Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2008 with funding from IVIicrosoft Corporation http://www.archive.org/details/canonofbibleitsfOOdavirich THE CANON OF THE BIBLE. BY THE SAME AUTHOR. THE NEW TESTAMENT, TRANSLATED FROM THE LATEST GREEK TEXT OF TISCHENDORF. A New and thoroughly Revised Edition. Post Svo, Cloth, Price los 6d. " Of high and distinctive value." — Saturday Review. "Will prove a very useful book to almost any student of the New Testament." — A thenteum. "A noble monument of wide reading and sober criticism. . . . Dr Davidson has done the translation with fidelity, vigour, and elegance." — Watchman. "We heartily welcome the volume as a help to the more accurate study of the New Testament." — Freeman. "A welcome addition to the library. We should be glad if this book should attain a wide circulation." — Nonconformist. London : G. Kegan Paul & Co., i Paternoster Square. THE CANON OF THE BIBLE ITS FORMATION, HISTORY, AND FLUCTUATIONS. BY SAMUEL DAVIDSON, D.D. OF HALLE, AND LL.D. THIRD EDITION, REVISED AND ENLARGED. London : C. Kegan Paul & Co., i Paternoster Square. 1878. Kr«i: » T.ifc JiiSTOfin 15' ( 7)4^ rights of Translation and of Reproduction are reset ved.] /Of , PREFACE. The substance of the present work was written towards the close of the year 1875 for the new edition of the " Encyclopaedia Britannica." Having been abridged and mutilated, contrary to the author's wishes, before its publication there, he resolved to print it entire. With that view it has undergone repeated revision with en- largement in different parts, and been made as complete as the limits of an essay appeared to allow. As nothing of importance has been knowingly omitted, the writer hopes it will be found a comprehensive summary of all that concerns the formation and history of the Bible canon. The place occupied by it was a 2^5^40 vi PREFACE. vacant. No English book reflecting the pro- cesses or results of recent criticism, gives an account of the canon in both Testaments, Articles and essays upon the subject there are ; but their standpoint is usually apologetic not scientific, traditional rather than impartial, unreasonably conservative without being critical. The topic is weighty, involving the considera- tion of great questions, such as the inspiration, authenticity, authority, and age of the Scriptures. The author has tried to handle it fairly, founding his statements on such evidence as seemed convincing, and condensing them into a moder- ate compass. If the reader wishes to know the evidence, he may find it in the writer's Intro- ductions to the Old and New Testaments, where the separate books of Scripture are discussed ; and in the late treatises of other critics. While his expositions are capable of expansion, it is believed that they will not be easily shaken. He commends the work to the PREFACE. attention of all who have an interest in the progress of theology, and are seeking a founda- tion for their faith less precarious than books however venerable. It has not been the writer's purpose to chronicle phases of opinion, or to refute what he believes to be error in the newest hypotheses about the age, authority, and composition of the books. His aim has been rather to set forth the most correct view of the questions involved in a history of the canon, whether it be more or less recent. Some may think that the latest or most current account of such questions is the best ; but that is not his opinion. Hence the fashion- able belief that much of the Pentateuch, the Book of Leviticus wholly, with large parts of Exodus and Numbers, in a word, that all the laws relating to divine worship with most of the chronological tables or statistics, belong to Ezra, who is metamorphosed in fact into the first Elohist, is unnoticed. Hence also the earliest PREFACE. gospel is not declared to be Mark's. Neither has the author ventured to place the fourth gospel at the end of the first century, as Ewald and Weitzsacker do, after the man- ner of the old critics ; or with Keim so early as 110-115 A.D. Many evince a restless anxiety to find some- thing novel ; and to depart from well-established conclusions for the sake of originality. This shews a morbid state of mind. Amid the feverish outlook for discoveries and the slight regard for what is safe, conservatism is a com- mendable thing. Some again desire to return, as far as they can, to orthodoxy, finding be- tween that extreme and rationalism a middle way which offers a resting-place to faith. The numerous changes which criticism presents are not a symptom of soundness. The writer is far indeed from thinking that every question con- nected with the books of Scripture is finally settled ; but the majority undoubtedly are, PREFACE. though several already fixed by great scholars continue to be opened up afresh. He does not profess to adopt the phase of criticism which is fashionable at the moment; it is enough to state what approves itself to his judgment, and to hold it fast amid the contrarieties of conjecture or the cravings of curiosity. Present excres- cences or aberrations of belief will have their day and disappear. Large portions of the Pentateuch will cease to be consigned to a post- exile time, and the gospels of Matthew and Luke will again be counted the chief sources of Mark's. It will also be acknowledged that the first as it now exists, is of much later origin than the fall of Jerusalem. Nor will there be so great anxiety to show that Justin Martyr was acquainted with the fourth gospel, and owed his Logos-doctrine chiefly to it. The difference of ten or twenty years in the date of a gospel will not be considered of essential importance in estimating its character. PREFACE. The present edition has been revised through- out and several parts re-written. The author hopes that it will be found still more worthy of the favour with which the first was received. May 1878. CONTENTS. CHAPTER I. INTRODUCTORY, ..... I CHAPTER n. THE OLD TESTAMENT CANON FROM ITS BEGINNING TO ITS CLOSE, . . . . .ID CHAPTER HI. THE SAMARITAN AND ALEXANDRIAN CANONS, . 8 1 CHAPTER IV. NUMBER AND ORDER OF THE SEPARATE BOOKS, . 92 CHAPTER V. USE OF THE OLD TESTAMENT BY THE FIRST CHRISTIAN WRITERS, AND THE FATHERS TILL THE TIME OF ORIGEN, ...... 97 CHAPTER VI. THE NEW TESTAMENT CANON IN THE FIRST THREE CENTURIES, ..... 108 CONTENTS. CHAPTER VII. THE BIBLE CANON FROM THE FOURTH CENTURY TO THE REFORMATION, . . . • 173 CHAPTER VIII. ORDER OF THE NEW TESTAMENT BOOKS, . . 221 CHAPTER IX. SUMMARY OF THE SUBJECT, . . . . 23I CHAPTER X. THE CANON IN THE CONFESSIONS OF DIFFERENT CHURCHES, ..... 240 CHAPTER XI. THE CANON FROM SEMLER TO THE PRESENT TIME, WITH REFLECTIONS ON ITS READJUSTMENT, . 247 THE CANON OF THE BIBLE. CHAPTER I. INTRODUCTORY. As introductory to the following dissertation, I shall explain and define certain terms that frequently occur in it, especially caiton, apocry- phal^ ecclesiastical^ and the like. A right appre- hension of these will make the observations advanced respecting the canon and its formation plainer. The words have not been taken in the same sense by all, a fact that obscures their sense. They have been employed more or less vaguely by different writers. Varying ideas have been attached to them. The Greek original of canon^ means primarily a straight rod or pole; and metaphorically, what ^ Kavibv. A ' V •' ' •*'•' '''TffE'ekSm2^k)F THE BIBLE. serves to keep a thing upright or straight, a rule. In the New Testament it occurs in Gal. vi. i6 and 2 Cor. x. 13, 15, 16, signifying in the former, a measure ; in the latter, what is measured, a dis- trict. But we have now to do with its ecclesiasti- cal use. There are three opinions as to the origin of its application to the writings used by the church. According to Toland, Whiston, Semler, Baur, and others, the word had originally the sense of list or catalogue of books publicly read in Christian assemblies. Others, as Steiner, sup- pose that since the Alexandrian grammarians applied it to collections of Old Gk-eek authors as models of excellence or classics, it meant classical (canonical) writings. According to a third opinion, the term included from the first the idea of a regulating principle. This is the more probable, because the same idea lies in the New Testament use of the noun, and pervades its applications in the language of the early Fathers down to the time of Constantine, as INTRODUCTORY. Credner has shown.^ The " canon of the church" in the Clementine homilies ;2 the "ecclesiastical canon," ^ and "the canon of the truth," in Clement and Irenaeus;* the "canon" of the faith in Polycrates,^ the regula fidei of Ter- tullian,^ and the libri regular es of Origen,^ imply a normative principle. But we cannot assent to Credner's view of the Greek word for canon being an abbreviation of "Scriptures of canon,"^ equivalent to Scriptures legis in Diocletian's Act^ — a view too artificial, and unsanctioned by usage. It is true that the word canon was employed by Greek writers in the sense of a mere list ; ^ Zur Geschichte des Kanons^ pp. 3-68. ^ Clement. Horn. ap. Coteler.y vol. i. p. 608. ^ Stromata, vi. 15, p. 803, ed. Potter. * Adv. Hczres., i. 95. 5 ^;>. Euseb. H. E., v. 24. ^ De prczscript. Hareticorum, chs. 12, 13. ^ Comment, in Mat. iii. p. 916 ; ed. Delarue. 8 ypa., 152. Other places have been added as corroborative, viz., 2 Maccab. iv. 44, xi. 27 ; i Maccab. vii. 33. Some go so far as to state that Jose ben Joeser THE OLD TESTAMENT. 39 was appointed its first president at that time. The Midrash in Bereshith Rabba (§ 65) makes him one of the sixty Hassidim who were treacherously murdered by Alcimus ; but this is neither in the first book of the Maccabees (chapter vii.) nor in Josephus,^ and must be pronounced conjectural. It is impossible to fix the exact date of Jose ben Joeser in the Hasmonean period. Pirke Aboth leaves it indefinite. Jonathan, Judas Maccabaeus's suc- cessor, when writing to the Lacedaemonians, speaks of the gertisia or senate as well as the people of the Jews ; whence we learn that the body existed as early as the time of Judas.^ Again, Demetrius writes to Simon, as also to the elders and natiojt of the Jews.^ After Jona- than and Simon, it may have been suspended for a while, in consequence of the persecution ^ Antiq., xii. 10, i. 2 Josephus's Antiq., xiii. 5, 8 ; i Maccab., xii. 35. I Maccab., xiii. 36. 40 THE CANON OF THE BIBLE. and anarchy prevailing in Judea ; till the great Sanhedrim at Jerusalem succeeded it, under Hyrcanus I. Though the traces of a senate in the Maccabaean epoch are slight, the Talmud countenances its existence.^ We believe that it was earlier than Judas Maccabaeus. Of its constitution nothing is known ; but it was pro- bably aristocratic. The Hasmonean- prince would naturally exert a commanding influence over it. The great synagogue had been a kind of democratic council, consisting of scribes, doctors or teachers, and priests.^ Like their predecessors of the great synagogue, the Has- monaean elders revised the text freely, putting into it explanatory or corrective additions, which were not always improvements. The way in which they used the book of Esther, employing it as a medium of Halachite pre- scription, shews a treatment involving little » Sota, 24 a. >» D^mO, Nehemiah viii. 3. THE OLD TESTAMENT. 41 idea of sacredness attaching to the Hagio- grapha. We are aware that the existence of this body- is liable to doubt, and that the expressions belonging to it in Jewish books, whether elders or gerusia, have been applied to the great synagogue or to the Sanhedrim at Jerusalem, or even to the elders of any little town or hamlet; but it is difficult to explain all on that hypothesis, without attributing confusion to the places where they occur. If the body in question be not allowed, an interval of about sixty years elapsed between the great syna- gogue and the Sanhedrim, during which the hagiographical writings were comparatively neglected, though literary activity did not cease. No authoritative association, at least, dealt with them. This is improbable. It is true that we read of no distinguished teachers in the interval, except Antigonus of Socho, disciple of Simon the Just ; but the silence can 42 THE CANON OF THE BIBLE, hardly weigh against a reasonable presumption. One thing is clear, viz., that Antigonus did not reach down to the time of the first pair that presided over the Sanhedrim. The contents of the third canon, i.e.y Psalms, Proverbs, Job, Canticles, Ecclesiastes, Esther, Daniel, Ezra, Nehemiah, Chronicles, the for- mation of which we assign to the Hasmonaean genisia, were multifarious, differing widely from one another in age, character, and value — poeti- cal, prophetic, didactic, historical. Such as seemed worthy of preservation, though they had not been included in the second canon, were gathered together during the space of an hundred and fifty years. The oldest part con- sisted of psalms supposed to belong to David. The first psalm, which contains within itself traces of late authorship, was prefixed as an in- troduction to the whole collection now put into the third canon. Next to the Psalms were Proverbs, Job, Canticles, which, though non- THE OLD TESTAMENT. 43 prophetic and probably excluded on that account from the second canon, must have existed before the exile. Enriched with the latest additions, they survived the national disasters, and claimed a place next to the Psalms. They were but a portion of the literature current in and after the 5 th century B.C., as may be inferred from the epilogue to Ecclesiastes, and the Wisdom of Sirach. The historical work compiled by the chronicle- writer was separated, Ezra being put first as the most important part and referring also to the church of the 6th and 5th centuries whose history had not been written. The Chronicles themselves were placed last, being considered of less value than the first part, as they contained the summary of a period already described, though with numerous adaptations to post-exile times. The youngest portion consisted of the book of Daniel, not written till the Maccabean period (between 170 44 THE CANON OF THE BIBLE. and 1 60 B.C.);^ and probably of several Psalms (44, 60, 74, 75, ^6, 79, 80, 83, 89, no, 118) which were inserted in different places of the collection to make the whole number 150. These late odes savour of the Maccabean time; and are fitly illustrated by the history given in the first book of Maccabees. The list continued open ; dominated by no stringent principle of selection, and with a character somewhat indefinite. It was called dtiibim, ^ Talmudic tradition, which attributes the redaction of the book to the men of the great synagogue who are said to have acted under the influence of the divine spirit, separates the three apocryphal pieces from the rest ; but this arose from the desire of discountenancing the idea that the work consists of romance and legend. Such later tradition took curious ways of justifying the canonicity of Daniel and the redaction of it by the great synagogue, ex gr., the assumption that the second part arose out of a series of unconnected MegUoth which were not reduced to chronological order. Still the Midrash main- tains that Daniel, or the person writing in his name, was no prophet, like Haggai, Zechariah, and Malachi, but a man of visions, an apocalyptist. It was a general belief, that visiom had come into the place of prophecy when the book appeared. The Greek translation could not have been long after the original, because it is used in the First Book of Maccabees. THE OLD TESTAMENT. 45 i.e.^ writings ; ^ a general epithet suited to the contents. Several books put into the third canon, — as Job, Proverbs, the greater number of the Psalms, &c., — existed when the second was made. But the latter collection was pre-eminently /;'^//^^//^/ and it was that idea of the origin and contents of the books in it which regulated its extent. Bloch's supposition that the parts of the third collection then existing were not looked upon as The interval between the Hebrew and the Greek was incon- siderable. The translator not only departed from, but added to, the original, inserting such important pieces as the Prayer of Azarias, the Song of the Three Children, the History of Susanna, and that of Bel and the Dragon. Whether any of these had been written before is uncertain. Most of the tradi- tions they embody were probably reduced to writing by the translator, and presented in his peculiar style. The assertion, that Josephus was unacquainted with these additions is hazard- ous, since the way in which he speaks of Daniel's fame (Antiq. X. 1 1, 7)> and especially of the books he wrote (rd ^i^Xia), sup- poses some relation to them. Elsewhere he speaks of ofie book (x. 10, 4 ; xi. 8, 5), where he may have thought of the canoni- cal part. ^ D''Ilin3j translated by the Greek ayt.bypa(l>a, hagiographa. 46 THE CANON OF THE BIBLE. holy, but merely as productions embodying human wisdom, and were therefore excluded, is improbable. We do not think that an alter- ation of opinion about them in the course of a century or more, by which they became divine and holy instead of human, is a satisfactory explanation. The Psalms of David and the book of Job must have been as highly esteemed in the period of the great synagogue's existence as they were at a later time. Other considera- tions besides the divinity and holiness of books contributed to their introduction into a canon. Ecclesiastes was taken into the third collection because it was attributed to Solomon. The Song of Songs was understood allegorically, — a fact which, in addition to its supposed Solo- monic authorship, determined its adoption. And even after their canonical reception, whether by the great synagogue or another body, the character of books was canvassed. It was so with Ecclesiastes, in spite of the THE OLD TESTAMENT. 47 supposed sanction it got from the great syna- gogue contained in the epilogue, added, as some think, by that body to attest the sacred- ness of the book.^ While the third canon was being made, the soferim, as the successors of the prophets, were active as before ; and though interpretation was their chief duty, they must have revised and corrected the sacred books to some extent. We need not hesitate to allow that they some- times arranged parts, and even added matter of their own. In the time of the canon's entire preparation, they and the priests, with writers and scholars generally, redacted the national literature, excluding or sanctioning such portions of it as they thought fit. 1 It has been thought that the phrase DISDi^ v^S i^ the ninth verse alludes to the great council or synagogue. This conjecture is plausible on various grounds. The reasons for attributing the epilogue to a later time than the writer of the book appear to be stronger than those assigning it to the original author. The 13th and 14th verses in particular, are unlike Coheleth. 48 THE CANON OF THE BIBLE. At this time appeared the present five-fold partition of the Psalms, preceded as it had been by other divisions, the last of which was very- similar to the one that became final. Several inscriptions and historical notices were prefixed. The inscriptions, however, belong to ver>^ dif- ferent times, their historical parts being usually older than the musical ; and date from the first collection to the period of the Hasmonean college, when the final redaction of the entire Psalter took place. Those in the first three books existed at the time when the latter were made up ; those in the last two were prefixed partly at the time when the collections them- selves were made, and partly in the Maccabean age. How often they are out of harmony with the poems themselves, needs no remark. They are both traditional and conjectural. The earliest attestation of the third canon is that of the prologue to Jesus Sirach (130 B.C.), where not only the law and the prophets are THE OLD TESTAMENT. 49 specified, but "the other books of the fathers," or " the rest of the books.''^ No information is given as to its extent, or the particular books included. They may have been for the most part the same as the present ones. The passage does not show that the third list was closed. The better writings of the fathers, such as tended to learning and wisdom, are not excluded by the definite article. In like manner, neither Philo nor the New Testament gives exact information as to the contents of the division in question. Indeed, several books. Canticles, Esther, Ecclesi- astes, are unnoticed in the latter. The argu- ment drawn from Matthew xxiii. 35, that the Chronicles were then the last book of the canon, is inconclusive ; as the Zecharlah there named was probably different from the Zechariah in •^ TO. &X\a Trdrpia ^i^Xia ; to. \onra tQiv ^t^Xiuy. The younger Sirach does not use ypacpal, which would have been a proper translation of c'tubim. Does not this dXXa imply the non-appli- cation of the specific title c'tubim to the hagiographa at that time, and therefore the idea that the third canon was still open ? D so THE CANON OF THE BIBLE. 2 Chronicles xxiv. None of these witnesses proves that the third canon was finally closed. A more definite testimony respecting the canon is given by Josephus towards the end of the first century A.D. "For we have not an innumerable multitude of books among us, . . . . but only twenty-two books, which contain the records of all the past times ; which are justly believed to be divine. And of them five belong to Moses But as to the time from the death of Moses till the reign of Artaxerxes king of Persia, the pro- phets who were after Moses wrote down what was done in their times in thirteen books. The remaining four books contain hymns to God and precepts for the conduct of human life. It is true our history has been written since Artaxerxes very particularly, but has not been esteemed of the like authority with the former by our forefathers, because there has not been an exact succession of prophets since that THE OLD TESTAMENT. 51 time : and how firmly we have given credit to these books of our own nation is evident by what we do ; for during so many ages as have already passed, no one has been so bold as either to add anything to them, to take any- thing from them, or to make any change in them ; but it has become natural to all Jews immediately and from their very birth, to esteem these books to contain divine doctrines, and to persist in them, and if occasion be, willingly to die for them."^ This list agrees with our present canon, showing that the Palestinian Jews were tolerably unanimous as to the extent of the collection. The thirteen prophets include Job ; the four lyric and moral books are Psalms, Proverbs, Ecclesiastes and Canticles. It is not likely that the Hasmonaean senate had a long existence. It was replaced by the Sanhedrim, a more definite and state institution, ^ Contra Apion, i. 8, 52 THE CANON OF THE BIBLE. intended as a counter-balance to the influence of the Hasmonaean princes. The notices of the latter reach no further back than Hyrcanus I., i.e.y about 135 B.C.^ Josephus speaks of it under Hyrcanus II.^ It cannot be referred to an earlier period than Hyrcanus I. Frankel ^ in- deed finds a notice of it in 2 Chronicles xix. 8, 1 1 ; but the account there is indistinct, and refers to the great synagogue. The compiler having no certain information about what was long past, transfers the origin of the court he speaks of to Jehoshaphat, in order to glorify the house of David. It is impossible to date the Sanhedrim, with Frankel, in the Grecian era, in which case it must have been dissolved during the Maccabean insurrection, and after- ' In Maaser Sheni, Sola 24. i, the duumvirate or suggoth, consisting of the president, Nasi, and vice-president, Ab-beth- din, are referred to Hyrcanus's creation. Zunz affirms that it originated in the time of Simon, son of Mattathias, 142 B.C. " Antiq., xiv., 9. • Der gerUhtlkJu Beweis^ p. 68. THE OLD TESTAMENT. 53 wards reconstructed ; it was not constituted till about 130 B.C. Whether it was modelled after the great synagogue or the Hasmonaean senate, is uncertain. The idea of it may have been suggested by the latter rather than the former, for its basis was aristocratic. The Hasmonaean genisia must have been less formal and definite than the Sanhedrim ; though the latter arose before the family ceased to be in power, and differed materially from its predecessor. It continued from 130 B.C. till A.D. 180, surviving the terrible disasters of the nation.^ The closing of the third canon cannot be assigned, with Bloch, to the great synagogue. If the college ceased with or before Simon, i.e.^ about 200-192, and the work of Daniel did not appear till about 170 B.C., twenty years at 1 The ^zx^^^xvax properly so called ceased under R. Judah I., Ha-Nasi, when the council of seventy members which sat at Sepphoris before his patriarchate, transferred its privileges to him, on his removal to that place. The court was then merged in the patriarch. 54 THE CANON OF THE BIBLE. least intervened between the extinction of the great synagogue and Daniel's book. This holds good, whether we assume, with Krochmal, the synagogue's redaction of the work, — more cor- rectly the putting together of the independent parts of which it is said to be composed ; or equally so, if the taking of it into the canon as a book already completed be attributed to the same body. But we are unable to see that Krochmal's reasoning about the synagogue put- ting Daniel's work together and one of the members writing the book of Esther is pro- bable. In like manner, Maccabean psalms are ad- verse to the hypothesis that the great syna- gogue completed the third canon. In conse- quence of these late productions, it is impossible to assert that the men of the synagogue were the redactors of the Psalter as it is. It is true that the collection was made before the Chronicles and many other books of the hagio- THE OLD TESTAMENT. 55 graphical canon ; but the complete Psalter did not appear till the Maccabean period. The canon, however, was not considered to be fin- ally closed in the first century before and the next after Christ. There were doubts about some portions. The book of Ezekiel gave offence, because some of its statements seemed to contradict the law. Doubts about others were of a more serious nature ; about Ecclesi- astes, the Canticles, Esther, and the Proverbs. The first was impugned because it had contra- dictory passages and a heretical tendency ; the second, because of its worldly and sensual tone ; Esther for its want of religiousness ; and Pro- verbs on account of inconsistencies. This scepticism went far to procure the exclusion of the suspected works from the canon, and their relegation to the class of the geimzim> But it did not prevail. Hananiah, son of 1 DH^22 literally concealed^ ivithdrawn from public use. 56 THE CANON OF THE BIBLE, Hezekiah, son of Garon, about 32 B.C., is said to have reconciled the contradictions and quieted the doubts.^ But these traces of resistance to the fixity of the canon were not the last. They reappeared about A.D. 65, as we learn from the Talmud,^ when the controversy turned mainly upon the canonicity of Ecclesiastes, which the school of Shammai, who had the majority, opposed ; so that the book was probably ex- cluded.^ The question emerged again at a later synod at Jabneh or Jamnia, when R. Eleasar ben Asaria was chosen patriarch, and Gamaliel the second deposed. Here it was decided, not unanimously however, but by a majority of Hillelites, that Ecclesiastes and the Song of Songs " pollute the hands," i.e., belong properly to the Hagiographa.* This was about ' See Fiirst's Der Kanon des alien Testaments, u.s.7v. pp. 147, 148. ' Tract. Sabbat, ch. i. ' Because of its profane spirit and Epicurean ideas ; see Adoyot V. 3. * Yadayim v. 3. 7 HE OLD TESTAMENT. 57 90 A.D.i Thus the question of the canonicity of certain books was discussed at two synods. Passages in the Talmud have been adduced to shew that the Shammaite objections to the canonicity of Ecclesiastes " were overruled by the positive declaration from the 72 elders, being a testimony anterior to the Christian era that Coheleth is canonical ; " but they do not support the opinion.^ " The sages " referred to in the treatise Sabbat and elsewhere is a vague expression, resting apparently on no historic tradition — a mere opinion of compara- tively late date. If it refer to the Jerusalem ' See Graetz's Kohelet^ pp. 162, 163. 2 The sages wished to pronounce Coheleth apocryphal, be- cause its statements are contradictory. And why have they not declared it apocryphal ? Because it begins with words of the law, and ends with words of the law, for it opens with the words "What advantage has man in all his labour wherewith he labours under the sun?" &c., &c. — Sabbat. 30b. So also in the Midrash : "The sages wished to pronounce Coheleth apocryphal," &c,, &c.— Vayyikra rabba 161 b. 58 THE CANON OF THE BIBLE. synod A.D. 65, the Hillelites were simply outnumbered there by the Shammaites. The matter was debated hastily, and determined for the time by a majority. But the synod at Jamnia consisted of 72 persons ; and a passage in the treatise Yadayim refers to it.^ The testimony of the 72 elders to whom R. Simeon ben Asai here alludes, so far from belonging to an ante-christian era, belongs to a date about 90 iV.D. And the fact that the synod at Jamnia took up again a question already debated at Jerusalem a.d. 65, proves that no final settle- ment of the canon had taken place before. The canon was virtually settled at Jamnia, where was confirmed what R. Akiba said of the Canticles in his usual extravagant way : " No day in the whole history of the world is of so * R. Simeon ben Asai said, ** I have received it from the mouth of the 72 elders in the day that R. Eleasar ben Asaria was appointed elder, that the Song of Songs and Coheleth pollute the hands." — Yadayim v. 3. THE OLD TESTAMENT. 59 much worth as the one in which the Song of Songs was given to Israel ; for all the Scriptures are holy ; but the Song of Songs is most holy.''^ As the Hagiographa were not read in public, with the exception of Esther, opinions of the Jewish rabbins might still differ about Canticles and Ecclesiastes, even after the synod of Jamnia. In opposition to these remarks, it is stren- uously argued by Bloch that neither the pas- sage in the Mishnic treatise Yadayim, nor any other, refers to the canonical character of the books to which Jewish elders raised several objections. But his arguments are more vehe- ment than valid. Anxious to assign the final settlement of the entire canon to an authorita- tive body like the great synagogue, he affirms that all parties were united in opinion about ^ This language was based on a figurative interpretation of the Song. One who said, " Whoever reads such writings as Sirach and the later books loses all part in everlasting hfe," can have no weight. He outheroded the Palestinian tradition respecting the Jewish productions of later origin, which merely affirms that they "do not pollute the hands." — {^Toss. Yadayim^ c 2.) 6o THE CANON OF THE BIBLE. the time of Christ, — Assiim, Perushim, and Zeddukim ; Shammaites and Hillelites. But it requires more than his ingenuity to explain away the meaning of Yadayim 3, 5, Adoyot v. 3, Sabbat I. To what did such diversity of opinion relate, if not to the canonical character of the books ? A specific answer to the ques- tion is not given by the learned writer,^ who is too eager in his endeavour to attribute the settlement of the third canon to the great synagogue, and to smooth away all diversities of opinion about several books, after that time, as if none could afterwards question the autho- ritative settlement by that body. He will not even allow a wider canon to the Alexandrian Jews than that of their Palestinian brethren, though he cannot but admit that the former read and highly esteemed various apocryphal books because of their theocratic character. Surely the practical use of writings is an evi- ' Siudien zur GeschichU^ u, s. 7v., p. 150, &c. THE OLD TESTAMENT. 6i dence of their canonicity as strong as theoretical opinions. The doubts about several books to which we have alluded, some of which Hananiah is said to have resolved in his old age, imply a diligent study of the national literature, if not a revision of the text ; and the Tannaite college at Jabneh must have cared for the same things, as it had to deal with similar objections. After the last canon was made more than a century anterior to the Christian era, the text was not considered inviolate by the learned Jews; it received subsequent modifications and interpolations. The process of redaction had not ceased before the time of Christ. This was owing, among other causes, to the state of parties among the Jews, as well as the intrusion of Greek literature and culture, whose influence the Palestinian Jews themselves were not able al- together to withstand. When Jeremiah accused the Scribes of falsifying the law by their lying 62 THE CANON OF THE BIBLE. pen (viii. 8), it may be inferred that the same process took place afterwards ; that offensive things were removed, and alterations made continuously down to the close of the canon, and even after. The corrections consisted of additions and changes of letters, being indicated in part by the most ancient versions and the traditions of the Jews themselves who often knew what stood in the text at first, and why it was altered. They are also indicated by the nature of the passage itself viewed in the light of the state of religion at the time. Here sober judgment must guard against unnecessary conjectures. Some changes are apparent, as the plural oaks in Genesis xiii. i8, xiv. 13, xviii. I, Deuteronomy xi. 30, for the singular oak ; and the plural gods in Exodus xxxii. 4 for the singular god. So 2 Sam. vii. 23, (comp. I Chron. xvii. 21, and LXX.) \^ and Deuterono- » Geiger's Urschrifi, p. 288. THE OLD TESTAMENT. 63 my xxxii. 8,^ have been altered. Popper and Geiger have probably assumed too much cor- rection on the part of the Scribes and others ; though they have drawn attention to the subject in the spirit of original criticism. Jewish literature began to degenerate after the captivity, and it continued to do so. It leant upon the past more and more, having an external and formal character with little of the living soul. The independence of their reli- gious literature disappeared with the national independence of the Jews ; and the genius of the people was too exclusive to receive much expansion from the spirit of nations with whom they came in contact. In such circumstances, amid the general consciousness of present misfortune which the hope of a brighter future could not dispel, and regretful retrospects of the past tinged with ideal splendour, the exact ^ See De Goeje in the Theologisch Tijdschriff Jaargang IL (1868) p. 179, &c. 64 THE CANON OF THE BIBLE. time of drawing a line between books that might be included in the third division of the canon must have been arbitrary. In the absence of a normal principle to determine selection, the productions were arbitrarily separ- ated. Not that they were badly adjusted. On the contrary, the canon as a whole was settled wisely. Yet the critical spirit of learned Jews in the future could not be extinguished by anticipation. The canon was not really settled for all time by a synodical gathering at Jamnia ; for Sirach was added to the Hagio- grapha by some rabbins about the beginning of the 4th century;^ while Baruch circulated long in Hebrew, and was publicly read on the day of atonement in the third century, accord- ing to the Apostolic constitutions.^ These two books were in high repute for a considerable time, possessing a kind of canonical credit * Zunz's Dit gottesdienstlichen Vortragty pp. loi, 102. ' V. 20, p. 124, ed. Ucllzcn. THE OLD TESTAMENT. 65 even among the learned Jews of Palestine. Rab, Jochanan, Elasar, Rabba bar Mare, occasionally refer to Sirach in the way in which the c'tubim were quoted ; the writer of Daniel used Baruch ; and the translator of Jeremiah put it into Greek. If it be asked on what principle books were admitted into the canon, a single answer does not suffice. One and the same criterion did not determine the process at all times. The lead- ing principle with which the first canon-makers set out was to collect all the documents of Hebrew antiquity. This seems to have guided Ezra, if not the great synagogue after him. The nation, early imbued with the theocratic spirit and believing itself the chosen of God, was favourably inclined towards documents in which that standpoint was assumed. The legal and ethical were specially valued. The pro- phetic claimed a divine origin ; the lyric or poetic touched and elevated the ideal faculty E 66 THE CANON OF THE BIBLE, on which religion acts. But the leading prin- ciple which actuated Ezra and the great syna- gogue was gradually modified, amid the growing compass of the national literature and the con- sciousness that prophecy ceased with Malachi. When the latest part of the canon had to be selected from a literature almost contem- poraneous, regard was had to such produc- tions as resembled the old in spirit. Ortho- doxy of contents was the dominant criterion. But this was a difficult thing, for various works really anonymous, though wearing the garb of old names and histories, were in existence, so that the boundary of the third part became uncertain and fluctuating. The principle that actuated Ezra in making the first canon was a religious and patriotic one. From his treatment of the oldest law books we infer that he did not look upon them as inviol- able. Venerable they were, and so far sacred ; but neither perfect nor complete for all time. THE OLD TESTAMENT. 67 In his view they were not unconditionally- authoritative. Doubtless they had a high value as the productions of inspired lawgivers and men of a prophetic spirit ; but the redaction to which he submitted them shows no super- stitious reverence. With him canonical and holy were not identical. Nor does the idea of an immediate, divine authority appear to have dominated the mind of the great synagogue in the selection of books. Like Ezra, these scholars reverenced the productions of the prophets, poets, and historians to whom their countrymen were indebted in the past for re- ligious or political progress ; but they did not look upon them as the offspring of unerring wisdom. How could they, while witnessing repetitions and minor contradictions in the books collected ? The same remarks apply to the third canon. Direct divinity of origin was not the criterion which determined the reception of a book into 68 THE CANON OF THE BIBLE. it; but the character and authorship of the book. Did it breathe the old spirit, or proceed from one venerated for his wisdom ? Was it like the old orthodox productions ; or did it bear the name of one renowned for his piety and knowledge of divine things ? The stamp of antiquity was necessary in a certain sense ; but the theocratic spirit was the leading consideration. Ecclesiastes was admitted be- cause it bore the name of Solomon ; and Daniel's apocalyptic writings, because veiled under the name of an old prophet. New psalms were taken in because of their asso- ciation with much older ones in the temple service. Yet the first book of Maccabees was excluded, though written in Hebrew. It is still more remarkable that Sirach was put among the external productions ; but this was owing not so much to its recent origin, for it is older than the book of Daniel, as to its being an apparent echo of the Proverbs, and therefore THE OLD TESTAMENT. 69 unnecessary. Yet it was long after assigned to the Hagiographa, and quoted as such by several rabbis. Baruch was also left out, though it is as old as Daniel, if not older; and professes to have been written by Jeremiah's friend, in Babylon. That redactors dealt freely with the text of the second and third canons especially, without a superstitious belief in its sacredness, is appar- ent from the double recension which existed when the Egyptian Jews translated the books into Greek. If the one that formed the basis of the Alexandrian version be less correct than the Palestinian in the majority of instances, it is still superior in many. The differences between them, often remarkable, prove that those who had most to do with the books did not guard them as they would have done had they thought them infallibly inspired. Palestinians and Alex- andrians subjected the text to redaction ; or had suffered it to fall into a state inconsistent with 70 THE CANON OF THE BIBLE. the assumption of its supernatural origin. At a much later period, the Masoretes reduced to one type all existing copies of their Scriptures, in- troducing an uniformity imperatively demanded in their opinion by multiplied discrepancies. Whatever divine character the reflecting at- tributed to the canonical books, it must have amounted to the same thing as that assigned to human attributes and physical phenomena — a divinity resulting from the over-leaping of second causes, in the absence of inductive philosophy. Here the imperfection conditioned by the nature of the created cannot be hid. Yet the books may be truly said to have con- tained the word of God. Of the three divisions, the Law or Pentateuch was most highly venerated by the Jews. It was the first translated into Greek; and in Philo's view was inspired in a way peculiar to itself. The Prophets^ or second division, occu- pied a somewhat lower place in their estimation. THE OLD TESTAMENT. 71 but were read in the public services as the law- had been before. The c'ttibim, or third division, was not looked upon as equal to the Prophets in importance : only the five Megiloth were publicly read. The three parts of the collection present the three gradations of sanctity which the books assumed successively in Israelite estimation. A certain reverence was attached to all as soon as they were made canonical ; but the reverence was not of equal height, and the supposed authority was pro- portionally varied.^ The consciousness of pro- phetism being extinct soon after the return from Babylon, was a genuine instinct. With the extinction of the Jewish state the religious spirit almost evaporated. The idealism which the old prophets proclaimed in contrast with the symbolic religion of the state gave place to forms and an attachment to the written law. ^ Dillmann, in the yahrbucher fur deutsche Theologie, drittcr Band, p. 422. 72 THE CANON OF THE BIBLE. Religion came to be a thing of the understand- ing, the subject of learned treatment; and its essence was reduced to dogmas or precepts. Thus it ceased to be a spiritual element in which the heart had free scope for its highest aspirations. In addition to all, a foreign meta- physical theology, the Persian doctrine of spirits, was introduced, which seemed to enlarge the sphere of speculation, but really retarded the free exercise of the mind. As the external side of religion had been previously directed to the performance of good works, this externality was now determined by a written law. Even the prophetism that appeared after the restora- tion was little more than an echo of the past, falling in with an outward and written legalism. The literature of the people deteriorated in quality, and prophecy became apocalypse. In such circumstances the advent of a new man was needed to restore the free life of religion in higher power. Christ appeared in the fulness THE OLD TESTAMENT. 73 of time to do this effectually by proclaiming- the divine Fatherhood, and founding a worship in spirit and hi truth. Rising above the symbolic wrappings of the Mosaic religion, and relying upon the native power of the spirit itself, he shewed how man may mount up to the throne of God, adoring the Supreme without the inter- vention of temple, sacrifice, or ceremony. When the three divisions were united, the ecclesiastical respect which had gathered round the law and the prophets from ancient times began to be transferred to the dtubim. A belief in their sanctity increased apace in the 1st century before the Christian era, so that sacredness and canonicity were almost identical. The doubts of individuals, it is true, were still expressed respecting certain books of the c'tubim, but they had no perceptible effect upon the current opinion. The sanctity attach- ing to the last division as well as the others did not permit the total displacement of any part. 74 THE CANON OF THE BIBLE. The passage in Josephus already quoted shows the state of the canon about A.D. loo. According to it, he considered it to have been closed at the time of Artaxerxes Longimanus, whom he identifies with the Ahasuerus of Esther, 464-424 B.C. The books were divine, so that none dared to add to, substract from, or alter them. To him the canon was some- thing belonging to the venerable past, and inviolable. In other words, all the books were peculiarly sacred. Although we can scarcely think this to be his private opinion merely, it is probably expressed in exaggerated terms, and hardly tallies with his use of the third Esdras in preference to the canonical texts.^ His authority, however, is small. Bloch*s estimate of it is too high. It is utterly impro- bable that Josephus's opinion was universally held by the Jews in his day. His division of the books is peculiar: five Mosaic, thirteen * In his Antiq,^ x. 4, 5, and xi. 1-5. THE OLD TESTAMENT. 75 historical, four containing religious songs and rules of life. It appears, indeed, that as he had the same twenty- two books we now have, Ruth was still attached to Judges, and Lamentations to Jeremiah ; but his credit is not on a par with that of a Jew who adhered to his countrymen in the time of their calamity. He wrote for the Romans. One who believed that Esther was the youngest book in the canon, who looked upon Ecclesiastes as Solomon's, and Daniel as an exile production, cannot be a competent judge. In his time the historical sense of the book of Daniel was misapprehended ; for after the Grecian dynasty had fallen without the fulfilment of the Messianic prophecy connected with it, the Roman empire was put into its place. Hence various allusions in The History of the Jewish Wars.^ The passage in the Antiquities,^ about Alexander the Great and ' iv. 6, sec. 3, and vi, 2, sec. i. ^ xi. 8, sec. $. 76 THE CANON OF THE BIBLE. the priests in the Temple at Jerusalem is apoc- ryphal. In any case, Josephus does not furnish a genuine list of the canonical books any more than Philo. The Pharisaic view of his time is undoubtedly given, that the canon was then complete and sacred. The decision proceeded from that part of the nation who ruled both over school and people, and regained supremacy after the destruction of the temple ; i.e., from the Pharisee-sect to which Josephus belonged. It was a conclusion of orthodox Judaism. With true critical instinct, Spinoza says that the canon was the work of the Pharisees. The third collection was undoubtedly made under their influence. The origin of the threefold division of the canon is not, as Oehler supposes,^ a reflection of the different stages of religious development * Article "Kanon" in Herzog's Encyklopadie, vol. vii., p. 253; and the same author's Prolegomena zur Theologie des alt. Test., pp. 91, 92. THE OLD TESTAMENT. 77 through which the nation passed, as if the foundation were the Law, the ulterior tendency in its objective aspect the Prophets, and its subjective aspect the Hagiographa. The books of Chronicles and others refute this arbitrary conception. The triplicity lies in the manner in which the books were collected. Men who belonged to different periods and possessed different degrees of culture worked successively in the formation of the canon; which arose out of the circumstances of the times, and the subjective ideas of those who made it. The places of the separate books within the first division or Torah, were determined by the succession of the historical events narrated. The second division naturally begins with Moses's successor, Joshua. Judges, Samuel, and Kings follow according to the regular chronology. To the former prophets, as Joshua — Kings were called, the latter were attached. 78 THE CANON OF THE BIBLE. Isaiah, Jeremiah, and Ezekiel ; succeeded by the twelve minor prophets, arranged for the most part according to their times, though the length of individual prophecies and simi- larity of contents also influenced their position. The arrangement of books in the third division depended on their age, character, and authors. The Psalms were put first, because David was supposed to be the author of many, and on account of their intrinsic value in promoting the religious life of the people. After the Psalms came the three poetical works attri- buted to Solomon, with the book of Job among them, — Proverbs, Job, Canticles, Ecclesiastes. The book of Esther followed, since it was in- tended to further the observance of the Purim feast ; with the late book of Daniel. The position of Daniel among the ciubim arises solely from the fact of its posterior origin to the prophetic writings, not excepting the book of Jonah itself ; and the attempt to account for THE OLD TESTAMENT. 79 its place in the third division on the ground of its predominant subjectivity is based on the unfounded assumption that the objective state of religion is represented in the second division and the subjective in the third. Had the book existed before 400 B.C., it would doubtless have stood in the second division. But the contents themselves demonstrate its date ; contemporary history being wrapped in a prophetic form. Having some affinity to Esther as regards heathenism and Greek life, the book was put next to the latter. To Ezra and Nehemiah, which were adopted before the other part of the Chronicle-book and separated from it, were added the so-called Chronicles. Such was the original succession of the third division or dtubim; but it did not remain unaltered. For the use of the synagogue the five Megiloth were put together; so that Ruth, which was originally appended to Judges, and the Lamentations affixed at first to Jeremiah's 8o THE CANON OF THE BIBLE. prophecies, were taken out of the second and put into the third canon. This caused a separation of Canticles and Ecclesiastes. The new arrangement was made for liturgical purposes. CHAPTER HI. THE SAMARITAN AND ALEXANDRIAN CANONS. The Samaritan canon consists of the Pentateuch alone. This restricted collection is owing to the fact, that when the Samaritans separated from the Jews and began their worship on Gerizim, no more than the Mosaic writings had been invested by Ezra with canonical dignity. The hostile feeling be- tween the rivals hindered the reception of books subsequently canonized. The idea of their having the oldest and most sacred part in its entirety satisfied their spiritual wants. Some have thought that the Sadducees, who already existed as a party before the Maccabean period, agreed with the Samaritans in rejecting F 82 THE CANON OF THE BIBLE. all but the Pentateuch ; yet this is doubtful. It is true that the Samaritans themselves say so ;^ and that some of the church fathers, Crigen, Jerome, and others agree; but little reliance can be put on the statement. The latter, perhaps, confounded the Samaritans and Sad- ducees. It is also noteworthy that Christ in refuting the Sadducees appeals to the Penta- teuch alone ; yet the conclusion, that he did so because of their admitting no more than that portion does not follow. The Alexandrian canon differed from the Palestinian. The Greek translation commonly called the Septuagint contains some later pro- ductions which the Palestinian Jews did not adopt, not only from their aversion to Greek literature generally, but also from the recent origin of the books, perhaps also their want of prophetic sanction. The closing line of the third part in the Alexandrian canon was more or less ' See Abulfatach's Annal, Samar.^ p. 102, 9, &c. SAMARITAN &- ALEXANDRIAN CANONS. 83 fluctuating — capable of admitting recent writ- ings appearing under the garb of old names and histories, or embracing religious subjects ; while the Palestinian collection was pretty well determined, and all but finally settled. The judgment of the Alexandrians was freer than that of their brethren in the mother country. They had even separated in a measure from the latter, by erecting a temple at Leontopolis ; and their enlargement of the canon was another step of divergence. Nor had they the criterion of language for the separation of canonical and uncanonical ; both classes were before them in the same tongue. The enlarged canon was not formally sanctioned ; it had not the approval of the Sanhedrim ; yet it was to the Alexandrians what the Palestinian one was to the Palestinians. If Jews who were not well acquainted with Hebrew used the apocryphal and canonical books alike, it was a matter of feeling and custom ; and if those who knew the 84 THE CANON OF THE BIBLE. old language better adhered to the canonical more closely, it was a matter of tradition and language. The former set little value on the prevalent consciousness of the race that the spirit of prophecy was extinct; their view of the Spirit's operation was larger. The latter clung to the past with all the more tenacity that the old life of the nation had degenerated. The Alexandrian Jews opened their minds to Greek culture and philosophy, appropriating new ideas, and explaining their Scriptures in accordance with wider conceptions of the divine presence ; though such adaptation turned aside the original sense. Consciously or unconsciously they were preparing Judaism in some degree to be the religion of humanity. But the Rabbins shut out those enlarging influences, confinihg their religion within the narrow traditions of one people. The process by which they con- served the old belief helped to quench its spirit, so that it became an antique skeleton, powerless SAMARITAN &- ALEXANDRIAN CANONS. 85 beside the new civilisation which had followed the wake of Alexander's conquests. Rabbinical Judaism proved its incapacity for regenerating the world ; having no affinity for the philosophy of second causes, or for the exercise of reason beneath the love of a Father who sees with equal eye as God of all. Its isolation nourished a sectarian tendency. Tradition, having no crea- tive power like revelation, had taken the place of it ; and it could not ward off the senility of Judaism ; for its creations are but feeble echoes of prophetic utterances, weak imitations of poetic inspiration or of fresh wisdom. They are of the understanding rather than the reason. The tra- dition which Geiger describes as the life-giving soul of Judaism — the daughter of revelation, enjoying the same rights with her mother — a spiritual power that continues ever to work — an emanation from the divine Spirit — is not, indeed, the thing which has stiffened Judaism into Rab- binism ; but neither is it tradition proper ; it is 86 THE CANON OF THE BIBLE. reason working upon revelation, and moulding it into a new system. Such traditio7t serves but to show the inability of genuine Judaism to assimilate philosophic thought. Rationalising should not be styled the operation of tradition. The truth of these remarks is evident from a comparison of two books, exemplifying Alexan- drian and Palestinian Judaism respectively. The Wisdom of Solomon shows the enlarging effect of Greek philosophy. Overpassing Jew- ish particularism, it often approaches Christi- anity in doctrine and spirit, so that some^ have even assumed a Christian origin for it. The Wisdom of Jesus son of Sirach has not the doc- trine of immortality. Death is there an eternal sleep, and retribution takes place in this life. The Jewish theocracy is the centre of history ; Israel the elect people ; and all wisdom is embodied in the law. The writer is shut up within the old national ideas, and leans upon the writings in Kirschbaum, Weisse, and Noack. SAMARITAN ^ ALEXANDRIAN CANONS. 87 which they are expressed. Thus the H agio- graphical canon of Judea, conservative as it is, and purer in a sense, presents a narrower type than the best specimens of the Alexandrian one. The genial breath of Aryan culture had not ex- panded its Semitism. The identity of the Palestinian and Alexan- drian canons must be abandoned, notwithstand- ing the contrary arguments of Eichhorn and Movers. It is said, indeed, that Philo neither mentions nor quotes the Greek additions; but neither does he quote several canonical books. According to Eichhorn, no fewer than eight of the latter are unnoticed by him.^ Besides, he had peculiar views of inspiration, and quoted loosely from memory. Believing as he did in the inspiration of the Greek version as a whole, it is difficult to think that he made a distinction between the different parts of it. In one passage he refers to the sacred 1 Einleiiung in das alte Testament, vol. i. p. 133. THE CANON OF THE BIBLE. books of the Therapeutae, a fanatical sect of Jews in Egypt, as ^^ laws^ oracles of prophets y hymns and other books by which knowledge and piety are increased and perfected,"^ but this presents little information as to the canon of the Egyptian Jews generally ; for it is precari- ous argumentation to say with Herbst that they prove a twofold canon. Even if the Alex- andrian and Palestinian canons be identical, we cannot be sure that the otiier books which the Therapeutae read as holy besides the law, the propliets and hymns, differed from the hagio- grapha, and so constituted another canon than the general Egyptian one. It is quite possible that the hymns mean the Psalms ; and the other books, the rest of the hagiographa. The argument for the identity of the two canons deduced from 4 Esdras xiv. 44, &c., as if the twenty-four open books were dis- tinguished from the other writings dictated to 1 De vita contemplativa, 0pp. Tom. ii., p. 475, ed. Mangey. SAMARITAN &= ALEXANDRIAN CANONS. 89 Ezra, is of no force, because verisimilitude required that an Egyptian Jew himself must make Ezra conform to the old Palestinian canon. It is also alleged that the grandson of Jesus Sirach, who translated his grandfather's work during his abode in Egypt, knew no difference between the Hebrew and Greek canon, though he speaks of the Greek version ; but he speaks as a Palestinian, without having occasion to allude to the difference between the canonical books of the Palestinian and Egyptian Jews. The latter may have reckoned the apocryphal writings in the third division ; and therefore the translator of Jesus Sirach could recognise them in the ordinary classification. The mention of three classes is not opposed to their presence in the third. The general use of an enlarged canon in Egypt cannot be denied, though it was somewhat loose, not re- garded as a completed collection, and without express rabbinical sanction. If they did not 90 THE CANON OF THE BIBLE. formally recognise a canon of their own, as De Wette says of them, they had and used one larger than the Palestinian, without troubling themselves about a y^r;«^/ sanction for it by a body of Rabbis at Jerusalem or elsewhere. Their canon was not identical with that of the Palestinians, and all the argumentation founded upon Philo's non-quotation of the apocryphal books fails to prove the contrary. The very way in which apocryphal are inserted among canonical books in the Alexandrian canon, shows the equal rank assigned to both. Esdras first and second succeed the Chronicles ; Tobit and Judith are between Nehemiah and Esther ; the Wisdom of Solomon and Sirach follow Canticles ; Baruch succeeds Jeremiah ; Daniel is followed by Sus- anna and other productions of the same class ; and the whole closes with the three books of Mac- cabees. Such is the order in the Vatican MS. The threefold division of the canon, in- dicating three stages in its formation, has SAMARITAN &- ALEXANDRIAN CANONS. gt continued. Josephus, indeed, gives another, based on the nature of the separate books, not on MSS. We learn nothing from him of its history, which is somewhat remark- able, considering that he did not live two centuries after the last work had been added. The account of the canon's final arrangement was evidently unknown to him. CHAPTER IV. NUMBER AND ORDER OF THE SEPARATE BOOKS. The number of the books was variously es- timated. Josephus gives twenty-two, which was the usual number among Christian writers in the second, third, and fourth centuries, having been derived perhaps from the letters of the Hebrew alphabet. Origen, Jerome, and others have it. It continued longest among the teachers of the Greek Church, and is even in Nicephorus's stichometry.^ The enumeration in question has Ruth with Judges, and Lamentations with Jeremiah. In Epiphanius^ the number twenty- seven is found, made by taking the alphabet * See Credner's Zur Geschichte des Kanons^ p. 124. * De mens, et pond.^ chapters 22, 23, vol. ii. p. 180, ed. Petav. ORDER OF THE SEPARATE BOOKS. 93 enlarged with the five final letters, and dividing Samuel, Kings, and Chronicles into two books each. This is probably an ingenious combina- tion belonging to the father himself. The Talmud has twenty-four,^ a number which did not originate in the Greek alphabet, else the Palestinian Jews would not have adopted it. The synagogue did not fix it officially. After the Pentateuch and the former prophets, which are in the usual order, it gives Jeremiah as the first of the later, succeeded by Ezekiel and Isaiah with the twelve minor prophets. The Talmud knows no other reason for such an order than that it was made according to the contents of the prophetic books, not according to the times of the writers. This solution is unsatisfactory. It is more probable that chronology had to do with the arrangement.2 After the anonymous collection or second part of Isaiah had been joined to the 1 Baba Batkra, fol. 14, 2. ^ See Furst, Der Kanon u. s. w. p. 14, &c. 94 THE CANON OF THE BIBLE. first or authentic prophecies, the lateness of these oracles brought Isaiah into the third place among the greater prophets. The Talmudic order of the Hagiographa is Ruth, Psalms, Job, Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, Canticles, Lamentations, Daniel, Esther, Ezra, Chronicles. Here Ruth precedes the Psalter, coming as near the former prophets as possible ; for it properly belongs to them, the contents associating it with the Judges' time. The Talmudic order is that usually adopted in German MSS. What is the true estimate of it .-* Is it a proper Talmudic regulation t Perhaps not, else the Hebrew MSS. of the French and Spanish Jews would not so readily have departed from it. Bloch supposes that Baba Bathra, which gives the arrangement of the books, is one of the apocryphal Boraithas that proceeded from an individual teacher and had no binding authority.^ * Studien sur Geschuhte der alttestamentliche Literatur, u. s. jv.t p. 1 8, etc. ORDER OF THE SEPARATE BOOKS. 95 The Masoretic arrangement differs from the Talmudic in putting Isaiah before Jeremiah and Ezekiel. The Hagiographa are, Psalms, Pro- verbs, Job, Canticles, Ruth, Lamentations, Ecclesiastes, Esther, Daniel, Ezra (with Nehe- miah), Chronicles.^ This is usually adopted in Spanish MSS. But MSS. often differ arbi- trarily, because transcribers did not consider themselves bound to any one arrangement.^ According to some, a very old testimony to the commencing and concluding books of the third division is given by the New Testa- ment (Luke xxiv. 44; Matthew xxiii. 35), agreeably to which the Psalms were first and the Chronicles last; but this is incon- clusive. The Alexandrian translators, as we have seen already, placed the books differently from ^ Hody, De Bibliorum iexiibus originalibuSf p. 644. ^ Hody gives lists of the order in which the books stand in some early printed editions and in a few MSS., p. 645. 96 THE CANON OF THE BIBLE. the Palestinian Jews. In their version Daniel comes after Ezekiel, so that it is put beside the greater prophets. Was this done by Jews or Christians } Perhaps by the latter, who put it between the greater and lesser prophets, or in other words, out of the third into the second division, because of dogmatic grounds, and so effaced a trace of the correct chronology. Little importance, however, can be attached to the order of the books in the Septuagint ; because the work was done at different times by different persons. But whatever may have been the arrangement of the parts when the whole was complete, we know that it was disturbed by Protestants separating the apocryphal writings and putting them all together. CHAPTER V. USE OF THE OLD TESTAMENT BY THE FIRST CHRISTIAN WRITERS, AND BY THE FATHERS • TILL THE TIME OF ORIGEN. The writings of the New Testament show the authors' acquaintance with the apocryphal books. They have expressions and ideas derived from them. Stier collected one hundred and two passages which bear some resemblance to others in the Apocrypha;^ but they needed sifting, and were cut down to a much smaller number by Bleek. They are James i. 19, from Sirach v. 11 and iv. 29; i Peter i. 6, 7, from Wisdom iii. 3-7 ; Hebrews xi. 34, 35, from 2 Maccabees vi. 18 — vii. 42; Hebrews i. 3, from Wisdom vii. 26, &c. ; Romans i. 20-32, from ^ Die Apokryphen^ u. s. lu,, p. 14, &c. G 98 THE CANON OF THE BIBLE. Wisdom xiii.-xv. ; Romans ix. 21, from Wisdom XV. 7; Eph. vi. 13-17, from Wisdom v. 18-20; I Cor. ii. 10, &c., from Judith viii. 14. Others are less probable.^ When Bishop Cosin says, that " in all the New Testament we find not any one passage of the apocryphal books to have been alleged either by Christ or His apostles for the confirmation of their doctrine,"^ the argument, though based on fact, is scarcely conclusive; else Esther, Canticles, Ecclesiastes, and other works might be equally discredited. Yet it is probable that the New Testament writers, though quoting the Septuagint much more than the original, were disinclined to the additional parts of the Alexandrian canon. They were Palestinian themselves, or had in view Judaisers of a narrow creed. Prudential motives, no less than a predisposition in favour of the old national canon, may have hindered » Siudtm und Kritiknt for 1853, p. 267, &c. • A Scholasiicol History of lh( Canotty p. 22. CHRISTIAN USE OF THE OLD TESTAMENT. 99 them from expressly citing any apocryphal production. The apostle Paul and probably the other writers of the New Testament, believed in the literal inspiration of the Biblical books, for he uses an argument in the Galatian epistle which turns upon the singular or plural of a noun.^ And as the inspiration of the Septuagint translation was commonly held by the Christians of the early centuries, it may be that the apostles and evangelists made no distinction between its parts. Jude quotes Enoch, an apocryphal work not in the Alexandrian canon ; so that he at ^ See Rothe, Zur Doginatik, Studien u. Kritiken for i860, p. 67, &c. The apostle's argument rests on the occurrence of the singular {seed, Tobit is cited as Scripture!" His view of the additions to the books of Daniel and Esther, as well as his opinion about Tobit, are sufficiently expressed in the epistle to Africanus, so that scattered quotations from these parts of Scripture can be properly estimated. Of the history of Susanna he ventures to say that the Jews * Comment, in ydann., torn, xxxii. ch. 14, ed. Huet. p. 409. * Contra Cels. iii. 72 ; vol. i. p. 494, ed. Delarue. ' In Exodus^ Horn. vi. i ; Levit. Horn. v. 2. * In Levit. y Horn. xii. 4. * In Lukam, Horn. 2 1 . " De Oraiione^ ii. p. 215. CHRISTIAN USE OF THE OLD TESTAMENT. 107 withdrew it on purpose from the people.^ He seems to argue in favour of books used and read in the churches, though they may be put out of the canon by the Jews. As divine Providence had preserved the sacred Scriptures, no alteration should be made in the ecclesi- astical tradition respecting books sanctioned by the churches though they be external to the Hebrew canon. Most of the writings of Methodius Bishop of Tyre^ are lost, so that we know little of his opinions respecting the books of Scripture. But it is certain that he employed the Apo- crypha like the other writings of the Old Testa- ment. Thus Sirach (xviii. 30 and xix. 2) is quoted in the same way as the Proverbs.^ Wisdom (iv. 1-3) is cited,^ and Baruch (iii. 14).^ ^ 0pp. ed. Delarue, vol. i. p. 12. = t3ii. ^ Convivium decent vii'ginum, in Combefis's Auctarium bib- liothecae Grsecorum patrum, p. 69. ^ Ibid., p. 69. ^ Ibid., p. 109. CHAPTER VI. THE NEW TESTAMENT CANON IN THE FIRST THREE CENTURIES. The first Christians relied on the Old Testa- ment as their chief religious book. To them it was of divine origin and authority. The New Testament writings came into gradual use, by the side of the older Jewish documents, accord- ing to the times in which they appeared and the names of their reputed authors. The Epistles of Paul were the earliest written ; after which came the Apocalypse, the Epistle to the Hebrews, and other documents, all in the first century. After the first gospel had undergone a process of translation, re-writing, and interpolation, from the Aramaic basis, the discoiirses^ of which ^ tA X67£a. Ap. Euseb. II. E. iii. 39. THE NEW TESTAMENT CANON. 109 Papias of Hierapolis speaks, until the traces of another original than the Greek were all but effaced ; it appeared in its present form early in the second century. Soon after that of Luke was composed, whose prevailing Pauline tend- ency was not allowed to suppress various features of a Jewish Essene type. The second gospel, which bears evidences of its derivation from the other synoptists, was followed by the fourth. The last document was the so-called second Epistle of Peter. It is manifest that tradition assumed various forms after the death of Jesus; that legend and myth speedily surrounded His sacred person; that the unknown writers were influenced by the peculiar circumstances in which they stood with respect to Jewish and Gentile Christianity ; and that their uncritical age dealt considerably in the marvellous. That the life of the great Founder should be overlaid with extraneous materials, is special matter for regret. However conscientious and truth-lov- no THE CANON OF THE BIBLE. ing they may have been, the reporters were un- equal to their work. It is also remarkable that so many of them should be unknown ; produc- tions being attached to names of repute to give them greater currency. When Marcion came from Pontus to Rome (144 A.D.,) he brought with him a Scripture- collection consisting of ten Pauline epistles. With true critical instinct he did not include those addressed to Timothy and Titus, as also the epistle to the Hebrews. The gospel of Marcion was Luke's in an altered state. From this and other facts we conclude that external parties were the first who carried out the idea of collecting Christian writings, and of putting them either beside or over against the sacred books of the Old Testament, in support of their systems. As to Basilides (125 A.D.), his supposed quotations from the New Testament in Hippolytus are too precarious to be trusted.^ ' Davidson's Introduction to the Study of the N, Testam.t vol, X. p. 388. THE NE W TES TA ME NT CANON. 1 1 1 Testimonies to the "acknowledged" books of the New Testament as Scripture have been transferred from his followers to himself; so that his early witness to the canon breaks down. It is inferred from statements in Origen and Jerome that he had a gospel of his own somewhat like St Luke's, but extra - canonical. His son Isidore and succeeding disciples used Matthew's gospel. Jerome says that Marcion and Basilides denied the Pauline authorship of the epistle to the Hebrews and the pastoral ones.^ It is also doubtful whether Valentinus's (140-166 A.D.) alleged citations from the New Testament can be relied upon. The passages of this kind ascribed to him by the fathers belong in a great measure to his disciples. The fragment of a letter pre- served by Clement of Alexandria in the second book of tlie Stromata, has been thought to contain references to the gospels of Matthew ' Explanatio in Epist. ad Titum^ vol. iv. p. 407, ed. Benedict. 112 THE CANON OF THE BIBLE. and Luke; but the fact is doubtful. Nor has Henrici proved that Valentinus used John's gospel.^ But his followers, including Ptolemy (180A.D.) and Heracleon (185-200 A.D.), quote the Gospels and other portions of the New Testament.^ From Hippolytus's account of the Ophites, Peratae, and Sethians, we infer that the Christian writings were much employed by them. They rarely cite an apocryphal work. More than one hundred and sixty citations from the New Testament have been gathered out of their writings.^ We may admit that these Ophites and Peratae were of early origin, the former being the oldest known of the Gnostic parties ; but there is no proof that the acquaintance with the New Testament * Die Valentinianische Gnosis und die halite Schrift, p. 75. • A good deal of manipulation has been needlessly employed for the purpose of placing these heretics as early as possible ; but nothing definite can be extracted from Irenceus's notices of them. Hippolytus's use of the present tense, in speaking of them, renders it probable that they were nearly his contemporaries. ^ See the Indexes to Duncker and Schneidewin's edition. THE NEW TESTAMENT CANON. 113 which Hippolytus attributes to them belongs to the first rather than the second half of the second century. The early existence of the sect does not show an early citation of the Christian books by it, especially of John's gospel; unless its primary were its last stage. Later and earlier Ophites are not distinguished in the Philosophumena. Hence there is a pre- sumption that the author had the former in view, which is favoured by no mention of them occurring in the " Adversus omnes Hsereses" usually appended to Tertullian's PrcBscriptiones Hcereticorum, and by Irenaeus's derivation of their heresy from that of Valentinus. The latter father does not even speak of the Peratae. Clement of Alexandria is the first who alludes to them. The early heretics were desirous of confirming their peculiar opinions by the writings current among Catholic Christians, so that the formation of a canon by them began soon after the commencement of the second H 114 THE CANON OF THE BIBLE, century, and continued till the end of it ; con- temporaneously with the development of a Catholic Church and its necessary adjunct a Catholic canon. No New Testament canon, except a partial and unauthoritative one, existed till the latter half of the second century, that is, till the idea of a Catholic church began to be entertained. The living power of Christianity in its early stages had no need of books for its nurture. But in the development of a church organiza- tion the internal rule of consciousness was changed into an external one of faith. The Ebionites or Jewish Christians had their favourite Gospels and Acts. The gospel of Matthew was highly prized by them, existing as It did in various recensions, of which the gospel according to the Hebrews was one. Other documents, such as the Revelation of John ; and the preaching of Peter, a Jewish- Christian history subsequently re-written and THE NEW TESTAMENT CANON. 115 employed in the Clementine Recognitions and Homilies, were also in esteem. Even so late as 175-180 A.D., Hegesippus, a Jewish Christian, does not seem to have had a canon consisting of the four gospels and Paul's Epistles, but appeals to " the law and the prophets and l/ic' Lord!' so that his leading principle was, the identity of Jesus's words with the Old Testament ; agreeably to the tenets of the party he belonged to. The source whence he drew the words of Jesus was probably the Gospel according to the Hebrews, a document which we know he used, on the authority of Eusebius. He does not refer to Paul except by implication in a passage given in Photius from Stephen Gobar,^ where he says that such as used the words " Eye hath not seen, nor ear heard," &c., falsi- fied the Divine Scriptures and the Lord's words, " Blessed are your eyes for they see," ^ Bibliotheca, cod. 232. 116 THE CANON OF THE BIBLE. &c. As Paul quoted the condemned language, he is blamed.^ Though he knew Paul's epistles, he does not look upon them as authoritative. He betrays no acquaintance with the fourth gospel ; for the question, " What is the door to Jesus ? " does not presuppose the knowledge of John X. 2, 7, 9. Nosgen has failed to prove Hegesippus's Jewish descent ; and Holtzmann's mediating view of him is incorrect.2 ^ It is an unfounded assumption that Paul cited the passage by ** mere accident " ; on the contrary, he gives it as canonical, with "as it is written " (i Corinth, ii. 9). It may be that the Gnostics are referred to as using the objectionable passage ; but it is special pleading to limit it to them, when I'aul has ex- pressly used the same, deriving it either from Isaiah Ixiv. 4, or some unknown document ; just as it is special pleading to iden- tify 6 KjJ/)io5 standing beside vbixo% koX Trpo This is the earliest trace of canonical authority being transferred from the Old Testament to Christian writings. But the citation is not certain. The original may be 4 Esdras viii. 3 ; and even if the writer took the words from Matthew's gospel, it is possible that he used " it is written " with reference to their prototype in the Old Testament. Of such interchanges examples occur in writers of the second century ; and it is the more probable that this is one, from the fact that 4 Esdras is elsewhere considered a prophet and referred to in the same way as Ezekiel.^ Barnabas's citation of a gospel as canonical is wholly improbable, since ^ Epist. ch. iv. ^ Chapter xii. pp. 30, 31, ed. 2, Hilgenfeld. THE CANON OF THE BIBLE. even Justin, thirty years after, never quotes the New Testament writings as Scripture. The thing would be anomalous and opposed to the history of the first half of the second centur>^ When these post-apostolic productions appeared, the New Testament writings did not stand on the same level with the Old, and were not yet esteemed sacred and inspired like the Jewish Scriptures. The Holy Spirit was thought to dwell in all Christians, without being confined to a few writers ; and his influence was the common heritage of believers. There are evi- dences of Barnabas's acquaintance with the Epistles to the Romans and Corinthians ; nor is it improbable that he knew the canonical gospel of Matthew, though one passage appears to contradict Matthew xxviii. lo, &c., without necessarily implying ignorance of what lies in it, viz., that the ascension of Jesus took place on the day of his resurrection.^ Strangely enough, ^ .Sec Chapter xv. end, with Tlilgenfcld's note, Barnabac cpis- tula ed. altera ^ pp. Ii8, 119. THE NEW TESTAMENT CANON, 123 Keim thinks that the writer had John's gospel before him ; but this opinion is refuted by the end of Barnabas's fifth chapter.^ Holtzmann has ably disposed of the considerations ad- duced by Keim.^ Barnabas quotes the book of Enoch as Scripture;'^ and an apocryphal prophecy is introduced with, " another pro- phet says." 4 As far as we can judge from Eusebius's account of Papias ^ (about 150 A.D.), that writer knew noth- ing of a New Testament canon. He speaks ^ Epis. p. 13 ed. Hilgenfeld. 2 Zeitschrift fur wisscnschaftlichc Thcologic, 1871, p. 336, etc. 3 Chapters xvi. and iv. In the former the reference is to Enoch Ixxxix. 56, 66, 67, but the latter is not in the present book of Enoch, though Hilgenfeld thinks he has discovered it in Ixxxix. 61-64 and xc. 17. {Dillmann's Das Buck Henoch, pp. 61, 63). Was another apocryphal Jewish book current in the time of Barnabas, under the name of Enoch ; or did he con- found one document with another, misled by the Greek trans- lation of an apocalyptic work which had fallen into discredit ? See Hilgenfeld's Barnabae Epistula, ed. 2 pp. 77, 78. '* Chapter xi. 5 Hist. Eccles. iii. 39. 124 THE CANON OF THE BIBLE. of Matthew and Mark ; but it is most pro- bable that he had documents which either formed the basis of our present Matthew and Mark, or were taken into them and written over/ According to Andreas of Caesarea he was acquainted with the Apocalypse of John ; while Eusebius testifies to his knowledge of I Peter and i John. But he had no conception of canonical authority attaching to any part of the New Testament. His language implies * A small body of literature originating in the fragment of Papias preserved by Eusebius (Hist. Eccles. iii., 39, 1-4) has appeared ; though it is difficult to obtain satisfactory conclusions. Not only have Weiffenbach and Leimbach written treatises on the subject, but other scholars have entered into it more or less fully, — Zahn, Steitz, Riggenbach, Hilgenfeld, Lipsius, Keim, Martens, Loman, Holtzmann, Hausrath, Tietz, and Lightfoot. The fragment is not of great weight in settling the authenticity of the four gospels. Indirectly indeed it throws some light on the connection of two evangelists with written memoirs of the life of Jesus ; but it rather suggests than solves various matters of importance. It is tolerably clear that the gospels, if such they may be called, of which he speaks as written by Matthew and Mark, were not identical with the works now existing under the names of these evangelists ; and that no safe conclusion can be drawn from Papias's silence about John's and Luke's as not THE NEW TESTAMENT CANON. 125 the opposite, in that he prefers unwritten tra- dition to the gospel he speaks of. He neither felt the want nor knew the existence of inspired gospels. We need not notice the three short Syriac epistles attributed to Ignatius, as we do not believe them to be his, but of later origin. Traces of later ideas about the canonicity of the New Testament appear in the shorter Greek recension of the Ignatian epistles (about 175 then in existence. Neither the present gospels nor any other had been converted into Scripture ; since he regarded oral tradi- tions as more credible than written memoirs. Those who hold that the presbyter John was none other than the apostle, Euse- bius having misunderstood the fragment and made a different John from the apostle, as well as the critics who deduce from the fragment the fact that John suffered martyrdom in Palestine, have not established these conclusions. Papias refers to the material he got for explaining the \oyia, rather than the source whence they were drawn. But whether he learnt directly from the elders, or indirectly as the preposition (Trapa) would seem to indicate, and whether the sentence beginning with ' ' What Andrew," &c., {rt 'Avdpiai k. t. X.) stands in apposition to the "words of the elders," (roiis rCov Trpea^vTipuvXdyovs) or not, are things uncertain. 126 THE CANON OF THE BIBLE. A.D.) There tJie Gospel and the Apostles are recognized as the constituents of the book.^ The writer also used the Gospel according to the Hebrews, for there is a quotation from it in the epistle to the Smyrnians.^ The second part of the collection seems to have wanted the epistle to the Ephesians.^ The two leading parties, long antagonistic, had now become united ; the apostles Peter and Paul being mentioned together.-* In the Testaments of the twelve patriarchs (about 170 AD.), Paul's life is said to be described in " holy books," i.e., his own epistles and the Acts.^ Justin Martyr (150 A.D.) knew the first and third of the synoptic gospels. His use of Mark's does not appear. His knowledge of ' Epist. ad Philadelph., ch. 5. See Hefele's note on the pas- sage. The other well-known passage in chapter viii. is too uncertain in reading and meaning to be adduced here. * Chapter iii. * To the Ephesians, chapter xii. ■• Epist. ad Romanosy iv. ^ Testam. Bcnj. 11, p. 201, ed. Sinker. THE NEW TESTAMENT CANON. 127 the fourth is denied by many, and zealously defended by others. Thoma finds proofs that Justin knew it well, and used it freely as a text-book of gnosis, without recognizing it as the historical work of an apostle ; an hypothesis encumbered with difficulties.^ What- ever be said about Justin's acquaintance with this gospel ; its existence before 140 A.D. is incapable either of decisive or probable proof ; and this father's Logos-doctrine is less de- veloped than the Johannine, because it is en- cumbered with the notion of miraculous birth by a virgin. The Johannine authorship has receded before the tide of modern criticism ; and though this tide is arbitrary at times, it is here irresistible. Apologists should abstain from strong assertions on a point so difficult, as that each "gospel is distinctly recognized by him ;" for the noted passage in the dialogue ^ Zeitschfift fur wissenschafiliche Theologie, 1875, p. 490, ft seq. 128 THE CANON OF THE BIBLE. with Trypho does not support them.^ It is pretty certain that he employed an extra- canonical gospel, the so-called gospel of the Hebrews. This Petrine document may be re- ferred to in a passage which is unfortunately capable of a double interpretation.^ He had also the older Acts of Pilate. Paul's epistles are never mentioned, though he doubtless knew them. Having little sympathy with Paulinism he attached his belief much more to the primi- tive apostles. The Apocalypse, i Peter, and I John he esteemed highly ; the epistle to the Hebrews and the Acts he treated in the same ' 'Ev Toij &iroixvr}fxove{>ixa(Ti, & tp'OI^'' '^"'i tQv dToarSXujv airroO Kal tQu iKeivois irapaKokovd-qadvTUiv TjfjLOueOjj.a(Ti avrou yeyevrjixhov Kal toOto, fierd toO Kal, K.T.X. Dial, cum Tryph., 106. Here the pronoun airroG probably refers to Peter. And the expression "his memoirs" can hardly mean Mark's gospel, since Jerome is the first that calls it such. THE NEW TESTAMENT CANON. 129 way as the Pauline writings. Justin's canon, as far as divine authority and inspiration are con- cerned, was the Old Testament. He was merely on the threshold of a divine canon made up of primitive Christian writings, and attributed no exclusive sanctity to those he used because they were not to him the only source of doctrine. Even of the Apocalypse he says, " A man among us named John, &c., wrote it."^ In his time none of the gospels had been canonized, not even the synoptists, if, indeed, he knew them all. Oral tradition was the chief fountain of Christian knowledge, as it had been for a century. In his opinion this tradition was embodied in writing ; but the documents in which he looked for all that related to Christ were not the gospels alone. He used others freely, not looking upon any as inspired; for that idea could arise only when a selection 1 Dialogus, part ii., p. 315, ed. Thirlby. Comp, on Justin, Tjeenk-Willink's yustinus Martyr in zijne Verhouding tot Paulus, I 130 THE CANON OF THE BIBLE. was made among the current documents. He regarded them all as having been written down from memory, and judged them by criteria of evidence conformable to the Old Testament Scriptures. Though lessons out of Gospels (some of our present ones and others), as also out of the prophets, were read in assemblies on the first day of the week,^ the act of converting the Christian writings into Scripture was pos- terior ; for the mere reading of a gospel in churches on Sunday does not prove that it was considered divinely authoritative; and the use of the epistles, which formed the second and less valued part of the collection, must still have been limited. Justin's disciple, Tatian (i 60- 1 80 A.D.), wrote a Diatessaron or harmony of the gospels, which began, according to Ephrem Syrus, with John i. I ; but our knowledge of it is uncertain. The author omitted the genealogies of Jesus and * Apolog, i. 97, cd. Thirlby. THE NEW TESTAMENT CANON. 131 everything belonging to His Davidic descent. He seems also to have put into it particu- lars derived from extra-canonical sources such as the Gospel according to the Hebrews. Doubtless he was acquainted with Paul's writings, as statements made in them are quoted ; but he dealt freely with them ac- cording to Eusebius, and even rejected several epistles, probably first and second Timothy.^ In Polycarp's epistle (about 160 A.D.), which is liable to strong suspicions of having been written after the death of the bishop,^ there are reminiscences of the synoptic gospels ; and most of Paul's epistles as well as i Peter were used by the writer. But the idea of canonical authority, or a peculiar inspiration belonging to these writings, is absent. ^ Hieronymi Prooem. in Epist. ad Tiium. 2 Comp. chap, xii., where ypa(f}al is applied to the apostolic epistles ; a title they did fnot receive so early as the age of Polycarp. Zahn himself admits this. 132 THE CANON OF THE BIBLE, The author of the second Clementine epistle (about 150-160) had not a New Testament canon made up of the four gospels and epistles. His Scripture was the Old Testament, to which is applied the epithet "the Books" or "the Bible;" and the words of Christ. " The Apostles " imme- diately subjoined to " the Books," does not mean the New Testament, or a special collection of the apostolic epistles, as has been supposed.^ The preacher employed a gospel or gospels as Scrip- ture ; perhaps those of Matthew and Luke, not the whole documents, but the parts containing the words of Christ.^ He also used the Gospel of the Egyptians as an authoritative document, and quoted his sources freely. With the Johannine writings he seems to have been unacquainted.^ Athenagoras of Athens wrote an apology addressed to Marcus Aurelius (176 A.D.) In it * Chapter xiv. 2. ' Chapter ii. 4. • See dementis Romani ad Corinthios quae dicuntur epis- tulacy ed, de CMardt (t Harnack 2., sec. 10, Prolegomena, THE NEW TESTAMENT CANON 133 he uses written and unwritten tradition, testing all by the Old Testament which was his only- authoritative canon. He makes no reference to the Christian documents, but adduces words of Jesus with the verb " he says." It is not clear whether he quoted from the Synoptics ; perhaps the passages which are parallel to Matthew v. 44, 45, 46,^ and Mark x. 6,^ were taken from these ; but the matter is somewhat uncertain. His treatise on the resurrection appeals to a passage in one of Paul's epistles.^ Dionysius of Corinth (170 A.D.) complains of the falsification of his writings, but consoles himself with the fact that the same is done to the "Scriptures of the Lord," i.e., the gospels containing the Lord's words ; or rather the two parts of the early collection, " the gospel " and " the apostle " together ; which agrees best with the age and tenor of his letters.* If such be ^ Legal, pro Christ. 11, 12. '^ Ibid. 33. 3 Chapter xviii. ^ Ap. Euseb. H.E., iv. 23. 134 THE CANON OF THE BIBLE. the meaning, the collection is put on a par with the Old Testament, and regarded as inspired. In the second epistle of Peter (about A.D. 170) Paul's epistles are regarded as Scripture (iii. 16.) This seems to be the earliest example of the canonising of any New Testament portion. Here a brotherly recognition of the Gentile apostle and his productions takes the place of former opposition. A false interpretation of his epistles is even supposed to have induced a departure from primitive apostolic Christianity. The letter of the churches at Vienne and Lyons (177 A.D.) has quotations from the epistles to the Romans, Philippians, I Timothy, i Peter, Acts, the gospels of Luke and John, the Apocalypse. The last is expressly called Scripture} This shows a fusion of the two original tendencies, the Petrine and Pauline ; and the formation of a Catholic church with a common canon of authority. Accordingly, the ' Ap. Euseb. H.E., v. i, p. 144, ed. Bright. THE NEW TESTAMENT CANON. 135 two apostles, Peter and Paul, are mentioned together. Theophilus of Antioch (180 A.D.) was familiar with the gospels and most of Paul's epistles, as also the Apocalypse. Passages are cited from Paul as " the divine word."^ He ascribes the fourth gospel to John, calling him an inspired man, like the Old Testament prophets.^ We also learn from Jerome that he commented on the gospels put together by way of harmony.^ The author of the epistle to Diognetus (about 200 A.D.) shows his acquaintance with the gospels and Paul's epistles ; but he never cites the New Testament by way of proof. Words are introduced into his discourse, in passing and from memory."* ^ ^6105X6705. Ad Atitolycum, iii. 14, p. 1141, eel Migne. 2 Ibid., ii. 22. 3 Epist. 151, ad Algasiam. ^ See Overbeck's Studien zur Geschichte der alien Kirche, Abhandlung I., in which the date of the letter is brought down till after Constantine. Sm^ely this is too late. 136 THE CANON OF THE BIBLE. The conception of a Catholic canon was realized about the same time as that of a Catholic church. One hundred and seventy years from the coming of Christ elapsed before the collection assumed a form that carried with it the idea of holy and inspired} The way in which it was done was by raising the apostolic writings higher and higher till they were of equal authority with the Old Testament, so that the church might have a rule of appeal. But by lifting the Christian productions up to the level of the old Jewish ones, injury was done to that living consciousness which feels the opposition between spirit and letter; the latter writings tacitly assuming or keeping the character of a perfect rule even as to form. The Old Testament was not brought down to the New ; the New was raised to the Old. It is clear that the earliest church fathers did not ^ Davidson's Introduction to the Study of the New Testa- ment, vol. ii. p. 508, &c. THE NEW TESTAMENT CANON. 137 use the books of the New Testament as sacred documents clothed with divine authority, but followed for the most part, at least till the middle of the second century, apostolic tradition orally transmitted. They were not solicitous about a canon circumscribed within certain limits. In the second half, then, of the second century there was a canon of the New Testa- ment consisting of two parts called the gospel^ and the apostle? The first was complete, con- taining the four gospels alone ; the second, which was incomplete, contained the Acts of the Apostles and epistles, i.e.y thirteen letters of Paul^ one of Peter, one of John, and the Revelation. How and where this canon originated is un- certain. Its birthplace may have been Asia Minor, like Marcion's; but it may have grown about the same time in Asia Minor, Alexandria, and Western Africa. At all events, Irenseus, 138 THE CANON OF THE BIBLE. Clement of Alexandria, and Tertullian agree in recognizing its existence. Irenaeus had a canon which he adopted as apostolic. In his view it was of binding force and authoritative. This contained the four gospels, the Acts, thirteen epistles of Paul, the first epistle of John, and the Revelation. He had also a sort of appendix or deutero-canon, which he highly esteemed without putting it on a par with the received collection, consisting of John's second epistle, the first of Peter, and the Shepherd of Hermas. The last he calls Scripture} The epistle to the Hebrews, that of Jude, James's, second Peter, and third John he ignored. Clement's collection was more extended than Irenaeus*. His appendix or deutero-canon included the epistle to the Hebrews, 2 John, Jude, the Apocalypse of Peter, the Shepherd of Hermas, the Epistles of Clement and Barna- ^ Advers. Hcres.y iv. 20, 2. THE NEW TESTAMENT CANON 139 bas. He recognised no obligatory canon, dis- tinct and of paramount authority. But he separated the New Testament writings by their traditionally apostolic character and the degree of importance attached to them. He did not attach the modern idea of canonical in opposi- tion to non-canonical^ either to the four gospels or any other part of the New Testament. Barnabas is cited as an apostle.^ So is the Roman Clement.^ The Shepherd of Hermas is spoken of as divine? Thus the line of the Homo- logoumena is not marked off even to the same extent as in Irenaeus. Tertullian's canon consisted of the gospels, Acts, thirteen epistles of Paul, the Apocalypse, and I John. As an appendix he had the epistle to the Hebrews, that ofjude, the Shepherd of Hermas, 2 Jolm probably, and i Peter. This deutero-canon was not regarded 1 Stromateis, ii. 6, p. 965, ed. Migne. - Ibid., iv. 17, p. 1 31 2. 3 Ibid., i. 29, p. 928. I40 THE CANON OF THE BIBLE, as authoritative. No trace occurs in his works of James' epistle, 2 Peter, and 3 John. He used the Shepherd, calling it Scripture} without implying, however, that he put it on a par with the usually acknowledged canonical writ- ings ; but after he became a Montanist, he re- pudiated it as the apocryphal Shepherd of adulterers, "put among the apocryphal and false by every council of the churches." 2 It was not J however, reckoned among the spurious and false writings, either at Rome or Carthage, in the time of Tertullian. It was merely placed outside the universally received works by the western churches of that day. These three fathers did not fix the canon absolutely. Its limits were still unsettled. But they sanctioned most of the books now accepted as divine, putting some extra-canonical productions almost on the same level with the rest, if not in theory at least in practice. ^ Dc Oratioftf, cap. 12. * De Fudtcitia, cap. 10-20. THE NEW TESTAMENT CANON 141 The canon of Muratori is a fragmentary list which was made towards the end of the 2d century (170 A.D.) Its birthplace is uncertain, though there are traces of Roman origin. Its translation from the Greek is assumed, but that is uncertain. It begins with the four gospels in the usual order, and proceeds to the Acts, thirteen epistles of Paul, the epistles of John, that of Jude, and the Apocalypse. The epistle to the Hebrews, I and 2 Peter, i John and James are not named. The Apocalypse of Peter is also mentioned, but as not universally received. Of the Shepherd of Hermas, it is stated that it may be read in the Church. The epistle " to the Laodiceans " may either be that to the Ephesians, which had such superscription in Marcion's canon, or less probably the sup- posititious epistle mentioned in the codex Boer- nerianus,^ after that to Philemon, and often re- 1 G. of St Paul's epistles, a MS, of the ninth century ac- cording to Tischendorf. 142 THE CANON OF THE BIBLE. ferred to in the middle ages.^ That " to the Alexandrians " is probably the epistle to the Hebrews ; though this has been denied with- out sufficient reason. According to the usual punctuation, both are said to have been forged in Paul's name, an opinion which may have been entertained among Roman Christians about 170 A.D. The Epistle to the Hebrews was rejected in the west, and may have been thought a supposititious work in the in- terests of Paulinism, with some reason because of its internal character,^ which is at least semi- Pauline, though its Judaistic basis is apparent. The story about the origin of the fourth gospel with its apostolic and episcopal attestation, evinces a desire to establish the authenticity of ' See Anger's Ueber den Laodicener Brief, 1843. ' Fertur etiavi ad Latuiecetices alia ad Alexandrinos Fault mmitte fincte ad hesem Marcionis et alia plura gtta in Catholi- cam ecclesiam recepi mn poteU. Perhaps a comma should be put after nomine, and Jinde joined to what follows, to the alia plura said to be forged in the interest of Marcion. THE NEW TESTAMENT CANON 143 a work which had not obtained universal ac- ceptance at the time.i It is difficult to make out the meaning in various places; and there is con- siderable diversity of opinion among expositors of the document.2 In accord with these facts we find Serapion bishop of the church at Rhossus, in Cilicia,^ allowing the public use of the gospel of Peter;* which shews that there was no ex- clusive gospel-canon at the end of the second century, at least in Syria. The present canon had not then pervaded the churches in general. What is the result of an examination of the Christian literature belonging to the ^ Quarti evangelioruvi yohannis ex discipiilis cohortantibus condiscipulis et episcopis stiis dixit conjejutiate mihi odie triduo et quid cuique fuerit revelatum alterutrum nobis ennarremus eadem node revelatum Andrece ex apostolis ut recogniscentibus cunctis Johannis suo nomine cuticta discriberet. 2 It is printed and largely commented on by Credner in his Geschichte des neutestamentlichen Kanon edited by Volkmar, p. 141, &c., and by Westcott On the Canon, Appendix C, p. 466. 2d edition. Many others have explained it ; especially Hilgen- feld. 3 About A.D. 190. < Euseb. H. E. vi. 12. 144 THE CANON OF THE BIBLE. second century ? Is it that a canon was then fixed, separating some books from others by a line so clear, that those on one side of it were alone reckoned inspired, authoritative, of apos- tolic origin or sanction ; while those on the other were considered uninspired, unauthoritative, without claim to apostolicity, unauthentic ? Was the separation between them made on any clear principle of demarcation ? It cannot be said so. The century witnessed no such fact, but merely the incipient efforts to bring it about. The discriminating process was begun, not completed. It was partly forced upon the prominent advocates of a policy which sought to consolidate the Jewish and Gentile-Christian parties, after the decline of their mutual anta- gonism, into a united church. They were glad to transfer the current belief in the infallible inspiration of the Old Testament, to selected Christian writings, as an effective means of defence against those whom they considered THE NEW TESTAMENT CANON. 145 outside a new organisation — the Catholic Church. The stichometrical list of the Old and New Testament Scriptures in the Latin of the Clermont MS. (D), was that read in the African Church in the 3rd century. It is peculiar. After the Pentateuch, Joshua, Judges, Ruth, and the historical books, follow Psalms, Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, Canticles, Wisdom, Sirach, the twelve minor prophets, the four greater ; three books of the Macabbees, Judith, Esdras, Esther, Job, and Tobit. In the New Testament, the four gospels, Matthew, John, Mark, Luke, are succeeded by ten epistles of Paul, two of Peter, the epistle of James, three of John, and that of Jude. The epistle to the Hebrews (character- ized as that of Barnabas), the Revelation of John, Acts of the Apostles ; the Shepherd of Hermas, the Acts of Paul, the Revelation of Peter, follow. The last three constitute a sort of appendix ; and the number of their verses is K 146 THE CANON OF THE BIBLE. given. It IS possible that the carelessness of a transcriber may have caused some of the singularities observable in this list ; such as the omission of the epistles to the Philippians and Thessalonians ; but the end shows a freer idea of books fit for reading than what was usual even at that early time in the African Church.^ In Syria a version of the New Testament for the use of the church was made early in the 3d century. This work, commonly called the Pe- shito, wants 2 Peter, 2 and 3 John, Jude, and the Apocalypse. It has, however, all the other books, including the epistle of James and that to the Hebrews. The last two were received as apostolic. Towards the middle of the 3rd century Origen's^ testimony respecting the Canon is of great value. He seems to have distinguished three classes of books — authentic ones, whose apostolic origin was generally admitted, those » Tischendorf edited the Pauline epistles from this MS. Lipsiae, 1852. «t254A.D. THE NEW TESTAMENT CANON. 147 not authentic, and a middle-class not generally- recognised or in regard to which his own opinion wavered. The first contained those already adopted at the beginning of the century both in the East and West, with the Apocalypse, and the epistle to the Hebrews so far as it contains Pauline ideas ;^ to the second belongs the Shepherd of Hermas, though he sometimes hesitated a little about it,^ the epistle of Bar- nabas, the Acts of Paul, the gospel according to the Hebrews, the gospel of the Egyptians, and the preaching of Peter ;^ to the third, the epistle of James, that of Jude, 2 Peter, 2 and 3 John.* The separation of the various writings is not formally made, nor does Origen give a list of them. His classification is gathered from his works ; and though its application admitted of considerable latitude, he is cautious enough, ^ TO. ev Ty SiadriKTi §L^\la, ivdtddrjKa, b[x6\oyoifieva. ^ In one place, however, he calls it very useful and divinely inspired. Comment, in ep. ad Roman., xvi. 14. ^ pSda. * Ap. Euseb. /fisl. Eccles., vi. 25 ; iii, 25, avTikeyhixeva. 148 THE CANON OF THE BIBLE. appealing to the tradition of the church, and throwing in quahfying expressions.^ The Canon of Eusebius^ is given at length in his Ecclesiastical History? He divides the books into three classes, containing those writings getterally received,^ those controverted^ and the heretical? The first has the four gospels, the Acts, thirteen epistles of Paul, I John, I Peter, the Apocalypse/ The second class is subdivided into two, the first corre- sponding to Origen's mixed^ or intermediate * See Euseb., //. E.^ vi. 25. Comment, in Matth.y iii. p. 463 ; Ibid.y p. 814; Comment, in ep. ad Roman, y iv. p. 683; in Maitk.^ iii. p. 644; Homil. viii. in Numb.y \\. p. 294; Contra Cels.y i. 63, p. 378 ; De Frincipiis prce/., i. p. 49. 0pp. ^ ed. Delarue. 2t340A.D. * Hist. Ecdes., iii. 25 ; also 31, 39 ; vi. 13, 14. * bp.o\oyoifievay ivdiddrjKa, dvafXiplXcKTa, &vavTi^l)7]Ta. * &vTi\ey6ixeva, yvupifia 5^ rots ttoWoU, iu irXeloTais iKKXtjcrlais BedTj/Mcxricvfi^va, vbda, * ironra irdvr-q koL 8v(rapelr}. In another place he states that it was rejected by some, and therefore it is THE NEW TESTAMENT CANON. 149 writings, the second to his spurious^ ones. The former subdivision contains the epistle of James, 2 Peter, Jude, 2 and 3 John ; the latter, the Acts of Paul, the Shepherd, the Revelation of Peter, the epistle of Barnabas, the Doctrines of the Apostles, the Apocalypse of John, the gospel according to the Hebrews. The third;* class has the gospels of Peter, of Thomas, the traditions of Matthias, the Acts of Peter, Andrew, and John. The subdivisions of the second class are indefinite. The only distinc- tion which Eusebius puts between them is that of ecclesiastical use. Though he classes as spurious the Acts of Paul, the Shepherd, the Revelation of Peter, the epistle of Barnabas, the doctrines of the Apostles, the Apocalypse of John, the gospel according to the Hebrews, and does not apply the epithet to the epistle of James, the 2 of Peter, 2 and 3 John ; he uses of James's in one place the verb to be counted spuri- 1 voBoL. ISO THE CANON OF THE BIBLE. Otis} In like manner he speaks of the Apo- calypse of Peter and the epistle of Barnabas as C07ttr over ted. The mixed or spurious of Origen are vaguely separated by Eusebius ; both come under the general head of the controverted ; for after specifying them separately he sums up, " all these will belong to the class of the contro- verted'^^ the very class already described as con- taining " books well known and recognized by most," implying also that they were read in the churches.^ It is somewhat remarkable that Eusebius does not mention the Epistle of Clement to the Corinthians in this list. But he speaks of it in another place as a production whose authen- 1 vodetjo/xai. Hist. Eccles.^ ii. 23. Christophorson, Schmid, and Hug think that Eusebius gave the opinion of others in this word ; but it is more likely that he gave his own, as Valesius thinks. See the note in Schmid's Historia antiqua et vindicatio Canonist &^c., p. 358. ^ Hid., vi. 14. * See Weber's Bdtrdge zur Geschichte des nmtestammtlichen Kanons, p. 142, &c. THE NEW TESTAMENT CANON ■ 151 ticity was generally acknowledged/ and of its public use in most churches both formerly and in his own time. This wide-spread reading of it did not necessarily imply canonicity ; but the mode in which Eusebius characterises it, and its extensive use in public, favour the idea that in many churches it was almost put on equality with the productions commonly regarded as authoritative. The canonical list was not fixed immovably in the time of Eusebius. Opinions about books varied, as they had done before. The testimony of Eusebius regarding the canon, important as it is, has less weight be- cause of the historian's credulity. One who believed in the authenticity of Abgar's letters to Christ, and in the canon of the four gospels at the time of Trajan, cannot take rank as a judicious collector or sifter of facts. About 332 A.D. the Emperor Constantine entrusted Eusebius with the commission to 1 blxoKoyoviJiivq. Hist. Ecdes., iii. 16. 152 THE CANON OF THE BIBLE. make out a complete collection of the sacred Christian writings for the use of the Catholic Church. How this order was executed we are not told. But Credner is probably correct in saying that the code consisted of all that is now in the New Testament except the Revelation. The fifty copies which were made must have supplied Constantinople and the Greek Church for a considerable time with an authoritative canon. Eusebius's catalogue agrees in substance with that of Origen. The historian followed eccles- iastical tradition. He inquired diligently into the prevailing opinions of the Christian churches and writers, with the views held by others before and contemporaneously with himself, but could not attain to a decided result. His hesitation stood in the way of a clear, firm, view of the question. The tradition respecting certain books was still wavering, and he was unable to fix it. Authority fettered his independent THE NEW TESTAMENT CANON. 153 judgment. That he was inconsistent and con- fused does not need to be shown. The exact principles that guided the forma- tion of a canon in the earliest centuries cannot be discovered. Strictly speaking there were, none. Definite grounds for the reception or rejection of books were not apprehended. The choice was determined by various circumstances, of which apostolic origin was the chief, though this itself was insufficiently attested ; for if it be asked whether all the New Testament writings proceeded from the authors whose names they bear, criticism cannot reply in the affirmative. The example and influence of churches to which the writings had been first addressed must have acted upon the reception of books. Above all, individual teachers here and there saw the necessity of meeting heretics with their own weapons, in their own way, with apostolic records instead of oral tradition. The circumstances in which the orthodox were placed led to this 154 THE CANON OF THE BIBLE. step, effecting a bond of union whose need must have been felt while each church was isolated under its own bishop and the collective body could not take measures in common. Writings pf more recent origin would be received with greater facility than such as had been in circula- tion for many years, especially if they professed to come from a prominent apostle. A code of apostolic writings, divine and perfect like the Old Testament, had to be presented as soon as possible against Gnostic and Manichaean here- tics whose doctrines were injurious to objective Christianity; while the multiplication of apocry- phal works threatened to overwhelm genuine tradition with a heap of superstition. The Petrine and Pauline Christians, now amalgam- ated to a great extent, agreed in hastening the canon-process. The infancy of the canon was cradled in an uncritical age, and rocked with traditional ease. Conscientious care was not directed from THE NEW TESTAMENT CANON. 155 the first to the well-authenticated testimony of eye-witnesses. Of the three fathers who con- tributed most to its early growth, Irenseus was credulous and blundering ; Tertullian passionate and one-sided ; and Clement of Alexandria, imbued with the treasures of Greek wisdom, was mainly occupied with ecclesiastical ethics. Irenaeus argues that the gospels should be four in number, neither more nor less, because there are four universal winds and four quarters of the world. The Word or Architect of all things gave the gospel in a fourfold shape. Accord- ing to this father, the apostles were fully informed concerning all things, and had a perfect knowledge, after their Lord's ascension. Matthew wrote his gospel while Peter and Paul were preaching in Rome and founding the church.^ Such assertions shew both ignorance and exaggeration. Tertullian affirms that the tradition of the 1 Adverms Hares ^ iii., 11, 8. 156 THE CANON OF THE BIBLE. apostolic churches guarantees the four gospels,^ and refers his readers to the churches of Corinth, Philippi, Ephesus, &c., for the authentic epistles of Paul.^ What is this but the rhetoric of an enthusiast ? In like manner he states that bishops were appointed by the apostles, and that they existed from that time downward, the succession originating so early.3 Clement contradicts himself in making Peter authorise Mark's gospel to be read in the churches ; while in another place he says that the apostle neither "forbad nor encouraged it."^ The three fathers of whom we are speaking, had neither the ability nor the inclination to examine the genesis of documents surrounded with an apostolic halo. No analysis of their authenticity and genuineness was seriously * Adv. Marc. iv. 5. - De pvirscript. hirret. c. 36. ^ De praescript. hafrct. c. 32. * Ap. Euseb. Hist. Eccha. ii. 15 ami vi. 14. THE NEW TESTAMENT CANON. 157 attempted either by them or by the men of their time. In its absence custom, accident, taste, practical needs directed the tendency of tradition. All the rhetoric employed to throw the value of their testimony as far back as possible, even up to or at least very near the apostle John is of the vaguest sort. Appeals to the continuity of tradition and of church doctrine, to the exceptional veneration of these fathers for the gospels, to their opinions being formed earlier than the composition of the works in which they are expressed, possess no force. The ends which the fathers in question had in view, their polemic motives, their un- critical, inconsistent assertions, their want of sure data, detract from their testimony. Their decisions were much more the result of pious feeling biassed by the theological speculations of the times, than the conclusions of a sound judgment. The very arguments they use to establish certain conclusions shew weakness of 158 THE CANON OF THE BIBLE, perception. What are the manifestations of spiritual feeling, compared with the results of logical reasoning? Are they more trustworthy than the latter? Certainly not, at least in rela- tion to questions of evidence. It is true that their testimony has a value ; but it is one pro- portionate to the degree of credibility attach- ing to witnesses circumstanced as they were, whose separation of canonical from uncanonical gospels, or rather their canonising of certain writings apart from others, and their claiming of inspiration for the authors of the former, must be judged by the reasonableness of the thing itself, in connexion with men of their type. The second century abounded in pseud- onymous literature; and the early fathers, as well as the churches, were occupied with other things than the sifting of evidence con- nected with writings considerably prior to their own time. The increase of such apocryphal productions, gospels, acts, and apocalypses THE NEW TESTAMENT CANON. 159 among the heretical parties stimulated the orthodox bishops and churches to make an authentic collection ; but it increased the diffi- culties of the task. Textual criticism has been employed to dis- credit the true dates of the present gospels ; and the most exaggerated descriptions have been given of the frequent transcription of the text and its great corruption in the second century. The process of corruption in the course of frequent transcription has been transferred even to the first century. It is true that the gospels at the end of that century exhibited a text which bears marks of transcription, interpola- tion, and addition ; but they were not the com- plete works as we have them now, being then but in progress, except the fourth. The assumption that '* advanced corruption " existed in the pre- sent text of the synoptists as early as the first century is gratuitous ; unless the process by which they were gradually built up is so called. i6o THE CANON OF THE BIBLE. No attempt to get a long history behind the canonical gospels at the close of the first cen- tury out of " advanced corruption " can be successful. It is attested by no Christian writer of the century ; and those in the first half of the second, both heretical and orthodox, did themselves treat the text in a manner far short of its implied infallibility. The various readings with which they had to do, do not carry up the canonical gospels far into the first century. The transcription, enlarge- ment, and interpolation of the materials which make up the body of them, must not be identified with the corruption of their completed textSy in order that the latter may be relegated to an early period ; for the synoptists did not come forth full-blown, each from the hand of a single person. The old Latin version or versions used by Tertullian and the interpreter of Irenaeus, have been pressed into the same service, but in vain. THE NEW TESTAMENT CANON i6i In like manner the Curetonian Syriac ver- sion of the gospels has been put as early as possible into the second century, though it can hardly have been prior to the very close of it, or rather to the beginning of the third. Here the strong assertions of apologetic writers have been freely scattered abroad. But the evidence in favour of the authors tradition- ally assigned to the gospels and some of the epistles, is still uncertain. A wide gap inter- venes between eye-witnesses of the apostles or apostolic men that wrote the sacred books, and the earliest fathers who assert such author- ship. The traditional bridge between them is a precarious one. As the chasm cannot be filled by adequate external evidence, we are thrown back on the internal character of the works themselves. One thing appears from the early corruption of the sacred records spoken of by Irenseus, Origen, and others, that they were not regarded with the veneration I. 1 62 THE CANON OF THE BIBLE. necessarily attaching to infallible documents. Their being freely handled excludes the idea of rigid canonisation. The men who first canonised them had no certain knowledge of their authors. To them, that knowledge had been obscured or lost ; though a sagacious criticism might have arrived at the true state of the question even in their day. In the sub-apostolic age Ebionitism passed into Catholicism, Jewish into Pauline Chris- tianity, the mythical and marvellous into the dogmatic, the traditional into the historic, the legendary into the literary. The conflict of parties within the sphere of Christianity gave rise to productions of various tendencies which reflected the circumstances out of which they arose. These were accepted or rejected by the churches according to the prevailing opinions of the persons composing the churches. Common usage led to the authorisation of some ; others were neglected. The state of the THE NEW TESTAMENT CANON. 163 second century in its beliefs, credulity, idio- syncracies of prominent teachers, antagonistic opinions and mystic speculations, throws a light upon the New Testament writings and especially on the formation of the canon, which explains their genesis. Two things stand out most clearly, the comparatively late idea of a canonical New Testament literature ; and the absence of critical principles in determining it. The former was not entertained till the latter part of the second century. The conception of canonicity and inspiration attaching to New Testament books did not exist till the time of Irenaeus. When it is asked, to whom do we owe the canon ? the usual answer is, to the Church. This is true only in a sense. The unity attributed to Christians before Irenaeus and Tertullian, consisted in their religious con- sciousness. It was subjective. The idea of the church was that of inward fellowship — the i64 THE CANON OF THE BIBLE. fellowship of the spirit rather than an outward organism. The preservation of the early Chris- tian writings was owing, in the first instance, to the congregations to whom they were sent, and the neighbouring ones with whom such con- gregations had friendly connection. The care of them devolved on the most influential teachers, — on those who occupied leading positions in the chief cities, or were most interested in apostolic writings as a source of instruction. The Christian books were mostly in the hands of the bishops. In process of time the canon was the care of assemblies or councils. But it had been made before the first general council by a few leading fathers towards the end of the second century in different countries. The formation of a Catholic Church and of a canon was simul- taneous. The circumstances in which the collection originated were unfavourable to the authenticity of its materials, for tradition THE NEW TESTAMENT CANON. 165 had been busy over them and their authors. Instead of attributing the formation of the canon to the Church, it would be more correct to say that the important stage in it was due to three teachers, each working separately and in his own way, who were intent upon the creation of a Christian society which did not appear in the apostolic age, — a visible organisation united in faith, — where the discordant opinions of apostolic and sub-apostolic times should be finally merged. The canon was not the work of the Christian Church so much as of the men who were striving to form that Church, and could not get beyond the mould received by primitive Christian literature. The first men- tion of a Catholic Church occurs in The Martyrdom of Polycarp^ an epistle that can- not be dated earlier than 160 A.D., and may perhaps be ten years later. But though the idea is there, its established use is due to Irenaeus, Tertullian, and Cyprian. The expres- i66 THE CANON OF THE BIBLE. sion has a different and narrow sense in the seven Ignatian epistles which we believe to be supposititious and later than Justin. Neither the three epistles published in Syriac by Cureton, nor the seven Greek ones enumerated by Eusebius are authentic ; though Zahn has tried to prove the latter such, dating them A.D. 144. His arguments, however, are far from convinc- ing ; and the whole story of ^ Ignatius's martyr- dom at Rome rather than Antioch is still doubtful ; for the circumstances under which he is said to have been dragged to Rome, and his writing letters to the churches by the way, are highly improbable. The testimony of Malalas that Ignatius suffered at Antioch in December 115 in the presence of Trajan, may be quite as good as that of Chrysostom and the Syriac monthly calendar on which Zahn relies so con- ' Ignatius von Antiochien, 1873 ; and Prolegomena to the Patrttm Apostolicomvi opera^ by de Gebhardt, Harnack, and Zahn, Fasciculus, ii. THE NEW TESTAMENT CANON. 167 fidently. The fact of the priority of the last two to Malalas is of little weight as evidence. The main point is the locality in which Ignatius suffered ; which Malalas, himself a native of Antioch and a historian, ought to have known better than Chrysostom, because he copied preceding historians. It is necessary to be precise on this sub- ject because some speak of the church as though it were contemporary with the apostles themselves, or at least with their immediate disciples ; and proceed to argue that dissensions arose soon after "within the church " rendering an appeal to the written word necessary. When the authority of traditional teaching gave way to that of a written rnle, a change came over the condition of the church. Such a view tends to mislead. There were dissensions among the earliest Christians. The apostles themselves were by no means unanimous. Important differences of belief divided the Jewish and 168 THE CANON OF THE BIBLE, Gentile Christians from the beginning. The types of Christian truth existing from the first gradually coalesced about the middle of the .second century; when heretics, especially the Gnostics, appeared so formidable that a catholic church was developed. Along with this process, and as an important element in it, the writings of apostles and apostolic men were uncritically taken from tradition and elevated to the rank of divine documents. It was not the rise of new dissensions "within the church" which led to the first formation of a Christian canon ; rather did the new idea of " a catholic church " require a standard of appeal in apostolic writ- ings, which were now invested with an autho- rity that did not belong to them from the beginning. Origen was the first who took a somewhat scientific view of the relative value belonging to the different parts of the biblical collection. His examination of the canon was critical. THE NEW TESTAMENT CANON. 169 Before him the leading books had been regarded as divine and sacred, the source of doctrinal and historic truth. From this stand-point he did not depart. With him ecclesiastical tradi- tion was a prevailing principle in the recognition of books belonging of right to the New Testa- ment collection. He was also guided by the inspiration of the authors ; a criterion arbitrary in its application, as his own statements show. In his time, however, the collection was being gradually enlarged ; his third class, i.e., the mixedy approaching reception into the first. But amid all the fluctuations of opinion to which certain portions of the New Testament were subject, and the unscientific procedure both of fathers and churches in the matter, though councils had not met to discuss it, and vague tradition had strengthened with time, a certain spiritual consciousness manifested itself throughout the East and West in the matter of the canon. Tolerable unanimity ensued. I70 THE CANON OF THE BIBLE. The result was a remarkable one, and calls for our gratitude, notwithstanding its defects. Though the development was pervaded by no critical or definite principle, it ended in a canon which has maintained its validity for centuries. It is sometimes said that the history of the canon should be sought from definite cata- logues, not from isolated quotations. The latter are supposed to be of slight value, the former to be the result of deliberate judgment. This remark is more specious than solid. In relation to the Old Testament, the catalogues given by the fathers, as by Melito and Origen, rest solely on the tradition of the Jews ; apart from which they have no independent authority. As none except Jerome and Origen knew Hebrew, their lists of the Old Testament books are simply a reflexion of what they learned from others. If they deviate in practice from their masters by quoting as Scripture other than the canonical books, they show their THE NEW TESTAMENT CANON. 171 judgment over-riding an external theory. The very men who give a list of the Jewish books evince an inclination to the Christian and enlarged canon. So Origen says, in his Epistle to Africanus, that "the churches use Tobit." In explaining the prophet Isaiah, Jerome employs Sirach vi. 6, in proof of his view, remarking that the apocryphal work is in the Christian catalogue. In like manner Epipha- nius, in a passage against Aetius, after referring to the books of Scripture, adds, " as well as the books of Wisdom, i.e.^ the Wisdom of Solomon and of Jesus son of Sirach ; finally, all the other books of Scripture." In another place he gives the canon of the Jews historically, and ex- cludes the apocryphal Greek books ; here he includes some of the latter. We also learn from Jerome that Judith was in the number of the books reckoned up by the Nicene Council. Thus the fathers who give catalogues of the Old Testament shew the existence of a Jewish 172 THE CANON OF THE BIBLE. and a Christian canon in relation to the Old Testament ; the latter wider than the former ; their private opinion being more favourable to the one, though the other was historically trans- mitted. In relation to the New Testament, the synods which drew up lists of the sacred books show the view of some leading father like Augustine, along with what custom had sanc- tioned. In this department no member of the synod exercised his critical faculty ; a number together would decide such questions summarily. Bishops proceed in the track of tradition or authority. CHAPTER VII. THE BIBLE CANON FROM THE FOURTH CEN- TURY TO THE REFORMATION. It will now be convenient to treat of the two Testaments together, i.e., the canon of the Bible. The canons of both have been considered separately to the end of the third century ; they may be henceforward discussed together. We proceed, therefore, to the Bible-canon of the fourth* century, first in the Greek Church and then in the Latin. The Council of Laodicea (A.D. 363), at which there was a predominant semiarian influence, forbad the reading of all non-canonical books. The 59th canon enacts, that "private psalms must not be read in the Church, nor uncanonized books ; but only the 174 THE CANON OF THE BIBLE. canonical ones of the New and Old Testament." The 6oth canon proceeds to give a list of such. All the books of the Old Testament are enumerated, but in a peculiar order, somewhat like the Septuagint one. With Jeremiah is specified Bartcch, then the Lamentations and Epistle. The prophets are last ; first the minor, next the major and Daniel. In the New Testament list are the usual seven Catholic epistles, and fourteen of Paul including that to the Hebrews. The Apocalypse alone is wanting. Credner has proved that this 6oth canon is not original, and of much later date.^ The Apostolic Constitutions give a kind of canon like that in the 59th of Laodicea. After speaking of the books of Moses, Joshua, Judges Kings, Chronicles, those belonging to the return from the captivity, those of Job, Solomon, the sixteen prophets, and the Psalms of David ; our Acts, the epistles of Paul, and the four * Geschichte des neutest. Kanotty p. 217, &c. FROM THE FOURTH CENTURY. 175 gospels are mentioned. It is remarkable that the Catholic epistles are not given. That they are indicated under Acts is altogether improbable. The Antiochian Church of that time doubted or denied the apostolicity of these letters, as is seen from Theodore, Cosmas, and others. Hence their absence from these Constitutions, which are a collection belonging to different times ; the oldest portion not earlier perhaps than the third century.^ Cyril of Jerusalem, who took part in the Council of Laodicea,^ gives a list " of the divine Scriptures." The books of the Old Testament are twenty-two, and the arrangement is nearly that which is in the English Bible. With Jeremiah is associated "Baruch and the Epistle." All the New Testament books are given except the Apocalypse. The list agrees very nearly with that of Eusebius, by taking the latter's " controverted " writings into the class of the ^ See Constit. Apostol.^ p. 67, ed. Ueltzen. ^ | ^86 A.D. 176 THE CANON OF THE BIBLE. " generally received."^ The writer insists on the necessity of unity in the Church upon the sub- ject, and forbids the reading of writings not generally received. None but these are allowed. Yet he refers to Baruch (iii. 36-38) as the pro- phet ;'^ and in adducing the testimonies of the prophets for the existence of the Holy Spirit, the last he gives is Daniel xiii. 41, 45. Sirach iii. 21, 22 is cited ;3 Wisdom is quoted as Solo- mon's (xiii. 5);* the song of the three children is used (verse 55)^ with verses 27, 29;^ and Daniel (xiii. 22, 45) is quoted.^ In Athanasius's festal epistle (365 A.D.) the archbishop undertakes "to set forth in order the books that are canonical and handed down and believed to be divine." His list of the Old Testament nearly agrees with Cyril's, except that Esther is omitted and Ruth ^ Catech., iv. 22, pp. 66, 67, ed. Milles. " Ibid., xi. p. 142. * Ibid.y vi. p. 80. * Ibid.^ ix. pp. 115, 122. * IHd.^ ix. p. 115. « Ihid., ii. p. 31. 'Ibid., xvi. p. 239. FROM THE FOURTH CENTURY. 177 counted separately, to make out the twenty-two books. He adds, "there are other books not canonical, designed by the fathers to be read by those just joining us and wishing to be in- structed in the doctrine of piety;" i.e., the Wisdom of Solomon and the Wisdom of Sirach, and Esther and Judith and Tobit, and the Doc- trine of the Apostles so called, and the Shepherd ; " those being canonical^ and these being read, let there be no mention of apocryphal writings," &c. The New Testament list is the same as Cyril's, with the addition of the Apocalypse.^ He quotes several of the apocryphal books in the same way as he does the canonical. Thus he introduces Judith (viii. 16) with "the Scripture said; "2 and Baruch (iii. 12) is cited as if it were Scripture.'^ Wisdom (vi. 26) has the epithet Scripture applied to it.* Sirach (xv. 9) is intro- ^ Athanasii 0pp. ed. Benedict, i. 2, pp. 962, 963. " Orat. contra Arianos, ii. 35, vol. i. 503, ed. Benedicl. 3 Ibid., ii. 42, i. p. 510. ■* Ibid., ii. 79, i. p. 546. M 178 THE CANON OF THE BIBLE. duced with "what is said by the Holy Spirit." Baruch (iv. 20, 22) and Daniel (xiii. 42) are re- ferred to in the same way as Isaiah.^ Tobit (ii. 7) has " it is written " prefixed to it.^ Can- onical and apocryphal are mentioned together ; and similar language applied to them. Eusebius of Caesarea cites Wisdom as a divine oracle;^ and after adducing several passages from Proverbs, subjoining to them others from the same book with the introductory formula " these are also said to be the same writers," he con- cludes with " such is the scripture."'^ Sirach is cited as Solomon's along with various passages from Proverbs.^ After quoting Baruch, he says, " there is no need to appeal to the divine voices, which clearly confirm our proposition."^ The ad- ditions to Daniel are also treated as Scripture." » Epist. adepiscop. ^gypt., &c., i. I, p. 272. ' Contra Arian.y i. 12, i. p. 416. * Apolog. contra ArianoSy ii., vol. i. p. 133. * Praepar. Evan., i. 9. ' Ibid., xi. 14. * Ibid., xii. 18. 'Ibid,, vi. II, * Demon. Evang., vi. 19, FROM THE FOURTH CENTURY. 179 Basil of Caesarea^ had a canon agreeing with that of Athanasius. Along with the usual books reckoned as belonging to the canon, he used the apocryphal productions of the Old Testament. Thus the book of Wisdom (i. 4)2 is quoted by him. So are Sirach (xx. 2);3 Baruch, (iii. 36)* called Jeremiah's; Judith (ix. 4) ;& and Daniel (xiii. 50).^ Gregory of Nazianzus'' puts his list into a poetical form. In the Old Testament it agrees with Athanasius's exactly, except that he men- tions none but the canonical books. Like Athanasius, he omits Esther. In the New Tes- tament he deviates from Athanasius, by leaving out the Apocalypse, which he puts among the spurious.^ He does not ignore the apocryphal ^ t 379 A.D. ^ Homil. in princip. proverb. 0pp. ed. Gamier altera, vol. ii. p. 140. ^ Constitutiones Monast.^ c. iii. 2. Ibid., p. 779. * Adv. Eunom^ vol. i. p. 417. ° De Spiritu Sancto, c. viii. vol. iii. p. 23. ^ In Princip. Proverb, vol. ii. p. 152. '' f 389 A.D. ^ 0pp. ed. Migne, vol. iii. pp. 473, 474. i8o THE CANON OF THE BIBLE. books of the Old Testament, but quotes Daniel xiii. 5.^ Amphilochius of Iconium^ gives a metri- cal catalogue of the Biblical books. The canon of the old Testament is the usual one, except that he says of Esther at the end, "some judge that Esther should be added to the fore- going." He notices none of the apocryphal books. His New Testament canon agrees with the present, only he excludes the Apocalypse as spurious ; which is given as the judgment of the majority. He alludes to the doubts that existed as to the epistle to the Hebrews, but regards it as Pauline ; and to the number of the catholic epistles (seven or three).-^ The concluding words show that no list was universally received at that time. Epiphanius* follows Athanasius in his canon. ' Grcgorii Nazianzeni, 0pp. ed. Migne, vol. iii. pp. 473, 474. 't39S A.D. ' Iambi ad Seleucum ; in Gr^. Naz. 0pp. ii. p. 194. at decas secunda, pp. 313, 314. 2 Ibid. CHAPTER VIII. ORDER OF THE NEW TESTAMENT BOOKS. I. The arrangement of the various parts com- prising the New Testament was fluctuating in the second century ; less so in the third. In the fourth century the order which the books had commonly assumed in Greek MSS. and writers was : the Gospels, the Acts, the Catholic Epistles, the Pauline, and the Apocalypse. This sequence appears in the Vatican, Sinaitic, Alexandrian and Ephrem (C) MSS.; Cyril of Jerusalem, in the 6oth Canon of the Laodicean Council, Athanasius, Leontius of Byzantium, &c. II. Another order prevailed in the Latin Church, viz., the Gospels, the Acts, the Epistles of Paul, the Catholic Epistles, and the Apoca- 222 7 HE CANON OF THE BIBLE. lypse. This appears in Melito, Irenaeus, Clement of Alexandria, Origen, Augustine, Jerome, the Vulgate, the Councils of Carthage held in A.D. 397 and 419 ; and is now the usual arrangement. Within the limits of the two general arrange- ments just mentioned, there were many varia- tions. Thus we find in relation to the gospels. III. {a) Matthew, John, Luke, Mark ; in the MSS. of the old Italic marked ^, 3, d, e, f, ff, and in the cod. argenteus of Ulfila's Gothic version. {b) Matthew, John, Mark, Luke ; in the council of Ephesus A.D. 431, Cyril of Alexan- dria, Theodoret, the stichometry of the Cler- mont MS. Such was the usual order in the Greek Church of the fifth century. {c) Mark is put first, followed by Matthew ; in the fragment of a Bobbian MS. of the Itala at Turin marked k. {d) Matthew, Mark, John, Luke ; in the ORDER OF THE NEW TESTAMENT BOOKS. 223 Curetonian Syriac gospels. They are men- tioned in the same order in Origen's I. Homily on Luke. The reason of the order in {a) and {b) lies in apostleship. The works of apostles precede those of evangelists. The established sequence, which is already sanctioned by Irenaeus and Origen, has respect to the supposed dates of the gospels. Clement of Alexandria says that ancient tradition supposed those gospels having the genealogies to have been written before the others. IV. As to the Acts of the Apostles ^ not only is this work put immediately after the gospels, which is the order in the Muratorian canon, but we find it in other positions. {a) Gospels, Pauline Epistles, Acts ; in the Sinaitic MS., the Peshito,i Jerome,2 and Epi- phanius. 1 Hug says that his copy of Widmanstad's edition had the Acts immediately following the Gospels. ' Epist. ad Paulinum. 224 THE CANON OF THE BIBLE. ip) Gospels, Pauline Epistles, Catholic Epis- tles, Acts ; in Augustine, the third council of Toledo, Isidore, Innocent I., Eugenius IV., and the Spanish Church generally. {c) Gospels, Pauline, Catholic Epistles, Apocalypse, Acts ; in the stichometry of the Clermont MS. V. As to the Epistles of Paid, besides the place they now occupy in our Bibles, they sometimes follow the gospels immediately. {a) Gospels, Pauline Epistles ; the Sinaitic MS., Jerome, Epiphanius, Augustine, the third council of Toledo, Isidore, Innocent I., Euge- nius IV., the stichometry of the Clermont MS. (p) The usual order of the Gfeek Church is, Gospels, Acts, Catholic Epistles, Pauline, &c., as in Cyril of Jerusalem, the Laodicean Council (60), Athanasius, Leontius of Byzantium, the MSS. A. B., but not «. The critical Greek Testaments of Lachmann and Tischendorf adopt this order. ORDER OF THE NEW TESTAMENT BOOKS. 225 (c) They are placed last of all in a homily attributed to Origen, but this does not neces- sarily shew that father's opinion.^ {d) They stand first of all in a Gallican Sacramentarium cited by Hody.^ VI. With respect to the order of the indivi- dual epistles, the current one has been thought as old as Tertullian and Clement of Alex- andria. But the proof of this is precarious. It appears in the fourth century, and may have been prior to that. It is in Epiphanius, who supposes that the arrangement was the apostle's own. Not only was it the prevalent one in the Greek Church, but also in the Latin, as we see from the codex Amiatinus, and the Vulgate MSS. generally. It rests upon the extent of the epistles and the relative impor- tance of the localities in which the believers addressed resided. ^ Horn. vii. in Josua. '^ De Bibliorum textibus originalibus, &c., p. 654. P 226 THE CANON OF THE BIBLE. {a) Marcion had but ten Pauline epistles in the following order : Galatians, i and 2 Corin- thians, Romans, i and 2 Thessalonians, the Laodiceans (Ephesians), Colossians, Philemon, Philippians. {b) I and 2 Corinthians, Ephesians, Philip- pians, Colossians, Galatians, I and 2 Thessa- lonians, Romans, Philemon, Titus, I and 2 Timothy, to the Laodiceans, the Alexandrians (the Epistle to the Hebrews); in the Muratorian canon. (c) Romans, Corinthians, Galatians, Ephe- sians, Philippians, Thessalonians, Colossians, Timothy, Titus, Philemon, Hebrews ; in Augustine, and several MSS. of the Vulgate in England.^ {d) Romans, Corinthians, Galatians, Thessa- lonians, Ephesians, Philippians, Colossians, Timothy, Titus, Philemon, Hebrews; in the so-called decree of Gelasius in the name of » /bui., p. 664. ORDER OF THE NEW TESTAMENT BOOKS. 227 Hormisdas, in Labbe's text. But here different MSS. vary in regard to the position of the Thessalonian epistles. VI I. The Laodicean letter was inserted either before the pastoral epistles, as in several MSS. of the Vulgate in England ; or before the Thessalonian epistles preceding them ; or at the end of the Epistle to the Hebrews, as in a MS. of the Latin Bible at Lambeth. Its insertion in copies of the Vulgate was owing to the authority of Gregory the Great, who looked upon it as authentic. VIII. The position of the Epistle to the Hebrews usually was either before the pastoral epistles, i.e., immediately after those to the Thessalonians ; or after the pastoral ones and Philemon. The former method was generally adopted in the Greek Church from the fourth century. The latter prevailed in the Latin Church from Augustine onward. (a) Pauline epistles to churches (the last 228 THE CANON OF THE BIBLE. being the second to the Thessalonians), Hebrews, Timothy, Titus, Philemon ; in the MSS. N, A. B. C. H., Athanasius, Epip- hanius, Euthalius,^ Theodoret. Jerome men- tions it after the epistles of Paul to the seven churches as an eighth excluded by the majority, and proceeds to specify the pastoral ones. But Amphilochius and Ebedjesu the Syrian have the western order, viz., the follow- ing—- if)) Pauline Epistles, Hebrews (following im- mediately that to Philemon) ; in Augustine and the Vulgate version generally. It is so in the canons of the councils at Hippo and Carthage (A.D. 393 and 397), and in the MSS. D. and G., in Isidore of Spain, and the council of Trent. IX. With respect to the order of the Catholic Epistles ^ which were not all adopted into the canon till the end of the fourth century ; Euse- * See Zacagni's Collectanea monumentorum veteruni Praefat^ p. Ixxi., &.C. ORDER OF THE NEW TESTAMENT BOOKS. 229 bius putting all except i John and i Peter among the antilegomena ; while Jerome, and the council of Carthage (a.d. 397) admit them unreservedly ; the usual order, viz., James, i and 2 Peter, John, Jude, prevailed in the Eastern Church. It is in the Peshito or old Syriac version, Eusebius, Cyril of Jerusalem, Epiphanius, the 60th of the Laodicean canons, Athanasius, Gregory of Nazianzus, Amphi- lochius, the stichometry of Nicephorus, the MSS. K. A. B. C, and most Greek MS. But the 76th of the Apostolic canons has Peter, John, James and Jude. The canon, however, is comparatively late. ici) Peter, John, Jude, James ; in Philastrius of Brescia. If we may rely on Cassiodorus's account of Augustine, the African father followed the same arrangement. {p) Peter, James, Jude, John ; in Rufinus. (c) Peter, John, James, Jude ; in the councils of Carthage, A.D. 397, 419, Cassiodorus, and 230 THE CANON OF THE BIBLE, a Gallican Sacramentarium. The Vulgate and council of Trent follow this arrangement. {d) John, Peter, Jude, James ; in the list given by Innocent L, and the third council of Toledo. The Eastern church naturally set the Epistle of James, who was Bishop of Jerusalem, at the head of the others ; while the Western put Peter, the Bishop of Rome, in the same place. X. The Revelation varied little in position. {a) In the decree of Gelasius, according to its three recensions, the Revelation follows Paul's epistles, preceding those of John and the other Catholic ones. if)) In D or the Clermont MS. it follows the Catholic epistles, and precedes the Acts ; which last is thrown to the end of all the books, as if it were an appendix to the writings of the apostles.^ 1 See Volkmar's Anhang to Cred tier's Geschichte des N. T. A'anoHy p. 341, &c. ; and Hody Dc Bibliorum textibus originalibus, p. 644, &c. CHAPTER IX. SUMMARY OF THE SUBJECT. {a.) In relation to the Old Testament, the prevailing tendency in the Greek Church was to follow the Palestinian canon. Different lists appeared from time to time in which the en- deavour there to exclude apocryphal, 2>., spurious works, was apparent. In addition to the canonical, a class of ecclesiastical books was judged fit for reading in the Church, — a class intermediate between the canonical and apocryphal. The distinction between the canonical and ecclesiastical writings appears in Cyril of Jerusalem, Athanasius, Epiphanius, &c. The Latin Church showed a disposition to elevate the ecclesiastical books of the Greek Church to the rank of the canonical, making 232 THE CANON OF THE BIBLE. the line between the two indistinct ; as we see from the acts of the councils at Hippo and Carthage, in the end of the fourth and beginning of the fifth century, where Augustine's influence was predominant. But notwithstanding this deviation froni the stricter method of the Greeks, learned men like Jerome adhered to the Pales- tinian canon, and even styled the ecclesias- tical books apocryphal^ transferring the epithet from one class to another. Hilary and Rufinus also followed the Greek usage. During the sixth and following centuries, it cannot be said that the canon of the Greek Church was definitely closed, notwithstanding the decrees of councils and references to older authorities. Opinions still varied about certain books, such as Esther ; though the Palestinian list was commonly followed. During the same period, the enlarged canon of the Alexandrian Jews, which went far to abolish the distinction between the canonical and deutero-canonical . SUMMARY OF THE SUBJECT. 233 books, prevailed in the West, at least in practice ; though some followed the shorter one, sanctioned as it had been by Jerome. As both lists existed, no complete or final settlement of the question was reached in the Latin Church. Neither in the East nor in the West was the canon of the Old Testament really closed; for though the stricter principle of separation prevailed in theory, it was not carried out in practice con- sistently or universally. The two men most influential about the canon were Jerome and Augustine; the one representing its Palestinian, the other its Alexandrian type. After them no legal or commanding voice fixed either, to the absolute exclusion of its rival. (^.) The charge of Constantine to Eusebius to make out a list of writings for the use of the Church and its performance may be considered as that which first put the subject on a broad and permanent basis. Its consequences were important. If it cannot be called the completion 234 THE CANON OF THE BIBLE. or close of the New Testament canon, it de- termined it largely. Eusebius made a Greek Bible containing the usual books, except the Revelation. Though the historian of the church was not well fitted for the task, being deficient in critical ability and trammelled by tradition, he doubtless used his best judgment. Hence, about the year 337, the Constantinian Church received a Bible which had an influential origin. No binding authority indeed attached to the list of the Christian books it presented ; but it had weight in the Greek Church. It did not prevent different opinions, nor deter individuals from dissent. Thus Athanasius, who disliked Eusebius and his party, issued a list of the sacred writings which included the Revelation. The canon of the Laodicean Council (a.d. 363) agreed with the Constantine one. That variations still existed in the Eastern Church is shewn by the lists which vied with one another in precedence. The apostolic canons SUMMARY OF THE SUBJECT. 235 adopted the seven general epistles, while the apostolic constitutions excluded them. The Alexandrian MS. added to the ordinary books of the New Testament Clement's two epistles ; and Cosmas Indicopleustes omitted the general epistles as well as the Apocalypse. At length the Council of Constantinople, usually called the Trullaii (a.d. 692), laid down positions that fixed the canon for the Greek Church. The endeavour in it was to attain to a conclusion which should unite East and West. This council did not enumerate the separate books, but referred to older authorities, to the eighty -five canons of the apostles, the de- crees of the synods of Laodicea, Ephesus, Carthage, and others; to Athanasius, Gregory of Nazianzus, Amphliochius of Iconium, Cyril of Alexandria, Gennadius, &c. After the fourth century there was a general desire to fall back on apostolic times, to appeal to the Church, to ascertain the opinion of 236 THE CANON OF THE BIBLE. synods or assemblies ; in a word, to rely on authority. Less discrepancy and activity were manifested about the canon in the Western Church. Here the chief doubts were directed to the epistle to the Hebrews and the seven general ones. The former was early excluded, and continued to be so even in the time of Jerome. The latter were adopted much sooner. The impulse given by Constantine to determine the books of Scripture re-acted on the West, where the Church con- sidered it its own privilege. Augustine's in- fluence contributed much to the settlement of the question. The synods of Hippo (A.D. 393) and of Carthage (a.d. 397) received the epistle to the Hebrews and the seven general ones, thus fixing the New Testament canon as it now is. In 419 the African bishops, in the presence of a Papal delegate, repeated their former decision. After the West Goths joined the Catholic Church in the sixth century, the Romish and SUMMARY OF THE SUBJECT. 237 Spanish Churches gave prominence to the fact of accepting both the Apocalypse and the epistle to the Hebrews. The canon of the West was now virtually closed ; the fourth Council of Toledo (a.d. 632) at which Isidore was present, agreeing with the Augustinian list, ratified as that list had been by Innocent the First. The reception of the epistle to the Hebrews was facilitated by the objections of the Arians and Semiarians; while opposition to the Priscil- lianists in Spain strengthened adherence to the traditional canon. Augustine and the Trullan Council fixed the number of the New Testament books as they are now. With regard to the Bible canon in general, we see that councils had weight when they enumerated the sacred books ; that prominent teachers delivered their opinion on the subject with effect, and that tradition contributed to one result ; but no general council closed the canon once for all, till that of Trent promulgated its 238 THE CANON OF THE BIBLE. decrees. This body, however, could only settle the subject for Romanists, since, while the right of private judgment is exercised, no corporation can declare some books inspired and others not, some authoritative in matters of faith, others not, without presumption. Though the present Bible canon rests upon the judgment of good and learned men of different times, it can never be finally or infallibly settled, because the critical powers of readers differ, and all do not accept church authority with unhesitating assent. It is the way of men to defer unduly to the opinions expressed by synods and councils, especially if they be propounded dogmatically ; to acquiesce in their decisions with facility rather than institute independent inquiry. This is ex- emplified in the history of the canon, where the fallibility of such bodies in determining canon- icity is conspicuous. It is so in the general re- ception of the book of Esther, while the old poem, the Song of Songs, was called in question SUMMARY OF THE SUBJECT, 239 at the synod of Jamnia ; in the omission of the Revelation from the canonical list by many be- longing to the Greek Church, while the epistles to Timothy and Titus were received as St Paul's from the beginning almost universally. CHAPTER X. THE CANON IN THE CONFESSIONS OF DIFFERENT CHURCHES. The second Helvetic Confession (A.D. 1566) speaks of the apocryphal books of the Old Testament as those which the ancients wished to be read in the churches, but not as authorita- tive in matters of faith.^ The Gallic Confession (A.D. 1559) makes a distinction between canonical and other books, the former being the rule and norm of faith, not only by the consent of the Church, but much more by the testimony and intrinsic persuasion of the Spirit, by whose suggestions we are taught to distinguish them from other ecclesiastical books which, though useful, are not of the kind ^ Niemeyer, Colledio Con/essionum, p. 468. IN THE CONFESSIONS. 241 that any article of faith can be constituted by them.^ The Belgic Confession (A.D. 1561) niakes a distinction between the sacred and apocryphal books. The latter may be read by the Church, but no doctrine can be derived from them. In the list of New Testament books given there diXQ fourteen epistles of Paul.^ The canon of the Waldenses must have coincided at first with that of the Roman Church ; for the Dublin MS. containing the New Testament has attached to it the Book of Wisdom and the first twenty-three chapters of Sirach ; while the Zurich codex of the New Testament has marginal references to the Apoc- rypha ; to Judith, Tobit, 4 Esdras, Wisdom, Sirach, and Susanna. The Nobla Leyczo7i con- taining a brief narration of the contents of the Old and New Testaments confirms this opinion. * Niemeyer's Collectio Confessionuniy p. 330. 2 Ibid., pp. 361, 362, Q 242 'IHE CANON OF THE BIBLE It opposes, however, the old law to the new, making them antagonistic. The historical document containing the articles of " The Union of the Valleys," A.D. 1571, separates indeed the canonical and apocryphal books, purporting to be founded on a Confession of Faith as old as A.D. 11 20; but the latter is mythical, as appears from a comparison of it with the epistle which the legates of the Wal- densians gave to CEcolampadius. The articles of that " Union " are copied from Morel's account of his transactions with CEcolampadius and Bucer in 1530. The literature of this people was altered by Hussite influences and the Reformation ; so that though differing little from the Romanists at first except in ecclesiastical discipline, they diverged widely afterwards by adopting the Protestant canon and doctrines.^ Hence the Confession issued * See Herzog's Die Romanischen Waldenser^ p. 55, &c. ; and his programm De originc et pristitio statu Waldcnsium^ &c., pp. 17, 40, 41. IN THE CONFESSIONS. 243 in 1655 enumerates as Holy Scripture nothing but the Jewish Palestinian canon, and the usual books of the New Testament.^ The canon of the Anglican Church (1562), given in the sixth article of religion, defines holy Scripture to be " those canonical books of the Old and New Testament, of whose authority was never any doubt in the Church." After giving the names and number of the canonical books, the article prefaces the apocryphal ones with, " And the other books (as Hierome saith) the Church doth read for example of life and instruction of manners ; but yet doth it not apply them to establish any doctrine. Such are these following," &c., &c. At the end it is stated that " all the books of the New Testament, as they are commonly received, we do receive and account them canonical." The article is ambi- guous. If the canonical books enumerated are those meant in the phrase " of whose authority ^ Leger's Histoire des Egliscs Vaudoises^ vol. i., p. 112, &c. 244 THE CANON OF THE BIBLE was never any doubt in the Church," the state- ment is incorrect If a distinction is implied between the canonical books and such canonical ones as have never been doubted in the Church, the meaning is obscure. In either case the language is not explicit. The Scottish or Westminster Confession of Faith gives a list of all the books of the Old and New Testaments as the Word of God written; adding that those called the apoc- rypha are not of divine inspiration, and no part of the canon, — of no authority in the Church, nor to be approved or made use of otherwise than human writings. The Roman Catholic canon was finally determined at the Council of Trent (1546), which adopted all the books in the Vulgate as sacred and canonical, without distinction. Third and fourth Esdras, third Maccabees, and the prayer of Manasseh were not included ; though the first and last appeared in the original IN THE CONFESSIONS. 245 Clementine edition of 1 592, but apart from the canonical books. They are not in the Sixtine edition of 1590.^ A council at Florence in 1441 had set the example which was followed at Trent. But this stringent decree did not prevent individual Catholics from making a distinction between the books, in assuming a first and second canon or proto- canonical and deutero-canonical books ; as did Sixtus Senensis, B. Lamy, Anton a matre Dei, Jahn, and others ; though it is hardly consistent with orthodox Catholicism or the view of those who passed the decree. When the writings are said to be of different authority — some more, others less — the intent of the council is violated. The Vatican council (1870) confirmed the Tridentine decree respecting the canon. The Greek Church, after several ineffectual ^ The reason given for their being added as a separate appendix is that they are cited by some fathers and found in some Latin Bibles. 246 THE CANON OF THE BIBLE. attempts to uphold the old distinction between the canonical and ecclesiastical books by Metro- phanes Critopulus patriarch of Alexandria in 1625, and Cyril Lucaris patriarch of Constan- tinople (1638 A.D.),^ came to the same decision with the Romish, and canonized all the apoc- rypha. This was done at a Jerusalem synod under Dositheus in 1672. 1 Kimmel's Monumenta fidei eccles. orient y part i. p. 467. CHAPTER XI. THE CANON FROM SEMLER TO THE PRESENT TIME, WITH REFLECTIONS ON ITS READ- JUSTMENT. Semler ^ was the most conspicuous scholar after the Reformation who undertook to correct the prevailing ideas respecting the canon. Acquainted with the works of Toland and Morgan, he adopted some of their views, and prosecuted his inquiries on their lines chiefly in relation to the New Testament. He had no definite principles to guide him, but judged books chiefly by their christian value and use to the Church. Though his views are sometimes one-sided and his essays ill-digested, he placed the subject in new lights, and rendered a service ^ +I79I AD. 248 THE CANON OF THE BIBLE to truth which bore abundant fruit in after years.^ He dealt tradition severe blows, and freed theolog>' from the yoke of the letter. He was followed by his disciple Corrodi, by G. L. Oeder, J. D. Michaelis, Herder, Lessing, and Eichhorn, — most of whom recommended their views by a freshness of style which Semler did not command. The more recent works of Gesenius, De Wette, Zunz, Ewald, Hitzig, Geiger and Herzfeld have contributed to form a juster opinion of the true position which the books of the Bible occupy. In the New Testament, the writings of F. C. Baur have opened up a new method of investi- gating the canon, which promises important and lasting results. Proceeding in the track of Semler, he prosecuted his researches into primi- tive Christianity with great acuteness and singular power of combination. Though his * Abhandlung von frcier Untersuchung des Canon, 4 parts, Halle, 1771-1775. SINCE SEMLER. 249 separation of Petrine and Pauline Christianity is not new, he has applied it in ways which neither Toland nor Morgan was competent to manage. These writers perceived the difference between the leading principle of the twelve and that of Paul, they had some far-seeing glimpses of the origin and differences of the New Testament writings,^ but they propounded them in an un- systematic way along with untenable conjec- tures. It was reserved for the Tubingen pro- fessor to elaborate the hypothesis of an Ebionite or primitive Christianity in contra-distinction from a Pauline, applying it to the origin and constitution of christian literature; in a word, to use a tendenz-kritik for opening up the genius of the sacred writings as well as the stages of early Christianity out of which they arose. The head of the Tubingen school, it is true, has carried out the antagonism between 1 See Toland's Nazarejtus, p. 25, &c., second edition ; and Morgan's Moral Philosopher, vol. i. p. 56, &c. 250 THE CANON OF THE BIBLE the Petrine and Pauline christians too rigorously, and invaded the authenticity of the sacred writings to excess ; for it is hazardous to make a theory extremely stringent to the comparative neglect of modifying circumstances, which, though increasing the difficulty of criticism, contribute to the security of its processes. Yet he has properly emphasized internal evidence ; and many of his conclusions about the books will stand. He has thrown much light on the original relations of parties immediately after the origin of Christianity, and disturbed an organic unity of the New Testament which had been merely asstmted by traditionalists. The best Introductions to the New Testament must accept them to some extent. The chief char- acteristic of the school is the application of historic criticism to the genesis of the New Testament writings, irrespective of tradition — a striving to discover the circumstances or tendencies out of which the books originated. SINCE SEMLER. 251 Baur's tendenz - principle judiciously applied cannot but produce good results. We have seen that sound critical considera- tions did not regulate the formation of the three collections which make up the entire canon of the Old Testament. Had it been so, the Pentateuch would not have been attributed to Moses. Neither would a number of latter prophecies have been accepted as Isaiah's and incorporated with the prophet's authentic productions. All the Proverbs, the book of Ecclesiastes, and the Song of Songs would not have been assigned to Solomon ; Jonah would have been separated from the prophets, and Daniel must have had a later position in the Hagiographa. We cannot, therefore, credit the collectors or editors of the books with great critical sagacity. But they did their best in the circumstances, pre- serving invaluable records of the Hebrew people. In like manner, it has appeared, that 252 THE CANON OF THE BIBLE the ecclesiastics to whom we owe the New Testament collection were not sharp-sighted in the literature with which they had to do. It is true that well-founded doubts were entertained by the early Christians about several portions, such as the second Epistle of Peter, the Epistle to the Hebrews, &c., but the Revelation was needlessly discredited. They accepted without hesitation the pastoral epistles as Pauline, but doubted some of the Catholic Epistles, whch bear the impress of authenticity more strongly, such as James. It is therefore incorrect to say that 2 Peter, 2 and 3 John, James, Jude, Epistle to the Hebrews, and the Apocalypse " have been received into the canon on evidence less complete " than that belonging to the others. The very general admission of the fourth gospel as the apostle John's, is a curious example of facile traditionalism. Biblical criti- cism, however, scarcely existed in the first three ITS READJUSTMENT. 253 centuries. It is for us to set the subject in another light, because our means of judging are superior. If the resources of the early fathers were inadequate to the proper sifting of a co- pious literature, they should be mildly judged. The question of the canon is not settled. It is probably the work of successive inquirers to set it on a right basis, and adjust the various parts in a manner consistent with historic criticism, sound reason, and religion. The absolute and relative worth of books ; the degrees in which they regulate ethics and conduct ; their varying values at the times of their first appearance and our own ; their places in the general history of human progress — all these must be determined before the documents of Judaism and Christianity be classified aright. Their present arrangement is external. Based on no interior principle, it furnishes little help toward a thorough investigation of the whole. Those who look upon the question as historical 254 THE CANON OF THE BIBLE and literary take a one-sided view. It has a theological character also. It needs the applica- tion, not only of historic criticism, but the immediate consciousness belonging to every Christian. The two Testaments should be separated, and their respective positions assigned to each — the Old having been preparatory to the New. Should it be said bluntly, as it is in the 7th Article of the Anglican Church, that the Old is not contrary to the New Testament } Luther at least ex- pressed his opinion of the difference between them pretty clearly ; ^ though the theologians of Germany after him evinced a desire to minimise the difference.^ Should the general opinion of ^ For example, "Moses is dead; his rule went out when Christ came — he is of no further service here. . . . We are willing to regard him as a teacher, but we will not regard him as our lawgiver, unless he agree ivith the New Testament and the law of nature." Sdmmtliche Schriften, ed. "Walch. dritter Theil., pp. 7, 8. ' Such as Calovius, Chemnitz, John Gerhard, W. Lyser, Quenstedt, Brochmand, HoUaz, &c. Mclancthon also makes ITS READJUSTMENT. 255 the Protestant Church that the authority of the Old Testament is not subordinate to that of the New be rigidly upheld? According to one aspect of the former it may be so, viz., its prophetic and theological aspect, that in which it is brought into close union with the latter ; the essence of the one being foreshadowed or implied in the other, as Justin Martyr supposed. And this view has never lost supporters, who by the help of double senses, types, and symbols, with assumed prediction of the definite and distant future, transform the old dispensa- tion into an outline picture of the new ; taking into it a body of divinity which is alien from its nature. According to another aspect, viz., the moral and historical, the equality can scarcely be allowed. Schleiermacher is right in saying that the Old Testament seems to be nothing but a superfluous authority for doctrine ; an no important distinction between the two Testaments in his Loci theologici. Calvin's theology was derived from the Old Testa- ment more than the New. 2S6 THE CANON OF THE BIBLE. opinion coinciding with that of the early Socinians, who held that it has a historical, not a dogmatic, value. Only such of our pious emotions as are of a general nature are accu- rately reflected in the Old Testament ; and all that is most decidedly Jewish is of least value to christians. The alleged coincidence of the Old Testament with the New must be modified by the doctrine of development. It has been fostered by types and prophecies supposed to refer to christian times ; by the assumed dicta- tion of all Scripture by the Holy Spirit; by fancied references of the one dispensation to the other; by the confounding of a Jewish Messiah sketched in various prophets, with Jesus Christ, as if the latter had not changed, exalted and purified the Messianic idea to suit his sublime purposes of human regeneration. The times and circumstances in which the Old Testament Scriptures appeared, the manners, usages, civil- isation, intellectual and moral stage of the ITS READJUSTMENT. 257 Semitic race combine to give them a lower position than that of the New Testament books which arose out of a more developed perception of the relations between God and men. Spiri- tual apprehension had got beyond Jewish par- ticularism, especially in the case of the apostle Paul, who gave the new religion a distinct vitality by severing it from its Jewish pre- decessor. The agreement of the New Testament books with themselves must be modified by the same doctrine of development. Jewish and Pauline Christianity appear in different works, necessarily imparting a difference of views and expression ; or they are blended in various degrees, as in the epistles to the Hebrews and the first of Peter. Hence absolute harmony cannot be looked for. If the standpoints of the writers were so diverse, how can their productions coincide.? The alleged coincidence can only be intersected with varieties proportioned to the measures in which R 2S8 THE CANON OF THE BIBLE. the authors possessed the Spirit of God. These varieties affect the matter as well as the manner of the writings. It is therefore unphilosophical to treat the Bible as a whole which was dictated by the Spirit and directed to one end. Its uniformity is chequered with variety; its har- mony with disagreement. It is a bundle of books ; a selection from a wider literature, reflecting many diversities of religious appre- hension. After the two Testaments have been rightly estimated according to their respective merits, the contents of each should be duly apportioned — internal evidence being the test of their relative importance, irrespective of a priori assumptions. Their traditional origin and authority must be subordinated to the inherent value they bear, or the conformity of the ideas to the will of God. The gradual formation of both canons suggests an analysis of the classes into which they came to be put ; for the same canonical dignity was not attributed by the ITS READJUSTMENT. ' 259 Jews to the books contained in the three divisions ; and the controverted writings of the New Testament found gradual recog- nition very slowly. Luther made important distinctions between the canonical books 1 ; and Carlstadt put the Antilegomena of the New Testament on a par with the Hagiographa of the Old. In the Old Testament the three classes or canons have been generally estimated by the Jews according to their respective antiquity ; though the sacrificial worship enjoined in the Penta- teuch never formed an essential part of the Jewish religion ; the best prophets having set small value upon it. The pure monotheistic doctrine of these last writers, chiefly contained in the second canon, lifts that class up to the highest rank ; yet the Decalogue in the Penta- ^ His full sayings are collected in Bretschneider's Luther an unsere Zeity pp. 186-224 j and in Krause's Opuscula theologica, pp. 205-241, 26o THE CANON OF THE BIBLE. teuch is sufficient to stamp the first canon with great worth. It must be confessed, however, that the Mosaic law was meagre, in the domain of pure ethics ; and that it promoted among the people a slavish spirit of positivism by laying more stress on acts than dispositions, and insist- ing on small regulations. For this reason, the prophets combated its narrow externality. The three canons were regarded with a degree of veneration corresponding to the order in which they stand. To apportion their respective values to the individual parts of them is a difficult task. As to the New Testament writings, we think that some of them might conveniently occupy the position of duetero-canonical, equivalent to those of the Old Testament having that title. We allude to 2 and 3 John, Jude, James, 2 Peter, the Revelation. It is true that a few of these were prior in time to some of the univer- sally-received gospels or epistles ; but time is riS READJUSTMENT. 261 not an important factor in a good classification. Among the Pauline epistles themselves, classifi- cation might be adopted ; for the pastoral letters are undoubtedly post-Pauline, and in- ferior to the authentic ones. In classifying the New Testament writings, three things might be considered — the reception they met with from the first, their authenticity, above all, their internal excellence. The subject is not easy, because critics are not universally agreed about the proper rank and authenticity of a few docu- ments. The Epistle to the Colossians, for example, creates perplexity ; that to the Ephesians is less embarrassing, its post-Pauline origin being tolerably clear. What is wanted is a rational historic criti- cism to moderate the theological hypotheses with which the older Protestants set out, the supernatural inspiration of the books, their internal inseparability, and their direct reference to the work'of salvation. It must be allowed that 262 THE CANON OF THE BIBLE. many points are independent of dogmatics ; and that the right decision in things historical may be reached apart from any ecclesiastical standpoint. Again, should the distinction between the apocryphal and canonical books of the Old Testament be emphasized as it is by many? Should a sharp line be put between the two, as though the one class, with the period it belonged to, were characterized by the errors and anachronisms of its history ; the other by simplicity and accuracy ; the one, by books written under fictitious names; the other, by the power to distinguish truth from falsehood or by honesty of purpose ? Should the one be a sign of the want of truthfulness and discernment ; the other, of religious simplicity ? Can this aggregation of the Apocrypha over against the Hagiographa, serve the purpose of a just estimate ? Hardly so ; for some of the latter, such as Esther and Ecclesiastes, ITS READJUSTMENT. 263 cannot be put above Wisdom, ist Maccabees, Judith, Baruch, or Ecclesiasticus. The doctrine of immortahty, clearly expressed in the Book of Wisdom, is not in Ecclesiastes ; neither is God once named in the Book of Esther as author of the marvellous deliverances which the chosen people are said to have experienced. The his- tory narrated in ist Maccabees is more credible than that in Esther. It is therefore misleading to mark off all the apocryphal works as human and all the canonical ones as divine. The divine and the human elements in man are too inti- mately blended to admit of such separation. The best which he produces partakes of both. The human element still permeates them as long as God speaks through man ; and He neither dictates nor speaks otherwise. In the attributes claimed for the canonical books no rigid line can be drawn. It may be that the inspiration of their authors differed in degree; that the writer of Ecclesiastes, for 264 THE CANON OF THE BIBLE. example, was more philosophical than Jesus son of Sirach ; but different degrees of in- spiration belong to the canonical writers them- selves. Undue exaltation of the Hebrew canon does injustice to the wider Alexandrian one. Yet some still speak of "the pure Hebrew canon," identifying it with that of the Church of England. We admit that history had be- come legendary, that it was written in an ora- torical style by the Alexandrian Jews, and was used for didactic purposes as in Tobit and Judith. Gnomic poetry had survived in the book of Sirach ; prophecy, in Baruch and the Epistle of Jeremiah, though here the language is already prosaic. Imitation is too observable in the matter and manner of the Apocrypha. They have parallels, however, among the Hagio- grapha, which originated in an age when the genuine breath of prophetic inspiration had ceased; when history and prophecy had degene- rated ; so that the transition from Esther and ITS READJUSTMENT. 265 Malachi to Judith and Baruch, as also from Proverbs to Wisdom, is not great. The Talnmdic canon is generally adopted at the present day. It was not, however, universally received even by the Jews; for Esther was omitted out of it by those from whom Melito got his catalogue in Palestine ; while Sirach was annexed to it as late as the beginning of the 4th century. Baruch was also added in several Jewish circles, doubtless on account of its supposed authorship. Thus " the pure Hebrew canon " was not one and the same among all Jews ; and therefore the phrase is misleading. Neither is it correct to say that it is the only canon distinctly recognized during the first four centuries, unless the usage of the early fathers be set over against their assumed contrary judgment ; nor can all who followed the Alexandrian canon be pronounced uncritical, including Origen himself. A stereotyped canon of the Old Testament, either among Jews or 266 THE CANON OF THE BIBLE. Christians of the first four centuries, which excluded all the apocryphal books and in- cluded all the canonical ones, cannot be shown. And in regard to "the critical judg- ment " of Jews and Christians in that period it is arbitrary to suppose that such as adopted the present canonical books alone were more discerning than others. They were more traditional and conservative ; their discriminat- ing faculty not corresponding to the degree of their reliance on the past. The aim of the inquirer should be to find from competent witnesses — from contempor- aneous or succeeding writers of trustworthy character — the authors and ages of the biblical books. When evidence of this kind is not available as often happens, the only resource is the internal. The external evidence in favour of the canon is all but exhausted, and nothing of importance can be added to it now. Its strength has been brought out ; its weakness TTS READJUSTMENT. 267 has not been equally exhibited. The problem resolves itself into an examination of internal characteristics, which may be strong enough to modify or counterbalance the external. The latter have had an artificial preponderance in the past; henceforward they must be regulated by the internal. The main conclusion should be drawn from the contents of the books themselves. And the example of Jews and Christians, to whom we owe the Bible canon, shows that classification is necessary. This is admitted both by Roman Catholic writers and orthodox Pro- testants. A gloss-writer on what is usually called the " decree of Gratian," i.e., the Bolog- nese canonist of the 12th century, remarks about the canonical books, "all may be received but may not be held in the same estimation." John Gerhard speaks of a second or der, containing the books of the New Testament, about whose authors there were some doubts in the Church;^ 1} Loci Theologici, Tom. i. pp. 186, 187, ed. Cotta, 1762. 268 THE CANON OF THE BIBLE. and Quenstedt similarly specifies proto-canonical and deiitero-canonical New Testament books, or those of the first and second order/ What are degrees or kinds of inspiration assumed by many, but a tacit acknowledgment of the fact that books vary in intrinsic value as they are more or less impregnated with divine truth or differ in the proportion of the eter- nal and temporal elements which commingle in every revealed religion ? Doubtless the authors from whom the separate books pro- ceeded, if discoverable, should be regarded ; the inspiration of an Isaiah is higher than that of a Malachi, and an apostle is more authorita- tive than an evangelist ; but the authors are often unknown. Besides, the process of redaction through which many of the writings passed hinders an exact knowledge of authorship. In these circumstances the books themselves must determine the position they should occupy ^ Theologia Didactico-polemica, p. 340. ITS READJUSTMENT. 269 in the estimation of those who are looking at records of the past to help their spiritual life. And if it be asked, What principle should lie at the basis of a thorough classification ? the answer is, the normative element contained in the sacred books. This is the characteristic which should regulate classification. The time when a book appeared, its author, the surrounding circumstances that influenced him, are of less consequence than its bearing upon the spiri- tual education of mankind. The extent of its adequacy to promote this end determines the rank. Such books as embody the in- destructible essence of religion with the fewest accidents of time, place and nature — which present conditions not easily disengaged from the imperishable life of the soul, deserve the first rank. Whatever Scriptures express ideas consonant with the nature of God as a holy, loving, just and good Being — as a bene- volent Father not willing the destruction of any 270 THE CANON OF THE BIBLE. of his children ; the Scriptures presenting ideas of Him consistent with pure reason and man's highest instincts, besides such as set forth our sense of dependence on the infinite ; the books, in short, that contain a revelation from God with least admixture of the human conditions under which it is transmitted — these belong to the highest class. If they lead the reader away from opinion to practice, from dogma to life, from non-doing to obedience to the law of moral duty, from the notion that everything in salva- tion has been done for him to the keeping of the commandments, from particularist concep- tions about the divine mercy to the widest belief of its overshadowing presence — such books of Scripture are in that same proportion to be ranked among the best. In regard to the Old Testament, conformity to Christ's teaching will determine rank; or, which is tantamount, conformity to that pure reason which is God's natural revelation in man ; a criterion which ITS READJUSTMENT, 271 assigns various ranks to such Scriptures as ap- peared among a Semite race at a certain stage of its development. In the New Testament, the words and precepts of Jesus have a character of their own, though it is very difficult to select them from the gospels. The supposition that the apostles' productions possess a higher authority than those of their disciples, is natural. But the immediate followers of Christ did not all stand on one platform. Differing from one another even in important principles, it is possible, if not certain, that some of their dis- ciples' composition may be of higher value. The spirit of God may have wrought within the apostles generally with greater power and clear- ness than in other teachers ; but its operation is conditioned not merely by outward factors but by individual idiosyncracy ; so that one who had not seen the Lord and was therefore not an apostle proper, may have apprehended his mind better than an immediate disciple. Paul stood 272 THE CANON OF THE BIBLE. above the primitive apostles in the extent to which he fathomed the pregnant sayings of Jesus and developed their latent germs. Thus the normative element — that which determines the varying degrees of authority belonging to the New Testament — does not lie in apostolic authorship but internal worth ; in the clearness and power with which the divine Spirit enabled men to grasp the truth. By distinguishing the temporal and the eternal in Christianity, the writings necessarily rise or sink in proportion to these elements. The eternal is the essence and gem of revealed truth. Perfectibility belongs only to the temporal ; it cannot be predicated of the eternal. The multitudinous collection of books con- tained in the Bible is not pervaded by unity of purpose or plan, so as to make a good classifica- tion easy. Least of all is it dominated by such substantial unity as has been connected with one man ; for the conception of a Messiah was ITS READJUSTMENT. 373 never the national belief of Judaism, but a notion projected by prophets into the future to comfort the people in times of disaster ; the forecasting of aspirations doomed to disappointment. From the collection presenting various degrees of intellectual and moral development, it is difficult to see a sufficient reason for some being canonised to the exclusion of better works which were relegated to the class of the apocryphal. Mr Jones's^ statement that the primitive Christians are proper judges to determine what book is canonical, requires great modification, being too vague to be serviceable ; for " primi- tive Christians" is a phrase that needs to be defined. How far do they extend } How much of the first and second centuries do they cover.!* Were not the primitive Christians ^ See Jones's new and full method of settling the canonical authority of the New Testament, Vol. I., Part i., chap. 5, page 52, ed. 1736. S 274 THE CANON OF THE BIBLE. divided in their beliefs ? Did the Jewish and the Pauline ones unite in accepting the same writings ? Not for a considerable time, until the means of ascertaining the real authors of the books and the ability to do so were lacking. As to the Old Testament, the Palestinian Jews determined the canonical books by gradually contracting the list and stopping it at a time when their calamities throwing them back on the past for springs of hope, had stiffened them within a narrow traditionalism ; but their brethren in Egypt, touched by Alexandrian culture and Greek philosophy, received later productions into their canon, some of which at least are of equal value with Palestinian ones. In any case, the degree of authority attaching to the Biblical books grew from"' less to greater, till it culminated in a divine character, a sacredness rising even to in- fallibility. Doubtless the Jews of Palestine dis- ITS READJUSTMENT. . 275 tinguished the canonical from the apocryphal or deutero-canonical books on grounds satis- factory to themselves ; but their judgment was not infallible. A senate of Rabbis under the old dispensation might err, as easily as a synod of priests under the new. Though they may have been generally correct, it must not be assumed that they were always so. Their dis- cernment may be commended without being magnified. The general feeling of leaning upon the past was a sound one, for the best times of Judaism had departed, and with them the most original effusions ; yet the wave of Platonism that passed over Alexandria could not but quicken even the conservative mind of the Jew. Greek thought blended with echoes of the past, though in dulled form. Still a line had to be drawn in the national literature; and it was well drawn on the whole. The feeling existed that the collection must be closed with works of a certain period and a certain character ; and it 276 THE CANON OF THE BIBLE : was closed accordingly, without preventing individuals from putting their private opinions over against authority, and dissenting. At the present day a new arrangement is necessary ; but where is the ecclesiastical body bold enough to undertake it ? And if it were attempted or carried out by non-ecclesiastical parties, would the churches approve or adopt the proceeding? We venture to say, that if some books be separated from the collection and others put in their place — if the classifica- tion of some be altered, and their authority raised or lowered — good will be done ; the Bible will have a fairer degree of normal power in doctrine and morals, and continue to promote spiritual life. Faith in Christ precedes faith in books. Unless criticism be needlessly nega- tive it cannot remove this time-honoured legacy from the position it is entitled to, else the spiritual consciousness of humanity will rebel. While the subject is treated reverently, and the ITS READJUSTMENT. 277 love of truth overrides dogmatic prejudices, the canon will come forth in a different form from that which it has had for cen- turies — a form on which faith may rest with- out misgiving. The canon was a work of divine providence, because history, in a religious view, necessarily implies the fact. It was a work of inspiration, because the agency of the Holy Spirit has always been with the people of God as a principle influencing their life. It was not, however, the result of a special or peculiar act of divine inspiration at any one time, but of a gradual illuminating process, shaped by in- fluences more or less active in the divine economy. The canonical authority of Scripture does not depend on any church or council. The early church may be cited as a witness for it ; that is all. Canonical authority lies in Scripture itself, and is inherent in the books so far as 278 THE CANON OF THE BIBLE. they contain a declaration of the divine will. Hence there is truth in the statement of old theologians that the authority of Scripture is from God alone. It was the early church indeed that made the canon, selecting the books which appeared to have been written by apostles or apostolic men, and carrying over to them authority from alleged authenticity more than internal value. But the latter is the real index of authority ; and God is the fountain from whom spiritual endowments proceed.^ The canonicity of the books is a distinct question ^ Ecclesia sua autoritate nullum librum facit canonicum, quippe canonica scripturae autoritas est a solo Deo, &c. Gerhard's Loci Theologici^ torn. i. p. 4, ed. Cotta. Autoritas scripturae quoad nos nihil aliud est, quam manifestatio et cognitio unicDe illius divinoe et summce autoritatis, quae scripturae est interna et insita. Ecclesia igitur non confert scripturce novam aliquam autoritatem quoad nos, sed testificatione sua ad agnitionem illius veritatis nos deducit. Concedimus, ecclesiam esse scripturae sacrae testem, custodevi, vindueniy praeconefn, et interpretem ; sed negamus, ex eo efifici, quod autoritas scripturae sive simpliciter sive quoad nos ab ecclesia pendeat et quidem unice, pendeat.— /^V/., tomus secundus, p. 39, ed. Cotta. ITS READJUSTMENT. 279 from that of their authenticity. The latter is a thing of historic criticism ; the former of doctrinal belief Their ecclesiastical authority rests on outward attestation ; their normal, on faith and feeling. TurnbuU cr-> Spears, Printers, 18 RETURN CIRCULATION DEPARTMENT TO— ^ 202 AAoin Library LOAN PERIOD 1 HOME USE 2 : 3 4 5 ( s ALL BOOKS MAY BE RECALLED AFTER 7 DAYS RENEWALS AND RECHARGES MAY 8E MADE 4 DAYS PRIOR TO DUE DATE. LOAN PERIODS ARE 1-MONTH. 3-MONTHS. AND 1-YEAR. RENEWALS; CALL (415) 642-3405 DUE AS STAMPED BELOW fvlAY 'A - w<- WIKC MAY 9 4 lyy \ UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, BERKELEY FORM NO. DD6, 60m, 1/83 BERKELEY, CA 94720 U.C. BERKELEY LIBRARIES CDEED33Dfla