i THE POETICAL WORKS ROBERT MONTGOMERY. OXFORD. Quse toto seculo famosa radias, En ! ad te clamito, si forsan audias ; Non Romam alloquor urbem egregiam, Non villam Cecropis, non academiam, Verum te maximam Anglorum gloriam Alumnus invoco, matrem Oxoniam. TRYVYTHAM. Ye sacred Nurseries of blooming youth ! In whose collegiate shelter England's flovv'rs Expand enjoying through their vernal hours The air of liberty, the light of truth ; Much have ye suffer'd from time's gnawing tooth, Yet, O ye spires of Oxford ! domes and tow'rs ! Gardens and groves ! your presence overpow'rs. WORDSWORTH. TAKEN FROM THE HILJLS ABOVE FEHRY HOTCKSEY '/// toti'fty dzmitefi,0tku'. va*s t, or grand. K,'h f>1d> ! her palaces of L earrdru? OXFORD. A POEM, ROBERT MONTGOMERY, OF LINC. COLL. OXON. AUTHOR OF " THE OMNIPRESENCE OF THE DEITY/ " SATAN/' &C. OXFORD, PRINTED BY S. COLLINGWOOD, PRINTER TO THE UNIVERSITY, AND PUBLISHED BY WHITTAKER AND CO. LONDON ; AND BLACK WOOD, EDINBURGH. MDCCCXXXI. TO THE CHANCELLOR, MASTERS, AND SCHOLARS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF OXFORD, THIS POEM IS MOST RESPECTFULLY DEDICATED BY THEIR OBEDIENT SERVANT, THE AUTHOR. 645172 ANALYSIS OF PART I. Intellectual greatness the homage due to any establish- ment tending to promote it OXFORD feelings and as- sociations awakened by its first appearance its mental quiet its literary Past studies ancient and modern learning classical bigots system of study and examina- tion the necessity of one general standard reason why men of genius have often contemned it mind independent of circumstance First origin of the University its pro- gress under Alfred, till the time of William of Normandy her present appearance view from the Radcliffe New College Chapel and service Royal visit in 1814. Bio- graphical associations Illustrations of the same in Addi- son, Steele, Collins, Johnson, Sir Philip Sydney, Ben Johnson, and Locke Origin of Locke's famous Essay intellectual society a contrast Canning Davenant Wesley Hervey Denham Chatham Thomas Warton Lisle Bowles Country clergymen their seclusion how fondly anticipated a scene suggesting such anticipation Blenheim Balliol Ridley and Latimer their martyrdom Evelyn Southey the wisdom of literary retirement, contrasted with the rivalries of the literary world female authorship a characteristic sketch return to biographi- cal associations, which conclude with Heber his early life collegiate course pastoral character and death in India. OXFORD. PART I. W HAT makes the glory of a mighty Land, Her people famous, and her hist'ry grand ? Is it, that Earth has felt her vast control Far as the wind can sweep, or ocean roll ; That ships and merchandise her ports bedeck, And Navies thunder at her awful beck ! That grandeur walks each street, arrays each dome, And in her temples hails a second Rome ? 10 OXFORD. PART i. Though Power and Greatness, those almighty two, That move the world, and teach what Man can do. In ev'ry age have thus some Empires blest. And, Alp-like rear'd their thrones above the rest ; Yet, what remains of all that once hath been ? The billows welter where the ports were seen ! The wild-grass quivers o'er their mangled piles, s And Winter moans along the archless aisles; Where once they flourished Ruins grimly tell, And shade the air with melancholy spell, While from their wreck a tide of feeling rolls In awful wisdom through reflective souls ! What then alone omnipotently reigns, PARTI. OXFORD. 11 When Empires grovel on deserted plains, In sun-like grandeur to outdare the night That Time engenders o'er their vanish'd might ? 'Tis Mind ! an immortality below. That gilds the past, and bids the future glow ; Tis Mind ! heroic, pure, devoted Mind, To God appealing for corrupt mankind, Reflecting back the image that He gave Ere sin began, or earth became a slave ! Exalting thought ! when ages are no more, Like sunken billows on a far-off shore, A second life, in lofty prose or song, Their glories have, to light the world along ! 12 OXFORD. PART i And ever thus may spirit be refined ; For what is Godhead, but consummate mind ? Or Heaven, but one surpassing realm of thought. With each perfection of His wisdom fraught ? Not what we have, but what our natures feel, By truth unfolded for sublimest zeal, Developes all which makes our being great, And links a human to immortal state. Than this, could fancy weave a darker curse ? That man is meaner than the universe ! Creation is Eternal Will, express'd In forms of matter which were deem'd the best ; Within, is spirit 5 all without, we know Forms the frail vision of a fleeting show : "Co, rn Then pause a while, and reverently view, Though dimly faded, and of ancient hue, The records hinting through oblivion's eld, When Oxford first her founded Halls beheld. From age to age how college piles appeared, Till, lo ! a University was rear'd. 28 OXFORD. PARTI. Ere yet the music of Messiah's name Had thrilFd the world, heroic Brutus came b With Grecian sages and a kindred band, To fix their dwelling in our Eden land ; And Greeklade was the destin'd home they chose c , Where mind could revel, and the heart repose ; Till, lur'd away by some far lovelier scene, Where rivers wander'd, and the woods hung green, By groves untrodden, whose Athenian shade For silence and monastic dreams was made, A city rose beside the haunt ador'd, Where Memprick built what Vortiger restored. Thus early did renowned Oxford shine d , PART i. OXFORD. 29 Grow dear to sages, and become divine ; Here Caesar's self might chance his Rome recall, And England triumph as she tutor'd Gaul ; And fain would Fancy, when her ling'ring eye Roams in the shadow of the days gone by, Rest on the form, the feature, and the dress, The hood, the toga, all that might express The monkish drama of collegiate prime e , But Truth is darkness in the depth of time : Not then, as now, did vasty temples frown In the high grandeur of their huge renown, But simpler dwellings, out of convents sprung, Or mansions hir'd, receiv'd her studious young ; And each, as added numbers swell'd their fame, D3 30 OXFORD. PART i. Was duly govern'd, and a Hall became. Here in rude nurture ancient Worthies dwelt. And solemn dreams of classic glory felt ; Here Gildas hVd; and unforgotten Bede, With sages, whom historic lovers read, First soar d aloft on elevated mind, To see the Heaven that hover'd o'er mankind ! Awaken'd thus, our British Athens rose, When England, fetter'd by her ocean foes, Beheld a wilderness usurp the plain, Where cruel Saxon and incursive Dane Left ravish'd Piles all desolately grand, And breath'd a sterner spirit o'er the land. PAET i. OXFORD. 31 No longer now the banish'd Muses seen, A darkness hung where mental day had been ; Till kingly Alfred from his island throne, Saw England smiling, and the seas her own ! Then Peace woke radiant from the clouds of War, As brightly rose her intellectual star ; Once more the heav'n of studious thought began, And Wisdom gloried as she gaz'd on Man ! A patriot monarch, generously wise, Cheer'd the young Arts, and bade their temples rise ; Prompt at his wish, within her antique walls, Behold ! the grandeur of three founded Halls, Where Royalty with feudal Princes came, When first a Lecture lent those Halls a fame f . 32 OXFORD. PART i. Hence o'er his isle a soul-born impulse went, And Ign'rance pin'd in noble discontent. Meanwhile, the monarch woo'd from every clime. Where Art had flourished o'er the blast of time, Her men of wisdom, whose presiding hand Might bid the energies of Soul expand : Lo ! on the waves, from bleak lerne's home, In sallies s bark, three wild enthusiasts roam ; By Alfred summon 'd, they rev ? ere his call, Who brighten'd ages, and outlives them all ! A second Oxford thus adorn'd our isle, And future Patrons rear'd each future pile, From king to king, till Norman William came, Who sack'd her treasure, but increas'd her fames. PARTI. OXFORD. 33 And now, in zenith pomp, her stately town Hath filPd all Europe with its far renown : The Sun is up ! behold a princely day. And all things glorious in its glorious ray ; Ascend the Radcliffe's darkly- winding coil Of countless steps, nor murmur at the toil ; For lo ! a scene, when that ascension's o'er, Where none can gaze, nor in that gaze adore. There, from the base of her commanding dome, O'er many a mile the feasting eye may roam, While music-wing'd, the winds of freshness sound, Like airy haunters of the region round. Yon heav'n is azur'd to one dazzling die, Beneath a splendor that surpasses sky ! 34 OXFORD. PART i. Spire, towV, and steeple, roofs of radiant tile, The costly temple, and collegiate pile, In sumptuous mass of mingled form and hue, Await the wonder of thy sateless view ! Far to the west, autumnal meadows wind, Whose fading tints fall tender on the mind ; And near, an hoary tow'r with dial'd side, And nearer still, in many-window'd pride, All Souls', with central tow'rs superbly grand : But see ! the clouds are born, they break, expand ! And sunshine, welcomed by each ancient pile, Like Past and Present when they meet to smile, With tinting magic beautifully falls On fretted pinnacles, and fresco'd walls, PART i. OXFORD. 35 Till dark St. Mary, with symmetric spire, Swells into glory as her shades retire, And Maudlin trees, that wave o'er Cherwell stream, Flash on the view and flutter in the beam ! In yellow faintness, lo ! that sun-burst dies, The vision changes with the change of skies ; Again have Cent'ries their dominion won, As shadows triumph o'er the failing sun, Till College grandeur, veil'd in gloom sublime, Reigns in the darkness that is due to time ! And every where time-hallow'd temples rise. Whose stony pomp defeaturing Age defies. Go, mark the chapel by great Wykham rear 'd, IN THE STORM OF JTTNT5 IS. 1614 . PARTI. OXFORD. 37 There, silver- voic'd, in many a heav'nward note, I heard religion on soft music float, Now faintly die, then freshly live again, And grow almighty as the organ strain Came riverlike, in one impassion'd roll From the deep harmony of Handel's soul ! But thou, fair Oxford, never didst thou seem Begirt with glory in so grand a dream, As when monarchal heroes grac'd thy town h , With him, the princely hope of England's crown : A mom of June ! and, magically gay, A heav'n of blueness to o'erarch the day, Whose smiles are mirror'd by that glorious street, 38 OXFORD. PARTI. Where, proudly deck'd, uncounted numbers meet Of plumed bands, whose warrior trappings shine. And hooded gownsmen, in majestic line. But lo ! he comes ! a Prince before them stands, Hark ! to the rapture of re-echoing hands, And high-ton'd cheers that revel round his way, While each eye beams a patriotic ray ; With head uncover'd, royally he smiles, And every heart that noble face beguiles ' l I Tis noon 'tis night a day of grandeur spent In all that makes a day magnificent, Art, Pomp, and Beauty, grac'd by King and Queen *, * The Duchess of Oldenburgh, the sister of Alexander afterwards Queen of Wirtemburgh. PART i. OXFORD. With dazzling banquet to outdare the scene ! 'Tis night : a thousand windows gleam and glow With pictur'd radiance, or transcendent show ; And lamp-wreath'd piles and blazing temples seem Like genii fabrics in some gorgeous dream ! But, oh ! to stand where Gloom and Silence drown The roaring gladness of the distant town ! A sea of blackness settles o'er the heav'n, The stars unwitness'd, and the clouds undriv'n ; Dull, deep, and stagnant, in grim slumber laid, To pall a chaos looks that sky array'd ! Beneath, illumin'd tow'rs and steeples rise, And tint the darkness with emerging dyes, That mix and melt in atmospheric glare, 40 OXFORD. PART i. Till faintly withered into dusky air ; While green-arch'd groves, in verdant pomp of light, Present their beauty to the gaze of night. The Midnight comes, and with her sound, and storm ! And cloudy phantoms, each a dreadful form ; From east to west earth-shaking thunders roll, And lightnings quiver from the glaring pole ; A rainy deluge rushes from the sky, A thousand lights in one wild darkness die ! Joy melts to gloom, and awe- smote thousands stand Beneath the shadow of th' Almighty hand ! And tell me, thou whose wand'ring feet have trod, Like his who trembled on the ground of God, PART i. OXFORD. 41 The hallow'd earth where classic glories shine Back on thy Spirit with their beam divine, Hath Oxford, haunted by her long array Of memories that cannot glide away. No local magic to entrance thy mind, And make it prouder of thy human kind ? Whatever of good and glorious, learn'd or grand, Delighted ages and adorn'd the land, Was foster'd here : the senate, pulpit, bar, The scenes of ocean, and the storms of war, Wherever Mind hath high dominion shown, To counsel kingdoms, or secure a throne, There may Oxonia sons of glory hail, And see the spirit which she nurs'd, prevail * ! * See " Biographical Summary," at the end of the volume. W OXFORD. PART r. Forget a while the fever of the hour. Wake her dim gloom, and lo ! the Past hath power : Around thee Bards and Sages muse or stray. And wind the garden which you walk to-day; The pilgrim clouds, the time-worn trees that wave, Or banks whose beauty gleaming waters lave, Their eyes beheld : do burning thoughts begin ? Then dare to rival what you dream within ! Too vast her list, might pen achieve it all, Each form of mem'ry into life to call ; Yet fain would fondness with some imag'd few Partake a moment, and believe it true. Adown yon path, beside the grassy sweep PART i. OXFORD. 43 Of Maudlin park, where light deer couch and leap, And giant elms the haughty winds delay, There gentle Addison was wont to stray ; And thence, where now is heard the churning wheel, As writhingly the restless waters steal, His tree-lin'd walk of beauteous length began, For ever hallo w'd by that holy man ! In many a whirl hath autumn's whining blast From these fond trees their summer foliage cast, And leafy show'rs now mournfully abound, In sallow redness scatter'd o'er the ground ; Yet here full oft, the branches waving green, And heaven's blue magic smiling in between, The pensive rambler dream 'd an hour away, 44 OXFORD. PART i. Or wove the music of his Attic lay, Saw k Cato's grandeur on his soul arise, And Heav'n half open to a heathen's eyes, Or, happier themes, whose ethic pureness glows With evVy tint that character bestows, From ancient lore his tender heart beguiTd, And lit his features when his fancy smil'd! Nor be forgot who all his worth could feel, The friend of Addison, delightful Steele ; Whose classic morn let Merton's annals claim, Where first the drama woo'd him on to fame : More roughly hewn than his Athenian friend, And venturing oft where virtues never tend ; Yet warm of soul, and child-like to a tear ] , PART i. OXFORD. 45 As when it dropp'd upon a parent's bier : Now madly sunk in passion's deep excess, Now high in wisdom which a Saint might bless ; A mixture wild of all that man admires, Whose faults may warn him, while his fame inspires. Ere Steele began, what Addison pursued, A path still fresh with England's gratitude, Those day-born graces whose refinement blends The smile of manner with the soul of friends, La Casa first in Italy awoke, And sketch'd the courtier with a master stroke ; But next, our Gallic Theophrastus * threw * La Bruyre. 46 OXFORD. PART i. A playful archness o'er the scene he drew, Dissected truth with satire's keenest knife. And mirror'd Nature on the glass of life : Then rose on English ground the gifted pair Who taught to either sex a softer air, Prov'd elegance to virtue's self ally'd, And laugh'd at Dulness, till her follies died ! O'er weeds and thorns that social life beset, And teaze their martyr into vain regret, Their morning smile satirically pass'd, Till fools turn'd wise, and fops were cur'd at last ! Nor small the debt Society should pay To him who flaps her buzzing flies away ; Those noisome insects on eternal wing, PARTI. OXFORD. 47 That hum at banquets, or in ball-rooms sting, Which, though they cannot heart or mind o'erpower, May fret the smoothness of the calmest hour. Here Collins too, whose wizard numbers roll An earthless music o'er the dreaming soul, In melancholy loneness pined and thought Amid the darkness which his genius brought : E'en now the curse was breeding in his brain, A nerveless spirit, and a soul insane ! While moon- bom fairies would around him throng, And genii haunt him in the hush of song : Ill-fated bard ! like Chatterton's thy doom, To seek for fame, and find it in the tomb ! 48 OXFORD. PART i. To Pembroke turn, and what undying charm Breath'd from the past, shall there thy spirit warm ? There Johnson dwelt ! the dignified and sage, The noblest honour of a noble age ; Whose mien and manners, though of graceless kind, Were all apart from his heroic mind ; They were the bark around some royal tree Whose branches glorying in the heavens we see ! Here lived and mused that unforgotten man m ! Might language speak what only feeling can, As here I view these venerable walls, And slow, as in some fane, my footstep falls, Young hearts would echo to a welcome strain, And feel, as I do, Johnson live again ! PART hid, trie ro 'FROUff THE "WATER WALKS - '// MV/.i- Wt'Ht A' A-//-,/, PARTI. OXFORD. 49 O'er Timers vast sea a century's waves have roll'd, And many a knell hath unregarded knoll'd, Since, fondly wrapt in meditative gloom, The Sage of England sat in this lone room : Yet, well may Fancy at yon evening fire Behold him seated ; and when moods inspire, As Sorrow droop'd, or Hope her wings unfurl'd, His spirit hover through the varied world, Of life and conduct, fortune, truth, or fate, His future glory, and his present state : Or when the noon-shine reign'd in golden pow'r, And dimly smiled some melancholy tow'r, Muse at his window with far-wand'ring eye, And feel the freshness of enchanted sky ; F 50 OXFORD. PARTI. Or, round the gateway woo admiring ears To listen, while he charm'd beyond his years, By spoken magic, or electric wit That flash'd severe, yet sparkled where it hit : A bright deception ! far too often seen To hide the heart where agony has been : Oh ! hideous mockery the mind endures, To forge a smile whose merriment allures, To gild a moment with fictitious ray, Yet feel a viper on the spirit prey ! Departed Soul ! how oft when laughter fed Upon the frolic which thy fancy bred, And happy natures, as they saw thee smile, Seem'd mingling with thy sunny heart a while, PARTI. OXFORD. 51 Back to thy chamber didst thou darkly steal, And there the hell of thine own bosom feel ! Then sink to slumber with a burning brain, To-morrow wake, and wear that smile again n ! I know not why, but since a dream of fame, My heart hath gloried in great Johnson's name, And deeper worship to his spirit vow'd Than others have to loftier worth allow 'd. In what a mould was his high nature cast Who never ventur'd, but he all surpassed ! And reign'd amid the realm of Mind alone. Nor left an equal to ascend his throne. How grandly deep, how tenderly divine ! 52 OXFORD. PARTI. The lofty meaning, the majestic line ! A moral sweetness, a persuasive flow Of happy diction, whether joy or woe Call'd energies from out his vasty mind, Where'er they muse, delighted myriads find; And though the sadness of his spirit threw Round earth's rare sunshine too severe a hue, How Life and Character before him stand, Their myst'ries open, and their scenes expand ! And well for wisdom, could the loud pretence Of puny language with profoundest sense, Such massy substance in the meaning show, As that which ages to a Johnson owe ! PART i. OXFORD. 53 Descend from learning to the nearer view. Where Man appears in mortal colors true ; And where was piety more deeply shrined. Than in the temple of his awful mind, Whence day and night eternal incense rose To Him from whom the tide of being flows ! That self-respect, around whose constant sway The purest beams of happiness must play, He ever felt ; the same proud dream it gave To hours that withered in the toils of Cave, And him, in aidless fortune high and free, Who taught a lord how mean a lord could be * ! And, mix'd with harshness irritably loud, * Lord Chesterfield. F3 54 OXFORD. PART i. That came like thunder from the social cloud Which pride or pertness round the moment threw, His faith, how firm ! his tenderness, how true ! For Goldsmith's worth, or Garrick's lighter grace, The tear of fondness trembled down his face : And when did Want or Woe to him appeal, Nor find a hand to give, a heart to feel ? While Truth he worshipped with severest awe, To fame a glory, and to life a law . So great he hVd. Yet round the grandest soul How weakness hovers with a vile control ! A grinning demon, whose contrasted sway Supremer wisdom cannot scorn away. PART i. OXFORD. 55 As when some organ of the frame appears In matchless strength beyond the mould of years, A weakness balancing that strength is found ; So, oft in mind where miracles abound, The lying pettiness of nature seems Reveng'd in mocking what perfection dreams. In Johnson thus : the piety that trod Each path of life, communing with her God In gloomy hours could childish phantoms see, And give to penance what was due to tea P ! The mind that reasoned on the fate of man. And soar'd as high as wingless Nature can, Would oft descend, the petty bigot show, And wrench his spirit to out-talk a foe ! 56 OXFORD. PART i. Or else, in whirlwind fury swept along, Desert the right, to prove a victor wrong. The soul that spake angelically wise When Truth and he were thron'd amid the skies, In human life his Rasselas forgot, To wear the meanness of our common lot, By passion bow'd, each prejudice obey'd, And grew ferocious when a smile was made ! Yet peace to such ! of all by men ador'd, Than Johnson, who could better, faults afford ? Let Earth exult that such a man hath been, And England worship where his steps are seen ! To swell the records of collegiate fame, PARTI. OXFORD. 57 See Lincoln rise, and claim a Davenant's name ^ ; Within her walls the minstrel student wove Poetic dreams of melody and love. On him, as yet a verse-enchanted child, The Soul of nature, Shakespeare's self, had smiFd ! Oh ! to have listen'd to that glorious tongue, And seen the man on whom a World has hung, Till admiration, so intensely wrought, Became a worship, and ador'd in thought ! And, r Wesley ! often in thy room I see A holy shadow that resembles thee ; Let others laugh at that o'erheated mind, Which never gloried but to bless mankind, Be ours the tribute to as pure a Soul 58 OXFORD. PARTI. As Earth hath witness'd for sublime control. A kindred line to pious Hervey 8 pay, Whom Lincoln boasted in his morning day : When night begins, and starry wonders teem, My fancy paints him in some holy dream, With eye upturned to where th' Almighty shone, While vision'd angels warbled round His throne ! From Christ Church, lo ! a dazzling host appears, Whom fame has hallow'd, and the world reveres, Of prelates, orators, and statesmen high, To be forgotten, when the world shall die ! Here Sydney dreamt, Marcellus of his land, Whom poets lov'd, and Queens admitted grand ; PART i. OXFORD. 59 Of princely nature, open, brave, and free, In genius, all that man was made to be ; A knightly age his noble wit beguiFd, * And Courts were brighten'd when a Sydney srmTd ! And here the muse of tragedy divine Bade u Jonson rise, and picture Catiline ; Immortal Ben ! to Selden dear, and fraught With all that Homer lov'd, or Plato taught. A later age, and Locke's eternal mind Here soar'd to reason, such as Heaven design'd, Help'd Understanding to redeem her sway, And out of midnight woke transcendent day x ! One ev'ning, when delightful converse glow'd, 60 OXFORD. PARTI. As friend on friend his gleam of thought bestow 'd, A spark was struck that set his brain on fire X, Whence sprang the work fond ages shall admire ! Hours worthy Heaven ! when cultur'd spirits meet Within the chamber of divine retreat; There friendship lives, there mental fondness reigns, And hearts, oblivious of their lonely pains, By feeling blended, one communion make, To keep the brightness of the soul awake ! But who can languish through a hideous hour When heart is dead, and only wine hath pow'r ? That brainless meeting of congenial fools, Whose highest wisdom is to hate the Schools, PART i. OXFORD. 61 Discuss a Tandem, or describe a race, And damn the Proctor with a solemn face, Swear nonsense wit, and intellect a sin, Loll o'er the wine, and asininely grin! Hard is the doom when awkward chance decoys A moment's homage to their brutal joys. What fogs of dulness fill the heated room, Bedimm'd with smoke, and poison'd with perfume, Where now and then some rattling soul awakes In oaths of thunder, till the chamber shakes ! Then Midnight comes, intoxicating maid, What heroes snore, beneath the table laid ! But, still reserved to upright posture true, Behold ! how stately are the sterling few : 62 OXFORD. PART i. Soon o'er their sodden nature wine prevails, Decanters triumph, and the drunkard fails : As weary tapers at some wondrous rout, Their strength departed, winkingly go out, Each spirit flickers till its light is o'er, And all is darkness that was drunk before ! Oh ! thou, whose eloquence and wit combin'd To make their throne the heart of all mankind ; Whom Mem'ry visions in his wonted place Where passions lightened o'er a speaking face, And sounds of feeling from the soul were heard, While music hung on every magic word, Regretted Canning ! oft has Christ Church seen PARTI. OXFORD. Thine eye of glory sparkle round her scene : z From Eton fam'd, where noble merit shone In each young theme thy genius glanc'd upon, Her walls received thee ; where thy talents grew, Bright in the welcome of her fost'ririg view, Till glowing Senates mark'd thy spirit rise, And England hail'd it with adoring eyes ! Alas ! that in thy fame's triumphant bloom, The shades of death hung grimly o'er thy doom, A frame too weak a fiery spirit wore, And Mind prevail'd till life's last pulse was o'er ! Thy funeral knell, oh ! when I heard it moan, Like the grand echo of a nation's groan, r 9 G & 64 OXFORD. PARTI. Beheld the sky, where Sorrow loves to gaze When myst'ry wraps us, or the world betrays, And thought how soon thy glorious sun had set! I felt a sadness that doth linger yet : But had I, demon-like, e'er wing'd the dart Whose poison fed upon thy feeling heart, Inflicted pangs where only praise was due, And vilely thwarted ev'ry nobler view ; A more than melanch'ly for him who died, Slain by the weapons which renown supplied, My soul had borne ; and, wrung with inward shame, Curs'd the dark hour that wounded Canning's fame ! Thy yew-treed walk, and wilderness of shade, PART i. OXFORD. 65 Where rosily the twilight hues have play'd, By a Denham haunted, Trinity ! revere ; There wander'd he, no step invasive near, The world forgot, to frame a poet's skill, And dream'd the melodies of COOPER'S HILL. And haughty b Chatham, at whose humbling word Ev'n Walpole trembled, when its pow'r was heard ; Who baffled France, America, and Gaul, To throne his England like a queen o'er all ! Thy paths have echo'd to his hallow'd feet, Thy shades enjoy'd him in sublime retreat. Here c Warton's soul emparadis'd his hours, And strew'd antiquity with classic flow'rs * ; * Nor rude, nor barren, are the winding ways Of hoar antiquity, but strewn with flowers. WARTON. 08 66 OXFORD. PART i. Where'er he went saw dim cathedrals rise, Or Gothic windows in their sunset dyes. And thou, whose ever-gentle page is fraught With tender deepness of delightful thought. Not unremember'd let thy name be found, d Where Genius hallows an enchanted ground. Upon that brow the seal of time hath set A mournful grace, but left no dark regret For wither' d years, whose flow'ry bloom remains In the pure freshness of Aonian strains. Yet oft will mem'ry in creative gloom Muse fondly sad o'er many a distant tomb, Where moulder forms that brighten' d other days, PART i. OXFORD. 67 Whose eyes have glisten'd o'er thy youthful lays ! Thy noontide spent, serener twilight glows Around thy spirit, like a soft repose, And oft I turn, when fancy wanders free, Romantic Bowles ! to bless a thought with thee : Oh ! long in Bremhill may the village chime Sound the sweet music of departing time, And fairy echoes as they float along, Awaken visions that were born in song, Of hope and fame, when first impassion'd youth Their beauty painted on a world of truth e . Thy pleasing life, in past'ral quiet spent Where heaven and earth comminglingly are blent, 68 OXFORD. PARTI. A prayer evokes, that England long may see In wood-hung vales from city murmur free, Her landscape charm in varied shadow drest The village steeple with its tow'ry crest, When dimly taper' d to romantic height Or grayly melted into morning light. Not Windsor vast with battlemented tow'rs, With charm so deep a pensive gaze o'erpow'rs, As village spires, in native valleys seen, And nature all around them hush'd and green : How oft some eye, as o'er the wheel-track' d road The whirling coach conducts her motley load, Hath wistful gazed where neat the pars'nage rose, With Church behind it, in rever'd repose. PART i. OXFORD. 69 Ah ! little know they, when the harsh declaim, Or Folly leads to scorn a Curate's name, In hamlets lone what lofty minds abound, To spread the smiles of charity around ! It wa& not that a frowning chance denied An early wreath of honorable pride : In College rolls triumphantly they shine, And proudly Alma Mater calls them, mine! But heavenlier dreams than ever fame inspir'd Their spirit haunted, as the world retir'd ; The fameless quiet of parochial care, And silvan home, their fancy stoop'd to share ; And when arrived, no deeper bliss they sought Than that which undenying Heav'n had brought. 70 OXFORD. PART i. On such, perchance, renown may never beam, Though oft it glitter J d in some College dream ; But theirs the fame no worldly scenes supply. Who teach us how to live, and how to die ! In life so calm, unworldly, and refin'd, What pictur'd loveliness allures the mind ! Hast thou forgot that balmy summer noon That glow'd so fair, and fled, alas ! so soon, My chosen friend ! in whose fond smile I see A spirit noble, and a nature free, When Blenheim woo'd us to her grand domain. Where Hist'ry smiles, arid Marlborough lives again ! And on the way how sweet retirement threw PARTI. OXFORD. 71 A shade of promise o'er life's distant view : How wildly beautiful the vasty sky, Like heaven reveal'd, burst radiant on the eye ! A spirit bosom'd in the winds, appear'd To chant noon-hymns, where'er a sound career'd, While ev'ry leaf a living gladness wore, And bird-like flutter'd as the breeze pass'd o'er; The lark made music in the golden air, The green earth, yellow'd by a sunny glare, In twinkling dyes beheld her flow'ry race Dance to the wind, and sparkle o'er her face ; Faint, sweet, and far, we heard the sheep-bell sound, And insect happiness prevail around. The green monotony of hill and glade, 72 OXFORD. PART i. Where viewless streams, by verdure oft betray'd, Like Charity, who walks the world unseen, Yet leaves a light where'er her hand hath been, By bank and mead roll'd windingly away, Twas ours to witness in superb array ; And through that gate, in arched grandeur rear'd, When first the pomp of Blenheim park appeared, My fancy caught from thine assenting gaze The magic gleam that sympathy betrays ! Noon glided on, till day's declining glow Beheld us sweeping o'er the verdant flow Of meadowy vales, to where the village hill In garden bloom we welcom'd, bright and still. PARTI. OXFORD. 73 That sunny eve in smiling converse fled Around a banquet generously spread, Beneath a roof where elegance combined The pure in taste with fancy the refined, The f church antique, whose ivied turret won The dying changes of departing sun, And gleamed upon us at our parting hour, I still remember in its beauteous pow'r. Then home we sped beside romantic trees Whose leaf-pomp glitter'd to the starting breeze, And fondly view'd in symmetry of shade The mimic branches on the meadows laid. In wave-like glory burn'd the sunset sky ! Where rosy billows seem'd to swell and lie, H 74 OXFORD. PART i. Superbly vast ; as if that haughty Day, Ere yet th' horizon saw him sink away, His clouds and colors vassal-like would see Once more awake, and own their Deity ! Where Balliol frowns along her ancient road, By s Evelyn hallow'd, his endear'd abode, I never pass, nor think of them who died Heroic martyrs, burning side by side ! Upon her walls there hung a crimson glare. And red fires raven'd on the breezless air, But thou, false bigot * ! in that murd'rous hour Couldst look to Heaven, and on thy victims low'r, * Doctor Smith, the apostate who recanted in King Edward's time. PART i. OXFORD. 75 Then feed thy gaze with agonies of fire, As, limb by limb, the tortur'd saints expire ! In serpent writhings, lo ! the flames awake, Hiss as they whirl, and riot round the stake, While mitred fiends, as they behold them rise, Gleam on the martyrs with their wolfish eyes ! Yet firm they stand : behold ! what glories smile Above the fury of that savage pile ; Ten thousand harps, ten thousand anthems swell h , And Heav'n is worshipp'd in a scene of hell ! Here * Southey, in the radiant morn of youth, His feeling, conduct, and his fancy, truth, Beheld the orb of Liberty arise 76 OXFORD. PARTI. To gild the earth with glory from the skies ; What wonder then, if his Chaldean gaze With glowing worship met her morning rays. Beheld them bright as freedom's rays should be. And thought they darted from a Deity ? Who did not feel, whenjirst her shackles fell, The truth sublime that France inspir'd so well ? There is a freedom in the soul of man, No tyrant quenches, and no torture can ! But when each Virtue from her throne was hurl'd, And Gaul became the dungeon of the world, No mean deserter was the patriot prov'd, Whose manhood censured what his youth had lov'd. PART i. OXFORD. 77 In bloom of life he sought domestic shade. Devoting hours a world had not betray'd, In deep affection to delightful lore, Which virtue loves, and wisdom may adore. While others linger' d in the roar of town To wear the thorny wreath of young renown ; Or, spirit-worn, see rivals mount above, With few to honor, and with none to love ; Afar to Keswick's mountain calm he hied, And found the haven which a home supplied. There, nature pure to his pure soul appeals, With her he wanders, and with her he feels, While earth and sky for poesy unite, And hills of glory swell the heart's delight ! H3 78 OXFORD. PART i. Thus flowingly the fairy hours depart, And each day adds a virtue to the heart. Ah, blissful lot ! which few have liv'd to share, Who haunt the world, and seek to find it there ; Forgetful that one day of life is fraught With years of meaning for inductive thought, In baffled hope, the mind exhales away, Their each to-morrow, a renew'd to-day ! Too fiercely kindled by some loud applause, They burn for glory, but betray her cause. True fame is feeling, in its earthless hour Sent from the soul with world -subduing pow'r, From heart to heart electrically known, Till realms admire, and ages are its own ! PARTI. OXFORD. 79 Oh ! blest resolve, that consecrates a life, To leave for studious calm the noisome strife Of London's everlasting round of self. Pursued by learning, or career'd for pelf. In wise seclusion heavenward thoughts incline To form in man the elements divine ; From day to day their semblance nearer grows, Till kindred mind a kindred maker knows ; And then, what beautiful accordance seen In all that truth has taught, or time hath been ! What once was dark becomes divinely clear, And earth itself a heaven-reflecting sphere. The living principle of Pow'r above That issued forth in this fair world of love, 80 OXFORD. PART i. The Spirit feels within herself abide, The will direct, and o'er each thought preside : In man or nature, whatsoe'er befall, Her faith can fathom, and interpret all ! Turn from the calm secluded life bestows, A life which Evelyn lov'd, and Southey knows, To London ; where a world of living mind In one dark fever of excess we find ; Where talent sparkles with incessant rays, And authors perish for the want of praise ! Though minds there be, whose magical control, Like sounds from heaven, beatifies the soul, Too rapidly our soaring authors teem, PART i. OXFORD. 81 For each to fill the circle of his dream. Though high the hope which energy awakes, And far the flight a free-wing'd spirit takes, A thousand hearts o'er disappointment bleed, The many venture, but the few succeed. Hence of all crimes, the last to be forgiv'n, Eternal barrier to some critic's heav'n, Success is prov'd ; that hour her star appears In daring brightness to outdazzle years, The fogs of hate, the clouds of dulness rise, To quench her glory, and deface her skies. Hence martial pens in pugilistic rage, And venom oozing from each vulgar page, Slander abroad on her exulting wings 82 OXFORD. PART i. To frighten fools, or flap the face of kings, While faded authors, overcome with bile, Turn into villains, and lampoon the isle * ! But, hark ! to sounds so musically dear, By flatt'ry melted into folly's ear ; Behold a LION that doth roar to-night And doubt if homage be not man's delight ! Amid the sweet soft words that come and go From lord to lady, and from belle to beaux, There in thyself a night-thron'd idol see, 'Tis all thou art, and all a fool should be f ! * H n'y a point au monde un si pe'nible metier que celui de se faire un grand nom. BRUYERE. t 'Tis all thou art, and all the proud shall be ! POPE. PARTI. OXFORD. 83 Enamour'd thus, nonsensically dream Thy mental worth a supernatural theme; Yet, look around thee ere the night be o'er, Thy heart is free, and thou a fool no more ! Thy mien, thy manners, and thy person tend To make no charm Politeness could commend ; And, lest they should not quite sufficient see, The faults of others are bestow'd on thee : Thus on, till all that once was glory thought From tongue to tongue is whisper'd into nought ; While each is conscious, as thy fame's o'erthrown, To wound another's, is to heal his own. Yet oft ambiguous Hate her truth beguiles, 84 OXFORD. PART i. And Envy wriggles into serpent smiles ! Some cringing, cawing, sycophantic sneak, With heart as hollow, as his head is weak, In smother'd voice will chance a rival sue To feed the pages of a starvM review ; " Dear Sir ! I think your genius quite divine," To morrow, turn, and lash it line by line ! And can it be, to such rewardless life Of ceaseless longing and chicaning strife, Where fever'd passion frets the hour along, That Woman's gentler soul would fain belong ? Oh ! deem not the assuming pride of man Would claim a glory which no woman can, 84 PAR1 And Envy wriga'i- can, PEMBKOKE COI.TL1KGE,, " ' JJirrr '/'/it- i/t'/'iaft honour of a tn>f>/<- ,i Publifhtdl . Wlutr.;/,;; PART i. OXFORD. 85 Nor think to her soft nature is not given The flame of genius, with the form of heav'n ! Her tenderness hath made our harshness weep, And hush'd the passions into child-like sleep ; Her dewy words fall freshly on the Soul, Her numbers sweet as seraph music roll ; And beautiful the morn-like burst of mind. When first her spirit wakens o'er mankind ! Now painting clouds, now imaging the sea, Bloom on the flow'r, and verdure on the tree ! But diffrent far a genius thus display'd, From mind corrupted into menial trade, When reputation is the theme ador'd, And pilfer'd learning all its charms afford. 86 OXFORD. PART Those hues divine that delicately please, The smile unfashion'd, and the soul at ease, All, all that language is too frail to tell, Which forms in woman what we feel so well, In public life too often dies away, Like dreams forgotten in the flush of day . There, taunting pens dissect her dubious claim, Or jeering coxcombs jest away her fame ; The pure unknown again she cannot be, No home is sheltered, and no heart is free ! Behold the beauty of yon garden flow'r In lovely bloom beside its native bow'r ; What winning freshness in eachrhealthful dye ! Pure as the spring, and radiant as the sky ; PART i. OXFORD. 87 Transplant it thence to some o'erheated room, Where hands profane it, and, alas ! the bloom ! Let man his intellectual sceptre wield ; To him have Ages in their march appealed, To shape the elements of mind and pow'r Through the vast scene of Life's unrestful hour. But thou, fond woman ! on affection's throne, Behold a kingdom of the heart thine own ! There feelings form the subjects of thy sway, And all is Eden where thy glances play ! Tis thine to brighten, far from public strife, The daily windings of domestic life, The thousand hues that sprinkle ev'ry scene, 88 OXFORD. PARTI. Where Time hath witness'd that his touch hath been. A magic deeper than Creation pours Full on the spirit from unfathom'd stores, An ecstacy beyond each art divine, The painter's vision, or the poet's line, 'Tis thine to kindle, when the soul is free To form an idol, and confess it thee k ! This vent' ring page I know not who may view ; Some heart may feel it, and pronounce it true, Welcome the thoughts that once its own have been, Untomb the past, and re-awake her scene : Or, on each line a freezing glance may fall, Deny the meaning, or denounce it all. PARTI. OXFORD. 89 But should there be some youth by passion wrung In whose wild ear Ambition's voice hath sung. Making the blood turn feeling as it flows, Till Nature like unbodied Spirit glows ! For such, a passing hue from life I steal, To paint in verse what one was doom'd to feel ; No matter though oblivion shroud a name, The moral acts, and truth survives the same. In orphan loneliness his Childhood pass'd, And each year left him lonely as the last, Till sadness, born of such unwonted state. Became at length the shadow of his fate, That never left him in his brightest hour ; 18 90 OXFORD. PART i. Unseen by others, he could mark it lower, Eternal winter to his heart and brain. For musing sorrow, or ennobling pain. But Nature reign'd imperiously divine, And his heart throbb'd, thou Universe ! with thine : No cloud meander'd o'er the sea-like heav'n, No wave upon his ocean march was driv'n, No scene was glorious, and no object grand, But there he worshipped an Almighty Hand ; And wahYd the earth as where some angel trod, And dream'd in silence, till it spake of God ! Thus grew his heart, till poesy began When boyhood hover 'd on the verge of man; Unprison'd feelings which had fill'd his breast PARTI. OXFORD. 91 With fiery hopes, that never cool'd to rest, And sent them forth on solitary claim To face the peril of an early fame. Pleasant is Morning, when her radiant eye Opes on the world, enchanting all the sky ; And Evening, with her balmy glow of light, The beauteous herald of romantic night ; And pleasant oft to some poetic mind The sound of water, and the sweep of wind, A friend renew'd in some heart-welcom'd place, With years of fondness rising in his face ; The tear that answers to a tale of woe, And happy feelings in their heav'nward flow. 92 OXFORD. PART i. But sweeter far proves his revengeful lot Whom Fame hath slighted, or the World forgot, In printed bile to let his spirit vent, And mangle volumes to his heart's content ; Corrupt what style, create what fault he please, Laugh o'er the truth, and lie with graceful ease ! Thus envy lives, and disappointment heals The gangren'd wounds a tortur'd mem'ry feels ; Thus wither'd hopes delightful vengeance wreak, And pages thunder more than scorn could speak ! And thus with thee, whose life I now recall ; Malignant trash, 'twas thine to scorn it all ! Each reptile started from his snug review PART i. OXFORD. 93 To spit out poison, as most reptiles do ; Oh ! how they feasted on each faulty line. And generously made their dulness thine ! From page to page they grinn'd a ghastly smile, Yet seem'd to look so heavenlike all the while ; Then talk* d of merit to the world unknown, Ah ! who could doubt them, for they meant their own l . Religion too ! what right had he to scan The scheme of glory which she wove for man $ Or paint around him, wheresoe'er he trod, The glowing fulness of eternal God ? Indeed 'twas hinted, hop'd it was untrue, His heart had worn an atheistic hue ; 94 OXFORD. PART And still religion, though its hallow'd name Had lent a freshness to his early fame. Had not alike both heart and head inspir'd ; In short, the world was sick, and they were tir'd ; And then, to prove his verse had made it vile, They mouth' d it in their own sweet monthly style ! Next, Paternoster * hir'd a serpent too, To sound his rattle in the Scotch review m ; And yet, alas ! that such a menial end Should wait on all who noble taste defend, Though much was thought, and more, divinely said, The poet triumph'd, and the public read; * Subaud. Row. PART i. OXFORD. 95 And when Abuse herself had ceas'd to pay, That public hooted, and she slunk away ! The faded past my fancy haunts again ; And lo ! thine image shadow'd o'er my strain, Thou lovely Spirit of divinest worth ! Whose saint-like pureness so adorn'd the earth, And, when it vanish'd, thrilTd a world with woe, And thoughts, that never into language flow; But silently within the soul retire, And all the majesty of grief inspire ! Yet, words and tears have minglingly ador'd, Deep, warm, and true, as feeling hearts afford, 96 OXFORD. PART i. Those angel attributes that good men prize, Lamented Heber ! when they leave the skies, Awhile some spirit pure as thine array, Smile on the world, and heavenlike pass away ! There is a shadow round the holy dead ; A mystery, wherein we seem to tread ; As oft their lineaments of life awake, And sorrowing thoughts their hallow'd semblance take. What once they dreamt, when mortal nature threw Phantasmal dimness round their soaring view, Now, all unearth'd, beatified, and free From toil and tears, the unscal'd eye can see : No more on them, the fitful w r hirl of things PARTI. OXFORD. 97 From joy to gloom, eternal trial brings ; Array 'd in light, before the Throne they shine, And fathom mysteries of Love Divine ; Why tears were shed, why pangs of woe prevail'd, Why Goodness mourn'd, and Virtue often fail'd, No longer now a with' ring shadow throws, Like that which hovers round the world's repose. The holy dead ! of Earth and Heav'n the dear ! Whene'er the darkness of our troubled sphere 'Twixt God and man will demon-like arise, Deject the soul, and doubt away the skies, Then Mem'ry points to where their feet have trod, Redeems our nature, and recalls her God ! K 98 OXFORD. PARTI. Creation's debt to discontented Time They help'd to cancel, by excess sublime Of worth and wisdom, magically great Above the meanness of our mortal state : The smile that withers in its cynic play Each hope of Earth when budding into day, By merit aw'd, in forceless meaning falls. Whenever mind exalted mind recalls ; And eras bright of holiness and love Their spirits promise from a world above ! And such was he, whose toiling virtues won A tomb of fame beneath a foreign sun. In childhood, every dawning sweetness made PART i. OXFORD. 99 A tender magic which no truth betray 'd ; While, fond as feeble, blendingly began Those mental traits that ripen into man. Romance and fairies, red Crusades inspir'd The poesy which deeper years admir'd : Heav'n's awful book for ever would he read, And mourn to see the great Redeemer bleed ; In all he did, benevolence prevailed, And when entreated, never kindness fail'd ; Nor form of woe, nor face of grief he pass'd, But pitied all, and pitied to his last n ! From Neasden fresh, lo ! Oxford hails him now , And fancies new are brightening o'er his brow : 100 OXFORD. PART i. Too warmly ton' d, too feelingly endow'd, Companionless to linger in the crowd, A brother's fame around him lives and blooms, His mind awakes, and magic fills his rooms ! Where souls have listen'd as he charm'd the hour, And young eyes sparkled to confess his pow'r. Still, un entangled by the social net, Though smile and banquet of the heart beset, Each Dawn beheld him at his classic tome, And pure, as in his unforgotten home p ! Scarce enter'd yet, and honours flower'd his way ! And soon the music of his master lay From circling thousands woke a thrill divine ( J, PARTI. OXFORD. 101 While England wept cTer weeping Palestine ! There are, that still in this cold world remain, Whose ears are haunted by that holy strain, Whose eyes dejected Salem still behold, As scene on scene the vision was unroll 'd, When invocation with her sweetest sound Woo'd angel forms, and angels watch'd around ! While grandly swelling into giant view, " Like some tall palm the noiseless fabric grew !" Then Israel harping by her willow'd streams, And prophets bright with more than prophet dreams, The poet vision 'd in his pictur'd strain Amid the glory of Millennium's reign : Then bade his thunders tell of time no more, K3 102 OXFORD. PARTI. Till Nature shudder'd at their dooming roar ! Fond eyes were fix'd upon the minstrel now, A raptur'd Sire beheld his laurell'd brow. And blest his boy with all that tears bestow, When heav'n seems by, and human hearts overflow ! And where was he ? escaped the glowing throng In the proud moment of triumphant song, He sought his chamber, and unseen, alone, A mother saw him at his Maker's throne r ! That hour hath past : a village curate made, How nobly seen amid retirement's shade ! Parochial cares his cultur'd mind employ, PART i. OXFORD. 103 Domestic life, and intellectual joy. The old men cry, a blessing on his head ! And angels meet him at the dying bed ; Let fever rage, disease or famine roll Tormenting clouds that madden o'er the soul, Where life exists, there Heber's love is found, And heav'n created by its welcome sound ! None are all blest ; without some mental strife To ripple, not destroy, the calm of life : That heart for ever open to the poor, Who weeping came, but smiling left his door ; Which never fail'd, whate'er the studious bliss, When duty call'd, to sacrifice to this, 104 OXFORD. PART i. Was all unapt when mean annoyments rose From rustic fools, or mercenary foes, By happy lightness to o'erleap them all, And melt the clouds which daily life befall. For wiser oft, where common nature guides, TV ungifted spirit of the world presides, Than he, whose loftiness of feeling fails To stoop or wind where subtlety prevails. Nor could that soul, though high its lot had been, Forget to paint a more expanded scene, An atmosphere wherein the mind could sway O'er wider realms of intellectual day. They dawn'd at length ! a not unclouded dream, From golden climes by Ganga's idol stream. PART i. OXFORD. 105 That Indian soil poetic fancy knew, Her sculptur'd wreck, and mountain's roseate view, Her palmy mead by banks of radiant green, And dusky cots where cooling plantains lean. But when he felt a meek-ey'd mother's gaze, And thought how soon might end her lonely days ! Beheld his child in cradled hush asleep, Too frail to dare the thunders of the deep ; His books deserted, friendship's riven chain, And he, afar upon the boundless main ! That strife of soul might well forbid him roam, And softly hue the tenderness of home ! Those shading doubts a Providence dispelTd ; 106 OXFORD. PARTI. Each home-born fear aspiring goodness quell'd : The parting o'er, behold ! the billows sweep In rushing music as he rides the deep, That wafts him onward to his Indian clime, While mus'd his heart on future toil sublime, Whereby Redemption and her God would smile On heathen lands, and many a lonely isle, Where stinted Nature in her soulless gloom From age to age had wither'd to the tomb! And haply too, when rose the twilight star, And billows flutter'd in a breezy war, At that dim hour regretted England came, Familiar walks and sounds of early fame, And village steeple, with the lowly race PART i. OXFORD. 107 Whose fondness brighten'd to behold his face ! The Land was reach'd ; and, oh ! too fondly known How Heber made that sunny land his own, Till heathen hearts a Christian nature wore, And feelings sprang which never bloom 'd before, As toil'd he there with apostolic truth, Redeem'd her Aged, and reformed her Youth, For praise to honour with a pow'rless line A heart so deep, a spirit so divine s ! He liv'd ; he died ; in life and death the same, A Christian martyr, whose majestic fame In beacon glory o'er the world shall blaze, 108 OXFORD. PART i. And lighten empires with celestial rays ! While Virtue throbs, or human hearts admire A poet's feeling with a prophet's fire ; While pure Religion hath a shrine to own, Or Man can worship at his Maker's throne ! END OF BOOK T. 3 1 ^ 8 , jf ,>'rr th>- ii(