 Peaches, evaporated 10 Coffee, roasted and ground 100 Sugar 100 Milk, evaporated, unsweetened, 100 Vinegar 50 Pickles, cucumber 50 Salt 100 Pepper, black 100 Cinnamon 100 Lard 50 Lard substitute 50 Butter '. 1 50 Oleomargarine 50 Sirup 100 Flavoring extract, lemon 100 For Thanksgiving Day or Christmas, when turkey costs more than the regular meat ration, the proper allowance will be made on the ration and savings ac- count by adding to the amount due the organization the product of the number of men present on the holiday multiplied by the excess cost of turkey over the regular meat ration. Should a ration of turkey cost less than the regular meat ration the proper deduction will be wade. COMMUTATION OF RATIONS. 249 Travel ration. Per cent. Soft bread or hard bread 100 Beef, corned or hash, C. B 100 Beans, baked 100 Tomatoes, canned 100 Jam 100 Coffee, roasted and ground 1 , 100 Sugar 1 100 Milk, evaporated, unsweetened * 100 Filipino ration. Per cent. Beef, fresh 70 Bacon, issue , 20 Fish 10 Or Canned meat 70 Bacon, issue 20 Fish 10 Flour, or hard bread, or soft bread 100 Baking powder, when ovens are not available 100 Rice, unpolished 100 Potatoes 80 Onions 20 Coffee, roasted and ground 100 Sugar _ 100 Vinegar 100 Salt 100 Pepper, black 100 When reserve rations or surplus ration articles are ordered used under para- graph 1220, any excess cost of such articles over that of the articles ordinarily used in computing the cost of the ration will be credited to the organization on the ration and savings account. Should any article so ordered be cheaper than that ordinarily used, a corresponding deduction will be made from the organi- zation's credit. The manner of ascertaining the amount of the credit or deduc- tion will be shown on the back of the ration and savings account, to which the order of the commanding officer directing the issue will be attached. 1222. If ration and savings accounts are not paid by a quartermaster In the month during which they accumulated, the proper organization will be fur- nished with an extract of the account showing the amount due, which voucher, duly certified by the quartermaster and approved by the commanding officer, will be presented for payment to any quartermaster having funds for the pur- pose. COMMUTATION OF RATIONS. 1223. Commutation of rations may be allowed at the following rates, under the conditions mentioned, viz : 1 When 21 cents coffee money Is paid, the coffee, sugar, aad milk components will not be included when computing the travel ration. 250 QUARTERMASTER CORPS. Commutation of rations. Conditions. Rate per day each. Enlisted men and nurses. Philippine Scouts. 1. To enlisted men, Philippine Scouts, male or female nurses on the expiration of their furloughs or leaves, provided that on or before the last day thereof they have reported at their proper stations or have been discharged 2. To ordnance sergeants, quartermaster sergeants, senior grade, and quartermas- ter sergeants, Quartermaster Corps (and enlisted menacting as such) on duty at forts and stations where there are no other troops 3. To an unlisted man, a Philippine Scout, or a male or female nurse on detached duty, stationed in a city or town where subsistence is not furnished by the Government; to sergeants detailed for duty with the National Guard, and far duty with disciplinary organizations; to enlisted men detailed for duty at institutions where one or more units of the Reserve Officers' Training Corps are maintained, or at schools or colleges pursuant to section 56, act of Con- gress approved June 3, 1916, stationed in a city or town where subsistence is not furnished by the Government i. To an enlisted man or a Philippine Scout traveling under orders from a place or station at which his rations have been regularly commuted 6. To an enlisted man or a Philippine Scout traveling under orders alone, when the journey can not be performed in 24 hours and it is impracticable to carry rations of any kind (which fact must be stated in the order directing the journey); to members of the Regular Army Reserve upon being sum- moned for field training and when mobilized by the President and reporting for duty, while traveling from their homes to the places where ordered to report for duty; to members of the Reserve Officers' Training Corps while traveling, except by organization, to and from camps of instruction; and to members of the Enlisted Reserve Corps when ordered into active service, while traveling, except by organization, to and from the place to which ordered 6. To two enlisted men or Philippine Scouts traveling under orders as a detach- ment, or traveling under orders as a guard to an insane patient or military prisoner, when the journey can not be performed in 24 hours and it is im- practicable to carry rations of any kind (which fact must be stated in the order directing the journey ), each 7. To an insane patient or military prisoner traveling under orders under guard of one or two enlisted men or Philippine Scouts, when the journey can not be performed in 24 hours a'nd it is impracticable to carry rations of any kind (which fact must be stated in the order directing the journey), to be paid on the order of the commanding officer in advance to, and to be receipted for by. the person to whose charge the patient or military prisoner is com- mitted by the order To enlisted men or Philippine Scouts selected to contest for places or prizes in department or Army rifle competitions, while traveling under orders to and from places of contest, when the journey can not be performed in 24 hours and it is imoracticable to carry rations of any kind (which fact must be stated in the order), each $0.30 1.00 1.00 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 (0.30 .50 .75 .78 .75 .78 ( C. A . R., Nos. 4$, 51, and 53.) 1224. Applicants for enlistment and recruits forwarded from recruiting sta- tions, recruiting depots, or other military posts will be furnished the following allowances for subsistence while traveling, viz : When I or 2 men are forwarded. For a journey 0/24 hours or less. Travel rations, or cooked rations, to be obtained from the contractor for meals or from the company or general mess. For a journey of more than 14 hours. Commutation of rations at not exceeding 50 cents a meal ($1.50 a day) for each man. When more than 2 men are forwarded. For -a journey of 24 hours or less. For a detachment of 3 or more men: Travel rations (or, if not available, cooked rations, to be obtained from the contractor for meals or from the company or general mess). For a journey of more than 24 hours. For a detachment of 3 or more men: Travel rations if available, or, if not available, commutation of rations at not exceeding 50 cents a meal ($1.50 a day) for each man. COMMUTATION OF RATIONS. 251 1225. Enlisted men, applicants for enlistment, and recruits ordered upon journeys which can be performed within 24 hours from the hour of start- ing must be subsisted during the journey upon cooked or travel rations pro- cured for the purpose from the company kitchen, the contractor for meals, or from the quartermaster. 1226. Enlisted men absent under orders from their stations upon recruiting duty for not exceeding seven days will be deemed to be traveling under orders during the entire period, notwithstanding that some portion of the period may be occupied by detentions in the various towns which they visit in th*e per- formance of their duty, and their commutation of rations will be at the rate of $1.50 a day. 1227. Rescinded. (C. A. R., No. 18.) 1228. An enlisted man not a recruit ordered, under subhead 5, paragraph 1223, will be allowed commutation of rations at the 'rate of 50 cents a meal ($1.50 a day) for the time actually consumed in travel. The provisions of this paragraph do not apply to travel on Army transports. 1229. Commutation of rations will not be allowed to enlisted men serving where subsistence is furnished by the Government ; or traveling under orders when they can carry and cook their rations, or can carry cooked or travel rations ; or traveling under orders on Army transports or by steamboat or steamship where the passage rates include meals ; or failing to report at their proper stations on or before the last day of furlough unless discharged ; or recruiting parties at their stations; nor to civil employees. Commutation of rations will not be allowed to members of the Regular Army Reserve while in field training or after reporting when mobilized for active service in the event of actual or threatened hostilities, nor to members of the Reserve Officers' Training Corps while in camps of instruction, nor to citizens while at camps of instruction authorized by section 54 of the act of Congress approved June 3, 1916, nor to members of 'the Enlisted Reserve Corps while in active service for purposes of instruction or training or after reporting when ordered to active service in the event of actual or threatened hostilities. (C. A. R., Nos. 18 and 51.) 1230. An order directing the travel of an enlisted man or an applicant for enlistment will state that the journey is necessary for the public service. If it be impracticable for him to carry rations of any kind, the order will so state and will direct commutation of rations to be paid ; if required to be paid in advance the number of days will be stated. 1231. An enlisted man traveling on duty under orders on a vessel of the ' United States Army Transport Service will not be allowed commutation of rations for the time he is aboard. He will be quartered with the enlisted men aboard and will mess with them, and the proper transport officer will indorse upon the travel order in the possession of the soldier the dates between which subsistence was so furnished. The travel order so indorsed will be turned over by the enlisted man at the end of the journey to the quartermaster by whom commutation of rations for any portion of the journey is paid, who will file it with the voucher on which payment is made. If commutation of rations is ordered paid in advance, the probable time on shipboard must be taken into account in determining the number of days' commutation to be allowed, and the paying officer will indorse the original order and make payment on a certi- fied copy thereof in the manner directed in paragraph 1232 for paying commu- tation of rations in advance. 1232. Commutation of rations allowed to an enlisted man or an applicant for enlistment while traveling, when not directed to be paid in advance, will be 252 QUARTERMASTER COEPS. paid to him at the end of his journey, upon presentation of the order for the journey, with the certificate of his commanding officer thereon in the following form : " Last rationed to include , 19 ; will leave station at , , 19 ; the rations overdrawn will be deducted from the ration return of Company - , - - Regiment of - , for the period from , 19 , to , 19 ," and a certificate signed by a commissioned officer in the fol- lowing form: "Joined station at , , 19 ." The period allowed by the paying officer will be the time required over the shortest usually traveled route.* If ordered paid in advance, it will be paid upon presentation of a certi- fied copy of the order directing the payment, having thereon the certificate in the above form of his commanding officer. In this case the paying officer will indorse the date, mode, and amount of payment, over his signature, on the order which is retained by the soldier or applicant for enlistment, and certify on the copy that he has made such indorsement. The soldier or applicant for enlistment will deliver his retained order to the commanding officer at, the station where rations are next furnished. The order, or copy thereof, on which, commutation has been paid will be filed as a subvoucher to the receipt roll, and the paying officer will indorse on the order, or copy thereof, the date, mode, and amount of payment. 1233. The furlough of an enlisted man will show by memorandum of his company commander to what day he was last rationed and the number of rations, if any, drawn for him previous to his going on furlough, for the time covered by the furlough, and the certificate of his company commander on the back of the furlough will show the date on which he rejoined his proper station or was discharged and that the rations overdrawn for him were duly deducted from a ration return of his company. If entitled to commutation he will be paid by any quartermaster upon the presentation of the furlough containing the above memorandum and certificate. The paying officer will file the furlough as a subvoucher to his receipt roll, and indorse on the^urlough the date, mode, and amount of payment. The authority under which a furlough is granted (whether under Army Regulations or in pursuance of the orders of a superior) should be cited on the face of the furlough by the officer granting it. If the period for which the furlough is given is within the competency of the author- ity cited, no copy of the order is needed to accompany the furlough when pre- sented to a disbursing officer for payment of commutation of rations ; but if the period is manifestly beyond the competency of the authority cited, the furlough should, when presented for payment of commutation of rations, be accompanied by copies of all orders in pursuance of which it was given. 1234. An enlisted man granted a furlough with permission to travel on a vessel of the United States Army Transport Service will be quartered with the enlisted men aboard and will mess with them. The transport officer will certify upon the enlisted man's furlough the dates between which subsistence was so furnished. In paying commutation of rations on the furlough thesa days will be deducted. 1235. Enlisted men discharged while serving in places outside of the States composing the Union will be provided free transportation to the said States on Government transports upon direction of the commanding officers in the several localities, and will be subsisted by the Quartermaster Corps to the port of des- tination. They will not be entitled to travel pay from port of embarkation to the United States, nor to commutation of rations for the time so subsisted on the transports. The fact that such transportation and subsistence have been furnished must be noted on the final statements. In view of the provisions of paragraph 1378, the foregoing is not to be construed as precluding the furnish- ing of transportation at Government expense, via commercial vessels in cases SALES. 253 where the Government maintains no regular transport service between the localities of discharge and the United States. (C. A. R., No. 20.) 1236. When an officer orders commutation of rations to be paid, or rations furnished to a soldier on furlough to enable him to reach his proper station, the officer paying the commutation or furnishing the rations will report the full amount paid, or the money value of the food supplied, to the soldier's company commander. Should the soldier reach his station on or before the last day of his furlough the company commander will charge the full amount of the pay- ment, or value of the rations, against his pay on the next pay roll. Should he reach his post after the expiration of his furlough, and the delay be not excused, the full amount will be similarly charged. Should the overstaying of his fur- lough be excused, the full amount, diminished by the value of the ration, at 25 cents a day, for the number of days during which he was absent after the fur- lough had expired, will be charged. 1237. When a furlough is lost, a certified copy prepared by his company commander, with the soldier's affidavit stating when, where, and the circum- stances under which the loss occurred, that he reported at his station on or before the last day of his furlough or was discharged, and that no rations have been furnished nor commutation paid him for any portion of the time during which he was on furlough, may be presented within six months after the loss, through his company and post commanders, to the department quartermaster for payment or other disposition. 1238. An enlisted man having a claim for commutation of rations while traveling or on furlough, and who is at a distance from a paying quartermaster, will be paid upon forwarding to a paying quartermaster his travel orders or furlough properly made out. An enlisted man on detached duty who is entitled to commutation of rations may be similarly paid upon the certificate of the officer under whom he may be serving, or if not serving under an officer, upon his own certificate, setting forth the period for which commutation is due, accompanied by a copy of the authority for its allowance, or by a reference to such authority if previously furnished. SALES. 1239. Sales of subsistence stores will be made at cost prices for cash to an officer on his certificate that the stores are for his personal or family use or for the use of an officers' mess of which he is the caterer, and will be similarly made on a certificate that they are for his or her personal use to a contract surgeon, a dental surgeon, a veterinarian, a female nurse, or a hospital matron when stationed within a military post or serving with troops in the field. Sales will also be made at cost prices for cash to a member of the immediate family of an officer, during his absence, upon a written request by him to the quartermaster, 1240. Sales to officers paid for within the calendar month in which made will be regarded as cash sales ; if not paid for within that month, the quarter- master making the sale will forward an itemized statement of each account to the General Quartermaster for the action prescribed by paragraph 1308. Thereafter, until evidence is furnished by the delinquent, showing payment of the amount so reported for stoppage, further sales will not be made to him except for cash upon receipt of stores. (C. A. R., No. 10.) 1241. Sales of reasonable quantities of stores will be made to an enlisted man on the active or retired list, for cash, upon his declaration, in writing, that they are intended for his own use. A post exchange may purchase stores upon the certificate of the officer in charge, and such purchases, when paid for within the calendar month in which made, are regarded as cash sales. 254 QUARTERMASTER CORPS. 1241^. Officers and enlisted men of the Navy and the Marine Corps are per- mitted to purchase subsistence supplies at the same price as is charged the officers and the enlisted men of the Army, and the officers and the enlisted men of the Army are permitted to purchase subsistence supplies from the Navy and Marine Corps at the same price as is charged the officers and the enlisted men of the Navy and Marine Corps. These supplies will be sold at cost prices for cash to an officer of the Navy or Marine Corps on his certificate that the supplies are for his personal use or for family use or for the use of an officer's mess, of which he is the caterer, and to an enlisted man of the Navy or Marine Corps on the active or retired list at cost prices for cash upon his declaration in writing that such supplies are in- tended for his own use. When an enlisted man of the Navy or Marine Corps desires to make a purchase and is not serving with the Army he should make application in writing, stating that the supplies are intended for his own use, and his application must be indorsed by the officer under whom he is serving, who will state that the enlisted man concerned is entitled to purchase sub- sistence supplies. (C. A. R., Nos. 10 and 12.) 1242. Sales may be made on credit to officers and enlisted men who have not been regularly paid or who are in the field. Officers will certify that the stores are for their own use and will receipt for them. Enlisted men will obtain per- mits from their company commanders, approved by the commanding officer. Permits will not be given to a soldier in excess of the unencumbered pay due to him nor in any month in excess of his monthly pay. Such of the following- named articles as may be needed by him may be furnished to a recruit on credit, viz : A hand basin, a pipe, a box or bottle of tooth powder, and not to exceed 1 pound of tobacco. 1243. An officer purchasing subsistence stores on credit will furnish to the quartermaster making the sale a receipt in duplicate setting forth the place and date of purchase, the name of the quartermaster who made the sale, and the money value of the stores so purchased. One copy of the receipt will be forwarded by the quartermaster to the quartermaster whe pays the officer, or to the department quartermaster, and will be filed with the pay voucher on which collection is made. The duplicate receipt will be filed by the quartermaster with his retained abstract of subsistence stores sold. The names of the officers purchasing subsistence stores on credit, the organizations to which they belong, and the money value of the stores so purchased will be entered on the abstract of subsistence stores sold. 1244. Exceptional articles of subsistence stores called for by officers and enlisted men, to be paid for by them regardless of condition upon arrival at posts, may be purchased under such instructions as to purchase and accounta- bility as may from time to time be given by the Quartermaster General. (C. A. R., No. 10.) 1245. Civilians employed with the Army, including those expressly em- ployed for their services as tailors, shoemakers, and laundrymen, may be allowed, at remote places or in the field where food can not otherwise be pro- cured, to purchase from the Quartermaster Corps, in limited quantities for their own use, for cash, at cost prices, such articles of the ration or of stores kept for sales to officers and enlisted men as can be spared from the supplies on hand. 1246. Articles purchased by the Quartermaster Corps by net weight will be sold at net weight at the time of sale. Where the weight of a wrapper or cover at the time of purchase was included in the weight of an article it will be included in the weight when the article is sold. Articles in cartons, packets, or sealed cans will be sold as purchased. SALES. 255 1247. Post commanders will regulate sales and delivery of supplies. Selling (except by the post exchange) or bartering of supplies purchased or drawn from the quartermaster is forbidden. 1248. The commanding officer of a post at or near which the immediate family of an enlisted man who is absent abroad resides may, if the residence and other conditions of such family make it proper, grant to the head thereof permits to purchase from the Quartermaster Corps at the post, for cash, at cost prices, such quantities of subsistence stores as in his opinion may be rea- sonably needed for the sole use of the soldier's immediate family. The total amount of subsistence stores so sold to soldiers' families will be entered by the quartermaster in a separate item on the abstract of sales each month. 1249. The quartermaster who extends credit to enlisted men will forward to the proper company or organization commander the permit on which the sup- plies were sold, signed by the purchasers, which then becomes a statement of credit sales and of amounts due. The company or other commander will charge the amounts due on the next pay roll (and on subsequent rolls until the amounts shall have been collected) and return the permit-statement to the quartermaster, with notation thereon of any additional subsistence and other authorized quartermaster charges appearing on the pay rolls, showing in each case whether the charge is for credit sales, refundment of commutation of rations, or other authorized quartermaster account, and the place where and the month and year in which the indebtedness was contracted. The quarter- master will file the original with his retained papers for the month to which the credit sales pertain, and forward the carbon copy to the Quartermaster General with his monthly accounts. If a member of an organization or a recruit leaves his organization or a recruit depot before the money value of the articles furnished to him on credit shall have been collected, the amount due in each, case, the place where, and the month and year in which the indebtedness was contracted will be noted on the service record. (C. A. R., Nos. 10, 15, and 55.) 1250. Sales will be consolidated monthly on an abstract. The commanding officer will satisfy himself that the purchases have been properly authorized and duly made and will so certify on the abstract. The abstract accompanying the quartermaster's account current will serve as a voucher to the account cur- rent as well as to the officer's return. 1251. The price at which subsistence stores may be transferred, or sold to officers and enlisted men, is the invoice or purchase price of the last lot of the same variety of subsistence stores received by the officer making the sale or transfer prior to the first day of the month in which the sale or transfer is made ; but (1) the prices at a post or depot or at the office of a quartermaster will not be affected by transfers thereto from military posts, except where the articles are purchased at one post for shipment to another, the former having been regularly designated as the point of supply for the particular articles for the latter, in which case the rule laid down in the first five lines of this paragraph will obtain; (2) if two or more lots of the same variety of article are received on one invoice, or on the same date at different prices, the unit price to govern will be determined by dividing the total value of such lots by the total quantity of the same; (3) the equalization of prices among several varieties of the same article is not authorized, as in the case of several kinds of smoking tobacco, cigars, crackers, etc.; (4) if a quartermaster who has received an invoice of stores during the current month is relieved before the end of that month he will invoice to his successor the stores so received at their actual invoice price, although the current selling price of such stores will con- tinue until the beginning of the next month. On the first day of each month a price list will be prepared at each station where sales are made, one copy 256 QUARTERMASTER CORPS. to be furnished to the commanding officer and one copy to be posted in the salesroom. 1252. The quartermaster will be accountable for and will carry on his property accounts all cooking apparatus supplied by the Quartermaster Corps, and will furnish to commanding officers of organizations and detachments the necessary authorized articles of the same on approved requisitions, the issues to be made on memorandum receipts. Bake ovens will be dropped from his prop- erty accounts when permanently installed at posts. BLANK FOBMS. 1253. Blank forms will be furnished to quartermasters on periodical requisi- tions sent directly to the Quartermaster General. Officers at posts will obtain them from the post quartermasters. (C. A. R., No. 10). PAYMENTS, GENERAL PROVISIONS. 1254. The senior quartermaster of a command, under the direction of its commander, will be responsible for the payment of the troops of the command. 1255. In payments to officers and enlisted men, the days of commencement and expiration of service will be included. When service begins on the 31st day of a month, pay will not be allowed for that day. PAYMENTS TO OFFICERS. 1256. Officers on the active list, and retired officers assigned to active duty under laws entitling them to active pay or allowances, will be paid monthly on accounts certified by themselves according to prescribed forms. (C. A. R., No. 2.) 1257. An officer of the Army will be paid within the limits of his depart- ment and, as far as practicable, by the same quartermaster, unless he is on leave of absence or detached duty beyond the limits of his department, or shall have transferred or disposed of his accounts as provided in paragraphs 1258 and 1259, or has the authority of the Quartermaster General for payment else- where. A retired officer, except when assigned to active duty under laws en- titling him to active pay or allowances, will be paid by the depot quartermaster, Washington, D. C., unless residing in the Philippine Islands or Hawaii, in which event he may, if he so desires, be paid by the department quartermaster of the Philippine or Hawaiian Department. (C. A. R., Nos. 2 and 10.) 1258. An officer may forward his pay account to a quartermaster before maturity, the amount to be remitted. to the officer when due, or placed to his credit with a bank if the account is so indorsed, but an officer will not hypothe- cate or transfer an account not actually due. When due it may be transferred, when the following form of indorsement will be strictly observed : Transferred this day of , 191__, to ; and the department quartermaster at has been so notified. (Signature) , When an account is so transferred, the officer will notify the department quar- termaster of the department in which he is stationed, or the quartermaster who has been authorized by the Quartermaster General to pay his accounts, and will instruct the person or persons to whom the account may be transferred to for- ward it to such quartermaster for payment. A transferred account will not be paid outside of the department in which the officer is regularly paid except when it is transferred for the benefit of his family residing in another depart- PAYMENTS TO OFFICERS. 257 ment, in which case the officer will send the notification through the office of the department quartermaster of the department in which he is usually paid, to the department quartermaster of the department in which the payee resides ; the former to forward with the notification any information he may have affecting the validity of the account. (C. A. R., No. 10.) 1259. An officer about to embark for service beyond the sea and desiring to make provision for himself or his family in the United States, may send to the Depot Quartermaster, Washington, D. C., such full monthly accounts as he may elect, indorsing them as follows : " When due pay to ," or " When due place to the credit of with ," or " When due place to my credit with - ." The Depot Quartermaster, Washington, D. C., will immediately notify the department quartermaster of the department where the officer is to serve of the months for which accounts have been so received, and will then pay them as they become due if the casualty list and stoppage circular show no bar to payment. If the officer be under orders to proceed to Alaska or the Canal Zone, or for service with an independent brigade or division, the notifi- cation will be sent directly to the quartermaster where the officer is to serve. Should an officer already in service beyond the sea desire to have his accounts paid as described, he will forward them, through the department quartermaster of the department where he is serving, to the Depot Quartermaster, Washing- ton, D. C., except when stationed in Alaska or the Canal Zone, or serving with an independent brigade or division, in which event the accounts will be for- warded through the local quartermaster. Department and other quartermas- ters, through whom accounts are sent to the Depot Quartermaster, Washington, D. C., will make a record of the accounts so forwarded. (C. A. R., No. 9.) 1260. A person appointed to the Army, or receiving an appointment to a new office therein, is entitled to pay from date of acceptance only. If the ap- pointment creates vacancies to be filled by promotion, the promoted officers are entitled to pay of the new grade from the date of acceptance of the ap- pointee. In all other cases of promotion the officer is entitled to pay from date of the occurrence of the vacancy. 1261. An officer of the Army appointed to a grade in the volunteers or mili- tia in the service of the United States superior to that held by him in the Army will be entitled to the pay and emoluments of the grade to which appointed from date of acceptance of such appointment or from date of muster in thereunder. 1262. An officer who resigns, is dismissed, honorably discharged, or wholly retired, will forward his pay account (War Department Form 336) to the Depot Quartermaster, Washington, D. C., who will cause a certificate of non- indebtedness to be obtained from the Treasury Department and the chief of each bureau of the War Department and will inquire, through military chan- nels, of the last commanding officer under whom the ex-officer served, whether he is properly chargeable with responsibility or accountability for Government funds or property, or is indebted to the United States or to a company fund or post exchange. The account will not be settled until this information has been received. An officer who has served in the Philippine Islands will procure a certificate of nonindebtedness from the Insular Auditor prior to departure from the islands, this certificate being an indispensable prerequisite to the settlement of an officers' final accounts with the Government. (C. A. R., Nos. 10 and 51.) 1263. An officer whose resignation is accepted while he is on leave of absence will receive pay to include the date of acceptance; if accepted while he is on duty, he will receive pay to include the date he receives notice of its acceptance, or if sooner relieved from duty, to include the date of relief. An officer whose resignation takes effect at a future date is entitled to pay to include that date. 9065117 17 258 QUARTERMASTER CORPS. 1264. An officer placed upon the retired list will receive active pay to include the date of retirement, and the pay of a retired officer thereafter. If on duty, he will receive active pay to include the date of receipt by him of notice of his retirement. 1266. An officer dismissed by sentence of court-martial will be paid to in- clude the date of termination of service as specified in the order promulgating the sentence. 1266. Contract surgeons must present their contracts to quartermasters when applying for payment of salaries, and quartermasters will indorse thereon date and period for which paid. If a contract surgeon on foreign service desires to have his accounts paid in the United States, the months for which such accounts have been transferred will be indorsed on the contract by a quartermaster or the commanding officer, who will also indorse on each voucher " Transfer noted on contract (signature)," and such accounts will not be paid unless so indorsed. (0. A. R., No. 51.) ADDITIONAL PAY. 1267. To entitle an officer to additional pay under the acts of April 26, 1898, and May 26, 1900, for exercising a command above that pertaining to his grade, he must have exercised such command of troops operating against an enemy for a period of three months or more continuously, in obedience to orders issued by superior authority which he was- bound to obey, and no pay or allowances as of a higher grade than that actually held by an officer will be paid him under this regulation unless a certified copy, in duplicate, of such order, accompanied by a statement of service thereunder, is filed with the quartermaster. 1268. The 10 per cent allowed by law to officers serving beyond the limits of the United States and territories contiguous thereto, except the Canal Zone, Panama, or Hawaii, or Porto Rico, will be paid on their regular monthly pay vouchers, which will be made up to include the entire compensation, of what- ever character, which may be due the officer for the calendar month, or months, included in the accounts. There will be noted on the pay accounts the numbers and dates of orders or any other facts which affect the officer's pay status for the period covered by the accounts presented for payment. 1269. From time to time there will be announced in special orders of the War Department the names of military aviators, junior military aviators, and aviation officers who are on duty, requiring them to participate regularly and frequently in aerial flights. An officer announced in such orders as aviation officer, junior military aviator, or military aviator, under the terms of the act of Congress approved July 18, 1914, and the national defense act approved June 3, 1916, is entitled to pay and allowances authorized by the act named in his order, under the following conditions : The order will specify the date on which such duty was commenced, and a subsequent order will specify the date on which such duty was terminated. A copy of the order announcing the date on which such duty was commenced will he filed with the first voucher upon which pay and allowances of the higher grade or additional pay is charged, and the order will be cited on all subse- quent vouchers as long as pay and allowances or higher pay is charged. Each officer entitled to pay and allowances of a higher grade or additional pay will certify on each voucher, during the time pay and allowances of a higher grade or additional pay is charged, that he has been throughout the period covered by the voucher on duty for which pay and allowances of a higher grade or additional pay is authorized under the act of July 18, 1914, or under the act of June 3, 1916 (citing the proper act). A copy of the order announcing the MOUNTED PAY. 259 date when such duty was terminated will be filed with the voucher for the period including such date. It is the duty of the commander of an aviation station or aeronautical organi- zation in the field to recommend the issue of orders announcing the commence- ment and termination of periods of higher grades or additional pay of officers of his command, certifying, where the right to additional pay depends on such duty, that the officer's duty from or to the date named required him to partici- pate regularly and frequently in aerial flights. When the commander of an aviation station or aeronautical organization in the field is entitled to pay and allowances of a higher grade or to additional pay and allowances of his grade under either of the acts named, it is the duty of the officer in charge of the Aviation Section, Signal Corps, to make recom- mendations and certificates prescribed in the foregoing for such commanders, concerning the officers under their command. No officer will be continued on such duty except as authorized by the act of July 18, 1914, or the act of June 3, 1916. (C. A. R., No. 51.) 1270. No officer shall receive pay for two staff appointments for the same time. 1271. In computing longevity pay, service performed as enlisted men of the Army or Navy, or as cadets at the United States Military or Naval Academy, by those appointed prior to August 24, 1912, will be counted. Service performed as such cadets by those appointed on or after said date will not be counted. MOUNTED PAY. 1272. The officers on the active list hereinafter designated are required to be mounted : All officers of the General Staff Corps ; officers of the staff corps and departments, whether permanent or detailed; officers of Cavalry; officers of Field Artillery; authorized aids duly appointed; regimental and battalion staff officers ; acting judge advocates detailed under the act of Congress ap- proved February 2, 1901 ; all officers above the grade of captain, whatever their arm or corps; chaplains of all grades; officers temporarily attached to staff corps or to organizations of Cavalry, Field Artillery, and mounted In- fantry ; regularly detailed assistants to the Chief of Coast Artillery ; the author- ized staff officers of Coast Artillery districts and of coast defense commands; officer serving as military attaches to the embassies and legations of the United States at foreign capitals; instructors and student officers at the Army School of the Line, the Army Signal School, the Army Staff College, and the Army War College; officers on duty in the department of tactics and in the department of practical military engineering, military signaling and telegraphy at the United States Military Academy. All field officers of the mobile army serving with troops are required to own and provide their mounts. The private mounts, owned and provided by officers of all grades in the Army, for which the Government expends public funds in the matter of maintenance and care, shall be of a standard fixed by the Secretary of War from time to time. (C. A. R., No. 6.) In addition to the foregoing, officers not ordinarily required to be mounted may be temporarily placed upon duty that shall require them to be mounted. This may be done by the Secretary of War, the commander of an army, field army, or of a division or department ; the order in each case will state that the duty therein assigned to the officer requires him to be mounted. 1273. Officers below the grade of major, required to be mounted, whether permanently or temporarily, will be furnished with a proper mount by the Quar- 260 QUARTERMASTER CORPS. termaster Corps. Such officers may, however, provide themselves with suit- able mounts at their own expense and of their exclusive ownership, and any officer of the grades indicated who so provides himself shall receive an addition to his pay of $150 per annum if he provides one mount and $200 per annum if he provides two mounts. An officer claiming additional pay for providing his own mount must personally certify on each account that he was suitably mounted at his own expense, and is the actual and exclusive owner of the mount or mounts in question, specifying the place at which maintained. In case an officer is only temporarily upon duty requiring him to be mounted, the authority by which he was placed upon such duty must accompany his first voucher and be cited upon subsequent vouchers upon which additional pay is claimed accompanied by a certificate that he has continued under the authority cited upon the mounted duty in question. The officer's certificate upon his pay accounts will be the evidence upon which quartermasters will base their payments of additional pay for mounts, until information is received by them from proper authority that such additional pay is to be stopped. 1274:. Officers below the grade of major providing their own mounts do not forfeit the right to additional pay by reason of absence on account of sickness or on ordinary leave, nor will the mere fact that such officers are detached for a purely temporary period from the stations where their mounts are kept deprive them of their right to the additional pay so long as the horses are actually and exclusively owned and kept for their use in the military service at their regular stations. In all other cases the right to the additional pay accrues only where the mounts are actually available for use at the station where the officer is serving. PAY DURING ABSENCE. 1275. In determining the period for which an officer is entitled to full pay on leave, time within four successive leave years, terminating with the one in which absence is taken, will be considered. If the absence does not cover the entire period for which full pay is allowed, the balance thereof will be placed to the officer's credit as belonging to the last year or years of the four considered and may be made available for future leave. 1276. The leave year is reckoned from July 1 to the following June 30, both inclusive. In computing leave of absence expressed in days during any leave year, every day of such absence will be counted; but in aggregating such absence 30 days, whether consecutive or otherwise, will be regarded as a month's absence. Leave expressed in months will be counted in months. 1277. Leave of absence may be granted by the Superintendent of the United States Military Academy, under regulations prescribed by the Secretary of War, to the professors, assistant professors, instructors, and other officers of the academy for the entire period of the suspension of the ordinary academic studies, without deduction from pay or allowances. Similarly officers in charge of service schools may grant leaves of absence to officers on duty exclusively as instructors at such schools. 1278. An officer ordered to temporary duty while on leave will be regarded as on duty from the day on which he receives the order. When the duty is to be performed at a future date he will be on duty from the date on which he starts to obey the order. The date of the receipt of the order in the first case, and the date of departure in the second, will be promptly reported to The Adju- tant General of the Army. When relieved from such duty, or on the completion thereof, he reverts to the status of leave and will be credited with the time on duty under such order. MILEAGE. 261 MILEAGE. 1279. When an officer travels under competent orders he will be entitled to reimbursement as follows : 1. When traveling without troops by land, except within the geographical limits of the Territory of Alaska, or in the Philippine Archipelago, in the Hawaiian Archipelago, in the home waters of the United States, or between the United States and Alaska, by mileage at the rate of 7 cents a mile, and no more ; distances to be computed and mileage to be paid over the shortest usually traveled routes, with deductions as hereinafter provided. 2. When traveling without troops within the geographical limits of the Terri- tory of Alaska, in the amount of actual expenses only, not to exceed $4.50 a day and cost of transportation when not furnished by the Quartermaster Corps, to be paid upon proper vouchers duly itemized and supported by receipts where it is practicable at the time to obtain the same. 3. When traveling with or without troops, by sea, in the amount of actual expenses. 4. Officers who so desire may upon application to the Quartermaster Corps be furnished under their orders transportation requests for the entire journey by land, exclusive of sleeping and parlor car accommodations, or by water ; and the transportation so furnished shall, if travel was performed under a mileage status, be charged against the officer's mileage account, to be deducted at the rate of 3 cents a mile by the quartermaster paying the account, and of the amount so deducted there shall be turned over to an authorized officer of the Quartermaster Corps 3 cents a mile for transportation furnished, except over any railroad which is a free or 50 per cent land-grant railroad, for the credit of the appropriation for the transportation of the Army and its supplies. 5. When the established route of travel shall, in whole or in part, be over the line of any railroad on which the troops and supplies of the United States are entitled to be transported free of charge, or over any 50 per cent land-grant railroad, officers traveling as herein provided for shall, for the travel over such roads, be furnished With transportation requests exclusive of sleeping or parlor car accommodations by the Quartermaster Corps. When transportation is fur- nished by the Quartermaster Corps, or when the established route of travel is over any of the railroads above specified, there shall be deducted from the officer's mileage account by the quartermaster paying the same 3 cents a mile for the distance for which transportation has been or should have been fur- nished. Travel in the Philippine Archipelago, the Hawaiian Archipelago, and the home waters of the United States is confined to travel in which both termini of the journey are in one of the above places. 1280. Actual expenses only will be paid to officers for sea travel when travel- ing under competent orders, with or without troops, and the amount so paid shall not include any shore expenses at port of embarkation or debarkation. Travel in the Philippine Archipelago, the Hawaiian Archipelago, in the home waters of the United States, and between the United States and Alaska is not regarded as sea travel. An itemized statement of such expenses will be filed with each voucher for payment, using the following as a basis of what is allowable: 1. Fares upon commercial steamers or other usual modes of conveyance by sea, and the cost of transportation for self and baggage, by boat or lighter, to and from vessels when voyages are not begun or ended at docks and a charge in addition to the cost of passage is made therefor. 2. Cost of customary stateroom accommodations on commercial steamers when the same is not included in the charge for passage. 262 QUARTERMASTER CORPS. 3. Hire of special water transportation when there are no regular means of' conveyance. 4. Actual cost of meals for the time actually and unavoidably consumed in the voyage when the same is not included in the charge for passage, provided that under such conditions the total charge for meals, including fees to dining- room stewards, does not exceed $5 per day. Amount of rent of steamer chair, not exceeding $1 for trips of two days or longer on each commercial steamer, and fees to cabin and other stewards not exceeding the following: Six days or less on the Atlantic Ocean, $1.50 a day ; 7 to 10 days, not exceeding $10 ; 11 to 15 days or longer, $1 a day; total, not exceeding $15. On the Pacific Ocean, 15 days or less, $1 a day ; total fees for 15 days or longer, not exceeding $15. To the West Indies, Cuba, Porto Rico, Panama, and to South American ports, $1 a day ; total fees for 15 days or longer, not exceeding $15. From the Orient to the United States, via Suez, not exceeding $25. 5. When transshipping at an intermediate port, as a necessary incident to a continuous voyage, the actual cost at hotels of meals, lodgings, baths, and fees not exceeding 50 cents per day to waiters and bellboys, provided the total charge for these items does not exceed $5 per day ; transfer of self and baggage from dock to hotel and from hotel to dock, and fees to porters for handling baggage, not exceeding $2 for each transfer. The officer will certify on the itemized state- ment that the account is correct and just, and that the amounts charged therein were actually paid by him. Subvouchers, properly receipted, will be required for items of board and lodging at hotels. When not practicable to obtain such sub- vouchers, the officer will so certify. Charges for baths, where baths are not in- cluded in the charge for lodging, will in every instance be supported by sub- vouchers. The payment of fees to cabin or other stewards or the rent of steamer chairs when traveling on Government transports is not authorized. Accounts for reimbursement for items not authorized herein will be forwarded to the Quartermaster General of the Army, to be submitted to the Secretary of War for his consideration and approval before payment, but in no case can the total of such expenses as are reasonably included under the heads board and lodg- ing be lawfully reimbursed in excess of $5 per day. (C. A. R., No. 12.) 1281. "Traveling with troops" will be regarded as covering all cases of officers included (a) in orders for movement, in whatever manner, of their ap- propriate commands; (6) in orders for movement of detachments, escorts, or stores, which proceed by marches or by transportation belonging to or especially hired for the purpose by the United States, the idea being that in marches the officers should move as do the troops and that where transportation is specially devoted to the movement it is sufficient for all included therein ; or (c) in orders directing officers to accompany troops. But the term will not be regarded as covering cases of officers included in the movement by railroad, stage, or like established lines of conveyances, of detachments of less than 10 armed or unarmed men, such as guards and nurses for disabled or insane officers or soldiers, or recruiting parties and escorts for inspectors, quartermasters, and others, or the public funds or property in their charge. (C. A. R., No. 53.) 1282. In the settlement of the mileage account of an officer, distances will be determined and deductions computed over established routes and from mileage tables prepared under the direction of the Secretary of War by the Quarter- master General ; and all payments made by quartermasters on account of mile- age will be determined in accordance with distance tables officially promulgated and in use at the date of beginning of the journey. Exception to this rule will be made only when the terms of the order or the impracticability of the short- est usually traveled route compel the officer to take a longer route, in which MILEAGE. 263 case mileage will be computed over the route actually traveled. (C. A. U., No. 10.) 1283. Mileage will be paid in the, department in which the journey is com- pleted, but this will not apply to journeys in which delays at intermediate points occur and afford opportunity for the collection of mileage for travel performed to such points. 1284. No portion of the appropriation for mileage to officers shall be ex- pended for inspections or investigations except such as are especially ordered by the Secretary of War, or such as are made by Army and department com- manders in visiting their commands, and those made by the Inspector General's Department in pursuance of law, Army Regulations, or orders issued by the Secretary of War ; but the commanding generals of the Philippine and Hawaiian Departments may issue orders in the name of the Secretary of War, involving travel to investigate claims for property, damages, buildings, and other property and important investigations in the Philippine Islands and Hawaii Territory. 1285. To entitle an officer to mileage, the order for travel must be issued previously to commencement of the journey, except when the urgency of the duty prevents the obtaining of previous orders, in which case the travel must be confirmed in orders. Both directory and confirmatory orders will state the specific duty enjoined, recite that the travel is necessary in the military service, and direct the officer to return to his station upon completion of the duty as- signed, if such return is contemplated. Confirmatory orders should recite the authority, oral or otherwise, under which the travel was performed, or state that the urgency was such as to prevent the obtaining of orders in advance. 1286. Coast defense commanders have no authority to issue orders to officers carrying mileage to and from posts within the coast defenses under their command. 1287. Orders will not prescribe lines of travel, except vrhen necessary, and then the reasons will be set forth in the order. 1288. The original order, or certified copy, including indorsements, will accompany each voucher for mileage, and when transportation in kind has been furnished for the whole or for any part of the distance actually traveled, the order must be indorsed by the quartermaster issuing the transportation, show- ing between what points and over what route such transportation was furnished. 1289. When an officer on leave of absence is ordered to rejoin his station, he will not be entitled to mileage unless the public service requires the perform- ance of duty en route, in which case the order will specify the duty, the necessity therefor, and the points at which the duty will begin and end. 1290. When an officer is ordered, while on leave of absence, to accompany a detachment of recruits and on the completion of this duty to join his station, he returns to a status of leave as soon as relieved from duty with the recruits, and will proceed to join his station without expense to the Government, unless the distance he may have to travel without troops should be in excess of what it would have been had he not received the order. For such excess distance he is entitled to mileage. 1291. An officer on leave of absence, ordered to temporary duty, involving travel without troops, will receive mileage from place of receipt of order to place of performance of duty, and also for the return journey to place of re- ceipt of order, provided he makes such return journey under proper .orders. 1292. When the station of an officer is changed while he is on leave of absence, he will on joining the new station be entitled to mileage for the dis- tance to the new station from the place where he received the order directing the change, provided the distance be no greater than from the old to the new 264 QUARTERMASTER CORPS. station ; if the distance be greater, he will be entitled to mileage for a distanec equal to that from the old to the new station only. 1298. An officer under orders to change station without troops who takes advantage of a leave of absence before he joins his new station is not deprived of the mileage to which he would be entitled had he not availed himself of the leave. The leave of absence merely suspends the execution of the order for change of station, and at the expiration of the leave the officer comes under operation of the order, and in obeying it is entitled to full pay for the time necessary to perform the journey from his old to his new station. 1294. An officer -relieved from duty at a station and granted leave of absence before assignment to another, who receives an order of assignment before expiration of leave, is entitled to mileage from the place where he receives the order to his new station. 1295. An officer traveling on duty in connection with public works (not arsenals, military surveys, or explorations) will receive travel allowances from the appropriation for the work, but if there be no appropriation he will receive mileage from the Quartermaster Corps. An officer traveling on duty in connec- tion with the National Guard will receive his travel allowances from the appro- priation for the National Guard. (C. A. R., No. 51.) 1296. The following are entitled to mileage to their first stations : Officers of the Medical Corps, officers of the Medical Reserve Corps, contract surgeons, and acting dental surgeons, from place of appointment ; graduates of the United States Military Academy, from their homes ; officers appointed from the ranks, from place of discharge as enlisted men. 1297. In the following cases mileage is not allowed: In joining for duty upon first appointment to the military service from civil life; or under the first order after a reinstatment or reappointment ; or under an order to effect a transfer from one company or regiment to another, made at the request of the officers transferred ; or insane officers sent under escort to the Government Hospital for the Insane ; or sick officers transferred from one hospital to another. 1298. Allowances for travel of officers or enlisted men summoned to appear and testify before committees of Congress, or before the courts of a State or Territory, are not proper charges against the appropriations for the support of the Army. Military persons so summoned must seek reimbursement for their expenses of travel from the committee or court which summoned them. COMMUTATIONS OF QUARTERS. 1299. A commissioned officer on duty at a place where there are no public quarters available is entitled to commutation of quarters. (C. A. R., Nos. 28 and 51.) 1300. Public quarters at a post or station will be considered as not being available only when all of the quarters at the post or station are assigned to officers, noncommissioned officers, or others authorized to occupy the same. (C. A. R., No. 28.) 1301. An officer on duty at a station where he is properly in receipt of com- mutation of quarters is entitled to the allowance during ordinary le'ave on full pay, but not during sick leave. If he is relieved from duty at the station and then avails himself of a leave, his commutation ceases. 1302. An officer does not lose his right to quarters or commutation at his permanent station by a temporary absence on duty. While he continues to STOPPAGES. 265 claim and exercise that right, he can not legally demand quarters or commu- tation thereof at any other station. (C. A. R., No. 4.) 1303. When the command to which an officer belongs changes stations during his temporary absence on duty he loses his right to quarters from the time his command leaves its old station and does not acquire a right at the new station until he has reported for duty thereat. He is entitled in the meantime to quar- ters or commutation therefor at the station where he is temporarily serving. 1304. An officer upon being relieved from duty at one station where he was entitled to commutation of quarters, and assigned to another station, is not entitled to such allowance from the date of departure from the old station, in accordance with his relief orders, to the date on which he reports in person at the new station. 1305. Officers who, for the convenience of the Government, are directed to await orders for a limited period at a point where there are no public quarters are entitled to commutation ; but an officer ordered to his home to await orders is not entitled to this allowance. An officer ordered to report by letter to a superior does not become entitled to commutation of quarters until he receives a specific order of assignment and reports in person at the station to which assigned. 1306. Officers on duty at colleges where no public quarters are furnished by the United States are entitled to commutation, subject, in respect to retired officers, to such limitations and restrictions as are prescribed by law. 1307. The first voucher for commutation of quarters, heat, and light at any station must be accompanied by a copy of the order assigning the officer to duty there'at. In subsequent vouchers the quartermaster will refer by number, etc., to the voucher with which the order is filed, and the final voucher must be ac- companied by the authority for, and must show the date of relief from, such duty. 130 7 i. An enlisted man on duty at a place where there are no public quarters available may, when specifically authorized by the Secretary of War, be paid commutation of quarters at the rate of $15 per month, in lieu of hiring quarters for him at Government expense. (C. A. R., No. 28.) STOPPAGES. 1308. When an officer has been overpaid, or is indebted to the United States for money or property, or has failed properly to account for the same, the chief of the bureau concerned will promptly notify him of the amount of his indebtedness or his failure to account. If after such notice he does not refund, or make satisfactory explanation, or take proper action within a reasonable time, the matter will be reported to the Secretary of War. 1309. On the order of the Secretary of War, stoppages may be made against the pay of officers for overpayments, illegal disbursement, or loss through fraud or neglect of the public funds, and for deficiencies in, loss of, or damage to military supplies, unless proof be furnished that the deficiency, loss, or damage was not occasioned by any fault on their part. 1310. The notice of stoppage of officers' pay will be prepared' in the form of a monthly circular to quartermasters, advising them of stoppages outstanding at its date. This circular will be submitted to the Secretary of War for his ap- proval prior to its publication. When an officer's name is borne thereon no payment of salary will be made to him which is not in accordance with the stoppage entry made against his name. 266 QUARTERMASTER CORPS. 1811. Overpayments to an officer will be deducted on the first payment after a notice of stoppage against him is received, even if the pay accounts have been assigned ; the assignee takes the account subject to all risks of stoppage. PAYMENT OF CADETS. 1312. Payment on pay rolls and final accounts will be made to the cadets at the United States Military Academy by a quartermaster, who will turn over the net amount of the rolls and accounts to the treasurer of the academy. 1318. Cadets upon being discharged from the service are not entitled to mileage, but to actual expenses to their homes, paid by the quartermaster of the United States Military Academy. 1314. Graduates of the United States Military Academy are entitled to full pay from the date of graduation to the date of their acceptance of and qualifica- tion under their commissions, and during their graduation leave. Should a graduated cadet be discharged after graduation but before being commissioned, he will be entitled to the pay of a cadet after graduation until date of discharge. PAYMENT OF ENLISTED MEN. 1315. Troops will be paid every month unless circumstances prevent, in which case the quartermaster charged with the payment will immediately report the facts, through his department quartermaster, to the Quartermaster General. (C. A. R., No. 10.) 1316. Payments will be made as soon after the close of each month as practicable. The troops at posts where quartermasters are stationed and others in their im- mediate vicinity, to be designated in instructions issued from the War Depart- ment, will be paid by quartermasters in person. For posts at which payments are not required to be made in person, the quartermaster will transmit by registered mail or express the pay due in one or more of the following ways : 1. By individual check, payable to the order of each man, for the exact amount due. 2. By inclosing in a separate sealed envelope the exact amount in currency due each soldier, with his name and the amount inclosed marked thereon. Troops in the field will be paid by quartermasters in person, unless instruc- tions to the contrary are given by proper authority. 1317. So far as relates to disbursements in the Philippine Islands and other places, including Alaska, beyond the boundary of the States composing the Union, and for the convenience of the quartermaster in obtaining ready money, as well as for the accommodation of both officers and men at such distant places, a check may be drawn for a portion of the pay due the soldier (or officer), in which case it will be drawn in favor of the soldier, (or officer), and the object or purpose will be stated as " part pay for month of ;" if for any sum which the soldier (or officer) may desire in exchange for money after he has been paid, the check will be drawn by the quartermaster in favor of himself and indorsed by him payable to the order of the soldier (or officer), and the object or purpose will be stated as " to obtain cash to make payments at a distance from a de- positary." In this case the data on the check stub will be the same as on the check to which it relates, including the name of the soldier (or officer) to whom the check is indorsed by the quartermaster. PAYMENT OF ENLISTED MEN. 267 1318. Calculations on the pay rolls are made by the quartermaster and copied on the retained roll by the company or detachment commander, who will certify that he witnessed the payment, and will enter thereon the name of the quarter- master and date of payment. 1319. All enlisted men present will receipt one of the triplicate rolls for the amount due to them, except when it is known that payment will be made by check, in which case signatures will not be required. Witnessing officers will see that the soldiers' signatures correspond with their names as borne on the roll, and when a soldier can not write he will receipt by his mark, which will be witnessed by a commissioned officer, or, in the absence of a commissioned officer, by a contract surgeon. Duplicate copies of the rolls will then be for- warded by the commanding officer to the quartermaster designated to pay the command. 1320. If the payment is not to be made by the quartermaster in person, the commanding officer, when forwarding the rolls, will furnish the quarter- master with the name, rank, etc., of the officer designated to see that the men of the command are paid, and at the same time will state what part of the pay can conveniently be received by the men in individual checks and cashed at or near the post without discount, and whether it is desired that the checks be sent by mail or by express. The remainder of the pay will be sent in envelopes. 1321. The checks, when not sent by mail, and the money for each organiza- tion will be inclosed in separate packages properly marked, and the whole will be consolidated into one package and forwarded by express to the post com- mander. One of each of the company or detachment rolls, extended to show the amounts to be paid, will be returned to the commanding officer and by him sent to the proper company commanders. 1322. The quartermaster, in the presence of at least one witness, will per- sonally place in each envelope the exact amount of money due the soldier, seal the same, see that the name of the soldier and amount inclosed are marked on the envelope, and that the individual checks and the sealed envelopes are in- closed in one sealed package, upon the outside of which will be indorsed 1. Name of the organization. 2. Number of checks inclosed. 3. Number of sealed envelopes inclosed. 4. Total amount of pay due and remitted, less deposits, $ . a. By check $ . &. By currency $ . 5. Signature of the quartermaster. All the packages containing checks and sealed envelopes for the several or- ganizations, completed and indorsed as above, will be made up into one parcel and sealed by the quartermaster. Upon the outside will be marked the name and address of the post or other command and the names of the subordinate organizations for which pay is therein remitted, and the quartermaster will append thereto his signature. 1323. The consolidated package thus marked and addressed to the com- manding officer will be forwarded by express to its destination. 268 QUARTEBMASTEB COBPS. The following are specimen indorsements : FOE THE COMMANDING OFFICER, POET LEAVBNWORTH, KANS. Contents of this package. The pay, less deposits, due for month of September, 1896, for N. C. O. and band, 20th Infantry. Co. A, " B, " C, " D, " E, " F, " G, " H, Troop A, 6th Cavalry. B, " C, 13, Hospital Corps Detachment. Post N. C. Staff. In making up the contents of this pack- age the provisions of paragraph 1322 of the Army Regulations have been complied with. JOHN SMITH, Major, Quartermaster Corps. Pay for Troop F, 8th Cavalry, September, 1896. Contents. 43 sealed envelops $1, 000. 00 17 checks _. 563. 18 60 remittances 1, 563. 18 JOHN SMITH, Major, Quartermaster Corps. Private Joseph Thompson, Co. A, 20th Infantry. Contents. $14.75 in currency. 1324. At places beyond express delivery the post commander, when notified by the quartermaster that funds sent by express are to be expected, will send an officer with a suitable escort to receipt for the express package and convey the funds to the post. The name of the officer authorized to receipt for the package will previously have been reported to the quartermaster. . 1325. When the express package is received at the post it will be opened in the presence of witnesses by the commanding officer, who will observe the con- dition of the seals, verify the number of company and detachment packages, and see that the marking upon them conforms to these instructions. The sepa- rate sealed packages containing the pay for the several companies and detach- ments will then be delivered to the officer designated to pay the command, for distribution, which will be made as soon as practicable thereafter ; but in no case will such distribution be deferred more than 24 hours. The commanding officer will be responsible for the safe-keeping of the packages of funds from the time of their receipt at the post until they have been thus turned over for distribution. 1326. When a company or detachment is paraded for pay, the officer desig- nated to pay the command will open the package containing the pay for that PAYMENT OF ENLISTED MEN. 269 company or detachment in the presence of at least one witness, who shall be a commissioned officer; or, in the absence of a commissioned officer, the verifica- tion and delivery may be witnessed by a contract surgeon. The number of checks in the package and the number of sealed envelopes purporting to con- tain the pay of individual soldiers will be counted, and the agreement of this number with the record made by the quartermaster upon the wrapper will be verified by both officers, and the amount marked on the sealed envelope as the pay due each man will be verified by comparison with the pay roll before the distribution begins. As each man's name is called the check drawn to his order will be given to him, or the envelope bearing the man's name will be opened, its contents verified by comparison with the marks on the envelope or with the pay roll, and the money handed to the soldier by said officer, all in presence and under the personal observation of the officer designated to witness the payment. 1827. Should there be a deficiency it will be so certified on the roll by the paying and verifying officers, and the envelope will be resealed without taking anything from it, and returned to the quartermaster unless the amount should be offset by finding a surplus in another envelope. Should there be an excess the surplus will be returned to the quartermaster. In each case a statement of the facts, with appropriate certificates, will be sent to the quartermaster by the commanding officer. 1828. In case of error or informality a statement of the facts as found to exist will be immediately indorsed upon the envelope or wrapper,- as the case may be, and the officers present will certify to the correctness of the statement and lay the same before the commanding officer. 1829. The copy of the pay roll of each organization, which the quartermaster is required by paragraph 1321 to return to the post, X will be reforwarded to the quartermaster by the commanding officer without delay after the payment is completed. 1880. Should any error or informality be discovered in a check it will be returned to the quartermaster, who will correct the same and return it with the least practicable delay. The roll will be returned to the quartermaster after payment of the company with a note thereon, verified by the witnessing officer, stating the facts as to the erroneous check. The receipt of the corrected check will be certified by the company commander to the quartermaster, who will file such certificate with the pay rolls. 1381. Should the bank or person who cashes the individual check so desire, the company commander will certify to the correctness of the indorsements made by his men upon their respective checks. 1882. An officer commanding a company or detachment at the time of pay- ment will sign the prescribed certificate as to witnessing the payment, printed on the pay roll, and, when requested to do so by the quartermaster, will certify that the quartermaster's retained roll is a true copy of the roll upon which payment was made. 1888. Should a soldier die or desert in the interval between the signing of the pay roll and the receipt of the money at the post from the quartermaster, the check or cash will be returned immediately to the quartermaster by the com- pany or detachment commander, the cash by express, through the Quartermaster Corps, the check by registered mail ; and a note of explanation stating the fact of nonpayment and return of the check or money will be made on the roll, and verified by the signature of the witnessing officer. The same course will be pursued should a soldier decline to receive his pay, or if for any reason it should be impracticable to deliver it to him in person. When a quartermaster 270 QUARTERMASTER CORPS. has had money returned to him in such cases he will not cancel the signature of the soldier on the roll, but will mark " Not paid " opposite the signature. Should it appear from the pay rolls submitted to the quartermaster that the term of any soldier thereon will expire and he be discharged before the pay rolls and money can be received back at the post, the quartermaster will ignore the man's account and mark " Not paid " in the " Total paid " column, and the company commander in preparing such soldier's final statement will note thereon the date of the last actual payment and not the date of expiration of the muster period for which he has signed the roll. 1334. When companies or detachments of troops are absent from their sta- tions for an indefinite period, and funds for their payment can not be sent by express, the rolls will be held and not sent to the quartermaster until the troops reach some point to which it is practicable to send funds. When a com- mand can be mustered and the rolls completed and duly signed by the men, they can be sent to the quartermaster to be made out and held by him until notified where and when the command can be paid. In cases where the rolls have been sent to the quartermaster and the troops are sent away from their station before the receipt of funds for their payment, post commanders will not hold the money at their discretion, but will return the rolls and the money to the quarter- master unless payment can be made within a reasonable time, not exceeding three days. 1335. Deposits may be made in the usual manner, the amount to be depos- ited being reported to the quartermaster by letter forwarded with the rolls, the soldier's deposit book being also forwarded therewith. When it is known that the payment will be made by check and the rolls are forwarded without signa- tures, an order directing deposit of the desired amount of pay, signed by the soldier and witnessed by the company or detachment commander, will ac- company the rolls. Should a man desire to deposit a sum greater than his pay his company commander will see that a proper check, postal order, or express order accompanies his deposit book ; if neither check nor order can be obtained the company commander will send the money by registered mail at public ex- pense, verifying the amount and reporting it in a separate communication to the quartermaster. Deposit books will be returned to the company commander properly filled in for attestation. 1336. When a quartermaster has made an incorrect payment to an enlisted man, he will report the fact to the commander of the company in which the man is mustered, who will note the same on the next pay roll, that it may be cor- rected. 1337. Payments to enlisted men will be made on pay rolls except in those cases where entitled to commutation of quarters or commutation of heat and light when payment will be made on service records. This method of payment may also be used in the cases of enlisted men on detached duty away from their commands at places where there is no commissioned officer available to make the muster for pay, irrespective of whether they are entitled to commutation of quarters, or of heat and light. War Department Form No. 369 will be used in making payment to those enlisted men who are authorized to be paid on their service records. Payments to discharged soldiers will be made by quartermasters under the provisions of paragraphs 1375-1383. (C. A. R., Nos. 28 and 55.) BEENLISTED AND CONTINUOUS-SERVICE PAT. 1338. Any enlisted man honorably discharged at the termination of his first or any succeeding enlistment 'period who reenlists after the expiration of three months shall be regarded as in his second enlistment; and an enlistment shall CERTIFICATE OF MERIT ADDITIONAL PAY TO ENLISTED MEN. 271 not be regarded as complete until the soldier shall have made good any time lost during an enlistment period by desertion or, in the case of enlistments made on or since May 11, 1908, by unauthorized absences exceeding one day, but any soldier who receives an honorable discharge for the convenience of the Government after having served more than half of his enlistment shall be con- sidered as having served an enlistment period within the meaning of the act of May 11, 1908. Any enlisted man of the Army in active service on May 11, 1908, who had a prior service entitling him to reenlisted pay is entitled to credit for one enlistment period on account of such service regardless of whether on that date he was on a status of " entitled to reenlisted pay " or on a status of a certain year of continuous service. 1339. Any enlisted man honorably discharged at the termination of an enlistment period who reenlists within three months thereafter shall be entitled to continuous-service pay in addition to the initial pay provided by the act of May 11, 1908, as follows : Where the initial pay is $36 or more a month, an in- crease of $4 monthly pay for and during the second enlistment, and a further monthly increase of $4 for and during each subsequent enlistment up to and in- cluding the seventh enlistment. Where the initial pay is $18, $21, $24, or $30, an increase of $3 monthly pay for and during the second enlistment, and a fur- ther monthly increase of $3 for and during each subsequent enlistment up to and including the seventh. Where the initial pay is $15 and $16, an increase of $3 monthly pay for and during the second and third enlistments each, and a fur- ther monthly increase of $1 for and during each subsequent enlistment up to and including the seventh. After the seventh enlistment the pay shall remain as in the seventh enlistment. 1340. Any private, first class, of engineers, ordnance, Quartermaster Corps, Signal Corps, and Medical Department, trumpeters, musicians of Infantry, Artil- lery, and engineers, or private of the Quartermaster Corps, Medical Department, Cavalry, Artillery, Infantry, and Signal Corps, or private, second class, engineers and ordnance, honorably discharged at the termination of his first enlistment period who reenlists within three months of the date of such discharge, shall, upon reenlistment, receive an amount equal to three months' pay at the rate he was receiving at the time of his discharge. (C. A. R., No. 55.) CERTIFICATE OF MERIT. 1341. A certificate of merit granted to an enlisted man for distinguished service entitles him, from the date of such service, to additional pay at the rate of $2 a month during military service, whether as an enlisted man or as an officer, although such service may not be continuous, and is payable in full to a retired enlisted man. ADDITIONAL PAY TO ENLISTED MEN. 1342. The 20 per cent allowed by law to enlisted men serving beyond the limits of the United States and Territories contiguous thereto, except the Canal Zone, Panama, or Hawaii or Porto Rico, is payable from date of departure from the United States until date of return thereto ; but enlisted men entitled to this increase are not entitled to receive extra-duty pay. 1342. An enlisted man of the Aviation Section of the Signal Corps an- nounced in special orders with the rating of aviation mechanician, or as on duty requiring him to participate regularly and frequently in aerial flights, under the terms of the act of Congress approved July 18, 1914, is entitled to the 272 QUAETERM ASTER CORPS. additional pay authorized by such act. For troops, serving in the Hawaiian and Philippine Departments, such special orders will be issued by department commanders; for those serving in the Panama Canal Zone, by the commanding general of the troops there; for all others, by the War Department. The fol- lowing conditions will govern : The order will specify the date on which the rating became effective or the duty to participate regularly and frequently in aerial flights commenced, and a subsequent order the date on which such rating or duty terminated. The following notations will be made on the first pay rolls on which the names of such men appear : " Due soldier 50 per cent increase from , 191- ; rated as aviation mechanician ; , 191-, per paragraph , S. O, No. , W. D., 191- " ; or, " Due soldier 50 per cent increase from , 191- ; on duty requiring him to participate regularly and frequently in aerial flights per paragraph , S. O. No. , W. D., 191-." The following notations will be made on subsequent pay rolls as long as such rating and additional pay are authorized: "Due soldier 50 per cent increase, aviation mechanician " ; or " Due soldier 50 per cent increase, aerial flyer." When an enlisted man ceases to be entitled to rating or additional pay, nota- tion of the date when such rating or additional pay terminated and of the num- ber, source, and date of the order announcing such termination will be made on the proper pay roll. When an enlisted man reenlists on the day following the day of his discharge his rating or additional pay will be continued in force as long as his duty war- rants such rating, or additional pay under the terms of the act of July 18, 1914. It is the duty of the commander of an aviation station or aeronautical or- ganization in the field to recommend the issue of orders announcing the com- mencement and termination of rating or additional pay of enlisted men of his command. No enlisted man will be continued on such duty except as authorized by the act of July 18. 1914. (C. A. R., No. 51.) 1348. An enlisted man who qualifies hereafter as gunner in the Coast Artil- lery Corps is entitled to $3 a month if he be a first-class gunner, and $2 a month if he be a second-class gunner, in addition to his pay, from the date of qualification until the next opportunity to requalify, or for one year if no opportunity for requalification is presented within that year, provided that during that time he does not attain a higher qualification and that he con- tinues to be a member of the -Coast Artillery Corps, or reenlists in that branch of the service within three months from date of discharge therefrom. The fact of qualification will be published in coast defense command orders, which will give the date of actual qualification from which the soldier is entitled to the additional pay. The fact of the qualification of Coast Artillery enlisted men not assigned to coast defense commands will be published in department orders. Notation will be made on the pay rolls as follows: The first roll on which the soldier is mustered for and paid the additional pay will give the date of actual qualification, and the number, date, and source of the order in which such qualification is announced. Subsequent rolls will set forth the date of original qualification, thus : " First-class gunner, May 15, 1915." In case of failure to requalify during the next regular annual gunners' examination, or within one year, the last roll on which an enlisted man is entitled to additional pay should show the date on which qualification ceases. In case the soldier is discharged before his qualification has been published in orders, notation will be made on the final statement of the fact and date of qualification and that orders announcing such qualification have not been received. Such notation will authorize the payment of the amount due the ADDITIONAL PAY TO ENLISTED MEN. 273 soldier as additional pay ; arid if such additional pay is due for a period prior to the date to which last paid that fact must be shown. Except in case of urgent necessity, a furlough will not be granted to a soldier when his absence would prevent him from being examined at the regular gunners' examination. An enlisted man of the Coast Artillery qualified and rated as a plotter, an observer, first class, a casemate electrician, or a coxswain is entitled to $9 a month, and as a gun pointer, gun commander, observer, second class, chief planter or chief loader, to $7 a month, in addition to his pay. The first pay roll on which a soldier is mustered for additional pay by reason of having been appointed to a rated position will set forth the date of such appointment, and the number, date, and source of the order announcing the same. Subsequent rolls will simply show the rated position held, as " planter," " chief loader," and when disrated the date thereof will be given. If disrated before his appointment expires by limitation, he reverts to a status of being entitled to pay as first-class gunner, and remarks should be entered on the pay roll as herein provided for first-class gunners. No enlisted man shall receive at the same time additional pay for more than one of the classifications named in this paragraph and in paragraphs 1344 and 1345. (C. A. R., Nos. 1, 48, and 54.) 1344. An enlisted man who qualifies hereafter as gunner in the Field Artil- lery is entitled to $3 a month if he be a first-class gunner, and $2 a month if he be a second-class gunner, in addition to his pay, from the date of qualification until the next opportunity to requalify, or for one year if no opportunity for requalification is presented within that year, provided that during that time he does not attain a higher qualification and that he continues to be a member of the Field Artillery or reenlists in that branch of the service within three months from date of discharge therefrom. The fact of qualification will be published in orders issued by commanders empowered by regulations to issue orders for the appointment and pro- motion of noncommissioned officers. Such orders will give the date of actual qualification from which the soldier is entitled to the additional pay. Notation will be made on the pay rolls as follows : The first roll on which the soldier is mustered for and paid the additional pay will give the date of actual qualification and the number, date, and source of the order in which such qualification is announced. Subsequent rolls will set forth the date of original qualification, thus : " First-class gunner, May 15, 1915." In case of failure to requalify during the next regular annual gunners' examination, or within one year, the last roll on which an enlisted man is entitled to additional pay should show the date on which qualification ceases. In case the soldier is discharged before his qualification has been published in orders, notation will be made on the final statement of the fact and date of qualification, and that orders announcing such qualification have not been re- ceived. Such notation will authorize the payment of the amount due the soldier as additional pay ; and if such additional pay is due for a period prior to the date to which last paid that fact must be shown. Except in case of urgent necessity, a furlough will not be granted to a soldier when his absence would prevent him from being examined at the regular gunners' examination. (C. A. R., Nos. 43 and 53.) 1345. An enlisted man who qualifies hereafter as an expert rifleman is entitled to $5 a month, as a sharpshooter to $3 a month, and as a marksman to $2 a month, in addition to his pay, from the date of qualification until the next opportunity to requalify, or for one year if no opportunity for re- qualification is presented within that year, provided that during that time 9065117 IS 274 QUARTERMASTER CORPS. he does not attain a higher qualification and that he continues to be a member of an organization armed with the rifle, in which qualification is authorized, or reenlists in such organization within three months from date of discharge therefrom. This provision applies also to a soldier who reenlists within three months after receiving an honorable discharge from the Marine Corps while holding a qualification as expert rifleman, sharpshooter, or marksman therein. All enlisted men of a regiment of Infantry, Cavalry, or Engineers and of a mounted batallion of Engineers, who are required or authorized to fire the known-distance practice under the provisions of paragraph 89, Small Arms Firing Manual, 1913, are members of an organization armed with the rifle within the meaning of this paragraph. The fact of qualification will be published in orders issued by commanders empowered by regulations to issue orders for the appointment and promotion of noncommissioned officer's, or in exceptional cases by higher commanders, upon receipt of properly authenticated evidence as to qualification ; such 'orders will give the date of actual qualification from which the soldier is entitled to the additional pay. Notation will be made on the pay rolls as follows : The first roll on which the soldier is mustered for and paid the additional pay will give the date of actual qualification and the number, date, and source of the order in which such qualification is announced. Subsequent rolls will set forth the date of original qualification, thus : " Expert rifleman, May 15, 1915." In case of failure to requalify during the next regular season or within one year, the last roll on which an enlisted man is entitled to additional pay should show the date on which qualification ceases. Qualification can not be made in the Coast Artillery Corps nor in bands of any arm. In case the soldier is discharged before his qualification has been published in orders, notation will be made on the final statement of the fact and date of qualification and that orders announcing such qualification have not been re- ceived. Such notation will authorize the payment of the amount due the soldier as additional pay ; and if such additional pay is due for a period prior to the date to which last paid, that fact must be shown. Except in case of urgent necessity, a furlough will not be granted to a soldier during the regular season of target practice. (C. A. R., Nos. 20, 1$, and 47.) 1345$. Enlisted men, Philippine Scouts, qualifying as expert riflemen, are entitled to $1.50 a month, those qualifying as sharpshooters to $1 a month, and those qualifying as marksmen to $0.50 a month, in addition to their pay, for the same periods and subject to the same conditions prescribed in para- graph 1345 for additional pay of enlisted members of other organizations armed with the rifle in which qualification is authorized. (C. A. R., No. 37.) 1346. In organizations in which the grade of mess sergeant is created by the act of Congress approved June 3, 1916, the men holding the grade of mess sergeant are entitled only to pay established for that grade. The arms of the service for which the act cited makes provision for mess sergeants are not entitled to have additional mess sergeants assigned or detailed thereto. In the arms of the service for which the grade of mess sergeant is not pro- vided men detailed as mess sergeants are entitled to the pay of the grades actually held and $6 per month additional pay under the act of Congress ap- proved May 11, 1908. Detail of a mess sergeant is authorized, in addition, for each regularly established separate detachment mess of enlisted men, whether ALLOTMENTS. 275 of the line or staff corps, but no rness sergeant will be detailed for a detach- ment when the number of men habitually messed is less than 25, except upon special authority of the Secretary of War in each case. When the pay roll on which a soldier is mustered for additional pay as mess sergeant for a separate detachment mess does not on its face show that the number messed is 25 or more, no payment will be made of additional pay as mess sergeant unless the roll contains notation that the number of men habitually messed is not less than 25 or that the mess sergeant has been specially authorized by the Secre- tary of War. Mess sergeants in organizations not having the grade of mess sergeant will be detailed by the officer in immediate command of the company or detachment. Mess sergeants may be detailed from the grade of sergeant, first class, Medical Department, but only by special authority of the Surgeon General in each individual case, granted after consideration of evidence show- ing that such detail is necessary and for the best interests of the service. When organizations not having the grade of mess sergeant or detachments are merged into a general mess, mess sergeants will not be detailed. (C. A. R., No. 51.) ALLOTMENTS. 1347. Every enlisted man absent on distant duty shall be allowed to allot such portion of his pay as he may desire for the support of his family or rela- tives, for his own savings, or for any other purpose, excepting that of obtain- ing an advance on his pay ; but the allotment privileges to soldiers serving within the boundaries of the United States will be limited to the support of their families and relatives. 1348. As soon as possible after the receipt of an order for distant duty the commanding officers of troops, batteries, companies, bands, noncommissioned staff, Signal Corps, or Medical Department, or any other detachments affected by such order will prepare allotments on the prescribed blanks for all men 'of their organizations who desire to make the same. When executed these allotments will be forwarded by registered mail to the Quartermaster General, who will make acknowledgment thereof to the respective commanding officers, stating the names of the grantors and the amounts and periods of the allot- ments. (C. A. R., No. 55.) 1349. All allotments shall be executed in duplicate and witnessed by the respective commanding officers specified in paragraph 1348, one copy to be re- tained by said commanding officers and the other to be forwarded immediately to the Quartermaster General. Before witnessing an allotment such com- manding officer shall, however, satisfy himself that the allotment is not made for the purpose of obtaining an advance on the soldier's pay. When a bank is designated as allottee, the immediate commanding officer of the grantor shall furnish the bank, at the same time that he furnishes the allotment roll to the Quartermaster General, with the signature of the grantor, and also inform the bank of the amount and period of allotment. Such commanding officer shall also, if possible, satisfy himself that the bank named has an existence. An allotment shall be made payable on the last day of each month and for a stated period. (C. A. R., No. 10.) 1350. On the death, discharge, or desertion of a soldier who has an allot- ment running, the allotment ceases. In such cases the immediate commanding officer will report as expeditiously as possible to the Quartermaster General, or in the Philippine and Hawaiian Departments to the department adjutants of those departments, the names of grantors whose allotments thus cease. In the Philippine and Hawaiian Departments, except in the case of deaths 276 QUABTERMASTEB CORPS. which are otherwise reported, the department commanders will send by cable notification to The Adjutant General of the Army, who will at once notify the Quartermaster General. In case of forfeiture by sentence of a court-martial the stoppage of pay to meet the allotment, being a reimbursement to the United States of the amount paid the allottee, will take precedence of the forfeiture; when, however, the forfeiture is such that possibly it can not be stopped in full prior to the discharge of the soldier if the allotment is con- tinued, the immediate commanding officer will report at once by mail to the Quartermaster General requesting a discontinuance of the allotment. Similar action will be taken when, due to reduction, to stoppages for clothing over- drawn, to continued misconduct, or to any reason, the soldier's available pay will not warrant the continuance of the allotment. The Quartermaster General will notify a soldier's immediate commanding officer of the fact of discontinu- ance of payment to the allottee and the last month's allotment paid. The stoppage of pay to meet the allotment will be continued until this notice is received, and the soldier will be credited on the next roll with any amount withheld in excess of amount paid the allottee. (C. A. R., No. 10.) 1851. When the grantor of an allotment desires it discontinued prior to the expiration of the period for which it was granted, the commanding officers specified in paragraph 1348 will prepare and transmit to the Quartermaster General, on the prescribed blank, the soldier's request for such discontinuance. This request must specify the month for which the last payment is to be made, but the stoppage of pay to meet the allotment should be continued until receipt from the office of the Quartermaster General of acknowledgment of request for discontinuance. If on receipt of the request for discontinuance of an allotment payment thereon has been made beyond the month specified, the Quartermaster General, in making acknowledgment, will state the date to which the allotment has been paid and direct the repayment to the soldier of any pay deducted in excess of the payments on the allotment. When an allotment is to run for the full period for which granted, no request for discontinuance or notice of the expiration is necessary. (C. A. R., No. 10.) 1352. Payment to allottees shall be made by one or more quartermasters, to be designated by the Quartermaster General. Said disbursing officer shall, before making payment of such allotment, use due diligence in obtaining and making use of all information that may have been received in the War Department relative to the grantors of the allotments. ( C. A. R., No. 10. ) 1353. If an erroneous payment is made because of the failure of an officer responsible for such report to report, in the manner prescribed by the Secre- tary of War, the death of the grantor, or any fact which renders the allotment not payable, then the amount of such erroneous payment shall be collected by the Quartermaster General from the officer who fails to make such report, if such collection is practicable. (C. A. R., No. 10.) 1354. All allotments of pay of enlisted men that have been or shall be paid to the designated allottees, after the expiration of one month subsequent to the month in which said allotments accrued, shall pass to the credit of the disburs- ing officer who has made or shall make such payment. 1355. In case of the capture by the enemy of soldiers who have made allot- ments which may expire after their capture, the monthly payments of the same shall be continued until otherwise ordered by the Secretary of War. 1356. In case of the transfer of a soldier whose period of allotment still continues, all the data respecting said allotments shall be entered on his serv- ice record, and the commanding officer of the troop, battery, or company from which he is transferred shall at once report such transfer to the Quartermas- ter General. (C. A. R., Nos. 10 and 55.) DEPOSITS. 277 1867. The date, period, and amount of allotment shall be entered as a part of the soldier's record and also noted on each pay roll during the period of allotment. The discontinuance of an allotment shall be similarly entered and noted. 1358. When the grantor of an allotment is soon entitled to discharge and is so much in debt to the United States that it will require the whole or a part of his allotted pay to cancel his obligation, this allotment shall be terminated in the prescribed manner. 1359. Upon receiving information of the death of any person to whom an allotment is payable by him, the quartermaster properly designated to pay this allotment shall at once report this fact to the Quartermaster General, who shall forthwith inform the grantor's immediate commanding officer. (C. A. R., No. 10.) 1360. When an allotment is discontinued, at the request of the person mak- ing it, before the expiration of the term for which it is granted, it" shall not be renewed within that term except by permission of the regimental or post com- mander, on satisfactory reasons being given for such discontinuance and re- newal. DEPOSITS. 1361. An enlisted man, not on the retired list, may deposit his savings with any quartermaster in sums of not less than $5 ; the same to remain so deposited until final payment on discharge or until furloughed to the reserve. The quar- termaster will furnish to each depositor a book in which each deposit, with the name of the depositor, date, place, and amount, in words and figures, will be entered in the form of a certificate, signed by the quartermaster and company commander. The transfer, pledge, or sale of a deposit book is prohibited. Each company or detachment commander will keep in the soldier's service record an account of every deposit made by the soldier, and after each regular payment he will forward directly to the Quartermaster General a list of the names of the depositors, showing in each case the date, place, and amount of deposit and the name of the quartermaster who received it. Each report will be restricted to and will include only deposits with one quartermaster on a given date. These lists before transmittal will be examined and compared with the service record and the deposit book of the soldier, and attesting officers will see that the names are identical with the names as borne on the rolls. Should a soldier who has made a deposit be transferred or desert, the fact will be promptly reported directly to the Quartermaster General by the officer in command of the company or detachment to which he belongs. There is no objec- tion to deposits being made by Indian and Philippine scouts and by enlisted men of the Porto Rico Regiment of Infantry. (C. A. R., Nos. 10 and 55.) 1362. On the discharge of a soldier or on his being furloughed to the reserve, the date and amount, in words and figures, of each of his deposits will be entered upon his final statement, and his deposit book will be taken up by the quarter- master who pays him and filed with the voucher of payment. In case deposits are forfeited by desertion, the amounts of the same will be entered on the final statements under the head "Remarks," and the facts and authority for such forfeiture given. 1363. Before delivering final statements upon which deposits are credited, the officer signing them will ascertain whether the soldier has the deposit book ; and, if so, instruct him to present it to the quartermaster. Should he claim to have lost it, the officer will cause his affidavit to that effect to be taken before he leaves the post and attached to the statement. The affidavit will clearly 278 QUARTERMASTER CORPS. state the circumstances attending loss of the book and show that the soldier has not sold or assigned it. Upon this evidence the quartermaster may pay and the responsibility for the correctness of amounts credited on the statement will rest with the officer certifying them. 1364. Quartermasters will not pay deposits except on final statements. When they are not paid the soldier should forward his deposit book or the evidence referred to in the preceding paragraph to the Quartermaster General. Enlisted men should be informed of the importance of preserving deposit books as the only certain means of insuring prompt repayment. (C. A. R., No. 10.) 1365. A soldier must draw his deposit when he is discharged or furloughed to the reserve. He can then renew it after reenlistment, and will be entitled to interest thereon from the date of such renewal. Failure to present the final statements leaves the money without interest until it is drawn and again deposited. A discharged soldier who desires, after reenlistment, to have all or a part of the money due to him on discharge deposited under the provisions of paragraph 1361, must furnish to the quartermaster who makes payment on his final statement a written order requesting that such part of the amount due thereon, as he may desire so deposited, be transferred to his new account. The quartermaster will file this order with the paid final statement as authority for this disposition of the money due to the soldier. 1366. For any sum of not less than $5 deposited for the period of six months or longer the soldier, when discharged or furloughed to the reserve, will be paid interest at the rate of 4 per cent per annum to date of discharge. 1367. On the death of a soldier each deposit, with amount, date, place, and quartermaster with whom deposited, will be noted in the inventory of his effects and on the accompanying final statement with which his deposit book will be filed. 1368. Both deposits and interest will be forfeited by desertion, but for- feiture of them can not be imposed by sentence of a court-martial. They are exempt from liability (a) for debts due to individuals within the meaning of section 2, paragraph 1370, (6) to meet a sentence of a court- martial imposing forfeiture of pay or allowances, and (c) for the soldier's private debts. Deposits and interest are not exempt from liability for debts due to the United States. (C. A. R., No. 41.) 1369. If an enlisted man deposits money with the company or post com- mander, the same to be applied for purchase of his discharge, the officer will immediately upon receipt of order for discharge of the man forward the money to a quartermaster for deposit and send to the Quartermaster General the usual notification of deposit. On the return of the deposit book by the quartermaster the soldier will be discharged and a final statement furnished to him, with notation of the deposit thereon, thus showing on its face the total credit of the soldier, which must in every case be sufficient to cover all indebtedness to the United States. (C. A. R., No. 10.) FORFEITURES AND DEDUCTIONS. 1370. Authorized stoppages will be entered on the pay rolls and deducted at times of payment in the following order : 1. Reimbursements to the United States. 2. Reimbursements to individuals, as the quartermaster or post exchange, for instance. 3. Forfeitures for desertion and fines. PAY OF DESERTERS. 279 Articles of camp and garrison equipage must be charged on the pay rolls as such, and other articles of quartermaster stores or property must be enumer- ated and the price stated in the column of " Remarks " in order that the proper appropriation may be credited therewith. Notwithstanding a sentence contemplates payment of a stated sum to a soldier upon his release from confinement, it can not be made unless there is a sufficient balance to his credit after all authorized stoppages are deducted. (C. A. R., No. 55.) 137. Detached soldiers going to or returning from the Philippine Islands and Alaska will be required to turn in all ordnance property in their possession before departure. 1537. Ordinary repairs can usually be made in the organization, post, or district with the means provided for that purpose by the Ordnance Department. When the repairs required can not be thus made, certain articles or classes of articles, designated by the Chief of Ordnance, may be turned over to the post ordnance officer, or other supply officer, for shipment to a designated arsenal on the approved recommendation of an inspector, or surveying officer, as pro- vided in paragraphs 678 and 717. These will be shipped as directed by the inspector, or surveying officer, or, if no specific instructions are given, in ac- cordance with the general instructions of the Ordnance Department. The voucher numbers of inspection or survey reports or copy of other authority authorizing the turning in or shipment of the stores will be given on the in- voice transferring the same. (C. A. R., No. 30.) 1538. A department commander may, upon the request of an armament officer, order such shipments of machine guns, mobile and seacoast artillery, and articles pertaining thereto, including ammunition, as may be required, and dis- pose of surplus ordnance stores as provided in paragraph 1532. In each case a copy of the authority directing such shipment will accompany the invoice cover- ing such transfer. (C. A. R., No. 30.) 1539. For the maintenance and improvement of machine guns, mobile and seacoast artillery, and articles pertaining thereto, armament districts are es- tablished in orders from the War Department, and the assignment of arma- ment officers to the charge of these districts is made by the Chief of Ordnance. These officers will keep themselves informed of the condition of the materiel by inspections and by direct correspondence with the various district and post commanders. The former are authorized to make the necessary repairs to materiel in their districts, but no alterations can be made without the au- thority of the Chief of Ordnance. Where repairs indicate improper handling or neglect of materiel, the circumstances will be reported to the Chief of Ordnance. When mechanics employed by an armament officer are on duty at a post or in a district, they will, in the absence of the armament officer, be under the super- vision of the post or district commander. INSPECTION OF ORDNANCE PACKING AND TRANSPORTATION. 313 When a part of or an accessory to an article constituting a porton of the armament of a district becomes obsolete and is replaced, the obsolete part or accessory will be transferred by the coast defense commander to an arsenal to be designated by the armament officer, or will be submitted for the action of an inspector if the armament officer so recommends. (C. A. R., Nos. 25 and SO.) 1540. No officer will turn in any unserviceable ordnance stores except as provided in these regulations. 154-1. Price lists of ordnance and ordnance stores will be published from time to time for the information and guidance of officers in making inventories, sales, and charges for the loss of or damage to ordnance property. 1542. Arm chests not required for the storage of supplies will be returned to the nearest arsenal or ordnance depot when the cost of transportation is not greater than the value of the property. Officers to whom such chests have been issued will be charged with their value if they are destroyed. INSPECTION OF ORDNANCE AND ORDNANCE STORES. 1543. When the recommendation of an inspector for sale of ordnance stores is approved, both copies of the report will be returned to the officer accountable for the stores, with detailed instructions how to make the sales. One copy of each inventory and inspection report must accompany the property return. Sales of condemned ordnance and ordnance stores will be accounted for on Form No. 272, which will be executed in duplicate and forwarded directly to the Chief of Ordnance on completion of the sale. A third copy will accompany the officer's property return. PACKING AND TRANSPORTATION. 1544. Officers who ship arms of any description are held responsible that they are so packed that, under ordinary handling, they can not break loose from their fastenings in the boxes, and that no loaded arm is packed for transporta- tion. When loaded arms, or arms insecurely packed, are received by an officer, he will report the facts direct to the Chief of Ordnance. 1545. After packing arms or ordnance stores for shipment, the covers and bottoms of the arm chests and packing boxes will, if possible, be sealed with wax and stamped with an official mark by the officer responsible. The lid will be secured by screws, at least two of which will be sealed. Each board on top and bottom will have at least one sealed screw. The screw heads will be countersunk to a depth sufficient to protect the wax seal from injury. The design of the seal will designate the arsenal, depot, post, or organization from which shipment is made. For over-sea shipments, all.boxes and crates will be properly strapped with wire or hoop iron. Boxes containing arms and other valuable stores will be sealed prior to shipment from ordnance establishments in accordance with special instructions from the Chief of Ordnance. 1646. The Ordnance Department will prepare official stamps for sealing boxes and distribute them to each company. Company commanders will account for them in their returns of ordnance stores and use them exclusively for pur- poses intended. 1547. In preparing property for shipment, the name of the invoicing officer, or of the arsenal or depot, the date of the invoice, the number, gross weight, and general contents of each box or package, and the name or designation of the receiving officer will be distinctly marked thereon prior to delivery for ship- 314 ORDNANCE DEPARTMENT. raent. Each quartermaster who ships or receives ordnance stores will satisfy himself that the seals on the packages are unbroken. If the seals should be broken and any stores lost, he will cause the value of the lost stores to be charged to the carrier. 1548. When stores are turned over to the Quartermaster Corps for trans- portation they will be accompanied by triplicate invoices, one of which will be receipted and returned by the shipping quartermaster to the invoicing officer. Duplicate invoices with duplicate receipts to be signed by the receiving officer, and a shipping list describing the contents of each box or package, will be sent direct to the receiving officer by mail, to reach him, if practicable, before the receipts of the stores. Materials procured for current use at ordnance estab- lishments will be transported at the expense of the Ordnance Department. RETUBNS AND REPORTS. 1549. Officers accountable for ordnance and ordnance stores will render the returns and statements required by Ordnance Property Regulations. 1550. Records of artillery firing will be kept at seacoast forts and by organi- zations of mobile artillery, as prescribed in instructions from the War Depart- ment, and a copy forwarded directly to the Chief of Ordnance. 1551. Requisitions for blanks and blank books required for the use of the Ordnance Department will be made annually by every regiment and company, and forwarded to the Chief of Ordnance not later than April 30 of each year. Those suited to every command and arm of the service can be obtained upon application to the Chief of Ordnance. The requisitions will give the form num- ber and state the quantity of each blank and blank book desired, based on the needs for the following fiscal year. 1552. In the care and preservation of artillery material, magazines, small arms, etc., the instructions contained in the authorized Manual of Coast Artil- lery and the publications of the Ordnance Department will be observed. TESTS AND EXPERIMENTAL TRIALS. 1553. No written or pictorial description of tests by this Government of arms or munitions of war will be made for publication without the authority of the Secretary of War, nor will any information, written or verbal, concerning them which is not contained in the printed reports and documents of the War Department be given to any unauthorized person. 1554. Except by special authority of the Secretary of War, no persons other than officers of the Army and Navy of the United States and Members of Con- gress in their official capacity, and persons in the service of the United States employed in direct connection with such tests, will be allowed to witness the same. 1555. Until further orders, inventors and manufacturers, or their properly accredited representatives, will also be permitted to be present at tests of and experiments with their own inventions. Commanding officers of ordnance establishments and other military posts are authorized to pass such persons into them when they present the necessary credentials, but only for the purpose stated. Access to parts of commands not involved in the tests and experiments and to any war material, or to any means of obtaining knowledge of the same, is prohibited. SIGNAL CORPS. 315 ABTICLE LXXVII. SIGNAL CORPS. NOTE. Regulations for the government of the Signal Corps, and for the operation and maintenance of United States military telegraph lines and cables, prepared and pub- lished by the Chief Signal Officer of the Army, under authority of the Secretary of War, are distributed to officers and men by the Chief Signal Officer. Only such regulations are herein given as are general in their nature or affect other branches of the service. 1556. The Chief Signal Officer shall have charge, under the direction of the Secretary of War, of all military signal duties and of books, papers, and de- Vices connected therewith, including telegraph and telephone apparatus and the necessary meterological instruments for use on target ranges and for other military uses; of the construction, repair, and operation of military telegraph lines and the duty of transmitting messages for the Army, by telegraph or otherwise, and of all other duties usually pertaining to military signaling and the operations of such corps as shall be confined to strictly military matters ; of the direction of the Signal Corps of the Army and the control of the officers, enlisted men, and employees attached thereto; of the supply, installation, repair, and operation of military cables, telegraph and telephone lines, and radio apparatus and stations, except as provided in paragraph 1505$ ; of the supply, repair, and operation of field telegraph trains and balloon trains; of the preparation and revision of the War Department Telegraph Code ; of the supervision of such instruction in military signaling, telephony, and telegraphy as may be prescribed in orders from the War Department, except such as is used by the Coast Artillery in fire control and fire direction and service of submarine mines; of the procurement, preservation, and distribution of the necessary supplies for the Signal Corps and of the procurement and issue of signal equipment required in coast defense. (C. A. R., Nos. 40 and 49.) 1557. Men may be enlisted for the Signal Corps, at the discretion of the Chief Signal Officer of the Army, in the class or grade for which they are competent and in which there is a vacancy. They will be promoted and reduced in the class or grade, as fixed by law, by the Chief Signal Officer of the Army, or by his authority. Master signal electricians, first-class sergeants, sergeants, corporals, cooks, and first-class privates may be reenlisted for the Signal Corps in their respec- tive grades, and their warrants and appointments continued in force, if reen- listment be made on the day following that of discharge. Each reenlistment and continuance will be noted on the warrant or appointment. If, except in the cases of men on duty in the Philippine and Hawaiian Departments, the officer under whom the soldier is serving does not deem the continuance in force of the warrant or appointment to be for the best interests of the service, he will make a report in detail to The Adjutant General of the Army, through military channels, not less than three months prior to expiration of the soldier's term of service, in order that a decision may be made before the date of discharge and the soldier notified thereof. A similar report will be made to the command- ing, generals, Philippine and Hawaiian Departments, respectively, with regard to Signal Corps men stationed in those departments. For the reenlistment of married men in the Signal Corps permission must be obtained from the Chief Signal Officer of the Army for men on duty at points other than in the Philippine and Hawaiian Departments, and from the department signal officers, Philippine and Hawaiian Departments, respectively, for men stationed in those departments. (C. A. R., Nos. 8 and 12.) 1558. The senior signal officer of an army in the field commands the signal parties serving therein. Orders affecting them will be transmitted through 316 SIGNAL CORPS. him, and he will be responsible that they are fully instructed, adequately sup- plied, and that they properly perform their duties. He will keep himself informed of the position of the army and of the enemy, and, under the instruc- tion of the general commanding, will establish his stations. He will submit reports of operations to the general commanding, and forward copies thereof to the Chief Signal Officer in Washington, to whom he will report monthly his station, the strength and condition of his parties, and all other matters pertain- ing to their duties and equipment. 1559. When telegraph lines are placed under charge of signal officers, they will be held responsible for their construction, maintenance, and operation. Commanding officers and others will see that the special duties of these officers are not interfered with, and upon proper application will render any assistance in their power. 1560. Communications transmitted by telegraph or signals are always confi- dential, and will not be revealed except to those officially entitled to receive them, or in cases specially ordered by competent military authority. 1561. Official and military messages will have precedence. Subject to modi- fication in orders from the War Department, or by order of the commanding general of the army in the field, important dispatches will be usually sent in the following order of priority, due regard being had to the relative urgency of messages in the same class : First. Those relating to the movement or administration of the army in the field, and of the Navy. Second. Other messages relating to the Army, to the Navy, and to govern- mental departments or bureaus of the United States. Third. Messages of State, Territorial, or other civil officials, relating to pub- lic business. Fourth. Messages between diplomatic agents of neutral governments. Fifth. Press messages. Sixth. Miscellaneous business, those relating to death or serious illness having priority. Unimportant dispatches of any class must not, however, be given precedence over important dispatches of a subordinate class. 2. Dispatches containing matter deemed to be injurious to the public inter- ests must be submitted to the commanding general for his orders relative to their transmission. On detached lines such messages will be submitted to the senior officer or noncommissioned officer for his action. 3. Officers and soldiers are strictly prohibited from communicating, except to commanding officers or under special authorization from proper military authority, information by telegraph, or otherwise, relative to numbers, move- ments, or operations of troops, or details regarding fortifications, armaments, or experiments made in connection with military affairs. Neither shall they be permitted to file or send dispatches containing opinions on miltary opera- tions or other military matters relating to any part of the army or command with which they are serving, or to any auxiliary forces. 4. Personal and press messages may, under conditions not interfering with military business, be transmitted free over field military telegraph lines that are closed to the general public. 5. The use of any cipher is forbidden, except in communication to and from commanding officers and their superiors, or in cases of civil officers specially authorized. Personal and press codes, however, may be utilized for the eco- nomical transmission of dispatches upon filing a copy of the code with the central office and under such other regulations as may be formulated by the general commanding an army in the field. SIGNAL CORPS. 317 6. The chief signal officer of an army operating in the field, or of a district under military control, in carrying out his general instructions will formulate necessary regulations for the management and operation of military telegraph lines under his control. General rules should be reduced to writing, be clearly defined, and impartially enforced. 7. For signal communication between the Army and the Navy the Interna- tional Morse Code shall be adopted, transmitted by radio, visual, and sound signals whenever applicable to the means of communication employed, with the single modification that in the use of the Ardois night system numerals shall be spelled out and punctuation marks shall be eliminated. The use of the International Morse Code, however, shall not be understood as prohibiting the employment between the Army and the Navy of such other systems of signaling as may be useful under special conditions, such as the International Code, the two-arm semaphore system, pyrotechnics of any description, including rockets, the Very pistol, or any other method of communication not adapted to the dot and dash code, but which at times may become serviceable and which may be temporarily agreed to by the senior officers present of the two services. 8. The International Morse Code is announced as the general service code of the Army, and will be used for all visual signaling, radio telegraphy, and on cables using siphon recorders. The American Morse Code will be used on tele- graph lines, on short cables, and on field lines. 1562. Department, division, and brigade commanders will require of all organizations of their commands such instruction in visual signaling as may be necessary for the service of information within their commands. Of at least two enlisted men of each organization to which is issued signal equip- ment there will be required ability to send and receive messages by use of the 2-foot and semaphore signal flags at the following rates of speed: (a) 2-foot flag, general service code, at a speed equal to three combinations of five mixed letters each, per minute, over a. distance not less than one mile ; (b) semaphore flags, two-arm semaphore code, at a speed equal to eight com- binations of five letters each, per minute, over a distance of not less than five hundred yards. (C. A. R., Nos. 5 and 28.) 1568. Whoever shall willfully or maliciously injure or destroy any of the works, property, or material of any telegraph, telephone, or cable line, or sys- tem, operated or controlled by the United States, whether constructed or in process of construction, or shall willfully or maliciously interfere in any way with the working or use of any such line, or system, or shall willfully or ma- liciously obstruct, hinder, or delay the transmission of any communication over any such line, or system, shall be fined not more than $1,000, or imprisoned not more than three years, or both. 1564. Officers of the Army and cadets of the first and second classes, United States Military Academy, may purchase from the Signal Corps articles of Signal Corps equipment, provided the property is available. They will certify that the articles are for their personal use. The price to be paid by an officer or cadet for such property will be the cost price to the Government. Code cards and instructions for visual signaling will be furnished by the Chief Signal Officer of the Army upon application. Signal supplies will be furnished by the Signal Corps to posts and such organizations as require them on requisitions approved by department commanders. All officers or other persons in the military estab- lishment to whom signal supplies are issued will render accounts and returns therefor to the Chief Signal Officer of the Army on forms furnished for that purpose. (C. A. R., No. 55.) 1565. Signal supplies will be issued to the Organized Militia of the several States, Territories, and the District of Columbia in accordance with the pro- 318 UNIFORM MANUALS THE ARMY RESERVE. visions of " An act to promote the efficiency of the militia, and for other pur- poses," approved January 21, 1903, as amended by the act of Congress approved May 27, 1908, upon proper requisition therefor. 1566. Telescopes, telephones, and expensive electrical or aeronautical appa- ratus of the Signal Corps, when unserviceable, will not be submitted to an in- spector for condemnation without previous authority of the Chief Signal Officer of the Army. Field glasses, when unserviceable beyond local repair, will not be sub- mitted to an inspector, but will be shipped and invoiced to. the Signal Corps General Supply Depot, Fort Wood, N. Y. (C. A. R., Nos. 35 and 46.) 1567. Quartermasters will issue to signal parties serving in their vicinity, on the requisition of the officer in charge, such supplies from their respective departments as may be necessary for their proper equipment and subsistence. 1568. Electrical engineers and other technical employees of the Signal Corps shall, while serving on transports or other Government vessels used as cable ships, be entitled to subsistence in the same manner as employees of the Quartermaster Corps serving thereon. ARTICLE LXXVIII. UNIFORM. 1569. The uniform and equipments of officers and enlisted men will be pre- scribed in special regulations published by authority of the Secretary of War. ARTICLE LXXIX. MANUALS OF STAFF DEPARTMENTS AND BLANK FORMS. 1570. Manuals issued by the staff departments and approved by the Secre- tary of War, when not in conflict with any of the provisions of these regulations or of orders or bulletins of the War_Department, will have equal force therewith. 1571. The standard blank forms used in Army administration, with the notes and directions thereon, have the force and effect of Army Regulations. New forms or alterations will not be made without the authority of the Secre- tary of War, and the date on which a form or alteration was authorized will be printed on the form itself. All notes or directions on these blanks will, prior to their issue, be approved by the Secretary of War. These forms and lists of them will be furnished by the chiefs of the various bureaus and offices of the War Department. Requisitions therefor will call for them by number and name. For the service of the interior, blank forms will be procured by requisition as prescribed in these regulations, in general orders, and in the manuals of the several staff corps and departments. For the service of the theater of opera- tions, they will be procured by requisition on the staff officers at the base of operations or base of line of communications, through the division staff officers who will keep on hand an emergency supply of the blank forms of their respective staff corps and departments, preferably carried in the supply train. (C. A. R., No. 33.) 1572. The rendition of returns, rolls, certificates, and other documents in manuscript is prohibited when the proper printed forms therefor are on hand. ARTICLE LXXX. THE ARMY RESERVE. [Established by the provisions of the second paragraph of section 2 of the Army appropriation act of August 24, 1912. (37 Stat., 590, 591.)] 1578. Regulations governing the Army Reserve are published in special regu- lations from the War Department. (C. A. R., No. 55.) NOTE. The Articles of War are omitted from this reprint for the reason that they are contained in the 1917 Manual for Courts-Martial. 319 MEMORANDUM. Statement showing new numbers of old paragraphs of Army Regulations. Number of para- graph 1910 edi- tion. Number of para- graph 1913 edi- tion. Number of para- graph 1910 edi- tion. Number of para- graph 1913 edi- tion. Number of para- graph 1910 edi- tion. Number of para- graph 1913 edi- tion. 1 1 65... 65. 129 129 2 2 66 66. 130 130 3 . 3 67 67. 131. 131 4 4 68 68. 132 132 5 5 69. . 69. 133 133 6 (j 70.... 70. 134 134 7 7 71 71. 135 135 g g 72 72. 136 136 9 9* 73 73. 137.. 137. 10 10 74 74. 138 138 11 11 75 75. 139 139. 12 12. 76 76. 140.. 140. 13 13 77.. 77. 140, 1 , 141 14 14. 78 78. 141.. 142. 15 15 79 79. 142 143 16 16 80 80. 143. 144. 17 17. 81 81. 144.. 145. 18 18 82 82. 145 146. 19 19. 83 83. 146.. 147. 20 20 84 84. 147 148. 21 21 85 85. 148.. 149. 22 22 86 86. 149 150 23 23 87 87. 150 151. 24 24. 88 88. 151.. 152. 25 25 89 89. 152 153 26 26. 90 90. 153. 154. 27 27. 91 91. 154.. 155. 28 28 92 92. 155 156. 29 29. 93 93. 156.. 157. 30 30 94 94. 157 158 31 31. 95 95. 158. 159. 32 32 96 96. 159 160 33 33 97 97. 160 161 34 .... 34. 98 98. 161 162 35 35. 99 99. 162 163 36 36. 100 100. 163 164. 37 37. 101 101. 164 165 38 38. 102 102. 165.. 166. 39 . . ... 39. 103 103. 166.. . 167. 40 40. 104 104. 167. . . 168. 41 . . ... 41. 105 105. 168 169. 42 42. 106 106. 169.. . 170. 43 43. 107 107. 170... 171. 44 44. 108 108. 171.. . 172. 45 45. 109 109. 172 173. 46 46. 110 110. 173.. . 174. 47 47. 111 111. 174 175. 48 48 112 112. 175 . 176 49 . 49. 113 113. 176 177. 50 50. 114 114. 177 178. 51 51. 115 115. 178.. 179. 52 52 116 116. 179 180. 53.. 53. 117 117. 180 181. 54 54. 118 118. 181 182 55. .. 55. 119 119. 182.. . 183. 56 56. 120 120 183 184. 57. . 57. 121 121. 184 185. 58 58. 122 122 185 . 186. 59 59. 123 123. 186 187. 60 60. 124 124 187 188. 61 61. 125 125. 187J 189. 62 62. 126 126 188 190. 63 63. 127 127. 189 191. 64... 64. 128... 128. 190... 192. 9065117 21 321 322 MEMORANDUM. Statement showing new numbers of old paragraphs of Army Regulations Continued. Number of para- graph 1910 edi- tion. Number of para- graph 1913 edi- tion. Number of para- graph 1910 edi- tion. Number of para- graph 1913 edi- tion. Number of para- graph 1910 edi- tion. Number of para- graph 1913 edi- tion. 191 193. 269... 269. 350.. 340 193i. 270 270. 351 . 341 192 194. 271 271. 352 342 Rescinded. 272... 272. 353 . 343 194 195. 273 273. 353 343. 195 196. 274... 274. 354 . 344 196 197. 275 275. 355 345. 197 Rescinded. 276.. 276. 356 . Rescinded, 198 198. 277.... 277. 357 346. 199 199. 278.. 278. 358 . 347. 200 200. 279... 279. 359 348. 201 201. 280.. 280. 360 349 202 202. 281... 281. 361 350. 203 203. 282 282. 362 351. 204 204. 283... 283. 363.. . 352. 205 205. 284 284. 364 353. 206 206. 285... 285. 365 . 354. 207 207. 286 286. 366 355. 208 208. 287 287. 367 356. 209 209. 288 288. 368 357. 210 210. 289. . . 289. 369.. . 358. 211 211. 290 290. 370 359. 212 212. 291 291. 371 360. 213 213. 292 292. 372 361. 214 214. 293.. 293. 373 . 362. 215 215. 294 294. 374 363. 216 216. 295.... 295. 375 364. 217 217. 296 296. 376 365. 218 218. 297... 297. 377 366. 219 219. 298...'.. 298. 378 367. 220 220. 299 299. 379 368. 221 221. 300... 300. 380 369. 222 222. 301 301. 381 370. 223 223. 302 302. 382 371. 224 224. 303 303. 383 372. 224J. 304... 304, 384 373. 225 225. 305 305. 385 374. 226 226. 306 306. 386 375. 227 227. 307 307. 387 376. 228 228. 308 308. 388 377. 229 229. 309 309. 389. 378. 230 230. 310 310. 390 379. 231 231. 311 311. 391 380. 232 232. .312 312. 392 381. 233 233. 313 313. 393 382. 234 234. 314 314. 394 393. 235 235. 315 315. 395 384. 236 236. 316 316. 396 385. 237 237. 317 317. 397 386. 238 238. 318 318. 398. 387. 239 239. 319 319. 399 388. 240 240. 320 320. 400 389. 241 241. 321 321. 401 390. 242 242. 322 322. 402 391. 243 243. 323 323. 402J 392. 243 1 244. 324 324. 403 393. 244 245. 325 ; 325. 404 394. 245 246. 326 326. 405 395. 246 Rescinded 327 Rescinded. 406 396. 247 247. 328.. . . Do. 407. . 397. 248 248. 329 Do. 408 398. 249 249. 330 Do 409 399. 250 250 331 327 410 400. 251 251. 332 328 411 401. 252 252 333 329 412 402. 253 253. 334 330 413 403. 254.... 255 256 254. 255. 256. 335 336 337 '. . . Rescinded. Do. Do. 414 415 416 404. 405. 406. 257 258 259... 257. 258. 259. 338 339 340 Do. Do. Do. 417 418 418J 419 408. 409. 410 260 260. 341 331. 420 411 261 261. 342 332. 421 412 262 262. 343 333. 499 413 263 263. 344 334. 423 414 264 264. 345 335. 424 415. 265 265. 346 336. 425 416. 266 266. 347 337. 416 417. 267 267. 348 338. 427 418. 268... 268. 349... 339. 428... 419. MEMORANDUM. 323 Statement showing new numbers of old paragraphs of Army Regulations Continued. Number of para- graph 1910 edi- tion. Number of para- graph 1913 edi- tion. Number of para- graph 1910 edi- tion. Number of para- graph 1913 edi- tion. Number of para- graph 1910 edi- tion. Number of para- graph 1913 edi- tion. 420... 420. 509 500. 588.. 580 430... 421. 510 501. 589 581. 431 422. 511 502 590.. 582 432 423. 512 503. 591.. 583. 433. 424. 513 504 592 Rescinded 434 425. 514 505. 593 . D o 435 426. 515 506 594 584 436 427. 516 507 595 . 585. 437.. 428. 517 508. 5%.. 58(>. 438 429 518 509 597 587. 439. 430. 519 510 598.. 588. 440. 431. 520 511. 599 589. 441 432. 521 512 600 590. 442 433. 522 513 601.. 591. 443. 434. 523 514 602 592. 444 435. 524 515 603 . 521. 445 436. 525 516 604 593. 446 437. 526 517 605 594. 447 438. 527 518 606.. . 595. 448 439. 528 519 607 596. 449... 440. 529 520. 608 597. 450 441. 530 522 609 598. 451.. 442. 531 523 610 599. 452 443. 532 524 611.. 600. 453 444. 533 525 612 601. 454... 445. 534 526 613 ;... 602. 455 446. 535 527 614.. 603. 456.. 447. 536 528 615 604. 457... 448. 537 529 616 005. 458 449. 538 530 617 60ti. 459.. 450. 539 531. 618 607. 460... 451. 540 532. 619 (508. 461.. 452. 541 533. 619* f.09. 462... 453. 542 534 620 Rescinded 463... 454. 543 535. 621 610. 464... 455. 544 536 622 611. 465 456. 545 537 623 612. 466 457. 546 538. 624 613. 467. 458. 547 539. 625.. 614. 468 459. 548 540. 626 615. 469... 460. 549 541. 627 616. 470... 461. 550 542. 628.. 617. 471 462. 551 543. 629.... 618. 472. . 463. 552 544, 630 619. 473 464. 553 545 631.. 620. 474. . 465. 554 546 632 621. 475 466. 555 547. 633 622. 476. 467. 556 548 634 623. 477 468. 557 635 624. 478.... 469. 558 636 625. 479 470. 559 637 626. 480 471. 560 638 627. 481 472. 561 639 628. 482 473. 640 629. 483 474. 641 630. 484. 4r, 475. 564 556. 642 681. 486. 487 488 489... 477. 478. 479. 480. 5G5 566 567 568 557. 558. 559. 560. 644 045 646 647 633. 634. 635. 636. 490 491.. 492 493 481. 482. 483. 484 569 570 571 572 561. 562. 563. 564. 648 649 650 651 637. 638. (39. 640. 494 485 573 565. 652 641 495 486 574 566. 653 642 4% 487 575 567. 654 643 497 488 570 568. 655 644 498 489 577 569. 656 645 499 490 578 570. 657 646. 500.. 491. 579 571. 658 647. 501 492 580 572. 659 648. 502... 493. 581 1 573. 660 649. 503 494 582 574. 661 650. 504... 495. 583 575. 662 651. 505 496. 584 576. 663 652. 506 497. 585.. 577. 664 653. 507 498. 586 578. 665 654. 508 499. 587... 579. 666... 655. 324 MEMORANDUM. Statement showing new numbers of old paragraphs of Army Regulations Continued. Number of para- graph 1910 edi- tion. Number of para- graph 1913 edi- tion. Number of para- graph 1910 edi- tion. Number of para- graph 1913 edi- tion. Number of para- graph 1910 edi- tion. Number of para- graph 1913 edi- tion. 667... 656. 748... 737. 827.. 813. 668 ... 657. 749 738. 828. 814. 669 658. 750 739. 829.. 815. 670 659. 751 740. 830.. 816. 671 660. 752. 741. 831. 817. 672 661. 753 742. 832 818. 673 662. 754 743. 833 819. 674 663. 755 .. 744. 834 820. 675 664. 756 745. 835. 821. 676 665. 757 .. 746. 836 822. 677 666. 758 ' 747. 837 823. 678 j 667. 759 748. 838. 824. 679 668. 760 749. 839 825. 680 669. 761 .. 750. 840. Rescinded. 681 670. 762 751. 841 Do. 682 671. 763 752. 842 826. 683 672. 764 753. 843. 827. 684 673. 765 754. 844 828. 685 674. 766. 755. 845 Rescinded. 686 675. 767 756. 846. 829. 687 676. 768 757. 847 830. 688 677. 769... . 758. 848. 831. 689 678. 770 759. 849 832. 690 679. 771 760. 850. 833. 691 680. 772 761. 851 834. 692 681. 773 762. 852 835. 693 682. 774 763. 853. 836. 694 ; 683. 775 764. 854 837. 695 684. 776 765. 855 838. 696 685. 777... 766. 856 839. 697 686. 778 . 767. 857 840. 698 687. 779... 768. 858 841. 699 688. 780 769. 859 842. 700 689. 781.. 770. 860 843. 701 690. 782 771. 861 844. 702 691. 783 772. 862 . . 845. 703 692. 784... 773. 863.. 846. 704 693. 785 774. 864 847. 705 694. 786... 775. 865.. 848. 706 695. 786i... 776. 866 849. 707 696. 787. Rescinded. 867 . . 850. 708 697. 788.. Do. 868 851. 709 ... 698. 789 777. 869 852. 710 699. 789J .. 778. 870 853. 711.. 700. 790.. Rescinded. 871 854. 712 701 791 Do. 872. 855. 713 702. 792.. 779. 873 856. 714 703 793 780. 874 . . 857. 715 704 794 781. 875 858. 716 705 795 782. 876 859. 717 706 796. 783. 877. . . . 860. 718... 707. 797 784. 878 861. 719. 708 798 785. 879 862. 720 709. 799. . 786. 880 863. 721 . 710 800 787. 881 864. 722 711 801.. 788. 882 865. 723 712 802 789. 883 866. 724 713 803.. 790. 884 867. 725 714 804 791. 885 868. 726 715 805. 792. 886 869. 727 716 806 793. 887 870. 728 717. 807 . . 794. 888 871. 729 718. 808 795. 889 872. 730 719. 809 ... 796. 890 873. 731 720. 810 797. 891 874. 732 .... 721. 811. 798. 892 . 875. 733.. 722. 812. . . 799. 1 893 876. 734 ... 723. 813.. 800. 894 877. 735 724. 814 801. 895 878. 736. . 725. 815 802. '896 879. 737 726. 816 803. 1 897 880. 738 727. 817 804. 898 881. 739 728. 818.. 805. 899 882. 740 729. 819 806. 900 883. 741 730. 820 807. i 901 884. 742 731. 821 808. 902 885. 743 732. 822 809. 903 . . 886. 744 733 823 810. 904 887. 745 734. 824 Rescinded. 905 888. 746 735. 825 . . 811. 906 ... . 889. 747... 736. 826... 812. 907... 890. MEMORANDUM. 325 Statement showing new numbers of old paragraphs of Army Regnlationg Continued. Number of para- graph 1910 edi- tion. Number of para- graph 1913 edi- tion. Number of para- graph 1910 edi- tion. Number of para- graph 1913 edi- tion. Number of para- graph 1910 edi- tion. Number of para- graph 1913 edi- tion. 908... 891. 984... 968. 1062... 1046. 909 892. 985 969. 1063 1047. 910 .. 893. 986 970. 1064 1048. 911 894. 987 971. 1065 1049. 91 U 895. 988 972. 1066 1050 912 . 8%. 989 973. 1067 1051. 912i 897 990 974. 1068 1052 913.... 898. 991 975. 1069 1053. 914... 899. 992 976. 1070 1054. 915 900. 993 977. 1071 1055 916... 901. 994 978. 1072 1056 917 902. 995 979. 1073 1057 918.. 903. 996 980. 1074 1058 919... 904. 997 981. 1075 1059 920 905. 998 982. 1076 1060 921.. 906. 999 983. 1077 1061 922... 907. 1000 984. 1078 1062 923. . 908 1001 Rescinded. 1079 1063 924... 909. 1002 985. 1080 1064 925... 910. 1003 986. 1081 1065. 926.. 911 1004 987. 1082 1066 927... 912 1005 988. 1083 1067 928... 913 1006 989. f084 1068 929... 914 1007 990. 1085 1069 930... 915. 1008 991. 1086 1070 931... 916 1009 992. 1087 1071 932... 917 1010 993. 1088 1072 933... 918. 1011 994. 1089 1073 934... 919 1012 995. 1090 1074 935... 920. 1013 996. 1091 1075 936... 921. 1014 997. 1092 1076 937.. 922 1015 998. 1093 1077 938... 923. 1016 999. 1094 1078. 939... 924. 1017 1000. 1095 1079. 940... 925 1018 1001. 1096 1080 941... 926 1019 1002. 1097 1081 942... 927. 1020 1003. 1098 1082. 943... 928 1021 1004. 1099 1083 944... 929 1022 1005. 1100 1084 945.. 930 1023 1006. 1101 1085 946. . . 931 1024 1007. 1102 1086 947... 932 1025 1008. 1103 1087 948.... 933. 1025^ 1009. 1104 1088 949.. 934 1026 1010. 1105 1089 950... 935 1027 1011. 1106 1090 951.... 936. 1028 1012. 1107 1091 952.... 937 1029 1013. 1108 1092 953.... 938 1030 1014. 1109 1093. 954 939 1031 1015. 1110 1094. 955... 940 1032 1016. 1111 1095 956... 941. 1033 1017. 1112 1096 957.. 942 1034 1018. 1113 1097 957?,... 943. 1035 1019. 1114 1098. 958... 944. 1036 1020. 1114J 1099. 959 .. 945 1037 1021. 1115 1100 960... 946 1038 1022. 1116 1101. 961.... 947. 1039 1023. 1117 1102. 962... 948 1040 1024. 1118 1103. 963... 949. 1041 1025. 1119 1104. 964. 950 1042 1026 1120 1105. 965.. , Rescinded 1043 1027. 1121 1106. 966.... 951. 1044 1028. 1122 1107. 967... 952. 1045... 1029. 1123. 1108. 968.... 953. 1046 1030. 1124 1109. 969 954. 1047 1031. 1125. . 1110. 970... 955. 1048 1032. 1126 1111. 971... 956. 1049 1033. 1127 1112. 972 957. 1050 1034. 1128 1113. 973 Rescinded. 1051. . 1035. 1129 . 1114. 974 958. 1052 ' 1036. 1130 1115. 975 959 1053. 1037. 1131 1116. 976 960 1054. . 1038. 1132 1117. 977 961. 1055 1039. 1133... 1118. 978 . 962. 1056 1040. 1134 1119. 979 963. 1057 1041. 1135 1120. 980.. 964. 1058 1042 1136. . 1121. 981 965. 1059 1043. 1137 1122. 982... 966. 1060 1044. 1138... 1123. 983... 967. 1061... 1045. 1139... 1124. 326 MEMORANDUM. Statement showing new numbers of old paragraphs of Army Regulations Continued. Number of para- graph 1910 edi- tion. Number of para- graph 19,13 edi- tion. Number of para- graph 1910 edi- tion. Number of para- graph 1913 edi- tion. dumber of para- graph 1910 edi- tion. Numberofpara- graph 1913 edi- tion. 1140 1125 - 1220 Rescinded 1299... 1276. 1141 1126 1221 1199. 1300 1277. 1142 1127 1222 . . 1200. 1301 1278. 1143 1128. 1222J 1201. 1302 1279. 1144 1129 1223 1202. 1303 1280. 1145 1130 1224 1203. 1304 1281. 1146 1131 1225 ... . 1204. 1305 1282. 1147 1132 1226 1205. 1306 1283. 1148 1133 1227 1206 1307 1284. 1149 1134 1228 1207. 1308 1285. 1150 1135 1229 1208 1309 1286. 1151 1136 1230 . 1209. 1310 1287. 1152 1137. 1231 1210. 1311 1288. 1153 1138 1232 1211 1312 1289. 1154 1139 1233 Rescinded 1313 1290. 1155 1140 1234 1212 1314 1291. 1156 1141 1235 1213 1315 1292. *'- 1157 1142. 1236 1214. 1316 1293. 1158 1143 1237 1215 1317 1294. 1159 1144. 1238 1216. 1318 1295. 1160 1145 1239 1217 1319 1296. 1161 1146 1240 1218. 1320 1297. 1162 1147. 1241 1219. 1321 1298. 1163 1148 1242 1220. 1322 1299. 1164 1149. 1243 ... 1221. 1323 1300. 1165 1150 1244 1222 1324 1301. 1166 .. -- 1151. 1245 1223. 1325 1302. 1167 1152 1246 1224 1326 1303. 1168 1153 1247 1225. 1327 1304. 1169 1154 1248 1226 1328 1305. 1170 1155 1249 1227. 1329 1306. 1171 1156. 1250 1228. 1330 1307. 1172 1157 1251 1229 1331 1308. 1173 1158. 1252 1230. 1332 1309. 1174 1159 1253 1231 1333 1310. 1175 1160 1254 1232. 1334 1311. 1176 1161. 1255 . 1233. 1335 1312. 1177 1162 1256 1234. 1336 1313. 1178 1163. 1257 1235. 1337 1314. 1179 1164 1258 1236. 1338 1315. 1180 1165 1259 1237. 1339 1316. 1181 1166 1260 1238. 1340 1317. 1182 1261 1239. 1341 1318. 1183 1167 1262 1240. 1342 1319 1184 1168 1263 1241. 1343 1320. 1185 .. .- 1169 1264 1242. 1344 1321. 1186 1170 1265 1243. 1345 1322. 1187 . 1171 1266 1244. 1346 1323. 1188 1172 1267 1245 1347 1324. 1189 1173 1268 1246. 1348 1325. 1190 1174 1269 1247 1349 1326 1174 1270 1248. 1350 1327. 1191 1175 1271. . . .. 1249. 1351 1328. 1192 1176 1272 1250. 1352 1329. 1193 1177 1273. . ... 1251. 1353 1330. 1194 1178 1274 1252. 1354 1331. 1195 1179 1275. . . 1253. 1355 1332. 119ft 1180 1276 Rescinded. 1356 1333. 1197 1181 1277. 1254. 1357 1334. 1198 1182 1278 1255 1358 1335 1199 1183. 1279 1256 1359 1336. 1200 1184 1280 1257 1360 - - 1337 1201 1185. 1281 1258 1361 1338. 1202 1186 1282 1259 1362 . . . 1339 1203 1187. 1283 1260 1363 1340. 1204 1188. 1284 1261. 1364 Rescinded. 1205 . . . 1189. 1285 1262 1365 1341 1206 1190. 1286 1263. 1366 1?42. 1207 1191. 1287.. 1264. 1367 1343. 1208 1192. 1288 1265. 136"i 1344. 1209 1193 1289 1266. 1368 1345 1210 1194. 1290 1267. 1369 1346. 1211 J291 1268. 1370 1347. 1212 Do. 1292 Rescinded. 1371 1348. 1213 Do. 1292J 1269. 1372 . . . - 1349. 1214 Do. 1293 1270. 1373 1350. 1215 1195. 1294 1271. 1374 . - - 1351. 1216 11% 1295 1272. 1375 1352. 1217 1197 1296 1273. 1376 1353 1218 1198 1297 1274. 1377 1354. 1219... Rescinded. 1298... 1275. 1378... 1355. MEMORANDUM. 327 Statement showing new numbers of old paragraphs of Army Regulations Continued. Number of para- graph 1910 edi- tion. Number of para- graph 1913 edi- tion. Number of para- graph 1910 edi- tion. Number of para- graph 1913 edi- tion. Number of para- graph 1910 edi- tion. Number of para- graph 1913 edi- tion. 1379 . 1356. 1452... 1429. 1524... 1502. 1380 1357. 1453 . 1430. 1525 1503. 1381 1358 1454 1431 152C 1504. 1382 1359 1455 . 1432. 1527 1505. 1383 1360. 1456 1433. 1505*. 1384 1361 1457 . 1434. 1528... 1506. 1385 1362. 1458 . 1435. 1529 1507. 1386 1363 1458* 1436. 1530 1508. 1387 1364 1459 . 1437. 1531 1509. 1388 1365. 1460 1438. 1532 1510. 1389 1366. 1461 1439. 1533 1511. 1390 1367 1462... 1440. 1534 1512. 1391 1368 1463 1441. 1535 1513. 1392 1369 1464... . 1442. 1530 1514. 1393 1370 1465 1443. 1537 1515. 1394 1371 1466. . . 1444. 1538 1516. 1395 1372 1467 1445. 1539 1517. 1396 1373 1468... 1446. 1540 1518. 1397 1374 1469 1447. 1541 1519. 1398 1375 1470... 1448. 1542 1520. 1399 1376 1471 1449. 1543 1521. 1400 1377 1472... 1450. 1544 1522. 1401 1378 1473 1451. 1545 1523. 1402 1379 1474 1452. 1546 1524. 1403 1380 1475... 1453. 1547 1525. 1404 1381 1476 1454. 1548 1526. 1405 1382 1477 1455. 1549... 1527. 1406 1383 1478 1456. 1550 1528. 1407 1384 1479... 1457. 1551 1529. 1408 1385 1480 1458. 1552 1530. 1409 1386 1481 1459. 1553 1531. 1410 1387 1482 1460. 1554 1532. 1411 1388 1483 1461. 1555 1533. 1412 1389 1484 1462. 1556 1534. 1413 1390 1485 1463. 1557 1535. 1414 1391 1486 1464. 1558 1536. 1415 1392 '1487 1465. 1559 1537. 1416 1393 1488 1400. 1560 1538. 1417 1394 1489 1467. 1561 1539. 1418 1395 1490 1468. 1562 1540. 1419 1396 1491 1409. 1563 1541. 1420 1397 1492 1470. 1564 1542. 1421 1398 1493 1471. 1565 1543. 1422 1399 1494 1472. 1566 1544. 1423 1400 1495 1473. 1567 1545. 1424 1401 1496 1474. 1568 1546. 142i 1402 1497 1475. 1569 1547. 1426 1403 1498 1476. 1570 1548. 1427 1404 1499 1477. 1571 1549. 1428 1405 1500 1478. 1572 1550. 1429 1406 1501 1479. 1573 1551. 1430 1407 1502 1480. 1574 1552. 1431 1408 1503 1481. 1575 1553. 1432 1409 1504 1482. 1576 1554. 1433 1410 1505 1483. 1577 1555. 1434 1411 1506 14R4. 1578 1556. 1435 1412 1507 1485. 1579 1557. 1436 1413 1508 1486. 1580 1558. 1437 1414 1509 1487. 1581 1559. 1438 1415 1510 1488. 1582 1560. 1439 1416 1511 1489. 1583 1561. 1440 1417 1512 1490. 1584 1562. 1441 1418 1513 1491. 1585 1563. 1442 1419 1514 1492. 1586 1564. 1443 1420 1515 1493. 1587 1565. 1444 1421. 1516 1494. 1588 1566. 1445 1422 1517 1495. 1589 1567. 1446 . 1423. 1518 14%. 1590 1568. 1447 1424 1519 1497. 1591 1569. 1448. . 1425. 1520 1498. 1592 1570. 1449 . 1426. 1521 1499. 1593 1571. 1450... 1427. 1522 1500. 1594 1572. 1451. . 1428. 1523 1501. 1573. 328 NUMBERS OF NEW PARAGRAPHS. NUMBERS OF NEW PARAGRAPHS. 141 409 943 1344 189 609 1009 1436 193J 776 1099 1505J 224J 778 1174i 1573 244 895 1201 392 897 1269 INDEX. [References are to PARAGEAPHS AND ARTICLES OF WAR by their numbers. Reference p. or pp. is to pages of this volume. An Article of War is indicated by the letters A. W., followed by the number of the article.] Abandoning Post: Punishment, A. W. 42. Abatement : Term of confinement, 942, 943. Absence Without Leave: Absenting from company, A. W. 32. Clothing account, 1162. Convictions, 127, 128, 132. Forfeitures, 132. Less than one day, 132. Lying out of quarters, A. W. 31. One mile from camp, A. W. 34. Parade, etc., A. W. 33. Quarters or tent, A. W. 35. Quitting guard, etc., A. W. 40. Time lost to be made good, 130, 132, 141. Transportation to proper station, 110. Absent from Muster: Certificates, A. W. 12, 13. Abstracts of Proposals: Accepted quantity and price to be noted, 548. Disposition of copies, 543, 549, 557. Preparation, etc., 541. Proposals to accompany, as vouchers, 542. Rejections, 545-548. Abuses : Correction, etc., by officer, A. W. 54. Abusive Language: Use of, by superiors, 3. Accountability: Certificates, quartermaster supplies, 1091, 1092. Money. See Money Accountability. Property. See Property Accountability, etc. Accounts, Advertising: Preparation and presentation, 506, 507. Unsettled and outstanding, 508. Accounts, Company Fund: Audit and inspection, 316, 328. Duties company commander, 328. Accounts, Deceased, Soldiers: Medical attendance, etc., 1478. Settlement and distribution, 166. Accounts, Medical Attendance, etc.: Attendance, 1478. Chronic complaints, 1476. Civil hospitals, 1481. Civilian physicians' charges, 1479, 1484, 1485. Consultations, 1476. Accounts, Medical Attendance, etc. Contd. Families and servants, 1476. Hospital stores, 1476. Medicines, 1480, 1483. Officers and men not on duty, 1476. Payment, 1476, 1477. Recruiting service, 1484. Reimbursements to officers, 1483. Rendition and forwarding, 1476, 1477, 1483. Special nurses, 1482. Surgical appliances, 1476. Accounts, Mess Fund: Audit and inspection, 316, 330. Accounts, Pay, ete. : Clothing, 1157-1166, 1169, 1415. Deserters, 124. Detached enlisted men, 104. Officers, 1256, 1258, 1259, 1262. Post noncommissioned staff, 99. Accou nls. Pr I nti ng : Preparation and presentation, 506, 507, 511. Accounts, Regimental Fund : Record, 325. Accounts, Telegraph and Telephone: Preparation, etc., 644, 1186, 1189, 1191- 1194. Accounts, Transportation : Applicants artificial limbs, etc., 1492. Ferries, turnpikes, and bridges, 1126, 1127. Inmates Soldiers' Home, D. C., 180. Street car, 1127. Accounts Current: See Money Accounts. Acceuterments : See Arms and Accouterments. Acetylene : Allowance, 1057. Acting Dental Surgeons:' Assignment, 1396. Assistants, 1397. Baggage, 1136, 1138. Contracts, 1390, 1392, 1395. Duties, 1398-1403. Employment, 1390. Fuel, 1037. Illuminating supplies, 1054, 1057. Medical attendance, etc., 1473, 1476, 1478, 1480, 1483. , Mileage, 1296. Oflice rooms, 1397. 329 330 INDEX. Acting Dental Surgeons Continued. Pay and allowances, 1390. Payments to, 1266. Privileges, 1391. Quartermaster supplies, 1174. Returns by department surgeons, 1489. Subsistence supplies, 1239. Termination of service, 1395. Acting Inspectors General: Duties, etc. See Inspectors General. Acting Judge Advocates: Duties, etc., 916, 918. Mounted pay, 1272. Office rooms, fuel, and stoves, 1044. Additional Pay, Enlisted Men: Certificate of merit, 186, 1341. Classification for, 1343-1345. Continuous service, 1339, 1340. Denied for two ratings at same time, 1343. Mess sergeants, 1346* Outside continental limits United States, 1342. Pay for extra duty, 169, 170, 172, 174, 176, 177, 329. Reenlistment, 859, 1338, 1339. Additional Pay, Officers: Aviation duty, 1269. Denied for two staff appointments at same time, 1270. Exercising command in advanced grade, 1267. Longevity, 1271. Mounted service, 1272-1274. Outside continental limits United States, 1268. Adjutant General of the Army, The: Allotment grantors in Philippine Depart- ment, 1350. Answers calls, etc., from military rec- ords, 774. Applications for official opinions, 788. Appointment and promotion of officers, 21. Appointments, detail, or removal of staff officers, 806. Battalion and regimental staff officers, 248. Battle reports, 816. Candidates for promotion, 31. Captured property, 819. Casualties, 818. Certificates of discharge, 148; Certificates of merit, 187. Certificates of service, 151. Channels of action certain military busi- ness, note, p. 145. Chaplains' reports, 45. Civil counsel, 996. Closing statements, disbursing officers, 902. Coast Artillery Corps, 303, 310. Company books and records, 280. Completion, etc., of records In custody, 774. Courts-martial, enlisted men, 955. Adjutant General of the Army, The Contd. Damages by fire, storm, etc., 709. Deceased officers and soldiers, 83-85, 8T, 162-165, 167; A. W. 125, 126. Deserters, 119, 123-126, 133. Designations of beneficiaries, 1385. Distribution of orders, 803. Duty roster, 282. Efficiency reports, 829, 830. Enlisted men detailed with militia, 105. Fort Bayard hospital patients, 1446. General duties and responsibilities, 774. General prisoners, 774, 937, 938, 944, 999. Hot Springs hospital patients, 1446. Insane soldiers, 465-467, 470, 1451. Inspection reports, 831, 880, 887, 892, 900. Leaves of absence, 64. Medals of honor, 182. Military information reports, 62. Militia, 105, 774. Musicians, 263. Muster rolls, 807. Navy or Marine Corps deserters, 133. Officers for retirement or promotion, 26. Officers under arrest, 924. Official correspondence, 782, 784. Orders, etc., affecting the Army, officers, or men, 766, 774. Orders of department commanders, 805. Passports, officers visiting foreign coun- tries, 63. Personal reports, 827. Post noncommissioned staff, 94, 99, 101. Post records, 211. Property loaned mail contractor, 209. Public buildings, repairs, 1014, 1015. Records discontinued commands, 821. Recruiting service, 774, 842-844, 847, 857, 860, 867, 871, 872, 875, 876. Regimental records, 258. Reports of brigade commanders, 194. Reports of department commanders, 193. Reports of Judge Advocate General, 921. Retired enlisted men, 134-136, 138. Returns of captured property, 819. Returns of casualties, 818. Returns of libraries, 332, 333. Returns of property, 200. Returns of troops, 811815. Rosters of troops, 805. Soldiers absent without leave, 110. Soldiers' Home inmates, 179. Staff officers and men, 742, 743. Temporary duty of officers on leave, 1278. Unimportant and trivial' communications, 789. Visits and courtesies, 240. Writs of habeas corpus, 999. See also Adjutant General's Office, The. Adjutant General's Department: Brigade commander's staff, 198. Department commander's staff, 197, 199. Department of records, orders, and corre- spondence, 774. INDEX. 331 Adjutant General's Department Continued. Distribution of orders, 803. Eligibility of officers of, to command, 18. Supervision of, by Chief of Staff, 762. See also Adjutant General of the Army, The. Adjutant General's Office, The: Archives, 774. Records of Chief of Coast Artillery, 303. Registry of officers, 825. Adjutants General: Eligibility to command, 18. Office rooms, fuel, and stoves, 1044. Promotions, 24. Adjutants General of States: Militia, mobilization of, 455, 463. Adjutants of Battalions: Appointments, etc., 248. Assignments to duty, 255. Qualifications and pay, 248-250. Tenure of office, 249. Adjutants of Coast Defense Commands: Duties and responsibilities, 306. Adjutants of Departments: Assignment, 197. Designation, 199. Detachment formation, 367. Distribution of orders, 803. Funds for contingent expenses, 200. Returns, 200, 333. Adjutants of Posts: Detachment formation, 367. Detail and duties, 206. Office rooms, fuel, and stoves, 1044. Post noncommissioned staff, 807. Recruiting service, 874. Summary-court records, 957, 962. Adjutants of Regiments: Appointment, etc., 248. Assignments to company or staff duty 255. Band instruments, 262. General duties and responsibilities, 251 253. Noncommissioned officers, 274. Office rooms, fuel, and stoves, 1044. Qualifications and pay, 248-250. Tenure of office, 249. Treasurer of regimental fund, 325. Admiral : Relative rank with Army officers, 12. Advertisements : Accounts, 506-508. Authority to publish, 499-501. Circulars, 522, 52.6. Claims for unauthorized, 507. Conciseness, 504. Emergency, 503. Insertions and intervals between, 502. Limitation of publication, 503. Model, 504. Periods, 503, 522. Quartermaster supplies, 504. Rates, officially designated papers, 505. Sales of property, 503. Supplies and services, 503, 522-526. Wording and matter, 504, 523. Advertising Flag: Description and use, 224. Advising to Desert: Punishment, A. W. 51. Agents, Indian: Animals of Indians, 474. Agents, Military: Irregularity or misconduct. 884. Issue of public property, 673. National cemeteries, 490. Parlor and sleeping cars, 1128. Purchases, etc., of supplies, 521. Agents of Firms, etc.: Proposals signed by, 532. Receipts for money, 642-644. Aids: Allowance to general officers, 41. Captains eligible for appointment, 265. Department and division commanders, 197. General officers, General Staff Corps, not entitled to, 41. General officers changing station, 71. General officers commanding brigades, dis- tricts, or posts, 198. Mounted pay, 1272. Office rooms, fuel, and stoves, 1044. Alaska: Civilian witnesses, 990. Deceased officers, 87. Disbursing officers, 625. Discharged soldiers, 145. Enforcement of the laws, 485, p. 103. Furloughs to enlisted men, 111. Horses of officers, 1098. Leaves of absence, officers, 60. Ordnance property, detached soldiers, 1536. Payment of troops, 1317. Travel allowance to officers, 1279. Aliens : Enlistment or acceptance prohibited, 849. Allotments : Barracks and quarters, repairs, 1015. Contingent expenses, 200. Draft and pack animals, 1102. Enlisted men of Quartermaster Corps, 1009. Extra-duty pay funds, 169. 177. Funds, civilian employees, 729. Quarters to officers, 1024. Allotments of Pay by Enlisted Men: Allottees, 1347. Authorized, when, 1347. Blank forms, 1348. Capture of grantor, 1355. Company commanders, 1348-1351. Credits for, 1354. Death of allottee, 1359. Death of grantor, 1350. Desertion, 1350. Designation of allottee, 1347, 1349. Detachment commanders, 1348-1351. Discharge of grantor, 1350. Discontinuance, 1350, 1351, 1357, 1360. Erroneous payment, 1353. 332 INDEX. Allotments of Pay by Enlisted Men Contd. Execution, 1349. Forfeitures, 1350. Grantor, 1347-1360. Method of procedure, 1348, 1349. Payments, 1349-1355. Uenewal, 1360. Reports, 1348-1351, 1353, 1359. Transfer of grantor, 1356. Witnesses, 1349. Allowances : Aids to general officers, 41. Ambulances at posts, etc., 1428. Ammunition, target practice, 350, 353. Baggage, 1122-1125, 1135, 1136. Clothing and equipage, 1146, 1161, 1162. Engineer officers, 1504. Extra pay of cooks, etc., 329. Forage to mounted officers, 1080, 1081. Fuel and stoves, 89, 137, 301, 1036-1049, 1100, 1504. Illuminating supplies, 1051-1054, 1056- 1061. Indian scouts, 479. Military attaches, 1100. Militia while in service, 451. Nurses, 1426. Quarters, 1024-1035, 1044, 1045, 1390. Rations, subsistence stores, etc., 1205, 1215-1218. Retired enlisted men, 137. Spring wagons at posts, 1103. Stationery, 1062-1065. Straw for bedding, 1084, 1085. Tableware, utensils, etc., 301, 1181. Veterinarians, 89. Alterations : Blank forms, 1571. Buildings, structures, or systems, 1017. Checks, 609. Fortifications or appurtenances, 1505. Hospitals, 1466-1469. Muster and pay rolls, 810. Quarters for sergeants, first class, Hos- pital Corps, 1467, 1468. Strength of separate commands, 814. Transportation requests, 1119. Ambassadors : Funeral honors, 421. Salutes and honors, 376, 400, 403. Ambulance Companies: Instruction, discipline, and supplies, 1436. Ambulances : Allowance and issue, 1428. Control and use, 1404, 1427. Drivers, 1429. Equipments, harness, etc., 1428, 1429. Field service, 1435. Flags and guidons, 225. Furnished by Quartermaster Corps, 1105, 1427. Inspections, 1432. Issue, 1428. Ammunition: Breech-loading, Indian country, 475. Coast Artillery practice, 314. Ammiintlon Continued. Embezzlement, A. W. 60. Expenditures, 1528-1531. Field Artillery practice, 353. Hunting purposes, 350, 354, 1526, 1531. Issues, 1526. Lost or damaged, 1530. Machine-gun target practice, 353. Militia called Into service, 455. Sales, 354, 1520, 1521, 1526. Small-arms practice, 350, 353. Storage of powder, etc., 1199. Animals: Ownership of, In possession of Indians, 474. Public. See Public Animals. Appeals : Commissioned officers, A. W. 29. Department commanders, etc., 195. Enlisted men, A. W. 30. Pecuniary responsibilities, 318. Apples : Ration, 1205. Applicants for Enlistment : Careless enlistment or acceptance, 851. Commutation of rations, 1224, 1230, 1232. Declaration, 853. Descriptive and assignment cards, 874. Enticing by false representations, 854. Evidence of good character, 848. Examination, etc., 841, 847, 848, 862, 864-867, 871, 1484. Hospital Corps, 1410. Married men, 852. Medical attendance, etc., 1473, 1476, 1478, 1480. Minors, 849, 850, 853 ; A. W. 3. Pertinent articles of war to be read, 856. Physical examination, 1484. Qualifications, 846-849, 862. Rations, 1203, 1208, 1209, 1212. Report of medical examinations, 871. Toilet articles, etc., 1218. Transportation, etc., 1115, 1124. Travel rations, 1224, 1225. Appointments: Battalion and regimental staff and non- commissioned staff, 248-250, 256. Coast Artillery Corps noncommissioned staff, 310. Commissioned officers, 21, 22, 24, 25, 27-37. Company noncommissioned officers, 270, 271, 273, 275, 278, 480. Courts-martial, pp. 314, 315, act March 2, 1913 ; A. W. 76. Dates determine precedence, 9. General noncommissioned staff, 103, 1557. General officers, 22. Hospital Corps, 1405, 1408, 1410. Judge advocates, courts-martial, A. W. 74. Lance corporals, 272. Medical officers, 1388. Noncommissioned officers, Indian scouts, 480. INDEX. 333 Appoint incuts Continued. Nurses, 1421. Personal staff, general officer, 41. Post noncommissioned staff, 93, 94, 96. Quartermaster Corps noncommissioned officers, 1009. Transfer or exchange of officers, 47. Veterinarians, 88. See also Candidates for Appointment, etc. Examination for Appointment, etc. Appropriations : Contingent expenses, 623. Determined, 624. Expenses of burial, etc., deceased offi- cers, 87. Fiscal year, 620-622, 625. Intrusted to Secretary of War, 740. "No limit," 625. Outstanding liabilities, 606. Remittances of funds, 621. Reversion to, of certain moneys, 617. Transfer from one to another, 598. Transportation of the Army, 87. Use of moneys, expenditures, etc., 615, 582. Armament IMst riots: Establishment, etc., 1539. Mechanics, 1539. Officers, 1538, 1539. Repairs to ordnance stores, 1537, 1539. Arm Chests: Accountability, 1542. Disposition of surplus, 1542. Packing for transportation, 1544-1546. Armies, Field: Commanders. See Army (Field) Com- manders. Mounted officers, 1272. Ordnance and ordnance stores, 1514. Returns, 811, 815. Armories : Annual inspection, 895. Construction and repairs, 706, 707. Efficiency reports of commanders, 829. Erection of, on new sites, 704. Arms and Accouterments : Alterations, taking apart of arms, etc., 292. Barrack regulations, 285, 292. Breech-loading arms, Indian country, 475. Care and preservation, 287, 288, 292. Casting away arms, A. W. 42. Embezzlement, etc., of arms, A. W. 60. Furloughed soldiers, 113. Issues, 1526. Leather dressing or polishing material, 293. Militia, 455, 1143. Packing for transportation, 1544. Patients in hospitals, 1450. Repairs, 1537, 1538. Sales, 1520, 1521. Shipment to mobilization camps, 455. Tompions in small arms, 292. Transportation "of loaded arms, 1544. Use of raw linseed oil on wood parts of, 292. Arms of Services Precedence on occasions of ceremony, 6, Transfer or exchange of officers, 47. Army and Nary Hospital, Hot Sprlngi, Ark.: Charges, 1460. Classes admitted, 1441, 1442, 1446. Control, 1441, 1442. Rations and subsistence, 1443, 1444. Army Corps: Ordnance and ordnance stores, 1514. Records of discontinued, 821. Senior engineer officer, 1497, 1498. Army Dispensaries: Fuel and stoves, 1044. Supply of medicines, 1473, 1474, 1480. Army (Field) Commanders: Furloughs to enlisted men, 107, 108. Hospital Corps, 1409. Mounted officers, 1272. Returns of troops, 811, 815. Surveying officers, 711. Army Field Engineer School: Detachment of officers. 192. Inspection, 896. Leaves of absence, officers, 1277. Letter and note headings, 512. Location, Fort Leavenworth. Kans.. 449. Supervision and regulations, 191, 449. Army Field Service and Correspondence School for Medical Officers: Detachment of officers, 192. Inspection, 896. Leaves of absence, officers, 1277. Letter and note headings, 512. Location, Fort Leavenworth, Kans., 449. Supervision and regulations, 191, 449. Army List and Directory: Preparation and distribution, 774. Army Medical Museum: Transportation of donations, 1145. Army Medical School: Detachment of officers, 192. Inspection, 896. Leaves of absence, officers, 1277. Letter and note headings, 512. Location, Washington, D. C., 449. Supervision and regulations, 191, 449. Army Nurse Corps: See Nurse Corps (Female). Army of the United States: Administration and control, 761. Correspondence, 774. Enlisted men. See Enlisted Men. Historical records and business, 774. Officers. See Officers, Army. Orders, regulations, etc., affecting, 766, 774. Supervision of troops of the line, 762. Use of unprescribed flags, colors, etc., 243. Army Register: Preparation and distribution, 774. Army Reserve: Deposits of pay at time of furlough to, 1361, 1362, 1366. Enlistment contract, 855. Established Aug. 24, 1912, note, p. 299. Organizing, etc., in time of war, 193. 334 INDEX. Army Reserve Continued. Payments to soldiers furloughed to, 1375- 1379. Regulations governing, 1573. Army School of the Line: Detachment of officers, 192. Inspection, 896. Leaves of absence, officers, 1277. Letter and note headings, 512. Location, Fort Leavenworth, Kans., 449. Mounted officers, 1272. Supervision and regulations, 191, 449. Army Signal School : Detachment of officers, 192. Inspection, 896. Leaves of absence, officers, 1277. Letter and note headings, 512. Location, Fort Leavenworth, Kans., 449. Mounted officers, 1272. Supervision and regulations, 191, 449. Army Staff College: Detachment of officers, 192. Inspection, 896. Leaves of absence, officers, 1277. Letter and note headings, 512. Location, Fort Leavenworth, Kans., 449. Mounted officers, 1272. Supervision and regulations, 191, 449. A mi > Transport Service: Beer, wine, or intoxicating liquors, 346. Composition, 1109. Damage to vessels, 709. Parlor and sleeping cars, licensed officers, 1128. See also Transports. Army War College: Detachment of officers, 192. Inspection, 896. Leaves of absence, officers, 1277. Letter and note headings, 512. Location, Washington, D. C., 449. Mounted officers, 1272. Supervision and regulations, 191, 449. Arraignment: Prisoners, A. W. 89. Arrest and Confinement: Commanders of guards, A. W. 6769. Deserters, p. 314, act June 18. 1898. Enlisted men, 929-933; A. W. 66, 70. Escape of prisoners, A. W. 69. Noncommissioned officers, 927, 929 ; A. W. 24. Officers, 922-927 ; A. W. 65, 70, 71. Release without authority, A. W. 69. See also Confinement, etc. Arrest of Officers : Breach of arrest, A. W. 65. By whom and how imposed, 922 ; A. W. 65. Civil authorities, 1371. Close confinement, 923. Extension of limits, 923. Light offenses, 924. Limitation, A. W. 70, 71. Medical, 925. Place on (.lie march, 927, Arrest of Officers Continued. Release without charges, 924 ; A. W. 71. Requirements while under arrest, 923, 926. Arsenals : Annual inspection, 191, 892, 895. Arm chests, 1542. Construction and repairs, 706, 707. Court-martial duty of officers, 192. Efficiency reports, commanders, 829. Erection of, on new sites, 704, 707. Establishment and maintenance, 1511. Hospital Corps, 1418. Hospital matrons, 1449. Ordnance and ordnance stores, 1513, 1514, 1516. Plats of land, 708. Supervision or control, 191. Surplus ordnance stores, 1532, 1533 Travel allowance of officers, 1295. Unserviceable ordnance stores, 1537- 1540. Waste products, 679. Arson: Punishable by military courts, A. W. 58. Articles of War: Absence without leave, A. W. 31-35, 40. Abuses and disorders, A. W. 54. Appeals, A. W. 29, 30. Armies to be governed, p. 301, sec. 1342 R. S. Arrest and confinement, A. W. 65-71. Conduct prejudicial, A. W. 62. Courts of Inquiry, A. W. 115-121. Deceased officers and soldiers, A. W. 125-127. Definition of words, p. 301, sec. 1342 R. S. Desertion, A. W. 47-51. Discharge of enlisted men, A. W. 4. Discharge or dismissal of officers, A. W. 99. Disrespect or contempt, A. W. 19, 20. Divine service, A. W. 52. Drunkenness on duty, A. W. 38. Dueling. A. W. 26-28. Evidence, courts-martial, A. W. 91, 92, 121. Frauds and embezzlement, A. W. 60. Furloughs to enlisted men, A. W. 11. General courts-martial, A. W. 76-78. Hiring of duty, A. W. 36, 37. Judge advocates, A. W. 74, 84, 85, 90, 113. Jurisdiction, military courts, A. W. 58, 60, 62-64, 79, 102, 103. Misconduct in time of war, A. W. 41, 42, 44-46, 57, 100. Musters, A. W. 5, 6, 12-14. Mutiny and sedition, A. W. 21-24, 43. Pecuniary interest in victuals, etc., A. W. 18. Proceedings of courts-martial, A. W. 86-93, 95, 113, 114. . Profanity, A. W. 53. INDEX. 335 Articles of War Continued. Property accountability, A. W. 9, 10, 15-17. Publication to Army, A. W. 128. Quarrels, frays, and disorders, A. W. 24, 25. Rank and command, A. W. 122, 124. Recruits and recruiting, A. W. 2, 3. Repealed, A. W. 72, 73, 75, 80-83, 94, 110, 123. Returns of troops and property, A. W. 7, 8. Sentences of courts-martial, A. W. 38, 61, 96-98, 100, 101, 104-109, 111, 112. Sentinels, A. W. 39. Soldiers dishonorably discharged, p. 314. act June 18, 1898. Spies, p. 313, sec. 1343 R. S. Subordination to civil authority, A. W. 59. Subscribed to by all officers, A. W. 1. Violence to traders in foreign parts, A. W. 56. Waste or spoil of private property, A. W. 55. Artificers : Appointment, 275, 278. Extra-duty details, 173. Artificial Limbs: Classes entitled, 1490. Commutation, 1490. Transportation of applicants, 1491, 1492. Artillery: See Coast Artillery Corps. Field Artillery. Artillery Engineer, Coast Defense Commands: Supervisory powers, etc., 308. See also Engineers, Coast Artillery Corps. Artillery Instruction : Chief of Coast Artillery, 303. Assault and Battery: Punishable by military courts, A. W. 58. Assemblages of Persons: Suppression of unlawful, 485, p. 101. Assignments : Chaplains, 43. Commanding officers, 13. Company commander, 268. Department commanders, 190. Field officers of the mobile army, 247. General Staff Corps officers, 752, 765, 767, 773. Nurses, 1421. Officers, coast artillery, 303. Public animals to riders or drivers, 1072. Recruiting service, enlisted men, 843845. Recruits to organizations, 872-876. Regimental and battalion staff officers, 255. Staff departments, officers and men, 197, 743. Assistant and Chief Clerk, War Department: Accounts for printing, 506, 507. Advertising rates, 505. Contracts for printing, 513. Assistant Secretary of the Nary: Funeral honors, 421. Salutes and honors, 400, 403. Assistant Secretary of War: Colors, 222. Flag, 220. Funeral honors and escort, 418, 421, 426. Salutes and honors, 376, 400, 403. Assistant Treasurers : Balances unchanged for three years, 590. Disbursing officers' deposits, 590. Attaches: See Military Attaches. Attorney General: Funeral honors, 421. Salutes and honors, 376, 400, 403. Title to military land, 704. Witnesses before civil courts, 75. Auction Sales: Auctioneer's account, etc., 680. Auditor for the War Department: Accounts, deceased officers, 85. Arrears of pay, etc., deceased soldiers, 165. Artificial limbs, etc., 1492. Certificates of merit, 187. Checks, spoiled or canceled, 610. Contractors' bonds, 571. Contracts, supplies and services, 561, 564, 571. Credit sales to enlisted men, 1249. Escaped prisoners' effects, 940. Payments to discharged soldiers, 1377. Personal effects, deceased officers and sol- diers, 85, 163. Private property lost in service, 726. Settlement of accounts, deceased soldiers, 166. Stoppages of pay, 703, 1092. Authorities, Civil: See Civil Authorities. Authority, Military: Exercise, 2. Subordination to civil authority, A. W. 59. Aviation : Officers, additional pay, 1269. Signal Corps School, 449. Awards of Contracts: Ability to carry proposals into effect, 547. By whom made, 544. Lowest responsible bidder, 545. Slight failure to comply with terms, 546. Suitable articles determine, 523. Bacon : Ration, 1205. Badges : Military service, illegal possession, 189. Mourning, military, 431. Baggage : Allowance transported at public expense, 1136. Field allowance, transportation, 1123. Increase or reduction of allowance, 1136. Nurses traveling, 1123. Officers and men traveling, 1122-1125. 336 INDEX. Baggage Continued. Officers traveling on mileage status, 1122. Outside continental limits U. S., 1130, 1138. Shipping of excess of allowance, 1136. Transportation, 1111, 1123, 1135-1139. Bakeries : Accounts and supplies, 1201. Bake ovens, 1201, 1252. Bakers and assistants, 329, 1201. Brooms, brushes, and mops, 1181. Detail of bakers, assistant bakers, and la- borers, 1201. Fuel, 1044. Operated by Quartermaster Corps, 1201. Soap, towels, etc., 1215. Transportation of property, 340. Bakers and Cooks, Schools for: Inspection, 896. Leaves of absence, officers, 1277. Letter and note headings, 512. Location, Washington Barracks, D. C., and Presidio of San Francisco, Cal., 449. Pay of graduates, 329. Supervision and regulations, 191, 449. Baking Powder: Ration. 1205. Band Musicians: See Musicians. Bands : Competition with civilian musicians, 261. Designation in Army Regulations, 16. Duties, 264, 440. Equipments, 262. Funds, 324, 326, 327. Inspection, 283. Lye and sapolio, 1182. Marking of public property, 257. Musical instruments, 262, 1179. Noncommissioned officers, 260. Saluting, 375, 376, 378. Stations, 261. " The Star Spangled Banner," 264, 375, 378, 437. Baptisms : Report of chaplains, 45. Barley : Forage ration, 1077. Barracks and Quarters : Additions, alterations, etc., 208, 1017, 1019. Allotments for repairs, 1015. Allowance and assignments, 10241035, 1044, 1390, 1397. Annual inspection, 1012. Arms, accouterments, etc., 285, 292. Bachelor quarters, 1025. Choice, 1025, 1026. . Constructed by Quartermaster Corps, 1000. Construction of permanent, 706, 707. Construction of temporary, 208. Daily inspection, 283. Erection of, on new sites, 704. Fuel and stoves, 1036-1049. Barracks and Quarters Continued. Furniture and mess outfits, 1011, 1020- 1023. Heating systems, repairs, 1012. Hire of quarters, 1028, 1029. Illuminating supplies, 1050-1061. Inspections and reports of condition, 1010. Names of men attached to bunks, 285. Numerical designation and record, 1019. Police, 286, 287, 374. Post commanders and surgeons to visit, 204. Private buildings, 1018. Record of expenditures for repairs, etc., 1019. Removal of mess outfits and furniture, 1023. Repairs, 208, 1012-1017, 1019. Responsibility for care, etc., 1011. Squads to be quartered together, 284. Trunk lockers, 1021, 1023. Barter or Exchange: Arms and ammunition, Indian country, 475. Supplies from quartermaster, 1247. Battalion Commanders: Company fund, 328. Corps of Engineers, 248. General duties and responsibilities, 203, 245. Noncommissioned officers, 256, 271. Office rooms, fuel, and stoves, 1044. Reports, incapacitated officers, 890. Transfer or exchange, enlisted men, 114. Battalions : Command of a major, 14. Composition and command, 245, 247. Designation in Army Regulations, 15. Noncommissioned staff, 254, 256, 271. Quitting without leave, A. W. 40. Records, 245. Regulations, 245. Staff officers, 248, 249, 254, 255, 807. Standards, names of battles, 244. Transfer, etc., enlisted men, 114. Battery : Designation in Army Regulations, 15. Battlefields : Interment of remains of killed, 491, 482. Battle-Ground Cemeteries : Establishment, etc., 491, 492. Battles : Classification by War Department, 244. Colors carried in, 232. Identification of soldiers killed in, 491, 492. Participation, colors and standards, 244. Reports, 816, 817. Returns of captured property, 819. Returns of casualties, 818. Returns of effective strength, 815. Beans: Ration, 1205. Beard and Hair: Enlisted men, 286, INDEX. 337 Bedding : Straw allowance, 1084, 1085. Beef: Purchase of beef cattle, 1200. Ration, 1205. Brer: Sale in exchanges prohibited, 346. Unlawful introduction into Indian coun- try, 471. Behavior : See Conduct. Beneficiaries: Allottees of pay, 1347. Designated by officers and enlisted men, 1385. Beyond the Sea: Permission to visit, 61, 109. Bidders : Ability to carry proposals into effect, 547. Aid to, in preparation of proposals, 527. Certified checks, 524, 535. Corporations and firins, 532. Erasures or interlineations in proposals, 534. Guaranties, 524, 535, 536. Information to be furnished, 527. Names of, not to be furnished to others, 530. Opening of proposals, 541. Post-office address and residence, 531. Slight failure to comply with terms, 546. Specifications, etc., to be shown, 528, 529. Withdrawal from competition, 540. Bids: Considered by items, 523. Milliard and Pool Tables: Companies, 327. Hills of Creditors: Attached to vouchers for payment, 634. Births : Report of chaplains, 45. I! l.icksmit hs : See Farriers and Horseshoers. Blankets: Prisoners, 939. Transportation, etc., 1023. r. la nk Forms: Advertising, 500, 509. Allotments of pay, 1348. Alterations or new forms, 1571. Contractors' bonds, 570. Correspondence model, 776. Discharge certificates, 150. Estimates, repairs or construction of buildings, etc., 1013. Final statements, 150. Force and effect, 1571. Inspector General's Department, 901, 904. Manuscript, prohibited, 1572. Medical Department, 1477. Militia, movements, muster, etc., 455, 456, 458, 461. Muster and pay rolls, 807. Notes and directions, 1571. Notification of discharge, 155. Blank Forms Continued. Official telegrams, 1190. Ordnance Department, 1543, 1551. Printing, 514. Quartermaster Corps, 1253. Reconnaissance, 448. Requisitions for, and general instruc- tions, 1571. Returns, general prisoners, 937. Supplied by Adjutant General's Department, as fol- lows : Advertising for recruits, report of results of (No. 259). Age, nativity, etc., of enlisted men, report of (No. 222). Artillery engineer, report of per- sonnel employed under (No. 206). Artillery inspection, engineer depart- ment supplies, report of (No. 181-4). Artillery inspection, ordnance sup- plies, report of (No. 181-3). Artillery inspection, quartermaster supplies, report of (No. 181-1). Artillery inspection, signal office sup- plies, report of (No. 181-2). Books, annual report of (No. 144), 333. Calibration firing (No. 335). Casualties in action, return of (No. 149), 818. Chaplain, monthly report of (No. 64), 45. Clothing issued to recruit, account . of (No. 140). College inspection, inspector's re- port (No. 358). College inspection, instructor's re- port (No. 357). Commissioned officers, Coast Ar- tillery Corps, report of gains and losses of (No. 422). Consolidated morning report (No. 336), 211. Correspondence book, 211, 258, 280. Death and disposal of remains, re- port of (No. 415). Descriptive and assignment card (No. 25), 847. Descriptive list (No. 29), 280. Deserters, descriptive list of (No. 95), 118. Designation of beneficiary, officer or enlisted man (No. 380). Discharge, certificate of disability for (No. 17), 159. Discharge, notification of (No. o), 155. Discharge certificate, dishonorable (No. 20), 150. Discharge certificate, honorable (No. 203), 150. Discharge certificate, without honor (No. 19), 150. 9065117- -22 338 INDEX. Blank Forms Continued. Supplied by Continued. Adjutant General's Department Con. Discharge of enlisted men, report of action taken on application for (No. 121). Duty roster, with model (No. 342), 282. Educational institutions, return of books in (No. 182). Educational institutions, return of Corps of Cadets (No. 356). Efficiency report (No. 429), 829. Efficiency report, officers Ordnance Department (No. 429-a). Efficiency report of professor of military science and tactics (No. 176). Enlisted men, request for retire- ment (No. 468). Enlistment, application for (No. 141), 857. Enlistment, trimonthly report of ap- plicants for (No. 262), 857. Enlistment paper (No. 22), 857. Enlistments, trimonthly report of (No. 18), 857. Expenditures, abstract of, contin- gent fund (No. 179). Field practice, record of (No. 366). Field practice, report of (No. 364). Field return (No. 26), 812. Furlough (No. 66), 106. Furlough and transfer to Army Re- serve (No. 437). General prisoners, record "of (No. 387). General prisoners, return of (No. 23), 937. Guard reports (No. 338), 211, 258. Guard reports, extra sheets (No. 338-1). Identification record card (No. 260), 774. Interrogatories and deposition (No. 60). Inventory of effects of a deceased soldier (No. 34), 162. Medical certificate, insane persons (No. 1-107, Interior Depart- ment), 466. Medical certificate for leave of ab- sence (No. 143), 57. Medical examination of applicants for enlistment, monthly report of (No. 265), 871. Morning report, field, staff, and band (No. 333), 258. Morning report, troop, battery, com- pany, or detachment (No. 332), 280. Muster roll, detachment (No. 21), 807. Muster roll, troop, battery, and com- pany (No. 61), 807. Muster roll, troop, battery, and com- pany, extra sheet (No. 61-1). Blank Forms Continued. Supplied by Continued. Adjutant General's Department Con. Muster rolls, model remarks for (No. 489). National individual match, duplicate score card (No. 477-1). National Individual match, official entry blank (No. 299). National individual match, official score card (No. 477). National match, eligibility certificate (No. 295). National match, skirmish fire, pit slip card (No. 480). National revolver match, official score card (No. 481). National revolver match, score card, duplicate (No. 481-1). National team match, consolidated duplicate score card (No. 4781). National team match, consolidated official score card (No. 478). National team match, elimination blank (No. 471). National team match, follower's card (No. 482). National team match, list of mem- bers of (No. 365). National team match, skirmish fire, combined pit slip (No. 479). National team match, skirmish fire, official score card (No. 476). National team match, skirmish fire, unofficial score card (No. 476-1). National team match, surprise fire, official score card (No. 473). National team match, surprise fire, unofficial score card (No. 4731). National team match, 600 yards, slow fire, official score card (No. 474). .National team match, 600 yards, slow fire, unofficial score card (No. 474-1). National team match, 1,000 yards, slow fire, official score card (No. 475). National team match, 1,000 yards, slow fire, unofficial score card (No. 475-1). Noncommissioned officers detailed with Organized Militia, personal report of (No. 399). Officers' garrison school, certificate of proficiency (No. 230). Photograph and negative jacket (No. 261). Physical examination and test (cap- tains and lieutenants only), re- port of (No. 378). Physical examination and test (field officers), report of (No. 377). Post return, extra sheet (No. 27 a). Post return, with model (No. 27), 811. Preference card (No. 423). INDEX. 339 Blank Forms Continued. Supplied by Continued. Adjutant General's Department Con. Property, return of, contingent fund (No. 180). Public animals, descriptive card of (No. 277), 280, 456. Recruit, record of (No. 421). Recruit, report of physical examina- tion of (No. 135), 857. Recruiting handbill (No. 162). Recruiting officer, letter of inquiry (No. 78). Recruiting poster, letter to postmas- ter to accompany (No. 83). Recruiting poster, single sheet, 2J by 3i feet (Nos. 401, 402, 403, 404). Recruiting poster, wrapper for. Recruits, depot trlmonthly report of (No. 151), 857. Regimental return, extra sheet (No. 41-a). Regimental return, with model (No. 41), 811. Report of board on disability of en- listed men (No. 484). Requisition for books and blank forms (No. 383). Reservist's descriptive card (No. 443). Reservist's enlistment paper (No. 442). Reservist's quarterly report card (No. 444). Reservist's report card upon return to United States (No. 445). Return of districts, brigades, divis- ions, departments, extra sheets (No. 24-a, b, and c). Return of districts, brigades, divi- sions, departments, with model (No. 24), 811. Return of officers, bureau (No. 101), 811. Return of troop, battery company, or detachment, with model (No. 30). 811. Revolver competition, report and bulletin, inside sheets (No. 315-1). Revolver competition, report and bulletin, outside sheet (No. 315). Revolver competition, score card, rapid fire, 15 yards (No. 354). Revolver competition, score card, rapid fire, 25 yards (No. 355). Revolver competition, score card, slow fire, 50 yards (No. 350). Revolver competition, score card, slow fire, 75 yards (No. 351). Revolver competition, score card, timed fire, -25 yards (No. 352). Revolver competition, score card, timed fire, 50 yards (No. 353). Revolver firing, individual record (No. 305). Revolver firing and classification, re- port of (No. 308). Blank Forms Continued. Supplied by Continued. Adjutant General's Department Con. Rifle competition, report and bulle- tin, inside sheet (No. 314-1). Rifle competition, report and bulle- tin, outside sheet (No. 314). Rifle competition, score card, pit record, skirmish fire (No. 349). Rifle competition, score card, rapid fire, 200 yards (No. 347). Rifle competition, score card, rapid fire, 300 yards (No. 348). Rifle competition, score card, rapid fire, 500 yards (No. 367). Rifle competition, score card, slow fire, 200 yards (No. 343). Rifle competition, score card, slow fire, 300 yards (No. 344). Rifle competition, score card, slow fire, 500 yards (No. 345). Rifle competition, score card, slow fire, 600 yards (No. 346). Rifle firing, individual record (No. 304). Rifle firing and classification, re- port of known distance (No. 307). Sergeant major, report of adjutant on (No. 329). Sick reports, daily (No. 339), 280. Small-arms firing, departmental, re- port of (No. 303). Small-arms target firing (Special Course A), record of (No. 410). Small-arms target firing (Special Course A), report of (No. 409). ' Statement of service (No. 15). Subpoena duces tecum (No. 132), 991. Subpoena for civilian witness (No. 76), 991. Subpoena for civilian witness (for deposition) (No. 77), 991. Summary court, record of (No. 99), 957. Summary court, report of cases tried by (No. 59 )^ 982. Survey, report' of (No. 196), 710. Unit accountability equipment man- ual, cavalry (No. 459). Unit accountability equipment manu- al, coast artillery (No. 457). Unit accountability equipment manu- al, engineer (No. 452). Unit accountability equipment manu al, heavy field artillery (No. 455). Unit accountability equipment manu- al, horse artillery (No. 454). Unit accountability equipment manu- al, infantry (No. 458). Unit accountability equipment manu- al, light artillery (No. 456). Unit accountability equipment manu- al, mountain artillery (No. 453). Unit equipment, memorandum re- ceipt (No. 448). 340 INDEX. Blank Forms Continued. Supplied by Continued. Adjutant General's Department Con. Unit equipment, record of cost of maintenance of (No. 450). Unit equipment, report of cost of maintenance of (No. 449). Unit equipment, return of (No. 451). Voucher for purchases and services other than personal (No. 33). Warrant, noncommissioned officers, artillery (No. 154), 256. Warrant, noncommissioned officers, cavalry or infantry (No. 152), 256. Warrant, noncommissioned officers, engineers (No. 153), 256. Warrant of attachment (No. 272), 952. Engineer Department. (See Manual.) Inspector General's Department, as follows : Inspector General's Memoranda of Coast Artillery Inspection (No. 5A). Inspector General's Memoranda of Inspection of Post (No. 5). Lists of checks outstanding (No. 3A). Report, inspection of a division (No. 16). Report, inspection of national ceme- teries (No. 4), 904, 906. ' Report, inventory and inspection (No. 1), 904, 906. Report, inventory and inspection, in- side sheets (No. 1A), 904, 906. Report, inventory and inspection, public animals (No. 2), 904, 906. Report, inventory and inspection, public animals, inside sheets (No. 2A), 904, 906. Statement of money accountability (No. 3). Testing inspection of money ac- counts (No. 28). Judge Advocate General's Department. (See Manual.) Medical Department. (See Manual.) Ordnance Department. (See Manual.) Quartermaster Corps. (See Manual.) Signal Corps. (See Manual.) Boarding Vessels of War: Visits and courtesies, 407, 411. Board of Commissioners, Soldiers' Hme, Dis- trict of Colombia: See Soldiers' Home, D. C. Board of Ordnance and Fortification: Chief of Coast Artillery, 303. Boards of Examination: Appointees, grade of second lieutenant, 30, 31. Hospital Corps, 1405. Medical officers, 1388. Rejected applicants for enlistment, 867. Boards of Officers: Annual reports, preparation, etc., 193J. Appointment, etc., Staff, 744. Barracks and quarters, 1025. Character, discharge certificates, 148. Damages by flre, storm, etc., 709. Deceased officers, 86. Fuel and stoves, 1044. Insane officers, 86. Private property lost in service, 726. Purchase of horses from mounted officers, 1095. Retirement of officers, 26, 77, 78. Vacancies, General Staff Corps, 773. Boats : Flags and pennants for official visits, 240. Rules for passing, 414. Bond-Aided Railroads : Civilian employees, 732. Telegraph lines, 1186. Transportation requests, 732. Bonds: Contractors, 569-581. Disbursing officers, 567, 568, 574-577, 580, 581, 589. Duplicate checks, 602. Indemnity, 602, 607. Renewal, 581. Boxes : Ordnance and ordnance stores, 1544 1546. Bran: Forage ration, 1077. Branding : Condemned animals, 907. Officers' mounts at remount depot, 1099. Public animals, 1067. Public property, '676. Sentence of a court-martial, A. W. 38, 98. Breach of Arrest: Punishment, A. W. 65. Bread : Baking and sale, 1201. Cost price determined, 1201. Ration, 1205. Brevet Rank Assignments: Aids to general officers, 41. Salutes and honors, 401. Bribery : Mustering officer, A. W. 6i. Bridges : Construction and repair, 1000. Passage of troops, teams, etc., 1126. Brigade Commanders: Appeals referred to, for decision, 195. Changes, personal or staff, 811. Controversies arising within command, 195. District commanders, 194. Efficiency reports, 829. Furloughs to enlisted men, 106, 111. General duties and responsibilities, 194. Inspections, 194, 887. Office rooms, fuel, and stoves, 1044, 1046. Officers under arrest, 924. INDEX. 341 Brigade Commanders Continued. Orders, personal journeys for Inspection, 194. Organized Militia, 194. Personal leave of. absence, 50. Staff, 49, 198. Surveying officers, 711. Unimportant communications, 789. Visits to posts, 194. Brigades : Coast artillery districts correspond with, in rank, 194. Command of a brigadier general, 14. Districts in Philippine Islands correspond with, in rank, 194. Letter and note heads, 512. Printing, 510-512. Records of discontinued, 821. Returns of strength, 811, 815. Senior engineer officer, 1498. Staff officers, 198. Brigades, Separate: Commanders. See Brigade (Separate) Commanders. Orders and circulars, 805. Records of discontinued, 821. Returns, 811. Brigade (Separate) Commanders : Furloughs to enlisted men, 107. Hospital Corps, 1409. Leaves of absence, officers, 51. Returns of troops, 811. Transfers to Hospital Corps, 1411. Brigadier Generals: Aids, 41. Appointment to grade, 22. Appropriate command, 14. Baggage, 1136. Changing station, 71. Forage, 1080. Funeral honors and escort, 418, 426. Quarters, fuel, and stoves, 1044. Rank and precedence, 9. Relative rank with naval officers, 12. Salutes and honors, 375, 400, 401, 403. Staff officers, change of station, etc., 71. Travel beyond limits of command, 71. Visits and courtesies, 240. Brooms, Brushes, and Mops: Allowance, 301, 1181. Messes, 301. Buildings : Amusement, etc., 339. Erection near fortifications, 1493, 1505. Permanent, 704, 706, 707, 709. Bunks and Bedding: Names of men to be attached to bunks, 285. Overhauling and airing, in barracks, 287. Post guardhouses, 1084. Straw for bedding, 1084. Bureau of Refugees, Freedmen, and Aban- doned Lands: Care .and custody of records, 774. Burglary : Punishable by military courts, A. W. 58. Burials : Battle-ground cemeteries, 491, 492. Deceased officers and soldiers, 87, 167, 1173. Post cemeteries, 493, 497, 498. Butter: Ration, 1205. Cablegrams : See Telegraphing and Telephoning. Cadets, Military: Admission to general hospitals, 1441. Appointment, grade of second lieutenant, 27. Discharged, 1313, 1314. Education at Military Academy, 449. Eligibility of ex-cadets for commissions, 37. Graduation leave, 53. Longevity pay, 1271. Payments, 1312-1314. Rank and precedence, 9. Travel allowances, 1313. Cadets, >':n a I : Admission to general hospitals, 1441. Longevity pay, 1271. Camps : Absence without leave, A. W. 31, 34. Colors, 241. Followers, etc., A. W. 63. Guards, 441-443. Laying out, 1493. Temporary posts styled, 202. Uniform and clothing, enlisted men, 289. Violence to traders in foreign -parts, A. W. 56. Canal Zone, Panama: Pay of enlisted men, 1342. Candidates for Appointment and Promotion: Graduates of civil institutions, 35. Members of Organized Militia, 35. Moral character, etc., 36. Physical examination, 36. Selection, etc., of enlisted men, 3O. Status pending appointment, 31-33. randies: Issue, 1215. Stable lanterns, 1052. < .1 nurd Goods: Ration, 1205. Canteens : Repairs, 1534. Capital Punishment: See Death Penalty. Capricious Conduct: Superiors toward inferiors, 3. Captains : Appropriate command, 14.' Baggage, 1136. Detached service, 265. Exemptions from detail, 358. Forage, 1080. Funeral honors and escort, 422, 426. Promotion to grade, 25. Quarters, fuel, and stoves, 1044. Rank and precedence, 9. Relative rank with naval officers, 12. Roster duty, 358. 342 INDEX. Captains, Navy: Relative rank with Army officers, 12. Captured Property: Accountability, A. W. 9. Returns, 819. Carpenter Shops: Stoves, 1044. Carriers : Responsibility of, supplies in transit, 721, 1141. Cartridges : Sales to enlisted men, 354. Cash Sales: Subsistence supplies, 1239-1241, 1244, 1245. Casting Away Arms: Punishment, A. W. 42. Casualties in Action : Preparation, etc., of returns, 818. Cavalry : Administrative unit, 245. Animals, 1097. Inspections, 283. Mounted pay, officers, 1272, 1274. Precedence, 6. Squadron, designation in Army Regula- tions, 15. Standards and guidons, 230, 235. Troop, designation in Army Regulations, 15. Cemeteries : Battle-ground, 491, 492. National, 167, 223, 490, 895. Post, 167, 493-498, 889. Censure : Discussions, etc., conveying, forbidden, 5. Ceremonies : Chaplains, 46. Colors carried on occasions of, 232. Conformity to drill regulations, 435. Hospital Corps, 1413. Memorial Day, 440. Precedence of regiments and corps, 6. Reveille and retreat, 437. See also Honors, Courtesies, and Cere- monies. Certificates : Absentees, respecting, A. W. 12, 13. Disability. See Certificates of Disability. Discharge. See Discharge Certificates. Expenditures of ammunition, 1529. Fuel for officers, 1039. Manuscript, prohibited, 1572. Medical, 57, 160, 466. Medical attendance, medicines, 1478, 1480, 1483. Money vouchers, 632-634, 642-644, 646. Professional books, etc., 1139. Property expended, lost, or destroyed, 698. Ration accounts, 1213. Service, 151. Shipments of baggage, 1138. Transportation of excess baggage, 1123. Certificates of Accountability: Quartermaster supplies, 1091, 1092. Certificates of Deposit: Explanatory statements, 612. Issue and disposition, 611, 612, 615. Notations on accounts current, 615. Proceeds of sales, 618, 1521. Record and action, War Department, 616. Certificates of Disability: Admission to Soldiers' Home, D. C., 179. Degree of disability to be noted, 161. Discharge of enlisted men, 140. Insane soldiers, 466. Notation of soldiers' refusal to be treated, 161. Permanent disability, 159. Recruits, 870. Report of discharge to medical officer, 160. Certificates of Eligibility: Promotion, enlisted men, 31 ; p. 315*,: act March 2, 1913. Certificates of Merit: Additional pay, 186, 1341. Conditions of award, 184, 185, 188. Discharged and deceased soldiers, 187. Enlisted men, 184-188, 1341. Certificates of Nonindebtedness : Final payments to officers, 1262. Certificates of Pay: False, A. W. 13. Purchase of pay due, 592. Certificates of Rations: Civilian employees, 1213. Detached troops, 1213. Certificates of Service : Issued in lieu of lost discharges, 151. Cession of State Jurisdiction: Lands used for military purposes, 704. Chairs : Allowance for barracks, 1022. Challenges : Members of courts-martial, A. W. 88. Challenge to Duel: Carriers of, deemed principals, A. W. 27. Punishment for sending, A. W. 26. Upbraiding for refusing, A. W. 28. Change of Staff: Personal staff, general officers, 71. Articles to be transferred, 1023. Changes of Station: Baggage transportation, 1123, 1135-1137, 1139. Barrack furniture, 1023. Civilian employees, 739. Coast Artillery Corps noncommissioned staff, 310. Commutation of quarters, 1301, 1303, 1304. Enlisted men, 742, 1023. Furloughed soldiers, 112. General officers and personal staff, 71. Nurses, 1123. Officers, staff corps and departments, 742. Officers on leave, 1292-1294. Officers without troops, 68. Personal staff, general officers, 71. INDEX. 343 Changes ef Station Continued. Professional books, papers, etc., 1139. Quartermaster supplies, 1091, 1092. Transfer of enlisted men, 114. Transportation of horses, 1098. Troops in departments, 193. See also Movement of Troops. Chanel ne Parole or Watchword: Punishment, A. W. 44. Chapels : Books and musical Instruments, 331, 1144. Fuel and stoves, 1044. Rooms to be provided, 331. Chaplains: Aid afforded by commanding officers, 44. Assignments and transfers, 43. Ceremonies and inspections, 46. Duties, 44. Flags, 224J. Inspection reports concerning, 831, 889. Mounted pay, 1272. Reports, 45. Character : Discharged soldiers, 148. Recruits, 869. Charges Against Enlisted Men: Erroneous, 131. Evidence of previous convictions, 954, 956. Investigation by commanding officer, 955. Offenses cognizable by summary courts, 957. Preparation and transmission, 120, 124, 126, 954. Written, committing officer, A. W. 67. Charges Against Officers: Release from arrest, 924 ; A. W. 71. Service upon accused, A. W. 71. Charge's d'Affaires: Funeral honors, 421. Salutes and honors, 400, 403. Check Books, Official: Issue, transfer, etc., 608-610. Check or Currency Payments to Troops: Absence of soldier, 1333. Checks drawn for portion of pay, 1317. Checks drawn to order of individual, 1316. Currency in separate envelopes, 1316. Death or desertion of soldier, 1333. Deficiencies or surplus in currency, 1327. Deposits of enlisted men, 1335. Distribution of, at posts, 1320, 1325, 1326. Errors or informalities, 1328, 1330. Escort, 1324. Express, 1321-1324. Indorsement of check by payee, 1331. Notification with roll, 1320. Pay rolls, 1320, 1321, 1329, 1330, 1332- 1334, 1337. Places beyond express delivery, 1324. Posts at which made, 1316. Receipts not required in check payments, 1319. Troops absent from stations, 1334. Check or Currency Payments to Troops Coo. Undelivered checks or currency, 1333. Verification of sealed packages contain- ing, 1325, 1326. Checks : Alterations or erasures, 609. Bidders' certified, 524, 535. Blank, care and custody, 609. Death or resignation of drawer, 603. Designation of rank and department, 601. Drawing, 599-601, 635, 638, 643. Duplicate, 602. Lost, stolen, or destroyed, 602, 607. Miscellaneous receipts, etc., 615. Mutilated or spoiled, 610. Notation on vouchers, etc., 640. Object of expenditures, 600. Outstanding, 588, 603-607, 901, 902. Payment on presentation, 603, 604. Payments by, how made, 587, 599. Payments to enlisted men, .1316-1335. Signing in blank prohibited, 637. Transferring funds, 597. Use of rubber stamps in preparing, 600. Use of typewriter in preparing, 600. Chief Clerk, War Department: See Assistant and Chief Clerk, War De- partment. Chief Engineer Officers of Departments: See Department Engineers. Chief Justice, U. S. Supreme Court: Funeral honors, 421. Salutes and honors, 376, 400, 403. Chief Magistrates, Foreign Countries: Salutes and honors, 400, 403 Chief Mechanics: Appointment, etc., 275, 278. Chief Musicians: Baggage, 1136. Quarters, fuel, and stoves, 1044. Rank and precedence, 9. Chief of Coast Artillery: Bands, assignment to stations, 261. Board of Ordnance and Fortification, 303. Correspondence, 303. Duties and responsibilities, 303. Member of General Staff Corps, 303. Mounted officers, 1272. Noncommissioned staff, Coast Artillery Corps, 310. Office, records, etc., 303. Visits and courtesies, 240. Chief of Engineers: Band, assignment to station, 261. Certificates of merit, 184. Engineering operations in the field, 1501. Engineers, detached service, 1496. Engineers, special service, 1494. Fortifications, 1505, 1506. General duties, 1493, 1494. Headquarters, 1494. Journeys of engineer officers, 742. Maps, surveys, and reconnaissances, 1502. Plans, etc., military works, 1502. Public buildings, etc., D. C., 705, 1493. Visits and courtesies, 240. INDEX. Chief of Ordnance: Armament officers, 1539. Blanks and blank books, 1551. Certificates of merit, 184. General duties, 1511. Ordnance and ordnance stores, 1513, 1514, 1517, 1521, 1522, 1524, 1535- 1539, 1543-1545. Ordnance depots, 1515-1517. Seacoast and mobile artillery, 1538, 1539. Visits and courtesies, 240. Warrants, noncommissioned officers, Ord- nance Corps, 103. Chief of Staff of the Army: Absence or disability, 768. Acting Chief of Staff, 768. Administration and control of tbe Army, 761. Channels of action certain military business, note, p. 145. Coast Artillery, 303. Courts-marital proceedings, 921. Detail by the President, 761. Directions and orders of the President, 761, 762. Distribution of duties to War Depart- ment General Staff, 760. Duties as military adviser of the Secre- tary of War, 761. Duties in matters affecting officers, 765-767. Enlisted men, 766. Fortifications, 1506. General Staff serving with troops, 770. Information, etc., direct to the President, 761. Inspection reports, 900, 906. Limitation of service, 752, 761. Militia, 764. Office of, a supervising bureau of War Department, 761. Office rooms, fuel, and stoves for, and assistants, 1044. Official correspondence, 782, 784. Orders, etc., affecting the Army, officers, or men, 766, 774. Qualifications, 761. Relations to and with the President and Secretary of War, 761. Supervisory powers and duties, 753-756, 761-765, 769, 774. Supply, payment, etc., of troops, 740. Visits and courtesies, 240. War Department General Staff, 759, 760. Chief of Staff Serving with Troops: Assignment, etc., 197, 199, 771. Supervisory powers and duties, 772. Chief of the Quartermaster Corps: Allotments of pay, enlisted men, 1348- 1353, 1356, 1359. Balances in hands of disbursing officers, 625. Band instruments, 1151, 1179. Barracks and quarters, 1015. Certificates of merit, 184. Circulars, price of clothing, etc., 1146. Chief of the Quartermaster Corps Continued. Clothing and equipage, 1152, 1157, 1158. Colors, standards, and guidons, 239. Credit sales to enlisted men, 1249. Deposits of pay, enlisted men, 1361, 1364, 1369. Designation of beneficiaries, 1385. Draft and pack animals, 1102. Estimates of funds, 1008. General depots, 1002-1004. Heavy furniture for officers' quarters, 1020. Horses of mounted officers, 1095. Hospitals, 1469. Job printing, 510. Musical instruments, 1151, 1179. National cemeteries, 490. Newspapers and periodicals, 331. Noncommissioned officers, 1009. Office rooms, 1047. Officers' unpaid accounts, 1240. Pay accounts, officers, 1258. Payments, discharged soldiers, 1377. Payments, enlisted men, 1315. Payments, retired officers, 1257. Post cemeteries, 497, 498. Purchase of horses from mounted offi- cers, 1095. Quartermaster supplies, 1092. Recruiting service, 1152. Street-car and ferry tickets, 1127. Subsistence supplies and funds, 1197. Telegraphing, 1189, 1190. Textbooks and school materials, 331. Veterinary supplies, 1074. Visits and courtesies, 240. See also Quartermaster Corps. Chief Ordnance Officers of Department. See Department Ordnance Officers. Chief Quartermasters of Departments. See Department Quartermasters. Chief Signal Officer: Certificates of merit, 183. General duties, 1556. Military telegraph and telephone lines, 1556, 1559-1561, 1563. Signal Corps enlistments, etc., 1557. Signal supplies, 1564, 1566. Visits and courtesies, 240. Warrants, noncommissioned officers, Sig- nal Corps, 103. Chief Signal Officers of Departments. See Department Signal Officers. Chiefs of Bureaus: Annual reports, preparation, etc., 193J. Blank forms, 509, 1571. Boards of officers, 744. Changes of station and travel duties, 742. Civilian employees, 727, 734. Collections, 721. Condemned property, 906, 907, 913. Confidential communications, 778. Contractors' bonds, 569, 571. Contracts by purchasing officers, 558, 561-565. INDEX. 345 Chiefs of Bureans Continued. Correspondence with disbursing officers, 745. Distribution of orders, 803. Efficiency reports, 829, 833. Examination of money accounts, 655. Furloughs to enlisted men, 107. Hours of labor, civilian employees, 731. Inspection reports, 831. Intermediate commanders, 783. Leaves of absence, officers, 52. Official correspondence, 745, 775, 782 784, 787, 920. Personal reports, officers, 826, 827. Property returns, 701-703. Public moneys, 583. Records discontinued depots, 821. Remittances to officers, 621. Returns, 811. Stoppages of officers' pay, 1308. Surety companies, 573. Surveying officers' reports, 722, 723. Transfer of supplies, 671. Chief Surgeons of Departments. See Department Surgeons. Chief Trumpeter: Baggage, 1136. Quarters, fuel, and stoves, 1044. Rank and precedence, 9. Chimneys : Lamps, etc., 1052, 1054. Chronic Complaints: Payment of accounts for treatment, 1476. Circulars : Advertising for proposals, 522, 526. Clothing and equipage, 1146. Issue and numbering, 791. ' Regimental files, 259. Stoppages of officers' pay, 1310. Civil Authorities: Application for troops, 487. Arrest by, of officers and men, 1371, 1381. Subordination of military, A. W. 59. Civil Courts: Discharge of enlisted men, 146. Witnesses, 75, 951, 994, 1298. Civil Engineers: Employment, payment, etc., 730. National cemeteries, 490. Transportation and expenses. 732, 733. Civil Functionaries: Courtesies and honors, 403. Funeral honors, 421. Civilian Employees: Admission to hospitals, 464. 734, 1458, 1460. Aid to contractors, 516. Allotment of funds for pay, 177. Ammunition for hunting purposes, 1526. Artificial limbs and appliances, 1490, 1491. Attendance upon civil courts. 994. Baggage transportation, 1136, 1138. Burial, 492, 493. Certificates, pay due discharged, 730. Change of station, 739. Commutation of rations, 1229. Civilian Employees Continued. Computation of time, 651. Employment, etc., 727-730. Expenditures, 729. Hospital charges, 1460, 1461. Hours of labor, 731. Insane, 464. Inspection reports, 889. Laundrymen, 1245. Medical and hospital supplies, 1457. Medical attendance and medicines, 1473. Ordnance and ordnance stores, 1526, 1527, 1531. Parlor and sleeping cars, 733, 1128. Payments, 730. Property damaged, lost, or destroyed, 688. Purchase of quartermaster supplies, 1055. Purchase of subsistence supplies, 1245. Quarters, fuel, and stoves, 1044. Rations, 733, 1203, 1209, 1211, 1213. Shoemakers, 1245. Street-car and ferry tickets, 1127. Subject to Articles of War, A. W. 63. Tailors, 279, 1245. Transportation and expenses, 732-739. Vouchers for payment, 633. Wages due discharged, 650. Witnesses, military courts, 989, 992, 993. Wrongfully selling arms, etc., A. W. 60. Civilian Physicians: Compensation, 1479. Employment and payment, 14761478, 1484, 1485. Examination of recruits, etc., 865, 870, 1484, 1485. Rates of charges, 1479, 1484, 1485. Vaccination, 865. Civilians: Admission to hospital, 1459. Appointment as second lieutenants, 27, 34-37, 1297. Attendance upon civil courts, 994. Burial in post cemeteries, 493. Exploring or surveying expeditions, 1526. Hospital charges, 1459-1461. Medical and hospital supplies, 1457. Residence on reservations, 212. Waste or spoil of private property, etc., of, A. W. 55. Witnesses before military courts, 738, 952, 990-993; p. 314, act March 2, 1901. Civilian Witnesses: Attendance, court-martial, 952; p. 313, sec. 1202 R. S. Incriminating or degrading evidence, p. 314, act March 2, 1901. Pay and allowances, 738, 989-994. Refusal to obey summons, etc., 991 ; p. 314, act March 2, 1901. Civil Office: Officers on active list, 82. Civil Officers: Administration of oaths, 23, 684. Apprehension of deserters, 118, 121 ; p. 314, act June 18, 1898. Fees for administering oath, 649. 346 INDEX. Civil-Rights Laws: Enforcement by Army, 485, pp. 98, 99. Civil Service : Civilian employees, 727. Claims : Fictitious or fraudulent, A. W. 60. Information from records, 824. Interest in, disbursing officers or clerks, 592. Private property lost in service, 726. Purchase of, against the United States, 592. Unauthorized advertisements, 507. Clerks : Baggage, 1136. Employment, payment, etc., 728, 730. Extra-duty pay, 170. Inspectors, 879. Interest or concern in purchases, etc., 592. Parlor and sleeping cars, 1128. Transportation and expenses, 732, 733. Clothing and Equipage: Accounts, 1157-1166, 1169, 1415. Articles used for police, etc., 442, 443. Burial of deceased soldiers, 1173. Care of, by enlisted men, 286-288. Clothing allowance, 1161, 1162. Company, 266. Contract for, or purchase, 515. Damaged, 911. Deserters, 117, 129, 1164-1166, 1373. Embezzlement, etc., A. W. 60. Estimates, 1147-1156, 1177. Furnished by Quartermaster Corps, 1000. Indian prisoners of war, 477. Infected, 717, 1454. Inmates, Soldiers' Home, D. C., 181. Inspection, annual, 889. Inspection by medical officers, 1387. Interior Department Indians, 477. Issues, 1157, 1158, 1167-1173, 1455. Issues in case of necessity, 1156, 1159, 1168. Laundry charges, recruits, 1169. Measurements for clothing, condition, etc., 1155. Military prisoners, 939. Militia called into service, 455. Officers' servants, 1175. Price list, 1146. Purchase of, by officers, 1174. Recruiting service, 1152. Requisitions for, 203. Retired enlisted men, 137. Shipment to mobilization camps, 455. Sizes of clothing, 1153-1155. Tentage, 1183. Winter garments, special, 1168, 1171. Worn and in possession of men, 288, 289. See also Uniforms. Coast Artillery Corps: Bands. See Coast Artillery Corps Bands. Chaplains, 43-46. Chief of Coast Artillery, 303. Coast Artillery Board, 303. Coast Artillery Corps Continued. Coast defense commands, 304. Colors and guidons, 228. Company noncommissioned officers, 271, 274. Correspondence and reports, 303, 305. District commanders, 194, 198, 303. Efficiency reports, officers, 829. Electrical equipment in fortifications, 913, 1505J. Electrician sergeants, first and second class, 9, 310, 1044, 1136. Engineers, 9, 310, 1044, 1136. Firemen, 9, 310, 1044, 1136. Gunners, additional pay, 1343. Inspection of public property, 913. Inspections, 886. Manual, 1552. Master electricians, 9, 310, 1044, 1136. Master gunners, 9, 310, 1044, 1136. '" Noncommissioned staff, 9, 308, 310-312. Practice, 313-315. Rated positions, additional pay, 1343. Sergeants major, junior and senior, 9, 310, 1044, 1136. Submarine mine and fire control cables, 913, 15051. Transfer or exchange of officers, 48. Coast Artillery Corps Bands: Appointment of noncommissioned officers, 260. Assignment, 261. Equipments, 257, 262. Fund, 324, 326. Lye and sapolio, 1182. Memorial Day, 440. Musical instruments, etc., 262, 1179. National and patriotic airs, 264. Saluting, 375, 376. " The Star Spangled Banner," 264, 375, 378, 437. Coast Artillery Districts: Commanders, 194, 198, 303. Correspond in rank with brigades, 194. Inspection, command, etc., 194, 303, 886. Mounted officers, 1272. Officers under arrest, 924. Staff officers, 198. Coast Artillery Reserves: Called into United States service, 457. Coast Artillery School: Commandant, 303. Course and method of instruction, 303. Detachment of officers, 192. Inspection, 896. Leaves of absence, officers, 1277. Letter and note heads, 512. Location, Fort Monroe, Va., 449. Supervision and regulations, 191, 449. Coast Defense Commanders: Band fund, 326. Efficiency reports, 829. General duties and responsibilities, 246, 306. Inspection of command, 203. Mileage orders, 1286. INDEX. 347 Coast Defense Commanders Continued. Noncommissioned officers, 94, 271, 274, 310. Post noncommissioned staff, 94. Reports, incapacitated officers, 890. Senior Coast Artillery Corps officer, 304. Transfer or exchange, enlisted men, 114. Visits and courtesies, 240. Coast Defense Commands: Colors, 228, 232, 233. Command, 304. Commanders. See Coast Defense Com- manders. Correspondence, etc., 305. Establishment, limits, etc., 304. Mounted officers, 1272. Records, 309. Regarded as military posts, 203. Staff officers, 249, 307, 308. Tenure of office of staff, 249. Transfer, etc., enlisted men, 114. Transfer or exchange of officers, 48. Coffee : Purchase and issue of liquid, 1208. Ration, 1205. Collection of Duties : Enforcement of, by the Army, 485, p. 102. Colleges and Schools: See Educational Institutions, Civil. Colonels: Appropriate command, 14. Baggage, 1136. Forage, 1080. Funeral honors and escort, 422, 426. Promotion to grade, 25. Quarters, fuel, and stoves, 1044. Rank and precedence, 9. Relative rank with naval officers, 12. Colors and Standards: Assistant Secretary of War, 222. Battalion, 233. Battles, participation, 244. Camp, 241. Care of, 232. Carried into battle, etc., 232. Coast Artillery Corps, 228. Coast defense commands, 228, 232, 233. Engineer troops, 226, 227, 232. Hospital and ambulance, 225. Infantry regiments, 229. Mourning, 434. National, 226-234, 377. Philippine Scouts, 234. President of the United States, 218. Regimental, 227, 229-233, 377, 434. Replaced, disposition of, 239. Salutes, 375-377. Secretary of War, 221. Service, 233. Silken, 232. Unserviceable, 239. Use of unprescribed, 243. Color Sergeants: Appointment, etc., 256. Baggage, 1136. Color Sergeants Continued. Quarters, fuel, and stoves, 1044. Rank and precedence, 9. Combinations : Suppression of unlawful, 485, p. 101. Command : Appropriate to each grade, 14. Commanding officers, 13, 16-20. Funeral escort, 427, 428. Mixed corps, 10; A. W. 122. Reconnaissances and expeditions, 20. Staff officer, eligibility, 18, 19. Succession in event of death or disa- bility of department commanders, 196. Suspension from, by sentence, A. W. 101. Commanders, Navy: Relative rank with Army officers, 12. Commanders of Escorts: Reconnaissances and expeditions, 20. Commanding Officers: Absentees at muster, A. W. 12, 13. Aid to chaplains, 44. Aid to contractors, 516. Appliances for transporting wounded, 1432. Appointment of courts-martial, pp. 314, 315, act March 2, 1913. Arrest of officers, 922-924 ; A. W. 65. Assignments and assumption, 13. Attendance, drills, etc., 175. Authority as to discipline, 953. Battle-ground cemeteries, 491, 492. Battle reports, 816. Captured property, 819. Care, etc., of posts and reservations, 213. Casualty returns, 818. Certificates of merit, 184, 185. Charges against enlisted men, 955. Civilian employees, hospitals, 734. Clothing and equipage, 717, 1148, 1157, 1170. Clothing for prisoners, 1170. Coast defense commands, 304, 306. Colors, standards, and guidons, 239. Confinement of enlisted men, 932, 934. Confinement of prisoners, 935. Construction of works by troops, 1499. Contempt and disrespect, A. W. 20. Correspondence with subordinates, 783. Courts-martial proceedings, 919, 957, 982. Courts-martial sentences, p. 313, act June 18, 1898; A. W. 112. Deceased officers, 83, 86. Destitute persons, 1219. Detail of topographer, 444. Discharge certificates, 153. Dueling, A. W. 27. Enforcement of laws by troops, 486-489. Engineer officers on duty in command, 1503. Escort commanders, 20. Estimates for funds, Quartermaster Corps, 1008. Execution of orders, 796. Exercise of command, 13. Extra and special duty men, 175. 348 INDEX. Commanding Officers Continued. Field service, Hospital Corps, 1433. Forage ration, 1078. Furloughs, enlisted men, 106, 111 ; A. W. 11. General duties and responsibilities, 306, 746, 751. General prisoners, 937, 941.. Hospital service, 1447. Inmates Soldiers' Home, D. C., 181. Insane officers, 86. Inspections, 46, 892. Inspectors, 881. Intruders, Indian country, 473. Leaves of absence, 56, 57. Liquid coffee, 1208. Military telegraph lines, 1559. Mixed corps, 10, 817; A. W. 122. Movements of troops, 193, 1107. Musters, 438, 439. Navy or Marine Corps deserters, 133. Noncommissioned officers, 274. Officers of General Staff Corps, 772. Official correspondence, 787. Ordnance and ordnance stores, 1514. Parades, 436. Payments to enlisted men, 1320, 1325- 1329. Pecuniary interest in victuals, etc., A. W. 18. Policing stables, etc., 1106. Posting troops, 6. Post noncommissioned staff, 94, 100. Property responsibility, 658-660; A. W. 10. Ration returns, 1209-1211, 1214, 1215, 1220, 1222. Rations, 1202, 1215. Reconnaissance equipment, 447. Redress of abuses, A. W. 54. Regimental bands, 264. Retirement of enlisted men, 135. Retirement of officers, 76. Returns, requisitions, and estimates, 748. Returns of troops, 811-815, 818, 819. Route maps, 444. Salutes and honors, 380. Staff officers, 18, 19, 746. Stationery, 1062. Stores deteoriated, 717. Substance supplies and funds, 1215. Summary court records, 962. Surveying officers, 711. Surveying officers' reports, 723. Surveys and reconnaissances. 1500. Tableware and kitchen utensils, 1178. Temporary or acting, 16. Transfer or succession, 17. Trespassers, Indian country, 473. Veterinary supplies, 1075, 1076. Visitors at posts, 347, 403. Visits and courtesies, 406414. Witnesses, military courts, 952. See also Army (Field) Commanders. Brigade (Separate) Commanders. Commanding Officers Continued. See also Coast Defence Commanders. Company Commanders. Department Commanders. Detachment Commanders. District Commanders. Division (Tactical) Commanders. Post Commanders. Regimental Commanders. Commands : Alteration in strength, 814. Annual inspection, 887-889, 892. Discontinued, records of, 821. Quarrels, frays, and disorders, A. W. 24. Commerce : Interstate and foreign, 485, pp. 101, 102. Commissaries : Battalion, 248, 250, 254, 255. Regimental, 248, 250, 253-255. Squadron, 248, 254. Commissary Sergeants, Battalion: Duties, 254. Commissary Sergeants, Regimental: Appointment, etc., 256. Baggage, 1136. Quarters, fuel, and stoves, 1044. Rank and precedence, 9. Commissioned Officers: See Officers, Army, Commissions, Military : See Military Commissions. Commissions of Officers: Precedence, etc., 9, 11. Preparation and distribution, 774. Transfer or exchange of officers, 47, 48. Committees of Congress: Officers and men as witnesses before, 1298. Salutes and honors, 4OO, 403. Commodores : Relative rank with Army officers, 12. Communications, Official : See Correspondence. Letters, official. Orders. Commutation for Artificial Limbs: Money value, 1490. Commutation of Quarters: Officers, 1299-1307. Retired enlisted men, 137. Stoves, 1048. Commutation of Rations: Allowance and conditions, 1212, 1223, 1224, 1226, 1228, 1443. Army and Navy Hospital, 1443. Attendants, transportation of horses, 1098. Classes prohibited, 1229, 1231. Discharged soldiers on United States transports, 1235. Enlisted men on United States trans- ports, 1231, 1234. Furloughs, 1229, 1233, 1234, 1236-1238. Guards in charge of prisoners, 938. INDEX. 349 Commutation of Rations Continued. Insane soldiers, 468. Meal tickets, 1227. Orders, 1230-1232. Payments, 1212, 1231-1238. Rates, 1212, 1223, 1224, 1226, 1228, 1443. Retired enlisted men, 137. Travel on duty, 1111, 1232. Commutation of Subsistence: Computation of time, 651. Companies : Absence from, or quitting, without leave, A. W. 32, 40. Accounts, 266. Application of company designation in Army Regulations, 15. Arms, etc., in quarters, 285, 288, 292. Artificers, wagoners, etc., 173, 275, 278. Baking bread, 1201. Books and records, 280-282, 1361, 1471, 1472. Brooms, brushes, and mops, 301, 1181. Captains, 265, 266, 269. Care of arms, etc., 285, 287, 288, 292, 293. Chiefs of squads, 287, 288. Cleanliness of men, 286, 288. Clothing, 266. Commanders. See Company Commanders. Command of a captain, 14. Council, 280, 316-318, 320, 321, 327. Designation on muster rolls and pay rolls, 809. Desks, 1139. Discipline and instruction, 266. Division into squads, 284. Equipments, 266, 285, 287, 288, 293, 294. Establishment of tailor, barber, and shoe- repair shops, 327. Field musicians, 261, 263. First-aid treatment, 1419. Fuel and stoves, 1044. Fund, 316, 320-322, 324, 327-329, 343, 344, 1201. Inspections, 283. Kitchen, 297. Leather dressing or polishing material, 293. Libraries, 1144. Litters, hand, 1430. Lye and Sapolio, 1182. Marking property, 295. Messing and cooking, 296-302. Names of men on bunks, 285. Noncommissioned officers. See Company Noncommissioned Officers. Numbering of men, 284. Pay, 266. Police of barracks, tents, etc., 286, 287. Public property, 266, 281, 290, 295, 694. Quitting, or absence from, without leave, A. W. 32, 40. Records, 280, 281, 1471, 1472. Records of discontinued, 821. Repairs to ordnance stores, 1537. Companies Continued. Reports, 266. Returns, 266, 811, 812, 815. Savings of rations, 1220. Subsistence, 266. Tableware, etc., 301. Tailors, 279. Textbooks, etc., 291. Transfers, officers and men, 48, 114. Uniform and fatigue dress, 279, 289. Withdrawing from general mess, 330. Company Commanders: Absentees at muster, A. W. 12, 13. Acting, in absence of company officers, 267, 268. Admissions Soldiers' Home, D. C., 179. Allotments of pay, enlisted men, 1348- 1351. Appointees, second lieutenants, 29. Artificers, 275, 278. Authority as to discipline, 953. Cartridges, hunting purposes, 354. Chief mechanics, 275, 278. Clothing accounts, 1157-1160. Clothing and equipage, 1153, 1156, 1157. Commutation of rations, 1233, 1236, 1237. Company fund, 316, 324, 827, 328, 1208. Confinement of enlisted men, 931. Cooks, 275, 278. Councils of administration, 317, 320. Custody of discharge certificates, 150. Daily and weekly inspections, 283. Deceased soldiers' effects, 162164. Deposits by enlisted men, 1335, 1331, 1362, 1369. Deserters, 117, 120, 121, 124. Detached enlisted men, 104. Discharge of enlisted men, 140, 142, 146, 148, 149, 154, 155. Disposition of old records, reports, etc., 281. Efficiency reports, 829. Emergency rations, 1205. Enlisted men in hospital, 1472. Enlistment of discharged soldiers, 860. Escaped prisoners' money, 940. Farriers and horseshoers, 275, 278. Final statements, 1362-1364, 1369. First sergeants, 273, 275. Furloughs, 109, 110, 1111 ; A. W. 11. General duties and responsibilities, 266, 269, 284, 286, 290, 291. Incorrect payments, 1336. Inspection after taps, 370. Instructions in signaling, 1562. Lance corporals, 272. Marking of graves, 492. Mechanics, 275, 278. Messing and cooking, 296, 298. Musicians, 275, 278. Muster rolls, 810. Noncommissioned officers, 94, 95, 270- 278. Patients in hospital, 1451. Payment of deserters, 1373, 1374. 350 INDEX. Company Commenders Continued. Payments to enlisted men, 1320, 1321, 1330-1334. Pay rolls, 110, 810, 1318, 1320, 1321, 1330. Privates, first class, 275, 278. Property responsibility, 266, 290, 291, 661-663, 1089-1092 ; A. W. 10. Public animals, 1072. Punishments awarded by, 280. Quartermaster sergeants, 273, 275. Ration returns, 1209. Reports, incapacitated officers, 890. Returns of troops, 811, 812. Saddlers, 275, 278. Serving with detached companies, 813. Settlements with staff officers, 281. Small-arms practice, 350. Stable sergeants, 273, 275. . Stamps for sealing ordnance packages, 1546. Stationery, 1063. Transfer of enlisted men, 115. Trumpeters, 275, 278. Uniforms, enlisted men, 279, 289. Wagoners, 275, 278. Company Noncommissioned Officers : Appointments, etc., 270, 271, 273-278. Capacity of privates, test, 272. Care of rations, 297. Desertion vacates position, 277. First sergeants, 9, 270, 273-277, 370, 480, 1044, 1136. Fuel, 1044. Funeral honors and escort, 428. Indian scouts, 480. Management of kitchens, 297. Quartermaster sergeants, 9, 273276, 1044. Rank and precedence, 9. Reduction to the ranks, 276, 277. Reproving, 270. Roster duties, 358. Stable sergeants, 273-276. Travel accommodations, 1128. Warrants, 274. Whistles, 1180. Company Quartermaster Sergeants: See Quartermaster Sergeants, Company. Company Rendezvous: Defined, Organized Militia, 452. Competitions, Small Arms: Departmental, 193. Computation of Distances: Payment of mileage, 1279, 1282. Computation of Service: Longevity pay, 1271. Retirement of enlisted men, 132, 134. Computation of Time: Extra-duty pay, 176. Leaves of absence, 1276. One-half of court-martial sentence, 943. Personal services, 651. Concentration Camps: Defined, Organized Militia, 452. Subsistence of militia, 455. Condemnation of Property: Articles in charge of guards, 443. Coast Artillery Corps supplies, 913. Duties of inspectors, 903, 906-908. Inventories, 904-906, 909. Medical supplies, 1488. Ordnance and ordnance stores, 913, 1543. Property once condemned, 909. Signal Corps supplies, 1566. Surveying officer's duty, 715. Unserviceable, 678, 679. Worn or shabby in appearance, 908. Condemned Property: Destruction, 906, 907, 910, 912-914, 1073. Marking or branding, 907. Ordnance and ordnance stores, 1543. Sale, 680, 681, 906, 907, 912-914, 1073. Small arms, 907, 910. Conduct : Divine worship, A. W. 52. In the military service, 15. Members of courts-martial, A. W. 87. Officers in arrest, 926, 927. Prejudicial to good order, A. W. 62. Unbecoming an officer, A. W. 61. See also Misconduct, etc. Confederate Records: Care and custody, 774. Confinement of Enlisted Men: Awaiting trial by summary courts, 933. Charged with crime, A. W. 66. Inquiry into offense, 930. Limitation, A. W. 66, 70. Noncommissioned officers, 929. Prisoners, 932, 936-942, 944. Report of, to commander, 931 ; A. W. 68. Without charges, 934. Confinement of Prisoners: Arrested, 923 ; A. W. 65, 70. Confinement of Prisoners: Beginning and expiration of term, 969. General prisoners, 969, 971, 972. Places, 971. Prior to confirmation of sentence, 972. Congress, United States : Annual returns of militia, 774. Corps of Engineers, 1493. Disrespect or contempt, A. W. 19. Employment of militia, 450. Medals of honor, 182. Congressional Committees : See Committees of Congress. Conspiracies : Suppression by the Army, 485, p. 101. Constitution of the United States : Employment of militia, 450. Construction : Alterations of plans or estimates, 1468. Hospitals, 1464-1469. Post cemetery walls or fences, 494. Quarters for sergeants, first class, Hospi- tal Corps, 1467, 1468. Consuls General: Funeral honors, 421. Salutes and honors, 400, 403. INDEX. 351 Contagions Diseases : Gratuitous issue of clothing, 1172, 1455. Infected clothing, 717. Medical and hospital property, 1454. Patients and hospital attendants, 1455. Contempt of Court: Courts-martial, A. W. 86. Contempt or contemptuous Words: Commanding officer, A. W. 20. President of the United States, A. W. 19. Contingent Expenses: Department headquarters, 200. Special accounts current, 623. Continuous-Service Pay : Immediate reenlistment, 143. Rates and payment, 1340. Contractors : Aid to fulfill contracts, 516. Bonds, 569-581. Construction and repair work, 572. Entitled to copy of contract, 561. Hours of labor, mechanics and laborers, 731. Marking supplies, 566. Payments for labor and material, 572. Contracts : Aid to contractors, 516. Awards, 523, 544-548. Blanks, 555. Commanding officers, 751. Competition to be invited, 520. Conditions necessary before making, 515. Construction and repair work, 572. Definition of contract, 550. Delay in forwarding to Returns Office, Interior Department, 563. Disposition of copies, 561, 563, 565. Examination and approval, 562. Execution, 556-561. Forms, 555. Fresh meats for troops, 1200. Hawaiian Department, 557. Involving future payment of money, 582. Nonpersonal services, 557. Oath, Returns Office, Interior Depart- ment, 563. Officers making, responsibility, 520. Papers relating to, 565. Persons in military service, 521. Philippine Department, 557, 559. Printing, 510, 513. Purchase of public animals, 1066. Purchases, Quartermaster Corps, 564. Quartermaster Corps, 557. Repairs, means of transportation, 557. Subsistence supplies, territorial depart- ments, 557. Unauthorized, prohibited, 515. Undertakers, 87, 167. Contract Surgeons: Baggage, 1136, 1138. Contracts, 1390, 1392, 1393. Details, 1394. Duties, 1394. Employment, 1390. Examination of recruits, etc., 870. Fuel, 1037. Contract Surgeons Continued. Illuminating supplies, 1054, 1057. Insane, 464. Leaves of absence, 1393. Medical attendance, etc., 1473, 1474, 1476, 1478, 1480, 1483. Mileage, 1296. Ordnance supplies, 1520, 1521. Pay and allowances, 1390. Payments to, 1266. Privileges, 1391. Quartermaster supplies, 1174. Returns by department surgeons, 1489. Subsistence supplies, 1239. Conviction : Definition, p. 301, sec. 1342, R. S. Previous, 954, 956, 962. Convicts : Enlistment or acceptance prohibited, 849 ; A. W. 3. See also Prisoners, General. Cooking: See Messing and Cooking. Cooking Stoves and Utensils: Allowance, 1044. Company, 296. Cooks: Appointment, etc., 275, 278. Excused from ordinary post duties, 329. Extra pay, 329. Hours of labor, 731. Inspection and muster, 329. Management and cooking in the field, 296. Manual for Army, 296, 299. Quartermaster Corps, 1009. Reduction, 1009. Schools for, 449. Target practice, 329. Corn: Forage ration, 1077. Cornmeal : Ration, 1205. Corporals : Appointments, 260, 271, 275, 480, 1405. Band, 260. Funeral honors and escort, 428. Hospital Corps, 1405, 1407, 1410. Indian scouts, 480. Lance, 272, 1405, 1407, 1408, 1410. Ordnance Corps, 103. Quarters, fuel, stoves, 1044. Rank and precedence, 9. Recruiting parties, 843-845. Reduction, 276, 277, 1009, 1407. Reproving, 270. Roster duties, 358. Selection and instruction, 270. Sigjial Corps, 103. Temporary appointments, 275. Travel accommodations, 1128. Warrants, 274, 1405, 1410. Whistles, 1180. Corporations : Acceptance of, as sureties, 575-577, 581. Bonds, 574, 580. Contracts, supplies, and services, 560. Money vouchers, 641-644. 352 INDEX. Corporations Continued. Proposals, supplies, and services, 532. Stockholders as sureties, 573. Surety companies, 573, 575-577, 580, 581. Corps of Engineers: Band. See Engineer Band. Battalion staff officers, 248. Chief of Engineers, 1493, 1494, 1496, 1501, 1502, 1505, 1506. Colors, 226, 227, 232. Department commander's staff, 197, 199. Electric plants and equipments, 1493, 1505J. Eligibility of officers of, to command, 18. Extra-duty details, enlisted men, 172. General duties, 1493. Guidons, 237. Officers, 742, 1493-1504, 1507-1509. Organized Militia, 1510. Precedence on occasions of ceremony, 6. Quartermaster sergeants, 9, 256, 1044, 1136. Special regulations, note, p. 287. Supervision of, by Chief of Staff, 762. Troops detached, 1495, 1496. Correspondence : Army and militia, 774. Channels of communication, 193. Chief of Coast Artillery, 303. Chiefs of bureaus, disbursing officers, 745. Coast defense commands, 305. Confidential communications, 778. Courtesy required, 790. Foreign, 781, 839. Judge advocates, 920. National cemeteries, 490. Post staff, official address, 206. Private, officers and enlisted men, 781. Recruiting service, 872. Resignation of officers, 79, 80. Use of colored inks, 822. See also Letters, Official. Orders. Correspondence Books: Company, 280. Post, 211. Regimental, 258. Correspondence with Enemy: Punishment, A. \V. 46. Councils of Administration: Company, 280, 316-318, 320, 321, 327. Hospital, 317. Mess, 316-318, 321, 329, 330. Post, 117, 163, 164. Post exchange, 211, 279, 316-321, 327. Proceedings, record of, 318. (' use I : Employment of civil, 995, 996. Counsel for Accused: Detail, qualifications, and duties, 961. Judge Advocate to act, A. W. 90. Courtesy ^ Enjoined on military men, 4, 391, 790. See also Honors, Courtesies, and Cere- monies. Courts-Martial : Acquittal of charge of desertion, 128, Annual reports of trials, etc., 916. Appointment, pp. 314, 315, act March 2, 1913. Available officers for duty, 192. Candidates for promotion, 32. Charges against enlisted men, 954, 955 ; A. W. 67. Classification, p. 314, act March 2, 1913. Closed sessions, 949 ; p. 313, act July 27, 1892. Compensation for clerical duties, 987. Definition of conviction, p. 301, sec. 1342, R. S. Error in record or conclusions, 983. Fuel and stoves, 1044. Garrison, A. W. 62, 84, 112. General. See Courts-Martial, Greneyal. Interpreters, 988. Judge advocates. See Judge Advocates of Courts-Martial. Jurisdiction, 32; A. W. 58, 60, 62-64, 79, 102, 103. Manual, 963. Members, 946, 948 ; A. W. 76-78', 84, 87, 88, 95. Mixed corps, A. W. 77, 78. Noncommissioned officers, 958. Offenses against civil communities, 955. Places where held, 946. Powers, 948. Power to punish contempt, A. W. 86. President, 947, 979 ; A. W. 85. Previous convictions, 954. Proceedings, 979; A. W. 86-93, 95, 113, 114, 121. Records, 920. Regimental, A. W. 30, 62, 84, 112. Reporters, 738, 986, 987. Sentences. See Courts-Martial Kentences. Sessions, 946. Special. See Courts-Martial, Special. Summary. See Courts-Martial, Sum- mary. Witnesses, 127, 951, 952; p. 313, sec. 1202 R. S. ; p. 314, act, March 2, 1901 ; A. W. 91, 92. Ceurte-Martial, General : Announcement of findings, etc., 984. Appointment, pp. 314, 315, act March 2, 1913; A. W. 76. Contumacious witnesses, 991 ; p. 314, act March 2, 1901. Copy of proceedings to be furnished, 919, 980; A. W. 114. Counsel for prisoners, 961. Custodian of records, 915. Evidence of previous convictions, 954, 962. Jurisdiction, p. 313, sec. 1343 R. S. ; p. 315, act March 2, 1913 ; A. W. 79. Matter in charges unfit for publication, 984. Members, 945 ; pp. 314, 315, act March 2, 1913. INDEX. 353 Courts-Martial, General Continued. Orders, 791, 917, 984. Proceedings, 917, 921. Records, 915, 980. Refusal of civilian witnesses to appear, etc., 991. Stenographic reporter, 985-987. Trial of enlisted men, 954. Typewriter, use of, 980. Courts-Martial, Special: Appointment, p. 315, act March 2, 1913. Counsel for prisoners, 961. Evidence of previous convictions, 954, 962. Jurisdiction, p. 315, act March 2, 1913. Members, 945 ; pp. 314, 315, act March 2, 1913. Orders convening, proceedings, etc., 945, 960. Records, 960, 982. Trial of candidates for promotion, 32. Courts-Martial, Summary: Appointment, p. 315, act March 2, 1913. Charges against enlisted men, 956, 957. Consist of one officer, p. 314, act March 2, 1913. Delays in trials, 959. Evidence of previous convictions, 956, 962. Jurisdiction, p. 315, act March 2, 1913. Only officer present sitting as court, 957. Proceedings, findings, etc., 957. Records, 957. Reports, 982 ; pp. 313, 314 act .Tune 18, 1898. Sessions, 959. Trial of candidates for promotion, 32. Trial officers, administration of oaths, p. 313, act July 27, 1892. Trial of noncommissioned officers, 958 ; p. 315, act March 2, 1913. Courts-Martial Sentences : Absence without leave, 127, 128. Beginning and expiration, 969, 970. Branding, marking, or tattooing, A. W. 38, 98. Candidates for promotion, 32. Certificates of eligibility, enlisted men, 32. Computation of one-half, 943. Conduct unbecoming an officer, A. W. 61. Confirmation, 981 ; A. W. 105-109. Cowardice or fraud, A. W. 42, 60, 100. Death penalty, A. W. 96. Deposits of enlisted men, 1368. Designation of persons convicted, 928. Discharge of enlisted men, 139 ; A. W. 4. Discharge or dismissal of officers, A. W.99. Dishonorable discharge, 974, 975. Execution, A. W. 104-109. Flogging, A. W. 98. Forfeiture of pay, 970, 976-978. Form, 965. General officers, A. W. 108. Imprisonment in penitentiaries, A. W. 97. Increase of sentence of confinement, 967. Courts-Martial Sentences Continued. Legal limit, 968. Limitation of punishment, 963, 964 ; p. 313, act September 27, 1890; p. 315, act March 2, 1913 ; A. W. 38, 98. Marking, A. W. 38, 98. Noncommissioned officers, 256, 276, 277, 310. Operative when confirmed, 972. Order of serving, 973. Order publishing, 970. Pardon or mitigation, p. 313, act June 18, 1898; A. W. 112. Payments to officers dismissed, 1262, 1265. Places of confinement, 965, 966, 971. Soldiers serving or awaiting, when term expires, 157. Special courts-martial, p. 315, act March 2, 1913. Summary courts-martial", 957 ; p. 315, act March 2, 1913. Suspension, A. W. 111. Suspension from command, A. W. 101. Tattooing, A. W. 38, 98. Tours of guard duty, 964. Courts of Inquiry: Appointment, etc., A. W. 115. Composition, A. W. 116. Fuel and stoves, 1044. Members, A. W. 116, 117. Oaths of members, A. W. 117, 118. Opinion of court, A. W. 119. President, A. W. 117, 120. Proceedings, 719; A. W. 116, 118, 120, 121. Recorders, A. W. 116-118, 120. Records, 915. Witnesses, A. W. 118. Cowardice : Punishment, A. W. 42, 100. Sentences of courts-martial, A. W. 100. Crating : See Packing and Crating. Credit Sales: Subsistence supplies, 1242, 1243, 1249. Crimes or Offenses : Against laws of the land, A. W. 55, 59. Convictions, enlisted men, civil courts, 146. Enlisted men charged with, A. W. 66. Fraud or embezzlement, A. W. 60. Fraudulent enlistment, p. 313, act July 27, 1892. Officers charged with, A. W. 65. Trial, second time for same, A. W. 102. Currency Payments to Troops : See GMck or Currency Payments to Troops. Cuspidors : Allowance for barracks, 1022. Custody of Public Funds: Separate accounts and deposits, 584. Treasurer of the United States, 586. Customs Duties: Army to protect collection, 485, p. 102. 9085117- -23 354 INDEX. Customs Officers: Seamen and river boatmen, 1459. Damages to Property: Accountability, A. W. 10. Barrack furniture, 1011. Barracks and quarters, 1010, 1011. Civilian employees, 688. Classification, 682. Deserters, 687. Enlisted men, 685, 686, 699, 724, 1178; A. W. 16, 17. Examination, etc., surveying officer, 710, 713, 715. Examination of original packages, 668. Fire, storm, etc., 709. In transit, 721, 1141. Loaned mail contractors, 209. Medical supplies, 1488. Mess property and utensils, 301. Officers, 683, 685; A. W. 15. Ordnance and ordnance stores, 1530, 1541. Prevention, 674. Stoppages against pay of officers, 1309. Surveys on, 710, 713, 715. Tableware and kitchen utensils, 1178. Vessels owned or operated by the War Department, 709. Death Penalty: Concurrence of two-thirds of the mem- bers of a general court-martial, A. W. 96. Confirmation by the President, A. W. 105. Incurred by enlisted men, A. W. 21-23, 39, 42-47, 51, 56, 57. Incurred by officers, A. W. 21-23, 41-47, 51, 56, 57. Spies, p. 313, sec. 1343 R. S. Deaths : Report of chaplain, 45. Report of commanding officers, 83, 162. See also Deceased Officers. Deceased Soldiers. Deceased Officers: Accounts, medical attendance, etc., 1478. Accounts for advertisements, 508. Baggage, professional books, etc., 1137. Burial in post cemeteries, 493. Cause of death, 83. Checks outstanding, 603. ' Disposition of remains, 87. Effects, 84, 85; A. W. 125, 127. Expenses of burial, 87. Funeral honors and escort, 396, 418- 420, 422, 426, 427. Half year's pay to beneficiary, 1385. Information from records, 824. Notification of nearest relative, 87. Outside continental limits U. S., 87. Public property or funds, 86. Reports of death and burial, 45, 83, 87. Settlement of accounts, 85. Transportation of horses, 1098. Deceased Soldiers: Accounts, medical attendance, etc., 1478. Allotment ^ay, 1350. Arrears of pay, etc., 165. Baggage, professional books, etc., 1137. Burial in post cemeteries, 493. Cause of death, 162. Certificates of merit, 187. Clothing for use In burial, 1173. Deposits of pay, 1367. Disposition of remains, 167. Effects, 162-165, 1451 ; A. W. 126, 127. Expenses of burial, 167. Funeral honors and escort, 423, 428. Half year's pay to beneficiary, 1385. Information from records, 824. Legal administration of estate, 166. Notification of nearest relative, 162, 167. Patients dying in hospitals, 1451. Payment of debts of, 163. Payments, 1333. Reports of death and burial, 45, 167. Settlement of accounts, 166. Deductions : Loss or damage to supplies in transit, 721. Deeds : Military lands, 705, 915, 1493. Deficiencies In Public Property: Stoppages against pay of officers, 1309. Definitions : Battalion, 15. Company, 15. Contract, 550. Conviction, p. 301, sec. 1342 R. S. Desertion, 132. Directions and orders of the Secretary of War, 761. Extra and special duty, enlisted men, 169. Fiscal year and quarters of, 620. Garrison prisoners, 928. General and special orders, 702, 793. General prisoners, 928. General recruiting stations and recruit- ing depots, 841. Governors general, 400. Indian country, 472. Officer, p. 301, sec. 1342 R. S. Officers on duty without troops, 1300. Ordnance and ordnance stores, 1512. Personal service, 519. Prisoners awaiting trial, etc., 928. Rank, 7. Ration, 1202. Roster, 355. Sea travel, 1280. Soldier, p. 301, sec. 1342 R. S. Spring wagons, 1103. Traveling with troops, 1281. Delays : Applications, 67. Granted enlisted men, 107. Officers changing stations, 68. Proceedings, courts-martial, A. W. 93. Regarded as leaves of absence, 70. Deliberations : Conveying praise or censure forbidden, 5. INDEX. 355 Dental Corps: Acting dental surgeons. See Acting Dental Surgeons. Assignments, 1396. Assistants, 1397. Dental surgeons, 1239, 1396-1401, 1489. Duties, 1398-1403. Emergency work, 1399. Materials, 1399, 1401. Office rooms, 1397. Operations, limitation of, 1400. Returns by department and division sur- geons, 1489. Department Adjutants : Assignment, 197. Designation, 199. Detachments, 367. Distribution of orders, 803. Funds for contingent expenses, 200. Returns, 200, 333. Department Commanders: Absence from headquarters, 196. Acting dental surgeons, 1395. Administration of military affairs, 193. Advertising rates, 505507. Annual reports, preparation, etc., 193}. Appeals of officers, A. W. 29. Appeals referred to, for decision, 195. Assignments to command, 190. Authority to command, 191, 192. Awards and contracts, 543, 544. Barracks and quarters, 1012, 1014-1016, 1025, 1030. Blank forms, 509. Candidates for promotion, 33. Care, etc., of posts and reservations, 213. Change of station of troops, 193. Civilian employees, 729. Clothing and equipage, 1149-1151. Commutation of quarters, 1302. Company commanders, 268. Condemned property, 906, 912, 913. Confinement of prisoners, 935, 938. Contingent expenses, 200. Contracts, 557. Controversies arising within command, 195. Councils of administration, 318. Courts-martial orders, 984. Courts-martial proceedings, 920. Damages by fire, storm, etc., 709. Deceased officers, 83. Decisions, pecuniary responsibility, 318, 321. Deserters, 126. Disbursing officers on staff, 745. Discharge of enlisted men, 139, 161 ; A. W. 4. Efficiency reports, 829. Enlisted men detailed with militia, 105. Estimates, 750, 1008. Examinations for promotion, 29, 30. Extra and special duty details, 171. Extra-duty pay, 177. Field officers of the mobile army, 247. Forage rations, 1077. Department Commanders Continued. Funeral escorts, etc., 426. Furloughs to enlisted men, 107. Gambling, 593. Garrison schools, 193. General courts-martial, A. W. 76. General duties and responsibilities, 193. General hospitals, 1439, 1446. Hire of quarters, 1028, 1029. Horses of mounted officers, 1095. Hospital Corps, 1414. Hospital transports, etc., 1440. Illuminating supplies, 1051, 1053. Indian country, 472. Indian scouts, 480, 482. Insane soldiers, 467, 468. Inspection, command, etc., coast artil- lery, 303. Inspection reports, 906. Inspections, 193, 887. Inspectors general, 879-883. Instruction and practice in signaling, 1562. Jurisdiction over prisoners, 944. Leaves of absence, officers, 51. Loss of special funds, 321. Maps and reconnaissances, 446. Messing and cooking, field practice, 298. Mounted service, 1095, 1096, 1272. Movements of troops, 193, 750. Office rooms, fuel, and stoves, 1"044, 1046, Officers under arrest, 924. Ordnance and ordnance stores, 1517, 1518, 1532, 1538. Ordnance depots, 1515, 1517. Organized Militia, 193, 454, 457, 463. Permission to hunt granted by, 66. Personal leave beyond command, 51. Post gardens, 344. Post noncommissioned staff, 99, 101. Printing, contracts for, 513, 514. Public moneys by express, 1142. Quartermaster supplies, 1003-1007. Recruit depot posts, 841. Recruiting service, 840. Reports, special and annual, 193, 193J, 196. Reports from officers, 747. Returns of troops, 811. Sales of horses to mounted officers, 1095. Signal supplies, 1564. Small-arms practice, 350. Special Inspections and investigations, 893. Special inspectors, 903. Staff, 199, 200. Staff officers and enlisted men, 743. Subsistence, furloughed men or soldiers absent without leave, 110. Succession in event of death or disability of, 196. Supervision of reservations, 212. Supervision or control, 191, 192, 304. Surveying officers, 711. Target practice, 193. Telegraph accounts, 1189. 356 INDEX. Department Commanders Continued. Telegraphic code, 1185. Transfer, etc., enlisted men, 114, 1411. Transfer of supplies, 671. Transportation, furloughed men or sol- diers absent without leave, 110. Travel of enlisted men, 191. Unimportant communications, 789. Witnesses, 951, 952. Writs of habeas corpus, 999. Department Engineers: Assignment, 197. Designation, 199. Department Inspectors: Assignment, 197. Designation, 199. Inspections of accounts of disbursing officers, etc., 899. Supervision or control, 879. Department Judge Advocates: Administration of oaths, 23, 684 ; p. 313, act July 27, 1892. Annual reports, 916. Assignment, 197. Courts-martial records, 982 ; p. 314, act June 18, 1898. Designation, 199. Law books, 918. Office rooms, fuel, and stoves, 1044. Department Ordnance Officers: Assignment, 197. Designation, 199. Ordnance and ordnance stores in time of war, 1514. Requisitions for ordnance supplies, 1518. Department Quartermasters: Assignment, 197. Clothing and equipage, 1148-1151. Commutation payments, lost furloughs, 1237. Contracts, subsistence supplies and non- personal services, 557. Designation, 199. Estimates for funds, 1008. Office rooms, fuel, and stoves, 1044. Pay accounts of officers, 1258, 1259. Payment of troops, 1315. Repairs, barracks and quarters, 1017, 1019. Sale of subsistence supplies, 1243. Departments : Change of station of troops, 193. Civilian employees, headquarters, 728. Commanders. See Department Command- ers. Contingent expenses, 200. Draft and pack animals, 1102. Engineer officers on duty, 1503. Establishment, 190. Inspections, 879-883, 899, 903, 906. Letter and note heads, 512. Movements of troops, 193. Orders, 805. Printing, 510-514. Records of, discontinued, 821. Departments Continued. Registry of officers arriving at head- quarters, 406, 825. Returns, 333, 811, 815. Rosters of troops, 805. Staff officers, 197, 199. Department Signal Officers: Assignment, 197. Designation, 199. Department Surgeons: Assignment, 197. Certificates of disability, 161. Condemnation of medical supplies, 1488. Dental surgeons, 1396. Designation, 199. Hospital Corps, 1407, 1408. Returns, 1489. Travels, mule litters, etc., 1431. Depositaries, Designated : Balances unchanged for three years, 590. Depositaries, 594, 595. Deposits of moneys refunded, etc., 1384. Disbursing officers' deposits, 590. Deposit Books: Deceased soldiers, 1367. Importance of preserving, 1364. Loss, 1363. Record of deposits, 1361. Soldiers discharged by purchase, 1369. Transfer, sale, or pledge prohibited, 1361. Depositions : Witnesses, courts-martial, A. W. 91. Deposits by Enlisted Men: Check or currency payments, 1335. Deceased soldiers, 1367. Deposit books, 1361-1364, 1367, 1369. Discharged for fraud, 1380. Exempt from certain liabilities, 1368. Final statements, 140, 1362-1365, 1369. Forfeitures, 1362, 1368, 1370. Furloughed to the reserve, 1361, 1362, 1366. Interest, 1366. Making and recording, 1335, 1361. Payments, 1362, 1364, 1365. Purchase of discharge, 1369. Renewal on reenlistment, 1365. Transfer or desertion, 1361, 1362, 1368. Unpaid at discharge, 1364. Deposits of Moneys and Collections: Balances and collections, 611-619. Certificates, 611, 612, 615, 616, 1521. Company, post exchange, etc., funds, 324. Deserters' effects, 117. Funds of other staff departments, 613. Funds refunded, etc., 1384. Proceeds of sale, 617-619. Quartermasters, 614. Received for disbursement, 584, 586. Depots of Supply: Annual inspections, 191, 892, 895. Candles, 1215. Commanding officers, 49, 106. Court-martial duty of officers, 192. Efficiency reports, 829. Plats of land, 708. INDEX. 357 Depots of Supply. Continued. Quartermaster Corps, 1002-1004. Records of discontinued, 821. Supervision or control, 191, 1002. Dencriptive and Assignment Cards: (Now in Service Records.) Applicants for enlistment, 874. Detached enlisted men, 1535. Enlistment period noted, 153. Laundry charges, 1169. Previous service notation upon reenlist- ment, 153. Recruiting parties, reenlisting, 847. Recruits, 869, 873-876, 1217, 1249. Descriptive Cards: Officers' mounts at remount depot, 1099. Public animals, 280, 1070, 1071. Descriptive Lists: (Now Service Records.) Absent enlisted men discharged, 154. Clothing balances, 1157, 1163. Deposits of pay, 1361. Deserters, 118, 124. Detached enlisted men, 104, 105, 1535. Insane soldiers, 466. Navy or Marine Corps deserters, 133. Patients in hospitals,. 1451. Post noncommissioned staff, 99. Prisoners, 938. Public animals, 1069. Retired enlisted men, 138, 1337. Retirement of enlisted men, 135. Transfer of enlisted men, 115, 1356. Deserters : Allotment pay, 1350. Application for release, etc., 125. Apprehended or surrendered, 123126, 1165, 1166. Arrest, delivery, etc., 118; p. 314, act June 18, 1898. Awaiting trial, 129. Clothing allowance and accounts, 1164 1166, 1373, 1374. Clothing and personal effects, 117, 129. Definition, 132. Delivery, 121, 122, 125. Deposits of pay, 1361, 1362, 1368. Descriptive lists, etc., 118, 124. Disposition without trial, 126, 131. Enlistment or acceptance prohibited, 849; A. W. 3. Evidence against, 124. Forfeitures, 130-132, 1373. Identification, 119. Inquiry, liability to trial, 125. Military prisoners, escaped, 121. Navy or Marine Corps, 133, 1451. Pay and allowances, 129, 131, 132, 1372- 1374. Physically disqualified. 123, 126. Preparation of charges against, 120, 124, 126. Property carried away or lost, 116, 687. Reenlistment, restrictions, 849, 861. Reports, etc., 120, 124. Return to service, 130. Rewards and expenses, 121, 122, 127, 128, 131. Deserters Continued. Statute of limitations, 121, 125; A. W. 103. Time lost to be made good, 130-132 ; A. W. 48. Trial, 125, 126, 128, 129. Witnesses against, 127. Desertion : Advising or persuading, A. W. 51. Charge not sustained, 1165. Commencement, definition, etc., 132. Enlistment in other organizations, A. W. 50. Patients in hospitals, 1451. Payments to enlisted men, 1333. Punishment, A. W. 47-51. Quitting service, resignation, A. W. 49. Reports of inspectors, 889. Statute of limitations, A. W. 103. Time lost made good, W. 48. Trial after expiration of service, A. W. 48. Destitute Persons: Subsistence, 1219. Destruction of Public Property: Accountability, destroyed in service, 698. Civilian employees, 688. Classification, 682, 717. Deserters, 116, 687. Deteriorated stores, infected clothing, etc., 717. Enlisted men, 685, 686, 699; A. W. 16, 17. In transit, 721, 1141. Military records, 823. Military telegraph lines, 1563. Officers, 683, 685 ; A. W. 15. . Ordnance and ordnance stores, 1527, 1541, 1542. Prevention, 674. Public animals, 1073. Public buildings or vessels, 709. Tableware and kitchen utensils, 1178. Detnched Service: Commutation of rations, 1238. Descriptive lists, 104. Details of officers, 39, 40, 265. Engineer officers and troops, 1494-1496. Enlisted men with Organized Militia. 105. Foreign, fuel and light, 1036, 1057. Leaves of absence, 51. Muster and pay rolls, 808. Officers, service schools, etc., 192. Orders directing travel, 69. Personal reports, officers, 826-828. Transfer of ordnance stores, 1535, 1536. Detachment Commanders: Absentees at muster, A. W. 12, 13. Allotments of pay, enlisted men, 1348 1351. Clothing accounts, 1157-1160. Clothing and equipage, 1153, 1156, 1157. Confinement of enlisted men, 931. Daily and weekly inspections, 283. Deposits by enlisted men, 1361, 1362. Deserters, 117, 120. 358 INDEX. Detachment Commanders Continued. Discharge of enlisted men, 148. Duties, etc., 368, 369. Emergency rations, 1205. Final statements, 1363, 1364. Muster rolls, 810. Payments to enlisted men, 1320, 1321, 1332-1334. Pay rolls, 810, 1318, 1320, 1321. Property responsibility, 661-663, 1089- 1092; A. W. 10. Ration certificates, 1213. Ration returns, 1209. Recruiting service, 840. Returns of troops, 811, 812. Settlement with staff officers, 281. Detachments : Commanders. See Detachment Com- manders. Formation, 365-567. Fund, 327. Muster and pay rolls, 808. Officers and enlisted men on other duty, 366. Protecting laborers, rosters, 357. Ration certificates, 1213. Return from duty, 369. Returns, 811, 812, 815, 1009. Serving together, 368. Details, Enlisted Men: Clerical assistant, judge advocate, 985. Limitations, extra and special duty, 169, 171-173. Noncommissioned officers, 270, 311. Post noncommissioned staff, 97. Roster duty, 355-357, 364. Details, Officers: Accountable for property, 658, 659, 664. Acting inspectors, 897. Aids, 41. Detached service, staff duty, etc., 39, 40. Educational institutions, 42, 449, 1306. Escorts of honor, 416. General Staff Corps, 197, 199, 752, 761, 765, 773. Line to staff, 38-40. Recruiting service, 840. Roster duties, 355-364. Service in a foreign country, horses, 1098. Special inspectors, 897, 903. Deteriorated Stores: Destruction, 717. Diagnosis : Enlisted men on sick report, 1472. Diaries : War, in campaigns, 446. Directions and Orders: Secretary of War, defined, 761. Disability : Certificates. See Certificates of Disability. Discharge of enlisted men, 140, 159-161. Entry on muster roll, 1472. Line of duty, 161, 1472. Permanent, 159. Disabled Soldiers: Reenlistment, etc., 863. Disbnrsements of Money: Disallowances, how charged, 653, 654. Inspections, 203, 897, 901, 902. Disbursing Officers : Accounts current, 626-629. Acting in different capacities, 586. Advances to, of public moneys, 583. Allotments of pay, enlisted men, 1352, 1354, 1359. Balances at close of fiscal year, 625. Balances unchanged for three years, 590. Bonds, 567, 568, 574-577, 580, 581, 589. Ceasing to act, instructions, 588, 630, 902. Certificates of deposit, 611-613, 615, 616. Check books, 608, 609. Checks, 599-607, 610, 635, 638, 643. Closing statement of accounts, 902. Correspondence, 745. Deposit by, o.f funds, 584, 586. Duplicate checks, 602. Errors or disallowances, 655, 656. Funds kept in personal possession, 586, 587. Gambling, 593. Identification of payees, 645. Inspection of accounts, 895, 897, 899-901. Insurance on public money or property, 596. Interest in purchases, etc., 591, 592. Opening account, 594. Organized Militia, 452, 455, 456. Outstanding and unpaid checks, 588. Payments, accounts, contract service, 585. Pecuniary responsibility, 653, 654. Rates of exchange, 596. Receipts, 595. Recruiting officers, 587. Refundments, stoppages, etc., 614, 1384. Separate depositary accounts, 626. Settlement with legal representatives, 652. Signature to be furnished depositaries, 594. Surety companies, lists, 573. Transfer of funds, 589, 597, 598, 639, 640, 1384. Discharge Certificates: Blank forms, 150. By whom signed, 147. Contents and preparation, 148, 149, 152. Custody, 150. Date, for soldier under sentence, 157. Forwarding, in correspondence, 151. Furnished on discharge, A. W. 4. Indorsements concerning date, 152, 157. Issue of duplicate, prohibited, 151. Loss, 151. Manuscript, prohibited, 1572. Notations of final payments, 1376. Post noncommissioned staff, 99. Previous service notation, 153. Retirement of enlisted men, 135. Service certificates issued in lieu of lost, 151. Soldiers confined by civil authorities, 1381. Use of, 150. INDEX. 359 Discharged Soldiers: Certificates of merit, 187. Enlistment of certain, prohibited, 849. Hospital treatment, 1452, 1453. Indebtedness to laundry, 341. Indebtedness to post exchange, 345. Outside continental limits U. S., 145, 1235. Payments, 1375-1383. Reenterlng service, 848, 849, 860-863. Special authority for enlistment, 861. Subsistence on transports, 1235. Transportation, 145, 1235. Travel allowances, 145, 158, 1378. Discharge of Enlisted Men: . Absent from organization, 154. Admission to Soldiers' Home, D. C., 179. Allotment pay, 1350, 1358. Authority, in whom vested, 139 ; A. W. 4. Awaiting trial or sentence, 157. Before expiration of service, 139, 142, 159. By reason of dependent parent, 144. Certificates. See Discharge Certificates. Conviction by civil courts, 146. Date when discharge takes effect, 152. Deposits of pay, 140, 1362. Disability, 140, 159-161. Dishonorable, 150, 156, 944, 974, 975; p. 314, act June 18, 1898. Disqualified through own misconduct, 150. Expiration term of service, 143. Final statements, 140-142, 155, 1379, 1381, 1415. Fraudulent enlistment, 150. General noncommissioned staff, 103. Honorable, 150. Imprisonment, 150. Indian scouts, 479. Insane" soldiers, 466. Patients in hospital, 1451. Personal notice to prisoners, 157. Philippine Department, 126, 139. Post noncommissioned staff, 99, 102, 958. Purchase of, 139, 144, 1369. Qualifications for commission in volun- teers, 149. Recruits, for disability, 841. Reenlisted, 148. Sergeants, first-class, Hospital Corps, 958. Serving sentence, 150, 157. Specially ordered, 150. Transportation and allowance, 158. Without honor, 126, 150. Discharge of Officers: By sentence, or order of the President, A. W. 99. Discipline : Authority of officers, 24, 54. Company, 266. Conduct prejudicial to good order, A. W. 62. Courtesy enjoined, 4. Discipline Continued. Deliberations or discussions, 5. Exercise of authority, 2. Methods, 953. Obedience to, and execution of orders, 1. Post commanders, 203. Praise or censure, 5. Publications, 5. Punishments, 2. Respect to superiors, 4. Superiors and inferiors, 3. Use of influence, 5. Disclosing Parole or Watchword: Punishment, A. W. 44. Discontinued Commands: Records, 821. Discussions : Conveying praise or censure forbidden, 5. Orders, etc., by adjutants, 252. Diseases : Chronic, 1476. Contagious, 717, 1172, 1454, 1455. Prevailing, reports concerning, 1387. Venereal, 1387. See also Vaccinations. . Dishonorable Discharge : Date fixed by court-martial sentence, 974, 975. Effect and meaning, 156. Pardon, or mitigation of punishment, 944. Preparation of certificate, 150. Subject to Articles of War, etc., p. 314, act June 18, 1898. Disinfectants : Routine issue prohibited, 1487. Dismissal of Officers: Authority required, A. W. 99. Causes for, A. W. 3, 5, 6, 13-15, 18, 19, 26-28, 38, 54, 59, 61. 65. Confirmation of sentence, A. W. 106-109. Cowardice or fraud, A. W. 100. Pay regulations, 1262, 1265. Disobedience of Orders: Punishment, A. W. 21, 24. Disorders : Correction, etc., by officers, A. W. 54. Disturbing courts-martial, A. W. 86. Quelling, A. W. 24. Dispatch Agents, I'nited States: Correspondence, officers and men, 781. Disrespect or Disrespectful Words : Commanding officer, A. W. 20. President of the United States, A. W. 19. Distinguished Service: Certificates of merit, 184-188. Medals of honor, 182, 18S. District Attorney: Contumacious witnesses, p. 314, act Mar. 2, 1901. District Commanders: Changes, personal or staff, 811. Efficiency reports, 829. Furloughs to enlisted men, 106, 111. Office rooms, fuel, and stoves, 1044, 1048. Personal leave of absence, 50. 360 INDEX. District Commanders Continued. Relation toward higher authority, 194. Staff officers, 49, 198. Surveying officers, 711. Unimportant communications, 789. District Courts, United States: Contumacious witnesses, p. 314, act Mar. 2, 1901. District of Columbia: Public buildings and grounds, title pa- pers, etc., 705, 915, 1493. Districts : Letter and note heads, 512. Philippine Islands, 194. Printing, 510-512. Staff officers, 49, 198. See also Coast Artillery Districts. Divine Service: Attendance and behavior, A. W. 52. Division (Tactical) Commanders : Appeals referred to, for decision, 195. Condemned property, 906. Controversies arising within command, 195. Discharge of enlisted men, 139. Efficiency reports, 829. Furloughs to enlisted men, 107. Horses of mounted officers, 1095. Hospital Corps, 1409, 1411. Inspection reports, 906. Leaves of absence, officers, 51. Returns of troops, 811. Surveying officers, 711. Transfer, etc., enlisted men, 114. Divisions (Mobilized) : Discharge of enlisted men, 139. Furloughs to enlisted men, 106. Transfer of enlisted men, 1411. Division (Tactical) : Command of a major general, 14. Ordnance and ordnance stores, 1514. Records of discontinued, 821. Returns, 811, 815. Senior engineer officer, 1498. Staff officers, 197. Troops, field training, etc., 193. Divisions (Territorial) : Records of discontinued, 821. Docking, Banging, or Clipping: Public animals, 1068. Domestic Articles: Preference over foreign articles, 518. Domestic Tiolence: Protection of States against, 485, pp. 98, 101. Suppression by the Army, 485, p. 101. Donations : Libraries and museums, 1144, 1145. Post chapels, 1144. Reading matter, 1144. Drills: Enlisted men awaiting trial, etc., 932. Extra and special duty men, 175. Drum Major: Baggage, 1136. Quarters, fuel, and stoves, 1044. Rank and precedence, 9. Drunkenness on Duty: Punishment, A. W. 38. Dueling : Challenges, A. W. 26, 27. Principals, A. W. 26. Seconds or promoters, A. W. 27. Upbraiding for refusing challenge, A. W. 28. Easements : Military lands, 705, 915. Educational Institutions, Army: See Garrison Schools. Military Academy, United States. Post Schools. Service Schools. Educational Institutions, Civil: Detail of officers at, 42, 449, 1306. Graduates, candidates for commission f .^5. Effects of Deceased Officers: Delivery to legal representatives, 84, 85. Inventories, 84 ; A. W. 125. Officer charged with, A. W. 127. Sales, 85. Swords, watches, trinkets, etc., 85. Effects of Deceased Soldiers: Applications for proceeds of sale, 165. Delivery to legal representatives, 163, 165. Inventories, 162 ; A. W. 126. Officer charged with, A. W. 127. Sale of unclaimed, 163, 164. Watches, trinkets, etc., 163. Effects of Deserters: Disposition, 117. Effects of Escaped Prisoners: Inventories, 940. Efficiency Reports : See Reports, Efficiency. Electrician Sergeants, Coast Artillery^ Corps: Appointments, 310. Baggage, 1136. Quarters, fuel, and stoves, 1044. Rank and precedence, 9. Warrants, 310. Electricity : Allowance, 1057, 1058, 1061. Electric Power Plants: Inspection of installations and ap- pliances, 913. Installation and equipment, 1493, 1505$. Lighting buildings and grounds, 1060. Embezzlement : Ordnance and ordnance stores, 1527. Public moneys or property, A. W. 60. Emergencies : Control during, of troops, 191, 192, 1496. Employment of militia, 450. Express transportation, 1142. Mobs or riots, 487-489. Movements of troops, 193. Officers outside continental limits II. S., 71. Open-market purchases, 551554. Quartermaster supplies, 1007. Transfers of Hospital Corps, 1414. Use of tents, 1183. INDEX. 361 Emergency nation: Composition, issue, etc., 1205. Definition, use, etc., 1202. Encampments* : Private lands occupied, 1018. Enemy : Correspondence with, etc., A. W. 45, 46. Enforcement of the Laws: Alaska, 485, p. 103. Civil rights, 485, pp. 98, 99. Collection of customs duties, 485, p. 102. Commanding officers, 484, 486-489. Distilleries, Indian country, 485, p. 99. Domestic violence, 485, pp. 98, 101. Extradition treaties, 485, p. 100. Guano islands, 485, p. 102. Hawaii Territory, 485, pp. 102, 103. Indian country, 485, p. 99. Insurrection, 485, p. 101. Interstate and foreign commerce, 485, pp. 101, 102. Intruders on public lands, 485, pp. 99, 100. Invasion, 485, p. 98. Land-grant railroads, etc., 485, p. 102. Mobs or riots, 487-489. National parks, 485, p. 100. Neutrality laws, 485, pp. 100, 101. Peonage, 485, p. 99. Public lands, 485, pp. 99, 100. Quarantine regulations, 485, p. 100. Timber depredations in Florida, 485, p. 99. Trespassers on public lands, 485, pp. 99, 100. United States mails, 485, p. 101. Engineer Band: Appointment of noncommissioned offi- cers, 260. Assignment, 261. Fund, 324. Lye and Sapolio, 1182. Memorial Day, 440. Musical instruments, etc., 262, 1179. National and patriotic airs to be played, 264. Saluting, 375, 376. "The Star Spangled Banner," 264, 375, 378, 437. Engineer Corps: See Corps of Engineers. Engineer Department: Civilian employees, expenses, 738. Illuminating supplies, 1060. Management, 1494. Maps and reconnoissances, 445, 447, 448. Open -market purchases, etc., 554. Packing, crating, etc., of baggage, 1135. Permanent works of defense, 214. Reconnoissance equipment, 448. See also Chief of Engineers. Corps of Engineers. Engineer Officers: Commander in the field, 1497, 1501. Construction of works by troops, 1499. Engineer Officers Continued. Department duties, 1503. Detached from corps, 1495, 1496. Directors of communications, 1508. Efficiency reports, 829. Eligibility to command, 18. , General duties, 1493, 1494. Journals of daily events, 1502. Journeys not involving change of sta- tion, 742. Office rooms, fuel, and stoves, 1044, 1504. Plans of military works, 1502. Post, 206, 1503. Promotions, 24. Reports of engineering operations, 1500, 1501. Senior, with field army, etc., 1498, 1501. Surveys and reconnaissances, 1500. Transfer of public moneys and property, 1509. Travel allowance and mileage, 1507. Engineers, Coast Artillery Corps: Appointments, 310. Baggage, 1136. Quarters, fuel, and stoves, 1044. Rank and precedence, 9. Warrants, 310. Engineer School: Detachment of officers, 192. Inspection, 896. Leaves of absence, officers, 1277. Letter and note heads, 512. Location, Washington Barracks, D. C., 449. Supervision and regulations, 191, 449. Enlisted Men: Absence without leave, 110, 127, 128, 132, 141 ; A. W. 31-35, 40. Absent at muster, A. W. 12, 13. Additional pay, 186, 859, 1338-1346. Allotments of pay, 1347-1360. Altering or taking apart arms, 292. Ammunition, 1530. Appeals, A. W. 30. Arms, etc., In barracks, 285. Arrested by civil authorities, 1371, 1381. Articles for sale to, 885, 1174J. Artificial limbs and appliances, 1490, 1491. Artillery instruction, 303. Attendance at funerals, 430. Awaiting trial or result of trial, 157, 928, 970, 973. Barrack bag, 286. Beard and hair, 286. Buildings erected, places of amusement, 339. Care, etc., of clothing, 286-288. Care, etc., of rooms and furniture, 1011. Certificates of merit, 184-188, 1341. Charges against. See Charges against Enlisted Men. Classification and rating 1343-1345. Cleanliness, dress, etc., 286, 288, 289, ' 1387. 362 INDEX. Enlisted Men Continued. Clothing accounts, 1157-1166, 1169. Clothing and equipage. See Clothing and Equipage. Commutation of rations. See Commuta- tion of Rations. Confinement, 929-933 ; A. W. 66, 70. Contempt or disrespect, A. W. 20. Correspondence with War Department, 782. Damaged clothing, 911. Deceased. See Deceased Soldiers. Definition of soldier, p. 301, sec. 1342, R. S. Dental work, 1398-1403. Deposits of pay, 140, 1335, 1361-1369, 1380. Deserters. See Deserters. Desertion. See Desertion. Designation of beneficiary in event of death, 1385. Detached service, 104, 105, 808. Details. See Details, Enlisted Men. Discharges. See Discharge of Enlisted Men. Dispatches in the held, 799. Disrespectful or contemptuous words, A. W. 19. Divine service, A. W. 52. Drunkenness on duty, A. W. 38. Dueling, A. W. 26-28. Expert riflemen, 1345. Extra and special duty, 97, 168-177, 279. Families of. See Families, etc. First-class privates, 275, 278, 1009, 1340 ; p. 315, act March 2, 1913. Fuel and stoves, 1044. Funeral honors and escort, 428. Furloughed to the Army Reserve, 1361, 1362, 1366, 1375-1379. Furloughs. See Furloughs. Hair and beard, 286. Hospital Corps, 1405-1412, 1415-1418, 1420. Hospital stores, 1473, 1476. Individual cooking, 302, 1205. Insane, 464-466. Instruction by chaplains, 44. Instruction in signaling, 1562. Labor, 494. Leaving post on pass, 288. Marksmen, 1345. Meal tickets, 1227. Medals of honor, 182, 183, 188. Medical attendance, etc.. 1473, 1474, 1476, 1478, 1480. Mess furniture in the field, 302. Messing and cooking, 296-302, 371. Messing separately froni company, 1209. Military history, 774. Misconduct in time of war, A. W. 42. Mutiny and sedition, A. W. 21-24, 43. Navy and Marine Corps, hospital charges, 1460. Noncommissioned officers. See Noncom- missioned Officers. Enlisted Men Continued. Orders, regulations, etc., affecting, 766, 774. Payments. See Payments to Enlisted Men. Physical examination or vaccination, 1485. Post schools, 449. Presence at parades, 436. Private property lost in service, 726. Profanity, A. W. 53. Promotion from ranks, 27-33, 1138, 1139, 1296. Property damaged, 685, 686, 699 ; A. W. 16, 17. Purchase of articles of uniform clothing from post exchange, 1174J. Purchase of discharge, 1369. Pursuit of deserters, 122. ,. Quarrels, frays, and disorders, A. W. 24, 25. Quartermaster Corps, 1009. Rations. See Ration of the Army. Reading matter, 1144. Records, 280, 281, 821. Recruiting service, assignments, 843845. Respect to national airs when played, 378. Retired. See Retired Enlisted Men. Retirement, 132, 134, 135. Returning to United States from foreign parts, 111. Right to trial by court-martial, 953. . Roster details and duty, 355-364. Sales to, of subsistence supplies, 1241, 1242, 1244, 1249. Salutes to officers, 383-392. Sanitary measures, 286. Second-class privates, 1340. Selling arms, etc., A. W. 60. Service, computation of time, 134. Sharpshooters, 1345. Sick call, 1471. Staff corps and departments, 742, 743, 1009, 1557. Stoppages, 724. Straw for 5edding, 1084. Tableware and kitchen utensils, 1178. Term of enlistment, 855. Transfers. See Transfers of Enlisted Men. Transmission by, of dispatches, 799. Travel on duty. See Travel on Duty, Enlisted Mjen. Trunk lockers, 1021, 1023. Unauthorized sale of property, A. W. 16, 17. Uniform, etc., 289, 1569. Violence to traders in foreign parts, A. W. 56. Waste of private property, A. W. 55, 59. Witnesses, military or civil courts, 75, 951. Enlistment Papers: Forms. 857. Indian scouts, 483. INDEX. 363 Enlistment Papers Continued. Minors, 853. Name of recruit, 858. Oath, 855. Preparation, etc., 847, 857. Enlistments and Reenllstments : Additional pay, 1338-1340. Antedating, 859. Applicants. See Applicants for Enlist- ment. Army Reserve, 855, 1573. Articles of War to be read, 856. Coast Artillery Corps noncommissioned staff, 310, 312. Continuous-service pay, 143, 1340. Date, 847, 859. Deserters, 849, 861. Enlistment papers, 483, 853, 855, 857, 858. Enticing by false representations, 854. Fraudulent, 1380, 1382; p. 313, act July 27, 1892. General noncommissioned staff, 103. Hospital Corps, 1404, 1409, 1410. Indian scouts, 479, 482. Married men, 852, 1009, 1412. Minors, 849, 850, 853 ; A. W. 3. Oath of enlistment, 855. Original, 848. Prohibited classes, 849; A. W. 3. Quartermaster Corps, 1009. Recruiting officers, 850, 851, 853, 854, 860. Reenlisted pay, 1338, 1339. Reenlistments, 101, 153, 859-863, 1340, 1365, 1412. Reentering service, 848, 860, 861. Signal Corps, 1557. Special authority required, 861, 862, 877. Unlawful enlistments, A. W. 3. Without discharge, A. W. 50. Ensigns, -Navy: Relative rank with Army officers, 12. Envelopes : Confidential communications, 778. Penalty, 834-837, 839. Envoys, American or Foreign: Funeral honors, 421. Salutes and honors, 376, 400, 403. Epidemics : Transfers of Hospital Corps, 1414. Equipage : See Clothing and Equipage. Equipments : Ambulances, 1429. Bands, 257, 262. Barrack regulations, 285. Care and perservation, 287, 288. Coast Artillery Corps bands, 257. Company, 266. Embezzlement, A. W. 60. Field cooking device, 302. Fitting and changing, 294. Horse, 1520, 1521, 1537, 1538. Leather dressing material, 293. Marking, 257, 295. Militia, 1143. Erasures : Checks, 609. Proposals, supplies and services, 534. Escaped Prisoners: See Prisoners. Escorts : Commanders, 20. Honor, composition, etc., 416. Insane soldiers, 467, 468. Estimates : Alterations of approved, 1468. Barracks and quarters, 1012, 1014, 1016. Blanks forms, 1013. Channels, 785. Clothing and equipage, 1147-1152, 1154- 1156. Examination, revision, and approval, 749, 750. Extensions, alterations, etc., to buildings, 1017. Forwarding, 1013-1015. Heating, plumbing, and water supply, 1012. Hospitals, 1466, 1468. Preparation, etc., 748, 1012, 1013, 1016, 1017. Quartermaster Corps, 1008. Quarters for sergeants, first class, Hos- pital Corps, 1466, 1468. Repairs to public buildings, etc., 1012, 1013. Tableware and kitchen utensils, 1177. Veterinary supplies, 1074. Evidence : Against deserters, 124. Previous convictions, 954, 956, 962. Proceedings, surveying officers, 712, 713. Relief of officers from responsibility, 712, 713. Examination, Boards of: See Boards of Examination. Examination for Appointment and Promotion: Candidates, second lieutenants, 28-31. Character or efficiency records, officers, 26. Gunners, 1343, 1344. Hospital Corps, 1405. Line of Army, 25. Medical officers, 1388, 1389. Officers, coast artillery, 303. Post noncommissioned staff, 96. Staff corps and departments, 24. Veterinarians, 88. Examination of Accounts and Betnrns: Chiefs of bureaus, 655, 702, 703. Errors or disallowances, 656, 702, 703. Refundment for deficient articles, 702, 703. Examinations, Physical : See Physical Examination. Exchange, Post: Beer, wine, or intoxicating liquors, 346. Civilian employees, 1457. Council, 316-318. Council book, 211. Custodian of fupds, 316, 324. 364 INDEX. Exchange, Post Continued. Erection of building by labor of troops, 339. Establishment and maintenance, 345. Fuel, 1044. Fuud, 316, 320, 321, 324, 335. Indebtedness of soldiers, 345, 1370. Inspection, 889. Profits paid to regimental fund, 325. Sale of certain articles of uniform cloth- ing, 1174J. Sales to, of subsistence supplies, 1241. Seeds for post gardens, 343. Exchange or Barter: Supplies from quartermaster, 1247. Exchange or Surrender: Public animals, 1072. Exchange or Transfer: See Transfers, etc. Execution of the Laws: Obstructing or hindering, 485, p. 101. Expeditions : Escort commanders' duties, 20. Expenditures: Ammunition, 350, 1528-1531. Appropriations for support of Army, 740. Commanding officers, 751. Disallowances, how charged, 653. Exceeding appropriations, 582. Obedience to orders, 653. Posts and reservations, 207. Special funds, 316, 320, 325, 326. Veterinary medicines and supplies, 1075. Expenses : Arrest, etc., of deserters, 121, 122, 127, 131. Attendants, horses, mounted officers, 1098. Burial of officers and soldiers, 87, 167. Contingent, 200, 623. Escaped military prisoners, 121. Recovery of public property, 692. Sea travel, 1280. Experimental Trials: Tests of arms or munitions of war, 1553- 1555. Expert Accountant, Inspector General's De- partment : Transportation and expenses, 733, 737. Expert Riflemen: Additional pay, 1345. Expiration of LeaTe: Defined, 58, 60. Expiration of Term of Service: Discharge of enlisted men, 143 ; A. W. 4. Payments to officers, 1255. Trial of deserters, A. W. 48. Explorations : Ordnance and ordnance stores, 1526. Outfits, 672. Travel alowance. officers, 1295. Ex-Presidents of the United States: Salutes and honors, 400, 403. Express Transportation: Letters or packages, 838. Limited to emergencies, 1142. Express Transportation Continued. Pay of troops, 1316, 1320-1324, 1333. Public moneys, 1142. Extensions : Furloughs, 107. Leaves of absence, 51, 52, 67. Limits, officers under arrest, 923. Extra and Special Dnty: Artificers, wagoners, etc., 173. Attendance, drills, and inspections, 175. Classes excepted from detail, 171-173. Defined, 169. Employment of troops in labors, 168. Hours of labor, 176. Labor in camp or garrison, 169. Mode of detail, 169. Noncommissioned officers, 171, 172. Pay, 169, 170, 172, 174, 176, 177, 329. Post noncommissioned staff officers, 97. Rates of pay, 170, 329. Restrictions in employment, 169, 177. Tailors, 279. Extradition Treaties: Protection of persons extradited, 485, p. 100. Extra-Duty Pay: Allotment of funds, 169, 177. Computation of time, 176. Debarred by additional pay for foreign service, 170, 1342. Enlisted men of staff departments, 172. Payment, 169, 174, 177. Rates, 170, 329. False Alarms: Punishment for occasioning, A. W. 41. False Certificates: Absentees at muster, A. W. 13. Frauds upon the Government, A. W. 60. Pay of the Army, A. W. 13. False Musters: Man or horse, A. W. 14. Persons not soldiers, A. W. 5. False Papers: Frauds upon the Government, A. W. 60. False Representations : Enticing into service, 854. False Returns: Troops and property, A. W. 8. Families of Officers, Soldiers, etc.: Burial in post cemeteries, 493. Enlisted men absent abroad, 1248. Fuel, 1038. Hospitals, medicines, etc., 1459. Illuminating supplies, 1038, 1054. Medical attendance, etc., 1473, 1476. Sales to, of subsistence supplies, 1239, 1248. Services of Army nurses, 1424. Farriers and Horseshoers : Appointment, etc., 275, 278. Extra-duty detail. 173. Indian scouts, 482. Instruction by veterinarians, 91. Stoves for shops, 1044. Fatigue Dress : Worn by enlisted men, when, 289. INDEX. 365 Fatigue Dnty: Performed by roster, 357. Fees: Administering oath, 649. Passports, 63. Tipping, 1280. Ferries : Passage of troops, teams, etc., 1128. Purchase, use, etc., of tickets, 1127. Field Armies: See Armies, Field. Field Artillery: Administrative unit, 245. Animals, 1097. Battery, designation in Army Regula- tions, 15. Gunners, additional pay, 1343, 1344. Inspections, 283. Mounted pay, officers, 1272. Practice, 351-353. Precedence, 6. Quartermaster sergeants, 9, 256, 1044, 1136. Rated positions, additional pay, 1344. Standards and guidons, 231, 236. Held Music: Instruments, 1180. Memorial Day, 440. Saluting, 375-377, 437. Field Notes and Sketches : Maps and reconnaissances, 444446. Field Officers: Assignments to posts and stations, 247. Pers mal reports, 828. Returns of detached companies, 813. Field Service and Duties: Barrack furniture and equipage, 1023. Cooking, 296, 302, 1205. Details by roster, 356. Emergency ration, 1202. Engineer officers and troops, 1497-1502, 1508, 1509. Field training, divisions and brigades, 193, 194. Hospital Corps, 1433-1438. Post commanders, 203. Quartermaster supplies, 1087. Route maps and journals of march, 444-446. Signal Corps, 1558, 1561. Fieldworks, etc. : Engineer officer's duties, 1493, 1499. Journals of daily events, 1502. Plans, etc., 1502. Working parties, 1499. Filipino Ration: Composition, issue, etc., 1205. Computation of cost, 1221. Definition, use, etc., '1202. Savings, 1220. Value, 1207. Filipinos : Admitted to United States Military Academy, graduating leave, 53. Final Payment, Enlisted Men: Notification to quartermaster, 155. Final Statements : Absence without leave, 141. Blank forms, 150. Clothing balance, 1163. Date of discharge, 152. Deposits of pay, 140, 1362-1367, 1369. Discharge of enlisted men, 140, 142, 155, 1235, 1379, 1415. Erroneous, 155. Forfeitures and deductions, 141, 341, 345. Fraudulent enlistments, 1380. Lost or mislaid, 1377. Money amounts, method of stating. 648. Patients discharged from hospital, 1451. Payments to discharged soldiers, 341, 345, 1375-1377, 1381. Post noncommissioned staff, 807. Retirement of enlisted men, 135. Transportation, 1235, 1378, 1379. ' Firemen, Coast Artillery Corps: Appointment, 310. Baggage, 1136. Quarters, fuel, and stoves, 1044. Rank and precedence, 9. Travel accommodations, 1128. Warrants, 310. Firms : Acceptance of, as sureties, 573. Contracts, 559. Money vouchers, 641, 643. Proposals, 532. First-Aid Treatment : Instruction, 1419, 1420. First Lieutenants: Baggage, 1136. Forage, 1080. Funeral honors and escort, 422, 426. Promotion to grade, 25. Quarters, fuel, and stoves, 1044. Rank and precedence, 9. Relative rank with naval officers, 12. First Sergeants: Baggage, 1136. Indian scouts, 480. Instruction, 270. Quarters, fuel, and stoves, 1044. Rank and precedence, 9. Reduction to the ranks, 276, 277. Reproving, 270. Return to grade of sergeant, 273. Roll calls and inspections, 370. Selection and appointment, 270, 273, 275. Warrants, 274. Fiscal Tear: Abstracts, 622, 626. Accounts current, 622, 623. Balances, 625, 626. Contingent expenses, 623. Defined, 620. Divisions, 620. Remittances of funds, 621. Fish: Ration, 1205. Flag Officer of the Nary: Funeral honors, 420. 366 INDEX. Flags : Advertising and recruiting, 224. Assistant Secretary of War, 220. Boat flags and pennants, 240. Ceremonies on lowering, at retreat, 437. Chaplains, 224*. Dipping of, at military posts, 405. Garrison, post, and storm, 223. Geneva Convention, 225. Halfstaff, 418, 420-426. Hospital and ambulance, 225. Memorial Day, 440. Names of battles, 244. National cemeteries, 223. National festivities, foreign vessels, 413. Post, 223. President of the United States, 217. Provisional organization, 242. Recruiting, 224. Regimental, names of battles, 244. Secretary of War, 219. Storm, 223. Target practice, 351. United States or national, 215, 216, 397, 398, 437, 440. Use of unprescribed, 243. Vessels of war flying President's, 415. Flavoring Extracts: Ration, 1205. Flogging: Sentences of a court-martial, A. W. 98. Florida : Timber depredations, 485, p. 99. Flour : Ration, 1205. Target practice, 351, 1215. Food and Cooking: Daily inspections, 283. Examination by medical officers, 1387. Prisoners' food, 300. Forage : Allowance to mounted officers, 1080, 1081. Contracts for, or purchase, 515, 557. Furnished by Quartermaster Corps, 1000. Issue, 1079. Military attache, 1100. Mounted officers, 1082, 1083, 1096. Organized Militia, mobilization camps, 456. Ration, 1077, 1078. Straw for bedding, 1084, 1085. Transportation at posts, 1106. Unconsumed, 1083. Forage Masters: Interest or concern in purchases, etc., 1093. Forcing Safeguards : Punishment, A. W. 57. Foreign Articles: Preference to be given domestic articles, 518. Purchase abroad for importation, 517. Foreign-Commerce Laws: Enforcement of, by the Army, 485, pp. 101, 102. Foreign Correspondence : Officers and men, 781. Penalty envelopes, 839. Foreign Countries : Accounts for printing, 511. Correspondence, 781, 839. National airs respected, 378. Officers and enlisted men visiting, 6163, 109. Sureties, contractors' bonds, 570, 578. Foreign-Service Officers : See Officers, Foreign Service. Foreign Vessels of War: Celebration of national festivities, 413. Flying sovereign's standard, 415. Salutes and honors, 399. Visits and courtesies, 407, 410-413. Forfeitures : Absence without leave, 132, 141^. Beginning of sentence, 970. Deposits of pay, 1368, 1370. Deserters, 129-132, 1373. Good-conduct time of prisoners, 942. Sentences of courts-martial, 976978. Forgery : Frauds upon the Government, A. W. 60. Forms : See Blank Forms. Fort Bayard, N. Mex.: General hospital, 1212, 1439, 1445, 1446, 1460. Fortifications : Alterations, etc., 1505. Buildings near, 1493, 1505. Change of station of constructing offi- cers, 742. Communication with naval radio stations, 409. Construction and repairs, 706, 707, 1493, 1505, 1505J. Courts-martial duty of officers, 192. Descriptions, written or pictorial, 348. Electrical equipment, installation and re- pair, 1493, 1505 J. Engineer officer on duty, 1503. Erection of, on new sites, 704. Fire control, 1556. Information concerning, 348. Notification of completion, 1506. Occupation by troops, 1506. Permanent works of defense, 191, 214, 348. Photographic views, 348. Salutes with cannon, 393-397. Supervision, 191. Visits to lake and seacoast defenses, 347. Fort Leafenworth, Kang.: Service schools Army Field Engineer School, 449. Army Field Service and Correspond- ence School for Medical Officers, 449. Army School of the Line, 449. Army Signal School, 449. Army Staff College, 449. Fort Monroe, V.-i. : Service school, coast artillery, 449. INDEX. 367 Fort Kiloy, Service school, mounted service, 449. Forts: Construction and repairs, 706, 707. Erection of, on new sites, 704. Permanent posts, styled, 202. Plats of land, 708. Records of artillery firing, 1550. Fort Sill, Okla.: Service schools School of Fire for Field Artillery, 449. School of Musketry, 449. Frauds : Crimes against the United States, A. W. 60. Investigation of alleged, 884. Sentences of courts-martial, A. W. 100. Fraudulent Enlistment: Declared a military offense, p. 313, act July 27, 1892. Deposits of pay, 1380, 1382. Frays : Quelling, A. W. 24. Freight Transportation: Letters or packages, 838. Fresh Meats: Contracts for, or purchase, 557, 1200. Ration, 1205. Fuel: Allowance, monthly, 1044. Contract for, or purchase, 515, 557. Engineer officers, 1504. Extra issues, 1006. Families of regular or volunteer soldiers, 1038. Increased allowance, 1044, 1049. Issued to officers or troops, 1042, 1043. Kindling wood, 1041. Messes, 301. Military attache's, 1100. Nurse Corps, 1045. Officers and families, 1036, 1039-1041. Organized Militia, mobilization camps, 456. Outside continental limits TJ. S., 1036, 1037. Retired officers and men, 137, 1037. Sales, 1037. Standard and equivalents, 1040. Unconsumed, 1042. Veterinarians, 89. Fund Book: Coast Artillery Corps bands, 326. Regimental, 258, 325. Funds, Special: Band, 324, 326, 327. Company, 316, 320-322, 324 327-329, 343, 344, 1208. Custodians, 316, 324. Detachment, 327. Hospital, 317, 324, 327, 1459, 1462. Inspection, 889. Mess, 316, 320-322, 324, 329, 330. Post exchange, 324. Projects requiring specific authority from War Department, 323. Funds, Special Continued. Regimental, 262, 321, 322, 324, 325. Transfers, 324. Funeral Expenses: Settlement from decedent's estate, 109. Funeral Honors: Assistant Secretary of War, 418, 429. Civil functionaries, 421. Enlisted men at posts, 423. Escorts, 426-428, 433. Flag officer of the Navy, 420. Flags at halfstaff, 418, 420-426. General officers, 418-420. Minute guns, 419-421. Mourning, 431-434. Officers at posts, 422. President of the United States, 417. Retired officers, 418. Salutes with cannon, 396, 417-419. Secretary of War, 418, 426. Furloughs : Arms and accouterments, 113. Commutation of rations, 1229, 1238, 1234, 1236-1238. Delays, 107. Exceeding limits, 109, 1229. Granted by whom, 106, 107; A. W. 11. Gunners, 1343, 1344. Lost, 1237. Number limited to 5 per cent of any command, 106. Orders, 1233. Outside continental limits U. S., Ill, 134. Payments while absent, 113. Period and extensions, 106, 107 ; A. W. 11. Previous, 109. Reenlistments, conditions, 107. Subsistence, returning, 110. Suspension, 108. To Army Reserve, 1361, 1362, 1368, 1375-1379. Transportation, 1 110, 112, 1111. Visiting foreign countries, 109. When not granted, 106. Furniture : Barrack, 1011, 1022, 1023. Mess and table, 301, 1023. Office military attache", 1100. Officers' quarters, 1020. Policing in barracks, 237. Gambling : Disbursing officers, 593. Gardens : Distribution and sale of products, 344. Grounds set aside, 342. Regulations, 344. Seeds, 343. Supply of vegetables for posts, 1206. Garrison Flag: Description and when used, 223. Salutes and honors, 398. Saluting, 397. Garrison Prisoners: See Prisoners, Garrison, 368 INDEX. Garrison Ration: Composition, issue, etc., 1205. Computation of cost, 1221. Definition, use, etc., 1202. Savings, 1220. Value, 1207. Garrisons : Absence without leave, A. W. 31. Engineer officers on duty, 1503. Inspections, 888, 889. Roster duty details, 356. Uniform, enlisted men, 289. Violence to traders in foreign parts, A. W. 56. Garrison Schools: Officers of the Army, 449. Regulations governing, 449. Superintendence, etc., 193, 194. Gas: Allowance, 1057, 1058, 1061. General Courts-Martial: See Courts-Martial, General. General Grant National Park: Trespassers or intruders, 485, p. 100. General Hospitals: Annual inspections, 191. Commanding officers, 49, 106. Commutation of rations, 1212. Fort Bayard, N. Mex., 1439, 1445, 1446, 1460. Hot Springs, Ark., 1441-1444, 1446, 1460. Regulations and control, 1439. Sanitary inspections, 1387. Walter Reed, D. C., 1436. General Mess: Accounts, audit and inspection, 316, 330. Companies withdrawing, etc., 330. Cooks and attendants, 329. Council, 316-318, 329, 330. Extra compensation to attendants, 329. Fuel and lights, 301. Fund, 316, 320-322, 324, 329, 330. Furniture, brooms, brushes, etc., 296, 301. Instruction and supervision, 296. Management, 330. Recruit depots, 329. Time, in garrison, 371. Visits to hall, 204. General Noncommissioned Staff: Appointment, promotion, reduction, 103, 1557. Composition, etc., 103. Discharge and reenlistment, 103, 1557. Funeral honors and escort, 428. Warrants, 103, 1405, 1410. General of the Army: Funeral honors and escort, 418, 426. Relative rank with naval officers, 12. Salutes and honors, 375, 400, 401, 403. General Orders : See Orders. General Prisoners: See Prisoners, General. General Recruiting Service: See Recruiting Service. General Staff Corps: Aim of establishment, 753, 769 ; note, p. 145. Chief of Staff of the Army, 753, 761-769. Composition, etc., 303, 752. Current business, special staff corps, 758. Department commander's staff, 197, 199. Details for, 40, 752, 761, 773. General officers not entitled to aids, 41. Mounted officers, 1272. Serving with troops, 197, 199, 757, 770- 772, 1044, Supervisory powers and duties, 753-756. Vacancies, 773. War Department General Staff, 757, 759, 760. General Staff Serving with Troops: Assignment to duties, 767. Chief of staff of a command, 197^ 199, 771, 772. Composition, etc., 757, 770. Office rooms, fuel, and stoves, 1044. Senior officer, chief of staff, 771. Geneva Convention: Flag, 225. Recognition of rights, 1438. Gestures : Reproachful or provoking, A. W. 25. Good-Conduct Time: Prisoners, 942, 943, Government Hospital for the Insane: Admission, etc., of insane patients, 464 468, 1451. Classes of persons admitted, 464. Release of patients, 470. Government of the United States: Enforcement of laws by the Army, 484- 489. Governor of Philippine Islands: Funeral honors, 421. Salutes and honors, 400, 403. Visits and courtesies, 408. Governors General: Definition, 400. Funeral honors, 421. Salutes and honors, 400, 403. Visits and courtesies, 408. Governors of States and Territories : Disrespect or contempt, A. W. 19. Funeral honors, 421. Public property in use by militia, 460. Salutes and honors, 376, 400, 403. Graduates of the Military Academy: Baggage transportation, 1138, 1139. Graduating leave, 53. Mileage to first station, 1296. Pay, 1314. Grants : Military lands, 705. Gratuitous Issues: Accounts, 1159. Articles of band uniforms, etc., 1167. Clothing, special cases, 1167, 1168, 1172, 1173, 1455. Toilet articles, etc., 1216-1218. INDEX. 369 Graves : Battle-ground cemeteries, 491, 492. Headboards, 492, 494, 495. Post cemeteries, 494, 495. Guam: Enlisted men returning to United States, 111. Gnano Islands: Protection of rights of discoverers, 485, p. 102. Guaranties : Advertisements, 524536. Blanks, 536. Evidence of bidders' ability in lieu, 547. Execution, 536. When required, 535. Guarantors : Acceptance of, as sureties, 579. Corporate, 573, 575-577, 580, 581. Noncorporate, 578. Gnard Duty: Exemptions, 363. Manual, 441. Old, exemptions, 363. Rosters, interior and stable, 357. Sentences, courts-martial, 964. Gnardhouseg : Confinement of noncommissioned offi- cers, 929. Fuel and stoves, 1044. Iron bunks, 1084. Men awaiting trial, summary courts, 933. Police, daily, 374. Visits, post commander and surgeon, 204. Guards : Candles, 1215. Deserters, 127. Duties, etc., 441. Excused from Saturday inspections, 283, Guard report, 211. Interior, 357. List of articles in charge, 443. Military prisoners, 938. Military prisons, 170. Officer commanding, A. W. 67-69. Prisoners en route, 938, 939. Property used for police, etc., 442, 443. Quitting without leave, A. W. 40. Guidons : Cavalry, 235. Engineers, 237. Field artillery, 236. Signal Corps, 238. Gunners : Coast artillery, 1343. Field artillery, 1344. Guns: Funeral honors, 417-421. Morning and evening, 210. Saluting, 393-400, 440. Gymnasiums : Erection of building by labor oj. troops, 339. Fuel and stoves, 1044. Transportation of property, 340, 1144. Habeas Corpus: Discharge of enlisted men, 139. Hawaii Territory, 485, pp. 102, 103. Returns, 997-999. State courts or judges, 997, 998. United States courts or judges, 999. Uair and Beard: Enlisted men, 286. Harboring the Enemy : Punishment, A. W. 45. Harbors and Rivers: Change of station of officers, 742. Harbor boat officers, travel accommoda- tions, 1128. Improvements, 1493. Harness : Ambulance, 1428. Dressing, 293. Purchase and repair, 1105. Hash: Ration, 1205. Haversack Ration: Composition, issue, etc., 1205. Definition, use, etc., 1202. Supplemented, 1202. Hawaiian Department : Allotments of pay, enlisted men, 1350. Commanding officer. See Hawaiian De- partment, Commanding Officer. Disbursing officers, 625. Furloughs to enlisted men, 111. Horses of mounted officers, 1073, 1095. Inspections, 1284. Leaves of absence, officers, 60. Payments to troops in, 1317. Retired enlisted men, 138. Hawaiian Department, Commanding Officer : Condemned property, 907. Contracts, 557. Damages by fire, storm, tc., 709. Supervisory powers and duties, 193. Transfer of supplies, 671. Transfer of troops, 193. Travel on duty, officers, emergency cases, 71. Travel orders, 1284. Hawaii Territory: Contracts for supplies and services, 557. Enforcement of the laws, 485, pp. 102, 103. Enlisted men returning to the United States, 111. Militia, 485, pp. 102, 103. Payments to troops, 1317. Pay of enlisted men, 1342. Retired enlisted men, 138. Hay: Bedding, 1085. Forage ration, 1077. Hazing : Commissions for cadets expelled for, 37. Hindering : Execution of the laws, 485, p. 101. Hiring of Dnty: Punishment, A. W. 36, 37. 9065117- -24 370 INDEX. Hominy : Ration, 1205. Honorable Discharge: Preparation of certificate, 150. Honors, Courtesies, and Ceremonies: Boarding visits, 407, 411. Ceremonies, 435-440. Escorts of honor, 416. Funeral honors, 417-434. Salutes, 375-405, 411-413. Visits and courtesies, 406-414. See also Ceremonies. Horse Equipments: Indian scouts, 479. Repairs, 1520, 1537, 1538. Sales, 1520, 1521. Horses : Field service, Hospital Corps, 1434. Indian scouts, 479. Military attach^, 1100. Militia officers, 456. Mounted officers. See Horses of Mounted Officers. Philippine Islands, 1095, 1098. Public. See Public Animals. Return from Philippine Islands not al- lowed, 1098. Transportation of the Army, 1101. Horseshoeing : Animals pertaining to militia, 456. Instructions by veterinarians, 91. Shoes and nails, 1097. Horseshoers : See Farriers and Horseshoers. Horses of Mounted Officers: Care at remount depot, 1099. Field officers of the mobile Army, 1272. Forage, 1080-1083. Inspection, 889, 1099. Officers on service in foreign country, 1098. Purchase and sale, 1073, 1095. Shoeing, etc., 1096, 1097. Stallions, 1099. Transportation, 1098. Veterinary attention, 90, 1096, 1099. Hospital Corps: Appliances for transporting sick and wounded, 1427-1432, 1435. Assignment to duty, 1416-1418, 1448. Assistant to dental surgeon, 1397. Attendance at ceremonies, 1413. Corporals, 1405, 1407, 1410. Enlistments and reenlistments, 1404, 1409, 1410, 1412. Extra-duty details, enlisted men, 172. Field service, 1433-1438. First-aid treatment, 1420. Fund of a detachment, 327. Hospital and ambulance flags or gui- dons, 225. Inspection and musters, 889, 1413, 1447. Issue of firearms to, 1438. Lance corporals, 1405, 1407, 1408, 1410. Litter bearers, 1420. .Military duties, 1413. Hospital Corps Continued. Pay and clothing accounts, 1415. Precedence of, on occasions of ceremony, ft, Privates, 1405, 1410, 1417, 1418. Privates, first class, 1405, 1407, 1410. Quota for posts, etc., 1416-1418. Ration, 1210. Recruits, 1410. Sergeants, 1405, 1407, 1410. 1412. Sergeants, first class, 9, 958, 1044, 1136, 1405-1407, 1410, 1467, 1468. Service, 1404. Transfer of members, 1414. Transfer to, of enlisted men, 114, 1409, 1411, 1412. Warrants, noncommissioned officers, 103, 1405, 1410. Hospitals : Army and Navy, Hot Springs, Ark., 1441- 1444, 1446, 1460. Attendants, 1455. Buildings, construction, etc., 1464-1470. Candles, 1215. Charges, 1460, 1461. Civilians, 734, 1457-1461. Deaths, 87, 167. Field, instruction, supplies, etc., 1436. Flags, 225. Fort Bayard, N. Mex., 1445, 1446, 1460. Fuel and stoves, 1044. Fund, 317, 324, 327, 1459, 1460, 1462. General, 1212, 1436, 1439-1446, 1460. Hospital Corps, 1418, 1447, 1448. Indebtedness to, 1461. Inspections, 895, 1387, 1447. Library, 1463. Management, 1447. Matrons, 1044, 1203, 1210, 1448, 1449, 1473. Mess rooms, 1044. Muster and pay rolls, 808. Nurses, 1045, 1421, 1423. Post commander and surgeon to visit, 204. Property and stores, 1454, 1456, 1473, 1476. Sick, 283, 327, 1450-1453, 1455, 1471, 1472. Supervision or control, 191, 1439. Surgeon, post and assistants, 204, 1447, 1448. Transports, boats, and railway trains, 1440. Hostilities Between Indian Tribes: Preventing or terminating, 485, p. 99. Hot Springs, Ark.: General hospital, 1441-1444, 1446, 1460. Hours of Labor: Civilian employees, 731. Extra-duty men, 176. Housewife : Issue to squad, 1215. Hunting : Absence while, not deemed leave, 65. Ammunition, 350, 354, 1526, 1531. Large game, 354. INDEX. 371 Hunting Continued. Periods, 66. Permission to hunt, 66. Report and certificate, 65. Hygiene : Duties of surgeons, 1387. Hypothecation : Pay accounts of officers, 1258. Ice: Allowance and issue, 1215. Contracts for, or purchase, 557, 1215. Identification : Cards, 774. DeserterS, 119. Discharged soldiers' merit certificates, 187. Payments to discharged soldiers, 1375. Soldiers killed in battle, 491, 492. Unknown payees, 645. Illuminating Supplies: Acetylene, 1057. Candles, 1052, 1215. Chimneys, 1052, 1054. Cost and maintenance, 1050, 1059, 1060. Daily inspections, 283. Electricity, 1057-1061. Families of officers, 1054. Families of soldiers, 1038. Gas, 1057, 1058, 1061. Lamps, 283, 1054. Lanterns, 1052. Matches, 1215. Messes, 301. Mineral oil, 1006, 1052-1054, 1056, 1061, 1199. Noncommissioned officers, 1054, 1057- 1059. Officers, 1054, ,1056, 1057, 1059. Regulations governing use of, 1051. Veterinarians, 89. Wicks, 1052, 1054. Imprisonment : Sentences of courts-martial, 965969. Independence Day : Salute to the Union, 398. Indian Reservations: Embraced in Indian country, 472. Indians : Agents, 474. Hostilities between tribes, 485, p. 99. Indian country, 471-473, 475, 485, p. 99 ; 553. Ownership of animals, 474. Prisoners of war, 477. Purchases from, 478, 553. Scouts, 479-483, 1361. Subsistence, etc., 477. Supplies, stores, and property, 476. Indian Wars: Field service of Hospital Corps, 1438. Indorsements : Official correspondence, 776. Infantry : Administrative unit, 245. Colors, 229. Precedence, 6, Information : Concerning sick and wounded, 824. Forbidden, In regard to permanent worka of defense, 348. Furnishing, from military records, 824. Military, foreign countries, 62. Tests of arms or munitions of war, 1553. Inks: Colored, In records and correspondence, 822. Inmates Soldiers' Home, D. C. : Clothing and subsistence, 181. Insane, 464. Qualifiwtions, 178, 179. Transportation to the home, 180. Insane Officers. Public property or funds, 86. Insane Persons: Enlistment or acceptance prohibited, 849; A. W. 3. Insane Soldiers: Government Hospital for the Insane, 464, 466-468, 470, 1451. Philippine Department, 469. Porto Rico, 469. Inspection Reports: Barracks and quarters, 1010, 1012. Copies, 883, 892. Damaged clothing, 911. Efficiency or inefficiency of officers, 831, 883, 889, 890. Final disposition, 900, 912-914. Inspector General, 831, 894, 901, 906, 914. Libraries, 337. National Home Disabled Volunteer Sol- diers, 894. Ordnance and ordnance stores, 1537, 1543. Organized militia, 193. Preparation and scope, 887, 890, 891. Private buildings and lands, 1018. Proceedings, surveying officers, 725. Surgeons of posts, 1387. Troops, stations and accounts, 900. Inspections : Animals pertaining to militia, 456. Annual, 887-889, 892, 894, 895, 1012. Appliances for transporting wounded, 1432. Army transports, 898. Arsenals, 191. Articles in charge of guards, 443. Authority of the Secretary, of War, 913. Bakers, cooks, etc., 329. Barracks and quarters, 1010, 1012, 1467. Biennial, 889, 895. Brigade commanders, 194. Cavalry and field artillery, 283. Chaplains, 46. Classification, 886. Clerical aid to inspectors, 881. Coast artillery troops, 203, 886. Colors, standards, and guidons, 239. Company fund accounts, 328. Daily and Saturday, 283. 372 INDEX. Inspections Continued. Damaged clothing, 911. Department commanders, 193. Depots of supply departments, 191. Detachments of recruits, 868. Disbursements and accounts, 897. 901, 902. Electrical and mechanical installations and applicances, 913. Extra and special duty men, attendance- 175. Garrisons, 888, 889. General hospitals, 191. General recruiting depots, 191. Hawaiian Department, 1284. Horse equipments, 1520. Hospital Corps, 1413, 1447, 1467. Libraries, 337. Medical, of posts, 1387. Methods of conducting, 887-892, 901. Military Academy, 896. Military commands, 879. Musters, 439. National cemeteries, 895. National Home Disabled Volunteer Sol- diers, 894. Ordnance and ordnance stores, 913, 1537, 1543. Organized Militia, 193, 456. Philippine Department, 1284. Tost commanders, 203. Posts and places exempted from con- trol of territorial commander, 191. Private buildings and lands, 1018. Public property for condemnation, 678, 679, 903-914, 1073. Quarters for sergeants, first class, Hos- pital Corps, 1467. Recruits sent to organizations, 868. Reports. See Inspection Reports. Service schools, 896. Soldiers' Home, D. C., 894. Special, 893, 895. Subjects embraced, 887. Tactical, regulations, 887. Tours of inspectors, 880, 881. Transports, 898. Troops, stations, etc., 889. Ungarrisoned posts, 889. United States Military Prison, or branches, 191. United States penitentiary, 895. Weekly, 283, 287, 1447. Inspector General of the Army: Information to department inspectors, 899. Inspection reports, 831, 887, 894, 900, 901, 906, 914. Reports to, of inspectors, 880. Soldiers' Home, D. C., 894. Visits and courtesies, 240. Inspector General's Department : Annual inspections, 887-889, 894. Blank forms, 901, 904. Department commander's staff, 197, 199. Disbursements and accounts, 901. Inspector General's Department Continued. Eligibility of officers to command, 18. Expert accountant, 733, 737. General provisions, 878-884. Property for condemnation, 903-914. Special duties, 885, 893. Sphere of inquiry, 878. Supervision of, by Chief of Staff, 762. See also Inspector General of the Army. Inspectors General. Inspectors, Civilian: Employment, payment, etc., 730. Transportation and expenses, '732, 733. Inspectors, Small-Arms Practice : Duties, etc., 197. Inspectors General : Accusations against officers, 883. Acting, 897, 903. Annual reports and recommendations, 880. Clerks and messengers, 879. Comments or conversations, 882. Condemnation of property, 337, 903, 906-908. Eligibility to command, 18. General duties, 878-884. Injustice, organizations or individuals, 883. Irregularities and deficiencies, 882. Joining station, 880. Medical supplies, 1488. Mileage, 1284. Notice of inspections, 881. Office rooms, fuel, and stoves, 1044. Orders, 880, 882. Personal reports, 880. Power to administer oaths, 884. Promotion, 24. Reports concerning officers, 883. Signal supplies, 1566. Special, 897, 903. Special duties, 885. Subsistence supplies for sale, 885. Supervision or control, 879. Tours of inspection, 880. Inspectors General of Departments: See Department Inspectors. Instruction : Coast artillery practice, 313. . Cooking, 296. Enlisted men, signaling, 1562. Field practice, messing and cooking, 296, 1205. First aid to sick and wounded, 1419, 1420. Signal Corps, 1556, 1558. Use and preservation of reconnaissance instruments, 447, 448. Instruments : Meteorological, etc., 1556. Musical, 262, 1144, 1151, 1179, 1180. Surveying, 447, 448. Transportation by express, 1142. Veterinary, 1074-1076. INDEX. 373 Insurance : Public money or property, 596. 1 nsii r reel in us : Suppression by the Army, 485, p. 101. Intelligence to the Enemy: Punishment, A. W. 46. Interior, Department of the: Contracts, 542, 561, 563. Indians, 477. Insane soldiers, 466. Interlineations : Proposals, supplies, and services, 534. Interments : Battle-ground cemeteries, 491, 492. Deceased officers and soldiers, 87, 167, 1173. Post cemeteries, 493, 497, 498. Interpreters, Military Courts : Pay and allowances, 988. Interstate Commerce Laws : Enforcement by Army, 485, pp. 101, 102. Intoxicated Persons : Enlistment or acceptance prohibited, 849 ; A, W. 3. Intoxicating Liquor: Sale of, in exchanges forbidden, 346. Unlawful introduction into Indian coun- try, 471. Intruders : Indian country, 473, 485, p. 99. National parks, 485, p. 100. Public lands, 485, pp. 99, 100. Invalid Soldiers: Parlor and sleeping cars, 1128. Invasion : Protection of States against, 485, p. 98. Inventories : Condemnation of property, 904-906, 909. Deceased officers' and soldiers' effects, 84, 162, 1367, 1451 ; A. W. 125, 126. Detects or shortage, 668. Escaped military prisoners' effects, 940. Ordnance and ordnance stores, 1543. Public property, deceased officers, 86. Public property, insane officers, 86. Public property in use by militia, 460. Quartermaster stores, 1094. Unserviceable property, 678, 679, 725. Inventors : Presence at tests, 1555. . Investigations : Alleged attempts to defraud the Govern- ment, 884. Irregularity or misconduct of officers in 1 agents, 883, 884. Loss of special funds, 321. Invoices of Honey and Property: Funds transferred, 639. Notation of checks, 640. Public property in use by militia, 460. Transfers, 665. Irons : Placing in, of prisoners, 93o. Isolated Stations: Issues of clothing, 1158. Issues : Ambulances, 1428. Clothing and equipage, 1157, 1158, 1167- 1173, 1455. Disinfectants, 1487. Extra, quartermaster supplies, 1215-1218. Firearms to Hospital Corps, 1438. Forage, 1079. Fuel, 1042, 1043. Gratuitous. See Gratuitous Issues. Hay for bedding, 1085. Hospital stores, 1473. Litters, hand and mule, 1430, 1431. Ordnance and ordnance stores, 1513- 1519, 1522,' 1524-1526. Public animals, 1071. Public property, 673. Shoeing material, 1097. Subsistence supplies, 1219-1222. Transportation requests, 1116, 1119, 1121, 1125, 1126, 1279. Veterinary medicines and supplies, 1075. Jam: Ration, 1205. Jeopardy : Trial second time, same offense, A. W. 102. 9 Job Printing: Accounts, 511. Blank forms, books, etc., 514. Contracts, 510. Letter and note heads, 512. Special, 513. Joining Station: Inspectors general, 880. Nurses, 1123. Professional books, papers, etc., 1138, 1139. Travel allowances, 1296. 1297. Journals : Engineer officers, 1502. Field operations, 816. Marches, 446. War diaries, 446. Judge Advocate General: Correspondence with judge advocates, 920. Data for reports, 916. Opinions upon legal questions, 788. Records, military courts, 915, 917-920 ; A. W. 113, 114. Reports requiring President's action, 921. Visits and courtesies, 240. Judge Advocate General's Department: Department commander's staff, 197, 199. Eligibility of officers of, to command, 18. Opinions upon legal questions, 915. Supervision of, by Chief of Staff, 762. See also Judge Advocate General's Office. Judge Advocates. Judge Advocate General's Office: Deeds, title papers, etc., 705, 915. Judge Advocates: Acting, 916, 918, 1044, 1272. Correspondence with Judge Advocate General, 920. 374 INDEX. Judge Advocates Continued. Courts-martial. See Judge Advocates of Courts-Martial. Departments. See Department Judge Advocates. Eligibility to command, 18. Law books, 918. Office rooms, fuel, and stoves, 1044. Opinions upon legal questions, 915. Promotion, 24. Judge Advocates of Courts-Martial: Adminsitration of oaths, 23, 684 ; p. 313, act July 27, 1892; A. W. 84, 92. Appointment, etc., A. W. 74. Civilian witnesses, military courts, 993. Clerical assistant, 985. Closed sessions, 949 ; p. 313, act July 27, 1892. Counsel for accused, A. W. 90. Death or disability after decision of court on sentence, 979. Interpreters, 988. Oath, form of, A. W. 85. Power to compel witnesses, 952 ; p. 313, sec. 1202 R. S. Preparation and authentication of rec- ord, 979, 980. , Reporters, 986. Transmission of record, 981 ; A. W. 113. Witnesses, 950, 952, 993 ; p. 313, sec. 1202 R. S. Judge Advocates of Departments: See Department Judge Advocates. Judges of State Courts: Writs of habeas corpus, 997, 998. Judges of United States Courts: Discharge of enlisted men, 139. Writs of habeas corpus, 999. July 4: Salute to the Union, 398. Jurisdiction : Lands used for military purposes, 704. State courts, habeas corpus, 997, 998. See also Courts-Martial. Military Commissions. Justice, Department of: Employment of civil counsel, 995, 996. Witnesses before civil courts, 75. Justices, United States Courts: Discharge of enlisted men, 139. Keepsakes : Escaped prisoners, 940. Keys: Meters, 1058. Storerooms, etc., 674. Kitchens : Daily inspections, 283. Fuel and stoves, 1044. Management and regulations, 297. Tableware, utensils, etc., 297, 301, 1177, 1178. Laborers, Civilian: Employment, etc., 677, 727, 730. Hours of labor, 731. Laborers, Civilian Continued. Payment by contractor for labor and material, 572. Transportation and expenses, 732, 734. Labor of Troops: Aid to contractors, 516. Buildings for amusement, etc., 339. Extra-duty pay, 169. In arrest or confinement, 932. Maintenance of post cemeteries, 494. Military works, 357. Unnecessary, on Sunday, 205. Lamps : Chimneys, 1054. Daily inspections, 283. Sales to officers, etc., 1054. Lance Corporals: Hospital Corps, 1405, 1407, 1408, 1410. Selection, appointment, etc., 272 1405. Land-Grant Ballroads: Rights of Government, 485 ; p. 102. Lands : -Abandoned, records of bureau, 774. Plats of military, 708. Purchase for military purposes, 704. Title papers, 705, 915. Language : Reproachful, provoking, A. W. 25. Upbraiding, A. W. 28. Lanterns : Candles, 1215. Stable use, 1052. Larceny : Punishable by military courts, A. W. 58. Lard, or Lard Substitute: Ration, 1205. Laundries : Charges, 319, 341, 1169. Company, 327. Indebtedness of soldiers, 341. Post, 341. Lanndrymen : Purchase of subsistence stores, 1245. Law Books : Judge advocates of departments, 918. Laws : Obstructing or hindering, 485, p. 101. Leases : Military lands, 705. Rooms for offices, 1046. Leaves of Absence: Applications, etc., 51, 55-57, 67, 1187. Beyond limits of command, 51, 57, 60. Change of station, 1292-1294. Commencement and expiration, 5860.- Commutation of quarters, 1301. Computation, 1276. Contract surgeons, 1393. Cumulative, 1033, 1275. Custodians of special funds, 324. Delays, 70. Detached service, 51. Duration, 58, 60. During active operations, 54. Full pay, 1275. INDEX. 375 Leaves of Absence Continued. Graduates of Military Academy, 53. Granted, by whom, 49, 51, 52. Granted in months and days, 58. Instructors, service schools, 1277. In the field, 59. Leave year, how reckoned, 1276. Notations on rolls and returns, 64. Nurses, 1425. Officers In charge of public property, 659. Officers returning to United States, 60. On special duty, 59. Orders to rejoin station, 1289, 1290. Payments to officers, 1275-1277. Payments to officers resigning, 1263. Periods and extensions, 49-53, 55, 57, 67. Periods defined, 58, 60. Permission to hunt, 65, 66. Personal, restrictions, 50, 51. Professors, etc., Military Academy, 1277. Quarters, 1033, 1035. Reports, etc., by officers, 59, 64. Sick, 57, 1035, 1301. Take effect, 59. Telegraphic application, 1187. Temporary duty, 1278, 1289-1291. Tender of resignation, 81. Travel allowances, 1289-1294. Verbal permits, 64. Visiting foreign countries, 61-63. When not granted, 54, 55. Leave Tear: Reckoned, 1276. Legal Representatives : Deceased officers and soldiers, 84, 85, 87, 163, 165, 187 ; A. W. 127. Settlements with, by disbursing officers, 652. Legislation : Efforts to Influence, 5. Length of Service: Rules for computing longevity pay, 1271. Letter Heads: Wording and matter, 512. Letters, Official: Applications for official opinions, 788. Briefing, 776. Channels, 782-785, 787, 788. Chiefs of bureaus, 787. Colored inks, 822. Commanding officers, 787. Confidential communications, 778. Courtesy required, 790. Courts-martial proceedings, 919-921. Employment of civil counsel, 996. Inclosures, 776. Indorsements, 776, 786. Letterheads, form, 512. Messages by telegraph, 1561. Models furnished from A. G. O., 776. Penalty envelopes, 834-837, 839. Post-office address, 777. Preparation, folding, etc., 775. Signatures, 779. Title, officer addressed, 780. Letters, Official Continued. Transmission by freight or express, 838. Unimportant and trivial, 789. See also Correspondence. Libraries : Abandoned or discontinued posts, 338. Acknowledgment of books received, 336. Books damaged or lost, 334. Company, 1144. Hospital, 1463. Inspections, 337, 889. Librarians, 331, 334. Military Academy, 1145. Military Service Institution, 1145. Newspapers and periodicals, 331. Post, 331, 332, 334-338, 340, 1044, 1144. Repair of books, 335. Returns, 332, 333. Rooms provided, 331. Transportation, 340, 1144, 1145. Use of, by officers, 331. License : Civilians on reservations, 212. Military lands, 705. Llentenant Colonels : Assignment to command, 247. Baggage, 1136. Forage, 1080. Funeral honors and escort, 422, 426. Promotion to grade, 25. Quarters, fuel, and stoves, 1044. Rank and precedence, 9. Relative rank with naval officers, 12. Roster duty, 358. Llentenant Commanders, Navy: Relative rank with Army officers, 12. Lieutenant General of the Army: Aids, 41. Appointment to grade, 22. Baggage, 1136. Forage, 1080. Funeral honors and escort, 418, 426. Military secretary, 41. Quarters, fuel, and stoves, 1044. Rank and precedence, 9. Relative rank with naval officers, 12. Salutes and honors, 375, 400, 401, 403. Staff officers, change of station, etc., 71. Visits and courtesies, 240. Llentenantg : First, 9, 25, 422, 426, 1136. General duties, 267, 269. Rosters, 358. Second, 9, 422, 426, 1136. Lieutenants, Nary: Relative rank with Army officers, 12. Lieutenants, Navy, Junior: Relative rank with Army officers, 12. Lighting: Contracts for, 557. Lights: Extinguished at taps, 370. Limitation : Age, recruits, 849. Appointees to second lieutenancies, 28, 31, 34. 376 INDEX. Limitations Continued. Court-martial sentences, 968. Detached service, 39, 40, 265. Emergency purchases, 1007. Expenditures, posts, etc., 207, 707. Express transportation, 1142. Mess furniture in the field, 302. Personal staff duty, 41. Publication of advertisements, 503. Punishments, 963, 964, 968 ; A. W. 38, 98. Reentering Army, 861. Repairs to buildings at posts, 707. Special funds, 322. Statute of, concerning deserters, 121, 125; A. W. 103. Transportation of officers' horses, 1098. Limits : Absence from camp without leave, A. W. 34. Arrested officers, 923. Furloughed enlisted men, 109. Litters : Hand and mule, 1430-1432. Lookers : Permanent barracks, 1021, 1023. Longevity Pay: Computing service, 1271. Loss of Funds: Fraud or neglect, 1309. Special funds, 321. Stoppages, 1309. Transported by express, 1142. Loss of Property: Accountability for, if lost in service, 698. Civilian employees, 688. Classification, 682. Deserters, 687. Enlisted men, 685, 686, 699 ; A. W. 16, 17. In transit, 721, 1141. Loaned to mail contractors, 209. Mess property and utensils, 301. Officers, 683, 685; A. W. 15. Ordnance and ordnance stores, 1527, 1530, 1541. Prevention, 674. Stoppages, 1309. Tableware and kitchen utensils, 1178. Lye and Sapollo: Allowance, 1182. Lying Out of Quarters: Punishment, A. W. 31. Machine Guns: Target practice, 351-353. Mall Contractors : Aid by post commandars, 209. Mails, United States: Obstructing or retarding, 485, p. 101. Major Generals: Aids, 41. Appointment to grade, 22. Appropriate command, 14. Baggage, 1136. Changing station, 71. Forage, 1080. Funeral honors and escort, 418, 426. Quarters, fuel, and stoves, 1044. Major Generals Continued. Rank and precedence, 9. Relative rank with naval officers, 12. Salutes and honors, 375, 400, 401, 403. Staff officers, change of station, etc., 71. Travel beyond limits of command, 71. Visits and courtesies, 240. Majors : Appropriate command, 14. Baggage, 1136. Forage, 1080. Funeral honors and escort, 422, 426. Promotion to grade, 25. Quarters, fuel, and stoves, 1044. Rank and precedence, 9. Relative rank with naval officers, 12. Roster duty, 358. Manslaughter : Punishable by military courts, A. W. 58. Manuals : Army cooks, 296, 299. Coast Artillery, 1552. Courts-martial, 963. Firing regulations, 349. Guard duty, 441. Staff departments, 1570. Maps and Reconnaissances: Duties, Engineer Corps, 1493, 1500, 1502. Journals of march, 445, 446. Purchase of maps, 521. Route maps, 444, 445. Surveying instruments, 447, 448. System of scales, 444. Marches : Journals, 446. War diaries, 446. Marine Corps: Deserters from, enlisted in the Army, 133. Precedence of, on occasions of cere mony, 6. Rations, 1204. Relative rank with other corps, 10 ; A. W. . 122. Marine Corps Officers: See Officers, Marines. Marking: Boxes for transportation, 1547. Company property, 295. Condemned property, 907. Donations, 1144, 1145. Forbidden, as court-martial sentence, A. W. 38, 98. Graves, 491, 492, 495. Packages for shipment, 1140. Public property, 676. Regimental property and equipments, 257. Marksmen : Additional pay, 1345. Marriages : Report of chaplains, 45. Married Men: Enlistment or reenlistment, 852, 1009, 1412. Transfer to Hospital Corps, 1412. Marshals : Apprebeusiou of deserters, 118, 121. INDEX. 377 Martial Law: Hawaii Territory, 485, pp. 102, 103. Master Electricians: Coast Artillery Corps, 9, 310, 1044, 1136. Quartermaster Corps, 9, 1009, 1044, 1136. Signal Corps, 9, 1044, 1136. Master Gunners, Coast Artillery Corns: Appointments, 310. Baggage, 1136. Quarters, fuel, and stoves, 1044. Rank and precedence, 9. Warrants, 310. Matrons, Hospital : Allowance to post hospitals and arsenals, 1449. Appointment, 1448. Fuel, 1044. Hospital stores, 1473. Rations, 1203, 1210. Subsistence supplies, 1239. Mayhem : Punishable by military courts, A. W. 58. Meals and Lodgings: Civilian employees, 733. Enlisted men, 371, 1227. Meat, Canned: Ration, 1205. Mechanics : Appointment, etc., 275, 278. Extra-duty details, 173. Mechanics, Civilian: Armament districts, 1539. Employment, payment, etc., 727, 730. Hours of labor, 731. Transportation and expenses, 732, 734. Medals of Honor: Announcement of award, 183. Applications, 182. Conditions of award, 182, 188. Officers and enlisted men, 182, 188. Unauthorized possession, report, 189. Medical Attendance: Accounts, 1476-1485. Civilian physicians, 1476-1479, 1484, 1485. Indians, 477. Medical officers, 1473, 1474. Military prisoners, 14; 3, 14 Y6, 1478. 1480. Prisoners of war, 1473. Recruiting service, 1475. Medical Certificates: Disability, 159-161. Insane soldiers, 466. Sick leave, officers, 57. Medical Department: Acting dental surgeons, 1390-1892, 1395. 1396. Ambulances and litters, 225, 1105, 1404, 1427-1432, 1435. Artificial limbs, 1490-1492. Blank forms, 1477. ' Civil hospital accounts, 1481. Contract surgeons, 1390-1394. Medical Department Continued. Dental Corps, 1395-1403. Department commander's staff, 197, 199. Eligibility of officers of, to command, 19. General duties and responsibilities, 1386. Hospital Corps. See Hospital Corps. Hospitals. See Hospitals. Hospital transports, etc., 1440. Medical attendance, etc., 477, 1473-1485. Medical officers. See Medical Officers. Medical Reserve Corps, 1138, 1296, 1389. Medical supplies, 515, 1486-1488. Medicines. See Medicines. Nurse Corps, 1421-1426. Publications for hospital libraries, 1463. Returns, 1489. Service of hospitals, 1447-1463. Sick call, 1471, 1472. Special nurses, 1482. Special regulations, note, p. 269. Supervision of, by Chief of Staff, 762. Surgeon General. See Surgeon General. Medical Inspections and Examinations: Accounts, 1484, 1485. Applicants for enlistment, 871. Enlisted men, 1485. Hospital Corps, 1410. Posts and reservations, 1387. Recruits, 865-871, 1484. Medical Museum: Transportation of donations, 1145. Medical Officers: Ambulances, 1105, 1427, 1429. Appointments, qualifications, etc., 1388. Arrests, etc., 925. Assignment of quarters, 1025. Barracks and quarters, 1025. Boards of examination, 30. Certificates of disability, 160, 161. Clothing accounts, Hospital Corps, 1415. Department surgeons, 161, 197, 199, 1396, 1407, 1408, 1431, 1488, 1489. Deserters, 126. Detail, duties, etc., 204, 206, 1387, 1447, 1448. Diagnosis furnished, etc., 1472. Division surgeons, 161, 1396, 1405, 1408, 1477, 1488, 1489. Efficiency reports, 829. Eligibility to command, 19. Field service, 1433, 1434. First-aid treatment, 1420. General hospitals, 1439. Hospital buildings, 1464, 1466-1468. Hospital Corps detachment, 1415. 1420. Hospital duties, 1447, 1448, 1451, 1462. Hospital fund, 1462. Hospitals at Hot Springs and Fort Bay- ard, 1446. Hospital transports, etc., 1440. Hygiene and sanitation, 204, 1387. Insane soldiers, 465, 466. Instruction to Hospital Corps, 1420. Invalid soldiers, 1128. Medical and hospital supplies, 1456, 1457. 378 INDEX. Medical Officers Continued. Medical attendance, 1473, 1474. Medical chests, 1139. Mileage to first station, 1296. Office rooms, fuel, and stoves, 1044. Official address at posts, 206. Patients in hospital, 1451, 1472. Pay, etc., Hospital Corps, 1415. Physical examination, militia, 455, 457. Post surgeons, 204, 206, 829, 1025, 1387, 1415, 1462. Promotion, 24, 1388. Quarters for sergeants, first class, Hos- pital Corps, 1466-1468. Ration returns, 1210. Recruits, 867, 868, 870, 871. Reports, incapacitated or deceased of- ficers, 83, 890. Reports to, of discharges for disability, 160. Responsibility for remains of officers and soldiers, 87, 167. Retirement, 1388. Returns of, by department surgeons, 1489. Service schools, 449. Sick call, 1471, 1472. Sick leave, officers, 57. Surgeons, 24, 491, 492, 1489. Transfers to Hospital Corps, 1411. Medical Reserve Corps: Appointments in Medical Corps, 1389. Assignment of officers, 1389. Baggage transportation for officers, 1138. Mileage, 1296. Medical Supplies: Books and publications, 1463, 1488. Chests, 1139. Contracts for, or purchase, 515. Disinfectants, 1487. Hospital property and supplies, 617, 1452, 1453, 1456, 1457, 1459. Medicines. See Medicines. Proceeds of sales, 617. Purchases, 1486. See also Surgical Appliances. Medicines : Accounts, 1477, 1480, 1483. Charges, Organized Militia, 1460. Dispensed, to whom, 1473. Families and servants, 1476. Indians, 477. Officers and men not on duty, 1476. Purchased from druggists, 1478, 1480, 1483. Retired officers and enlisted men, 1474. Veterinary, 1074-1076, 1096. Members of a Royal Family: Salutes and honors, 400, 403. Members of Courts-Martial: Appointment, 945. Behavior, A. W. 87. Challenge by accused, A. W. 88. Disorderly conduct, 948. Duty with command, 946. Oath, A. W. 84. Members of Courts-Martial Continued. Officers, Marine Corps, A. W. 78. Officers, Regular Army, A. W. 77. Requisite number not at posts, etc., A, W. 76. Sit according to rank, 945. Voting, A. W. 95. Members of Courts of Inquiry: Appointment, etc., A. W. 116. Oaths, A. W. 117. Members of the Cabinet: Funeral honors, 421. Salutes and honors, 376, 400, 403. Memorandum Receipts: Company records, 281. Cooking apparatus, 1252. Ordnance stores, 1524. Quartermaster supplies, 1020, 1076, 1089-1092. Relief from responsibility, 657. Memorial Day: Observance, 440. Mess, General: See General Mess. Messengers : Employment, payment, etc., 728, 730. Extra-duty pay, 170. Inspectors general, 879. Street-car and ferry tickets, 1127. Transportation and expenses, 732. Messing and Cooking: Broken, lost, or damaged articles, 301. Brooms, brushes, fuel, and lights, 301. Cooking apparatus, 1252. Enlisted men, 296-302. Field ranges, etc., 296. General mess, 204, 296, 301, 317, 318, 320, 321, 329, 330, 371. Inspections, 889. Kitchen tableware and furniture, 301. Management of kitchens, 297, 301. Manual for Army cooks, 296, 299. Meals for enlisted men, 371. Mess furniture in the field, 302. Mess sergeants, 1346. Mess stewards, 329. Prisoners' food, 300. Rations, care, savings, etc., 298. Removal of outfits from barracks, 1023. Rooms for officers, 1034. Supervision, company and general mess, 296. Use of hospitals, 1470. Yearly field practice, 296, 1205. Mess Rooms: Hospitals, 1044. Mess Sergeants: Authorized, 1346. Meteorological Instruments : Supervision, control, etc., 1556. Meters : Barracks and quarters, 1058-1060. Mileage : Approval of journey, 1285. Arsenals, 1295. Authority, 1284, 1285. INDEX. 379 Mileage Continued. Baggage transportation, 1122. Civilian employees, 737. Coast defense commands, 1286. Delays en route, 1283. Discharged soldiers, 1378. Engineer officers, 1507. Explorations, military, 1295. Inspectors, 1284. Joining first station, 1296, 1297. Leaves of absence, 1289-1294. Lines of travel, 1287. Orders, 71, 1284-1288. Payments, 1279, 1283, 1507. Philippine Department, 1284. Public works, 1295. Rates and computation, 1279, 1282. Return journeys, 1285. Route of travel, 1282, 1287. Sea travel, 1280. Surveys, military, 1295. Traveling with troops, 1281. Travel without troops, 1279. Unauthorized, 1297. Urgent duty,' 1285. Witnesses, 75, 990-993, 1298; p. 314, act Mar. 2, 1901. Military Academy, United States: Annual report of superintendent, 193J. Cadets, 9, 27, 449, 1271, 1312-1314. Court-martial duty of officers, 192. Donations to library and museum, 1145. Eligibility of ex-cadets for commissions, 37. Graduates, 53, 1138, 1139, 1296, 1314. Graduating leave, 53. Inspection, 896. Leaves to officers, 1277. Letter and note heads, 512. Mounted officers, 1272. Pay of graduates, 1314. Quartermaster, 1313. Supervision and regulations, 191, 449. Treasurer, 1312. Military and Medical Records: Volunteer armies and permanent estab- lishment, 774. Military Attache's: Allowances, etc., 596, 1100. Baggage, 1136, 1138. Mounted pay, 1272. Military Authority: Exercise, 2. Subordination to civil authority, A. W. 59. Military Cable Lines: Construction, maintenance, etc., 1556. Military Commands: See Commands. Military Commissions: Discharge of enlisted men, 139. Jurisdiction, p. 313, sec. 1343 R. S. Proceedings, 917. Records, 915. Reports, 193J. Military Control: Emergencies, 191, 192. Military Correspondence : See Correspondence. Military Defenses: Sites, plans, and estimates, 1493. Military Discipline: See Discipline. Military Education: Graduates of civil institutions, 35. List of institutions, 449. Regulations governing institutions, 449. Military Information: See Information. Military Justice: Administration of oath, p. 313, act July 27, 1892. Military Prison: See United States Military Prison. Military Record: Deserters, 124. Indorsed on discharge certificate, 148, 149. Officers for retirement or promotion, 26. Military Reservations: See Posts and Reservations. Military Roads, Railroads, and Bridges: Construction and repair, 1493, 1508, Military Secretary: Lieutenant general, 41. Military Service Institution: Transportation of donations, 1145. Military Signaling and Signal Duties: Code cards and instructions, 1564. Communication between the Army and Navy, 409, 1561. General service code, 1561. Instruction, enlisted men, 1562. In the field, 1558, 1561. Precedence of messages, 1561. Supervision, control, etc., 1556, 1558. Visual signaling, use between Army and Navy, 409, 1561. Military Telegraph and Telephone Lines: Commanding officers, 1559. Confidential communication, 1560. Construction, maintenance, etc., 1556, 1559. Destruction or obstruction, 1563. In the field, 1561. Personal and press messages, 1561. Signal officers, 1559. Use of cipher, 1561. Military Works: Laborers and armed working parties, 357. Militia, Organized: Adjutant General of the Army, The, 105, 774. Admission to hospitals, 1459, 1460. Annual returns of, for Congress, 774. Arming and equipping, 455, 463, 1143. Arms, etc., shipment by supply depart- ments, 455. Authority of the President, 450. Called Into service, transportation and subsistence, 455. Chief of Staff, supervisory powers, 764. Coast Artillery Reserves, 457. 380 INDEX. Militia, Organized Continued. Company rendezvous denned, 452. Concentration camps defined, 452. Correspondence, 105, 774. Custody of records after muster out, 774. Disbursing officers, 452. Encampments, reports of, 774. Engineer supplies, 1510. Enlisted men, Army, detailed with, 105. En route to concentration camps, 455. En route to mobilization camps, 455, 456. Equipment, etc., 741. Equipping, forwarding, etc., in time of war, 193, 194. Examination of members, for appoint- ment in Army, 35. Governors of States, etc., 452, 455, 460. Hawaii Territory, 485, pp. 102, 103. Horses, sales to United States, 456. Inquiries on requests from subordinates, 463. Inspection, 193. Mobilization camps defined, 432. Mobilization of troops, 454-457, 462, 463. Muster into United States service, 455, 457, 459. Muster out, 461. OfQcers, See Officers, Militia. Officers, Army, serving with, 454, 1261. Ordnance and ordnance stores, 1511, 1514. Pay and allowances while in United States service, 451. Pensions, 458. Physical examinations, 455, 457, 461. Property and equipments, inventories, 460. Public property in use by, 460. Purchases, fuel and forage at mobiliza- tion camps, 456. Relative rank with Regulars, Marine Corps and Volunteers, 6, 10 ; A. W. 122, 124. Reports and returns, 105, 193, 774. Secretary of War, 450. Signal supplies, 1565. Strength of organizations, 453. Subject to Articles of War, A. W. 64. Subsistence charges, field hospitals, 1460. Transportation for, 456. Militia Affairs, Division of: Blank forms, 455. Reports, quarterly, 105. Milk: Ration, 1205. Mine Planters: Commanding officers, 49, 106. Mineral Oil: Allowance, 1053, 1061. Extra issues, 1006. Purchased by soldiers' families, 1038. Requisitions for, and issue, 1052. Sales, 1054. Storage in or near storehouses, 1199. Unconsumed, 105G. Ministers, American or Foreign: Funeral honors, 421. Salutes and honors, 376, 400, 403. Minors : Consent of parent or guardian to enlist- ment, 850, 853 ; A. W. 3. Discharged for fraud, 1380. Enlistment of, under 18 years of age, prohibited, 849. Penalty for officers enlisting, A. W. 3. Minute Guns: Funerals, 419-421. Misappropriation : Public moneys or property, A. W. 60. Misbehavior Before the Enemy: Punishment, A. W. 42. Miscellaneous Receipts : Proceeds of sale,- 611, 618. Misconduct : Cause of death, 83, 162. Officers or agents, 884, 900. Misconduct in Time of War: Abandoning post, A. W. 42. Casting away arms, A. W. 42. Changing parole or watchword, A. W. 44. Correspondence with or intelligence to the enemy, A. W. 46. Cowardice, A. W. 42, 100. Disclosing parole or watchword, A. W. 44. False alarms, A. W. 41. Forcing safeguard, A. W. 57. Misbehavior before the enemy, A. W. 42. Plunder or pillage, A. W. 42. Quitting colors, A. W. 42. Relieving, harboring, or protecting the enemy, A. W. 45. Mitigation : Punishment, 944, 972; A. W. 112. Mixed Corps: Commanders, 10, 817; A. W. 122. Mobilization Camps: Arms, etc., shipment to militia, 455. At a garrison post of the Regular Army, 455. Denned, Organized Militia, 452. Location of, 457, 462. Militia en route to, 455. Mobs: Employment of troops against, 489. Money Accountability : Appropriations, 620-625. Certificates of deposit, 611-616. Checks, 587, 599-607. Disbursing officers, 583-596. Division staff officers, 197. Funds by express, 1142. Liquid coffee purchases, 1208. Money accounts. See Money Accounts. Money vouchers. See Money Vouchers. Official check books, 608, 610. Pecuniary responsibility of officers, 141, 155, 653, 654. Post noncommissioned staff, 254. Proceeds of sale, 611, 617-619. Transfer on succession, 17, 630. Transfers, 589, 597, 598. See also Public Moneys. INDEX. 381 Honey Accounts: Abstracts, 626, 1250. Accounts current, 615, 623, 626-629, 635, 1492. Administrative examination, 655, 656. Amounts to be in dollars and cents, 635. Certificates of deposit, 615. Closing statements, disposition, 902. Contingent expenses, 623. Deceased officers, 86. Disbursing officers, 589. Disposition, 626. Foreign currency, 635. Fractions of cents, 635. Insane officers, 86. Inspection, 895, 897, 899-901. Military attaches, 1100. Orders and papers supporting, 627-629. Ordnance .Department, 1511. Original vouchers required, 628. Preparation and rendition, 626, 627. Rates of exchange, 1100. Subsistence sales, 1250. Vouchers to accompany, 627, 628. See also Public Moneys. Receipts for Money and Property. Honey Vouchers: Artificial limbs, 1492. Certificate of correctness, 632-634, 642- 644. Coin or currency, 635. Commanding officers, 751. Completion before certified by creditor, 638. Corporations, 641-644. Currency payments to be noted, 640. Fees of civil officers, 649. Firms and individuals, 641, 644. Fractions of cents, 635. Identification, when required, 645. Invoices and receipts for funds, 639, 640. Mode of purchase, 636. Money amounts, 635, 638, 648. Number, date, and amount of check, 640. Number of copies to be made, 631. Original, to accompany account, 628. Original bills, 634. Payment with check, 643. Payment with currency, 642. Quartermaster and subsistence supplies, 633. Receipts in blank prohibited, 637. Services, not personal, 633, 636. Services, personal, 633, 651. Signature and heading, 646. Signing of checks in blank prohibited, 637. Small sums for occasional services, 644. Supplies, 633, 636. Telegraphic service, 644, 1186. Unpaid accounts, 650. Witnesses to signature by mark, 647. Monthly Payments: Enlisted men, 1315. Officers, 1256. Honthly Reports: Chaplains, 45. Superintendents, national cemeteries, 490. Monthly Returns: Effective strength in campaigns, 815. Enlisted strength of the Army, 811, 813, 815. General prisoners, 937. Medical officers, 1489. Hops: Allowance, 1181. Horning Reports: Company, 280. Post, 211. Regimental, 258. Mounted Officers: Accouterments, horse equipments, etc. t 1520. Forage, 1080-1082. Horses, 90, 889, 1095-1098. Militia, 456. Mounted pay, 1272-1274. Public animals, 1081. Rank or conditions requiring, 1272. Mounted Service: Additional pay, 1272-1274. Authority for mounting, 1272. Policing stables, etc., 1106. Sale of public horses to officers, 1095. Mounted Service School: Detachment of officers, 192. Inspection, 896. Leaves of absence, officers, 1277. Letter and note headings, 512. Location, Fort Riley, Kans., 449. Supervision and regulations, 191, 449. Mourning : Badge, 431. Colors, 434. Drums, 433. Family, 432. Wearing, restrictions, 431. Movement of Troops: Accommodations, 1114. Hawaiian Department, 193. Notice sent by quartermaster, 1113. Orders and returns of command, 1110, 1111. Philippine Department, 193. Reported by department commander, 193. Routes, 1112. Staff officers, 750. Timely notice to be given, 750, 1107. Hnles : Mule shoes and nails, 1097. Transportation of the Army, 1101. Murder : Punishable by military courts, A. W. 58. Museums : Transportation of donations, 1145. Musical Instruments: Bands and field music, 262, 1179, 11801 Post chapels, 1144. Requisitions, 1151. Musicians : Appointment, etc., 260, 263, 275, 278. Competition with civilian, 261. 382 INDEX. Musicians Continued. Fuel, 1044. Music pouches, 1167. Roster duties, 358. Separation from companies, 261. Signals for roll calls, etc., 373. Transfer to Hospital Corps prohibited, 1411. Whistles, 1180. See also CMef Musicians. Principal Musicians. Mustering Officers: Correction and changes, muster rolls, 810. Muster 'in of militia, 457, 458. Muster out of militia, 461. Muster into Service: Militia, when called forth, 457-459. Master Ont: Regulations for, of militia, 461. Master Bolls : Absentees, 808; A. W. 12, 13. Absent without leave notations, 132. Calculations, 810. Character notations, 148. Corrections or changes, 810. Dates of service, 134. Designation on, of companies, 809. Detached enlisted men, 808. Disability originating in line of duty, 1472. Discharge notations, 152. Duties, post surgeons, 1448. Hospital Corps, 1448. Manuscript, prohibited, 1572. Militia, at muster In, 458. Notations, discharged soldiers, 152. Preparation, disposition, etc., 807. Retained, 810. Sick in hospital, 808. See also Pay Rolls. Masters : Accepting presents, etc., A. W. 6. Bakers, cooks, etc., 329. Certificates of absentees, A. W. 12, 13. Designation of officers to assist, 438. False, A. W. 5, 14. Hospital Corps, 1413. Inspection and review, 439. Monthly, for pay, 438, 439. Muster and pay rolls, 807-810. Sunday, 439. Mutiny and Sedition: Beginning, exciting, joining, etc., A. W. 22. Compelling surrender of troops, A. W. 43. Disobedience of orders, A. W. 21, 24. Failure to give information, A. W. 23. Quelling quarrels, frays, disorders, etc., A. W. 24. Striking superior officer, A. W. 21, 24. Suppression, A. W. 23. Mutton : Ration, 1205. National Airs: Foreign, 378. United States, 264, 378, 437. National Cemeteries: Biennial inspection, 895. Burial of deceased officers and soldiers, 167. Flag, 223. Supervision, records, reports, etc., 490. National Colors: Salute, 377. National IVsthitios: Foreign war vessels in port or harbor, 413. National Flag: Description, 215, 216. Displayed at time of firing salute, 397. Displayed in action, 437. Memorial Day, 440. Salute to, 398. Stars in union, 216. National Home for Disabled Tolunteer Soldiers: Annual Inspection, 894. Insane inmates, 464. National Parks: Trespassers or intruders, 485, p. 100. National Salutes : Fourth of July, 398. Memorial Day, 440. Number of guns, 398. Ships of war, 399. Navy: Deserters from, enlisted in the Army, 133. Signal communication with the Army, 409, 1561. Navy Officers: See Officers, Navy. Neutrality Laws: Enforcement by the Army, 485, pp. 100, 101. Post commanders, 889. Newspapers : Advertisements, 499, 500, 502-509 ; note, p. 105. Dismissals, cowardice or fraud, A. W. 100. Post libraries, 331. Readvertisements, 501. Nomenclature : Posts and reservations, 201, 202. Nominations : Transfer or exchange of officers, 47. Nonromniissioner Officers : Arrest, etc., 927, 929; A. W. 24. Baggage transportation, 1136-1138. Bands, 260. Battalion staff, 254, 256. Coast Artillery Corps, 271, 274, 308, 310- 312. Company, 9, 270-278, 297, 358, 370, 480, 1044, 1180. Extra-duty details, 171, 172. Funeral honors and escort, 428. General noncommissioned staff, 103, 1009, 1557. INDEX. 383 Noncommissioned Officers Continued. Hiring of duty, A. W. 37. Hospital Corps, 1405-1408, 1410, 1416, 1418. Illuminating supplies, 1054, 1057-1059. Insane soldiers, 467. Ordnance Department, 103. Parlor and sleeping cars, 1128. Post noncommissioned staff. See Post Noncommissioned Staff. Quarrels, frays, and disorders, A. W. 24. Quartermaster Corps, 103, 1009. Quarters, fuel, and stoves, 1036, 1044. Rank and precedence, 9. Reduction to the ranks, 276, 277, 1009. Regimental, 9, 253, 256, 257, 1044, 1181. Salutes, commanding detachments, 385. Signal Corps, 103, 1557. Transfers, 276. Travel under orders, 1124, 1125. Trial by courts-martial, 958 ; p. 315, act March 2, 1913. Ungarrisoned posts, 1065. Warrants, 101, 103, 256, 274, 310, 1405, 1410. Notary Public: Administration of oaths, 684. Note Heads: Wording and matter, 512. Nurse Corps (Female) : Appointments and assignments, 1421. Baggage, 1123. Commutation of rations, 1223, 1443. Duties, 1422-1425. Fuel and quarters, 1045. Medical attendance, etc., 1473; 1476, 1478, 1480. Parlor and sleeping cars, 1128. Pay and allowances, 1426. Presents for services prohibited, 1426. Private cases, 1425. Rations, 1203, 1212. Services in families of officers and men, 1424. Subsistence supplies, 1239. Superintendent, 1045, 1422, 1476, 1478, 1480, 1483. Nurses, Special: Employment and pay, 1476, 1482. Oaths : Administration by civil officers, 684. Administration by judge advocates, 684. Administration by recorders of boards, 684, 714. Administration by surveying officers, 714. Enlistment, 855 ; A. W. 2. Fee for administering, 649. Judge advocates, courts-martial, A. W. 85. Members of courts-martial, A. W. 84. Members of courts of inquiry, A. W. 117. Of office, Army officers, 23. Power of inspectors to administer, 884. Purchasing or contracting officers, 563. Recorders, courts of inquiry, A. W. 117. Witnesses, military courts, p. 313, act July 27, 1892 ; A. W. 92, 118. Oaths of Office: Administration by civil officers, 23. Officers of the Army, 23. Oats: Forage ration, 1077. Obstructing or Hindering: Execution of the laws, 485, p. 101. Offenses : See Crimea and Offenses. Officer : Definition, p. 301, sec. 1342 R. 8. Officer of the Day : Exemptions from duty, 363. Old, exemptions from duty, 363. Property used for police, etc., 442, 443. Officer of the Guard: Duties of, as to prisoners, A. W. 67-69. Officers, Army: Absence without leave, A. W. 31, 33, 40. Absent at muster, A. W. 12, 13. Abuses and disorders, A. W. 54. Acceptance, etc., of civil office, 82. Accepting presents, A. W. 6. Accompanying troops changing station, 193. Accountability, 1549 ; A. W. 10. Additional pay, 1267-1274. Administration of oaths, 23, 684, 714. Appeals, A. W. 29. Appointment and promotion, 21-37. Arrest, etc., 922-927, 1371; A. W. 65, 70, 71. Articles for sale to, 885. Articles of War to be subscribed, A. W. 1. Artificial limbs and appliances, 1490, 1491. Attendance at funerals, 430. Baggage transportation, 1135-1139. Barrack furniture and rooms, 1011. Boards. See Boards of Officers. Boat flags and pennants, 240. Change of station, 1098. Charges against, A. W. 71. Civil institutions of learning, 42, 449, 1306. Coast artillery, 303. Command of mixed corps, 10 ; A. W. 122. Commissions, 774. Commutation of quarters, 1299-1307. Contempt or disrespect toward com- manding officer, A. W. 20. Correspondence with War Department, 782, 786. Courteous correspondence, 790. Court-martial service with mixed corps, A. W. 77, 78, 124. Deceased. See Deceased Officers. Definition of officer, p. 301, sec. 1342 R. S. Dental work, 1398-1401. Desertion, A. W. 47, 49-51. Designation of beneficiary in event of death, 1385. Detached service, temporary duty, 192. Detailed with militia, 454. 384 INDEX. Officers, Army Continued. Details. See Details, Officers. Discharge, A. W. 99. Dismissal. See Dismissal of Officers. Dispatches in the field, 798. Disrespect or contempt, A. W. 19. Divine service, A. W. 52. Drunkenness on duty, A. W. 38. Dueling, A. W. 26-28". Duties of Chief of Staff in matters af- fecting, 765-767. Effects of deceased officers or soldiers, A. W. 127. Efficiency reports, 829-833. Equipage allowance, 1146. Equipments of enlisted men, 294. False musters, A. W. 5, 14. Families. See Families, etc. Forage, 1080, 1081. Fuel and stoves, 1036, 1037, 1039-1044, 1048. Garrison schools, 449. General Staff Corps. See Officers, Gen- eral Staff Corps. Grades of rank, 9. Hiring of duty, A. W. 37. Horses. See Horses of Mounted Officers. Hospital charges, 1460, 1461. Hospital stores, 1473. Illuminating supplies, 1054, 1056, 1057, 1059. Incapacitated, 193, 194, 890. Insane, 86, 464-466, 1297. Inspection reports concerning, 831, 883, 889, 890. Investigation of accusations against, 883, 884. Issue of clothing, 1157, 1158. Leaves of absence. See Leaves of Ab- sence. Longevity pay, 1271. Medals of honor, 182, 183, 188. Medical attendance, etc., 1473, 1474, 1476, 1478, 1480, 1483. Messing and cooking, 296-302. Military attache's, 1100. Military history, 774. Militia encampments, 774. Misconduct or irregularity, 83, 884, 900 ; A. W. 42. Mounted, 1272-1274. Mounted, addressing superior, 381. Mourning, 431, 432. Mutiny and sedition, A. W. 21-24, 43. Oath of office, 23. Oaths of enlistment, A. W. 2. Offenders against civil authority, A. W. 55, 59. On duty without troops defined, 1300. Orders, regulations, etc., affecting, 766, 774. Orders eulogizing living, 797. Ordnance and ordnance stores, 1520- 1522, 1542. Outside continental limits U. S., 60, 71, 1098. Officers, Army Continued. Parlor and sleeping cars, 1128-1134. Payments. See Payments to Officers. Pecuniary interest in victuals, etc., A. W. 18. Pecuniary responsibility, 653, 654. Personal reports, 59, 62, 64, 826-828. Presence at parades, 436. Private property lost in service, 726. Profanity, A. W. 53. Promotion, 21-26. Property damaged, lost, or destroyed, 683-685; A. W. 15. Public animals, 1081. Purchase of clothing, etc., 1174. Quarrels, frays, and disorders, A. W. 24, 25. Quartermaster supplies, 1174. Quarters, 1024-1035, 1044.' Rank and precedence, 9, 11. Registry on arival at Washington, D. C., or at headquarters of a territorial de- partment, 406, 825. Relative rank with Marine Corps, militia, and volunteers, 10 ; A. W. 122, 124. Relative rank with naval officers, 12. Reproving noncommissioned officers, 270. Resignation. See Resignation of Offi- cers. Respect to national airs when played, 378. Retired. See Retired Officers. Retirement, causes for, 76-78. Returns of public property, A. W. 8. Returns of troops, A. W. 7, 8. Roll calls, 370. Roster details and duty, 355-364. Salutes by enlisted men, 383-392. Salutes with cannon, 393-397. Saluting, 380-382, 392. Scandalous conduct, A. W. 42, 60, 100. Sea travel expenses, 1280. Special duty under Secretary of War, 191, 192. Special or distinguished services, 765. Staff corps and departments, 197-199, 742, 743, 746, 750, 806. Staff duty details, 38. Status, returning to United States on leave, 60. Stoppages against pay, 1308-1311. Subsistence supplies, 1239, 1240, 1242- 1244, 1246. Suspended from duty or command, 1033, A. W. 101. Telegraphic service, 1186. Transfer or exchange, 47, 48, 303, 1297. Travel on duty, 68-75, 800, 1122, 1123, 1125-1134. Trials, A. W. 79. Uniform and equipment, 1569. Unlawful enlistments, A. W. 3. Use of post libraries and reading rooms, 331. Use of transportation facilities, 1108. INDEX. 385 Officers, Army Continued. Violence to traders in foreign parts, A. W. 56. Visiting foreign countries, 62, 63. Visits and courtesies, 240, 403, 406-414. Volunteer or militia service, 1261. Waste of private property, A. W. 55, 59. Witnesses, military or civil courts, 75, 951. Wrongfully selling arms, etc., A. W. 60. Wrongs, redress of, A. W. 54. Officers, Foreign Service: Official salutes and honors, 376, 402, 403. Visits and courtesies, 407. Officers, General Staff Corps: Aids, 41. Assignments to duty, 752, 761, 765. 767, 773. Chief of Coast Artillery, 303. Chief of Staff of the Army, 752, 756, 759-769; note, p. 145. Current business, 758. Detail, eligibility, etc., 752, 761, 765, 767, 773. Limitation of service, 752. Selection and detail of general officers, 773. Serving with troops, 197, 199, 757, 770- 772. Special powers and duties, 753-756, 758. War Department General Staff, 757, 759, 760. Officers, Marines: Command of mixed corps, 10, 817 ; A. W. 122. Courts-martial, Army, A. W. 78. Hospital charges, 1460. Rations, 1204. Relative rank with regulars, militia, and volunteers, 10, A. W. 122, 124. Reports, 817. Salutes and honors, 376, 390, 402, 403. Officers, Militia: Command of mixed corps, 10, 817 ; A. W. 122. Private mounts, 456. Relative rank with regulars, Marine Corps, and volunteers, 10; A. W. 122, 124. Reports, 817. Salutes and honors, 376, 390, 402, 403. Services as, of regular officers, 1261. Officers, Navy: Funeral honors, 420. Hospital charges, 1460. Rations, 1204. Relative rank with Army officers, 12. Salutes and honors, 376, 390, 402, 403. Visits and courtesies, 407-414. Officers, Volunteers: Command of mixed corps, 10 ; A. W. 122. Qualifications of enlisted men as, 149. Relative rank with regulars, Marine Corps, and militia, 10 ; A. W. 122. Salutes and honors, 376, 390, 402, 403. Services as, of regular officers, 1261. 9065117 25 Officers' Mess: Quarters, 1034. Offices : Brooms and mops, 1181. lye and sapolio, 1182. Military attache's, 1100. Rented, 1046. ' Rooms, fuel and stoves, 1044, 1046, 1047. Official Letters: See Letters Official. Official Records Union and Confederate Armies: Publication and distribution, 774. Oleomargarine : Ration, 1205. One-Mile Limit: Absence from camp without leave, A. W. 34. Onions : Ration, 1205. Open-Market Purchases: Emergencies, etc., 551-554. Opinions : Applications for official, 788. Courts of inquiry, A. W. 119. Judge Advocate General's Department; 915. Orders : Acting commanding officers, 16. Addressed to commander, 796. Appointing courts-martial, 945. Approval before issue, 794. Authorizing payment of mileage, 71. Change of station of officers, 68. Channels of communication, 801. Circulars, 791. Classification, issue, etc., 791. Commutation of quarters, 1305. 1307. Commutation of rations, 1230, 1231. Condemned property, 912, 914. Copies furnished, 796, 801, 805. Councils of administration, 318. Court-martial duty, emergencies, 192. Courts-martial proceedings, 917, 970, 981, 984. Delays in obeying, 70. Detaching officers, service schools, etc., 192, 449. Disobedience, A. W. 21, 24. Distribution and file, 802, 803. Emanating from War Department, 766, 774. Engineers, diverted service, 1496. Eulogizing living officers, 797. Executed by whom, 796. Expenditures and issues, 653, 696, 697. Field orders defined, 791. Furlough, 1233. General, defined, 792. General court-martial, 791, 984. Inspections, 893, 899, 1284. Inspectors, 880-882. Library books, abandoned posts, 338. Liquid coffee, 1208. Mounted service, 1272. Obedience to, and prompt execution, 1. 386 INDEX. Orders Continued. Personal journeys, brigade commanders, 194. Preparation, etc., 795. Publication in field, camp, or garrison, 804. Pursuit of deserters, 122. Qualifications of enlisted men, 1343-1345. Rations to destitute persons, 1219. Regimental files, 259. Retirement of enlisted men, 134, 135. Return journeys, 71, 1285. Salutes and saluting stations, 399, 404. Secretary of War, defined, 761. Sentences of general prisoners, 774. Settlement of accounts, 74. Signaling and telegraphy instruction, 1556. Signal parties in the field, 1558. Source and authority, 795. Special, defined, 793. Staff ofiicers, travel, 72. Summary court trials, 957. Target practice, 349, 352, 353. Title, oflacer designated, 780. Transfer of enlisted men, 115. Transmission in the field, 798, 799. Transportation of the Army, 1110, 1111. Travel allowances, 1284-1288. Travel on duty, 68-74, 800, 803. Witnesses, military or civil courts, 951. Ordnance and Ordnance Stores: Accountability, etc., 1511. Arm chests for storage, 1542. Care and preservation, 1552. Cartridges for hunting purposes, 354. Condemned, 913, 1543. Definition, 1512. Embezzlement, etc., A. W. 60. Expenditure of ammunition, 15281531. Horse equipments, 1520. Inspections, 1537, 1543. Issues, 1513-1519, 1522, 1524-1526. Loans, 1523. Loss, etc., by civilian employees, 1527. Materials, ordnance establishments, 1548. Militia, 1143. Packing, 1544-1546. Price lists, 1541. Proceeds of sale, 617. Requisitions, 1517-1519. Sales, 1520, 1521, 1526, 1543. Serviceable surplus, 1532, 1533. Stamps for sealing packages, 1546, 1547. Sufficiency of supplies at depots, 1517. Supply table, 1519. Surplus or damaged, 1532-1542. Transfer, 671, 701, 1524, 1535, 1536. Transportation, 1547, 1548. Unserviceable, 1517, 1534, 1537-1540. See also Arms and Accouterments. Ordnance Corps: Eligibility of officers of, to command, 18. Extra-duty details, enlisted men, 172. Officers, 18, 24, 206, 1044, 1516. Ordnance Department: Blanks and blank books, 1551. Civilian employees, traveling expenses, 738. Cooking devices, 302. Department commander's staff, 197, 199. Field service, Hospital Corps, 1434. General provisions, 1511, 1512. Leather dressing, etc., 293. Materials, ordnance establishments, 1548. Packing, crating, etc., of baggage, 1135. Returns and reports, 15491551.. Special regulations, note, p. 290. Stamps, official, for sealing boxes, 1546. Supervision of, by Chief of Staff, 762. Target practice, 315, 351. Tests and experimental trials, 1553-1555. See also Chief of Ordnance. Ordnance and Ordnance Stores'' Ordnance Depots: Arm chests, 1542. Establishment and maintenance, 1511, 1515. Issues, 1516, 1517. Ordnance and ordnance stores, 1513, 1514. Requisitions for stores not on hand, 1518. Sufficiency of supplies, 1517. Supervision and control, 1516. Surplus ordnance stores, 1532, 1533. Unserviceable and unsuitable supplies, 1517. Ordnance Funds: Accountability, etc., 1511. Ordnance Officers: Eligibility to command, 18. Office rooms, fuel, and stores, 1044. Ordnance depots, 1516. Police supplies, 442, 443. Post, 206, 701, 1537, 1538. Promotion, 24. Ordnance Sergeants: Appointments, duties, etc., 93-98, 100. Baggage, 1136. Discharge and reenlistment, 99, 101, 102, 958. Military control, 99. Personal reports, 100. Qualifications, 93, 95. Quarters, fuel, and stoves, 1044. Rank and precedence, 9. Reduction to the ranks, 102, 958. Special-duty details, 97. Stationary, 1065. Trial by courts-martial, 958. Organized Militia: See Militia, Organized. Original Packages: Examination, verification, etc., 668, 669. Ontpost Duty: Roster, 357. Outstanding Liabilities : Accounts for advertlsments, 508. Checks, 588, 603, 605-607, 901, 902. Debts, 625, 630. INDEX. 387 Overpayments : Failure to refund, 1309. On erroneous final statements, 155. Stoppages, 1309. Overseers : Hours of labor, 731. Packages : Original, examination, verification, etc., 668,669. Public property, transmission by mail, 837. Pack Animals: Allotment for departments, 1102. Packers : Employment, payment, etc., 730. Hours of labor, 731. Transportation and expenses, 732. Packing and Crating: Oflicers' baggage, 1135-1138. Ordnance and ordnance stores, 1544- 1546. Over-sea shipments, 1136, 1138, 1545. Professional books, etc., 1136, 1139. Regimental and company desks, etc., 1139. Pallbearers : Funerals, military, 429. Panama Canal Zone: Pay of enlisted men, 1342. Parade : Absent without leave, A. W. 33. Daily, 436. Pardon: Punishment imposed by a court-martial, 944; A. W., 112. Parlor and Sleeving Cars: Accommodation in, to whom allowed, 1128. Applicants, artificial limbs, etc., 1491. Charter, 1132. Civilian employees, 733, 735. Fare excluded from travel allowances, 1279. Reimbursements to officers, 1134. Requests, 1129-1131, 1138. Unused requests, 1133. Witnesses before military courts, 989. Parole : Disclosing or changing, A. W. 44. General prisoners, 943. Partnerships : Acceptance of partners as sureties, 573. Contracts, 559. Passports : Oflicers visiting foreign countries, 63. Patients In Hospitals: Admission, etc., 1441-1446, 1471. Arms and accouterments, 1450. Captured, 1451. Contagious diseases, 1455. Diseased, 1451. Descriptive lists, 1451. Desertion, 1451. Discharged for disability, 1451. Discharged soldiers, 1452, 1453. Excused from Saturday inspection, 283. Patients In Hospitals Continued. Information to company commander, 1472. Muster and pay rolls, 808. Return to duty, 1451. Savings of rations, 327. Services of Army nurses, 1423. Transferred, 1451. Pay Accounts, Officers: Hypothecation or transfer, 1258. Leaving service, 1262. Pay and Clothing Accounts: Clothing, 1157-1166, 1169. Deserters, 124, 1164-1166, 1373, 1374. Detached enlisted men, 104. Enlisted men of Quartermaster Corps, 1009. Hospital Corps, 1415. Post noncommissioned staff, 99. Pay Clerks, Quartermaster Corps: Baggage, 1136. Quarters, fuel, and stoves, 1044. Rank and precedence, 9. Subject to rules and Articles of War, p. 314, act March 3, 1911. Transportation and expenses, 737. Payments : Accounts and under contract, 585. Acting dental surgeons, 1266. Cadets, 1312, 1313. Checks on presentation, 603, 604. Civilian witnesses, military courts, 989, 991, 993 ; p. 314, act March 2, 1901. Commutation of rations, 1212, 1231. Computation of time of service, 651. Contract surgeons, 1266. Ferry and bridge transportation, 1126. General provisions, 1254, 1255. Graduates, Military Academy, 1314. Horses sold to mounted officers, 1095. Interpreters, courts-martial, 988. Medical attendance and medicines, 1476, 1477. Mileage, 1283. Outstanding checks, 607. Prisoners on release, 978. Reporters, courts-martial, 738, 986. Savings of rations, 1222. Seeds for post gardens, 343. Signing receipts or checks in blank, 637. Soldiers furloughed to the reserve, 1375- 1379. Telegraph and telephone service, 1186, 1187, 1189, 1191-1194. Transportation to Soldier's Home, D. C., 180. Traveling expenses, civilian employees. 738. Turnpike transportation, 1126. Unauthorized advertisements, 507. Payments to Discharged Soldiers: By whom made, 155, 1337. Dates included, 1376. Deduction for absence without leave, 141. Fraud in enlistment, 1380. Identification before payment, 1375. 388 INDEX. Payments to Discharged Soldiers Continued. Loss or nonreceipt of final statements, 1377. Made on final statements, 155, 1375, 1381. Notations on discharge, 1376. Recruits, 1382. Transferred claims. 1383. Travel allowances, 1378-1380. Payments to Enlisted Men: Additional, 186, 1338-1346. Arrested by civil authorities. 1371. Awaiting result of trial, 970. Certificates of merit, 186, 1341. Check or currency, 1316, 1319-1335, 1337. Commutation of rations, 1232-1238. Continuous-service pay, 132, 1340. Dates included, 1255. Deposits of pay, 1364-1366. Deserters, 1372-1374. Expert riflemen, 1345. Extra-duty pay, 174, 329. Final. See Payments to Discharged Soldiers. Forfeitures and deductions, 132, 341, 345, 976-978, 1249, 1370. Fnrlonghed soldiers, 113. Furloughed to the reserve, 1375-1379. Gunners, 1343, 1344. Incorrect, 1336. Mode of forwarding, 1322, 1323. Monthly, 1315. Outside continental limits U. S., 1317, 1342. Pay rolls, 1318-1321, 1326, 1329, 1332- 1334, 1337. Personal, by quartermasters, 1316. Posts and places exempted from control of territorial commander, 191. Quartermaster designated, 1337. Beenlistment, 1338, 1339. Retired, 137, 138, 1337, 1341. Witnessed by officers, 810, 1318, 1319, 1326, 1332, 1394. Witnesses before civil courts, 1298. Payments to Officers: Absent from station, 1257. Additional, 1267-1270, 1272, 1273. Arrested by civil authorities, 1371. Collection for credit sales, 1243. Commutation of quarters, 1299-1307. Dates included, 1255. Dismissed by sentence, 1262, 1265. Entering or leaving service, 1260, 1262, 1263. Leaves of absence, 1275-1277. Longevity pay, 1271. Mileage. See Mileage. Monthly, 1256. Mounted service, 1272-1274. Outside continental limits U. 8., 1317. Pay accounts, 1256, 1258, 1262. Promotions, 1260. Resigning, 1262, 1263. Retired, 1257. Payments to Officers Continued. Retiring from active service, 1264. Serving beyond sea, 1259. Serving with volunteers or militia, 1261. Stoppages against pay, 1308-1311. Travel allowances. See Travel allow- ances. Pay of the Army: Additional to enlisted men, 186, 1338- 1346. Additional to officers, 1267-1274. Allotments, enlisted men, 1347-1360. Certificates of merit, 186, 1341. Chief of Staff of the Army, 74O. Companies, 266. Continuous service, 1339, 1340. Deposits by enlisted men, 1361-1369. Deserters, 129, 131, 1372-1374. Extra duty, 169, 170, 172, 174, 176, 177. False certificates, A. W. 13. Forfeitures and deductions, 976, 1370. General provisions, 1254, 1255. Indian scouts, 479. Longevity, 1271. Militia while in service, 451. Miscellaneous, 1384. Nurses, 1426. Rates, 1338-1345. Reenlisted, 1338, 1339. Retired enlisted men, 137, 138. Secretary of War, 740. Stoppages against officers, 1308-1311. Suspension from command, A. W % 101. Veterinarians, 89. Volunteers or milita. 1261. Pay Bolls: Additional pay notations, 1343-1346. Allotments of pay notations, 1357. Cadets, Military Academy, 1312. Calculations, 810, 1318. Charges, flO, 116, 127, 341, 345, 686, 687, 699, 724, 1166, 1178, 1236. Check or currency payments, 1320, 1321, ' 1326, 1329-1335, 1337. Clothing balances, 1160, 1164. Corrections or cbanges, 810. Credit sales to enlisted men, 1249. Damages to property, 686, 699, 724, 1178. Deserters' pay, 127, 687, 1164, 1166, 1373, 1374. Designation on, of companies, 809. Detached enlisted men, 808. Forfeitures and deductions, 1370. Forwarded to quartermaster, 1319. Incorrect payments, 1336. Laundry charges, 341. Manuscript, prohibited, 1572. Money amounts, 648. Payments to enlisted men, 1337. Post exchange dues, 345. Preparation, disposition, etc., 807, 1329. Property lost or destroyed, 686, 687, 699, 1178. Retained, 810, 1318, 1332. Sick in hospital, 808. Signatures of enlisted men, 1319. INDEX. 389 Fay Bolls Continued. Stoppages, 1370. Witness to payment, 1318, 1319, 1326, 1332, 1333. See also Muster Rolls. Peaehes : Ration, 1205. Penalties : Contractors' bonds, 569, 578. Destroying or obstructing military tele- graph lines, 1563. Disbursing officer's bond, 568. Penalty Envelopes : Use for official business, 834-839. Penitentiaries : Abatement term of confinement, 942. Exercise of clemency, 944. Imprisonment, 966, 967 ; A. W. 97. Inspection, 895. Pennants : Boat flags and pennants, 240. Pensions: Evidence, etc., from records, 824. Militia, disabled, etc., 458. Notation of degree of disability, 161. Peonage Laws: Enforcement of, by the Army, 485, p. 99. Pepper : Ration, 1205. Periodicals : Post libraries, 331. Perjury : Frauds upon the Government, A. W. 60. Permanent Buildings: Construction and repairs, 706, 707. Erection of, on new sites, 704. Permanent Posts: Establishment, 201. Styled forts, 202. Permanent Works of Defense: Court-martial duty of officers, 192. Erection of, on new sites, 704. Supervision or control, 191, 214. Personal Reports: See Reports, Personal. Personal Serrices: Bills to contain no charge for material, 519. Definition, 519. Rules for computation of time, 651. Vouchers for payment, 633. Wages discharged employees, 650. Persuading to Desert: Punishment, A. W. 51. Philippine Department: Allotments of pay, enlisted men, 1350. Commanding officer. See Philippine De- partment, Commanding Officer. Disbursing officers, 625, 652. District commanders, relation toward higher authority, 194. Fuel, 1044. Furloughs to enlisted men, 111. Horses of mounted officers, 1073, 1095. Inspections, 1284. Leaves of absence, officers, 60. Philippine Department Continued. Ordnance property, detached soldiers, 1536. Public buildings, repairs, 1014. Retired enlisted men, 138. Shipments to, via commercial lines, 721. Philippine Department^ Commanding Officer: Condemned property, 907. Contracts, 557. Damages by fire, storm, etc., 709. Efficiency reports, 829. Insane soldiers, 469. Office rooms, fuel, and stoves, 1044. Printing, 511. Supervisory powers and duties, 193. Transfer of supplies, 671. Transfer of troops, 193. Travel on duty, officers, emergency cases, 71. Travel orders, 1284. Philippine Islands: Civil governor, 400, 403, 408. - Contracts with firms, 559. Enlisted men returning to United States, 111. Payments to troops in, 1317. Return of animals to United States not allowed, 1098. Vice governor, 400, 403, 408. Philippine Scouts: Colors, 234. Commutation of rations, 1223. Deposits of pay, 1361. Deserters, apprehension and delivery, 121. Subsistence, 1202, 1205. Photographs : Permanent works of defense, 348. Physical Examination: Applicants for enlistment, 841, 847, 848, 862, 864-867, 871, 1484. Enlisted men, 1485. Hospital Corps, 1410. Members recruiting parties reenlisting, 847. Militia at muster out, 461. Militia called into U. S. service, 455, 457. Recruits, 774, 864, 865, 870, 1484. Physicians : See Civilian Physicians. Medical Officers. Pickles: Ration, 1205. Pillaging: Punishment, A. W. 42. Plans and Specifications: Alterations, 1468. Hospitals, 1464-1466, 1468. Quarters for sergeants, first class, Hospi- tal Corps, 1466, 1468. Platoon: Quitting without leave, A. W. 40. Plats: Military lands, 708. 390 INDEX. Plundering : Punishment, A. W. 42. Police : Barracks, 286, 287. Daily duties of parties, 374. Guards and property, 441443. Kitchens of enlisted men, 297. Police Officers: Apprehension of deserters, 118, 121. Porto Bico: Civilian witnesses, 990. Deposits of pay, enlisted men, 1361. Furlough, enlisted men, 111. Insane soldiers, 469. Pay of enlisted men, 1342. Posse Comitatus: Employment of national forces, 484 489. Post Cemeteries: Care and maintenance, 494, 496. Headboards for graves, 494, 495. Inclosed with wall or fence, 494. Inspection, 889. Interments, 167, 497, 498. Suitable ground to be set apart, 493. Walks, 496. Post Commanders,: Aid to chaplains, 44. Allotments of pay, enlisted men, 1360. Animals in possession of Indians, 474. Appointees, second lieutenants, 29. Articles used for police purposes, etc., 442. Authority as to discipline, 953. Authority as to prisoners, 300, 942, 943. Barrack furniture, 1011, 1023. Barracks and quarters, 1010-1012, 1024- 1028. Boarding visits, 407. Buildings for amusement, etc., 339. Care, etc., of posts and reservations, 213. Chaplains' reports, 45. Clothing and equipage, 1147, 1148, 1157, 1158, 1168. Clothing for general prisoners, 1171. Company commanders, 268. Company fund, 328. Councils of administration, 317, 318, 320. Counsel for prisoners, 961. Courts-martial proceedings, 919. Damages by fire, storm, etc., 709. Deceased soldiers' effects, 163, 164. Delegation of duties, 203. Dental surgeon, operating room, 1397. Deposits by enlisted men, 1369. Deserters, 118-120, 125. Deserters' effects, 117. Discharge of enlisted men, 148, 160. Discipline, instruction, etc., 203, 953. Efficiency reports, 829. Escaped prisoners, 121. Escorts of honor, 416. Estimates, 749, 1014. Extra and special duty details, 171. Final statements, 1369. Fuel, 301, 1038. Post Commanders Continued. Funeral escorts, etc., 426. Furloughs, enlisted men, 106, 111. General duties and responsibilities, 203, 204. General mess, 330. General officers, 106, 114, 198, 203. - Horses of mounted officers, 1095, 1096. Hospital buildings, 1464. Hospital charges, 1460. Hospital matrons, 1448. Hospital service, 1448, 1452. Hospital transports, etc., 1440. Illuminating supplies, 301, 1038, 1051, 1052. Indians, Indian reservations, 471, 473, 474. Insane soldiers, 466, 468. Irregularities, etc., 891, 892. Kitchen and tableware, 301. Leaves of absence, officers, 49. Mail contractors, 209. Mess furniture, 301, 1023. Messing and cooking, 296. Military personnel and employees, 203. Monthly inspections, 203. Neutrality laws, 889. Office rooms, fuel, and stoves, 1044. Payments to enlisted men, 1321, 1324- 1330, 1334. Pecuniary interest forbidden, A. W. 18. Permission to hunt granted by, 66. Personal leave of absence, 50. Policing stables, etc., 1106. Post cemeteries, 493. Post exchanges, 346. Post gardens, 342, 1206. Post libraries, 331, 322, 334. Post noncommissioned staff, 97. Private buildings, 1018. Property responsibility, 658. Proposals, supplies and services, 543. Rations, 1209-1211, 1213, 1214. Records of post, 211. Recruit depot posts, 841. Recruiting service, 840, 868, 869, 875, 876. Reports, incapacitated officers, 890. Reports, issues, and roll calls, 373. Requisitions, 749. Retirement of enlisted men, 134. Returns of general prisoners, 937. Returns of troops, 811. Roll calls, 370. Sales of subsistence supplies, 322, 1247, 1248. Small-arms practice, 350. Staff, 198, 206. Summary courts-martial, pp. 313, 314, act June 18, 1898. Surgeons of posts, 1387. Surveying officers, 711, 1023. Tableware and kitchen utensils, 1178. Telegraphic code, 1185. Transfer, etc., enlisted men, 114. Transfer of prisoners, 938. INDEX. 391 Post Commanders Continued. Verification of original packages, 669, Visitors to posts, 403. Visits and courtesies, 240, 407, 408. Post Engineer Officer: See Engineer Officers. Post Exchange: See Exchange, Post. Postmaster General: Funeral honors, 421. Salutes and honors, 376, 400, 403. Post Noncommissioned Staff: Accountability, etc., for property, 98, 695. Appointment, duties, etc., 93-97, 100. Assignment to stations, 743. Baggage, 1136. Brooms, brushes, and mops, 1181. Discharge and reenlistment, 99, 101, 102, 958. Extra and special duty, 97, 172. Funeral honors and escort, 428. Military control, 99. Muster and pay rolls, 807. Payments, 1337. Personal reports, 100. Qualifications, 93, 95. Quarters, fuel, and stoves, 1044. Rank and precedence, 9. Reduction to the ranks, 102, 958. Stationery, 1065. Trial by courts-martial, 958. Warrants, 101. Post Office Department: Property loaned to mail contractors, 209. Post Ordnance Officers: See Ordnance Officers. Post Quartermasters : See Quartermasters. Post Quartermaster Sergeants: See Quartermaster Sergeants. Posts and Reservations: Address, official, of staff officers, 206. Ambulances and harness, 1428. Beer, wine, or intoxicating liquors, 346. 471. Boarding visits, 411. Bowling alleys, 339. Brooms and mops, 1181. Buildings, construction or repair, 706, 707, 1015-1017. Buildings for amusements, etc., 339. Care and preservation, 213. Cemeteries, 167, 493-498. Chapels, 331, 1044. 1144. Civilians residing on reservation, 212. Coast defense commands, 203. Commanders. See Post Commanders. Council, 117, 163, 164. Deeds, title, and other papers, 705, 915. Designation, 202. Discontinued, 821. Duty and labor on Sunday, 205. Engineer officer on duty, 1503. Establishment, 201. Exchanges. See Exchange, Post. Posts and Reservations Continued. Extra-duty pay, 177. Flags, 223, 97, 398. Foreign vessels, national festivities, 413. Funeral honors, 420-434. Gardens, 342-344, 1206. Garrison schools, 193, 194, 449. General officers commanding, 106, 114, 198, 203. General prisoners, 932, 936, 937, 943. Guards, 441-443. Gymnasiums, 339, 340, 1144. Hauling forage, 1106. Hospital buildings, 1464-1470. Hospital Corps, 1416, 1418. Illuminating supplies, 1051-1061. Improvement of grounds, 213, 707. Inspection, 889, 892, 895, 1387. Jurisdiction of States, 704. Laundries, 341. Letter and note heads, 512. Libraries, 331, 334-338, 340, 1044, 1144. Limitation of expenditures, 207. Lye and sapolio, 1182. Means of transportation, 1105, 1106. Memorial Day, 440. Morning and evening guns, 210. Navy or Marine Corps deserters, 133. New, purchase of sites, 704. Nomenclature, 201, 202. Official correspondence, 783, 785. Orderly observance of the Sabbath, 205. Payments to enlisted men, 1316-1319. Plats of land, 708. Policing stables, 1106. Post schools, 331, 340, 449, 1044. Quartermaster supplies, 1086. Reading rooms, 331, 340, 1044. 'Records, 211, 495, 497, 821. Removal of trespassers, 212. Repairs to ordnance stores, 1537. Repairs to roads, walks, etc., 1016. Returns, 477, 811, 815, 1185. Salutes and honors, 375-377, 380-405. Sanitary condition, 1387. Spring wagons, 1103. Staff of commanding officer, 198, 206. Supervision, 212, 214. Unauthorized use of volatile oils, 1053. Ungarrisoned, 214, 889, 1065, 1158. Veterinary hospitals, 92. Visits and courtesies, 403, 406-414. Water supply, 1387. Wharves and piers, 707. Post Schools: Enlisted men, 449. Fuel and stoves, 1044. Quarters, 331. Regulations governing, 449. Teachers, extra-duty pay, 170. Transportation of articles, etc., 340. Post Signal Officers: See Signal Corps Officers. Post Surgeons: See Medical Officers. 392 INDEX. Potatoes : Ration, 1205. Powder : Storage in or near storehouse, 1199. Practice Marches, Field Maneuvers, etc. : Field practice, messing and cooking, 296, 302, 1205. Praise : Discussions, etc., conveying, forbidden, 5. Precedence : Arms of service, 6. Commissioned officers, 9, 11. Different corps of the Army, 10 ; A. W. 122, 124. Noncommissioned officers, 9. Presents : Mustering officers, A. W. 6. Nurses, 1426. President of the United States: Administration and control of Army, 761. Appointment of courts-martial, p. 314, act Mar. 2, 1913. Assignments by, to command, 190 ; A. W. 122. Certificates of merit, 184. Colors, 218. Contempt or disrespect, A. W. 19. Corps of Engineers, 1493. Courts-martial, appointment, proceedings, etc., 917, 921. Courts-martial sentences, A. W. 105, 106, 108, 111. Death of, honors paid at posts, 417. Departments and commanders, 190. Detail of line to staff, 38. Directions and orders to Chief of Staff, 761, 762. Directions and orders to Secretary of War, 761. Discharge of enlisted men, 1-39 ; A. W. 4. Discharge or dismissal of officers, A. W. 99. Enforcement of the laws with troops, 485, p. 101. Exercise of command of the Army, 761. Flag, 217. General officers, General Staff Corps, 773. Information or advice, Chief of Staff, 761. Limitation of punishments, 963 ; p. 313, act Sept. 27, 1890. Officers of staff departments, 18. Organized Militia in service, 450, 453, 741. Pardon, or mitigation of punishment, 944. Relations to and with the Chief of Staff, 761. Salutes and honors, 375, 400, 403. Traveling on vessels of war, 415. Vessels of war flying flag, 415. Volunteers in service, equipment, etc., 741. President pro tempore of the Senate: Funeral honors, 421. Salutes and honors, 376, 400, 403. Presidio of San Francisco, Cal.: Service school, bakers and cooks, 449. "Previous Convictions : Consideration and evidence, 954, 956, 962. Price Lists: Clothing and equipage, 1146. Ordnance and ordnance stores lost or damaged, 1541. Subsistence supplies, 1251. Prices : Tailors, company and civilian, 279. Principal Musicians: Baggage, 1136. Quarters, fuel, and stoves, 1044. Rank and precedence, 9. See also Musicians. Printing : See Advertisements. Job Printing. Prisoners : Arraignment, A. W. 89. Awaiting trial or result of trial, 928, 932. Bedding and bunks, 1084. Beginning and expiration of term, 969. Classes to be confined separately, 932. Classification and designation, 928. Clothing, 911, 938, 939. Copy of proceedings, etc., courts-martial, A. W. 114. Counsel, 961 ; A. W. 90. Discharge from the Army, personal no- tice, 157. Escaped, 121, 940 ; A. W. 69. Food supplies, rations, etc., 300, 1203, 1212. Garrison. See Prisoners, Garrison. General. See Prisoners General. General courts-martial proceedings, 919. Good-conduct time, 942. Irons, 935. Keepsakes, 940. Medical attendance, etc., 1473, 1476, 1478, 1480. Pardon, or mitigation of punishment, 944. 972. Payments on release from confinement, 978. Personal effects of escaped, 940. Place of confinement, 971. Punishment for allowing escape, A. W. 69. Rations, 1203, 1212. Reward for escaped, 121. Right of challenge, A. W. 88. Standing mute, etc., A. W. 89. Transfer to place of confinement, 938, 939. Trials. 961, 962. Undergoing more than one sentence, 973. With no record of charges, 934. Writ of habeas corpus, 998, 999. Prisoners, Garrison: Abatement of term of confinement, 942, 943. Defined, 928. INDEX. 393 Prisoners, Garrison Continued. Kept apart from general prisoners, 932. Probation, 943. Prisoners, General: Abatement of term of confinement, 942, 943. Application for clemency, 944. Clothing, 939, 1170, 1171. Confined at posts, 932, 936, 942. Defined, 928. Discharge papers, 938. Insane, 464. Jurisdiction in case of, 998, 999, Kept apart from other prisoners, 932. Parole, 943. Place of confinement, 936, 965-967. Release from confinement, 941, 1170. Remitting of sentence, 774, 944. Reports and returns, 937. Sewing machines, 1216. Sick in hospital, 1212. Special rules and regulations, 936. Toilet articles, etc., 1216. Transfer to place of confinement, 938, 939. Prisoners of Wars Medical attendance, etc., 1473. Rations, 1203. Private Correspondence : Officers and men beyond the seas, 781. Private Property: Claims under act of Mar. 3, 1885, 726. Waste or spoil, A. W. 55, 59. Privates : See Enlisted Men. Probation : Garrison prisoners, 943. Proceedings : See Councils of Administration. Courts-Martial. Courts of Inquiry. Proceeds of Sale: Deserters' effects, 117. Disposition, etc., 611, 617-619. Escaped prisoners' effects, 940. Horses sold to mounted officers, 1095. Ordnance and ordnance stores, 1520, 1521, 1543. Surplus garden products, 344. Transfers of public property, 619. Profanity : Punishment, A. W. 53. Professional Books and Papers: Transportation, 1136, 1137, 1139. Promotion : Enlisted men from the ranks, 27-33, 35, 36, 1138, 1139, 1296. Medical officers, 1388. Officers, 21-26. Payments to officers, 1260. Signal Corps men, 1557. Travel allowances joining station, 1296. Property Accountability and Responsibility: Articles in charge of guards, 442, 443. Articles issued to general prisoners or to recruits, 1216, 1217. Property Accountability and Responsibility Continued. Bake ovens, 1252. Branding before issue, 676. Breakage of china and glass ware, 1178. Captured property, 819 ; A. W. 9. Company commanders, 281, 661-663 ; A. W. 10. Condemned, 680, 681. Cooking apparatus, 1252. Damaged, lost, destroyed, or stolen, 682- 692, 1178; A. W. 15-17. Defined, 657. Detachment commanders, 281 , 661-663 ; A. W. 10. Details separating from property, 664. Division staff officers, 197. Enlisted men, 280, 663, 695. Expenditures under orders, 696-698. Failure to sign receipt, 667. Insurance of public money or property, 596. Issues, 663, 673. Keys of storerooms, etc., 674. Means of transportation at posts, 1106. Military telegraph lines, 1559. Miscarried or missing stores, 666. Musical instruments, 1179, 1180. Officers separated from commands, 659. Ordnance and ordnance stores, 701, 1511, 1520-1529, 1535, 1549. Original packages, 668, 669. Post commanders, 203, 658. Post noncommissioned staff, 98, 254, 695. Preservation and repairs, 675. Prevention of loss or damage, 674. Public property in use by militia, 460. Quartermaster supplies, 1086-1094, 1167. Receipts in blank prohibited, 670. Recruiting officers, 1218. Relief by surveying officers, 712, 713. Removal of all officers, 660. Returns, 693-703, 1167, 1520-1522, 1527, 1549. Signal Corps sergeants, 695. Signal supplies, 1564. Street car and ferry tickets, 1127. Subsistence supplies, 1198. Supplies in transit, 721, 1141. Surveying or exploring expeditions, 672. Tent pins, helves, etc., 1176. Transfer on succession, 17, 630. Transfers, bureaus and departments, 671. Transfers involving accountability, 665, 701. Transfers to Indians, 476. Unauthorized sales, A. W. 16, 17. Unserviceable property, 678, 679. Veterinary supplies, 1075, 1076. Proposals : Abstracts, 541-543, 548, 549. Advertisements, 503, 522-526. Bidders, 524, 527-541, 545-547. Delivery, 537. Disposition of copies, 542, 543. Erasures or interlineations, 534. Firm or corporation, 532. 394 INDEX. Proposals Continued. Folding and numbering, 542. Guaranties, 535, 536. Opening, 537, 539, 541. Posts and department headquarters, 543, 544. Preparation, etc., 531, 533. Safe-keeping, 539. Separate for labor, etc., each place, 53S. Withdrawal, 540. Protecting tke Enemy: Punishment, A. W. 45. Protection : Laborers, etc., on military works, 357. Proving Ground, Sandy Hook, N. J.: Annual inspection, 895. Provisional Commands: Flags for opposing forces, 242. Journals of march, 446. Provisions for Soldiers: Sales in garrison, forts, etc., A. W. 18. Violence to traders in foreign parts, A. W. 56. Provoking Speeches or Gestures: Punishment for using, A. W. 25. Provost Marshal General's Bureau: Care and custody of records, 774. Provost Marshals: Duties of, as to prisoners, A. W. 67, 69. Prunes : Ration, 1205, Pnblic Animals: Ambulance, 1429. Assignment to riders or drivers, 1072. Branding, 907, 1067. Care and treatment, 90, 91. Condemned, 680, 907, 1073. Descriptive cards, 280, 1070, 1071. Descriptive lists, 1069. Docking, banging, or clipping, 1068. Draft and pack, 1102. Exchange or surrender, 1072. Forage ration, 1077, 1078. Furnished by Quartermaster Corps, 1000. Inspection, 889. Inspection of unserviceable, 904, 907, 1073. Issue or transfer, 1071. Purchased under contract, 1066. Recovery of lost or stolen, 689-692. Return from Philippine Islands not al- lowed, 1098, Sales of horses to mounted officers, 1073, 1095. Salt, 1215. Shoeing and materials, 1097. Sick, injured, or infected, 1073. Straw for bedding, 1085. Transportation of the Army, 1102. Use of, by mounted officers, 1081, 1096. Vinegar, 1215. See also Horses. Mules. Publications Articles of War to the Army, A. W. 128. Dismissal for cowardice or fraud, A. W. 100. Medical and official, 1463. Private transactions, 5. Pnblic Buildings: Bonds and contracts, 572. Construction or repair, 706, 707, 1017. Estimates for repairs, 1012, 1013. Inspection and condemnation, 904, 912. Public Buildings and Grounds, D. ('. : Title and other papers, 705, 915, 1493. Pnblic Health: Enforcement of quarantine, 485, p. 100. Public Lands: Intruders or trespassers, 485, pp. 99, 100. Title papers, military, 915. Unlawful inclosures, 485, p. 100. Pnblic Moneys: Balances at close of fiscal year, 625. Balances on deposit unchanged, 590. Collections, 611-619. Contracts involving future payments, 515, 582. Covering into Treasury, 590. Custody of, 584, 586. Deceased officers, 86. Disbursing officers ceasing to act, 588, 630, 902. Failure to account, 1308. Illegal disbursements, 1309. Insane officers, 86. Insurance, .596. Miscellaneous receipts, etc., 611. Outstanding checks or drafts, 588, 606. Overpayments, 1309. Personal possession, 586, 587. Receipt for amounts not paid, A. W. 60. Receipt for transfer, etc., 1384. Received for disbursements, 583, 584, 586, 587, 595. Stealing, embezzling, etc., A. W. 60. Transfer, 589, 595, 597, 598, 1509. Transfer to the Treasury, 611. Transportation by express, 1142. Use and expenditures, 582. See also Deposits of Moneys and Collections. Money Accountability. Public Property: Branding and marking, 257, 295, 676. Care and preservation, 193, 203. Commanding officers, 751. Company commanders, 290, 291. Condemnation. See Condemnation of Property. Condemned. See Condemned Property. Damaged. See Damages to Property. Deceased officers, 86. Defect or shortage, 668. Deficiencies, etc., 1309. Destruction, etc. See Destruction of Public Property. Deteriorated or deteriorating stores, 717, 904. INDEX. 395 Pablic Property Continued. Expended In the military service, 698. Expenditures under orders, 696, 697. Failure to account, 1308. Fuel and oil unconsumed, 1042, 1056. Insane officers, 86. Inspection, 903-914. Insurance, 596. Intrusted, 657. Issues, care required, 673. Lost or stolen, 689-692, 721, 1141; A. W. 10. Mail contractors, 209. Mess and tableware and furniture, 301. Militia, 460. Packages by mail, penalty envelope. 837. Preservation and repair, 67-5. Private uses, 677. Proceeds of sale, 617-619. Purchase by officers, 681. Receipts, amounts not delivered, A. W. 60. Recovery of lost or stolen, 689-692. Regimental headquarters, 257. Returns. See Returns of Public Property. Sales. See Sales of Public Property. Stealing, wrongfully selling, etc., A. W. 60. . Tents for protection, 1183. Transfers to another department, 619, 671. Unserviceable, 337, 680, 681, 717, 903- 908. VeriS cation of contents of packages, 669. Waste products, 679. See also Property Accountability and Responsibility. Pablic Works: Bonds and contracts, 572. Travel allowances of officers, 1295. Punishments : Abandoning post, A. W. 42. Absence without leave, A. W. 31-35, 40. Abuses and disorders, A. W. 54. Accepting presents, etc., A. W. 6. Ammunition, sale or waste, A. W. 16. Breach of arrest, A. W. 65. Contempt or disrespect, A. W. 20. Contemptuous words, A. W. 19. Contumacious witnesses, p. 314, act Mar. 2, 1901. Damages, loss, etc., of property, A. W. 15-17. Desertion, A. W. 47-51. Destroying, etc., military records, 823. Disrespectful words, A. W. 19. Drunkenness on duty, A. W. 38. Dueling, A. W. 26-28. Escape of prisoners, A. W. 69. Failure to make returns, A. W. 7. Failure to report confinement of enlisted men, A. W. 68. Failure to surrender offenders against civil statutes, A. W. 59. False certificates of absence or pay, A. W. 13. Punishments Continued. False musters, A. W. 5, 14. False returns, A. W. 8. Frauds and embezzlement, A. W. 60. Hiring of duty, A. W. 36, 37. Horses, sale or loss, A. W. 17. Increase of sentences of confinement, 967. Legality and promptness, 2. Limitations, 963, 964, 968; p. 313, act Sept. 27, 1890; p. 315, act Mar. 2, 1913 ; A. W. 38, 98. Misbehavior at divine worship, A. W. 52. Misconduct in time of war, A. W. 41-46, 57, 100. Mutiny and sedition, A. W. 21-24, 43. Offenses against civil laws, A. W. 55, 58, 59. Officers pecuniarily interested in vict- uals, etc., A. W. 18. Pardon, or mitigation of sentence, 944, 972 ; p. 313, act June 18, 1898 ; A. W. 112. Profanity, A. W. 53. Provoking or reproachful speeches or gestures, A. W. 25. Records, 280. Release, unauthorized, of prisoners, A. W. 69. Sleeping on or leaving post, A. W. 39. Spies, p. 313, sec. 1343 R. S. Unlawful enlistments, A. W. 3. Use of Army as posse comitatus, 484. Violence to traders in foreign parts, A. W. 56. Waste .or spoil of private property, A. W. 55, 59. Purchases : Articles of uniform clothing from post exchange, 1174J. Discharge, by enlisted men, 144. Forage, 1082. Fuel and mineral oil by soldiers' fam- ilies, 1038. Fuel by officers and families, 1036, 1037, 1039, 1040. Horses by mounted officers, 1095. Lands for military purposes, 704. Mineral oil, by officers, etc., 1054. Public animals, 1066-1069. See also Purchases of Supplies. Purchases of Supplies: Appropriation from which paid, 624. Company fund, 322, 328. Contractors, 561, 566. Contracts, 515, 516, 520, 521, 544-550, 555-566. Emergency, 551, 1007. Exceptional articles, 551, 1244. Forage masters, 1093. Foreign articles, 517, 518. ' Forms of agreement, 550. Fresh meats and beef cattle, 1200. General provisions, 515526. Interest in, by disbursing officers, 591. Liquid coffee, 1208. Manner and methods, 519, 396 INDEX. Purchases of Supplies Continued. Medical supplies, 1486. Mess fund, 322, 330. Military publications and maps, 521. Open market, 551-554. Ordnance and ordnance stores, 1511. Organized Militia, 455. Personal service, 519. Persons in military service, 521. Philippine Islands, 557. Produce from Indians, 478, 553. Proposals. See Proposals. Rations, 1220-1222. Regimental fund, 322. Seeds for post gardens, 343. Signal Corps supplies, 1556. Subsistence supplies, 1198. Toilet articles, 1218. Vouchers for payment, 633, 636. Wagon masters, 1093. Purchasing and Contracting Officers: Ability of bidders to carry out bids, 547. Advertisements, 522-526. Award, etc., of contracts, 543, 544, 556- 558. Collections, 721. Contractor's bonds, 569. Entitled to copy of contract, 561. Guaranties, bidders, 535. Oath appended to contract, 563. Opening proposals prematurely, 537. Open-market purchases, 551-554. Proposals, 537, 539. Quartermaster Corps, 564. Responsibilities, 520. Supplies, persons in military service, 521. Qualifications : Admission to Soldiers' Home, D. C., 178. Applicants for enlistment, 846-849, 862. Appointees, second lieutenants, 28, 29, 34. Battalion and regimental staff officers, 250. Chief of Staff of Army, 761. Classification for additional pay, 1343- 1345. Commission in Volunteers, 149. Counsel for prisoners, 961. Expert riflemen, sharpshooters, and marksmen, 1345. General Staff Corps officers, 752. Gunners, Artillery, 1343, 1344. Hospital Corps, 1405, 1410. Medical officers, 1388. Noncommissioned officers, recruiting serv- ice, 843, 845. Post noncommissioned staff, 93, 95. Retirement of enlisted men, 134. Staff, personal, 41. Staff duty and detached service, 39. Transfer to Hospital Corps, 1411. Veterinarians, 88. Quarantine Regulations : Enforcement of, by the Army, 485, p. . 100. Reports of inspectors, 889. Quarrels : Provoking speeches or gestures, A. W. 25. Quelling, A. W. 24. Quartermaster and Commissary: Battalion and squadron, 248, 254. Quartermaster Coips: Ambulances, 1105, 1427. Baking bread, building or tentage, 1201. Band instruments, 262, 1179. Barracks and quarters. See Barracks and Quarters. Blank forms, 1253. Bonds of officers, 567, 568, 574-577, 580, 581. Civilian employees, traveling expenses, 738. Clothing and equipage. See Clothing and Equipage. Collections, 721. Company books 'and records, 280. Cooking apparatus, 1252. Cooks, pay, 329. Deceased officers and soldiers, 87, 167. Department commander's staff, 197, 199. Eligibility of officers of, to command, 18. Enlisted men, 1009, 1340. Fees for administering oaths, 649. Field service, Hospital Corps, 1434. Forage. See Forage. Fuel. See Fuel. Funds, 1008. General depots, 100.2-1004. General duties, 1000-1008. Horses of mounted officers, 90, 1080, 1095-1098. Ice plants and ice, 1215. Illuminating supplies, 89, 283, 301, 1050-1061. Inmates Soldiers' Home, transportation, 180. " Insane civilian employees, 464. Installation and maintenance of electric lights, etc., 1059, 1060. Kitchen and table ware, 301. Laundry charges, recruits, 1169. Libraries and schools, 331. Mess furniture, 301. Mess stewards, pay, 329. Military attache's, 1100. Musical instruments, 262, 1179, 1180. Post cemeteries, 494. Public animals. See Public Animals. Purchasing and contracting officers, 564, 721. Record books, 258. Recovery of public property, 689-692. Retired enlisted men, 135, 137. Rewards, etc., 121. Shoeing materials, 1097. Special regulations, note, p. 191. Stationery, 331, 1062-1065, 1100. Storehouses, etc., 1000, 1001, 1199. Straw, 1084, 1085. Supervision of, by Chief of Staff, 762. Supplies. See Quartermaster Supplies. INDEX. 397 Quartermaster Corps Continued. Target practice, 315, 351. Telegraphing, 1044, 1184-1193. Telephoning, 1194. Transportation. See Transportation of the Army. Ungarrisoned posts, 214. Veterinary supplies, 10741076. See also Chief of the Quartermaster Corps. Quartermasters. Quartermasters : Accountability, 1086-1092, 1094, 1141. Allotments of pay, enlisted men, 1352, 1354, 1359. Band instruments, 262, 1179. Barracks and quarters, 1010, 1012, 1019, 1024-1027. Battalion, 248, 249, 254, 255. Blank forms, 1253. Bonds, 567, 568, 574-577, 580, 581. Clothing and equipage, 1148, 1149, 1153, 1156, 1157. Commutation of rations, 1232, 1233, 1236-1238. Cooking apparatus, 1252. Court-martial duty, temporary, 192. Deceased soldiers' effects, 163, 164. Deduction of indebtedness to post ex- change, 345. Deduction of laundry charges, 341. Deposits of collections, 614. Deposits of enlisted men, 1335. Deserters' effects, 117. Designated to pay discharged men, 155. Detachment returns, 1009. Eligibility to command, 18. Escaped prisoners' effects, 940. Estimates for funds, 1008. Funds by express, 1142. Funds kept in personal possession, 587. Hospital buildings, 1466. Incorrect payment to enlisted men, 1336. Means of transportation, 1106. Military Academy, 1313. Militia, mobilization camps, 456. Movements of troops, 11101114. Notification discharged enlisted men, 155. Office rooms, fuel, and stoves, 1044, 1046, 1047. Orders for transportation, 1110, 1111. Ordnance and ordnance stores, 1547. Payments, discharged soldiers, 1375-1377, 1381. Pay- roll calculations, 810. Police supplies, 442, 443. Post, 206, 497, 498, 1010, 1012, 1018, 1019, 1024-1027, 1075, 1076, 1148, 1149, 1153, 1156-1158, 1206, 1253, 1466. Post cemeteries, 497, 498. Private buildings and lands, 1018. Promotion, 24* Public animals, 1072. Ration certificates, 1213. Receipts for refundments, etc., 614, 1384. Quartermasters Continued. Regimental, 248-250, 253-255, 262, 1179. Requisitions for transportation, 1108. Sale of subsistence supplies, 1239-1251. Savings of rations, 1220-1222. Senior, payment of Droops, 1254. Signal parties' supplies, 1567. Squadron, 248, 254. Stoppages of officers' pay, 1310, 1311. Street-car and ferry tickets, 1127. Target practice, 351. Telegraph accounts, 1189, 1192. Transportation requests, 1116, 1121, 1125, 1126, 1129-1131, 1133. Veterinary medicines and supplies, 1075, 1076. Quartermaster Sergeants, Battalion: Appointment, etc., 256. Baggage, 1136. Duties, 254. Quarters, fuel, and stoves, 1044. Rank and precedence, 9. Quartermaster Sergeants, Company : Apppintments, 273, 275. Baggage, 1136. Quarters, fuel, and stoves, 1044. Rank and precedence, 9. Reduction to the ranks, 276. Return to grade of sergeant, 273. Selection and appointment, 273, 275. Temporary appointments, 275. Travel accommodations, 1128. Warrants, 274. Quartermaster Sergeants, Quartermaster Corps : Appointment, duties, etc., 93-98, 100. Assignment as assistant chief baker, 1201. Baggage, 1136. Discharge and reenlistment, 99, 101, 102, 958. Military control, 99. Personal reports, 100. Qualifications, 93, 95. Quarters, fuel, and stoves, 1044. Rank and precedence, 9. Reduction to the ranks, 102, 958. Stationery, 1065. Trial by courts-martial, 958. Quartermaster Sergeants, Regimental: Appointment, etc., 256. Baggage, 1136. Quarters, fuel, and stoves, 1044. Rank and precedence, 9. Quartermaster Supplies : Applicants for enlistment, 1218. Care and accountability, 1086-1094. Electrical engineers, etc., 1568. Embezzlement, etc., A. W. 60. Emergency purchases, 1007. Extra issues, 1006, 1215-1218. General depots, 1002-1004. Militia, 1143. Recruits, 1217. Sales to officers, etc., 1174. Sales to officers' servants, 1175. Signal parties, 1567. 398 INDEX. Quartermaster Supplies Continued. Special requisitions, 1005. Transfer for use of Indians, 476. Transfers to successors, 1094. Verification of quantities, 1094. Vouchers for payment, 633. See also Subsistence Supplies and Stores, Quarters : Absent from, without authority, A. W. 31. Allowance, etc., 1024-1034, 1044, 1390, 1397. Commutation, 1299-1307. Contracts, 515. Engineer officers, 1504. Failure to retire at retreat, A. W. 35. Hire, 1028, 1029. Leaves of absence, 1033, 1035. Office rooms, 1046. Sergeants, first class, Hospital Corps, 1467, 1468. Use of hospitals, 1470. Veterinarians, 89. Violence to traders in foreign parts, A. W. 56. Radio Telegraphy: Use between Army and Navy, 409, 1561. Railroads : Bond-aided, 732, 1186. Construction and repair, 1000. Hospital trains, 1440. Land-grant, 485, p. 102; 1279. Bank: Commissioned officers, 9, 11. Definition, 7. Grades, 9. How held and conferred, 8. Members of courts-martial, 945 ; A. W. 124. Noncommissioned officers, 9. Relative, of Army and Navy officers, 12. Relative, of different corps of the Army, 6, 10; A. W. 122, 124. Transfer or exchange of officers, 47, 48. Rape: Punishable by military courts, A. W. 58. Rates of Exchange: Credit allowed, 596, 635, 1100. Ration and Savings Accounts : Certificates, 1205, 1213. Detachments leaving post, 1213. Duties of commanding officer, 1220. Duties of the quartermaster, 1220-1222. Individual, 1209. Money accruing from, 1220. Ration returns, 1205, 1209-1211, 1214, 1220. Sick in hospital, 327. Ration of the Army: Care and use, 297, 298. Civilian employees, 733, 1211, 1213. Commutation. See Commutation of Ra- tions. Components and substitutes, 1205. Computation of cost, 1221. Ration of .the Army Continued. Defined, 1202. Emergency, 1202, 1205. Filipino, 1202, 1205, 1207, 1220, 1221. Garrison, 1202, 1205, 1207, 1220, 1221. Haversack, 1202, 1205. Holiday, 1205, 1221. Meal tickets, 1227. Militia called into service, 455. Stores purchased from quartermaster, 1220. Temporary supplies, 1220. To whom furnished, 1202-1204, 1224, 1225, 1452, 1453. Travel, 1202, 1205, 1207, 1208, 1220, 1221, 1224, 1225. See also Subsistence Supplies and ' Stores. Reading Rooms: Fuel and stoves, 1044. Quarters to be provided, 331. Transportation of property, 340. Use of, by officers, 331. Rear Admirals: Relative rank with Army officers, 12. Rear Admirals, Junior: Relative rank with Army officers, 12. Rebellion : Suppression by the Army, 485, p. 101. Receipts : Clothing, 1157, 1158. Ordnance and ordnance stores, 1533. Quartermaster Corps, 1384. Transfers of money, refundments, etc., 1384. Transportation requests, 1117, 1118. Receipts for Money and Property: Amounts not paid or delivered, A. W. 60. Blank, prohibited, 637. Corporations, 642-644. Failure to sign for property, 667. Firms and individuals, 642, 643. Funds transferred, 639. Money amounts, 638, 648. Notation of checks, 640. Payments by check or cash, 638. Public property in use by militia, 460. Refundments, stoppages, transfers, etc., 1384. Signatures and headings, 646. Small sums for occasional services, 644. Transfers of property, 665. Witness to signature by mark, 647. Reconnaissances : Engineer officers' duties, 1493, 1500- 1502. Escort commanders' duties, 20. Field notes, -'--etches, etc., 444-446. Record of Officers : Details for detached service, etc., 39. Records : Army corps, 821. ^ Battalion, 245. Battle-ground cemeteries, 491, 492. Brigades, 821. INDEX. 399 Records Continued. Calls or Inquiries for Information from military, 774. Care and preservation, 820. Civil courts, conviction of enlisted men, 146. Coast defense commands, 309. Colored Ink, 822. Company, 280, 281, 821. Company fund account, 328. Completion, etc., of military, in The Ad- jutant General's Office, 774. Concealment, mutilation, etc.. 823. Confederate, 774. Councils of administration, 318. Courts-martial, 915, 917, 919-921, 960, 962, 979-984; A. W. 86-93, 95. 113, 114, 121. Departments, 821. Deposits by enlisted men, 1361. Depots of supply, 821. Destroying or carrying away, etc., 823. Discontinued commands, 821. Disposition of old, 258, 281. Divisions (tactical), 821. Divisions (territorial), 821. Enlistment of discharged soldiers, 860. Information from, how furnished, etc., 824.. Medical, 774. Military, 774, 820-824. Militia and volunteers after muster out, 774. National cemeteries, 490. Office Chief of Coast Artillery, 303. Post, 211, 821. Post cemeteries, 495, 497. Punishments, 280. Reenlistments, 860. Regimental, 251, 258, 821. Regimental fund book, 325. Separate brigades, 821. Service of officers, 39. Volunteer armies, 774. Recovery of Public Property: Animals lost or stolen, 691. Expenses, how paid, 692. Forcible seizure, 690. Proceedings, 689. Rewards, 691. Recreation and Amuseniemt: Buildings, erection by labor of troops, 339. Recruiting Depots: Classification, 841. Court-martial duty of officers, 192. Detachment of officers, 192. General recruit depots, 191, 192, 841, 842. Mess stewards and cooks, 170, 329. Police and discipline, recruit depot posts, 841. Recruit companies, 842. Recruit depot posts, 841, 842. Reports, 842. Supervision or control, 191. Recruiting Officers: Appointment, noncommissioned officers, 843-845. Apprehension of deserters, 118, 123. Clothing and equipage, 1152. Details, 840. Disbursements, 587. Efficiency reports, 829. Enlistment period noted on card, 153. Enlistments, etc., Hospital Corps, 1410. Enlistments and reenllstments, 847. General duties and responsibilities, 850. 851, 853-856, 859, 860, 864, 865, 872, 874, 876, 1167, 1484. Medical attendance, etc., 1475. Ordnance and ordmance stores, 1532. Recruiting Parties: Noncommissioned officers, 843845. Reenlistments of members, 847. Summer clothing, 1167. Recruiting Service: Applicants for enlistment. See Appli- cants for Enlistment. Assignments, enlisted men, 8^43-845. Classifications and details, 840. Clothing and equipage, 1152, 1167. Commutation of rations, 1226, 1229. Correspondence, 872. Enlistments. See Enlistments and, Re- enlistments. Flag, 224. General recruiting depots, 191. General recruiting stations, 841, 895. Hospital Corps, 1410. Indian scouts, 482. Management, etc., 740, 774. Medical attendance, 1475. Periods of detail, 840. Recruiting depots, 841, 842. Recruiting officers. See Recruiting Offi- cers, i Recruits. See Recruits. Returns, 857. Surplus property, 1152. Recruiting Stations: Brooms, brushes, and mops, 1181. Court-martial duty of officers, 192. Deserters, 123. Flags, 224. Inspections, 895. Laundry work, 1169, 1218. Medical attendance, etc., 1475. Supervision or control, 191. Recruits : Age limitation, 849. Articles of War to be read, 856 ; A. W. 2. Assignment to organizations, 872. Certificate of disability, 870. Character, 869. Commutation of rations, 1224. Descriptive and assignment cards, 869, 873-876, 1169, 1217, 1249. Deserters, A. W. 50. Discharges for disability, 841, 1382. Distribution, 841. Hospital Corps, 1410. 400 INDEX. Recruits Continued. Instruction, etc., 841, 842. Laundry charges, 1169. Oath to be taken, A. W. 2. Officer conducting to organizations, 873, 875. Payments to discharged, 1382. Physical examination, 864, 865, 868-870, 1484. Physical examination reports, 774. Sales to, of subsistence supplies, 1242, 1249. Sent to organizations, 872-877. Toilet articles, etc., 1217. Travel rations, 1224, 1225. Vaccination, 865, 866, 869, 1484. Redress : Abuses and disorders, A. W. 54. Appeals of officers and men, A. W. 29, 30. Redaction to the Ranks: General noncommissioned staff, 103. Hospital Corps, 958, 1407, 1408. Noncommissioned officers, company, 276- 278. Noncommissioned staff, Coast Artillery Corps, 310. Post noncommissioned staff, 102, 958. Quartermaster Corps noncommissioned officers, 1009. Regimental noncommissioned officers, 256. Regimental noncommissioned staff, 256. Signal Corps, 1557. Reenlisted Pay: Rates and payment, 1338, 1339. Reenlistments : Additional pay, 859, 1338-1340. Antedating, 859. Date, 859. Deposits may be renewed, 1365. Disability contracted in line of duty, 863. Disabled soldiers, 863. Disqualifications, 849, 861. Enlistment period noted on card, 153- Furloughs to enlisted men, 107. General noncommissioned staff, 103. Hospital Corps, 1410, 1412. Married men, 852, 1009. Noncommissioned officers, company, 274. Notations on discharge certificates, 148, 153, 860. Other organizations, 862. Post noncommissioned staff, 101. Prohibited classes, 849. Recruiting officers, 860. Soldier under sentence of court-martial, 157. Special authority required, 861, 862. Refugees : Bureau of, etc., records, 774. Regimental Bands: Appointment of noncommissioned officers, 260. Discipline and efficiency, 253. Equipments, 257, 262. Fund, 262, 324, 325, 327. Lye and sapolio, 1182. Regimental Bands Continued. Memorial Day, 440. Musical instruments, etc., 262, 1179. National and patriotic airs to be played, 264, 437. Procedure when musicians are needed, 263. Saluting, 375, 376. Station, 261. "The Star Spangled Banner" 264, 378, 437. Regimental Books and Records: Disposition of old, 258. Duties of adjutant,' 251. Enumerated and instructions, 258, 259. Fund book, 325. Regimental Colors and Standards: Care and use, 232, 233. Cavalry, 230. Dropping during salute, 375. Engineers, 227. Field Artillery, 231. Infantry, 229. Mourning, 434. Saluted, 377. Service, 233. Regimental Commanders: Absentees at muster, A. W. 12, 13. Aid to chaplains, 44. Allotments of pay, enlisted men, 1360. Appeals of enlisted men, A. W. 30. Bands and field musicians, 260, 263. Battalion staff officers, 248, 250. Certificates of merit, 184. Company fund, 328. Discharge of enlisted men, 160. Disposition of old records, reports, etc., 258. Efficiency reports, 829. Enlistment or reenlistment of married men, 852. Furloughs, 106 ; A. W. 11. General duties and responsibilities, 203, 246. Muster and pay rolls, 810. Noncommissioned officers, 94, 95, 256, 271, 275, 276. Office rooms, fuel, and stoves, 1044. Post noncommissioned staff, 94, 95. Recruiting service, 840. Regimental fund, 324, 325. Regimental staff officers, 248, 250, 251, 253, 255. Reports, incapacitated officers, 890. Reports, issues, and roll calls, 373. Returns, regimental libraries, 332. Returns of troops, 811, 812. Senior officer on duty, 245. Surveying officers, 711. Transfer or exchange of enlisted men, 114. Veterinarians, 91. Regimental Commissary Sergeants: See Commissary Sergeants, Regimental. Regimental Noncommissioned Staff: Appointments, etc., 256. Baggage, 1136. INDEX. 401 Regimental Noncommissioned Staff Contd. Brooms, brushes, and mops, 1181. Discharge and reenlistment, 256. Discipline and efficiency, 253. Equipments, 257. Funeral honors and escort, 428. Quarters, fuel, and stoves, 1044. Rank and precedence, 9. Reduction to the ranks, 256. Warrants, 256. Regimental Officers: Assignments, field officers, 247. Regimental Quartermaster Sergeants: See Quartermaster Sergeants, Regimental. Regimental Sergeants Major: See Sergeants Major. Regiments : Administrative unit, 245. Appropriate command of a colonel, 14. Bands. See Regimental Bands. Chaplains, 43-46. Colors, names of battles, 244. Commanders. See Regimental Com- manders. Composition and command, 245. Desks, 1139. Detached companies, 813. Fund, 232, 321, 322, 324, 325. Letter and note heads, 512. Noncommissioned staff, 253, 256, 257. Precedence of, on occasions of ceremony, 6. Public property, 257. Records, 251, 258, 259, 325. Records of, discontinued, 821. Regulations, 245. Returns, 811-813, 815. Staff officers, 248-255, 807. Transfer, etc., enlisted men, 114. Transfer or exchange of officers, 48. Registry of Officers: Arriving at Washington or at division or department headquarters, 406, 825. Regulars : Precedence, 6, 10 ; A. W. 122, 124. Rejoining Station: Furloughed soldiers, 110. Soldiers absent without leave, 110. Travel allowances, 1289-1294. RelatlTe Rank: Army and Navy officers, 12. Grades of rank, 9. Officers, same grade, 11. Regulars, Marine Corps, militia, and volunteers, 6, 10 ; A. W. 122, 124. Release : General prisoners, 941. Insane soldiers from hospital, 470. Officers without charges, 924 ; A. W. 71. Prisoners, without authority, A. W. 69. Relief to the Enemy: Punishment, A. W. 45. Remittances of Funds: Fiscal year to be designated, 621. Remount Depots: Care of officers' mounts, 1099. Purchase of horses by officers, 1095. 9065117 26 Rentals : Contracts for, 557. Repairs: Ambulances, 1427. Barracks and quarters, 208, 1012-1017, 1019. Electric power plants, 1060. Hand Utters, 1430. Hospitals, 1466-1469. Musical instruments, 1179. Ordnance, stores, 1520, 1534, 1537-1540. Quarters for sergeants, first class, Hos- pital Corps, 1467, 1468. Roads, walks, etc., 1016. Shoes, 327. Transportation, means of, 557. Reporters, Courts-Martial : Assistant, 986. Employment, compensation, etc., 985-987. Traveling expenses, 738, 986. Reports : Allotments of pay, enlisted men, 1348- 1351, 1353, 1359. Annual, of territorial commanders and independent commands, preparation, etc., 1931. Apprehended deserters, 123. Arrest of officers, 924. Battle, 816. Boards and commissioners, 193J. Brigade commanders, 194. Burials, post cemeteries, 498. Channels, 785. Chaplains, 45. Chiefs of bureaus, War Department, 193}. Coast artillery, 305. Coast defense commands, 305. Company, 266. Company records, 280, 281. Deaths and burials, 45, 83, 87, 167. Departmental affairs, 193. Department commanders, absent, 196. Deserters, 118, 120, 124, 126. Detachment commanders, 369. Disposition of old, 258, 281. Efficiency. 'See Reports, Efficiency. Engineering operations in the field, 1501. Enlisted men confined, A. W. 68. Hunting, 65. Incapacitated officers, 76. Indian scouts, names inserted, 483. Medals or badges, illegal possession, 189. Medical examination of applicants for enlistment, 871. Military Academy, United States, 193J. Militia encampments, 105, 193, 774. Mixed corps operations, 817. Movements of troops, emergencies, 193, 487. Officers traveling on duty without troops, 68. Officers visiting foreign countries, 62. Outstanding liabilities, 605. Personal. See Reports, Personal. Post cemeteries, 498. Post commanders, Inspection, 203. Post records, 211. 402 INDEX. Reports Continued. Recruits, 842. Regimental records, 258. Roll call, 372. Sanitary, 1387. Sick and wounded, 1471. Signal operations, 1558. Small-arms practice, 349. Special, for recommendations affecting the service as a whole, etc., 193J. Summary courts-martial, pp. 313, 314, act June 18, 1898. Superintendents national cemeteries, 490. Surveying officers, 116, 713, 715-725. Transfer or exchange of officers, 48. Reports, Efficiency : Care enjoined in preparation, 39, 832. Channels through which forwarded, 829, 831. Final disposition, 833. Inspection reports, 830, 831, 889, 890. Officers for retirement or promotion, 26. Officers on duty at civil educational in- stitutions, 830. Reporting officers, 829, 830, 832. Reports, Personal : Detached service, 105, 826-828. Enlisted men on detached service with militia, 105. Field officers, regimental, 828. General officers, 826. Inspectors, 880. Leaves of absence, 50, 59, 64. Observations, foreign countries, 62. Officers arriving at Washington, D. C., or at division or department headquar- ters, 406, 825. Post noncommissioned staff, 97, 100. Retired enlisted men, 136. Retired officers, 827. Senior signal officer of an army, 1558. Sergeants, first class, Hospital Corps, 1406. Staff corps or departments, 826, 827. Reproachful Speeches or Gestures: Punishment for using, A. W. 25. Requests : Transportation. See Transportation Re- quests. Requisitions : Band instruments, 1151. Blank forms, blank books, etc., 1253, 1551, 1571. Canteen covers, corks, etc., 1534. Clothing, 1152, 1157, 1158. Examination, revision, etc., 749, 750. Illuminating supplies, 1052. Ordnance and ordnance stores, 1517 1519. Preparation, etc., 748. Quartermaster supplies, 1089. Signal supplies, 1564, 1567. Special, 1151, 1152. Stationery, 1062. Toilet articles, etc., 1216, 1217. Transportation of the Army, 1108. Requisitions Continued. Veterinary supplies, 1074. Working parties, fieldworks, 1499. Reservations : Indian. See Indian Reservations. Military. See Posts and Reservations. Reservists : See Army Reserve. Resignation of Officers: Acceptance, etc., of civil office, 82. Checks, outstanding, 603. Correspondence, 79, 80. Leaves of absence on tender, 81. Payments, 1262, 1263. Quitting service before acceptance, A. W. 49. Tender and acceptance, 79. Under charges, 80. Responsibility for Property: See Property Accountability antf' Re- sponsibility. Retainers to the Camp: ' . Subject to Articles of War, A. W. 63. Retired Enlisted Men: ' . Admission, etc., Army and Navy Hos- pital, 1442, 1444. Allowances, 137. Baggage, etc., 1137. Certificate of merit, 1341. Effects of deceased, 163. Funeral honors, 423. Hospital charges, 1460. Medical attendance and medicines, 1474. Order for retirement, 135. Payments, 137, 138, 1337, 1341. Personal reports, 136. Qualifications for retirement, 132, 134. Rates of pay, 137. Sales to, of subsistence supplies, 1241. Retired Officers: Admission, etc., hospitals, Hot Springs and Fort Bayard, 1446. Baggage, etc., 1137. Causes for retirement, 76-78, 1388. Details, educational Institutions, 42, 1306. Forage, 1082. Fuel and light, 1037, 1057. Funeral honors and escort, 418, 426. Medical attendance and medicines, 1474. Payments to, after retirement, 1257. Payments to, on retirement, 1264. Personal reports, 827. Professional books, etc., 1139. Retiring boards, 26. Salutes and honors, 401. Stationery, 1064. Transportation of horses, 1098. Retiring Boards: Character or efficiency records, officers, 26. Subjects for consideration and report, 77, 78. Retreat : Ceremonies, 437. Gun, 210. INDEX. 403 Retreat Continued. Retiring to tent or quarters, A. W. 35. Roll calls and signals, 370, 373. Return Journeys: Orders, 1285. Transportation requests, 1121. Witnesses before military courts, 992. Returns : Captured property, 819. General prisoners, 937. Killed and wounded in action, 818. Organized Militia, 193, 774. Rations, Organized Militia, 455. Recruiting service, 857. See also Returns of Public Property. Returns of Troops. Returns Office, Interior Department: Contracts, 542, 561, 563. Returns of Public Property: Administrative examination, 702, 708. Articles in charge of guards, 442. Charges of loss, etc., 699. Company property, 694. Contingency purchases, 200. Deceased officers, 86. Destroyed or lost in service, 698. Expended in the military service, 698. Expenditures under orders, 696, 697. Failure to render, 700. False, A. W. 8. Insane officers, 86. Libraries, 332, 333. Made for all public property, 693. Manuscript, prohibited, 1572. Orders directing issues, etc., 696. Ordnance and ordnance stores, 701, 1520r- 1522, 1527, 1543, 1549. Post noncommissioned staff, 695. Preparation and rendition, 701. Quartermaster supplies, 1086-1094. 1167, 1176. Signal Corps, sergeants, 695. Subsistence supplies, 701, 1215. See also Property Accountability and Responsibility. Returns of Troops: Annual, of militia, 774. Casualties, 818. Consolidation of general returns of the Army, 774. Contract surgeons, 1489. Dental Corps, 1489. Failure to make, A. W. 7. False, A. W. 8. Indian scouts, names inserted, 483. Leaving or joining a station, 812, 814. Manuscript, prohibited, 1572. Medical officers, 1489. Notations of officers' absences, 64. On transports, 812. Preparation, disposition, etc., 748, 811- 815, 818, 819, 857. Recruiting, 857. Rendition, A. W. 7. Sailing -from or arriving at a port, 812. Returns of Troops Continued. Special, 812, 814. Strength, 811-815. Reveille : Ceremonies, 437. Gun, 210. Hours for sounding, 370, 373. Reviewing Authority: Courts-martial records, 965, 970, 975, 981, 983, 984. Proceedings of medical examining boards, 1388. Reconvening courts-martial, 983. Reviews : Musters, 439. Precedence of regiments and corps, 6. Tendered to visitors to posts, 403. Revolutionary War: Care and custody of records, 774. Rewards : Deserters, 121, 123, 127, 128, 131. Escaped military prisoners, 121. Recovery of lost or stolen animals, 691. Rice: Ration, 1205. Riots : Disturbing courts-martial, A. W. 86. Use of troops, 487-489. Rivers and Harbors: Change of station of officers, 742. Improvements, 1493. Roads : Construction and repair, 1000, 1016. Robbery : Punishable by military cours, A. W. 58. Roll Calls and Signals: Daily and special, 370-373. Roster of Duties: Classification, 357. Company, 282. Definition of a roster, 355. Detachments, 365-369. Details and duties, 355-364. Disposition of old, 282. Duties, etc., adjutant, 251. Signal Corps, 364. Tours, 360-362. Roster of Troops: Copies furnished, etc., 805. Route Maps: Preparation, 444, 445. Preservation and use, 445. Rubber Stamps: Use in preparing checks, 600. Sabbath : Duty and labor, 205. Orderly observance enjoined, 205. Sabers : Barrack regulations, 285. Saddlers : Appointment, etc., 275, 278. Extra-duty detail, 173. Saddler Shops: Stoves, 1044. Safeguards : Punishment for forcing, A. W. 57. 404 INDEX. Sales of Public Property: Abstract of sales of subsistence supplies, 1250. Advertisements, 503. Auctioneer's account of sale, 680. Cartridges to enlisted men, 354. Cash, 1239-1241, 1244, 1245. Clothing, for servants, 1175. Condemned ordnance and ordnance stores 1543. Condemned or reduced in price, 68L Condemned public animals, 1073. Credit, 1242, 1243, 1249. Exceptional articles, 1244. Forage, by officers, 1083. Horses, to mounted officers, 1095. Illuminating supplies, 1038, 1054. Obtained from quartermaster, 1247. Ordnance and ordnance stores, 1520, 1521, 1526. Price of subsistence supplies, 1251. Quartermaster supplies, 1055, 1174. Regulated by post commanders, 1247- Rules, 1196. Signal Corps equipment, 1564. Sold as purchased, 1246. Subsistence supplies, 885, 1196, 1239- 1251. Surplus, and in urgent cases, 1197. Surplus garden products, 344. Transfers not regarded, 619. Unauthorized, 1198; A. W. 60. Waste products, 679. Salt: Public animals, 1215. Ration, 1205. Salutes : Brevet rank assignments, 401. Cannon, 393-400, 440. Colors and standards, 375. Commanding officers, 380. Compliments to visitors, 403. Dipping of flag of military post, 405. Enlisted men, to officers, 383-392. Field music, 375-377, 437. Foreign ships of war, 399. Funeral honors, 396, 417-421. Memorial Day, 440. National, 398. National flag, 398. National flag displayed, 397. National or regimental colors, etc., 377. Occasions of public nature, 404. Occasions outdoors, etc., 392. Official duty and official occasions, 381, 382. Personal, 375-377, 400-403, 412. Saluting stations, 399. Standards and colors, 375. Time of firing, 397. To the Union on July 4, 398. Troops saluting, 379, 380. Visits and courtesies, 411 41E. Saluting Stations: Designated by War Department, 399, San Diego, Cal.: Service school, Signal Corps, Aviation, 449. Sandy Hook, X. J.: Inspection of proving ground, 895. Sanitation : Reports and inspections, 1387. Saturday Inspection: By company, band, and detachment com- manders, 283. Guard and sick in hospital excused, 283. Hospital Corps, 1447. Police of barracks, 287. Savings of Rations: See Ration and Savings Accounts. School of Fire for Field Artillery: Detachment of officers, 192. Inspection, 896. Leaves of absence, officers, 1277. Letter and note heads, 512. Location, Fort Sill, Okla., 449. Supervision and regulations, 191, 449. School of Musketry: Inspection, 896. Leaves of absence, officers, 1277. Letter and note heads, 512. Location, Fort Sill, Okla., 449. Supervision and regulations, 191, 449. Schools : See Garrison Schools. Post Schools. Service Schools. Seamen : Admission to hospital, and charges, 1459. Hours of labor, 731. Rations, 1204. Sea Travel: Statement of expenses, 1280. Travel not so regarded, 1280. Second Lieutenants: Appointment, 27-37. Baggage, 1136. Eligibility of ex-cadets for commissions, 37. Forage, 1080. Funeral honors and escort, 422, 426. Joining station after appoimtment, 1098, 1296, 1297. Quarters, fuel, and stoves, 1044. Rank and precedence, 9. Relative rank with naval officers, 12. Vacancies in grade, how filled, 27-37. Secretary of Agriculture: Funeral honors, 421. Salutes and honors, 376, 400, 403. Secretary of Commerce: Funeral honors, 421. Salutes and honors, 376, 400, 403. Secretary of Labor: Funeral honors, 421. Salutes and honors, 376, 400, 403. Secretary of State: Funeral honors, 421. 'Salutes and honors, 376, 400, 403. INDEX. 405 Secretary of the Interior: Funeral honors, 421. Salutes and honors, 376, 400, 403. Secretary of the Navy: Funeral honors, 421. Rules governing visits and courtesies, 408. Salutes and honors, 376, 400, 403. Secretary of the Treasury: Certificates of deposit, 612, 616. Dupjicate checks, 602. Funeral honors, 421. Outstanding and unpaid checks, 588, 605 607. Salutes and honors, 376, 400, 403. Surety companies, 575, 577. Secretary of War : Administration and control of Army, 761. Allotment of funds, 200. Annual report, 193J. Army Transport Service, 1109. Articles for sale, 885. Authority for special enlistments, 861. Barracks and quarters, 707, 912. Boards of staff officers, 744. Certificates of deposit, 616. Channels of action, certain military busi- ness, note, p. 145. Chaplains, 43. Chief of Staff of the Army, military ad- viser, 761. Civil counsel, 996. Civilian employees, 727-729, 731, 739. Civilians on reservations, 212. Colors, 221. Colors, standards, and guidons, 239. Command of Army exercised by the Presi- dent through, 761. Communications to, 782, 786. Commutation of quarters, 1302. Contingent expenses, 200. Contracts, supplies, and services, 562. Courts-martial, 917. Courts-martial proceedings, 921. Deceased officers and soldiers, 87, 167. Department inspectors, 899. Directions and orders of the President, 761, 762. Disbursements and accounts, 897. Disbursing officers, 586, 589, 895. Discharge of enlisted men, 139 ; A. W. 4. Draft and pack animals, 1102. Efficiency reports, 833. Establishment of posts, etc., 201. Expenditures, public buildings, 707. Extra-duty details, 169, 171. Flag, 219. Forage for mounted officers, 1080. Foreign productions or manufacturers, 517. Fortifications, 348, 1505. Funeral honors and escort, 418, 421, 426. General prisoners, confinement and treat- ment, etc., 936, 966, 1216. Secretary of War Continued. Gratuitous issues of clothing, 1455. Heavy furniture for officers' quarters, 1020. Hire of quarters, 1028, 1029, 1040. Hospital Corps, 1405, 1418. Hospitals, 1439, 1441, 1442, 1445, 1465. 1466, 1468, 1482. Indian country, 472. Insane soldiers, 465, 466. Inspectors general, 879, 895. Leaves of absence, 1277. Manuals and blank forms of staff de- partments, 1570, 1571. Mileage appropriations, 1284. Military Academy, 1277. Military commissions, 917. Militia called into service, 450, 459. Mixed corps operations, 817. Money accounts, 655. Mounted service, 1272. National Home Disabled Volunteer Sol- diers, 894. National parks, 485, p. 100. Nurses, 1421. Open-market purchases, 554. Orders, etc., affecting the Army and offi- cers and men, 766, 774. Ordnance and ordnance stores, 913. Ordnance depots, 1515. Pardon, or mitigation of punishment, 944. Post libraries, 331. Post noncommissioned staff, 93. Post schools, 331. Printing, 499, 507, 512. Property lost, etc., by officers, 683. Public animals, 1066. Public buildings, 912. Purchases from Indians, 478. Quartermaster Corps noncommissioned officers, 1009. Quartermaster supplies, 1086, 1092. Quarters for sergeants, first class, Hos- pital Corps, 1468. Readvertisements, 501. Recruiting service, 872. Relations to and with the Chief of Staff, 761. Retirement of officers, 76. Returns of public property, 702, 703. Rules governing visits and courtesies, 408. Salutes and honors, 376, 400, 403. Schools of instruction, 191. Sentences of military courts, 774. Stoppages of officers' pay, 1308-1310. Supplies for Indians, 476. Supply, payment, etc., of Army, 740. Sureties, 568, 577, 581. Surveying officers' reports, 722. Surveying or exploring expeditions. 672. Tests and experimental trials of arms or munitions of war, 1553, 1554. Transfer of supplies, 671. 406 INDEX. Secretary of War Continued. Uniform and equipments of the Army, 1569. Veterinarians, 88. See also War Department. Sedition: Punishments, A. W. 21-24, 43. Sentences, Courts-Martial : See Courts-Martial Sentences. Sentences, Military Commissions: Discharge of enlisted men. 139. Sentinels : Sleeping on or leaving post, A. W. 39. Separate Brigades: See Brigades, Separate. Separate Command: Alterations in strength, 814. Sequoia National Park: Trespassers or intruders, 485, p. 100. Sergeants : Appointment, 271, 275, 1009. Baggage, 1136. Funeral honors and escort, 428. Indian scouts, 480. Quarters, fuel, and stoves, 1044. Rank and precedence, 9. Recruiting parties, 843-845. Reduction to the ranks, 276, 277, 1009. Reproving, 270. Roster duties, 358. Selection and instruction, 270. Temporary appointments, 275. Travel accommodations, 1128. Warrants, 274, 1009. Whistles, 1180. Sergeants, Color: See Color Sergeants. Sergeants, First Class, Hospital Corps: Appointment, 1405. Baggage, 1136. Discharge and reenlistment, 958. Examination, 1405. Personal reports, 1406. Qualifications, 1405. Quarters, fuel, etc., 1044, 1467, 1468. Rank and precedence, 9. Reduction, 958, 1407. Reenlistment, 1410. Trial by courts-martial, 958. Warrants, 1405, 1410. Sergeants, First Class, Quartermaster Corps: Appointment, etc., 1009. Baggage, 1136. Quarters, fuel, and stoves, 1044. Rank and precedence, 9. Sergeants, Hospital Corps: Examination and appointment, 1405. Reduction, 1407. Reenlistment, 1410, 1412. Warrants, 1405, 1410. Sergeants Major: Battalion, 9, 256, 1044, 1136. Coast Artillery Corps, 9, 310, 1044, 1136. Regimental, 9, 256, 1044, 1136. Squadron, 9, 1044, 1136. Servants : Clothing, 1175. Servants Continued. Medical attendance, etc., 1476. Officers', 1175. Service Calls and Signals: Daily and special, 370-373. Service Colors and Standards: Description and use, 233. Service Records See Descriptive and Assignment Cards and Descriptive Lists. Services : Acceptance of voluntary, 515. Computation of time, 651. Distinguished gallantry in action, 182- 188. Employment of unauthorized, 515. Nonpersonal, contracts for, 557. Payment for, by contractor, 572. Personal, 519, 633, 650, 651. Service Schools: Designated, 449. Regulations for, 191, 192, 449, 512, 896, 1272, 1277. Student officers, 40. See also Army Field Engineer School. Army Field Service and Correspond- ence School for Medical Officers. Army Medical School. Army School of the Line. Army Signal School. Army Staff College. Army War College. Bakers and Cooks, Schools for. Coast Artillery School. Engineer School. Mounted Service School. School of Fire for Field Artillery. School of Musketry. Signal Corps Aviation School. Senlng Machines: General prisoners, 1216. Skarpshooters : Additional pay, 1345. Sheriffs: Apprehension of deserters, 118, 121. Shoeing and Materials: Animals pertaining to militia, 456. Contracts for, 557. Supply and issue, 1097. Shoemakers : Purchase of subsistence stores, 1245. Sick and Wounded: Attention by Army nurses, 1423. Care of, on the march or elsewhere, 1437, 1438. Daily report, 1471. First-aid treatment, 1419, 1420. Information concerning, from records, 824. Leaves of absence, 57, 1035, 1301. Parlor and sleeping cars, 1128. Transportation, 1105. Sick Call: Surgeons, 1471. Sick In Hospital: See Patients in Hospitals. INDEX. 407 Sick Report Book: Company, 280, 1471, 1472. Signal Codes: Army and Navy, 1561. Cards, 1564. Signal Corps: Aviation school, 449. Chief Signal Officer, 103. Communication between the Army and Navy, 409, 1561. Confidential communications, 1560, 1561. Department commander's staff, 197, 199. Electrical engineers, etc., 1568. Eligibility of officers of, to command, 18. Enlistments, etc., 1557. Exemptions from detail, officers and men, 364. Extra-duty details, enlisted men, 172. Guidons, 238. Management and direction, 1556. Master electricians, 9, 1044, 1136. Military telegraph and telephone lines, 1556, 1559-1561, 1563. Officers. See Signal Corps Officers. Payments to enlisted men, 1337. Presedence of, on occasions of ceremony, 6. Promotion and reduction, enlisted men, 1557. Special regulations, note, p. 296. Supervision of, by Chief of Staff, 762. Supplies for Organized Militia, 1565. See also Chief Signal Officer. Signal Corps Aviation School: Detachment of officers, 192. Inspection, 896. Leaves of absence, officers, 1277. Letter and note heads, 512. Location, San Diego, Cal., 449. Supervision and regulations, 191, 449. Signal Corps Officers: Eligibility to 'command, 18. Military telegraph lines, 1559. Office rooms, fuel, and stoves, 1044. Post, 206. Promotion, 24. Senior, with Army in the field, 1558, 1561. Signaling operations in the field, 1558. Signal supplies, 1564. Staff service, 197, 199. Signal Corps Sergeants: Accountability, etc., for property, 695. Baggage, 1136. Quarters, fuel, and stoves, 1044. Rank and precedence, 9. Reduction, 1557. Warrants, 103. Signal Corps Supplies: Accountability, etc., 1564. Condemnation, 1566. Purchase, preservation, and care, 1556. Signaling: See Military Signaling and Signal Duties. Signal Parties: Reports, duties, strength, etc., 1558. Signal Parties Continued. Supplies, quartermaster and subsistence, 1567. Signal Stations: Establishment in the field, 1558. Signatures : Bidders, 532. By mark, witnessed, 647. Certificate to voucher, 634. Contracts, 559. Disbursing officers, 594. Discharged enlisted men, 155. Official communications, 779. Proposals, 532. Retired enlisted men, 135. Signing checks in blank prohibited, 637. Vouchers and receipts, 642, 643, 646. Sirup: Ration, 1205. Sleeping Cars: See Parlor and Sleeping Cars. Sleeping on or Leaving Post: Punishment, A. W. 39. Small- Arms Practice : Ammunition, 350, 353. Brigade commanders, 194. Company cooks, 329. Department commanders, 193. Expert riflemen, 1345. Flour for paste, 351. General mess attendants, 329. Inspectors' duties, 197. Marksmen, 1345, Mode of conducting, 349. Ranges, shelters, targets, flags, etc., 351. Reports, 349. Sharpshooters, 1345. Soap and Sapollo: Allowance, 1182, 1215. Soldier: Definition, p. 301, sec. 1342 R. S. See also Enlisted Men. Soldiers' Home, D. '.: Annual inspection, 894. Applications, etc., for admission, 178, 179. Board of Commissioners, 179, 180. Insane inmates, 464. Transportation to, 180. Sovereigns, Foreign Countries: Salutes and honors, 400, 403. Traveling on vessels of war, 415. Speaker of the Honse of Representatives: Funeral honors, 421. Salutes and honors, 376, 400, 403. Special Courts-Martial : See Courts-Martial, Special. Special Duty: Enlisted men. See Extra and Special Duty. Officers, Coast Artillery, 303. Officers and enlisted men, staff, 742. Personal reports, 826. Supervision or control of officers, 191. Special Inspectors: Detail, duties, etc., 897, 903. 408 INDEX. Special Orders: See Orders. Special Regulations : Confinement of general prisoners, 936. Corps of Engineers, note, p. 287. Educational institutions, 449. Medical Department, note, p. 269. Ordnance Department, note, p. 290. Post exchanges, 345. Quartermaster Corps, note, p. 191, Signal Corps, note, p. 296. Uniforms, 1569. Specifications : Bidders furnished with, 528. Hospitals, 1465, 1466, 1468. Quarters for sergeants, first-class. Hos- pital Corps, 1466, 1468. Reference in proposals, 533. Supplies and services, 523, 526, 528. Specific Duty: Orders directing travel, 69. Spices : Ration, 1205. Spies : Punishment, p. 313, sec. 1343 R. S. Spring Wagons : Allowance to posts, 1103. Definition, 1103. Purposes for which used, 1104. Squadrons : Designation in Army Regulations, 15. Staff officers, 248, 254. Squads : Chiefs of, duties, etc., 287, 288. Division Into, of companies, 284. Housewife, 1215. Noncommissioned officer in charge, 284. Squatters : Public lands, 485, pp. 99, 100. Stables : Candles and lanterns, 1052. Guard duty roster, 357. Policing, 1106. Stable Sergeants : Appointments, 273, 275. Baggage, 1136. Quarters, fuel, and stoves, 1044. Rank and precedence, 9. Reduction to the ranks, 276. Return to grade of sergeant, 273. Selection and appointment, 273, 275. Temporary appointments, 275. Travel accommodations, 1128. Warrants, 274. Staff-, Administration : Adjutant General of the Army, The, 742, 743. Chief of Staff of the Army, 740. Chiefs of bureaus, 742, 744, 745. Chiefs of staff departments of any com- mand, 750. Commanding officers, 746, 748, 751. Department commanders, 743, 745, 747. Extra-duty detail, enlisted men, 172. Post commanders, 749. Secretary of War, 740, 744. Staff, Administration Continued. Volunteers and Organized Militia, In service, 741. Staff, Personal: Allowance to general officers, 41. Appointments and details, 41. General oflicers changing station, 71. Limitation of service, 41. Qualifications, 41. Travel on duty, 71. Staff Corps and Departments: Additional pay, two appointments for the same time, 1270. Appointments, detail, or removal. 806. Assignments to stations, 743. Changes of station, etc., 742. Chief of staff departments of commands, 750. Civilian employees, 727, 730-739. Detail of line officers, 38-40. Efficiency reports, 829, 833. Enumeration and designation, 197, 199. Extra-duty details, enlisted men, 172. Furloughs to enlisted men, 107. General Staff Corps and current busi- ness, 758. Leaves of oflicers, 51, 52. Manuals, 1570. Mounted officers, 1272. Official correspondence, 783, 784. Promotion, 24. Returns, 811. Supervision or control of officers, 746. Transfer of enlisted men, 114. Staff Officers: Arrest of officers, 922. Battalion, 248, 249, 254, 255, 807. Books, papers, and instruments, 1139. Brigades, 198. Coast defense commands, 249, 307, 308. Departments, 197, 199, 200. Districts, 198. Divisions, 197. Efficiency reports, 829, 833. Eligibilty to command, 18, 19. General officers on duty beyond limits of command, 71. Hospital transports, etc., 1440. Inspection reports concerning, 831. Journals of field operations, 816. Leaves of absence, 51. 52. Mounted pay, 1272. Official address at posts, 206. Personal reports, 826, 827. Post, 198, 206. Regimental, 248-254, 281, 807. Settlement with commanders, 281. Squadron, 248, 254. Travel on duty, 72. Stamps, Official: Boxes of ordnance stores, 1546. Standards : Foreign, 415. National and regimental, 230, 231. See also Colors and Standards. INDEX. 409 Standing Mute: Prisoners, A. W. 89. Star Spangled Banner, The: See " The Star Spangled Banner." Starvation: Relief for destitute persons, 1219. State Courts: Writs of habeas corpus, 997, 998. State Department: Passports, 63. State Legislatures : Disrespect or contempt, A. W. 19. Staterooms : To whom allowed, 733, 989, 1128, 1280. States : Domestic violence, etc., 485, pp. 98, 101. Jurisdiction over military lands, 704. Stationery : Allowance and issue, 1062-1065. Military attache's, 1100. Posts, requisitions, 203. Post schools, 331. Stations : Quartermaster supplies, 1086, 1558. Signal, 1558. See also Changes of Station. Statute of Limitations : Release of deserters, 125 ; A. W. 103. Rewards, etc., deserters, 121. Stealing: Public moneys or property, A. W. 60. Stewards : General messes, 329. Stockholders of Corporations : Acceptance of, as sureties, 573. Stolen Property : Means authorized for recovery, 689-692. Stoppages of Pay : Circular notice, 1310. Deserters, 1372-1374. Enlisted men, 127, 128, 724, 1368, 1370. Enlistments or acceptances carelessly made, 851. Entry on rolls, and collections, 1370. Failure to account, 700, 703. Loss or damage to public property, etc., 1370. Notice to quartermasters, 1310. Officers, 1308-1311. Receipt when ordered, 1384. Storehouses : Fuel and stoves, 1044. Preservation of Army supplies, 1000, 1001. Provided by Quartermaster Corps, 1000, 1001. Storage in or near, of coal oil, etc., 1199. Storekeepers, Civilian : Employment, payment, etc., 730. Transportation and expenses, 732. Storeships : Salutes, 399. .,-- Storm Flag : Description and when used, 223. Storms : Damage or destruction of property, 709. Stoves : Allowance, 1044-1048. Straw : Allowance for bedding, 1084, 1085. Street-Car Tickets : Purchase, use, etc., 1127. Strength of Army : Monthly returns, 811, 813, 815. Recruiting returns, 857. Special returns, 812, 814. Striking Superior Officer: Punishment, A. W. 21, 24. Subpoenas : Witnesses, courts-martial, 950, 951. Snbposts : Returns of troops, 811. Subsistence : Enlisted men returning from furlough or absence without leave, 110. Inmates Soldiers' Home, D. C., 181. Insane soldiers and escorts, 468. Militia called Into service, 455. Witnesses against deserters, 127. Subsistence Supplies and Stores : Articles kept for sale, 885. Care and protection, 1199. Civilians in hospital, 1459. Contract for, or purchase, 515, 557. Destitute persons, 1219. Deteriorated or deteriorating, 717, 904. Electrical engineers, etc., 1568. Embezzlement, etc., A. W. 60. Enumerated, 1195. Exceptional articles, 551, 1244. General prisoners, 1216. Indian prisoners of war, 477. Indians, Interior Department, 477. Organized Militia, 455. Proceeds of sale, 617. Purchase and distribution, 478, 553, 557, 1198, 1251. Rations, 1202-1214, 1220-1238. Reserve rations, 1220, 1221. Returns, 701. Rules for issue, etc., of stores, 1196. Sales, 1197, 1198, 1239-1251. Signal parties, 1567. Stores in bulk, 1195-1198. Surplus articles, 1220, 1221. Transfer, for use of Indians, 476. Transfers, 619, 671, 1198, 1251. Vouchers for payment, 633. Sugar: Ration, 1205. Summary Courts-M artlal : See Courts-Martial, Summary. Sunday : Duty and labor, 205. Musters, 439. Observance, 205. Salutes, 397. Summary courts, 959. 410 INDEX. Superintendent Military Academy : Annual report, preparation, etc., 193}. Efficiency reports, 829. Leaves to officers, 1277. Superintendents National Cemeteries : Fuel and stoves, 1044. Monthly reports, 490. Supply Depots : See Depots of Supply. Supreme Court Decision : Habeas corpus, jurisdiction, 998, 999. Sureties : Contractors' bonds, 570, 573-581. Corporate guarantors, 573, 575-577, 580, 581. Disbursing officers' bonds, 574-577, 580, 581. Noncorporate guarantors, 578. Surety Companies : Bonds accepted as sureties, 573, 575577, 580, 581. Lists of, published, 573. Surgeon General : Acting dental surgeons, 1390, 1395, 1396. Artificial limbs, etc., 1490. Chronic complaints, 1476. Civil hospital accounts, 1481. Contract surgeons, 1390. Dental surgeons, 1396. Discharges for disability, 160. Hospital Corps, 1405-1408, 1410, 1414, 1418. Hospital fund, 1462. Hospital matrons, 1449. Hospitals, 1439, 1442, 1461, 1464, 1465, 1467-1469. Medical attendance, etc., 1476, 1477, 1479, 1483. Medical Reserve Corps, 1389. Medical supplies, 1457, 1486. Nurses, 1421, 1422, 1424. Quarters for sergeants, first class, Hos- pital Corps, 1467, 1468. Sanitary reports, post surgeons, 1387. Special nurses, 1482. Vaccine virus, 866. Visits and courtesies, 240. Warrants, noncommissioned officers, Hos- pital Corps, 103. See also Medical Department. Surgeons : See Medical Officers. Surgical Appliances : Damaged or unserviceable, 1488. Purchase, 1476. Surrender : Compelling commanding officer, A. W. 43. Deserters, 124, 125. Public animals, 1072. Surveying : Engineer officers' duties, 1493, 1500. Expeditions, 672, 1526. Instruments, 447, 448. Maps, 1502. Military, 1295, 1493. Surveying Officers : Administration of oaths, 714. Appointment, 203, 711, 723. Colors, standards, and guidons, 239. Condemnation of property not authorized, 715. Damaged or stolen property, 685-688, 1178. Defects or shortages, 668, 669. Effects of deserters, 116. Evidence considered, 712, 713. General powers and duties, 710, 712, 715, 717, 1073. Mess outfits, 1023. Musical instruments, 1179. Posts, etc., not under department com- mander, 723. Property lost, etc., in transit, 721. Quartermaster supplies, 1094. Reports, 713, 715-725, 1023. , Unserviceable property, 678. Surveying Vessels : Salutes, 399. Suspension from Command or Duty : Forfeitures under sentence, A. W. 101. Quarters for officers, 1033. Suspension of Sentences : Death or dismissal of officer, A. W. 111. Switchboard Operators : Extra-duty pay, 170. Tableware : Allowance and how supplied, 301. Care and preservation, 1178. Estimates, 1177. Tactical Exercises and Instruction: Battalion commanders, 245. Brigade commanders, 194. Coast defense commanders, 246. Company commanders, 266. Department commanders, 193. Inspection, 887, 889. Post commanders, 203. Regimental commanders, 246. Tailors : Company tailor shops, 327. Details, 279. Employment of civilian, 279. Prices and payments, 279. Purchase of subsistence stores, 1245. Target Practice : Coast Artillery, 313-315, 1550. Cooks and attendants, general mess, 329. Field Artillery, 351-353, 1550. Flour for paste, 351, 1215. Machine guns, 351-353. Methods of conducting, 313, 349, 352. Small arms, 193, 194, 197, 349-351, 1345. Superintendence, etc., 193, 194. Telephones and instruments, 1556. Tattoo and Taps : Hours for sounding, etc., 370. Tattooing : Sentence of a court-martial, A. W. 38, 98. Tea: Ration, 1205. INDEX. 411 Teamsters, ('Milan : Employment, payment, etc., 727, 730. Hours of labor, 731. Transportation and expenses, 732, 734. Telegraphing and Telephoning : Accounts, 644, 1186, 1189, 1191-1194. Addresses and signatures, 1188. Apparatus, 1556, 1566. Authority to advertise, 500. Blank forms, 1190. Cable dispatches, 1184. Candles for stations, 1215. Casualties in action, 818. Code, 1185, 1556, 1561. Confidential communications, 778, 1188, 1560. Copies by mail, 775. Damage by fire, storm, etc., 709. Deaths of officers and enlisted men, 83, 167. Delivery by mail, 1193. Framing of messages, 1188. Insane soldiers, 467. Land-grant railroad lines, 485, p. 102. Leaves of absence, 1187. Messages sent by private Individuals, 1192. Movements of troops, 814. Order of priority of important dispatches, 1561. Patients, hospitals at Hot Springs and Fort Bayard, 1446. Precedence of messages, 1561. Special delivery, 193. Stoves for offices, 1044. Supplies urgently needed, 1151. Surrender or delivery of deserters, 123. Telegrams " collect," 1186, 1187, 1192. Troops changing station, 193. Unimportant words, 1184, 1188. Use, limitation of, 1184. Wireless installations, 1556. Writs of habeas corpus, 999. See also Military Telegraph and Tele- phone Lines. Telegraphy : Instruction, 1556. Radio, use between Army and Navy, 409, 1561. . Telephones : Contracts for, 557. Temporary Duty : Baggage, 1138. Officers on leave, 1278, 1289-1291. Temporary Posts : Styled camps, 202. Tents : Authorized use, 1183. Failure to retire to, at retreat, A. W. 86. Infected, 1454. Pins dropped from returns, 1176. Use of, in emergencies, 1183. Term of Service : Deserters to make good time lost, 130, 131 ; A. W. 48. ' Discharge on expiration, 143 ; A. W. 4. Term of Service Continued. Enlisted men, 855. Expiration, date, payments, etc., 1255. Return to service of deserters, 130. Trial of deserters after expiration, A. W. 48. Tests : Arms or munitions of war, 1553-1555. Witnesses, 1554, 1555. Textbooks : Post schools, 331. Responsibility for safe-keeping, 291. The Adjutant General of the Army : See Adjutant General of the Army, The. Theft : Public moneys or property, A. W. 60. " The Star-Spangled Banner : " Honors to the President and Vice Presi- dent, 375. Played on lowering flag, 437. Playing as part of medley prohibited, 264. Respect to be observed when played, 378. Tickets : Round trips, 1121. Street-car and ferry, 1127. Transportation requests, 1117. Unused, 1120. Timber : Depredations in Florida, 485, p. 99. Time Lost by Desertion : Deserters to make good, 130, 131 ; A. W. 48. Title: Lands for military purposes, 704. Title or Address : Official letters, 780. Title Papers : Military lands, 705, 915. Public buildings and grounds, D. C., 1493. Washington Aqueduct, 1493. Toilet Articles: Purchase and issue, 1215-1218. Tomatoes : Ration, 1205. Tomploms : Use of, in small arms, 292. Topographers : Detail and duties, 444. Towels : Allowance and Issue, 1215-1218. Traders : Arms, etc., Indian country, 475. Violence to, In foreign parts, A. W. 56. Tradesmen : Prices for repairing, etc., uniform, 279, 319. Transfers : Chaplains, 43. Discharged soldiers' claims for pay due, 1383. Hospital Corps, 1409, 1414. Noncommissioned officers, 276. Ordnance stores, 671, 701, 1524, 1535, 1536. Pay accounts of officers, 1258. Public animals, 1071. 412 INDEX. Transfers Continued. Public money and property, 589, 597, 598, 619, 665, 671, 701, 1509. Special funds, 324. Submarine mine property, 701. Subsistence stores, 619, 671, 1198, 1251. Troops, 193. Veterinary medicines and supplies, 1076. Transfers of Enlisted Hen: Date when effective, 115. Descriptive lists, 115, 1163, 1356, 1361, 1451. Gunners, expert riflemen, etc., for con- venience- of the Government, 1343, 1345. One arm of service to another, 114. Staff corps or departments, 114. To Hospital Corps, 1409, 1411, 1412. To Quartermaster Corps, 1009. Transfers of Officers : Coast Artillery Corps, 48, 303. Mileage to new station, 1297. One arm of service to another, 47. One regiment to another, 48. Transportation of the Army : Accepted applicants for enlistment, 1115. Accommodations, 1114, 1128, 1134. Accounts, 180, 1126, 1127, 1492. w Aid to contractors, 516. Allotment, draft and pack animals, 1102. Ambulances, 1105. Applicants for artificial limbs, etc., 1491, 1492. Arms and equipment for militia, 1143. Baggage, 1135-1139. Bakery utensils, etc., 340. Barrack furniture, 1023. Books, etc., post chapels, 1144. Civilian employees, 732, 737, 738, 1128, Contracts, 515. Deceased officers and soldiers, 87, 167. Discharged soldiers, 145, 158, 1235. Donations to libraries and museums, 1145. Enlisted men traveling on duty, 1111. Exceptional articles for sale, 1244. Furloughed soldiers, 110, 112, 1111. Gymnasium appliances, 340. Horses for saddle purposes, etc., 1101. Horses of mounted officers, 1098, 1099. Inmates Soldiers' Home, D. C., 180. Insane soldiers and escorts, 468. Inspection at posts, 889. Land-grant railroads, 1279. Library property, etc., 340. Loss or damage to supplies, 721, 1141. Mail contractors, 209. Means of, at posts, 1105, 11O6. Means provided by Quartermaster Corps, 1000, 1001. Movement of troops, 1107, 1109-1114, 1281. Mules generally employed, 1101. Orders, 1110, 1111. Ordnance and ordnance stores, 1547, 1548. Transportation of the Army Continued. Outside continental limits U. S., 1109. Post school materials, etc., 340. Publications for hospital libraries, 1463. Pursuit of deserters, 122. Reading-room articles, 340. Repairs, contracts for, 557. Requests. See Transportation Requests. Requisitions at posts, 1108. Routes, 1112, 1288. Sea travel, 1280. Soldiers returning from absence without leave, 110. Spring wagons, 1103, 1104. Supplies, 721, 1109, 1140-1142. Use by officers, 1108. Wagon and pack, 1101, 1105. Witnesses, 75, 127, 989. Transportation Bequests : Accommodations, 1128-1134. Alterations and explanations, 1119. Baggage, 1117, 1122-1125. Bond-aided railroads, 732. Bridges and turnpikes, 1126. Ferries and ferry tickets, 1126, 1127. Issue, 1116, 1119, 1121, 1125, 1126, 1279. Parlor and sleeping cars, 1128-1134. Preparation, 1116, 1119, 1121. Pursuit of deserters, 122. Receipts, 1117, 1118. Round or return trips, 1121. Street car tickets, 1127. Tickets, 1117, 1120, 1121. Unused, 1120. Transports : Damage or destruction, 709. Enlisted men on furlough, 1234. Hospital boats, etc., 1440. Inspection, 898. Mess sergeants, 1346. Officers of, parlor and sleeping cars, 1128. Salutes, 399. Subsistence for discharged soldiers, 1235. Travel allowances, 1280. Travel on duty, enlisted men, 1231. See also Army Transport Service. Travel Allowances : Actual expenses, 1279, 1280. Approval of journey, 1285. Arsenals, 1295. Authority, 1284, 1285. Baggage, 1122-1125. By sea, 1280. Cadets, 1313. Civilian employees, 733-739, 1128. Coast defense commands, 1286. Computation, 1279, 1282. Discharged soldiers, 145, 158, 1235, 1378, 1379. Engineer officers, 1507. Explorations, military, 1295. Inspections, 1284. Interpreters, courts-martial, 988. Joining first station, 1296, 1297. Leaves of absence, 1289-1294. INDEX. 413 Travel Allowances Continued. Lines of travel, 1287. Orders, 71, 1284-1288. Outside continental limits, U. S., 1279, 1280. Parlor and sleeping cars, 1128-1134. Payments, 1283. Public works, 1295. Return journeys, 1285. Route of travel, 1282, 1287. Surveys, military, 1295. Tipping fees, 1280. Transportation in kind, 1279, 1281, 1288. Travel with or without troops, 1279- 1281. Unauthorized, 1297. Urgent duty, 1285. Witnesses, 75, 989-993, 1298; p. 314, act March 2, 1901. Travel on Duty, Enlisted Men : Baggage, 1124, 1125. Commercial vessels, 134. Commutation of rations, 1111, 1226, 1229, 1231, 1232. Delays, 107. Meal tickets, 1227. Orders, 189. Sleeping cars, 1128. Travel on Only, Officers : Change of station, 68. Delays, 70. Engineer duty, 742, 1507. General officers, 71. Orders, 68-74, 800. Outside continental limits U. S., 71. Settlement of accounts, 74. Specific duty, 69. Staff officers, 71, 72. Urgent public duty, 73. Witnesses, civil courts, 75. Travel rfatlon: Composition, issue, etc., 1205. Computation of cost, 1221. DeflnJtion, use, etc., 1202. Liquid coffee, 1208. Savings, 1220. Value, 1207. When furnished, 1224, 1225. Travels : Inspections, 1432. Issues, 1431. Treasurer Military Academy : Payments to cadets, 1312. Treasurer of Soldiers' Home, D. C.: Accounts, transportation of Inmates, 180. Treasurer of the United States : Balances to credit of deceased or in- sane officers deposited to credit of, 86. Balances unchanged for three years, 590. Disbursing officers' deposits, 586, 589, 590. Treasurer Regimental Fund : Duties and responsibilities, 325. Treasury Department : Certificates of deposit, 611, 612, 616. Money accounts, 655, 671. Stoppages of pay, 703. Surety companies, 575. Treasury Draft : Transfer of funds, 595. Trespassers : Indian country, 473, 485, p. 99. National parks, 485, p. 100. Public lands, 485, pp. 99, 100. Reservations, 212. Trial : Deserters, 125, 126, 128, 129; A. W. 48, 103. Officers released without charges, A. W. 71. Second time, same offense, A. W. 102. Soldiers awaiting, when term expires, 157. Statute of limitations, A. W. 103. Trial Officers, Summary Courts : Administration of oaths, p. 313, act July 27, 1892. Trinkets, etc. : Deceased officers and soldiers, 85, 163. Troop : Designation In Army Regulations, 15. Troops : Action against mobs, 489. Compelling surrender, A. W. 43. Employment in labors, 168. Funeral escort, 426, 428. Historical records, 774. Inspections, 193, 194, 887-889, 892. Payment, 191, 1254, 1255. Precedence, 6. Quarters in garrison, 1025, 1027. Returns of strength in campaign, 815. Rosters forwarded to War Department, 805. Saluting, 379, 380. Transportation, 1105. See also Labor of Troops. Movement of 'Troops. Returns of Troops. Troops, Batteries, and Companies : Company books and records, 280, 281. Interior economy, 283-295. Messing and cooking, 296-302. Officers, noncommissioned officers, etc., 265-279. Trumpeters : Appointment, etc., 275, 278. Trunk Locken: Permanent barracks, 1021, 1023. Tuberculosis, Pulmonary : Responsibility .for proper diagnosis, 1446. Treatment, general hospital, Port Bay- ard, N. Mex., 1445. Turkey : Ration, 1205. Turnpikes : Passage of troops, teams, etc., 1126. 414 INDEX. Typewriters : Use, 600. Typhoid Prophylactic: Administration, 104. Undertakers : Contracts, 87, 167. Uniform of the Army : Medals or badges, illegal possession, 189. Officers saluted whether in, or not, 383. Worn by men in camp or garrison, 289. Uniforms : Band, 1167. Fatigue dress, 289. Making, repairing, and altering, 279. Prices for repairs, etc., 319. Purchase of articles by officers, 1174. Purchase of certain articles from post exchange, 1174|. Recruiting parties, 1167. Special regulations, 1569. See also Clothing and Equipage. Union, Salute : Number of guns and when fired, 398. United States : Enforcement of laws by the Army, 484- 489. Officers outside continental limits, 60, 71. United States Courts : Discharge of enlisted men, 139. Writs of habeas corpus, 999. United States Malls : Obstructing or retarding, 485, p. 101. United States Marshals : Witnesses before civil courts, 75. United States Military Prison : Exercise of clemency by President, 944. Inspection, 191. Reading matter, 1144. Supervision or control, 191. United States Penitentiary : Annual inspection, 895. Imprisonment of general prisoners, 966. See also Penitentiaries. United States Tessels of War : Plying President's flag, 415. Saluting, etc., 399. Visits and courtesies, 407412, 414. Unlawful Iiiclosnres : Public lands, 485, p. 100. Upbraiding Language : Punishment for using, A. W. 28. Vacancies : General Staff Corps, 773. Grade of second lieutenant, 27-37. Noncommissioned officers, company, 275. Payments to officers promoted, 1260. Signal Corps, 1557. Transfer of members Hospital Corps, 1414. Tacclnations : Enlisted men, 1485. Notation upon descriptive lists, 104. Record of, 280. Recruits, 865, 866, 869, 1484. Typhoid, 104. Virus supplied by Surgeon General, 866. Vegetables : Contracts for, or purchase, 557. Raised in post gardens, 344, 120C. Ration, 1205. Tessels : Built and chartered by Q. M. Corps, 1000. Damage or loss, 709. Hospital transports, 1440. Hours of labor, officers and crews, 731. Yessels of War : Boarding visits, 407, 411. Flags at halfstaff, 424. Foreign, 399, 407, 410-413, 415. United States, 399, 407-412, 414, 415. Veterinarians : Allowances, 89. Appointment, 88. Baggage, 1136. Duties, 90, 91, 1096, 1099. Fuel, 1037. Illuminating supplies, 1054, 1057. Pay, 89. Qualifications, 88. Quartermaster supplies, 1174. Rank and precedence, 9. Subsistence supplies, 1239. Veterinary Hospitals : Provision for establishment, 92. Veterinary Supplies : Accountability and custody, 1075, 1076. Estimates and requisitions, 1074. Vice Admirals : Relative rank with Army officers, 12. Vice Gorernor of Philippine Islands : Funeral honors, 421. Salutes and honors, 400, 403. Visits and courtesies, 408. Vice President of the United States : Disrespect or contempt, A. W. 19. Funeral honors, 421. Salutes and honors, 375, 400, 403. Vinegar : Public animals, 1215. Ration, 1205. Violence : Suppression of domestic, 485, pp. 98, 101. Traders in foreign ports, A. W. 56. Visiting Foreign Countries : Enlisted men, 109. Officers, 61-63. Visitors : Lake and seacoast defenses, 347. Military posts, 403. Visits and Courtesies : Headquarters, 403, 406. Military and naval, 240, 407-414. Officers under arrest, 926. Rules for rowing of boats, 414. Volunteer Officers : See Officers, Volunteers. Volunteers : Charge of records of armies, 774. Hospital records, 774. Organizing, equipping, etc., in time of war, 193, 741. INDEX. 415 Yoln nteen Continued . Relative rank with regulars, militia, etc., 6, 10 ; A. W. 122, 124. Subject to Articles of War, A. W. 64. Touchers : Civilian witnesses, courts-martial, 993. Commutation of quarters, 1307. Mileage, 1288. Ration and savings accounts, 1222. Transportation of applicants for arti- ficial limbs, 1492. Transportation of funds, 1142. Travel allowances, 1288. See also Money Vouchers. Wagoners : Appointment, etc., 275, 278. Extra-duty details, 173. Wagon Blasters : Interest or concern in purchases, etc., 1093. Wagons : Purchase and repair, 1105. Quartermaster Corps, 1000. Walter Reed General Hospital, D. C. : Field hospital, supplies, etc., 1436. War Department : Aids to general officers, 41. Appeals of officers, A. W. 29. Appointment and promotion of officers, 21. Barracks, quarters, and furniture, 912, 1011. Battles, names and dates, 244. Candidates for appointment and promo- tion, 32, 33, 35. Certificates of deposit, 616. Certificates of eligibility, enlisted men, 32. Certificates of service, 151. Change of station of troops, 193. Chief of staff serving with troops, 771. Colors, standards, and guidons, 434. Communications to, 782, 786. Contracts, supplies and services, 565. Corrections and changes, muster rolls, 810. Correspondence with the Army, 782. Court-martial orders, 984. Delays, 70. Detail of line to staff, 38. Discharge of enlisted men, 144. Discharge of recruits, 841. Engineer officers and troops, 1494, 1496. Examination boards, promotion, 30. Extra and special duty, 172, 177. Fortifications, 1506, 1528. Furloughs, 107. Furniture and mess outfits, 1023. Indian country, 471. Indian scouts, 481. Inmates Soldiers' Home, transportation, 180. Inspectors general, 879. Land titles, deeds, etc., 915. Leaves of absence, 51. Medals of honor, 183. War Department Continued. Military Academy, 896. Military education, 449. Musters for pay, 438. Office Chief of Staff a supervising bureau, 761. Ordnance and ordnance stores, 1532. Passports for officers traveling abroad, 63. Payments to furloughed men, 113. Post exchanges, 345. Post laundries, 341. Post libraries, 338. Post noncommissioned staff, 96, 101. Publication, of laws, etc., governing de- tails of officers at educational institu- tions, 42. Public buildings and works, 572, 1017. Recruiting service, 840-842, 845, 863. Reports of deserters, 120. Resignation of officers, 79. Saluting stations, 399. Schools of instruction, 192. Service schools, 896. Settlement of officers' accounts, 74. Signaling and telegraphy instruction, 1556. Staff department assignments, 743. Staff officers' travel, 72. Sureties, 576. Target practice, 313, 314, 349, 352, 353. Telegraph code, 1185. Transfer, etc., of enlisted men, 114. Transfer or exchange of officers, 48. Transportation of the Army, 1101, 1103. Witnesses, civil courts, 75. See also Secretary of War. War Department General Staff: Advisory relation to Chief of Staff of the Army, 760. Arranged in sections, 759. Committees designated, 759. Composition, etc., 757. Duties regulated by Chief of Staff of the Army, 760. Warehouses : See Storehouses. Warrants : Battalion and regimental noncommis- sioned staff, 256. Coast Artillery Corps noncommissioned staff, 310. Company noncommissioned officers, 274. Dates determine precedence, 9. General noncomissioned staff, 103, 1405, 1410, 1557. Hospital Corps noncommissioned staff; 1405, 1410. Post noncommissioned staff, 101. Quartermaster Corps noncommissioned staff, 1009. Signal Corps noncommissioned staff, 1557. War Serrlce : See Field Service and Duties. 416 INDEX. Washington, 1>. C. : Aqueduct, title and other papers, 705, 915, 1493. Officers visiting, 74, 825. Registry of officers arriving at, 825. Service schools Army Medical School, 449. Army War College, 449. Bakers and Cooks, 449. Engineer School, 449. Waste or Spoil : Committed by troops, A. W. 55, 59. Watchmen : Employment, payment, etc., 730. Transportation and expenses, 732. Watchword : Disclosing or changing, A. W. 44. Water : Contracts for, 557. Weapon : Drawing on superior officer, A. W. 21, 24. West Point, N. T. : See Military Academy, United States. Whistles : Issue, 1180. Wicks: Requisitions for, and issue, 1052. Sales to officers etc.. 1054. Wine: Sale in exchanges prohibited, 346. Unlawful introduction into Indian coun- try, 471. Without Honor Discharge : Preparation of certificate, 150. Witnesses : Allotments of pay, enlisted men, 1349. Certificates of merit, 185. Contractors' bonds, 570. Medals of honor, 182. Payments to soldiers, 1318, 1319, 1325, 1326, 1332, 1333. Witnesses Continued. Tests and experimental trials, arms or munitions of war, 1554, 1555. Witnesses, Civil Courts : Enlisted men, 75, 951. Indians competent, etc., 471. Officers, 75, 951. Pay and allowances, 994, 1298. Witnesses, Courts-Martial : Against deserters, 124, 127. Civilian, 952, 989-993 ; p. 313, sec. 1202 R. S. Deposition of absent, A. W. 91. Enlisted men, 951. Oaths or affirmations, p. 313, act July 27, 1892 ; A. W. 92. Officers, 951. Pay and allowances, 989-993 ; p. 314, act March 2, 1901. Payment of traveling expenses^. 738. Refusal to obey summons, etc., 991 ; p. 314, act March 2, 1901. Summons and service, 950-952 ; p. 313, sec. 1202 R. S. Witnesses, Courts of Inquiry : Examination and oath, A. W. 118. Working Parties : Armed, military works, 357. Construction of fieldworks, 1499. Workmen : Hours of labor, 731. Wounded Officers and Men : See Sick and Wounded. Writ of Habeas Corpus : See Habeas Corpus. Writs of Attachment : Witnesses, courts-martial, 952 ; p. 313, sec. 1202 R. S. Wrongs : Appeals for redress, A. W. 29, 30. Tosemite National Park : Trespassers or intruders, 485, p. 100. UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY Los Angeles This book is DUE on the last date stamped below. REC'D LD-U FFB 919: Form L9-32m-8,'57(.C8680s4) 444 000 697 644 3