IN MEMORIAM FLORIAN CAJOR1 THE PRIMARY PUBLIC SCHOOL ARITHMETIC THE PRIMARY PUBLIC SCHOOL ARITHMETIC BASED ON McLELLAN AND DEWEY'S "PSYCHOLOGY OF NUMBER" BY J. A. McLELLAN, A.M., LL.D. PRESIDENT ONTARIO NORMAL COLLEGE AUTHOR (WITH DR. DEWEY) OF "TUB PSYCHOLOGY OF NUMBER," "APPLIED PSYCHOLOGY," "ELEMENTS OF ALGEBRA," ETC. AND A. F. AMES, A.B. HONOR GRADUATE IN MATHEMATICS J FORMERLY MATHEMATICAL MASTER, ST. THOMAS COLLEGIATE INSTITUTE SUPERINTENDENT OF SCHOOLS, RIVERSIDE, ILL. " TEACHERS' EDITION Nefo god* THE MACMILLAN COMPANY LONDON : MACMILLAN & CO., LTD. 1899 All rights reserved COPYBIOHT, 1898, BY THE MACMILLAN COMPANY. Set up and electrotyped May, 1898. Reprinted August, 1898 ; December, 1899. Norfoooti J. 8. Gushing & Co. - Berwick & Smith Norwood Masi. U.S.A. /v O PKEFACE THIS book is strictly introductory to "The Public School Arithmetic," and forms with it a complete course. In both, the method of treatment closely follows " The Psychology of Number." A few special points in the Primary may be noticed. 1. While number work in the first grade may be largely incidental, it ought not to be accidental. The teacher should have a clear conception of the work to be done, and of the order and method by which the child may step by step reach the desired end. When the child enters school the number sense is alert; he is, roughly speaking, in the counting stage of development. Upon the principle " strike while the iron is hot," this counting power should at once be used for further growth by applying it to more definite measurements. Such appli- cation arouses fresh interest in number, and is in a high degree educative. On this point Dr. Dewey says, "Unless there is to be arrested development when the child enters school, some function must be found with reference, to which he may utilize his ability to count the number sense becomes vitalized and truly educative at this point by being largely directed towards the definition of values in the form of measurement" This book, therefore, while not y yi PREFACE giving first grade work in full, presents in systematic form and in sufficient detail for any primary teacher the amount of work to be done and the method of doing it. 2. Those to whom counting is the whole of number hold that almost the sole object of number-work in primary grades is quickness and accuracy in the figure- work of the fundamental rules. They are inclined to belittle the training of intelligence. Most teachers know, however, that not accurate figure-work and rule-learning is the crux, but rather what figure-work " what rule " to apply in given cases. Accordingly, while not un- mindful of the use of skill in figure-work, the authors of this book have a wider purpose. Recognizing that num- ber is the " tool of measurement," they have endeavored by a careful grading and an unusual variety of concrete and constructive exercises to develop true ideas of number and numerical operations, as well as trained intelligence and ability to apply what has been learned to the varying problems of social life. 3. There are two extreme views regarding the nature of number leading to two quite different pedagogical methods: one of these, No ratio in number; the other, No number in ratio. The one begins with the ratio idea, and ignores or subordinates the " how many " (counting) idea, letting it struggle into being incidentally in the development of ratio. The other begins with the vague "how many," and subordinates ratio or rather totally ignores it as not involved in the number process. This book, following as it does " The Psychology of Number," avoids both extremes. It begins with the how many (counting) as applied to some total ; and keeping together PREFACE vii things which psychologically cannot be separated, viz. number and quantity, proceeds from the vague how many and the vague how much to the definite so many and the definite so much. Thus there is gradually yet surely evolved the concept of ratio a concept which is indis- pensable in practical life, and without which there can be no Science of Arithmetic. On this important point Dr. Dewey whose views on the psychical nature of number have never been questioned by a competent critic says : " When counting is used by the child to value some amount or other the ratio idea is implied. It need not, therefore, be consciously or explicitly stated. In fact, I should say that for a considerable period it should not be. It is enough that the child gets a sense for the use and application of number in measurement. When number is so used, the transition to the conscious ratio idea, whether in the form of ratio proper, or frac- tions, or percentage, is natural and inevitable ; this is not a mere doctrinaire statement ; it rests upon continuous experimenting and observation in a school where the child's number sense is developed in connection with constructive operations in manual training, in which number relations are introduced as instruments to prac- tical valuation." 4. This has been verified during the preparation of this book. Through the kindness of the publishers printed sheets of the exercises and methods have been placed in the hands of teachers in training (and public) schools, and actually tested in the classes. The reports have been unanimously favorable. The children got hold of the idea of number as " The Tool of measurement," yiii PREFACE as playing an important part in the affairs of life ; school life was, in one respect at least, seen to be a part of social life. It followed that interest, enthusiasm, self-activity in connection with arithmetical work became the com- mon experience in the schools. For help in such experimenting our thanks are due to a number of successful teachers, especially to Principal Graham of the London Training School, to Principal Elliott of the Hamilton Training School, to Mrs. Ran- dolph (Los Angeles), and to Principal William Sparks of Chatham. Teachers are recommended to study with care Dewey and McLellan's " Psychology of Number," and the " Pub- lic School Arithmetic," which illustrates so many points in the " Psychology of Number." The "Teachers' Edition" of this book will contain all needed answers to problems, suggestions for first grade work, some illustrative lessons, and many suggestions as to methods. CONTENTS PAOB SUGGESTIONS TO TEACHERS . . . . . xi SUGGESTIVE LESSONS xxviii SUGGESTIONS Ixiv SECTION I FIRST GRADE WORK REVIEWED 1 SECTION II FUNDAMENTAL ADDITIONS EXTENDED SUBTRACTION DE- NOMINATE NUMBERS QUANTITY UNIT OF MEASURE NUMBER 20 SECTION III MULTIPLICATION TABLES OF 2 AND 3 DIVISION DENOM- INATE NUMBERS SQUARES AND OBLONGS FRACTIONS RATIO 63 SECTION IV MULTIPLICATION TABLES OF 4 AND 5 DIVISION DENOM- INATE NUMBERS SQUARES AND OBLONGS FRACTIONS RATIO 98 SECTION V FUNDAMENTAL ADDITIONS EXTENDED SUBTRACTION MUL- TIPLICATION TABLES OF 5 AND 6 DIVISION , , J21 is X CONTENTS SECTION VI PAGE DOLLARS AND CENTS MISCELLANEOUS REVIEW QUESTIONS 137 SECTION VII ADDITION SUBTRACTION MULTIPLICATION DIVISION RATIO DENOMINATE NUMBERS VOLUME . . . 148 SECTION VIII ROMAN NOTATION FRACTIONS 163 SECTION IX TABLE OP DENOMINATE NUMBERS FUNDAMENTAL OPERA- TIONS MULTIPLICATION TABLE ..... 178 SECTION X NUMERATION AND NOTATION ADDITION TABLE MULTI- PLICATION WITH Two FIGURES IN THE MULTIPLIER LONG DIVISION . 194 SECTION XI DECIMALS 210 SECTION XII PERCENTAGE 224 SECTION XIII MISCELLANEOUS REVIEW LESSONS 240 ANSWERS , , , , t t f , , 255 SUGGESTIONS TO TEACHERS Pages xi to xxvii of Suggestions to Teachers indicate the kind of work that should be done by the class previous to beginning Lesson 1 of this book. Les- sons 1 to 8 review the work of this section. I. Counting. Counting is of course the first thing to look after : the child can probably count a little when he enters school, but there is now to be count- ing with a definite end in view the growth of the relating process which gives rise to number ; there is a whole to get an idea of, there are its parts ; there is the how -many ; i.e. the child is counting something. 1. (a) Start with a whole and count by single things. For instance, count the number of girls in the room. Of boys. Of children. Test how far the number names are significant ; e.g. name the num- ber and have corresponding objects selected, etc. (6) It may be that the children cannot count cannot give the consecutive number names and apply them to corresponding groups of objects. In this case the starting-point is the vague muchness (ideas of more and less) and the vague how-many which must xi xii SUGGESTIONS TO TEACHERS be in the children's minds. Have them make com- parisons involving ideas of more and less ; e.g. the length of the desk is greater than the width, etc. Also practice in the how-many idea ; e.g. compare the how-many cubes (say 8) in this group with the how-many (say 6) in that. They will be led to see that the muchness of a quantity is determined by the how-many parts in it, etc. Have constructive exer- cises, bringing out relations of consecutively num- bered objects (how five differs from six, etc.), and arousing interest in number names ; e.g. have them make a picket (two splints) ; try to make a triangle with two splints ; they will need one splint more, and will express the how-many as " two and one," or as "one, and one, and one" Similarly, try to make a square with three splints ; they will need one more splint, and the how-many in the square will perhaps be expressed as " three and one," or " two and one and one," or (as we have often seen) " one and one' and one' and one," with some rhythmic movement. They will now fully appreciate the simple number names which are substitutes for the round-about ex- pressions. The children will hence soon be ready to see that we cannot find how much one quantity (as a line, area, etc.) differs from another without finding the how-many of some one thing (unit) in each. 2. Not to be confined to single things. Count this IWQ rows of girls; of boys ; of all, how many SUGGESTIONS TO TEACHERS xiii twos? Count pairs of hands, how many pairs? Similarly, count groups of 3, how many threes, etc. ? Also appeal to the ear : taps with stick, strokes of bell, vocal sounds (as letters, etc.), this both with single sounds, and groups of sounds (i.e. sounds rhythmically marked off). 3. Test this relating process, e.g. start counting with 4, i.e. 4, 5, 6 (units of any kind). Show by fingers or marks or dots what preceded the 4. 4. Count the same quantity with different units or groups, e.g. these 12 pupils : by 2's, how many? (6). By 3's, by 4's, by 6's, how many in each case ? This lot of 24, by 2's, by 3's, by 4's, etc., to deter- mine the different numbers (how many) that measure the same quantity. Also count different quantities with the same unit of measure. This lot of 6 (pupils, etc.) by 3's. This group of 12 by 3's, this group of 15 by 3's, etc. Use many familiar units. 5. Represent the various units by dots on the blackboard; e.g. these rows of dots represent groups of two (pupils, cents, etc.) each, J J how many ? (4). This group of three each, how many ? How many 4's ? etc. 6. Let all the foregoing be then extended to exact measurements. Count the 2-inches in this foot-rule (or line); the 3-inches, etc. Count the number of 3-inches in lines 12 in., 15 in., 18 in., etc., long, and so on. xiv SUGGESTIONS TO TEACHERS 7. Cut out of cardboard strips, respectively, 1 in., 2 in., 3 in., ... 12 in. long. Ask the pupils to select the 3 in. strip, the 5 in. strip, etc. 8. Have bags of sand or other material weighing from 1 to 10 Ib. Let the pupils lift these and guess their weights. 9. Make squares whose sides are respectively 2, 3, and 4 in. Cut them into parts each containing 1 sq. in. Count the parts and then put them together again to form the original square. Count the 2-sq. in., etc. 10. Similarly, make oblongs 2 in. by 3 in., or 3 in. by 4 in., for example; divide into inch squares or half-inch squares, count, and again reconstruct the whole from the parts. Count as in 9 the 2-sq. in., etc. 11. Make simple measurements with the foot-rule and tape measure ; for instance, measure the width of the desk, the length of the table, the height of the children, the number of inches around the head, the distance around the chest when expanded or con- tracted. 12. Take two points, say 2 or 3 or 4, etc., yards apart, without the pupils knowing what distance was measured. Let the pupils measure the distance between the points with a yardstick. What num- ber do you get ? How many yards ? Measure with a foot-rule. How many feet ? Measure with a unit one-half foot long. What number do you get ? How many half-feet ? Write, 2 yd. = 6 ft. = 12 half -feet. SUGGESTIONS TO TEACHERS XV Put (say) 2, 3, 4, etc., quarts of water into a pail. Let the pupils measure it out with a quart measure. What number do you get from the measurement? With a pint measure what number do you get ? With a gill measure what number do you get? Write, 2 qt.=4 pt. = 16 gi. 13. Draw a line 12 in. long, without the pupils knowing its length. Measure it with an inch unit. What number do you get? How many inches? Measured with a 2-inch unit what number ? How many 2-inches ? With a 3-inch unit what number ? How many 3-inches ? So also with 4-inch and 6- inch units. Draw and measure other lengths with other units. II. Instantaneous recognition of the number pict- ures. The work suggested in the above outline should lead as directly as possible to the instanta- neous recognition of the number pictures which will aid in complete mastery, especially for the aggre- gation idea of addition and subtraction, of the num- bers from 110. The picturing power should be used, in fact must be used, for economy of energy. If this picturing is rightly used, the whole analysis of ten will be given (perceived at last) in the picture ** I ** no matter what units are represented. It must be understood that the symbolizing dots stand for any units whatever ; e.g. ** stands for XVI SUGGESTIONS TO TEACHERS not only 5 single cents, but five 2-ct., five 3-ct., five 5-ct., five dollars, five 2 boys, five 3 apples, etc., etc. 1. Let the children count a number of beans, say eight, and separate them into two equal parts. How many parts are there ? Separate each part into two equal parts. How many of these parts are there in each part? How many beans are there in each part ? Or, arranging in perceptive forms, how many ones in * ? How many twos in J * ? How many pairs of twos in J | * * ? Similar exercises and questions may be given with splints formed into two squares, and into two groups of two pickets each. Treat an oblong 4 in. by 2 in. similarly. 2. Put 1-in. units together to form the 2-in. unit, 2-in. units to form the 4-in. unit, 4-in. units to form the 8-in. unit, and so on. Use also sq. in. units. 3. In the above arrangement of dots there are how many single units ? How many 2-units or twos ? How many 3-units or threes? Use this arrangement to fix the place of 5 in the sequence between 4 and 6, i.e. as 1 more than 4 and 1 less than 6. Make with sq. in. a square, side 2 in., and an oblong 2 in. by 3 in. Give the pupils 5 sq. in. to work with. 4. Similarly, use this arrangement to show the SUGGESTIONS TO TEACHERS xvii relation of 8 to 4, as two fours, and to fix the place of 7 in the sequence between 6 and 8, i.e. as 1 more than 6 and 1 less than 8. 5. Similarly, show the relation of 10 to 5, and fix the position of 9 in the sequence between 8 and 10, i.e. as 1 more than 8 and 1 less than 10. 6. In using these dot arrangements, the picturing power should be definitely cultivated. Five dots should be instantly recognized as 5, 6 as 6, 7 as 5 and 2 or 4 and 3, 8 as two 4's or four 2's, 9 as 5 and 4, 10 as two 5's or five 2's, and also other simple relations within the groups. 7. After making the analysis of the visual forms, for instance, 5 + 1 = 6, 4 + 2 = 6, etc., cover the 5 dots. How many are hidden ? How many are seen ? Cover the 4. How many are hidden ? How many seen ? So on, taking care that 6 is seen as 5 + 1 and 1 + 5, 4 + 2 and 2 + 4, and so on. 8. In every case practical examples should be used as much as possible ; e.g. in the five. Cover 2 dots. What do you see? (3). How many are unseen? (2). Then what must be done with the 3 to get 5 ? With 3 f to get 5 ^ ? With 3 eggs to make up 6 eggs ? With 3 dollars to make up 7 dollars? With 3 dimes to make up 8 dimes? With 3 2-dollar bills to make 5 2-dollar bills ? etc. Count 8 by 2's : how many ? With 8 f how many xviii SUGGESTIONS TO TEACHERS apples 2^ each can be bought? etc. Connecting thus the practical work with the child's own experiences as closely as possible. With 8 ten-dollar bills bought cows at 2 ten-dollar bills each. How many? All the combinations up to ten (including some of the factor relations) can be mastered in a few weeks. The practical element will make the work deeply interest- ing to the child. 9. Arrange on separate pieces of cardboard dots placed thus : Show these cards separately to the class and have the answer given instantly. Tell how many two's in 6 ? in 8 ? in 10 ? Show the 10 picture an instant; unseen, erase one dot, show for an instant what is left. What number ? What was done with the 10 ? Thus also erase two dots, etc. Similarly, change 6 to 8, 7, 9, etc. Make practical examples as in 8. 10. Cut out of cardboards units 1 in., 2 in., 3 in., ... 10 in. long, respectively. Let the children select the units which are together equal to the 3-in. unit ; to the 4-in. unit ; to the 5-in. unit. Select the units which will make triangles each of Avhose sides is respectively 6 and 7 in. long. Select the SUGGESTIONS TO TEACHERS xix units which will make squares whose sides are respec- tively 8 and 9 in. long. Select the units which will make a five-sided figure, each of whose sides is 10 in. long. 11. Simple work from dictation, for instance, make a square each side of which is 4 in. Out of each corner cut 1 sq. in. Fold, making a box. Give similar constructive work. 12. Count by 2's the number of hands of the children in the first row ; of the girls ; of the boys ; of all the children in the class. Count thus : 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, etc. 13. Give exercises by dot arrangements and measurements leading to and developing the idea that for any given quantity any one measurement gives a second measurement. Thus * * signifies that the unit 2 measures 6 three times, and also that the unit 3 measures 6 twice. 12 by 3's implies 12 by 4's. 15 by 3's im- plies 15 by 5's, and so on. Illustrate by dots. 12 in. by 3 in. implies 12 in. by 4 in. Practical examples. 14. Cut a measure 1 ft. long out of . cardboard. Cut this foot measure into parts each 6 in. long. How many parts are there ? Place two 6-in. meas- ures end to end. How long are they together? Cut a foot measure into parts each 2 in. long. How many parts are there ? Place six 2-in. measures end to end. How long are they ? 15. Arrange constructive exercises similar to those XX SUGGESTIONS TO TEACHERS in paragraph 14, dividing 1 ft. into 4-in. and 3-in. units, respectively. Make also equilateral triangles and squares and note the number in each case. 16. Cut out of cardboard units of measure respec- tively 6 in., 4 in., 3 in., and 2 in. long. Find the number of times that each unit measures 1 ft. 17. Divide 1 ft. into 2, 3, 4, and 6 equal parts, respectively. How long are the equal parts? 18. Apply the foot measure to measure the yard. What number do you get ? How many ft. ? 3 ft. in what ? Apply the yard to measure the length of the room and other quantities. How many yd. ? 6 yd. in what ? Apply the pint to measure the quart, the quart to measure the gallon, and the pint to measure the gallon. What numbers do you get ? How many pt. ? How many qt.? 4 qt. in what ? 8 pt. in what ? 19. Count off 12 objects into unit groups of 4 each. What is the number of groups? Similarly, count off 15 objects, 18 objects, etc., into groups of 5, 6, etc., and count the number of groups. 20. Have each child form out of splints two squares with their diagonals, thus: EJ. Arrange each square into triangles. How many squares are there ? How many triangles ? How many pairs of triangles ? 21. Measure a 12-in. length with a 6-in. unit, and then again with a 3-in. unit. How many 6-in. units in the whole? How many 3-in. units in the 6-in. unit ? How many 3-in. units in the whole ? Simi- larly, a 16-in. length with 8-in., 4-in., 2-in. units, etc. SUGGESTIONS TO TEACHERS XXI III. Combination of the ten units. 1. While the pupils were studying the number pictures in II they were given many practical questions on the com- binations of single units. While they study the work outlined in III, give them many similar prac- tical questions on the combinations of the 10-unit, in fact, on all the combinations that have been studied in the number pictures. Thus : (1) I sold 3 cows for 6 ten-dollar bills. How much for each ? How many dollars ? (2) A tailor sold 4 suits of clothes, receiving 2 ten-dollar bills for each. How much did he get for all ? How many dollars ? (3) I gave $ 80 for a horse ; how many ten-dollar bills will pay for it ? (4) I bought a suit of clothes for $ 40 and an overcoat for $30. What did both cost ? How many ten-dollar bills would pay for both ? (5) I bought a horse for $ 300 and 2 cows at $ 40 each. What did all cost ? (6) I gave 4 dimes for a necktie and one-half as many for a collar. What did both cost ? (7) Write in figures : six, twenty-five, forty-four, eighty, one hundred and thirty-six, seven hundred and seventy-two, two hundred and four. 2. Teach combinations of the ten units in the fol- lowing manner : Take a cubic centimeter (if a cubic centimeter cannot be procured, take a half-inch or an inch cube) for the primary unit of measure ; a rec- xxii SUGGESTIONS TO TEACHERS tangular prism (a decimeter in length), equal to ten of these units, will be the 10-unit and ten of these the 100-unit. The units may be of different colors and the units of the decimeter alternately white and black. Let the notation accompany thus, one ten and no units equals 10, two tens and no units equals 20, and so on up to ten tens which equals the new unit one hundred, i.e. 100. Thus a rectangular prism, whose surface is a square decimeter and thickness one centimeter, will be equal to ten of the 10-unit and will be the 100-unit. Ten of these units will be the 1000-unit. Let the notation, as before, accompany the recognition of the facts. In case the cubes referred to above cannot con- veniently be obtained, units, tens, and hundreds can be cut out of cardboard, the square centimeter (about f in. on each side) instead of the cubic, a strip 1 decimeter long and 1 centimeter wide for the 10-unit, and a square decimeter, divided into ten strips, colored alternately white and black, for the 100- unit. Extend this as suggested in paragraphs 8 and 9. 3. Give the pupils the number names from one to thirteen inclusive. Explain 13 as 3 and 10, teen being ten. Ask them to suggest a name for 14, i.e. 4 and 10, which is fourteen, and so on up to 20. For 20 give the name twenty (twain-ty, twain being two and ty ten). Let the pupils suggest the names for 30 (three-ty SUGGESTIONS TO TEACHERS xxiii or thirty), 40, and so on up to 90. Ten tens he will probably call ten-ty, when he should be given the new name one hundred and so on with the other numbers he has been using. 4. Count by tens the number of fingers and thumbs of the children in the first row ; of the girls ; of the boys. Count thus : 1 ten, 2 tens, 3 tens, 4 tens, 5 tens, 6 tens or 60, i.e. 6 tens and no units. 5. Give exercises in counting by tens from a clock face. Count from XII to VI from right to left and from left to right. Count from XII around to XII again. 6. What is the temperature in the schoolroom at 10.30 A.M.? What is it outside? Answer thus: 6 tens and 8 and gradually change to 68, i.e. 6 tens and 8 units. Continue this work from day to day. 7. Note the time on the clock face counting by tens and minutes, for instance, 2 tens and 3 minutes after 9 o'clock. Change gradually to 23 minutes after 9 o'clock, i.e. 2 ten minutes and 3 minutes. 8. Measure certain distances with a metric stick ; for instance, this distance is 2 meters, that is 4 meters, and so on. This distance is 1 meter 6 deci- meters ; that, 2 meters 4 decimeters. Again, this distance is 2 meters 1 decimeter 5 centimeters ; that, 3 meters 5 decimeters 8 centimeters, and so on. 9. Count the number of centimeters in a deci- xxiv SUGGESTIONS TO TEACHERS meter. One decimeter is equal to 10 centimeters, i.e. 1 decimeter and no centimeters. Two decime- ters equal 20 centimeters, i.e. 2 decimeters and no centimeters; and so on. Nine decimeters equal 90 centimeters, i.e. 9 decimeters and no centimeters. 10. One decimeter 1 centimeter is equal to 11 centimeters, i.e. 1 decimeter 1 centimeter. One decimeter 2 centimeters is equal to 12 centimeters, i.e. 1 decimeter 2 centimeters; and so on. One decimeter 9 centimeters is equal to 19 centimeters, i.e. one 1 decimeter 9 centimeters. So with 2 decimeters 1 centimeter, 2 decimeters 2 centimeters, and so on, as continuously as necessary, up to 9 decimeters 9 centimeters. Test thus : 2 decimeters 4 centimeters = ? centime- ters ? 65 centimeters = ? decimeters and centimeters ? 11.* Count the number of decimeters in a meter. One meter is equal to 100 centimeters, i.e. 1 meter no decimeters no centimeters. Two meters is equal to 200 centimeters, i.e. 2 meters no decimeters no centimeters, so on up to 9 meters. One meter 1 decimeter is equal to 110 centimeters, i.e. 1 meter 1 decimeter no meters. One meter 2 decimeters is equal to 120 centimeters, i.e. 1 meter 2 decimeters no centimeters, and so on up to 1 meter 9 decimeters, and so on as continuously as necessary up to 9 meters 9 decimeters. * This notation need not be extended beyond 99, unless thought desirable, until after Lesson 14, SUGGESTIONS TO TEACHERS XXV One meter 1 decimeter 1 centimeter is equal to 111 centimeters, i.e. to 1 meter 1 decimeter 2 centi- meters. Develop 112, 113, 114, etc., 121, 122, 123, etc., as continuously as necessary up to 999. Test thus : 5 meters 4 decimeters 8 centimeters is equal to how many centimeters ? 2 meters 6 centi- meters is equal to how many meters ? 516 or 607 centimeters is -equal to how many meters, decimeters, and centimeters ? In the above work use contractions, viz. m for meter, dm for decimeter, and cm for centimeter. 12. Count ten pennies, using toy or, better, real money. What coin is equal to ten pennies ? Write the sum thus: 10^, i.e. 1 dime and no pennies. Similarly, for 2 dimes write 20^, i.e. 2 dimes and no pennies, and so on. Count sums of money, using dimes and pennies. Write the results thus: 12 i.e. 1 dime 2^; 46 i.e. 4 dimes 6^. Test the work as before in 10. Count by tens from to 90 (using dimes as a basis), from 1 to 91 (using 1 ^ and dimes), 2 to 92 (using 2 ^ and dimes) ; and so on. Count ten dimes. What coin is equal to ten dimes? Write the sum thus: 100^, i.e. $1, no dimes, no pennies. Similarly, for $ 2 write 200 ^, i.e. $2, no dimes, no pennies ; and so on. Count by 100's from to 1000. Count by 100's from 10 to 910; 11 to 911; 12 to 912 ; and so on. XXVI SUGGESTIONS TO TEACHERS 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 11 21 31 41 51 61 71 81 91 12 22 32 42 52 62 72 82 92 13 23 33 43 53 63 73 83 93 14 24 34 44 54 64 74 84 94 15 25 35 45 55 65 75 85 95 16 26 36 46 56 66 76 86 96 17 27 37 47 57 67 77 87 97 18 28 38 48 58 68 78 88 98 19 29 39 49 59 69 79 89 99 Count by 10's from to 100 ; to 300 ; to 500 ; 500 to 1000. 13. Have the pupils name and write down all numbers from 1 to 100 as indicated in the following table : Write the upper hori- zontal row first and then fill out each col- umn. Vary the exercise by writing the first column first and then construct the horizon- tal rows in succession. Let the children simi- larly construct the 200 table, the 300 table, and so on. 14. Review Lessons 1-8 are founded on the above outline. The teacher is urged in this connection to read the PSYCHOLOGY OF NUMBER and especially Chapters VIII and IX on Primary Number Teaching. IV. Related number work. Although all the work suggested in the foregoing outlines is related to the normal activities and experience of the child, still there is another phase of related number work that should be carefully thought out and systemati- cally developed by the primary teacher, namely, that in which number is distinctly related to the various occupations of the schoolroom. Its purpose is the development of the number sense rather than SUGGESTIONS TO TEACHERS xxvii acquiring information or facility in number manipu- lation. It aids in laying a basis for future work, tends to secure exactness, and holds the child's interest. It may be grouped under four headings : 1. In connection with the school administration. Thus a pupil who is selected to pass pencils to his row of six pupils, counts out the number he needs, or he is given four and finds that he is two short, or eight and finds that he has two too many. 2.* In connection with the making of things, involving length, surface, weight, size, bulk. An instance of this is given, page xiii, 11. 3.* In connection with other subject matter, especially science. 4. In connection with number games, involving guessing, comparison, etc. * " One Year's Outlines of Work in First Primary Grades " by Flora J. Cooke of the Chicago Normal School is suggestive* SUGGESTIVE LESSONS I. Counting See Suggestion under Counting, p. xi. (b.) CLASS. Six pupils, Willie, Charlie, Frank, Maud, Edna, Edith. TEACHER. Class, we shall have a talk to-day about counting chairs, pencils, and other things. Charlie, which is the tallest pupil in the class ? Edith is. TEACHER. Which is the smallest boy, Edna? Willie is. TEACHER. Is this pointer equal to Willie's height, Frank ? I can't tell. TEACHER. How may we find out, Maud ? By putting them together. TEACHER. Do so, Maud, and tell me which is the taller. The pointer. TEACHER. Here are two piles of blocks ; which has the most, Willie ? That one. TEACHER. Class, how shall we find out how much larger it is? Put the blocks of each pile on top of one another, and see which is the higher pile. TEACHER. Charlie, hold this apple for me. How many apples has Charlie, Edith ? One. xxv iii SUGGESTIVE LESSONS TEACHER. Edna, hold this one. How many has Edna, Frank? One. TEACHER. Charlie, give yours to Edna. How many has Edna now, Willie? One apple and one apple. TEACHER. How many pairs of shoes have Willie and Charlie on their feet, Maud ? One pair and one pair. TEACHER. We shall get some chairs now, and let you sit down. Willie, get a chair and sit at this side of the table. Charlie, get chairs for Frank and yourself to sit at that end. How many chairs must Charlie bring, Edith? One chair and one chair. TEACHER. Frank will bring over one and one chairs for all the girls to sit at the side ? That will not be enough. TEACHER. Why, Frank? There are more girls than that. TEACHER. Class, how many girls are there ? One and one and one. TEACHER. How many chairs shall Frank bring, then, Maud ? One and one and one. TEACHER. How many thumbs at this end of the table, Willie ? One and one. TEACHER. Wouldn't you like a shorter way of naming the one and one, class ? Yes. TEACHER. Well, we name the one and one, two. Frank, how many eyes have you ? Two. TEACHER. How many eyes have Charlie and Frank, Maud ? Two eyes and two eyes. XXX SUGGESTIVE LESSONS TEACHER. How many cents have I in this hand, Edna ? Two. TEACHER. In this one, Edith ? Two. TEACHER. In both, Maud ? Two two-cents. TEACHER. How many girls are there, Frank? One and one and one. TEACHER. Edith, you move your chair and sit behind Edna and Maud. Willie, tell me in another way how many girls there are ? Two and one. TEACHER. Putting Edith first, how many girls are there, Charlie ? One and two. TEACHER. Willie, you sit at this end with Charlie and Frank. How many pairs of shoes have the boys, Edna ? Two pairs and one pair. TEACHER. I will now tell you a shorter name for the two and one. We call the two and one, three. How many boys in our class, Edith ? Three. TEACHER. How many boys and girls in our class, Maud ? Three boys and three girls. TEACHER. How many three-pupils in the class, Charlie ? Two three-pupils. TEACHER. Willie, count the girls, beginning with Edith. One, two, three. TEACHER. Beginning with Edna, Frank. One, two, three. TEACHER. I want a boy and a girl to sit on each side of the desk. How many on all sides, Maud? Three twos. TEACHER. Charlie, count the pairs of shoes in SUGGESTIVE LESSONS Xxxi the class. One two-pairs, two two-pairs, three two- pairs. TEACHER. Frank and Maud, please move, and sit behind Willie and Edna. How many chairs at this end of the table, Edith ? Two chairs and two chairs. TEACHER. How many ears at this end, Charlie ? Two two-ears and two two-ears. TEACHER. Frank, move in front with Willie and Edna. Tell me in another way, how many chairs at this end, Edith. Three and one. TEACHER. Another way, Maud. One and three. TEACHER. A shorter way of saying this : two and two is four. How many hands have Charlie and Edith, Willie ? Four. TEACHER. Count the slates at this end of the table, Charlie, beginning with Edna's. One, two, three, four. TEACHER. Beginning with Maud's, count the pencils, Frank. One, two, three, four. TEACHER. How many pupils in our class, Charlie ? Four and two. TEACHER. How many dresses in our class, Willie ? Three. TEACHER. How many coats ? Three. TEACHER. How many suits of clothes ? Three and three, or two threes. TEACHER. Class, count the fingers you have on one hand, leaving out the thumb. One, two, three, four. xxxii SUGGESTIVE LESSONS TEACHER. Count them on the other hand, begin- ning with the little finger. One, two, three, four. TEACHER. Counting the thumb with the four fingers, how many in all, Edna? Four and one. TEACHER. Putting your hands together, finger to finger and thumb to thumb, how many on both hands, Maud ? Four twos and one two. TEACHER. Four and one is called five. (Give exercises on five, and then give the name six, etc.). II. Measuring (Lesson in Number given to first grade pupils) The children are rejoicing in the possession of their new books, slates, and, above all, rulers. First grade pupils always want rulers, probably because they see them in use in the higher grades. The children come with brand new foot rulers, joy in their hearts and on their faces ; for the teacher has told them that to-day they are to have their first les- son in measuring, and therefore will have a chance to use their treasures. The teacher has provided many different colored slips of paper, varying in length from one foot to six feet (no inches used to-day), which the children are to measure ; also long slips of paper, tape, or ribbon rolled up into a ball from which different lengths can be cut. " Now, children, we shall measure so many things to-day, all these SUGGESTIVE LESSONS xxxiii bright pieces of paper, our aprons, and desks, and we want to see how tall the littlest girl is. Who is the littlest girl, do you think ? " (Class unanimous in favor of Violet.) " Very well ; we will measure Violet, and I think some one had better measure me. I want to know how tall I am." (Hands wave fran- tically in the air.) "But first we must know how long our rulers are ; hold them up straight in front of you to see if they are all the same length." (Cries of Yes, yes.) ^ " Well, how long is that, Katie ? " (Katie does not know.) " Charlie, do you know ? " "Yes, it's one foot." "Right, Charlie. Now chil- dren, how long is each ruler ? " " One foot." " Now let us measure this pretty slip of blue paper first." (Ethel measures and finds it to be one foot.) " This piece." (Hazel measures and finds it to be one foot.) " Surely we have some longer pieces. Who is a good enough guesser to find me a piece about two feet long, a piece twice as long as the ruler ? " (Charlie holds up a piece.) " Well, Charlie, measure it and let us see if you guessed right." (Children anxiously watch the measuring.) " Was he right, children? " (Cries of Yes, yes.) " How long is it ? " "Two feet." "Now I shall give each one of you a slip on your desk ; let me see who can measure the most carefully." (During the few moments that this measuring is going on, the teacher passes quickly from child to child in order to see that each one understands thoroughly what he is doing, questions XXxiv SUGGESTIVE LESSONS here and there regarding the color of the paper, comparing the piece on one desk in color and length to that on another desk, etc., etc.) "I see you all understand that very well indeed. " Now I believe you can measure well enough to see how tall I am." (Cries of Oh yes, we can, we can.) " Well, I am going to choose a nice soft ruler and have some quiet child measure me." (Children try to look decorous.) " Well, George, you try." (George carefully measures the teacher's height, while class looks on in breathless interest.) "Well, Katie, how tall am I ? " " Please, I counted four feet." "Hazel?" "I counted five feet." (Most of the class answer five feet.) "Well, George, try again and then tell me." After another careful measurement the class decide that the teacher is five feet and a "little bit more." "Very well, we shall not say anything about this little bit more to-day ; some other day we shall talk about that ; we will say that I am five feet. Now let us measure Violet ; Mary, you try." Violet is measured and found to be four feet. Similarly the tallest boy is measured, Hazel's beautiful golden hair, the ribbon that ties it, the teacher's apron, etc., etc. (All this measuring is done by repeating the unit of measurement one foot; it may be a foot of soft ribbon or a slip of paper or the ruler, but it is the same unit all the way through.) "Now, children, we shall have some cutting and SUGGESTIVE LESSONS XXXV measuring, too." (Holding up and unwinding the ball of colored paper.) "I want some one to come and cut off exactly a foot." (John measures a foot very carefully and as carefully cuts it off.) " Give that to Mary ; she wants it for a sash for her doll. Is that enough, Mary ? " (Mary answers No, so John cuts her two feet more.) " Now, children, how many feet has Mary altogether ?" "She has three feet." " How many did she have first ? And then how many ? How many does that make ? Very well, I want some one to make a picture on the blackboard to show how many feet of ribbon or paper Mary has." (Some child comes to the blackboard and draws something like this: | | | .) "That is very well, but sometimes we just make little dots like this " (making three dots on the blackboard, thus \*). " Now, Katie, come and show us with dots how many feet of ribbon Mary has. Let us give Joe some ribbon now for the tail of his kite ; cut him three feet, Ethel." (Ethel cuts three feet, measuring with ruler.) "He says that is not enough, Ethel; give him two feet more. How much has he now, chil- dren ? " Nearly every child will answer five ; those who do not know may count. Teacher may drill by getting Joe to hold the three pieces in one hand, the two in the other, by making three colored dots and two white ones, thus **, or by drawing a line between them, thus ~i~. Many little devices will present themselves to the mind of the teacher. XXXVI SUGGESTIVE LESSONS She, too, will learn by doing. It is better not to con- fine oneself to the combinations of any particular number during the first lessons, and it may be well not to have any addition at all, but simply the meas- urements. At any rate, no effort should be made at this early stage to memorize the combinations. In a similar way may the yard and the inch unit of meas- urement be introduced. This lesson is spoken of as the first lesson. Much has been gained if during this time the child has learned to measure with the units of measurement the inch, the foot, and the yard and got an idea of the use of Number. III. Counting and Measuring Suggestions for teaching the relation of 3 to 2 and 4, 5 to 4 and 6, 7 to 6 and 8, etc. After the pupil has a good working idea of 2, and has been drilled in constructive exercises in twos and groups of twos, he will have a fair idea of four, as two twos, but to reach a complete idea of four the pupil must pass through the number three, i.e. he must learn 3 as 1 more than 2, and 1 less than 4. Similar remarks apply to 5, 7, and 9. To teach 3, or 5, or 7, etc. Give constructive exercises in which the numbers 2, or 4, or 6, as the case may be, are prominent, but in which the ideas of 3, or 5, or 7, are present. E.g. with these splints (6) construct two triangles, and then, with the same number of splints, make as many SUGGESTIVE LESSONS XXXvii pickets as possible. Having done so, question the class as to the number of splints it requires to make a triangle, viz. two and one. How many pickets were made ? Two and one. Similarly treat 5 in its relation to 4, etc. Many such constructive exercises will show the relation of three to two, viz. as one more than two, or two and one ; now, to show its relation to 4, con- struct a square with these splints (4). How many splints did you use ? Two twos or two and two ? Construct another with these (3). Pupils cannot do it. It takes 2 twos to make a square. They have 1 less than 2 twos, or two and 1, as before. Having given many constructive exercises on three in this way, with splints, blocks, measures, etc., the name three may be given as a more convenient way of saying two and one, and one less than two twos (the expression two twos being used as the name four has not yet been given). The name three having been given, drill should be given in constructive exercises in which threes and groups of threes are prominent, and four should now be taught as 3 and 1, and the name four given. When the pupil knows 3 thoroughly, he really knows 6 as 2 threes, and as he knows 4 also, the in- termediate number 5 may be taught as 3 has been. After plenty of drill with different units of meas- ure and groups of units of measure, the number- picture for 3 J may be given, in which the dots XXXVlii SUGGESTIVE LESSONS may represent any unit of measure, and the symbol, 3, may now be introduced in association with its number-picture, and this will serve to impress both idea and symbol on the mind. IV. The Tens " Who was it came in late this morning, John, and spoiled our nice clean record ? " John being the culprit hangs his head and says nothing. " Can any one tell me how late John was ? " (Various answers are given ; the teacher, however, accepts the " few minutes " answer, as the five minute is the unit of measure desired for this lesson.) " Well, some of you are almost right, but I will tell you exactly : he was just five minutes late ; but how do you think I knew, Katie?" "I saw you look at the clock." "Let us all look at the clock." (Holding up clock or paper clock face with hands that turn easily, see how many marks it has to tell time by.) Let us begin at one and count. The class counts from I to XII, it being understood, of course, that the children are not expected to learn these Roman numerals, ex- cepting, perhaps, I, II, III, IIII, and possibly X ; that is, no special effort should be made to learn them. " Very well ; I see you can count to twelve ; now what do you call these little things that point to the marks so that we may know which one to take ? Well, this big hand is the one that told me about SUGGESTIVE LESSONS XXXIX John's being five minutes late. Now you see it is just nine o'clock " (moving hands to that time). " Who can move this big hand so that it will be five minutes later than nine ? " (Katie moves it a five-minute space.) "Very well, move it five minutes more, Ethel ; five minutes more, Charlie ; five more, John. I see you all know that from one big mark to another makes five minutes. Now I want you all to count while I move the big hand, to see if you can tell how many 5's I go over." (Moves hand slowly from XII to I ; children count as one five from I to II ; chil- dren count two 5's from II to IV ; children count three 5's, etc., etc.) The teacher drills well on count- ing the 5's before touching upon the hour or the minute unit of measurement, and before counting the 10's. The counting (10's and by 10's) from a clock face may be taken up somewhat as follows : The teacher has a paper clock face ; the children know that from one big mark (called big to dis- tinguish it from the little minute mark which is to be taken up later) to another there is one 5 ; e.g. " If I move this minute hand from XII to I, how many 5's, children?" "One five." "If I move it from I to II?" "Two 5's." "Five minutes and five minutes. Make a picture of that in dots, Charlie." (These pictures have become familiar to them in previous lessons, so Charlie at once makes ** ** and the class at once recognizes it as 10.) " Very well, indeed ; now I shall put a little red x l SUGGESTIVE LESSONS mark at this ten-minute place " (making red stroke at II on the paper clock face), " so as not to lose it, for we want to count 10's now if we can. Dora, come and move this big hand ten minutes more ; how many 5's must you have, Dora ? " (Dora moves the hand from II to III I, and the teacher puts another red stroke to indicate 10 minutes more, and so on until the six tens are each indicated by the red stroke. The class then counts the 10's from the one first marked to the one last marked, from the last to the first, and in every conceivable way, understanding all the time that any two five minute spaces, no mat- ter what their position as regards the big marks, make ten minutes. Then they count from the clock face, from the paper face with the strokes erased, etc., etc. In this counting by 10's, ten-cent pieces may be used to good advantage.) In introducing the minute unit of measurement, some such plan as the following may be adopted : "Now, children, here is our face again. We have been talking all the time about these big marks" (pointing to XII, I, II, III, etc.). "How many are there ? " (" Twelve, twelve.") " Oh, I see you all know that ; well, now I want you to put on your spectacles and see if you can find me any little marks. Well, Dora, show them to me. Now, count how many there are from I to II." Dora counts five. " Now, children, what does each of these little marks show ? " " One minute," These minute marks SUGGESTIVE LESSONS xli may have been introduced in the lesson on the five- minute unit of measurement, but as it is better at first to deal with but one unit of measurement at a time, it is supposed that if there has been any men- tion of these minute marks, it was merely a casual mention ; the time has now come for giving atten- tion to them. " Now, children " (taking up the clock face with the 10 minute spaces indicated by the red strokes), " let us see if we were right when we marked these ten minutes ; count the minute marks." Children count the minute marks in each 10 minute space, and agree that the strokes were correctly placed. "Now, let us count 10's once all the way round." (Class counts, " one ten, two tens, three tens, four tens, five tens, six tens, or sixty") "Very well; now the minute hand is going on a journey, but I am going to make him run so fast that he will have to rest quite often ; when he stops to rest, you call out the name of the station " (turns hand quickly from XII to II). (Class calls out, "One 10.") " That is right ; now this station ? " (turning hand from II to IIII). (Class calls Two 10's.) " Good ; ' but can any one tell me what other name this station has ; two tens are how many ? " Perhaps some child can tell. If not, the teacher counts with them, two 10's or twenty minutes, three 10's or 30 minutes, four 10's or 40 minutes, five 10's or 50 minutes, six 10's or 60 minutes. " And what do you think, chil- SUGGESTIVE LESSONS dren, this last station has another name yet ; it has three names. It has the same name as the little hand ; now you know." (Some one in the class will say hour.) " That is good ; now let us say all together the three names of this station, "Six tens or sixty minutes or one hour." Of course, much drill will be necessary and much variety in the modes of presentation. The dollar may be taught in the same way with ten-cent pieces as unit of measurement, e.g. one ten, two tens, or 20 cents, three tens or 30 cents . . . ten tens or 100 cents or one dollar. So also with metric units. After a thorough drill in lessons of this kind, there will be very little difficulty in such lessons as are indicated in "Suggestion" III, 13. Practical questions are, of course, given as soon as possible, e.g. If I am five feet tall and Violet is four feet, how much taller am I than Violet? Katie's ribbon is six feet, Violet's piece is two feet. How many times can Violet's be cut out of Katie's ? Mary has 20 cents ; how many oranges can she buy if one cost 5 cents ? How many minutes in one hour ? in one-half hour ? How "many ten-cent pieces in fifty cents ? How many dollars in 6 ten-dollar bills ? etc. V. Constructive Exercises The importance of constructive exercises in teach- ing arithmetic will be evident if we keep in view that number is the instrument of measurement, and SUGGESTIVE LESSONS xliii as such contains three factors ; viz. the vague whole of quantity to be measured, the unit of measure- ment, and the times of its repetition to measure or equal the whole quantity. This necessitates from the very first exercises in parting (breaking up or measuring off into units of measure) and wholing (putting together or relating these units to equal the whole). Hence, for a short time the beginner may be exer- cised in constructive acts without formal drill on the how-many idea. For example : breaking up a large cube, composed of, say, three small blocks, into its parts, and putting them together again. Breaking up and forming triangles, pickets, squares, lines, etc. Having spent some time in such work, the num- bers may be introduced gradually; thus, one and one splint make one picket, one picket and one picket, two pickets, two splints and one splint make a tri- angle, two twos make a square, etc. Thus the need for a certain number in each case is shown, and children see the use and value of number. Such exercises as, Construct a cube with 8 blocks, or rec- tangular " bricks " of given dimensions, according to the advancement of the child, also show the value of number. Then, in addition and subtraction, such exercises as : The edge of a slate is measured by the parts 5 inches and 6 inches. How long is the slate ? A pail is measured by a pint measure, a 2-pint xliv SUGGESTIVE LESSONS measure, and an 8-pint measure. How many pints does the pail hold? etc. Let the children take the actual units and do the measuring, for a time at least, until the operation is thoroughly familiar. In multiplication and division : How many square inches in a rectangle which is 9 in. long and 3 in. wide? Construct such a rec- tangle, or rather let the class construct it, and, in fact, whatever new idea you are introducing, do it by use of constructive exercises, and thus let the child actually see the meaning and use of the dif- ferent operations. Now, let the inch stand for foot. What is the problem ? The result ? How many cords of wood in a pile 16 ft. long, 8 ft. high, and 4 ft. wide? Construct such a pile, using cubic inches to represent cubic feet. How many yards of carpet, or how many rolls of paper, will be required for a room ? Use strips of colored paper or pasteboard to represent strips of car- pet or paper, and place these side by side on a larger piece of cardboard which represents the floor or wall of the room. VI. The Two Measurements First by simple constructive exercises show that one measurement carries with it a related one. Measure a 6-inch line by a 2 -inch measure, then by a 3-inch measure, and from the class get their result in the form that 3 times 2 inches equals 6 SUGGESTIVE LESSONS inches, and 2 times 3 inches equals 6 inches, and then in the form 3 times 2 in. = 2 times 3 in. = 6 in., or 2 x 3 in. = 3 x 2 in. = 6 in. Show with dots. Then with blocks, cubic inches, 3x2 cu. in. = 2x3 cu. in. = 6 cu. in. Use many units of measure until you lead the class to see that 3x2 units = 2x3 units = 6 units , whatever unit of measure may be used. Similarly with other sets of factors, as 4x8 = 8 x 4 = 32, etc. Having thus shown that this " law of commutation " is true, simple problems may be worked out, showing how it is true, and the use of this essential principle. Give such a problem as : I. A rectangular piece of board (actually present the board to the class) is 6 in. wide arid 8 in. long. How many square inches does the surface measure ? (Cover this board with square inches made of card- board.) Using horizontal row as unit of measure, what is the number ? Using a vertical row as unit of measure, what is the number ? It follows that 8 x 6 sq. in. = 6 x 8 sq. in. This is probably the simplest application of the law of commutation. x lvi SUGGESTIVE LESSONS II. Among 3 boys a number of pennies are divided, giving 6 to each. How many pennies were there ? first six. Let the dots on the board second six. represent the pennies. I may third six. ,..,', divide these pennies in one of > | a * two ways, and it is immaterial ^ ' which way I divide them. / I may give the first boy A whole of 3 sixes or 6 threes. his wh()le the second boy, etc. In that case I should have 6 cents taken 3 times = 3x6 cents = 18 cents. (b) Again, I may give a cent to the first boy, an- other to the second, and another to the third, making a whole of 3 cents. This may be repeated 6 times, making in all 6 times 3 cents = 18 cents. The operations are identical, but viewed from two standpoints. VII. Fractions 1. Let pupils measure a foot line with a 6 in., 4 in., 3 in., 2 in., 1 in., and ^ in. measure. Hence, have pupils draw 6 lines, each a foot long, and mark them off with these units. How many equal parts in the first line ? Two. One of these is one out of how many ? How many equal parts in the second line ? Three. One part is one out of how many ? Two are two out of how many? etc., etc. This is how we express one out of two : ^ ft. Ask class to show how to express 1 out of 3, 4, 5, . . . 100, x. SUGGESTIVE LESSONS xlvii 2. How many equal parts in the third line ? Four. Show how to express one of these. ^. Now, we wish to express 2 out of 4, instead of 1 out of 4 ; how shall we do so ? By putting 2 in place of the 1. f . Express 3 out of 4, 4 out of 4, 7 out of 12, 8 out of 24, etc. 3. From this, draw from the class that 1 part of the first line is J of the whole, 2 parts, |, or the whole line ; 1 part of the second line is J ; 2 parts, |-; 3 parts, j, or the whole line ; etc., etc. Finally, 1 = T 4 2 = 2 8 ^ etc. From many other examples, lead pupils to tell you that 12345 |=|= I 3 2=- 5 ^= . . . ad inf.; etc., etc. 4. The meaning of the numerator and denomi- nator may now be impressed more strongly on the pupils' minds. Thus: What is the name of each part in the fourth line ? A sixth. Express 1 part, 3 parts, 6 parts. ^, f , f . Express 4 parts of the last line. 2T' e ^ c - What does the denominator of each fraction tell us ? The name of the part and the size of it. Again, in the fifth line, what is the name of each part ? A twelfth. What is the number of such parts in the whole line ? 12. How many such parts in l the line ? 6. Express the 6 parts ? -f%. What does the 12 tell ? The name. What does the nu- xlyiii SUGGESTIVE LESSONS merator tell? The number of parts that make up the quantity. Give many other examples. 5. Give a pupil a strip of cardboard and ask him to cut off a piece of it, equal to one of the parts in the third line. How long is this strip of cardboard ? ft. Use it to measure each of these lines that I have drawn (9 in., 1 ft., 1^ ft., 2J ft., etc., any length whatever). How many parts in each ? 3, 4, 5, 10, etc. What is the name of each part ? ^ ft. How long, then, is the first line ? f ft. The second? f ft. The third? | ft. The fourth? ^ ft., etc. Use many other examples. NOTE. The five points developed above have been, for brevity, developed by means of lines only. Teacher should use many other units, as T V of a dollar, T ^ of an hour, etc., etc. ; e.g. show that 40 cents is 4 dimes or y 4 / i 4 1. Read these dots and write your results thus: in opposite directions, 2 in columns for addition, Ju 2 Add: 8 2. 2 2 3 3 2 2 3 3 3 3 2 2 3 23 2 12 4 44 3. 4 2 2 3 2 1 2 4 3 3 3 1 22 22 33 52 22 45 4. What is the meaning of 22 + 4 + 2 = 28? Of 33 + 2 + 3= 38? 5. Read these dots in opposite directions, and write your results in columns for addition. Add: 6. 2 5 23321 61154 21 2 42 32 53 50 ARITHMETIC 7. 1 5 3 1 2 1 513243 22 22 41 65 72 84 8. Count 8 dots by twos. How many twos ? If each dot represents a pint, how many quarts are there ? Count by fours. How many fours ? If each dot represents a quart, how many gallons are there ? 9. If each of the 8 dots represent $ 1, how many two-dollar bills are represented? If each dot repre- sents half-a-dollar, how many dollars are there ? 10. Count 8 dots by twos. How many twos ? If a family buys 2 qt. of milk a day, how many quarts will it use in 4 days ? Copy and add: 11. 43 23 25 42 66 16 41 51 43 25 21 71 12. 325 123 404 260 152 203 132 261 162 427 233 642 13. 10 23 31 22 31 11 22 21 14 10 30 21 13 22 23 35 17 36 14. Make groups of eight dots and draw lines as in question 1. Write as many different columns for addition as you can. LESSON 23 51 15. What two numbers give 8 when added ? 16. What three numbers give 8 when added ? 17. I carried home from the store a 2-lb. can of corn, 4 Ib. of nuts, and a 2-lb. roll of butter. How many pounds did my parcel weigh? How many 2-lb. ? How many 4-lb. ? 18. The cost of a chair is measured by the number 5 and the unit $ 2. What is its cost ? 19. A debt of |10 is measured by the unit $5 and a certain number. What is the number ? Lesson 23 1. How long is this oblong ? How wide ? 2. Draw a line as long as the four sides of this oblong. How long is it? The perimeter of this oblong is 8 in. 3. Draw an oblong 2 in. long and 1 in. wide. What is the length of its perimeter ? 4. Draw a square each side of which is 2 in. What is the length of its perimeter? ARITHMETIC 5. Draw a square each side of which is 1 inch. This is called a square inch. Draw a square each side of which is 4 inches. How many square inches in this square ? How many 4-sq. in. ? What units of measurement are used in the measurement of this 4-inch square ? 6. How long is this oblong? How wide? It contains 3 square inches (3 sq. in.). One square inch is the unit that measures the area of the oblong. 7. Draw an oblong 4 in. long and 1 in. wide. Divide it into square inches. What is its area? 8. What is the area of an oblong 5 in. long and 1 in. wide ? 6 in. long and 1 in. wide ? 9. Draw an oblong containing 8 sq. in. How many 2-sq. in. does it contain ? How many 4-sq. in.? Add: hr. 10. 3 2 min. 2 4 hr. min. 4 20 3 30 hr. 5 1 min. 4 22 LESSON 24 53 da. 11. 2 5 hr. 5 3 da. 20 40 hr. 1 yr. 3 da. 30 30 12. A boy is 8 yr. 6 mo. old, and his sister 5 yr. 2 mo. What is the difference between their ages ? 13. A table is 3 ft. 6 in. long and 2 ft. 6 in. wide. What is the sum of the length and width? What is the perimeter of the table ? Lesson 24 1. Read these dots from left to right and from right to left. 2. Make two groups of 9 dots each. Draw lines and show that 9 == 8 + 1, or 1 + 8 ; 7 + 2, or 2 + 7. Add: 3. 1 1 1 1 1 3 1 1 1 8 18 26 38 48 53 68 70 88 4. 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 7 17 117 125 137 147 153 167 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 6 16 113 216 316 326 335 346 54 ARITHMETIC 5. A man paid $ 65 for a bicycle, and spent $ 4 in repairs during the year. What was the entire cost? 6. 454545 45 5415142524 35 34 7. Memorize : 9 = 8 + 1, or 1 + 8 ; 7 + 2, or 2 + 7 ; 6 + 3, or 3 + 6 ; 5 + 4, or 4 + 5. 8. Arrange 9 dots in groups of 3. How many 3 dots in 9 dots? If each dot represents a foot, what unit of length do 3 dots represent ? 9. If each dot represents 1 Ib. of lard, how many 3-lb. pails of lard are represented by 9 dots ? 10. Add 3 to each of the following numbers : 6, 16, 26, 36, 46, 56, 66, 76, 86, 96. 11. I paid $ 35 for a sofa, the price of which had been reduced $ 4. What was the original price ? 12. Subtract 4 from each of the following num- bers: 9, 19, 29, 39, 49, 59, 69, 79, 89, 99. 13. I paid $ 49 for a rug, less $ 5 for cash. What did the rug cost ? 14. Copy and add : 25 27 32 40 36 54 16 60 34 42 51 46 63 24 53 19 LESSON 25 55 15. Copy and subtract : 76 92 48 78 63 76 59 99 23 81 34 37 12 26 41 64 16. A debt is measured by the number 5 and the unit $2. What is the debt? With the unit 1 5, what number would measure the debt? Lesson 25 = ? 7 + ? = 9 = 9 4 + ? = 9 i. 8 + 1 = ? 8 + ? = 9 7 + ^ 2. 6 + ? = 9 3 + ? = 9 5 + 1 3. Subtract : 9 8 6 9 9 7 9 6 3 4 2 1 2 7 896 450 4. Bertha is 4 yr. old, and her sister 9. In how many years will Bertha be as old as her sister is now? 5. A post 9 ft. long is 3 ft. below ground. How long is the part above ground ? Draw this post. 6. Write the following numbers under each other, and add: 12 and 36 ; 25 and 51 ; 42 and 27 ; 33 and 53. 7. A boy is 12 yr. old, and his father 36. What is the sum of their ages ? 8. It took me 26 min. to ride 4 mi. on a bicycle against the wind, and 21 min. to return with the wind. How long was I gone and how far did I ride ? 56 AEITHMETIC 9. There are 28 da. in Feb. and 31 da. in March. How many days are there in the two months ? 10. Write the following numbers under each other, and subtract the smaller from the larger : 86 and 64 ; 78 and 31 ; 18 and 89 ; 95 and 34. 11. A boy has earned $ 32 toward buying a 1 55 bicycle. How much has he still to earn ? 12. Albert has 75 ^, and his sister Florence 50 ^. Albert has how much more than Florence ? Lesson 26 Subtract : 1. 5 15 25 6 16 26 6 26 3 3 3 2 2 2 3 3 2. 7 27 6 36 8 48 9 49 5 5 4 4 3 ~3 7 ~7 3. 8 58 7 37 ' 9 29 9 19 6 6 4 ~4 2 ~2 4 ~4 4. A person having a 25 ^ piece buys two 2 $ post- age stamps. What change does he get in return ? 5. Out of 18 baskets of plums 3 baskets are spoiled. How many are good? 6. It took me 19 min. to row a certain distance up stream, and 6 min. less to return. How long did it take to return ? LESSON 26 57 7. Read these dots from left to right and from right to left, and write your results in columns for addition. 8. If each dot represents $ 1, what unit of money will 5 dots represent ? 2 dots ? How many dollars in a five-dollar bill and 2 two-dollar bills ? 9. If each dot represents 1 ft., what unit does a group of 3 dots represent ? What is the sum of 2 ft., 1 yd., and 4 ft. ? 10. Make 9 dots in groups of 3 dots. How many 3's in 9? Three yd. of tape at 3^ a yd., find the cost. Paid $ 9 for 3 bbl. of apples. Find cost per bbl. 11. Arrange 9 dots in groups of 2's. Let each dot represent 1 pt. Make two questions. Arrange in groups of 4's. Let each dot represent 1 qt. Make two questions. 12. Make groups of 9 dots and draw lines as in question 7. Write as many different columns for addition as you can. Add: 13. 1 5 3 14. 3 3 63 1 5 13 2 2 42 2 3 22 2 5 31 5 3 31 4 3 12 1 6 72 2 3 83 1 2 3 5 64 72 58 ARITHMETIC 15. Three years ago I was 32 years old. How old shall I be 4 years from now? 16. I paid |61 for a bicycle, $2 for a lamp, and $6 for a bicycle suit. What was the entire cost ? Lesson 27 1. Copy and add : 123 203 216 14 201 464 212 231 101 301 462 301 333 543 672 484 125 213 2. Copy and subtract : 762 968 650 934 687 989 421 265 120 323 534 232 3. Write the following numbers under each other and add : 323 and 462 ; 236 and 423 ; 683 and 214 ; 337 and 542. 4. Write the following numbers under each other and subtract the smaller from the larger : 697 and 182 ; 265 and 495 ; 108 and 279 ; 848 and 316. 5. I pay $250 for a span of horses and $220 for a carriage. Find the cost of both. 6. There are 255 pupils in the grammar school and 41 in the high school. How many pupils are there in the entire school? LESSON 28 59 7. There are 35 pupils in the first grade, 32 in the second, and 30 in the third. How many pupils are there in the first three grades ? 8. There are 48 pupils in the Kindergarten, of whom 26 are between 5 and 6 years old. How many are between 4 and 5 ? 9. Of a school of 255 pupils, 231 were present on Friday. How many were absent ? 10. If I read 122 pages of a book containing 346 pages, how many will I have still to read ? Lesson 28 1. Read these dots from left to right and from right to left. 2. Count 10 by 5's. How many 5's in 10 ? How many nickels in a dime? Count 10 by 2's. How many 2's in 10? How many 1 2 in $10? 3. If each dot represents a nickel, what unit of money will 5 dots represent ? What unit, if each dot represents 1 dime ? $1? 1 2? 4. Arrange 10 dots in groups of 2, 3, and 4, and- let each dot represent 1 pt., 1 ft., or 1 qt. Make questions similar to Lesson 16, questions 16 and 17. 60 ARITHMETIC 5. If $10 is counted by a $2 unit, what is the number? 5 is often called the ratio of 810 to 6. Make three groups of 10 dots each. Draw lines and show that 10 = 9 + 1 or 1 + 9; 8 + 2 or 2 + 8 ; 6 + 4 or 4 +6. 7. Name the number which added to each of the following numbers gives 10 : 8, 5, 3, 1, 7, 4, 9, 2, 0, 6, 10. 8. Fill the blanks : 6 + ? = 10 5 + ? = 10 2 + ? = 10 7 + ? = 10 9. Add: 22334455 818172726364555 10. What unit of money is equal to 10^? 5^? 100^? 11. If I buy two 2 ^ postage stamps, how much change shall I get back out of a dime? 12. If I buy a postal card, how much change will I get back out of a dime ? Out of a half-dollar ? 13. Some boys spent 45 ^ for melons and 5 $ for peaches. How much did they spend ? What unit of money would pay for both ? 14. A farmer sows 16 A. with wheat and 3 A. with oats. How many acres did he sow ? 15. A man is 27 yr. old, and his son 3 yr. What is the sum of their ages ? What is the difference ? LESSON 29 61 16. Two boys hire a boat one hour for 20 ^. If the first pays 15 ^, what does the second pay ? Lesson 29 1. Read these dots from left to right and from right to left, and write your results in columns for addition. 2. Make groups of 10 dots and draw lines as in question 1. Write as many different columns for addition as you can. Add: 3. 2 4 4 5 1 3 3 2 2 3 3 4 5 4 24 42 66 83 4. 4 2 12 2 4 33 1 3 56 2 3 72 5 3 1 3 94 102 5. Copy and add: 231 222 212 102 202 321 134 303 214 471 215 541 584 683 416 6. Find the sum of 1142, $ 225, and 1 312. 62 ARITHMETIC 7. Subtract: 10 9 10 8 10 9 10 10 ~62~51~24~1~3 8. Copy and subtract: 942 . 896 107 1085 1077 611 703 63 823 562 9. On a debt of $685 I pay $435. How much do I still owe ? 10. Write the following numbers under each other and add: 21, 60, and 15 ; 42, 27, and 30 ; 333, 324, and 511. 11. Write the following numbers under each other and subtract the smaller from the larger: 899 and 473 ; 1064 and 521 ; 1056 and 823. 12. I bought three bicycles, paying for the first $40, for the second $22, and for the third $16. What did I pay for all three ? 13. James weighs 107 lb., and George 82 Ib. How much more does James weigh than George ? 14. I paid 10 $ for bread, 32 ^ for coffee, and 56 ^ for butter. What did I pay for all ? 15. A farmer planted 12 cherry trees, 24 apple trees, and 13 plum trees. If eleven died, how many trees were there in his orchard? 1. Add: SECTION III Lesson 30 $2 $2 2 12 2 2 $2 2 2 2 $2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2. What is the sum of the last column ? Count the number of $ 2 in the last column. 6 x 1 2 = 1 12. 3. 2xf2 = ? 3x12 = ? 4xf2 = ? 5x$2=? 4. If 1 hat costs |2, what will 6 hats cost? 5. Count these dots by 2's. How many 2's in 6 ? Count by 3's. How many 3's in 6 ? 6 = 3x2 or 2x3. 6. If each dot represents a pint, how many repre- sent a quart? How many quarts in 6 pt. ? What will 6 pt. of syrup cost at 2 dimes a quart? 7. If each dot represents 1^, how many represent the value of a 2^ postage stamp ? What will 3 2-cent postage stamps cost? 4 ARITHMETIC 8. If each dot represents 1 ft., what unit will 3 dots represent? How many feet in 2 yd.? What will 6 ft. of tape cost at 3^ a yd.? 9. 3x2dimes = ? 2 x 3 dimes = ? 3x2 tens = ? tens 2x3 tens = ? tens 3x2 5-lb. = ? 5-lb. 2x3 5-lb. = ? 5-lb. 10. What is the cost of 3 yd. of ribbon at 2 dimes a yd. ? How many ten yard lengths of carpet in 3 times 2 ten yard lengths ? 11. Count 8 dots by 2 dots ; 8^ by 2^; 8 dimes by 2 dimes ; 8 3-lb. by 2 3-lb. ; 8 2-yd. by 2 2-yd. ; 8 6-sq. in. by 2 6-sq. in. How many 2's in each case ? How many 2-units in an 8-unit quantity? 12. Count again by 4's. How many 4 dots in 8 dots? 4^ in 8^? 4 dimes in 8 dimes? 4 3-lb. in 8 3-lb.? 4 2-yd. in 8 2-yd.? 4 6-sq. in. in 8 6-sq. in.? How many 4-units in an 8-unit quantity ? 13. How many 2's in 8? How many 4's in 8? 8 = 4x2 or 2x4. 14. Place 10 dots, count by 2's and 5's, and show that 10 = 5 x 2 or 2x5. Count again as in questions 11 and 12. 15. Place 12 dots so as to show that 12 = 6 x 2 or 2 x 6. LESSON 30 65 16. Place 14, 16, 18, 20 dots, and make similar questions. 17. Memorize : 6 = 2x3 or 3x2. 8 = 2x4 or 4x2. 10 = 2 x 5 or 5 x 2. 12 = 2 x 6 or 6 x 2. 18. 2 and 3 are called factors of 6. What are the factors of 8? 10? 12714? 16? 18? 20? 19. 2 is one factor of 18. What is the other? How many 2^ stamps can you buy for 18^? 20. How many 2-lb. bricks of codfish weigh 24 Ib. ? 21. A board 12 ft. long is cut into 4 pieces. Find length of each piece. If cut into 4 ft. pieces, how many pieces ? 22. What is the total weight of 5 2-lb. cans of peas, 2 3-lb. cans of tomatoes, 2 6-lb. boxes of starch, andl 10-lb. sack of flour? 23. Vegetables are put up in 1, 2, and 3-lb. cans, and flour in 10-lb. sacks. Using this, make examples like question 22. 24. Name the even numbers from 2 to 12. What number is a factor of all these even numbers ? Name all the odd numbers from 1 to 11. Is 2 a factor of these ? How can you change an odd number to an even number? ARITHMETIC Lesson 31 1. 2 x 1 in. = ? 2 x 5 in. = ? 2 x 9 in. = ? 2 x 2 in. = ? 2 x 6 in. = ? 2 x 10 in. 9 2 x 3 in. = ? 2 x 7 in. = ? 2 x 11 in. = ? 2 x 4 in. = ? 2 x 8 in. = ? 2 x 12 in. 9 2. 3x2ft.= ? 3 x 2 yd. = ? 3x2 mi. = ? 2x3ft. = ? 2x3yd. = ? 2x3 mi. = ? 3. 3x $2 = ? 3x$20=? 3x$200 _ 9 2x $3 = ? 2x$30 = ? 2x$300 = ? 4. 4x $2 = ? 4x$20 = ? 4x$200 ? 2x $4 = ? 2x$40 = ? 2 x $400 = ? 5. A dealer sold 4 sets of furniture at $200 each, and 2 bookcases at $30 each. What did all sell for? 6. A farmer received $200 for a span of horses, $20 apiece for 3 cows, and $4 apiece for 2 sheep. What did he receive all together? 7. 4x$20 = ? 5x820 = ? 6x $20 = ? 2x$40 = ? 2x$50=? 2x $60 = ? 8. 7x$20 = ? 8x$20 = ? 9x $20 = ? 2x$70 = ? 2x$80 = ? 2x 9. 10x$20 = ? llx$20 = ? 12 x $20 = ? 20x$10 = ? 20x$ll = ? 20 x $12 = ? LESSON 31 67 10. What is the cost of 3 2-lb. rolls of butter at a lb., 2 Ib. of coffee at 30^ a lb., and 2 cakes of soap at 4 ^ a cake ? 11. Find the cost of 2 lb. meat at 12 ^ a lb., 1 can corn at 13^, 1 doz. lemons at 30^ a doz., and 1 lb. bacon at 12^ a lb. Copy and multiply : 12. 22^ 22^ 22^ 21^ 21^ 21^ 234567 13. 123 2 143 2 134 2 154 2 182 2 14. Place 2 under each of these quantities, and multiply: 24 $42, 13 lb., 52 mi., 30 da., 64 yr. 15. There are 24 hr. in 1 da. How many hours in 2 da.? 16. If there are 21 hills of potatoes in a row, how many hills are there in 6 rows ? 17. Multiply 23 lb. by 2, and 21 lb. by 3. Add your results. 18. What is the cost of 5 doz. eggs at 21^ a dozen, and 2 lb. of tea at 42^ a pound? 19. Memorize : Two times Iis2 5 is 10 9 is 18 2 is 4 6 is 12 10 is 20 3 is 6 7 is 14 11 is 22 4 is 8 8 is 16 12 is 24 68 ARITHMETIC 20. What is the meaning of 2 x 3 = 6 ? Of 4x2 = 8? 21. Place dots so as to show that the factors of 14 are 2 and 7 or 7 and 2. How many pounds of rice at 7^ a pound can you buy for 14^? 22. How many 8-lb. pails of butter can you get from 16 lb.? From 160 lb.? 23. A length of 24 ft. is measured by the unit 4 ft., what is the number ? Draw this length, making 1 in. for 1 ft., and measure, counting the number. If the number is 4, what is the unit of measure ? 24. What are the factors of 16 (16 = 2 x 8 or 8 x 2), 18, 20, 22, 24 ? Lesson 32 1. 1 qt. = ? pt. 8 qt. = ? pt. 10 qt. = ? pt. 3 qt. = ? pt. 5 qt. = ? pt. 12 qt. = ? pt. 6 qt. = ? pt. 9 qt. = ? pt. 11 qt. = ? pt. 2. How many times must a pint measure full of water be emptied into a quart measure to fill it? By what number must you multiply to reduce quarts to pints? A pint is what part of a quart? 3. A pitcher holds 3 qt. of milk. How many pints will it hold? 4. 2 qt. 1 pt. = ? pt. 6 qt. 1 pt. = ? pt. 3 qt. 1 pt. = ? pt. 10 qt. 1 pt. = ? pt. 7 qt. 1 pt. = ? pt. 12 qt. 1 pt. = ? pt. LESSON 32 69 5. How do you reduce 8 qt. and 1 pt. to pints? Multiply the number of quarts by 2, and add 1 to get the number of pints. 6. lof 6in. = ?in. of 18 in. = ? in. l of 10 in. = ? in. 1 of 24 in. = ? in. J of 14 in. = ? in. J of 16 in. = ? in. 7. lof|4 = ? off 40 = ? lof |400 = ? 8. i of 6 pt. = ? pt. J of 16 pt. = ? pt. l of 8 pt. = ? pt. i of 22 pt. = ? pt. 1 of 12 pt. = ? pt. 1 of 18 pt. = ? pt. 9. 2 pt. = 1 qt. 6 pt. = ? qt. 20 pt. = ? qt. 4 pt. = ? qt. 12 pt. = ? qt. 24 pt. = ? qt. 10. 5 pt. = ? qt. ? pt. 15 pt. = ? qt. ? pt. 9 pt. = ? qt. ? pt. 23 pt. = ? qt. ? pt. 11. What will 8 yd. of silk cost at 1 2 a yd.? 12. If a boy rides 9 mi. an hour, how far will he ride in 2 hr.? 13. What will 5 qt. 1 pt. of milk cost at 2^ a pt. ? 14. What will 4 pt. of milk cost at 6/ a qt. ? 15. What is the price of 2 qt. 1 pt. of milk at 6^ a quart ? 16. There are 29 fruit trees in an orchard, 5 are cherry trees, 4 plum, and the rest apple ; how many apple trees are there? TO ARITHMETIC Lesson 33 1. How long is this oblong ? How wide ? 2. How many square inches does it contain ? 3. The unit of length used to measure short dis- tances is 1 in. The unit of area used to measure small areas is 1 square inch (1 sq. in.). 4. Draw an oblong 4 in. long and 1 in. wide, and divide it into sq. in. What is its area ? 5. Draw an oblong 6 in. long and 1 in. wide, and divide it into sq. in. What is its area ? 6. What is the area of an oblong 8 in. long and 1 in. wide ? 10 in. long ? 12 in. long ? 7. Make an oblong 4 in. long and 2 in. wide. Divide it into sq. in. How many sq. in.? Count by 4's. How many 4 sq. in. ? Count by 2's. How many 2 sq. in. ? 8. Make an oblong 8 in. long and 2 in. wide. Divide it into sq. in. How many sq. in.? Count by 8's. How many 8 sq. in. ? Count by 2's. How many 2 sq. in. ? LESSON 33 71 9. Make other oblongs, divide them into sq. in., and count their areas by sq. in., 2 sq. in., and so on. 10. How long is this oblong ? How wide ? 11. Into how many rows is it divided ? What is the area of each row? What is the area of the oblong ? 12. The area of this oblong is measured by the number 6 (2 x 3) and the unit 1 sq. in. 13. Make an oblong 4 in. long and 2 in. wide. Divide it as the oblong in question 7 is divided. 14. What number measures its area ? What is its area? 15. What number measures the area of an oblong 5 in. long and 2 in. wide ? What is its area ? 16. What is the area of an oblong 6 in. long and 2 in. wide ? 72 ARITHMETIC 17. How do you find the number of sq. in. in an oblong 3 in. long and 2 in. wide? 4 in. long and 2 in. wide ? 6 in. long and 2 in. wide ? 8 in. long and 2 in. wide? 10 in. long and 2 in. wide? Any length and any width ? 18. Make problems like questions 15 and 16. Lesson 34 1.2x3 = 6. 2 and 3 are called factors of 6. 6 is the product of 2 and 3. 2. 2 and 4 are the factors of what number ? 4 and 2 are the factors of what number ? 3. 2 and 6 are the factors of what number? 2 and 7? 9 and 2? 2 and 11 ? 12 and 2? 4. 2 is one factor of 8. What is the other factor ? 4 is one factor of 8. What is the other factor ? 5. 2 is one factor of each of the following num- bers, what is the other factor ? 12, 18, 24, 16, 6, 14, 10, 22. 6. 7 is one factor of 14. What is the other factor ? 9 is one factor of 18. What is the other factor ? 7. What are the factors of each of the following numbers : 6, 10, 12, 8, 20, 16, 24, 14, 22 ? 8. If 1 yd. of silk costs $3, what will 2 yd. cost ? 9. If 2 is one factor of 10, what is the other fac- tor? If 2 loaves of bread cost 10^, what will 1 loaf cost? LESSON 35 73 10. If a man walks 1 mi. in 20 min., how long will he take to walk 4 mi. ? 11. If 1 horse costs 1200, what will 4 such horses cost? 12. What must 8^ be multiplied by to give 16^? At 8^ a pound, how many pounds of rice will cost 16/2 13. What will 2 doz. lead pencils cost at 24 $ a dozen? 14. What will 5 boxes of note paper cost at 20^ a box? Lesson 35 1. 2x 3^= 6 iof 6^ = ? 6^- 3^ = ? 2x 6^ = 2x 9^ = 2x12^ = 24^. 2. What is the meaning of J of 8 = 4? Of | of 12 = 6? 3. |-of|16 = ? l of |160 = ? iof24mi. = ? l of 240 mi. =? l of 6 in. =? \ of 8 ft. = ? 4. 1 ft. = 12 in. 1 ft. = ? in. 2 ft. = ? in. 5. 1 dime = 10 ^ 1 dime = ? ^. 2 J- dimes = ? ^ 6. 11 = 100^. = ? I2i=?^. 7. 1 doz. = 12. 1 doz. = ? 21 doz. = ? 8. 1 hr, = 60 min. J hr. = ? min. 2J hr. = ? mill, 74 ARITHMETIC 9. 1 da. = 24 hr. J- da. = ? hr. | yr. = ? mo. 10. 1 gal. = 4 qt. 1 gal. = ? qt. 2 J- gal. = ? qt. 11. 1 qt. = 2 pt. 6 J qt. = ? pt. 10 qt. = ? pt. 12. If 1 gal. of kerosene costs 1 dime, what part of a dime will J gal. cost ? How many cents will ^ gal. cost ? 13. If 1 Ib. of sugar costs 6^, how many cents will 21 Ib. cost ? 14. What will half-a-dozen lemons cost at 24 $ a doz.? Half-a-doz. silver spoons at $ 22 a doz. ? 1^ doz. ? 15. A pail contains 8 qt. of water. How many quarts will be left in the pail after 10 pt. are taken out? 16. If 1 qt. of molasses costs 40 ^, what will 1 pt. cost? What will 2 qt. 1 pt. cost? 17. A dish holds 3 qt. of berries and 1 pint more. How many pints did it hold, and what did they cost at 10^ a qt.? 18. How many quarts in 2 gal. 2 qt. ? How many pints in 2 gal. 2 qt. 1 pt. ? In 1 gal. 3 qt. 1 pt. ? 19. What is the cost of 2 gal. 2 qt. 1 pt. of milk at 2 f a pt. ? What does a milkman gain by buying 1 gal. 3 qt. 1 pt. of milk at 2 f a pt. and selling it at 3 ^ a pt. ? 20. Copy and multiply : 21^ 32^ 44^ 53^ 64^ 72^ 2 2 2-2 2 2 LESSON 36 75 21. How much more will 2 yd. of cloth cost at 44? a yd. than 3 yd. at 22^ a yd. ? 22. A boy walks 2 mi. to the depot, rides on the train for 2 hr. at the rate of 32 mi. an hour, and then drives 4 mi. to his friend's house. What is the whole distance ? 23. Make questions using the following price list : Coffee at 30^ a Ib. Butter at 24^ a Ib. Eggs at 14 ^ a doz. Fruit at 22 ^ a qt. Lesson 36 1. How long is the line a ? How long is the line b? 2. Compare b with a. The line b is measured 2 times by the line a. The ratio of b to a is 2. 3. Compare a with b. What part of b is needed to make a ? a is of b. The ratio of a to b is . 4. How long is a ? How long is b ? 5. Compare b with a. b is measured how many times by a ? The ratio of 5 to a is what ? 6. Compare a with 5. What part of b needed to make a ? The ratio of a to is what ? 76 ARITHMETIC 7. Compare 4 in. with 2 in. A 4-in. line is measured how often by a 2-in. line ? The ratio of 4 in. to 2 in. is 2. 8. Compare 2 in. with 4 in. What part of 4 in. is needed to make up 2 in. ? 2 in. is | of 4 in. The ratio of 2 in. to 4 in. is J. 9. Draw a line 3 in. long. Draw a line 6 in, long. Divide this line into parts each 3 in. long. 10 Compare 6 in. with 3 in. 3 in. measures 6 in, how many times ? The ratio of 6 in. to 3 in. is 2. 11. Compare 3 in. with 6 in. What part of 6 in. is needed to make up 3 in. ? 3 in. is what part of 6 in. ? The ratio of 3 in. to 6 in. is what? 12. Memorize : J is the ratio of 1 in. to 2 in. ; of 2 in. to 4 in. ; of 3 in. to 6 in. Lesson 37 Copy and add : 1. 2 1 2 3 2 2 4 6 3 3 2 3 1 6 4 1 2 4 4 3 5 2 1 3 2. 2 3 3 5 3 2 4 2 6 1 4 1 22 33 40 51 62 73 3. 4 6 3 1 4 3 1 2 3 3 3 3 10 81 43 61 12 92 LESSON 37 77 21 12 54 66 73 24 11 30 21 10 14 30 51 46 34 22 12 25 231 111 121 545 32 1 222 304 502 123 130 314 182 375 331 533 6. There are 102 pages in the First Reader, 150 in the Second, and 245 in the Third. How many pages are there in the three Readers ? Copy and subtract : 32 45 64 96 85 69 ' 11 31 22 73 32 26 245 329 675 486 1065 123 115 254 232 253 9. A man's salary is $840, in addition to which he has an income of $245. If his yearly expenses are $ 625, how much can he save ? 896 678 795 888 999 ' 273 207 385 543 601 2345 3546 6547 9861 7209 1223 2314 4236 2341 2106 12. A span of horses weighs 2469 Ib. If one weighs 1224 Ib., what does the other weigh ? 78 ARITHMETIC Copy and multiply : 13. 232 j* 423 j* 634^ 804 j* 806 <* 2 2 2 2.2 14. Make simple practical questions illustrating $8 -=- 2 = |4, and $8 -i- $2 = 4. What is the mean- ing of 6 H- 2 = 3 ? Copy and divide : 15. 2)42 2)84 2)66 2)28 2)46 2)88 16. 2)246 2)128 2)642 2)804 2)188 17. |636 -3 = ? $488 -s- $4 = ? $168-*- 8 = ? 18. If a 2-lb roll of butter costs 64 what is the price per Ib. ? 19. What is the price of cheese per Ib. when 4 Ib. cost 84^? 20. Out of a bag containing 159 nuts 4 children each took a handful and there were still left in the bag 119 nuts. How many nuts did the children take ? How many did each get on the average ? Lesson 38 1. Draw a line 1 ft. long. Draw a line 2 ft. long. Divide this line into parts each 1 ft. long. 2. Compare 2 ft. with 1 ft. The ratio of 2 ft. to 1 ft. is what ? LESSON 38 79 3. Compare 1 ft. with 2 ft. What part of 2 it. is needed to make up 1 ft. ? 1 ft. is what part of 2 ft.? The ratio of 1 ft. to 2 ft. is what ? 4. What is the ratio of 1 yd. to 2 yd.? Of 1^ to 2^? Of $1 to $2? Of 1 da. to 2 da.? Of 1 hr. to 2 hr. ? 5. If 1 2 will buy 12 yd. of ribbon, what part of 12 yd. will $ 1 buy ? How many yards ? 6. If a train travels 60 mi. in 2 hr., what is the rate per hour ? 7. Draw a line 4 in. long. Draw a line 8 in. long. Divide this line into parts each 4 in. long. 8. Compare 8 in. with 4 in. 8 in. is measured how many times by 4 in.? The ratio of 8 in. to 4 in. is what number ? 9. What is the ratio of 8 ft. to 4 ft. ? Of 8^ to 4^? Of $8 to $4? Of 8 da. to 4 da.? Of 8 hr. to 4 hr. 10. A boy walks 10 mi. in 4 hr. At the same rate, how many times 10 mi. will he walk in 8 hr. ? How many miles ? 11. If $4 buys 3 yd. of cloth, how many yards will 1 8 buy? 12. Compare 4 in. with 8 in. What part of 8 in. is needed to make up 4 in. ? 4 in. is what part of 8 in. ? What is the ratio of 4 in. to 8 in. ? gO ARITHMETIC 13. What is the ratio of 4 ft. to 8 ft. ? Of $4 to 18? Of 4 yr. to 8 yr. ? Of 4 Ib. to 8 lb.? 14. At the rate of 18 a doz., what part of a dozen pairs of stockings will cost $4? How many pairs? What will 4 bars of soap cost, at the rate of 8 for 15. Draw lines 5 in. long and 10 in. long. Divide the line 10 in. long into parts each 5 in. long. 16. What is the ratio of 10 in. to 5 in.? Of 5 in. to 10 in.? 17. What is the ratio of 2 to 4? 3 to 6? 4 to 8? 5 to 10? 18. Name other numbers that J is the ratio of. 19. 2 is the ratio of what numbers ? 20. What is the ratio of 12 to 6 ? Of 6 to 12 ? Of 16 to 8 ? Of 8 to 16 ? 21. What will 8 lb. of sugar cost, when 16 lb. are sold for 84^ ? What will 12 lb. cost ? 22. What is the ratio of 1 qt. to 1 pt.? Of 1 pt. to 1 qt.? Of 1 dime to 1 nickel? Of 1 nickel to 1 dime ? Of one -quarter dollar to one-half dollar ? Lesson 39 1. The length of a sheet of drawing-paper is 9 in. Here the unit of measure is 1 in. The number that measures the length is 9. LESSON 39 81 2. The width of a sheet of drawing-paper is 6 in. What is the unit of measure? What is the number that measures the width ? 3. The length of a table is 4 ft. What is the unit of measure ? What is the number that measures its length ? 4 is the ratio of the length to 1 ft. 4. The width of a room is 6 yd. What is the unit of measure ? What is the number ? 5. The distance between two cities is 30 mi. What is the unit of measure ? What is the number of units ? 6. A pitcher holds 3 qt. of milk. What is the unit of measure ? What number measures the quan- tity of milk ? 7. A pail holds 6 2-qt. cans of milk. What is the unit of measure ? What is the number of units ? How many gallons will the pail hold ? 8. The quantity of kerosene in a can is measured by the number 5 and the unit of measure 1 gal. How much kerosene is there in the can ? 9. I buy 10 bu. of potatoes. What is the unit ? What number measures the quantity of potatoes ? 10. A family eats 2 5-lb. pails of butter in 1 mo. What is the unit ? How many units of 1 Ib. each. ? How many 2-lb rolls of butter would the family eat in one month ? 82 ARITHMETIC 11. When a grocer sells sugar, why does he weigh it ? What unit does he use ? 12. A book contains 250 pages. What number measures the size of the book ? What is the unit ? 13. A room is 8 yd. 1 ft. 6 in. long. What three units are used to measure the length of the room ? 14. The quantity of berries in a crate is measured by the number 16 and the unit 1 qt. How many quarts of berries are there in a crate ? 15. The cost of a yard of ribbon is measured by the number 2 and the unit 1 dime. How many cents did it cost ? What is the ratio of the cost to 1 nickel? 16. If the unit of money is a ten-dollar bill, how many dollars are there in 2 units ? . If there are 2 units of money in 20 ^, what is the unit ? Paid an account of 1 50 with 5 coins of equal value. How many dollar units is each coin worth ? 17. Draw two oblongs each of which will contain 6 sq. in. 18. An oblong contains 6 sq. in. What is the unit of measure ? What number measures the area ? With a 2-sq. in. unit, what number ? With a 3-sq. in. unit, what number ? Lesson 40 1. What is the ratio of 1 in. to 2 in. ? Of 1 1 ft. to 2 ft. ? Of 1 yd. to 2 yd. ? - LESSON 40 83 2. If 2 yd. of cloth cost $1, what part of $1 will 1 yd. cost. ? How many cents ? 3. If 2 yd. of ribbon cost 12 what part of 12^ will 1 yd. cost.? How many cents? 4. What is the ratio of 2 Ib. to 4 Ib. ? If 4 Ib. of sugar cost 20^, what part of 20^ will 2 Ib. cost. ? What will 2 Ib. cost ? 5. If 4 loaves of bread cost 24^, what part of 24^ will 2 loaves cost ? What will 2 loaves cost ? 6. What is the ratio of 4 to 2 ? If 2 lead pen- cils cost 5^, what will 4 lead pencils cost ? 7. What is the ratio of 3 to 6? If 6 spools of thread cost 22^, what part of 22^ will 3 spools cost ? What will 3 spools cost ? 8. What is the ratio of 8 to 4 ? If 4. lemons costs 10^, how many times 10^ will 8 lemons costs? What will 8 lemons cost ? 9. What is the ratio of a nickel to a dime ? If a dime will buy 12 bananas, how many will a nickel buy ? 10. What is the ratio of 4 Ib. to 2 Ib. ? If 2 Ib. of coffee cost 70^, how many times 70^ will 4 Ib. cost ? What will 4 Ib. cost ? 11. What is the ratio of a 50^ piece to a piece? Of a 25^ piece to a 50^ piece? 84 ARITHMETIC 12. If a 50^ piece will buy 16 Ib. of walnuts, how many pounds will a 25 $ piece buy ? 13. What is the ratio of 1 unit of any kind (as 2 Ib., 3 yd., or $4) to two units of the same kind (as 4 Ib., 6 yd., or $8) ? If 2 units of ribbon (as 6 yd.) cost 80^, what will 1 unit (or 3 yd.) cost? 14. Draw an oblong 3 in. long and 2 in. wide. Draw an oblong 3 in. long and 1 in. wide. What is the ratio of the first oblong to the second ? Lesson 41 1. Memorize : Three times lis 3 5 is 15 9 is 27 2 is 6 6 is 18 10 is 30 3 is 9 7 is 21 11 is 33 4-is 12 8 is 24 12 is 36 2. Count by 3's from 3 to 36. 3. Count by 3's from 36 to 3. 4. Count the number of these dots by 4's ; by 3's. There are how many counts of 4 dots ? There are how many counts of 3 dots ? 12 = 3 x 4 or 4 x 3. LESSON 41 85 5. If each dot represents 1 ft., what do 3 dots represent? How many yards in 12 ft.? How many feet in 8 yd. 2 ft. ? 6. If each dot represents 1 qt., how many dots represent 1 gal.? How many quarts in 3 gal.? What is the price of 3 gal. 2 qt. of kerosene at 12^ per gal. ? 7. If each dot represents 1 sq. in., draw the figure represented by the 12 dots? How long is it? How wide ? What is the area of an oblong 4 in. long and 3 in. wide? 4 yd. long and 3 yd. wide? Draw a square yard on the blackboard. 8. Place 15 dots so as to show that 15 = 3 x 5 or 5 x 3. How many feet in 5 yd.? The area of an oblong 5 in. long is 15 sq. in. How wide is it? 9. 3 is one factor of each of the following num- bers, what is the other : 6, 18, 12, 21, 30, 24, 36, 27, 33? 10. 9 is one factor of 18. What is the other factor ? 8 is one factor of 24 ? What is the other factor ? 11. What are the two factors of each of the fol- lowing numbers : 21 (3 x 7 or 7 x 3), 12, 27, 9, 33, 18, 36, 15, 30? 12. 12 is one factor of 36, what is the other? How many feet in 36 in. ? A dozen yards of cloth cost 36 dimes, what is the cost of 1 yd. ? How many cents ? 86 ARITHMETIC Copy and multiply : 13. 21 33 42 63 52 13 3 3 3 3 3 r. 14. 72 53 81 92 60 82 3 3 3 3 3 15. 112 221 321 231 333 20;} 3 3 3 3 3 3 16. 7 3 5 3 3 3 3 3 3 7 3 5 9 6 8 12 17. 30 31 32 31 34 31 5 7 4 9 2 5 18. Find the total cost of : 3 Ib. crackers at 7 f a Ib. 2 Ib. wafers at 12^ a Ib. 7 Ib. oatmeal at 3 1 a Ib. 3 Ib. of raisins at 10^ a Ib. 19. A man walked east. 3 lir. at the rate of 3 mi. an hr., and then walked west 5 mi. How far was he then from his starting-point? Draw a line to repre- sent the road, and mark the distances. 20. 3)39 3)63 3)96 3)246 3)336 3)696 21. 5)105 6)186 7)140 8)248 9)279 9)189 22. How many weeks are there in 210 da. ? How many gallons in 128 qt. ? How many yd. in 150 ft.? LESSON 42 87 23. A man walks 12 mi. at the rate of 3 mi. an hr., and returns at the rate of 4 mi. an hour. How many hours is he gone ? 24. A farmer divides 336 A. equally among his 3 sons. What is the share of each? Lesson 42 Multiply : 1. 4 40 50 200 30 30 110 3 3 3 3 6 8 3 2. 60 30 120 80 30 700 300 3 9 3 3 5 3 4 3. A milkman traded 3 horses worth $ 80 each for 7 cows worth $30 each. How much money should he receive in addition ? 4. 2ft. = ?in. 2ft. 6in. = ?in. 3 ft. 2 in. = ?in. 5. 24 in. = ? ft. 28 in. = ? ft.? in. 39 in. = ?ft.?in. 6. 1 gal. = 4 qt. 3 gal. 2 qt. = ? qt. 3 gal. 3 qt. = ? qt. 7. 6yd. = ?ft. 6yd. 2ft. = ?ft. 8 yd. 1 ft. =?ft. How do you reduce yards to feet? 8. 12 ft. =? yd. 8ft.=?yd.?ft. 28 ft. = ? yd.? ft. How do you reduce feet to yards ? 88 ARITHMETIC 9. 17 ft. = ? yd. ? ft. 23 ft. = ? yd. ? ft. 34ft. = ?yd. ?ft. 10. A jug contains 3 gal. 2 qt. of cider. How many quarts of cider are there in the jug? 11. A room is 6 yd. 2 ft. long. How many feet long is it ? 12. A rope is 15 ft. long. Into how many pieces each 1 yd. long can it be cut ? 13. From a piece of cloth 4 yd. long a piece 2 ft. long has been cut. How many feet of cloth are left? 14. If 1 qt. of milk costs 6 ^, find the cost of 1 qt. and 1 pt. Of 2 qt. and 1 pt. 15. If 1 yd. of cambric costs 12^, find the cost of 2 yd. 1 ft. Of 3 yd. 1 ft. 16. What will a man earn in, 1 wk. 3 da. at $3 a day. 17. If a boy picks 8 pt. of berries in 1 hr., how many quarts will he pick in 3 hr. ? 18. My chicken coop is 3 yd. 1 ft. long and 2 yd. wide. How long must a rope be to go around it ? 19. If my hens lay 6 eggs a day, how many dozen do they lay in one week ? What are they worth at 20 f a doz. ? 20. I divide ^ of 24 ^ equally among 3 boys. What does each get? ^ of 24 is 3 times what number? J of 16 is 4 times what number? J of 42 is 3 times what number ? LESSON 43 Lesson 43 89 1. What is the length of this oblong? What is its width? How many square inches are there in the first row ? How many rows ? The area = 3 x 3 sq. in. = 9 sq. in. 2. Draw an oblong 4 in. long and 3 in. wide. Divide it as the oblong in question 1. What is its area? 3. Represent the area of the oblong in question 2 by dots, putting one dot for each square inch. 90 ARITHMETIC 4. What is the area of an oblong 6 in. long and 3 in. wide ? 8 in. long and 3 in. wide ? 5. Make examples like question 3. 6. Draw on the board an oblong 3 ft. long and 2 ft. wide. What is its area ? Draw a square yard. How many square feet in its area ? 7. What is the area of an oblong 4 ft. long and 3 ft. wide ? 6 ft. long and 3 ft. wide ? 6 yd. long and 3 yd. wide ? 8. Draw the last oblong in question 6, making 1 in. for 1 yd. What doBS 1 sq. in. in your drawing represent ? 9. An oblong contains 12 sq. in. The unit of measure is 1 sq. in. The number 12 measures the area. 10. What number and what unit measure the area of an oblong containing 8 sq. in. ? 16 sq. in. ? 6 sq. ft. ? 10 sq. ft. ? 9 sq. yd. ? 14 sq. yd. ? 11. An oblong is 4 in. long and 3 in. wide. What number measures its area ? What is its area ? 12. An oblong is 8 in. long and 3 in. wide. What number measures its area ? 13. What numbers measure the areas of the fol- lowing oblongs, and what are their areas ? Length Width Length Width 4 in. 2 in. 10 in. 3 in. 6 in. 2 in. 7ft. 3ft. 9 in. 3 in. 8 yd. 3 yd. LESSON 44 91 14. A room is 12 ft. long and 9 ft. wide. How many square yards of carpet are needed to cover it? 15. One oblong is 7 in. long and 2 in. wide. Another is 5 in. long and 3 in. wide. Which is larger, and how much ? 16. A rug is bought for a room 15 ft. by 12 ft. If the edge of the rug is everywhere 1 ft. from the wall, what are its length and breadth? Draw the room and rug on the board, making 1 in. for 1 ft. Lesson 44 1. What will 8 lemons cost at 3^ each? 2. What will 3J yd. of ribbon cost at 8^ a yd. ? 3. What is the cost of 12 yd. of tape at 2J^ a yd. ? 4. If 3 bbl. of flour cost $18, what will 1 bbl. cost? 5. What is the cost of one dozen oranges at 3^ apiece ? 6. A man walks 3 mi. an hour for 6 hr. How far does he walk ? How long is he gone if he returns at the rate of 9 mi. an hr. ? 7. A man travels 6 hr. at the rate of 30 mi. an hour. How far does he travel ? 8. How many days are there in 3 wk. 2 da. ? 9. How many hours will it take to drive 24 nii., at the rate of 8 mi. an hour ? 92 ARITHMETIC 10. If a bag holds 3 bu. of potatoes, how many bags will hold 36 bu. ? 11. Place 3 under each of these quantities and multiply : $ 22, 31^, 42 qt., 52 Ib. 12. Find the cost of 3 bicycles at $ 32 apiece. 13. A milkman has 92 customers who take on the average 3 qt. of milk a day. How many quarts of milk does he sell a day? 14. Divide each of these quantities by 3 : $ 60, 39^, 66 qt., 93 Ib., 216 bu. 15. If 3 bu. contain 96 qt., how many quarts are there in 1 bu. ? 16. In how many weeks will a person pay $156 for board at the rate of $ 3 a week ? 17. If 1 boy can do a piece of work in 6 da., how long will it take 3 boys to do it? Lesson 45 1. 1 of 6 in. = ? 1 of 18 in. =: ? of 24 in. = ? of 33 in. = ? l of 150 in. = ? J of 210 in. = ? 2. 12 in. -*- 3 in. = ? 12 in. -=- 3 = ? 21 in. -=- 3 in. = ? 21 in. -f- 3 = ? 18 in. ^-6 in. = ? 18 in. ^ 6 = ? 3. 1ft. =?in. Jft. =?in. J ft. = ? in. yd. = ? ft. 1 yd. = ? in. yd. = ? in. LESSON 45 93 4. 1 da. = ? hr. J- da. = ? hr. da. = ? hr. 1 hr. = ? min. J hr. = ? min. ^ hr. = ? rnin. 5. 1 min. = ? sec. ^ min. = ? sec. -J min. = ? sec. j- doz. = ? doz. = ? J- doz. + 1 doz. = > 6. If 3 Ib. of sugar cost 15^, what will 1 Ib. cost? What will 2 Ib. cost? 7. I paid $18 for coal at 16 a ton. How many tons did I buy ? 8. If 3 gal. of kerosene cost 36^, what will 1 gal. cost ? What will 2 gal. cost ? 9. Mary spends 24 ^ for lace at 12 $ a yd. How many yards does she buy ? 10. Divide 2 dozen roses equally among 3 persons. 11. A man buys 2 horses for $ 220. What is the cost of each horse ? 12. An oblong is 4 in. long and 3 in. wide. How many square inches does it contain ? 13. An oblong contains 15 sq. in. If it is 3 in. wide, how long is it ? Draw the oblong. 14. I bought 1^ doz. bananas at the rate of 15^ a doz. What did I pay for them ? 15. A mason earns 30 $ an hour. How much will he earn in 1 da., if he works 9 hr. a day ? 94 ARITHMETIC Lesson 46 1. Draw a line 2 in. long. Draw a line 6 in. long. 6 in. is measured how many times by 2 in. ? The ratio of 6 in. to 2 in. is what ? The ratio of 2 in. to 6 in. is what ? 2. Draw lines 4 in. and 12 in. long. 12 in. is measured how many times by 4 in. ? The ratio of 12 in. to 4 in. is what? 3. The ratio of 12 apples to 4 apples is what ? If 4 apples cost 5^, how many times 5^ will 12 apples cost ? What will 12 apples cost ? 4. What is the ratio of 15 in. to 5 in.? What is the ratio of 5 in. to 15 in.? 5. What is the ratio of 18 in. to 6 in.? What is the ratio of 6 in. to 18 in.? 6. What is the ratio of 6 to 2 ? 2 to 6 ? 8 to 4? 4 to 8 ? 15 to 5 ? 5 to 15 ? 18 to 6 ? 6 to 18 ? 7. What is the ratio of 5 ft. to 15 ft.? 18 Ib. to 61b.? 18 doz. to 6 doz.? $8 to $24? 8. If 15 Ib. of butter cost 13, what will 5 Ib. cost? If 5 yd. of silk cost $ 8, how many yards will cost $24? 9. l is the ratio of 4 to ? 5 to ? 6 to ? 7 to ? 8 to ? 9 to ? 10 to ? 11 to ? 12 to ? 10. 3 is the ratio of 12 to ? 15 to ? 18 to ? 21 to ? 24 to ? 27 to ? 30 to ? 33 to ? 36 to ? LESSON 47 95 11. ^ is the ratio of what numbers ? 3 is the ratio of what numbers ? 12. What is the ratio of 6 doz. to 18 doz.? If 18 doz. eggs cost 1 3, what will 6 doz. cost ? 13. What is the ratio of 1 yd. to 1 ft.? If 1 ft. of ribbon cost 5^, what will 1 yd. cost? 14. What is the ratio of 1 ft. to 1 yd.? If 1 yd. of lace costs 30^, what will 1 ft. cost? 15. What is the ratio of 8 wk. to 24 wk.? If I pay 8120 for board for 24 wk., what part of 1120 must I pay for 8 wk.? What must I pay for board for 8 wk.? 16. What is J the ratio of ? What is 2 the ratio of? 17. The ratio of the value of a purse to its con- tents is |. If the purse is worth $3, how much money does it contain ? Lesson 47 1. Jof$60=? lof|48=? Jof$63=? 1 of 88 =? J of 39 =? -l of 99 =? 2. Draw a line 1 ft. long, and divide it into halves. How many halves are there in 1 ft.? 1 ft. = | ft. (Read, 1 ft. = 2 halves of a foot.) 3. 11 ft. = | ft. 2 ft. = 2 ft. 21 ft. == 2 ft - 41 ft. = 2 ft ' 6 - ft - = 2 ft ' 7 i ft ' = 2 ft ' How do you reduce 5J ft. to halves of a foot ? 96 ARITHMETIC 4. | ft. = ? ft. | ft. = ? ft. | ft. = ? ft. f ft. = ? ft. | ft. = ? ft. ^L ft. = ? ft. 5. 1 qt. = ? pt. qt. = ? pt. 41 qt. = ? pt. 6J qt. = ? pt. 8J qt. = ? pt. 121 qt. = ? pt. How do you reduce 5 J qt. to pints ? 6. 1 pt. = ? qt. 4 pt. = ? qt. 5 pt. = ? qt. 9 pt. = ? qt. 15 pt. = ? qt. 21 pt. = ? qt. How do you reduce 7 pt. to quarts ? 7. What is the cost of 5 pt. of milk at 6 ^ a qt. ? 8. 3 + 21 = ? 11 + 2 = ? 21 + l = ? 41 -f- 11 = ? 51 + 31 = ? 81 + 21 = ? 9. What is the weight of a parcel containing 1^- Ib. of ham and 2 J Ib. of steak ? Add: 10. $21 H 14 131 $41 6 $21 12 fioi 101 11. 21 ^ % 12J % 221 B| ^ H 24^ 4 44J 12. 211 14 13. 221 2321 32| 331 45 441 3151 4231 311 561 6041 314 181 M| 2301 4251 46| 5^ 3561 42l| 2431 5121 14. I paid $21 for a hat and $5 for a coat. What change should I get back out of a ten-dollar bill? LESSON 47 97 15. What is the price of two rugs, one costing $121 an d the other $161? 16. 3 + 11 = ? 3 + ? = 41 . J + ? = 1 31 + 2| = ? 3-1 + ? = 6 41 + ? = 8 17. James is 6 yr. old, and his brother 4J. What is the difference in their ages ? Subtract : is i M Ii I. !L 1 Of | and J? Of J andl? 7. What is the difference between 1 and f ? 1 andj? landj? and J? fandj? J and J? 8. Draw a line 1 ft. long, and divide it into fourths. How many fourths in 1 ft. ? How many fourths in 1 J ft. ? 1 ft. = ^ ft. 1 ft. = ft. 9. Draw a line 3 ft. long and measure it with a unit one-fourth of a foot long. What number do you get ? 3 ft. = ? fourths of a foot ? 3 ft. = ft. 10. How many fourths of a foot are there in 2 ft. ? 3 f t. ? 4 ft. ? 5 ft. ? 6 ft. ? How do you reduce a number of feet to fourths of a foot ? 11. Draw a line 4^ ft. long, and measure it with a unit one-fourth of a foot long. What number of units do you get ? 4J ft. = ? fourths of a foot ? 12. 2 ft. = ft. 3 ft. = ft. 3f ft. = ft. l f t. = ft. 6f ft. = T ft. 8f ft. = ft. How do you reduce 5^ ft. to fourths of a foot? 13. f ft. = ? ft. | ft. = ? ft. * ft. = ? ft. f ft. = ? ft. ? in. \ 5 - ft. = ? ft. ? in. 120 ARITHMETIC 14. 1 gal. = ? qt. gal. = ? qt. f gal. = ? qt. 7-1 gal. = ? qt. lOf gal. = ? qt. 12J gal. = ? qt. 15. What is the cost of 2^ gal. of milk at 20^ a gal.? 16. 8 qt. == ? gal. 12 qt. = ? gal." 5 qt. = ? gal. 17 qt. = ? gal. 34 qt. = ? gal. 27 qt. = ? gal. How do you reduce quarts to gallons ? 17. f qt. = ? qt. ? pt. -y- qt. = ? qt. ? pt. \ 5 - gal. = ? gal. ? qt. -^ S al - = ? S al - ? ^k 18. Multiply: 52f 71J 81f 19. What is the cost of 2 rugs at $22 apiece ? 20. Divide : 2)261 2)65 2)43 4)81 4)47 4)89 21. If 4 boys divide 1 21, which they earn, equally among them, what does each get ? 22. Julian rides 4 mi. in half-an-hour. At this rate how far will he ride in 2^- hr.? 23. A lady paid 12^ a yard for ribbon. If she had paid 16^ a yard, it would have cost her 20^ more. How many yards did she buy? SECTION V Lesson 58 1. Cut out of cardboard units 1 in., 2 in., 3 in., , 11 in. long. 2. Select five pairs of units which put end to end are as long as the 11-in. unit. 3. With these five pairs of units and the 11-in. unit make two triangles, each of whose sides is 11 in. long. 4. As in question three, make a square; a five- sided figure ; a six-sided figure, each of whose sides is 11 in. long. 5. Memorize the sum of : 2345 9876 9876 2345 6. The 1 to the right in 11 in. means one unit of 1 in. The 1 to the left means 1 unit of 10 in. What does the 1 mean in 12 in.? What does the 2 mean? 7. Select as often as you can three units which placed end to end are as long as the 11-in. unit. Write your results in columns for addition. 121 122 ARITHMETIC w w w w 8. Draw lines through the above arrangement of dots to show that the sums found in question 5 are correct. 9. Draw lines through the above arrangement of dots to show that 11 is the sum of each of the follow- ing columns for addition. 3246222724 5443513073 3532486424 10. A grocer buys pineapples at 8^ apiece, and retails them for 11 ^ each. How much does he gain on every dozen he sells ? 12. Find the cost of : -| doz. peaches at 9^ a doz. ^ doz. apples at 6^ a doz. doz. figs at 8^ alb. 13. Add: 222334455 919298287372666 14. Add; *3 4423154 32326224 2515343742485463 * Add thus : 25, 28, 31. LESSON 59 123 15. Write these questions under each other and add: |12,|4,$3; $26, $3, $2; 3^,44^,3^; 5 16. I paid 23^ for a book, 5^ for a block of paper, and 3^ for a lead pencil. How much did I pay in all? 17. If in question 14 I gave the clerk 3 dimes and a nickel, what change did I get back? Lesson 59 1. 2 dimes = ? 4 dimes = ?X 6 dimes= ? 2 dimes 4^= ? f 5 dimes 6^ = ? t 8 dimes 9^= ? f 7 dimes 20 = ? ^ 2. 14^ = 1 dime 4 64^=? dimes and cents. 25^ = ? dimes and cents. 88^ = ? dimes and cents. .32^ = ? dimes and cents. 90^ = ? dimes and cents. 3. 25 Ib. is equal to 2 10-lb. (read 2 ten Ib.) and 5 Ib. Read in the same way each of the following: 28 Ib., 34 mi., 23 sq. mi., 16 A., 52 sq. mi., 2T yr., 49 da., 15 hr., 32 min., 65 gal., 65 qt., 40 bu. 4. 23 units are equal to 2 tens arid 3 units. State how many tens and units are in each of the following number of units: 18, 50, 44, 72, 97, 9, 36. 5. 2 tens = ? 4 tens = ? 8 tens = ? 3 tens 5 units = ? 7 tens 4 units = ? 2 tens 8 units = ? 6 tens units = ? 6 tens 6 units = ? 9 tens 5 units = ? 124 ARITHMETIC 6. 64 = 6 tens 4 units. 91 = ? tens and units. 24 = ? tens and units. 40 = ? tens and units. 82 = ? tens and units. 19 = ? tens and units. 57 = ? tens and units. 77 = ? tens and units. 7. 64 in. =6 units of ten inches and 4 units of one inch. 24 in. = ? 82 ft. = ? 57 yd. = ? 91 da. = ? 15 hr. = ? 44 min. = ? 18 sec. = ? 85 Ib. = ? 8. Read: 11.25, $2.50, 16.42, 87.08, $4.44, $9.25. 9. $256 is equal to 2 units of one hundred dol- lars, 5 units of ten dollars, and 6 units of one dollar. 256 yd. is equal to 2 units of one hundred yards, 5 units of ten yards, and 6 units of one yard. 10. Read as in question 9 each of the following : $625, 342 mi., 705 A., 432 sq. mi., 250 yd., 999 yr., 1099 yr., 365 da., 894 hr. 11. 736 = 7 hundreds, 3 tens, and 6 units. 325 = ? hundreds, tens, and units. 415, 608, 840, 927, 1027, 265, 1265, are each equal to how many hundreds, tens, and units f 12. How many units in ten ? In 20 units how many tens? In 40 units? In 60 units? In 80 units ? 13. In 18 units how many tens and units? In 37 units how many tens and units ? In 65 units ? In 88 units? In 96 units? LESSON 60 125 14. How many tens in one hundred ? In 10 tens how many hundreds ? In 20 tens ? In 40 tens ? In 60 tens? In 80 tens? 15. In 18 tens how many hundreds and tens? In 25 tens how many hundreds and tens? In 48 tens? In 67 tens? In 84 tens? 16. 4 hundreds 5 tens 2 units = ? number. 6 hundreds 4 tens units = ? number. 7 hundreds tens 8 units = ? number. 5 hundreds 3 tens 9 units = ? number. 8 hundreds 8 tens 8 units = ? number. 17. Count by 10's from to 100; from 100 to 200; from 200 to 300. 18. Count by 100's from to 1000; from 1000 to 2000; from 2000 to 3000. Lesson 60 %f Add thus: 8^ and 3^ are 11^, or 1 1. 28_^ dime and 1^. Write down 1 and add 31^ the 1 dime to the 2 dimes, making 3 dimes. Write down 3. The sum is 2. Add as in question 1 : 3^ 5^ 6^ 2^ 8 8 2 6 48^ 66^ 54^ 49^ 83 42 99 105 In all these questions you carry 1 to the tens' column. 1 what ? 126 AEITHMETIC Add: 3. 43 38 25 64 35 27 62 58 44 77 56 89 45 30 73 39 4. 5. 223 474 234 635 226 342 308 443 420 427 384 279 641 396 825 314 314 392 523 203 135 182 204 225 212 174 316 421 215 642 6. Add, placing the sum above the line : 68 23 33 13 62 25 16 32 35 45 62 28 28 46 34 19 66 Subtract : 7. 68 95 *41 60 71 90 81 51 45 62 28 28 35 42 33 16 999 816 808 741 601 1051 367 254 728 503 257 342 9. A man paid $165 for a horse and $225 for a carriage ? How much did he pay for both ? 10. An arithmetic costs 45^, a reader 36^, and a grammar 30 $. How much did they all cost ? * Subtract thus : 8 and 3 are 11 ; carry 1 to 2 as in addition, making it 3 ; 3 and 1 are 4. Write 3 under 8 and 1 under 41 2 thus, 28 That is, fancy you are doing addition with the sum at the top. 13 LESSON 61 127 11. A man bought a lot for $ 975 and sold it for 1 850. How much did he lose? 12. I paid 11.25 for a roast of beef and 11.10 for potatoes. What did I pay for both? 13. A farmer sold his wheat for $854 and hay for 1237. How much did he get for both? 14. A merchant took in 1 332 on Monday, $204 on Tuesday, and $455 on Wednesday. How much did he take in on these three days ? Lesson 61 i. Memorize the sum of : 3 4 5 6 9 8 7 6 2. Find the sum of : 9 8 7 6 3 4 5 6 Add: 3. 39565473 19 13 26 36 77 48 65 38 4. 44553323 44263933 22 34 44 51 63 70 85 96 5. What is the cost of : 4 Ib. raisins at 8^ a Ib.? lib. dates at 6^ a Ib.? Jib. nuts at 12^ a Ib.? 128 ARITHMETIC 6. *5 *2 3 4 1 4 2 4 4 5 3 8 3 4 2 4 2 1 3 4 5 5 5 4 14 56 33 70 65 43 26 84 7. 18 26 33 53 34 28 57 23 42 36 62 74 48 92 65 88 8. 748 121 643 232 495 355 161 234 879 586 497 307 565 768 In each of these questions you carry 1. This 1 is 1 what? 9. 426 284 294 325 272 444 111 343 303 125 254 416 333 444 212 241 702 411 412 222 555 10. What is the cost of : J bu. apples at 60^ a bu.? 21 Ib. biscuits at 8^ a Ib.? 4 Ib. sugar at 5-J^ a Ib.? Subtract : 989 t521 625 930 641 989 862 752 263 283 615 228 457 129 11. * Add thus : 14, 16, 20, 25 ; 56, 57, 62, 64. t Subtract thus : 3 and 8 are 11 ; carry 1 to 6, as in addition, making it 7 ; 7 and 5 are 12 ; carry 1 to 2 making it 3 ; 3 and 2 are 5. That is, fancy you are doing addition with the sum at the top. 12. 13. LESSON 62 129 4564 7498 7594 8989 9387 7845 2342 4288 6571 6363 8326 6043 7982 9322 5745 4102 7629 1521 2646 4218 2730 2052 1038 1432 14. A farmer has 638 sheep in one flock and 234 in another. How many has he all together ? 15. I bought a house -for $4825 and sold it for $ 3460. How much did I lose ? 16. A man spent $124 on Monday, $423 on Tues- day, and $673 on Wednesday. How much did he spend all together ? 17. How many days are there in April, May, and June ? How many days are there in July, August, and September ? Lesson 62 4 987456 l. Memorize the sum of : Add: 2. 58495538 18 15 39 34 47 68 78 85 3. 46359644 54534343 31 23 44 65 60 72 82 96 130 ARITHMETIC 4. 1 3 4 2 4 8 2 4 3 2 2 3 2 1 3 4 3 4 2 5 1 6 3 4 12 21 34 41 56 63 73 71 5. What is the cost of : 4 yd. of elastic at 6^ a yd.? 10yd. of tape at 2^ a yd.? 2J yd. lining at 10^ a yd.? J yd. ribbon at 4^ a yd.? 6. 28 38 27 39 25 33 56 40 33 45 54 63 78 99 82 98 7. 235 248 427 655 568 909 263 566 548 671 496 714 815 204 574 546 8. Find the cost of 2 bu. of potatoes at 40^ & bu., and 3J Ib. of meat at 12 X a Ib. 9. 212 141 504 141 333 333 634 232 154 320 412 453 444 111 307 260 702 168 183 138 555 666 241 318 Subtract : 10. 674 954 439 715 609 938 310 609 231823275438546444154352 11. 6739 4903 6048 7354 3429 6336 7273 5128 2435 2701 2035 1321 2316 2332 3123 4128 LESSON 63 181 12. 8653 9125 3522 4175 4967 2364 6001 5385 7439 4135 2140 3514 3643 1423 3453 2962 13. A farmer received $ 235 for his corn and $ 470 for his wheat. How much did he receive for both ? 14. A cattle dealer had 3245 cattle and sold 1340. How many had he left ? 15. A man bought a farm for $8225 and sold it for $ 9415. How much did he gain ? 16. If a man earns 12500 a year, and his expenses are $1500, how much does he save? 17. Find the sum of 121, 121, 121, 121. Multiply 121 by 4. 18. Mr. Brown owed Mr. Smith $225. He paid the debt by giving him $160 and a horse. What was the horse worth? Lesson 63 1. Count by 5's from 5 to 200. 2. Memorize : Five times lis 5 5 is 25 9 is 45 2 is 10 6 is 30 10 is 50 3 is 15 7 is 35 11 is 55 4 is 20 8 is 40 12 is 60 132 ARITHMETIC 3. Give two i actors of each of the following numbers: 28, 45 r 44, 32, 55, 27, 60, 48, 40, 35. 4. Give the two equal factors of each of the following numbers : 4, 9, 16, 25. 5. Give as many pairs of factors as you can for each of the following numbers : 24<2 x 12, 3 x 8, 4 x 6), 12, 18, 20, 28, 30, 36, 40. 6. 4 is a factor of 12. What is the other factor? 4 is a factor of 20. What is the other factor ? 4 in a common factor of 12 and 20. Draw lines 12 in. and 20 in. long and measure them with a 4-in. unit. How many units in each ? 7. What number is a common factor of 20 and 25 ? Of 9 and 12 ? Of 25 and 30 ? Of 10 and 14 ? Of 12 and 15 ? 8. How long is the unit that will exactly measure two pieces of ribbon one 12 in. long and the other 15 in. With what coin can you pay a debt of and also of Multiply : 9. 21 *23 33 51 63 42 555555 * Multiply thus : 5 times 3 is 15 ; write down 5 and carry 1 ; 5 times 2 is 10 ; 10 and 1 are 11 ; write down 11. The product is 115. LESSON 63 133 In multiplying 23 by 5 you carry 1. This 1 is 1 what ? 10. 262 341 424 521 203 313 2 3 4 5 5 5 11. 6 5 5 4 555 5 5 687 7 9 12 10 12. 41 52 42 50 53 52 6 6 7 7 8 9 13. James rode 33 mi. on his bicycle in one week, and Henry 4 times as far all but 12 mi. How far did Henry ride ? 14. Divide : 5)45 5)450 8)40 7)350 9)45 6)300 15. What number smaller than 12 has 5 for a factor? smaller than 16? 18? 22? 28? 33? 36? 39? 42? 47? 49? Divide : 16. *5)215 5)315 5)325 5)280 5)365 5)390 On dividing 325 by 5 you have a remainder 2 on the first division. This 2 is 2 what ? * Divide thus : 5 is contained in 21 4 times with remainder 1 ; write down 4 ; 5 is contained in 15 3 times ; write down 3. The quotient is 43. 134 ARITHMETIC 17. 4)212 3)252 5)375 4)304 2)572 3)291 There is a remainder on the first division each time. Is this remainder units, tens, or hundreds ? 18. 6)312 7)294 8)416 5)340 9)369 9)468 19. At $ 5 a bbl. how many barrels of flour will cost 1325? 20. How many miles an hour must a train travel to go 272 mi. in 8 hr. ? In 6 hr. ? 21. If a train travels 26 mi. an hour, how far dis- tant is a city which it will reach in 4J hr. ? 22. A farmer received $128 for a cow and some lambs. He received $32 for the cow and $3 for each lamb. How many lambs did he sell ? Lesson 64 1. 1x6= 6 6xl=? 4x6=24 6x4=? 2x6=12 6x2=? 5x6 = 30 6x5=? 3x6 = 18 6x3=? 6x6=? 6x6=? 2. Count by 6's from 6 to 72. 3. Memorize : Six times lis 6 5 is 30 9 is 54 2 is 12 6 is 36 10 is 60 3 is 18 7 is 42 11 is 66 4 is 24 8 is 48 12 is 72 LESSON 64 135 4. Give two factors of each of the following num- bers : 30, 21, 48, 54, 55, 72, 27, 66, 42, 60. 5. Give as many pairs of factors as you can of each of the following numbers : 18(2 x 9, 3 x 6), 16, 36, 48, 24, 54, 60, 44. 6. What number is a common factor of 12 and 15? 15 and 25? 22 and 33 ? 30 and 42? 28 and 32? 7. Two logs, one 15 ft. and the other 25 ft. in length, were cut into the longest possible pieces of equal length. What is the length of each piece ? Multiply : 8. *49 24 35 47 58 66 J5 _6 _6 _6 _6 _6 In multiplying 49 by 6 you carry 5. This 5 is 5 what ? 9. A dealer bought 84 sheep at $ 6 apiece, and sold them for $600. Find his gain. 10. 396 396 396 396 396 506 _2 _3 _j* _5 _j6 6 In multiplying 396 by 3 you carry 1. This 1 is 1 what ? You also carry 2. This 2 is 2 what ? 11. 86566655 68 9 7 9 12 12 11 * Multiply thus : 6 times 9 is 54 ; write down 4 and carry 5 ; 6 times 4 is 24 ; 24 and 5 are 29 j write down 29, The product is 294, 136 ARITHMETIC 12. 22 34 83 75 36 66 978698 13. A farmer's barn cost him $225, and his house 9 times as much. Find the cost of both. 14. Divide: 6)426 8)400 6)546 9)549 5)505 9)369 15. What number smaller than 20 has 6 for a factor? Smaller than 15? 17? 26? 29? 34? 38? 47? 49? 52? 58? Divide : 16.* 6)150 6)324 6)456 6)294 6)402 6)732 17. 2)576 3)576 4)576 5)650 6)864 6)834 18. 4)704 6)702 5)735 7)448 8)448 9)459 19. 6)594 9)594 8)520 7)364 8)504 9)504 20. Divide the contents of 240 bags of oats equally among three bins. How much in each ? " 21. How many bushels of wheat in 24 bags each containing 2 bu., and 18 bags each containing 3 bu.? 22. I paid i 240 for a horse and bicycle. If the horse cost 5 times as much as the bicycle, find the cost of each. * Divide thus : 6 is contained in 15 2 times with remainder 3 ; write down 2 ; 6 is contained in 30 5 times ; write down 5. The quotient is 25. SECTION VI Lesson 65 l. 82.75 is read, two dollars and seventy-five cents. The decimal point (.) separates dollars from cents. All the figures to the left of the decimal point denote dollars, and the first two figures to the right denote cents. 2. Read the following : $2.43 136.10 162.24 $4.29 164.76 143.60 3. Read the following : 1169.65 $691.80 $1864.86 $1759.45 $.15, $.05, $.08 4. Read the following : $.05 $ .07 $ 15.17 $ 204.04 $.09 $ .30 $ 77.60 $ 300.06 $.01 $ .75 $ 20.05 $ 300.60 $.12 $2.16 $291.98 $1732.25 $.18 $3.04 $201.64 $5300.20 $.69 $5.20 $311.20 $6040.06 5. Write in figures as in question 4 : Three dol- lars and twenty-five cents ; thirty-seven dollars and 137 138 ARITHMETIC fifty cents ; sixteen cents ; eighty-three cents ; four cents ; nine cents ; twenty dollars and six cents. 6. Write in figures : One hundred nineteen dol- lars and twenty-five cents ; two hundred forty -three dollars and ninety-one cents ; six hundred eight dollars and eight cents ; nine hundred ninety-nine dollars and ninety-nine cents. 7. How many cents in $ 2 ? In $.25? In $2. 25? 8. How many cents in ? $3.75 $8.19 $4.06 $25.64 $10.06 $6.07 $3.10 $6.43 $34.08 $20.20 9. Write and read as dollars and cents : 16 6 300 f, 210 625 409 2463 1250 2400 1650 1825 10. How many cents in $, $ J, $|, $1, $JL? 11. Write as dollars and cents : $5J, $6J, $8f, $12, $24f, $43 T L, $64^. 12. How many dollars, dimes, and cents in ? $2.45, $6.40, $3.08, $4.00, $.90. 13. How many ten-dollars, dollars, dimes, and cents in $36.25, $40.16, $62.01, $3.04, $11.11? How many cents in 1 dime? Dimes in 1 dollar? Dollars in 1 ten-dollar ? 14. Add: <2.14 $13.21 $215.42 $1212.33 3.20 22.16 211.00 2104.12 4.53 24.00 420.06 3013.41 LESSON 65 139 15. Find the sum of 124.33, 121.14, and 117.22. Find the sum of 1134.25, $243.40, and $510.53. 16. What will it cost to settle a grocery bill of $22.33, a meat bill of $14.12, and a drug bill of $2.14? 17. Subtract : $8.75 $53.92 $369.43 $2146.56 3.42 12.60 328.12 1013.45 18. What is the difference in cost between two rocking-chairs, one costing $27.75 and the other $16.50? 19. I buy a chair for $2.65 ; what change should I get back from a five-dollar bill ? 20. Multiply : $5.23 $22.15 $31.51 $213.42 3 4 5 6 21. What is the cost of 5 T. of coal at $ 6.25 a ton, and 2 cords of wood at $4.25 a cord ? 22. Find the value of: $48.26-2; $82.50-5-3; $.92-4; $.06-2; $628.75-j-5; $483.90-=-6. 23. If an agent makes $ 994.60 in 4 mo., what are his average monthly earnings ? 24. Find the cost of : 6 cups at $ .20 apiece. 4 knives at $1.25 apiece. 5 plates at $ .25 apiece. 2 spoons at $1.50 apiece. 3 salt dishes at $ .25 apiece, 140 ARITHMETIC Lesson 66 1. A pitcher holds 3 pt. How many quarts and pints does it hold? How many quarts and pints in 5 pt. ? 9 pt. ? 7 pt. ? 11 pt. ? 2. In adding pints, what unit can you always put in place of every 2 pt.? 3. In one pail there are 2 qt. 1 pt. of water ; in a second pail 3 qt. 1 pt. ; in a third 1 gal. 1 pt. How much water in the three pails ? 4. Measure, and prove your answer to question 3 correct. 5. Make problems like question 3. 6. How many gallons and quarts are there in 6qt.? 9qt. ? 5 qt. ? 7 qt.? 7. What unit of measure can you put instead of every 4 qt. in a quantity of liquid ? 8. How many quarts and pints in 3 cans, each of which holds 5 pt. ? How many gallons, quarts, and pints in 3 cans, each of which holds 7 pt. ? 9. If 3 pieces of ribbon of the same length cost $.15, what will 1 piece cost? 10. Draw a line three-quarters of a yard long, and divide it into pieces each one-quarter of a yard long. How many pieces? What is the cost of each piece if all costs 18^? Of 4 such pieces? How long will 4 such pieces be ? LESSON 66 141 11. If three-quarters of a yard of ribbon costs what will one-quarter of a yard cost? Four- quarters of a yard ? One yard ? One yard and one- quarter ? 12. If | yd. of cloth costs 21 what is the cost of 1 yd. ? How do you find the cost of 1 yd. of cloth when you know the cost of | yd. ? 13. If ^ Ib. of butter cost 24 ^, what is the price per Ib. ? When you know the cost of | Ib. of butter, how do you find the cost of 1 Ib. ? Of 1J Ib. ? 14. A boy sold 6 qt. of berries at 6^ a qt. How many oranges at 3^ each could he buy with the money he got for the berries ? What unit measures the value of an orange ? 15. When milk costs 24^ a gallon, what is the cost of 1 qt. ? What is the cost of 1 pt. ? Of 1 gal. 3 qt. 1 pt. ? What is the cost of 2 gal. 3 qt. 1 pt. at 2 f a pt. ? 16. A man spent f of his salary. What part of it did he save ? If he had spent f of his salary, what part would he have saved? If this was $120, what was his salary? 17. A watch cost $50, which was five times the value of the chain. What was the cost of the chain? Of both? What is the whole quantity here ? What is the number ? What is the unit ? 142 ARITHMETIC 18. Draw a square whose side is 4 in. Divide it into 2-in. squares. How many? Name the whole quantity, the unit, and the number. How did you find the number ? 19. How many 2-in. squares in a square whose side is 6 in. ? 8 in.? 10 in. ? 1 ft. ? 20. How many more 3-in. squares can be cut from a square whose side is 12 in. than from one whose side is 9 in. ? 21. How many 4-in. squares in an oblong 12 in. by 20 in. ? 1 ft. 8 in. by 3 ft. ? How many tiles, each 4 in. square, are needed for a piece of tiling 4 ft. long and 1 ft. 4 in. wide ? Lesson 67 1. A milkman has 4 gal. 1 qt. of milk in one can ; in another 3 gal. 1 qt. 1 pt. ; in a third 2 qt. 1 pt. How much milk has he ? 2. A milkman sold 3 cans of milk, each contain- ing 2 gal. 3 qt. How much did he sell ? 3. How many quarts in 5 gal. 2 qt. ? To how many customers can a milkman sell 5 gal. 2 qt. if he sells 2 qt. to each customer? Name the quan- tity, the unit, and the number. 4. If I divide 8 gal. 3 qt. of syrup equally among 5 persons, how much does each get? In this LESSON 143 question you are given the quantity and the number and are required to find the unit. State the ques- tion in which you are given the quantity and unit to find the number. 5. A man buys milk at 4^ a qt., and sells it at 3^ a pt. How much does he gain on each gal. ? How much on 6 gal. ? 6. If three-quarters of a yard of cloth cost 18 ^, what will one-quarter of a yard cost ? Four-quarters of a yard ? One yard ? One yard and one-half ? 7. If | yd. of ribbon costs 27 ^, what will 1 yd. cost? 1J yd.? If -| Ib. of raisins cost 15^, what will 1 Ib. cost ? 21 Ib. ? 8. The desks in a schoolroom cost 172 at $2 a desk ; how many desks are there in the room ? How many rows of desks with 6 in a row ? 9. If | of the number of desks in a room are 33, how many desks are in the room ? How do you find a number when you are given | of it? 10. A milkman sold milk at $.03 a pint. What was the price per gallon ? What will 5 gal. sell for ? 11. James paid $-| for a book and $ J for a slate. How much more did the book cost than the slate ? How much did both cost ? 12. A milkman having 25 gal. 2 qt., sold -J of it. How much did he sell? If he had sold |- of it, how much would lie have sold ? 144 ARITHMETIC 13. A farmer sold 6 doz. eggs to a grocer at $.12 a doz., 5 Ib. of butter at $.18 a Ib. He took his pay in sugar at 6^ a Ib. How many pounds of sugar did he receive ? 14. Florence paid $.64 for an arithmetic and ^ as much for a reader. What did both cost ? What change should she get back from a dollar bill ? 15. My hens lay 5 eggs a day. In how many weeks will they lay 140 eggs ? 16. What will 2 doz. apples cost at the rate of 2 apples for 3^ ? What is the unit here ? 17. How many feet long is your schoolroom? How many feet wide ? Now find, without measur- ing, the number of yards it is half-way around the room. Test your answer by measuring. 18. A boy earns $.09 an hour, and works 8 hr. a day. How much more does he earn in 1 wk. than a boy who earns $ . 10 an hour, and works 7 hr. a day ? 19. In question 20, place one dot for each dollar left. How many ? How many dots should you place for the money spent for groceries ? How many for what was in my purse at first ? 20. I spent f of the money in my purse for gro- ceries, and had $5 left. What part of my money did I have left ? How much had I at first ? 21. What three different coins make $ .16 ? LESSON 68 145 Lesson 68 1. Monday a boy picked 5 qt. 1 pt. of berries, Tuesday 4 qt. 1 pt., and Wednesday 6 qt. 1 pt. How much did he pick on these three days ? 2. The boy in question 1 sold his berries at 6^ a quart, and bought a ball and bat with the money. What did he pay for the ball and bat ? 3. What is the cost of 6 qt. 1 pt. of milk at f .24 a gallon ? 4. What will 3J yd. of ribbon cost at 12^ a yard ? Of the three terms, quantity, unit, number, which are you given and which must you find ? Using the same numbers, state a question in which you are given the quantity and unit to find the number. State a question in which you are given the quantity and number to find the unit. 5. School is in session from nine to twelve o'clock, and from a quarter after one to half -past three. This is how many hours a day? Count on the clock. How many hours a week ? 6. If it takes 1 man 6 hours to cut a cord of wood, how long will it take 2 men to do it ? How long will it take 3 men ? 7. A man takes 6 hours to cut a cord of wood, cutting each stick into two pieces. How long will it take him if he cuts each stick into three pieces-? In each case draw a stick, and mark where it is cut ? 146 ARITHMETIC 8. What number of cents can you divide into thirds and have 6^ in each third ? Test your answer by making 6 dots for each third, and then counting all your dots by 6's. How many 6's ? How many dots? 9. What number can you divide into fourths and have 25 in each part? Into fifths? Into sixths? 10. If one-sixth of the distance between Chicago and Springfield is 29 mi., how far is it between these two cities ? 11. How many weeks in 1 yr ? | yr. ? ^ yr. ? fyr.? 12. If a boy earns 16 a week, how much will he earn in J yr. ? 13. If a boy earns $ 7 a week and it costs him $ 5 a week to live, how much can he save in ^ yr. ? 14. What five different coins make 91 ^ ? 15. A lady made 6 gal. of preserves and put them up in pint cans. How many cans did she use ? 16. A 5-lb. pail of butter costs 90 ^. At this rate what must I pay for 21 Ib. ? 17. How many pennies will be required to form a square if there are 5 pennies on each side of the square? Place pennies so as to show how many are needed. 18. A grocer has 8 gal. 2 qt. 1 pt. of cider which he divides equally among 3 customers. What does LESSON 68 147 each receive ? Name the quantity and the number. What is the unit ? How did you find it ? 19. To how many customers can a milkman sell 8 gal. 3 qt. of milk, if he sells 5 pt. to each cus- tomer? Name the quantity and the unit. What is the number ? How did you find it ? 20.' A pole is ^ in the ground and J in the air. Draw the pole. If it is 4 ft. in the ground, how long is the part in the air ? How long is the pole ? 21. A pole is -| in the air and -J in the ground. If the height above ground is 6 ft., how long is the pole? 22. Two boys walk, one east at the rate of 3 mi. an hour, and the other west, at | that r;ite. How far apart will they be 4 hr. after they part ? SECTION VII Lesson 69 i. Memorize the sum of : 5 6 7 8 9 9 8 7 6 5 Add: 2. 59687796 1916282647 -37 6687 3. 53569675 44944358 22 37 30 44 51 63 72 81 2 4 1 6 , 9 7 8 4 2 1 3 4 1 6 4 3 4 3 4 6 2 2 3 8 12 25 32 14 42 58 41 60 5. I bought a coat for $12, and had left a five- dollar bill and 2 two-dollar bills. How much money had I at first ? 6. I bought a carriage for $61, paid $5 for re- pairs, and sold it so as to gain $8. What did I sell 148 LESSON 69 149 7. 35 15 48 94 69 46 55 49 24 77 86 39 72 38 77 80 8. 234 639 149 475 298 329 758 829 181 70 673 328 443 872 686 555 9. 275 654 283 333 206 542 257 426 453 513 708 325 304 129 509 328 221 331 544 516 692 783 134 156 10. 25 years ago a young man entered the 1760 yards > =1 mile (mi.) 5280 feet ) Measure in the schoolroom two points one rod apart. Name two places one mile apart. UNITS OF SURFACE Surface, or Square Measure 144 square inches (sq. in.) 1 square foot (sq. ft.) 9 square feet = 1 square yard (sq. yd.) 30 square yards = 1 square rod (sq. rd.) 160 square rods = 1 acre (A.) 640 acres = 1 square mile (sq. mi.) A township is 6 mi. square and contains 36 sq. ini. 180 ARITHMETIC UNITS OF TIME Measure of Time 60 seconds (sec.) = 1 minute (min.) 60 minutes = 1 hour (hr.) 24 hours = 1 day (da.) 7 days = 1 week (wk.) 12 months (mo.) = 1 year (yr.) 365 days = 1 common year 366 days = 1 leap year MISCELLANEOUS UNITS 12 units = 1 dozen (doz.) 20 units = 1 score 24 sheets = 1 quire 20 quires = 1 ream 1. Commit these tables to memory. 2. A man ran 100 yd. in 10 sec. What is the unit of length ? Of time ? Give instances in which 1 min. is the unit of time. 1 hr. 1 da. 1 wk. 1 mo. 1 yr. 3. Name things that are bought and sold by the quart, liquid measure ; by the gallon ; by the pint ; by the gill. Of what use is the gill ? LESSON 80 181 4. Red raspberries are sold in boxes of what size ? Why? Strawberries are measured by units of what size ? Why ? 5. Name articles that are sold by the peck; by the bushel. 6. Why is the quart measure generally used by milkmen to measure their milk ? Why is the quart measure not a convenient measure to use in selling kerosene ? 7. Why is pepper put up in -lb. or J-lb. bottles instead of in larger quantities ? 8. Why is the price of eggs quoted at so much a dozen instead of at so much each ? Name other arti- cles, the price of which is quoted by the dozen. 9. Flour is sold in sacks containing -J- bbl. (24J lb.), J bbl. (49 lb.), and by the barrel (196 lb.). Why are these convenient quantities ? 10. Butter is put up for sale in 1-lb., 2-lb. rolls and in 5-lb. pails. Why are these convenient quantities ? 11. Name things sold by the ton ; measured by the acre ; by the square mile. 12. Why are spices sold by the ounce ? Give in- stances in which one dozen, one score, one quire, and one ream are used as units of measure. 13. How might such expressions as the following arise by acts of measurement : 2 yd. 1 ft. 6 in. ; 1 gal. 2 qt. 1 pt. ; 8 bu. 2 pk. ; 2 lb. 8 oz. ; 4 T. 500 lb. ; 6 yr. 4 mo. ; 2 hr. 20 min.? 182 ARITHMETIC 14. How might such statements as the following arise by acts of measurement : 24in. = 12x2in. 24 in. = 8x3 in. 24 in. = 6x4 in. 24in.= 4x6in. 24 in. = 3 x 8 in. 24 in. = 2x!2 in. What is the ratio of 24 in. to 2 in.? Of 24 in. to 3 in. ? To 4 in. ? To 6 in. ? To 8 in. ? To 12 in. ? 15. In question 14, name the different units that have been used to measure the quantity, 24 in. Name the numbers. As the unit becomes larger, what change takes place in the number? What is their product? 16. What two things are necessary to express the measurement of a quantity? How can you obtain the quantity from the number and the unit? 17. In the following examples what are the quan- tities measured by the given numbers and units ? Number Unit Number Unit 4 2 qt. 37 da. 3 2 in. 63 doz. 4 f 5 55 sq. in. 3 $10 8 10 A. 18. If the quantity 36 in. is measured by a 4-in. unit, what number expresses the measurement ? 19. In the following examples what numbers ex- press the measurements? Quantity Unit Quantity 24 hr. 8hr. 3bu. 30^ 6* 6bu. 2 da. 6hr. 48 120 $5 4-in. sq. $1 1 dime 1 qt. 4 gal. 2qt. 1ft. LESSON 81 183 Unit Ipk. 4pk. 1 doz. 2 sq. in. Igal. lyd. 20. If the number 8 expresses the measurement of the quantity 40 in., what is the unit? How can you obtain the unit from the number and the quantity? 21. In the following examples what units have been used to measure the quantities? Quantity Number Quantity Number 112 6 $200 10 30 da. 5 $200 20 2 bu. 4 6 gal. 12 15 doz. 5 35^ 5 22. How do you obtain the quantity from the number and unit? The unit from the quantity and number ? The number from the quantity and unit ? Lesson 81 1. What is the quantity measured by the number 6 when the unit is 3 gal. 2 qt. of milk ? 2. Find the weight of the unit that measures the quantity 9 Ib. 8 oz. 4 times. 3. To what unit must 2 yd. 1 ft. 6 in. be reduced in order to find the number of times it is measured 184 ARITHMETIC by the unit 3 in. ? Find this number. This number is often called the ratio of 2 yd. 1 ft. 6 in. to 3 in. If you actually measured a line 2 yd. 1 ft. 6 in. long by the unit 3 in. to find this number, would it be necessary to reduce 2 yd. 1 ft. 6 in. to inches ? 4. Find the ratio of 5 bu. 1 pk. to 3 pk. Find the cost of 5 bu. 1 pk. of potatoes at the rate of 3 pk. for 5. Make a drawing to represent a field 120 yd. long and 80 yd. wide. How long must a wire be to go around it ? What would be its cost at 6 ^ a yard ? What would 4 rows of wire fencing cost? 6. What would 4 rows of wire fencing cost for a chicken coop 6 yd. long and 4 yd. wide at 6 ^ a yd.? 7. If a yard measure is ^ in. too long, what is the actual distance between two points which are found by this measure to be 6 yd. apart? 8. A 200-acre farm is sown with grain as follows : barley 25 A., oats 46 A., wheat 75 A. The buildings, garden, and orchard occupy 12 A., and the rest is pasture. How many acres of pasture are there ? 9. A map is drawn so that half an inch represents 1 mi. What will 1 in. represent? How many square miles will 1 sq. in. represent? 10. Find the weight of an iron bar 1 ft. long if 1 yd. weighs 18 Ib. LESSON 81 185 Find the weight of an iron bar 4 yd. 2 ft. long, of which 1 yd. weighs 15 Ib. 11. Find the cost of fencing a piece of railway (both sides), 7 rd. long, at $5.50 a rod? 12. A block of stone is 8 in. long, 6 in. wide, and 4 in. thick. Find its weight if 6 cu. in. weigh 1 Ib. 13. A merchant buys 28 yd. of cheese cloth at 6 $ a yd. He uses a certain number of yards in his store and sells the remainder for the total cost price at 7 ^ a yard. How many yards does he sell? How many does he use ? 14. What does a bushel of wheat weigh ? If 3 Ib. of wheat makes 2 Ib. of flour, how many pounds of flour will 1 bu. of wheat make ? 15. Find the cost of cementing the floor of a cellar 6 yd. long and 5 yd. wide at 12^ per sq. yd. 16. Find the cost of digging a cellar 4 yd. long, 3 yd. wide, and 2 yd. deep, at 20^ per cu. yd. 17. A certain map is drawn so that 2 mi. is repre- sented by 1 in. On this map the township of Scott is a square whose side is 3 in. What is the length of the township ? What is its area ? 18. Find the number of strips of paper in the wall of a room 24 ft. long and 20 ft. wide, the paper being 2 ft. wide. What is the unit here ? 186 ARITHMETIC 19. A farmer sowed 3 pk. of wheat in a small field and raised 14 bu. 1 pk. of seed. What is the average yield per peck of seed ? 20. An express train takes 8 hr. 20 min. to travel 320 mi. If stops of 5 min. each are made at 4 dif- ferent places, find the average rate at which the train is travelling. 21. A railway train travels at the rate of 1 mi. in 2 min. What is its speed per hour? Lesson 82 1. What is the sum of : 788 989 Add: 8 39 48 9 59 9 10 9 30 10 8 9 28 8 7 60 9 3 45 9 9 80 6 7 2 8 98 90 4 3 91 4. 4 1 2 3 4 8 7 9 2 4 8 9 8 4 5 6 9 8 5 5 5 3 2 3 19 27 22 45 63 71 83 90 LESSON 82 187 Add: 5. $39.46 86.74 $45.49 23.87 $38.94 59.36 $97.56 36.79 $352.69 $ 176.29 388.14 279.56 $6243.80 2597.80 $1873.45 2794.63 6. $165.95 258.71 147.58 $229.69 141.65 299.57 $370.80 156.93 881.79 $179.79 324.67 250.60 7. A merchant sold goods on Monday to the value of $187.91, Tuesday $254.82, and Wednesday $181.79. What were the total sales on these three days? 8. A farmer sold 23 bu. wheat for $24.84, 34 bu. for $33.31, and 15 bu. barley for $14.70. How many bushels of grain did he sell and for how much ? Subtract : 9. $37.33 $28.77 $427.97 $626.78 29.38 19.89 368.48 349,79 10. $356.71 $3026.69 $2281.79 $6006.25 248.24 1456.84 1584.82 3750.82 11. A real estate agent bought a lot for $1880 and sold it for $ 2375. Find his gain. 12. A man paid $137 for one horse and $89 for another. They cost him for feed $24.75. He sold them for $275. Find his gain. 188 ARITHMETIC 13. Find the amount of the following bill : 6 pairs of stockings at 3 for $ 1.00. 24 handkerchiefs at $1.75 per doz. 6 yd. cloth at $.48 a yd. 3 yd. muslin at $.15 a yd. 14. A farmer's wife sold 20 Ib. of butter at 15 $ a pound. She then bought 16 Ib. of sugar at 5|^ a pound, and 2 Ib. of tea at 60 a pound. How many pounds of raisins at 8 ^ a pound can she buy with the rest of her money ? Lesson 83 1. Count by 9's from 9 to 108. Count by 9's from 108 to 9. 2. Memorize : Nine times 1 is 9 5 is 45 9 is 81 2 is 18 6 is 54 10 is 90 3 is 27 7 is 63 11 is 99 4 is 36 8 is 72 12 is 108 3. In the table of 9's what is the sum of the two digits in each product? 4. Name the numbers less than 100 of which 9 is a factor. What number is the greatest common factor of 18 and 24 ; 18 and 45 ; 35 and 56 ; 63 and 81; 40 and 55; 99 and 72? LESSON 83 180 5. What is the largest unit that will divide 45 A. and 63 A. ? Two farms contain, respectively, 45 A. and 63 A. If these two farms are divided into fields of equal size, containing as many acres as possible, how many acres will there be in each field? How many fields ? Multiply: 6. 1514.02 11180.66 $26.55 $97.22 7 8 9 9 7. $851.02 $738.75 $243.44 $1097.47 9 9 9 9 8. What number smaller than 20 has 9 for a factor? Smaller than 25? 61? 33? 70? 80? 82? 74? 26? 44? 9. Give the quotient and remainder on dividing $231 by 9; $868 by $9; 798 mi. by 9; 676 of any unit by 9 -, 319 of any unit by 9 of the same unit. 10. A speculator gave his check for the price of 9 city lots at $ 2450 apiece, and after this was cashed he still had $1250 in the bank. How much had he at first? 11. A farmer got 315 bu. of oats off a nine-acre field. How many bushels to the acre ? State the corresponding question in which you are required to find the number. The quantity. 12. In how many days would a man walk 216 mi., at the rate of 3 mi. an hour for 9 hr. a day ? 190 ARITHMETIC 13. What is the ratio of 3 dots to 4 dots ? Of 4 dots to 3 dots ? If each dot represents 6 ?, what will 3 dots represent ? 4 dots ? What is the ratio of 1 8 4 to 24?? Of 24? to 14. If 24? will buy a peck of peas, what part of a peck will 18? buy? How many quarts? 15. What is the ratio of 4 dots to 6 dots? If each dot represents 9 yd., what will 4 dots represent? 6 dots ? What is the ratio of 36 yd. to 54 yd. ? Of 54 yd. to 36 yd. ? 16. If 54 yd. of cloth cost $ 67.50, what will 36 yd. of the same kind cost? If 54 men can do a piece of work in 6 da., how long will it take 36 men to do it? 17. Refer to the dots in question 15 and give the value of 1 dot, 2 dots, 3 dots, 4 dots, 5 dots, and 6 dots, when each dot represents 9 Ib. 18. What is the ratio of 9 Ib. to 36 Ib. ? Of 36 Ib. to 9 Ib.? Of 18 Ib. to 45 Ib.? Of 45 Ib. to 18 Ib.? Of 27 Ib. to 54 Ib. ? Of 54 Ib. to 27 Ib. ? 19. If 18 Ib. of coffee cost 1 5.40, what will 45 Ib. cost at the same rate ? 20. 54 T. of coal cost $310.50. What will 27 T. cost at the same rate ? LESSON 84 191 21. What is the ratio of 4 5-cd. of wood to 9 5-cd. of wood ? Of 20 cd. to 45 cd. ? Of 45 cd. to 20 cd. ? If 45 'cd. of wood cost $144, what will 20 cd. cost? 22. If 36 T. of hay cost 1 320, what will 27 T. cost? 23. The value of a purse and the money within it is $12. If the ratio of the money to the value of the purse is 3, find the value of each. Lesson 84 1. Memorize : Ten times lislO 5 is 50 9 is 90 2 is 20 6 is 60 10 is 100 3 is 30 7 is 70 11 is 110 4 is 40 Sis 80 12 is 120 2. In what figure do all these products of 10 end ? 3. Multiply: 35 62 288 164 2164 3256 10 10 10 10 10 10 In what figure do all these products of 10 end? 4. What is the easiest way of multiplying a num- ber by 10? Write the product of these numbers multiplied by 10: 16, 21, 24, 43, 72, 245, 631, 725. ARITHMETIC 5. Multiply 16 by 10 and the product by 10. How can you multiply a number by 10 twice in succession without actually multiplying ? How can you multi- ply a number by 100 without actually multiplying ? 6. Write the product of these numbers when multiplied by 100: 5, 8, 12, 24, 35, 68, 215, 625. 1 x 11=11 11 x 1=? 8.1 x 12 = 12 12 x 1=? 2 x 11 = 22 11 x 2=? 2 x 12 = 24 12 x 2 = ? 3 X 11 = 33 11 X 3=? 3 x!2 = 36 12 x 3=? 4 X 11 = 44 11 X 4 = ? 4 x!2 = 48 12 x 4=? 5 X 11 = 55 11 X 5=? 5 x 12 = 60 12 X 5=? 6 x 11 = 66 11 X 6=? 6 x 12 = 72 12 x 6=? 7 X 11 = 77 11 X 7=? 7 x 12 = 84 12 X 7=? 8 X 11 = 88 11 X 8=? 8 x 12 = 96 12 X 8=? 9 X 11 = 99 11 X 9 = ? 9x12 = 108 12 X 9 = ? 10 X 11 = 110 11 X 10 = ? 10 x 12 = 120 12 X 10 = ? 11 X 11= ? 11 X 11 = ? 11 x 12=132 12 X 11 = ? 12 X 11= ? 11 X 12=? 12 x 12=144 12 X 12 = ? 9. Write out and memorize the multiplication tables of 11 and 12. 10. What is the area of a square whose side is 12 in. ? How many square inches in a square foot? 11. In a garden there are 12 rows of potatoes with 11 hills in a row; how many hills of potatoes are there in the garden? Name the number, unit, and quantity. State the corresponding question in which you are required to find the number. The unit.. LESSON 84 193 12. If 1 pk. of potatoes is obtained from each hill on the average, what is the yield in bushels ? 13. Review the Multiplication Table : Two- times Three times Four times Five times Six times Seven times 1 is 2 lis 3 1 is 4 1 is 5 1 is 6 lis 7 2 " 4 2 " 6 2 " 8 2 " 10 2 " 12 2 " 14 3 " 6 3 " 9 3 " 12 3 " 15 3 " 18 3 "21 4 " 8 4 " 12 4 " 16 4 "20 4 "24 4 "28 5 " 10 5 " 15 5 " 20 5 "25 5 " 30 5 "35 6 " 12 6 " 18 6 "24 6 " 30 6 " 36 6 "42 7 " 14 7 "21 7 "28 7 "35 7 "42 7 "49 8 " 16 8 "24 8 "32 8 "40 8 "48 8 "56 9 " 18 9 "27 9 "36 9 "45 9 " 54 9 "63 10 " 20 10 " 30 10 " 40 10 " 50 10 " 60 10 " 70 11 " 22 11 " 33 11 " 44 11 " 55 11 " 66 11 " 77 12 " 24 12 " 36 12 " 48 12 " 60 12 " 72 12 " 84 Eight times Nine times Ten times Eleven times Twelve times lis 8 lis 9 1 is 10 1 is 11 lis 12 2 " 16 2 " 18 2 " 20 2 " 22 2 " 24 3 " 24 3 " 27 3 " 30 3 " 33 3 " 36 4 " 32 4 " 36 4 " 40 4 " 44 4 " 48 5 "40 5 " 45 5 " 50 5 " 55 6 " 60 6 "48 6 " 54 6 " 60 6 " 66 6 " 72 7 " .56 7" 63 7 " 70 7 " 77 7 " 84 8 "64 8 " 72 8 " 80 8" 88 8 " 96 9 " 72 9 " 81 9 " 90 9 " 99 9 " 108 10 " 80 10 " 90 10 " 100 10 "110 10 " 120 11 "88 11 99 11 " 110 11 "121 11 " 132 12 " 96 12 " 108 12 " 120 12 " 132 12 " 144 SECTION X Lesson 85 Read the following quantities : 1. $1000 $2000 $6000 $8000 $625 $1625 $4625 $6615 $8314 $9276 2. $12,000 $18,000 $46,000 $90,000 $423 $12,423 $25,428 $36,250 $58,736 $60,235 $60,035 $80,005 3. $438 $438,000 $649,000 $625,346 $549,763 $245,084 1333,333 $325,040 $520,006 4. $1,000,000 $4,000,000 $6,000,000 $1,250,000 $4,645,000 $6,236,124 $2,825,127 $2,478,042 $4,048,026 5. $312.83 $2678.28 $1052.47 $45,624.25 $17,322.50 $30,420.08 $70,055.04 $841,762.50 $123,750.65 Write in figures : 6. Six hundred twenty-five ; eight hundred sixtj; five hundred seventy-six ; one thousand two hundred forty-six; two thousand sixty; three thousand eighty; six thousand eight ; nine thousand nine. 194 LESSON 85 195 7. Fifteen thousand three hundred fifty-four ; seventy-five thousand two hundred forty-nine ; ten thousand two hundred fifty ; twenty thousand four hundred five ; sixty-four thousand twenty-six ; eighty thousand seven. 8. Three hundred twentj^-four dollars and twenty- five cents ; two thousand six hundred fifty dollars and four cents; forty-five thousand nine hundred ninety-eight dollars and twenty-three cents ; two hundred seventy-six thousand five hundred four dol- lars and seventeen cents. 9. Review these addition tables : 12 123 123 43 543 654 1234 1234 1 i i il 65 12345 2345 98765 9876 3456 456 567 9_ 8 7^ 6 9 8_ 7 987 67 78 8 9 9 98 98 9 9 10 196 ARITHMETIC Add: 10. 1811.04 1360.00 1 26.55 $851.02 650.12 215.17 418.60 312.60 19.25 12.50 20.63 147.22 32.50 311.20 105.24 568.35 113.56 235.32 222.42 116.02 11. $ 636.99 $ 859.69 $ 97.22 $1180.66 1850.14 2223.42 8148.60 342.65 311.20 1097.47 3839.25 1237.50 1201.64 1214.03 694.62 2678.28 12. New Hampshire contains 9305 sq. mi., Ver- mont 9565, Massachusetts 8315, Rhode Island 1256, Connecticut 4990. What is the total area of these five states? 13. This total area is how many square miles greater than that of Maine, the area of which is 33,040 sq. mi.? Subtract : $403.59 $875.13 $6168.37 $1035.42 94.63 694.73 467.89 559.83 $3839.25 $5300.20 $7357.51 $36,501.28 15< 3661.09 1214.03 1777.60 21,420.64 16. Vermont contains 9565 sq. mi. and Massachu- setts 8315 ; what is the difference in their areas ? 17. Lake Erie contains 7750 sq. mi., Ontario 6950, and Michigan 22,000. How much larger is 14. LESSON 86 197 Lake Michigan than the united area of Lake Erie and Lake Huron ? 18. A, B, and C engaged in trade; A put in 82450, B, 13275, and C as much as A and B together. How much money did C put into the business ? What was the total capital? Multiply : 19. 134.71 8 $28.79 6 $33.72 9 $24.95 5 20. $134.36 4 1364.76 7 $1763.29 8 $2678.28 9 21. A is worth $3275, and B 4 times as much. What is B worth ? 22. Divide : 6)15876.40 7)$ 4956. 35 8)13008.96 9)15842.35 23. A dealer bought sheep at the average rate of $ 6 each ; how many did he buy for $ 3816 ? What are you given ? What are you required to find ? 24. A furniture dealer gains $ 1296 buying sofas for $18.75 each and selling them for $27.75. How many did he sell ? What is the unit here ? Lesson 86 l. 64,395 is equal to 5 units, 9 tens, 3 hundreds, 4 thousands, 6 ten-thousands. 198 ARITHMETIC 2. Give, as in question 1, the place value of each figure: 25; 37; -272; 582; 6548; 2094; 42,965; 37,048. 3. What is the units' place, the tens' place, the hundreds', the thousands', the ten-thousands' ? 4. Multiply 2 tens by 3, how many tens? Mul- tiply 2 by 3 tens, how many tens ? Multiply 4 tens by 5, by 6, by 7, by 8 ; how many tens in each case ? Multiply 4 by 5 tens, by 6 tens, by 7 tens, by 8 tens ? How many tens in each case ? 5. 25 units = ? units tens. 24 tens = ? tens hundreds. 58 tens = ? tens hundreds. 32 units = ? units tens. 64 tens = ? tens hundreds. 16 tens = ? tens hundreds. 6. 3 tens multiplied by 2 equals 6 tens. 3 tens multiplied by 2 tens equals 6 what? 6 tens multiplied by 4 tens equals what ? 6 tens multiplied by 2 tens equals what ? 7. 68 Multiply 68 by 4, and the product is 272. 24 The 7 is 7 what? The 2 in 24 is 2 what ? 272 Multiply 8 by 2 tens and the product is 186 16 tens or 1 hundred 6 tens. Place 6 tens 3 under 7 tens, and carry the 1 to the hun- dreds' place. Multiply 6 tens by 2 tens, and the product is 12 hundreds. To this add 1 hundred, LESSON 86 199 and the sum is 13 hundreds. Add, and the complete product is 1632. 8. Study question 7, then place 24 under 68 and multiply without looking at the book. Do this until you can work quickly and accurately. 9. Multiply : 38 58 36 76 $64 $47 24 24 24 32 25 16 10. A bushel of oats weighs 32 Ib. ; how many pounds in 48 bu.? 11. A page of a book contains 39 lines, averaging 13 words to a line. Find the number of words on the page. 12. A speculator buys 25 A. of land at $65 an acre and sells it for $ 88 an acre. Find his gain. 13. Multiply : 00 (ft) 00 00 00 CO $35 $17 32 Ib. 27 mi. 19 mi. $48 _28 __13 68_ 38 16 24 14. Question 13 shows the multiplications that must be done for simple practical examples like questions 10, 11, 12. Write out these examples : (a) About the cost of 28 cows at $35 each. (b) About the gain on selling 13 horses. (c) About the number of pounds in 68 bu. of oats. 42 79 89 93 75 86 39 67 99 58 94 86 231 176 224 168 365 893 24 32 13 43 64 75 200 ARITHMETIC (ct) About the distance a boy rides on his bicycle in 38 days. (e) About the distance apart two boats will be, one going down stream at 11 mi. an hr., the other up stream at 8 mi. an hr. (/) About a man's savings in 2 yr. Multiply : 15. 16. 17. $22.13 $43.07 $29.04 $34.45 $54.39 $47.81 24 27 16 82 18 29 18. $39.17 $94.26 $87.91 $60.86 $68.77 $74.93 45 66 89 19 95 68 19. A business man pays in wages $96.75 each week ; what wages does he pay in 1 yr. (1 yr. = 52 wk.)? 20. How far will a bicyclist travel in 36 da., if he travels 8 hr. a day at the rate of 9 mi. an hour? Lesson 87 l. Divide 714 by 21. 21)714(34 2 is called the trial divisor. 63 2 is contained in 7 3 times. Multiply ~^ 21 by 3. The product is 63. Place 63 84 under 71, subtract, and bring down 4. LESSON 87 201 2 is contained in 8 4 times. Multiply 21 by 4, and write the product 84 under 84. The quotient is 34. How would you prove 34 the correct answer? 2. What is the trial divisor when the divisor is 21? 31? 41? 51? Find the quotients : 903-5-21 992 -r- 31 2542 -*- 41 3162-^-51 11344-^-21 $1488-5- $31 3. What is the trial divisor when the divisor is 22? 42? 62? 72? Find the quotients : 726 -i- 22 2352 -v- 42 4650 -f- 62 5188 -r- 72 $726-^-22 = ? $2352-s-|42 = ? $4650 H- 62 = ? 4. A cattle dealer paid $682 for 22 head of cat- tle. What was the average price? Name the quan- tity, number, and unit. 5. If a train travels 32 mi. an hour, how long will it take to travel 1152 mi., there being stops amounting to one hour? 6. How many cows at $ 31 apiece can a man buy with the money he receives for 9 horses sold at an average price of $ 124 ? 7. What is the cost of 1472 Ib. of oats at 9} a bu. ? (1 bu. oats weighs 32 Ib.) 8. What is the trial divisor when the divisor is 23,24,33,44,54,63,84? 202 ARITHMETIC Divisor Dividend Quotient Divisor Dividend Quotient 9. (a) 23)6285(273 (6) 24)3877(161 46 24 168 147 161 144 ~T5 ~37 69 24 6 Remainder 13 Remainder (a) The trial divisor 2 is contained in the trial dividend 6 3 times. On multiplying 23 by 3, the product 69 is seen to be too large. Why ? Try 2 in the quotient. Again, 2 is contained in 16 8 times. On multiplying 23 by 8, the product 184 is seen to be too large. Why? Try 7 in the quotient. 2 is contained in 7 3 times. The remainder is 6. (6) On the second division 2 is contained in 14 7 times. Why is 7 too large? ( A> A T 3 o> A lb - 3 - T 3 o ib., 20 f. 5. $ T H> 7 H> 2^. 16. i, i, 19. $2|. 20. $3J. Lesson 79 1. $ 9. 5. T \, A, $ 6000. 7. if, A, 15 A - 8. 60 da. 14. |, {. 15. 240 A., 90 A., 60 A., 90 A. 18. T V, T 3 o, $30. Lesson 81 1. 21 gal. 2. 2 lb. 6 oz. 3. 1 in., 30, No. 4. 7, f 3.50. 5. 400 yd., $ 24, $ 96. 6. $ 4.80. 7. 6 yd. 3 in. 8. 42 A. 9. 2 mi., 4 sq. mi. 10. 6 lb., 70 lb. 11. $77. 12. 32 lb. 13. 24yd., 4yd. 14. 60 lb., 40 lb. 15. $ 3.60. 16. $ 4.80. 17. 6 mi., 36 sq. mi. 18. 44 strips, 2 ft. 19. 4 bu. 3 pk. 20. 40 mi. an hr. 21. 30 mi. Lesson 82 4. 34, 40, 37, 62, 80, 86, 97, 108. 5. $ 126.20, $ 69.36, $ 98.30, $ 134.35, $ 528.98, $ 667.70, $ 8841.60, $ 4668.08. 6. $ 572.24, $ 670.91, $ 1409.52, $ 755.06. 7. $ 624.52. 8. 72 bu., $ 72.85. 9. $ 7.95, $ 8.88, | 59.49, $ 276.99. 10. $ 108.47, $ 1569.85, $ 696.97, $ 2255.43. 11. $ 495. 12. $24.25. 13. $8.83. 14. 12 lb. Lesson 83 5. 9 A., 12 fields of 9 A. each. 6. $ 3598.14, $ 9445.28, $ 238.95, $ 874.98. 7. $ 7659.18, $ 6648.75, $ 2190.96, 260 ANSWERS $ 9877.23. 9. $25, $ 6 ; $ 96, $ 4 ; 88 mi., 6 mi. ; 75 of the unit, 1 of the unit ; 35 of the unit, 4 of the unit. 10. $ 23,300. 11. 35 bu. 12. 8 da. 16. $ 45, 9 da. 19. $ 13.50. 20. $ 155.25. 22. $ 240. 23. $ 3, $ 9. Lesson 84 4. Add zero. 5. Add two zeros. 12. 16 bu. 2 pk. Lesson 85 10. $1626.47, $1134.19, $793.44, $1995.21. 11. $3999.97, $5394.61, $12,779.69, $5439.09. 12. 33,431 sq. mi. 13. 391 sq. mi. 14. $308.96, $ 180.40, $ 5700.48, $ 475.59. 15. $ 178.16, $ 4086.17, $ 5579.91, $ 15,080.64. 16. 1250 sq. mi. 17. 7300 sq. mi. 18. $ 5725, $ 11,450. 19. $ 277.68, $ 172.74, $ 303.48, $ 124.75. 20. $ 537.44, $ 2553.32, $ 14,106.32, $ 24,104.52. 21. $ 13,100. 22. $ 979.40, $ 708.05, $ 376.12, $ 649.15. 23. 636 sheep. The quantity and the unit. The number. 24. 144. Lesson 86 9. 912, 1392, 864, 2432, $ 1600, $ 752. 10. 1536 Ib. 11. 507. 12. $575. 13. $980, $221, 2176 Ib., 1026 mi., 304 mi., $ 1152. 15. 1638, 5293, 8811, 5394, 7050, 7396. 16. 5544, 5632, 2912, 7224, 23,360, 66,975. 17. $531.12, $1162.89, $464.64, $2824.90, $979.02, $ 1386.49. 18. $ 1762.65, $ 6221.16, $ 7823.99, $ 1156.34, $ 6533.15, $ 5095.24. 19. $ 5031. 20. 2592 mi. ANSWERS 261 Lesson 87 2. 43, 32, 62, 62, $ 64, 48. 3. 33, 56, 75, 72-4, 33, $ 56, $ 75. 4. $ 31, 5. 37 hr. 6. 36 cows. 7. $ 23. 11. 139, 135, 85, 154. 12. 44, 31; 48, 40; 731, 14; 211; 580, 9; 77, 25; 281, 81; 86, 39. 13. 72 da., 167 da., 907 da. 14. 312 q. 15. 49 wk., $ 14. 16. $ 96. Lesson 88 2. 201, 13 ; 161, 47 ; 121, 6 ; 87, 46 ; 393, 18 ; 126, 18 ; 55, 60; 78, 13; 71, 10; 113, 40; 529, 2; 1454, 27. 3. 225 lb., $ 12.25. 4. 36 bu., $ 28.80. 5. $ 128. 6. $75, 15 A., $1125. 7. $55, $2340. 8. 4 doz. 9. 757, 20 ; 1428, 35 ; 943, 21 ; 577, 36 ; 2073, 5 ; 871, 11 ; 1581, 10 ; 790, 33 ; 707, 14 ; 3840, 7 ; 2313, 39 ; 5655, 2. 10. 545 rugs. 11. $ 7.41, $ 7.50, $ 2.94, $ .33, $ .22, $.06, $.14, $.04. 12. $1.23, $2.94, $1.94, $.54, $1.34, $.75, $29.74, $5.52, $8.63. ' 13. $4.85. 14. $3.15. Lesson 89 8. 8 lb. 9. 4. 10. 3. 11. 2. 12. 12. 13. 250. 14. 52, 14, 15, 27, 36, 25. 15. 72, 6 doz. 16. 16. 17. 17. 18. 326, $13.04. 19. 250 bu., 23^. 20. 150 bu. Lesson 90 4. $63.98. 5. $39.71. 6. $20.59. 7. 15^ per 100 lb. 8. $1503.25. 9. $56.26. 10.63^. 11. $4.63. 12. $5.45. 13. 33^. 14. 226. 15. 324. 16. 125. 262 ANSWERS Lesson 93 1. 20,714, 2071.4, 207.14, 20.714. 2. 132.23, 90.638, 1603.584. a 15.046, 1.905 bu. 5. 67.616 A. 6. 19.26 mi. 7. 2.114, 4.386, 12.631, 17.629. 8. 2.216, 5.244, 1.740, 160.739. 9. 4.125yd. 10. 67.125 A. 11. .875. 13. 10.56 A., 1.712 da. 14. 10.56 A., 1.712 da. 15. .840, 5.94, 24.164, 65.872, 182.133. 16. 34.08, 102, 3135.6, 28.248, 3.648. 17. 173.25, 54.918, 283.986, 1621.5. 216.432. 18. 196.855. 20. 28.375. 21. $33.75. 22. $2106. 23. 8.64; 8.64; 1.536; 1.536; 4.24; $4.24; $61.44; 66.04; 66.04; 133.56; 133.56. 24. 60. 25. 33.264 yd., 2.736 yd. Lesson 94 2. 2.163, 2.944, 9.412, .299, 19.695, 3.313, 2.498, .792, .351, .068, 2.248, .917, .999, 8.646, 10.853. 3. 16.172 mi. 4. $ .875. 5. 67.2 cu. in. 6. 57.75 cu. in. 8. 1.307, 3.12, .142, .409, 4.17, 1.411, 48.7, 1.66. 9. $32.25. 10. $.875; $9.375. 12. 11.5, 8.77, 361.5, .725, 60, .049, 9.5, 11.15, .203, 25, 4.5, 42, 8.41, 5.24, 1200, 52, 12.52, .387, 5.63, 12. 13. 29. 14. 600. 15. 90^; $ 1.17. 18. 6.6, 126, 287, '67.7, 68, 2.1, 25.96+, 81, 6.24, 35.08, .875, 123.6, 20, 200, 12, 40, 600, 400. 20. .875. 21. 23. 22. 320. 23. .33 ; .67. 24. 300. 25. 60 da. Lesson 95 23. $32. 24. $25. 25. $100. 27.30^. 29. $12, $15. 30. 36 yr. 31. $60, $720. ANSWERS 263 Lesson 96 9. 50 f. 10. 2100. 11. $3000, $7500. 12. 20^. 13. $45. 14. $35. 15. 1500. 18. 331%. 19. 25%. 20. 33|-%. 21. 75^. 22. $3200. 23. 2700. 24. $4800. Lesson 97 5. 20%, 60%. 6. 75%. 7. 24. 8. 80%. 9. 20%, 60^. 10. 25%. 11. $3. 12. 5 13. 27^. 14. $48. 15. $5. 16. 25%. 17. 33|%. 18. $18. 19. 50%. 20. $40. 21. $1000. 22.' 300. 23. 58J%. Lesson 98 6. $220. 7. 2 mi. 8. $ 84. 9. $3000. 23.12%%. 24. 10%. 25. 50%. Lesson 99 5. 14. 6. 60%, $36. 7. 6T. 8. $27. 9. $56. 10.60%. 11. 25%, 331%. 12. 25%, 33$%. 13. 640 bu. 14. 3hr. 15. $3.60. 16. $375. 17. 33^%, 20%, 40%, 16f%,66f%. 18. 25%,16|%,33i%. 19.20%. 20.20%. Lesson 100 1. 1, 2, 3, 4, and 6 in. ; 2. 2. 4 ; 4. 3. 24 apples ; 30 4. 36 in. 5. 14 times the unit. 6. 54 apples. 7. 30 mi. 8. 45 times. 9. $ 20,500. 10. 139 bu. ; $139. 11. $14. 12. $20; $40; $80. 13. $4; 2. 14. 12.75 T. 15. 972 sq. ft. 16. 24 mi. 17. 120 mi. 18. $ 175. 19. 195 Ib. 20. $ 115.05 ; $ 34.95. 264 ANSWERS Lesson 101 1. 9 times, 4 in. 2. 9, . 3. $6, $18; A's share. 4. A $15, B $10, C $5; C's share. 3. $3; 8 yd.; $3, i.e. the selling price of 1 yd. of each. 10. 30 sq. in. 11. 4. 12. i; 45 mi. 13. 1,25%. 14. 9 sq.ft. 15. $ 36 ; $ 12 ; $ 4. 16. 12. 17. 5 times ; f t. ; 5. 18. 3 times, ft. ; 3. 19. 1 ft., 2 ; \ yd., 3, etc. 20. $ f , 4, $ |, $ f 21. 3 ft. 22. \ wk. or 4 da. 23. 5 times. Lesson 102 1. 24. 2. $ 4800. 3. 30 da. 4. $ 1. 5. $ 8 each. 6. 98 Ib. 7. 14 Ib. a Load of wheat ; 624 Ib. 9. $ 10.50 ; $5.49. 10. $180.48. 11. $57.60. 12. $3600. 13. $3.75. 14. 10%. 15. 36 yr. 16. 16f%; $150. 17. 36 da. 18. 20%. 19. $2250. 20. 18,24. Lesson 103 1. $129.34, $176.66, $186.91, $185.77, $155.21, $294.59; $1128.48. 2. $311.10, $302.33, $328.67, $292.72, $303.60, $370.98; $1909.40. 3. $455.38, $ 446.91, $ 416.68, $ 404.40, $ 361.62, $ 488.82 ; $ 2573.81. 4. 26,370 ; 25,687; 23,202 ; 34,739. 5. 100,777 ; $ 144,658; 243,296. 6. 540, 580, 595, 622, 665, 662. 7. 37267.576 ; 33393.256; 27383.872. 8. $2471.17; $5661.77; $1652.97. 9. $2298.35; $1670.92; $193.93. 10. $1627.26; $2995.81; $1077.91. 11. $473.10; $2365.45; $1061.41. 12. $801.55; $6874.36; $3076.78. 13. $518.22; $3917.45; $72.73. 14. $2521.33; $890.40; $1653.97. 15. 9683; 89,169; 10,360. 16, 24,568; 47,568; 15,837, 17. 322,378; ANSWERS 265 31,046; 331,566. 18. 138.276; 110.242; 120.636. 19. 28.945; 18.742; 55.794. 20. 65.187; 20.792; 29.952. 21. 121.573 ; 221.11 ; 535.248. 22. 369.351 ; 20.728; 27.895. 23. 390.527; 26.998; 285.896. 24. 146.169; 629.29; 66.469. Lesson 104 1. 14,592; 10,975; 73,270; 45,968; 82,944. 2. $1561.28; $2987.52; $1477.48; $1152.30; $3471.75. 3. $741.78; $1763.32; $2543.30; $5287.92; $2516.85. 4. 2,175,918; 1,341,555; 3,140,880; 1,739,298; 1,380,624. 5. 150,843; 138,996; 98,304; 78,625; 53,119. 6. 82,276; 50,745; 55,660; 244,800; 294,000. 7. 325,613; 466,620; 209,348; 114,552; 674,250. 8. 352,820; 680,748; 779,492; 2,506,980; 3,281,200. 9. 2,887,794; 968,877; 3,653,376; 8,567,280; 1,208,466. 10. $20,646.72; $4042.50; $4715.92; $17,914; $8625.77. 11. $13,335.84; $17,965.30; $11,689.05; $13,391; $13,210.08. 12. $9716.31; $ 2175.39 ; $ 4120.68 ; $ 21,282.57 ; $ 6557.04. 13. $29,403; $9421.50; $22,051.47; $23,037.84; $34,159.42. 14. 15,963.75; 3707.172; 404.976; 43.365; 110.25. 15. 2737.455; 108.206; 2352.96; 1378.167; 294.35. 16. 94,479; 1571.832; 7467.9; 179,101.8; 1462.926. 17. 155, 25; 52, 31; 110, 41; 201, 25. 18. 72, 20 ; 85, 65 ; 38, 33 ; 311, 12. 19. 188, 4 ; 62, 45 ; 124, 54 ; 65, 52. 20. 11, 192 ; 24, 232 ; 8, 67 ; 10, 274. 21. 52, 79 ; 43, 71 ; 14, 99 ; 9, 388. 22. 49, 195; 11, 139; 19, 238; 3, 472. 23. 196, 78; 30, 299; 115, 98; 68, 487. 24. 46, 509; 61, 258; 469, 9; 114, 97. 25. 21, 169; 24, 1C.2; 143, 456; 215, 210. Public School Arithmetic BASED ON McLELLAN AND DEWEY'S "PSYCHOLOGY OF NUMBER" BY J. A. McLELLAN, A.M., LL.D., AND A. F. AMES, A.B. I2mo. Strong Buckram. Price, 60 cents, net. This book, based upon sound psychological principles, stands for a needed reform in the methods of teaching Arithmetic. SPECIAL FEATURES. The treatment of the subject is in strict line with the idea of num- ber as measurement. This true idea of number running through the whole work estab- lishes the unity of the whole. Fractions are divested of their traditional difficulty by being placed in their true relation to integers. Great care has been taken in selecting and grading the examples. This treatment of the subject will prove a good preparation for algebra. THE MACMTLLAN COMPANY, 66 FIFTH AVENUE, NEW YORK. COMMENTS. " I can see that it is an important contribution to the art of teaching numbers." W. T. HARRIS, U.S. Commissioner, Bureau of Education. 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" This volume is a very successful attempt to give expression to the better teach- ing of psychology as to the growth and development of the idea of number. The plan of the work is thoroughly scientific, the methods are well presented and the ex- amples well chosen. This little book should assist greatly in the reform in teaching arithmetic, now in progress." PROF. ALFRED I. DE LURY, University of Toronto. " This book contains many admirable features. I like especially the early intro- duction of decimal operations." CYRUS BOGER, A.M., Superintendent Schools, Lebanon, Pa. " Naturally I am pleased with the extent to which the bpok bases the treatment of fundamental operations of fractions and ratio upon the dea of measure and of numbers as units of measurement. I am particularly struck with the fact that the pupil's attention is definitely called to some special quantity or whole which furnishes the object of attention, and within which, so to speak, the numerical processes take place; also with the clearness and conciseness of the method of treatment; the logi- cal order of the selection of topics; and the exclusion of useless and irrelevant mat- ter. The simplification of treatment due to sticking close to fundamental principles, must recommend the book to teachers and pupils who have been bewildered by the great number of topics treated in the ordinary aiithmetic topics which do not differ at all in their logical or arithmetical basis, but are simply different practical expressions of the same principle. I wish the book the success it deserves." PRO- FESSOR DEWEY, University of Chicago. 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