'//iaJAINdWV ^' '■j71]D,W-S01^^^ ^^,.^FCA[IFn)7,t> ,^^\Erf;i\-EPj//, ^^AHvaaiii^^ &Aava8ii# ^^CA«va8ii# .^WE•UNIVERi•//, ^-AuCAIIFOfti,., ,^'rtE■U^ M^ '^CAavaaiii'^^ %]]Dhvsoi^ "^z ^vsMIBRARY/?/- ^1 'i^;.i/Ojiivjjo'? '^ijwsov^"^" 'MIIBRARYQ^. ^^UIBRARYQ^ . ^WE11NIVER5/a ?>otc,Ter« .- Catalog No. 19 ^'-^ -001325 J. G. BRAUN Chicago, 111. 609-615 So. Paulina Street T^I^«K««^ ^ West 0713 lelephone^^^^j 2373 Chicago Cable Address, BRAUN New York, N. Y. IS8-I6O Greene Street Telephone Spring 0863 New York Cable Address, BRAUNIRON Illustrating Light Iron Pressed Rosettes, Cups, Husks, Leaves, Roses and various Ornaments used on Lamps and Lighting Fixtures. Also some of our exclusive designs of Hand Wrought Ornamental Lighting Fixtures, including Wall, Ceiling, and Drop Lights, Floor and Table Lamps, Desk Lamps, Electroliers and Ferneries. "The Last Word in the Iron Masters' Art" Illustrations Arc One-Seventh Actual Size Illustrations Are One-Seventh Actual Size u^^]^l'h- A/^se /vp&r /V°d^ ^-°J9 Lamps 1/1' A I C- Floor Lamps One-Half Actual Size, Other Lamps One-Seventh Actual Size f yVPJS A^s>A^4c /V-^S/ A^p'y3 Illustrations Are One-Seventh Actual Si; Illustrations Are Two-Thirds Actual Size lllustrat.ons Are Two-Th„d,, Actual Si: CRESTING OR GALLERY STEEL MOULDING H ..^. ^ .i^. Q j^. Q .^^ BLOCK ROSETTE No. 917 No. 750 No. 906 1.37 lb. per running foot No. 752 ^HIBRARYO/ '^aojnvjjo>' :OfCALIFO% ^<3AaV88in^^ ^^\^^^JNlVERs•/>Ji. ^\MEUNIVfRJ/^ cnf-CAllFO/?f, ^•lOSAVCElfj^ "^/sa^AiNn-iW^^ IIBBARY/?/ <^vMIBI?ARYi9/ 5 ^-^1 I. £;. UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY Los Angeles This book is DUE on the last date stamped below. SR3J Hi JAN 21 1991 RECEIVED APR 6 1991 ART LI8R.ARV EIBRARY ^,lOS-^vNGElfj^ <,^l-LIBRARYG<, ^;- ^/ia^AiNHiBV^ ''koMm-i^y in^.Acrri fr ^^■tlRRARY^/^ ^^H!•lWIVEW//;, ^vW^AVrJ ^■TjiiDNvsoi^'^ "^/iajAiNniViV^ ^^0Aava8n# AWEUNIVfRy//^ .vMllBRARY(?/^ ^^^VUBRARY(9/•, ,^WC•UNIVER5■/A ^svlOSANCflfX;^ ^xMliBR ^\l-liBRARY(9/^ ^^NMIir.RAI!' UCLAAM Library NK 8299 J15i 1922 L 006 245 145 5 UC SOUTHERN REGIONAL LIBRARY FACILTt" AA 000 785 189 J Our Goods Received Three Highest Awards at World's Columbian Exnosllisn. PLAIN AND ORNAMENTAL SASH BARS, ROSETTES lEAVi:S, ORNAMENTS, PICKETS .«o OnmUEHTAl fflVETS^ SQUARE SEAMLESS STEEL TUBING & c I ROUNDED CORN Price & stock List on Ornaments Catalogue #19 # 3 # 12 f it # 15 # 120 # 145 # 148 # 156 # 209 # 254 # 252 # 269 # 281 # 289 # 290 # 444 f 445 # 1009 ,f 1025 # 1248 # 1253 # 1254 # 1256 I 1259 # 1260 # 1269 # 0321 # 0476 0541 0564 0568 0607 0617 0685 0786 1054 917 750 752 1-3/8" Rosette 1-5/8" 1-3/8" 1-1/4" 1" 1-3/8' 2-1/2' 2-1/4' 4-1/4' 1-3/8' 1-7/8' 2-1/8' 2-1/4' 7/8' 1-3/4' 1-3/4' Single Rose Bud Full Rose Rose Cluster Rose Cluster 7" Leaf 5" 5" 4 Point Husk 4 " " 4 - Rosette Cup 4 Point Husk Rosette Gups Rosette 4 Point Husk 3-1/2" 2-1/2,? 3-1/2" 1-3/8" 4-1/4" 3-7/8" 4-5/8" 3" 3-3/4" 1-1/2" l-l/2# 3" Scroll 3-3/8" 1-1/16' 1-7/16' 3 Point Husk 3 Leaf 4 Point Husk Rosette Spanish Husk Rosette 3 Point "usk 4 Point Huak 3 Point Husk Leaf Rdsotto Price per 100 S 2.00 3.00 2-00 1,75 1.50 6.00 20.00 12.00 10.00 8.00 10.00 4.00 15.00 1.00 10.00 10.00 50.00 40.00 85.00 85.00 20.00 15.00 15.00 12.00 25.00 20.00 10.00 7.50 15.00 12.00 7.00 30.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 25,00 20.00 22.00 3.00 5.00 905 Gallery Moulding, Actual size 906 " " n T 12^ per foot. 18^ " o UCLA-AM Library NK 8299 J15i 1922 L 006 245 145 5 UC SOUTHERN REGIONAL LIBRARY FACILITY AA 000 785 189