OF THW DIVERSITY O. OF NEW POEMS CHRISTINA ROSSETTI ■ » • NEW POEMS BY CHRISTINA ROSSETTI HITHERTO UNPUBLISHED OR UNCOLLECTED EDITED BY WILLIAM MICHAEL ROSSETTI I rated to the full amount Must render mine account 5Lontron MACMILLAN AND CO. AND NEW YORK 1896 A II rights reserz'ed Ai TO ALGERNON CHARLES SWINBURNE A GENEROUS EULOGIST OF CHRISTINA ROSSETTI WHO HAILED HIS GENIUS AND PRIZED HIMSELF THE GREATEST OF LIVING BRITISH POETS MY OLD AND CONSTANT FRIEND I DEDICATE THIS BOOK W. M. R. M6G127S PREFACE My sister Christina Georgina Rossetti — beloved by me, admired, and I may say reverenced — died on 29 December 1894, aged 64. There was an immediate, a very wide, and an exceedingly strong outburst of eulogy of her in the public press, both as woman and as poetess ; an outburst which must have fully convinced me — had I not known it already — that she is regarded as one of the truly important figures in British poetical literature of the nineteenth century. It will readily be supposed that I do not contest that opinion ; and, as soon as the conditions admitted of it, I resolved to put into print any verses of hers which I could find, such as would sustain her poetical reputation, or be of substantial interest as showing the growth of her mind. I looked carefully through the materials which she had left behind her ; found many things which I remembered, and others of viii PREFACE wliich I knew little or nothing ; and perceived that the amount of her unpublished verse was considerably in excess of what I had surmised. The result is that I now present to the reader a rather large volume, and not (as I had expected) a small one. A glance at the Contents will at once exhibit the arrangement which has been adopted in this collec- tion. There are four headings : — i, General Poems ; 2, Devotional Poems ; 3, Italian ; and 4, Juvenilia. Nos. I and 2 explain themselves well enough. As to No. 3, it may suffice to say that I am well aware these Italian writings will obtain few readers in this country ; but Christina was partly an Italian, and it may be that her compatriots of the South will not be wholly unheedful of what she composed in their tongue. I consider that her Italian verses are, from a poetical point of view, every bit as good as her English verses, w^hile the exquisite limpidity of the Italian language adds something to the flow of their music. There are likely to be some inaccuracies and blemishes of diction, but perhaps only a native eye would detect these — mine barely does. Section 4 is, of course, of less intrinsic worth than the other sections, but I am in hopes that it will count as not wholly uninteresting. I class among the Juvenilia all that the authoress wrote before attaining (on 5 December 1847) the full age of seventeen; all these things, and PREFACE ix nothing else. In this last-named section I make no distinction of subject-matter, nor yet of language. Everything is ranged in order of date, precise or approximate ; the like order (it will be perceived) is observed in the other sections respectively. A few remarks on the sources of the volume may be desirable. As soon as Christina began writing verse, 27 April 1842, her compositions were copied into little note-books. These are seventeen in number, going on to II June 1866. The date of each piece is accurately recorded. At first the handwriting is that of our elder sister Maria; it is only on 17 November 1847, when she was close on seventeen years of age, that Christina began trusting to her own extremely neat but (for several years) rather timid and formal script. Persons familiar with the dates of her publications will observe that the note-books go up to about the time when she printed the volume named The Prince's Progress and other Poems, leaving untouched the date, 1881, of her later volume, A Pageant and other Poejns. These seventeen note- books are the source of a considerable majority of the items in our present volume ; and they would enable me (as already implied) to fix the dates not only of what I am now printing, but also of the contents of my sister's first two published volumes. X PREFACE No little interest, I think, attaches to dates, and, if I have the opportunity at some future time, I shall feel it a satisfaction to show what were the dates of her poems previously known to readers. Supplementing the note-books, my sources are — the privately-printed volume of 1847, called Verses ; another privately-printed book, Hadrian's Address to his Soul; The Germ; the original Goblin Market volume, containing three compositions not afterwards reprinted ; Christina's prose book entitled Conwion- place and Other Stories^ and (for Italian translations) a copy of her Singso?ig ; three volumes of selected hymns and devotional verse, named individually in my notes ; Mr. Caine's compilation, So?i?iets of Three Centimes; some magazines and reviews, such as Mac7nilla?i' s Magazine^ The AthencBwn^ etc. ; and various scattered MSS. which remained in her own possession. My notes give any needful particulars as to this matter, and as to some other points which the reader may prefer to see mentioned. It seems more than probable that other verses by my sister, as yet uncollected, were printed here and there in magazines etc., but I have not as yet succeeded in tracing any such. Possibly also — spite of painstaking inspection on my part — some passages included in the present volume from MSS. may have appeared else- PREFACE xi where, printed under altered headings ; I have done my best to avoid any such repetition. I have reprinted everything by my sister which I find already published, not in volume form. I omit the more unsuccessful items in her early book of Verses ; and I omit also a certain — not large — number of compositions in MS., whether in the note- books or otherwise, which appear to me to represent her less than well. It is for the reader to form his own opinion whether the contents of the present volume are good, bad, or indifferent. But he may perhaps expect me to give some intimation as to the value which I attach to them, in comparison with those poems which my sister saw fit to publish during her lifetime. Let me, then, say briefly that I conceive some of the com- positions herein contained to be up to the level of Christina Rossetti's best work, and the great majority of them to be well up to her average. But, if such is the case (it may be asked), why did she not publish these verses herself? As to most of the items I see no special reason, unless it be this — that, in point of subject or sentiment, they often resemble, more or less, some of those examples which she did print; and she may have thought that the public, while willing to have one such specimen, would be quite contented to lack a second. Christina, xii PREFACE I take leave to say, did decidedly discern herself to be a poetess, in the right sense of the word ; but her self-estimate was always a modest one, and she had not the least inclination to thrust herself, her emotions, or her verses, upon the attention of any person. Now that she is gone, leaving behind her a literary reputation not a little covetable, it seems reasonable to apply a different rule to the question. If readers like these additional evidences of her powers, if they entertain much the same opinion of them that I do, well and good ; if not, let the book be regarded as a superfluity, and let her name as a poetess con- tinue to rest upon what she herself elected to give to the world. Christina's habits of composing were eminently of the spontaneous kind. I question her having ever once deliberated with herself whether or not she would write something or other, and then, after thinking out a subject, having proceeded to treat it in regular spells of work. Instead of this, something impelled her feelings, or "came into her head," and her hand obeyed the dictation. I suppose she scribbled the lines off rapidly enough, and afterwards took what- ever amount of pains she deemed requisite for keep- ing them right in form and expression — for she was quite conscious that a poem demands to be good in execution, as well as genuine in impulse ; but (strange PREFACE xiii as it seems to say so of a sister who, up to the year 1876, was almost constantly in the same house with me) I cannot remember ever seeing her in the act of composition (I take no count here of the boiits- riyjies sonnets of 1848). She consulted nobody, and solicited no advice ; though it is true that with regard to her published volumes — or at any rate the first two of them — my brother volunteered to point out what seemed well adapted for insertion, and what the reverse, and he found her a very wiUing recipient of his monitions. The portrait of my sister given in the present volume is taken from a pencil drawing done by Dante Gabriel, which remained quite unnoticed (and by myself forgotten) until I turned it up among her miscellanies after her death. It is much like her, and is possibly the sweetest version of her face that he or any one ever produced. I should not be surprised if it were a slight study preliminary to the picture Ecce Aficiiia Domini (National Gallery). She sat for the head there of the Virgin Mary, which is not however in profile. In such case its date cannot be earlier than the middle or later part of 1849, when Christina was eighteen years of age ; the head looks to me even younger than that, rather than older. Apart from this book, my sister's poems are contained in three volumes, — now collected into xiv PREFACE one volume, published by Messrs. Macmillan and Co. — I have already mentioned them ; also in the volume named Si?igso?2g^ now in the hands of the same firm; and in the Verses (1893) issued by the Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge. Were it to be my privilege at some future day to bring out her Complete Poetical Works on something of the same plan as the present volume — with due regard to dates etc. — few things would please me better. Her memory is one of my most sacred treasures, and her works and their repute are proportionately dear to me. WILLIAM M. ROSSETTI. London, August 1895. CONTENTS GENERAL POEMS The whole Head is Sick and the whole Heart Faint ...... 3 Repining ...... 4 Lady Montrevor . . . . .14 Sonnets written to Bouts-rimes — I. "Amid the shades of a deserted hall" . 15 II. "I sit among green shady valleys oft" . 15 III. " WOULDST THOU GIVE ME A HEAVY JEW- ELLED CROWN " . . . .16 IV. " I SAID WITHIN MYSELF : I AM A FOOL " . 17 V. "I SOUGHT AMONG THE LIVING, AND I SEEK" . . . . .17 VI. "Ah welladay and wherefore am I HERE?" . . • . .18 VII. "And is this August weather? Nay, NOT so " . . . . .18 VIII. " MeTHINKS the ills of life I FAIN WOULD shun" . . . . .19 IX. The Plague . . . . .20 xa. " Would that I were a turnip white " . 20 CONTENTS Sonnets written to Bouts-rimes — \h. " i fancy the good fairies dressed in white" .... xc. Vanity Fair On Keats ..... Have Patience .... To Lalla reading my Verses topsy-turvy i(THREE Nuns .... The End of the First Part Two Enigmas — I. " Name any gentleman you spy " . II. " Me you often meet " Two Charades — I. " My first is no proof of my second" II. " How MANY authors ARE MY FIRST" Looking Forward .... Life Hidden .... Queen Rose . . . . . How One Chose .... Seeking Rest .... Two Thoughts of Death . . . K Three Moments .... Is and Was ..... Song — "We buried her among the flowers" Annie ..... A Dirge ..... Song — "It is not for her even brow" A fair World though a fallen . Books in the running Brooks The Summer is Ended After All ..... CONTENTS xvii PAGE From the Antique — "The wind shall lull us YET " . . . . . .60 To WHAT Purpose is this Waste? . . .61 Next of Kin . . . . .66 Portraits ...... 67 What? ...... 68 Near the Styx ..... 69 A Pause ...... 70 Holy Innocents . . . . . 70 Seasons — "In springtime when the leaves are young " . . . . . .71 Buried ...... 72 A Wish ...... 72 Two Parted . . . . -73 For Rosaline's Album . . . .74 Autumn ...... 74 Seasons — " Crocuses and snowdrops wither " . 75 Ballad ...... 75 A Soul ...... 77 From the Antique — " It's a weary life, it is, she said" . . . . .78 Restive ...... 79 Long Looked for . . . . .81 Listening ...... 82 The Last Look . . . . .83 I have a Message unto Thee . . .84 Cobwebs ...... 88 An After-thought . . . . .89 To the End . . . . . .91 May ....... 94 By the Water . . . , -95 b CONTEN'J'S A Chilly Nuinr Let Patience have her i-ekfect Work In the Lane Acme A Bed of Forget-me-nots Look on this Picture and on this Gone Before Light Love . Winter lA Triad In an Artist's Studio Introspective )iDay-Dreams A Nightmare (Fragment) For One Sake From IMetastasio . To-day and To-morrow Yet a little While Father and Lover . What Good shall my Life do me ? Cousin Kate Sister Maude Promises like Pie-crust Better So . Our Widowed Queen In Progress . Seasons — " Oh the cheerful Budding-ti June . Jess and Jill Helen Grey A Dumi; Friend content:^ xix PAGE To-morrow . . . . . .140 Margery 141 Last Night . 144 If . 145 Sunshine 147 Meeting^ — " If we shall live, we live" 148 Under Willows 149 A Sketch - 150 If I HAD Words 151 En Route . 152 Husband and Wife . 154 What to Do ? 156 In a Certain Place 156 Cannot Sweeten 158 Of My Life . 160 What Comes ? 161 Love's Name 161 By Way of Remembrance . 162 An Echo from Willow-wood 164 Golden Holly i6s An Alphabet 165 Cor Mio 168 Who shall Say ? 168 Life .... 169 Meeting — " I said good-bye in hope" 170 Lines — "Where are the songs I used to SING " 171 Hadrian's Death-Song translated 171 Valentines to my Mother— 1876 to 1886 172 My Mouse .... 178 A Poor Old Dog 179 Parted 179 XX CONTENTS To-day's Burden- Counterblast ON Penny Trumpet Michael F. M. Rossetti The Way of the World To my Fior-di-Llsa . Sleeping at Last . DEVOTIONAL POEMS I DO SET My Bow in the Cloud Death is swallowed up in Victory A Christmas Carol — "Thank God, thank God WE do believe "... For Advent — "Sweet sweet sound of distant waters falling "... Two Pursuits .... The Watchers .... Behold I Stand at the Door and Knock Advent — "Come, Thou dost say to angels" All Saints ..... Eye hath not Seen St. Elizabeth of Hungary Moonshine ..... I Look for the Lord The Heart knoweth its own Bitterness " Weep YET awhile " . Whitsun Eve .... There remaineth therefore a Rest for the People of God — " Come, blessed sleep, most FULL, most perfect, COME " . 211 CONTENTS A Harvest . The Eleventh Hour For under a Crucifix Who have a Form of Godliness There remaineth therefore a Rest — "In the grave will be no space " Ye have Forgotten the Exhortation Unforgotten . . . . ZiON Said . . . ... Hymn after Gabriele Rossetti — Two Versions How Long ? . A Martyr — " It is over the horrible pain " Now they Desire .... A Christmas Carol (for my Godchildren) — '-The shepherds HAD AN ANGEL " Not Yours but You The Heart knoweth its own Bitterness "When all the over-work of life" A Burden Only Believe A Shadow of Dorothea For Henrietta Polydore . Ash Wednesday A Christmas Carol — " Before the paling of the stars "' . Easter Even The Offering of the New Law By the Waters of Babylon Within the Veil Out of the Deep For a Mercy received PAGR 212 214 216 216 217 2X8 221 222 223 226 227 228 230 232 235 239 240 242 242 244 245 247 248 250 250 25f CONTENTS Conference between Christ, the Saints, and THE Soul ..... 253 Come unto Me ..... 255 In Patience ...... 255 None with Him ..... 256 Birds of Paradise . . . ; . 257 I KNOW You not . . . . .258 Thou art the Same and Thy Years shall not FAIL ...... 260 A Christmas Carol — "Whoso hears a chiming FOR Christmas at the nighest" . . 261 Cardinal Newman . . . . .261 Yea I have a goodly Heritage . . . 262 A Death of a First-born .... 263 Faint yet Pursuing .... 264 Heaven Overarches .... 265 ITALIAN POEMS VeRSI — " FiGLIA, LA MADRE DISSE " . L' Incognita . . . . NiGELLA ..... Chiesa e Signore .... Il Rosseggiar dell' Oriente — Canzoniere — 2 Canzoni .... l' uommibatto .... Cor Mio ..... Adriano ..... Ninna-nanna — 33 Traduzioni dal Singsong SOGNANDO ..... 269 270 270 271 272 287 287 288 288 CONTENTS xxiii JUVENILIA PAGE To MY Mother on the Anniversary of her Birth 305 Hymn ..... 305 Love and Hope .... 306 On Albina ..... . 306 Forget Me not .... • 307 Charity ..... • 307 Earth and Heaven • 308 Love Ephemeral .... 309 Burial Anthem .... 310 Summer ..... • 3" Serenade ..... 314 The End of Time .... 315 Amore e Dovere .... 317 Mother and Child .... 318 On the Death of a Cat 319 Love Attacked .... 320 Love Defended .... 322 The Martyr — "See, the sun hath risen" 323 The Dying Man to his Betrothed 325 LiSETTA all' AmANTE 328 The Dead Bride .... 329 Will these Hands ne'er be Clean ? 331 Present and Future r:>i> The Time of Waiting 334 Tasso and Leonora .... 337 The Solitary Rose .... 337 The Song of the Star ZZ^ Resurrection Eve .... 341 The Dead City .... 342 xxiv CONTENTS PACK The Rose ..... • 353 I HAVE Fought a (;uod Fight 354 Wishes .... 355 The Dream . 356 Eleanor 358 ISIDORA 359 Zara . 362 The Novice . 364 Immalee 366 Lady Isabella 366 Night and Death 367 The Lotus-Eaters 370 Sonnet from the Psalms . 371 Song—" The stream moaneth as it floweth " 372 The World's Harmonies . 373 The Last Answer (written to Bouts-rimes) 375 Notes by W. M. Rossetti . 377 ERRATA Page 33, line 7 from bottom, after out add (,). 45, ,, 4 ,, ,, grieve arfflf ( :). ,, 48, ,, 7, a/?(?r playfellow (2c?^ (,). 74, ,, 13, before 1853 add February [and the poem ought to be transferred to p. 66]. ,, 81, ,, 4 from bottom, ^/^r me c^^ (,). ,, 163, ,, %, after \ivas dele {,). ,, ,, nations de/e (,). ,, 168, ,, 4, ,, due add (,). ,, 171, ,, last, before 1876 add 16 March [and the poem ought to be transferred to p. 178]. ,, 216, ,, 9, end of poem, add 18 S3- ,, 227, ,, 4 from bottom, after attend add (. ). ,, 269, ,,9 ., for sai read sei. ,, 288, ,, 7, before 1876 add 16 March. ,, 296, ,, 5 from bottom, /cr ohime r,fa^ ohime. ,, 380, ,, 10 ,, ,, tv;o read {our. ,, 381, ,, II, etc., from bottom, I am not sure to Odds and Ends, dele. • I 383, ,, last but one, for I take it to have been several years prior to 1870, read it cannot have been later than 1865. 8 from bottom, for Shilling read Cornhill. 16 , , after vivid, add The scientific name of this creature is Aphrodita Acu- leata : hence the allusion to " Venus." ,, ,,6 ,, after day, add After the present volume was in print, I learned that these verses are printed in Time Flies (Society for Promot- ing Christian Knowledge). 39Si .1 25, after hpiir-glass, add The MS. does not give any line rhyming to " lagni " : this appears. to be an oversight. 384. 387. GENERAL POEMS IS THE WHOLE HEAD IS SICK AND THE WHOLE HEART FAINT ^It rOE for the young who say that life is long, Who turn from the sun-rising to the West, Who feel no pleasure and can find no rest. Who in the morning sigh for evensong. Their hearts, weary because of this world's wrong. Yearn with a thousand longings unexprest ; They have a wound no mortal ever drest, An ill than all earth's remedies more strong. For them the fount of gladness hath run dry, And in all Nature is no pleasant thing ; For them there is no glory in the sky, No sweetness in the breezes' murmuring : They say, " The peace of heaven is placed too high. And this earth changeth and is perishing." 6 December 1847. REPINING REPINING O HE sat alvvay through the long day Spinning the weary thread away ; And ever said in undertone, " Come, that I be no more alone." From early dawn to set of sun Working, her task was still undone ; And the long thread seemed to increase Even while she spun and did not cease. She heard the gentle turtle-dove Tell to its mate a tale of love ; She saw the glancing swallows fly, Ever a social company ; She knew each bird upon its nest Had cheering songs to bring it rest ; None lived alone save only she : — The wheel went round more wearily ; She wept and said in undertone, " Come, that I be no more alone." Day followed da3^ and still she sighed For love, and was not satisfied ; REPINING Until one night, when the moonlight Turned all the trees to silver-white, She heard, what ne'er she heard before, A steady hand undo the door. The nightingale since set of sun Her throbbing music had not done, And she had listened silently ; But now the wind had changed, and she Heard the sweet song no more, but heard Beside her bed a whispered word : " Damsel, rise up ; be not afraid ; For I am come at last," it said. She trembled, though the voice was mild ; She trembled like a frightened child ; — Till she looked up, and then she saw The unknown speaker without awe. He seemed a fair young man, his eyes Beaming with serious charities ; His cheek was white but hardly pale ; And a dim glory like a veil Hovered about his head, and shone Through the whole room till night was gone. So her fear fled ; and then she said. Leaning upon her quiet bed : " Now thou art come, I prythee stay, That I may see thee in the day. And learn to know thy voice, and hear It evermore calling me near." REPINING He answered, " Rise and follow me." But she looked upw^ards wonderingly : " And whither wouldst thou go, friend ? stay Until the dawning of the day." But he said : "The wind ceaseth, Alaid; Of chill nor damp be thou afraid." She bound her hair up from the floor. And passed in silence from the door. So they went forth together, he Helping her forward tenderly. The hedges bowled beneath his hand ; Forth from the streams came the dry land As they passed over ; evermore The pallid moonbeams shone before ; And the wind hushed, and nothing stirred ; Not even a solitary bird, Scared by their footsteps, fluttered by Where aspen-trees stood steadily. As they went on, at length a sound Came trembling on the air around ; The undistinguishable hum Of life, voices that go and come Of busy men, and the child's swTet High laugh, and noise of trampling feet. Then he said, " Wilt thou go and see ? " And she made answer joyfully : REPINING " The noise of life, of human life, Of dear communion without strife. Of converse held 'twixt friend and friend ; Is it not here our path shall end ? " He led her on a little way Until they reached a hillock : " Stay." It was a village in a plain. High mountains screened it from the rain And stormy wind ; and nigh at hand A bubbling streamlet flowed o'er sand Pebbly and fine, and sent life up Green succous stalk and flower-cup. Gradually, day's harbinger, A chilly wind began to stir. It seemed a gentle powerless breeze That scarcely rustled through the trees ; And yet it touched the mountain's head And the paths man might never tread. But hearken : in the quiet weather Do all the streams flow down together ? — No, 'tis a sound more terrible Than though a thousand rivers fell. The everlasting ice and snow Were loosened then, but not to flow ; — With a loud crash hke solid thunder The avalanche came, burying under The village ; turning life and breath And rest and joy and plans to death. REPINING " Oh let us fly, for pity fly ! Let us go hence, friend, thou and I. There must be many regions yet Where these things make not desolate." He looked upon her seriously ; Then said : "Arise and follow me." The path that lay before them was Nigh covered over with long grass ; And many slimy things and slow Trailed on between the roots below. The moon looked dimmer than before ; And shadowy cloudlets floating o'er Its face sometimes quite hid its light, And filled the skies with deeper night. At last, as they went on, the noise Was heard of the sea's mighty voice ; And soon the ocean could be seen In its long restlessness serene. Upon its breast a vessel rode That drowsily appeared to nod As the great billows rose and fell, And swelled to sink, and sank to swell. Meanwhile the strong wind had come forth From the chill regions of the North, The mighty wind invisible. And the low waves began to swell ; And the sky darkened overhead ; And the moon once looked forth, then fled REPINING Behind dark clouds ; while here and there The hghtning shone out in the air, And the approaching thunder rolled With angry pealings manifold. How many vows were made, and prayers That in safe times were cold and scarce ! Still all availed not ; and at length The waves arose in all their strength. And fought against the ship, and filled The ship. Then were the clouds unsealed, And the rain hurried forth, and beat On every side and over it. Some clung together, and some kept A long stern silence, and some wept. Many half crazed looked on in wonder As the strong timbers rent asunder ; Friends forgot friends, foes fled to foes ; — And still the water rose and rose. "Ah woe is me ! Whom I have seen Are now as though they had not been. In the earth there is room for birth, And there are graves enough in earth ; Why should the cold sea, tempest-torn, Bury those whom it hath not borne ? " He answered not, and they went on. The glory of the heavens was gone ; The moon gleamed not nor any star ; REPINING Cold winds were rustling near and far, And from the trees the dry leaves fell With a sad sound unspeakable. The air was cold ; till from the South A gust blew hot, like sudden drouth. Into their faces ; and a light. Glowing and red, shone through the night. A mighty city full of flame And death and sounds without a name. Amid the black and blinding smoke, The people, as one man, aw^oke. Oh happy they who yesterday On the long journey went away ! Whose pallid lips, smiling and chill, While the flames scorch them smile on still ; Who murmur not, who tremble not When the bier crackles fiery hot ; Who dying said in love's increase, " Lord, let thy servant part in peace." Those in the town could see and hear A shaded river flowing near ; The broad deep bed could hardly hold Its plenteous waters calm and cold. Was flame-wrapt all the city wall. The city gates were flame-wrapt all. What was man's strength, what puissance then ? Women were mighty as strong men. REPINING II Some knelt in prayer, believing still, Resigned unto a righteous will. Bowing beneath the chastening rod, Lost to the world, but found of God. Some prayed for friend, for child, for wife ; Some prayed for faith ; some prayed for life ; While some, proud even in death, hope gone, Steadfast and still, stood looking on. " Death — death — oh let us fly from death ! Where'er we go it foUoweth ; All these are dead ; and we alone Remain to weep for what is gone. What is this thing ? thus hurriedly To pass into eternity ; To leave the earth so full of mirth ; To lose the profit of our birth ; To die and be no more ; to cease, Having numbness that is not peace. Let us go hence ; and, even if thus Death everywhere must go with us, Let us not see the change, but see Those who have been or still shall be." He sighed, and they went on together. Beneath their feet did the grass gather ; Across the heaven high overhead Dark misty clouds floated and fled ; And in their bosom was the thunder, And angry lightnings flashed out under, 12 REPINING Forked and red and menacing ; Far off the wind was muttering ; It seemed to tell, not understood, Strange secrets to the listening wood. Upon its wings it bore the scent Of blood of a great armament : Then saw they how on either side Fields were down-trodden far and wide. That morning at the break of day Two nations had gone forth to slay. As a man soweth so he reaps. The field was full of bleeding heaps ; Ghastly corpses of men and horses That met death at a thousand sources ; Cold limbs and putrefying flesh ; Long love-locks clotted to a mesh That stifled ; stiffened mouths beneath Staring eyes that had looked on death. But these were dead : these felt no more The anguish of the wounds they bore. Behold, they shall not sigh again, Nor justly fear, nor hope in vain. What if none wept above them ? — is The sleeper less at rest for this ? Is not the young child's slumber sweet When no man watcheth over it ? REPINING ' 13 These had deep calm ; but all around There was a deadly smothered sound, The choking cry of agony From wounded men who could not die ; Who watched the black wing of the raven Rise like a cloud 'twixt them and heaven, And in the distance flying fast Beheld the eagle come at last. She knelt down in her agony. " O Lord, it is enough," said she : " My heart's prayer putteth me to shame ; Let me return to whence I came. Thou who for love's sake didst reprove, Forgive me for the sake of love." December 1847. 14 LAD V MONTRE VOR LADY MONTREVOR T DO not look for love that is a dream — I only seek for courage to be still ; To bear my grief with an unbending will, And when I am a-weary not to seem. Let the round world roll on ; let the sun beam ; Let the wind blow, and let the rivers fill The everlasting sea, and on the hill The palms almost touch heaven, as children deem. And, though young spring and summer pass away, And autumn and cold winter come again, And though my soul, being tired of its pain, Pass from the ancient earth, and though my clay Return to dust, my tongue shall not complain ;- No man shall mock me after this my day. 1 8 February 184S. BOUTS-RIMES SONNETS 15 SONNETS Written to Bouts-rimes A MID the shades of a deserted hall I stand and think on much that hath been lost. How long it is since other step has crost This time-worn floor ! This tapestry is all Worm-eaten ; and these columns rise up tall Yet crumbling to decay ; where banners tost Thin spiders' webs hang now ; the bitter frost Has even killed the flowers upon the wall. Yet once this was a home brimful of life, Full of the hopes and fears and love of youth, Full of love's language speaking without sound Here honour was enshrined and kindly truth ; Hither the young lord brought his blushing wife, And here the bridal garlands were unbound. T SIT among green shady valleys oft, ■ Listening to echo-winds sighing of woe ; The grass and flowers are strong and sweet below ; Yea I am tired, and the smooth turf is soft. I sit and think, and never look aloft, l6 BOUTS-RIM^S SONNETS Save to the tops of a tall poplar-row That glisten in the wind, whispering low Of sudden sorrow reaching those who laught. A very drowsy fountain bubbles near, Catching pale sunbeams o'er it wandering ; Its waters are so clear the stones look through Then, sitting by its lazy stream, I hear Silence more loud than any other thing, What time the trees weep o'er me honey-dew. Ill A ^ rOULDST thou give me a heavy jewelled crown And purple mantle and embroidered vest ? Dear Child, the colours of the glorious West Are far more gorgeous when the sun sinks down. The diadem would only make me frown With its own weight ; nay give me for my crest Pale violets dreaming in perfect rest, Or rather leaves withered to autumn brown. A purple flowing mantle would but hinder My careless walk, and an embroidered robe Would shame me. What is the best man who stept On earth more than the naked worm that crept Over its surface ? Earth shall be a cinder ; Where shall be then the beauty of the globe ? bouts-rimj^s sonnets 17 IV T SAID within myself: " I am a fool To sigh ever for that which being gone Cannot return : the sun shines as it shone ; Rejoice." — But who can be made glad by rule ? My heart and soul and spirit are no tool To play with and direct ; my cheek is wan With memory ; and ever and anon I weep, feeling life is a weary school. There is much noise and bustle in the street ; It used to be so, and it is so now ; All are the same, and will be many a year. Spirit that canst not break and wilt not bow, Fear not the cold, thou who hast borne the heat ;- Die if thou wilt, but what hast thou to fear ? T SOUGHT among the living, and I seek Among the dead, for some to love ; but few I found at last, and those had quite run through Their store of love ; and friendship is too weak, Too cold for me ; yet will I never speak. Telling my heart-want to smooth listeners who Would wonder smiling ; I can bear and do — Hot shame shall dry no tears upon my cheek. So, when my dust shall mix with other dust, c l8 BOUTS-RIMES SONNETS When I shall have found quiet in decay, And lie at ease and cease like a mere thought, — Those whom I loved, thinking on me, shall not Grieve with a measure, saying, " Now we must Weep for a little ere we laugh to-day." VI A H welladay and wherefore am I here ? I sit alone all day, I sit and think — I watch the sun arise, I watch it sink. And feel no soul-light, though the day is clear. Surely it is a folly, it is mere Madness, to stand for ever on the brink Of dark despair, and yet not break the link That makes me scorned who cannot be held dear. I will have done with it ; I will not stand And fear on without hope, and tremble thus, Look for the break of day and miss it ever. Although my heart be broken, they shall never Say, " She was glad to sojourn among us, Thankful if one would take her by the hand." VII A ND is this August weather? Nay, not so. With the long rain the cornfield waxeth dark. How the cold rain comes pouring down ! and hark To the chill wind whose measured pace and slow Seems still to linger, being loth to go. BOUTS-RIMES SONNETS 19 I cannot stand beside the sea and mark Its grandeur — it's too wet for that : no lark In this drear season cares to sing or show. And, since its name is August, all men find Fire not allowable ; winter foregone Had more of sunlight and of glad warmth more. I shall be fain to run upon the shore And mark the rain. Hath the sun ever shone ? Cheer up ! there can be nothing worse to mind. VIII IWr ETHINKS the ills of life I fain would shun ; But then I must shun life, which is a blank. Even in my childhood oft my spirit sank, Thinking of all that had still to be done. Among my many friends there is not one Like her with whom I sat upon the bank Willow-o'ershadowed, from whose lips I drank A love more pure than streams that sing and run. But many times that joy has cost a sigh ; And many times I in my heart have sought For the old comfort and not found it yet. Surely in that calm day when I shall die The painful thought will be a blessed thought. And I shall sorrow that I must forget. BOUTS-RIMl':S SONNETS IX — The Plague " T ISTEN, the last stroke of death's noon has -*-^ struck— The plague is come," a gnashing Madman said, And laid him down straightway upon his bed. His writhed hands did at the linen pluck ; Then all is over. With a careless chuck Among his fellows he is cast. How sped His spirit matters little : many dead Make men hard-hearted. — '' Place him on the truck. Go forth into the burial-ground and find Room at so much a pitful for so many. One thing is to be done ; one thing is clear : Keep thou back from the hot unwholesome wind, That it infect not thee." Say, is there any AVho mourneth for the multitude dead here ? August 1848. x« \ 1 y^OULD that I were a turnip white, Or raven black, Or miserable hack Dragging a cab from left to right ; Or would I were the showman of a sight, Or weary donkey with a laden back, Or racer in a sack, Or freezing traveller on an Alpine height ; BOUTS-RIMES SONNETS 21 Or would I were straw-catching as I drown (A wretched landsman I who cannot swim), Or watching a lone vessel sink, Rather than writing : I would change my pink Gauze for a hideous yellow satin gown With deep-cut scolloped edges and a rim. T FANCY the good fairies dressed in white. Glancing like moonbeams through the shadows black ; Without much work to do for king or hack. Training perhaps some twisted branch aright ; Or sweeping faded autumn-leaves from sight To foster embryo life ; or binding back Stray tendrils ; or in ample bean-pod sack Bringing wild honey from the rocky height ; Or fishing for a fly lest it should drown ; Or teaching w^ater-lily heads to swim, Fearful that sudden rain might make them sink ; Or dyeing the pale rose a warmer pink ; Or wrapping lilies in their leafy gown, Yet letting the white peep beyond the rim. ON KEATS xr — Vanity Fair ^OME ladies dress in muslin full and white, Some gentlemen in cloth succinct and black; Some patronize a dog-cart, some a hack. Some think a painted clarence only right. Youth is not always such a pleasing sight, Witness a man with tassels on his back ; Or woman in a great-coat like a sack Towering above her sex with horrid height. If all the world were water fit to drown, There are some whom you would not teach to swim. Rather enjoying if you saw them sink ; Certain old ladies dressed in girlish pink. With roses and geraniums on their gown : — Go to the Bason, poke them o'er the rim. Circa 1848. ON KEATS A GARDEN in a garden : a green spot Where all is green : most fitting slumber-place For the strong man grown weary of a race Soon over. Unto him a goodly lot Hath fallen in fertile ground ; there thorns are not, But his own daisies \ silence, full of grace. Surely hath shed a quiet on his face ; His earth is but sweet leaves that fall and rot. HA VE PA TIENCE 23 What was his record of himself, ere he Went from us? " Here Hes one whose name was writ In water." While the chilly shadows flit Of sweet St. Agnes' Eve, while basil springs — His name, in every humble heart that sings, Shall be a fountain of love, verily. \% January 1849 (Eve of St. Agnes). HAVE PATIENCE nPHE goblets all are broken, The pleasant wine is spilt, The songs cease. If thou wilt. Listen, and hear truth spoken. We take thought for the morrow. And know not we shall see it j We look on death with sorrow, And cannot flee it. Youth passes like the lightning. Not to return again, — Just for a little bright'ning The confines of a plain, Gilding the spires, and whitening The gravestones and the slain. Youth passes like the odour From the white rose's cup When the hot sun drinks up HAVE PATIENCE The dew that overflowed her : Then Hfe forsakes the petals That had been very fair ; No beauty hngers there, And no bee settles. But, when the rose is dead And the leaves fallen, And when the earth has spread A snow-white pall on, The thorn remains, once hidden By the green growth above it- A darksome guest unbidden, With none to love it. Manhood is turbulent. And old age tires \ That hath no still content. This no desires. The present hath even less Joy than the past. And more cares fret it :- Life is a weariness From first to last ; — Let us forget it. Fill high and deep ! — But how ? The goblets all are broken. Nay then, have patience now : For this is but a token We soon shall have no need Of such to cheer us ; The palm-branches decreed TO LALLA 25 And crowns to be our meed Are very near us. 21 January 1849. TO LALLA Reading my Verses Topsy-Turvy "pvARLING little Cousin, With your thoughtful look Reading topsy-turvy From a printed book English hieroglyphics, More mysterious To you than Egyptian Ones would be to us ; — Leave off for a minute Studying, and say What is the impression That those marks convey. Only solemn silence And a wondering smile : But your eyes are lifted Unto mine the while. 26 TO LALLA In their gaze so steady I can surely trace That a happy spirit Lighteth up your face ; Tender happy spirit, Innocent and pure, Teaching more than science. And than learning more. How should I give answer To that asking look ? Darling little Cousin, Go back to your book. Read on : if you knew it, You have cause to boast : You are much the wiser Though I know the most. 2\ January 1849, THREE NUNS ■ 27 THREE NUNS Sospira questo core* E non so dir perche. C HADOW, shadow on the wall, Spread thy shelter over me ; Wrap me with a heavy pall, With the dark that none may see : Fold thyself around me, come ; Shut out all the troublesome Noise of life ; I would be dumb. Shadow, thou hast reached my feet ; Rise and cover up my head ; Be my stainless winding-sheet, Buried before I am dead. Lay thy cool upon my breast : Once I thought that joy was best, Now I only care for rest. By the grating of my cell Sings a solitary bird ; Sweeter than the vesper bell. Sweetest song was ever heard. ^ " Sweetest eyes were ever seen." — E. B. Browning. 28 THREE NUNS Sing upon thy living tree ; Happy echoes answer thee ; Happy songster, sing to me. When my yellow hair was curled, Though men saw and called me fair, I was weary in the world. Full of vanity and care. Gold was left behind, curls shorn, When I came here ; that same morn Made a bride no gems adorn. Here wrapt in my spotless veil, Curtained from intruding eyes, I whom prayers and fasts turn pale Wait the flush of Paradise. But the vigil is so long My heart sickens : — sing thy song, Blythe bird that canst do no wTong. Sing on, making me forget Present sorrow and past sin. Sing a little longer yet : Soon the matins will begin ; And I must turn back again To that aching, worse than pain, I must bear and not complain. THREE NUNS 29 Sing ; that in thy song I may Dream myself once more a child In the green woods far away, Plucking clematis and wild Hyacinths, till pleasure grew Tired, yet so was pleasure too, Resting with no work to do. In the thickest of the wood I remember long ago How a stately oaktree stood With a sluggish pool below Almost shadowed out of sight ; On the waters dark as night Water-lilies lay like light. There, while yet a child, I thought I could live as in a dream ; Secret, neither found nor sought ; Till the lilies on the stream, Pure as virgin purity, Would seem scarce too pure for me : — Ah but that can never be ! 30 THREE NUNS Sospirera d'amore, Ma non lo dice a me. I loved him ; yes, where was the sin ? I loved him with my heart and soul ; But I pressed forward to no goal, There was no prize I strove to win. Show me my sin that I may see : Throw the first stone, thou Pharisee. I loved him, but I never sought That he should know that I was fair. I prayed for him ; was my sin prayer ? I sacrificed, he never bought ; He nothing gave, he nothing took ; We never bartered look for look. My voice rose in the sacred choir. The choir of nuns : do you condemn Even if when kneeling aniong them Faith, zeal, and love, kindled a fire, And I prayed for his happiness Who knew not ; was my error this ? I only prayed that in the end His trust and hope may not be vain ; I prayed not we may meet again : THREE NUNS 31 I would not let our names ascend, No not to Heaven, in the same breath ; Nor will I join the two in death. Oh sweet is death, for I am weak And weary, and it giveth rest. The crucifix lies on my breast, And all night long it seems to speak Of rest ; I hear it through my sleep, And the great comfort makes me weep. Oh sweet is death that bindeth up The broken and the bleeding heart. The draught chilled, but a cordial part Lurked at the bottom of the cup ; And for my patience will my Lord Give an exceeding great reward. Yea the reward is almost won, A crown of glory and a palm. Soon I shall sing the unknown psalm ; Soon gaze on light, not on the sun ; And soon with surer faith shall pray For him, and cease not night nor day. My life is breaking like a cloud — God judgeth not as man doth judge — Nay, bear with me : you need not grudge This peace ; the vows that I have vowed 32 THREE NUNS Have all been kept : Eternal Strength Holds me, though mine own fails at length. Bury me in the Convent-ground Among the flowers that are so sweet ; And lay a green turf at my feet, Where thick trees cast a gloom around ; At my head let a cross be, white Through the long blackness of the night. Now kneel and pray beside my bed That I may sleep being free from pain ; And pray that I may wake again After His likeness who hath said (Faithful is He who promiseth) We shall be satisfied therewith. Ill Rispondimi, cor mio, Perche sospiri tu ? Risponde : Voglio Dio, Sospiro per Gesii. My heart is as a freeborn bird Caged in my cruel breast, That flutters, flutters evermore, Nor sings nor is at rest, But beats against the prison bars. As knowing its own nest Far ofl" beyond the clouded west. THREE NUNS 33 My soul is as a hidden fount Shut in by clammy clay, That struggles with an upward moan, Striving to force its way Up through the turf, over the grass, Up up into the day Where twilight no more turneth grey. Oh for the grapes of the True Vine Growing in Paradise, Whose tendrils join the Tree of Life To that which maketh wise — Growing beside the Living Well Whose sweetest waters rise Where tears are wiped from tearful eyes ! Oh for the waters of that Well Round which the Angels stand — Oh for the Shadow of the Rock On my heart's weary land — Oh for the Voice to guide me when I turn to either hand, Guiding me till I reach Heaven's strand ! Thou world from which I am come out Keep all thy gems and gold ; Keep thy delights and precious things, Thou that art waxing old. My heart shall beat with a new life When thine is dead and cold ; When thou dost fear I shall be bold. 34 THREE NUNS When Earth shall pass away with all Her pride and pomp of sin, The City builded without hands Shall safely shut me in. All the rest is but vanity Which others strive to win : Where their hopes end my joys begin. I will not look upon a rose Though it is fair to see : The flowers planted in Paradise Are budding now for me : Red roses like love visible Are blowing on their tree, Or white like virgin purity. I will not look unto the sun Which setteth night by night : In the untrodden courts of heaven My crown shall be more bright. Lo in the New Jerusalem Founded and built aright My very feet shall tread on light. With foolish riches of this world I have bought treasure where Nought perisheth : for this white veil I gave my golden hair ; I gave the beauty of my face For vigils, fasts, and prayer ; I gave all for this cross I bear. THREE NUNS 35 My heart trembled when first I took The vows which must be kept. At first it was a weariness To watch when once I slept : The path was rough and sharp with thorns ; My feet bled as I stept ; The cross was heavy and I wept. While still the names rang in mine ears Of daughter, sister, wife, The outside world still looked so fair To my weak eyes, and rife With beauty, my heart almost failed ; Then in the desperate strife I prayed, as one who prays for life,— Until I grew to love what once Had been so burdensome. So now, when I am faint because Hope deferred seems to numb My heart, I yet can plead, and say, Although my lips are dumb — The Spirit and the Bride say, Come. 12 February 1849 to 10 May 1850. 36 THE END OF THE FIRST PART THE END OF THE FIRST PART \\ Y happy happy dream is finished with, My dream in which alone I hved so long. My heart slept — woe is me, it wakeneth ; . Was weak — I thought it strong. Oh weary wakening from a life-true dream ! Oh pleasant dream from which I wake in pain ! I rested all my trust on things that seem, And all my trust is vain. I must pull down my palace that I built. Dig up the pleasure-gardens of my soul ; Must change my laughter to sad tears for guilt, My freedom to control. Now all the cherished secrets of my heart, Now all my hidden hopes, are turned to sin. Part of my life is dead, part sick, and part Is all on fire within. The fruitless thought of what I might have been, Haunting me ever, will not let me rest. A cold North wind has withered all my green. My sun is in the West. TIVO ENIGMAS 37 But, where my palace stood, with the same stone I will uprear a shady hermitage : And there my spirit shall keep house alone, Accomplishing its age. There other garden-beds shall lie around. Full of sweet-briar and incense-bearing thyme : There I will sit, and listen for the sound Of the last lingering chime. 18 Aj>ri/ 1849. TWO ENIGMAS "\TAME any gentleman you spy. And there's a chance that he is I. Go out to angle, and you may Catch me on a propitious day. Booted and spurred, their journey ended. The weary are by me befriended. If roasted meat should be your wish, I am more needful than a dish. I am acknowledgedly poor; Yet my resources are no fewer Than all the trades — there is not one But I profess, beneath the sun. 38 TWO CHARADES I bear a part in many a game ; My worth may change, I am the same : Sometimes, by you expelled, I roam Forth from the sanctuary of home. Me you often meet In London's crowded street. And merry children's voices my resting-place proclaim. Pictures and prose and verse Compose me — I rehearse Evil and good and folly, and call each by its name. I make men glad, and I Can bid their senses fly, And festive echoes know me of Isis and of Cam. But give me to a friend. And amity will end, Though he may have the temper and meekness of a lamb. Spring 1849. TWO CHARADES IV /r Y first is no proof of my second. Though my second's a proof of my first. If I were my whole, I should tell you Quite freely my best and my worst. Tl^V CHARADES 39 One clue more : — If you fail to discover My meaning, you're blind as a mole ; But, if you will frankly confess it, You show yourself clearly my whole. How many authors are my first ! And I shall be so too Unless I finish speedily That which I have to do. My second is a lofty tree And a delicious fruit ; This in the hot-house flourishes— That amid rocks takes root. My whole is an immortal queen Renowned in classic lore : Her a god won without her will. And her a goddess bore. Spring 1849. u^ 40 LOOKING FORWARD LOOKING FORWARD OLEEP, let me sleep, for I am sick of care; Sleep, let me sleep, for my pain wearies me. Shut out the light ; thicken the heavy air With drowsy incense ; let a distant stream Of music lull me, languid as a dream, Soft as the whisper of a summer sea. Pluck me no rose that groweth on a thorn. Nor myrtle white and cold as snow in June, Fit for a virgin on her marriage morn : But bring me poppies brimmed with sleepy death. And ivy choking what it garlandeth, And primroses that open to the moon. Listen, the music swells into a song, A simple song I loved in days of yore ; The echoes take it up and up along The hills, and the wind blows it back again. — Peace, peace, there is a memory in that strain Of happy days that shall return no more. Oh peace ! your music wakeneth old thought. But not old hope that made my life so sweet, Only the longing that must end in nought. Have patience with me, friends, a little while : For soon, where you shall dance and sing and smile. My quickened dust may blossom at your feet. LIFE HIDDEN 41 Sweet thought that I may yet Hve and grow green^ That leaves may yet spring from the withered root, And buds and flowers and berries half unseen ; Then, if you haply muse upon the past, Say this : Poor child, she has her wish at last ; Barren through life, but in death bearing fruit. % June 1849. LIFE HIDDEN "D OSES and lilies grow above the place Where she sleeps the long sleep that doth not dream. If we *could look upon her hidden face, Nor shadow would be there, nor garish gleam Of light ; her life is lapsing like a stream That makes no noise but floweth on apace Seawards, while many a shade and shady beam Vary the ripples in their gliding chase. She doth not see, but knows \ she doth not feel, And yet is sensible ; she hears no sound. Yet counts the flight of time and doth not err. Peace far and near, peace to ourselves and her : Her body is at peace in holy ground. Her spirit is at peace where Angels kneel. 21 July 1849. 42 QUEEN ROSE QUEEN ROSE " I ^HE jessamine shows like a star ; The Hlies sway hke sceptres slim ; Fair clematis from near and far Sets forth its wayward tangled whim ; Curved meadowsweet blooms rich and dim ;- But yet a rose is fairer far. The jessamine is odorous ; so Maid-lilies are, and clematis ; And where tall meadowsweet-flowers grow A rare and subtle perfume is ; — • What can there be more choice than these ?- A rose when it doth bud and blow. Let others choose sweet jessamine, Or weave their lily-crown aright, And let who love it pluck and twine Loose clematis, or draw delight From meadowsweets' cluster downy white — The rose, the perfect rose, be mine. 1 6 August 1849. HOW ONE CHOSE 43 HOW ONE CHOSE " O EYOND the sea, in a green land Where only rivers are — Beyond the clouds, in the clear sky Close by some quiet star — Could you not fancy there might be A home. Beloved, for you and me ? " " If there were such a home, my Friend, Truly prepared for us. Full of palm-branches or of crowns, Sun-gemmed and glorious, How should we reach it ? Let us cease From longing; let us be at peace." " The nightingale sang yestereve ; A sweet song singeth she, ' Most sad and without any hope. And full of memory ; But still methought it seemed to speak To me of home, and bid me seek." " The nightingale ceased ere the morn : Her heart could not contain The passion of her song, but burst With the loud throbbing pain. Now she hath rest which is the best, And now I too would be at rest." 44 HO IV ONE CHOSE " Last night I watched the mounting moon : Her glory was too pale To shine through the black heavy clouds That wrapt her like a veil ; And yet with patience she passed through The mists, and reached the depths of blue." " And when the road was travelled o'er And when the goal was won, A little while and all her light Was swallowed by the sun : The weary moon must seek again, — Even so our search would be in vain." " Yet seek with me. And if our way Be long and troublesome, And if our noon be hot until The chilly shadows come Of evening, — till those shadows flee In dawn, think. Love, it is with me." " Nay seek alone : I am no mate For such as you, in truth : My heart is old before its time ; Yours yet is in its youth : This home with pleasures girt about Seek you, for I am wearied out." 6 October 1849. M SEEKING REST 45 SEEKING REST Y Mother said : " The child is changed ^ ^ That used to be so still ; All the day long she sings and sings, And seems to think no ill ; She laughs as if some inward joy Her heart would overfill." My Sisters said : " Now prythee tell Thy secret unto us : Let us rejoice with thee ; for all Is surely prosperous, Thou art so merry : tell us, Sweet : We had not used thee thus." My Mother says : " What ails the child Lately so blythe of cheer ? Art sick or sorry ? Nay, it is The winter of the year ; Wait till the Springtime comes again. And the sweet flowers appear." My Sisters say : " Come, sit with us. That we may weep with thee : Show us thy grief that we may grieve Yea haply, if we see Thy sorrow, we may ease it ; but Shall share it certainly." 46 TIVO THOUGHTS OF DEATH How should I share my pain, who kept My pleasure all my own ? My Spring will never come again ; My pretty flowers have blown For the last time ; I can but sit And think and weep alone. lo October 1849. H TWO THOUGHTS OF DEATH ER heart that loved me once is rottenness Now and corruption ; and her Hfe is dead That was to have been one with mine, she said. The earth must lie with such a cruel stress On eyes whereon the white lids used to press ; Foul worms fill up her mouth so sweet and red ; Foul worms are underneath her graceful head ; Yet these, being born of her from nothingness, These worms are certainly flesh of her flesh. — How is it that the grass is rank and green And the dew-dropping rose is brave and fresh Above what was so sweeter far than they ? Even as her beauty hath passed quite away, Theirs too shall be as though it had not been. THREE MOMENTS 47 So I said underneath the dusky trees : But, because still I loved her memory, I stooped to pluck a pale anemone, And lo my hand lighted upon heartsease Not fully blown : while with new life from these Fluttered a starry moth that rapidly Rose toward the sun : sunlighted flashed on me Its wings that seemed to throb like heart-pulses. Far far away it flew, far out of sight, — From earth and flowers of earth it passed away As though it flew straight up into the light. Then my heart answered me : Thou fool, to say That she is dead whose night is turned to day, And no more shall her day turn back to night. 16 March 1S50. THREE MOMENTS T^HE Child said : "Pretty bird. Come back and play with me. The Bird said : " It is in vain. For I am free. I am free, I will not stay, But will fly far away. In the woods to sing and play, Far away, far away." The Child sought her Mother : " I have lost my bird," said she, 48 THREE MOMENTS Weeping bitterly. But the Mother made her answer, Half sighing pityingly, Half smiling cheerily : "Though thy bird come nevermore, Do not weep ; Find another playfellow Child, and keep Tears for future pain more deep." "Sweet rose, do not wither," The Girl said. But a blight had touched its heart And it drooped its crimson head. In the morning it had opened Full of life and bloom, But the leaves fell one by one Till the twihght gloom. One by one the leaves fell By summer winds blown from their stem ; They fell upon the dewy earth Which nourished once now tainted them. Again the young Girl wept And sought her Mother's ear : " My rose is dead so full of grace, The very rose I meant to place In the wreath that I wear." " Nay, never weep for such as this," The Mother answered her : " But weave another crown, less fair THREE MOMENTS 49 Perhaps, but fitter for thy hair. And keep thy tears," the Mother said, " For something heavier." The Woman knelt, but did not pray Nor weep nor cry ; she only said : " Not this, not this ! " and clasped her hands Against her heart, and bowed her head. While the great struggle shook the bed. " Not this, not this ! " tears did not fall ; " Not this ! " it was all She could say ; no sobs would come ; The mortal grief was almost dumb. — At length when it was over, when She knew it was and would be so, She cried : " O Mother, where are they. The tears that used to flow So easily ? One single drop Might save my reason now, or stop My heart from breaking. Blessed tears Wasted in former years 1 " Then the grave Mother made reply : " O Daughter mine, be of good cheer. Rejoicing thou canst shed no tear. Thy pain is almost over now. Once more thy heart shall throb with pain. But then shall never throb again. Oh happy thou who canst not weep, Oh happy thou ! " 23 March 1850. E 50 JS AND WAS IS AND WAS O HE was whiter than the ermine "^ That half shadowed neck and hand, And her tresses were more golden Than their golden band ; Snowy ostrich plumes she wore ; Yet I almost loved her more In the simple time before. Then she plucked the stately lilies Knowing not she was more fair, And she listened to the skylark In the morning air. Then, a kerchief all her crown, She looked for the acorns brown, Bent their bough, and shook them down. Then she thought of Christmas holly And of iMaybloom in sweet May ; Then she loved to pick the cherries And to turn the hay. She was humble then and meek. And the blush upon her cheek Told of much she could not speak. SONG 51 Now she is a noble lady With calm voice not over loud ; Very courteous in her action, Yet you think her proud ; Much too haughty to affect ; Too indifferent to direct Or be angry or suspect ; Doing all from self-respect. Spring 1850. SONG A 1 TE buried her among the flowers ^^ At falling of the leaf, And choked back all our tears ; her joy Could never be our grief. She lies among the hving flowers And grass, the only thing That perishes ; — or is it that Our Autumn was her Spring ? Doubtless, if we could see her face, The smile is settled there Which almost broke our hearts when last We knelt by her in prayer ; 52 ANNIE When, with tired eyes and faiUng breath And hands crossed on her breast, Perhaps she saw her Guardian spread His wings above her rest. So she sleeps hidden in the flowers ; But yet a Httle while, And we shall see her wake and rise, Fair, with the self-same smile. 14 May 1850. ANNIE A NNIE is fairer than her kith ^^ And kinder than her kin : Her eyes are like the open heaven Holy and pure from sin : Her heart is like an ordered house Good fairies harbour in : Oh happy he who wins the love That I can never win ! Her sisters stand as hyacinths Around the perfect rose : They bloom and open to the full, My bud will scarce unclose. They are for every butterfly That comes and sips and goes ; My bud hides in the tender green Most sweet and hardly shows. ANNIE 53 Oh cruel kindness in soft eyes That are no more than kind, On which I gaze my heart away Till the tears make me blind ! How is it others find the way That I can never find To make her laugh that sweetest laugh Which leaves all else behind ? Her hair is like the golden corn A low wind breathes upon : Or like the golden harvest-moon When all the mists are gone : Or like a stream with golden sands On which the sun has shone Day after day in summertime Ere autumn leaves are wan. I will not tell her that I love, Lest she should turn away With sorrow in her tender heart Which now is light and gay. I will not tell her that I love, Lest she should turn and say That we must meet no more again For many a weary day. 26 September 1 850. 54 A DIRGE A DIRGE O HE was as sweet as violets in the Spring, As fair as any rose in Summertime : But frail are roses in their prime And violets in their blossoming. Even so was she : And now she lies, The earth upon her fast-closed eyes, Dead in the darkness silently. The sweet Spring violets never bud again, The roses bloom and perish in a morn : They see no second quickening lying lorn : Their beauty dies as though in vain. Must she die so For evermore. Cold as the sand upon the shore, As passionless for joy and woe ? — Nay she is worth much more than flowers that fade, And yet shall be made fair with purple fruit : Branch of the Living Vine, whose Root From all eternity is laid. Another Sun Than this of ours Has withered up indeed her flowers But ripened her grapes every one. \% January 1 85 1. SONG SONG 55 T T is not for her even brow And shining yellow hair, But it is for her tender eyes I think my love so fair : Her tell-tale eyes that smile and weep As frankly as they wake and sleep. It is not for her rounded cheek I love and fain would win, But it is for the blush that comes Straight from the heart within : The honest blush of maiden shame That blushes without thought of blame. So in my dreams I never hear Her song, although she sings As if a choir of spirits swept From earth with throbbing wings : I only hear the simple voice Whose love makes many hearts rejoice. 1851. 56 BOOKS IN THE RUNNING BROOKS A FAIR WORLD THOUGH A FALLEN V/'OU tell me that the world is fair, in spite ''' Of the old Fall ; and that I should not turn So to the grave, and let my spirit yearn After the quiet of the long last night. Have I then shut mine eyes against the light. Grief-deafened lest my spirit should discern ? Yet how could 1 keep silence when I burn ? And who can give me comfort ? — Hear the right. Have patience with the weak and sick at heart : Bind up the wounded with a tender touch, Comfort the sad, tear-blinded as they go : — For, though I failed to choose the better part. Were it a less unutterable woe If we should come to love this world too much ? 30 August 1 85 1. BOOKS IN THE RUNNING BROOKS " TT is enough, enough," one said, At play among the flowers : " I spy a rose upon the thorn, A rainbow in the showers ; I hear a merry chime of bells Ring out the passing hours." BOOKS IN THE RUNNING BROOKS 57 Soft springs the fountain From the daisied ground, Softly falKng on the moss Without a sound. " It is enough," she said, and fixed Cahn eyes upon the sky : " I watch a flitting tender cloud Just Hke a dove go by ; A lark is rising from the grass, A wren is building nigh." Softly the fountain Threads its silver way. Screened by the scented bloom Of whitest May. " Enough ? " she whispered to herself, As doubting : " Is it so ? Enough to wear the roses fair, O sweetest flowers that blow ? Oh yes, it surely is enough — My happy home below ! " A shadow stretcheth From the hither shore : The waters darken More and more and more. " It is enough," she says ; but with A listless weary moan : " Enough," if mixing with her friends : " Enough," if left alone ; SS BOOKS IN THE RUNNING BROOKS But to herself : " Not yet enough This suffering, to atone ? "' The cold black waters Seem to stagnate there, Without a single wave Or breath of air. And now she says : " It is enough," Half languid and half stirred : " Enough," to silence and to sound. Thorn, blossom, soaring bird : " Enough," she says ; but with a lack Of something in the word. Defiled and turbid See the waters pass, Half light, half shadow, Struggling through the grass. Ah will it ever dawn, that day When, calm for good or ill. Her heart shall say : " It is enough, For Thou art with me still ; It is enough, O Lord my God, Thine only blessed Will " ? Then shall the fountain sing And flow to rest. Clear as the sun-track To the purple West 26 August 1852. AFTER ALL 59 THE SUMMER IS ENDED "\ 1 TREATHE no more lilies in my hair, For I am dying, Sister sweet : Or, if you will for the last time Indeed, why make me fair Once for my winding-sheet. Pluck no more roses for my breast, For I like them fade in my prime : Or, if you will, why pluck them still, That they may share my rest Once more for the last time. Weep not for me when I am gone. Dear tender one, but hope and smile : Or, if you cannot choose but weep, A little while weep on, Only a little while. II Septe7nber 1852. AFTER ALL "T THOUGHT your search was over."— "So ^ thought." " But you are seeking still." — " Yes, even so : Still seeking in mine own despite below That which in heaven alone is found unsought : Still spending for that thing which is not bought." 6o FROM THE ANTIQUE "Then chase no more this shifting empty show."- " Amen : so bid a drowning man forego The straw he clutches : will he so be taught ? You have a home where peace broods like a dove, Screened from the weary world's loud discontent You have home here : you wait for home above. I must unlearn the pleasant ways I went : Must learn another hope, another love. And sigh indeed for home in banishment." 24 October 1852. FROM THE ANTIQUE 'T^HE wind shall lull us yet, The flowers shall spring above us And those who hate forget. And those forget who love us. The pulse of hope shall cease, Of joy and of regretting : We twain shall sleep in peace. Forgotten and forgetting. For us no sun shall rise, Nor wind rejoice, nor river, Where we with fast-closed eyes Shall sleep and sleep for ever. [O December 1852. TO WHAT PURPOSE IS THIS WASTE? 6i TO WHAT PURPOSE IS THIS WASTE? A WINDY shell singing upon the shore : A lily budding in a desert place, Blooming alone With no companion To praise its perfect perfume and its grace : A rose crimson and blushing at the core, Hedged-in with thorns behind it and before : A fountain in the grass, Whose shadowy waters pass Only to nourish birds and furnish food For squirrels of the wood : An oak deep in the forest's heart, the house Of black-eyed tiny mouse : Its strong roots, fit for fuel, roofing in The hoarded nuts, acorns, and grains of wheat — Shutting them from the wind and scorching heat, And sheltering them when the rains begin : A precious pearl deep-buried in the sea Where none save fishes be : The fullest merriest note For which the skylark strains ifis silver throat, Heard only in the sky By other birds that fitfully Chase one another as they fly : TO WHAT PURPOSE IS THIS WASTE? The ripest plum down-tumbled to the ground By southern winds most musical of sound, But by no thirsty traveller found : Honey of wild bees in their ordered cells Stored, not for human mouths to taste : — I said smiling superior down : What waste Of good, where no man dwells ! This I said on a pleasant day in June Before the sun had set, though a white moon Already flaked the quiet blue Which not a star looked through. But still the air was warm, and drowsily It blew into my face : So, since that same day I had wandered deep Into the country, I sought out a place For rest beneath a tree. And very soon forgot myself in sleep : Not so mine own words had forgotten me. Mine eyes were open to behold All hidden things, And mine ears heard all secret whisperings : So my proud tongue, that had been bold To carp and to reprove. Was silenced by the force of utter Love. All voices of all things inanimate Join with the song of Angels and the song Of blessed spirits, chiming with Their Hallelujahs. One wind wakeneth TO WHAT PURPOSE IS THIS WASTE? 63 Across the sleeping sea, crisping along The waves, and brushes through the great Forests and tangled hedges, and calls out Of rivers a clear sound. And makes the ripe corn rustle on the ground, And murmurs in a shell : Till all their voices swell Above the clouds in one loud hymn Joining the song of Seraphim, Or like pure incense circle roundabout The walls of heaven, or like a well-spring rise In shady Paradise. A lily blossoming unseen Holds honey in its silver cup Whereon a bee may sup. Till being full she takes the rest And stores it in her waxen nest : While the fair blossom lifted up On its one stately stem of green Is type of her the Undefiled, Arrayed in white, whose eyes are mild As a white dove's, whose garment is Blood-cleansed from all impurities And earthly taints, Her robe the righteousness of Saints. And other eyes than ours Were made to look on flowers. Eyes of small birds and insects small : 64 TO WHAT PURPOSE IS THIS WASTE? The deep sun-blushing rose Round which the prickles close Opens her bosom to them all. The tiniest living thing That soars on feathered wing, Or crawls among the long grass out of sight, Has just as good a right To its appointed portion of delight As any King. Why should we grudge a hidden water-stream To birds and squirrels while we have enough ? As if a nightingale should cease to sing Lest we should hear, or finch leafed out of sight Warbling its fill in summer light : As if sweet violets in the Spring Should cease to blow, for fear our path should seem Less weary or less rough. So every oak that stands a house For skilful mouse And year by year renews its strength, Shakes acorns from a hundred boughs Which shall be oaks at length. Who hath weighed the waters and shall say What is hidden in the depths from day ? Pearls and precious stones and golden sands, Wondrous weeds and blossoms rare. Kept back from human hands, But good and fair, TO WHAT PURPOSE IS THIS WASTE? 65 A silent praise as pain is silent prayer. A hymn and incense rising toward the skies, As our whole life should rise : An offering without stint from earth below, Which Love accepteth so. Thus is it with a warbling bird. With fruit bloom-ripe and full of seed. With honey which the wild bees draw From flowers, and store for future need By a perpetual law. We want the faith that hath not seen Indeed, but hath believed His truth Who witnessed that His work was good : So we pass cold to age from youth. Alas for us, for we have heard And known, but have not understood. O earth, earth, earth, thou yet shalt bow Who art so fair and lifted up, Thou yet shalt drain the bitter cup. Men's eyes that wait upon thee now, All eyes shall see thee lost and mean, Exposed and valued at thy worth. While thou shalt stand ashamed and dumb. — Ah when the Son of Man shall come. Shall He find faith upon the earth ? •22 January 1 853. 66 NEXT OF KIN NEXT OF KIN 'T^HE shadows gather round me, while you are in the sun : T^Iy day is almost ended, but yours is just begun : The winds are singing to us both and the streams are singing still, And they fill your heart with music, but mine they cannot fill. Your home is built in sunlight, mine in another day: Your home is close at hand, sweet friend, but mine is far away : Your bark is in the haven where you fain would be : I must launch out into the deep, across the unknown sea. You, white as dove or lily or spirit of the light : I, stained and cold and glad to hide in the cold dark night : You, joy to many a loving heart and light to many eyes : I, lonely in the knowledge earth is full of vanities. Yet when your day is over, as mine is nearly done. And when your race is finished, as mine is almost run, PORTRAITS 67 You, like me, shall cross your hands and bow your graceful head : Yea, we twain shall sleep together in an equal bed. 21 February 1 853. PORTRAITS A N easy lazy length of limb. Dark eyes and features from the South, A short-legged meditative pipe Set in a supercilious mouth : Ink and a pen and papers laid Down on a table for the night, Beside a semi-dozing man Who wakes to go to bed by light. A pair of brothers brotherly. Unlike and yet how much the same In heart and high-toned intellect. In face and bearing, hope and aim : Friends of the selfsame treasured friends And of one home the dear deHght, Beloved of many a loving heart. And cherished both in mine. Good-night. 9 May 1853. 68 WHAT? WHAT? OTRENGTHENING as secret manna, Fostering as clouds above, Kind as a hovering dove, Full as a plenteous river, Our glory and our banner For ever and for ever. Dear as a dying cadence Of music in the drowsy night : Fair as the flowers which maidens Pluck for an hour's delight, And then forget them quite. Gay as a cowslip-meadow Fresh opening to the sun When new day is begun : Soft as a sunny shadow When day is almost done. Glorious as purple twilight, Pleasant as budding tree, Untouched as any islet Shrined in an unknown sea : Sweet as a fragrant rose amid the dew : — As sweet, as fruitless too. NEAR THE STYX 69 A bitter dream to wake from, But oh how pleasant while we dream ! A poisoned fount to take from. But oh how sweet the stream ! May 1853. NEAR THE STYX T N my cottage near the Styx Co. and Charon still combine Us to ferry o'er like bricks In a boat of chaste design. Cerberus, thou triple fair. Distance doth thy charms impair : Let the passage give to us Charon, Co., and Cerberus. Chorus Now the passage gives us to Charon, Cerberus, and Co. June 1853 — Frome Selwood. 70 HOL Y INNOCENTS A PAUSE 'T^HEY made the chamber sweet with flowers and leaves, And the bed sweet with flowers on which I lay ; While my soul, love-bound, loitered on its way. I did not hear the birds about the eaves, Nor hear the reapers talk among the sheaves : Only my soul kept watch from day to day, My thirsty soul kept watch for one away : — Perhaps he loves, I thought, remembers, grieves. At length there came the step upon the stair, Upon the lock the old familiar hand : Then first my spirit seemed to scent the air Of Paradise ; then first the tardy sand Of time ran golden ; and I felt my hair Put on a glory, and my soul expand. \o June 1853. HOLY INNOCENTS CLEEP, little Baby, sleep; The holy Angels love thee, And guard thy bed, and keep A blessed watch above thee. No spirit can come near Nor evil beast to harm thee : SEASONS 71 Sleep, Sweet, devoid of fear Where nothing need alarm thee. The Love which doth not sleep, The eternal Arms surround thee : The Shepherd of the sheep In perfect love hath found thee. Sleep through the holy night, Christ-kept from snare and sorrow, Until thou wake to light And love and warmth to-morrow. i>/j 1853. SEASONS T N Springtime when the leaves are young. Clear dewdrops gleam like jewels, hung On boughs the fair birds roost among. When Summer comes with sweet unrest, Birds weary of their mother's breast, And look abroad and leave the nest. In Autumn ere the waters freeze. The swallows fly across the seas : — If we could fly away with these ! In Winter when the birds are gone, The sun himself looks starved and wan, And starved the snow^ he shines upon. September 1853. 72 A WISH BURIED '^PHOU sleepest where the hlies fade, Thou dwellest where the Hlies fade not Sweet, when thine earthly part decayed Thy heavenly part decayed not. Thou dwellest where the roses blow, The crimson roses bud and blossom : While on thine eyes is heaped the snow — The snow upon thy bosom. 1853. I A WISH WISH I were a little bird That out of sight doth soar ; I wish I were a song once heard But often pondered o'er, Or shadow of a lily stirred By wdnd upon the floor, Or echo of a loving word Worth all that w^ent before, Or memory of a hope deferred That springs again no more. 1853. TIVO PARTED y^ TWO PARTED " CING of a love lost and forgotten, Sing of a joy finished and o'er, Sing of a heart core-cold and rotten, Sing of a hope springing no more." "Sigh for a heart aching and sore." " I was most true and my own love betrayed me, I was most true and she would none of me. Was it the cry of the world that dismayed thee ? Love, I had bearded the wide world for thee." " Hark to the sorrowful sound of the sea." " Still in my dreams she comes tender and gracious, Still in my dreams love looks out of her eyes : Oh that the love of a dream were veracious, Or that thus dreaming I might not arise ! " " Oh for the silence that stilleth all sighs ! " 1853. 74 AUTUMN FOR ROSALINE'S ALBUM T~^0 you hear the low winds singing, And streams singing on their bed ? — Very distant bells are ringing In a chapel for the dead : — Death-pale better than life-red. Mother, come to me in rest, And bring little May to see. Shall I bid no other guest ? Seven slow nights have passed away Over my forgotten clay : None must come save you and she. 1853. AUTUMN r^ARE flieth, Hope and Fear together : Love dieth In the Autumn weather. For a friend Even Care is pleasant : When Fear doth end Hope is no more present : Autumn silences the turtle-dove : — In blank Autumn who could speak of love ? 1853- BALLAD 75 SEASONS /^"^ROCUSES and snowdrops wither, Violets, primroses together, Fading with the fading Spring Before a fuller blossoming. O sweet Summer, pass not soon, Stay awhile the harvest-moon : O sweetest Summer, do not go, For Autumn's next and next the snow. When Autumn comes the days are drear, It is the downfall of the year : We heed the wind and falling leaf ;More than the golden harvest-sheaf. Dreary Winter come at last : Come quickly, so be quickly past : Dusk and sluggish Winter wane Till Spring and sunlight dawn again. 7 December 1853. BALLAD " O OFT white lamb in the daisy meadow. Come hither and play with me. For I am lonesome and I am tired Underneath the apple tree." 76 BALLAD " There's your husband if you are lonesome, lady, And your bed if you want for rest : And your baby for a playfellow With a soft hand for your breast." " Fair white dove in the sunshine, Perched on the ashen bough. Come and perch by me and coo to me While the buds are blowing now." " I must keep my nestlings warm, lady, Underneath my downy breast : There's your baby to coo and crow to you While I brood upon my nest." " Faint white rose, come lie on my heart, Come lie there with your thorn : For 111 be dead at the vesper-bell And buried the morrow morn." " There's blood on your lily breast, lady. Like roses when they blow, And there's blood upon your little hand That should be white as snow : I will stay amid my fellows Where the lilies grow." " But it's oh my own own little babe That I had you here to kiss, And to comfort me in the strange next world Though I slighted you so in this." A SOUL 77 "You shall kiss both cheek and chin, mother, And kiss me between the eyes, Or ever the moon is on her way And the pleasant stars arise : You shall kiss and kiss your fill, mother. In the nest of Paradise." J Ja7iuary 1854. A SOUL O HE stands as pale as Parian statues stand ; Like Cleopatra when she turned at bay, And felt her strength above the Roman sway, And felt the aspic writhing in her hand. Her face is steadfast toward the shadowy land, For dim beyond it looms the land of day : Her feet are steadfast, all the arduous way That foot-track doth not waver on the sand. She stands there like a beacon through the night, A pale clear beacon where the storm-drift is — She stands alone, a wonder deathly-white : She stands there patient nerved with inner might, Indomitable in her feebleness, Her face and will athirst against the light. 7 Febrtmry 1 854. 78 FROM THE ANTIQUE FROM THE ANTIQUE TT'S a weary life, it is, she said: — Doubly blank in a woman's lot : I wish and I wish I were a man : Or, better than any being, were not : Were nothing at all in all the world, Not a body and not a soul : Not so much as a grain of dust Or drop of water from pole to pole. Still the world would wag on the same, Still the seasons go and come : Blossoms bloom as in days of old, Cherries ripen and wild bees hum. None would miss me in all the world. How much less would care or weep : I should be nothing, while all the rest Would wake and weary and fall asleep. 7.2> June 1854. RESTIVE 79 RESTIVE T THOUGHT to deal the death-stroke at a blow To give all, once for all, but never more : — Then sit to hear the low waves fret the shore, Or watch the silent snow. "Oh rest," I thought, "in silence and the dark : Oh rest, if nothing else, from head to feet : Though I may see no more the poppied wheat, Or sunny soaring lark. " These chimes are slow, but surely strike at last : This sand is slow, but surely droppeth through : And much there is to suffer, much to do, Before the time be past. " So will I labour, but will not rejoice : Will do and bear, but will not hope again : Gone dead alike to pulses of quick pain And pleasure's counterpoise." I said so in my heart : and so I thought My life would lapse, a tedious monotone : I thought to shut myself and dwell alone Unseeking and unsought : 8o RESTIVE But first I tired, and then my care grew slack, Till my heart dreamed, and maybe wandered too I felt the sunshine glow again, and knew The swallow on its track : All birds awoke to building in the leaves. All buds awoke to fullness and sweet scent : Ah too my heart woke unawares, intent On fruitful harvest-sheaves. Full pulse of life, that I had deemed was dead ; Full throb of youth, that I had deemed at rest. Alas I cannot build myself a nest, I cannot crown my head With royal purple blossoms for the feast, Nor flush with laughter, nor exult in song : — These joys may drift, as time now drifts along ; And cease, as once they ceased. I may pursue, and yet may not attain, Athirst and panting all the days I live : Or seem to hold, yet nerve myself to give What once I gave, again. 7.^ July 1854. LONG LOOKED FOR 8i LONG LOOKED FOR ^1 /'HEN the eye hardly sees, And the pulse hardly stirs, And the heart would scarcely quicken Though the voice were hers : Then the longing wasting fever Will be almost past : Sleep indeed come back again, And peace at last. Not till then, dear friends, Not till then, most like, most dear. The dove will fold its wings To settle here. Then to all her coldness I also shall be cold ; Then I also have forgotten Our happy love of old. Close mine eyes with care, Cross my hands upon my breast, Let shadows and full silence Tell of rest : For she yet may look upon me Too proud to speak, but know One heart less loves her in the world Than loved her long ago. G 82 LISTENING Strew flowers upon the bed And flowers upon the floor, Let all be sweet and comely When she stands at the door : Fair as a bridal chamber For her to come into, When the sunny day is over At falling of the dew. If she comes, watch her not. But careless turn aside : She may weep if left alone With her beauty and her pride : She may pluck a leaf perhaps Or a languid violet When life and love are finished And even I forget. 12 August 1854. LISTENING O HE listened like a cushat dove That listens to its mate alone : She listened like a cushat dove That loves but only one. Not fair as men would reckon fair, Nor noble as they count the line : Only as graceful as a bough. And tendrils of the vine : THE LAST LOOK .83 Only as noble as sweet Eve Your ancestress and mine. And downcast were her dovelike eyes And downcast was her tender cheek ; Her pulses fluttered like a dove To hear him speak. October 1854. THE LAST LOOK T_J ER face was like an opening rose. So bright to look upon : But now it is like fallen snows, As cold, as dead, as wan. Heaven lit with stars is more like her Than is this empty crust : Deaf, dumb, and blind, it cannot stir. But crumbles back to dust. No flower be taken from her bed For me, no lock be shorn : I give her up, the early dead, The dead, the newly born. If I remember her, no need Of formal tokens set ; Of hollow token-Hes indeed No need, if I forget. •3 March 1855. 84 / HAVE A MESSAGE UNTO THEE I HAVE A MESSAGE UNTO THEE (Written in Sickness) f~^ REEN sprout the grasses, Red blooms the mossy rose, Blue nods the harebell Where purple heather blows : The water-lily, silver white. Is living fair as light : Sweet jasmine-branches trail A dusky starry veil : Each goodly is to see. Comely in its degree : I only I, alas that this should be, Am ruinously pale. New year renews the grasses, The crimson rose renews. Brings up the breezy bluebell. Refreshes heath with dews : Then water-lilies ever Bud fresh upon the river : Then jasmine lights its star And spreads its arms afar : T HAVE A MESSAGE UNTO THEE 85 I only in my spring Can neither bud nor sing : I find not honey but a sting Though fair the blossoms are. For me no downy grasses, For me no blossoms pluck : But leave them for the breezes. For honey-bees to suck, For childish hands to pull And pile their baskets full : I will not have a crown That soon must be laid down : Trust me : I cannot care A withering crown to wear, I who may be immortally made fair Where autumn turns not brown. Spring, summer, autumn. Winter, all will pass. With tender blossoms And with fruitful grass. Sweet days of yore Will pass to come no more. Sweet perfumes fly, Buds languish and go by : Oh bloom that cannot last, Oh blossoms quite gone past, I yet shall feast when you shall fast. And live when you shall die. 86 I HAVE A MESSAGE UNTO THEE Your work-day fully ended, Your pleasant task being done, You shall finish with the stars, The moon and setting sun. You and these and time Shall end with the last chime, — For earthly solace given, But needed not in heaven ; Needed not perhaps Through the eternal lapse. Or else, all signs fulfilled, What you foreshow may yield Delights through heaven's own harvest field With undecaying saps. Young girls wear flowers. Young brides a flowery wreath : But next we plant them In garden-plots of death. Whose sleep is best.^^ — The maiden's curtained rest, Or bride's whose hoped-for sweet May yet outstrip her feet ? — Ah what are such as these To death's sufficing ease ? How long and deep that slumber is Where night and morning meet ! Dear are the blossoms For bride's or maiden's head. I HAVE A MESSAGE UNTO THEE 87 But dearer planted Around our happy dead. Those mind us of decay And joys that shp away : These preach to us perfection And endless resurrection. We make our graveyards fair For spirit-like birds of air : For Angels, may be, finding there Lost Eden's own delection. A blessing on the flowers That God has made so good, From crops of jealous gardens To wildhngs of a wood. They show us symbols deep Of how to sow and reap : They teach us lessons plain Of patient harvest-gain. They still are telling of God's unimagined love : — Oh gift," they say, "all gifts above Shall it be given in vain ? — " Better you had not seen us But shared the blind man's night. Better you had not scented Our incense of delight, Than only plucked to scorn The rosebud for its thorn : 88 COBWEBS Not so the instinctive thrush Hymns in a holly-bush. Be wise betimes, and with the bee Suck sweets from prickly tree, To last when earth's are flown : So God well pleased will own Your work, and bless not time alone But ripe eternity." 26 March 1855. COBWEBS T T is a land with neither night nor day, Nor heat nor cold, nor any wind nor rain. Nor hills nor valleys : but one even plain Stretches through long unbroken miles away. While through the sluggish air a twilight grey Broodeth : no moons or seasons wax and wane, No ebb and flow are there along the main. No bud-time, no leaf-falling, there for aye : — No ripple on the sea, no shifting sand. No beat of wings to stir the stagnant space : No pulse of life through all the loveless land And loveless sea ; no trace of days before. No guarded home, no toil-won resting-place, No future hope, no fear for evermore. October 1S55. AN AFTER- THO UGHT 89 AN AFTER-THOUGHT /~\H lost garden Paradise ! — ^^ Were the roses redder there Than they blossom otherwhere? Was the night's delicious shade More intensely star-inlaid ? Who can tell what memories Of lost beloved Paradise Saddened Eve with sleepless eyes ? Fair first mother lulled to rest In a choicer garden-nest, Curtained with a softer shading Than thy tenderest child is laid in, — Was the sundawn brighter far Than our daily sundawns are ? Was that love, first love of all, Warmer, deeper, better worth Than has warmed poor hearts of earth Since the utter ruinous fall ? Ah supremely happy once. Ah supremely broken-hearted When her tender feet departed From the accustomed paths of peace : Catching Angel orisons For the last last time of all, 90 AN AFTER- THO UGHT Shedding tears that would not cease For the bitter fall. Yet the accustomed hand for leading, Yet the accustomed heart for love : Sure she kept one part of Eden Angels could not strip her of. Sure the fiery messenger Kindling for his outraged Lord, Willing with the perfect Will, Yet rejoiced the flaming sword, Chastening sore but sparing still, Shut her treasure out with her. W^hat became of Paradise ? Did the cedars droop at all (Springtide hastening to the fall) Missing the beloved hand — Or did their green perfection stand Unmoved beneath the perfect skies ? — Paradise was rapt on high, It lies before the gate of Heaven: — Eve now slumbers there forgiven. Slumbers Rachel comforted, Slumber all the blessed dead Of days and months and years gone by, A solemn swelling company. They wait for us beneath the trees Of Paradise, that lap of ease : TO THE END 91 They wait for us, till God shall please. Oh come the day of death, that day Of rest which cannot pass away ! When the last work is wrought, the last Pang of pain is felt and past, And the blessed door made fast. 18 December 1855. TO THE END 'T^HERE are lilies for her sisters — (Who so cold as they ?) — And heartsease for one I must not name When I am far away. I shall pluck the lady lilies And fancy all the rest : I shall pluck the bright-eyed heartsease For her sake I love the best : As I wander on with weary feet Toward the twilight shadowy west. O bird that flyest eastward Unto that sunny land. Oh wilt thou light on hlies white Beside her whiter hand ? Soft summer wind that breathest Of perfumes and sweet spice. 92 TO THE END Ah tell her what I dare not tell Of watchful waiting eyes, Of love that yet may meet again In distant Paradise. I go from earth to heaven A dim uncertain road, A houseless pilgrim through the world Unto a sure abode : While evermore an Angel Goes with me day and night, A ministering spirit From the land of light, My holy fellow-servant sent To guide my steps aright. I wonder if the Angels Love with such love as ours. If for each other's sake they pluck And keep eternal flowers. Alone I am and weary, Alone yet not alone : Her soul talks with me by the way From tedious stone to stone, A blessed Angel treads with me The awful paths unknown. When will the long road end in rest, The sick bird perch and brood ? When will my Guardian fold his wungs At rest in the finished good .^— TO THE END 93 Lulling, lulling me off to sleep : While Death's strong hand doth roll My sins behind his back, And my life up like a scroll, Till through sleep I hear kind Angels Rejoicing at the goal. If her spirit went before me Up from night to day, It would pass me hke the lightning That kindles on its way. I should feel it like the hghtning Flashing fresh from Heaven : I should long for Heaven sevenfold more, Yea and sevenfold seven : Should pray as I have not prayed before, And strive as I have not striven. She will learn new love in Heaven, Who is so full of love ; She will learn new depths of tenderness Who is tender like a dove. Her heart will no more sorrow, Her eyes will weep no more : Yet it may be she will yearn And look back from far before : Lingering on the golden threshold And leaning from the door. 18 December 1855. 94 MAY MAY " (TWEET Life is dead."— ^- Not so I meet him day by day, Where bluest fountains flow And trees are white as snowj For it is time of May. Even now from long ago He will not say me nay, He is most fair to see : And if I wander forth, I know He wanders forth with me." " But Life is dead to me : The worn-out year was failing, West winds took up a wailing To watch his funeral : Bare poplars shivered tall And lank vines stretched to see. 'Twixt him and me a wall Was frozen of earth-like stone With brambles overgrown : Chill darkness wrapped him like a pall And I am left alone." " How can you call him dead ? He buds out everywhere : BY THE WATER 95 In every hedgerow rank, On every mossgrown bank, I find him here and there. He crowns my willing head With May-flowers white and red, He rears my tender heartsease-bed : He makes my branch to bud and bear, And blossoms where I tread." 31 December 1855. BY THE WATER HTHERE are rivers lapsing down Lily-laden to the sea : Every Hly is a boat For bees, one, two, or three : I wish there were a fairy boat For you, my friend, and me. And if there were a fairy boat And if the river bore us, We should not care for all the past Nor all that lies before us, Not for the hopes that buoyed us once Not for the fears that tore us. We would rock upon the river Scarcely floating by, 96 A CHILLY NIGHT Rocking, rocking like the lilies, You, my friend, and I : Rocking like the stately lilies Beneath the statelier sky. But ah where is that river Whose hyacinth banks descend Down to the sweeter lilies Till soft their shadows blend Into a watery twilight ? — And ah where is my friend ? 7 February 1856. A CHILLY NIGHT T ROSE at the dead of night, And went to the lattice alone To look for my Mother's ghost Where the ghostly moonlight shone. My friends had failed one by one, Middle-aged, young, and old. Till the ghosts were warmer to me Than my friends that had grown cold. I looked and I saw the ghosts Dotting plain and mound : They stood in the blank moonlight, But no shadow lay on the ground : A CHILLY NIGHT They spoke without a voice And they leaped without a sound I called : " O my Mother dear,"— I sobbed : " O my Mother kind, Make a lonely bed for me And shelter it from the wind : " Tell the others not to come To see me night or day : But I need not tell my friends To be sure to keep away." My Mother raised her eyes, They were blank and could not see Yet they held me with their stare While they seemed to look at me. She opened her mouth and spoke, I could not hear a word, While my flesh crept on my bones And every hair was stirred. She knew that I could not hear The message that she told Whether I had long to wait Or soon should sleep in the mould : I saw her toss her shadowless hair And wring her hands in the cold. . H 97 98 LET PATIENCE I strained to catch her words, And she strained to make me hear ; But never a sound of words Fell on my straining ear. From midnight to the cockcrow I kept my watch in pain While the subtle ghosts grew subtler In the sad night on the wane. From midnight to the cockcrow I watched till all were gone, Some to sleep in the shifting sea And some under turf and stone : Living had failed and dead had failed, And I was indeed alone. 1 1 February 1856. LET PATIENCE HAVE HER PERFECT WORK T SAAV a bird alone, In its nest it sat alone, For its mate was dead or flown Though it was early Spring. Hard by were buds half-blown. With cornfields freshly sown : HA VE HER PERFECT WORK 99 It could only perch and moan That used to sing : Droop in sorrow left alone : A sad sad thins;. I saw a star alone, In blue heaven it hung alone, A solitary throne In the waste of space : Where no moon-glories are, Where not a second star Beams through night from near or far To that lone place. Its beauties all unknown, Its glories all alone. Sad in heaven's face. Doth the bird desire a mate. Pine for a second mate. Whose first joy was so great With its own dove ? Doth the star supreme in night Desire a second light To make it seem less bright In the shrine of heavenly height That is above ? — Ah better wait alone, In nest or heaven alone. loo IN THE LANE Forsaken or unknown : Till, time being past and gone, Full eternity rolls on, While patience reaps what it has sown In the harvest-land of love. 12 March 1856. IN THE LANE ^T THEN my love came home to me, Pleasant summer bringing, Every tree was out in leaf, Every bird was singing. There I met her in the lane By those waters gleamy, Met her toward the fall of day. Warm and dear and dreamy. Did I loiter in the lane ? None was there to see me. Only roses in the hedge. Lilies on the river. Saw our greeting fast and fond. Counted gift and giver. Saw me take her to my home, Take her home for ever. 3 May 1856. ACME loi ACME OLEEP, unforgotten sorrow, sleep awhile: Make even awhile as though I might forget ; Let the wound staunch thy tedious fingers fret, Till once again I look abroad and smile, Warmed in the sunlight : let no tears defile This hour's content, no conscious thorns beset My path : O sorrow, slumber, slumber yet A moment, rouse not yet the smouldering pile. So shalt thou wake again with added strength, O unforgotten sorrow, stir again The slackening fire, refine the lulling pain To quickened torture and a subtler edge. The wrung cord snaps at last : beneath the wedge The toughest oak groans long but rends at length. 9 May 1856. I02 A BED OF FORGET-ME-NOTS A BED OF FORGET-ME-NOTS T S Love so prone to change and rot We are fain to rear Forget-me-not By measure in a garden-plot ? — I love its growth at large and free By untrod path and unlopped tree, Or nodding by the unpruned hedge, Or on the water's dangerous edge Where flags and meadowsweet blow rank With rushes on the quaking bank. Love is not taught in learning's school, Love is not parcelled out by rule : Hath curb or call an answer got ? — So free must be Forget-me-not. Give me the flame no dampness dulls, The passion of the instinctive pulse, Love steadfast as a fixed star. Tender as doves with nestlings are. More large than time, more strong than death This all creation travails of — She groans not for a passing breath — This is Forget-me-not and Love. ■'J June 1856. LOOK ON THIS PICTURE 103 LOOK ON THIS PICTURE AND ON THIS T WISH we once were wedded, — then I must be true : You should hold my will in yours to do or to undo : But I hate myself now, Eva, when I look at you. You have seen her hazel eyes, her warm dark skin. Dark hair — but oh those hazel eyes a devil is dancing in : — You, my saint^, lead up to heaven, she lures down to sin. She's so redundant, stately : — in truth now have you seen Ever anywhere such beauty, such a stature, such a mien ? She may be queen of devils, but she's every inch a queen. If you sing to me, I hear her subtler sweeter still Whispering in each tender cadence strangely sweet to fill All that lacks in music, all my soul and sense and will. 104 LOOK ON THIS PICTURE But you ask, " Why struggle ? I have given you up: Take again your pledges, snap the cord and break the cup : Feast you with your temptation, for I in heaven will sup." Can I bear to think upon you strong to break not bend, Pale with inner intense passion, silent to the end, Bear to leave you, bear to grieve you, O my dove, my friend ? Listening so, I hide mine eyes and fancy years to come : You cherished in another home with no cares burdensome : You straitened in a winding-sheet, pulseless, at peace, and dumb. Open house and heart, barred to me alone the door: Children bound to meet her, babies crow before : Blessed wife and blessed mother whom I may see no more. Or I fancy — In the grave her comely body lies : She is 'tiring for the Bridegroom till the morning star shall rise, Then to shine a glory in the nuptials of the skies. AND ON THIS 105 No more yearning tenderness, no more pale regret : She will not look for me when the marriage-guests are set, She joys with joy eternal as we had never met. I would that one of us were dead, were gone no more to meet. Or she and I were dead together stretched here at your feet : That she and I were strained together in one winding- sheet. How have you the heart to face me with that passion in your stare Deathly silent ? Weep before me, rave at me in your despair : — If you keep patience, wings will spring and a halo from your hair. See now how proud you are, like us after all, no saint : Not so upright but that you are bowed with the old bent : White at white-heat, tainted with the devil's special taint. Did I love you ? Never from the first cold day to this : You are not sufficient for my aim of life, my bliss : You are not sufficient, but I found the one that is. io6 LOOK ON THIS PICTURE Then did I never love you? — ah the sting struck home at last ! You are drooping, fainting, dying — the worst of death is past — A light is on your face from the nearing heaven forecast. Never? — yes I loved you then: I loved, the word still charms : For the first time, last time, lie here in my heart, my arms. For the first last time, as if I shielded you from harms. For after all I loved you, loved you then, I love you yet: Listen, love, I love )'0u : see, the seal of truth is set On my face, in tears — you cannot see ? then feel them wet. Pause at heaven's dear gate, look back, one moment back to grieve : You go home through death to life : but I, I still must live : On the threshold of heaven's love, O love, can you forgive ? — Fully freely fondly, with heart-truth above an oath. With eager utter pardon given unasked and nothing loth. Heaping coals of fire upon our heads, forgiving both. AND ON THIS 107 One word more — not one ! One look more — too late, too late ! Lapped in love she sleeps who was lashed with scorn and hate : Nestling in the lap of Love the dove has found a mate. Night has come, the night of rest : day will come, that day : To her glad dawn of glory kindled from the deathless ray : To us a searching fire and strict balances to weigh. The tearless tender eyes are closed, the tender lips are dumb — ■ I shall not see or hear them more until that day shall come : Then they must speak; what will they say? — what then will be the sum? — Shall we stand upon the left, and she upon the right — We smirched with endless death and shame, she glorified in white — Will she sound our accusation in intolerable light ? \2July 1856. io8 GONE BEFORE GONE BEFORE O HE was most like a rose when it flushes rarest, She was most like a lily when it blows fairest, She was most like a violet sweetest on the bank : Now she's only like the snow, cold and blank, After the sun sank. She left us in the early days ; she would not linger For orange blossoms in her hair, or ring on finger : Did she deem windy grass more good than these ? Now the turf that's between us and the hedging trees Misht as well be seas. I had trained a branch she shelters not under, I had reared a flower she snapped asunder : In the bush and on the stately bough Birds sing ; she who watched them track the plough Cannot hear them now. Every bird has a nest hidden somewhere For itself and its mate and joys that come there, Though it soar to the clouds, finding there its rest: You sang in the height, but no more with eager breast Stoop to your own nest. LIGHT LOVE 109 If I could win you back from heaven-gate lofty, Perhaps you would but grieve, returning softly : Surely they would miss you in the blessed throng, Miss your sweet voice in their sweetest song, Reckon time too long. Earth is not good enough for you, my sweet, my sweetest ; Life on earth seemed long to you, though to me fleetest ; I would not wish you back if a wish would do : Only, love, I long for heaven with you. Heart-pierced through and through. 12 July 1856. LIGHT LOVE " (^H sad thy lot before I came. But sadder when I go, — • My presence but a flash of flame, A transitory glow Between two barren wastes like snow. What wilt thou do when I am gone ? Where wilt thou rest, my dear ? For cold thy bed to rest upon. And cold the falling year Whose withered leaves are lost and sere. no LIGHT LOVE She hushed the baby at her breast : She rocked it on her knee : " And I will rest my lonely rest, Warmed with the thought of thee, Rest lulled to rest by memory." She hushed the baby with her kiss. She hushed it with her breast : " Is death so sadder much than this ? Sure death that builds a nest For those who elsewhere cannot rest." " Oh sad thy note, my mateless dove, With tender nestling cold : But hast thou ne'er another love Left from the days of old To build thy nest of silk and gold ? To warm thy paleness to a blush When I am far away, — To warm thy coldness to a flush And turn thee back to May, And turn thy twilight back to day." She did not answer him a word, But leaned her face aside. Sick with the pain of hope deferred And sore with wounded pride : He knew his very soul had lied. She strained his baby in her arms, His baby to her heart : LIGHT LOVE m " Even let it go, the love that harms ; We two will never part : Mine own, his own, how dear thou art ! " " Now never tease me, tender-eyed, Sigh-voiced," he said in scorn : " For nigh at hand there blooms a bride. My bride before the morn : Ripe-blooming she, as thou forlorn. Ripe-blooming she, my rose, my peach : She wooes me day and night : I watch her tremble in my reach : She reddens, my delight. She ripens, reddens, in my sight." " And is she like a sunlit rose ? Am I like withered leaves } Haste where thy spiced garden blows : But in bare autumn eves Wilt thou have store of harvest-sheaves ? Thou leavest love, true love behind, To seek a love as true : Go seek in haste, — but wilt thou find ? Change new again for new. Pluck up, enjoy, yea trample too. " Alas for her, poor faded rose, Alas for her like me. Cast down and trampled in the snows." — 112 WINTER " Like thee ? nay not like thee : She leans, but from a guarded tree. Farewell, and dream as long ago Before we ever met : Farewell : my swift-paced horse seems slow."- She raised her eyes, not wet But hard, to Heaven : " Dost Thou forget ? " 28 October 1856. WINTER QWEET blackbird is silenced with chaffinch and ^ thrush, Only waistcoated robin still chirps in the bush : Soft sun-loving swallows have mustered in force, And winged to the spice -teeming southlands their course. Plump housekeeper dormouse has tucked himself neat. Just a brown ball in moss with a morsel to eat : Armed hedgehog has huddled him into the hedge, While frogs scarce miss freezing deep down in the sedge. Soft swallows have left us alone in the lurch, But robin sits whistling to us from his perch : If I were red robin, I'd pipe you a tune Would make you despise all the beauties of June. A TRIAD 113 But, since that cannot be, let us draw round the fire, Munch chestnuts, tell stories, and stir the blaze higher : We'll comfort pinched robin with crumbs, Uttle man. Till he sings us the very best song that he can. 28 November 1856. A TRIAD T^HREE sang of love together : one with lips Crimson, with cheeks and bosom in a glow. Flushed to the yellow hair and finger-tips ; And one there sang who soft and smooth as snow Bloomed like a tinted hyacinth at a show ; And one was blue with famine after love. Who like a harpstring snapped rang harsh and low The burden of what those were singing of. One shamed herself in love ; one temperately Grew gross in soulless love, a sluggish wife ; One famished died for love. Thus two of three Took death for love and won him after strife ; One droned in sweetness like- a fattened bee: All on the threshold, yet all short of Hfe. 18 December 1856. 114 IN AN ARTIST'S STUDIO IN AN ARTIST'S STUDIO /^NE face looks out from all his canvases, One selfsame figure sits or walks or leans : We found her hidden just behind those screens, That mirror gave back all her loveliness. A queen in opal or in ruby dress, A nameless girl in freshest summer-greens, A saint, an angel — every canvas means The same one meaning, neither more nor less. He feeds upon her face by day and night, And she with true kind eyes looks back on him, Fair as the moon and joyful as the light : Not wan with waiting, not with sorrow dim ; Not as she is, but was when hope shone bright ; Not as she is, but as she fills his dream. 24 December 1856. INTROSPECTIVE 1 1 5 INTROSPECTIVE T WISH it were over the terrible pain, Pang after pang again and again : First the shattering ruining blow, Then the probing steady and slow. Did I wince ? I did not faint : My soul broke but was not bent : Up I stand like a blasted tree By the shore of the shivering sea. On my boughs neither leaf nor fruit, No sap in my uttermost root, Brooding in an anguish dumb On the short past and the long to-come. Dumb I was when the ruin fell. Dumb I remain and will never tell ; my soul, I talk with thee. But not another the sight must see. 1 did not start when the torture stung, I did not faint when the torture wrung : Let it come tenfold if come it must, But I will not groan when I bite the dust. 10 June 1857. i6 DAY-DREAMS DAY-DREAMS r~^ AZING through her chamber window ^^ Sits my soul's dear soul : Looking northward, looking southward, Looking to the goal. Looking back without control. I have strewn thy path, beloved, With plumed meadowsweet, Iris and pale perfumed lilies, Roses most complete : Wherefore pause on listless feet ? But she sits and never answers, Gazing, gazing still On swift fountain, shadowed valley, Cedared sunlit hill : Who can guess or read her will ? Who can guess or read the spirit Shrined within her eyes. Part a longing, part a languor, Part a mere surprise. While slow mists do rise and rise ? DAY-DREAMS 117 Is it love she looks and longs for, Is it rest or peace, Is it slumber self-forgetful In its utter ease. Is it one or all of these ? So she sits and doth not answer With her dreaming eyes. With her languid look delicious Almost paradise, Less than happy, over-wise. Answer me, O self-forgetful — Or of what beside ? — Is it day-dream of a maiden. Vision of a bride. Is it knowledge, love, or pride ? Cold she sits through all my kindling. Deaf to all I pray : I have wasted might and wisdom, Wasted night and day : Deaf she dreams to all I say. Now if I could guess her secret, Were it worth the guess ? — Time is lessening, hope is lessening, Love grows less and less : What care I for no or yes ? A NIGHTMARE I will give her stately burial, Though, when she lies dead : For dear memory of the past time. Of her royal head, ' Of the much I strove and said. I will give her stately burial, Stately willow-branches bent : Have her carved in alabaster, As she dreamed and leant While I wondered what she meant. September 1857. A NIGHTMARE Fragment T HAVE a friend in ghostland — Early found, ah me how early lost !- Blood-red seaweeds drip along that coastland By the strong sea wrenched and tost. If I wake he hunts me like a nightmare : I feel my hair stand up, my body creep : Without light I see a blasting sight there, See a secret I must keep. 12 September 1857. FOR ONE SAKE 119 FOR ONE SAKE r~\ NE passed me like a flash of lightning by, To ring clear bells of heaven beyond the stars. Then said I : Wars and rumours of your wars Are dull with din of what and where and why : My heart is where these troubles draw not nigh : Let me alone till heaven shall burst its bars, Break up its fountains, roll its flashing cars Earthwards with fire to test and purify. Let me alone to-night, and one night more Of which I shall not count the eventide : Its morrow will not be as days before : Let me alone to dream, perhaps to weep : To dream of her the imperishable bride. Dream while I wake and dream on while I sleep. 25 October 1857, I20 TO-DAY AND TO-MORROW FROM METASTASIO ■piRST, last, and dearest, My love, mine own, Thee best beloved. , Thee love alone, Once and for ever So love I thee. First as a suppliant Love makes his moan, Then as a monarch Sets up his throne : Once and for ever — So love I thee. Circa 1857. TO-DAY AND TO-MORROW A LL the world is out in leaf, ^^ Half the world in flower. Earth has waited weeks and weeks For this special hour : Faint the rainbow comes and goes On a sunny shower. TO-DA V AND TO-MORROW 121 All the world is making love : Bird to bird in bushes, Beast to beast in glades, and frog To frog among the rushes : Wake, O south wind sweet with spice, Wake the rose to blushes. Life breaks forth to right and left — Pipe wild-wood notes cheery. Nevertheless there are the dead Fast asleep and weary — To-day we live, to-day we love, . Wake and listen, deary. I wish I were dead, my foe, My friend, I wish I were dead, With a stone at my tired feet And a stone at my tired head. In the pleasant April days Half the world will stir and sing. But half the world will slug and rot For all the sap of Spring. 2^ June 1858. 122 yET A LITTLE WHILE YET A LITTLE WHILE ' I "HESE days are long before I die : To sit alone upon a thorn Is what the nightingale forlorn Does night by night continually : She SAvells her heart to ecstasy Until it bursts and she can die. These days are long that wane and wax : Waxeth and wanes the ghostly moon, Achill and pale in cordial June : What is it that she wandering lacks ? She seems as one that aches and aches, Most sick to wane, most sick to wax. Of all the sad sights in the world The downfall of an Autumn leaf Is grievous and suggesteth grief: Who thought when Spring was fresh unfurled Of this ? when Spring-twigs gleamed impearled Who thought of frost that nips the world ? There are a hundred subtle stings To prick us in our daily walk : A young fruit cankered on its stalk, A strong bird snared for all his wings, A nest that sang but never sings : Yea sight and sound and silence stings. YET A LITTLE WHILE 123 There is a lack in solitude, There is a load in throng of life : One with another genders strife, To be alone yet is not good : I know but of one neighbourhood At peace and full — death's soHtude. Sleep soundly, dears, who lulled at last Forget the bird and all her pains, Forget the moon that waxes, wanes, The leaf, the sting, the frostful blast : Forget the troublous years that, past In strife or ache, did end at last. We have clear call of daily bells, A dimness where the anthems are, A chancel vault of sky and star, A thunder if the organ swells : Alas our daily life — what else ? — Is not in tune with daily bells. You have deep pause betwixt the chimes Of earth and heaven, a patient pause Yet glad with rest by certain laws : You look and long : while oftentimes Precursive flush of morning climbs, And air vibrates with coming chimes. 6 Ati^iist li 124 FATHER AND LOVER FATHER AND LOVER Father T F underneath the water You comb your golden hair With a golden comb, my daughter, Oh would that I were there ! If underneath the wave You fill a slimy grave, Would that I, who could not save, Might share. Lover If my love Hero queens it In summer Fairyland, What would I be But the ring on her hand ? Her cheek when she leans it Would lean on me : — Or sweet, bitter-sweet. The flower that she wore When we parted, to meet On the hither shore Any more ? never more. Circa 1858. WHAT GOOD SHALL MY LIFE DO ME? 125 WHAT GOOD SHALL MY LIFE DO ME? 1V[ O hope in life : yet is there hope In death, the threshold of man's scope. Man yearneth (as the heliotrope For ever seeks the sun) through light, Through dark, for Love : all, read aright. Is Love, for Love is infinite. Shall not this infinite Love suf^ce To feed thy dearth ? Lift heart and eyes Up to the hills, grow glad and wise. The hills are glad because the sun Kisses their round tops every one Where silver fountains laugh and run : Smooth pebbles shine beneath : beside. The grass, mere green, grows myriad-eyed With pomp of blossoms veined or pied. So every nest is glad whereon The sun in tender strength has shone : So every fruit he glows upon : So every valley depth, whose herds At pasture praise him without words : So the winged ecstasies of birds. 126 IVIIA T GOOD SHALL MY LIFE DO ME? If there be any such thing, what Is there by sunHght betters not ? Nothing except dead things that rot. Thou then who art not dead, and fit, Like blasted tree beside the pit, But for the axe that levels it. Living show life of Love, w^hereof The force wnelds earth and heaven above : Who knows not Love begetteth Love ? Love in the gracious rain distils : Love moves the subtle fountain-rills To fertilize uplifted hills, And seedful valleys fertilize : Love stills the hungry lion's cries, And the young raven satisfies : Love hangs this earth in space : Love rolls Fair worlds rejoicing on their poles, And girds them round with aureoles : Love lights the sun : Love through the dark Lights the moon's evanescent arc : Same Love lights up the glow-worm's spark : Love rears the great : Love tends the small : Breaks off the yoke, breaks down the wall : Accepteth all, fulfilleth all. COUSIN KATE 127 O ye who taste that Love is sweet, Set waymarks for the doubtful feet That stumble on in search of it. Sing hymns of Love, that those who hear Far off in pain may lend an ear, Rise up and wonder and draw near. Lead lives of Love, that others who Behold your lives may kindle too With Love and cast their lots with you. 27 August 1859. COUSIN KATE T WAS a cottage-maiden Hardened by sun and air. Contented with my cottage-mates, Not mindful I was fair. Why did a great lord find me out And praise my flaxen hair ? Why did a great lord find me out To fill my heart with care ? He lured me to his palace-home — Woe's me for joy thereof — To lead a shameless shameful life, His plaything and his love. 128 COUSIN KATE He wore me like a golden knot, He changed me like a glove : So now I moan an unclean thing Who might have been a dove. O Lady Kate, my Cousin Kate, You grew more fair than I : He saw you at your father's gate, Chose you and cast me by. He watched your steps along the lane, Your sport among the rye : He lifted you from mean estate To sit with him on high. Because you were so good and pure He bound you with his ring : The neighbours call you good and pure, Call me an outcast thing. Even so I sit and howl in dust, You sit in gold and sing : Now which of us has tenderer heart ? You had the stronger wing. Cousin Kate, my love was true, Your love was writ in sand : If he had fooled not me but you. If you stood where I stand, He had not won me with his love Nor bought me with his land : 1 would have spit into his face And not have taken his hand. SISTER MA UDE 129 Yet I've a gift you have not got And seem not like to get : For all your clothes and wedding-ring I've little doubt you fret. My fair-haired son, my shame, my pride, Cling closer, closer yet : Your sire would give broad lands for one To wear his coronet. 18 November 1859. SISTER MAUDE "1 1 THO told my mother of my shame, Who told my father of my dear ? Oh who but Maude, my sister Maude, Who lurked to spy and peer. Cold he lies, as cold as stone. With his clotted curls about his face : The comeliest corpse in all the world And worthy of a queen's embrace. You might have spared his soul, sister, Have spared my soul, your own soul too Though I had not been born at all, He'd never have looked at you. K I30 PROMISES LIKE PIE-CRUST My father may sleep in Paradise, My mother at Heaven-gate : But sister Maude shall get no sleep Either early or late. My father may wear a golden gown, My mother a crown may win ; If my dear and I knocked at Heaven-gate Perhaps they'd let us in : But sister Maude, O sister Maude, Bidejw/ with death and sin. Circa i860. PROMISES LIKE PIE-CRUST "PROMISE me no promises, So will I not promise you : Keep we both our liberties. Never false and never true : Let us hold the die uncast. Free to come as free to go : For I cannot know your past. And of mine what can you know ? You, so warm, may once have been Warmer towards another one : I, so cold, may once have seen Sunlight, once have felt the sun : BETTER SO 131 Who shall show us if it was Thus indeed in time of old ? Fades the image from the glass, And the fortune is not told. If you promised, you niight grieve For lost liberty again : If I promised, I believe I should fret to break the chain : Let us be the friends we were, Nothing more but nothing less : Many thrive on frugal fare Who would perish of excess. 20 Apj'il 1 86 1. F BETTER SO AST asleep, mine own familiar friend, Fast asleep at last : Though the pain was strong. Though the struggle long, It is past : All thy pangs are at an end. Whilst I weep, whilst death-bells toll. Thou art fast asleep, With idle hands upon thy breast And heart at rest : Whilst I weep x\ngels sing around thy singing soul. BETTER SO Who would wish thee back upon the rough Wearisome dangerous road ? Wish back thy toil-spent soul Just at the goal ? My soul, praise God For one dear soul which hath enough. I would not fetch thee back to hope with me A sickening hope deferred, To taste the cup that slips From thirsty lips : Hast thou not heard What w^as to hear, and seen what was to see ? I would not speak the word if I could raise My dead to life : I would not speak If I could flush thy cheek And rouse thy pulses' strife And send thy feet on the once-trodden ways. How could I meet the dear rebuke If thou shouldst say : " O friend of little faith. Good was my lot of death, And good my day Of rest, and good the sleep I took " ? :3 December 1861. OUR WIDOWED QUEEN 133 OUR WIDOWED QUEEN n^HE Husband of the widow care for her, The Father of the fatherless : The faithful Friend, the abiding Comforter, Watch over her to bless. Full twenty years of blameless married faith. Of love and honour questioned not, Joys, griefs imparted : for the first time Death Sunders the common lot, Christ help the desolate Queen upon her throne, Strengthen her hands, confirm her heart : For she henceforth must bear a load alone Borne until now in part. Christ help the desolate Woman in her home. Broken of heart, indeed bereft : Shrinking from solitary days to come, Beggared though much is left. Rise up, O Sons and Daughters of the Dead, Weep with your Mother where she weeps : Yet not as sorrowing without hope be shed Your tears : he only sleeps. 134 !N PROGRESS Rise up, O Sons and Daughters of the realm, In pale reflected sorrow move : Revere the widowed hand that holds the helm, Love her with double love. In royal patience of her soul possest May she fulfil her length of days : Then may her children rise and call her blest, Then may her Husband praise. 16 Dccevibcr 1861. IN PROGRESS HTEN years ago it seemed impossible That she should ever grow so calm as this. With self-remembrance in her warmest kiss And dim dried eyes like an exhausted well. Slow-speaking when she has some fact to tell, Silent with long-unbroken silences, Centred in self yet not unpleased to please, Gravely monotonous like a passing bell. Mindful of drudging daily common things, Patient at pastime, patient at her work. Wearied perhaps but strenuous certainly. Sometimes I fancy we may one day see Her head shoot forth seven stars from where they lurk And her eyes lightnings and her shoulders wings. ^I March 1862. SEASONS 135 SEASONS /^H the cheerful Budding-time ! ^^^ When thorn-hedges turn to green, When new leaves of elm and lime Cleave and shed their winter screen ; Tender lambs are born and baa, North wind finds no snow to bring, Vigorous Nature laughs " Ha ha ! " In the miracle of Spring. Oh the gorgeous Blossom-days ! When broad flag-flowers drink and blow, In and out in Summer-blaze Dragon-flies flash to and fro ; Ashen branches hang out keys ; Oaks put forth the rosy shoot, Wandering herds wax sleek at ease, Lovely blossoms end in fruit. Oh the shouting Harvest-weeks ! Mother Earth grown fat with sheaves ; Thrifty gleaner finds who seeks ; Russet-golden pomp of leaves Crowns the woods, to fall at length ; Bracing winds are felt to stir. Ocean gathers up her strength, Beasts renew their dwindled fur. 136 JUNE Oh the starving Winter lapse ! Ice-bound, hunger-pinched, and dim Dormant roots recall their saps, Empty nests show black and grim. Short-lived sunshine gives no heat. Undue buds are nipped by frost. Snow sets forth a winding-sheet. And all hope of life seems lost. 20 January 1863. JUNE /^^OME, cuckoo, come : Come again, swift swallow : Come and welcome ! when you come Summer's sure to follow : June the month of months Flowers and fruitage brings too, When green trees spread shadiest boughs. When each wild bird sings too. May is scant and crude, Generous June is riper : Birds fall silent in July, June has its woodland piper : Rocks upon the maple-tops Homely-hearted linnet, Full in hearing of his nest And the dear ones in it. JESS AND JILL 137 If the year would stand Still at June for ever, With no further growth on land Nor further flow of river, If all nights were shortest nights And longest days were all the seven. This might be a merrier world To my mind to live in. 5 February 1863. JESS AND JILL JESS and Jill are pretty girls. Plump and well to do, In a cloud of windy curls : Yet I know who Loves me more than curls or pearls. I'm not pretty, not a bit — Thin and sallow-pale ; When I trudge along the street I don't need a veil : Yet I have one fancy hit. Jess and Jill can trill and sing With a flute-like voice, Dance as light as bird on wing, Laugh for careless joys : Yet it's I who wear the ring. 138 HELEN GREY Jess and Jill will mate some day, Surely, surely : Ripen on to June through May, While the sun shines make their hay — Slacken steps demurely : Yet even there I lead the way. 20 February 1863. HELEN GREY "DECAUSE one loves you, Helen Grey, Is that a reason you should pout. And like a March wind veer about. And frown, and say your shrewish say? Don't strain the cord until it snaps, Don't split the sound heart with your wedge. Don't cut your fingers with the edge Of your keen w^it ; you may perhaps. Because you're handsome, Helen Grey, Is that a reason to be proud ? Your eyes are bold, your laugh is loud, Your steps go mincing on their w^ay ; But so you miss that modest charm Which is the surest charm of all ; Take heed, you yet may trip and fall. And no man care to stretch his arm. A DUMB FRIEND 139 Stoop from your cold height, Helen Grey, Come down, and take a lowlier place, Come down, to fill it now with grace ; Come down you must perforce some day : For years cannot be kept at bay. And fading years will make you old ; Then in their turn will men seem cold. When you yourself are nipped and grey. !3 February 1 863. A DUMB FRIEND T PLANTED a young tree when I was young : But now the tree is grown and I am old : There wintry robin shelters from the cold And tunes his silver tong-ue. A green and living tree I planted it, A glossy-foliaged tree of evergreen : All through the noontide heat it spread a screen Whereunder I might sit. But now I only watch it where it towers : I, sitting at my window, watch it tost By rattling gale, or silvered by the frost : Or, when sweet summer flowers. Wagging its round green head with stately grace In tender winds that kiss it and go by : I40 TO-MORROW It shows a green full age : and what sliow I ? A faded wrinkled face. So often have I watched it, till mine eyes Have filled with tears and I have ceased to see, That now it seems a very friend to me, In all my secrets wise. A faithful pleasant friend, who year by year Grew with my growth and strengthened with my strength, But whose green lifetime shows a longer length : When I shall not sit here It still will bud in spring, and shed rare leaves In autumn, and in summer-heat give shade, And warmth in winter : when my bed is made In shade the cypress weaves. 24 March 1863. TO-MORROW "\1 /"HERE my heart is (wherever that may be) ^^ Might I but follow! If you fly thither over lane and lea O honey-seeking bee, O careless swallow, Bid some for whom I watch keep watch for me. MARGERY 141 Alas that we must dwell, my heart and I, So far asunder ! Hours wax to days, and days and days creep by : I watch with wistful eye, " I wait and wonder : When will that day draw nigh, that hour draw nigh ? Not yesterday, and not I think to-day : Perhaps to-morrow. Day after day " to-morrow " thus I say : I watched so yesterday In hope and sorrow ; Again to-day I watch the accustomed way. 2^ June 1863. MARGERY 1 1 mAT shall we do with Margery ? ^ She lies and cries upon her bed, All lily-pale from foot to head ; Her heart is sore as sore can be : Poor guileless shamefaced Margery. A foolish girl, to love a man And let him know she loved him so ! She should have tried a different plan : Have loved, but not have let him know Then he perhaps had loved her so. [42 MARGERY What can we do with Margery Who has no reUsh for her food ? We'd take her with us to the sea— Across the sea — but where's the good ? She'd fret aHke on land and sea. Yes, what the neighbours say is true : Girls should not make themselves so cheap. But now it's done what can we do ? I hear her moaning in her sleep, Moaning and sobbing in her sleep. I think — and I'm of flesh and blood — Were I that man for whom she cares, I would not cost her tears and prayers To leave her just alone like mud, Fretting her simple heart wdth cares. A year ago she was a child, Now she's a woman in her grief: The year's now at the falHng leaf; At budding of the leaves she smiled : Poor foolish harmless foolish child. It was her own fault ? so it was. If every own fault found us out, DocfSfed us and snared us roundabout, What comfort should we take because Not half our due we thus wrung out ? MARGERY 143 At any rate the question stands : What now to do with Margery, A weak poor creature on our hands ? Something we must do : I'll not see Her blossom fade, sweet Margery. Perhaps a change may after all Prove best for her : to leave behind These home-sights seen time out of mind ; To get beyond the narrow wall Of home, and learn home is not all. Perhaps this way she may forget. Not all at once, but in a while : May come to wonder how she set Her heart on this slight thing, and smile At her own folly, in a while. Yet this I say and I maintain : Were I the man she's fretting for, I should my very self abhor If I could leave her to her pain, Uncomforted to tears and pain. October 1863. 144 LAST NIGHT LAST NIGHT Tl rHERE were you last night? I watched at ^ ^ the gate ; I went down early, I stayed down late. Were you snug at home, I should like to know. Or were you in the coppice wheedling Kate ? She's a fine girl, with a fine clear skin ; Easy to woo, perhaps not hard to win. Speak up like a man and tell me the truth : I'm not one to grow downhearted and thin. If you love her best, speak up like a man ; It's not I will stand in the light of your plan : Some girls might cry and scold you a bit, And say they couldn't bear it ; but I can. Love was pleasant enough, and the days went fast ; Pleasant while it lasted, but it needn't last ; Awhile on the wax, and awhile on the wane, Now dropped away into the past. Was it pleasant to you ? to me it was : Now clean gone as an image from glass, As a goodly rainbow that fades away, As dew that steams upward from the grass, '^ 145 As the first spring day or the last summer day, As the sunset flush that leaves heaven grey, As a flame burnt out for lack of oil, Which no pains relight or ever may. Good luck to Kate and good luck to you : I guess she'll be kind when you come to woo. I wish her a pretty face that will last, I wish her a husband steady and true. Hate you ? not I, my very good friend ; All things begin and all have an end. But let broken be broken ; I put no faith In quacks who set up to patch and mend. Just my love and one word to Kate— Not to let time slip if she means to mate ; For even such a thing has been known As to miss the chance while we weigh and wait. November 1863. IF I F he would come to-day, to-day, to-day, Oh what a day to-day would be ! But now he's away, miles and miles away From me across the sea. 146 IF little bird, flying, flying, flying To your nest in the warm west, Tell him as you pass that I am dying, As you pass home to your nest. I have a sister, I have a brother, A faithful hound, a tame white dove ; But I had another, once I had another, And I miss him, my love, my love ! In this weary world it is so cold, so cold, While I sit here all alone ; 1 would not like to wait and to grow old, But just to be dead and gone. Make me fair when I lie dead on my bed, Fair where I am lying : Perhaps he may come and look upon me dead — He for w^hom I am dying. Dig my grave for two, with a stone to show it, And on the stone write my name : If he never comes, I shall never know it. But sleep on all the same. 12 April 1S64. SUNSHINE 147 SUNSHINE '"T^ HERE'S little sunshine in my heart, Slack to spring, lead to sink : There's little sunshine in the world, I think." "There's glow of sunshine in my heart (Cool wind, cool the glow) : There's flood of sunshine in the world, I know." Now if of these one spoke the truth, One spoke more or less : But which was which I will not tell : You guess. 31 May 1864. 148 MEETING MEETING T F we shall live, we live : If we shall die, we die : If we live w^e shall meet again : But to-night, good-bye. One word, let but one be heard — What, not one word ? If we sleep we shall wake again And see to-morrow's light : If we wake, we shall meet again : But to-night, good-night. Good-night, my lost and found- Still not a sound ? If we live, we must part : If we die, we part in pain : If we die, we shall part Only to meet again. By those tears on either cheek. To-morrow you will speak. To meet, worth living for : Worth dying for, to meet. To meet, worth parting for : Bitter forgot in sweet. To meet, worth parting before, Never to part more. 1 June 1864. UNDER WILLOWS 149 UNDER WILLOWS T TNDER willows among the graves ^^ One was walking, ah welladay ! Where each willow her green boughs waves, Come April prime, come May. Under willows among the graves She met her lost love, ah welladay ! Where in Autumn each wild wind raves And whirls sere leaves away. He looked at her with a smile. She looked at him with a sigh, Both paused to look awhile : Then he passed by, — Passed by and whistled a tune : She stood silent and still : It was the sunniest day in June, Yet one felt a chill. Under willows among the graves I know a certain black black pool Scarce wrinkled when Autumn raves. Under the turf is cool ; Under the water it must be cold : Winter comes cold when Summer's past : Though she live to be old, so old. She shall die at last. 2"] July 1864. I50 A SKETCH A SKETCH 'T^HE blindest buzzard that I know -*- Does not wear wings to spread and stir ; Nor does my special mole wear fur, And grub among the roots below : He sports a tail indeed, but then It's to a coat : he's man with men : His quill is cut to a pen. In other points our friend's a mole, A buzzard, beyond scope of speech. He sees not what's within his reach, Misreads the part, ignores the whole ; Misreads the part, so reads in vain. Ignores the whole though patent plain, — Misreads both parts again. My blindest buzzard that I know. My special mole, when will you see ? Oh no, you must not look at me. There's nothing hid for me to show. I might show facts as plain as day : But, since your eyes are blind, you'd say, " Where ? What ? " and turn away. 15 August 1864. IF I HAD WORDS 151 IF I HAD WORDS T F I had words, if I had words At least to vent my misery : — But muter than the speechless herds I have no voice wherewith to cry. I have no strength to lift my hands, I have no heart to hft mine eye, ;My soul is bound with brazen bands. My soul is crushed and like to die. My thoughts that wander here and there, That wander wander listlessly. Bring nothing back to cheer my care, Nothing that I may live thereby. My heart is broken in my breast. My breath is but a broken sigh — Oh if there be a land of rest It is far off, it is not nigh. If I had wings as hath a dove. If I had wings that I might fly, I yet would seek the land of love Where fountains run which run not dry Though there be none that road to tell. And long that road is verily : Then if I lived I should do well, And if I died I should but die. If I had wings as hath a dove, I would not sift the what and why. 152 EN ROUTE I would make haste to find out Love, If not to find at least to try. I would make haste to Love, my rest — To Love, my truth that doth not lie Then if I lived it might be best, Or if I died I could but die. 3 September 1864. EN ROUTE T IFE flows down to death : we cannot bind That current that it should not flee : Life flows down to death, as rivers find The inevitable sea. Wherefore art thou strange, and not my mother ? Thou hast stolen my heart and broken it : Would that I might caU thy sons " ]\Iy brother," Call thy daughters " Sister sweet " : Lying in thy lap, not in another, Dying at thy feet. Farewell, land of love, Italy, Sister-land of Paradise : With mine own feet I have trodden thee Have seen with mine own eyes : EN ROUTE 153 I remember, thou forgettest me, I remember thee. Blessed be the land that warms my heart, And the kindly clime that cheers. And the cordial faces clear from art. And the tongue sweet in mine ears : Take my heart, its truest tenderest part. Dear land, take my tears. 3 Men work and think, but women feel : And so (for I'm a woman, I) And so I should be glad to die, And cease from impotence of zeal. And cease from hope, and cease from dread. And cease from yearnings without gain, And cease from all this world of pain, And be at peace among the dead. Why should I seek and never find That something which I have not had ? Fair and unutterablv sad The world hath sought time out of mind. Our words have been already said, Our deeds have been already done : There's nothing new beneath the sun. But there is peace among the dead. June 1865. 154 HUSBAND AND WIFE HUSBAND AND WIFE " /^H kiss me once before I go, ^^ To make amends for sorrow : Oh kiss me once before we part, For we mayn't meet to-morrow. " And I was wrong to force your will. And wrong to mar your life : But kiss me once before we part Because you are my wife." She turned her head and tossed her head, And puckered up her brow : " I never kissed you yet," said she, " And I'll not kiss you now. " Though I'm your wife by might and right And forsworn marriage vow, I never loved you yet," said she, "And I don't love you now." So he went sailing on the sea. And she sat crossed and dumb. While he went sailing on the sea Where the storm-winds come. HUSBAND AND WIFE 155 He'd been away a month and day Counting from morn to morn : And many buds had turned to leaves, And many lambs been born, And many buds had turned to flowers For Spring was in a glow, When she was laid upon her bed As white and cold as snow. " Oh let me kiss my baby once. Once before I die : And bring it sometimes to my grave To teach it where I lie. " And tell my husband, when he comes Safe back from sea, To love the baby that I leave If ever he loved me : " And tell him, not for might or right Or forsworn marriage vow. But for the helpless baby's sake, I would have kissed him now." 12 July 1865. 156 IN A CERTAIN PLACE WHAT TO DO ? f~\ MY love and my own own deary ! ^^^ What shall I do ? my love is weary. Sleep, O friend, on soft downy pillow, Pass, O friend, as wind or as billow, And I'll wear the wuUow. No stone at his head be set, A swelling turf be his coverlet. Bound round \vith a graveyard w^attle. Hedged round from the trampling cattle And the children's prattle. I myself, instead of a stone. Will sit by him to dwindle and moan : Sit and weep with a bitter Aveeping, Sit and weep where my love lies sleeping, While my life goes creeping. 4 August 1865. IN A CERTAIN PLACE T FOUND Love in a certain place Asleep and cold — or cold and dead ?- All ivory-white upon his bed, All ivory-white his face. IN A CERTAIN PLACE 157 His hands were folded On his quiet breast, To his figure laid at rest Chilly bed was moulded. His hair hung lax about his brow, I had not seen his face before : Or, if I saw it once, it wore Another aspect now. No trace of last night's sorrow, No shadow of to-morrow : All at peace (thus all sorrows cease). All at peace. I wondered : Were his eyes Soft or falcon-clear ? I wondered : As he lies Does he feel me near ? In silence my heart spoke And wondered : If he woke And found me sitting nigh him And felt me sitting by him, If life flushed to hlo cheek. He living man with men, Then if I heard him speak Oh should I know him then ? 6 March 1866. 158 CANNOT SWEETEN CANNOT SWEETEN " T F that's water you wash your hands in, Why is it black as ink is black ? " " Because my hands are foul with my folly : Oh the lost time that comes not back ! " " If that's water you bathe your feet in, Why is it red as wine is red ? '" " Because my feet sought blood in their goings, Red, red is the track they tread." " Slew you mother or slew you father That your foulness passeth not by ? " " Not father, and oh not mother : I slew my love with an evil eye." " Slew you sister or slew you brother That in peace you have not a part ? " " Not brother and oh not sister : I slew my love with a hardened heart. " He loved me because he loved me. Not for grace or beauty I had : He loved me because he loved me : For his loving me I was glad. CANNOT SWEETEN 159 " Yet I loved him not for his loving, While I played with his love and truth, Not loving him for his loving, Wasting his joy, wasting his youth. " I ate his life as a banquet, I drank his life as new wine, I fattened upon his leanness. Mine to flourish and his to pine. " So his life fled as running water. So it perished as water spilt : If black my hands and my feet as scarlet. Blacker, redder my heart of guilt. " Cold as a stone, as hard, as heavy : All my sighs ease it no whit, All my tears make it no cleaner. Dropping, dropping, dropping on it." % March 1866. i6o OF MY LIFE OF MY LIFE T WEARY of my life Through the long sultry day, While happy creatures play Their harmless lives away : — What is my life ? I weary of my life Through the slow tedious night, While, earth and heaven's delight, The moon walks forth in white :— What is my life ? If I might, I would die : My soul should flee away To day that is not day Where sweet souls sing and say — If I might die ! If I might, I would die : My body out of sight. All night that is not night My soul should walk in white — If I might die ! 15 I\Iay 1866. LOVE'S NAME i6i WHAT COMES ? /^H what comes over the sea, Shoals and quicksands past And what comes home to me, Saihng slow, sailing fast ? A wind comes over the sea With a moan in its blast : But nothing comes home to me, Sailing slow, sailing fast. Let me be, let me be. For my lot is cast : Land or sea all's one to me. And sail it slow or fast. June 1866. LOVE'S NAME OVE hath a name of Death He gives a breath And takes away. Lo we, beneath his sway, Grow like a flower ; To bloom an hour. To droop a day, And fade away. Circa 1869. M E 1 62 BY WA Y OF REMEMBRANCE BY WAY OF REMEMBRANCE "D EMEMBER, if I claim too much of you, I claim it of my brother and my friend : Have patience with me till the hidden end — Bitter or sweet, in mercy shut from view. Pay me my due ; though I to pay your due Am all too poor, and past what will can mend : Thus of your bounty you must give and lend, Still unrepaid by aught I look to do. Still unrepaid by aught of mine on earth : But overpaid, please God, when recompense Beyond the mystic Jordan and new birth Is dealt to virtue as to innocence ; When Angels singing praises in their mirth Have borne you in their arms and fetched you hence. Will you be there ? my yearning heart has cried : Ah me, my love, my love, shall I be there, To sit down in your glory and to share Your gladness, glowing as a virgin bride ? Or will another dearer, fairer-eyed. Sit nigher to you in your jubilee. And mindful one of other will you be Borne higher and higher on joy's ebbless tide? Yei; if I love I will not grudge you this : BY WAY OF REMEMBRANCE 163 I too shall float upon that heavenly sea And sing my joyful praises without ache ; Your overflow of joy shall gladden me, My whole heart shall sing praises for your sake, And find its own fulfilment in your bliss. In Resurrection is it awfuller That rising of the AH or of the Each — Of all kins, of all nations, of all speech, Or one by one of him and him and her ? When dust reanimate begins to stir Here, there, beyond, beyond, reach beyond reach ; While every wave disgorges on its beach, Alive or dead-in-life, some seafarer. In Resurrection, on the day of days. That day of mourning throughout all the earth, In Resurrection may we meet again : No more with stricken hearts to part in twain ; As once in sorrow one, now one in mirth, One in our resurrection-songs of praise. I love you and you know it — this at least. This comfort is mine own in all my pain : You know it, and can never doubt again, And love's mere self is a continual feast : Not oath of mine nor blessing-word of priest Could make my love more certain or more plain. Life as a rolling moon doth wax and wane- — O weary moon, still rounding, still decreased ! Life wanes : and when Love folds his wincrs above i64 AN ECHO FROM WILLOW-WOOD Tired joy, and less we feel his conscious pulse, Let us go fall asleep, dear Friend, in peace ;- A little while, and age and sorrow cease ; A little while, and love reborn annuls Loss and decay and death — and all is love. 1870. AN ECHO FROM WILLOW-WOOD O ye, all ye that walk in willow-wood." D. G. ROSSETTI. 'T^WO gazed into a pool, he gazed and she, Not hand in hand, yet heart in heart, I think, Pale and reluctant on the water's brink. As on the brink of parting which must be. Each eyed the other's aspect, she and he. Each felt one hungering heart leap up and sink. Each tasted bitterness which both must drink. There on the brink of life's dividing sea. Lilies upon the surface, deep below Two wistful faces craving each for each. Resolute and reluctant without speech : — A sudden ripple made the faces flow. One moment joined, to vanish out of reach : So those hearts joined, and ah were parted so. Circa 1 870. c AN ALPHABET 165 GOLDEN HOLLY 'OMMON Holly bears a berry To make Christmas Robins merry : — Golden Holly bears a rose, Unfolding at October's close To cheer an old Friend's eyes and nose. Circa 1872. AN ALPHABET A is the Alphabet, A at its head ; A is an Antelope, agile to run. B is the Baker Boy bringing the bread, Or black Bear and brown Bear, both begging for bun. C is a Cornflower come with the corn ; C is a Cat with a comical look. D is a dinner which Dahlias adorn ; D is a Duchess who dines with a Duke. E is an elegant eloquent Earl ; E is an Egg whence an Eaglet emerges. F is a Falcon, with feathers to furl ; F is a Fountain of full foaming surges. i66 AN ALPHABET G is the Gander, the Gosling, the Goose ; G is a Garnet in girdle of gold. H is a Heartsease, harmonious of hues ; H is a huge Hammer, heavy to hold. I is an Idler who idles on ice ; I am I — who will say I am not I ? J is a Jacinth, a jewel of price ; J is a Jay, full of joy in July. K is a King, or a Kaiser still higher ; K is a Kitten, or quaint Kangaroo. L is a Lute or a lovely-toned Lyre ; L is a Lily all laden with dew. M is a Meadow where Meadowsweet blows ; M is a Mountain made dim by a mist. N is a nut — in a nutshell it grows — Or a Nest full of Nightingales singing — oh list ! is an Opal, with only one spark ; is an Olive, with oil on its skin. P is a Pony, a pet in a park ; P is the Point of a Pen or a Pin. Q is a Quail, quick-chirping at morn ; Q is a Quince quite ripe and near dropping. R is a Rose, rosy red on a thorn ; R is a red-breasted Robin come hopping. AN ALPHABET 167 S is a Snow-storm that sweeps o'er the Sea ; S is the Song that the swift Swallows sing. T is the Tea-table set out for tea ; T is a Tiger with terrible spring. U, the Umbrella, went up in a shower ; Or Unit is useful with ten to unite. V is a Violet veined in the flower ; V is a Viper of venomous bite. W stands for the water-bred Whale ; Stands for the wonderful Wax-work so gay. X, or XX, or XXX is ale, Or Policeman X, exercised day after day. Y is a yellow Yacht, yellow its boat ; Y is the Yucca, the Yam, or the Yew. Z is a Zebra, zigzagged his coat, Or Zebu, or Zoophyte, seen at the Zoo. Circa 1875. i68 JV//0 SHALL SA V? COR MIO OTILL sometimes in my secret heart of hearts I say " Cor mio " when I remember you, And thus I yield us both one tender due Welding one whole of two divided parts. Ah Friend, too wise or unwise for such arts, Ah noble Friend, silent and strong and true. Would you have given me roses for the rue For which I bartered roses in love's marts ? So late in autumn one forgets the spring, Forgets the summer with its opulence, The callow birds that long have found a wing. The swallows that more lately got them hence : Will anything like spring, will anything Like summer, rouse one day the slumberuig sense ? Circa 1875. WHO SHALL SAY ? T TOILED on, but thou Wast weary of the way. And so we parted : now Who shall say Which is happier — I or thou ? LIFE 169 I am weary now On the solitary way : But art thou rested, thou ? Who shall say Which of us is calmer now ? Still my heart's love, thou, In thy secret way. Art still remembered now : Who shall say — Still rememberest thou ? Circa 1875. LIFE H intolerable life which all life long Abidest haunted by one dread of death- Is such hfe life ? When one considereth. Then black seems almost white, and discord song. Alas this solitude where swarms a throng ! Life slowly grows, and dwindles breath by breath— Slowly grows on us, and no word it saith, Its cords made long and all its pillars strong. Life wanes apace— a hfe that but deceives. And works and reigns like life, and yet is dead : Where is the life that dies not but that lives ? The sweet long life immortal, ever young. The hfe that wooes us with a silver tongue. Whither ? Much said, and much more left unsaid. Circa 1875. o I70 MEETING MEETING T SAID good-bye in hope ; But, now we meet again, I have no hope at all Of anything but pain, — • Our parting and our meeting Alike in vain. Hope on through all your life Until the end, dear friend : Live through your noble life Where joy and promise blend- I too will live ray life Until the end. Long may your vine entwine, Long may your fig-tree spread, Their paradise of shade Above your cherished head : My shelter was a gourd. And it is dead. Yet, when out of a grave We are gathered home at last, Then may we own life spilt No good worth holding fast : — Death had its bitterness, But it is past. Circa 1875. HADRIAN'S DBA TH- SONG 1 7 1 LINES 'X 1 ^HERE are the songs I used to sing, Where are the notes I used to know ? I have forgotten everything I used to know so long ago. Summer has followed after Spring ; Now Autumn is so shrunk and sere I scarcely think a sadder thing Can be the Winter of my year. Circa 1875. HADRIAN'S DEATH-SONG TRANSLATED OOUL rudderless, unbraced, The body's friend and guest, Whither away to-day ? Unsuppled, pale, diseased, Dumb to thy wonted jest. 1876. 172 VA LEN TINES TO M V MO THER VALENTINES TO MY MOTHER 1876 "pAIRER than younger beauties, more beloved Than many a wife, By stress of Time's vicissitudes unmoved From settled calm of life ; Endearing rectitude to those who watch The verdict of your face. Raising and making gracious those who catch A semblance of your grace : With kindly lips of welcome, and with pleased Propitious eyes benign. Accept a kiss of homage from your least Last Valentine. o 1877 |WN Mother dear, We all rejoicing here Wait for each other, Daughter for Mother, Sister for Brother, Till each dear face appear VALENTINES TO MY MOTHER i73 Transfigured by Love's flame Yet still the same, — The same yet new, — My face to you, Your face to me, Made lovelier by Love's flame But still the same j Most dear to see In halo of Love's flame. Because the same. C. G. for M. F. R. 1878 "D LESSED Dear and Heart's Delight, ^ Companion, Friend, and Mother mine. Round whom my fears and love entwine, With whom I hope to stand and sing Where Angels form the outer ring Round singing Saints who, clad in white, Know no more of day or night Or death or any changeful thing. Or anything that is not love. Human love and Love Divine, — Bid me to that tryst above, Bless your Valentine. 174 VALENTINES TO MY MOTHER 1879 1\/T OTHER mine, Whom every year Doth endear, — Before sweet Spring (That sweetest thing Brimfull of bhss) Sets all the throng Of birds a-wooing, BiUing and cooing, Your Valentine Sings you a song, Gives you a kiss. r88o M ORE shower than shine Brings sweet St. Valentine ; Warm shine, warm shower, Bring up sweet flower on flower. Through shower and shine Loves you your Valentine, Through shine, through shower. Through summer's flush, through autumn's fading hour. VALENTINES TO MY MOTHER 175 'T^OO cold almost for hope of Spring Or firstfruits from the realm of flowers, Your dauntless Valentine, I bring One sprig of love, and sing "Love has no Winter hours." If even in this world love is love (This wintry world which felt the Fall), What must it be in heaven above Where love to great and small Is all in all ? A /T Y blessed Mother dozing in her chair ''" On Christmas Day seemed an embodied Love, A comfortable Love with soft brown hair Softened and silvered to a tint of dove ; A better sort of Venus with an air Angelical from thoughts that dwell above ; A wiser Pallas in whose body fair Enshrined a blessed soul looks out thereof. Winter brought holly then ; now Spring has brought Paler and frailer snowdrops shivering ; And I have brought a simple humble thought — I her devoted duteous Valentine — A lifelong thought which thrills this song I sing, A lifelong love to this dear Saint of mine. 176 VALENTINES TO MY MOTHER 1883 A WORLD of change and loss, a world of death, Of heart and eyes that fail, of labouring breath, Of pains to bear and painful deeds to do :— Nevertheless a world of life to come And love ; where you're at home, while in our home Your Valentine rejoices, having you. A NOTHER year of joy and grief, Another year of hope and fear : O Mother, is life long or brief? We hasten while we linger here. But, since we linger, love me still And bless me still, O Mother mine, While hand in hand we scale life's hill, You guide, and I your Valentine. 1885 A LL the Robin Redbreasts Have lived the winter through, Jenny Wrens have pecked their fill And found a work to do ; VALENTINES TO MY MOTHER 177 Families of Sparrows Have weathered wind and storm With Rabbit on the stony hill And Hare upon her form. You and I, my Mother, Have lived the winter through, And still we play our daily parts And still find work to do : And still the cornfields flourish, The olive and the vine, And still you reign my Queen of Hearts And I'm your Valentine. 1886 T 17 INTER'S latest snowflake is the snowdrop flower, Yellow crocus kindles the first flame of the Spring, At that time appointed, at that day and hour. When life reawakens and hope in everything. Such a tender snowflake in the wintry weather. Such a feeble flamelet for chilled St. Valentine, — But blest be any weather which finds us still together. My pleasure and my treasure, O blessed Mother mine. N [78 MY MOUSE MY MOUSE A VENUS seems my Tvlouse Come safe ashore from foaming seas, Which in a small way and at ease Keeps house. An Iris seems my Mouse, Bright bow of that exhausted shower Which made a world of sweet herbs flower And boughs. A darling Mouse it is : — Part hope not likely to take wing, Part memory, part anything You please. Venus-cum-Iris Mouse, From shifting tides set safe apart, In no mere bottle, in my heart Keep house. New Year 1877, PARTED 179 A POOR OLD DOG TDITY the sorrows of a poor old dog Who wags his tail a-begging in his need ; Despise not even the sorrows of a frog, God's creature too, and that's enough to plead ; Spare puss w^ho trusts us dozing on our hearth ; Spare bunny, once so frisky and so free ; Spare all the harmless creatures of the earth : Spare, and be spared — or who shall plead for thee? Circa 1 8 79. PARTED T T AD Fortune parted us. Fortune is blind ; Had Anger parted us. Anger unkind — But since God parts us Let us part humbly. Bearing our burden Bravely and dumbly. And since there is but one Heaven, not another. Let us not close that door Against each other. :8o TO- DA Y'S BURDEN God's Love is higher than mine, Christ's tenfold proved, Yet even I would die For thee, Beloved. Circa 1 8 So. TO-DAY'S BURDEN " A RISE, depart, for this is not your rest." — "^ Oh burden of all burdens, still to arise And still depart nor rest in any wise ! Rolling, still rolling thus from East to West, Earth journeys on her immemorial quest, Whom a moon chases in no different guise. Thus stars pursue their courses, and thus flies The sun, and thus all creatures manifest Unrest the common heritage, the ban Flung broadcast to all humankind, on all Who live — for, living, all are bound to die. That which is old, we know that it is man. These have no rest who sit and dream and sigh, Nor have those rest who wrestle and who fall. Circa 1 88 1. MICHAEL F. M. ROSSETTI i8i COUNTERBLAST ON PENNY TRUMPET T F Mr. Bright retiring does not please, And Mr. Gladstone staying gives offence, What can man do which is not one of these ? Use your own common sense. Yet he's a brave man who abjures his cause For conscience' sake : let byegones be byegones : Not this among the makers of our laws The least and last of Johns. If all our byegones could be piled on shelves High out of reach of penny-line Tyrtaeus ! If only all of us could see ourselves As others see us ! 21 July i^2>2. MICHAEL F. M. ROSSETTI Born 22 April i88i ; Died 24 January 1883. A HOLY Innocent gone home Without so much as one sharp wounding word ; A blessed Michael in heaven's lofty dome Without a sword. 2 Brief dawn and noon and setting time ! Our rapid-rounding moon has fled ; i82 MICHAEL F. M. ROSSETTI A black eclipse before the prime Has swallowed up that shining head. Eternity holds up her looking-glass : — The eclipse of Time will pass, And all that lovely light return to sight. 3 I watch the showers and think of flowers : Alas my flower that shows no fruit ! My snowdrop plucked, my daisy shoot Plucked from the root. Soon Spring will shower, the world will flower, A world of buds will promise fruit. Pear-trees will shoot and apples shoot Sound at the root. Bud of an hour, far off you flower ; My bud, far off you ripen fruit ; My prettiest bud, my straightest shoot, Sweet at the root. 4 The youngest bud of five, The least lamb of the fold. Bud not to blossom, yet to thrive Away from cold : Lamb which we shall not see Leap at its pretty pranks, Our lamb at rest and full of glee On heavenly banks. January 1 883. TO MY FIOR-DI-LISA 183 THE WAY OF THE WORLD A BOAT that sails upon the sea, Sails far and far and far away Who sail in her sing songs of glee, Or watch and pray. A boat that drifts upon the sea, Silent and void to sun and air : Who sailed in her have ended glee And watch and prayer. Circa 1 890. TO MY FIOR-DI-LISA 'T^HE Rose is Love's own flower, and Love's no less The Lily's tenderness. Then half their dignity must Roses yield To Lilies of the field ? Nay, diverse notes make up true harmony, All-fashioned loves agree : Love wears the Lily's whiteness, and Love glows In the deep-hearted Rose. i84 SLEEPING AT LAST SLEEPING AT LAST C LEEPING at last, the trouble and tumult over, Sleeping at last, the struggle and horror past, Cold and white, out of sight of friend and of lover, Sleeping at last. No more a tired heart downcast or overcast. No more pangs that wring or shifting fears that hover. Sleeping at last in a dreamless sleep locked fast. Fast asleep. Singing birds in their leafy cover Cannot wake her, nor shake her the gusty blast. Under the purple thyme and the purple clover Sleeping at last. Circa 1893. DEVOTIONAL POEMS I DO SET MY BOW IN THE CLOUD n^HE roses bloom too late for me : The violets I shall not see : Even the snowdrops will not come Till I have passed from home to home : From home on earth to home in heaven, Here penitent and there forgiven. Mourn not, my Father, that I seek One who is strong when I am weak. Through the dark passage, verily. His rod and staff shall comfort me : He shall support me in the strife ^>s. Of death that dieth into life : He shall support me. He receive My soul when I begin to live, And more than I can ask for give. He from the heaven-gates built above Hath looked on me in perfect love. From the heaven-walls to me He calls To come and dwell within those walls : i88 / DO SET MV BOW IN THE CLOUD With Cherubim and Seraphim And Angels : yea, beholding Him. His care for me is more than mine, Father ; His love is more than thine. Sickness and death I have from thee, From Him have immortality. He giveth gladness where He will. Yet chasteneth His beloved still. Then tell me : is it not enough To feel that, when the path is rough And the sky dark and the rain cold, His promise standeth as of old ? "When heaven and earth have past away Only His righteous word shall stay, And we shall know His will is best. Behold : He is a haven-rest, A sheltering rock, a hiding-place, For runners steadfast in the race ; Who, toiling for a little space, Had light through faith when sight grew dim, And offered all their world to Him. December 1847. DEA TH IS S WALLO WED UP IN VICTOR V i : DEATH IS SWALLOWED UP IN VICTORY " 'T^ELL me : doth it not grieve thee to lie here, And see the cornfields waving not for thee, Just in the waking summer of the year ? " "I fade from earth, and lo along with me The season that I love will fade away : How should I look for autumn longingly ? " " Yet autumn beareth fruit whilst day by day The leaves grow browner with a mellow hue. Declining to a beautiful decay." " Decay is death, with which I have to do, And see it near : behold, it is more good Than length of days and length of sorrow too." " But thy heart hath not dwelt in solitude ; Many have loved and love thee : dost not heed Free love, for which in vain have others sued ? " " I thirst for love, love is mine only need, Love such as none hath borne me nor can bear, True love that prompteth thought and word and deed." " Here it is not : why seek it otherwhere ? Nay, bow thy head, and own that on this earth Are many goodly things and sweet and fair." " There are tears in man's laughter : in his mirth There is a fearful forward look ; and lo An infant's cry gives token of its birth." 190 DEATH IS SWALLOWED UP " I mark the ocean of Time ebb and flow : He who hath care one day and is perplext To-morrow may have joy in place of woe." " Evil becomes good : and to this annext Good becomes evil : speak of it no more : My heart is wearied and my spirit vext." "Is there no place it grieves thee to give o'er? Is there no home thou lov'st, and so wouldst fain Tarry a little longer at the door ? " " I must go hence and not return again : But the friends whom I have shall come to me, And dwell together with me safe from pain." " Where is that mansion mortals cannot see ? Behold, the tombs are full of worms : shalt thou Rise thence and soar up skywards gloriously ? " " Even as the planets shine we know not how. We shall be raised then, changed yet still the same — Being made like Christ, yea being as He is now." " Thither thou go'st whence no man ever came : Death's voyagers return not, and in death There is no room for speech or sign or fame." " There is room for repose that comforteth ; There weariness is not : and there content Broodeth for ever, and hope hovereth." " When the stars fall and when the graves are rent, Shalt thou have safety ? shalt thou look for life When the great light of the broad sun is spent ? " " These elements shall consummate their strife, This heaven and earth shall shrivel like a scroll. And then be re-created, beauty-rife." IN VICTORY 191 " Who shall abide it when from pole to pole The world's foundations shall be overthrown ? Who shall abide to scan the perfect whole ? " " He who hath strength given to him, not his own : He who hath faith in that which is not seen, And patient hope : who trusts in Love alone." "Yet thou — the death-struggle must intervene Ere thou win rest : think better of it : think Of all that is and shall be and hath been." " The cup my Father giveth me to drink. Shall I not take it meekly ? though my heart Tremble a moment, it shall never shrink." " Satan will wrestle with thee when thou art In the last agony ; and Death will bring Sins to remembrance ere thy spirit part." " In that great hour of unknown suffering God shall be with me, and His arm made bare Shall fight for me : yea, underneath His wing, I shall lie safe at rest and freed from care." 20 Febniary 1848. 192 A CHRISTMAS CAROL A CHRISTMAS CAROL T^HANK God, thank God, we do believe : Thank God that this is Christinas Eve. Even as we kneel upon this day, Even so, the ancient legends say, Nearly two thousand years ago The stalled ox knelt, and even so The ass knelt full of praise, which they Could not express, while we can pray. Thank God, thank God, for Christ was born Ages ago, as on this morn. In the snow-season undefiled God came to earth a little child : He put His ancient glory by To live for us and then to die. How shall we thank God ? How shall we Thank Him and praise Him worthily ? What will He have who loved us thus ? What presents will He take from us ? Will He take gold, or precious heap Of gems ? or shall we rather steep The air with incense, or bring myrrh ? What man will be our messenger To go to Him and ask His will ? Which having learned, we will fulfil Though He choose all we most prefer : — What man will be our messenger ? FOR ADVENT 193 Thank God, thank God, the Man is found, Sure-footed, knowing well the ground. He knows the road, for this the way He travelled once, as on this day. He is our Messenger beside. He is our door and path and Guide : He also is our Offering : He is the gift that we must bring. Let us kneel down with one accord And render thanks unto the Lord : For unto us a Child is born Upon this happy Christmas morn ; For unto us a Son is given, Firstborn of God and Heir of Heaven. 7 March 1849. FOR ADVENT Q WEET sweet sound of distant waters, falling "^ On a parched and thirsty plain : Sweet sweet song of soaring skylark, calling On the sun to shine again : Perfume of the rose, only the fresher For past fertilizing rain : Pearls amid the sea, a hidden treasure For some daring hand to gain : — Better, dearer than all these Is the earth beneath the trees : o 194 FOR ADVENT Of a much more priceless worth Is the old brown common earth. Little snow-white lamb, piteously bleating For thy mother far away : Saddest sweetest nightingale, retreating With thy sorrow from the day : Weary fawn whom night has overtaken, From the herd gone quite astray : Dove whose nest was rifled and forsaken In the budding month of May : — Roost upon the leafy trees. Lie on earth and take your ease : Death is better far than birth : You shall turn again to earth. Listen to the never-pausing murmur Of the waves that fret the shore : See the ancient pine that stands the firmer For the storm-shock that it bore : And the moon her silver chalice filling With light from the great sun's store : And the stars which deck our temple's ceiling As the flowers deck its floor : Look and hearken while you may, For these things shall pass away : All these things shall fail and cease : Let us wait the end in peace. Let us wait the end in peace, for truly That shall cease which was before : TWO PURSUITS 195 Let us see our lamps are lighted, duly Fed with oil nor wanting more : Let us pray while yet the Lord will hear us, For the time is almost o'er : Yea, the end of all is very near us : Yea, the Judge is at the door. Let us pray now, while we may : It will be too late to pray When the quick and dead shall all Rise at the last trumpet-call. 12 March 1849. TWO PURSUITS A VOICE said, " Follow, follow" : and I rose And followed far into the dreamy night. Turning my back upon the pleasant light. It led me where the bluest water flows. And would not let me drink : where the corn grows I dared not pause, but went uncheered by sight Or touch : until at length in evil plight It left me, wearied out with many woes. Some time I sat as one bereft of sense : But soon another voice from very far Called, " Follow, follow " : and I rose again. Now on my night has dawned a blessed star : Kind steady hands my sinking steps sustain, And will not leave me till I shall go hence. 12 April 1849. 196 THE WATCHERS THE WATCHERS O HE fell asleep among the flowers In the sober autumn hours. Three there are about her bed, At her side and feet and head. At her head standeth the Cross For which all else she counted loss : Still and steadfast at her feet Doth her Guardian Angel sit : Prayers of truest love abide Wrapping her on every side. The holy Cross standeth alone, Beneath the white moon, whitest stone. Evil spirits come not near Its shadow, shielding from all fear : Once she bore it in her breast, Now it certifies her rest. Humble violets grow around Its base, sweetening the grassy ground, Leaf-hidden : so she hid from praise Of men her pious holy ways. THE WATCHERS 197 Higher about it, twining close, Clingeth a crimson thorny rose : So from her heart's good seed of love Thorns sprang below, flowers spring above. Though yet his vigil doth not cease, Her Angel sits in perfect peace, With white folded wings : for she He watches now is pure as he. He watches with his loving eyes For the day when she shall rise : When full of glory and of grace She shall behold him face to face. Though she is safe for ever, yet Human love doth not forget : But prays that in her deep Grave she may sleep a blessed sleep, Till when time and the world are past She may find mercy at the last. So these three do hedge her in From sorrow, as death does from sin. So freed from earthly taint and pain May they all meet in heaven. Amen. 25 May 1850. 198 / STAND AT THE DOOR AND KNOCK BEHOLD, I STAND AT THE DOOR AND KNOCK "\ 7[ /"HO standeth at the gate ? — A woman old, A widow from the husband of her love. " Oh lady, stay, this wind is piercing cold. Oh look at the keen frosty moon above ; I have no home, am hungry, feeble, poor.'" — " I'm really very sorry, but I can Do nothing for you ; there's the clergyman," The lady said, and shivering closed the door. Who standeth at the gate ? — Wayworn and pale A grey-haired man asks charity again. " Kind lady, I have journeyed far, and fail Through weariness ; for I have begged in vain Some shelter, and can find no lodging-place." — She answered : " There's the workhouse very near; Go, for they'll certainly receive you there " — Then shut the door against his pleading face. Who standeth at the gate ? — A stunted child, Her sunk eyes sharpened with precocious care. " Oh lady, save me from a home defiled. From shameful sights and sounds that taint the air : Take pity on me, teach me something good." — " For shame, why don't you work instead of cry ? I keep no young impostors here, not I." She slammed the door, indignant where she stood. ADVENT 199 Who standeth at the gate, and will be heard ? Arise, O woman, from thy comforts now : Go forth again to speak the careless word, The cruel word unjust, with hardened brow. But who is this, that standeth not to pray As once, but terrible to judge thy sin ? This whom thou wouldst not succour nor take in Nor teach but leave to perish by the way. " Thou didst it not unto the least of these, And in them hast not done it unto Me. Thou wast as a princess rich and at ease — Now sit in dust and howl for poverty. Three times I stood beseeching at thy gate, Three times I came to bless thy soul and save : But now I come to judge for what I gave. And now at length thy sorrow is too late." I December 185 1. ADVENT " /^OME," Thou dost say to Angels, ^ To blessed Spirits, "Come": " Come," to the lambs of Thine own flock. Thy little ones, " Come home." " Come," from the many-mansioned house The gracious word is sent, " Come," from the ivory palaces Unto the Penitent. 200 ALL SAINTS O Lord, restore us deaf and blind, Unclose our lips though dumb : Then say to us, " I come with speed,' And we will answer, " Come." 12 December 1851. ALL SAINTS 'T^HEY have brought gold and spices to my King, Incense and precious stuffs and ivory : O holy Mother mine, what can I bring That so my Lord may deign to look on me ? They sing a sweeter song than I can sing. All crowned and glorified exceedingly : I, bound on earth, weep for my trespassing, — They sing the song of love in heaven, set free. Then answered me my Mother, and her voice Spake to my heart, yea answered in my heart : " Sing, saith He to the heavens, to earth rejoice : Thou also lift thy heart to Him above : He seeks not thine, but thee such as thou art. For lo His banner over thee is Love." 20 Jamiajy 1852. EYE HATH NOT SEEN EYE HATH NOT SEEN /^UR feet shall tread upon the stars Less bright than we. The everlasting shore shall bound A fairer sea Than that which cold Now glitters in the sun like gold. Oh good, oh blest ! but who shall say How fair, how fair. Is the light-region where no cloud Darkens the air, Where weary eyes Rest on the green of Paradise ? There cometh not the wind nor rain Nor sun nor snow : The Trees of Knowledge and of Life Bud there and blow, Their leaves and fruit Fed from an undecaying root. There Angels flying to and fro Are not more white Than Penitents some while ago, Now Saints in light : Once soiled and sad — Cleansed now and crowned, fulfilled and glad. 202 E YE HA TH NO T SEEN Now yearning through the perfect rest Perhaps they gaze Earthwards upon their best-beloved In all earth's ways : Longing, but not With pain, as used to be their lot. The hush of that beatitude Is ages long, Sufficing Virgins, Prophets, Saints, Till the new song Shall be sent up From lips which drained the bitter cup. If but the thought of Paradise Gives joy on earth. What shall it be to enter there Through second birth ? To find once more Our dearest treasure gone before ? To find the Shepherd of the sheep, The Lamb once slain. Who leads His own by living streams — Never again To thirst, or need Aught in green pastures where they feed. But from the altar comes a cry Awful and strong E YE HA TH NOT SEEN 203 From martyred Saints : " How long," they say, " O Lord, how long, Holy and True, Shall vengeance for our blood be due ? " Then the Lord gives them robes of white. And bids them stay In patience till the time be full For the last day — The day of dread When the last sentence shall be said \ When heaven and earth shall flee away, And the great deep Shall render up her dead, and earth Her sons that sleep. And day of grace Be hid for ever from Thy face. Oh hide us till Thy wrath be past. Our grief, our shame, With Peter and with Magdalene And him whose name No record tells Who by Thy promise with Thee dwells. I May 1852. 204 MOONSHINE ST. ELIZABETH OF HUNGARY "\'X /"HEN if ever life is sweet, Save in heart in all a child, A fair virgin undefiled, Knelt she at her Saviour's feet : AVhile she laid her royal crown, Thinking it too mean a thing For a solemn offering, Careless on the cushions down. Fair she was as any rose, But more pale than lilies white : Her eyes full of deep repose Seemed to see beyond our sight. Hush, she is a holy thing : Hush, her soul is in her eyes, Seeking far in Paradise For her Light, her Love, her King. i6/uiic 1852. MOONSHINE TJ^AIR the sun riseth. Bright as bright can be, Fair the sun shineth On a fair fair sea. MOONSHINE 205 " Across the water Wilt thou come with me, Miles and long miles, love. Over the salt sea ? " " If thou wilt hold me Truly by the hand, I will go with thee Over sea and sand. " If thou wilt hold me That I shall not fall, I will go with thee, Love, in spite of all." Fair the moon riseth On her heavenly way. Making the waters Fairer than by day. A little vessel Rocks upon the sea. Where stands a maiden Fair as fair can be. Her smile rejoices Though her mouth is mute She treads the vessel With her little foot. 2o6 MOONSHINE Truly he holds her Faithful to his pledge, Guiding the vessel From the water's edge. Fair the moon saileth With her pale fair light, Fair the girl gazeth Out into the night. Saith she, " Like silver Shines thy hair, not gold " : Saith she, " I shiver In thy steady hold. " Love," she saith weeping, " Loose thy hold awhile ; My heart is freezing In thy freezing smile." The moon is hidden By a silver cloud, Fair as a halo Or a maiden's shroud. No more beseeching, Ever on they go : The vessel rocketh Softly to and fro : / LOOK FOR THE LORD 207 And still he holds her That she shall not fall, Till pale mists whiten Dimly over all. Onward and onward, Far across the sea : Onward and onward. Pale as pale can be : Onward and onward, Ever hand in hand, From sun and moonlight To another land. id June 1852. I LOOK FOR THE LORD /^UR wealth has wasted all away, ^^^ Our pleasures have found wings ; The night is long until the day ; Lord, give us better things — A ray of light in thirsty night And secret water-springs. Our love is dead, or sleeps, or else Is hidden from our eves : 2o8 THE HE A R T KNO WE TH Our silent love, while no man tells Or if it lives or dies. Oh give us love, O Lord, above In changeless Paradise. Our house is left us desolate, Even as Thy word hath said. Before our face the w^ay is great ; Around us are the dead. Oh guide us, save us from the grave, As Thou Thy saints hast led. Lead us where pleasures evermore And wealth indeed are placed. And home on an eternal shore. And love that cannot waste : Where joy Thou art unto the heart. And sweetness to the taste. 28 Septe^nber 1852. THE HEART KNOWETH ITS OWN BITTERNESS ■\ 1 T^EEP yet awhile,— Weep till that day shall dawn when thou shalt smile : Watch till the day When all save only love shall pass aw^ay. ITS OWN BITTERNESS 209 Weep, sick and lonely, Bow thy heart to tears, For none shall guess the secret Of thy griefs and fears. Weep, till the day dawn, Refreshing dew : Weep till the spring : For genial showers Bring up the flowers, And thou shalt sing In summertime of blossoming. Heart-sick and silent, Weep and watch in pain. Weep for hope perished, Not to live again : Weep for love's hope and fear And passion vain. Watch till the day When all save only love shall pass away. Then love rejoicing Shall forget to weep : Shall hope or fear no more. Or watch, or sleep, But only love and cease not, Deep beyond deep. Now we sow love in tears, But then shall reap. p 2IO IVHITSUN EVE Have patience as the Lord's own flock of sheep : Have patience with His love Who died below, who lives for thee above. 23 December 1852. WHITSUN EVE nPHE white dove cooeth in her downy nest, Keeping her young ones warm beneath her breast : The white moon saileth through the cool clear sky, Screened by a tender mist in passing by : The white rose buds, with thorns upon its stem, All the more precious and more dear for them : The stream shines silver in the tufted grass. The white clouds scarcely dim it as they pass ; Deep in the valleys lily cups are white, They send up incense all the holy night : Our souls are white, made clean in Blood once shed : White blessed Angels watch around our bed : — O spotless Lamb of God, still keep us so, Thou who wert born for us in time of snow. 18 May 1853. THERE REMAINETH A REST 21: THERE REMAINETH THEREFORE A REST FOR THE PEOPLE OF GOD I Ye have forgotten the exhortation /^^OME, blessed sleep, most full, most perfect, come : Come, sleep, if so I may forget the whole ; Forget my body and forget my soul, Forget how long life is and troublesome. Come, happy sleep, to soothe my heart or numb. Arrest my weary spirit or control : Till light be dark to me from pole to pole. And winds and echoes and low songs be dumb. Come, sleep, and lap me into perfect calm. Lap me from all the world and weariness : Come, secret sleep, with thine unuttered psalm. Safe sheltering in a hidden cool recess : Come, heavy dreamless sleep, and close and press Upon mine eyes thy fingers dropping balm. II Which speaketh unto you as unto children A RT thou so weary then, poor thirsty soul ? "^ Have patience, in due season thou shalt sleep. Mount yet a little while, the path is steep : 212 A HARVEST Strain yet a little while to reach the goal : Do battle with thyself, achieve, control : Till night come down with blessed slumber deep As love, and seal thine eyes no more to weep Through long tired vigils while the planets roll. Have patience, for thou too shalt sleep at length, Lapt in the pleasant shade of Paradise. My Hands that bled for thee shall close thine eyes. My Heart that bled for thee shall be thy rest : I will sustain with everlasting strength. And thou, with John, shalt lie upon My breast. i2/iily 1853 A HARVEST f~\ GATE of death, of the blessed night, That shall open not again On this world of shame and sorrow, Where slow ages wax and wane, Where are signs and seasons, days and nights And mighty winds and rain. Is the day wearing toward the west ? — Far off cool shadows pass, A visible refreshment Across the sultry grass : Far off low mists are mustering, A broken shiftinsr mass. A HARVEST 213 Still in the deepest knowledge Some depth is left unknown : Still in the merriest music lurks A plaintive undertone : Still with the closest friend some throb Of life is felt alone. Time's summer breath is sweet, his sands Ebb sparkling as they flow, Yet some are sick that this should end Which is from long ago : — Are not the fields already white To harvest in the glow ? — There shall come another harvest Than was in days of yore : The reapers shall be Angels, Our God shall purge the floor : — No more seed-time, no more harvest. Then for evermore. August 1853. 214 THE ELEVENTH HOUR THE ELEVENTH HOUR T^AINT and worn and aged One stands knocking at a gate ; Though no light shines in the casement, Knocking though so late. It has struck eleven In the courts of heaven, Yet he still doth knock and wait. While no answer cometh From the heavenly hill, Blessed Angels wonder At his earnest will. Hope and fear but quicken While the shadows thicken : He is knocking, knocking still. Grim the gate unopened Stands with bar and lock : Yet within the unseen Porter Hearkens to the knock. — Doing and undoing. Faint and yet pursuing, This man's feet are on the Rock. With a cry unceasing Knocketh, prayeth he : THE ELE VENTH HOUR 215 " Lord have mercy on me When I cry to Thee." With a knock unceasing And a cry increasing : "O my Lord, remember me." Still the Porter standeth, Love-constrained He standeth near, While the cry increaseth Of that love and fear : "Jesus, look upon me — Christ, hast Thou foregone me ? — If I must, I perish here." Faint the knocking ceases. Faint the cry and call : Is he lost indeed for ever, Shut without the wall ? Mighty Arms surround him. Arms that sought and found him. Held, withheld, and bore through all. O celestial mansion, Open wide the door : Crown and robes of whiteness. Stone inscribed before, Flocking Angels bear them ; Stretch thy hand and wear them, Sit thou down for evermore. 5 September 1853. 2i6 JVHO HAVE A FORM OF GODLINESS FOR UNDER A CRUCIFIX /^NCE I ached for thy dear sake; ^-"^ Wilt thou cause Me now to ache ? Once I bled for thee in pain ; Wilt thou pierce My Heart again ? Crown of thorns and shameful tree, Bitter death I bore for thee, Gave up glory, broke My will, — And canst thou reject Me still ? WHO HAVE A FORM OF GODLINESS "\ 1 7HEN I am sick and tired it is God's will : Also God's will alone is sure and best : — So in my weariness I find my rest. And so in poverty I take my fill. Therefore I see my good in midst of ill. Therefore in loneliness I build my nest. And through hot noon pant toward the shady west. And hope in sickening disappointment still. So, when the times of restitution come. The sweet times of refreshing come at last, My God shall fill my longings to the brim : Therefore I w^ait and look and long for Him : Not wearied though the work is wearisome. Nor fainting though the time be almost past. 1 8 December 1853. THERE REMAINETH A REST 217 THERE REMAINETH THEREFORE A REST T N the grave will be no space For the purple of the proud^ They must mingle with the crowd : In the wrappings of a shroud Jewels would be out of place. There no laughter shall be heard, Nor the heavy sound of sighs : Sleep shall seal the aching eyes : All the ancient and the wise There shall utter not a word. Yet it may be we shall hear How the mounting skylark sings And the bell for matins rings : Or perhaps the whisperings Of white Angels sweet and clear. What a calm when all is done, Wearing vigil, prayer, and fast ! All fulfilled from first to last : All the length of time gone past And eternity begun. Fear and hope and chastening rod Urge us on the narrow way : 2i8 YE HAVE FORGOTTEN Bear we still as best we may Heat and burden of the day, Struggling, panting up to God. 17 Fehntaiy 1S54. YE HAVE FORGOTTEN THE EXHORTATION ANGEL "D URY thy dead, dear friend, Between the night and day : Where depths of suQ:imer shade are cool, And murmurs of a summer pool And windy murmurs stray : — SOUL Ah gone away. Ah dear and lost delight. Gone from me and for ever out of sight ! ANGEL Bury thy dead, dear love. And make his bed most fair above : The latest buds shall still Blow there, and the first violets too. And there a turtle-dove Shall brood and coo : — THE EXHORTATION 219 SOUL I cannot make the nest So warm but he may find it chill In solitary rest. ANGEL Bury thy dead heart-deep : Take patience till the sun be set : There are no tears for him to weep, No doubts to haunt him yet : Take comfort, he will not forget : — SOUL Then I will watch beside his sleep : Will watch alone, And make my moan Because the harvest is so long to reap. ANGEL The fields are white to harvest, look and see. Are white abundantly. The harvest-moon shines full and clear, The harvest-time is near. Be of good cheer : — SOUL Ah woe is me ! I have no heart for harvest-time, Grown sick with hope deferred from chime to chime. 2 20 EXHOR TA TION FORGO TTEN ANGEL But One can give thee heart, thy Lord and his, Can raise both thee and him To shine with Seraphim, And pasture where the eternal fountain is ; Can give thee of that tree Whose leaves are health for thee ; Can give thee robes made clean and white, And love, and all delight. And beauty where the day turns not to night. Who knocketh at His door, And presseth in, goes out no more. Kneel as thou hast not knelt before — The time is short — and smite Upon thy breast and pray with all thy might : — SOUL O Lord, my heart is broken for my sin : Yet hasten Thine own day And come away. Is not time full ? Oh put the sickle in, O Lord, begin ! lo May 1854. o UNFORGOTTEN 221 UNFORGOTTEN UNFORGOTTEN ! How long ago ? one spirit saith. As long as life even unto death, The passage of a poor frail breath. O unforgotten ! An unforgotten load of love, A load of grief all griefs above, A blank blank nest without its dove. As long as time is : — No longer ? Time is but a span. The dalliance-space of empty man : And is this all immortals can ? Ever and ever, Beyond all time, beyond all space : Now shadows darkening heart and face Then glory in a glorious place. Sad heart and spirit. Bowed now, yea broken, for a while- Lagging and toiling mile by mile. Yet pressing toward the Eternal Smile. O joy eternal ! O youth eternal without flaw !— Thee not the blessed Angels saw, Rapt in august adoring awe. 222 ZION SAID Not the dead have thee, Not yet, O all-surpassing peace : Not till this veiling world shall cease And harvest yield its whole increase. Not the dead know thee, Not dead nor living nor unborn : Who in the new-sown field at morn Can measure out the harvest corn ? — Yet they shall know thee : And w^e with them, and unborn men With us, shall know and have thee when The single grain shall wax to ten. 1855. ZION SAID r~\ SLAIN for love of me, canst Thou be cold. Be cold and far away in my distress ? Is Thy love also changed, growing less and less. That carried me through all the days of old ? Slain for love of me, O Love untold. See how I flag and fail through weariness : I flag, while sleepless foes dog me and press On me : behold, O Lord, O Love, behold ! 1 am sick for home, the home of love indeed — I am sick for Love, that dearest name for Thee : HYMN AFTER GABRIELE ROSSETTI 223 Thou who hast bled, see how my heart doth bleed : Open Thy bleeding Side and let me in : Oh hide me in Thy Heart from doubt and sin, Oh take me to Thyself and comfort me. 31 December 1855. HYMN AFTER GABRIELE ROSSETTI FIRST VERSION T' amo e fra dolci affanni 1\ /T Y Lord, my Love ! in love's unrest How often have I said, " Blessed that John who on Thy breast Reclined his head." Thy touch it was, Love's Pelican, Transformed him from above. And made him amongst men the man To show forth holy love. Yet shall I envy blessed John ? Nay, not so verily, While Thou indwellest as Thine own Me, even me : Upbuilding with Thy Manhood's worth My frail humanity ; Yea Thy Divinehood pouring forth. In fullness filling me. 224 HYMN AFTER GABRIELS R0SSE7T/ Me, Lord, Thy temple consecrate, Me unto Thee alone ; Within my heart set up Thy state And mount Thy throne : The Seraphim in ecstasy Fall prone around Thy house, For which of them hath tasted Thee, My Manna and my Spouse ? Now Thou dost wear me for a robe And sway and warm me through, I scarce seem lesser than the globe. Thy temple too : O God, who for Thy dwelling-place Dost take delight in me. The ungirt immensity of space Hath not encompassed Thee. SECOND VERSION My Lord, my Love ! in pleasant pain How often have I said, " Blessed that John who on Thy breast Laid down his head." It was that contact all divine Transformed him from above. And made him amongst men the man To show forth holy love. HYMN AFTER GABRIELE ROSSETTI 225 Yet shall I envy blessed John ? Nay not so verily, Now that Thou, Lord, both Man and God, Dost dwell in me : Upbuilding with Thy Manhood's might My frail humanity : Yea, Thy Divinehood pouring forth. In fullness filling me. Me, Lord, Thy temple consecrate, Even me to Thee alone ; Lord, reign upon my willing heart Which is Thy throne : To Thee the Seraphim fall down Adoring round Thy house ; For which of them hath tasted Thee, My Manna and my Spouse ? Now that Thy life lives in my soul And sways and warms it through, I scarce seem lesser than the world. Thy temple too. O God, who dwellest in my heart, My God who fillest me. The broad immensity itself Hath not encompassed Thee. Circa 1 85 5. 226 HOW LONG? M HOW LONG? Y life is long — Not so the Angels say Who watch me \Yaste it, trembling whilst they weigh Against eternity my lavished day. My life is long — Not so the Saints in peace Judge, filled with plenitude that cannot cease : Oh life was short which bought such large increase ! My life is long — Christ's word is different : The heat and burden of the day were spent On Him, — to me refreshing times are sent. Give me an Angel's heart, that day nor night Rests not from adoration its delight, Still crying " Holy holy " in the height. Give me the heart of Saints, who, laid at rest In better Paradise than Abraham's breast. In the everlasting Rock have made their nest. Give me Thy heart, O Christ, who thirty-three Slow years of sorrow countedst short for me, That where Thou art there Thy beloved might be. 14 April 1856. A MARTYR 227 A MARTYR T T is over the horrible pain, All is over the struggle and doubt : She's asleep though her friends stand and weep, She's asleep while the multitudes shout : Not to wake to her anguish again. Not to wake until death is cast out. Stoop, look at the beautiful face, See the smile on the satisfied mouth, The hands crost — she hath conquered not lost : She hath drunk who was fevered with drouth : She shall sleep in her safe resting-place While the hawk spreads her wings toward the South. She shall sleep while slow seasons are given, While daylight and darkness go round : Her heart is at rest in its nest. Her body at rest in the ground : She has travelled the long road to heaven. She sought it and now she has found. Will you follow the track that she trod, Will you tread in her footsteps, my friend ? That pathway is rough, but enough Are the light and the balm that attend Do I tread in her steps, O my God, — Shall I joy with her joy in the end ? 23 April 1856. 228 NO W THE V DESIRE NOW THEY DESIRE T^HERE is a sleep we have not slept, Safe in a bed unknown : There hearts are staunched that long have wept Alone or bled alone : Sweet sleep that dreams not, or whose dream Is foretaste of the truth : Sweet sleep whose sweets are what they seem, Refreshing more than youth. There is a sea whose waters clear Are never tempest-tost : There is a home whose children dear Are saved, not one is lost : There Cherubim and Seraphim And Angels dwell with Saints, Whose lustre no more dwindleth dim, Whose ardour never faints. There is a Love which fills desire And can our love requite : Like fire it draws our lesser fire, Like greater light our light : For it we agonize in strife, We yearn, we famish thus — Lo in the far-off land of life Doth it not yearn for us ^ NO W THE V DESIRE 229 O fair, O fair Jerusalem, How fair, how far away, When shall we see thy Jasper-gem That gives thee light for day ? Thy sea of glass like fire, thy streets Of glass like virgin gold. Thy royal Elders on their seats, Thy four Beasts manifold ? Fair City of delights, the bride In raiment white and clean, When shall we see thee loving-eyed, Sun-girdled, happy Queen? Without a wrinkle or a spot. Blood-cleansed, blood-purchased once : In how fair ground is fallen the lot Of all thy happy sons ! Dove's eyes beneath thy parted lock, A dove's soft voice is thine : Thy nest is safe within the Rock, Safe in the very Vine : Thy walls salvation buildeth them And all thy gates are praise, O fair, O fair Jerusalem, In sevenfold day of days. 13 August 1856. 230 A CHRISTMAS CAROL A CHRISTMAS CAROL For my Godchildren 'T^HE Shepherds had an Angel, -^ The Wise Men had a star, But what have I, a Uttle child, To guide me home from far, Where glad stars sing together And singing angels are ? — Lord Jesus is my Guardian, So I can nothing lack : The lambs lie in His bosom Along life's dangerous track : The wilful lambs that go astray He bleeding fetches back. Lord Jesus is my guiding star. My beacon-light in heaven : He leads me step by step along The path of life uneveft : He, true light, leads me to that land Whose day shall be as seven. Those Shepherds through the lonely night Sat watching by their sheep. A CHRISTMAS CAROL 231 Until they saw the heavenly host Who neither tire nor sleep, All singing " Glory glory " In festival they keep. Christ watches me, His little lamb. Cares for me day and night. That I may be His own in heaven : So angels clad in white Shall sing their " Glory glory " For my sake in the height. The Wise Men left their country To journey morn by morn, With gold and frankincense and myrrh. Because the Lord was born : God sent a star to guide them And sent a dream to warn. My life is like their journey. Their star is like God's book, I must be like those good Wise Men With heavenward heart and look : But shall I give no gifts to God ? — What precious gifts they took ! Lord, I will give my love to Thee, Than gold much costlier. Sweeter to Thee than frankincense. More prized than choicest myrrh : 232 NOT YOURS BUT YOU Lord, make me dearer day by day, Day by day holier ; Nearer and dearer by day : Till I my voice unite, And sing my " Glory glory " With angels clad in white ; All " Glory glory " given to Thee Through all the heavenly height. 6 October 1856. NOT YOURS BUT YOU " LTE died for me : what can I offer Him? Toward Him swells incense of perpetual prayer : His court wear crowns and aureoles round their hair : His ministers are subtle Cherubim ; Ring within ring, white intense Seraphim Leap like immortal lightnings through the air. What shall I offer Him ? defiled and bare, My spirit broken and my brightness dim." — " Give Me thy youth."—" I yield it to Thy rod. As Thou didst yield Thy prime of youth for me." — " Give Me thy life." — "I give it breath by breath. As Thou didst give Thy hfe so give I Thee." — " Give Me thy love." — " So be it, my God, my God, As Thou hast loved me even to bitter death." 27 October 1856. HEARTS BITTERNESS 233 THE HEART KNOWETH ITS OWN BITTERNESS T 1 mEN all the over-work of life Is finished once, and fast asleep We swerve no more beneath the knife But taste that silence cool and deep ; Forgetful of the highways rough, Forgetful of the thorny scourge, Forgetful of the tossing surge, Then shall we find it is enough ? How can we say " enough " on earth — " Enough " with such a craving heart ? I have not found it since my birth. But still have bartered part for part. I have not held and hugged the whole, But paid the old to gain the new : Much have I paid, yet much is due. Till I am beggared sense and soul. I used to labour, used to strive For pleasure with a restless will : Now if I save my soul alive All else what matters, good or ill ? I used to dream alone, to plan Unspoken hopes and days to come : — Of all my past this is the sum — I will not lean on child of man. 234 HEART'S BITTERNESS To give, to give, not to receive ! I long to pour myself, my soul, Not to keep back or count or leave, But king with king to give the whole. I long for one to stir my deep — I have had enough of help and gift — I long for one to search and sift Myself, to take myself and keep. You scratch my surface with your pin. You stroke me smooth with hushing breath :- Nay pierce, nay probe, nay dig within, Probe my quick core and sound my depth. You call me with a puny call, You talk, you smile, you nothing do : How should I spend my heart on you, My heart that so outweighs you all ? Your vessels are by much too strait : Were I to pour, you could not hold. — Bear with me : I must bear to wait, A fountain sealed through heat and cold. Bear with me days or months or years : Deep must call deep until the end When friend shall no more envy friend Nor vex his friend at unawares. Not in this world of hope deferred, This world of perishable stuff: — Eye hath not seen nor ear hath heard Nor heart conceived that full " enough " : A BURDEN 235 Here moans the separating sea, Here harvests fail, here breaks the heart : There God shall join and no man part, I full of Christ and Christ of me. 27 August 1857. A BURDEN 'T^HEY lie at rest asleep and dead, The dew is cool above their head, They knew not when past summer fled — Ajne?t. They lie at rest and quite forget The hopes and fears that wring us yet : Their eyes are set, their heart is set — Affien. They lie with us, yet gone away Hear nothing that we sob or say Beneath the thorn of wintry May — Miserere. They lie asleep with us, and take Sweet rest although our heart should ache, Rest on although our heart should break — Miserere. A BURDEN Together all yet each alone, Each laid at rest beneath his own Smooth turf or white appointed stone — Amen. When shall our slumbers be so deep, And bleeding heart and eyes that weep Lie lapped in the sufficient sleep ? — Miserere. We dream of them, and who shall say They never dream while far away Of us between the night and day ?^ Siirsum Corda. Gone far away ': or it may be They lean toward us and hear and see, Yea and remember more than we — Amen. For wherefore should we think them far Who know not where those spirits are That shall be glorious as a star ? — Hallelujah. Where chill or change can never rise, Deep in the depth of Paradise They rest world-wearied heart and eyes — Jubilate. A BURDEN 237 Safe as a hidden brooding dove, With perfect peace within, above, They love, and look for perfect love — Hallelujah. We hope and love with throbbing breast. They hope and love and are at rest : And yet we question which is best — Miserere. Oh what is earth, that we should build Our houses here, and seek concealed Poor treasure, and add field to field And heap to heap and store to store, Still grasping more and seeking more While Death stands knocking at the door ? — Cid bo7io ? But one will answer : Changed and pale And sick at heart, I thirst, I fail For love, I thirst without avail — Miserrima. Sweet love, a fountain sealed to me : Sweet love, the one sufficiency For all the longings that can be — Amen. Oh happy they alone whose lot Is love ! I search from spot to spot : In life, in death, I find it not — Miserrima. 238 A BURDEN Not found in life : nay verily. I too have sought : come sit with me, And grief for grief shall answer thee — j\liser7'{ma. Sit with me where the sapless leaves Are heaped and sere : to him who grieves What cheer have last year's harvest-sheaves ? — Cui bo7io ? Not found in life, yet found in death. Hush, throbbing heart and sobbing breath ! There is a nest of love beneath The sod, a home prepared before : Our brethren whom one mother bore Live there, and toil and ache no more — Hallelujah. Our friends, our kinsfolk, great and small, Our loved, our best beloved of all. They watch across the parting wall (Do they not watch ?) and count the creep Of time, and sound the shallowing deep, Till we in port shall also sleep — Hallelujah^ Amen, lejuly 1858. ONL Y BELIE VE 239 ONLY BELIEVE T STOOD by weeping Yet a sorrowful silence keeping While an Angel smote my love As she lay sleeping. " Is there a bed above More fragrant than these violets That are white like death ? " " White like a dove, Flowers in the blessed islets Breathe sweeter breath All fair morns and twilights." " Is the gold there More golden than these tresses ? " "There heads are aureoled And crowned like gold With light most rare." "Are the bowers of Heaven More choice than these ? " " To them are given All odorous shady trees. 240 A SHADOW OF DOROTHEA Earth's bowers are wildernesses, Com]3ared with the recesses Made soft there now Nest-Hkc twixt bough and bough." "Who shall live in such a nest?" " Heart with heart at rest : All they whose troubles cease In peace : Souls that wrestled Now are nestled There at ease, — Throng from east and west, From north and south. To plenty from the land of drouth." September 1858. A SHADOW OF DOROTHEA " r^ OLDEN-HAIRED, lily-white, Will you pluck me lilies ? Or will you show me where they grow. Show where the summer rill is ? But is your hair of gold or light, And is your foot of flake or fire. And have you wings rolled up from sight, And joy to slake desire?" A SHADOW OF DOROTHEA 241 " I pluck young flowers of Paradise, Lilies and roses red : A sceptre for my hand, A crown to crown my golden head. Love makes me wise : I sing, I stand, I pluck palm-branches in the sheltered land." " Is there a path to heaven My heavy foot may tread ? And will you show that way to go, That rose and lily bed ? Which day of all these seven Will lighten my heart of lead, Will purge mine eyes and make me wise. Alive or dead ? " " There is a heavenward stair — Mount, strain upwards, strain and strain — Each step will crumble to your foot That never shall descend again. There grows a tree from ancient root With healing leaves and twelvefold fruit In musical heaven-air : Feast with me there." " I have a home on earth I cannot leave, I have a friend on earth I cannot grieve : Come down to me, I cannot mount to you." R 242 ASH IVEDNESDA V " Nay, choose between us both, Choose as you are hef or loth : You cannot keep these things and have me too." II N'ovcviber 1S58. FOR HENRIETTA POLYDORE /^N the land and on the sea ^-"^ Jesus keep both you and me : Going out and coming in, Christ keep us both from shame and sin In this world, in the world to come, Keep us safe and lead us home : To-day in toil, to-night in rest. Be best beloved and love us best. 16 January 1859. ASH WEDNESDAY T ESUS, do I love Thee ? J Thou art far above me. Seated out of sight. Hid in heavenly light Of most highest height. ASH WEDNESDAY 243 Martyred hosts implore Thee, Seraphs fall before Thee, Angels and Archangels, Cherub throngs adore Thee. Blessed she that bore Thee ! All the saints approve Thee, All the virgins love Thee. I show as a blot Blood hath cleansed not, As a barren spot In thy fruitful lot ; I, fig-tree fruit-unbearing, Thou, righteous Judge unsparing : What canst Thou do more to me That shall not more undo me ? Thy Justice hath a sound, " Why cumbereth it the ground ? " Thy Love with stirrings stronger Pleads, " Give it one year longer." Thou giv'st me time : but who Save Thou shall give me dew, Shall feed my root with blood And stir my sap for good ? — Oh by Thy gifts that shame me Give more lest they condemn me. Good Lord, I ask much of Thee, But most I ask to love Thee : Kind Lord, be mindful of me. Love me and make me love Thee. 21 March 1859. 244 ^ CHRISTMAS CAROL A CHRISTMAS CAROL T) EFORE the paling of the stars, Before the winter morn, Before the earUest cock-crow Jesus Christ was born : Born in a stable Cradled in a manger, In the world His hands had made Born a stranger. Priest and King lay fast asleep In Jerusalem, Young and old lay fast asleep In crowded Bethlehem : Saint and Angel, ox and ass. Kept a watch together. Before the Christmas daybreak In the winter weather. Jesus on His Mother's breast In the stable cold. Spotless Lamb of God was He, Shepherd of the fold : Let us kneel with Mary Maid, With Joseph bent and hoary, With Saint and Angel, ox and ass. To hail the King of Glory. 26 August 1859. EASTER EVEN 245 EASTER EVEN 'T^HERE is nothing more that they can do For all their rage and boast : Caiaphas with his blaspheming crew, Herod with his host ; Pontius Pilate in his judgment hall Judging their Judge and his, Or he who led them all and past them all, Arch-Judas with his kiss. The sepulchre made sure with ponderous stone, Seal that same stone, O priest : It may be thou shalt block the Holy One From rising in the east. Set a watch about the sepulchre To watch on pain of death : They must hold fast the stone if One should stir And shake it from beneath. God Almighty, He can break a seal. And roll away a stone : Can grind the proud in dust who would not kneel. And crush the mighty one. 246 EASTER EVEN There is nothing more that they can do For all their passionate care, Those who sit in dust, the blessed few, And weep and rend their hair. Peter, Thomas, Mary Magdalen, The Virgin unreproved, Joseph and Nicodemus foremost men, And John the well-beloved. Bring your finest linen and your spice, Swathe the sacred Dead, Bind with careful hands and piteous eyes The napkin round His head : Lay Him in the garden-rock to rest : Rest you the Sabbath length : The Sun that went down crimson in the west Shall rise renewed in strength. God Almighty shall give joy for pain, Shall comfort him who grieves : Lo He with joy shall doubtless come again And with him bring His sheaves. 23 March 1 86 1. THE OFFERING OF THE NEW LAW 247 THE OFFERING OF THE NEW LAW /^NCE I thought to sit so high ^^ In the palace of the sky : Now I thank God for His grace If I may fill the lowest place. Once I thought to scale so soon Heights above the changing moon : Now I thank God for delay : — To-day : it yet is called to-day. While I stumble, halt and blind, Lo He waiteth to be kind : Bless me soon or bless me slow — Except He bless I let not go. Once for earth I laid my plan, Once I leaned on strength of man : W^hen my hope was swept aside I stayed my broken heart on pride : Broken reed hath pierced my hand. Fell my house I built on sand, Roofless, wounded, maimed by sin, Fightings without and fears within. 248 BY THE WATERS OF BABYLON Yet, His tree, He feeds my root : Yet, His branch, He prunes for fruit : Yet, His sheep, these eves and morns He seeks for me among the thorns. With Thine Image stamped of old, Find Thy coin more choice than gold : Known to Thee by name, recall To Thee Thy homesick prodigal. Sacrifice and offering None there is that I can bring — None save what is Thine alone : I bring Thee, Lord, but of Thine own. Broken Body, Blood outpoured. These I bring, my God, my Lord ; Wine of Life and Living Bread, With these for me Thy board is spread. 23 May 1861. BY THE WATERS OF BABYLON "D Y the waters of Babylon We sit down and weep, Far from the pleasant land Where our fathers sleep : Far from our Holy Place From which the Glory is gone : BY THE WATERS OF BABYLON 249 We sit in dust and weep By the waters of Babylon. By the waters of Babylon The willow-trees grow rank : We hang our harps thereon Silent upon the bank. Before us the days are dark, And dark the days that are gone : We grope in the very dark By the waters of Babylon. By the waters of Babylon We thirst for Jordan yet, We pine for Jerusalem Whereon our hearts are set : Our priests defiled and slain. Our princes ashamed and gone, Oh how should we forget By the waters of Babylon ? By the waters of Babylon Though the wicked grind the just. Our seed shall yet strike root And shall shoot up from the dust : The captive shall lead captive, The slave rise up and begone, And thou too shalt sit in dust, O daughter of Babylon. December 186 1. 2SO OUT OF THE DEEP WITHIN THE VEIL O HE holds a lily in her hand, Where long ranks of Angels stand A silver lily for her wand. All her hair falls sweeping down, Her hair that is a golden brown, A crown beneath her golden crown. Blooms a rose-bush at her knee, Good to smell and good to see : It bears a rose for her, for me : Her rose a blossom richly grown, My rose a bud not fully blown But sure one day to be mine own. 13 December 1861. OUT OF THE DEEP T_T AVE mercy, Thou my God — mercy, my God ! For I can hardly bear life day by day. Be I here or there, I fret myself away : Lo for Thy staff I have but felt Thy rod Along this tedious desert-path long trod. When will Thy judgment judge me, yea or nay? I pray for grace : but then my sins unpray My prayer : on holy ground I fool stand shod — FOR A MERCY RECEIVED 251 While still Thou haunt'st me, faint upon the cross, A sorrow beyond sorrow in Thy look, Unutterable craving for my soul. All-faithful Thou, Lord : I, not Thou, forsook Myself : I traitor slunk back from the goal : Lord, I repent — help Thou my helpless loss. • 17 December 1862. FOR A MERCY RECEIVED 'T^HANK God who spared me what I feared ! Once more I gird myself to run. Thy promise stands. Thou Faithful One. Horror of darkness disappeared At length : once more I see the sun, i\.nd dare to wait in hope for Spring, To face and bear the Winter's cold : The dead cocoon shall yet unfold And give to light the living wing : There's hidden sap beneath the mould. My God, how could my courage flag So long as Thou art still the same? For what were labour, failure, shame, Whilst Thy sure promise doth not lag. And Thou dost shield me with Thy Name ? 252 FOR A MERCY RECEIVED Yet am I weak, my faith is weak, ]\Iy heart is weak that pleads with Thee : O Thou that art not far to seek, Turn to me, hearken when I speak. Stretch forth Thy hand to succour me. Through many perils have I past. Deaths, plagues, and wonders, have I seen : Till now Thy hand hath held me fast : Lord, help me, hold me, to the last : Still be what Thou hast always been. Open Thy Heart of Love to me, Give me Thyself, keep nothing back. Even as I give myself to Thee. Love paid by love doth nothing lack, And Love to pay love is not slack. Love doth so grace and dignify That beggars sue as king with king Before the Throne of Grace on high : My God, be gracious to my cry : My God, accept what gift I bring : — A heart that loves : though soiled and bruised. Yet chosen by Thee in time of yore. Who ever came and was refused By thee ? Do, Lord, as Thou art used To do, and make me love Thee more. IT, January 1863. CHRIST, THE SAINTS, AND THE SOUL 253 CONFERENCE BETWEEN CHRIST, THE SAINTS, AND THE SOUL T AM pale with sick desire, ^ For my heart is far away From this world's fitful fire And this world's waning day ; In a dream it overleaps A world of tedious ills To where the sunshine sleeps On the everlasting hills. Say the Saints—" There Angels ease us. Glorified and white." They say — " We rest in Jesus, Where is not day nor night." My Soul saith— " I have sought For a home that is not gained ; I have spent yet nothing bought. Have laboured but not attained ; My pride strove to rise and grow. And hath but dwindled down ; My love sought love, and lo Hath not attained its crown." Say the Saints—" Fresh souls increase us, None languish nor recede." They say — " We love our Jesus, And He loves us indeed." 254 CHRIST, THE SAINTS, AND THE SOUL I cannot rise above, I cannot rest beneath, I cannot find out love, Nor escape from death ; Dear hopes and joys gone by Still mock me with a name ; My best-beloved die And I cannot die with them. Say the Saints — " No deaths decrease us, Where our rest is glorious." They say — " We live in Jesus, Who once died for us." Oh my Soul she beats her wings, And pants to fly away Up to immortal things In the heavenly day. Yet she flags and almost faints ; Can such be meant for me ? " Come and see " — say the Saints. Saith Jesus — " Come and see." Say the Saints — " His pleasures please us Before God and the Lamb." " Come and taste My sweets " — saith Jesus — '' Be with Me where I am." Ch-ca 1S63. IMPATIENCE 255 COME UNTO ME /^H for the time gone by when thought of Christ ^^^ Made His yoke easy and His burden Hght ! When my heart stirred within me at the sight Of altar spread for awful Eucharist : When all my hopes His promises sufficed : When my soul watched for Him, by day, by night When my lamp lightened and my robe was white, And all seemed loss except the pearl unpriced. Yet, since He calls me still with tender call, Since He remembers whom I half forgot, I even will run my race and bear my lot : For Faith the walls of Jericho cast down, And Hope to whoso runs holds forth a crown, And Love is Christ, and Christ is all in all. 23 February 1864. IN PATIENCE T WILL not faint, but trust in God Who this my lot hath given : He leads me by the thorny road Which is the road to heaven. Though sad my day that lasts so long, At evening I shall have a song : Though dim my day until the night. At evening-time there shall be light. 256 NONE WITH HIM My life is but a working day Whose tasks are set aright : A while to work, a while to pray, And then a quiet night. And then, please God, a quiet night Where Saints and Angels walk in white : One dreamless sleep from work and sorrow, But re-awakening on the morrow. 19 March 1864. NONE WITH HIM A /T Y God, to live : how didst Thou bear to live, ''■ ' ^ Preaching and teaching, toiling to and fro ? Few men accepting what Thou hadst to give, Few men prepared to know Thy Face, to see the truth Thou cam'st to show. My God, to die : how didst Thou bear to die That long slow death in weariness of pain ? A curse and an astonishment, past by, Pointed at, mocked again. By men for whom Thy blood was shed in vain. Whilst I do hardly bear my easy life, And hardly face my easy-coming death : I turn to flee before the tug of strife ; And shrink with troubled breath From sleep, that is not death. Thy Spirit saith. \/^Jiinc 1864. BIRDS OF PARADISE 257 BIRDS OF PARADISE r^ OLDEN-WINGED, silver-winged, Winged with flashing flame, Such a flight of birds I saw, Birds without a name : Singing songs in their own tongue — Song of songs — they came. One to another calling, Each answering each, One to another calling. In their proper speech : High above my head they wheeled, Far out of reach. On wings of flame they went and came With a cadenced clang : Their silver wings tinkled, Their golden wings rang ; The wind it whistled through their wings Where in heaven they sang. They flashed and they darted Awhile before mine eyes. Mounting, mounting, mounting still, In haste to scale the skies, Birds without a nest on earth, Birds of Paradise. 2S8 / KNO W YOU NOT Where the moon riseth not ■ Nor sun seeks the west, There to sing their glory Which they sing at rest, There to sing their love-song When they sing their best : — Not in any garden That mortal foot hath trod, Not in any flowering tree That springs from earthly sod, But in the garden where they dwell, The Paradise of God. 14 November 1864. I KNOW YOU NOT r\ CHRIST, the Vine with living fruit, ^■^^ The twelvefold-fruited Tree of Life, The Balm in Gilead after strife. The Valley-lily and the Rose ; Stronger than Lebanon, Thou Root ; Sweeter than clustered grapes, Thou Vine ; O best. Thou Vineyard of red wine. Keeping Thy best wine till the close. Pearl of great price Thyself alone. And ruddier than the ruby Thou \ / KNOW YOU NOT 259 Most precious lightning Jasper stone, Head of the corner spurned before : Fair gate of pearl, Thyself the Door ; Clear golden street. Thyself the Way ; By Thee we journey toward Thee now, Through Thee shall enter heaven one day. I thirst for Thee, full fount and flood ; My heart calls Thine, as deep to deep : Dost Thou forget Thy sweat and pain. Thy provocation on the cross ? Heart-pierced for me, vouchsafe to keep The purchase of Thy lavished Blood : The gain is Thine, Lord, if I gain : Or, if I lose, Thine own the loss. At midnight, saith the Parable, A cry was made, the Bridegroom came ; Those who were ready entered in : The rest, shut out in death and shame, Strove all too late that feast to win. Their die was cast, and fixed their lot ; A gulf divided heaven from hell ; The Bridegroom said — I know you not. But Who is this that shuts the door. And saith — I know you not — to them ? I see the wounded hands and side, The brow thorn-tortured long ago : 26o THOU ART THE SAME Yea, This who grieved and bled and died, This same is He who must condemn ; He called, but they refused to know ; So now He hears their cry no more. Circa 1S64. THOU ART THE SAME AND THY YEARS SHALL NOT FAIL nPHE flowers that bloom in sun and shade, And glitter in the dew — The flowers must fade. The birds that build their nest and sing When lovely Spring is new Must soon take wing. The sun that rises in his strength, To wake and warm the world. Must set at length. The sea that overflows the shore With billows frothed and curled Must ebb once more. All come and go, all wax and wane, O Lord, save only Thou, Who dost remain The same to all eternity. All things which fail us now We trust to Thee. Amen. Circa 1 880. CARDINAL NEWMAN 26] A CHRISTMAS CAROL Al 7'HOSO hears a chiming for Christmas at the nighest Hears a sound Hke Angels chanting in their glee, Hears a sound like palm-boughs waving in the highest, Hears a sound like ripple of a crystal sea. Sweeter than a prayer-bell for a saint in dying. Sweeter than a death-bell for a saint at rest. Music struck in heaven, with earth's faint replying, " Life is good and death is good, for Christ is best." Circa 1886. CARDINAL NEWMAN In the grave, whither thou goest r\ WEARY Champion of the Cross, lie still : ^^ Sleep thou at length the all-embracing sleep : Long was thy sowing-day, rest now and reap : Thy fast was long, feast now thy spirit's fill. Yea take thy fill of love, because thy will Chose love not in the shallows but the deep : Thy tides were spring-tides, set against the neap Of calmer souls : thy flood rebuked their rill. 262 VEA I HAVE A GOODL V HERITAGE Now night has come to thee — please God, of rest : So some time must it come to every man ; To first and last, where many last are first. Now fixed and finished thine eternal plan. Thy best has done its best, thy worst its worst Thy best its best, please God, thy best its best. 1 6 August 1890. YEA I HAVE A GOODLY HERITAGE A /T Y vineyard that is mine I have to keep, Pruning for fruit the pleasant twigs and leaves. Tend thou thy cornfield : one day thou shalt reap In joy thy ripened sheaves. Or, if thine be an orchard, graft and prop Food-bearing trees each watered in its place : Or, if a garden, let it yield for crop Sweet herbs and herb of grace.— But if my lot be sand where nothing grows ? — Nay who hath said it ? Tune a thankful psalm : For, though thy desert bloom not as the rose. It yet can rear thy palm. Circa 1 890. A DEATH OF A FIRST-BORN 263 A DEATH OF A FIRST-BORN 14 January 1892 /^NE young life lost, two happy young lives blighted, With earthward eyes we see : With eyes uplifted, keener, farther-sighted. We look, O Lord, to Thee. Grief hears a funeral knell : Hope hears the ringing Of birthday bells on high ; Faith, Hope, and Love, make answer with soft singing, Half carol and half cry. Stoop to console us, Christ, sole consolation, While dust returns to dust ; Until that blessed day when all Thy nation Shall rise up of the Just. Jamiary 1892. 264 FAINT YET PURSUING FAINT YET PURSUING T) EYOND this shadow and this turbulent sea, Shadow of death and turbulent sea of death, Lies all we long to have or long to be. Take heart, tired man, toil on with lessening breath, Lay violent hands on heaven's high treasury, Be what you long to be through life-long scathe. A little while Hope leans on Charity, A little while Charity heartens Faith : A little while : and then what further while ? One while that ends not and that wearies not, For ever new whilst evermore the same. All things made new bear each a sweet new name ; Man's lot of death has turned to life his lot. And tearful Charity to Love's own smile. Press onward, quickened souls, who mounting move, Press onward, upward, fire with mounting fire ; Gathering volume of untold desire. Press upward, homeward, dove with mounting dove. Point me the excellent way that leads above; Woo me with sequent will, me too to aspire ; With sequent heart to follow higher and higher, To follow all who follow on to Love. HE A VEN O VERA RCHES 265 Up the high steep, across the golden sill, Up out of shadows into very light, Up out of dwindling life to life aglow, I watch you, my beloved, out of sight ; — Sight fails me, and my heart is watching still : My heart fails, yet I follow on to know. Circa 1892. HEAVEN OVERARCHES T T EAVEN overarches earth and sea, Earth-sadness and sea-bitterness. Heaven overarches you and me : A little while and we shall be — Please God — where there is no more sea Nor barren wilderness. Heaven overarches you and me, And all earth's gardens and her graves. Look up with me, until we see The day break and the shadows flee. What though to-night wrecks you and me If so to-morrow saves ? Circa 1893. ITALIAN POEMS VERSI pIGLIA, la Madre disse, Guardati dall' Amore: E crudo, e traditore — Che vuoi saper di piu ? Non fargli mai sperare D' entrare nel tuo petto, Che chi gli da ricetto Sempre tradito fu, Colla sua benda al ciglio E un bel fanciullo, e vero : Ma sempre e menzognero, Ma sempre tradira. Semphce tu se fidi Nel riso suo fallace ; Tu perderai la pace, Ne mai ritornera. Ma vedo — gia sai stanca Del mio parlar prudente ; Gia volgi nella mente II quando, il come, e il chi. Odimi : i detti miei Gia sai se son sinceri — • E se son falsi o veri Saprai per prova un di. 6 Ottobre 1849. 270 NIGELLA L' INCOGNITA IVT OBIL rosa ancor non crebbe ^ ^ Senza spine in suUo stelo : Se vi fosse, allor sarebbe Atta immagine di te. E la luna in mezzo al cielo Bella e ver ma passeggiera : Passa ancor la primavera : — Ah r immagin tua dov' e ? Circa 1850. NIGELLA pURPUREA rosa, Dolce, odorosa, E molto bella — Ma pur non e, O mia Nigella, Rival di te. Donna nel velo, Fior sullo stelo, Ciascun 1' amore Reclama a se ; Ma passa il fiore — Tu resti a me. Circa 1850. C HIES A E S IGNORE 271 CHIESA E SIGNORE La Chiesa ^ rOLA, preghiera, e digli Perche Ti stai lontano ? Passeggi Tu frai gigli Portando rosa in mano ? Non Ti fui giglio e rosa Quando mi amasti Tu ? Rivolgiti alia sposa, O mio Signer Gesu. Il Signore Di te non mi scordai Sposa mia dolce e mesta : Se Mi sei rosa il sai, Che porto spine in testa. Ti diedi e core e vita, Me tutto lo diedi a te, Ed or ti porgo aita : Abbi fidanza in Me. La Chiesa Vola, preghiera, a Lui, E grida : Ahi pazienza ! 272 IL ROSSEGGIAR DELL ORIENTE Te voglio e non altrui, Te senza e tutto senza. Fragrante piu di giglio E rosa a me sei Tu, Di Dio r Eterno Figlio, O mio Signer Gesu. Circa i860. IL ROSSEGGIAR DELL' ORIENTE Canzoniere all' Amico lontano I Amor dormente ? A DDIO, diletto amico ; A me non lece amore, Che gia m' uccise il core Amato amante. Eppur per T altra vita Consacro a te speranze ; Per questa, rimembranze Tante e poi tante. Dicembre 1862. IL ROSSEGGIAR DELL ORIENTE 273 Amor si sveglia? T N nuova primavera Rinasce il genio antico ; Amor t' insinua " Spera " — Pur io nol dico. S' "Ama" ti dice Amore, S' ei t' incoraggia, amico, Giurando "E tuo quel core"- Pur io nol dico. Anzi quel cor davvero Chi sa se valga un fico ? Lo credo, almen Io spero : Ma pur nol dico. Gennaio 1863. 3 Si rimanda la tocca-caldaja T UNGI da me il pensiere •*-— ' D' ereditar 1' oggetto Ch' una fiata in petto Destar ti seppe amor. Se pill r usar non vuoi, Se pur fumar nol puoi, Dolce ti sia dovere II conservarlo ognor. T 274 JL ROSSEGGIAR DELL ORIENTE Blumine risponde C?' 10 t' incontrassi nell' eterna pace, Pace non piu, per me saria diletto ; S' io t' incontrassi in cerchio maledetto, Te piu di me lamenterei verace. Per te mia vita mezzo morta giace, Per te le notti veglio e bagno il letto : Eppur di rivederti un di m' aspetto In secol che riman, non che in fugace. E percib " Fuggi " io dico al tempo ; e omai " Passa pur " dico al vanitoso mondo. Mentre mi sogno quel che dici e fai Ripeto in me, " Doman sara giocondo, Doman sarem " — ma s' ami tu Io sai, E se non ami a che mostrarti il fondo ? Gennaio 1867. 5 Lassii fia caro il rivederci T^OLCE cor mio perduto e non perduto, Dolce mia vita che mi lasci in morte, Amico e piu che amico, ti saluto. Ricordati di me ; che cieche e corte Fur le speranze mie, ma furon tue : Non disprezzar questa mia dura sorte. IL ROSSEGGIAR DELL ORIENTE 27s Lascia ch' io dica " Le speranze sue Come le mie languiro in questo inverno " — Pur mi rassegnerb, quel che fue fue. Lascia ch' io dica ancor, " Con lui discerno Giorno che spunta da gelata sera, Lungo cielo al di la di breve inferno, Al di la deir inverno primavera." Gennaio 1867. Non son io la rosa ma vi stetti appresso /^^ASA felice ove piu volte omai Siede il mio ben parlando e ancor ridendo, Donna felice che con lui sedendo Lo allegri pur con quanto dici e fai, Giardin felice dove passeggiai Pensando a lui, pensando e non dicendo, — Giorno felice fia quand' io mi rendo Laddove passeggiando a lui pensai. Ma s' egli vi sara quand' io vi torno, S' egli m' accoglie col suo dolce riso, Ogni uccelletto cantera dintorno. La rosa arrossira nel vago viso : — Iddio ci dia in eternita quel giorno, Ci dia per quel giardino il paradiso. Aprile 1867. 276 IL ROSSEGGIAR DELL ORIENTE 7 Lassuso il caro Fiore O E t' insegnasse Iddio II proprio Amor cosi, Ti cederei, cor mio, Al caro Fiore. II caro Fior ti chiama, " Fammi felice un di " ; — II caro Fior che t' ama Ti chiede amore. Quel Fiore in paradise Fiorisce ognor per te ; Si, rivedrai quel viso, Sarai contento : Intorno al duol ch' e state Domanderai " Dov' e ? '"' Che passera il passato In un momento. Ed io per tanta vista In tutta eternita, Io qual Giovan Battista Lodero Dio : L' Amata tanto amata Tuo guiderdon sara, E 1' alma tua salvata Sarammi il mio. Apt-ile 1867. IL ROSSEGGIAR DELL' ORIENTE 277 Sapessi pure /^HE fai lontan da me, ^ Che fai, cor mio ? Quel che face' io E ch' ognor penso a te. Pensando, a te sorrido, Sospiro a te : E tu lontan da me Tu pur sei fido ? Maggio 1867. 9 Iddio c' illumini QUANDO il tempo avverra che partiremo Ciascun di noi per separata via, Momento che verra, momento estremo Quando che fia : Calcando 1' uno inusitata traccia, Seguendo 1' altro il solito suo corso, Non ci nasca in quel di vergogna in faccia Ne in sen rimorso. 278 IL ROSSEGGIAR DELL' ORIENTE Sia che tu vada pria forte soletto, O sia ch' io ti preceda in quel sentiero, Deh ricordiamci allor d' averci detto Pur sempre il vero. Quanto t' amavo e quanto ! e non dovea Esprimer quell' amor che ti portavo : Pill ma assai piu di quel che non dicea Nel cuor ti amavo. Pill di felicita, piu di speranza ; Di vita non dirb, che e poca cosa : Dolce-^maro tu fosti in rimembranza A me gelosa. Ma a me tu preferisti la virtude, La veritade, amico : e non saprai Chi amasti alfin ? Soltanto il fior si schiude D' un sole ai rai. Se pill di me la Veritade amasti, Gesu fu quel tuo sconosciuto Amore : — Gesu, che sconosciuto a lui parlasti, Vincigli il core. Maggio 1867. IL ROSSEGGIAR DELL ORIENTE 279 Amicizia Sirocchia son d' Amor VENGA Amicizia e sia la benvenuta, Venga, ma non percib sen parta Amore Abitan 1' uno e 1' altra in gentil core Che albergo ai pellegrini non rifiuta. Ancella questa docile e compiuta, E quel tiranno no ma pio signore : Regni egli occulto ne si mostri fuore, Essa si sveli in umilta dovuta. Oggi ed ancor doman per 1' amicizia, E posdomani ancor se pur si vuole, Che dolci cose apporta e non amare : E venga poi, ma non con luna o sole, Giorno d' amor, giorno di gran delizia, Giorno che spunta non per tramontare. Agosto 1867. II Luscious and sorrowful T T CCELLO delle rose e del dolore, ^ Uccel d' amore, Felice ed infelice, quel tuo canto E riso o pianto ? Fido air infido, tieni in freddo lido Spina per nido. Agosto 1867. 28o IL ROSSEGGIAR DELIJ ORIENTE 12 O forza irresistibile Deir umile preghiera /'^HE Ti darb, Gesu Signer mio buono? Ah quelle ch' amo piu, quello Ti dono Accettalo, Signer Gesu mio Dio, II sol mio dolce amor, anzi il cor mio ; Accettalo per Te, siati prezioso ; Accettalo per me, salva il mio sposo. Non ho che lui, Signer, nol disprezzare, Caro tienlo nel cor fra cose care. Ricordati del di che sulla croce Pregavi Iddio cosi, con flebil voce, Con anelante cor : " Questo che fanno, Padre, perdona lor, ch' essi non sanno." Ei pur, Signor, non sa Quello che sdegna, Ei pure T' amera s' uno gl' insegna. Se tutto quanto appar, che a Te non place, Fugace spuma in mar, nebbia fugace ; Successo o avversita, contento o duolo, Se tutto e vanita fuorche Tu solo ; Se chi non prega Te nel vuoto chiama ; Se amore amor non e che Te non ama ; — Dona Te stesso a noi, ricchi saremo ; Poi nega quanto vuoi, che tutto avremo : Di mel piu dolce Tu, che ben ci basti ; D' amore amabil piii, Tu che ci amasti. Settembre 1867. IL ROSSEGGIAR DELL ORIENTE 281 13 FiNESTRA Mia Orientale [In Malattia] A rOLGO la faccia verso 1' oriente, Verso il meriggio, ove colui dimora : — Ben fai che vivi ai lati dell' aurora ; Chi teco vive par felice gente. Volgo verso di te 1' occhio languente, Lo spirito che teme e spera ancora ; Volgiti verso quella che ti onora, T' ama, ti brama, in core e colla mente. Debole e stanca verso te mi volgo : Che sara mai questo che sento, amico ? Ogni cara memoria tua raccolgo, — Quanto dirti vorrei ! ma pur nol dico. Lungi da te dei giorni me ne dolgo : Fossimo insieme in bel paese aprico ! Fossimo insieme ! Che importerebbe U' si facesse II nostro nido ? Cielo sarebbe Quasi quel lido. Ah fossi teco, Col cor ben certo 282 IL ROSSEGGIAR DELL ORIENTE D' essere amato Come vorrebbe ! Si che il deserto S' infiorirebbe. Ottobre 1867. Eppure allora venivi o TEMPO tardo e amaro !- Quando verrai, cor mio, Quando, ma quando ? Siccome a me sei caro Se cara a te foss' io, Ti andrei cercando ? Febbrajo 1868. Per Preferenza "PELICE la tua madre, Le suore tue felici, Che senton quanto did, Che vivono con te, Che t' amano di dritto D' amor contento e saggio : Pur questo lor vantaggio Non lo vorrei per me. IL ROSSEGGIAR DELL ORIENTE 283 Quel grave aspetto tuo Veder di quando in quando, Frattanto andar pensando " Un giorno riverra " ; Ripeter nel mio core (Qual rosa e senza spine ?) " Ei sa che 1' amo alfine — M' ama egli ancor ? " Chi sa ! fe questo assai piu dolce Deir altro, al parer mio : Essere in ver desio O tutto o nulla ^ a te ; Ne troppo vo' lagnarmi Ch' or stai da me diviso, Se un giorno in Paradiso Festeggerai con me. Marzo 1868. 16 Oggi pOSSIBIL non sarebbe Ch' io non t' amassi, O Caro ; Chi mai si scorderebbe Del proprio core ? Ma no ; se non amante siimi amico : Quel ch' io saro per te non tel predico. 284 IL ROSSEGGIAR DELL ORIENTE Se amaro il dolce fai, Dolce mi fai 1' amaro ; Se qualche amor mi dai, Ti do r amore. Marzo 1868. 17 nri do r addio, Amico mio, Per settimane Che paion lunghe : Ti raccomando Di quando in quando Circoli quadri, Idee bislunghe. Marzo 1868. 18 RiPETIZIONE /'^REDEA di rivederti e ancor ti aspetto ; Di giorno in giorno ognor ti vo bramando Quando ti rivedrb, cor mio diletto, Quando ma quando ? Dissi e ridissi con perenne sete, E lo ridico e vo' ridirlo ancora, Qual usignol che canta e si ripete Fino air aurora. Giugno 1868. IL ROSSEGGIAR DELL' ORIENTE 285 Amico e piu che amico mio /^OR mio a cui si volge 1' altro mio core ^^ Qual calamita al polo, e non ti trova, La nascita della mia vita nuova Con pianto fu, con grida, e con dolore. Ma 1' aspro duolo fummi precursore Di speranza gentil che canta e cova ; Si, chi non prova pena amor non prova, E quei non vive che non prova amore. O tu che in Dio mi sei, ma dopo Iddio, Tutta la terra mia ed assai del cielo, Pensa se non m' e duol disotto a un velo Parlarti e non ti dir mai che ti bramo : — Dillo tu stesso a te, dolce cor mio, Se pur tu m' ami dillo a te ch' io t' amo. Ago St 1868. 20 Nostra volunt^ quieti Virtii di carita A TENTO gentil che verso il mezzodi Soffiando vai, deh porta un mio sospir, Dicendo ad Un quel che non debbo dir. Con un sospir dicendogli cosi : Quella che diede un "No " volendo un " Si ' (Volendo e non volendo — a ohe ridir ?), 286 IL ROSSEGGIAR DELL ORIENTE Quclla ti manda : E vanita il fiorir Di questa vita che meniam costi. Odi che dice e piange : E vanith, Questo che nasce e muore amor mondan ; Deh leva gli occhi, io gli occhi vo' levar, Verso il reame dove non in van Amasi Iddio quanto ognun possa amar Ed il creato tutto in carita. Agosto 1868. 21 Se cosi fosse T O pill ti amai che non mi amasti tu : — Amen, se cosi voile Iddio Signor ; Amen, quantunque mi si spezzi il cor, Signor Gesu. Ma Tu che Ti ricordi e tutto sai, Tu che moristi per virtu d' amor, Nell' altro mondo donami quel cor Che tanto amai. Agosto 1 868. COR MIO 287 L' UOMMIBATTO r\ UOMMIBATTO Agil, giocondo, Che ti sei fatto Irsuto e tondo ! Deh non fuggire Qual vagabondo, Non disparire Forando il mondo : Pesa davvero D' un emisfero Non lieve il pondo. 1869. COR MIO /'"^OR mio, cor mio, Pill non ti veggo, ma mi rammento Del giorno spento, Cor mio. Pur ti ricordi del lungo amore, Cor del mio core, Cor mio ? Circa 1870. 288 NINNA-NANNA ADRIANO A NIMUCCIA, vagantuccia, morbiduccia, Ostc del corpo e suora, Ove or farai dimora ? Palliduccia, irrigidita, svestituccia, Non pill scherzante or ora. 1876. NINNA-NANNA I [Angels at the Foot] A NGELI al capo, al piede ; E qual ricciuto agnello Dormir fra lor si vede II bel mio bambinello. [Love me, I love you] Amami, t'amo, Figliolin mio : ' Cantisi, suonisi, Con tintinnio. NINNA-NANNA 289 Mamma t' abbraccia, Cor suo ti chiama ; Suonisi, cantisi, Ama chi t' ama. 3 [My Baby has a Father and a Mother] E babbo e mamma ha il nostro figliolino, Ricco bambino. Ma ne conosco un altro senza padre E senza madre — II poverino ! [Our little Baby fell Asleep] S' addormentb la nostra figliolina, Ne si risvegliera Per giorni e giorni assai sera o mattina. Ma poi si svegliera, E con cara ridente bocchettina Ribacera Mamma. 290 NINNA-NANNA [KOOKOOROOKOO, KOOKOOROOKOO] Cuccumcu — cuccurucu — Air alba il gallo canta. Chicchirichi — chicchirichi — Di rose il ciel s' ammanta. Cuccurucu — cuccurucu — Comincia un gorgheggiare. Chicchirichi — chicchirichi — Risalta il sol dal mare. 6 [Baby Cry] Ohibo piccina Tutto atterrita ! La medicina Bever si de' : Uno, due, tre, Ed e finita. 7 [Eight o'clock] Otto ore suonano — Picchia il postino : Ben cinque lettere Son per Papa ; NINNA -NA NNA 291 Una per te, Nulla per me ; E un bigliettino V e per Mamma. [Bread and Milk for Breakfast] Nel verno accanto al fuoco Mangio la mia minestra, E al pettirosso schiudo la finestra, Ch' ei pur ne vuole un poco. "OVVERO] S' affaccia un pettirosso alia finestra — Vieni vieni a gustar la mia minestra. Lana ben foderata io porto addosso, Ma tu non porti che un corpetto rosso. [There's Snow on the Fields] Gran freddo e infuori, e dentro e freddo un poco Quanto e grata una zuppa accanto al fuoco ! Mi vesto di buon panno — Ma i poveri non hanno Zuppa da bere e fuoco a cui sedere, O tetto o panni in questo freddo intenso — Ah mi si stringe il cor mentre io ci penso. 292 NINNA-NANNA lo [I Dug and Dug amongst the Snow] Scavai la neve — si che scavai — Ma fior ne foglia spuntava mai. Scavai la rena con ansia lena, Ma fior ne foglia spicca da rena. O vento aprico, con fiato lieve Sveglia i fioretti, sgela la neve ! Ma non soffiare su quella rena : Chi soffia in rena perde la lena. II [Your Brother has a Falcon] Si che il fratello s' ha iin falconcello, E tiene un fior la suora : Ma che, ma che riman per te, II neonato or ora ? Vo' farti cocchio del mio ginocchio, Minor mio figliolino : Da capo a pie ti stringo a me, Minimo piccino. NINNA-NANNA 293 12 [Hear what the mournful Linnets say] Udite, si dolgono mesti fringuelli : — Bel nido facemmo per cari gemelli, Ma tre ragazzacci lo misero in stracci. Fuggi primavera, s'imbruna la sera, E tempo ci manca da fare un secondo Niduncolo tondo. 13 [A Baby's Cradle with no Baby in it] Ahi culla vuota ed ahi sepolcro pieno Ove le smunte foglie autunno getta ! Lo spirto aspetta in paradise ameno, II corpo in terra aspetta. [O Wind why do you never Rest ?] Lugubre e vagabondo in terra e in mare, O vento, O vento, a che non ti posare ? Ci trai la pioggia fin dall' occidente, E la neve ci trai dal nord fremente. 294 NINNA-NANNA [O Wind where have you been?] "Aura dolcissima, ma donde siete?" " Dinfra le mammole — non lo sapete ? Abbassi il viso ad adocchiar 1' erbetta Chi vuol trovar 1' ascosa mammoletta. La madreselva il dolce caldo aspetta : Tu addolci un freddo mondo, O mammoletta. 16 [If I Vv-ERE A Queen] " Foss' io regina, Tu re saresti : Davanti a te M' inchinerei." " Ah foss' io re ! Tu lo vedresti : Si che regina Mi ti farei." NINNA-NANNA 295 17 [What are heavy? Sea-sand and Sorrow] Pesano rena e pena : Oggi e doman son brevi : La gioventude e un fior son cose lievi : Ed han profondita Mar magno e magna verita. [A Toadstool comes up in a Night] Basta una notte a maturare il fungo ; Un secol vuol la quercia, e non par lungo : Anzi il secolo breve e il vespro lungo, Che quercia e quercia, e fungo e sempre fungo. 19 [If a Pig wore a Wig] " Porco la zucca fitta in parrucca ! Che gli diresti mai ? " " M' inchinerei, 1' ossequierei — ' Ser Porco, come stai ? ' " " Ahi guai per caso mai Se la coda andasse a male ? " . . , " Sta tranquillo — buon legale Gli farebbe un codicillo." 296 NINNA-NANNA [Hopping Frog, hop here and be seen] Salta, ranocchio, e mostrati ; Non celo pietra in mano : Merletto in testa e verde vesta, Vattene salvo e sano. Rospo lordo, deh non celarti : Tutto il mondo pub disprezzarti, Ma mal non fai ne mal vo' farti. 21 [Where innocent bright-eyed Daisies are] Spunta la margherita Qual astro in sullo stelo, E r erbetta infiorita Rassembra un verde cielo. 22 [A motherless soft Lambkin] Agnellina orfanellina Giace in cima alia coUina, Fredda, sola, senza madre, Senza madre ohime ! lo sarotti e madre e padre, lo sarb tua pastorella ; Non tremar, diletta agnella, lo ci penso a te. NINNA-NANNA 297 23 [When Fishes set Umbrellas up] Amico pesce, piover vorra ; Prendi T ombrello se vuoi star secco. Ed ecco ! Domani senza fallo si vedra Lucertolon zerbino Ripararsi dal sol coll' ombrellino. 24 [A Ring upon her Finger] Sposa velata, Inanellata, Mite e sommessa : Sposo rapito, Insuperbito, Accanto ad essa. Amici, amori, Cantando a coro, Davanti a loro Spargete fiori. 298 NINNA-NANNA 25 [The Horses of the Sea] Cavalli marittimi Urtansi in gaerra, E meglio ci servono Quelli di terra. Questi pacific! Corrono o stanno ; Quei rotolandosi Spumando vanno. 26 [O Sailor, co^ie Ashore] " O marinaro, che mi apporti tu ? " " Coralli rossi e bianchi tratti in su Dal mar profondo. Pianti non son ne si scavar da mina : Minime creature in salsa brina Fecerne mondo." 27 [The Rose with such a bonny Blush] Arrossice la rosa — e perche mai ? A cagione del sol : ma, sol, che fai ? E tu, rosa, che t' hai Che ti fai rosea si se bene stai ? NINNA-NANNA 299 28 [The Rose that blushes rosy red] La rosa china il volto rosseggiato, E bene fa : II giglio innalza il viso immacolato, E ben gli sta. 29 [Oh fair to see] O ciliegia infiorita, La bianco-rivestita, Bella sei tu. O ciliegia infruttata, La verde-inghirlandata, La rosso-incoronata, Bella sei tu. 30 [Good-bye in Fear, Good-bye in Sorrow] " In tema e in pena addio, Addio ma in van, tu sai ; Per sempre addio, cor mio." " E poi pill mai." " Oggi e domani addio, Nel secolo de' guai A tutto tempo addio." " E poi piu mai." 300 NINNA -NANNA [Bap.y lies so fast Asleep] D' un sonno profondissimo Dorme la suora mia : Gli angeli bianchi aligeri Verranno a trarla via ? In sonno profondissimo Calma e contenta giace : Un fiore in man lasciamole, Un bacio in fronte — e pace 32 [Lullaby oh Lullaby] Ninna-nanna, ninna-nanna, Giace e dorme 1' agnellina. Ninna-nanna, ninna-nanna, Monna Luna s' incammina. Ninna-nanna, ninna-nanna, Tace e dorme T uccellino. Ninna-nanna, ninna-nanna, Dormi, dormi, o figliolino. Ninna-nanna, ninna-nanna. NINNA-NANNA 301 33 [Lie a-bed] Capo che chinasi, Occhi che chiudonsi- A letto, a letto, Sonnacchiosetto ! Dormi, carino, Fino al mattino, — Dormi, carino. Circa 1 879. 302 SOGNANDO SOGNANDO "\J E' sogni ti veggo, Amante ed amico ; Ai piedi ti seggo, Ti tengo tuttor. Ne chiedi ne chieggo, Ne dici ne dico, L' amore ab antico Che scaldaci il cor. Ah voce se avessi Me stessa a scoprire — Ah esprimer sapessi L' angoscia e 1' amor ! Ah almen se potessi A lungo dormire, Ne pianger ne dire, Mirandoti ognor 1 Circa 1890. JUVENILIA TO MY MOTHER On the Anniversary of her Birth (Presented with a Nosegay) n^O-DAY'S your natal day ; ■^ Sweet flowers I bring : Mother, accept I pray My offering. And may you happy live, And long us bless ; Receiving as you give Great happiness. 27 April 1842. HYMN T^O the God who reigns on high, -'- To the Eternal Majesty, To the Blessed Trinity, Glory on earth be given. In the sea and in the sky. And in the highest heaven. 2 July 1843. 3o6 ON ALBINA LOVE AND HOPE L° OVE for ever dwells in heaven, — Hope entereth not there. To despairing man Love's given, — Hope dwells not with despair. Love reigneth high, and reigneth low, and reigneth everywhere. In the inmost heart Love dwelleth, — It may not quenched be ; E'en when the life blood welleth, Its fond effects we see In the name that leaves the lips the last — fades last from memory. And when we shall awaken, Ascending to the sky. Though Hope shall have forsaken. Sweet Love shall never die : For perfect Love and perfect bhss shall be our lot on high. 9 October 1843. T ON ALBINA *HE roses lingered in her cheeks When fair Albina fainted ; O gentle reader, could it be That fair Albina painted ? June 1844. CHARITY 307 FORGET ME NOT " T7ORGET me not, forget me not ! " -*■ The maiden once did say, When to some far-off battlefield Her lover sped away. " Forget me not, forget me not ! " Says now the chamber-maid, When the traveller on his journey No more will be delayed. 19 August 1844. CHARITY T PRAISED the myrtle and the rose, At sunrise in their beauty lying : I passed them at the short day's close, And both were dying. The summer sun his rays was throwing Brightly : yet ere I sought my rest His last cold ray, more deeply glowing, Died in the west. 3o8 EARTH AND HE A VEN After this bleak world's stormy weather, All, all, save Love alone, shall die ; For Faith and Hope shall merge together In Charity. 20 September 1844. (The foregoing verses are imitated from that beautiful little poem Vi7-iue, by George Herbert.) EARTH AND HEAVEN T 1 7ATER calmly flowing, Sunlight deeply glowing, Swans some river riding That is gently gliding By the fresh green rushes. The sweet rose that blushes, Hyacinths whose dower Is both scent and flower, Skylark's soaring motion. Sunrise from the ocean. Jewels that lie sparkling 'Neath the waters darkling, Seaweed, coral, amber. Flowers that climb and clamber Or more lowly flourish Where the earth may nourish : All these are beautiful. Of beauty earth is full : LOVE EPHEMERAL 309 Say, to our promised heaven Can greater charms be given ? Yes, for aye in heaven doth dwell. Glowing, indestructible, What here below finds tainted birth In the corrupted sons of earth : For, filling there and satisfying Man's soul unchanging and undying, Earth's fleeting joys and beauties far above, In heaven is Love. 28 December 1 844. LOVE EPHEMERAL T OVE is sweet, and so are flowers ■^ Blooming in bright summer bowers ; So are waters, clear and pure. In some hidden fountain's store ; So is the soft southern breeze Sighing low among the trees ; So is the bright queen of heaven Reigning in the quiet even. Yet the pallid moon may breed Madness in man's feeble seed ; And the wind's soft influence Often breathes the pestilence ; 3IO BURIAL ANTHEM And the waves may sullied be As they hurry to the sea ; Flowers soon must fade away : Love endures but for a day. 25 Febriiaiy 1 845. BURIAL ANTHEM T7LESH of our flesh, bone of our bone — ■^ For thou and we in Christ are one — Thy soul unto its rest hath flown, And thou hast left us all alone Our weary race to run In doubt and want and sin and pain, Whilst thou wilt never sin again. For us remaineth heaviness ; Thou never more shalt feel distress, — For thou hast found repose Beside the bright eternal river, That clear and pure flows on for ever And sings as on it flows. And it is better far for thee To reach at once thy rest Than share with us earth's misery Or tainted joy at best. Brother, we will not mourn for thee. Although our hearts be weary SUMMER 311 Of struggling with our enemy When all around is dreary : But we will pray that still we may Press onward in the narrow way, With a calm thankful resignation, And joy in this our desolation ; And we will hope at length to be With our Great Head— and, friend, with thee — Beside that river blest. 3 March 1845. H SUMMER ■ ARK to the song of greeting ! The tall trees Murmur their welcome in the southern breeze ; Amid the thickest foHage many a bird Sits singing, their shrill matins scarcely heard One by one, but all together Welcoming the sunny weather ; In every bower hums a bee Fluttering melodiously : Murmurs joy in every brook. Rippling with a pleasant look : What greet they with their guileless bliss ? What welcome with a song like this ? See in the south a radiant form. Her fair head crowned with roses ; 312 SUMMER From her bright footpath flics the storm Upon her breast reposes Many an unconfined tress, Golden, glossy, motionless. Face and form are love and light, Soft ineffably, yet bright. All her path is strewn with flowers ; Round her float the laughing Hours ; Heaven and Earth make joyful din, Welcoming sweet Summer in. And now she alights on the earth To play with her children the flowers ; She touches the stems, and the buds have birth, And gently she trains them in bowers. And the bees and the birds are glad. And the wind catches warmth from her breath. And around her is nothing sad Nor any traces of death. See now she lays her down With roses for her crown. With jessamine and myrtle Forming her fragrant kirtle. Conquered by softest slumbers. No more the hours she numbers — The hours that intervene Ere she may wing her flight Far from this smiling scene With all her love and light, SUMMER 313 And leave the flowers and the summer bowers To wither in autumn and winter hours. And must they wither then ? Their Hfe and their perfume Sinking so soon again Into their earthy tomb. Let us bind her as she lies Ere the fleeting moment flies, Hand and foot and arm and bosom, With a chain of bud and blossom ; Twine red roses round her hands ; Round her feet twine myrtle bands. Heap up flowers, higher, higher, — Tulips like a glowing fire. Clematis of milky whiteness, Sweet geraniums' varied brightness, Honeysuckle, commeline, Roses, myrtles, jessamine ; Heap them higher, bloom on bloom, Bury her as in. a tomb. But alas they are withered all. And how can dead flowers bind her } She pushes away her pall. And she leaves the dead behind her : And she flies across the seas. To gladden for a time The blossoms and the bees Of some far-distant clime. 4 December 1845. 314 SERENADE SERENADE /"^OME, wander forth with me : the orange flowers Breathe faintest perfume from the summer bowers. Come, wander forth with me ; the moon on high Shines proudly in a flood of brilhancy ; Around her car each burning star Gleams like a beacon from afar. The night wind scarce disturbs the sea As it sighs forth so languidly, Laden with sweetness like a bee ; And all is still, below, above, Save murmurs of the turtle-dove That murmurs ever of its love. For now 'tis the hour, the balmy hour, When the strains of love have chiefly power ; When the maid looks forth from her latticed bower, With a gentle yielding smile, Donning her mantle all the while. Now the moon beams down on high From her halo brilliantly, By the dark clouds unencumbered That once o'er her pale face slumbered : Far from her mild rays flutters Folly, For on them floats calm Melancholy ;— A passionless sadness without dread. Like the thought of those we love, long dead ; THE END OF TIME 315 Full of hope and chastened joy, Heavenly, without earth's alloy. Listen, dearest : all is quiet — Slumbering the world's toil and riot ; And all is fair in earth and sky and sea. Come, wander forth with me. 4 December 1845. THE END OF TIME T 'HOU who art dreary With a cureless woe. Thou who art weary Of all things below. Thou who art weeping By the loved sick bed. Thou who art keeping Watches o'er the dead, — Hope, hope ! old Time flies fast upon his way. And soon will cease the night, and soon will dawn the day. The rose blooms brightly, But it fades ere night ; And youth flies lightly. Yet how sure its flight ! And still the river Merges in the sea ; 3i6 THE END OF TIME And Death reigns ever Whilst old Time shall be ;— Yet hope ! old Time flies fast upon his way, And soon will cease the night, and soon will dawn the day. All we most cherish In this world below, What though it perish ? It has aye been so. So through all ages It has ever been, To fools and sages, Noble men and mean : — Yet hope, still hope ! for Time flies on his way, And soon will end the night, and soon will dawn the day. All of each nation Shall that morning see With exultation Or with misery : From watery slumbers. From the opening sod. Shall rise up numbers To be judged by God. Then hope and fear, for Time speeds on his way, And soon must end the night, and soon must dawn the day. 9 December 1845. AM ORE E DO VERB 317 AMORE E DOVERE /^^ HI AMI il mio core ^^ Crudele, altero : No non e vero, Cmdel non e : T' amo, t' amai — E tu lo sai — Men del dovere, Ma pill di me. O ruscelletto, Di al Dio d' Amore Che questo petto, Che questo core, A lui ricetto Pill non dara. L' alme tradisce Senza rimorso ; Non compatisce, Non da soccorso, E si nudrisce Di crudelta. — T' intendo, ti lagni, Mio povero core ; T' intendo, 1' Amore Si lagna di me. 3i8 MOTHER AND CHILD Deh placati alfine ! Mi pungon le spine Che vengon da te. 1S45 to 1847. MOTHER AND CHILD "Tl rHAT art thou thinking of," said the mother, ^ * "What art thou thinking of, my child ? " "I was thinking of heaven," he answered her, And looked up in her face and smiled. "And what didst thou think of heaven?" she saidj "Tell me, my little one." "Oh I thought that there the flowers never fade. That there never sets the sun." " And wouldst thou love to go thither, my child, Thither wouldst thou love to go. And leave the pretty flowers that wither. And the sun that sets below ? " " Oh I would be glad to go there, mother, To go and live there now ; And I would pray for thy coming, mother ; — My mother, wouldst not thou ? " \Q) January 1846. ON THE DEATH OF A CAT 319 ON THE DEATH OF A CAT A FRIEND OF MINE AGED TEN YEARS AND A HALF ■\ 1 7H0 shall tell the lady's grief ^ * When her Cat was past relief? Who shall number the hot tears Shed o'er her, belov'd for years ? Who shall say the dark dismay Which her dying caused that day ? Come, ye Muses, one and all, Come obedient to my call ; Come and mourn with tuneful breath Each one for a separate death ; And, while you in numbers sigh, I will sing her elegy. Of a noble race she came, And Grimalkin was her name. Young and old full many a mouse Felt the prowess of her house ; Weak and strong full many a rat Cowered beneath her crushing pat ; And the birds around the place Shrank from her too close embrace. But one night, reft of her strength. She lay down and died at length : 320 LOVE A TTA CKED Lay a kitten by her side In whose life the mother died. Spare her line and lineage, Guard her kitten's tender age, And that kitten's name as wide Shall be known as hers that died. And whoever passes by The poor grave where Puss doth lie, Softly, softly let him tread. Nor disturb her narrow bed. 14 March 1846. LOVE ATTACKED TOVE is more sweet than flowers, But sooner dying ; Warmer than sunny hours. But faster flying ; Softer than music whispers. Springing with day. To murmur till the vespers. Then die away ; More kind than friendship's greeting, But as untrue ; Brighter than hope, but fleeting More swiftly too. LOVE A TTA CKED 32 1 Like breath of summer breezes Gently it sighs, But soon alas one ceases, The other dies : And like an inundation It leaves behind An utter desolation Of heart and mind. Who then would court Love's presence, If here below It can but be the essence Of restless woe ? Returned or unrequited, 'Tis still the same ; The flame was never lighted. Or sinks the flame. Yet all, both fools and sages. Have felt its power. In distant lands and ages, — Here, at this hour. Then what from fear and weeping Shall give me rest ? Oh tell me, ye who sleeping At length are blest ! Y 322 LOVE DEFENDED In answer to my crying, Sounds like incense Rose from the earth, replying, "Indifference." 21 April 1846. LOVE DEFENDED TT 7H0 extols a wilderness? Who hath praised indifference ? Foolish one, thy words are sweet. But devoid of sense. As the man who ne'er hath seen. Or as he who cannot hear, Is the heart that hath no part In Love's hope and fear. True, the blind do not perceive The unsightly things around ; True, the deaf man trembleth not At an awful sound. But the face of heaven and earth. And the murmur of the main, Surely are a recompense For a little pain. THE MARTYR 323 So, though Love may not be free Always from a taint of grief, If its sting is very sharp. Great is its relief. 23 April 1846. THE MARTYR OEE, the sun hath risen — Lead her from the prison ; She i§ young and tender, — lead her tenderly : May no fear subdue her, Lest the saints be fewer — Lest her place in heaven be lost eternally. Forth she came, not trembling, No nor yet dissembling An o'erwhelming terror weighing her down, down ; Little, little heeding Earth, but inly pleading For the strength to triumph and to w^in a crown. All her might was rallied To 'her heart; not pallid Was her cheek, but glowing with a glorious red ; Glorious red and saintly, Never paling faintly, But still flushing, kindling still, without thought of dread. 324 THE MARTYR On she went, on faster, Trusting in her Master, Feeling that His eye watched o'er her lovingly ; He would prove and try her. But would not deny her When her soul had past, for His sake, patiently. "Christ," she said, "receive me, — Let no terrors grieve me, — Take my soul and guard it with Thy heavenly cares Take my soul and guard it, — Take it and reward it With the love Thou bearest for the love it bears." Quickened with a fire Of subhme desire, She looked up to heaven, and she cried aloud : " Death, I do entreat thee. Come ! I go to meet thee ; Wrap me in the whiteness of a virgin shroud." On she went, hope-laden — Happy, happy maiden ! Never more to tremble, and to weep no more : All her sins forgiven, Straight the path to heaven, Through the glowing fire, lay her feet before. On she went, on quickly, And her breath came thickly, THE DYING MAN TO HIS BETROTHED 325 With the longing to see God coming pantingly : Now the fire is kindled, And her flesh has dwindled Unto dust ; — her soul is mounting up on high : Higher, higher mounting, The swift moments counting, — Fear is left beneath her, and the chastening rod : Tears no more shall blind her ; Trouble lies behind her ; Satisfied with hopeful rest, and replete with God. 24 May 1846. THE DYING MAN TO HIS BETROTHED /^NE word— 'tis all I ask of thee ; One word — and that is little now That I have learned thy wrong of me ; And thou too art unfaithful — thou ! O thou sweet poison, sweetest death, honey between serpent's teeth. Breathe on me with thy scorching breath ! The last poor hope is fleeting now, And with it life is ebbing fast ; 1 gaze upon thy cold white brow. And loathe and love thee to the last. 326 THE DYING MAN TO HIS BETROTHED And still thou kecpest silence, — still Thou look'st on me : for good or ill Speak out, that I may know thy will. Thou weepest, woman, and art pale : Weep not, for thou shalt soon be free ; My life is ending like a tale That was but never more shall be. blessed moments, ye fleet fast. And soon the latest shall be past, And she will be content at last. Nay, tremble not, I have not curst Thy house or mine, or thee or me. The moment that I saw thee first. The moment that I first loved thee, — Curse thou ? — Alas I can but bless In this mine hour of heaviness : — Nay, sob not so in thy distress. 1 have been harsh, thou say'st of me ; — God knows my heart was never so ; It never could be so to thee. And now it is too late — I know Thy grief — forgive me, love, 'tis o'er ; For I shall never trouble more Thy life that was so calm before. I pardon thee ; mayst thou be blest ! Say, wilt thou sometimes think of me ? THE DYING MAN TO HIS BETROTHED 327 Oh may I, from my happy rest, Still look with love on thine and thee, — And may I pray for thee alway, And for thy love still may I pray, Waiting the everlasting day ! Stoop over me ; — ah this is death ! I scarce can see thee at my side : Stoop lower ; let me feel thy breath, O thou, mine own, my promised bride ! Pardon me, love ; — I pardon thee : And may our pardon sealed be Throughout the long eternity. The pains of death my senses cover. Oh for His sake w^ho died for men, Be thou more true to this thy lover Than thou hast been to me : Amen. And, if he chide thee wrongfully. One little moment think on me. And thou wilt bear it patiently. And now, O God, I turn to Thee : Thou only, Father, canst not fail : Lord, Thou hast tried and broken me, And yet Thy mercy shall prevail. Saviour, through Thee I am forgiven ; — Do Thou receive my soul, blood-shriven, O Christ, who art the Gate of Heaven ! I ^ July 1846. 328 LISETTA ALL AMANTE LISETTA ALL' AMANTE TDERDONA al primo eccesso D' un tenero dolore ; A te promisi il core, E vo' serbarlo a te. Ma dimmi e mi consola : M' ami tu ancor, cor mio ? Se a te fedel son io, Sarai fedele a me ? Che se nelF alma ingrata Pensi ad abbandonarmi, Anch' io sapro scordarmi D'un amator crudel. Ma crederlo non voglio, Ma non Io vo' pensare ; Che nol potrei lasciare, Che gli sarei fedel. Folkestone, ii August 1846. THE DEAD BRIDE 329 THE DEAD BRIDE T^HERE she lay so still and pale, With her bridal robes around her : Joy is fleeting, life is frail. Death had found her. Gone for ever : gone away From the love and light of earth ; Gone for ever : who shall say Where her second birth ? Had her life been good and kind ? Had her heart been meek and pure ? Was she of a lowly mind, Ready to endure ? Did she still console the sad. Soothe the widow's anguish wild, Make the poor and needy glad, Tend the orphan child ? Who shall say what hope and fear Crowded in her short life's span ? If the love of God was dear. Or the love of man ? 330 THE DEAD BRIDE Happy bride if single-hearted Her first love to God was given ; If from this world she departed But to dwell in heaven ; If her faith on heaven was fixed And her hope ; if charity Filled her full of light unmixed With earth's vanity. But alas, if tainted pleasure Won her heart and held it here, Where is now her failing treasure, All her gladness where ? . . . Hush, too curious questioner ; Hush, and think thine own sins o'er. Little canst thou learn from her ; For we know no more Than that there she lies all pale With her bridal robes around her: Joy is fleeting — life is frail — Death hath found her. Folkestone, i o September 1 846. WILL THESE HANDS NE'ER BE CLEAN? 331 WILL THESE HANDS NE'ER BE CLEAN? A ND who is this lies prostrate at thy feet ? And is he dead, thou man of wrath and pride ? Yes, now thy vengeance is complete, Thy hate is satisfied. What had he done to merit this of thee ? Who gave thee power to take away his life ? O deeply-rooted direful enmity That ended in long strife ! See where he grasped thy mantle as he fell, Staining it with his blood ; how terrible Must be the payment due for this in hell ! And dost thou think to go and see no more Thy bleeding victim, now the struggle's o'er ? To find out peace in other lands, And wash the red mark from thy hands ? It shall not be ; for everywhere He shall be with thee ; and the air Shall smell of blood, and on the wind His groans pursue thee close behind. When waking he shall stand before thee ; And when at length sleep shall come o'er thee, Powerless to move, alive to dream. So dreadful shall thy visions seem That thou shalt own them even to be More hateful than reality. 33^ WILL THESE HANDS NE'ER BE CLEAN? What time thou stoopest down to drink Of limpid waters, thou shalt think It is thy foe's blood bubbles up From the polluted fountain's cup, That stains thy lip, that cries to heaven For vengeance — and it shall be given. And when thy friends shall question thee, " Why art thou changed so heavily ? " Trembling and fearful shalt thou say "I am not changed," and turn away; For such an outcast thou shalt be Thou wilt not dare ask sympathy. And so thy life will pass, and day by day The current of existence flow away ; And, though to thee earth shall be hell and breath Vengeance, yet thou shalt tremble more at death. And one by one thy friends will learn to fear thee, And thou shalt live without a hope to cheer thee ; Lonely amid a thousand, chained though free, The curse of memory shall cling to thee : Ages may pass away, worlds rise and set — But thou shalt not forget. Folkestone, i6 September 1846, PRESENT AND FUTURE 333 PRESENT AND FUTURE ^1 rHAT is life that we should love it, ^ Cherishing it evermore, Never prizing aught above it. Ever loth to give it o'er? Is it goodness ? is it gladness ? Nay, 'tis more of sin and sadness. Nay, of weariness 'tis more. Earthly joys are very fleeting, Earthly sorrows very long ; Parting ever follows meeting. Night succeeds to evensong. Storms may darken in the morning And eclipse the sun's bright dawning. And the chilly gloom prolong. But, though clouds may screen and hide it, The sun shines for evermore. Then bear grief in hope : abide it Knowing that it must give o'er : And the darkness shall flee from us. And the sun beam down upon us Ever glowing more and more. 5 November 1846. 334 THE TIME OF WAITING THE TIME OF WAITING T IFE is fleeting, joy is fleeting, -^ Coldness follows love and greeting, Parting still succeeds to meeting. If I say "Rejoice to-day," Sorrow meets me in the way : I cannot my will obey. If I say " My grief shall cease ; Now then I will live in peace " : My cares instantly increase. When I look up to the sky. Thinking to see light on high, Clouds my searching glance defy. When I look upon the earth For the flowers that should have birth, I find dreariness and dearth. And the winds sigh on for ever, Murmurs still the flowing river, On the graves the sunbeams quiver. And destruction waxeth bold, And the earth is growing old, And I tremble in the cold. THE TIME OF WAITING 335 And my weariness increases To an ache that never ceases And a pain that ne'er decreases. And the times are turbulent, And the Holy Church is rent, And who tremble or repent ? And loud cries do ever rise To the portals of the skies From our earthly miseries ; From love slighted, not requited ; From high hope that should have lighted All our path up, now benighted ; From the woes of humankind ; From the darkness of the mind ; From all anguish undefined ; From the heart that's crushed and sinking ; From the brain grown blank with thinking ; From the spirit sorrow drinking. All cry out with pleading strong : "Vengeance, Lord ! how long, how long Shall we suffer this great wrong ? " And the pleading and the cry Of earth's sons are heard on high, And are noted verily. THE TIME OE WAITING When this world shall be no more, The oppressors shall endure The great vengeance which is sure. And the sinful shall remain To an endless death and pain ; But the good shall live again, — Never more to be oppressed ; Balm shall heal the bleeding breast. And the weary be at rest. All shall vanish of dejection. Grief and fear and imperfection, In that glorious resurrection. Heed not then a night of sorrow. If the dawning of the morrow From past grief fresh beams shall borrow. Thankful for whate'er is given,' Strive we, as we ne'er have striven, For love's sake to be forgiven. Then, the dark clouds opening. Even to us the sun shall bring Gladness, and sweet flowers shall spring. For Christ's guiding love alway. For the everlasting day, For meek patience, let us pray. 1 6 November 1846. THE SOLITARY ROSE 337 TASSO AND LEONORA A GLORIOUS vision hovers o'er his soul, Gilding the prison and the weary bed, — Though hard the pillow placed beneath his head, Though brackish be the water in the bowl Beside him ; he can see the planets roll In glowing adoration, without dread ; Knowing how, by unerring wisdom led. They struggle not against the strong control. When suddenly a star shoots from the skies, Than all the other stars more purely bright. Replete with heavenly loves and harmonies ; He starts : — what meets his full awakening sight ? Lo ! Leonora, with large humid eyes, Gazing upon him in the misty light. 19 December 1846. THE SOLITARY ROSE C\ HAPPY rose, red rose, that bloomest lonely Where there are none to gather while they love thee; That art perfumed by thine own fragrance only, Resting like incense round thee and above thee ; — Thou hearest nought save some pure stream that flows, O happy rose. z 338 THE SONG OF THE STAR What though for thee no nightingales are singing? They chant one eve, but hush them in the morning. Near thee no little moths and bees are winging To steal thy honey when the day is dawning ; — Thou keep'st thy sweetness till the twilight's close, O happy rose. Then rest in peace, thou lone and lovely flower ; Yea be thou glad, knowing that none are near thee. To mar thy beauty in a wanton hour, And scatter all thy leaves nor deign to wear thee. Securely in thy solitude repose, O happy rose. 15 March 1847. THE SONG OF THE STAR T AM a Star dwelling on high In the azure of the vaulted sky. I shine on the land and I shine on the sea. And the little breezes talk to me. The waves rise towards me every one. And forget the brightness of the sun : The growing grass springs up towards me^ And forgets the day's fertility. My face is light, and my beam is life. And my passionless being hath no strife. In me no love is turned to hate, No fullness is made desolate ; THE SONG OF THE STAR 339 Here is no hope, no fear, no grief, Here is no pain and no relief; Nor birth nor death hath part in me, But a profound tranquillity. The blossoms that bloomed yesterday Unaltered shall bloom on to-day, And on the morrow shall not fade. Within the everlasting shade The fountain gushing up for ever Flows on to the eternal river, That, running by a reedy shore, Bubbles, bubbles evermore. The happy birds sing in the trees To the music of the southern breeze ; And they fear no lack of food. Chirping in the underwood ; For ripe seeds and berried bushes Serve the finches and the thrushes, And all feathered fowls that dwell In that shade majestical. Beyond all clouds and all mistiness I float in the strength of my loveliness. And I move round the sun with a measured motion In the blue expanse of the skyey ocean ; And I hear the song of the angel throng In a river of extasy flow along, Without a pausing, without a hushing. Like an everlasting fountain's gushing That of its own will bubbles up From a white untainted cup. 340 THE SONG OF THE STAR Countless planets float round me, Differing all in majesty ; Smaller some, and some more great, Amethystine, roseate. Golden, silvery, glowing blue, Hueless, and of every hue. Each and all, both great and small. With a cadence musical, Shoot out rays of glowing praise Never ending, but always Hymning the Creator's might Who hath filled them full of light. Pealing through eternity. Filling out immensity ; Sun and moon and stars together In heights where is no cloudy weather ; W^here is nor storm nor mist nor rain, Where night goeth not to come again. On and on and on for ever, Never ceasing, sinking never, Voiceless adorations rise To the heaven above the skies. We all chant with a holy harmony. No discord marreth our melody ; Here are no strifes nor envyings. But each with love joyously sings, For ever and ever floating free In the azure light of infinity. 19 Marcli 1847. RES URRECTION EVE 341 RESURRECTION EVE T T E resteth : weep not ; ■^ The living sleep not With so much calm. He hears no chiding And no deriding, Hath joy for sorrow, For night hath morrow, For wounds hath balm. For life's strange riot Hath death and quiet. Who would recall him Of those that love him ? No fears appall him, No ills befall him ; There's nought above him Save turf and flowers And pleasant grass. Pass the swift hours, How swiftly pass ! The hours of slumber He doth not number ; Grey hours of morning Ere the day's dawning ; Brightened by gleams Of the sunbeams, — By the foreseeing 342 THE DEAD CITY Of resurrection, Of glorious being, Of full perfection, Of sins forgiven Before the face Of men and spirits Of God in heaven, The resting-place That he inherits. 8 April 1847. THE DEAD CITY /^NCE I rambled in a wood ^-^^ With a careless hardihood, Heeding not the tangled way ; Labyrinths around me lay, But for them I never stood. On, still on, I wandered on. And the sun above me shone ; And the birds around me winging With their everlasting singing Made me feel not quite alone. In the branches of the trees Murmured like the hum of bees The low sound of happy breezes. Whose sweet voice that never ceases Lulls the heart to perfect ease. THE DEAD CITY 343 Streamlets bubbled all around On the green and fertile ground, Through the rushes and the grass, Like a sheet of liquid glass, With a soft and trickling sound. And I went, I went on faster, Contemplating no disaster ; And I plucked ripe blackberries. But the birds with envious eyes Came and stole them from their master. For the birds here were all tame ; Some with bodies like a flame ; Some that glanced the branches through. Pure and colourless as dew ; Fearlessly to me they came. Before me no mortal stood In the mazes of that wood ; Before me the birds had never Seen a man, but dwelt for ever In a happy solitude : Happy solitude, and blest With beatitude of rest ; Where the woods are ever vernal, And the life and joy eternal. Without death's or sorrow's test. 344 THE DEAD CITY O most blessed solitude ! O most full beatitude ! Where are quiet without strife And imperishable life, Nothing marred and all things good. And the bright sun, life-begetting, Never rising, never setting. Shining warmly overhead. Nor too pallid nor too red. Lulled me to a sweet forgetting — Sweet forgetting of the time ; And I listened for no chime Which might warn me to be gone ; But I wandered on, still on, 'Neath the boughs of oak and lime. Know I not how long I strayed In the pleasant leafy shade ; But the trees had gradually Grown more rare, the air more free, The sun hotter overhead. Soon the birds no more were seen Glancing through the living green. And a blight had passed upon All the trees, and the pale sun Shone with a strange lurid sheen. THE DEAD CITY 345 Then a darkness spread around : I saw nought ; I heard no sound : Solid darkness overhead, With a trembling cautious tread Passed I o'er the unseen ground. But at length a pallid light Broke upon my searching sight ; A pale solitary ray Like a star at dawn of day Ere the sun is hot and bright. Towards its faintly glimmering beam I went on as in a dream — A strange dream of hope and fear — And I saw, as I drew near, 'Twas in truth no planet's gleam ; But a lamp above a gate Shone in solitary state. O'er a desert drear and cold, O'er a heap of ruins old. O'er a scene most desolate. By that gate I entered lone A fair city of white stone ; And a lovely light to see Dawned, and spread most gradually. Till the air grew warm and shone. 346 THE DEAD CrfY Through the splendid streets I strayed In that radiance without shade ; Yet I heard no human sound ; All was still and silent round As a city of the dead. All the doors were open wide ; Lattices on every side In the wind swung to and fro — Wind that whispered very low, "Go and see the end of pride." With a fixed determination Entered I each habitation ; But they all were tenantless. All was utter loneliness, All was deathless desolation. In the noiseless market-place Was no careworn busy face ; There were none to buy or sell, None to listen or to tell. In this silent emptiness. Through the city on I went Full of awe and wonderment. Still the light around me shone, And I wandered on, still on, In my great astonishment. THE DEAD CITY 347 Till at length I reached a place Where amid an ample space Rose a palace for a king ; Golden was the turreting, And of solid gold the base. The great porch was ivory, And the steps were ebony ; Diamond and chrysoprase Set the pillars in a blaze, Capitalled with jewelry. None was there to bar my way, And the breezes seemed to say, "Touch not these, but pass them by, Pressing onwards " ; therefore I Entered in and made no stay. All around was desolate. I went on ; a silent state Reigned in each deserted room, And I hastened through the gloom Till I reached an outer gate. Soon a shady avenue. Blossom-perfumed, met my view ; Here and there the sunbeams fell On pure founts whose sudden swell Up from marble basons flew. 348 THE DEAD CITY Every tree was fresh and green ; Not a withered leaf was seen Through the veil of flowers and fruit Strong and sapful were the root, The top boughs, and all between. Vines were climbing everywhere, Full of purple grapes and fair. And far off I saw the corn With its heavy head down borne By the odour-laden air. Who shall strip the bending vine ? Who shall tread the press for wine ? Who shall bring the harvest in When the pallid ears begin In the sun to glow and shine ? On I went alone, alone. Till I saw a tent that shone With each bright and lustrous hue ; It was trimmed with jewels too. And with flowers ; not one was gone. Then the breezes whispered me : "Enter in, and look, and see How for luxury and pride A great multitude have died." And I entered tremblingly. THE DEAD CITY 349 Lo a splendid banquet laid In the cool and pleasant shade. Mighty tables everything Of sweet Nature's furnishing That was rich and rare displayed ; And each strange and luscious cate Practised art makes delicate ; With a thousand fair devices Full of odours and of spices ; And a warm voluptuous state. All the vessels were of gold, Set with gems of worth untold. In the midst a fountain rose • Of pure milk, whose rippling flows In a silver bason rolled. In green emerald baskets were Sun-red apples, streaked and fair ; Here the nectarine and peach And ripe plum lay, and on each The bloom rested everywhere. Grapes were hanging overhead, Purple, pale, and ruby-red ; And in panniers all around Yellow melons shone, fresh found, With the dew upon them spread. 350 THE DEAD CITY And the apricot and pear And the pulpy fig were there, Cherries and dark mulberries, Bunchy currants, strawberries, And the lemon wan and fair : And unnumbered others too, Fruits of every size and hue, Juicy in their ripe perfection, Cool beneath the cool reflection Of the curtains' skyey blue. All the floor was strewn with flowers Fresh from sunshine and from showers, Roses, lilies, jessamine ; And the ivy ran between, Like a thought in happy hours. And this feast too lacked no guest. With its warm delicious rest ; With its couches softly sinking. And its glow not made for thinking, But for careless joy at best. Many banqueters were there. Wrinkled age, the young, the fair ; In the splendid revelry Flushing cheek and kindling eye Told of gladness without care. THE DEAD CITY 351 Yet no laughter rang around, Yet they uttered forth no sound ; With the smile upon his face Each sat moveless in his place, Silently, as if spellbound. The low whispering voice was gone. And I felt awed and alone. In my great astonishment To the feasters up I went — Lo they all were turned to stone ! Yea they all were statue-cold, Men and women, young and old ; With the life-like look and smile And the flush ; and all the while The hard fingers kept their hold. Here a little child was sitting With a merry glance, befitting Happy age and heedless heart ; There a young man sat apart, With a forward look unweeting. Nigh them was a maiden fair. And the ringlets of her hair Round her slender fingers twined ; And she blushed as she reclined. Knowing that her love was there. 352 THE DEAD CITY Here a dead man sat to sup, In his hand a drinking cup ; Wine-cup of the heavy gold, Human hand stony and cold, And no life-breath struggling up. There a mother lay and smiled Down upon her infant child; Happy child and happy mother. Laughing back to one another With a gladness undefiled. Here an old man slept, worn out With the revelry and rout ; Here a strong man sat and gazed On a girl whose eyes upraised No more wandered roundabout. And none broke the stillness — none ; I was the sole living one. And methought that silently Many seemed to look on me With strange steadfast eyes that shone. Full of fear I would have fled ; Full of fear I bent my head. Shutting out each stony guest. — When I looked again, the feast And the tent had vanished. THE ROSE 353 Yes, once more I stood alone Where the happy sunlight shone, And a gentle wind was sighing, And the little birds were flying, And the dreariness was gone. All these things that I have said Awed me and made me afraid. What was I that I should see So much hidden mystery ? And I straightway knelt and prayed. 9 April 1847. THE ROSE C\ ROSE, thou flower of flowers, thou fragrant ^^ wonder, Who shall describe thee in thy ruddy prime, Thy perfect fullness in the summertime, When the pale leaves blushingly part asunder And show the warm red heart lies glowing under ? Thou shouldst bloom surely in some sunny clime. Untouched by blights and chilly winter's rime. Where lightnings never flash nor peals the thunder. And yet in happier spheres they cannot need thee So much as we do with our weight of woe ; 2 A 354 / HA VE FOUGHT A GOOD FIGHT Perhaps they would not tend, perhaps not heed thee, And thou wouldst lonely and neglected grow : And He who is all wise. He hath decreed thee To gladden earth and cheer all hearts below. 17 April 1S47. I HAVE FOUGHT A GOOD FIGHT " A "\ rnO art thou that comest with a steadfast face Through the hushed arena to the burying- place ? " " I am one whose footprints marked upon the sand Cry in blood for vengeance on a guilty land." " How are these thy garments white as whitest snow Though thy blood hath touched them in its overflow?" "My blood cannot stain them, nor my tears make white ; One than I more mighty. He hath made them bright." " Say, do thy wounds pain thee open every one. Wounds that now are glowing clearer than the sun ? " " Nay, they are my gladness unalloyed by grief; Like a desert-fountain, or a long relief." " When the lion had thee in his deadly clasp. Was there then no terror in thy stifled gasp ? " "Though I felt the crushing, and the grinding teeth, He was with me ever, He who comforteth." WISHES 355 " Didst thou hear the shouting, as of a great flood, Crying out for vengeance, crying out for blood ? " "I heard it in silence, and was not afraid, While for the mad people silently I prayed." "Did their hate not move thee? art thou heedless then Of the fear of children and the curse of men ? " " God looked down upon me from the heaven above, And I did not tremble, happy in His love." July 1847. WISHES /^H would that I were very far away ^•^^ Among the lanes, with hedges all around, Happily listening to the dreamy sound Of distant sheep-bells, smelling the new hay And all the wild flowers scattered in my way : Or would that I were lying on some mound Where shade and butterflies and thyme abound. Beneath the trees, upon a sunny day : Or would I strolled beside the mighty sea — The sea before, and the tall cliffs behind ; While winds from the warm south might tell to mc How health and joy for all men are designed : — But, be I where I may, would I had thee. And heard thy gentle voice, my Mother kind. 2.2. July 1847. 356 THE DREAM THE DREAM "D EST, rest ; the troubled breast Panteth evermore for rest : — Be it sleep or be it death, Rest is all it coveteth. Tell me, dost thou remember the old time We sat together by that sunny stream, And dreamed our happiness was too sublime Only to be a dream ? Gazing, till steadfast gazing made us blind, We watched the fishes leaping at their play ; Thinking our love too tender and too kind Ever to pass away. And some of all our thoughts were true at least What time we thought together by that stream ; Thy happiness has evermore increased, — My love was not a dream. And, now that thou art gone, I often sit On its green margin, for thou once wert there ; And see the clouds that, floating over it. Darken the quiet air. THE DREAM 357 Yes oftentimes I sit beside it now, Harkening the wavelets ripple o'er the sands ; Until again I hear thy whispered vow And feel thy pressing hands. Then the bright sun seems to stand still in heaven, The stream sings gladly as it onward flows, The rushes grow more green, the grass more even, Blossoms the budding rose. I say : " It is a joy-dream ; I will take it ; He is not gone — he will return to me." What found'st thou in my heart that thou shouldst break it ? — How have I injured thee ? Oh I am weary of life's passing show. Its pageant and its pain. I would I could lie down lone in my woe. Ne'er to rise up again ; I would I could lie down where none might know ; For truly love is vain. Truly love's vain ; but oh how vainer still Is that which is not love, but seems ! Concealed indifference, a covered ill, A very dream of dreams. 1847. 3S8 ELEANOR ELEANOR /^HERRY-RED her mouth was, Morning-blue her eye, Lady-slim her little waist Rounded prettily ; And her sweet smile of gladness Made every heart rejoice : But sweeter even than her smile The tones were of her voice. Sometimes she spoke, sometimes she sang ; And evermore the sound Floated, a dreamy melody. Upon the air around ; As though a wind were singing Far up beside the sun. Till sound and warmth and glory Were blended all in one. Her hair was long and golden. And clustered unconfined Over a forehead high and white That spoke a noble mind. Her little hand, her little foot Were ready evermore To hurry forth to meet a friend ; She smiling at the door. ISIDORA 359 But, if she sang or if she spoke, 'Twas music soft and grand, As though a distant singing sea Broke on a tuneful strand ; As though a blessed Angel Were singing a glad song. Halfway between the earth and heaven Joyfully borne along. Zojuly 1847. ISIDORA T OVE, whom I have loved too well, -'-^ Turn thy face away from me ; For I heed nor heaven nor hell While mine eyes can look on thee. Do not answer, do not speak, For thy voice can make me weak. I must choose 'twixt God and man, And I dare not hesitate : Oh how little is life's span, And Eternity how great ! Go out from me ; for I fear Mine own strength while thou art here. 36o ISIDORA Husband, leave me ; but know this : I would gladly give my soul So that thine might dwell in bliss Free from the accurst control, So that thou mightest go hence In a hopeful penitence. Yea from hell I would look up, And behold thee in thy place, Drinking of the living cup, With the joy-look on thy face, And the light that shines alone From the glory of the Throne. But how could my endless loss Be thine everlasting gain ? Shall thy palm grow from my cross ? Shall thine ease be in my pain ? Yea thine own soul witnesseth Thy life is not in my death. It were vain that I should die — That we thus should perish both ; Thou wouldst gain no peace thereby ; And in truth I should be loth By the loss of my salvation To increase thy condemnation. Little infant, his and mine, Would that I were as thou art ; ISIDORA 361 Nothing breaks that sleep of thine, And ah nothing breaks thy heart ; And thou knowest naught of strife, The heart's death for the soul's life. None misdoubt thee, none misdeem Of thy wishes and thy will. All thy thoughts are what they seem, Very pure and very still ; And thou fearest not the voice That once made thy heart rejoice. Oh how calm thou art, my child ! I could almost envy thee. Thou hast neither wept nor smiled, Thou that sleepest quietly. Would I also were at rest With the one that I love best. Husband, go. I dare not harken To thy words or look upon Those despairing eyes that darken Down on me — But he is gone ! Nay, come back, and be my fate As thou wilt ! — It is too late. I have conquered ; it is done. Yea the death-struggle is o'er. And the hopeless quiet won : — I shall see his face no more : — 362 ZARA And mine eyes are waxing dim Now they cannot look on him. And my heart-pulses are growing Very weak, and through my whole Life-blood a slow chill is going : — Blessed Saviour, take my soul To Thy Paradise and care : — Paradise, will he be there ? 9 August 1847. ZARA IVT OW the pain beginneth and the word is spoken ; — ■^ Hark unto the tolling of the churchyard chime ! — Once my heart was gladsome, now my heart is broken, — Once my love was noble, now it is a crime. But the fear is over ; yea what now shall pain me ? Arm thee in thy sorrow, O most desolate ! Weariness and weakness, these shall now sustain me, — Pride and bitter grieving, burning love and hate. ZARA 363 Yea the fear is over, the strong fear and trembhng ; I can doubt no longer, he is gone indeed. Rend thy hair, lost woman, weep without dissembling ; The heart torn forth from it, shall the breast not bleed ? Happy she who looketh on his beauty's glory ! Happy she who listeneth to his gentle word ! Yet, O happy maiden, sorrow Hes before thee ; Greeting hath been given, parting must be heard. He shall leave thee also, he who now hath left me. With a weary spirit and an aching heart ; Thou shalt be bereaved by him who hath bereft me ; Thou hast sucked the honey, — feel the stinging's smart. Let the cold gaze on him, let the heartless hear him. For he shall not hurt them, they are safe in sooth : But let loving women shun that man and fear him. Full of cruel kindness and devoid of ruth. When ye call upon him, hope for no replying ; When ye gaze upon him, think not he will look ; Hope not for his pity when your heart is sighing ; Such another, waiting, weeping, he forsook. Hath the heaven no thunder wherewith to denounce him? Hath the heaven no lightning wherewith to chastise ? 364 THE NOVICE O my heart and spirit, O my soul, renounce him Who hath called for vengeance from the distant skies : Vengeance which pursues thee, vengeance which shall find thee, Crushing thy false spirit, scathing thy fair limb : — ye thunders, deafen, O ye lightnings, blind me. Winds and storms from heaven, strike me but spare him ! 1 forgive thee, dearest, cruel, I forgive thee ; — May thy cup of sorrow be poured out for me ; Though the dregs be bitter yet they shall not grieve me, Knowing that I drink them, O my love, for thee. 1847. THE NOVICE T LOVE one and he loveth me : Who sayeth this? who deemeth this? And is this thought a cause of bliss, Or source of misery ? The loved may die, or he may change : And if he die thou art bereft ; Or if he alter nought is left Save life that seemeth strange. THE NOVICE 365 A weary life, a hopeless life, Full of all ill and fear-oppressed ; A weary life that looks for rest Alone after death's strife. And love's joy hath no quiet even ; It evermore is variable. Its gladness is like war in hell More than repose in heaven. Yea it is as a poison-cup That holds one quick fire-draught within ; For when the life seems to begin The slow death looketh up. Then bring me to a solitude Where love may neither come nor go ; Where very peaceful waters flow, And roots are found for food ; Where the wild honey-bee booms by, And trees and bushes freely give Ripe fruit and nuts : there I would live. And there I fain would die. There autumn leaves may make my grave, And little birds sing over it ; And there cool twilight winds may flit And shadowy branches wave. 4 September 1847. 366 LAD V ISABELLA IMMALEE T GATHER thyme upon the sunny hills, And its pure fragrance ever gladdens me, And in my mind having tranquillity I smile to see how my green basket fills. And by clear streams I gather daffodils ; And in dim woods find out the cherry-tree, And take its fruit and the wild strawberry And nuts and honey ; and live free from ills. I dwell on the green earth, 'neath the blue sky. Birds are my friends, and leaves my rustling roof; The deer are not afraid of me, and I Hear the wild goat, and hail its hastening hoof; The squirrels sit perked as I pass them by. And even the watchful hare stands not aloof. 21 September 1847. LADY ISABELLA T T EART warm as summer, fresh as spring, Gracious as autumn's harvesting. Pure as the winter's snows ; as white A hand as lilies in sunlight ; Eyes glorious as a midnight star ; Hair shining as the chestnuts are ; NIGHT AND DEATH 367 A step firm and majestical ; A voice singing and musical ; A soft expression, kind address ; Tears for another's heaviness ; Bright looks ; an action full of grace ; A perfect form, a perfect face \ All these become a woman well, And these had Lady Isabel. 27 September 1847. NIGHT AND DEATH ■|\J OW the sunlit hours are o'er, ^ Rise up from thy shadowy shore, Happy Night, whom Chaos bore. Better is the peaceful treasure Of thy musings without measure Than the day's unquiet pleasure. Bring the holy moon ; so pale She herself seems but a veil For the sun, where no clouds sail. Bring the stars, thy progeny ; Each a little lamp on high To light up an azure sky. 368 NIGHT AND DEA TH Sounds incomprehensible In the shining planets dwell Of thy sister Queen to tell. Of that sister Nature saith She hath power o'er life and breath And her name is written Death. She is fairer far than thou ; Grief her head can never bow, Joy is stamped upon her brow. She is full of gentleness, And of faith and hope ; distress Finds in her forgetfulness. In her arms who lieth down Never more is seen to frown. Though he wore a thorny crown. Whoso sigheth in unrest, If his head lean on her breast Witnesseth she is the best. All the riches of the earth, Weighed by her, are nothing worth ; She is the eternal birth. In her treasure-house are found Stored abundantly around Almsdeeds done without a sound : NIGHT AND DEA TH 369 Long forbearance ; patient will ; Fortitude in midst of ill ; Hope, when even fear grew still ; Kindness given again for hate ; Hearts resigned though desolate ; Meekness, which is truly great ; Bitter tears of penitence ; Changeless love's omnipotence : — And nought lacketh recompense. In her house no tainted thing Winneth any entering ; There the poor have comforting. There they wait a little time Till the Angel-uttered chime Sound the eternal matin-prime. Then, upraised in joyfulness, They shall know her, and confess She is blessed and doth bless. When earth's fleeting day is flown, All created things shall own, Death is Life, and Death alone. 28 September 1847. 2 B 370 THE LOTUS-EATERS THE LOTUS-EATERS Ulysses to Penelope TN a far distant land they dwell, Incomprehensible, Who love the shadow more than light, More than the sun the moon. Cool evening more than noon, Pale silver more than gold that glitters bright. A dark cloud overhangs their land Like a mighty hand, Never moving from above it ; A cool shade and moist and dim, With a twilight purple rim, And they love it. And sometimes it giveth rain, But soon it ceaseth as before. And earth drieth up again, — Then the dews rise more and more, Till it filleth, dropping o'er ; But no forked lightnings flit. And no thunders roll in it. Through the land a river flows, With a sleepy sound it goes : Such a drowsy noise, in sooth. Those who will not listen hear not : But, if one is wakeful, fear not — SONNET FROM THE PSALMS yji It shall lull him to repose, Bringing back the dreams of youth. Hemlock groweth, poppy bloweth, In the fields where no man moweth : And the vine is full of wine And are full of milk the kine, And the hares are all secure, And the birds are wild no more, And the forest-trees wax old, And wdnds stir, or hot or cold, — And yet no man taketh care. All things resting everywhere. 7 October 1847. SONNET From the Psalms A LL through the livelong night I lay awake, Watering my couch with tears of heaviness. None stood beside me in my sore distress : — Then cried I to my heart : If thou wilt, break, But be thou still ; no moaning will I make, Nor ask man's help, nor kneel that he may bless. So I kept silence in my haughtiness. Till lo the fire was kindled, and I spake- — Saying : Oh that I had wings like to a dove, Then would I flee away and be at rest : 372 SONG I would not pray for friends or hope or love, But still the weary throbbing of my breast : And, gazing on the changeless heavens above, Witness that such a quietness is best. 7 Noveiiiber 1S47. SONG '"PHE stream moaneth as it floweth, The wind sigheth as it bloweth. Leaves are falling, Autumn goeth. Winter cometh back again ; And the air is very chilly, And the country rough and hilly. And I shiver in the rain. Who wall help me ? who will love me ? Heaven sets forth no light above me : Ancient memories reprove me. Long-forgotten feelings move me, I am full of heaviness. Earth is cold, too cold the sea : Whither shall I turn and flee ? Is there any hope for me ? Any ease for my heart-aching. Any sleep that hath no waking. Any night without day-breaking, Any rest from weariness ? Hark the wind is answering : THE WORLD'S HARMONIES 373 Hark the running stream replieth : There is a rest for him that dieth : In the grave whoever lieth Nevermore hath sorrowing. Holy slumber, holy quiet, Close the eyes and still the riot : And the brain forgets its thought, And the heart forgets its beating. Earth and earthly things are fleeting ; There is what all men have sought — Long unchangeable repose. Lulling us from many woes. 7 November 1847. THE WORLD'S HARMONIES /^H listen, listen, for the Earth Hath silent melody : Green grasses are her lively chords, And blossoms : and each tree. Chestnut and oak and sycamore, Makes solemn harmony. Oh listen, listen, for the Sea Is calling unto us : Her notes are the broad liquid waves Mighty and glorious. Lo the first man and the last man Hath heard, shall hearken thus. 374 THE WORLD'S HARMONIES The Sun on which men cannot look, Its splendour is so strong. Which wakeneth life and giveth life, Rolling in light along, From day-dawn to dim eventide Sings the eternal song. And the Moon taketh up the hymn. And the Stars answer all : And all the Clouds and all the Winds And all the Dews that fall And Frost and fertilizing Rain Are mutely musical. Fishes and Beasts and feathered Fowl Swell the eternal chaunt. That riseth through the lower air, Over the rainbow slant. Up through the unseen palace-gates, Fearlessly jubilant. Before the everlasting Throne It is acceptable : It hath no pause or faltering : The Angels know it well : Yea in the highest heaven of heavens Its sound is audible. THE LAST ANSWER 375 Yet than the voice of the whole World There is a sweeter voice, That maketh all the Cherubim And Seraphim rejoice : That all the blessed Spirits hail With undivided choice : That crieth at the golden door And gaineth entrance in : That the palm-branch and radiant crown And glorious throne may win : — The lowly prayer of a Poor Man Who turneth from his sin. 20 November 1 847. THE LAST ANSWER (Written to Bouts-rimes) O HE turned round to me with her steadfast eyes. "I tell you I have looked upon the dead; Have kissed the brow and the cold lips," she said ; " Have called upon the sleeper to arise. He loved me, yet he stirred not : on this wise, Not bowing in weak agony my head. But all too sure of what life is, to dread, Learned I that love and hope are fallacies." 376 THE LAST ANSWER She gazed quite calmly on me : and I felt Awed and astonished and almost afraid : For what was I to have admonished her ? Then, being full of doubt and fear, I knelt, And tears came to my eyes even as I prayed : But she meanwhile only grew statelier. 2 December 18.17. NOTES BY WILLIAM M. ROSSETTI Repining, page 4. — This poem was published in The Germ, 1850. It is, of all the poems by Christina Rossetti which appeared in that short-lived magazine, the only one which she did not afterwards reprint. No doubt it is far from being excellent ; yet it cannot be called bad, and I think the time has now come for giving it a modest place amid the authoress's writings. In her MS. it is very considerably longer than in The Germ, or hence in the present volume : the curtailment was a highly judicious act. The reader will readily perceive that this poem is to some extent modelled upon Parnell's Hermit. The moral, however, is different. Parnell aims to show that the dispensations of Providence, though often mysterious, are just. Christina's thesis might be summarized thus : Solitude is dreary, yet the life of man among his fellows may easily be drearier ; therefore let not the solitary rebel. Lady Montrevor, page 1 4. — This sonnet applies to a personage in Maturin's novel, The Wild Irish Boy. Christina, as well as her brothers, was in early youth very fond of Maturin's novels, and more than one of her poems relates to these. Lady Montrevor is possibly now almost forgotten. She is a brilliant woman of the world who fascinates "the Wild Irish Boy," and leads both him and herself into grave dilemmas. Twelve Soniiets written to Bouts - rimes, page 15. — Our brother Dante Gabriel and myself were, towards 1848, greatly addicted to writing sonnets together to bouts-rimes; most of my verses published in The Germ — and this remark applies not 378 NOTES to sonnets alone — were thus composed, I hardly know whether I ought to be ashamed or the contrary to confess the fact ; it extenuates some of the obvious faults of the verses, but it shows that I was rather trifling with my reader. Christina did not do much in the like way ; but, being in my company at Brighton in the summer of 1848, she consented to try her chance. Like her brothers, she was very rapid at the work. The first sonnet in this present series was done in nine minutes ; the ninth in five. After the Brighton days she renewed this exercise little, if at all. A few of her bonis -rimes sonnets, after the first scribbling of them, were retouched to some, but only a small, extent. Sonnet vii, page 18. — This sonnet about a chilly August is certainly not a marked success ; but I suppose it pictured with some truth the day on which it was written, and I allow it to pass muster. Sonnet vz'ii, page 19. — Dante Rossetti, writing on 30 August 1848, said, in relation to one of Christina's bouts-rimes sonnets (I am not certain which) : " Her other is first-rate. Pray impress upon her that this and the one beginning ' Me- thinks the ills of life' [i.e. No. 8] are as good as anything she has written, and well worthy of revision. " The Plague, page 20. — Dante Rossetti's letter above men- tioned says of this sonnet : "I grinned tremendously over Christina's Plague, which however is forcible, and has some- thing good in it. " Son7iets xa, b, and c, pages 20, 21, 22. — The sonnet marked c was, like i to 9, written at Brighton. At a later date — 1850, or perhaps earlier — Christina wrote a prose story for girls, entitled Maude (it has not been published). An incident in this story is the competition of three young ladies composing bouts-rimes sonnets ; c is pronounced to be the best of the three. The sonnet a (it will at once be observed) is not a true sonnet at all, having lines of unequal length. This was, of course, intentional on Christina's part, to mark the inaptitude of the young lady who is supposed to have indited a. None the less I give the three sonnets together, as showing how readily Christina could utilize the same rhymes for three entirely distinct lines of thought or subject. Two of the phrases in c are thus com- mented in Maude: "I have literally seen [and this I know to be a fact] a man in Regent Street wearing a sort of hooked NOTES 379 cloak with one tassel. Of course every one will understand ' the Bason' to mean the one in St. James's Park." To Lalla, page 25. — This was a pet name given to Henrietta Polydore, daughter of our Uncle Henry. The name was her own baby invention, I think. She became consumptive, and died in America in 1874, aged about twenty-eight. Three Nzcns, page 27. — The second section of this poem was the first written, standing then as a separate composition. The united poem was inserted into the prose tale Maude, with the observation : " Pray read the mottoes ; put together, they form a most exquisite little song which the nuns sing in Italy." The End of the First Part, page 36. — This appears to be a personal utterance. As to what condition of facts it was founded on I feel no assurance, unless we are to regard it simply as an indication of deepening religious convictions, and consequent alienation from mundane interests and desires. " Tears for guilt " is, in reference to Christina, a very exagger- ated phrase ; or possibly nothing is implied beyond " original guilt " or " original sin." Two Eniginas, page 37. — The answer to the first of these enigmas is "Jack." It was published in a little pocket-book named Marshall's Ladies Daily Remembrancer for 1850, and must apparently (according to the conditions laid down) have been sent in before June 1849. One copy of the Remeinbrancer was awarded as a prize to the authoress ; some other more admired contributors received two copies. The second enigma means "Punch," which was another of the subjects for the Re?nembrancer of 1850. This second enigma has reached me only in a manuscript copy made by one of our aunts. Two Charades, page 38. — The first means " Proserpine," the second "Candid." The latter was published in the Remembrancer aforenamed. There was another unpublished charade, ALgisthus ; but I have not thought it deserving of type. Looking Forward, page 40. — The tone of this lyric suggests that it was written in expectation of seemingly imminent death ; it stands in my mother's handwriting (quite contrary to wont), and so does another poem — long ago published — dated in the same month. Christina's health — even perhaps as early as the age of eighteen or seventeen — was often exceedingly frail, and no member of the family then looked for her living out an ordinary length of years. 38o NOTES Queen /Hose, page 42. — Christina sang often — possibly too often — the praises of the rose ; she regarded it not merely in its own beauty, but as the symbol of love, whether construed as deep human affection or as union with the Divine. The lily stood with her (as with so many another) for faith. Is and JVas, page 50. — The last line of this poem, " Doing all from self-respect," may be worth a moment's comment. Much about the time when the poem was written, a lady told my sister that the latter seemed to "do all from self-respect," not from fellow-feeling with others, or from kindly consideration for them. Christina mentioned the remark, with an admission that it hit a blot in her character, in which a certain amount of reserve and distance, not remote from hauteur, was certainly at that date perceptible. She laid the hint to heart, and, I think, never forgot it. Annie, page 52. — Christina, the most scrupulous of women and of writers, put to this lyric a note — " queiy Borrows." She meant that there may, or possibly may not, be here some unconscious reminiscences from other poems. Books in the Running Brooks, page 56. — This was printed in some magazine ; I know neither the name nor the date of the latter. In MS. it stands entitled After a Picture in the Portland Gallery. What this picture may have been I cannot now say ; not one by Dante Rossetti, who did not exhibit in that gallery after 1850. To what Purpose is this Waste? page 61. — Twelve lines out of this composition, not a little altered in diction (beginning " Innocent eyes not ours "), were published, under the title These all xvait upon Thee, in the volume Verses oi 1893 (Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge). I include these lines, in the form which they bear in the MS., being authorized by the Society to do so — and two similar instances occur farther on. Next of Kin, page 66. — This appears to be a personal address to some very youthful relative ; if so, it can only be intended for the " Lalla " named in a previous note, for Christina had no other relative younger than herself. Portraits, page 67. — This warm-hearted though light effusion is meant for myself in the first stanza, and for Dante Gabriel and myself in the last. There used to be an inter- mediate stanza, characterizing hitn ; it is torn out (by his rather arbitrary hand, beyond a doubt), and I do not remember its NOTES 381 terms. Many readers now will agree with me in thinking this a great pity. A laudatory phrase or two regarding myself ought possibly to have induced me to exclude the verses, but I cannot make up my mind to do that. What? page 68. — The answer to the query appears to be "Youthful Love." This is the first piece in the present collection which points with some distinctness to an unhappy love-passage in my sister's life. While on the one hand I have no intention of entering into precise details, I see on the other no use in making a mystery of such a matter. A few words of explanation clear up several passages in her writings which might otherwise remain open to conjecture equally vague and vain, and possibly not pleasant. My sister was twice sought in marriage ; and in each instance was well disposed to her suitor, but was withheld by religious considerations. The first suitor, a painter, was a Christian, but not in the Anglican com- munion ; the second, a scholar and literary man — and this was far the more serious affair of the two — either was not a Christian at all, or else was a Christian of undefined and heterodox views. The first matter terminated towards 1850, the second towards 1864. Both the men died during Christina's lifetime. Near the Styx, page 69. — These sportive lines take their cue, of course, from the old song " In my cottage near the wood." They tickled our sister Maria uncommonly. I had totally forgotten them ; Christina on her deathbed (9 October 1894) happened to recite them to me — for she was often ex- tremely conversible up to and beyond that date, spite of her pain and languor — and I wrote them down from her lips. For Rosaline's Album, page 74- — Rosaline was Miss Orme, who, not long after the date of these verses, married Professor David Masson, now Queen's Historiographer for Scotland. I am not sure as to the actual date of the verses ; it was not later than September 1853, when they, and a few others hereabouts, were copied out by my sister under the general heading Odds and Ejids. These sepulchral verses are perhaps not quite the staple for a very youthful (and I might add charming) lady's album. Restive, page 79. — In July 1854 my sister put together, under the general title Three Stages, a trio of separate composi- tions. The first is the one which has been published under the title A Faus€ of Thought ("I looked for that which is not, nor 382 NOTES can be'") ; it was written on 14 February 1848, and was then named Lines in Memory of Schiller'' s Der Pi Ig^'im. The second appears in the present volume as IVie End of the First Fai't, its date being 18 April 1849. The third is our present item, to which I have supplied the title Restive. Considering that No. I has already been published, I do not reprint it here ; and this induces me to leave No. 2 under its proper date, and to print No. 3 as an independent lyric. Perhaps at some future time it might be best to relink the three together, recurring to the title Three Stages. To the End, page 91. — The last quatrain of this poem seems to present a certain reminiscence (yet far from being a plagiarism) from Dante Rossetti's early achievement The Blessed Vamozel. Look on this Picture and on This, page 103. — In my sister's MS. this poem is a rather long one, forty-six triplets ; I have reduced it to twenty-three — omitting those passages which appear to me to be either in themselves inferior, or adapted rather for spinning out the theme than intensifying it. Longer or shorter, the poem is perhaps hardly up to the writer's mark ; but there is a degree of peculiarity about it which dis- inclines me to drop it out. Were it not for the name " Eva," I should be embarrassed to guess what could have directed my sister's pen to so singular a subject and treatment ; but that name satisfies me that she was here recurring to a favourite romancist of her girlhood, Maturin (see note to p. 14). In Maturin's novel entitled JVo!?ien there is a personage Eva, and a situation which must certainly have prompted the present poem. Gone Before, page 108. — This was printed in some magazine ; I cannot now say which nor when. Winter, page 1 1 2. — Mr. Swynfen Jervis, a friendly acquaint- ance of our father, wrote a quatrain and a half entitled Sir Winter ; and he appears to have got Christina to complete the little poem. Christina finished quatrain two, and wrote five others. The third of these five reverts to the idea of '•'■ Sir "Winter " ; so I omit it, as being extraneous to the character of her own composition : it has no poetical value. A Triad, page 113. — This very fine sonnet was published in the volume of 1862, Goblin Alarket and other Poems, but was omitted in subsequent issues. I presume that my sister, with NOTES 383 overstrained scrupulosity, considered its moral tone to be some- what open to exception. In such a view I by no means agree, and I therefore reproduce it. /;/ an Artisf s Studio, page 1 14. — The reference is apparently to our brother's studio, and to his constantly-repeated heads of the lady whom he afterwards married, Miss Siddal. A Night }nare{F7-agment), page 118. — In my sister's note-book this composition begins on p. 25, and ends on p. 27 ; the intermediate leaf has been torn out. Mere scrap as it is, I should be sorry to lose it quite. For One Sake, page 119. — If this is to be regarded as a personal utterance, I know not to what it can point. The phrase "Wars and rumours of your wars" suggests to me that it xi\2iy possibly have something to do with the Indian Mutiny of 1857. F7'om Metastasio, page 1 20. — These lines form a paraphrastic translation from a lyric (" Amo te solo") in Metastasio's Clejuenza di Tito. I found them as a scrap of MS., pencilled by Christina thus: "I must have done this for Traventi, who wanted English words to set to music." Traventi was a Neapolitan musical composer and teacher, whom we knew after my father's death in 1 854; the date of the translation may be 1857 — or earlier rather than later. Yet a Little While, page 122. — In the MS. note-book the last two stanzas of this lyric are cancelled by a pencil-line. In this line I seem to trace the "Roman hand" of my brother, not my sister. Those stanzas comprise some verses which I should be loth to lose, so I retain them. Two other stanzas, the third and fourth, were used by Christina in the Verses, 1893, with the title Vanity of Vatiities. They are there modified in diction and lyrical form, and I reproduce what I find in the MS. note-book. Father and Lover, page 124. — These two songs — the first spoken by the Father, and the second by the Lover — come from a prose fairy-tale named Hero, which was printed in the volume entitled Co7nmonplace and Other Stories, 1 870 — long out of print. I am not sure as to when my sister wrote Hej'o ; but I take it to have been several years prior to 1870. Consin Kate, page 127. — This composition shared the fate 384 NOTES of A Triad (see note to p. 113), and I presume for a like reason. Sister Maude, page 129. — Similar to the preceding. I am not certain as to the date of this forcible poem. Better So, page 131. — It seems probable that this lyric was written upon the death of some cherished friend ; I do not remember who it was. The date is not consistent with any death in our own family. The next poem relates of course to the decease of the Prince Consort. It might be possible to suppose that Christina wrote the present lines as an appropriate utterance for "Our Widowed Queen." The Prince indeed died on 14 (not 13) December, but on the 13th his death was clearly anticipated. In Progress, page 134. — The expressions in this sonnet, if used by some one else, might have been not far from apposite to Christina herself. I do not, however, consider that she wrote the verses with any such reference. Clearly the sonnet describes some particular person ; I can think of two ladies not wholly unlike this touching portrait — one more especially whom Christina first knew in Newcastle- on -Tyne. But any such guess may be quite wrong. Seasons, page 135. — These lines were published in Mac- viillan's Magazine. They show a shrinking from winter-time, apparent in several other compositions. Italian blood may partly account for this ; yet, after all, there is plenty of beauty in an ordinary winter, English or other, and the sensations of an invalid (troubled up to early middle age with many symptoms which seemed to point towards consumption) may have had more to do with the feeling. Helen Grey, page 138. — Published in Macmillaii's Magazine. Last Night, page 144. — Similar. If, page 145. — This also was published in some magazine — I think it was named The Shilling Magazine. Mr. Frederick A. Sandys made a very able design to it, engraved on wood ; able, but (to my thinking) not in character with the poem. En Route, page 152. — Under this heading I find three pieces which seem to have little connection one with the other. Presumably they were all written while my sister, along with my mother and myself, was making a flying visit to North Italy (through France and Switzerland). She was never there NOTES 385 at any other time. The passionate delight in Italy to which the second section of En Route bears witness suggests that she was almost an alien — or, like her father, an exile — in the North. She never perhaps wrote anything better. I can remember the intense relief and pleasure with which she saw lovable Italian faces and heard musical Italian speech at Bellinzona after the somewhat hard and nipped quality of the German Swiss. Husband and Wife, page 154. — This was published in a book called A Masque of Poets ; I do not recollect the details. It appears to be the same poem which (as shown in a letter from my brother, 5 January 1866, published in his Family- letters) Mr. F. A. Sandys was thinking of illustrating, and for which my brother proposed the title Grave-clothes and Baby-clothes. Love's Name, page 161. — This small ditty — unimportant, and yet melodious — is introduced into the prose tale named Common- place, finished in 1870, and published in the same year. It is supposed to be sung by certain young ladies in Greek costume, enacting a charade upon the word " Love-apple." An Echo from Willoio--wood, page 164. — The title indicates that this sonnet by Christina is based on those sonnets by our brother, named Willoiv-ivood, which were first published in 1869. I incline to think that Christina's sonnet is intended to refer to the love and marriage of my brother and Miss Siddal, and to her early death in 1862. The verses were printed in some magazine (perhaps The Magazine of Art), with an illustra- tion by Mr. C. Ricketts. Golden Holly, page 165. — This trifle, owing to its associa- tions of old and uninterrupted friendship, I am unwilling to omit. It was addressed to Holman [Holly] Frederic Stephens, then a little boy, son of our constant friend, Frederic George Stephens (one of the seven members of the " P.R.B."). Tennyson once saw the child in the Isle of Wight, and pro- nounced him (not unreasonably) to be " the most beautiful boy I have ever seen." Mr. Stephens senior, in sending me the verses at my request, wrote that they refer "to II. F. S.'s frequent pet name of 'the Golden Holly,' given because of the brightness of his long hair, as well as his birthday being on October 31. He had sent a tea-rose to C. G. R." 2 C 3S6 NOTES An Alphabet, page 165.— This was printed in 1875, with some woodcuts, in some magazine ; the headline of the pages is Pm- Very Little Folks, which may or may not be the title of the magazine itself. It must be an American publication, as the verses are headed Ati Alphabet from England. Cor Mio, page 168. — I find this sonnet in my sister's hand- writing, endorsed by her "the original version of my sonnet." The reference is to a sonnet in her volume of 1 88 1, A Pageant and Other Poems — being No. 18 in the series named Later Life. In that printed version the octave (beginning " So late in autumn half the world's asleep") is entirely changed, while the sestett remains the same. The present form of this sonnet, being a more directly personal utterance, seems worth preserving. Who Shall Say? page 168. — These lines (I supply a title to them) were written in the rough on a scrap of paper. There is nothing to suggest that they are incomplete, and they are certainly not bad, so I insert them. Date merely conjectural. Life, page 169. — This sonnet was written on the back of the preceding lines. The page is partly torn off, so that the first line of the sonnet begins with the half-word "lerable, " the second with "ted"; two of the lines, however, are complete. I do not think I can have made any grave mistake in the words which I supply, and there is an energy of tone in the sonnet which indisposes me to reject it. Lines, page 171. — Like the preceding, these verses are partly curtailed in the slip of MS., some rhyme-words being docked. I have no doubt as to what they ought to be, unless in regard to "thing" (line 7), which is made to rhyme with "everything." But no word except "thing" appears to be even plausible. Hadrians Death-Song Translated, page 171. — In 1 876 Mr. David Johnston, of Bath, formed the project of collecting various translations of the famous lines — " Animula vagula blandula," etc., and publishing them in a volume, which was privately printed. He looked up old translations, and invited new ones. Christina became one of his contributors, also our sister Maria and myself; Christina making an Italian as well as an English translation, see page 288. Valentines to my Mother, page 172. — I shall probably not be alone in considering these as very charming compositions of NOTES 387 their simple intimate kind, Christina left a pencilled note about them thus : " These Valentines had their origin from my dearest mother's remarking that she had never received one. I, her C. G. R., ever after supplied one on the day ; and (so far as I recollect) it was a surprise every time, she having forgotten all about it in the interim." Our mother was born in April 1800, so she was nearly seventy-six when the first Valentine was written : she died in April 1886. Valentine for j8/y, page 172. — The signature " C. G. for M. F. R." means that these verses are spoken as in the person of Maria Francesca (our elder sister) in heaven ; she had died in November 1 876. Valentine for 1878, page 173. — This is marked on the back "To the Queen of Hearts," and the like with all the ensuing Valentines. Valentine for l88j, page 176. — Here is an evident remin- iscence as to the death of Dante Gabriel in April 1882; probably also as to the death of my infant son Michael in January 1883. My Mouse, page 178. — This was not a "mouse" in the ordinary sense, but a "^m-mouse." A friend very dear to my sister had picked it up on the seashore, and presented it to her preserved in spirits. The sea-mouse was with her to the end, and will probably remain with me to the end ; its brilliant iridescent hues are still vivid. A Poor Old Dog, page 179. — My sister was a very staunch supporter of the Anti-Vivisection Movement. In a letter to our brother (dated perhaps in 1879) she sent the present verses, with the following remarks: — "There has just been held a fancy sale at a house in Prince's Gate for the Anti-Vivisection cause, and, having nothing else to contribute, I sent a dozen autographs as follows [then come the verses]. Of these, nine on the first day fetched 2s. 6d. or 3s., while one even brought in I OS. ! The remaining three, I hope, were disposed of on the closing day." Parted, page 179. — In 1880 a volume of poems was privately printed. One of its items was entitled Moor and Christian, purporting to be " taken from a Spanish source," and expressing the emotion of a Moslem woman severed from her Christian lover. Christina, using the same metre and number of lines, 3S8 NOTES wrote the present composition — of course from a very diverse point of view. To-days Burden, page iSo. — Comes from Mr. Hall Caine's compilation, Sonnets of Three Centuries, 1882. Date conjec- tural, but probably not far wrong. Counterblast on Penny Trumpet, page iSi. — These rather neat verses are entirely out of my sister's ordinary line, which fact (trifling as they are) makes me the more unwilling to leave them out. They stand signed " C. G. R. : see St. Jameses Gazette, 21 July 1882 : motive, a Poem." I infer (for I have not been at the pains of looking up*the St. James's Gazette) that that newspaper contained some effusion censuring Mr. Bright for having quitted the Ministiy after the bombardment of Alexandria, and also censuring Mr. Gladstone for continuing in the Ministry. My sister knew and cared next to nothing about party politics (apart from questions having a religious bearing) ; in all her later years, however, her feeling leaned more towards the Conservative than the Liberal cause. Michael F. M. Rossetti, page 181. — These verses were published in the Athencetim soon after the death of my infant Michael. They were printed as one consecutive composition, but are properly four separate snatches. The Way of the World, page 183. — Comes from The Maga- zine of Art, July 1894, and must be the latest printed of any verse composition within my sister's lifetime. Mr. Britten made an illustration to the stanzas. When they were written is quite uncertain to me — possibly at a date even later than that which I have noted. To my Fior-di-lisa, page 183. — One of the friends who saw my sister most frequently and affectionately in her closing years was Miss Lisa Wilson. Christina sometimes called her Fior- di-lisa (which is the same as Fleur-de-lys). Miss Wilson, who has a graceful touch of her own both in verse and in painting, presented to Christina in 1892 a little illuminated book of poems by herself; my sister inserted into it the present lines of response. Sleeping at Last, page 184. — I regard these verses (the title is mine) as being the very last that Christina ever wrote ; prob- ably late in 1893, or it may be early in 1894. They form a very fitting close to her poetic performance, the longing for rest NOTES 389 (even as distinguished from actual bliss in heaven) being most marked throughout the whole course of her writings. I found the lines after her death, and had the gratification of presenting them, along with the childish script of her very first verses To my Mother^ to the MS. Department of the British Museum. Behold^ I stand at the Door and Knocks page 198. — These verses were published in some magazine. I fancy it may have been one named Aikin's Year, with which Mary Howitt was connected. If so, I think the poem must be of a date not later than 1852, the publication not later than 1854; and these would be the first verses by Christina which got into print after the cessation of The Germ in 1850. St. Elizabeth of Jltmgary, page 204. — I take it that this lyric received its immediate inspiration from the picture of like subject painted by James Collinson. A Harvest, page 212. — In the MS. note-book the title is Annie, and the poem extends to twenty stanzas. It then took the form of an address to "Annie" by a husband or lover; possibly the poignantly pathetic lines of Edgar Poe, For Annie, were partly in my sister's mind. At some later date she numbered five out of the twenty stanzas, evidently contemplat- ing to retain those five alone. I follow her lead, and supply a new title. The poem as it originally stood is, however, by no means a bad one. The Eleventh Hour, page 214. — This was printed in some magazine ; I am unable to give the details. There remaineth therefore a Rest, page 217. — In the note- book this composition numbers twelve stanzas ; two of them, under the title The Bonrne, were eventually published ('* Under- neath the growing grass," etc.). The remaining ten were not unworthy to pair with those two, but I think it best to use only five of them. Ye have forgotten the Exhortation, page 218. — Our father having died on 26 April 1854, it is not unnatural to think that this poem, dated 10 May 1854, bears some direct relation to that loss. There had been two other deaths in the family. May and December 1853, those of our maternal grandparents ; to her grandfather especially Christina was most warmly attached. Hymn after Gabriele Rossetti, page 223. — In our father's volume of religious poems, V Arpa Evangelica (1852), there is 390 NOTES a composition named N'elP Alio del/a Coimtvione, in three parts. The third begins with the words — " T' amo, e fra dolci afianni," and is the one which Christina here translates in two separate versions. The date which I give is conjectural ; I assume the translation to have been made not long after our father's death. The copy of the Arpa Evangelica into which these versions were inserted is profusely illustrated with pencil- designs by Christina. A Christmas Carol formy Godchildren, page 230. — Christina, from time to time, acted as godmother to various children — mostly, I think, children of poor people in the neighbourhood of Christ Church, Albany Street, Regent's Park. It may be worth noting that this Carol was written not at Christmas time, but early in October ; and in many instances a reference to dates would show that poems about festivals of the Church, or about seasons of the year, were written at dates by no means corresponding. The Heart Knoweth its owtt Bitterness, page 233. — Few things written by Christina contain more of her innermost self than this. In her volume V^erscs (published by the Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge) she took the first and last stanzas of this vehement utterance, and, altering the metre observably, and the diction not a little, she published them, with the title, Whatsoever is right, that shall ye receive. Only Believe, page 239. — There were originally some other lines concluding this poem. They appear in the Verses, 1893, under the title What good shall my Life do me ? A Shadow of Dorothea, page 240. — I do not find in the legend of St. Dorothea any incident corresponding closely to this. I understand that, in the poem, the speaker is a human soul, not as yet confirmed in saintliness, appealing to the flower-bearing Angel of the legend, or rather indeed to the Saviour Christ. For Henrietta Polydore, page 242. — Christina's title only says " H. P.," but the lines are certainly intended for Henrietta Polydore, our cousin (see note to p. 25). She was born in England and brought up a Roman Catholic. By a curious train of circumstances, she was at one time, while still a child, in Salt Lake City with the Mormons. Her father recovered her thence, at a time when a military expedition was sent by the Federal Government to control affairs in the Territory of Utah ; and NOTES 391 the present lines were presumably written by Christina when she heard that her youthful cousin was about to re-embark for England. Ash Wednesday, page 242. — These verses — bearing no title beyond Jestis, do I love Thee? — were printed in the Lyra Eticharistica, 1864. Ash Wednesday is the authoress's own title in her MS. note-book ; I retain it, as the lines were evidently written towards the date of that fast. Preceding the last quatrain, the MS. gives six verses of ecstatic religious appeal which, as they were not printed, I with some hesitation omit. A Christinas Carol, page 244. — This was in the Lyra Messianica, 1865, named simply Befoi'e the paling of the stars. I retain my sister's own title. Easter Even, page 245. — Also from the Lyra Messianica. The Offering of the New Law, page 247. — From the Lyra Eucharistica. Within the Veil, page 250. — From the Lyra Messianica. These verses would seem to refer to the recent death of some religious and cherished young friend ; I cannot now say who it was. In MS. the title of the verses is One Bay. Co7ife?-ence between Christ, the Saints, and the Sonl, page 253. — Was printed in Lyra Encharistica. I do not find this poem in MS., and infer that it may have been produced while the book was in actual course of preparation. On this ground I date it ^^ circa 1863." Come zinto Me, page 255. — From Lyra Encharistica. Birds of Paradise, page 257. — This was printed in Lyra Messiajiica, under the title Paradise in a Symbol. In that volume the substituted title is appropriate, because another poem by Christina is there, named Paradise in a Dreain ("Once in a dream I saw the flowers," etc.), which has been reprinted ere now. For the present poem her own title in MS. was Birds of Paradise, which I prefer to retain here. In the MS. the last line of stanza one stands " Windy-winged they came." I reproduce the printed phrase, yet am sorry to lose the written one. L know yoti not, page 258. — From Lyra Messianica ; date conjectural. 392 NOTES T/iflii art the same, and Thy years shall not fail, page 260. — This conies from The Chihlrefi's Hymti-book, edited by Bishop How and others, and published by Messrs. Rivington. The date of publication is not given ; I infer it to be 1 88 1, and I therefore date this poem "■ cirea 1880." The words are set to be sung to the tune " Grasmere " by Mr. Cameron W. H. Brock. A Ch-istmas Carol, page 261. — Here again the date is con- jectural. The lines appeared in The Century-Gnild Hobby-horse for 1887. Cardinal Newman, page 261. — Published in the Athenmim for 16 August 1890. Yea I have a goodly Heritage^ page 262. — Published in Atalanta for October 1890. Date conjectural. A Death of a First-born, page 263. — It will readily be perceived that this relates to the death of the Duke of Clarence. The lines were printed in Litei-ary Opinion, February 1892. Faint yet Pursuing, page 264. — These sonnets also were published in Literary Opinion, April 1892. Date conjectural. Heaven Overarches, page 265. — I found these verses rather roughly written in a little memorandum -book. Their date must, I think, be as late as 1893. Except Sleeping at Last (p. 184), they appear to be about the last lines produced by my sister. Versi, page 269. — In 1851-52 some young ladies (mostly living in the Regent's Park neighbourhood) had a fancy for getting up a little privately-printed magazine, which was termed The Bouquet from Marylebone Gardens. My sister was invited to contribute, and she consented to do so, writing always in Italian. Each contributor adopted some floral name as a signature; Christina was "Calta." These Versi, and also the following two compositions, come from this rather obscure source. Christina's principal contribution was in prose, not verse — a Corrispondenza Fajnigliare between two supposed young ladies, Italian and English, the former being at school. There are eight of these letters, rather neat performances in their way ; and, no doubt, others would have followed but for the early decease of the magazine, the withering of the Bouquet. Nigella, page 270, — In the Corrispondenza above named these verses are introduced as being written by the Italian NOTES 393 damsel to accommodate her English friend, who had been asked to produce some Italian lines for a lady's album. Chiesa e Signore, page 271. — These lines appear in a scrap of MS. which is thus inscribed : — "Written out at Folkestone 6 August 1 87 1, but date of composition not recollected by C. G. R." I infer that the date of composition was then rather remote, perhaps towards i860. // Rosseggiar delP Oriente, page 272. — For any quasi - explanation as to these singularly pathetic verses — "Love's very vesture and elect disguise," the inborn idiom of a pure and impassioned heart — I refer the reader to my slight remarks upon the poem entitled What ? page 68. The Italian verses were kept by Christina in the jealous seclusion of her writing- desk, and I suppose no human eye had looked upon them until I found them there after her death. Bhcmine risponde, page 274. — In " Blumine " the reader will recognize a name used by Carlyle in Sartor Resartus. Lassuso il caro Fiore, page 276. — The main topic in this little poem must have some relation to what is touched upon in No. 3 of the series. Per Preferenza, page 282. — To the first of these stanzas Christina has written the word " Supposto " ; to the second, "Accertato"; to the third, "Dedotto." There must have been in her head some whimsical notion of logical sequence, or what not. I can understand it to some extent, without dis- cussing it. V Uommibatto^ page 287. — Christina took it upon her to Italianize in this form the name of the Wombat, which was a cherished pet animal of our brother. It will be understood that she is exhorting the Wombat not to follow (which he was much inclined to do) his inborn propensity for burrowing, and not to turn up in the Antipodes, his native Australia. Adriano, page 288. — See the note to page 171. Ninna-nanna, page 288. — The following snatches of Italian verse are translations or paraphrases made by Christina from her own volume of nursery songs (several of which, indeed, are fit for apartments other than the nursery) named Singso7ig. Our cousin Teodorico Pietrocola - Rossetti first made some translations from that book, whose title he rendered as N'inna- tianna : herein I follow his lead. His translations were felicitous. 394 NOTES Inspirited by his example, Christina made other — and I conceive, in poetic essentials, still better — translations. Readers familiar with Sijigsou^i^ will perceive that numerous compositions in that volume remain untranslated. Sognando, page 302. — I give this title to two stanzas which I find written by Christina into a copy of our father's book of sacred poems — // Tenipo^ ovvero Dio e F Uonio, Salieri'o, 1843. The copy is one which he gave in the same year to his sister- in-law, Charlotte Polidori ; as the latter lived on till January 1890, this copy would only at that date have become Christina's property. This consideration and also the look of the hand- writing induce me to suppose that the verses were written not earlier than 1890 ; they would thus be the last Italian verses which my sister ever wrote. She has signed them thus : " C. G. R., fired by papa's calling this metre difficult" — the metre being the one adopted throughout the whole book // Te77ipo in its original form. This MS. note might suggest a far earlier date for the lines ; but, on the whole, I abide by my own view as just expressed. To my Mother, on the Anniversary of her Birth, page 305. — These are (I believe, beyond a doubt) the first verses that Christina ever composed ; written as they were on 27 April 1842, she was then aged eleven years and a third. She was a wayward child ; not at all a bookish one, although she read some few things with zest. I pre- sume that we were all a little surprised at her "coming out " in this line, but have no express recollection of details. Our grandfather, Gaetano Polidori, who kept a private printing-press, printed the lines at once on a card ; he after- wards, 1847, included them in the small volume named Verses. I need not say that the lines are regarded by me as in no sense approaching towards excellence ; they are simple, spontaneous, and in some degree neat, and the circumstances seem to warrant their being given here. In the first of Christina's note-books (see remarks in my Preface) these two quatrains appear, and the dates for later productions go on to 3 December 1845 ; and my mother has written on the flyleaf the following "N.B.," which may be worth quoting: — "These verses are truly and literally by my little daughter, who scrupulously rejected all assistance in her rhyming efforts, under the impression that in that case they would not be really her own." At some date — it may have been towards 1850 — Christina took it into her NOTES 395 head to make some little coloured illustrations to that printed volume of Verses ; they are slight and amateurish — one might indeed say childish. There is a certain degree of fancy in them, however ; and Dante Gabriel always considered that our sister, had she chosen to study and take pains, might have done something as an artist. To the present small poem the emblem is two sprigs of heartsease. As I proceed I shall mention other devices, whenever they seem to present any point of interest. Hymn, page 305. — This seems to be the fourth thing which Christina wrote in verse. In the note-book there is only one intermediate composition — its inscribed date 1842. There were also (but these were not deemed worthy of a place in the note-book) the jocular couplets on The Chinaman, which appear in my Memoir of Dante G. Rossetti. So far as I can make out, that Chinaman was the first thing which Christina wrote after the verses To my Mothe?-. Love Ephemeral, page 309. — Device — the crescent moon, with a lunar (more like a solar) rainbow. Burial Anthem, page 310. — This may, or may not, have been written in relation to some one in particular ; there was not any death in our immediate family about that date. Device — a sprig of blue and pink forget-me-not. The End of Time, page 315. — Device — a rose crossing a scythe ; within the angle of the scythe, an hour-glass. Mother and Child, page 318. — Mr. William Sharp published, in The Atlantic Monthly for June 1 895, a very sympathetic and interesting article, So7ne Reminiscences of Christina Rossetti. Here he says that on one occasion Dante Gabriel " pointed out that Blake might have written the four verses called Mother and Child. " It would seem truer to say that Blake might have written a lyric, of higher quality, embodying much the same conception. Device — some flowers of undefined genus, with sun-rays behind them. On the Death of a Cat, page 319. — This cat belonged to our aunt, Eliza Harriet Polidori. Device — a cat, in a rather sentimental attitude of languor, extending its right arm over a kitten. The cat is sandy and white, the kitten tabby. Love Defended, page 322. — Device — a blind man (stanza 3) groping, with trees in the background. 396 NOTES The Martyr, page 323. — Device — the soul of the martyr received into heaven by an angel. Between the angel's wings are a series of red and white curves, symbolizing (I suppose) the seven heavens, as in Dante. The Dying Man to his Betrothed, page 325. — Device — a rosebush intertwined by a snake. The Time of IVaiting, page 334. — Device — a damsel on a steep green slope, stretching her arms up longingly ; from the sky a black-hooded woman, or spectre, addresses her with an action of admonition. This seems to be apposite chiefly to triplet 2. Tasso and Leonora, page 337. — Device — the shooting star in a female form. Resttrrection Eve, page 341. — Device — a white grave-cross, two palm shrubs interlacing above it ; in the sky, crescent moon and star. The Dream, page 356. — I am not sure whether the first short quatrain here printed is an integral portion of the poem, or rather a quotation from some other writer ; I fancy the latter. Eleanor, page 358. — This may be a portrait from the life — I know not now of whom. Isidora, page 359. — Maturin's romance Mebnoth the Waji- derer is, I suppose, still known to several readers : it was republished some few years ago. Yet it may be as well to say, in explanation of the present poem, that INIelmoth is a personage who has made a compact with the Devil, thereby securing an enormous length of life (say a century and a half), and the power of flitting at will from land to land. At the end of the term, Melmoth's soul is to be forfeited, unless he can meanwhile induce some one else to take the compact off his hands. Melmoth makes numerous efforts in this direction, but all abortive. One of his intended victims is a beautiful girl named Immalee, a child of Nature in an Indian island — a second Miranda. She becomes deeply enamoured of Melmoth, but resists his tamperings with her soul. She is finally identified as the daughter of a Spanish Grandee, and is then baptized as Isidora. At one point of the story she espouses Melmoth, and bears him a child. Christina's poem is her deathbed scene. NOTES z^7 The last line is truly a fine stroke of pathos and of effect ; but it is not Christina's — it comes verbatim out of Maturin. Zara^ page 362. — See the note on the poem Look on this picture, and on this (p. 103). In the novel of Women, Zara is the rival (she finally turns out to be the mother) of Eva ; she is a shining leader of society, much the same sort of character as Lady Montrevor in The Wild Irish Boy (p. 14). In the same year, 1847, when she wrote Zara, my sister wrote a separate composition, Eva. Its merit is but middling, and I do not reproduce it here. The device to Zara is a foxglove plant, with insects sucking its poison-honey. Immalee, page 366. — See the note on Isidora (p. 359). Lady Isabella, page 366. — This was Lady Isabella Howard, a daughter of the Earl of Wicklow ; she was a pupil of my aunt, Charlotte Polidori. My sister entertained an ardent admiration for the loveliness of character and person which marked this young lady, who died of a decline at the age of eighteen or thereabouts. Night and Death, page 367. — It may reasonably be assumed that this lyric also has some reference to the death of Lady Isabella Howard. The Lotus- Eaters, page 370. — Of course the sentiment here, as well as the title, comes to some considerable extent out of Tennyson. THE END Printed by R. & R. Clark, Limited, Edinburgh, By the late CHRISTINA G. ROSSETTI. THE POEMS OF CHRISTINA ROSSETTI. A New Collected Edition. With Four Designs by Dante Gabriel Rossetti. Globe 8vo. 7s. 6d. 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