UC-NRLF III llllli ill B E flflT D31 l^lyfl — LIBRARY l OF THK University of California. no Class ^/,, ■ l/ASt ^^ B ^ i Cl)e Cudor sfatsimtle %txts ©amon anb ^itljia0 By RICHARD EDWARDS Licensed 1568 Date of Original {presumedly there was an earlier edition)^ 1571 Reproduced in Facsimile^ 1908 Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2008 with funding from IVIicrosoft Corporation http://www.archive.org/details/damonpithiasOOedwarich Under the Supervision and Editorship of JOHN S. FARMER ^ Banton anti ^tt{)ta0 1571 ^ OF THE UNIVERSITY OF Issued for Subscribers by T. C. & E. C. JACK, 16 HENRIETTA STREET LONDON, W.C. : AND EDINBURGH MCMVIII fi£ft£fi41 Bamott anti 3^it|)ias By RICHARD EDWARDS The original of this facsimile is in the British Museum^ the press-mark being C. 34, c. 30. From the title-page of this copy^ which is dated 1571, // would appear that it is not the first edition ; if so^ no copies of an earlier impression are known to be extant, A reprint appeared in 1582, and since then the play has been frequently re-issued in modern times. It is uncertain when " Damon and Pithias " was first produced; some authorities are inclined to regard it as identical with the tragedy by Edwards which was performed before ^een Elizabeth at Richmond by the children of the chapel in 1564-5, and of course it must have been written before 1566, when Edwards died : it appears to have been licensed to the printer in 1568. Richard Edwards^ who wrote this and other plays not now extant^ was born in Somersetshire about the year 1523, and died^ as already stated^ in 1566. " The Dictionary of National Biography " narrates all that is known of him. Besides " Damon and Pithias " and " Palamon and Arcyte'' {in two parts) ^ Edwards was also the compiler of a very popular anthology — " The Paradise of Dainty Devices'' Mr, y. A, Herbert of the Manuscript Department^ British Museum^ has compared this facsimile with the 175459 original copy, and reports the workmanship {with one ex- ception) as " excellent'' Special points of information and criticism are as follows : — (i) Title-page, the darkening at the bottom right-hand corner very much exaggerates one or two slight stains in original, (2) B. //. verso, line 6, the script is in red ink in the original, (3) B, iv, vcrsoy line 14, the mark to the left of the catch-name "ARISTIPPVS" does not appear in the original, (4) C* ij» verso, line 7, the correcting stroke reversing the order of " furca " and " expellas '' is in red ink. The stroke over the last " a " /;; " Natura '* has also been inkea over in red, (5) C» \\)^ recto, line i, "An . . . manus'* is under- lined in pencil, and " omitted " is pencilled against the litie in the right-hand margin, (6) C^-^iy* recto, lines 9 and 10, the corrections between these two lines are in red ink, (7) C« iij* recto, the script in the bottom right-hand corner is in red ink, (8) C. iij» verso, lines 5 and 6, the bracket is in red ink, (9) £. iv, recto, at the foot of this page is lightly pencilled " Omnis Aristippum decuit color, & status, & res Hor". (10) F, iv, verso, line 16, the blot at commencement of line is not in the original, JOHN S. FARMER. vi ■^^ The excellent Comedie of p| ' ^' , two the mode fafthfullcft gl FrccndcSj^DamonattdVithiaf. ^^ il5ctolr 3mp3ttnteti, aj{ f be fame teas ©etoeD w St ^' ^ fo^edjciSuemcs Miicftic,bptbe CWo?tn of tier gmc^ ^^ CljappeU^cept tbc prologue t\^ is romeU)l)ar al* trreDfo;tftep^pcrl)ftoft!)0mtlja! ftertafter (ball baue occallon to plate tt , either in j^;ttiat0,o;9pcn^aomtcc« ^aoe ^oilier of t^e C^tm^eiu I J 7 N Imprinted at Lt)ndon in Ficctclancby Richardc lohn^s » antf arc to fee foloe at l)t5 fl)op, io^niiTg to tt^ ^vOimft ^oo;e of }{)au:^i$ Cburl<^l»ttl^ ^ diiie: 'HTpt if rowi^ fS^c loofee0i)ColoTigcfut^eto^c0tofe^' % ^0 IjcTc tofojc v(K conorvfcall'ojifc.^erc \Mom abjoaJie to bet: ^cui luft 10 ioft;ant mit!)epleafure0t!jatpoufotta^, y^ hufiratc quite of toeing fdiape0.9fobent|yan^ i0 )»^oti^ Jf o; loe, our 3iiCtl)ojL0 Mufe,ti)at mafbCD in t»eiigbt> l^adj foj^ ^ifi p ntnc aga^nft !)i0 btnT)c,no mojic fuc^efpo^0 to tti^ite* J09 ufc l)c tljat Ui(l>(ris!)t \jjo jOjipf uU)f o;t cljauncc bat!) maT)e ti)i0 c^ anjj^ :f ojL tl)at to font: b' feem2T> too mn:be»'n r ongc bedreo to range; 3i I iul)icbe,risbt glab to plcaJW«j?ngrtbat !^ bib offcnbc, •- i3Df all be bumbli : parbon craue0:bt0 ^cn tbat ftiall amenbe t j 3lut) p t Ojuoji-ivipf u!l ^uincncc,)tbu0 mud? y bare abuoucbe. 3! 1 Cortmtcdte0,tbe sr^^ted 5l^H?ll 10 tbio.riglrti? to touc^ ^11 tbf ngr0 to tbc qutcHetanb efae to frame ecbe perfon fo> ^bat bp biflf commaii talUcpou map bt0 nature rtgljtlp Hno^: 31 IRopUrr ou^bt not pjzacbf,^act\Mfre to ftraun5j?l^bc4re» 135 at a0 from >;eTtue b*^ botb fvocruc, fo ougbt bi0 to >ojbc0 appcate : (^\it olT)e man i0 fobcr, tbe ponue man rafljc, t^c I^duer ItriuinpbFng in f opciSj ^be ^ itron grauc, tb2 l^arlat uii«>e aito tmi er suauton toB€0« aiPbube all in one courfe t^ep no vwifc boo agree: 5^0 cojrefponbcnt to tljcir ^xxm tbeir fpc:cb?0 ottg!^ to bee. ^btcb lp?ccb;0 to;U ppnqunUe , toit!> action Uonrframeb9 3 f tbi0 otf^nbc tb ' loofecr0 on , let H race tbcn be blamcb, 9lPi)i:b hatb our 3 ubo? taugbt at ^."bole, from tol^om^e bot|) not f\»arttci 3! I all iw^z binDe of crcrcife decorum to obferue, CbLi0 m icb f oj bi0 bcfcnce (be faptb)afr ^Dete0 card ba«< bonne* aObicb ij-'^^tofojc in C 3mm3bi?0 tbe felfc fame rafe bib tonne; > ^ut n ito f oj to be bjief e , tl)c matter to a:p jcffe, aiDljicb b"tc tocc l^all pj:f ent : i0 tlji0 Damon anb Pithus ^ 51 rare enfomple of Jf renbOjip true, tt i0 no iUgcnb lie , OBut a tbinge once bon ic in bcebe a0 ^^5ojie0 boo bifcri^ , Sa^'qtcbe boon: of pojc in lonje tiai: pa5, pvt p^cfcnt fljalbc )^ztt » Cucn aaittoerc in boopng: nooj, fo Uuclp it (^ail appeare : Ho b^rc in Siracuia: tbauncient itotonc.vubicl) once tbv UintainejBf bf onne» i^ere Dionifiut Wallace* toitbin \»b3fe C^jrte tbi0 tbing m jU ftrange toajai bonitt;i 9H>btcb matter miict toitij mpj^tb anb care, a in!! nam? to appli:, ^3 fejmc0 iuoll fit tocc bau: it t2rm:b, a Crajstcall Commtbie, 9tl>bJnrcin talHpng of Coiirtlptopj0, tocc boa p^atefttbi0 flit, 3tX)wtallic of Dioniiuis Cjufte,^;e meant- no Caurt butt^at» ^rtO tl^ai; \»?c boo fo in v4;icu>i>o oj^ielg callctl) to mino e, %4* 9^¥. yf^.'l-f*' MlkA ' uWt Tfic Prologae; %uttfiB y fpeake fo> out defence, led of ot!)CT:0 t»ec l^otUO be O^enc J6m tto^tl)? Subimccwcc ?ou ti^aif .taUe ttjtngrg a0 ^tt be meiu, jftPliefir t)y^i0^ 3|u^mnit tazc Doo craue, aHtb fyceodfull care anb 41^ .gp« H^rrs t^c c«4(«»axlb ftc tl)e(f at »C t^ mt»« Ct«sic«U Commcdtc tXlT. ^i<^iAZtfl^'^-^^2^^^^i^^:^l'&M^^ *Thc Speakers natiKsl Ariftippus, a plrafattf (l^entQutaa. Orifophtt$,a|3ataltte. p.dlus \ *^ gwrtemcn of ®mc«. StephanoJCtUant tO Damou ailD Pitliiai« V V iH, Ariftippu$lac»Pp. Iack«,Carirophtt$lacbfy< Snap,t|)ei^o;m. Eubuios, tl)C ft?ngcj5 counftlout. Oroitno, tljc i^ginaa. I > ef^m tnmt^ a r i s t i pp vs; ^r/fl'^S f ® ^ Orange (pert 8p«)(t fiftmecfttfeme; '^M 2Hat3 artfttppa0,aCcartwrattibetomej J^^ ^tjllofepfiti: of late, not of tbe meanittnamr; ^ Ht^/y isutnotottitfte Courtly be6aafottriiiPlgfeaft4mt, ^ rr^^ufeftctftatl^ft^to^ouofgmDffcm, ^^^n^c.® 3 fap tbat s am a ^bilofopbec tt^ll; iouer^of OT:tfOom,are termeo^WlofopWe, Ctjcit Uitio 10 a Jdbttofopljer fo rigfitl^ a« 38:^ fo2iti teoftig or lutfbom,p;w)fel>otft tlitetrfe, JDftat Fru{>rafapit,quinonfapitfibi: 3 amto^fefo?mt?feife,t^entcll meof trotft, §5 not tDat great Mtfoom as tlje toorfo gotft/ ^omc ^Miofopbetd in tbc amte go raggeo anti tosne^ ^no feeoes ontple tteDte0,lubom Borcdlaagbtorco^e: ffiut 3 in finefeflUeg tjaunt 2)ton^fiu0?^aHace, TOfierin toitft oa^ntte faremp felfe 31 i^o folate; 3 can talke of l^Wlofopftte a^ toell as m beft, ai5ut tbeftraiPte fephae of l^fe 31 Icaue to tberett: ano J p20feCe nolo the Courtlp ^atjf lofopbfe, 2:0 crouclje,to fpeafeefa^je.tni? felfe 3I appUe, %o fku tbe !^tnge0 bnmour lottb pleafant denlfe^j i^o^ tobicbe 3 am calleD Regius Canis : )5ut luotreU)bonamebme£irlltbelifnge0SDogge/ 3lt lDa0 tbe Uoage Z)logene0 tbatbUe granting l^ogge: lletblmrolleinbi0 SCubbeto lolnneaba^nepzaifre^ gn tbeConrtepleafantl? 3 torlKp^nbeallmsoai^e^: tiasberln tobat to 00,3 am notto iearne, inbatlDpll feruempne otone tnrne3 canqnfcblp bifceamet ail m? tpme at jbcbole 3 bane not fpent t^a^nlt^, a(anbelpeone,l0nottbatagoDpoin(t of l^bllofopbe^ Cl^ereentretbCARlSOPHVS* C3 be(b;etBi?oacfine eare0,itncepon tame from i^tWti 3n tbe Court tron bane maoeman? a lolfeman a foile: ano tbengb ?on paint outt?oor fa^neo )^bllofopble, $^0 CSoD belpe me>tt 10 but aplat^nefclnoe of (lattery: ZBSIbitbe^on bfe fo tntli^ tn fo pleafant a fone, SCbat none bat artappu0,notD makes tbe l^lnge fpoate^ Cre F90 tame b?tber,|. o^e 3 UiaB fomboD^, SLbektnge beltgbteb in mee^noui 3 ambnta nobbr* ARISTIPPVS. ffjnf^ftb Cariropbu0;Fou fenoto ^onr felfe beff* ySA. jBtIt ^ OF THE UNIVERSITY OF ®S0 «rrftisfeall CommsWe ^Bt J fc(!!notcaIlr?ou ttoMie, but only (n fefF, atio tbiDJ ^ alfttre t?oa, tftonglj j camcfram fcljcjle, JDq fcruetn tl)(6Cour^3f came not petto bet&emmge« foile^ £)JtofilUts^5are*'U3ttt^fec^tleft|atttlft^r, ji:bat office t^ y ourcf>pou feno to it rigbt petfcftif 0, £)fparaCtc« and a^ckopbant^Fow area graue bencher, SCbeiHingefceDcspouoftenfcoifHjtgolMnetrencber, 3lenti^0nQtpoHrilate,no?^etpour grcatfauour^ S:bertgmDgenotataU,tftiimpbeImutour: 3 make tbe Ittngemerp, U)ttlTplcafantt):banUie, ^bom 31 iieuer abufcD to an^ man^ tntnrie. CARISOPHVS. C 15ccocfec ffr, ^et m ttjeCourte pu 00 belt wUic> 4^o;poagstmoactn on oaptbcn H 0© mfiiue* ARISTIPPVS. C OTbl? man In tbe Courte,^CD pou not f<^> SStUiarue^geaen foj t)rctoe,ts cuerp uegree ^ iSDo rctoarne tbet3nujo;itbi? tbat luozbc is 6one, s:be Couctc is cJ)ani!fcD , a gwD tb2cat> batb bin fponnc iDf 2Doggc« tooll btretofo:c, aiio lubp/ be caufc it tuas Ubcd^ ianb not fo: tbat it lua« beft trimmeD anD picfeeD : ISut noto mcni5 cares are finer, fucb grolTe topes arc net fet bu> ®berfo;c to a trimmer fe^ntie of mprtb mp felfe ^ applpe, Mbcrfntbougb 5 pUafe, rtcommctb not of u.g Ovfeict,, 3dnt of tbe ^mztB fauour. CARISOPHVS^ C 3!t map fo be,^et in pour pjofpcritic, JDifptfc notan oloc courtier, Carl opfius is br, ^KUbtcbbati) iongetimefeo SDiont^ius'iiimaj: S)iligcntlp to pleafe ftpU at 'lanDjtb^rc toas ncacr ramo.J> J^pjeaD in tbis roU>neofanpfmale tbtnge, but 3 53;ougbt it to tbe !^ingc in pott bp ano bv, pttmVo 3 craue pour frienot^ip, lu '}icl) if j map attapnei ^oft furc anfiljnfaineD fc(n3il|tp U p:8mpre pou a jaine; Jfeo )Dt tU)o Imcht in fdnoi^ipoe b;dt\m ano bzatber, i^uliloeUtnt^e<£9urtemapbeipconeanotbcr« ^ ARISTIPPVS. C IBIr Ha^p Cacifopbas.t'aoii j;i pou!;:totD not g!)(IorapMe> ^ct furelp vQA are 1 better Xourticr rben J, 2n?J pet J not fo eupU a courjec tbat l^pll fitrtc toDifpifc, fcncb an olo courtier as po j To ecpcrt aiiD fo lupfir, i6uttoberea3poacraucmpn5io5ferpoiicfcie?ntl^fproTulUiitfflpt WU:j94:tJij^4eea4C^aaludfo;t)ug34;j:;4;(acu4^t SLX\i^ fiffttrftigrdrfrtenoi^ipbotbluitbtffltli antitia^Ir, m filUfi life lattetD ntucr to faple* CARISOPHVS. C9tb0offinotban^e0 3 geagpott .oofrtendacitfvpitt ARISTIPPV& CARISOPHVS* ^ofofovfiilUmSfitt) ^ bauf tofrunDar(Ctppu0notof ARISTIPPVS. C j^cntfo gUD or CanrepbPdfrUntt^tpaBj ,3|niabeC^6dat}0{Q^ a fpcake a^ 3 tbtn&e,brieiieme. CAP.1SOPHVS* C &U!) toe are noUi f o fnenU^ io^nthy it (kmtHi to m&, SCbat one of t)0 belpeecbeotbec in euerp Degrdt, ^^efer^on mp canfe lunen pou are ttt pjefence, %o further Ewur matters to tbe Htng e let me alone in eonr abfencej ARISTIPPVS. C i^rienD Cartfopbtts, tbt^ D^all.be oone a^ poit toouto iu(l{|« i5ut 3 p;a? i?ob ceil mk^ tbos mucb bi? tbe tuaif , t^bitoer noUi from tbiB place uii^ll^oa tahe^onr lonrnap^ CARISOPHVS C3 topH nor bilTeaible^tbat tuere agafnS ^rienblj^fpf 3 go into tbe €itit fome knaues to nip: i^o2 tai^e iDttb tbetrg®Des(4o encreafe tbeMpngesJCrearnre^ §n Cacb btnoe of feralce, 3 fet mp cbeefc pleafure^ ^arebjell fi^ienb anfttppus no\u foa a ttntei £XIT» ARISTIPPVS- C t)et2?e frtcno Canfopbuo: jn gob faUb notey iS)ffo;ce 3 mud laugbattbt6foIenipnet?olu, 3s ariatppu0 ImcUt in i^rienblbip U^ttb CarlfopbuB^ Qwd cum tanto A(ino,tali$ Phiiofophus^ SCOcp faptMorum fimilitudo coniultat amiddas. SDben,boUjcan tbt0 i^ricrtDibip betU)ene\)0tU)OConTetoparre/ ^eare tia Iifecinfonoicion0,a0iacke j^letcbecano bi0 ioouilt, 3 b;oagbt bp tn iearnpng.but be 10 a berp oolt jgs toucbinggooD ilcttersibut otberUitfe fucDe a crarticbnane^ l^fpoufaeh^ aU)bolcl^egion,btBlthei?ou cattnotijaHe; Si taiaainc fo;bi3 life, a olarletoieo m C15:a:nic, j^oulofe^ponepbp bimifpoufilbtnifo^ oncfenane, fo;6e ferae^fox a tlatrcrpngjaara(ite,a feuop'oant aifo, ttmaHiijj Sitommtn accafer of men uo tnegiDb,aaopen #oe, ;©rj>alfeatuo;D*;/ ffiut tnbp 0(0 ^ nolo enter Into ^abllofopblej. WSihicli beop^ofeire tbefitiekmoof curteCef 3ltjupllbencetotbeCourtetDltballbaSe3mar^. 3rtblnketbe Wnjrbettirrtng,ttt0 nolo b:lgbtbap^ ffo toalte at a plncbe fttlUn figbt 9 meane, ^o:tjuotpetii!)at:'attetDll5j0meftDape5cleane,. jai5 to ftle benour J mpnoe not to clime, Jbo3[meanefntbecourtetoloren0time: Wtbereln bapppman beblftoole,^ truft tbat3f> tStWl not rp0^DeUi0;0,an(tbatber? qulcbi? £XIT»; Cl&ere entretb DAMON anbPITHIAS Ipke ^arlnerK^ ONEPT VNE,tmmo;tall be tbppiapft, /02 tbat fo fafe from <5v^tt toe baue paS tbefeaib^ 2:0 tbtenoblecmeSIRACVSAE * U^beretoe S^beaancfentrapgneoftbe ttomalnedma^fat, Wboltfo2ce ,<£^r0tce alfo bere tofo^e batb knouine, .VUbcfebertue^ tbe (bHU trump of fame fo farrebatb Moloney 1 PITHIAS^ a^ Damon, of rlgbt blgb pja^r toe ougbt f geue, tCo i^eptuneano all tbe €>ob0,tbat toe fafelp bpoarrpuet. SSbe &ea0 31 tblnketoitb contrary tomD3,neuer rageo fOy 31 am eucn pet fo SeaClcfte^tbat a fapnt as J go; S;berf02elet b« getfomeloOgBUff qutcfetis; •"^ga^pipwpppii ■ III r fl)fDAMONattt>PITHIAS; \ ei^ereentrert STEPHANO^ ! Ci^ot (atttMtntt: a fortes tahe tljefe i^arpwec knait w; j ^ j^otonetDoulD^ealpemdetocarr? t^t£(ftuffe,raebD;otike(tflaue0 | 3 t^inbe be accurfeD ottH (0oOde5 otonemoutbes* DAMON- ^^ t&tepbanoiUattetbp raj^ng^anulcf btf etiferSIRACVSAE Wit Ml 0;outDe leogpng, anotboa %aU beeafeO oftbEboroeit b; f bi STEPHANO* CdUajD mapftcc itiafee bafte,ffl j 3 tell ^flu plarne, SCbtiE^ beaa^ buroeit puts poDze ^tepbano to mucb pa^nei PITHIAS. CCome on tb? tbapeo, tbou if^nlt be eafeb, anb tbat anoti» EXIT*; ^i^ereeittretbCARlSOPHVS* 3lt 10 a true fai^lng-tbatoft batbbtn rpeftetr, SSbepttcber foetb roiongetotbeloater^tbatbecommetbbomebjofceii ^? oU)nep^(9ferbCd batb taagbt me,fo:trutpfitb3l> 3intb e cute bauebfet te toalke %er)> a^l?^ 0tt U)ttb one can) mkttj tbat totlUntaiftefo^ne toftb m&r atnn to craepe into men0 bofomeg fome talbe foz to fnatcbe^ 13? iDbtcb into one trip oa otber, f migbt triml? tbem catcbe Sinn fo accufe tbem : iftolD not U)ttb one can 3 indite, jEba t tD^U to^ne in talfeeifi tnfe, 9 amibuno Ipfee a SDeotll in f ffr^fei ^?creDttet0crac1^teUibere3lambnotone,bnt^et3 beareTa^^ Certa^ne Sraingerd are arrftieb,tbe? loere a gat) p^a]^> 3f bappelp ? tnigbt meete loitb tbem^ 3l fearenot 31^ 1t5ne fn tall^e 9 Iboalotrippetbem, anotbat berpfinel^f TObtcb tbinge, 3 aflTure potti 3IIKD fo; mpne ouine ga^not ^} el03 t»oulDe not ploooe tbus bp ano Dotune, 3 tell ^ou pUpne: Mell, 3 tu?ll fo^ a Uibrl^ totbeCourt to fe^ Mbat artaippnoDotbi) tootttobe lotbtnfanerbe(l[)ulDouerrttn mi^i l^e is a fatitile cbplo y be dattretb To finely, tbat j feare me^^ )^eU)?lllteiiealltbefattefromm?lippe0,anD fo outUierBrnft; SDberefo^e 3 topU not be longe abfent, bat at bani?^ JCbat al bid fine D;ifce5 J map bnberttanoe* EXIT^ \»ere entretb V V YLL anb I ACKE. 31 ioonder ibbat mp ^aSer arillippns meanes nolo a bafeK^^ Sbat beleaoetbl^biloropbie^anD faeftesto pleaft &?ng ffiionifiutf, Uiitb fttcb merp toped, 3fnD!ont0usCoartnolDbeonlpiope0, '^ iSd trim a Courtier as tbe bed, Xeabp to aunftoer^quic&e in tann tid , pU^rannt to itttty C^e crsgf can CommeMe fl luS^ cempanfen tefteutfeiDitb nnt^^mtn^ tmbott bnmout to fetoe,^!^ loplte bittube frames* lACKE. 9 foaUcorUtlo beeped intUi^Ceocte. ^natppns alone ^oU) ruled tgeroaftetDttft bispUaiant (entieg^ jSt^at a t^arei^e loipll pat outofconuU my ^ai&er Carffopdaif VVYLL. Ci^eare not tbat jac^> to; Ifbe b^otl^rr anD b^otlber S:ti^V arebnit mtrtte f rtcnof^iptbc oneiptt^tbeott^erf SDbc^ are feiloioed ?ou bnolue, ano ^onell men bor^, |L^rfo;e tbe one to btnocc ti)t ott^er, tde^ tx>iil be iot^e • I AC K E CjPea^btit} bauc ^eard raritfjerefdfalfl^ot) tnrelotDfl[)fppe» 9lnti)c CourtroBittnted^onegeaeoanotbertincl^tbeaippe; ^Ibtcl) U)bcn it td rpten,it is laagbt out lott^ a fcofife^ ;ano Uiitb rpo'tfng anopiaptng, qatetlp (^aben of: 3?n U}btci)kmoe of toi^tng^tbpmafter ^atbTaebagracef SCbat fit U)tU neuer blu^^l^eoatd a moDDen face; ^ttt ^MylU ini? matter batb liSeeed in b{0beaD> 3jf Oe 6nD$ nie beare p;iatinget3i am but oeao : l^eiisf^rll trotting tntbe(Iitte> tberctofumiubatfntbeiufnOf: ^td kaUcs bcuiaapeo bto tntoaroe troubled mpn be : 5IlKifo;e j la^U be pacl^tng.to tbe Courts bp and bs 3fbebeonceangr^,^acfcef^allcr|?U30tb€pse« VVYLL- C ll?r^ lab^, ff 3 tarp ionge bere^ eftbe fame Tauce (Italia taSj ft; m? ir.aQrr rent mc on an erranb^ano bao m^ tnabebafte, SCbCf io;e Uje lurU bcpan e togetbcr^ EXE VNTt €l l^ere enirctb S T E P H A N O. C£)f:etimesi bauebcaro, before J tame tjetljeri Ctjatnoman^anieruetluomatllerstofetber; rentcnre To iruc, aumofte men Dm taUett, Brr.np time talfjB, that no man can trnktit : :anD r^t bp t?)kir leauei tbat firll bauc it fpofteif^ Doiutbat mar p;ouefalfe,etienbere3[iopU open: i'^02 3 fet^pbano, loe, fo namcb bp mp fntber, 0t t5ii5 time ferus tlBo mallero todctfter : ani)lcuett)e«ialphf,tbeoneanDtbeotber, 3 Duf ip obf p , i can ocd no otber, 2a bonDw^an J am fo nature batb to:oagbt me, £)np ©auioa of ©r«ce, a gentleman bougljt me: ' %0'fyim l^fDAMONStttlPlTHIAS; ~ Co Mtn H Cant) betiB,«et Terne 3 artot^er^ tm!39mI>amottm?^a&erleHes,a0bt0Otoifti^tbm a (ii:»ennemati to^anDpttbias be i$mmtrx^ ftm^ht MVo zaertuctobom btce itcuer i»efame^ : ©bcfe ttDo, ftnce ar fecbmle tfjeg fell acflwadtteo, 3n mutuall frtenDl^p,at no timebaae fafnteo ; IButioueDfo kmd(]?,anofrtenDlrecbeotberr 2s tbougljetbef luere )i5;orter5 b? jFatber anD ^otber: ^ttt)a$o;{a0 learnpn3e,tberettoo baae emb^afeo, liailjicbebotijearelntjertiteranarrolDlplaceo : SDbat all tbetr Inhale mvjm^ ^^ f^'t to tbt« iffiif » S^o bane no refpecNbutoneli? tot^ertne : fill one in effecte : all one in tbelr gopnge^ 011 one in tbetr auop^atl one (n tbetr oopng t \ SDbefe i^entUmen botb,brt?ng of one conoticfoiij IBotbaltUeof mp ferntcebaue all tbe frmtton : )^ttbta0f0topfulMf!DamonbepleareD:: ^f |a tbtas be rerneo,tben Damon 10 gafeD ! |^raeone,reruebotb:roneare>U)boU)oalDlD(tt(f^em/ p. 3it9inftetbei?baaebutonebartbetUienerbem: f jntraueli^ngCountrepeSt^etb^^banecontrtned^ . full manp a i^e^reranD tbt0 oap arrtueo flt SIR AC VSAE In &tctllia tbat auurtent ffiofonr,' tsmbere mp (Oafters are loogeo:anD 9 tip ana Domney I t^o feebpng to Uarne u>^)at ^einef bere are loalkpng^ SLo barke of Uibat ti?pn?es tbe people are talbpnge» S Iptie not tbi0 &ople:fo; a? | go ploODpnge, § markc tbere tuio>tbete tf:i}it tbeir beaoes alUiaHt0nol)b(nge#. 3n flofe ffcret mire.OpU lobirperFngtogetbee; §f ] a:kf anp qneflton^no man Dotb aniluer: l^utl^abpng tbetr bea^o,tbep go bek loape^rpeakpnge^ SmaikebotD Uitrb teares^tlielr toetepeiartleattpnge: ^omeilrannrenrirctniTet^ttbat bisjietb tW0mttCnge# tSTffll: ^UipH ionw 9aftcr0,anOiell of tbetr t)tt*id> ffiba t tljt p niai» If arne,ano loaUe totfdp tagctoer, a feare , tuc Iball carfe tbe ttwo toe came ^cti)cr. EXTC ^lr)ereentretb A R 1ST 1 PP VS anOVVYLLt Ct!!!Ul,utiiatboabeiretbellniiif«fefa!beofwer, tHbataputbtbemffiom!belrntppe9i|^ati3|nenerbefr&^ VVYLL* Cc^obfaitbfir^ailtbe iiaote^ (n tbe Conrfe^bo pla(nlp rey^aff SDba; totti^oat mcnclon of t^zm^tuu tan mato no lj?o^$ ; Cl^e cragf calf commcMe SC6ev«re^oat^laFne fanje to ffnge ©eftant ftpoir,' Sf tl^e? Uieate not, ^our mtrtt) tuere gone, 'Mtfo^tmBStr^itli no mo^etDttb toomen fn an? toife^ 3f vou (oi.br cecfte ^o ur are Ivkt to bnotu t^t f;ict^ *^ ARISTIPPVS* ^ lEv^ Iat)p m^U,tbt0 t0ge9DcounreII>pIa^neI? to hi 5£)flDomen, p;c9fe batd tangbt me^ tt (0 not bed, 3tD¥lU0angemptopp?,i)oUibe it,3lcarendta^itinc|^e^ 3 fcnoio tbe galoe bo^ft^ toll! fidnett mtncoe; 15ut Uarne tljon fecretl? Ui6atp?tnelr tfie? talfee £)f me f n tbc dDontte, araonje ttjem a^Ig lualhe, iino b^inge me true neUies thereof* VVYLL. atorll f^jwaifter ttjerof ftaue no l«jabt,fo;t 3 Mbeare t^er tal^e of ?oa,iD?U enro;me i?ou perfectl;; /ARISTIPPVS* SDiBfom^iiop: if tbon b;tnge ft finely to paflTe, #0;ttipgoorerutce,tboal|ialtgotntfitneoloe(oateatCl^^fffma0* center H>amon,^ttfcfa0,&tepbaHo. (HXEVNT C bteptano, fo all tbts true tbat tikou (^aS toioi^me^ STEPHANO. &)(r.fojlte0, betberto ^eneuercontrolDem^^ £Dl) tbat iJDebaoneuer fetfoteon tWs latiD, imbere jDtontftnorapgne^, tottb to bl(Db? a banlie» Cuerp Dap be Cbel^etb Come tqben of crueltte, toaattbbUDObebatbfiiUD all tbe (treated fntbeCUfe: 31 tremble to beare tbe peopleo murmuring^ 3 lament^tofee bts molt truell Dealing: 3 tbm^e tbereis no tucbe ti?;aui^t \)noer tbe dnnne^ ^ mp oearem^er0,tbi0 mo;nsng tobat batb be bone/ DAMON. QaHbati0tbaty trllb0 qnfcfel?* STEPHANO* 90 31 tbi0mo;ntng paft m tbe tlv&tt^ mctb a tjDofall man (going to bt0 bcatb) b(D 3( m&te^ ispan^ people folDUieo,anb 31 of one r^crctlp^ flfKeDtbecaure5Ujbpbelua0conDemnebtooie/ ^Clbtrpereb in mtne eare,nouicbt batb be bone but tbu0, 3in bl0 Cleape be b;eameo bebao bilUo Dlonifiu0, IKIlbicb bjeame toioe abjobe toa0 b jougbt to tbe fctnge in pofie, ^ptDbomeconDemneofo;jrufpfcion,bi0lpfe be batb loft; ^arcla iDa0 bi0 name a0 tbe people rarbe« PITHIAS* ai|P ^ fl)f D AM ONHnbPlTHI AS, PITH IAS. i^02Uit(^png toe bao not come petber, ir^^ngeitfs fo: SDbat fo; To uif all caafe, facbe (ruell dcacb ootb liifite* DAMON. C^p^itbtas^tDbcre ffitranfecralgite. fttb^tafe^ art not ttrtft^ tm btcbe rearpnge tbctr otons ftatt fo;^ great crueltte, SCO St fad as tbe^ tbtnbe, 0(D ertctste fpie^tl?} jail fucbe as anr Hgbt farpitlon baae tatnttb* STEPHANO- fLMftb fticbe qatcbe i^arnerd,3 l^Q not beacquaiiited* DAMON. C&o arc tb^p vttxtt in quitUhuUn rurptcfotitl^U, Wit)tn one ts made atoaprtbeftateoccaHon anotberto &^H: (S>amonsfrtenoe:)ratbertben tobebrngSPtontfius* STEPHANO. C3ni3 g4)0 ranfe tDbi?:fo; roo are entferl^ belonebof one^ ano as farre as 31 beaccIDtonifius is beloneoof cron^. DAMON. C^bat ttatc ts mofte miferable, tb:tfe bappp are to* , Mbom trot loac batbto?neD tn perfect flmi^tte: M:btcb ampttt ftra fpzong^tof tbont baunttng be rtfpo&en^tbaf fs fme £)rit]^eilnes ofmaners^ti^kercoteb? company, f notti is conferueob? WiWc^ bertiieaiiDatcstb;ougb iuo2lDl?tbtngs 00 not frame (berttre l^et ootb (beatcinue to Ut foUoluers tmmo;{taU fame : ^beroftf men lucre carefully fo;^ oilertacs rakconclp fLbep toouio^anonttftenof^ip^ano not fo;commbottfe: ^utfucbeasfo;p;of(tetnfrienoq)ipooltncker ^ Wi ben ao;mes come, tbe? aibe atoa? foner tben a man to^II tb(n&e: ®? ^ttbtas^tbefomme of m? tai^e falles to tbts Iffoe^ %o piout no frtcnD(bip1s fsre^but tbat Ipbieb Is gronnbcb on te(tiic». PI i MiAs- ' ; . - C^Spamomoftbist^Fng^berin^DfSttopsoifctom*, ' ' %ht &oU fojbpUt buftft at ^mns Xu SDamon {n al tWS& H^kId asr* J^o; |ju?)^ it i^ rain : Amicus alter ipfc, jStit tbat ernefrrcnucs tl^oulo be mo fiifeoD^rbut one in njtnue,. 5ls it lucre one tranftomco into anotl)cc,tD!)tcbeagaintt Hgnoe ©eoiijgrb it fametpet in goa fatttj, toben ^ am alone, 3fo;geta amiattljtuafiumc tbtnfeejiaimlDamom STEPHANO* ^ ,., „^^ ^ Cffftat cohU J ncner uo,to forget mp felfe^fnlt feel! ? snofti, TOl)crfrocuerjga,tbat3 amPAVPER STEPHANQ; ti6ut 9lp;appoa(ir,fo^ all pour ^aplofopbte, fycttliatintitn Coiirtepon loalkebccplDirelp: J30H ace bat nctelp come betfier,bepng ftratingrcrif pefenoto> ^anp epes are bent en pou in tbe ftvktts as pe go : ^anp fpie0areab:oab>potifan-n0tbctfflcircumfpecN DAMON- ,. ^' jfetep!jano,btfau(c tfjou artcarcfnll of md^ tbpntatffer,! W ^6^ P^airrn ^ettbfnftetI)(£^ro;ar::ertte,no ttateteMfpleare : i5p taHieo;jotfteriuife,mp ftitn^e attlJH entente, toe twpll here 0s mentbatromsto fa^rbefoptef manerg efalmenof cueri^DegrdJ, |9itl)ago:a0fata,tbat tUis UjojId toasj Kfee a ^tage, Wi rjeron manp plap t^eir partes : t^e loHcrs on t b e faga/ ^bploiop^em are fattb bctobofe piirtets to loarne . JLbe manew of all /Rations, ano the gtoo from t^e ba^ to Wfterne* STEPHANO. C.(J5e^ faltb Kr, concernpnge tbe people tbep are net gap* Jln^a0farre«5 J fa,tbep 2^e ©ummcrsJej nougbt t^il fapi ^Po; tbe mofte parte tobat fosaer pon affee tlitm . SCbefoplelg fttcbe^tbat to i?«e beare 31 can not Ipfee* D^AMON. fCbou rpeabeft acco;:opnge to tbp1earnpnge,but J fa?,' Ottimsfolura forti$patria:a toiTewanmaplpitecticrH tojeacc: SDberfojenspoearefriende pltbtad> %$t ts t)tetotht0 ^0 tone tnxnerte place, StnDtlencondDer tbe^BcoplesmanersrairOi PITHIAS- C30 pon topll mp ^aman^btit boto fap pou S^tepbane t %» tt mtbf^S ere toe oro furtbcr ,to taUe Tome repaS t STEPHANO- * tn faftb,3f ip^e tocii vms queJT!an,Q[r:fot all poar ftaSe, So eate fomtobat ^ pap pdu» tbinke it no foUpj 3tl0 bi^ Oinner time J HnoiD bp mp b^llS* i>fDAMON8tt&PITttIAJr CCl^tti Itf^Bta car loi»gtng0tparte,toljenWnntr'f0bottf; Wit tovU tjteto tb^d Citte a« bje liancbegonne* EXEANT? C^ertCMtrertCARISOPHVS- ^ ^ Cfl)nceagaTiietii boj» of g^DD U?rn^5 3 tjcpfebp wtfaHltt 3 acf tuttj toe cUir to fiitDe fom p;apfo? mine atia^le t 3 6an«r tobile 3 mar foe t^efc ftrauMgerg, rtat lately 0rrlBeD,5 u^mfafcifontejwtsWmatetbemftajipflp^ llct ttf nt barke that laft, at tlj<5 femoe of gatrte, tec w a ffflU that fo; l3(fi profit luai nottahe parttt: ^iTOugb ttbeto^ncoiuctb ott)er mens l)nrt,^ care not at ally fe; profit 3 torM acoiftawr waH^ljap lubat ^all? 55«tfoftfr?i5, 3 ra^r pen bttrt^^lcbatarctbeptbotroiKWlberCt IBv' tbdrapparcll, anD ccunttnauncc force grangers tbc^appcArff 3 lDBll(^:oU)Be mp rclferccretl)?,fuen terefo;al»We, SLo b(arc all t^ctr talUe tbat j ma)^ tbem beguFle. ;^l^erecHfretbD AM ONarb STIPHANO, if a C^o^H bo;fc rtcne curticb^mr bellr iDaretb tbmn$r, 3amadbangrrnotu*a0toben jlumt to Dinner; ^ourpbtlofopbtcaUDtet,i0rofincanDfmall) SLbatrtumapcateponr oinnccf fnpperatoiice,! notrftrrafteatali; DAMON. C ^tepbano^muco meat bmui bean^ne^^tbtaneDletntato ^& Ugt^ STEPHANO. C 3 mas be Ugbter ti)erebp . oa tj A^all nenerrtuit ti»e raSer» DAMON* C 3 banebab luxticientlf DtTeonrfe Df amltfty C^btcb j bao at Dinner luttb l^ttbtas anb bidpleafaittitcompaitte l^atb fnii^ rattffieDme.it dot n me gcooto feebem2)mese9on bim« STFPHANO* Cfeea grorgfenattegglli 3 mit^ii Uumt m^ (q; a lutiUe te baue me mU ; C«9t 0t|omc mt Jf loouUinotcbattnga btm fo;no ntio : ^nt tR» tbtnSetf , tbii is a pieafant Ut ilii can not tieare b0^ DAMON 0f DAMONflBUPITHIAS; DAMON C Wt!jat tftcrr f An neias longas Rcgibus cfsc manus ? 3ftiflno rafetalbpngcoftljemtbararpfteflafarreoir: 15nt leaurnor bjnigcsf matters, ? v^^v ro« HeUi ma t6(« cnrteBr r SCO osfcnbe tn feUi U)o;{Ocd> tbe date of tbtd Cttu ^ trauapler 3 am, oefiron^ to knoU) SSStjeftateoffcocCoantrt]?- UJbereiierjgo: ^ot to t!)e burt of anp llate,but to get erpetteitce t^erb; : 3t t0not foj noaofbttbattbel^oet i»otbjcrT»e, Pic. mihi Mufa viruni,ggtx poft tcroporcTroyar, Mi^tonira homu^^ 3;nU)btc^et}crre0,a0rome Maters bo fcaHy SLbe|Doet ocrcrtbctb,apcrfeat toife man : eaen fo,? berng aftrangec,aW)tcteb to l^brlofopWe, SCofe^tbeflateof Countrerrd.mpfelfej appite* CARISOPHVS^ iT^^r, 3 li?^e tbf? entent^butmaE 31 al^e^oarnamefoftbotttrro^ttrf DAMON. C^r n^^^ ^0 2)amon, tuell knoUien Ch mg vi:oantrep,a C^entleman CARISOPHVS. (to;tt<^ Ci^oubo loifelp to ferCje tbrftatcof ecbeCountrfe, SDo bearetntelltgence ttierof lobetber poir lud: ]^etd a fpte, $»tr.Bl p;ap pott,lraaepacfencea t]i^Ue,fo} 31 baue to bo bere b|?: mt cUi tm lucake parte of tbia Cttte as rou ttanbe^f 3I l)erf qutcU^ tmpliretoortirtot>ou agarne,anbtben lorii? ni^oto, IDbeftateof all tbtBCoutitrle,ano of tbe Courtealfo. EXIT* DAMON. CS tbaitte ^ou fo; roar rourtefie, t%t0 cbauneett) toell t^t 3 9et tottb tbiB (5ent(eman fo bappeip, tSHWcbeag ttf«metb,mffltbetb fomc tbrnge, eis betDouIb not talbn fo bolblp of rbe kpnge, flnb tbat to aaranger,btit loe toercbe conies in batfo. C^ere entrctb C ARISOPH VS anD SNAP. CSDbu is be felotu fi^nap^fnap bim t)p:atoas iDltb b^m * CdPoib felotD tijon mnft go toltb ma to tbe Conrtf • DAMON. CHo tbe Conrtc Or, ano iDbp / ^ „ CARISOPHVS. TO:en,U)etDp!l bifpure tbat bero;e tbe ftpng, atos^ fe(tb b?miia anDtf rote^feen tie pL^m fea« frotf e, tmijen jfpicDmptime,3 lua« neffqwemil^ t^ciaue tontfius gaueme Aurcwlcntummagnfttin, S large rcU)acoe,foKofimple if ruictu, , ^ tiSbattljcn;' tbeliingirs p;cn?f$ttanactl)fliieflp |^ttcrcafter,3 U)i?ilt)rctfei0pomcti: of jd^rlofopw; ^^tnolt))tubcrca?3bauefeitt'aekpngesivbcral^ttc> 35 p^mcelp as it came, 3 Ujpll ^eufie ttas regallie : j®anep iscitrrant menfaF,anO cHrrant couiej? or currcnJo %titn luv^H 3 make monp runne^asbfs nature rtqatrct^ j troUi^ ^ ^mi^W becomes a j^btlofopber beO, ISntto Oifptfe monpabouetbe re8: ano pet not fo oif|rtfeit,but to banc fn ff o;e enougb to ferae bis o tone tourncano romtnbat wo;tt tsn ftb fonc:ie fpo;tsan5tauntes,pearrntgi)f Ibettgbteb tbeltfngr, S^bat U)ftb W iotuoc iaugt'iter) tbe lobole caurte oto rtnge: 5Rno J tbougbt t)e laugbt not mcrier rbcn 3,U)beu j got tbts monei;, S5ut mumbongct fo; ^CartfopbM ? erpie-. 3n baftcto romc bctbcr, J muft banoietSe toaac finelp; £)bCaitropbnfi,mpDrflrcttfrCni>e5inp truft?companpon, tfilSbat nelDts mttbpou .-' hiberebauepou been fo ionge t CWcreenrretbCARISOPHVS* C ^v brtt faelouto frtcno ariftippns,} am cnmz atlaf, 3 baue not fpent all mp time In toaft, 3 baaegot a p;ap, ano tbata gmo one 3 trotot ^^, ARISTIPPVS- C«llbatT;ape w rbatyfafnetnoulo 3 knoto^ M^u . CARISOPHVS. fcmj If wftf fp(e 3 bEiiecaugbt,3 bare fap, a«nfucr r ffs neutrtoas f It CifUta,befo?e ttitd Oaf , f^ntht aone a^ ^eUieo etieri? Uiealce pUce in tb$ CUfe^ .. ^arueUieotbe l^ai^ieH^aiiD eatb bulUiart^e^tn tal!tet>ers ttttt{e$ ano pet bp forne tooiDe,^. bim felfe be ogo betu;ap# «r ^ ,. ARISTIPPVS* ■': C t tbfn&e fa m gfflO fattb. as v.on olo battnle bitn» CARISOPHVS* CJbanDleDbimclacftl?, jiopn^JfntalfeetDfrtWtntottrtetttfl?; ^ XSut Ujbeit iudefoereenti:eii,3 Ut bnJt fpeafeebift UiiplUanD ^ &!ic^t oiirtbttsmucb of btdU}d?D£i,tbat jmaisebimrai^pUi^neii;^ !^ toad (omebetber to &rtotB tbellate of tbe CUte* ^itDnotanlp tbiiS,bac tbatljetuonlobntiertianoe^ 23be Hate of Dtonf fiud Courte anD of tbe fobele lano» ^!)Cc^ b)i20es tDben 31 bearo, 31 oeGredbtmto fiape^. %iU i bao done a Uttle buGnelTe of tbe toap, p:oml(iiig btm to returne agrapne eiuc&lp : 9nO To MB totitta^ ^t^felf te^ (Xourtfo^^nap § £iptlaffe,lDbicbcainef bpfnatcbeD b(m 132ott9bt bfmto tbe Court and Cn tbepoHertf iQbgeOtfpatcbebbim; 0fter 3 ran to Q^ioniQus a0 f>ifl a^t 31 tould ^ flnDbeiu;{a^eo tbt0 nutter to btm^bCcb 3bauei?otttolDe ; TMUicti tbin^t iuljen be beato ,be(np tcr^ mcrp before, fee roociilp felUn a Bump,anD fompng Ijf fee a t5o:e; atlatherioo;etn agreatragetoatbefl^ouloale, jBptbeftuoaBeoube tDba^le^andtbatber? ^02t$9 3 am tffl l^amefaft fo; m? trauell anD to^U, ^ "■■ 3craueitotbtngeof2)(ontgus5 batonlpbrit^Tpop!^: Uttle barb be about bi«i,but afe^nrotbeafen croiunetf of ffolbt. Cba poucbttbembraUiqeaopjtbep arefure inbolo: mn notD 3 goe tn to tbe Cttie to tap fc^tbr SDo f« tubat bebatb atbw loDijmge,to maketjpnw moatfc -I. ^ .r u ARISTIPPVS* fl?g <£:«r a« orcafioa ferunb, commence nip r0>-u>crfot^e fi(«fr» TV., r r ^ARiRTIPPVS.. ttaum&picntiratefl: frteno c.^tifop:)tt3, i^ai ? forget tbattfttege; ^9^i toarrantgfu,tbpugb afiigime to Bowt face,. C&e a:ragf call commetrfe "S &rina!!onemontl) foii^tiutti S)tonf6u5 mtn I am in placet 3f 3 fpcafeconelP9;Defo;fac!)ea Unaur>ftang6iii»» EXIT* ^ ^^^J CARISOPHVS- £)ur fine pbploiop!)er, our ttmme learneD tlfe, 30 gone to fee as falfe a &ptc as fjtmfeife : Daaionfjnattccs as loelt a0 ijeof crafrtejabpIofopWe, ^nDcantourneCatfnt^iepannetJerppjenlp: ^ut (Tariropljus batb gcuen t)ftn fnc^e a migWttl^tt'kt, as 3; tbtnte in tt)t enoe tu^U baeabe \)\s wtiiit : mOat care 3 fo: tbat ,t»bp UjomIo betbcrt p;Ce, ^nD learne t!iefecrct eftate ofouccountcep ano tttic f iBtis but a Granger, bp bis fad Iccot^erg be lotfe, 3 care not ljal)o fall, to tbatj maprpfe: 0ft fo2 fiae ariatppua,3 toplUcepe tntDttb bpm, l^e id a f^^eluoe tnole to df ale lottbaU^be can fiupm: ^nDret b^ m^ trouii), to fpea^em^confclencepla^nlte, 3 lu^il tfe t)t0 rrtenDHb^P to m^ne olDtte commooptte; tCSIbile !Dtotit0usfauourctb btm^yartSippasQialbemfne, j6ut tf tbe l(pnge once froiune on btni, tben goo ntgbt Comaluif : ^e l^albe as Hcannge^aist tboug^e 3 neuer faio^ b^m befo;e, HSut 3 tarle to longe,3 lurll p;ate no mo;e: 3acfee,coniealoai?e» lACKE. Catbanbef?^ CARIS OPHVS* catSDamons lobgpng If tbat pen fe, Bnpftnvretoartre,beiplUrbandbpm«, IXaiber tben 3 tupU lofe tbe fpotJe,a lopll bfabe it ouU ^ t&ereemretb PI T HI AS ano S T£P H ANO* CMbatdraunge j^etoesare tbefe,ab mpfetepbano t JfluirSDamon in]^3pron,asrtbet)epcebotb ffo^ STEPHANO. €31 <« true^ob trucll bappe,be it faften Taiubpit, ano a0 ibci? rap,bp a)iontfiu« ouin^ moutb condempneb to bfe» PITH IAS. CSIo Die i alaofoj tobat tanfe :» STFPHANO* J^3 * ..^ooccrortbcU)Oifesr9ofto;fingr,tobUbep;ouoketbr(aftfre« > . tf)eDAMONattftPITMlA$* »emg in aflrarge fctintnr:»tcttccf trtnttfg f a((|iMift)fanct(# <8feTtB;efetrpljano,feall ttjoiiltuco tofet tbfsOate^ «:« f« tbr titie C^j^vftcr tntwfilt waDcaluaB^ PITH IAS- Cfefepljano,recrngtfec»nawrt3 comets tWtfrrfremr«%' letfe0iwafee3lfrtucoarfrtnD,ofmMreneceCrptt0; , ^aiinf tljoii to tbe Court ana DtiDerftanDfccretlt, ' 00 muct)€ 80 tbon can rt of ^am on0 caafe, anO 3 mi til maUe fame meaner to tntreate adftippo^: tee can do mucti as 3 bcsre luttb brns3)toiitau0« STEPHANO. ^ C 3 am gone fir: ab, 3 tuoiilo to €^DO,nTpfrattapUatio pa jtjt ftrs^t rtfio^e mp ^apff tr to bts libtxtit agai^ne* PITHIAS* € ^b tsofdl^tt^(a0,0t&e nolti 7 am alontt ISSlbat tua^ fl^aH ) firfi beginne to mak0 mp mone/ tea bat U)O}DC0 &aU I finoeapt fo;m^ compiapnte, E^amon m^ frteno^mr topi.mp life is in ptrtl, of fo;ce3r mnS note r«(ii( OButo^ ^uSchcastn topfndtnnes^tbp mecr note^j atobo;ote<, j^o Koto Icno mee tbp rernfull tnneo, to tjtter mp fa;oUi» Cl^erx; PI T H I AS ftngei3,anbtb0 Kegalleopfag^ teafie rc teofnll UBtg^te^, Cliat iongc l^aue lEoept in ivot isr^sne to tue rompiatnttg and tear^. mpbapfefietidpto^o: iSI^r ^0 no tonfiue can tell* nei&fncantrcuacfcrte: ^ tD^dt a oeat^ to tj^idf i^e8re» ^^^^AMONmflxUnttmuitHt. mme Jofff of too/lDip tDca!te, inannrs toifbome way w8o;e> 3nfi j^umpftc ftat^ p;outBeo too, j afealuefo;fucrt£fo;e: ( 36iit my true jfrcnfie once lott, i nolmcantoellfupplte: *. s^t^^n^tefcataDeattjtotfjftfofiearef DAMON mp trteno mue «e/ i &^U , C4PV cf e tta%ftaU Commrtfc fj 09p nioatfj tef ufe tt?e f ooDCt ttiat flioafJittiij limnicjs fuSaj?ne: anD ranfacSe cu^rp b3?ne ; en mc j^our. cojmentG^ f rfe t ng^p CDoult) 3 tiue, (ince eliae % f}mci l^amonmptuenDQiouIdOtef , auD p;efonc pansuejs of ccatin tDfti^fpeeDnotDSopmpb;eatl^; ♦ ^ft?(neme (ome 300b man C^op mtnc e^et jE>tj ueate com now, ft' ^amon mp friend mnSt^fe* ei^e fpeafeetl) t!)te after fte fonje* 3lti feafne 3f call fo; tDeat^jtufticbcftearert Hot m^ cemplafnf/ i!5atU)5at tolT^ome 10 tt)f5,tH facie ej:trempti^tora(iit/ Mtilcum iuua ia re mala annimas bonus, 31 tppu to thtCovLtttm^fzifetQ make rrieii^es,anot^at p;ereiitte> , 3 tu^U ncticc foifabe mg fcletiue in time of mittviti Idutao 3! foe ^tepbano amajed ^etbec to rontne;^ '. Cl^ereentcetft S T E P H AN 0» C^j^itblas^l^U&iaK^loe are all tmootte, . ^me^ume earenf^aue racked In mttie otottefoaotut 3[|ieardS>toisil!ai$fiiieare9tl)at s>am^n£|oulo oCeto4iTo;otOf PITHIAS* Cl^otDcamefttbou fo nearetftepzefenceof tfjeft^nge, Sdat tt)0(t mtgbtett beare u>loii(aad fpeaUe tbi5 tb^nge* STEPHANO. €:»? Wentjf^tp J gatetriio ttje€:oarte,tDftere(nsreat anWence^ 3 bearo D^ottlOiua luUb bf ot»ne moutb geae tbf0 craell reutence tf ? tbefe erpjclTe 1do:dc0 : tbat 3)amon tbe cc^;a^lse tbat craftte f|^e> fSXttboutfartber^uDjreinent^te mo;oU)^qu(D2sie: ji5elecHem»iactb(a0,toitb tbefe earc5 31 bearo it m^ felft; PITHIAS* ftJSC^en tioio neare if ntg oeat^ al ba^l) too^ iisr mx» U' ■. ■ ■i iP .HJML- i U J.l ii UUl. JJ4. Wi .i l ©fDAM0Nf8«bPITHTAS^ STEPHANO. C&^a^rttre ts no tf mr of lamcntritg nDttt>amonfo;a fep!e,apo;e(iDentUman: gnobatb tncrnccfltbcb^ngeagatnabtKi ooefpigbtfuU^, fLI^atDicntSasbatb luDgeobimtomcactotoote: 3i!2:nctal^ttottbZ)3mon,tobomtboaTbtn too;rDa3lfon)^(bee];tott.(0 Pit Has be mo:c curious tben totfe in toetypng Vm Citu; )6uTtr«clpfe;pagbr3 can Ic«rnc,tberei0nocaufetol5i? ^0 fotenlp ano cruellp^ br ajoufo be conDempneo to Ote; feou) eucr it br,tbi0 10 tbc l^ajt an^) Icnge ^ 3 wire nor gainfap tt?c hpnge, bett rtgbt 02 to:ong: 3a»nfojp,an^tbat t?c41^Mtav.o^cani5ointbt0care, i^ugbt anaplet')pn'fit»aJiaa, tobereftotoarue cpimantalut6pl«0j PITH IA$;^ ^ C&ir,lf bumblefuteopaa Wcnte notBerptr^, Ebf n bcuj on nift ^dHi' pimuti cpes: '©?namc?3pubifi3>in;i<3xfCl:)eUfeno&;«e, 5ipcrf^(tfncnDtornitit2ofi.:a'bam«ii^ . \ ,. «Xa:ikUettca^apc;;ni^(jjj^j(^ ^^^^U; fSlli fftagf can ComttteDft SCO SaitD bU frleni^iit tbi j bis great Df ffreOTe : j^9ti9b t batb be l)tne fooubp of tDeatb, but t^rp fo^If ^ JiSeiirgr a ftraanger ^be^euieatbts C(tie, 1^0.: ltd emit pzafttTes, but ta faedc bta tft$f &ut feiti^ S>ton(Sa0 C0 tnfa;mtd 9tbf rttHfe^ iPp futr^s to^oti,tobeiit»eafettimeanbpUcf^ SDo amaaqt thcMtms anffer.ano to ourcbafebfo grace^ 3ln lubfeb mspng^pott O^aH not rxs orot) to one tmtl^t 15ut potifl^all fartber t(9,a»iDtbarfullr* ARIRTIPPVS* i^frfenb. fn tbts cafe ? can Dos vott no pleafare* PITHIAS. frr?j?oa ferue in tbe Court a« ^awe botb tell^ ^^^ AKISriPPVS. 31 am of tbe Conrt.rn o^oe, bat noneof tbe Counfelt* PITHIAS. flo J beare,none is in orre^ter fatiour fattir tbo Sfnffe tbenvoirat ARISTIPPVS. (t*tooa», SDbemo;efnfa(tonr.tbelefire 3 OarefaF* PITHIAS. Jt f$ a Co«rtf r?« pzapfe to be!pe ftraCtijrers f n mffetfr* ARISTIPPVS. Sobelptanrotberatd ^^urte mf relfe9tt(5^anen?II point of cottrtet^i PITHIAS. ptn (IjiannojtbnrtFonr fcifeto foeafcefoztbefmioceiit* ARISTIPPVS. ^eti ntit inmttnf. tobom tbe &tnge fubffetb nocenf* PITHIAS. . / tWbp trr / tn FOtt thfni^^ t^if « m^f fer paf e all remeWef ARISTIPPVS. IbofarepaStbat ^inninnamotrtomo;oto tliMnt0 PITHIAS* ffibrt iDOibmp trembltnjj beartcntttli in ttorrt Xb dt^in tbf s loofnf I c^r^. hibat ititll 31 MS to Doi. ARIsriPPVS. C^e«tocotttntrarrrtfe,^1eneberertntroweWft ftefo ^ne»r«!fttf!>tbatfojltiotoetb Womfferte> j3ettfaiittcom'onbe,(tre(frtbtneabttla«, JCbecWefrd coanfenouTaboat H(»tere E)tont9iif t f trrbalHK €>f DAMOM«ttllP!TH[fAlJ DrrTtomtr^ tt^t ^t^nere from all k^n^e ofcrueltle^ PITHIAS* ^ , ^, ; . fi:a!iTJngmi>lcaiicofi»oitg»^ifeire,3IUipllii0Uirera;C0, {, ffij eubalagtfiatjffliiConnrellcr: ' »at 6arke,raeti)lnnc | ^earc a ^rompet bl«to» ARISTIPPVS. _ ^ ... . ^ CiThJ ^Fngr fiat 33113, ftaiDecloreCnt!iciJ2eafe>befosite:(f6eSw0ll > ]^oii arerctcttotol>atno.t,tieU)rlltakepoQro; a fpUalf^; y aretDJil J oare not be f tne to( H rott . C^ereentret^ ttpng DYOMYSlVSt EVBVLVS tbcCwnfelIrr, «n3 G R O N OO ttje ©angman^ I DYONYSIVS- €^;i?ta>, to utp coiiiJiaitDeme.it, Uvifit off Samontf Jron« bp i bj,^ BJen b:prtj J? » 'i!t M n ' felf^ mill fd5 Sim eirccatrt p«frntl|7» GROMOO • C© mfff!)tle ii" t T. ^3 f coitwatiutjement tepll I to fparoelft^^ DIONY^. C(Sab!iltn:r)9!ff)afttal!$e^ fntjame^fajrMtefjel^allDfe* ' l^^all 3 (m^ttmxfivrnto ^aadelnpcrpll offtterie^ple^ EVBVLVS- ^eanclptjte'ain wr xitfe.anb togll P34 f*;tiiatrtfiftci|?m atoa^^ DYONYS. M5at 5e (noiilo ba^c Doricrte gele 13 greae, be mf n^eu mi ta bttrt ffibat camefofltlt? tofccc'j jutt'^ereccctettateofm^Coitrte: U l^^:xUm?lll^:teVnfeare;'no,n9: 3fto?Ucuc^fifrac)e3|mpedbctim^' r^ lead tiHtto«ipfiirtlierDaiinTer,t0 WrtbercUate* EVBVLVS. Cl^ef banetljf migbtte(2^oDiiesF,tmmoiCall #ame aSTlgrieV SCo all tDo;lDlp^ifnce3.ta'itcbe fn msrclebetHcUneD* [ DYONYSIVS. • lctiParwetalfee^)JiatiSelr(t,fo3ima^lHttelnfafit(fe * i EVBVLVS* CC^e otiel^ meane to t!)at,l0 to tire merely DYONYS. CamUot ^;tn(et^f 0eopteBerpiretb# EVBVLVS. C 11 crttetl itpitgt tfie people bate t!^» DYONYSIVS* Clef tbem bate me,fatiiei?fearemafi% i _^ EVBVLVS. Cfie ^ragf call ^ommeMe DYONYSIVS- ^*^ tVBVLVS. CEbattsrajMerpiottircBbprncccranDgentUneffe* DYONYS- C StcniBps Biig bt j oljc fcarctj ♦ EVBVLVS- C. ISetltr f02 fitm to bu b r4belcuc5» DYONYSIVS. C #02tunemaiittD all tamges fabtcct to m? pofecr. .. EVBVLVS. tr 15deac!)ernotfi)ct3aItg:3tu5oODcire,(^ecaalaug^ f l0to;n DiONYS- C aWnffCj5p;a^feftanDe£f)ln tljereiieiigtng otW tiX^mt EVBVLVS- C a greater \iir^. fe to loinne !)(m bp clcmencie* . DYONYS- C Go faffcr ti)c UiicUeo liiicft is tie mcrrtr • EVBVLVS. C So feUltbcliiidccnt, It is great crocltfe:, DYONISYVS. C Js JDaiiicn innii^cent, iwinct) (o craffelp tnticrmtnteu C^^rffcpljn^ . ^e^^n ruanDUjliattjccoulO cfhingcSDJonifius: ^la bull fur luU^cDtrclBautwaiiDcdie l5t!lU)arcbctntIiGCtt(c, tlQlierc Idttne r.ijgtjtlatj iai?ie,iyh2rt Uiay bcft to app2oci)e, l^aU 3 puffer fut t) a one to liuctljat Ujo2{*cth nic fuc!) Difpite ^ iiio,6eitallote,tJ fn ^ aiti faf0,aueaDCogac(aii notbitf* EVBVLVS- C IButvf t, £) mjl)nc, nip tiutft b(nttttl) me, 51.0 gcuc fiulj counfcll ag \uith y^Quv^^amux map bctt agra, %l)e flrongcllpilUr^of tJ;tiuelT>Dignitic, 3 fiuDc tl)io tnHicciDitb rwrrci? ano p^iiDcnt Ubcralttfe, 5!Ll)ConciuDget(i aU rStn(Te35 bp\}pagl)ieq«ttic, SLl)eot!)crrcuur0ctl3 tl]eU>o:tt)p , fij^tngccbcmrem^tfc: ?.0 to fpan tJvofc, U}l)icl) off«nDniaUcionfl|?, 3t irav be c*tllcD no luaicc, bur tmcnme miurfc: jfe.?t)poii rufpifton, ofcacl) tt) ngf<5notUuUp:cutU, £:oputtobfatl)t;:cfcn.lr^ tobohunuioiisfivitterpacforfd, 3t liKinstij of ttrannr^flno tpon U)bat fecUlr crouiiD al tiraiit^i Ihd ffem^ jatbcne0arDLaccocnicn,rantcac6)ct)rwpfitbcnorbtli'fcanC0: arttinotnnlvt;KrcCfcfcn3,butH>!)ocuriouOt|rat{c0, * . ^'- .- JCbc U).5clc y i(to;tc6of all tbc \Ko;lo,nct o«tv of iiiomaine5 f e'rakcji , ^ €>fiyAMONaniPiTHiJ[s» ©ball fi3cl!tjmegae3f all 2^t>;iute3 Vn rutneusfali, £i:iictcCtafel)ucectatiTe,bdauc:>of none,bnt fiatco of alU Ofmercifull piitnccs to fet (^utetbe paflfpitg felpcitie 3n^9cnot:pn0uor'3 oft!5at,eucntbcreoapc3 oo tcSiSet 2:?jet?lneticuoiD of fearctijeic acapes arc founD,tl7c?oj%t> tto ctremfc fi:t)c?arefeafc3aJtoloucd,atiDU)iP / tl^eprulr U)iti)3iuaicetmfrUer ertentjpmg ^ciHiccto fiict,a0 tDicVeo^^fcom luDtircljaacfUjarueD, ©erdeUnto tbofctubcre optnio'?>tiinplcneirel)auemer:cuii^ftrueiJ» i^flpbmie nought 1! Tap, bat onelpcl)ti5tt)gnje,> ILpbcrttebpboloet&tbc Hate of a ft^iiget ttntjofelar^eyauntmilneaeoticyfitto falltaffits flTue, SDo rctuaroe none^^but fucSe as oeferoc (t fa? tcrtae: «litc!)emefcifnllSal!rce,ifpoa U»oulofol?^i;,f p^oufoenflfbcrflg^te; j^eitftertb&Caierpill0i*0ofallCoarte3, Etfrugcscoufumcrenatu paraffses ^itli iwealt?ipaft tip, 0)01110 not loHcfohle,, iaoi pet fo J tS)ii5 S'^Pl^ facte^pojie ®amo5t l^oulo oie» ' DIONYSIVS. C^H?i pavnemlrtc earc£> baue HearD tMjrtarnefaI&eofmert(e> g tell t!)ee,feace ano tccrottCiUefenO^t!) fepngcs oadp : Supll^ebcgflne luftomc j fufpect^boUj il^all % ipiie qafetl^^ tuaiiofe mcmojie i6 cbUling l)o;r5:>ftis m^ faieatt oap f ntgbt tjfolentip ^pD;ea^fuUoaeame6oft)fitf,lieceites(mpre(l:^n b^OBitte ^bafepngant)tcemfaliiTg,a« owe rraup topeioel)(s tft^oatc to 2)amon5 dji0 quak^ngBjean.nottjpng bat iSDanronej blouo can Sap, ( fiuo^o^j Better be Die,t!)en j to be to:menteo ^ith feare aluiai?; l^flljaU 0ie,t5)c«gt) (2;abalu«co«fctit»tot thereto, at l0laU3faUfo: fe\mace« as tfjep lift allt&Pn je0 to Dm* C^ereG R O N OO b^tngetb tnD A M O N : att> P T T H I ASmatetb Wmbg m Uiag, PITHIAS. Cffl)bnt^JDamon. DAMON. ca)5 mg gifbi3i5,fepngE)eatb mtiIp4rtelJ5,farotuefDAM0N«»6PITHlASt PITHIAS. DIONIS. (Dmci jCo tttt 0idl)apd) to tia^arD tb? Ufe fo; bim^toliat fon^neie^ moit^tb t!^ PITHIAS* I iaofoiitnfffeatall,batperfertamttte» . V, DIONISIVS- . r >.^^ 9matii'%ftid ofanittte:aDutrctb^retffoeII)(f £)amon fa^Ieatbff ^a; tiQdUlil^albetafilF appittcteD,foattb(Himcfo;btm, tome^btsl^ftte PITHIAS* (paB» DIONYSIVS* ^ £;bon fd^melt to traft bts U)o;oed, tt^atpatDneffrbsIerefQ fcancU^t PITHIAS- imbat3]Damon rattb,^Ubfa0 feeletsrtb afureDl^ DYONYSIVS- SCa&e ittnt fo;ipfe,tuo;lt)ip men b^ea&e p^omffefn mmnWngtii PITHIAS. SDbonsb tspo;ltIp men Doi To, It nenet bappetf amottffeS frtnoe0» DIONISIVS. ^batcalUSjtbou rtfende$,are tbe^ not mcn^ fd nottb 15^ cocfeero3ltm?il>^ou(^aUrat&ecl3anget&eii j: CQ.iteoapaur Uiar?, PITHIAS. ^225amon,fareUiell,ti>e ©ow ftaae tfta^ fti ftepefnj* DAMON. jSD5ttipBU6ta3,mp]^leaogfefaretorlU? parte fcointbft toftpftt^ IBut iopfallat m? oap appo^nteo 3 Uit»ll moarneaga^nei HX'(ie(t3 luglloeitttertbie fcoui all trouble aitopaine : ^tepftanolD^l ? leaneteWMenw tetnaptcbporttbatnpzffort alonej SnD3lD!)0tnro;ttantbatbrerierueDto tt)idmtrerie , U)?il Uial^c 4ome^ i3b m Bitm^^ nrp ^tea!iqre,mf life, ntg fcienJi^^ faretueii* PITHIAS^ Jparetoeir tti)? SDauroTT. DAMONt ilotTi ir am fotreparte, (Itb fobBe« tnp trembltng teitnsfc uotb Saj,'. ifl)%^u(lcHe,fouHae!wpDolefullpIapnte3 tDljeaa awgoiumgtoap* GRONNO. 3fani'Tlati'ief« go^te*? Dao al^irot Suept to, come pdbiftiJ ^ \£^oD beipe me, 31 amfo}? foz tbp fa)ltn[| cafe* lOCiU tbou t)emertbf I^fe fd; a itntt, fo fonoi^ t PITHIAS- 3t f0 no tenter, mp frcenoe is (nS ,fo; tub om 3 beSre to ^(e; GRONNO. Il^trei£tamat)mati3i teUtbx.KbaneatDpfetnbdmJlotietDClIi; Sin?Mftcf)etDoatODtefojber,(boalokbtoearem l^ell : IKBpRtbon to mo2e fo2 amatT> tit^en S lo^nUefo; a U^oman. PITHIASt ptsiitWi tupll _^ GRONNO. JCbe^coweon poor Ujapcs.poamttl! toPiffon (nbafe* ||t«»$8oa tusu tttmtWMii «t l«S^« PXTHIAS; r 0iT)AMOVimVlTlUAS. PITH IAS* TClfeaCftalt tboii mutt f*: but 06 mixiiA act m ©amoti ttqmUtn fbA ^outtDeotit tb^ bolefulltune«,tn tbisttme of talamitie. EXIT dafireti^^cialletf^p^lapaniourningfonge.aitbSDamon coDtmetb tn,in Mariners apparelljuno ^t^pbatto lotcii 'COTapVnomo;t J&tep6ano,tbteisbutiell(n(e, l^ao Hot tbtd bapt, ret Jbneto 31 am bo;ns to Die I «®bere onnlabatplace, tbe<25o0sbnoU)alonc, 2:0 tobofeiuDgemcntmi'fdfe 3 commU, tbcrfoje lesneoft^^mone," Sno loaptg bpon fBitbta^ in ^^tfon, till 31 cttoarne agapne^ ^n lubom mp f or^nip care ano Ipfe botb ^nlp remapnc. STEPHANO- £bni? beare £pa(tcr>let mego luttb t?on,fo:^mi? piB^ccompanfti: )" febalbe romeTmall comfo;t tn tbt^ time ff mifecie* ^ / DAMON* A}^'' — £)b fetcp^ano ,baft tboubenffllongetoitbnte, flnb^etuoeftnotfenoUjtbefo^ceoftrueamitie/ 3 tcl tbot once agai?ne, mp frttno anb j are but one, tKlaitc\)pen^itbta3, anb tbinfte tbou art luttb SDamotr. tUbcreof 31 mapnotnotDbifcourre^tbe timepalTccbalDap^ SDbe fanner 31 am gone,tbe Q|o;ter ^albe mp iournap : SDberefo^e faretoell &trpbano,commeno me to mp frCenbe ^itbiu$ Inborn 3 trait to belt ner tn time out of tbi)9 UiofiiU cafe* STEPHANO. I^areluell mp beare fpalter , tince pour pleafure (0 fo, fl)b ccuell bappe, ob pm^e &tepbano : jSD cnrfeb Car^fopbuis^tbat Urd motteb tW Cragtbte, Vut iobat a nopes is tbt0 ^ 30 all Uieil lof tbtn trolo pa^ : 3 feare all be not UicU UiUbln, J tDpU go fat : Come out pou WSttttiU arepou ferbluge d^gd in SDamons cbel!e« Come out 3 Tap, tupit tbou be packing ^ bp coche pou toeare bettt » GARISOPH. teotu^urft tbou bUlatne to lap banbe^on me / STEPHANO. £)ut0rfenauco;j3ltupllfenbep0^, i - act tbou not content to accufe E)amon tD;iongfnII^9 afiut loilt tbou robbe Mm airo> anb tbat openlps* ' .... CARISPH. *1tbe*»tngegauem£tbcfpople,totake mpne stone taUtftiMl let : STEPHANO* (mr^' SCbtoe otone bUiaine ; ^berc (0 tl$im autbo;itie / I :ro:yx/*5 " ctj* carisopiu UNIVERSITY OF / GARYSOPHVS • J atK atttftt)?ttie of m? f0lfe,Docft tftoR not knofa ? STEPHANOi * • GARYSOPHVS, STEPHANO. %fitn foz an earned penre^tabe tbis bUtUr MlbM bttmbaS t^^ t^oamecbtngknaae , ttW put piatn mi? purfe fo^ GARYSOPH- {tftt0ttme; 3acbe setir me m? rtuo^D ano tar^af ♦ lACKE. ZcM not com te poa mat(fer,t6te Rnanewi^ me Iet;»ol8 ma(tteri> ' STEPHANO. ^iosLV Jaclie napt8^el0 3B iDpIt colpbeg^on bv anb b^^ y eaane 3 tb^^l b^ue mp penptpa;t^0 ef tbtt>tt)ecefo;e If K tut^ :abotiteWla)?ne. GARYSOPH. £) Cfte$en0>]!)elpe tcf BefenD me^ STEPHANO. mvy tbe? fepH rather belpe UiinsrtM, ^ GARISOPH. b^ekcl)(3 otbfoUbis rieucr a Uibft, but mpfcamoti Jtellrou ms 3lf pan Mfdofe tbi5,3 \D^t beu^fefncb a loaij , ' rcng tbnttf^ JtbatUibtlStbdnUneStbottf^altremembettliftiba?* ' GARYSOPH- • ' >' r.^' • !0ottn(febenoetJeatfefo3tbat.fo;tTjWuapi«p;fnteDCn mg memojp; 3tDarrantpou,3[(lia«remember tbwbeatmgrtni 3 bie : »«t/«wjliOtfoiirtefie poubauegraitteD tbati^efboulo talke anletlfl <|(etl|?3tttK9m«mttcbetmtirt^ STEPHANOt ^ ' ^ ^ CARYSOPH; CARYSOPHVS. JBecattfe J am tie <4 utores matt, Uipes rte kftt je atig kitaue^S STEPHANfO. ^ef^oHlDitot.batUibatt^eDotbftfdeuCdentbp tt^ee: jano asfacce a0 3 can Icarite o;i tjiiDettt awo, SD&ert ii$ none better abte to^d^pe ^naaed to all t^e laiili' CARISOPHVS* ^I) f!r, K am a Court/er, lubeti Cenrtfer^ (l^H deace ttll^^ i^oiDPoit bauetifeD rnctbef inai not tabeft toelU - STEPHANO- |io man (35rumbe,bt3 mmt to jbtepdatio*' . 3fam calleo iDnap&ets, Ifnaj^jespou UipUknoUi, ffibeftnane be^^nnetb tottft me, bat J tarne mp narnedi f wti> Crctifo cum cretenre, to ma^e btm a loute* CARYSOPH. M^emnmbleport uiitb^oacCelfe 9Ji8er d>!iapibe(i(i^ STEPHANA f amrecfeenf ng usttb mp reife>^oto 3 map pa.p mp Debtei; C ARYSOPHV *• t « - ^ iiau6a«epa(D^ai^m3jeti)ert*5oaoiooSitmi# " "* ' ^ -^ ft «flt. toon afattSc recltontn!j,3i to?Il pa«f on «ttt?eo«*ai8toe,if tfjeatjaDU ff«f " "|*"!» lACKE. . (^toOiO. It (8 better a» tt is , S^atfltr btleue me at a too)6c : Sfbel)8t.r«ne?oMtoeappn,betooMlDbaHebe^^^^^ flnB fo perljap« beate pou tooife, 5 fpeakettJuUlj m? Mttc, Sou toetc weSct pet at tbe Dealing of fence bUtow.biit 50a b^^^^^^ f t (Bbnt row !B^t,r«« ate man goD enougD, (atoas f« Po« part »ut tSeaUbe ©napljet5,toa0atwngeauncefenattc anowugb, «Raittct r on tocte bcft go Dome anb cettcin vmbmt, Setbinbte ponttappc toacetb to Itttte f8;roMD£aoe. CARISOPH. tmW ibotb mr beao ftocll # lACKE. »ca8«biffsca8aCoo(l)eii,aHb mtaXfSto* ^ CARYSOPH. , ,, , . g«mRl^«JJe*tatl)ol»m?fa«teitit|)iBl>«to. jaCKE- f lACKE*. ^ . , ^ ^ ISO flbameae 8ll>tifett ^auebf n beaten facte better tten ?otis CARISOPHVS. 3r muSe 90 to tlie cbttutortaiiSy tobat Hb^U 31 f((? teben 3 am a bjeH^ntf^ lACKE* ' jiouma? faT^trtil]?, ^oumctdittb a^tattteflbletrmj. EXEVMr; Cl^ereentrctbARISTIPPVS* ' CtBp mine oUineerptrteiice, Hpjoactraetbat man? men telljuv. . S^o Iluefn (Courtenot beloacD, better be in l^ell : ^!iat crfpngr ojt^'lDiiat curfpn j is tbere loitbtn of CartfopbttHi , 55ccaurebeaccufeD3)amontoainaeDtoniatt!Jr ' ., enennoto, became tobtntngt crtt?ngmtotbeC:oartrfo>tbenoncei> d^riDingetbatone ^napbetsbabb^oHebt^ltnanesrconce:: tI5I!):cbftrauntc name iDbea tbepbcaro, enrrpmaulaujbt bartel^j . anD 31 bpmp felfe fcano bts name fccretip , ^0; U)eU 3 bneUie it tuas Tome maobeoeb cbplDe Cbat tnuenteotbts name^^tbattbetogbeaoeotsnaaenriffbtbebi^Silbct: 3(n toffing afeeecbeotbecb)?tbefitt* ^ VVYLL. Contentam j,fo:3i amnotmaHcfou0,baton tbftfconbftfon, SCbatpou talbe no moie fo biooe of mp matter as berepou bauc Done,' J3ut lobo baue toeej bcre,(s Cobcx cpi commtftg t?onber» lACKE. MpU^letbsmppaaoe anobcUjcbimtuclU i: l^re entretb GRIMME tbe CoUarlDbtaUnff . '- (gatetfflbapf MbatSDcirelUkbetD^itc § l^o;tersareb;un6e, tuill tbtpnotonptbc S^a&c tn Coles fo; f> lyings oiunc moutb^lurit no boo^ ffur 3 Tap ^ 3cb migbt banc lapne ttuap bolucrs longer in mp b^ooc, Cba tarieDfoloHge bere,tbat mptatb cbatterin nipbeaoe. lACKE. MpU,aftcr our fjtlUngc out, teilt tbou laugb mtvilnf VVYLL. 3niarp?achc,3p;tirtba?bartelr. lACKE. SDbenfoIotD mcano bcinmc tn a luoibe noto anu tbcn : QSlbat b;aulpn(te knnue is tberc at tbe Courte^atc fo carip t VVYLL. 3t Is fome b;satnncke ^^Uiaine, 3! DurC la? a pcnn(e» lACKE. 9:t tuas pon fir tlat crpcD fo lotuDc,? troln , flht) biD \3s tAkc m Coles fo: t[)c iimgcs moutb^coen nofet GRIMME 2:twns ?C inOeeOc. lACKE. tHbT?0rfboU)barcpoufpeafeefHcbptt(etrearon/ . £>otb tb€ fiinge rate Coies at anp feafon^ GIUMME* f4^ ^ere efit Cragf call CommeMe ftereffl a gai^e too;UeiB^e« itotDfette^dlu^ men eo frmltt 3 fa^oe ttttit f nongk.Uil^at jacbe fauce^tbf nkH aam a f0lt t Sit i3altef)otirft I5ttttrle t)atc1),!&ttc^in,ano$^eUeCr S)«tbeT' not rap fa; t^e mfngesmontb :» V VYLJL* raijat tften s©D man CoHar /^ GRIMME. tasrftaf tfttn f fetng uSout coIe5 f licf catinat flnelp nitf^t f fef itffe« meat ♦ ^^aBJnatfap^tafte (ticolctffo; ^1&tti3ej^dttt!)>tt{oagb coles be tia not lACKE. (earef^ IVamesCftiUle) cametnerfrom a Colter anatmfiuerera tcimmcf Ihniareiearneo, aret'su not ifatber (iD^;tmme f GRIMME. tfy;(mme f«m^ name in BeeD,rtanf not learneo,f i?et § afnffe^toHer %W to;ttc Uif n ter rt abtn to tbe tting e a ferutier , SD^onjjt) 3it)e not Uarneo, pet cba mother loitteenonsblu&oIefrQmf VVYLL. . jfroft rceme0,pou batie fo mnr^ motll^er &ift,tf)atiH(in tacbtponr GRIMME. (fatfjcro Ujiraonrej {^aire^tfiam toeil be ret : beted (0a trfmmt ca^ of ^rlottd^ lESbat bepon mp piette cocbereli3f>tbat affte me tbefe queatanii« lACKE. aSM faitb matCfec (0rtmme.ff fucb ^arlfneis on poor poticb m ap Ifgbt SCbef ace To qufcb of Ui(nge f qaic&Ip tbepcancarie ft out of pour Sgbt' 9n))tbongbtDearecoc^erel3noUi,to0(ballbauerpttrgioneDap» ano (ball be ableprrbapd tontabe pou a Capon: S5tit to tell pan trontbrloe are tbe ^o;tcr0 tirtn, lobCdr^rlp % lafff VSapteon r(ttbe(0entlenrenadpou to opentbe Courtegat e« GRIMME* arepefer«ant0tben/ YVYLL* !0ea 0r, are toe not ^nzAtmtn t. GRIMME. I^jitfemen ((p reu) nap,pou are Crengre vnxkytXH^ pan cenTonot bearr VVYLL. (tbcfeb^tcbetf* 9re tbtTe ^eat bofe/ (n faftb goomanCoKer pou ih toftb roar noft Vp mpne boneftte^) bauebut fo; one Unf ng ^n ona bore>biir btf eta of* GRIMME. (tlottfic ffbattebtit a itttie^petft makettb*f«mea great iBngge. lACKE. I^oto ftp pou gcDO manCoIf er, can pon Bnbe anp fault bire/ GRIMME. I&ap pou (boalD flnDefaugbt,marp berea tri mme geare, SiaaUttleltnaue, boeS notftoeatttbon goet tottb great papne* l^eft arano (pfCibnt toatter bougetaij tell tbo^ plapnc x i^fDAMONanHPlTHIAif "iS^mD r8:ttone?b(ftruc^ea9f)aueno buttoc^e0. ^pa^oacuerffie tlDO fncticUttie Uobm ruDt)ockri$, ^0 latien U}ttbi>;0ec!)C0;'cl)tUrapno mo^ty ua bi offenDft fa bo tnucntcDtbcfemonHcrsrflrlt, matt to agoSli^enoe; fEo bant amale, reaDte to put in otbettolUtdltnffey Wittici tbt0 ctuccnt b^ ca^lp p;(Bffe : i^nepaeacbtD oflate netfarrebence, in ttopalpetf bnt in tRSaapnt S:tiarrpabetnongb oftbi0,butfe;nt?pactC) (cactfy C bit faif no tno}e,pour olone neceflfttle, 3n tbt eno< VotM fo;c?pou to ftnde fome rentebpt lACKE* icreM, boloe tbis rai^lpnge fcnane tuftb a talke toben 3| aw sone^ 3 lurU fetcb bttti b(0 filling ale fo; bl0 g^b ftrmone* VVYLL. <5otbpl)Dap:fatberer(mme.garlptwdrfoit bofar, 3t td bat peungmens foUi? tbat litle to plare : ^nb mafhealDb^lein tbeiiet of tbeirelDne oenlfe^ "-ij «a ben tbe? come to ponr age^ tbec to^ll be to^fe* GRIMME* 113 um ttotb, but feto fucb ro^ff ew come to mp i?eareiJaf tb W bap; Sbtp be cut oft be times , o: tbep baue gone balfr tbeCt f ottrnep: 3 m U not tell lubp Jet tbem geiretbatcan,3f meane romU)bat tberebi CC^ntec IACKE.t9tib a pot oflDrne>anb acuptob)infteon* j^atber cbpl fiuapt of bp f bft Cbtuas Surringe fo earlp tbat m^ berp foule I0 b;pe* lACKE. SblB(ittouttip core iDrllpon banelttoarmebfatbercS^rimme* GRIMME. f^Oy it (0 toarme enougb: It i§ berp lonfioas anb trfmme, fZis ^pndclDcn tcb tD^ne,of fellotolblp letmebauean otber fpnrti: gcbcan b;tn&eadcanpnoU), ad tf 3 fatelnmp^urte* I AC KE» i5pcocbe anb pou it^aii bane ft^bntlfupUbeglnneanb tbat anona Stbtt abom mon companion* GRIMME. gbarboUi pleadge petp Zateney lACKE. Can gon fpeafte f rencbe.^ bere t§ atrimme eoUer bp tbtt wp* f.H. grimme; CSc arragf calf corameMc GRIMME. t^fiatmait:' tcijclcarncD tbi£5loftfit1cftl»asa&onlmen tCTl)entcbUiasalnGT>felloU},anoco«loparkeaU)l)tptnmlF> Better then ti)c\'t bop ; eld i?our toanore fleauetb to tbermfe of ^our montb* GRIMME. a murian tabe tm m intuit To f ntorf cate wp b:atne, ©battobeljangrenbti anDb?,3l caanotfpeafeeplatne* lACKE. J^ou fpeaKe knauiOjlp plai'ne,rcfngcmp maflterpott b© mocfett 3fn faitb ere pou go, ?l iDpll make vou a lobbe ccc'ic : ^at&ec (^rimme, U)bat fap tbep of tbfs S)amon ab;obe f GRIMME ailmenarero2iefo2bim,fobelpeme(115ob, ffibepfap afalfefenaue cufen bim to tbelifngtw^ongfullp, flnb be is gone, ano Ojaulo be berc to mo2oU) to Die, 5tD2 els bis fellote tobicb (s in pitfon, bis rolomc Ojall fopplie t CbUnotbebi8balfefa;^to2tieaji!liHges,3iteUpouplapner gtbinHeJDamon be to tuifetoreturneagapne. VVYLL. ^fUnomanrpeaiu fo2tbemiiitl)f0tooruUcare» GRIMME, iJo cbill tnarcant von,one maiffec fetipp«s (s itr place, tSlbere be map Offlgfflo, but be frames bim felfc fo, ta batfoeuer ©ionidus luplletb to tbat be topll not fap no ; . "^ ©is afuttell ulor,be tepll nat treao on tboines fo; none, ^merpl^arecoppetisanbaplearanlcenip^nlon, .^ ' A rigt^t couttier^anD can paoutoefo; 0ne« • " IACKE» V ' -h*^- wrm. ^JfDAMONatt&PITHI-ASt fatpll ,!)olDli>kc foii tbisgcarefpottt matter arUIionifiii5 Courte ; foi t^ongb tbetr appacell btntmt fo fine^ ^et fttre t^eir credit is farce Voo;(t tben mine : 0n9 bp cocke ? map fap, fo: all t6eir bi e lokes, 3 knoU; fome Sieves full tki^tin ^accbantiS bo&ef : 0nD Ditpec U)tll fall in, as fame me telles, 2s long as in fteeoe of 6poncp, tbep take tip l^auftes bmbs f Belles : t^becbp tbcp fall into a ftucUingDifeare^ lul)icb Coliers tio not imolQ ®atbamai)name,itiscalleDict)tu«ne, Centum pro cento, ^ome otbecin Conrtcs> maUe otbers iaugb menlp, t2abentbepl»apleanb lament tbeicolDnecdaterecretl?: J^rieno (btp i« bcao in Coucte, l^ipocciOe botb raignei WLlio is in fauouc noln, to mo;oln is out agapne; STbeftate is fobnccrtaineitnat 3 bpmp tupll, Millnener becourtter.bnta Colierttpll* VVYLL. g[t rd^metb tb^t Colters baoi^ at}er^ trimlsfir* ^GRIMME- : ' Colters get moncp apll : SCcll me of trontb, 9fs not tbat a trim life nova as the 1do.:Io goetb f ^lloapt tbougb ? topic iDitb mapneano migbN MTitbmonp in mp poucbe,3 come bome merpatnigbt^ ianb lit oolunc in mp cbap^ebpmptopfcfaire ^lifon, and tourne a Crab be in rbefire,as merp as Bope iobnf* lACKE* • ^ ^^ Ebatl^opetDasamccpfellalUjOfUibomefolKetalfeeromuclr. GRIMME ^aDtobemerpiDitbaf,babgoulDeenongb inbiistbutcb: lACKE. Can goulbe make men merp;'tbcp fap tobo can (Inge fo merp a tio te> SIB be tbat is not able to change a grote^ , ,^ .. GRIMME- "^' ffiirbo(!niJt«fn^tbatcafe(rnges nenerfn tune J !tno&fo;mpparfr, S^at af)eau?,pouc;) mtf) goulDemafcei^a Itgbt ^arte; "^mm'^'mm.^!- - . ! .^" ^'^' - - -"'?»M"#.''i^ ^f Clf e crafif can ComtneMe ff r Mlib 3 bfttt^ pjonCDrd (b; a ntan ttntt god So;t^ ^ ' VVYLL* %sv rtttaiitfffte Ci)itrte tof td (oUn toagasiiot «U t^iiK monif • "^ GRIMME- S^tltCoartonclpS a(rarese« I ACKE* After loliat fo;t 3 p;a?tb6 tea tn6^ GRIMME* iPtar.tlerlateiitran ace(qaoti Boulon) 3 tan toearea ti;ne f iWo it lACKE* V5v2imtiBm(ttmM. (net GRIMME, jMafl 9 teuton b? tiibat flfte 31 9&t all tbff ntone? SCben U\) iueare a noon? In aseoe : no, iui» 3 toarteant t^p i^et f n fetD yjnm 91 tetlf dh tbfd enetbinge, l^e ti a 6en? fole tbat ran notgapnebs tbeliitage* VVYLL* VSelirapbetatbei: Cvinmp,v^ are a fDdfe CoUer C a b;aQ|» 9 fe nolo tbere fs no Iknaoe to tbe oloe biane* GRIMME* frttt^e!matte8bauemonp,lDben cottrtfera banenone^ ji5at teilme, ta it true tbat a b;o0eia bloUme^ 1 lACKE* Q^battdtbatf GRIMME. ^atb tbeftfngemabe tborerap:eS)amrel0bl^bang)terf« So oe come nolo fintan^trtmnteiearbera* lACKE- ptu tml? to bta^^ne perfon* GRIMME* to be Umlbt at tbelr banior 3fUb camefo nearetbem,fo;mplDptcboalo not gene tb;»cbippea» 3f itbconlbnotilealeonenoap attbttrltppea* lACKE. mv\U tbtabnant to b;an&e, lettia bKtTebtm, l.ct boirtffell btm fo tbat be baue not one pennte to bleffe b(ni» flab tttatealuap bf o SDebentero to* VVYLL. Contentinnent tbe toape^anb ? am reabf e. lACKE. f attbt anb 9 turll ntakebim a nootte: /atbcr(£fnmnie)if^onp;afeuie lutlUBi lt)^UU3a(b ?on f flfiaat sen tii (atitn after tbe fame fatbion as tbe iifngeabaHcbtcroba) : Saallpocnttsaatt^ecbanbUS^iomlSnaj a tDrilo;e(re pontt(m i fine GRIMME SDfDAMONiliaPlTHIASf GRIMME ^ulbtjapneUatne^tcomcontlieit^cbflgeoetbflr abbol pintntinUm Mi Cauerne foul)? labour, tobencIiamonFro;m)p 15t ntertfbtate* Ci^ere mull fetcbetb a Ii5acber0 bafon.a pat iDttb toat€(a a Ka^rott^ ant ciotbci^ anb a pas;e of^pt itacUi» lACKE* CotnmfntoiDiif f at!)et^c(mme>Stbol9tie» GRIMME Ij^as to begfnne luitball, beart to a trimute cbae;e « lACKE* fsr-iafm^ti 3|U)pUt)rept)trUlteap;(iict:!Scbop,retcbe mamigeatt<; VVYLL. I^refpn I ACKB. ^»ltjct)p father (25rtmiwr» GRIMME* i^efdememirbcaOBotbfiofmmr* lACKE. ^? Cottir perfumes maket^tyaloap tD(tb tbiisSt ffia?: katofeki^ Slot?re,al^re,l}aU) botopzetlett td^to net bier^agoofaa/ sunt ^ule^efSd^amoutblfiiean ^ttett, ^atber ?3U liaue goo Butter tatf), full fane, pm toeare toeatteD , cts i? on IdouId baue ben a great Calf^' flffttimmt Kpptd to fu^etpt a ganger, b$re itfacbinaet StB fofte as; tbe tK^fe of an bo;fc« GRIMME. g)ot^ t^ei^inges oattgbtertf rnbbt fe b arber lACKE, ^olDi^atK^ao araite man^ eU all uiBll bimarbe^ IB?: laDle,?oaareof aga)0 compleriatt, rtgitCrorocn rangume^bfi^iettinteey l^oulb tpfatber^rimme^m^ll can?aabeSnrrecef GRIMME 9^t tbftt&0 after a maruelou0 fnU^n can bo befmonre Wf^ lACKE* St te UiCtb VNG VENT VM ef JDaocoB ^anctt0,tjattt»erj wttrfc?* y gene not tbts Inal^fngeballtoenenf baopt After ?oa baneben b;e(t To finel^at m? banbe» ' tpon ma*^ UtfTe anp iLaotes Ifppes \oUbin tbia lanbet ji^rouare irtmtpitiaait^boiurap^on^Unot tbnr ttlmmtoatts^ GRIMME- it map bt bolfome, but(t anDt0 ntdoen. VVYLLfingcg. SCtD n(l)fien,anot(»DlctaiDie ooirniODen 9 S0ttotilDrtmmft(3eColtermottfinclp4)aiien« \ . nf i- GRIMME* OfDAMbNittbPITHlAjR GRIMME- Wlfff tpif felUlosd 1 tntse it^t am « coSue , tbat xntK mAki ftic( (•cfn^: IACKE» j(ta|?kl?Mat)p,pou art nototo b?rcurfing(n0» yrti?oun0^fetoiOeniepoulurcean£>rc« . . GRlMME. SDfDt&tfo^tfg a pcQens qucnr C^e f^fuU of rue! m^keiy' 35tttgo to, let t)0 (Inge onteur fct^eetttcrctp* ffitie S>ongcat t!]ca,Ruir.gof itcCcHm lACKE- CS^ucI^e i;5arbers c^oo irnt ^oa atall timta of vi&tiu VVYLL. Stijat can o;cge poa finilp ,ant) nta&e fuct) qnftber^^^i^ I A C KE* i^ottrfa«hkt angnco^nfjTicU; ftlnetftfogav, ^ VVYLL- flSftat J tofts poHr ^o arf l5 of ft;ce muS n&ot0 plas; VSHftb t(Dn(DD0it,anD tcsniooen* lACKE- ^en,ant) toMefc^ GRIMMH- pour H^autnff ootf? pieafe me,3 am nctoyotti: Debtee; VVYLL, • SpourtuifenoU) lupu bagepdh, becanferoii arcfliiea^cftf GRIMME. ^«««^^«uiea.e«v. ipearclDoaltJ i bepofecagnearearjrtamftaucn^ ^fjeiteafefrourjerftmnfebfflmttlfpoHbeihafeeif. lElitb to ni;Dt5en,nntj to nir>Dca,tc* *vattvn» _^ GRIMME- atwa trdnmctbingetobetoaqitfritS^CoMrtCt , OF THE UNIVERSITY •v ^ OF YVYLL-. ■ , ffWt banbes are To *tte t% at t^egnetttr Da &atr tr; GRIMME. - «e tjfitfeefeli amli^^ifectemeuetrc^ toa0t VVYLL--'- " •;•.'./.;■-••- flDttr (|au$(nff^ii^t!K Conrte featft b;ott j^ttWrto laffe* tKirt t® nttoctllfiftDYit) ittctreit* . lACJCB- Mft& f® HfDDf II ^nu t0Ole totJleu^D ntwem a« not (2^ctome the (TQUer moll finely fliaucm #in{«# GRIMME- . ■ -, , • ;- Tl^fefg jrimlf ooitMW -ut^U pt^rte m? cole^tiotfarre fttrtfe*.. jSiiut^rti attSr2Catieriietitlbettou>t U)^ole tUiaj pctim. lAGKE.: ;-: V \ \\u f^atetDell toriie,bcf3>e t6e CoKer affarneto «« faSe^ ^ i.ftt)3 fntotteCourteto parie.tfeefgo^le^O^areaiiOlftape UKe» EXm VVYLL afoa^riimtr Cft^erecntcetlj GRIMME^ £)titalaij^,tDSerr(^all jmaHetti^mcmWr --^-■i.vr^: ipi? ^0arte,itip :^entew ariDaU (i» gflne, tieibcc f s tftat tjtliapnrtftat Upd me i^anc^ ^iUt) robbeD me alas of all tl^t 3 liatie^ CKeremtrecli &nap, 9{S()o^(i^^'fo attbe (2^9urte gate*^ ' (5RIMME 9, ti^epoieColuf^tl^at Uia0i:eblr^t.oMatti SNAP' ra&oroijlbeotbtt> GRIMME:r.;::-;.r-:?5;'.-'. . fftoo«fttiel^o:ter«metitWt lipt fl|a»e1lli^^ - ,. .,t: SNAP* *;f' ;;,^.i ,;-tr.--!- ^f — ^^'r^-^ - ®K5v^rte i^oiters metrartw asarbcw ;r ^GRiJi^% : .£..^^^ a^tjenjancfttiftet^ctHt^eparc^tifcltecartt^Wf'. , 2»HttIci>apperUnAqe5 ajs tl^e^trimlc<<>ttlp fteffe.^ ,: SNAP; . » ' / SCt>ti?toftelLacHer:«,a3 ncarcau 3 wnijcffe tlwm' GRTMME. / ; I . S>uc^ Hac^f td matte me tacUe> ^n^altir beriorn^ttt^tm^^' 0aet a>f t> A M pK«pIT^ j^A^-) JDoettrtou fenotethftinftheiifeftihtnw . GRIMME. ptatHtJitustt SNAP. ff 'itn tomt ^^^^^^^^tll 8n6e tfjim mtmn m mm 3 foloto maO 2:ipttafMtot'(n*«tC«rtrtt te lArlir; SNAP. SCfteittrtenemoje.tBmealuap. EX£V>iT €i&£rcciitretbC«nfopl,«0,anii2r(Rfp|,H», ^ ?fcufr|'oulBpU(\)ctajp0orfutt.w^ip,nbtoi!sa)e*«me, - frcmgtl)eljc«8t»tiU|(cafr6toU^W£^ootaoappf arc ittamw of fome cwfll bciiaiirtiir, jr&atvoHfofoOenlparetaftoHteffiuonr. CARISOPH. jpotWngfcane ^ Bene but ms in falbt ? our ttStoarfeb flBnhuIua. ^ ttcn be lamt nteo ipuma»rafc le fc.nge SDmmfiue, ® T"!:* ^ebntb left Ijufttcno m tbcbjiers ancnotois 'tone. ?•**-- '- ^ t»t£b brtD Wj eare cpcw to paMfitiCda flancrp. ^ fl iiD no mm the isingefl earejifec a fctU be ringck CtJrnfftU*tnatur£r^Siaue6tntl)eocfiroper8offtrtioHfciitOKOE.'?feonloiI>«tUj«w!{Rotoite. ' ' 36VO"rt!tvoi:irie»ieQ)fpfcaictbt»5t8paffc. "'T'"^* , 3 fcl ilD t{jC4J 'cnerbc: Anticus VfqucaJaura* _. CARISOPHVS:- CARjSOPHVS. . , . „^ **^^ ARISTIPPVS. , a i,««i»Uc55Sff.f«"nar 3fba«««n8»e otonepannt. •^^rtwetttttSiri <' eARISOPH. .^^. , «aftatUnfetf^.ti)at i fafn? tooalB J W«m port l»BttMci?mttbj perfect Itttotfn true fiffenUC6a"0 tijat tawt ft ftnfttocU mwt Oippe, «e»ft» tbtn tfiere is no ftinW^f p felt bettijanc lioncff mem 5Bettu&ne tfte benett onlp, fo;^micitiaintcr bonus: faUl) i It utnt^ntm fDftat(0n0frfDAMONfattllPlTHiAS% ARISTIPPVS TBKbataSDeuell tf^ett ment Cadfop^ttifr; S$ ie^ne f n frCiton^tp luitb fine Zxi&ippMf Hit k)!)8m iis afmitc^ tertue^trttetli ano boneCfr; J3 t&ere ate true fetbers fitttetl)j«€:rafne0 of tftefcrtifrier ^ettbefefertergftauc t&etftauokj ofUuelp featftewtljetctttbeofcatt 15 lit Canfopljusjljatl) not tbe ftauo toe of an ftonettman, JDo be plapne, becaii fe 3 ijrtolu t&p ^illanp: ^nabuCngeS)tont(!ui8J,tomant?men0inturp: ^nDet ttje cl oke of frinDl^jlp , 3 plapo Uittb bts fteau, Sno fougbt mcantiS !)olJD tf)ou luttl> tbfneouanefanci? ntfigrfit beUa^^ »?fr(ttr)fl^tptl)oafougbteftfojt6tne(^UinecommoOitte, 36 tuo:lDlp men D©tp p jofite meafudngr amtt^e t WL^it}) f perctauinaf,to tbe Ipke mp felfe 3 framear t5Glt)crefn^knoUioftbeU)tre3i(^aUnotbeblame^: 3f f ^ou afke me Quarc.31 anftoere»Quu prudcntis eft multumdiOianjJ^ Co fpcake mt^e plainer, ad tbep^oucrbe ^ot^ 0o> 3[n faitbCariTopJjus, Cumcrctcncccrcdfo: 3^ et a pcrfett frintje ji^eiD m^r fofe to tb* tir one tbfltt J, 3 donot tielTemble, no^ 31 Tap) UipUnot fpeaHefo; ib6 to tbe&fnfft SDberfoze ffnfee tn tbp fozrolD, ^ 5o notoeceaaetb*, afalfefeiiauejfouiiDtbar-rafaireftnattejIeattetb*. FXll^ CARISOPHVS* 1^(d (ironeyfd tbt5 frtnoi^tp to leatteI|{£(fc(enMii t^^ei^Iattiefieiai^ tKaellifd^noUi,^ mpfelfebaae begui^loe, 3n m^tcljtn J Uiitb tbat falfe forin amrtter i:25b(ci) bath metfcD tofttso^wnecommoottfr. tMWb(izir\^ mt in Dillccire,t)nra(netji|? goes bf fj tna^di Hoc tbf£{ (JJ tbe perfect fcwDi^ip amon j men no^jm a DaCe«c^ ^ OTbtci hinae orfrtnijn^fp toUjaro bim | bfeofecreWv? 5ainD be toitb me tbelifee, batb requited me crafctp. 3t Cs t&e c5o53 (uogemertt, 31 f* tt pla^netf j i?o)antbcluo.2lomapUnoh)Jncidcinfbucamauamfcdv tieieU J mutt content mp felfe none ot&ecbe!pe 31 Unomei tfUntillamerUrgaleofUimoemaPbappetoblolJDe; 'EXlfX -* EVBVLVS. -'^ Mbo beats toftblitnge^ in matters ofgreat toaCgWr ^ben frotuaro topll^ootb bearc tbe cbefett f inap; gj^uft pelD of fo2ce,t!)e(r nitoe no fubtle Oetffbt; ^e?dpnteDfpeacbtbemattertoconuap, i ^opjapercanmoae^tDbenfefnblfDt^tbefrei if S^emoi^eeeqaencbrt^emajeiii^eafe^totfitfcti; * ^' tnu HiW rtfnffe ^ paoue (ti jattbia^ ioofoll cafe, «I2ll)ofc&auap fiap taitl) reared J to lament: ^l)e Da^ iis come u^beit be tn {Damons place^ mxft lore t)t0 life tDe t^me ts tuUp rpent: fi^ougbt can mp tojOB nois U}ttti tbe tuingt p^euaUe^' IJ^af nft tbe lutna ano arf ntngreftreamr | fa^ie ; o;tDlett)oi! iiiullala0 tbou fclp c^rar^e^ b)9ttbfas,noU) come tstl)^ Doleful! boare: Si perfect frteno none fuel) a U3o;lo to (mtt. SDboagrb bttter Deatb Ojall geue tbe^ faace full fotoer : l^it to; tbi? faiti) enrolD (^all be tbp name, among tbe (Coos loubtn ttie tofte of fame : M bo imolm^tb bf s caCe^ano Uitl! not melt (n tearef < ^td gtlUc6 blu^D ibali trickle ^otone anon* CCben tbe ^nfes (Inge* Alad to&atbappebaH tbou pmae ^ttbtasnotnte b(e« Ciiloluo;tbt)0^iiibirb iranfo^biso^atb batbseaent»$caaSrtoer(f; EVBVLVS. o yW^ tbfnHe I beare i»ttb peloto tenteD bearer, ^^^ ^^ £Lbt ^nf£5framttbetr noted mpftate to ufoite: a tnong Utblcb fo^te as one tbat mojtnetb li^itb bar(r> In^otetiiil tiine5,4iTtT feife torli beare a jparte* MVSES. vain l9o;l{) tbe man tnfitcb fo; kin Hfitls* f e« EVBVLVS. ttSiiti f dolo remxo beares eoweenpett ^ufesn^ne, ^t^Unoium^ bjeaft tottbfceau^ tnnw^ to we^OHrplamftfreffffnei J^oj^it^J^d J betoai^te Uibkli p^fentip malt tie, i^o Uio;e!) tbe man ijuiitcb fo; bis deatb batb ctuen tseaufe.f c* MVSES. tClo to«;tb tbemaHlijWcbfo;b n)i2n. tr. EVBVLVS- i mbat SSlorars tfit^rip x>as 'ictbat SDamon T)Pb accnfe / I mim faub Ijad tiioa, mbwb fo2;tin> mrnij, tbv beatb M^ ntt reftiik «5<«ai?&«PPcbaoft|PlTHiAS». MVSES. EVBVLVS. Si:ijoui?ouH«ani5too:tbp(il5cfl5!{e,tba(ftototfffttrt perfect lotttj? Stibc : batb genen t)^ caufe to crit* EVBVL\rs; E2Cetnallberourfa'neT?e^:ire«,fo:f§ae(rtm(rer(^ t^coto\)oartr4fe-taftrapiiep0uriiotetf toloalke: t^p ?)artct3 renHitnt)3,tbftri t'lfrrmiferaMe cafe, t^tt am 5 cJjarofcD b? u^iaitil^ii trwttth,to fe ti)t!5plS($i St aUpopnts ceio^f j: tJjc ececuttott 3f jaf ttjtjit ♦ ^tc^t batbntj lahi : fort J o-mUI j^Umiiil (jcDaite^, ISutlfletbcbloUgmintder, ts ctictt^cr^at banoc^. cl5rotiit9»3came'acJtberiwlDtotmDerftanDt ■ 3falltl)tnire3arctucllap!J3\?nteafo2ti)eerecat(:Oiofj^ftitWi'. SDbe l^tiTsebtin fcl/e IuipU ft itootu bwe iii tbca^ pUcei. GRONNOi tfr,aUt!)fnf e^arrccaJH?, ^er? {0 flie prace>?)cre ts §ftairt> V«^^ wtlir ere lac!:cti3 nrt but pitltiis.VoWt 'ita) at a toa;!^^, (CStt8;% 3[f be U>e:cpjereiU,3l coulee finefi? ftcfhc of, iift)a:miigrepo?te th.it all tbiuges arc reiidg* EVBVLVS. agotoftb an b.-^ui??nciet0repLo;t(t,ab totfttllBKItofr f^ttllncace nototstbp mrfcrp, CRONO; ^marttrtlljerT^nfutijttjitDerfobaftcitaflaffoit,- Sll bangmett arr bojn^f 12 1 ici> a;0 btjteO of all,b«loutddf ifoaey' CTI)(cbbatrfii(3Q)3'*ne^bptirt^!)cpnttuf»jetttlp, JCfce l^anirman afluapr.rDli eUcstii tbcDIlea place dftbtC Wit ©b^t Tttcb 0)(j':)t ibfluhbc, ? i^JiaU) no canfe Uibp, ^.nli^!re(tbcfo:t^iro(ficeifal$?,to:r:^^3 cruell a»0 WOtt^Hf J^crfome men mivl lyn itto erectile ?;atoes/ y^ ««f ^ mutt l«fce to mv tople,\&itl)la« mutt lofeft (uftea^ at cne bl^ttf eistKom topUftonemetoDcatU intSeacea£a0 3l go; lI5Htliarfec,t!)ep;ifortei:comet!),andt6efttnje.aifo, 1 f« tfcii no ftelp, ^ttWag fti0 life mu« fo;go. it©ereenti:etfta)toninpsanO(5ttbuIui5» iBj(ngfo?tbiaitl3mstt?atpleafantcompaiitoR, ^aa^irttSuemcatrnp ujo;oe ano became pUaog^fo; JDamont qity2icfeetbfaftt)ponnone,3iOol)imno SDbou (bait lofe tl)v life^tbougb tbou be n$ixtt fo lotb» PITH IAS. 3 am no t lotb to om lubat fo ftier 3 fa^bft ^eat tlnipiefcnt pincbof oeatb am3l Btfmapoe: Cbe(23otJi5iwiMi|t^no\»,bauebeari)mpferuentp;a^er, JLijat ther i)anc rci'ccueo me to tljis paffiPngc great bonawr, C:ooicfohn)?frtitD,tubofefattb,cuennoa),3ID(Dnotmiftra5c: ^p frintje Damo n (s no falfc traptour,be to true anO iultc; IBut fitb be io no Cod tut a man>be niuft dcd ao be mar» fubeVotntiemap be contrarp,6[cfenes map let bfm» o;rom mtrabnetnrc taincli t?jc etcrnall | l SDfDAMCNSribPITBlA$^.;^ TO6k!jneTutomp(oi?,0ot^grattntmi?uc&ct:« .; .r . i5ut IwbpDtD 9^3^ anp longer, fdng tl)4tonem^n0'tcatb, ipa^ fumfc j© fetng,to pacific tljg Xniatl) :» £) ttiouminiftcroffuaice,tffltI)^iie office bp anDb^, 3Let not tbp banD trtmi^le^fo^ .? ttmhit tnot to Uz ; ^tepbano tbe rtgbf patmne, bf true fiitjclttte, CottimenDmc to tbi! maftcrm^ ftoj^tS^amon^f of fn'm crawc Ubertlet^ ZMfitn 3 am oeaD tn m^ namet fo^ tbt? truart artiucd, i^atb tuelUeferaen a gift farrc better tbent^i^, Sh tni? Z)amon fareloeU nolo fo; eoer,a trur tricnt? to me moS Dcate: Wif^l^ltii IV^t Dotb la(te,mp moutb tijaii apU talbe of tiice, anDlDben 3 am Beau mp ffmple gboft true Ujitnes of auiltie : Ji^bali t)oueeabout tbeplaceU)ii£reroeuer tbou brt, DIONISIVS. Cabuind, Otsgeare isttraiinge^ano^etbecaurs* iDamoit i)atl) faia i)t0 fattb^^^it^fas l^all baue t\^t laUre: 4£f;onncD,Dfrpocle i)^m.andeKemfpatc& t^im qutchi^^ GRONNO* 3ft tl^al it done: Qnce i>ou came into tW place, 31 mrgbt tiaue ftco&en of featien l)eaD£( f n|t)i0 fpace : 55f r laupfteceare g©t> garments, tbcfe are mvnt hi tliero^e, 9tf0 an eutitlu^nt^e tbatblotDetbnomangcO : ^olu )9itbta0 hnitlt ootDne^afkeme bleif^ng libt a pzttie bo^f ^no iDttb a trtfe tbr beai) from tbp H^Quluta ^ i^i^a conaap* C^ere entrttb SDamon running f Gapes t^e ru)o;D* J^tapt» Gap, ftat,fo; tbe binges ai^uantageaar, iD migbtte&png.mpne appointed time is not pet fuilp pal^y %mitWn tbeeompaflfe of mp ne bonrt loe,bere, j comeat laS: 2 life 3 otoe^a life 3 topH poa pap: iDft mf l^itftias, mp noble pletige,mp conttant frient^e^ Sb ^0 i0 mefo; S>amon0 fake, botn neare t^ere tbou to tbp enbe t C^ue place to me, tbi5 rol^me is mpne,on tbts ftage mpft j pla^, SDamon is tbeman,noneoogbt but bet« S>ioni6its bi^ blooD to pa?^ GRONNO- Bre pon come 6r:'pou mtgbt bane tarieu if po u bab btnt bif re« #o;p«ucbafilecommingponare Iplieto^nolD tbe pafe. PITHIAS* iDtbouernellmifini&er, tDbptiiDSnottboa tbineo0ce» SDit) not 9 biDOe tb^ make bafi in anp tjupfe / l^atttbon fpareo tolitUmeoncerMat i map trfe ttoptfe: ^ot to Die foamp frient^ispaereitt iseatb tpme^anDalai , dball 3 (k mp fiseet >2>mmn} MmWoit me fact r mm 2DCD trtte latttceiTOta, toa^ rtf0 artgi)t, rt on noble eubttltis : liec m« baue no tujongcas notu l!anDC0 tljc cafe, S>amonougbtiiottDfiit,bat^ithtad : , « ^^ ^ i3pmiraS)uenturc,notbpbt3 U)i?lUt)ts1iotJD;5C tepatt^tberrojeil. 16ecaufeftccamcnotatt)isrtafttpinc,ougl)tiu!!!r to Die ; ^© U)i!0 mp p2omtre,fo twad tbr Pi^omifc £) 1^ v«5^r ail t&i0 Conrre ran beare iDititeffe of tb{« tbinge . DAMON- ^offo,^mlgbtiel^pnge,toi[ttil(ceftt£fconfrarie* %batfojan otbecmangfaalte^tbtjnnoftntlljoiilDbie: --: ^epetismpt^nTeplapiilt>erpirbc,it(s notfuUi? najnc, ^f tW nip bap appotireeD^bp all tbe Cl«cfee£i in tbe ffiotonr .> PITHIAS- S3e!aae no Clodie,tbc bouref Sf paO b? tbe ^«mte» DAMON. _^, SbmpBCtotad^ (ball loe nolo b2tafec tbe bortbw of amtfie? ^ ; mtll ^ou noUi onertbtDartttice^lDbtcbt bereto^^efo melimo agrco t PITHIAS. \V ^ : ®P Damon, tbe (25obbesff0rf>to,btttt»atl^oWb^3JCet, , s:bcrfo:eagm totbtst^ letmdt perfoarmetbep;omifc3l mabefoj tw 2.er met D;e fo J tb«, b© ma not tbat tnturie, %3ctl) to fceafee mp pjemife, anb to ruffrem« t« f« tba btt ^ia:bomer8bearlp Jloue; tbtsfmaUreqaettgraantm*, 3^dilneiieraf^etbfiemo:e,nipoe(trei3batfrmDlp: , | ^ometbfsbonouc, tbatfamemaprepojtfctrfttmpbantl^t ' | SSbatpitbta0f9>b<5frtend a)amon toast contented toblt« i DAMON. SCbatpou tDtrecontentcbfo;tmetoMe , fame cannot benfr/ petfamefl^atlnenertoticbmetDftbfttcbatjtllanfe: SCorcpo^tetbatSDamon oibfuffer Wtf fclenb p(tblafi,fo;Wm8tltlWtr 2L\)erfa;je content tbp felfejtbecs^obo requite tbp conttant fattb> (bt^. ^on€ci)at2>5iBons blono c4nappe«r^2>lontBa« ln;atb: flntJnaUi O m(gbt(el^tnge,topou mptalkejconaap, i3ecaiirep«itt?aaemeleAtte,m?Uioalblptbtnge«totfaft • ^ j Eo requite tbat gai3 ttumeere J ote.foj ponr bebalfe tWi J ftF^ ' '^^- I flUboa5bpom:|Jegaliaate,Damefo:tanebechetbro, jl^batlt^ea ftm;ye(nluo2lDl^ U50altb,abonDantlppeflfle: ^etftckle(«tbegrounbU)t)5reon ail Clrrants trcabe, jatboafano funoilecare£partbfearetf,dQ> baunt tbelccettlesbtab ; • S,8tcutt(cba^o^oit;a(tbfaUfdenbi«o» gacbetbpbateftillfate, ^ ab to!^2 ^ Jw)o«i wren pbcgfo J bcaolg fiareiface t& tnr tj^ej bwolf fcate^ ©fDAMONflttbPITHIAS; Ctat poa war ^nfr ir rnignc,b> louegct friends, iDbofrcetiffiititfaftl Wiv^i ticucr fnnit. t\w ccimfEll gcucs v^nt JDantcn at bis Dcatb : J?rtcnDf arc tl)t fiirctt garttt, fo:i>ir.giB goiD£it tinte hat lucar alD«|f^ janDott)cr|j;0tteu5 tl)ingcs tofaDe,frintl^ip ki^U neu^r Decap; i^aiirftienDfSln ao2etberfo;je,foftall^oufaftl^aeapr^ ^aucfricnlicsatbomeoffo;raro»iea)allboiiouc tlet^tbf co»dantfattf3 ab0uetl;ebeaueud(|^aH Come (Drcnno twa tWne office moIm, &bf 10 tbp celour to HcatJ e (ll(fi IPs neck 15 To 10 l^e;c,tbat tbou lii^U ntuer bauc bonedte inVtti\iin§ of DIONISIVS* (tbisbeau Cubnlu0)ini? fptrttc^ are foDenl? appaule!),nir I^cs tuareluea&et %|3C0 (IcaungefrtenDl^tp amafetb itie fo^tbat 3 can (eatfe fpeato^ « PITHIAS- £DtJftgbtteicmge,Ict fomepfttfe four noble bartc m^ne, 3pou require bur one nian0 oeatb^tal^e Wit\)laBytet S^amon Uu$; £) tnfpea&eabie frtnDl^tp* DAMON. ^r^i^cr• j^ot fs^bebatbnot oirenbet^,tberei0noraortlDbf f '^ ^pconftantfrtnoiti5gubia0,fo2©amon0rakeftjonioort> ^Ia0 be t0 but poung , be mar cogoD to man^, SLbou co^ardcmtntCter,ljDbr^oet tbonnotUtm^^ltf GRONNO. ^r banD toUb roocn fcare qafaeret&« PITHIAS. £) noble feCnge,(btUjc merer o« S>aitwn,Iet pftWa0 Dfe; DiONISlVS. g>tar C^ronno.tnr fiel^ trembIetb93tt3u(lrclb, attbrfo;ee3luonDer: : ^rbart,tbt0raretrmDa}tp batbpeara to tijerftte-. lant) quencbeoaU mr fucr>tbi0 Cgbt batfrbaongbttbtsaboute^ tl^btcb tbr graueeottnCeH eubuiuii^aiiii ieacneo pirrtoaSon could neaerDoi; |^,g« ;^noMc ^ectasf cat! CotmtteMe I3a^t) mafie i?oa plsr tM« Srag(5tr, f tJ)tit^e fo: mp beftotter 3tf*fojetb^3t>ar> 3 ticiifrfencl«Hi!)atpcrfcrtfc(cni>(§tp ment, ©p ccddl m4tt&to fc!0u&t)v tidet)c0,Um0 full airu Ujftolr t>ente: fl^pfeartfuUHfe,1ti)owg&r tiilt!)tcrrour to Defence, jSatrtbtejrettftcre fs iro-garDebnto a faftbfttlltrien^r tiaiif cb lurll MX fpare 1)10 li^fe at time of pufetit noeDP, £)! \)ni^*^it fem?e3 loUbtniiour conrtes ftaue tluog fuel) frltit;^ (tiO&lW 3? Donour frteno(l)!p nol»,lD!)tc!) tftat ^ou mai? plarnly? fee? S>am0ii,'*anetl)eiitl)t>l?fe,fr9mDeatt) 3parDorttt)(t r foi IWjtclrgoD tourne,^ craue tbfsrljano^r m mt lertt) :* iS>\i frin^li? baru :» let we If nfee Uittl) rou^to ^oh maUc me § tl)f cD frleDr ^5pcouttt(s v^«r0,Dtoclt !3CceU)iti>mfie,bpmpcommtff tttfgbtfe k1n|,flra fo: mr li?f« mof! gamble tlianfeerj ffcutt flnn nnui p2a^Crtl)tttiTmo^tall (©ot30,t^at did pour ftactefomett^ SSbatpou luotilD tiane refpi^er to fi(enO(l^ips braucnlp l02C, f o^fetn^r toel,tie tttieD ttfft fcare lubicb t)at?) true frleD0 in Uoje (focief (e jFo; m^pact,moft noble feing,a0 atl)ir^frritD, toelcom to our fricnDi? J5ut pou muft fszgct po« ar a feing^fo; frinoOiip Sanosin tcu equaling DIONISIVS. tflnequall tbougl) 3 be in great pofTeinons, 50 et full equalld^tiU ^uflnoc me in mfcl)anareDC3!tDftion0^: C:irranic,ftai:tcrteTopp2eirion,loe,!)ear 3 cattalwar^ 3»ft(ce,trutl),loue,fr(n01^ip ftallbcmptop: SDrucfrienDl^tp U)pl ^ bonsur tntom^ l(ue0 enD^ ^p greateft glo;ie(ijalbe,to be countcD a perfect fcfenDe* PITHTAS. i»^ojtbt0rourDcet)cmoft noble ^(ncr,tl)e(I5otJ5aUuance pour name flnD flncetofr(ettt)il^ip0 lo.2e,r(ni Itftrowr p^tncel? banc to frame : Wiit\) topfull barte, ^ mtngc, moll iDcllcomc no ai to me, tSEtitU^owlDplll fenlttbepcrfertkrtot of amitic: tsaberem 3 (ball Enttcuit pou fcan!) Damon bere rctir fdcnu, ffibatpoti map Unotju of amitie tbemigbtp foKcanQ cUetbciopfulenli: SnBbo\« tbat hinge0 ^ aani)t)ppon a ficUle ground, WlttblnljDbafcUcalwe«tt^neofn«MiofaUbfu»fcientwarcfountic DlONISlVs. jiourinffrttction tDplllftjttmprelfej Oajcommite* ttitbalutfimabcbaaetaftt neuiapparell fttte; J©rDAMONattbPltHIAJ% EVBVLVS. 3 00 iott^ a lopfull bart, ^ ^app(0 bap* EXIT GRONNO* 3 am glad to JjuxttW luo^B^tbougl) tl)^(rltoe£( tbee o»not l&ttt 3t i^ no reafon t^e l^attgman ^o-ulD iofc bi0 f(ie0: &5ef € aremlHe, j am gone luitfe a trffe^ EXIT Ci^ereeneretft EVBVLVS toift neiu gametttc^t DIONISIVS. put on tftcfc^armcntcsno^, srofn&tt^>m& tliejetotllcsof ms DAMON anoPITHIAS* (CounU %n^$ soluitb torfui I hditta. STEPHANO. £)& Damon mp ocarc maff er,hi all tWiot remember me# DIONISIVS. ^p fcCeno SDamon be afhetb rca&n f )Dam* ¥^f tbia^/ DAMON- &*epbana,fo; tbp gcno feritfce,Ire tftott ft&* EXE VNT. DIOM . STEPHANO. Omolli)appte,p{earanttio)^full,ant) frfumptant oa^,. ^mt ^tepbano^noiD (f^aUKuetn contintinnall io{?: yiVR LE ROY U)(eb SDamonanop(tbia£«(n perfect amtt/e; VIVE TV STEPHANO, in tbppleafantlibecalitte: ^ tMbcreat ? fop asf macb asbetbat ^atb aconquett luonne, 3 am a free mtin,nflnefo merpas J nolo bnoec tht feonne: ^aretoell mp Lo;t^3,no\o f^<3oriB gfraiintpoaal^ fom of pcrfe(t anHtfr Sno me longeto entop mp lonse oelreo Ubtxtit* EXIT * «©eare entretb EVBVLVS beatpng CARISOPHVS* atwap t)tUatne,atJDap pon flatr^ngreparaSte, aujaptbe plague of tbisCdurte^tbpfifeo ton fuetbatfo;»fftblfe0t i^o mo^e bere (^all t>cs burt^a^ap falfe ^i^opbatit>lDtU tbon not t CARISOPHVS. 3 am gone !!r, fcing it is t\)t Wngeji pleafure, tKS:bp tubpp pe me alone f aplague ta^eSDamonano Ij^ftbCais 0ntt tbef^^ a amoituetorcfeercleeab^oD aUo % Ijtiotonotlubttbcr, (eamebUber ptt €Qbulud,tboHgb 31 bcgone.bcre after ttmelt^all trfe, £Dbere (ball be fou.iD eueti in tW Coiirt aer gceat fiatferer^ as 3f ' {aenr^;atQbUe3l lupllfo;20 tbeCoiirt^tbouj:^ to mp great papne^ gioubt Z Ooubt not but to fpte a ttme lutiett 3 ma^ tra^pe (tt agaftte^ EXIT^; * £VBVLVS* ffibe ^ccpctit tftat eatcs men aHue^jPIatten? toltb all btt bjfl^^i 30 tp^ipte alcai? tn |3;tiicc0 Coortes t»bttbe^et oto ncuer gajD^ 'Saat)atfo;ce^tol)at migtjtp potoer,trne ftitnnt^ip map poCTelTef SoaH tt)e U)o:lDe DtoniBtus^Ceurte nolJD plapnir ^OL^frp^cGT^^ ^2^v,o 6ncetofatti)fuii f rtctiDeabc gaat t)l0 unlipng eare^ ^olt ratcip 0ttetb in bid dcate anDfleepesoruoiD of fearey pourgeD 10 t^e Court of btce, fince j^rienoll^ip entrro in^ S:ttranntt quatU09 be HuDietb nolo toltb loue ecbt bart to foltiy -S^ectue 10 t)ao tn p:ice, ano batb M tutt reloaroe : lanD painted fpeacbe tbat giofetb fo; ga^ne, from gtft9 (0 quite Hiui^ £)nelonetb another nolo fo;t)ertue,notf02 gai?ne, tlSHberet^crtneDetbnotbmt tbeknot,tbere /rienod^ip cannot rafsnta imithont tbe h)btcbe,no boufe^no iano^ne UmgDomt can enonrej 3ntuealtbaooubletope>inVDoeap^crent(tap, S rU)aete compagnion in ecbe Hate trne j^rienoO^ip iB alluap : 2 1 ure Defence foj binges, a pcrfecte truilie banoe, St fo;ce to aa:ai>te9 a ^btelD to ocfenoe tb^ enemies crncll banoe^ fl rare,anDpet tbe greateS(25lfte,tbata50OCc;.^ geue to man : do rare,^ ftarce fonre couple of faitbfull fcenos baue ben finct f loo^II fl eift fo ltrange,f of fucb p?f ce, 3 U)i(b all ttpngs to baue , ( began IBat cbtefel^ pet as ouctie binoetb J bamblp craue, 2:ruerrtcnDf^tp,anotruefrienDe[ifullfraiigbtU)itbcon(!antfaitb, JCbegeueroffr(enO0,tbeiie;D grant bermoaneble^uetns^ii^abetl^.. CFINIS, '^imm^ig^:^ ^ Ti^e (ironies sarDetljas fsivn$zscitx\imzi 3re coitdancCctends tUzit fltsee to taut t fStuz frten&ed ave coitQanc , boti^ in \oo;d and Deeded Cvue friended ate p;erenc , and Delp at eac^ nee&e : Cme f¥tenfie?taltie tf al?,tl^ep glote iot no sapne, na^en treafure ccnfunteti^, trne (tin^tfi topUtemapne I Htue Crtn&e0 fo; t^efc tru ^;tnce, re f ufetu not tl^eit; beatfii C^e ]Lo;de svannt tievfuc^ fvmdei$mo3 noble ;liueene itiimtm C Uonge ma? tbf souevne f n l^onout and toeaU^ movitt of an rtcBeneCfe, in moa perfect ^ealt^ t t^Wtf ijtaltn to p^olonge, a? true ftitim veqaitr»' <^oD sraunt Q)e ma? Oaue Ijev otone j^avtes Deftte : ns^f cl) frtentiejS tDplI oefeno txittO moS iledfaa taitifi C^e )lo;Oegtaant Qet facQ ftizam moS nolile ^oeenr CFINIS«. ^iBMAit OF THE UNIVERSITY OF m RETURN CIRCULATION DEPARTMENT TO— i#> 202 Main Library LOAN PERIOD 1 HOME USE 2 3 4 5 6 ALL BOOKS MAY BE RECALLED AFTER 7 DAYS Renewals and Recharges may be made 4 days prior to the due date. 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