N E UC-NRLF J5 /y^i ^ ^B 3fiE ' =mT PRINTS AND THEIR PRODUCTION A LIST OF WORKS IN THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY COMPILED BY FRANK WEITENKAMPF, L.H.D. CHIEF, ART AND PRINTS DIVISION NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY I916 PRINTS AND THEIR PRODUCTION A LIST OF WORKS IN THE YORK PU LIBRARY NEW YORK PUBLIC COMPILED BY FRANK WEITENKAMPF, L.H.D. CHIEF, ART AND PRINTS DIVISION NEW YORK PUBLIC LIB-RARY 19 l6 ^4^ NOTE This list contains the titles of works relating to prints and their production, owned by the Reference Department of The New York Public Library on November 1, 1915. They are in the Central Build- ing, at Fifth Avenue and Forty-second Street. Reprinted September 1916 FROM THE Bulletin of The New York Public Library November - December 1915 form p-02 [ix-20-lfl 25o] CONTENTS I. Prints as Art Products Bibliography 1 General and Miscellaneous Works - 2 Periodicals and Societies - - - 3 Processes: Line Engraving and Proc- esses IN General - - - 4 Handbooks for the Student and Col- lector ------ 6 Sales and Prices: General Works - 7 Extra-Illustration - - - - 8 Care of Prints ----- 8 History (General) . - _ _ 9 Nielli -_--__ H Paste Prints ("Teigdrucke") - - 12 Reproductions of Prints - - - 12 History (Regional) - - - - 13 (Subdivided by countries; includes Japanese prints.) Dictionaries of Artists - - - 26 Exhibitions (General and Miscel- laneous) 29 Collections (Public) - - - - 31 (Subdivided by countries.) Collections (Private) - - - - 34 PAGE Individual Artists - - - - 2>7 Special Processes - - _ . 79 Etching - - - - - - 79 Handbooks (Technical) - - 79 History - 81 Regional - ----- 82 (Subdivided by countries.) Stipple 84 Mezzotint - 84 Aquatint 86 Dotted Prints (Maniere Criblee; Schrotblatter) - - - - 86 Wood Engraving - - - - 86 Handbooks (Technical) - - 87 History ------ 87 Block-books ----- 89 History: Regional- - - - 90 (Subdivided by countries.) Lithography ----- 91 Handbooks (Technical) - - 91 History ------ 94 Regional - 95 (Subdivided by countries.) Color Prints ----- 96 II. Applications of the Reproductive Graphic Arts Bank Note Engraving - - - - Cards (Playing) Book Plates - Periodicals and Societies - Regional (Subdivided by countries.) Illustration of Books - - - - Handbooks (Technical) - - - Regional ------ (Subdivided by countries.) Individual Illustrators and Cari- caturists - - - - - Caricature ------ History Regional ------ (Subdivided by countries.) Index PAGE 97 97 98 100 100 102 104 104 107 112 112 113 Posters; Advertising Art - - - Miscellaneous Applied Graphic Art: Programmes, Menus, Diplomas, Titles, Visiting Cards, Etc. Silhouettes _ - - - - Sporting Prints New York City Views - - - Portraits --_-__ Regional ------ (Subdivided by countries.) Individuals - - - - - Photomechanical Processes Catalogues of Photographs and Pho- tomechanical Reproductions PAGE 115 117 118 118 118 119 120 124 127 131 133 [iii] 3'^2078 LIST OF WORKS IN THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY RELATING TO PRINTS AND THEIR PRODUCTION By Dr. Frank Weitenkampf, Chief, Art and Prints Division I. PRINTS AS ART PRODUCTS II. APPLICATIONS OF THE REPRODUCTIVE GRAPHIC ARTS The object of the list, naturally and primarily, is to show what the Library has of the literature of a subject the interest in which is steadily increasing. Incidentally, also, it indicates our wants, some of which, at least, are apt to represent books of such rarity that only through the help of private collectors will they come to the Library's shelves. The list is divided into two sections. The first, intended for the amateur and student of prints, includes the general subject of prints produced by etching, engraving and lithography. The second appeals to those interested in various practical "Applications" of the reproductive graphic arts to the production of book-illustration, book-plates, portraits, caricature, playing-cards, posters, and various other specialties, such as menus, programmes, titles and visiting cards. It also includes' the books on the various photo- mechanical processes which play so important a role to-day. The line of demarcation, of course, cannot be drawn absolutely. Thus, Lithography, in Section I, includes practical applications. This list does not include articles in magazines or portions of books, although they are often valuable and even indispensable. Much material on individual artists, in fact, is to be found only in that form. It has been excluded from this list, but all such material which we have been able to find has been listed in our card catalogue and is therefore available. Also, this is a list of books about prints, not of books of prints. Bound collections of prints are therefore not included, excepting when the prints directly form illustrations to text. Thus, J. S. Cotman's "Liber Studiorum" is excluded, while "Works of Hogarth," with text by Nichols, is included. PRINTS AS ART PRODUCTS Bibliography Bohn, Henry G. Catalogue of a collec- tion of works on the fine arts, comprising books of prints, picture galleries, treatises on painting, sculpture, and' engraving, lives of artists, etc.; forming a portion of the library of... Henry G. Bohn, which will be sold. . .March, 1885. [London: Christie, Manson & Woods, 1885.) 30 p. 8. MAX p.v.3, no.5 Bourcard, Gustave. Graveurs et gra- vures, France et etranger: essai de biblio- graphic, 1540-1910. Paris: H. Floury, 1910. 2 p.l., (l)viii-xiv, 1 1., 320 p., 1 1. 8. MD Duplessis, Georges. Essai de biblio- graphic contenant I'indication des ou- vrages relatifs a I'histoire de la gravure et des graveurs. Paris: Rapilly, 1862. 48 p. 8. MD Avery collection. Essai d'une bibliographic generale des beaux-arts... Paris: Rapilly, 1866. 2 p. 1., 144 p. 8. MAC Godde, J. Catalogue raisonne d'une col- lection de livres, etc., relatifs aux arts de peinture, sculpture, etc. Paris, 1850. 8. MAC Great Britain. Patents, Commission- ers of. Subject list of works on the fine and graphic arts, (including photography), and art industries in the Library of the Patent Office. London: Darling & Son, 1904. 374 p., 1 1. [2. ed.] 16. (Patent Office Libra- ry Series: No. 2. Bibliographical Series: No. 1.) MAC Title of 1. ed. reads: Subject list of works on photography and the allied arts and sciences. Hiersemann, Karl W. Malerei, Skulp- tur, Kupferstichkunde. . . Leipzig, 1888. 25 p. 8. (In his Catalog, no. 36.) MACp.v.l,no.6 New series of catalogues. The fine arts... Books and prints on sale by K. W. H. Cat. no. 108-115. v. p. Leipzig: E. Hermann, printer, 1893. 8. MAC Hoe, R. M. The literature of printing. A catalogue of the library illustrative of [1] THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Prints cs^ .^M i^rfiduct^, c'pHiinued. Bibliography, continued. the history and art of topography, chalcog- raphy and lithography of R. M. Hoe. Lon- don: Privately printed, 1817. 2 p.l., 149 p., 1 1. 12. *IP Internationale Bibliographic der Kunst- wissenschaft. Hrsg. von Arthur L. Jel- linek. Bd. 1-5 (1902-1906). Berlin, 1903- '09. 8. MAC Levis, Howard C. A bibliography of American books relating to prints and the art and history of engraving, also of cata- logues of important sales and exhibitions of prints held in America... London: Prtd. at the Chiswick Press, 1910. ix, 79(1) p., 1 port. 8. MD A descriptive bibliography of the most important books in the English lan- guage relating to the art and history of engraving and the collecting of prints. London: Ellis, 1912. 3 p.l., (i)x-xix, 571 (1) p., 4 1., 1 fac. 4. tMD no. 92 of 350 copies printed. Title-pages of the two earliest books in the English language relating to engraving; also the pages therein which contain the sections on engraving, and the title-page of another edition of the first of these books. [Reproductions. . .made from photographs of the title-pages. . .of ...books in the British Museum. By H. C. Levis?] London: Privately printed at the Chiswick Press, 1911. 13 1., 1 pi. 8. MDI no. 8 of twenty copies printed. Monatshefte der Kunstwissenschaft- lichen Literatur. v. 1-3. Berlin, 1905- 1907. 4. tMAC Continued as: Monatshefte fur Kunstwissenschaft. New York Society Library. A classified catalogue with critical notes of the works on art in the Green alcove of the New York Society Library, selected and pre- sented by Robert Lenox Kennedy. 48 p. New York, 1879. 4. MAC New York State Library. Albany. Cat- alogue of the books on bibliography, ty- pography and engraving in the... Libra- ry. Albany, 1858. 143 p. 8. * G Newcastle-upon-Tyne Public Libraries. Catalogue of books on the fine arts, viz.: architecture, sculpture, carving, coins, pot- tery, metal work, drawing, decoration, painting, engraving, photography, music, compiled by T. A. Onions, Sub-Librarian; edited by the Public Librarian. 1900. Newcastle-upon-Tyne: A. Dickson, Ptr., [1900] 5 p.l., 146 p. 8. MAC (Newcasde) Note: Half-title reads: Fine arts catalogrue. Quaritch, Bernard. A catalogue of rare and valuable books on the fine arts. Pt. 1. London: [G. Norman & Son], 1909. 1 pt. 8. (No. 273.) MAC Title from cover. Rapilly, Librairie de. Catalogue de livres relatifs a I'architecture, a la sculp- ture, a la peinture et a la gravure. . . mars 1875, mars, '81, fevrier, '83. Paris: Rapilly, 1875-83. 3 V. 8. MAC Someren, J. F. van. Essai d'une bibli- ographic de I'histoire speciale de la pein- ture et de la gravure en Hollande et en Belgique. (1500-1875). Amsterdam, 1882. 8. MCG Soullie, L. Essai bibliographique des catalogues illustres de grandes collections de tableaux, de dessins et d'objets d'art publics depuis le commencement du xix' siecle jusqu'a fin 1902. Paris: L. Soullie, 1903. 76 p. 8. (L'intermediaire des col- lectionneurs. . . 16* annee, n. s. no. 1.) MDB South Kensington Museum. First proofs of the universal catalogue of books on art; [Cd. by J. H. Pollen]. London, 1870. 2 v. sq. 8". [Same.] Supplement. London, 1877. 8. MAC Sturgis, R. Annotated bibliography of fine art. Painting, sculpture, architecture, arts of decoration and illustration. Music, by H. E. Krehbiel. Edited by George lies. 3 illus., 89 p. Boston: Library Bureau, 1897. 4. MAC General and Miscellaneous Works Blanc, Charles. Le tresor de la curio- site; tire des catalogues de vente de tab- leaux, dessins, estampes, livres, marbres, bronzes, ivoires... 2 v. Paris: 1857-'58. 8. MAZ Comfort, G. F. The address of G. F. Comfort... of the Syracuse University, at the opening of the Wolff-Leavenworth collection of engravings January 22, 1890. Syracuse, N. Y.: [Courier Print Co., 1890]. 23 p. 8. MDC Encyclopaedia, The, of the fine arts; forming a portion of the Encyclopaedia metropolitana. London: J. J. Griffin & Co., 1848. vi, 237-851 p. 4. t MA Section "Engraving" is by J. Lindsay. Le Comte, F. Cabinet des singularitez d'architecture peinture, sculpture et gra- veure; ou. Introduction a la connoissance des plus beaux arts, figures sous les tab- leaux, les statues & les estampes. 2. ed. 3 V. pi. Bruxelles: L. Marchant, 1702. 12. MAS PRINTS AND THEIR PRODUCTION Prints as Art Products, continued. General and Miscellaneous Works, cont'd. Ruskin, John. Ariadne Florentina. Six lectures on wood and metal engraving. Given before the University of Oxford, in Michaelmas term, 1872. No. 1-6. Kes- ton, Kent: G. Allen, 1873-75. 6 pm. 8. MD Same. Orpington: G. Allen, 1876. vi, 266 p., 1 chart, 16 pi. 8. NCG (In his Works. Vol. 7. Orpington, 1872-'83. 11 V. 8.) Sculptor, Satiricus, pseud, of William Henry Ireland. Chalcographimania; or, The portrait-collector and printseller's chronicle, with infatuations of every de- scription. A humorous poem. . . By Sati- ricus Sculptor, [pseud. of W. H. I.] Lon- don: R. S. Kirby, 1814. x, 212 p., 1 pi. 8. MD Same. 4 books in 2. 81 port., 2 pi. 8. MDC Periodicals and Societies Artist Engraver. A quarterly magazine of original work. no. 1-4: Jan.-Oct. 1904. London, 1904. f. ft MEB Ceased pub. Chronik fiir vervielfaltigende Kunst. Rcdigirt von R. Graul. Jahrg. 1-4 (1888- 91). Wien, 1888-91. f. ft MDA Supplement of "Die graphischen Kunste," taking the place of the "Mittheilungen der Gesellschaft fiir vervielfaltigende Kunst. Beilage der 'Graph- ischen Kiinste.' Jahrg. 1879-87, 1892-date." Bound with: Die Graphischen Kunste. Collector's, The, magazine. With which is incorporated The Printseller and collec- tor. A monthly journal.. .Edited by S. E. Austin. V. 1. (1903); v. 2 "-'* '"* (1904); V. 3 ^' (Jan. 1905 *' (1906). London, 1903- '05. 4. MDA Numering continuous. V. 1-1 ^* title reads: Printseller (The) & collector. Estampe, L', moderne. Publication men- suelle; contenant [96] estampes originales inedites. . .des principaux artistes mo- dernes frangais et etrangers. Numero 1-24, (mai 1897-avril 1899). Paris, 1897-'99. 4. ft MEG Avery collection. Estampe, L', originale. Texte par Roger Marx. Annee 1 (1893). Paris, 1893. f. ttMEG Edition du "Journal des Artistes." The prints are all signed & numbered "80" by the artists. Avery collection. Gazette des artistes graveurs frangais. Publication mensuelle. Bois, burin, eau- forte, lithographic. Annee 4 ""'' (1911). Paris, 1911. 4. MDA Gesellschaft fiir vervielfaltigende Kunst. Jahresmappe. 1898, 1899 '-^ 1900-1914. [Suppl. pi. to 1902, 1905-14]. Wien, 1898- 1914. f. ttMDA Gesellschaft fiir vervielfaltigende Kunst, Vienna. Mittheilungen der Gesellschaft fiir vervielfaltigende Kunst. Beilage der Graphischen Kunste. Jahrg. 1879-87; Dec, 1893. 1898-date. Wien, 1879-date. Cur- rent. f. tMDA Bd. with: Die graphischen Kiinste. During 1888-91, the "Chronik fiir vervielfaltigende Kunst" was issued as a supplement to "Die graphi- schen Kiinste" in place of "Mittheilungen." Graphic Arts and Crafts Year Book. The American annual review of the en- graving, printing and allied industries Joseph Meadon, editor, v. 2-6. (1908), (1909), (1910), (1911-13/14). Hamilton, O., 1908-12. 4. MDA Graphic, The, Arts, for printers and users of printing, v. 1-date (1911-date). Boston. 1911-date. 4. t * IPA Graphische Gesellschaft. Ausserordent- liche Veroffentlichung. no. 2, 5. Berlin, 1910-14. f. tt MDBF Jahresbericht fiir 1906. Berlin, 1907. f. tMDA Graphische Gesellschaft. Verof- fentlichungen. 1-18, 20. Berlin, 1906-1914. ob. f. 1. Titian. II trionfo delle fede. 1906. tt MEM 2. Biblia pauperum. 1906. t MDO 3. Albrecht Altdorfer's Landschafts Radier- ungen. 1906. t MEM 4. Decalogus septimania poenalis symbolum apostolicum. 1907. t MEF 5. Kristeller, P. Giulio Campagnola. . . 1907. ^ MEM 6. Kristeller, P. Exercitium super pater noster. 1908. t MEL. 7. Lehrs, Max. Holzschnitte der ersten Halfte des XV Jahr. 1908. t MEF 8. Pauli, Gustav, Inkunabeln der Radierung. 1908. t MEE 9. Kristeller, P. Veneziansche Holzschnitte. 1909. t MEF 10. Kristeller, P. Florentinische Zierstiicke. 1909. t MEBF 11. Dodgson, C. Niirnberger Holzschnitte. 1909. t MEF 12. Friedlander, M. J. Des dodes dantz Liibeck. 1489. 1911. MAIM 13. Seghers, H. Die Radierungen des Herkules Seghers. Teil 1. 1910. MEM 14. Seghers, H. Die Radierungen des Herkules Seghers. Teil 2. 1911. ^ MEM 15. Servatus Legende... 1911. * GBK 16. Seghers, H. Die Radierungen des Herkules Seghers. Teil 3. 1912. ^ MEM Also: 13-14, 16. Die Radierung des H. Seghers. Verzeichnis von J. Springer. [1913?] 17. Stoss, Veit. Nachbildungen seiner Kupfer- stiche. 1913. t MEM 18. Leinberger, H. Nachbildungen seiner Kup- ferstiche und Holzschnitte. 1913. t MEM 20. Holzschnitte der Guildhall-Bibliothek zu London... 1914. Graphischen, Die, Kunste. [Hrsg. von der] Gesellschaft fiir Vervielfaltigende THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Prints as Art Products, continued. Periodicals and Societies, continued. Kunst. Jahrg. 1- (1879-date). Register zu Jahrg. 1-12 (in v. 12.) Wien, 1879-date. r. tfMDA Titles of supplements: Mittheilungen der Ge- sellschaft. . .and, Chronik fur vervielfaltigende Kunst. Gravure, La, et la lithographic frangaise. Revue mensuelle. no. 99-100 (Jan.-Feb. 1914). Paris, 1914. 8. MDA Grolier Club of the City of New York. Lists of publications 1884-1905. Exhibi- tion catalogues 1886-1905. tNew York] 1906. 2 p.l., 107-165(1) p. 16. * lAA International Chalcographical Society. [Publications for] 1886-1896. f. ft MEB Avery collection. , Livre, Le, et I'lmage: revue documen- taire illustree mensuelle. Directeur lit- teraire: J. Grand-Carteret, directeur-ge- rant: E. Rondeau. Tome 1-3. Mars 1893- Juin 1894. Paris: E. Rondeau, 1893-94. sm. 4. MDA Monatshefte fiir graphisches Kunstge- werbe. Jahrg. 1-7. (1902-1909.) Berlin, 1903-09. t MDA Jahrg. 1 has title: Monatshefte fur Lithographie and das gesamte graphische Kunstgewerbe. v. 3 date pub. in Glogau. Nordisk Boktryckarekonst, Skandinav- isk Tidskrift for de Grafiska Yrkena. v. 8-date. Stockholm, 1907-date. 4. t * IPA Print-Collector's, The, Quarterly, v. 1- date (Feb., 1911). New York, 1911-date. 12. MDA Recueil d'estampes et d'images ^ artis- tiques. Publication mensuelle editee par la Societe St. Augustin. Annee 1-2 * (Nov., 1899-Aug. 1901). Paris, 1899-1901. f. MAI Ceased publication. Continuation of: Coloriste (Le) enlumineur. Risorgimento, Grafico, II. Raccolta mensile di saggi grafici e scritti tecnici. Diretta da R. Bertieri. Nov. 1907 (Anno 5'). Milano, 1908. f. f * lAA Nov. 1907. prt'd Apr. 1908. Society of Iconophiles. Richard Hoe Lawrence. Catalogue of the engravings issued by the Society of Iconophiles of the City of New York, 1894-1908; compiled by R. H. Lawrence, with an introduction by W. L. Andrews. New York, 1908. 5 p.l., 13-87(1) p., 1 pi. illus. 4. (Soc. of Icono- philes, New York.) t MDE One of 125 cop. prtd. on O. W. hand made paper. Societe pour I'etude de la gravure fran- gaise. Annuaire de la gravure frangaise. 1911-12. Paris, 1911-12. sq. 8. MDBF Zeitschrift fiir Reproductionstechnik. Unter Mitwirkung hervorragender Fach- manner herausgegeben von A. Miethe. v, 1-date. Halle, 1899-date. 4. fMDSA V. 4-6 G. Aarland added as j. editor; v. 7-date O. Mente, joint editor. Processes Books on line engraving and on processes in general. See also under the various processes: e.g.. Etching, Mezzotint, etc. The photomechanical proc- esses appear in Section II. Adeline, Jules. Les arts de reproduction vulgarises. Paris: Quantin, [1898.] 3 p.l., ix, 379 p., 12 pi. 4. MDR Albert, August. Technischer Fiihrer durch die Reproduktions-Verfahren und deren Bezeichnungen. Halle a. S.: W. Knapp, 1908. x, 330 p. 8. MDR Artist's, The, assistant in drawing, per- spective, etching, engraving, mezzotinto- scraping, painting on glass in crayons, in water-colours, and on silks and satins... &c. Containing the easiest and most com- prehensive rules for the attainment of those truly useful and polite arts. . . Illus- trated with. . .examples engraved on cop- per. Philadelphia: printed bv B. Johnson for B. Davies, 1794. 4 p.l., (1) 9-70 p., 4 pi. 6. ed. 12. Reserve A pamphlet from George Washington's library. Bd. with: Benezet (A.) Some observations on the situation. . .of the Indian natives of this Continent. Phila., 1784. 12. Auer, Alois. Die Entdeckung des Natur- selbstdruckes oder die Erdindung von ganzen Herbarien. . .Druckformen herzu- stellen... Vorgelesen in der mathema- tis:h-naturwissensch. Classeder... Aka- demie... zu Wien... Wien: Kaiserl.- konigl. Hof- und Staatsdruckerei, 1854. 75 p. 4 fac-sim., 20 pi. f. German, Eng., Ital. and Fr. text. f MDR & Stuart 1711 Bate, John. The excellent arts and sci- ences of drawing, coloring, limming, paint- ing, graving and etching, plainly and ac- curately demonstrated. (In his: The mys- teries of nature and art. London, 1654. p. 117-185. illus.) VBA Third edition. Becker, Francis Paul. The memorial of F. P. Becker, addressed to the Lords of Her Majesty's Treasury, and... to the Boards of Ordnance and Admiralty, pray- ing the adoption of the "omnigraph" pat- ent process of engraving letters... [Lon- don.] 1849. 7 p. 8. MDR Bd. with his: The respectful remonstrance... [London], 1849. 8. The respectful remonstrance of Francis Paul Becker, patentee of the om- nigraph for engraving letters, &c. ad- dressed to the Honourable the Board of Ordnance. [London], 1849. 7 p. 8. MDR PRINTS AND THEIR PRODUCTION Prints as Art Products, continued. Processes, continued. Berthiaud. Nouveau manuel complet de rimprimeur en taille douce. Redige par M. [P.] Boitard. Enrichi de notes et d'un appendice renfermant tous les nou- veaux procedes, les decouvertes, methodes, et inventions nouvelles appliquees ou ap- plicables a cet art, par. . .imprimeurs de la capitale. Paris: Roret, 1837. 2 p.l., 320 p., 4 pi. 24. i(Manuels-Roret.)] MDC Bosse, Abraham. Traicte des manieres de graver en taille dovce svr I'airain. Par le moyen des eaux fortes, & des vernix durs & mols. Ensemble de la fagon d'en imprimer les planches & d'en construire la presse, & autres choses concernans lesdits arts. Paris: Bosse, 1645. 3 p.l. 75 p., 12 pi. 16. Print Room Reserve De la maniere de graver a I'eaux forte et au burin et de la gravure en man- iere noire; avec la fagon de construire les presses modernes, & d'imprimer en taille- douce. Paris: C. A. Jombert, 1745. xxxii, 186 p., 20 pi. New ed., enl. 12. MDI Burger, H. J. 1900. Weltausstellung in Paris. Schweiz. Die Graphischen Druck- verfahren. Gruppe iii, Klassen 11 und 13 Bericht an das Handelsdepartment. Ziirich: Polygraphisches Institut A. G., 1901. 66 p., 6 pi. 8. MDB Curtis, Atherton. How prints are made ... New York: F. Keppel & Co., 1907. 28 p. 2. ed. 24. MDI Same. Mount Kisco, N. Y. 1902. 22 p. 12. Day, Benjamin. Day's tapid shading mediums for artist's use in lithography and photo-typography. [New York: the South publishing Co., 189-?] 2 1., 9 pi. ob. 8. tMDR Delamotte, Philip Henry. On the vari- ous applications of anastatic printing and papyrography. With illustrative examples. London: D. Bogue, 1849. 1 p.l., 24 p., 14 pi. 8. MDR Dodge, Ozias. Experiments in produc- ing printing surfaces. New York: (The De Vinne Press], 1908. 29 p. 12. MDN Donlevy, John. The rise and progress of the graphic arts. . .elucidating the new art of chromo-glyphotype, invented by John Donlevy. New York: De Witt & Davenport, 1854. 24 p. 4. MDR Dubouchet, Henri Joseph et Dubouchet Gustave. Precis elementaire de gravure sur cuivre. Paris: E. Leroux, [1890.] 2 p.l., 90 p. 12. (Bibl. de I'art pratique). MDC Fielding, Theodore Henry. The art of engraving, with the various modes of operation... Illustrated with. . .specimens of the different styles of engraving. Lon- don: M. A. Nattali, 1844. vii, 109 p., 10 pi. 4. MDI Hamerton, Philip Gilbert. Drawing & engraving; a brief exposition of techaical principles & practice. London: A. & C. Black, 1892. xxii, 172 p., 23 pi. 8. MDI Avery collection. The graphic arts. A treatise on the varieties of drawing, painting, and engrav- ing in comparison with each other and with nature... New York: Macmillan & Co., 1882. 4 p.l., x-xvi, 384 p., 45 pi., 5 port. 4. t MDI Same 1902. 3 MDI Harland, John Whitfield. The printing arts. An epitome of the theory, practice, processes, and mutual relations of engrav- ing, lithography, & printing in black and in colours. With illustrations. London: Ward, Lock, Bowden & Co., 1892. viii, 180 p. 12. MDP Hodson, James Shirley. An historical and practical guide to art illustration, in connection with books, periodicals and general decoration; with numerous speci- mens of the various methods. London: S. Low, Marston, Searle & Rivington, 1884. 4 p.l., 224 p., 24 pi. 8. MDR Koehler, Sylvester Rosa. Old and mod- ern methods of engraving: syllabus of a course of nine lectures... [Philadelphia, 1892?] 10 p. 8. (Drexel Institute of Art, Science, and Industry. MDI Krueger, Otto F. W. Die Illustrations- verfahren; eine vergleichende Behandlung der verschiedenen Reproduktions-Arten, ihrer Vorteile, Nachteile und Kosten, von Otto F. W. Kriiger... Zirka 300 Seiten Text mit 198 Abbildungen und 74 Tafeln. Leipzig: F. A. Brockhaus, 1914. vii, 290 p., 74 pi. illus. 8. MDS Lostalot de Bachoue, Alfred de. Les precedes de la gravure. Paris: A. Quan- tin [1882?] 258 p., 3 t)l. 8. (Bib. de I'En- seign. d. Beaux-Arts). MDI Museum of Fine Arts. Boston. Print Dept. Catalogue of a selection of prints, arranged chronologically to illustrate the various processes of engraving invented from the 15th to the end of the 18th cen- tury... 1894. 65 p. Boston: A. Mudge & Son, printers, 1893. 12. MDB Exhibition illustrating the technical methods of the reproductive arts from the 15. century to the present time, with special reference to the photo-mechanical proc- esses. .. 1892. xi, 98 p. Boston: A. Mudge & Son, printers, 1892. 12. MDR Nolte, V. Memorial of facts connected with the history of medallic engraving, and the process of Mr. Collas. London, 1838. f. t MDC THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Prints as Art Products, continued. Processes, continued. , Perrot, Aristide Michel. Manuel du graveur; ou, Traite complet de I'art de la gravure en tous genres... Paris: Libr. encycl. de Roret, 1830. 2 p.l., 255 p. 24. MDI Nouveau manuel complet du gra- veur; ou, Traite de I'art de la gravure en tout genre, d'apres les renseignements fournis par plusieurs artistes, et redige par A. M. P. Nouvelle edition tres-augmentee par M. [C] F. Malepeyre. Paris: Roret, 1844. X, 289 p., 4 pi., 1 tab. 24. (Manuels- Roret.) MDC Salmon, W. W. Polygraphice, or the Art of Drawing, Engraving, Etching, Limning, Painting, Washing, Varnishing, Gilding, Colouring, Dyeing, etc. London, 1685. 8. MB Singer, Hans W. and W. Strang. Etch- ing, engraving and the other methods of printing pictures. London: K. Paul, Trench, Triibner & Co., 1897. xiv, 1 1., 228 p., 14 pi. 8. MDC & MDN Avery collection. Then, Theodor. Lehrbuch der Kupfer- stecherkunst, der Kunst in Stahl zu stech- en und in Holz zu schneiden. . . Frei nach dem Franzosischen bearbeitet von T. T. Ilmenau: B. F. Yoigt, 1831. 1 p.l., xiv, 378 p., xviii, 1 1., 8 pi. (Neuer Schauplatz der Kiinste und Handwerke. 54.Bd.) 16. MDI Ziegler, Walter. Die manuellen, graphi- schen Techniken. Zeichnung, Lithographie, Holzschnitt, Kupferstich und Radierung sowie die verwandten graphischen Verfah- ren des Hoch-, Flach- und Tiefdruckes. Ed. 1. Halle a. S.: W. Knapp, 1912. 1 v. illus. 8. MDR Bd. 1. Schwarz-Weisskunst. Erweiterte zweite Auflage des Werkes: "Die Techniken des Tief- druckes." Handbooks (Books for the Student and the Collector) Cumberland, G. An essay on the utility of collecting the best works of the ancient engravers of the Italian school; accom- panied by a critical catalogue. . .of a chronological series of rare and valuable prints... now deposited in the British Mu- seum and Royal Academy. London: W. Nicol, 1827. viii, 536 p., 2 1., 1 port. 4. MDD Deane, Ethel. Byways of collecting. [Porcelain, furniture and glass.] London: Cassell & Co., 1908. viii, 192 p., 54 pi., 6 port. 8. MA Duplessis, Georges. Histoire de la gra- vure en Italic, en Espagne, en Allemagne, dans les Pays-Bas en Angleterre, et en France. Suivie d'indications pour former une collection d'estampes. . . Paris: Hach- ette & Cie., 1880. 2 p.l, 528 p., 37 pi. 4. 3MDB Elward, Robert. On collecting engrav- ings, pottery, porcelain, glass, and silver. London: E. Arnold, 1905. vi, 90 p. 16. (Wallet series.) MA Newspaper clipping inserted. Gilpin, William. An essay upon prints; containing remarks upon the principles of picturesque beauty, the different kinds of prints, and the characters of the most noted masters, illustrated by criticisms upon particular pieces, to which are added some cautions., .in collecting prints. Lon- don: G. Scott, 1768. xii, 1 1., 246 p. 3 1. 2. ed. 12. MD Hayden, Arthur. Chats on old prints. New York: F. A. Stokes Co., 1906. 307 p., 62 pi., 11 port. 8. ("Chats" series.) MDC Heinecken, Karl Heinrich, von. Idee generate d'une collection complette d'es- tampes; avec une dissertation sur I'origine de la gravure & sur les premiers livres d'images. Leipzic: J. P. Kraus, 1771. 8 p.l., 520 p., 16 1., 31 pi. 8. MDC Joubert, F. E. Manuel de I'amateur d'estampes, faisant suite au Manuel du libraire... Paris: I'Auteur. 1821. 3 v. 8. MDD Klackner, C. Proofs and prints, engrav- ings and etchings; how they are made, their grades, qualities and values, and how to select them. New York: [C. Klackner], 1884. 16 p. 8. MDC Lippmann, Friedrich. Engraving and etching; a handbook for the use of stu- dents and print collectors. Third ed. rev. by Max Lehrs. Transl. by Martin Hardie. With. . .illustrations. London: H. Grevel & Co., 1906. xvii, 312 p. 8. MDB Handbook of the Royal Museums, Berlin. Der Kupferstich. Berlin: W. Spe- mann, 1893. 3 p.l., 223 p. 8. (Koenig- liche Museen zu Berlin. Handbiicher. Bd. 3.) MDI Maberly, Joseph. The print collector. An introduction to the knowledge neces- sary for forming a collection of ancient prints. With an appendix containing Fielding's treatise on the practice of en- graving. Edited, with notes, an account of contemporary etching and etchers, and a bibliography of engraving by R. Hoe, Jr. New York: Dodd, Mead & Co., 1880. viii, 336 p., 10 pi. 8. MDC Moore, Mrs. N. Hudson. The collector's manual. With 336 engravings and with borders by Amy Richards. London: Chap- man & Hall, 1907. xvi, 1 1., 329 p., 75 pi. 4. MNH PRINTS AND THEIR PRODUCTION Prints as Art Products, continued. Handbooks, continued. Richardson, Jonathan. The works . . . containing I. The theory of painting. II, Essay on the art of criticism. . .as it re- lates to painting. III. The science of a connoisseur. A new edition, corrected, with the additions of an essay on the knowledge of prints, and cautions to col- lectors... With portraits by Worlidge, &c. Strawberry-Hill: B. White & Son, 1792. iv-vii, 3-287 p., 12 port. sq. 8. In Lenox Richter, Emil Heinrich, 1869. Prints; a brief review of their technique and his- tory, by Emil H. Richter... Boston: Houghton Mifflin Co., 1914. xii p., 1 1., 136 p., 2 1., 5 fac, 44 pi., 19 port. 8. MDC Vacher, Francis. Engravers and engrav- ing. . .Address. Manchester, Eng.: G. Foulkner & Sons [1888?] 4 p.l., 106 p., 5 pi. 8. (Birkenhead Literary and Sci- entific Soc. Sess. 31, 1887-88.) MDI Wedmore, Frederick. Fine prints. New York: Longmans, Green & Co., 1897. 256 p., 12 pi. nar. 8. (Collector Series.) MDC Avery collection. Weitenkampf, Frank. How to appreci- ate prints. New York: Moffat, Yard & Co., 1908. ix, 336 p., 17 pi., 8 port. 8. MDC Wessely, Joseph Eduard. Anleitung zur Kenntniss und zum Sammeln der Werke des Kunstdruckes. Mit zwei Tafeln Mono- gramme. Leipzig: T. O. Weigel, 1876. viii, 338 p. 8. MDC Whitman, Alfred. The print-collector's handbook. London: G. Bell & Sons, 1901. xi, 152 p., 50 pi., 30 port. 8. MDC Whitman's print-collector's hand- book. Sixth edition, revised and enlarged, with additional chapters by M. C. Sala- man. London: G. Bell and Sons, Ltd., 1912. xxi, 375(1) p., 35 pi., 29 port. sq. 8. MDC Bibliography, p. 339-360. Willshire, William Hughes. An intro- duction to the study & collection of an- cient prints. London: Ellis and White, 1874. xii, 569 p., 1 pi. 8. MDC Same. London: Ellis and White, 1877. 2 V. 2. ed., rev. & enl. 8. MD Art Prices Current. A record of sale prices at Christie's during the season. fv. l-]6. [1907/8-1912/13]. London, [1908- 13]. 8. MAZ Art sales of the year; being a record of the prices obtained at auction for pictures and prints sold from January, to the end of the season. Edited by J. H. Slater. Annual issue no. [l]-2 (1901-02). London! 1902-03. 8". MAZ Auction Sale Prices. Supplement to the "Connoisseur"... v. 1 - date. London. 1901-date. f. V. 1-2 no. 13 have title: Sale prices. Bourcard, Gustave. La cote des es- tampes des differentes ecoles, anciennes et modernes; prix atteints dans les ventes publiques en France et a I'etranger de 1900 a 1912. Paris: E. Rahir, 1912. 2 p.l., xxi, 919 p., 1 1. 4. MDC no. 213 of 350 copies printed. Dessins, gouaches, estampes et tableaux du dix-huitieme siecle. Guide de I'amateur. Paris: D. Morgand, 1893. 5 p.l., 675 p. 1 1. 8. MDDF No. 435 of 550 copies printed. Brunet, P. Gustave. Curiosites biblio- graphiques et artistiques. Livres, manu- scrits et gravures qui, en vente publique ont depasse le prix de mille francs. Ge- neve, 1867. 8. *GBH Collectors', Annual, The. A guide to connoisseurs., .of the latest prices realized at auction of pictures. , .engravings. . . china., .furniture. . .plate.. . Compiled by G. E. East. 1904-'05. London, 1905-'06. 8. MAZ Defer, Pierre Frangois. Catalogue ge- neral des ventes publiques de tableaux et. estampes depuis 1737 jusqu'a nos jours; contenant, 1 les prix...; 2 des notes biographiques, formant un dictionnaire des peintres et des graveurs les plus celebres. Paris, 1865. 2 v. 8. MAZ Duplessis, Georges [Victor Antoine Gratet-]. Les ventes des tableaux, des- sins, estampes et objets d'art aux XVII* et XVIIP siecles (1611-1800). Essai de bibliographic. Paris: Rapilly, 1874. 2 p.l., iv, 122 p. 8. MAZ Sales and Prices: General Works Catalogues of individual sales are listed under Collections (Private). Annuaire des ventes d'estampes. Guide de I'amateur; public par L. Delteil. Annee 1-2 (1911/12-1912/13). Paris, 1912-1913. 4. MDC celebres par leur beaute; indiquant les sujets, les peintres, les graveurs de ces estampes, leur valeur et leur prix... etc: Par M. le C. d'l***. [pseud. of Jules Gay.] Geneve: J. Gay et Fils, 1868. 1 p.l., 791 p. 8. MDD Jahrbuch der Bilder- u. Kunstblatter- preise... Bd. 1-4: [1910-13]. Wien, 1911- 14. 8. MAA 8 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Prints as Art Products, continued. Sales and Prices: General Works, continued. Mireur, H. Dictionnaire des ventes d'art faites en France et a I'etranger pendant les xviii' and XIX* siecles. . . t. 1-7. Paris: L. Soullie, 1901-12. MAZ Redford, George. Art sales. A history of sales of pictures and other works of art. With notices of the collections sold . . . Illustrated with autotypes from small sketches of great pictures & watercolour drawings sold. . .etc. . . v. 1-2. London: [The "Whitefriars" PresS], 1888. 2 v. tMDB Repertoire des ventes publiques cata- loguees de livres, autographes, estampes, vignettes et tableaux. Par P. Dauze. Annee 1-2 (1894-Sept., 1895). Paris, il894- '95]. 4. *GK Each annee in 2 pts. : Pt. 1. Gazette de ventes; Pt. 2. Releve complet des prix d'adjudication. Slater, John Herbert. Book plates and their value. English and American plates. London: H. Grant, 1898. 241 p. 8. MDVC Engravings and their value. A guide for the print collector. London: L. U. Gill. 1891. 4 p.l., 458 p. 12. MDC Same. London: L. U. Gill, 1912. 5 p.l., 716 p., 20 pL, 10 ports, illus. 4. ed. 8. MDC Extra - Illustration Sieurin, J. Manuel de I'amateur d'illus- trations. Gravures et portraits pour I'or- nement des livres frangais et etrangers. Paris: A. Labitte, 1875. viii, 242 p. 8. MDT Tredwell, D. M. A monograph on pri- vately-illustrated books. A plea for biblio- mania. Brooklyn: F. Tredwell, 1882. 3 p.l., 161 p. 8. *GBS Brooklyn, 1881. 8. MDC Flatbush, L. L, 1892. 8. *GBS Brooklyn: F. Tredwell, 1881. 3 p.l., 161 p. 4. Extra illus. * GBS (Book Lover, 1900, spring no. p. 257-268; summer no. p. 498-510; autumn no., p. 20-34; winter no., p. 147-155; 1901, summer no., p. 293-300; winter no., p. 525- 530; V. 5. (1904), p. 416-424. San Fran- cisco 1900-04.) Caiue of Prints Bonnardot, A. Essai sur I'art de res- taurer les estampes et les livres, ou traite sur les meillures procedes pour blanchir, detacher., .et conserver les estampes... 2. ed., refondue et augmentee uivie d'un expose des divers systemes de reproduc- tion des anciennes estampes et des livres rares. Paris: Castel, 1858. viii, 352 p. 12. MDC&*HHL Gunn, Maurice James. Print restoration and picture cleaning; an illustrated practi- cal guide to the restoration of all kinds of prints. Together with chapters on cleaning water-colours, print "fakes" and their detection, anomalies in print values, and prints to collect. London: L. Upcott Gill, 1911. vi p., 1 1., 172 p., 18 pi. 8. MDC Hart, Charles Henry. Hints on por- traits and how to catalogue them. A talk given to the Fellowship of the Pennsyl- vania Academy of the Fine Arts at Phila- delphia Monday eve. April 18, 1898, being the first annual meeting. Philadelphia: J. N. Lippincott. 1898. 32 p. 12. AOC Kainzbauer, Ludwig. Die Art, Behand- lung und Wiederherstellung der 01-, Tem- pera- und Freskogemalde, sowie der Aquarelle, Pastelle, Miniaturen, Hand- zeichnungen und Bilddrucke. Nach lang- jahrigen Erfahrungen und Versuchen zusammengestellt. Wien: A. Hartleben [1913?]. vii, 152 p. illus. 12. MBK Lambert, Rev. F. C. Mounts und frames and how to make them. London: Hazell, Watson & Viney, 1898. 146 p. 12. (Amateur photographer's library, no. 16.) MFG Laschitzer, Simon. Wie soil man Kup- ferstich- und Holzschnittkataloge verfas- sen? (Mittheilungen des Instituts fiir oesterreichische Geschichtsforschung. Bd. 5, p. 564-617. Innsbruck, 1884. 8.) Loga, Valerian von. Ordnung und Kata- logisierung eines Kupferstich-Kabinetts. Erfahrungen und Vorschlage von V. v. Loga. Berlin: G. Reimer, 1910. 54 p., 1 1., 1 table. 8. (Konigliche Museen zu Ber- lin.) DMC Bibliography, p. 53-54. Mairet, F. Notice sur la lithographic suivie d'un essai sur la reliure et le blanchi- ment des livres et gravures, Chatillon-sur- Seine: C. Cornillac, 1824. 228 p., 4 pi. 12. MDP St. Victor, de. Nouveau manuel com- plet du fabricant de cadres, passe-partout, etc. Paris, tl850?] 24. VMP Manuels-Roret. Victoria & Albert Museum, South Ken- sington. National Art Library. Scheme for classification of photographs. [South Kensington: the Museum, 190-?] 40 1. f. tMD Weitenkampf, Frank. Ein Vorschlag zum Katalogisieren von Stichen. Berlin: G. Reimer, 189-? p. 90-92. 4. MDC Repr. ; Museumskunde. Bd. 2^. PRINTS AND THEIR PRODUCTION Prints as Art Products, continued. Care of Prints, continued. Notes on the cataloguing of prints. (Translated by the author from Museums- kunde.) (In the Library Journal. New York, 1907. 8". v. 32, no. 9, p. 408-409.) MDC Bound with his Ein Vorschlag zum Katalogisieren von Stichen. Berlin, 189-? 4. History (General) The Library has a large number of catalogues of print dealers and auctioneers. Those relating to special topics or individual artists are entered ac- cordingly in the present list. Of those of a general nature, some are entered in the Library's card cata- logue, others are shelved in alphabetical order, un- catalogued; all are thus available for students. Austin, Stanley Elston. The history of engraving from its inception to the time of Thomas Bewick. London: T. W. Laurie [190-?]. ix, 199(1) p., 9 pi., 7 port. 8. MDB Baker, William Spohn. The origin and antiquity of engraving; with some re- marks on the utility and pleasures of prints. Philadelphia: G. Gebbie, 1872. 62 p. 8. MDC Baldinucci, F. Cominciamento e pro- gresso dell 'arte dell' intagliare in rame. Edizione seconda, con Annotazioni. del Sig. D. M. Manni. Firenze, 1767. 4. MDB Bourcard, Gustave. A travers cinq siecles de gravures, 1350-1903. Les es- tampes celebres, rares ou curieuses. Paris: G. Rapilly, 1903. 1, 1 1., 638 p., 1 1. 4. MDB 265 copies printed. 1 of 15 cops, not numbered. Presentation copy containing author's autograph and autograph letter inserted. Avery collection. Brou, Ch. de. Quelques mots sur la gra- vure au millesime de 1418. [Avec Un der- nier mot sur I'estampe au millesime de 1418.] rBruxelles: Ve. P. M. de Vroom, 184-]. 3-24 p., 7 pi. sq. 4. f MDB No title-page. Buschmann, Paul, the younger. Le role de la gravure en taille-douce, depuis les derniers perfectionnements de la photo- graphie. 26 p. (In: Academic royale. . .de Belgique. Memoires conronnes et autres memoires. Bruxelles, 1894-95. 8. t. 52. No. 5.) * EM Catalogue d'une collection unique de dessins, gravures et eaux-fortes composes ou executes par des femmes. En vente chez Frederik Muller & Co. . .Amsterdam. Amsterdam: F. Muller & Co., [1884?] 2 p.l., 81 p. nar. 4. MDD Collection begun by Henrietta Louisa Koenen, and continued by her husband. Cover bd. in. Avery collection. Chapin, Willis O. The masters and master-pieces of engraving. New York: Harper & Bros., 1894. iii-xiv, 266 p., 20 pi. 4. MDB Delaborde, Henri, vicomte. 1811-1899. Engraving: its origin, processes, and his- tory. By le vicomte Henri Delaborde. Translated by R. A. M. Stevenson. With an additional chapter on English engrav- ing, by William Walker. London: Cassell & Co., Ltd., 1886. viii, 348 p. illus. 12. (The fine-art library.) MDB La gravure, precis elementaire de ses origines de ses precedes et de son his- toire. Paris: A. Quantin, [1882?] 304 p. 8. (Bib. de I'Enseign. d. Beaux-Arts.) MDB Delteil, Loys. Manuel de I'amateur d'estampes du XVIIIe siecle... Paris: Dorbon, aine [1910?]. 2 p.l., 447 p., 74 pi., 32 port. 4. MDB Bibliography, p. 361-364. Dibdin, T. F. The bibliographical de- cameron; or. Ten days pleasant discourse upon illuminated manuscripts and subjects connected with early engraving, typog- raphy, and bibliography. London: the author, 1817. 3 v. 4. Stuart 1962 Duplessis, Georges [Victor Antoine Gratet] Eaux-fortes et gravures des maitres anciens, tirees des collections les plus celebres et publiees avec le concours de fi. Lievre; notes par G. Duplessis. [Livre 1, Ser. 1]. Paris: Amand-Durand, 1870. 1 V. f . tt MEB Histoire de la gravure en Italic, en Espagne en Allemagne, dans les Pays-Bas en Angleterre, et en France. Suivie d'in- dications pour former une collection d'es- tampes... Paris: Hachette & Cie., 1880. 2 p.l, 528 p., 37 pi. 4. MDB Les merveilles de la gravure. Ou- vrage illustre de 34 vignettes par P. Sel- lier. Paris: L. Hachette & Cie., 1869. 3 p.l., 418 p., 1 1. 12. (Bibliotheque des mer- veilles, publiee sous la direction de M. E. Charton). 3 MDB Same. Paris: Libr. Hachette et Cie., 1871. 3 p.l., 322 -p., 1 1. 2. ed. 12. (Bibl. des merveilles.) MDB The wonders of engraving. [Trans- lated by N. R. E. M.] London: S. Low, Son, & Marston, 1871. x, 338 p., 10 pi. 8. MDB Evelyn, John. Sculptura: or. The his- tory, and art of chalcography and engrav- inp^ in copper. With an ample enumera- tion of the most renowned masters, and their works. [By John Evelyn.] To which is annexed a new manner of engraving, or mezzotinto, communicated by his highness Prince Rupert... London: Printed by F. C. for G. Beedle, 1662. 16 p. 1., 148 p., 2 pi. 16. MDI 10 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Prints as Art Products, continued. History (General), continued. Same, London: J. Payne, 1755. 3 p.l., (i)iv-xxxvi, 140 p., 2 pi., 1 port. 12. MDI Two extra portraits, engraved by Hollar, inserted. Same, 3 p.l., (i)iv- 12. London: xxxvi, 140 Murray, 2 pi.. 1 MDI 1769. port. Pallet, Celine. Les princes de I'art: architectes, sculpteurs, peintres, et gra- veurs. Boston: S. R. Urbino, 1870. 1 p.l., 324 p. 12. 3 MAD The princes of art. Painters, sculp- tors, and engravers. Translated from the French by a Mrs. S. R. Urbino. Boston: Lee and Shepard, 1870. 1 p.l., 340 p., 3 p.l. 12. (The old masters.) MAN Same. Boston, 1883. 12. Gay, Jules. Iconographie des estampes a sujets galants et des portraits de femmes celebres par leur beaute; indiquant les sujets, les peintres, les graveurs de ces es- tampes, leur valeur et leur prix. . .etc. Par M. le C. d'l *** tpseud. of Jules Gay]. Geneve: J. Gay et Fils, 1868. 1 p.l., 791 p. 8. MDD Gonse, L. La sculpture et la gravure au xix* siecle. Paris: Libr. Illustree. [1892.] 3 p.l., 168 p., 1 1., 20 pi. f. (Chefs-d'oeuvre (Les) de I'art au xix* siecle, [V. 5.]) f MGF Grolier Club of the City of New York. Catalogue of an exhibition of line engrav- ings designed to illustrate the history of the art during the past four centuries. New York: the Club, 1892. 28 p. 12. MDB Avery collection. Hind, A. M. A short history of engrav- ing and etching, for the use of collectors and students. With full bibliography, classified list and index of engravers... Boston: Houghton Mifflin Co., 1908. xviii, 2 1., 3-473 p., 1 pi. 8. MDB Jansen, Henri. Essai sur I'origine de la ev. vrre '!! ho s et en ta lle-doiii e. et sur la connoissance des estampes des xv. et xvi. siecles; ou il est parle aussi de I'origine des cartes a jouer et des cartes geograph- iques; suivi de recherches sur I'origine du papier de coton et de lin; sur la calligraphic . . . Paris: F. Schoell, 1808. 2 v. 8. MDB Keppel, Frederick. The golden age of engraving: a specialist's story about fine prints... With 262 illustrations showing the process of the art from the year 1465 to the year 1910. New York: The Baker & Taylor Co., [1910.] xliii, 314 p., 2 facsim., 96 pi, 1 port. 8. MDB Keppel, Frederick & Co. Three cen- turies of line engraving. An exhibition of selected masterpieces of a lost art. With an introduction by F. Keppel. New York: F. Keppel & Co., 1905. 24 p. nar. 8. MDE Kristeller, Paul. Kupferstich und Holz- schnitt in vier Jahrhunderten. Berlin: B. Cassirer, 1905. x, 595(1) p. illus. sq. 8. MDB Bibliography, p. 567-574. Kupferstich, Der, Gegenwart in Europa. Wien: Gesellschaft fiir vervielfaltigende Kunst, 1891. 2 p.l., iv, 168 p., 56 pi. illus. f. (Vervielfaltigende Kunst der Gegen- wart. V. 2.) t MDB Avery collection. Layard, George Somes. Suppressed plates wood engravings, &c. together with other curiosities germane thereto being an account of certain matters peculiarly allur- ing to the collector. London: A. & C. Black, 1907. xiii, 254 p., 35 pi., 3 port. 8. MDB Le Comte, F. Cabinet des singularites d'architecture, peinture, sculpture et gra- veure... 2^ ed. 3 v. Brusselles, 1702. 12. MAD Levis, Howard C. Note on an engraved clock-dial. [London, 1913.] 1 1., 2 pi. f. tMDBF Title from cover. One of 12 copies. Autograph letter of the author inserted. Title-pages of the two earliest books in the English language relating to engraving; also the pages therein which contain the seqtions on engraving, and the title-page of another edition of the first of these books. [Reproductions. . .made from photographs of the title-pages. . .of .. .books in the British Museum. London: Privately printed at the Chiswick Press, 1911. 13 1., 1 pi. 8. MDI no. 8 of twenty copies printed. Lippmann, Friedrich. The seven planets... Translated by Florence Sim- monds. London: Asher & Co., 1895. 2 p.l., 13 p., 1 1., 43 engr. in 38 pt. f*. (In- ternational Chalcographical Society, 1895.) tt MEB Avery collection. Neue Bibliothek der Schoenen Wissen- schaften... Leipzig, 1765-1806. 72 vols, in 36. 8. NAA Notes on new prints appear in this series, Eng- land, France and Germany being covered. Ottley, W. Y. An inquiry into the or- igin and early history of engraving upon copper and in wood; with an account of engravers and their works from the in- vention of calcography by Maso Fini- guerra, to the time of Marc' Antonio Rai- mondi. London: J. & A. Arch, 1816. 2 v. pi. 4. MDB Prints and their makers; essays on en- gravers and etchers old and modern. Edi- PRINTS AND THEIR PRODUCTION 11 Prints as Art Products, continued. History (General), continued. ted by Fitzroy Carrington. New York: Century Co., 1912. xiv p., 1 1., 268 p., 101 pi. 8. MDC Reiffenberg, [Frederic Auguste Ferdi- nand Thomas] de, baron. La plus ancienne gravure connue avec une date. Memoire. . . avec un facsimile 33 p. (From: Nouveaux Memoires de I'Academie royale...de Bruxelles. Bruxelles, 1845. 4. t. 19.) tMDB Renouvier, J. Des types et des manieres des maitres graveurs pour servir a I'his- toire de la gravure en Italic, en Allemagne, dans les Pays-Bas et en France. Mont- pellier: Boehm, 1853-56. 4 v. in 1. sq. 4. t MDB p.v.l. Une passion de 1446; suite de gra- vures au burin, les premieres avec date. 12 p. (In his: Les peintres et les enlumi- neurs du Roi Rene... Montpellier, 1857. sq. 4.) t MAR p.v.l Renton, Edward. Intaglio engraving: past and present. An address delivered at the Freemasons' tavern, on Friday, De- cember 5, 1884. London: C. W. H. Wy- man, 1885. 73 p., 4 pi. illus. sq. 16. (Sette of Odd Volumes, no. 8.) NAC no. 139 of 200 copies printed for private circula- tion, autographed by the author. Sartain, John. A brief sketch of the his- tory and practice of engraving. A paper ...read... March 8th, 1880... Philadel- phia, 1880. 1 p.l., 23 p. 8. MDI Schreiber, Wilhelm Ludwig. Manuel de I'amateur de la gravure sur bois et sur metal au XV* siecle. Tome 1-4 (in 8). 6-8 (in f). Berlin: A. Cohn, 1891-1900. 7 V. in 4. 8 & f & 4 pub. in Leipzig: O. Harrassowitz. MDB & f MDB Tome, 1-4 Text. Tome, 68 Plates. Scott, William Bell. A descriptive catalogue of engravings, brought together with a view to illustrate the art of engrav- ing on copper and wood; from the time of the Florentine niello workers in the XVth century to that of William Blake, n. p. Privately printed, n. d. 8. MDB Avery collection. Singer, Hans Wolfgang. Der Kupfer- stich. Mit.. .Abbildungen. Bielefeld: Vel- hagen & Klasing, 1904. 1 p.l., 142 p., 1 1., 5 pi., 1 port. 4. (Sammlung illustrierter Monographien. [Bd.] 15.) t MDB Die moderne Graphik; eine Dar- stellung fiir deren Freunde und Sammler. Leipzig: E. A. Seemann, 1914. v. p., 1 1., 547(1) p. illus. f. tMDB Geschichte des Kupferstichs. 4 1., 286 p., 1 1., ill. Magdeburg...: W. Nie- mann. [1895]. 8. MDB Illustrierte Bibliothek der Kunst-und Kulturge- schichte. Bd. 7. Sumner, Charles. The best portraits in engraving. New York: F. Keppel rco'rgt. 1875] 24 p. 8. AOE Same. 31 p., 13 pi. 5. ed. 4. (C 1875). MDZ p.v.l (no.2) Vacher, Francis. Engravers and en- graving. . .Address. Manchester, Eng.: G. Foulkner & Sons, [1888?] 4 p.l., 106 p., 5 pi. 8. (Birkenhead Literary and Scien- tific Soc. Sess. 31, 1887-88.) MDI Vervielfaltigende, Die, Kunst der Ge- genwart. Hrsg. von der Gesellschaft fiir vervielfaltigende Kunst. v. 1-4; or. Heft 1-45 (1886-1903.) fMDB V. 1. Der Holzschnitt. v. 2. Der Kupferstich. v. 3. Die Radirung. v. 4. Die Lithographic. V. 1-2; or, Heft 1-21, redigirt von C. von Ltit- zow. V. 3-4; or. Heft 22-45, redigirt von R. Graul. Verzeichniss neuer Kunstsachen als Kupfer- und Stahlstiche, Lithographien, Photographien, etc., welche im J. 1858-60 erchienen sind. Leipzig, 1859-61. 8. MD Weigel, Theodor Oswald, & A. C. A. Zestermann. Die Anfange der Drucker- kunst in Bild und Schrift. An deren frii- hesten Erzeugnissen in der Weigel'schen Sammlung erlautert von T. O. W. und A. C. A. Z. Mit 145 Fac-similes und vielen . . . Holzschnitten. Leipzig: J. O. Weigel, 1866. 2 V. f. t * IH Wessely, Joseph Eduard, Geschichte der graphischen Kiinste. Ein Handbuch fiir Freunde des Kunstdrucks. xvi, 299 p. 48 pi. Leipzig: T. O. Weigel Nachf, 1891. 4. MDB Zanetti, A. Le premier siecle de la cal- cographie; ou. Catalogue raisonne des es- tampes du cabinet de feu le Comte Leopold Cicognara: ficole d'ltalie par A. Z. [Les ecoles allemande. flamande et francaise par C. A.] Avec une appendice sur les nielles du meme cabinet. Venise: J. An- tonelH, 1837. xxi, 576, vii, 184, xxvi p., 2 pi. 8. MDE Nielli Alvin, Louis Joseph. Les nielles de la Bibliotheque royale de Belgique. Notice lue a la classe des beaux-arts de I'Acade- mie royale de Belgique, seance du 15 mai 1857. Bruxelles: M. Hayez, 1857. 60 p., 20 pi. 8. MDB Repr. : Acad, royale de Belgique. Bull. Tome 24, no. 5. Duchesne, Jean, the elder. Essai sur les nielles, gravures des orfevres florentins du XVe siecle; par Duchesne aine. Paris: Merlin, 1826. 2 p.l., xii, 381(1) p., 6 pi., 1 port. 8. MDB 12 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Prints as Art Products, continued. History (General), continued. Passavant, Johann David. Le peintre- graveur... Leipsic: R. Weigel, 1860-64. 6 V. in 4. 8. MDD Tom. 1 Histoire de la gravure sur bois et sur metal, et au burin j usque vers la fin du xvi. siecle. Histoire du nielle et complement du catalogue de Duchesne, Aine. Tross, Edwin, editor. Les seize nielles du grand lustre de la cathedrale d'Aix-la- Chapelle, executes e 1165 par orde de Tern- pereur Frederic I" et de sa femme Bea- trice de Bourgogne. Paris, 1859. pi. f. tfMEB Paste Prints ("Teigdrucke") Geisberg, Max. Die Formschnitte des fiinfzehnten Jahrhunderts im Kgl. Kupfer- stichkabinett zu Dresden. Hrsg. von M. Geisberg. Strassburg: J. H. E. Heitz, 1911. 24 p., 3 1., 52 pi. f. (Einblattdrucke des funfzehnten Jahrhunderts, v. 22.) f MEF One page of bibliography. Leidinger, Georg. Die Teigdrucke des fiinfzehnten Jahrhunderts in der K. Hof- und Staatsbibliothek Miinchen. Im An- schluss an das Miinchner Jahrbuch der bil- denden Kunst... Munchen: G. D. W. Callwey [1908). 31(1) p., 25 pi. f. t MDB Plates in portfolio. no. 42 of ISO numbered copies printed. Lewis, John F. "Teigdriicke" Prints in paste. Philadelphia [1904]. 189-194 p. illus. 8. MDB Repr. : "Proceedings of the Numismatic and Anti- quarian Society" of Philadelphia. 1904. Schreiber, Wilhelm Ludwig. Catalogue of the valuable collection of W. L. Schrei- ber.. .containing early woodcuts, metal- prints, dotted-prints, impressions on paste and on silk, block-books. . .which will be sold by auction by...H. Ranschburg at Vienna.. .March 1909... Vienna: Gil- hofer & Ranschburg [1909]. vii(l), 89 p., 3 1., 40 pi. 4. t MDO Reproductions of Prints See also under Individual Artists, e. g. : Rem- brandt, Whistler. Amand-Durand. Eaux fortes et gra- vures des maitres anciens reproduites par Amand-Durand. Paris: Amand-Durand, 1880? no. 1-7, 33-43, 79-83, 122-125, 213- 218, 221-234, 245-262, 272-385, 397-401. 187 pi. in 4 portfolios. f. ftt MEB Numbering of plates from G. Rapilly; Catalogue d'estampes. Amsler & Ruthardt. Kupferstiche und Holzschnitte alter Meister in Nachbildun- gen der Reichsdruckerei zu Berlin, nebst einem Anhange zur Geschichte des Kup- ferstichs und Holzschnitts, Berlin: Am- sler & Ruthardt [pref. 1900]. 2 p.l., 71(1) p., 2 1. sq. 8. (Lager Katalog 11.) MDB British Museum. Prints & drawings, Dept. of. Reproductions of ancient prints and of drawings by old masters in the Museum. [Catalogue.] London: Darling & Son, 1904. 26 p. 8. MDE Engravings collections. Prints. Drawings. Reproductions of drawings by old masters in the British Museum. Pt. 1-4. 2 V. 77 pi. London: The Trustees, 1888- 94. f. tt MEK Continued as: Reproductions of prints in the Brit- ish Museum. New series. Pt. 5-6. Lon- don, 1895-97. f. Pt. 5. Early mezzotint engravings. Pt. 6. Line engravings by masters of Germany and the low countries. 1530-1620. Reproductions of prints in the Brit- ish Museum. Series 3, pt. 4-5, 7. London, 1910-1913. ttMEB Ser. 3, pt. 4. Specimens of etching by Flemish masters, 1520-1650. Ser. 3, pt. 5. Specimens of etching by Dutch masters. 1615-1650. 1911. Ser. 3, no. 7. Specimens of etching by the later Dutch masters, 1640-1700. 1913. Humphreys, Henry Noel. Masterpieces of the early printers and engravers: a series of fac-similes from rare and curious books... vi, 53 p., 70 pi. London: H. Sotheran & Co., 1870. i. ft* IS International Chalcographical Society. [Publications for] 1886-1896. f. tfMEB Avery collection. Kupferstichkabinet, Das: Nachbildun- gen von Werken der graphischen Kunst vom Ende des XV bis zum Anfang des XIX Jahrhinderts. Hrsg. von A. Fischer, von Zickwolff. und W. Franke. v. 1-2. Berlin, 1897-98. i. f MEB Lippmann, Friedrich. Engravings and woodcuts by old masters, sec. xv-xix. Re- produced in fac-simile under the direction of F. Lippmann. London: B. Quaritch, 1889-1900. 5 v. i". ft MEB V. 1. Italian and Spanish schools. v. 2. German school: Engravings on metal. V. 3. Netherlandish school: Engravings on metal. V. 4. German and Netherlandish schools: En- gravings on wood. V. 5. French and English schools. Verzeichniss zu dem Werk: Kup- ferstiche und Holzschnitte alter Meister in Nachbildungen. Hrsg. von der Direc- tion der Reichsdruckerei unter Mitwir- kung von F. Lippmann. Berlin: Reichs- druckerei, 1901. 49 p. i". t MEB Title from cover. PRINTS AND THEIR PRODUCTION 13 Prints as Art Products, continued. History (Regional) Austrian Buffalo Fine Arts Academy. Albright Art Gallery. Catalogue of an exhibition of contemporary graphic art in Hungary, Bohemia, and Austria. With introductory essays by M. Birnbaum... Buffalo, 1914. 50 p., 1 1., 6 port. 8. MDET Leipzig. Internatipnale Ausstellung fur Buchgewerbe und Graphik, 1914. Inter- nationale Ausstellung fur Buchgewerbe und Graphik, Leipzig. Osterreichisches Haus. [Leipzig, 1914.] 5 p.l., (1)14-263(1) p., 1 fold, fac, 1 fold, pi., 1 port, illus. 8. *IIA Edited by Rudolf von Larisch and Adolf Vetter; introduction signed Christoph Reisser. Printed at the K. K. Hof- und Staatsdruckerei in Vienna. St. Louis (Mo.) City Art Museum of St. Louis. An exhibition of contemporary graphic art in Hungary, Bohemia and Aus- tria, opening. . .February 8th, 1914... [St. Louis,] 1914. 31 p. illus. 8. (Special exhibition catalogue. Series 1914. no. 3.) MAVZ Belgian, See Dutch and Flemish British B Catalogue d'une vente impor- tante d'estampes anciennes des ecoles frangaise et anglaise du XVIIIe siecle, noires et en couleurs; collection B... La vente aura lieu. . .juin. . .1908. Amster- dam: F. Muller & Cie., 1908. 32 p. f. tMDE Advance sheets. Boydell, John. A catalogue of the pic- tures, &c. in the Shakespeare gallery, Pall-Mali. London: Printed for the Pro- prietors, 1793. xiv, 1 1., 200 p. 4. MDBF Catalogue raisonne d'un recueil d'estampes d'apres les plus beaux tableaux qui soient en Angleterre. Les planches sont dans la possession de J. B... Londres: 1779. vi, 130 p. 4. MDD Boydell, John and Josiah. An alpha- betical catalogue of plates. . .which com- pose the stock of J. and J. Boydell... London: W. Bulmer & Co., 1803. xxix, 60 p. 4. MDBF Avery collection. British Museum. Freeman O'Dono- ghue. Catalogue of engraved British por- traits preserved in the department of prints and drawings in the British Mu- seum. London: British Museum, 1908-14. 4. V. 4. MDE Bullard, Francis. A catalogue of the engraved plates for Picturesque views in England and Wales [after water-colour drawings by J. M. W. Turner]; with notes and commentaries. Compiled by F. Bullard. Boston: Privately printed [at the Merry- mount Press], 1910. 1 p.l., (1)6-102 p., 1 1. 8. MDG Bibliography, p. 101-102. One of 250 copies printed. Colvin, Sidney. Early engraving & engravers in England. (1545-1695.) A critical and historical essay. With forty- one facsimiles in photogravure and... illustrations in the text. London: The Trustees of the British Museum, 1905. viii, 1 1., 170 p., 42 1., 41 pi. f. (Br. Museum. Prints & Drawings, Dept. of.) ft MDBF Davenport, Samuel. Engraving. (In: Bevan, G. P. British manuf. industries, V. 8.) VKE Deane, Ruthven. The copper-plates of the folio edition of Audubon's "Birds of America," with a brief sketch of the en- gravers. [Boston? The Auk, 1908]. p. 401- 413. 8. MDBF Repr. : The Auk, v. 25, no. 4. European Magazine. List of the plates in the twenty-three volumes of the Euro- pean Magazine. MD Frankau, Julia. Eighteenth century colour prints: an essay on certain stipple .engravers and their work in colour com- piled, arranged and written by Julia Fran- kau. Illustrated with fifty-two character- istic pictures printed in colours from cop- per-plates. London: Macmillan & Co., Ltd., 1900. xvii 132 p. 52 col. pi. f. tfMDB Gentleman's Magazine. A complete list of plates and woodcuts in the Gentleman's Magazine, from the commencement in the year 1731 to 1818 inclusive; and an alpha- betical index thereto. London: J. Nichol & Son, 1821. viii, 225 p., 1 port. 8. AO Grolier Club in the City of New York. Catalogue of a selection of engraved titles and frontispieces published in England during the sixteenth and seventeenth cen- turies. On view... Apr. 8 to 23, 1898. [New York, 1898.] 41 p. 12. Halle, J. Katalog einer ganz hervorra- genden Sammlung von Kupferstichen der englischen und franzosischen Schule des XVIII. Jahrhunderts. Farbendrucke, Schabkunstblatter. . .schone Frauen- und Kinderbildnisse. . . Amerikaner Portraits . . . Versteigerung zu Miinchen, Dienstag. den 25. April, und folgende zwei Tage.. Munchen: J. Halle, 1911. 101 p., 1 1., 63 pi. 4. tMDFF Cover has title: Catalogue of fine engravings... Hamilton, Edward, M.D. A catalogue raisonne of the engraved works of Sir 14 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Prints as Art Products, continued. History (Regional), continued. Joshua Reynolds, from 1755 to 1820, to which is added a short biographical sketch of each engraver. London: P. & D. Col- naghi and Co., 1874. viii, 143 p. 8. MDG Avery collection. Home, Henry Percy. An illustrated catalogue of engraved portraits and fancy subjects painted by Thomas Gainsborough, published between 1760 and 1820, and by George Romney, published between 1770 and 1830, with the variations of the state of the plates. London: Eyre & Spottis- woode. 1891. 63 p., 5 pi., 15 port. 4. MDG Incorporated Printsellers' Association, London. Alphabetical list of engravings ... [V. 1-2.] London, 1892-1912. f. tMD Index of engravings with the names of the artists in the Sporting magazine from the year 1792 to 1870. [Compiled by F. S. Banks. Preface by W. Gilbey. With an introduction by F. Lawley.j London: pub- lished for W. Gilbey, by Vinton & Co., Ltd. [1892.] 3 p.l., (1)4-116 p., 1 pi. 8. MD Kann, Emanuel. Sammlung des ver- storb. Herrn E. Kann...und andere Beitrage. Katalog einer.. .Sammlung von Kupferstichen ausschliesslich der engli- schen und franzosischen Schule des XVIII. Jahrhunderts. . .Versteigerung zu Miinchen... den 29. November... [1904.] Miinchen: J. Halle, 1904. 124 p., 2 1., 36 pi. 4. MDE Leipzig. Internationale Ausstellung fiir Buchgewerbe and Graphik, 1914. Katalog der britischen Abteilung der Internation- alen Ausstellung fiir Buchgewerbe und Graphik. Leipzig, 1914. xvi, 431 p., 1 fold, plan, 22 pi. (incl. front.) 8. * IIA Printed in England. Catalogue of the British section of the International Exhibition of the Book Industry & Graphic Arts. Leipzig, 1914. Ivi, 309 p., 1 fold, plan, 22 pi. (incl. front.) 8. * IIA Printed in England. Levis, Howard C. Bazilicologia; a booke of kings; notes on a rare series of en- graved English royal portraits from Wil- liam the Conqueror to James I., published under the above title in 1618. New York: Grolier Club, 1913. 4 p.l., v-xviii p., 1 1., 188 p., 1 1., 2 pi. illus. 4. AOO Contains fac. title-page of editions of 1618 and 1830. Bibliography, p. xi-xiv. One of 300 copies printed. Literary, The, Blue Book; or, Kalendar of Literature, Science and Art for 1830. London, 1830. 24. MDDF Contains list of artists. Morland, George. Loan collection of pictures by G...M...and engravings from his works. 77 p. [London]: J. & W. Vokins, 1884. 24. MCV Peacock, E. Index to engravings in the Proceedings of the Society of Antiquaries [1849-81]. London: Farrar & Fenton, 1885. 4, 2 1., 23 p. 8. CA (Index Society. Occasional indexes. 1.) Rosenbach Galleries. Catalogue of an exhibition of XVIIIth century English color prints. Philadelphia, November 6th to 20th, 1911. Philadelphia, 1911. 8 p. 8. MDF St. Louis. Louisiana Purchase Exposi- tion, 1904. International Exhibition, Saint Louis, 1904. Department of Liberal Arts. Catalogue of British exhibits, classified under groups 15 and 17. Engravings and books. Issued by the Royal Commission. [London: W. Clowes and Sons, Ltd., 1904.] 122 p. 8. MDE Title from cover. Salaman, Malcolm Charles. The old en- gravers of England, in their relation to contemporary life and art (1540-1800). Philadelphia: J. B. Lippincott Co., 1907. VIII, 224 p., 48 pi. 8. MDBF Victoria and Albert Museum, South Kensington. Catalogue of the loan exhi- bition of British engraving and etching... London: Wyman and Sons, 1903. xii, 13- 150 p. 8. MDDF Walpole, Horace, 4. earl of Orford, 1717- 97. Anecdotes of painting in England; with some account of the principal artists; and incidental notes on other arts; col- lected by the late Mr. George Vertue; and now digested and published from his orig- inal mss. by H. Walpole. v. 3, 5. London: J. Dodsley, 1786. 2 v. 4. ed. 12. MCT V. 5, 2. ed., has title: A catalogue of engravers, who have been born, or resided in England... Bookplate of W. H. Pell. Same. With considerable additions by the Rev. James Dallaway. London: J. Major, 1828. 5 v. pi., port. 4. MCT v. 5 has title: A catalogue of engravers, who have been born or resided in England... Same. With additions by Rev. James Dallaway. A new edition, revised with additional notes by R. N. Wornum. London: H. G. Bohn, 1849. 3 v. 8. MCT A catalogue of engravers, who have been born, or resided in England; digested by H. W. from the mss. of George Vertue; to which is added an account of the life and works of the latter. London: J. Dod- sley, 1782. 1 p.l., 304 p., 3 1. 12. MCT This work forms v. 4 of his: Anecdotes of paint- ing in England... London, 1782. 5 v. 12. A catalogue of engravers, who have been born, or resided in England; PRINTS AND THEIR PRODUCTION 15 frints as Art Products, continued. History (Regional), continued. digested by H, Walpole from the Mss. of G. Vertue; to which is added an account of the life and works of the latter. . . Lon- don: J. Caulfield. 1794. 230 p., 2 1., 17 port. 8'. MDDF Dutch and Flemish Alphabetische naamlijst van boeken, plaat-en kaartwerken, die... in Nederland uitgegeven of herdrukt zijn. 1790-1875. Register 1850-75. Amsterdam, 1832-76. 8. *GDK 1790-1832 title reads: Alphabetische naamlijst van boeken. . .strekkende ter vervolge op het Naam- register van Nederduitsche boeken van R. Arren- berg. Pub. in 'sGravenhage. 1790-1832 edited by J. de Jong; 1833 by C. L. Brinkman. Bodel Nijenhuis, Johannes Tiberius. Catalogue of the. . .collection of 15000 Dutch portraits containing specimens by [27] famous Dutch engravers. . .Formed by the late Dr. J. T. Bodel-Nyenhuis. . .sold ...1874... by F. Muller, E. J. Brill. Am- sterdam: F. Muller, E. J. Brill, 1874. 1 p.l., 90 p. 8. AOM Brinkman's Catalogues der boeken, plaat- en Kaartwerken, die... in Nederland zijn uitgegeven of herdrukt; in alphabet- ische volgorde gerangschikt. . .door R. van der Meulen. Repertorium 1850-1900. Am- sterdam [1883-1902.] 8. *GDK 1891-1900 pub. in Leiden. Dutuit, Eugene. Manuel de I'amateur d'estampes. Paris: A. Levy, 1881-'88. 6 V. 4 & f. MDD Tome l.-[2]. Introduction generale. Tome 3. Planches xylographiques. i . Tome 4-6. ficoles flamande et hollandaise, Tome 1-3. Gersaint, Edme Francois, c. 1696-1750, and others. Catalogue raisonne de toutes les estampes qui forment I'oeuvre de Rem- brandt, et ceux de ses principaux imita- teurs. Compose par les sieurs Gersaint, Helle, Glomy et P. Yver. Nouvelle edi- tion. Entierement refondue, corrigee et considerablement augmentee, par Adam Bartsch. Vienne: A. Blumauer, 1797. 2 v. in 1. pi., port. 12. MDG (Rembrandt) Party priced. Hasselt, Andre Constant van. Histoire de P.-P. Rubens, suivie du catalogue gen- eral et raisonne de ses tgibleaux, esquisses, dessins et vignettes, avec I'indication des lieux oil ils se trouvent et des artistes qui les ont graves. Bruxelles: Imprimerie de la Societe des Beaux Arts, 1840. 4 p.l., 394 p., 2 1., 1 fac, 2 pi., 1 port. 8. MCH Hecquet, Robert. Catalogue des es- tampes gravees d'apres Rubens. Nouv. ed., precedee de la vie de Rubens. (In Basan, P. F. Diet, des graveurs. 1767.) MDD Hippert, T. and J. Linnig. Le peintre- graveur hollandais et beige du XIX ""* siecle. l''''-2'' partie. [A-Legros.] Bru- xelles: F. J. Olivier, 1874-77. 2 v. 8. MDDF Avery collection. Le peintre-graveur hollandais et beige du XIX. siecle. Bruxelles: F. J. Olivier, 1879. vii, 1123 p., 2 1. 8. MDDF Hymans, Henri. La gravure dans I'ecole de Rubens. 1 p.l., iv, 298 p., 1 1., 8 pi. (In: Memoires couronnes et memoires des savants etrangers, publics par I'Academie royalc.de Belgique. Bruxelles, 1879. 4. t. 42.) * EM Sur une gravure d'apres Rubens non decrite. 2 plates. Acad. roy. d'archeol. de Belgique. Annales, v. 59, p. 267-274. Anvers, 1907. Immerzeel, Johannes, Jr. De levens en werken der Hollandsche en Vlaamsche kunstschilders, beeldhouwers, graveurs en bouwmeesters, van het begin der vijf- tiende eeuw tot heden, door J. Immerzeel, uitgegeven door C. H. Immerzeel, en C. Immerzeel. Deel 1-3. Amsterdam: J. C. van Kesteren, 1842-43. 3 v. 8. MDDF Avery collection. Kellen, J. Ph. van der. Catalogue de gravures anciennes des ecoles hollandaise et flamande suivies d'une collection d'eaux-fortes modernes, formant le cabinet d'estampes reuni par J. Ph. van der Kellen ...Amsterdam: F. Muller & Co., 1878. 2 p.l., 244 p. 8. MDE Le peintre-graveur hollandais et flamand; ou, Catalogue raisonne des estampes gravees par les peintres de I'ecole hollandaise et flamande; ouvrage faisant suite au Peintre-graveur de Bartsch ...Avec des fac-simile graves... par J. A. Boland. Tom. 1. 1 p.l., vii, 242 p., 1 1., 36 pi. Utrecht: Kemink & fils, [1873]. f. fMDDF Kerrich, Thomas. A catalogue of the prints, which have been engraved aftet Martin Heemskerck, or rather an essay towards such a catalogue. Cambridge: J. Rodwell, 1829. 3 p.l., 126 p., 1 pi. 8. MDG Kramm, C. De levens en werken der hollandsche en vlaamsche kunstschilders, beeldhowers, graveurs, en bouwmeesters, van den vroegsten tot op onzen tijd. (Streckkende tevens tot vervolg op het Werk van I. Immerzeel). Amsterdam: Diederichs, 1857-'64. 7 v. in 3. 8. MDDF Leipzig. Internationale Ausstellung fxir Buchgewerbe und Graphik. 1914. Graph- ische Kunst in den Niederlanden, 1300- 1800. The Hague, 1914. f. ft MEBF Muller, F. De Nederlandsche geschie- denis in platen. Beredeneerde beschrijving van Nederlandsche historieplaten, zinne- 16 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Prints as Art Products, continued. History (Regional), continued. prenten en historische Kaarten... [100- 1879]. Deel 1-4. Amsterdam: F. Muller, 1863-82. 4 V. 8. GA Potter, Fr. de. 1893-1902. Vlaamsche- bibliographie. Lijst der boeken, vlug en tijdschriften, muziekwerken, kaarten, plat- en en tabellen in Belgie van 1830 tot 1890 verschenen. Gent, A. Siffer. In-8, 15 + 894 bldz., 20 fr. * GDK Rathgeber, G. Annalen der Niederland- ischen Malerei, Formschneide- und Kupfer- stecher-Kunst. Von den Briidern van Eyck bis auf Rembrandt's Tod. Gotha, 1839- 43. 3 V. in 1. f. tMCG Rosenberg, Adolf. Der Kupferstich in der Schule und unter dem Einflusse des Rubens (die Rubensstecher). Wien: Ge- sellsch. f. vervielf. Kunst, 1888. 6 p.l., 168 p., 42 pi. 1 port. f. ft MDB Someren, J. F. van. Essai d'une bibli- ographic de I'histoire speciale de la pein- ture et de la gravure en Hollande et en Belgique (1500-1875). Amsterdam, 1882. 8. Willshire, William Hughes. A descrip- tive catalogue of early prints in the British Museum. German and Flemish schools. Printed by order of the Trustees. Lon- don: Longmans & Co., 1879-'83. 2 v. 4. MDE French See also Illustration of Books (French) in Section I. Andrews, William Loring. A trio of French eighteenth century portrait engra- vers. [E. Ficquet, Odieuvre's publication of Ficquet's portraits, and others. Savart and Grateloup). MDBF From: Book buyer... v. 18, no. 2. 1899. p. 115-119. B Catalogue d'une vente impor- tante d'estampes anciennes des ecoles fran- Qaise et anglaise du XVIIIe siecle, noires et en couleurs; collection B... La vente aura lieu. . .juin. . .1908. Amsterdam: F. Muller & Cie., 1908. 32 p. f. f MDE Advance sheets. Baudicpur, Prosper de. Le peintre- graveur frangais continue; ou, Catalogue raisonne des estampes gravees par les peintres et les dessinateurs de I'ecole fran- Qaise, nes dans le 18. siecle. Ouvrage fai- sant suite au Peintre-graveur franqais de M. Robert-Dumesnil. Paris: M'". Bou- chard-Huzard, 1859-'61. 2 v. 8. MDDF Berard, C. E. Catalogue d'estampes et de livres relatifs a I'architecture et a I'orne- mentation aux xvi", xvii* et xviii" siecles la vente... 1891... [Paris, 1891.] 2 p.l., 124 p. 8. * GO Bocher, Emmanuel. Les gravures fran- gaises du 18. siecle; ou, Catalogue rai- sonne des estampes, [vignettes,] eaux- fortes, pieces en couleur au bistre et au lavis, de 1700 a 1800. Paris: Libr. des Bibliophiles, 1875-82. 6 fasc. in 3 v. port. i\ t MDBF vol. 2-3 pub. by D. Morgand et C. Fatout. Tom. 1. 1 fasc. Nicolas Lavreince. 2. fasc. P. A. Baudouin. 3. fasc. J. B. S. Chardin. 4. fasc. Nicolas Lancret. Tom. 2. 5. fasc. Augustin de Saint-Aubin. Tom. 3. 6. fasc. J. M. Moreau, le jeune. Bonnardot, Alfred. Histoire artistique et archeologique de la gravure en France Paris: Deflorenne neven, 1849. xvi, 302 p. 8. MDBF Bourcard, Gustave. Dessins, gouaches, estampes et tableaux du dix-huitieme siecle. Guide de I'amateur. Paris: D, Morgand, 1893. 5 p.l., 675 p. 1 1. 8. MDDF no. 435 of 550 copies printed. Les estampes du XVIII* siecle, ecole frangaise. Guide manuel de I'ama- teur, avec une preface de Paul Eudel. 3 p.l., xvi, 2 1., 575 p., 1 1. Paris: E. Dentu, 1885. 8. MDDF no. 435 of 600 copies. Avery collection. Delteil, Loys. Manuel de I'amateur d'estampes du XVIIIe siecle... Paris: Dorbon, aine [1910?]. 2 p.l., 447 p., 74 pi., 32 port. 4. MDB Bibliography, p. 361-364. Didot, Ambroise Firmin. Les graveurs de portraits en France. Catalogue rai- sonne de la collection des portraits de I'ecole frangaise appartenant a A. F. D. Precede d'une introduction... Paris: Firmin-Didot et Cie., 1875-'77. MDDF Dilke, Lady Emilia Francis Strong. French engravers and draughtsmen of the xviiith century. London: G. Bell & Sons, 1902. xix, 228 p., 39 pi., 9 port. 4. MDBF Duplessis, Georges Victor Antoine Gratet. De la gravure de portrait en France. Paris: Rapilly, 1875. 2 p.l., iv, 162 p. 8. MDBF Avery collection. Histoire de la gravure en France. Paris: Rapilly, 1861. viii, 408 p. 8. MDBF Exposition de gravures du siecle. Ou- verture 20 Oct. 1887. Galerie Georges Petit. Paris: E. Menard & J. Augry, 1887. 40 p. nar. 8. MDE Avery collection. Fragonard, Jean Honore. Fragonard, Moreau le Jeune, and French engravers, PRINTS AND THEIR PRODUCTION 17 Prints as Art Products, continued. History (Regional), continued. etchers, and illustrators of the later XVIIT. century. London: W. Heinemann, 1913. 15(1) p., 65 pi, B. (Great engravers.) MDBF Gasch, G. Walther. Antiquariats-Kata- log iv. Radirungen und Kupferstiche der franzosischen Schule. Dresden, [1905?] 96 p. 8. MDF Gazette des artistes graveurs frangais. Publication mensuelle. Bois, burin, eau- forte, lithographie. Annee 4 "-date (1911- date). Paris, 1911-date. 4. MDA Goncourt, Edmond and Jules, de. Collection des Goncourt. Gravures du XVIIP. siecle [. . .composant la collection ...dont la vente aura lieu Hotel Drouot ... 26-28 avril 1897. Paris: Motteroz, printer, 1897]. 5 p.l., xvi, 67 p., 1 fac-sim., 1 port. nar. 4. MDE Avery collection. Grolier Club of the City of New York. Catalogue of an exhibition of French en- gravings of the eighteenth century. In black and white, and colors. Exhibited.. . April 29, to... May 20, 1905. New York: the Club, 1905. 19 p. 12. MDBF Guyot de Villeneuve. Catalogue des dessins de I'ecole frangaise du XVIIIe siecle; oeuvres remarquables de Boucher Cochin, Clodion... Estampes de Bosse, Nicolo della Casa. . .miniature par Rabel, provenant du cabinet de M. Guyot de Villeneuve. . .dont la vente aura lieu... mai 1900... [Paris: E. Moreau et Cie., 1900.] 1 p.l., (1)6-47 p., 7 pi. f. tMEL Priced. Keppel, Frederick, & Co. Catalogue of an exhibition of engravings after Watteau, Lancret, Pater, Chardin, Boucher, Van Loo, Fragonard, and other artists of the XVIII. century in France. With an in- troduction and biographical notes com- piled by FitzRoy Carrington. New York: F. Keppel & Co., 1909. 24 p. 8. MDF L Catalogue des estampes de I'ecole frangaise du XVIIIe siecle d'apres Baudouin... Watteau, etc.Le tout... la. . .collection de M. L Dont la vente aura lieu Hotel des Commissaires- Priseurs...8 mars, 1869... Paris: [Renou & Maulde], 1869. 133 p. 8. MDBF supplement. Paris: [Renou & Mauldc], 1872. 20 p. 8. Lawrence, H. W., and B. L. Dighton. French line engravings of the late XVIII. century. London: Lawrence and Jellicoe, Ltd., 1910. 3 p.l., v-xxv, 110 p., 1 1., 80 pi., 2 port. f. t MDBF no. 709 of 1050 copies printed. Lieutaud, Soliman. Liste alphabetique de portraits frangais graves jusque et y compris I'annee 1755, faisant le comple- ment de celle de La bibliotheque histo- rique de la France du P. Lelong, 2" edi- tion. Paris. 1846. 4. AOF MaroUes, Michel de. Le livre des pein- tres et graveurs. . .2de edition de la Bibli- otheque elzevirienne revue et annotee par Georges Duplessis. Paris: P. Daffis, 1872 xiv p. 1 1., 152 p. 16. Model, Julius, and J. Springer. Der franzosische Farbenstich des XVIII. Jahr- hunderts. Stuttgart: Deutsche Verlags- Anstalt [1912]. 70 p., SO 1., 50 pi. f. tMDBF Musee du Louvre. Catalogue des planches gravees composant le fonds de la calcographie du Louvre. Paris, 1851, 4. tMDE Catalogue des planches gravees composant le fonds de la chalcographie et dont les epreuves se vendent au Musee. Paris: Imprimerie Nationale, 1881, xxii, 427 p. nar. 8. MDE Supplement au catalogue de 1881. Paris: Imprimerie Nationale, 1891. 8 p. nar. 8. MDE Avery collection. Same. 1881, 1891. MDE Extrait du catalogue general des planches gravees composant le fonds de la chalcographie dont les epreuves se ven- dent au Musee du Louvre (Porte Jean Goujon). Paris, 1901. viii, 75 p., 1 1., 1 pi. 16. MDE Avery collection. Nevill, Ralph. French prints of the eighteenth century. London: Macmillan & Co., Ltd. 1908. X, 242 p. 1 facsim., 45 pi., 5 port. 8. MDBF Petit, Georges. Catalogue general des publications artistiques de Georges Petit. Paris: G. Petit, 1906. 2 p.l., 3-30 p. illus. 4. tMDF Pichon, Jerome, baron. Catalogue de la collection de dessins et estampes de I'ecole frangaise du XVIIe et du XVIIIe siecle de feu M. le baron J. Pichon. Paris: A. Dan- los, 1897. 2 p.l., 124 p. 4. MDE Portalis, Roger, baron, et H. B^raldi. Les graveurs du 18. siecle. Paris: D. Mor- gand et C. Fatout, 1880-82. 3 v. 8. MDDF Robert - Dumesnil, Alexandre Pierre Frangois. Le peintre-graveur frangais; ou, Catalogue raisonne des estampes gravees par les peintres et les dessinateurs de I'ecole frangaise. Guvrage faisant suite au Peintre-graveur de M. Bartsch. [Tom. 11 Supplement par G. V. A. G.-Duplessis.] Paris: M'"*. Huzard, 1835-'71. 11 v. 8. MDD For continuation see: Baudicour (P. de) Le peintre-graveur francais, continue. 18 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Prints as Art Products, continued. History (Regional), continued. Salaman, Malcolm Charles. French colour-prints of the XVIII century. An introductory essay by M. C. Salaman. London: W. Heinemann, 1913. 4 p.l., 71(1) p., Z7 pi., 13 port. f. tMDBF Societe pour I'etude de la gravure fran- gaise. Annuaire de la gravure frangaise. 1911-1912. Paris, [1911-1912]. sq. 8. MDBF Societe des peintres-graveurs frangais. Exposition no. 9. Paris, 1909. 12. MDN Societe des peintres et graveurs de Paris. Exposition. Catalogue, no. 1. (il910.]) Paris, [1910.] 12. MDN no. 1 has preface by Louis Vauxcelles. Thomas, T. H. French portrait engrav- ing of the XVIIth and XVIIIth centuries. London: G. Bell and Sons, Ltd., 1910. xviii p., 1 1., 211(1) p., 39 pL 8. MDBF Vachon, M. Les arts et les industries dit papier en France, 1871-94. Paris: Li- brairies-imprimeries reunies. [1894]? 4 p.l., 246 p. 28 pi. 4. t * I Watteau, Antoine. Watteau, Boucher and the French engravers and etchers of the earlier eighteenth century. London: W. Heinemann, 1911. 15(1) p., 2 1., 64 pi. illus. 8. (Great engravers.) MDBF Bibliography, p. 4. Younger, Archibald. French engravers of the eighteenth century; ninety-seven illustrations with an introduction by Arch- ibald Younger. Edinburgh, O. Schulze and company [1913]. t MDBF xxxiv p. xcvi pi. on 48 1. 27j4 "". Plates printed on both sides. German Andresen, Andreas. Der deutsche Peintre-Graveur; oder, Die deutschen Maler als Kupferstecher, nach ihrem Le- ben und ihren Werken, von dem letzten Drittel des 16. Jahrhunderts bis zum Schluss des 18. Jahrhunderts, und in An- schluss an Bartsch's Peintre-graveur, an Robert-Dumesnil's und Prosper de Baudi- cour's franzosischen Peintre-graveur. [Vol. 1-3], unter ' Mitwirkung von Rud. Weigel. Leipzig: A. Danz, 1872-78. 5 v. 8. MDDF Die deutschen Maler - Radirer (peintres-graveurs) des neunzehnten Jahr- hunderts nach ihren Leben und Werken: begriindet von A. Andresen. Fortsetzung von J. E. Wessely. Leipzig: A. Danz, 1872-77. 5 V. 8. MDDF Aumiiller, Edouard. Les petits maitres allemands. Munich: M. Rieger, 1881-93. 8^ MDBF V. 1. Barthelemy et Hans Sebald Beham. V. 2. Jacques Bink et Alaart Claas (Claaszen). Bersohn, Mathias, o rytownikach Gdan- skich. Rodr^cznik dla zbieraj^cych sztychy polskie. Warschau 1887. 70 p. * QO p. Box 1 Monograph on Polish plates by Dantzig engravers. Beth, Ignaz, 1877. Die Baumzeichnung in der deutschen Graphik des XV. und XVI. Jahrhunderts; ein Beitrag zur Ge- schichte der deutschen Landschaftsdar- stellung von Ignaz Beth... Strassburg: J. H. E. Heitz, 1910. xi, 174 p., 2 1., 30 pi. 8. (Studien zur deutschen Kunstge- schichte. Heft 130.) MDBF The first part was issued as the author's in- augural-dissertation, Freiburg i. B., 1910. Buchhandel, Der, und die graphischen Kiinste Deutschlands auf der Weltaus- stellung zu Philadelphia im Jahre 1876. Hrsg. von dem Ausstellungscomite in Leipzig. Leipzig, 1876. viii, 128 p. 8. * HE p. box 1 Carnegie Institute, Pittsburgh. Dept. of Fine Arts. Catalogue of an exhibition of contemporary German graphic art, Carnegie Institute. May third through May thirty-first, 1913. Pittsburgh, Pa.: Carnegie Institute [1913]. 22 1., 1 pi. 16. MDBF Deutsches Kiinstler-Lexikon der Gegen- wart in biographischen Skizzen. Auf Grund personlicher Eisendungen bearbei- tet. Leipzig: C. G. Roder, 1898. viii, 754 p., 1 1. 12. (Geistige (Das) Deutsch- land am Ende des xix. Jahrhunderts... Bd. 1.) MAMG Ederheimer, Richard. Illustrated cata- logue to an exhibition of engravings by the three great masters of the 16th cen- tury; Albrecht Diirer, Lucas van Leyden, Marc Antonio Raimondi, preceded by pref- ace by G. S. Hellman, and Albrecht Diirer's mystical tetralogy "A fantasy in verse," with introduction by R. Eder- heimer. The poems in the translation from the original German, by F. Hellman ... New York, 1914. 39 p., 4 1., 14 pi. 8. MDG Duerer Card of invitation inserted. Gasch, G. Walther. Antiquariats-Kata- log 111. Alte Deutsche und Kleinmeister ferner D. Chodowiecki, C. W. E. Dietrich und Wenzel Hollar. Dresden [1906?]. 63 p. 8. MDF Priced. Antiquariats-Katalog v. Kupfer- stiche - Radierungen - Holzschnitte - Lith- ographien alterer und neuerer Meister deutscher Schule. Dresden [1906?]. 191 p. 8. MDF PRINTS AND THEIR PRODUCTION 19 Prints as Art Products, continued. History (Regional), continued. Geisberg, Max. Die Anfange des deut- schen Kupferstiches & der Meister E. S. Mit... Abbildungen. . . Leipzig: Klink- hardt & Biermann, [1909]. 4 p.l., 132 p., 71 pi. 4. CMeister der Graphik. Bd. 2.) tMDBF Germanisches National museum. Kata- log der im germanischen Museum befind- lichen deutschen Kupferstiche des XV. Jahrhunderts. Bearbeitet von M. Lehrs. 1 V. Nurnberg, 1887. 8. MDBF Green, Dr. Samuel A. Remarks on some rare German prints of New York and Quebec, and on contributions in the year 1781 by the churches of Massachusetts to the distressed inhabitants of South Caro- lina and Georgia, n. p. [1894]. 7 p. 8. lAA p. box Keppel, Frederick, & Co. Catalogue of an exhibition of engravings by early Ger- man masters; with an introduction and biographical notes by D. Keppel. New York: F. Keppel & Co., 1911. 22 p., 1 1. nar. 8. MDF Lichtenberg, Reinhold von, Freiherr. Ueber den Humor bei den deutschen Kup- ferstechern und Holzschnittkiinstlern des 16. Jahrhunderts. Strassburg: J. H. E. Heitz, 1897. 92 p., 17 pi. 8. (Studien zur deutschen Kunstgeschichte. Heft 11.) MDBF RouUier's, Albert, Art Galleries. Exhi- bition of a selection of important original etchings by Rembrandt and original etch- ings by Albrecht Diirer, Glockenton, Israel van Meckenen and Lucas van Leyden. February 5th to 18th, inclusive... [Chi- cago: R. R. Donnelley & Sons Co., 1912.] 6 1. nar. 8. MDG (Rembrandt) Rozycki, K. von. Die Kupferstecher Danzigs: ein Beitrag zur Geschichte des Kupferstichs. Danzig: T. Bertling, 1893. 44 p. 8. MDBF St. Louis (Mo.). City Art Museum of j { St. Louis. An exhibition of contemporary p German graphic art. With an introduction by Martin Birnbaum. Opening, April 9, 1913... [St. Louis,] 1913. 31 p. illus. 8. (Special exhibition catalogue. Series 1913, no. 8.) MAVZ Scholtz, R. Katalog der. . .Sammlung des Herrn R. Scholtz in Budapest, enthal- tend ausser einem...Werk von Albrecht Diirer reichhaltige Werkc.von Alde- grever, Altdorfer, Barthel Beham, Hans Sebald Beham... Ferner Handzeichnun- gen alter und moderner Meister... Ver- steigerung zu Stuttgart, Mittwoch, den 10. Mai 1911... [Stuttgart, 1911.] 2 p.l., 75 p., 12 pi. illus. 4. t MDE At head of title: H. G. Gutekunst's Kunst-Auk- tion in Stuttgart, no. 69. Scott, William Bell. The little masters: Albrecht Altdorfer, Hans Sebald Beham, Barthel Beham, Heinrich Aldegrever, Georg Pencz, Jacob Binck, Hans Brosa- mer. London: S. Low, Marston, Searle St Rivington, 1880. viii, 2 1., 128 p., 10 pi., 5 port. 8. MDBT Avery collection. Verzeichniss neuer Kunstsachen als Kupfer- und Stahlstiche, Lithographien, Photographien, etc., welche im J. 1858-60 erschienen sind. Leipzig, 1859-61. 8. MD Waldmann, Emil. Die Nurnberger Kleinmeister. Mit 223 Abbildungen auf 55 Tafeln & 13 Textillustrationen. Leip- zig: Klinkhardt & Biermann [1911]. viii, 116 p., 60 pi. 4. (Meister der Graphik. Bd. 5.) tMDBF Wessely, Joseph Eduard. Die Lands- knechte, eine culturhistorische Studie... mit Abbildungen zeitgenossischer Kunst- ler. In Facsimile-Druck von A. Frisch in Berlin. Gorlitz: C. A. Starke, 1877. 1 p.l., 11(1) p. 30 pi. sq. f. ttMMM Willshire, William Hughes. A descrip- tive catalogue of early prints in the Brit- ish Museum, German and Flemish schools. Printed by order of the Trustees. Lon- don: Longmans & Co., 1879-83. 2 v. 4. MDE Wustmann, Gustav. Der Leipziger Kup- ferstich im 16., 17. u. 18. Jahrhundert. Leipzig: J. B. Hirschfeld, 1907. 3 p.l., 112 p., 1 port. 8. (Neujahrsblatter der Bibliothek u. d. Archivs der Stadt Leip- zig 3.) EML Italian Baldinucci, F. Opere. Milan: Soc. Tip. Class. Ital., 1808-12. 14 v. 8. (Classic! Italiani, 189-202.) NNC V. 1. Cominci amenti e progresso dell' arte dell' intagliare inrame; colle vite di molte de piu eccel- lenti maestri della stessa professione; con anno- tazioni del... D. M. Manni. 1808... British Museum. Prints and drawings, Dept. of. Catalogue of early Italian en- gravings preserved in the Department of prints and drawings in the British Museum. By Arthur Mayger Hind. Ed- ited by Sidney Colvin. London: the Trus- tees, 1910. Hi, 627(1) p., 20 pi. 4. MDBF Illustrations to the Catalogue London: the Trustees, 1909. xvi(i) p., 29 1., 198 pi. 4. Duplessis, G. V. A. G. Les graveurs de Michel-Ange. (In Blanc, A. A. P. C. L'oeuvre de Michel-Ange. 1876.) MCF Finiguerra, Tommaso di. A Florentine picture-chronicle; being a series of ninety- nine drawings representing scenes and per- 20 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Prints as Art Products, continued. History (Regional), continued. sonages of ancient history, sacred and oro- fane; reproduced from the originals in ^he British Museum. . .with. . .critical and de- scriptive text by S. Colvin. London: B. Quaritch, 1898. 2 p.l., (i)iv-vi p., 1 1., 42 p., 81 1., 99 pi. illus. f. tt MEB With autograph of Bernard Quaritch. Fisher, Richard. Introduction to a cata- logue of the early Italian prints in the British Museum. Printed by order of the Trustees. London: Chiswick Press, 1886. viii, 470 p. 4. MDE Kristeller, Paul. Die lombardische Graphik der Renaissance. Von Pavl Kris- teller. Berlin: B. Cassirer, 1913. viii, 171 (1) p., 14 pi. f. tMDBF Florentinische Zierstiicke in Kup- ferstich aus dem XV. Jahrhundert. XXV Tafeln in Heliograviire. Berlin: B. Cas- sirer, 1909. 16 p., 25 pi. f. (Graphische Gesellschaft. Veroffentlichung. [V.] 10.) fMEBF Die Tarocchi; zwei italienische Kupferstichfolgen aus dem XV. Jahrhun- dert. 50 Tafeln in Heliograviire. Berlin: B. Cassirer, 1910. 4 p.l., 50 pi. f. Graph- ische Gesellschaft. Ausserordentliche Ver- offentlichung, no. 2.) ttMDBF Laborde, Henri, Vicomte de. La gra- vure en Italic avant Marc-Antoine (1452- 1505). Paris: Libr. de I'art. (1882?] 2 p.l., 287 p., 5 pi. f. (Bibliotheque inter- national de I'art.) t MDB Leipzig. Internationale Ausstellung fiir Buchgewerbe und Graphik, 1914. Par- tecipazione ufficiale dell' Italia alia Es- posizione internazionale del libro e d'arte grafica Lipsia 1914. Maggio (Dttobre. Organizzata e diretta per incarico del R. Governo italiano dal Comitato nazionale per le esposizioni e le esportazioni italiane air estero... Sede: Roma. Catalogo- guida ufficiale della sezione italiana. [Mi- lano, 1914.] v-xv, 224 p., 1 fold. plan. rl. ed.] 8. *IIA Lippmann, Friedrich. The seven plan- ets: translated by Florence Simmonds. London: Asher & Co., 1895. 1 p.l., 13 p., 1 1., 37 p.l. f. (International Chalco- graphical Society, 1895.) ft MEB Avery collection. Raimohdi, Marc Antonio. Marcantonio and Italian engravers and etchers of the sixteenth century. New York: F. A. Stokes Co. [1912.] 15(1) p., 64 pi. 8. (Great engravers.) MDG Bibliography, p. 9. Regia Calcografia. Catalogo delle mig- liori stampe di incisioni in rame che esis- tono nella Regia Calcografia. Roma: iB. Vecchioni & figlij, 1904. 52 p. 8. MDE Catalogo generale delle stampe im- presse coi rami incisi al bulino ed. all' acqua forte posseduti dalla Regia Calco- grafia le quali si vendono in questo isti- tuto. Roma: [G. Bertero,i 1897. 4 p.l.. (1) 4-129 p. 4. t MDE Vesme, Alexandre de. Le peintre-gra- veur italien: ouvrage faisant suite au Peintre-graveur de Bartsch. Milan: U. Hoeple, 1906. 2 p.l., 542 p. sq. 4. MDDF Works of the Italian engravers of the fifteenth century, reproduced in facsimile by photo-intaglio. With an introduction bv G. W. Reid. With letterpress descrip- tions of the works illustrated, and copious extracts from the text of the poems. Series 1. London: B. Quaritch, 1884. 1 v. pi. f. tt MEBF Japanese (Including books on Individual Artists) Amsden, Dora. Impressions of Ukiyo- ye, the school of the Japanese colour-print artists. San Francisco: P. Elder and Co. [1905.] 3 p.l., 84 p., 14 pi. [rev. ed.] sq. 12. MDBV Anderson, William. Descriptive and historical catalogue of a collection of Japanese and Chinese paintings in the British Museum. [With supplementary index to the names of the principal artists referred to in the catalogue; with Chinese characters.] Printed by order of the trus- tees. London: Longmans & Co., 1886. xvi, 554, 28 p., 31 pi. 4. MAG Japanese wood engravings; their history, technique and characteristics. London: Seely and Co., 1895. 80 p., 6 pi. illus. 4. (The Portfolio, Jan.-June 1895.) MDBV Armes, William Dallam. The color- prints of Old Japan. [Berkeley:] Univer- sity of California, 1901. 8. (The Univer- sity Chronicle, v. 4. p. 29-48.) MDBV Art Institute of Chicago. Catalogue of a loan exhibition of colour prints by Ichir- yusai Hiroshige, 1787-1858. With an in- troduction and notes by F. W. Gookin. April, 1912. [Chicago,] 1912. 1 p.l., 5-26 p. 8. MDBV Barboutau, Pierre. Biographies des ar- tistes japonais dont les oeuvres figurent dans la collection Pierre Barboutau. Tome 1-2. Amsterdam: R. W. P. de Vries, 1905. 2v. illus. f. tMAG V. 1. Peintures. V. 2. Estampes et objets d'art. no. 98 of 100 copies. Burlington Fine Arts Club. Catalogue of prints and books illustrating the his- tory of engraving in Japan. Exhibited in PRINTS AND THEIR PRODUCTION 21 Prints as Art Products, continued. History (Regional), continued. 1888. [Introduction signed: W. Anderson.] [Hertford]: the Club, 1888. xxxvi, 79 p. 4. MDBV Avery collection. Cohn, William. Stilanalysen als Ein- fiihrung in die japanische Malerei. Mit 18 Lichtdrucktafeln. Berlin: Oesterheld & Co., 1908. 170 p. 18 pi. sq. 8. MAG Collection of Japanese engravings and chromoxylographs; [made by Capt. F. Brinkley, and presented by Charles Ste- wart Smith to the New York Public Li- brary: Catalogue. 189-?] 51 p. 8. MDBV Avery collection. Duret, Theodore. Livres & albums illustres du Japon reunis et catalogues. Paris: E. Leroux, 1900. 2 p.l., ix, 11-322 p., 5 pi. 4. (Bibliotheque nationale. Depart- ment des estampes). MDBV FenoUosa, Ernest Francisco. The mas- ters of Ukioye. A complete historical description of Japanese paintings and color prints of the Genre school... as shown in exhibition at the Fine Arts Build- ing. . . N. Y., Jan. 1896, by W. H. Ketch- am. New York: W. H. Ketcham, 1896. V. 115 p. 4. MAG FenoUosa, Mary McNeil. Hiroshige, the artist of mist, snow and rain: an essay. . with illustrations, and fac-similes of some famous signatures. San Francisco: Vick- ery, Atkins & Torrey, [1901]. 18 p., 3 1. nar. 8. MDBV Avery collection. Ficke, Arthur Davison. Chats on Jap- anese prints. London: T. F. Unwin, Ltd. [1915]. 456 p. 12. Gillot, Charles, 1853-1903. Collection Ch. Gillot. Partie 2. Paris: [fivreux. Im- primerie de C. Herisseyj. 1 v. f. tMDBV Partie 2. Estampes japonaises et livres illustres. Goncourt, Edmond Louis Antoine Huot de. Hokousai... Paris: G. Charpentier 6 E. Fasquelle, 1896. xix, 386 p., 1 port. 12. MDBV Gookin, Frederick William. Japanese colour-prints and their designers. A lec- ture delivered before the Japan Society of New York, April 19, 1911, to which is ap- pended a catalogue of a loan collection of Japanese colour-prints exhibited at the Fifth Avenue Building, April 19 to May 19, 1911, together with reproductions of representative prints included in the ex- hibition. New York: Japan Soc, 1913. 4 p.l., 3-52 p., 1 1., 24 pi. f . t MDBV no. 276 of 1000 copies printed. Grolier Club of the city of New York. Catalogue of an exhibition of Japanese colored prints and illustrated books at... Grolier Club. . .April, 1889. [New York. 1889.] 44 p. 12. MDBV Grolier Club, New York. Catalogue of an exhibition of Japanese prints. New York: The Grolier Club, 1896. 23 p. 12 MDBV Holmes, C. J. Hokusai. London: Sign of the Unicorn, 1899. viii, 48 p., 20 pi. 8. (Artist's Library. No. 1.) MDBV Kurth, Julius. Der japanische Holz- schnitt; ein Abriss seiner Geschichte. Mit 75 Abbildungen und 100 Faksimiles von Signaturen. Miinchen: R. Piper & Co., 1911. 125(1) p., 1 table. 8. MDBV Utamaro. Mit 45 bunten und schwarzen Tafeln und Abbildungen... [etc.] Leipzig: F. A. Brockhaus, 1907. xiii, 390 p., 6 facsim., 38 pi., 1 port. 4. MDBV Suzuki Harunobu.' Miinchen: R. Piper & Co., 1910. 123 p., 1 pi. illus. 4. (Klassische Illustratoren. Bd. 7.) MDBV La Farge, John. Hokusai, a talk about Hokusai the Japanese painter, at the Cen- tury Club, March 28, 1896 [by John La FargC]. New York: W, C. Martin, printer, 1897. 32 p. 8. MDBV Maitre, CI. E. L'art du Yamato. Paris: Libr. de l'art ancien & mod., [1902?] 2 p.l., 42 p., 1 1., 8 pi. f. (fitudes d'art ancien et moderne.) MDBV no. 16 of 200 copies printed. Avery collection. Mansfield, Howard. Japanese prints. An address delivered by Mr. H. Mansfield at the Grolier Club on Ladies' Day, Apr. 10, 1896. (Transactions of the Grolier Club of the city of New York. Part 3, 1899. p. 111-130.) *IAA Musee des Arts Decoratifs. Kiyonaga, Buncho, Sharaku; estampes japonaises tirees des collections de MM. Bing, Bouasse-Lebel [and others]. Et exposees ...en Janvier, 1911. Catalogue dresse par M. Vignier avec la collaboration de M. Inada. Paris: D.-A. Longuet [1911]. 54 p., 102 pi. (19 col'd.) f. Introduction signed: Raymond Koechlin. no. 42 of 125 copies printed. Museum of Fine Arts, Boston. Dept. of Japanese art. Special exhibitions of the pictorial art of Japan and China. No. 1. Catalogue. 1 pm. Boston: A. Mudge & Son, printers, 1893. 12. MDBV no. 1. Hokusai and his school. Netto, C, and G. Wagener. Japanischer Humor. Leipzig: F. A. Brockhaus, 1901. 1 pi., X, 284 p., 7 pi. 4. t MDBV New York Public Library. See Collec- tion of Japanese engravings... 22 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Prints as Art Products, continued. History (Regional), continued. Pepper, Charles Hovey, 1864. Japanese prints. Boston: W. Kimball & Co. [1905?]. 29 p., 3 pi. 8. MDBV Pages 28 and 29 contain a list of signatures of artists prepared by Kihachiro Matsuki. Perzynski, Friedrich. Hokusai. Biele- feld: Velhagen & Klasing, 1904. 2 p.l., 96 p., 6 pi. 4. (Kiinstler-Monographien, rv.] 68.) MDBV Revon, Michel. tude sur Hoksai... Paris: Lecene, Oudin et Cie. 1896. 3 pi., 362 p., 1 1., 4. MDBV Savine, Albert. Les maltres de I'estampe japonaise. [Paris, 1902.] 241-256 p. 8. MDBV Extract fr. La Contemporaine. Jan. 10, 1902. Seidlitz, Woldemar von. Geschichte des japanischen Farbenholzschnitts. Dresden: G. Kiihtmann, 1897. xvi, 220 p., 10 pi. 4. MDBV Same. Dresden: G. Kiihtmann, 1910. X, 228 p., 28 pi., 2. ed. 8. MDBV A history of Japanese colour- prints, with illustrations in colour, and black and white. Translated by A. H. Dyer and G. Tripler. London: W. Heine- mann, 1910. xvi, 207(1) p., 76 pi. 4. MDBV Bibliography, p. 195-200. Shirasu, F. An exhibition of Japanese paintings and metal work. Lent by Mr. F. Shirasu, of Tokio, Japan. Catalogue. Boston: Mus. Fine Arts, 1894. 38 p. 12. (Museum of Fine Arts. Dept. of Japan- ese Art.) MDE Avery collection. South Kensington Museum National Art Library. Japanese Art. I. Japanese books and albums of prints in colour in the. . .Library. London: Eyre & Spottis- woode, prts., 1893. 94 p. 8. (Great Brit- ain. Science and Art Dept.) MDBV Strange, Edward F. Japanese colour prints... London: Wyman & Sons, Ltd., 1904. viii, 148 p., 84 pi. 8. (Victoria and Albert Museum, South Kensington.) MDBV Japanese illustration. A history of the arts of wood-cutting and colour print- ing in Japan. London: G. Bell & Sons, 1897. XX, 155 p., 75 pi. 8. (The connois- seur series. Edited by G. White.) MDBV Avery collection. Hokusa", the old man mad with painting. New York: C. Scribner's Sons, 1906. 6 p.l., 71 p., 9 pi. illus. 16. (The Langham series, v 17) MDBV Succo, Friedrich. Utagawa Toyokuni und seine Zeit. Bd. 1. Munchen: R. Piper and Co., 1913. 1 v. illus. 4. MDBV Tokvino, T. Japanese wood cutting and wood-cut printing by T. T. (Edited by S. R. Koehler.) Washington: Gov. Pr. Off., 1894. MDBV Repr.: Report United States National Museum 1892. p. 224-244 with plates iv-xiii. Visser, M. W. de. Japansche kleuren- drukken in het Rijks Ethnographisch Museum te Leiden, [no.) 1-16. Amster- dam: Uitgevers-Maatschappy "Elsevier" [1912-15]. 13 parts, illus. f. f MDBV Repr.: Elsevier's geiUustreerd maandschrift. Weitenkampf, Frank. The galleries. Some notes on the technique of Japanese colour prints. New York: Moffat, Yard & Co., 1907. p. [85]-91, 1 pi. 8. MDBV Excerpt: The Scrip... Dec. 1907. X***, of Antwerp. Catalogue d'estampes japonaises, d'albums illustres et de kake- monos provenant de la collection de M. X***, d'Anvers... Vente...21 et...22 Decembre, 1893. . .[Hotel Drouot.] Paris: E. Leroux, 1893. viii, 56 p. 4. MDBV p.v.l Priced. In: MDBV p. v. 1. Yamanaka & Co. Catalogue. The ex- hibition of Ukiyoye paintings and prints at the Yamanaka Galleries 254 Fifth Avenue, New York. . . [Compiled by Ern- est Francisco Fenollosa]. New York: [Alexander Pressj. 1908. 47 1. 12. MDBV Japanese: Auction Sale Catalogues Besides those listed here, the Library has a num- ber of others, in which names of owners are not given. These are entered in the card catalogue and are thus available for students. It will be noted that most of those listed here are priced. Appert, Georges. Catalogue de pein- tures, d'estampes et d'objets d'art japo- nais provenant du cabinet de M. G. Appert, qui seront vendus...les lundi 8 et mardi 9 fevrier 1892... Paris: E. Leroux. 1892. 1 p.l., (i)vi-viii, 51 p. 4. MDBV p.v.2 Appleton, Henry. Catalogue of... Japanese colour prints, representative of nearly all the best artists. The property of H. Appleton. Which will be sold by... Messrs. Sotheby, Wilkinson & Hodge... on the 20. of June, 1910. . . [London:] Dry- den Press, [1910.] 1 p.l., 79 p., 30 pi. 4. MDBV p.v.3, no.2 Priced. Barclay, Ford G. Catalogue of the . . . collection of Japanese colour prints, repre- sentative of the best periods. The prop- erty of F. G. Barclay... Which will be sold... by Messrs. Sotheby, Wilkinson & Hodge... on Monday, 14th. of March, 1910... [London:] Dryden Press, [1910.] 1 p.l., 87 p., 25 pi. 4. MDBV p.v.3, no.l PRINTS AND THEIR PRODUCTION 23 Prints as Art Products, continued. History (Regional), continued. Blondeau, Paul. Catalogue of Japanese colour prints, original drawings, books and old art objects: the property of P. Blon- deau... Which will be sold... by Messrs. Sotheby, Wilkinson & Hodge. . .on. . .26. of April, 1910... [London:] Dryden Press, [1910.] 1 p.l., 58 p., 24 pi. 4. MDBV p.v.3, no.3 Priced. Burty, Philippe. Collection P. Burty. Catalogue de peintures et estampes japo- naises, de miniatures indopersanes et de livres relatifs a I'Qrient et au Japon. Paris, 1891. 4. MDBV p.v.2 Catalogue de peintures et d'estampes japonaises formant la collection d'un ama- teur [Hotel Drouot, June 14-22, 1891.] Paris, 1891. 4. MDBV p.v.2 Priced. Catalogue d'une precieuse collection d'estampes japonaises, pieces de choix provenant du cabinet d'un amateur. [Hotel Drouot, April 25-27, 1892.] Paris: 1892. 4. MDBV p.v.2 Priced. Colonna, Edward. Catalogue of Mr. E. Colonna's collection of rare Japanese prints [and of Japanese paintings]; to be sold at... public sale at the American Art Galleries... [Pt. 1-2]. New York, 1908. 8. MAX Gookin, Frederick William. Catalogue of a part of the. . .collection of Japanese colour prints: the property of F. W. Gook- in... Which will be sold... by Messrs. Sotheby, Wilkinson & Hodge... on the 23. of May, 1910... [London:] Dryden Press, [1910.] 2 p.l., 49 p., 16 pi. 4. MDBV p.v.3, no.4 Priced. Happer, John Stewart. Catalogue of the. . .collection of Japanese colour prints, illustrated books and a few kakemono. The property of J. S. Happer... Which will be sold... by Messrs. Sotheby, Wil- kinson & Hodge... on Monday, 26th, of April, 1909, and three following days... [London:] Dryden Press, [1909.] xii, 99 p., 30 pi. 4. MDBV p.v.3, no.6 Priced. Catalogue of the. . .collection of Japanese colour prints. The property of J. S. Happer... Second and final portion. Which will be sold... by Messrs. Sotheby, Wilkinson and Hodge... on Monday 14th. of June, 1909, and four following days... [London:] Dryden Press, [1909.] ix, 80 p., 31 pi. 4. MDBV p.v.3, no.7 Priced. Hart, Ernest. Catalogue of a collection of Japanese colour prints, kakemonos, surimonos, original drawings, illustrated books, albums & sketches, the property of the late Ernest Hart, Esq. London: J. Davy & Sons, 1898. 2 p.l., 39 p. 8. MDBV Avery collection. Hartvigson, Frits. Catalogue of the ...collection of Japanese colour prints of the best period... The property of F. Hartvigson... Which will be sold... by Messrs. Sotheby, Wilkinson & Hodge... on Friday, the 2nd of July, 1909... [Lon- don:] Dryden Press, [1909.] 23 p. 4. ^ . , MDBV p.v.3, no.5 Priced. Hayashi, Tadamassa. Dessins, estampes, livres illustres du Japon; reunis par T. Ha- yashi... dont la vente aura lieu du lundi 2 Juin au vendredi 6 juin, 1902. [La gravure japonaise by S. Bing. Paris, 1902.] 3 p.l., V. 287 p., 109 pi. f. tMDBV Courtlandt Palmer Memorial collection. Labat et Foucaux. Catalogue de pein- tures et d'estampes japonaises. . .et d'ob- jets d'art du Japon. . .provenant des col- lections de Labat et Foucaux. Paris: 1895. 4. MDBV p.v.l La Farge, John. Catalogue of... Orien- tal art objects. . .Japanese paintings, prints and screens, textiles and curios, collected by... John La Farge. . .sold. . . [1908.] New York: [J. J. Little & Co.], 1908. 53 1. 8. MAG Origet, Emmanuel. Catalogue d'es- tampes japonaises. Dessins japonais & chinois. Dont la vente aura lieu a Paris ...10. Avril, 1908... par... E. Origet... Assiste de L. Delteil. [Paris: Imp. Frazier- Soye, 1908.] 16 p. 8. (Cat. no. 153.) MDBV Reza Khan, Mirza. Livres arabes, turcs et persanes imprimes en Orient, precieux manuscrits arabes. . .superbes manuscrits persans enlumines et decores de peintures . . . miniatures indo-persanes . . . estampes japonaises... Paris: 1894. 4. MDBV p.v.l Ritchie, H. A. Catalogue of Japanese colour prints of the best period. Forming part of the collection of H. A. Ritchie... Which will be sold... by Messrs. Christie, Manson & Woods. . .on. . . March 8, 1910 ... [London: W. Clowes & Sons, 1910.] 35 p., 12 pi. 4. MDBV p.v.3, no.8 Priced. Salt, Lawrence T. W. Catalogue of Japanese colour prints and surimono. Comprising the collections of L. T. W. Salt, A. G. Webster and V. J. Scantlebury. Which will be sold... by Messrs. Sotheby, Wilkinson & Hodge. . .on. . .30. of April. 1909... [London:] Dryden Press, [1909.] 24 p. 4. MDBV p.v.3, no.9 Priced. Sotheby, Wilkinson, and Hodge. Cata- logue of a., .collection of Japanese colour 24 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Prints as Art Products, continued. History (Regional), continued. prints, illustrated books and original draw- ings. The property of a well-known ama- teur. Which will be sold... by Messrs. Sotheby, Wilkinson & Hodge... on Thurs- day the 3rd of March, 1910, and following day... [London:] Dryden Press, [1910.] 31 p., 8 pi. 4. MDBV p.v.3, no.l2 Priced. Catalogue of Japanese colour prints. The property of a lady. Which will be sold... by Messrs. Sotheby, Wilkinson and Hodge... on Friday the 13th. of May, 1910 [London:] Dryden Press, [1910.] 10 p. 4. MDBV p.v.3, no.13 Priced. Catalogue of Japanese colour prints. Which will be sold... by Messrs. Sotheby, Wilkinson & Hodge... on Monday, the 22nd of November, 1909... [London:] Dryden Press, [1909.] 20 p. 4. MDBV p.v.3, no.ll Priced. Catalogue of old Japanese colour prints and books. Which will be sold... by Messrs. Sotheby, Wilkinson & Hodge .. .on. . .19. of January, 1910. . . [London:] Dryden Press [1910]. 21 p. 4. MDBV p.v.3, no.lO Priced. Taigny, Edmond. Catalogue de la pre- cieuse collection de peintures et estampes japonaises formee par E. Taigny. Paris, 1893. 4. MDBVp.v.2 Mexican Medina, J. T. La imprenta en Mexico (1539-1821). Tomo 1. Santiago de Chile, 1912. Reserve Introduccion. III. CCXVIII. La grabadores. CCVII- POLISH Bersohn, Mathias. O rytownikach gdan- skich. Podr^cznik dla zbieraj^cych sztychy polskie. Warsaw: S. Lewental, 1887. 69 p. 8. * QO p. box 1 KOBt H CHHMKH CI. Hxt npoH3Be;i;eHift. St.-Petersburg: A. Suvorin, 1889- 1899. 2 V. 4. * QDZ Chemesov, Yevgraf Petrovich. Tsche- messcff, graveur russe, eleve de G. F. Schmidt. Son oeuvre, reproduit par le pro- cede de G. Scamoni. Public et annote par D. Rovinski. St. Petersbourg: Expedition pour la confection des papiers de I'etat, 1878. 8 p., 1 1., 1 fac, 17 pi. f. ft MEM Rovinski, D. A. no^po6HHa cjro- Bapi. pyccKHxt rpasepoBT. xvi-xix bb. 720 phototypes & 210 zinkographs. St. Petersburg: Tip. Akad. Nauk, 1895. 2 V. f. * QDZ CjroBapt pyccKHxt rpaBnpo- BaHHHx-B nopxpeTOBT,. St. Peters- burg: Tip. Imperatorskoi Akademii Nauk, 1872. 1 p.l., Ivi, 236 p. 8. *QDZ Supplement to BanncKH Hmh. AKa- ;i,eMiH HayKt. Tomt. 21, M 2. Spanish Calcografia nacional. Catalogo de las estampas grabadas a buril, agua-fuerte y demas procedimientos que se conocen en el arte del grabado... [Madrid? 18-?] broadside, ob. f. MDE Catalogo general de las estampas grabadas a buril, agua-fuerte, agua-tinta y humo (6 manera negra), con relacion de los autores, asuntos que representan, di- mensiones del grabado y su precio... Madrid: M. Tello, 1880. 16 p. 8. MDE Cean-Bermudez, J. A. Diccionario his- torico de los mas ilustres profesores de las bellas artes en Espana. Publicado por La Real Academia de S. Fernando. Ma- drid: 1800. 6 v. 8. (16.) MAML Portuguese Brazil. Bibliotheca Nacional. Es- tampas gravadas por Guilherme Francisco Lourengo Debrie. Catalogo organisado pelo Dr. Jose Zephyrino de Menezes Brum. Rio de Janeiro: Off. de Artes Graph, de Bibl. Nacional, 1908. 2 p.l., 110 p., 13 pi. 8. MDG Russian Bulgakov, Fiodor Ilyich. Hamn xy^OHCHHKH. . .6iorpa$iH xy^ajoacHH- Swiss Burger, H. J. 1900. Weltausstellung in Paris. Schweiz. Die Graphischen Druck- verfahren. Gruppe iii, Klassen 11 und 13 . . . Bericht an das Schweiz, Handelsde- partment. Ziirich: Polygraphisches Insti- tut A. G., 1901. 66 p., 6 pi. 8. MDB Leipzig. Internationale Ausstellung ftir Buchgewerbe und Graphik, 1914. Schweiz. Katalog. Ziirich: Schweizer. Zentral- stelle fiir das Ausstellungswesen, 1914. 228 p., 1 fac, 2 col'd maps, 1 fold, plan, 14 pi. (10 col'd). 2. ed. 8. * IIA PRINTS AND THEIR PRODUCTION 25 Prints as Art Products, continued. History (Regional), continued. United States Andrews, William Loring. An essay on the portraiture of the American Revolu- tionary War: being an account of... en- graved portraits connected therewith... To which is added an appendix containing lists of portraits of Revolutionary charac- ters... Illustrated with reproductions... of the original engravings. New York: Prtd. by Gilliss Bros, for the author, 1896. 3 p.l., v-viii, 2 1., 100 p., 1 1., 2 pi. 16 port. 8. AON One of 185 copies, printed on hand-made paper. Baker, William Spohn. American en- gravers and their works. Philadelphia: Gebbie & Barrie, 1875. x, 11-184 p. 12. MDDF Same. 4 fac, 86 pi., 55 port. Extra-illustrated. Buttre, J. C, Co., New York. Catalogue of engravings, for sale by J. C. Buttre Co., publishers, engravers and plate printers . . . New York, 1894. 104 p. 24. MDG (Buttre) Dunlap, William. History of the rise and progress of the arts of design in the United States. New York: G. P. Scott and Co., 1834. 2 v. in 6. 8. MDBF Same. Extra illustrated, and special title pages inserted in each vol. Stuart 11044 Engravers, United States. [Chronologi- cal list of prominent American engravers, with biographies.] (In National cyclo- pedia of American biography, index vol., p. 166-167.) *R Gair, Robert. What we do and how we do it. A historical sketch of the house of Robert Gair . . Brooklyn: R. Gair [1901]. 39 1. ob. 12. VMP Green, Samuel Abbott. Remarks on the Boston Magazine, the Geographical Ga- zetteer of Massachusetts, and John Nor- man, engraver. Cambridge, [Mass.]: J. Wilson & Son, 1904. 7 p. 8. MDG Ten fac-simile reproductions relat- ing to old Boston and neighborhood. Bos- ton [University Press], 1901. 4 p.l., 44 p., 3 maps, 1 plan, 9 pi. 4. f MDBE Avery collection. Ten facsimile reproductions relat- ing to various subjects. Boston: [J. Wil- son & Son, Cambridge, U. S. A. petrs.] 1903. 4 p.l., 36 p., 14 facs., 4 pi., 5 port. f. fMDBF 1 of 125 copies printed. Grolier Club of the City of New York. Catalogue of an exhibition of early Ameri- can engravmg upon copper 1727-1850... Jan. 24 to Feb. 15, 1908. New York: 1908. vin, 100 p., 1 port. 16. MDBF Hart, Charles Henry. Catalogue of the engraved portraits of Washington. New York: The Grolier Club of the City of New York, 1904. xxv, 406 p., 1 1., 20 pi 4. t MDE 1 of 425 copies printed on American hand made paper. Avery collection. Koehler, Sylvester Rosa. Catalogue of the contributions of the section of graphic arts to the Ohio Valley Centennial Ex- position, Cincinnati, 1888. n. t.-p. [Wash- ington: Smithsonian Inst. 1888.] 701-731 P- 8. MDR From U. S. Nat. Mus. Proc. v. 10 App'x. Lawrence, Richard Hoe. Catalogue of the engravings issued by the Society of Iconophiles of the City of New York, 1894- 1908; compiled by R. H. Lawrence, with an introduction by W. L. Andrews. New York, 1908. 5 p 1., 13-87(1) p., 1 pi. illus. 4. (Soc. of Iconophiles, New York.) tMDE One of 125 copies printed on O. W. hand made paper. Museum of Fine Arts, Boston. A de scriptive Catalogue of an exhibition of early engraving in America Dec. 12, 1904- Feb. 5, 1905. Cambridge, University Press, 1904. 1 X, 151 p. 12. MDBF Paine, Nathaniel. Early American en- gravings and the Cambridge press imprints 1640-1692, in the library of the American Antiquarian Society. Worcester, 1906. 21 p., 2 1. 4. MDBF Repr. : from Proceedings Amer. Antiq. Soc. no. 21. Two leaves, containing additional items, in- serted. Stauffer, David McNeely, American engravers upon copper and steel. Part 1-2. New York: The Grolier Club of the Citv of New York, 1907. 2 v. illus. 4. MDDF One of 350 copies printed. Stokes, Anson Phelps, the younger. Historical prints of New Haven, Connecti- cut, with special reference to Yale College and the Green. New Haven, Conn.: Tuttle, Morehouse & Taylor Co., 1910. ZZ p., 1 pi. 8. MDE Toppan, Robert Noxon. 1795-1895. A hundred years of bank note engraving in the United States. Read before the trus- tees of the American Bank Note Company. New York, 1896. 13 p., 1 1. 8. MDBF Walsh, Charles Harper. The earliest en- graving executed on copper in the Ameri- can colonies. [A map of Raritan river, en- graved upon copper by R. Simson in 1683, from a plat or drawing by J. Reid.] Wash- 26 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Prints as Art Products, continued. History (Regional), continued. ington, D. C: Columbia Historical Soc, 1912. 54-72 p., 1 map. 8. MDBF Repr. : Records of the Columbia Historical Soc. V. 15. 1912. Title from cover. Weitenkampf, Frank. American graphic art. New York: H. Holt and Co., 1912. 1 p.l., v-x p., 1 1., 372 p., 26 pi., 6 port. 8. MDBF Dictionaries of Artists AUgemeines Kunstler-Lexicon: Leben und Werke der beruhmtesten bildenden Kiinstler... Vorbereitet von H. A. Mtil- ler, hrsg. von H. W. Singer. Bd. 1-5. Frankfurt a. M.: Rittten & Loening, 1895- 1901. 3. ed. 5 v. 8. * R Nachtrage u. Berichtigungen. Frankfurt a. M., 1906. 1 p.l., 295 p., 3 1. 8. Andresen, Andreas. Der deutsche Pein- tre-Graveur; oder, Die deutschen Maler als Kupferstecher, nach ihrem Leben und ihren Werken, von dem letzten Drittel des 16. Jahrhunderts bis zum Schluss des 18. Jahrhunderts, und in Anschluss an Bartsch's Peintre-graveur, an Robert-Du- mesnil's und Prosper de Baudicour's fran- zosischen Peintre-graveur. tVol. 1-3], unter Mitwirkung von Rud. Weigel. Leip- zig: A. Denz, 1872-78. 5 v. 8. MDDF Die deutschen Maler-Radirer (Pein- tres-graveurs) des neunzehnten Jahrhun- derts nach ihren Leben und Werken; be- griindet von A. Andresen. Fortsetzung von J. E. Wessely. Leipzig: A. Danz, 1872-77. 5v. 8. MDDF Apell, Aloys. Handbuch fiir Kupfer- stichsammler; oder. Lexicon der vorziig- lichsten Kupferstecher des xix. Jahrhun- derts, welche in Linienmanier gearbeitet haben, sowie Beschreibung ihrer besten und gesuchtesten Blatter. Zumeist mit Angab-; des Formates der Kupferstiche und . . . ihrer Abdrucksverschiedenheiten, der Verleger, Laden- und auctionspreise. Leipzig: A. Danz, 1880. xxxxvii, 478 p. 8. MDD Bartsch, Johann Adam Bernhard, Ritter von, Le peintre-graveur. Vienne: J. V. Degen, 1803-21. 21 v. 12. IV. plates. 8. MDD V. 1-5. [Les ecoles hollandaises et flamandes]. V. 6-11. Les vieux maitres allemands. V. 12. Les clair-obscurs des maitres italiens. V. 13. Les vieux maitres italiens. V. 14. CEuvres de Marc' Antoine et de ses... eleves Augustin de Venise et Marc de Ravenne. v. 15. Les graveurs de I'ecole de M.-A. Rai- mondi. V. 16-21. Peintres ou dessinateurs italiens. Pub. by P. Mechetti. Same. [Copies faites d'apres les estampes tres-rares de different maitres.] 16 pi. ob. 8. For Supplement, see the following: Robert-Dumesnil, A. P. F. Le peintre-graveur frangais. . . Weigel, R. Supplements au Peintre-gfaveur de A. B. Andresen, A. Der deutsche Peintre-Graveur. Heller, J. Zusatze zu A. B.'s Le peintre-graveur. Basan, Pierre Francois. Dictionnaire des graveurs anciens et modernes depuis I'or- igine de la gravure; avec une notice des principales estampes qu'ils ont gravees. Suivi des catalogues des oeuvres de Jacques Jordans, & de Corneille Visscher, [par R. Hecquet, Pt. 3. Catalogue des estampes gravees d'apres P. P. Rubens. Nouvelle edition, corrigee. . .augmentee du catalogue par R. Hecquet, & precedee de la vie de Rubens.] Paris: De Lormel, 1767. 3 V. 12. MDD Dictionnaire des graveurs anciens et modernes, depuis I'origine de la gra- vure... Paris. A. L'Auteur, 1789. 2 v. 2. ed., enl. 8. MDD Baudicour, Prosper de. Le peintre-gra- veur frangais continue; ou. Catalogue rai- sonne des estampes gravees par les peintres et les dessinateurs de I'ecole fran- gaise, nes dans le 18. siecle. Ouvrage faisant suite au Peintre-graveur frangais de M. Robert-Dumesnil. Paris: M"'*. Bou- chard-Huzard, 1859-61. 2 v. 8. MDDF Benezit, E. Dictionnaire critique et dccumentaire des peintres, sculpteurs, dessinateurs & graveurs, de tous les temps et de tous les pays; par un groupe d'ecri- vains...sous la direction de E. Benezit... tome 1-2: A-K. Paris: R. Roger et F. Cher- noviz, 1911-13. 2 v. pi. 4. Art Dept. - Ref- Beraldi, Henri. Les graveurs du XIX" siecle: guide de I'amateur d'estampes mo- dernes. Paris: L. Conquet, 1885-92. 12 v. 8. MDD Brulliot, Frangois. Dictionnaire de monogrammes, chiffres, lettres initiales et marques figurees, sous lesquels les plus celebres peintres, dessinateurs et graveurs ont designe leurs noms... Munich: J. G. Zeller, 1817. 3 p.l., 9-1032 cols., 103 p., 1 1., xlvi. 4. MDD Avery collection. Dictionnaire des monogrammes, marques figurees, lettres initiales, noms abreges, etc., avec lesquels les peintres, dessinateurs, graveurs et sculpteurs ont designe leurs noms. Munich: J. G. Cotta, 1832-34. 3 pt. in 1 v. New ed. 4. f MAO Bryan, Michael. Biographical and criti- cal dictionary of painters and engravers, from the revival. . .under Cimabue...; PRINTS AND THEIR PRODUCTION 27 Prints as Art Products, continued. Dictionaries of Artists, continued. with ciphers, monograms and marks, used by each engraver. London, 1816. 2 v. 4. tMCA See Ottley, H., for Supplement, 1876. Same. A new ed...enl., and continued to the present time by G. Stan- ley. 1 p.l., xxvi, 937(1) p., 9 pi., 1 port. London: H. G. Bohn, 1849. 4. MDD Same. London: 1886-89. 2 v. new ed. nar. 4. * R V. 1, edited by R. E. Graves. V. 2, edited by W. Armstrong and R. E. Graves. Same. New edition revised and enlarged under the supervision of G. C. Williamson. With. . .illustrations, v. 1-5. London: G. Bell & Sons, 1903-05. 5 v. 4. Art - Ref . Same. 5 v. in 15. MDD Extra-illustrated. Catalogo dei piu celebri intagliatori in legno ed in rame e capiscuola di diverse eta e nazione. Milano: Pietro e Giuseppe Vallardi, 1821. 63 p. iUus. 8. MDD Christ, J. F. Dictionnaire des mono- grammes, chiffres, lettres, initiates, logo- gryphes, rebus &c. Sous lesquels les plus celebres, peintres, graveurs & dessina- teurs ont dessine leurs noms. Traduit de I'Allemand par M**. [i. e. G. PelliuS]. Paris: Guillyn, 1762. xx iv, 1 v., 378 p., 18 1., 6 pi. 12. MAO Clement, Clara Erskine. See Waters, Mrs. Clara E. C. Delteil, Loys. Le peintre-graveur illus- tre (XIX" et XX" siecles). Tome 1-8. Paris: L'auteur, 1909-13. illus. 8 v. f. tMDD Tome 1. J. F. Millet, Th. Rousseau, J. Dupre, J. B. Jongkind. Tome 2. C. Meryon. Tome 3. Ingres et Delacroix. Tome 4. A. Zorn. Tome S. Corot. Tome 6. Rude, Barye, Carpeaux. Rodin. Tome 7. Paul Huet. Tome 8. Eugene Carriere. Demmin, Auguste. Encyclopedic histo- rique, archeologique, biographique, chro- nologique et monogrammatique des beaux- arts, plastiques, architecture et mosa'ique, ceramique, sculpture, peinture et gravure. Paris: [1873]. 3 v. 8. MAO Desormes, E., and A. Basile. Diction- naire des arts graphiques comprenant 8 vocabulaires. . . 2 v. (In their Polylexique methodique... Paris, 189-?. 12.) * IS Duplessis, Georges Victor Antoine Gratet, and H. F. X. M. Bouchot. Diction- naire des marques et monogrammes de graveurs, par Georges Duplessis. . .et Henn Bouchot... Paris: J. Rouam, 1886. vii(i), 325(1) p. illus. 12. (Guides du collectionneur.) MDD Duplessis, G. V. A. G., editor. Le livre des peintres et graveurs par M. de Mar- olles, abbe. 2* ed. (Bibl. elzev.) Paris. 1872. 16. NKI Dutuit, Eugene. Manuel de I'amateur d'estampes. Paris: A. Levy, 1881-88. 6 V. 4 & f. MDD Tome l.-[2]. Introduction generale. Tome 3. Planches xylographiques. f. Tome 4-6. ficoles flamande et hollandaise. Tome 1-3. Elmes, J. A general and bibliographical dictionary of the fine arts. Containing explanations of the principal terms used in the arts of painting, sculpture, architec- ture, and engraving... Historical sketches of the rise and progress of their different schools; descriptive accounts of the best books and treatises on the fine arts.., London: T. Tegg, 1826. iii-viii, 381 1. 8. MAO Fuessli, J. R. H. R. Fiisslins kritisches Verzeichniss der bessten, nach den berijhmtesten Mahlern aller Schulen Vor- handenen Kupferstiche. 4 v., port. Zii- rich: den Drell, Fiissli & Co., 1798-1806. nar. 12. MDD Fuessli, J. R., and H. H. Allgemeines Kiinstlerlexicon; oder, Kurze Nachricht von dem Leben und dem Werken der Maler, Bildhauer, Baumeister, Kupfer- stecher, Kunstgiesser, etc. Zurich: Drell, Fuessli & Co., 1806-'21. 2 v. in 13. f. tMAO Same. Neue, ganz unveran- derte Ausgabe. Zurich, 1810-11. 2 v. f. Gori Gandellini, Giovanni. Notizie istoriche degli intagliatori di G. Gori Gandellini... Tomo 1-15. Siena: O. Porri, 1808-16. 15 v. pi. 8. MDD V. 1-3, 2. ed. arricchita di notizie interessanti, la vita dell' autore... V. 4-15, title reads: Notizie degli intagliatori... raccolte da varj scrittori ed aggiunte a G. Gori Gandellini dal... abate Luigi de Angelis. Gould, John. Biographical dictionary of painters, sculptors, engravers, and archi- tects; with an appendix, and reminiscences of eminent painters by C. J. Nieuwenhuys. London, 1838. 2 v. 16. MAO Heinecken, K. H. Dictionnaire des ar- tistes, dont nous avons des estampes; avec une notice detaillee de leurs ouvrages graves. Leipzig: J. G. I. Breitkopf, 1778- '90. 4 V. 8. MDD Work incomplete. A-Diz. Heller, Joseph. Handbuch fiir Kupfer- stichsammler; oder, Lexicon der Kupfer- stecher, Maler-Radirer, und Formschnei- der aller Lander und Schulen... Auf Grundlage der 2. Auflage von Heller's 28 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Prints as Art Products, continued. Dictionaries of Artists, continued. Pract. Handbuch fur Knpferstichsammler, neu bearbeitet vcn A. Andresen. [Bd. 2, Nach des Herausgegebers Tode fortge- setzt...von J. E. Wessely.] Leipzig: T. O. Weigel, 1870-73. 2 v. 8. MDD Praktisches Handbuch fur Kupfer- stichsammler; oder, Lexicon der vorziig- lichsten und beliebtesten Kupferstecher, Formschneider und Lythographen. . . Bamberg: C F. Kunz, 1823-'25. 2 v. in \. 16. MDD Monogrammen Lexicon, enthald- end die bekannten, zweifelhaften und un- bekannten Zeichen, so wie die Abkiirzun- gen der Namen der Zeichner, Maler, Formschneider, Kupferstecher, Lithogra- phen U.S.W., mit kurzen Nachrichten uber dieselben. Bamberg: J. C. Sickmiiller, 1831. xxvi, 1 1., 411 p. 8. MAO Zusatze zu Adam Bartsch's Le peintre graveur. 2 p.l., 136 p. Niirnberg: J. L. Lotzbeck, 1854. 12. MDD Ruber, M. Manuel des curieux et des amateurs de I'art; contenant une notice abregee des principaux graveurs et un cata- logue raisonne de leurs meilleurs ouvrages . . . [With the assistance of C. C. H. Rost and C. G. Martini.] Zurich: Orell, Gessner, Fuesslin et Comp., 1797-1808. 9 v. in 5. 12. MDD Notices generates des graveurs di- vises par nations, et des peintres ranges par ecoles, precedees de I'histoire de la gravure et de la peinture. . .et suivies d'un catalogue raisonne d'une collection choisie d'estampes. Dresde & Leipzig: J. G. I. Breitkopf, 1787. xlviii, 710 p., 1 pi. 8. MDD Joubert, F. E. Manuel de I'amateur d'estampes, faisant suite au Manuel du libraire... Paris: I'Auteur, 1821. 3 v. 8. MDD Lacombe, J. Dictionnaire portatif des beaux-arts; ou, Abrege de ce qui concerne I'architecture, la sculpture, la peinture, la gravure, la poesie & la musique... Par M. L.", Avocat. Paris: La Ve Estienne & Fils, 1752. 2 p.l., viii, 708 p., 1 1. 16. MAO Le Blanc, Charles. Manuel de I'amateur d'estampes, contenant le dictionnaire des graveurs de toutes les nations.. . Ouvrage destine a faire suite au manuel du libraire ...par J. C. Brunet. Paris: 1854-'90. 4 v. 8. MDD Malaspina di Sannazaro, L., Marchese. Catalogo di una raccolta di stampe antiche. Compilato dallo stesso possessore March. M. di S. Milano: Dai tipi di G. Bernardoni, 1824. 5 V. 8. MDD vol. 1. Scuola tedesca. vol. 2. Scuola italiana. vol. 3. Scuola fiamminga. vol. 4. Scuola fran- cese. vol. 5. Elenco cronologico comparativo. Indice. Tavole delle marche degli incisori. Mueller, Friedrich, and others. Die Kiinstler aller Zeiten und Volker; oder, Leben und Werke der beriihmtesten Bau- meister, Bildhauer, Maler, Kupferstecher ...etc... [2. Bd., begonnen von F. M., fortgesetzt von K. Klunzinger. 3. Bd. be- gonnen von F. M., fortgesetzt und been- digt durch K. K., und A. Seubert.] Stutt- gart: Ebner & Seubert, 1857-'64. 3 v. 8. MAO Nagler, G. K. Die Monogrammisten, und diejenigen bekannten und unbekann- ten Kiinstler aller Schulen, welche sich zur Bezeichnung ihrer Werke eines figiir- lichen Zeichens, der Initialen des Namens, der Abbreviatur desselben, &c., bedient haben... Munchen: G. Franz, 1858-'79. 5 V. 8. MAO Dr. Andresen helped in the preparation of v. 4 & 5; and also C. Clauss, of v. 5. Neues allgemeines Kunstler-Lexi- con oder Nachrichten von dem Leben und den Werken der Maler, Bildhauer, Bau- meister, Kupferstecher, Formschneider, Lithographen, Zeichner, Medailleure, El- fenbeinarbeiter. Munchen, 1835-52. 22 vols. 8. MDD Ottley, Henry. A biographical and crit- ical dictionary of recent and living paint- ers and engravers; forming a supplement to Bryan's Dictionary of painters and en- gravers, as edited by G. Stanley. London, 1876. nar. 4. MCA Passavant, J. D. Le peintre-graveur . . . Leipzic: R. Weigel, 1864-'64. 56 v. in 4. 8. MDD Tome 1. Histoire de la gravure sur bois et sur metal, et au burin jusque vers la fin du xvi. siecle. Histoire du nielle et complement du catalogue de Duchesne, Aine. Tome 2-6. Les maitres allemands, neerlandais et Italians du xv. et xvi. siecle; supplement au Peintre- graveur de Adam Bartsch, vol. vi-x, xii-xvi. Ris-Paquot, O. E. Dictionnaire encyclo- pedique des marques & monogrammes, chiffres, lettres initiales, signes figuratifs, etc., etc., contenant 12,156 marques... Tome 1-2 3 pi. Paris: H. Laurens, [189-.] 4. t MAO Robert-Dumesnil, Alexandre Pierre FranQois. Le peintre-graveur frangais; ou. Catalogue raisonne des estampes gravees par les peintres et les dessinateurs de I'ecole frangaise. Ouvrage faisant suite au Peintre-graveur de M. Bartsch. [Tome 11 Supplement par G. V. A. G. Duplessis.] Paris: M"". Huzard, 1835-'71. 11 v. 8. MDD For continua^ion see: Baudicour, P. de. Le peintre-graveur frangais continue. Schreiber, Wilhelm Ludwig. Manuel de I'amateur de la gravure sur bois et sur metal au XV siecle. Tome 1-4 (in 8). 6-8 (in f). Berlin: A. Cohn, 1891-1900. 7 v. in 4. 8 & f & 4 pub. in Leipzig: O. Harrassowitz. MDB & f MDB Tome 1-4. Text. Tome 6-8. Plates. PRINTS AND THEIR PRODUCTION 29 Prints as Art Products, continued. Dictionaries of Artists, continued. Spooner, S. Anecdotes of painters, en- gravers, sculptors, and architects, and curiosities of art. New York, 1853. 3 vols. 12. MAN A biographical history of the fine arts., .supplement. 5th edition. Phila- delphia, 1873. 2 V. facsim. nar. 4. * R Strutt, Joseph. A biographical diction- ary; containing an historical account of all engravers, from the earliest period of the art... and a short list of their most esteemed works, with the cyphers. . .used by each master... To which is prefixed. An essay on the rise and progress of the art... V. 1-2. London: R. Faulder, 1786. 2 V. in 1. sq. 4. MDD Thieme, Ulrich and Becker Felix. All- gemeines Lexikon der bildenden Kiinstler von der Antike bis zur Gegenwart. Unter Mitwirkung von 300 Fachgelehrten des In- und Auslandes hrsg. von U. Thieme u. F. Becker. Bd. 1-11. Leipzig: W. Engel- mann, 1907-15. 11 v. sq. 4. Art-Ref. This work is closely related to J. Meyer's: "All- gemeines Kiinstler Lexikon" of which these editors have made use. Ticozzi, S. Dizionario degli architetti, scultori, pittori, intagliatori in rame ed in pietra, coniatori in medaglie, musiacisti, niellatori, intarsiatori d'ogni eta e d'ogni nazione. Milano: C. Schiepatti. . . 1830- 'ZZ. 4 V. in 2. 8. MAO Vesme, Alexandre de. Le peintre-gra- veur italien; ouvrage faisant suite au Peintre-graveur de Bartsch. Milan: U. Hoepli, 1906. 2 p.l., 542 p. sq. 4. MDDF Waters, Mrs. Clara Erskine Clement. Painters, sculptors, architects, engravers, and their works. A handbook. With illus- trations and monograms. Boston: Hough- ton, Mifflin & Co., 1899. xlii p., 1 1., 681 p., 6 pi., 3 port. 12. MAO Bibliography, p. ix x. Same. Boston, 1876. 3. ed. 12. *R-MAN Same. New York, 1876. 3. ed. 12. *R Waters, Clara Erskine Clement, and L. HuTTON. Artists of the nineteenth century and their works... Boston: Houghton, Mifflin & Co., 1880. 2 v. 8. * R Women in the fine arts, from the seventh century B. C, to the twentieth century A. D., by Clara Erskine Clement Boston and New York, Houghton, Mifflin and company, 1904. MAD li, 395, (1) p. incl. front, plates, ports. 20e">. Weigel, R. Supplements au Peintre- graveur de Adam Bartsch, recueillis et publics par R. W. vol. 1. Peintres et dessinateurs neerlandais. Leipzig: R. Weigel, 1843. viii, 350 p. 16. MDD No more vol. pub. Wessely, Joseph Eduard. Supplemente zu den Handbiichern der Kupferstich- kunde. Stuttgart: W. Spemann, 1881. 103 p. 8. MDD Repr.: Repertorium fur Kunstwissenschaft. Erganzungsheft zu Andresen-Wes- sely's Hardbuch fiir Kupferstichsammler enthaltend die seit 1873 erschienenen her- vorragenden Blatter nebst zahlreichen Nachtragen zum Hauptwerke, bearbeitet von J. E. W. Leipzig: T. O. Weigel, 1885. 120 p. 8. MDD Exhibitions (general and miscellaneous) See also Etching, Mezzotint, etc., and the sections "History: Regional" and "Individual Artists." American Academy of Fine Arts. Cata- logue of paintings, statues, busts, draw- ings, models, and engravings, exhibited by the academy, 1817. The second exhibition. New York: T. & W. Mercien, [1817]. 18 p. 8. NYC Banbury Fine Art Exhibition. Official catalogue of paintings, water colours, etchings, engravings, sculpture, plate, china, needlework, enamels... kindly lent from the collections of the local clergy and gentry supplemented by a valuable loan collection from the South Kensington museum. Exchange Hall, Banbury, July 25, 1881 to Aug. 6, 1881. 1 1., 50 p. Ban- bury: J. Potts, printer, 1881. 8. MAW Catalogue illustre de 1* Exposition inter- nationale de blanc &* noir au Palais du Louvre. Texte par F. Bournand. Paris: 1885. xcv., 1 1., 99 p., 2 1. 8. MDE Club of Odd Volumes. Annual exhibi- tion. 1st: 10th (1889: 1897). Boston, [1889-1897.] 8. * GBH Delaborde H. Rapport sur la gravure et la lithographic. (Paris. Expos. Univ. de 1878. Gr. 1., cl. 5.) Paris, 1880. 8. VC Exposition de gravures du siecle. Ouverture 20 Oct. 1887. Galerie Georges Petit. Paris: E. Menard & J. Augry, 1887. 40 p. nar. 8. MDE Avery collection. Exposition internationale de Blanc et Noir. Catalogue illustre; texte par F. Bournand. 1.-2. annee. 1855-86. Paris, 1885-86. 2 V. 8. MAW (Paris) Grolier Club. [Weitenkampf, Frank.] Catalogue of a collection of engravings, etchings and lithographs by women. [In- troduction signed Frank Weitenkampf.] 30 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Prints as Art Products, continued. Exhibitions, etc., continued. Exhibited at the Grolier Club... April 12 to 27, 1901. [New York: The De Vinne Press,] 1901. viii, 118 p. 12. MDE Avery collection. Handbook, A, to the water colours, drawings, and engravings, in the Art Treasures Exhibition [at Manchester]. Being a reprint of critical notes originally published in "The Manchester Guardian." London: Bradbury and Evans, 1857. 66 p. 12. MAMRp.v.l In: MAMR p. v. 1, no. 4. International Society of Sculptors, Painters and Gravers. Catalogue of the pictures, drawings, prints and sculptures at the exhibition, no. [l].-3, 5-9 (1898- 1901, 1905-'09). London, 189&-[1909]. 12 & 24. MAW (London) 1898 title reads: Art congress. . .catalogue of the exhibition. no. [l]-3, 5-8 (1898-1901, 190S-'08), 1898-[1908], Art Institute of Chicago. Catalogue of the American exhibition, no. 1. Chica- go, 1904. 12. (Art Institute of Chicago.) MAW (Chicago) Koehler, Sylvester Rosa. Catalogue of the contributions of the section of graphic arts to the Ohio Valley Centennial Ex- position, Cincinnati, 1888. n. t.-p. [Wash- ington: Smithsonian Inst. 1888.] 701-731 p. 8. MDR From U. S. Nat. Mus. Proc. v. 10 Appendix. Leipzig. Internationale Ausstellung fiir Buchgewerbe und Graphik. Abteilung: "Zeitgenossische Graphik." Erste inter- nationale graphische Kunst-Ausstellung, Leipzig, 1914. Berlin: Verlag Licht und Schatten G. m. b. H., 1914. 144, 138 p. illus. 12. MDET Preface signed Robert Corwegh. Katalog der Abteilung "Neuzeit- liche Buchkunst und angewandte Graphik" . . . Leipzig: R. Schick & Co., 1914. 47 p., 9 pi. illus. 12. Weltausstellung fiir Buchgewerbe und Graphik. 1914. [Booklet relating to the exhibition to be held at Leipzig, 1914. Leipzig, 1913.] 6 1. illus. ob. 24. * II Library of the Corporation of the City of London. A catalogue of engraved por- traits, topographical drawings and prints, coins, gerris, autographs, antiquities, and works of art, exhibited at the opening of the New Library and Museum of the Corporation of London, November, 1872. Edited by W[illiam] H[enry] Overall, F.S.A., Librarian. With an historical ac- count of the Ancient and Modern Library at Guildhall, by W[illiam] Sedgwick Saun- ders, M.D., F.S.A. London, 1872. v.p. 4. tCOB New York Public Library: Astor, Lenox and Tilden Foundations. Hudson-Fulton Exhibition made by the New York Public Library (Lenox Library Building), Sep- tember, 1909. New York: The Library, 1909. 86 p., 1 pi. 4. MDE (N.Y.P.L.) List of prints, books, manuscripts, etc., relating to Henry Hudson, the Hud- son River, Robert Fulton and steam navi- gation, exhibited in the Lenox Branch, New York Public Library on the occasion of the Hudson-Fulton Celebration, Sep- tember, 1909. New York: The Library, 1909. 86 p., 1 pi. 4. IRGCp.v.2, (no.ll) Pittsburgh Etching Club. An exhibition of masterpieces of line engraving loaned by Edward Duff Balken... Nov. 4th to 18th, 1909... [Pitsburgh, 1909.] 16 p. nar. 8. MDET Pratt Institute, Brooklyn, N. Y. Exhi- bition of prints illustrating the treatment of portraits, sacred subjects, nature, archi- tecture, domestic life by well known mas- ters, to be held in the Art Gallery, Library Building, from May 14 to June 13, inclu- sive, from 9 a. m. to 9.30 p. m. daily, except Sunday. [Broklyn, 1908?] 2 1. sq. 16. MDET Salon... Explication des ouvrages de peinture, sculpture, architecture, gravure et lithographie des artistes vivants. . .1738, '41-'42, '46, '48, '55, '57, '59, '61, '63, '65, '69, '77, '81, '83, '85, '87, '89, 1806, '22, '27, '30-'31, '34-'49, '66-1911. Paris, 1738-1911. 16. MAW (Paris) 1738-'89 title reads: Explication des peintures, sculptures et autres ouvrages ... de 1' Academic roy- ale; 1806 exposes au Musee Napoleon: 1822, '27, 34- '47 exposes au Musee royal; 1830 dans la Galerie de la Chambre de Paris; 1849 au Palais des Tuileries. 1866-'80 pub. by the Ministere. . .des beaux-arts; 1881-date by the Societe des artistes frangais. 1836- '49 contain ms. notes by A. de Montaiglon. Also a 2. ed. of 1886. Societe internationale de la gravure ori- ginale en noir. Exposition, no. 1. (1908.) Paris, 1908. 16. MDET no. 1 has preface by Edouard Andre. Societe nationale des beaux-arts. Cata- logue des ouvrages de peinture sculpture et gravure, exposes au Champ-de-Mars... 1890-99, 1901-1908. Evreux, [1890-1908]. 16. MAW (Paris) This society was founded in 1890. Volume for 1890 published in Paris. 1902-06 also called 12-16 exposition. Exposition nationale des beaux- arts. Catalogue illustre des ouvrages de peinture, sculpture et gravure exposes au Champ-de-Mars. 1890-99, 1901-1908. Paris, [1890-1908.] 8. MAW (Paris) 1899-date has title: Catalogue illustre. du Salon. University of Vermont and State Agri- cultural College, Burlington. Annual ex- hibition of the Park Gallery; loan collec- tion of engravings and etchings. No. 9. Burlington, 1882. 8. MAW (Burlington) PRINTS AND THEIR PRODUCTION Prints as Art Products, continued. 31 Collections (public) Including general and miscellaneous works. Pub- lications relating to special topics (i. e., Italian en- graving, wood engraving, bookplates, portraits) are entered accordingly in the present list. AUSTRO-HUNGARY Budapest. Szemiiveszeti Muzeum. Ver- zeichniss der Kupferstich-Sammlung alter und moderner Meister und der Handzeich- nungen moderner Kunstler; zusammenge- stellt von G. von Terey. Budapest: Kais. u. Kgl. Hofbuchdruckerei v. Hornyanszky, 1910. V, 1 1., 289(1) p. 8. MDE At head of title: Museum der Bildenden Kiinste, Budapest. Belgium Belgium. Sciences et des Arts, Ministere des. Catalogue des estampes d'ornement faisant partie des collections de la Bibli- otheque Royale de Belgique... Publie par M. Hymans. Bruxelles: H. Lamertin, 1907. xi, 1 1., 491 p. pap. 4. MDE Musee de TAcademie de Bruges, Bruges. Catalogue des ouvrages de peinture, sculp- ture, architecture, gravures et dessins ex- poses au Musee de TAcademie de Bruges. Bruges: C. De Moor, 1860. viii, 23 p. 16. MAVZ (Bruges) With: Musee de I'Hopital Saint- Jean. Bruges. Notice sur les tableaux du Musee de I'Hopital Saint Jean a Bruges... Bruges, 1854. 71 p. 4. ed. 16. Brazil Brazil. Bibliotheca Nacional. Catalogo da exposicao permanente dos cimelios da B. Nacional, publicado sob a direcgao do bibliothecario J. de Saldanha da Gama. Rio de Janeiro: typ. de G. Leuzinger & filhos, 1885. 1059 p., 6 1., 5 photo-liths. 8. *GY Bibliotheca Nacional. Estampas gravadas por Guilherme Francisco Lour- euQo Debrie. Catalogo organisado pelo Dr. Jose Zephyrino de Menezes Brum. Rio de Janeiro: Off. de Artes Graph, de Bibl Nacional, 1908. 2 p.l., 110 p., 13 pi. 8. MDG (Debrie) Machado, Diogo Barboza. Cata- logo des retratos, coUigidos por D. B. Machado. Tomo 8. Rio de Janeiro: Off. Typogr. da Bibl. Nacional, 1905. 1 v. 4. AGE Repr.: Bibl. Nacional, Annaes, v. 26. V. 1-7 in Bibl. Nacional. Annaes, v. 16-18, 21. Canada Ontario. Province of. Education De- partment. Catalogue of plaster casts, paintings, engravings and other reproduc- tions of works of art in the museum of the Education Department. Toronto: Warwick & Sons, prtrs., 1890. iv, 132 p, 1 plan. 8. MAVZ (Toronto) Parker, Gilbert. The Gilbert Parker col- lection of portraits, in the Queens Univer- sity Library, Kingston. Ont. Canada. 6 sheets. 4. AGF Type written list. Denmark Kongelig Kobbersteksamling Koben- havn. Carl Friedrich Ludwig Felix Rumohr und J. M. Thiele. Geschichte der Koniglichen Kupferstichsammlung zu Co- penhagen... Leipzig: R. Weigel, 1835. vii, 100 p. 8. MDE France Bibliotheque Nationale. Ardail, Adolphe. Catalogue des gravures contemporaines formant la collection Ardail. Par G. Riat. Paris: G. Rapilly, 1904. 98 p., 1 1., 1 port. 8. (Bibliotheque Nationale. Dpt. des Estampes.) MDE (Ardail) Bouchot, Henri. Cabinet (Le) des estampes de la Bibliotheque Nationale... 3 1., xxiv, 5-392 p. Paris: E. Dentu, [1895.] 8. MDE Musee du cabinet des estampes, publie sous la direction de H. Bouchot. Sen 1. Paris: Libr.-Imp. Reunies, il909.] 1 portfolio. f. (Bibliotheque nationale. Dept. des estampes.) ff MED Ser. 1. Chefs d'oeuvre et pieces uniques. [1909.] Departement des estampes. Cata- logue sommaire des gravures et lithogra- phies composant la reserve. Redige par F. Courboin. v. 1-2. Paris: H. Rapilly, 1900. 2 V. 4. MDE Duchesne, Jean. Notice des es- tampes exposees a la Bibliotheque Royale ...Avec des recherches sur I'origine, I'ac- croissement et la disposition methodique du Cabinet des Estampes. Paris: C. Heideloff, 1837. 3 p.l., xx, 214 p. 3. ed. 8. MDE Flandrin, A. Inventaire des pieces dessinees, ou gravees relatives a I'histoire de France conservees au departement des manuscrits dans La collection [Pierrej Clairambault. . . Paris: Hachette et C\t., 1887. 2 p.l., vi, 575 p. 8. (Bibliotheque Nationale. Departement des Estampes, [Paris]. MDE Inventaire de la collection de des- sins sur les departements de la France 32 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Prints as Art Products, continued. Collections (public), continued. formee par H. Destailleur et acquise par la Bibliotheque Nationale. Paris: Im- primerie Nationale, 1897. 265 p. 8. MQWF Inventaire des dessins et estampes, relatifs au departement et I'Aisne. Re- cueillis et legues a la Bibliotheque Nation- ale. Par Edouard Fleury. Redige par H. Bouchot. Paris: Hachette et Cie., 1887. 2 p.l., iv, 335 p. 8. MDE Inventaire des dessins, photogra- phies et gravures relatifs a I'histoire gene- rale de I'art. Legues. . .par M. A. Armand, Redige par F. Courboin. Tome 1-2. Lille, 1895. 4. MDE Laborde, Henri, Vicomte de. Le departement des estampes a la Bibli- otheque Nationale. Notice historique suivie d'un catalogue des estampes ex- posees dans les salles de ce departement. Paris: E. Plon et Cie., 1875. 2 p.l., 442 p. 12. MDE Bibliotheque du Roi, Paris. No- tice des estampes exposees a la Bibli- otheque du Roi; contenant des recherches historiques et critiques sur ces gravures et sur leurs auteurs. Paris: Leblanc, 1819. XX, 94 p. 12. MDE Un siecle d'histoire de France par I'estampe 1700-1871. Collection de Vinck. Inventaire analytique par Frangois Louis Bruel... [Preface by Carl de Vinck de Deux-Orp.] Tome 1- Paris: Imprimerie nationale, 1909. v. pi., port. 4. MDE Collection formed by Baron Eugene de Vinck de Deux-Orp. Presented by his heirs to the Bibliotheque nationale, 1906. One of 300 copies printed. Tome 1. Ancient regime. France (1870-, rep.). Bibliotheque de I'Arsenal. Catalogue des estampes, des- sins et cartes composant le cabinet des estampes de la Bibliotheque de I'Arsenal. Par Gaston Schefer. MDE Livraison 1-16. Musee du Louvre. Catalogue des planches gravees composant le fonds de la calcographie, et dont les epreuves se vendent dans cet etablissement au Musee National du Louvre. Paris: Vinchon, 1851. xi(i), 149(1) p., 1 1. f. tMDE Same. Paris: Imprimerie Na- tionale, 1881, xxii, 427 p. nar. 8. MDE : Supplement au catalogue de 1881. Paris: Imprimerie Nationale, 1891. 8 p. nar. 8. Avery collection. Extrait du catalogue general des planches gravees composant le fonds de la chalcographie dont les epreuves se vendent au Musee du Louvre (porte J. Goujon). Paris: Imprimerie nationale 1901. viii, 75 p., 1 pi. 12. MDE Musee du Luxembourg. Notice des peintures, sculptures, gravures et litho- graphies de I'ecole moderne de France, ex- posees dans les galeries du Musee imperial du Luxembourg, par F. Villot. Paris: Vinchon, 1853. xxiv, 63 p. 3. ed. 12". MAVZ (Paris) Germany Koenigliche Museen zu Berlin. Die neuere Kunst im konigl. Kupferstichkabi- nett. Fine Anleitung zur Benutzung der Sammlung. Berlin: G. Reimer, 1910. 62 p. 12. MDE Katalog Sammlung des der Ornamentstich Kunstgewerbemuseums. Mit 200 Abbildungen. [Edited by Peter Jessen.] ' Leipzig: E. A. Seemann, 1894. 480 p. 8'. Pallmann, Heinrich. Die konigl. graph- ische Sammlung zu Miinchen 1758-1908. Miinchen: F. Bruckmann A.-G., 1908. 2 p.l., 93 p., 2 pi., 2 port. 12. MDE Singer, Hans Wiolfgangj. Unika und Seltenheiten im Kgl. Kupferstich-Kabinett zu Dresden; hrsg. von H. W. Singer. Leip- zig: Glass & Tuscher, 1911. 25 p., 2 1., 50 pi. sq. 8. MDE Great Britain Bethnal Green Branch Museum. Cata- logue of a collection of oil paintings, water-colour drawings and engravings, enamel paintings, sculpture, bronzes, &c. Bequeathed by the late Joshua Dixon, Esq. London: Eyre & Spottiswoode, Prtrs., 1887. 18 p. 2. ed. 8. MAVZ (London) British Museum. Catalogue of drawings by British artists and artists of foreign origin working in Great Britain, preserved in the department of prints and drawings in the British Museum. By L. Binyon. v. 1^. London: The trustees, 1898-1907. 4 v. 4. MDE Catalogue of maps, prints, draw- ings, etc. forming the geographical and topographical collection attached to the library of... King George the Third, and presented by.. .King George the Fourth to the British Museum. London: the trus- tees, 1829, 2 v. 8. MapDiv. Cumberland, G. An essay on the utility of collecting the best works of the ancient engravers of the Italian school; accompanied by a critical catalogue... of a chronological series of rare and valuable prints... now deposited in the British Mu- seum and Royal Academy. London: W. Nicol, 1827. viii, 536 p., 2 1., 1 port. 4. MDD Cust, Lionel. Index of artists represented in the Department of Prints PRINTS AND THEIR PRODUCTION 33 Prints as Art Products, continued. Collections (public), continued. and Drawings in the British Museum. Printed by order of the Trustees. London: Longmans & Co., [1893?]-1896. 2 v. 4. MDE V. 1. Dutch and Flemish schools. German schools. V. 2. French schools. Fagan, Louis. Handbook to the Portugal department of prints and drawings in the British Museum; with introduction and notices of the various schools: Italian, Dutch and Flemish, Spanish, French and English. London: G. Bell & Sons, 1876. vi, 2 1., 228 p., 1 pi. 8. MDE A guide to the historical collection of prints exhibited in the second northern gallery [by Sidney Colvin.] [London:] The Trustees, 1890. 37 p. 8. MDE A guide to that portion of the Col- lection of Prints bequeathed to the Nation bv the late Felix Slade...now on exhibi- tion in the King's Library. [London] : The Trustees, 1874. 31 p. 12. MDE The print room of the British Museum. An enquiry: by the ghost of a departed collector. 32 p. London: Water- low & Sons, 1876. 8. MDE Victoria and Albert Museum. Nation- al Art Library. Catalogue of prints. [Pt.] 1-2. London, 1903-'06. 8. MDE 1. Modern etchings of the foreign schools. 1903. 2. Modern etchings and aquatints of the British and American schools. 1906. Wiltshire Archaeological and Natural History Society. Library. Catalogue of the collection of drawings, prints and maps, in the library of the...Soc. at De- vizes. Compiled by W. H. Bell, and the Rev. E. H. Goddard. Dec. 1898. Devizes, tEng.]: Woodward, 1898. 1 p.l., 158 p. 8. (Wiltshire Archaeolog. & Nat. Hist. Soc.) CO Italy Regia Calcografia. Catalogo delle mi- gliori stampe di incisioni in rame che esis- tono nella Regia Calcografia. Roma: [B. Vecchioni & figli], 1904. 52 p. 8. MDE Catalogo generale delle stampe im- presse coi rami incisi al bulino ed all' acqua forte posseduti dalla Regia Calco- grafia le quali si vendono in questo istituto. Roma: [G. Bertero,] 1897. 4 p.l., (1) 4-129 p. 4. fMDE Holland Stedelijk Museum. Leyden. Catalogus der schilderijen, teekeningen, gravures, oudheden en andere voorwerpen. . . Lei- den: De Brenk & Smits, 187[6.] 3 p.l., iv, 5-81 p. 12. MAVZ (Leyden) Lang, R. F. Collection of old masters, old engravings on copper... old Bibles and books formerly in the possession of the royal court of Portugal at Lisbon. R. F. Lang, custodian. New York: R. F. Lang [1911]. 31 p. 8. MAXp.v.l4,no.ll Typewritten letter concerning book inserted. Spain Calcografia nacional. Catalogo de las estampas grabadas a buril, agua-fuerte y demas procedimientos que se conocen en el arte del grabado... [Madrid? 1& ?] broadside, ob. f. MDE Catalogo general de las estampas grabadas a buril, agua-fuerte, agua-tinta y humo (6 manera negra), con relacion de los autores, asuntos que representan, di- mensiones del grabado y su precio... Madrid: M. Tetlo, 1880. 16 p. 8. MDE United States Boston Public Library. Tosti, Cardinal. The Tosti engravings. Portraits. [List of the collection of engravings made by the late Cardinal Tosti, of Rome, and given to the Boston Public Library by Thomas G. Appleton.] Boston, 1871. 24 p. 4. AOE The Tosti engravings. The gift of Thomas G. Appleton, Esq. Received Oct., 1869. [Fragments of the Library Bulletins 13, 15, 21, 1870-72; list and sup- plementary list of portraits and plates, bd. together.] Boston: The Library, 1873. V. p. 4. MDE Buffalo Fine Arts Academy. Illustrated catalogue, collection of prints; introduc- tion and notes by W. O. Chapin. Buffalo, N. Y.: the Academy. 1905. 122 p. 8. MDE Cooper Union Museum. Carrington, Fitz Roy. Catalogue of etchings and litho- graphs presented by Samuel P. Avery to the Cooper Union Museum... Compiled by F. R. Carrington. New York: Private- ly published, 1898. 35 p. nar. 8. MDE Avery collection. Catalogue of engravings and etchings presented by George A. Hearn to the Cooper Union Museum. . .compiled by F. R. Carrington. New York: Privately printed, 1897. 53 p. nar. 8. MDE Avery collection. Harvard College. Thies, Louis. Cata- logue of the collection of engravings be- 34 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Prints as Art Products, continued. Collections (public), continued. queathed to Harvard College by F. C. Gray. By Louis Thies. Cambridge: Welch, Bigelow, & Co., 1869. xliii, 530 p., 1 port. 4. MDE Library of Congress. Catalog of the Gardiner Greene Hubbard collection of engravings, presented to the Library of Congress by Mrs. Gardiner Greene Hub- bard. Compiled by A. J. Parsons... Washington: Govt. Prtg. Off., 1905. XXIII, 516 p., 1 1., 10 pi. 2 port. sq. 4. MDE Maryland Historical Society. Catalogue of paintings, engravings, &c., &c. at the picture gallery of the. . .Society. Fourth exhibition, 1853. 14 p. 8. (Maryland Hist. Soc. No. 36.) lAA Bound with: Maryland Historical Society. Con- stitution... Baltimore, 1844. 8. No. 1. Museum of Fine Arts, Boston. Print Dept. Exhibition of new accessions. 1896. [Boston, 1896.) 12. MDE New York Public Library. A handbook of the S. P. Avery Collection of prints and art books in the library. [New York], 1901. 84 p., 1 pi. 8. MDE Contains portrait (not published) of S. P. Avery. Weitenkampf, Frank. The S. P. Avery collection of prints and art books in the New York Public library. New York: Library Journal, 1904. 1 p.l., 11 p. 16. MDE Avery collection. Syracuse University. Comfort, George F. The address... at the opening of the Wolff-Leavenworth collection of engrav- ings, Syracuse University, Jan. 22, 1890. Syracuse, [1890]. 23 p. 8. MDC p.v. Union League Club of Chicago. Cata- logue of paintings, etchings, engravings and sculpture. Compiled by L. M. Mc- Cauley. Chicago: the Club, 1907. 103 p., 10 pi. 12. MAVZ United States National Museum. Koeh- ler, Sylvester Rosa. Report on the sec- tion of graphic arts in the U. S. National Museum, 1890. n. t.-p. [Washington. 1890.] 8. MDE Western Female High School. Pea- body Literary Association. Baltimore. Catalogue of engravings and photographs the property of the association, 1868. Bal- timore, [1868]. 91 p. 8. SSS p. box 3 Worcester Art Museum. Engravings. [And] Catalogue of casts, n. t.-p. [Worces- ter, 190-?] 3-14 p. 12. MAVZ Collections (private) Collections devoted to a special subject (e. g.. Portraits) or to an individual artist (e.g., Whistler), are entered accordingly, that is, under the subject or in the section "Individual Artists." The Library has numerous catalogues of auction sales. A number of these have been listed in the Library's card catalogue, others are filed alphabeti- cally on the shelves, uncatalogued; all are thus avail- able for students. The Library has full or partial catalogues of the following private collections. A * preceding the entry indicates that the catalogue in question is priced. Adler, W. Philadelphia, 1904. Allan, John. New York, 1864. Alphen-Hovy, Mme. L. van. Amsterdam, 1900. Appert, Georges, Paris, 1892. *Appleton, Henry, London, 1910. Arnold, John H. V. New York, 1905. Avery, S. P. New York, 1867. Baker, George. London, 1825. Baker, Wm. S. G. Philadelphia, 1904. Balestier, Joseph N. Philadelphia, 1910. Bancroft, George. Washington, 1893. Barclay, Ford G. London, 1910. Barrion, Alfred. Paris, 1904. Barry, James. London, 1807. Baxter, C. E. Stuttgart, 1911. Beraldi, H. Lille, 1887. Blondeau, Paul. London, 1910. Blyth, Henry Arthur. London, 1901. Bodel-Nijenhuis, J. T. Leyden, 1873-74. Bouvrain, Victor. Paris, 1906. Brandes, Georg F. Leipzig, 1793. Buccleugh, 6. Duke, Wm. London, 1887. Buckingham, 3d Duke. London, 1849. Bull, Richard. London, 1881. Burritt, A, Melrose. New York, 1903. Burty, Philippe. London, 1876-78. Burty, Philippe. Paris, 1891, Buzby, D. T. New York, 1906. Cape, M. Paris, 1868. Carew, Reginald P. London, 1835. Carson, H. L., Philadelphia, 1904, 1905. Carter, John F. New York, 1904. Carter, Walter S. New York, 1905. Cheylesmore, 2. baron, Wm. M. E. London, 1905. Cicognara, L. Venice, 1837. Claghorn, James L. Brooklyn, 1874. Clark, Chas. E. Boston, 1901. Clay, J. H. Philadelphia, 1897. Coates, H. T. Philadelphia, 1910. Colonna, Ed. New York, 1908. Conkling, Mrs. S. B. New York, 1905, Cope, Edwin R. Philadelphia, 1896. Corner, Wm. H. Baltimore, 1866. Corsellis, H. N. London, 1911. Core, John R. New York, 1865. Crapo, John M. New York, 1879. Curtis, Atherton. New York, 1902. Cust, Chas. L. London, 1911. Dampier, Thos., Bishop of Ely. London, 1813. Daulby, Daniel. London, 1800. Davis, John. Lowell? 1903? Deats, H. B. New York, 1909. Denon, D. V. Paris, 1826. Des Tombe, A. A. Hague, 1903. Detmold, Mrs. P. L. New York, 1890. Didot, Ambr. Firmin. Paris, 1877. Dijsterhuis. Hague, 1903. Dillaway, W. E. L. New York, 1913. Doane, Wm. C, Bishop. New York, 1905. Dougherty, Wm. H. Philadelphia, 1905. Dowdeswell, Gen. London, 1809. PRINTS AND THEIR PRODUCTION 35 Prints as Art Products, continued. Collections (private), continued. Drake, Mrs. Hornsby. London, 1892. Drake, Samuel G. New York, 1876. DuBois, H. C. Amsterdam, 1907. Dudley, John L. New York, 1903. DuRieu. Hague, 1903. Durr, Louis. New York, 1882. Dutuit, Aug. Duval, Henri. Amsterdam, 1910. Dyce, Alex. London, 1874. English, S. New York., n. d. Fair, Jos. B. Chicago, 1908. Falconer, John M. New York, 1904. Fales, Samuel B. New York, 1881. Feckert, Gustav H. G. Dresden, 1911. Fisher, Richard. London?, 1879. Foucaux. Paris, 1895. French, Frederick W. Boston, 1901. Garrett, T. Harrison. Baltimore, 1886. Gaucherel, L. Paris, 1866. Gellatly, P. Stuttgart, 1911. Gillot, Charles. Paris, n. d. Gogh, Vincent van. Amsterdam, 1912. Goncourt, E. & J. de. Paris, 1897. Gookin, F. W. London, 1910. Gratz, Lewis C. Philadelphia, 1909. Greatorex, Mrs. E. New York, 1878. Griggs, L. D. New York, 1909. Guichardot. Paris, 1875. Gurdon, T. P. London, 1834. *Guyot de Villeneuve. Paris, 1900. Haber, Louis I. New York, 1909. Haden, Sir F. S. London, 1891. Haden, Harris H. New York, 18 ? Halliwell-Phillipps, J. O. London, 1868. Hallsted. London, 18 ? Hamerton, P. G. London, 1895. Happer, John S. London, 1909. Hart, Ernest. London, 1878. Hartvigson, Frits. London, 1909. Hayashi, T. Paris, 1902. Heckscher, John G. New York, 1908. Hediard, Germain. Paris, 1904. Hedouin, Ed. Paris, 1889. Hippisley, Sir John S. London, 1868. Hitchcock, Charles. New York, 1910. Hodgkin John Eliot. London, 1902. *Holden, Edwin B. New York, 1910. Holford, Robert S. London, 1893. Hubert, Alfred. Paris, 1909. Huneker, John. New York, 1894. Hunter, James B. New York, 1889. Hutchinson, Joshua H. London, 1892. Ingraham, E. D. Philadelphia, 1855. Irwin, Theodore. New York, 1887. Jacobi. Amsterdam, 1908. Jacque, Charles. Paris, 1894. Jones, Chas. C. Philadelphia, 1894. Kann, Emanuel. Munich, 1904. Kellen, J. Ph. van der. Amsterdam, 1878. Kemble, John P. London, 1821. Kenworthy, James. Philadelphia, 1896. King, George Gordon. Newport, 1885. Koenen, Henrietta L. Amsterdam, 1884? Kramm, Chr. Utrecht, 1875. Kroese. Amsterdam, 1912. Kuhnen, Wilh. Leipzig, 1909. Labat. Paris 1895. La Combe, Jos. F. LeB. de. Paris, 1863. La Farge, John. New York, 1908. Lanna, Adalb. v. Stuttgart, 1909-10. Leslie, Charles R. London, 1860. Levy, Eliz. B. New York, 1913. Malaspina di Sannazaro, L. Milan, 1824. Mariette. Paris, 1775. Massicot, E. Paris, 1904. Menkema, G. V. van. Hague, 1903. Michelin, Jules. Paris, 1898. Mitchell, James T. Philadelphia, 1906, 1907. 1908 1909, 1910. > " . *'"o- Morse, Charles. London, 1873. Morson. London, 1871. Nahl, W. J. Philadelphia, 1898. Neill. H. H. New York, 1910. Nicol, Mrs. London, 1822. Norblen, J. P. Paris, 1885. Norton, Charles E. New York, 1879. Nye, Gideon. New York, 1858. Odero, Alexander V. Paris, n. d. Origet, Em. Paris, 1908. Paff, M. New York [18]. Palmer, C. J. London, 1868. Peart, Edward. London, 1822. Pequegnot, Aug. Paris, 1903. Perry, Marsden J. Stuttgart, 1908. Pichon, Jerome. Paris, 1897. Pilleau, Isaac. [London] 1828. Piozzi, Mrs. H. L. Chester, 1823. Pruyn, Mrs. A. P. Albany, 1907. Pyne, Percy R. New York, 1912. Randall, J. C. Philadelphia, 1901. Randon de Boisset. Paris, 1777. Reid, Geo. W. Chicago, 1888. Reza Khan, Mirza. Paris, 1894. Richardson, James H. New York, 1904. Riggall, Edward. London, 1901. ("Go.) Rignon. Paris, 1878. Ritchie, H. A. London, 1910. Robinson, W. W. London, 1907. Roger, Edmund L. Philadelphia, 1896. Rogers, Samuel. London, 1856. Rose, James A. London, 1872, 1876, 1894. Rossiter, Thomas P. New York, 1873. Roth. Paris, 1878. Rumpf, F. Stuttgart, 1908. Rysbrack, J. M. Salicis. London, 1891. Salt, L. T. W. London, 1909. Scantlebury, V. J. London, 1909. Schaffer, C. Philadelphia, 1904. Schloesser, Carl. Frankfort, 1880. Schnitzer, Franz. Munich, 1902. Schoeffer, C. G. V. Amsterdam, 1907. Scholtz, R. Stuttgart, 1911. Schreiber, W. L. Vienna, 1909. Seney, G. I. New York, 1894. Sewall, Henry F. Boston, 1887. Seydlitz, Rud. v. Leipzig, 1912. Sharpe, Charles K. Edinburgh, 1851. Sieurin, J. Paris, 1879? Silvestre, Jacques A. de. Paris, 1810. Simco, John. London, 1825. Slagregen. Amsterdam, 1912. Smith, Charles Stewart. New York, 189-? Smith, Henry A. New York, 1906. Soulavie, Jean L. G. Paris, 1902, 1903, 1904. Stone, Frederick D. Philadelphia, 1897. Sturgis, Russell. New York, 1879. Taigny, Edm. Paris, 1893. Terry, William H. New York, 1906. Theobald, H. S. Truman, Edwin. London, 1906. Utterson, Edward V. London, 1852. Vanderbilt, George W. New York, 1892. Vattemare, Alex. Paris, 1864. Verloven van Themaat P. Amsterdam, 1886. Walpole, Horace. London, 1842. Webster, A. G. London, 1909. Weigel, T. O. Leipzig, 1872. Weir, Robert W. New York, 1891. Weissenbach, Hanns v. Leipzig, 19.07. Wellesley, Rev. Henry. London, 1866. 36 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Prints as Art Products, continued. Collections (private), continued. Whelen, Henry. Philadelphia, 1909. White, Benjamin. London, 1825. Wiener, Joseph. New York, 1905. Wilson, John W. London, 1887. Winckler. Leipzig, 1801-05. Woodhouse, John. London, 1801. Wurfbain, J. W. Amsterdam, 1912. Zilcken, Ph. Hague, 1902. Individual Artists In this class especially the Library owns numerous magazine articles not included in the present list. See the card catalogue. Japanese artists are entered under History (regional) : Japan. Achenbach, Andreas. Georg Voss. An- dreas Achenbach. Wien: Gesellschaft fiir vervielfaltigende Kunst, 1896. 2 p.l., 20 p., 5 pi. f. t MEM (Voss) Avery collection. Aid, George C. St. Louis (Mo.). City Art Museum of St. Louis. A collection of etchings and paintings by Mr. George C. Aid. December 6, 1914. [St. Louis, 1914.] 2 I. 8. (Special exhibition catalogue. Series 1914, no. 17.) MAVZ Aldegrever, Heinrich. William Bell Scott. The little masters: Albrecht Alt- dorfer, Hans Sebald Beham, Barthel Be- ham, Heinrich Aldegrever... London: S. Low, Marston. Searle & Rivington. 1880. viii, 2 1., 128 p., 10 pi., 5 port. 8. MDBF Avery collection. Aliamet, Jacques. fimile Delignieres, 1836-. Catalogue raisonne de I'oeuvre grave de Jacques Aliamet, d'Abbeville; precede d'une notice sur sa vie et son oeuvre. Ouvrage orne de planches en pho- totypie de M. A. Lormier. Paris: Rapilly, 1896. 4 p.l., vii, 270 p., 3 1., front, (port.), 9 pi. illus. 4. MDG Repr. : Soc. d'emulation d'Abbeville. Mem. Tome 1. Aiken, Henry. English sporting prints. The colored engravings of Henry Aiken ... A check list of the work of this early eighteenth century master of sporting en- graving. Clipping, signed "The bibliog- rapher," from the Boston Transcript of July 20, 1910, mounted on 4 leaves and sewed. 8. MDG Altdorfer, Albrecht. Landschafts Radi- erungen. Herausgegeben von Max J. Friedlander. Berlin: Bruno Cassirer, [1906.] 3 p.l., 9 pi. f. (Graphische Ge- sellschaft. Veroffentlichung, 3.) f MEM The fall of man. Edited by Alfred Aspland, with an introduction by William Bell Scott. Manchester: A. Brothers, 1876. 38 p., 40 pi. 8. (Holbein Society's facsimile reprints.) MEM Max Geisberg. Die miinsterischen Wiedertaufer und Aldegrever; eine ikono- graphische und numismatische Studie... Strassburg: J. H. E. Heitz, 1907. viii, 77, [1] p., 1 1. illus. xviii pi. (incl. ports.) 8. (Studien zur deutschen Kunstge- schichte, 76. Hft.) Hans Hildebrandt, 1878-. Die Architektur bei Albrecht Altdorfer, Strass- burg: J. H. E. Heitz, 1908. 4 p.l., 114 p., 1 1., 17 pi. 8. (Studien zur deutschen Kunstgeschichte, 99. Hft.) MDG W. B. Scott. The little masters... London, 1880. 8. Hermann Voss. Albrecht Altdor- fer und Wolf Haber. Mit 160 Abbildungen auf 63 Tafeln. Leipzig: Klinkhardt & Bier- mann, [1910.] 4 p.l., 40 p., 63 pi. 4. (Meister der Graphik. Bd. 3.) t MDG (Altdorfer) Amman, Jobst. Carl Becker. Jobst Amman, Zeichner und Formschneider, Kupferatzer und Stecher. Nebst Zusat- zen von R. Weigel. Leipzig: R. Weigel, 1854. 1 pi., XX, 236 p. 12. MDG Anderson, Alexander. Frederic M. Burr. Life and works of Alexander Anderson, the first American wood engraver. New York: Burr Bros., 1893. x, 1 1., 13-210 p., 1 port, illus. 4. MDG (Anderson) 23 pi., 3 port, included in pagination. A collection of one hundred and fifty engravings by A. Anderson executed on wood after his ninetieth year. [With Introductory notice, signed E. A. D.j New York: Privately printed by C. L. Moreau, 1873. 8, 72 1., 1 port. 4. MEM no. 18 of SO copies printed. Duyckinck, Edward Augustus. A brief catalogue of books illustrated with engravings by Dr. Alexander Anderson, with a biographical sketch of the artist [by E. A. Duyckinck]. New York: [Thompson & Moreau, printers], 1885. 35 p., 1 pi. 8. MDG Added, portrait, and sketch of Anderson by F. M. Burr. Avery collection. Illustrations of Mother Goose's melodies. Designed and engraved on wood by A. Anderson. With an introduc- tory notice by E. A. Duyckinck. New York: C. L. Moreau, 1873. 10 1., 18 1., 19 pi. 4. MEM no. 10 of 10 copies privately printed on large paper. Lossing, Benson John. A memorial of Alexander Anderson, the first engraver on wood in America. . . New York: Print- ed for the Subscribers, 1872. 4 p.l., 107 p., 15 fac-sim., 45 pi., 19 port. 4. MDG Andrews, Joseph. Report of the pro- ceedings at the memorial meeting in PRINTS AND THEIR PRODUCTION 37 Prints as Art Products, continued. Individual Artists, continued. honor of the late Mr. Joseph Andrews (engraver)... May 17, 1873. Boston: the Club, 1873. 21 p. 8. MDG Aubry-Lecomte, H. L. V. J. B. Auguste Galimard, i. e. Nicholas Auguste, 1813- 1880. ...Les grands artistes contempo- rains: Aubry-Lecomte, Hyacinthe-Louis- Victor-Jean-Baptiste, dessinateur-litho- graphe, 1797-1853... Paris, E. Dentu; [etc., etc.] 1860. MDG Aubry-Lecomte 24 p. 23 ^. "Cette notice, extraite du grand ouvrage en pre- paration, pourra etre reproduite par les journaux." B., L, with the Bird. See Master I. B., with the Bird. Barbari, Jacopo de. Engravings and woodcuts by Jacopo de Barbari. Edited by Paul Kristeller. Printed by the Reichs- druckerei Berlin. Berlin: Amsler & Ruthardt, 1896. 2 p.l., 6 p., 41 pi. f. (International Chalcographical Society Publications for 1896.) tt MEB Avery collection. Ephrussi, Charles Notes bio- graphiques sur Jacopo de Barbarj, dit le maitre au Caducee, peintre-graveur veni- tien... Paris: D. Jouaust, 1876. 2 p.l., 28 p., 7 pi. P. tMDG Bartolozzi, Francesco. J. T. Herbert Bailey. Francesco Bartolozzi, R. A.; a biographical essay, with a catalogue of the principal prints, and a six years' record of auction prices. London: Otto, Ltd., 1907. xlix, 82 p., 1 port, illus. 4. (Con- noisseur. Extra number.) f MDG Bibliography, p. xlvii-xlix. Catalogue of engravings of fancy subjects by Bartolozzi and other engravers in stipple. New York: H. Wunderlich & Co., 1891. 20 p. sq. 16. MDK Catalogue of a loan collection of engravings & etchings. . .with an introduc- tion by A. W. Tuer. Illustrated with a frontispiece. . .by Bartolozzi... [Exhib. l]-2. London: E. B. Nash. 1883. 2 v. in 1. ob. 12. MDG (Bartolozzi) Avery collection. Arthur Mayger Hind. Bartolozzi, and other stipple engravers working in England at the end of the eighteenth cen- tury. [Edited by A. M. Hind.] London: W. Heinemann, 1912. 1 p.l., 5-15(1) p., 36 pi., 29 port. 8. (Great engravers.) MDG (Bartolozzi) Bibliography, p. 12. Andrew W. Tuer. Bartolozzi and his works. A biographical and descriptive account of the life and career of Francesco Bartolozzi. Illustrated... London: Field & Tuer, [1881.] 2 v. 4. fMDG Barye, Antoine Louis. Loys Delteil. Rude, Barye, Carpeaux, Rodin. Paris: L. Delteil, 1910. 51 1. illus. f. (In his: Le peintre-graveur illustre, XIXe et XXe siecles, tome 6.) f MDD Baudouin, Pierre Antoine. E. Bocher. P. A. Baudouin. (In his Les gravures fran?. du 18' siecle, 2' fasc. Paris, 1875. pl. f. tMDBF Bause, Johann Friedrich. Georg Keil. Catalog des Kupferstichwerkes von Johann Friedrich Bause. Mit einigen biographi- schen Notizen. Leipzig: R. Weigel, 1849. xviii, 168 p., 1 port. 8. MDG Baxter, George. C. T. Courtney Lewis. George Baxter, colour printer, his life and work: a manual for collectors. London: S. Low, Marston & Co., 1908. xviii, 276 p., 26 pl. 6 port. 12. MDG Beham, Barthel and Hans Sebald. Edouard Aumiiller. Les petits maitres allemands. Munich: M. Rieger, 1881-93. 8. MDBF V. 1. Barthelemy et Hans Sebald Beham. V. 2. Jacques Bink et Alaart Claas (Claaszen). Burlington Fine Arts Club. Exhi- bition of the works of Hans Sebald Beham born 1500 died 1550 and Barthel Beham born 1502 died 1540. [London: Wilkins], 1877. 1 p.l., 11 p. 4. MDG Avery collection. Gustav Pauli. Barthel Beham; ein kritisches Verzeichnis seiner Kupfer- stiche. Strassburg: J. H. E. Heitz, 1911. 2 p.l., 76 p., 4 pl. 8. (Studien zur deut- schen Kunstgeschichte. Heft 135.) MDG Hans Sebald Beham; ein krit- isches Verzeichniss seiner Kupferstiche, Radirungen und Holzschnitte. Strassburg: J. H. E. Heitz, 1901. vi p., 1 1., 520 p. 1 1., 36 pl. 8. (Studien zur deutschen Kunstgeschichte. Heft 33.) MDG Hans Sebald Beham; Nach- trage zu dem Kritischen Verzeichnis seiner Kupferstiche, Radirungen und Holz- schnitte. Strassburg: J. H. E. Heitz, 1911. 66(1) p., 6 pl. 8. (Studien zur deutschen Kunstgeschichte. Heft 134.) MDG Scott, W. B. The little masters... London, 1880. 8. Bejot, Eugene. American Art Associa- tion. Catalogue of works of art; paintings, drawings, water colors, etchings, burnt wood by Paul Jobert, Henri Guerard, Eugene Bejot. Exhibited under the man- agement of the American Art Association. New York, 1896. 62 p. MCN Du ler au XXe; les arrondisse- ments de Paris, 20 eaux-fortes originales. Preface de Jules Claretie. Paris: Soc. de propagation des livres d'art, 1903. 4 p.l., V. p., 1 1., 20 pl. in portfolio. f. ETCHGS (Print Room) no. 474 of copies printed. 38 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Prints as Art Products, continued. Individual Artists, continued. Bella, Stefano della, 1610-64. A collec- tion of etchings by that inimitable artist, Stefanino della Bella. . .consisting of land- scapes, marine views, animals, friezes, or- naments, &c., &c. To which is prefixed a biographical memoir of the artist. By T. Dodd. London: H. R. Young, 1818. 1 p.l., 22 p., 97 pi. f. ttMEM Hermann Nasse. Stefano della Bella; ein Maler-Radierer des Spatba- rocks; Studie. Strassburg: J. H. E. Heitz, 1913. 82 p., 25 pi. 4. (Zur Kunstge- schichte des Auslandes Heft 104.) f MDG Bellows, Albert F. Catalogue of oil paintings . . . etchings, pen and ink sketches, works of Albert F. Bellows. To be sold ...Feb. 28. and 29. . .on. . .exhibition. . . Art Galleries [Of] Ortgies & Co. [New York, 1884]. 12 p. 8. MCX Belotto, Bernardo, 1720-1780. Meyer, Rudolph. Die beiden Canaletto, Antonio Canale und Bernardo Belotto; Versuch einer Monographic der radirten Werke beider Meister, von Rudolph Meyer. Dresden: Eigner Verlag des Verfassers, 1878. 1 p.l., iv p., 1 1., 99(1) p. 8. MDG (Canale) Bibliography, p. 97-99. Date on cover: 1877. Bemstrom, Victor. Alice Dinsmoor. Victor Bernstrom; a tribute, n. p.: pri- vately printed, 1913. 8 1. 16. MDG 5 illustrations inserted. One of 125 copies printed. Bewick, John. Wendell P[hillips] Gar- rison. Holbein and John Bewick: a chap- ter in the history of wood-engraving, n. p., 1902? 8 1. 8. MDG Repr. : The Bibliographer, February 1902. Bewick, Thomas, and J. Bewick. Be- wick's woodcuts: impressions of upwards of two thousand wood-blocks. . .including illustrations. . .for books... cuts for... companies. . .newspapers, shop cards... bar bills, &c. With an introduction, a... catalogue of the blocks, and a list of the books. . .illustrated. By Thomas Hugo... London: L. Reeve & Co., 1870. vii, 1 1., 28 p., 247 pi. f. ft MEM Bewick's select fables of Aesop and others. . . To which are prefixed, The life of Aesop, and an essay upon fable, by Oliver Goldsmith. . .reprinted from the rare Newcastle edition published by T. Saint in 1784. With the original wood en- gravings by Thomas Bewick, and an illus- trated preface by Edwin Pearson. Lon- don: Bickers & Son, [1871.] 2 p.l., vii-xl, 312 p., 1 pi., 1 port. sq. 4. MDG Large paper copy. Descriptive, A, and critical cata- logue of works, illustrated by Thomas and John Bewick, wood engravers of New- castle-upon-Tyne; with an appendix of their miscellaneous engravings, brief sketches of their lives, and notices of the pupils of Thomas Bewick. [Edited by W. J. Bell.] London: J. G. Bell, 1851. v. p., 12 fac-sim., 47 pi. 3 port. 4. MDG Henry Austin Dobson. Thomas Bewick and his pupils. London: Chatto & Windus, 1884. xviii, 232 p., 17 pi., 1 port. 12. MDG Thomas Hugo. The Bewick col- lector. A descriptive catalogue of the works of Thomas and John Bewick; in- cluding cuts, in various states, for books and pamphlets, private gentlemen, pub- lic companies, [etc.]... and wood blocks. With an appendix of portraits, autographs, works of pupils... London: L. Reeve & Co., 1866. xxiii, 562 p., 1 pi. 1 port. 4. MDG [Same]. Supplement. Lon- don, 1868. xxxii, 353 p. 4. A memoir of T. Bewick, written by himself. Embellished by numerous wood engravings, designed and engraved by the author for a work on British fishes, and never before published. Newcastle-on- Tyne: J. Bewick, 1862. 6 p.l., viii-xix, 344 p., 6 fac-sim., 55 pi. 1 port. 8. MDG (Bewick) David Croal Thomson. The life and works of Thomas Bewick: being an account of his career and achievements in art. With a notice of the works of John Bewick. London: "The Art Journal" Of- fice, 1882. xiv, 276 p., 4 pi., 1 port. 4. MDG One of 250 copies printed. Rev. William Turner, the younger. Memoir of Thomas Bewick, eminent en- graver on wood. [Edinburgh: W. H. Lizars, 1843?] (1)17-72 p., 1 port. 16. MDG Excerpt: The naturalist's library; edited by Sir W. Jardine, bart. v. 10. Binck, Jacob. Edouard Aumuller. Les petits maitres allemands. Munich: M. Rieger, 1881-93. 8. MDBF William Bell Scott. The little mas- ters... London: S. Low, Marston, Searle & Rivington, 1880. viii, 2 1., 128 p., 10 pi., 5 port. 8. MDBF Avery collection. Blake, William. America, a prophecy, by W. Blake, 1793. Facsimiled at Ed- monton, 1881. By W. Muir, H. T. Muir, E. Druitt & M. Hughes. [Edmonton, 1887.] 18 1. f. t MEM (Blake) Artist and poet. Book (The) of Ahania. [5 p.] ill. Lambeth; W. Blake. 1795. 4. tMEM XVII designs to Thornton's Virgil, reproduced from the original woodcuts PRINTS AND THEIR PRODUCTION 39 Prints as Art Products, continued. Individual Artists, continued. MDCCCXXL Portland, Maine: T. B. Mosher, 1899. xix(i) p., 2 1., 39-58(1) p., 17 pi. illus. 4. MEM (Blake) One of 450 copies printed. The first book of Urizen, by Wm. Blake, 1794. Facsimilied at Edmonton, in 1888. By W. Muir, H. T. Muir, J. D. Watts, and A. F. Westcott, from the. . .original belonging to Mr. Macgeorge of Glasgow. (Edmonton, 1888.] 28 1. f. t MEM (Blake) 2. book never composed. Illustrations of the Book of Job, invented and engraved by W. Blake. Lon- don: W. Blake, 1825. 1 1., 20 pi. f. tt MEM (Blake) Jerusalem, the emanation of the giant Albion; [the author's verse engraved and illustrated by himself. London], 1804. f. t MEM (Blake) The marriage of Heaven and Hell. [Written and illustrated by Wm. Blake.] [London: J. C. Hotten, 1868.] 27 1. 4. MEM (Blake) 100 copies printed. Songs of innocence, 1789. [No. 22.] The author and printer W. Blake. [Pro- duced by Wm. Muir and otherS]. London: J. Pearson, 1884. 32 1., 1 pi. 4. . f MEM The 32 leaves have colored text and figures. Produced from the volume that Blake gave to Flax- man. The four last plates were not usually in- cluded among his Songs of innocence, but as they form part of the volume that he gave to Flaxman they are given here. Burlington Fine Arts Club. Exhi- bition of the works of William Blake born 1757: died 1827. London: Spottiswoode, 1876. 71 p. 4. t MDG Richard Garnett. William Blake, painter and poet... London: Seeley & Co., Limited, 1895. 80 p., 7 pi. illus. 4. (The Portfolio), No. 22, October, 1895. MDG Avery collection. A. Gilchrist. Life of William Blake "Pictor Ignotus" with selections from his poems and other writings. Illustrated from Blake's own works in facsimile by W. J. Linton and in photolithography with a few of Blake's original plates, v. 1-2. London: McMillan & Co., 1863. 2 v. 8. MDG Grolier Club of the city of New York. Catalogue of books, engravings, watercolors & sketches by William Blake. Exhibited... Jan. 26 to Feb. 25, 1905. [New York, 1905.] xvii, 1 1., 147 p. 16. MDG (Blake) Museum of Fine Arts. (Boston) Print Dept. Exhibition of books, water- colors, engravings, etc. by W. Blake... 1891. iv, (2) 53 p. Boston: A. Mudge & Son, printers, 1891. 12. MDG (Blake) William Blake's illustrations of the book of Job. With descriptive letterpress, and a sketch of the artist's life and works. By C. E. Norton. Boston: J. R. Osgood and Co., 1875. 79 p., 22 pi. sq. f. f MEM Plates, including reproduction of title-page, are facsimiles of the original edition. London, 1825. Archibald G. B. Russell. The en- gravings of William Blake. Boston: Houghton, Mifflin Co., 1912. 3 pi., 9-229 p., 32 pi. 4. MDG (Blake) Alfred Thomas Story. William Blake; his life, character, and genius. Lon- don: S. Sonnenschein & Co., 1893. 1 p.l., 160 p., 1 port. 16. 3 MDG Algernon Charles Swinburne. Wil- liam Blake. A critical essay... London: J. C. Hotten, 1868. iv, 2 1., 304 p. 8 pi. 8. MDG (Blake) -^ Joseph H. Wicksteed. Blake's vision of the book of Job, with reproduc- tions of the illustrations; a study. Lon- don: J. M. Dent & Sons Ltd., 1910. 168 p., 21 pi. 8. MEM (Blake) Schiff collection. William Blake. v. 1. London: Methuen & Co. [1906.] v. pi. f. t MEM Blake v. 1. Illustrations of the Book of Job; with a general introduction by Laurence Binyon. Contains fac. t.-p. of original ed, London, 1825. Blanchard, Auguste. The Vintage; ancient Rome. By L. Alma Tadema. [A description of "The Vintage," a picture by L. A. Tadema with an invitation to sub- scribe for an engraving of it by Auguste Blanchard.] London: Pilgeram & Lefevre, n. d. 6 p. 12. MCTp.v.4 Blum, Robert F. Cincinnati Museum Association. Exhibition of paintings and studies by the late R. F. Blum. Born... 1857: Died... 1903. Jan. 1905. Cincinnati: the Museum, 1905. 10 p. 8. MDG Boehle, Fritz. Rudolf Klein. Fritz Boehle. Mit dreizehn Mattkunstdruck- bildern, vierzig Reproduktionen in Ton- druck und zwei Gravuren. Berlin: Ver- lagsanstalt fiir Literatur u. Kunst, [1909?] 3 p.l., (1) 6-59(1) p., 2 pi. f. (Kunst der Gegenwart. Jahrg. 1, v. 5.) f MDG Rudolf Schrey. Das graphische Werk Fritz Boehles 1892-1912; beschrei- bendes Verzeichnis hrsg. von R, Schrey. Frankfurt a. M.: J. P. Schneider, jr., 1914. 10 p., 11-75 f. illus. 4. MDG Boilly, L. L. Henry Harrisse. L.-L. Boilly, peintre, dessinateur et lithographe, sa vie et son oeuvre 1761-1845. Paris: So- ciete de Propagation des Livres d'Art 1898. 3 p.l., 228 p., 2 1., 19 pi., 1 port. 4. MDG One added plate in color. Avery collection. Boissieu, J. J. de. Alphonse de Bois- sieu, 1807-1886. J.-J. de Boissieu; cata- 40 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Prints as Art Products, continued. Individual Artists, continued. logue raisonne de son oeuvre, orne d'un portrait du maitre par lui-meme. . . Paris: Rapilly, 1878. xxiv, 182 p., front, (port.) 8. MDG ^- Alphonse de Boissieu, 1807-1886. Notice sur la vie et les oeuvres de J.-J. de Boissieu. Ouvrage orne d'un portrait du maitre d'apres lui-meme, d'un fac-simile de son ecriture et de quelques dessins et croquis de sa main. . . Paris: Rapilly, 1879. vii, 160 p., 1 fac, 4 pi., 3 port. (incl. front.) illus. 8. MDG Limited to ISO copies. Bonasoni, Guilio. George Cumberland. Some anecdotes of the life of Julio Bona- soni. . .accompanied by a catalogue of the engravings. . .of that tasteful composer... To which is, prefixed a plan for the im- provement of the arts in England. Lon- don: W. Wilson, 1793. 2 p.l., 100 p. 12. MDG Bone, Muirhead. Campbell Dodgson. Etchings & dry points by Muirhead Bone ... [V.] 1. rLondon:] Obach & Co., 1909. 1 V. port. f. t MDG (Bone) [v.] 1. 1898-1907. no. 47 of 275 copies printed. Bonington, Richard P. A. Bouvenne. Catalogue de I'oeuvre grave et lithographic de R. P. Bonington. Paris: J. Claye, 1873. 3 p.l., 33 p., 1 port, 2 fac-sim. 8. MDG Catalogue de I'oeuvre grave et lithographic de R. P. Bonington. Avec un portrait grave par A. Delauney et plu- sieurs fac-simile. Paris: J. Baur, A. De- taille, 1873. 3 p.l., 33 p., 3 pi., 4 ports. 8. MDG no. 2 of 170 copies printed. Extended copy. With autographs of Bonington and Bouvenne. Germain Hediard. Les lithogra- phies de Bonington. 22 p., 1 1., 1 port, [Le Mans: E. Monnoyer, typ., 1890.] 4. MDG Repr.: L' Artiste, 1890. Avery collection. Bosse, Abraham. Georges Victor An- toine Gratet Duplessis, 1834-1899. Cata- logue de I'oeuvre de Abraham Bosse, par Georges Duplessis. Paris, 1859. 2 p.l., 195 p. 8. MDG Published originally in v. S-8 of the Revue uni- verselle des arts (1857-1858). A. Valabregue. Abraham Bosse. Paris: Libr. de I'art, [188-?] 116 p. 4. MAN (In: Artistes (Les) celebres. [v. 3.]) Bowen, Abel. William Henry Whit- more. Abel Bowen. Boston: Old State House, 1887. 2 p.l., 29-56 p., 21 pi., 1 port, illus. 8. (Bostonian Society, Collections. V. 1. no. 2.) MDG Bracquemond, Felix. Leonce Benedite. Catalogue des oeuvres exposees de Bracquemond. Paris: Librairies-Impri- meries Reunies, [1897.] 48 p. 12. MDG (Musee Nationale du Luxembourg. Expositions periodiques d'estampes. Premiere exposition 1897.) Avery collection. Societe Nationale des Beaux- Arts. Oeuvres de Bracquemond exposees a la Societe Nationale des Beaux-Arts. Salle D. Catalogue avec une etude de Leandre Vaillat. Salon de 1907. [Helio- tyies de Leon Marotte.] Paris: [Typo- graphic de Frazier-Soyc], 1907. XXXIX, 17 p., 1 1., 10 pi. 4. tMDG no. 21 of 200 copies printed on "papier verg6 d' Arches." Frank Weitenkampf. Felix Bracque- mond; an etcher of birds. (In: Prints and their makers. New York, 1912. 8. p. 220-227.) MDC Brangwyn, Frank. Catalogue of the etched work of Frank Brangwyn... Lon- don: Fine Art Soc, Ltd., 1912. ix p., 1 1., 13-138 p., 1 1., 107 pi., 1 port. 4. f MDG Bibliography, p. 131-133. Bresdin, R. Champfleury, [pseud, of Jules Fleury]. Chien-Caillou. Paris: M. Levy, Freres, 1860. 2 p.l., ii, 3-304 p., 1 1. New ed. 12. NKV Bd. with: Monselet (C). Les treteaux, Paris, 1859. 12. Astoin. Chien-Caillou. (4)314, (2) p. Paris: E. Dentu, 1886. 16. Chien-Caillou, fantaisies d'hiver. Paris: [Gerdesj, 1847. 1 p.l., 144 p., 1 1. nar. 12. MDG Avery collection. Breviere, Louis Henri. Jules Adeline. L[Oms] Hienri] Breviere, dessinateur et graveur; renovateur de la gravure sur bois en France 1797-1869; notes sur la vie et les oeuvres d'un artiste normand. Rouen: E. Auge, 1876. 3 p.l., 112 p., 2 1., 1 fac-sim., 6 pi. 8. MDG Brosamer, Hans. William Bell Scott. The little masters... London: S. Low, Marston. Searle & Rivington, 1880. viii, 2 1., 128 p., 10 pi., 5 port. 8. MDBT Avery collection. Brown, John Lewis. Germain Hediard. John Lewis Brown. Paris, 1897. p. 401- 409. 4. (In his: Maitres de la litho- graphic.) MDG Excerpt: L'Artiste. Annee 67. Nouvelle periode. Tome 14. Brueghel, Peeter, the elder. Les cs- tampes de Peter Bruegel I'ancicn, par R. van Bastelaer... BruxcUes: G. van Oest & Co., 1908. 2 p.l., 71 p., 3 1., 133 pi., 2 port, f . t MEM (Brueghel) Engr. t.-p. also. PRINTS AND THEIR PRODUCTION 41 Prints as Art Products, continued. Individual Artists, continued. Bry, Johann Theodor de. Emblemata nobilitatis, Album amicorum, designed by T. de Bry. Reproduced after the original of 1593. Edited by Fr. Warnecke, with a preface on the historical developement of the Alba Amicorum up to the end of the xvith century. Berlin: A. Stargardt, 1895. 2 p.l., 9, 4 1., 30 p., 1 1., 59 p., 1 port. f. t MEM (Bry) Emblemata saecularia. Life and manners of the XVIth century in emblems designed by J. T. de Bry. Facsimile of the original edition of 1611, by Fr. War- necke... Berlin: J. A. Stargardt, 1895. 2 p.l., 7, 56 p., 101 pi. sm. f . t MEM (Bry) Buhot, Felix. Leonce Benedite. Felix Buhot: etude biographique et critique suivie du catalogue de I'oeuvre grave de cet artiste expose au Musee du Luxem- bourg. Paris: Libr. de I'art ancien & mo- derne, [1902]. 24 p., 1 1., 6 pi. f. (Les artistes de tous les temps. Ser. C. Temps modernes.) t MDG (Buhot) Avery collection. The late Felix Buhot. Trans- lated from the French by Madame F. Buhot. New York: F. Keppel & Co., tl900?] 37 p., 1 1. 24. MDG Gustave Bourcard. Felix Buhot . . . : catalogue descriptif de son oeuvre grave. Avec une preface d'Arsene Alex- andre. Paris: H. Floury, 1899. xviii, 124 p., 1 1. 1 port. 8. MDG Avery collection. Catalogue of an exhibition of the etched work of F. Buhot, with an intro- duction by Philippe Burty. New York: De Vinne Press, 1888. 1 sheet. S". MDG Buonarroti, Michel Angelo. G. V. A. G. Duplessis. Les graveurs de Michel-Ange. (In Blanc, A. A. P. C. L'oeuvre de Michel- Ange. 1876.) MCF Burger, Johann. Adalbert Roeper. Johann Burger. Zum achtzigsten Geburt- stage des Kiinstlers. [Leipzig,] 1909. p. 6478-6480. 4. t MDG Excerpt: Borsenblatt f. d. Dtschn. Buchhandel nr. 122, 29 Mai 1909. Burt, Charles. Alice Burt. Catalogue of line engravings, etchings and original drawings by Charles Burt, dec'd... Edit- ed by his daughter, Alice Burt... New York: W. Pagan, Jr., printer, 1893. 1 p.l., 50 p., 1 1. nar. 8. MDG Typewritten additions. Buttre, J. C. Catalogue of engravings by J. C. Buttre. New York, n. d. 68 p. 12. MDG Buttre, J. C. Co. New York. Catalogue of engravings, for sale by J. C. Buttre Co., publishers, engravers and plate printers... New York, 1894. 104 p. 24. MDG Avery collection. Calamatta, Louis. (In Blanc, A. A. P. C. Les artistes de mon temps.) Paris, 1876. illus. pi. 8. MAMI Callot, Jacques. Edmond Bruwaert. Jacques Callot, biographic critique. Paris: H. Laurens [1914]. 126 p., 1 1. illus. 8. (Les grands artistes. Leur vie leur oeuvre.) MDG Vie de Jacques Callot, graveur Lorrain 1592-1635. Paris: Imprimerie nationale, 1912. 4 p.l., 262 p., 1 1., 13 pi., 1 port, illus. 4. (Societe pour I'etude de la gravure frangaise.) f MDG 450 copies printed. J. H. Green. A catalogue and de- scription of the whole of the works of the celebrated Jacques Callot. . .with a brief sketch of his life. Translated from the manuscript of a French amateur... Lon- don: the Author, 1804. xx, 51 p. 16, MDG Avery collection. Arsene Houssaye [Housset, called]. Jacques Callot, sa vie et son oeuvre. Paris: J. Maury et Cie, [1875.] 2 p.l., 36 p., 10 pi. f. MDG Jacques Callot, maitre graveur (1593-1635) suivi d'un catalogue raisonne et accompagne de la reproduction de 282 estampes et de deux portraits par P. P. Plan. Bruxelles: G. van Oest & Cie., 1911. 2 p.l., 97(1) p., 90 pi., 8 port. f. ft MDG no. 255 of 300 copies printed on paper from the "Papeteries d'Arches." Edouard Meaume. Recherches sur la vie et les ouvrages de Jacques Callot. Suite au Peintre-graveur frangais de M. Robert-Dumesnil. Paris: V*. J. Renouard, 1860. 2 V. in 1. MDG Hermann Nasse. Jacques Callot. Leipzig: Klinkhardt & Biermann, [1909]. 6 p.l., 100 p., 44 pi., 1 port. sq. 4. (Meister der Graphik. Bd. 1.) f MDG Vachon, M. Jacques Callot. Paris: Libr. de I'art, [1886]. 72 p., 3 pi. 4. (In: Artistes (Les) celebres. [V. 13.]) MAN Campagnola, Giulio. Giulio Campagno- la. Kupferstiche und Zeichnungen. Hrsg. von Paul Kristeller. Berlin: [Bruno Cas- sirer] 1907. 23 p., 27 pi. f. (Graphische Gesellschaft. VeroffentlichungS.) ft MEM Cameron, David Young. Catalogue of etchings by D. Y. Cameron, exhibited at James Connell & Sons' galleries. London, 1913. 6 1. 8. MDG Catalogue of etchings by D. Y. Cameron, exhibited by Messrs. Arthur H. Hahlo & Co... October 10-November 2, 42 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Prints as Art Products, continued. Individual Artists, continued. 1912. [With a criticism of his works re- printed from "Etchings," by F. Wedmore. New York: A. H. Hahlo & Co., 1912.] 17 (1) p., 7 pi. 12. MDG (Cameron) Christie, Manson & Woods. Cata- logue of a valuable collection of etchings by D. Y. Cameron and J. M. Whistler... sold by auction. . .February 7, 1911... [London: Bradbury, Agnew & Co., 1911.] 10 p. 8. MDG (Cameron) Etchings of D. Y. Cameron, and a catalogue of his etched work. With an introductory essay by F. Rinder. Edin- burgh: O. Schulze and Company, 1908. XXX p., 3 1., 60 pi. 4. t MDG (Cameron) Newspaper-clipping relating to book inserted. Grolier Club of New York City. A catalogue of etchings and dry-points by D. Y. Cameron. Exhibited at the Grolier Club... from April 24th to May 16th, 1908. viii, 47 p. 12. MDG Frank Rinder. D. Y. Cameron; an illustrated catalogue of his etched work, with introductory essay and descriptive notes on each plate by F. Rinder. Glas- gow: J. Maclehose and Sons, 1912. xlix p., 1 1., 259 p., 1 1. 4. MDG Frederick Wedmore. Cameron's etchings: a study and a catalogue. Lon- don: R. Gutekunst, 1903. 40 p., 2 1. 8. MDG (Cameron) no. 104 of 155 copies printed. H. Wunderlich and Co. Catalogue of a collection of water colours and etch- ings by D. Y. Cameron. New York: H. Wunderlich & Co., 1910. 8 1. 16. MDG (Cameron) Canale, Antonio. Rudolph Meyer. Die beiden Canaletto, Antonio Canale und Ber- nardo Belotto; Versuch einer Monogra- phie der radirten Werke beider Meister, von Rudolph Meyer. Dresden: Eigner Verlag des Verfassers, 1878. 1 p.l., iv p., 1 1., 99(1) p. 8. MDG Canale Bibliography, p. 97-99. Date on cover: 1877. Canaletto. See Canale, Antonio, and Belotto, Bernardo. Carpeaux, Jean Baptiste. Loys Delteil. Rude, Barye, Carpeaux, Rodin. Paris: L. Delteil, 1910. 51 1. illus. f. (In his: Le peintre-graveur illustre, XIXe et XXe siecles, tome 6.) t MDD Carriere, Eugene. Loys Delteil. Eugene Carriere. Paris: I'auteur, 1913. 44 1. illus. f. (In his: Le peintre-graveur illustre. tome 8.) tMDD Cassatt, Mary. Exposition [dc] Mary Cassatt. Galeries Durand-Ruel, novembre- decembre, 1893. [Paris, 1893.] 39 p. 12. MDG Caylus, Comte de. Charles Nicolas Cochin. Memoires inedits de C. N. C. sur le Comte de Caylus, Bouchardon, les Slodtz, publics d'apres le manuscrit auto- graphe avec introduction, notes et appen- dice par C. Henry... Paris: (J.j Baur, 1880. 1 p.l., 192 p., 1 1. 8. (Societe de I'histoire de I'art frangais.) MAMI Cham. Felix Ribeyre. Cham: sa vie et son oeuvre. Preface par A. Dumas, fils... Paris: E. Plon, Nourrit et Cie., 1884. 4 p.l., xvi, 282 p., 1 1., 2 fac-sim., 12 pi., 2 port. 12. MDG (Cham) Chardin, Jean Baptiste Simeon. E. Bocher. Catalogue descriptif et raisonne des estampes composant I'oeuvre grave de J. B. S. Chardin. (In: Bocher (E.) Les gravures frangaises du siecle... Paris, 1876. f. fasc. 3.) f MDBF Charlet, Nicolas Toussaint. Armand Dayot. Charlet et son oeuvre. 118 compositions lithographiques. . . [PariS): Quantin, [1893]. 123 p., 1 pi. 4. MCO Les peintres militaires, Char- let et Raffet. Paris: Ancienne maison Quantin. [189-?, 123, 100 p., 1 1., 1 pi., 1 port. 4. MCO Germain Hediard. Les maitres de la lithographic. Charlet. 35 p. (Chateau- dun: Imp. de la Soc. Typ.,) 1894. 4. MDG Repr.: L'Artiste, 1894. Jules Gabriel Janin. Notice necro- logique sur Nicolas Toussaint Charlet, artiste peintre et dessinateur. . . Mort a Paris. . .1845. Paris: [Plon Freres, imp.], 1847. 23 p. 8. MDG Extr. : Revue generale biographique et necro- logique. Joseph Felix Leblanc de La Combe. Charlet, sa vie, ses lettres, suivi d'une de- scription raisonnee de son oeuvre litho- graphique. Paris: Paulin et Le Chevalier, 1856. viii, 400 p., 1 port. 8. MDG Avery collection. F. Lhomme. Charlet. Paris: Libr. de I'art, [188-?]. ^ 122 p., 1 1. 4. (In: Artistes (Les) celebres. [V. 13.]) MAN Chasseriau, Theodore. Aglaus Bou- venne. Theodore Chasseriau. 1819-1856. p. 161-178, 1 pi. nar. 4. t MDG (Chasseriau) Extr. from L'Artiste, v. 2, 1887. Avery collection. Aglaiis Bouvenne. Theodore Chas- seriau. Souvenirs et indiscretions. [Lille]: A. Detaille, [188-?]. 24 p., 1 fac-sim., 6 pi. nar. 4. f MDG (Chasseriau) One of 115 copies printed. Author's autograph. Avery collection. Valbert Chevillard. Un peintre romantique, Theodore Chasseriau. Avec PRINTS AND THEIR PRODUCTION 43 Prints as Art Products, continued. Individual Artists, continued. une eau-forte de Bracquemond. Paris: A. Lemerre, 1893. 2 p.l., 323 p., 1 1. 4 fac-sim. 4 port. 8. MDG Avery collection. Chauvel, Theophile. Exposition de vingt-neuf eaux-fortes de Theophile Chau- vel d'apres Corot, Daubigny . , .[etc.] Pre- face de L. Roger-Miles. Portrait inedit de Chauvel par lui-meme et une eau-forte ori- ginate. Paris: A. Tooth & Sons, 1898. 16 p., 1 pi., 1 port. 4. MDG Chauvel Avery collection. Loys Delteil. Theophile Chauvel. Catalogue raisonne de son oeuvre grave et lithographic, avec eaux-fortes originates et reproductions. Paris: Georges Rapilly, 1900. 88 p., 1 pi., 1 port. 8. MDG No. 58 of 225 copies. Avery collection. Chemesov, Yevgraf Petrovich. Tsche- messoff, graveur russe, eleve de G. F. Schmidt. Son oeuvre, reproduit par le procede de G. Scamoni. Public et annote par D. Rovinski. St. Petersbourg: Ex- pedition pour la confection des papiers de I'etat, 1878. 8 p., 1 1., 1 fac, 17 pi. f. ttMEM Cheney, John, and Seth Wells. Syl- vester Rosa Koehler. Catalogue of the engraved and lithographed work of John Cheney and Seth Wells Cheney. Boston: Lee & Shepard, 1891. 1 p.l., iv, 5-161 p., 1 port. 8. MDG Avery collection. Museum of Fine Arts, Boston. Print Dept. Exhibition of the works of John Cheney and Seth Wells Cheney... 1893. Boston, 1893. 35 p. 12. MDG Charles E. Clark. Catalogues of the Charles E. Clark collection of Ameri- can portraiture... Almost complete col- lections of the engraved work of the Chenej's. . .to be sold by auction. . .Janu- ary IS, 16, and 17, 1901. Boston: C. F. Libbie & Co., rl900]. 2 p.l., 136 p., 1 fac- sim., 4 pi., 4 port. 8. AOF Chien-Caillou. See: Bresdin, Rudolphe. Chodowiecki, Daniel Nicolaus, 1726- 1801. Chodowiecki's Illustrationen zu den deutschen Klassikern. . . Berlin, 1914. 12. (Bards Bucher der Kunst. Bd. 5.) MEM Daniel Chodowieckis Handzeich- nungen; ausgewahlt, sowie mit einer ein- leitenden Studie und ausfiihrlichen Erklar- ungen versehen, von W. v. Gettingen. Berlin: J. Bard, 1907. 51(1) p., 36 pi. 8. (Handzeichnungen grosser Meister. Bd. 1.) MEM C. G. Boerner. Daniel Chodow- iecki. [Catalogue], n. t.-p. Leipzig: C. G. Boerner, 1906. 22 p., 1 1. 12. MDG Chodowiecki und Lichtenberg. Daniel Chodowiecki's Monatskupfer zum "Gottinger Taschen Calender" nebst Georg Christoph Lichtenberg's Erklarun- gen...Hrsg. von R. Focke. 1778-1783. Leipzig: Dieterich, 1901. xx, 28 p., 18 pi. 4. MDG Wilhelm Engelmann. Daniel Cho- dowiecki's sammtliche Kupferstiche. Be- schrieben, mit historischen, literarischen und bibliographischen Nachweisungen, der Lebensbeschreibung des Kiinstlers und Registern versehen. . . Leipzig: W. Engel- mann, 1857. Ixii, 1 1., 543 p., 3 pi. 8. MDG Avery collection. Nachtrage und Berichtigungen zu Daniel Chodowiecki's sammtliche Kup- ferstiche. Leipzig: Engelmann, 1860. 1 p.l., 28 p. 8. MDG Bound with, Engelmann (W.), Daniel Chodow- iecki's sammtliche Kupferstiche... Leipzig, 1857. 8 . G. Walther Gasch. Antiquariats- Katalog III. Alte Deutsche und Klein- meister ferner D. Chodowiecki, C. W. E. Dietrich und Wenzel Hollar. Dresden, [1906?] 6?> p. 8. MDF Priced. Paul Helm-Hamburg. Das radierte Werk von Daniel Chodowiecki zumeist aus dem Nachlasse des Herrn Joachim Sagert . . . Versteigerung zu Berlin. . . 1. Februar, 1910. Berlin: Amsler & Ruthardt[-Kun- stantiquariat, 1909?] 2 p.l., 94 p. illus. 8. (Kunst Auktion, 83.) MDG (Chodowiecki) D. Jacoby, the elder. Chodow- iecki's Werke; oder, Verzeichniss samt- licher Kupferstiche, welche Daniel Cho- dowiecki von 1758 bis 1800 verfertigt, und nach der Zeitfolge geordnet hat. Berlin: Jacoby, 1808. xii, 163 p. 12. MDG Avery collection. Das radierte Werk von D. Chodo- wiecki fast vollstandig in vorziiglichen alten Abdriicken. . .und die grossen Sel- tenheiten. Handzeichnungen, eigenhan- dige Briefe, insbesondere die umfangreiche Korrespondenz an die Grafin von Solms- Laubach. Versteigerung zu Berlin... den 27. Okt... Berlin: Amsler & Ruthardt, [1903]. 2 p.l., 52 p. 4. (Kupferstich- Auktion LXIX.) MDG Avery collection. Claas, Alaart. Edouard Aumiiller. Les petits maitres allemands. Munich: M. Rieger, 1881-93. 8. MDBF V. 1. Barthelemy et Hans Sebald Beham. v. 2. Jacques Bink et Alaart Claas (Claaszen). Claude Lorraine. See: Gelee, Claude, called Claude Lorrain. Cochin. S. Rocheblave. Paris: Libr. de I'art, [1893? 4. (In: Artistes (Les) c ' 44 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Prints as Art Products, continued. Individual Artists, continued. Cole, Timothy. Old Italian masters en- graved by Timothy Cole, with historical notes by W. J. Stillman and brief com- ments by the engraver. New York: Cen- tury Co., 1892. xxi, 282 p., 65 pi., 2 port. 4. t MEM Avery collection. Old Spanish masters. Engraved by Timothy Cole, with historical notes by Charles H. Caffin and comments by the engraver. New York: Century Co., 1907. ix, 175 p., 25 pi., 6 port. 4. MEM Corot, Jean Baptiste Camille. Loys Delteil. Corot. Paris: L'auteur, 1910. 68 1., 1 pi. f. (In his: Le peintre-graveur illustre. Tome 5.) f MDD Frederick Keppel & Co. Jean- Baptiste Camille Corot, Charles Frangois Daubigny, Charles Storm van'sGraves- ande. New York, [1908]. 51(1) p. 4. (In their: The print-collector's bulletin ...) MDG (Corot) Cosway, Richard. Frederick B. Daniell. A catalogue raisonne of the engraved works of Richard Cosway, R. A. By Fredk. B. Daniell. With a memoir of Cos- way. By Sir Philip Currie. London: Fredk. B. Daniell, 1890. xv, 67 p., 1 pi. 4. MDG Cotman, John Sell. Laurence Binyon. John Crome and John Sell Cotman. Lon- don: Seeley & Co., 1897. 104 p., 4 pi. 4. (Portfolio monographs. . .no. 32.) MAA Courtry, Charles. Boutet embete par Courtry. Preface de Leon Maillard. Deux pointes-seches par H. Boutet; une eau- forte et couverture par C. Courtry. Paris: Biblio. . .artistique et litteraire, 1896. 2 p.l., viii, 104 p., 1 1., 4 pi. 12. MDG no. 95 of 400 copies printed. Avery collection. Catalogue de tableaux, dessins, aquarelles, estampes, livres, bronzes, terrescuites, emaux, offerts par les amis de Courtry. Vente. . .le. . .13. decembre, 1897. Paris: G. Duchesne, 1897. 54 p., il., 1 port, sq. 16. MDG (Courtry) Avery collection. Cousins, Samuel. Catalogue of an ex- hibition' of mezzotint engravings by Sam- uel Cousins, 1801-1887. With an introduc- tion [by F. Keppel]. New York: F. Kep- pel & Co., 1899. 10 p. 8. MDG A collection of proofs engraved in mezzotint by Samuel Cousins, R. A. On exhibition at Schaus Art Galleries. . . New York, commencing March 11th, 1907. [New York, 1907.] 2 1., 1 port. sq. 24. MDG Title fr. cover. Engravings by Samuel Cousins. [Catalogue], on exhibition at Schaus's Art gallery, New York. New York: [Putnam, 188-?] 4 1. 24. MDG Algernon Graves. A catalogue of the works of Samuel Cousins, R. A... London: H. Graves & Co. [188-?] 19 p. sq. 4. MDG Avery collection. Cranach, Lucas. Friedrich Lippmann. Lucas Cranach. Sammlung von Nach- bildungen seiner vorziiglichsten Holz- schnitte und seiner Stiche, hergestellt in der Reichsdruckerei und hrsg. von F. Lipp- mann... Berlin: G. Grote, 1895. 1 p.l., 23(1) p., 53 pi., 4 port. f. fttMEM Crome, John. Laurence Binyon. John Crome and John Sell Cotman. London: Seeley & Co., New York: The Macmillan Co., 1897. 104 p., 4 pi. nar. 4. (Port- folio artistic monographs.) MDG (Crome) Avery collection. Henry Studdy Theobald. Crome's etchings; a catalogue and an appreciation, with some account of his paintings. Lon- don: Macmillan and Co. Ltd., 1906. xi, 107 p. 8. MDG Cuvillies. Andre Berard, 1806-1873. Catalogue de I'oeuvre de Cuvillies pere et fils. Paris: Veuve J. Renouard, 1859. 42 p. 8. MDG Cuvillies Repr. : Revue universelle des arts. Dalziel, George, and E. Dalziel. The Brothers Dalziel: a record of fifty years' work in conjunction with many of the most distinguished artists of the period, 1840-1890... London: Methuen & Co., 1901. xiii, 1 1., 359 p. sq. 4. MDG Avery collection. Daubigny, C. F. Leonide Bourges. Daubigny, souvenirs et croquis: eaux- fortes par L. Bourges. Preface par Roger Miles. [Paris]: Imp. A. et Eug. Delatre, [1894]. 33 pi. obi. 4. tMEM Entirely in etching. F. Henriet. C. Daubigny et son oeuvre grave. Eaux-fortes et bois inedits par C. Daubigny, Karl Daubigny, Leon Lhermitte; heliogravures Durand. . .etc. Paris: A. Levy. 1875. 2 p.l., 212 p., 7 pi., 1 port. 4. MDG Same. Extended copy. Au- tograph signature of C. Daubigny. MDG Avery collection. Frederick Keppel & Co. Jean- Baptiste Camille Corot, Charles FranQois Daubigny, Charles Storm van'sGraves- ande. New York, [1908.] 51(1) p. 4. (In their: The print-collector's bulletin. . .) MDG (Corot) Daulle, Jean. Emile Desire Delignieres. Catalogue raisonne de I'oeuvre grave de Jean Daulle d' Abbeville precede d'une no- PRINTS AND THEIR PRODUCTION 45 Prints as Art Products, continued. Individual Artists, continued. tice sur sa vie et ses ouvrages. (Soc. d'emulation d'Abbeville. Mem. Abbe- ville, 1873. 8. Serie 3, v. 1(1869-72), p. 295-459.) * EN Daumier, Honore. A. Alexandre. Honore Daumier rhomme et I'oeuvre. port, pi., ill. Paris, 1888. 4. MCO Kurt Bertels. Honore Daumier als Lithograph. Miinchen: R. Piper & Co., 1908. 150 p. illus. 4. (Klassische Illus- tratoren. [V.] 4.) MDG (Daumier) Champfleury. Exposition des pein- tures et dessins de H. Daumier.. . Notice biographique par Champfleury. Paris: Gauthier-Villars, 1878. 86 p., 1 port. nar. 4. MDG (Daumier) Henri Frantz. Daumier and Ga- varni, with critical and biographical notes by H. Frantz and O. Uzanne. Edited by C. Holme. London: The Studio, 1904. 4 p.l., D, XX, D. 56, G. xxxvi, G. 63 p., 2 facsim., 22 pi., 2 port, illus. sq. 4. (The Studio, Special autumn number, 1904.) MDG Gustave Geffroy. Daumier. Paris: Libr. de I'art anc. & mod., il902?]. 2 p.l., 27 p., 8 pi. f. (Les artistes de tous les temps, ser. C.) f MDG no. 195 of 300 copies printed. Avery collection. Nicolas Auguste Hazard, and L. Delteil. Catalogue raisonne de I'ceuvre lithographie de Honore Daumier; orne d'un portrait grave a I'eau-forte par Loys Delteil, et de cent quarante reproductions d'apres les lithographies les plus belles et les plus rares du maitre. Orrouy (Oise): N. A. Hazard, 1904. 2 p.l., x, 841 p., 1 1., 1 port. 4. MDG no. 653 of 800 copies printed. Honore Daumier. A collection of his social and political caricatures together with an introductory essay on his art. By E. L. Cary. With seventy-six illustra- tions. New York: G. P. Putnam's Sons, 1907. V, 185 p., 1 port, illus. 8. MEM Henry Marcel. Honore Daumier. Biographie critique... Paris: H. Laurens, tl907.] 128 p. illus. 8. (Grands (Les) artistes. Leur vie. Leur oeuvre.) MCO Arthur Ruemann. Honore Dau- mier, sein Holzschnittwerk. Text und Katalog von A. Riimann. Miinchen: Del- phin-Verlag, 1914, 4 p.l., 203 p. illus. f. t MDG Daumier no. 351 of 850 copies printed. Syndicat de la presse artistique. Exposition Daumier. Catalogue. [Paris]: Palais de I'ecole des beaux-arts, 1901. 62 p., 1 1., 1 pi. 12. MDG Avery collection. Debrie, Guilherme Francesco Louren^o. Brazil. Bibliotheca Nacional. Estampas gravadas por Guilherme Francisco Lour- engo Debrie. Catalogo organisado pelo Dr. Jose Zephyrino de Menezes Brum. Rio de Janeiro: Off. de Artes Graph, de Bibl. Nacional, 1908. 2 p.l., 110 p., 13 pi. 8. MDG Debucourt, P. L. Maurice Fenaille. L'oeuvre grave de P.-L. Debucourt (1755- 1832). Accompagne d'une preface et des notes de Maurice Vaucaire... Paris: Li- brairie Damascene Morgand, 1899. xx p., 1 1., 375 p. 1 1. 14 pi. 4. tMDG no. 255 of 315 copies. Avery collection. Decamps. Germain Hediard. Les maitres de la lithographie. Decamps. 30 p., 1 1. [Le Mans, E. Monnoyer, typ.,] 1891. 4. MDG Repr. : L' Artiste, 1891. Avery collection. A. Moreau. Decamps et son oeuvre avec des gravures en fac-simile des planches originates les plus rares. Paris: D. Jouaust, 1869. 2 p.l., xxviii, 310 p., 1 1., 7 pi. 1 port. 8. MCO Delacroix, Eugene. Alfred Robaut, 1830. L'oeuvre complet de Eugene Dela- croix; peintures, dessins, gravures, litho- graphies, catalogue et reproduit par Alfred Robaut, commente par Ernest Chesneau; ouvrage public avec la collaboration de Fernand Calmettes. Paris: Charavay freres, 1885. Ixii, 537(1) p., 2 port, illus. 4. MDG Loys Delteil. Ingres & Delacroix. (In his: Le peintre-graveur illustre (xix siecles.) Paris, 1908. i. tome 3.) tMDD Demarteau, Gilles. Leo de Leymarie. L'oeuvre de Gilles Demarteau I'aine, gra- veur du roi. Catalogue descriptif precede d'une notice biographique par L. de Ley- marie. Paris: G. Rapilly, 1896. 2 p.l., 150 p., 1 1., 8 pi. 4. MDG Deruet, Claude. Edouard Meaume. Recherches sur la vie et les ouvrages de Claude Deruet, peintre et graveur lorrain, (1588-1660). Nancy: A. Lepage, 1853. 120 p. 8. MDG (Deruet) Desboutin, Marcellin. Exposition de l'oeuvre grave de M. Desboutin. Preface de Emile Zola. L'exposition sera couverte du 8 juillet au 14 aout 1889... [Paris, 1889]. 19 p. 12. (Galeries Durand- Ruel...) MDG Avery collection. Georges Lafenestre, Catalogue des oeuvres de Marcellin Desboutin, peintre et graveur, exposees a I'ficole Nationale des Beaux-Arts du 11 au 31 Decembre 46 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Prints as Art Products, continued. Individual Artists, continued. 1902. Preface par G. Lafenestre. Paris: Libr. de I'Art Ancien et Moderne, 1902. 28 p., 2 pi., 1 port. 4. t MDG Avery collection. Diaz, N. Germain Hediard. Les maitres de la lithographic. Diaz. 8 p. [Le Mans: E. Monnoyer, typ., 1895.] 4. MDG Avery collection. Dietrich, C. W. E. G. Walther Gasch. Antiquariats-Katalog 111. Alte Deutsche und Kleinmeister ferner D. Chodowiecki, C. W. E. Dietrich und Wenzel Hollar. Dresden, [1906?] 63 p. 8. MDF Priced. Dodge, Ozias. Catalogue of an exhibi- tion of paintings and auto-lithographs. With a brief account of the practice of lithography. Norwich, Conn.: Academy Press, 1902. 6 1. 12. MDG Dodson, Richard W. Frances Sargent Osgood. Lines to Mr. Dodson, engraver of the plate of female contrijjutors to Graham's Magazine. Brooklyn, N. Y.: Elzevir Press,] 1885. 1 p.l., 5 f. 4. MDG pi. inserted. no. 7 of 10 copies printed. Dow, Arthur W. Museum of Fine Arts, Boston. Print Dept. Special exhibition of color prints, designed, engraved, and printed by Arthur W. Dow. . .1895. . . Boston, 1895. lip. 12. MDG (Dow) Drevet. A. F. Didot. Les Drevet: Pierre, P. Imbert, et Claude; catalogue raisonne de leur oeuvre; precede d'une in- troduction. Paris, 1876. port. 8. MDG Droeshout, Martin. William Stone Booth. The Droeshout portrait of Wil- liam Shakespeare; an experiment in iden- tification, with thirty-one illustrations. Boston: W. A. Butterfield, 1911. 2 p.l., 7(1) p., 1 1., 9 pi., 4 port. 4. AOT One of five hundred copies printed. Du Cerceau. Baron Heinrich von Gey- miiller. Les Du Cerceau, leur vie et leur oeuvre, d'apres de nouvelles recherches par H. de G. Paris: Libr. de I'art, 1887. 1 p.l., X, 248 p., 4 pi. f. (Bibliotheque internationale de I'art.) fMQZ Duerer, Albrecht. Albrecht Diirer. Kupferstiche. In getreuen Nachbildungen, hrsg. von Jaro Springer-Miinchen: Hol- bein-Verlag, 1914. 30 p., 1 1., 70 pi., 5 port. f. Drawings and engravings by Duerer and Lucas van Leyden, exhibited by the Burlington Fine Arts Club, 1869; repro- duced in autotype-facsimile. London, 1870. 2v. f. ttMEM La grande passion par Albert Durer en douze gravures sur bois Nurem- berg anno 1511. Reproduction procede P. W. van de Weijer, d'apres les epreuves avant la lettre appartenant au cabinet de Dr. Straeter, Aix-la-Chapelle. Avec une introduction de G. Duplessis. Utrecht: P. W. van de Weijer [1875]. 5 1., 12 pi. f. ttt MEM In portfolio. The humiliation and exaltation of our Redeemer, in 32 prints, representing the original wood-blocks of Albert Durer. Edited by John Allen. London: J. Rout- ledge & Co., 1856. 64 p. 16. MEM Kleine Passion; getreu in Holz nachgeschnitten von C. Deis... Stutt- gart: G. Schweizerhart [1859.] 2 p.l., 37 pi, in portfolio. 4. MEM The Little Passion, of Albert Diirer, with an introduction by Austin Dobson. London: G. Bell & Sons, 1894. 3-17 p., 39 pi., 37 pi. 12. MEM Notes and sketches by Albrecht Diirer; selected and edited by C. Dodgson. London: [De la More Press Ltd., 1911?]. 26 p. 1 1., 24 pi. 4. (Duerer Society. Publications, no. 12.) MEM Oeuvre de Albert Durer, reproduit et public par Amand-Durand. Texte par G. [V. A. G.] Duplessis. Paris: Amand- Durand [1880]. 1 p.l., iv, 20 p., 105 pi. f. (Amand-Durand. Heliogravures Amand- Durand.) tt MEM Passio Christi. Die kleine Pas- sion. The little passion of Albert Durer reproduced in fac-simile. Edited by W. C. Prime. New York: J. W, Bouton, 1868. 28 p., 37 pi., 1 port. f. t MEM The passion Christ, pourtrayed Edited by H. Cole. 1844. 50 1. 8. of our Lord Jesus by Albert Durer. London: J. Cundall, MEM Lionel Cust. The engravings of Albrecht Diirer. London: Seclcy & Co., 1894. 88 p., 4 pi. nar. 4. (The Portfolio artistic monographs [no. 11].) MDG Duerer Society. [Portfolios.] With introductory notes by Campbell Dodgson [and others]. Ser. 1-10 (1898-1908). Index to 1-10. London; 1898-1908. f. ft MEM Publications, no. 12. London, 1911. 4. MEM Report of the Society. 1898- 1906. London, [1906]. 8. MEM (Duerer) 1898-1904 not found, Sept. 1912. Richard Ederheimer. Illustrated catalogue to an exhibition of engravings by the three great masters of the 16th cen- tury; Albrecht Diirer, Lucas van Leyden, Marc Antonio Raimondi, preceded by pref- ace by G. S. Hellman, and Albrecht Diirer's mystical tetralogy, "A fantasy in verse," with introduction by R. Ederheim- PRINTS AND THEIR PRODUCTION 47 Prints as Art Products, continued. Individual Artists, continued. er. The poems in the translation from the original German, by F. Hellman... New York, 1914. 39 p., 4 1., 14 pi. 8. MDG (Duerer) Card of invitation inserted. Bernhard Hausmann. A. Diirer's Kupferstiche, Radirungen, Holzschnitte und Zeichnungen. Hannover, 1861. pi. 4. MDG Bruno Jacobi. Albrecht Diirer. Ein Verzeichnis von Reproduktionen nach Arbeiten des Meisters. Nebst einer Zu- sammenstellung seiner Schriften und Lit- eratur iiber ihn. [Leipzig,] 1908. f. tMDG Excerpt: Borsenblatt f.d. dtschn. Buchhandel, Januar, 1908. p. 604-09. 762-65, 809-10. Sylvester Rosa Koehler. A chron- ological catalogue of the engravings, dry- points, and etchings of Albert Diirer, as exhibited at the Grolier Club. 5 1., 1 xi, 1 1., 103 p., 6 pi., illus. New York: Grolier Club, 1897. f. tMDG Ludwig Lorenz. Die Mariendar- stellungen Albrecht Diirers. . .Strassburg: J. H. E. Heitz, 1904. 2 p.l., 86 p. 8. (Studien zur deutschen Kunstgeschichte, 55. Hft.) MCK Charles H. Middleton-Wake. Cata- logue of the engraved work of Albert Diirer... Cambridge: The Syndics of the Fitswilliam Museum, 1893. 20 p. 8. MDG Wilhelm Molsdorf. Gruppierungs- versuche im Bereiche des altesten Holz- schnittes... Strassburg: J. H. E. Heitz, 1911. viii, 60 p., 1 1. illus., XI pi. (7 double). 8. (Studien zur deutschen Kunstge- schichte, 139. Hft.) MDO Museum of Fine Arts, Boston. Print Dept. Exhibition of Albert Diirer's engravings, etchings, and dry-points... From the collection of H. F. Sewall, and from the Gray Collection belonging to Harvard College... Nov. 1888-Jan... 1889. Boston, 1888. xxii, 81 p. 12. MDG Karl Rapke. * Die Perspektive und Architektur auf den Diirerschen Hand- zeichnungen, Holzschnitten, Kupferstichen und Gemalden... [Konigsberg]. Strass- burg: Heitz & Mundel, 1902. 1 p.l., 46 p., 1 1., 1 pi. 8. MCI p.v.l, no.7 Same, iv, 88 p., 10 pi. 8. (Studien zur deutschen Kunstgeschichte, 39. Heft.) Ralf Leopold Retberg. Durers Kupferstiche und Holzschnitte: ein krit- isches Verzeichnis. Miinchen: T, Acker- mann, 1871. 2 p.l., 169 p., 1 1., 1 fac-sim., 1 pi. 4. MDG Valentin Scherer. Die Ornamentik bei Albrecht Diirer... Strassburg: J. H. E. Heitz, 1902. vi p., 1 1., 139, rlj p. XL fold. pi. 8. (Studien zur deutschen Kunstgeschichte, 38. Hft.) MDG . Hans Wolfgang Singer. Versuch einer Diirer Bibliographic... Strassburg: J. H. E. Heitz, 1903. xvi, 98 p. 25cm. (Studien zur deutschen Kunstgeschichte. 41. Hft.) MCK Sotheby, Wilkinson & Hodge, Catalogue of a choice collection of the works of Albert Diirer. . .sold by auction, by. . .Sotheby, Wilkinson & Hodge... the 19th... of July, 1871. [London:] T. Davy and Sons, 1871. 1 p.l., 11 p. 8. MDG (Duerer) Partly priced. Moritz Thausing. Diirer: Ge- schichte seines Lebens und seiner Kunst: mit Titelkupfer und mit Illustrationen ge- zeichnet von Joseph Schonbrunner; Holz- schnitt von F. W. Bader. Leipzig, 1876. ports, illus. pi. map. 8. MCK Edward Turnbull. Diirer's book illustrations. Clipping from the Boston Transcript of July 6, 1910, mounted on 5 leaves and sewed. 8. MDG (Duerer) Emil Waldmann. Lanzen, Stangen und Fahnen, als Hilfsmittel der Komposi- tion in den graphischen Friihwerken des Albrecht Diirer... Strassburg: J. H. E. Heitz, 1906. viii, 70 p., 1 1. xv pi. 8. (Studien zur Deutschen Kunstgeschichte. 68. Hft.) MDG Paul Weber. Beitrage zu Diirer's Weltanschauung; eine Studie iiber die drei Stiche: Ritter, Tod und Teufel, Melan- cholie und Hieronymus im Gehaus. Strass- burg: J. H. E. Heitz, 1900. 3 p.l., 110 p. front., illus., 3 pi. (1 double). 8. (Stu- dien zur deutschen Kunstgeschichte, Hft.) MDG Heinrich Woelfflin. Die Kunst Al- brecht Diirers. Mit Abbildungen. Miin- chen: F. Bruckmann A.-G. 1905. vi, 1 1., 316 p., 32 pi. 4. MDG (Duerer) Du Jardin, Karel. Burlington Fine Arts Club. Exhibition of etchings by Renier Zeeman and Karel du Jardin with illustra- tive drawings. London, 1883. 36 p. 4. tMDG Avery collection. Dupre, Jules. Loys Delteil. Le peintre- graveur illustre (xix et xx* siecles.) Tome 1. Paris: L'auteur, 1906. illus. f. tMDD Germain Hediard. Les maitres de la lithographic. Jules Dupre. 8 p., 1 port. [Chatcaudun: Imp. de la Soc. Typ., 1894.] 4. MDG Avery collection. Durand, Asher B. Charles E. Clark. Catalogue of the Charles E. Clark col- lection of American portraiture, including almost complete collections of the en- 48 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Prints as Art Products, continued. Individual Artists, continued. graved work of the Cheneys, David Edwin and A. B. Durand...to be sold by auction ...January 15, 16, and 17, 1901. Boston: C. F. Libbie & Co., [1900]. 2 p.l., 138 p., 1 fac-sim., 4 pi., 4 port. 8. AOF John Durand. The life and times of A. B. Durand. New York: C. Scribner's Sons, 1894. ix, 1 1., 232 p., 12 pi., 4 port. 4. MDG One of 500 copies printed. Grolier Club of the City of New York. Catalogue of the engraved work of Asher B. Durand, exhibited at the Gro- lier Club, April, MDCCCXCV. [New York: Gillis Press, cop. 1895.] 2 p.l., (1)4- 103(1) p., front, (port.), 2 pi. 8. MDG One of 350 copies of large-paper edition. Introduction signed: C. H. H. Avery collection. Same. With ms. annotations. MDG Daniel Huntington. Asher B. Du- rand. A memorial address. New York: printed for the Century [Association], 1887. 48 p., 1 port. 8. MDG Avery collection. Duvet, Jean. E. Jullien de Laboullaye. fitude sur la vie et sur I'oeuvre de Jean Duvet, dit Le Maitre a la Licorne. Paris: RapiUy, 1876. 3 p.l., 137 p., 1 1. 1 pi. 8. MDG Dyck, Sir Anthonie van. Cent portraits de princes, savants illustres, artistes, etc., par v.; F. Ongania, editeur. Venise, 1878. i. tt MEM Reprint of the Antwerp ed. of 1646. Friedrich Wibiral. L'Iconographie d'Antoine van Dyck, d'apres les recherches de H. Weber. Leipzig: A. Danz, 1877. 3 p.l., 188 p., 2 1., 6 pi., 1 port. 4. MDG Eaux-fortes de Antoine van Dyck, reproduites et publiees par Amand-Durand. Texte par G. [V. A. G.] Duplessis. Paris: Amand-Durand [1874]. 1 p.l., 11 p., 21 1., 21 pi. f. (Amand-Durand. Heliogravures Amand-Durand.) ft MEM (Van Dyck) Earlom, Richard. Joseph Eduard Wes- sely. Richard Earlom. Verzeichniss seiner Radirungen und Schabkunstblatter. Ham- burg: Haendcke & Lehmkuhl, 1886. 2 p.l., (i)iv-viii, 94 p. 8. (Kritische Verzeich- nisse von Werken hervorragender Kupfer- stecher. Bd. 2.) MDG (Earlom) Edelinck, Gerard. Henri Vicomte De- laborde. Gerard fidelinck. Paris: Libr. de I'art, [1886]. 94 p., il. 4. (In: Artistes (Les) celebres. [V. 8].) MAN Edwards, S. Arlent-. List of mezzotint engravings by S. Arlent-Edwards. [This is a complete collection of the pub- lished mezzotint engravings. . .engraved and printed in color by him at one printing without retouching.] New York: [E. L.] Knoedler, [1910.] 12 1., 1 por. iUus. 8. MDG (Edwards) Daniel B. Butler and Co. List of mezzotint engravings by S. Arlent Ed- wards. New York: D. B. Butler & Co., [1906.] 9 1. illus. ob. 12. MDG Catalogue of pure mezzotint en- gravings by S. Arlent Edwards. New York: Clausen & Co., 16 p., 1 port. 8. MDG Mezzotint engravings by S. Arlent- Edwards... [New York: H. Wunderlich & Co.] n. d. 6 1., 3 pi., 2 port. 32. MDG (Edwards) Edwin, David. Charles E. Clark. Cata- logue of the Charles E. Clark collection of American portraiture, including almost complete collections of the engraved work of the Cheneys, David Edwin and A. B, Durand... to be sold by auction. . .Janu- ary 15, 16, and 17, 1901. Boston: C. F. Libbie & Co., [1900]. 2 p.l., 136 p., 1 fac- sim., 4 pi., 4 port. 8. AOF Mantle Fielding. Catalogue of the engraved work of David Edwin. Phila- delphia: privately printed, 1905. 1 p.l., v- XV, 62 p. f. tMDG One of 100 copies printed. Charles R. Hildeburn, A contribu- tion to a catalogue of the engraved works of David Edwin, n. t.-p. [Philadelphia: Hist. Soc. of Pennsylvania, 1894-1904). V. p. 8. MDG Fragments of the Pennsylvania Mag. of Hist, and Biogr. v. 18, nos. 1-2, 1894, and v. 28, no. 112, 1904. Ensor, James. James Ensor, Maler, Radierer, Komponist. Ein Hinweis, mit dem vollstandigen Katalog seines radierten Werkes als Anhang von H. von Garvens- Garvensburg. Hannover: L. Ey, 1913. 3 p.l., 9-30 p., 2 1., 25 pi., 1 port. 4. MDG Two leaves of bibliography. James Ensor, peintre & graveur; texte par B. Rousseau, E. Baes, C. Beck ...[a. o.]. Avec 111 illustrations de J. Ensor. Paris: Librairie de la soc. anonyme "La plume," 1899. 1 p.l., 96 p., 1 pi. illus. 8. MDG (Ensor) Faber, Frederic Theodor. Frederic Hillemacher. Catalogue des estampes qui composent I'oeuvre de Frederic Theodore Faber.. .Mis en ordre et dresse par F[red- eric] H[illemacher]. Paris: Fournier et Cie., 1843. vi, 7-51 p. 8. MDG FageUi, James. Herman Linde. A brief history of P. H. Balling's original oil paint- ing of General Ulysses S. Grant, "In the trenches before Vicksburg" and a descrip- tion of Jas. Pagan's magnificent etching. New York: H. Linde, [190-?] 12 1., 1 port. 8. MDG (Fagan) PRINTS AND THEIR PRODUCTION 49 Prints as Art Products, continued. Individual Artists, continued. Faithorne, William. Grolier Club of the City of New York. Catalogue of an exhibition of portraits engraved by William Faithorne . . . February . . . March [1893]. New York: ithe Club] 1893. 38 p., 1 1. 16. MDG Fantin-Latour, Henri. Leonce Benedite. Catalogue des lithographies originales de Henri Fantin-Latour. Paris: Libraries- Imprimeries reunies [1899]. 64 p. 3 pi. 12. (Musee National du Luxembourg. Expositions periodiques d'estampes. Troi- sieme exposition, 1. juin 1899.) MDG (Latour) Avery collection. Raymond Bouyer. melomane. Fantin-Latour. Un peintre Paris: Bu- reaux de I'Artiste, 1895. 20 p., 1 pi. sm. 4. MDG (Fantin-Latour) Avery collection. Exposition de I'oeuvre de Fantin- Latour au palais de I'ficole Nationale des Beaux-Arts, quai Malaquais, mai-juin 1906. Catalogue des oeuvres exposes. Paris: Librairie Centrale des Beaux-Arts, 1906. 72 p., 2 port. 8. MDG Avery collection. L'oeuvre de Fantin-Latour; recueil de cinquante reproductions d'apres les principaux chefs-d'oeuvre du maitre, reunis a I'occasion de I'exposition organisee a rficole nationale des beaux-arts... Intro- duction biographique et critique par M. Leonce Benedite... Paris: Librairie cen- trale des beaux-arts, 1906. 35 p., 37 pi., 13 ports, illus. f. ft MEM no. 75 of 500 copies printed. Catalogue de l'oeuvre complet (1849-1904) de Fantin-Latour, etabli et redige par Madame Fantin-Latour. Paris: H. Floury, 1911. 4 p.l., 310 p., 1 1. fac. 4. MCO no. 85 of 100 copies printed on Holland paper. Avery collection. Germain Hediard. Collection Ger- main Hediard. Vente. . .1904. . .Pt. 1-2. [Paris: Frazier-SoyC] 1904. 2 pts. in 1 v. 8. MDE (Hediard Pt. 1. Oeuvre de Fantin-Latour. Pt. 2. Lithographies. Eaux-fortes. Dessins. Title from cover. Fantin-Latour: catalogue de l'oeuvre lithographique du maitre; precede d'une etude par G. Hediard, et d'une notice sur Germain Hediard par Leonce Benedite. Paris: Librairie de I'art ancien et moderne, 1906. 74 p. new ed. 4. fMDG no. 124 of 250 copies printed on vellum paper. At head of title: Les maitres de la lithographic. Fantin-Latour: etude suivie du graphies originales... Paris: E. Sagot, 1892. 46 p., 3 1., 2 pi. 4. (Les maitres de la lithographic.) MDG (Fantin-Latour) With "supplement au catalogue." Avery collection. Les maitres de la lithographic. catalogue de son oeuvre, avec deux litho- Fantin-Latour: etude suivie du catalogue de son oeuvre... Paris: E. Sagot, 1892. 46 p., 1 1., 2 pi., 2 pi. inserted, sm. 4. MDG Avery collection. [Same.] With "supplement." MDG (Euvres de Fantin-Latour. Paris, 1903. 8. (Les maitres artistes, annee 3, no 7.) MDG Avery collection. Feckert, Gustav Heinrich Gottlob. Nachlass des Lithographen Professor Gustav Feckert f Berlin 1899. Original- handzeichnungen. Aquarelle und Kiinstler- lithographien. . . Dresden [G. W. Gasch. 1911]. 3 p.l., (1)6-39 p. illus. 4. fMDG Ficquet, fitienne. William Loring An- drews. A trio of French eighteenth cen- tury portrait engravers. fi.' Ficquet; Odieuvre's publication of Ficquet's por- traits, and others; Savart and Grateloup. New York: C. Scribner's Sons, 1899. 115- 119, 216-221, 309-313 p., 1 pi. illus. 8. MDBF Excerpt: Book buyer, v. 18, no. 2-4. Fisher, Wm. Edgar. Designs of William Edgar Fisher. [With complete chrono- logical list of book-plates.] (Book-plate booklet. Berkeley, Calif. 1908. 16. v. 2, no. 1, p. 3-9.) MDG With ms. additions to list, and autograph letter of author. Fitton, Hedley. Illustrated catalogue of etchings by Hedley Fitton, with descrip- tions. London: R. Dunthorne, 1911. 4 p.l, 36 p., 1 1., 36 pi., 1 port. 8. MDG (Fitton) no. 191 of 350 copies printed. Flameng, Leopold. Henri Havard. Artistes contemporains. Leopold Flam- eng. Article 1-2. Paris, 1903-04. 2 pamp. in 1. 4 pi. illus. f. (Revue de I'Art Ancien et Moderne, no. 81-82.) MDG Flindt, Paul. Paul Flindt's des beruhm- ten Niirnberger Kupferstechers und Gold- schmiedes der Hoch-Renaissance Meister- Entwiirfe zu Gefassen und Motiven fiir Goldschmiedearbeiten. 33 Tafeln in Licht- druck nach Original-Blattern in Punz- manier. Leipzig: K. W. Hiersemann, 1905. 33 pi. new ed. f. ft MNO Florian, Frederic. Clement Janin. Frederic Florian; dessinateur et graveur sur bois. Paris: C. Hessele, 1911. 23 p. illus. f. (Biographies d'artistes contem- porains. no. 1.) fMDG 50 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Prints as Art Products, continued. Individual Artists, continued. Forain, J. L. J. L. Forain; peintre des- sinateur et lithographic. Paris, il902). 24 p., 2 pi. iUus. f. ft MEM From: Figaro illustre. Ser. 2. no. 143. Fevrier 1902. Fortuny, Mariano Jose. Maria Bernardo. Atelier de Fortuny: oeuvre posthume, objets d'art et de curiosite. . .etc. [Cata- logue]. Notices par E. de Beaumont, Baron Davillier, A. Dupont-Auberville. Paris: Imprimerie de J. Claye, 1875. 4 p.l., 146 p., 2 pi., 3 port. 8. MDG Bound with: Davillier (J. C), baron, Fortuny. Paris, 1875. 8. Avery collection. Jean Charles Davillier, baron. Fortuny, sa vie, son oeuvre, sa correspon- dance... Paris: A. Aubry, 1875. 2 p.l., 160 p., 5 pi., 2 ports., and 6 pi., & 2 ports, inserted. 8. MDG (Fortuny) Avery collection. Charles Yriarte. Fortuny. Paris: J. Rouam, tl886i. 46 p., 1 1. illus. 4. (Les artistes celebres. [V. 8*].) MDG (Fortuny) Avery collection. Foster, John. 1648-81. Samuel Abbott Green. John Foster, the earliest Ameri- can engraver and the first Boston printer. Boston: published by the Massachusetts Historical Society at the charge of the Waterston Fund, no. 2, 1909. 4 p.l., (1)4- 149 p., 6 fac, 2 port. 4. MDG Bibliography, p. 57-141. Remarks on John Foster, the earliest engraver in New England. Cam- bridge: J. Wilson & Son, 1905. 12 p. 8. MDG Fragonard, Jean Honore. Fragonard, Moreau le Jeune, and French engravers, etchers, and illustrators of the later XVIII. century. London: W. Heinemann, 1913. 15(1) p., 65 pi. 8. (Great engravers.) . MDBF French, Edwin Davis. Ira Hutchinson Brainerd. Edwin Davis French. A me- morial; his life., .his art. New York: Pri- vately printed, 1908. xiii, 95(1) p., 11 pi., 2 port. 8. MDG no. 204 of 475 copies printed. Grolier Club. Edwin Davis French 1851-1906. A catalogue of an exhibition of his engraved work, together with orig- inal designs by him. Held at the Grolier Club.. .April 16th to May 8th, 1909. New York: the Club, 1909. vii, 1 1., 48 p., 1 1. 12. MDG Charles Fred Heartman. 284 book- plates engraved by Edwin Davis French; sold at auction Monday, Feb. 16, 1914, at Heartman's auction room... with prices realized. Also a short list of other book- plates engraved by French, and a list of dealers and collectors interested in book- plates. New York: 1914. 53 p. 8. MDG (French) Paul Lemperly. A list of book plates engraved on copper by Edwin Davis French. Cleveland, Ohio: [P. Lemperlyj, 1899. 32 p., 5 pi., 1 port. nar. 8. MDG (French) no. 39 of 120 copies. ms. continuation to no. 267, by the artist. Avery collection. Gaillard, Claude Ferdinand. Leonce Benedite. Catalogue des oeuvres ex- posees de Claude-Ferdinand Gaillard. Paris: Libraries-Imprimeries reunies, [1898]. 55 p. 12. (Musee National du Luxembourg. Expositions periodiques d'estampes. 2. exposition, 4 avril 1898.) MDG (GaUlard) Grolier Club. Catalogue of engrav- ings by Ferdinand Gaillard. [New York,] 1900. xi, 17 p. 12. MDG Gainsborough, Thomas. Henry Percy Home. An illustrated catalogue of en- graved portraits and fancy subjects painted by Thomas Gainsborough, pub- lished between 1760 and 1820, and by George Romney, published between 1770 and 1830, with the variations of the state of the plates. London: [Eyre & Spottis- woodej. 1891. 63 p., 5 pi., 15 port. 4. MDG Gaucher, Charles fitienne. Roger Porta- lis, baron, and H. Draibel, pseud, of H. Beraldi. Charles-fitienne Gaucher, gra- veur; notice et catalogue. Paris: D. Mor- gand et C. Fatout, 1879. 2 p.l., ISO p., 1 1., 1 port. 8. MDG Gaucherel, Leon. Catalogue de la col- lection L. Gaucherel, peintre graveur, eaux- fortes et gravures modernes, par Bracque- mond, Daubigny [and others]. Oeuvre de Gaucherel... Vente...26 et jeudi 27 mai 1866. [Paris: G. Chamerot, printer], 1866. 46 p. 8. MDG Priced. Avery collection. Gavami. M. J. F. Maherault (pseud. J. Armelhault), and E. Bocher. L'oeuvre de Gavarni. Lithographies originales et essais d'eau-forte et de procedes nouveaux. Cata- logue raisonne. . .Paris: Librairie des Bib- liophiles, 1873. xiv 1., 627 p., 3 pi., 1 port. 8. MDG Avery collection. [Charles Blanc.] Gavarni. n. t.-p. (New York: C. Lassalle, 1867.] p. 103-111. 4. (Semaine litteraire. v. 167, no. 4.) tt*DM Georges Duplessis. Gavarni: etude. Ornee de quatorze dessins inedits. Paris: Rapilly, 1876. 3 p.l., 80 p., 1 pi. 8. MDG PRINTS AND THEIR PRODUCTION 51 Prints as Art Products, continued. Individual Artists, continued. Eugene Forgues. Gavarni. Paris: J. Rousam, [1887], 68 p., 2 1., illus. 4. (Les artistes celebres. [V. 7\] MDG Avery collection. Henri Frantz. Daumier and Ga- varni. With critical and biographical notes by H. Frantz and O. Uzanne. Edited by C. Holme. London: The Studio, 1904. 4 p.l., Dxx, D56, Gxxxvi, G 63 p., 2 facsim., illus., 22 p.l., 2 port. sq. 4. (The Studio. Special autumn number, 1904.) MDG E. de Goncourt and J. de Goncourt. Gavarni: I'homme et I'oeuvre. Paris: G. Charpentier, 1879. viii, 481 p. 12. MDG E. de Mirecourt. Gavarni. Paris: G. Havard, 1856. 92 p. 1 fac-sim.. 1 port. 24. (Les contemporains.) NKC p.v.8 Bound with his: Villemain. Paris, 1856. 24. Geddes, Andrew. Sir David Wilkie and Andrew Geddes. Etchings. . .With bio- graphical sketches by D. Laing. Edin- burgh: F. & R. Clark, 1875. xii, 42 p., 1 1., 57 pi. f. t MEM (Wilkie) 100 copies printed, of which this is no. 70. Avery collection. Gelee, Claude, called Le Lorrain. Burl- ington Fine Arts Club. Exhibition of drawings and etchings by Claude le Lor- rain. London, 1872. 12 p. 4. MDG Avery collection. Eaux-fortes de Claude Le Lorrain, reproduites et publiees par Amand- Durand. Texte par G. [V. A. G.j Du- plessis. Paris: Amand-Durand [1875]. 1 p.l., 7 p., 38 pi. f. (Amand-Durand. Heliogravures Amand-Durand.) ft MEM Gericault, J. L. A. T. Charles Clement. Gericault: etude biographique et crit- ique, avec le catalogue raisonne de I'oeuvre du maitre. Paris: Didier & Cie, 1879. 2 p.l.. iii, 441 p., 29 pi. 1 port. 3. ed. 8. MDG Avery collection. Getchell, Edith Loring, Worcester Art Museum. Exhibition of etchings by Edith Loring Getchell, December 5. to 14., 1908. [Worcester, Mass., 1908.] 2 1. 16. MDG Geiger, Peter J. N. Karl L. Wiesboeck. Peter J. N. Geiger's Werke, oder Verzeich- niss sammtlicher Radirungen, lithographi- schen Feder-und Kreidezeichnungen, nebst einem Anhang von Xylographien, welche nach den Zeichnungen des Meisters ge- schnitten wurden, gesammelt und mit An- merkungen beschrieben von Karl L. Wies- boeck. Leipzig: R. Weigel, 1867, 2 p.l., 184 p. 8. MDG Repr.: Archiv fiir die zeichnenden Kiinste,. xiii. Jahrgang. Geyger, Ernst Moritz. M. Rapsilber. Ernst Moritz Geyger, Berlin-Florenz, und sein kiinstlerisches Schaffen in Studien und ausgefiihrten Werken. [Darmstadt: A. Koch, 1904.] 1 p.l., 56 p., 1 1., illus. 4. (Koch's Monographien, no. 5.) t MGO Gleeson, Charles K. St. Louis, Mo. City Art Museum, St. Louis. A collection of etchings by Charles K. Gleeson, Novem- ber, 1910... [St. Louis, 1910.] 2 1. 8. (Special exhibition catalogue. Series 1910, no. 17.) MCW p.v.8, no.50 Gole, Jacob. Joseph Eduard Wessely. Jacob Gole. Verzeichniss seiner Kupfer- stiche und Schabkunstblatter. Hamburg: Haendcke & Lehmkuhl, 1889. xii, 112 p. 8. (Kritische Verzeichnisse von Werken hervorragender Kupferstecher. Bd. 6.) MDG Goulding, Frederick. Martin Hardie, Frederick Goulding, master printer of cop- per plates. Stirling: E. Mackay, 1910. 167 p., 5 pi., 1 port. 4. fMDG no. 51 of 350 copies printed. Goya y Lucientes, Francisco Jose de, 1746-1828. Tauromachie; Faksimileaus- gabe, 43 Heliograviiren, hrsg. von Dr. Heinrich Pallmann.. . Miinchen: Delphin- Verlag, 1911. 2 p.l., 10 p., 1 1., 43 pi. obi. f. tt MEM Zeferino Araujo Sanchez. Goya. Madrid: La Espafia moderna, [188-?] 1 p.l., 140 p., 1 port. 8. (Biblioteca de juris- prudencia, filosofia e historia.) MDG Avery collection. Kurt Bertels. Francisco Goya... mit 53 Abbildungen nach Gemalden, Zeich- nungen und Kupferstichen. Miinchen: R. Piper & Co., 1907. 1 p.l., 140 p., 1 1., 1 port. 4. (Klassische Illustratoren. [Bd] 1.) MCQ Albert Frederick Calvert. Goya: an account of his life and works with 612 reproductions from his pictures, etchings, and lithographs. London: J. Lane, 1908. xxxii, 194 p., 236 pi. 12. (The Spanish series.) MCQ Paul Lafond. Goya. Paris: Libr. de I'art ancien & mod., [1902?] 1 p.l., 1 v., 1 1., 190 p., 7 pi. 7 port. f. (Les artistes de tons les temps, ser. C.) t MDG Avery collection. Paul Lefort. Francisco Goya. fitude biographique et critique suivie de I'essai d'un catalogue raisonne de son oeuvre... Paris: H. Loones, 1877. 2 pi., 140 p., 1 port. 8. MCQ Valerian von Loga. Francisco de Goya. Mit 126 Abbildungen. Berlin: G. Grole, 1903. 2 p.l., 248 p. 66 pi., 20 port, sq. 4. MCQ Richard Muther. Francisco de Goya. London: A. Siegle, 1905. 4 p.l., 63 p., 16 pi. 16. (Langham (The) series... vol. 13.) MCQ (Goya) 52 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Prints as Art Products, continued. Individual Artists, continued. W. Rothenstein. Goya. New York: Longmans, Green & Co., 190L 38 p., 18 pi., 2 port. sq. 8. (Artist's library, no. 4.) MCQ Cipriano Munoz y Mangano de la Vinaza, conde. Goya: su tiempo, su vida, sus obras. Madrid: M. G. Hernandez, 1887. 3 p.l., 465 p., 4 1. 8. MDG (Goya) Avery collection. Grateloup, Jean Baptiste de. William Loring Andrews. A trio of French eigh- teenth century portrait engravers. . Ficquet; Odieuvre's publication of Fic- quet's portraits, and others; Savart and Grateloup. New York: C. Scribner's Sons, 1899. 115-119, 216-221, 309-313 p., 1 pi. iUus. 8. MDBF Excerpt: Book buyer, v. 18, no. 2-4. Green, Valentine, 1739-1813. Alfred Whitman, 1860-1910 Valentine Green, by Alfred Whitman... London: A. H. Bul- len, 1902. 4 p.l., 204 p., 1 1., 1 pi., 5 port, (incl. front.) 4. (British mezzotinters.) MDG no. 63 of 520 copies printed. Greiner, Otto. Johannes Guthmann. Ueber Otto Greiner. Leipzig: K. W. Hiersemann, 1903. 57 p., illus., 10 pi. f. fMDG Avery collection. Gros, Antoine Jean. Jean Baptiste De- lestre. Gros: sa vie et ses ouvrages. Paris: Ve J. Renouard, 1867. 2 p.l., 380 p., 7 pi., 1 port. 2. ed., rev. 4. MCO Guerard, Henri. Eaux-fortes, gravures en couleurs, panneaux au fer chaud, even- tails, peintures, par H. Guerard, 1891. 61 p. 8. (Theatre d'Application.) MDG Avery collection. Exposition Guerard. Eaux-fortes, peintures, eventails, dessins. Paris, 1887- '88. 64 p. 12. (Galeries Bernheim jeune.) MDG Haden, Sir Francis Seymour. Cata- logue of an exhibition of etchings by Sir Seymour Haden. March 6 to March 23, 1901. New York: F. Keppel & Co., 1901. 12 p. 8. MDG Catalogue of etchings, dry-points and mezzotints by F. S. Haden, belonging to the Curtis collection. On exhibition at Mount Kisco, N. Y., from Nov. 4, 1902, to March 28, 1903. [New York: De Vinne Press, 1902.] 12 p. 12. MDG P. & D. Colnaghi & Co. Catalogue of a second exhibition of etchings, dry- points, mezzotints, and drawings. pLon- don, 1901.] 29 p. 8. MDG Avery collection. W. E. L. Dillaway. Catalogue of an almost complete collection of the etch- ings and dry-points of... Sir Francis Sey- mour Haden [Collected by W. E. L. Dilla- way]. To be sold at unrestricted public sale.. . Catalogue compiled by C. Zigros- ser. New York: Amer. Art Assoc, 1913. 22 1. illus. 8. MDG (Haden) Sir William Richard Drake. A descriptive catalogue of the etched work of Francis Seymour Haden. London: McMillan & Co., 1880. 1 p.l., xiii, 120 p. (not paged). 8. MDG 6 added leaves, ms. notes. Avery collection. Grolier Club of the City of New York. A catalogue of etchings, dry-points and mezzotints by Sir Francis Seymour Haden. Exhibited. . .April 17th to May 10, 1902. New York: the Club, 1902. xi, 112 p. 12. MDG H. Nazeby Harrington, The en- graved work of Sir Francis Seymour Haden... An illustrated and descriptive catalogue. Liverpool: H. Young & Sons, 1910. xxiv, 124 p., 1 1., 109 pi. 4. f MDG One of 225 copies printed. With author's autograph. Autograph letter of author inserted. Same. f. fMDG Printed on hand made paper with etchings on Japanese paper, no. 36 of 75 copies printed. A supplement to Sir William Drake's catalogue of the etched work of Sir Francis Seymour Haden. London: Macmillan and Co., Ltd., 1903. xvii, 106 p. 4. MDG With author's autograph. Frederick Keppel Haden, painter-etcher... of the lecture. . .delivered before the Grolier Club... New York: F. Keppel & Co. [1901.] 24 p. illus. 24. (Keppel booklets. Series 1.) MDG Sir Seymour Haden. Painter- etcher. Being a... lecture for and de- livered before the Grolier Club, and afterward repeated at the Metropolitan Museum of Art, Yale University... New York: F. Keppel & Co., [1903:] 24 p. 24. MDG Catalogue of etchings by Mr. Seymour Haden. Exhibited by Frederick Keppel. New York: Evening Post Job Printing Office [1902?]. 10 p. 4. MDG Catalogue of an exhibition of etchings by Sir Seymour Haden, President of the Royal Society of Painter-etchers, London. October 21st to November 14th, 1903. New York: The De Vinne Press, [1903.] 16 p. nar. 8. MDG Catalogue of an exhibition of etchings, drypoints, mezzotints and draw- ings by Sir Seymour Haden... With an introduction by F. Keppel. November 9th to December 10th, 1904. [New York: F. Keppel & Co., 1904.] 16 p. nar. 8. MDG Newspaper clippings inserted. Sir Seymour A condensation PRINTS AND THEIR PRODUCTION 53 ed. ms. Prints as Art Products, continued. Individual Artists, continued. Catalogue of an exhibition of etchings, drypoints and mezzotints by Sir [F.] S. Haden. With an introduction by F. Keppel. Dec. 3, 1908, to Jan. 2, 1909. New York: [The De Vinne Press.], 1909. 17(1) p. nar. 8". MDG Catalogue of Francis Seymour Haden's private collection of modern etchings. First part: The complete etched work of F. S. Haden. New York: H. Wunderlich & Co., 1890. 16 p. nar. 8. MDG Another copy. With insert- Second part: Whistler's etch- ings and dry points. 7 p. nar. 8. Avery collection. Frederick Keppel & Co. Cata- logue of an exhibition of etchings, dry- points and mezzotints, by Sir Seymour Haden; with an introduction by F. Keppel ...October 4 to October 31, 1910. [New York: De Vinne Press, 1910.] 17(1) p. nar. 8. MDG (Haden) Catalogue of an exhibition of water colors, drawings, etchings, dry- points and mezzotints by Sir Seymour Haden. With an introduction by H. N. Harrington. New York: [De Vinne Press,] 1911. 21(1) p. nar. 8. MDG (Haden) Museum of Fine Arts, Boston. Dept. of Prints. Catalogue of a collection of etchings, dry points and mezzotints, by Francis Seymour Haden, formerly the property of the artist. A supplement to Sir William Richard Drake's "Descriptive catalogue of the etched work of F. S. Haden"... [Exhibition from March 26- May 17, 1896.] Boston: A. Mudge & Son, printers, 1896. v. 77, p. nar. 12. MDG Avery collection. Pittsburgh Etching Club. Cata- logue of an exhibition of etchings by Sir Seymour Haden... Feb. 15 to March 1, 1910. [Pittsburgh, 1910.] 3 1. nar. 8. MDG (Haden) Haig, Axel H. Catalogue of a complete collection of the etchings and dry points of A. H. Haig, on exhibition at the gal- lery of H. Wunderlich & Co., New York. New York: [Gilliss Bros.], 1885. 16 p. sq. 12. MDG E. A. Armstrong. Axel Herman Haig and his work; illustrated from his etchings, pencil-drawings and water- colours, with a biography and a descriptive catalogue of his etched works. London: Fine Art Society, Ltd., 1905. x, 176 p., 46 pi., 1 port. f. t MDG (Haig) Hall, Henry B. Henry B. Anthony. Catalogue of the library and autographs of the late Senator H. B. Anthony, of Provi- dence, Rhode Island... Also the. ..col- lection of proof engravings. . .etc., of the American engraver, H. B. Hall, of New York city... To be sold by auction... February, 1885... [N. Y. City.] New York: G. A. Leavitt & Co., 1885. 174 p., 1 fac-sim. 8. * GO Halm, Peter. Adalbert Roeper. Peter Halm und sein graphisches Werk. Leip- zig, 1909. 6 1. sq. f. t MDG Excerpt: Borsenblatt f. d. Dtschn. Buchhandel. no. 146, 28. Juni. 1909. Hamerton, Philip Gilbert. Sotheby, Wilkinson & Hodge. Catalogue of the collection of modern etchings, &c. formed by the late Philip Gilbert Hamerton, in- cluding a number of his own works. [Lon- don], 1895. 14 p. 4. MDG Sotheby, Wilkinson & Hodge. Catalogue of the library of books & manu- scripts of the late Philip Gilbert Hamer- ton. Consisting of fine books on art (chiefly etching) . . . Special copies of Hamerton's own writings. . .[London.] 1895. 23 p. 4. MDG Hedouin, Edmond. Vente Edmond He- douin, peintre-graveur. Tableaux, aqua- relles, dessins, estampes anciennes; eaux- fortes modernes par divers artistes... Vente... Hotel Drouot. . .15-17 avril 1889 Paris: [D. Jouaust, printer], 1889... 2 p.l., 92 p., 2 pi., 1 port. nar. 8. MDG Avery collection. Heemskerck, Martin. Thomas Kerrich. A catalogue of the prints, which have been engraved after Martin Heemskerck, or rather an essay towards such a catalogue. Cambridge: J. Rodwell, 1829. 3 p.l., 126 p., 1 pi. 8. MDG Hegi, Franz. Heinrich Appenzeller. Der Kupferstecher Franz Hegi von Zurich 1774-1850: sein Leben und seine Werke. Beschreibendes Verzeichnis seiner samt- lichen Kupferstiche. . . Ziirich: H. Appen- zeller, 1906. xviii, 242 p., 12 pi. 1 port. 4. MDG Helleu, Paul. Dry points by Paul Hel- leu. [Signed F. Wedmore. Introduction by E. de Goncourt.] New York: [F. Keppel & Co., 1895]. 5 1., 3 pi. 24. (The Keppel booklets. 1. ser.) MDG 3 copies, plates in each different. Catalogue of an exhibition of dry- points and drawings by P. H. of Paris. With an introduction by the late E. de Goncourt, and extracts from articles by F. Wedmore and E. P. Jacomb-Hood. 4 1. New York: F. Keppel & Co., 1896. MDG Robert de Montesquiou, comte. La femme par Helleu. Paris: J. Boussod, Manzi, Joyant & Cie., [1899,. 1 p.l., 215- 236 p. illus. f. ft MCO (Helleu) From: Figaro illustre. Ser. 2. no. 115. Octobre 1899. 54 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Prints as Art Products, continued. Individual Artists, continued. Herkomer, Hubert. Descriptive cata- logue of the portraits, etchings, and en- gravings by H. Herkomer. Exhibited at M. Knoedler's Gallery, Nev^r York, Novem- ber 25., 1882. [New York: F. Hart & Co.,, 1882. 16 p. 8. MDG (Herkomer) Heroux, Bruno. Bruno Heroux. Ver- zeichnis der graphischen Arbeiten von 1900 bis 1910, umfassend die Blatter 1 bis 200. Neu bearbeitet von A. Liebsch. Mit einem Vorv^ort von R. Braungart... cLeipzig?] 1910. 16 p., 9 pi. 8. MDG no. 27 of 100 copies signed: B. Heroux Hersent, Louis. Germain Hediard. Louis Hersent. Paris: E. Sagot, 1901. 2 p.l., 10 p., 1 1. 4. (Les maitres de la lithographic.) MDG Avery collection. Killer, Joseph. Charles Henry Hart. An etched profile portrait of Washington bv Joseph Hiller, 1794. Salem, Mass.: The Essex Inst., 1907. 8 p., 1 port. 8. AOT Hogarth, William. The w^orks, from the original plates restored by James Heath, Esq., R. A. with the addition of many sub- jects not before collected;. . .a biographi- cal essay on the genius and productions of Hogarth, and explanations of the subjects of the plates, by J. Nichols. London: Bald- win & Cradock, ix, 42 p., 116 pi. f. ttt 3 MEM (Heath) C. G. Boerner. William Hogarth, 1697-1764. [Catalogue] n. t.-p. Leipzig: C. G. Boerner, 1905. 21(1) p. illus. 12. MDG Catalogue of Hogarth's prints, with the variations, etc. n. t.-p. p. 331- 377. 8. MDG Part of some work on Hogarth, probably. Robert Harding Evans. Catalogue of a. . .collection of the works of Ho- garth, formed by a late distinguished col- lector; consisting of... rare and curious prints... Which will be sold by auction, by Mr. Evans... On Thursday, June 7 ...1832. [London: Printed by W. Nicol,] 1832. 1 p.l., 21 p. 8. * GOF p.v.65 (6) Priced copy. John Ireland, print seller. Ho- garth illustrated, v. l-[3]. London: J. & J. Boydell, 1793-1804. 2. ed. 3 v. illus. 8. MCV vol. 3; title reads: A supplement to Hogarth illustrated. . . Engraved title-page in each volume. Samuel Ireland. Graphic illustra- tions of Hogarth, from pictures, draw- ings, and scarce prints in the possession of S.Ireland... v. [lj-2. 1793-94. 2 v. 8. MCV G. C. Lichtenberg. Ausfiihrliche Erklarung der Hogarthischen Kupfer- stiche. Gottingen, 1794-1816. 14 v. in 5. MCV John Nichols and G. Steevens. The genuine works of William Hogarth... with biographical anecdotes. . .[vol. 3 con- taining Clavis Hogarthiana and other il- lustrative essays...] London: Longman, Hurst, Rees and Orme, 1808-1817. 3 vols. 204 pi. sq. f. t MEM George Augustus Sala. William Hogarth; painter, engraver, and philoso- pher; essays on the man, the work, and the time. London, 1866. illus. pi. 12. MCV Frank Weitenkampf. A bibliog- raphy of William Hogarth. Cambridge, Mass., 1890. 7 p. 8. (Harvard Univ. Lib. Bibliographical contributions, v. 2, no. 2,7.) Holbein, Hans. Wendell Phillips Gar- rison. Holbein and John Bewick: a chap- ter in the history of wood-engraving, n. p., 1902? 8 1. 8. MDG Repr.: The Bibliographer, February, 1902. Hans Holbein, the younger; his Old Testament illustrations. Dance of death, and other woodcuts. London: W. Heinemann, 1912. 15(1) p., 62 1. illus. 8. (Great engravers.) MEM Bibliography, p. 11. Hans Holbeins Altes Testament in fiinfzig Holzschnitten getreu nach den Originalen copirt. Hrsg. von H. Biirkner. Mit einer Einleitung von D. F. Sotzmann. Leipzig: G. Wigand, 1850. 20 p., 50 pi. 8. MEM French and German. Hans Holbein's celebrated Dance of death, illustrated by a series of photo- lithographic facsimiles from the copy of the first edition now in the British Mu- seum. Accompanied by explanatory de- scriptions and a concise history of the ori- gin and subsequent development of the subject. By H. N. Humphreys. London: B. Quaritch, 1868. iv, (i) 6-125 p. 12. 3 MEM (Holbein) Hans Holbein's Todtentanz in 53 getreu nach den Holzschnitten lithograph- irten Blatten. Hrsg. von J. Schlotthauer. Mit erklarendem Texte. (With: Erlau- terungen zur Geschichte und Bedeutung des Holbeinischen Todtentanzes, vom Prof. Dr. H. F. Massmann.) Miinchen: Auf Kosten des Herausgebers, 1832. 78 p., 53 pi. 12. 3 MEM (Holbein) Francis Douce. Holbein's Dance of death exhibited in elegant engravings on wood, with a dissertation on the several representations of that subject, by F. Douce, also, Holbein's Bible cuts... with introduction, by Thos. Frosrnall Dibdin. London: Bell & Daldy, 1872. xi, 475 p. illus. 12. 3 MEM PRINTS AND THEIR PRODUCTION 55 Prints as Art Products, continued. Individual Artists, continued. Holbein's dance of Death, with an historical and literary introduction [by F. W. Fairholt?]. London: J. R. Smith, 1849. iv, 146 p., 54 pi. 12. Stuart 11500 Holbenii pictoris alphabetum mor- tis. Des Malers Hans Holbein Todten- tanz-Alphabet, vollstandig in 24 Holz- schnitten nach dem Dresdener Originale zum ersten Male nachgebildet von H. Lodel in Gottingen, mit Randzeichnungen vom Maler G. Osterwald, und beigege- benen Spriichen aus der H. Schrift und den Kirchenvatern herausgegeben. Koln: J. M. Herberle, 1849. 3 p.l., 24 pi., 1 1. 12. 3 MEM (Holbein) Latin and German. Engraved title-page. C. Fr. V. Rumohr. Hans Holbein der jtingere in seinem Verhaltniss zum deutschen Formschnittwesen. Leipzig, 1836. 12. MDG Les Simulachres & Historiees Faces de la Mort: commonly called "The Dance of Death." Translated and edited by Henry Green, M. A. With a sketch of Holbein's life and works, and... notes. Manchester: A. Brothers, 1869. 3 p.l., iii- XXX, 54 1., 107-292 p. 8. (Holbein Soci- ety's fac-simile reprints, v. 1.) MEM Hollar, Wenceslaus. Burlington Fine Arts Club. Exhibition of a selection from the work of Wenceslaus Hollar. London: Spottiswoode, 1875. 40 p. 4. MDG Avery collection. G. Walther Gasch. Antiquariats- Katalog 111. Alte Deutsche und Klein- meister ferner D. Chodowiecki C. W. E. Dietrich und Wenzel Hollar. Dresden, tl906?] 63 p. 8. MDF Priced. Gustav Parthey. Wenzel Hollar. Beschreibendes Verzeichniss seiner Kup- ferstiche. Berlin: Nicolaische Buchhand- lung, 1853. xxii, 635 p. 8. MDG (Hollar) George Vertue. A description of the works of .. .Wenceslaus Hollar, dis- posed into classes of different sorts; with some account of his life. London: G. Vrertuc], 1745. vi, 1 1., 136 p., 1 1. 8. MDG (Hollar) Same. The second edition, with additions. London: W. Bathoe, 1759. vi p., 1 1., 151(1) p., 16 pi., 69 port. 8. MDG . Extra illustrated. HoUoway, Thomas. Memoir of the late Mr. Thomas Holloway by one of his ex- ecutors; and most respectfully dedicated to the subscribers to the engravings from the cartoons of Raphael. London: S. Bagster, 1827. 1 p.l, 70, x p. 8. MDG (Holloway) Hondius, Wilhelm. J. C. Block. Das Kupferstich-Werk des Wilhelm Hon- dius. Mit alphabetischem und chronologi- schem Register sowie mit Reproductionen nach des Kiinstlers besten Stichen. Hrsg. von J. C. Block. Danzig: A. W. Kafemann, 1891. 2 p.l., 80 p., 1 pi., 3 port. 4. MDG Hondius Hopson, William Fowler. Charles Dex- ter Allen. The book-plates of William Fowler Hopson. Berkeley: At the sign of the Berkeley Oak, 1910. 12 p., 1 port. 12. MDG (Hopson) 3 book-plates also. Title from cover, no. 35 of fifty copies printed. Repr.: Bookplate booklet. May, 1910. Hornby, Lester G. Color etchings of Lester G. Hornby. Boston: A. W. Elson & Co., [1909.] 7 1., 8 pi. 16. MDG Houlbraken, Jacobus. Alexander Ver Huell. Jacobus Houbraken et son oeuvre. [With supplement.] Arnhem: P. Gouda Quint, 1875. x, 127(1) p., 5 1., (1)6-38 p., 1 fac, 2 port. 4. f MDG Huber, Wolf. Hermann Voss. Albrecht Altdorfer und Wolf Huber. Mit 160 Ab- bildungen auf 63 Tafeln. Leipzig: Klink- hardt & Biermann, [1910.] 4 p.l., 40 p., 63 pi. 4. (Meister der Graphik. Bd. 3.) tMDG Huet, Paul. Loys Delteil. P. Huet (edited by] L. Delteil. Paris: the author, 1911. 62 1. illus., port. f. (Peintre-gra- veur illustre, XIXe et XXe siecles. tome 7.) fMDD Germain Hediard. Les maitres de la lithographie. Paul Huet. 24 p., 1 port. [Le Mans: E. Monnoyer, typ., 1891.] 4. MDG Repr.: L'Artiste, 1891. Avery collection. Charles Pillet and Brame. Cata- logue des tableaux, esquisses, etudes, des- sins par feu Paul Huet...dont la vente aura lieu Hotel Drouot. . .15. . .16 avril 1878... [Paris: Typ. Lahurc], 1878. xiv, 1 1., 38 p., 1 1., 7 pi., 1 port. 4. Contains biographical notice by E. Legouve. MDG Hyde, Allyn. James Terry. Allyn Hyde of Ellington, Conn., together with a re- view of "An early Connecticut engraver and his works." [Hartford:] the author, 1906. 17 p. 8. (Ex libris leaflets, no. 4.) MDBF Autograph letter of author inserted. Hyde, Helen. Water colors, color prints, from wood blocks and etchings printed in color. On view from Nov. 29 to Dec. 14, 1901, at the Macbeth Gallery, 237 Fifth Avenue, New York. n. p. 1901. 2 1. 8. MDG Title taken from cover. I, B., with the Bird. See Master I. B., with the Bird. 56 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Prints as Art Products, continued. Individual Artists, continued. Ingres, Jean Auguste Dominique. Loys Delteil. Ingres & Delacroix. (In his Le peintre-graveur illustre (xix* et xx* sie- cles.) Paris, 1908. T. tome 3.) f MDD Isabey, Eugene. Germain Hediard. Eu- gene Isabey. fitude suivie du catalogue de son oeuvre par G. Hediard. (Ouvrage posthume.) Paris: L. Delteil, 1906. 46 p., 1 1., 1 pi. 4. (Maitres (Les) de la litho- graphic.) MDG Avery collection. Isabey, Jean Baptiste. Germain He- diard. J. -B. Isabey. n. t.-p. [Chateaudun: Imprimerie de la Soc. typographique, 1896.1 27(1) p., 1 port. 4. MDG At head of title: Les maitres de la lithographic. Repr.: L'artiste, 1895. Avery collection. Israels, Jozef. The etched work of J. Israels. An illustrated catalogue by H. J. Hubert. Amsterdam: K. Groesbeek & P. Nijhoff, [1910.] 1 p.l., 52 p., 42 pi. sq. 4. t MDG (Israels) no. 26 of 280 copies printed. Max Liebermann. Jozef Israels: Kritische Studie. Mit einer Radierung und dreizehn zum Theil ganzseitigen Abbil- dungen. Berlin: B. Cassirer, 1902. 25 p., 1 pi. 2. ed. 8. MDG Avery collection. Philip Zilcken. Essai de catalogue descriptif des eaux-fortes de Jozef Israels. La Haye: [L'auteun, 1890. 16 p., nar. 8. MDG Avery collection. Jacoby, Louis. Adalbert Roeper. Louis Jacoby. Zum achtzigsten Geburtstage des Kiinstlers. [Leipzig:] Borsenblatt f. d. deutschen Buchhandel, 1908. p. 6367-6369. f. t MDG (Jacoby) Also: Das Werk L. Jacobys, p. 6369-6371. Excerpt: Borsenblatt f. d. deutschen Buchhandel Nichtamtlicher Teil. Nr. 184. 1908. Jacque, Charles. Exposition de tab- leaux, dessins et gravures par Ch. Jacque ouverte du 16 Novembre au 15 Decembre 1891... [Introduction signed Emile Car- don.] Paris: Galeries Durand-Ruel, 1891. vi, 6 p. 8. MDG Jules Marie Joseph Guiffrey. L'oeuvre de Ch. Jacque; catalogue de ses eaux-fortes et pointes seches dresse. Paris: Mile. Lemaire, 1866. 2 p.l., 145 p., 1 pi. 8. MDG Avery collection. Nouvelles eaux-fortes et pointes seches. Supplement au catalogue. Paris: Jouaust & Sigaux, 1884. 2 p.l., 21 p. 8. MDG Avery collection. Jacquemart, Jules Ferdinand. F. Georges Duplessis. Jules Ferdinand Jacquemart. [Necrologic], par G. Duplessis. Preface par Leon Techener. (Chartres: Durand freres, 1880]. 13 p., 1 pi. 8. MDG Extr. Bulletin de Bibliophile et du Bibliothecaire. Oct. 1880. Avery collection. Louis Gonse. L'ceuvre de Jules Jacquemart. Paris: Gazette des Beaux- Arts, 1876. 2 p.l., 89 p., 3 1., 29 p., 27 pi., 1 port. nar. 4. f MDG no. 39 of 60 copies printed. Another copy. No. 37. Avery collection. Appendice. Paris: Gazette Beaux-Arts, 1881. 3 p.l., 29 p., 27 pi., 1 port. nar. 4. Bound with: Gonse (Louis), L'oeuvre de Jules Jacquemart. Paris, 1876, nar. 4. No. 39. Extr. Gazette des Beaux-Arts, Dec. 1880. Mar. to Nov. 1881. Catalogue des aquarelles, dessins, tableaux, estampes oeuvres de feu J. Jacquemart, tableaux et estampes par divers, objets de rorient...le tout depen- dant de la succession de J. Jacquemart... Vente... Hotel Drouot, 4-8 avril 1881... [Paris: Pillet & Dumoulin, printers], 1881. viii, 119 p., 1 port. nar. 4. MDG Avery collection. Exposition J. Jacquemart. 1881. [Paris: Pillet & Dumoulin, printers], 188L 16 p. 16. MDG (Jacquemart) Avery collection. Jongkind, Johann Barthold. Loys Del- teil. Le peintre-graveur illustre (XIX* et XX* siecles.) Tome 1. Paris: L'auteur, 1906. illus. f. tMDD Jordaens, J. Robert Hecquet. Cata- logues des oeuvres de J. Jordaens et de C. Visscher; et des estampes gravees d'apres P. P. Rubens. Nouvelle edition. (In Basan, P. F. Diet, des graveurs. 1767.) MDD Judkins, Elizabeth. Gordon Goodwin. Thomas Watson, James Watson, Eliza- beth Judkins. With six plates. London: A. H. Bullen, 1904. viii, 1 1., 230 p., 1 1., 4 pi., 2 port. 4. (British mezzotinters.) MDG no. 74 of 520 copies printed. Juengling, Frederick. Sylvester Rosa Koehler. Frederick Juengling. [Roxbury: S. R. Koehler, 1890.] 12 p. sq. 8. MDG Avery collection. Frederick Juengling: a mem- oir... To which is appended a catalogue of proofs, sketches, paintings, studio effects, etc... [New York, 1890.] 112 1. port, illus. 4. MDG Title from cover. Kingsley, Elbridge. Catalogue of the works of Elbridge Kingsley, consisting of a life sketch, complete list of book & mag- azine engraving. A full showing of art work... Collection of blocks. Tools... PRINTS AND THEIR PRODUCTION 57 Prints as Art Products, continued. Individual Artists, continued. used in engraving. Photographs on... wood . . . drawings . . . and engravings . . . [By M. E. Dwight. The life of E. Kingsley written by himself.] [New York?] For Mt. Holyoke College. 1901. 3 p.l., 7-45 p., 1 port. 8. MDG Autograph letter of M. E. Dwight inserted. 52 copies printed, no. IS. Klinger, Max. Max Klingers Radierun- gen, Stiche, und Steindrucke; wissenchaft- liches Verzeichnis von H. W. Singer. Ber- lin: Amsler und Ruthardt, 1909. xviii, 148 p., 1 1., 69 pi. 4. MDG Franz Hermann Meissner. Max Klinger. Berlin: Schuster & Loeffler, 1899. 134 p., 2 pi., 1 port. 8. (Das Kiinstlerbuch. . .von F. H. Meissner. Ber- lin, 1899. 8 Band 2.) MDG Koepping, Karl. Adalbert Roeper. Karl Koepping. Zum sechzigsten Geburt- stage des Kiinstlers. [Leipzig, 1908.1 p. 6855-6860. f. f MDG Excerpt: Borsenblatt fur den deutschen Buch- handel, no. 142, June 1908. Kriehuber, Joseph. Wolfgang von Wurzbach. Joseph Kriehuber. Katalog der von ihm lithografirten Portraits. Miinchen: H. Helbing, 1902. xviii, 306 p., 1 port. 4. MDG Avery collection. Krostewitz, Fritz. Adalbert Roeper. Fritz Krostewitz. Leipzig: F. A. Brock- haus, 1908. p. 13794-13800. f. f MDG Excerpt: Borsenblatt f. d. Dtschn. Buchhandel, Nov. 1908. Krueger, Albert. Adalbert Roeper. Al- bert Kriiger. Zum fiinfzigsten Geburts- tage des Kiinstlers. [Leipzig, 1908.] p. 7435-7440. f. t MDG Excerpt: Borsenblatt ftir den deutschen Buch- handel, no. 156, July 1908. Kuhn, Ludwig. Adalbert Roeper. Lud- wig Kiihn und sein graphisches Werk. [Leipzig,] 1909. p. 4368-4375. 4. fMDG Excerpt: Borsenblatt f. d. Dtschn. Buchhandel nr. 82. 10 April 1909. Lalanne, Frangois Antoine Maxime. Ex- position des oeuvres de M. Maxime La- lanne, au profit des pauvres..., du...9no- vembre au...lO decembre. Bordeaux: Im- primerie de J. Delmas, 1874. 38 p. 2. ed. 8. (Galeries de la Societe des Amis des Arts.) MDG Introduction by Lalanne. Exposition des oeuvres de M. Max- ime Lalanne..., du 17 raai au 30 juin... Paris: Imprimerie Richard-Berthier, 1874. 24 p. 2. ed. 8. (Cercle artistique et lit- teraire.) MDG Avery collection. Lalanne,.., peintre, dessinateur, graveur aqua-fortiste, 1827-1886. Bor- deaux: Imprimerie G. Gounouilhou, 1886 24 p. 8. MDG Extrait de la Gironde litteraire et scientifique du 29 aoiit 1886. ^ Avery collection. Lancret, Nicolas. E. Bocher. Les gra- vures frangaises du 18* siecle; 4' fasc Paris, 1877. port. 4. f MDBE Landseer, Sir Edwin. Catalogue of an exhibition of the engraved works of the late Sir Edward Landseer, R. A... on view at Henry Graves & Go's galleries. . .[Lon- don: Vinton & Son, printers, [187-?] 38 p. Revised ed. 8. MDG Avery collection. Langot, Frangois. Eugene Gresy, Cata- logue raisonne de I'oeuvre de Langot, gra- veur melunois. Melun: H. Michelin, 1858. 1 p.l., 22 p. 8. MDG Lautrec, Henri de Toulouse. See Tou- louse-Lautrec, Henri de. Lavreince, Nicolas. E. Bocher. Cata- logue descriptif et raisonne des estampes composant I'oeuvre grave de Nicolas Lav- reince. (In: E. Bocher. Les gravures fran- gaises du 18. siecle... Paris, 1875.) f. tMDBF Le Blon, J. C. H. W. Singer. Jakob Christoffel Le Blon and his three-colour prints. [London, 1903.] 261-268 p. illus. 4. t MDG (Le Blon) Fragment of: The Studio, June, 1903. LeBlon, Michel. J. Ph. van der Kellen. Michel Le Blon. Recueil d'ornements ac- compagne d'une notice biographique et d'un catalogue raisonne de son oeuvre. La Haye: M. Nijhoff, 1900. 5 p.l., 52 p., 59 pi., 1 port. f. (Reproductions d'an- ciennes gravures d'orfevrerie hollandaise in.) ttMDG LeClerc, Sebastien. fidouard Meaume. Sebastien Le Clerc et son oeuvre, 1637- 1714... Paris: Baur, 1877. 2 p.l., 368 p., 1 facsim., 1 pi. 8. MDG LeCouteux, L. Luncheon in the harvest field. Le gouter, Salon of 1886. Etched by Le Couteux after Jules Breton. New York: M. Knoedler & Co., [1887]. 6 p., 1 pl. 16. MDG Legrand, Louis. Camille Faust, 1872-. Louis Legrand, peintre et graveur, par Camille Mauclair (pseud.). Paris: H. Floury (1910). 2 p.l., 273(1) p., 23 pl. illus. 4. (fitudes sur quelques artistes origi- naux.) t MCO Legros, Alphonse. Catalogue of an ex- hibition of etchings and drypoints. With an introduction. New York: F. Keppel & Co., 1891. 1 folder, 11 p. nar. 4. MDG Grolier Club of the city of New York. Catalogue of an exhibition of etch- 58 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Prints as Art Products, continued. Individual Artists, continued. ings of Alphonse Legros, at the rooms of the Grolier Club... January, 1889. [New York, 1899]. 16 p. 12. MDG The Dutch gallery exhibition of pictures, water colour drawings & etch- ings. London, 189-? xv p. 12. MDG Avery collection. National Gallery of British Art (Tate Gallery). Catalogue of the loan col- lection of works by Alphonse Legros. June to September, 1912. [London, 1912.) 24 p. MDG (Legros) Paul Auguste Poulet-Malassis, and A. W. Thibaudeau. Catalogue raisonne de I'oeuvre grave et lithographic de M. Al- phonse Legros, 1855-77. Paris: J. Baur, 1877. 2 pi., 127 p., 1 1., 1 pi. 8. MDG Monsieur A. Legros au Salon de 1875. Note critique et biographique. . . [Signed A. P.-Malassis). Paris: P. Rou- quette, 1875. 12 p., 1 pi., 2 port. sq. f. tMDG Avery collection. Leinberger, Hans. Hans Leinberger: Nachbildungen seiner Kupferstiche und Holzschnitte. Hrsg. von M. Lossnitzer. Berlin: B. Cassirer, 1913. 18 p., 16 pi. f. (Graphische Gesellschaft. Veroffentlich- ung. 18.) tt MEM LeMire, Noel. Jules Hedou. Noel Le Mire et son oeuvre; siuivi du catalogue de I'oeuvre grave de Louis Le Mire. Portrait a I'eau forte par Gilbert. Paris: J. Baur, 1875. 2 p.L, viii, 312 p., 4 1., 1 port. 4. MDG no. 127 of 300 copies printed on Holland paper. Lemud, A. de. Aglaiis Bouvenne. Cata- logue de I'cEuvre lithographic et grave de A. de Lemud. Paris: Baur. 1881. 45 p., 1 1. nar. 4. MDG (Lemud) no. 97 of 327 copies. Author's autograph. Avery collection. Lepere, Auguste. Banquet offert au peintre et graveur Auguste Lepere a pro- pos de sa promotion au grade d'officier dans la Legion d'Honneur... Paris: E. Eagot, 1912. 34 p., 1 1., 1 port. 8. MDG (Lepere) At head of title: Souvenir du 8 mai 1912. Elizabeth Luther Cary. August Lepere. New York: F. Keppel & Co., 1914. 30 p., 2 pi. illus. nar. 24. MDG (Lepere) Frederick Keppel & Company. Catalogue of an exhibition of etchings by Auguste Lepere, February 28 to March 23, 1912. With an introduction by E. L. Cary. New York: F. Keppel & Company, 1912. 10 p., 1 1. nar. 8. MDG A. Lotz-Brissonneau. L'oeuvre grave de Auguste Lepere; catalogue de- scriptif et analytique orne de cinq planches originales et de quinze reproductions hors texte. Preface de Leonce Benedite... Paris: E. Sagot [1905]. 3 p.L, (i)xvi-xxxix, 298 p., 1 1., 1 fac, 3 pi. illus. 4. f MDG no. 63 of 125 copies printed. E. Ramiro. Louis Auguste Lepere peintre-graveur. n. t.-p. n. p., [190-?i 34 p. 4 pi. sq. 4. MDG Repr. : L'oeuvre et I'image. Avery collection. Ed. Sagot. Catalogue des dessins & gravures de A. Lepere; preface de H. Vever. Paris: [Imprime sur la presse a bras de A. Lepere,] 1911. 22 p., 2 1., 1 pi. illus. 21. MDG (Lepere) Lepic, L. N., comte. Comment je de- vins graveur a I'eau-forte. (In: Saint Arro- man (Raoul de) La gravure a I'eau-forte . . . Paris, 1876, nar. 8. p. 85-119.) MDN Avery collection. Le Prince, Jean. Jules Hedou. Jean Le Prince et son oeuvre suivi de nombreux documents inedits. Portrait a I'eau-forte par A. Gilbert. Paris: J. Baur, 1879. 2 p.l., 330 p., 3 1., 1 port. 8. MDG Lerolle, Henri. The end of the day. Original etching by Henri Lerolle. New York: M. Knoedler & Co., [1887]. 4 p. 16. MDG Liebermann, Max. Gustav Schiefler. Das graphische Werk von Max Lieber- mann. Berlin, 1914. 181(1) p. 2. ed. 4. MDG (Liebermann) Loli, L. Johann Adam Bernhard von Bartsch. Catalogue raisonne des estamp^s gravees a I'eau-forte par G. Reni, et de celles de ses disciples, S. Contarini, dit le Pesarese, J. A. et E. Sirani, et L. Loli. 105 p., 3 1.. 1 pi. Vienne: A. Blumauer, 1795. 8. MDG Longueil, Joseph de. F. Panhard. Joseph de Longueil; sa vie son oeuvre. Illustre d'un portrait par P. A. Varin et d'une suite de reproductions de gravures. Paris: Morgand et Fatout, 1880. 2 p.l., ii, 319, 31(1) p., 30 pi., 1 port. 4. t MDG (Longueil) no. 48 of 200 copies printed. Lorichs, Melchior. Hans Harbeck. Mel- chior Lorichs; ein Beitrag zur deutschen Kunstgeschichte des 16. Jahrhunderts. Hamburg: Niemann & Moschinski, 1911. 143 p. 8. MDG (Lorichs) Dissertation, Kiel. Bibliography, p. 139-142. Lorraine, Claude. See Gelee. Lucas, David. Sir Frederick Wedmore, 1844. Constable: Lucas: with a descrip- tive catalogue of the prints they did be- tween them. By Frederick Wedmore. London, P. & D. Colnaghi and co., 1904. MDG (Lucas) 59, [1] p. 24''. "There are printed, in all, only two hundred and fifty-three copies. This is no. 34. PRINTS AND THEIR PRODUCTION 59 Prints as Art Products, continued. \ Individual Artists, continued. Lucas van Leyden. Johann Adam Bern- hard von Bartsch. Catalogue raisonne de toutes les estampes qui forment I'oeuvre de Lucas de Leyde. xviii, 1 1., 124 p., 4 1. Vienne: J. V. Degen, 1798. 8. MDG Theodor Volbehr. Lucas van Ley- den. Verzeichniss seiner Kupferstiche, Radirungen und Holzschnitte. Hamburg: Haendcke & Lehmkuhl, 1888. xx, 56 p. 8. (Kritische Verzeichnisse von Werken her- vorragender Kupferstecher. Bd. 4.) MDG Lunois, Alexandre. Edouard Andre. Alexandre Lunois, peintre, graveur, et lithographe. Paris: H. Floury, 1914. 2 p.l., 245(1) p., 24 pi., 2 port. 4. (fitudes sur quelques artistes originaux.) MDG Lunois fimile Dacier. Alexandre Lunois. Paris: Libr. de I'art ancien et moderne, [1902?] 2 p.l., 24 p., 10 pi. f. (Les ar- tistes de tous les temps, ser. D.) f MDG no. 35 of 200 copies printed. Avery collection. McArdell, James. Burlington Fine Arts Club. Exhibition of the works of James McArdell... [London], 1886. viii, 48 p. 4. fMDG Gordon Goodwin. James McAr- dell. With six plates. London: A. H. Bul- len, 1903. 3 p.l., 168 p., 6 port. 4. (British mezzotinters.) MDG no. 130 of 520 copies printed. Macbeth, R. W. Frederick Wedmore. Notes on Velasquez and Titian in the etch- ings of R. W. Macbeth. London: 1889. 16. MCQ MacLaughlan, Donald Shaw. L' Ameri- can Art Association, Paris. Exposition d'eaux fortes originates par Donald Shaw MacLaughlan aux galeries de I'American Art Association, 74 Notre Dame des Champs, Paris. . .24 jusqu'au 31 Mars, 1906. [Paris: H. Clarke, 1906.] 8 1., 4 pi. 12. MDG R. Gutekunst. Catalogue of an ex- hibition of original etchings by Donald Shaw Maclaughlan. April 9 to May 4, 1907. London: R. Gutekunst, 1907. 6 1. 16. MDG Frederick Keppel & Co. Catalogue of an exhibition of etchings and drypoints by D. S. MacLaughlan. February .. .1906. New York, [1906.] 4 p. nar. 16. MDG An illustrated catalogue of painter-etchings [Of D. S. MacLaughlanj for sale by F. Keppel & Co. New York: [The De Vinne Press 1908., 22 p., 1 1. illus. 4. (The print collector's bulletin.) MDG Manet, Edouard. fitienne Moreau-Nela- ton. Manet graveur et lithographe. Paris: "Peintre-Graveur Illustre," 1906. 71 1., 2 port, illus. f. tMDG no. 4 of 225 copies printed. Mannfeld, Bernhard, Adalbert Roeper, Bernhard Mannfeld. Leipzig, 1907. p. 2688. 4. tMDG Excerpt: Borsenblatt f. d. deutschen Buchhandel. Jahrg. 75. Mantegna, Andrea. Oeuvre de A. Man- tegna, reproduit et public par Amand-Du- rand. Texte par G. [V. A. G.] Duplessis. Paris: Amand-Durand, 1878. 1 p.l., 10 p., 26 pi. f. (Amand-Durand. Heliogra- vures Amand-Durand.) ft MEM Marcenay de Ghuy, Antoine de. Idee de la gravure. Lettre sur I'encyclopedie au mot graveur, et Catalogue raisonne des planches de I'oeuvre de M. de Marcenay de Ghuy... Paris: D'Houry, 1764. 2 p.l., 16, 10 p. 8. MDG (Marcenay) Louis Morand. Antoine de Marce- nay de Ghuy, peintre et graveur, 1724-1811. Catalogue de son oeuvre. Lettres inedites et portrait de Marcenay de Ghuy d'apres lui-meme. Paris: G. Rapilly, 1901. 60 p., 1 port. 8. MDG no. 73 of 100 copies printed. Avery collection. Margelidon, L. Happy idleness; etched by L. Margelidon after Cth. Jacque. New York: M. Knoedler & Co., [Cop. 1887.] ,6i p. 16. MDG Master of the Amsterdam Cabinet. Max Lehrs. The master of the Amsterdam cabinet. London: B. Quaritch. . .1894. 3 p.l., 8 p., 89 pi. (mounted engr.) f*. (In- ternational Chalcographical Society, 1893 and 1894.) ft MEB Hans Naumann. Die Holzschnitte des Meisters vom Amsterdamer Kabinett zum Spiegel menschlicher Behaltnis (Ge- druckt zu Speier bei Peter Drach). Mit einer Einleitung iiber ihre Vorgeschichte von H. Naumann. Strassburg: J. H. E. Heitz, 1910. 2 p.l., 79 p., 2 1., 128 pi. 8. (Studien zur deutschen Kunstgeschichte. Heft 126.) MDG Master of the banderoles. Max Lehrs. Der Meister mit den Bandrollen. Ein Bei- trag zur Geschichte des altesten Kupfer- stiches in Deutschland. Dresden: W. Hoffman, 1886. 3 p.l., 36 p., 7 pi. f. tMDBF Master, E. S. of 1466. P. P. Albert. Der Meister E. S... Strassburg: J. H. E. Heitz, 1911. xii, 112 p., 1 1., xvi pi. 8. (Studien zur deutschen Kunstgeschichte, 137. Heft.) MDG Max Geisberg. Die Anfange des deutschen Kupferstiches & der Meister E. 60 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Prints as Art Products, continued. Individual Artists, continued. S. Mit.. .Abbildungen.. . Leipzig: Klink- hardt & Biermann, [1909.] 4 p.l., 132 p., 71 pi. 4. (Meister der Graphik. Bd. 2.) tMDBF P. Heitz. Die Strassburger Ma- donna des Meisters E. S.; eine Handzeich- nung in einem Kopialbuche des Strass- burger Stadtarchivs. Strassburg: J. H. E. Heitz. 8. (Studien zur deutschen Kunst- geschichte, 136. Heft.) MDG Max Lehrs. The playing cards of the master E. S. of 1466; reproduced... with an explanatory essay by M. L. Lon- don, 1892, f. (International Chalco- graph. Socy. Extraordinary publication. V. 1.) tt MEM no. 103 of 250 copies printed. Master of the Gardens of Love. Max Lehrs. Der Meister der Liebesgarten. Ein Beitrag zur Geschichte des altesten Kupferstichs in den Niederlanden. Dres- den: B. Schulze, 1893. 21 p., 1 1., 10 pi. i. tMDBF Master I. B. with the Bird. The wood- cuts of the master I. B. with the bird. [With introduction by F. Lippmann.] Lon- don: Asher & Co., 1894. 4 p.l., 11 pi. 4. (International Chalcographical Society, 1894.) tt MEB Avery collection. Master of the Playing Cards. M. Geis- berg. Das alteste gestochene deutsche Kartenspiel vom Meister der Spielkarten (vor 1446). Strassburg: J. H. E. Heitz, 1905. 8. (Studien zur deutschen Kunst geschichte 66. Heft.) Master, W. ...[Key-shaped mark]. Max Lehrs. Der Meister W. ...[Key-shaped mark]. Ein Kupferstecher der Zeit Karls des Kiihnen. Leipzig: K. W. Hiersemann, 1895. 2 p.l., 24 p., 1 1., 31 pi. tt MDG Maufra, Maxime fimile Louis, 1861-. Victor-fimile Michelet. Maufra; peintre et graveur, par Victor-fimile Michelet. Paris: H. Floury, 1908. 2 p.l., 91(1) p., 1 port., 7 pi. (2 col'd). illus. 4. (fitudes sur quelques artistes originaux.) MCO (Maufra) Catalogue des oeuvres principales de Maxime Maufra, p. 65-84. Bibliography, p. 87-88. Meckenem, Israhel van. Max Geisberg. Der Meister der Berliner Passion und Israel van Meckenem: Studien zur Ge- schichte der Westfalischen Kupferstecher im 15. Jahrhundert. Strassburg: J. H. E. Heitz, 1903. 8. Studien zur deutschen Kunstgeschichte, 42. Heft.) Verzeichnis der Kupferstiche Isra- hels van Meckenem. tl503. Zusammen- gestellt von M. Geisberg. Strassburg: J. H. E. Heitz, 1905. xii, 314 p., 1 1., 9 pi. 8". (Studien zur Deutschen Kunstgeschichte. Heft 58.) MDG Meissonier, Jean Louis Ernest. Adal- bert Roeper. Meissonier. Leipzig, 1909. 4. tMDG Excerpt: Borsenblatt ftir den deutschen Buch- handel. 1909. No. 200-202, p. 9836-9840, 9873- 9877, 9916-9920. William Schaus, Collection of etch- ings and engravings by and after the work of J. L. E. Meissonier.. .[Catalogue]. New York: W. Schaus, [1901?] 46 p. 8. MDG Mellan, Claude. Anatole de Montaiglon. Catalogue raisonne de I'oeuvre de C. Mel- lan d' Abbeville. Precede d'une notice sur la vie et les ouvrages de Mellan par P. J. Mariette. Abbeville: P. Briez, 1856. 276 p. 8. MDG Menzel, Adolf von. A. Dorgerloh. Ver- zeichnis der durch Kunstdruck vervielfal- tigten Arbeiten Adolf Menzels. Leipzig: E. A. Seemann, 1896. xviii, 1 1., 248 p., 1 port. 8. MDG Avery collection. Frangois Guillaume Dumas. Adolphe Menzel.. .fitude.. , Paris: L. Baschet, 1885. 2 p.l., 28 p., 20 pi. f. (Maitres Modernes.) tt MEM Avery collection. Exhibition of the works of Adolph Menzel.. .1894. Boston: Mus. Fine Arts, 1894. 19 p. 12. (Museum of Fine Arts. Print Dept.) MDG Avery collection. Exposition des oeuvres de A. Men- zel ouverte du 26 avril au 15 juin 1885. Catalogue illustre. Paris: L. Baschet, 1885. 48 p., 1 port, illus. 4. MDG (Menzel) Headline reads: Pavilion de la ville de Paris. Jardin des Tuileries. Avery collection. Max Schmid. Adolf Menzel. Wien: Gesellschaft fiir verrielfaltigende Kunst, 1896. 2 p.l., 30 p., 4 pi., 3 ports. f. ttMDG Avery collection. Merrill, Katharine. Albert Roullier. Catalogue- of an exhibition of original etch- ings by Katharine Merrill. November 6th to the 27th, 1912. A RouUier's art gal- leries, Chicago. [With biographical sketch by H. H. Tolerton.] Chicago: [R. R. Don- nelley & Sons Co.] 1912. 4 1. nar. 8. MDG (Merrill) Meryon, Charles. Art Institute of Chi- cago. A catalogue of etchings and draw- ings by Charles Meryon and portraits of Meryon in the Howard Mansfield collec- tion. [Chicago: the institute,] 1911. (1)4- 51 p., 1 1. 8. MDG (Meryon) Aglaus Bouvenne. Notes et sou- venirs sur Charles Meryon, son tombeau au Cimetiere de Charenton Saint Maurice PRINTS AND THEIR PRODUCTION 61 Prints as Art Products, continued. Individual Artists, continued. Paris: Charavay Freres, 1883. 48 p., 2 1., 1 fac-sim., 4 pi., 1 port. 4. MDG (Meryon) no. 11 of 335 copies printed. Avery collection. Victor Bouvrain. Catalogue des eaux-fortes de Charles Meryon et de la. reunion de portraits formant la premiere partie de la collection de... Victor Bou- vrain. . .dont la vente aura lieu. . .les 21, 22, 23, et 24 novembre, 1806... [Paris: Fra- zier-Soye, 1906. 93 p., 1 1. 8. MDE Burlington Fine Arts Club. Exhi- bition of a selection from the work of Charles Meryon. London: Burlington Fine Arts Club, 1879. 49 p. 4. MDG Avery collection. Philip Burty. Charles Meryon, sailor, engraver, and etcher. A memoir and descriptive catalogue of his works. Translated from the French of P. Burty by M. B. Huish. London: The Fine Art Society, 1879. 2 p.l., vii, 106 p. nar. 8. MDG no. 18 of 125 copies printed. 1 leaf of "Errata" after p. 32. Avery collection. Catalogue of the etched work of Charles Meryon. With a biographical sketch of the artist [by F. Keppel]. New York: F. Keppel & Co., 1886. 12 p. nar. 8. MDG (Meryon) Avery collection. A catalogue of etchings by Meryon as exhibited at No. 158, New Bond Street, November-December, 1902. With an in- troduction by Mr. Frederick Wedmore. London: Obach & Co., 1902. 41 p. 8. MDG Catalogue of Meryon's etchings formerly owned by Sir F. S. Haden. New York: W. Wunderlich & Co., 1901. 22 p. 8. MDG Loys Delteil. Charles Meryon. (In his: Le peintre graveur illustre. Paris: I'Auteur, 1907. f. Tome 2.) t MDD Grolier Club. Frank Weitenkampf. A catalogue of etchings and drawings by Charles Meryon. [Compiled by F. Weiten- kampf.] Exhibited at the Grolier Club... January 28 to February 19, 1898. [New York: The De Vinne Press, 1898.] 54 p., 1 pi. 12. MDG Newspaper clipping inserted. Avery collection. Rev. James J. Heywood. A de- scriptive catalogue of a collection of draw- ings and etchings by Charles Meryon, formed by the Rev. J. J. Heywood. [Lon- don]: 75 copies privately printed for Ellis & White, 1880. 1 p.l., vii, 80 p. 8. MDG Avery collection. Frederick Keppel. Charles Mer- yon: a biographical sketch. New York: F. Keppel and Co., [1906.] 7 p. illus. 24. MDG Frederick Keppel & Co. Catalogue of an exhibition of etchings of Paris by Meryon. (With an introduction, by F. Carrington.] New York. 1911. 19(1) p. nar. 8. MDG (Meryon) De Salicis. Catalogue of the col- lection of etchings by Charles Meryon... which will be sold by auction, by Christie, Alanson & Woods... July 16, 1891... [London: W. Clowes & Sons, 1891.] 14 p. 8. MDG Another copy, attached, p. 2-14 priced. Avery collection. Frederick Wedmore. Meryon and Meryon's Paris: with a descriptive cata- logue of the artist's work. London: A. W. Thibaudeau, 1879. 3 p.l., 77 p. 12. MDG no. 82 of 113 copies printed. Avery collection. Frederick Wedmore. Meryon and Meryon's Paris: with a descriptive cata- logue of the artist's work. London: De- prez & Gutekunst, 1892. 85 p. 2. ed. nar. 8. MDG no. 54 of 129 copies printed. Avery collection. Michalek, Ludwig. Adalbert Roeper. Ludwig Michalek und sein graphisches Werk. [Leipzig,] 1909. p. 4946-4951. 4. MDG Excerpt: Borsenblatt f. d. deutschen Buchhandel, nr. 93, 24 April 1909. Michelin, Jules. Catalogue des objets d'art et de curiosite. . .estampes eaux- fortes originales Bracquemond, Chauvel, Corot rand others]. Oeuvre complet de J. Michelin. . .composant la collection Mich- elin... Vente... Hotel Drouot. . .21-23 avril 1898. [Paris: E. Moreau & Cie., printers], 1898. 72 p. nar. 4. MDG Priced. Avery collection. Mielatz, Charles F. W. City Art Muse- um of St. Louis. A special exhibition of etchings, dry points, aquatints and litho- graphs by Charles F. W. Mielatz. Open- ing... March 13, 1910... [St. Louis, 1910.] 61. illus. 8. MDG (Mielatz) Title on cover: A collection of etchings... Also called: Special exhibition catalogue. Series 1910. no. 7. Catalogue of an exhibition of etch- ings and dry points. [New York, 1896.] 3 1., fid. 24. MDG Miger, Simon Charles, fimile Bellier de la Chavignerie. Biographie et catalogue de I'oeuvre du graveur Miger... Paris: J. B. Dumoulin, 1856. 3 p.l., iii-viii, 9-164 p., 1 port. 8. MDG (Miger) Millais, Sir John E. Victoria and Al- bert Museum, South Kensington. Cata- 62 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Prints as Art Products, continued. Individual Artists, continued. logue of prints, wood engravings after Sir John E. Millais. London: Wyman & Sons, 1908. 33 p., 4 pi. 8. (Board of Education. South Kensington.) MDG Twenty India paper proofs of the drawings by Sir J. E. Millais... to The Parables of Our Lord, engraved on wood by the Brothers Dalziel. With. . .twenty autograph letters (in facsimile) from Mil- lais to the Dalziels during the progress of the work. [Hampstead], N. W.: Camden Press, [1904.] 29 1., 20 facsim., 20 pi. f. tMEM Edition limited to SO copies. Avery collection. Millet, Jean Frangois. Loys Delteil. Le peintre-graveur illustre (XIX* et XX" siecles.) Tome 1. Paris: L'auteur, 1906. illus. i. t MDD Frederick Keppel & Company. Catalogue of an exhibition of etchings, wood-cuts and original sketches by J. F. Millet, with an introduction by F. Keppel. New York: F. Keppel & Company, 1908. 19(1) p. nar. 8. MDG (Millet) Alfred Lebrun. Alfred Lebrun's catalogue of the etchings, heliographs, lithographs, and woodcuts done by Jean Frangois Millet. Translated. . .by F. Kep- pel, with additional notes and sketch of the artist's life. New York: F. Keppel & Co., 1887. 61 p., 6 pi. 1 port. 16. MDG Avery collection. Alexandre Piedagnel. J^F. Millet; souvenirs de Barbizon... Paris: A. Ca- dart, 1876. 108 p., 1 1., 1 fac-sim., 10 pi., 1 port. nar. 4. MDG no. 3 of 545 copies printed. One of 5 copies on parchment. Contains a "Catalogue des eaux-fortes de J. F. Millet." Avery collection. Twenty etchings and woodcuts re- produced in facsimile, and a biographical notice, by W. E. Henley. London: Fine Art Soc, 1881. 2 p.l., 21 p., 19 1., 20 pi. f. tMEM One of 500 copies printed. Avery collection. Mrs. Schuyler Van Rensselaer. Jean Francois Millet, painter-etcher. To which is appended a sketch of the life of Millet by F. Keppel. New York: F. Kep- pel & Co., [1901]. 43 p., 1 pi. 24. (The Keppel booklets. 1. ser.) MCN p.v. Repr. : "The Independent Moran, Mrs. Mary Nimmo. Christian Klackner. A catalogue of the complete etched works of Thomas Moran and M. Nimmo Moran on exhibition at C. Klack- ner's... New York... 1889. New York, 1889. 23 p., 2 pi. 8. MDG Another ed. Moran, Peter. F. Keppel & Co. Cata- logue of the etched work of Peter Moran. New York, 1888. 28 p. 16. MDG Moran, Thomas. Christian Klackner. A catalogue of the complete etched works of Thomas Moran and M. Nimmo Moran on exhibition at C. Klackner's. . . New York... 1889. New York, 1889. 23 p., 2 pi. 8. MDG Another ed. Moreau, Jean Michel, le jeune. Henri Beraldi. L'oeuvre de Moreau le jeune; notice et catalogue. Par H. Draibel [pseudonym of H. Beraldi]. Paris, 1874. port. 8. MDG E. Bocher. Catalogue descriptif et raisonne des estampes composant l'oeuvre grave de J. M. Moreau le jeune. (In: Bocher, E. Les Gravures frangaises du 18. siecle... Paris, 1872. f. fasc. 6). fMDBE Carnet de croquis par Moreau le jeune. Facsimile de I'album du Musee du Louvre. Introduction et description par P. Marcel. Paris: J. Terquem, 1914. 2 v. 12. MEM no. 101 of 200 copies printed. V. 1, text. V. 2, facsimile reproduction consisting of 61 pi., and 2 p. of ms., with inscription: fitudes de M. Moreau jr., dessinateur du Cabinet du Roy. Catalogue de deux importants dessins par J. M. Moreau le jeune de la serie du Monument du costume, dont la vente aura lieu...Ie samedi 22 avril 1899. Commissaire-priseur P. Chevallier. . . [Paris: Chamerot et Renouard, 1899.] 4 1., 2 pi. f. t MEL Engraved t.-p. also. Jean Honore Fragonard. Frago- nard, Moreau le Jeune, and French en- gravers, etchers, and illustrators of the later XVIII. century. London: W. Heine- mann, 1913. 15(1) p., 65 pi. 8. (Great engravers.) MDBF Marie Joseph Frangois Maherault, 1795-1879. L'oeuvre de Moreau le jeune; catalogue raisonne et descriptif, avec notes iconographiques et bibliographiques par fimile de Najac. Paris: A. Labitte, 1880. 2 p.l., xi, 538(1) p., 1 port. 8. MDG p. 538 wrongly numbered 568. Morghen, Raphael. A catalogue of a. . . beautiful collection of the works of Raphael Morghen, selected by that dis- tinguished artist for his own private cab- inet. . . Which will be sold by auction, by Mr. [R. H.] Evans... On Wednesday, June 4, 1828. [London: Printed by W. Nicolj. 1828. 1 p.l., 7 p. 8. *GOFp.v.57(4) Priced copy. Niccolo Palmerini. Opere d'inta- glio del Cav. Raffaello Morghen raccolte PRINTS AND THEIR PRODUCTION 63 Prints as Art Products, continued. Individual Artists, continued. ed illustrate... Firenze: N. Pagni F. e Comp., 1824. 2 p.l., 154 p., 2 1., 5 pi., 1 port. 3. ed. 8. MDG Morin, Gustave. Jules Hedou. Gustave Morin et son oeuvre... Ruen: E. Auge, 1877. 2 p.l., X, 65 p., 1 port. 8. MDG Morland, George. Exhibition of up- wards of 300 mezzotint and other engrav- ings after G...M... 88 p. [London]: T. & W. Vokins, 1893-'94. 24. MDG Munch, Edvard. Ausstellung der Litho- graphien und Original-Radierungen in der Galerie Ernst Arnold. Dresden, 1913. 17 p. illus. 12. MDG (Munch) Muyden, Evert Van. Atherton Curtis. Catalogue of the etched work of Evert Van Muyden. With a portrait of the artist, and ten head-pieces etched express- ly for the catalogue... New York: F. Keppel & Co., 1894. 158 p., 1 1., 11 pi., 1 port. 4. MDG no. 167 of 230 copies printed. Letter inserted. Nanteuil, Celestin. Philippe Burty. Celestin Nanteuil, graveur et peintre. 2 livraisons. 1 p.l., 12 p., 1 port., 13-24 p., 1 pi. Paris: E. Monnier & Cie., 1887. 4. (L'age du romantisme. v. 1-2.) f MDG Aristide Marie. Un imagier ro- mantique Celestin Nanteuil, peintre, aqua- fortiste et lithographic. Suivi d'une etude bibliographique et d'un catalogue. Paris: L. Carteret, 1910. 3 p.l., 136 p., 2 1., 1 pi., 1 port, illus. 4. MDG no. 167 of 300 copies printed on vellum paper. Newsam, Albert. Joseph O. Pyatt. Memoir of Albert Newsam, (deaf mute artist). Philadelphia: printed for the au- thor, 1868. 160 p., 1 port. 12. MDG Avery collection. David McN. Stauffer. Litho- graphic portraits of Albert Newsam. Philadelphia, 1901. 52 p., 1 port. 4. Repr.: Penn. Magazine of Hist. & Biogr. 1900-01. Norblin, Jean Pierre. Frederic Hille- macher. Catalogue des estampes qui com- posent I'oeuvre de Jean-Pierre Norblin... Paris: Henri Menu, 1877. 34 p., 1 port. 2. ed. 8. MDG Avery collection. I^eon Tual. Catalogue de tableaux esquisses et dessins tableaux par divers eaux-fortes anciennes & modernes de H. Dupont, Martinet, Roger, Dien Castan, Vibert, Forster, etc., etc., eaux-fortes ori- ginates de J. P. Norblin... la vente aura lieu par suite du Deces de M. S. Norblin . . . Hotel Drouot ... 14 Fevrier 1885 . . . L. Tual, commisre priseur.. . Paris, 1885. vi, 30, 2 p., 1 1. 8. MDG Portrait of L. P. M. Norblin de Lagourdaine. Norman, John. Charles Henry Hart. Some notes concerning John Norman, en- graver (Died June 8, 1817, aet. 69). Cam- bridge: J. Wilson & Son, 1904. 4 p. 8. MDG Repr.: Mass. Hist. Soc, Proc. Oct., 1904. Odieuvre, Michael. William Loring Andrews. A trio of French eighteenth century portrait engravers, fi. Ficquet; Odieuvre's publication of Ficquet's por- traits, and others; Savart and Grateloup. New York: C. Scribner's Sons, 1899. 115- 119. 216-221, 309-313 p., 1 pi. illus. 8. MDBF Excerpt: Book buyer, v. 18, no. 2-4. Ostade, Adrian van. Oeuvre complet in- vente et grave par lui-meme. f. f MEM L'ceuvre grave d'Adrien van Ostade. Reproduction des planches originates dans leurs etats successifs. 221 photo- typies sans retouches. Avec un catalogue raisonne par Dmitri Rovinski et Nicolas Tchetchouline. Saint-Petersbourg: S. N. Kotov, 1912. 20 p., 21-122 f. illus. f. ttMEM Title and text in Russian and French. Imprint on cover, Leipzig: K. W. Hiersemann, 1912. Eaux-fortes de van Ostade, re- produites et publiees par Amand-Durand. Paris: Amand-Durand [1875?]. 2 1., 50 pi. f. (Amand-Durand. Heliogravures Amand-Durand.) ft MEM Ozanne. Charles Jacques fimile Auf- fret, 1838-. Une famille d'artistes brestois au XVIII siecle: les Ozanne, par le D'. Charles Auffret... Rennes, H. Cailliere, 1891. t MDG (Ozanne) vi p., 2 1., 13]-194 p., 1 1. illus., 31 pi. (incl. ports.) facsim. 32 J4 <=". "Sources bibliographiques et renseigfnements oraux": p. [181J-182. Palmer, Samuel. Alfred Herbert Palm- er. Samuel Palmer. A memoir. Also a catalogue of his works, including those exhibited by The Fine Art Society 1881, and an account of the Milton series of drawings by L. R. Valpy. London: The Fine Art Society, 1882. 1 p.l., ii, 105 p., 1 1., illus., 17 pi., 1 port. 4. t MDG Parrish, Stephen. A catalogue of etch- ings by Stephen Parrish, 1879-1883. With ...ten etchings... [Privately printed; 50 copies only.] 8. H. Wunderlich & Co. Catalogue of S. Parrish's complete etched work on ex- hibition at the gallery of H. Wunderlich & Co. New York, 1886. 24 p. 12. MDG Pelham, Peter. W. H. Whitmore. Notes concerning P. Pelham, the earliest artist resident in New England, and his succes- sors prior to the revolution. Cambridge: J. Wilson & Son, 1867. 31 p. 8. MCW p.v. Repr.: Proceeding of the Mass. Hist. Soc. for 1866-67. 64 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Prints as Art Products, continued. Individual Artists, continued. Pencz, Georg. Die Holzschnitte des Georg Pencz; ermittelt und hrsg. von H. Rottinger. Leipzig: K. W. Hiersemann, 1914. 4 p.l., 46 p., 1 1., 24 pi. illus. f. tMEM One page of bibliography. A. Kurzwelly. Forschungen zu Georg Pencz. Leipzig, 1895. 8. MCK Pennell, Joseph. Walter Conrad Arens- berg. Mr. Pennell's etchings of London .. .Reprinted. . .from "The Evening Post," March 1, 1906. To which is appended Mr. Pennell as a printer, by Frederick Keppel . . . New York: F. Keppel & Co. 7 1., 14 pi. 24. MDG Art Institute of Chicago. A cata- logue of etchings by J. Pennell in the Joseph Brooks Fair collection. . .1911. [Chicago: the institute, 1911.] (1)4- 50 p., 2 1. 8. MDG (Pennell) Art Institute of Chicago. Catalogue of etchings and lithographs by J. Pennell ...from January 28 to February 21, 1913. [Chicago: the institute, 1913.] 4 1. 12. MDG (Pennell) _- Cincinnati Museum. Special exhi- bition of a collection of etchings by Mr. Joseph Pennell belonging to the St. Louis Museum of Fine Arts. St. Louis: Museum Press, 1908. 4 1. 16. MDG Grolier Club. Catalogue of etch- ings by Joseph Pennell. Exhibited at the Grolier Club Nov. 6. to 21, 1908. New York: The De Vinne Press, 1908. 23 p. 12. MDG Haunts of old London; being twenty-five etchings of literary and his- torical London in photogravure, by Joseph Pennell. London: T. N. Foulis [1914). 27 1. illus. 8. MEM With descriptive notes. Joseph Pennell's pictures of the Panama canal; [reproductions of a series of lithographs made by him on the Isth- mus of Panama, January-March, 1912, to- gether with impressions and notes by the artist.] Philadelphia: J. B. Lippincott Co., 1913. 13(1) p., 29 1., 28 pi. [4. ed.] 4. MEM Frederick Keppel. Joseph Pen- nell; etcher, illustrator, author. New York: F. Keppel & Co., 1907. 64 p. illus. 24. MDG (Pennell) Repr.: Outlook. Sept. 23rd, 1905. Frederick Keppel. Mr, Pennell's etchings of New York "sky scrapers"... New York: F. Keppel & Co., 1905. 16 p., 4 1. illus. 24. MDG (Pennell) Frederick Keppel & Co. Catalogue of an exhibition of the new etchings of New York and London by J. Pennell... Febr. 23 to March 18, 1905. New York: The De Vinne Press [1905]. 7 p. nar. 8. MDG ; Catalogue of an exhibition of etchings of London; Amiens, Beauvais and Rouen by Joseph Pennell. With an intro- duction by Fitzroy Carrington. New York, 1907. 11(1) p. nar. 8. MDG An illustrated catalogue of painter-etchings [Of Joseph Pennell] for sale by F. Keppel & (3o. New York: [The De Vinne Press, 1908.] 44 p., 1 1. illus. 4. (The print-collector's bulletin.) MDG "The wonder of work;" new lithographs and etchings by J. Pennell.. October 12 to October 31, 1911. [New York, 1911.] 8 p. nar. 8. MDG (Pennell) Catalogue of an exhibition of lithographs and etchings of Grecian temples by Joseph Pennell. December 2 to December 20, 1913. [New York: De Vinne Press, 1913.] 4 1. nar. 8. MDG (Pennell) Edward Howard Moore. The art of Joseph Pennell. Chicago, 1903. 81-98 p., 1 pi. 4. MDG Fragment of: Brush and Pencil, v. 12, no. 2. New York Public Library, Aster, Lenox and Tilden Foundations. A tenta- tive catalogue of the etchings and the lithographs of Joseph Pennell. New York, 1914. 115 1. 8. MDG (Pennell) Typewritten. Arthur Tomson. Joseph Pennell. New York: F. Keppel & Co. [1901.] 45 p. 24. (Keppel booklets. Series 1.) MDG Repr.: Art journal. Frank Weitenkampf. Joseph Pen- nell. illus. 5 pi. (Graphischen kiinste. Wien, 1910. f. Jahrg. 33, p. 1-16.) tMDA This has also been issued separately. Worcester Art Museum. Exhibi- tion of etchings by Joseph Pennell, De- cember 27 to January 17, 1909. [Worcester, Mass., 1908.] 4 1. 8. MDG Pequegnot, Auguste. Catalogue d'es- tampes, eaux-fortes originales, planches gravees . . . provenant de I'atelier de feu A. Pequegnot, dont la vente...aura lieu... 17 et...l8 mars 1903... Paris, 1903. 32 p. 8. MDG Artist's biography in preface. Pierce, Edith Loring. See Getchell, E. L. Piranesi, Giovanni Battista. Giovanni Battista Piranesi von A. Giesecke; mit einem Titelblatt & 63 Tafeln. Leipzig: Klinkhardt & Biermann [1911]. 4 p.l., 125 (1) p., 64 pi. 4. (Meister der Graphik. Bd. 6.) t MDG (Piranesi) Frederick Keppel & Co. Catalogue of an exhibition of etchings by Piranesi of the temples at Paestum and of ancient PRINTS AND THEIR PRODUCTION 65 Prints as Art Products, continued. Individual Artists, continued. Roman edifices. With an introduction by R, Sturgis. August 1st to August 31st, 1907. New York: F. Keppel & Co., 1907. 7(1) p. nar. 8. MDG ; Regia Calcografia. Catalogo delle migliori stampe di incisioni in rame che esistono nella Regia Calcografia. Roma: [B. Vecchioni & fuglij, 1904. 52 p. 8. MDE p. 37-52 deal with works of Piranesi. Arthur Samuel. Piranesi. London: B. T. Batsford, 1910. x, 215 p., 25 pi. 8. MDG (Piranesi) Bibliography, p. 194-197. Russell Sturgis. The etchings of Piranesi. New York: F. Keppel & Co., 1900. 16 p., 11 pi. 24. MDG [Same.] New York: F. Keppel & Co., 1905. 54 p. illus. 24. MDG Piatt, Charles Adam. Catalogue of an exhibition of etchings and dry-points by C. A. Piatt. With an introductory note by Mrs. Schuyler Van Rensselaer. New York: F. Keppel & Co., 1907. 9(1) p. nar. 8. MDG Richard Austin Rice. A descrip- tive catalogue of the etched work of C. A. Piatt. New York: The De Vinne Press, 1889. 60 p. 8. MDG no. 40 of 100 copies printed. Ploos Van Amstel, Jac. Cornelisz. Col- lection d'imitations de dessins d'apres les principaux maitres hollandais et flamands. Amsterdam et Londres. 1821. port, pi., mounted, without text. f. ft MEM Pompadour, Mme. Jean Francois Le- turcq. Notice sur Jacques Quay, graveur sur pierres fines du roi Louis xv; docu- ments inedits emanant de Quay et notes sur les oeuvres de gravure de la Marquise de Pompadour. Paris, 1873. pi, 8. MGO Gustave Pawlowski. La Marquise de Pompadour; bibliophile et artiste. Paris: M. Quantin, 1888. 1 p.l., 16 p., 1 pi., 1 port. nar. 4. t MDG One of 100 copies printed Author's autograph Avery collection. Potter, Paul. Eaux-fortes de Paul Pot- ter, reproduites et publiees par Amand- Durand. Texte par G. [V. A. G.] Duplessis. Paris: Amand-Durand [1876?]. 1 p.l., 7 p., 21 1., 21 pi. f. (Amand-Durand. Helio- gravures Amand-Durand.) ft MEM fimile Michel. Paul Potter. Bio- graphic critique. Paris: H, Laurens, [1907.] 128 p., illus. 8. (Grands (Les) artistes. Leur vie. Leur oeuvre.) MCH Prud'hon, P. P. Edmond de Goncourt. Catalogue raisonne de I'oeuvre peint, dessine et grave de P. P. Prud'hon. Paris: Rapilly, 1876. viii, 378 p., 1 1., 1 port. nar. 8. MDG Avery collection. Raffaelli, Jean Frangois. Art Institute of Chicago. Exhibition of color prints by Jean Frangois Raffaelli. Etchings, dry- points, aquatints. March 31 to April 19 1908. [Chicago, 1908.] 4 1. 8. MDG Catalogue illustre des oeuvres de J.-F. Raffaelli.. .suivi d'une etude des mouvements de I'art moderne et du beau caracteriste. Exposition du 15 mars au 15 avril 1884... Paris: [S. Lejay & Cie], 1884. 2 p.l., 7-70 p., 5 pi. nar. 12. MDG Avery collection. [Same.] Paris, 1884. [3. ed.i 12. MDG Avery collection. Catalogue of paintings, drawings, etchings, etc., by J. F. Raffaelli ... 1895. Boston: A. Mudge & Son, 1895. 16 p., 1 port. 12. (Museum of Fine Arts, Bos- ton.) MCN p.v.2, no.8 Durand-Ruel. Catalogue of paint- ings, drypoints, and etchings printed in color by Jean Frangois Raffaelli, Durand- Ruel Galleries. . . New York. New York, 1899. 2 p.l., 14 p., 1 port. 12. MDG Raffet, Auguste. Auguste Bry. Raffet: sa vie et ses oeuvres. Paris: E. Dentu, 1861. 4 p.l., 122 p., 4 fac-sim., 3 pi., 2 ports. 8. MDG Avery collection. Atherton Curtis. Auguste Raffet. New York: F. Keppel & Co., 1903. 40 p. illus. 24. MDG Armand Dayot. Raffet et son oeuvre. 100 compositions lithographiques ... [Paris]: Quantin, [1893?] 100 p., 1 pi. 4. MEM Hector Giacomelli. Raffet: son oeuvre lithographique et ses eaux-fortes suivi de la bibliographie complete des ouvrages illustres de vignettes... 3 p.l., v-xliii, 341 p., 1 port., 3 pi. Paris: Bureau de la Gazette des Beaux-Arts, 1862. 8, MDG Tire a 300 exemplaires. Raimbach, Abraham. Michael Thomson Scott. Memoirs and recollections of the late Abraham Raimbach, engraver. . .in- cluding a memoir of Sir David Wilkie...' London: F. Shoberl, 1843. 203 p., 83 pi. 8. MEM Extra illustrated. Raimondi, Marc Antonio. Burlington Fine Art Club. Richard Fisher. Marc Antonio Raimondi. [London], 1868. 19 p. 4. MDG Avery collection. R. Ederheimer. Catalogue of an exhibition of engravings by Marc-Antonio Raimondi, his pupils & followers, to be 66 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Prints as Art Products, continued. Individual Artists, continued. opened on Saturday, the eighteenth of September... 1909. New York: R. Eder- heimer, 1909. 37 p., 4 pi. 4. MDG Richard Ederheimer. Illustrated catalogue to an exhibition of engravings by the three great masters of the 16th century; Albrecht Diirer, Lucas van Ley- den, Marc Antonio Raimondi, preceded by preface by G. S. Hellman, and Albrecht Diirer's mystical tetralogy "A fantasy in verse," with introduction by R. Eder- heimer. The poems in the translation from the original German, by F. Hellman... New York, 1914. 39 p., 4 1., 14 pi. 8. MDG Durer Card of invitation inserted. Henri Vicomte de Laborde. Marc- Antoine Raimondi. fitude historique et critique, suivi d'un catalogue raisonne des oeuvres du maitre. Paris: Libr. de I'Art. tl888?, 2 p.l. 318 p., 1 1. illus. f. (Bi- bliotheque internationale de I'art.) t MDG Andreas Johann Jakob Mueller. Ein Kupferstich von Rafael in der Samm- lung der Koniglichen Kunst-Akademie zu Diisseldorf mit einem Facsimile des Stiches von Rafael und einer Photographie nach Marc-Antonio. Diisseldorf, 1860. 4. MDG Marcantonio and Italian engravers and etchers of the sixteenth century. New York: F. A. Stokes Co. [1912.] 15(1) p., 64 pi. 8. (Great engravers.) MDG Bibliography, p. 9. Rajon, Paul Adolphe. Etchings-Draw- ings. November, 1886. (Catalogue). New York: M. Knoedler & Co., [1886]. 15 p. 12. MDG Avery collection. The last ray (Le dernier rayon), etched by Paul Rajon after Jules Breton. New York: M. Knoedler & Co., n. d. 5 p. 8. MDG (Rajon) Raphael. Albert, Prince Consort of Vic- toria, Queen of Great Britain and Ireland, and Victoria, Queen of Great Britain and Ireland, and Empress of India. The works of Raphael Santi da Urbino as represented in the Raphael collection. . .at Windsor Castle, formed by H. R. H. the Prince Consort 1853-1861 and completed by Her Majesty Queen Victoria. [Compiled by K. Ruland.] London: J. Murray, 1876. 1 p.l., xxxii, 1 1., 385 p., 1 1. i". t MDDG One hundred copies only published. Andreas Johann Jakob Mueller. Ein Kupferstich von Rafael in der Samm- lung der Koniglichen Kunst-Akademie zu Diisseldorf mit einem Facsimile des Stiches von Rafael und einer Photographie nach Marc-Antonio. Diisseldorf, 1860. 4. MDG Pittsburg Etching Club. Catalogue of an exhibition of engravings after Raphael. . .from the collection of... Dr. Wilhelm Engelmann... March 15-29, 1910. [Pittsburgh, 1910.] 3 1. nar. 8. MDG (Raphael) Redon, Odilon. Jules Destree. L'oeuvre lithographique de Odilon Redon; Cata- logue descriptif. 1 p.l., 80 p., 3 1., 2 pi. Bruxelles: E. Deman, [1891.] t MDG Andre Mellerio. Odilon Redon. Paris: Soc. pour I'etude de la gravure fran- gaise, 1913. 3 p.l., 166 p., 2 1., 44 pi. sq. f. t MDG Bibliography, p. 129-158. 550 copies printed. Oeuvre graphique complet. La Haye: Artz & De Bois [1914]. 2 v. pi. f. tMEM Haarlem, J. H. de Bois pasted over original imprint. Rembrandt. Bibliotheque Nationale. Exposition d'oeuvres de Rembrandt, des- sins et gravures. Mai-Juin 1908. Cata- logue redige par Franqois Courboin. Paris: Lib. Cent, des Beaux-Arts, 1908. XV, 150 p., 24 pi. 8. MDG (Rembrandt) Aug. Alex. Ph. Charles Blanc. L'oeuvre de Rembrandt decrit et commente par M. C. Blanc. Catalogue raisonne de toutes les estampes du maitre et de ses peintures, orne de bois graves. . .eaux- fortes de Flameng, et de. . .heliogravures d'Amand Durand. Paris: A. Levy, 1873. 2 V. 63 pi. 4. MEM L'oeuvre de Rembrandt decrit et commente par M. C. B... Ouvrage comprenant la reproduction de toutes les estampes du maitre, executee sous la direc- ion de M. Firmin Delangle. Paris: A. Quantin, 1880. 3 p.l., XLIV, 323 p., text. 3 V. (353) pi., with proof in dup. f . & (v. 2.) f . tt MEM & ttt MEM Burlington Fine Arts Club. Cata- logue of the etched work of Rembrandt selected for exhibition at the Burlington Fine Arts Club. With introductory re- marks by a member of the club [i. e. Sir F. S. Hadeu]. [London:] Privately printed for the club, 1877. 108 p., 3 pi. 4. MDG Avery collection. Reginald Pole Carew. A catalogue of a very beautiful collection of the etch- ings by Rembrandt the property of the late Right Hon. Reginald Pole Carew... which will be sold., .by Mr. Wheatley May ...1835. [London: B. Wheatley], 1835. 2 p.l., 30 p. 8. MAX p.v.5 (no.l.) J. J. de Claussin, editor. Catalogue raisonne de toutes les estampes qui forment l'oeuvre de Rembrandt, et des principales pieces de ses eleves; compose par Gersaint, Helle, Glomy, et P. Yver. Nouv. ed. Paris, 1824. port. 8. MDG PRINTS AND THEIR PRODUCTION 67 Prints as Art Products, continued. Individual Artists, continued. _- Sidney Colvin. Guide to an exhi- bition of drawings and etchings by Rem- brandt and etchings by other masters in the British Museum. [London:] the Mu- seum, 1899. 2 p.l., 63 p. 8. MDG Avery collection. Atherton Curtis. Catalogue of prints and drawings by Rembrandt. Be- longing to the Curtis collection. On ex- hibition at Mount Kisco, New York, dur- ing July, August, September and October, 1902. rNew York: The De Vinne Press. 1902.] 18 p. 16. MDG Daniel Daulby. A catalogue of the whole of the. . .collection of etchings by Rembrandt, and his scholars of the late D. Daulby. . .deceased. . .sold by auction, by Mr. Christie. . .May, 1800... [London:] Christie, 1800. 31 p. 8. MAY p.v.l Partly priced. Eugene Dutuit. L'oeuvre complet de Rembrandt, decrit et commente; et re- produit. . .par M. Charreyre. Catalogue raisonne de toutes les estampes du maitre, accompagne de leur reproduction en fac- simile. .. Precede d'une introduction sur la vie de Rembrandt. . .[Avec Supplement Tableaux et dessins de Rembrandt. Cata- logue historique et descriptif. Description de tous les tableaux connus et des dessins du maitre . . . avec . . , eaux-fortes, gravees par Flameng, Waltner, Lalauze, etc.] Paris: A. Levy, 1883-85. Text, 3 v. Plates 1 v. f. t MCH no. 380, of 500 copies printed. Exhibition of Rembrandt's etch- ings. April, 1888. [Catalogue] H. Wunder- lich & Co. New York. [New York: Gillies Bros. & Turnurc], 1888. 19 p., 7 pi. 8. MDG T. Harrison Garrett. The second exhibition of prints from the collection... Works of Rembrandt and Wille. Peabody Institute, October, 1886. [Baltimore: I. Friedenwald, 1886.] 88 p. 8. MDE Edme Frangois Gersaint, c. 1696- 1750, and others. Catalogue raisonne de toutes les estampes qui forment I'cEuvre de Rembrandt, et ceux de ses principaux imi- tateurs. Compose par les sieurs Gersaint, Helle, Glomy et P. Yver. Nouvelle edition. Entierement refondue, corrigee et con- siderablement augmentee, par Adam Bartsch. Vienne: A. Blumauer, 1797. 2 v. in 1. pi., port. 12. MDG Partly priced. Same. Reimpression textuelle de I'edition de 1797. Leipzig: A. Danz, 1880. 2 V. in 1. 8. MDG Grolier Club of the city of New points by Rembrandt, selected for exhibi- tion. . .April-May, 1900. New York: the Club, 1900. 50 p. 1 port. 8. MDG Sir Francis Seymour Haden. The York. Catalogue of etchings and dry- etched work of Rembrandt: true and false. A lecture... London: Macmillan & Co., 1895. 24 p. 8. MDG Avery collection. L'oeuvre grave de Rembrandt. fitude monographique. . . Paris: Gazette des Beaux-Arts, 1880. 2 p.l., 32 p. 4. MDG -; L'oeuvre grave de Rembrandt authentique et apocryphe. Conference... Londres: Macmillan & Co., 1896. 24 p. 8. MDG Avery collection. Arthur Mayger Hind. Rembrandt's etchings; an essay and a catalogue. With some notes on the drawings, by A. M. Hind. With thirty-four plates illustrating the drawings & a complete series of repro- ductions (330) of the etchings. New York: C. Scribner's Sons, 1912. 2 v. 4. MDG (Rembrandt) v. 1. The text. v. 2. The illustrations. Bibliography, p. 70-78. C. J. Holmes. The development of Rembrandt as an etcher. London, 1906. V. p. illus. 4. fMDG Excerpt: Burlington Magazine, May, July, Aug., Sept., 1906. David Keppel. Rembrandt's etch- ings. New York: F. Keppel & Co. [190-?i 1 p.l. illus. 16. MDG (Rembrandt) Frederick Keppel & Company. Catalogue of an exhibition of a selection of etchings by Rembrandt; with an intro- duction by David Keppel. November 7th to November 30th, 1907. [New York: De Vinne Press, 1907.] 15 p. nar. 8. MDG November 10th to December 4th, 1909. [New York: De Vinne Press. 1909.] 18 p., 1 1. nar. 8. MDG Jan. 4-Jan. 30, 1912. New York: F. Keppel & Co., 1912. 11(1) p. nar. 8. MDG (Rembrandt) New York: F. Keppel & Co., 1912. Nov. 7-Nov. 13, 1912. 15(1) p. 8. MDG Hubert Knackfuss. Rembrandt, tr. by C. Dodgson. Bielefeld. . .Velhagen & Klasing, 1899. viii, 160 p., 1 pi., 2 port. 4. (Monographs on artists. No. 3.) MCH M. Knoedler and Co. Catalogue of the etchings by Rembrandt, exhibited at the galleries of M. Knoedler & Co., January 9th to 25th, 1913. New York, 1913. 8 1. 8. MDG (Rembrandt) Emile Michel. Rembrandt. Paris: Librarie de I'Art, [1886.] 126 p. 4. (Les artistes celebres.) MDG 68 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Prints as Art Products, continued. Individual Artists, continued. Charles Henry Middleton. A de- scriptive catalogue of the etched work of Rembrandt van Rhyn. London, 1878. 8. MDG Museum of Fine Arts, Boston. Print Dept. Exhibition of the etched work of Rembrandt and of artists of his circle. . . Principally from the collection of...H. F. Sewall... 1887. Boston, 1887. xii, 1 p.l., 84 p. 12. MDG Three portfolios of plates, called Atlas, v. 13; and one small folio volume of descriptive text. Oeuvre de Rembrandt, reproduit et public par Amand-Durand. Paris: Amand-Durand [1876]. 4 v. 352 pi. f. (Amand-Durand, Heliogravures Amand- Durand.) ft MEM (Rembrandt) Rembrandt's etchings, illustrated by a selection of specimens reproduced in facsimile, accompanied by descriptive let- terpress by Henry Noel Humphreys. Lon- don, 1873. f. Albert Roullier's Art Galleries. Exhibition of a selection of important original etchings by Rembrandt and orig- inal etchings by Albrecht Diirer, Glocken- ton, Israel van Meckenen and Lucas van Leyden. February 5th to 18th, inclusive. . . [Chicago: R. R. Donnelley & Sons Co., 1912.] 6 1. nar. 8. MDG (Rembrandt) Dmitri Aleksandrovich Rovinski. L'oeuvre grave des eleves de Rembrandt et des maitres qui ont grave dans son gout. 478 phototypies sans retouches; avec un catalogue raisonne. Saint-Peters- bourg, 1894. 3 v. f. Print Room Reserve Two portfolios of plates, called Atlas, v. 1-2; and one small folio volume of descriptive text. Russian and French. L'oeuvre grave de Rembrandt. Reproduction des planches originales dans tons leurs etats successifs. 1000 photo- typies sans retouches. Avec un catalogue raisonne par Dmitri Rovinski, Saint- Petersbourg: Imprimerie de I'Acad. im- periale des sciences, 1890. 4 v. f. Print Room Reserve Sotheby, Wilkinson & Hodge. Catalogue of an important and historical collection of the etchings of Rembrandt. . . being duplicates from the Cambridge Uni- versity collections. . .sold by auction, by ...Sotheby, Wilkinson & Hodge, the 2nd ...of April, 1878. [London]: J. Davy & Sons, 1878. 1 p.l., 16 pi. 4. MDG Dr. Pieter Scheltema. The life and genius of Rembrandt. The most celebrated ...etchings, thirty photographs taken from the collection in the possession of Mr. Seymour Haden. With descriptions and a discourse on. . .Rembrandt, by Dr. Scheltema, of Amsterdam. Edited by Joseph Cundall. London: Bell & Daldy; Cambridge: Deighton, Bell & Co., 1867. 2 p.l., iii-viii, 3(1), 192, 1 p., 30 photo- graphs. 4. MEM C. Vosmaer. Rembrandt Harmens Van Rijn; sa vie et se oeuvres. La Haye, 1868. pi. 8. MCH Reni, Giiido. Johann Adam Bernhard von Bartsch. Catalogue raisonne des es- tampes gravees a I'eau-forte par G. Reni, et de celles de ses disciples, S. Contarini, dit le Pesarese, J. A. et E. Sirani, et L. Loli. 105 p., 3 1., 1 pi. Vienne: A. Blu- mauer, 1795. 8. MDG (Reni) Revere, Paul. E. H. Goss. The life of Colonel Paul Revere. 2 v. xxiv, 314 p., 3 pi., 1 port., xix, 315-689 p., 1 pi., 1 port, Boston: J. G. Cupples, 1891. 4\ AN Large paper copy. Edition of 200 copies. Paged continuously. Charles Henry Hart. Paul Revere's portrait of Washington, n. p. [19 ?] 4 p. 8. AOT Repr. : Proceedings of the Massachusetts Histori- cal Society. December. 1903. Reynolds, Sir Joshua. Edward Hamil- ton, M. D. A catalogue raisonne of the engraved works of Sir Joshua Reynolds, from 1755 to 1820, to which is added a short biographical sketch of each en- graver. London: P. & D. Colnaghi and Co., 1874. viii, 143 p. 8. MDG Avery collection. William Richardson, print-seller. A catalogue of portraits, &c., engraved from pictures painted by Sir Joshua Rey- nolds. London: W. Richardson, 1794. 2 p.l., 24 p. 4. MDG Edmund Wheatley. A descriptive catalogue of all the prints, with the en- gravers' names and dates, which have been engraved from original portraits and pic- tures, by Sir Joshua Reynolds; collected by E. Wheatley. [London:] E. Wheatley, 1825. 1 p.l., 58 p. 12. MDG Reynolds, Samuel William. Alfred Whitman, 1860-1910. Samuel William Reynolds, by Alfred Whitman... Lon- don: G. Bell & Sons, 1903. ix, 167(1) p., 10 pi., 18 port, (inch front.) 4. (Nine- teenth century mezzotinters.) f MDG Title-page contains engraved i>ortrait of S. W. Reynolds. One of 500 copies printed. Ridinger, Johann Elias. Ludwig Rosen- thal. Verzeichnis einer reichhaltigen und wertvollen Sammlung von Ridinger- Stichen. Catalogue xcvii d'une tres belle collection d'estampes de chasse, de sport, etc., de Ridinger. [Miinchen, 1905?] 16 p. 8. MDG Title from cover. Stillfried, Heinrich, Graf. Dritter Nachtrag zu... Thienemann's Leben und PRINTS AND TJIEIR PRODUCTION 69 Prints as Art Products, continued. Individual Artists, continued. Wirken des... Thiermalers und Kupfer- stechers J. E. Ridinger. 30 p., 12 pi. Leip- zig: J. A. Barth, 1876. 8. MDG Bound with: Thienemann (G, A. W.), Leben und Wirken des. . .Ridinger, Leipzig. 1856. 8. Georg Augustus Wilhelm Thiene- mann. Leben und Wirken des unvergleich- lichen Thiermalers und Kupferstechers Johann Elias Ridinger, mit dem ausfuhr- lichen Verzeichniss seiner Kupferstiche, Schwarzkunstblatter und der von ihm hin- terlassenen grossen Sammlung von Hand- zeichnungen.. . xxxi, 300, 22, 8 p., 1 port. Leipzig: R. Weigel, 1856. 8. MDG Hitter, Lorenz. Adalbert Roeper. Zum 75. Geburtstage Lorenz Ritters. [Leip- zig, 1907.] pi. 12820-12823. 4. t MDG (Hitter) Excerpt: Borsenblatt f. d. deutschen Buchhandel, nr. 276, Nov. 1907. Hochussen, Charles. L'Oeuvre de Charles Rochussen. Essai d'un catalogue raisonne de ses tableaux, dessins, litho- graphies, eaux-fortes. Rotterdam: Nijgh & Van Ditmar, 1894. 4 p.l., 156, 59 p., 1 1. 8. t MDG (Hochussen) Avery collection. Hodin, Auguste. Loys Delteil. Rude, Barye, Carpeaux, Rodin. Paris: L. Del- teil, 1910. 51 1. illus. f. (In his: Le peintre-graveur illustre, XIXe et XXe siecles, tome 6.) f MDD Roger Marx. Les pointes seches de Rodin. Paris: Gazette de Beaux-Arts, 1902. 16 p. 2 pi. 4. MDG no. 30 of 100 copies printed. Avery collection. Hogier, Camille. Philippe Burty. Ca- mille Rogier, vignettiste. 1 p.l., 12 p., 1 pi. Paris: E. Monnier & Cie, 1887. 4. (L'age du romantisme, v. 4.) t MDG Homney, George. Henry Percy Home. An illustrated catalogue of engraved por- traits and fancy subjects painted by Thomas Gainsborough, published between 1760 and 1820, and by George Romney, published between 1770 and 1830, with the variations of the state of the plates. Lon- don: Eyre & Spottiswoode. 1891. 63 p., S pi., 15 port. 4. MDG Hops, Felicien. Alfred Barrion. Cata- logue de la collection Alfred Barrion. Oeuvres de Felicien Rops. Dessins, eaux- fortes, lithographies. Dont la vente aux encheres publique aura lieu le mardi, 24 mai, 1904... [Paris: E. Moreau et Cie., 1904.] 28 p. 8. MDG J. K. Huysmans. Certains: G. Mor- eau; Degas; Cheret; Wisthler; Rops; Le Monstre; Le fer; etc. Paris, 1894. 2. ed. 12. MCN Camille Lemonnier. Felicien Rops. L'homme et I'artiste. Paris: H. Floury. 1908.^ 2 pi., 233(1) p., 25 pi., 1 port, illus. sq. 4. (Etudes sur quelques artistes ori- ginaux.) MDG Engraved t.-p. also. Ottokar Mascha. Felicien Rops und sein Werk; Katalog seiner Gemalde, Originalzeichnungen, Lithographien, Ra- dierungen, Vernis-mous, Kaltnadelblatter, Heliograviiren usw. und Reproduktionen ... Miinchen: A. Langen [Cop. 1910]. xv (i), 436 p., 54 pi., 1 port. 4. MDG Bibliography, p. xiv-xv. no. 136 of 500 copies printed. firastene Ramiro. [pseud, of Eu- gene Rodriguez.] L'oeuvre lithographic de FeHcien Rops. . . 3 p.l., xvii, 137 p., 3 1., 7 pi. Paris: L. Conquet, 1891. 4. MDG Tirage a 200 exemplaires, no. 184. Roqueplan, Camille. Germain Hediard. Les maitres de la lithographie. Camille Roqueplan. 24 p. [Le Mans: E. Mon- noyer, typ.,] [1893.] 4. MDG Repr. : L'Artiste, 1893. Avery collection. Rosenthal, Max and Albert. Rosenthal list checked. Phila., 1898. 8. MDG List of portraits published by A. and M. Rosenthal, n. t.-p. Philadelphia, 1898. 1 p.l., 8 p. f. t MDG One of 100 copies printed. Hothenstein, William. Art Institute of Chicago. Catalogue of an exhibition of paintings, drawings and lithographs, by W. Rothenstein . . . Jan. 4 to 28, 1912. [Chi- cago, 1912.] 8 1. 12. MDG Berlin Photographic Co. Cata- logue of an exhibition of paintings, draw- ings and lithographs by W. Rothenstein. [With essay on the paintings by J. B. Manson.] New York: Berlin Photo- graphic Co., 1911. 39(1) p. 8. MDG (Hothenstein) Housseau, Th. Loys Delteil. Le peintre- graveur illustre (xix* et xx* siecles.) Tome 1. Paris: L'auteur, 1906. illus. f. fMDD Howlandson, Thomas. Burlington Fine Arts Club. Catalogue of a collection of drawings by Thomas Rowlandson. . .chief- ly in illustration of the "Dance of Death" ... London, 1882. 8 p. f MDG Avery collection. Joseph Grego. Rowlandson the caricaturist. A selection from his works with anecdotal descriptions of his famous caricatures, and a sketch of his life, times, and contemporaries. With about four hundred llustrations. . . New York: J. W. Bouton, 1880. 2 v. 4. MDG Hubens, Peter Paul. A. C. van Hasselt. Histoire de Rubens, suivie du catalogue. . . 70 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Prints as Art Products, continued. Individual Artists, continued. de ses tableaux. . ., avec rindication. . .des artistes qui les ont graves. Bruxelles, 1840. 394 p. 8. Robert Hecquet. Catalogue des estampes gravees d'apres R. Nouv. ed., pre- cedee de la vie de Rubens. (In Basan, P. F. Diet, des graveurs. 1767.) MDD Henri Hymans. La gravure dans I'ecole de Rubens. 1 p.l., iv, 298 p., 1 1., 8 pi. (In: Memoires couronnes et memoires des savants etrangers, publics par I'Acade- mie royale. . .de Belgique. Bruxelles, 1879. 4. t. 42.) * EM Sur une gravure d'apres Ru- bens non decrite. 2 plates. Acad. roy. d'archeol. de Belgique. Annales, v. 59, p. 267-274. Anvers, 1907. Adolf Rosenberg. Der Kupfer- stich in der Schule und unter dem Einflusse des Rubens (die Rubensstecher). Wien: Gesellsch. f. vervielf. Kunst. 1888. 6 p.l., 168 p., 42 pi. 1 port. f. ft MDB Rude, Francois. Loys Delteil. Rude, Barye, Carpeaux, Rodin. Paris: L. Delteil, 1910. 51 1. illus. f. (In his: Le peintre- graveur illustre, XIXe et XXe siecles, tome 6.) fMDD Ruysdael, Jacob van. Eaux-fortes de J. Ruysdael, reproduites et publiees par Amand-Durand. Texte par G. [V. A. G.] Duplessis. Paris: Amand-Durand, 1878. 1 p.l., 6 p., 12 pi. f. (Amand-Durand. Heliogravures Amand-Durand.) tt MEM (Ruysdael) Ryland, William Wynne. Hans Wolf- gang Singer. William Wynne Ryland's engravings. (In: Connoisseur, September, 1905. p. 13-16. 4). MDG Notes on, and additions to, the list by Miss Bleackley in the June number. Separately bound. Sadeler. Portraits des Sadeler. [List of portraits by Gilles, Raphael, Jean Sade- ler.] (In LeComte, F. Cabinet des singu- larites... 2" ed. Bruxelles, 1702. v. 3, p. 410 et seq.) MAD Saint Aubin, Augustin de. Emmanuel Bocher. Aug. de Saint-Aubin; [with Cata- logue du cabinet de S., par F. L. Regnault Delalandc]. (B.'s Grav. frang. du 18* siec, fasc. 5. 1879.) t MDBF fimile Dacier. I'Oeuvre grave de Gabriel de Saint-Aubin; notice historique et catalogue raisonne. Paris: Imprimerie nationale, 1914. 3 p.l., 199 p., 2 1., Z7 pi. 4. (Soc. pour I'etude de la gravure fran- ^aise.) fMDG St.-Memin, Charles Balthazar-Julien Fevret de. The St.-Memin collection of portraits; consisting of seven hundred and sixty medallion portraits, principally of distinguished Americans, photographed by J. Gurney and Son, of New York. From proof impressions of the original copper- plates, engraved by M. de St. Memin, from drawings taken from life, by himself, dur- ing his exile in the United States from 1793-1814. Prefixed a memoir of M. de St. Memin, and biographical notices of persons, whose portraits constitute the collection. Compiled from authentic and original sources by the publisher. New York: Published by E. Dexter, 1862. viii, 104 p., 67 1. of ports, f . tt MEM Inserted: Prospectus of St. Memin collection of portraits. Frank Weitenkampf. Sketch of the life of Charles Balthazar Julien Fevret de Saint-Memin: issued to accompany an ex- hibition of his engraved portraits at the Grolier Club. March 9-25, 1899. [New York: De Vinne Press, 1899]. 10 p. 12. MDG Sartain, John. E. T. F. John Sartain. n. t. p. 6 p. 4. MDG The reminiscences of a very old man 1808-1897. New York: D. Appleton & Co., 1899. xi, 1 1., 297 p., 1 1., 14 pi. 6 port. 8. MDG Savage, Edward. Charles Henry Hart. Edward Savage painter and engraver and his unfinished copper-plate of "The Con- gress voting independence." A paper read before the Massachusetts Historical So- ciety, January 12, 1905. With a chrono- logical catalogue of his engraved work. Boston, [Cambridge: printed, University Press,] 1905. 21 p. 8. MDG Rev. Thomas C. Reed. A tribute to the memory of Edward Savage... Schenectady: Riggs & Norris, 1840. 38 p. 8. AGZ p.v.57 Savart, Pierre. William Loring An- drews. A trio of French eighteenth century portrait engravers, fi. Ficquet; Odieuvre's publication of Ficquet's por- traits, and others; Savart and Grateloup. New York: C. Scribner's Sons, 1899. 115- 119, 216-221, 309-313 p., 1 pi. illus. 8. MDBF Excerpt: Book buyer, v. 18, no. 2-4. Schiavonetti, Lewis. Robert Blair. The grave, a poem. Illustrated by twelve etch- ings executed from designs. To which is added, A life of the author, [also A bio- graphical sketch of Lewis Schiavonetti]. London: Printed by T. Bentley, 1813. 2 p.l., liv, Z7 p., 1 por. f. tt NCL Schmidt, Georg Friedrich. Joseph Ed- uard Wessely. Georg Friedrich Schmidt. Verzeichniss seiner Stiche und Radirung- en; beschrieben von J. E. Wessely. Mit dem Bildniss Schmidt's in Lichtdruck. Hamburg: Haendcke & Lehmkuhl. 1887. 1 p.l., XXV, 108 p., 1 port. 8. (Kritische Verzeichnisse von Werken hervorragender Kupferstechner. Bd. 1.) MDG Schongauer, Martin. Descriptive cata- logue of an exhibition of engravings by M. PRINTS AND THEIR PRODUCTION 71 Prints as Art Products, continued. Individual Artists, continued. Schonganer, with an introduction by R. Ederheimer. . . [New York: Goerck Art Press, 1911). 18 p., 10 pi. 4. MDG (Schongauer) Oeuvre de Martin Schongauer, re- produit et public par Amand-Durand. Texte par G. [V. A. G.] Duplessis. Paris: Amand-Durand, 1881. 1 p.l., 24 p., 91 pi. f. (Amand-Durand. Heliogravures Amand- Durand.) tt MEM Hans Wendland. Martin Schon- gauer als Kupferstecher. Berlin: Edmund Meyer, 1907. vi, 1 1., 130 p. illus. 8. MDG (Schongauer) Seghers, Herkules. Die Radierungen des Herkules Seghers; hrsg. von J. Springer. Teil 1. Berlin: B. Cassirer, 1910. 1 V. pi. i. (Graphische Gesell- schaft. Veroeffentlichung 13.) t MEM (Seghers) Senefelder, Alois. G. Scamoni. Alois Senefelder und sein Werk. Zur hundert- jahrigen Feier der Erfindung der Litho- graphic. St. Petersburg, 1896. 2 p.l., 62 p., 1 1. 8 pi., 7 port. 8. MDG Avery collection. Karl Wagner, 1865- Alois Sene- felder, sein Leben und Wirken. Ein Bei- trag zur Geschichte der Lithographic. Leipzig: Giesecke & Dcvrient, 1914. xvi, 204 p., 1 1., 2 fac, 1 port., 1 table, illus. A". Bibliography, p. 187-197. Seupel, Johann Adam. H. Hieber. J. A. Seupel, ein deutscher Bildnisstecher im Zcitaltcr des Barocks. Strassburg: J. H. E. Heitz, 1907. 8. (Studien zur deutschen Kunstgeschichte. 88. Heft.) Shannon, Charles. Charles Ricketts. A catalogue of Mr. Shannon's lithographs, with prefatory note by C. Ricketts, and a portrait engraved by C. Ricketts after a medal by Alphonse Legros. [London, 1902.] 31 p. 8. MDG (Shannon) Avery collection. Sharp, William. William Spohn Baker. William Sharp, engraver; with a descrip- tive catalogue of his works. Philadelphia: Gebbie & Barrie, 1875. 121 p. 1 port. 12. MDG Sherbom, Charles William. William Fowler Hopson. Charles William Sher- born; an appreciation. Together with a tribute to Mr. Sherborn in verse, by S. Cheney. Berkeley: At the Sign of the Berkeley Oak, 1910. 8 p., 1 port., 2 pi. 12. MDG (Sherbom) Title from cover. Charles Davies Sherborn. A sketch of the life and work of Charles William Sherborn, painter-etcher. With a cata- logue of his bookplates, compiled by him- self and G. H. Tiner. London: Ellis, 1912. 4 p.l., 109 p., 4 pi., 2 port. 8. MDG (Sherbom) Short, Sir Frank. Stopford Augustus Brooke. A note on the picture by Pro- fessor Giovanni Costa, entitled. Twilight on the Campagna, and on the mezzotint scraped from it, by F. Short. London: R. Dunthorne [188-?]. 17 p. 24. MDG (Short) ~ M. Knoedler & Co. Catalogue of etchings, mezzotints, dry points and aqua- tints by... Short. [New York,] 1915. 11 1. 8. MDG One page contains list of prints not mentioned in the Strange catalogue. Edward Fairbrother Strange. The etched and engraved work of Frank Short. London: G. Allen & Sons, 1908. 4 p.l., vii-xxii, 79(1) p. 8. MDG (Short) no. 117 of 220 copies printed. Silvestre, Israel. L. E. Faucheux. Cata- logue de I'oeuvrc d' Israel Sylvestre. Suite et fin. . .[Preceded by Notice sur la vie d' Israel Silvcstrc]. [Nancy: A. Lepage, 1856-57,. 1 p.l., 336 p. 8. (Societe d'arche- ologic lorraine et du Musee historique lor- raine...) MDG Simon, T. Francois. Albert Roullier's Art Galleries. An exhibition of original etchings in black and white and in color, by T. Frangois Simon, member of the Royal Society of Painter-Etchers, London. Introduction by Alice Roullier. Chicago: A. Roullier's Art Galleries, 1911. 11(1) p. nar. 8. MDG (Simon) Smillie, James David. A memorial col- lection of work by Mr. James D. Smillie, June 12th to Sept. 5th, 1910, at the Forest Park Art Building. In: City Art Museum, St. Louis. Annual exhibition of water colors by American artists, no. 5. St. Louis, 1910. 12. MDG (Smillie) Smith, John. Joseph Eduard Wessely. John Smith. Verzeichniss seiner Schab- kunstblatter. Hamburg: Haendcke & Lehmkuhl, 1887. xii, 156 p., 1 port. 8. (Kritische Verzeichnisse von Werken her- vorragender Kupferstecher. Bd. 3.) MDG Smith, John Raphael. Julia Frankau. An eighteenth century artist & engraver John Raphael Smith. His life and works. [V. 1-2.] London: Macmillan & Co., Ltd. 1902. 2 V. 4 & f. tt MDG & MDG [v. 1] contains thirty photogravures, etc. [v. 2] A portfolio containing fifty examples of stipple, mezzotints, paintings and drawings printed in colours and monochrome. John Raphael Smith and the great mezzotinters of the time of Reynolds. London: W. Heinemann, 1911. 15(1) p., 2 1., 63 pi. illus. 8. (Great engravers.) MDG Bibliography, p. 12. 72 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Prints as Art Products, continued. Individual Artists, continued. Solis, Virgil. E. von Ubisch. Virgil Solis und seine biblischen lUustrationen fiir den Holzschnitt. 2 p.l., 85 (1) p. Leip- zig: Ramm & Seemann, 1889. 8. MDG Sonnenleiter, Johannes. Adalbert Roe- per. Johannes Sonnenleiter. Leipzig, 1907. p. 11314-11316. 4. fMDG Excerpt: Borsenblatt f. d. deutschen Buchhandet. Jahrg, 74. Spenceley, J. Winfred. Joseph Manuel Andreini. J. Winfred Spenceley his etch- ings and engravings in the form of book plates. New-York: privately printed [by the Torch press, Cedar Rapids, Iowa,] 1910. 134 p. 4. MDG (Spenceley) Check-list- J. Winfred Spenceley book-plates. New York: Association Book Co. of New York: Association Book Co. of New York, 1909. 4 1. 16. MDG no. 102 of 125 copies printed; signed by J. F. Drake. A descriptive checklist of the etched and engraved bookplates, by J. W. Spence- ley. With notes and introduction by P. de Chaignon la Rose. Boston: Troutsdale Press, 1905. 3 p.l., xxxii, 56 p., 7 pi., 1 port. 8. MDG Contains author's autograph, no. 35 of 250 copies. A list of the etched and engraved book-plates by J. Winfred Spenceley from no. 173, January 1906 to no. 204, January 1908. [Boston,] 1908. 2 1. 16. MDG no. 69 of limited edition. With monogram and autograph of author. From no. 136, June 1904 to no. 172, Jan. 1905. 2 1. 16. Stauffer-Bem, Karl. Max Lehrs. Karl Stauffer-Bern, 1857-1891. Ein Verzeich- niss seiner Radierungen und Stiche. Mit dem Manuscript zu einem "Traktat der Radierung" aus dem Nachlass des Kiinst- lers als Anhang. Hrsg. von M. Lehrs. Dresden: E. Arnold, 1907. 136 p., 12 pi. 4. tMDG Steinlen, Theophile Alexandre. E. de Crauzat. L'oeuvre grave et lithographic de Steinlen. Catalogue descriptif et an- alytique suivi d'un essai de bibliographic et d'iconographie de son oeuvre illustre. Preface de R. Marx. . . Paris: Soc. de pro- pagation des livres d'art, 1913. 5 p.l., (i)x- XV, 228 p., 2 1., 10 pi. f . t MEM no. 335 of 500 copies printed. Sterner, Albert. Martin Birnbaum. Al- bert Sterner, an appreciation. Berlin Pho- tographic Co. New York, 1911. MDG Steuver, Celia M. St. Louis, Mo. City Art Museum, St. Louis. A collection of etchings by Miss C. M. Steuver... Open- ing... June 11, 1911... St. Louis, 1911. 2 1. 8. (Special exhibition catalogue. Series 1911, no. 13.) MAVZ Stevenson, F. G. Harry C. Dickins. The Stevenson prints. Biographical note of F. G. Stevenson. London, 1909. 1 p.l., 9 1. 8. MDG Typewritten manuscript. With autograph letter of author. Storm van's Gravesande, Charles. Cata- logue des caux-fortes et lithographies de Ch. Storm van's Gravesande. Copied from the ms. catalogue written by the artist himself... by Frank Weitenkampf. New York, 1903. 27 1. 12. MDG With autograph letter of the author. Richard Austin Rice. Catalogue of etchings and dry-points by Charles Storm van's Gravesande. Exhibited at the Museum. . .1887. Together with a complete list of the titles of his works. Boston: A. Mudge & Son, 1887. 27 p. 12. (Museum of Fine Arts, Boston.) MDG William Ritter. Storm van's Gravesande. Wien: Gesellschaft fur ver- vielfaltigende Kunst, 1896. 16 p., 4 pi. Fully illus. f. ttMDG Avery collection. Stoss, Veit. Veit Stoss; Nachbildungen seiner Kupferstiche. Hrsg. von E. Bau- meister. Berlin: B. Cassirer, 1913. 6 p., 13 pi. f. (Graphische Gesellschaft. Veroffentlichung. 17.) ft MEM Stoss Strang, William. Laurence Binyon, 1869-. New York: F. Keppel & Co., 1904. 11 p. nar. 16. 3 MDG Catalogue of an exhibition of the etched work of William Strang. Exhibit- ed at H. Wunderlich & Go's Gallery. Feb., 1891. [New York: Gilliss Bros., 1891.] 12 p. 24. MDG William Strang: catalogue of his etched work illustrated with 471 reproduc- tions. With an introductory essay by L. Binyon. Glasgow: J. Maclehose & Sons, 1906. 4 p.l., (i)viii-xvi p., 1 1., 210 p., 1 1., 87 pi. 4. MDG (Strang) Strange, Robert. Charles Le Blanc. Catalogue de l'oeuvre de Robert- Strange; avec une notice biographique. Leipsic: R. Weigel, 1848. xviii, 72 p. 8. MDG (Strange) Being Part 2 of his Graveur en taille-douce. A collection of historical prints, engraved from pictures by the most cele- brated painters. . .with descriptive remarks on the same. n. p., n. d. 19 p., 49 pi., 1 port. f. Stuart 512 Struck, Hermann. Berlin Photographic Company. Catalogue of the first Ameri- can exhibition of etchings, lirawings and lithographs, by H. Struck, with an intro- PRINTS AND THEIR PRODUCTION 73 Prints as Art Products, continued. Individual Artist's, continued. ductory note by M, Birnbaum. New York: Berlin Photographic Co., il912]. 10 p. 8. MDG Arnold Fortlage, and K. Schwarz. Das graphische Werk von Hermann Struck mit vier Originalradirierungen und zahlreichen Abbildungen im Text. Ber- lin: P. Cassirer, 1911. 1 p.l., 112 p., 1 1., 4 pi. 8. MDG Suyderhoef, Jonas. Johann Wussin. Jonas Suyderhoef. Verzeichniss seiner Kupferstiche. Leipzig: R. Weigel, 1861. 1 p.l., 85(1) p. 8. MDG (Suyderhoef) Svabinsky, Max. Sommer; 20 Radierun- gen, Impressionen aus der Natur.. . Prag: J. Stenc, 1914. 7 1., 20 pi. f. f MEE Synge, Edward Millington. James Con- nell & Sons. Catalogue of a memorial ex- hibition of original etchings by E. M. Synge. With an introductory note by M. Hardie. London, 1913. 12 p., 1 1., 1 port. 12. MDG (Synge) Tiberghien, P. J. J. Jean Justice. Le graveur P. J. J. Tiberghien. Sa vie. Son oeuvre. Bruxelles: Polleunis & Ceuterich, 1905. 27(1) p. 8. MDG Tiepolo, Giovanni Battista. Acque-forti dei Tiepolo con prefazione di Pompeo Molmenti. xxx, (2) 168 p., 1 port., illus. Venezia: F. Ongania, 1896. 4. MEM (Tiepolo) Tissot, Jacque Joseph. Frederick Kep- pel & Co. Samuel Palmer, George Sense- ney, Jacque-Joseph Tissot. New York, [1908]. 35(1) p. 4. (In their: The print- collector's bulletin...) MDG (Palmer) M. Knoedler and Co. A painter, etcher. The etched work of J. J. Tissot, at the galleries of M. Knoedler & Co... New York: Gillis Bros. & Turnure, [189-?]. 19 p. 12. MDG Avery collection. Toschi, Paolo. Toschi's engravings from frescos by Correggio and Parme- giano. Reproduced by the heliotype pro- cess from the Gray collection of engrav- ings, Harvard University. Boston: J. R. Osgood and Co., 1875. 35 1., 25 pi. f. t MEM (Toschi) Toulouse-Lautrec, Henri. Gustave Co- quiot. H. de Toulouse-Lautrec; nom- breuses illustrations, la plupart inedites, avec des souvenirs. Paris: A. Blaizot, 1913. 2 p.l., 221(1) p., 2 1., 2 port, illus. 4. MDG Hermann Esswein. Henri de Tou- louse-Lautrec. Miinchen: R. Riper & Co., [1905]. 61 p. illus. f. (In his: Moderne Illustratoren. [Bd.] 3.) f MDG Turner, Charles. Alfred Whitman. Charles Turner. London: G. Bell & Sons, 1907. X, 293(1) p., 13 pi., 19 port. 4". (Nineteenth century mezzotinters.) t MDG (Turner) Five hundred copies printed. Turner, J. M. W. Francis Bullard. A catalogue of the engraved plates for Pic- turesque views in England and Wales [after water-colour drawings by J. M. W. Turner]; with notes and commentaries. Compiled by F. Bullard. Boston: Pri- vately printed [at the Merrymount Press], 1910. 1 p.l., (1)6-102 p., 1 1. 8. MDG (Turner) Bibliography, p. 101-102. One of two hundred and fifty copies printed. Exhibition of the Liber studi- orum of J. M. W. Turner, and of a few engravings after his drawings, February, 1904. [Boston,] 1904. 80 p. 12. (Mu- seum of Fine Arts. Print Rooms.) MDG ; Burlington Fine Arts Club. Ex- hibition illustrative of Turner's Liber Stu- diorum... London, 1872. 58 p. 4. MDG Avery collection. Catalogue of the plates of Turner's Liber Studiorum. With an introduction and notes [by Charles Eliot Norton]... Cambridge: Welch, Bigelow, & Co., 1874. 32 p., 3 pi. f. t MDG Avery collection. Christie, Manson & Woods. Cata- logue of the second portion of the valu- able engravings from the works of the late J. M. W. Turner... [London,] 1873. 16 p. 4. MDG Grolier Club. Catalogue of an ex- hibition of the Liber Studiorum of J. M. W. Turner, at the rooms of the Grolier Club... January, 1888. 40 p., nar. 12. MDG Another copy. Large paper. nar. 8. MDG Avery collection. Halsted. Mr. Halsted's celebrated collection of Turner's engravings, in vari- ous states, progress proofs touched by the artist, engraver's proofs, published proofs, &c., &c. Part 1, 1795-1836. London: F. Harvey, [18?]. 48 p. 8. MDG Harvard University. Fogg Art Museum. Hand book to exhibition of line engravings after water color drawings by J. M. W. Turner. Cambridge: Harvard Univ., 1906. 83 p. 8. MDG The introductory essay and the catalogue are by Mr. Bullard. The account of technical processes is by... Mr. T. H. Thomas, and the more extended list of engravings after Turner is by Miss Laura H. Dudley. Liber studiorum: illustrative of landscape compositions. A selection of fifteen of the best plates. London: Day & Son, [1858-1859]. 2 p.l., 15 pi. f. f MEM Reproduced in lithography. Avery collection. 74 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Prints as Art Products, continued. Individual Artists, continued. Liber studiorum; reproduced from the original etchings by the Woodbury permanent process. London, 1875. 3 v. photos. i\ tMCV The Liber Studiorum of J. M. W. Turner, reproduced in facsimile by the autotype process from examples of the best states in possession of . . .Stopford Brooke, each plate accompanied with a critical notice by him. London: H. Soth- eran & Co., 1899. 2 v. 71 pi. ob. 4. tMEM Avery collection. List of the drawings, engravings. and etchings by Turner, and from his de- signs, shown in connection with Mr. Nor- ton's lectures on Turner and his work, at the Parker Memorial Hall, Boston. April 23-May 5, 1874. Cambridge: Welch, Bige- low & Co., 1874. 11 p., 1 fac. 8. MDG Avery collection. A new series of original illustra- tions... to all editions of the poetical works of Sir Walter Scott, Bart. London: Moon, Boys, & Graves, 1833-'34. 2 p.l., 24 p. f. tMEM Parts 1 and 2, with title-page for each, and each title-page marked "proofs." Avery collection. Charles Eliot Norton. List of the drawings, engravings, and etchings by Turner, and from his designs, shown in connection with Mr. Norton's lectures on Turner and his work, at the Parker Memorial Hall, Boston, April 23-May 5, 1874... Cambridge: University Press, 1874. 11 p., 1 fac. 8. MDG (Turner) Avery collection. John Pye. Notes and memoranda respecting the Liber Studiorum of J. M. W. Turner, R. A., written and collected by the late J. Pye. . .Edited. . .by J. L. Roget. London: J. van Voorst, 1879. viii, 101 p., 1 pi. nar. 8. MDG Avery collection. W. G. Rawlinson. The engraved work of J. M. W. Turner. London: Mac- millan and Co., Ltd., 1908-13. 2 v. port. 8. MDG V. 1. Line engraving on copper, 1794-1839. V. 2. Line engravings on steel. Mezzotints. Aquatints, plain and coloured. Lithographs and chromo-lithographs. Turner's Liber Studiorum, a description and a catalogue. London: Macmillan & Co., 1878. vii, 2 1., xlvii, 207 p. nar. 8. MDG Avery collection. [Same.] London: Macmillan and Co., Ltd., 1906. Ivi, 244 p., 1 1. 2. ed. 8. MDG John Ruskin. Notes by Mr. Ruskin on his collection of drawings by the late J. M. W. Turner, R. A., exhibited at the Fine Art Society's galleries; also a list of the engraved works of that master shown at the same time. Illustrated... London: The Fine Art Society, 1878. 2 p.l., 183 p.. 35 pi. 4. t MDG (Turner) Map missing. Avery collection. Notes by Mr. Ruskin. Part I. On his drawings by the late J. M. W. Turner, R. A. Part II. On his own handi- work illustrative of Turner... Exhibited at the Fine Art Society's galleries. . .1878. [London: C. Whittingham, printer,] 1878. 1 p.l., 146 p. nar. 8. MDG (Turner) Cover bound in. Avery collection. Turner's Liber studiorum. Photo- graphs from thirty original drawings by J. M. W. Turner in the South Kensington Museum, London. New York: J. McClure, [1861?]. 2 p.l., 30 pi., 1 port. f. ft MEM Turner's Liber studiorum. Second series. Photographs from twenty-one orig- inal drawings by J. M. W. Turner, in the South Kensington Museum. Published under the authority of the Department of Science and Art. London: Cundall, Downes, & Co., 1862. 2 p.l., 21 pi. f. tt MEM Victoria and Albert Museum, South Kensington. Catalogue of prints, the "Liber Studiorum" of J. M. W. Turner in the Victoria and Albert Museum. London: Wyman & Sons, 1908. v, 36 p., 3 pi. 8. MDG (Turner) Unger, William. Adalbert Roeper. Zum siebzigsten Geburtstage William Ungers. [Leipzig, 1907.] p. 8828-32, 8886-92. f. t MDG (Unger) Excerpt : Borsenblatt f . d. deutschen Buchhandel. no. 210, 211. Sept., 1907. Vallotton, Felix. Julius Meier-Graefe. Felix Vallotton: Biographic des Kuenst- lers nebst dem wichtigsten Teil seines bisher publicierten Werkes & einer Anzahl unedierter Originalplatten. Berlin: J. A. Stargardt, [1898]. 1 p.l., 68 p., 43 pi. ob. 4. tMEM Title-page and te.xt in German and French. Avery collection. Vemet, J. E. Horace. L. M. Bruzard. Catalogue de I'oeuvre lithographique de J. E. Horace Vernet. . . Juillet 1826. Paris: J. Gratiot, 1826. viii, 68 p. 8. MDG Ms. additions and letter of the author. Avery collection. Germain Hediard. Les Maitres de la lithographic. Horace Vernet, 18 p., 1 1., rLe Mans: E. Monnoyer, typ., 1893.] 4. MDG Repr.: L'Artiste, 1893. Avery collection. Amedee Durande. Joseph, Carle et Horace Vernet, correspondance et bio- graphies. 2 1., 360 p. Paris, J. Hetzel, [1863.] 12. MCO PRINTS AND THEIR PRODUCTION 75 Prints as Art Products, continued. Individual Artists, continued. Vernier, fimile. Victor Guillemin. fimile Vernier, artiste lithographe et peintre de marines. Sa vie, son oeuvre. (1829-1887.) Besangon: Jacquin, 1905. 36 p., 1 1., 1 port. 8. MDG Repr.: Academic de Besan^on. Memoires, 1905. Veyrassat, Jules Jacques. Catalogue des tableaux etudes esquisses aquarelles et dessins. Dont la vente. . . Hotel Drouot ...les 11...12 et 13 decembre 1893. [Paris: E. Moreau & Cie., 1893?] 64 p., 7 pi., 1 port. 4. MDG Avery collection. Vico, S. Antonio Francesco Doni. Sopra I'effigie di Cesare [i. e., the emperor Charles v.] fatta per M. Enea Vico da Parma. Dichiaratione del Doni. In Venetia, 1550. Facsimile twith introduction signed W. S. M. [i. e., Wm. S. Maxwell.] London, 1868. iv, 4 1., 1 port, with plate on the reverse. f. MDG (Vico) Victoria, Queen of Great Britain. Jas- per Tomsett Judge. The "Royal Etch- ings." A statement of facts relating to.. . proceedings in Chancery, instituted by her Majesty and the Prince Consort... Lon- don: W. Strange, Jr. [1849]. 74 p. 8. MDG Visscher, Corneilis. Pierre Franqois Basan. Dictionnaire des graveurs anciens et modernes. Suivi des catalogues des oeuvres de Jacques Jordans, & de Corneille Visscher, [par R. Hecquet]. Paris: De Lormel, 1767. 3 v. 12. MDD Johann Wussin. Cornel. Visscher. Verzeichniss seiner Kupferstiche. 1 p.l., 306 p., 1 fac, 1 pi., 1 port. Leipzig: R. Weigel, 1865. 8. MDG Volkert, Hans. [Catalogue of etchings and engravings.] Miinchen, 1911. 9 1. illus. 16. MDG Walcot, William. Max Judge. In the days of ancient Rome; being a commentary on a series of etchings by William Walcot, written by Max Judge. London: H. C. Dickins, 1913. 21 p., 1 1., 4 pi. 12. MDG (Walcott) Walker, William. James Connell & Sons. Catalogue of an exhibition of orig- inal etchings by William Walker. Lon- don il913j. 5 1. illus. 8. MDG (Walker) Ward, James & William. Julia Fran- kau. Eighteenth century artists and en- gravers. William Ward, A. R. A. James Ward, R. A. Their lives and works. With ...photogravures [Text and plates]. Lon- don: Macmillan & Co., 1904. 2 v. 4, f. MDG&ttMDG Washburn, Cadwallader. Catalogue of an exhibition of etchings and dry-points of Mexico and Maine by Cadwallader Washburn; with an introduction reprinted . . .from "Notes of an etcher in Mexico and Maine"... in "The Print-collector's Quar- terly." September 25 to October 10, 1911. New York: F. Keppel & Co., 1911. 10 p., 1 1. nar. 8. MDG A. C. Friedrichs. Exhibition of etchings and paintings in oil and pastels, by C. Washburn, from February nine- teenth until March the fifth, inclusive, at the galleries of A. C. Friedrichs. New York: [Goerck Art Press, 1906?] 2 1. 16. MDG Frederick Keppel & Co. Cadwal- lader Washburn, Herman A. Webster, Henry Wolf. New York, [1908.] 38 p., 1 1. 4. (In their: The print-collector's bulle- tin...) MDG Waterloo, Antonj. Joseph Eduard Wes- sely. Antonj Waterloo. Verzeichniss seiner radirten Blatter; beschrieben von J. E. Wessely. Hamburg: Haendcke, 1891. xii, 61 p. 8. (Kritische Verzeichnisse von Werken hervorragender Kupferstech- er. Bd. 7.) MDG Watson, Dawson. St. Louis, Mo. City Art Museum of St. Louis. An exhibition of paintings, engravings and other work by Dawson-Watson, opening. . .November 17, 1912... (St. Louis,) 1912. 8 p. illus. 8. (Special exhibition catalogue. Series 1912, no. 13.) MAVZ Watson, James and Thomas. Gordon Goodwin. Thomas Watson, James Wat- son, Elizabeth Judkins. With six plates. London: A. H. Bullen, 1904. viii, 1 1., 230 p., 1 1., 4 pi., 2 port. 4. (British mezzo- tinters.) MDG no. 74 of 520 copies printed. Watteau, Antoine. Watteau, Boucher and the French engravers and etchers of the earlier eighteenth century. London: W. Heinemann, 1911. 15(1) p., 2 1., 64 pi. illus. 8. (Great engravers.) MDBF Bibliography, p. 4. E. L. A. H. de Goncourt. Cata- logue raisonne de I'oeuvre peint, dessine et grave, d'Antoine Watteau. Paris, 1875. port. 8. MCO Webster, Herman A. Frederick Keppel & Co. Cadwallader Washburn, Herman A. Webster, Henry Wolf. New York, [1908.] 38 p., 1 1. 4. (In their: The print- collector's bulletin...) MDG Weiditz, Hans. Die Holzschnittwerke von Hans Weiditz. Leipzig, 1911. p. 3865- 3870, 3924-3927, 3976-3980. f. t MDG (Weiditz) Excerpt: Borsenblatt fiir den deutschen Buch- handel. Jahrg. 78, no. 72-74. H. Rottinger. Hans Weiditz, der Petrarkameister. . . Strassburg: J. H. E. Heitz. 1904. xii, 112 p.. 2 1., 31 pi. illus. 8. (Studien zur deutschen Kunstgeschich- te, 50. Heft.) MDO 76 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Prints as Art Products, continued. Individual Artists, continued. Wenban, Sion Longley. Otto Albert Weigmann. Sion Longley Wenban, 1848- 1897. Kritisches Verzeichnis seiner Ra- dierungen, mit einer biographischen Ein- fiihrung , Leipzig: Klinkhardt & Biermann, 1913. xiv p., 1 1., 188 p., 30 pi., 1 port. 4. (Neuere Maler-Radierer. Bd. 1.) f MDG Wenzel von Olmutz. Max Lehrs. Wen- zel von Olmiitz. Dresden: W. Hoffmann, 1889. 2 p.l., 113(1) p., 11 pi. 8. MDG (Wenzel) Whistler, James A. M. Art Institute of Chicago. Catalogue of an exhibition of the etchings and lithographs of James McNeill Whistler... June 21, 1907. Chi- cago, 1907. 27 p. 16. MDG Otto H. Bacher. With Whistler in Venice. Illustrated with many repro- ductions of Whistler's work, and of etch- ings and photographs by the author. New York: The Century Co., 1908. xiii, 289 p., 4 fac. 4. MDG Elisabeth Luther Cary. The works of James McNeill Whistler. A study... With a tentative list of the artist's works. New York: Moffat, Yard & Co., 1907. 8 p.l., (1)4-302 p., 21 pi., 10 port. 4. MDG Catalogue of a collection of litho- graphs by James McNeill Whistler, with a prefatory note by Joseph Pennell, ex- hibited at the Fine Art Societys, Dec, 1895 and Jan., 1896. Exhibition no. 140. Lon- don: [Spottiswoode & Co., printers, 1896?] 10 p. nar 8. MDG Price list attached. Avery collection. ; Catalogue of etchings by J. McN. Whistler. Compiled by an amateur, [i. e., Edward G. Kennedy.] Supplementary to that compiled by F. Wedmore. New York: H. Wunderlich & Co., 1902. 40 p. 12. MDG Avery collection. Etchings and drypoints. Exhibi- tion, Arthur Tooth & Sons, N. Y. 48, Pall Mall. Mr. Whistler's ex- hibition, 1874. Catalogue. Etchings & dry points. Venice. 2^ series. J. M. Whistler, Title St., Chel- sea. [1" & 6*" editions.] "Notes" "Harmonies" "Noc- turnes". . .Tite St., Chelsea. May, 1884. Same. 2* series, 133, New Bond St., W., May, 1886. Nocturnes, marines and chevalet pieces. Small collection kindly lent by their owners. [With adverse criticisms.] Avery collection. Catalogue of the Mortimer Menpes collection of etchings, dry points and litho- graphs, by J. McNeill Whistler, exhibited at the Leicester Galleries... London, by Ernest Brown & Phillips, Nov.-Dec, 1903. London: E. Brown & Phillips. 1903. 34 p. 2. ed. 24. MDG Avery collection. Caxton Club. Catalogue of an ex- hibition of the etchings and lithographs of J. M. Whistler. Exhibited by the Cax- ton Club... Chicago. January thirty- first to February twenty-second, 1900, [Chicago; Caxton Club, 1900.] 49 p., 1 1. 12. MDG Avery collection. Christie, Manson & Woods. Cata- logue of a valuable collection of etchings by D. Y. Cameron and J. M. Whistler... sold by auction by Messrs. Christie, Man- son & Woods... Feb. 7, 1911... [London: Bradbury, Agnew & Co., 1911.] 10 p. 8. MDG (Cameron) A collection of clippings from vari- ous periodicals, pertaining to the life and works of J. A. M. Whistler, compiled by H. Mansfield. Mounted and bound. New York, 1904. 44 1. f . f MDG There are also two scrapbooks of Whistler clip- pings in the Avery collection. Theodore Duret. Histoire de J. McN. Whistler, et de son oeuvre. Paris: H. Floury, 1904. 2 p.l., 210 p., 2 1., 9 pi., 10 port. MDG (Whistler) Author's autograph on fly-leaf. Avery collection. Whistler et son oeuvre. Paris: Boussod, Valadon et Cie., 1888. 16 p., 3 pi. sq. f. MDG (Whisder) no. 22 of 25 copies printed. Author's autograph. Extr. : Les lettres et les arts. Avery collection. Arthur Jerome Eddy. Recollections and impressions of James A. McNeill Whistler. Philadelphia: J. B. Lippincott Co., 1903. 296 p., S pi., 7 port. 8. MDG Avery collection. The etched work of Whistler. Il- lustrated by reproductions in colortype of the different states of the plates. Com- piled, arranged and described, by Edward G. Kennedy. With an introduction, by Royal Cortissoz. No. 1-442, and appendix. New York: The Grolier Club, 1910. 1002 pi. f. (Each number is accompanied by one or more of the states of the plates.) tMDG One of an edition of four hundred copies printed on old Stratford paper and two copies on Italian hand made paper. Avery collection. Etchings, dry points, and litho- graphs. Memorial exhibition of the works of J. M. Whistler. Boston: [Copley Soc, 1904.] 32 p., 1 1. sq. 12. MDG (Whistler) Title from cover. Avery collection. PRINTS AND THEIR PRODUCTION 77 Prints as Art Products, continued. Individual Artists, continued. Exhibition of etchings by J. Mc- Neill Whistler. [Compiled by F. Wed- more.] tLondonj: Obach & Co., [1903.] 7 p.l., 16 p., 1 port. 8. MDG Walter Greenwood Forsyth, and J, L. Harrison. Guide to the study of James Abbott McNeill Whistler. Albany: University of the State of New York, 1895. 14 p. 8. (New York State. State Library. Bull. Bibliography 1.) MDG Albert E. Gallatin. Whistler: notes and foot notes and other memo- randa. By A. E. G. [i. e. A. E. Gallatin.] New York: The Collector and Art Critic Co., 1907. 96 p. illus. 8. MDG no. 17 of the 75 copies on hand-made paper; signed by the author. Grolier Club. Catalogue of etch- ings and dry points; exhibited at the Grolier Club... [New York] from April ISth until May 7th, [1904.] [New York: The De Vinne Press, 1904.] 88 p. nar. 12. MDG Catalogue of lithographs by J. McN. Whistler exhibited at the... Club April 4 to April 27, 1907. New York, 1907. vi, IS p. 16. MDG Joshua H. Hutchinson. Catalogue of the collection of engravings & etchings of the late J. H. Hutchinson. . .including a... set of the etchings of James McN. Whistler. Which will be sold by auction, by Sotheby, Wilkinson & Hodge. . .at their house.. .S""** day of March, 1892, and the following day... London: J. Davy & Sons, 1892. 16 p. 8. MDG (Whistler) Avery collection. International Society of Sculptors, Painters, & Gravers. Memorial exhibition of the works of... James McNeill Whist- ler... in the New Gallery... London... Feb. to. . .April, 1905. London: W. Heine- mann, [1905.] 126 p. 8. MCX Frederick Keppel, The gentle art of resenting injuries. Being addressed to the author of "The gentle art of making enemies." [By F. Keppel.] New York: Privately printed, 1904. 15 f., 1 1., fac. 12. MDG Printed alternately on recto and verso only, with front edges untouched. One day with Whistler. New York: F. Keppel & Co., 1904. 23 p., 2 fac. 24. MDG Repr.: The reader. Jan., 1904. Avery collection. Catalogue of an exhibition of etchings, dry-points, and a few drawings. With an introduction by J. Pennell. New York: F. Keppel & Co., 1904. 20 p. nar. 8. MDG New 20 p. MDG Catalogue of an exhibition of etchings and drypoints by Whistler. With an introduction by Joseph Pennell. York: [The De Vinne PresS], 1907. nar. 8. Card of invitation inserted. An illustrated catalogue of painter-etchings [Of J. A. McNeill Whistler] for sale by F. Keppel & Co. New York: [The De Vinne Press, 1908]. 51(1) p. illus. 4. (The print-collector's bulletin.) MDG List of works relating to the late James Abbott McNeill Whistler. (In: Boston Public Library. Monthly bulletin. Boston, 1904. 8. v. 9, no. 3, p. 110-113.) MDG (Whistler) The lithographs by Whistler, illus- trated by reproductions in photogravure and lithography, arranged according to the catalogue by Thomas R. Way. With addi- tional subjects not before recorded. New York: Kennedy & Co., 1914. xxiv, 30 p., 1 1., 166 pi. f. t MDG One of 400 copies printed by the De Vinne Press. Howard Mansfield. A descriptive catalogue of the etchings and dry-points of James Abbott McNeill Whistler. Chi- cago: Caxton Club, 1909. 6 p.l., xv-lxvii, 267(1) p., 1 port. 8. MDG One of 300 copies printed. Mortimer Menpes. Whistler as I knew him. New York: Macmillan Co., 1904. xxvi, 153 p., 115 pi., 18 port. 4. MDG Avery collection. Elizabeth Robins Pennell, and J. Pennell. The life of James McNeill Whistler, v. 1-2. London: W. Heine- mann, 1908. 2 v. plates, port. 4. MCO Joseph Pennell. Concerning the etchings of Mr. Whistler. New York: F. Keppel & Co. [1895., 40 p., 3 1. illus. 24. (Keppel booklets. Series 1.) MDG Concerning the etchings of Mr. Whistler. New York: F. Keppel & Co., [1903.] 3 pi., 64 p. illus. nar. 24. MDG Albert Roullier's Art Galleries. Catalogue of an exhibtion of etchings, dry- points and lithographs by Whistler; with an introduction and notes by J. Pennell. Also an article by E. R. Pennell "The master of lithography, J. McNeill Whist- ler." March 25 to April 15, 1912. Chicago: A. Roullier's Art Galleries, 1912. 22 p. nar. 8. MDG (Whistler) Ralph Thomas. A catalogue of the etchings and dry points of James Abbott Macneil Whistler. London: Privately printed by J. R. Smith, 1874. vi, 90 1., 1 port. nar. 8. MDG Continuation in ms. from no. 87-127. Preface signed. Avery collection. 78 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Prints as Art Products, continued. Individual Artists, continued. Victoria and Albert Museum. National Art Library. J. A. McNeill Whistler. Etchings, etc., in the National Art Library. . . With a bibliography. Lon- don: Wyman and Sons, 1905. 18 p. 8. MDG 2. ed. London, 1908. 31 p., 1 port. 8. MDG Union League Club. Catalogue of etchings and dry points (by Whistler and Hadeu] to be exhibited at the galleries of the Union League Club. [Loaned by Sam- uel P. Avery.] New York: [Union League Club,, 1881. 18 p. 8. MDG One of 30 copies printed. Avery collection. Thomas R. Way. Memories of James McNeill Whistler, the artist. Lon- don: J. Lane, 1912. xi p., 1 1., 150 p., 37 pi., 3 port. 8. MDG Mr. Whistler's lithographs. The catalogue. London: G. Bell & Sons, 1896 . 42 p., 1 pi. nar. 8. MDG no. 94 of 140 copies printed. Avery collection. Thomas R. Way, and G. R. Dennis. The art of James McNeill Whistler. An appreciation. London: G. Bell & Sons, 1904. XX, 128 p., 41 pi., 11 port. 8. MDG Avery collection. Frederick Wedmore. Exhibition of etchings by J. McNeill Whistler. [Com- piled by F. Wedmore.] [London,: Obach & Co., [1903]. 7 p.l., 16 p., 1 port. 8. MDG Whistler's etchings. A study and a catalogue. London: A. W. Thibau- deau, 1886. 86 p. sq. 4. MDG One of 4 copies reserved by publisher. Con- tains autograph letter of author; also autograph of publisher. Avery collection. Same. sm. 4. MDG no. 10 of 140 copies. Large paper copy. Avery collection. Same. London: P. & D. Col- naghi & Co., 1899. 102 p. 2. ed. nar. 8. MDG no. 8 of 135 copies printed. Avery collection. The Library has also, among others, catalogues of dealers' exhibitions, as follows: F. Keppel & Co. [1904?], 1905, 1907, 1909. M. Knoedler & Co., 1911. H. Wunderlich & Co., 1903, 1904, 1905, 1906, 1907. White, Charles Henry. Exhibition of etchings [at the, Montross Gallery, New York, Nov. 30 to Dec. 7, 1907. New York, 1907. 2 1. nar. 8. MDG Whitney, J. H. E. John Gerard Heck- scher. Catalogue of a. . .collection of sport- ing prints, engravings and etchings, from the collection of... John G. Heckscher... also a group of artist's proofs of wood engravings by. . . J. H. E. Whitney. Sold, 1908. New York: The Merwin-Clayton Sales Co., 1908. 12 p. 8. MDG (Whitney) Wickenden, Robert J. Catalogue of an exhibition of paintings, aquarelles, draw- ings, lithographs and etchings by Robert J. Wickenden. New York: F. Keppel & Co., 1894. 5 p. nar. 4. MDG Wilkie, Sir David, and Andrew Geddes. Etchings... With biographical sketches by D. Laing. Edinburgh: R. & R. Clark, 1875. xii, 42 p., 1 1., 57 pi. f. f MEM 100 copies printed, of which this is no. 70. Avery collection. Wille, Johann Georg. The autobiog- raphy of the early years of the world- famous J. G. Wille, "graveur du roi." Translated from the French, by A. Roffe. London: privately printed at the Roches- ter Press, 1872. 1 p.l., 27 p., 1 port. 4. MDG One of fifteen copies printed. T. Harrison Garrett. The second exhibition of prints from the collection... Works of Rembrandt and Wille. Pea- body Institute, October. 1886. [Baltimore: I. Friedenwald,1886]. 88 p. 8. MDE C. LeBlanc. Catalogue de I'oeuvre de J. G. Wille, graveur, avec une notice biographique. Leipsic, 1847. 8. MDG Being Part 1 of his Graveur en taille-douce. Memoires et journal. . .publics d'apres les manuscrits autographes de la Bibliotheque Imperiale par G. Duplessis avec une preface par E. et J. de Goncourt. Paris: Ve J. Renouard, 1857. 2 v. 8. MDG Avery collection. Wilson, Sydney Ernest. Engravings in mezzotint, by S. E. Wilson. With notes by W. Roberts. London: Vicar Brothers [1911]. 22 1., 20 pi. 8. MDG(WUson) Wolf, Henry. A biographical sketch of Henry Wolf. New York: J. T. White & Co., 1900. 3 1., 1 port. 16. MDG Rei)r. : From the National Cyclopedia of Ameri- can Biography, vol. x. p. 376. Frederick Keppel & Co. Cadwal- lader Washburn, Herman A. Webster, Henry Wolf. New York, [1908.] 38 p., 1 1. 4. (In their: The print-collector's bulletin ...) MDG Pittsburgh Etching Club. Cata- logue of an exhibition of wood engraving by Henry Wolf . . . Jan. 18 to Feb. 1, 1910. [Pittsburgh, 1910.] 3 1. nar. 8. MDG (Wolf) Yale, Leroy Milton. List of etchings by Leroy Milton Yale. [Manuscript.] 1906. 52 1. 12. MDG Zeeman, Renier. Burlington Fine Arts Club. Exhibition of etchings by Renier PRINTS AND THEIR PRODUCTION 79 Prints as Art Products, continued. Individual Artists, continued. Zeeman and Karel du Jardin with illustra- tive drawings. London, 1883. 36 p. 4. t MDG (Zeeman) Avery collection. Ziegler, Walter. Adalbert Roeper. Walter Ziegler und sein Werk. Zum fiinf- zigsten Geburtstage des Kiinstlers , 23. Marz, 1909. [Leipzig,] 1909. p. 3562-64. 4. tMDG Excerpt: Borsenblatt f. d. deutschen Buch- handel. nr. 67, 23. Marz, 1909. Zilcken, Ph. Catalogue d'une belle col- lection d'eauxfortes modernes, gravures anciennes. . .tableaux. . .livres et manu- scrits. . .antiquites, porcelaine, etc., form- ant les collections de P. Zilcken... La vente. . .mai 1902. . . La Haye: M. Nijhoff & R. W. P. de Vries, 1902. 2 p.l., 57 p., 1 1., 6 pi. nar. 8. MDG (Zilcken) Avery collection. Grolier Club of the City of New York. Catalogue of etchings by Ph. Zilcken... Exhibited... April, 1892. New York, 1892. 19 p. 12. MDG Avery collection. Zom, Anders L. Frederick Keppel & Co. An illustrated catalogue of painter-etch- ings [of Anders L. Zon;g for sale by F. Keppel & Co. New York: [The De Vinne Press, 1907.1 33(1) p. illus. 4. (The print-collector's bulletin.) MDG Catalogue of an exhibition of etchings by Zorn; with an introduction by J. Nilsen Laurvik. March 28 to April 27, 1912. [New York: De Vinne Press, 1912.] 11(1) p. nar. 8. MDG (Zom) John Nilsen Laurvik. Anders Zorn. New York: F. Keppel & Co., 1913. 34 p., 2 1. illus. nar. 16. MDG Pittsburgh Etching Club. Cata- of loan exhibition of etchings by ..Dec. 9-23, 1909... [Pittsburgh, 3 1. nar. 8. MDG (Zom) - Albert Roullier. Catalogue of an ;tion of original etchings by Anders With an introduction by M. Bru- [Chicago: Lakeside Press, 1913.] illus. nar. 8. MDG logue Zorn. 1909.] exhib Zorn. ette.. 22 p. Zwart, Willem de. J. H. de Bois. De etsen van Willem de Zwart. Introducties, aanteekeningen over kunst gepubliceerd door J. H. de Bois. [Bussum: J. A. Slees- wyck, 1911.] 16 1. 8. MDG Zwart Special Processes Line engraving is included under the general headings "History" and "Processes." [London: Fine Art So- 12 pi., 4 port. [4. ed.] tMDN Etching Haden, Francis Seymour. About etch- ing. Part 1. Notes by Mr. Seymour Haden on a collection of etchings and engravings by the great masters lent by him to the Fine Art Society to illustrate the subject of etching. Part 2. An annotated cata- logue of the examples exhibited of etchers and painter-engravers' work. Illustrated [London]: The Fine Art Society, 1879. 80 p., 16 pi. f. t MDN Avery collection. Same. ciety, 1879. 80 p., f. (Fine Art Society.) Fine Art Society. About etching. Part 1. Note's by Mr. S. Haden on a collection of etchings by the great masters, lent by him to the Fine Art Society to illustrate the subject of etching. Part 2. An annotated cata- logue of the etchings exhibited. [London: J. Strangeways], 1878-'79. 59 p. 3. ed. nar. 8. MDN Covers bound in. Contains Mr. Haden's markings. Avery collection. Koehler, Sylvester Rosa. Etching. An outline of its technical processes and its history, with some remarks on collections and collecting. New York: Cassell & Co., [1885]. xiv, 1 1., 238 p., illus., 31 pi. f. tMDN Avery collection. Rees, Janet E. Ruutz. How to buy etch- ings, and how to frame them. New York: J. E. R. Rees, [18?] 16 p. obi. 48. MDN Etching: Handbooks (Technical) Aiken, Henry. The art and practice of etching; with directions for other methods of light and entertaining engraving. Lon- don: S. & J. Fuller, 1849. 58 p. illus., 9 pi. 12. MDN 1 ms. leaf inserted. The Artist's assistant in drawing, per- spective, etching, engraving, mezzotinto- scraping... Philadelphia: printed by B. Johnson for B. Davies, 1794. 4 p.l., (1)9- 70 p., 4 pi. 6. ed. 12. Reserve A pamphlet from George Washington's library. Bound with: Benezet (A.), Some observati9ns on the situation. . .of the Indian natives of this con- tinent. Phila., 1784. 12. Ashley, Alfred. The art of etching on copper. London: J. & D. A. Darling, [1849]. v, 18 p., 14 pi. sm. ob.- 4. MDN Bosse, Abraham. De la rnaniere de graver a I'eau forte et au burin et de la gravure en maniere noire; avec la fagon de construire les presses modernes, & d'imprimer en taille-douce. Paris: C. A. Jombert, 1745. xxxii, 186 p., 20 pi. New ed., enl. 12. MDI 80 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Prints as Art Products, continued. Etching, continued. Traicte des manieres de graver en taille-douce sur I'airin. Par le moyen des eaux fortes, & des vernix durs & mols... Paris: Bosse, 1645. 75 p. 12. Print Room Reserve Chattock, R. S. Practical notes on etch- ing. London: S. Low, Marston. . .1886. 3 p.l., 74 p., 8 pi. 3. ed. nar. 8. MDN Avery collection. Delatre, Auguste. Eau-forte, pointe seche et vernis mou. Preface de Castag- nary, lettre de Felicien Rops. Gravures inedites... Paris: A. Lanier, 1887. 36 p., 6 plates. 4. MDN Avery collection. Dodge, Ozias. Experiments in produc- ing printing surfaces. New York: [The De Vinne Press,] 1908. 29 p. 12. MDN Hamerton, Philip Gilbert. The etcher's handbook... London: C. Roberson & Co., 1871. viii, 84 p., 6 pi. 12. MDN Avery collection. London: C. Roberson & Co., 1881. xi, 97 p., 7 pi., 3. ed. 12. Hassell, J. Graphic delineation. A practical treatise on the art of etching... Illustrated... London: W. Simpkin and R. Marshall, 1826. 23 p., 9 pi. 4. f MDN Avery collection. Same. London: M. Hassell. The widow, 1827. 23 p., 9 pi. sq. 4. Herkomer, Hubert. Etching and mezzo- tint engraving. Lectures delivered at Ox- ford. . .London: Macmillan & Co., 1892. vi, 1 1., 107 p., 13 pi. 4. tMDN Avery collection. Lalanne, Maxime. Traite de la gravure a I'eau-forte. . . Paris: Cadart et Luquet, 1866. 2 p.l., viii, 106 p., 8 pi. nar. 8. MDN Avery collection. Treatise on etching; translated from 2d French ed. by S. R. Koehler; with in- troductory chapter and notes. London, 1880. pi. 8. MDN Martial, A. P. pseud, of Adolphe Martial Potemont, Nouveau traite de la gravure a I'eau-forte pour les peintres et les des- sinateurs. Paris: A. Cadart, 1873. 59 p., 2 1., 25 pi. 8. MDN Avery collection, Paton, Hugh. Colour etching. A prac- tical treatise. London: Simpkin Marshall, Hamilton, Kent & Co., 1909. 1 p.l., ii, 23 p., 2 pi. 8. MDN Repr. from his: Et6hing, drypoint, mezzotint. 2. ed. Etching, dry point, mezzotint. The whole art of the painter-etcher... Lon- don: Raithby, Lawrence & Co., 1895. 1 p.l., iv, 3 1., 182 p., 15 pi., 1 port. 8. MDN Avery collection. Plowman, George Taylor, 1869. Etch- ing and other graphic arts; an illustrated treatise, by George T. Plowman. With an original etching frontispiece and twenty- six illustrations. New York: J. Lane Co., 1914. 8 p.l., 19-154 p., 26 pi., 1 port. 8. MDN Bibliography, p. 147-148. Preissig, Vojt. Barevny lept a barevna rytina. Technicke poznamky. Dil 1. Praha-Ceska Grafika, 1909. 1 v. illus. 12. * QT Author's autograph, no. 146 of ISO copies. Zur Technik der farbigen Radier- ung & des Farbenkupferstichs. Teil 1. Leipzig: K. W. Hiersemann, 1909. 1 v. illus. 12. MDN Author's autograph, no. 10 of 100 copies. Reed, Earl H., 1863. Etching; a practi- cal treatise, by Earl H. Reed... Illus- trated by the author. New York: G. P. Putnam's Sons, 1914. xi, 148 pi., 4 pi. illus. 4. MDN Robert, Karl, pseud, of Georges Meus- nier. Traite pratique de la gravure a I'eau- forte (Paysage et figure). Paris: H. Lau- rens, 1891. 137 p., 8 pi. 8. (Bibliotheque d'enseignement pratique des beaux-arts, no. 10.) MDN Robertson, Henry Robert. The art of etching explained and illustrated, with re- marks on the allied processes of dry-point, mezzotint, and aquatint. London: Winsor & Newton, Ltd. [19 ?j 64 p., 2 pi. 12. MDN Roller, J. Die Technik der Radirung. Wien, 1888. 12. (Hartlebens. . . Biblio- thek, Bd. 155.) MDN Salmon, W. Polygraphice, or the Art of Drawing, Engraving, Etching, Limning, Painting, Washing, Varnishing, Gilding, Colouring, Dyeing, etc. London, 1685. 8. MB Short, Sir Frank. Etchings and engrav- ings; what they are, and are not, with some notes on the care of prints. London, 1912. 40 p., 5 pi. 8. MDI On the making of etchings. Lon- don: R. Dunthorne, 1888. 8. MDN Struck, Hermann. Die Kunst des Ra- dierens: ein Handbuch... Berlin: P. Cas- sirer, [1908.] 5 p.l,, 238 p, 6 pi. illus. 8. MDN Victoria and Albert Museum, South Kensington. Tools and materials used in etching and engraving; a descriptive cata- logue of a collection exhibited in the Mu- seum. London, 1910, 16 p, 8. MDN Zilcken, Philip. Wat etsen zijn. Am- sterdam: I. M. Schalekamp, 1896. 39 p, illus. 24. MDN Avery collection. PRINTS AND THEIR PRODUCTION 81 Prints as Art Products, continued. Etching: History Amand-Durand. Eaux fortes et gravures des maitres anciens reproduites par Amand-Durand. Paris: Amand-Durand, 1880? no. 1-7, 33-43, 79-83, 122-125, 213- 218, 221-234, 245-262, 272-385, 397-401. 187 pi. in 4 portfolios. f. fff MEB Numbering of pla-tes from G. Rapilly; Catalogue d'estampes. Carter, Walter S. The masterpieces of reproductive etching and engraving. A lecture delivered before the "Woman's Club of Wisconsin," at Milwaukee, May 5, 1892. [New York: The author, 1892.] 19 p. 8. MDC Duplessis, Georges [Victor Antoine Gratet]. Eaux-fortes et gravures des maitres anciens, tirees des collections les plus celebres et publiees avec le concours. de fi. Lievre; notes par G. Duplessis. [Livrel, Ser. 1.] Paris: Amand-Durand, 1870. 1 V. f. ft MEB Famous etchers. A series of twenty original etchings by famous foreign and American artists, among whom are Otto Bacher, Farrer, Gaugengigl, and Gifford. [Japan proofs] with descriptive text. Bos- ton: Estes & Lauriato [Cop. 1889.] 42 1., 16 pi., 4 port. f. tt MDN Edition limited to 280 copies. no. 21 of 25 copies on Japan paper. Hamerton, Philip Gilbert. Etching and etchers. London: Macmillan & Co., 1868. xxvi, 1 1., 354 p., 1 1., 35 pi. 8. MDN Hind, A. M. A short history of en- graving and etching, for the use of collec- tors and students. With full bibliography, classified list and index of engravers... Boston: Houghton Mifflin Co., 1908. xviii, 2 1., 3-473 p., 1 pi. 8. MDB Holme, Charles. Modern etchings, mez- zotints and dry-points. Edited by C. Holme. [Great Britain by M. C. Salaman; America and France by E. A. Taylor; Holland by P. Zilcken; Austria by A. S. Levetus; Germany by L. Deubner, Sweden by T. Laurin.] London: "The Studio" Ltd. [1913.] viii, 279 p. illus. 4. (Inter- national studio. Special winter no. 1912/- 13.) tMDN Keppel, Frederick. The modern disciples of Rembrandt. A sketch of contemporary etching, reprinted by permission from the "Art Review," to which is appended a chapter of an elementary character en- titled: What etchings are. [By F. Keppel.j New York: F. Keppel & Co., 1890. 19 p., 2 pi. 3. ed. 4. MDN Hamerton's favorite etchings. Cata- logue of an exhibition of etchings de- signed to illustrate the work of the late Philip Gilbert Hamerton, entitled "Etch- ing and etchers." New York: F. Keppel & Co., 1895. 30 p. 8. MDN The print-collector's bulletin; an illustrated catalogue of painter-etchings for sale by Frederick Keppel & Co., N. Y. [New York: F. Keppel & Co., 1908.] 16 p. 4. MDG Contents: Appian, Bacher, Bracquemond, Buhot, Corot, Daubigny, Storm van's Gravesande, Haden, Jacque, Jacquemart, Jongkind, Lalanne, Legros, Meryon, Millet, Van Muyden, Palmer, Senseney, Tissot, Pennell, Washburn, Webster, Wolf, Whist- ler, Zorn. Koehler, Sylvester Rosa. Ueber die Er- findung der Atzkunst. [Leipzig, 1907.] 30-34 p. illus. 4. tMDN Excerpt: Zeitschrift fur bildende Kunst. N, F.. Nr. 9, Heft. 2. McCauley, Lena M. Some etchers of architecture. Chicago: A. Roullier [1910]. 58 p. 24. MDN Modern etchers. Short biographical sketches of the leading etchers of the present day. 1891. New York: M. Knoed- ler & Co., [1891]. 132 p. 24. MDN Avery collection. Modem etching and engraving. Edited by C. Holme. New York: J. Lane, 1902. 1 p.l., 69 p., 96 pi. f. t MDN Repr. : "The Studio," London; special summer number, 1902. Paging various. Avery collection. Radirung, Die, der Gegenwart in Europa und Nordamerka. Redigirt van Dr. R. Graul. Wien: Gesellschaft fiir Vervielfal- tigende Kunst. [1892]-93. 2 p.l., viii, 268 p., 72 pi. f. (Die Vervielfaltigende Kunst der Gegenwart. [V.] 3.) t MDB Avery collection. Rose, James Anderson. Liverpool Art Club. Collection, illustrative of the his- tory and practice of etching, lent and cata- logued by J. A. Rose, Esq., of London. Oct., 1874. Liverpool: Lee & Nightingale. 1874. 56 p. nar. 8. MDN Avery collection. Roullier, Albert. The print collector's bulletin: an illustrated catalogue of painter- etchings for sale by Albert Roullier. Chi- cago: Albert Roullier, [1909?] 9 nos. 8. Scattered MDG Aid (George Charles). MDG Galton (Ada.) MDG MacLaughlan (Donald Shaw). MDG Martin (John). MDG Olsson-Nordfeldt (B. J.). MDG Schneider (Otto). MDG Washburn (Cadwallader). MDG Webster (Herman A.). MDG White (Charles Henry). Saint Arroman, R. de. La gravure a I'eau-forte. Essai historique. 3 1., 119 p. Paris: Vve-Cadart, 1876. 8. MDN Salaman, Malcolm Charles. The great painter-etchers from Rembrandt to Whist- ler. Edited by C. Holme. London: "The Studio" Ltd., 1914. x, 264 p., 1 1. illus. 4. (International Studio. Special winter no. 1913-14.) tMDN 82 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Prints as Art Products, continued. Etching: History, continued. Stevens, Thomas Wood. The etching of cities. Chicago: Chicago Society of Etch- ers. 1913. 5 p.l., 13-75 p., 13 pi. 8. MDN Wedmore, Frederick. Etchings. Lon- don: Methuen & Co., Ltd. [1911]. xiii(i), 237(1) p., 40 pi., 4 port. 4. (Connoisseur's library.) MDN Four masters of etching with original etchings by Haden, Jacquemart, Whistler and Legros. London: 1883. sm. sq. f. tMDN Winslow, Henry. The etching of land- scapes, by Henry Winslow. With two original etchings by Franklin T. Wood, Allen Lewis... [Chicago: Chicago Soc. of Etchers, 1914.] 8 1., 3 pi. f. fMDN One of 250 copies printed. Wnnderlich, H., & Co. Catalogue of modern etchings. New York [1882]. 62 p. 8. MDN Etching: Regional British Connell, James, & Sons. Catalogue of an exhibition of original etchings by An- drew F. Affleck, William Strang... and others. London, 1913. 8 1., 12 pi. sq. 4. MDN English etchings. A collection of thirty-three original etchings by English artists. London: W. Reeves, [18 ?]. 2 p.l., 33 f. 33 pi. f. fMEE Royal Society of Painter-Etchers and Engravers. Catalogue of the annual ex- hibition. 1-2, 4-8, 10-16, 18, 20, 22-26, 28, 30-31 (1881, 83, 85-90, 92-98, 1900, 1902, 1904-1908, 1910, 1912-1913). London, 1881- 1913. 12 & 8. MDET 1881-87 title reads: Society of Painter- Etchers; 1881 has title: First exhibition; 1889-97 title omits: and Engravers. Victoria and Albert Museum, South Kensington. Catalogue of the loan exhi- bition of British engraving and etching... London: Wyman and Sons, 1903. xii, 13- 150 p. 8. 3 MDET Wedmore, Frederick. Etching in Eng- land. London: G. Bell & Sons, 1895. 184 p. 8. MDN so plates paged in with text. Dutch and Flemish Binyon, Laurence. Dutch etchers of the seventeenth century. 80 p., 4 pi., illus. 1895. sm. A. (Portfolio, The. London: Seeley & Co., Ltd. No. 21. September, 1895.) MAA Buffa, Frans, & Sons. Catalogue of the publications of Frans Buffa, purveyors to the court. Amsterdam: J. Slagmulder, [1905]. 13 1. illus. 4. tMDN Catalogue of an exhibition of painter- etchings, done by the members of the Etching Club of Holland... New York: F. Keppel & Co., 1891. 10 p. 4. MDN Specimens of etching by Dutch masters, 1615-1650. [Preface by S. Colvin. Lon- don:] the trustees, 1911. 1 p.l., 8 p., 23 pi., 2 port. f. (British Museum. Prints and drawings, Dept. of. Reproductions of prints in the British Museum. Series 3, part 5.) tt MEB Vereeniging der Antwerpsche Etsers. Album... Jaargang 1-9, 1880/81-1889. Antwerpen, 1883-89. f. ft MEE Wisselingh, E. J. van & Co. Catalogue des eaux-fortes publiees par E. J. van Wis- selingh & Co., editeurs et marchands de tableaux. Amsterdam, [190-?]. 26 1., illus. 12. . MDN Illustrated catalogue of original etchings published by E. J. Van Wisselingh & Co., dealers in high class pictures... Amsterdam [1912]. 2 p.l., (1)4-60, 16, 52, 12 p. illus. 12. MDF Zilcken, Ph. Moderne hollandsche etsers. Amsterdam: Scheltema & Hol- kema, [1896]. 94 p., 40 pi. 4. f MDN Avery collection. French Brandus, Edward. Catalogue of the first New York salon of original etchings in colors by engravers of the modern French school, at the gallery of paintings of E. Brandus, New York. New York [1909?]. 9 1., 6 pi. 8. MDN Burlington Fine Arts Club. Exhibition illustrative of the French revival of etch- ing. London, 1891. 22 p. 4. MDN Avery collection. Cadart, A. Catalogue complet d'eaux- fortes originales; composees et graves par les artistes eux-memes... Paris: A. Cadart, 1873-78. 3 pamphlets in 1 v. pi. 8. MDN cole des beaux-arts. Catalogue officiel de I'exposition nationale de I'eau-forte moderne. 1896. Paris: Imprimerie gene- rale Lahure, 1896. xv, 47 p., 5 port. 4. MDN Gasch, G. Walther. Antiquariats-Kata- log iv. Radirungen und Kupferstiche der franzosischen Schule. Dresden, [1905?]. 96 p. 8. MDF Maitres, Les, de I'eau-forte au XXeme siecle. Premiere serie, no. 1-15. Publiees sous la direction de T. Gringoire. [Paris? 191-?] 1 V. f. ttMEE No more published. Montrosier, Eugene. L'eau-forte en 1876; trente eaux-fortes originales et in- edites par trente des artistes les plus dis- tingues; texte par M. Paris, 1875. f. ttMEE PRINTS AND THEIR PRODUCTION 85 Prints as Art Products, continued. Etching: Regional, continued. Petit, Georges. Catalogue des eaux- fortes et gravures originales en couleurs, publiees par Georges Petit. Paris: G. Petit, 1907. 23 p. illus. 4. f MDF Societe des Aquafortistes Frangais. An- nuaire pour I'annee 1894. Paris, 1895. 8 MDN 1894 also includes the year 1887-1893. Avery collection. Societe Georges Petit. First New York salon by the Societe Georges Petit, Paris, of original etchings in colors by the most celebrated engravers of the modern French school. New York: E. Brandus, [1908?,. 8 1. 8. MDN Societe de la gravure originale en cou- leurs. Salon annuel de la gravure originale en couleurs. [UO.] 9 (1912). Paris, 1912. 12. MDN Societe des peintres-graveurs frangais. Exposition, no. 9. Paris, 1909. 12. MDN Society of Graver-Printers in Colour. Annual exhibition of works by the mem- bers of the society... 1913. New York, 1913. 12. MDN German Andresen, Andreas. Die deutschen Maler-Radirer (Peintres-graveurs) des neunzehnten Jahrhunderts nach ihren Le- ben und Werken; begrundet von A. And- resen. Fortsetzung von J. E. Wessely. Leipzig: A. Danz, 1872-77. 5 v. 8. MDDF Pauli, Gustav. Inkunabeln der deutschen und niederlandischen Radierung. Hrsg. von G. Pauli. Berlin: B. Cassirer, 1908. 10 p., 26 pi. f. (Graphische Gesellschaft. Veroffentlichung. 8. f MEE Singer, Hans Wolfgang. German etch- ing and lithography of to-day. New York: F. Keppel & Co., [1904.] 36 p., illus. nar. 24. MDP United States The American Art Review: a journal devoted to the practice, theory, history, and archaeology of art. [Edited by S. R. Koehler.] v. 1-2. Nov. 1879-Sept. 1881. Boston: D. Estes & C. E. Lauriat, 1880-81. 2 V. (23 nos.) 125 pi. f. t MDA Same [Special ed. issued for the World's Columbian Exposition, 1893.] v. 1-2. (1879-'81.) Boston, 1880-'81 [Repr. 1893]. 4 V. f. t MDA no. 359 of 500 copies printed. American etchings. [Japan proofs.) A collection of twenty original etchings by Moran, Parrish, Ferris, Smillie, and others. With descriptive text and biographical matter by S. R. Koehler and others. Bos- ton: Estes and Lauriat, 1886. 40 1. 19 pi 1 port. f. -j-f MEE Edition limited to 350 copies, no. 24 Japan paper. Association of American Etchers. An- nual exhibition. [Catalogue.] 1913, New York, 1913. Cheney, Sheldon. Notable Western etchers. Illustrated by reproductions and portraits. [San Francisco:] Sunset Maga- zine, [1908]. p. 737-743(1), illus. 8. MDN Excerpt: Sunset Magazine Dec, 1908?. City Art Museum of St. Louis. An ex- hibition of works by American etchers, under the management of the Chicago So- ciety of Etchers, opening. . .April 7, 1912 ... [St. Louis,] 1912. 22 p. illus. 8. MDN Also called: Special exhibition catalogue. Series 1912, no. 5. Hitchcock, J. Ripley W. Etchings in America, with lists of American etchers and notable collections of prints. New York: White, Stokes & Allen, 1886. x, 3-96 p., 1 pi. nar. 12. MDN Author's autograph. Avery collection. Keppel, Frederick, & Co. Illustrated catalogue of etchings by American artists. New York [De Vinne press, 1908]. 122 p. illus. 8. MDF Klackner, Christian. Klackner's Ameri- can etchings... New York: C. Klackner, 1888. 2 p.l., 76 p., 2 pi. 8. MDN Museum of Fine Arts, Boston. Exhibi- tion of American etchings, 1881. Boston, 1881. 2. ed. 12, MDN Print Dept. Exhibition of the work of the women etchers of America. . .1887. 26 p. Boston: A. Mudge & Son, printers, 1887, 12. MDN New York Etching Club. Catalogue of the. . .exhibition illustrated with etchings . . .1882-1889. New York: [the Club?] 1882- 89. 8 nos. f . t MDN Each number contains 8 original etchings by mem- bers of the Club. A publication of the... Club with catalogue of etching proofs exhibited..., 1891-92. New York, 1891-93. f. 3 v. pi., port. t MDN New York Society of Etchers. Annual exhibition, [no.] 1. (1914.) [New York,) 1914. 12. MDN Original etchings by American artists. [Text by S. R. Koehler.] New York: Cas- sell and Co. [Cop. 1883]. 45 1., 20 pi. f. ttMEE Philadelphia Society of Etchers. Cata- logue of the annual exhibition. 1. (1882/- 83.) Philadelphia, 1882. 16. MDN Another copy. 1. (1882/83.) f. MDN 84 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Prints as Art Products, continued. Etching: Regional, continued. Pittsburgh Etching Club. Catalogue of an exhibition of contemporary American etchings. . .April 18 to May 2, 1910. [Pitts- burgh, 1910.1 3 1. nar. 8. MDET Roullier, Albert. Illustrated catalogue of etchings by American artists. With biographical sketches by H. H. Tolerton. Chicago: A. Roullier, 1913. 2 p.l., 7-152 p. 8. MDN The Union League Club. Catalogue of the work of the women etchers of America ... tNew York], 1888. 23 p., 2 pi. 8. MDN Van Rensselaer, Mrs. Marianna Gris- wold. American etchers. Reprinted from the Century magazine for February, 1883, with a brief additional chapter from the New York Star. To which is added an ac- count of Meryon and his work, by F. Kep- pel. New York: F. Keppel & Co., 1886. 31 p. 4. MDN Worcester Art Museum. Catalogue of an exhibition of works by American etchers, under the management of the Chi- cago Society of Etchers. January 14 to February 12, 1912. [Worcester, Mass., 1912.] 16 p. 12. MDN Wray, Henry Russell. A review of etch- ing in the United States... Philadelphia: R. C. Penfield, 1893. 91 p., 1 pi. \2\ MDN Wunderlich, Hermann, & Co. Catalogue of the publications of Hermann Wunder- lich & Co., 868 Broadway, New York. [New York?] 2 1., 22 pi. 4. MDN Year book of American etching. 1914. New York, 1914. 8. MDN 1914 is illustrated with one hundred reproduc- tions of etchings shown at the annual exhibition of the Association of American Etchers. 1914 has introduction by F. Watson. Stipple Catalogue of engravings of fancy sub- jects by Bartolozzi and other engravers in stipple. New York: H. Wunderlich & Co., 1891. 20 p. sq. 16. MDK Frankau, Julia. Eighteenth century colour prints: an essay on certain stipple engravers and their work in colour com- piled, arranged and written by Julia Frankau. Illustrated with fifty-two char- acteristic pictures printed in colours from copper-plates. London: Macmillan & Co. Ltd., 1900. xvii, 132 p. 52 col. pi. f. ttMDB Hind, Arthur Mayger. Bartolozzi, and other stipple engravers working in Eng- land at the end of the eighteenth century. [Edited by A. M. Hind.] London: W. Heinemann, 1912. 1 p.l., 5-15(1) p., 36 pi., 29 port. 8. (Great engravers.) MDG Bibliography, p. 12. Mezzotint Ball, Wilfrid. Mezzotinto engravings; a paper read before the Sette of Odd Vol- umes at Willis's rooms, on March 4th, 1887. London: R. Dunthorne, 1887. 24 p., 1 pi. sq. 16. (Sette of Odd Volumes. Miscellanies. [Uo. 20.]) NAC BIyth, Henry Arthur. Catalogue of the important collection of old mezzotint por- traits formed by H. A. Blyth. . .which. . . will be sold... by Christie, Manson & Woods... [London: W. Clowes & Sons, 1901.] 30 p. 8. MDK Burlington Fine Arts Club. Catalogue of engravings in mezzotinto, illustrating the history of that art... to the time of David Lucas , inclusive. London, 1881. xvi, 43 p. f. t MDK Avery collection. Exhibition of English mezzotint portraits from circa 1750 to circa 1830. London: the Club, 1902. 70 p., 1 1. 4. tMDK Avery collection. Same. London, 1902. 70 p., 30 pi. f. tMDK Avery collection. Cheylesmore, 2. baron, William Meriton Eaton. British Museum. Guide to an ex- hibition of mezzotint engravings chiefly from the Cheylesmore collection. [Lon- don: W. Clowes & Sons,] 1905. xi, 64 p. 8. MDK Colony Club, New York. Catalogue of an exhibition of English mezzotints, prin- cipally of the eighteenth century. The Colony Club, January 16, 1910. New York, 1910. 38 p. nar. 8. Cortissoz, Royal. Famous mezzotints . . . [New York, 1906.] 532-542 p. illus. 8. MDK Excerpt: Munsey's Magazine, Feb. 1906. Davenport, Cyril. Mezzotints [Discus- sion]. (Jour. Soc. of Arts. v. 51, p. 679- 687.) MDK Mezzotints. London: Methuen and Co., 1904. xlv, 1 1., 207(1) p., 16 pi., 24 port. 4. (The Connoisseurs Library, [V. 1].) MDK Evelyn, John. Sculptura: or. The His- tory, and art of chalcography and engrav- ing in copper. With an ample enumeration of the most renowned masters, and their works. [By John Evelyn.] To which is annexed a new manner of engraving, or mezzotinto, communicated by his highness Prince Rupert... London: Printed by F. C. for G. Beedle, 1662. 16 p.l., 148 p., 2 pi. 16. MDI Engraved title-page. The Library has also the editions of 17S5 and 1769. PRINTS AND THEIR PRODUCTION 85 Prints as Art Products, continued. Mezzotint, continued. Halsey, R. T. Haines. The Boston Port Bill as pictured by a contemporary Lon- don cartoonist. New York: The Grolier Club, 1904. XXX, 334 p., 1 1. illus. 4. MDY One of 325 copies printed on American hand- made paper and 3 copies on vellum. Herkomer, Hubert. Etching and mezzo- tint engraving. Lectures delivered at Ox- ford... London: Macmillan & Co., 1892. vi, 1 1., 107 p., 13 pi. 4. fMDN Avery collection. Holme, Charles. Old English mezzo- tints. Text by M. C. Salaman. Edited by C. Holme. London: "The Studio," Ltd., 1910. xii, 43 p., 60 pi., 20 port. 4. (In- ternational Studio... Spec. Winter no. 1910-11.) tMDK Keppel, David. Catalogue of an exhibi- tion of English mezzotints and stipples. Compiled by D. Keppel. New York: F. Keppel & Co., tl909.] 19(1) p. nar. 8. MDK Knoedler, M., & Co. Biographical notes of XVIII. and xix. century mezzotinters not mentioned in our two previous brochures. New York: M. Knoedler & Co., 1905. 34 p. 1 1., 2 port. 16. MDK Notes on prominent mezzotint en- gravers of the xviii. century. New York: M. Knoedler & Co., 1904. 12 1., 2 port. 16. MDK Some information regarding eigh- teenth century mezzotinto engravers and their work. New York: M. Knoedler & Co 1906. 26 p., 1 1., 1 pi., 2 port. 16. MDK Title from cover. Laborde, Leon Emmanuel Simon Joseph, Comte de. Histoire de la gravure en maniere noire. Paris: J. Didot, I'Aine, 1839. vi, 113 p., 1 1., 1 fac-sim., 12 pi. 8. MDK Leisching, Julius, Schabkunst, ihre Technik und Geschichte in ihren Haupt- werken vom xvii. bis zum xx. Jahrhundert. Wien: A. Wolf, 1913. vi, 98 p., 40 pi., 35 port. f. tMDK Bibliography, p. 98. no. 198 of 350 copies printed. Morland, George. Exhibition of up- wards of 300 mezzotint and other engrav- ings after G. . .M. . . 88 p. [London]: T. & W. Vokins, 1893-'94. 24. MDG Mullet, Frederick & Cie. Catalogue d'une collection de gravures en maniere noire, ecole des Pays-Bas. La vente aura lieu . . .le 11 decembre. . . Amsterdam: F. Mul- ler & Cie., [1906?] 1 p.l., 34 p., 9 pi., 7 port. 4. tMDK New York Public Library, The. A cata- logue of a loan collection of British mez- zotints 1680-1815, principally of the 18th century. On exhibition in The New York Public Library print galleries, Lenox Li- brary building. [New York), 1904. 1 p.l., 29 p. nar. 12. MDK Annotations by Mr. Cadwalader. Large paper copy. 8. Paton, Hugh. Etching, dry point, mez- zotint. The whole art of the painter- etcher... London: Raithby, Lawrence & Co., 1895. 1 p.l., iv, 3 1., 182 p., 15 pi., 1 port. 8. MDN Avery collection. Riordan, Roger. Mezzotints. New York: H. Wunderlich & Co., 1899. 12 p., illus. 12. MDK Siegen, 1642 Cousins, 1822. A cata- logue of mezzotints illustrating the prog- ress of the art to the time of its decay. Exhibited by H. Wunderlich & Co., New York. [New York: Gilliss Bros., 1892.i 1 p.l., 20 p. 12. MDK Smith, John Chaloner. British mezzo- tinto portraits; being a descriptive cata- logue of these engravings from the intro- duction of the art to the early part of the present century. Accompanied by bio- graphical notes, and appendix. . .of prices produced at public sales by some of the specimens... Parts 1-4. London: H. Southeran & Co., 1883. 4 v. 4. MDK Siegen, 1642 Cousins, 1822. A catalogue of a loan collection of mezzo- tintos, illustrating the invention and prog- ress of the art to the time of its decay. With an introduction and some notes by J. C. Smith. Exhibited at R. Dunthorne's gallery. . .London, W., June, 1885. [Lon- don: C. Whittingham and Co., 1885.] 74 p.. 1 1. 8. MDK Smith, John Raphael. John Raphael Smith and the great mezzotinters of the time of Reynolds. London: W. Heine- mann, 1911. 15(1) p., 2 1., 63 pi. illus. 8. (Great engravers.) MDG Bibliography, p. 12. Verloren Van Themaat, P. La gravure en maniere noire aux Pays-Bas. Collec- tion formee par feu P. Verloren van The- maat. La vente aura lieu mardi 15 juin 1886... a Amsterdam. [F. Muller & Co.] n. p. [1886., 2 p.l., 26 p. 8. MDK No title-page: title taken from cover. Avery collection. Whitman, Alfred. The masters of mez- zotint, the men and their work. London: G. Bell & Sons, 1898, x, 96 p., 60 pi. 4. MDK One of fifty copies. Wunderlich, Hermann, & Co., N. Y. Catalogue of mezzotints. New York: The Company, 1899. 42 p., 1 1. 8. MDK Catalogue of mezzotints, February, 1910. New York: H. Wunderlich & Co., 1910. vi, 18 p., 3 port. 12. 3 MDK 86 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Prints as Art Products, continued. Aquatint Ackermann, Arthur, & Son. Rudolph Ackermann, his life; the populariser of aquatint engraving, pioneer of art book illustration. iNew York, 190-?] 41 p. illus. nar. 8. MDK Hardie, Martin. English coloured books. London: Methuen & Co., fl906.] xxiv, 339(1) p., 1 facsim., 27 pi. 4. (Con- noisseur's (The) library.) MDT Prideaux, Sarah Treverbian. Aquatint engraving. A chapter in the history of book illustration. Illustrated by an origi- nal aquatint, two collotype plates and nu- merous half-tone plates. London: Duck- worth & Co., [1909.] XV, 434 p., 24 pi., 1 port. 8. MDK Stapart. L'art de graver au pinceau... Paris: chez I'auteur, 1773. 96 p., 1 1. 12". Victoria and Albert Museum. Na- tional Art Library. Catalogue of prints, [Pt.] 1-2. London, 1903-'06. 8. MDE 1. Modern etchings of the foreign schools. 1903. 2. Modern etchings and aquatints of the British and American schools. 1906. Dotted Prints (MANiiRE Cribl^e; Schrotblatter) Koehler, Sylvester Rosa. White-line en- graving for relief-printing in the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries. Washington: Gov. Prtg. Off., 1892. p. 385-394, 4 pi. 8. (Smithsonian Institute. U. S. National Museum.) MDB Repr.: Rept. U. S. Nat. Mus. 1890. Geisberg, Max. Die Formschnitte des fiinfzehnten Jahrhunderts im Kgl. Kupfer- stichkabinett zu Dresden. Hrsg. von M. Geisberg. Strassburg: J. H. E. Heitz, 19n. 24 p., 3 1., 52 pi. f. (Einblattdrucke des fiinfzehnten Jahrhunderts.) f MEF One page of bibliography. Leidinger, Georg. Die Einzel-Metall- schnitte (Schrotblatter) des fiinfzehnten Jahrhunderts in der Kgl. Hof- und Staats- bibliothek Miinchen, mit erlauterndem Text hrsg. von G. Leidinger. Strassburg: J. H. E. Heitz, 1908. 22 p., 2 1., 45 pi. f. (Einblattdrucke des funfzehnten Jahrhun- derts. [Bd. 15.]) t MEF Vierzig Metallschnitte des xv. Jahr- hunderts aus Miinchener Privatbesitz. . . Strassburg: J. H. E. Heitz, 1908. 48 p., 1 1., 40 pi. 8. (Studien zur deutschen Kunst- geschichte, 95. Heft.) MDO Lewis, John F. "Schrotblatter"; or, prints in the "Maniere criblee," with some consideration of a set of eight such prints associated with typographic text. Phila- delphia, il904?]. 195-210 p. illus. 8. MDB Repr. : "Proceedings of the Numismatic and Antiquarian Society" of Philadelphia. 1904. Molsdorf, Wilhelm. ...Die Bedeutung Kolns fiir den Metallschnitt des xv. Jahr- hunderts. Strassburg: J. H. E. Heitz, 1909. 57 p., 1 1., XV (i. e., 16) pi. illus. 8. (Stu- dien zur deutschen Kunstgeschichte, 114. Hft.) MDG Einige in Handschriften der Konig- lichen und Universitats-Bibliothek zu Bres- lau gefundene Schrotblatter und Holz- schnitte des IS. Jahrhunderts. (Central- blatt fiir Bibliothekswesen. Leipzig, 1905. 8. V. 21, p. 550-556.) MDB Holzschnitte und Schrotblatter aus der Koniglichen und Universitats-Biblio- thek, Breslau, von W. Molsdorf. Strass- burg: J. H. E. Heitz, 1907. 13(1) p., 1 1., 13 pi. f. (Einblattdrucke des fiinfzehnten Jahrhunderts. [Bd. 7.]) f MEF Schrifteigenthiimlichkeiten auf al- teren Holzschnitten als Hilfsmittel ihrer Gruppierung. Strassburg: J. H. E. Heitz, 1914. viii, 45 p., 1 1., 18 pi. 8. (Studien zur deutschen Kunstgeschichte. 174. Heft.) Schreiber, Wilhelm Ludwig. Catalogue of the valuable collection of W. L. Schrei- ber. . .containing early woodcuts, metal- prints, dotted-prints, impressions on paste and on silk, block-books. . .which will be sold by auction by...H. Ranschburg at Vienna. . .March 1909... Vienna: Gil- hofer & Ranschburg, [1909.] vii(i), 89 p., 3 1., 40 pi. 4. tMDO Holzschnitte und Schrotblatter aus der Kgl. Universitats-Bibliothek in Tubin- gen... Strassburg: J. H. E. Heitz, 1906. 15(1) p., 1 1., 15 pi. i\ (Einblattdrucke des fiinfzehnten Jahrhunderts. [Bd. 5.]) tMEF Schulz, Fritz Traugott. Die Schrotblat- ter des Germanischen National-museums zu Niirnberg; bearbeitet von F. T. Schulz, mit einem Vorwort von G. von Bezold. Strassburg: J. H. E. Heitz, 1908. v(i), 30 p., 2 1. f. (Einblattdrucke des fiinfzehn- ten Jahrhunderts. [Bd. 13.]) f MEF Wood Engraving Chatto, William Andrew. A treatise on wood engraving, historical and practical; with. . .illustrations engraved on wood, by John Jackson. London: C. Knight and Co., 1839. xvi, 749 p., 11. 4. MDO Same. 2. edition with a new chap- ter on the artists of the present day by H. G. Bohn. . . London: H. G. Bohn, 1861. xvi, 664 p., 1 pi. 4. MDO Linton, William James. Some practical hints on wood-engraving for the instruc- PRINTS AND THEIR PRODUCTION 87 Prints as Art Products, continued. Wood Engraving, continued. tion of reviewers and the public. Boston: Lee & Shepard, 1879. 4 p.l., 92 p. 4 pi illus. sq. 16. MDO Sahlen, Artur. Cm trasnitt och trasni- dare. Stockholm: P. A. Norstedt & Soner, 1914. 127 p., 1 1. 8. MDO Wood Engraving: Handbooks (Technical) Emerson, William A. Hand-book of wood engraving, with practical instruction in the art...; also, a history of the art from its origin to the present time. Bos- ton: Lee and Shepard, 1884. 95(1) p. illus. New ed, 16. MDO Fleck, C. Die Photo-Xylographie. Her- stellung von Bildern auf Buchsbaumholz fiir die Zwecke der Holzschneidekunst. Wien: A. Hartleben, 1911. vii, 48 p. illus. 12. (A. Hartleben's chemisch-technische Bibliothek, Bd. [336]). MDO Fuller, S. E. A manual of instruction in the art of wood engraving. With a de- scription of the necessary tools... With illustrations by the author. Boston: J. Watson, 1867. iv, 5-48 p. 12. MDO Gilks, T. The art of wood-engraving. A practical handbook. With numerous illustrations by the author. London: Win- sor & Newton, [1866]. 57 p. 2. ed. 12. MEN p.v.l Roux, V. Manuel de photographic et de calcographie a I'usage de MM. les gra- veurs sur bois, sur metaux, sur pierre et sur verre... Paris: Gauthier-Villars, 1886. 2 p.l., iii, 38 p. 12. MFFp.v.27 Bibliotheque photographic. Savage, William. Practical hints on decorative printing, with illustrations en- graved on wood, and printed in colours at the type press. London: the Proprietor, 1822. 5 p.l., iii-vi, 118 p., 2 1. 1 facsimile, 44 pi. f. ft MDO Letter press title page. Frontispiece & title page in colours. Wood Engraving: History Bewick, Thomas. The art of wood- engraving. With specimens by T. Bewick, &c. n. p. [18-.] 4 p.l., 15 p., 3 1., 51 pi. 8. MEM Bouchot, Henri. Les deux cents in- cunables xylographiques du departement des estampes. Origines de la gravure sur bois. Les precurseurs. . . [T.] 1-2. Paris: Lib. Centrale des Beaux-Arts, 1903. 2 v. f. (Bibliotheque nationale.) tMDO&tfMDO [Tome] 1. Texte. [Tome] 2. Atlas. Avery collection. Bouchot, Henri, and others. Exposition de la gravure sur bois a I'ficole nationale des beaux-arts, mai 1902. Catalogue avec notices historiques et critiques... Paris: Libr. de I'art ancien et mod., [1902]. 72 p 4 MDO Avery collection. Cundall, Joseph, 1818-1895. A brief his- tory of wood-engraving from its inven- tion, by Joseph Cundall... London: S. Low, Marston, & Co., Ltd., 1895. ix(i), 132 p., front, illus. 12. MDO Didot, Ambroise Firmin. Essai typo- graphique et bibliographique sur I'histoire de la gravure sur bois, pour faire suite aux costumes anciens et modernes de Cesar Vecellio. Paris: [F. Didot freres & fils], 1863. xiv, 316 coll. 8. MDO Drucke und Holzschnitte des xv. und XVI. Jahrhunderts in getreuer Nachbildung. V. 1-13 and Beilage to v. 7. Strassburg, 1899-1910. 14 V. f, 12, & 4. V. 1. Haebler, K. Das Wallfahrtsbuch des Her- mannus Kiinig. 1899. V. 2. Hampe, I. Gedichte vom Hausrat aus dem. XV. und XVI. Jahrhundert. 1899. V. 3. Heitz, P. Neujahrswiinsche des XV Jahrhunderts. 1900. V. 4. Bluemlein, K. Die Floia und andere deutsche maccaronische Gedichte. . . 1900. V. 5. Wyss, A. Ein deutscher Cisianus. . .1900. V. 6. Columbus, C. Der deutsche Kolumbus Brief... 1900. V. 7. Leidinger, G. Chronik und Stamm der Pfalzgrafen bei Rhein und Herzoge in Bayern, 1501 ... 1901. V. 7. Beilage. Stammbaum in vier Tafeln. 1902. V. 8. Springer, B. Balthasar Springers Indien- fahrt 1505-06. ..von F. Schulze. 1902. V. 9. Vespucci, A. Mundus Novus. . .hrsg. von E. Sarnow und K. Truebenbach. 1903. V. 10. Heitz, P. Das Wonderblut zu Wilsnach ...1904. V. 11. Ringmann, M. Die grammatica figurata des M. Ringmann. 190S. V. 12. Hylacomylus, M. Die Cosmonographiae introductio des Martin Waldseemiiller (Ilacomilus) [1507] in Faksimiledruck...l907. V. 13. "Deutsche, Der, Ptolemaus" aus dem Ende des XV. Jahrhunderts (um 1490) in Faksimile- druck hrsg... von J. Fischer. 1910. Einblattdrucke des funfzehnten Jahr- hunderts. Hrsg. von P. Heitz. [V. 2-40. Strassburg: J. H. E. Heitz, 1901-13. 39 v. f. t MEF [v. 2.] Heitz, P. Pestblatter des XV. Jahr- hunderts. 1901. [3.] Faeh, Adolf. Kolorierte Fruhdrucke aus der Stiftsbibliothek in St. Gallen. 1906. [v. 4.] Lehrs, M. Dber einige Holzschnitte der Stadbibliothek zu Ziirich. 1906. [v. 5.] Schreiber, W. L. Holzschnitte und Schrotblatter aus der Kgl. Universitats-Bibliothek in Tubingen. 1906. [v. 6.] Schreiber, W. L. Holzschnitte in der Koniglichen Landesbibliothek zu Stuttgart. 1907. [v. 7.] Molsdorf, W. Holzschnitte und Schrot- blatter aus der Koniglichen und Universitats-Bibli- othek, Breslau. 1907. [v. 8.] Schreiber, W. D. Holzschnitte in den Fiirstlich Fiirstenbergischen Sammlungen zu Don- aueschingen. 1907. [v. 9.] Sillib, R. Holz- und Metallschnitte aus der Grossh. Universitats-Bibliothek Heidelberg. 1907. THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Prints as Art Products, continued. Wood Engraving, continued. [v. 10, 21.] Leidinger, G. Einzel-Holzschnitte in der Kgl. Hof- una Staats-bibliothek Miinchen. 2 V. 1907-10. [v. 11.] Major, E. Holzschnitte in der Oeffent- lichen Kunstsammlung zu Basel. 1908. [v. 12, 29.] Die niederlandische Holzschnitt- Passion, Delbecq Schreiber. 2 v. 1908-12. [13.] Schulz, F. T. Die Schrotblatter des Ger- manischen Nationalmuseums zu Nurnberg. 1908. [v. 14.] Molsdorf, W. Formschnitte aus der Sammlung Schreiber. 1908. [v. 15.] Leidinger, G. Die Einzel-Metallschnitte (Schrotblatter) des fiinfzehnten Jahrhunderts in der Kgl. Hof- und Staatsbibliothek Miinchen. 1908. [v. 16.] Koegler, H. Einzelne Holz- und Metall- schnitte. . .aus der Universitats-Bibliothek in Basel. 1909. [v. 17.] Clauss, J. M. B. Holz- und Metall- schnitte. . .aus den Stadtbibliotheken zu Colmar und Schlettstadt im Elsass. 1909. [v. 18.] Schmidbauer, R. Einzel- Formschnitte in der Staats-, Kreis-, und Stadtbibliothek Augsburg. 1909. [v. 19, 24.] Pfeiffer, M. J. Einzel- Formschnitte in der Konigl. Bibliothek Bamberg. 2 v. 1909-11. [v. 20.] Weis-Liebersdorf, J. E. Inkunabeln des Formschnitts in den Bibliotheken zu Eichstatt. 1910. [v. 21.] See 10. [v. 22.] Geisberg, M. Die Formschnitte des fiinfzehnten Jahrhunderts, Dresden. [23.] Major, E. Friihdrucke von Holz- und Metalplatten aus den Bibliotheken des Barfiisserk- losters in Freiburg i. S. und des Kapuzinerklosters in Luzern. 1911. [v. 24.] See 19. [v. 25.] Benziger, C. Holzschnitte ... in der Stadtbibliothek zu Bern. 1911. [v. 26.] Roettinger, H. Einzel-Formschnitte. . . in der Erzherzoglichen Kunstsammlung Albertina in Wien. 1911. [v. 27.] Vischer, E. Formschnitte. . .in der Grossherzog. Hof- und Landesbibliothek zu Karls- ruhe (Baden). 1912. [v. 28.] Gugenbauer, G. Kupferstiche und Einzelformschnitte. . .in der K. K. Studienbibliothek zu Linz a. Donau. 1912. [v. 29.] See 12. [v. 30-32.] Schreiber, W. L. Holzschnitte. . .in der Kgl. Graphischen Sammlung zu Munchen. 3 v. 1912. [v. 33.] Sarnow, E. Formschnitte und Kupfer- stiche im Besitze der Stadtbibliothek zu Frankfurt a. M... 1912. [v. 34.] Zucker, M. Einzel-Formschnitte in der Kupferstichsammlung der Konigl. Universitats- Bibliothek Erlangen. 1913. [v. 35.] Gugenbauer, G. Inkunabeln der Graphik in den Klosterbibliotheken Ober-Oesterreichs und Salzburgs. 1913. [v. 36.] Schreiber, W. L. Formschnitte und Einblattdrucke in der Koniglichen Bibliothek zu Berlin. 1913. [v. 37.] Stengel, W. Unedierte Holzschnitte im Niirnberger Kupferstichkabinett. 1913. [v. 38.] Schreiber, W. L. Formschnitte und Einblattdrucke aus offentlichen und privaten Bib- liotheken und Sammlungen in Amberg, Colmar, Darmstadt, Dillingen, Hamburg, Mainz. 1913. [v. 39.] Schreiber, W. L. Formschnitte. ..in der Koniglichen Landesbibliothek und Koniglichen Hof- bibliothek zu Stuttgart. 1913. [v. 40-.] Baumeister, E. Formschnitte. . .in den Sammlungen des furstlichen Hauses Oettingen Wallerstein zu Maihingen. Bound 1. 1913-. Grolier Club of the City of New York. Books and prints illustrating the origin and rise of wood engraving. Exhibited at the . . . club. . . January. . . February. . . 1890. New York: the Club, 1890. 8 p. 16. Heller, Joseph. Geschichte der Holz- schneidekunst von der altesten bis auf die neuesten Zeiten, nebst zwey Beilagen, en- thaltend den Ursprung der Spielkarten und ein Verzeichniss der sammtlichen xylo- graphischen Werke. Bamberg: C. F. Kunz, 1823. xii, 458 p., 10 pi. 8. MDO Hirth, Georg, and R. Muther. Meister Holzschnitte aus vier Jahrhunderten. Miinchen: 1893. 4. f MEF Holzschnitt, Der, der Gegenwart in Europa und Nord-Amerika. Wien: Ge- sellschaft fiir vervielfaltigende Kunst, [1886-1-87. 2 p.l., xii, 2 1., 274 p., 79 pi. l\ (Die Vervielfaltigende Kunst der Gegen- wart. [V.] 1.) fMDB Avery collection. Jensen, Henri. Essai sur I'origine de la gravure en bois et en taille-douce, et sur la connoissance des estampes des xv. et XVI. siecles; ou il est parle aussi de I'origine des cartes a jouer et des cartes geogra- phiques; suivi de recherches sur I'origine du papier de coton et de lin; sur la calli- graphic.. . Paris: F. Schell, 1808. 2 v. 8. MDB Kristeller, Paul. Kupfefstich und Holz- schnitt in vier Jahrhunderten. Berlin: B. Cassirer, 1905. x, 595(1) p. illus. sq. 8. MDB Bibliography, p. 567-574. Layard, George Somes. Suppressed plates, wood engravings, &c., together with other curiosities germane thereto be- ing an account of certain matters peculiar- ly alluring to the collector. London: A. & C. Black, 1907. xiii, 254 p., 35 pi., 3 port. 8. MDE Linton, W. J. The masters of wood- engraving. New Haven, Conn.: Issued to subscribers only, 1889. 2 p.l., xv, 1 1., 229 p., 44 pi., 1 col. pi., 2 port. i. 3 t MDO no. 113 of 500 copies. New Haven, Conn.: the author. London: B. F. Stevens, 1889. 2 p.l., xv, 1 1., 230 p., 45 pi. 4. ttMDO Only 100 copies of this size printed, no. 31. London, The, and Westminster review. No. 61 (Aug., 1838). [Containing an article on wood engraving, accompanied by speci- mens of George Cruikshank, Tony Johan- not and others]. London, 1838. 265-278 p., 1 1., 30 pi. 8. MDO 9 added plates. Avery collection. Osbom, Max. Der Holzschnitt. Mit 16 Kunstbeilagen und 139 Textabbildungen. Bielefeld: Velhagen & Klasing, 1905. 3 p.l., 154 p., 16 pi. 4. (Sammlung illus- trierter Monographien. . . Bd. 16.) MDO Ottley, William Young. An inquiry concerning the invention of printing. . .in- cluding also notices of the early use of wood-engraving in Europe, the block- books, etc. With an introduction by J. PRINTS AND THEIR PRODUCTION 89 Prints as Art Products, continued. Wood Engraving , continued. Ph. Berjeau. London: J. Lilly, 1863. xlii, 377 p., 37 pi. sq. 4. * ID Same, as first made: with t.-p., in- troduction, pi., orp. 369-377. Papillon, Jean Michel. Traite historique et pratique de la gravure en bois. Ouvrage enrichi des plus jolis morceaux de sa com- position & de sa gravure. Paris: P. G. Simon, 1766. 2 v. 8. MDO Quaritch, Bernard. No. 245. A cata- logue of rare and valuable works offered for sale... 1905. London: B. Quaritch, 1905. 104 p., 4 1. 8. MDO Reiffenberg, Frederic Auguste Ferdin- and Thomas de, baron. La plus ancienne gravure connue avec une date. Memoire. . . avec un facsimile ZZ p. (In: Nouveaux Memoires de I'Academie royale...de Bruxelles. Bruxelles, 1845. 4. t. 19.) *EM Rosenthal, Ludwig. Incunabula, xylo- graphica, et chalcographica. I. Bilder- handschriften. II. Reiberdrucke u. Holz- schnitte. III. Blockbiicher. . .Mit 102 Illustrationen. L. Rosenthal's Antiquariat. Miinchen: rKnorr & Hirth, 1892., 3 p.l., 61(1) p., 1 1., 1 pi. i\ (Katalog 90.) tMDB Rossi, Giovanni Bernardo de. Dell' or- igine della stampa in tavole incise e di una antica e sconosciuta edizione zilografica del dottore G. B. De-Rossi. Parma: Stam- peria Imperiale, 1811. 12 p. 8. * IFF Rouget, I. M. Kurze Geschichte der Holzschneidekunst mit vielen Abbildun- gen der Signaturen der. . .alteren Meister . . . Stuttgart: E. Fischhaber, 1878. 1 p.l., iv, 157 p. nar. 8. (Populare Anleitung zur Xylographie . . . ) MDO Scheible, J. Die Fliegenden Blatter des XVI. und XVII. Jahrhunderts in sogenannten Einblatt-Drucken mit Kupferstichen und Holzschnitten. . . Aus den Schatzen der Ulmer Stadtbibliothek. . .hrsg. von J. Scheible. Stuttgart: J. Scheible, 1850. 334 p., 84 pi. 16. NFF Schreiber, Wilhelm Ludwig. Catalogue of the valuable collection of W. L. Schrei- ber. . .containing early woodcuts, metal- prints, dotted-prints, impressions on paste and on silk, block-books. . .which will be sold by auction by Gilhofer & H. Ransch- burg at Vienna. . .March, 1909... Vienna: Gilhofer & Ranschburg, [1909.] vii(i), 89 p., 3 1., 40 pi. 4. t MDO ...Die deutschen "Accipies" und Magister cum Discipulis-Holzschnitte als Hilfsmittel zur Inkunabel-Bestimmung. . . Strassburg: J. H. E. Heitz, 1908. 70 p., 1 1. 75 (i. e. 76) pi. 8. (Studien zur deutschen Kunstgeschichte, 100. Hft.) MDO Weigel, Theodor Oswald. Katalog friihester Erzeugnisse der Druckerkunst der Weigel'schen Sammlung. . . [Title also in French.] Leipzig, 1872. pi. 8. GBK Weigel, Theodor Oswald, and A. C. A, Zestermann. Die Anfange der Drucker- kunst in Bild und Schrift. An deren frii- hesten Erzeugnissen in der Weigel'schen Sammlung erlautert von T. O. VV. und A. C. A. Z. Mit 145 Facsimiles und vielen ...Holzschnitten. Leipzig: J, O. Weigel, 1866. 2 V. f. t*IH Woodberry, George Edwards. A history of wood-engraving. New York: Harper & Brothers, 1883. 221 p. 8. MDO Wood-Engraving: Block-Books Biblia pauperum. German. Die Biblia pauperum und Apokalypse der Grossher- zogl. Bibliothek zu Weimar; hrsg. von H. von der Gabelentz. Strassburg: Heitz & Miindel, 1912. 2 p.l., 57 p., 42 fac. f. t*YIZ Bibliography, p. 56-57. Nach dem Original in der Lyceums- bibliothek zu Constanz hrsg. und mit einer Einleitung begleitet von Pfarrer Laib und Dr. Schwarz. Wiirzburg: Etlinger, 1892. 36 p., 34 1. illus. 2. ed. 4. * YIZ Reproduced in facsimile, from one of the copies in the British Museum; with an historical and bibliographical introduc- tion. By J. P. Berjeau. London: J. R. Smith, 1859. 38 p., 40 pi. i. ft * YIZ Unicum der Heidelberger Univer- sitats-Bibliothek. . . . Herausgegeben von Paul Kristeller. (Graphische Gesellschaft: Veroffentlichung [V.] 2.) f MDO Inserted: Graphische Gesellschaft, 1906. Circular- list of officers and members, museums, etc. Decalogus. Septimania poenalis. Sym- bolum apostolicum: drei Blockbiicker der Heidelberger Universitatsbibliothek, in 23 Lichtdrucktafeln und 2 Tafeln in Farben- lichtdruck. Hrsg. von P. Kristeller. Ber- lin: B. Cassirer, 1907. 3 1., 25 pi. f. (Gra- phische Gesellschaft. Veroffentlichung 4.) fMEM Schreiber, Wilhelm Ludwig. Die Ent- stehung und Entwicklung der Biblia Pau- perum unter besonderer Beriicksichtigung der unserhaltenen Handschriften. Strass- burg: J. H. E. Heitz [1906]. 1 p.l., 45 p., 1 pi. illus. f . t * IKK Extr.: Heitz, P., and Schreiber, W. L. Biblia Pauperum. Basels Bedeutung fur die Geschichte der Blockbucher. Strassburg: J. H. E. Heitz, 1909. ix, 49 p., 1 1. 5 pi. 8. (Stu- dien zur deutschen Kunstgeschichte, 106 Heft.) Servatius-Legende, Die; ein niederlan- disches Blockbuch. Hrsg. von H. Hymans. Berlin: B. Cassirer, 1911. 6 1., 24 pi. 4. (Graphische Gesellschaft. Veroffentlich- ung 15.) *GBK 90 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Prints as Art Products, continued. Wood Engraving, continued. Wood Engraving: History: Regional British Chatto, William Andrew. Gems of wood engraving from the Illustrated London News; with a history of the art, ancient and modern. London: W. Little, 1849. 4 p.l., 28 p., 75 pi., 3 port. f. tt MEF Duyckinck collection. Dutch, Flemish, German, Austrian Burlington Fine Arts Club. Catalogue of a collection of wood-cuts of the Ger- man school executed in the xvth and xvith centuries. London, 1882. v, 1 1. 20 p. 4. MDO Avery collection. Chmelarz, Eduard. Die Ehrenpforte des Kaisers Maximilian I. (In: Jahrbuch der kunsthistorischen Sammlungen des aller- hochsten Kaiserhauses. . . Bd. 4. Wien, 1886. f. p. 189-319.) f MAA 36 Tafeln. (In same, Atlas to Bd. 4. Wien, 1885-86. ob. f.) ft MAA Conway, William Martin. The woodcut- ters of the Netherlands in the fifteenth century. In three parts: I. History of the woodcutters. II. Catalogue of the wood- cuts. III. List of the books containing woodcuts. Cambridge: University Press, 1884. xxvii, 1 1., 359 p. 8. MDO Dance of Death. Des Dodes Dantz. Lii- beck, 1489. (Facsimile reprint.) Hrsg. von Max J. Friedlaender. Berlin: B. Cassirer, 1910. 39 1. 4. (Graphische Ge- sellschaft. Veroffentlichung 12.) MDO Dodgson, Campbell. Catalogue of early German and Flemish woodcuts, preserved in the Departments of prints and drawings in the British Museum, v. 1-2. London: Longmans & Co., 1903-11. 1 v. 4. MDE Holzschnitte zu zwei Niirnberger Andachtsbuchern aus dem Anfange des XVI. Jahrhunderts. 106 Abbildungen in Zinkhochatzung. Berlin: B. Cassirer, 1909. 20 p., 14 pi . f. (Graphische Gesellschaft. Veroffentlichung. [V.j 11.) f MEF Eye, J. L. A. von, and J. Falke. Gallerie der Meisterwerke altdeutscher Holzschnei- dekunst in facsimilirten Nachbildungen. Mit Erlauterungen. Niirnberg, 1858. f. Germanisches National museum. Kata- log der im germanischen Museum vor- handenen zum Abdrucke bestimmten ge- schnittenen Holzstocke vom xv.-xviii Jahr- hunderte. Teil 1-2. 2 v. Nurnberg, 1892- 94. 8. MDO Heitz, Paul. Hundert Kalender-Inkuna- beln, hrsg. von P. Heitz, mit begleitendem Text von K. Haebler. Stassburg: Heitz & Haebler, 1905. 4 p.l., 35(1) p., 1 1., 103 fac. f. tt * GBK Originalabdruck von Formschnei- der-Arbeiten des xvi, xvii und xviii. Jahr- hunderts... Tafel i-CLXvi. Strassburg: J. H. E. Heitz, 1892-99. 3 v. f. t MEF V. 1. 2. ed. Heurck, Emile H. van, and G. J. Boeke- NooGEN. Histoire de I'imagerie populaire flamande et de ses rapports avec les ima- geries etrangeres. Bruxelles: G. Van Oest & Cie., 1910. ix, 727(1) p., 1 1., 16 pi. f. tMDO no. 407 of 500 copies printed on vellum paper. Kautzsch, Rudolf. Die Holzschnitte der Kolner Bibel von 1479. Strassburg: J. H. E. Heitz, 1896. xv, 80 p., 2 pi. 8. (Stu- dien zur deutschen Kunstgeschichte. Heft. 7.) MDO Die Holzschnitte zum Ritter vom Turn (Basel, 1493) mit einer Einleitung von R. Kautzsch. Strassburg: J. H. E. Heitz, 1903. 24 p., 2 1., 46 pi. 8. (Studien zur deutschen Kunstgeschichte. Heft. 44). MDO Lehrs, Max. Holzschnitte der ersten Halfte des 15. Jahrhunderts im Konigl. Kupferstichkabinett zu Berlin. Hrsg. von M. Lehrs. Berlin: B. Cassirer, 1908. 4 1., 22 pi. f. (Graphische Gesellschaft. Ver- offentlichung 7.) MEF Lutzow, Carl von. Geschichte des deut- schen Kupferstiches und Holzschnittes. vi, 313 p., (1)40 pi. Berlin: G. Grote print- er, 1891. nar. 4. (Geschichte der deut- schen Kunst. iv.) t MDB Primitive Holzschnitte; Einzelbilder des XV. Jahrhunderts. [Hrsg. von Paul Heitz.j Strassburg a. Els., J. H. E. Heitz [1913i. 3 p.l., 9-17(1) p., 73 pi. f. ttMEF no. 387 of 400 copies printed. Rumohr, C. Fr. v. Hans Holbein der jungere in seinem Verhaltniss zum deut- schen Formschnittwesen. Leipzic, 1836. 12. MDG Weisbach, Werner. Die Baseler Buch- illustration des xv. Jahrhunderts. Strass- burg: J. H. E. Heitz, 1896. 2 p.l., 76 p., 14 pi. 8. (Studien zur deutschen Kunstge- schichte. Heft 8.) MDO Der Meister der Bergmannschen Officin und Albrecht Diirer's Beziehun- gen zur Basler Buchillustration. Ein Bei- trag zur Geschichte des deutschen Holz- schnittes... Strassburg: J. H. E. Heitz. 1896. 2 p.l., 65 p., 2 1. front., 9 pi. 8. (Studien zur deutschen Kunstgeschichte, 6. Heft.) PRINTS AND THEIR PRODUCTION 91 Prints as Art Products, continued. Wood Engraving , continued. French Renouvier, Jules. Des gravures en bois dans les Hvres d'Anthon Verard. Paris: A. Aubry, 1859. SO p., 2 I. 8. MDO Rondot, N. Gaveurs sur bois a Lyon au seizieme siecle. Paris: G. Rapilly, 1897. 114 p., 1 1., 1 pi. 4. MDO Societe de la gravure sur bois originale. Catalogue. Exposition, [no.] 1. (1912.) [Paris, 1912.] 8. MDO Italian Kristeller, Paul. Early Florentine wood- cuts; with an annotated list of Florentine illustrated books. London: K. Paul... 1897. ix, xlv, 1 1., 184, 123 p. 4. MDO One of 300 copies. Eine Folge venezianischer Holz- schnitte aus dem xv. Jahrhundert im Be- sitze der Stadt Niirnberg. xvi Tafeln in Lichtdruck. Berlin: B. Cassirer, 1909. 9 p., 18 pi. f. (Graphische Gesellschaft. Ver- offentlichung. [V.] 9.) t MEF Lippmann, F. The art of wood-engrav- ing in Italy in the fifteenth century. Eng- lish edition with. . .corrections and addi- tions... London: B. Quaritch, 1888. iii- xxii, 179 p., 18 pi. 4. MDO 10 pi. included in the paging. Massena, Victor, 4. Prince d'Essling, due de Rivoli. fitudes sur I'art de la gravure sur bois a Venise. Les livres a figures ve- nitiens de la fin du xve siecle et du com- mencement du xvie. Partie P"^ 2'^ Flor- ence: L. S. Olschki, 1907-10. 4 v. illus. f. tMDO no. 183 of 300 copies printed. Part 1* Ouvrages imprimes de 1450 a 1490... Part 1* Ouvrages imprimes de 1491 a ISOO... Part 2^-* Les livres a figures venitiens de la fin du XV* siecle et du commencement du XVI*. Etudes sur I'art de la gravure sur bois a Venise. Les Missels imprimes a Venise de 1481 a 1600: Description - Illu- stration-Bibliographic (8) xxii, 350 p., 5 pi., illus. Paris: J. Rothschild, 1896. f. ttMDO Poppelreuter, Josef. Der anonyme Mei- ster des Poliphilo; eine Studie zur italieni- schen Buchillustration und zur Antike in der Kunst des Quattrocento. Strassburg: J. H. E. Heitz, 1904. 4 p.l., 61(1) p. illus. 4. (Zur Kunstgeschichte des Auslandes. Heft 20.) MDO Japanese See Prints History: Regional Russian Golyshov, I. A. Jly 60^-3.201 cra- pHHHaa KapTHHa: "mbiuih Koxa no- rpedaiOTt" h HJLKOTopHa npeHcnia Hapo;i;HHa rpaiopH, ct pHcyHKOMt. Vladimir, Gub. : Gub. Pravlenie, 1878. 31 p. 8. *QCT United States Grolier Club of the City of New York. Modern wood engraving. Works of the Society of American Wood Engravers. Exhibition. . . Feb. 20 to Mr. 1, 1890. iNew York, 1890]. 16 p. 12. MDO Avery collection. Linton, William James. The history of wood-engraving in America. Boston: Estes & Lauriat, 1882. viii, 1 1., 71 p., 20 pl. f. MDO no. 331 of an edition of 1,000 copies. Museum of Fine Arts, Boston. Print Dept. Exhibition of the Society of Amer- ican Wood-Engravers, supplemented by an exhibition of old and modern wood-cuts and wood-engravings, selected from the Gray Collection, the collection of the Mu- seum of Fine Arts, and other sources... 1890. Boston: A. Mudge & Son, 1890. 28 p. 12. MDO Portfolio, A, of proof impressions se- lected from Scribner's Monthly and St. Nicholas. New York: Scribner & Co. [Cop. 1879.] 8 p., 1 1., 103 pl. f. t MEF Avery collection. Society of American Wood Engravers. Engravings on wood; by members of the Society of American Wood Engravers, with an introduction and descriptive text by W. M. Laffan. New York: Harper & Bros., 1887. 12 1, 25 pl. f. t MEF Sugden, Thomas D. Remarks on wood- engraving. By "One-o-them." [A collec- tion of letters, wood-cuts, water color paintings, etc.] Flushing, L. I.: 1904. 101 I. 4. tMDO Young Men's Christian Association of the Oranges. Modern wood engravings, the property of the Young Men's Christian Association of the Oranges. Orange, N. J., 1907. 24 p. 8. MDO Lithography Handbooks: (Technical) Albert, August. Das Aluminium in sein- er Verwendung fiir den Flachdruck. (Die Algraphie.) Halle a. S.: W. Knapp, 1902. 4 p.l., 36 p., 8 pl. 8. MDP 92 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Prints as Art Products, continued. Lithography, continued. Aluminum Plate & Press Co. Alumin- ography. The aluminum plate versus the lithographic stone. A radical revolution in surface printing. . . New York: The Aluminum Plate & Press Co., 1899. 22 p., 8 pi. f. tMDP Audsley, George Ashdown. The art of chromolithography. Popularly explained . . . London: S. Low, Marston, Searle & Rivington, 1883. 3 p.l., 24 p., 44 pi. (35 col'd) f . tt MDP Bardet di Villanova, Federico. Istru- zioni su i tre principali metodi dell' arte litografica. . . Napoli: [Reale tipografia della guerra,] 1830. 1 p.l., 157(1) p., 3 pi. 8. MDP Berri, D. G. The art of lithography. London: The author, 1872. 3 p.l., ix-xi, 13- 46 p., 1 pi. 2. ed. nar. 12. MDP Broquelet, A., and L. Bregaut. Manuel complet de I'imprimeur lithographe a la presse, a bras et a la machine. Paris: Gamier Freres, 1908. 4 p.l., 359(1) p., 4 pi. [Col'd] 12. MDP Browne, Warren C. Practical text book of lithography; a modern treatise on the art of printing from stone. New York: National Lithographer, 1912. 231 p. 12. MDP Chevallier, A., and L. Langlum^. Me- rnoire sur I'art du lithographe. Ameliora- tions a y apporter. [Paris: De Cosson, 1828.] 45 p., 4 pi. nar. 8. MDP Gumming, David. Handbook of lithog- raphy. A practical treatise for all who are interested in the process. London: A. & C. Black, 1904. viii, 2 1., 244 p., 14 pl., 1 port. 12. MDP Curtis, Atherton. Lithography. By A. Curtis. New York: F. Keppel & Co., 1897. 12 p. 24. MDP D * * *. Procede actuel de la litho- graphic mise a la portee de I'artiste et de I'amateur. ..par D * *. Paris: (Richomme, printer,] 1818. 40 p., 2 pl. nar. 8. MDP Avery collection. Duchatel, E. Traite de lithographe ar- tistique, illustre par Buhot, Bertrand, Dil- lon [and others]. Preface de L. Benedite. Paris: E. Duchatel [1893?]. 2 p.l., 3-52 p., 25 pl. f. t MDP Avery collection. Engelmann, G. Manuel du dessinateur lithographe suivi d'une instruction sur le nouveau procede du lavis lithographique. Paris: I'Auteur, 1824. 3 p.l., 90 p., 3 1., 1 fac, 12 pl. 2. ed. nar. 8. MDP Fleck, C. Die Photolithographic. Hand- buch zur Erlernung der Herstellung von Bildern aller Art auf Stein fiir die Zwecke der Lithographic und des Steindruckes. Wien: A. Hartleben, 1912. viii, 64 p. illus. 12. (A. Hartleben's chemisch-technische Bibliothek. Bd. 338.) MDP Fortier, G. La photolithographic, son origine, ses procedes, ses applications. Paris: 1876. 8. (Bibliotheque photo- graphique.) MFF p.v.41 Fritz, Georg. Handbuch der Lithogra- phic. Nach dem gegenwartigen Stande dieser Technik. Halle a. S.: W. Knapp, 1901. 3 pl., XX, 475 p., 41 pl. 4. (Hand- buch der Lithographic und des Stein- druckes. Bd. 1.) tMDP Published in 20 Lieferungen. Goodman, Joseph. Practical modern rnetalithography; being a complete, prac- tical, and technical handbook for litho- graphic printers, artists, designers, photo- process workers, and technical students, of the latest and best European and American printing methods from zinc and aluminum plates and tubes in the lithographic man- ner, by Joseph Goodman... Letch worth, Herts: (harden City Press, Ltd., 1914. xii, 230 p,. 1 1., front, (port.), 10 pl. illus. 8. MDP A large portion of this work originally published in the National Lithographer, and subsequently re- printed in book form by the Employing Printers' Assoc, of the U. S. Hesse, Friedrich. Die Chromolithogra- phie, mit besonderer Beriicksichtigung der modernen, auf photographischer Grund- lage beruhenden Verfahren und der Tech- nik des Aluminiumdrucks. Mit...Abbil- dungen... Halle a. S.: W. Knapp, 1906. xvi, 383 p., 20 pl. 2. ed. 4. MDP La chromolithographie et la photo- chromolithographie; edition frangaise par A. Mouillot [Ct] G. Lequatre. Paris: A, Muller [189-?]. viii, 1 1., 3-262 p. 8. MDP Die Schriftlithographie. Eine theo- retisch-praktische Anleitung zur Erlernung der Schrift. Mit Vorlageblattern samt- licher in der lithographischen Technik zur Anwendung kommenden Schriftcharaktere unter besonderer Berucksichtigung der modernen Kunstrichtung. Halle an der Saale: W. Knapp, 1909. xi, 243 p., 30 pl. 4. tMDP HuUmandel, (Iharles. The art of draw- ing on stone; giving a full explanation of the various styles, of the different meth- ods. . .of the modes of correcting as well as of the several causes of failure. London: C. HuUmandel, n, d. 1 p.l., vii, xvi, 92 p., 19 pl. 8. MDP The art of drawing on stone... London: C. HuUmandel [1824]. 1 p.l., xvi, 92 p., vii, 17 pl., 1 fac, 1 map, 1 1. nar. 4. MDP Avery collection. PRINTS AND THEIR PRODUCTION 93 Prints as Art Products, continued. Lithography, continued. Lehner, Sigmund. Die Tinten-Fabrika- tion und die Herstellung der Hektogra- phen und Hektographirtinten; die Fabri- kation der Tusche, der Tintenstifte, der Stempeldruckfarben sowie des Wasch- blaues. Wien: A. Hartleben, 1885. 8 p.l., viii, 256 p. illus. 3. ed. 12. (A. Hartle- ben's chemish-technische Bibliothek. Bd. 17.) MDP Lehrgang fiir Lithographer! zum Ge- brauch an Fach- u. Fortbildungesschulen. Hrsg. von W. Potter, P. Woenne, und W. Krefting. Halle a. d. S.: W. Knapp il90-?]. 20 pi. f. fMDP Title from cover. Mairet, F. Notice sur la lithographic suivic d'un cssai sur la reliure ct le blanchi- ment des livrcs et gravures. Chatillon-sur- Scine: G. Cornillac, 1824. 228 p., 4 pi. 12. MDP Munier, A. Traite de lithographic. Reims: I'Auteur, 1898. 3 p.l., 231 p. 8. MDP Nouveau manuel complct de rimprimeur lithographe. Atlas. Paris: Roret, n. d. 2 1., 14 pi. (3 col'd) 16. (Manuels-Roret.) MDP Pescheck, H. E. Das Ganze des Stein- drucks; oder, Vollstandige theoretisch- praktische Anweisung zur Ausiibung der Lithographic... Bearbcitet von Leo Berg- mann. Weimar: B. F. Voigt, 1856. xviii, 344 p., 6 pi. 3. ed., rev. & cnl. 16. (Ncuer Schauplatz der Kiinste und Handwerke. 43 Bd.) MDP [Raucourt, Antoinc] A manual of lithog- raphy, or memoir on the lithographical ex- periments made in Paris at the Royal School of the Roads and Bridges... Trans- lated from the French by C. Hullmandcl. London: Rodwell & Martin, 1820. xix, 138 p., 2 pi. nar. 8. MDP Avery collection. A manual of lithography; clearly explaining the whole art, and the accidents that may happen in printing, w^ith the dif- ferent methods of avoiding them. 3. ed. . . to which is added, . .selections from the work of [Leon] Bregeaut... Trans, from the French, by C[harleS] Hullmandel. Lon- don: Longman, Rees, Orme, Brown, Green, & Longman, 1832. xix, 117 p., 2 pi. 8. MDP Rhodes, Henry J. The art of lithogra- phy; a complete pactical manual of piano- graphic printing. London: Scott, Green- wood and Son, 1914. 2 p.l., vii-xv, 327 p., 2 plans, 1 port. 8. MDP Richmond, W. D. Colour and colour printing as applied to lithography. 3. ed. London, 1885. 12. MDP (In: Wyman's tech. series.) The grammar of lithography. A practical guide for the artist and printer . . . Revised by the editor of "The print- ing times and lithographer." London: Wyman & Sons, 1886. xiii, 1 1., 254 p. 6. ed. 12. MDP (In: Wyman's technical series.) Avery collection. Same. London: E. Menken [1886]. 2 p.l., v-xii, 1 1., 154 p. 9. ed. 12. MDP (In: Wyman's technical series.) Robin, Achille. Coloris des lithographies. Paris: I'Auteur, 1837. 24 p., 1 pi. nar. 12. MDP Avery collection. Senefelder, Aloys. L'art de la lithogra- phic, ou instruction pratique. . .precedee d'une histoire de la lithographic et de ses divers progres. Paris: Treuttel et Wiirtz, 1819. 3 p.l., 262 p., 1 port. 4. MDP Avery collection. A complete course of lithography ...to which is prefixed a history of lith- ography from its origin to the present time . . .with a preface by F. von Schlichtegroll Translated. . .by A. S. London: R. Ackermann, 1819. xxix, 1 1., 343 p., 1 fac, 13 pi., 1 port. 4. tMDP Avery collection. The invention of lithography. Translated from the original German by J. W. Muller. New York: Fuchs & Lang Manufacturing Co., 1911. xii, 229(1) p., 1 pi., 1 port. 4. MDP Vollstandiges Lehrbuch der Stein- druckerey enthaltend eine richtige und deutliche Anweisung zu den verschiedenen Manipulations-Arten derselben... Nebst einer vorangehenden ausfiihrlichen Ge- schichte dieser Kunst... Mit einer Vor- ede des F. von Schlichtegroll. Miinchen: K. Thienemann, 1818. xiv, 1 1., 370 p., 1 1. 8. MDP & tMDP Sammlung von mehreren Muster- blattern in verschiedenen lithographischen Kunstmanieren; als Beylage zu Alois Se- nefelders Lehrbuch des Steindrucks. Miin- chen: 1818. 1 1., 18 pi. (2 col'd) f. Seymour, Alfred. Practical lithography. London: Scott, Greenwood & Son, 1903. xi, 104 p., 1 pi. 8. MDP Waterlow & Sons. Every man his own printer; or, lithography made easy... London: Waterlow & Sons, 1859. 3 p.l., 50 p., 8 pi., 1 port. 2. ed. nar. 4. MDP Avery collection. Weilandt, Karl. Der Aluminiumdruck. (Algraphie.) Seine Einrichtung und Aus- iibung in der lithographischen Praxis... Wien: A. Hartleben [1902?]. 1 p.l., vii, 59 p. 12. (Hartleben's chemischtechnische Bi- bliothek.) MDP 94 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Prints as Art Products, continued. Lithography, continued. Weishaupt, Heinrich. Das Gesammtge- biet des Steindrucks, oder. . .Anweisung zur Ausiibung der Lithographic. . . Nebst einem Anhange von der Zinkographie, dem anastatischen Drucke und der Photolitho- graphie. Bearbeitet von...W. Vierte Auflage von Pescheck, das Ganze des Steindrucks in ganzlicher Umarbeitung. Weimar: B. F. Voigt, 1865. xvi, 416 p. 16. (Neuer Schauplatz der Kiinste... v. 43.) MDP Text only. Atlas missing. Woodcock's Printers' & Lithographers' Weekly Gazette and Newspaper Reporter. V. 5-18 (1871-1884). New York. 1871-1884. 9 V. in 25. 8. * IPA V. 5-12 have title: "American Newspaper Reporter & Printers' Gazette." Williams, William Smith. On lithog- raphy. . . Read to the meeting on the 22nd December, 1847. n. p. [1848?] 226-250 p. 8. MDP Fragment of publication not identified. Lithography: History Amsler & Ruthardt. Katalog der sehr werthvollen Sammlung von Kiinstler- Lithographien aus dem Besitze eines be- kannten berliner Kunstfreundes. . . [Ber- lin, 1902.] 4 p.l., 156 p., 8 pi. 4. MDP Avery collection. Ausstellung von Kunstler-Lithographien und Plakaten in den Raumen des Kunstge- werbe-Museums zu Diisseldorf. Novem- ber-December, 1897. Diisseldorf: A. Ba- gel, 1897. 59 p. nar. 8. MDP Avery collection. Bouchot, Henri. La lithographic. Pa- ris: Quantin [1895]. 296 p. 8. (Biblio- theque de I'Enseign. d. Beaux-Arts.) MDP Centenaire de la lithographic. Cata- logue officiel de I'exposition. 1795-1895. 162 p. [Paris: comite de direction, 1895.] 4. MDP Same. Heavy paper copy. Avery collection. Curtis, Athcrton. Some masters of lith- ography. New York: D. Appleton & Co., 1897. 1 p.l., xvi, 187 p., 21 pi., 1 port. f. tMDP no. 106 of 750 copies. Deutscher Buchgewerbeverein. Buch- gewerbcmuseum. Ausstellung von altcn und neuen Kiinstlerlithographien allcr Lander im Deutschen Buchgewcrbehause. Vom IS Marz-28 April 1901. Fiihrer her- ausgegeben von der Verwaltung. Leipzig [1901]. 35 p. nar. 8. MDP Avery collection. Ferchl, Franz Maria. Uebersicht der ein- zig bestehenden vollstandigen Incunabeln- Sammlung der Lithographic und der iibri- gen Sencfclder'schcn Erfindungcn. . . Mit einem Vorwort begleitet zur Sechzigjahr- igen Gedachtniss-Fcier der Miinchencr- Erfindung der Lithographic... [Miinchen: E. Wolf & Sohn, 1856]. 1 p.l., 115-224 p., 1 pi. 8. . MDP Extract from Oberbayer. Archiv, Bd. XVI. Figaro lithographe [imprime a I'occasion du centenaire de la lithographic, 1795-1895]. Paris: Lemcrcier [1895]. 50 p., 6 pi. f. ttMDP Illustrated. Fuchs & Lang Manufacturing Co. Cata- logue of lithographic prints, books, &c., in the art gallery of the Fuchs & Lang Mfg. Co., New York. New York: Fuchs & Lang Manufacturing Co., 1913. 3 p.l., 9-63 p. 1. ed. 4. MDP Graiil, Richard, and Friedrich Doernhoe- FER. Die Lithographic von ihrcr Erfindung bis zur Gcgenwart, mit einem Anhange: Die photomechanischen Reproductions- verfahren. Wien: Gescllschaft fiir verviel- faltigcnde Kunst, 1895-1903. 2 p.l., vii, 314 p. i". (Die vervielfaltigende Kunst der Gcgenwart, Bd. 4, Hft. 34-^5.) t MDB Grolier Club of the City of New York. Catalogue of an exhibition illustrative of a centenary of artistic lithography 1796-1896. At the Grolier Club... March 6-28, 1896. [By F. Weitenkampf. Preface by Louis Prang.] New York, 1896. 73 p. 12. MDP Same. 83 p., 15 pi., 3 port., 2 fac. 8. Katalog wcrthvoller graphischer Origi- nalarbeiten neuer meist lebender Kiinstler ...Amsler & Ruthardt. Verstcigerung zu Berlin... den 14-15 Mai [1901]. Berlin: Amsler & Ruthardt [1901]. 2 p.l., 43(1) p., 6 pi. sm. 4. MDP Avery collection. Lithographers' Association of Philadel- phia. Centennial celebration of the Lith- ographers' Association of Philadelphia... July, 1896. [Catalogue. Philadelphia: Craig, Finlcy & Co., 1896.] 14 p., 1 1. 12. MDP p.box 1 Title from cover. Avery collection. Monatshefte fiir graphisches Kunstge- werbc. Jahrg. 1-7. (1902-1909.) Berlin, 1903-09. Current. t MDA Jahrg. 1 has title: Monatshefte fiir Lithographic und das gesamte graphische Kunstgewerbe. v. 3 date published in Glogau. Muller, Fredcrik & Cie. La lithographic. Ecoles frangaise, neerlandaise, allcmande, anglais & russe. Catalogue. . .a prix mar- ques... Amsterdam: F. Muller & C'*., 1890. 3 p.l., 78 p., 1 pi. nar. 4. MDF PRINTS AND THEIR PRODUCTION 95 Prints as Art Products, continued. Lithography, continued. P., G. Essai historique sur la lithographic, renfermant, 1. L'histoire de cette decou- verte; 2. Une notice bibliographique des ouvrages qui ont paru sur la lithographic; et 3. Une notice chronologique des differens genres de gravures qui ont plus ou moins de rapport avec la lithographic. Par G. P. [1. c, fiticnnc Gabriel Peignot.] Paris: A. A. Renouard, 1819. 60 p., 1 1., 1 pi. 8. MDP Paris. Exposition internationalc du cen- tcnaire de la lithographic. Ccntenaire de la lithographic. Catalogue officicl de I'cx- position. 1795-1895. [Paris: P. Dupont, 1895.] 162 p. 4. MDF Listc officiellc des recom- penses. 28. Sept. -30. Nov. Paris: Ga- lerie Rapp, 1895. 32 p. 4. MDP Reglcmcnt general. Paris: Comite dc direction [1895]. 10 p., 4 1., 1 plan. 8. MDP Avery collection. Pennell, Joseph, and E. R. Pennell. Lithography and lithographers. Some chapters in the history of the art. With technical remarks and suggestions. Lon- don: T. F. Unwin, 1898. 1 p.l., xiii, 279 p. 2 pi., 5 port, illus. f. t MDP Avery collection. Lithography and New York, 1915. f. lithographers... tMDP South Kensington Museum. Catalogue of the loan collection of lithographs... 1898-99. London: Wyman & Sons, 1898. xvi, 264 p. 2. cd. nar. 8. MDP Lithography: Regional British Carnegie Institute of Pittsburgh. De- partment of Fine Arts. Catalogue of an exhibition of lithographs by members of the Sencfeldcr Club... Pittsburgh, 1913. 51. 16. MDP Neolith, The. Published quarterly under the direction of E. Nesbit, Graily Hewitt, F. Ernest Jackson, & Spencer Pryse. . . no. 1-4. London, 1907-08. f. f MDP French Benedite, Leonce. Les "peintres-litho- graphes." n. t.-p. [Paris, 1903.] 491-506 p., illus., 2 pi. f. MDP Frag.: La Revue de I'art. Dec, 1903. Title from p. 491. Avery collection. Dubor, Georges de. Vieilles romances ! Vieilles lithographies. Paris, 1903. 21-31 p. 4. MDP Extract: Le Monde Moderne, Aug., 1903. ficole des Beaux Arts. Exposition ge- nerale de la lithographic, au benefice de 1 ceuvre I'Union Frangaise pour le Sauve- tagc dc I'Enfance. Ouverte du 26 avril au 24 mai 1891. Paris: G. Chamerot, 1891. 1 p.l., xvi, 59 p., 1 pi., 1 1. nar. 4. MDP Avery collection. Hedou, Jules. La lithographic a Rouen. Rouen: Auge, 1877. 3 p.l., 82 p., 2 pi., 1 port. 8- MDP no. 46 of 100 copies (printed on Holland paper.) Avery collection. Herluison, Henri. Les debuts de la litho- graphic a Orleans. Orleans: H. Herluison. 1904. 20 p., 1 port. 8. MDP Repr. : Mem. de la Soc. Archeol. de I'Orleans. Imprimerie, L'. Journal de la typogra- phic de la lithographic et des industries accessoires. Annee tl]-7. (Jan. 1864- July 1870); V. 34-date (1897-date). ft * IPA Paris, 1864 -date. Current, f. Lemercier, Alfred. La lithographic fran- gaise de 1796 a 1896, et les arts qui s'y rat- tachent. Manuel pratique. . . Cet ouvrage est public en 12 fascicules... Paris: C. Lorillcux & Cie. [1896?] xxiv, 358 p., 31 pi., 2 port., 1 table. 4. f MDP Lithographe, Le, Journal des artistes et des imprimeurs. . .Redige par des litho- graphcs, sous la direction de M. Jules Des- portcs... [Annual.] v. 1. Paris, 1838. 1 V. nar. 8. MDP Avery collection. Parguez. Catalogue dc lithographies, oeuvres dc Bonington, Charlet, Decamps, Delacroix, Deveria, Gericault, Ingres, Prud'hon, Horace Vernct, d'amatcurs tels que: la duchesse dc Berry, princcsse dc Chimay, baron Denon, etc... [Collection Parguez. Preface by Ph. Burty.] Vente . . .22-24 avril 1861. Paris: Bonaventure & Ducessois, printers, 1861. xvi, 87 p. nar. 4. MDP Avery collection. Peintres-Lithographes, Les. Album tri- mestricl de lithographies originales et in- edites par divers artistes. Public sous la direction de L. Benedite, H.-P. Dillon, J. Alboize, Annee l*""*. no. 1-4. 1 v. Paris: I'Artiste, 1892-94. f. ft MEG Societe des peintres-lithographes. Pre- miere exposition; ouverte du 4 au 15 No- vembrc 1897... Galcrie des Artistes Mo- dernes. . .Paris. Paris: [A. Fleury, printer.] 1897. 2 p.l., 27 p. 16. MDP Avery collection. Deuxieme exposition des Peintres Lithographes du 10 au 25 Janvier 1899. . . Paris: Lemercier, 1899. 4 p.l., xi-xxiii, 64 p. nar. 8. MDP One added plate. Illustrations paged in. Avery collection. Exposition, no. 8 (1909/10). Paris. 1909. 12. MDP 96 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Prints as Art Products, continued. Lithography, continued. German Deutsche Kiinstler- Steinzeichnungen. Leipzig: B. G. Teubner [1906i. 1 1., 5 pi. f. ttMEG Avery collection. Erste im Konigreich Sachsen erschie- nene Sammlung artistischer Versuche im Steindrucke. Dresden: A. Dziembowski [1806,. 14 pi., 1 port. sm. 4. t MEG Title-page lithographed. Avery collection. Keppel, Frederick & Co. Catalogue of an exhibition of original lithographs by contemporary German artists. With an in- troduction by Professor Dr. Hans W. Sing- er of the Royal Print Room Dresden, Saxony. New York: The De Vinne Press, 1906. 1 1., numbered as 5 p. ob. 8. folded to nar. 8. MDP Kvinstdruckerei Kiinstlerbund, Karls- ruhe... Kiinstlerischer Wandschmuck. Kiinstler-Steinzeichnungen. Leipzig: B. G. Teubner [1901]. 72 p., 1 1. 16. MDP Title from cover. Lehrs, Max, H. Weizsacker, and R. Graul. Neue Lithographien. (Greiner, Thoma, von Pidoll, Steinhausen, Dasio). . . Vermehrter Abdruck aus den Graphischen Kiinsten. Wien: Gesellschaft fiir Verviel- falltigende Kunst, 1894. 2 p.l., 16 p., 4 pi. f. MEG Avery collection. Singer, Hans Wolfgang. German etch- ing and lithography of to-day. New York: F. Keppel & Co. [1904.] 36 p. illus. nar. 24. MDP Modern German lithography. Pt. 1-2. 4. MDP Excerpt: The Studio. Feb., 1899. Avery collection. Voigtlaender, R. Kiinstler-Steinzeich- nungen zur Ausstattung von Innenrau- men... Leipzig: R. Voigtlander, 1903. 56 p. 12. MDP Wiener Kiinstler-Lithographien. Sech- zehn Originalzeichnungen auf Steinpapier von Tina Blau, Gustav Croy. . .[and others]. Wien: Gesellschaft fiir graphische In- dustrie [1907?]. 2 1., 16 pi. f. ttMEG United States Gugler Lithographic Company. [1878- 1903. 25th anniversary. The story of an achievement.] Milwaukee, Wis.: The Gu- gler Lithographic Co., 1903. 6 1., 3 pi. il- lus. 8. MDP National, The, Lithographer. Devoted to the interests of lithography and the graphic arts. v. 10''" (Feb.-Dec. 1904); v. [11]' (Feb. 1905). New York, 1904-05. sq. r. tMDP v. 11* wrongly marked v. 12^ New York Lithograph; a journal of lith- ography and literature, no. 1 (Jan. 1, 1874). Suppl. to no. 1. New York, 1874. f. tMDP no. 1 contains: Memoir of Alois Senef elder. Color Prints For individual artists who have worked in color, see, in Section I, under "Individual artists," the following names, among others: Bjixter, George; Blake, William; Dow, Arthur W.; Debucourt, P. L.; Edwards, S. Arlent; Guerard, H.; Hornby, L. G.; Mielatz, C. F. W.; Raffaelli, J. F.; Simon, T. F.; Stevenson, F. G. As many sporting prints are in color, the entries under "Sporting Prints" should also be consulted. See also, in section "Photomechanical Processes," under Austin, A. C; Broum, Karl H.; Verfasser, Julius. See also, in section "Lithography: Handbooks," under: Audsley, G. A.; Hesse, F.; Richmond, W. D.; Robin, A. Andrews, Emery Cobb. Color and its application to printing. Chicago: Inland Printer Co. [Cop. 1911.] 123 p., 24 1., 3 pi. illus. 8. MDS Blank leaves for notes at end of book. Brandus, Edward. Catalogue of the first New York salon of original etchings in colors by engravers of the modern French school, at the gallery of paintings of E. Brandus, New York. New York [1909?,. 9 1., 6 pi. 8. MDN Burch, Robert M. Colour printing and colour printers, by R. M. Burch; with a chapter on modern processas, by W. Gam- ble. London: Sir I. Pitman and Sons, Ltd. [1910.] xviii, 280 p., 1 1., 1 fac, 24 pi., 5 port. 8. MDR Frankau, Julia. Eighteenth century colour prints: an essay on certain stipple engravers and their work in colour com- piled, arranged and Avritten by Julia Fran- kau. Illustrated with fifty-two character- istic pictures printed in colours from cop- per-plates. London: Macmillan & Co., Ltd., 1900. xvii, 132 p. 52 col'd pi. f. ttMDB Hardie, Martin. English coloured books. London: Methuen & Co. [1906.] xxiv, 339 (1) p., 1 fac, 27 pi. 4. (Connoisseur's, The, library.) MDT Harper, Francis P. Colored plate books and their values... Selected from recent English and American catalogues of re- liable dealers in rare books with prices of each lot. To which is added the remarkable library of colored plate books collected by the late W. C. Dulles of Philadelphia... with their prices. A guide for librarians, collectors and booksellers. Edited by F. PRINTS AND THEIR PRODUCTION 97 Prints as Art Products, continued. Color Prints, continued. P. Harper. Princeton, N. J.: F. P. Harper, 1913. viii, 215 p. 12. (Book collectors series, no. 1.) MDC Bibliography, p. v.-vi. Medici Society, Ltd., Boston, Mass. Medici series of coloured reproductions after the old masters, published by the Medici Society, Ltd... Boston: Foster Bros. [1913.] 24 p. illus. f. f MDFK Circular inserted. Title from cover. Model, Julius, and J. Springer. Der fran- zosische Farbenstich des xviii. Jahrhun- derts. Stuttgart: Deutsche Verlags-An- stalt [1912]. 70 p., 50 1., 50 pi. f. f MDBF Paton, Hugh. Colour etching, A prac- tical treatise. London: Simpkin, Marshall, Hamilton, Kent & Co., 1909. 1 p.l., ii, 23 p., 2 pi. 8. MDN Repr. : from his: Etching, drypoint, mezzotint. 2. edition. Petit, Georges. Catalogue des eaux- fortes et gravures originales en couleurs, publiees par Georges Petit. Paris: G. Petit, 1907. 23 p. illus. 4. f MDF Preissig, Vojt. Zur Technik der farbi- gen Radierung & des Farbenkupferstichs. Teil 1-. Leipzig: K. W. Hiersemann, 1909. 1 V. illus. 12. MDN Author's autograph, no. 10 of 100 copies. Richmond, W. D. Colour and colour printing as applied to lithography. 3. ed. London, 1885. 12. MDP (In: Wyman's technical series.) Rosenbach Galleries. Catalogue of an exhibition of xviiith century English color prints. Philadelphia, November 6th to 20th, 1911. Philadelphia, 1911. 8 p. 8. MDF Salaman, Malcolm Charles. French colour-prints of the xviii. century. An in- troductory essay by M. C. Salaman. Lon- don: W. Heinemann, 1913. 4 p.l., 71(1) p., Z7 pi., 13 port, f . t MDBF Savage, William. Practical hints on dec- orative printing, with illustrations engraved on wood, and printed in colours at the type press. London: the Proprietor, 1822. 5 p.l., iii-vi, 118 p., 2 1., 1 fac, 44 pi. f. ttMDO Letter press title-page. Frontispiece and title- page in colours. Societe Georges Petit. First New York salon by the Societe Georges Petit, Paris, of original etchings in colors by the most celebrated engravers of the modern French school. New York: E. Brandus [1908?]. 81. 8. MDN Societe de la gravure originate en cou- leurs. Salon annuel de la gravure originate en couleurs. [Uo.] 9 (1912). Paris, 1912. 12. MDN Society of Graver-Printers in Colour. Annual exhibition of works by the mem- bers of the society... 1913. New York, 1913. 12. MDN II. APPLICATIONS OF THE REPRODUCTIVE GRAPHIC ARTS Bank Note Engraving Ormsby, Watermann Lilly. Cycloidal configurations; or. The harvest of counter- feiters. Containing matter of the highest importance concerning paper money. Also explaining the unit system of bank note engraving. New York: the Author, [1862?]. 45 p. 8. TF p.v.55, no.3 A description of the present system of bank note engraving, showing its ten- dency to facilitate counterfeiting: to which is added a new method of constructing bank notes to prevent forgery. New York: W. L. Ormsby, 1852. viii, 102 p., 14 pi. f. tMDI Porter, Charles H. Bank note engrav- ing and printing. Mr. Porter's review of testimony before committee of banking and currency, January, 1875. [Washing- ton, 1875?] 1 p.l, 25 p. 8. (U. S. Bank- ing and Currency, Committee on.) TF p.v.55, no.l4 Society for the encouragement of arts, manufactures and commerce. Report of the Committee of the Society of Arts, &c., together with the approved communica- tions and evidence upon the same, relative to the mode of preventing the forgery of bank notes. London: 1819. 2 p.l., 72 p., 6 pi. 8. TF Toppan, Robert Noxon. 1795-1895. A hundred years of bank note engraving in the United States. Read before the trus- tees of the American Bank Note Company. New York, 1896. 13 p., 1 1. 8. MDBF Cards (Playing) Chatto, William Andrew. Facts and speculations on the origin and history of playing cards. London: J. R. Smith, 1848. vi, 1 1., 343(1) p., 31 pi. 8. MZMB Clarendon Historical Society. A pack of cavalier playing cards Temp. Charles 98 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Applications. . .Reproductive . . .Arts, cont'd. Bank Note Engraving, continued. II. forming a complete political satire of the Commonwealth. [A facsimile.] [Edin- burgh: the Society, 1885.] 32. MDY The original pack in the possession of the Rt. Hon. Earl Nelson. Issued in place of the publica- tions for Oct. - Dec, 1805. (Explanatory notes.) By Ed- mund Goldsmid. Edinburgh: E. & G. Goldsmid, 1886. 23 p. 8. Notice of the Society, regarding the proposed publication of facsimile re- productions of the Pack of cards; with 10 leaves representing 4 cards each. Edin- burgh, 188-?. 11 1. 8. Duchesne, Jean Aine. Observations sur les cartes a jouer. Extrait de I'Annuaire historique pour 1837, public par la Societe de I'Histoire de France. Paris: Crapelet, 1836. 46 p. 12. MDB Bound with his, Essai sur les nielles... Paris, 1826. 8. Geisberg, Max. Das Kartenspiel der Kgl. Staats- und Albertiimer-Sammlung in Stuttgart. Stuttgart: J. H. E. Heitz, 1910. 48 p., 1 1., illus., 49 pi. 8. (Studien zur deutschen Kunstgeschichte, 132. Heft.) Heller, Joseph. Geschichte der Holz- schneidekunst von der altesten bis auf die neuesten Zeiten, nebst zwey Beilagen, en- thaltend den Ursprung der Spielkarten und ein Verzeichniss der sammtlichen xylo- graphischen Werke. Bamberg: C. F. Kunz, 1823. xii, 458 p., 10 pi. 8. MDO Jansen, Henri. Essai sur I'origine de la gravure en bois et en taille-douce, et sur la connoissance des estampes des xv. et XVI. siecles; ou il est parle aussi de I'origine des cartes a jouer et des cartes geogra- phiques; suivi de recherches sur I'origine du papier de coton et de lin; sur la calli- graphic... Paris: F. Schell, 1808. 2 v. 8. MDB Jeux de cartes tarots et de cartes nu- merales du quatorzieme au dix-huitieme siecle. . .avec un precis historique et ex- plicatif. Publics par la Societe des Bibli- ophiles frangais. Paris: Crapelet, 1844. 6 p.l., 22 p., 1 1., 100 pi. f. t MDB One of 100 small-paper folio copies. Lehrs, Max. The playing cards of the master E. S, of 1466; reproduced. . .with an explanatory essay by M. L. London, 1892. f. (International Chalcograph. So- ciety. Extraordinary publication, v. 1). ttMEM no. 103 of 250 copies printed. Peignot, . G. Recherches historiques et litteraires sur les danses des morts et sur I'origine des cartes a jouer. Dijon: V. Lagier, 1826, Ix, 368 p., 5 pi. 8. MAIM Schreiber, Lady Charlotte Elizabeth Guest. Playing cards of various ages and countries... vol. 1-3. London: J. Mur- ray, 1892-95. 3 V. f . tt MZMB vol. 1. English and Scottish, Dutch and Flem- ish. vol. 2. French and German. vol. 3. Swiss, Swedish, Russian, Polish, Italian, Spanish and Portugruese, together with a supplement of other countries. Singer, S. W. Researches into the his- tory of playing cards; with illustrations of the origin of printing and engraving on wood. London: R. Triphook, 1816. xvi, 1 1., 373(3) p., 19 pi., 1 port. 4. Stuart 11577 Weigel, Theodor Oswald. Die Spiel- karten der Weigel'schen Sammlung. Leip- zig: T. O. Weigel, 1865. 45 p., 8 pi. of fac. f. tt MDB Only 100 copies printed. Willshire, William Hughes. A descrip- tive catalogue of playing and other cards in the British Museum accompanied by a concise general history of subject and re- marks on cards of divination and of a politico-historical character. [Supplemen- tary portion.] [London]: Printed by order of the trustees, 1876. x, 360, viii, 87 p., 24 pi. 8. MDE Book Plates See also, in Part I of this list, under individual artists: Fisher, Wm. E. ; French, E. D. ; Heroux, B.; Hopson, W. F.; Spenceley, J. W. Allen, Charles Dexter. Ex Libris. Es- says of a collector, xxxv, 1 1., 157 p., 21 pi. Boston...: Lamson, Wolffe, & Co., 1896. 8. MDVC Brown, James Roberts. Catalogue of the collection of book plates (ex-libris) of ...J. R. Brown. . .which will be sold by auction. London: Sotheby, Wilkinson & Hodge, 1906. 55 p. 8. MDVF Club of Odd Volumes. Boston. [An- nouncement of au] exhibition of book plates [by the Club of Odd Volumes, to be held in the Museum of Fine Arts, early in 1898]. Boston, 1897. 2 1. 8. MDVF Crudge, Alfred Frederick. List of book plates (ex-libris) on sale by A. F. Crudge. n. t.-p. [London, 189-?]. 2 1. 8. MDVF Deats, H. E. The collection of Ameri- can and foreign bookplates of H. E. Deats .. .sold.. .1909. New York: Anderson Auction Co., 1909. 38 p., 1 1. 8. MDVF Dempsey & Carroll. Book plates. (Ex- libris.) Published and printed by Demp- sey & Carroll... New York: Dempsey & Carroll, [Cop. 1897.] 15 p., 4 pi. 12. MDVC Dixson, Zella Allen. Concerning book- plates, a handbook for collectors. Chi- cago: Wisteria Cottage Pr., 1903. xv, 217 p., 29 pi. 8. MDVC PRINTS AND THEIR PRODUCTION 99 Applications. . .Reproductive. . .Arts^ cont'd. Book Plates, continued. Dodd, Mead & Co. Bookplates. A cata- logue of a selection containing some... rare items, such as a plate., .by P. Revere ...and William Penn plates, from the col- lection of Dodd, Mead & Co. New York, 1906. 40 p., 15 pi. 12. MDVF Ex Libris. Book plates, their ori- gin, design, execution and cost. New York: Dodd, Mead & Company, [1903?]. 9 1., 9 pi. 16. MDVC Downing, William. A catalogue of ancient and modern book plates. Bir- mingham, England, 1897. 16 p. 12. MDVF Fincham, H. W., and J. R. Brown. A bibliography of book-plates (ex-libris). [Plymouth: W. F. Westcott, printer,] 1892. 24 p. 8. MDV Repr.: Ex libris journal, v. 1, 1891-92. no. 57 of 100 copies printed. Presentation copy. Guigard, Joannes. Armorial du bibli- ophile avec illustrations dans le texte. Tome 1-2. Paris: libraire Bachelin-Deflo- renne, 1870-1873. 2 v. in 1. 4. Reserve A Gyiijto; le coUectionneur; a Szent- Gyorgy czeh magyar amatorok es gyiijtok egyesiilete tagilletmenye es kiadasa... Miiveszeti folyoirat 6-8. [Budapest: Horn- yanszky Viktor, 1914?]. 4. MDVC illus., plates (partly colored), facsimile. Editor: 191 3-. Liszlo Siklossy. Hungarian, French and English. Miiveszeti foly6irat 6-8 are: Az ex-libris magyar orszagon es kiilfoldon; I'ex-libris en Hongrie et en etranger; redige par Ladislas de Siklossy. Hamilton, Walter. Dated book-plates (ex libris) with a treatise on their origin and development... London: A. & C. Black, 1895. 2 p.l., 124, 226 p., 10 1., 50 pi. sq. 4. tMDVC Hardy, W. J. Book-plates. London, 1893. 8. (Books about books.) MDVC Same. New-York: C. Scrib- ner's Sons, 1897. 2. ed. xvi, 240 p., 44 pi. 8. MDVC Howard, Joseph Jackson. Catalogue of the valuable collection of Book-Plates (Ex-Libris) formed by the late J. J. Howard... Also a further selection of genealogical manuscripts... (Removed from Black heath.) Which will be sold by auction by Messrs. Puttick & Simpson, at their galleries on Thursday, Nov. 27th, 1902. London: Puttick & Simpson, 1902. 14 p., 1 1. 8. MDVF Kissel, Clemens. Symbolical book- plates. Twenty-five ex-libris designed and drawn by C. K. 4 1., 25 pi. London: H. Grevel & Co., 1894. 8. MDVK Labouchere, Noma. Ladies' book- plates: an illustrated handbc6oMT> nopTpexoBt nMnepaTop- cKaro fl^oua. [St. Petersburg: M. MnxaftjiOB'f., 1889?] 1 p.l., 45 port. 12. *QG Rovinski, D[mitri Aleksandrovich]. CjIOSapt pyCCKHXT, rpaBHpOBaHHHX'B nopxpexoB-L. St. Petersburg: Tip. Imperatorskoi Akademii Nauk, 1872. 1 p.l., Ivi, 236 p. 8. * QDZ Supplement to SanncKH Hmh. Ana- ,zi;eMiH HayKt. Tomt, 21, M 2. JIo,a;po6HHtt cjroBapt pyccKHxt rpaBepoB-L xvi-xix bb. 720 phototypes & 21(3 zinkographs. St. Petersburg: Tip. Akad. Nauk, 1895. 2 v. f. Vasir Chikov, A. A., prince. Liste al- phabetique de portraits russes; par A. Wassittschikoff; torn. 1-2. St. Peters- bourg, 1875. 2 v. nar. 4. AOF Spanish Biblioteca nacional. Catalogue de los retratos de personajes espafioles que se conservan en la seccion de estampas y de bellas artes de la Biblioteca nacional. Por ...A. M. De Barcia. Madrid: Est. Tip de laviuda e Hijos de M. Tello, 1901. 897 p., 1 1. 8. AOF PRINTS AND THEIR PRODUCTION 123 Applications. . .Reproductive. . .Arts, cont'd. Portraits, continued. United States ' Andrews, William Loring. An essay on the portraiture of the American Revolu- tionary War: being an account of... en- graved portraits connected therewith. . .To which is added an appendix containing lists of portraits of Revolutionary char- acters... Illustrated with reproductions .. .of the original engravings. New York: Printed by Gilliss Bros, for the author, 1896. 3 p.l., v-viii, 2 1., 100 p., 1 1., 2 pi. 16 port. 8. AON One of 185 copies, printed on hand-made paper. Carson, Hampton L. The Hampton L. Carson collection of engraved portraits of American naval commanders, and early American explorers and navigators... Catalogue and sale... by S. V. Henkels . . . fl905.] Philadelphia: Davis & Harvey [1905.] 2 p.l., 80 p., 4 pi., 11 port. sq. 4. (Catalogue no. 906. Part 4.) AOF The Hampton L. Carson collection of engraved portraits of Jefferson, Frank- lin, and Lafayette. Catalogue compiled and sale ... by S. V. Henkels, at the . . . auc- tion rooms of Davis & Harvey... Phila- delphia. . .April. . .1904. Philadelphia: [W. F. Fell Co., 1904.] 6, 157 p., 2 pi., 21 port. 4. (Catalogue no. 906, part. 2.) ACT The Hampton L. Carson collection of engraved portraits of signers of the Declaration of Independence. . . Catalogue ...and sale by S. V. Henkels at the Art Auction Rooms of Davis & Harvey... Philadelphia . . . Dec . . . 1904. Philadelphia: Davis & Harvey, 1904. 2 p.l., 93 p., 13 port. 4. (Catalogue no. 906, part 3.) AOF Clark, Charles E. Catalogues of the Charles E. Clark collection of Arnerican portraiture, including a. . .collection of Washington portraits. Almost complete collections of the engraved work of the Cheneys, David Edwin and A. B. Durand. Rare autograph letters... to be sold by auction... January 15, 16, and 17, 1901. Boston: C. F. Libbie & Co. rl900]. 2 p.l., 136 p., 1 fac-sim., 4 pi., 4 port. 8. AOF Henkels, Stan. V. Catalogue no. 888. Rare engraved portraits of Washington and other American notables. . .to be sold ...Dec. 19th, 1902. [Philadelphia, 1902.] 26 p. 4. AOV Highly important collection of en- graved portraits and views gathered by the late J. Frank Knight, and others. Em- bracing many rare portraits of Washing- ton, Lafayette. . .and others. . .also rare caricatures. . .sold.. .Nov. 13. and 14. 1893. Philadelphia, 1893. 3 p.l., 68 p. 4. (Cata- logue no. 709.) AOT Rare engraved portraits of Gen- eral George Washington and other not- able Americans, including several. . .por- traits of Benjamin Franklin ... Paul Re- vere's Boston massacre. . .oil portrait of Washington... Philadelphia: Davis & Harvey [1906]. 40 p., 1 pi., 3 port. 4. (Catalogue no. 950.) AOF Mitchell, James T. The unequaled col- lection of engraved portraits of officers in the army and navy of the War of the Revolution, Second War with Great Bri- tain and The Mexican War, belonging to Hon. James T. Mitchell. . .to be sold... Catalogue compiled. . .by Stan. V. Henkels. Philadelphia, Pa.: Davis & Harvey, 1906. 2 p.l., 131(1) p., 15 port. 4. (no. 944, part 3.) AOF The unequalled collection of en- graved portraits of the presidents of the United States belonging to Hon. J. T. Mitchell; embracing many rare portraits of George Washington. . .of Thomas Jef- ferson, John Adams, James Madison and Andrew Jackson and... of Abraham Lin- coln. To be sold... May 16. . .and. . . 17, 1907... Catalogue compiled. . .by S. V. Henkels. Philadelphia: Davis & Harvey, 1907. iv, 123 p., 17 port. 4. (no. 944, part 4.) AOT The unequalled collection of en- graved portraits belonging to Hon. J. T. Mitchell; embracing statesmen of the colonial, revolutionary and present time ... to be sold . . . Dec. 5 and 6, 1907 . . . Cata- logue compiled., .by S. V. Henkels. Phila- delphia: Davis & Harvey. 1907. 3 p.l., 134 p., 18 port. 4. (Catalogue, no. 944, part 5.) AOF Richardson, James H. Catalogue of... [a] collection of engraved portraits., .illus- trative of early American history gathered by the late J. H. Richardson. New York: Anderson Auction Company, 1904. 29 p. 8. MDE St.-Memin, Charles Balthazar-Julien Fevret de. The St.-Memin collection of portraits; consisting of seven hundred and sixty medallion portraits, principally of distinguished Americans, photographed by J. Gurney and Son, of New York. From proof impressions of the original copper- plates, engraved by M. de St. Memin, from drawings taken from life, by himself, dur- ing his exile in the United States from 1793-1814 prefixed a memoir of M. de St.-Memin, and biographical notices of per- sons, whose portraits constitute the col- lection. Compiled from authentic and original sources by the publisher. New York: Published by E. Dexter, 1862. viii, 104 p., 67 1. of ports. f. ft MEM Inserted: Prospectus, of St. Memin collection of portraits. Samuel, Bunford. Index to American portraits. Philadelphia, 1901. 60 p. 4. AO Repr. : Pennsylvania magagine of history and biography, April, July, and Oct., 1901. Note by compiler inserted. 124 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Applications . . .Reproductive. . .Arts, cont'd. Portraits, continued. Portraits: Individuals Alexander the Great. Johann Jacob Bernoulli. Die erhaltenen Darstellungen Alexanders des Grossen. Ein Nachtrag zur griechischen Ikonographie. . . Miin- chen: F. Bruckmann, 1905. 1 p.l., 156 p., 9 pi. illus. 4. BVH Arc, Jeanne d', in art. Joan of Arc loan exhibition catalogue. Paintings, pictures, medals, coins. . .etc. Under the auspices of the Joan of Arc Statue Committee (for a statue of Joan of Arc in the City of New York), the Museum of French Art, French Institute in the United States, the Ameri- can Numismatic Society; in the American Numismatic Society building, January 6th to February 8th, 1913. New York, 1913. 5 p.l., (1)10-128 p., 34 pi., 4 port. 8. AN Hobby Club edition. One of the 35 copies printed for the special meeting to view the Joan of Arc exhibition. Bibliography, p. 106-128. Bismarck. P. Liman. Bismarck in Ge- schichte, Karikatur und Anekdote. . . Stutt- gart, 1915. 300 p. 18 pi. 4. AN Brandt, Sebastian. J. Springer. Se- bastian Brants Bildnisse. . . Strassburg: J. H. E. Heitz, 1907. 25[1] p. illus., 11 port, (incl. front.) 8. (Studien zur deutschen Kunstgeschichte, 87. Hft.) Caesar, Caius Julius. Frank Jesup Scott. Portraitures of Julius Caesar. A monograph. London: Longmans, Green 6 Co., 1903. xii, 185 p., 37 pi. 4. AOT Calvin, Jean. Emile Doumergue. Icon- ographie calvinienne. . .par E. Doumergue . . .suivi de deux appendices: Catalogue des portraits graves de Calvin par H. Maillart- Gosse. Inventaire des medailles concern- ant Calvin par E. Demole. Lausanne: G. Bridel & Cie., 1909. 3 p.l., (i)vi-vii. 279(1) p., 24 pi. illus. f . t AOT Chaucer, Geoffrey. Marion Harry Spiel- mann. The portraits of Geoffrey Chaucer . . . London: K. Paul, Trench, Triibner & Co., 1900. 20 p. ob. 8. (Chaucer Society. Publications, second ser., v. 31.) NCL Columbus, Christopher. Charles Patrick Daly. Have we a portrait of Columbus? Annual address, Jan. 9, 1893. n. t.-p. ports, pm. 8. AOT Repr. from "Bulletin of the American Geographi- cal Society," v. 25, no. 1, 1893. Achille Neri. I ritratti di Cristo- foro Colombo. Roma: Auspice il Minis- tero della Pubblica Istruzione, 1893. 3 p., 30 port. f. tt AOT Estratto dalla Raccolta di Documenti e Studi pub- licati dalla R. Commissione Columbiana pel Quarto centenario dalla scoperta dell* America. Part II-V. III. Nestor Ponce de Leon. The Co- lumbus gallery. The "Discoverer of the New World" as represented in portraits, monuments, statues, medals and paintings. Historical description. (Illustrated.) New York: N. Ponce de Leon, 1893. 4 p.l., 178 p. 4. tAOT Dante. Richard Thayer Holbrook. Por- traits of Dante from Giotto to Raffael: a critical study, with a concise iconography. Illustrated after the original portraits. London: P. L. Warner, 1911. xix, 261(1) p., 1 1., 25 pi., 11 port. 4. AOT Bibliography, p. 245-252. L. Volkmann. Iconografia dantesca. . . . Firenze, 1898. 166 p. 18 pi. 4 Franklin, Benjamin. Charles Henry Hart. An original portrait of Doctor Franklin painted by Joseph Wright, 1782, belonging to the Royal Society, London. Portraits of Franklin attributed to Du- plessis, in the Corcoran Gallery of Art, Washington, D. C, and to Greuze in the Public Library, Boston, Mass., shown to be by Joseph Wright. Philadelphia, 1908. 1 p.l., p. 321-335, 1 port. 8. AOT Fifty copies reprinted from the Pennsylvania Magazine of History and Biography for July, 1908. Gift of the author. The Wilson portrait of Frank- lin; Earl Grey's gift to the nation, n. t.-p. Philadelphia, 1906. p. 409-416, 1 port. S. AOT Repr.: Pennsylvania Magazine, v. 30. The New York Public Library, Astor, Lenox and Tilden Foundations. List of works in the New York Public Li- brary by or relating to Benjamin Frank- lin. [New York, 1906.] 55 p. 4. AOT Goethe, J. W. Friedrich Zarncke. Kurz- gefasstes Verzeichniss der Originalaufnah- men von Goethe's Bildniss. Zusammen- gestellt von F. Zarncke. [Leipzig: S. Hir- zel, 1890,. 131(1) p., 15 pi. 4. (Konig- lich Sachsische Gesellschaft der Wissen- schaften. Abhandlungen der philologisch- historischen Klasse. Bd. 11, no. 1.) * EE Hamilton, Emma, Lady. Julia Frankau. The story of Emma, Lady Hamilton. Lon- don: Macmillan and Co., Ltd., 1911. 2 v. illus. pi., port. f. tt AOT Hamilton Bound in vellum, gilt tooled. Homer. Arthur Zweiniger. Der leben- dige Homer: eine Wiederherstellung der Gesichtsziige des lebendigen. Homer auf Grund der Totenmaske. Leipzig: E. A. Seemann, 1909. 52 p. illus. 4. AOT Hudson, Henry. The New York Public Library: Astor, Lenox and Tilden Founda- tions. Hudson-Fulton Exhibition made by The New York Public Library (Lenox Library Building), September, 1909. New York: The Library, 1909. 86 p., 1 pi. 4. MDE PRINTS AND THEIR PRODUCTION 125 Applications. . .Reproductive . . .Arts, cont'd. Portraits, continued. Levis, Howard C. Catalogue of en- graved portraits, views, etc., connected with the name of Levis. London: printed for the author for private distribution only, at the Chiswick Press, 1914. 4 p.l., xi-xx, 113(1) p., 2 port. (incl. front.) illus. sq. 8. AOT One of fifty copies printed. Lincoln, Abraham. The Grolier Club. Catalogue Iby F. Weitenkampfl of a collec- tion of engraved and other portraits of Lincoln. Exhibited at the Grolier Club. New York, 1889. 66 p. 12. AOT Marie Antoinette. Ronald Charles Sutherland Leveson Cower. Iconographie de la reine Marie-Antoinette. Catalogue descriptif et raisonne de la collection de portraits, pieces historiques. . .precede d'une lettre par M. Georges Duplessis. Paris: 1883. 4. fAGT Mary Queen of Scots. Andrew Lang. Portraits and jewels of Mary Stuart. Glas- gow: J. MacLehose & Sons, 1906. xii, 1 1., 106 p., 1 1., 4 pi., 11 port. 4. CPB Milton, John. Grolier Club of the City of New York. Catalogue of an exhibition commemorative of the tercentenary of the birth of John Milton, 1608-1908; including original editions of his poetical and prose works, together with three hundred and twenty-seven engraved portraits. Held... Dec. 3, 1908 to Jan. 9, 1909. vi, 116 p., 1 fac, 1 pi. 12. AOT Napoleon i. John Anderson. Catalogue of choice engraved portraits illustrating the life of Napoleon, together with speci- mens of the work of the most noted French engravers, and some relating to American history. New York. 1903. 17 p. 8. AOT John F. Carter. Catalogue of scarce books, rare portraits, proof engravings, colored caricatures, etc. Almost entirely relating to the life and career of the Em- pepor Napoleon i. Collected by the late J. F. Carter... for sale at auction... May 9, 1904. By the Anderson Auction Com- pany. [New York: D. Taylor & Co., 1904.] 52 p. 8. DGF Carteret J. Grand. Napoleon en images; estampes anglaises (portraits et caricatures) avec 130 reproductions d'apres les originaux. Paris: Firmin-Didot et Cie., 1895. 190 p. 8. tDGF James Tyndale Mitchell. The un- The National Arts Club. Cata- logue of portraits of Napoleon [belonging to John Leonard Dudley. Lent to the Club for exhibition in January] 1903. New York, 1903. 4 1. 8. AOT Rousseau, Jean-Jacques. Fernand de Girardin, comte. Iconographie de Jean- Jacques Rousseau; portraits, scenes, habi- tations, souvenirs, par le comte de Girar- din. Preface du vicomte de Girardin. Pre- face du vicomte E. M. de Vogue. Paris: Morel, C. Eggimann, succ. [1908.] xvi, (1) 18-344 p., 13 pi., 3 port. 4. AN Fernand de Girardin, comte. Icon- ographie des oeuvres de Jean-Jacques Rousseau, pour faire suite a I'iconographie de Jean Jacques Rousseau suivie d'un ad- dendum a cette iconographie. Paris: Morel, C. Eggimann, succ. [1910.] 3 p.l., (i)x-xii, 262 p., 1 1., 10 pi., 2 port. 4. AOT Schopenhauer, Arthur C. Gebhardt. Schopenhauer-Bilder.. . Frankfurt a. M., 1913. 60 p. 8. Shakespeare, William. James Boaden. An inquiry into the authenticity of various oictures and prints, which... have been of- fered to the public as portraits of Shake- speare... Illustrated by. . .engravings by the ablest artists. . . London: R. Triphook, 1824. 1 p.l., v, 1 1., 206 p., 5 port. 8. AOT Same. London: R. Triphook, 1824. 2 p.l., iii, 1 1. 143 p., 12 pi., 73 port. 4. AOT Extra illustrated. William Stone Booth. The Droe- equalled collection of engraved portraits of Napoleon Bonaparte and his family and marshals, belonging to Hon. J. T. Mitchell ... to be sold . . . Catalogue compiled ... by S. V. Henkels... [Philadelphia: Samuel T. Freeman & Co., 1908.] 3 p.l., 100 p., 13 port. 4. (Cat. no. 944, pt. 7.) AOT shout portrait of William Shakespeare; an experiment in identification, with thirty- one illustrations. Boston: W. A. Butter- field, 1911. 2 p.l., 7(1) p., 1 1., 9 pi., 4 port. 4. AOT One of five hundred copies printed. Henry Rumsey Forster. A few re- marks by H. R. Forster on the Chandos portrait of Shakespeare, recently pur- chased at Stowe, for the... Earl of Elles- mere.. .and a letter upon the same, by H. Rodd. London: For private distribution. [Vizetelly Bros. & Co., prtrs.] 1849. 1 p.l., 20 p., 1 pi. 8. AOT no. 6 of SO copies printed. James Hain Friswell. Life por- traits of William Shakespeare. A history of the various representations of the poet, with an examination into their authen- ticity. Illustrated by photographs of the most authentic portraits and their views, &c. by (jundall, Downes, &c. London: S. Low, Son & Marston, 1864. xii, 128 p., 3 pi., 4 port. 4. 3 AOT James Orchard Halliwell-Phillipps. A catalogue of a small portion of the en- gravings and drawings illustrative of the life of Shakespeare, preserved in the col- lection formed by J. O. Halliwell. [Lon- 126 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Applications. . .Reproductive. . .Arts, cont'd. Portraits, continued. don:] Printed for private reference. [Chis- wick Press, Whittingham & Wilkins, prtrs.,] 1868. 91 p. 4. AOT A hand-list of the drawings and engravings illustrative of the life of Shakespeare, preserved at Hollingbury copse, near Brighton... [Preface signed J. O. Halliwell-Phillipps.] Brighton: For private circulation J. G. Bishop, prtrj. 1884. 104 p. 8. AOT Gabriel Harrison. The Stratford bust of William Shakespeare and a critical inquiry into its authenticity and artistic merits. Illustrated with two photographic views, front and profile. Brooklyn, N. Y., 1865. 13 p., 2 pi. sq. f. tAOT no. 26 of 75 copies issued. William Page. A study of Shake- speare's portraits. London: Chiswick Press, 1876. 2 p.I., 75(1) p., 1 pi., 2 port, sq. 32. AOT Paul Wislicenus. Nachweise zu Shakespeares Totenmaske; die Echheit der Maske. Jena: E. Diederich, 1913. 100 p., 12 pi., 38 port. 8. AOT (Shakespeare) A. Wivell. An inquiry into the history... of the Shakespeare portraits, in which the criticisms of Malone, Steevens, Boaden, & others are examined... Em- bracing the Felton, the Chandos, the Duke of Somerset's pictures: tetC] . . . With an expose of the spurious pictures... Lon- don: The author, 1827. 3 p.l., iii-vi, 7-254 p., 1 1., 1 pi. 8 port. 4. AOT Same. London: The author, 1827. 2 p.l., vi, 7-254 p. 1 1., 3 fac, 6 pi., 42 port. 8. AOT Extra illustrated. Same: A supplement. [With miscellanies.] London: The author, 1827. v p., 31 pi., 15 port. 8. Forms v. 2-3 of Boaden & Wivell. Same. London: the Author, 1827. 3 p.l., (i)iv-vi, (1)8-254 p., 1 1. 8. (Enlarged to 2 v. f.) Extra extended by inlaying each page separately, and illustrated with autograph letters, facsimiles, plates, portraits and original drawings, by Edward Whittaker Hennell. Bound in Levant crushed mo- rocco, gilt borders, by Zaehnsdorf, 1901. Washington, George. The Library possesses also a number of books and other material on painted and sculptured portraits of Washington. William S. Baker. The engraved portraits of Washington, with notices of the originals, and brief biographical sketches of the painters. Philadelphia: Lindsay & Baker, 1880. ix, 11-212 p. sq. 4. AOT Edition limited to five hundred copies. With two autograph letters of W. S. Baker. The history of a rare Wash- ington print. A paper read before the His- torical Society of Pennsylvania, May 6, 1889. Philadelphia, 1889. 10 p., 1 port. 8. AOT Repr. : Pennsylvania Magazine of History and Biography. Presentation by Mr. Charles S. Ogden to the Historical Society of Penn- sylvania of Charles Willson Peale's orig- inal study for the first portrait of Wash- ington: with remarks by William S. Baker. [Philadelphia, 1892?, 9 p., 1 port. 8. 3 AOT Repr. : Pennsylvania Magazine of History and Biography. Hampton L. Carson. The Hamp- ton L. Carson collection of engraved por- traits of Gen. George Washington. Cata- logue... and sale by S. V. Henkels, at the Art Auction Rooms of Davis & Harvey. . . Philadelphia, Jan.. .1904. Philadelphia: [W. F. Fell Co., 1904. 7, 173 p., 1 fac, 4 pi., 18 port. 4. (Catalogue no. 906, part 1.) AOT William H. Corner. Cata- logue of the library of W. H. Corner ... Nearly 500 Washington portraits... sold at auction. . .November. .. 1866. . .by Leavitt, Strebeigh & Co. . . Baltimore: W. K. Boyle [1866j. 143 p. 4. * GO Abner Cheney Goodell, jr. The "Sharpies" pictures. Elaborate rejoinder to Major Walter's plea [signed A. G. Good- ell, jr. [Boston, 1887.1 17 p. 8. 3 AOV Repr.: "Boston Post". Feb. 2, 1887. Proof reader's copy, with nis. corrections. Grolier Club of the City of New York. Exhibition of engraved portraits of Washington commemorative of the cen- tenary of his death. . .Dec. 14, 1899, to Jan. 6th, 1900. New York: the Club [1899]. viii, 51 p. 12. AOT Charles Henry Hart. Catalogue of the engraved portraits of Washington. New York: The Grolier Club of the City of New York, 1904. xxv, 406 p., 1 I., 20 pi. 4. tMDE Avery collection. One of 425 copies printed on American hand- made paper. An etched profile portrait of Washington by Joseph Hiller, 1794. Sa- lem, Mass.: The Essex Inst., 1907. 8 p., 1 port. 8. AOT Life portraits of George Wash- ington. [The series of life portraits of great Americans began in January with the portraits of Franklin.] (McClure's Maga- zine. February, 1897. v. 8. 1 p.l., [291-j 308 p. 8.) AOT Separate. Paul Revere's portrait of Washington, n. p. [19 ?i 4 p. 8. AOT Repr.: Proceedings of the Massachusetts Histori- cal Society, Dec, 1903. PRINTS AND THEIR PRODUCTION 127 Applications. ..Reproductive. . .Arts, cont'd. Portraits, continued. Peale's original whole-length portrait of Washington. A plea for exact- ness in historical writings. Washington: Gov. Prtg. Off., 1897. 189-200 p. 8. (American Historical Association.) AOT From the Annual Report of the American His- torical Association for 1896. v. 1. p. 189-200. Elizabeth Bryant Johnston. Orig- inal portraits of Washington, including statues, monuments, and medals... Bos- ton: J. R. Osgood & Co., 1882. xxii, 257 p., 17 pi., 15 port. f. t ACT James T. Mitchell. The unequaled collection of engraved portraits of Wash- ington, belonging to Hon. J. T. Mitchell. . . to be sold... Catalogue. . .by S. V. Hen- kels. Philadelphia, Pa.: Davis & Harvey, 1906. 3 p.l., 131 p., 4 pi., 34 port. 4. (no. 944, pt. 1.) AOT The valuable and extraordi- nary collection of portraits of Genierajl GeocrgC] Washington belonging to Hon. James T.- Mitchell. . .to be sold... Cata- logue compiled. . .by Stan[islauS] V. Hen- kels. Philadelphia, Pa.: Davis & Harvey, 1906. iv, 51 p. 4. (no. 944. [pt.j 2.) AOT Charles Allen Munn. Three types of Washington portraits. John Trumbull. Charles Willson Peale. Gilbert Stuart. New York: Privately printed [by the Gil- liss Press,] 1908. ix, (1), 66 p., 2 fac, 2 pi., 12 port. 8. AOT The Sharpies portraits of Washington. [New York, 1854.] 8 p. 8. 3 AOT Henry Theodore Tuckerman. The character and portraits of Washington. 104 p., 2 pi., 11 port. New York: G. P. Putnam, 1859. sq. f. fAOT Henry Whelen, the younger. The important collection of engraved portraits of Washington, belonging to the late H. Whelen of Philadelphia. . .sold. . .1909. Philadelphia: S. T. Freeman & Co., 1909. iv, 102 p., 16 port. 8. (no. 994.) AOT Wayne, Anthony. Charles Henry Hart, 1847. Anthony Wayne; address at the pres- entation of his portrait to the Historical Society of Pennsylvania, on behalf of Mrs. Joseph W. Drexel, May 9, 1910. Philadel- phia, 1911. 1 p.l., 7 p., 1 port. 8. AOT One of fifty copies reprinted from the Pennsyl- vania Magazine of History and Biography, July, 1911. William and Mary. Frederick Muller & Cie. 1688-1888. Bicentennial catalogue of some prints, portraits & books relating to the accession of William & Mary on the throne of Great Britain. Amsterdam [18 .] 31 p. 12. AOT Photomechanical Processes Albert, August. Der Lichtdruck an der Hand- und Schnellpresse sammt alien Ne- benarbeiten. Halle a. S.: W. Knappe, 1898. vin, 192 p., 9 pi. 8. (Encyklopadie der Photographie. Heft. 32.) MDS Technischer Fiihrer durch die Re- produktions-Verfahren und deren Bezeich- nungen. Halle a. S.: W. Knapp, 1908. x. 330 p. 8. MDR , Die verschiedenen Methoden des Lichtdruckes. Geschichtlich geschildert Halle a. S.: W. Knapp, 1900. 2 p.l., 58 p. 8. (Encyklopadie der Photographie. Heft. 38.) MDS Andrews, Emery Cobb. Color and its application to printing. Chicago: Inland Printer Co. [Cop. 1911.] 123 p., 24 1., 3 pi. illus. 8. MDS Blank leaves for notes at end of book. Austin, Arthur C. Practical half-tone and tri-color engraving. Buffalo, N. Y.: Professional Photographer Pub. Co., 1898. vii, (1)10-158 p., 17 pi., 2 port. 8. MDS Samples of process inks in pocket. Autotype Company. Autotype in rela- tion to household art. n. t.-p. [London,] 1881. 1 p.l., 2-23 p., 1 1., 3 pi. 16. MDR Baker, William Henry. Better than half- tones: how do you know? Cleveland, O.: The Eclipse Electrotype & Engraving Co. [1907.] 31(1) p. illus. 8. MDR A dictionary of engraving. (Partic- ularly of the modern commercial proc- esses), together with terms used in related branches, as electrotyping, lithography, ad- vertising, printing, art, photography, etc., idiomatic and technical. Cleveland: W. H. Baker, 1908. vi, (1)9-108 p. 24. MDI Blecher, Karl. Lehrbuch der Reproduk- tionstechnik. Mit ausschliesslicher Be- riicksichtigung der auf photographischer Grundlage beruhenden Methoden zur ein- und mehrfarbigen Wiedergabe von Bildern durch Druck. Bd. 1. Halle a. S.: W. Knapp, 1908. 1 v. 4. MDS Bonnet, G. Manuel d'heliogravure et de photogravure en relief. Paris: Gauthier- Villars et fils, 1890. vii, 1 1., 115 p., 2 pi. 12. (Bibliotheque photographique.) MDS Manuel de phototypie. Paris: Gauthier-Villars et fils, 1889. x, 146 p., 1 pi. 12. (Bibliotheque photographique.) MDS Bound with: Bonnet, G. Manuel d'heliogravure et de photogravure en relief. Paris, 1890. 12. Borlinetto, Luigi. I moderni processi di stampa fotografica. Milano, 1878. photo. 8. MDS 128 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Applications . . .Reproductive. . .Arts, cont'd. Photomechanical Processes, continued. Broum, Karl H. Die Autotypie und der Dreifarbendruck. Die Anwendung des Rasters zur Herstellung von Klischees fiir den ein- und mehrfarbigen Buchdruck, nebst Anhang: Rastertiefdruck. Halle a. S.: W. Knapp, 1912. vi, 192 p., 5 pi. 8. MDS Burger, H. J. 1900. Weltausstellung in Paris. Schweiz. Die Graphischen Druck- verfahren. Gruppe iii, Klassen 11 und 13 Bericht an das Schweiz. Handelsde- partment. Zurich: Polygraphisches Insti- tut A. G., 1901. 66 p., 6 pi. 8. MDB Day, Benjamin. Day's rapid shading mediums for artist's use in lithography and phototypography. [New York: the South publishing co., 189-?] 2 1., 9 pi. ob. 8. tMDR Three attachments inserted. Denison, Herbert. A treatise on photo- gravure in intaglio by the Talbot-Klic process. London: Iliffe & Son [1896]. 3 p.l., (1)10-140 p., 2 pi. 8. MDS Eder, Josef Maria. Das Pigmentver- fahren und die Heliogravure. Halle a. S.: W. Knapp, 1896. xii, 307-556 p. illus. 8. (In his: Ausfiihrliches Handbuch der Pho- tographie. Bd. 4".) MDS Eaton, Hugh M. Modern flat-tone re- production. [New York, 1906.] p. 87-95, 1 pi. 8. MDR Extr. : The Scrip. Art and Crafts Dept. Dec. 1906. Edwards, Ernest. The heliotype process. Boston: J. R. Osgood & Co., 1876. 18 p., 1 1., 1 map, 23 pi., 3 port, f . t MDR pi. 28 missing. Avery collection. Elson, A. W., and Company. [The mak- ing and printing of a photogravure; an in- teresting guide to users of plates & papers.] Boston [1911]. 3 1., 7 pi. 8. MDS Title from cover. Engraver and electrotyper. [Monthly.] V. 12-date. Chicago, 1908-date. Current. 8. MDS A Per. Dept. Ensayos foto-litograficos. Madrid, 1873. 16. *IS Farquhar, H. D. The grammar of photo- engraving. Containing instruction in draw- ing, chemistry and optics, as applied to photo-engraving, and a practical treatise on the art of half-tone, zinc etching, swelled gelatine, lithotype and chalk plate engraving as practiced in the United States. New York: The Scovill & Adams Co., 1893. 137 p., 1 port, illus. 8. (The Scovill Photographic Series, no. 45.) MDS Ferret, J. La photogravure facile et a bon marche. Paris: Gauthier-Villars et fils, 1889. vi, 45 p., 1 1. 12. (Bibliotheque photographique.) MFF p.v.37 Fortier, G. La photolithographic, son origine, ses procedes, ses applications. Paris: 1876. 8. (Bibliotheque photo- graphique.) MFF p.v.41 Gaedicke, J. Der Gummidruck (Direk- ter Pigmentdruck). Eine Anleitung fiir Amateure und Fach-photographen. Ber- lin: G. Schmidt, 1903. viii, 85(1) p., 2 pi. illus. 2. ed. 8. (Photographische Bi- bliothek. Bd. 10.) MFN Gcimble, William. Line photo-engrav- ing; a practical handbook on all methods of reproduction in line, grain, and stipple. London: P. Lund, Humphries & Co., Ltd. [190-?] 328 p., 2 1., 6 pi. illus. 8. MDS Geymet, Theophile. Heliographie vitri- fiable temperatures, supports perfec- tionnes, feux de coloris. Paris: Gauthier- Villars et fils, 1889. 3 p.l., 113 p. 12. (Bibliotheque photographique.) MDS Bound with: Geymet [T.]. Traite pratique photo- typie. Paris, 1888. 12. Traite de photogravure sur zinc et sur cuivre. Paris: Gauthier-Villars, 1886. 2 p.l., 206 p. 12. (Bibliotheque photo- graphique.) MDS Bound with: Geymet [T.]. Traite pratique de gravure et impression sur zinc. . .Part 2. Paris, 1887. 12. Traite pratique de gravure en demi- teinte par I'intervention exclusive du cliche photographique. Paris: Gauthier-Villars et fils, 1888. viii, 136 p. 12. (Bibliotheque photographique.) MDS Bound with Geymet [T.]. Traite pratique de gravure sur verre... Paris, 1887. 12. ; Traite pratique de gravure helio- graphique, et de galvanoplastie. Paris: Gauthier-Villars, 1885. 2 p.l., iii, 144 p. 3. ed. 12, (Bibliotheque photographique.) MDS Bound with Geymet [T.]. Traite pratique de gravure et impression sur zinc... Part 2. Paris, 1887. 12. Traite pratique de gravure et im- pression sur zinc par les procedes helio- graphiques. Paris: Gauthier-Villars, 1887. 2 V. 12. (Bibliotheque photographique.) MDS V. 1. Bound with: Geymet [T.]. Traite pratique de gravure sur verre... Paris, 1887. 12. Traite pratique de gravure sur verre par les procedes heliographiques. . . Pa- ris: Gauthier-Villars, 1887. vi, 172 p. 12. (Bibliotheque photographique.) MDS Traite pratique de photolithogra- phie. Troisieme ed. entierement ref. et aug. Paris: Gauthier-Villars et fils, 1888. 4 p.l., 106 p. 12. (Bibliotheque photo- graphique.) MDS Bd. with: Geymet, [T.]. Traite pratique de pho- totypie. Paris, 1888. 12. PRINTS AND THEIR PRODUCTION 129 Applications. . .Reproductive . . .Arts, cont'd. Photomechanical Processes, continued. Traite pratique de phototypie. Pa- ris: Gauthier-Villars et fils, 1888. 2 p.l., iv, 93 p. New ed. 12. (Bibliotheque photo- graphique.) MDS Gottlieb, Siegmund. Praktische Anlei- tung zur Ausiibung der Heliogravure. Mit ...in den Text gedruckten Abbildungen. Halle a. S.: W. Knapp, 1905. 3 p.l., 55 p. (Encyklopaedie der Photographic. Heft 53.) MDS Graphic Arts and Crafts Year Book. The American annual review of the en- graving printing and allied industries. Joseph Meadon, editor, v. [1-] 6 (1907- 1913/14). Hamilton, C, 1907-13. 4. MDA Graul, Richard, and F. Doernhoefer. Die Lithographic..., mit einem Anhange: Die photomechanischen Reproductionsverfah- ren. Wien: Gesellschaft fiir vcrvielfalti- gende Kunst, 1895-1903. 2 p.l., vii, 314 p. P. (Vervielfaltigcnde Kunst der Gegen- warts. Bd. 4.) t MDB Haas, J. C. Haas-Raster. Original- Gravur-Linien-Raster. [Illustrierte Preis- liste.] Frankfurt a. M.: J. C. Haas [1906?,. 23 p. 4. MDR Hodson, James Shirley. An historical and practical guide to art illustration, in connection with books, periodicals and general decoration; with numerous speci- mens of the various methods. London: S. Low, Marston. Searle & Rivington, 1884. 4 p.l., 224 p., 24 pi. 8. MDR Horgan, Stephen H. Horgan's half- tone and photomechanical processes. Chi- cago: Inland Printer Co. [1913.] 1 p.l., x, ll-234p., 26pl., 6port. 8. MDS Huebl, Arthur von, Freiherr. Die pho- tographischen Reproductionsverfahren. Hrsg. von A. von Hiibl. Halle a. S.: W. Knapp, 1898. vii, 132 p., 13 pi. 4. MDS Husnik, Jacob. Das Gesammtgebiet des Lichtdrucks, die Emailphotographie. . . Wien, 1885. 3e...Aufl. 12. (Hartlebens ...Bibliothek. Bd. 22.) MDS Die Heliographie. Wien, 1888. 2e ...Aufl. 12. (Hartlebens... Bibliothek. Bd. 43.) MDS Die Heliographie oder eine Anlei- tung zur Herstellung druckbarer Metall- platten aller Art...ferncr die neuesten Fortschritte im Pigmentdruck und Wood- bury-Vcrfahren. . . Wien: A. Hartleben, 1878. xii, 212p., 6pl. 12. (A. Hartleben's chemisch-technische Bibliothek. Bd. 43.) MDS Die Reproductions-Photographic. Wien, 1885. 7 pi. 12. (Hartleben's chem. techn. Bibl. Bd. 119.) MDS Die Zinkactzung. Wien, 1886. 4 T. 12. (Hartlebens... Bibliothek. Bd. 130.) MDR Huson, Thomas. Huson on photo- aquatint and photogravure. A practical treatise... To which is appended a trea- tise on machine printed photogravure. . .by A. Villain and J. W. Smith. London: Daw- barn & Ward [1897]. 116 p., 2 pi. 12. MDS Jahrbuch des Photographcn und der pho- tographischen Industrie. Ein Hand- und Hilfsbuch fiir Photographcn, Reproduk- tionstechniker und IndustricUe. Hrsg. G. H. Emmerich. Jahrg. 1-3 (1903-05). Ber- lin, 1903[-1905.] 12. MFA Jenkins, Harry. Amstutz' hand-book of photoengraving, being an enlargement and revision of Jenkins' Manual of photoen- graving, by N. S. Amstutz. . .with supple- nientar}' chapters on the theory and prac- tice of half-tone colorwork, by F. E. Ives and S. H. Horgan. Chicago: The Inland Printer Co., 1907. 440 p., 6 pi., 1 port. 3. ed. 12. MDS Klimsch's Jahrbuch. Technische Ab- handlungen u. Berichte iiber Neuhciten aus dem Gesamtgebiet der graphischen Kiins- te. V. 4 (1903), V. 6-14 (1905-1914). Frank- furt a. M., 1903-14. 4. MDA Kast & Ehingers. Fine half tone inks. Charles Hcllmuth, manufacturing agent, compiler. New York [1907?,. 1 1., 42 pi. ob. 12. MDR Koehler, Sylvester Rosa. Old and mod- ern methods of engraving: syllabus of a course of nine lectures... [Philadelphia, 1892?! 10 p. 8. (Drexel Institute of Art, Science, and Industry.) MDI Photo-mechanical processes, n. p., n. d. pm. 4. MDS From Technology Quarterly, v. 5, no. 3, Oct. '92. Krueger, Julius. Die Zinkogravure; Oder, Das Aetzen in Zink zur Herstellung von Druckplatten aller Art, nebst Anlei- tung zum Aetzen in Kupfcr, Messing, Stahl u. a. Metallen... Wien: A. Hartleben, 1884. xvi, 214 p. 2. cd. 12. (A. Hartle- ben's chemisch-technische Bibliothek. [Bd.] 35.) 3 MDR Same. Wien: A. Hartleben, 1892. viii, 207 p., 7 pi. illus. 3. ed. 12. (A. Hartleben's chemisch-technische Biblio- thek. Bd. 35.) MDR Krueger, Otto F. W. Die Illustrations- verfahrcn; cine vergleichendc Behandlung der verschiedenen Reproduktions-Arten, ihrer Vorteile, Nachteile und Kosten, von Otto F. W. Kruger. , . Zirka 300 Sciten Text mit 198 Abbildungen und 74 Tafeln. Leipzig: F. A. Brockhaus, 1914. vii, 290 p. illus. 8. MDS 1. Illustration of books. 2. Photo-mechanical processes. 3. Art (Reproductive). 130 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Applications. . .Reproductive . . .Arts, cont'd. Photomechanical Processes, continued. Lehner, Sigmund. Die Tinten-Fabrika- tion und die Herstellung der Hektographen und Hektographirtinten; "die Fabrikation der Tusche, der Tintenstifte, der Stempel- druckfarben sowie des Waschblaues. Wien: A. Hartleben, 1885. 8 p.l., viii, 256 p. illus. 3. ed. 12. (A. Hartleben's chemish-tech- nische Bibliothek. Bd. 17.) MDP Leslie, Alex F. W. Practical instructor of photo-engraving and zinc etching proc- esses. 2. ed. [New York: cop. 1888.] pi. pm. 8. MDS Maskell, Alfred, and R. Demachy. Photo- aquatint; or. The gum bichromate process ... A practical treatise on a new process of printing in pigment... 55 p. London: Hazell, Watson & Viney, 1897. 12. (Ama- teur Photographer's Library, no. 13.) MDS Meisenbach, Riffarth & Co., Berlin- Schonberg. [Calendar for 1907.] Berlin [1906,. 8. MDS Monet, A. L. Precedes de reproduc- tions graphiques appliquees a I'imprimerie ... Paris: Bulletin de I'imprimerie, 1888. ix, 343 p., 1 1., 9 pi. 8. (Bibliotheque pho- tographique.) MDS Moock, L. Traite pratique d'impression photographique aux encres grasses, de pho- totypographie et de photogravure. 3. edi- tion, entierement refondue par Geymet. Paris: Gauthier-Villars et fils. 1888. xvii, 174 p. 12. (Bibliotheque photographique.) MFF p.v.17 Museum of Fine Arts, Boston. Print Dept. Exhibition illustrating the technical methods of the reproductive arts from the 15. century to the present time, with spe- cial reference to the photo-mechanical processes. . .1892. Boston: A. Mudge & Son, printers. 1892. xi, 98 p. 12. MDR Namias, Rodolfo. I moderni process! fotomeccanici. Fototipografia-fotolitogra- fia-fotocollografia-fotocalcografia-fotomo- dellatura-tricromia. Milano: U. Hoepli, 1899. 1 p.l.. v-xvi, 316 p., 5 pi., 3 port. 16. (Manuali Hoepli.) MDS New York Camera Club. Exhibition of pictures by modern mechanical photo- graphic processes... 1890. New York, 1890. 2 p.l., 9-37 p., 3 1. 12. MDS Niepce de Saint- Victor, C. M. F. Traite pratique de gravure heliographique sur acier et sur verre. Paris: V. Masson, 1856. xiii, 15-60 p., 1 1., 1 port. 8. MFC Penrose's Pictorial annual. The proc- ess year book. An illustrated review of the graphic arts. Edited by W. Gamble. 1903/04, 1907/08, 1910/11, 1912/13-1915. London [1904-1910]. 4. MDSA Pettit, James S. Modern reproductive graphic processes. New York: D. Van Nostrand, 1884. vi, 7-127 p. 24. (Van Nostrand's Science Series, no. 76.) MDR Poitevin, Alphonse. Annales de la pho- tographie. Traite des impressions photo- graphiques. Suivi d'appendices. . .par L. Vidal. Paris: Gauthier-Villars, 1893. xiv, 280 p., 1 1., 1 port. 2. ed. rev. et com. 12. (Bibliotheque photographique.) MDS Process Review and Journal of Electro- typing. V. 7-10. no. 7-8. Buffalo, 1902-05. 4^ MDSA V. 9*-10'-* title reads: The Illustrator and Proc- ess Review, and published in New York. Ceased publication with v. 10 no. 7-8. Process Year Book for 1896. An illus- trated review of all photo-mechanical proc- esses. Vol. 2 pi., port., illus. London: Penrose & Co., 1896. 8. MDSA Puyo, C. Der Oelfarben-Kopierprozess nach Rawlins. Autorisierte Ubersetzung von Dr. C. Stiirenburg. Berlin: G. Schmidt, 1908. vi, 71 p., 6 pi. 12. (Photographische Bibliothek. Bd. 24.) MFW Roux, V. Formulaire pratique de photo- typie a I'usage de mm. les preparateurs et imprimeurs des procedes aux encres grasses. Paris: Gauthier-Villars, 1887. vii, 34 p. 12. (Bibliotheque photographique.) MFF p.v.27 Bd. with: Roux, V. Photographic isochroniatique. Paris, 1887. 12. Traite pratique de gravure heliogra- phique en taille-douce, sur cuivre, bronze, zinc, acier, et de galvanoplastie. Paris: Gauthier-Villars, 1886. 2 p.l., iii, 44 p. 12. (Bibliotheque photographique.) MFF p.v.28 Traite pratique de zincographie. Photogravure, autogravure, reports, etc. 2. Edition, revue et. . .augumentee par 1' Ab- be J. Ferret. Paris: Gauthier-Villars et fils, 1891. vi, 46 p. 12. (Bibliotheque photographique.) MFF p.v.28 Schaeffner, Ant. La photogravure en creux et en relief simplifiee. Procede nou- veau mis a la portee de les amateurs et praticiens en taille-douce et en typographic. Augmente d'une procede nouveau pour la reproduction en typographic des demi- Gauthier-Villars et fils, 12. (Bibliotheaue pho- MFF p.v.29 Schuberth, H. Das Lichtpausverfahren, Oder die Kunst. genaue Copien mit Hilfe des Lichtes unter Beniitzung von Silber- Eisen- und Chromsalzen herzustellen. . . Wien: A. Hartleben, 1883. 7 p.l., 104 p. il- lus. 12. (A. Hartleben's chemische Bi- bliothek. Bd.) MDR Scott, Alexander de Courcy. On photo- zincography and other photographic proc- esses employed at the Ordnance Survey teintes. Paris: 1891. 62 p., 1 1. tographique.) PRINTS AND THEIR PRODUCTION 131 Applications. . .Reproductive. . .Arts, cont'd. Photomechanical Processes, continued. Office, Southampton. By A. de C. Scott, under the direction of Sir Henry James. London: Longman, Green, Longman, Rob- berts, & Green, 1863. viii, 16 p., 3 diagr., 3 fac, 2 maps, 7 pi. 2. ed. f. (Great Britain. Ordnance Survey Office.) t MDS Silbermann, Henri. Fortschritte auf dem Gebiete der photo- und chemigraphi- schen Reproduktionsverfahren, 1877-1906. Bd. 1-2. Leipzig: H. A. Ludwig Degener fl907]. 2 V. sq. 4. t MDS Toifel, Wilhelm F. Handbuch der Che- migraphie. Wien, 1883. 12. (Hartlebens ...Bibliothek. Bd. 100.) MDR Trutat, E. Impressions photographiques aux encres grasses. Traite pratique de photocollographie a I'usage des amateurs. Paris: Gauthier-Villars et fils, 1892. ix, 141 p., 2 pi. 12. (Bibliotheque photogra- phique.) MFFp.v.31 Verfasser, Julius. The half-tone process. A practical manual of photo-engraving in half-tone on zinc, copper and brass. Lon- don: Iliffe & Sons, 1904. 3 p.l., 9-10 p., 1 1., 13-292 p., 12 pi. 3. ed. 8. MDS Same. Iliffe & Sons, 1907. 9 pi. illus. 4. ed. 4. edition. London: 5 p.l., (1)14-348 p., 2 1., r. MDS Vidal, J. L. La photographic appliquee aux arts industrielles de reproduction. Pa- ris: Gauthier-Villars, 1880. 60 p., 1 pi. 12. (Annales de la photographic. [Bibliotheque photographique.) MFF p.v.34 Traite pratique de photoglyptie. Gauthier-Villars, 1881. xiv, 246 p. pi. 12. (Annales de la photogra- (Bibliotheque photographique.) MDS Traite pratique de photolithogra- phic. . .photozincographie, photocollogra- phie... (Annales de la photographic.) Paris: 1893. pi. 12. (Bibliotheque pho- tographique.) MDS Traite pratique de phototypie, ou impression a I'encre grasse sur une couche de gelatine. Paris: Gauthier-Villars, 1879. xiv, 284 p., 2 pi. 12. (Annales de la pho- tographic. Bibliotheque photographique.) MDS Vogel, Hermann Wilhelm. Das photo- graphische Pigment-Verfahren und seine Anwendungen im Lichtpressendruck. 3 Aufl. Berlin: 1892. 8. MDS Volkmer, Ottomar. Die Photo-Graviire zur Herstellung von Tiefdruckplatten in Kupfer, Zink und Stein mit den dazu ge- horigen Vor- und Nebenarbeiten nebst ei- nem Anhang iiber Kupferdruck-Maschinen. Halle a. S.: W. Knapp, l69S. ix, 143 p., 3 pi., 1 port. 8, (Encyklopadie der Photo- graphic. V. 16.) MDS Wilkinson, W. T. Photo-engraving, photo-etching, and photolithography...; also, collotype and heliotype; rev. and enl. by E. L. Wilson. Am. (3.) ed. New York: 1888. pi. 8. MDS Zeitschrift fiir Reproductionstechnik. Unter Mitwirkung hervorragender Fach- manner herausgegeben von A. Miethe. v. 1-date. Halle, 1899-date. Current. 4. V. 4-6. G. Aarland added as joint editor; v. 7- date O. Mente, joint editor. Catalogues of Photographs and Photomechanical Reproductions General Works Abbot, Etheldred. List of photograph dealers, with index by countries, and de- scriptive notes on collections of photo- graphs in some Massachusetts libraries and museums. Compiled by Etheldred Abbot. [Brookline, Mass.:] The Massachusetts Li- brary Club, 1907. 23 p. 12. MDFK Aberdeen, Scotland. School Board. Reading list of books in the Aberdeen Pub- lic Library relating to reproductions of famous pictures. Presented to the School Board by Mrs. William Murray. 1912. Aberdeen: J. Milne [1912i. 24 p. pap. 8. * GBO p.v.l, no.31 Amsler & Ruthardt. Die Hauptwerke der Kunstgeschichte in Original-photo- graphien. . .mit biographischen und kunst- geschichtlichen Notizen versehen. Ber- lin: The authors, 1889. x, 1 1., 283 p., xxviii. 12. MDEK Kupferstiche und Holzschnitte alter Meister in Nachbildungen der Reichsdruck- erei zu Berlin, nebst einem Anhange zur Geschichte des Kupferstichs und Holz- schnitts. Berlin: Amsler & Ruthardt [pref. 1900). 2 p.l., 71(1) p., 2 1. sq. 8. (Lager Katalog 11.) MDB Brookline Public Library. Brookline, Mass. A list of photographs of paintings. Brookline, 1901. 31 p. 12. MDFK Minnesota State Art Society. Cata- logue of two hundred masterpieces in painting reproduced by colored photog- raphy. [Saint Cloud, 190-?, 11 p. 12. MDFK Perry Picture Company. Maiden, Mass. Catalogue. [Maiden?] 1902. 30 p., 1 1., 1 pi. illus. sq. 8. MDF Smith, Rev. William Walter. A complete handbook of religious pictures. A practical manual for pastors, Sunday School teach- ers and Bible students. . .compiled for the 132 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Applications. . .Reproductive. . .Arts, cont'd. Catalogues . . .Reproductions, continued. New York Sunday School Commission... New York: The Author, cop. 1905. 113 p. 8. MDFK Soule Art Company. Boston. Complete art reference catalogue. Boston: The Com- pany, 1902. 4 p.l., 17-1460 p., 28 pi. 4. MDFK Weigel, Rudolph. Die Werke der Maler in ihren Handzeichnungen. Beschrei- bendes Verzeichniss der in Kupfer gesto- chenen, lithographirten und photographir- ten Facsimiles von Originalzeichnungen grosser Meister. Gesammelt und heraus- gegeben von R. Weigel. Leipzig: R. Wei- gel, 1865. xvi, 760 p. 8. MEL Individual Publishers and Dealers The Library has catalogues of the following dealers in photographs and photomechanical repro- ductions. Alinari. Florence, 1873, 1891-94. Anderson, D. Rome, 1897-1909. Autotype Co. London, 1904. Berlin Photographic Co. N. Y., 1892, 1902-10. Braun, Adolphe, & Cie. Paris, 1866-1908. Braun, Clement & Co. N. Y., 1900-1910. Bureau of University Travel. Boston tl909?]. Cosmos Pictures Co. N. Y. [1903?] Curtis & Cameron. (Copley prints.) Boston, 1897-98, 1904. Detroit Publishing Co. Detroit, 1899- 1912. Hanfstaengl, Franz. Munich [1898?], 1912. N. Y. [190-?], 1906. Hollyer, Frederick. London, 1895, 1902. Medici Society. Boston, 1913. Naya, Carlo. Venice, [1900?]. Neue Photographische Gesellschaft A. G. Berlin, 1911. Perry Pictures Co. Maiden, 1902; Bos- ton, 1913. Sommer, G., & Figlio. Naples [190-?]. Soule Art Co. Boston, 1902, 1905-6. Turner, Horace K., Co. Boston, 1906, INDEX Subject entries are in italics A. L. A. portrait index. See Lane, W. C. Abbey, E. A., 107. Abbot, Etheldred. List of photograph dealers, 131. Aberdeen, Scotland. School Board. Reading list ...relating to reproductions of paintings, 131. "Accipies," Die deutschen, von W. L. Schreiber ...,89. Achenbach, Andreas, 36. Ackermann, Arthur, & Son. Rudolph Acker- mann, 86. Actors' portraits, Daly, A., 119. Adamson, Sydney. Drawings, 107. Adeline, Jules: Les arts de reproduction vulgarises, 4. L. H. Breviere, 40. Advertising art, 115117. Aid, G. C, 36. Albert, August: Aluminium ... ftir den Flachdruck, 91. Lichtdruck, 127. Methoden des Lichtdruckes, 127. Technischer Fiihrer durch die Reproduktions- Verfahren, 4, 127. Albert, P. P. Der Meister E. S., 59. Albertina, Vienna. Roettinger, H. Einzel-Form- schnitte, 88. Albom portretov imperatorskavo doma, 122. Albright Art Gallery. See Buffalo Fine Arts Academy. Aldegrever, Heinrich, 36. Aldine Club. Catalogue. . .portraits, 119. Alexander the Great, Portraits of, 124. Alexandre, Arsene: L'art du rire, 112. Honore Daumier, 45. Modern poster, 116. Algraphy. Albert, A., 91; Aluminum Plate Press Co., 92; Hesse, F., 92; Weilandt, K., 93. Aliamet, Jacques, 36. Alinari. [Catalogues,] 132. Aiken, Henry. Art of etching, 79. Aiken, Henry, 36. Allen, C. D.: American book-plates, 101. Book-plates of W. F. Hopson, 55. Classified list... of book-plates, 101. Ex Libris, 98. Allen, John. Humiliation and exaltation of our Redeemer, 46. Allen, Joseph. Catalogue. . .of portraits, Greenwich Hospital, 119. Allgemeines Kiinstler-Lexicon, 26. Alphabetische naamlijst van boeken, plaat- en kaart- werken, 15. Altdorfer, Albrecht, 36. Aluminography. See Algraphy. Aluminum Plate and Press Co. Aluminography, 92. Alvin, L. J. Les nielles de la Bibliotheque royale de Belgique, 11. Amand-Durand : Eaux fortes et gravures, 9, 12, 81. Reproductions of work by the following artists: A. Duerer, 46; A. van Dyck, 48 ; Claude Gelee, Amand-Durand continued : 51; A. Mantegna, 59; A. van Ostade, 63; Paul Potter, 65; Rembrandt, 66, 68; J. Ruysdael, 70; M. Schongauer, 71. Atnberg. Schreiber, W. L. Formschnitte aus... Bibliotheken u. Sammlungen, 88. American Academy of Fine Arts. Catalogue (1817), 29. American Antiquarian Society. Paine, N. Early American engravings, 25. American art by American artists, 107. American Art Association. Eugene Bejot, 37. American Art Association, Paris. Exposition... D. S. MacLaughlan, 59. American art review, 83. American book illustration, 106. American Book-Plate Society. Ex-Libris, 100. American book plates, 101. American caricature, 115. American etching, 83. American etching, by S. R. Koehler, 83. American lithography, 96. American prints, 25-26. American wood engraving, 91. Amerika durch die . . . Karikatur, von P. Richards, 114. Amsden, Dora. Impressions of Ukiyoye, 20. Amsler & Ruthardt: Hauptwerke der Kunstgeschichte, 131. Katalog. . .graphischer Originalarbeiten, 94. Katalog der. . .Kiinstler-Lithographien, 94. Kupferstiche und Holzschnitte in Nachbildungen der Reichsdruckerei, 12, 131. Amstutz, N. S. See Jenkins, Harry. Photo-engrav- ing, 129. Anastatic printing, by Delamotte, P. H., 5; Weis- haupt, H., 94. Anderson, Alexander, 36. Anderson, D. [Catalogues,] 132. Anderson, John. Catalogue. . .of portraits of Napo- leon, 125. Anderson, William: Descriptive catalogue of Japanese and Chinese paintings, 20. Japanese wood engravings, 20. Andre, fidouard. A. Lunois, 59. Andreini, J. M. J. W. Spenceley, 72. Andresen, Andreas: Der deutsche Peintre-Graveur, 18, 26. Die deutschen Maler-Radirer des 19. Jahrhunderts, 18, 26, 83. Andrews, E. C. Color and its application to print- ing, 96, 127. Andrews, Joseph, 36. Andrews, W. L.: Essay on portraiture of American Revolutionary war, 25, 123. New Amsterdam New Orange New York, 118. Trio of French 18th century portrait engravers, 16, 49, 52, 63, 70. Annuaire des ventes d'estampes, 7. Anthing, J. F. Collection. . .of silhouettes, 118. Antoshevski, I. K. Russkiye knizhnyye znaki (Ex- Libris), lOL [133] 134 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Apell, Aloys. Handbuch fiir Kupferstichsammler, 26. Apin, S. J. Anleitung wie man Bildnisse. . .samm- len soil, 119. Appenzeller, Heinrich. Der Kupferstecher F. Hegi, S3. Appert, Georges. Catalogue de peintures, 22. Appleton, Henry. Catalogue of .. .Japanese prints, 22. Appleton, T. G. See Boston Public Library. Aquatint, 86. Arabesque ornaments in typographical use at Zurich in MDLiXj 105. Arc, Jeanne d'. Loan exhibition catalogue, 124. Archivio paleografico italiano, 106. Ardail, Adolphe. See Bibliotheque nationale. Arensberg, W. C. Mr. Pennell's etchings, 64. Armand, A, See Bibliotheque nationale. Inventaire. Armelhault, J. See Maherault, M. J. F. Armes, W. D. Color-prints of old Japan, 20. Armstrong, E. A. A. H. Haig, 53. Arsenal, Bibliotheque de 1*. See France. Bibli- otheque. . . Art de I'imprimerie a Venise, 106. Art Institute of Chicago: Catalogue of American exhibition, 30. Catalogue. . .of color prints by Hiroshige, 20. Catalogue of designs by... Walter Crane, 108. Catalogue of etchings. . .by Charles Meryon, 60. Catalogue of etchings by Pennell, 64. Exhibition of works of Howard Pyle, 111. Exhibition of color prints by Raffaelli, 65. Catalogue of exhibition. . .by Rothenstein, 69. Catalogue of exhibition. . .by Whistler, 76. Art prices current, 7. Art sales of the year, 7. Artist engraver, 3. Artist's assistant in drawing, etching. . .(1794), 4, 79. Ashbee, H. S. Iconography of Don Quixote, 102. Ashley, Alfred. Art of etching, 79. Ashton, John. English caricature, 113. Aspland, Alfred, Albrecht Altdorfer, 36. Associated Illustrators. Catalogue of exhibition, 107. Association of American Etchers. Annual exhibi- tion, 83. Association des journalistes parisiens. Catalogue... des portraits, 119. Attwood.F. G., 107. Aubry-Lecomte, H. L. V. J. B., 37. Auction sale prices, 7. Auction sales, 7-8. Audsley, G. A. Art of chromolithography, 92. Audubon's "Birds of America," by R. Deane, 13. Auer, Alois. Entdeckung des Naturselbstdruckes, 4. Auffret, C. J. E. Une famille d'artistes [Ozanne], 63. Augsburg. Schmidbauer, A. Einzel-Formschnitte i. d. Staats-, Kreis-, u. Stadtbibliothek, 88. Aumiiller, fidouard. Les petits maitres alle- mands, 18. Ausstellung von Kiinstler-Lithographien und Plaka- ten, 94, 115. Austin, A. C. Practical half-tone engraving, 127. Austin, S. E. History of engraving, 9. Austria. Gugenbauer, G. Inkunabeln. . .i. d. Klos- terbibliotheken Ober-Oesterreichs, 88. Austrian lithography, 96. Austrian wood-engraving, 90. Authors' portraits, GroHer Club, 121, 122. Autotype [by] Broum, 128. Autotype Company: Autotype, 127. [Catalogues,] 132. Avery, S. P. See Cooper Union; New York Public Library. B B... Catalogue d'une vente d'estampes, 13. B., I., with the bird. See Master I. B., with the bird. Bacher, O. H. With Whistler, 76. Bailey, J. T. H. Francesco Bartolozzi, 37. Baillie-Grohman, W. A. Sport in art, 118. Baker, W. H.: Better than half-tones, 127. Dictionary of engraving, 127. Baker, W. S.: American engravers, 25. Engraved portraits of Washington, 126. History of rare Washington print, 126. Origin and antiquity of engraving, 9. Presentation. . .to Hist. Soc. of Pa. of .. .portrait of Washington, 126. William Sharp, 71. Baldinucci, F. Cominiciamento e progresso dell' arte dell' intagliare in rame, 9, 19. Balken, E. D. Pittsburgh Etching Club. Exhibi- tion, 30. Ball, Wilfred. Mezzotinto, 84. Baluschek, Hans, 107. Bamberg. Konigl. Bibliothek. Pfeif fer, M. J. Einzel-Formschnitte, 88. Banbury Fine Art Exhibition. Official catalogue. (1881), 29. Bank note engraving , 97. Banks, F. S. Index of engravings. . .in the Sport- ing magazine, 118. Banning, Kendall. Book-plates designed by the Triptych, 101. Barbari, Jacopo de, 37. Barboutau, Pierre. Biographies des artistes japon- ais, 20. Barcia, A. M. de. See Biblioteca national. Cata- logue de los retratos, 122. Barclay, F. G. Catalogue of .. .Japanese prints, 22. Bardet di Villanova, Federico. Istruzioni. . .dell* arte litografica, 92. Barrion, Alfred. Catalogue... Oeuvres de Felicien Rops, 69. Barritt, Leon. How to draw, 104, 112. Bartolossi, Francesco, 37. Bartsch, J. A. B., Ritter von: Catalogue. . .Lucas de Leyde, 59. Catalogue des estampes par Reni, 58, 68. Le peintre-graveur, 26. See also Gersaint, E. F. Barye, A. L., 37. Basan, P. F. : Dictionnaire des graveurs, 26. Visscher, 75. Basel. Offentliche Kunstsammlung. Major, E. Holzschnitte, 88. Basel. Universitats-Bibliothek. Koegler, H. Ein- zelne Holz-Metallschnitte, 88. Baseler Buchillustration, von W. Weisbach, 90, 106. Basile, A. See Desormes, E. Bastelaer, R. van. Les estampes de Brueghel, 40. Bate, John. The excellent arts of drawing. . .grav- ing and etching, 4. Bates, William. George Cruikshank, 108. Baudicour, Prosper de. Le peintre-graveur fran^ais, 16, 26. Baudouin, P. A., 37. Baumeister, E. : Formschnitte. . .in den Sammlungen des furstlichen Hauses Oettingen-Wallerstein zu Maihingen, 88. Veit Stoss, 72. Bouse, J. F., 37. Baxter, George, 37. Bayard, fimile. L'illustration, 102. Baziliologia. See Levis, H. C. Beardsley, Aubrey, 107-108. Becker, Carl. Jobst Amman, 36. INDEX 135 Becker, F. P. "Omnigraph" process, 4. Becker, Felix. See Thieme, Ulrich. Beham, Barthel, and Hans Sebald, 37. Be jot, Eugene, 37. Belgian. See Dutch & Flemish. Belgium. Ministere des Sciences et des Arts. Catalogue des estampes d'ornement. . .de la Bibliotheque royale, 31. Bell, W. H. See Wiltshire Archaological. .. Society. Bell, W. J. Catalogue of works by Thomas and John Bewick, 38. Bella, Stefano della, 38. Bellew, Frank. Catalogue of drawings, 108. Bellier de la Chavignerie, E. Biographic. . .du graveur Miger, 61. Bellows, A. F., 38. Belotto, Bernardo, 38. Benedite, Leonce: Catalogue. . .de Bracquemond, 40. Catalogue des lithographies de Fantin-Latour, 49. Catalogue des CEUvres...de C. F. Gaillard, 50. Felix Buhot, 41. Les "peintres-lithographes," 95. Benezit, E. Dictionnaire. . .des peintres...& grav- eurs, 26. Benziger, C. Holzschnitte. . .in der Stadtblbliothek zu Bern, 88. Beraldi, Henri: Les graveurs du xixe siecle, 26. L'oeuvre de Moreau, 62. See also Portalis, Roger, baron. Berard, Andre. Catalogue de Toeuvre de Cuvillies, 44. Berard, C. E. Catalogue d'estampes. . .aux xvie, xviie et xviiie siecles, 16. Berlin. Konigl. Bibliothek. Schreiber, W. L. Formschnitte, 88. Berlin. Konigl. Kupferstich Kabinett. Lehrs, M. Holzschnitte..., 90. Berlin. Reichsdruckerei. See Amsler & Ruthardt; Lippmann, F. Berlin Photographic Co. : Catalogue of exhibition. . .by Rothenstein, 69. Catalogue of exhibition. . .by H. Struck, 72. [Catalogues,] 132. Portraits, 119. Bern. Stadthibliothek. Benziger, C. Holz- schnitte, 88. Bernardo, Maria. Atelier de Fortuny, SO. Bernoulli, J. J. Die Darstellungen Alexanders des Grossen, 124. Bernstrom, Victor, 38. Berri, D. G. Art of lithography, 92. Bersohn, Mathias. o rytownikach Gdanskich, 18, 24. Bertarelli, Achille, and H. Prior: II biglietto di visita italiano, 117. Gli ex libris italiani, 101. Bertels, Kurt: Goya, 51. Honore Daumier, 45. Berthiaud. Nouveau manuel de I'imprimeur en taille douce, 5. Beth, Ignaz. Die Baumzeichnung in der deutschen Graphik des xv. und xvi. Jahrhunderts, 18. Bethnal Green Branch Museum. Catalogue. . .of en- gravings bequeathed by Joshua Dixon, 32. Bewick, John, 38. Bewick, Thomas, 38. Bewick, Thomas. Art of wood-engraving;, 87. Bible. Kautzsch, R. Holzschnitte d. Kolner Bibel von 1479, 90. Biblia panperum, 89. Bibliography, 1-2. Biblioteca nacional. Catalogue de los retratos, 122. Bibliotheque de I'Arsenal. See France. Bibli- otheque. . . Bibliotheque nationale, Paris: ^ Ardail, A. Catalogue. . .collection Ardail, 31. Bibliotheque du Roi. Notices des estampes, 32. Bouchot, H. Cabinet des estampes, 31. Deux cents incunables, 87. Musee du cabinet, 31. Catalogue des gravures, par F. Courboin, 31. Duchesne, J. Notice des estampes, 31. Duplessis, G. V. A. G. Catalogue. . .portraits, 119. Duret, T. Livres. . .illustres du Japon, 21. Exposition Rembrandt, 66. Flandrin, A. Inventaire des pieces relatives a I'histoire de France dans la collection Clair- ambault, 31. Inventaire -de la collection. . .H. Destailleur, 31. Inventaire des dessins. . .recueillis. . .par E. Fleury. Redige par H. Bouchot, 32. Inventaire des dessins. . .legues par A. Armand. Red. par F. Courboin, 32. Laborde, Henri, vicomte de. Notice historique . .., 32. Un siecle d'histoire de France par I'estampe. Col- lection de Vinck. Inventaire par F. L. Bruel, 32. Bibliotheque royale de Belgique. Alvin, L. J. Nielles, 11. See also Belgium. Bilderbuch, Das, 102. Binck, Jacob, 38. Bindley, James. Catalogue. . .of portraits, 120. Binyon, Laurence: J. Crome and J. S. Cotman, 44. Dutch etchers, 82. William Blake, v. 1 : Book of Job, 39. W. Strang, 72. See also British Museum. Birnbaum, Martin: A. V. Beardsley, 107. A. Sterner, 72. Bismarck in Geschichte, 124. Blackburn, Henry. Randolph Caldecott, 108. Blake, William, 38-39. Blanc, A. A. P. C. : Calamatta, 41. Gavarni, 50. Grandville, 110. L'oeuvre de Rembrandt, 66. Le tresor de la curiosite, 2. Blanchard, Auguste, 39. Blecher, Karl. Lehrbuch der Reproduktionstech- nik, 127. Block, J. C. Kupferstich-Werk des Wilhelm Hon dius, 55. Block-books, 89. Blondeau, Paul. Catalogue of Japanese prints, 23. Blum, R. F., 39. Blyth, H. A. Catalogue of .. .collection, 84. Boaden, James. Inquiry into. . .portraits of Shake- speare, 125. Bocher, Emmanuel. Les gravures francaises du 18. siecle, 16. See also Maherault, M. J. F. Bodel Nijenhuis, J. T. Catalogue of .. .collection of 15,000 Dutch portraits, 15, 122. Boehle, Frits, 39. Boekenoogen, G. J. See Heurck, E. II. van. Boerner, C. G. : Chodowiecki, 43. William Hogarth, 54. Bohn, H. G. Catalogue of... works on the fine arts (1885), 1. Boilly, L. L., 39. Bois, J. H. de. De etsen van W. de Zwart, 79. Boissieu, Alphonse de. J. J. de Boissieu, 39-40. Boissieu, J. J. de, 39. '136 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Bdlon, C. K. : Descriptive catalogue of posters, 115. Reign of the poster, 115. Bolton, E. S. Wax portraits and silhouettes, 118. Bonasoni, Giulo, 40. Bone, Mnirhead, 40. Bonington, R. P., 40. Bonnardot, A. : Essai sur I'art de restaurer les estampes, 8. Histoire artistique. . .de la gravure en France, 16. Bonnet, G. : Manuel d'heliogravure, 127. Manuel de phototypie, 127. Book illustration, 102-112. Book- lover's magazine, 100. Book-plate booklet, 100. Book-plates, 98-102. Book-stamps. Davenport, C. J. H., 100. Booth, W. S. Droeshout portrait of Shakespeare, 46, 125. Boppe, Auguste. Les vignettes emblematiques sous la Revolution, 117. Borlinetto, Luigi. I moderni processi di stampa fotografica, 127. Bosse, Abraham, 40. Bosse, Abraham: De la maniere de graver (1745), 5, 79. Traicte des manieres de graver (1645), 5, 80. Boston. Green, S. A. Ten reproductions rel. to Boston, 25. Boston. Museum of Fine Arts. See Museum of Fine Arts. Boston Port Bill. R. T. H. Halsey, 85. Boston Public Library: List of works relating to. . .Whistler, 77. Tosti engravings, 33, 120. Bouchot, Henri: Deux cents incunables. . ., 87. Diplome und Adressen franzosischer Kiinstler, 117. La lithographic, 94. Le livre I'illustration, 102. Livres a vignettes, 104-105. See also Bibliotheque nationale; Duplessis, G. V. A. G. Bouchot, Henri, and others. Exposition de la gravure sur bois, 87. Bourcard, Gustave: A travers cinq siecles de gravures, 9. La cote des estampes, 7. Dessins, gouaches, estampes du xviiie siecle, 7, 16. Les estampes du xviiie siecle, 16. Felix Buhot, 41. Graveurs et gravures, 1. Bourges, Leonide. Daubigny, 44. Boutct, H. Courtry, C. Boutet embete, 44. Boutet de Monvel, Maurice, 108. Bouvenne, A.: R. P. Bonington, 40. Chasseriau, 42. Catalogue de rceuvre...de A. de Lemud, 58. Notes... sur Meryon, 60. Bouvrain, Victor. Catalogue des eaux- fortes. . .de Meryon, 61. Bouyer, Raymond. Un peintre melomane, 49. Bowen, Abel, 40. Bowes, Robert, and James Douglas. Indexes of por- traits in the "British gallery of portraits," 120. Boydell, John: Catalogue of pictures in the Shakespeare gal- lery, 13. Catalogue d'un recueil d'estampes, 13. Boydell, John, and Josiah Boydell. Alphabetical catalogue of plates, 13. Boydell, Josiah. See Boydell, John, and Josiah Boydell. Bracquemond, Felir, 40. Brainerd, I. H. E. D. French, 50. Brandt, Sebastien, 124. Brandus, Edward: Catalogue of .. .etchings in colors, 82, 96. See also Societe Georges Petit. Brangwyn, Frank, 40. Brasenose Club, Manchester. Catalogue of collec- tion of works of .. .Randolph Caldecott, 108. Braun, Adolphe, & Cie. [Catalogues,] 132. Braun, Clement & Cie. [Catalogues,] 132. Braungart, Richard. Neue deutsche Exlibris, 101. Bray, Mrs. Life of Thomas Stothard, 112. Brazil. Bibliotheca Nacional: Catalogo, 31. Estampas gravadas, 24. Estampas gravadas por G. F. L. Debrie, 31, 45. Machado, D. B. Catalogo des retratos, 31. Bregeaut, L. See Broquelet, A., and L. Bregeaut. Brennan, Alfred, 108. Bresdin, R., 40. Breslau. Konigl. u. Universitats-Bibliothek. Molsdorf, W. Einige. . .Schrotbliitter, 86, Holzschnitte, 86. Breviere, L. H., 40. Breydenbach, Bernhard von, by H. W. Davies, 105. Brinkley, F. Collection of Japanese engravings, 21. Brinkman's catalogues der boeken, plaat-en kaart- werken, 15. Brissoneau, A. Lotz-. See Lotz-Brissoneau, A. British aquatint, 86. British book illustration, 104. British book plates, 100. British caricature, 113. British etching, 82. British lithography, 95. British tnessotint, 8485. British Museum: Anderson, W. Descr. catalogue. . .of Japanese and Chinese paintings, 20. Catalogue of drawings, by L. Binyon, 32. Catalog^ue of early Italian engravings, 19. Catalogue of engraved British portraits, by F. O'Donoghue, 13, 121. Catalogue of maps, prints..., 32. Cheylesmore (2. baron), W. M. Eaton. Guide to exhibition of mezzotint, 84. Colvin, S. Early engraving..., 13. Guide to exhibition of drawings. . .by Rem- brandt, 67. Cust, Lionel. Index of artists, 32. Dodgson, C. Catalogue. . .German. . .woodcuts, 90. Fagan, Louis. Handbook to... prints, 33. Fisher, R. Introduction to... Italian prints, 20. Franks, Sir A. W. Franks bequest, 100, 102. Guide to the historical collection of prints [by S. Colvin], 33. Guide to... prints bequeathed by Felix Slade, 33. The print room... by the ghost of a collector, 33. Reproductions of prints and drawings, 12, 82. Stephens, F. G., and E. Hawkins. Catalogue... political. . .satires, 114. Willshire, W. H. Descriptive catalogue of early prints, 16, 19. Descriptive catalogue of... cards, 98. British prints, 13-14. British stipple engraving, 84. British wood-engraving, 90. Brivois, Jules. Guide de I'amateur, 105. Broadley, A. M. Napoleon in caricature, 112. Bromley, Henry. Catalogue. . .British portraits, 121. Brooke, S. A.: Liber Studiorum of J. M. W. Turner, 74. Note on... Short, 71. INDEX 137 Brookline Public Library, Brookline, Mass. List of photographs of paintings, 131. Broquelet, A., and L. Bregeaut. Manuel de I'im- primeur lithographe, 92. Brosamer, Hans, 40. Brou, Ch. de. Quelques mots sur la gravure... 1418, 9. Broum, K. H. Die Autotypie, 128. Brown, Mrs. Crosby. Catalogue. . .portraits, 119. Brown, F. H., and H. A. Rankin. Simple pictorial illustration, 104. Brown, J. L., 40. Brown, J. R.: Catalogue. . .book-plates, 98. See also Fincham, H. W. Browne, Edgar. Phiz and Dickens, 108. Browne, H. K., 108. Browne, N. E. See Lane, W. C, and N. E. Browne. Browne, W. C. Practical text book of lithog- raphy, 92. Brueghel, Peeter, the elder, 40. Bruel, F. L. See Bibliotheque nationale. Un siecle. . . Bruges. See Musee de I'Academie de Bruges. Brulliot, Frangois. Dictionnaire de monogrammes, 26. Brunet, P. G. Curiosites bibliographiques et artis- tiques, 7. Bruton, H. W. Catalogue of collection of works of Cruikshank, 108. Bruwaert, Edmond. Jacques Callot, 41. Bruzard, L. M. J. E. H. Vernet, 74. Bry, Auguste. Raffet, 65. Bry, J. T. de, 41. Bryan, Michael. Biogjraphical dictionary of painters and engravers, 26-27. Der Buchhandel und die graphischen Kunste Deutschlands auf der Weltausstellung, Philadelphia, 1876, 18, 105. Budan, t. de, comte. See Monnet, Camille, and E. de Budan, comte. Budapest. Szemuveszeti Muzeum. Verzeichniss der Kupferstich-Sammlung, 31. Buerkner, H. Holbeins Altes Testament, 54. Buffa, Frans, & Sons. Catalogue, 82. Buffalo Fine Arts Academy. Albright Art Gal- lery: Catalogue of an exhibition of contemporary graphic art in. . .Austria, 13. Illustrated catalogue by W. O. Chapin, 2i. Buhot, Felix, 41. Bulgakov, F. I. Nashi khudozhniki biograf ii . . . , 24. Bullard, Francis. Catalogue of engraved plates... after J. M. W. Turner, 13, 73. Bunner, H. C. Modern poster, 116. Buonarroti, M. A., 41. Burch, R. M. Colour printing, 96. Bureau of University Travel. [Catalogues,] 132. Burger, H. J. 1900 Weltausstellung in Paris. Schweiz. Die Graphischen Druckverfahren, 5, 24, 128. Burger, Johann, 41. Burlington Fine Arts Club: Catalogue. . .mezzotinto, 84. Catalogue of prints and books illustrating engrav- ing in Japan, 20. Catalogue. . .of wood-cuts, 90. Drawings and engravings by Duerer, 46. Exhibition of works of H. S. and B. Beham, 37. Exhibition of works of William Blake, 39. Exhibition of drawings. . .by Claude le Lorrain 51 (under Gelee.) Exhibition of English mezzotint portraits, 84. Exhibition. ..French etching, 82. Exhibition. . .of work of Hollar, 55. Exhibition of works of McArdell, 59, Burlington Fine Arts Club continued: Exhibition of work of Meryon, 61. R. Fisher, Marc Antonio Raimondi, 65. Catalogue of etched work of Rembrandt, 66. Catalogue. . .of drawings by Rowlandson, 69. Exhibition of Turner's Liber, 73. Exhibition of etchings by Zeeman and Karel du Jardin, 47, 79. Burr, F. M. Alexander Anderson, 36. Burt, Alice. Catalogue of line engravings, etc... by Charles Burt, 41. Burt, Charles, 41. Burty, Philippe: Catalogue of exhibition of work by... Buhot, 41. Catalogue de peintures et estampes japonaises, 23. Charles Meryon, 61. Celestin Nanteuil, 63. Camille Rogier, 69. Busch, Wilhelm, 108. Buschmann, Paul, the younger. Le role de la grav- ure en taille-douce, 9. Biisse, G. H., 108. Butler, Daniel, & Co. List of mezzotint engravings, S. Arlent-Edwards, 48. Butsch, A. F. Bucherornamentik der Renaissance, 102. Buttre,J. C, 41. Buttre, J. C, Co., New York. Catalogue, 25, 41. Caduceus, Master of the. See Barbari, Jacopo de. Caesar, Caius Julius, Portraitures of, 124. Caffin, C. H. Old Spanish masters engraved by T. Cole, 44. Calamatta, Louis, 41. Calcografia nacional, Madrid. Catalogos de las estampas, 24, 33. Calcografia regia. Catalogo delle migliori stampe ..., 65. Caldecott, Randolph, 108. Calendars. Heitz, P. Hundert Kalender-Inkuna- beln, 90. Callot, Jacques, 41. Calvert, A. F. Goya, 51. Calvin, Jean, Portraits of, 124. Cameron, D. Y., 4142. Campagnola, Giulio, 41. Canale, Antonio, 42. Canaletto. See Belotto, Bernardo: Canale, Antonio. Cards (Christmas). Prang, Louis, 117; White, G., 117. Cards (Playing), 97-98. Cards (Playing), Master of. M. Geisberg. Das alteste. . .Kartenspiel, 60. Cards (Visiting), 117. Carew, R. P. Catalogue. . .of etchings by Rem- brandt, 66. Caricature, 112-115. Carnegie Institute, Pittsburg: Catalogue of an exhibition of contemporary Ger- man graphic art, 18. Catalogue of exhibition of lithographs, 95. Carpeaux, J. B., 42. Carriere, Eug&ne, 42. Carrington, Fitzroy, editor. Prints and their makers, 10. See also Cooper Union. Carson, H. L. : Collection of .. .portraits, 123. Collection of portraits of Washington, 126. Carter, J. F. Catalogue. . .of portraits of Napoleon. 125. Carter, W. S. Masterpieces..., 81. Carteret, J. Grand-. See Grand-Carteret, J. 138 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Cartoon, 112. Cartoons. See Caricature. Carver, C. N. : Book-plates of .. .Americans, 102. Book-plates of Princeton, 102. Cary, E. L. : Honore Daumier, 45. Auguste Lepere, 58. Works of Whistler, 76. Cassatt, Mary, 42. Castle, Egerton. English book-plates, 100. Catalogo dei piu celebri intagliatori, 27. Catalogue d'une collection unique de dessins, 9. Catalogue of .. .drawings by artists of "Punch," 113. Catalogue of engravea portraits, 121. Catalogue illustre de I'Exposition internationale (1885), 29. Catalogue de peintures et d'estampes japonaises, Paris, 1891, 23. Catalogue d'une precieuse collection d'estampes japonaises, 23. Cataloguing of prints 8, (under Hart, Laschitzer, Loga, Weitenkampf). Caw, J. L. Scottish portraits, 121. Caxton Club. Catalogue. . .of etchings and litho- graphs of Whistler, 76. Caylus, Comte de, 42. Cean-Bermudez, J. A. Diccionario historico, 24. Centenaire de la lithographic. Catalogue, 94. Chaignon la Rose, P. de. Descriptive checklist of ...bookplates by Spenceley, 72. Chalk plate engraving. Farquhar, H. D., Grammar of photo-engraving, 128. Cham, 42. Champfleury, pseud, of Jules Fleury: Chicn-Caillou [R. Bresdin], 40. Exposition des peintures et dessins de...H. Dau- mier, 45. Histoire de la caricature, 114. Histoire de la caricature antique, 112. Histoire de la caricature moderne, 112. Histoire de la caricature au moyen age, 112. Histoire de I'imagerie populaire, 112. Les vignettes romantiques, 105. Chapin, W. O.: Masters and master-pieces of en- graving, 9. See also Buffalo Fine Arts Academy. Chardin, J. B. S., 42. Charlet, N. T., 42. Chasseriau, Theodore, 42. Chats on old prints, A. Hayden, 6. Chatto, W. A. : Facts... on origin of playing cards, 97. Gems of wood engraving, 90. Treatise on wood engraving, 86. Chattock, R. S. Practical notes on etching, 80. Chaucer, Geoffrey, Portraits of, 124. Chauvel, Theophile, 43. Chemesov, Y. P. Tschemessoff, graveur russe, 24, 43. Cheney, John, and Seth Wells, 43. Cheney, Sheldon. Notable western etchers, 83. Chesson, W. H. Catalogue of etchings by Keene, 111. Chevallier, A., and L. Langlume. Memoire sur I'art du lithographe, 92. Chevillard, Valbert. Un peintre romantique, Chas- seriau, 42. Cheylesmore (2. baron), IV. M. Eaton, 84. Chicago. Art Institute. See Art Institute of Chicago. Chicago Society of Etchers: City Art Museum of St. Louis. Exhibition, 83. Stevens, T. W. Etching of cities, 82. Winslow, H. Etching of landscapes, 82. Worcester Art Museum. Catalogue..., 84. Chien-Caillou. See- Bresdin, Rudolphe. Children's books. Tuer) A. W., 103; White, G., 104. Chmelarz, Eduard. Die Ehrenpforte des Kaisers Maximilian i, 90. Chodowiecki, D. N., 43. Christ, J. F. Dictionnaire des monogrammes, 27. Christie's. Art prices current, 7. Christmas cards. See Cards (Christmas). Chromo-glyphotype. Donlevy, John. Rise of the graphic arts, 5. Chromolithography , 91-94. Chronik fiir vervielfaltigende Kunst, 3. Cicognara, Leopold, Comte 11 (under Zanetti). Cincinnati Museum: Catalogue of the Collier collection, 107. Special exhibition. . .of etchings by Pennell, 64. Cincinnati Museum Association. Exhibition of paint- ings. ..by R. F. Blum, 39. Cincinnati. Ohio Valley Centennial Exposition. Koehler, S. R. Catalogue, 25. City Art Museum of St. Louis. See St. Louis. Claas, Alaart, 43. Clairambault, Pierre. See Bibliotheque nationale. Flandrin, A. Clarendon Historical Society. Pack of cavalier play- ing cards, 97, 113. Clark, C. E. Catalogue ... of American portraiture, 43, 47, 48, 123. Classification of prints, 8 (under Loga; Victoria and Albert Museum). Claude Lorraine. See Gelee, Claude, called Claude Lorrain. Clauss, J. M. B. Holz- und " Metallschnitte. . .aus den Stadtbibliotheken zu Colmar und Schlett- stadt, 88. Claussin, J. J. de. Catalogue. . .de toutes les es- tampes qui forment I'oeuvre de Rembrandt, 66. Cleaning of prints, 8. Clemens, W. M. The Poster, 116. Clement, C. E. See Waters, Mrs. C. E. C. Clement, Charles. Gericault, 51. Clock dial, engraved, 10 (under Levis). Club of Odd Volumes: Annual exhibition, 29. Exhibition of book-plates, 98, 99. Cobden-Sanderson, T. J. Ecce mundus, 102. Cochin, 43. Cochin, C. N. Memoires. . .sur le comte de Cay- lus, 42. Cohen, Henry. Guide de. . .vignettes du xviii. siecle, 105. Cohn, A. M. Bibliographical catalogue of works illustrated by Cruikshank, 108. Cohn, William. Stilanalysen als Einfiihrung in die japanische Malerei, 21. Coke, Desmond. Art of silhouette, 118. Cole, H. Passion of our Lord Jesus Christ, 46. Cole, Timothy, 44. Collas, A. See Nolte, V. Collecting, p. 6-7 (section "Handbooks"). Collection of Danish telegrams sent to Joachim An- dersen, 117. Collections of prints (private), 34-36. Collections of prints (public), 31-34. Collector's annual: latest prices, 7. Collector's magazine, 3. Collier, P. F., & Son: American art, 107. Catalogue, 107. Cincinnati Museum, 107. Collotype. Wilkinson, W. T., 131. Colmar. Schreiber, W. L. Formschnitte aus... Bibliotheken u. Sammlungen, 88. Colmar. Stadtbibliothek. Clauss, J. M. B. Holz- und Metallschnitte, 88. Colnaghi, P. & D., & Co. Catalogue of etchings..., 52 (under Haden), INDEX 139 Cologne. Molsdorf, W. Bedeutung Kolns f. d. Metallschnitt, 86. Cologne, Portraits of archbishops of. M. J. Gurtler, 122. Colonna, Edward. Catalogue. . .of Japanese prints, 23. Colony Club, New York. Catalogue. . .English mezzotints, 84. Color prints, 96-97; Baxter, G., 37; Hornby, L. G., 55; Japanese prints, 20-24. Columbus, Christopher, Portraits of, 124. Colvin, Sidney: British Museum. Guide..., 33. Early engraving in England, 13. Guide to exhibition of drawings and etchings by Rembrandt, 67. See also Finiguerra, Tommaso di. Comfort, G. F. Address... at opening of Wolff- Leavenworth collection, 2. Connell, James, & Son: Catalogue of exhibition of etchings, 82. Catalogue of exhibition of etchings by E. M. Synge, 73. Catalogue of exhibition of etchings by William Walker, 75. Conring, Franz. Das deutsche Militar in der Kari- katur, 114. Constable, John. Wedmore, F. Constable-Lucas, 58. Contarini, S. (le Pesarese). Bartsch, J. A. B. von. Catalogue des estampes. . .par Reni [etc.], 68. Conway, W. M. Woodcutters of the Netherlands, 90. Cooper, F. T. See Maurice, A. B. Cooper Union Museum: Carrington, F. R. Catalogue of engravings. . .pre- sented by G. A. Hearn, 33. Carrington, F. R. Catalogue of etchings. . .pre- sented by S. P. Avery, 33. Cope, E. R. Collection of portraits, 119. Copenhagen Print Room. See Kongelig Kobber- stiksamling Kobenhavn. Copley prints, 132. Copley Society, Boston. Etchings... Memorial ex- hibition of works of Whistler, 76. Coquiot, Gustave. H. de Toulouse-Lautrec, 73. Corner, W. H. Catalogue. . .of Washington por- traits, 126. Corot, J. B. C, 44. Corsellis, H. N. Catalogue. ..of sporting prints, 118. Cortessoz, Royal: Famous mezzotints, 84. French illustrated books in the eighteenth cen- tury, 105. Cosmos Pictures Co. [Catalogues,] 132. Cosway, Richard, 44. Cotman, J. S., 44. Courboin, F. See Bibliotheque nationale. Courtry, Charles, 44. Cousins, Samuel, 44. Cranach, Louis, 44. Crane, Walter. Of decorative illustration, 102. Crane, Walter, 108. Crauzat, E. de. L'oeuvre. . .de Steinlen, 72. La Crdte devant I' image. J. Grand-Carteret, 113. Crome, John, 44. Cronau, Rudolf. Buch der Reklame, 115. Crudge, A. F. List of book-plates, 98. Cruikshank, George, 108-110. Cumberland, G. : Essay on collecting, 6, 32. Some anecdotes of Giulio Bonasoni, 40. Gumming, David. Handbook of lithography, 92. Cundall, H. M. Birket Foster, 110. Cundall, Joseph. Brief history of wood-engraving, 87. Curio, 100. Currier and Ives. Caricatures pertaining to the Civil war, 115. Curtis, Atherton: Catalogue of etched work of Van Muyden, 63. Catalogue of prints and drawings by Rem- brandt, 67. Haden, F. S. Catalogue..., 52. How prints are made, 5. Lithography, 92. Raffet, 65. Some masters of lithography, 94. Curtis & Cameron. [Catalogues,] 132. Cust, Lionel: British Museum. Index of artists..., 32. Engravings of Albrecht Diirer, 46. Cuvillies, 44. D***. Procede de la lithographic, 92. Dacier, fimile: t A. Lunois, 59. L'oeuvre de G. de Saint Aubin, 70. Daly, Augustin. Collection of portraits, 119. Daly, C. P. Have we a portrait of Columbus, 124. Dalsiel, George, and E. Dalsiel, 44, 104. Dampier, Thomas, bishop of Ely. Engraved. . .por- traits, 119. Dance of Death, 90. Daniell, F. B. Catalogue of .. .engraved works of Cosway, 44. Daniell, W. V. Catalogue of engraved portraits, 121. Danish book plates, 101. Danish telegrams, 117. Dante. Volkmann, L. Iconografia Dantesca, 103. Dante, Portraits of, 124. Danzig. Rozycki, K. v. Kupferstecher Danzigs, 19. Darley, F. O. C, 110. Darmstadt. Schreiber, W. L. Formschnitte aus... Bibliotheken u. Sammlungen, 88. Daubigny, C. F., 44. Daulby, Daniel. Catalogue ... of etchings by Rem- brandt, 67. Daulle, Jean, 44. Daumier, Honore, 45. Dauze, P. Repertoire des ventes, 8. Davenport, C. J. H. : English book-stamps, 100. Mezzotints, 84. Davenport, Samuel. Engraving, 13. Davies, H. W. Bernhard von Breydenbach, 105. Davillier, J. C, baron. Fortuny, 50. Day, Benjamin. Rapid shading medium, 5, 128. Dayot, Armand: Charlet, 42. Les maitres de la caricature, 114. Raffet, 65. Deane, Ethel. Byways of collecting, 6. Deane, Ruthven. Copper-plates of Audubon's "Birds of America," 13. Deats, H. E. Collection. . .of bookplates, 98. Deberdt, Raoul. La caricature, 114. Debrie, G. F. L., 45. Debucourt, P. L., 45. Decalcomanias. Langer, W. Herstellung der Ab- ziehbilder, 117. Decalogus. Septimania poenalis, 89. Decamps, 45. ' Defer, P. F. Catalogue des ventes, 7. Delaborde, Henri, vicomte: Engraving, 9. Gerard Edelinck, 48. La gravure, 9. Rapport sur la gravure (Paris Exposition, 1878), 29. Delacroix, Eugene, 45. 140 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Delamotte, P. H. On. . .anastatic printing and papyrography, 5. Delatre, Auguste. Eau-forte, pointe seche et vernis mou, 80. Delbecq. Niederlandische Holzsclinitt-Passion, 88. Delestre, J. B. A. J. Gros, 52. Delignieres, E. D. : Catalogue. . .de I'oeuvre grave de Daulle, 44. Jacques Aliamet, 36. Delia Bella. See Bella. Delteil, Loys: Annuaire des ventes, 7. Manuel de I'amateur d'estampes du xviii. siecle, 9, 16. Le peintre-graveur illustre, 27. See also Hazard, N. A. Demarteau, Gilles, 45. Demeure de Beaumont, A. L'affiche illustree, 115. Demmin, Auguste. Encyclopedic. . .des beaux- arts, 27. Dempsey & Carroll. Bookplates, 98. Denison, Herbert. 'JH-eatise on photogravure, 128. Dennis, G. R. See Way, T. R. Dertiet, Claude, 45. Desbontin, Marcellin, 45. Desormes, E., and A. Basile. Dictionnaire des arts, 27. Destailleur, H. See Bibliotheque nationale. In- ventaire. Destree, Jules. L'oeuvre. . .de Redon, 66. Detroit Publishing Co. [Catalogues,] 132. Deutsche Ktinstler-Steinzeichnungen, 96. Deutscher Buchgewerbeverein, 94. Deutscher Verein fiir Exlibriskunst: Mitgliederliste, 100. Satzungen, 100. Deutsches Kiinstler-Lexikon, 18. Deutsches Museum fiir Kunst in Handel und Gewerbe, Hagen. Monographien deutscher Rek- lamekunstler, 115. Dexter, E. St. Memin collection of portraits, 123. Diaz, N., 46. Dibdin, T. F. Bibliographical decameron, 9. Dickens, Harry B. Biographical note of F. G. Ste- venson, 72. Dickens illustrators, F. G. Kitton, 104; F. Weiten- kampf, 104. Dictionaries of artists, 26-29. Didot, A. F.: Les Drevet, 46. Essai...sur la gravure sur ^bois, 87. Les graveurs de portraits en France, 16, 122. Dietrich, C. W. E., 46. Dighton, B. L. Catalogue. . .of sporting prints, 118. See also Lawrence, H. W. Dilke, Lady E. F. S. French engravers and draughtsmen of the xviiith century, 16, 105. Dillaway, W. E. L. Catalogue of .. .etchings and dry-points of Haden, 52. Dillingen. Schreiber, W. L. Formschnitte aus... Bibliotheken u. Sammlungen, 88. Dinsmoor, Alice. Victor Bernstrom, 38. Diplomas, 117. Dixon, Joshua. See Bethnal Green Branch Museum. Dixson, Z. A. Concerning book-plates, 98. Dobson, Austin: Little Passion, 46. Thomas Bewick, 38. Dodd, Thomas: Catalogue of collection. . .of engraved portraits, 121. Collection of etchings by...S. della Bella, 38. Dodd, Mead & Co. : Bookplates, 99. Ex Libris, 99. Dodge, Ozias. Experiments in producing printing surfaces, 5, 80. Dodge, Ozias, 46. Dodgson, Campbell : Catalogue of early German. . .woodcuts, 90. Duerer Society, 46. Etchings by Muirhead Bone, 40. Holzschnitte zu swei Niirnberger Andachtsbiich- ern, 90. Notes by Duerer, 46. Dodson, R. W., 46. Doepler, K. ., the elder, 110. Doernhoefer, Friedrich. See Graul, Richard. Don Quixote, Iconography of, H. S. Ashbee, 102. Donaueschingen. Ftirstenbergische Sammlungen. Schreiber, W. L. Holzschnitte..., 87. Doni, A. F. Sopra I'effigie di Cesare per Vico, 75. Donlevy, John. Rise. ..of the graphic arts, 5. Dore, Gustave, 110. Dorgerloh, A. Verzeichnis. . .der Arbeiten Menzels, 60. Dotted prints, 86. Douce, Francis. Holbein's Dance of death, 54. Douglas, James. See Bowes, Robert. Douglas, R. J. H.: Catalogue of collection of works of Cruikshank, 109. Works of George Cruikshank, 109. Doumergfue, fimile. Iconographie calvinienne, 124. Dow, A. W., 46. Downing, William. Catalogue of book plates, 99. Draibel, H., pseud. See Beraldi, H. Drake, Sir W. R. Descriptive catalogue of etched work of Haden, 52. Drawing for book-illustration, 104. Dresden Print Room. Geisberg, M. Formschnitte, 12, 86; Singer, H. W. Unika, 32; Vogel von Vogelstein, O. Verzeichniss von. . .Portraits, 120. Drevet, 46. Droeshout, Martin, 46. Drucke u. Holzschnitte der xv. und xvi. Jahrh., 87. Dubor, Georges de. Vieilles romances, 95. Dubouchet, H. J., and G. Dubouchet. Precis ele- mentaire de gravure, 5. Du Cerceau, 46. Duchatel, E. Traite de lithographic, 92. Duchesne, Jean, the elder: Bibliotheque nationale. Notice des estampes, 31. Essai sur les nielles, 11. Observations sur les cartes a jouer, 98. Dudley, J. L. National Arts Club. Catalogrue . . . portraits of Napoleon, 125. Duerer, Albrecht, 46-47, 90. Duerer Society: [Portfolios,] 46. Publications, 46. Report, 46. Duesseldorf. Kunstgewerbe-Museum zu Diissel- dorf. Ausstellung v. Ktinstler-Lithographien, 94. Du Jardin, Karel, 47. Dulles, W. C. Harper, F. P. Colored plate books, 96. Dumas, F. G. Adolph Menzel, 60. Du Maurier, George. Social pictorial satire, 104, 113. Du Maurier, George, 110. Dunlap, William. History... of arts... in United States, 25. Duplessis, G. V. A. G. : Catalogue de l'oeuvre de Bosse, 40. Catalogue des dessins...de Dore, 110. Catalogue de la collection des portraits conservee au Bibliotheque nationale, 119. Eaux-fortes de Antoine van Dyck, 48. Eaux-fortes de Claude Le Lorrain [Gelee], 51. Eaux-fortes et gravures, 9, 12, 81. Eaux-fortes de Potter, 65. Essai de bibliographic contenant I'indication des ouvrages relatifs a I'histoire de la gravure, 1. Essai d'une bibliographie des beaux-arts, 1. INDEX 141 Duplessis, G. V. A- G. continued: Gavarni, 50. La grande passion par Durer, 46. Les graveurs de Michel Ange, 19, 41. De la gravure de portrait, 16, 122. Histoire de la gravure, 6, 9. Histoire de la gravure en France, 16. J. F. Jacquemart, 56. Le livre des peintres et graveurs de M. de Marolles, 27. Les livres a gravures du xvi. siecle, 102. Memoires. ; .J. G. Wille, 78. Merveilles de la gravure, 9. Oeuvre de Albert Duerer, 46. Oeuvre de A. Mantegna, 59. Oeuvre de Schongauer, 71. Les ventes aux xvii. et xviii. siecles, 7. Wonders of engraving, 9. See also Robert-Duniesnil, A. P. F. Le peintre- gravure frangais. Duplessis, G. V. A. G., and H. F. X. M. Bouchot. Dictionnaire des marques..., 27. Dupre, Jules, 47. Durand, A. B., 47. Durand, John. Life of A. B. Durand, 48. Durand-Ruel: Catalogue of paintings, etc., by Raffaelli, 65. Exposition [de] Mary Cassatt, 42. Exposition de I'oeuvre grave de M. Desboutin, 45. Jacque, Ch. Exposition, 56. Durande, Amedee. J. C. et H. Vernet, 74. Duret, Theodore: Histoire de. . .Whistler, 76. Livres et albums illustres du Japon, 21. Whistler et son ceuvre, 76. Dutch and Flemish book-plates, 90. Dutch and Flemish caricature, 114. Dutch and Flemish etching, 82. Dutch and Flemish mezzotints, 84 (under Muller). Dutch and Flemish posters, 115. Dutch and Flemish prints, 15-16. Dutch and Flemish wood engraving, 90. Dutuit, Eugene: Manuel de I'amateur d'estampes, 15, 27. L'oeuvre. . . de Rembrandt, 67. Duvet, Jean, 48. Duyckinck, E. A. Alexander Anderson, 36. Dwight, M. E. Catalogue of works of Elbridge Kingsley, 56. Dyck, Sir Anthonie van, 48. Earlom, Richard, 48. East, G. A. Collectors' annual, 7. Eaton, H. M. Modern flat-tone reproduction, 128. cole des beaux-arts. Catalogue. . .de I'exposition de I'eau-forte, 82. ficole nationale des beaux arts: Catalogue de I'oeuvre grave de Desboutin, 45. Exposition de I'oeuvre de Fantin-Latour, 49. Exposition de la lithographic, 95. Eddy, A. J. Recollections of J. A. Whistler, 76. &delinck, Gerard, 48. Eder, J. M. Das Pigmentverfahren, 128. Ederheimer, Richard: Catalogue of exhibition of engravings by Rai- mondi, 65. Illustrated catalogue. . .Duerer, 46. Edouard, August. Vernay, A. S. Collection of American silhouette portraits, 118. Edward vii. in caricature. Grand-Carteret, J. Onkel Eduard, 113. Edwards, Ernest. Heliotype process, 128. Edwards, Francis. George Cruikshank books, 109. Edwards, S. Arlent-, 48. Edwin, David, 48. Egyptian caricature, 114. Eichstdtt. Weis-Liebersdorff, J. E. Inkunabeln d. Formschnitts i. d. Bibliotheken, 88. Einblattdrucke d. 15. Jahrh. Hrsg. von P. Heitz, 87, 88. Ellis's catalogue of .. .book-plates collected bv Sir A. W. Franks, 100, 102. Elmes, J. General dictionary of fine arts, 27. Elson, A. W., and Co. Making of a photogravure, 128. Elward, Robert. On collecting engravings, 6. Emerson, W. A. Hand-book of wood engraving, 86. Emmerich, G. H. Jahrbuch d. Photographen, 129. Encyclopaedia of fine arts (1848), 2. Engelmann, G. Manuel du dessinateur lithographe, 92. Engelmann, Wilhelm: Chodowiecki, 43. Pittsburgh Etching Club. Catalogue of... engrav- ings after Raphael, 66. English etchings, 82. Engraver and electrotyper, 128. Engravers, United States. Chronological list, 25. Engraving (Line), history, 9-20, 24-26; process, 4-6. Engraving (Wood), 86-91. Ensayos foto-litograficos, 128. Ensor, James, 48. Ephrussi, Charles. Jacopo de Barbari, 37. Erlangen. Universitats-Bibliothek. Zucker, M. Einzel-Formschnitte, 88. Erste im Konigreich Sachsenerschienene Samnilung artistischer Versuche im Steindrucke, 96. Esswein, Hermann: Hans Baluschek, 107. Aubrey Beardsley, 107. T. T. Heine, 111. Eugen Kirchner, 111. Moderne Illustratoren, 102, 112. E. Neumann, 111. Adolf Oberlander, 111. Toulouse-Lautrec, 73. L'Estampe moderne, 3. L'Estampe originale, 3. Etching, 79-84. European magazine: List of plates, 13. Solly, E. Indexes of portraits, 122. Evans, Edward: Catalogue of engraved portraits, 121. Catalogue of prints, part 4, 119. Evans, R. H. : Catalogue of collection of works of Hogarth, 54. See also Wright, Thomas. Evelyn, John. Sculptura, 9, 84. Evening. . .with "Punch," 113. Everitt, Graham. English caricature, 113. Ex Libran, 100. Ex-libris, 98-100, 102. Ex Libris. Zeitschrift fiir Biicherzeichen, 100. Ex Libris, Buchkunst und angewandte Graphik, 100. Ex libris leaflets, no. 4. Hyde, Allyn..., 55. Ex-Libris Society: [Certificate of membership,] 100. Journal, 100. General index to Journ^, 100. Ex Libris Verein zu Berlin. Mitteilungen, 100. Exhibitions (General), 29-30. Exposition Internationale de blanc et noir. Cata- logue, 29. E.vfra-illustration, 8. Eye, J. L. A. von, and J. Falke. Gallerie der Mei- sterwerke altdeutscher Holzschneidekunst, 90. 142 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY F., E. T. John Sartain, 70. Faber. F. T., 48. Fach, Adolf. Kolorierte Friihdrucke, 87. Fagan, James, 48. Fagan, Louis. See British Museum. Faithorne, William, 49. Falke, J. See Eye, J. L. A. von, and J. Falke. Fallet, Celine: Les princes de I'art, 10. Princes of art, 10. Famous etchers, 81. Fantin-Latour, Henri, 49. Farquhar, H. D. Grammar of photo-engraving, 128. Faucheux, L. E. Catalogue de I'oeuvre de Sylvestre, 71. Faust, Camille. Louis Legrand, 57. Feckert, G. H. G., 49. Fenaille, Maurice. L'oeuvre de P. L. Debucourt, 45. Fenollosa, E. F. Masters of Ukioye, 21. Fenollosa, M. McN. Hiroshige, 21. Ferchl, F. M. Uebersicht der Sammlung der Lithographic, 94. Ferret, J. La photogravure facile, 128. Ficke, A. D. Chats on Japanese prints, 21. Ficquet, t,tienne, 49. Fielding, Mantle. Catalogue of work of Edwin, 48. Fielding, T. H. The art of engraving. . . 5. .S"^^ also Maberly, Joseph. Fifth Avenue Art Galleries, New York. Catalogue of drawings by Alfred Brennan, 108. Figaro illustre, 117. Figaro lithographe, 94. Fincham, H. W. Artists and engravers of book- plates, 100, 102. Fincham, H. W., and J. R. Brown. Bibliography of book-plates, 99. Finig^erra, Tomniaso di. Florentine picture-chron- icle, 19. Fisher, Richard: Introduction to catalogue of early Italian prints, 20. Marc Antonio Raimondi, 65. Fisher, W. E., 49. Fitton, Hedley, 49. Flameng, Leopold, 49. Flandrin, A. See Bibliotheque nationale. Fleck, C: Die Photolithographie, 92. Photo-xylographie, 86. Flemish. See Dutch and Flemish. ^ Fleury, fedouard. See Bibliotheque nationale, In- ventaire. Fleury, Jules. See Champfleury. Flindt, Paul, 49. Florentine wood cuts, 91. Florentinische Zierstiicke, von P. Kristeller, 20. Florian, Frederic, 49. Forain, J. L., SO. Forgues, Eugene. Gavarni, 51. Forster, H. R. Few remarks... on Chandos portrait of Shakespeare, 125. Forsyth, W. G., and J. L. Harrison. Guide to... Whistler, 77. Fortier, G. La photolithographie, 92, 128. Fortlage, Arnold, and Ka. Schwarz. Das graphische Werk von Struck, 73. Fortuny, Mariano Josi, 50. Foster, Birket, 110. Foster, John, 50. Foucaux. See Labat. Fowler, H. A., editor. Ex-Libran, 100. Fragonard, J. H., 16, 50, 105. France. Bibliotheque de I'Arsenal. Catalogue, 32. Frankau, Julia: An 18th century artist, J. R. Smith, 71. 18th century artists... W. [and] J. Ward, 75. Eighteenth century colour prints, 13, 84, 96. Story of Emma, Lady Hamilton, 124. Frankfurt. Stradtbibliothck. Sarnow, E. Form- schnitte, 88. Franklin, Benjamin, Portraits of, 124. Franks, Sir A. W.: Ellis's catalogue of .. .book-plates, 100, 102. Franks bequest, 100, 102. Frantz, Henri. Daumier and Gavarni,' 45, 51. Eraser, W. L. Catalogue of drawings, 107. Freiburg i. S. Bibliothek des BarfUsserklosters. Major, E. Friihdrucke, 88. French, E. D., 50. French book illustration, 104105. French book-plates, 101. French caricature, 114. French etching, 82-83. French lithography, 95. French prints, 16-18. French wood engraving, 91. Fridenberg, R. See Pyne, P. R., jr. Catalogue... views of New York, 118. Friedlaender. M. J.: Albrecht Altdorfer, 36. Des Dodes Dantz, 90. Friedrichs, A. C. Exhibition of etchings and paint- ings by C. Washburn, 75. Friends' portraits. J. Smith, 120. Friesenhahn, P. Handbuch der Reklame, 116. Friswell, J. H. Life portraits of Shakespeare, 125. Frith, W. P. John Leech, 111. Fritz, Georg. Handbuch der Lithographic, 92. Frontispieces. Grolier Club. Catalogue. . .frontis- pieces, 13. Fuchs, Eduard: 1848 in der Caricatur, 114. Die Frau in der Karikatur, 112. Karikatur-Album, 113. Die Karikatur der europaischen Volker, 112. Lola Montcz in der Karikatur, 114. Fuchs & Lang Manufacturing Co. Catalogue of lithographic prints, 94. Fuerstenbcrgische Sammlung. Schreiber, W. L. Holzschnitte. . ., 87. Fuessli, J. R. Kritischcs Verzeichniss der...Kup- ferstlchc, 27. Fuessli, J. R., and H. H. Fuessli. AUgemeines Kiinstlerlexicon, 27. Fuller, S. E. Manual of... wood engraving, 87. Furniss, Harry, 110. Gaedicke, J. Der Gummidruck, 128. Gaillard, C. F., 50. Gainsborough, Thomas, 14, 50. Gair, Robert. What we do, 25. Galimard, Auguste. H. L. V. J. B. Aubry-Lecomte, 37. Gallatin, A. E. : Aubrey Beardsley, 107. Aubrey Beardsley as a designer of book-plates, 100, 107. Whistler, yj. Gamble, William: Line photo-engraving, 128. Penrose's. . .annual, 130. Garnett, Richard. William Blake, 39. Garrett, T. Harrison. Second exhibition of prints from [his] collection. Works of Rembrandt and Wille, 67, 78. Garrison, W. P. Holbein and Bewick, 38, 54. INDEX 143 Garvens-Garvensburg, H. von. James Ensor, 48. Gasch, G. W. : Antiquariats-Katalog iii. (Chodowiecki, Dietrich, Hollar), 18, 43, 46, 55. Antiquariats-Katalog iv, 17, 82. Antiquariats-Katalog v, 18. Nachlass des Lithographen Professor Gustav Feckert, 49. Sammlung von Biichern und Einzelblattern von Richter und Busse, 108, 112. Gaucher, C. E., 50. Gaucherel, Leon, SO. Gavarni, 50; Vischer, F. T. Satyrische Zeichnung, 113. Gay, Jules. Iconographie des estampes a sujets galants, 7, 10. Gazette des artistes graveurs frangais, 3, 17. Gebhardt, C. Schopenhauer-Bilder, 125. Geddes, Andrew, 51. Geffroy, Gustave. Dauinier, 45. Geiger, P. J. N., 51. Geisberg, Max: Albrecht Altdorfer, 36. Anfange des deutschen Kupferstiches, 19, 59. Formschnitte des fiinfzehnten Jahrhunderts, 12, 86, 88. Das. . .Kartenspiel voni Meister der Spielkarteii, 60. Das Kartenspiel. . .in Stuttgart, 98. Der Meister der Berliner Passion und Mecken- em, 60. Verzeichniss der Kupferstiche Meckenem, 60. Gelee, Claude, called he Lorrain, 51. Gelli, Jacopo. 3500 ex libris italiani, 101. Gentleman'^ magazine. Complete list of plates, 13. Georges, Caricature history of the, Wright, 114. Gcricaidt, 7. L. A. T., 51. German book-illustration, 105-106. German book-plates, 101. German caricature, 114-115. German etching, 83. German lithography, 96. German prints, 18-19. German wood-engraving, 90. Germanisches National Museum: Katalog. . .der deutschen Kupferstiche des xv. Jahrhunderts, 19. Katalog. . .Holzstocke, 90. Schulz, F. T. Schrotblatter, 86, 88. * Gersaint, E. F. Catalogue. . .de Rembrandt. Nouv. ed...par A. Bartsch, 15, 67. Gesellschaft fiir vervielfiiltigende Kunst: Jahresmappe, 3. Mittheilungen, 3. Vervielfaltigende Kunst der Gegenwart, 11. Getchell, E. L., 51. Geyger, E. M., 51. Geymet, Theophile: Heliographie vitrifiable, 128. Traite de gravure en demi-teinte, 128. Traite de gravure heliographique, 128. Traite de gravure sur verre, 128. Traite de gravure. . .sur zinc, 128. Traite de photogravure, 128. Traite de photolithographie, 128. Traite de phototypie, 129. Geymueller, Heinrich von, baron. Les Du Cerceau, 46. Giacomelli, Hector. Raffet, 65. Gibson, W. H., 110. Giesecke, A. G. B. Piranesi, 64. Gilchrist, A. William Blake, 39. Gilks, T. Art of wood-engraving, 87. Gillot, Charles. Collection: estampes japonaises, 21. Gillray, James, 110. Gilpin, William. Essay upon prints, 6. Girardin, Fernand, comte de: Iconographie de J. J. Rousseau, 125. Iconographie des oeuvres de Rousseau, 105, 125. Gleeson, C. K., 51. Goddard, E. H. See Wiltshire Archaeological... Society. Godde, J. Catalogue raisonne. . .de livres relatifs aux arts de peinture, etc., 1. Goethe, J. W., Portraits of, 124. Goettinger Taschen Calender, Chodowiecki u. Lich- tenberg, 43. Goldsmid, Edmund. Pack of cavalier playing cards, 98, 113. Gole, Jacob, 51. Golyshov, I. A. Lubochnaya starinnaya kartina, 91. Goncourt, E. L. A. H. de: Catalogue. . .de P. P. Prud'hon, 65. Catalogue de. . . Watteau, 75. Hokousai, 21. Goncourt, E. L. A. H. de, and Jules de Goncourt: Collection des Goncourt, 17. Gavarni, 51. Gonse, Louis: L'oeuvre de Jacquemart, 56. La sculpture et la gravure au xix. siecle, 10. Goodell, A. C, jr. "Sharpies" pictures, 126. Goodhue, B. G. Book of architectural drawings, 102. Goodman, Joseph. Practical modern metalithog- raphy, 92. Goodwin, Gordon: Judkins, 56, 75. James McArdell, 59. Gookin, F. W. : Catalogue. . .of Japanese prints, 23. Japanese colour-prints, 21. Gori Gandellini, Giovanni. Notizie istoriche degli intagliatori, 27. Goss, E. H. Life of Revere, 68. Gottlieb, Siegmund. Praktische Anleitung zur... Heliogravure, 129. Gough, J. B. Works of George Cruikshank, 109. Gould, John. Biographical dictionary of painters... and engravers, 27. Goulding, Frederick, 51. Gower, R. C. S. L. Iconographie de Marie-Antoin- ette, 125. Goya y Lucientes, F. J. de, 51-52. Grand-Carteret, John: L'actualite en images... L'alliance franco-russe, 113. La Crete devant I'image, 113. "Er" im Spiegel der Karikatur, 113. Napoleon en images, 114, 125. Onkel Eduard im Spiel der Welt-Karikatur, 113. Les titres illustres, 117. See also Livre et I'image, 4, 116. Grandville, J. I. I. G. Catalogue ... des dessins, 110. Granger, J. The Stowe Granger. Catalogue of engraved British portraits, 121. Graphic arts and crafts year book, 3, 129. Graphic arts for printers and users of printing, 3. Graphische Gesellschaft: Ausserordentliche Veroffentlichung, 3. Jahresbericht, 3. Veroffentlichungen, 3. Die Graphischen Kiinste. Hrsg. von der Gesell- schaft fur vervielfaltigende Kunst, 3. Grateloup, J. B. de, 52. Gratz, L. C. Collection of drawings by F. O. C. Darley, 110. Graul, Richard. See Lehrs, Max. Graul, Richard, and Friedrich Doernhoefer. Die Lithographic, 94, 129. Grautoff, Otto. Entwicklung der modernen Buch- kunst, 105. 144 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Graves, Algernon. Catalogue of works of Cousins, 44. Gravesande. See Storm van 's Gravesande. La Gravure et la lithographie fran<;aise, 4. Gray, F. C. (Gray Collection.) See Harvard Col- lege. Great Britain. Commissioners of Patents. Sub- ject list of works on the fine and graphic arts, 1. Great Britain. Education Board: Secondary Branch. Catalogue of exhibition of modern il- lustrations, 103. Great engravers, ed. by A. M. Hind: Bartolozzi, 37, 84. Fragonard, 16, SO, 105. Holbein, 54. Moreau, 62. Raimondi, 66. J. R. Smith, 71, 85. Watteau, Boucher, 18, 75. Green, Henry. Les Simulchres & historiees faces de la mort, 55. Green, J. H. Catalogue. ..of the works of Callot, 41. Green, S. A.: John Foster, 50. Remarks on the Boston Magazine, 25. Remarks on some rare German prints of New York and Quebec, 19. Ten facsimile reproductions, 25. Green, Valentine, 52. Greenaway, Kate, 110. Greenwich Hospital. Allen, J. Catalogue of por- traits, 119. Grego, Joseph. Rowlandson, 69. Greiner, Otto, 52. Gresy, Eugene. Catalogue de I'oeuvre de Langot, 57. Grolier Club: Allen, C. D. Classified list of American book- plates, 101. Books and prints illustrating. . .wood-engraving, 88. Catalogue of books, etc., by William Blake, 39. Catalogue of drawings by E. A. Abbey, 107. Catalogue of engraved portraits of actors, 119. Catalogue of engraved titles and frontispieces, 13. Catalogue of engraved work of A. B. Durand, 48. Catalogue of engravings by Gaillard, 50. Catalogue. . .of engravings. . .by women, 29. Catalogue of etchings by D. Y. Cameron, 42. Catalogue of etchings, etc., by Haden, 52. Catalogue of etchings of Alphonse Legros, 57. Catalogue of etchings and drawings by C. Mer- yon, 61. Catalogue of etchings by Pennell, 64. Catalogue of etchings by Ph. Zilcken, 79. Catalogue of etchings and dry-points by Rem- brandt, 67. Catalogue of etchings and dry-points by Whistler, 77. Catalogue of exhibition of artistic lithography, 94. Catalogue of exhibition of bill-posters, 116. Catalogue of exhibition of early American en- graving upon copper, 25. Catalogue of exhibition of French engravings of the 18th century, 17. Catalogue of an exhibition of Japanese prints (1896), 21. Catalogue of an exhibition of Japanese colored prints (1889), 21. Catalogue of exhibition of works by John Leech, 111. Catalogue of exhibition of Liber Studiorum of J. M. W. Turner, 73. Catalogue of an exhibition of line engravings, 10. Catalogue of exhibition commemorative of John Milton, 125. Catalogue of lithographs by Whistler, 77. Catalogue of plans and views of New York, 118. Catalogue of i)ortraits of English writers, 121. Grolier Club continued : Catalogue of portraits of French authors, 122. Catalogue of portraits of Lincoln, 125. Catalogue of portraits of women writers, 121. Catalogue of portraits by Faithorne, 49. Duerer, A. Chronological catalogue. . .by S. R. Koehler, 47. E. D. French. Catalogue of exhibition of his engraved work, 50. Etched work of Whistler. . .by E. G. Kennedy, 76. Exhibition of engraved portraits of Washington, 126. Hart, C. H. Catalogue of the engraved portraits of Washington, 25. Lists of publications, 4. Modern wood engraving, 91. Stauffer, D. McN. American engravers, 25. Gros, A. J., 52. Gruel, Leon. Les ex-libris fran?ais, 101. Guerard, Henri, 52; Bejot, E. American Art As- sociation, 37. Guertler, M. J. Bildnisse der Erzbischofe. . .von Koln, 122. Gugenbauer, G. : Inkunabeln der Graphik in Klosterbibliotheken. . ., 88. Kupferstiche und Einzelformschnitte. . .in der K. K. Studienbibliothek zu Linz a. Donau, 88. Gugler Lithographic Company, 96. Guiffrey, J. M. J.: L'oeuvre de Jacque, 56. Table des portraits. ..aux salons, xviii. siecle, 119. Guigard, Joannes. Armorial du bibliophile, 99. Guildhall, London. See Library of the Corporation of. . .London. Guillemin, Victor. E. Vernier, 75. Gulbransson, Olaf, 110. Gunn, M. J. Print restoration, 8. Gutekunst, R. Catalogue of exhibition of etchings bv D. S. MacLaughlan, 59. Guthmann, Johannes. Ueber O. Greiner, 52. Guyot de Villeneuve. Catalogue des dessins de I'ecole frangaise du xviii. siecle, 17. A Gyiijto; le collectionneur, 99. H Haas, J. (S. Original-Gravur-Linien-Raster, 129. Haden, Sir F. S.: About etching, 79. Etched work of Rembrandt, 67. Oeuvre grave de Rembrandt, 67. Haden, Sir F. S., 52-53. Haebler, K. See Heitz, P., Hundert Kalender- Inkunabeln. Hahlo, A. H., & Co. Catalogue of etchings by D. Y. Cameron, 41. Haig, A. H., 53. Half-tone, 127-131. Hall, H. B., 53. Halle, J. Katalog einer Sammlung von Kupfer- stichen, 13. Halliwell-Phillipps, J. O. Catalogue of... engrav- ings illustrative of Shakespeare, 125. Halm, Peter, 53. Halsey, R. T. H. Boston port bill, 85, 114. Halsted's ... collection of Turner engravings, 7i. Halton, E. G. See Holme, C. G. Hamburg. Schreiber, W. L. Formschnitte aus... Bibliotheken u. Sammlungen, 88. Hamerton, P. G. : Catalogue of [his] collection of modern etch- ings, 53. Catalogue of [his] library, 53. Drawing and engraving, 5. INDEX Hamerton, P. G. continued : Etcher's handbook, 80. Etching and etchers, 81. The graphic arts, 5. Keppel, F. Hanierton's favorite etchings, 81. Hamilton, Edward. Catalogue of the engraved works of Sir Joshua Reynolds, 13, 68. Hamilton, Emma, Lady, 124. Hamilton, Walter: Dated book-plates, 99. French book-plates, 101. ^' Memoir of George Cruikshank, 109. Hanfstaengl, Franz. [Catalogues,] 132. Hantz, Georges. Ex libris, 101. Happer, J. S. Catalogue. . .of Japanese prints, 23. Harbeck, Hans. Melchior Lorichs, 58. Hardie, Martin: English coloured books, 86, 96, 104. F. Goulding, 51. Harding, G. P. Portraits of illustrious persons in English history, 121. Hardy, W. J. Book-plates, 99. Harland, J. W. The printing arts, 5. Harper, C. G. : English pen artists of to-day, 104. Practical handbook of drawing, 104. Harper, F. P. Colored plate books, 96, 103. Harrington, H. N. Engraved work of...Haden, 52. Harrison, Gabriel. Stratford bust of Shakespeare, 126. Harrison, J. L. See Forsyth, W. G., and J. L. Harrison. Harrison, T. E. Twelve ex libris, 100. Harrisse, Henry. L. L. Boilly, 39. Harrwitz, Max. Allgemeiner Portrait- Katalog, 119. Hart, C. H.: Anthony Wayne, 127. Catalogue of engraved portraits of Washington, 25, 126. Edward Savage, 70. Etched profile of Washington by Joseph Hiller, 54, 126. Hints on portraits and how to catalogue them, 8, 119. Life portraits of Washington, 126. Original portrait of Franklin, 124. Paul Revere's portrait of Washington, 68, 126. Peale's. . .portrait of Washington, 127. Some notes concerning John Norman, 63. Wilson portrait of Franklin, 124. Hart, Ernest. Catalogue. . .of Japanese colour prints, 23. Hartvigson, Frits. Catalogue. . .of Japanese prints, 23. Harunoba, Suzuki, Kurth, J., 21. Harvard College. Thies, Louis. Catalogue of en- gravings bequeathed by F. C. Gray, 33. Harvard University. Fogg Art Museum. Hand- book to exhibition of line engravings after water color drawings by Turner, 73. Hassell, J. Graphic delineation, 80. Hasselt, A. C. van. Histoire de P. P. Rubens, IS, 69. Haswell, J. M. The man of his time, 113. Hausenstein, Wilhelm. Rokoko, 105, 106. Hausmann, Bernhard. Diirer's Kupferstiche, 47. Havard, Henri. Artistes contemporains, 49. Hawkins, E. See Stephens, F. G. Hawkins, G. H. E. Poster advertising, 116. Hayashi, Tadamassa. Dessins, estampes. . .du Japon, 23. Hayden, Arthur. Chats on old prints, 6. Hazard, N. A., and L. Delteil. Catalogue de I'ceuvre lithographic de Daumier, 45. Hearn, G. A. See Cooper Union. Heartman, C. F. 284 bookplates by 'E. D. French, 50. Heckscher, J. G. Whitney, J. H. E. Heckscher... collection, 78. 145 Hecquet, Robert: Catalogue des estampes gravees d'apres Rubens. 15, 70. Catalogues des ceuvres de Jordaens et Visscher. 56, 75. Hediard, Germain: Collection: Fantin-Latour, 49. Les lithographies de Bonington, 40. Les maitres de la lithographic: J. L. Brown, 40; Charlet, 42; Decamps, 45; Diaz, 46; Dupre, 47, Hersent, 54; Huet, 55; E. Isabey, 56; J. B. Isabey, 56; Roqueplan, 69; Vernet, 74. Hedou, Jules: Gustave Morin, 63. Jean Le Prince, 58. Lithographic a Rouen, 95. Hedonin, Edmond, 53. Heemskerck, Martin, 53. Hegi, Franz, 53. Heidelberg. Grossherzogliche Universitdtsbiblio- thek. Sillib, R. Holz- u. Metallschnitte, 87. Heine, T. T., 111. Heinecken, K. H. : Dictionnaire des artistes, 27. Idee generate d'une collection d'estampes, 6. Heinemann, Otto von. Ex-libris collection of the Ducal Library at Wolfenbuettel, 101. Heitz, Paul: Hundert Kalender-Inkunabeln, 90. Neujahrswunsche des xv. Jahrhunderts, 87, 117. Originalabdruck von Formschneider-Arbeiten, $0. Pestblatter, 87. Die Strassburger Madonna des Meisters E. S., 60. See also Einblattdrucke; Primitive Holzschnitte. Hektograph. Lehner, S., 130. Heliographie: Geymet, T., 128; Husnik, J., 129; Roux, v., 130. Heliographique, Gravure, Niepce de Saint Victor, 130. Heliogravure, Bonnet, 127; Eder, J. M., 128; Gott- lieb, S., 128. Heliotype. Edwards, E., 128; Wilkinson, W. T., 131. Heller, Joseph: Geschichte der Holzschneidekunst, 89, 98. Handbuch fiir Kupferstichsammler, 27. Monogrammen Lexicon, 28. Zusatze zu Adam Bartsch's Le peintre-graveur, 28. Helleu, Paul, 53. Helm, Paul. Chodowiecki, 43. Henderson, E. F. Symbol and satire in the French Revolution, 114. Henkels, S. V. Catalogues (nos. 709, 888, 950, 123. Henriet, F. C. Daubigny, 44. Herkomer, Hubert. Etching and mezzotint engrav- ing, 80, 85. Herkomer, Hubert, 54. Herluison, Henri. Les debuts de la lithographic, 95. Hermann, G. Die deutsche Karikatur im 19. Jahr- hundert, 114. Heroux, Bruno, 54. Hersent, Louis, 54. Hess, Georg. Livres illustres du xviii. siecle, 103. Hesse, Friedrich: Die Chromolithographie, 92. La chromolithographie, 92. Die Schriftlithographie, 92. Ileurck, E. H. van, and G. J. Boekenoogen. His- toire de I'imagerie populaire flamande, 90, 114. Ileywood, J. J. Descriptive catalogue of drawings and etchings by Meryon, 61. Hiatt, Charles. Picture posters, 116. Hieber, H. Seupel, 71. Hiersemann, K. W. : Historische Portraits, 119. Malerei, Skulptur, Kupferstichkunde, 1888, 1. New series of catalogues, 1. 146 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Hildebrandt, A. M. Heraldic book-plates, 101. Hildebrandt, Hans. Albrecht Altdorfer, 36. Hildeburn, C. R. Contribution to catalogue of work of Edwin, 48. Hillemacher, Frederic: Catalogue des estampes. . .de Norblin, 63. Catalogue des estampes de...F. T. Faber, 48. Hiller, Joseph. Hart, C. H. Etched portrait of Washington, 54, 126. Hilton, W. H. Catalogue of works of George Cruik- shank, 109. Hind, A. M. : British Museum. Catalogue of Italian engravings, 19. Rembrandt's etchings, 67. Short history of engraving and etching, 10, 81. See also Great engravers. Hippert, T., and J. Linnig. Le peintre-graveur hol- landais, IS. Hiroshigc. Art Institute of Chicago. Catalogue, 21; Fenollosa, M. M., 21. Hirth, Georg. Katalog der Kunstblatter . . ."Jugend," 106, 114. Hirth, Georg, and R. Muther. Meister Holzschnitte, 88. Historical catalogue of .. .portraits, 121. Historical Society of Pennsylvania. C. W. Peale's . . .portrait of Washington, 126. Hitchcock, J. R. W. Etchings in America, 83. Hodson, J. S. Historical and practical guide to art illustration, 5, 104, 129. Hoe, R. See Maberly, J. Print collector, 6. Hoe, R. M. Literature of printing, 1. Hogarth, William, 54. Hokiisai. Goncourt, E. L. A. H. de, 21; Holmes, C. J., 21; Lafarge, J., 21; Perzyriski, P., 22; Revon, M., 22; Strange, E. F., 22. Holbein, Hans, 54-55; Rumohr, C. F. v., 90. Holbrook, R. T. Portraits of Dante, 124. Hollar, IVenceslaits, 55. Holloway, Thomas, 55. HoUyer, Frederick: [Catalogues,] 132. Priced catalogue. . .portraits, 119. Holme, C. G., and E. G. Halton. Modern book illustrators, 104. Holme, Charles: Art of the book, 103. Modern etchings, 81. Old English mezzotints; te.xt by M. C. Salaman, 85. Sec also Frantz, Henri. Holmes, C. J.: Development of Rembrandt, 67. Hokusai, 21. Holzschnitt der Gegenwart, 88. Homer, Portraits of, 124. Hondins, Wilhelm, 55. Hopson, W. F. Sherborn, 71. Ho f son, W. F., 55. Horgan, S. H. Half-tone, 129. Hornby, L. G., 55. Home, H. P. Illustrated catalogue of engraved portraits and fancy subjects painted by Gains- borough. . .and Romney, 14, 50, 69. Houlbraken, Jacobus, 55. Houssaye, Arsene. Jacques Callot, 41. Howard, J. J. Catalogue of collection of book- plates, 99. Howe, E. R. J. G. Franks bequest, 100, 102. Hubbard, G. G. See Library of Congress. Huber, M.: Manuel des curieux de I'art, 28. Notices. . .des graveurs, 28. Huber, Wolf, 55. Hubert, H. J. Etched work of Israels, 56. Hudson, Henry, Portraits of, 124. Huebl, Arthur, Freiherr von. Die photographischen, Reproductionsverfahren, 129. Huell, A. V. Jacobus Houbraken, 55. Huet, Paul, 55. Hugo, Thomas. Bewick collector, 38. Hulhnandel, Charles. Art of drawing on stone, 92. Humor, Japanischer, von C. Netto und G. Wagener, 21. Humor bei d. deutschen Kupferstechern, von R. v. Lichtenberg, 19. Humphreys, H. N.: Holbein's. . .Dance of death, 54. Masterpieces of early printers and engravers, 12, 103. Rembrandt's etchings, 68. Huntington, Daniel. Asher B. Durand, 48. Husnik, Jacob: Gesammtgebiet des Lichtdrucks, 129. Die Heliographie, 129. Die Reproductions-Photographic, 129. Die Zinkaetzung, 129. Huson, Thomas. On photo-aquatint, 129. Hutchinson, Joshua H. Catalogue. . .collection of engravings, 77. Hutton, L. See Waters, C. E. C. Huysmans, J. K. Certains: Rops, 69. Hvde. Allyn, 55. Hyde, Helen, 55. Hymans, Henri: La gravure dans I'ecole de Rubens, 15, 70. Sur une gravure d'apres Rubens, 15. Hymans, M. Catalogue des estampes. . .de la Bib- liotheque royale de Belgique, 31. Hypnerotomachia Poliphilii. See Poliphilo. I. B. with the Bird. See Master I. B. with the Bird. Iconophiler. See Society of Iconophiles. Igrivye motivy, 115. Hliistrated London news. Chatto, W. A. Gems of wood engraving, 90. Illustration of books, 102-112. See also, on p. 4-6, section "Processes." Immerzeel, Johannes, jr. De levens en werken de Hollandsche en Vlaamsche kunstschilders, 15. Imprimerie, 95. Incorporated Printsellers' Association, London. Al- phabetical list of engravings, 14. Index of engravings in the Sporting magazine, 14, 118. Indiana book-plates, by E. G. White, 102. Ingres, J. A. D., 56. Ink. Kast and Ehinger, 129; Lehner, S., 93, 130. International Chalcographical Society: Jacobo de Barbari, i7 . Lehrs, M. The Master of the Amsterdam Cabinet, 59. Lehrs, M. Playing cards of the Master E. S., 98. Lippmann, F. Seven planets, 10, 20. Master I. B. with the Bird, 60. Publications, 4, 12. International Society of Sculptors, Painters, and Engravers: Catalogue, 30. Memorial exhibition of works of Whistler, 77. International studio. See Studio. Internationale Bibliographic der Kunstwissen- schaft, 2. Iowa, Book-plates in, by M. G. Wyer, 102. Ireland, John. Hogarth, 54. Ireland, Samuel. Graphic illustration of Hogarth, 54. Ireland, William Henry. See Sculptor, Satiricus. Isabey, Eugene, 56. INDEX 147 Isabey, J. B., 56. Israels, Jozef, 56. Italian book-illustration, 106. Italian book plates, 101. Italian caricature, 115. Italian prints, 19-20. Italian wood engrainng, 91. Ives. See Currier and Ives. Jaccaci, A. Modern poster, 116. Jackson, Mrs. Emily. History of silhouettes, 118. Jacob, Georg. Herkunft der Silhouettenkunst, 118. Jacobi, Bruno. Albrecht Durer, 47. Jacoby, D. Chodowiecki, 43. Jacoby, Louis, 56. Jacque, Charles, 56. Jacquetnart, J. F., 56. Jahrbuch der Bilder- u. Kunstblatterpreise, 7. Jahrbuch des Photographen, 129. Janin, Clement. Frederic Florian, 49. Janin, J. G. Notice necrologique sur Charlet, 42. Jansen, Henri. Essai sur I'origine de la gravure, 10, 98. Japan Society. Gookin, F. W. Japanese colour- prints, 21. Japanese prints, 20-24. Jardin, Karel du. See Du Jardin. Jenkins, Harry. Amstutz' hand-book of photoen- graving, 129. Jensen, Henri. Essai sur... la gravure, 88. Jerrold, Blanchard. Life of George Cruikshank, 109. Jessen, Peter. See Koenigliche Museen zu Berlin. Jeux de cartes tarots et de cartes numerales, 98. Johnson, A. E. W. H. Robinson, 112. Johnston, E. B. Original portraits of Washington, 127. Jongkind, J. B., 56. Jordaens, J., 56. Jordan, J. H. See Lawyers Title Insurance and Trust Co. Catalogue. . .views of N. Y., 118. Joubert, F. E. Manuel de I'amateur d'estampes, 6, 28. Jucker, Bernard. Scrap books of ornamentation, 103. Judge, J. T. Royal etchings, 75. Judge, Max. In the days of ancient Rome, 75 (under Walcot). Judkins, Elisabeth, 56. Juengling, Frederick, 56. Jugend. Hirth, G. Katalog der Kunstblatter aus der Miinchner "Jugend," 106, 114. Jurists, Portraits of. Pruyn, Mrs. A. P., 121. Justice, Jean. Le graveur Tiberghien, 73. K Kahn, Gustave. Europas Fiirsten [in] der Karika- tur, 113. Kainzbauer, Ludwig. Art, Behandlung und Wieder- herstellung der Gemalde und Bilddrucke, 8. Kann, Emanuel. Sammlung von Kupferstichen, 14. Karikatur-Album, 113. Karlsruhe. See Kunstdruckerei Kiinstlerbund. Karlsruhe. Grosshersogl. Hof- und Landesbibli- othek. Vischer, E. Formschnitte, 88. Kast & Ehingers. Fine half tone inks, 129. Katalog wertvoller graphischer Originalarbeiten, 94. Kautzsch, Rudolf: Holzschnitte der Kolner Bibel, 90. Holzschnitte zum Ritter vom Turn, 90. Die neue Buchkunst, 103. Keene, Charles, 111. Keil, Georg. F. J. Bause, 37. Kellen, J. P. van der: Catalogue de gravures. . .hollandaise et flamande. IS. Michel Le Blon, 57. Le peintre-graveur hollandais et flamand, 15. Keller, A. I., 111. Kennedy, E. G. : Catalogue of etchings by Whistler, 76. Etched work of Whistler, 76. Lithographs of Whistler, 77. Keppel, David: Catalogue. . .English mezzotints, 85. Rembrandt's etchings, 67. Keppel, Frederick: \ Golden age of engraving, 10. Joseph Pennell, 64. Modern disciples of Rembrandt, 81. Keppel, Frederick, & Co. : Catalogue of engravings after Watteau. . .and other artists of the xviii. century in France, 17. Catalogue of etched work of Meryon, 61. Catalogue of etched work of Peter Moran, 62. Catalogue of etchings, etc., by Haden, 52-53. Catalogue of etchings and dry-points by [Legros], 57. Catalogue of etchings by Lepere, 58. Catalogue of etchings and dry-points by D. S. MacLaughlan, 59. Catalogue of etchings, etc., by J. F. Millet, 62. Catalogue of etchings by Piranesi, 64. Catalogues of etchings by Rembrandt, 67. Catalogue of exhibition of engravings of early German masters, 19. Catalogue of lithographs by contemporary Ger- man artists, 96. Catalogue of new etchings of New York and Lon- don by Pennell, 64. Illustrated catalogue of etchings by American artists, 83. [Pamphlets and catalogues on Whistler,] 77. Priced catalogue of engraved portraits of eminent persons, 119. Priced catalogue of portraits of English writers, 121. Print collector's bulletin, 81. Three centuries of line engraving, 10. Kerrich, Thomas. Catalogue of prints. . .after Heemskerck, 15, 53. Kingsley, Elbridge, 56. Kirchner, Hermann, 111. Kissel, Clemens. Symbolical book-plates, 99. Kitton, F. C: Dickens and his illustrators, 104. "Phiz" (H. K. Browne), 108. Klackner, Christian : American etchings, 83. Catalogue of etched works of Thomas Moran and M. N. Moran, 62. Proofs and prints, 6. Kladderadatsch und seine Leute, 114. Klassische Illustratoren: Goya, by Bertels, 51. Rokoko, by W. Hausenstein, 105, 106. Klein, Rudolf. Fritz Boehle, 39. Klima, Anton. Die Technik im Lichte der Karika- tur, 113. Klimsch's Jahrbuch, 129. Klinger, Julius. Skizzen fiir Lithographen, 116, 117. Klinger, Max, 57. Knackfuss, Hubert. Rembrandt, 67. Knight, J. F. Henkels, S. V. Collection of por- traits, 123. Knoedler, M., & Co.: Biographical notes on xviii. and xix. century mezzotinters, 85. Catalogue of etchings by Rembrandt, 67. 148 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Knoedler, M., & Co. continued: Catalogue of etchings, etc., by F. Short, 71. Notes on mezzotint engravers of the xviii. cen- tury, 85. A painter-etcher, 73. Some information regarding eighteenth century mezzotinto engravers, 85. See also Modern etchers. Knoedler's Gallery, N. Y. Descriptive catalogue... of engravings by H. Herkomer, 54. Kobbe, Gustav. Musical portraits, 119. Koch's monographien. no. 5. Geyger, E. M., 51. Koegler, H. Einzelne Holz- und Metallschnitte . . . aus der Universitats-Bibliothek in Basel, 88. Koehler, S. R. : Catalogue, section of graphic art, Ohio Valley Centennial Exhibition (1888), 25, 30. Chronological catalogue of engravings, etc., of Duerer, 47. Etching, 79. F. Juengling, 56. Old and modern methods of engraving, 5, 129. Photo-mechanical processes, 129. Ueber Erfindung d. Abzkunst, 81. White-line engraving, 86. See also American Art Review; American etch- ings; U. S. National Museum; Tokuno, T. Jap- anese wood cutting. Koenigliche Museum zu Berlin: Handbiicher, Bd. 3. Lippmann, F. Der Kupfer- stich, 6. Loga, V. V. Ordnung eines . . . Kabinetts, 8. Die neuere Kunst im Konigl. Kupferstichkabi- nett, 32. Koenigliche Museum zu Berlin. Kunstgewerbe Mu- seum: Fiihrer durch die Sonderausstellung: Kunst im Buchdruck, 103. Katalog der Ornamentstich-Sammlung [by Peter Jessen], 32. Koepping, Karl, 57. Kongelig Kobberstiksamling Kobenhavn. 31. Konody, P. G. Art of Walter Crane, 108. Kormrup, Ebbe, [by] Wang, 101. Kramm, C. De levens der Hollandsche kunstschil- ders, 15. Krefting, W. See Poetter, W. Kriehuber, Joseph, 57. Kristeller, Paul: Early Florentine wood-cuts, 91. Florentinische Zierstiicke in Kupferstich, 20. Eine Folge venezianischer Holzschnitte, 91. Giulio Campagnola, 41. Jacopo de Barbari, 37. Kupferstich und Holzschnitt, 10, 88. Die lombardische Graphik der Renaissance, 20. Die Tarocchi, 20. Krostewits, Frits, 57. Krueger, Albert, 57. Krueger, Julius. Die Zinkogravure, 129. Krueger, O. F. W. Illustrationsverfahren, 5, 129. Knehn, Ludwig, 57. Kunst in Industrie und Handel, 116. Kunstdruckerei Kiinstlerbund, Karlsruhe. Kunstler- ischer Wandschmuck, 96. Kupferstich der Gegenwart in Europa, 10. Kupferstichkabinet, 12. Kurth, Julius: Der japanische Holzschnitt, 21. Suzuki Harunobu, 21. Utamaro, 21. Kurzwelly, A. Forschungen zu Pencz, 64. Kutschmann, Th. Geschichte der deutschen Illus- tration, 106. L Catalogue des estampes de I'ecole fran?aise du xviii. siecle, 17. Labat et Foucaux. Catalogue de peintures et d'es- tampes japonaises, 23. Laborde, Henri, vicomte de: La gravure en Italic avant Marc-Antoine, 20. Marc-Antonio Raimondi, 66. See also Bibliotheque nationale. Laborde, L. E. S. J., comte de. Histoire de la... maniere noire, 85. Labouchere, Noma. Ladies' book-plates, 99. Laboullaye, E. J. de. fitude sur Jean Duvet, 48. Lacombe, J. Dictionnaire des beaux-arts, 28. Lacombe, J. F. L. de. Charlet, 42. Lacroix, P. See Thore, T. La Farge, John: Catalogue of .. .Oriental art objects, 23. Hokusai, 21. Lafenestre, Georges. Catalogue des oeuvres de Des- boutin, 45. Laffan, W. M. See Society of American Wood En- gravers. Lafond, Paul. Goya, 51. Laing, D. Wilkie and Geddes, 51, 78. Lalanne, F. A. M.: Traite de la gravure a I'eau-forte, 80. Treatise on etching, 80. Lalanne, F. A. M., 57. Lambert, F. C. Mounts and frames, 8. Lancret, Nicolas, 57. Landseer, Sir Edwin, 57. Landsknechte, by J. E. Wessely, 19. Lane, W. C, and N. E. Browne. A. L. A. portrait index, 119. Lang, Andrew. Portraits and jewels of Mary Stuart, 125. Lang, R. F. Collection of old masters. . .formerly in possession of Royal Court of Portugal, 33. Langer, Wilhelm. Herstellung der Abziehbilder, 117. Langlume, L. See Chevallier, A. Langot, Francois, 57. Laschitzer, Simon. Wie soil man Kupferstich- und Holzschnittkataloge verfassen? 8. Laurvik, J. N. Anders Zorn, 79. Lautrec, Henri de Toulouse. See Toulouse-Lautrec, Henri de. Lavreince, Nicolas, 57. Lawrence, H. W., and B. L. Dighton. French line engravings of the late xviii. century, 17. Lawrence, R. H. Catalogue of engravings, Society of Iconophiles, 4, 25. Lawyers Title Insurance and Trust Company. Cata- logue. . .views of New York, 118. Layard, G. S. : George Cruikshank, 109. Life of C. S. Keene, 111. Suppressed plates, 10, 88. See also Spielmann, M. H. Le Blanc, Charles: Catalogue de I'oeuvre de Robert Strange, 72. Catalogue de I'oeuvre de J. G. Wille, 78. Manuel de I'amateur d'estanipes, 28. Le Blon, J. C, 57. Le Blon, Michel, 57. Lebrun, Alfred. Catalogue of etchings, etc., by J. F. Millet, 62. Le CI ere, Sebastien, 57. Le Comte, F. Cabinet des singularitez d'architec- ture et gravure, 2, 10, 70. Le Coutenx, L., 57. Leech, John, 111. INDEX 149 Lefort, Paul. Goya, 51. Legrand, Louis, 57. Legros, Alphonse, 57-58. Lehner, Sigmund. Tinten-Fabrikation, 93, 130. Lehrgang fiir Lithographen, 93. Lehrs, Max: Holzschnitte. . .des 15. Jahrhunderts, 90. Master of the Amsterdam Cabinet, 59. Der Meister mit den Bandrollen, 59. Der Meister der Liebesgarten, 60. Der Meister W. .. [Key-shaped mark], 60. Playing cards of master E. S. of 1466, 60, 98. Stauffer-Bern, 72. t)ber Holzschnitte der Stadtbibliothek Zurich, 87. Wenzel von Olmiitz, 76. See also Germanisches National Museum. Kata- log. .., 19. Lehrs, Max, and others. Neue Lithographien, 96. Leidinger, G. : Einzel-Holzschnitte in der Klg. Hof- und Staats- bibliothek Miinchen, 88. Einzel-Metalschnitte. . .in Miinchen, 86, 88. Teigdrucke des 15. Jahrhunderts, 12. Vierzig Metallschnitte, 86. Leinberger, Hans, 58. Leiningen-Westerburg, K. E., Graf zu. German book-plates, 101. Leipzig. Internationale Ausstellung fur Buchge- werbe und Graphik: Abteilung: "Zeitgenossische Graphik," 30. Catalogue, British section, 14. Graphische Kunst in den Niederlanden, 15. Katalog der britischen Abteilung, 14. Osterreichisches Haus, 13. Partecipazione ufficiale dell' Italia, 20. Schweiz. Katalog, 24. Leipziger Kupferstech, von G. Wustmann, 19. Leisching, Julius. Schabkunst, 85. Lemercier, Alfred. La lithographic frangaise, 95. Le Mire, Noel, 58. Lemonnier, Camille. Rops, 69. Lemperly, Paul. L,ist of book-plates by E. D. French, 50. Lemud, A. de, 58. Liepkre, Auguste, 58. Lepic, L. N., comte, 58. Le Prince, John, 58. Lerolle, Henri, 58. Leslie, A. F. W. Practical instructor of photo-en- graving, 130. Leturcq, J. F. Notice sur Guay...et notes sur la Marquise de Pompadour, 65. Levis, H. C. : Baziliologia, 14, 121. Bibliography of American books relating to prints, 2. Catalogue engraved portraits, etc., connected with the name of Levis, 125. Descriptive bibliography of .. .books. . .relating to engraving, 2. Note on engraved clock-dial, 10. Title-pages of two earliest books in the English language relating to engraving, 2, 10. Levussove, M. S. New art of an ancient people. 111. Lewine, J. Bibliography of 18. century illustrated books, 103. Lewis, C. T. C. George Baxter, 2,7. Lewis, J. F. : "Schrotblatter," 86. "Teigdriicke," 12. Lewis, Sinclair. John Ames Mitchell, 111. Leyden. Stedelijk Museum. See under Stedelijk. Leymarie, Leo de. L'oeuvre de Gilles Demarteau, 45. Lhomme, F. Charlet, 42. La Librairie, 103, 116. Library of Congress: Catalog of G. G. Hubbard collection of engrav- ings, by A. J. Parsons, 34. Lane, W. C, and N. E. Browne, A. L. A. portrait index, 119. Library of the Corporation of City of London. Catalogue of portraits. . .prints, by W. H. Over- all, 30. Libri-Carucci dalla Sommaia, G. B. I. T., count. Monuments inedits, 103. Lichtdruck; Albert, A., 127; Husnek, J., 129; Lich- tenberg, G. C. : Ausfiihrliche Erklarung der Hogarthischen Kupfer- stiche, 54. Chodowiecki und Lichtenberg, 43. Lichtenberg, Reinhold, Freiherr von. Ueber den Humor bei deutschen Kupferstechern, 19, 114. Lichtenstein, R. C. Early... book plates, 102. Licorne, Maitre a la. See Duvet, Jean. Liebermann, Max. Jozef Israels, 56. Lieberman, Max, 58. Liebsch, A. Bruno Heroux, 54. Lieutaud, Soliman. Liste de portraits frangais, 17, 122. "Life." J. A. Mitchell, by S. Lewis, and others. 111. Lilien, E. M., 111. Liman, P. Bismarck in Geschichte, 124. Lincoln, Abraham, Portraits of, 125. Linde, Herman. Description of Fagan's etching, 48. Lindsay, J. Engraving, 2. Linnig, J. See Hippert, T. Linning, Benjamin. Nouvelle serie de bibliotheques, 100. Linton, W. J.: History of wood-engraving in America, 91. Masters of wood-engraving, 88. Some practical hints on wood-engraving, 86. Linz. K. K. Studienbibliothek. Gugenbauer, G. Kupfersteche, 88. Lippmann, F. : Art of wood-engraving in Italy, 91. Engraving and etching, 6. Engravings and woodcuts by old masters, 12. Der Kupferstich, 6. Lucas Cranach, 44. Seven planets, 10, 20. Literary blue book, 14. Le Lithographe, 95. Lithographers' Association of Philadelphia. Centen- nial celebration, 94. Lithography, 91-96. Liverpool Art Club. See Rose, J. A. Le Livre et I'image, 4, 116. Loga, Valerian de: F. de Goya, 51. Ordnung eines Kupferstich-Kabinetts, 8. Loli, L., 58. Lombardische Graphik, von P. Kristeller, 20. London Magazine. Solly, E. Indexes of portraits, 122. London and Westminster review. Wood engraving, 88. Longueil, Joseph de, 58. Lorenz, Ludwig. Mariendarstellungen Durers, 47. Lorichs, Melchior, 58. Lorraine, Claude. See Gelee. Lossing, B. J. Alexander Anderson, 36. Lossnitzer, M. Hans Leinberger, 58. Lostalot de Bachoue, Alfred de. Les procedes de la gravure, 5. Lotz-Brissonneau, A. L'oeuvre. . .de Lepere, SB. Louvre. See Musee du Louvre. Lucas, David, 58. Lucas van Leyden, 59. 150 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Luebecker Buchillustration, von H. E. A. Tronnier, 106. Lunois, Alexan-dre, 59. Lutzow, Carl von. Geschichte des deutschen Kup- ferstiches, 90. Luxembourg. See Musee du Luxembourg. Luserne. Kapusinerkloster. Major, E. Friih- drucke. 88. Lyon, Graveurs sur bois a, par N. Rondot, 91. M Maberly, Joseph. Print collector, ed...by R. Hoe, jr.. 6. McArdell, James, 59. Macbeth, R. W., 59. McCauley, L. M. : Some etchers of architecture, 81. See Union League Club of Chicago. Machado, D. B. Catalogo dos retratos, 31, 120. MacLaughlan, D. S., 59. Maherault, M. J. F. L'oeuvre de Moreau, 62. Maherault, M. J. F., and E. Bocher. L'oeuvre de Gavarni, 50. Maillard, Leon. Menus & programmes, 117. Maindron, Ernest: Affiches, 116. Programmes, 117. Mainz. Schreiber, W. L. Formschnitte aus... Bibliotheken u. Sammlungen, 88. Mairet, F. Notice sur la lithographic, 8, 93. Maitre, C. E. L'art du Yamato, 21. Maitre a la Licorne. See Duvet, Jean. Maitres de I'affiche, 116. Maitres de I'eau forte, 82. Major, E. : Friihdrucke von Holz- und Metalplatten . . . des Barfusserklosters in Freiburg i. S., 88. Holzschnitte in der Oeffentlichen Kunstsammlung zu Basel, 88. Malaspina di Sannazaro, L., Marchese. Catalogo di una raccolta di stampe, 28. Malassis. See Poulet-Malassis. Manchester. Art Treasures Exhibition. Handbook, 30. Manet, &douard, 59. Maniire criblee, 86. Mannfeld, Bernhard, 59. Mansfield, Howard: Collection of clippings. . .pertaining to Whistler, 76. Descriptive catalogue of etchings and dry-points of Whistler, 77. Japanese prints, 21. Meryon collection, 60. Mantegna, Andrea, 59. Manuel de bibliographic et d'iconographie des femmes celebres, 120. Manuels-Roret: Nouveau manuel de I'imprimeur lithographe, 93. Perrot, A. M. Nouveau manuel du graveur, 6. Marcel, Henry. Honore Daumier, 45. Marcel, P. Carnet de croquis par Moreau le jeune, 62. Marcenay de Ghuy, Antoine de, 59. Marchmont, Frederick. Three Cruikshanks, 109. Margelidon, L., 59. Marie, Aristide. Un imagier romantique, 63. Marie Antoinette, Portraits of, 125. Marillier, H. C. Early work of Beardsley, 107. Marolles, Michel de. Le livre des peintres et gra- veurs, 17, 27. Marshall, Julian. Catalogue of collection of book- plates, 99. Marthold, Jules de. Daniel Vierge, 112. Martial, A. P. Nouveau traite de Teau-forte, 80. Marx, Roger. Pointes seches de Rodin, 69. Mary. See William and Mary. Mary, Queen of Scots, Portraits of, 125. Mary, Virgin. L. Lorenz, Mariendarstellungen Durers, 47. Maryland Historical Society. Catalogue of paint- ings, engravings, etc., 34. Mascha, Ottokar. Rops, 69. Maskell, Alfred, and R. Demachy. Photo-aquatint, 130. Massachusetts Library Club. See Abbot, E. List of photograph dealers, 131. Massena, Victor, 4. Prince d'Essling, due de Rivoli: Bibliographic des livres a figures venitiens. . .xv. siecle, 106. fitudes sur la gravure sur bois, 91. fetudes sur la gravure sur bois a Venise, 91, 106. Master of the Amsterdam Cabinet, 59. Master of the banderoles, 59. Master of the Caduceus. See Barbari, Jacopo de. Master E. S. of 1466, 59-60. Master of the Gardens of Love, 60. Master I. B. with the Bird, 60. Master of the Playing Cards, 60. Master W., 60. Mauclair, Camille. 5"^^ Faust, Camille. Maufra, M. E. L., 60. Maurice, A. B., and F. T. Cooper. History of the nineteenth century in caricature, 113. Maximilian i. Chmelarz, E. Ehrenpforte, 90. Maxwell, W. S. Arabesque, 105. Mayer, A. Olaf Gulbransson, 110. Mayer, Godefroy. Catalogue. . .de portraits anciens, 120. Meame, fidouard : Recherches sur Jacques Callot, 41. Recherches sur Claude Deruet, 45. Sebastien Le Clerc, 57. Meckencm, Israhel van, 60. Mecklenburgh, Ulrick, duke of, bookplates of, by Teske, 101. Medallic engraving. See Nolte, V. Medici Society. Medici series of coloured repro- ductions, 97, 132. Medina, J. T. La imprenta en Mexico, 24. Meier-Graefe, Julius. F. Vallotton, 74. Meisenbach, Riffarth & Co. [Calendar,] 130. Meissner, F. H. Max Klinger, 57. M^issonier, J. L. E., 60. Meister E. S. For this, and other "Meister," see under Master. Mellan, Claude, 60. Mellerio, Andre. Redon, 66. Menezes Brum, J. Z. de. See Brazil. Biblioteca Nacional. Estampas por Debrie, 31, 45. Menpes, Mortimer: Catalogrue ... collection of etchings, etc., by Whist- ler, 76. Whistler as I knew him, 77. Menus, 117. Menzel, Adolf von, 60. Merrill, Katharine, 60. Merwin-Clayton Sales Co. Catalogue of library and cartoons of T. Nast, 111. Meryon, Charles, 60-61. Metropolitan Museum of Art. Brown, Mrs. Crosby. Catalogue of .. .musicians' portraits, 119. Meusnier, Georges. See Robert, Karl (pseud.). Mexican engraving, 24. Meyer, Rudolph. Die beiden Canaletto, 38, 42. Meszotint, 84-85. Michael Angelo. See Buonarroti. Michalek, Ludwig, 61. INDEX 151 Michel, ftmile: Paul Potter, 65. Rembrandt, 67. Michelet, V. E. Maufra, 60. Michelin, Jules, 61. Middleton, C. H. Descriptive catalogue of etched work of Rembrandt, 68. Middleton-Wake, C. H. Catalogue of engraved work of Duerer, 47. Mielatz, C. F. IV., 61. Miethe, A., editor. See Zeitschrift fiir Reproduk- tionstechnik, 131. Miger, S. C, 61. Militar in der Karikatur, von F. Conring, 114. Military prints, by R. H. Nevill, 117. Millais, Sir J. E., 61-62. Millet, J. F., 62. Milton, John, Portraits of, 125. Minnesota State Art Society. Catalogue. . .of paint- ings reproduced by colored photography, 131. Mirecourt, E. de. Gavarni, 51. Mireur, H. Dictionnaire des ventes, 8. Mitchell, J. A., 111. Mitchell, J. T. Unequalled collection of portraits, 120, 123, 125, 127. Model, Julius, and J. Springer. Der franzosische Farbenstich des xviii. Jahrhunderts, 17, 97. Modern book-plates and their designers, 99. Modern etchers [Knoedler & Co.], 81. Modern etching, 81. Modern poster, 116. Moderne Graphik, 116, 117. Molmenti, Pompeo. Acque-forti dei Tiepolo, 7i. Molsdorf, Wilhelm: Bedeutung Kolns fur den Metallschnitt, 86. Einige in Handschr. . .gef. Schrotblatter, 86. Erupprerungsversuche, 47. Formschnitte aus der Sammlung Schreiber, 88. Holzschnitte aus der Koniglichen und Universi- tats-Bibliothek, Breslau, 86, 87. Die niederlandische Holzschnitt-Passion, Delbecq- Schreiber, 88. Schrifteigenthiimlichkeiten auf . . .Holzschnitten, 86. Monaci, E., editor. See Archivio paleografico itali- ano. Monatshefte fiir graphisches Kunstgewerbe, 4, 94. Monatshefte der kunstwissenschaftlichen Litera- tur, 2. Monet, A. L. Procedes de reproductions, 130. Monkhouse, Cosmo. Life of . . .Tenniel, 112. Monnet, Camille, and t,. de Budan, comte. Supple- ment au Guide. . .d'ex-libris, 99. Monograms. Brulliot, F., 26; Bryan, M., 26; Christ, J. F., 27; Duplessis, G. V. A. T., 27; Nagler, G. K., 28; Ris-Paquot, O. E., 28; Strutt, J., 29. Montaiglon, Anatole de. Catalogue de I'oeuvre de C. Mellan, 60. Montesquieu, Robert, comte de. La Femme par Hel- leu, 53. Montez, Lola, in der Karikatur, von E. Fuchs, 114. Monthly illustrator, 103. Montrosier, Eugene. L'eau-forte en 1876, 82. Moock, L. Traite d'impression photographique, 130. Moore, E. H. Art of Joseph Pennell, 64. Moore, Mrs. N. H. Collector's manual, 6. Moran, Mrs. M. N., 62. Moran, Peter, 62. Moran, Thomas, 62. Morand, Louis. Marcenay de Ghuy, 59. Moreau, A. Decamps, 45. Moreau, E. A. D. Collection of engravings by A. Anderson, 36. Moreau, J. M., le jeune, 62. Moreau-Nelaton, fitienne. Manet, 59. Morghen, Raphael, .62. Morin, Gustave, 63. Morin, Louis. Le dessin humoristique, 114. Morland, George, 14, 63, 85. Morson. Catalogue of Morson collection of works of Cruikshank, 109. Mottoes. . .on. . .book-plates, by J. F. Verster, 100. Mounts, 8 (under Lambert and St. Victor). Mueller, A. J. J. Ein Kupferstich von Rafael, 66. Mueller, Friedrich, and others. Kiinstler aller Zeiten und Volker, 28. Mueller, H. A. Allgemeines Kiinstler-Lexicon, 26. Muller, Frederik: Beschrijvende catalogue. . .portretten, 122. Catalogue. . .de portraits, 122. De Nederlandsche geschiedenis in platen, 15. Muller, Frederick, & Cie: Bicentennial catalogue of prints, etc., relating to the accession of William and Mary, 127. Catalogue d'une collection de dessins, gravures et eaux-fortes par des fenimes, 9. Catalogue d'une collection de gravures en maniere noire, 85. Catalogue. . .de portraits du seizieme siecle, 120. La lithographic, 94. Munch, Edvard, 63, 102. Munich. Konigl. Graphische Sammlung. Schrei- ber, W. L. Holzschnitte, 88. Munich. -^K. Hof- und Staatsbihliothek, 12, 86, 88. Munich. [Print Room]. See Pallmann. Heinrich. Munier, A. Traite de lithographic, 93. Munn, C. A. Three types of Washington portraits, 127. Musee de I'Academie de Bruges. Catalogue, 31. Musee des arts decoratifs. Kiyonaga, Buncho, Sharaku, 21. Musee du Louvre: Catalogue des planches gravees, 17, 32. Extrait du catalogue des planches, 17. Musee du Luxembourg: Bracquemond. Catalogue, 40. Buhot, etude et. . .catalogue, 41. Fantin-Latour. Catalogue, 49. Gaillard. Catalogue, 50. Notices des peintures. . .gravures. .. , 32. Museum of Fine Arts, Boston. Department of Prints: Catalogue of designs by Walter Crane, 108. Catalogue of etchings, dry points and mezzotints by F. S. Haden, 53. Catalogue of exhibition of book-plates, Club of Odd Volumes, 98, 99, 102. Catalogue of paintings, drawings and etchings by J. F. Raffaelli, 65. Catalogue of prints to illustrate processes of en- graving, 5. Descriptive catalogue of exhibition of early en- graving in America, 25. Exhibition of American etchings, 83. Exhibition of books, water-colors and engravings by Blake, 39. Exhibition of drawings of F. G. Attwood, 107. Exhibition of Dijrer's engravings, 47. Exhibition of etched work of Rembrandt, 68. Exhibition illustrating reproductive art, 5, 130. Exhibition of new accessions, 34. Exhibition of the Society of American Wood- Engravers, 91. Exhibition of works of John and S. W. Cheney, 43. Exhibition of works of Menzel, 60. Exhibition of work of women etchers of America, 83. Special exhibition of color prints by A. N. Dow, 46. Special exhibition of the pictorial art of Japan and China, 21. Music titles, 117. 152 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Musicians' portraits. Brown, Mrs. C, 119; Kobbe, G., 119; Priewe, G., 120. Musik...in Karikatur, von K. Storck, 113. Muther, Richard: Deutsche Biicherillustration, 106. Goya, 51. See also Hirth, Georg. Muyden, Evert van, 63. N Nagler, G.--K. : Monogranimisten, 28. Neues allgemeines Kunstler-Lexicon, 28. Namias, Rodolfo. I moderni processi fotomeccanici, 130. Nanteuil, Celestin, 63. Napoleon i.. Portraits of, 125. Napoleon i. in caricature. A. M. Broadley, 112; J. Grand-Carteret, 114. Napoleon in. in caricature. Haswell, J. M. The man of his time, 113. Nashi, spisannyye s natury russkinii, 115. Nasse, Herman: Jacques Callot, 41. Stefano della Bella, 38. Nast, Thomas, 111. ' National Arts Club: Annual exhibition of advertising art, 116. Catalogue of portraits of Napoleon, 125. National cyclopedia of American biography. En- gravers, 25. National Gallery of British Art. Catalogue. . .of works by Legros, 58. National lithographer, 96. Nature printing. See Auer, Alois. Naturselbstdruck. See Auer, Alois. Naumann, Hans. Holzschnitte des Meisters vom Amsterdamer Kabinett, 59. Naval commanders, Portraits of, J. Allen, 119. Naya, Carlo. [Catalogue,] 132. Neolith, 95. Neri, Achille. I ritratti di Colombo, 124. Netten, C. A. G. van der. Collection de gravures, 122. Netto, C, and G. Wagener. Japanischer Humor, 21. Neue Bibliothek der schoenen Wissenschaften, 10. Neue photographische Gesellschaft A. G. Berlin. [Catalogue,] 132. Neuer Schauplatz. . . Thon, T. Lehrbuch d. Kup- ferstecherkunst, 6. Neumann, Ernst, 111. Nevill, Ralph: British military prints, 117. French prints of the 18th century, 17. Old sporting prints, 118. New Haven. Stokes, A. P. Historical prints, 25. "New Year's wishes," by P. Heitz, 117. New York Camera Club. Exhibition of pictures by modern mechanical photographic processes, 130. New York City views, 118; S. A. Green, 19. New York Etching Club. Catalogue of exhibi- tion, 83. New York lithograph, 96. New York Public Library: Catalogue ... of British mezzotints, 85. Collection of Japanese engravings, 21. Handbook, S. P. Avery collection, 34. List of prints. . .relating to Henry Hudson and Robert Fulton, 30, 124. List of works relating to Franklin, 124. Tentative catalogue of etchings and lithographs of Pennell, 64. Weitenkampf, Frank. S. P. Avery collection of prints, 34. New York Society of Etchers. Annual exhibition, 83. New York Society Library. Classified catalogue of the Green alcove, 2. New York State Library, Albany. Catalogue of books on bibliography and engraving, 2. Newcastle-upon-Tyne Public Libraries. Catalogue of books on the fine arts, 2. Newsam, Albert, 63. Newspaper Artists' Association. Catalogfue of... ex- hibition, 107. Nichols, J. Works... of Hogarth, 54. Nichols, John, and G. Steevens. Genuine works of Hogarth, 54. Niedling, A. Biicher Ornamentik, 103. Nielli. 11-12. Niepce de Saint- Victor, C. M. F. Traite de gravure heliographique, 130. Noeldeke, Herman, and others. W. Busch, 108. Nolte, V. Memorial of... history of medallic en- graving and... Mr. Collas, 5. Norblin, J. P., 63. Nordisk boktryckarekonst, skandinavisk tidskrift for de grafiska yrkena, 4. Norman, John, 63; S. A. Green, 25. North, E. D. Catalogue of original drawings by famous illustrators, 104. Norton, C. E. : Catalogue of Turner's Liber, 73. List of drawings. . .by Turner, 74. William Blake, 39. Nouveau manuel de I'imprimeur lithographe, 93. Nuremberg. Stengel, W. Unedierte Holzschnitte im Niirnberger Kupferstich Kabinett, 88. Oberlaender, Adolf, 111. O'Brien, W. K., & Co. Exhibition. ..of drawings by A. I. Keller, 111. Odero, A. V. Bibliotheque, 105. Odieuvre, Michael, 63. O'Donoghue, Freeman. British Museum. Catalogue of engraved British portraits, 13, 121. Oettingen, W. v. Chodowiecki's Handzeichnungen, 43. Oettingen-Wallerstein. Baumeister, E. Formschnitte i. d. Sammlungen, 88. Ohio Valley Centennial Exposition. See Cincinnati; Koehler, S. R. Ollivier-Beauregard, G. M. La caricature egyp- tienne, 114. Omnigraph process. See Becker, F. P. Ongania, Ferdinando: L'art de I'imprimerie a Venise, 106. Cent portraits de princes. . .Van Dyck, 48. Ontario. Education Department. Catalogue. . .of works of art in the museum, 31. Origet, Emmanuel. Catalog^ie d'estampes japon- aises, 23. Original etchings by American artists. [Text by S. R. Koehler,] 83. Orleans, Debuts de la lithographie a, par H. Her- luison, 95. Ormsby, W. L. : Cycloidal configurations, 97. Description of... bank note engraving, 97. Osborn, Max. Holzschnitt, 88. Osgood, F. S. Lines to Mr. Dodson, 46. Ostade, Adrian van, 63. Ottley, Henry. Biographical dictionary ... of painters and engravers, 28. INDEX 153 Ottley, W. Y.: Inquiry into origin of engraving, 10. Inquiry concerning printing. . .also notices of wood-engraving, 88-89. Overall, W. H. See Library of the Corporation of the City of London. Oxford. Poole, R. E. M. Catalogue of portraits, 120. Ozanne, 63. P., G. [i.e. E. G. Peignot.] Essai...sur la litho- graphic, 95. Page, William. Study of Shakespeare portraits, 126. Paine, A. B. Th. Nast, 111. Paine, Nathaniel. Early American engravings, 25. Pallmann, Heinrich: Goya: Tauromachie, 51. Die Konigl. graphische Sammlung zu Miinchen, 22. Palmer, A. H. Samuel Palmer, 63. Palmer, Samuel, 63. Palmerini, Niccolo. Opere del Cav. Raffaello Mor- ghen, 62. Panhard, F. Joseph de Longueil, 58. Panofka, Theodor. Parodieen, 113. Papillon, J. M. Traite...de la gravure en bois, 89. Parguez. Catalogue de lithographies, 95. Paris. Exposition, 1878. Delaborde, H. Rapport sur la gravure, 29. Paris. Exposition, 1900: Burger, H. J. Die graphischen Druckverfahren, 128. La librairie, 116. Paris. Exposition internationale du centenaire de la lithographic: Catalogue officiel, 95. Listc officielle des recompenses, 95. Reglement general, 95. Park Gallery. See University of Vermont. Parker, Gilbert. Collection of portraits in Queens University Library, Kingston, 31, 120. Parrish, Stephen, 63. Parsons, A. J. See Library of Congress. Parsons, F. A. Principles of advertising, 116. Parthcy, Gustav. Wenzel Hollar, 55. Parton, James. Caricature, 113. Passavant, J. D. Le peintre-graveur, 12, 28. Passe-partout, 8 (under Lambert, and St. Victor). Paste prints, 12. Paston, George, pseud. See Symonds, E. M. Patents, Great Britain, 1. Paton, Hugh: Colour etching, 80, 97. Etching, 80, 85. Pauli, Gustav: Barthel Beham, 37. Inkunabeln d. deutschen. . .Radierung, 83. Pawlowski, Gustave. La Marquise de Pompadour, 65. Peacock, E. Index to engravings in the Proceed- ings of Society of Antiquaries, 14. Peale, C. W. Original study for portrait of Wash- ington, 126. Peignot, E. G. Recherches. ..sur I'origine des cartes a jouer, 98. See also P., G. Peintres-lithographes, 95. Pelham, Peter, 63. Pen drawing, 102 (under Pennell, J., and Harper, C. G.). Penes, Georg, 64. Pennell, Elizabeth R. See Pennell, Joseph, and Elizabeth R. Pennell. Pennell, Elizabeth R., and Joseph Pennell. Life of Whistler, 77. Pennell, Joseph: Modern illustration, 103. Pen drawing, 104. [Various pamphlets and catalogue-introductions on Whistler], 76-77. Work of C. Keene, 111. Pennell, Joseph, 64, 111. Pennell, Joseph, and Elizabeth R. Pennell. Lithog- raphy, 95. Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts. Illustrated catalogue of works of Maurice Boutet de Mon- vel, 108. Penrose's Pictorial annual, 130. Pepper, C. H. Japanese prints, 22. Piquegnot, Auguste, 64. Periodicals, General, 3-4. Perrins, C. W. D. Italian book-illustrations, 106. Perrot, A. M.: Manuel du graveur, 6. Nouveau manuel du graveur, 6. Perry Pictures Company. [Catalogues,] 131, 132. Perzynski, Friedrich. Hokusai, 22. Pesarese, Le. See Contarini, S. Pescheck, H. E. Das Ganze des Steindrucks, 93. Pestblatter des xv. Jahrhunderts, P. Heitz, 87. Petit, Georges: Catalogue des eaux fortes. . .en couleurs, 83, 97. Catalogue des publications artistiques, 17. Exposition de gravures du siecle, 16, 29. Petit, Georges, Galerie. Catalogue. . .de dessins... pour I'illustration, 105. See also Societe Georges Petit. Pettit, J. S. Modern reproductive processes, 130. Pfeiffer, M. J. Einzel-Formschnitte i. d. Konigl. Bibliothek Bamberg, 88. Pflugk-Harttung, Julius von. Rahmen deutscher Buchtitel im 16. Jahrhundert, 106. Philadelphia. Exhibition, 1876. Buchhandel, 105. Philadelphia Society of Etchers. Catalogue of an- nual exhibition, 83. Phiz. See Browne, H. K. Photo-aquatint. Huson. T., 129; Maskell, A., 130. Photo-engraving, 128-131. Photocollography. Namias, R., 130; Trutat, E., 131; Vidal, J. L., 131. Photoglyptie, J. L. Vidal, 131. Photographs, Catalogues of, 131-132. Photogravure, 127-131. Photolithography, 91-94; Ensayos, 128; Fortier, G., 128; Geymet, T., 128; Hesse, F., 93; Namias, R., 130; Vidal, J. L., 131; Weishaupt, H., 94; Wil- kinson, W. T., 131. Photomechanical processes, 127-132. Phototypy. Bonnet, M., 127; Geymet, T., 129; Roux, v., 130; Vidal, J. L., 131. Phototypography. Moock, L., 130. Photoxylography. C. Fleck, 87. Photozincography. Scott, A. de C, 130; Vidal, J. L., 131. Pichon, Jerome, baron. Catalogue de la collection de dessins et estampes, 17. Picon, J. O. Apuntes para la historia de la carica- tura, 113. Piedagnel, Alexandre. J. F. Millet, 62. Pierce, Edith Loring. See Getchell, E. L. Pillet, Charles, and Brame. Catalogue des tableaux, esquisses etudes, dessins par Paul Huet, 55. Pinwell, G. J., 111. Piranesi, G. B., 64-65. Pittsburgh Etching Club: Catalogue of exhibition of contemporary American etchings, 84. Catalogue of etchings by Haden, 53. 154 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Pittsburgh Etching Club continued : Catalogue of exhibition of engravings after Raphael, 66. Catalogue of exhibition of etchings by Zorn, 79. Catalogue of exhibition of wood engraving by Henry Wolf, 78. Exhibition. ..of line engraving, 30. Plakat, Das, 116. Plan, P. P. Jacques Callot, 41. Planets, Seven, by F. Lippitiann, 10. Plastic Club. Annual exhibition of illustrations, 107. Piatt, C. A., 65. Ploos Van Amstel, J. C, 65. Plowman, G. T. Etching, 80. Plowman, Richard. Essay on illustration of books, 103. Poetter, W., and others. Lehrgang fur Lithograph- en, 93. Poitevin, Alphonse. Annales de la photographic, 130. Poliphilo, Der Anonyme Meister des, J. Poppel- reuter, 91, 106. Polish engraving, 24. Pollard, A. W. Early illustrated books, 103. Pollen, J. H. South Kensington Museum, First proofs of catalogue, books on art, 2. Pompadour, Mme., 65. Ponce de Leon, Nestor. Columbus gallery, 124. Poole, R. E. M. Catalogue of portraits, 120. Poppelreuter, Josef. Der anonyme Meister des Poliphilo, 91, 106. Portalis, Roger, baron. Les dessinateurs d'illustra- tions au 18. siecle, 105. Portalis, Roger, baron, and H. Beraldi: C. E. Gaucher, 50. Les graveurs du 18. siecle, 17. Porter, C. H. Bank note engraving, 97. "Portfolio" monographs. Japanese wood engravings, 20; Colman, 44; Crome, 44; Duerer, 46; Dutch etchers, 82. Portfolio of proof impressions from Scribner's monthly and St. Nicholas, 91. Portraits, 119-127. Portretnaya gallereya, 115. Portuguese engraving, 24. Post card dealer photo critic, 118. Post cards, 117-118. The Poster, 116. Posters, 115-117. Potemont, Adolphe Martial. See Martial, A. P. Potter, Fr. de. Vlaamsche bibliographic, 16. Potter, Paul, 65. Poulet-Malassis, Auguste. Les ex-libris fran^ais, 101. Poulet-Malassis, P. A., and A. W. Thibaudeau: Catalogue de I'oeuvre grave et lithographic de Legros, 58. Legros au Salon 1875, 58. Prang, L. : Catalogue of collection of oil and water-color paintings, 117. Illustrated catalogue of art publications, 117. Pratt Institute, Brooklyn, N. Y. Exhibition of prints, 30. Preissig, Vojt: Barevny lept a barevna rytina, 80. Zur Technik der farbigen Radierung, 80, 97. Prescott, Winward. Bibliography of book-plate lit- erature, 99. Press Artists League. Annual exhibition, 107. Price, C. M. Posters, 116. Prices, 7-8. Prideaux, S. T. Aquatint engraving, 86, 104. Priewe, Gustav. Portrait-Katalog, 120. Prime, W. C. Passio Christi, 46. Primitive Holzschnitte. . .hrsg. von P. Heitz, 90, Princeton, Book-plates of. C. N. Carver, 102. Print-collector's quarterly, 4. Printing, Copper-plate, 4-6. Printing, Lithographic, 91-94. Prints, Care of, 8-9. Prints, Dotted, 86. Prints and their makers, 10. Prior, H. See Bertarelli, Achille. Process review and journal of electrotyping, 130. Process year book, 130. See also Penrose's Pictorial annual. Processes, 4-6. Processes, Photomechanical, 127-132. Programmes, 117. Provost, C. H. Simplified illustrating, 104. Prud'hon, P. P., 65. Pruyn, Mrs. A. P. Illustrated catalogue of en- gravings of British jurists, 121. "Punch": Catalogue of original drawings, 113. Du Maurier, G. L. P. B. Pictures. . .from "Punch," 110. Evening with "Punch," 113. Spielmann, M. H. History of "Punch," 114. Puyo, C. Der Oelfarben-Kopierprozess, 130. Pyatt, J. O. Memoir of A. Newsam, 63. Pye, John. Notes respecting the Liber Studiorum of Turner, 74. Pyle, Howard, 111. Pyne, P. R., the younger. Catalogue. . .views of New York, 118. Quakers. See Society of Friends. Quaritch, Bernard. Catalogrue of books on fine arts (1909), 2, 89. Quebec. Green, S. A. Remarks on... prints of... Quebec, 19. Queens University Library, Kingston, Ont. Gilbert Parker collection of portraits, 120. Radirung der Gegenwart, 81. Raffaelli, J. F., 65. Raffet, Auguste, 65. Raimbach, Abraham, 65. Raimondi, M. A., 20, 65-66. Rajon, P. A., 66. Ramiro, E. : L. A. Lepere, 58. L'oeuvre de Rops, 69. Rankin, H. A. See Brown, F. H. Raphael, 66. Rapilly, Librairie de. Catalogue de livres relatifs a I'architecture. . .et a la gravure, 2. Rapke, Karl. Die Perspektive. . .auf Diirerschen Handzeichnungen, 47. Rapsilber, M. E. M. Geyger, 51. Rasi, Luigi. La caricatura e i comici italiani, 115. Rathgeber, G. Annalen der niederlandischen Malerei. . ., 16. Raucourt, Antoine. Manual of lithography, 93. Rawlins. Puyo, C. Oelfarben-Kopierprozess, 130. Rawlinson, W. G. : Engraved work of Turner, 74. Turner's Liber, 74. Recueil d'estampes et d'images artistiques, 4. Redford, George. Art sales, 8. Redan, Odilon, 66. Reed, E. H. Etching, 80. INDEX 155 Reed, T. C. Tribute to... Savage, 70. Rees, J. E. R. How to buy etchings, 79. Regener, E. A. E. M. Lilien, 111. Regia Calcografia. Catalogo delle stampe, 20, 33. Register of the Times. Solly, E. Indexes of por- traits, 122. Reichsdruckerei, Berlin, 12 (under Lippmann) ; 12, 131 (Amsler and Ruthardt). Reid, G. W.: Descriptive catalogue of works of George Cruik- shank, 109. Works of Italian engravers, 20. Reiffenberg, F. A. F. T., baron de. La plus an- cienne gravure, 11, 89. Rembrandt, 6668. Reni, Giiido, 68. Renouvier, Jules: Des types... des maitres graveurs, 11. Gravitres en bois, 91. Portraits d'auteurs, 120. Une passion de 1446, 11. Renton, Edward. Intaglio engraving, 11. Repertoire des ventes publiques, 8. Reproductions of prints, 12. Restoration of prints, 8. Retberg, R. L. Diirer's Kupferstiche, 47. Revere, Paul, 68. Revon, Michel. tude sur Hoksai, 22. Reynolds, Sir Joshua, 68. Reynolds, S. W., 68. Reza Khan, Mirza. Livres arabes, 23. Rhead, L. J. Collection of book-plates, 102. Rheude, L. M. Bibliothekzeichen, 101. Rhodes, H. J. Art of lithography, 93. Riat, G. Bibliotheque nationale. Catalogue des gravures formant la collection Ardail, 31. Ribeyre, Felix. Cham, 42. Rice, R. A.: Catalogue of etchings and dry-points by Storm van 's Gravesande, 72. Descriptive catalogue of etched work of C. A. Piatt, 65. Richards, P. Amerika durch die Lupe der Karika- tur. 114. Richardson, Frederick. Exhibition of newspaper drawings. 111. Richardson, J. H. Catalogue of .. .portraits, 123. Richardson, Jonathan. Works... with essay on prints, 7. Richardson, William. Catalogue of portraits en- graved from pictures by Sir Joshua Reynolds, 68. Richmond, W. D. : Colour and colour printing, 93, 97. Grammar of lithography, 93. Richter, E. H. Prints, 7. Richter, Ludwig, 112. Ricketts, Charles. Catalogue of Shannon's litho- graphs, 71. Ridinger, J. E., 68. Riggall, Edward. Sotheby, Wilkinson & Hodge. Catalogue of works of Cruikshank, 109. Rinder, Frank. D. Y. Cameron, 42. Riordan, Roger. Mezzotints, 85. Ris-Paquot, O. E. Dictionnaire des marques, 28. Risorgimento grafico, 4. Ritchie, H. A. Catalogue of Japanese colour prints, 23. Ritter, Lorens, 69. Ritter, William. Storm van 's Gravesande, 72. Ritter vom Turn (Basel, 1493), Holzschnitte zum, von R. Kautzsch, 90. Robaut, Alfred. L'oeuvre de Eugene Delacroix, 45. Robert, Karl. Traite de. . .I'eau-forte, 80. Robert-Dumesnil, A. P. F. Le peintre-graveur fran- Cais, 17, 28. See also Baudicour, P. de, for continuation. Robertson, H. R. Art of etching, 80. Robin, Achille. Coloris des lithographies, 93. Robinson, W. H., 112. Robinson, W. W. Catalogue. . .of book-plates, 99. Rocheblave, S. Les Cochin, 43. Rochussen, Charles, 69. Rodin, Auguste, 69. Rodriguez, Eugene. See Ramiro, Erastene. Roeper, Adalbert: Johann Burger, 41. P. Halm, 53. Louis Jacoby, 56. Karl Koepping, 57. Fritz Krostewitz, 57. Albert Kriiger, 57. Ludwig Kiihn, 57. B. Mannfeld, 59. Meissonier, 60. Ludwig Michalek, 61. Zum 75. Geburtstage Lorenz Ritters, 69. J. Sonnenleiter, 72. Paul Thumann, 112. Zum 70. Geburtstage lingers, 74. Walter Ziegler, 79. Roettinger, H. : Einzel-Formschnitte. . .in der. . . Albertina, 88. Holzschnitte des Georg Pencz, 64. Weiditz, 75. Roger-Miles, L. Exposition de. . .Chauvel, 43. Rogers, J. M. Catalogue of drawings. . .of Howard Pyle, 111. Rogers, W. S. Book of posters, 116. Rogier, Catnille, 69. Roller, J. Technik der feadirung, 80. Romdahl, A. L. Om exlibris, 99. Romney, George, 69. Rondot, N. Graveurs sur bois a Lyon, 91. Roosevelt, Blanche. Life of Crustave Dore, 110. Rops, Felicien, 69. Roqueplan, Catnille, 69. Roret. See Manuels-Roret. Rose, J. A.: Collection of engraved portraits, 120. Liverpool Art Club. Collection illustrative of etching, 81. Rose, J. Holland. See Broadley, A. M. Napoleon in caricature. .. with essay by Rose, 112. Rosenbach Galleries. Catalogue of exhibition of xviiith century English color prints, 14, 97. Rosenberg, Adolf. Der Kupferstich in der Schule ...des Rubens, 16, 70. Rosenthal, J. Book illustration, 103. Rosenthal, Ludwig: Incunabula, xylographica, et chalcographica, 89. Verzeichnis einer Sammlung von Ridinger-Stich- en, 68. Rosenthal, Max, and Albert, 69. Rossi, G. B. de. Dell' origine della stampa, 89. Rotary Photographic Co. Real photographic post cards, 118. Rothenstein, William. Goya, 52. Rothenstein, William, 69. Rouen, La lithographic a, par J. Hedou, 95. Rouget, I. M. Kurze Geschichte der Holzschneide- kunst, 89. RouUier, Albert: Catalogue of original etchings by Katharine Mer- rill, 60. Catalogue of original etchings by Zorn, 79. Illustrated catalogue of etchings by American artists, 84. Print-collector's bulletin, 81. Roullier's, Albert, Art Galleries: Catalogue of etchings, etc., by Whistler, 77. 156 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Roullier's, Albert, Art Galleries continued: Exhibition of original etchings by Rembrandt, 19, 68. Exhibition of original etchings by T. F. Simon, 71. Rousseau, B. James Ensor, 48. Rousseau, J. J., Iconographie de, par F. de Girardin, 105, 125. Rousseau, Th., 69. Roux, v.: Formulaire pratique de phototypie, 130. Manuel de photographie. . .a I'usage de[s] graveurs, 87. Traite de gravure heliographique, 130. Traite de zincographie, 130. Rovinski, D. A.: Lodrobny slovar russkikh graverov xiv.-xix. vv., 24, 122. Slovar russkikh gravirovannykh portretov, 24, 122. L'oeuvre de Rembrandt, 68. Tschemessoff, 24, 43. Rovinski, Dmitri, and Nicolas Tchetchouline. L'oeuvre grave d'Ostade, 63. Rowlandson, Thomas, 69. Royal Academy. Cumberland, G. An essay accom- panied by a catalogue of... prints in... Royal Academy, 6. Royal Society of Painter-Etchers and Engravers. Catalogue of annual exhibition, 82. Rozycki, K. von. Die Kupferstecher Danzigs, 19. Ruben, Paul. Die Reklame, 116. Rubens, P. P., 69-70. Rude, Francois, 70. Ruemann, Arthur. Honore Daumier, 45. Ruland, K. Works of Raphael, 66. Rumohr, C. F. von. Hans Holbein, 55, 90. Rumohr, C. F. L. F., and J. M. Thiele. Geschichte der Koniglichen Kupferstichsammlung zu Copen- hagen, 31. Ruskin, John: Ariadne Florentina, 3. Notes on his collection of drawings by Turner, 74. Russell, A. G. B. Engravings of William Blake, 39. Russian book-plates, 101. Russian caricature, 115. Russian engrai'ing, 24. Russian wood engraving, 91. Ruthardt. See Amsler. Ruvsdael, Jacob van, 70. Ryland, W. W., 70. Sadeler, 70. Sagot, Ed. Catalogue des dessins & gravures de Lepere, 58. Sahlen, Artur. Om trasnitt, 87. Saint Arroman, R. de. La gravure a I'eau-forte, 81. Saint Aubin, Augustin de, 70. St. Louis. City Art Museum : Collection of etchings by C. K. Gleeson, 51. Collection of etchings by Miss C. M. Steuver, 72. Collection of works by five American illustra- tors, 107. Exhibition of contemporary German graphic art, 19. Exhibition of graphic art in. . .Austria, 13. Exhibition of paintings, etc., by Dawson Wat- son, 75. Exhibition of works by American etchers, 83. George C. Aid, 36. Memorial collection of work by Smillie, 71. Special exhibition of etchings, etc., by Mielatz, 61. St. Louis. Louisiana Purchase Exposition, 1904. Catalogue of British exhibits, 14. St.-Memin. C. B. J. F. de, 70, 123. "St. Nicholas." See under Portfolio. St. Victor, de. Nouveau manuel complet du fabricant de cadres, 8. Sala, G. A. William Hogarth, 54. Salaman, M. C. : French colour-prints, 18, 97. Great painter-etchers, 81. Old engravers of England, 14. See also Holme, Charles. Saldanha da Gama, J. de. See Brazil. Biblioteca Nacional. Catalogo da exposicao dos cimelios, 31. Sales, 7-8. Salicis, de. Catalogue of etchings by Meryon, 61. Salmon, W. W. Polygraphice, 6, 80. Salon. Explication des ouvrages de peinture..., 30. Salt, L. T. W. Catalogue of Japanese colour prints, 23. Salzburg. Gugenbauer, G. Inkunabeln der Graphik i. d. Klosterbibliotheken Ober-Oesterreichs und Salzburgs, 88. Sambourne, Linley, 112. Samuel, Arthur. Piranesi, 65. Samuel, Bunford. Index to American portraits, 123. Sanchez, Z. A. Goya, 51. Sarnow, E. Formschnitte und Kupferstiche im Be- sitze der Stadtbibliothek zu Frankfurt a. M., 88. Sartain, John. Brief sketch of engraving, 11. Sartain, John, 70. Sattler, Joseph. Durcheinander, 101. Sattler, Joseph, 112. Savage, Edward, 70. Savage, William. Practical hints on decorative printing, 87, 97. Savart, Pierre, 70. Savine, Albert. Les maitres de I'estampe japo- naise, 22. Scamoni, G. Senefelder, 71. Schaeffner, Ant. La photogravure, 130. Schauplatz. See Neuer Schauplatz. Schaus, William. Collection olF etchings and en- gravings by and after Meissonier, 60. Schaus Art Galleries. Proofs engraved by Cousins, 44. Scheible, J. Die fliegenden Blatter des xvi. und XVII. Jahrhunderts, 89, 114. Scheltema, Pieter. Life of Rembrandt, 68. Scherer, Valentin. Ornamentik bei Durer, 47. Schiavonetti. Lewis, 70. Schiefler, Gustav. Das graphische Werk von Liebermann, 58. Schinnerer, Johannes. Die Moderne Buchkunst in Deutschland, 106. Schlettstadt. Stadtbibliothek. Clauss, J. M. B. Holz- und Metallschnitte, 88. Schlotthauer, J. Holbein's Todtentanz, 54. Schmid, Max. Adolf Menzel, 60. Schmidbauer, R. Einzel-Formschnitte in der Staats-, Kreis-, und Stadtbibliothek Augsburg, 88. Schmidt, G. F., 70. Scholtz, R. Katalog der. . .Sammlung, 19. Schongauer, Martin, 70-71. Schopenhauer-Bilder, 125. Schreiber, Lady C. E. G. Playing cards, 98. Schreiber, W. L. : Basels Bedeutung fur die Geschichte der Block- bucher, 89. Catalogue of collection. . .containing early wood- cuts, etc., 12, 86, 89. Die deutschen "Accipies," 89. Entstehung der Biblia Pauperum, 89. Formschnitte und Einblattdrucke aus Bibliotheken und Sammlungen in Amberg [etc.], 88. Formschnitte. . .in der Konigl. Bibliothek, Berlin, 88. Formschnitte. . .in der Koniglichen Landes bibli- othek... zu Stuttgart, 88. INDEX 157 Schreiber, W. L. continued : Holzschnitte. . .aus der. . .Bibliothek, Breslau, 87. Holzschnitte in der. . .Bibliothek, Stuttgart, 87. Holzschnitte in. . .Donaueschingen, 87. Holzschnitte. . .in der Kgl. Graphischen Sammlung zu Miinchen, 88. Holzschnitte. . .aus der Kgl. Universitats-Biblio- thek in Tubingen, 86. Manuel de I'amateur de la gravure...au xv. siecle, 11, 28. Molsdorff, W. Formschnitte aus der Sammlung Schreiber, 88. Schrey, Rudolf. Das graphische Werk Fritz Boehles, 39. Schuberth, H. Lichtpausverfahren, 130. Schulz, F. T. Schrotblatter des Germanischen Na- tional museums zu Niirnberg, 86, 88. Schwarz, K. See Fortlage, Arnold. Schwarz- Weiss, 106. Scott, A. de C. On photozincography, 130. Scott, F. J. Portraitures of Julius Caesar, 124. Scott, M. T. Memoirs... of Raimbach, 65. Scott, W. B.: Descriptive catalogrue of engravings, 11. Little masters, 19. Scottish portraits, J. L. Caw, 121. Scribner's, Charles, Sons: French engraved books of the 18th century, 105. Partial list... of French illustrators of the eigh- teenth century, 105. Scribner's monthly. See under Portfolio. Sculptor, Satiricus, pseud, of W. H. Ireland. Chal- cographimania, 2. Seghers, Herkules, 71. Seidlitz, Woldemar von : Geschichte des japanischen Farbenholzschnitts, 22. History of Japanese colour-prints, 22. Senef elder, Alois: L'art de la lithographic, 93. Complete course of lithography, 93. Invention of lithography, 93. Sammlung von mehreren Musterblattern, 93. Vollstiindiges Lehrbuch der Steindruckerey, 93. Senef elder, Alois, 71. Senef elder Club. Carnegie Institute. Catalogue of exhibition of lithographs by members of the Senefelder Club, 95. Servatius-Legende, 89. Sette of Odd Volumes. See Ball, Wilfred. Mezzo- tinto engravings, 84. Seupel, J. A., 71. Seymour, Alfred. Practical lithography, 93. Shakespeare, William, Portraits of, 125. Shakespeare gallery. See Boydell, John. Shannon, Charles, 71. Sharp, William, 71. Sharpies portraits of Washington, 127. Shaw, Albert. Cartoon history of Roosevelt's career, 115. Sherborn, C. D. Sketch, .x of C. W. Sherborn, 71. Sherborn, C. W., 71. Shirasu, F. Exhibition of Japanese paintings, 22. Short, Sir Frank: Etchings and engravings, 80. On the making of etchings, 80. Short, Sir Frank, 71. Siegen, 1642 Cousins, 1822, 85. Sieurin, J.: Collection J. Sieurin, 105. Manuel de I'amateur d'illustrations, 8, 103. Siklossy, Laszlo, editor. See A Gyiijto, 99. Silbermann, Henri. Fortschritte auf dem Gebiete der photo- und chemigraphischen Reproduktions: verfahren, 131. Silhouettes, 118. Silk, Impressions on. Schreiber, W. L. Catalogue of [his] collection, 12, 87. Sillib, R. Holz- und Metallschnitte aus der Grossh. Universitats-Bibliothek Heidelberg, 87. Silvestre, Israel, 71. Simon, T. F., 71. Simson, R. Walsh, C. H. Earliest engraving. . ., 25. Singer, H. W.: Allgemeines Kiinstler-Lexicon, 26. German etching, 83. German etching and lithography, 96. Geschichte des Kupferstichs, 11. Klingers Radierungen, 57. Der Kupferstich, 11. J. C. Le Blon, 57. Modern German lithography, 96. Moderne Graphik, 11. Ryland, 70. Unika und Seltenheiten im Kgl. Kupferstich- Kabinett zu Dresden, 32. Versuch einer Durer Bibliographic, 47. See also Keppel, F., & Co. Catalogue of... litho- graphs by contemporary German artists, 96. Singer, H. W., and W. Strang. Etching, engraving and other methods of printing pictures, 6. Singer, S. W. Researches into the history of play- ing cards, 98. Sirani, J. A., and E. Sirani. Bartsch, J. A. B. von. Catalogue des estampes gravees par Reni et de celles de ses disciples, 68. Sjoberg, Nils. Kvinnan i svensk karikatyr, 115. Sketchley, R. E. D. English book-illustration, 104. Slade, Felix. See British Museum. Guide to col- lection of prints bequeathed by Felix Slade, 33. Slater, J. H. : Art sales of the year, 7. Book-plates and their value, 8, 99. Engravings and their value, 8. Illustrated sporting books, 118. Smillie, J. D., 71. Smith, C. S. Collection of Japanese engravings, 21. Smith, F. H. American illustrators, 107. Smith, J. A. Catalogue of Friends' portraits, 120. Smith, J. C: British mezzotinto portraits, 85. Siegen, 1642 Cousins, 1822, 85. Smith, J. R., 71, 85. Smith, John, 71. Smith, Rev. W. W. Complete handbook of religious pictures, 131. Societe de la gravure originale en couleurs. Salon annuel, 83, 97. Societe de la gravure sur bois originale. Cata- logue, 91. Societe des aquafortistes fran?ais. Annuaire, 83. Societe des bibliophiles frangais. Jeux de cartes tarots, 98. Societe des peintres et graveurs de Paris. Exposi- tion: catalogue, 18. Societe des peintres-graveurs frangais. Exposition, 18, 83. Societe des peintres-lithographes. Premiere exposi- tion, 95. Societe Georges Petit. First New York Salon, 83, 97. Societe internationale de la gravure originale en noir. Exposition, 30. Societe nationale des beaux-arts: Catalogue des ouvrages de peinture, sculpture et gravure exposes au Champ-de-Mars, 30. Oeuvres de Bracquemond, 40. Societe pour I'etude de la gravure frangaise: Annuaire de la gravure frangaise, 4, 18. Vie de Jacques Callot, 41. Societe St. Augustin. See Recueil d'estampes, 4. Societies, 3-4. 158 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Society for the Encouragement of Arts. Report relative to the mode of preventing forgery of bank notes, 97. Society of American Wood Engravers. Engravings on wood, 91. Society of Antiquaries. Index to engravings in Proceedings, 14. Society of Colonial Dames, New York. Loan ex- hibition of book-plates, 102. Society of Friends. Smith, J., Catalogue of Friends' portraits, 120. Society of Graver-Printers in Colour. Annual ex- hibition, 83, 97. Society of Iconophiles. Catalogue of engravings issued by the society, 4, 25. Society of Illustrators: Annual, 107. Special exhibition, 107. Solis, Virgil, 72. Solly, E. Indexes of portraits, 122. Someren, J. F. van. Beschhrijvende catalogue van gegraveerde portretten van Nederlanders, 122. Essai d'une bibliographic de la peinture et de la gravure en Hollande et en Belgique, 2, 16. Sommer, G., & Figlio. [Catalogue,] 132. Sonnenleiter, Johannes, 72. Sotheby, Wilkinson & Hodge: Catalogue of collection of etchings by Rem- brandt, 68. Catalogue of collection of works of Cruikshank, 109. Catalogue. . .of collection of works of Duertr, 47. Catalogue of original drawings by Linley Sam- bourne, 112. Catalogues of .. .Japanese colour prints, 23. Soule Art Co., Boston: [Catalogues,] 132. Complete art reference catalogue, 132. Soullie, L. Essai bibliographique des catalogues de collections de tableaux et d'objets d'art, 2. South Kensington Museum: Catalogue of engraved national portraits, 122. Catalogue of .. .lithographs, 95. Catalogue of special exhibition of national por- traits, 122. First proofs of universal catalogue of books on art, 2. Japanese art, 22. See also Victoria and Albert Museum. "Sovremionny V^sepeterburg," 115. Spanish engraving , 24. Specimen des livres illustres du xviii. siecle, 103. Spenceley, J. W., 72. Spielmann, M. H.: History of "Punch," 114. Modern poster, 116. Portraits of G. Chaucer, 124. Spielmann, M. H., and G. S. Layard. Kate Green- away, 110. Sponsel, J. L. Das moderne Plakat, 116. Spooner, S. : Anecdotes of painters, engravers, etc., 29. Biographical history of fine arts, 29. Sporting magazine. Index of engravings, 14, 118. Sporting prints, 36 (Aiken), 118. Springer. Jaro : Albrecht Diirer, 46. Radierungen des Seghers, 71. S. Brant's Bildnisse, 124. See also Model, Julius. Stapart. L'art de graver au pinceau, 86. Stauffer, D. McN.: American engravers, 25. Lithographic portraits of Newsam, 63. Stauffer-Bern, Karl, 72. Stedelijk Museum, Leyden. Catalogus der schil- derijen. . .gravures. . .en andere voorwerpen, 33. Steevens, G. See Nichols, John. Steinlen, T. A., 72. Stengel, W. Unedierte Holzschnitte im Niirnberger Kupferstichkabinett, 88. Stephens, F. G. Memoir of George Cruikshank, 109. Stephens, F. G., and E. Hawkins. Catalogue of prints in the British Museum..., 114. Sterner, Albert, 72. Steuver, Celia M., 72. Stevens, T. W. Etchings of cities, 82. Stevenson, F. G., 72. Stillfried, Heinrich, Graf. Dritter Nachtrag zu... Thienemann's Leben des J. E. Ridinger, 68-69. Stillman, W. J. Old Italian masters engraved by T. Cole, 44. Stipple, 84. Stokes, A. P., the younger. Historical prints of New Haven, 25. Stollwerck Gebriider. Album fiir. . .Postkarten, 118. Stone, W. M.: Some children's book-plates, 99. Women designers of book-plates, 99. Storck, Karl. Musik...in Karikatur, 113. Storm van 's Gravesande, Charles, 72. Story, A. T. William Blake, 39. Stoss, Veit, 72. Stothard, Thomas, 112. Strang, William, 72. See also Singer, H. W. Strange, E. F. : Etched work... of Short, 71. Hokusai, 22. Japanese colour prints, 22. Japanese illustration, 22. Strange, Robert, 72. Strekoza. Igrivye motivy, 115. Struck, Hermann. Kunst des Radierens, 80. Struck, Hermann, 72-73. Strutt, Joseph. Biographical dictionary, 29. Stuck, Franz von. Karten und Vignetten, 117. "Studio." Special numbers, edited by C. Holme: Art of the book, 103. Daumier and Gavarni, 45, 51. Modern book-illustrators, 104. Modern book-plates, 99. Modern etching, 81. Modern etchings, 81. Old English mezzotints, 85. Salaman, M. C. Great painter-etchers, 81. Sturgis, Russell: Annotated bibliography of fine art, 2. Etchings of Piranesi, 65. Stuttgart. Schreiber, W. L. Formschnitte i. d. Konigl. Landesbibliothek u. Konigl. Hofbibli- othek, 88. Stuttgart. Konigliche Landesbibliothek. Schrei- ber, W. L. Holzschnitte, 87. Stuttgart. Konigl. StcMts und Altertiimer-Samm- lung. Geisberg, M. Kartenspiel, 98. Succo, Friedrich. Utagawa Toyokuni, 22. Sugden, T. D. Remarks on wood-engraving, 91. Summer, Charles. Best portraits in engraving, 11, 120. Super-libros. Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, 99, 103. Suppressed plates, by G. S. Layard, 10. Suyderhoef, Jonas, 7i. Svabinsky, Mcur, 73. Swedish caricature, 115. Swinburne, A. C. William Blake, 39. Swiss book-illustration, 105-106. Swiss engravings, 24. Symonds, Arthur. Aubrey Beardsley, 108. Symonds, E. M. Social caricature in the eighteenth century, 114. INDEX 159 Syndicat de la presse artistique. Exposition Daumier, 45. Synge, E. M., 73. Syracuse University. Comfort, G. F. Address at opening of Wolff-Leavenworth collection of en- gravings, 2, 34. Tabley (3. baron) J. B. L. Warren. Guide to study of book-plates, 100. Taigny, Edmond. Catalogue. . .de peintures et estampes japonaises, 24. Tarocchi, von Paul Kristeller, 20. Tate Gallery. See National Gallery of British Art. Tchetchouline, Nicolas. See Rovinski, Dmitri. Teigdrucke, 12. Telegrams (Danish), 117. Tenniel, Sir John, 112. Terey, G. von. See Budapest. Szemiiveszeti Muzeum. Verzeichniss der Kupferstich-Samm- lung einer und moderner Meister, 31. Terry, James. Allyn Hyde, 55. Teske, Charles. Book-plates of Ulrick, duke of Mecklenburgh, 101. Thackeray, W. M. Essay on George Cruikshank, 109. Thausing, Moritz. Diirer, 47. Theobald, H. S. Crome's etchings, 44. Thibaudeau, A. W. See Poulet-Malassis, P. A. Thiele, J. M. See Rumohr, C. F. L. F. Thieme, Ulrich, and Felix Becker. Allgemeines Lexikon, 29. Thienemann, G. A. W. Leben des Thiernialers. . . J. E. Ridinger, 69. Thies, Louis. Harvard College. Catalogue of en- gravings bequeathed by F. C. Gray, 33. Thomas, G. H. Collection of engravings, 112. Thomas, J. P., jr. Notes on. . .book-plates, 100. Thomas, Ralph. Catalogue of etchings and dry points of Whistler, 77. Thomas, T. H. French portrait engraving, 18, 122. Thomson, D. C: Life of Thomas Bewick, 38. Life of H. K. Browne, 108. Thon, Theodor. Lehrbuch der Kupferstecherkunst, 6. There, T., and P. Lacroix. Catalogue d'aquarelles ...des principaux artists vivants, 103. Thornber, Harry. Early work of George Cruik- shank, 110. Thiimann, Paul, 112. Tiber ghien, P. J. J., 73. Ticozzi, S. Dizionario degli architetti. . ., 29. Tiepolo, G. B., 73. Tiffin, W. F. Gossip about portraits, 120. Tissot, J. J., 73. Titles, 13 (Grolier Club), 106 (Pflugk-Harttung), 117. Toepffer, R. Vischer, F. T. Satyrische Zeich- nung, 113. Toifel, W. F. Handbuch der Chemigraphie, 131. Tokuno, T. Japanese wood cutting, 22. Tolerton, H. H. See Roullier, Albert. Illustrated catalogue of etchings by American artists, 84. Tomson, Arthur. Joseph Pennell, 64. Toppan, R. N. Hundred years of bank note en- graving, 25, 97. Toschi, Paolo, 73. Tosti engravings, Boston Public Library, 33, 120. Toulouse-Lautrec , Henri, 73. Toyokuni, Utagawa, 22 (under Succo). Tredwell, D. M. Monograph on privately-illustrated books, 8. Trees. Beth, I. Baumzeichnvnig in der deutschen Graphik, 18. Tregaskis, James. Isaac, George and Robert Cruik- shank, 110. Triptych. See Banning, Kendall. Tronnier, H. E. A. Die Liibecker Buchillustration des fiinfzehnten Jahrhunderts, 106. Tross, Edwin, editor. Les seize nielles . . . d' Aix-Ia- Chapelle, 12. Truman, Edwin. Catalogue of works of George Cruikshank, 110. ' Trutat, E. Impressions photographiques, 131. Tschemessoff. See Chemesov. Tual, Leon. Catalogue de. . .eaux-fortes originales de Norblin, 63. Tuckerman, H. T. Character and portraits of Washington, 127. Tuebingen. Kgl. Universitdtsbibliothek. Schrei- ber, W. L. Holzschnitte, 86, 87. Tuer, A. W.: Francesco Bartolozzi, 37. Pages from children's books, 103. Turnbull, Edward. Durer's book illustrations, 47. Turner, Charles, 73. Turner, Horace K., Co., Boston. [Catalogue,] 132. Turner, J. M. IV., 73-74. Turner, William. Thomas Bewick, 38. 1812god v karrikaturye, 115. u Ubisch, E. von. Virgil Solis, 72. Ultn. Stadtbibliothek. Scheible, J. Die Fliegen- den Blatter. .., 89, 114. Unger, William, 74. Union League Club of Chicago. Catalogue of paint- ings, etchings, engravings and sculpture, 34. Union League Club, New York: Catalogue of etchings and dry points by Whistler and Haden, 78. Catalogue of work of women etchers of America, 84. Some modern posters, 116. . United States. See American. United States National Museum. Koehler, S. R. Report on section of graphic arts, 34. University of Vermont and State Agricultural Col- lege, Burlington. Annual exhibition of Park Gallery, 30. Utamaro, 21 (under Kurth). Uzanne, Octave. Daumier and Gavarni, 45, 51. Vacher, Francis. Engravers and engraving, 7, 11. Vachon, M.: Les arts et les industries du papier en France, 18. Jacques Callot, 41. Valabreque, A. Abraham Bosse, 40. Vallotton, Felix, 74. Van Rensselaer, Mrs. M. G. : American etchers, 84. J. F. Millet, 62. Vasir Chikov, A. A., prince. Liste...de portraits russes, 122. Venetian book illustration, 106 (Massena). Venetian wood cuts, 91. Verard, Anthon. Renouvier, J. Gravures. . .dans les livres d'A. Verard, 91. Verband deutscher Illustratoren. Schwarz- Weiss, 106. Vereeniging der Antwerpsche Etsers. Album, 82. Verein der Plakatfreunde: Mitteilungen, 117. Das Plakat, 116. 160 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Vereinigung bildender Kunstler Oesterreichs Seces- sion. Ausstellung, 117. Verfasser, Julius. Half-tone process, 131. Verloren van Themat, P. La gravure en maniere noire, 85. Vermont, E. de V., editor. See The Curio, 100. Vernay, A. S. Collection of American silhouette portraits, 118. Vernct, J. E. H., 7%. Vernier, ^rnile, 75. Verster, J. F. : Alphabetical list of mottoes, 100. XL. muzikale boekmerken, 100. Vertue, George: Catalogue of engravers, 14 (under Walpole). Description of works of Hollar, 55. Die Vervielfaltigende Kunst der Gegenwart, 11. Verzeichniss neuer Kunstsachen als Kupfer- und Stahlstiche, 1858-60, 11, 19. Vesme, Alexandre de. Le peintre-graveur italien, 20, 29. Veyrassat, J. J., 75. Vico, S., 75. Victoria, Queen of Great Britain, 75. Victoria and Albert Museum, South Kensington: Catalogue of... "Liber Studiorum" of J. M. W. Turner, 74. Catalogue of the loan exhibition of British engrav- ing and etching, 14, 82. Catalogue of prints, 33, 86. Catalogue of prints, wood engravings after Sir J. E. Millais, 61. Great Britain. Catalogue of loan exhibition of modern illustrations, 103. Scheme for classification of photographs, 8. Tools and materials used in etching, 80. Whistler: Etchings, 78. Vidal, J. L.: La photographie appliquee, 131. Traite de photolithographic, 131. Traite de phototypie, 131. Traite pratique de photoglyptie, 131. Vienna. Albertina. See Albertina. Vierge, Daniel, 112. Villot, F. See Musee du Luxembourg. Notice des peintures, 32. Vinaza, C. M. y M. de la, conde. Goya, 52. Vinck de Deux-Orp, Eugene de. See Bibliotheque nationale. Un siecle. . . Vischer, E. Formschnitte. . .in der Grossherzog. Hof- und Landesbibliothek, Karlsruhe, 88. Vischer, F. T. Satyrische Zeichnung, 113. Visiting cards, 117. Visser, M. W. de. Japansche kleurendrukken, 22. Vogel, H. W. Das photographische Pigment-Ver- fahren, 131. Vogel von Vogelstein, O. Verzeichniss von...verse- henen Portraits, 120. Voigtlaender, R. Kiinstler-Steinzeichnungen, 96. Volbehr, Theodor. Lucas van Leyden, 59. Volkert, Hans, 75. Volkmann, L. Iconografia dantesca, 103, 124. Volkmer, Ottomar. Die Photo-Graviire, 131. Voll, Karl. Frankreichs klassische Zeichner im xix. Jahrhundert, 105. Vosmaer, C. Rembrandt, 68. Voss, Georg. Andreas Achenbach, 36. Voss, Hermann. Albrecht Altdorfer und Wolf Huber, 36, 55. w Wagener, G. See Netto, C. Wagner, Karl. Senefelder, 71. Walcot, William, 75. Waldmann, Emil: Lanzen, Stangen und Fahnen, 47. Die Niirnberger Kleinmeister, 19. Walker, William, 75. Walpole, Horace, 4. earl of Oxford. Anecdotes of painting in England; v 5: Catalogue of en- gravers, 14. Walsh, C. H. Earliest engraving in American colonies, 25. Wang, Otto: En dansk Ex-libris Kunstner, 101. Danske Ex-libris, 101. Ward, James, and William Ward, 75. Warnecke, Friedrich : Die deutschen Biicherzeichen, 101. Emblemata nobilitatis, 41. Emblemata saecularia, 41. Rare book-plates, 101. Washburn, Cadwallader, 75. Washington, George, Portraits of, 126-127. Waterloo, Antonj, 75. Waterlow & Sons. Every man his own printer, 93. Waters, Mrs. C. E. C. Painters, sculptors, archi- tects, engravers, and their works, 29. Waters, Mrs. C. E. C, and L. Hutton: Artists of the 20th century, 29. Women in the fine arts, 29. Watson, Dawson, 75. Watson, James, 75. Watson, Thomas, 75. Watteau, Antoine, 18, 75. Way, T. R.: Memories of Whistler, 78. Whistler's lithographs, 78. Way, T. R., and G. R. Dennis. Art of Whistler, 78. Wayne, Anthony, Portrait of, 127. Weber, Paul. Beitrage zu Diirer's Weltan- schauung, 47. Webster, H. A., 75. Wedmore, Sir Frederick: Cameron's etchings, 42. Constable: Lucas, 58. Etching in England, 82. Etchings, 82. Exhibition of etchings by Whistler, 78. Fine prints, 7. Four masters of etching, 82. Meryon and Meryon's Paris, 61. Notes on Velasquez and Titian in etchings of R. W. Macbeth, 59. Whistler's etchings, 78. Weidits, Hans. 75. Weigel, Rudolph: Supplements au Peintre-graveur de Adam Bartsch, 29. Die Werke der Maler in ihren Handzeichnun- gen, 132. See also Andresen, A. Der deutsche Peintre- Graveur, 18, 26. Weigel, T. O. : Katalog fruhester Erzeugnisse der Drucker- kunst, 89. Die Spielkarten, 98. Weigel, T. O., and A. C. A. Zestermann. Die Anfange der Druckerkunst, 11, 89. Weigmann, O. A. S. L. Wenban, 76. Weijer, P. W. van de. See Duerer, Albrecht. Grande passion. Reproduction procede P. W. van de Weijer, 46. Weilandt, Karl. Der Aluminiumdruck, 93. Weis-Liebersdorf, J. E. Inkunabeln des Form- schnitts in den Bibliotheken zu Eichstatt, 88. Weisbach, Werner: Die Baseler Buchillustration des xv. Jahrhundert, 90, 106. Der Meister der Bergmannschen Officin, 90. INDEX 161 Weishaupt, Heinrich. Das Gesaiiimtgebiet des Stein- drucks, 94. Weitenkampf, Frank: American graphic art, 26. Bibliography of Hogarth, 54. Catalogue of etchings and drawings by Meryon, 61. Felix Bracquemond, 40. Galleries: Notes on technique of Japanese prints, 22. Grolier Club. Catalogue of .. .engravings by women, 29. Grolier Club. Catalogue of exhibition illustrative of lithography, 94. Grolier Club. Catalogue. . .portraits of Lincoln, 125. How to appreciate prints, 7. Joseph Pennell, 64. Ludwig Richter, 112. Notes on cataloguing of prints, 9. Sketch... of St. Memin, 70. Social history of the United States in carica- ture, 115. Some illustrators of Dickens, 104. Ein Vorschlag zum Katalogisieren von Stichen, 8. See also New York Public Library. Weizsacker, H. See Lehrs, Max. Wenban, S. L., 76. Wendland, Hans. Schongauer, 71. IVensel von Olmiitz, 76. Wessely, J. E.: Anleitung zur Kenntniss. . .des Kunstdruckes, 7. Richard Earlom, 48. Ergiinzungsheft zu Andresen-Wessely's Hand- buch, 29. Geschichte der graphischen Kiinste, 11. Gole, 51. Die Landsknechte, 19. G. F. Schmidt, 70. John Smith, 71. Supplemente zu den Handbiichern der Kupfer- stichkunde, 29. Antonj Waterloo, 75. See also Andresen, A. Die deutschen Maler- Radirer, 83. Western Female High School. Peabody Literary Association, Baltimore. Catalogue of engrav- ings, 34. Westphalian engravers. M. Geisberg Meister der Berliner Passion und Israel van Meckenem, 60. Wheatley, Edmund. Descriptive catalogue of prints engraved from pictures by Sir Joshua Rey- nolds, 68. Whelen, Henry, the younger. Collection of por- traits of Washington, 127. Whistler, J. A. M., 76-78. White, C. H., 78. White, E. G. Indiana book-plates, 102. White, Gleason: Children's books and their illustrators, 104. Christmas cards, 117. English illustration, 104. Whitman, Alfred: V. Green, 52. Masters of mezzotint, 85. Print-collector's handbook, 7. S. W. Reynolds, 68. C. Turner, 75. Whitmore, W. H.: Abel Bowen, 40. Notes concerning P. Pelham, 63. Whitney, J. H. E., 78. Wibiral, Friedrich. L'iconographie d'Antoin" van Dyck, 48. Wickenden, R. J., 78. Wicksteed, J. H. Blake's. .. Book of Job, 39. Wiener Kiinstler-Lithographien, 96. Wiesboeck, K. L. P. J. N. Geiger, 51. Wilkie, Sir David, 78. Wilkinson, W. T. Photo-engraving, 131. Wille, J. G., 78. William ii. in caricature. Grand-Carteret, J. "Er" im Spiegel der Karikatur, 113. William and Mary, Prints relating to, 127. Williams, W. S. On lithography, 94. Williamson, G. C. G. J. Pinwell, 111. Willshire, W. H.: Descriptive catalogue of early prints in British Museum, 16, 19. Descriptive catalogue of playing. . .cards in British Museum, 98. Introduction to study of ancient prints, 7. Wilson, S. E., 78. Wilson, S. K. Catalogue of exhibition of works of John Leech, 111. Wiltshire Archaeological and Natural History Soci- ety. Library. Catalogue of the collection of drawings, prints and maps compiled by W. H. Bell and E. H. Goddard, 33. Winslow, Henry. Etching of landscapes, 82. Wislicenus, Paul. Nachweise zu Shakespeares Toten- maske, 126. Wisselingh, E. J. van, & Co. Catalogue, 82. Wissin, Johann. C. Visscher, 75. Wivell, A. Inquiry into Shakespeare portraits, 126. Woelfflin, Heinrich. Die Kunst Diirers, 47. Woenne, P. See Poetter, W. Wolf, Henry, 78. Wolfenbncttel, Ex-libris of Ducal Library at, 101 (under Heinemann). Wolff-Leavenworth Collection. See Syracuse Uni- versity. Women, Portraits of. Gay, 7, 10; Grolier Club, 121; Manuel de bibliographie, 120. Women artists. Catalogue. .. F. Muller & Co., 9. Woman in caricature. Fuchs, E., 112. Wood, H. F. Modern methods of illustrating books, 104. Wood, T. M. George du Maurier, 110. Wood engraving, 86-91. Wood engraving (Japanese), 20-24. Woodberry, G. E. History of wood-engraving, 89. Woodcock's Printers' and lithographers' weekly gazette, 94. Worcester Art Museum: Catalogue of exhibition of works by American etchers, 84. Engravings, 34. Exhibition of etchings by E. L. Getchell, 51. Exhibition of etchings by Pennell, 64. Works of the Italian engravers of the 15th cen- tury, 20. Worringer, Wilhelm. Die altdeutsche Buchillustra- tion, 106. Wray, H. R. Review of etching in United States, 84. Wright, Grant. Art of caricature, 112. Wright, Thomas : Caricature history of the Georges, 114. History of caricature, 113. Works of James Gillray, 110. Wright, Thomas, and R. H. Evans. Historical.. caricatures of James Gillray, 110. Wright, W. H. K., editor. See Ex-Libris Society. Journal. 100. Wunderlich & Co. : Catalogue of engravings. . .by Bartolozzi. . .in stipple, 84. Catalogue of etched work of Strang, 72. 162 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Wunderlich & Co. continued: Catalogue of etchings and dry points of A. H. Haig, 53. Catalogue of Meryon's etchings, 61. Catalogue of mezzotints, 85. Catalogue of modern etchings, 82. Catalogue of S. Parrish's etched work, 63. Catalogue of publications, 84. Catalogue of Rembrandt's etchings, 67. Catalogue of water colours and etchings by D. Y. Cameron, 42. Siegen Cousins: catalogue of mezzotints, 85. Mezzotint engravings by Edwards, 48. Wurzbach, Wolfgang von. Joseph Kriehuber, 57. Wussin, Johann. J. Suyderhoef, 73. Wustmann, Gustav. Der Leipziger Kupferstich, 19. Wyer, M. G. Book-plates in Iowa, 102. X***, of Antwerp. Catalogue d'estampes japo- naises, 22. Yale, L. M., 78. Yale College. Stokes, A. P. Historical prints, 25. Yamanaka & Co. Catalogue: exhibition of Ukiyoye paintings, 22. Year book of American etching, 84. Young Men's Christian Association of the Oranges. Modern wood engravings, 91. Younger, Archibald. French engravers of the 18th century, 18. Yriarte, Ch. Fortuny, 50. Zanetti, A. Le premier siecle de la calcographie, 11. Zarncke, Friedrich. Kurzgefasstes Verzejchniss. . . Goethe's Bildnisse, 124. Zeeman, Renter, 78. Zeitschrift fur Biicherzeichen (Title of v. 7-16 of Ex-Libris). 100. Zeitschrift fur Reproductionstechnik, 4, 131. Zestermann, A. C. A. See Weigel, T. O., and A. C. A. Zestermann. Ziegler, Walter. Die manuellen, graphischen Tech- niken, 6. Ziegler, Walter. 79. Zilcken, Philip: Essai de catalogue des eaux-fortes de Israels, 56. Moderne Hollandsche etsers, 82. Wat etsen zijn, 80. Zilcken, Philip, 79. Ziw etching, 127-131. Zinc, Photogravure sur, par T. Geynjet, 128. Zincographie, par V. Roux, 130. Zincography. Weishaupt, H. Gesammtgebiet des Steindrucks, 94. Zinkogravure, von J. Krueger, 129. Zola, femile. See Exposition de I'oeuvre grave de M. Desboutin, 45. Zorn, A. L., 79. Zucker, M. Einzel-Formschnitte in der Kupferstich- sammlung der Konigl. Universitats-Bibliothek Erlangen, 88. Zur Westen, Walter von: Berlins graphische Gelegenheitkunst, 117. Ex-libris, 101. Moderne, 117. Reklamekunst, 117. Zwart, Willem de, 79. Zweig, Stefan. E. M. Lilien, 111. Zweiniger, Arthur. Der lebendige Homer, 124. THIS BOOK IS DUE ON THE LAST DATE STAMPED BELOW AN INITIAL FINE OF 25 CENTS WILL BE ASSESSED ROR :FAILURE TO RETURN THIS BOOK ON THE DATE DUE. THE PENALTY WILL INCREASE TO SO CENTS ON THE FOURTH DAY AND TO $1.00 ON THE SEVENTH DAY OVERDUE. AUG 16 i^^^ AUG ItlWU i^vCC ""' ^ : i-D ^^L 8 196J MAY 8 01966 3? ^y36'563 4i^r!Q Due end of FALL Oudrter 12 71 ^^ SylTGr ^.^MA ^ Hc^ v*' LD 21-20n-5,'39 (92698) LIST OF REPRINTS FROM THE BULLETIN OF THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY RELATING TO THE PRINTS DIVISION The Library's Print Room. By F. Weitenkampf, 1915 - - ^. - Old Masters in Prints. 1916 Free .05 The Stauffer Print Collection. By Charles Allen Munn. 1916 .05 Chiaroscuro Prints. By F. Weiten- kampf. 1916 .05 Printed at The New York Public Library