INTERNATIONAL EDALLIC EXHIBITION OF THE ERICAN NUMISMATIC SOCIETY OPENING ON THE TWELFTH OF MARCH 1910 CATALOGUE NEW YORK 156TH ST. WEST OF BROADWAY 1910 INTERNATIONAL MEDALLIC EXHIBITION OF THE MERICAN NUMISMATIC SOCIETY OPENING ON THE TWELFTH OF MARCH 1910 CATALOGUE NEW YORK 156TH ST. WEST OF BROADWAY 1910 Copyright, 1910, by THE AMERICAN NUMISMATIC SOCIETY STACK ANNEX cr THE present catalogue of medals of the American Numismatic So- ciety is necessarily limited to a brief description of but a portion of the col- lections. It is an attempt to make a typical presentation of such medallic material as may adequately express the field and extent of the Society's col- lecting. PACK ROMAN-GERMAN EMPIRE, AUSTRIA 3 TRANSYLVANIA (PRINCIPALITY) 37 BRANDENBURG- PRUSSIA, GERMANY 38 SILESIA 58 POLAND 58 POMERANIA 68 BRUNSWICK-LiJNEBURG (DUCHY) 68 SAXONY 70 ANHALT 72 BADEN 72 BAVARIA 73 PALATINATE 76 ARCHBISHOPRICS OF GERMANY 76 BISHOPRICS OF GERMANY 77 HESSE 78 CITIES OF GERMANY 79 ENGLAND 88 FRANCE 123 DENMARK 133 SWEDEN 137 SPAIN 146 NETHERLANDS 149 MEDALS OF THE FRENCH MINT 157 MARRIAGE MEDALS 210 JETONS DE JEU 211 MEDALS BY ANTON SCHARFF 212 PLAQUES BY ANTON SCHARFF 227 WAR MEDALS 228 FRENCH PLAQUES 238 AMERICAN INSIGNIA 240 LIST OF PLATES CATALOGUE FACING PLATE NO. PAGB I Visit to Breslau, 1662, by J. Buchheim . . 10 . . 16 Marriage to Margarethe Theresia (1666), by J. Buchheim 12 On the Receipt of the Order of the Garter, 1684, by F. F 475 Reception of the Salzburg Emigrants, 1732 524 Sigismund III of Poland 693 Victories over the Russians and Turks, 1637, by J. Hoehn 699 II Rudolph August and Anton Ulrich of Bruns- wick-Liineburg, 1667, by J. G. Breuer . 815 . . 48 Centenary of the Augsburg Confession, 1630, by S. Dadler 836 Gold Bank-Portugaloser, the Year of Peace, 1679 930 III The Navy Reorganized and Increased, 1736, by J. C. Hedlinger 1586 . . 80 Victory over the Danes at Lund, 1676, by J. Breuer 1643 IV Death of Admiral Martin Harpetzoon Tromp, 1653, by Jerian Pool . . 1791, 1792 . . 112 V Marriage of William III of Orange and Princess Mary, 1641, by S. Dadler . . . 1775 . . 128 Tragic Death of the Brothers Cornelius and Johannes De Witt, 1672 1806 VI The Fountain, plaquette by D. Dupuis . . 3332 . . 160 Meditation, plaquette by Jeanne Borceaud . 2720 Music, plaquette by F. Vernon 2807 VII International Convention of Scientific Acad- emies, plaquette by F. Vernon .... 2701 . . 192 Sixth Centennial Celebration of the Investi- ture of Austria in the House of Haps- burg, 1882, by Anton Scharff 3001 VIII War Medal, American Indian Chiefs . . . 3196 . . 224 MEDALS MEDALS ROMAN-GERMAN EMPIRE, AUSTRIA 1 Maximilian II, 1564-1576. Portrait Medal of the Emperor at the Age of Forty. 1568. MAXIMILIANVS II. RO. IM. JE XXXX (Maximilian II, Roman emperor, at the age of forty). Laureate bust 1., in armor. Rev. DOMINVS PROVIDEBIT. Double eagle. JR 36 mm. 2 Rudolph II, 1576-1612. So-called "Ten-Kaiser" Medal, 1594, by Valentin Maler of Nuremberg. Homage to the Emperor Ru- dolph II and his ancestors. JR 39 mm. 3 Conquest of Raab, 1598, by V. Maler. OMNIS VICTORIA A DOMINO. Plan of the city. Below, CVM PRIV. Rev. In- scription. Below, V.M. JR 33 mm. 4 Reichstag at Regensburg, 1607, by Christian Maler, son of Valentin Maler. Medallions of the seven electoral princes of the Roman-German Empire. Rudolph II in the center. Rev. Seven escutcheons. M 41 mm. 5 Mathias II, 1609-1619, as Archduke. Medal Commemorating the Capture of Gran in 1595, 1601, by Martin Schalenberger of Nurem- berg. Mathias riding, to r. ; between the horse's feet, M C. Rev. View of the city. JR 49 mm. 6 Ferdinand II, 1619-1637. Election as Roman Emperor at Frank- furt, 1619, by C. Maler. AMORE FIDEQ. PATERNA. Bust 1. Rev. Inscription surrounded by seven shields. M 41 mm. 7 Ferdinand III, 1636-1657. Portrait medal, 1630, by Andra Petter of Vienna. Bust r., in ruff. Below, JP. Rev. A pair of scales, of which the fulcrum is a crucifix. On a fillet, PIETATE E | T IVSTITIA. M 39 mm. 8 Peace Festival at Nuremberg, 1649, by Sebastian Dadler (1619-1654). DER GROSE FERDINAND (3 in D), etc. The emperor riding, almost facing; in the background, a view of Vienna and troops returning homeward. Rev. View of Nurem- berg. JR 77 mm. 3 9 Ferdinand IV, 1653-1654. Coronation at Regensburg (1653). Laureate head r. Rev. Emblem. M 41 mm. 10 Leopold I, 1658-1705. Visit to Breslau, 1662, by J. Buchheim of Breslau. Laureate head r. Rev. View of city. 1R 58 mm. 11 Same. (Rev.} 12 Marriage to Margarethe Theresia (1666), by J. Buchheim. SIDEREO HOC VULTU, etc. Youthful head of Margarethe Theresia facing. Rev. CASTA SUB AUGUSTIS, etc. A hand from heaven waters the aloe (Kaiserkronenblume) which is grow- ing in a beautiful, conventional garden. (Rev.) M 55 mm. 13 Second Marriage to Eleonora Magdalena, 1677, by P. H. Miiller. Laureate bust of Leopold r., wearing the Collar of Golden Fleece. Rev. Eleonora Magdalena 1., hair elaborately dressed. (Rev.) JR 42 mm. 14 Relief of Vienna, 1683. DU ABLER SITZ, etc. Beleaguered city. Rev. Bust of Leopold r., inclosed by palm-branches above the inscription, ANNO 1683, etc. Unsigned. M 48 mm. Med. auf den Entsatz Wiens, Taf. VI. 42. 15 Same. (Rev.) 16 Same subject, by G. F. Hoffman. Laureate head of Leopold r. Rev. CONSILIO AC INDUSTRIA, etc. Beleaguered city. JR. 46 mm. 17 Same subject, 1683, unsigned. "Wien Gott bewacht," etc. Beleaguered city. Rev. "Diese Miintz," etc. JR. 44 mm. Med. aufd. Ent.W.Taf. VI.4I- 18 Same. (Rev.) 19 Same subject, by H. Haffner. Plan of walled city, encamp ment, etc. Rev. Sun rising over city. JR. 44 mm. 20 Same subject, by Anton Meybusch of Copenhagen. Lau- reate head of Leopold, with idealized features, r. Rev. URBEM SERVASTIS ET ORBEM. Battle scene and view of the city. JR. 57 mm. Med. auf d. Ent. W. Taf. III. 25. 21 Same. (Rev.) 22 Same subject, by Johann Kittel. Bust of the Emperor Ferdi- nand I, crowned, r.; below, in a cartouche, VIENNAM OBSIDET FRUSTRA SOLIMANNUS, 1529. Rev. Similar type, with head of Leopold, and VIENNAM OBSIDET FRUSTRA MAHO- MEDUS. 1683. ^.38 mm. Med. auf d. Ent. W. Taf. III. 7. 23 Same subject, by Jan Liider (Dutch). View of the city. Rev. Inscription. JR 52 mm. Med. auf d. Ent. W. Taf. III. 23. 24 Same subject, unsigned. Bust of Ernst Rudolph, Count of Starnberg. Rev. Inscription. M. 27 mm. Med. auf d. Ent. W. Taf. VII. 60. 25 Same subject, 1683, by Hans Jakob Wolrab. Laureate bust of Leopold on a pedestal ; on both sides, Turkish arms and standards. Rev. The troops of the relieving army storm down from the moun- tains into the plain and drive the Turks to the r. In the distance, view of Vienna; above, a crowned eagle, over which a rainbow on which sits the dove of peace with olive spray. Signature H. I. W. on a stone. (Rev.) M 64 mm. Med. auf d. Ent. W. Taf. V. 31. 26 Same subject, 1683, by Hans Jakob Wolrab. WANN DIESE HELDEN SIEGEN, etc. The emperor kneeling r. ; opposite him kneels the King of Poland, John III Sobieski; behind the emperor the Elector of Bavaria, and behind the King of Poland, the Elector of Saxony. At the feet of the praying kings, a sword and a Polish saber crossed, and below r , H 166 Conquest qf Tournay and Mons, 1709, by P. H. Miiller. Bust r. 'Rev. Mars and Hercules, with shields, decorated with a battle scene and view of 'Mons, sit on a pedestal on-which is a view of Tournay; above, Fame, blowing 'her trumpet. (Rev.) JR 44 mm. 167 Peace with Pope Clement XI, 1709, by P. H. Miiller. Bust r. Rev. The imperial, papal, and Spanish arms. M 43 mm. - !68 Same"! (Rev.) 169 Death of the King, 1711. Hungaria kneels before the em- press on her throne. Rev. Fame above the sarcophagus. ^R. 44 mm. 9 A 170 Charles VI, 1711-1740. Marriage to Elizabeth Christina, 1708, by R. Bust of Charles VI r. Rev. Bust of Elizabeth Christina r. M mm. * i * 171 Election as Emperor at Frankfurt. BI SEXTO, etc. Con- stellation with monogram of the emperor. ' Rev. CAESARIS ELECTI, etc. Horoscope. M 48 mm. 172 Same subject, 1711, by Freytag. View of the city. Rev. Inscription. M 28 mm. 173 -Same subject, 1711. Bust facing, in crown. Rev. The earth surrounded by clouds. M 38 mm. 174 Same. (Rev.) 175 Same subject, 1711, by P. H. Miiller. Bust r. Rev. Crowned double eagle, surrounded by the arms of the seven electors. M 48 mm. r .-.A 176 - Same subject, 1711, by G. W. Vestner. Bust r. Rev. Impe- rial globe and cross on a cushion. M 32 mm. 177 Same subject, 1711, by P. H. Miiller and G. W. Vestner. Bust r. Rev. Royal insignia on an altar. M 26 mm. 178 Same subject, 1711, by M. Brunner. NOMEN OMEN AMEN. Charles the Great and Charles VI standing, facing, dressed in imperial robes. Rev. Coronation scene. M 43 mm. 179 Same subject, 1711. Medallion of the emperor in the center, surrounded by those of the six electors. Rev. Double eagle and insignia. JR 49 mm. 180 Same subject, 1711. VAGINA ERVMPENS, etc. Charles in coronation robes kneeling before a crucifix. Rev. Representa- tion of the relief of Cardona, which followed the coronation day. JR. 49 mm. 181 Same. (Rev.} 182 Homage of Silesia, 1711, by G. V. Kdhler. Laureate bust r. Rev. Cabalistic reckoning-board. M 38 mm. 183 Same subject, 1711, by A. Heinig. Medal of the city of Hamburg. Triumphal arch with Atlas and two allegorical figures ; at the sides, two obelisks with medallion portraits of Charles V and Charles VI. Rev. Burning altar; in the distance, view of Hamburg. JR 49 mm. 184 Arrival in Germany, 1711, by G. W. Vestner. Bust r. Rev. The crowned double eagle, soaring toward the sun. 1R 44 mm. 185 Same. (Rev.) 186 Reception and Homage in Nuremberg, 1712, by P. H. Miiller and G. W. Vestner. Hercules and globe between two columns. Rev. Triumphal archway. JR. 44 mm. 187 Hungarian Coronation at Pressburg, 1712, by Richter. Bust r. Rev. Inscription ; above, the Stefan's crown upheld by two genii. M 48 mm. 188 Same subject, 1712, by G. W. Vestner. Bust r. Rev. Hunga- rian arms and four crowns. M 44 mm. 189 Same subject, 1712. The king, on horseback, dashing 1. Rev. Globe surrounded by clouds ; above, C surrounded by crowns. JR 49 mm. 190 Peace of Baden, 1714, by G. W. Vestner and P. H. Miiller. Bust r. Rev. PACI GERMANIAE Goddess of Peace. N 44mm. 191 Same. (Rev.) M 44 mm. 193 Same subject, 1714, by G. W. Vestner. Bust r. Rev. The basin of the baptistry. (Rev.) & 44 mm. 18 193 Peace of Rastadt, 1714, by P. H. Miiller. Bust r. Rev, Olive- tree and trophies. M 32 mm. 194 Same. (Rev.) 195 Same subject, 1714, by M. Brunner. OLIM DVO FUL- MINA BELLI. Busts of Prince Eugene and Marshal de Villars, confronting. Rev. A genius writes the protocol of the peace. JR 36 mm. 196 Birth of the Archduke Leopold, 1716, by M. Brunner. Bust r. Rev. A tall tree on which is a shield, near a smaller tree. M 43 mm. 197 Same subject, 1716, by M. Brunner. Bust of the empress r. Rev. Juno in a car drawn by peacocks. (Rev.) JR 35 mm. Ig8 Same subject, 1716. QUO TARDIUS-EO GLORIOSIUS. A scepter, wound with vine and bunches of grapes, surmounted by a crown. AD HILARI TATEM PUBL. Rev. The globe with the names of EUROPA, ASIA, AFRICA, and AMERICA under a blazing sun. JR 29 mm. 199 Same subject, 1716, by G. W. Vestner. Bust r. Rev. Blos- soming aloe. (Rev.) M 44 mm. 200 Victories of Prince Eugene of Savoy on the Save, 1716, by G. W. Vestner. Bust r. Rev. PRIMITIAE DEVICTIS TVRCIS (The first spoils from the conquered Turks). The em- peror on the throne receiving trophies. M 43 mm. 201 Same. (Rev.) 202 Capture of Temesvar, by Prince Eugene, 1716. AD SAVVM CAESAR, etc. The emperor in a victorious quadriga. Rev. View of Temesvar. M 29 mm. 203 Capture of Temesvar, 1716, by G. W. Vestner. Bust r. Rev. Plan of the fortress. JR 44 mm. 204 Same. (Rev.) 205 Same subject, 1716, by C. Wermuth. Bust r. Rev. ARMIs CONSTANT!A, etc. Plan of the fortress. M 43 mm. 206 Capture of Belgrade by Prince Eugene of Savoy, 1717, by M. Brunner. Bust of Prince Eugene r., in helmet. Rev. Warrior threatening Belgrade with sword and spear. M 43 mm. 19 207 Same subject, 1717, by G. W. Vestner. Bust r. Rev. Plan of the fortress. EL 44 mm. 208 Same subject, 1717, by J. Roettier. Bust r. Rev. A strug- gle between a lion and a dragon ; above, an eagle with a crescent. JR. gilt 44 mm. 209 Same subject, 1717, by G. W. Vestner. Bust of Prince Eugene r. Rev. Field-marshal dashing 1.; in the distance, Bel- grade. JR 44 mm. 210 Same. (Rev.) 211 Same subject, 1717, by G. W. Vestner. Bust r. Rev. Her- cules. (Rev.) JR. 44 mm. 212 Same. (Rev.) 213 Same subject, 1717, by Warou and Richter. Bust r. Rev. A terminal figure of the sun-god; trophies and arms. (Rev.) JR. 43 mm. 214 Same subject, 1717. A tower threatened by an eagle and thunderbolts. Rev. Crescent and stars. JR. 32 mm. 215 Same subject, 1717, by J. Roettier. Bust r. Rev. Same as No. 208. JR. jeton 22 mm. 216 Same subject, 1717, by G. W. Vestner. Bust r. Rev. Aveng- ing angel above Belgrade. JR. 49 mm. 217 Same. (Rev.) 218 Portrait medal, 1717, by Warou. Bust r. Rev. Two seated figures holding a shield. (Rev.) JR 43 mm. 219 To the New Year, 1717, by G. W. Vestner. Equestrian statue of the emperor between two free columns. JR. 44 mm. 220 Peace of Passarowitz, 1718, by C. H. The bust of the em- peror on a pedestal, crowned by Victory. Rev. Radiate cross ; view of the city, and river-god. EL silver-plated 44 mm. 221 Same subject, 1718, by M. Brunner. An eagle with a map. Rev. The emperor on his throne; before him kneeling Turks. JR 43 mm. 222 Same. (Rev.) 20 223 Same subject, 1718, by P. H. Miiller. View of Constanti- nople; above, an eagle. Rev. Inscription. M 44 mm. 224 Same. (Rev.) 225 Same subject, 1718, by same. Two Turks with olive- branches. Rev. Two kettle-drums on a dead tree. JR 32 mm. 226 Same subject, 1718, by G. W. Vestner. Bust r. Rev. Eagle above landscape. JR 44 mm. 227 Same subject, 1718, by G. W. Vestner. Mercury delivers to the emperor the peace protocol for signature. (Rev.) JR 49 mm. 228 Capture of Messina, 1719, by P. P. Werner. Bust r. Rev. Ground-plan of the sickle-shaped harbor. (Rev.) JR 44 mm. 229 Medal of the City of Palermo on the Recovery of Sicily, 1720, by A. Travani. Bust r. Rev. Harbor of Palermo with light- house and ship. M 44 mm. 230 Bohemian Coronation and Millennium of the Founding of Prague, 1723, by Richter. Busts of Charles II and Elizabeth Christina r., jugate. Rev. City gate and crowned arms. ^R 50 mm. 231 Bohemian Coronation, 1723. Beneath a crown, busts of the pair within wreaths. Rev. View of Prague. M 44 mm. 232 Peace of Vienna, 1725, by P. P. Werner. Bust r. Rev. Two figures, Silence and Faith. M 43 mm. 233 Same subject, 1725, by M. A. di Gennaro. Bust r. Rev. Mercury, Austria, and Spain. M 55 mm. 234 Alliance with Spain, 1725, by G. W. Vestner. Bust r. Rev. The two sovereigns shake hands. 235 Portrait medallion, by J. C. Hedlinger. Laureate bust r. Rev. IN SUMMIS SUMMA VOLUPTAS. Landscape on the coast; a ship on the sea; an eagle flying in the air beneath the sun. M 61 mm. . 236 Second Peace of Vienna, 1731, by G. W. Vestner. Bust r. Rev. REGNA LIGAT, etc. An olive-tree hung with arms of England, Holland, Spain, and the Empire. (Rev.) M 43 mm. 237 Crossing of the Secchia and Victory over the French, 1734, by P. P. Werner. Bust r. Rev. Pallas standing near a trophaeum 21 on which are the shields of Spain, France, and Sardinia. JR 44 mm. 338 Same. (Rev.) 239 Victories of Prince Eugene on the Mosel, 1735, by P. P. Werner. Bust r. Rev. Attack on an intrenchment. (Rev.) /R 43 mm. 240 Preliminaries of Peace, 1735, by P. P. Werner. Bust r. Rev. Hope, pouring water on the broken trunk of a tree. (Rev.) JR 44 mm. 241 Death of Prince Eugene of Savoy at Vienna, 1736, by G. F. Niirnberger. Bust of Prince Eugene r. Rev. Apotheosis. /R 43 mm. 242 Same subject, 1736, by G. W. Vestner. Bust r. Rev. Sar- cophagus and trophies. (Rev.) JR 44 mm. 243 Same subject, 1736, by P. P. Werner (?). Bust facing, in armor. Rev. Prince Eugene seated, leaning on a funeral urn, crowned by a flying Victory ; his right foot is planted on Father Time, who is prostrate. JR 44 mm. 244 Peace with France, 1737, by P. P. Werner. Bust of Charles VI and Louis XV borne by genii. Rev. Crowned double eagle within an inscription in three lines. 1R 55 mm. 245 Same subject, 1737, by G. W. Vestner. Bust r. Rev. (by W. H.) Genius of peace on a pedestal holding olive-branches; four crowned figures holding arms of Germany, France, Spain, and Sardinia. JR 43 mm. 246 Peace with France, 1737, by P. P. Werner. Bust r. Rev . Similar to the preceding. (Rev.) JR 43 mm. 247 Same subject. Medal without year, by C. Wermuth. Bust r. Rev. An eagle flying with sword and olive-branch over coun- try landscape. NEC SOL NEC LVNA NOCEBVNT (Neither sun nor moon shall harm). The sun is the emblem of France; the moon is the crescent of Turkey. 1R 44 mm. 248 Same subject, 1737, by P. P. Werner. Bust r. Rev. Eagle flying with a genius above a battle scene. JR 44 mm. 249 Same. (Rev.) 22 250 Peace with France, Spain, and Sardinia Established, 1739, by G. W. Vestner. Bust r. Rev. The goddess of prosperity setting fire to old armor, near an altar. (Rev.) M. 44 mm. 251 Medal without year, by G. W. Vestner. Bust r. Rev. IM- PERATOR I HOSTES EX ORlENTE ET | oCCIDENTE | sVPERARE | PER- GET (Let the emperor hasten to conquer his enemies from the east and from the west). M 44 mm. 252 On his Death, 1740, by J. Kittel. Bust r. Rev. The river- god Oder, mourning. yR 31 mm. 253 Same. (Rev.) 254 Same subject, 1740, by G. W. Vestner. Bust r. Rev. Weep- ing Germania before a pedestal on which are the royal insignia; above, an eagle flying upward. M 44 mm. 255 On his Death and the First War in Silesia, 1741, by J. Kittel. Silesia at the sarcophagus of Charles VI. Rev. Battle-field; in the exergue, KRIEG IN SCHLESIEN | 1741. M. 32 mm. 256 Same. (Rev.) 257 Election as Emperor, 1742, by Andreas Vestner. Bust r. Rev. A shield inscribed CARO | LVS | VII., supported on the left by the imperial double eagle, on the right by the lion of the Palatinate. M 44 mm. 258 Same. (Rev.) fiL 44 mm. 259 Same subject, 1742, by P. P. Werner. Medal of the city of Nuremberg. Bust r. Rev. A standing female figure with mural crown scatters incense on an altar designated N. (Nuremberg). JR. 32 mm. 60 Same subject, 1742, by F. A. Schega. Bust r. Rev. The ark of the covenant, on which is an open book on which DECA j LOGVS. M 44 mm. 261 Same subject, 1742, by A. Vestner. Bust r. Rev. On a pedestal on which is the imperial eagle, bust of the emperor fac- ing; in the distance, view of two cities connected by a bridge. ;R 44 mm. 262 Same. (Rev.) 2E 44 mm. 23 263 Same subject, 1742, by P. P. Werner. Bust r. Rev. Double eagle on a pedestal ; to I., statue of Charlemagne ; to r., statue of Ludwig of Bavaria. JR. 44 mm. 264 Same. (Rev.) 265 Same subject, 1742, by P. P. Werner and J. L. Oexlein. Bust r. Rev. Seated female figure Majesty, wearing crown, holds a shield of the empire on her lap; a double-headed (Janus-type) figure, helmeted, carrying a mirror on a staff, ushers before the seated figure a third figure (Bavaria) wearing lion's scalp and leaning on a club ; the two standing figures support the Bavarian shield. (Rev.) JR. 44 mm. 266 Same subject, 1742, by J. L. Oexlein. Bust r. Rev. The emperor, crowned, wearing coronation robes, grasps Justice by the hand. (Rev.) JR 29 mm. 267 Charles VII, 1742-1745. Coronation as Emperor at Frankfurt, 1742, by P. P. Werner and J. L. Oexlein. Busts of the two r., jugate. Rev. The couple exchange hands above an altar. JR 44 mm. 268 Same. (Rev.) 269 Same subject, 1742, by A. Vestner. Busts of the two r., jugate. Rev. Two female figures' near an altar on which are scepter, sword, and crown. M 41 mm. 270 Same subject, 1742, by A. Vestner. Bust r. Rev. A seated female figure, holding olive-branch and cornucopia, sits leaning against a palm-tree.' JR. 44 mm. 271 Same (Rev.) JE 44 mm. 272 Same subject, 1742, by Adam Rudolph Werner and J. L. Oexlein. Bust r. Rev. The emperor, crowned, seated on the throne ; before him two female figures, the one bearing the im- perial shield on her breast, the other raising her right hand in taking oath. (Rev.) JR. 37 mm. 273 Medal without year, 1742, by J. L. Oexlein. Head r. Rev. A landscape with rising sun. JR. 21 mm. 274 Homage of Cologne, 1742, by Wyon. Bust r. Rev. View of the city and seated river-god of the Rhine. JR 46 mm. 24 275 Medallion of Charles VII and Maria Amalia, 1742, by F. A. Schega. Bust of Charles VII r., in full armor. Rev. Bust of Maria Amalia 1., crowned. M 78 mm. 276 On his Death, 1745, by A. Vestner. Bust r. Rev. Sarcopha- gus between cypress-trees ; in front, lion and arms. M 44 mm. 277 Same. (Rev.) 278 Same subject, 1742, by J. Kittel. Head r. Rev. Sarcopha- gus. JR 30 mm. 279 Francis I, 1745-1765. Election as Emperor, 1745, by P. P. Wer- ner. Bust r. Rev. Temple. M 44 mm. 280 Coronation, 1745. The emperor seated on a throne, crowned by a female figure. Rev. Double eagle. ^E 42 mm. 281 Entry into Vienna, 1745, by G. W. Vestner. Bust r. Rev. The imperial couple in a quadriga. M 44 mm. 282 Second Centenary of Religious Peace, 1755, by P. P. Wer- ner. TRIPLICI COPVLA. Three altars united by a chain. Rev. PACIS RELIGIOSAE PERENNITAS. A temple near which stands a helmeted female figure. /R 30 mm. 283 Same subject, 1755, by P. P. Werner. Busts of Charles V and Francis I, confronting. Rev. Two hands clasped above an altar. M 44 mm. 284 Same. (Rev.) 285 Death at Innsbruck, 1765, by A. Wideman. Bust r. Rev. An obelisk surmounted by head of Francis I ; near by are two mourning figures. M 45 mm. 286 Maria Theresia, 1740-1780. Marriage to Francis I, 1736, by P. P. \Verner. Heads of the two 1., jugate. Rev. Two burning hearts on an altar. JR 44 mm. 287 Homage of Transylvania, 1741, by Walliss. Arms on an ermine robe. Rev . Triumphal arch ; above, Madonna and the queen. Signed, WALLISS F. JR 70 mm. 288 Hungarian Coronation at Pressburg, 1741. Inscription in six lines under a crown upheld by two genii. Rev. IUSTITIA ET CLEMENTIA. Crowned lion with a double cross and cross. M 49 mm. 25 289 Same subject, 1741, by A. Wideman. Bust r. Rev. The queen on horseback. N 40 mm. 290 Same. (Rev.) JR 40 mm. 291 Same subject, 1741, by M. Donner. Bust r. Rev. Similar. ^44 mm. 292 Birth of the Archduke Joseph, 1741, by A. Vestner. Bust r. Rev. The duke in Hungarian costume between Mars and Pallas. (Rev.) ^44 mm. 293 Same. (Rev.) 294 Same subject, 1741, by P. C. Becker. Head of the young child, inclosed in a wreath. Rev. The infant Hercules strangling the serpents. M oval 48x42 mm. 295 Peace of Breslau, 1742, by N. van Swinderen (Dutch). Seated Austria, and, above, the goddess of peace in the clouds. Rev. Inscription in six lines ; above, an olive-tree and crescent moon in clouds ; below, the shields of Austria and Prussia. JR 47 mm. 296 Same subject, 1742, by M. Holtzhey. Bust r. Rev. Goddess of peace, before whom are two captive soldiers and Bellona. M 49 mm. 297 Bohemian Coronation, 1743, by M. Donner. Bust r. Rev. Seated Bohemia. M 44 mm. 298 Same. (Rev.) 299 Same subject, 1743, by N. van Swinderen. Bust r. Rev. A column from which arrows rebound, and Saturn. (Rev.) ^R 45 mm. 300 Relief of Prague, 1743, by J. Kittel. Bust r. Rev. City- goddess ; in the distance, view of the city. M 33 mm. 301 Same. (Rev.) 302 Same subject, 1743, by A. R. Werner. Bust r. Rev. MATER CASTRO RVM. Pallas standing; in the distance, battle scene. (Rev.) M 44 mm. 3 3 Homage of the Netherlands, 1744, by H. Bust r. Rev. Two hands clasped over an altar. M 37 mm. 26 r 304 Peace Restored in Germany, 1745, by A. R. Werner. Bust r. Rev. Venus in a chariot upon the clouds. (Rev.) JR 44 mm. 305 Peace of Fiissen with Bavaria, 1745, by A. Vestner. Bust r. Rev. Goddess of peace before the closed temple of Janus. M 44 mm. 306 Same. (Rev.) 7E 44 mm. 307 Same subject, 1745, by H. Fuchs. Bust r. Rev. Sword, laurel-branch, and cornucopia. JR 45 mm. 308 Same subject, 1745, by A. Vestner. Bust r. Rev. The god- dess of peace standing near a column. M 44 mm. 309 Same. (Rev.) 310 Peace of Dresden, 1745, by A. Vestner. Busts of August III of Poland, Maria Theresia, and Friedrich I of Prussia, on pedes- tals. Rev. Justice and Prosperity exchange hands before Peace. ^44 mm. 311 Battle at Sorr, 1745, WER DA HAT, etc. A hand from the clouds with a laurel crown on a sword. Rev. Inscription in ten lines. JR. 30 mm. 312 Pregnancy of the Empress, 1747, by J. L. Oexlein. Bust r. Rev. Two genii with arms. JR 21 mm. 313 Birth of the Archduke Leopold, 1747, by J. L. Oexlein. Bust r. Rev. The empress surrounded by her seven children. (Rev.) JR 41 mm. 314 Improvement in the Coinage in Transylvania, 1747, by M. Donner and Toda. Bust r. Rev. The empress enthroned ; before her, kneeling Transylvania. (Rev.) JR 40 mm. 315 Prize medal of the Chemnitz Mining Academy (1749), by Toda. Bust r. Rev. Smelting-furnace. (Rev.) M 45 mm. 316 Jubilee Year, 1750, by J. Wurschbauer. Busts of the royal couple r., jugate; below, I. WURSCHBAUR. Rev. Two arms from the clouds hold a rudder over the globe ; signed I. W. 1R 51 mm. 317 The Military School in Vienna-Neustadt, 1752, by F. Wurth. Busts of the two r., jugate. Rev. Statue of Mars in front of a building. (Rev.) JR 49 mm. 27 318 Victory at Kolin over the Prussians, 1757, by A. Moll. Bust of the two r., jugate. Rev. Pallas seated before a pyramid shat- tered by lightning. M 49 mm. 319 Same subject, 1757, by A. Wideman. Obv. Similar. Rev. Victory on military trophies. {Rev.} JR. 46 mm. 320 Relief of Prague, 1757, by A. Wideman. Obv. Similar. Rev. Goddess of the city with laurel-wreath and shield of Prague ; be- fore her the river-god of the Moldau. (Rev.) 18. 46 mm. 321 Capture of the Prussian Army at Maxen, 1759, by A. Wide- man. Obv. Similar. Rev. Two soldiers, one of whom has sur- rendered his arms. ^H 45 mm. 322 Same. (Rev.) 323 Marriage of the Archbishop Joseph to Elizabeth of Bourbon, 1760, by A. Wideman. Busts of the two r., jugate. Rev. FELIX CONNVBIVM. Hymen at an altar. 1R 39 mm. 324 Capture of Glatz, 1760, by A. W T ideman. Busts of the royal couple r., jugate. Rev. Standing warrior fully armed. JR. 46 mm. 325 Same. (Rev.) 326 "Schraubmedaille" on the Peace of Hubertusberg, 1763, by J. Thieband. Heads of Francis I and Maria Theresia, August III of Poland, and Friedrich IV r., jugate. Rev. Germania and Peace, standing, clasp hands in front of a column. No inclosure. /R 50 mm. 327 Renewal of the Stephan's Order, 1764. The empress holds the chain of the order. Rev. Double cross, eagle, etc. IB. 41 mm. 328 Elevation of Transylvania to a Grand Principality, 1765, by F. Wiirth. The busts of Maria Theresia and Joseph II r., jugate. Rev. Fame hangs the arms of Transylvania on a palm-tree. JE gilt 59 mm. 329 Same. (Rev.) M 59 mm. 330 Arrival of the Imperial Family at Innsbruck, 1765, by A. Wideman. Busts of Francis I, Maria Theresia, Joseph II, and Josepha r., jugate. Rev. Triumphal arch. JR. 46 mm. 331 Recovery of the Empress, 1767, by A. Wideman. Bust r. Rev. Religion .sacrificing. JR 47 mm. 332 Same. (Rev.) 333 Recovery of the Empress, 1767, by M. Krafft. Bust r. Rev. Saturn, Athena, etc., around the shield. JR. 54 mm. 334 Same. (Rev.) Attachment. 335 Marriage of the Archduchess Maria Amalia to Ferdinand of Parma, 1/69, by A. Wideman and M. Krafft. Bust of Maria Ama- lia r. Rev. Hymen and the river-god Po near a palm-tree. ^43 mm. 336 - Building of the University of Padua, 1770, by M. Krafft. Bust of Maria Theresia in widow's veil. Rev. Minerva delivers the academic scepter to a youthful female figure. ^R 49 mm. 337 Removal of the Hand of St. Stephan from Ragusa to Ofen. Reliquarium in which is seen the hand. Rev. Inscription in twelve lines. M 42 mm. 338 Death of the Duchess Caroline of Lothringen, Sister of the Emperor Francis I, 1773, by A. Wideman. Bust of Caroline r. Rev. An angel of death and the goddess of the city of Nancy at her sarcophagus. M 43 mm. 339 Homage of Galicia after the First Partition of Poland, 1773, by M. Krafft. Heads of Joseph II and Maria Theresia r., jugate. Rev. Galicia pays homage to Austria. M 50 mm. 340 Death of Field-marshal Joseph Wenzel von Liechtenstein, 1773, by A. Wideman. Bust r. Rev. Monument in the armory at Vienna. JR. 60 mm. 341 Building of the Temple in the Inundation District of the Po, 1778, by A. Guillemard. Bust of Maria Theresia in widow's veil r. Rev. Sacrificial lamb on a burning altar in the territory inun- dated ; above, a rainbow. M 50 mm. 342 Peace of Teschen, 1779, by J. L. Oexlein. Fame above Teschen. Rev. Flora in a landscape. M 45 mm. 343 Same subject, 1779, by J. N. Wirt. Busts of Joseph II and Maria Theresia r., jugate. Rev. Germania sacrificing. M 46 mm. 344 So-called Volksmedaille without the year. Francis I stand- ing with brandished sword. Rev. Maria Theresia seated. M 41 mm. 29 345 Death of the Empress, 1780, by J. L. Oexlein. Bust r., with crown. Rev. Four female figures around a sarcophagus. JR. 44mm. 346 Same. (Rev.) 347 Joseph II, 1765-1790. Election and Coronation, 1764, by J. L. Oexlein. Bust r. Rev. Female figure with turreted crown on a throne with rudder and cornucopia. JR. 45 mm. 348 Second Marriage to Josepha of Bavaria, Daughter of Charles VII. Busts of the royal couple r., jugate. Rev. Austria and Hymen near an altar. JR. 40 mm. 349 Satirical medal, 1774, by Reich. PALLESCUNT CORNUA LUNAE (The horns of the moon begin to wax pale). The Em- peror Joseph bleeds the Sultan's arm. Rev. IRAM METVERE TONANTIS (They have deserved the wrath of the Thunderer). Pallas seated by an obelisk shattered by a thunderbolt. JR 41 mm. 350 Peace of Teschen, 1719, by J. G. Stieler. Broken column and trophies, banners, etc., lying on the ground, in the distance. Rev. RESTAVRATA. A completed column decorated with a lyre and caduceus ; country landscape. M 46 mm. 351 Same subject, 1781, by same. Bust r. Rev. Belgia kneeling at an altar ; the emperor stands at r., receiving her act of homage. JR 46 mm. 352 Homage of the Netherlands, 1781, by T. van Berckel. Bust r. Rev. Belgia offers homage to the emperor. JR 41 mm. 353 Guarantee of Religious Freedom to the Protestants and the Jews, 1781, by J. L. Oexlein. Bust r., in long queue. Rev. Genius before a pyramid. JR 45 mm. 354 Same subject, 1782, by Reich. Bust r., as above. Rev. A bishop, a priest, and a rabbi, protected by an eagle. JR 43 mm. 355 Same. (Rev.} 356 Same subject, 1782, by same. Obv. Similar. Rev. Same. 1R 43 mm. 357 Same. (Rev.} M gilt 43 mm. 30 358 Same subject, 1782, by J. G. Holtzhey. Bust r. Rev. The emperor kneeling before an altar; from the heavens a rain-storm. M 45 mm. 359 Assembly of the States in Galicia, 1782, by J. N. Wirt. Head r., laureate. Rev. Two figures, Law and the goddess of the city, clasp hands. M 43 mm. 360 Gideon von Laudon, Austrian Field-marshal, 1782, by Joseph Scheifel. Bust r., in uniform. Rev. Inscription in eight lines. JE 47 mm. 361 Capture of Belgrade, 1789, by J. Donner. Head of Joseph II r., laureate. Rev. Female figure seated before a monument. M 41 mm. 362 Same. (Rev.) 363 Same subject, 1789, by H. Bust r. Rev. Standing Hercules receives homage from two Turks. JR 44 mm. 364 Same subject, 1789, by J. Vinazer. Bust of von Laudon r. Rev. Eagle on an oak-stump. JR. 43 mm. 365 Same. (Rev.) 366 Same subject, 1789, by Reich. Bust of von Laudon 1., in uniform. Rev. Horseman in full armor dashing 1. ; in the back- ground, view of the city. JR 47 mm. 367 Same subject, 1789, by Donner. Bust r. Rev. View of the beleaguered city. JR 47 mm. 368 Same. (Rev.) 369 Death of von Laudon, 1799, by Franz Xaver Matzenkopf. Bust 1., in uniform and long queue. Rev. Recumbent lion on a shield. .31 45 mm. 370 Same. (Rev.) 37 1 Death of Joseph II, 1790, by H. Bust r. Rev. Sarcophagus near which a Turk and a monk. M 45 mm. 372 Leopold II, 1790-1792. Marriage to Maria Ludovica, by A. Wideman. Bust of the two, confronting. Rev. Austria and Hymen with arms. JR 40 mm. 31 373 Coronation, 1790, by J. P. Werner. Medal of Nuremberg Bust r. Rev. Insignia of royalty on a pedestal ; below, arms of Nuremberg. JR. 45 mm. 374 Homage of the Netherlands, 1791. Heads r. Rez>. The em- peror protects Belgia. M 39 mm. 375 Conference at Pillnitz, 1791, by K. W. Hoeckner. Busts of Leopold II, Friedrich Wilhelm II, and Friedrich August III of Saxony, r., jugate. Rev. Saxonia, seated r., points to a castle on the Elbe. M 42 mm. 376 Same. (Rev.) 377 Portrait medal without year, by J. N. Wirt. Head r., lau- reate. Rev. Two hands clasped before two cornucopiae and a caduceus. M 51 mm. 378 Francis I (II), 1792-1835, as archduke. Marriage to Elizabeth of Wurttemberg, 1788, by J. N. Wirt. Busts of the royal couple r., jugate. Rev. Inscription in five lines. JR 42 mm. 379 Coronation as Roman Emperor at Prague, 1792. Crown above inscription. Rev. Lion holding double cross. M jeton 25 mm. 380 Victories of the Archduke Carl Ludwig, 1793. Bust r., in uniform. Rev. Inscription in six lines. M octagonal 34 mm. 381 Medal for Bravery issued to the Tyrolese who Resisted the French Invasion, 1796, by J. N. Wirt. Head of Francis I r. Rev. Inscription. JR. 36 mm. 382 Same subject, 1797, by same. Obv. Similar. Rev. Similar. /R 39 mm. 383 Victories of the Archduke Carl on the Rhine, 1789, by A. Guillemard. Helmeted bust r. Rev. Inscription. M 42 mm. 384 Same. (Rev.) 385 Victories of the Archduke Carl Ludwig at Stockach in Baden, 1799, by Peter Baldenbach. Helmeted bust 1. Rev. Tro- phaeum, on which is a Victory. JR 48 mm. 386 Same. (Rev.) 32 387 Medal, without year, of the Archduke Carl Ludwig, by J. Daiser. Bust 1., in uniform. Rev. Athena with spear and shield seated in the clouds. JR. 47 mm. 388 Francis I and Paul I, Prince of Reuss, 1799, by Peter Bal- denbach. Busts of the two r., jugate. Rev. Inscription in twelve lines. M 49 mm. 3 8 9 Peace of Luneville, 1801, by J. J. Neus. ALLEN VOL- KERN OFFNET SIE DIE MEERE (To all people she opens the seas). A figure of Prosperity floating over the sea. Rev. In- scription in German in ten lines. 1R 32 mm. 390 Same subject, 1801, by A. Guillemard. Helmeted bust of the Archduke Carl Ludwig r. Rev. Landscape, Bohemian arms; above, the dove of peace. M 42 mm. 391 Equestrian Statue in Honor of Joseph II, 1806, by J. N. Wirt. Head of Francis I r. Rev. The monument. M 49 mm. 392 Drill-grounds near Prague, 1804, by A. Guillemard and F. S. Stuckhart. Bust r. Rev. The emperor reviews his troops. JR. 39 mm. 393 Battle of Leipzig, 1813, by Stettner. Bust of Francis I and Alexander I of Russia, confronting. Rev. View of the city. fiL jeton silvered 33 mm. 394 Marriage of Napoleon I and Maria Louise, daughter of Fran- cis I, 1810. Medal of Vienna. Two torches wound with a fillet. Rev. Inscription. JR 29 mm. 395 Medal of 1813, by J. Lang. Busts of Francis I, Alexander I, and Friedrich Wilhelm III r., jugate. Rev. Inscription in ten lines. M 47 mm. 396 Alliance between Austria, Russia, and Prussia, 1813, by K. Lesser. Busts of Francis I, Alexander I, and Friedrich Wilhelm III r., jugate. Rev. Female figure, with helmet and spear, stands 1., sup- porting a shield with the arms of the three allies. 1R 40 mm. 397 Homage of yenice, 1815, by Vassallo. Head 1. Rev. Arms of Milan and Venice, crowned. JR 42 mm. 398 Arrival of the Emperor in Milan, 1815, by Vassallo and L. Manfredini. Head 1. Rev. The goddess of the city greets the emperor, who rides 1. on horseback, dressed in antique costume. (Rev.} M 42 mm. 33 399 Fourth Marriage to Charlotte Augusta of Bavaria, 1816, by J. Harnisch. Bust of the two, confronting. Rev. Female figure with cornucopia pouring a libation on an altar. JR 49 mm. 400 Same subject, 1816, by Losch and Stiglmair. Medal of Munich. Busts of the two r., jugate. Rev. Pallas on an eagle. JR 41 mm. 401 Death of the Empress Maria Louise, 1816, by L. Manfredini. Medal of Milan. Bust 1. Rev. Iris. & 43 mm. 402 Return to Vienna, 1816, by F. Detler. Head r. Rev. An altar. JR 52 mm. 403 Similar. (Rev.} JR 41 mm. 404 Medal without year by J. N. Wirt. Head r. Rev. Crowned lion with double cross. Attachment. M 49 mm. 405 Francis IV of Modena and the Archduchess Maria Beatrix, 1831, by F. Putinati. Medal of Modena. Their heads 1., jugate. Rev. Mutina sits near a monument. & 42 mm. 406 Ferdinand I (V), 1835-1848. Hungarian Coronation at Press- burg, 1831, by J. D. Boehm. Bust of Ferdinand I and his father, Francis I, r., jugate. Rev. Tree and arms. JR 48 mm. 407 Bohemian Coronation at Prague, 1836, by D. Loos. Busts of Ferdinand I and Anna 1., jugate. Rev. Royal insignia on a table. yR 39 mm. 408 Homage of Cronstadt, 1837, by J. D. Boehm. Head r., in crown and coronation robes. Rev. Shield against an ermine robe, crowned. 2R 47 mm. 409 Coronation, 1838, at Milan, by J. D. Boehm. Head r. Rev. Three figures, Milan, Lombardy, and Venice. JE silvered 29 mm. 410 Capture of Acre, 1840, by W. Seidan. Bust of Friedrich, Archduke of Austria, facing, in uniform. Rev. Victory with palm and mural crown alighting on the Syrian coast ; at the right, a galley ; at the left, a fortress. M 49 mm. 411 Fiftieth Anniversary in Honor of Carl Ludwig, Archduke of Austria, 1843, by F. A. Schega. Bust 1., in uniform. Rev. Wreath of oak, etc. JR 52 mm. 34 412 Jubilee of Archduke Joseph on his Fifty Years' Service as Captain of the Kumanen, 1845, b 7 J- D - Boehm. Bust 1., in uni- form. Rev. Inscription. M 42 mm. 413 Restoration of the Spire of St. Stephan's Cathedral in Vienna, 1845, bv J- B. Roth. Head of Ferdinand r., laureate. Rev. The spire and two angels. M 47 mm. 414 Fiftieth Anniversary of Archduke Joseph as Count Palatine of Hungary, 1846, by K. Lange. Bust of Ferdinand I r. Rev. Bust of the Archduke Joseph 1. M 54 mm. 415 Same subject, 1846, by J. D. Boehm. Bust of Archduke Joseph 1., in uniform. Rev. Inscription within a wreath. JR 53 416 Franz Joseph I, 1848- . Medal of Frankfort in honor of the Archduke John, 1849, by C. Zollmann. Bust 1. Rev. Inscription. M 40 mm. 417 Opening of the Railway from Vienna to Triest, 1854, by W. Seidan. In the distance, view of the viaduct and railway in the mountains ; in the foreground, a massive figure of herculean pro- portions, seated. Rev. Inscription. M 39 mm. 418 Marriage of Franz Joseph I to Elizabeth, Daughter of Maximilian of Bavaria, 1834, by K. Lange. Busts of the royal couple r., jugate. Rev. Marriage ceremony. M 56 mm. 419 Six Hundredth Anniversary of the House of Hapsburg. Medal of Winterthiir (Switzerland) in honor of the Prince Rudolph, 1864, by A. Horseman 1., in armor, on horseback, in style of early thaler of Sigismund. Rev. Inscription in eleven lines. M 46 mm. 420 Coronation of Elizabeth as Queen of Hungary at Buda- pesth, 1867, by A. Bust 1. Rev. Crown, laurel, and inscription. M 49 mm. 421 Same, except inscriptions in Magyar. (Rev.) 422 Same subject, 1867, by same. Similar, inscriptions in Magyar. M 24 mm. 423 Coronation of Franz Joseph I as King of Hungary, 1867, by A. Head r. Rev. Crown, scepter, and sword crossed, and in- scription in Magyar. M 48 mm. 35 424 Erection of Equestrian Statue of Field-marshal Prince Carl von Schwarzenberg, 1867, by J. Tautenhayn. Bust r., in uniform. Rev. The statue. In the exergue, ERRICHTET VON I KAISER FRANZ JOSEF I. | 1867. M 63 mm. 425 The Opening of the Suez Canal, 1869, by J. Tautenhayn. Head of Franz Joseph I r. Rev. Female figure seated on a Sphinx; in the distance, the Pyramids and a ship. M 72 mm. 426 Same. (Rev.) 427 Pilgrimage of Franz Joseph I to the Holy Sepulcher in Jeru- salem, 1869, by J. Tautenhayn. Head r. Rev. A figure of Piety with the cross, at whose feet two angels kneel, one holding a crown. (Rev.) 1R 72 mm. 428 Erection of the Monument to Wilhelm von TegetthofF, 1877, by J. Tautenhayn. Bust r., in uniform. Rev. The monument. & 62 mm. 429 Marriage of the Crown Prince Rudolph and Stephanie, daughter of Leopold II of Belgium, 1881, by J. Tautenhayn. Busts of the two r., jugate. Rev. Hymen with flowers and torch. JR. 55 mm. 430 Same. (Rev.) 431 The Numismatic Society of Vienna, 1888, by F. Leiser. Bust r. Rev. Inscription under a radiate crown. JR. 43 mm. 432 Forty Years' Jubilee of his Reign. Head r. Rev. Shields. 1848 | 2 December | 1888. JR. 34 mm. PERSONAL MEDALS 433 Carl Andorfer, 1893, by F. X. Pawlik. Joint founder of the Club der Miinz- und Medaillen-Freunde in Vienna. Head 1. Rev. Inscription. M 32 mm. 434 Beethoven. Festival in Vienna, 1870, by G. Radnitzky. Head r. Rev. Arms, wreath, etc. JE 57 mm. 435 Count Franz Anton von Kolowrat-Leibsteinski, Captain of Prague and Founder of the National Museum, 1778-1848. Medal by K. Lange. Head 1. Rev. Seated figure with arms. JR. 49 mm. 36 436 Fritz Luckhardt, 1893, by F. X. Pawlik. Prize medal of the Camera Club of Vienna. Bust 1. Rev. A camera, palm-branch, etc. EL 52 mm. 437 Prince Wilhelm of Montenouva, Numismatist, 1821-1895. Medal of the Numismatic Society of Vienna to a joint founder, 1895, by W. F. Jeuner. Bust facing. Rev. Inscription in a laurel-wreath ; above, crowned arms of the Prince of Montenouva encircled by the collar of the Golden Fleece. JR. 40 mm. 438 Same. (Rev.) 439 Schiller. Erection of the Schiller Monument in Vienna, 1876, by G. Radnitzky. Figure of Music facing. Rev. The monument. BL silvered 54 mm. 440 Schubert. Unveiling of the Schubert Monument in Vienna, 1872, by J. Tautenhayn. Head r. Rev. A muse and an Apollo. JE 64 mm. 441 Prince Alfred von Windischgratz, Field-marshal, by D. Bust 1. Rev. Inscription in a wreath. M 38 mm. 442 Major Wissmann, Dr. Emin Pasha, Dr. Carl Peters, Explorers. Medal without year. Heads of the three r., jugate. Rev. Inscrip- tion. JB. 40 mm. TRANSYLVANIA (Principality) 443 Gabriel Bethlen, 1613-1629. Medal without year. GABRIEL. D. G. REGNORVM. HUNGARIAE. Bust r., in fur cap. Rev. TRANSYL: PRINCEPS. AC. SICVLORVM. COM. The Hungaro-Transylvanian arms, crowned ; arms of Gabriel Bethlen in the center. M oval 42x35 mm. 444 Emerich Tbkoly, 1682-1699. Medal with year, by Jan Smeltzing (Dutch). Bust facing, in coat with ermine collar. Rev. SIC VIRTVS NESCIA FRAENI (Such is valor unused to re- straint). A wild horse trampling on his keeper and breaking through the reins stretched between two columns. Signed I. S. Emerich Tokoly or Teckly was a Hungarian noble born at Min, near Nicomedia, in Asia Minor. His family was persecuted as Protestants. Tokoly became prime minister under Michael Apafi and commanded the army in the uprising of 1678. Subsequently he allied himself with the Turks, and commanded the Turkish cavalry at the battle of Salankemen, 1691. J& 49 mm. 37 445 Medal without year, by E. F. (Engelhardt (Breslau) fecit?) EMERIC TOCKEL. HUNGAROR. REBELL. CAPVT. Bust r. Rev. RETRO CADIT AUDAX. A high cliff on which is a crown ; from it an eagle springs and swoops down upon a soldier who is falling backward off the cliff ; below on the ground, a dog with open jaws. Signed E. JR. oval 45x40 mm. 446 Franz Rakoczi, 1699-1735. Portrait medal without year. Bust r., in armor. Rev. TENDIT PER ARDUA VIRTUS. Hercules with his club slaying the Hydra. JR. 50 mm. 447 Beginning of Political Liberty, 1703, by D. Warou. Head r. Rev. Justice and Equality release Liberty from her chains. JR. 42 mm. 448 Religious Harmony, 1705, by D. Warou. Bust facing, in armor. Rev. Three Vestals bringing fuel to an altar. JR. 44 mm. BRANDENBURG-PRUSSIA, GERMANY 449 Friedrich Wilhelm, 1640-1688. Presence of the Elector, Georg Wilhelm, and the electoral prince in the duchy of Prussia, 1639, by S. Dadler. The two princes in full armor standing near a table. Rev. Borussia, seated, holds an olive-branch ; in the dis- tance, map of the Gulf of Finland, with the cities of Konigsberg, Pillau, etc. JR. 72 mm. Ampach, Miinz- u. Med. Samm. 10638. 450 Same. (Rev.) 451 Portrait medal of Friedrich Wilhelm, by J. Hoehn. Bust r., with long, straight hair. Rev. The Prussian eagle above the globe of the earth. JR. 51 mm. A. 10639. 452 Marriage with Louise of Orange-Nassau (1676), by Eras- mus Thomas Reuss. Half-length figures of the pair, facing; hand in hand. Above, the Eye of Providence, and two hands with the elector's cap and a crown. Rev. On a hill, designated Marchia, stands a tree watered by a hand reaching from heaven ; on the ground, T. R., the artist's initials. JR. 59 mm. 453 Peace of Westphalia, by J. Hoehn and S. Dadler. Peace and Justice kissing each other. Rev. Faith and Reverence exchange greetings ; in the distance, the city of Miinster. JR. 59 mm. v. Loon, II. p. 315, 4. 454 Same. (Rev.) 38 455 The States of the Mark Brandenburg on the Return of the Elector from a Visit to the Emperor in Prag, 1652, by Erasmus Thomas Reuss. The elector riding r. Rev. Female figure (Pros- perity?) with the caduceus of Mercury and a cornucopia. JR 56 mm. A. Weyl, Paul Henkel'sche Sammlung, 764. 456 Homage of Konigsberg, 1663, by J. Hoehn. Scepter and sword crossed, and united by a laurel-wreath. Rev. Inscription within a laurel-wreath. JR. 47 mm. 457 Prussian Oath of Fealty, 1663. An arm from heaven holds a crown over a crossed scepter and sword. Rev. Inscription. JR traces of gilt 30 mm. Cf. Weyl, 3349. 458 Same subject, 1663, by J. Hoehn. Bust in armor r., with long, flowing hair. Rev. Eagle with the elector's cap above its head; in the distance, encampment and view of Konigsberg. JR 62 mm. A. 10760. 459 Second Marriage of the Elector with Princess Dorothea of Holstein. Laureate bust of the elector r., with large, curly wig. Rev. Bust of Dorothea 1., the hair and dress adorned with jewels. Magnificent medallion of great rarity. JR. 86 mm. A. 10779. A. Hess, Brandenburg-Preussisches Med. - und Miinz-Cabinet, May, 1894, Taf. I. 24. 460 Same subject (1668). Bust of the elector facing, in armor, wearing large, curly wig; on the truncation, H, (J. Hoehn). Rev. Bust of Dorothea three-quarters to 1., richly adorned with jewels. M 57 mm. 461 States of the Mark on the Return of the Elector from Prus- sia, 1669. The elector riding r., clad in his electoral robes and holding his scepter before him. Rev. The Brandenburg eagle, with laurel-wreath in its beak, soaring aloft, 1., above the per- sonified Mark, who holds a child in her arms. Cf. Weyl, 860. The artist's initials, G. L. (Gottfried Leygebe), and the date, 1669, are lacking in the exergue of the obverse. JR 57 mm. 462 Birth of the Princess Maria Amalia, 1670, by Gottfried Ley- gebe. Bust of Dorothea r., in an ermine mantle. Rev. Crowned palm-tree on a hill overgrown with bushes. JR 50 mm. A. 10796. 463 So-called "Zwitter" (hybrid) medal on which two medal- lists collaborated, 1673, by Caspar Geelhaar and J. Hoehn. Bust r., in armor, with long, natural hair ; on the truncation, C. G. ; below the bust, I. H. No inscription. Rev. Open book on a pile of trophies and armor, inclosed in a circle ; on the right, above 39 the drum, C. G.; around, inscription FRID. WILH., etc. JR 45 mm. A. 10805. 464 Similar, but of a different die, which is slightly broken below the bust. C. G. on truncation. Rev. Same. (Rev.} JR 45 mm. 465 Invasion of the Mark by the Swedes, by J. Hoehn. Bust in armor, with long, straight hair, r. Rev. Resting lion : DOR- MIENDO VIGILO (While sleeping, I watch). 1R 38 mm. A. 10810. 466 Victory at Fehrbellin, 1675, by F. F. Battle scene; in the foreground, the elector on horseback, and his equerry, Froben, falling off his horse. Rev. Inscription in fifteen lines. JR. 69 mm. 467 Same subject, 1675, by J. Hoehn. Both sides similar. JR. 70 mm. A. 10838. 468 Same subject, 1675, by J. Hoehn. Similar, smaller size. & 45 mm. 469 Same subject, 1675. Scene of the battle; in the foreground, the elector, riding with his retinue ; before him, Froben falling from his horse. Rev. Inscription. JR 55 mm. A. 10837. 470 The Swedes Driven out of Prussia, 1679, by J. Hoehn. Eagle on his nest attacked by a lion. Rev. An eagle pursues a retreat- ing lion. The eagle symbolizes Brandenburg; the lion Sweden. yR 69 mm. A. 10572. 471 Same subject (1679). Bust of the elector. Rev. Winged trombone ; above, moon and stars, JR 50 mm. A. 10876. 472 Same. (Rev.) 473 Peace of St. Germain (1679). Bust r. Rev. Volcano emit- ting smoke, in the midst of a heavy rainstorm. JR 42 mm. 474 Same. (Rev.) 475 On the Receipt of the Order of the Garter, 1684, by F. F. Laureate bust r. Rev. Electoral shield surrounded by the Garter and surmounted by the elector's cap. JR 63 mm. A. 10900. Plate. 476 Peace with Germany, and the Reciprocal Alliance with the Netherlands, 1685, by S. Dadler. Half-length figure of the elec- tor, in heavy armor, before a table on which are an elector's cap and scepter. Rev. A laurel-twined column on which is the Prus- 40 sian eagle hurling thunderbolts ; on each side, Peace and Victory, and at their feet, Mars and Envy. JR 63 mm. A. 10905. 477 Same. (Rev.) 478 Presentation medal for Foreign Ambassadors, by Christof Melchior (mint-master in Konigsberg) and J. Hoehn. Bust of the elector facing, with long, straight hair, in an ornamental cartouche; above, the elector's cap. Rev. The Brandenburg eagle under the cap of the elector; on its wings, twenty-four arms of the provinces. JR 75 mm. with ring. A. 10920. 479 Death of Friedrich Wilhelm (1688), by Jan Boskam. Bust in armor r. Rev. Between implements of warfare, FLOREBIT PERENNABIT. M 54 mm. 480 Same subject (1688), by J. B. Schultz. Bust r. Rev. Eagle on a palm-tree ; above, trophies. JR. 25 mm. 481 Same. (Rev.) 482 Friedrich III as Elector, 1688-1701. Appointment as Stadthalter (governor) of the Mark, 1677, by G. Leygebe. Youthful bust r., with long hair; below, 1677. Rev. Beneath the radiate Eye of Jehovah, the Prussian eagle with laurel-wreath and sword; be- hind, on a fillet, SUUM CUIQUE (To each, his own). Beneath the eagle, a landscape with view of a city. In the exergue, G. L. ^R oval 50x42 mm. 483 Campaign as Electoral Prince, 1679. Youthful bust r. Rev. Eagle with wreath, and sword flying over the environs of Pillau. JR 47 mm. A. 10938. 484 Death of Elizabeth Henriette, 1683. Bust r. Rev. Tomb- stone ; above, the elector's cap ; below, a death's-head. JR 27 mm. A. 10944. 485 Same. (Rev.) 486 Alliance with William of Orange, 1688, by Raimund Faltz. Bust r., in armor; lion's head on shoulder. Rev. Juno with a scepter stands 1., holding her forefinger on her lips ; at her side, an eagle. JR 48 mm. A. 10947. 487 Capture of Kaiserswerth, 1689, by J. B. Schultz. Bust r. Rev. The burning fortress, stormed by guns. JR 33 mm. A. 10958. 488 Same. (Rev.) 489 Capture of Bonn, 1689, by J. B. Schultz. Bust r. Rev. Ground-plan of the fortress; above, on a fillet, VICTORIAE BONAE FELICI. N 33 mm. Cf. A. 10959. 490 Same subject, 1689, by J. B. Schultz. Bust r. Rev. View of the city, similar to preceding reverse. JR 44 mm. Cf. Weyl, 4807. 491 Same subject, 1689, by P. H. Miiller. Bust r. Rev. View of the burning city, besieged with guns. JR 50 mm. v. Loon, III. p. 451, 452. 492 Capture of Kaiserswerth, Rheinberg, and Bonn, 1689. Bust facing. Rev. Three medallions with views of the conquered fortresses. JR 43 mm. A. 10962. 493 Boundaries of the Rhine Recovered, 1689, by J. B. Schultz. Bust r. Rev. The Rhine country with the cities of Coin, Bonn, Neuss, Kaiserswerth, and Rheinberg. In the foreground, a battle scene ; above, the Prussian eagle with a fillet on which SER- VATIS & RECUPERATIS RHENI CLAUSTRIS (The boundaries of the Rhine, saved and recovered) ; below, 1685. ff 53 mm. Cf. A. 10964. 494 Same subject, 1689, by R. Faltz. Bust r. Rev. Resting river-god of the Rhine. Above, SALUS PROVINCIARUM (The safety of the provinces). In the exergue, INF. RHENUS LIB. (The Lower Rhine liberated) 1689. N 30 mm. 495 Same. (Rev.} JR 30 mm. 496 Same subject, 1689, by same. Similar types. JR. 57 mm. A. 10966. 497 Homage of Konigsberg, 1690, by J. Hoehn, Jr. Beneath the elector's cap, SUPREMO BORUSSIAE, etc. Rev. The Prussian eagle, above the earth. JR 43 mm. A. 10975. 498 Defense of the Netherlands, 1690, by Raimund Faltz. Bust r. Rev. TUTELA BELGII (Protectress of Belgium). Pallas, standing; at her side, the Netherlands lion. 499 Coronation of Joseph I as King, 1690, by G. Hautsch. The busts of Leopold I and his wife, Eleonora Magdalena, in medal- lions. Rev. Bust of Joseph I in the center ; around, the busts of the seven electors. Edge inscription, PRINCIPIBUS JOSEPH PLACET OMNIBUS UNUS (Joseph alone is pleasing to all the princes). JR 45 mm. 42 500 Same, but no edge inscription. (Rev.) 501 Victory of the Brandenburg Troops, 1691, by R. Faltz. Bust r. Rev. Victory hanging four shields on a palm-tree. JR. 42 mm. A. 10987. 502 Same. (Rev.) 503 Same. (Rev.) JE 42 mm. 504 Friedrich III as Friedrich I, King of Prussia, 1701-1713. Corona- tion, 1701. Pallas and Borussia hold a medallion with the bust of the king and a crown. Rev. Borussia, seated, with scepter; be- hind her, Fame blowing a trumpet. M 45 mm. A. 11066. Weyl, 3542. 505 Coronation, 1701, by G. Hautsch. Bust r. Rev. The king receives the crown from Germania. JR. 35 mm. A. 11069. 506 Same. (Rev.) 507 Capture of Geldern, 1703, by Jan Boskam. Bust r. Rev. The king, seated, is crowned by Victory, who stands behind him ; before him, the kneeling city-goddess with the keys. JR 60 mm. A. 11098. 508 Same. (Rev.) 509 Death of the Queen, Sophie Charlotte, 1705. Bust facing. Rev. Inscription in thirteen lines; below, death's-head. N 26 mm. A. 11113. 510 Her Burial, 1705, by C. Wermuth. Laureate bust r. Rev. Pyramid ; two clouds on either side. M 32 mm. Weyl, 1258. 511 Incorporation of Neuchatel and Birth of his Grandson, Friedrich Ludwig, 1707, by G. Hautsch. The goddess of the province offering homage. Rev. The king receives his grandson. M 35 mm. A. 11149. 512 Third Marriage with Sophia Louisa of Mecklenburg, 1708, by G. Hautsch. Bust r. Rev. Laurel-wreath with three crowns. Inscription. M 40 mm. 513 Same subject, 1708. Woman's arm with a ring, reaching from the clouds. Rev. Mail-clad arm with a crown, similar. JR. 35 mm. A. 11167. 43 514 Meeting with the Kings of Denmark and Poland in Berlin, 1709, by F. Groskurt. A triangle, in which are the laureate busts of the three kings. Rev. Inscription. M 44 mm. Weyl, 1222. 515 On his Death, 1713, by J. C. Koch. Head r. Rev. Round temple on a rock with the king's crown suspended within. M 44 mm. A. 11196. 516 Same subject, 1713, by C. Wermuth. Bust r. Rev. Soaring eagle in heavens studded with stars. JR 32 mm. A. 11201. 517 Same subject, 1713, by C. Wermuth and J. B. Schultz. Lau- reate bust r. Rev. Bust of Friedrich Wilhelm, the Great Elector, so-called Zwitterstuck (hybrid-piece). M 25 mm. Weyl, 1244. 518 Burial of the King, 1713, by C. S. Laureate bust r. Rev. Crown on a chest. JR 23 mm. Cf. Weyl, 1250. 519 Friedrich Wilhelm I, 1713-1740. Marriage with Sophia Dorothea of Brunswick-Liineburg, 1706, by E. Hannibal. Bust of Sophia Dorothea r., diademed. Rev. Rainbow and sunset on the coast. JR 59 mm. A. 11126. 520 Conquest of Stralsund, 1715. Triangle, within which three heads. Rev. View of the captured city. M 34 mm. A. 11239. 521 Coming of Age of Carl Wilhelm Friedrich, 1729, by Daniel Siegmund Dockler. Bust r. Rev. EN SPEM SVRGENTIS IVLI (Lo, our hopes of the young lulus), Vergil's yEneid. Mi- nerva presents the young prince to Borussia, seated at the right. M 44 mm. 522 Marriage of Carl Wilhelm Friedrich to the Princess Frider- ike Louise, 1729, by G. W. Vestner. Their heads, confronting Rev. A tree with two separating branches, on each of which are hung shields on which are written the names of the great leaders in the family of each. At the top, the branches overlap, and the shields are inscribed, CARL WIL. FRID. and FRID. LVDO- VIC. At the foot of the tree sits a crowned figure with ermine cape, whose shield is inscribed, IOH. GEORG. EL. BR. Around runs the inscription, SIC GENVS AMBORVM SE GERMINE SCINDIT AB VNO (Thus the family of each is derived from one root). M 74 mm. 523 Reception of the Salzburg Emigrants, 1732, by P. P. Werner. Bust of Friedrich Wilhelm I r. Rev. Borussia receives the exiles : GEHE IN EIN LAND, etc. M 44 mm. A. 11296. 44 524 Same subject, 1732. "Schraubmedaille" with maps of Salz- burg and Lithuania in the covers, and a set of seventeen religious pictures. Three emigrants ; and, above, God in the clouds. Rev. Standing regent with two other standing figures; in the back- ground to 1., other emigrants. The Schraubmedaille is made in two halves, the design being in repousse and engraved. The two halves screw together like upper and lower halves of a box. The technique is not uncommon. Frequently the same medals which were struck were also done in this technique. 525 Homage of Konigsberg, 1740, by L. H. Barbiez. Head r. Rev. Justitia, standing 1., with a pair of scales. M 39 mm. A. H332. 526 Same. (Rev.) 527 Accession, 1740, by J. Dassier. Bust facing, three-quarters 1. Rev. REX NATVRA. An eagle soaring over Konigsberg. 7E 55mm. A. 11344. 528 First War in Silesia, 1741. Silesia, seated on the ground, resting on her shield, mourns by a monument inscribed, CAROL. VI. ; in the distance, setting sun. Rev. A battle-field with burn- ing houses; above, the blazing planet Mars; in the exergue, "Krieg in Silesien, 1741." JR 32 mm. Weyl, 4056. 529 Friedrich II, 1740-1786. Coronation, 1741, by W. Kittel. A monu- ment on which is a crowned oval shield, on which FR in monogram ; below, W. On the ground lie the river-god, the Oder, and the Naiad of the Ohlau. Rev. Crowned eagle soaring over the city, with scepter and imperial globe ; below, BRES-LAV. M 50 mm. Weyl, 4057. 530 Homage of Lower Silesia, 1741. Bust r. Rev. Borussia re- ceives the ducal cap from Silesia. JR 32 mm. A. 11353. 531 Same. (Rev.) 532 Portrait medal, 1742, by L. H. Barbiez. Bust r. Rev. Eagle bearing laurel-branch over pile of trophies. 1R 45 mm. 533 Peace of Breslau, 1742, by G. W. Vestner. Bust r. Rev. A genius crowning Hercules leaning on his club ; in the distance, city of Breslau. (Rev.) M 44 mm. A. 11360. 534 Same subject, 1742, by Johann Gottfried Held. Laureate bust r. Rev. Above the city of Breslau, the goddess of peace floats down, resting on clouds ; she holds, in her right hand, the 45 arms of Austria and Prussia, and in her left hand, a caduceus and an olive-branch. To the r. stand two warriors in antique costume, who hold the goddess of war bound with chains. ^49 mm. A. 11364. Weyl, 4063. 535 The Desired Religious Freedom, 1742. An olive-branch on an altar. Rev. Inscription. M. 31 mm. A. 11371. Weyl, 4068. 536 Victory at Chotusitz, 1742. Bust of the king on a pedestal. Rev. Battle scene. KL 33 mm. A. 11356. Weyl, 1462. 537 Conquest of Prague, 1744, by L. H. Barbiez. Head r. Rev. The storming of the city. M 34 mm. A. 11382. Weyl, 1481. 538 Same. (Rev.) 539 Same subject, 1744. Trophy above inscription in seven lines. Rev. View of the city. JR. 32 mm. A. 11384. Weyl, 1482. 540 Victory at Friedeberg, 1745, by L. H. Barbiez. Bust r. Rev. Victory on a monument; below, two bound captives. M 47mm. A. 11389. Weyl, 4386. 541 Victory at Kesselsdorf and the Peace of Dresden, 1745. Prussian standard erected on a battle-field and crowned by a goddess of victory. Rev. An angel floating over the city. JR 33 mm. A 11401. Weyl, 1491. 542 Same. (Rev.) 543 Victory at Friedeberg, 1745. Battle scene. Rev. Fame fly- ing r., blowing her trumpet. M 34 mm. A. 11392. Weyl, 4385. 544 Third Centenary of the Evangelical Church at Schweidnitz, and the Peace of Westphalia, 1752. Busts of Ferdinand III and Friedrich II, confronting. Rev. Inscription. JR 35 mm. Fried- ensburg u. Seger, Miinzen von Schlesien, 4341. 545 Fifth Centenary of the Foundation of Konigsberg, 1755, by J. Abraham. The old castle ; in the foreground, a seated warrior with the Bohemian shield, holding a figure of Victory on his out- stretched left hand ; to r., rising sun. Rev. Beneath the Prussian eagle, view of Konigsberg. ^ 59 mm. A. 11852. 546 Surrender of the Saxon Troops at Pirna, 1756, by M. Holtzhey. Laureate bust r. Rev. Saxonia seated, holding on her lap the elector's cap; above her, the king, in antique costume, holds a shield above her with his right, and with his left hand thrusts a 46 Medusa-head toward three Saxons. (Rev.) JR 49 mm. A. 11430. Weyl, 1611. 547 Victory at Lowositz, 1756, by J. C. Marme. Bust r. Rev. On the battle-field, a monument on which is an oval medallion of the king; Justice and Wisdom, on either side, trampling upon Envy and Discord. M 42 mm. A. 11429. Weyl, 1610. 548 Same subject, 1756. Battle scene, SIEG BEY LOWOSITZ. Rev. DURCH I. K. M. IN PREUSSEN (around the medal) ER | FOCH | TEN. (within a wreath), and D. I. OCT. 1756. (in the exergue) (Victory at Lowositz, won on the first day of October, 1756, by His Royal Majesty in Prussia). M 30 mm. 549 Victory at Prague, 1757, by J. G. Held. Bust r. Rev. The goddess of victory, dancing, hurls with her right a thunderbolt against Bohemia, suppliant, who is losing her crown, and in her left holds a shield. M 49 mm. A. 11433. Weyl, 1620. 550 Same. (Rev.) JE 49 mm. 551 Same subject, 1757. The goddess of victory seated on a cannon. Rev. Victory inscribes FRIDE. REX on a monument in the form of an obelisk. M 32 mm. A. 11431. Weyl, 1619. 552 Victories of the Year, 1757, by Pingo. Bust r. Rev. Vic- tory crowns a trophy; above, an eagle. M 43 mm. A. 11444. 553 Victory at Lissa, 1757, by Nikolaus G. Georgi. Bust r. Rev. Minerva, seated at the right, points toward a pyramid shattered by lightning. M 54 mm. A. 11431. Weyl, 4416. 554 Same subject, 1757, by C. H. Ulitsch. The king, in antique armor, dashing 1., on horseback. Rev. The Prussian eagle routs the imperial double eagle from its nest, which is afire. M 42 mm. A. 11439. Weyl, 4418. 555 Victory at Rossbach, 1757. Bust r. Rev. Hercules fighting the French eagle ; above, Jupiter and Juno. M 49 mm. Fried, u. Seger, 4360. 556 Same subject, 1757, by Jakob Abram. King on horseback, dashing to r. ; in the background, battle scene. Rev. The Prussian eagle, in the full rays of the sun, hurls thunderbolts against the double eagle, the French cock, and three small eagles. M 43 mm. A. H435- 557 Same. (Rev.) 47 - ..- 558 Victories at Rossbach and Lissa, 1757. The kfng on horse- back. Rev. Battle scene. JE silvered 48 mm. 559 Victor^: at Leuthen, 1757, and the Conquest of.rBreslau. Half-length figure of Friedrich II, facing, with baton. Rev. The goddess of the city of Breslau delivers the keys to a rider, carry- ing a banner on which is the Prussian eagle, and leaping over a pile of arms/ etc. M 39 mm. A. 11442. 560 Same. (Rev.) 561 Same jtibject, 1757. Battle scene. Rev. Bell. JR. 30 mm. A. 11440. 562 Victory at Zorndorf over the Russians, 1758, by J. Abram. A hand fro^f heaven crowns the bust of Friedrich II. Rev. Battle scene ; in the distance, a burning city. JR. 42 mm. A. 1 1448. 563 Same. (Rev.) *. ** f ?* 564 Same subject, 1758, by J. Abram. The king riding on horse- back r. Rev. Victory flying r., holding a wreat-h in right hand, and blowing a trumpet. JR. 42 mm. A. 11449. Weyl, 3096. 565 Same. (Rev.) .V*. NT ^~ ' 566 Satirical medal on the Victory at Zorndorf, 1758. Bust r. Rev. A lion surrounded by dogs, holding one of them (Russia) in his mouth ; the others are designated as Sweden, Saxony, France, Lorraine, and Austria, by arms impressed in incuse on their bodies. ^R 49 mm. Friedens. u. Seger, 4403. 567 l Same: (Rev,, ) ' * 568 Heroic Deeds of Friedrich II, 1759, by M. Morikofer. Bust T., in ermine mantle, and order with cross. Rev. History, winged, writes in a book, supported by Saturn. M 50 mm. Cf. Weyl, 1643. 569 , , Fiftieth Anniversary of the Church at Landshut, 1757, by Klein (Breslau, 1755-1762). Busts of Friedrich II and Joseph I 1., jugate. Rev. View of the church. 1R 36 mm. A. 12011. 570 Victory at Liegnitz, 1760, by J. Abram. Bust r. Rev. Trophy. M 53 mm. A. 11462. 571 Victory at Torgau, 1760. Bust r. Rev. Two rams butting before a terminal figure of Pan, with a mural crown; in the dis- 48 ; PLATE II . - - v " t :* * > tance,-a round turreted building, and a ruined building inscribed WITTENB. (Rev.) & 49 mm. A. 11469. 572 Same subject, 1760, by J. Abram. Head 1., with radiate crown. Rev. Hercules receives from an eagle lightning and thun- derbolt. ^R 43 mm. A. 11468. Weyl, 4735. 573 Same. (Rev.) * 574 Relief of Breslau by Prince Henry of Prussia, 1760, by J. G. Held. The prince, on tiprseback, dashing toward Breslau with averted face and drawn sword. Rev. View of the city. 1R 41 mm. A. 11464. Weyl, 4179. 575 Peace with Russia and Sweden, 1762. Inscription; drum with a hole in it, and two banners. Rev. An arm from heaven with an olive-branch ; flowers falling from the clouds into a basket. M 30 mm. Weyl, 1652. 576 : Same. (Rev.) The hole in. the drum goes straight through the medal in both these examples ; the second has a ring. 577 Peace of Hubertusberg, 1763, by N. Georgi. Bust r. Rev. Arms of Prussia, Austria, and Electorate of Saxony. M. 33 mm. A. 11481., 578 Same subject, 1763, by J. G. Holtzhey. A warrior, with drawn sword in right, checks two female figures with helmets and spears, and points with outstretched left toward a round temple within which are seen Poseidon and , Apollo, shaking hands over a burning tripod. Rev. Inscription. JR. 49 mm. 579 Same subject, 1763. Borussia, seated, holding a spear which is being metamorphized into an olive-tree. Rev. Postilion gallop-* ing 1., and blowing horn. M. 30 mm. Friedens. u. Seger, 4457. 5 80 -Same. (Rev.) 581 His Glorious Victories, 1763. The king, on horseback, leap- ing over the earth, designated EUROP. Rev. Pyramid with twelve shields inscribed with the names of his victorious battles. M 46 mm. Friedens. u. Seger, 4448. 582 Marriage of Princess Sophie Wilhelmine to Wilhelm V of Orange-Nassau, 1767, by J. Abram. Busts of the pair r., jugate. Rev. Eagle with pearls in its beak flies toward Hollandia, seated r. JR 44 mm. A. 11493. 49 583 Same subject, 1767, by J. G. Holtzhey. Bust of Sophie Wilhelmine 1. Rev. Bust of Wilhelm VI. ^33 mm. A. 11496. Weyl, 1859. 584 Same subject, 1767, by same. The two heads, confronting. Rev. An eagle crowns the arms of the two, held on an altar by Hymen; to 1., a lion with a bunch of arrows. JR. 4S mm. A. 11402. Weyl, 1867. 585 Same subject, 1767, by C. V. Moelingen. Busts of the two r., jugate. Rev. Above an altar, two Amors with two flaming hearts and a wreath and a crown. JR 37 mm. A. 11495. Weyl, 1869. 586 Same. (Rev.} 587 Homage of Marienburg on the Taking Possession of the Netze Territory, 1772, by J. Abram. Bust r. Rev. Kneeling female figure who extends to the seated king a map showing the newly acquired lands. M 53 mm. A. 11498. Weyl, 3944. 588 Same. (Rev.) 589 Centenary of the Founding of the French Church in Berlin, 1772, by J. Abram. Faith standing before Love, holding two children. Rev. Inscription in French. JR 42 mm. A. 11502. 590 Health of Prince Henry of Prussia, 1776, by A. Abramson. Bust r. Rev. A winged genius holds a spindle before a seated Fate, who spins therefrom. ^41 mm. A. 11514. Weyl, 1870. 591 Peace of Teschen, 1778, by A. Abramson. Bust 1. Rev. Minerva on the clouds. JR 42 mm. A. 11515. Weyl, 1780. 592 Same. (Rev.) 593 Same subject, 1779, by Loos. Bust of the king on a pedestal. Rev. Bellona, seated on a rock, decorates her helmet with the foliage of an olive-tree growing near by. JR 44 mm. A. 11517. Weyl, 1785. 594 Same. (Rev.) 595 Same subject, 1779, by Reich. Busts of Friedrich II and Joseph II confronting, under an arch of laurel-leaves. Rev. Two columns beneath a radiate triangle; the left one bears the im- perial crown and is twined with laurel ; near it, the French shield ; the right one bears the Prussian crown and is twined with palm- branches; near it, the Russian shield. JR 43 mm. A. 11520. Weyl, 1786. SO 596 Same subject, 1779. Borussia and Prussia support their shields in heraldic position. Rev. Temple of Janus with closed doors. M. 41 mm. 597 Prize Medal for Useful Services in the Silk Industry, 1783. Bust 1. Rev. Under a mulberry-tree, a maiden spinning silk from cocoons. JR 38 mm. A. 11531. Weyl, 1811. 598 Death of Friedrich II, 1786, by Loos. Head r., in radiate crown. Rev. Borussia kneeling before an altar. JR 42 mm. A. 11546. Weyl, 1842. 599 Same. (Rev.} 600 Same subject, 1786, by J. G. Stieler. Laureate head 1. Rev. Female figure with mural crown, near an urn. ^R. 43 mm. A. 11545. Weyl, 1843. 60 1 Same subject, 1786. An altar. Rev. A crowned urn. M 28 mm. A. 11550. Weyl, 1831. 602 Same subject, 1786, by J. G. Holtzhey. Bust 1., in tricorned hat. Rev. Smoking urn surrounded by emblems of warfare and science. ^ 45 mm. A. 11548. Weyl, 1833. 603 Same subject, 1786, by A. Abramson. Bust 1. Rev. Warrior holds a bundle of fasces wound with laurel against an altar. JR 42mm. A. 11543. Weyl, 1832. 604 "Schraubmedaille" of Friedrich II, made by Abraham Remshart in Augsburg. Colored pictures of generals on horse- back in the covers, and a set of thirteen pictures depicting his victories inclosed. Friedrich II on horseback 1., in front of an encampment. Inscription (in incuse), FRIDERICVS REX BORVSSOR: EL: BRAND: Rev. A hand from the clouds holds a balance in which are books and a sword. Inscription (in incuse), EX UTROQUE MAXIMUS. 605 Friedrich Wilhelm II, 1786-1797. Homage of Konigsberg, dedi- cated to Count Groeben by the States on the occasion of the birth of his son; by J. P. Holzhausser. City-goddess with a banner kneeling before the king on his throne. Rev. The city- goddess, standing, holds on her right arm the newly born child. M 67 mm. A. 11572. 606 Homage of Berlin, 1786, by Loos. Bust 1. Rev. Within a laurel-wreath, NOVA I SPES I REGNI. JR 42 mm. A. 11576. Weyl, 1886. 51 607 - Same subject, 1786, by A. Abramson. Bust r. Rev. Inscrip- tion. jR27mm. A. 11575. Weyl, 1887. 608 - Same. (Rev.} 609 - Beginning of his Reign, 1786. Bust 1. Rev. Pallas standing. ^142 mm. A. 11568. Weyl, 1884. 610 - Suppression of the Unrest in Holland, 1787, by Johann Heinrich Boltschhausser. Bust of Carl Wilhelm Ferdinand, Duke of Brunswick-Liineburg, r. Rev. An arm from heaven holds a fillet, on which are suspended the arms of the Seven Provinces. mm. A. 11592. Weyl, 1896. 611 - Same. (Rev.} 612 - Same subject, 1787, by D. Loos. Bust 1. Rev. Hollandia, with mural crown, seated, leaning on the shield of the Nether- lands and looking up at an eagle which holds a thunderbolt in its claws and an olive-spray in its beak. JR 42 mm. A. 11591. Weyl, 1894. 613 - Marriage of Frederick, Duke of York, to Frederika, Princess of Prussia, 1791, by Stierle. Busts of the two 1., jugate. Rev. Hymen at an altar. M 45 mm. 614 - Capture of Mainz, 1793, by D. Loos. Bust r. Rev. The Prussian eagle hurling thunderbolts on the besieged city. XL 36 mm. A. 11629. Weyl, 1942. 615 - Same. (Rev.} 616 - Marriage of the Crown Prince and his Brother with the Princesses of Mecklenburg-Strelitz, 1793, by Stierle. The two princes, as Dioscuri, lay wreaths on an altar, on which is a medal- lion with the heads of the two princesses, jugate. Rev. Inscrip- tion. M 45 mm. A. 11663. Weyl, 1998. 617 - Same subject, 1795, by Loos. Bust facing. Rev. Peace hands to the king a caduceus and olive-branch. (Rev.} 1R 43 mm. A. 11641. Weyl, 1960. 618 - Peace of Basle, 1795, by Loos. Bust r. Rev. Same as pre- ceding. JR 43 mm. A. 11642. Weyl, 1959. 619 - Same subject, 1795, by A. F. Konig. Bust r. Rev. FRIEDE DEN VOLKERN. An eagle with olive-spray and staff of Mercury over a country landscape. /R 33 mm. Friedens. u. Seger, 4567. 52 620 Friedrich Wilhelm III, 1797-1840. Marriage to Princess Louise of Mecklenburg. Bust of the two 1., jugate. Rev. Mars con- ducts the prince to the seated princess. ,^ 935 - The Year of the Plague, 1713. View of the city and angel above. Rev. NIMM DIESES HIN ZUM | ANGEDENKEN, etc. JR. 40 mm. Hamb. Miinz. u. Med. 1724. 936 - Remarkable Beginning of the Year, 1713. Name of Jehovah radiate. Rev. HAMBURG, etc. M 35 mm. Hamb. Miinz. 1726. 937 - Deliverance from the Plague, 1714. View of the city. Rev. Landscape with rainbow. JR 44 mm. Hamb. Miinz. 1734. 938 - Second Centenary of the Reformation, 1717. View of the city. SUB UMBRA, etc. Rev. IN | MEMORIAM, etc. JR. 40 mm. Hamb. Miinz. 1750 a. } 939 - Bank-Portugaloser, 1732. Neptune and the river-god, ^Elbe exchange ships. VTRIVSQVEOOMMERCH. Rev. Arms of the city surrounded by seven shields. M 48 mm. Hamb. Miinz. 1807. 940 - Reopening of Trade between Denmark and Hamburg, 1736, by P. Hi G. Time opens a door to Mercury. SO WIRD DEN ZEITEN. Rev. Inscription, ffr&mm. Hamb. 941 - Centenary of the Peace ol Westphalia, 1748, by P. H. G. Religion seated near a column on which Time* engraves the letter C (100) NUMERUS IVBILANS. Rev. View of the city; above, the imperial eagle. M 40 mm. Hamb.' Miinz. 1857. ;""' 942 - Same. (Rev.} 943 - Treaty of Peace with Algiers, 1751. View of the city. Rev. Mercury brings Neptune an olive-branch from the Zodiac. M 39 mm. Hamb. Miinz. 1876. 944 - Same. (Rev.} 945 - Laying the Corner-stone of the* St. Mishaelis Church, 1751, by P. H. G. Ruins of the tower, kneeling Jacob and Jacob's ladder. Rev. Blossoming mustard-plant. M 40 mm. Hamb. Miinz. 1875. 946 - Completion of the Little Michaelis Church, 1755. View of the church. SIEHE DA EINE HftTTE GOTTES. AP. 21. Rev. A female figure with banner at a lector. JR 39 mm. Hamb. Miinz. 1894. 947 - Bank-Portugaloser. Conclusions of peace at Versailles and Hubertusberg, 1763. Hammonia kneeling before an altar, offer- Si ing thanks. Rev. Closed temple of Janus. M 49 mm. Hamb. Miinz. 1904. 948 Half Bank-Portugaloser. (Rev.) M 39 mm. Hamb. Miinz. 1905. 949 Financial Crisis of 1763 at Hamburg and Amsterdam, 1764, by J. G. Holtzhey. The goddess of peace pushes back the hat from Mercury, god of commerce, and discloses to him a mass of paper which is blowing in all directions. MAGNAS INTER OPES INOPS (Poverty amid great treasures). Horace, Odes, III. ii. 28. Rev. A standing figure holding a scepter. JR 45 mm. Hamb. Miinz. I. p. 94. 950 Same. (Rev.) 951 Prize medal of the Society for the Promotion of the Useful Arts and Crafts (1765, year of its foundation). Victory flying 1. with wreath and palm. Rev. Name, engraved within a wreath, Oberwachter Netzler, 1865. JR 33 mm. Cf. Hamb. Miinz. 19237. 952 Half Bank-Portugaloser. On the New Banking System, 1770. A writing-table and an assaying-table. In the exergue, AERARIUM MERCATUR MDCCLXX. Rev. A large table with a pair of scales on which are silver bars. ARGENTUM CIVIBVS SERVATUM REDDITUM. ^ 40 mm. Hamb. Miinz. 1931. 953 Establishment of the Fourth Insurance Company, 1772. Mercury offers his hand to a seated female figure; above, a genius empties the contents of his cornucopia upon them. Rev. A heap of wares and money; in the distance, ships. M 42 mm. Hamb. Miinz. 1934. 954 Renewal of the Second Insurance Company, 1791. Hope on the sea-coast. Rev. In an oak-wreath, a bust of Mercury on a pedestal. M 37 mm. Hamb. Miinz. 1966. 955 Admiralty. Half Bank-Portugaloser. The New Century, 1801. Saturn near a rostral column. Rev. Inscription within a wreath. 1R 38 mm. Hamb. Miinz. 1987. 956 Retreat of the Danes, 1801. Hammonia sits near a pedestal weeping. Rev. Inscription. JR 34 mm. Hamb. Miinz. I. p. 96. 957 Bank-Portugaloser. Peace of Amiens, 1802. Reclining river- god Elbe holds in his right hand a statue of Peace. Rev. Ceres 82 and Mercury clasp hands near an altar. M 42 mm. Hamb. Miinz. 1992. 958 Same, 1802. Renewal of the Hamburg Naval Insurance Company, by Abramson. Seated Minerva with her shield wards off Mars as he approaches. Rev. Mercury above the globe. JR 42 mm. Hamb. Miinz. 1994. 959 Millennium of the City of Hamburg, 1803. View of the Alster basin with the Jungf ernstieg ; above, a genius. Rev. Hammonia seated under an oak-tree surrounded by doves. JR. 39 mm. Hamb. Miinz. 1999. 960 Same. (Rev.} 961 Same subject, 1803. Three houses on the bank of a stream. Rev. View of the city from the Elbe. JR 37 mm. Hamb. Miinz. 2002. 962 Bank-Portugaloser. Two Hundredth Jubilee of the Bank, 1819. Hammonia sacrificing at an altar. Rev. Entrance to the bank. ^R 41 mm. Hamb. Miinz. 2030. 963 Half-Portugaloser. Fifty Years' Duration of the Second Insurance Company, 1821. Bust of Mercury on a pedestal. I. M. S. Rev. Inscription. 1R 37 mm. Hamb. Miinz. I. p. 37. 964 Bank-Portugaloser. The New Hospital, 1823, by G. Pfeuffer. Ruins of the old hospital. Rev. Seated Hammonia points with an olive-twig toward the new building. M 44 mm. Hamb. Miinz. 2040. 965 Same. The New Bank Building, 1826, by G. Pfeuffer. Al- legorical representation of Security. Rev. The new building. JR 42 mm. Hamb. Miinz. 2042. 966 Same. (Rev.) 967 Bank-Portugaloser. Three Hundredth Jubilee of the Demo- cratic Constitution, 1828. A mayor and five church-wardens near a poor-box. Rev. Arms of the city inclosed by the five shields of the parish and five ornamented spaces. M 41 mm. Hamb. Miinz. 2043. 968 Fifty Years of the Fifth Insurance Company, 1829, by G. Pfeuffer. Seated Security with attributes. Rev. Inscription in an oak-wreath. M 37 mm. Hamb. Miinz. 2047. 83 g6g Fifty Years of the Credit-Casse, 1832. Beehive. Rev. Altar with roof over it upheld by columns. M 39 mm. Hamb. Miinz. 2058. 970 Erection of the Jewish Hospital, 1841. Head of Salomon Heine. Rev. View of the hospital. M 45 mm. Hamb. Miinz. 2070. 971 The St. Petri Church, 1842. View of the church before the fire. Rev. View of the ruins. M 44 mm. Hamb. Miinz. 2079. 972 The Great Fire, 1842. Plan of the city with the fire district indicated. Rev. A phoenix rising from the flames. M 44 mm. Hamb. Miinz. 2075. 973 Bank-Portugaloser. Dedication of the St. Nikolai Church, 1863, by H. Lorenz. Faith with palm and sword ; in the distance, the burning church ; to the right, the new building. Rev. The completed church. M 42 mm. Hamb. Miinz. 2122. 974 American Athletes in Hamburg, 1880, by Oscar Bergmann. Eagle with fillet in its beak. Rev. Four F's FROMM FREI FRISCH FROHLICH. M 28 mm. 975 Dedication of the New Exposition Building, 1881, by O. Bergmann. The building. Rev. Inscription. 1R 42 mm. 976 Union of the Free Hansa Town of Hamburg with the Revenue District of the Empire, 1888, by G. Thielen and L. Weigand. Busts of Johann Versmann and Carl Petersen, burgo- masters, r., jugate. Rev. View of the harbors, the Freihafen (Free Harbor) and Zollgebiet (Revenue District). M 55 mm. 977 Teachers' Convention, 1896, by A. Bergmann. Bust of Froebel facing. Rev. View of the city. M 35 mm. PERSONAL MEDALS 978 Johann Anderson, Burgomaster. On his death, 1743. Fam- ily arms. Rev. NULLIS, etc. M 31 mm. 979 Johann Anderson, son of the former. On his death, 1790, by A. Aaron. Family arms. Rev. Funeral urn. & 35 mm. Hamb. Miinz. 1965. 980 Johann A. Fabricius, Professor. Medal of Michael Richey, 1722, by V. H. Bust 1. Rev. Inscription. M 38 mm. Hamb. Miinz. 1769. 84 981 - Court Jastram and Hieronymus Schnitzger, City Counselors. Medal of 1686, by E. F. Two clasped hands, inscription, and a death's-head. Rev. A boy blowing soap-bubbles. M. 47 mm. Hamb. Miinz. 1637. 982 - Peter von Lengerke, Burgomaster. Medal on his death, 1709. Family arms. Rev. A dove. 1R 28 mm. Hamb. Miinz. 983 - Clemens Samuel von Lipstorp, Burgomaster. On his death, 1750. Family arms. Rev. Victory on a pedestal. JR 29 mm. Hamb. Miinz. 1868. 984 - Johann H. Luis, Burgomaster. On his death, 1741. Family arms. Rev. A star above the clouds. ^31 mm. Hamb. Miinz. 1829. 985 - Same. (Rev.) 986 - Johann Luis, Burgomaster. On his death, 1788, by A. Aaron. Bust r. Rev. Mourning Hammonia near a funeral urn. M 47 mm. Hamb. Miinz. 1963. 987 - Bernhard Mattfeldt, Burgomaster. On his death, 1720. Family arms. Rev. A rain-storm. M 28 mm. Hamb. Miinz. 1767. 988 Hieronymus Hartwig Moller, Burgomaster. On his death, 1702. Family arms. Rev. View of the city. JR. 28 mm. Hamb. Miinz. 1697. 989 - Hannibal Moltrecht, Fire Chief. On his retirement, 1872, by H. Lorenz. Five medallions with the five chief churches, two in ruins from fires at which Moltrecht served, around central medallion with city arms. Rev. Inscription. M 45 mm. Hamb. Miinz. 2155. 990 - John Parish. Fifty Years' Stay in Hamburg, 1806. IN RE- MEMBRANCE | OF | IOHN PARISH'S I FIFTY YEARS' STAY | AMONGST HIS FRIENDS | IN \ HAMBURGH | Rev. Inscription. John Parish, born in Scotland in 1742, lived for many years as a merchant in Hamburg. He celebrated his fifty years' stay by the striking of this medal. In 1793 he was consul of the United States in Hamburg. JR. 40 mm. Hamb. Miinz. I. p. 194. 991 - Michael Richey, Professor. Medal of 1748, by P. H. G. Bust facing. Rev. Two Amors holding crowns above arms. JR 47 mm. 85 992 Siegmund D. Riicker, Alderman. Twenty-fifth Anniversary of his Service, 1833, by F. Alsing. Family arms. Rev. Inscrip- tion in a wreath. JR 43 mm. Hamb. Miinz. 2059. 993 J. D. Schaffhausen, Burgomaster. On his death, 1697. Family arms. Rev. ^olus-heads blowing upon the sea. JR. 28 mm. Hamb. Miinz. 1677. 994 Martin Lucas Scheele, Burgomaster. On his death, 1751. Family arms. Rev. Plant. M 28 mm. Hamb. Miinz. 1872. 995 Martin Hieronymus Scheele. On his death, 1774. Family arms. Rev. Pyramid. yR 34 mm. Hamb. Miinz. 1941. 996 Similar. JR 28 mm. Hamb. Miinz. 1940. 997 Johannes Schliiter, Burgomaster. On his death, 1778. Family arms. Rev. A genius writing on a monument. JR. 33 mm. Hamb. Miinz. I. p. 54. 998 David Schliiter, Burgomaster. On his death, 1844, by Schilling. Bust facing. Rev. Family arms. JR 39 mm. Hamb. Miinz. 2089. 999 Gerhard Schroder, Burgomaster. On his death, 1723, by V. H. Family arms. Rev. Crescent moon above clouds. JR So mm. Hamb. Miinz. 1776. 1000 Nicolaus Schuback, Burgomaster. On his death, 1783. Family arms. Rev. A genius weeping by a tombstone. JR 35 mm. Hamb. Miinz. 1957. 1001 Lucas von Spreckelson. On his death. 1751. Family arms. Rev. Pair of scales, etc. JR 34 mm. Hamb. Miinz. 1877. Nicolaus Stampeel, Burgomaster. On his death, 1749. Family arms. Rev. Genius. JR 30 mm. Hamb. Miinz. 1860. 1003 Daniel Stockfleth, Burgomaster. On his death, 1759. Family arms. Rev. Swan. 1R 30 mm. Hamb. Miinz. 1823. 1004 Claus Stortebecher, Pirate. Medal without year. Head r. CAPT. 1401 (Captured 1401). Rev. View of the city. ^45 mm. Hamb. Miinz. 1663. 1005 Hanau. Marriage of Friedrich, Landgrave of Hesse, and Mary. Princess of England, 1740, by E. N. Two shields, etc. Rev. The two clasp hands near an altar. JR 39 mm. 86 1006 Herrnhut. Centenary of the Town, 1822, by A. Thomas. View of the site in 1722. Rev. The town in 1822. M 42 mm. 1007 Leipzig. The Convent of the Evangelical Order, 1631, by S. Dadler. View of the city; above, a shield on which is the radiate name of Jehovah, held by two genii. Rev. Hercules is conducted by Virtue to Apollo and Mars. M 50 mm. 1008 Same. (Rev.) 1009 Third Centenary of the University of Leipzig, 1709. View of the city. Rev. Pallas leaning on shield. M 46 mm. 1010 Lindau. Second Centenary of the Augsburg Confession, 1730, by P. P. Werner. Double eagle in a circle of shields. Rev. Inscrip- tion. JR. 47 mm. ion Nuremberg. Medal without year by S. Dadler. "Trau nicht dem Gliick," etc. War and Peace. Rev. AUREA PAX, etc. Peace and Bellona with broken sword ; above, genius with palm-branch. M 54 mm. 1012 Same. (Rev.) 1013 Peace Concluded, 1650. Praying hands above the globe; above, a hand with a wreath. Rev. City arms and inscription. /R klippe 31x31 mm. 1014 Same. (Rev.) M klippe 24x24 mm. 1015 Regensburg. Deliverance from the Plague, 1714. View of the city. Rev. Noah and his sons kneeling at an altar. JR 44 mm. 1016 Rostock. Compact with Friedrich Wilhelm, Duke of Mecklen- burg, 1702. View of the city. Rev. Rose-bush. M 37 mm. 1017 Salzburg. On the Emigrants, 1732, by M. Holtzhey. View of the city and emigrants departing. Rev. Inscription. M 49 mm. 1018 Same subject, 1732. Three men look up at the radiant Eye of Jehovah. Rev. Clouds. M 28 mm. 1019 Same subject, 1732. Departing emigrants. Rev. Reception of the emigrants. JR 37 mm. 1020 Saltzdal. Blossoming of the American Aloe (Century-plant), 1720. View of the plant. Rev. Inscription. ^R 48 mm. 87 1021 Thorn. Fifth Centenary of its Foundation, 1731. Angel with city arms and inscription. Rev. View of the city in 1235, and procession of knights. M 47 mm. 1022 Third Centenary of the Revolt from the Teutonic Order, and Union with Prussia, 1754. The Grand Master Lud- wig v. Erlickshausen on horseback, followed by five knights mounted, in view of the Marienburg, receives from the herald of the united states their ultimatum, 1454. Rev. View of the city, with the castle of the knights stormed by the citizens. M 50 mm. 1023 Same subject, 1754. Similar, but of coarser work. JR. 50 mm. 1024 Ulrn. Completion of the Chief Spire of the Cathedral, 1890, by K. Schwenzer. Bust of Karl, King of Wiirtemberg, r. Rev. The cathedral. M 42 mm. 1025 Vienna. "Salvator" medal without year. View of the city; above, eagle. Rev. Bust of Christ with radiate halo r. SALVA- TOR MUNDI. (Rev.) JR 42 mm. ENGLAND 1026 Elizabeth, 1558-1603. Protestants Supported in Belgium, 1587. Leicester interceding for the States before Elizabeth seated on her throne. Rev. Pope, bishops, etc. M 52 mm. Med. 111. I. 99. 1027 Defeat of the Spanish Armada, 1588. Pope, kings, and others seated in consultation, blindfolded ; floor filled with spikes. (The obverse is a satire on the vain efforts of the Pope, Philip II, and others against Elizabeth.) Rev. The fleet wrecked. ^ 52 mm. Med. 111. I. HI. 1028 James I, 1603-1625. Maurice, Prince of Orange, 1624, by J. V. Bylaer. Bust of Prince Maurice, three-quarters r., within a bor- der of seven shields. Rev. Shield encircled by the Garter. JR 67 mm. Med. 111. I. 91. 1029 Charles I, 1625-1649. Dominion of the Sea, 1630, by Nicholas Briot. Cast and chased. Bust r. Rev. A ship. JR 60 mm. Med. 111. I. 40. 1030 Robert Devereux, Earl of Essex, 1642. Half-length figure of the Earl of Essex, nearly full-face, in armor. Rev. The two Houses of Parliament. M oval gilt with ring 27x35 mm. Med. I11.I.II3. 1031 William Laud, Archbishop of Canterbury, 1644* by J. Roet- tier. Bust r. Rev. Angels carrying miter and crozier of Laud to the skies. JR. 58 mm. Med. 111. I. 147. 1032 Giles Strangsways, 1648, by J. Roettier. Bust r. Rev. The White Tower of London. This medal and No. 1031 were executed after the Restoration to commemorate sufferers in the royal cause. M 61 mm. Med. 111. I. 177. 1033 Memorial of Charles I, 1649. Bust by F. Rev. A seven- headed monster over the head of Charles, the crown and scepter. Medal executed in Holland or Germany. M 47 mm. Med. 111. I. 210. 1034 Same. Attachment. (Rev.} M 47 mm. 1035 The Commonwealth, 1644-1660. Battle of Dunbar, 1650, by Thomas Simon. Bust of Cromwell. THO. SIMON FE on truncation. Rev. Parliament assembled in one house. 1R oval 30x35 mm. Med. 111. I. 14. 1036 Death of Cromwell, 1658. Bust of Cromwell 1., laureate. Rev. A young olive-tree. Medal executed in Holland. M 49 mm. Med. 111. I. 85. 1037 Same subject, 1568. AT 28 mm. Med. 111. I. 84. 1038 Charles II, 1660-1685. Embarkation at Scheveningen, 1660, by P. v. Abeele. Bust of Charles II facing, with long hair. Rev. Fleet under sail. Embossed and chased. JR. 70 mm. Med. 111. I. 44. 1039 Restoration, 1660. Gigantomachia, by George Bower. Bust of Charles II 1., hair long, in lace cravat, robes, collar, and George of the Garter. Rev. Jupiter, seated upon his eagle, launches thun- der against prostrate giants. A rich raised border protects the medal on both sides. JR 64 mm. Med. 111. I. 50. 1040 Restoration, 1660. "Britanniae," by J. Roettier. Bust of Charles II r., hair short, in antique costume. Rev. Figure of Britannia on an altar, surrounded by Olympian deities. JR 64 mm. Med. 111. I. 54. 1041 Restoration, 1660. Bust of Charles II, long hair. Rev. Three crowns in the branches of a leafless oak, representing roy- alty deprived of its honors. A struck medal composed of two pieces of metal united by a rim and provided with a ring for sus- pension. JR 35 mm. Med. 111. I. 38. 1042 Landing at Dover, 1660, by J. Roettier. Bust inclosed by branches of laurel. Rev. A ship approaching the coast, where three warriors, i.e., England, Scotland, and Ireland, await. This is probably the first medal executed by Roettier in England, and is commemorative of the king's arrival in England. M 58 mm. Med. 111. I. 48. 1043 Charles II and Catherine, 1662. "The Golden Medal," by J. Roettier. Bust of Charles II r., in antique costume. Rev. Bust of Catherine r. M 43 mm. Med. 111. I. in. 1044 Same. (Rev.) 1045 Same subject, by J. Roettier. (Rev.) M 35 mm. Med. 111. I. no. 1046 St. Catherine, 1662. Obv. Same as Rev. of No. 1043. R- ev - St. Catherine. A medal complimentary to the piety of the queen, who was probably born on St. Catherine's day. (Rev.) ^ 44 mm. Med. 111. I. 113. 1047 Duke of York, Naval Action, 1665, by J. Roettier. Bust of Duke of York, hair short, in armor. Rev. A trophy. M 64 mm. Med. 111. I. 143. I04 g Duke of York, Naval Action, 1665, by J. Roettier. Bust of the Duke of York r., hair long, in armor. Rev. Naval engage- ment. This medal was struck in honor of the Duke of York, afterward James II, who was victorious over the Dutch, June 3, 1665. JR 77 mm. Med. 111. I. 142. 1049 Naval Reward, 1665, by J. Roettier. Bust of Charles II r., laureate. Rev. Charles II standing on shore, viewing a naval en- gagement. (Rev.) M 62 mm. Med. 111. I. 139. 1050 Action at Bergen, 1665, by G. Pool. The harbor of Bergen. Rev. Dutch inscription. M 55 mm. Med. 111. I. 149. 1051 Same subject. Obv. Same. Rev. Dutch inscription. (Rev.) & 55 mm. Med. 111. I. 151. 1052 Proposed Commercial Treaty with Spain, 1666, by J. Roet- tier. Bust of Charles II. Rev. Statue of Charles II as a Roman general, on a pedestal in the sea, crowded with ships. JR 57 mm. Med. 111. I. 161. 1053 Same. (Rev.) 90 ic>54 Naval Action with the Dutch, 1666, by Jerian Pool. Naval engagement. Artist's signature on a piece of wreckage. Rev. Shields of the Seven United Provinces, suspended over an in- scription in Dutch. M 57 mm. Med. 111. I. 165. 1055 Same subject, 1666. A general in Roman costume caresses a lion. Rev. Inscription. M 41 mm. Med. 111. I. 166. 1056 Peace of Breda (1667), by J. Roettier. Bust of Charles II. Rev. Britannia contemplating her navies. ^R 56 mm. Med. 111. I. 185. 1057 Same subject (1667), bv J- Roettier. Obv. Similar. Rev. Same. (Rev.) M 56 mm. Med. 111. I. 186. 1058 Peace of Breda, and Alliance of England and Holland, 1667, by C. Adolfszoon. An English and a Dutch ship sailing amicably alongside each other; an olive-wreath on topmasts. Rev. A wreath of olive from which are suspended the shields of Great Britain and Holland. M 44 mm. 1059 Same. (Rev.) 1060 Peace of Breda, 1667, by Jan Lutma. A lion, sporting among arms and cannon, near the sea. Rev. Inscription. JR. 70 mm. Med. 111. I. 177. 1061 British Colonization, 1670, by J. Roettier. Busts of Charles II and Catherine, jugate. Rez>. Globe. M 42 mm. Med. 111. I. 203. 1062 Baron de Reede, 1671. Bust of Baron de Reede, hair long, cap on head, wearing badge of Order of the Elephant. Rev. In- scription. M 50 mm. Med. 111. I. 207. 1063 Duke of Lauderdale, 1672, by J. Roettier. Bust of the duke r. Rev. Minerva seated. M 62 mm. Med. 111. I. 208. 1064 Liberty of Conscience, 1672, by Philip Roettier. Bust of Charles II r. Rev. Female figure seated on a basis inscribed LIBERT AS. JR 59 mm. Med. 111. I. 214. 1065 Peace of London, 1674. William III of Orange, on horse- back, 1. Rev. Dove with palm and olive branches, flying over a tranquil sea. Struck in Holland to commemorate the peace be- tween England and Holland. M 61 mm. Med. 111. I. 225. 1066 Marriage of William III, Prince of Orange, and Princess Mary, 1677, probably by Nicholas Chevalier. Bust of William 91 Ill of Orange r. Rev. Bust of Mary 1. JR 42 mm. Med. 111. I- 235- 1067 Same subject, 1677. (Rev.) JR 42 mm. Med. 111. I. 236. 1068 Same subject, 1677. JR 42 mm. Med. 111. I. 239. 1069 The Elector of Saxony, Knight of the Garter, 1678. St. George and the dragon. Rev. Inscription. JR 47 mm. Med. 111. I. 242. 1070 The Popish Plot, 1678. A Janus-head composed of a Je- suit's face in a cap, and a monk's in a cowl, back to back. Rev. A cluster of seven faces. JR 31 mm. Med. 111. I. 252. 1071 Sir Edmundbury Godfrey, 1678, by George Bower. Bust of Godfrey r., hair long, two hands strangling him with his cravat. Rev. Green strangling Godfrey in the presence of the Pope, who blesses the murderer. 1R 39 mm. Med. 111. I. 247. 1072 Same subject, 1678. Obv. Similar. Rev. Hill on horseback, carrying the dead body of Godfrey. (Rev.) JR 40 mm. cf. Med. 111. I. 248. 1073 Same subject, by Bower. Obv. Similar. Rev. The Pope's head and the Devil's joined in one face. JR 38 mm. Med. 111. I. 250. 1074 Same subject. Godfrey walking, 1., after being strangled. Rev. St. Denis walking, 1., after his martyrdom, with his head in his hand. M 38 mm. Med. 111. I. 251. 1075 Earl of Shaftesbury, 1681, by G. Bower. Bust r. Rev. View of London. JR 41 mm. Med. 111. I. 259. 1076 Duke of York, wrecked, 1682, by G. Bower. Bust r. Rev. Ship in distress off a rocky shore. (Rev.) M 41 mm. Med. 111. I. 263. 1077 Ambassadors of Marocco and Bantam, 1682, by G. Bower. Bust of Named Hamet, Ambassador of Marocco, r., in turban. Rev. Bust of Keay Nabee, Ambassador of Bantam, three-quarters r., in Oriental dress with singular head-dress. JR 40 mm. Med. 111. I. 260. I07 8 Charles II, 1683 (?), by J. Roettier. Bust of Charles II r. Rev. Royal arms. A medal probably intended for distribution as presents by the king. JR 53 mm. Med. 111. I. 277. 1079 Same. (Rev.) 92 1080 Firmness of Charles II, 1683 (?), probably by Sorberger of Gotha. Bust of Charles II r. Rev. A diamond in the midst of flames, on an altar in the midst of the sea. 1R 56 mm. Med. 111. I. 278. 1081 Death of Charles II, 1685. Bust of Charles II covered with a lion's scalp. Rev. Sea with setting- sun. JR. 49 mm. Med. 111. 1.288. 1082 James II, 1685-1688. James II and Mary, 1685, by G. Bower. Busts of the two, jugate. Rev. Full sun. M 52 mm. Med. 111. I. 16. 1083 James II, 1685, by G. Bower. Bust r. Rev. A chair of state, on which is a British crown ; near by stands an angel with flam- ing sword and olive-branch. (Rev.) M 44 mm. Med. 111. I. 18. 1084 Monmouth and Argyle Beheaded, 1685, by R. Arondeaux. Bust of James II 1., laureate, in Roman dress, resting on four scepters terminating in the badges of the kingdoms, upon a ped- estal. Rev. Justice trampling on a serpent, weighing three crowns against the sword, the torch, and the serpent of Discord. At her feet lie the bodies of Monmouth and Argyle; their heads on blocks. This medal commemorates the ill-advised and un- successful invasions of Monmouth and Argyle. JR 61 mm. Med. 111. I. 27. 1085 Christopher, Duke of Albemarle, 1687, by G. Bower. Bust r. Rev. Neptune reclining, 1., upon the sea-shore. A very rare medal which refers to the encouragement given by the Duke of Albemarle to the undertaking of Captain Phipps to raise the sunken treasure from a Spanish ship which had been lost forty- four years before in the West Indies. The undertaking, being successful, netted the duke 90,000, which so influenced his philo- sophic conceptions that he exclaimed, EX AQUA OMNI A, "All things are derived from water." M 46 mm. Med. 111. I. 1086 Spanish Wreck Recovered, 1687, by G. Bower. Bust of James II and Mary, jugate. Rev. A ship, the boats of which are engaged in fishing up treasure from a wreck. These medals were . presented to the officers of the ship and to the promoters of the undertaking. (Rev.) M 44 mm. Med. 111. I. 33. 1087 Landing of William of Orange at Torbay, 1688, by Jan Smeltzing. William III of Orange, in Roman costume, tramples upon the shield of France, and holds up that of England. Rev. The Belgic lion, 1., holding the cap of Liberty, etc., on a globe ; in its other paw it wields a sword, and turns its head, with a 93 menacing look, toward the sun, marked with the fleur-de-lis of France. James had rendered himself subservient to Louis XIV, hoping to receive assistance from him in the establishment of the Roman Catholic religion in England. William hoped, by his expedition to England, to counteract Louis's influence and to gain the Protestants. The reverse symbolizes Holland, whose lion protects the liberties of Europe, and threatens the sun, em- blem of Louis XIV. (Rev.) M 58 mm. Med. 111. I. 63. 1088 Landing of William of Orange at Torbay, 1688, by G. Bower. Bust of William III of Orange r. Rev. The prince on horseback at the head of his army on the shore. In the foreground, a warrior raising the fainting figure of Justice. The reverse intimates that, by the military assistance of William, justice was restored to England. JB. 50 mm. Med. 111. I. 64. 1089 Same. (Rev.) 1090 Same subject, by R. Arondeaux. William III of Orange, dressed as a Roman emperor, tramples upon the serpent of Dis- cord and joins hands with Britannia, who wears a triple crown. Rev. Boats landing troops near a fortified harbor. JR 49 mm. Med. 111. I. 65. 1091 Satirical medal, i688(?). An owl wearing spectacles and bands, with an ink-bottle and pen suspended around its neck, stands upon a cushion over which is a sword ; near it is a candle surrounded by seven stars. Rev. Pair of scales. A medal exe- cuted in Holland. The meaning has not been explained ; it may relate to the dispute between James and the Seven Bishops. M 48 mm. Med. 111. I. 57. 1092 Religious State of England, 1688, probably by Jan Smelt- zing. A dove, chalice, wafer, and miter grouped on a pedestal around the Bible surmounted by a cap inscribed LIBERT. Above these a hand from heaven holds a scroll inscribed (in Latin), "The letter of Caspar Fagel extorted by James Stewart." Rev. A dog wearing a rosary, about to swallow a book with M. I. (Magnum luramentum, "The Great Oath"), tramples upon an- other book with L. C. (Libertas Conscientiae, "Liberty of Con- science"). JR. 58 mm. Med. 111. I. 35. 1093 Birth of Prince James, 1688. Aglauros, opening the basket, discovers Erichthonius with his dragon-tail. Rev. A withered rose-bush. The classical legend applied to Great Britain. The three daughters of Cecrops are England, Scotland, and Ireland. Erichthonius, hideous and deformed, could not be of royal blood ; he must be a pretender. JR. 49 mm. Med. 111. I. 53. 94 IOQ4 Birth of Prince James, 1688, by Jan Smeltzing. Truth, her head radiate, tramples on a serpent, and opens the door of a cabinet inscribed, IAC: FRANC EDUARD: SUPPOSIT: 20 IUNII 1688 (James Francis Edward, supposititious, 20 June, 1688). Within the cabinet, a Jesuit supports a cushion, on which is seated the young prince, placing upon his head a crown. Rev. The Trojan horse, wearing a saddle-cloth, inscribed (in Latin), "Liberty of conscience without the oath and penal laws." M 58 mm. Med. 111. I. 52. 1095 Invitation to William and Mary of Orange, 1688. Busts of William and Mary, jugate. Rev. Religion tramples upon the emblems of Popery and discord. JR 63 mm. Med. 111. I. 58. 1096 Same. (Rev.) 1097 The Seven Bishops Imprisoned, 1688, by Jan Smeltzing. The White Tower of London ; in the distance on one side are the bishops approaching, under guard; on the other the populace. Rev. The sun and moon equally balanced in scales suspended from the clouds. The bishops were committed to the Tower for opposing the Declaration of Indulgence issued by James II. The sun and moon are said to represent the king and the people equally balanced. JR 60 mm. Med. 20. 111. I. 36. 1098 Archbishop Sancroft and Bishops, 1688, by G. Bower. t Bust of Sancroft r. Rev. Medallions with portraits and names of the six imprisoned bishops, around the Bishop of London in the center. 1R 51 mm. Med. 111. I. 37. 1099 William and Mary, 1689-1694. Coronation, 1689, by Georg Hautsch. Bust of William III r., laureate. Rev. Bust of Mary 1. Signed L. G. L., Lazarus Gottlieb Lauffer. Hautsch and Lauffer collaborated on many German medals at Nuremberg. JR 40 mm. Med. 111. I. 36. 1100 Same. (Rev.} uoi Coronation, 1689, by G. Hautsch. Bust of William r. Rev. Bust of Mary 1. JR 41 mm. Med. 111. I. 37. 1102 Coronation, 1689, by Jan Smeltzing. Bust of William III r., laureate. Rev. Arms of Britain suspended from an orange-tree. From the clouds are lightnings directed against James dropping his crown and scepter, and Father Petre carrying the young prince. (Rev.) JR 49 mm. Med. 111. I. 43. 95 no3 Coronation, 1689. Busts of William and Mary confronting. Rev. Belgium, armed, and bearing the shield of William, is wel- comed by Britannia; in the distance is William's fleet. Struck in Holland ; in high relief . M 59 mm. Med. III. I. 44. 1104 Same. (Attachment.) (Rev.) 1105 Coronation, 1689. Busts, jugate. Rev. Shield of Britain, surrounded bv the seven shields of William III. JR 44 mm. Med. 111. I. 47.' 1106 Coronation, 1689, by Jan Smeltzing. Busts, jugate. Rev. Perseus delivering Andromeda from a sea-monster. Perseus is William; Andromeda, England. M 37 mm. Med. 111. I. 28. 1107 Same. (Rev.) 1108 Coronation, 1689. Busts of William and Mary, confronting. Rev. An uprooted oak, near it a flourishing orange-tree. M. 63 mm. Med. 111. I. 39. nog Coronation, 1689, by Jan Smeltzing. Bust of William III r., laureate, in armor, with the name of Jehovah in Hebrew on the breastplate. Rev. William III, crowned, in robes, holds scepter and orb, kneels on a globe, and looks to the Eye of Providence above him. JR 58 mm. Med. 111. I. 40. mo William and Mary (1689). Bust of William III r. Rev. Bust of Mary r. A very rare piece. Executed in Holland; in high relief. yR 48 mm. Med. 111. I. 78. 11 ii Flight of James II, 1689. Bust of James II 1., hair confined in a bag. Rev. A column struck by lightning issuing from the name of Jehovah in Hebrew. The peculiar method of confining the king's hair in a bag occurs on the satirical medals of James II referring to his flight, and means that he was thus better pre- pared to run away. JR. 49 mm. Med. 111. II. 3. 1112 Administration offered to William, 1689. Obr. Same. Rev. A large oak broken down ; near it an orange-tree. (Rev.) M 49 mm. Med. 111. II. 6. 1113 Toleration Act, 1689, by P. H. Miiller. Bust of William III r., laureate, hair long, in armor, with lion's head on shoulder. Rev. Britannia, crowned, accompanied by Religion, tramples on the fires, chains, and yokes of superstition and tyranny, and seizes the hand of William. Struck at Nuremberg. M 49 mm. Med. 111. I. 64. 1114 Same. (Rev.) 96 Fortunes of Rebellion, 1689, by Jan Smeltzing. A Hydra, one head crowned, trampling upon the sword and scales of Jus- tice. Rev. Fortune standing on a globe perforated by a serpent. ^R 49 mm. Med. 111. I. 99. 1116 Londonderry Relieved, 1689. Bust of Louis XIV on a pedestal inscribed (in Latin), "Louis, the Great; in Germany a barbarian, in France a tyrant." Rev. Bust of William III, lau- reate, on a pedestal inscribed (in Latin), "William, the most Great; in Holland the deliverer, in Britain the restorer." M. 45 mm. Med. 111. I. 97. 1117 William and Mary (1689), by Anton Meybusch. Bust of William III r., laureate. Rev. Bust of Mary. Probably struck at Copenhagen. JR 61 mm. Med. 111. I. 72. 1118 Same. (Rev.) 1119 Security of Britain, 1689, by P. H. Miiller. Busts of William and Alary, jugate. Rev. Britannia, seated upon a rock, under a united rose and orange tree. JR 55 mm. Med. 111. I. 60. 1 120 William and Mary, Restorers of the Church, 1689, by G. Bower. Busts, jugate. Rev. Statue of William III on a pedestal. ;R 52 mm. Med. 111. I. 18. 1 121 James II Flees from Ireland, 1690. Busts of James II 1., hair confined in a bag. Rev. A stag running, 1., at full speed. (Rev.) JR 49 mm. Med. 111. I. 142. 1122 Death of Schomberg, 1690, by P. H. Miiller. Bust of Mar- shal Schomberg, three-quarters r., hair long. Rev. Schomberg, in Roman dress, resting on his shield, ornamented with the or Christian monogram, plants his club, which takes root and flourishes like an olive-tree. JR 50 mm. Med. 111. I. 139. 1123 Fireworks at The Hague, 1691. William and his suite in an open boat ; a horseman near them. Rev. Holland and Terpsichore advance from a palace toward the display of fireworks exhibited in the Vijver. JR 45 mm. Med. 111. II. 179. 1124 Same subject, 1691, by Jan Smeltzing. The three principal triumphal arches erected at The Hague. Rev. A pedestal on which is planted an orange-tree, in the branches of which is a medallion of William. JR 58 mm. Med. 111. II. 180. 97 H25 Congress of the Allies, 1691, by P. H. Miiller. Jupiter seated in the midst of the gods in council. Rev. Courage and Concord, in the presence of Prudence. Jupiter is William presiding at the Congress assembled at The Hague to arrange plans for resisting France. M 50 mm. Med. 111. II. 182. 1126 William III and Louis XIV Contrasted, 1691. Louis XIV, as a Roman emperor, leans decrepitly upon a sword with a blade consisting of coins, the point resting on an exploding bomb. Rev. William III, as a Roman emperor, holds a standard above a globe in his left hand, in his right a sword. M. 53 mm. Med. 111. II. 191. 1127 Deventer Testimonial, 1691. Bust of William III r., hair long. Rev. William, as a Roman emperor, raises Hibernia, kneel- ing and pouring her treasures at his feet. This medal was struck at the expense of Peter Sluysken, Master of the Mint at Deventer, and presented to the magistrates of that town, to testify to his devotion to King William. ^R 47 mm. Med. 111. II. 237. 1128 Pacification of Ireland, 1691, by D. Trapentier. Busts of William and Mary, jugate. Rev. A lion tramples upon a pros- trate Hydra. M 54 mm. Med. 111. I. 220. 1129 Same subject, 1691, by R. Arondeaux. Obv. Similar. Rev. The Genius of Nassau, seated upon a pile of captured French arms, plays upon a harp and holds out the olive-branch to a suppliant Irishman. JR 49 mm. Med. 111. II. 223. 1130 Same subject, 1691, by G. Hautsch. Bust of William III r. Rev. Victory flying, 1., over Drogheda and Dublin. JR 41 mm. Med. 111. II. 224. 1131 Battle of Aghrim, 1691, by Jan Smeltzing. Bust of William III r. Rev. Hercules, with uplifted club, stands over a prostrate Irishman ; a Frenchman fleeing. M 37 mm. Med. 111. II. 207. 1132 Same subject, by Jan Smeltzing. Busts r., jugate. Rev. Battle; in front, cavalry hotly engaged. JR 56 mm. Med. 111. II. 201. 1133 Same subject, by Jan Smeltzing. Bust r. Rev. A lion tram- ples on a prostrate dog and claws a fugitive cock. The lion, William, utterly overthrows the Irish wolf-dog and drives from Ireland the French cock much damaged. (Rev.) JR 37 mm. Med. 111. II. 205. 98 1 134 William's Throne Established, 1691, by D. Koene. Bust of William III r., laureate ; below, shield, crowned, with supporters, between branches of laurel. Rev. Four warriors defending an orange-tree. JR. oval 34x38 mm. Med. 111. II. 232. 1135 Return to Holland, 1691, by Jan Smeltzing. Bust r. Rev. The sun rising upon the coast of Holland. JR 59 mm. Med. 111. II. 158. 1136 Triumphal Entry into The Hague, 1691, by Jan Smeltzing. Triumphal arch of three avenues. Rev. William and his suite in an open boat. 1R 50 mm. Med. 111. II. 274. I]C 37 Limerick Taken, 1691, by Jan Smeltzing. Busts r., jugate. Rev. Fame flying r., with trumpet and mural crown. M, 57 mm. Med. 111. 11.215. 1138 Battle of La Hogue, 1692, by P. H. Miiller. Neptune, with uplifted trident, drives Louis XIV from his marine car. Rev. Victory on a galley. /R 50 mm. Med. 111. II. 251. 1139 Same subject, 1692, by Jan Boskam. Bust r. Rev. Naval action ; a French ship in flames. In front is the French cock fleeing to land before a lion and a marine unicorn. JR 54 mm. Med. 111. II. 248. 1140 Same. (Rev.) 1141 Same subject, 1692, by Jan Smeltzing. Bust r. Rev. Two officers in a naval car. M 38 mm. Med. 111. II. 254. 1142 Same subject, 1692, by G. Hautsch. Bust r. Rev. Naval action, the flag of Le Soleil Royal sinking; sky setting behind French ships. This reverse is another taunt upon the emblem and motto of Louis XIV, asserting that he is now unequal to many. M 41 mm. Med. 111. II. 258. 1143 Same. (Rev.) 1144 Same subject, 1692, by G. Hautsch. Bust of William III between two genii with palm-branches, supporting the shields of England and Holland. This is within a circular temple dedi- cated MEMORIAE AETERNAE (To the eternal memory). In the intercolumniations are four statues of Russell, Ashby, Delaval, and Almonde. Rev. Fame and Victory, supporting a tablet on which History is inscribing the names of the ships lost by France. M 46 mm. Med. 111. II. 272. 1145 Same subject, 1692, by Jakob van Dishoecke. Bust r. Rev. Naval action. M 39 mm. Med. 111. II. 246. 99 1146 Same subject, 1692, by P. H. Miiller. William III as a Roman emperor crowned by Victory. He holds a rudder, and stands between Hibernia and Belgium accompanied by her lion. Rev. Naval action; above, the Zodiac; the sun about to quit Gemini and to pass on to Cancer, Leo, and Virgo. 2R 56 mm. Med. 111. II. 262. 1147 Same subject, 1692, by Jan Smeltzing. Busts of William and Mary, jugate. Rev. Naval action. M 57 mm. Med. 111. II. 247. 1148 Battle of Steinkerk, 1692, by Jan Smeltzing. Obv. Same as No. 1 147. Rev. A cock furiously attacking a lion retreating and holding the Belgic arrows with the rose of England. (Rev.) 2R. 57 mm. Med. 111. II. 285. 1149 Distrust of Louis XIV, 1693, by Jan Smeltzing. Bust of William III r. Rev. An altar decorated with Belgic arrows; on it lie the Bible and the cap of Liberty; over it, a hand holds a sword. This medal symbolizes Holland strong in religion and liberty. 1R 57 mm. Med. 111. II. 311. 1150 Same subject. Louis XIV seated, 1., on a throne, beneath which a snake is fishing for Belgians with a hook baited with a scroll inscribed PAX. Minerva cautions them, NE CREDITE BELGI (Believe it not, Belgians), and assures them, ALIQUIS LATET ERROR (Some deception is concealed.) A satire on the attempts of Louis to delude the confederates into separate treaties. (Rev.) 1R 56 mm. Med. 111. II. 312. 1151 Return of Louis XIV to Versailles, 1693, probably by Christian Wermuth. Bust r. Rev. A cock and hens flying before a fox. 1R 34 mm. Med. 111. II. 295. 1152 The Elector of Saxony, Knight of the Garter, 1693. J- G. C. 4, in cipher, within the Garter. Rev. Two swords crossed within a wreath of rue. This piece was distributed as a prize to the best shots with a rifle during festivities when John George IV was made Knight of the Garter. JR klippe 41x41 mm. Med. 111. II. 293- 1153 Same subject, 1693, by Martin H. Omeis. Bust of John George IV r. Rev. Armorial shield within the Garter. William, having secured the Elector of Saxony as an ally, conferred upon him the Order of the Garter, which the Elector commemorated upon this medal. JR 45 mm. Med. 111. II. 292. 1154 Same. (Rev.) IJ 55 Presage of a New Era, 1693, by R. Arondeaux. Bust of Mary r. Rev. On an architectural terrace stand William and Mary, in ancient dress, having between them a globe surmounted by a phoenix. Under them two river-gods, THAMISIS and RHENUS. (Rev.) M 58 mm. Med. 111. II. 309. 1156 Battle of Landen, 1693, by Jan Boskam. Bust of William III r. Rev. Falcon flying 1., pouncing upon a heron, which re- ceives it upon its beak. When a heron is hard pressed it throws itself upon its back in the air and receives the falcon upon the point of its beak. William is the heron, and Luxembourg the falcon. yR 60 mm. Med. 111. II. 303. 1157 Same subject, 1693. Bust of William III 1., hair confined in a bag. Rev. A drum beaten by a hand from heaven; the sleeve marked by three fleurs-de-lis. The head-dress of William is similar to that of the fugitive portraits of James II. It was executed in Holland and satirizes William's defeat. JR 50 mm. Med. 111. II. 307. 1158 Return of Louis XIV to Versailles, 1693, by Jan Smeltzing. Bust of Louis XIV r. Rev. Louis standing in a triumphal car, drawn by two ladies of his court, preceded by a third carrying his standard, i.e., an empty purse and the figure o. Legend, "He came, he saw, but he did not conquer." JR. 42 mm. Med. 111. II. 296. 1159 The French Coast Bombarded, 1694. William III, as a Roman general, holds a thunderbolt in his right hand. Rev. Ships bombarding the coast. M 45 mm. Med. 111. II. 323. 1160 William III and Louis XIV Contrasted, 1694, by C. Wer- muth. William III, pointing with his scepter to the sun, and with his sword to a candle on the ground. Rev. Louis XIV, pointing similarly, but looking at the candle. M 42 mm. Med. III. II. 329. 1161 Death of Mary, 1695, by Jan Drappentier. Britannia kneels before an altar. Rev. A funeral pall. M 44 mm. Med. 111. II. 361. 1162 Same subject, 1695, by Jan Dishoecke. Bust of Mary 1. Rev. A sarcophagus with cypress-trees. M 50 mm. Med. 111. II. 365- 1163 Same subject, 1695. Bust of Mary r., hair decorated with tiara and entwined with pearls, a plait over the head and two laurel-leaves at the side. Rev. Wisdom, Piety, and Constancy standing before a funeral pile. M 59 mm. Med. 111. II. 346. 101 1164 Same subject, 1695, bv J an Luder. Bust of Mary r. Rev. Similar to No. 1163. (Rev.) 2E 56 mm. Med. 111. II. 345. 1165 Same subject, 1695, by R. Arondeaux. Bust of Mary r. Rev. The dead queen lying in state, surrounded by mourners. M 50 mm. Med. 111. IJ. 338. 1166 Same. (Rev.) 1167 Same subject, 1695, by James and Norbert Roettier. Bust r. Rev. Inscription. JR. 50 mm. Med. 111. II. 343. 1168 Same subject, 1695, by J an Boskam. Bust 1. Rev. Snake, scorpion, etc., dead ; in distance, unicorn galloping up a steep rock. Mary is represented as a unicorn, which was supposed to have the power of destroying all harmful animals. (Rev.) M 59 mm. Med. 111. II. 341. 1169 Same subject, 1695, by Jan Boskam. Bust r. Rev. A monu- ment on which the three Fates are seated. M 60 mm. Med. 111. II. 349. 1170 William III, 1694-1702. Namur retaken, 1695, by Jan Dishoecke. Bust of William r. Rev. Officer on horseback commanding at Namur. M 39 mm. Med. 111. II. 381. 1171 Same subject, 1695, by Jan Boskam. Bust r. Rev. William galloping, 1., over fallen foes. JR 60 mm. Med. 111. II. 383. 1172 Same subject, 1695, by P. H. Miiller. Namur, with mural crown, seated between two river-gods, the Meuse and Sambre. Rev. A pyramid with inscription. Struck at Nuremberg by Friedrich Kleinert. M 50 mm. Med. 111. II. 388. JI 73 Same subject, 1695, by Jan Luder. Bust of William I. Rev. A warrior overturning an obelisk which Gallia in vain supports. The reverse hints at the failing imperial control of Louis XIV. M 50 mm. Med. 111. II. 389. 1174 Brussels Bombarded and Namur Retaken, 1695, by M. Smeltzing. Bust 1. Rev. A fox endeavoring to set fire to a nest to which an eagle has conveyed several cubs. The fox is Louis XIV, who tries to destroy Brussels. M 49 mm. Med. 111. II. 379. "75 Namur Retaken, 1695, by G. Hautsch. Hercules holds the medallions of William III and of Maximilian Emanuel, the Elec- tor of Bavaria. Rev. View of Namur. M 45 mm. Med. 111. II. 395- 102 1176 Same subject, 1695, by Jan Boskam. Bust of William III r. Rev. A pedestal surmounted by a Victory. JR. 60 mm. Med. 111. II. 390. 1177 Assassination Plot, 1696, by Jan Boskam. Bust of William III r. ; breast protected by a shield. Rev. Six female figures armed with daggers, torches, and snakes, restrained by cords round their heads, the ends of which are held by a hand concealed among clouds. The reverse represents the band of conspirators. M 59 mm. Med. 111. II. 413. 1178 Same subject, 1696. Busts of Louis XIV and James II, jugate. Legend, "Herod and Pilate." Rev. Louis and James holding between them a purse. The medal alludes to the com- bination of Louis and James to murder William, JR. 44 mm. Med. 111. II. 414- 1179 State of Britain, 1697, by John Croker. Bust of William III r. Rev. Britannia with naval crown seated 1., on ground. JR. 70 mm. Med. 111. II. 499. 1180 Peace of Ryswick, 1697, by P. H. Miiller. Mars seated l. f on arms, before Peace. Rev. A caduceus entwined with olive, on a globe inscribed EURO PA. M 45 mm. Med. 111. II. 433. 1181 Same subject, 1697, by Jan Boskam. Lion, crowned, holding in right paw a branch of olive ; in left, resting on a globe, a sword and pair of scales. Rev. The Palace of Ryswick. JR. 60 mm. Med. 111. II. 449. 1182 Same subject, 1697, by R- Arondeaux. The Genius of Fries- land seated 1., holding a staff surmounted by a cap of Liberty ; in the distance, a temple of Janus with open doors. Rev. The Genius of Friesland, pouring a libation on an altar; in the dis- tance, the temple with closed doors. JR. 67 mm. Med. 111. II. 454. 1183 Same subject, 1697, by Jan Boskam. Bust of William III r. Rev. Corn growing in a helmet. M 38 mm. Med. 111. II. 437. 1184 Siege of Tonningen Raised, 1700. Tonningen bombarded. PRESSA NON OPPRESSA (Pressed, but not oppressed). In the exergue, TONNINGA A REGE DANIAE A6 1700 .AD : 26 APR : USQ. AD : D : 4 MAY. Rev. Tonningen bombarded. TANGOR NON ANGOR (I am touched, but not troubled). In the exergue, ET EODEM. Ao. A.D : 14 MAY, USQ : AD.D. 27 CUM 30. BALLISTIS ET 34. TORMENTIS AENEIS IN- FESTATA D: 2 IUNY. FRUSTRA DERELICTA. Inscrip- tions in exergue of obverse and reverse : "Tonningen, besieged by 103 thirty catapults and thirty-four bronze hurling-engines, by the King of Denmark, in the year 1700, from April 26 to May 4, and in the same year from May 4 to May 27; on June 2 abandoned after these vain efforts." ^R 51 mm. (Not in Med. 111.) 1185 Same. (Rev.) JR 50 mm. 1186 Princesses Matilda and Sophia, 1701, by S. Lambelet. Bust of Princess Matilda r., veiled. Rev. Bust of Electress Sophia r., veiled. This medal was copied by Lambelet from a medal by Raimund Faltz. M. 65 mm. Med. 111. II. 542. 1187 Death of William III, 1702, by R. Arondeaux. Bust of Wil- liam III r. Rev. Britain and Holland seated near a funeral pile. JR 50 mm. Med. 111. II. 547. 1188 Anne, 1702-1714. Accession, 1702, by John Croker. Bust of Anne 1. Rev. A heart inclosed within branches of oak and laurel. Legend, "Entirely English." JR 63 mm. Med. 111. II. I. 1189 Accession, 1702. Bust 1. Rev. A circlet of roses, each con- taining a heart, and connected at the top by a crown. (Rev.) M 35 mm. Med. 111. II. 3. 1190 Coronation, 1702, by J. Croker. Bust 1. Rev. Anne, as Pal- las, hurls thunder against a double-headed and four-armed mon- ster. This was the official medal distributed by the Treasurer of the Household at the coronation. Anne adopted the policy of William in resisting France. (Rev.) JR 35 mm. Med. 111. II. 4. 1191 Anne and Prince George of Denmark, 1702, by John Croker. Bust of Anne 1. Rev. Bust of George 1. (Rev.) M 42 mm. Med. 111. II. 14. 1192 Nymwegen Relieved, 1702, by Jan Boskam. A female figure, 1., tramples on serpent of Discord. Rev. Troops bombarding the city. . Med. 111. II. 60. 1282 - James (III), Elder Pretender. Appeal against the House of Hanover, 1721, by O. Hamerani. Bust of Prince James r. Rev. The Hanoverian House trampling .upon the lion and uni- corn; Britannia deplores her misfortune. M. .50 mm. Med. 111. 11.63. 1283 - Jacobite Conspiracy Discovered, 1723. A bishop and four other persons seated at a table. Legend (chronogrammatic), DECRETVM EST REGNO BR!TO REST!TVATVR ABACrVs (It is de- creed, let the banished one be restored to the throne of Britain, MDCCVVVVII = 1722). In the exergue, CONSPIRATIO, and on the reverse, BRITANNICA (The British conspiracy). Rev. The same bishop and the others dismayed by lightnings issuing from clouds encircling the Eye of Providence. Legend (chrono- grammatic), CONSPlRATE APERlf DfiVs ETVOS FVLMlNE pVLsAT (Conspire! God discovers and smites you with his lightning.) The object of the conspiracy in 1722 was the restoration of the Stuarts to the throne of England, which is announced on the obverse, while the reverse alludes to the discovery and pun- ishment of the conspirators in the following year. M. 40 mm. 12 8 4 The Order of the Bath Revived, 1725, by J. Croker. Bust of George I r. Rev. Prince William, standing, facing,-iiabited as a Knight of the Bath. After the coronation of Charles II the Order of the Bath fell into neglect till the year 1725, jwhen George I revived it. Prince William, afterward Duke of "Cumberland, then four years of age, was the first knight of the" revived order. (Rev.} fiL 42 mm. 1285 George II, 1721-1760. Coronation, 1721, by J. Croker. Bust of George II 1. Rev. The king crowned by Britannia. /R 35 mm. Med. 111. II. 4. ->"* %> 1286 - Same. (Rev.) 1287 - Second Treaty of Vienna, 1731, by J. Croker. Bust 1. Rev. Neptune, in his conch, commands the winds and waves to be calm. JR 48 mm. Med. 111. II. 39. 1288 - Same subject, 1731, by Martin. Holtzhey/ Bust 1. Rev. An Indian kneeling and displaying gems before Neptune ; in the distance is a ship with a flag and stern inscribed E. C. (East India Company). This medal refers to the dissolution of the Ostend East India Company. (Rev.) M 49 mm. Med. 111. II. 41. 112 - 1791 obverse PLATE IV I2 8g r State of Britain, 1731, byj?. P. Werner. Busts of George II d Queen Caroline, jugate, 44 mm. Med. 111. II. 46. and Queen Caroline, jugate. Rev. Britannia seated on a throne. 1290 Medal of the Royal Family, 1732, by J. Croker. Busts of George II and Caroline, confronting. Rev. Busts of the seven royal children, by J. S. Tanner. This medal was struck for dis- tribution to foreign friends and others. M 70 mm. Med. 111. II. 47- 1291 Projected Marriage of William, Prince of Orange, and Princess Anne, 1733, by G. W. Vestner. Busts of William of Orange and Princess Anne, confronting. Rev. The prince and princess united by Hymen. M. 44 mm. Med. 111. II. 52. 1292 Same subject, 1733, by M. Holtzhey. Obv. Similar. Rev. Hymen, facing, holds a torch and the united shields of Britain and Nassau on an altar, ^on which are two flaming hearts. JR. 53 mm. Med. 111. II. 53. * 1293 Marriage of William, Prince of Orange, and Princess Anne, 1734, by M. Holtzhey. Busts of the two, confronting. Rev. The prince and princess join hands before a priest. M 44 mm. Med. 111. II. 54. 1294 Same. {Rev.) 1295 Same subject, 1734, by A. Andeles. Busts of the two, jugate. Rev. A hand from heaven supports a drooping orange- tree near an altar on which are two united burning hearts. This medal was struck by order of the States of Friesland. M 49 mm. Med. 111. II. 55. 1296 Same subject, 1734, by P. P. Werner. Busts of the two, jugate. Rev. Two genii support the shields of Britain and Nas- sau, and join hands in front of an orange-tree. JR 44 mm. Med. 111. II. 56. 1297 Same. (Rev.) 1734. 1298 Same subject, 1734, by M. Holtzhey. Bust of William r. Rev. Bust of Princess Anne 1. M 29 mm. Med. 111. II. 58. 1299 Same. (Rev.) 1300 The Weir Built at Hameln, 1734, by E. Hannibal. Bust of George II 1. Rev. View of Hameln and the river Weser with the new weir. M 49 mm. Med. 111. II. 66. 1301 University of Gottingen Instituted, 1734, by E. Hannibal. Bust 1. Rev. Genius of Gottingen crowned by an infant genius. (Rev.) M 49 mm. Med. 111. II. 67. 1302 Restoration of Breda to the House of Orange, 1737, by N. van Swinderen. Armorial shields of England and Nassau crowned and supported by two lions. Rev. William of Orange and Princess Anne in a car drawn by a lion and a unicorn. M 42 mm. Med. 111. II. 74. 1303 Same. (Rev.) 1304 Childbirth of Princess Anne of Orange, 1736, by N. van Swin- deren. Obverse same as No. 1302. Rev. A female figure seated r., having on her lap a babe; behind her, a blast of wind blows an orange from a tree. (Rev.) M 42 mm. Med. 111. II. 71. 1305 University of Gottingen Opened, 1737, by E. Hannibal. Bust of George II 1. Rev. Minerva and Fortune join hands over an altar. M 41 mm. Med. 111. II. 79. 1306 Remarriage of Frederick, Prince of Denmark, and Princess Louisa, 1743, by G. Wahl. Hymen and Plenty holding a myrtle- wreath, within which are the crowned shields of Denmark, Eng- land, and Hanover. Rev. Nine myrtle-wreaths inclosing inscrip- tions. yR 65 mm. Med. 111. II. 219. 1307 Same. (Rev.) 1308 Recapture of Prague, 1744, by J. Kirk. Prince Charles of Lorraine on horseback r. Rev. The city; cavalry entering and soldiers fleeing. 1R 43 mm. Med. 111. II. 239. 1309 Threatened Banishment of the Jews from Bohemia, 1745, by N. van Swinderen. Maria Theresia, seated on her throne and supported by Justice and Charity; a Christian warrior in front intercedes for a Jewish high priest. Rev. A Jewish temple. M 65 mm. Med. 111. II. 243. 1310 Birth of Prince Christian of Denmark, 1745, by Magnus Gustav Arbien. Dania, seated upon a lion, holding the shield of Norway, and having at her side that of Denmark, extends her hands to receive an infant from heaven. Rev. Inscription. JR 50 mm. Med. 111. II. 245. 1311 Capture of the Spanish Ships, the Marquis d'Antin and the Lewis Erasmus, 1745, by John Kirk. Naval action. Rev. Two infant Fames bear medallions with busts of James Talbot and John Morecock. ^51 38 mm. Med. 111. II. 246. 114 1312 Arrival of the Young Pretender Expected, 1745, probably by T. Pingo. Bust of Charles r. Rev. Britannia awaits the fleet. M 42 mm. Med. 111. II. 251. 1313 Same. (Rev.} 1314 Carlisle Taken, 1745, by Johann Henrick Wolff. Bust of the Duke of Cumberland r. Rev. The duke, as a Roman warrior, attacks the Hydra of Rebellion; Carlisle in the distance. M 37 mm. Med. 111. II. 258. 1315 The Rebels Repulsed, 1745, by A. Kirk and J. Kirk. The Duke of Cumberland on horseback, 1. Rev. The duke presents an olive-branch to Anglia. M 35 mm. Med. 111. II. 264. 1316 Same. (Rev.} 1317 Same subject, 1745, by T. Pingo. Bust r. Rev. A lion over- coming a wolf. M 33 mm. Med. 111. II. 265. 1318 Same. (Rev.} 1319 Battle of Culloden, 1746, by J. H. Wolff. Bust 1. Rev. The duke commanding at the battle. M 42 mm. Med. 111. II. 271. 1320 Same subject, 1746, by Richard Yeo. Bust r. Rev. The duke, as Hercules, tramples upon Discord and raises Britannia. yR 50 mm. Med. 111. II. 278. 1321 Same subject, 1746, by M. Holtzhey. Bust r. Rev. The duke, as a Roman general, crowned by Victory, tramples upon a fallen foe. M 42 mm. Med. 111. II. 282. 1322 Rebellion Defeated, 1746, by G. W. Vestner. Bust of George II r. Rev. A pedestal surmounted by a Victory. The reverse is by Andreas Vestner, son of G. W. Vestner. M 45 mm. Med. 111. II. 288. J 323 William, Prince of Orange, Stadtholder, 1747, by M. Holtz- hey. Busts of William and Princess Anne, confronting. Rev. Inscription. M 44 mm. Med. 111. II. 314. 1324 Same subject, 1747. Bust of William of Orange 1. Around is the Garter. Rev. Shield of the prince within the Garter. Above is a crown. This is a heart-shaped badge struck in remembrance of the proclamation of William as Stadtholder. M Med. 111. II. 324. : "5 1 3 2 5 - Same. (Rev.) M. gilt. 1326 - Same subject, 1747, by M. Holtzhey. Busts of William and Anne, jugate. Rev. Dutch inscription, etc., by J. V. D. Streng. M 35 mm. Med. 111. II. 318. 1327 - The Prince of Orange and the Duke of Cumberland, 1747. Bust of William of Orange 1. Rev. Bust of the Duke of Cumber- land r. M 33 mm. Med. 111. II. 326. 1328 - Defeat of the French Fleet off Cape Finisterre, 1747, by T. Pingo. Bust of Anson 1., crowned by Victory. Rev. Victory on a sea-monster. M 44 mm. Med. 111. II. 325. 1329 - Birth of Prince William of Orange, 1748, by M. Holtzhey. Busts of William and Anne, jugate. Rev. An angel from heaven presents an infant to Holland and Nassau. M 49 mm. Med. 111. H. 333- 1330 - Peace of Aix-la-Chapelle Concluded, 1748. Piety, standing at an altar, implores Peace, who descends from the clouds. Rev. Eight shields around a blazing heart. M 44 mm. Med. 111. II. 1331 - Same. (Rev.) 1332 - Peace of Aix-la-Chapelle, Preliminaries Signed, 1748, by M. Holtzhey. Bust of William r., in helmet in form of lion's head. Rev. Hercules, standing 1., holding out his club, from which sprout branches. Hercules, when he had finished his labors, planted his club, and it was transformed into an olive-tree, sym- bol of peace and prosperity. JR. 43 mm. Med. 111. II. 339. 1333 - Same. (Rev.) 1334 - Peace of Aix-la-Chapelle Concluded, 1748. A turreted female figure, Aix-la-Chapelle, holding a globe on which is a dove with an olive-branch, stands near an obelisk. In the dis- tance, the city. Rev. Eight shields. JR 44 mm. Med. 111. II. 348. 1335 - Free British Fishery Society, 1750, by L. Koch. Bust of Prince of Wales r. Rev. A fishing-boat hauling in nets. M 41 mm. Med. 111. II. 365. 1336 - Royal Society of Sciences at Gottingen, 1751, by J. M. Mori- kofer. Bust of George II r. Rev. Minerva holds a wreath over the emblems of Science and Literature. An annual prize medal of the Academy of Sciences at Gottingen. M 45 mm. Med. 111. II. 372. 116 J 337 William V, Prince of Orange, Knight of the Garter, 1752, by J. G. Holtzhey. Bust of William of Orange r. Rev. St. George and the dragon within the Garter. JR 39 mm. Med. 111. II. 379. 1338 Louisburg Taken, 1758, by T. Pingo. The British flag wav- ing over a globe marked CANADA AMERICA. On one side a sailor, on the other a grenadier. Above, Fame with her trum- pet. Rev. Batteries firing; the English and French fleets. JR 44 mm. Med. 111. II. 404. J 339 Successes of 1/58. Bust of George II 1. Rev. Britannia, seated on a car drawn by a lion, drives over French lilies. JR 44 mm. Med. 111. II. 416. 1340 Death of the Princess of Orange, 1759, by J. G. Holtzhey. Bust of the Princess of Orange 1., veiled ; over her head, a radiated circle of stars. Rev. A sarcophagus decorated with the shield of the princess. JR 42 mm. Med. 111. II. 417. 1341 Same. (Rev.} 1342 Battle of Minden, 1759, by J. G. Holtzhey. Prince Ferdi- nand, as Perseus, passes through piles of French arms, etc., hold- ing his Gorgon-shield ; in his right hand, a scourge. Rev. A laurel-tree entwined by a fruitful vine. M 49 mm. Med. 111. II. 432- 1343 Quebec Taken, 1759, by T. Pingo. Bust of Britannia 1. Rev. Victory carries a trophy of captured French arms. JR 37 mm. Med. 111. II. 439. 1344 Death of General Wolfe, 1759, by M. Cosset and F. Kirk. Bust of Wolfe 1. Rev. A funeral monument. JR 37 mm. Med. 111. II. 440- 1345 George III, 1760-1820. Coronation, 1761, by Lawrence Natter. Bust r. Rev. Britannia crowns the seated king. M 34 mm. Knyph 3523. 1346 Same. (Rev.) 1347 Coronation, 1761, by L. Natter. Bust r. Rev. Sophie Char- lotte crowned by flying Victory. M 35 mm. 1348 Marriage to Sophie Charlotte and Coronation, 1761. Bust of George III 1. Rev. Bust of Sophie Charlotte r. ^ 41 mm. 117 1349 Same subject, 1761, by J. Kirk. Bust of the two r., jugate. Rev. Hymen with torch near an altar on which are two burning hearts. JR. 36 mm. 1350 Death of William, Duke of Cumberland, 1765, by J. van Nost. Bust of the duke r. Rev. Two weeping genii near a monu- ment. M 38 mm. 1351 Peace of Bengal, 1766, by J. van Nost. Bust of Robert Clive facing. Rev. A pyramid, inscribed with his glorious deeds. In exergue, C. G. JR 42 mm. 1352 Resolution and Adventure sailing from England, 1772, by B. F. Bust of George III r. Rev. Two ships. M 44 mm. J 353 Captain James Cook, medal of the Royal Society of Lon- don, 1772, by L. Pingo. Bust of Cook 1. Rev. Female figure, Geography. yR 43 mm. 1354 Same. (Rev.) J 355 Portrait medal, 1781. Bust r. Rev. A lion entangled with a rope. Legend, INDOCILIS PATI (Impatient in suffering). The reverse is copied from the reverse of a medal of Charles XII of Sweden by J. K. Hedlinger. Cf. No. 1694 of this catalogue. (Rev.) JE 54 mm. 1356 Gibraltar Held against Spanish and French, 1782, by T. Pingo. View of Gibraltar. Rev. Inscription. JR 49 mm. 1357 Blockade of Gibraltar Terminated, 1783. Plan of the harbor of Gibraltar. Rev. Inscription in a wreath. M 59 mm. 1358 Defense of Gibraltar, 1783, by Reich. Bust of Elliot r. Rev. Storming of the rock of Gibraltar. M 42 mm. 1359 William Pitt, c. 1783. Bust of Pitt 1. Rev. Inscription. A trial piece struck over a crown of James II (1685). M 42 mm. 1360 Elevation of Henry IX, Stuart Pretender, to the Dignity of Cardinal, 1788, by Gioacchimo Hamerani. Bust r. Rev. Religion standing supporting a cross ; in the background, Rome. ^R 53 mm. 1361 Defeat of the Sultan Tippoo by the Marquis Cornwallis, 1793, by C. H. Kiichler. Bust 1. Rev. Cornwallis receiving visits from the natives. ^R 48 mm. I3 5 2 Same. (Rev.) 2E 48 mm. 118 1363 Victory of June I, 1794, by C. H. Kiichler. Bust of Lord Howe r. Rev. Naval action. 2R. 48 mm. 1364 Same. (Rev.) fiL 48 mm. 1365 Erskine and Gibbs, 1794, by I. M. F. Heads of the two r., jugate. Rev. Justice holds a pair of scales above a fainting figure of Liberty, who is seated on a rock. 2SL 44 mm. 1366 British Successes in 1798, by C. W. Kiichler. Head of George III 1. Rev. Minerva seated amid cannon and flags. M. 48 mm. 1367 Seringapatam Taken, 1799, by George Mills. Bust of Mar- quis Wellesley, Governor of India, 1. Rev. Combat between an In- dian and a British soldier, by Brenet and Mudie. M 41 mm. 1368 Battle of Alexandria and Death of Sir Ralph Abercrombie, 1801, by G. F. Pidgeon and B. West. Bust r. Rev. Death of Abercrombie. JR 49 mm. 1369 Same. (Rev.) 1370 Peace of Amiens, 1802, by J. G. Holzhausser (issued by Peter Kempson and Samuel Kindon). Bust of Marquis Corn- wallis 1. Rev. Seated female figure supports a scroll on which are written the names of heroes. M 39 mm. 1371 Defeat of the French and Spanish Fleets at Trafalgar, 1805, by A. Abramson. Bust of Nelson r. Rev. A rostral column. JR 40 mm. 1372 Same. (Rev.) 1373 Death of Nelson, 1805, by W. Wyon. Bust 1. Rev. Victory hurling a thunderbolt. M 54 mm. J 374 Same subject, 1805. Victory on the prow of a vessel, hold- ing a medallion of Nelson in right, in left a palm. Rev. Inscrip- tion. JR. 39 mm. 1375 Abolition of the Slave Trade, 1807, by Isaac Parkes. A European greeting a negro; in the distance, African scene and a group of negroes rejoicing. Legend, WE ARE ALL BRETH- REN. In the exergue, SLAVE TRADE ABOLISHED BY GREAT BRITAIN. Rev. Inscription in Arabic. JE 36 mm. 1376 Nelsonic Crimson Oakes, 1808. Bust of Nelson 1., in uni- form. Rev. Insignia of the order. JR 53 mm. 119 J 377 Battle of Salamanca, 1812, by J. Mudie and G. Mills. Bust of Sir T. Picton facing. Rev. Wellington storming the walls of Badajoz. JR 41 mm. 1378 Same. (Rev.) *379 Preservation of Upper Canada, 1814, by T. Wyon. Rev. In- scription. M 51 mm. 1380 Treaty of Chaumont, 1814. Bust of the Duke of Welling- ton 1. Rev. A lion and a lamb lying down in peace; a horn of plenty between them; above, a dove of peace bearing an olive- branch. JR 43 mm. 1381 Battle of Waterloo, 1815, by Thomas Halliday. Bust of Wellington facing, inclosed in a wreath. Rev. Bliicher on horse- back trampling on Davoust. Struck by J. Parish of Hamburg in honor of Bliicher. M 74 mm. 1382 George IV, 1820-1830. Beginning of the Reign of George IV, 1821, by Benedetto Pistrucci. Bust 1. Rev. Coronation scene. M 35 mm. 1383 Same. (Rev.) EL 35 mm. 1384 Arrival in Hanover, 1821, by C. Voigt. Bust r. Rev. For- tune, preceding the king on horseback. M 40 mm. 1385 William IV, 1830-1837. Coronation of Queen Adelaide, 1831. Head r. Rev. Head of Charlotte r., crowned. M 33 mm. 1386 Victoria, 1837-1902. Coronation, 1838, by J. Barber. Bust of the queen. Rev. The queen walking in procession under a canopy. ^E 62 mm. 1387 Interview with Louis-Philippe, 1843, by Montagny. Bust 1. Rev. Inscription. fiL 52 mm. 1388 Visit to Ghent, 1843, by Verachter and Hart. Bust 1. Rev. British shield crowned. RL 54 mm. 1389 The Waterloo Medal, designed by Benedetto Pistrucci. Jugate busts 1., laureate, of the Prince Regent, Francis II, Em- peror of Austria, Alexander I, Emperor of Russia, and Frederick William III, King of Prussia; on either side, Justice 1., and Hercules r., seated ; above, the sun in quadriga, L, preceded by Castor and Pollux, and followed by Iris and Zephyrus ; beneath, Night in biga, r. ; before her, the Furies ; behind her, the Fates. 120 Rev. Wellington and Blucher on horseback 1., guided by Victory between them; Wellington gallops in advance, and' Blucher rushes to his aid ; above, Jupiter in quadriga, facing, hurling thunderbolt at giants arranged in circle. This medal was exe- cuted in pursuance of an order given by the Prince Regent in 1819, who desired to commemorate the battle of Waterloo by the production of a medal of surpassing magnitude and beauty. It was intended for presentation to each of the allied sovereigns as well as to the two commanders, Wellington and Blucher ; but this object failed, as Pistrucci, who was directed to execute the work, did not accomplish the task till January i, 1849, an d Wellington then alone survived. This medal has not been issued, as the dies have never been hardened; but it has been reproduced by the electro process, of which the above is an example. 140 mm. J 39 Same. (Rev.) 1391 Crystal Palace at Sydenham Opened June 10, 1854. Bust of Sir Joseph Paxton 1. Rev. The Crystal Palace. ^51 mm. 1392 Prize medal of the International Exhibition at London, 1862, by L. C. Wyon. Athena seated, receiving works of art. Rev. 1862 | LONDINI. HONORIS | CAUSA; within an oak- wreath. 7E 75 mm. J 393 Recovery of the Prince of Wales, 1872, by J. S. Wyon. Head of Albert Edward, Prince of Wales, 1. Rev. Fleur-de-lis. yR 58 1 394 Queen Victoria Proclaimed Empress of India, 1877, by G. G. Adams. Bust 1. Rev. Inscription. JE 57 mm. 1395 International Medical Congress, 1881, by L. C. Wyon. Bust 1. Rev. Asclepius receives patients. JE 77 mm. 139 6 Jubilee, 1887, by J. E. Barber and F. L. Bust 1. Rev. The queen, enthroned, receives her subjects. M 78 mm. J 397 Same. (Rev.) 7E 78 mm. 1398 Golden W'edding of Mr. and Mrs. William E. Gladstone,. 1889. Busts of the two, facing. Rev. Inscription. TtL 60 mm. *399 Naval Review at Spithead, 1889. Bust of the queen 1. Rev. Review of ships. M 38 mm. 1400 Bridge over the Forth, 1890, by L. Chr. Lauer. The Forth Bridge. Rev. Inscription. JE 65 mm. 121 1401 Three Hundredth Anniversary of the Establishment of Trinity College at Dublin, 1892, by Johnson. Busts of Queen Elizabeth and Queen Victoria, jugate. Rev. Coat of arms. 2E. 64 mm. 1402 Jubilee, 1897, by Thomas Brock. Bust 1. Rev. Youthful head (1837). 2E 56 mm. 1403 Edward VII, 1902- . The Boer War, 1901, by F. Bowcher. Bust of King Edward VII 1. Rev. Lord Roberts on horseback 1., France and Victory above him ; in the distance, troops marching. ^103 mm. 1404 Coronation, 1902, by Emil Fuchs (1901). Busts of the two, jugate, r. Rev. Female figure seated, leaning on a shield; in the distance, Westminster Abbey. 2R 64 mm. 1405 Coronation, 1902, by F. Bowcher. Busts of Edward VII and Alexandra r. Rev. Athena holding upraised crown, sur- rounded by rejoicing multitude. /E 76 mm. 1406 Coronation, 1902, by F. Bowcher. Busts of the two, jugate, r. Rev. Athena, holding upraised crown, surrounded by a re- joicing multitude. N 40 mm. 1407 Coronation, 1902. Bust of Edward VII r. Rev. Bust of Alexandra r. N 31 mm. 1408 Same subject, 1902. JR 31 mm. 1409 Same. (Rev.) 1410 Same. JR 56 mm. 1411 Same. (Rev.) 2E 56 mm. 1412 Coronation, 1902. Busts of the king and the queen, jugate, r. Rev. Crown between two oak-trees on which are a lion and a harp. JR 52 mm. 1413 The Order of Merit Instituted, 1902. Busts of the queen and the king, facing. Rev. Fame, resting on a shield, blows her horn ; in the distance, the city of London with the Tower. 7E 52 mm. 1414 Same. (Rev.) 1415 Seven Hundredth Anniversary of the Foundation of Liver- pool, 1907, by C. Jauer. King John receives a petition. Rev. Ship. fiL 64 mm. 122 1416 Bury St. Edmund's Pageant, 1907. Replica of the coin of Edmund, inclosed in an inscribed rim. JE gilt 29 mm. 1417 The Rotherhithe Tunnel Opened, 1908, by Spink & Son. His Majesty George, Prince of Wales, three-quarters 1. Rev. View of the tunnel. 2E gilt 32 mm. PERSONAL MEDALS 1418 John Milton, Poet, 1737, by J. S. Tanner. Erection of the statue by Rysbrach in Westminster Abbey. Bust r. Rev. Inscription. / 53 mm. 1419 Sir Isaac Newton, Scientist, 1774, by J. Roettier. Bust r. Rev. Inscription. .31 54 mm. 1420 On his Death, 1726, by Jean Dassier. Bust three-quarters r. Rev. Monument. JE 43 mm. 1421 John Rennie, Engineer, 1831, by W. Bain. Head 1. Rev. Inscrip- tion within a wreath. JE 64 mm. 1422 William Shakespeare, Poet, 1844. Medal of the "Series numis- matica," by J. J. Barre. Bust 1. Rev. Inscription. 2E 43 mm. FRANCE Numbers in parentheses below are page references in Medailles Francoises au Musee Monetaire, Paris. 1423 Henry II, 1547-1559. Treaty with England. Bust of the king, laureate, in armor. Rev. The king standing with drawn sword, leaning on a caduceus. Restored. M 61 mm. (12) 1424 Catherine de Medici. Similar to No. 1423. Rev. Bust of Catherine de Medici. 1555. Restored. (Rev.) 2E 60 mm. (19) 1425 Marriage of the Dauphin and Mary Stuart. Busts of Francis and Mary Stuart. Rev. Arms of the Dauphin of France, and of Scotland. 1558. Hi 54 mm. (6) 1426 Glorious Victories. Bust of the king, laureate, in ancient costume. Rev. Two armies witnessing peace negotiations. (Rev.} JE 56 mm. 123 1427 Henry III, 1574-1589. Henry as Alexander crossing the Tigris. Head of the king. 1579. Rev. King on horseback. M 41 mm. (14) 1428 Founding of the Order of the Holy Ghost. Similar to No. 1427. Rev. The king on his throne, receiving the oath of a kneeling knight; to his left the master of ceremonies; to his right the grand prevot, 1579. (Rev.) M 42 mm. (17) 1429 Henry IV, 1589-1610. Battle of Ivry. 1590. Bust of Henry IV, laureate. Rev. The crown of France on the point of a sword; on one side the shield of France ; on the other that of Navarre. JR 49 mm. (18) 1430 Louis XIII, 1610-1643. Regency of the Queen Mother. Bust of Marie de Medici, laureate. Rev. The queen mother seated on a rainbow. 1615. Restored. JE 51 mm. (77) 1431 Cardinal Mazarin, 1630. Bust of Cardinal Mazarin, by Warin. Rev. Armies on either side, in the distance Casale. JR 50 mm. (23) 1432 Cardinal Mazarin. Bust of Mazarin. Rev. A chariot, 1630, by Warin. 7E 78 mm. 1433 Cardinal Richelieu. Bust of Richelieu. Rev. A ship. 1634. ;R 27 mm. (24) 1434 Death of Cardinal Richelieu, 1642. Bust of Richelieu. Rev. A monument. JR. oval 56x46 mm. 1435 Louis XIV, 1643-1715. Beginning of the Reign of Louis XIV. Baby head of Louis XIV, by J. Mauger. Rev. The child with royal scepter raised on a shield by France and Providence. 1843. M 41 mm. (27) 1436 Capture of Thionville. Similar to No. 1435, by J. Mauger. Rev. France, in one hand an olive-branch, in the other a statue of Victory; to her right the plan of Thionville. 1643. (Rev.) M 41 mm. (29) 1437 Coronation of the King, 1654. Bust of the king with his crown. Rev. City of Rheims. M 37 mm. (45) 1438 Regency of the Queen Mother. A youthful head of Louis XIV, by J. Warin. Rev. Bust of Anne. (Rev.) M 28 mm. (169) 1439 Emblem of Cardinal Mazarin. Similar to No. 1431. Rev. An anchor. 1660. (Rev.) JR 36 mm. (171) 124 144 Same subject. Similar to No. 1431. Rev. An eye; clouds above, and hills below. 1660. (Rev.} M gilt 52 mm. (170) 1441 'Death of Cardinal Mazarin. Similar to No. 1431. Rev. The sun's rays penetrating the mist over the water. 1660. (Rev.) 1R 53mm. (170) 1442 Alliance with Switzerland. Bust of Louis XIV. Rev. The great altar of Notre Dame; on one side Louis XIV and the Dauphin, on the other side a group of Swiss envoys. 1663. & 56 mm. (173) 1443 Building of the Louvre Colonnade. Similar to No. 1442. Rev. The Louvre. 1667. M 34 mm. (173) 1444 Same. (Rev.) 2E 51 mm. (173) 1445 Peace of the Church. Similar to No. 1442. Rev. An open book on the altar, on which the scepter and the hand of justice are crossed with the keys of St. Peter. 1669. (Rev.) M. 49 mm. (83) 1446 Calendar of Jaques Bureau. A calendar. Rev. Inscription in six lines. 1669. AL 53 mm. 1447 Entrenchments on the Yssel Abandoned by the Enemy. Bust of the king, by J. Mauger. Rev. The gods of rivers Rhine and Yssel. 1672. (Rev.) M 41 mm. (89) 1448 Conquests of the King in Holland. Similar to No. 1447, by J. Mauger. Rev. Skin of the Netherlands lion on the trunk of a tree, surmounted by a crown ; behind, a cow tied to the tree ; in front, a woman kneeling. 1672. (Rev.) M 41 mm. (90) 1449 Emblem of the King. Similar to No. 1442. Rev. The sun shining on the earth. 1672. (Rev.) fit 56 mm. (175) 1450 Capture of Twelve Cities of Holland and the Rhine, 1672. Similar to No. 1442. (Rev.) Apollo in his car; around the edge a circle of plans of cities taken, with their names. (Rev.) JR 63 mm. (179) 1451 Messina Relieved. Similar to No. 1447, by J. Mauger. Rev. Victory, a crown of laurel in one hand, a sheaf of wheat in the other, flying to Messina. 1675. (Rev.) M 41 mm. (98) 1452 Battle of Palermo. Similar to No. 1447, by A. Meybusch. Rev. Victory standing on an ancient galley. 1676. (Rev.) JR 50 mm. 125 1453 Capture of Nimegue. Similar to No. 1447, by J. Mauger. Rev. Caduceus. 1678. (Rev.) & 41 mm. 1454 Same subject, 1679. Bust of the king, by F. Avry. Rev. Peace, in one hand a laurel-branch, in the other a horn of plenty. JR 72 mm. Van Loon, III. p. 260. 1455 Same subject, 1679. Bust of the king. Rev. A shield, on which are crossed a horn of plenty and a sword ; below, a woman threshing grain, by Cudens. Van Loon, III. p. 250. M 73 mm. 1456 Michel Letellier. Bust of Letellier, by F. Avry. Rev. Pru- dence standing ; Justice seated, with scales in her hand, by F. Avry. 1679. JR 61 mm. J 457 Peace of the North. Similar to No. 1442, by A. Meybusch. Rev. Victory, hanging shields on the trunk of a tree ; Peace on the other side. 1679. M 70 mm. (114) 1458 Same. (Rev.) *459 Destruction of the Calvinist Temples. Bust of Louis XIV, by J. Dollin. Rev. Religion planting a cross on the ruins of a temple. 1685. (Rev.) JE 41 mm. (130) 1460 Revocation of the Edict of Nantes (1685). The Reformed Church, crushing under foot a serpent and a tiara, with a horn of plenty in each hand. Rev. A woman being burned at the stake. 1R 52 mm. Van Loon, III. p. 313. 1461 Same subject. Balaam, in bishop's dress, on an ass; an angel with drawn sword. Rev. A spider's web covering the church of Sorbonne. (1685.) JR 49 mm. Van Loon, III. P-3J3- 1462 Same subject. Balaam, in the garb of a bishop, seated on an ass, and holding a banner on which the devil is depicted. Rev. Similar to No. 1461. (Rev.) 1R 49 mm. 1463 Same subject. Similar to No. 1447, by J. Mauger. Rev. Re- ligion, with a cross in one hand, the gospels in the other, trampling heresy under foot. 1685. (Rev.) JR 41 mm. (129) 1464 Same subject, 1685. Similar to No. 1447. Rev. Two col- umns, one standing, the other broken. 1685. (Rev.) JR 60 mm. Van Loon, III. p. 310. 1465 Same subject, 1685. The Pope seated on the Beast of Seven Heads ; on one side a French dragoon, on the other a Jesuit 126 priest. Rev. Punishment of the heretics. M 57 mm. Van Loon, III. p. 312. 1466 Building of Three Hundred Churches. Similar to No. 1447, by J. Mauger. Rev. Religion, with a cross in one hand, seated on a building-stone. 1686. (Rev.) M 41 mm. (131) 1467 Bombardment of Genoa, and Capture of Luxembourg. Louis XIV, standing, in royal costume. 1684. Rev. An arm, thrust from a curtain, holding a sword and an olive-branch. JR 49 mm. Van Loon, III. p. 292. 1468 Desecration of the Roman Catholic Altars. Similar to No. 1447. Rev. French soldiers tearing the images and candlesticks from the altar. 1691. (Rev.) JR. 38 mm. 1469 Capture of Namur. Bust of the king, by J. Mauger. Rev. The rivers Meuse and Sambre, seated on each side of a cippus surmounted by Victory, by J. Mauger. 1692. (Rev.) M 73 mm. 1470 The Royal Family. Bust of the king, by H. Roussel. Rev. Busts of the queen and three children, by H. Roussel. 1693. (Rev.) M 75 mm. 1471 First Minister of Spain. Bust of the king. Rev. Inscrip- tion and date in six lines. 1701. JR 21 mm. 1472 Louis XIV made Count of Flanders. Bust of the king, by P. Roettier. Rev. A woman seated, with banner and shield of Flanders. (Rev.) M 56 mm. J 473 Naval Battle off Malaga. Bust of the Count of Toulouse, by R. Gayrard. Rev. A ship, by J. De Puymaurin and R. Gayrard. 1704. M 68 mm. 1474 Louis XV, 1715-1774. Capture of Fontarabie. Youthful head of Louis XV, by P. Le Blanc. Rev. France, with one foot on the arms of Fontarabie, presenting an olive-branch to Spain, by J. Duvivier. 1719. JR 41 mm. (213) 1475 Marriage of Louis XV. Louis XV and Marie. Rev. The marriage ceremony. 1725. M 34 mm. (222) 1476 Church of Saint Sulpice. Bust of Louis XV, by Roettier, Jr. Rev. The church, 1754. (Rev.) JE 41 mm. M77 Birth of the Count of Provence. Bust of Louis XV, by J. Duvivier. Rev. The count in a cradle. 1755. JE 42 mm. (244) 127 1478 Capture of Wessel, Oswego, Port Mahon, and St. Davis. Bust of Louis XV. 1758. Ret'. Four towns. M 31 mm. 1479 Peace with England. Head of Louis XV, by F. M. Rev. Peace, in one hand a caduceus, in the other an olive-branch ; to her right, the genius of War, bound, by J. C. Roettier. (Rev.} 1763. M. 41 mm. (246) 1480 Louis XVI, 1774-1793. Marriages in Burgundy. Louis XVI and Marie Antoinette, by Duvivier. Rev. The Arms of Burgundy, surrounded by an inscription in two lines. 1781. fiL 46 mm. (279) 1481 Abolition of Feudal Privileges. Bust of Louis XVI, by Duvivier. Rev. The representatives in the National Assembly at Versailles; in the center an altar, by Gatteaux. 1789. (Rev.} M 64 mm. 1482 Arrival of the King at Paris. Bust of Louis XVI, by Duvi- vier. Rev. The royal family ; a crowd of Parisians in the distance, by Duvivier. 1789. JE 53 mm. (299) 1483 Same. (Rev.) 1484 Reelection of Necker as Minister of Finance. Bust of Louis XVI. Rev. France welcoming Necker. 1789. JR 53 mm. 1485 First Republic, 1792-1804. Death of Marie Antoinette. Bust of the queen, by Loos. Rev. Vengeance, in her right hand scales, in her left a torch. 1793. M 45 mm. 14 86 Death of Louis XVII. Bust of Louis XVII, by Depaulis. Rev. A sprite, in one hand an extinguished torch, in the other a crown, standing on a sarcophagus in the center of the prison court, by Jeuffroy. 1795. M 50 mm. 1487 Victims of the Revolution. Busts of five men. Tin with copper rim. M oval 46x37 mm. Hist. Num. de la Rev. Fr., p. 393. 1488 Battle of Marengo. Bust of Napoleon in uniform, by N. Brenet and H. Auguste. 1800. Rev. Inscription in nine lines. 2 50 mm. (323) 1489 Column of the Revolution. The three consuls, by E. Gat- teaux. 1800. Rev. Inscription in nine lines and around the edge. M 60 mm. 1490 The Legislative Body. Liberty, in antique costume, leaning on a pike. 1800. Rev. Inscription. M oct. 48x39 mm. 128 PLATE V I4QI Tribunal of Cassation. Law, scales in one hand, the other resting on two tables of the law, by E. Gatteaux. Rev. Radiate triangle surrounded by a wreath. JR. octagonal 47 mm. (322) 1492 Peace of Luneville. Peace, standing on a globe, an olive- branch in her right hand, and a horn of plenty in the left. Rev. Bellona with sword drawn against Minerva, who stands with "raised shield, by Loos. 1801. JE 36 mm. (331) 1493 Michel de 1'fipee. Bust of de 1'fipee, by P. S. B. Duvivier." Rev. Inscription in eight lines. 1801. M 42 mm. (335) 1494 Peace of Amiens. Bust of Napoleon, laureate, by R. Du- inarest. Rev. Napoleon as Mars, holding a statue of Victory in one hand, presents an olive-branch to England, by R. Du- marest. 1802. (Rev.) M 50 mm. (337) J 495 - Same subject. Peace, with a caduceus in her right hand, and a horn of plenty in her left, standing on the globe. Rev. Emblems of various occupations of peace, by Hageman. JR. 39 mm. 1496 Same subject. Peace with olive-branch and scales; be- low, an altar, 1802. Rev. Inscription in eleven lines. JR 45 mm. 1497 : The Chamber of Commerce. Bust of Napoleon, by B. Andrieu, 1804. Rev. Inscription in six lines, surrounded by a wreath, 1803. IE 36 mm. 1498 Venus de' Medici. Bust of Napoleon, by R. V. Jeuffroy and D. V. Denon, 1803. Rev. Venus de' Medici, 1796. (Rev.) HL 40 mm. (345) 1499 Napoleon, 1804-1815. Coronation of the Emperor at Milan. Bust of Napoleon, laureate, by D. V. Denon and B. Andrieu. Rev. The iron crown of the Lombards, by D. V. Denon and L. Jaley. 1805. 2E 40 mm. (352) 1500 Recovery of the Flags at Innsbruck. Similar to No. 1499, by B. Andrieu. Rev. Napoleon, as Roman emperor, with a Roman eagle in his left hand, and a statue of Victory in his right, 1805, by N. Brenet and D. V. Denon. (Rev.) IE 41 mm. (355) 1501 Conquest of Naples. Similar to No. 1499, by B. Andrieu. Rev. Victory placing a crown on the head of a bull, after the ancient coins of Naples, 1806, by N. Brenet and D. V. Denon. (Rev.) 2E 40 mm. (360) 1502 The Battle of Jena. Similar to No. 1499, by B. Andrieu. Rev. Napoleon on horseback, riding over the bodies of two enemies, 1806, by B. Andrieu. (Rev.) IE 41 mm. (363) 129 1503 - Same subject. Similar to No. 1499, by L. Manfredini. Rev. Jupiter, seated on an eagle, a scepter in his left hand, some arrows in his right. (Rev.} 2E 41 mm. (362) 1504 - Grand Duchy of Warsaw. Similar to No. 1499, by B. Andrieu and Denon. Rev. Throne, on the seat of which lies an imperial crown, 1807, by N. Brenet and D. V. Denon. (Rev.) XL 60 mm. 1505 - Campaign of 1809. Similar to No. 1499, 1809, by Rabout. Rev. Fame sounding her trumpet, by P. S. B. Duvivier. (Rev.} 7E 55 mm. (381) 1506 - Conquest of Illyria. Similar to No. 1499, by B. Andrieu. Rev. A cow suckling a calf, 1809, by A. J. Depaulis and D. V. Denon. (Rev.) JE 41 mm. (382) 1507 - Imperial Coaches. Similar to No. 1499, bv J- P- Droz. Rev. Mercury in his chariot, 1809, by J. P. Droz. (Rev.) 2E octagonal 36 mm. (383) 1508 - Marriage of Napoleon and Marie Louise. Napoleon and Marie Louise, by L. Manfredini. Rev. Hymen pursuing Mars, 1810, by L. Manfredini. Hi 43 mm. (389) 15 9 - Birth of Napoleon, King of Rome. Napoleon and Marie Louise, by B. Andrieu. Rev. Baby head of Napoleon, 1811, by Galle. (Rev.) IE 15 mm. (393) 1510 - Institution of the Legion of Honor. Similar to No. 1499, by B. Andrieu. Rev. The cross of the Order of the Legion of Honor, by D. V. Denon and L. Jaley. (Rev.) JE 40 mm. (346) 1511 - Arch of Triumph. Similar to No. 1499, by P. A. Montagny. Rev. The Arch of Triumph. (Rev.) JE 26 mm. 1512 Louis XVIII, 1815-1824. Charter of 1814. Head of Louis XVIII, by B. Andrieu. Rev. The king, seated on his throne, returns the charter to a peer and a deputy, representing the two houses, 1814, by B. Andrieu. 2E 40 mm. (422) 1513 - Death of Louis XVI. Bust of Louis XVI, signed B. Rev. France seated, weeping over a funeral urn ; to her right an altar. 1793. (Rev.} 1514 - Same subject. Bust of Louis XVI, signed F. L. Rev. Similar to No. 1513, without altar. 1793. (Rev.} M. 30 mm. 130 1515 - Same subject. Busts of Louis XVI and Marie Antoinette, by C. H. Kuchler. Rev. The king on the way to his execution, 1793, by C. H. Kuchler. (Rev.) M 48 mm. 1516 - Ashes of Louis XVI and Marie Antoinette exhumed. Simi- lar to No. 1512, by B. Andrieu. Rev. France and Religion decorat- ing the urn, by Galle. 1817. (Rev.) XL 50 mm. (428) 1517 - Death of Napoleon. Bust of Napoleon, surrounded by a wreath. (Rev.) The island of St. Helena; above, an eagle. 1821. JE 69 mm. (413) 1518 - Same subject. Bust of Napoleon, by V. M. Borrel, 1840. Rev. Napoleon, laureate, blessing a kneeling soldier, 1832, by Bauchery. (Rev.) 25L $i mm. 1519 - Funeral of Napoleon. Similar to No. 1499, ^o. Rev. The bier being brought up the steps, by J. P. Montagny. ( Rev.) 2 53 mm - 1520 - Treaty of Commerce between France and America. Similar to No. 1512, by B. Andrieu and J. De Puymaurin. Rev. France and America leaning on the pedestal of a bust of Mercury, by R. Gayrard. 1822. (Rev.) M. 51 mm. (438) 1521 - The Duke of Angouleme and Peace in Spain. Bust of the duke, by B. Andrieu. Rev. Inscription in eight lines, by J. De Puymaurin. 1823. M 41 mm. (442) 1522 Charles X, 1824-1830. Coronation. Charles X with crown, by E. Gatteaux and J. De Puymaurin. Rev. Archbishop blessing the king, by J. J. Barre. 1825. y 77 mm. (453) 1523 - Discounts and Loans. Head of Charles X, by J. J. Barre. Rev. Inscription in five lines, surrounded by a wreath. M oc- tagonal 36 mm. 1524 - Statue of Napoleon. Statue, by S. Domard. Rev. Inscription in five lines. y 25 mm. 1525 Louis Philippe I, 1830-1848. Column to the victims of 1830. Bust of Louis Philippe, by F. A. Caunois. Rev. The Column, by F. A. Caunois. 1840. JE $i mm. 1526 Napoleon III, 1852-1870. Commission in charge of International Exposition. Bust of Napoleon III, laureate, by H. Ponscarme. Rev. France flying above the globe, the plan of the buildings in her hand, by H. Ponscarme. 1867. N 51 mm. 1527 - Similar. (Rev.) JE 1528 Prize for the Transatlantic Cable. Similar to No. 1526, by H. Ponscarme. Rev, Two putti, an eagle between, 1867, by H. Ponscarme. (Rev.) N 67 mm. 1529 Faithful Statesmen. Similar to No. 1526, by A. Mire. Rev. Eagle below inscription in seven lines, by A. Mire. N 50 mm. 1530 Republic, 1870- . M. L. P. Felix, presiding Minister of the Council of State. Coat of arms. Rev. Inscription in six lines. 1870. M 33 mm. 1531 Siege of Paris. France with flag and shield; in her right hand a broken sword, by R. Teterger Gogny and V. M. Borrel. Rev. Inscription in four lines and around the edge. 1870-1871. JE 38 mm. 1532 Death of the Duke of Bordeaux. Bust of the duke, 1833. Rev. France, in her arms a baby holding an olive-branch, 1820. M 51 mm. X 533 Eiffel Tower. Top of the tower. Rev. Workmen construct- ing part of the tower. 1900. M 41 mm. PERSONAL MEDALS GALERIE METALLIQUE 1534 Frangois Chevert, 1821, by A. Caque. JE. 41 mm. J 535 Rene du Guay-Trouin, 1819, by A. Caque. XL 41 mm. 1536 Pierre Jeannin, 1817, by R. Gayrard, after G. Dupre. ^E 41 mm. 1537 Michel de L'Hospital, 1817, by F. A. Caunois. IE. 41 mm. NUMISMATIC SERIES 1538 Victor Moreau, 1819, by F. A. Caunois. yE 41 mm. J 539 F - J- Valleta, 1823, by Vivier. M 41 mm. 1540 Corneille, Poussin, and Fontenelle. Busts of the three, by A. J. Depaulis. Rev. Royal Academy of Rouen. 1744. 1R 33 mm. 132 1 54 1 Frangois, Duke of Anjou. Bust of Frangois. Rev. The sun sur- rounded by clouds ; below, water. JR 37 mm. 1542 Frederick IV, Duke of Lorraine. Bust of Frederick IV, signed S. V. Rev. Bust of Elizabeth of Austria, signed S. V. JE 47 mm. 1543 Charles Ferdinand, Duke of Berry. Bust by R. Gayrard. Rev. Inscription in eight lines, by J. De Puymaurin. 2SL 41 mm. 1544 W. C. H. Friso. Bust, by M. Holtzhey. Rev. Peace seated on a cloud; a horn of plenty in one hand, scales and an olive-branch in the other. 1748. M 30 mm. 1545 Lafayette. Bust of Lafayette. Rev. Inscription in eleven lines. 1789. JE 42 mm. 1546 'Same. JE. 1547 Louis XVI, by J. De Puymaurin and Caque. Bust of the king. Rev. Inscription in fourteen lines. JE $i mm. 1548 Louis XVIII. Bust of the king, by R. Gayrard. Rev. Inscrip- tion in eight lines, 1816. IE 41 mm. 1549 Voltaire. Bust, by G. C. Waechter. Rev. Voltaire's grave, by G. C. Waechter. JE 58 mm. DENMARK 1550 Friedrich III, 1648-1670. Peace of Westphalia, 1648, by S. Dadler. Bust facing, in richly decorated dress, and Order of the Elephant. Rev. Peace seated, holding the sun in her r., and book in 1., her foot on the globe ; in a radiate inclosure. M oval 57x48 mm. 1551 Medal of Merit without year, issued during the war with Carl Gustav of Sweden, by E. P. DOMINVS PROVIDEBIT. Bust r. Rev. SPES MEA IN DEO. Bust of his wife, Sophie Amalie, 1. JR 40 mm. 1552 Same. (Rev.) 1553 Death of the King, 1670. A pyramid in a circle of dots. Rev. Crowned F 3 above crossed sword and scepter. M klippe 33x33 J 554 Same. (Rev.) 133 1555 Christian V, 1670-1699. Accession. Bust in a laurel-wreath sur- rounded by three recumbent lions. Rev. An elephant. JR. klippe 37x37 mm. 1556 Conquest of Gothland, 1676, by C. S. Bust r., in armor, above trophies. Rev. Lamb with a banner 1. JR. 45 mm. 1557 Same. (Rev.) 1558 Victory of Admiral Juel over the Swedish Fleet, 1676, by C. Half-length figure of the admiral r. Rev. Naval action. M. 69 mm. 1559 Conquest of Wismar, by J. Hoehn. Half-length figures of Christian V and Charlotte Amalie of Hesse-Cassel. Rev. The king, on horseback, with large helmet and baton ; in the distance, city of Wismar and the armies. JR 56 mm. 1560 Medal in honor of Peter von Griffenfeld. Half-length figure of Christian V r. Rev. Crowned arms against an ermine robe. JR 60 mm. 1561 Foundation of the Royal Academy of Copenhagen, 1692, by B. M. Bust r. Rev. Mars and Athena; between them a free horse. JR 54 mm. 1562 Capture of Ratzeburg, 1693, by A. Meybusch. The Trojan horse leaping over a broken wall. Rev. The bombardment. M 57 mm. 1563 Same subject, 1693, by J. Smeltzing. Head r. Rev. Bom- bardment directed by the king on horseback. JR 37 mm. 1564 Peace of Ratzeburg, 1697, by A. Meybusch. Bust r. Rev. Female figure with helmet and bunches of grapes on an island. JR 48 mm. 1565 Capture of Holmer, 1697, by A. Meybusch. Bust r. Rev. IN TRANSITV VIDIT ET DERVIT (In passing he saw and destroyed it). View of the bombardment. JR 49 mm. 1566 Death of the King, 1699, by A. Meybusch. Bust r. Rev. Bust of the king on a pedestal crowned by Justice and Religion. M 48 mm. 1567 Friedrich IV, 1699-1730. His wife, Louise of Mecklenburg- Giistrow, and his sister Hedwig Sophie, 1699. Their heads con- fronting. Rev. LA BEAVTE ET LE MERITE LES EGALE (Two pearls on a cord). M 25 mm. 1568 Same. (Rev.) 134 1569 Accession, 1699, by F. Lesle. Three crowns under which VI VAT | VINCAT | VALE AT; in triangular design, F 4 in monogram. Rev. Two hands from the clouds placing a crown above monogram. M. 52 mm. 1570 Coronation, 1700, by A. Meybusch. Bust r. Rev. Altar and royal insignia. 28. 27 mm. 1571 Flight of the Swedish Fleet at Amager, 1710, by P. Berg. Bust r. Rev. The two hostile fleets; in the foreground, Copen- hagen. JR. gilt 60 mm. 1572 Death of Princess Sophie Amalie, 1710, by R. Bust r. Rev. A swan above the globe, letting fall a crown. JR. 48 mm. 1573 Blossoming of the American Aloe (Century-plant) in the Gardens at Gottorp, 1713, by P. Berg. Bust r. Rev. The plant. M 42 mm. J 574 Same. (Rev.) 1575 Surrender of Tonningen, 1714. Three standards in a crown ; above, a cask on the ground, from which a pile of standards are falling; in the distance, view of the fortress. Rev. Inscription in nine lines. M 26 mm. Z 576 Same subject, 1714, by P. Berg. Bust r. Rev. Standing Dania receives a mail-clad warrior's submission. JR 61 mm. J 577 Second Centenary of the Reformation, 1717, by P. Berg. Bust r. Rev. Temple in whose center is an altar with open Bible. 1R 44 mm. 1578 Same subject, 1717, by same. Bust r., on a pedestal. Rev. Inscription in nine lines. JR 42 mm. I579 Capture of Marstrand, 1719. DOMINVS MIHI ADIV- TOR. Bust r. Rev. View of the seaport town. JR 50 mm. 1580 Peace of Frederiksborg, 1720, by P. Berg. Bust r. Rev. Seated Dania ; before her, two river-gods. JR 63 mm. 1581 Same subject, 1720, by same. Bust r. Rev. Dania and Suecia (personifications of Denmark and Sweden), wearing crowns and resting on shields, exchange a pledge. (Rev.) /R 61 mm. 1582 Death of the King, 1730, by P. Berg. Bust r. Rev. Pyramid surrounded by cypresses. JR 39 mm. 135 1583 - Death of the King, 1730, by A. Meybusch. Same as No. 1579. Rev. Similar to No. 1566, with change of date, etc. M 50 1584 Christian VI, 1730-1746. Coronation at Frederiksborg, 1731, by J. C. Hedlinger. Bust r. Rev. Coronation. M 57 mm. 1585 - Marriage to Sophia Magdalena, 1732, by J. C. Hedlinger. Busts of the royal couple r., jugate. Rev. Cross. JR. 56 mm. 1586 - The Navy Reorganized and Increased, 1736, by J. C. Hed- linger. Bust r. Rev. Navy-yard; to 1., Triton in conch drawn by two sea-horses. M 74 mm. Plate. 1587 - The Palace at Copenhagen Enlarged, 1740, by G. W. Wahl. Bust r. Rev. The palace. JR 69 mm. 1588 Friedrich V, 1746-1766. Accession, 1749, by G. W. Wahl. Bust r. Rev. Inscription in eight lines. M 43 mm. I5 gg - Birth of Prince Christian, 1749, by M. G. Arbien. Busts of Friedrich V and Louise r., jugate. Rev. The Virgin with radiate crown delivering the infant to Dania. JR 57 mm. 1590 - Three Hundredth Jubilee of the Rule of the House of Olden- burg, in Denmark, 1749, by M. G. Arbien. Bust of the king on a pediment r., surrounded by eleven medallions with busts of kings. Rev. Inscription, REGNANTE GLORIOSISS1MO MO- NARCHA, etc. M 76 mm. 1591 - Second Marriage to Julia Marie of Brunswick, 1752, by P. C. Winslow. Bust r. Rev. Hymen with a torch and two Amors. M 57 mm. 1592 - Same. (Rev.) 1593 Christian VII, 1766-1808. Marriage to Caroline Mathilde, 1766, by J. H. Wolff. Youthful busts of the two r., jugate. Rev. Female figure with wreath and anchor. M 56 mm. 1594 - Coronation of Christian VII, 1767, by D. J. Adzer. Bust r. Rev. The king kneeling before the royal insignia. M 57 mm. J 595 - Same. (Rev.) 1596 - Coronation of Caroline Mathilde, 1767, by J. H. Wolff. Bust r., diademed. Rev. Radiate crown on a pedestal. M 52 mm. 136 J 597 -Marriage of the Crown Prince Friedrich and Sophia Frede- rike of Mecklenburg-, 1774, by D. J. Adzer. Busts of the two confronting. Rev. Prosperity with rudder and cornucopia, crowned by Hymen. JR. 57 mm. I59 8 The King's Birthday, 1776, by D. J. Adzer. Bust r. Rev. PIETAS AVGVSTA. Charity receives three children. 1R 64 mm. 1599 Medal of Juliana Maria, by D. J. Adzer. Bust r. Rev. Two winged female figures holding a wreath with VOT I XXIV I MULT | XXX. 1600 Attack on Copenhagen by the English Repulsed, 1801, by Loos. Warrior in antique dress combating a many-headed mon- ster. Rev. Warrior surrenders his sword to Dania. 1R 39 mm. 1601 Monument at Fuldfort to Those who Fell in 1801, 1804, by Loos. The monument. Rev. Inscription. yR 36 mm. 1602 Friedrich VI, 1808-1839. Coronation, 1815, by C. A. M. Busts of Friedrich VI and Maria Sophia Frederike r., jugate. Rev. Dania with crown. M 56 mm. 1603 Rejoicing of the Capital, 1833, by C. Christensen. Head r. Rev. Female figure offering a libation at an altar. 1R 35 mm. 1604 Death of the King, 1839, by C. Christensen. Head r. Rev. Mourning figure near a pedestal with funeral urn. M 45 mm. 1605 Christian VIII, 1839-1848. Accession, 1839, by F. Krohn. Head r. Rev. Kneeling Dania. M 44 mm. 1606 Coronation, 1840, by C. Christensen. Busts of Christian VIII and his wife, Caroline Amalie of Schleswig-Holstein, r., jugate. Rev. Crown, scepter, and sword. M 48 mm. PERSONAL MEDALS 1607 Joh. Hartwig Ernst von Bernstorff, Minister under Charles VII. On his death, 1772, by D. J. Adzer. Bust 1. Rev. Sarcophagus. M 57 mm. SWEDEN 1608 Gustavus I, 1490-1560. Restored medal by E. Bust r. Rev. In- scription in a wreath. JR. 24 mm. Hild. I, 14. 1609 Gustavus II Adolphus, 1594-1632. Landing in Germany, 1630. Bust r. Rev. Ship entering the harbor of Usedom in Pomerania. JR gilt 45 mm. Hild. I, 14. 137 1610 Same. (Rev.) 1611 Victory at Breitenfeld, 1631, by S. Dadler. Justice, Piety, and Constancy erect a column. Rev. View of the city ; above, an avenging angel. JR 65 mm. Hild. I, 28. 1612 Same. (Rev.) 1613 Capture of Riga, 1621, by S. Dadler and H. Wulf. The king on horseback, dashing r. Rev. View of Riga; in the fore- ground, the Swedish army. M 59 mm. Hild. I, 8. 1614 Victory at Breitenfeld, 1631, by S. Dadler. Bust facing, in a richly ornamented cartouche. Rev. The king as warrior of Christ, standing on his slain enemies. JR 57 mm. Hild. I, 58. 1615 The City of Augsburg Opens Its Portals to the King, 1632. A Corinthian capital, surmounted with a heap of arms piled up in the shape of a pine-cone (the arms of Augsburg). On a fillet, POST NVBILA PHOEBVS. On a scroll, Crescit et florescit. Rev. GVSTAVA ET AVGVSTA CAPVT RELIGIONVM ET REGIONVM. Plan of the city. 2R 75 mm. Hild. I, 69. 1616 Death of the King, 1634, by S. Dadler. The king on funeral pile ; in the air, angels among the clouds. Rev. The king in triumphal chariot driving over dragons, etc. Religion and Courage hold a wreath over him. M 79 mm. Hild. I, 188. 1617 Death of the King, 1632, by N. Kitzkatz. Bust facing in a cartouche. Rev. Sword with palm and laurel wreath ; above, crown. M 41 mm. Hild. I, 178. 1618 Same. (Rev.) 1619 Same subject, 1632, by S. Dadler. Laureate bust, in richly decorated cartouche. Rev. Arm with crowned sword between laurel and palm branch. M 44 mm. Hild. I, 176. 1620 Medal of 1632. Bust facing. Rev. Hand with sword and inscription. M octagonal 37x27 mm. Hild. I, 63. 1621 Second Centenary of his Death, 1832, by Carl Magnus Mell- gren. Bust 1. Rev. Religion and Piety. M 41 mm. Hild. I, 244. 1622 Christina, 1626-1689. Accession, 1632, by S. Dadler. Crowned bust facing. Rev. Phoenix on a rock. M 49 mm. Hild. I, i. 138 1623 Same. (Rev.) 1624 Naval Victory of Swedes over Danish Fleet, 1644, by S. Dadler. Naval action. Rev. The queen and her court. M 83 mm. 1625 Coronation Medal, 1650, by Jean Parise. Bust 1. Rev. Arm with crown; below, AVITAM ET | AVCTAM. M 41 mm. Hild. I, 39A. 1626 Same. (Rev.) JR. 28 mm. 1627 Charles X Gustavus, 1622-1660. Coronation, 1654, by J. Parise. Bust 1. Rev. A DEO ET CHRISTINA. Queen Christina places the crown upon the head of Carl Gustav. JR. 42 mm. Hild. I, 10. 1628 Coronation, 1654. Bust 1. Rev. Crown. M 31 mm. Hild. I, 6. 1629 Same subject. The March on the Ice over "Stora Bait" toward Denmark, 1658, by J. Breuer. Bust r. Rev. View of the crossing. JR. 57 mm. Hild. I, 26. 1630 Same subject, 1658, by Arvid Karlsteen. Bust r. Rev. View of the crossing. M 48 mm. Hild. I, 27. 1631 Medal without year, on the King's Heroic Courage, by A. Karlsteen. Bust r. Rev. Hercules slaying the Hydra. JR. 52 mm. Hild. I, 37. 1632 Death of the King, 1660. Inscription in seven lines. Rev. Three crowns ; below, sword. M 32 mm. Hild. I, 48. 1633 Same subject, 1660. Inscription in a wreath. Rev. Seven hands with swords. M 42 mm. Hild. I, 47. 1634 Charles XI, 1655-1697. Preparation for his High Calling, 1666, by J. Breuer. Bust r. Rev. Young king kneeling r. ; on the ground before him, crown, scepter, and sword. Above, the radiate name of Jehovah. M 47 mm. Hild. I, IIA. 1635 Same. (Rev.) 1636 Receipt of the Order of the Garter through Charles II of England, 1671. St. George slaying the dragon. Rev. Crowned monograms interwoven with the Garter. JR. 43 mm. Hild. I, 25. Accession, 1672, by H. Zodritz. Bust r. Rev. Crowned monogram. JR 49 mm. Hild. I, 35. 139 1638 Journey through his Country, ''Erics Gata" (Eric's trip), 1673, by A. Meybusch. Bust r. Rev. The king on horseback. M 47 mm. Hild. I, 29-36. 1639 Coronation Medal, 1675, by A. Karlsteen. REX CAROLVS. Bust r. Rev. The king, kneeling r., is crowned by a hand from heaven. JR. 35 mm. Hild. I, 44. 1640 Same subject, 1675, by A. Karlsteen. Bust r. Rev. The king, kneeling, is anointed by a priest. JR. 40 mm. Hild. I, 41. 1641 Same subject, 1675, by same. Bust r. Rev . The king, kneel- ing r., crowned by a hand from heaven. JR. 42 mm. Hild. I, 42. 1642 Similar. JR. 41 mm. Hild. I, 43. 1643 Victory over the Danes at Lund, 1676, by J. Breuer. Bust r. Rev. An altar on which the Gordian knot ; above, a sword ; in the background, battle scene. JR. 55 mm. Hild. I, 52. 1644 Same. (Rev.) 1645 Same subject, 1676, by A. Karlsteen. Bust r. Rev. Female figure kneeling before a warrior. JR. 58 mm. Hild. I, 57. 1646 Battles of Halmstad, Lund, and Landskrona, 1677, by A. Meybusch. Bust r., helmeted. Rev. Battle scene ; to r., a hill on which is a crown. JR. 56 mm. Hild. I, 64. Isteen. Bust r. Rev. 1647 Sweden's Prosperity, 1679, by A. Kar Seated Suecia. JR. 48 mm. Hild. I, 76. 1648 Similar, 1679, by A. Karlsteen. Bust r., seen from the rear. Rev. Seated Suecia. JR. 31 mm. Hild. I, 79. 1649 Peace at Lund, 1679, by A. Meybusch. Bust r. Rev. An altar with crown which a hand from heaven decorates with a palm-branch. JE gilt 44 mm. Hild. I, 72. 1650 Charles XL Union of the Houses of Parliament and the King, 1682, by A. Meybusch. Bust r. Rev. NEXU UNO IUNGIMUR OMNES (We are all bound by one bond). Four columns bound with chains ; above, a crown. JR. 48 mm. Hild. I, 97. 1651 Same subject, 1682, by same. JR. 53 mm. Hild. I, 96-98. 140 1652 Restoration of Prosperity, 1679, by A. Karlsteen. Bust r. Rev. Lion holding a shield with three crowns. HL 52 mm. Hild. I, 80. 1653 Engagement to Ulrika Eleanora (Princess of Denmark), 1680, by A. Meybusch. Busts of the two r., jugate. Rev. Amor between Faith and Peace. ^ 51 mm. Hild. I, 86-87. 1654 Coronation of Ulrika Eleanora, 1680, by A. Meybusch. Crowned head 1. Rev. Female figure and a genius crown the queen. M. 32 mm. Hild. I, 5. 1655 Queen Ulrika Eleanora's Accomplishments, etc., 1687, by A. Karlsteen. Bust r. Rev. A lyre. M 54 mm. Hild. I, 9. 1656 Favorable Relations with Foreign Powers, 1687, by R. Faltz. Bust r. Rev. Lion between Pallas and Mercury. 1R 54 mm. Hild. I, 105. 1657 Building of the Northern Wing of the Palace at Stockholm, 1692, by A. Karlsteen. Bust r. Rev. View of the palace. JR 69 mm. Hild. I, 118. 1658 Centennial Jubilee of Religious Peace at Upsala, 1693, by A. Karlsteen. Ship with a cross on a shield on the bow, and the monogram of Christ on the pennant. Rev. Inscription in eight lines. JR 63 mm. Hild. I, 119. 1659 Charles XII, 1682-1718. Preparation for his High Calling, by R. Faltz. Bust r., on a basis. Rev. A tree under the radiate sun. M 47 mm. Hild. I, 4. 1660 Peace of Ryswick, 1697, by A. Karlsteen. Bust r. Rev. Europa hands an olive-branch to the standing king. JR 52 mm. Hild. I, 7. 1661 Coronation, 1697, by A. Karlsteen. Bust r. Rev. An eagle on the globe, with radiate halo. JR 51 mm. Hild. I, 17. 1662 Same subject, 1697, by same. Bust r. Rev. An altar on which lie the royal insignia. /R 58 mm. Hild. I, I5a. 1663 Same. (Rev.) 1664 Peace at Traventhal (with Denmark and Holstein), 1700. Sun breaking through the clouds. Rev. Constellations of the Greater and the Lesser Bear ; between them the radiate name of Jehovah; probably by J. R. Engelhardt. JR 37 mm. Hild. I, 36. 141 1665 Peace at Traventhal, 1700, by A. Karlsteen. Bust r. Rev. Suecia receives the homage of Tonningen. M 52 mm. Hild. I, 33. 1666 Victory at Narva, 1700, by H. Muller. Bust r. Rev. Vic- tory, seated on fallen warriors. JR 40 mm. Hild. I, 45. 1667 Same. (Rev.) 1668 Same subject, 1700, by A. Karlsteen. Bust r. Rev. View of the fortress. JR 52 mm. Hild. I, 39. 1669 Victory at Thorn, 1703, by A. Karlsteen. Bust r. Rev. The king crowned by Victory. Attachment. ^R 52 mm. Hild. I, 77. 1670 Victory at Pultusk, 1703, by A. Karlsteen. Bust r. Rev. Seated river-gods ; in the distance, a palm-tree. JR 52 mm. Hild. 1,75- 1671 -His Victories, 1703, by C. Wermuth. Bust r. Rev. Lion 1., raises his right fore paw to strike. M 32 mm. Hild. I, 76, 79. 1672 Same subject, by G. Hautsch. Bust r. Rev. PAR ANIMO ROBVR. Standing lion 1. JR 41 mm. Hild. I, 109. 1673 Same. (Rev.) 1674 Fortunate Outcome of the War, 1703. Half-length figure facing, with baton. Rev. Three crowns through which a sword and laurel-branch ; around, six cartouches with the names and dates of battles. M 43 mm. Hild. I, 78. J 675 Same. (Rev.) 1676 Peace at Alt-Ranstadt, 1706, by Johann Memmius. Bust r. Rev. Postilion dashing 1. M 39 mm. Hild. I, 100. 16 77 Same subject, 1706, by same. M 38 mm. Hild. I, loob. 1678 Same subject, 1706, by P. H. Muller. Mercury flying over Leipzig. Rev. Mars and Hercules clasp hands. & 37 mm. Hild. 1,99- 1679 Same subject, 1706. Bust r. Rev. The arms of Saxony and Poland. M 25 mm. Hild. I, 97. X 68o Same. (Rev.) 142 [68i - The King's Victories, 1706, by G. Hautsch. Bust r. Rev. Hercules between two columns, in a circle of shields bearing the names of battles. M. 44 mm. Hild. I, 106. [682 - Protection of Protestants in Silesia, 1707. Bust r., with baton. Rev. Lion r. ; his fore paw rests on an altar; in front, palm. JR 34 mm. Hild. I, 115, 120. 1683 - Visit to Bender, 1709, by C. Wermuth. Bust r. Rev. "II dort apres tant de fatigues." A recumbent lion. M 21 mm. Hild. I, 1 - Visit to Bender in Turkey, 1709, by P. H. Miiller. Bust r. Rev. Recumbent lion. PER AMIGA SILENTIA LVNAE. XL 44 mm. Hild. I, 147. - Victory at Helsingborg, 1710, by P. H. Miiller. Bust r. Rev. Seated Mars. (Rev.) M 44 mm. Hild. I, 147, 156. 1686 - Victory at Gadebusch, 1712, by A. Karlsteen. Bust r. Rev. Apollo in quadriga driving over the Zodiac. M 52 mm. Hild. I, 163. 1687 - Arrival at Stralsund, 1714, by P. H. Miiller. Bust r. Rev. The king and kneeling Suecia at an altar. M 44 mm. Hild. I, 179. 1688 - Arrival at Stralsund, 1714, by M. Brunner. Bust r. Rev. Lion walking r. M 35 mm. Hild. I, 169. 1689 - Arrival at Stralsund, 1714. The king on horseback r. Rev. WAS SORGET IHR. ^ 31 mm. Hild. I, 171. 1690 - Same subject, 1715. Bust r. Rev. ICH FURCHTE MICH | NIGHT, etc. M 22 mm. Hild. I, 180. 1691 - Departure of the King from Stralsund, 1715. Ship. Rev. View of the city. M 35 mm. Hild. I, 185. 1692 - Death of the King, 1718. Bust r. Rev. WAS TRAURET IHR, etc. M 22 mm. Hild. I, 180, 2i2a. 1693 - Similar. M 20 mm. Hild. I, 212. 1694 - Same subject, 1718. By G. W. Vestner. Bust r. Rev. Forti- tude and Immortality. M oval 31x23 mm. Hild. I, 217. 1695 - Same subject, 1718, by J. C. Hedlinger. Bust r. Rev. INDOCILIS PATI. Lion bursting the rope in which he is en- tangled. M 52 mm. Hild. I, 197. 143 1696 Same. (Rev.) if 37 Same subject, 1718, by G. W. Vestner. Head r. Rev. Mourning Suecia near an altar. M 44 mm. Hild. I, 188-208. 1698 Same subject, 1718, by C. Wermuth. Bust r. So LANG | DIE WELT | etc. JR 32 mm. Hild. I, 221. 1699 Ulrika Eleanora, 1688-1741. Coronation, 1719, by J. C. Hedlin- ger. Bust r. Rev. Lioness with four cubs. (The four cubs desig- nate the four classes of the kingdom.) JR 52 mm. Hild. II, 6. 1700 Coronation, 1720, by J. C. Hedlinger. Bust r. Rev. A hand from heaven holds a crown. JR 52 mm. Hild. II, 8. 1701 Same subject, 1720, by G. W. Vestner. Busts of the two r., jugate. Rev. Minerva crowns Mars. JR. 44 mm. Hild. II, 10. 1702 Medallion, 1722, by J. C. Hedlinger. Busts of the royal couple r., jugate. Rev. Lion on a globe holding medallion of Frederick I, in a circle inclosed by medallions of the sovereigns of Sweden. JR 62 mm. Hild. II, 28. 1703 Erection of the State Bank at Stockholm, 1729, by J. C. Hed- linger. View of the building. Rei>. Seated Suecia with shield, etc. ^63 mm. Hild. II, 21. 1704 Medal in honor of the king's father (Landgrave of Hesse), 1730, by J. C. Hedlinger. Bust r. Rev. A pyramid. JR 50 mm. Hild. II, 34. 1705 Increase in Navy, 1749, by J. C. Hedlinger. Bust r. Rev. A galley. JR 54 mm. Hild. II, 73. 1706 Adolph Frederick, 1710-1771. Coronation, 1751, by D. Fehrman. Bust r., crowned. Rev. Inscription in six lines. M 30 mm. Hild. 11,21. 1707 Adolph Frederick and Ludovica Ulrika. Planting of Mulberry- trees, 1755, by D. Fehrman. Busts of Adolph Frederick and Ludovica Ulrika r., jugate. Rev. View of the trees planted in a nursery. yR 24 mm. Hild. II, 57. 1708 Adolph Frederick. Death of the King, 1771, by G. Liungberger. Bust r. Rev. Church. JR 53 mm. Hild. II, 50. 1709 Gustavus III, 1746-1792. Coronation, 1772, by G. Liunberger. Bust r. Rev. The king on horseback, riding r. JR 56 mm. Hild. II, 15. 144 "Ausbeute" Medal on the Birth of the Crown Prince, 1778, by G. Liungberger. Busts of the royal couple r., jugate. Rev. View of the mines. JR. 57 mm. Hild. II, 47. 1711 Same subject, 1778. Bust r. Rev. Bundle of wheat. JR. 29 mm. Hild. II, 46. 1712 Baptism of the Crown Prince, 1778, by G. Liungberger. Bust r. Rev. Baptism scene. JR. 57 mm. Hild. II, 49. 1713 Religious Liberty to Foreigners in Sweden, 1779, by G. Liungberger. Bust r. Rev. Faith and Charity. JR. 57 mm. Hild. n, 53- 1714 Birth of Prince Carl Gustavus, 1782, by G. Liungberger. Busts of the royal couple confronting. Rev. Busts of the two young princes r., jugate. JR. 57 mm. Hild. II, 59. 1715 Swedish Academy of Sciences, 1786, by G. Fehrman. Head r. Rev. SNILLE | OCH | SMAK, in a wreath. JR. 33 mm. Hild. II, no. 1716 Education of Prince Gustavus Adolphus, 1789, by C. En- horning. Bust r. Rev. The young prince between Suecia and Athena. JR. 53 mm. Hild. II, 73. 1717 Death of the King, 1792, by C. H. Kiichler. Bust r. Rev. Sarcophagus. XL 55 mm. Hild. II, 98. 1718 Gustavus IV Adolphus, 1778-1837. Coronation, 1800, by L. Grandel. Bust r., crowned. Rev. GUD | OCH | FOLKET. JR. 29 mm. Hild. II, 21. 1719 Charles XIII, 1809-1818. Charles August Elected Crown Prince, 1810, by C. Enhorning. Bust r. Rev. Suecia crowns the prince. JR. 57 mm. Hild. II, I. 1720 Death of Hedwig Elizabeth Charlotta, 1810, by C. Enhorn- ing. Bust r., in a veil. Rev. Three crowns. JR. 29 mm. Hild. II, 2. 1721 Charles XIV Johann, 1764-1844. Coronation, 1818. Bust r. Rev. Inscription in nine lines. JR 32 mm. 1722 Twenty-five Years' Jubilee, 1818. by L. Lundgren. Bust r. Rev. The king seated on his throne. M 61 mm. Hild. II, 129. 145 1723 Charles XV, 1826-1872. The International Fishery Exhibit, 1865, by Alphee Dubois. Head r. Rev. Inscription in a wreath. y8imm. Hild. II, 118. 1724 Oscar II, 1829-1908. Silver Wedding, 1882, by Lea Ahlborn. Medallion of Oscar II and Sophia, surrounded by four medal- lions of the crown princes. Rev. Seated Suecia. JE 77 mm. 1725 Fourth Centenary of the University of Upsala, 1877, by Lea Ahlborn. Three medallions. Rev. Victory in a chariot. M 95 mm. PERSONAL MEDALS 1726 Arvid Bernhard Horn, 1720, by J. C. Hedlinger. Token of esteem by members of the Reichstag. Bust r. Rev. Four altars sur- rounding a central one on which are the royal insignia. JR 63 mm. Hild. 2. 1727 Gabriel Stierncrona, General, 1723, by J. C. Hedlinger. Bust r. Rev. Radiate star. /R 56 mm. 1728 Carl Linnaeus. Token of esteem from Count C. G. Tessin, by D. Fehrman. Bust r. Rev. Three crowns. M 34 mm. Hild. 2. 1729 Series numismatica, by E. Dubois, 1818. Bust 1. Rev. In- scription. JE 40 mm. Hild. 7. J 73 Medal by Lea Ahlborn. Bust r. Rev. Inscription in a wreath. JE 54 mm. SPAIN 1731 Charles II, 1665-1700. New Fort at Ostende, 1672, by Roettier. Bust of Charles II r. Rev. FLANDRIA OSTENDE. Port of Ostende, showing plan of the fort ; above, two genii. M 44 mm. 1732 Same. (Rev.) J 733 Miguel de Molinos, 1687, by J. Smeltzing. Bust of Molinos 1. Rev. Molinos in his prison. JR 37 mm. 1734 Marriage of Charles to Maria Anna, 1689, by M. Brunner. Busts confronting. Rev. Castile and Pfalz, represented by two women, holding each a heart on the altar; above, Amor with torch. M 48 mm. 1735 Same. (Rev.) 146 1736 Charles III, 1701-1711. Arrival of Charles III in Portugal after a Voyage to the Netherlands, 1703. An eagle, with sword and horn of plenty in its claws, in its beak an olive-branch ; below, the globe resting on the sea ; in the distance, ships. Rev. Inscription in fourteen lines. M 49 mm. 1737 Same. (Rev.} Arrival of Charles III in Spain, 1703, by G. Hautsch. Bust of the king facing. Rev. The archduke, accompanied by Power and Justice, welcomed by Spain as he steps from his boat ; in the distance, two retreating soldiers, one bearing the shield of France. M 43 mm. *739 Same. (Rev.) 1740 Same subject, 1703 by J. Boskam. Bust of Charles III, laureate, r. Rev. The fleet ; above, an eagle. (Rev.) JR 44 mm. 1741 Capitulation of Barcelona, 1705, by P. H. Muller. Bust of the king r. Rev. Charles offered the crown ; above, Peace and Vic- tory. M 43 mm. 1742 Same. (Rev.) 1743 Raising of the Siege of Barcelona during an Eclipse, 1706, by P. H. Muller. Bust of Charles III r. Rev. The harbor, show- ing position of the combatants; beyond, the city. (Rev.) 1R 43 mm. 1744 Same subject, 1706. Philip V escaping on horseback; above him, a genius covering the sun with the shield of Austria. Rev. The Duke of Marlborough galloping over the bodies of the ene- mies ; to the right, four women giving him the keys of the city. M 45 mm. 1745 Victory over the French, 1706, by G. F. Niirnberger. Alle- gorical representation of the conflict. Rev. Inscription in twelve lines. JR klippe 39x39 mm. 1746 Same. (Rev.) *747 Homage of Madrid, 1706, by P. H. Muller. Bust of Charles III r. Rev. Beehive. (Rev.) JR 43 mm. 1748 Victories of the King, 1706. The globe; above, a cloud par- tially hiding the sun. Rev. Three medallions : in the first, a view 147 of Barcelona ; in the second, Madrid, and in the third the battle of Ramillies ; in the center, "the head of Charles III r. .31 44 mm. 1749 Victory at Lerida, 1710, by P. H. Miiller. Bust of Charles III r. Rev. Warrior fighting with three harpies. (Rev.) JR 43 mm. 1750 Victories in Catalonia and Aragon, 1710, by P. H. Miiller. Bust of Charles III r. Rev. Eagle and rooster. JR. 45 mm. 1751 Same. (Rev.} 1752 Entry into Madrid, 1710, by M. Brunner. The king on his throne; at his right, a genius with palm-branches. Rev. Map of Spain and India. JR 43 mm. 1753 Battle of Almenara, 1710, by M. Brunner. Bust of Charles III, laureate, r. Rev. Philip V and a Jesuit priest. JR 43 mm. 1754 Victory at Cardona and Coronation at Frankfort, 1711. Battle scene. Rev. The king kneeling before the altar. M 50 mm. 1755 Philip V of Bourbon, 1700-1746. Accession, 1701, by T. Bernard. Bust of the king 1. Rev. Philip V, in Roman dress, welcomed by Spain, by J. Mauger. JR 60 mm. 1756 Victories of Philip V in Italy, 1703, by Roettier. Bust of the king, laureate, r. Rev. Inscription in six lines. 'M 31 mm. 1757 Ferdinand VI, 1746-1759. Accession, 1746. Bust of Ferdinand VI r. Rev. The king welcomed by four kneeling figures. .31 51 mm. 175 8 Earthquake at Lisbon, 1755, by M. Holtzhey. A woman seated on the ruins; to her right, a ship in an oval shield. Rev. The harbor of Lisbon. M 55 mm. 1759 Charles III, 1759-1788. Accession, 1759, by T. F. Prieto. Bust of Charles III, laureate, r. Rev. ACCLAMATIO AUGUSTA. Heralds and standard-bearers on the platform before the people. JR 55 mm. 1760 Founding of the Academy of Law at Madrid, 1778, by G. A. Gil. Bust of Charles III r. Rev. Four people seated around a table which rests on a cliff. (Rev.) M 58 mm. 1761 Charles IV, 1788-1808. Monument to Michel la Grua, 1796, by G. A. Gil. Busts of the king and queen. Rev. Equestrian statue by Emmanuel Tolsa. M 60 mm. 148 1762 Ferdinand VII, 1808-1833. Betrothal of Ferdinand VII to Isa- bella of Portugal, 1816. Busts of the two r. Rev. Hercules stand- ing between two columns. JR 34 mm. 1763 Same. (Rev.) 1764 Marriage of Ferdinand to Isabella, 1817, by F. Cordillo. Busts of the two r. Rev. An altar on which are two hearts ; to the left, Religion; to the right, Amor; above, a crown. (Rev.) M 43 mm. Restoration of Ferdinand with the Aid of the French, 1823, signed B. M. Bust of Ferdinand r. Rev. The imperial eagle crowned, and four crowns. M 40 mm. NETHERLANDS 1766 Second Expedition of William of Orange-Nassau, 1572. Bust almost full-face. Rev. AVDACES FORTVNA IVVAT. Single pine-tree. M 49 mm. 1767 Recapture of Breda under Maurice of Nassau, 1590. Belgian lion with sword and arrows; above, BREDA A SERVITVTE HISPANA VINDICATA, etc. Rev. Men landing from a boat, halberds in hand. A T 40 mm. 1768 Capture of the "Flotte d' Argent" in the Bay of Matanzas, Cuba, by Admiral Piet Heyn, 1629. Bust facing. Rev. The fleet. M 60 mm. 1769 Naval Engagement at Slaak, 1631. Bust of Frederick Henry of Orange-Nassau r. Rev. Naval action. M 50 mm. 1770 Same subject, by Jan Loos. Plan of the harbor. Rev. Inscription. ^R 55 mm. 1771 Same subject, 1631. Similar. (Rev.) M 54 mm. 1772 Same subject, 1631, by A. Vanderwilck. Frederick Henry on horseback r. Rev . Naval action. M 57 mm. 1773 Recapture of Breda by Frederick Henry, 1637, by Jan Loos. ANTE FAME, etc. An arm from heaven holding a sword above the besieged city. Rev. Inscription in an ornamental cartouche. M 69 mm. 149 1774 Destruction of the Spanish Fleet by the Dutch, 1639. Naval action. Rev. Inscription. M 64 mm. 1775 Marriage of William III of Orange and Princess Mary, 1641, by S. Dadler. William III seated on a dais with raised sword in r. and string of shields in 1.; his feet on prostrate enemies. Rev. Wedding scene. M 73 mm. 1776 Same subject, by J. Blum. Radiate dove, and two angels holding wreaths above standing figures of William III and Mary. (Rev. ) JR?2 mm. J 777 Same subject, 1641. Similar. Rev. The two clasp an orange- branch. JR 63 mm. 1778 Capture of Hulst by Frederick Henry, 1645, by Jan Loos. View of the beleaguered city. Rev. Inscription. M 67 mm. *779 Same. (Rev.) 1780 Death of Hugo Grotius, 1645, by R- Arondeaux. Bust r. Rev. Inscription. JR 49 mm. 1781 Peace of Westphalia, 1648, by S. Dadler. Mars and Peace wrest- ling. Rev. Peace stands on the body of Mars holding palm, caduceus, etc. /R 61 mm. 1782 Same. (Rev.) 1783 Preliminaries to the Peace with Spain, 1647, by Jan Loos. TI- MIDE AC PRVDENTER. A ship under full sail. Rev. In- scription. M 65 mm. 1784 Same subject, 1648. Belgian lion with sword and arrows, above which a liberty-cap. Rev. DEVS NOBIS HAEC OTIA, etc. Shepherd scene. JR 41 mm. 1785 Same subject, 1648. Medal of Amsterdam. Goddess of Prosperity in a chariot drawn by two crowned lions, one carrying arrows, the other a scepter. Rev. A banner bearing an inscription held by three genii. M 59 mm. 1786 Same subject, 1648, by Roxh and S. Dadler. Seven female figures dancing around a liberty-cap, holding seven shields be- tween them. Rev. Latin inscription in seven lines. JR. 58 mm. 1787 Death of William II, Prince of Orange, 1650, by S. Dadler. Horse of Hanover leaping across sea. Rev. Phaethon falling from his chariot. JR 69 mm. 1788 Assembly of the States-General at The Hague after the Death of William II, 1650. Medal of the States of Zeeland. Figure of Lib- erty on a rock, which is hung with the shields of the seven provinces. Rev. Inscription. M 68 mm. 1789 Siege of Amsterdam by William II, 1651. Three members of the city guard. "Eerst twintigh Vaendels waren wij," etc. En- graved medal. Rev. Names of four officers engraved. JR 55 mm. 1790 Same subject, 1652. View of the city taken from the bay, which is rilled with boats. Rev. A soldier on horseback. ' ' Hecktor. " ^56 mm. 1791 Death of Admiral Martin Harpetzoon Tromp, 1653, by Jerian Pool. Bust facing. Rev. Naval action near Katwijk. JR. 70 mm. 1792 Similar. (Rev.) 1793 Same subject, 1653, by Simon. Bust 1. Rev. Inscription. M 47 mm. 1794 Peace of Westminster, 1654, by J. Pool. Neptune in his sea- chariot, facing. Rev. Inscription. JR 60 mm. 1795 Same subject, 1654, by S. Dadler. Two vessels sailing side by side. Rev. England and the Netherlands seated holding the liberty-cap. /R 61 mm. 1796 Inauguration of the Amsterdam Guild-hall, 1655. The Guild- hall. Rev. A galley (allusion to the ancient arms of the city). M 71 mm. 1797 William III of Orange, 1657, by G. Pool. Youthful bust r., in cap with feathers. Rev. Inscription. JR 47 mm. 1798 Inauguration of the Amsterdam Guild-hall, 1659, by G. Pool. The Guild-hall. Rev. View of the city in a circle of shields of the thirty-six members of the Council. (Rev.) M 71 mm. 1799 Peace of Breda, 1667, by C. Adolphzoon. Medal of Holland and West Friesland. Belgia standing on a captive. Rev. Figure of Prosperity. M 72 mm. 1800 Same subject, 1667, by G. Pool. View of the city. Above, two genii holding shields. Rev. Neptune in his chariot quieting the storm. M 52 mm. !8oi Similar. (Rev.) 1802 On the Terms of the Peace, 1668. Belgia leaning against a tro- phaeum. Rev. Inscription. yR 64 mm. 1803 Death of Nicolaus Witsen, 1669. Bust r. Rev. Arms of Cor- nelius Witsen. ^R 58 mm. 1804 Portrait Medal of William III, Prince of Orange, 1672, by C. Adolphson. Rev. Full-length figure of Minerva, in armor. ^R 56 mm. 1805 Groningen Besieged, 1672. The besieged city and outworks of the attacking army. Rev. Plan of the fortress Koevorden. En- graved medal. & 72 mm. 1806 Tragic Death of the Brothers Cornelius and Johannes De Witt, 1672. Their busts confronting. Rev. The populace represented as wild beasts tearing them in pieces. JR 72 mm. \ 1807 Same subject, 1672. Busts of the De Witt brothers, jugate. Rev. Dutch inscription. M 48 mm. 1808 Same subject, 1672. Obv. Same. Rev. Two ships wrecked on a rocky coast. (Rev.} 1809 Charles Rabenhaupt, 1672, by J.G.Breuer. Bust r. Rev. Trophy. /R 53 mm. 1810 Charles Rabenhaupt, Baron von Sucha, Lieutenant-General of Groningen and Ommeland, 1675. Bust facing. Rev. Plan of Groningen. Engraved. M 71 mm. 1811 Johann Dominicus, 1675, by Roettier. Bust r. Rev. Fame flying over the Netherlands; to r., Mercury and Belgia. M 74 mm. 1812 Death of Admiral Michael de Ruyter in the Naval Battle near Livorno, 1676, by C. Adolphzoon. Bust facing. Rev. Battle in which he perished. M 70 mm. 1813 Same subject, 1676. Naval action. Rev. Inscription. yR 70 mm. 1814 Peace of Nymwegen, 1678. Peace, Plenty, and Prosperity. Rev. View of the city; arms of France and Holland above. JR. 67 mm. 1815 Peace of Nymwegen, 1678, by J. V. Dishoecke. Peace standing. Rev. View of the city. M 71 mm. 1816 Same. (Rev.) 152 1817 Death of Gerhardt Brand, Historian and Ecclesiastic, at Rotter- dam, 1683, by R. Arondeaux. Bust r. Rev. Sunset over the city of Rotterdam. M 49 mm. 1818 Truce of Ratisbon for Twenty Years between France, Spain, and the Netherlands, 1684. Belgia between two altars. Rev. Spain and France shake hands over an altar. M. 62 mm. 1819 Balthasar Bekker, 1684. Medal by Jan Boskam. Bust 1. Rev. Religion exorcises the devil. M 55 mm. 1820 Same. (Rev.) 1821 Prosperity of Amsterdam, 1690. Amsterdam seated on a fort in the water. Rev. Inscription. 1R 61 mm. 1822 Destruction of the House of J. Zuylen of Nyevelt on the Occasion of the Beheading of K. Kosterman, 1690. Destruction of the house. Rev. Head of Kosterman on an altar. M. 56 mm. 1823 Academy of Leyden, 1693, by Jan Smeltzing. Leyden seated. Rev. Latin inscription. 7R 49 mm. 1824 Peace of Ryswick, 1697, by R. Arondeaux. Closing the doors of the temple of Janus. Rev. Palace at Ryswick, with plan of grounds. M 49 mm. 1825 Same. (Rev.) 1826 Same subject, 1697, by Jan Drappentier. Medal struck by order of the magistrates of Amsterdam. Europa offering a liba- tion at an altar. Rev. Prosperity seated. N 68 mm. 1827 Same. (Rev.) 1R 68 mm. 1828 Peace Rejoicings at Gouda, 1697, by J. Drappentier. Hercules, triumphant, stands on the devil with snake's tail. Rev. Pros- perity on an altar ; at the base, a river-god, Mercury, Plenty, and Pan. M 74 mm. 1829 First Anniversary Jubilee of the East India Company, 1702, by R. Arondeaux. A female figure holding a crowned sword. Rev. A vessel whose oars are manned by warriors with shields. JR 62 mm. 1830 Same. (Rev.) 153 1831 Repression of Sedition in Middelburg, Zeeland, 1704, by J. V. Dishoecke. Perseus cuts off Medusa's head, and Pegasus springs forth. Rev. The militia parading. M. 48 mm. 1832 Archbishop Petrus Coddaeus Sebastenus, 1705. Bust r. Rev. Lightning strikes a lamb whose foot rests on a book inscribed RESP. Belgian lion brandishing sword marches 1. M 44 mm. 1833 Same. (Rev.) 1834 Election of William Charles Henry Friso as Governor of Duchy of Guelder, by C. Wermuth, 1712. Bust r. Rev. The presenta- tion to the young duke. M 63 mm. 1835 Peace of Utrecht (1713), 1716, by Jan Drappentier. Medal of Ghent. The river-god Yssel receives the caduceus from Pros- perity. Rev. Inscription. JR 73 mm. 1836 Same subject, 1713. Europa as Prosperity seated on the coast. Rev. Peace closing the temple of Janus. JR 48 mm. 1837 Peace of Rastadt, 1714. Two warriors, seated, exchange a pledge of hands. Rev. Two fishes ; inscription. M 44 mm. 1838 Gerhard von Loon, Numismatist, 1731, by M. Holtzhey. Bust r. Rev. A flaming altar, and bull bound and prostrate in the rear; in the foreground, a cestus. M 54 mm. 1839 Reception of the Salzburg Emigrants in the Netherlands, 1733, by W. Reception of the emigrants by a standing figure in full armor. Rev. Seated Prosperity. ^R 43 mm. 1840 Rejoicing over Peace for a Quarter of a Century, 1738, by M. Holtzhey. Prosperity, Peace, and Liberty seated near an altar. Rev. Inscription. M 61 mm. 1841 Same subject, 1738, by N. van Swinderen. Liberty seated before the temple of Janus. Rev. Seven escutcheons. M 56 mm. 1842 Third Centenary of the Invention of Printing, 1740, by M. Holtz- hey. Medal of Haarlem. Athena, seated on the clouds, receives Laurentius Costerus, inventor of printing. Rev. Prosperity seated near an altar. M 63 mm. 1843 Same subject, 1740. Bust of Laurentius I Costerus facing. Rev. Fame flying 1. over the city. 1844 G. W. von Imhof Sails for the Cape of Good Hope, 1742, by M. Holtzhey. Bust r. Rev. Vessel. M 49 mm. 154 1845 Election of W. C. H. Friso as Hereditary Statthalter of the Netherlands, 1747, by same. Bust r. Rev. Lion receives orange- branch, right paw resting on altar on which is a liberty-cap. JR 41 mm. 1846 Same subject, 1747, by M. Holtzhey. Bust r. Rev. Zodiac. M 67 mm. 1847 Beginning of the Republic of the Netherlands, 1748, by M. Holtz- hey. Lion below an altar on which is a medallion with busts of William, Maurice, and Frederick Henry, Princes of Orange. Rev. Kneeling figure offering a libation. /R 61 mm. 1848 Prize medal of the Academy of Leyden, by Jan Drappentier. The Belgian lion and arms. DONUM CONSULUM LEYDEN- SIUM in a cartouche. Rev. Pallas standing. M 43 mm. 1849 W. C. H. Friso, Statthalter of the Netherlands, 1747, by M. Holtz- hey. Belgia, with drawn sword, shield, etc., stands on a snake; below, eight shields. Rev. WILH. | CAR. HENR. | FRISO DICTATOR PER- | PETVVS CREATVS | XXV APRIL | MDCCXLVII. ^44 mm. 1850 Same. (Rev.} 1851 Carolina, Princess of Orange-Nassau, 1748, by M. Holtzhey. Busts of W. C. H. Friso and Anna r., jugate. Rev. Bust of Caro- lina r. AET. V. ANN. M 41 mm. 1852 Same. (Rev.) 1853 Death of W. C. H. Friso, 1751, by A. A. Bust r. Rev. Inscrip- tion in nine lines. M 37 mm. 1854 Funeral of W. C. H. Friso, 1752, by N. van Swinderen. Sarco- phagus. Rev. Funeral procession. M 37 mm. 1855 William V, Prince of Orange-Nassau. The beginning of the year 1752, by J. G. Holtzhey. Bust of the young prince 1. Rev. The prince seated beside Belgia on a throne. M 41 mm. 1856 Same. (Rev.) 1857 William V chosen King of Holland, 1766. Bust r. Rev. The king, in ancient armor, received by the state. 1R 47 mm. 1858 Medal in Honor of the Four Jorissen Brothers, whose Ages Totaled 332 Years, 1767, by C. F. Krouse. The four brothers 155 near an altar; above, the radiate name of Jehovah in Hebrew. Rev. IACOBUS | THEODORUS | BERNADUS | EN MAT- THEUS | JORISSEN. | 18 JULY 1767. M 43 mm. 1859 Marriage of William V and Frederike Sophia Wilhelmina of Prussia, 1767, by C. V. Moelingen. Busts of the two r., jugate. Rev. Two genii above an altar. M 37 mm. 1860 Birth of William, Prince of Orange-Nassau, 1772, by T. V. B. A winged figure carries the newly born child to Belgia. Rev. Security seated by a column. & 43 mm. 1861 Battle of Doggerbank. Death of Vice-Admiral W. J., Baron Bentinck, wounded at Doggerbank, 1781, by J. G. Holtzhey. Medal struck by order of the Admiralty of Amsterdam. Altar with a funeral urn. Rev. Arms of Amsterdam, trophies, etc. JR 45 mm. 1862 Same. (Rev.) 1863 Death of J. D. van der Capellen, 1784. Medal of 1785, by J. G. Holtzhey. Funeral monument. Rev. Seated Belgia. JR. 45 mm. 1864 Peace between the Netherlands and Joseph II, Roman Emperor, and Alliance with France, 1785, by J. G. Holtzhey. Seated Peace receiving a winged messenger blowing a trumpet. Rev. Inscrip- tion. The importance of this peace for commerce is indicated by the flags of the East India and West India Companies. M 49 mm. 1865 Centenary of Cornelia Biereus, 1790, by J. G. Holtzhey. Bust r. Rev. Inscription. M 45 mm. 1866 Frederick Josias, Prince of Saxe-Coburg, Defender of Holland, 1793, by Baldenbach. Head r. Rev. The prince receives Belgia's thanks and is decorated by a laurel crown. ^51 47 mm. 1867 Victory at Palembang, 1821, by Michaut. Bust of William I. Rev. (By Braemt.) Mars on a galley crowned by flying Vic- tory. M 42 mm. 1868 Marriage of Frederick, Prince of Orange-Nassau, and Ludovica of Prussia, 1825, by G. Loos. Busts of the two r., jugate. Rev. Genius and winged figure flying r. JR 42 mm. 1869 Second Centenary of the Academy of Utrecht, 1836, by D. van der Kellen. Standing Pallas. Rev. Inscription within a wreath. XL 53 mm. 156 1870 J. C. Hamelman, 1838, by D. van der Kellen. Death at Amster- dam at the age of one hundred years. Bust 1. Rev. Inscription in five lines. M. 43 mm. 1871 Medal of the Societe Hollando-Belge des Amis de la Medaille, by Hipp. Le Roy. Figure of Peace with laurel-branch stands near a seated man and points toward man plowing in the field. Rev. SPES. Ship on a stormy sea. JR 65 mm. 1872 Michael Adriaenz de Ruyter. Commemorative medal of the So- ciete Hollando-Belge des Amis de la Medaille, 1607-1907. Bust facing. Rev. Ships. M 66 mm. MEDALS OF THE FRENCH MINT (REFERENCE: MEDAILLES FRANQAISES AU MUSEE MONETAIRE, PARIS, 1892) Numbers at the end in parentheses refer to pages in the above. 1873 Louis XII, 1498-1515. Campaign of 1512. JE 24 mm. (2) 1874 - Louis XII, Duke of Milan. IE 60 mm. (i) 1875 - Cardinal d'Amboise, 1503. ^E 54 mm. (2) 1876 - Similar, 1500. (Rev.) JE 53 mm. (2) 1877 Francis I, 1515-1547. Treaty of 1515. fiL 55 mm. (2) 1878 - Treaty with England, 1519. (Rev.) 2E 54 mm. (3) 1879 -- Portrait head of Francis I, bearded. (Rev.) 2E 54 mm. (3) - Battle of Marignano. (Rev.) 2E 55 mm. (2) 1881 Henry II, 1547-1559. The Glory of the King, 1551. XL 36 mm. (3) 1882 - Conquests of Henry II, 1552. 2E 61 mm. (4) 1883 - League against the Emperor Charles V, 1552. (Rev.) 7E 60 mm. (4) 1884 - Francis, Duke of Guise, and the Defense of the Town of Metz, 1552. ^53 mm. (5) 157 1885 Treaty with England. (Rev.) 2E 61 mm. (4) 1886 Diana of Poitiers, 1552. (Rev.) IE 38 mm. (4) 1887 Catherine de Medici, 1555. (Rev.) JE 60 mm. (6) 1888 Diana of Poitiers. 2E 53 mm. (5) 1889 Marriage of the Dauphin and Mary Stuart, 1558. 2E 51 mm. (6) 1890 Death of Henry II (1559). JE 52 mm. (7) 1891 Francis II, 1559-1560. Peace with England, 1560. JE 53 mm. (7) 1892 Antoine of Navarre, 1560. IE 38 mm. (7) 1893 Charles IX, 1560-1574. Catherine de Medici. ^R 43 mm. 1894 The Coronation, 1561. IE 32 mm. (9) J 895 Emblem of the King. (Rev.) XL 52 mm. (9) 1896 Same subject, 1564. (Rev.) JE 42 mm. (9) 1897 The Queen Mother, 1565. (Rev.) 2E 38 mm. (10) !8g8 The Renown of the King, 1568. (Rev.) 2E 38 mm. (8) 1899 Elizabeth of Austria, 1572. (Rev.) JE 38 mm. (n) 1900 Massacre of St. Bartholomew, 1572. (Rev.) IE 37 mm. (10) 1901 Same. (Rev.) JR 38 mm. 1902 Same subject, 1572. (Rev.) IE 52 mm. (10) 1903 Henry, Duke of Anjou, King of Poland, 1573. 7E 29 mm. (12) 1904 Charles, Cardinal of Lorraine. JE 38 mm. (12) 1905 Henry III, 1574-1589. Public Prosperity, 1574. 2E 38 mm. (13) 1906 Peace with the Catholic League. (Rev.) 2E 48 mm. (17) 158 1907 - Rene de Birague, Chancellor of France, 1577. JE 39 mm. (15) 1908 - Same subject, 1580. JE 39 mm. (16) 1909 - Louis, Cardinal of Guise, 1578. BL 48 mm. (16) 1910 -- Emblem of the King, 1578. (Rev.) 7E 36 mm. (14) 1911 -- Foundation of the Order of the Holy Ghost, 1579. (Rev.) mm. (17) 1912 - Chancellor de Cheverny, 1580. L 38 mm. (17) 1913 - Treaty with the Swiss, 1582. 2E 42 mm. (17) 1914 - Henry as Alexander Crossing the Tigris. JE 42 mm. (14) 1915 - Catherine de Medici, Mother of Three Kings. (Rev.) TEL 51 mm. (13) 1916 - Henry III and his Mother. (Rev.) JE 43 mm. (12) 1917 -- Queen Louise of Lorraine. -#43 mm. (14) 1918 - Henry, Duke of Guise. JE 51 mm. (15) 1919 - Cardinal of Bourbon, 1590. 2E 34 mm. (18) 1920 - Same subject, 1590. M 48 mm. (18) 1921 Henry IV, 1589-1610. Birth of the Dauphin. JE 57 mm. (21) 1922 -- Erection of Equestrian Statue to Henry IV, 1817, by B. An- drieu. (Rev.) JE 23 mm. 1923 -- Mint of Chalons, 1591. (Rev.) 2E 36 mm. (19) 1924 - Reunion of the Two Kingdoms, 1598. (Rev.) JE 43 mm. (20) 1925 - The Artillery, 1601. (Rev.) 2E 50 mm. (20) 1926 - Marriage of the King, 1604. (Rev.) 2E 57 mm. (21) 1927 - Maximilian de Bethune, Duke of Sully. 2E 44 mm. (20) 159 1928 Coronation of Maria de Medici, 1610. JE 44 mm. (22) (Rev.} JE 72 mm. (25) * ' 1929 Coronation of Maria de Medici, 1610. JE 44 mm. (22) 1930 Regency of the Queen Mother, 1613. JE 55 mm. (22) 1931 Majority of the King, 1614. JR. 44 mm. 1932 Cardinal Richelieu, 1631, by J. Warin. JE 54 mm. (24) V* ~" *933 Similar, 1634. (Rev.) IE 32 mm. (24) 1934 Oath of Louis XIII, 1638. (Rev.} IE 70 mm. (24) J 935 Birth of the Dauphin, 1638. (Rev.} 2E 72 mm. (25) 1936 Same subject, 1638. (Rev.} JE 41 mm. (25) ' J 937 Emblem of Cardinal Mazarin, 1659. 2E 62 mm. (170) J 938 Death of Louis XIII, 1643, by J. Mauger. (Rev.} IE 41 mm. (26) 1939 Louis XIV, 1643-1715. Battle of Rocroy, 1643. %L 41 mm. (28) 1940 Capture of Thirty Towns, 1644. (Rev.} IE 41 mm. (33) 1941 Marriage of Louise of Gonzaga, 1645. (Rev.} 2E 41 mm. (35) ^ y_ Defeat of the Duke of Bavaria, 1648. (Rev.} 2E 41 mm. (39) Death of Louis XIII, 1643, by H. Roussel. (Rev.} 2E 70 mm. (26) 1944 Battle of Norlingen, 1645, by M. Molart. (Rev.} 2E 74 mm. (34) *945 Regency of the Queen Mother, 1643, by H. Roussel. (Rev.} XL 70 mm. (27) 1946 Same subject, 1643, by J. Warin. (Rev.} 7E 28 mm. (168) 1947 Battle of Liorens and Capture of Balaguier, 1645, by -M. Molart. (Rev.} 2E 74 mm. (35) 160 2807 PLATE VI 1948 - Capture of Piombino and Portolongone, 1646, by H. Rous- sel. (Rev.} 2E 41 mm. (37) 1949 - Capture of Tortosa, 1648, by M. Molart. (Rev.) 2E 75 mm. (39) 1950 - Battle of Lens, 1643, by M. Molart. (Rev.) M 75 mm. (40) 1951 -- Peace of Westphalia, 1648, by J. Le Blanc. (Rev.) M 42 mm. (40) 1952 - Battle of Rethel, 1650, by M. Molart. (Rev.) JE 72 mm. (42) 1 953 -- Same subject, 1650, by H. Roussel. JE 69 mm. (42) J 954 - Majority of the King, 1651, by M. Molart and J. Mauger. (Rev.) 2E 63 mm. (43) 1955 - Same subject, 1651, by M. Molart. (Rev.) 74 mm. (43) W % ' 1956 - Marie Therese. (Rev.) M 22 mm. 1957 - Relief of Arras, 1654, by T. Bernard. (Rev.) M 42 mm. (47) 1958 - Same subject, 1654. (Rev.) JE 42 mm. J 959 - Founding of the Hospital General, 1656. 2E 42 mm. (48) 1960 - Same subject, 1656, by T. Bernard. (Rev.) 2E 63 mm. (48) 1961 -- Capture of Capelle, 1656, by J. Dollin. (Rev.) JE 41 mm. (50) 1962 - Capture of Montmedy, 1657, by J. Dollin. (Rev.) 2E 74 mm. (51) 1963 - Same subject, 1657, by M. Molart. (Rev.) JE 41 mm. (51) 1964 - Battle of the Dunes, 1658, by M. Molart. (Rev.) IE 72 mm. 1965 - Marriage of the King, 1660, by C. J. F. Cheron. (Rev.) IE 62mm. (55) 1966 - Same subject, 1660. (Rev.) 2E 41 mm. 161 1967 Peace with the Pyrenees, 1660, by J. Mauger. (Rev.) JE 70 mm. (171) 1968 Same subject, 1660, by J. Hardi. IE 39 mm. (171) 1969 Entrance of the Queen into Paris, 1660, by J. Mauger. JE 63 mm. (56) I 97 Citadel and Chateau of Marseilles, 1660. (Rev.) 2E 41 mm. (57) 1971 Education of the King, 1660. (Rev.) JE 61 mm. (169) 1972 Birth of the Dauphin, 1661, by H. Roussel. (Rev.) 7E 63 mm. (60) J 973 Same subject, 1661, by M. Molart. JE 74 mm. (60) 1974 Zeal of the King, by H. Roussel. (Rev.) JE 73 mm. (58) X 975 Homage of Charles, Duke of Lorraine, 1661, by N. Dela- haye. (Rev.) JE 61 mm. (59) i 97 6 Same subject, 1661. IE 42 mm. (60) *977 The King Taking the Reins of State, 1661, by J. Mauger. (Rev.) 2E 42 mm. (57) 1978 Liberality of the King during the Famine. 2E $i mm. (62) J 979 Same subject, 1662. (Rev.) IE 41 mm. (62) 1980 Promotion of the Knights of the Holy Ghost, 1662, by J. Mauger. JE 73 mm. (61) 1981 Same subject, 1662. (Rev.) JE 41 mm: (61) 1982 Right of Precedence Recognized by Spain, 1662, by T. Ber- nard. (Rev.) IE 72 mm. (62) 1983 The Tournaments, 1662, by J. Nilis. (Rev.) 2E 65 mm. (63) 1984 Renewal of the Treaty with the Swiss, 1663. (Rev.) 2E 42 mm. (66) 1985 Same subject, 1663. (Rev.) IE 42 mm. (173) 162 1986 Ceremony of the Day after the Coronation, 1664. JE oval 19x16 mm. (169) 1987 Erfurt Restored to the Elector of Mayence, 1664. (Rev.) JE 42 mm. (69) 19 88 The Industries, 1664, by T. Bernard. (Rev.) JE 42 mm. (69) 1989 Erection of the Pyramid at Rome, 1664, by M. Molart. JE 42 mm. (67) 1990 The East and West Indian Companies, 1664. (Rev.) XL 42 mm. (69) 1991 Audience of the Legate, 1664. (Rev.) JE 73 mm. (68) 1992 Colony of Madagascar, 1665. (Rev.) 7E 63 mm. (70) *993 Clemency of the King toward the Extortioners, 1665, by M. Molart. JE 73 mm. (74) 1994 Port of Rochefort, 1666. (Rev.) JE 42 mm. (73) J 995 Encouragement to Men of Letters, 1666. (Rev.) JE 41 mm. (72) 1996 Campaign of Flanders, 1667, by H. Breton. (Rev.) M 73 mm. (174) *997 Capture of Tournay and Courtray, 1667. (Rev.) 2E 89 mm. (174) 1998 Capture of Courtray, 1667. (Rev.) JE 41 mm. (77) 1999 The Observatory of Paris, 1667. (Rev.) JE 34 mm. 2000 Emblem of the King, 1667, by J. Mauger. (Rev.) JE 70 mm. (175) 2001 The New Ordinance, 1667. (Rev.) IE 42 mm. (75) 2002 Navigation Reestablished, 1668. JE 51 mm. (176) 2003 The Great Conde, 1668. JE 55 mm. (177) 2004 The Factories, 1669, by J. Le Blanc. (Rev.) JE 42 mm. (84) 163 2005 - Law for Cleaning and Lighting the City, 1669, by Hupiere. (Rev.) JE 54 mm. (82) 2006 - Repaying of Paris, 1669, by J. Nilis. (Rev.) IE 54 mm. (83) 2007 - Reestablishment of the Navy, 1670. (Rev.) ^41 mm. (85) 2008 - Military Order of St. Lazarus of Jerusalem, 1672. (Rev.) 2E 45 mm. (179) 2009 - Siege of Charleroi Raised, 1672. (Rev.) JE 41 mm. (91) 2010 - Capture of Four Towns on the Rhine, 1672, by J. Mauger. (Rev.) IE 41 mm. (88) 2011 - Capture of Twelve Towns in Holland and on the Rhine (1672), by H. Roussel. 2E 64 mm. (178) 2012 - The French Academy at the Louvre, 1673. (Rev.) IE 41 mm. (90) 2013 - Same subject, 1673. (Rev.) 7E 41 mm. (92) 2014 -- Naval Victories, 1673. (Rev.) XL 53 mm. (179) 2015 - The Elector of Brandenburg Driven Back to the Elbe, 1673, by J. Mauger. (Rev.) JE 72 mm. (92) 2016 - Colbert, 1674, by H. Roussel. 2E 63 mm. (198) 2017 - Second Conquest of Franche-Comte, 1674, by M. Molart. (Rev.) JE 72 mm. (93) 2018 - Capture of Besangon, 1674, by H. Roussel. (Rev.) 2E 72 mm. (94) 2019 - Same subject, 1674. (Rev.) 2E 70 mm. (179) 2020 - Siege of Oudenarde Raised, 1674, by H. Roussel. (Rev.) mm. (97) 2021 - Failure of the Plans of Holland, 1674, by H. Roussel. (Rev.) 7E 70 mm. (97) 2022 - Emblem of the King, 1674, by J. Warin. 2E 82 mm. (175) 2023 - Capture of Limbourg, 1675, by M. Molart. (Rev.) 2E 73 mm. (99) 164 2024 Relief of Messina, 1675, by M. Molart. (Rev.} M 73 mm. (98) 2025 Les Invalides, 1675, by J. Mauger. (Rev.) IE 70 mm. (101) 2026 The Germans Driven from Alsace, 1675. (Rev.) 2E 41 mm. (98) 2027 Island of Cayenne Retaken, 1676. (Rev.) yE4imm. (105) 2028 Naval Battle of Agosta, 1676. (Rev.) JE 41 mm. (101) 2029 Capture of Bouchain, 1676. (Rev.) M 41 mm. (103) 2030 Capture of Conde, 1676, by M. Molart. (Rev.) M 72 mm. (102) 2031 Naval Battle of Palermo, 1676, by M. Molart. (Rev.) M 71 mm. (103) 2032 Capture of Valenciennes, 1677, by M. Molart. (Rev.) 2E 72 mm. (105) 2033 Same subject, 1677, by T. Bernard. (Rev.) M 41 mm. (105) 2034 Combat of Tabago, 1677. (Rev.) 2E 41 mm. (105) 2035 Capture of Cambrai, 1677, by J. B. Dufour. (Rev.) 2E 58 mm. (181) 2036 Battle of Cassel, 1677, by H. Roussel. (Rev.) 2E 70 mm. (106) 2037 Same subject, 1677, by H. Roussel. (Rev.) IE 41 mm. 2038 Capture of Puycerda, 1678. (Rev.) IE 41 mm. (in) 2039 Peace of Nimegue, 1678. JE 88 mm. (112) 2040 Marriage of Marie Louise of Orleans to the King of Spain, 1679, by J. Nilis. (Rev.) IE 41 mm. (113) 2041 Security of the Kingdom, 1679, by J. Nilis. (Rev.) IE 41 mm. (184) 2042 The Glory of the Navy, by J. Mauger. (Rev.) IE 71 mm. (148) 165 2043 - Fortifications of Huningen, 1680. (Rev.} IE 68 mm. (117) 2044 - Levy of Sailors, 1680, by M. Molart. JE 71 mm. (116) 2045 - Reduction of Strasbourg, 1681. (Rev.} 2E 70 mm. (117) 2046 - Defeat of the Corsairs of Tripoli, 1681. (Rev.) 7E 39 mm. 2047 - Strasbourg Subdued and Casale Returned to the King, 1681. ^40 mm. (118) 2048 -- Construction of the Canal from the Garonne to the Cape de Cette, 1681, by M. Molart. (Rev.) IE 72 mm. (185) 2049 - The King Condemning Himself, 1682. (Rev.) 7E 30 mm. (120) 2050 - Fortification of Strasbourg, 1683, by J. Mauger. (Rev.) 2E 66 mm. (121) 2051 - Bombardment of Algiers, 1683. (Rev.) 7E 40 mm. (122) 2052 - Death of Colbert, 1683, by T. Bernard. 2E 83 mm. (199) 2053 - Jean Warin, 1684, by J. B. Dufour. JE 50 mm. (200) 2054 - Capture of Luxembourg, 1684. 2E 85 mm. (187) 2055 - Revocation of the Edict of Nantes, 1680, by M. Molart. (Rev.) 2E 70 mm. (129) 2056 - Submission of the Republic of Genoa, 1685. (Rev.) 2E 71 mm. (128) 2 <>57 - Arrival of the Doge of Genoa, 1685, by H. Breton. (Rev.) ^E68mm. (128) 2058 - The Royal Bridge, 1685, by M. Molart. (Rev.) JE 71 mm. (130) 2059 - Same subject, 1685, by N. Delahaye. (Rev.) 2E 63 mm. (130) 2060 - Louis de Boucherat, Chancellor of France, 1685, by M. Molart. IE 77 mm. (201) 2061 - Same, 1686. (Rev.) IE 41 mm. (138) 166 2062 - The King's Illness, 1686, by A. Meybusch. (Rev.) 2E 50 mm. (133) 2063 - Ambassadors from Siam, 1686, by J. Mauger. (Rev.) 2E 71 mm. (133) 2064 - Recovery of the King, 1687, by M. Molart. (Rev.) IE 68 mm. (134) 2065 -- Same subject, 1687. (Rev.) M 72 mm. (449) 2066 - League of Augsburg, 1687. (Rev.) 2E 41 mm. (137) 2067 - Campaign of the Dauphin, 1688, by T. Bernard. (Rev.) mm. (136) 2068 - James II, King of England, a Refugee in France, 1689. (Rev.) ^41 mm. (137) 2069 - Promotion of the Knights of the Holy Ghost, 1689, by H. Roussel. IE 41 mm. (138) 2070 - Battle of Staffard, 1690, by J. Mauger. (Rev.) 2E 71 mm. (139) 2071 - The English Driven from Canada, 1690. (Rev.) 2E 41 mm. (140) 2072 - Same. (Rev.) M 41 mm. 2073 - Capture of Nice, 1691. (Rev.) IE 41 mm. (141) 2074 - Nice and Mons Taken the Same Day, 1691. (Rev.) JE 41 mm. (141) 2075 - Capture of Namur, 1692, by J. Mauger. (Rev.) 2E 34 mm. (143) 2076 - Fortification of One Hundred and Fifty Towns, 1692. (Rev.) IE 41 mm. (145) 2077 - Honors Paid the Marines, 1692, by H. Roussel. (Rev.) 2E 71 mm. (149) 2078 - Founding of the Military Order of St. Louis, 1693. (Rev.) 2E 71 mm. (146) 2079 - Same subject, 1693. (Rev.) M 41 mm. (146) 167 2080 - Defeat of the English at Brest, 1694, by H. Roussel. (Rev.) JE 69 mm. (150) 2081 - France Provided with Wheat, 1694. (Rev.) IE 40 mm. 2082 - Chamber of Commerce, 1700. (Rev.) IE 41 mm. (158) 2083 - Accession of the Duke of Anjou to the Throne of Spain, 1700, by T. Bernard. (Rev.) ^41 mm. (158) 2084 - Same subject, 1700. (Rev.) 2E 41 mm. (158) 2085 - Battle of Cassano, 1705, by J. Dollin. (Rev.) JE 41 mm. (162) 2086 - Siege of Toulon Raised, 1707, by J. Le Blanc. (Rev.) JE 41 mm. (163) 2087 - Les Invalides, 1707. (Rev.) M 30 mm. 2088 - Same subject. (Rev.) JR 29 mm. 2089 - Birth of the Duke of Anjou (Louis XV), 1710. (Rev.) IE 42 mm. (164) 2090 - Fulfilment of the Vow of Louis XIII, 1719, by H. Roussel. (Rev.) IE 71 mm. (193) 2091 - Mint of Lille. JE 30 mm. 2092 Louis XV, 1715-1774. The King and the Regent, by J. Duvivier. IE 41 mm. (210) 2093 - Bust of the King, N oval 16x13 mm. 2094 - Interview between Louis XV and Peter the Great, 1717. (Rev.) IE 42 mm. (211) 2095 - N. de Launay, 1719, by J. Duvivier. 2E 41 mm. (270) 2096 - Louisburg Conquered and Fortified, 1720. (Rev.) JE 42 mm. (214) 2097 - Louis XV, 1720, by J. Duvivier. jR 25 mm. 2098 - Audience with the Ambassador of Turkey, 1721, by J. Le Blanc. (Rev.) JE 41 mm. (215) 168 2QQ9 The Palais Royal, 1721. (Rev.} JR 31 mm. 2100 Coronation of the King, by J. Duvivier. JE 73 mm. 2101 Marriage of Mademoiselle de Montpensier with the Prince of Austria, 1722, by J. Duvivier. JE 42 mm. (217) 2102 Plague of Marseilles, 1723, by C. N. Roettier, Jun. (Rev.} L 42 mm. (43) 2103 Versailles, 1723, by J. Duvivier. (Rev.) M. 31 mm. 2104 The Mint, 1723. (Rev.) M. 30 mm. 2105 Promotion of the Knights of the Holy Ghost, 1724. IE. 42 mm. (220) 2106 Marriage Ceremony, 1725, by J. Duvivier. (Rev.} 2E 42 mm. (221) 2107 The Royal Hunt, 1725. JE 42 mm. (222) 2108 Same subject, 1725. (Rev.} XL 32 mm. (222) 2109 Birth of Twin Princesses, 1727, by J. Duvivier. JE 41 mm. (223) 2110 Birth of the Dauphin, 1729, by M. Rog. (Rev.} JE 73 mm. (225) 2111 Melchior, Cardinal of Polignac, 1730, by F. J. Marteau. JE 59 mm. (255) 21 12 Renewal of the Treaty with Sweden, 1738, by J. C. Roettier. (Rev.} ^42 mm. (231) 2113 Pacification of the Republic of Genoa, 1738, by J. Duvivier. (Rev.} ^42 mm. (231) 2114 Second Audience of the Ambassador of Turkey, 1742, by B. Duvivier. JE 42 mm. (233) 2115 Capture of Fribourg, 1744, by J. Marteau. (Rev.} 2E 42 mm. (236) 2116 Expedition of the French Astronomers to the Equator and the North Pole, 1744. (Rev.) JE 42 mm. (236) 169 2i 17 First Marriage of the Dauphin, 1745, by J. C. Roettier. (Rev.} JE 72 mm. (236) 2118 Conquests of the King, 1745, by J. C. Roettier. (Rev.) 2E 42 mm. (238) 2119 Battle of Rocoux, 1746, by J. C. Roettier. (Rev.) ^42 mm. (239) 2120 Second Marriage of the Dauphin, 1747. (Rev.) 2E 42 mm. (239) 2121 Same subject, 1747. (Rev.) JE 42 mm. (240) 2122 Relief of the Republic of Genoa, 1747, by J. C. Roettier. (Rev.) 2E 42 mm. (239) 2123 Peace of Aix-la-Chapelle, 1748, by J. C. Roettier. IE 74 mm. (241) 2124 Construction of the Place de Saint Sulpice, 1754, by C. N. Roettier, Jun. (Rev.) 2E 42 mm. (244) 2125 Birth of the Duke de Berry, 1754. (Rev.} 2E 42 mm. (244) 2126 Small Pleasures of the King, 1755. IE 29 mm. 2127 The Louvre, 1756. (Rev.) M 31 mm. 2128 Alliance with Marie Therese, 1756, by J. Duvivier. (Rev.) IE 43 mm. 2129 Prize for the Marine Surgeons, 1756. IE 35 mm. (248) 2130 Chamber of Commerce of Picardy, 1761. 2E 42 mm. 2131 The Mint of Paris, 1767, signed P. B. M 31 mm. 2132 Building of the Mint of Paris, 1770, by C. N. Roettier, Jun. (Rev.) IE 65 mm. (250) 2133 Reunion of Corsica and France, 1770, by C. N. Roettier, Jun. (Rev.) IE 64 mm. (259) 2134 Louis XVI, 1774-1792. Renewal of the Treaty with the Swiss, 1778, by P. S. B. Duvivier. JE 43 mm. (276) 170 2135 Academy and School of Surgery, 1774, by N. Gatteaux. JE 39mm. (273) 2136 Evacuation of Boston by the British, 1776, by P. S. B. Du- vivier. JE 69 mm. (275) 2137 Beneficence of the Queen, 1779, by P. S. B. Duvivier. IE 42 mm. (277) 2138 -John Paul Jones, 1779, by A. Dupre. 2E 57 mm. (277) 2139 Louis XVI and Marie Antoinette, 1781, by P. S. B. Duvivier. JE 73 mm. (276) 2140 Birth of the Dauphin, 1781, by P. S. B. Duvivier. IE 42 mm. (278) 2141 Same subject, from the Six Merchant Societies, 1781. (Rev.} fiL 72 mm. (280) 2142 French Assistance in the American Revolution at the Battle of Cowpens, 1781, by P. S. B. Duvivier. JE 46 mm. 2143 Same subject, 1781, by P. S. B. Duvivier. JE 46 mm. 2144 The Central Canal, 1783, by P. S. B. Duvivier. (Rev.) IE 74 mm. (281) 2145 Voyage of Lapeyrouse and Langle, 1778. (Rev. 1785.) 2E 60 mm. (285) 2146 Foundation of the Hospice Beaujon, a Charitable School for Boys and Girls, 1784. 2E 42 mm. (284) 2147 Franklin and the Discovery of Electricity, 1784, by A. Du- pre. 2E 46 mm. (289) 2148 Same subject, 1786, by A. Dupre. 2E 46 mm. (289) 2149 Mines of Allemont, 1786, by Dupre. SL 69 mm. (289) 2150 Lafayette, 1789, by R. Dumarest. 2E octagonal 33 mm. (300) 2151 Abolition of Feudal Privileges, 1789, by E. Gatteaux. (Rev.) 7E 64 mm. (299) 2152 Revolutionary League, 1789, by J. E. Roine. M. 41 mm. 171 2153 - Arrival of the King at Paris, 1789, by P. S. B. Duvivier. (Rev.) JE 53 mm. (299) 2154 - Homage of the National Guard, 1790, by Rousseau and Simon. JE 33 mm. (300) 2155 - French Confederation, 1790. JE 42 mm. (301) 2156 - Oath to the Constitution, 1791. 2E oval 31x21 mm. (302) 2157 - Pikes and Swords, by Trebuchet. 2E oval 41x30 mm. (302) 2158 Republic, 1792-1804. Death of Louis XVII (1795), by A. J. De- paulis. ^51 mm. (418) 2159 - General Alexander Beauharnais, 1793. 2E 32 mm. (306) 2160 - Battle of Montenotte, 1796, by R. V. Jeuffroy and D. V. Denon. 2E 41 mm. (308) 2161 - Castorland, 1796. IE 33 mm. (311) 2162 - Napoleon and Faipoult, by H. Vassallo. (Rev.) JE $i mm. (312) 2163 - Capitulation of Mantou, 1797, by E. Gatteaux. M 41 mm. 2164 - Council of Five Hundred. IE 42 mm. (308) 2165 - Same subject, 1799. 2E oval 56x47 mm. (318) 2166 - Treaty of Campo-Formio, 1798, by P. S. B. Duvivier. (Rev.) IE 57 mm. (313) 2167 - Same subject. H, initial of the engraver. 2E 40 mm. (313) 2168 - Council of Elders. XL 42 mm. (307) 2169 - Same subject, 1798. IE 51 mm. (315) 2170 - Congress of Rastadt, 1798. IE 40 mm. (317) 2171 - Fete of Youth at Rome, 1798. 2E 39 mm. (315) 2172 - Conquest of Egypt, 1798, by J. M. Jouannin and D. V. Denon. JE 41 mm. (318) 172 2173 - Anniversary of the Roman Republic, 1799. -E 50 mm. (491) 2597 J- B. A. Dumas, by A. D. Barre. JE 62 mm. (492) 2598 Ingres, by J. B. E. Farochon. JE 53 mm. (494) 259 g Same subject, 1868. JE Si mm. 195 2600 General Poncelot, by E. A. Oudine. 2E 52 mm. (498) 2601 Ponsard, 1870, by B. M. Borrel. 2E 51 mm. (499) 2602 J. B. Say, by E. A. Oudine. RL 52 mm. (499) Series by V. M. Borrel, with a Wreath of Laurel 2603 Claude Bernard, 1879. JE 68 mm. 2604 Adolphe Billault, 1865. ; 68 mm. 2605 Armand Bruat, 1864. M 68 mm. 2606 Isaac Cremieux, 1881. JE6S mm. 2607 Armand Jacques, King of St. Arnaud, 1855. JE 68 mm. 2608 Lambrecht, Minister of the Interior, 1872. 7E 68 mm. 2609 Charles, Duke of Morny, 1867. yE 68 mm. 2610 Marshal Niel, 1870. M 68 mm. 2611 Pelissier, Duke of Malakoff, 1866. 7E 68 mm. 2612 Frere Philippe, after Doublemard, 1876. 2E 68 mm. 2613 Barye, 1832, by H. Patey. JE silvered 68 mm. 2614 Same. (Rev.} 7E 68 mm. 2615 Beethoven, by A. Lafleur. JE plaquette 73x49 mm. 2616 Duchess of Berry, by J. E. Dubois. 2E 51 mm. 2617 Paul Bert. 7E 69 mm. 2618 Lazare Carnot, 1753-1824, by E. Mouchon. 7E 68 mm. 2619 Chevreul, by O. Roty. JE 69 mm. 2620 Philibert Delorme, 1813, by E. Gatteaux. JE 56 mm. 2621 Henri Estienne, by J. A. Fauginet and R. Gayrard. 7E 50 mm. 196 2622 George IV of England, by J. J. Barre and J. De Puymaurin. IE 42 mm. (446) 2623 Jean Gutenberg, by L. Deschampes. IE 75 mm. 2624 Valentin Haiiy, 1887, b 7 F. Vernon. IE 50 mm. 2625 Victor Hugo, 1884, by A. Borrel. JE 69 mm. 2626 Iq. Juin, by O. Roty. 2E plaque 58x42 mm. 2627 Franc. ois de la Lande, 1787, by E. Gatteaux. JE 69 mm. 2628 Marie Laurent, by O. Roty. 1R 41 mm. 2629 Charles Le Brun, 1619-1690, Rev. 1601-1901, by A. Dubois after Molieres. JE silvered 68 mm. 2630 Same. (Rev.} JE 68 mm. 2631 Le Verrier, 1884, by A. Dubois. JE 69 mm. 2632 Louis Liard, by J. C. Chaplain. JE plaquette 70x55 mm. 2633 Joseph Marie Jacquard, 1843, by E. Rogat. 7E 53 mm. (494) 2634 J ean de la Quintinie, 1864, by A. Bovy. JE 50 mm. (544) 2635 Marie Antoinette Bourbon, by F. Cheron. 2E 69 mm. 2636 Henri Martin, 1886, by A. Borrel. JE 68 mm. 2637 Michelangelo, 1812, by Santarfili. BL 55 mm. 2638 Annas Montmorency. IE 57 mm. 2639 J. Necker, by S. Duvivier. IE 43 mm. (298) 2640 Same subject, by S. Duvivier. ^E 39 mm. (299) 2641 Parmentier, by E. Dubois. (Rev. by F. A. Caunois.) 2E 50 mm. (498) 2642 Rochefoucault. IE 59 mm. 2643 O. Roty, by A. J. J. Patey. 2E plaquette 60x43 mm. 2644 Sacco, signed P. T. F. 2E 55 mm. (339) 197 2645 Olivier de Serres, by E. A. Oudine. 2E 50 mm. (543) 2646 P. A. de Suffren St. Tropez, 1784, by A. Dupre. ^51 mm. 2647 Victor Emmanuel III and Queen Helene, 1903, by J. C. Chaplain. ?E silvered 72 mm. 2648 Same. (Rev.) 2E 72 mm. 2649 Marshal de Villars, by Duvivier. JE 53 mm. 2650 Leonardo da Vinci, 1669, by G. L. Herard. JE 55 mm. (198) 2651 Voltaire, by R. Dumarest. JE 37 mm. (307) 2652 C. A. Wurtz, 1886, by A. Dubois. XL 69 mm. 2653 Joseph Napoleon, by Dubois. 2E 50 mm. (415) 2654 Louis Napoleon, by L. Petit. IE 50 mm. (415) 2655 Joachim Napoleon, by A. Caque. IE 50 mm. (415) 2656 Eugene Napoleon de Beauharnais, by R. Gayrard. 2E 50 mm. (416) 2657 Camille Borghese, by E. Rogat. JE 50 mm. (416) 2658 Talleyrand-Perigord, by J. Domard. ?E 50 mm. (416) 2659 Cambacefes, Duke of Parma, by E. A. Oudine. JE 50 mm. (416) 2660 Lebrun, Duke of Plaisance, by A. Bovy. JE 50 mm. (417) 2661 A. Berthier, Prince of Neufchatel, by A. Desbceufs. 2E 50 mm. (417) 2662 Gallia, by L. Coudray. 2E 68 mm. 2663 Gallia, by A. Morion. 2E 64 mm. 2664 Gallia, by A. Morion. M 27 mm. 2665 Salvage medal : Rescue at Sea, by E. Oudine. JE 50 mm. 198 2666 Gallia, by A. Morion. /R 27 mm. 2667 The French Republic, ideal head, by D. Dupuis. 2E 57 mm. 2668 The French Republic, ideal head, by A. Lechevrel. JE 50 mm. 2669 The French Republic, ideal head, by A. Dubois. JE 46 mm. 2670 The French Republic, ideal head, by E. Oudine. XL 50 mm. 2671 The French Republic, bust, by S. E. Vernier. JE plaquette 74x50 mm. 2672 Vendean Peasant, by E. Robert-Marignac. 2E plaquette 63x45 mm. 2673 Peasant of Olonne, by E. Robert-Marignac. 2E plaquette 63x45 mm. 2674 Jeanne d'Arc, by D. Dupuis. JE plaquette 67x42 mm. 2675 Jeanne d'Arc, by D. Dupuis. M plaquette 67x42 mm. 2676 Public Education, by J. Lagrange. 2E 71 mm. 2677 University of Paris, 1215-1895, by J. C. Chaplain. 2E 66 mm. 2678 Adult Education, by A. Dubois. 2E 51 mm. 2679 Centenary of the Founding of the School of Oriental Living Lan- guages, by A. Borrel. IE plaque 61x67 mm. 2680 Colonial Schools, by L. Coudray. JE 68 mm. 2681 Secondary Education of Girls, by O. Roty. 2E 68 mm. 2682 Instruction, by J. P. Legastelois. IE 50 mm. 2683 Alliance Frangaise, by D. Dupuis. 2E 68 mm. 2684 Competition in Patriotic Songs, by A. Depaulis. 2E 65 mm. 2685 The French Republic to the Paris Students' Association, by E. Soldi. 2E 70 mm. 2686 Society of Inventions and Discoveries, 1781, by Dupre. ^30 mm. 2687 Academy of Arts and Science, Lyons, 1700. 2E 48 mm. 2688 Academy of Fine Arts, by L. Manfredini. IE 61 mm. 199 2689 Academy of Ligouria, 1758, by H. Vassallo. JE 63 mm. 2690 Prize medal, Academy of Besancpn. 7E 42 mm. 2691 Prize medal, Academy of Besancpn. 2E 53 mm. 2692 The Fine Arts, by A. Bovy. JE 51 mm. 2693 Physical and Mathematical Sciences, by E. Farachon. ^51 mm. 2694 Centenary of the National Conservatory of Arts and Crafts, by A. Patey. 2E plaque 69x49 mm. 2695 Centenary of the Polytechnic School, by M. Bourgeois. IE 69 mm. 2696 Centenary of the Founding of the Museum of Natural History, by L. Bottee. 2E 69 mm. 2697 Modern Science Discovers Antiquity, by F. Vernon. 2E 69 mm. 2698 French Archaeological School in Athens, by O. Roty. JE 61 mm. 2699 French Archaeological School in Athens, by O. Roty. (Rev.) M 60 mm. 2700 Foundation of the Boulacq Museum, by S. E. Vernier. IE plaquette 60x76 mm. 2701 International Convention of Scientific Academies, by F. Vernon. JE plaquette 58x80 mm. 2702 Science, by L. Bottee. IE 50 mm. 2703 Geography, by A. Dubois. -#51 mm. 2704 Same. JE 46 mm. 2 75 Same. 7E 41 mm. 2706 Same. 2E 32 mm. 2707 History, by D. Dupuis. JE 50 mm. 2708 Design, by J. Lagrange. JE $i mm. 2709 Same. 2E 45 mm. 2710 Same. 7E 41 mm. 200 2711 Same. 7E 37 mm. 2712 Same. JE 32 mm. 2713 Painting, by R. Baudichon. JE 50 mm. 2714 To the Arts of the Country, by M. Bourgeois. R 73 mm. 2715 Prize medal, School of Design (Louis XV). JE 51 mm. 2716 Academy of Painting and Sculpture of Valenciennes, est. 1785. JE 55 mm. 2717 Painting, by A. Charpentier. XL plaquette 53x41 mm. 2718 Memorial to Students of the Beaux Arts who Died for their Country, by C. Degeorge. 2E Si mm. 2719 Study, by B. Moria. JE plaquette 70x40 mm. 2720 Meditation, by Jeanne Borceaud. 2E plaquette 64x50 mm. 2721 Same subject, by G. Dupre. 2E plaquette 63x50 mm. 2722 Elegy, by V. P. Dautel. JE plaquette 65x45 mm. 2723 Archaeology, by S. E. Vernier. JE plaquette 70x50 mm. 2724 Memory, by G. Dupre. IE plaquette 65x51 mm. 2725 Agriculture, by J. Lagrange. 2E 57 mm. 2726 Same. IE 50 mm. 2727 Same. JE 46 mm. 2728 Same. JE 42 mm. 2729 Same. JE 36 mm. 2730 Same. IE 32 mm. 2731 Same. 2E 28 mm. 2732 The Sower, by R. Baudichon. 7E plaquette 64x42 mm. 2733 Horses, by C. Degeorge. IE 68 mm. 201 2734 Plowing, by L. Coudray. JR plaquette 45x70 mm. 2735 Plowing, by L. Coudray. IE plaquette 63x101 mm. 2736 Reaping, by L. Coudray. (Rev.) JE plaquette 44x70 mm. 2737 The Angelus, by G. Dupre. XL plaque 52x71 mm. 2738 Shepherds, by A. Dubois. JE 61 mm. 2739 Domestic Animals, by A. Dubois. 2E 58 mm. 2740 Same. 2E 50 mm. 2741 Same. JE 45 mm. 2742 Same. JE 41 mm. 2743 Same. 2E 36 mm. 2744 Same. XL 32 mm. 2745 Ceres, by Tasset. JE 36 mm. 2746 Same. 2E 41 mm. 2747 Same. 7E 36 mm. 2748 Culture of the Vine, by Prudhomme. yE 51 mm. 2749 Culture of the Vine, by L. Coudray. yE plaquette 68x38 mm. 2750 Head of Ceres, by D. Dupuis. M 32 mm. 2751 Ceres, by N. Brenet. 2E 41 mm. 2752 Head of Ceres, by E. Oudine. JE 37 mm. 2 753 Spading, by L. Coudray. JE plaquette 47x66 mm. 2754 Plowing, by Ch. Fillet. IE plaquette 49x65 mm. 2 755 Horticulture, by A. Dubois. JE 58 mm. 2756 Similar. AL 50 mm. 2757 Same. XL 46 mm. 202 2758 Same. 2E 41 mm. 2 759 Same. 7E 37 mm. 2760 Same. 2E 32 mm. 2761 Same. 2E 28 mm. 2762 Horticulture, by D. Dupuis. 2E plaquette 61x48 mm. 2763 The Nest, by D. Dupuis. JE plaquette 66x37 mm. 2764 Flora, by L. Coudray. 3L plaquette 75x36 mm. 2765 Photography, by R. Baudichon. 2E 63 mm. 2766 Bicycle Race, by E. Vernon. JE 50 mm. 2767 Gymnastics, by A. Borrel. ^51 mm. 2768 Same. 2E 45 mm. 2769 Same. JE 41 mm. 2770 Same. IE 36 mm. 2771 Same. 2E 32 mm. 2772 Military Competitive Test of Carrier Pigeons, by A. Borrel. 2E 51 mm. 2773 The Marksman, by L. Merley. ^51 mm. 2774 National Military Shooting Contest, by N. Naude. 2E 51 mm. 2775 Shooting Contests, by A. Dubois. JE 50 mm. 2776 Automobiles, by L. Coudray. JE plaquette 45x62 mm. 2777 Military Sports, by L. Coudray. 3L 68 mm. 2778 Fencing, by L. Coudray. IE plaquette 44x67 mm. 2779 The Fencing Lesson, by E. Robert-Marignac. JE plaquette 50x61 mm. 2780 Boat Race, by R. Baudichon. ^51 mm. 2781 Discobolus, by L. Coudray. JR. 32 mm. 203 2782 Discobolus, by L. Coudray. (Rev.) JR 26 mm. 2783 Discobolus, by L. Coudray. (Rev.) N 18 mm. 2784 Sea Navigation, by J. P. Legastelois. (Rev.) 7E 51 mm. 2785 River Navigation, by J. P. Legastelois. (Rev.) IE 51 mm. 2786 Memorial to M. Montgolfier. Balloon Ascension, 1783, by N. Gat- teaux. (Rev.) JE 41 mm. 2787 Montgolfier's Ascension, Paris, August 27, 1783, by N. Gatteaux. (Rev.) vE 41 mm. 2788 Montgolfier's Ascension, Nov. 21, 1883. JE 51 mm. 2789 Montgolfier's Ascension, Lyons, January 19, 1784. JE 42 mm. 2790 Dirigible Balloon, 1885, by A. Patey. 2E 72 mm. 2791 Motor Boats, by L. Cariat. ?E plaquette 46x66 mm. 2792 Fishing, by A. Borrel. IE plaquette 64x48 mm. 2793 Fishing, by Prudhomme. 2E plaquette 69x40 mm. 2794 Apollo, by Vatinelle. IE 32 mm. 2795 Song, by A. Barre. JE 40 mm. 2796 Music, by J. Lagrange. IE 58 mm. 2 797 Same. IE 50 mm. 2798 Same. JE 46 mm. 2799 Same. IE 41 mm. 2800 Similar. JE 38 mm. 2801 Similar. IE 32 mm. 2802 Similar. 2E 27 mm. 2803 Music, by A. Dubois. JE 69 mm. 2804 Orpheus, by L. Coudray. 2E 68 mm. 204 2805 Musical Art (prize medal), by L. Bottee. 2E 68 mm. 2806 National Conservatory of Music and Oratory, by J. C. Chaplain. JE 50 mm. 2807 Music, by F. Vernon. 2E plaquette 64x47 mm. 2808 Music, by Ch. Fillet. EL 69 mm. 2809 The Charmer, by L. Coudray. 2E plaquette 71x48 mm. 2810 Love, by P. Lorthior. M octagonal 34 mm. 2811 Love, by A. Dubois. JE plaquette 53x36 mm. 2812 Love, by A. Dubois. 2E 36 mm. 2813 Love, by A. Dubois. N 18 mm. 2814 Love, by A. Dubois. N 14 mm. 2815 Madonna, by D. Dupuis. IE plaquette 66x30 mm. 2816 Madonna, by D. Dupuis. N plaquette 25x16 mm. 2817 Birth, by J. P. Legastelois. 1& oval 37x28 mm. 2818 Birth, by J. P. Legastelois. N oval 18x14 mm. 2819 The First Steps, by R. Baudichon. IE plaquette 64x44 mm. 2820 Maternity, by V. P. Dautel. JE 55 mm. 2821 Maternity, by J. P. Legastelois. 2E plaquette 64x53 mm. 2822 Maternity, by L. Le Dieu. JR. 26 mm. 2823 Maternity, by L. Le Dieu. IE plaquette 60x46 mm. 2824 Maternity, by Roine. M. 41 mm. 2825 Silver Wedding, by R. Baudichon. JE plaquette 66x73 mm. 2826 Mercury, by L. Merley. 7E 50 mm. 2827 Mercury, Commerce, and Industry, by Domard. 2E 34 mm. 2828 Industrial Arts, by E. Farachon. 2E 51 mm. 205 2829 Commerce among the Nations, by A. Depaulis. ^51 mm. 2830 Industry, by F. Chabaud. JE 50 mm. 2831 Similar. 2E 50 mm. 2832 Similar. 2E 41 mm. 2833 Similar. JE 37 mm. 2834 Similar. 7E 32 mm. 2835 Public Security, by N. Gatteaux. JE 69 mm. 2836 Cooperation of Art and Industry, by O. Roty. IE 80 mm. 2837 The Bank of France, by J. P. Droz. JE 68 mm. 2838 yEsculapius. JE 34 mm. 2839 ^Esculapius, by G. Dupre. JE 41 mm. 2840 Hippocrates, by E. Dubois. JE 50 mm. 2841 Hippocrates, by E. Rogat. IE 42 mm. 2842 Vaccination, by B. Andrieu. JE 42 mm. 2843 Centenary of House-Surgeoncy in the Paris Hospitals, by L. Bottee. 2E 78 mm. 2844 Salvage medal : Firemen Running, by A. Dubois. ^E 57 mm. 2845 Similar. 2E 51 mm. 2846 Same. 2E 45 mm. 2847 Same. 7E 41 mm. 2848 Same. 2E 37 mm. 2849 Same. JE 34 mm. 2850 Same. JE 27 mm. 2851 Salvage medal : Rescue from the Fire, by A. Dubois. ^51 mm. 2852 Salvage medal : Rescue at Sea, by E. Oudine. JE 50 mm. 206 2853 Same. JE 41 mm. 2854 Same. 7E 27 mm. 2855 Swiss Hospitality, by A. Borrel. JE 71 mm. 2856 The Fall of the Angels, by ]. Duvivier. 2E 73 mm. 2857 Minerva, by B. Andrieu and ]. P. De Puymaurin. 2E 68 mm. 2858 Same. 2E 57 mm. 2859 Same. JE 50 mm. 2860 Same. JE 45 mm. 2861 Same. M 41 mm. 2862 Same. 7E 37 mm. 2863 Same. JE 34 mm. 2864 Head of Athena, copied from the type of the Greek coins of Thurium, by A. Dubois. JE 39 mm. 2865 Minerva Awarding Crown of Merit, by J. C. Chaplain. JE 68 mm. 2866 To the Progress of Human Knowledge, by E. Oudine. JE 72 mm. 2867 The Louvre, by L. Merley. ^E 71 mm. 2868 French Association of Doctors, by G. Prudhomme. IE plaquette 70x58 mm. 2869 Posterity Crowns the Genius of the Arts, by D. Dupuis. 2E 73 mm. 2870 The Seasons, by F. Levillain. JE 70 mm. 2871 The Crown of Laurel, by J. C. Chaplain. JE 71 mm. 2872 Chamber of Deputies, by D. Dupuis. JE 70 mm. 2873 Medal of Honor, by H. Dubois. IE 69 mm. 2874 Same. ^E 61 mm. 2875 International Peace, by O. Yencesse. 2E 46 mm. 207 2876 Peace, by L. Merot. 2E 64 mm. 2877 Peace, by L. Cariat. 2E plaquette 81x35 mm. 2878 The Arbiter, by L. Coudray. JE, plaquette 71x55 mm. 2879 Colonial Union, by Prudhomme. JE plaquette 70x53 mm. 2880 Statute Law, by L. Coudray. ^E 32 mm. 2881 Society for Mutual Aid, by O. Roty. 2E 27 mm. 2882 Austro-Hungarian Benevolence Society, by H. Hautsch. IE plaquette 74x50 mm. 2883 Art, by L. Coudray. JE 50 mm. 2884 Terpsichore, by L. Coudray. 2E 50 mm. 2885 Commerce and Agriculture, by L. Coudray. 2E 50 mm. 2886 Mechanics, by L. Coudray. IE 50 mm. 2887 Crafts, by J. P. Legastelois. J 51 mm. 2888 Cooperation, by J. P. Legastelois. ^51 mm. 2889 Atalanta, by L. Cariat. 2E 50 mm. 2890 Domestic Art, by L. Le Dieu. JE plaquette 64x44 mm. 2891 Village Life, by B. Moria. 2E plaquette 64x45 mm. 2892 Village Life, by B. Moria. (Rev.) JR. plaquette 64x85 mm. 2893 Salutation to the Sun, by G. Dupre. ^E plaquette 64x50 mm. 2894 Eve, by F. Vernon. 2E plaquette 79x31 mm. 2895 Pity, by A. Gregoire. JE plaquette 72x53 mm. 2896 Redemption, by G. Dupre. 2E 73 mm. 2897 Redemption, by G. Dupre. (Rev.} M 73 mm. 2898 Thought Animates the Universe, by E. Soldi. IE plaquette 73x54 mm. 2899 Homage to Medallists, by A. Lechevrel. JE plaquette 67x48 mm. 208 2900 Aerial Communication, Paris, 1870-1871, by G. Degeorge. JE 63 mm. 2901 Honor and Courage, by W. 7E 58 mm. 2902 Justice, by A. Borrel. IE 50 mm. 2903 Protection of Children. IE 50 mm. 2904 Beneficence, by E. Oudine. JE 51 mm. 2905 Martyrs, by J. Lagrange. 7E 71 mm. 2906 Fictile Art, by G. Prudhomme. JE plaquette 65x51 mm. 2907 The Sculptor Rewarded, by J. C. Chaplain. JE 78 mm. 2908 Prize medal, 1736, by A. Gamot. 7E 69 mm. 2909 Royal Clock Works, 1786, by B. Duvivier. JR 56 mm. 2910 Humor Enthroned, by J. C. Roettier. IE 45 mm. 2911 The Court of Accounts, 1807-1907, by F. Vernon. JE plaquette 71x55 mm. 2912 Metal Workers, by A. Patey. 2E 38 mm. 2913 Souvenir plaquette of the Paris Mint, by F. Mouchon. 2E plaquette 54x30 mm. 2914 The Paris Mint, by D. Dupuis. 2E 50 mm. 2915 Medal of Honor. IE 68 mm. 2916 French Republic, by D. Dupuis. JE 68 mm. 2917 Similar Rev., by L. Cariat. 7E 50 mm. 2918 Similar Rev., by A. Caque. IE 46 mm. 2919 Same. IE 41 mm. 2920 Same. IE 36 mm. 2921 Similar Rev., by C. Degeorge. JE 32 mm. 2922 Similar Rev., by H. Dubois. IE 27 mm. 209 MARRIAGE MEDALS 2923 Hymen, by R. JR 68 mm. 2924 Gothic Marriage, by Domard. JR 51 mm. 2925 Christian Marriage, by Pingret. jR 41 mm. 2926 Mariage Evangelique, by Petit. JR 39 mm. 2927 Shepherd's Wedding, by Andrieu and Denon. JR 41 mm. 2928 Roman Marriage, by Montagny. JR 41 mm. 2929 Marriage Benediction, by Montagny. JR 41 mm. 2930 Fidelite, Bonheur, by Petit. JR 39 mm. 2931 Marriage by the Archbishop, by Depaulis. JR 41 mm. 2932 Unis a jamais, by Petit. JR 39 mm. 2933 La Religion les Unit, by Depaulis. JR 36 mm. 2934 The Blessing of the Bishop, by J. Merley. JR 37 mm. 2935 Gothic Marriage, by Gayrard. JR 36 mm. 2936 Gothic Marriage, by Borrel after Domard. JR 32 mm. 2937 Christian Marriage, by Pingret. JR 29 mm. 2938 Priest's Benediction, by Lagrange. JR 30 mm. 2939 Connubium Christianum, by Gayrard. JR 32 mm. 2940 Blessing of the Archbishop. JR 27 mm. 2941 At the Altar, by Rene Baudichon. JR 27 mm. 2942 Semper, by O. Roty. JR 41 mm. 2943 Semper, by Roine. JR 41 mm. 2944 In Vitam Eamus, by Ch. Pillet. JR 41 mm. 2945 Hymenee, by S. E. Vernier. JR plaque 40x37 mm. 210 JETONS DE JEU N.B. The following numbers, 2946 to 29643, are octagonal silver pieces (30 mm.) by Gayrard. They all have the same obverse : "Hear et Malheur." 2946 Heur et Malheur. 2947 "J'ai travaille; je recueille." (Rev.) 2948 "Le commerce fait prosperer 1 'agriculture." (Rev.) 2949 "Disciple de Ceres je reponds ses bienfaits." (Rev.) 2950 "Unis pour guerir nos maux prolonger notre vie." (Rev.) 2951 Fortune Leading Amor. (Rev.) 2952 "Le plus vigilant est trompe." (Rev.) 2953 "Calme au milieu des orages." (Rev.) 2954 "Qui que tu sois voici ton maitre," etc. (Rev.) 2955 "Plus le tour est bizarre et plus elle est contente." (Rev.) 2956 "Le faible sauve le fort." (Rev.) 2957 "Mon regne est celui des lois." (Rev.) 2958 ' ' L 'Art dirige la Nature. ' ' (Rev.) 2959 Conference of the Arts. (Rev.) 2960 "N'attendons pas le retour de 1'aurore." (Rev.) 2961 "La Nuit ramene les jeux et les plaisirs." (Rev.) 2962 "Heureux qui peut deviner." (Rev.) 2963 "La ruse ne peut le sauver." (Rev.) 2964 "Point de roses sans epines." (Rev.) 29643 "Toujours fidele." (Rev.) 211 MEDALS BY ANTON SCHARFF 2965 Johann Hassenbauer von Schiller, Director of the Royal Mint in Vienna, 1867. Designed by J. Tautenhayn, engraved by Scharff and Leisek. Bust. Rev. Allegory and dedication. /E 48 mm. Wiener Medailleure, 1899, by A. R. v. Loehr, 2. 2966 Franz Bauer, Sculptor of Vienna, 1868. Bust. Rev. Inscription. 1R 40 mm. Wien. Med. 3. 2967 Semi-centennial Celebration of the First Austrian Savings Bank in Vienna, 1869. (From a lithograph by Gruber.) Female figure Dr. Solomon Mosenthal, Dramatic Poet, 1873. Head. Rev. sitting. Rev. Inscription in a wreath. 7E 64 mm. Wien. Med. 9. 2968 Dr. Solomon Mosenthal, Dramatic Poet, 1873. Head. Rev. Genius of Poetry. fiL 58 mm. Wien. Med. 12. 2969 Celebration of the Twenty-five Years' Reign of Emperor Franz Joseph of Austria, 1873. Head. Rev. The Muse Clio (by J. Tautenhayn). JR 55 mm. Wien. Med. 13. 2970 World's Exposition at Vienna, 1873. Bust of Emperor Franz Joseph. Rev. Rotunda. (Rev.) M 34 mm. Wien. Med. 17. 2971 Peter von Tunner, Director of the Mining Academy in Loeben. Testimonial of his students, 1874. Bust. Rev. Coat of arms. BL 46 mm. Wien. Med. 20. 2972 Savings Bank Celebration and Opening of the Rudolfinum, Prague, 1875. Bust of Crown Prince Rudolf. Rev. Rudolfinum. M 65 mm. Wien. Med. 22. 2973 Same. (Rev.) IE 65 mm. 2974 Richard Wagner. So-called Wagner Order for his Bayreuth vis- itors, 1876. Head. Rev. Wotan's spear and Siegfried's sword Nothung. (From an engraving by Gottfried Semper.) JR 36 mm. Wien. Med. 23. 2975 Richard Wagner, 1876. Head. Rev. Redemption scene from "Parsifal." M 29 mm. Wien. Med. 26. 2976 Same. (Rev.) M 37 mm. 2977 Martin von Cassian, Director of the Donau Steamship Co., 1877. Bust. Rev. Four allegorical figures. JE 64 mm. Wien. Med. 28. 212 2978 Dr. Kajetan Felder, Burgomaster of Vienna, 1877. Bust. Rev. Inscription in a wreath. 2E 64 mm. Wien. Med. 29. 2979 Albert Camesina von San Vittore, Art Critic and Honorary Citi- zen of Vienna, 1878. A cast medal. Bust. Rev. Richly decorated coat of arms. ^E 92 mm. Wien. Med. 30. 2980 Archduke Johann Graz. Erection of his monument, 1878. Head. Rev. Memorial fountain. 2E 62 mm. Wien. Med. 32. 2981 Karl von Littrow, Astronomer. Erection of observatory at the Turkish intrenchments near Vienna, 1878. Bust. Rev. View of the building. 7E 64 mm. Wien. Med. 33. 2982 Franz Wagner, Stationer in Leipzig, 1878. Bust. Rev. Inscrip- tion. M 44 mm. Wien. Med. 35. 2983 Viennese Washer-maiden. JR 47 mm. von Loehr Katalog, 1904. 37. 2984 Dedication of Stuhlweissenburg, for Count Eugen Zichy. 1879. Head. Rev. Arms of the city. JE 64 mm. Wien. Med. 44. 2985 Anton von Schmerling. Semi-centennial celebration of his doc- torate, 1879. Bust. Rev. Inscription in a wreath. JE gilt 67 mm. Wien. Med. 43. 2986 Johann Joseph Vitesic, Bishop of Veglia. Jubilee medal, 1879. Bust. Rev. Inscription. M 54 mm. Wien. Med. 45. 2987 Homage of Vienna on the Celebration of the Silver Wedding of the Emperor and Empress. Presentation medal, 1879. Two busts (Scharff). Rev. Congratulation of Vienna (Tautenhayn). JR 50 mm. Wien. Med. 46a. 2988 Richard von Dotzauer, President of the Chamber of Commerce in Prague, 1880. Testimonial medal. Bust. Rev. Allegory. 2E 64 mm. Wien. Med. 47. 2989 Josef Hilarius Eckhel, Numismatist. Centennial of his death, 1880. (Struck out of metal of ancient coins.) Bust and facsimile of his signature. Rev. Inscription. 2E 35 mm. Wien. Med. 48. 2990 Johann Giinther, Abbot of Raigern. Eight hundredth jubilee of foundation of the monastery, 1880. Bust. Rev. View of the monastery. JE 54 mm. Wien. Med. 49. 2991 Josef Hyrtl, Anatomist. Seventieth birthday, 1880. Bust. Rev. Inscription in a wreath. JE 64 mm. Wien. Med. 50. 213 299 3 Industrial Exposition of Lower Austria at Vienna. Prize medal, 1880. Female genius with wreath and banner. Rev. Rich arabesque and cartouche. (J. Schwerdtner.) JE 60 mm. Wien. Med. 53. 2993 First Austrian Union Shooting Contest, Vienna. Gold and silver prizes, 1880. Austria and Vienna. Rev. Imperial double eagle. M 36 mm. Wien. Med. 55. 2994 Exposition of Feminine Handicraft, Budapest. Prize medal, 1881. Bust of Duchess Louise of Coburg. Rev. Coat of arms and inscription. JR 36 mm. Wien. Med. 57. 2995 Adolf Ignaz and Julie Mautner von Markof. Golden wedding, 1881. Heads of the two, jugate. Rev. Inscription in a wreath and coat of arms. ^51 mm. Wien. Med. 62. 2996 Homage of Vienna on the Marriage of Crown Prince Rudolf to Princess Stephanie of Belgium, 1881. Busts of the two. Rev. Allegory. yR 51 mm. Wien. Med. 69. 2 997 Same. Two busts inclosed in a square. Rev. Calendar (not signed). ^R 38 mm. v. Loehr, Katalog. 6o,a. 2998 Jurai Dobrila, Bishop of Triest. Celebration medal, 1882. Bust. Rev. Inscription. M 54 mm. W'ien. Med. 70. 2999 Twenty-fifth Anniversary of the Factory of J. Schreiber, Glass Manufacturer, 1882. Three busts in a cartouche. Rev. Allegory. ^E 54 mm. Wien. Med. 72. 3000 St. Polten. National shooting contest of Lower Austria. Silver prize, 1882. Allegory, two figures. Rev. Arms of the city. JR 33 mm. Wien. Med. 73. 3001 Sixth Centennial Celebration of the Investiture of Austria in the House of Hapsburg, 1882. Investiture scene. Rev. Inscription. 1R 61 mm. Wien. Med. 77. 3002 Hungarian Horse-breeders' Society of Budapest. Kincsem prize medal, 1883. Hungarv. Rev. Winged horse. ^R 45 mm. Wien. Med. 80. 3003 Same. (Rev.) 3004 Second German Numismatic Day at Vienna, 1883. Bust of Karl F. W. Erbstein, numismatist. Rev. Allegory. Composi- tion. 43 mm. Wien. Med. 83. 214 3005 Completion of the City Hall of Vienna, 1883. Vienna and Friedrich Schmidt. Rev. View of the building (by A. Neudeck). M 72 mm., 2> l /2 mm. thickness. Wien. Med. 84. 3006 Same. (Rev.} Composition. 72 mm., 5 mm. thickness. 3007 Second Centennial Anniversary of the Relief of Vienna, 1883. Allegorical figures (by Tautenhayn). Rev. Five busts of his- torical persons in a cartouche surrounded by figures (Scharff). (Rev.) JR 72 mm. Wien. Med. 85. 3008 Prize medal of the Fruit and Vegetable Cultivation Society of Berndorf, 1884. Rural genre scene. Rev. Town arms. Com- position. 64 mm. Wien. Med. 92. 3009 Count Adolf Podstatzky-Liechtenstein, Grand Master of the Order of St. John of Jerusalem, 1884. Bust. Rev. Coat of arms. /R 49 mm. Wien. Med. 96. 3010 Franz Pulszky, Hungarian Historian. Testimonial medal, 1884. Bust. Rev. Inscription. fiL 47 mm. Wien. Med. 97. 3011 Prize medal in Rifle Contest at Vienna, 1884. Woman, kissing a victor. Rev. Arms. M. 41 mm. Wien. Med. 101. 3012 Vienna Numismatic Society. Thaler celebration, 1884. Bust of the emperor, wearing the collar of the Golden Fleece. Rev. Fac- simile of the obverse of the first Austrian thaler of Sigismund, 1486. (Rev.) 7R 36 mm. Wien. Med. 104. 3013 John Wilson West, Numismatist in Gothenburg, 1885. Bust. Rev. View of the Gothenburg Museum. 2E 54 mm. Wien. Med. 120. 3014 Karl Klein, Bishop of Limburg. Celebration medal, 1886. Bust. Rev. Cathedral. JR 44 mm. Wien. Med. PI. IX. 129. 3015 Same. (Rev.) BL 44 mm. 3016 Otto Hirschfeld, Historian. Testimonial of his students, 1885. Bust. Rev. Two allegorical figures. 2R. 47 mm. Wien. Med. 109. 3017 Celebration of Eightieth Birthday of Count Podstatzky-Liechten- stein, 1885. Bust 1. Rev. Arms. M 39 mm. v. Loehr, Katalog. n6a. 3018 Second Austrian Bundesschiessen at Innsbruck. Silver prize, 1885. Bust of Maximilian I. Rev. Tyrolese eagle. M 36 mm. Wien. Med. no. 215 30ig Same. (Rev.} M 36 mm. 3020 Death of Karl Bachofen von Echt, Prussian Corpsauditor, 1886. Bust. Rev. Coat of arms. JE 50 mm. Wien. Med. 122. 3021 Artists' Kirmess, 1886. Couple in old-German costume. Rev. Arms held by female figure. M klippe 45x45 mm. Wien. Med. 138. 3022 Klemens Maximilian Bachofen von Echt. Medallion on his death, 1886. Bust. Rev. Coat of arms. JE 50 mm. Wien. Med. 123. 3023 Third German Mint Inspection Day at Munich, 1886. Bust of Dr. Joseph Bergmann, Director of the Mint. Rev. Allegory and inscription. Composition. 43 mm. Wien. Med. 131. 3024 Two Hundredth Anniversary of the Relief of Ofen, at Budapest, 1886. Hungaria and view of the city, 1886. Rev. Hungaria and view of the city, 1686. 7E 73 mm. Wien. Med. 124. 3025 Tri-centennial Celebration of the University at Graz, 1886. Bust of Archduke Karl. Rev. Inscription. JE 54 mm. Wien. Med. 127. 3026 Friedrich von Schmidt, Chief Architect of the Cathedral in Vienna, 1888. Bust. Rev. St. Stefan's Cathedral. M 58 mm. Wien. Med. 161. 3027 Same. (Rev.) 7E 58 mm. 3028 Baron Josef Alexander von Helfert, Historian. Testimonial of the Royal Central Commission for the Preservation of the Me- morial Buildings, 1888. Bust. Rev. Coat of arms. JE 50 mm. Wien. Med. 158. 3029 Celebration of the Fortieth Year of the Reign of Emperor Franz Joseph. Homage medal of Vienna, 1888. Emperor Franz Joseph in a triumphal chariot. Rev. Allegory (Tautenhayn). JR 62 mm. Wien. Med. 164. 3030 Jubilee Exhibition of an Art Establishment in Vienna. Silver prize. 1888. Bust of the emperor. Rev. Allegory. (Rev.) 7E. 36 mm. Wien. Med. 166. 3031 Numismatic Society of Vienna. Celebration of the fortieth year of the reign of the emperor, 1888. Allegory. Rev. Inscription and 216 emblems (Rud. Neuberger). JR klippe 43x43 mm. Wien. MecL 168. 3032 Unveiling of the Maria Theresia Monument at Vienna, 1888. Bust. Rev. Monument. yE 64 mm. Wien. Med. PI. X. 169. 3033 Numismatic Society of Vienna. Maria Theresia Exhibition, 1888. Bust. Rev. Inscription in a cartouche. Thaler-like medal. M 41 mm. Wien. Med. i/o. 3034 Gottfried Keller, Poet and Philosopher, 1889. Bust Rev. Orpheus and a lion (from a sketch by A. Bocklin). yE 70 mm. Wien. Med. 175. 3035 Celebration of the Twenty-fifth Year of the Reign of King Karl and Queen Olga of Wurtemberg, Stuttgart, 1889. Two busts. Rev. View of the city. /R 65 mm. Wien. Med. PL XI. 179. 3036 Same. (Rev.) /E 3037 Unveiling of the Grillparzer Monument at Vienna, 1889. Bust. Rev. Lyre. /E 57 mm. Wien. Med. 180. 3038 Erection of the Monument to the Dead of the Year 1849, at Arad, 1890. View of the monument. Rev. Tablet with names of the victims. /E 56 mm. Wien. Med. 181. 3039 Fourth German Musical Festival, 1890. Allegory. Rev. Arms (Schwertnet). JE 61 mm. 3040 Alfred von Arneth, Historian. Testimonial of the officers of the Imperial House, Court and State Archives, 1890. Bust. Rev. Allegory. The muse Clio before the three chief works of Arneth. /E 58 mm. Wien. Med. 182. 3041 Karl Adolf and Albertine Bachofen von Echt. Silver wedding (1887), 1890. Their busts. Rev. The bridal couple in old-Ger- man costume. M 50 mm. Wien. Med. 184. 3042 Semi-Centennial Celebration of the Conservatory at Budapest^ 1890. Swan with lyre. Rev. Temple and three allegorical figures. /E 64 mm. Wien. Med. 185. 3043 Archduke Franz Salvator and Archduchess Marie Valerie. Mar- riage medal, 1890. Their busts. Rev. Allegory. M 44 mm. Wien. Med. 186. 3044 Same. (Rev.) /E 44 mm. 217 3045 Eduard Forchheimer, Numismatist of Vienna. Testimonial of his children on his seventieth birthday, 1890. Bust. Rev. Inscrip- tion. JE 42 mm. Wien. Med. 187. 3046 Athletic Club of Penzing. Flag dedication, 1890. Girl in old- German costume, planting an oak-twig in the ground. Rev. Four F's in a wreath (J. Schwerdtner). JE 51 mm. Wien. Med. 188. 3047 Ignaz Weifert, Factory Owner in Pancsova. Testimonial of his son, 1890. Bust. Rev' Views of his factories. JE 56 mm. Wien. Med. 191. 3048 Artists' Association of Vienna, Gschnasfest. Oval cast medal, 1890. Bust of the painter Eugen Felix in old-German costume. Rev. Artists' escutcheon. JR. 60x45 mm. Wien. Med. 192. 3049 Same. (Rev.) 3050 Karl Adolf Bachofen von Echt. Oval cast medal, 1890. Bust in the old-German costume. Rev. Coat of arms held by female figure. y 65x51 mm. Wien. Med. 183. 3051 Fourth German Song Festival at Vienna, 1890. Girl in old- German costume, planting an oak-twig. Rev. Lyre (J. Schwerdt- ner). JE 51 mm. Wien. Med. 195. 3052 Eduard Albert, Surgeon. Testimonial of his students, 1891. Bust. Rev. Inscription. /E 63 mm. Wien. Med. PI. IX. 196. 3053 Karl Adolf and Albertine Bachofen von Echt, 1891. Their busts. Rev. Oak-tree and view of Nussdorf. 7E Christmas klippe 32x32 mm. Wien. Med. 197. 3054 A. Fix and A. Portois. Celebration of ten years in business, 1891. Their busts. Rev. View of a house. 7E gilt klippe 31x31 mm. Wien. Med. 202. 3055 Same. (Rev.) & klippe 31x31 mm. 3056 Celebration of the Twenty-fifth Year of the Reign of King Karl of Roumania, 1891. Bust. Rev. Allegory. IE 64 mm. Wien. Med. 203. 3057 Ed. von Sigmundt. Shooting contest of the Rifle Club of Triest, 1891. Bust. Rev. Coat of arms and inscription. M 36 mm. Wien. Med. PI. IX. 204. 218 3058 Walburga Spottl, Numismatist of Vienna. Testimonial of her son on her eighty-seventh birthday, 1891. Bust. Rev. Distaff, rose, and inscription. JR 43 mm. Wien. Med. PI. X. 205. 3059 Same. (Rev.} 3060 Artists' Association of Vienna, Gschnasfest, 1891. Fourth dimen- sion. Vision (three figures). Rev. Arms, in a five-pointed star. M pentagonal 57 mm. Wien. Med. 206. 3061 Unveiling of the Radetzky Monument at Vienna, 1891. Bust. Rev. Monument. (Rev.) JE gilt 70 mm. Wien. Med. 207. 3062 Unveiling of the Alfred Krupp Monument at Essen, 1892. Busts of Alfred and Friedrich Krupp. Rev. Monument. JR. 42 mm. Wien. Med. 210. 3063 Same. (Rev.) JE gilt 42 mm. 3064 F. A. Fliickiger, Chemist of Bern. Prize medal, 1892. Bust. Rev. Allegory. JE 46 mm. Wien. Med. 211. 3065 Theodor Gomperz, Historian. Testimonial medal, 1892. Bust. Rev. Allegory. fiL 46 mm. Wien. Med. 212. 3066 Franz von Hauer, President of the Geographical Society of Vienna. Honor medal of the Geographical Society, 1892. Bust. Rev. Globe and emblems. JR. 59 mm. W r ien. Med. 213. 3067 Adolf Mayer, Numismatist of Danzig. Oval cast medal, 1892. Bust. Rev. View of the cathedral of Danzig. JE 70x54 mm. Wien. Med. PI. X. 215. 3068 Joseph Mayer, Jeweler of Vienna. Testimonial of the Associa- tion of Goldsmiths, 1892. Bust. Rev. St. Eligius. M 64 mm. Wien. Med. 216. 3069 Gschnasfest of an Art Establishment of Vienna. Great-Peking medal, 1892. Obv. and Rev. Presentation in Chinese. JR 45 mm. Wien. Med. 218. 3070 Same. (Rev.) fiL 45 mm. 3071 Seventh Ornithological Exhibition at Vienna. Prize medal, 1892. Bust of the President, Adolf Bachofen von Echt, 1. Rev. Bird and inscription. JE 37 mm. Wien. Med. PI. X. 219. 219 3072 The Vienna-Neustadt Jubilee Shooting Contest, Seventh Centen- nial Celebration of the City. Prize medal, 1892. Bust of Duke Leopold the Virtuous. Rev. Arms of the city. M. klippe 34x34 mm. Wien. Med. 220. 3073 Same. (Rev.) JE 34x34 mm. 3074 Karl Nepomuk and Wilhelmine Bachofen, Parents of Adolf Bach- ofen von Echt, Manufacturer. Testimonial of their son, 1893. Their busts. Rev. View of the Haus Geist in Westphalia. fiL 62 mm. Wien. Med. 221. 3075 August and Helene (nee Polak) Bachofen von Echt. Marriage medal, 1893. Obv. and Rev. Busts. M plaquette 44x35 mm. Wien. Med. 222. 3076 Same. (Rev.) 2E. plaquette 44x35 mm. 3077 Johannes Brahms, Musician. Testimonial of the Musical Society of Vienna on his sixtieth birthday, 1893. Bust. Rev. Palm- branch and inscription. M. 58 mm. Wien. Med. 223. 3078 Quarter-centennial Celebration of the Volunteer Firemen of Ot- takring, 1893. Fire scene. Rev. Inscription. M klippe 34x34 mm, Wien. Med. 230. 3079 Marriage of the Crown Prince Ferdinand of Roumania to Princess Mary, 1893. Their busts. Rev. Cupid before two es- cutcheons. JE 50 mm. Wien. Med. 232. 3080 Arna von Ernst. Dedication of Anton Scharff on her silver wed- ding. Bust. Rev. Rose-branch and inscription. fiL plaquette 40x30 mm. Wien. Med. 225. 3081 Gschnasfest of an Art Establishment of Vienna, 1893. Prince Gschnas. Rev. Tree-frog. M klippe 37x37 mm. Wien. Med. 234. 3082 Same. (Rev.) JR klippe 37x37 mm. 3083 German-Austrian Alpine Club. Jeton for the attendants of the mountain guide course, 1893. Mountain guide. Rev. 1892-1894 in a cartouche. M 34 mm. Wien. Med. 235. 3084 Karl von Ernst, Chief Mining Officer. Testimonial of the Numis- matic Society of Vienna, 1894. Bust. Rev. Inscription. jR plaquette 40x30 mm. Wien. Med. 240. 3085 Emperor Franz Josef. Fortieth-year jubilee as commander of the Eighth Regiment Artillery Corps at Prague, 1894. Youthful bust. Rev. Elderly bust of the emperor. 1R 39 mm. Wien. Med. 241. 3086 Same. (Rev.) 3L 39 mm. 3087 Oskar Klinger, Manufacturer at Neustadt, 1894. Bust. Rev. Allegory of spinning. M plaquette 42x34 mm. Wien. Med. PI. XIII. 242. 3088 Same. (Rev.) 3089 Peter K. Rosegger, National Poet. Testimonial of Adolf Bach- ofen von Echt, manufacturer, 1894. Bust. Rev. Rural genre scene. ^51 mm. Wien. Med. PI. XL 246. 3090 Same. (Rev.) 7E 51 mm. 3091 J. Michael ScharfF, father of the medalist. Annual jeton of the Coin and Medal Club of Vienna, 1894. Bust. Rev. Inscription. M 31 mm. Wien. Med. 248. 3092 Johann Strauss, Musician. Jubilee medal of 1894. Bust. Rev. View of a ballroom and musical instruments. M 59 mm. Wien. Med. PI. IX. and XII. 250. 3093 Heinrich Cubasch, Imperial Counselor, 1895. Bust r. Rev. In- scription. ^31 mm. Cf. Wien. Med. icjSb. 3094 Rudolf Virchow. Cast medal, 1894. Bust, 1891. Rev. Allegory. JE 170 mm. Wien. Med. 254. 3095 Karl Adolf Bachofen von Echt, 1895. Bust. Rev. View of his villa at Nussdorf from the garden. JR 36 mm. W'ien. Med. 255. 3096 Adolf and Amalie Bachofen von Echt. Marriage medal, 1895. Bust of Adolf. Rev. Bust of Amalie r. (Rev.) JR plaquette, 44x35 mm. Wien. Med. 256. 3097 Hans von Biilow, Musician, 1895. Bust. Rev. Inscription and palm. IB. 58 mm. Wien. Med. PI. IX. 260. 3098 Count Adolf Podstatzky-Liechtenstein. On his ninetieth birth- day, 1895. Bust 1. Rev. Arms. M 49 mm. Wien. Med. PI. IX. 245- 3099 Same. (Rev.) IE 49 mm. 221 3100 Leopold von Dittel, Surgeon. Testimonial of his students on his seventieth birthday, 1895. Bust. Rev. Inscription. JR 58 mm. Wien. Med. PI. IX. 261. 3101 Anton Dreher, Manufacturer. Celebration of twenty-five years in business, 1895. Bust. Rev. Inscription. M plaquette 45x36 mm. Wien. Med. 262. 3102 Silver Wedding of Anton and Kathe Dreher, 1895. Their busts 1. Rev. Busts of their three sons. M 65 mm. Wien. Med. PI. X. 263. 3103 Erection of the Donau Bridge in Roumania, 1895. Bust of King Karl. Rev. The river-god Danube surv mm. Wien. Med. PI. X. and XII. 266. 3104 Unveiling of the Mozart Monument at Vienna, 1895. Bust of Mozart. Rev. Group of putti. JR 56 mm. Wien. Med. PI. X. 270. 3105 Same. (Rev.} JE. 56 mm. 3106 Rebuilding of the Harbor of Costanza, 1896. Bust of Karl I of Roumania 1. Rev. View of the harbor. JE 56 mm. 3107 Artists' Association of Vienna, Gschnasfest, 1896. St. Hubertus and stag. Rev. Diana with artists' materials. M klippe 37x37 mm. Wien. Med. 280. 3108 Same. (Rev.) fiL klippe 37x37 mm. 3109 Golden Wedding of Heinrich and Barbara Cubasch. Testimonial of their son, 1896. Obv. and Rev. Busts. JR 31 mm. Wien. Med. 273- 3110 Anton Drasche von Wartinberg, Court Physician. Testimonial on his seventieth birthday, 1896. Bust. Rev. Scene at a patient's bedside. JR 58 mm. Wien. Med. PI. X. 275. 3111 Wilhelm von Hartel, Historian. Testimonial of his students, 1896. Bust. Rev. A pupil before Knowledge. JE 58 mm. Wien. Med. 278. 3112 Professor Edward Riippel of Frankfurt a. M. Prize medal, 1896. Head facing. Rev. View of Frankfurt a. M. M 55 mm. Wien. Med. 279. 3113 Joseph Wiinsche. On his eightieth birthday, 1896. Bust 1. Rev. Inscription. M plaquette 42x33 mm. 222 3i 14 Samuel P. Avery, 1897. Bust 1. Rev. Library. 2R 65 mm, Wien. Med. PI. IX. 282. 3115 Same. (Rev.} 3116 Moritz Rieter von Bockenau, 1897. Bust 1. Rev. Arms and in- scription. JR 66 mm. Wien. Med. 283. 3117 King Albert of Saxony. On his seventieth birthday, 1898. The king seated. Rev. Inscription. JR plaquette 51x33 mm. 3118 Vincenz von Miller zu Aichholz, 1897. Bust. Rev. Coat of arms. JE 57 mm. Wien. Med. PI. XL 289. 3119 Alexander Szilagyi, Director of the Library of the University of Budapest. Celebration of his seventieth birthday, 1897. Bust. Rev. Scene in the lecture-hall. XL 58 mm. Wien. Med. PI. IX, and XII. 294. 3120 John S. White, Teacher of New York. Testimonial medal, 1897. Bust. Rev. School building. JR 65 mm. Wien. Med. PI. XL 295, 3121 Same. (Rev.) 3122 Gschnasfest of the Artists' Association of Vienna. International bicycle festival, 1897. Painter on a wheel ; near by, a despairing genius. Rev. Gschnas arms. 1R klippe 39x39 mm. Wien. Med. 296. 3123 Same. (Rev.) 1R klippe 39x39 mm. 3124 Ornithological Exhibition at Vienna. Prize medal, 1897. Bust of President Adolf Bachofen von Echt. Rev. Landscape over which a bird is flying. M 37 mm. 3125 Alois Egger von Mollwald, Director of the Theresian Military Academy, 1898. Bust. Rev. Inscription. RL 48 mm. Wien. Med. 299. 3126 Kalman, Count Hunyady de Kethely, Chief Master of Ceremonies to the Emperor, 1898. Half-length figure of the count to 1. Rev. Inscription. M 50 mm. Wien. Med. 302. 3127 Gschnasfest of an Art Establishment of Vienna. World bicycle record, pendant jeton, 1898. Two bicycle riders. Rev. Arms. &. 23 mm. Wien. Med. 309. 223 3128 Same. (Rev.) JR 23 mm. 3129 Homage medal of the City of Vienna on the Celebration of the Fiftieth Year of the Reign of the Emperor, 1898. Bust of the emperor on a pedestal before Austria and Vienna. Rev. View of the city. M 60 mm. Wien. Med. PI. XII. 310. 3130 Homage medal of the First Austrian Savings Bank at Vienna on the Celebration of the Fiftieth Year of the Reign of the Em- peror, 1898. Head of the emperor. Rev. Inscription. JE 58 mm. Wien. Med. 311. 3131 Jubilee Exhibition of an Art Establishment of Vienna. Lottery prize, 1898. Bust of the emperor. Rev. Arms. M klippe 23x17 mm. Wien. Med. 314. 3132 Same. (Rev.) M klippe 23x17 mm. 3133 Imperial Jubilee Shooting Contest at Vienna. Shooting prize, 1898. Bust of the emperor in a shooting-costume. Rev. Female genius and oak-tree. (Rev.) M 37 mm. Wien. Med. 315. 3134 Same subject. Same. Rev. Old-German archer, target, and marksman. (Rev.) M 37 mm. Wien. Med. 316. 3135 Anton Dreher. Testimonial of his fellow hunters on his fiftieth birthday. A pendant medal, 1899. Bust in hunting-costume. Rev. Diana with trophy of the chase. JR 27 mm. Wien. Med. 321. 3136 Dr. Raimund Griibl, Burgomaster of Vienna. Testimonial medal, 1899. Bust. Rev. Chain of honor, two palm-branches, and inscription. M 51 mm. Wien. Med. 322. 3137 Death of Karl Ferdinand Mauthner von Markhof, 1899. Bust. Rev. Inscription and emblems. JR klippe 45x36 mm. Wien. Med. PI. XIII. 323. 3138 Karl Wittgenstein, Manufacturer. Testimonial medal on the celebration of his silver wedding, 1899. Bust. Rev. Iron-worker, and in distance view of factory buildings. JR 67 mm. Wien. Med. 326. 3139 Johann Medinger, 1899. Bust 1. Rev. Coat of arms. ^R plaquette 45x33 mm. Wien. Med. supplement PI. XXVII. 333. ! 3140 Dr. Josephus Weinlechner, 1899. Bust r. Rev. Weinlechner in operating-room, with patient, assistants, and nurses. JR 58 mm. Wien. Med. suppl. PI. XXVII. 334. 224 3196 obverse 3 1 96 reverse PLATE VIII 314 1 Anton Waldvogel and Theodor Hammerle, 1899. Bust of former 1. ; beneath, view of city railway. Rev. Bust of latter and similar view. M plaquette 46x33 mm. Wien. Med. suppl. 335. 3142 Same. (Rev.) fiL plaquette 46x33 mm. 3143 Dr. Ludwig von Gutmann, 1899. Head 1. Rev. Miner; in dis- tance, view of mines. M plaquette 45x49 mm. Wien. Med. suppl. PI. XXVII. 338. 3144 Goethe, 1899. Portrait and name. Rev. Scene from "Faust." Prologue in heaven. JR 69 mm. Wien. Med. suppl. PI. XXVII. 341- 3145 Same. (Rev.) JE 69 mm. 3146 Johann Gansefleisch ("Gutenberg"), 1899. Portrait and name. Rev. His statue in the house of R. Hoe, New York City. M 70 mm. Wien. Med. suppl. PL XXVII. 344. 3147 Same. (Rev.) M 70 mm. 3148 Paul Kriiger, 1900. Bust three-quarters 1. Rev. Trunk of an oak- tree with an orange-branch. Inscription, and below, a small coat of arms. JR 39 mm. Wien. Med. suppl. 345. 3149 Theodor Theyer. Bust r. Rev. Tablet with inscription. IE, plaquette 47x35 mm. Wien. Med. suppl. 342. 3150 Josef von Storck, 1900. Bust r. Rev. Inscription. BL 62 mm. Wien. Med. suppl. 348. 3151 George Washington, 1900. Portrait three-quarters profile. "Born 1732, Died 1799." Rev. View of the Hall of Fame, New York University. M 70 mm. Wien. Med. suppl. 350. 3153 Same. (Rev.) JE 70 mm. 3 J 53 J- P- an d Therese von Reininghaus, 1900. Busts of the two, jugate. Rev. Couple celebrating their golden wedding, sur- rounded by their whole family, in a cartouche with garland of roses and double coat of arms. XL 59 mm. Wien. Med. suppl. 352. 3154 Same. (Rev.) JE 59 mm. 3155 N. Dumba, 1900. Bust 1. Rev. Inscription and palm-branch on a background sown with oak-leaves. RL 55 mm. Wien. Med. suppl. PI. XXVII. 354. 225 3156 Death of Wilhelm Pertsch (1899), 1900. Bust three-quarters r. Rev. Cartouche with date between laurel and oak-trees. ^E 55 mm. Wien. Med. suppl. 358. 3157 Josef Hlavka, 1901. Bust 1. Rev. Inscription. M 61 mm. Wien. Med. suppl. PI. XXVII. 361. 3158 Silver Wedding of J. Askenasi and Wife of Frankfurt a. M., 1901. Busts of two r., jugate. Rev. Inscription and bouquet of flowers. 1R klippe 45x45 mm. Wien. Med. suppl. PL XXVII. 364- 3159 Anton Richter, 1901. Bust three-quarters 1. On the left, oak- branch and inscription. Rev. Woman with distaff and two boys, representing Commerce and Industry; in the background, the factory building. JE $i mm. v. Loehr, Katalog. 373. 3160 Celebration of the Printing Establishment at Neunkirchen. 1901. Two workmen, half-figures. Rev. Inscription; above, coat of arms with oak-leaves. JR 27 mm. v. Loehr, Katalog. 375. 3161 Raimund Wiesner, 1901. Bust three-quarters r. Inscription in a circle. Rev. View of a foundry. fiL 51 mm. v. Loehr, Kata- log. 376. 3162 Prince and Princess Windischgratz. Marriage medal, 1902. Busts of the two, jugate. Rev. Two cupids sitting on a cloud, one holding the two coats of arms, the other the wedding torch and a bouquet of flowers. Inscription. M. 50 mm. v. Loehr, Katalog. 380. 3163 Golden Wedding of Archduke Rainer, 1902. Busts of the two, jugate. Rev. Two clasped hands in a cloud, surrounded by roses ; a crown floating in the air above. XL 39 mm. v. Loehr, Katalog. 381- 3164 Leo Reinisch, 1902. Bust 1. Rev. Sphinx and inscription. JE 47 mm. v. Loehr, Katalog. 384. 3165 Austrian Tourists' Club, 1903. Ladies' souvenir. Tourist in mountains, an Alpine fairy in background. Rev. View of the Karl Ludwig shooting-box. M plaquette 33x23 mm. v. Loehr, Katalog. 388. 3166 Semi-centennial Celebration of the Antiquarian Society of Vienna, 1903. A female figure, sitting before a desk in a quaintly furnished room, raises the curtain upon the view toward Vienna. Rev. A ten-line inscription. Branches underneath. JE 50 mm. v. Loehr, Katalog. 390. 226 3167 Christian de Wet and Koos de la Rey, 1903. Busts facing. Rev. A standing Boer turning away from a wounded, creeping leop- ard. Inscription above, "Hands off." In the exergue, coat of arms of Bachofen von Echt. M 39 mm. Verzeich. 391. 3168 Same. (Rev.) JE 39 mm. 3169 Dr. J. Unger, Minister, 1903. Bust 1. Rev. Inscription. JE 50 mm. Verzeich. 397. 3170 Joseph Wiinsch. On his sixtieth birthday, 1903. Bust 1. Rev* Maiden with bouquet. JE plaquette 53x40 mm. Verzeich. 398. 3171 Benjamin Kallay, Imperial Minister of Finance, 1903. Bust r., begun by A. Scharff, completed by Franz X. Pawlik. Rev. In- scription. JE plaquette. 55x44 mm. Verzeich. 399. 3172 Styria. Maiden, Styria. Rev. Inscription. JR plaquette 31x23 mm. 3173 Anton Scharff, medallist, by F. X. Pawlik, 1893. Bust 1. Rev. Inscription. JR 32 mm. PLAQUES BY ANTON SCHARFF 3174 Gottfried Semper, Architect, 1873. fiL hollow plaque 102 mm. Wien. Med. I5a. 3175 Karl von Rokitansky, Pathologist, 1875. BL hollow plaque 120 mm. Wien. Med. 21. 3176 Richard Wagner, 1876. JE hollow plaque 115 mm. Wien. Med. 233. 3177 Viennese Washer-maiden, 1878. JE hollow plaque 126 mm. Wien. Med. 37. 3178 Nikolaus Dumba, 1886. fiL hollow plaque 180 mm. Wien. Med. I25a. 3179 Marie Trau, 1886. JE hollow plaque 84 mm. Wien. Med. 136. 3180 Karoline and Franz Trau, 1886. ^E hollow plaque 87 mm. Wien. Med. 137. 3181 Andreas Streit, Architect, 1886. XL hollow plaque 141 mm. Wien. Med. 135. 227 3182 Jubilee of the Fortieth Year of the Reign of Victoria, 1887. JE hollow plaque 231 mm. Wien. Med. 1423. 3183 Edward Forchheimer, Numismatist in Vienna, 1890. JE hollow plaque 120 mm. Wien. Med. 1873. 3184 Edward Albert, Surgeon, 1891. 2E hollow plaque 155 mm. Wien. Med. 1963. 3185 Wilhelm Jahn, Director of the Court Opera House, 1891. 2E hollow plaque 164 mm. Wien. Med. 208. 3186 Unveiling of the Radetzky Monument in Vienna, 1891. 2E hol- low plaque 195 mm. Wien. Med. 2073. 3187 Alfred Krupp, 1892. 2E iron hollow plaque 114 mm. Wien. Med. 2ioa. 3188 Johannes Brahms, 1893. & square hollow plaque 151 mm. Wien. Med. 223a. 3189 Oskar KJinger, 1894. JE oblong hollow plaque 130x105 mm. Wien. Med. 242. 3190 Peter Rosegger, 1894. JE hollow plaque 165 mm. Wien. Med. 276. 3191 Samuel P. Avery, 1897. JE hollow plaque 115 mm. Wien. Med. 282. 3193 Reverse of medal No. 3191, 1897. IE hollow plaque 115 mm. 3193 Goethe, 1899. 2E square hollow plaque 175 mm. Wien. Med. suppl. PI. XXVII. 341. 3194 Austria's Regency over the Netherlands. Maximilian I and Franz Joseph I. JE oblong hollow plaque 117x163 mm. Wien. Med. suppl. PI. XXVIII. 362. 3195 Sacrifice of the Doves, 1902. M hollow plaque 80x160 mm. Verzeich. 382. WAR MEDALS 3196 American Indian Chiefs. Bust of George III in armor facing r. GEORGIUS III DEI GRATIA. Rev. British lion reclining, and snarling wolf representing America; church in the background. M 60 mm. 228 3197 Campaign in Mysore, 1790-1792. A Sepoy with colors. Rev. Within wreath, FOR SERVICES IN MYSORE, A.D. 1791- 1792; outside of wreath, Persian inscription. ^E 36 mm. 3198 Egypt, 1801. A Sepoy with colors, camp in background; Persian inscription below. Rev. A British ship ; in background, an obelisk and four pyramids; below, MDCCCI. IE 49 mm. Suspended by a yellow cord. 3199 Rodrigues, Bourbon, and Mauritius, 1809-1810. A Sepoy, with colors and musket, standing by a cannon. Rev. Persian inscrip- tion in wreath; outside of wreath, RODRIGUES VI JULY MDCCCIX. BOURBON VIII JULY & ISLE OF FRANCE III DEC MDCCCX. JE 49 mm. Suspended by a yellow cord. 3200 Java, 1811. Battle scene; above, CORNELIS. Rev. Persian in- scription in field ; around the edge, JAVA CONQUERED XXVI AUGUST MDCCCXI. 2E 50 mm. Suspended by a yellow cord. 3201 Waterloo, 1815. Bust to 1. GEORGE P. REGENT. Rev. Winged figure of Victory seated; above, WELLINGTON; be- low, WATERLOO JUNE 18 1815. JE 36 mm. Ribbon, crim- son with blue borders. 3202 Same. For Hanover. Head to r. GEORG PRINZ RE- GENT 1815. Rev. In wreath, WATERLOO JUNE XVIII; stand of arms above; legend, HANNOVERSCHER TAPFER- KEIT. IE 35 mm. Ribbon as last. 3203 Ghunzee, 1839. Gateway of the fortress; below, GHUNZEE. Rev. Within a wreath of laurel, a space for the name of the recipient; above, 23 JULY; below, a mural crown and 1839. fiL 37 mm. Ribbon, red and green. 3204 Jellalabad, 1842. A mural crown ; above, JELLALABAD. Rev. VII APRIL 1842. fiL 38 mm. Military ribbon of India, crimson, yellow, and blue ; known as the "rainbow ribbon." 3205 Kelat-i-Ghilzie, Afghanistan, 1842. Laurel-wreath encircling a shield inscribed KELAT I GHILZIE; above, a mural crown. Rev. A military trophy; below, on tablet, INVICTA MDCCC- XLII. RL 36 mm. "Rainbow" ribbon. 3206 Afghanistan, 1842. Head of Queen Victoria, with diadem, facing 1. VICTORIA VINDEX. Rev. CANDAHAR 1842, in laurel- wreath, crown above. JE 36 mm. "Rainbow" ribbon. 229 3207 Same. Same as last. GHUNZEE and CABUL, each in laurel-wreath, crown above, 1842 below. 320 8 Same. Same as 3206. Rev. CANDAHAR GHUNZEE CABUL 1842 in the wreath. 3209 Same. Same as 3206. Rev. CABUL 1842 in the wreath. 3210 China, 1842. Head of Queen Victoria, with diadem, facing 1. VICTORIA REGINA. Rev. Military and naval trophy; in front, a shield with the royal arms ; behind, a palm-tree ; above, ARMIS EXPOSCERE PACEM; below, CHINA 1842. IE 36 mm. Ribbon, red with yellow borders. 3211 Same, 1857-1860. Same as 3210, without the date on the reverse. Clasp, CANTON. 1857. 3212 Same, 1857-1860. Same as 3211. Clasps, TAKU FORTS 1860, PEKIN 1860. 3213 Sinde, 1843. Same as last. Rev. HYDERABAD 1843 in laurel- wreath, crown above. JE 36 mm. "Rainbow" ribbon. 3214 Same. Same as 3213, with MEEANEE HYDERABAD 1843 m tne wreath. 3215 Gwalior Campaign, 1843. Bronze star of six points, having in the centre a silver star inscribed MAHARAJPOOR 29 th DEC R 1843. 5 mm - "Rainbow" ribbon. 321 6 Same. Same as 3215. PUNNIAR 29 th DEC R 1843 in- scribed on the star. 3217 Sultej Campaign, 1845-1846. Same as 3213. Rev. Winged figure of Victory standing, facing 1. ; right hand extended, holding a wreath; below, MOODKEE 1845. Legend, ARMY OF THE SULTEJ. JE 36 mm. Ribbon, blue with crimson borders. Clasps, FEROZESHUHUR, ALIVAL, SOBRAON. 3218 Same. Same as 3217, except FEROZESHUHUR 1845 on reverse. Clasp, SOBRAON. 3219 General Service, 1793-1814, Army (1848). Same as last. Rev. Figure of the queen, standing on dais, placing a wreath on the head of the Duke of Wellington, who kneels on his left knee. Legend, Tp THE BRITISH ARMY, 1793-1814. JE 36 mm. Ribbon, crimson with blue borders. Clasps, SALAMANCA, TOULOUSE. 230 3 220 Same. Same as 3219. Clasps, VITTORIA, ORTHES. 3221 Same, 1793-1840, Navy (1848). Same as last. Rev. Britan- nia seated on a sea-horse, in her right hand a trident and in her left a laurel-branch. JE 36 mm. Ribbon, white with dark-blue borders. Clasps, INDEFATIGABLE 20 APRIL 1796, INDE- FATIGABLE 13 JAN? 1797. 3222 Same. Same as 3221. Clasps, GUT OF GIBRALTAR 12 JULY 1801, TRAFALGAR. 3223 Same. Same as 3221. Clasp, SYRIA. 3224 Punjab Campaign, 1848-1849. Same as last. Rev. Representa- tion of the Sikh chiefs surrendering their arms ; below, MDCCCXLIX ; legend, TO THE ARMY OF THE PUNJAB. 7E 36 mm. Ribbon, blue with yellow stripe at sides. Clasps, CHILIANWALA, GOOJERAT. 3225 Same. Same as 3224. Clasps, MOOLTAN, GOOJERAT. 3226 General Service, India, 1799-1826 (1851). Same as last. Rev. Winged figure of Victory, seated ; palm-tree in background. TO THE ARMY OF INDIA 1799-1826. JE 36 mm. Ribbon, sky- blue. Clasp, BHURTPOOR. 3227 Same, 1854-1895. Same as last. Rev. Victory standing, crowning a naked warrior. 7E 36 mm. Ribbon, red with two blue stripes. Clasp, PERSIA. 322 8 Same. Same as 3227. Clasp, NORTHWEST FRONTIER. 3229 Same. Same as 3227. Clasp, BURMA 1885-7. 3230 South Africa, 1853. Same as last. Rev. A lion crouching. SOUTH AFRICA above, 1853 below. IE 36 mm. Orange with two broad and two narrow dark-blue stripes. 3231 Same, 1877-1879. Same as 3230, with Kaffir shield and four assagais in place of the date on the reverse. Clasp, 1879. 3232 Same. Same as 3231. 3233 Crimea, 1854-1856. Same as last. Rev. Victory, flying, crowning a Roman soldier; to 1., CRIMEA. JE 36 mm. Ribbon, light blue with yellow borders. Clasps, ALMA, INKERMANN SEBASTOPOL. 231 3234 Same. Same as 3233. Clasps, BALAKLAVA, INKER- MANN, SEBASTOPOL. 3235 Baltic, 1854-1855. Same as last. Rev. Britannia seated, trident in right hand, forts in background; above, BALTIC; below, 1854-1855. BL 36 mm. Ribbon, yellow with blue borders. 3236 Same. Same as 3235. 3237 Arctic, 1818-1855. Head of queen to 1., wearing a tiara. VICTORIA REGINA. Rev. A ship surrounded by icebergs, sledging-party in foreground; above, FOR ARCTIC DISCOV- ERIES; below, 1818-1855. Octagonal, suspended by a five- pointed star. 7E 33 mm. Ribbon, white. 3238 Indian Mutiny, 1857-1858. Same as 3236. Rev. Britannia stand- ing, facing 1., holding wreath in right hand ; behind her, a lion ; above, INDIA; below, 1857-1858. IE 36 mm. Ribbon, white with two red stripes. Clasp, DELHI. 3239 Same. Same as 3238. Clasp, LUCKNOW. 3240 Same. Same as 3238. Clasp, DEFENCE OF LUCKNOW. 3241 Same as 3238. Clasp, RELIEF OF LUCKNOW. 3242 New Zealand, 1846-1865. Bust of queen, with crown and veil, facing 1. VICTORIA D: G: BRITT: REG: F: D: Rev. Plain field surrounded by a laurel-wreath; legend, NEW ZEALAND VIRTUTIS HONOR. 2E 36 mm. Ribbon, blue with red stripe in centre. 3243 Same. Same as 3242, with 1846 TO 1865 within the wreath on the reverse. 3244 Abyssinia, 1867-1868. In a circle in the centre, bust of queen, with crown and veil. Outside, an indented border having the letters ABYSSINIA between the points. Rev. A laurel- wreath inclosing a circular space for the name of the recipient ; suspended by a crown and ring. RL 33 mm. Ribbon, red with wide white borders. 3245 Same. Same as 3244. 3246 Ashantee, 1874. Head of queen facing 1., with diadem and veil. VICTORIA REGINA. Rev. Conflict between soldiers and sav- ages in a forest. JE 36 mm. Ribbon, yellow with black borders and two narrow black stripes. Clasp, COOMASSIE. 232 3247 Same. Same as 3246. Clasp, BENIN 1897. 3248 Afghanistan, 1878-1879-1880. Bust of queen, with crown and veil, facing 1. VICTORIA REGINA ET IMPERATRIX. Rev. Elephant carrying a mountain gun, mounted troopers, hill in the background; above, AFGHANISTAN; below, 1878- 79-80. JE 36 mm. Ribbon, green with crimson borders. Clasp, ALI MUSJID. 3249 Same. Same as 3248. Clasp, AHMED KHEL. 3250 Kabul-Kandahar, 1880, Roberts Star. Bronze star of five points, with a ball between each point. In the centre the monogram V.R.I., encircled by a band inscribed, KABVL TO KANDA- HAR, 1880. Crown at the top. 47 mm. "Rainbow" ribbon. 3251 Egypt, 1882. Head of queen, with diadem and veil, facing 1. VICTORIA REGINA ET IMPERATRIX. Rev. A Sphinx; above, EGYPT ; below, 1882. /E 36 mm. Ribbon, blue with two white stripes. Clasp, TEL-EL-KEBIR. 3252 Same. Same as 3251, without the date or the reverse. Clasp, THE NILE. 1884-85. 3253 Same, Khedive's Star. Five-pointed bronze star. Front view of Sphinx, three pyramids in background ; above, EGYPT 1884-6; below, KHEDIVE OF EGYPT 1301-4, in Arabic char- acters, suspended from a bar bearing crescent and star. Rev. Within a circle, khedive's crown, below the monogram T. M. 47 mm. Ribbon, dark blue. 3254 Canada, 1885. Same as 3251. Rev. Wreath of maple-leaves in- closing NORTHWEST 1885 CANADA. 36 mm. Ribbon, slate with stripe of crimson on each side. 3255 Same. Same as 3254. 3256 India, 1895. Bust of queen, with diadem, veil, and star of the Order of the Garter. VICTORIA REGINA ET IMPERA- TRIX. Rev. A British and an Indian soldier supporting the royal standard ; legend, INDIA. 1895. JE 36 mm. Ribbon, three red and two green stripes. Clasp, RELIEF OF CHITRAL 1895. 3257 Same. Same as 3256. Clasps, PUNJAB FRONTIER 1897-98, SAMANA 1897, TIRAH 1897-98. 233 3258 Rhodesia, 1896. Bust of queen, with diadem and veil, facing 1. VICTORIA REGINA. Rev. A lion, native weapons on the ground; above, RHODESIA 1896; below, BRITISH SOUTH AFRICA COMPANY. IE 36 mm. Ribbon, orange with three dark-blue stripes. 3259 Ashantee, 1896. A four-pointed star, crossed by a St. Andrew's cross. Imperial crown in centre, surrounded by a raised band inscribed ASHANTEE 1896. Rev. FROM THE QUEEN. Gun- metal 38 mm. Ribbon, yellow with two black stripes. 3260 Sudan, 1896. Bust of queen, with crown, veil, and sceptre, fac- ing 1. VICTORIA REGINA ET IMPERATRIX. Rev. Victory seated, full face, right hand extended, holding palm-branch, and left hand holding wreath ; flags in background ; below, on tablet, SUDAN. JE 36 mm. Ribbon, one black and one yellow stripe, with narrow red stripe in centre. 3261 Same, Khedive's Medal. Khedive's shield, with stand of arms; below, on panel, Arabic inscription; and below that the date 1314 in Arabic. Rev. Khedive's cipher and date 1314 in Arabic. XL 39 mm. Ribbon, three equal stripes, one blue and two orange. Clasp, KHARTOUM in English and Arabic. 3262 Same. Group of the last two medals (3260 and 3261) awarded to one man and mounted on one pin. 3263 Canada. Bust of queen, with diadem, veil, and star of the Order of the Garter, facing 1. VICTORIA REGINA ET IMPERA- TRIX. Rev. British flag, on which are the royal arms, encircled by wreath of maple ; above, CANADA. JE 36 mm. Ribbon, one white and two red stripes of equal width. Clasp, FENIAN RAID 1866. 3264 Same. Same as 3263. 3265 East and Central Africa. Same as 3260. Rev. Britannia stand- ing, trident in right hand, left hand extended, holding a scroll and palm-branch ; behind, a lion, sun rising in background ; below, EAST & CENTRAL AFRICA. M 36 mm. Ribbon, equal stripe of crimson and yellow. Clasp, UGANDA 1897-98. 3266 Cape of Good Hope. Bust of queen, with crown, veil, and star of the Order of the Garter, facing 1. VICTORIA REGINA ET IMPERATRIX. Rev. Arms; legend, CAPE OF GOOD HOPE. 7E 36 mm. Ribbon, yellow and two black equal stripes. Clasp, TRANSKEI. 234 3267 China, 1900. Bust of queen facing 1., with crown and veil, wear- ing the star and collar of the Order of the Garter. VICTORIA REGINA ET IMPERATRIX. Rev. Royal shield, naval and military trophy; palm-tree in background; above, ARMIS EX- POSCERE PACEM; below, CHINA. 1900. y 36 mm. Rib- bon, crimson with orange borders. Clasp, RELIEF OF PEKIN. 3268 South Africa. Same as 3267. Rev. Britannia standing, extending wreath, in right hand, toward troops marching in the back- ground ; above, SOUTH AFRICA. JE 36 mm. Ribbon, orange with crimson borders and two narrow black stripes. Clasps, CAPE COLONY, TUGELA HEIGHTS, ORANGE FREE STATE, RELIEF OF LADYSMITH, TRANSVAAL. 32 6 9 Same. Same as 3268. Clasps, CAPE COLONY, TRANS- VAAL. 3270 Long Service and Good Conduct, Army. A military trophy, having in the centre the arms of Queen Victoria. Rev, Inscrip- tion in four lines, FOR LONG SERVICE AND GOOD CON- DUCT. 2SL 36 mm. Ribbon, crimson. 3271 'Same. Same as 3270. 3272 Meritorious Service, Army. Head of queen, with diadem, facing 1. VICTORIA REGINA. Rev. Laurel-wreath encircling the inscription, FOR MERITORIOUS SERVICE; above, a crown. fiL 36 mm. Ribbon, crimson. 3273 Volunteer Long Service. Bust of queen to 1., wearing crown, veil, and star of the Order of the Garter. VICTORIA REGINA. Rev. A wreath of laurel and palm, across which is a scroll in- scribed, FOR LONG SERVICE IN THE VOLUNTEER FORCE. RL 36 mm. Ribbon, green. 3274 Hong Kong Plague, 1894. A physician and nurse protecting a reclining man from the attack of a flying figure, representing Death; below, 1894. Rev. Legend, "Presented by the Hong Kong community" ; inscription in seven lines in centre, FOR SER- VICES RENDERED DURING THE PLAGUE OF 1894. M 35 mm. Ribbon, crimson with orange borders and two narrow orange stripes. 3275 Metropolitan Police. Head of queen, with diadem and veil, facing 1. VICTORIA REGINA. Rev. Within an oak-wreath, the in- scription in five lines, JUBILEE OF HER MAJESTY QUEEN VICTORIA ; crown above ; legend, METROPOLITAN POLICE 1887. Si 36 mm. Ribbon, dark blue. 235 3276 Same. Same as 3275. Clasp, 1897. 3277 Same. Same as 3275, except date on reverse, which is 1897. 3278 Metropolitan Fire Brigade. Same as 3277, except legend on re- verse, LONDON COUNTY COUNCIL METROPOLITAN FIRE BRIGADE. 1897. 3279 Sixtieth Jubilee, 1897. Bust of queen facing 1., with crown, veil, and star of the Order of the Garter. VICTORIA D. G. REGINA ET IMPERATRIX. F. D. Rev. Wreath of oak and thistles, encircling inscription in eight lines, IN COM- MEMORATION OF THE 6o TH YEAR OF THE REIGN OF UEEN VICTORIA 20 JUNE 1897 ; above, a crown. fit 30 mm. ibbon, blue with white borders. 3280 South Africa. Bust of king, in uniform and cloak, facing 1. EDWARDVS VII. REX IMPERATOR. Rev. Britannia stand- ing, extending wreath, in right hand, toward troops marching in background; above, SOUTH AFRICA. 2E 36 mm. Ribbon, orange, white, and green in three equal stripes. Clasps, SOUTH AFRICA 1901, SOUTH AFRICA 1902. 3281 South Africa and Distinguished Conduct in the Field. Group of three medals issued to one man and mounted on one pin. Queen Victoria. Same as 3268. Clasps, CAPE COLONY, ORANGE FREE STATE, JOHANNESBURG. Edward VII. Same as 3280. Edward VII. Same as last. Rev. Inscription in four lines, FOR DISTINGUISHED CONDUCT IN THE FIELD. JE 36 mm. Ribbon, dark blue with wide crimson borders. 3282 India. Same as last. Rev. A British and an Indian soldier sup- porting the royal standard; to 1., INDIA. JE 36 mm. Ribbon, three red and two green stripes. Clasp, WAZIRISTAN 1901-2. 3283 Africa. Same as last. Rev. Britannia standing, trident in right hand, left hand extended, holding a scroll and palm-branch ; be- hind, a lion ; sun rising in background ; below, AFRICA. sE 36 mm. Ribbon, yellow with black borders and two narrow green stripes. Clasp, GAMBIA. 3284 Same. Same as 3283. Clasp, SOMALILAND 1902-4. 3285 Tibet, 1903-1904. Bust as last. EDWARDVS VII. KAISAR- I-HIND. Rev. Fortress on a hill ; below, TIBET 1903-4. JE 36 mm. Ribbon, dark red with green borders and two white stripes. Clasp, GYANTSE. 236 3286 Transport Service. Bust of king, in naval uniform, facing 1. ED- WARDVS VII. REX ET IMPERATOR. Rev. Steamship, above map of the Eastern and part of the Western Hemisphere ; below, OB PATRIAM MILITIBUS PER MARE TRANS- VECTIS ADJUTAM. 2E. 36 mm. Ribbon, red with two dark- blue stripes. Clasp, S. AFRICA 1899-1902. 3287 Naval Gunnery. Same as last. Rev. Jupiter hurling a thunder- bolt ; naval emblems in background ; legend, AMAT VICTORIA CVRAM. JE 36 mm. Ribbon, red with dark-blue borders and two white stripes. 3288 Long Service and Good Conduct, Navy. Same as last. Rev. A full-rigged ship ; legend, FOR LONG SERVICE AND GOOD CONDUCT. RL 36 mm. Ribbon, blue with white borders. 3289 Same, Army. Same as 3282. Rev. Inscription in four lines, FOR LONG SERVICE AND GOOD CONDUCT. JE 36 mm. Ribbon, crimson. 3290 Long Service, Volunteers. Same as last. Rev. A wreath of laurel and palm, across which is a scroll inscribed, FOR LONG SER- VICE IN THE VOLUNTEER FORCE. JB. 36 mm. Ribbon, green. 3291 Long Service and Good Conduct, Militia. Bust and inscription as last. Rev. Inscription in five lines, MILITIA FOR LONG SERVICE AND GOOD CONDUCT. M oval 31x38 mm. Rib- bon, light blue. 3292 Metropolitan Police, 1902. Group of two medals awarded to one man and mounted on one pin. Victoria. Same as 3277. Edward VII. Bust, in uniform and crown, facing 1. Inscription in four lines, CORONATION OF HIS MAJESTY KING EDWARD VII 1902 ; below, imperial crown resting on branches of oak and laurel ; legend, METROPOLITAN POLICE. JR 36 mm. Rib- bon, red with narrow blue stripe in centre. 3293 Metropolitan Fire Brigade, 1902. Same as last, except legend on reverse, L C C M F B 3294 St. John Ambulance Brigade, 1902. Same as last, except legend on reverse, ST. JOHN AMBULANCE BRIGADE. 3295 Irish Constabulary, 1903. Same as last. Rev. Hibernia standing on the shore ; ships and lighthouse in background ; below, 1903. & 36 mm. Ribbon, light blue; suspended from clasp pin, bear- ing shamrock leaves. 237 3296 Official Coronation Medal, 1902. Busts of king and queen, jugate, facing 1. ; floreated border to the medal, surmounted by a crown. Rev. E R VII. in monogram ; crown above ; 26 JUNE 1902 below. fiL (including crown) 30x45 mm. Ribbon, one red and two blue stripes with narrow white borders. 3297 Same. Same in copper. FRENCH PLAQUES 3298 The Dancer, by A. Charpentier. IE hollow plaque 137x98 mm. 3299 Same subject, by A. Charpentier. JE hollow plaque 137x98 mm. 3300 Christ, by A. Charpentier. IE. 3301 Same subject, by A. Charpentier. JE hollow plaque 53x164 mm. 3302 The Conflict, by A. Charpentier. 2E hollow plaque 120x84 mm. 3303 Play, by A. Charpentier. M hollow plaque 85x156 mm. 3304 Singing, by A. Charpentier. IE hollow plaque 85x156 mm. 3305 Sculpture, by A. Charpentier. 2E hollow plaque 85x156 mm. 3306 Painting, by A. Charpentier. 7E hollow plaque 85x154 mm. 3307 Printing Press, by A. Charpentier. 2E gilt octagonal 53x60 mm. 3308 The Wave, by A. Charpentier. 2E hollow plaque 83x87 mm. 3309 St. Sebastian, by A. Charpentier. IE hollow plaque 99x67 mm. 3310 The Sculptor, by A. Charpentier. IE octagonal hollow plaque 97x64 mm. 3311 Girl among the Flowers, by A. Charpentier. JE hollow plaque 202x109 mm. 3312 Posters, by A. Charpentier. EL octagonal hollow plaque 48x38 mm. 3313 Jeanne Mathilde Claude, 1887, by J. C. Chaplain. JE hollow plaque 234 mm. 238 3314 Jean Paul Laurens, by J. C. Chaplain. JE hollow plaque 95 mm. 3315 Jean Leon Gerome, 1885, by J. C. Chaplain. JE hollow plaque loo mm. 3316 Ernest Meissonier, 1889, by J. C. Chaplain. 2E hollow plaque 98 mm. 3317 Death of Carnot, by O. Roty. JE gilt hollow plaque 263x186 mm. 3318 Railroad in Algiers, 1886, by O. Roty. JE hollow plaque 261 mm. 3319 Same. (Rev.) 3320 French Republic, by O. Roty. JE hollow plaque 277 mm. 3321 International Convention of Scientific Academies, by F. Vernon. 2E silvered hollow plaque 130x178 mm. 3322 Girls at Work, by F. Vernon. M hollow plaque 37x144 mm. 3323 Rosa, 1888, by F. Vernon. IE hollow plaque 157x247 mm. 3324 Vernon's Mother, by F. Vernon. IE gilt hollow plaque 88x69 mm. 3325 Marie and Jean-Charles Aubert, by L. Patriarche. 2E hollow plaque 90x124 mm. 3326 Henner, by V. Peter. IE hollow plaque 123 mm. 3327 Resurrection of San Francisco, 1906, by L. Bottee. JE gilt hollow plaque 378 mm. 3328 Maternity. JE hollow plaque 268 mm. 3329 International Exposition of Brussels, 1897, by Wolfers. IE sil- vered 70 mm. 3330 Three Children, by F. Gilbault. JE gilt hollow plaque 100 mm. 3331 The Fountain, by D. Dupuis. IE hollow plaque 183x95 mm. This hollow plaque represents an unfinished model. The design was modified considerably in the later model from which No. 3332 was struck. 333 2 Same subject, by D. Dupuis. EL plaquette 68x37 mm. Medal of the French Mint. 239 AMERICAN INSIGNIA 3333 United States Medal of Honor, Navy. 3334 United States Medal of Honor, Army, 1862-1896. 3335 United States Medal of Honor, Army, 1896-1905. 3336 Society of the Cincinnati, original, made in France, 1783. 3337 Society of the Cincinnati, early French make (silver). 3338 Society of the Cincinnati, New York State Society, about 1860. 3339 Society of the Cincinnati, modern, French make. 3340 Society of the Cincinnati, miniature, modern, French make. 3341 Society of Colonial Wars, jeweled crown. 3342 Society of Colonial Wars, plain crown. 3343 Order of Founders and Patriots of America. 3344 Naval Order of the United States, general officer. 3345 Naval Order of the United States. 3346 Military Order of Foreign Wars of the United States. 3347 Sons of the Revolution, first insignia. 3348 Sons of the Revolution, second insignia. 3349 Sons of the Revolution, present insignia. 3350 Sons of the Revolution, miniature. 3351 Sons of the American Revolution. 3352 Sons of the American Revolution, miniature. 3353 Sons of the American Revolution, France. 3354 Military Order of the French Alliance. 3355 Patriotic Order Fathers and Founders of the Republic. 240 3356 Veteran Corps of Artillery, Military Society of the War of 1812. 3357 General Society of the War of 1812. 3358 Aztec Club of 1847. 3359 National Association Mexican War Veterans. 33bo National Association Mexican War Veterans, New York Asso- ciation. 3361 Military Order of the Loyal Legions. 3362 Medal of Honor Legion, second class. 3363 Union Veteran Legion, colonel of encampment. 3364 Grand Army of the Republic, first badge, 1866. White Metal. 3365 Grand Army of the Republic, 1869. 3366 Grand Army of the Republic, past aide-de-camp to commander- in-chief, 1874. 3367 Grand Army of the Republic, 1886. 3368 Grand Army of the Republic, commander-in-chief. 3369 Grand Army of the Republic, department commander. 3370 Grand Army of the Republic, post commander. 3371 Society of the Army of the Potomac. 3372 Society of the Army of the James. 3373 Society of the Army of the Tennessee. 3374 Society of the Army of the Cumberland. 3375 Society of the Army of West Virginia. 3376 Association of the First Army Corps. 3377 Third Army Corps Union. 3378 Society of the Burnside Expedition and Ninth Army Corps. 241 3379 Officers of Excelsior Brigade, 1862. 3380 Kearny Cross, for officers of Second Division, Third Corps, com- manded by General Kearny. 3381 Society of War Veterans, Seventh Regiment, N. G. S. N. Y. 3382 Seventh Maine Regiment Association. 3383 National Association Naval Veterans. 3384 Veterans of the Ninth Regiment, N. G. S. M., N. G. N. Y. 3385 Sons of Veterans, U. S. A., 1881. 3386 Sons of Veterans, U. S. A., 1901. 3387 Sons of Veterans, U. S. A., commandery-in-chief officer. 3388 Sons of Veterans, U. S. A., division officer. 3389 United Confederate Veterans. 3390 United Sons of Confederate Veterans. 3391 Daughters of the Confederacy. 3392 Confederate Veteran Camp of New York. 3393 Washington Artillery of New Orleans. 3394 Southern Cross of Honor. 3395 Davis Guard Medal, for the defense of Sabine Pass, Texas, Sep- tember 8, 1863. 3396 Society of Veterans of Indian Wars of the United States. 3397 Regular Army and Navy Union. 3398 Naval and Military Order of the Spanish-American War. 3399 United Spanish War Veterans. 3400 Society of the Army of Santiago de Cuba. 3401 Society of the Porto Rican Expedition. 242 34 2 Society of the Army of the Philippines. 3403 Military Order of the Carabao. 3404 Military Order of Moro Campaigns. 3405 Military Order of the Serpent. 3406 Military Order of the Dragon. 3407 Imperial Order of the Dragon. 3408 Society of Mayflower Descendants. 3409 Huguenot Society of America. 3410 Colonial Dames of America. 3411 National Society of Colonial Dames of America. 3412 Colonial Daughters of the Seventeenth Century. 3413 Daughters of Holland Dames. 3414 Daughters of the American Revolution. 3415 Daughters of the Revolution. 3416 Daughters of the Cincinnati. 3417 United States Daughters of 1812. 3418 Saint Andrew's Society of New York. 3419 Saint George's Society of New York. 3420 Saint David's Society of the State of New York. 3421 Order of Runnymede. 243 FOREIGN DECORATIONS 3422 Great Britain, Order of the Garter, Great George. 3423 Star, Order of the Bath. 3424 Order of the Baronets of Nova Scotia. 3425 Victoria Cross, Army. 3426 Victoria Cross, Navy. 3427 Denmark, Order of the Danneborg. 3428 Sweden and Norway, Order of Vasa. 3429 Order of St. Olaf of Norway. 3430 Holland, Star, Order of the Netherlands Lion. 3431 Austria, Order of the Iron Crown. 3432 Star, Order of Francis Joseph. 3433 Prussia, Iron Cross. 3434 Russia, Star, Order of St. George. 3435 Order of the White Eagle. 3436 Spain, Star, Order of Isabella the Catholic. 3437 Star, Order of Charles III. 3438 Star, Order of Maria Christina. 3439 Portugal, Star, Order of Christ. 3440 Italy, Star, Order of St. Maurice and St. Lazarus. 3441 France, Napoleon, Canonical Cross of St. Denis. 3442 Napoleon, Legion of Honor. 3443 Louis XVIII, Grand Cross, Legion of Honor. 3444 Napoleon III, Star, Legion of Honor. 244 3445 Napoleon III, Grand Officer, Legion of Honor. 3446 Papal, Order of St. Sylvester. 3447 Order of the Holy Sepulcher. 3448 Japan, Order of the Rising Sun. 3449 China, Order of the Double Dragon. 3450 Brazil, Star, Order of the Southern Cross. 3451 Grand Cross, Order of the Southern Cross. MEDALS OF THE AMERICAN NUMISMATIC SOCIETY 3452 Membership Medal, by Geo. H. Lovett. Circle inclosing three oak-leaves beneath a scroll containing legend, PARVA NE PEREANT. Outer circle, American NUMISMATIC AND ARCHAEOLOGICAL SOCIETY (acorn). MEMBER'S MEDAL (acorn). Rev. Wreath of oak-leaves, inclosing blank for name and date of membership. Around wreath, FOUNDED AT NEW YORK MDCCCLVIII, above; INCORPd MDCCC- LXV, below. RL 42 mm. JR 42 mm. 3453 Same. Rejected die. Same, except the wreath, on the re- verse, rests on a circular band. White metal 42 mm. 3454 Lincoln Medal, 1866, by Emil Sigel. Bust of President Lin- coln, draped, facing r., with legend, SALVATOR PATRIAE. Below decollation, near edge, EMIL SIGEL FECIT. Rev. Laurel-wreath ; on scroll running through wreath, PUB. BY THE AMERICAN NUMISMATIC AND ARCHAEOLOG- ICAL SOCIETY NEW YORK 1866. Within wreath, IN MEMORY OF THE LIFE ACTS AND DEATH OF ABRA- HAM LINCOLN. BORN FEBRUARY 12, 1809, DIED APRIL 15, 1865. Bronze, White metal 83 mm. 3455 Dies of the Lincoln Medal. (Obv. and Rev.} 3456 Washington Medal, 1883, by Lea Ahlborn. Concave, un- polished ; in field, the figure of Washington, standing on pedestal, facing 1., right hand extended, figure surrounded by rays of light and a circle of thirteen stars ; on either side of figure, the dates 1783-1883. Below pedestal, C. OSBORNE INV. LEA AHLBORN FEC. Rev. Polished convex surface, surrounded by thirty-eight stars ; in field, seal of Chamber of Commerce, and on either side seals of the City of New York and The American 245 Numismatic and Archaeological Society; in field, the inscription, TO COMMEMORATE THE CENTENNIAL ANNIVER- SARY OF THE EVACUATION OF NEW YORK BY THE BRITISH, above the seals; and below them, AND THE EREC- TION BY THE CHAMBER OF COMMERCE OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK OF THE WASHINGTON STATUE IN WALL STREET. Bronze 57 mm. 3457 Anthon Medal, 1884, by Lea Ahlborn. Bust of Dr. Anthon, without drapery, in profile, facing 1., surrounded by name, CHARLES EDWARD ANTHON, LL.D., within circle of beads ; under decollation, LEA AHLBORN. Rev. Wreath com- posed of two branches of leaves, oak to the left and laurel to the right, junction of branches covered by the seal of the Society; beneath, 1884. Inscription in wreath, BORN IN NEW YORK CITY DEC. 6, 1822. DIED AT BREMEN JUNE 7, 1883. Legend surrounding wreath, within circle of beads, PRESI- DENT AMERICAN NUMISMATIC AND ARCHAEOLOG- ICAL SOCIETY 1869-1883. JE, X. 68 mm. 3458 Bronze plaque, 9% inches. 3459 Parish Medal, 1890, by Lea Ahlborn. Bust of Mr. Parish, without drapery, facing 1., surrounded by name, DANIEL PARISH, JR., within circle of beads ; to left of decollation, near edge, LEA AHLBORN FEC Rev. Wreath of oak and laurel leaves, joined by ribbon bow; beneath, the date MDCCCL- XXXX. Inscription in wreath, FROM HIS FELLOW- NUMISMATISTS IN GRATEFUL RECOGNITION OF HIS ZEAL FOR AND DEVOTION TO THE SCIENCE. Legend surrounding wreath, within circle of beads, ANNO SEXTO PR^SICENTLE SOCI. AMERI. NUMIS. ET ARCH^OL. N 46 mm. M. 46 mm. 3460 Dies of the Parish Medal. (Obv. and Rev.} 3461 Bronze (electro) plaque, 9^4 inches. 3462 Columbus Medal, 1893, by Tiffany & Co. Head of Columbus wearing cap, facing 1. CHRISTOPHER COLUMBUS GAVE A NEW WORLD TO HUMANITY. Rev. Inscription in six lines, AFTER FOUR HUNDRED YEARS OF PROGRESS FREE AMERICA HONORS ITS DISCOVERER. Encircled by a wreath of laurel on which rests the seal of the American Numismatic and Archaeological Society, on the right-hand side near the bottom. JE, Bronze, Gold bronze 77 mm. 246 3463 Muhlenberg Medal, 1896, by Victor D. Brenner. Bust of Dr. Muhlenberg facing r.; side of head, WILLIAM AVGVS- TVS MVHLENBERG D.D. FOVNDER OF ST. LVKE'S HOSPITAL. Rev. A branch of palm and oak leaves on which is the seal of St. Luke's Hospital extending around the right half of the medal. Inscription in seven lines, THE AMERICAN NUMISMATIC AND ARCHAEOLOGICAL SOCIETY COM- MEMORATES BY THIS MEDAL THE OPENING OF THE NEW ST. LVKE'S HOSPITAL MDCCCXCVI. JE, JR 50 mm. 3464 Hub of the obverse of the Muhlenberg Medal. 3465 Die of the reverse of the Muhlenberg Medal. 3466 Grant Monument Medal, 1897, by Tiffany & Co. Bust of General Grant facing r., seal of The American Numismatic and Archaeological Society below to the left; between the seal and bust, four stars, the insignia of rank of general; legend, GEN- ERAL ULYSSES S. GRANT. Rev. Grant's Tomb; below, ISSUED BY THE AMERICAN NUMISMATIC AND AR- CHAEOLOGICAL SOCIETY; above, DEDICATED NEW YORK APRIL 27, 1897. M, JR 64 mm. 3467 Charities and Correction Medal, 1898, by Victor D. Bren- ner. Figure of the Angel of Mercy, descending with outstretched wings and hands extended in attitude of protection over two seated figures, the one on the left a female with hands clasped and face uplifted, representing poverty, and on the right a male criminal with bowed head resting on his right hand and a manacle on his left wrist. Below, Issued By THE AMERICAN NUMIS- MATIC AND ARCHAEOLOGICAL SOCIETY NEW YORK. Rev. To the right, the trunk of an oak-tree with branches and foliage extending across the field ; inscription in nineteen lines, TO COMMEMORATE THE SESSION OF THE TWENTY-FIFTH NATIONAL CONFERENCE OF CHARITIES AND CORRECTION IN THE CITY OF NEW YORK MAY 18 25 1898 PRESIDENT WIL- LIAM RHINELANDER STEWART NEW YORK VICE-PRESIDENTS CHARLES R HENDERSON CHICAGO THOMAS E ELLISON FORT WAYNE ISAIAH JOSEPHI NEW YORK TREASURER LEVI L BARBOUR DETROIT GENERAL SECRETARY HASTINGS H - HART ST PAUL. JE, M 77 mm. 3468 Hub of the obverse of the Charities and Correction Medal. 3469 Greater New York Medal, 1898, by Tiffany & Co. Five seated 247 female figures, representing the five boroughs whose names appear beneath. MANHATTAN sits in the middle, with BROOKLYN and QUEENS on her right hand, and the BRONX and RICHMOND on her left. Rising behind central figure, two fluted Corinthian columns support a pediment bearing an eagle with wings displayed, signifying the American spirit guiding the city's destinies, and inclosed a tablet inscribed: NEW YORK, JANUARY i, MDCCCXCVIII, the date of consolidation. View of the harbor in the background ; seal of The American Numis- matic and Archaeological Society at the bottom. Legend, COM- MEMORATING THE CONSOLIDATION OF THE MU- NICIPALITIES ABOUT THE PORT OF NEW YORK. Rev. The field is divided into four quarters by the arms of a Dutch windmill. In the upper quarter the ship Half Moon at anchor taking in sail. In the left quarter a representation of Peter Minuit purchasing Manhattan Island from the Indians; ship Sea Mew in the background. In the right quarter, the Dutch, led by Peter Stuyvesant, evacuating Fort Amsterdam, over which appears the English flag. In the lower quarter, a Continental officer reading the Declaration of Independence to the American troops. Around edge opposite the four quarters respectively are the dates SEPT. 2, 1609, MAY 4, 1626, SEPT. 8, 1664, JULY 9, 1776. JE 64 mm. JR 64 mm. 3470 Prince Henry of Prussia Medal, 1902, by Victor D. Brenner. Bust of Prince Henry in uniform, facing 1. ISSVED BY THE AMERICAN NVMISMATIC AND ARCHAEOLOGICAL SOCIETY NEW YORK FEBRUARY 1902. Rev. Figure of Mercury riding on a cloud and bearing in his right arm fruits and flowers; to the right, the German and American shields. Legend, TO COMMEMORATE THE VISIT OF HIS ROYAL HIGHNESS PRINCE HENRY OF PRVSSIA- N 69 mm. fiL, M. Aluminum. 3471 Dies of Prince Henry of Prussia Medal. (Obv. and Rev.) 3472 Americus Vespucius Medal, 1903, by Victor D. Brenner. Bust of Americus Vespucius facing r., holding a partially opened map mounted on a roller; to the right, a facsimile reduction of the "Fourth Continent" from the map by Martin Waldseemiiller, printed in 1507; below, the seal of The American Numismatic and Archaeological Society, the date 1903, and AMERIGO VESPUCCI. Rev. Facsimile reduction of the hemisphere by Waldseemuller; to the right, half-length figure holding large pair of dividers; above, on a scroll, AMERICI VESPUCCI; be- low, on a panel, a facsimile of the signature of Martin Waldsee- muller. JE, JR. Rectangular 76x58 mm. 248 3473 Dies of the Americus Vespucius Medal. Bronze plaque, ioy 2 x8 inches. (Obv. and Rev.) 3474 Paul Jones Medal, 1906, by Victor D. Brenner. Bust facing three-quarters 1., laurel-branch behind, small shield bearing an- chor to 1. ; below, JOHN PAVL JONES 1747-1792. Rev. To the right, Fame blowing trumpet; facing 1., in the background, funeral procession; at the top, AMERICA CLAIMS HER IL- LUSTRIOUS DEAD; at the bottom, PARIS. ANNAPOLIS. 1905. Seal of The American Numismatic and Archaeological Society in lower left-hand corner. 2&, JR Rectangular 80x60 3475 D i es o * tne P aul Jones Medal. (Obv. and Rev.) 3476 Bronze plaque, 9^x7^4 inches. (Obv. and Rev.) 3477 Sir Francis Drake Medal, 1907, by Rudolf Marschall. Head of Sir Francis Drake, slightly to 1. Above, SIR FRANCIS DRAKE 1540-1596; in the lower left-hand corner, the oak-leaves from the seal of The American Numismatic and Archaeological Society, and the date 1907. Rev. Facsimile of a portion of the "Silver Map" (in the British Museum), and the inscription in seven lines, IN COMMEMORATION OF THE DISCOVERY AND LANDING UPON THE NORTH-WESTERN COAST OF AMERICA BY THE FIRST ENGLISH CIRCUMNAVI- GATOR. A.D. 1597. JE, JR Rectangular, with arched top, 56x65 mm. 3478 Bronze plaque, 7^x8^4 inches. 3479 Fiftieth Anniversary Medal, 1908, obverse by Victor D. Brenner, re- verse by Tiffany & Co. Seal of The American Numismatic Society. Rev. MDCCCLVIII. APRIL. VI. MCMVIII. fe, suspended from an oak-leaf pin, without attachment. M 25 mm. 3480 Dies. (Obv., Rev., and pin.) 3481 Archer Milton Huntington Medal, 1908, by Emil Fuchs. Two male figures standing on each side of a coin-press ; in front, figure seated, examining coin through a glass; above, ARCHER M. HUNTINGTON MEDAL. Rev. Full-length female figure holding a scroll upon which is a representation of the Society's building and the inscription in seven lines, IN COMMEMORA- TION OF THE FIFTIETH ANNIVERSARY OF THE AMERICAN NUMISMATIC SOCIETY. To the 1., 1858; to the r., 1908. Above, THE AMERICAN NUMISMATIC SO- CIETY ; below, the seal of the Society. JE, M 68 mm. 249 3482 Hubs for the Archer M. Huntington Medal. (Obv. and Rev.} 3483 Dies for the Archer M. Huntington Medal. (Obv. and Rev.} 3484 Hudson-Fulton Medal, 1909, by Emil Fuchs. (Struck by the American Numismatic Society.) Henry Hudson and a group of sailors on the Half Moon, watching the hoisting of some heavy article from outside the ship. In the background is a faint sug- gestion of the high banks of the Hudson River. In a panel at the bottom is seen the vessel with her Dutch name, HALVE MAENE. Encircling the upper margin is the legend, DISCOV- MDCIX. In the circles dividing the legend are an astrolabe, ERY OF HUDSON RIVER BY HENRY HUDSON A.D. jack-staff, and sextant. On the lower left, THE AMERICAN | NUMISMATIC SOCIETY, below a circle bearing the seal of that Society; and on the right, below a similar circle containing the seal of the Commission, HUDSON-FULTON | CELEBRA- TION COMM : Rev. A parapet extending across the field, from which rise two columns with fluted bases ; in the opening at the left is a view of New York as seen from the Hudson in 1807, and at the right the sky-line of the city as seen to-day from the Jersey shore. Between the columns hangs a portrait of the inventor, below which ROBERT FULTON | 1765 1815 the dates of his birth and death. Seated in front of the columns are three draped figures : that in the center, facing, represents the genius of Steam Navigation, and holds in her lap a model of the Clermont; at the right is the figure of History, with a scroll across her lap and in her right hand a pen ; at the left is that of Commerce, resting her right hand on an anchor. In exergue in three lines, FIRST USE OF STEAM IN NAVIGATION (ON THE HUDSON RIVER | 1807. N, M 76 mm. 3485 Dies for the Hudson-Fulton Medal. (Obv. and Rev.} 3486 Same. (Struck by the Hudson-Fulton Commission.) /E, JR 103 mm. 3487 Dies. (Obv. and Rev.) 3488 Same. JE, & 64 mm. 34 8 9 Dies. (Obv. and Rev.) 3490 Same. JE, Aluminum, 51 mm. 349! Dies. (Obv. and Rev.) 250 3492 - Same. JR, Silver-plated 38 mm. 3493 - Dies. (Obv. and Rev.) 3494 - Same. Silver-plated 32 mm. 3495 - Dies. (Obv. and Rev.) 3496 - Bronze plaque, 13 inches. (Obv. and Rev.) 3497 Catholic Medal, 1909, by J. Edouard Roine. Portraits of the seven prelates who presided over the diocese of New York during the first century of its activities. The center, Archbishop Farley, facing 1., inscribed JOHN M. FARLEY ABP.; in the surround- ing field are the portraits, indicated by the names on the outer edge of the medal, of BP- CONCANEN OP-, BP- CON- NOLLY O -P -, BP J DVBOIS, ABP J HVGHES, CARD ABP- M C CLOSKEY, APP- M- CORRIGAN; above the por- trait of the presiding archbishop is the dove within the tre- foil, typifying the Holy Trinity. Below this portrait, sus- pended from its frame, is the pectoral cross ; at the 1., in the circle of portraits, is the seal of The American Numis- matic Society. Rev. In the foreground, St. Patrick's Cathe- dral ; at the sides, in the background, are partial representa- tions of St. Peter's Church of 1808 in Barclay Street, and St. Patrick's Church of Mott Street, consecrated in 1815, encircled by a wreath of laurel ; at the top, the arms of Pope Pius X ; on the lower edge, the arms of Pope Pius VII, who created the dio- cese of New York in 1808; at the r., the arms of Archbishop Farley, and on the 1., the coat of arms of the diocese of New York. Legend, CENTENARY OF THE ESTABLISHMENT OF THE DIOCESE OF NEW YORK, 1808-1908. IE, M 76 mm. 3498 Cleveland Medal, 1909, by J. Edouard Roine. Half-length por- trait seated, facing r. ; above, GROVER CLEVELAND; in upper right-hand corner, a wreath of ivy inclosing the words VOX POPULI; below, MDCCCXXXVII MDCCCCVIII. Rev. Seated figure representing Democracy, with the face turned to the 1. ; in the background, a column and a public building ; above, PVBLIC OFFICE IS A PVBLIC TRVST; below, PRESI- DENT MDCCCLXXXV MDCCCLXXXXIII. N, IE, M. Rectangular 78x89 mm. 3499 - Dies of the Cleveland Medal. (Obv. and Rev.) 251 3500 Bronze plaque, 8%x ioJ/6 inches. (Obv. and Rev.} 3501 NCAV Theatre Medal, 1909, by Bela L. Pratt. Nude female seated, holding a mirror; to r., in six lines, THE NEW THEATRE OF NEW YORK, and the seal of The American Numismatic So- ciety; to 1. the date 1909, perpendicular. Rev. Full-length female standing, holding a tablet from which is suspended a garland, a curtain at each side drawn back by a nude child, two Roman lamps below ; at bottom the date 1909. sE, M 77 mm. 3502 Dies of the New Theatre Medal. (Obv. and Rev.) 3503 Same. M 106 mm. 3504 Dies. (Obv. and Rev.) 3505 Lincoln Medal, 1909, by J. Edouard Roine. Full-length figure of Abraham Lincoln, seated at a table, facing r., writing with a quill pen; winged figure of Fame crowning him with wreath of laurel ; in upper left-hand corner, the seal of The American Numismatic Society; at the bottom, 1809 ABRAHAM LIN- COLN 1909. Rev. Plain N, JE, JR. rectangular 73x101 mm. 3506 Die of the Lincoln Medal. 252 University of California F?N REGIONAL LIBRARY FACILITY SOUTHERN I 405 Hilgard Avenue, Los Angeles, CA 90024-1388 Return this material to the library from which it was borrowed. NOV 011993 ART LIBRARY -