c-4 J>aaJ| >- ef. Tl e->/v- '— T^I^ Librarv Bureau of Railway Economics Washington, O^^iVfrsfTY ■^ Economics ' ^'o/iv/*' // j^ iT-f ^ ^ wasningxon, 'j-n-v^ : -^jf i y ■; n ^ ^*>^ O July 15, 1915, List of References on the Jitneys- * ' ]'>\] '•/ , '.,';' and Jitney Regulation ***** ',,-•. American electric railway association. Report on motor vehicles. Committee on operation of motor vehicles pre- sents report on "jitney" bus situation. Statement for the pr-ess. Cost analysis by Bureau of fare research. (Electric railway journal, v. 45: 619-24; lMar,27, X915) An Argument against jitney bus service. The point of view of a street rail- way, which says that the jitney bus does more harm than good, and tells why, (Annalist, v. 5: 215; Mai;. 8, 1915) Backs regulation of jiitney bus. Chamber of commerce adopts resolution after long debate, (Washington, tB.C] Star, May 12,1915, p »9 , col.l-^S) Believe competition of jitneys is growing less. Regulatory ordinances have greatly reduced number of jitneys in many cities* (Wall street journal, July 7, 1915, p. 6, col. 2) Believe jitney danger v/ill be only temporary. Reports from Pacific coast cities indicate that the returns to owners are disappointing. (Wall street journal, Feb»ll,1915, p. 6, col. 2) Black, C. N, Can a "jitney" pay? (United Railroads magazine [San Francisco], v,l, Feb»1915, p. 3) Bostwick, Andrew Linn. The regulation of the jitney bus, a discussion of city ordinances. (St. Louis public library buOlletin, v.l3 i 193-219; July 1915) Bradlee, Henry G. The jitneys and the street railways, (stone and Webster public service journal, v,16: 237-44; Apr, 1915) Brashears, W, F. Jitneys. Waning of small auto car bus craze that has swept country from coast to coast. (Public service, v. 28: Mar. 1915: p. 73-75) Bureau of fare research. Cost of service of the jitney bus. Compilation by the Bureau of fare research, American electric railway association, to accompany report of the committee on the operation of motor vehicles, New York, 1915, 23 p. Christian science monitor [Editorial] Regulating the jitney with moderation* (Christian science monitor. Mar. 27, 1915, p ,22 , col. 2-3) . : .. . t r-rO "" • -'■ •i^H V. it':?* :>U . ' ' t t-^i^ot ^ niv i ^r:-. td*-."^ ,C^^''"'- r ■ J 'it-^X< r* .ir-liTr -, . .. V ^ •.: T' ,«.-.^-t^;'^'' i> "j* "» '•' T •• , r f- *.•■■■ ; i -t ■ J. . o, ' . + '' -' ■ -. i •♦■-■■ ■ ■' '- •^ i •■<'•' ' - -^ ^ '■ "^J- '■' V n- '^ V i^ • ^ .'iu >. '? N _,,. ,vvi^' ^ •; ♦ .....-. ''-(ferf* ■ I c ■ ?r .; O i - ■ ■ I -• /; lit v. "' I ■ ' ' '' • I , l'--<^- .'? •/■;• ' :'::i.*'' * ..'t'-'n i-f:.!..^ t i y- -t *> li \ '■■'■ ■«- f if' ■ '^ 'i ' ■3. t 4 '_^ ;-,*■■■ V' .;i.^'' '^■■ Jitne3''-2) • The Cost of bus operation. Figures based on actual results are published both for auto bus and jitneys, as well as estimates of cost made by representatives of proposed bus companies, (Electric railv/ay journal, v. 45: 414-17; Feb. 27, 1915) Courts struggling with jitney question - The general outlook* (Magazine of ^'all street, v. 16: 89; May 15, 1915) Digest of Oakland jitney report. (Electric traction, v. 11: 286-87; May 1915) District of Columbia. Public utilities commission, [Report of Conrad H, S-',Tne, general counsel, on jitney service in varioi cities, J Washington, May 3, 1915. 10 typewritten leaves. Abstract; under title "Jitne^^ bus and its function defined", in Annalist, v. 5: 577; May 31, 1915) Dreher, Julius D, Jitney Service in Toronto. (Commerce reports, Apr. 14, 1915, p. 231) Effective "jitney" ordinance. Full text of "jitney" regulatory ordinance passed and approved in Boise. (Electric railvay journal, v. 45: 397-98; Reb.20,1915) Electric railway jeunrnal [Editorial] The color line and the jitney. Electric railway journal, v. 45: 1179; ffune 26,1915) Electric railway j ournal [Editorial] The j itney and the one-man car* (Electric railway journal, v. 46: 2-3; July 3, 1915) Electric railway journal [Editorial] The jitney as a gold brick. (Electric railway journal, v. 45: 919; May 15, 1915) Electric railway journal [Editorial] Jitney-bu3 coiip et it ion, (Electric railway journal, v. 46: 2; July 3, 1915) Electric railvi-ay journal [Editorial] The "jitney" situation. • (Electric railway journal, v. 45: 494; Mar. 13, 1915) Electric railway journal [Editorial] Jitneys and railway'' service. (El.ectrix railway journal v. 45: 969; May 22, 1915) Electric railway journal [Editorial] Publicity and the jitney. (Electric railway journal, v. 45: 1013; May 29,1915) Electric railway journal [Editorial] The rainbow-chasing jitney, (Electric railway journal, v. 45: 318-19; Feb. 13, 1915) » ' • / : ^ i • !;' 5> j"*; ■.^ r '■ ,v: I.'.' f .' <■ ■•'• ! 1 1 > r o t ; ^:- ' » <■ •' .-' -.f "". *i:v.v '^■:. ', ...t ■■ i i . ;-.rv'. .i.I-t . •"•!■ (-.'. r.-,^^ t ,a--- ■■■■'■■ '% •"x'^; f ,' • :::; I' i."J {:■'<' f: f ..f Jitney- 3) Electric railway journal [Editorial] Who are j itney drivei^s? (Electric railway journal, v. 45: 957; May 22,1915) Electric railways in 1914 show effect of jitneys. Gross earnings of 270 companies but $3,488,000 gain over preceding yean (Wall street journal, May 11,1915, p.6,col,2) Electric traction [Editorial] Ti^e jitney bus on the wane. (Electric traction, v. 11: 171} Mar. 1915) Engineering record [Editorial] The jStney - its wane and possible influence on urban transportafon. (Engineering record, v. 71: 513; Apr*24,1915) Fidelity trust company. The evolution of the jitney busl Showing the present situation in the principal cities in the United States and Canada. Baltimore, I'd. , May 10,1915, 31 p. 8° Fullerton, Hugh S. The jitneys are coming. (Americaji magaz in e,v,79: 67-69; May 1915) Georgia jitney ruling. Opinion of Commission regarding regulation. Rules prescribed for operation. (Electric railv/ay journal, v,45: 1183-84; June 19,1915) Growth of the "jitney" bus business, (Literary digest, v. 50: 434-36; Feb. 27, 1915) Henderson, C , A, "Jitney" buses in Los Angeles, How business started, hov/ it developed and its present status in California citv* (Aera, v. 3: 963-67; Apr. 1915) How "jitney" originated, (Literary digest, v. 50: 443-44; Feb. 27, 1915) Illinois commission on jitney. Following hearing jitney company is restrainec from operating without certificate of necessity. (Electric railway journal, v. 45: 1093; June 5,1915) Independent [Editorial] Getting rid of the rails,. (Independent, v. 82: 342;"May 31, 193S) Jitney an election issue at Los Angeles. (Electric railway journal, v. 45: 1094; June 5, 1915) Jitney and motor bus must be regulated, (Railway and marine news, v. 13: Feb, 1915: 13-14) "Jitney Bus" alarms street railway men. Astounding sweep of public autos at nickel-a-ride. (Journal of commerce, Mar. 1,1915, p. 10, col. 1) , ' "'■■ '■ ■ ' ■'■ - ' ' ■'■■ ^■' ■■ ' v:: vj: . O ' ■ '1 XL r. fSIGI, ^sCrrqK ,-i''^ .-^t ■;A ,-^:r . r^c^tjif^r' ,'^if:*'ifTf^i^^ >'}.,, -i> *crff JB- .ee ■t4*'c>:''' i?~ ? -y. i : ') ii -T f i r 'I^ Jitney* 4) The Jitney bus. Buffalo, Portland, El Paso and Tuscon added cities which hav passed ordinances. One state passed bill and others pending, (Electric railway journal, v. 45; 774-76; Apr. 17, 1915) The "Jitney" bus. Cities and legislatures striving for adequate regulatory measures* The "jitney" finishes its sweep of the country in less than four months, (Elec-trin railway journal, v*45: 530-32; Mar«13,1915) The "Jitney" bus. Failure of original Los Angeles company. Jitney idea stil spreading. Notes regarding regulatory measures and services discontinuet (Electric railway journal, v. 45: 353-54; Feb4l3,.1915) The Jitney bus. Further efforts toward regulatory legislation. Labor's atti- tude in Rock Island and Providence. (Electric railway journal, v. 45; 602-04; Mar, 20, 1915) The Jitney bus» Further state and city legislative progress recorded. Interesting chamber of commerce report in Oakland. (Electric railway journal, v,45: 908-11; May 8,1915) The Jitney bus. Impossibility of an ultimate economic success, (Engineering magaz ine, v.49 : 116-17; Apr, 1915) The Jitney bus. Jitney conditions in St, Louis, The Fort Worth ordinance sus- tained. Jitney ordinances in Augusta, Birmingham and Providence, (Electric railway journal, v. 45: 1005>©6; May 22,1915) The Jitney bus. New York commission on recent state measure. Dallas, San Antonio and Youngstown developments, (Electric railway journal, v. 45: 1092; June 5,1915) The Jitney bus. New York state bill signed. Jitney made a commission issue m Illinois* (Electric railway journal, v,45: 1048; May 29,1915) The Jitney bus, Philadelphia regulatory measure signed - New Orleans ordi- nance sustained in state Supreme court. (Electric railway journal, v,46: 82; July 10,1915) The -^i+'^ey bus. Regulatory ordinances passed in Schenectady, Peoria, Des Moines and Portland, Ore. Action on Pennsylvania stat e measures. ^Electric railway journal , v. 45: 1133-35; June 12,1915) The Jitney bus. A summary of recent significant developments covering various ^ phases of the problem, !P (Electric railway journal, v. 45: 957-58; May 15,1915) Jhe Jitney bus. Terms of new Springfield and Portland regulatory ordinances W- are summarized, (Electric railway journal, v,45: 1182; June 19,1915) The "Jitney" bus. Thirty-nine cities have at the present time been invaded -by the fare snipers. ^ (Electric railway journal, v. 45: 309-10; Feb, 6, 1915) I. %1t':- ' ''■:'"■ ■'■;■,>.' pob/.. •■• ■■ '! ;>;'• f V i ♦» t'.:. ' '^*f l; ^:^, X v. i j^^ f r i ■,..-. ! i + i:^ ,ri;rr '^/=>rrf TC" «^:J^.: Y'.-:t:1 .•/;■: •. n ?2&X,>r,r,^ -^cJ j:-.:;.!':' i'^ a-^iVCi.wT * ^ « '• :• ^ »■ l'-.0.:.J v: T-iO ' *:.o. I'M-,-? T" : (C:Ir^[,0^,-, *: ; j.'^.nir)^ ;e•^,v .Xi^r^foc v.!.-"U-- aHiDri'') frvo'j^i ^-u '.:.:.[•: I .ho^^/I nx ''b«'* ^^'Sr ;■••<■!:.;:>'•:'» :i; v Uti^:^-' \'r. ' . lX--^0>' V :.>^'-) ■ .. * -. r ('^:^^.^ I > i ?^i.!^X'r^ ■x,^: -X: r'-: . *j..rij ;::-•! ru' i^-r 'i;:*7 , :. •"•: t i . ' ■ ' • ' 'I ") " '7* \ V *•'£:. ij^c 0-.-.V 5 ^^J^''I.a»y'^^"^ i^i- ,v Ji;r- Jitney- 5) ?• • The "Jitney" bus. Trend of recent legislation* Companies state their att tude* Automobile man sanguine^ ' (Electric railiAay journal, v. 45: 484-85; Mar,6»191b) The Jitnej^ bus dovm east, Experie'xe in Connecticut. New York, Rhode Isla and Iowa bills before governors. (Electric railway journal, v,45: 861-62; May 1,1915) "JitneyBus" is successsin Pacific coast cities. In spite of prediioti one of failure, operators of low fare automobiles are prospering iii Los AngeH San Francisco and San Diego. (New York Herald, Apr. 18, 1915, p.l9, col, 1-2) Jitney bus making its appearance in Washington. (Commerce and finance, v. 4: 91; Feb. 10, 1915) "Jitney bus" ordinances. (Electric traction, v. 11: 103-04; Feb. 1915) Jitney bus regulation in San Francisco. (Electric traction, v. 11: 285-86; Way 1915) Jitney bus vs. the trolley ca.r. , (Engineering news, v. 73: 946-47; May 13,1915) Jitney buses and ordinary prudence. (Traction bulletin [Akron, O] v. 2: Mar. 20, 1915, p. 1-2) [Jitney buses in Los Angeles] (Western engineering, Vc5: 319-20; Feb. 1915) Jitney business booms in Winnepeg streets. More than 500 cars in operation there, says United States consul general,., (New York Times, M^ay 23,1915, p, 9, col, 1-4) Jitney buses in Toledo, (Electric traction, v. 11: 169; Mar. 1915) The Jitney car in the field of transportation, (United Railways bulletin [San Francisco], v.l: Feb, 15, 1915: 2,9) Jitney competition and its effect on dividends. United railways of Baltimo pays regular dividend on common despite inroads of jitneys. (Wal Istreet journal, July 3,1915, p,6,col.2) Jitney competition with the street railways, . (Wall street journal, May 14,1915, p. 6, col. 2) The Jitney convention. Brief account of the proceedings on the first day o: the Kansas City convention, ('''lectr-ic milv.'ay journal, v. 45: 9111; May 8,1915) Jitney decrease in Oakland. (Electric railway journal, v. 46: 82; July 10^1915) , ,• t 4. '^Or' r .^ri^;C^e.fiii .1 ;: /;-.?■ f ''' 1 f -^^ V - ■^ ^^"' .^^ .; .,• r . X : u ' , f -:.r-} 'j- L.O D (^ r^ ' ■ • - \ ■ ■ f\* ^ * . '. ■ ' . ;"■"■■■ ■^ ft '' ' ■> r . . * ■•■■'■ ■ i^ ; •■ ^ ; ^r,^:^ -.- -*•-■> .A -; T^O'.. -T"- ' 1 ;-,,.l ./^('^^^.^ ' '57-- V b 1 i, t 5.' ,'i r .•>,, r '- •■- ">rv *''- » i ^>n', '.: i ■ •■} .f r>, A , , ^ . 1 . : . / ■>'■: 'to '■ L r. : ^- <,. ■ 1* '1 •'.: . r ' ;*r ' -T T 'f-t. « ■ f -r ;/t r..'f \" ,'• •* • ^:r:vv ■'■^»^'^' • ■:'.? . ■J >^/ ;. 1 fi ■>i"»; ^fir. .' - ^ TO.* .{ K i r " " i ', i r Jitney-9) Railroad herald [Editorial] The ] itney bus , (Railroad herald, v»19: llOill; May 1915) Railway and jitney nickels. Their distribution in Portland and elsewhere,, (Electric railway journal, v,45: 1024; May 29,1915) Railway review [Editorial] [Future of jitney transportation depends upon extent to which opa-ators will be compelled "&o assume respoibilit ies of their business] (Railway review, v. 56: 877; June 26,1915) Railway review [Editorial] "Jitney buses." (Railway review, v. 56: 155-56; Jan, 30, 1915) Abstract under title "The 'jitney( from financial viewpoint", Chicago commence, v. 10: Feb,6,1914: 23. Railway world [Editorial] The jitney craze, (Railway wo rid, v« 59: 3 67-69; May- 1915) Rapid rise of the "jitney". Problems of regulation of the autobus as publii vehicle of increasing vogue, (Chicago commerce, v. 10: Feb, 5, 1915: 23) Reprinted from the New York Times, Reed, Frank. Jitney bus, a new problem in traffic regulation, (Municipal engineering, v,48: 160-67; Mar, 1915) Regulation for the jitney bus. Recent developments have s'-'own the need for controlling the operation of itinerant 5-cent bus lines, and the steps taken in this direction by various communities are outlines, with briel accounts of the experiences making them necessarj'-, (Electric railway journal, v,45: 374-77; Feb. 20, 1915) Regulation of "jitney" buses. Various forms of legislation proposed in western cities where they operate, (Electric railway gerri ce,ncr.90: Feb, 12, 1915: 4) Regulation of jitneys now becoming general. New Tennessee law will have good effect in that state when cities take action under it, (Wall street journal, Apr .13 , 191-5, p.6,col„2) Remarkable spread of a five-cent idea. Some aspects of the astonishing in- vasion of the jitney bus in unregulated competition with street rail- ways . (Annalist, v,5; 352; Apr. 12, 1915) Rules for jitneys. Public service commission of Maryla-d prescribes rules for jitney operation. (Electric railway journal, v. 45: 1226; June 26,1915) R^'^der, Frederick M, Jitney service in Canada, (Commerce repTrrts, May 1,1915, p, 514- 15) Jitney* 10) Schenectady regulates jitneys under new law, l^all street journal, June 19,1915, p. 5, col. 2) Shepard, Thoas R« The "jitney bus." (Nation, v. 100; 142; Feb. 4, 1915) Starrett, Charles V. E. Again the "jitney." (Na;tion, v. 100: 304-05; Mar, 18, 1915) State regulation of jitney urged [in Pennsylvania] (Electric railway journal, v. 45: 1225; June 26,1915) Stone and V/ebster public service journal [EditorialJ What the community loses by jitneys, (stone and Webster public service journal, v. 16: 330-35; May 1915) The Street car and the jitney bus. Issued by the Trolleymen* s welfare league... [Los Angeles, 1915] pam. , nar.l2** Think jitney wave is now underoing decline. (Wall street journal, Mar.10,1915, p. 5, col. 2) Thirlwall, J. C, The jitney problem. (General electric review, 1/.18: 604-14; Julyl915) Traffic and transporiation. The jitney bus. Houston and Salt Lake City regulatory ordinances passed. San Francisco ordinance introduced. Additional city reports. (Electric railway journal, v. 45: 733-34; Apr. 10, 1915) Traffic and transportation. The jitney bus. Information summarized fran fourteen cities. Accidents attracting attention. De Luxx service proposed. (Electric railway journal, v. 45: 649-50; Mar.27,1915) Trend of jitney bus regulation. Measures that have been taken by many municipalities to curb the activity of the five-cent auto. (Annalist, v. 5: 531; May 24,1915) Wall street journal [Editorial] Is the jitney i ri^espc^dible? (Wall street journal. May 19,1915, p. 1, col. 2) Walters, W. J. Rules for the "jitnev" bus gaine. CAera, v,3: 876-79; Mar .1915) Walters, W. T, The jitney bus and syndiaated news. (Electric railway journal, v. 45: 586-87; Mar. 20, 1915) Wilson, J. H. The jitney situation. (Electric railway journal, v. 45: 421-22; reb.27,1915) / , : ■ > . i . :->^ i ii^U i'-;'^vt'rm';J;\ia'fi'>4*^*'r*f' '' ' '' -.■"I' r^-r^cf- 'lew 8 'nartiTif^XXQ^yT^sr. • -.i ■ i — , •$ ■■ f i -• ' .vl r..i./>.^ :Si." , ■' ^i'^^:-'^ ■ ''^*^' lib'- a:^ riiiiic ' -1 -» f "■•>•' T^* ;,.; I Jitney-i:') Western engineering [Editorialj ^^ a [Jitnsy service prevents extension of Tidewater & southern railroad, between Stockton and Modesto, Calif-] (Western engineering, v»6; l-2j July 1915) Wilson, J. H, Jitneys vs, light cars. mc> (Electric railway journal, v.45: 1206-07; June 26.1915; World's v/ork [editorial] The 3 itney, (World's work,. v,29: 618-19; Apr. 1915) UNIVEBSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY, BERKELEY THIS BOOK IS DUeTn THE LAST DATE STAMPED BELOW Books not returned on time are ^-^J^^^^^'.^JZ^^, 50c per volume after the thud day ove ^^^^^ .^ *d°eJa^n^d^rar.?-e^^^f i^aP^^ation^ is made hefore expiration of loan period. .== r£ 14862 U. C. 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